HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-16 - Orange Coast Pilotj
funds for
A man v.:ho~llegcdtr'held four
emplo)ces hosUlgcdunngn failed
robbery at n Irvin~ Bank of
America hut-week nted money
to finance a getaway, uccordmg to
published statements by his at·
torncy. • Oa\ 1d Dean Dahlen: 24, was
already faciqg a J>Qssible I QO..ycar
prison $entencc for bank robbery
(Pleue He GUNMAN/ A2)
Pilot gets engine
trouble over city,
larids in field
Th ptlot of mgle-en1.1ne airplane escaped UlJUI)' wh n he ~
forced to make an emergency landu~g Monday afternoon in 1 Hunt JlllOn
Be ch field. pohcc 1d.
The p1lorwas identified as Eion McDowcU of Hununaton&a h
Sgt Jerry Evans said police officers w McDo"'cU s Gentunon II
a rcraft flymg low over Huntangton Central Park at about 2 ~ m He ad
the plane conunuea its ctesccnt until 1 landed in a vacant field at Elhs Avenue and Edwards Street.
' Evans said the pilot told pohce h~ engine failed and he was unable to restart at.
No inJuncs were reponed and the aircraft was apparently
undamaged, Evan said.
The incident as being investigated b)' the federal Av1auon
Adm1mstration, a spolcesm~n confirmed today.
take pity
on Kitty
By R BERT BAUEll .,, ... ....., ........
A • milaaevious
sweet \U Qt -bowla .oatf
a Ki ) -hoWed
Newport 8cacb Oo f
about IWO )"Cal'S a,o
c pp.irenU)' liked wbat lilt
wand promptJymadeher
11 the course lbat laa under dM:
takcolT pattern at John Ways1e
• But fur someone 'l''hO I YCld •
the golf coune sht ckvelooed •
(Pleue..e srrri/ASJ
Pier f al·l kills sex att~ck susp~ct
Booy of man suspected in LA assaults
found floating off Huntington Beach
:said. The cause of death will'Dot be go get him when we ticar<l what
determined until an autopsy is com-happened," said Lou Rhodes. a Los
pleted.. -Angeles County Sheriffs deputy.
BOurget was named in an arrest
wamnt issued Monday in Los An-
geles County. Officials said the war-
rant char,scrd the Temple City man
with l l counts of sexual assault.
The investiptor would not $pecu-
late on Bourget's death. She said tt was likely he knew that the ~-arrant
had been issued.
sexually molesting several children
but was released pendin funher
··1 put the case together and filed
the charges yesterda~." she said .. We
expected to have him m coun this morning..,
Huntington Beach police. Uf~
and ramed1cs responded ro the
scene. but the man was dead when be was pulled from the surf, IHuntiniton
Beach . Ben Oladwic:k said.
By STEVE MARBLE °' ... .,.., .......
A Temple Cify man sought by
police as a suspect in a series of sexual
assaults was found floating in the
Clove cigarettes are the
newest status symbol -
despite Amer~~an Lung
Assocla~lon warning./ A3
Spanking students Is a
no-no now In LA school
district./ A4
First blizzard of season
socks It to Denver, Rock-
ies./ AS
Anti-apartheid leader
Bishop Tutu awarded
Nobel Peace Prize./ AS .
The success rate of cor-
neal transplants such as
those at South Coast
Medical Center Is en-
Let someone else bake
cookies. Today's grand-
mas are Into velour jump-
suits and archeologlcal
After scoring five touch-
downs In one game,
Fountain Valley Hlgh's
Dave Swigart was an easy
choice as the DallyJ?llot's
Player of the Week./C1 · -
Ocean View Hlgh's foot-
ball team Is scheduled for
a Flagstaff, Arizona ap-
pearance In 1985./C1
Looking for the ultimate
trivia game? Check out
PBS' science series
"Nova" tonlght./83
Bulletln Board
California News
Death Notices
Ann LAnd rs
Mutu lfilnd
Natlonal News
Police Log
Public Notl
Stock Marl< ts
TtlleVt• on
C1-4 ea
ocean off Huntington Beach late
Monday, accordin& to authorities.
AJvah F. Bourget. 58, apparently
jumped or fell.to his death from the
Huntington Beach City Pier, police
Rhodes said Bourget, an emplbycc
.. I just got the arrest wamnt of Avon Products in Pasadena, was
yesterday, and we were just about to arrested last month on suspicion of
i\ police helicopter spotted
Bourgefs body at about 1 1p.m.
Monday, floatmg one~uartcr mile
south of the pier. according to
Bourgct's body was reportedly ruuy
clothed Police had bttn summoned
by someone on the pier who beard a
splash as the man apparentlyanered
the water.
Bo Isa
Plan would move
highway Inland,
away f ro·m homes
oe .. ~,... ....
With time dra~in4 near for tona-
awaitcd major decisions on the
scnsi 11 \'e Bolsa Chica marshlands. the
city of Huntington BcaCh has gone on
record as favorina both a minimal
rerouting of Pacific Coast Highway
·and for creating a fresh water cut 10
the ~aters of Huntington Harbour -a.s long 3$ the cit} doesn't ba'e to pay
the bill .
City Council members. who made
~:recommendations Mooday ni&ht.
hope the) carry some weight when the
state CoasuJ Conservancy takes up
Bolsa Cbica proposals Thursday in
B00eo Ba) in Northern Califonlia.
A decision on the dcvclopmcDt of
the 1.600 acres of oceanfront property 1~~ soUlb of Warner Avenue and adjacent to Pacific Coast High ray u
sdlcduled ov. 14 by the state
Coastal Commission.
Pumpkin patch ,
Jl'our-kj!r-old cart ... Sblmon of Irrine found jut the !Uht ~p for her Halloween jack-o'-lantern at the InlDe
Ranch Farmen Market ID lttbie. Unfortanately, llhe foand
the blC .qauh a trifle too tarae for euy ~·
Both the Pacific Coast reroutina
proposal and a Coastal Conservancy
pban thaa failed to include a link
be-tween Bolsa Chica and Hunti11fton
Harbour tnggcred public complain
About 500 residents in the western
(Pleue .ee DOLS.A/ ill
Newport neck injury award worrieS cities
. "'<,;;_~~~~,--~~~-'Maybe we should put a sign up at the city
entrance tellin people to enter at own risk: ·
OflhitOelfNM ....
ewpon Beach Ma)or Evel)n
Hart is angf) and concerned that a
"dangerous precedent" has been set
by a jury that found the city at fault for
the paralyzing necx injury of a 22·
year-old Qarcmont man who dove
headfi~t 1nto the ocean. ··1t•s a black day;' said the ma)or.
"l just can•t understand wily the cit)'
should be responsible for something
that', underwater:·
An Orange County Superior Coun
j ury last Friday ruled that quad-
nplcg1c John Taylor crushed a ver-
tebra because the c1ty wa~ negligent 1n
not warning bath en of the harzards of
swimming and diving in the waters
near the Balboa Pier.
Taylor was injured four )c&rs lg'()
when he dove into the water and
struck hidden rid of nd. He 1s
paralyzed from the nrck down and
confined to a wh«IChair.
Similar lavo uits arc pending in
several Oranie Coa t ciucs. including
1...a&una Beach.
Political brouhaha
in Fountain Valley?-----"~=~
Naw, it just can't be
""M.) personal opinion is that thi
ruling wall ha'" a much more f1 r·
reac-hmg effect than ~ust along 1hc
coast." said Bruce rd. supcrv r
of Laguna s hfeguard servi~ .
"Ev~ cit) ha some natural
haz.ards, • said Baird. It's a '\'Cl)
unfortunate dcci ion because the end
result ma) be that some rec~ation
\\111 ha~c to be banned. he added.
The i~ue in Ta)lQr0SJUI) trial wa
\\hcther the dtywa ncgl nt for not
po tm signs warning bathers of
hinina san~. underwater potholes
and S&nd~ The jury rWed in
Ta)lors fa"or.
"My first f'dlCt1on as anger b«iusc
the city has done so muCh to educate
people and to tcat'b them to have"&
healthy respect for the ocean... 'd
Hart, herself a weekend bOat.eT.
"It's almo t -1 don't know.
fa) be we hould iust put 1 S&ll) at tM
(llleue eee DIJOllT /U)
Dick Dale burned
In home acei ent
Gunman robs
mater11ity shop
ordcre4 th t\\O <!I rb into a b k
room them Ocd with n un·
deter"'f ncd mount of co h, pohce
Tbe robber w desrn bed H~ panic m n an hi I tc 20s, wnh
than build. hon d.1r'= hnir and 1
C.han1ce of showers Wednesday
Youths arrested in tire-slashing spree
Three Irvine youths, who . names
were withheld b)' P9hCC. h VC' bctn
arrested m connection with a May
tirc-slashina spree, Irvine police re·
ported toda).
The male u pects. gcs I S and 16,
told Police they were under the
influence of alcohol and drugs at the
time they allqcdl) committed the
Police rtteivcd 2S reports by
University Park rcsidcnu thal thl"1r
cars' tires ~ere 1lashcd dunng the
nights of Ma)' 22 and May 23.
Damage totaled several thousand
dollars. police said.
While Irvine polkl" belitved the
vandal were iuvcnil • no immedj.
te arrests v.crc m d .
Ofl!cc~ working with lhC dc~fl·
ment's Crime Suppression Unit con·
&inucd their investigation and ques:
tloncd ain youths, "hich led to the
~sts earlier this· mon1h.
Charge~ of felony 'andah m ore
expected to be filed with the county
Juvenile Court.
From Al
part of t he city protested angri!y thata penscs for a bridge. That was the plan are a boon 'ror Huntington Harbour
conservancy plan to reroute six lanes endorsed by the council. The mini-sa1lo~ who have clamored for a
of Pacific Coast Hiah.way to within reroutt also reportedly has the bless-navagableacce~ to Bol\8 Chica. Tihey
t 7S feet of their residences would ings of Orange County planner'$, say they fearthat their only pattno tht ~-!.~~_.!h~a~rm~tUh~e~ir~e~x~~n~si~v~c~n~e~i~h~bo~rh~ood~~s:.....:a~c~c~or~d~i~ng~to;c~i~·~o~ffi~1c~ial~s.~ri::-::-:k.:--~~~~~r.:_,..~n~a~hc~i~ m c v1c101 y o pnn e rer u 1s <1upport )' the the U.S. Navy arms warships. could
south of Warner Avenue. state Parks and Recreation Depart· ~closed by an accident or war.
ment because it will bclp to preserve The cit) officials al~ arc rec·
Michael Knapp, a member of the beach facilities underneath the om mending that a proposed highway
hom~wners group, developed a plan proposed 45-foot-high bridge, said connecting the nonh and south parts
that would move the highway inland Aorence Webb. a senior planner for of Botsa Chica to be no clo~r than ~bit -but not near homes -to take \he city. 800 feet from hornet.
advanta1te of a bluffiop to cut ex-Th" po it ions taken by city officials
From Al
while he was watching the World I rolled up in the rug. concen next month in Manhattan
Tl des
TOOAY 103pm
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Senes on television with a friend. He ~ "I kneeled there for maybe a
said he'd started to heat oil for some minute looking at my hands, and I
popcorn but was sidetracked by the thought, oh my God, this is pretty
baseball garnt. bad. Tt)ust looked like a dead person's
"This has been a rough year for
Dick and now he doesn't know if he'll
be able to use his left hand well
enough to play guitar afain," said
Kaye. "But he's a fighter.'
"I went into the kitchen and saw hand.'
the smoke pounng out, so l took 1t to Dale praised Newpon Beach para-
the door to the outs1de. As 1 ltfted the medics for their quick work.
lid to get the smoke out, the bum1d1ty "I ha,·e to give credit to the guys
• of the air hit the oil and it was like a who came do\vn, the paramedics," he
flame thrower, it bit my face -for said. "They worked on me like you
some reason at didn't bum my face-wouldn't believe .... The world is full
but I dropped it and it wt'nt hke a loud of friends you ain't met yet"
boOm .... I just threw myself on tht" The 4S-year-old musician said he
floor. There was a throw rug there and intends' to appear at a scheduled
From Al
city entrance ttllinJ people to enter at
their own risk\" said the mayor.
"I certainly don't mean any dis-
respect to this young man but this
raises serious concerns about all cases
where someone is injured bccau~ of
an act of God." Hart added.
Wayne Austero, one of the at-
torneys representing Taylor, said the
case -if nothing else -should be a
warning to cities that they have a
respons1blity to the public.
"My panner and I feel that there
are certain cases, regardless of the
odds. that ought to be tried in order to
focus the attention of the public on a
real probltm." Austero said.
"We ran up against the attitudt that
signs are worthless. Nobody wanted
10 change their opinion. They were
stubborn, almost arrogant." the at-
torney noted.
Lifeguard officials in other coastal
cities said they have followed the case
wilh rapt interest.
"If the issue is signs. the classic
examplt is the SS mph signs on the
freeway. How many people pay
attention to them,·· said Huntington
Beach Lifeguard Lt. Bill Richardson.
Huntington Beach. which owns
and maintains a one-mile stretch of
strand. began placing wamina signs at
the beach about a )Car ~o. Ten sifJls.
printed in Engh,h and Spanish,
caution swimmers about ripcumnts.
sand barS and other obstacles.
The SiJllS were erected following a
lawsuit 1n Los Angeles that found
lifeguards ~ere negligent for not
warning swimmers of rip tides.
.. You can pul up signs for every-
thing but people have a choice
whether to believe them or not
believe them," said David Pryor. a
state lifeguard supervisor in Hunt-
in11on Beach ... Pcoole have to take a
Dale spent much of the past year in
the courtroom successfully fighting
allegattons that he molested a young
girl. Most recently, the Costa Mesa c~·t Council denied Dalt's plan for a
n tcJub in that city.
aye said Dale now intends to
locate the club in Anaheim~
From Al
In past >ears, about 13 percent of
Fountain Valle>'s registered
votersexerciscd their right in city
elections, she said. In fact, Brown
needed fewer than 1. 700 votes four yea~· ago to become the top vote·
getter in the City Council election.
But with an tllpccted voter turnout
this November of 50 to 60 percent,
Brown says some candidates may
cnange their campaign strategies.
••The) think tbey·should do it like
the big boys do it," she says. "But they
don't rralize it doesn't work in this
Tho5C familiar with the campaign
certain amount of responsibility for know Brown is refemng to Jim
their own lives." Petrikin, a chiropractor active in
Richardson said lifeauards in community organizations who,
Huntington. Newport Beach and directly or mdircctly, has sparked the
h · · h I h bulk of the campaign fireworks. ot erc1ttes ave gone to great engt s The target of Petrikin's volleys has
to tducatr the public about the been Mayor Marvin Adler, a thrce-hazards of playing in tht surf.
Rr<:cntly. the two cities and Hoaa term councilman scckin& his fourth
Memonal Hospital m Newport term.
Beach filmcd » .. Wipc Out'' a hon . B~t Petri~i.n sa)'s he hasn't npced
movie <Staling with neck injuries. IJ -'".~1rty ~hll.~. . .
has been shown in schools and cable I don t thmk .this race 1~.d1ffe~!'t
television. from other races m ~he past, Petnkm ~ys, "and I hope at doesn't get any
"That's why this cut\ c;o deep." !Ml1d worse than it b.as." ·
Mayor Hart. "We've alrcad> done so While his a.ccuutions have re-
much." peatedly put Adler on the defensive.
Taylor has no~ )Ct .been awarded a Petrikin said. .. He (Adler) ~)'s I'm d~llar amc;>unt 1~ his damage suit. attaCkina hiin pel'\Onally. I'm not Ctt~ officials said they have not attacking him personally. rm attack-
deetded whether to appeal the ca~. ing bis record."'
attempt to, settle. out of court. and Either way. the Fountain Valley
allow the JUJ) to come up with a City Council race is focusing on the
figure. battk' ~tween Petrikin and Adler.
A we~pon in that battle is ' a
"new blood" to rcvitaliie the City
Council. Candidate Scott also sup-
ports it.
But Adler yys the measure is
specifically intended to embarras~
him and call attention to his t 2 years
on the council. •
When the proposal ,,.,as fa.rst dis-
cussed in February. Adle} said it was
intended specifically to prevent him
from seeking re-elr<:tion. "This leads
me to believe that the initiative is
politically motivated and that the so-
called ·concerned citiun • arc per-
haps those who wiJl be working for
candidates runni~ for office thas
November," he said.
Adler's view on the matter hasn't
changed since then.
Funhennorc. Petrikin has con-
tnbuted money to tht group support-
in,a Measure C, Fountain Valley
Citizens for Good Government. The
chainnan of that group is Dan
Hoppy i the same man who went
to the county District Attorney's
office daimin.& Adler, Brown and
Councilman Jim Neal violated state
law Sept. 18 by meeting in Adler's
home following a City Council meet·
State law $)rohibits a quorum of
ell"Cted officials from meetina to
discuss city busaness unless the meet-
ing is publicly announced.
Hoppy saad the officials met to
discuss the effecu of Measure C.
which was debated at the Oily
Council meeting earlier that evening.
This time. it was City Manager
Judy Kelsey who was put on the
defensive, Kdtcy id thcdcla)'.S were
cau~d by Petnkm who was not
specific about the type of information
he wanted.
Petrikin says he wants to know how
much money was spent to send Adler
to Leaaue of Cilles meetings htld at
vanous sites throughout .the year.
And mo::it recent!~. Petrikin has
accu'IC<I Adler and his supporters of
tearing down his campaign signs 1112
weeks ago. A<Ucr's signs. wnic
Petrikin says were pqsted right ne:itt to
his.. wrre not daml!Jc-d. ·
And once apm,. Adler found
himself rc~pondmg to new accusa·
••tt's just another way to iet his
name in the papers," Adler said.
But this time, Adler also responded
with needling of his own in suggesting
that Petrikin may have torn his own
sian5 down in light of the media
attention a Huntington Beach City
Council candidate attracted when his
signs were vandalized.
The back-and-fonh accu5<ions.
while attracting attention, may not
attract votes. according to Barbara
"You have to understand this
community.'' she \ays. "The p(Ople
here don't like to see this type of~
campaign. I'm tellina~ple I meet to
look at how the candidates run their
campaigns so they can tell what the
candidates arc like.
proposal. called Measure C. that
would limit City Council members to
two consecutive terms. But even if
Fountain Valley vote~endorse it, the ·
mcasurt would not affect this year's
election winners. If approved; the
measure would become effective in
The District Attorney's office de-
termined, however, that there was
insufficient evidence to support
Hoppy's claim.
If there art' more issues to be found,
Petrikin is looking for them in caty
"Fountain Vallty has always been a
quiet.. bedroom community sur·
rounded by walls," Brown said. "The
walls seem to keep out the problems
from Santa Ana and the troubl~
Huntington Beach ha . "
From Al
at the time of the hostage drama last
Friday. court records in Los Angeles
Dahlen was scheduled to be
sentenced Monday on prior bank
robbery convictions but a federal
judge in Los Angeles delayed passing
sentence until Oct. 22.
The La Habra man was con~1cted
Aua.. 28 after pleadinJ guilty to
robbing four banks. includmg a
S40.000 robbery in Corona del Mar.
Dahlen was arrested in June and
onginally charged with nine bank
At the time of the Irvine incident
Friday, Dahlen was free on SS0,000
According to published reporu
attributed to attorney Robert
Launders, Dahlen was afraid of going
to prison and wanted money to "blow
Dahlen was arrested Friday after-
From Al
pretty bad habit.
Kitty becamt' a golf course thief.
She stole golf balls -\pec1ficall>. she
stole golf balls that golfers were
putting out on the 18th green when
victory or dtfeat could often hang in
the balance
Her penchant forlatch1ngon 1ogolf
balls -she buned them in the
groundskecper's sand pile for reasons
known only to herself -turned out to
be a hazard that nearly cost her her
About four weeks ago Kelly Pip1no.
who works at the golf course's pro
t hop. found Kitty's battered and
unconsciou\ body under a car 1n tht
golf club's parking lot.
"They broke her JIW and nearly
destroyed her rye and ear. She
'uffcrcd enouah trauma to be run
over by a car. But she nevtr went out
"Wt' think that some golfer became
mad about losing a golf ball and
struck her in the side of the bead with
a golf club."
With Kitty hovenng betwten hfl"
and death, George Camaras - a
golfer and vetennanan -took
He took Kitty to his animal
hospital in Costa Mesa. reset her jaw
and nursed her back to health.
She's almost recovered. Camaras
Now, Camara" and P1pino must
find a new home for Kitty. They can't
takt' a chance on returning her to the
golf course and have her return to her
danaerous life oflanxny on the links.
1 hey're looking for a &ood home.
with responsible owners. But $he
can't clo~ her jaw completely and
isn't able to clean mor&d! from the
comer of her mouth
noon after a seven-hour sicgt at the
Bank of America in Irvine. The four
female h~tages, including the bank
manager who had been kidnap}>cd
from her home in Tustin. managed to
escape unharmed after three hours.
Dahlen was arrested after a SWAT
tum stormed the buildina. which WH
surrounded by FBI agents and about
30 police officers.
He is being held wuhout bail today
at the federal correctional facility at
Terminal Island.
This isn't purr -ah. par -for the
course. Camaras said, because cats
are ~ fastidious.
That's why a potential owner must
be w1lhng to help out with her
personal hygiene.
"We want to findaownerwillina to
do this.'' Camaras said. We want her
back if someone takes herand doesn't
want to keep her. We don't want her
to be shunted from home lo home"
Potential ownen who might want
to take a chance on adoptina the
reformed ,olf ball stealing cat can
drop by to visit her at the Bal-Mesa
Hospital. I S42 Newpon Bl vd .. Costa
Pipino. the fint to bcrriend .Kitty
and who paid for her paying and
shot5 when she first amvcd at the
couRe. is offering to pay for ~hots. Pc~ino id he would do an)'1hing
po sable to prevent another
CATastrophc. •
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VOL. 77, NO. 2IO
Petrikin helped
measure which
WE.Rf L1 sn N1Nc
; .
Just Call
Late last month, he accused 'he city
manager and her staff of da'qgina
their heels in providing past records
concerning council members• travel
But Fountain Valley's walls ap-
parently artn't high enough to keep
out the influence of big city politics at
its mudslinging best.
Wbat do you Hilt abotlt Ille Delly Pilot? Wbat don't you Uke'? Call tbe •
aamber at left aDd yMr mHA1e wW be recorded, transcribed ud dtllverfd
to tbe appropriate editor.
Tile same H-boar aa1werla1 acrvlce may be used to record letten to tbe
eclltor on any topic. Coatrlbat.on to our Letters column m111t Include their
pame and teleplt•e number for verlflcatton. No clrcalatloo calls, please.
TeU as wbat'a oa your mind.
-------------~ -· ----
31 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters
DIRECTPRIC C .. (714)111 0841 or548-1717
HEllWIGD llllUFACTlll 1977 PllClntta ~venue • Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Forecaete on A2
funds for
A man who allc&tdlr held four
cmployccshosta,eduranaa failed
robbecy a1 an rvmc Banlt of
Amtnca last week wanted money
to finance fl getaway, accordinJ to
published 1tattmcnt1 by his at·
David Dean Dahlen, 24, was
already facing a P.<>SSible l 00.year
pnson sentence for bank robbery
Pleue Me OUJOIAJll/ A2)
• -
Judge turns up
volume in CM's
suit over noise
~ ..... _., .........
The city of Costa Mesa has no
lqal j~ion over the Pacific
Amphitheatre on lbe sta&e-owned
Oranae County Fau1rounds and
an not force the outdoor .rena io
abide by local noise lawi. a Superior CounJuctae ruled Mon·
The latest round 1n the fi&ln
over noise controls at the I 8,000-
seat arena went to amphitheater
owner Ned-Wat lac. Wiien Judlt
Judith Ryan rejecaecl Calta
Mese•1 bid for a prdiauury
1qtudion\ ...... &be COIBPl8)'
:City At10nley Tom Wood
llked the ~ .. put ore.a Meu•s counter wat tpiut Ned-
West. 10 ettbet abut down die amohatbeater or bee It to idbtrc
lo the aay·1 noa1e ordinance. Ryan 1M&ad ruled 'tbat Com Mesa COUid AOl am,_ . "111-
l"--_. .JUDO&/A2)
'lJI ',fl/\ y I,, I ( 11\f H 11, 1'H 1 ( ) •. A N ( ' f ' I I I ~ ~ : ' /, ~ I • ; I :. • .
Clove cigarettes are ttl'e
newest status symbol -
despite American Lung
Association warning./ A3
Spanking students Is a
no-no now In LA school
district./ AC
First blizzard of season
socks It to Denver, Rock-
ies./ AS
Anti-apartheid leader
Bishop Tutu awarded
Nobel Peace Prize./ AS
The success rate of cor-
neal transplants such as
those at South Coast
Medical Center Is en-
Let someone else bake
cookies. Today's grand-
mas are Into velour Jump-
suits and archeologlcal
After scoring five touch-
dow·ns fn one game,
Fountain Valley Hlgh's
Dave Swigart was an easy
choice as the Dally Piiot's
Player of the Week ./C1
Ocean View Hlgh's foot-
ball team Is scheduled for
a Flagstaff, Arizona ap-
pearance In 1985./Ct
Looking for the ultimate
trivia game? Check out
PBS' aclence eenee
.. Nova" tonlght./81
C7 c.
82 ce
.. I ~
PampklD patcb
Foar-:Year-old carJiM 8hliilon of l.rilDe fomadjaat t1ae·rt0t
pampkhi;for her ·Halloween jack-o'-lantei'D at the Irdne
e 1e
Victim either
jumped or fell
into dark ocean
A Temple City man, whole body
was found floatina in die ocean all
HuatiQ11oa lbCh Monday~
apparently jumped or tell so bis cicada
&om the city•s pier, po&e aid today •
An ~ County Cw'1
~esman identified tbe dead MID
as Alvah F. Bow:Jet. SS. 11ae .....
,man said an •anoa-Y watcbedUd to
.detmnine * C8l9C Ofdeada.
Hunti Bmdl ~-a . ..__.._,z: .. , ...... ._ •
.,.,~& ,·.aq.nerota
filill IDutb of thr PICf. ~ and paralDedic:I reo
spoeded tolhe tcene, but the IUD WU
dead when be WU pu.1)cd 6-om I.be
surf, Set Bert Oladwick sDl BQwlct's bod~ was reponedly fully
Clothed. Police bad been su.nunoned
by someone o~ the pier wbo beard a
ipWb as the man ~tly enteftd
the w.a ter.
held for
Three Irvine you~ whoee names
wac withheld by pOllCIC, have been.
arrested in connection with a May
tire-slashina spree, Irvine police ~
paned ioday.
ifhe male SUspe(tS. qie5 l S and 16_
told poli~ they ~ under the inOucn~ of alcohol and drup at the
time they allqedfy commined the crimes. •
Polil'C rcttived 2S reporu bY
(Pleue ... YOUTB8/U)
" Newport ne~k ID.jury award worries cities
'Maybe we sh~~ld.put a stgn up at the city
entrance telling ~pie to enter at own risk.·
OI ................
Ncwpon Beach Mayor Evelyn Han is anary and concerned lhat a
"dangerous J)ttCtdent" has been set
byaJurythtt found thtchyat fault for
the s-ralrz_l"' nm injuty of a 22· yr~tr~ aaremont man who dove
hcadfiBl Into the ocean. · .. It's a black day," said tM mayor.
"I just aan'l undemand why the city
5hould be responsible for sormthina
that's underwater:•
An Oranae Count)' Superior Coun
JUr)' last ·Friday ruled that qua<!·
riple&ic John Taylor crushed a "er·
Political brouhaha
in Fountain Valley?
Naw. It just can't be
Tht race has 101 " all: accusat ons
nd dtnials of alleall mew.a.. a brief
anvcst1puon '.by iht' coaty bistnct
Attomefspflke, ~· concttn-lna public otnc11 tfl:\lef t1~-
d1turcs. am= 8'a1Urt to bmn tenns of o ice and erftblrn 1 three-
:&erm 1ncwnbent.. ........ c:am-
Plllll liin more~ more CSenlals e¥ent1come •no IUtprht-
after all, th11 it an dd:tioa )'Cllr,1
Whit is aurpnalna. ~ ts that
all that PoliticAI mud 11 q lluna ua
tebra because the aty was nqliatnt in
not wamina bathers ofthe hartards of
swimmina 11nd divina in tht waters near the Balboa Pier.
Taylor wasjiU,ured four years .,o
whtn he dovt iato the walCf and
struclt a hiddClll ridie of sand. He as
paralyzed fro• the neck down and
confined to 1 •ieekhair.
Similar la.._ts are pen<hn& in
several Ora•Coast aties, includina
Laauna Beach.
.. M1 personal opinion as that thi J>OS1ln& l\lft5 wamins batben ol ruli~ Wiii have a much more far-saf\in& sand underwaaer ~
readliftl eff«t than JU t aJona the and :sandban. 11ic JW)' naled ill coast." llid 1Briatt Baird. supervisor 1rayl0r's favor.
ofl ... s lif~Rhcrvioe\ .. My first reaction isa111Sbecnes
.. E~ city haS some natural the cit> bas done te ilttdt10 t6+ • ~ 1ilid laird. It'• a 'Cf) DtODle and to le9dt tbena IO Mw a
unfort1111e clccis.on because the end healthy 1rcsp:ec1 for lhe ~" .W result-., b't that some recreatJoA Han. hcnetfa weekend boater.
will ... to be Mnncd, he added. . .. ff llmost I don' bow. ~'-e tn T•>lor's jwy trial wa Ma)bewcShoWdjust putalipal &be
WhetlilrtheatY, wu nealiaent for not (PleMe .. llUIJltT I U)
From Al ·
white he WB'i watching the World floor. 1 hcrewu throw~thcrcand
Serles on television with a friend. He I rolled up in thci rug..
id 'he'd started to heat oil for some "I kneeled there for maybe a
popcqm but was sidetracked by the minute looking at my h nd and I
baseball game. thou£ht., oh my God, this i prettY.
"I went into .the kitchen and .saw bad.
ftjuSl looked like ad d person's
the smoke pounng out, so I took u to hand.'
the door to the outside. As t lifted the Dale praisetfNewport lktK'h para·
lid to ~1 the smoke out, the }lumidity medics for their quick work.
of the air hit the oil and it wa like a . ..1 have to aivc credit to the 4uys
flame thrower, it hit my thee -for who came down, the paramedics, 'he
some reason it didn't bum my face -id. "They worked on me hke you
t;lut I dropped it and it went like a loud wouldn't believe .... The world is full
,boom .... l just threw m)"SC'lf on th~ offriends you ain't met yet"
city entrance tellinJ people to enter at signs are worthless. Nobody wanted
their own risk," wd tbe mayor. to chance their opinion. They were
stubborn, almost arrogant!' the at-··1 cena1nl~ don't mean any dis· torncy noted.
respect to this youni man but this Lifeguard officials in other coastal
raises serio'ys concerns about all cases cities said I.hey have followed the case
where someone is injured because of with rapt interest.
an act of God," Hart added. "If the issue is signs, the classic
Wayne Austero, one of the at-ex.ample as the SS mph signs on the
torncys representing Taylor, said the freeway. How many people pay
case -if nothins else~ should be a attention to them," said Huntington
warni~--10. ciiles tba& Ibey hav-.. a-... Dca-ch Lifejua"' Lt. Bill Richardson.-
rcspoMJblity to the public. -Huntincton Beach, which owns
.. My ~ner and I feel that there and maintains a one-mile stretch of
are certain cases, regardless of the strand. began placing warning signs at
odds, that ought to be tried in order to the beach about a year ago. Ten signs,
focus 11\c attention of the public on a printed m Enghsh and Spanish,
real problem," Austcro said. cautton swtmmersaboutnpcurrents,
.. We ran upqainst the attitude that sa~d bars and other obStaclcs.
From Al
University Park residents that their
can• tires were slashed during the
nights of May 22 and May 23.
Damages totaled several thousand
dollars, Police said.
While Irvine police believed the
vandals w~ juveniles, no 1mme.di-
ate arrests ~ere made.
Officers workmg with the depart·
ment's Crime Suppression Unit con-
tinued their investigation and qoes--
tioned area youtt:u. which led to the
arrests earlier thi~' month. ' Charges of fe ony vandalism arc
eipcc':ed to be P. ed with the county
Juvenile Coun. ~
The 45-)car-otd musician sd he
intend to appear at a schrdukd
ronccn next month in M1mh tt n
"This ha been a rough ye r for
Dick and now he doesn't know if he'll
be able lo use his left hand \\Cll
enough to play guitar auin,'' id Kaye. "Rut he's a fig;htcr.'r
Dale spent much of the past_ye r in-
the counroom successfull)' fiahtina
alkgations that he mole ted a young
girt Most recently,.thc Costa Mesa Ci~· Council denied Dale's ptan for a
ni tclub in that city.
ye said D~le now intends to
locate the clU;b in Anaheim.
The siJns were erected following a
lawsuit 1n Los Angeles that found
lifeauards were negligent for nor
warning swimmers of np :tides.
!'You can put up signs for ~vep·
thing but people have a choice
whether to believe them or not belie~e them," said David Pryor, a
state lifeiuard supervisor in Huot-
ington Beach. ''People have to take a
cenain amount of responsibility for
1beirc&wn ~•ve .~··--------
Richardson said lifeauards in
Huntington. Newport Beach •nd
other cities have gone to great lengths
to educate the public about the
hazards of playing m the surf.
Recently, the two cities and Hoag
Memonal Hospital' in Newport
Beach filmed "Wipe Out" a short
movie dealing with neck inJuries. It
has been shown in schools and cable
"That's why this cuts so deep," said
Mayor Hart. "We've already done so
much." '
Taylor has not yet been awarded a
dollar amount in his damage ~utt.
City officials said they have not
decided whether to appeal the case,
attempt to settle out of court and
allow the jury to come up with a
. Chance of showers Wednesday
TOOAY 1:0Spm
9:64 p Ill
• e Botton 01 .,_ville
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DtMCTION '"" = poor .....
"new blood .. to revitalize the City expenditures.
Council. Candidate Scott also .sup-This time, it was City Manager
portf it. · Judy Kelsey who was put on the
In past years, about 13 percent of
Fo untain Valley's registered
votersc.xercised their right in city
ele<:uons, she ..said. In fact. Brown
needed fewer than I. 700 votes four
years ago to become the top 'ot~
getter in the City Council election.
But Adler says the measure is defemive. Kelsey said the delays were
specifically intended to embarrass caused by Petrik.in who was not
him and call attention to bis 12 yean specific about the type ofinfonnation
From Al
at the time of the hostage drama last
Friday, court records in Los Angeles
Dahlen was scheduled to be
sentenced Monday on prior bank
robbery convictions but a federal
judge in Los Angeles delayed passing
sentence until Oct. 22.
The La Habra man was convicted
Aug. 28 after pleadinJ guilty to
robbing four banks. including a
$40.000 robbecy in Corona del Mar.
Dahlen was arrested in June and
originally charged with nine bank
At the ume of the Irvine incident
Friday, Dahlen was free on SS0.000
According to published reports
attributed to omey Robert
Launders, Dahlen was afraid of aoi ng
to pnson and wante.d money to "blow
Dahlen was arrested Friday after-
noon after a seven-hour siege at the .But wuh an expected voter turnout
Bank of America in Irvine. The four· this November of SO to .60 percent.
female hostages, includina the bank Brown sa~s some . cand1dat~s may
manager who had been kidnapped -ch~nge their campaign ~tratcg1e.s ..
from her home in Tustin mana~ to They thmk they should do tt lilce
escape unharmed after three hours. the ~ig boys d<? 1t," she.says. "B~t th~y
Dahlen was arrcste.d after a SWAT don t rea~iz~. 1t doesn t work in this
team stonned the building. which was community. . . . .
surrounaea tiy FBt agents ana aoour-Th09C famtli~r with t~e campalJ't
30 Police officers. kno~ . Brown !S refcmng t~ J1!11
He is being held without ball today Petrilun, . a chiropr~ctor acuve lD ·
at the federal correctional facilit y at ~mmunny .organazauons who,
Terminal Island. dll'CCtly or indi~ly, bas sparked the
on the council. I) he wanted.
When the proposal was first das-Petrikinsayshewantstoknowhow ~usscd in Febr:uaey, Adler said it ~as much money was spent to send Adler
intended ~pccafically.to P.-:-Cv~nt bun _ to League of Cities meetings heJd at
from sccki!'C re-clecttQn .. T~Js)ea<!s various sites throu&hout the year. me to beheve that the tmtumve 1s ·
Politically motivated and that the so-And most recently, Petrikin has
called •concerned citizens' arc ~-accused Adler and bts supporters of
haps those who will be working for tearing down his campaign signs 11/a
candidatcS-ronning for office thts weeks agO:-Adler's signs, which
Novembert •• he said. Petnkin says were posted right next to
Adler's view on the matter hasn't his, were not dama_Jed.
changed since then. And once apm, Adler found
bulk of the campaign fireworks.
---------------------------------------The tatJCt of Petrikin's volleys has been Mayor Marvin Adler. a thrcc-
Furthennore, Petrik.in has con-himself responding to new aocusa-
tributed money to the group support-tions.
in.a Measure C. Fountain Valley ult's just another way to ~t his
Citizens for Good Gov.cmmcnt. The name in the papers," Adler said. JUDGE TURNS UP VOLUME •••
From Al
tations on the state fairgrounds or its
tenant , the $14-million
She also denied the prcluninary
injuctton because "there was no
reasonable probability" that the city
would win its civil suit and be Jf3nted
a permanent court order against the
The Judge's ruling kills Costa
Mesa's suit. but Wood said be would
attempt to keep the litigation alive by
filing an appeal with the 4th Distnct
Appellate Coun branch in Santa Ana.
"I think (Ryan) is wrona.. I think
we'll get a reversal in appellate coun,"
said Wood.
The city's cross suit was filed Sept.
25 in resr>0nse to an earlier civil suit
by Ned-West, which clatmed Costa
Mesa's noise ordinance was aimed
solely at the amphitheater and thus
violated the "equal protection
clause" of the U.S. Constitution.
Mon.day's ac11on added another
wrinkJe to the legal question of
whether the amphitheater is exempt
from local regulatiozu. and protected
by the shield of "sovereign immuni-
• Atto~s for Ned-West posed that
same defense in the separate cnmmal
complaints filed against ttie company
for violating Costa Mesa's noise
ordinance during two rock concerts
thjs summer.
In those cases, Hal'bor Municipal
Court Selim Franklin ruled on Sept.
28 that the city could il'ldced pros-
ecute amphitheater owners under the
noise ordinance. Franklin explained
Costa Mesa was not trying to regulate
activity on the fairarounds. but rather
the noise that was leaving· the
City Attorney Wood interpreted
the decision to mean that Franklin
••did not buy the argument" of
sovereign immunity.
With conflicting court decisions, it
may be up to the al)pellate court to
settle the issue of whether Costa Mesa
can police the amphitheater.
Netl Papiano, attorney and clllef
executive officer for Ned-West, said
the ruling by Judge Ryan Upped the
scales in his favor.
"This is a superior court, ag the
word implies. This is the highest
dcc:ision 10 this.~ on the !f Pli-
cauon of sovercian 1mmun1ty, Pa-
piano said.
Ned-West has not appealed the
Municipal Court decision, and Pa-
piano said the Superior Court ruling
pretty bad habit.
Kitty became a golf course thief.
She stole golf balls-specifically, she
stole golf balls that golfers were
putting out on the 18th green when
victory or defeat could often hang tn
the balance.
Her penchant for latching on to golf
balls -she buned them sn the
groundskeeper"s sand pile for reasons
known only to herself-turned out to
be a hazard that nearly cost her her
About four weeks ago Kell y Piptno.
who works at the ~olf course's pro
shop. found K.JUy s battered and
unconscious body under a car in the
golf club's parking lot.
"They broke her Jaw and nearly
destroyed her eye and ear. She
sufTettd cnou&h trauma to be run
over by a car. But he never went out
I •
"We thank that some golfer became
mad about losing a golf ball and
struck her in the side of the head with
a golf club."
With K.Jtty hoverin_g between life
and death, George Cantaras -a
golfer and vetennarian -took
He took Kitty to his animal
hospital in Co~~ Mesa. reset her jaw
and nursed her back to health.
She's aJmost recovered, Camaras
Now, Camaras and Pipino must
find a new home for Kiuy. They can't
take a chance on.returning her to the
golf course and have her return to her
danaerous life oflareeny on the links.
They're look.in& for a good home,
with rcsr>0nsible owncts. But she
can't dote her J&W comoletely and
isn't able to clean mo~ls from the
comer ofher mouth.
in the civll case would help bJs
defense against the misdemeanor
criminal charges filed by the city. A
trial date for those charges has not
been set.
· Meanwhile, Wood said Costa Mesa
would persevere in tts crusade ro
lowtr the noise spilling mto the
residential neighborhoods surround-
ing the conccn facility. ··wc·rc not going to let up until they
(Ned-West) comply with the noise
ordinance. Thcre•s no way we'll
stop," said Wood. "We don't have all
our eggs m one baskeL .. \Yood was re~emng t~ the city's
nuisance suit aJainst the
amphitheater in Supenor Court and
the criminal charges in Municipal
Moreover, on the same day that
Judge Ryan ruled that Costa Mesa
had no authority to reaulatc the
arena, the City Council gave final
approval on another law intended to force amphitheater management to
apply for an entertainment pennit.
That permit would only be granted
if the company agrees to abide by city
building, ~raffic, safety -and noise
Wood said the entertainment ordi-
nance becomes effective in 30 days.
This isn't purr-ah, par -for the
course. Camaras said, because cats
are so fastidious.
That's why a potential owner must
be willing to help out with her
personal hygiene.
"We want to find a owner willing to
do this," Camaras said. "We want her
back if someone takes her and doesn't
want to keep her. We don't want her
to be shunted from home to home:·
Potential owners who might want
to take a ·chance on adoptina the
reformed &olf ball stealing cat can
drop by to VlSlt her at the Bal-Mesa
Hospital. I 542 NewPort Blvd .. Costa
Pipino, the first to befriend Kitty
and who paid for her spaying and
shots when she first amved at the couric, is offering to pay for shots.
Pcp1no s.aid would do anything
possible to prevent another
CA Tastrogh~.
ORANGE COAST CfrcutatJon 7141142...QU
Dally Piiot
Def Ivery
ll.;,t'tlJlly f't!Olf I! yOU CIO not ,.,... Y9UI ~ by
$ 30 J) m bt'lolt 7 pm
MO !rOM copy .... C.
.. !Uf 1 Md Sunday II
yC4I 00 llOI 'K~ 'tllUI
eoP)' IJy 7 • 11'1 C#I bt'lJfl!
10 • ~ 8lld !"Olli copy ..
H. L. Schw•rtz HI
Pubhsher .
A.-mary Churchman
Contro11 r
Stephen F. "C•rezo
Oonetd L. Wllll•m•
Manag r
Ctnelfted 8dv«tfelnfl 714/M2·51?9
All other __,.rtfMftta 142--4321
3'0 Wltf 8ay 61 Coste Mna CA • ....., lddr 00. t Ooctl Mou CA
VOL. n, H0:2IO
tenn councilman seeking his fourth
But Petrikfo says he hasn't eniagcd
in diny politics. ·
.. , don't think this race is different
from other races in the past," Petrik.in
says, "and I hope it doesn't aei any
worse than it has:·
While his accusations have re-
peatedly put Adler on the defensive.
Petrikin said, ''He (Adler) says I'm
attacking him personally. I'm not
at~king him personally, I'm attack-
ing bis record.''
Either way. the Fountain VaUey
Caty Council race is focusing on the
battle between Petnkin and Adler.
A weapon in that battle is a
proposal, called Measure C, that
would limit Caty Council members to
two consecutive terms. But even if
Fountain Valley voten endorse it; the
measure would not affect this year's
election winners. If approved. the
measure would become efTe<:tive in
Petrik.in helped initiate the
measure wh1c~ .be says will allow
Just Call
chairman of that &roup 1s Dan But this time, Adler also responded H~ppy. with netdling of his own in suggestint
ttoppy is ttie same man who went that Pctrikin may have tom his own
to the county . District Attorney'• signs down in li,aht or the media
office claiming Adler, Brown and attention a Hunttngton Beach City
Councilman Jim Neal violated state Council candi&te attracted when bis
i.w Sept 18 by meeting in Adler's sian.s were vandalized.
home following a City Council meet-The back-and-forth accusations.
ioi. while attracting attention, may not
State law prohibits a quorum of attract votes. according to Barbara
elected offictals from meetina to Brown. discuss cit)' business unless the ineet-"You have to understand this
ing :ts publicly announced. community," she says. "The people
Hoppy '51lld the officials met to here don't like to sec this type of
discuss the effect$ of Mcuure C. campaign. I'm telling ~pie I meet to
which was debated . at the City look at how the candidates run their
Council meeting earlier that evening. cam~jgris so they can tell what the
The District Attomey't office de-candidates are hke.
termincd, however. that there was "Fountain Valley has always been a
insufficient evidence to supr>0n quiet, bedroom communuy sur·
Hoppy's claim. rounded by walls," Brown said. "The
· lftherearemorciuuestobefound, walls seem to ~eep out the problems
Pesrikin is looking for them in city from Santa Ana and the troubles
records. • Huntington Beach has."
Late last month, he ac:cuscd the city But Fountain Valley• walls ap..
manager and her staff of draging parently aren't high enoUj.b to keep
their heels in providina past records out the inOuence ofbig cily politics at
concerning council mcmbtts• travel • its mudslinaina best.
Wut do yo• like abo•l tH Dally Piiot? Wllat doa•t you llke? CaU tbe
n11mber at left ud yoar mu .. 1e will be recorded, tra11erlbed ud dtlJvered
to &lie appropriate editor.
Tbe same U-boar 111wenac service may be 111ed to record letters to tbe
editor on any topic. Contrlbutort to our Letteri cohamn mutt laclade tbelr
name aad telepboae umber for vertflcaUoo. No clrculatloa calls, pleue.
Tell us wllat'1 oa your mtad.
--------· --
1977 Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627