HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-16 - Orange Coast Pilot.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1986 -cl _Reagan w_ants immunity forex-a•<les Regan testifies; president appeals for limited protection for Poindexter. North By ROBERT M. ANDREWS ._..._ .......... .. \.\\~Hl"C,ION -\.\h1k ..ena- tors intcrrog..itcd Wh11e Hou..e lh1ef ol ~tall Donald f Regan bctftnd clo~d dour' toda} PrL·s1dcnt Reagan urgl·d ( nn&rcs!) to grani hm1ted 1mmuntt\ for twol formcr White World Sandlnistas claim Ameri- can Sam Hall was carry- ing maps of areas near where a previously cap- tured American is being held prisoner .I A 7 California Voyager skirt s around a typhoon In its nonstop global flight./ A4 Nation Carnegie Hall got back In the musfc business Mon- day night after 7 months of renovations./ A8 Sports Georgetown transfer Kevin Floyd 1s set for first game with UC lrvlne./81 INDEX Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classtfted Comics Entertainment Opinion Poltcelog Publtc notices Sports Televtston Weather A10 A3 BS-9 810-11 A 11 A9 A12 A3 812 81-4 A10 A2 House ad' 1sers to force them to give Lruual test1mon) about the Iran-< ontta aITatr Reagan appealed to the ~·n\\IC lntelhgcncc C ommtttl-e 10 .mo"e k· g.all) to obtain tC'>llmon> b) tormer national sccunt\ ad\1'\t'r John M Po1nde,tcr and ·his ousted drput\ \.1annr LI <. ol. Oh, er l North to Father's advice Ka rate m a n eu ver s overwhe lm a ttac ke r o n Capis tra no s treet By The Associated Pres~ ~n 1\--\.t'ltr-old ( 8f)t\lrttnc., Reat·h girl hit \l11111rx·d and pum hl·d J man \\ho tno:d tu pull her into hi\ Lar - JU'I a' her father. a forml'r l..arall' 1n,trullor had IJught hl·r to dn < 1an < 1.'111 '>aid hl' 1augh1 d.iughln Holl\ 10 "~1ck ,ind h11 Jnd punth and \l'll ~ .. mut.h a\ pc1,,1hk" 1f J \trangt·r 1·\ l'r grahtx·J hrr f ht k\\on "paid 1111 \1ondJ \ altt•r- noon J'> llolh \\.tlh·J humc lur lun1.h Imm Pal1..:idc"' flt•mcntar' \thool \\ hl·n a man 1n "h1tt· \hurts put a hand o' n Holh "mouth and tncd to pull her tnlu hi'> (Jr '>hl· hit hi\ h,ind I hrn \hl' \lomf)l·d 11n ht'> ll't't .ind runtht•d him 1n thl nu-.e l\\lll' 1Ju'>1ng 11 It> hkc:d V.. h1·n tht· man put h1' hJnd' 111 ht'> tai:e Hull\ broke ·•"a' and ran home wh1k t"hl' man Jrtl\ \: J\\J\ "It 'r.trl'd 1h1· II\ 1ng hdl uut ol h1·r but .-.h1··., doing tint: no11. · < dli -.aid Holl\ \did tht> man·, <.Jr "a' pJr\..1·d hrc,iJr ha hou\l' \\Ith lht· rngml' runn1n11-Thr mJn 11.a' '>land- ing tx•'>ttk thl' tcH Jnd didn't \ti\ an~ thing as hl' grahlx·d hn. '>he \Jld Orangl' <. 11unl\ l'nll'rgcnq Lom- mun1tat1um otliua1' '''ucJ a toun- '' '"dc akr1 t11r a ,~h1tL· m.1lt• d~IUI '\'\ H'.11\ olJ "-tth ""h•lt' hJ1r. Jn' 1ng .1 l.Jll'·lliOdl'I rnl ( IH\l'lll' 11.11h hlJtl.. 111u'rr' 1111 lhc h.ll I.. "'ndo"' < 1nJ, R1Ll..man \\ho 11\t'' Jtrt>'' lh1· \lrl·1.·t torm lhl' ( ell" \dtd 11nghhor' ""I put up prn.11·r, J\l..tng tor hl'lp 111 f1nd1ng thl' m.in \ht' and < dlt 'Jtd JI k.t\I une neighbor ll'll\lrt1·J \t'l'tng .1 l.lf '1mil.ir to th1· m:tn 'p.trh·J tn thl· .1n·a from 11nH· 111 111111 dunn~ thl· 11•"1 l\\o "l't'I..'> "\ht"' J ft'JI tough ~Id .. \JIU Kitl.mJn "hnm Holl\ l.1lkd altl'r lhl· in11Jcn1 "ht·n 'hr uwldn't ~om mun1,:.itr "1th 1h1· l.1m1h ·, "-.rx1n1\h 'fl\'Jl.11111 h1111,1·~t'\'fll'I V.. h1·n I '·I" ha 'hl· "·'' ll\ ''l'r11 .11 .ind 'ht• 11.a' It r11li1·d It"·'' rt·.11 · San ta will skip most county bus drivers this year \111t.1n~ bu'> drl\ t'r'> 'tall llll' p1Lt.ct hnn "" hnul\ rc.·r da~. thrt't· da' \per \\l'C:I.. rm \tll~l' p.n lr<lm lhl· uninn of ahout ~~1111 rx·r month I he \ltfl\'nd Jnt'\n I tx·tLtn tn mah h r1·gul.ir \\,1g1·' thJt 111p \I\ f)l'r hour lor '>('Olor drl\ l:f'> \lam nl tht• ., '2 drtH'r' 1n the l nllt'd I rJll\f)l1rtat111n l nmn \io I \I Jnd 1lmr lam1lln "tll Jl'la) -tir tor go -C hr1'lma\ th" \Car Thi' 11· h1"' "urn 1ng .rhout mon- tiag1.•, rt•nl PJ' llll Ill\ .ind otht•r hill\ ~l'\t•rthdt•'s n1nL' da)S into thr 'itnl..t• J~IHl\I tht· OrangC' Count\ Tran,11 l>1'lr1l l. unmn mrmbrf\ rc:m.1111 1111111111llt'd 111 "1nn1ng c-on- ll''i\lt>n' 111 \lillkd uinlnlt t ll<'RO· t1Jt1t1n' < rn:gg \.le Elmer! 'I ha' tx·en dn' ing for the dic,trt~ t nearh nine 'car' T hl· 'an Clemen tr r<''>1dc:nt 11. a\ m.irm·J in Octohcr Hl' and h1' wilt• mm cd into a new home 1 he\ had purrhasL·d most of the <. hrt'>tm a'> pre<.l'nt\ on 1he1r li<it '\lot \Urpn \· ingh. mone) 1s <ihort "\I) p..t)Lhed. controls our lunds. 'u "l' had to ma kc a lot ot rn I\ n:al ta ... 1. · ~It Elmeel said "\\le tool.. all of the< hn,1mas prc"t'nl' back ·· "-arrn Bnle} :!4. <.aid stm pl~. "What< hn'itma\'1" "•ngle and h\ 1ng with a room mate 1n M1<.\lon V1c10. Bnle' said '>h<."11 "get the facts out before the America n people a~ quickly as ~ssiblc to get this matter behind us,' said prtsadcn· t1al !lpokesman l.arT) Speakes. Such a mo"'e wo u ld not preclude criminal prosccutton for illegal ac· t1\1t1es. Speakes said Sen Dennis DeC'onc1n1. D-Anz .. talking to reponers at m1dda). s~ud that Regan " told an unbelievab~ <;tory in a 'Cr) behe,able manner ... It's the story you've read about. a nd he \a)S he knew nothing about 11 I fi nd that unbelievable .. Pick of the forest "It 1~ difficult tor me, <1t1ll. to believe thal )Omeone in that pos1t1on would no l ha"'c knowledge of 11." DeC"on<.·in1 said Sen Orrin Hat<.h. R-Utah said Regan , the president's closc!lt a nd most trusted aide. had been "vn) tand1d and \Cf) open and, I th ink 'el) persuas1 H " H atch said Reaan who 1es11fied under oath. "ha'I added a l111le1>1t" to 1he panel's undcr'itnnding of what happened. But Sen David Durenberge r. R- Gloria Hanaon, 2 112, of Corona del Mar didn't have to 1nowaboe Into the wood• for bes: Chrlstma1 tree, but she's keeping the tradition alive ala 1980• aa ahe displays her choice at Lloyd• Nursery ln Costa Meaa on Monday . Minn 1h..-intelligence committee chairman !>31d recent!\ that h1., panel 1s Sl)micd 1n 11s effort., tu pu~ce together the <.ump(('" Iran-( untra puule w 1thou1 td't1mon} from Poinde>.ter and "1mh "Don <.an -;hcd \Omc light on the: t'i5Ut' of who did what and who had what authont) · Durenbc:r&er 'iatd bu1 .. I tan't hchc:' c Don 11.ould be here if he: had dn\ knowledge of 1hc d1H·r-.1on · ..\n> u1n~rl'\'l1CHIJI grant of · U!K: 1mmun11~ · propo'>t'd b\ Reagan would lklt onl} compel lesttmony by f'o1ndext.er and North and po~s1bl) others but would stueld them from prose<. ut1un ba)Cd on informauon the} g1,c \cnatc 1n,cs11gators How- e' l'f proi.ccutors 'ol.OuJd be free to hu1ld .i Lrlmtnal <.a!>e from 1nfor- mat1on gatht'red independently or from 01her w 1tne\st-s' tesumon} Po1ndntc:r and North. more than .in' one: cl'><' pos)C\S knowledge of the mt1\I in11ma1e details of. the Iran· < ontrnlonn~t1on .\norneyGene-ral (Plea.e eee IM¥UNITY / A2) Clouds blamed for near crash over Anaheim FAA plans probe of reported miss above Disneyland 8 ) LAM. E 1(,1\0" Ol 1"9 0..., l'tlot ..... l'.11< h~ buibc..u ~ (..Juu"h m.n h .. \l' hn·n pt1rt1Jlh n·.,rxin.,1hk tor J nl·ar l 11ll1,111n \unda' ti\ a< >rango: C ount' tx·t\\l't'n Jn \1r< .11 1t·t .inJ J '1ngk l'n11.in•· prl\Jlc plane J h ·JcrJI .\' IJ· t111n \dmin1'tr:it111n 'J)<1l..1·,nrn11 'w.llJ I ue\Ud\ .\ rac;srnger Jhoard \1r( al I light '.l~ told told I ..\ .\ \f)oh·,man Ku"t'll l'.1rl. that' 1\1hd1t\ outsidt• the J1IJnt "d' 11h<.1 url'll b~ th1· duud' JU't t'x-lon- thl' 1nuden1 \unda' JI I I~ pm I tw Jt'I 1Mn 111~ o'-1 pa'>i.<ngt'r'> wa' t11Jl.1n1111' appniach to John \.\a,n1· \1rpon v. hl·n 11 n1·.1rh t 01l1dcd w 1th th 'm.ill 11lan1 '11n1· ol tht pa\'>(·ng1·r, ur the luur· mrmtx-r trt·11. ah<1ard the lour~ng1nt" Hrit1'h \cr11\fX'tC I .lo v.c:rt' 1n1ured ''hrn thl' Jl't tool. naSl\t" actwn 10 a' 111d the '1nglc-cng1m· plane Lc:n- tdll' 1·1\ 1Jl'nt1fied a\ a C cc,'!na I., 2 PJrl.. <w11J thi,: t \.\ qa_Qa.ulalwn 10 1 1 l oru < oa,1lK.\C0'.11.a\tratk- tng hoth plJnc:'> and that 11 w-Jrned tht· \ 1rt al flight ah<1u1 the pm ate plant" ·11 " 0111 l..n1111.n \Cl 1f the radJr \tJt1on t<inlaCll'J thl; pn\ 3ll' rlane f ht• two plane\ came 1.1.11h1n 100 lt·1·1 nl l'al h o ther hor11ontalh and 40 k1·1 't'llltJlh Thl' inudl'nt took plJll .1h<1ut '\ OIM kct Jhtl\C: tht: f>1'n1 'l,1nd arl·a 1n \nahc1m (Pleue eee NEAR/ A2) Mesa vows action on citizen panel's day worker report By TO!'o Y SAAVEDRA 01 lfM O.ity Piiot 118'1 ( t1\IJ \1t''a ( 1l\ ( ounul m1·rntxr' tool.. ''l"P'> \1onJa·~ tov.ard rt'mtn ing prt>dom1n:11eh L..111nu dJ\ ''orkt·r\ lrom \trret rorncr' and la-,hnl out at rn1d1·n1' "ho Jttnhutl·d tht· prohll'm 111 tllt-g,.il 1mm11ua11on 1 hl' u1um 11 Jll.rl·ed tu 11\l '' •nH· • •t th1· rl'u1mmt•nJa1111n' outlinlJ 1n .1 l 111/l'n' IJ\~ hHlT rl'pOrt 11n \\J~\ 111 J"f)(:r't' th~ l.1rgl· g1•>UP' 111 nwn uin' l' rg111g 1 n pu hit, a 1 t'J' 1111\\l'\ c1 ot1it1J1' 'trt'"1.'d 11,,11 the lit' "n11t Jt>.tling ""1th t hr qui'' 111n 111 tlkgJI 1mm1gral11111 hut r;tlht r Ii"" Ill d1,1'ourag.r dJ\ lJtiorrr. Imm u\lng 'lrt.'t't tnrn1r' 111 1t·ndr1\1111' "•th pott•nt1;tl l·mpl11'rr' \l,1\111 D11nn liJll fllU,l'd 111 .ill1"' 11.·\t1n11in' hnl..10g tlw "·" '"' l..\'I' 111 illc.'g.il 1mm1gr.int' , u11111~ ""' 'fll·.11-.l·r ull 1n m1J·\t'ntl'ml' Hall d11J1·J lnth.' "h" \aid the rl't 111nmt•ndat111n' from thl' ul' ' dJ\ "4Hl.t·1 ta\I.. l11ru 11.11uld hdp un· Jo1um1.ntnl 1mm1granl\ V..1.· d11 11111 pr11m11tc the hiring 111 ilktwl al11•n, · ,;i1d 1hc 1rntJtt•d nlJ\ \II \m111111 1h1 rn11mmrnJJt111n' " thl l \1Jhli,h1111·111 111 a l11rint-t h.111 "h1.·r1 ktwl 11,1d1·n1' ... in linJ ""'" 'llt \\t'J llJll \,l..l·d ,Jh'I 1111\\ rlw UI\ ""uld ,ll1,1m11w .... 1t1•tlw1 ,1 ,..,,111..l'r "k~JI "llhO\ll \ 1111,tllllt-: 1.J\ 11 11g.h~ la\\i. I l.tll 1.1111 tht• u•1tn1.1I ''a' \\t1rl..in11-on ,, n l'th11d I loll'\ l'r hl' l.l'pl J1·1.1r1, \l'I fl I \0 ,t\ nnt It!• ,ltllull' tht' J1IJn < 11' 1111 .. 1.11, ar1 Jpp.trl'nth 'ma11 11 l1tm1 tht ,1111t111•1·r" 'urrc•und1n11 tlw I~ 11 111111-. r 1,1,~ tur \ h11m1·d l.t" \1.1\ t dl ,I \ llh lht• 'll·tJlkJ J.t\ (Please see ACTION/A2J PAUL ARCHIPLEY Focus ON THE NEws Drivers ask court to block non-union replacements ha\C 10 stan loo~1ng tor a part-time 1ob thrs ~etl.. "I ha'c a li ttle in thl' hank. t>ut 11 won't last m uch longer ·· '>hl' '31d Rut fa milies and friend\ under - \land the dmcf'>· pn'dKamt·nt :ind don'1 C\peCt gifts thl\ H'dr \aid Er~t Hooper ofTu'!t1n. "The~ u ndc,,,tand and a1·trp1 ... \Std Hooper •. l 1 "\.\'e"re out here for a 1.a usc. We're all gm ng to sufTcr" Those scn11mcnt'i wcr<' l'\prc.·\\ed OH'r and O\Cr h~ thr \Inking dn' t'r<. a' the~ '1ood guard at"' OC"TD '>llt'' 1n the lOU nl\ Ola C olbCn or Huntington Beach \ll1d ~ht• feel\ tt"" hcrdul\ to he nn tht• line~. e'en though 1gnonng Monda\·, (Plea•e see BUS/ Al) 8) ROBERT H\'NDMA1' and PAllL ARCHlPLEY Of I~ O.ity l'llot llefl .\ttornc,., tor \trtking hu' dn'l r' art' l'\fll.'t lcd tn 'it't'I.. J 1our1 cm.kr th1' 11.l't'I. to 'itop the C>r:ingl' ( ount' Tran\11 l>l'tnct lrom r<.'pla1:1n~ 'itn\..t'I\ "''h non-un1nn dn,rr'> Julicnt·..,m1th gencr.tltha1rwom.tn nl the l n1ted T ran'ipc>rtat1on l nmn ..:i1d auornn\ 11.111 '-l.'el.. J 1cmpc1ran rc\tra1n1ng ti"rdrr 10 protrL t thc Jtlh\ nt . ., I:! union hu' Jn, er' on \lrtl..l' \ln1 t' ()(-c. 8 O\Cr a Ltlntral·t dl'putc ()(TD< h.mman Ralph< l.11~ 'w.l1J \1onda' thr d1\tflll "ould hm· ix·rm.1nC'nl non-un1un drl\t'r\ to a·- plan· \tnl..ing hu\ dnH'f"I \\ho don t return to wnr\.. h\ l){'t 22 I t'ltt'r\ \\t'rl' 't'nt ~1 ond:I\ 111 '1111.. mp, dn't'r' dl•tarhn(t thl' plan and 111' 111ng tht m '" 11.1urn 111 "''1 I. "(, th1r1 .tn' ,11,utit 111 .tn\l\11\h' mind 1hn 11 tn "ti 111 hrc.1~ th1 in111n •· "m lh J'~t·d <I! I() 'J1"l..r""1111.tn < l.i11d1a l\..l1lh 'J1d tht '\.111t111al I Jf><•r Kd.1 11nn' \, 1 1x·r m t' t h1· .tl 1111n tin .n"' !Ill J1,lfll I''" I tirmg thl' d1 l\C'r' I' 11 l'H h 'l pl,1, II~ lh1.·m I h1\\l'H 1 "-LR \ rq1.ul.it1un .. ah.11 c,;i\ rc.·rm.11wn1 rl'plJu:nll'nh lall I hl· humfl\.·d "h1n'tn~1n11-dri' u' r1·1t11 n ~·\JU'l .1 'lrl'"tt:l(l \\J\ Ill \J\lll~ '¥~~c f1rl'J '°lm11h 1.11untrH'd I he d"tr 11 l .ind union u'c '\ l RI\ ~u 1dl'l 1 n1·, h11 t .ir1·n t r u ll·J h' t lwm ,he , .. ,J '°ln111h ,,11d l1m I' an'. lht ,111111 nn rt·pn·~nttn!I-I 111al l" "111 ,n·I.. J 1rmf)l11a1' rt•\tra111tntt 1111kr thl\ 1\l't.'I.. Ill \lllfl tht• dl\lrll I 'J~ lltlll ·11·, illqi.tl to lirr ;in l'ntplo\l't' \\Ii••' lll '"'~' 'illl th ,,11d \lq h.1\1 tlh 11i:ht •• \lllllllll'\l.ld•\llll' .ind .1 '111~1 I' .1 llln\l'l lt.'d .Id \!I\ I hn ·, c· 11\t•cl n rn 1n11m1\lat111n l.1t llt lhl'\ 1.111 th111I. ell ... <l IJI II h.i' \\orl..,d 111· ,111pl11\1°l' r Jrn dr1' t•rc, h:l\ {" ro\\t'd th1 lllt l..t•t hill'' IP 11•t11r11 In th11r t""' "'''" thl 1 rt•,111 tin~ 1h,· h.1 1111.11 111 th• bttJrJ 'im11h \;thl ••I lh\ r\·t1rin11 \llfl\'1 \ \I f "'11111.., h\1nt11w1ni.in\•1ith rt pl.1.nl \1.1\h..' hl· \\,1111' I•• 1.r~t· 1'1•n h<1d1 ''1th him t...1·11h 111,l\t1·<l th•· d\l111n d1dn t 11w.1n '''11..1111.t d111l'r\ ''l'n' hl'rnti. l1fl'1I 'ht \JIJ lhl \IJIU\ 111 \lrtl.tn~ d1t\t'l\\\h11rt•t111m·daltc11hrl~1. :~ d1'.Hlltnt "1111ld lkfl\'nd on thrC'r f.11111r' ho\\ mJn~ ulml' hat I.. hi'\\ IPleHe .ee DRIVERS/ A2) United Way comes up short, plans cuts HB council OKs fire station sale B> LAl\CE 1(,1'01\ oc -Oellt ,.... ..... .- I ht• f )r,111~•1· < ounl\ l 111tnl "a~ l'i 1'\fll.'\ tnl 111 •lit d1111.11111n' 111 t1' I~ l attcn,11.·' h\ .1111.",1'1 Ill llt'fll'nt 1n the llr\I h,111 ell ti' lll'\I fi'i(.iil H'ar hl'11nn1ni fan I l'hc· dt't l\ron '' .1 1t''11lt nt lhl• .111·nn ·, 111.1l,1ht\ 1<1 f\'tll h th!\ H'<ll ' fl.1fld r.ll\111g yo.ti 111 SI'' 1ntlh11n T hr \lo"dnw n 111 i111n.1tu111' " Ix in11- hl11mt"d on .1 'hak\ "" .11 t'<. ononn :and a .,..,1nd.1l t't11li1.•1 1h1' \t'.11 1n\uh "'ll thr I 11\ \n~·1 k\ I 1111,·d \\ ·" "1Th1.· '>lJndJll h.1<. ~lH'n penpk an 1.'\i:U\<.' tor not I.ti' 1ng · 'ill•d Mc:mtt 1 lohn,.on. prl'\ld1.•nt of Orang<.'< uont\ l n1tcd \.\a.,. ·trl\ intt t' \u1.h a ftaa1k 1.·,~m·nll' "t. didn't nt'l'd th\• ntra l'l.ld PR c puhhl rt·lat11'n'1 It 11.as lcJtnl·d c.uhl'r th1., H'Jr 1hu1 s '\OCJ noo Ill lti.tll\ \.\l.'ll' ni.1d1. lo fi, (' I o\ \ngt'k' I n11cd \\.11\ offiunl\ hcg1nn1np 1n 14~11 ~1JO\ nt lhr ln;\n\ wt•rc tntl'rt"\I lrct• Rul Juhn,011 ,,llll tht• l o'i \nttdt.'' an1.I Or.1ng1.· C 1'lml\ , haptl'r' lift" "''fl;ltatc .1nd lh.Jt tht 1n11dt•nt 1n l u\ \nttdl'' "h:ad noth1n1110 ctn \\Ith U\ \\t• ha,1.• a p11h1 ~ Jg..'lin'it" mal..1ne, lo.in' to 11~n11a11on mt'mhc.-r' Johnc;on \a1d corporate la,off\ re\truc tunn[l an<l mcrger<t al~l af ft't. tt.•d d\inat1on' l n11C'd \\.a, f't'- \<'l'l'' ahout 21 pc"rn•nt of''' Jona 11onc, lrom rorp<'lrat1on' and 'O tlt'hcnt frnm f>3\mll dcduttmn pl.Jn' .mt! I" t'\ lh<' mom•\ IO 'anou' 1•harnahk and non-(lf'olit nrg.an11a 11on\ f rn 1n,1.1nt1' donation\ Imm pa\ 1t1ll lkd111.11nn' al I luor c orp -one ol th1• l;11gl''it \pon\or\Clf l n1\C'd Wa\ It'll f1om ~I fl m11linn tn IQR110 \;!WI 0(10 thl\ \l',lf ·· l h.11\ .1'tu11nd111a It tl'nl'd' "hJt th.1t u1111p.1n' h.I\ ~\l0t' thr1111ti.h · "1td luhn\1111 "hn 1 ommc:ndt•1.I lh' lllln paO\ 1111 11' 'Ul)~irt Jc,p11r m11"" l IJ\ nth l nllt•d \\. ·'' .ll\11111\t S4fl ll(ltl lrrnl1 p,\Holl r1·dul t11m l'l,1n\ w hrn ( 11'mu1 ,11\111111ntrd 11' l 1<1'111\' lohn"1n ,,lid T ht "\int ( (\ ,11111th1•1 l.Hj\l' I 1111~\I \\ ·" d11n111 1111 u111'M11.H1· ~111, h\ \ '' 1ic M 1 .ind JI.I' rnll lkdut t11in' kll 1111 '" I" 1 icr "ml l'a1111~ \1:mann I n11c.I \\ .n \pole,ni.1n I hr I 1' 1n1• I 11 ·'''" h.1 ... h.ht \nmt• '·'' 1111' lhl' •Ultl.11°1.. "htlh \\Ill !)\ ,Ill· n1111mC'd Thu~a' mnrn1ng .11 I 1111 l·~t V.. a~ headquJn1'r' 1n ( 1,111kn < •f<I\(' will hr lhl' \t'tontl thl\ q-.ar l hr nrgan11at11'n rt"1hn<'d ti' \.Inna tlllO\ 1t1 1(\ J!ll'nt ll'' tt\ ~1 ' l'l\'rt t'OI 1n I uh I nttl I'll\\ h1111.\''l"' t lr.tng1 < 1Htnt\ l n11nl \\ ,,, had h<1·n thr IJ\11'\t riruw 1n~ l ha rte r 1n 1h1· 1111111 tf\ J IOOl l1J '\ 111 (<l'' d1111,1llt11l\ tlrl'I!. "'' .t.i'\ IX'Hl'nt -..11i1 lud' T 11·,1 ( ln11cd \\ .t, 'flOk<''"""';'n U\ ROBt;RT BAR" ER Of IM 0.-, ,..... I t_.. llun11n11ton ~\tlh < 11' I t•Unlil nwmh..·" ·' l'I" •" nl t hl' '4lk ol the l11rm<'r I .11..r \tr1·\'f ftrt• \tatmn lc11 I h mlllro11 Ill t.lt•\elOJll'r John T 1ll11t,n11 1,n \1nnJa, dt"'lp11c l!llrJil 111>11' ••I 1rl1profmc111:'' in the h1ddtnll 'r11. h l'll'~ ll'J ( uum 1lm<1n We\ lt111n"tl't -.aid 1hcn· otpJll•art'd tu he \Cf\ \tflOU\ dt'l('!('Jl;JnttC\"' In th(' P••~," .inti a\l\'.tl the< 11\ < nunr1l - ''t1 n11 " tht• r1t\ ·., R~dl.'\rlopmi:n1 (Pleaae .e rta.£/A21 i lli ~ t, t • A2 * Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Tuesday. December 16. 1986 IMMUNITY ASKED FOR EX-AIDES ... From A l i:dwtn l\kN' Ill said on Nov. 25. when the White House unnounc:ed the Jcp•.trture of thl' pair. North and Poindc'ltcr haH' 1ead- fa ti) rtfu~d to l~!>ltf) before rnn- grc 1onal 1nH~s11gaters. u11ng their con'itllut1onal guarantee-\ against ~lf- ~nmanauon .-\nnounnng Reagan"• appeal at a ha\l11\ l"alkd. na110nall\ broadcast briefing for reponers. Spcak<.'s said the president had decided aga1mt summoning Poindexter ond Nonh to the Oval Office and demanding the~ d1 vulgl' all the) kno". a!> some mcmt>1:r<. of Congrc.,., ha\ e urgl'd, "I 1h1nl the prc\ltknt "ould '>Uh- JCC't h1m'lcll 1ocr111c1sm 1thc lollov.t'd that <.'ou~ ofac11on." \pcat..c .. ..aid In 1ssumg tht• pfl'\1<kn11al "1atl'- mcnt pcal t"> "aid 11 ,., "'thl' Jlrt''>I· dent\ dcsin: w ha\l' thl' full '>h.lr\ about Iran comc uul nt1\\ thl' alkgl•d tran•.fl·r of runt!<. ..,,, "' tl:.tnl 31.'· rnunl!> .. l'H'r)thrng." 8cs1dl·~ ~\cahng Reagan's tnll'n- 11on lo usi... u rnngn.'\'>tonal panel to grant llnutcd 1mmumt). thr Whitt Houst' announn'll thc rc!i1gnauons of t\\O mofl' N'i<. 'itaff mcm~rs as pan of a sh.11>..cup b' R capn's newl) named national secum > ad\1ser. frank ( arlucca \~ho as to become Poindntcr'!> pt•rmanent successor 1n earl} Januar) One departing o tlirn1l 1!> Howard Teicher. director of pohttcal-milital) affairs for th<.' NSC. who I!> dcscrabcd as an arch1tet l of the stcrct plan to sell arms Ill I ran T l'IChl'f. who also \\ a'i \chcJulcd 10 ll''>llf\ bcforc tht Senate 1ntdllitcncc panel ·ruesda~ '' re~1gn­ mg cfkct1\ l' in ~a rl h Thl' other ·~ Rl)(jnl'\ B McDamt'I thl' "'-=S( ~., l'\ClUllH' 'etrctal'"\. One '11urn>. \\ho <,pokl· onh on cond1t10n that hl' not he 1dl·n11fkd. -.a1J most of the NM ·., nrnk'>'>•onal '>ta ff of about 4iChpc1.1all\h "ould be rcpla1:t'J 111 thc rnmtng month\, stanang with acting national ~cu rm ad' 1ser A.hon 1'.ed In other dc,clopmenh • ( I.\ Dirl'l·tor "allaam J ( a~c) "-U'> Jewribl·J a~ alert und 1n \tnblc lund111on at (1eorgetown nl\ers1t) Hosp1tnl here after sufTenng a minor brntn !>Ct1ure Monda). on the ne of 'lhl'duled tes11mon\ before the 'icn- atc lntcllagence ( ommattec. Case) 's dtx·tor\ 'atd he ~ufTercd a !ICCond scirurt' \1.h1k undergoing ll'\ts at the hO'ip1tal < I.\ ollicials said Monda' that ( U\l'\ appa1en1h v.a<; ~uflcnrig )Ide l'llcl I\ Imm a l hangl· 1n med1l·at1on Durl·nhl'rgcr \aad he hopt<d ( a'iC\ \\UUld tx· \\(.'11 l·nough to ICSlll\ h~ lhl' l'lld ol th1~ "l'<.'l Onofre worker e)fposed to radi ti on •O.,Cl r1.•1an or ~late l 1l't>1gc p O.,huh1 1ntcn IC\\ Cd o n ago,l·rnmt•nt- '>PUn'lored tekl'3'>1 to Europe. ruled out arn furthl·r l l.~. arm~ sale' 10 Iran \\h1rh h<.' pn,atl'I} oppoSA:d 1n pi't\I d"cu"111n' ''''h Reagan and v.h1ch \\erl' ramed oul largt•I\ "11hout thl' pan1upat1un o f thl' ~talc l.kpartmt•nt \.\' O'OFRf I \Pl -\ mat'h111- l\t at "ian Onofrl· nudl'Jr ptmn plant ma\ ha\ e bct:n n.pO'>l'd 1n um· month ''-' ll1llrl" than 2-i lllllt'\ the rx·rml'>'>lhll· ll'H'I lll rJd1a1111n tor a thrn·-mnnth Jll:rlW ~outhern < ahtorn1.1 hh,011 ( 0 ..... , .. hl1'\on ''htlh 0''"' .," fll'rn·nt nl thl' plant and 1~ 1h opt•rator ""4 J\tllnda\ thl· 1nndl'nl h,1., ~l·n n·- polll'd tu thl' l. !)_ :\udl·a1 Rl.'gu- latof\ t 11mm1~s1un .111J '' hc1ng in \l''llg.a led I ht· po'>'1hk ra<l1at1on O\l'r- l"\Po'>un.' '>hll\\l·J up dunng d labora- lllr\ an.11\'\1s ol a radia11on-de1ec11on nng"11rnh\ 1ht'\'urka thecompan\ <.aid. It 111<l1l.1lt'd tht• "nrt..a\ hand ma' haH' been npo~cd IU 512 rcnh of rad1.ltlo'n' h•dcral rt·gula11om hm11 rnd1a11on C\po<,un• 111 a hand or other e\trClllll\ tu I Ii 7 5 n:rm an 1hrcl' months · "PcrhaP\ lll1l' k!>)on or th" Iran prnhkm .. \hull1..a1d. ··,,that that\ a ra'>t" "hl'fl' a p1t·\·1. uf foreign pohl ~ \\J) adm1n11,tnl·d dsc"here and 11 \\ould ha\e tx·en beuer 1f1t had been tn normal channt'ls. in m~ op1n1on." •In Tok\ll former Justice Mmas- ll'r \t..1rn I lawno \aid Japan secretl~ "'nl an \'tl\O\ to Iran and rr•a 1n .\ugust J 985 in an effort to gain the rt•k.N' of ·\mt·ncan hostage<, held 111 I dlanon b\ pro-Iranian e\tremast<. FIRE STATION SOLD TO DEVELOPER ... From Al .\gl'nl \ -to pul lh\ 'ak 011 h11ld 101 a month tor fl'""\_ilua111111 ln\ll'Jd lhl0 lUUT1t ii' lllnJ h-l 111 'ell thl' 2 ~-3lTl' ..... l. <HI l J~t· 0.,1rn·1. IV.II hl0tl..' lwm the tll"l'.ln 111 Hl-.1thh11n1 ( on\lr ut 1111n C 11 hl'.llkd ti\ [illol\lln .ind p.inrwr 1{1,i.. ktknt·, Thl· Jndofll'r.. \\ill hutld 011 ..,pan"h-\1nltlnr.inl·Jn 't\k .apart· nll'n!' J\ .1 p.an lll thl" l ll\ ., Ju\\ ntu'' n rl·lk\ d11pml'llt l'llurh (II\ ~Jn11n ... 11.tllil l h.1rk' fh11mp,1111 Jt·kndt·d tht· "'lnt111n 111 [ 11lubun '> 1.om1w1' ,lc1111HO!! II \\llUld p111\ 1dl.' J qu,1J1t\ lllO\lfUl 111111 th.11 "ill hnng 1hr Ut\ a grl·atn tJ\ rl·t urn in 1 hl· long ll'rm l hvmp-.vn d.i1ml'd 1ha1 H.in- n"1.r\ .ilkga1111m l>I 1mpropru.·11e'> \\ t'rl' ll llj U\ll fil•d ·· 1 hl' pron•..,.., \\a'> 11rx·n and J udgl·d • 1H1tl1et11 \ l'h J'> th1\ kind ofthtng "111 ,1 llm\ .. hl' \,llll I 1llo1,on told 11t1it:1al\ that thl· apartment\ \\ h1l h "'all rent Imm $\~ll 111 }-111110 ,1 m11n1h \\Ill haH' .i '.ilul 111 ,J,~hth nl<Hl' than S., m1ll1un · \ 11 nl u' I h1dlil'f'> I llnd1•r\tou<l th.it 1h1:' f'ftt't' \\~not thC' mam cono;1ctcr· a 1111n. T dh 11 \on '-Jld '"One of lht• great lartof' "a' till' pn>Jl'tl 1l<telf'" Hann1 .. 1n l la1m1ng that h1ddl'r~ "erl' .. ow.treated." alleged that l illot~on "-3'> allm\Cd 10 change has hid alli:r lhl· <tchedulcd clo!.111g dt·ad- linr 111 Marrh . I le al\o \a1d that berau~r otht•r lOmpan1l'~ hid higher prtlCS he "a' lllOlerned that re!.1den1s (theorc11- lalh thl' ov. ner<:> of the pubhl pafll'll ··arl' not getting the bc'>t dollar lnr thl'lr prorx·n' · "1ll1am ( arlson attnrne~for ol- lit 1al' tll thl' ~tcllreLht lo.. ~1J 'tl·llrn ht "3'> v. 1ll1ng to pa~ SI l\ m1ll1on ltir the propert) -$200 ()()(1 murl· 1h,1n lhl' "1nn1ng bid DRIVERS PROTEST HIRINGS ... From Al !TI.JO\ [k'fm.tnl'nt r,·plJtl'lll<'lll' h,1\ l' ht'l'n hirl'd and ,1.·n1unt' O.,hl -..i1J the dl'trt1t\\,1111'11' union Jn\ t'r\ ti.it i... on tht· Jllb 8u1h '>1J1·, '>.lid nu m11rt• talk' are 'l hcJukll · Tht· llll'uLJlcirlalkd Jnd J\kt•d JI 11 \\11uld hl' proJul II\ I.' lor him to l"OO\l' h.1d .• 1nJ hnth \ldl'' 'JIU no· ~m1th , .. 1d I ht nu.:cha\or latlt>d h1 h1 Ill@. the unmn .111d d1,tnll ;in\ d11'4. r 111 an ,11?1n m, nt du11ng IJH,, (J,I \\t'l'lo.l'nd "l'lth \JIJ thl' dt,tflt l llltl'lld\ lo 'tand h' 11\ t°inJI olkr ·I hl· d1'itno ha" an ohhg.1t11111 111 !ht· puhlit lu lht' l.l\PJ\l'r\ ,h,· \JIJ l hl· 'l11~1ng hu' Jn\l'" ,i(,o .irt ,1\\,11t1ng \\11rd un J "mpa!ll\ \lr1l..l "' 2 \ti mnhJna' .ind m,11ntt•n::incl' \\<lf~t·r, 111 tht· l l-.1111'tt·r<, l n11111 lol.11 11'2 Hua till" 'r ·•I un111n " \\J1t1ng tu1 ix·rm1~\lllll Imm II' JOll11 u>Unl ii Ill honor thl' ''rr~t· and "alt.. oil lht• JOh 1 hl' JOIOI UlUlll I( I\ l'ktting Ol'" llllit·er'> toda\ "h1th "Ill dela' a d1x 1'i1on nn the ... -..mpalh\ '>lrikl' .., rn 11 h ..,,ml OCT D otfo 1al\ <,aid that \l10uld thl' T camstl·rs honor the dn \l'f\ • stnke. .,uper-..1.,or' \\Ill 1.1~l' 0\1.'r thl'rr Jobs. ·"!ht·~ ha\t' lhl· dn\ ing dutll'' ln the meanl1mc. the d1stncl will (onttnUl' IO offer hm11ed \Cf\ ICl' during thl' \\t'l I.. on I l 111 "'<;\mull"' "l'lth \Jld -\\ mnrt• Uri\ t'r' fl'!Urn -or arl' rqllalcd -lhl' dt,lflll \\Ill IOlfl'J!>\." '>l'f\ 1u.: on thll'>t' I "l ~ma1nr route<, Ix· lure n·orx·n 1 ng 111 hl'r 1 oll ll'' I he '>lnlr h\.·gan Dt•t )I and '1randnl 11 ~ OOil lU\ltlllll'r' JX'r da~ \\Ith II\ limlll'd 'Cf\ Ill' thl' J"lrtl I I\ kl'r\ 1ng It''' than 2'dl011 ridn' per Ja~ ·-· • • Day9 BUS DRIVERS FACE BLEAK CHRISTMAS ... From Al ""'"' t ".ir n 111g th,11 11 "ii I '"or' IX'g1 n hmng rx•rmanl'nl rq1f.1u·nH·rt1' l11r 1h1 '1r1~1ng dn't'r' 111uld nw.1n thl· 111" 11t IH·r 111h < nlht•rt 'J1d \hl '' lut ~ll'r th.in 111,10\ drl\l'f' fkr hu,hand "\l.Od.- 111!! ''' 1hn ha\l' JI ka,1 11nl '>lt'J1h 1nlllllll" t11 'urron .1 thdd 111 P•flt'!!l' ,ind .1nnthn 111 high <.t h1111I 'nnthde" \,1n!.il l.1U\\\1111 °!ll( !!l nl'lllU\ thl' \l",tf .. , d1 n 1 ~n11" ,,11,11 "l' a·~"'">! 1 .. 1111 .1h11ul I 111 "1111." ,111· ,,ml ·1 h,I\ ( n I I \ <'II lo11~nl .11 •• ' Ill l\lrll." !In' "\J\ "I"' l.1lt1\\ \\\ d11t1'l h<l\l' ,10\ mnfh'\ 11·,11·11ng II• bl' h.ird hilt "t•'il ln.11..t II 'illlll'hCI\\ . R<inlt .rnd l1k 111<•mhrr' lrlt"I 1lw11 Jc.tdl'I\ ,111d ,tgll'l thl' dl\lrll I \l'l 111' ticnl on dl''lrm ing thl' un11111 I Ill'\ In 1 tlw puhltt "1111,11\101 llll'd Jh11111 1lw "'111·, \l'I lhl'\ nn·d tht• p11hl11 ' 'lll'I"'' I 111 pr~'"tlrl· lhl' dl\tflll \h I l111cd '' hn 111an1wd pa lt·t 1111\"' fl\l lolf' ,1~11 \\hl'll lhl' un1111l '·'" \\ .dlnt (I 11 ,,11d I ht• "'lll'' .. n· d1lkn·n1 .111d mml' important - th" llml' I '' l' h.11.J '" m.111\ 1wnpk ,1,i.. ml' hll\\ m11d1 mnnn "l" n· ,1,kin~· lt11 .. hl' 'Jtd "'J 1 ' 1101 l11r mOnl'\ 11 ' f111 111h \l'l U fl I\ 'II \\l' \\l'fl" 111 \1~11 1111\\ \.\l' \\OUJdn"t h,1\t' J Jllh Ill \ \CJf'I (lht• p111r11'>l'd kn~tli 111 1lw 1•>ntrat11 r hn II \Uht11ntr.1~1 1111110 lhl· Pfl\Jll' "-'l ll>r and rl·pt.lll' '" '' 11h pJrt 11me dn,cr~. < )tht•r lln111n mt 111lx·r' .1grll' \\J8l'\ aren·1 .1 rriml 1"Lll I hn 11ppo<.t' lht• d1111nct°\ mo\ l 111 l.irm 1m n't1'>lng wort.. out 1<1 thl' flll\ Jll' 'l'l lnr In htrl' • MAIN OFFICE ~· I ~ •.•t VOL. n , NO. 350 , •• • • , ++· • n111n· p.1n tinw ,lnH'r' .i nd 111rl"\1~c pl>hl \ on J h'l'lll l"\ I hl'\ .il,11 11rp11w rl·dul t111n or d1mina1111n 111 mt•thlal and dl'ntal ht·nl"lil' \\hl'll tJrl't'r l'Olflhl\l'l" rr 11n· '".\round \llUf hO' 1' \\hl'n \ou rt·Jll) \!art 1wl·d111~ ml·d1l.il tx·m·rit, . \<11d l rnl"'' l11111rx:r · 11 \llU0\l ht·l n \\II h thl' \ 11mpam ~' \l".lr\ \IHI ll'.Jlh d11n 1 "·'"' ,1 pl.1q11t· 111 put 11n tin \\ .1 ll In l:tl t \110!1' l'rllplt1H"r\ th111~ lhl d1,111lt dnt,n't ,,111· 11111d1 1111 llH·11 ''l'llart at all I d 1u'1 Ilk\ 111 l/.l"I m1m· re,pel t Imm the lump.in~ ·· Md lmrel '>aid · ~ r dn\l· 'ill t 1110 m1k<. a \ear .ind gel .1 li11k pa1th T\t h.1d l\' \l""' of pi:rlnt ,,tit· drr' 1ng Jnd I d•lll I kl'i I ti.t'l 01111 h lrcJ11 lor11 \1Jrk ,..,1rik1ngdrl\l'I \\huJed1n- nl 111 g1' l" 111, IJ" n,111w .,,11d lw t \fk't ll"ll It> ht· 111ld \\ha! lo dn \\ hl'll hl "J' 111 till' \.IJnnl'' But 111 tht l I\ 1la.in \t'l 1111 hl 1h1nl.' hoth 'ldl'' 'hould ht ahk lo .tprn· on \\111~111g lOOdlllOO'> .. , n I ht: t..O, and "'(I' I he) lll'g.O llJlt'd.°" ht• \Uld ··1n till' Xfh 11°\ hll\l that mug. be ,1 KJmbo ·· Dr"cr' ht·l1t'\t' tht'' h.1\1 1hr puhl1t ·, 'uppoll dnp1tt' 11\ l 11n1u,10n 11\ l.'I I hl' l\\lll'' ·· \110 .. 11~ all ot rn~ pa\\cngn' 'uppor1 me." Hoorx·r 'aad lk <otT' lllan\ ol lhl·m rt•gularh on the 'lfl'l'I \\ailing for rides -hut n111 on tht: lirmtcd O< TO bu.,e<; · \ 101111 m\ na,,t·ngc" "11n°l l'' t'n nde thl· hu'e' rf the' tan J\Old 11 ·· I looper .,aid "Once~ ou 'tart dm 1ng and gt·I to J..now the pa'l'll'ngl'f'i the\ WE'RE LISTENING "~~~ - \.Unlc tu J1.. pend on ~ou 10 ht-on ltmt• JOJ .Jfl\ l' <,afcl) .°" ..,tnl1ng.dmcr...don'1 bchnc pa\.,- l'll[Ll"" "'tll tx· atlle to dl.'pend cm nt'\\ dr" rr.. II thr dl\tnu rarrtl'" out ''' thtl·,1t to n•pl,1n· thl'm I hn ,,,\ thl' di\ trill "all put nt \\ll>llll'r' through a quick tr:11n1ng rrngram I<> gl·t mun· hU\l'\ hall>.. onto I hl \I rl'l"l\ Prt "' \11110 thl·~ ·11beJU\t111..l' the f{ I I> tin I O\ \ngl'il'\ < ounl~) ·· \Jtd \ 1.11 t.. J lornwr f{ T D d rn er ·· \ 101 1)) ,ll l Ilk"'' \11d "'h1k \1ukntl' ha'> tx·l·n J\111lkJ '"tar drl\l'r' dnn·1 kno " 11 that \\ill l;l\t .. \.\ 1· h,1\ l'n·1 h.ad 11 \l.'I. hul that"!> not \il\111~ 11 \\1111·1 hap·rx·n" llunpc1 ,,11d I Im " lll'>I a couple ul wn·k-. do" n thr ro.1d \.\ hl·n fll'uf)lc rt·alh h,1\l·thnrhalk'J[LUtn'>l the"all v.11h till' h1ll t11llnh11'> t..nnlk1ng on thl'll d1111r' 11 111u Id haprx·n \.\ t 1 .1 n on h h11rx· 11 drn:\n t uimt· t11 that hr'•'"' \Im! v.11ulu preln tn ht· back on the 111,ld ,1n\ \\,1\ "") jU\I \\l\h 11 \\OU(d gl'\ 11\l'I \I.Ith·• ,,,Ill Ola tollwn ·I'd hlct' to g11 had, ftl\\1111.. "I n· ,I) I\ kl'I 'or" lor I hl' ddt•rl\ dur•n[L ;ill 1h1' fhe ~cn1or ut11t·n-. u111·1 [Ll'I an~"'ht'rt' •\nd then•\ no tran .. pnrtat1<1n for tht• hand1rapped '\\hat "l' rcall\ m·ed "the puhltc·., '>Uppon 1 hn should "ntl' ktt<..·r<,. lall thl· d1<.trill · In tht· mran11ml' \lrtkcr., HI\\ thl'\ ·11 ,1,ind h\ thnr union .. r hl'\ re 1r~·1ng lo hust our union," '"'d Brtll'' "\\c0 \C got to \lll k lll[Ll'tht•r ·· Delly Piiot Dell very la GuerentMd Justcall 642-6086 \\hat do \-OU ltkc about the Dail) Pilot" What don't you like'> (all the number above and )our mes\age wall be recorded, transcnbcd and de- livered to the appropnale editor 1 he \amc 24-hour answcnng ~rvu:e ma} ~ u~d to record lcttC'r\ to the editor on an) topic Contnbutors to our l C'ttC'rs column mu\t include their name and telephone number tor "enlica11on Tells us what\ on vour mind Clrculetlon T•l•phon•• """'' ')r •"19" r.C'~lf\f,. ..... MJ-4»:1 .. Rain still looms on the horiz on A Pacific; etorm moving-clOMr to the coast threelened 10 droP rain throughoul Southern Calllornla overnight and travelers were adv!Md to •xpect snow above 6.500 feet Olmln1st1lng cloud• and showers are forecast for all areas Wed,,.aday, with daytime temperatures expected In the 50s and 60• along the cout and In lhe deMf1s and inland vali.yt Along lhe Orange Coast there wilt be diminishing clouds and showers tonight Partly cloudy Wednesday morning becoming mo5Uy sunny and e llttle watmer Wednesday afternoon High.I at the beaches in the up1>41r 501 to mld-60s. Lows tonight In the upper •Os to · mtd-501. High• In the valleys Wednesday In the up1>41r 50s to mld-601. Lows tonight In the mld-40s to lower 50s From Point Conception to the Melllcan Border Inner water•· Variable wind leH than 10 knots with 2-1001 seas later tonight with winds becoming southwest 15 knots Wednesday ilfternoon Four 10 sill-foot westerly swell wtth occasional 5 to 8 loot breakers on west lacing beaches d1m1nish1ng Wednesday ~-...... ~J J7 U,S . T emps -o.~ ~ ~J -Yot1..C•ly 41 )t 0to1-..aC11y •• •8 HI lo Omat1• 3~ l~ Sl\OWt ll Albuq-Q\ltl 51 " Phlladell>ll•• ,, 11 Calif. Temps. Surf Report AncN>flQ9 44 34 Pr.o.n<• 72 SJ Atlant• 58 41 1>111aour11t1 43 16 Allan tie City 49 32 P04'tlln<I Mlllne 52 28 42 t~ LOCATIQM tlZl t HAI'« Belllmore P0ttlalld 01• 41 28 ~·hgh IOW 1or '1• nouf 1 endtnQ at ~ I tn l-4unltllgl(l(I BHcn 2 s .... 81tm•ngriam 56 39 29 R:t' sv e ... .,,,,ei.., se l6 R1•"' Jolly Ne .. po<I 1 1 pocl' llolM )7 10 R Clly 51 24 Euret.a 61 •U 401t1 Sl•Ml ~' I 2 POOt eo11on 43 31 R...o 46 16 Fresno 61 )8 22nd $1t .. I Newl>O'I I 2 poof 8uff110 J8 J4 SI lOUli 49 •3 81MboaWedgo l POOi lot Angooo1 68 54 Cr.11 ... ton S C ~4 50 S1U laka C•I~ 38 10 0••11no •e •0 t~uN&..cn I 4 poof CllW1191on W VI 50 25 66 51 S11> An1ono0 P190 Rol>'4!& 62 )J SanC-te 1 3 .... Cl\allone N C 58 33 s..11 .. 5) .. A.a 81Ulf ~5 '° Wll• 1.,..11 61 CNC41QO ,, l• Spohno 35 25 Aeel-000 C·•• 52 •l s ..... d tee; hon WH! Soult--1 C<nc:>nn111 •8 2B SY'.cu .. )I 35 $<1(;(1mon\o H 44 Clew4.,.., 45 19 , .,.,p. SI Pl• •bQ 19 !oO Sa<inu 00 41 eoium-On<O •S n •e 38 Smog Report r_... S...00..,0 66 54 Oellal·Fl WCl'tt\ 54 48 Tucaon '1 '1 Sin f,af'CltGO ~) 50 Olylon •6 32 Tul .. •8 •6 S1oc01on •8 44 o.n-49 25 Wltt\•nQIOt\ 0 C 10 "41Q!I lo.. tor 1• l\Ovft •Nl•nq a• SP m POll<>tant t1111d.,o inGe• 1119'1 O 100 OM MOtneS 41 30 •9 •• QOOd 100 lOO -"'"' IOt _. ...... WICl\lla ""'* .., .... , bO 35 0.tlOll J8 22 lllrttOW '>6 n ~ 20().JOO ""'*""'"' l(lf ell. 17 OUMI\ JI Big S.a• tS 1' 300 500 nua.roous Ftrtt llQU<• .. El Paao 59 '' Tides B•tnoi> 51 11 lode)' t 11 .. I0<9G&St ~ond °' pttMOUI Erle 38 JI 61 Jll Cl•y t•ll••~P" 8fylM Felrban•• 33 IS Flagt11tt 47 14 TOOAY" C11111m 6.1 S4 s .. 1 s.acn 10 Maa.rtnu• Blvd 42 ~ Or•nO Rapoof 31 14 S.cond !(; .. J 47p"' 06 Longe .. ,,, 67 46 11 • ...-saoo1eoec;• 11••~1 •10 Honoluk> 85 7) Stoeond nogh 10 JJ D m )S Mon10• • 89 •O t aguna S.acn 4'110f9"tl) Mo.n1••~ 56 4' Hooa1on :.6 ~I WEONHO"'I' Ne•OOf 1 Bt;«;n 6• ~~ lo• • "QMS Aorporl ., . 1no11napo11a •9 3l Jecil-Mosa SI 49 Fwtl 10w 131 p no ·" Ot\,at•O 61 ·~ Jacto_v.I .. 63 54 ~ &!><lam 60 Pa•m SPMlQt 69 '>O Extended • • ·"J•"' 0 5 ..... .,.., . 68 •S ,,.,,_., •2 38 '°"' K.,....C1ty 47 42 s.cono h'9h 11 11 c. rn )~ R1 .. er..O. 67 44 San Beitnerd•f\O ba ,, Cn-.. ut ~• 0< ()OMt(IOe 1-.0.. l U lleQU 50 3A UweAoci. 41 44 5..., .. IS IOOa1 al • 4S I> m .. _ ~an G•1>1 ... 89 42 ~ 1....,..,.,. CINIW'Q Froaey SanJoH 59 •7 lOUilll'llle SI 38 'Nfld-•1 11 6 S? • "' anO Mia IQ•'" S.-.1a Ana 10 50 Suoor ano ,..,,,,., Sal.,,Oa) ••11;t'•'Y a14 46pm Memc>hn !>3 39 "-'"-HI •onds ~ WI lllO IO M..,...Beac,, TS 88 Moon ..... IOOly •• ' ~I! p m .... ~ant• C.tui )6 .. -~ l/\ufM,.y '""'"""Cl tnlO lllO f.-11 .... r 41 ll M•IW-.. 42 29 Weonetaar al 1 29 1 m ano ,.._ ~ n Y0"9m,te Wly 48 76 10. 11y Satutday l °""' "om '"° 601 10 Mpla St Paul 311 28 •tS~pm io-so. I ACTION SET ON DAY WORKER REPORT ... From Al "ort..rr<. meeting. 111 I 11111' Park and lllhl'r arl'J'> l vur dLS~cn.ung member\ ol lhl· p.1nl'I all.tl t..ed thl' iroup\ maJonl~ rcu,mnH'ndat1nn'>. 1nformall~ prt' l'nled to thl' lOUnul 1n NO\t•mhl'r and tendered an altNna11 \ l' report ;11med al n ddmg Co\W J\k~t of ilkgal 1mm1grants < ounnl member-. IJll'r d"m"'l'd thl· altl•rnatl\ e dutuml·nt "rtlll'n h\ Pat Dtllan. a~ ··rau\I ·· On '-1onda \. Dol.i n v. "' 111ld h\ Hall tu ka'c the m1lrophonl' tor a llcgrng that 1 ht· task furl l' "·" promoting illegal 1mm1gra11on Hall angnl~ callcJ tor dt~~cntcr~ tu mO\ e 110 thr 1mm1g.rat1on l\SUl'. and rnmplarnl·d that ··nl'V.\pafX'I"\ ~l'l'P hranging illegal., into (thl· da\ "ork.t't dilemma).·· >\no1her d"'l'nt1ng ta\~ fortl' member. °'''a Readd~. replied 1ha1 lhl' probkm "a'i the 'iaml· "-halt'\ er the l'uphcmr')m '"\\ e l.tn lllll thcm d,I\ v.orkt·r... "l can call tht'm illegal .alien\ \\l'\an l·all lhl'm "hate' l'r 'ou "ant 10 t"all thl·m \\l' ha\l' 10 deal \\tlh II and lalf II "hat 111'> ... \aid Readd' 'lhl''l' OJ\ "l>rkl'r'. ur "hall'\ er\ 011 \\J OI to lail them. "'II I'll' an \our ne1ghhorhood prett) '>lion ·· Kl''>Ldcn t., ll'!>l tfil·d that rx·oplt• Ml' nHl\ ing from arl·a<. ol \llUlh"('\I C mta \.1ei;a berau-,e ot thl' 111f1u, ol 00da\ "orker!> ... ··1 gre\' up tn th•'> to" n I'' l' '>l'Cn 11 1ktn1oratl' and 11· .. going w get "orS\' unle" "l' put a stop to 11 · Keadd' \Jld One council member at1r1bu1C'd thl· problem 10 '"ma~~ h>~tcna" created b) thl' federal lrnm1grat1on and Natural11alton Sen ice a' \\-ell a'> the mt•daa .\ne>tht•r council member 'laid tht• 1llq;JI 11n1111g1.1111 h.111k 'huuld ht· lought al lhl I \ hPrlkr .ind n111 1n 11t<ln-ttlt1a I u lrt"'> ( oun~ 1hH1111an \I.in llornhu, ~k '' hu mnde1.tll'd thl IJ'>~ 1<1rn· l'\ pl.11nl·J l.11t·1 1h.1t ( 11\tJ "1l'\a d<x:' 11111 h,1\ L' tlw kg.al authorll\ l(l entorlt' tl'dl'r.d 11111111~1.1111111 '""' I ll1\\\ \ l'r thl \11unul lan Ir~ to Ill•", 1 hl nH 1rl" t h.111 'I 1 "orkt>rs "h• 1 g.11h,·1 .11 .1 'ou1h,1dr par~ a., "l'll a-. ir1 lwnt 111 an .trl'J hamburger -.1and \\,lllllll! hH \\1111.. 'hl· 'did .. , Jon·1 ~'"'" that 1hal"'> an\ tl·al quntuin 1n ,in, htid) ·, mind a., 111 \\ hl·thl.'r 1hn .trl.' llkgal ur leg.ii · I lornbud.k ..a1<l '"It Jvc'>n't mat1t•r 11 1lll'\ an· purpk hlad or "hall'H'r l hl' prohlcm '' pe11rlt' arl' rongrt·µt 1ng llornbucklr and ( ounulman Or- ' ilk .\mtlurgl'\ v.ne appotnted 111 v. ork "1th nt} ~tall on 'ckcttng "hirh ot the task forC'C rl'lommcnd a1ton-. ""' ht.· U'l'J l hirnhulkll ,,11J lhl' llnal prnpo\JI\ '"II tx· hrou~hl tlad IJll'r "' thl' luff coun6T ... h\' \illJ \t11l1l' 111 lht fl'lllrlltTll'n· d.11111n' .trl· m1irl· Jttt'fltahk th.in 111hn\ Propn\JI\ lnr p11hrc 1t1 patrol lhl' .Hl"il nn loot .ind l11r the lit\ to use.· lh lll"\\\klll"I Ill rt·.irh d,J\ \\Orl..cr\ \\Ill prnh.1hh he in1pkmt•ntl'd I I um hut ~k ,,mt 'l'l'lltng lllllft" \IUJ\ .Ill \U[l.j!.l''· t111n' II• tn11\t' lhl• \\llfkl'f\ !11 a Jll<lfl' dl'\H,1tlk lt•1.11ion u'>t" 1h,· < lrangr ( 1•unl\ H uman Jh·l;it1on' C 11m- m1\\11ln ,,, .1 !!t1·ht.·1"t't·n l11r tht· ul) .iml ll'l' \ 1dt•o 1.1fll'' 111 edulalC' tht' \\ori..a, .lll11tJ1ng Ill I lornbutl..k Olhl't tl'u1mnwnda11on' .1n· prnnw1111~ l ul1ural ,1\\,11t·nr" u"nil l hurt ht'' .111d \lit I.JI g.rnup' 111 build rl'l.11111n' hl"l\\t'('l1 thl' ma111\trl'.1m l<>lllllH1111t\ Jnd lht d.t\ v.11rkn'> Jnd u-.rng thr \p,tnl\h meJ1a to '>pn·ad 1nh1rm.11111n on 1..11' la"" NEAR CRASH PROBE ... From Al l pnn 1Jnding lht• \1rt al p1lot liled .i \Crhal rqx111 "'hith mandated an f .\-'\LO\ l'\l1gal1on \It'\\ hour\ lal\"r 1 ht'rl· ";i, \Oml' qul·,1111n ronccrn 111g v. hethn ot not thl' p1l111 "a' g111ng Ill tile ,111 11fl1ual \Hllll'n rl'pon Part.. ':\Ill I ut·\J,1\ ho\\{'\l·r Part.. ,,11d h" 11llilC ha<l lX'l'n lU\l'O J\\UfJlllt''> th.it .1 V.rlltl'O rl'porl \\OUld be tiled lon,eqlll'nlh lhl· f \-\ ha\ 1111 poundl'<l all radilr and \Oil'\.' tran- ~Lnpu.. .a.nll 1., prou.'t't.ltnl! wrth "' 1n\ l'~lllWlllln l'.11~ ,,,1d l111d111g 111· ptl11t ol thl' rr1,,111· pl.1nl· m,I\ rnnl· d11t1111l1 . 111 .I ~'<••ld llllllll'll.'r Pl ll\",11 11lllf '"'' 1111· pil111\ ol tht· '111.dln pl.me' oll l t>l ll' ll 11111 II It'll II I It'd • l',lr~ ,,11J ''•"l .. 1 till 'l' 1h111~' haprx·n \11 la~t J 111 \11 11 q ll0'111111111~ ""hdhn II \\ii\ .1 t l "11.1 I 2 . I hr 1n'l''llg.1111111 "ill ht.· .11mt•J at Jl·tl·rn11n1111t at tlw "'" .itt· plJOl' "-3' \ 101;.111111! thl 10.:t" .. :.111,pa.u· r ... i.. ..,.,J "II 1lw < l "ll.1 "·'' hladl·d 111 a dlll"• 1111111h.11 \\nuld put 1t 1n thl· p.11h 11 th1• 111111'1 \ l,lft tht0ll0·, .1 fll""hk \ llll.1111111 1h,·tl' .. 1'.11 ~ '·"" The POSH Gift Guide Tweed \f>ort coat woven of a /earhen"'t!il(ht i:hetland won/. . . A perfect GUt id<'a O/fered in a mu/1i111d<' of shades. Perjecr }or the cool ~reathl'f ahead I • Cent lemen '14 Clot hin1it 46 Fashion l!,land, Nt>wpnrt HeA<'h (714 ) 640-8:t10 9 SllOPPllfG DAYS LBl'T UNTIL CllBISTMASI • I I .. •• FV Toastniasters plan celebration l he Podium Pro .. Toa\\mu~tcrs of Foun~1n Valle~ arc planning a festive d inner meeting Thur~a~ at 6 30 p.m at Nick's Restaurant o n Slater A\Cnue at Ward ~trcct 1n Fountain Valley .\rea Go"crnor Frank Mannino w11l 1n.stall new officers for the group. headed by President 8111 Moralt:<;. Other officers are ( artll Schmidt, educa- tional 'tct.• president: Joe Carrow. adm1n1strattvc 'ace pre'>tdent: Dave Apocada. o;.:cretary: Kc\ an M,(,inn. t1ca\urcr. and Mike Valentine. sergeant at arm<; I he Podium Pro\ meet on the tir<ot and 1h1rd Thur'ld8)' ol the month at 7 IS pm al Pac1tie Mutual< cntl·r l 716() Brookhur.,t ')1 ('all 775. 791 ~ or S 'n-41 XI< tor intorrnauon Compact discs at library \II lour hramhe'> ol tht• "Jcwpon Beach Public L.1hrar~ •IJC n11" knJ1ng wmpalt dt'>t\ for the true aud1oph1lc rhl' dl\I. lOfkl 111>0 \\h1t.:h 1nc:fudc<, cla\'.>Kal 1a11 Jnd rod, \Ch.·1.11on'> v.a\ made po<;111ble b\ a donation Imm lht• r ncnd\ of tht· "'ie"pon Beal.'.h Puhhl l thr;H\ l'atrnn-. art• llm11cd to tv.o d1<,c<, per \ 1\1 t Lung screenings slated Rt·\rnraton tart· pr.1r1111onnc. from M1!.\lon l ommun 11 ~ Howt1.il "111prm11lc lrt.~ lung funl'twn '><rt•cntng' fhur<,da' from I to 1 p.m at the ho,p11al'' I k<ihh I nt11rn1ill10n ( cntcr int he M 1<,s1on v lt'Jll \.1all '°l(<tlkd h) rq~l\tt'rt•d nur'>l'\ tht· hl·alth n·nll'r pro' Ill'\ lllt:rJturc un numcrou~ health lop1c.:\. ph\\1uan rl•kr1al and lrt·c blood rire\\ure dwd' HI Hopes to entertain f he 111 Ho pt·, a mu\lcal group Imm .\naht•trn "• I loix \t hool for thl· trainahle mentalh fl' larded '' 111 rm \l nt J ( hn\lma<. program tor lhl; ( 1la<,<. \1oun tarn Inn group lur ph\\1lall~ hanJ1tappcd adull' Thur.dd' JI 7 rm at tht• Rchah ln-;111utt· 111 "'ioutlwrn < ahh1rn1J 1n < >ran~w < hrl\llHJ\ (nol..ll'' and a ~th C''\thangl· '"II ~· ll'Jlurnl 11 thl' r;irt\ (;ill '142 _2\~ or' ''--24~1 1 1111 Jct.111, · Cataract group meets T lircl \11u1h nr.ingl C 11un1' rnidt "'' t un1n· K1 ng .ind J.tnl' R ' ndcr' ofr aguna H1JI, and I l·11 I Ill hol\l..1 of I I I mn "ill tx· !:(Uni '>pcal..cr<, JI I hur\d<i' ' mt'l'lln~ Pl tht• \.1Jdkhdt i.. \ alln (a tar.it t \upJlllll ( 1111up I ht• \('\\ton " pl.1nnnl Im \ '\(I r rn al lht• \1mpl\ ()d1uo11\ ( .ik 1n tht· Bani.. ul .\mt'flLJ hu1lll1ng 2 ''21 f>.l\t'o 1k \ ;iknna Laguna Hill'> I ht· ttroup I' .1 trct· ,1111111111111!\ \L'f' ltl' '>pon'>on:d h' thl' \JddkhJt k. \ .1llt•\ I \l ( t'llll'I .rnJ furthcr 1ntnrm.111nn '' 1' .11l.1hk .11 ''"I 4,,41 Financial seminar set I kkn \\ irth. prt \ttknt 111 \In um Finant 1JI l'l.tnn1ng "111 .1Jdfl''' the , urrcnt fl'1pulan1~ 111 I 1n.111l1a I rla 11' JI l h u l\J,n '' mt•t·tt ng 11! tht Bou/\ HH·,11...1.1,1 l 111 um I lw \t·\\11111 "111 Ii.; hl·kl al ~ 1f .1 m a I I ht• H1 •U/\ I< 1 IUjo!l' ( .1 h· i I 111 't'\\ port Hh d 'l'\\ !)( •rl lk.1 h ( .tit tl \. \JJI Int lt'\l'l 'I .1111111' .111d tu1tln•1 111 lnr ma 1111n French club plans fest I hr \ll1.1ll•t' ~ rJnlJt\t' ol (lrangl' ( 1111111' \till ll'khrall ( hll\lnl.1' \qlh II\ .11111u.tl pot lull.. dlnnl'I I rnJa, .11 ... l11 pm 1n lht• Hridgt· llJll ol tht• < 11nttrq1,11111nal I hurd1 \.l11 \t \nn' l>rt'lt I .1gun.1 Ht"h h \.kmbt·r' and ttllt'''' "111 prl·rart· I ht' tr cull nan 'ifX'Ct:l lt tl'~ lnr tht• ,('\ l'lll. or pa~ S~ JI thl.' door .\ hohtlJ\ ~111t1qut• "Ill he held wtth proceed!> going w tht' tt.roup\ \t hol,1r..lt1n fund Call "J h-llN"' Im inn' .11111n'I tll .1ddt1111nal tnlofmJllon Tuesday,Dec.16 • .., p 111 lninl' l 'n1hf'd School District Board or Edul'8lt0n I )l\lfll l \dm1nl\trJt111n { l'llll'( ... '"II Rari.1111.1 11.111 .. "·'' • h r Ill . Laguna Beach l tt} Counc•tl ( II\ < ounul ( ham~r-. '"' ( urc .. 1 \\l' • h lll p m Irvine CU} Council ( 11~ l 11unul ( h,1mh\·" I "'~Oil J,1mhort:l' Ru.1d W"ednesday,Dec.17 • ... \() p m Laguna Beach Parking. TraHic a nd Ci rculation Committee Laguna Bl·ach C 11~ Hall C nnfcrt•nce Room. )O'i I orc<ot .\'c • 7 lO p.m .. Laguna Beach Seismic Safe- ty/Disaster Committee. Laguna Reach Pohce Department Library. 'i05 Foreo;t .\vc PoucE Loe Or1nge Cout DAIL y PILOT /Tuesday. Oeoember 1e, 1988 * A3 Harbor lights up for boat parad1e It\ llmt· .. gain 1n Ne\\-pon Rea('h 10 d~'k the hull and hitht up the harbor More than 200 bo:u arc expected to panl(1P<1tr 1n the 68th annual Newpop tlarbor Christmas Boat Parade of L1ah1~. ~ h1ch bcain~ Wednc~a)' evening and run\ throuith Dec 23. The e"en1, ~pon ored by the Com- modor~.,· D1v1s1o n of the Newpon Harbor Area C hamtx.-r of Commerce. 1!1 the oldc~t and lar$CSI boat paradt 1n Southern C ahfornta. Grand marshal of the annual parade ts dnclopcr Wilham Lu.,i.. 'I thank 1h1., 1'> tht prellll.">I parade 1n the l n11ed ~talcs .. '>atd l u\k "Tht efTect of the hght., on the v.atc1 "ii s1gh1 ~ou'll ne\cr forget .. The holtda' parade '>larl'i n1gh1I~ at b \(J pm on C olhm l'>land in "c"port Harbor and conclude'> about 21 hour'> taters. The boill'> urtUmna ... 1ga1c the harbor 1n a rountcrd<x.K\\l\t' route tra,cltng past Harhor hland. Linda 1-.lc L'1do Isle Balboa Pcnan\ula Pirate's (me and Baltxrn hland hdorc rl'turning to < ollins Island < a\h pr11c'> 101.1ling S l. 50111.m· a"ar<ktl to tht• mmt rnlorlul boat\ ..\ '1c" 1nM \land ha\ hl·cn crcl tt•d b\ thl· Nl·"purt llafhor JaHCt:\ .:11 thl' ~a ~wut Bak on Paulit ( oa!ll ll1gh"a) adJat:ent lo the Halboa Bl:I\ ( luh Tho'>c w1,h1ng to use to .. 1untl'> \hould park al f-ord .\croo,pan· on Jamh<>rl'I.' Road ht·twl·en Bison and h1rJ road' h~ 'i lO p.m ·\ 'ihu11lc "-Ill be U'>l'd to tat..c Jll'Ofllc to thC' '1c .... 1ng 'itand. Thne "a S<i thargc for adult\ and S 1 for ( h1ldrl'll under I:! tor U\lng tht• \land\ r ll mal..t· rt'\t'r\Jl1on' l:Sll 644-67111 I ht· paraJt• t .an al'>u ht· \Cl'n lrom numcrctU\ 11 .. rhor rt"\laurant\ \Jtht dub'> and humn Route of the 68th annual Newport Harbor Chriatmaa Boat Parade of l:.igbta, which beglna Wednetld.ay. Kraft attorneys seeking year's delay B) P HIL . "'EIDERMAN Of!Mo.ly,....llefl .\ llornt·\\ tor Jl t u'nJ \Cr 1dl i.. Iller R.:ind' ~li...H.ll "'alt JP~.tr~ in '""<> Or.in~ ( tHllll' 111urtr11111n' \111ndJ) laumh1ng lhn1 hid It• r•l\lpollt' tht• murdt•r lrtal tor II p It• lllll' I till \ l .. 11 Hut p111\t'tUl11r' Jlt' arguing th.11 Kraft'\ ,11tu1 nn' h..iH' hJd \ldfo ll'nt time tu hu1ld llh·1r 1.klt'n\l' ""ll' llw tormt'r romputer ,upn\ultJnt \\,j' .11rl'\ll'J 1n Ma,. IQ8' I hl ll'tt.•il dlhJtt rt''>Uffil''I Wcdne'>da' 1n r l1.t11gl' I t•ullt\ \up1:rtor Court in \.\ C'>t· 111111\ll I "-rah" t ha1 ttnl \\•th '>IJ' ing It. mt•n .:ind """ 111 < >1.1ngt• < 11unl' ht·t"t't'n Ill"~ and 19t0 and prowtutor'> haq.· 1mplttatt·d him 1n :n 01hcr.l..1tl1ng~ Kraft's attornc>S °\a\ thn nccJ more 111ne hecau<;e of the rompln11' of the~ la~., -and the ma-,s of papc~orl.. .ind l'' 1dc.-ntt' that mu'>t he ft"' •c"'cd Dcft'nse la"'cro; al\o arc '>Ccking spatl' 1n the Orange Count' \hcnlT~ Dcpan- ment < n me Lah to an ah 1c material\ tollcctcd in thc Krah ta\C. Pro\Clutor\ ob;<...-ct to lhat propo..al .\rgumentc; to IX>'>tronr the huge l·a\l' ht-gan earl) Monda' hclort· 'iurcrlllr < uun ludgc J.:imc'> r urncr In \anta ·\na Hut Turner refcrrcJ lht· mailer 111 \upt·nof <t1urt JuJgl· lul\ C.mkna\ 1n \.\c\\· m1n\tl'r ( afdenas granted a 'le\l·n-m11nth trial dcla) tu Krah la\t \1a~ .\I that 11mc rclatl\ e'> of '1t 11m\ in thl' l.:t~: 1mnt•d 1mrn;wturLJIL JlliH.c.s.ung I.he pu...t• pm1men1 \ionda~ a!ternoon Dt•pul\ Dl\trll I .\llornn Jamc!> < hm1ngl·r argued 1n u1un that< ardcn.is mJ\ 11111 he tht· appmrn.:itt' Judge to rrcs1dr l>'I cf tht• lalnt m11111in f11f a postponement. \lon1ngl·r \aid a dt'U\lnn on "ht•thcr 10 f unht'f dcla' thl' la'>t' shuuld he h.:indlcd h' thc Judge \\ho ""I prt'\ldl mn tht "ralt tnal 1t'lelt ( Jrdcna\" nnt nrc1.kJ 11> he tha t 1udgc bcrnuSt: of h1'> cuun-appo1n1cd nik 1n Survey reveals most countians don 't understand school system n, (, .U-:A:\ t-:TTE A \lo. 'T O•llr 11111o1 COft .. Poftdenl \l•l\I I 11,lfl!!l.' ( <l,l\I '' h.i11I \UfX'I 1nll 11lknl\ l \l'lfl'\\nl llllll 'urp1 l\l \1un· t.la' h• .1 ,urq·\ 1h.11 'h11\\t0d 11111'1 pt·orlt- de1n·1 und1·r<,1.1nd tlw '' h1111l ,\\tcm < t1111m1"111nl'd II\ thr I lr.rnJ!!t' t nunt' I kp;trtnll'l'I 11! I dut.1tu1n tht• \Ur\l'\ ,1i1mt:d lh.11 1'11 pnu·nt 111 thu'>l' 1nll'I · \ ll \\\ d did 11111 l..1111\' lh,11 \lll~'rlflll'IHk°fll'­ ,11 \ Ill I h.11 n· nl Ii,. •• ·1 ,, 1111111 d "11",, I 11'111 l>t. l<1'nl th1111l'ht till' u1u111' 'llll\. f '"u" h.1d .1 h,1nd 111 1un11ing till' '>lh11111' .!llJ -l tl\. IH Ill hdtl \ l'lf OlJ\llf\ \\t'll' 111 tht.. l h.1111 ol lllllllllJIHI ''"'' ad1n1nl\1f 11t•1 .. r111r1hutt•<l tht• H'- ' 1lt' 11• dt'\ linam• l't1101llnh 111' I lnh 21 1 f'l.ll <'lll 111 lht 1.111 ii n n llranl!t' < <1t1lll\ h.l'I t d 1ddr1•n ,,11d K11l'lt rt l'l tll '"" Ill\' 1111 ''' h1111I '"r' r111tt llcll'nl \\ .1 ft'\lllt \jn,l l\llf \1,\ I lt\fltllllklll\ dul 11111 h,1,, , h1ld1l'l1 111 "hnul \.lid l'l'll ..... ,, l\·11pk \\ hn dun"t h.l\l' d1illlrt"ll 111 '' hnnl ll'lld 111 ht' 11nh f)('rtl1llt'1.1lh 1111nntl'd tn tlw \t h11111' ,,11d Ruh1:n I lng_1Jm 'UP\ 1111ll 1\\kn1 ,,J 1lw I 1111111.110 \ .11lt'I \, hcml I )l\llll l \l\11 tlw t.11. '" nl 1111t1rm.1111111 .1b1111l 't h11111\ ll'lll" t11hr1111 llh .ll h1n t'llh 111' 11t \(Ullcfll\ Ill the IH'l'll' ,,, \Lho111, .... 1111 Ingram "\\ l" cl11n·1 put out t•dm41t111n,1I 1nt111 - 111,111nn .1hnut lht· 11rg.1n11a\1trnal \lrlll turl' ,,J,1h11oldl\llhl\ · l11t111 \.\ 'llllll \Ullt 111\lt llJl'lll 111 lht• '\t \\f1nrl \h,,1 I n1tint \d1 1111 l>l\llltl ,,11d hl' \\,l\0°l p.1111utla1h ,ontt'lnt'd '11<·1 hn ix·11pl1· I.. nn\\ "h1 • bt '' on I' l hat lhn p.11t1l1p,1ll' 1n \lh1111I .11!.11" '-1u1ll ..a1tl th:.it du1111g Ill'>~!\ \l';H<, ,I\ <I \Uf)l:fllllt:ntlt·nt 1n lour dl\lrtll\. OOL' ol thc th 1 fl!!' 1 h.1 t'' hot hcn:tl h 1111 "·" "t ht' a p;1 t In llh' ~l'llt'rdl ruhlll h,I\ ,1h11111 ,,, \t 111101 '"'l'lll I ""h 111111l 1w11plt• lcll'IL 111 \ 11h nl · 1111\\l 'l I 11nh '1 1 J'll ru·111 11! thl' pt·npk 11\ Ill;! 111 lhl 't'\\fl>1rl \h,,1 I )1'111ll h,I\\ ,1 d1ild 111,lh1llll .ind 11111'1 · '" 111f)('f\l'llt111 rt'~l\lt'fl'tl \ flll'I" l ,l\I h<1llnt' Ill \\ hHol h1;,11d t'kl tann\ "\ ou tan \Cl' \\t' h:t' c :i communit."atllln Pl I 11 •t Ill ht .... 11d I >.ill t '")ll-,111 'upt·1 1111t'f11k111 111 !ht• 1 ll .an\ 11'\\ ...,, h11 11lll\ll1\ 1111 I I un1111gt<111 lk.h h -..11d nnh 2' rx·rtl'lll nl lht• dl\llll I' I< ''ti. nt<.. h,I\ 1· , hildtl'n 111 '' h1111I .tnd .. ,, ltnol h11.ird dc1 t1nn' .Ill' th•lnf 1ou' 101 tht'll llP\\ l '11\l'r turnout < 1111g,1n \aid Id Ill' dl\,l[lpn11Hl"d 11 1 hn 1..nc" "hn tht 'lltx·11111t 11dt•n1 "a' .ind 11111 1 lw r11 Ill 1 p:t I I >1·11111' \n111h 'lll~ 1111tL lldl 111 111 till I .1gu1i.1 lk.1d1 I 111llnl \d11111I 1>1\111\l ,,11d hL' dtdn I think thl' 'll"t'' "·'' rq'lft'\t'nl.lll\t llf hi\ .11t·.1 ,-·1 don't kllll\\ 11 II \\t'fL' \ClllJUlll'd Ill I .1g111111 Bt':ll h \\t"d ~WI till' \Jllll' re,ull\ "I hdtt'' t' t lw n·,1dt•nt" 11 I ilguna Hc<tt h .irt .1 'lt'f' "1phl\l ll .lll'lf <HH.l 1ntl'lil~t·nt ~111ur Pt'<iplt h,l\t ,1 1'!1 111J ""rl..11111 i 1111\\ ll·dgt' 111 ,, IJ1111I ad1111nl\llJt1on.tnd llpt'filllllll I ~·ltl'I t' thl'lt' 'J nlUt h h1j.'!hl'I k'\t•l 111 J\\,llL nr" ht \,lid lnant• I n1Jit'd \lh1111I D1'>lrlll \uf)(:l tntt•ndcnt (,,1,1nk\ < 11rn ,,11d ht h,1dn't 'l'l'll tlw 'llr\t'' '' 1 h111 111 "" dl\11111 "f\·upk J1>n t hJ\\ Jll' lll)Uhk ~n<1"1nf "h" t11l,1ll ""r111hn rh'l'if 1'1111~·, ""'d I 111t \ '·llll tlh dl\lflt I h.I' tl11l1ll'l11U\ \\,I\\ 11t ~l'l'Pln~ fl \llkllt\ 1n tht• dl\lfll l 1111111111cd 1ndu1t111g tl°ll'\ l\tng '' hn• 11 h1-.arJ llll'l'tlllg' l\\lu.' .1 in11nllt I hl· 'urH'' "a' l nndudnl 111 ll''1'1Hl\l tn ;i t ""'--~Ii Oraml· ( ottnl'I ( rr.incl lur" fl p111 t \\hit h \Ug_gl'\ll·d lh.11 .t \lmh l'l d11nt• to dt'lt rm1n\' "h, lht·• !flt• •l•Ulll \ 'llJ'l<'r1nl\'1Hkn1 111 't h11nl' ,1i11uld h\' .1p r111ntnl Ill l'C'llllllllll" )Cl~-dl"t lt'tl l't'lt r'nn ""ti tht· ... u1 'l'\ ".1, lt1111l11t ln l 111 hd11.11nmm1ttl'l' \\hhh "'II \!IHI\ lhl' 1\\11(' ( )J thn't' \Ill' l'\ ,·d "n 1x·rl ,·nt 'uppnr lnl ,·lnt1on 1ll tht· u•unt\ 'Ufl''llnll·n,t. nl \1, IX'ftl'Ol kit lht: \llf'lt'llnll'lld1•11\ 'h11 ul.! h1• .ljl[llltnll"J Jlld )\ 11\.'f\l'lll \\l'll' tlll1k1 hll'd I ht• \llf\ l'\ u1fhludnl IH \ rtll 11• .111 f lp1n111n Rt•,carl h 111 \.int.1 \n,1 t 1111'1'1nt nl ~()II men a11d 2tKI \\11mt n 'l'klll'J tr1>111 d I t1t•n•nt p:i rt .. OJ I ht• l llU 11 I\ ...... d I\ IL 1\1111 I hr poll hJ\ .1 ~ 1wr,rn1 111.11~·111ol 1 11111 rn 1t'"tngnrcnd11ure requc!>ts filed b> the Jdcn'>t attorne)., Krall '> dclcn'>e 1\ being paid for b~ the i...uunt\. but C..ar<1e.oli hu ordered record~ ut thl'\t' l'\~·nd11ures 10 remain scaled so not tu preJud1lC the ca~ ( ardena' wmmented \iond.a> on the 't ""'" e nature ol the Kraft case and said ht· "'"ould make no "'hast) df't'1s1on" on ( lonangcr'-. rcqucst that another Judge rt•\ tt'"'" tht po'>tponement arguments T ht· -.cnal killing ra..e 1<, the largest such \J\<.' in tount' h1\tor~ and though defenl>C ('\p<'nd11ure\ ha\t' heen lept S«~t the lJ\l' " h<·lln ed 10 he onc nl lht' lOunt~ ·s mo'>t ln'>th Frank's retrial jurors hear of attacks on girls H~ Th~ Associated Prus 1 "o '1.\-orrwn J\\Jultt·d "'hen thn "t·n· 11 h' fhn~ml f ran~ tt~.-.11fied \1onda' .. , hi\ c.kath-pcn;tlt\ rC'tnal 1n \anta .\na ,1bnut ho\\ he att,h l..C'd thl'm F rant.. ">I \\J\ Ulll\ tl ICd in 14..,1./ Jor the 14"'1' 111rturc-murdl·r Clf .\m' 'iut• l)e111. 2 111 \ cntura ( ounl} But thl' ~tale Suprcmt· < 11ur1 11\t'rturned h1\ death ix·nJll\ la\t H'<11 ruling fl'>litt· had 1mpropt>rl' oh- 1.11nnl d1df1t'\ u'>ed d\ l'\ 1dt•ncc \ l·ntur.1 C ounl\ lkpul\ D1stnc1 \t 111rnt'\ r h111l1d\ H 1111. h1 "' t11ld JUrllr~ that J 11\ 1nj!d1.1n "'II h\· prl''>t:nted 1n the.> torm ot 1n11m11n' Imm t·1ih1 lurmcr f-rank '1t- 11m\ .ind" 1tnt"\"-'' from the Seitz case. 1 hl' '"'' '"'Ill'\\ """ llJ mametl and \-\nrk1n11 ·" .1 tru.,1 C"ompanv nffice-r rn I 1, '••n ll'\l1lu ('! h•" I rank lnll..ed her 111111 ~111111'1n1t>.1 hnu\I.' undn cons1rut11on ·' lt1· h t hl'r nn tht· ht·.1d "1th a hujrd "h ,,Jhl 'ht .,,1d nJdt•n ht•r ht H k lo J 1~ .1 ,loll 1 1 \km11n.1I D.1, I '''i' hu1 "' 11 'ht' t .11 cul 1t11 htl.l' "a' m1 .. ,1n~ .1nd .1 111.1n in .1 hllll ,.tr l11ld h1'r ht• l..nr" " I r 11 \\ ·'' \hl ll'ht\ld l• l.'.c'l 1n h" .ir hut "·111.nt 111 lh• 1nd1l.1lnl .11hlH'" .rnd I r.inl.. lollu .... nl In r 11\idl· 'h1 ,,11d I "·" "·il~mf d,11\11 thl' h.111 .ind h1 J'lll kt•d lJ p ,1 l h I 11 ho.11 d .ind fll l OIL 11n I hl' h.1 .. l..11J thl· lw.1d 1,1artt•tl tc•\lrcarn tit tcHt' 1•tl lht• troll h 1'1 Ill\ undl'r"l'<H pul hi\ h.rnd 11q•r nn m11u1h hut helJU!.l' ut llH (drnt.111 tw.1dgl'.lf ht <nuldn·1 g.t•t .1 111111d l!llp. Irvine auto salesman loses two customers and car Costa Mesa \ br11 h ,t\t I flJ¥lf ln\I .I tJ\"'111' , .. r.t, r .Ill \\11rth ~'!Ml "t'rt ft'Jlt'lrtt•1t ,1.•I• 11 I• •1•1 .11.11 1n lhr ' 11111111..._ i.. of\ .in 1111"'11 '" l\\t01·n Ill 'o J' m I nd.i' .an.I ' ' 1 m '1lu1JJ' l•l111l.lh0.f\\JI \\LI\ l\1'01 1 11 •1'1111 ll•ll .1 I ,11,1111,hll"i< \" 111 'I fl 11 .1\1 \\1 1 ~ . . . I ht "'fir! l I .t ~·f.I\ '" \I""·' ,, ., rcrt•ri1·d 1"1 \, 111 Jc• '1" • ''" 1l.1 01~1!1 •O 't "I"-''' Houk1.u.t •-'11h he ~-" ''"' ntt tn ,1 'l'l'-1!.CI 1111 1 I 111 .1 "hlh u rh 11 • •,,, L "~•nu• ' '' ' h , pu• ~ " II ' ll I 111 .. ~ I I I)\ I " ' 1)\1 I ,1 .. 1 1 ' t h1· p111'( i 11.11mcl ~ 1<.1 , ·''" \ .111tl.1l' 111 ,1 c.11 Jc•ir1•\• .t .1 "' ·"l J 'h .11 tht• i::;111•t>t I ht '' 1n1I\ I '),ii( I \ \ 1•n111• Ill ( 1'1111.1 1'.11~ . . . By LANCE IGNON Of,... OellJ .......... \n ,1u111 \Jfc,m.111 "•"' un \L''' n11111mu\h dumped M onda~ h\ 1''11 men "hu rrctcndt•d to l)C 111tt n•\lrJ 111 hu' rni;t .l Ill'" tar. If\ inc pulll\ \a1d wk'>man got out of the l.tr to kt one til the pa!>">Cngcr\ Jn'l' .\<; lhl' ..alc'iman v.ent In open lhl' pa\\cnttcr door. unl' ot tht> \U~pt't l\ \lammt·d 11 and the car '>ped off '>Pet1lt'r!I and all the optwm \,,,, 'alut·d at S l 7,5CX>. Or..on <,a1d 1 o prcH·nt a c;1mtlar 1nc1dt·n11n thr tu tuft' Orson u1d ..alc.-,mrn "ill .1~1.. )U~p11.:1ous customers for thrrt l111' er\ liren<iC'i tx-lorc a llov.1ng thl·m tn 1al..l' a 'iptn. This "'a" the lir..t 11nw 'IOmt•nnc had 'itokn a car an 1h1' manner from the Fladcboc lot HO\\· C\t•r, th1o; method of car theft 1' not uncommo n throughout thr 111du'i\n a'i 'II v.hole. Orson "Satd \\I b1 "k ".I' H'J°l\lrtl'<l \lult n lrnm .1 •r<·r II·' .1~t· .11 .tn .ttlJrtllll'nl t<lmpll'\ al " '1 li.11·~1 \\l l'lt·l"t'l'n Thur'41a\ and 'i '"·'' . . . I " '' p.ttl.' 111 Ot't'r "'llllh \<I "'·n r f" •I .t '"'lt•n fr11111 a '·f fl" t•n .ii <I ·&fl p Ill ,,11Ufll;I\ ''' I t1rJ r1, l.ur "'"I. \'·" J'<•llL'•I ,1111.-o 'uoJJ'I n1~h1 1111 I l '' t t I h, "" n1 I .1.flllllkJ 111 J'-•hll ti II ht h h i Jl 11 lh<l.t"mlh I'~ Huntington Beac h I lq•1 lht l'J'I Iii ,.. 'llll)lll \ '"1"t'1>lll ,1 ,.1,.n•11•h •ll' hnllh "n1h1 -";~•hl•'L ~ 111 I ' I' " I h1 •v.1i. 1 (11 lhc "l'JI'"" "'11<1 11 ""•" ,, \\ .. 11,1 \\ .i 11 11un 1ha1 lldil llt-1'11 1.1 1., 1 trun 1 ( 1.-1111.-n .1111_.·1 II "'"" Pa per deli verywoman describes her assailant \ '>Jlt•,m.ui 1dn11lf1l·d uni\·" Marl.. :ti RJ' I l.1dt·brn"' \ nll..<."a11on dt•al- t't\htf'I .11 20 \u to < t·ntcr On\<' took 1hl \U\fX'l I' 1111 J tt''>I drt\ cal ahoul ~ '"pm 111 ,1 fl'd fYlO \'nl~""agon kit.I \Jld 11 \lil..t• \.\hilt: \\ hl'fl thn ,1111\\·d at :it Koc~licld U1H1k' Jrd and HJl..t• l'arl.."a' ahout 11m· m1k f111m tht• dt•alcr'ihtp. the Irvine \ 1,, t. ,,tlunl .af \' 11111 "·"''"kn hn1ll II 11•h1, IC fhl\ 11111rn1nr 1n the l 11 hhtt k 1tl I l.u <'I I 1 fc)'hiHll' 1'1f1111'111l'lll I thlt'tf .II 1111111 th.in \JIWI ''"'' l,lk<'ll h"ll1 i ( h\'H11kl \ 111 r11I.up11111 i. \•>llh'lllll<' fll\I "n'k1 nd n tho l•IM1 hl1" ~ I 1\..11-.. r \ >1"Ul1" . . . \ h1111'!l.11 \lll.t\h• ti .• "111<J11v. '" ~·Ill ,1 ""111 1t1 ,1111,1 huddrnp.111 lht tll•~JC1 hlt11. k 111 \I., l'.11 i. Uh ti \ n Ill \I 1"'1\1111111 <tllllf\111\'I Ill lllllfl'lt llTillll"ll l,llUl' \\'1\ ,111lt o . . . \ ), 111,1ft ""11' • I \\ ht1 ",1\ 1 l>.l\\\'11~1'1 Ill "'lie'" luck) he didn't get h1m,l'lt 'ihot." said Ralrh < )f\nn a '>l'f\ llC "rllcr for Fladchoc Or'lon <\3td \3rtnU\ rrnrlo)Cl'\ .1t thl' dcakr5h1p had JOl..t•d ahQu1 the pt1<.\l h1IJI \ of tlH' l\\11 \ll\Pll ll>ll\· lool..1ng r uc;tom<'r' 'llrahng the t.tr prior tu thl' tnt dt1\l' "I hcl thl'\c gu\\ :trc gmnp. Ill dump him Or\oll rl.'tallcd onr 111 thc l'mplml't'' \8)-tng The l3t lllntpktC' "1th 'Pn1al .1 Tm 1'1a 4 ' 4 p1l l.11r 1rn1 I. "11 h .1 tit.id. 1.1mfl''I \ht•ll lirrJ J RB 1uan 1nh1 ,ann1hrr 1.n an1I ,1rm I. 11nc ''' th1 1'1\ 1 ur.1111' 111 lh1 Ill hint I. 111 T11J"C'k.1 l h, '1111111 111 .·11, d m1nm 1n111nr' . . . \n <'nll'll'fll.' l•1n1Jan1n~ S \ 0111 tJ'h ilnJ ~4\l 000 1n 1"a\htt'r' , h1.., k\ "'' r<'J')Of\N \l111C'n Imm I hU\ll'll'" Ul llll' 111 hlod, nt l ra\t'I IJ1nd \\.i\ lh1• "h111 , nH·lnfl(' ""' .uldrr,~:d In Ru1h < •111lo1•1 1.1 •• 1 k"l'lt·I\ '.1l11nl JI ) t 1111 Ollhl ,, h• 11 1 U.tffil'l.1 "•t• 1.1i..~11tr11m3 ll''"'"''' 1n 1Ja. to blvt I.. ul ( tn I. \Ilk • • • I \\Cl\ 11•1111 lllt"' m1·n "''" "" '" .J 1111 The ,u\pects wcredc'5Cnbcd a'Y 1v.o rn.1lc hlacl' 1n their 20<. "'t•1ghin~ hc•1"1·~·n 170 and 185 pound'I \.\1th athklll builds White \aid 1,1111111' n11h1.10J1nfl \\,111.101' .1llt•1 thrir \•hi !\' \ .1\ '('l'n 1n th1• \I< 101\\ Ill ,1 ,,\I ht •ti.ti \ 1h,11 h,111 '"' uirrcl .1 In• 11110111,·, ... irh11 l hu.tn rh1 llfl l h.tU ~.. ol \n,1h11m .11111 l 11;111 \.in I 1.in \.~ "'"ll t·1 .. 1h '"'"'\.t'lf 111111 n1.11 f• < 111m1' J.nl .11111 h IJ 11111111 "I ) ll lllJl.I t'atl t'J\ h . . . \ hurptar I.I\! \•1·r l.t'1ht """! .1 'I", 1.11 hi.111 1ffll1\\t fht· h11.I.. 1•n ;i l 1n111.1 1111111 "Im h J , JI .. 11·rro .tilt! \l hn l 1 tll t'I' '.11111 .I .11m .. 11·1h.111 \ t "' '"'" 1.1i..1·n I ht', .11 \\ ·'' p.11~1 .I 111 lht Ml hit~~"',, h11 K1tn . . . ' J 11\\1 hro>IO n .ind 1.tn I ll,1\111111•111 \\II h '\1 !11,1,i.;1 l1u•n.,. l'l.111' \\,1, \1i1kt1 1111111 I hf' ''1111,1 htOl It nl l'A1I.\11'" I .int· '"'" .. 11111, bi•1"1·1 n ''"'''·'' n111h1 .1mt \111nl1.1' . . . \ "111~ ,.,111111" "·" b10l.l'n hul no1hin11 "'" 1.1l.n1 1111111 J t.H 1n an ara11mrn1 ' •rnptn .11 I I \(I' lh1,111I Fountain Valley I h,· d1r\·, 1111 111 l afchnt I •tm1h '-1·1 '1,t., J "I\ I '\t'" hnJ'l(' 't 'l'J')llrtC'tl 1ha1 '111111·11111 h.1il '111lrn ;i hi'" """ n ttlt l.t•t .anJ :;i , ,,1,11 lrlt'' ""'" ~·1 tr11m .in un•I\, up1r,f 111lh t I ht 11"' ""' 1'\lllTMh·cl .II \ ~liO Laguna Beach \ p,,~ \11ntl f\\11hnl rt'rori.,I .an .11• •1 pto· I hu t.1• \l1m.t.H l>ut 1111 '"" '"" ,11" 11\ 11nl I he• '" l'I •I .t , JI l'·lrl.nl \1,10.t.n ''" t ii, lll h 11 \tr 'I l••hf pc•llt l' "'ml'lll<' h.1ct ,,,.,, • .., ,, t i.11 .. .,1~ t11•m lhr \ rhi. Ir Newport Beach \I\ "1 1 "'111<.1\'<'lh"lr1••1th'1 .1 I"" I• l"•I •thl'I 111'111\ "'fl '"'" 11 1•11111 1 4 1111 ''' 11 .1t1.tr1" \untl.I\ lht , "111111t•ht 1~•1>1 I 111 '"" "'·'' 1 '11ni.a11'<l .II\' lo I . . . \ , ••IL•• I \ t•ll t1n.t ,, ll'l1•ph11n1· """' 1111~ 111.11 ht1l1 h•ll• 1hn '"1r1h .an 8) ROBERT H\ ~OMA'.\ Of .... Deity ...... ltllft \ ~ \-\l'Jl·llld \\llflltlll \.\hll "·" .tllall..t:d "h1ktldl\l"nn11 Ol"'l'·l!Wf' 1n Fl Tor11 t.k't r1lx•d hl'I •"'-lll.1n1 "' ,1uthont1l'' \tlind.1\ lrom ht·r ht1,p1t.1I ht·d "ht'rl 'ht• "rt'ul\ l'rtlll,l lr11m lhl' ht·a11ng ( ath<"rlnl' lluntt·rnt \,int.1 \n.1 ''·'' J\'13Ultl'd IJ\I 1 hUl"'.{fil\ Ill \\ h,ll JUlhonl1l'' ,,11d "•'' .1 ~·t•mtni.th 11npro' nl..t·d att:l1 I.. C\ht• "ao;, trtl..rn tu \ll\\1110 < nm m11n11\ Ho\(ltl;lf 111 \.11"11111 \ l\'Jll v.1th a haltllttd '""" .1 hrnl..l·n t•'" .i hrnkcn ,11 m .ind\(' t'll' d.tma~t' to nnc t '<' nnd undcr"ent 'uritrr' la1t·1 th.11 da\ In an 1nt1'1\tn\ \\1th f'l•lht' \11111 d:n . Hunter d{'\\ 11h\•d hl'1 •"11.11lan1 ·" a whit<' mak allC111t 'II q•a1' old ti k1·1 tall \\tlh .1 \Ind\ huild. \aid \ht•n ir' l t Dtl·I.. Ol\on T hl· man rcponcdh hd' hrown 11111' hair and a mu-;tathr and wa' "l'.H1ng ;i 11Jnncl -;h1n h<~1\, 1ean' .1n1I a hun1n·, rap" 1th l'Uf flap\ fhc "l".lfl'lll \\~'" heltnt•d to hl a metal h.1to1n 1H r1'1\I < )l\11n -.aid r II\' .111.11 i.. .11 I 4' a m Ill lr11nt 11f :i l h"t'tl dl'l1 nn Ra' mllnt\ \t1t'l'I ""' 1h1\.tr\rd h' l\\l'I lmpfo\l."C\ of .i 1w.1rh' Round 1 ahh P111a l'arlur wh11 '>C."lH'l"d a""'B) tht \U\~t Oran1c< ounl\ p.1ramt'dl\., amH·d at the <,(enc 'lhnnh .1rterward ant! ru'>hcd Hunter to t1~\lon c ommun1 I\ H ll'iptlal Olo,trn ~1d the att3ll..rr did not takr thC' '1c11m·, purse or the torn-. for the !l1'"'PJfl\" I luntn "·" dd1H'nng to nl'\\-\\and' in th~· rarh mom1na hour' I A• * Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT I Tuesday, December 16, 1986 Search for 2 missing schoolgirls continues·· ·-Voyager tested·by typhoon as it nears the Philippines By Tbe Auoclated Press Detective!> from t'"o ~outhl'rn Cahforn1n commu111t1\·~ comparl'<l notes to detcrnunc 1f1hcrc ''J'> a link in the cases of tY.O m1s~10~ g11 b, both 7 Year~ old and both '' 11h m1'>sing front teeth Searches l'OnllnUl'd IL>da\ for thl' girls. one from a Rl\\'Ntk Count} commun1l\ and lhl' lllhl'r from the Los .\ngrll's 'uhurh ,,, ">o4Jh Pasadena .... _ l n\t~s11ga1<H\ from R1H'r'\1dc ( ount) ~·artl11ng tor li11k .\pnl .\nrf\.. ( ooper tlO \lonJJ\ umh:rrt•d ''llh' police 1n '-lou1h P1i1~<11.kna ''ho Jrc searching tor Phoebe Hue-ru Ho said Detet·t1'c: l)J1nl B11nt:) ol the R1\\:r- \1dc Count\ <:ihl·riff, Dql.irtml·n1 "Then? j., 1101h111g tu 1nJ1latt' a ltnk." B1rnC\ c.a1d. hu1 Ill· aJlkJ .. \\\• IUSI dll0°l kill)\\ . Phtwht· 'an1,lwd altt·1 k.1, 1ng ll11 -.d10ol in '·111u1h P,l\,1lkn.1 1111 fhur<.- da\ ~pnl \nn < onprt ul Randrn l al1forn1.1 ''a' fl'pmtnl 1111,"ng '\at- urJa, h\ ht·r 111111ht•r f)d1h1t· I lamil- 1on. '34 · '' h11 '>hart'' a 'mall trailer Y.11h thl' girl .1t \\ 1111d1 hud. ( Jrnp1ng Rt.·<;ort. nl'ar thl' \,111 D1qt11 ( 11un1' line. !>aid B1rnt•\ ., l..aMrpMIO A flyer with pictures of mlHlng 7-year-old Phoebe Hue-Ru Ho ls posted o~e ln South Pasadena. B1rnn )aid tht• .l tool ti 1 nrh g11 I \\ 11h bfonJt• hJ11 hlUl' t'H'' and m1ss1ng all nf her urix·r lmnt tel'th Y.a!. \\l.'.Jnng J '' h111. '.>\H.llt'r and la,endl'r dfl''>> O\ l'f ''hilt ll'ot;ud' Y. h<."n she "a' l.t,t 'l'l.·n .11 Jhnul 4 I.;; pm a1urda' J hl' 'earth. \\h1ch ht·gan lall't 1ha1 afkrnoon. 111cludt•d t'UUnl\ '>l'arl h and rel.cut• un1l'> undrn,.11\.°r rt·· l'll' t'r) team.,. dog' and hl'11rnptl'r' B1rne' ~aid "We ha'e \1.•arthed 1ht· t"amp- ground Jrl'J Lhree lime\ '>IOl'l' "latur· d:l\ .. \d1d B1rne' a detec11' e a1 tht· Ll°L.l' El"mm· '>hcnn·., '>tJ1ton "\\ 1.· \\Ill In there one murl' llml' and then C\pand 1010 the surrounding arl'a .. In '-louth Pasadena on \londa' 111gh1. a ~l as~ Y.a~ 1.ondunl'd JI llol> I :rnuh ( a1hohr Churrh. Thr Ma~., '1gnalrJ the beg1nn1ng of a pra)er '1gil ~Kl the Re\ Leon Hutton ( ommunm \Olunteers {'On11nul'd po~ltng lltcrs at '>hopping Ct'Oll'rS and othl·r placl·~ 10 an a11emp1 10 hdp Im alt' lhl· daughter of Kenneth Ho "'-' l' Ml' getting about ~5-to-SO llP' J d,1, ··\aid outh Pasadena pohl'e LI Oou'g Bnl\\ n .. An~ that ran ht· lollt"'t'd up. "l' Y.111 .. \IOJ \" f-( \P} -\ u~a~l'I Jlld m t\\ o pilot~ tan·d Y. hat may be the wughe,1 tl'St11fthe1r nomtop attempt 10 circk the Y.Orld without rcfut•ltng ao; tht'\ '>klrtl'd tht• edgl' ol a ~'"rhng t\ phoi'1n 1o<la' · Pilot L>1t k Rut.in. 41< 1001.. the rnntroh earl' 111<l;l\ y,,h11l' t·o-p1lo1 ka na ' l'agt·r 14 ~ll·p1 a fla. fi' t' hour' ol 11~ 111g ::ind I'· hours ot data act1u1!>1110n prnJt'l I \pokesman Peter R1' a sa1J Thl' \\Catht•r hJlllPl'rl'd 1ran- m1~\Wn ut tht• 1ntorma1wn. R1'a '>:ltd -\t K am \ O\ager ''a' .,, milt''> north ol "la1p.1n m•ar (1uam th 1ng at up 10 14' mph undr1 tkar sl..1es "l ht'\ Jlt' \k1rlt"g the northern edgt' lll trnp1t;il c.torm (no" I) phoonl ~1<trgl' \\hll'h 1' n•ntl'H'd O\l'f the Case may be hurt by undercover romance L O'i \~(ill E:!'i (-\Pl -A pohcc- \~oman·~ romJnt1l 111' oh l'nwnt ''1th a \Jf\ll\ foothall pb)er during an undl·rrn' er drug opc:r:111on at a high C.lhool ma\ ruin the C3!>C\ agatn!>I l'1gh1 1x·opk ,fw .irrl'\ll'd. ollinalc. ~aid "\\ t \\,1111 t'\l'r\ lHll' ol thl'Sl' taSl'> 10 hl' ,olld hut hrrt· the: Judgment ot thl' ollil-q ,., ht·1ng talll'd into qu\'\· 110n .. Ju,l'n1k D" 1<.1on poltee ( ap1 (la' ton \laH'' \tt1d \1onda' ··\\ t' h.i' t' .1 long-111and1ng polll')> Jga111'>t ron,cning on-du1~. 00it1al 1.1.>nlJt 1~ 111 an off-du I\ pc:r>onal rl·la11onc.h1p ··he '><lid Aide denies report that Unruh dying of bone cancer ').\( K \ \ll '\I< I I \l'I -\ poltu- lJI lll'\\'>kllc.:1 \:l"> ,1.1tt' Trc.1~urt•r Jesse l nruh 11nt• ol 1lw mu<.1 p1ml·r- ful poh11t1an' 1n l Jftfnrn1a am.I .1 tormt·r \IX'al..l'r of thl· '''l·mbh " d~ 1ngufhont'l.lllll'r Hut I nruh', 1op Jll.kdl'Oll''> II · The: g1\I o t thl' \ltH' ,., r1.·al "rong · l h1l'f Dt·put~ Tn·ac.urrr l 11 Wh11ne' .,,ml ~1 onJJ~ "Hl' ha' pro\lalt' t:tmt•r for \\h1ch ht• ha<> heen under- grnng 1rt•a1mrn1 Ht• ltll1l1nUt'\ to 't't' dm tur' n·gularl~ \he \Jld the prns1:1te lJllll'f hJd not 'Jlrt·ad Ill h1\ hont'\ I ht• Pnl111ral Puht'. a \t'Oll·\H't'l..h llt'" 'ktlt'I dt•ali ng "11 h ( apt tol a1. · "'lilt'\ puhl1'ht•d the rep11rt \Ion- d.I\. 1.111ng a lurmn l nruh .111.h l ar~ ~largoh' ~" 1h1.· '>OUrtl' \lartwl" \aid Ill'' l\lll'J lht• n-l-\t'.tr 11ld I nruh al 1lw lallt'r ' \1,11 1na del Kt'\ lwnw '>IX'ndiug lhrl'l' h11u1' y, 1th lhl' 111.'3\U(l'r c1lt4!"!J '3/irisfmas cJ!f4!rrg e~tmas cJ!r4!rty '3/irisfmas cf1t4!rty '3/iri.shnas cf1t4!rry '3/irishnas CHRISTMAS PARTY DECORATION CENTER ... .,, ... ,.4 ., ... ~. ••4 ..... nrlttlu ... 111~1 •. 8" $1 .31 10" $1.H 12" $1.11 14" $2.11 l.1 16" $2.41 ;/' ~ -~'!if . ....... -~;~ ,. H"""' ~ f 7i ...... "'. ;.-. Straw Wr11th1 $2,,S 2 hit T1.i1 Tm fl••• R11111111 Gift Wnp Lu, • ., A,,, .. 8 ow1 Gift T 191 TABLE ENSEMBLES & INVITATION~ __ C~~~~0--~,Aty ... ~12~S_. -;;~~ n1qu1 ar ~,\, Decorations and Supplies 801 w I BAIER, JUST w I OF BRISTOL COSTA MESA • 979-8570 r.~~.$.~~~~~~~.$.~~~~ ~ f \.1al'\hnll lslund,, and npNH~nong li.gh t 1urbukncc:· R1' a !IUtd "The 1a1Jy, ind~ Jrt• 1ncrea~1ng 1n proportion to the degree of turhulemt' ·· Thl' me1eorolog1\t'' report ,;ml f,phoon Marge gencrat\•d Y.tnd' ol up to Mo mph at 11~ ccntt·r E-arlta . \\hen\\ ind~ Y.erc 60 mph at tht· n~n tl'r ot thl' \l\lrm. the "''"d '>peed wa\ clod.t>d a1 :!O mph dlong Vmagds track 1 here Y.:IS no rs11mn1c of the 1a1J" 1nJ at K a.m 48 hour'> into thl' 1l1gh1. v.h1ch hegan at~ am ~unda} 1 hl' pilot!> Y.efl' C\flCCll'<l Ill t'fO\\ o'er the Philippine'> around to '0 a m toda\ alter ~hutting doY. n tht• t'\penmcntal crati"; lronl 1.·ng1nl' Jnd 1al..1ng ad' an1agl' ol thl· c.1runi( 1ath\1ndl> The engine shutdu" 11 t'\pl't tt•d h' \1onJa, C\t•n1ng "'a'> ddJ\t'd lir.,1 tu gl\ c Rutan more 11mt• to '>kc:p. then to all<>Y. the ~llanl' 10 pass through the .. wrm "•\~ \tlllll a11 po~"blc 1hc) will leather tht• fron t engine and lean out the rea1 l·ng1nc." Riva !>aid "It prohnbl) will be (about 9 a.m . PST). tt''I a long ndr ol turbulnnn~ . and for ,1huu1 IY.<> hour\ thl'~ ·11be1n an. area of !IC\l'rc \\Cather. We'll tr) to llnd a '-'3\ through that for them .. Vo\ ager hall tl0\"0 5.1 :! l m1 les h\ 3 a m ioda\ Bad y,..eather ha~ forced a lhangt' 1n Vo)ager's 01ght plan. reduung tht' e\(X'tled mileage to about ~5 500 mile'> from l7.700 "Oil rnn<,ump11on 1i. ncgltg1bk. and lud hurn •~ sltghtl~ abo'c "hat Y.as prcd1t1cJ. probabh due IQ 1he d1f. tit uh\ 1n rcduung (ud OoY. "'1th both l'ng1nl''> running" RI\ a ..aid Court: Govern1nent can't retaliate against wotkers By The Associated Press \ \ '\ I-K \!\.( I"><<) -.\ kdl·ral aprx:.il\ n>un has ruled that lhc federal gm anmcnl cannot rt•1al1a1t· aga1n\I an l'mplt)\ec for tiling a Cl\ tl-nght'i '>Utl tx·rau\l' 11 rnuld hJ\t' J "lh1ll1ng l'fkft" on olha "orl..cr\ The thrl'l':Judgl' pand ol thl' 'hh l \ ( 1rru11 Court ol \prx:al' rn l\Cd a rc4ul'SI for an inJunt 11un b' a former l ") Drug F nlort'l'mcnt .\dm101\tra11on dgenl. Darnell CiaruJ \\ho·\, J'I ordt•red tran'lkrrl'd from Los .\ngelcs to De1ro11 I Y.O months Jltcr su111g tht• Dl .\ 111 I%' T Y.0 \l'Jr\ l'arltcr. the a11orne} gcnl'ral had ruled 111 fa, or of C1a ruJ\ claim thJt the Dl-.\ had d1scnm10a1cd aga1nsL him as a Pul'rto Rican 1n a '>l'rlC\ ol J1.,l 1phnar) at lion\ including a suspension and had ordered lhl'a~t'l1l' tugt\e him re1roallt\l' p.n and rl'mo+t•ad"e~ matcnal lrom h1'1 Iii~ (1arua·., '>llll \ough1 a ll-dl·ral coun orderto require the DE-\ to \.llmpl) \\1th tht' a11ornl'\ ~t·nt·ral'-; dl'u<i1on .\ftcr the agl'nt) .ordt'rl'd him 1ran,fi:rrcJ hl' ,ought an add111onal court ordt"r to h~ocl.. tht• tran.,kr '' hl'n that "·" dt·n1cd hl' rl'IU\l'd ll> rl'f)(lrt Ill I kt roll and \\3' hred Coal dumped at Santa Rosa City Hall \.\ '\ f .\RO\\ -\an ta Ro\J oflinal\ got another "pre<,ent" -fi,t. tom ol wa I"' ~u J l11ng Y. 11h t hl' man un· thl'~ rel't'I' ed carhl'r th1' \t'.lf .\hnu t If I !JOO Jltlt11ld<o ol l\1al~a,duml)(•d Hl Iron I of( 11~ lfaU on ~tonda~ h\ anwn~d ·" '-ta111.1 ( lau'> apparent I~ J Ru\'1Jn Rl\l'f res1drn1 angf} at ton1111ul'd rdea>c'> 111''a'tl'\\ater1111n the wat\'f\\41\ On lop ot the p1k ol coal Y.a<; .1 p1c1url· ot \,in1a ( lau' Jnd \nnal lclll'I\ '>•gnt·d ""ian1a ( lau!> .. .\\'>l!>tant t 11' \1anJger JJn D11lan quotcJ onl· kttl'r "Dear "l<inla Ro~. for tx·ing naught\ ho~!> and ~1rt.. ">anlJ ha'> put l!J.UOO pound'> of l'(1al 1n )llUr '>ltK'king Oml' JgJ1n ~ou grt'l'd~ ix·opk ha' c lied anJ dc(l'IHd thl' people of lht• Ru~)1an R1' er .. Boy turns in mother for alleged drug use l I .\Rl MO'll --\ Ill \l'.lr·olu hm "ho \\allhrJ rt'J"lrll'r (1n.ildo Kl\t'rJ0 \ ll'll'lJ\I ".\mt'fllJO \'1u· rhl' Doping ol a '\a11on. turned Ill h1' llllHh1.•r Jnd \ll'pl:.tthc:r tor Jlkgl'd mJrlJUJOJ U'll° poltll' \Jld f ht ho\ told p111ltt' ht•'d bt•t•n ordl'fl'J 10 Y.atrr lht• IJmll) \row hu!>hc!> JOJ "lo ht· 'ur1.· tu \\,llt'"r the ·pot' plant·· poltcc De1cc11,e (1eorgl' D\ne<, said \.tonJJ\ \l1lhal'I I likht'' "a'>' 1<;1t1ng Y. 1th h1\ falhl'r f>a, 1d and ht'> 'tcpmothtr at tht· 11nll' (), ne' \Jld .\fter' ll''' ing a' 1dt'Otaix· ut R1' aa 'pfl1gram Iha I dt·alt v. 1th Jrul! JhU')l' 1n .\menra thl' '>UbJl'CI of dl'>l'U'>\!On turned II• drug!>. the dl'll'l 11' l' \J1J "He tnld h1'> dad that h1-. mom and hi\ \lt'pdJd \\l'rl· u\lng mJnJuana 1hrt·r lime'> a \\Cd ... D' Ill'\ \aid LA museum exhibits Picasso sketches LO • .\ "lGfl r<i -fht' tount\ an mu\("um ,., l'\h1h11tng 45 \l..t·1, hb110~' or Pahlo P1CJ\\l) through Jan ~' 1naugura1111g a OJ Ilona I tour of thl' 'hll" "h 1t·h 1 nduJn mu re 1 han ~00 dra Y. 1 "~' \\ atl'rullor\ nolt'\ and <;hop,r1 ng Ii'>!\ -Thc-C'\h1h11 ''a" organ17ed h~ Ne"'" \ori..·, 1>acr Cialk~ .ind P1cl\'o' hl·tr~ It mu'l'' 10 <;an Fram.1M"11 and d\t'"hl'ft' .it1n k;J\ 1ng l o' .\ngl'lr' "P1,.1'"'' gen1u1, glo'" in thC\t' \kl'tChht>nl..\" llllN'Ulll dirt'l\111 • .irl .\ Pcl\\dl Ill ,,mi "In t hl'm Y. l' \CC lhl' 'e~ hl'gin n1ng11f h" .irt l\l 1• 1dr.~'· man' 1 if" hll h .. J mt· 111 fru11ion in ~ome of the ~0th n·ntun ... grl'<ll ma,lrr p.111111ng<, .. FACIALS • MAl\.E-l P • \1ASSAGE PEDH:l RE. • Mi\' ICl 'RES /v1e»y CRN~tlt\. ts! w t ~~~~~·~~-$.-~ I I U tire 8e.1~g4t "N~a;:/, ea,, give ~ • Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays and a Prosperous New Year • • t Your Newport Beach H ome for: Polo~ Ralph Lauran J4 -119 Fashion Island • Newport Beach • 759-1622 •Bulloc k Wilshire WinR t :. --$'--~~$.'~_.~ .. ~-~-~~ ~ ' . •o u llnui c It Complete Chiropractic Care specializing in Personal Injury Auto Accidents Sports Injury Neck and Back Pain Dr. A•1•la Stafford 721 P•alartao Ave •• ••••• 212 Coeta MeM 4S2-1199 ' I • • .I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Tue.day, Dec:emb« 18, 1988 f)()()rs ()f)<•n al 12 00011 l()l11()f1'n)"'· •• fin~ ]() hc)UI~ cu1lv Y()t1'll ~avt• )()O,(> (O 50'Jl> On famOU brand nam e furnitur . Bedrooms, living rooms, chairs, sofa , dining roorn s ... v rything in ca ual, contemporary and traditional s tyle . Come early for be t election ... the bes t part" no payme nts and no finance charges for 6 months* frorn date of purchase wh en you use or open a Wi c kes charge . Unexpected quality at spectacular sav in gs ... ·r XCLUOING ADVERTISED SALE PRICED Mf RC HAN DI SE o rn R OOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASE S ---- 3 TOUGH GUARANTEES: If for any reason you're not happy with your fu rniture when you get 1t home. we will take 1t back within seven days If vou find the 1dent1cal item in stock elsewhere within seven days for less. w~ w1JI refund the d1tterence We wall give you a five-year l1m1ted warranty / against fa ctory defects in workmanship and construction Details available in our stores 5 WAYS TO CHARGE: Our convenient Wickes Revolving Charge, American Express Card. MasterCard. Discover Card or Visa ANAHEIM: Santa Ana Frwy. and Magnolia Phone 714 -821 -8550 VAN NUYS: San Diego Frwy and Sepulveda Blvd between Burbank and Victory Phone 818-780-2244 WEST COVINA: San Bernardino Frwy and Vincent Phone 818-919-1971 COSTA MESA: San Diego Frwy and Harbor Blvd Phone 714 540 8242 Open Monday thru Friday 10-9. Saturday 10 6. Sunday 12-6 I > , A6 * Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT I Tuesday, December 16, 1986 Ex-CIA official tipped Bush U.S. plane down in Nicaragua \\ .\~II I NCi I {)l\o ( .\ P)-A. former < I.\ otlkcr who coordinated '>UPPI> tltght\ for n:tX'.1' 1n Nicaragua l':tllt'd Vin: Prn1tknt C1n1r~c Bu-.h'c; oniel' v.1th thl' tir.t tip that a i.:argo plant' "·arr~ in~ v.capun\ and dn .\mcm:an l fl'\\ \\J\ 011\\tflg. p0\'>101\ tn '\ tl aragua rhc dt\llo~un· \\J'> mJJl' h\ Bu'>h·, \tJtl Mo nJa, along v.1th ·a frl''h J1.,daimrrtha1 the \.ll't' prt:\1dcnt v.a\ '"'oh t•d 1n pn' .11n·Oort' to fl''>upph thl' rd:X'.h. lml\\ n J' ( ontra\ Thl· 1nforma11un v.a\ "·untainl·d 1n .1 "hrvnolog) Bu .. h rclca~d of h1'> onlJl 1' and thO'>l' ul hi\ natinnal \l'lUrtl\ JtJ\l\l'I \\tlh ft•lt \ Kodngul'l J onetime ( I\ ulfoa ''ho bl·lanw in\olH·d 1n tht· ( ontra t'\upph '>l hnne h t'r \lnl'c th1.· 01.1 'tra\h u t the l -I 2 '"-Largo pl:mem "''"Jragu.i that 1.tlled t\\O \mcman\ ..ind n.''>ult1.·d 1n thl•captun·ol l ugl•nt• lla\t0nfu,. thc1l' ha\ t' ht•l•n QUl'\llon\ atx1u1 the rt•l.t- t1on\h1p of Bu'th anll hi\ national \l'lUrtl\ Jd\ 1<,er l>unald ( 1rcgg. \\Ith Krn.lngue' The l\\Ul' -t11upll·d v.11h tht• uprna1 O' t·r tht• adm1n1,tra11011·., 'ak of arm\ to Iran and d 1' t'r\tun u t prolit'> to thl' < ontra' hJ'> pn'l'd J potcnt1Jll~ wn\I 11 \l' prnhkm for Bu'h \\ho I\ t11n,1J t0rl·J tht• lr ontrun- nt·r for tht· Rqiuhlttan prt'\Hkn11al nominatwn rn 111!1!\ On thl· JJ~ ol tht· p!Jnt' t rJ'h I >t t '.I Rodngut•J lJllL·d t 1rl·u·, tkput~ ( ol \Jmucl \.\a hon ·w \J\ ht• hJd re<.'t'l\ed rntormatron th.it one ol lht; < ontra rc.,uppl' a1rrralt 'II.a' m1''1ng. po\\1bh 1n '\1taragua \<ltd \tJrltn Fil/\\atcr thr prl''' \l'trt'lJr. 10 Ru'h Ko<lnguo Jl\11 t .ilkJ \\ J"on 1111 Ck t ti Thl' rnformJt1un \'·" P·''-'t'd 1111 111 tht• \\ hlli.: tl'1U'>l..' '1tu.111on room .ind 10 thl' l\ijtwnJI \n ur1t\ C ount 1l ,tJtl It \\J\ \UO\l'4ut·nth k.irnt•d that thJt .11rtrJh hJd ua,hnl 1n '\1taragua · I 11/\\Jtcr ,.11d \.\ 11h1n da,., of till' LrJ\h 11 ".i' it''l'akJ th<11 K11Jn~ul't -.11.,., 1.,no .... n a) ~la.\ li um~1 -hJd nwt l'.1rltn \\Ith Bu\h and (1rl·~ Thl' l'hronolog~ \Jld Hu'>h lllt'I thfl'l' ttnH'\ 'v\llh R11Jngut'' O\l r lhl pii\I '"" \e.lr\ It ,,ml ( 1rtgg. lx·g111 n1ng thrct• H'ar\ ago met l(J 11ml'' "tlh Rodnguo anJ tJll..nl \\1th h1rn rx·nod1ealh 0\ lt'kphunt• In thl· cour~ o f their mretin(h < 1rq~g put Rodnguc1 in con tall "11 h top oflit ral\ at thc"Pt'ntagon < I \ \tJlt' l'kpartml'nl Jnd 'Jtt0n.il \t - 'ufll\ C nun1. rl f t.,'11.Jll'f \Ju.I Dl''Pllt' the um tat'' Hu'>h ., \I.tit '·" nn t'r in' oh t•d r n Jirn 11 n~ tnnn.hntllin~ nr appn1' 1ng m1l11ar' .ltll to the < ontra4' 1n ~1caragu.i I 11/'ll.Jtl'f .,..,J '"' '11.J' thne JO\ J\lJfl:nt''' 11f tht• dt' ·r,111n o f fu nd' 1i1 !ht· ( on1ra\ .. I 1lt\\Jlt'r ,,mt th.11 1n Hu'h' \On· Burglar knew what he wanted in Haklm file By The Associated Press t l PLRTINO. ( ahl -l he hurglJr "ho .. 1,1lt• a kgal till• on u hu\lnl')\lnan hnl..l.·d to '>l'l'rt't .tnn\ Jl'•'I' \\1th Iran l..nc" l.'\alll} v.ha1 he \\US ,dla" ht•n ht• brulr 11110 thl' la" ollin· Juthur11ic\ '-:lid l hr 21 ·tnl'h-th1rl.. lik l111 lran1Jn-oorn .\lhl·rt Hal..11n \\a<, 'toh:n from thl' t•l1in· ul hi\ attornq. Horace f Dunhar J r on '\Jturd,I\ n1gh1 Dunh.ir 111ld tn\ l'\t1g.illlr'> l hl· tik had Ha..,1m·, nonw on II I he tik umtarnt•d ··mformJt1on rnnn•rn1ng thl' \ale nt \\Capon' and nudr.ir Jn tlt'' .. oflit rJI' ''"J \tonUJ\ Overdose probably kllled federal witness I 0\ .\ '-.(,f L F ~ -.\ fnkr.tl \\ lllll'" 111 .l gU\ l.'rnmcnt probe of armc; 'h1pnll'rll<> 111 '-il.araguan a11tt·tt1>\l'rnml'nt tl'l1CI' prohahh J1t•d from an .lll'Hkn1.1l 1.1ll..i1nc O\ l'rth1'l' ..1u1hont1l'\ '><11'1 ·our prdrmrndn 111\ est1ga1ron It ntl\ to 1nd1t.itc th.it \tephl·n C .irr'' Jt·.1th \\J\ tht• re'>ull o t' an acudt·ntal oH·rdmt' llf nll.trnt• .ind rm.,1bl~ .1 lt11li.: Jllohol .. poltr1.· lxtcl11H \kl .\rnold ,,11d \londa\ .. Thuc 1\ nun u.krKt' ~t·t ot toul plJ\_.. federal proSt'lUtor.. \ought tc,11mon~ lr11m ( Jrr 21 Jhout h" "llfll'\\1ng ont.· allt·gnl shipment ot "l'apun~ from J-ort L .1udt•nlJk. I la 111 ~I \Jh .1dm'\ llop.rngo md11a~ airport \tarl·h h I l.IH' Tht• \\l'apon' <illt•gt•Jh \\t'lt' dt'\lllll'd lor '-1t·ar:iguan ( ontra\ (arr·, holh \\J' found t'a1h \alurd,I\ 111 thl' drl\l'\\J\ of .1 \ .m \Ju,., homl' about I" m tic'> no rt Im t•,1111' tlmA nl\1\\ n I m \ngck' · Shultz: Weakened Iran might dt$cuss truce ~-\\l ll\,(.J()\, -\l'lrl'l.tr\ ut \talt' (1l'orgt· P \hul" \a1d loda~ a "'l'Jlt·ncd Iran might ht· ,,ifhntt 111 r1l'got1.1tt' \\Ith lra4 .in t•nJ Ill tht·11 '1\·\l'ar Prr\l~ln <.1ult \\,11 Otlwr I \ ulliuJI\ u111 tirnwd. 11w..in~h1k. 1ha1 thl· l 'ntll'J \talt'' \l'l rl·th prm llkd Ir ,1q \\I I h dt·t,11 It'll rt•pnr I\ .1h11u t I ran ran defcn.,t'' l'\ en \\htlt• Trhran \\J\ purlh.1,11111 \llll'rt\.,tn \\l'.lpon' \\llh Prc<o1dl·n1 Rcag.111·, ,1pp1 m a l fht• 1n formJ11un \\J' d t·r1 \t'd lror11 \cmllt\l' ll .~ \atcllrtr rl·runnJl\\01"1 t' ph11111gr ..tph' .inJ \~·'' u\t•ful to I 1 Jq1 prlot<o 1n tht"1r lx1mb1ng raid' 11n lran1.111 mt tt·11111n.tl' .ind rrn~rr pl,1111\ .1n 11tlir1al "ho spol..c onh on conJ111on thJI ht• not Ix 1Jrnllhnl .,,ud \t11nd.l\ '\.\e thtnl. thl' pnnup,tl rnalutrant pJrt\ ., Iran '\hulu \Jld · \11 111 till' l'\tent thJl Iran's m 1lltJn l':lp<ihlfltll·'> l3n ix· rl.'duledithat pn:sumahh '' uu!Jbnng them tu a frame ul 1111nd \\ ht·r.~ lht'\ .Ill "1ll1n11 to '>II do'll. n '"'h lr..tq Jnd tr\ tu rl'ath .in agrl'l'llh'nt North helped raise aid for Contras in 1984 \.\ -\ "111 '-<,IC)\, -I rrt·d \\ h1tt ll11u\t' .rnlt llll\ l'I I 'onh pl.1' l'd ,1 lwl1111J-1h,··,ll'lll'\ r11k 1n .1n \pnl 111!\'-d1nnn 111.ud '1".1ra~tian rlfu~n·., th.it nt·t1nl unh ~I Oll(l lur 11' \l.Jll'd purpo\l \\llh nH•rt· th.in S lliet 1100 g11tng to .1 \Jlltl\ ul' 1.lln,ultJnl\ Jl1.md1ng 1i1J11\.unw111,.ind \nun-r' l>or umrnt,nn th1 \p11l I\ J1nnl'1 11ht.1ined h' I ht• \"11l 1.11t·d Prt'"'· 'ho\\ 11nl' 111 11" l h1l'f 111g,111"l" H'PPlllfl~ l•• 'rnth ori pl.111' 1111 1.1L,1ng nlllnt·~ 1ndud111g .i 'LI!4!t''t 11 JI\ thJ t t ltl' 'u I 1.111 111 B1 u nt·1 'r1111:!h l I. it I.. 111 .1 m 1 ll1on dollar\ " \I 1 l10ugh 11 "not, kJ1 "h.11\,llfll'111 th1. Brunt·1 'll~r,11,,11. I \ t>lliual' ,,11J 1,1\l ''l't'I.. 1h:i11hc '-ltatc l.>t-p:mmt•nt fll·~u:tdc-d tlw wlt;1n nt tht' nr!-m-h ·\•oan k1ngd11m 111 d111iatl' m1U111n' 111d11lla1'111 "itl.Jt.1~11.111 < 111111 a rdx·I\ thl\ \t'•" I ht· I 11' \njtl'it'' I 1mc' '-:ltd lht 1111111t'\ v.cnt th111ul'h .1 \\\1\\ hanl. accuunl u1111r11llnl "' '-'o rth 1 hl· n1.·v. h oh1,111wd d1lt·urn1 nh 'h"" 1h:11 '-111 th part1nratl·J iri pt 11 < 111itra lund rJ1\lng .11 k.1 .. 1 ·" t'Mh "' 141\..l I·''' \l'ar tht· ~p rl·portt•d 1h.11 'nrlh dl'\ l'in[ll'd .1 pl.111 rn t-.irh I 1>1'-I 111 l nll\t thtrd lUllnttJC\ and Jlll\ Jlt 111dl\ 1dual\ 111 ~·d thl' < 11n11.1' 111 thc t.1n 111 urnttn''"onal nppo<>1t111n \\ htll I l11u'l 'outt 1.'' ,,rnl l'rl''1Jt·r11 KcJ~n ~J' 1.· •II ..ti JPPH•\ al tor that pl.in 'lr'-Jlllln\ \\Ith K 11drt~'lll'/ "d1' l U\\JOOS dt'::tlt cnt1rl I "Ith thl' IO· 'urgenl') 1n l I \ah Jd111 I ltt•rt "·'' n11 mt•n110n o f \upph 11r \U)lpnrt 11rx·r· .111uns lnr tht' Contr.1' \,h.1t,11t'\l'I .. < 1n-gg and Kodngm·, dt'' t•lopcd a tncndsh1ri during the JIJ711\ when lhl'\ \\1.'rl' 1n,11lll'd rn rntdlt~t'llll' 11rx·rJt111n, 1n \ 1t·1n.irn R11ltnguo ulfll..tl It'd ( •ll'~ 111 Hu,h' 11tlilt' 1n '•I\ t·ml°ll.·1 1 •1:-. l 111 dl\t u" prooll'm\ 1n ( entr;.i l \nll'rtl .1 ·'" 111 dr n~ to tht' chronolog.' \l11rl thJn J H'3r lalrr on D1.·l 21 •1\-I R11drr1wo l'\Jlrl''>'l'd J n llllt'lt''I ll• I 11tgg Ill helping lhl' arr tnrn in f I \..t h adw lumhal rebel tom:<. T 11 ht·I p h 1 m gt:t a JOh Cin-gg put Kndrtgut'/ in tout·h \\1th 1 homa\ 1'1'1..t:nng. then the l "\ .imOJ\\Jdur 111 Fl \ilh Jdor . ..a.id f-llt\\Jll'f Daniel K. Inouye In ouye to cha ir Iran-Con tra probe \\ \\II I '\<.1 I ()'\ {-\Pl l'kdgmg. to ~t·t "all the la1. t' and n1.llh111g hut till' fJt I\ .. \l•n,1tt' k Jdt·r, nanwJ .in I I -mt•mlx·1 \.\ii 1t·rg.11l'-\l' It' corn m 11 lt't' tnJ,I\ 111 "'' t''"t?-·111· thl' fr.in l ontrJ t1>nn~l tll•ll \t•n 1>.in1d i.... lnou\t• ol I la''·lll. "hl1 'L'I' l'd on tlw 1111g1nal \.\.atag.1tl' JMnl'I ".t' nJn1t·d i.:hairm.ir1 lkntOll.llll k11dt'I K111'x·rt ( l·h1d 111 \\ t'\l \ 11g1111..t .111d Ryp11hlsl.1n k.1dt·1 Bi 1h I >11k nl i....an'J' .1Pfw.11 111g .11 J 11111it Ill''" rnn ll'rt•ntt' .11,11 ann11unu·d thl' 11tlh't \1, 11,111ir' t ho'l'll tor tht• 11-mnnbl·r p.1111,·I In add11111n 111 ln11t1\l' till' 11lht•r lknHll.1..tt' n.lml't.l h' Aul.I \\ti\ ,t·n.i111" <"·1111:!"' \111i.hl'll {1T \l.i 11l 'i.1m '\ 11nn 11f ( 1rorg1:i Paul \,11 h.111\' of ~l.11\ l,11HI 1111"11.dl I h:ll1n ol -\la- bJmJ Jnd I ),I\ 1d Hllll'll o f Ol..laho111.1 I ht C 11 H' nwm~·r' art· 'l n,11111' \\ .ir rt·n R 11dm.tn of '-t'\\ H.1 m11'ht1t J.11nt·, \Id lull· of hlJho I lrrrn H:11c-h of l t:ih \\ tlh:im ( Ohl'n 11! \latnt .ind 1'.1 ul I nok 111\11~1111.1 HHd .111J Duk ,,11d I ltn h.1d lklldl·d .1g..1111'1 hJ' 1ni: 1h1. I'"' n11n \ 11t1ng 11\l'llll°x'I\ tht'\ h.1d 1tlflrt.1lh plJn11rd 1hu' m.1l..1nj! 11 .111 11 mt mlx·1 p.111l'I R, rJ ,,11d ht· '11ugh1111 p11 I.. 'l l1.lt111' .. "ho\\ rll l°ll.· t.111 "h11 \\Ill II( t11ud1 \\ho \\Ill nut hl' 11111 111 !;ll .1rl\h111ll .ind "1111 "111 11111 lw n111 tn I''"",, .111' 0111,ll h111 "h11 "ii I lw ~ n tt·n·,1t d 1 n rl'\t'o1l1n~ 111 1lw puhlrt thl· 1.1tt~ .111 thl l.ri." .inti n111h111~ hut till' l.tl I' I l11k t·r11ph,1"11ng ttw 1rnp1111.11n 111 1111 p,1111 I ,,11d "I \\l1t1ld '·I' ·" .1 Kt p11hl11.111 11·, prnhaoh l \1.•n 11111rt 1mp11r 1.1111 t.111\ than mJ\ l°ll. 1h11w "" Ll,ll I l, tllllU.lltt \IU\' lll.'lJll\l II J11" ll'••hl· lhl\ .1dm1nl\l1.1t111n · I I ' 11.11lllllf;: 111 th1· l lllllllllth I 11},ll ~llf I lh \\ ph,t't llf th\' l 1111 ~11.·"11111, I 1•rl11rt 111 '1111 11111 th unt11ld1n~ 11111 11111 p11lt1' l 11''' Prntdt:nt Kl'ag.m ha., prl' 1uu,1~ l 'prt·~\t.'d \Upport for the 1d,•;i of a 'l°lt'l IJI 'l:nngrC''l\lnn:il p.inrt to 1n- ll''''tt·•ll' tht• 11.tn,flor •11 l1.1n1.in aim' \,Jli'\ profit\ 11> ~" 1111111o1A+ ht'I, Horowitz helps mark reopeping of Carnegie Hall °"'" )<>Ri.... (·\Pl <.i1 nt·grl' I !all got h.11 l 111 lht• rnu\ll h11,tnl'" ~111nd;i~ 111l'l11 .iltn '>l'\l'(l 111unth\ ot rn1111'1t 111'tl\ L' 'ltr~t·r' ,tnd ''' fa111l'd atOU\lll' \\l'rt' \\t'll tl'\ll'd II\ \ IJd1m11 1111111\\ 111 1n .1 lll!lllll 111 ptJOl\lll J l'11lJl ~ 1h1.• ""t'\\ 'I orl Ph1lharm11nrt jl 1t' lf,rjnJ l'\I Jnd lht• "" 1ng1ng \lng1ng of I rJnl. \in,1tra Tht' gJl.1 l'\t'Ot ht•gJll hJtl ,111 h11ur lalt' .111d thl· top ltl l..t:t prttl "<l' S2 Stt<t hut thl'rt' v.,1, l1t1ll· l'l'4. 111 \.UOl pl..1111 al°ll.1u1 ·" Ill\' 11" \l'•ll·Ohl \llllll'rt h.111 ~ll l.t•d oil 11, lll''ll. lill 1f11l11\\tl/' Jp~'.11.lllll \\J\ .t WI '" "L' and ht fl'll'I\ nl '>tJndtnF 11\ a ltt1"\ l\\'lllll' ,1nif Jftl I ht' l'\ljUl\lll' prrt111 m.trll l'' 111 I h11p111 ' '( \h.11 P m1n11r ".1111· .1nll · \ I l.11 P11lon.tr'l l n1n,11d Hnn,tt·in l11ndull1.•d tlw )lll lllll'll ••I ·npl'n1n~ f>ra\l'I .1 fl\t• 11111\Ull plt'll' hr llllllll<l\1.'d flll lht• llll.1'11111 It h.1, .1 p .... 1i11.1I "1und 11\ 11111~ nll'll1dtl phrJ't'' \t1u11J1n~ "' , ",·r1 , 11.irm on 1 ou' ,, , ".1 \ l'' llpp1 ng 11n Ill I ht• ,111111· 11f a Ii.I rgc la 1.c lia n tont i....1111 I lll111.1nn \Jng a hm·f pa\\agt• in II , I uh111 \ kht.1 urnJ ut It'd tht: l'hilh;1111t11ntl ·, 11thn lour !.Ckl·tion., I tl\I h.1lf "l u 'I 11 \t,1 ~olmng ~1th ,111g1 ng t11nt· ,1 ntf 'urx·r,o dt:\ tai t' 1 n 11.i,Jrf, .. C' 111\ll'fln tor t ello and 'hl nntrJ • \ 111hn"1 l).l<ll \tern Jnd ml'llO· ,op rJnu \l,1111\ n llornl' \\hu<ot' un llll'l..tl..Jhll \1111.l' L' J)fl~fUt.l'd \\ilh rl 111..11 l...1hl\ l'' t'n l:lrl'Jth \upport \\l'rt· ,oln"t' 1n an t'\l t rpt lrom BJlh.<o ·\1 \l.ttlhl'\\ PJ\\t11n I hl' 11r\I ,n 111111 t'ntkd "11h \\ agnc:r'<o l>1l· \k1\lt'r"n1tt·r pn•ludt• dnnt• 1n ttr.tndh Jd1~·rJlt' fa,h1on \tlt'r J It" 'Pl't't ht'' 1nduJ111g I .1rrll't>tt' ILlll 'prt'\ldt·nt 1 ... 1.1" \ll'rn 1H111. l.11rn1ng "thJt tht'> plJlt' \hall 111111111111· to \ound Jnd horn ht'f\' \hall g11>'' 1ru1h and beaut~ h11 thr nc\I 10 ~t·nt•r..111011' · \tnatra 'ang tor 25 m 11wll'' h.11.h·<l h' thl· l!l-p1t'tt• Pt•tt•r Dud1111 Orl hl·\t1 a Officials rule out 111ore nursing home coverage K) The A~'odated Pre~i. 't-\\ 'I OR" -Keag.in Jdn11n1)trat1un ulliual'I ha' l' tl:"ntattH~h rultd out Jdclt11nn;il C"n\ \ ragt.· ot nur,111g homl.' la re J'> pan ul a ht:a.Jth pl.in for l .i!."lniph1l tllm·,, .1ll11rdrntt 111 .1 rq1ort puhh\h1.·d lll<l3\ \ut h lll' t'ragt: p11'n "1h1· \H'll-1. n1m n d.1nttt'r 11f 11~·n1 ng up J nl'\\ and t'\f)Cn'il\ ego' t·rnmcn1 l'nlltkmt·nt .in Jlt11•n th.11 mu't ht' J\Otdl..U · Pre'>1drnt ReagJn 'domt'\ttt 11111tn Jdi. 1<,("f". <,;rnt in ,, rontidC'ntial ml'rTinrJndum 111 tht: Domt">lll Pohl' c o 11h 11 .11 l ortlinti 111 I ht' '-t'W 'I ork I 1mc' r hl' memorandum \..lid 'tlale'I .dr"tlll Jl'"' 1dt• t'lh•ugh hdp 1111 thow nn·d1ng long-term ht·ahh t3rl' I )II\ R II• •\\l'tt th1 'l'l ll't.t r' 111 ht•alth .ind human ~n 1ct'' la\t m onth prop11...,·J .1 plan 111 1111 rt'"'' hl.tlth t11'uranlt' lll' t•ragr tor t JIJ.,troph1L tllnt'\\ Judge: Women can bare breasts in protest ·KO< HI\ 11 K '-'I \ \tatt· la\\ 1ha1 proh1t>1t<o \\lllllt'n trom ,,111h.11hrn!J l<1pk\'> l\lllfl\lttut1onul. but '4.'\l'll \\t1mt·n v.h11 hared lht'lf hrt•a\I\ 111 pm1ri;1 the 'itatutr cannot tx-prosecutt'd undrrn rnl'\}litllrt rUkd lit' ( 11•1'1 ludgt· lltrman I \.\.tit rukd MonJ,l\ th.it tht· protl'\lt'r\ "ho l Jllt•d t hom1 I\ t'<o till·· T opfrt•c \l'\t'n .. were ncrt "'"& tht•rr right of frn· 'J'll'l'l h 'II. h1.·n llh'\ •rnw' l'd lhl'1r 'htrl'> tn .i parl.. 11\ Junl' llut the juJgl" rt'Jt't'lt:t.l lhl' 'v\1111wn\ , 111ln111.i11 thJt thr \IJlt' nudtl\ Iii\\ " unu111\lttu111111i1I ht'tJU\l' 11 l11rh1d' ""1i11·11 011 1 nut mt·n from ~mng. toplt·" \\ .rlt '-31d the la\' " nnt ol1,.111111n.1ton nn lht· h,1\1\ 111 \\.'\ ht:lJU'l' llllll11tun1t\ '>IJnJ..ird' hJ\l' ,1111r1111nt·J \\unwn·, hn .. 1\1\ 111 ht· .1n 1n11m.1tl' pJr I l•I tht· hllll' I hl dn 1,1un ,,•11d1 I' not 01nd1n~ 11n Kn1.ht·,1t·r'\ 111hrr "' t ti\ 1ul.lgl'' Jpp:.trl'ntl~ nll'JO\ ·'Ulll' n lJn t.iln tht·tr 'hirt\ llffto pml1.'\l ''·''' l,1"11. hut 11111 \!mph 111 \unh.1tht• • .... 1 oil in thl' 'umml·r \Un Pollution controls tampered with less p;;;;;;;;;;;~~------~~~~~~~~~~ \\. \~I II'\( 1 1 O"--\ !>un e' lounJ :i dedinl 1n thr numhc.·1 •>I 'l'hidt'' "tth pollut1on-<.11ntrol l'lfUlpmt·n1 tl1\u1nnl't lL'd 111 rullll'd h\ U\t 111 !rJJl d lul'I but the 1-.n' irunmrntJI Prott:t llon \gem' 'Jdn11nl\tra1111 "'"' 'ut h pr at titC'\ :irnt11l a ma1or problem Check' of 6. 'tHH .tr, .ind ltght-dul\ tru" I., o' 1fK.Lf.l._ 1n I\ urhan art'a' )hO\H'd th.11 Ill pl'nt·nt h,1J J:h:c.n-m~~d "Ith k .idrd g.i.,ohm· "hen thr till rrq1we~ t~u tTh· Jgt'nt' n·portl·d \111ndJ\ 111 an annual <,un l'\ * MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN AN ABUSED CHILD'S LIFE * HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY DONATE YOUR AIRCRAFT, REAL EST ATE, STOCKS, COLLECTIONS, BOAT, RV, JEWERL Y, ART OR OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO HELP A CHILD IN CRISIS. We're the Olive Crest Treatment Centers influencing th e lives of over 400 abused and displaced chi ldren a year. Your contribution is tax- deductible thru ou r 501-C3-TAX Exempt Status wi th the IRS. _.,. ·,.. ~ ' .~.-:~·1·-(~G Contact: Dr. ChartH Merc hant Director of Development 714-547-2688 Treatment Centers for Abused Children 1125 E Seventeenth St . Suite W-244 •Santa Ana. CA 92701 • (7 14) 547-0361 Give A Little Christmas Gift Collec tio n fo r Needy K ids HXl Cift'> 100 Gi ft<i I 00 c; if ts A II ~1fc will ht Jmt1lwtrd to f.Hn1'1cs hJ Shart Our . ti'<"~. Jn Oran8t' ( ounq f Jm tlv ~C'f\./C t "'>:'"""·''"'n W'f"-ln8 tht Oran;ze ( 01Ht (111 111nrt rhrn I~ 1 un 60 percent r a ises urged for Congress \\'""''(,Jn,, \1 11 \hJnal .111, ""I' 11mm1\\111n , .tll1n~ 111p 111It\1,11, \Jlann \\uch1lh rn.1Jt·· q11.1h• " 11tt1ng. 1mn1l'J1.111 11·" r.11\1·, 111 fill ll\ fll'nt 111 \II l)l:lu:nl llll llh Ill°' 1' 111 ( C11llHl" JI d lht ( .tht- 11\ I 1udtt1·' .inJ tht hl'.td' 111 ~··q rn· llll.'lll ·•llol'lll ll'\ l'.1' Im nwmlx·" ol tlw I f.111\l .rnd ~l na11.· \\h1th 'II.null.I h.l'l h JlJ" on 1h1• prupo<.al. "ould go tmm ' ... ., .. mo 111 ~I H 000 ( ..thllll'I \l'l fl tMll'<.. \JIJnt'\ ''<1uld .ilmmt douhlr -Imm ~xx xon 111 ~I htll o'.1 It etppnl\ cd h~ Prt',1Jrn1 l<t'Jttan thl' rt•tnmmrnd..111om of thr panel 1,haired h) (1t'nt'ral Food' ( orp ( ha1rman lame<. I l-rr1.iuc.on ruuld lw 'uom111ed to < on~r,., a\ pan ut thr prl'\1dcn1·, li<.tal 198!! hudgct propmal nn Jan 5 fhl· ra1'cs, for '.0()(1 top federal ot1ie1als \\Ould he autom.1t1l unlr'" both thl' H ouse and th,· St•natt' mrrturn them Kl·.ip..tn '\alar: nf $200 000 ~ould 1101 ht· t hangrd \1m1l.1r rt>t·11mmcnda11on~ trom ll\t' prn 111u<o comm1"'>1on'> 1111 the ,,1mt• "'Ill' ne'er ha'c lx·cn enl<HH'd rn lull \nd there Wl'rr \Uggestttm' \l11nd.I\ lrom~ml'ml'x'" of lllflgrc\\ that hl10\t1ng thr1r pa ' 1ntu tht• '1' litWrt'' "a\ pohtitall ~· unatn•ptaok ncm J\ IO thl' pa\( "fh1.· 11ka 1ha1 ollil IJ"'Jn't lt\l' on tnlnmt'\ .1lrcac.h ti'r 11mt·, grt·atcr th,111 th.11 of thl' .i, l r;1ge \mcrKan \\orl.t.•r " ah'>urd ·· \aid Rl'Jl < arl Pur't'll R-\11rh '11.hl' \ll\\l'd to llJ1JIO'>l' iln~ IOCrl',l'll' Congress wants arms reduction W.\~lll N<dON t<\P) -Mo rr than hall thl' mcmher<1 of nr\t yrar's < onfl,rt'\\ lll t: urging Pre,1dcn1 Reagan to re\ l'f\l' hi\ dee r<.ron tn hrea1.h tht' \AL 1 11 nud<.'tH nrm .. rnn1rnl trtat\, hut 1hc PH'\\Urt' " dra"1ng sharp n1l1< ''"' lrnm thr ,idmtntslratmn r in~ l'lfl.hl o1 thr f(Xl mcmhcr-. of the Vnat<' wh1r h (.'On\.t'OCS Jan 6 appealed "1 ond11) to Kcagan to retire cnnuah nuclear •r11pon\ to put the l n11cd \tatt''I hack under thr nu men· cal cr1hn~ on '.iriou' ca teaoneo, of wcnllC>n' rnnta1nrtl rn thr unratllied )1)7 (J l);Jll I hal J< 111111 loflc,'11.\ 1.1'1 '-"C'Ck'\ ll\C'~ht'lm111a .ipprm-nl of a 'ltmrlar :lP!'ll'lll that wu made h) l~mocrat~ 'A ho will~· rn ne\t \<'ill 'tlou\C' The Democrat\ will h:\'t' <1 2S R 177 ltou~ mnr11,1n tn lhc.· tll''<I ( onartu 11nd thr ·•Pfl<'UI w,,, 1n .i rt'"llution Ptl\'4.:d during ii l ln<ot•c.1 d11or 4 41Ul' u\ o f lho\C' 1nwm1n1 l>c-moc-r8', - ·~ . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, December 1&. 198tl. Hall allegedly had map of Hasenfus' prison area Ttrln-l•land nation swltcbe.fovemmeat M.\N.\GUA. N1curn1ua (.\P) - C >ffic1ab said one of lhe map~ found 1n the sock of an arrested American \howed the area around the pnM>n "here: con victed American mercenary Eugene Hasenfu'l 1s ser- \ mg a 30-year sentence The U.S. Emba S) meanwhile <>auJ 11 !>11 11 1s w111t1nJ for an answer from the lef\1s1 Sandinista government on 1t" reque~t to 'mt the man arrested last Friday and 1dcnt1ficd b> "'ltearagua as Ciam Ne~le) Hall. 49 ··w e !>1!,ll ha,en't received an • an~we-r to a note asking that we be Ethnic riots cover half of Karachi K.\R.\C HI. Pak1'>tan (.l.PI - I 1hn1c lighting erupted again ttlda' Jller a night 1n '-"hll h rc\1denl\ stood nn their roollop'> to guard agatn\t rioters "ho had burned hundreds of huild1ngs The da\hC\ ha\e left at kast I ~6 peopk tkad ,ind ~.i ~ 1nJured .\lthuugh thou«.and'> ol Pak1\tan1 .irm~ and na' \ troop\ (Onllnued w patrol Karachi m al group\ again t11da) hauled \o\1th \hotgun'>. <lugger'> l.n1H'i alld p1'>tols 1n '1olence that .tlkctcd ahout hall tht· nh f 1gh11n1,1. al,o llan·d .1g.a1n 1n lhJcrahaJ ll.10 mtln to th\' ca.\t "ht:rl' J ban~ l"O go' c:rnmenl ollicn :md I:! shops Y.crc ..ct ablaze v.11- nc'isn 'i:l1d The '1oknll' hl·tijn lalt' "'1.11urda\ \' hl·n Pathan' JOgl·rcJ h\ poltu· drug , JnJ -.. .. l'3f"'n' ra1lh in thl·1r nl'tgh t-orhnod.. took to the 'itrt'Ct'i and twg.rn l'rl'l 11 ng ha rm Jdl'' \\ 11 Ol'\<;(.'\ ,,11d lull·\lak r10t1n1,1. hqwn \unda\ "hl·n lht Pa1han' hl•tian att.llktng \l11h.1tir' anJ H1harl\ T hl' Jl'.tlh 1nll 1hrnugh \111ndJ\ "J' I 2'i <>m· moll' dl'.tlh \l.J\ ll'fl\'rll'd t11dJ\ 1n I h1.kr.1had and ~O 1111hl'11ard-h11 "ar.tlhl Ol'lghhorhood ,,1 <>ra~1 1nduding I'\ J>l'Opk hurnc<l ali'l' "h1k \kq1111g in their tlUI\ hO\f)llJ( olfa IJ(\ '4110 \\ 1tnl'\\l'' ""d till' .H01\ too~ up pt"1t1on\ 11n Orang1·, htlh11.I.' \o\htl"h h,1\l hl·l·n U\l"J h' l'.11han\ lo \hnot into the.-lll'll\t'I' populdtnl \lohaw nr1ghhnrhnnd ll<'ln" Pn' all: grclUJl' 1n thl' rl\ .11 \l11haJ1r JnJ Pathan lOmmun1l1l·' u\ed l11uJ.,µ...•ah·r, m l'rn1gh1 t11 nhort H'\ldcnt' · \\J\ J'\o\,tl.r and guard \OUr~:lt and .._l'l"Jl \Our nl'tgh- horhood Jkrt perm med to~ the pc™>n 1dcnuficd ai. Sam Ncsle) Hall," em busy spoli.e .. man .\I Laun said Mo nday n1sh1 Laun said the cmba~')) ~nt the note lO the ~nd1n1sta government Saturda) night, shonly after Foreign M1n1Mer Miguel d'facoto announced linll was arrestrd near an air force bJ\(' "We ha\.cn't insisted that we bt' gl\ en access to him nor have we ..ent another note because '-"C believe thal a C-1\ 1h1cd go"ernment needs to n:c.c1\t' onl) ont note " Laun !.aid <•o"crnmcnt offil'1al who <,poke on cond111on ul ctnon)mll\ \!lid Hall wus bcing 1ntcrrog.a1ed b) \talc ..ccur- ll} officials al the f IC h1potc J~tl in an area of downto\l.n Managua that wai. he:s' ii> damaged h} a ·I ll72 carth- quakr Official\ said hl' ha\ nm hecn C'harjt"d. hut '' hc111g held lor ques- tioning unde1 a 4-\ear-old national l'mt•rgcnq la" that gJH'S ..ecunl} agcnc1e\ '-"ldl' po"er\ ot <,earch and am:\t c;poke\v..oman .\ngcla '>aballo\ on ~1onda\ quoted Foreign Minister M11ucl 0'l"4.oto a\ 'WI) 1ng Hall ma~ he incd 1n a People's Tribunal. a \J)Cl 1111 rnolut1onar} lUUrt .ts v..a\ Ha~nfus H.i~nfu') wa') ;irrt'sted Oct 6 Jher bailing out of a rdxl targo plane shot do"'n b~ N1l.iraguan troops. and wa' rnn' 1cted last month on tt•rronsm and other chargc1 The official \and1n1.,ta newspaper Hamcada on Monday quote'<.! In- terior M1n1!>ter r omas Borgl· a\ ~~ 1ng one of the mup\ allcgcdl) found on Hall \howed the area around T1p1tapa pmon I:! miles c..1\l 111 'Aanagua Hctc,cnfus 45 and ctn C'>ttmated I 500 member'> of the late Prc1.1dcn1 .\nasta!.10 Somo1..1'\ malu.in are held JI l 1p1tdpa Tlw kh1\t \andin1sta\ U"erthrcv. ~mo1a ., ~0Hrnmcn1 1n Jul\ 1979 and thc.-l S (ongrc\\ rl'lt'lltl) approved S 100 million tn d1d to lht ( ontra rehels. who are fighting to O\ erthrow the 'iandtnt'itaS Barncada CJUOlt'd Borge as ~> 1ng llall al)() lamed a map of th..-Panfil port of ( onnto. when· \htp~ lrom the ~o' 1c1 blcx deli, er m1l11.in cariO for the ~and1nt~la!> f ht' harbor Wit\ mined 1n 19K3 in a lJmpa1gn 'pon \Ort'd b\ lht' (IA Keports in lhl' l n1tcd \talt''> \Jld the arrl'~lc.d man 1~ the bruther ul l "i Rrp Ton) P Hall 0-0hm P<H< I Of ~p IN Tnn1d~d (AP) The people of Tnnidad and T ubago 'oted ovt"rwhclmlnJly for the oppoMuon t"nd1ng 30 years 1n po1A>cr for tht' People's National Mo'l'mc:nt. accord1na to preliminary 1r~ults rclrased today rh..-uppos1t1on Nauonal Alltance tor Rl'l'on~truc11on swept 33 of the 36 '>C•ll\ 1n the House ofReprc~nt.a11ves 1n h.illoung Monda} results released h\ tht' Ekc11ons ( omm1ss1on 1n- d1lated ReJcct1on of 1he People's "'allonal Movcmt'nl was so complete that e'en Pnme M1n1ster George Cham~:r\ loti.t ht'> \Cat ... At Circuit City You Get The Best Service, Selection , Savings, and Satisfaction THE BEST SPEAICEltS f ROM $30 TO $100 THE B~ST SPEIKEH FROM ;) 100 TO $150 .. ~w.; ...... . I °L • t·~ *"'"* 00-0 "1ltWCNcef '°' THE BEST SPEAKERS FROM $180 TO $250 1 159R THE BEST SPEAKERS FROM $270 TO $999 OP_EC ~~l{ stalled ...u~~ by antagonis m <•l 'l \\I \Pl CH'I < 111lm1ni'>- 11:n '>truukd 111 "r.111 ur .1 lil'JI 1n a 1,1\lh dJ\ 111 1.11~ .. 1111.l,I\ on a rlan to hoo\t 1111 pm l'~ 1 hl'IT hop...... for dl'U'il'l' Jlt11in \\('r\' .. 1.llkd h) an- t.1gon1"n hl·l~l'\'ll \\;II fol'' ltan Jnd Iraq. holh <>Pl C nwmhl·r' I hr 1111nl\1rr.. hrld flTI\ .Ill" ml"rl - Hl[I.\ 1111 "'·''' 111 dr\ up till \o\orld rnl gl ll I <)a"1111 l .1!.1 .11 < >r.11h1 l~aq' 1111 m1n1,tl'r n·1 tr1.11nl 111d,I\ hr "nulJ not ''ll" .in c H'I < .1pn mrnt that I l!.·•'c lr.iq .1 ,1n11k h.!ncl k" th.in I Iran · \ Jll.111 alrt·aJ\ Ju.c;ptcJ b\ mu\I , .ind k.1Jl'I' 111 \Ill Ill'!< ' t11tJI prudul1111n tl\ ,1h.,u1 I ' mdl111n harrrh J d,1\ ""uhl k,,,, lr.111 \I.1th J prndul tmn qu111J > 1>1.'l<l'llt h1\!hl.'r than Iraq·, fhl'land·,.11m l\l11 ll•lll'"1I p11 <'' up to at ka\tSllla h.ar1 t'lh\ tlll'l'fld •I the \l'Jr Pnu·., no\!. r.in~1· f111111.1b1•11t $1 l 11-.~ Io a harrel \11ml' m1nl\ICr\ Ill ttH ( )r~.11111.1 tuin 111 l\·trokum I \Jl111t1n11 < 1>1111 tr1e' u1nt1nunl to J\\l'rt ll•d.n th.11 .1 linal agrn'nll'nt \I.a' ''11h111 rl'Jd1 Afghan resistance fore es increasing \.\ ·\""I'\( Ir()'\ (.\Pl \lgh.1n fl"\l\IJOll' flllll'\ \.lld Ill tx-U\lng "0Jlh1.,1tlatnl I \ m..,.,.(l • ., Jrl' m.1 1. 1ng nl.ltm .1lh amn in .11r 1.kll'n'l'' Jnd rl'n.·nth ha'l' 1mrca\1.'d thl'tr tlntrUl turn · nl \II\ tl't .11rnat1 the \talc: l>l:panm.:n1 'kl\\ Thl· department Jl\o '>.lld pr11- lran1an rchch ha\C \ll'PJ'X'd up .H II\ 1t1e~ 1n pJfl\ of \lghanl\t,1n lhl'\ nmlrol fhl' u1mnll'nl\ \\er1.: Ill thl' dl'p.lrl mrnt"o; annual report hl·ing rdl'J\l'd toda' on thl' 7-\car-old wor that " p11111ig the .\lghan gO\c:rnnwnt ,1nd an e~ttmatl'd 11 M 000 'iov1c1 \lllll1cr"> aga1n~t guerrilla\ \upponrd h\ some nr1ghtmnng crmmnc~nnd the l ' 'i \uording tu puhhshcd rcrx1rh thJt hD"l' nc,cr been offil'lall ) rnnfirmcd h) the Reagan adm1n1~trat1on. the .\fghan rcs1'1a ncc forcc'l ha\C hccn pro' adcd \\Ith Stinger m1s'l1IC\ 1,480 activists face trials in South Korea \fOl' L . \outh f...orea I,\ P> r he numtx·r nt ~nrtc hcintt hclJ m l:H mg 111al 1n lOnncl11lln "Ith polt\lt",\I all1\lllt'' th" \Car 'tand\ at I 4KO including I I h4 \ludt•nt\ "'louth "nrl·an nl""'IJlapcr' rq>onrd 1nda' Don~ \ llhl>. an inOurn11al m·'~' paper in \cnul \Jld th.it l•tmrn 1\'lca\cd h~ pro'4.'< utof\ \hO\\.l'd '4 ~o t'l\'ork had ht'l'O arrc\tcd \O far th1\ , ct1t on 1. hMi<'' related to 1.knmn '1r.1t1<1n\ \t\.ln\ anti 111ht•r pohltl .11 umd1t1t1n\ · (rO\t'rnml'nl •llllhtmlll'' '-'' thc·u· art' nn pohtl(JI pn\uncl\ 111 \nuth II. nr c:i and that .111 I ho'>t hl'lll hH" hct•n thl'lfl\'d v.11h or .lrt' tx-111v "" c:\tttiiltC'd for\ mint ton\ of l'\l\lln la ..... ' - Uatat11eforeyo111t1y_ Corcuol City SIC>f99 ,_u,. K OUt ltUlly 0.'0"9<1 IOV"d room• '°you can c1111ce11y .. •tu•I• wee•«t t>el0t• yov l>uv 1n 1n '"'"'ronmen• that 'K•eel .. ,,,. ecc1>u111q <>! "°'' -..... "9 100"\ "" ce,_.. Ctty Low Prtce ...,......_ It'°" .... ~ lrOft'I OtCVll City lftO ""'~" lOd~ find..,._ ll9fft !of._ et -9'°" Of et 1ny e>"* '<W ~ tlOC"'"I ,......_ .. M ,..,l>lld IN dlflw~ plot '°' ot IN ~ llflOtl Pf(ld o4 !fie to-.1 ~ Tl'wa one< e~ IN Crcull Cfly OvfllM Stoot C.rwln·V99e 10 2-Wey ~s.,.i.m • 10 w o<>ff'r ' fWfftfftr -''"'•', jttj ..,.~rf<tf,,.. .tl\lt' --Al Acoustic A_,.ch I Ouel Ori"' $9e•llet Sy1lem • ' w11y flruu ,t•nd1nq "'lftt"il~P'-. w ith fttMI \\'l>Ofµf<1; • •">• 1N1lh r•11 mvfn • t1•l1vt-1•·nQ tl(1 lo tl' wttft._ pt r 1111nn• I e ltijt p(j lO(JltttJ lwt•t IPf' i,JIVf' ''iPHhf'I) "°"""' hanr111nQ "'• 1417W.CU,_.• 111•11M-aa ..... ,.,, ··::.~n· (1'41 ... 51aec• nn , ... 171•1 ..... 1 1791ACH UBL J iil Compec l·Monllo1 Two·W•y lloohh•ll loudepe•k•• ---~-.,----. 6 p ,, py•• .. ,.. d ,..,.. ,,_.OJ'-' l10T T9"HH ,_ .. ....,... .. t211t 310-US3 l••··-.... , .... " 12111 •~ , . ..., ... 120 l. C..,• II 12111 ., .. ,..., ''" 'j ., • t t 'ar um " Q" tr. • P P\ t 'P,111 '-, . " ;., _._.~ .... _. _. " ... ""-n.,,u ",. t• ..:~ ,..,,, t f"'•• e •pa •e ,.ti~ S JU" " ~u!." 1 ~-• oa-:• ,,..., .. Jiil ~Wey 11001 1undlf>9 Loud1pe••e< Sy1tem . . ,. . f1t.•IJ •• Ip t' .. , .. 'A tr•'\ I ' l Wt'' ... '' ,.,., s '•'il' , 'llt.J.v_l! .L.• ,,d,.,,Cl' ., .... 1249!? • Wt1tla1 A ... la1 111r.-: .. •• 12111~ ... • ..-•• 11111• ti• t tct.ry II 11111 • lfU .......... 11Ulh ... ttllrt , ... , .... .. I ( :, . .f'r I SOUTH COAST 2445 lrlstol lrlatot at Warner (714) 545-1600 Approxlmetely 2 MllH Mort" of the 405 fwy on lrl1to1 , ..... ,. t3Ultic.ryll 1111) 112 USS ..... , .... ........ 11 C213I MI~ ,...,. ... lt• ......... ,.,., ,... ... r • : '• n ' • a t ·- t r • I r I L I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT I Tuesday. December 16, 1986 .. r---------------I -PER M oNTH WIRE REPAIR PLAN ... I I ign and mail today to Pae1fic Bdl 180Grand Ave 71h A .Oakland CA 9461 2-9786 I THE CHOICE IS MINE. AND l'M MAKING IT' I want the steunty of'Pac1hc Bdl's I I ~r Month Wire ~ir Plan. I undrmand I will hr billed SO cents/monch per lmr I ISi 00/month per lmr for busanrss 1· brgmnmg in January 19 7 and pay no alTa I charge whrnrvt'r phpnr wm ng rrpair msidr my homr or off1cr 1s nrrdrd I I N.imt' I I Cnmp.rnv I I AJJrl'" --I I C1rv -CA l1r I I Phnnt•I I I 'i1i:natur<' I I OR Qu Tau-FREE: 1800-843-1941, ext. z34 I I PACIFICl!IBELL~ I I I ...... "'--~ ~-----------------~ YOUR [)EADLINE FOR AVOIDING A POSSIBLE $65 PAIR CALL IS RE. Unl ess you've been away on an extended vaca tion or business rrip . yo u probably know that Federal Com- munications Commission regulation changes take effect as of January I. Whi ch means you will be responsible if the teleph one wiring mside your home ot office need rep air. That's why Pacific Bell wants you to know your choices. Like making repairs yourse lf, paying someone else (an electrician perhaps), paying Pacific Bell at least a $65 fee . " Or subscribing to Pacific Bell's Per-Month Wire Repair Plan. It's the dollar-wise choice that lets you avoid making repairs yourself. But the deadline for full January coverage -when an inside wiring problem could really cost you -is December 31. Just days away. So don't wait. After all, with our Per- Month Wrre Repair Plan, you pay just 50 cents/month per line* ($1/month per line* for business customers) to have Pacific Bell repair your inside wiring and jacks anytime - at no extra charge. And all you have to do is fill out and mail the service activation coupon above today. •Pr1ees sub1w ro chan~e u rtam phone systems may not qualify Phone sets and extens10n cords not included Take a moment and do it right now. Or call toll-free: 1800-843-1941 ext.234. Because even a small delay could mean a very big repair bill. PACIFICtJBEt.L SM A Pacific Telesis Company THE CHOICE IS YouRs. • o..,. -....... "' .... lctlw.,,. Alessandra Ferri, Victor Barbee ln the American Baliet Theater production of "The Nutcracker." Cosby, 'Purp le ~given _ NAACP Image A "Wards l <I\ \'-<ii l I\ t \Pl -· I hl· ( ll\li\ \h11\\ \\1111 lo ur ,l\\Jflh Jnd thl' rn•" ll' I hl· < ulnr Pu r pk .. p1d.n1 up thrn JI thl !'Ith .1nnu.il '\ \ \( P lm:igc \\\Jrd' \\h1rh rn·ogn11t' J">O~lll\\" lnl..lgl'\ 111 hl,1\ I<.\ 10 th1 l'nll'rlJllllll\'nt 1n1IU\lf\ J h1• .. r~1n11.i11e1n .t11,n prl'\l'Otl'<l 11' · "-l'' 11! I 1h: J\\,ml g1' t>n Jnnualh ti' J JX'r'11n rnn,11.krt·J ;i k .itkr in tht· hum.111 r rght-. 1111" 11 1 nt 111 \outh \lnl.111 .tdl'1,1 \\11rn11· \l.1ndl'IJ Tht• ,1\\JH.l "·" ,,,, l p11.:d \unJJ\ night 110 h..·h,111 11t \fr, \fJnJt•IJ Ii' 4'11uth \lnl.tn ""~l't \1ir1.1m \1Jlo..l"· hJ \\ hP \,llJ '\\l' .lit" ,l\\Jrl Ill lht• l'fft1r1' th.ll IX"Pk .111· 111Jlo..1n~ hnl t11 h1·lr "' Ill th~ tiglll .lttJtn\t lhl' \1 1uth \lr11.111 g1nl·rrinwnt 1)111lt\ 111 rJll.tl 't•p,Jr J t I• Ill Ot hi: r 'l~·l 1.il .1 '' .11 J "1 n nu -i "l're I >r \It.in \ubrn B11l''·'" "h" ll'· ll"I\ 1•d tht !<11\ \\ 111.tn\ ( I\ ti R1~ht' ,l\\MJ IUI Ill~ J..:J1l.llllln h• th1 .tnll· ,q1,Hl h11d \tlll~fk Ill \111llh \trtl ,I .ind '111~1·1 I >111nrw \\ .11"11. I..'' h11 '"" n.rnwll ·1 nh·r1.111w1 11t th1 '1'.tr •• 1 h< < 11!.11 Pu1rk ·· .1 \11.·H·n "lp11·lb1 r~· 111111 t""''d 1111 till \llu· \\'all.1•r 1111\d n t th, ,,1011 n.1ml' "·" , hn,t·n ,1, 1lw hnt nh11111n p1l tu rt· .11 thl' \\',II I hl 11\ll\ ll' lJtkd Ill \\111 JO\ \,,llfl'lll\ ,l\\,lld' 1.11(11·1 thl' \\',II RUFFE[L'S UPHOLSTERY INC. ...,, , ... ...,, c..... ..,,, 1922 llAtltl ILn .. com IESA-S41·11S' _ ____,1 EDOIE MURPHY IS BACK IN ACTION. I THE 1 GOLDEN CHILD !PG 13) ! ~~~~vrt~ · ~~ ~ "'= ---· ----··----. ~ ---- NOW PLAYING .... .......... • *" .... .. '.I 6 • . ., .. "' .... .. h,... .. . .....,,.. .... ------· ..... -.. ··-.~ ........ ._.., _ .. -... -." .. .. _. .......... .. MM• ... ... -·-... .. -· ------ Jl'\fllll' l I nom1nat11>n\ "f hi\ I' our ( h l.H \,11\J l.)Ulll\ \ Jone\ \lh1H·u-pro<lult•J th1· t"ilm Tlw top-r .iti:J "( o'h' 'h1 '" ' 'lf:ipp\ \nnl\1·r<o:in .. \l'gm1·nt "·'' n.1nwJ \unJJ\ J<, thl' lx'\l l'fll\u<ll· 111 ,1 •lln1\'1h ,1•n1·<, or ~IX'l IJt ..1nd thn·c o t thl' prngr:im·., J1 tor' \Inn 1nd1' 111ual J\o\-3rt.l<. Ph' hl IJ KJ,hJJ "J' n.1nwd tic\! J1. tn·~<, 10 J 111nll'lh 'lf11•, 1n 1h1· \nnl\l.'r'<Jf\ ·· ~t·~m1·n1 R11\1.11\. l 1'l' Bnrnoe \IJ'> nJ mt·J tx·.,1 .1d11r an J lllnll'J\ \\'fl\'\ 1lf \l"'\'l IJ I II\ .. 1 h1 ( Jrd t 1amr .. 'tltml'nt .10J .._l.,h1c1 J...n1~h 1 l'ulhJm \Hiil lx·\t p' rh1rm.1n1l' h\ <1 '11ut h .11 111r or ..tl I'"'" I hl '-at11HIJ \"111.1.111 in 1111 1h1· -\J, Jmemcn1 111 < oliir1·J Pn•rtl' "hit h norninJll"J l hr I "'h' \hn'' · tor i:1t1-ht J\\.m.h J1Jn t lllO\IJl·1 kill I o'h' lur am ,,,,,irJ, 1n ~t·1·p1ng "1th lhl• hi\ rl'ljUl">I .1nd dt'\tfl' llPI ht ll•lllpt:tl' \\lthuther Jl111r' fur .1~•.11d\ \\ h11t•p11· Coldtx·r~ ",,, n,anwd tw\I ,1, lrl'\'> Jnd ()pr.1h \\ lnlr1•\ h1'\t I 'llpp11rt111g .1llrl'" hir lhl'lf rnk' 111 I hl' C 11ltH Purpk · I Ill' '-\ \ C I"' Bl ' 1 r h II ti 1, II" I h \\OllJ l hJpll'f "h11. h 'pnn,or' tlw lm:t~l· \\\,mh. hJt1,1111.11nl thl' film , ''hl·n rt "J' rdcJ'>l't.l. ,11ndt·n1111nt1-1t' d1·p1l t111n 111 hlJ1 lo. 111.ik • h.11.11. kr' "THE DEST OF THE 'STA.A TMK' MOVlES:' -Jefl¥9y ly-SC.t.lt .uvl(WJ/11"1 PG C-. .......... , -··-··-"'-~ .. ·~· ~~-_ ........... -." ••"'"'''"' __ ......... ......_~·-~· r-:-..... llOf/11 .PIAVlllG .. ' .. ... ... .. . .,.. . .. . .._ .. ,, ... • .., r "' .... ...-·-... - .... ... ~ ....... -""""'""'" . .... ~ ., .. ... .. -. •I>-.... •'*·• ... ... --"""'-..,..... ..... ~-.... 4'1'0 . .... ._.... ··-.... -~ ---..... --.. .. ._..,. " ... .. -..... m--· STA" Tttlt'.K IY CPGt I Z 00 l JO t 00 '1 d .. 10 J0/70MM Ootl>y H&A .. TallltlAA "'DOI(,.., 11 :<If 110 • ~ 10 10 STAii TltUt IV fPCO Plu1 ZOIO Tl•• Vut w,, M•lt~ Cona~ct l~I F' " .. "-"IC.Al' TAIL c~ootu OUttO«a •• , ' •• , •• , ••• o ,,, llJI 31JI 1 :U & t •U lS 7 <10 6 t ·tO IOM90t'T'Hll 90UTH ....... 110111 Man (~O IJ) 1 d I U Ta.GUftlf'Ol SHOWS AT I 10 I 00 A 10 10 THS COU>tt Of' llCMllEYClllt Plus I" lre.,.,•llur I A I M*GOf'n. SOUTM .. ) On• M•tlc Cll rhlmu (0) SOUL MA .. (PG I J) At10 Jump1n' hell FIHll '"' cttocoou.a DUfllD« (N-Ut aunt Ho c~C 1 SI Orange Co111 OAIL Y PILOT/Tuesday, December 18, 1986 A9 ~ J Flawed 'Nutcrack·er' at Center By ANNE LA JEUNESSE o.lll' ...... c...-.. , ....... h~m·c, he 11an1 emotion' through hi\ lluwlt~s '>upport and tolerant 1u1d· a nee The ball~t "lt\ bndh tran~lormed 11110 a d.t11hng C hn,1ma') prt"M"nt b> chnrm11}g ~rfoimanct'<1 dchvt'rcd b) danccr!I prc!>en11ng the second act l'thnlt:' di' t•rt1:1!>Cmcnt9'. lull ivo" n !\utl ral ~i·r.Pnnt:e come to It ft' John < 1.irdner "a" featured as the \IOlt Moor -;.ho boog1e-woogied for Jn cnJo~able ft'" minute\ betor<· grow1n1 ng1d Onet-ag:nn and hcmg cam t'<l omtagt' b\ Drosi.c!lme)er Verc,aulc Clill Boggs gan• 1he character of I nt1. eta ra \ hrothtr JU!>I the prol)('r mea~un· of f)IB\ lul o rnennc'l'> kno"'n all too "l'll h\. ~omen who h \t' ever had l111k brothers. Ch1ldrt'n '"111 del1iht 1n the bn$ht paMel fa1n-talr stlltng•., twinkling hihu and pmtcd charactc-put1ons. but adult ~h 1 few ··Nutcrackers .. undt'rthctrb<! 1smay bcd1sap intcd b) ani bl\ ule l performances 1~1 wall lca'I.' man~ w1')htnJ for a lusht'r \tr\lun of lhl.' trud111on11I C hn!>tma!I balltt During II\ long-awaited debut at Segcr~trom Hall in the Orange ( oun- t)' Perlormang Ans \enter. the American Ballet Theatre r>rcsented aud1cn.ccs w11h a less-1han-~pectacu­ l11r ver<,1on of "The Nutcracker.'' choreographed by ABT Artistic· Di- rector M1kha1I 8ar}shn11<-ov from E.T .A Hoffman's trad111onal holida' talc · "'lora Kimball and C lark T ippet &J'c thl' Spani!>h Chocolate Dance a tran'ila11on eloquent in haughtiness C. hmltnc Sp1110and John Gardner ..-------------------------------imbued the popular < htne~ Tea The performance \13!> sa,cd b} the dancers' cnchantmg execution of the second act d1"ert1s~ments and b\ f chaakoHkfs charming score ct:m· ducted b\ Paul Connelle\ If he 1n-~1rut:h the line orchestra 10 pla' a b11 loudtr the unusual!), amplified sounds of !;queakang dance shppers might be muted .\~ Clara the ~uung girl \\ho cxl)encnce\ a dream-state a"akening into womanhood aftcrrom3nc1ng her fantas} "'lute r:ll ~er-Pnml' . .\kssan- dra f ern the .\Br·., mul·h ball)ho<>«I ne" balknna 1n111all} approached her role" 1th a relllcnce that made 11 d10icult 10 d1st1ngu1!>h her from other )Oung kmale pan) guc~t~ in the opening scene .\hhuugh !lhc Marcd at the part\ fe\ll\ lllC'i \\llh Childlike wonder. f (.'rrt cxh1b11ed ltttk of tk~ bl'gutling "t\lfulnc!.s \\htth former \BT dann·r Ciel\e~ Kirkland g;.i'e 111 the role near!) IO )cars ago Ho"e'N during the balkt''> '1<.·l · ond alt r ern hetaml' more emo- twnall~ 1n\11hl.'d danunga tao1al11- 1ng pa\ Jl· tro" dunng "h1lh \he 'llrugglc'> to lhoo'>C bl't\\ccn her mcsm cr111ng unllc H crr Dro,wlml'\Cr damed h' \ 1\lur Barlx'l' l"tio ..irpcar\ I\) Ix· 100 <,ua'e .ind 'oung tor tht rokl anJ the ohJ1'1 t of ha a"al.i:ning dnirc -the '-ut1 r,h l.l·r-Pr1nn· hJod\omch JJnll'd tl\ "'l'\ 1n \ll t-..Cn/ll' In the pJ<. tk tnm Fem·., d1'tan1 l hJrJlicr11.11111n g,t\ l' ''a' 10 almo't p.tlpJhll' Jl''llrt JnJ garl·''Umiln llln· lu\lon k.t' intt .1 '>Uggl·~11un ut 10· \l'\tUOU\ tcding-. .. hJrl'll \I Ith hn undt" H.ir hl·l· 11fkret.l ,1 \lJixlu1•d pt'r· l11rm.1nll' of( IJrJ\ tx·l11\CJ undl' a' r onr,l\al that &J't' no '>l'n'>1' 111 lhl' 1n1l·nw \,rngah-11\..l' mJgnetl'm ap pJr1'nt ''ht·o tlw roll· " danct·t.l h\ \ll'\Jflt.ll·r \f 1n 1 "h ll'>l' Dr11\'>l'lmt'H'r e\tJhl"hcJ thr .\H l \t.1nJJrd lor till' mk K,., In \1t Kl·n111· ho"l'' 1·r gJ\\' th1· rnnH' lioth J rq~JI .rnJ i·ngaging pr,·1,cncr dra'' lnJi! nut the fra[?1k Dance "Ith precmon and 1nfect1ous memment ~hcphmh Che~ I '\eager and \\ l') ( hal>man "ere m1slh1n 1ousl) ll1na11ous and Ruben \\ allace and (,ii Boggs plea..cd thl' dud1cnce \\rth their boundks\ 1·ni:rg' Jnd ob\ 1ous l.'nthu\1asm during lhe athle11c: Ru\'>tan Danc1· The alroballl ao11n of 'tcphen \le>.ander (Jar') C111Tune ~Ott ~l hk\er and Thuma' l 11onc clo"'n· ing around a'> the rnlorfull} garbed coun bulloon\. ga' c thl' ballet mo\I of 1\!I mag1t:al quail\\ and t'nchan11ng humor Thi· u'ualh Ou1d fir\t d\.'I Waltt of the \no\\Oa~i:., "a' robbed of 11~ l~mal grale b~ a ponJcrou-. and 1mprel t'>l' pcrfurm:inle b~ the rnrp~. k•d b' l.un·ttr Katcrndahl and \m~ Ro'>e. performing llk.t' a \crnnd-<,tnng u:am solt1'nrd onh h\ Bon<. .\run .. 1111'' beautrlulh ~ubdul·d moonl11 tori·\! Thl· t110-,hort ha1tlt· uf thl' regimen- ted Ill\ 'oldtl'r' and the mt·naung mOU\l' arm\ katured Ka\ mond \er- r.inn in a dC'l1c1ou~f\ na·,,, pcNm· 1fica1mn ot tht' \1ou!IC t-..1ng .\1t1rl·d 1n hank Thomp<,on·, ap- propnJtd~ mang' nxknt lo,tume-. .rnJ "h,..kcrt:d ma'h "1th JUtttng -iooul\ thl' mill' pJced ""h lur11,1· rat 111.t• mo,1·ml·n1' l\l Ill hing their 1. ruolo..l•t.l 'kndl·r lingl·r-. a' th1•\ ad· 'Jlll1'd nn tht• Jrl·am1ng Clara in a 1hrl·atl·n1ng hul not lnghtcning \leoe rhl' J\\ ""art.lh {tfO\\lng giant mult1-lnh1rl•J < hr1'tm.t' trl·1· 1ar tun·d th1· aud1l'lllt'·, at1cnt1un all11" illlt .\k"-cniu.: Lu bound I rum ~ndcr 11\ hou~h' 'urpr1'tO~ '11·''l'r'> J' th1· ln•ex•pen•slve• 'ton ok spe n S•vl nol high n price •easonabte clessitoed 8-'ht ..._. adver11s1ng -J ~I Class1f1ed Advert1s1ng 642·567P I UINA 'AlllC 9~2~993 LAGUNA HtllS 76! se.' U NlA ANA ;'o '"' U A 1,40V ES BUENA PAP~ INIU ~90 '°"' • J A ,_.OV ES BREA COSTA MEU 6J• JSO '. •£:)WARDS '1ARBOR l .. VINE !54 ~ 1 1 •EDWARDS l)N"1fRS1Tv EOW SO CAL LAGUNA "'LLS ~A •F:OWARDS 9R•S'0L LA HAlflA 21J16',i1 Ot. STAHlON e~!.05•' AMC FASH•ON SOUARF •fDftAR<:IS Vil A~' LA MIRADA 523· t6 t' WESTMINSTER d~ '-l' P~CIFIC GA TEWA~ • EOWARL>S c >oEMA wee.; MISSION VIEJO 36• &no ORANGE £14 •m EDWARDS MISS•ON VIEJO VAL, PA(.IFIC ,,R.a.toiGE r, LAOUNA IUCH 49 T 1·11 OAANOE 634 25~3 Hlw•AO~ SOUTH COAST LAGUNA svui:v CtNEOOME WESTMINSTER 8~' ·~4J PACIFI(.. 5 >11WAY )~ D OOllT sn•to ·-·-... , THI GOLDIN CHILD1,..111 IJ le 1 .. • SO ''°' "1t II 10 ,w ' 111 fill• i&h' ffiiiO STAa THK JV: . THI VOYAGE HOMI 1,.1 111ll Ht SM t1U ttrM Arl"IMICJ ncam OH IAll °""' OOUT SllllO ST1V1 MMTIN, CHIV!' (MAii. MAITIH IMOln THIH AMIGOS 1N1 lr99 li!J J 1H 7;11 1'199 ttlVIH tl'fllllllO'S AN AMHICAN TAIL 101 121)0 111S &:tO J:O 7ta 911J Ullll)I Ult I K•Ht II Otl A"'' WAU OCSHfT'I OOUT SWIIO .-1 MUe"4T THI GOLDIN CHILD1,.1>1 12' .. , ..... tttt·U 11 40 DOltl rrnlO -lWll IM-UOMMI NllllOl STAI TWIK IV: THI VOY AGI HOMI 1 .. 1 ll·JO J.00 J le IM It.le A/111.t.HCI ncun OH Mil OM l STIVIH _.TIN, CMIVT CHASI, MMTIH t-l THHI AMIGO'S tNl t IJ )1JJ t1•I I.OJ 10i10 l'AUl HfWMAK'TOM ceu1u THI COlOl Of MONIY Cl> ' '' »» ,,,, ,,,. ,.,., OOllT snuo CllHT LUTWOOO HIAITIHAK llDGt llll , ... JiU •!9J I &J 11 11 DOtlT ttlHO H1V1H tl'lll lllO l AN AMllUCAN TAIL tt l 111•10•10Mt 1- l'AUl HOOAH C•OCODtll DUNDll 1,..u1 I 10 J , 0 S1I0 7 ,19 t .. SONG Of THI s~ 111 ocAHC ctArooc. 1us1C.A lAHOI --..:.12:.o'&!llio"'O!l'll~•>J0~"-•--:---1 CllMH Of THI HI.All,,...,, SOUL MAN C"°'IJI 1-00 > u ..,, 7·•J 1tr• CHllOllN Of A lUHI 000 Ill ,,. ..... HIAITIURN 111 l >J I UltlO ... ..... l'AUl HOOAH CIOCOOIU DUNDll t,._IJI 1 "41 )M ,, .. ,,. ..., !MAHI lllATOf4, llUKA lAHOI CllMIS Of THt HWT lf't-UI , ... ,. ....... 1 •• ANAHEIM 11111m mttl•:nen " "'''' '!'!l ~ • •"'-.,,;~Al .L'Mt'°' !lot ........ ST AHD IT Ml !II TOP OUN rNI """" a-ll09'• AN AMllKAN TAIL 191 THI MONfT PfT INl CUM' IMlWOOe HIAITlllM llOOI .- COllA 1 11'1VIH """'""· OMV'f CMAM. ~ '"°'" THiii AMJOOl 1"91 UCK TO SCNOOl fM.UI STAND IY Ml tltl WAU OltHIT'I I It • M t M SONG Of THI SOUTH tet IN' J•cw r• ••H lbM 1M •·le -,,,. t•M JUM~ ~ "' ~ leJ ..... '".fl 4lt ~ .,. f I • IOOll MUel'MT THI GOLDIN CHILDt,..111 PIHIS IUILLll'S DAY OfP t ... •JI ~AUl MOONf CIOCOOtU DUNOll 1,..1>1 lllT DIJINSI IWl to. QIUIM.?AU\ NIWMH THI COLOI Of MONIY ~ IUT"USS HOPLI WIUWl-~~...OT STAR TtllK JV1 THI VOYAOI H0Mlt'91 2010 tfllt b U .. U 10.lt '°"'lWI --..aNU9 NIMO' ITAa TllK IV1 THI VOY AOI HOMI ,,_. 2010,.... '""' llllAaTIN. CMn'T a.AM. MAllTIN IMOl'f THiii AMtOOI '"' IACK TO ICM00\ 1 ... 1~ CUN' foAllW009 HIARTHIAJC llDCM coeu 111 ·~-....... AN AMlllCAH TAlliet THI MONIY fl'IT 1N1 70mm·8 TRACK STEREO 11-~L..Jli.Wl!la~U!WJWiJL. "STAR TREK IV" (PG) 7 30 10 00 70mm·6 TRACK STEREO ''THE MISSION" tPG l'31 1~. 4;30, 7:00, •.JO LIDO 673 8350 .woinavo "'"'"UDO •KEA TO"l L.AHGE SPACEK• "CRIMES Of TH£ HEART" 7:00, 9:)0 1PG· 13 •STEVEN SPEILBERG S• "AH AMERICAN TAil" •GI 5 45 7 30, 11 1• $2 00 TUES & WED "CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD" 1PG 131 700900 "SOULIUH" IR •:JO "PEGGY SUE" IPG131 6 30 10 20 S2 00 1UES A WEO •EDDIE MU RPHY< "GOLDEN CHILO" PG 131 600 800 1000 CHARTER CENTRE 841 0770 w-..t.T-..ctl&W'D "STAR ~EK Ir' 1PG 4 TRACK STEREO 1 30 10 00 •MARTIN CHASE SHOF!T• "THREE AMIGOS" PG1 6 15 8 3-0 10 ;o "PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED" •Pr,,, 6 45 8 45 10 3< ·~ATHLEEN TURNER• ·~EATOtoi 1.ANGE SPACE~• "CRIMES OF THE HEART" 7 00 9JO1PC..·l31 "STAR ~EK IV" 1PG, 4 TRACK STEREC 5 30 8 00 10 15 FOUNT AIN VALLEY 839-1500 •STEVEN SPEILBERG S• "AN AMERICAN TAIL" 5 40 'JO 9 15 s • oo • uES & wn SONG Of THE SOUTH 6 no "SOULMAN" PG I 8 ()() 10 00 SI 00 TUES & WEO UNIVERSTIY 854·8811 ~ "MALCOLM'' PG ,,, DC E)1CLuSIVE "' 10 9 '~ S2 00 TIJES ~:-"'ED •EDDIE MURPHY• "GOLDEN CHILD" oP•.., •J1 600 8 00 1000 NO BARGA N PRt(.E •KEATON LA"IC.E s• ac EK• "CRIMES OF THE HURT" 5 15 • 1, ~ •• "'0 BARG A "4 PPL( •Cll!ll" f ASrwor • "HEARTBREAK RIDGE" "' 700 130 1110 BARGA N PR r "PEGGY SUE" (P0-1'1I15 "TOP GUN" "" 6 1G 1,J Iv s; oo Tue~ & Wff' •PAUL HOvA"I• "CROCODILE DUNDEE~ 630830 IQ•~PC.'1 NO BARGAtN PRtCE SOUTH COAST LAGUNA 49 7 1711 I COAIT lfW't AT lllOAOWAT •MARTIN CHASE SHORT• ' TRACK STEREO "STAR TREK IV" 1PG1 !> 30 8 00 10 20 •KEA'°"' L/INUE SPACEK• "CR1MH Of THE HEART" 7 00 9 30 tPG 131 EJICLvS·~E ElfGAGE~ENl "SID 6 NANCY" 1R1 •CLINT EASTWOOD• "HEARTBREAK RIDGE" LRJ 7:00.~ NO BARGAIN PRICE ·~TEVEN SPEILBERG S• "AN AMERICAN TAil" 1G1 800 100 9 •0 SI 00 TUES & WEO •TOM CRUISE" "COLOR OF MONEY" (R I 1 30 9 •• s• oo TuEs a weD "SOULIUN" IPG 1J 8 30 "TOP GUN" PG 6 25 \0 20 SI 00 TUES & WED UL N• "CAOCOO\Ll OUMO£E" 'ic, 330 S •~ 1100 9~ PG 13 NO BARGAIN PRICES SONG OF THE SOUTH G "SOULMAN" PG "MODERN GJALS" P , 111 $1 00 fl.JES & w EO "COLOR OF MONEY"tR 12 00 1 20 '45 '00 Cj 1!> $100 TUES & wr o •EDDrf M UAPHv. "GOLDEN CHILD" PG lJ• •:>30 230 '10 630 830 • • I~ "<C BARGAIN PR1CE •L "4T rASTWOOD• "HEARTBREAK RIDGE" R• 11 &S. 2•15 4 "°· 7 15,. '5 NC BAR 1A "4 PR1( E "'f.a-~... ,.,.,E <;PACE .. • • CRIMES Of THE HEART .. 1< ,5 I 5 ,. • 10 ~ !>O ~ '3 ~BARGA~ l'PICE HUNTINGTON TWIN 848·0388 MACM Al ..... I I •• M RI SE• "COLOA OF MONEY' <l •ry., 'l '" ' ES/\ WED •PA '"'%AN• CROCODILE DUNDEE" P(, • ; I; 00 II 00 1 Ol. "10 BARGAIN PR•Cf EL TORO 58 1 9500 l l Tc»G AT """l't I "STAR TREK IV" tPGI 4 TRACK STFREO ~ lL R 00 1] 15 NO BARGAIN P'l1CE •C.H~l.K NORRIC.• "flREWALKER" r>r,1 ' '10 Q }fl S' 00 • JES A Wf •MARTIN (.11ASf SHOR'• "THREE AMtGOS" PGJ 6 15 8 30 10 lO HO 9AfllGArN PR1CE: ••f&' ... &"4..,ESP& E•• "CRIMES OF THE HEARr' • 00 C! I~ PG 1 "40 BARGAIN PR•(.£ • AUL HOGAN• "CROCootlE OUNOEE" 'tCROCOOU DUNDEE" •PAUL HOGAN• ~ 6 30 8 30 10 15 •EDDIE MURPHY• "GOLDEN CHtlO" (PG-131 600 8 00 10 00 •MARTIN/CHASE/SHORT• "THREE lMIGOI" (POI 7 00 t 1, CINEM A co~ TA MESA 'J-l61 10) ~ •PAUL HOGAN• "CAOCOOLE OUNDH" n>G· 131 6 15 8 15 10 00 NO BARGAIN PRICE IU SUTS St.M •Tml "TOf' GUM" <PGl 8 00 "STANO IY 11£" (R1 8 15 1000 HARBOR TWIN 631 3501 •CLINT El<STWOOO• MHEAATIREAIC RIOGE" tRJ 1 ....... NO BARGAIN PRICE •MAR• N CHASE SHORT• MTHREE AMIGOS" rPG 6 00 8 15 10 15 NO BARGAIN ~RICE CINEMA WEST 89 1 393'> ... ,._,... "' -.oefftlf STEVE MARTIN CHfV'I' CHASE '-AAATIN SHORT "THREE AMIGOS" PG 6 15 8 30 10 30 NO BARGA N PRICE "TOP GUN" PG 7 '~· ·•PEGGY SUE" PG 13• 5 45 9 50 S l 00 MON WED •EDDIE MURPHY• "GOLDEN CH1L0 .. 1PG n 1 6 00 8 00 '0 00 NO BARGAIN PRICE •CLINT EASTWOOD• "HEARTBREAK RIDGE" 'R 7<()(), t:30 1110 BARGAll'i PRtCE WES TBROOK 530 4401 ... ~""' "' ~"""'' MS. TIVIS IU SUTS SI M "TOP GUN" PG t; "I. • 0 . FIREWALKER" Pu e 115 "CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD" PG • .> 8 10 "TOUGH GUYS" PG 131 6 30 '0 35 WOODBRIDGE 551 ·0655 aAMA#CI< lAtl 0# CUlVU •PAUL HOGAN• "CAOCOOILE DUNDEE" PG 131 6 45 8 45 10 '.l5 NO 6 ARGAtN PRICE •EDDIE MURPH~• "GOLDEN CHILO" PG 131 soo eoo ,~oo "'0 BARGA'"' PR Cf "SOUlMAN" P(., ..! !I I~ "JUMPIN JACK" RI b ''> •O •O s~ (' ~ JE5 & WED •S'EvEN SPF LBERG S• "AH AMlAICAN T All" c. ~ ,5 ' JO 9 15 $l YI Tl.JES & WED •MAP.'111 CHASE SHORT• .. THREE AMtGOS" I PG1 6 15 8 30 tO 15 NO BARGAIN PRICE "THREE AMIGOS" 1PG1 •EDDIE MURPHY• s oo 8 15 10 15 "GOLDEN CHILD" <f>G 131 NO 6ARGAIN PRICE ---------=---• 600 800 IO·OO •----------41 NO BARGAIN PRICE •CUNJ EASTWOOD• ''HEARTBREAK RIDGE" fAl •KEAlO.. LANGE SPACEK• 7-00. HO "CAIMH Of THE HtUT"' NO BARGAIN PRICf "JUMPIN JAtK" !RI 8 30 Nri ~~~1~-~~E L A GUN A Hll l S MAI t 768 661 , -"'~ . . . .. • llM.L. ICn TO ..... "80ULMAN" 1PG1 11 30 10 20 S2 00 TlJE'S & W£0 MISSION VIE Jn M All .ll1·l li,','C l N V • t:U0 MATINEEI "SONG Of THE SOOllfM 19-:~=~~~..,...,.,_. S.t.l SU" a ~eyo 111 SHOW 8 \0 I 05 !I~ tGI r.lS $1.Sf Tl1 ' ~ :•. ~O.. '"'SHOWS 8ffOM Sr:>t.t 82.00 aARQAIN $2 00 TUES & W!D TOES & WED 11 $l11te0 ea-''Ctll~ Of A LHSEA 000" R • •CLINT E.AS TWOOO• 7 00 I '10 "ITAll TIIEK rt" 1PG1 4 TRACK STEREO 12 :)() 3 00 s JO • 00 10 30 NO BARGAIN PAiC! "HEARTBREAK RIOGE" 1R1 "l7"oo TU[$" WEO 1t0,4~7-oo,•40 l•-.....:.•E~D~Ot~E~M~U~R~F'~H~V~•;;__--llt--.5-T_EV_C_N_S_P_E_IL_B_E_RO_S_•--t• + "TOf' GUN" ••OOU>fN CHILO" <f>G 131 "AN AlllEAICAM T Al." 1a 1 (l>Gl 8 00 • 00 10 12 00 2 00 • 16 • 30. uo 1:20, ,-40, t:OO, I 20 10 00 &2 00 TUES & WED + ''COlOA Of MONEr <Bt-1:00. HO. uo .•• AN AMERICAN TAl." s· 1:30, 1:15:6 a.oo run a • \ . . ~ . .. n ~ .: • AlO Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Tuesday, December 16. 1986 HOROSCOPE l -·~-- Wtdnt day, December l7 ARIES CMar(·h 20· .\pnl llJ' Ncgot1atwn:. ''·w lll' cumple1cJ - contnl\crs' end!. Jnd \l1u bt·m·fi1 Fm.u-. on home ;n unt\ lnng 1 Jngl· pri"(ll'll' C1n·um~tam:t''> .,,, ing 111 'our fa q11 l 1hra Jnothrr \Ill'' ll~urt• an d' n.1m1l ~enr.1rm TAl RLIS I \pnl 20-\la\ 2111 'l llU ~l'I to hcan of malll.'r\ an dt·ahng'> "11h rdat1\l'C. pecaal mc,sagc rl·,ull\ 1n im- petus tor nc" 'tan an d1tk1cnt d1n.•ttt0n 8rt'alo. from pa-;t prOC't'durcc, '"imminent. l eo . .\qu.irru'> ligurr prom1ncntl~ SYDNEY 0MARR GEMINI ('v1a) 21-Junc 201 I mphJs1 .. on wllntaon'> p.l\nll'nl't unique 'J' ang' program. lntu11wn ring' trul'. ll'arn1ng pron'\'>" ~t1mulJll'J T .111111~ reunion could pla) o;1gn1tirnn1 roll" ~cn-.c ot d1n.•ctmn I\ rc,wn·u CANCER (Jum· 21-I uh 22 I f>l1pul.1nt~ '" 1ng.' u1m .ttd' 'ou ha' l' g.rl'ak·r frcl'dnm of thought and a ction l ong d1<.\,ll\tT t.Jll u1ulJ It-ad 10 11a' cl prl'~lgllHI\ \OC'lal ana1r 'ou'll Jdd to \\·an.lrubt-'"" Ix· mort.• \l'll\lll\l' u1nn•rn1ng "l'tght LEO <Jul~ 23 .\ug 221 Lrll' <tnd figurL·, rl·4u1n· .1n.1h"' ( hl.'Lk au11unt1ng procedure:\. Ix J\\Jrt· o t lilll' pnnl Ix· ll'JJ\ h•r JnnounlCOll'lll Y.h1d1 rn l'>t.'' original plJn '>cul'l "n:\l·akd. p1oh1ll1twn' Jlc ru11u\.l'd. \ lRGO ( .\ug 23-cpl 221 Drg lll'l'P tor 1nfo1 ma11on '' nlht'\l/l' 'amw' ll'J'lorl\ f rrcndshrp n>uld Ix· tran'ilormcd rntu .. ml.'anrnglul .. n•IJl111n,h1p \u·nJr111 h1ghl1ght\ m Cl\l'mcnt llJ\l'I lfCJll\l' l'lldl·a1or' ( 11·1111111 ,rnothl'f \'ir~o figure promancntl ~ LIBRA (~1:p1. 2J-(kt 221 ) 11u rl'l.1Ulll' .idd1tlllnJI m.111·11.il -hl' J \\:.Jll' ,1krt pr11tl'\.l 'l'lf1n l""'"''"n:,t '"' .,,., '1.t111rl h.rnv1 ou111·, "" hcitnL' lr11n1 II d1plop1Jlll \OU hcncfil. Othcrnr<>e. lamtl} mrmber ~ill J)IO\l' 'tuhhorn SCORPIO (Oct. ~'·NO\. 11) .\eccm commun1c:11111n n:oli11.· wa J11u11H.'1 "dl\ltllll po,~ih1lt t). Clamk<,tine operations figure prom1nC'ntl~. rnuld Ix· rdatl'd Ill rnmanrt'. Man) ans"t·r, arc found P\ lou~rn~ bt'\lHHI 1tw 1mmnh.lll' AGITT ARIUS ( f\o' 22-Dcr :! I) M ont:\, u edrt h<111k JtTuunl futurl' trnJOl 1Jl J'lrll\(k'l l\ arl' 'lpotlighll'd \\hat Jpi}l.'ari. '1111pk on \urlJll' wul<l Jl lllJlh Ix• morL' lomph<.atl.'d than ant1up~1tcd LOH' rd.H1on\h1p 1\ \tro11g u1ulll d11u<l ··u1ol JUdgml.'nt CAPRICORN (l}\.·l ~2-J.in 191 hnil>h \.\hat \OU '>tart ll'itllll' ..Cukr auJrenu· 11; .nailablc tf)OU \\tll hut rc.1<.h .. Lunar cmphaw. tormrtk\ "Ith ropulJrtl\ 1x-r,ua<i1on. spe<. ul.1t1on tharr,nH1 mmann· .\rtl'~ l 1hra pl,I\ J11m111Jnt roll'' AQl1ARIUS (Jan 20-f ch 18)· 'l ou gc1 otkr "h1th mrghl be drflitult tt1 1 duw f ndudt•, ar1.·a' 11frrn plo~ m<.·111. ba\Ll l\'IUl'':>. Ii na nnal \tabrlr t ~ S1 rL·n qill 11 1 p.1 .. 1 p111' l'' ll'mpting. But rt·al progrc" ht·' 111 tu1u1l' Pmu·~u "1th u111tiJrnH' PISt'f:S f I 1'11 14-\ 1art. h ~II) { ht.•<. lo. C •l'm 1111 llll'\':>JKt' fur '.11 i.d h 11H ')1rl')'> d11n t 11111 pu 1 prn;l· r hangc. tr a' d . 'Jrl<'l\ Don t 'ltanJ 'It 1 II' In I u1t1un '' 'llrong Jllll\l'\,lll\11,lll' 'oung rx•r...on plJ\'i nlJJOr !Ok ( .inn•1 ( Jprlu>rn. \quartU\ ligurt· 1111Ht11m·n11\ If' DECEMBER 17 IS YOllR BIRTHDAY "'u .ir<.· l.1pahlc of fighting \\hl·n lJll\l' " nght \OU \\Orio. l'\trenwl\ \H'll Ulllkr prt'\'IUrt• \Ou .rtl" wllllllll 111.tl llHl'll'l' pa"11H1.lt<.' 1..1r.1hk ol ml·l·t1nt1-dl'.1dlir11.'' 'l ou \Ulll'l'd 1n dl.rlrng \\flh ruhhl l''f'll'l"lall~ nwn .rnd 11ldn pn1pk. { .1pmurn ( Jnll'f 111d1' rduJI' rlJ~ 1m~1nan1 rnk"n )lllH ltk 'nur··,uuggk .. ~1th purpt"L',md d11n 1111n " l''f'll'll.tll) l'' 1tknt th" month '1111 '"" hl' nrx·t.1.1lh h:.rpp' < lm\tm.I\ 1-H· \ugu'1\\111 tx· q1u1 ntP\l 111~·111111.rhk 111011 1h of I 41S7 ' History note: Thongs for the memory llrw 111 thl' ~rl'.11 Ill' \In 11.·, •I Ill\ \\nrlJ ",1h11ut 111 hl pr11hnl lmJgrnl tf \11u "'" trJ,drng 111 tla· h1ghl.111J, of Papua 'l'" l •Ullll".I "hnl' '" i111J1 ron " <,11 pr 1111111' ,. 1 h.1 l t.Jf)n1hJl1'm ".t" prat. lKl'U •" ll'll l1lh J' \\ orld \\ .1r II \ uillcl 111111 111 n.r11'e' \\,Ilk 11111h1.· J1rl roaJ \H'JIJll!.! 1111thing hut gr a" .1n1unJ tlw11 ''·1"1'' ,1 m.11. lll'll' \..1111l .ind flip tlnp 1 lwng.' 11n I hl'I r kl'l In another rart t1I th1 '""Id Jal4Ul'\ ( OU\ll'<tU \ \llfl l.tlo.L'' h1' ic:.11n ol fl''.i.'it~.,. tttt•nt lht" \m<?· /11n f< I\ t•r let cl \I llJgl' I h,11 I llh' Ill \l' I fc1und \ trilx· 111 \\Jrr1cir\ "' h \\hilt' J\hL'' on thl'lr IJ\l"' Jnd hunt' threaded through tlwir ltp, Jtl· il.111\· 1 ng a rnu nd a Ii rr Tht' l MTll'r.1 f11l k' up lht' rh\ thm of their 1hong-l l.1d tn·r' ERMA Bo11EcK '\11 m.111,·1 "hl·r1· \llU lr:l\t'l in thl\ \\PrJd \h111l~' h.l\l' ~Cllll'll lhl'll' llf\I I hl. h,1\1' ll\'lll't1.1tn.I pr11111111t ti' lift, t1nn hd11tl I'!\ 111, 111111 lx·f11rl' Bil,!,•, II\ l1•ll I 11,,,.( ol.1 I ht• qu,.,. t111n" "" .!1.t th1' l11tk 1 uhht.:r '"It \\ ilfl l\\tt \11,lp\ th,rt ilr\' h\'ltl togt•thl'I h\ '>\fUL'l'llll~ \ 11tJ1 ltll' find lh \\:I\ Ill lh1·w .irl.t'' \d1d,I\ 111.1\ hl' ·hut 1h11ng' • It • 1111ldn t h,l\l' ht.Tll • \l.11gar.11 \h'.tJ k.I\ rng 1n .1 hurn ''11huut hL·r ,111 ll'' "onwho" I l Jn· 1 1 mJRI nt' hl'I 111 ,tn\ 1h1ng hut \lurJ\ Rl·J < 1u'' 11\ lortt... "rth .irl·h 'upporl' I hor I k'l'rd.ihl k.I\ rng thl.'m ,1, ,1 tip \\'l'lll' u11l1 lo.l'i~ '\onH·g1an' d1111'1 ,h,m lhl'lr llll'' It "·'' lll Ix· till' ( 1.11.tpJg.U\ lht'OI\ "''lllthtl\\ J 1hilJ \\,I\ f'll.1\lllg 111\l d.1' 1111J11 \ m,·rrl an tx·al h 1 n .1 p.11 r 111 thnntt' lr11m 1...innn ·\ o;h11l' 'ton• I lw 1h1111f' ~·•t J\\ .1~ f mm htm Jlld ll11,1tnl .I\. I II\' t)ll' Pat 1fil 111 ur ltl \1.lll.IU\ "I < r' tfl. \ m.111111 lx·gin' \\ lh·n 11 \\J\hnt ·"""'' n.111\ 1'' p111h.1hh lllt'd ltt tllttl.. 11 \\ hl 11 th,tl drdn t ""'~ lhl'\ tm·d tu \lJrl J l11r "1th ii It "·I' 1i,rll•,, ·" J 1tt.•Jp11n k,I\ Ill~ 1101\ 111\l' lhlnj! I 1> \l\llllf'l ~lll 11 ll kit'" good tht·~ tkltdl·d to put tlwm 11n tht•1r kC't In thl' hl·at ol 1hr 1r11p1l' thl' th11ng' mul11phl•d until t 'r1 ''''H' h.td 'andal' II' "<.·ar rn t'1ght I ttlllr\ r hc1l Jll' P"''1h1, 11111' t\\11 pl.HT\ Ill llll' \\111ld IHI\\ ~dll'le lhunp hJ\l' nn 1·1 hl'l'll \t't'n -111 tlw t11111h ol I 111,1111..hi.lllll'n Jlld thl.' 1111\l'l 11f lnwlJ.1 \larl·o., 1 ht' " "g.n1filan1 hut I .t •n 1 lo.1111\\ "h' I h1: lhuug. ~h~lln hd4•n1;1' 11gh1 up tht'fl' \\llh thl· hollo" l'\t·d nwn 111 'tone on [ .l'tt'r l\land th1· lkr mud.1 T n::rngk .rnd ttw \hr11111t 111 I ur 111 \\ l' m.1, nn l'I knoY. 11·, 1u,1 '11nic1hrng to gl't m' mind .1t1 .1ddrl'"'1ng all m' ( hrl\tllli.1' lilrd' Go back home, runaways; all is forgiven nr \ R \ '\' l .\' l>l R.... \\ ht II I ll\11.l llll kltL'r from lhl' mothC'r "hn~C' lt'l'n-.1gl' daughter h.1d run ;rn,I\ tr11m ht ir'I\ I , nt•d I r,111 ·'"•" lr11111 h11nH '" 111111!lh' .1~·11 b.tt,IU't I lh11ugh1 I "•trllt'd thl' l1n·d11m 111 d" ,1, I pk,l\nf "11h11111 .in' nnl' ht.""'"ll me around 11r a'k111tt mt l!llt\ll11n' \fkr lhrl·1· \\1'l'lo.\ l h.rd 01\ lill of tn·nl11m Jnd \\,tntnl 111 go h11111l' hul I \\,I\ Jlr.11d 111 hc.'<.lll'l t ,, 1d hc. l'n '" r111tl 11 I<• m' 11111thu "I l'\l hl•t•n 1•111 t I till \Ill\ I' I \\ h. ,.,, 111111 l•l(,tllll' .1h11-.1 ht•.rll'll up r.tpnl ,tlllf h,I\ l' Lttml' IPW 11 ~r1111I!1..rlkd ( lnl gu• t11l d ln l'l'l llll' 111111 prn•.trt11t1on hut 11..nt" 11 I \\l'lll t h.it rout~· l \\OU Id rnd up 1n thl' !!llllcr or dr.1J lrnm ctr11~' l h.11 ,,1111r "t·d I ,,,tll..1·d 1111<1 ,1 < ,11h1d1, 1 ht11l h .111J '"blw.t • •111 111 ,1 .. 1 '" ,, pr rt''' 11, 11111~ 11w 11 .1 'ht' 11 • 1 u11 In I .1ll111 Hr ll L I{ ll!rr \'he• I ''ll'I ,J 1111 • '' ~ 11f-. \\h,1 hJd 'lllllt \I• '1 ltf,11 \\\II \\\l''l" t I .in Ill llll' I'm oft drug-. 'Ill\\ ,II d \\,111\ In )!.l ANN UN DE RS htHll\' ,..,UI I'm .1tr.11d Ill\ foll~ ... \\On I 1.1~1· llh' h,11 ~ \11 11 rt•,1111111• th 11 tit 1 111 \•1111 111111'1111 Im lh111~ 111g Jh11u1 ~1.1:1 .· 11 ·' In I h1· """l' th:ll tan t1.1pp, 1 '!I .rl thn "'II \lltll lltl d11111 11 m IJu· \\hJld11\11uth1n~ \nn' L Cl'\! I) \ '\.() ll<l\lr\IC K DEAR L. A!\'0 II Vou might find \Our an'>~<'r 10 tht• nl'~t lrtlt'r It'.; thn1·. I i I \ K \ '\ ' I \ '\I >I K \ r .111 ·'\I I •I 11111111 l.1,1 \\",II h111 I \\,,, 111 P. i.·r 111.111111 .. -.1 l..1<h I·""·''' It.id .1 pl.111' I• ''·" d1.l11 I t!,t'I 1.1rx·d 111 hL'Jtl.·n up .rnd I \\a\ lll'\l!f hungn ~LTER'\ATl\v 1..ULOR A~u ul.\\10NDS II JI I , '. ,., I,, u ... " i · •r 1111 ,. I "'tt 111111 • I 1• • •:t 11 n,1rt1·1• t I, < 1111 rr1.1l1 °r 1} l"'' 1 I rtul tMr1.! ... ,., 1r IR l if 11 1 d •I pl.111r 11111 Hf' 1 rrr, tn ,.,. '""'' 1lw,1y'i I rnm <;•tC/CJ- CllARLES II. BARR Member f American Gem S•x ••fy Accredited G1>rn Lab0r1101y 171h" Irv nP W• .. llrllll PIA111 NPwporl AAACh fl l4ifi47 1110 Christmas Hours I Qa m-8pm Monday t hru Frida~ I Oam-6pm Saturday, noon-'>pm Sunday l'llllllgh lit \tc.·.11 l ~111 irtto ht·.1, ~ drug' .tnd I \lqll ,1round hut l "·" llt'\l'r lolll-<l 111 he: .1 p111,t1tu1l· l1 lo.L· '"nw 111lht·111na"J " I k Ill'\\ \lll'I .i It'' \\t'1 k' I "J' ll·d up" 1th 1 unnintt ,1nll (.I\ mg 11> '>l'~ m' M om .ind D.1d .ind m' hrothl'r\ hut I \.l.J\ '1.rrrd te1 go home i'xTaU'-<.' I h.1d '.rl"nt thl·m '" mulh tniuhk I "·" \Ill\' the•\ lll'\l'I \\,llllt'd Ill \l'I llh' .11.1111 < >11.· d,1\ I dl'l 1dul 111 tah· J t h.intl' .111d ''"'" 11p,1l thl lr11111 d11111 I l,lll1·d thl' Kun."'•" I li1tl1nt· got lrn· tr.in'· r11rt;tt11111 on a hu'> and rang th;rt nlcl f.1ni rb1 dnorht.:11 at 6 am WhC'n TV LISTINGS EVENlHO ~:00- fJ DD NEWS D MAGNUM. P.1. e NeA BASl<ET'8ALL m T'HllEFS COMPANY a> GIMME A BREAK! Cl NIGHTt Y BUSINESS REPORT 6i) HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS CJ)C8S NEWS tlDl A8C NEWS 0 !BN8CNEWS Cli) DAN SCHEAFFER mCOMBATI (MAX) M0\11£ • *'• ~alely Seelttng Su1111 t98SJ Rosanna Arquelle Mldon!\1 (SHO) SOMEOHE'S IN flofE KITCHEN WTT'H JAMIE -8:30- fJ C8SNEWS D N8CNEWS CD TOO Cl-osE FOR COMFORT Cl) NEWl YW£D GAMES fD MACNEIL I LEHRER NEWSHOUR 6i> PHOTOGRAPHIC~ T l1VJ NEWS ~BENSON (SHO) SANT A'S MAGIC TOY BAG -7:00-0 .!)NEWS D QI) EHT'ERT AJNMENT TONIGHT D SILVER SPOONS U A8CNEWS O CD THREE'S COMPANY Cl) OJ) WHEEL OF FORTUNE G NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT PM MAGAZINE Erl) PRAlSE M LOAD m DARI< SHADOWS (PIX) 1HH HEWS (SHO) PAPER CHASE (Z)MOvtE t *'"' 'The Mvtntures Of Bucilwoo Blnza1 ActOJS The 8th Olmention lt9&41 Petet Weller • .JOhn Litllgow -7:30-0 2 OH THE TOWN 0 CARO StlAAl(S D NEW GIDGET U ffiONLA CD u·A·s·H • 8 JEOt>AROY e IHOEP£HDEHT m MS OLD HOUSE SD ATLAAGE NEWl YWB> GAME Cl) HAVE OUN Will TRAVEL (PIX)Ne'#S -•:GO-• WIZARD 0 MAnOCK 8 MOV1£ • • • • "An AmerlcWl In P1111 iF-~ **'~ 'The Glltttr Dorne' llMAl Jamee Gerner John Uthgow 1: Ht "lefote Slone.II" 11114) \l11m \;I\\ nH' ... 1anJ111~ thl·rl '>ht· ~rJlilx•J me 1n her Jrm' an<l ,t;.11 tt•J w ll' .. \h hah\ "hom1.· JI fa\11•• \ht• \\Ilk\ ur l>Jd and m' hrothi.·r, Jnd thn \\l rt• ,<1 glad to \t'l' me thn r rt l·d 1111> I 111,t u1uldn 1hd1t''1· 11 f m hal ~ rn rl ho11I n11" and \\di graduJtl' nC\t )tar 11 I takl' a '"" l11ur'l'' 1h 1' \ummn I rk "\\ondl'r lul .1~.11n .inti I h'l'I \11 lut ~' ' ht1f'\' l' \('I\ 11111.1 \\,I\ \\ h!I I l'.ld' :h1' llll '1 \\ 111 l.1L • II 1111111 llll ( 1C I I IC l\ll I 11111 I I'<.· .1lrJtll \Olll f11ll...' \\lln I ;It\ l'Jlt \1111 I ht'\ \\ 111 l'I\· thrrlk'd .111d 1l'11n nl I ""h I h,1d gt111l h111lll' ,111 •0l'I I 1111dd II.I\ l' '·"Id '"' ,df .ind m' full..' .1 1111 111 hr,11 t-;1th,· Nerrated b~ Rita Mae Btown Cli) PRAISE THE LOAD mH.Y.P.D. (MAX)MOVIE * ** -Bad Boys-(19821 Sun Penn. Reni Santoni (ESPN) NFL SUPERSTARS (HBO)MOV1E t •·~ "Grandview. US A (19S.) Jamie Lee CYrtls, c Thomas Howe(I (SEL)MOVIE • • '-i "Slarman' '19S.J Jtl1 BrldQ •. Karen Allen (PIX) 000 COUPLE (SHO)MOVIE • * •1.; Tlie Elephant Men 11980) Jotlo Hort Anthony H<>Qll1ns -8:30-D ®l GROWING P~ 011,000,000CHAHCEOF A Uf'ETlME (J) MAGNUM, P.I. 8) WKRP IN CIHCINNATI m PETEAGUNN (ESPN) SPORTSCEHTER (PIX) HONEYMOONERS -t:OO-tJ (I) MOVIE • t ''I lzly And Moe' (1985) Jeckte GIMsOn. Art Cttney D QI YEAR IN THE LIFE 8 0 MOONllOHTlNO 0 D NEWS mMOVIE • •'~ "The Benny Goodman Story' ( 1955) SIM Allen, Donna Rted e NUCLEAR l..EGACY GD PRAISE THE LORD g, tlGHT GALLERY ~~8PN) NF\. FllMS PRES008 ~TREK ••• .., 'Fletch (19851 ~en... Joe Don 811c• -9:30- I BRIDGE . THE HAND Of THI:: YEAR Both vulnt>rable. S.111lh dellb NORTH +AK4 v AJ2 .,,815 :)2 • 10 Ii 4 WEST EAST • Q 10 8 7 IS 2 • J 9 3 ?83 ... QJ0765 ·1 0 7 9 •A 9 7 3 • Q H fi SOllTH +6 .K9 AK Q ,J 10 6 4 + K .Ji The b1dd1nl( South We'll Sorth Ea.,t 1 " Pas11 2 'T Pa<t,. 4 ~ Pa~s 4 Obi 4 NT Pass 5 P"'"" fi Ci PasH P&rtH Pas., Opentnp. lt·<HI EtJ,!ht o l l!Pnrt Svare of l1ari... l11t1k-, "" rll'r petually youthful that om· for~"'" tll' ha~ bt.·t.•n .1 brtllwnt pnf11rrn1•1 on the tnl<'rnat1011,1l hnrlp.1· "t t•111· fnr almo-.t flllrr d1·1 ~k-. Tlu•ri• '' no bE'llt'r V. as (II 'ho\\ l :t~H hi-. great talent than lo prc•-.1•1H thr' hand. which won for hrm th1· ln1n natrnnal Hrrdj1.1· fin·.,-, :\-<..,rn 1.1 1mn·s "l11tnd of ttw \t·ar· av.anl for 1980 Th<' 1kal on 11rr .. d tl11r111~ t tw 411ahfyrn)( m.11• tw.., fttr I lw tt·am.., 111 r.-pn·..,•·nr ~ r.1111 ,. 111 11\1• 7th World l\rrd)(t' <JI\ mpr.111 ,ind "a" n·p11rt1·d h\ ''"an l'.1111 ''"' 1·r 1 tu d.ULl.ll.111 \\.L.l> llul j!I\ l'll, l').U:.pt t..h.U Ea't dnuhll•d a fo111 !11•:111 1 111 h11I h) '"rt It hill II I tttdtl It.I\,. )!11111• ·"' 'ho"n W('~I d11t1f11ll~ lt•d lt1.., lup h1•arl and d('( l;trPr 1 ap111r1•d Ea .. 1 ' t1·11 O:· "V• ..... .... . - LEAKCH I I I' I I CHARLES GOREN OMAR . SHARIF "11 h ti roe krn~ Tht>rt' v.1·r!' I I top t rh I., .rntl 11 v.11u Id -...t•m t.hal the t :!th "1111ld ha\ .. to t·omt' from a rr~hr ~111''' rn 1 luh-. But wll h JU<st a ti11 of lll'lp tr11m thl' c1efrn'l', Svare prm t•d 1 lt1• hand '' <&.' la) duwn as 1011~ ,,., \\ 1•-.1 lll'fd no mon· th.in one duh honor \l!Pr \\11101n~ !ht• twart Svan· rla~·l'll nfl "llX ro11nd.; 11( rJ1arn11nd~. -,lu I I 111).! two 1 luh' from dummy Wt•-.t -,;I\\ n11 n ·a"in 111 k1•1•p more than r hri·•· 'parll'' a nett hat wa'i ht undo)ll~ Ea't "'"' for.·t·d 111 c hn(t t 11 t \\ 11 twa rh i\1 t• krnjt of <,parl1•' and a ruff , 11 .. 1r•·<I t h,11 ..,111t 1 ... ~, 111g West '' 11 It t ltr1·1· dub-. and La-,t "Hh Q x 111 lw.1rt-. .ind .11'111b \11\\ dt•1·larf•r, tl11\\ 11 111 K .I of 1 l11h.., and a h1•art. 11111lct lract am 1 lu~ frnm 111., hand 11 ~ .. ,..,! t11·ltl t ht· h art• a11• tw "orrld t11 1·nd pl.t~ 1•d anti l11rn•d to lead a 111 .trt 111111 d11n1111~ .., t1•n.t< ,. If Ea-.1 \!o a..' du\\ I\ tu a. b.U"e ~llCl'll Wt•"-1 11111111 t.ik• tc1.., p.1r11wr 11fr t lu· 1•nd '"''' l•\ rl'-rn~ "11 It t lw ,11 1· hut 1h111 1!1·1 lar• r \\1111111 "' or1• tht· I.bl l\\111r11 k' ''"Ii 111.., rt•fll.4111tnl( 1 ltth hlllllll ,111d t lt1• ,It I' 11f 111'.tfl' 1 ry It •Ot t •••• ffil I 0 ll Ltl o.i, ~ ,, •• , to ""' .,.., I 1• • Ctng I>" ""' mo<T' • tUPC:lll<M I • _ _, "'"' -.,. OD' ,.,. IC"'9 llO -~ OF'"'*' llnO Mod , _ --~~-o~o~c-c_i::OJ_s~...., ''*" I' 1· IOJJJ 0 . ~· ·: ... & TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 K 111d ot hc•g 5 Auto wreck 10 Head cov!'r!. 14 Hor..,e 15 Soap plant 16 Ft~ed amount 17 Unsettle 19 French city 20 L111e1tness 2 1 Alf1rma1111e 22 Meat CUI 23 0 1 Chet>lo.S 25 Legat group 26 Singer 30 Squabble 3 1 Fru•I 34 Double-rf'lf'!d Instruments 36 Cete1:>ra11ons 38 Subord1nalP person 39 Tarneel 42 Adams ma11> 43 South Alm.dn money 44 Gracetur 45 Dog 47 Ramy <19 Smaller SO Amerindian 'hello 5 1 Employ<. 53 a111S 55 819 casmc ':16 Gum 6 1 Bible book 62 Generously 64 Castle ditch 65 Good ntQhl 66 lnd1111dua1s 67 Beaux 68 Ama11 s pef'r 69 Shelter DOWN I Ford I' MolC1inQ eOQ!' lf3• J Fite 4 Steet beam 5 Sauce type e Tumor su If 7 Broadway c~leb 8 Horatio 9 Setlhngs 10 Italian l I Kind ot COJI 12 Gra1r• sorghum 13 Cul off 18 Horizon ?4 Yukon pea~ 25 Herb ?6 Dice Slanq PREVIOUS PUZZ!.E SOL YEO ;• 0vNht<.H1 .·e L <t1yn41I•'> 74 Dt<lfltlffi•llt'Cl 11 0,1n • r. )2 H~ Mnorel1ed1l I'> ShP dP111t )7 F JoiWf• 40 MJc.h111" 41 N,1uqi11 46 ~~f'\111'\ ll•t'.ld )!'! Nt•lri ',G f •+>ntr1 ~"II!. fa• ( ICIS!'O sac 1)'1 Nu<.•111c riC.•11 •• "We .drew na01~ for Christmas_gifts today_,_ ..;;gu,..-.. a:::_~~ · and I picked my own name." 0 How •bout buying me, ml•t•r?" llA.RllADUKE by Brad Anderson f'.l!Ao~ e-._ ...... ,..._., •Z"''- "He found out he's on our under- five-dollar Christmas llst." -r -I DEN1'18 THE MENACE r . y _, J "):.,V:. J by HaokJ<etcham . /'/ ~ L_·,_... ·.·.~ ·__;;;:::;;;:....-~ ----by Charles M. Schulz 1 WAS WONDERIN6 IF VOU KNOW. AS SORT WE COULD STA~ WTTM I'M fllJING! FOR BETTER OR POR WORSE '(OU'~ LET VS MAKE OF A CLASS PROJ ECT.. M'{ MATH PAPER .. SOME PAPEltOWN5 FOR ....-::::>~_ .... ,.__~ 00~ CMRl5TM~ TR_§E .. GARFIELD TUMBLEWEEDS I S~N A FeU.~ ~tltb ~MefF' ou-r orJ-n.ie ftAl(;e. DRABBLE • ROSS 18 ROSS by Jim Davis by Kevin Fagan by Pat Brady ; WE 'VE BE.EN PRAC11CJN6 HANDEL:$ I MESSIAH I R)R. A F'Ull t'Y()N'(H ... DOONESBURY by Tom Batiuk At-iD ~ 51lU.. ~D WHA'f ARE ~ WArriNG UKE. C.>OO'RE 5E.£1NG Ii FOR ~ FOR ... ~SIMAS ,I.'_, 'f~E FlRSf 1lME ! by Garry Trudeau -. f r 1 • .. n s c ( : • I e - Th.e fi'lal wee.ks of 1986 will be a frantic time for peqple loo king for the best use of fheir investments. · A new taxJaw is days away and ihe indecisio.n over how it will affect the economic foundation of Ame rica has left many iiwestors scfatching their heads. Advice is everywhere, but the new tax law and deregulation of financial marketshas created as much confusion as opponunity. Investment swindlers. however, a re sure of the oppo~tunity. They arc increasing their profits by huge margins. Nobody knows for s ure how mu~h money investors are bilked o ut of each year. butsome estimates range to $40 billio n . Precise figures are impossible because so me victims arc too embarrassed to repo n they've fallen for a scam. O thers do not even reali ze they been swindled until long after their mo ney and the con men are gone. According . to the Nonh American Securities Administratio n AS'sociation and the Council of Better Business Bureaus the current wave of investment frauds have hit epidem ic propo n ions. . . Law enfereemetH-ageftetes-fficlttdffig--t-he-ft1"5"ttee- Depaf'tfllent and-local police departments havc-p,,.,.._-- hi'h priority on curbing white collar crime. But a high pnonty and the number-ef officers committed to that priority a re different lhings. An example is Newpon Beach. a town that ha seen its share of investment scams. O ne detecti ve dedicates half of his time to white collar crime problems. · · ent cfTor1 has to go to other areas._ T raffic contro l. burglars, car thieves and the criminals who commit violent crimes wiJI always receive more emphasis. More no w than ever, self defense has to be the first conside ration of an in vestor. If the deal is too good to be true, it usually isn~t. lflittle or no ri sk is promised fo r a big return. look o ut. • · . _Let the buyer beware is a n old principle. but significant because the best way to ensure j ustice from the lega l syste m is rtot to need it. __ -;H-moD.e~-w.a a'--consideration what glft would you glve for C1Jnstm1es?---------- Lor•lnto Luna Stadeat Huntington Beach Ill\ I "ould hu' m, parent'> c:1 h1g m.111'11111 1n Bl'' erl} 11111<. Ix. cau\t I ltl\t' thl·m .ind lhC \ ha\.e doOl' \ti .- much lnr Jnl' aro ee vere Appraiser Huntington Beach I \\l)Ultl t::skl' 01\ l\\O 1.IJ ugh ta<. on a long tnp ma~ he to l'r:id \'onna Dodge Dental Hygienist Huntington Beach ~h mothcrh,c'iina n11r\1ng homc in ltl.1h11 I "'ould hke 10 tiu' lh l' homr an in- door gn-..·n hoti~ 'IO I he 1w11pk rnuld not onl\ l'nJI'~ th1: hraut~. hu0t \\llrk 1n 11 . Realtor H.atlngton Beach I \\ould furn1!th Ol} pa re nt'i nl"'\ 101.1.nhou\C tn M1'i\111n ICJO. Scott Weo4 Student Haatln1ton Beach f \\OUld bu) m) mom a blue Firctmd Pontiac. and m) dad a red Fircbird Ponuac For me. I 1.1.ould bu~ 0(.'\.\ 10) !I Comments_w_elcomed· The Dally Pilot welcomes your comments on Issues of Interest to our readers. · Letters and longer articles of commentary must be slgfled. They should be typed or. clearly written and sent to: -lETTE"8 to the EDITOR, D•Hr Piiot, Box 1560, Coat• Meaa, 12821. Please Include your address and telephone number. If you prefer. you may call your comment In to our special We're Lletenlng telephone number: 142-eoM. Please do not call kl tong letrers or artleles. -- • . -l"utllqtlfil'"-rr def Of t~ yMt er + JJO W Bay St Cotte Mesa CA • ~'W""'.,.fft C:O!fetO()lldtnel IQ 8oA '"°'i-..11nra ~. CA-916~ K.,...WltttMf p~ T-' Tett o...,....., Coy EdllOf T-~ ,..._.EOltOf c,... ..... SC>Ortt EdttOf ~c.... P10duet10n OlrtetO! Ed•tOf" TlfNRDe I . K .... CJrc:uA&tlOn Dnct« ~-.. .,, ~'lint Olr9Ctof c.=c,-=:°' ·'Since almost anything from pavlfJ/la street toordertngarrests of · -homeless derelicts has lhe potenUal for spurring la wtfUltS, government -~ can now close their meetl11fS almost a ..... t ""'=--'·-··-----~'--,,,_~1 . WAI.TEI B•••CIS -----~~:.-.-~.,.---~~-~~~ · Dial.lag up _pr1Jlsefor .telep~one comp~y - e . . . . •. . . -gives pr1sc>n ·1nd1gestion Gl·orge Hansen. R-ldaho. 1~ ~n ing Sincc l'l'. . anscn !I. fiw to 15 month!> in thl' Pt·ter<;burg mil l... \OJa anll fru it or \egctabk (Va.) Fedl.'ral Priso n Camp for l:11hng JUll'l'~. I<' list certain tran<;act1ons in a Wl• "roll' 10 thl' Pctl·r~hurg prison rl·qutrl·d financial d1~do.,1m· n·port. \\Unkp. k ff Clari... l1i-t1ng most of l·k 1s 1>chl'dulcd to hl' parnk'd thr<. Han~l·n·, rnmpla111ti.. Th<.' ward,·n "l't'I.. rt·~pondt·d. and wt• then -spoke to Pn<.on authont1l'' etlUIJ \\l'll Ix· llan<.l'tl for h1!) n•buttal. Hcre arc a rl'lea!ting Han\l'n 1n sdf-dcknse. He ri.·" C\<lnlplcs· 1'i lht· adult 'l'r!.1on of till' oh--lfan-.l·n· Inmates on the wa\ •to and JOSEPH SP£ AR stn·perum brat 111 n Hcnn ·~ '"Thl' mt·al,, \\ork and rccceat1on m ust i)ass rcs1dencc. Clark: '"l)unng thc repair K•1t1"4>111 or Rl·d ( h1l'I· ... \\ho ·ra1~d so .i largi.; clcct~1c transformer le3h ng -~t:..a waUt-W&y-3t onl" of our gov('f'Tt· moch din th~tn1~ -hapl~s~-kidnap-camnog<'mc PCB. Clark : There was mi-nt-0wncd hou'in . thc "alkw:l\ rx·r-; "ounJ up r:i~ing h1' fa thl•r to "'a 'mall kal.. t"Olllincd 10 the concre te stones were m1s1akt·nl} d1scardt·d tal..e t.he lid bad-\lah"' ulldl'r tht' transformer: II was m-cra siopmg <'mhankmc-nt Rather Han'ien ha' a l"a'!t bl'l'n a r1:pa1rl·d 1n ..\ugust. Hansen: The thanto rcplacl'theco,tl)~toncs.the} ma,cnd. In ht\ se,cn.tcrlll\ IO the cl'".·1nun"ac1nc,,pt"m .. -r.an·d•''"'qn_ d .\ t , ,. ' .x, "'". rn u..,..,,.. wcrcrrctrit'i.' .... sasart,prrcau - lloust". h t."\\:J 'a SY.lln-m1~01' wh1k rhr tlm\3t~) 1.1.a1Tingfi>r~in-n~t:-·r--11-'-o~n . t c inmates "l'fl' prtntdl.'d a of h~m·autr.a.t\ in tlrc-lnte-mal-Re\.-tood rn tht' PC'B-puddlt--saft-ry-tmno mmntmn thrn tooung." ..cnuc:Scr:Y_icubc<>cc11pa1ioealSafCty ----Hanien;. The d1nmg-r-00ttt-1s H3ml-n:-"h was-a -ctttf. 1trc fooung and HeaJth Administration and other infcslcd with roaches and flies. and was bad and one guy was hurt by thc agencies he bclic' cd wcr<.' constri ct· garbaee 1s flushcd out the back door of rope strung around his \\31<>1 •• m& the n&h.lrnf1nd ividuals. Dunn " tht• l..1tchcn into a m:11n pathwa}. )' • month' 1n prison. his cnlica l'\\'tltua y ma mg 1 s ·l'fTOl'tfr Footnorc: Hansl·n " th1lll..rng ol tai:ull1t' ha\l' gro\\_n CH'n ~harper. ..\ppomatto~ Rncr. Clark: "'Tht• \\nt1ng a 600 outlining his t'\· llano;c n has pennl·d a steady srrcam ramp dining and lrnr hen arl'a 1., not penl'nd·i. -and '"" nimrla1nt!'> of klll'r'> to forma <:olleagucs in fl~ -and-roach·tnf('Stl'd. nor do Wl' about tht• prison'~ skrn Congrl'\~. "n~tl'n a ma~aLinc art icle flus h garbage into them t'r. ·· Han\t'n: lamhasttng thl· ""<\m<.'ncan Gula~... ""It is impossible to &l'I from p01llt .\ filed numerous ('o·n_:lplainls Wllh to poi nt a without" walking through . prison offic1~11, and t~Jg>honcd us on the slop (from the kitt'ht·n). Jfil , regularbM~I ficyr.nrswattuwm . 1 \'wall< goes r'ighl through tlw !>lop hl..c Jonah in the \\hale.~ said the 6-puddk :ind lhl' hill lx•\1lk it " fuot-6 arch-rnnse native. "hut I can trcnrhed to 1akt;it from lht• siJt'\\Jlk strll g1H' th1:m 1nd1gt•s11on... into the rJ\'l'r 1.1. hl.'n 11 " ho'i\:J ... SL:OWDOWN-ttY SF.CRECY. Sonll't1ml'S lhl· Cl..\"<. 111\IStl'nCl' on · tffqftm'fr actual ~ win s up tl1rm\- mg sanll ill I ht' gt>arhm. of a 'lnl<>oth- runntng agenc~ ca(l('r. Whcn the agcnr~ "anted to mo' l' a load of "capon\ to .\frica. 11 hired a prt,atc fi rm in the Ca' man h lands to hand I<' thc tran'iaCtH)n so th<' {'I.\·~ rolc \\Ould hr kept secrt•t. But a ~1ra1gh1- <frrm bant111 l.oumburg ballmtat pa~1ngtbcl a}mansrnmpan) 1t~~2 J m11lmn fee "11hou1 l..no1.1.tng e~al·tl~ 1.1.ho "a~ looting the 61rr· .\\we tnr not knm' "ho is th<.· client. ho1.1. can "e accept bilb of lading and ho"' tlo \\t' transfer this s.i>ec1fi,·at1on'!" the Luxt·mburg hank lclcxed lhc hank in Mal) land used h~ the Cl.\. hortl} aftt·rnurThanks$'' ing Da) Roaches cons1anth fa ll out of thl· report on Hamrn'o; bhstcrmg re' 1c" milk disl)l'nst•r." · nf the pn on cu1o;rne. hc went on 11 -Hano;en: Food 1s haukd 1n a huog~r ~trike. In a rm· mo LO the.camp Lruck bed cnausted "1th slop and a m1n1 ~lrafor. D. . Clfapman. sfimc. \fork: "Tfll' rood is placed in ltan!len explained that for month he rn'ercd contaim·rs and docs not had '"tried and \.\atchcd others 11; ru--r-0111t 111 contact \\1th the truek twd. rom•t t ob\lous ha.<a~~s·· 10 pr<.'p-The tru\·k 1s penodicall~ clcancd ... arauon and handhngol food. "on.4' to Hansen: The.truck bed is "hosed. not lx• rl'J~("tl'd. rdu.,t·d and C\Cn nd1-scrubbed or disinfected." To put 1t rnkd anothrr wa)'. he said. the "slop ts I hl'rt•l<m'. h\' ."rote ... , shall not be ix·riod1cally livcncd up w11h wall'r.'" cat1ngan~ \Uch food \Nhtch 1s handled -Hansen: Inmates wt'rt forced to n1 prnn·\~l·d 111 thl' Petersburg.Prison ""rappel'" ovrr a cliff along the river to ~1tt"hl'll fanlrt1l·' t'\l"l'Pt a 'l'~ fe" rctrtC\C mislakcnl) dumped stones 1lt'm' "h1d1 I m1gh1 comfortahl)' no\' hl'tng used al a prison offidal"s .J•ck Anderson and Joseph Spear are syadica ted columnists. · Th~pubUc~rlgbttdknow ---.g-0ne -withDJJke 's y_e_ta? (an c111/t'n' gt't 1n thl' wa~ <'fthl'tr go\ crnmcntJUSI h~ "atch1ng "'hat tt''i doing'' Ci<n . Cit•orge Dcul..meJ1an obv1ous- I~ thtnk!..,o That' 1.1.ha1 hc said in thc \Clo ml''i age that accompanied his thumbs-do~ "e-rd1ct on Demo- t'ra11r-sponsorcd bill 1ha1 would ha\C O(l('ncd '1nuall)' all govcrnml'nt mt·ctings to publtc and prcss. .. This measure ma} scnour.l} hamper lht' economic and cffi(·icnt func11onin~ of gO\ernmenl.00 Dcu- kmeJian 'iatd · Man> Caltforn 1ans "''" hl' sur· pri~td to hear abouLCJ.Lhcr Deu- kmcJ 1an 's "Cto or the bill he nixed. The ve to came at the end of Septem- ber. JUSt as the governor's re-election ~ampaign was"hea!rng up and divert- ing a11ent1on. and 11 also was just o n<' of a flurr} of ve toes b~ the governor. But \Cl) ltkrl)' 11 was his most important turndown ofthc year. e\en though no monc) was directly at stake. · For C'alirornians have thought for 32 }Cars that 1h1s state has a potent oixn·mt"Cttng law. the 1954 Ralph M. Brown Act which calls for oo meet· 1nas or thrtt or more members of a go,·cm ment body without publtc nott<.'c and pubhc admittance - except "cxec~ve scsSions .. to dis. cus~ lcpl isstttS and some hmng and finna decisions. But an attorney gcncraf s opinion last year punched a huge loophole throuah the Brown AC1: h said county board1, city councils and other aacn· cic1 can hold clOtCd mcetm.as if what 1hcy'rr discussing might lead to a lawsuit. ~incl' almost anything from paving a street to ordering arrests of homc- lcss dcrelicts has thc potential for spurring lawsuits. $Ovcrn ment panels can now dose th.ctr mcctinss al most a1will This new reali ty spurred the b ill DcukmcJian vct<X'd. After com· plaints from press and public. Demo- eratic tate Sen. David Roberti of Holl ywood. the Senate's president pro tcm and DeukmeJian's leading Sacramento· sparring partn<.'r. ln- troduccd a bill to preclude closed meetlni$0n any matter except those. _wbe,rea lawsuit has already ~un. Roberti said some agencie'J were using the new loophole to unfair!~ conduct "busincss or conct•rn lo the publtc" tn secret. His new opcn·mec11ng bill breezed through both· the Scnatt' and As-- sembl)' with virtually no oppos11ion -vn1il n hit the 1ovemor"f"dttk. ·-- Then it stopped. Limiting the abtlit)' of officials to discuss potential htiption in ICC~t ianores "'both the realities of a litiaious society and the leaitimatc nttd for time and candid lcpl advice " Deukmejian said. "Mort0ver. the lfnauaee o f the bill is vaaue. predudina vinUally all !orms of c.11ecutive mcetinp from ~main· in1 confi<kntial." But n 's Dtukm(jian veio that actually fanom tbt "rulities of a litiaious society." For 1 day when lawsuits often .a~ fi~ over even tM most 1rivii l decisions of a public body. the loophole c.an bt citpanded ' TllllS Euas to TnClude almost everything. The only way to close it is to pass a firm . "ide-ranging law dcmanding that mt.•etings be open. ltuf Deukmcjtnn sav!> that ma} "ham~r ... the dlktent functioning or government" -:. in other words. tne people might get in the. way. Most \!Otcrs would very likely say "'so what.'' They may want their councilmen. supervisors and com- missioners to be efficient. but they also want them on a tiglrt1eash. They want to know what these o fficials arc . doing and they have !~ to know. T-he 'Brown-Act int to ensuf'C that right. And it worked very well until recently. doina exactly what the aovcrnor said the Roberti bill miaht: "precludinJ virtually all forms of. .. mtttinp from rcmamma confidcn· tial." · But DcukmtJian has oOcn chanted his mind before. rtvenin& his stance on other. A>°" costly balls after setmtnal> m11for chanp. So there's still hope WI Catif()inia will once apm soon have a real opcn-mcttina l"w. nthcr than OM whtch ha become ho1'ow. • TMma1 Ella• 11 a IMle M•k•· Miff tet .. altt • -~ ..... '. -. Onn· •n a gr<.'at-~-luk txmg a •W"'pnpa tolumfll)I ha'i a fr~ good point). If \Ou wntr a historical bit ttfi"l"{'""al'l" ai\\a\S :x fcw .whu-jump-u anti collrrad tl·t· \OU. ""Wha,,amatia. "''\Ou. That t~n·t lht• "''I\ 11 "a" atall'"' · If ~(1u l'\prcs~ an op1n1on then ~ou'r<' reall> in the soup. But l>nn· 1n a great whll<') ou ha' ca l'harn:l' to pra1!.l' <>unwone or some group and that'<> tht> "-a~ II 1-; toda}. \\ hl)'! Hdll''l' 11 or nut. it's the tckphonl' compan~ Which one') Pat1 fit Bell~ :--.tm . hold on-rm nor <tbout 10 in ' u s1' dollllrs I gc t fion1 !tteh ~tall~ elite 0 &ns1i 1t1- 1ton' a'i Hoag or: St. Joseph and their !.taff., f·oundl·d and 1nl'orpnratt•d 1n 1960 a~ a nonprolit. pm aiy educattonal 1nst11u11on. the Dre\\ School 1s the ed~tallonal lOm po1kn1 uf tht• dc- \l'lopintt Drt'\\ 1 K1ng lk alth Sciences (ducatmn < enter. .\ mult1rat'1al. mul11etb.0Jt:. facult\ of O\l'r ~50 1n1erna11onalh recruited · pcop!C pr"filiil.!• P.allent ~care. and l'duca11onal ,rntf rl·~arch \{'f\ it·cs. Thl' total mcd1l·al man po\\ er of the <;outhcast Hcahh ~n ices Rt•gton of Los ..\ngclc\ has more than doubled as a coMCQUcru:.e of the. Dre.\\ ~cd1- i·al. "htdl ''th\'. academic arm o(thc. )44-ocd ~1an!lLLuthcr l\1Q&. J.r.. Count} Gcncral Hospital.~ 8\ formal at1ilia11on ~1th the Board of Rcgents of thl· l n1' e~tl) of Cahforn1a 1n JQ78. thc Dre\\ 'M..·hool no« has arr undergradua te rmd1c a l'dUl'at1on program that leads ro the. ~1 I> degree. Th1s-.!-1as made ixm1blc tlw Drl'w/l 'CL-\ m<'d1cal edulat1on program. whl'rt'h} !'tudt·nt\ ">tud~ for the first two )car.. (has1c sc1cnc.·t's) at l 'CL..\ ·s School of Mcd 1crnl'. Thc' then rnn'lpkk thl' finaf!\\O }Cars Of stud) (chn1cal scienceo;l at the Drc1.1. ~choul. Thc l·hartrr ria·s~ ot ~I 'tutknt!> \Clcctl·d for lhl\ program comrm·nccd their -.1ud1e!I at l !CL.\ Ill ~·ptcm her. I QX I fnllo"' 1ng um•ntJlll>n ,11 the Dre" 'M..·hnol ~(hedulrd to graduate +n-1 ~~)... 1tw ~h-arter l let.,, 1ndude'> I J hlad.,. 4 \\h1tco;. J l atinu,· Jnd I ·\'ltan \mcrn:an Thl' lh.irtcr d as'\ ~~4.n.JUOn\\uic__ _ fhl· 1mplcmcn1a11on ot a fulh 3C'Crcd1tcd undcrgrad11all· mt·d1cal .cdul'allon program mal..c<, Drc" onl\ the fou rth minont~ -oncnted medical school 1n thc 1Jn1ted State'\. Dre"' 1s lhc 0111~ mrnQnt)·Onented-medical school in th\' Western I ln11ed . tatl'S, and thc Olll' rrwdical St·hool 1n th e natwn that empha\lll'' contl'm· pora~ urban nwdtl tno.:. tocus1ng on pnman care. Formal po'ltgraduatc 1rarn 1ng pro- grams. the ong1"nal educational purpo~ for which the Drew-S<·hool \\3'1 cstabltshl'd. present I\ invoh cs o"l'r ~60 intern' and re\ldr nt!i stud>- rng thc tradit ional mcd1<'al and dental spec1al11c s 1ndud1ng ancsthl'S1olog}. emerscn~ mcilicinc. fanuly incdJ. c11w. internal m,·d1nn<'. obstctnes and g)nc co l og}. otorh1nolar~ neology. -paThol og). pediatrics. rndtolog~. surgcr). and psych1a1n . Don't "m1'1undcrstand one point. Dre1.1. 1s not the onl~ full) acc red11ed undergraduate or graduate medical «hoot 1n thl' l ' ~-Thnc. arc thTN' others am1 graduates of all four scr"c blacks. both ch1ldrcn and adults. from Botswana te> Kenya. Worthwhile don't you think? · W•lltr lf.•rnH11t1 is lit Pllo1'1 ffHllMll•6 pUll11ter. TODAY IN HISTORY By Tie A110Clalt4 Pre11 Today is Tuesday. Dec. 16 the J50~h da} of 1986. Thm~ ar~ IS 'da.ys lcn in the year. Today's H11hlight in History: On Dec. 16i 1773, the Boston Tea P&~y U~>k ~ 1tt es Amc11can coo lon1~t~. d1sa~ ~d as Indians. boarded a Bn ush sfup 1n Bosto,r\l+brbor and dumped m~re than 300 ches11 of tea overboard tn a proteJI •&&inst tt a taxes. · On th15 datr: In 1770. the ~rman composcT Ludwia van Bttthove.n was hof"ft Tn T809. N'apolcon l\onaptrtr ·.,11 divort-ed from the Empre.uJ<>ttphinc • -by lft act oflhe-F~nch ~. T houaht for TOday: "Pita u~ is very stldom found whc~ it ts souaht." -Samuel Johnson, e nali1h • u t h o r... w i t • I c "~ c o a r a p h e r' ( 1709-1784). • .Bruins __ BlackW-ell.-hits-22 ta lead No. 20 Owls past UCLA, 76-6 - -vraory -\\as unconcerneaaoout sco~mg onl) i.1\ points 1n the first n . ''I.kn~ s-ooncror 1,tcrthat I would··-t-~==~---=---~~~....:...:z;;..; score points be a use I've been sconng all }Car." Blackwell said. "The) 're a great team. but tonight we played a li11 1C' better. In fact. I think we 're able to pl ay with anybod . I honcstl) t1link '"e'rc one of the best teams an the · countr).''. . Sophomore '®Cd Jerome "Pooh" R1chards<in. who choS(' ('LA -over- Temple two )Cars ago. pla)cd col- lcg1atc basketball an his hometown for the tirst time Monda). .. .. . •· 1 felt com fonablc. not nen ousf· Richardson. who S<'orc:d 15 pointl. said. "We didn't take them llghtl ). GiH them a lot of creJ11 . the> rea.11) pla}l'd "<.'II ... Icmpk held a Jl-29 lead at halfume_. bu t a thrcc-poan1 goal Reggie Milkr 11ed thl' st·ore at 36-36 \\llh 17.15 lo pla}. Temple then. SCOr('d nu\e straight points. "1th two free thro"~ b) Ho"1c E'ans gl' in thcO" Is a 45-36 ad\.antage. b.cadmg.H-4$ midway chrough t-he-- -half.Jempk "-Cnl on a L~ SUflC.- "11h Blad.\\Cll scoring nine points. to take a 6 7-i9 lead on E~ans' la) up with five minutes remaining. Tim •PcrT) added 11 for Temple. and S-1 1 Scott Brooks in the mckcoun. and 6-1 Mike Hess. 6-8 Wayne Enaels&ad and 6-llh Ma Doktorczyk acrosa the ftonJ1ine. -- -TTojan~-(6~-o}, Vaqs, Edis-Qn University nearly hits century mar~ in.first round rout By JOSEPH DUDEVOIR o.llt ..... C.o 11i11i I ~-~..u~J)' H 1gh bask.clball co ~'~''-'Scoggin was acting hke the calm txfore the storm after his Tro1ans nu1~ed into 1he second round of the 32-team Irvine lnv1tat1onal basket· ball 1oumamen1 with a thundering %-63 win over Santiago at the Trojans' g)m Monday. ~---4-....,,..., .. W~e=LI. that "as our lasi.cas.)'..Jame ·o the season:· said Scoggin af\er his ~ans raR their record lO 6-0.. -i: rest of rhese games. all the way through Jhe rest of the sea~n are toogh ones .. -..\t thr momrnt. though. I think 1u ruce to be 6-U. I don'c think chc school has ever stancd t hai well and I ............ ~.,.... ... ~i.:·~-. --~- Tonight the competition steps up a b11 wt\cn Unncrsll} takes on El Toro in che-same g) m (7:30). ( ........... Urttv.,.,11.,. ,..-s.i.11-.o 63 El T«o ll.~ ~ 6t Ar•••I• • 1: Gerev 47 Foo111111 a . W1Htern ,, , .. .,.,,.... '.¥-~-a. -lfdlMn W. S4tfo4e Alie JI/ .. I P 't 52 Sante Ana 63, L.- (at W11 • _.....• D<>fl Lueo ... e •te11C.1-s.t WOOObrklee. 57. Sev-41 Marln.t SI, Troy SJ MUC ~) Corone Gel MM 71, It enc:tlO Alemlto. 70 \..on11 IHec.tl WiltOn S3, '-OOleClectl 4' M1H.ot1 V .. IO 11, NQrCO S2 Tpc)AY'S ICMaDUu c .. .,., • ...,, >-G.,ev v• WHter" •»-<a.•• MeM"" ~lie9o 6"--.nft 7 l0-£1 Tor-o vi-Un~ lat.,,,.., )-E\le"C .. "' LHUN HlllJ •l0-<0t0fta "' Per-I .-Sen•• ~ "' Oon UJOO 1 .._.,.,,,,. "' Lot Amleot lat WI r • r-.> )-Sanle Ana JV "' S.venne ~111·n1c,rJ~ Ol\Ol"I V\. lternon 1.lt-WoodtlrlOle v• Cenvon I• UC lnWI • •.JC>-Trov "" NOl"CO ---~.,..1 -=-e ---on e a c l·r a or or:i Monday night. They even pla)ed "1th their bes I pla)er. 6-7 center Lassc Glasscn. on the bench wich two early fou'ls i.n Lhc first quarter. By the time he returned in the second half H .... Lone 8Mcn wn'°" vs cor-• Mar --,,i· UCLA. ~Cupseml:­ Grudte matclJ r Conner. Blackaller showdown locks r -U .S. boat intt> finar By ALMON LOCKMIEY ...., ............... Yes.1hercw1llbeal'. hoa1an1he ............. -u nrverilly was ouc of sight with a 49-25 lead. "It d1dn·t make a d1fTerente 1on1gh1 without Lasse." said Scoggin. "We could do no "rang ... lJ n1 ' crs1 f\ forward le\C StolzofT "as almost· f>('rfc<1 himself. ..\fter missing his lir t shot. tht' 6-4 Junior dropped his ne\\ 11 shoes from chc ld--to-srore-<t gafll('-h1gh 22 points. "Ste'e "as ht'> u .. ual shuo11ng ..elf. that's all." ~1d ·ogg1n ··He al"a)s hits 11.ke that .. Stolzoff entcred "1th a l O. "'!a' eragc throu h fou~gaQlr~. ha' ing h11 "\6 of 48 rom t c ficlo ns-pcrt entl Ob,,ousl). Monda) ·-s output did little to damagc tho~ ')tat1~t1ts El Toro). because I don·t think we'll Ix able to afford: i.L._said_SCogin. "The} have some size and are very good. I don·t care if some of their pla)'rrs JUSt got done playing football nr not ·· The Ca\ahers (3-3) were last in the game" hen the score was 34-21 . They trailed ~ 7-2 at the half and 72-33 aftrr thrrl' quaner<i. The question to he answrr<."d was whecher Uni would \COC I 00 poinl "I 1hink v.e·s:c 10 men dee~" u 1d \l·ogg1n "We pla~ed well toni&ht. but not great It got out of hand so early that thrre wasn't much you could do... . final best four out of SC\t"n races to . Unl•enlty'• i..a.. GI••-,. .. ap • not dcccrmine "ho ctullenges ~uscralia u Peter A.U. of SanU.,o watebee from for the America's Cup. tbe dpt darlDC tbe Trojana' 96-8S Yictory In tbe tmne Toarnament Monday ntcht. Glassen came bad . in 11mc 10 aJd 17 poinls and grab In H'hound\. "I hope La'\~ doc\n·1 get an10 earl) fo ul trouble in our nnt game (aga1n!>t trna$ ~-K:1sk1s ( 12 po~nt~ and Mike Britt ( 10) also reached double d1g1ts for l'nn ersll). wh ich dcared the bench earl}. f or Britt and t-.1-;l1 s. 1t "as their firsc time 1n double fi1wre-;. (PleaM .ee CENTURY /83) Whrthcr 11"111 be . an Diego Yaehl Club's lxnnis C'o nner on Stars & Stripes or Tom Blackaller at the helm of St: Francis Yacht Club's USA hinges on "hat could he chc bitterest battle in Cup history. Thal includes the 1983 campaign wht'n tht' Aussies unbolted the "auld mug" from its Nt'w York Yacht Cluh pcdescal for Ho-hum, Viki~g~,_Warrior~, CdM ease to:wins thc-4r &-t.1mc 1n L.J2.~rs. _ First-round underdogs give favorites money·s worth Bl'_ ROGER CARLSON OflMDlllJNet .... Estant ia. meanwhile. ·slipped lo 3-4 afier scdng a I 0-point lead at the outsel melt into a 10-poi nt loss to Don Lugo. · ··1 was jusl contc.rned w11h our laC'k of concrntracion. more than an)'lhing.'' said "Mission Viejo has good 'illC ur front." monwnt\ ..aid Popovich. ··1 suspeC't wt"ll pla) much .. ~ lot of this is not ha ' ing people 1n the heller." right plare:· t'xpla1ncd Popa' ich. "It's all Tro} le-djust once. 4-3. and "a" dn"n h) J 1.·ont\.'ntra111m. things ~ou ha'e to iron ouc in 4l-29 counc afier th ree quarter'> ag:11n~t a rm·\ea<iOn • -b:ihtnt'ed-Martna-attadc. --··1 wft'>Jlll'ft.'ie'd wtth 1~ha1t~ry-ume-It 1 onl} appropnatc that Conner and Blac:kallcr c;hould meet in the semifinal showdown tx-ginninJ Dec. 28. Th.t• two arl' not onl} top sailors but arc bmer pcr-;onnl l'O<.>m1r as \\ell. Marina High·s Vikings and the Wood- bndgt' Warriors remain unbeaten after rr'C'Ord· 1ng their fifth straight victories Monday night. 11's doubcful euher of the Orange Coast area ·erhouscs. as "ell as Corona dcl Mar's 6-1 Kan gs are overl) -sat 1sfied. tmna-E"oaclt-Stt"VC f>opcwieh. foHOWtng his team's 58-53 victory over a ljro) High quintet wttic'h rt'fused -to lie down and go qu1e1l y at Woodbridge High. Mark Georgeson. the Viles· .\n10na-1hr' did do "omccbing "t' were able to come bound 6-9 center. led the wa~ with I Ii point' to bal.'.l and an v.er 11 and hit free throws in the maintain his scoring a'erage at 19.4. and~,,., l' cl utrh Guild. Mike Mc)crsand Man Hattabaugh ca1.·h "h 'c; JUSt 1ha1 ''t' <;hou.ld not ha'"e put Wh1chC\ er 94: thl· two beats the other. ofro~.)'111 ha'" to go head- to·hc.ad "ictl Chm Dickson of th<." Ne" Zealand Yacht Squadron to determine who the ultimate challenger will Ix. In the semifinals Dickson will be up a~inst Marc Each curned awa) lhr('ats "h1ch d idn't figure to be threah to ad\c-antc 1nto thc second round of enc --team Tn•inc Invi tational basketball tournament. "" e pla) l'd rcall} well last Frida) (in winning thr Barons Classic: at Fountain Valle) High ). hue "e didn't pla) hke 11 tonrght." Ne\ en he less. the' erd1rt sends the Vikings antotoTilght'<itl o't1ock tee t wnh h1ghl} regarded Mission Vil1o in 01\C uf Thl' l\1ght's prcm1cr anrat tton' dropped in a dozen points. 11uNhe' 1n that po 111on." hue the Wamors. "11h (\-4 Mul Popo' ll'h. ho"e' rr. "as not surprised. Rudomrtk1n·s 19 points. l ept chipping a"a' "'Wl''rt' JU'it not in 'i) nc:· said Popovich. "I PaJO t's FrenC'hKisswhic shouldbca An els ·sit and w .. ,1mmc" for the Kiwis. · The batcle ~tween Conner and _ _ ,.._.._...., __ Blackaner wilf doubtless bC lh.~c_"'_o_r~Twins to discuss closest wa tc;hcd locally a nd alona the 11 entire PaC'ific Coast. ThcbittcrncssbctweenCooncrand contract with Morris Blackaller is widely known a.s each has no compunctrons about takirfa slapsat caC'h oth.crinthc ~ublicprint. MI NNE..\POLIS (<\P) -Jack Blackallcr' d1s1astc for Conner. he Morris arri"t·d al thc Metrodomc on drdarcs. 1s that the San Di~n. has . time for a 10 a.IJl. meeting today to taken all the fun Out or satlln n OltalC a possible c6ntract Wllh the (csJX'(1a ) t c mcrica s up . Minnesota T"ans. s~ndina to much time an~ money in Flanked b) his attorney. Richard tryrna to (I,.) ddcnd It. or (2.) Moss. Morns was "caring a bus1ncs challcnar for 1t. · d k 1 h " In t 983 Conner. with tht' help of .suit an nee· cngl iur coat. the New York Yacht CH.b and the Asl.~d 11 he was optimistic 111bout New York Manti me cadcmy. spatt s1gn1n,-a contracc. Mom s n-phed. t"° )Cir& and mesa-millions of .. "Sure · ._.,} dotlln 1n bu1ld1n1 thrttl2-meten Moms. 31. 1hc w1nmngnt pttchtt and traan1na both on the West •ftd of the 19 Os. 53i<Jlast -.."-'Ck thaf he Ea1t .coasts, onl) to, lote lo tht 'tttOUld not rcturn for the Detroit dt'ttrmincd Au iin. T11crs. the tram thnhc hclpCd to the Black~llcr 1lso .. 1ccusc1 on!'tr of 198.a World Champion hip. bt1n1 .. pompou . The 't. Paul nat1vt' said that the Conner has labeled Blackallet the . Twins \\ere fi rst un his "" of fo ur "mouth of the Wt" 0111." 1 la Ted possibk teams be-cause uf"thc quah· •Turner\ "mouth of the south." Both • t)' of hfc" in"MinncllOla. (P ........ GaUDOa/91)' aqpd. Ptatt lQ live IS J~I IS . 0 •· important to me as a winning tea m." \aid Morris. who has a a int'-season rl'cord of 144:94_ including 21-8 last )Car. "And I wouldn't than k of com· / ma there if.I didn't think I could help win a pennant.'.' Moss said "'1onday that 1f he can ·1 sign a contract with the Twins; he ha s tentattvcl) scheduled a mcctina for Thursda)' wnh the New Yorlc Yan .. ket"s. Other ceams on Moms' hst arc the Anacls and Philadelphia Phillies >\f\cr am\llng 111 1ht Twin €'th<'1 Monda} night. Morris said. "I'm aJad to be beck in Minnnota aptn and wouild hke to remain hcrc thl' rest of m} hfc if I can. I foci good about this club. the )Oung talent. r"e faced (Twins) Kent Hrbek. Tom Brunansky. Oary Gacm and K1rll Puckt'tt, ind It wasn't th•t cas)' to get them out.'' · ~Ith a press "h1c-h caused <;C\Vn Manna lnt'l'Jt(Monda)·,first-roundgamc)would~ turnovers m the fourltt qulH"tff. mcludm8 t"-O· • a 1ruggk lrom the "Ord an:· , fi\e-~cond callson inbound pla,.s 1n the fading (Pleaee .ee P'AVORJTU/83) 'Y-1Jla ·shoets down-see I Vanguards feature 4 players ove·r 20 points. lose 116-101. LOS i.\NGEL -Souchrrn Cahfomia C olkgc plal'ed four men O\cr thl· 20-poi nt mark MonJa) ..n.iihJ Ill Lol1lla..M.at:)_.OlounLbu.uuna11c.red.L1U.lc a the Lions defeated the Vanguards I lfl-1 01 1n non· conference basketball ac11on. Mike L11htfoot hit a season high 25 pomts to kad So<'al C'ollq. while Jeff tephcns (-4 po1nl\). Rand) W nM (23.l and Rob Lucas-t2 I) supponrd the vanguard ctTon. Lightfoot' performance included hitting nine of IS from the Ooor and 1ax of~· from the· line tcphcn~ hid four thrtt·potnt soah among ht\ point &:uca~ alto a~bbed nine rebounds. - The Lton who never trailed 1ner Jumping to an ·2 lrad. ""ere up at half\imc 61 M . and ancrca!IC:d thl·tr advantage to 7R-S6 "1th I S:40 left m the game. S<' clo~d to w11h1n 10.'-'H with fo ur minutes lef\. h111 chc I 1n6la rchu11t 11~ comfonable lead and I . . , t'.·amct..111 10 the end. Mike 't oe'lt ~orcd 22 points a nd Chris N1kchcvith ad<ied 21 points as the taller and 111 rongcr l O) ola squad placed five melt in double figun·'· Mark <\rm~trong •rabbcd a carcer·hiah. 19 rebound' and addrd 16 poant'i C ·orona dcl Mar graduace tame of the Lioo bcn h lO al.Id eight poan~ t-n luding-a pe1roftft~· - point goal" N~kchev1ch hit fi,c of six thrtt·point attempts 1n the ball game ; , lo>ola hit a s11Zhn1 54 percent from the field and 53 8 from the thrct-po1nt stnpc 1n addition lo outrchoundmg the Vanauard~ 60-38. The win improved the Lions· l't'COrd to S-1. -while th{' \'anauard fell to 4-3 I John Haar. lhc Vanguards' lcachna trorer txfCm· hc1nf. 4'1dchncd ..-1th 1 t"1tSlcd ankle. is C''pcoctcd beck for Wf'dnndl~ ., pmc. l he anguard~ ho!.t (.al St.ale San Bernardino at 7· .30 • · ~c ·c pla)cd \al tatl' in 1t1 OPfni~pmcofthir \l'a~n on the road and cafJ'lt a~ay w111' an U-76 .. \ ICtOr)' as Jcff Steph~5 hit I ICltOft•hiah 30 poent1. ' • • • ( r • . .. 'l s .) • I C , .. . . Baylor coach. meet. .wttb USC Walden lea•• for Iowa State -lJ t • DALLAS _ aa;1or bead football EIJ PULLMAN. wash. -Washinaton llJ Ren. Q pU S QU. COKh Grant Teaff says M met with • • . Sii~ University· football c.oach Jim Universil~ of Southern California officials Walden said MOnday-he.itmov"" to IQwa-9§ 88 1· tory last week m Dallas to discuss the Trojans' _ State. ·sayina the Bia Ei_..1 school's -com-.,. V C head coachina vacancy. . . . mitmenl toJports won ht.mover. . A sourc:e in the USC athl!!ltc depanment tol~ th«: · Waldenbrokedownintearsatalate-mornmJ,news Dallas Times Herald Monday that Teaff and M1am1 conference at which he confirmed rcpons of has new Pepperdlne rallies, but just falls coach Jimmy Johnson are the leading' cand idates to job. d . . .. W Id .d .. 11 t It tin replace Ted Tollner. who was fired last week after a 7-4 "It's not an easy ec1s1on. ~ en saa . ove short: Auburn rotec s s ra _ _. •• _ ..... -•--··· R -aaSQri, -Y. . t"'1is pl~.-~ --. ,-r---l~~~~~~~~~~~===~~==:c:::Si=--~~ __..._ .... ---·~-----· eaf.fsaidhf"metwith l1S€Athktic0imrtorMr __, •• lcry alo('"hc.,~ .... yremneAilieialNPrff•:._ · !f.YO --Flftwlicelinf'Fuzzy McGee for nearly two hour(in Dallas. but declined to when I Stt reru·n·s of_'Lassie .... ' · · · Zoe11Cr-11n t as relued as he appears on.the give anhdctails about the meeting. .1 ·-_Q_ver his nine seasons at RENO _.Sophomore forward Chri~ Rupp hit the aoJf course T II d d k d"' · · t · ·t 'th Washington State, Walaen com-t'.r-on·t en-r 0fa-0ne-and-onc-with l:S8 lcfl an the a.am 9 e 8 tol .. 1• . · 1.k bod 1 .. h 'd ..... d •• 1 " eyca e an as ·e 1orperm1ss1on o v1s1 w1 ..... _ 11 u ada R l c: _ m JU.st 1. e every re se.. e sa1 , .. ,on_ ar. me and 8'ylqrpve th~sti&n,"1 saidl'eafT. • he -i~ -44;S24 l'ftOrd. -~ ~break a tie and help booi' N~v -eno ~a : ~- • .n'my:ilfrea_~. lhe kncn in m} 5!0 miat. 1 Just only thing I can say is my ~ommitment ~~d loyalty to Couprs were 3-7-1 this past _haske,tball vi~ton: over P~rd1ne Mondat night. don t show !t as mut;h.. · . . Baylor runs very deep and is-Very strong. __ -!jCaso.1';-with-a 2-6:1 rccoid il\l_h·e -After Rupp'sshot puSh'E<f tfie score io 8 •86\ N"evaai-~ller s ea~ygomg~anner has sen:ed him well an Teaff. whose team will meet Colorado in the Padfic-10 Conference that an-Reno. 4-3. then made 6 of9 fre~thro~ attempts an thelast · &be Skins Game. the h•&h. stakes. f~u,~-man event Bluebonnet~. lL.saidJtt_bas ~~d several ~.duded a victory over Southern 28 secoods of the pme .to seal the wan. . If. . .-~~Cm.-:He-has . ooachin'g-offers in the past and.would not accept a California and a 21-?rttewittr . -:PeplfCJ'dl;J1~..+,-wu.down.h)'. 11 pomtsat th~.ha • 6een the 6!g wanner. the past two positio.11 that he did not feel as st~ongly abou~ as Bayl.or. league champion· Arizona Stale. S5-44. but baCAltd back late in the game to leadfour,t1mes. )lea~: e~~'lung a total.of~.~2S.OOO. "Our recruiting looks very good and I m loolung Details of his contract re-. Allbtt,. ''· E. KntKky St: C~nter JctTMoore scored· . Its. a lot of fun.. Zoener forward to.our upcortJing-bowl game. I fl wt:r~ fo.rc~ t?, Walden main unsettled. Walden uid. but ;2 points and forwardChns Moms added 2S to lead No. said dunng a promotional ap-makea decision right no.w~1'd.say,.l'd.st,_y w1th&ylor.-'it woo.Id .be at least five years in length. • . • 6 Auburn to a victqry over host Eastern ~entucky · --pearance f<?r nextmonttr'~ Pebb~e :reafTsaid. . . He said no co.untec-offers ha been .made by .Auburn. which trail.ea 48-47 at halfhme. outsc.ored Bea~h ~auon~I Pro-Am m C~h-According to t~e Times Herald. s9urces said USC's .Washington State. Eastern Kentucky 21-10 in the first sax ~anuteSOfllle ·.forma. Theres a IQt ofmor;iey to . Tirsi choice for the job w~Joe Gibbs. head coach of the Scholt..a..n eama Pac--10 bOQO_. . second hf lfto take charge of the game. Moore and guard be.won. 1~ al.1• goes to .charity -Washtngton Redskins. But Gibbs wanted too niuch ._ a• Frank f'ord scored six ·points each in the spllrt that gave ·-and mSo_ Y wife. If . h . . money and was' dropped from consideration. the to 5-0. a 68-S8 advantaAe. . . . me go p~msts ave cnt1-nl'wspaper reported. , · WALNUT CREEK -Washington ,_._""""'...,s~:"!:'M~IHIH jplfr.UC«lvenlde~:~1x.pta:rerncorcd .. ozed..the poker-hke format of th.e ........... -···-····-·-·-Stalt'--fef'Ward Dwayne ~holteir;-· . indoubte-ilgtrre~as=hosrSoutherrr-Mitt1$Stpp1·ou·td.udctk ~~6-b.uilihtnti!~~s~rr~e~~e~e ~~e-:Z~fi~;_ Gooden says he~••• harau.aL ~0:;$e~~~~~.t~!~~~~~~ t~~i-W~~R) -a fd'!t~~J:t;C:;~d~iSslssippi ju~ped to an ~rfy eogc-. ---. thinks the event is good for golf. · basketball Player of the Week on Monday. . UC Riverside tied the game at 17 with 9:.~ rema11:ungand "It's a good way to get attenti9n, .. said Zoeller. who .TAMPA. Fla. -New York Mets Scholten. a senior from Lynden, Wash .. also added the lead continued to change hands until Southern pulled won the .1979 Masters and 1984 U.S. Open titles. 'pitcher Dwi&ht Gooden said Monday· he 10 rebOunds in Saturday's 82-77 victory over Pep-ahead..fJ · 'Medal play every weer< gets bOring. The Skins Game Is wo~afllSseti.atld-aeu ·· . per me. e sco poan an ad 9 rebOunds an a St. M.m"'• 11; u.s. taterutloaal U: Forward Robert rnore of a shoot-out, It's easy to f9Uow and it's while .his lawyer said he has !alked to .----59-S8 loss to Gomaga on Wedn~.-------Haugen scored-a career-high 27 poi n~s to lead host St. e"ci·t,·ng." witnesses who corro~rate the right-handers. coit~n-Th• Pac-10 r,.male Player 0 the w -k wa.s US 1 I " I h '" 11• "" Ma}i's to a victory over . . nt.ernauo~a . . . Z.oeller. who has earned more titan $2 million on tion that he ga vt· po ace no rea.son to. stop im or a Un1·vers1"ty of o ·regon guard Lauri Landerholm. ti h If St Man. s a m fli . -ht t" k d . SC ffie that . augcm had 15 1.rst-a_poan~s t_o g~ve · • ~· the tour. is one of the most.colorful players in a sport tra ic 0 . ens~ or us~ nig s ac s unng a u Landerholm .. a senioi:. frorn GreshamJlcc_.scored.44.--40-z.rread-af the half., . -· that has been criticized for being bland. . ended with Good'clls.an:cstJast ~nd. . j)oln\S in -two wins over Idaho and Gonzaga at the "We've-got lots of personalities on the tour. but Gooc!en told th_e N~w York Tames that he was Bulldog Invitational last weekend in Spokane. Wash. you don't alwa shear abQut them," he said. "You·y~ "upset because th<' s1tuatJon _co~}d have been handled . QrqQn won the tournament. . got to win to get attention. When you get to the Winner's 100 percent b<'tter by the pohce. -+· -. · ~ ---- --eolMtie,-blgll school baslietbafl scor~s circle, then the press gets interested." _At!ornc~ Ch~rlcs Erhlic h said hi~ i~vestigatio!' of PCAA honors Tltana•· Turner · Zoeller. 3.;. won last year's Pebble Beach Pro-Am the incident continues. but that preliminary findings in an unusual iinish. -~ support Gooden·s statements that h~ did ·nothing CalSiate F'ullenon forward He~ry wron . T r • 20-0 in a 92-78 loss to Illinois: "I don't know if you've eve~ h~d a blind dat.e and stayed ':'P all 01g t env1smnang how beauuful she was going to be and what a fantastic evening yo u might have -and then you open the door and suddenly think, 'Do I have to go through with this? Sh<.''s --really ugly.· " · Bosworth er.ms Butkus award ·ORLANDO. Fla. -OkJahoma·s Dodger coach undergoes tests LOS ANGELES -Coach Manny Mota of lhl' -Los Angele~ Dodgers has enll'rcd Ct·ntinl'la Hospital Medical Center for tests for an undetermined ailment. and was cxpectl'd to be released Tuesday. the t<:am ~· Thl' 48-H·ar-old Mota returned to Cahfonua over the Wl'l'kend.after becoming ill in his native Dominican Republjc. where he is mana in Esco ido of the om1nican e,pu 1c rn er eaguc. t c o gers said Monda\. North Stars slip past Rangers· · flamboyant Brian Bosworth o n Monday night rece.iNed the Dick Butkus award. ·given to the player considered to be 1 he best linebacker in college football. NEW YORK -Brian MacLCllan The colorful hard .. ta.cklin&.. junior b.as w.on lhe .scor.ed...t..wo ,goah; . ...and rook.ic. goal&endcF----~ trop y both years it has been awarded by Orlando's Kari Takko kicked out 33 shots to lead the Downtown Athletic Club. The award i.s..na.rncd for Hall Minnesota .Nor:lh. Stars to a 4-3 l)I Hb-£-Eame-l~.r: ~-BtttlttJ~lto -macte-rhe VIC Of) over . c New YOrKRangers ~onday ntght. presentation. Maclellan. making hist first appearance at .. Brian Bosworth is the top Jinebac:lcer in the Mad~son.-Square Garden since he was traded to the country." Butkus said during the awards ceremony. North Stars b~. the R!mgers last summer. scored o_n "He is the best. I lik.e the. W..JYM..Plays;_tJe plays with _ ~in~csota's first s~ot of the game a~d late r scored his .desire. He has what it takes-m"'bnl-grea't pttryer."' teams fuurt goal in the second penod. . t e wee en an was name e toumamen s most valuable player: : tn his team's S6-48 victory oveJ Texas Chrptian in a first-round game last Friday night. Turner had 18 points and three rebounds. The following night. in the ehampionship game~ Turner had 14 points. six rebounds -and three assists as the Titans ·topped host BY.U. 59-56 before:a crowd of 18..J20. -Turner leads Fullcnoo in scorin& with a 16.6 . av~rage. · Television, radio TELEVtsl6N ~ p.m. -PRO BASKETBALL: Lakers at New York. Channel 9. ~ 5 p.m. -PRO BASKETBALL: lakers at New York. KLAC (510). _ 6:30p.m. -COLLEGE BASKETBALL: UC Irvine. at Boise State. KPZ~ 190). . .30 p.m. -PRO B.u ETBAU. Golaen State at C]ppers. KMPC (710). Lovo•a 114.-Soul~n Cal CoileQe IOI Cal Polv IPomonal ea. UC Davil 19 "' Franci•CO SI. " SI, Marv'• •• UStU 6S •oc•uu ...,_aoe-11t¥10 ts. ,.._dine ee N.. ColOrado U . Denver 61 Havwerd SI 73, N Montana 72 EAST Tampta 16, UCLA ·45 SOUTH Aul>urn 97, E. Kentuclo.v 82 So. Mlu ln ippl 17'. UC R1vtis1dt 66 South Alat>ama. 72, Youngllown Dartmouth 14, Nova 66 Mere.~ 76, Florida Teen 68 Mlddle Tenn. 16~McNNM! SI. 80 New Of .. an• 97, Mankato SI. IS SW Loul•iana 93, TennenH TKh 91 . . StetM>n '°· CinciMeti ~ Tampa 121, Edward Walen 75 MtDWEST Mk:l'lt9an 16, 80.vnno Green 6' Cent. Michigan 68, Oaktend, Midi. SI lllinoli St. 90. Armsrrong S• 69 N. Ullnol• 93, ROilins 6' SOUTHWEST NE Olti.'homa 1Cf2. AlUH Pe-cillc 92 OklahOma-SI. n . Mii'lllHOI• 66 W, Ta~H SI. 100, Seallle 6' El Toro 12. Colla Mua 69 Artesia 61. Ger11V •7 Footni» 1S, Wulern 62 Ill lrVINJ trv1ne 66, Corone 34 Edison 66. Santa A~ JV ~ LOl AtnillOl 61. Paramoul\I S? Sen•• Ana '3. Laguna Hnll SS CatW~) Don Lugo 6', Estancia S. WOOdt>rlCl!M. SL Savanna •l Marina 58, Trov -~ Cal UC lrvlN) Lono Beecl'I Wil\On S3, Sa~­ oack '6 Min ion Vitio 71, Norco S2 Taunum;n. ef. OlampleM mntR_., tatc.i~~l Oceen View 60, Corno1on S7 '(trl!uJn Oei...6!. Crl$0l....s9 - Servile •7. Santa Monica 0 loO Senta Ctera)7. SI. Anlh<>nv S6 GtlMlra T___. ""' ..... , B1U -Ollnda ... Soul,, Galt so -c ..... -~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~W•ST j ~.UCLA" • 'I, Id, LAST WEEK'S WINNERS: ft1$T PlACI Jo.y Gonzoles 13· 1 SECOND Pl.ACE Nitto 81ovvelt 12·2 THIRD P\AQ , Manley _feducie 1 f-3 I "" • Gamn lill whl be ouOll\/led uch Tue\dav. Mak• .,._ !ll>klls °" vour 9111.-Y Otani!. c1.11 out, mau or c1911,,., IO T1l9 Dallv Piiot, 330 Wfll lay SI., CCKla Maw. Ca ,,.,. • Enlriel mull Ot PCKlmarked no· taler lllan s P.M. Tl'lurwav, orK&dlno Illa Sunday eama, Late 9ntrlft wt" not Ot counttd. If mort than -.,,,..., . a lit· IWffkar will Ot cl9tt<mlned. Wl""9rl wlff 0t ~Illa followlno Ttl9'Sdrf ~' mav IMcll uo orttes •t T"' Dilly PllOI offl<ct F"rioav AF"TElt 2:00PM. lollowlno announc-1 ouo--..lml'!l~iiiiii!i!i!l!!!!l!i ____ ..,iiiliiii'1l1l.;;.111Mc1 In 1119 oaotr _I eotr)' "" ,..,_,_ uol!Citlon Of 9ntrv form not a«eofal>lt, ElnPIOv"' and famillel Of Oranoe Co.•• P\;Clfl.illno Co not ttlo11>19 Mull be II or over IO tnlar COf!ltsl 0 at San franciKo• Satur.day' s College Game,. Dec. 20 (Independence Bowl) 0 Mississippi 0 vs. Texas Tech 0 Denver• 0 at Seattle 0 GrMn Boy 0 at N.w York Giants• Sunday' 1 Pro Games, Dec. 21 0 lndionopolis 0 Atlanta 0 Buffalo 0 Chicago• 0 Kansas City• 0 New York Jets 0 San Diego o rO'mpa eay 0 Washington• o_ N.w Orleans 0 at Raiders-* . 0 at Detroit. • D at Dallen 0 at Pittsburgt. Dot Cinclnafi• Date~· D at St. Louis• 0 at Philadelphia Tie-•ealc..,.-----•· at Minnetoto [ NAME ----.-- PHONE-- ------1.....= __ ..__-::...-::_-...r (On Your En .. iop.) AmN110N1 w-·, Clrct. Th9 Doily Pilot ~Wttrto; Sf. 'COtta Mfto. CA 92626 ..... -- Thi Ca vs were led the trio ofR0eer Taoau~ PDiols). T.im HaH<-n,-., Peter Avala (I I ), . G~11en K'COunted for tbe two biahhlht• of tbe 1ea>nd half. Pint. bis breakaway tw~handed jam brouaht the crowd to Ill feet and made the seore 70.30 in the third period. Ibmin..1be fowth quarterGtuR drove the besclinc.and went up for a ~bal\d:stuff. But there &o meet him was the ·Cavs' 6-3 forward Edwin Lezema. who closed the door on .Glaaen and sent his-lhot into the stands. -- E1 Ten 12, CH&a Mesa It: Craig Falconer's &ritty bunch of Costa Mesa Mustanas huna in as IQ!!& as thty ---,ro111d aplnsf Ifie faroager Charairs bcfort finaJly succumbina in anotbeT ~me at Univeristy. It was just a case .oft<><? much of everything by El Toro wearing down Costa Mesa. _!_'W~-played well~ cnartsfle Falconer. "We stayed wi th them· until we cnjfed up losiriphe game rn the last thrte minutes.· Mesa trailed but 60-57 when the founh quarttr ~ed. But after Charger guard (and the quanerback of 8 Toro's C IF c hampion fuotba11 team) Bret Joh nso.n wbeclcd--in t-he lane Tor a layup. the Mustangs didrf( _ __.. ...... ~h4'e~ five points the rest of the game. · "We just didn't have the size to stay with them on the boards." said Falconer. "We were pretty quick, t~ough. and that kept us tn i-t." Costa Mesa's average height is ~-11 . with no player over 6-0. El To ro . ..on the other hand is loaded with 6-5 and 6-4 players. . . The Mustangs wei:e led by two little bag men, 5-8 Paul Kos. who had 16 Gam·e lncreaSes -on Catalin It wasn:t v aqucros spurted to a 19-6 tead artcr Island is· ·r-eopened hunting. but due toa tremendous eight minutes and upped it to an increase in the populaJions ofboth . insurmountable 35-8 margin al half-, h ' t-i f upland game bards and big game timo.mqualifying for a second-round I Or arVeS ng 0 animals. unattached hunters can game against Los Amigos tonight.. -qua1· 1, deer, others enJO) soml·6fthc finest hunting Matt Norton. a near-SO percent ll' a1lahk 1n theSou.thlana: .5bootcr .from the field. led In inc an · .\ samphng~f1ht"-Vitllerqua1~ the scoring l'Olumn with 15 points. hun11ngav111labte-on Catalina this and Dave Ballan I) ne added I 0 .. · Orangt' Count} outdoorsmcn ofl<.'n pai.1 ''ec~ proved that there arc man} Mike Herring. the Vaqs' 6-5 point lookacrossttieoccan onackarda' largecOH'}SOfquail inalmos1cvery guard. JUSt m iucd on a triple-double. and see Catalina Island. a paradise for can}on on the island. Hunting with J11 NIEMIEC OU TDOORS g<'tting 14 points. I 0 rebounds and anglers. boater\ahd vacationers. C\pcncnccd guide Chm Peterson. I eight assists. Lasl.$cck.. the..p~elrownt'd hunred l'O\~ of quail lha combination hunts a' a ilable as well. 1sfand "ao;ope ncd to hun11ng numhered.from 50 IOO' cr-400 birds. and hunting w1IJ lasl Lhrough ..\pnl JP. Edisoall,SutaAuJV4t:ln\\ha1 enthus1ast.s~rulmaruurnquc:hun1 ing and thegunnmgwasasgootla a~ IQ ?forboarand~ Edison Coach Jon Bprch<'n terf!lcd a packagesar" being offered b} the u land clootcrcou . \\O Harbor~ 1ueachcd eas11\ '1a =-....::..=:nJiieiO~~~~~~~~~:....=~~~~~~~f)!~~~~-~Tnn~au~n1i11~ttiOmnu qmnhtroon;-thc ---Eatalina E11prMSt-1H~ Sl9-12ll-.• ted or a shot at San Ramon Valley's 510-0303. based out ofTwo Harbon hunting programs off~guidt!'d hunts atingdailyout ofSan Pedro. orb' Wolves tonight on the west end of the island. for muled~r. boar. Spanish Billy pm•ate boat with excellent moor'ings .. We haven't played well th<' last Fo~yean.-Eatalina wa~ closed w goats and w1ld turlte-y. There are ~I\ ailable in the well protected harbor. two games:· said Borchen . "I don't know 1f they're tm·d from th'e tnp up north or what." Scoll DeStefano scored a career- high 20 points and auard Mike Henderson added I 7 fo.r the Chargers_ Baroils outlast u1r .. . Butler boots Bears past Lions,· l -6--1-3 - His·32-yarder caps Chicago comeback _ fr.om 13-3 deficit up Butkr'' winning lield goal. On thl·1 r nc\I possession. the Bear'i <lro' • from 1hc1r own 45 10 1he lx tro1t 5. '>l'lli ng up Butler's winning lield goal. Th~~~~·iw*teewn--fffi--~:::!==:;:===l lo"cd a lkars 1u rfi0,er in the third PO~Tl ..\(. ~heh. l .\ P) -Ke' 1n 4uartl'r Bulkr lic~ed a 22-} ard field goal on the final pla~ of the ganw Mo nda) l>r1rr11 1°s Donnie Elder raced INGLJ:)V -::.. Th.t Fountain rught t1' Ltfrthc--nucago=&ars m Jow-nli~ld1~·~~;.,.,.-h~trt-ir.p~u:rinil--i:::~'::;~~lll"t-::-Valle~ High girls' basketball team 16-1 J comeback ,·iclor) 0 , er the al till' Chicago I On the first pla~ no tched a Sl-43 v1ctol' over Muir Detroit Lions. spojhng the first NFL from '>cnmmagl'. Pa)ton fumbled Mo11day night behind Melissa start b~ Lion qua'rterback Chu«l and Demetno us Johnson r<'Covered Handley's 20 pomts and 13 rebounds Lo ng. for l>r1ro1t at the 4. to advance to the semifinals of the Butler's field goal capped a I J. On the first pla~. Lo ng. the Lions· Morningside Tournament. po1n1 founh-quarler surge h~ thl' fir,t-round draft choice from Iowa. The Barons (7-2) wi ll meet either Bears. hit I eonard Thompson over Veslee Morningside Wednesda) at 7:30. The Bears. \\ho kepi ah'e thei r Jac~o;on 1n thl· lrft corner of the t'nd . Backing Handle} was StaCl'Y chance al ha\'lng the homefield 1onl· for a 13-3 IX-1m1t lead w11h 6:56 Hasaka with 16 points and six ad vantage throughout 1he playoffs. left 111 lht' third quarter. rebounds. while Laurie DeHaven led 1mporovcd to 13-2 while [)('1ro11 Eddie Murra' sandwiched fi eld the 1eam with eight rebounds. dropped to 5-1 O. goal<; of 52 and 3·q vards around a 41 - Free throws we.re a key do~n th.e Butler. who kicked a 41 -yard field ~ ardcr by Bulkr for the Liofis· 6-3 stretch fo~ Fountain Valley. which hit goal in 1he second quarter. kicked a halfttml' advantage. 13 to Mu1r-'s stv('n for the game. Tht' 3~-> arder with I ~:26 remaining in thr Flum· comP.lelcd 13of24 passes for BCil>m had stalred ~ 27-17 halftime-game.to.pull Lh~lun il-6.. IJQ_µr.U.s vJtik Loni wa.s.J..!.pf...ltlor a~vantage. but Muir had pulled to On 1heir nc~t possession. quar-1'1 7 ~a rd!.. Each 1hrc" one inter- w1th1 n four with about 411 minutes to 1erbaclo. Doui Flu1ie drove the Bears r eption. play. 74 yards'" eight plays. hilting Emery The Rear,-detl-nse. No. I 1n the --. -Mooreh~-foH-5 vards a long the NFL came ICl lifl' in 1he-M'co.nd--half .. In other gi~ls high school lour-wa}. and Matt Suhq. dove over from n:g1steJtng three of them fi, e ~cks na ment action. 1he 4 "1th 5:49 n:mainmg to 11r the and intl-rcepting Long. g.ame at 13-1 3. On !the Bears· SI\ th snap. a third- Hunting takes place with pro- fr.-.sional guides who know the island and the-game on 1t. and all game ~s cleaned and prepared for shipme nt back to the mainland by a skinner. Good food goes" 1th an} hunting paclcag~a nd com fort a ble-1t'romm 0- da 11 on s a re 1 ncl uded at Banning House.Lodge. Catalina is about :!5 males from the mainland. }l'I itoffersa vanet) of . OU1doorac1n:tti.es.._ H wuer.s ~ 10 bring along a no n-shooting com pa- nion ma.)_dO so as tllcrc 1s I 1 e ra'e ingl roug thescen1t· can}onsofthe island s. Thert' arc ~~.nckhe "iew from any PQint is sptttacular as the) O"<'rlook hidden coves and beaches, •· .-.... ploete Ua1vertll)' 3S. Troy !t: The Tro- jans went ahead for good. 28-27 on Shdley bav1s' basket with about s1 minutes io go in consolation Qlljlr- trrfinal action at th<' Savanna Tour- na ment. Waher Pa\lon. who ca med IQ and-4'' at their o"' n 40. starting 11mes for 83 ~ards. got loose for an 18-quartcrbac~ Mike Tomczak "'a~ hit }ard run on tile drue 10 the lkars· j r'(.:un1s Green an~ James Gnffin onl). tou{'hdown ana rushed for 33 of while throwrng an mcoml)fete -pass the 50 ~ards the Bears marchC'd to sci and limped o ff the field. Clllcqo Q1IU'tnback ~;~es=f-rom Detroit defenaer William Gay "cta.rln& tbe eecond quarter. The victory propels U mvers1ty 2-5 1n~the ~onso~t1onstmifinalis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =--.ilrAJl~efda at : (} ap1im cITtler Dana Hills or Savanna. U nivhsity had .taken a 21-14 halftime advantage af\er outscoring Troy 12-4 in the second period. but the Warriors countered with an 8-3 third period to make it a tw<rpoint pme entering the final period. Troy took ils first lead since the first period at 27-26 bcfor,t Davis' bucke t. Raiders pl~gueO by Christmas spirit I LA appears Out Of Playoffs Nov. JO and c~dingw.ith a Los Ang~lcs TO earl~· in "ha1 has to happen for the Raider' to n·at•h the 1he second penod against Kansas CH). 1he Raiders pla) offs. ' --d 1980 "'ere outscored 60-0. Coach Tom flort'~ of tht• Raider~ nprx·o:-cd I Or SeCOn time in S That doesn't sou nd much hkl· a pla)otTtcam. stunned after Sunda) ·,game. docs it'> "We j ust killed out">Clvt·~ ... he-smd. '"We Davis finished with 12 points and LOS ,\NtiELES (AP) -For the lirst lime ----:::e~1 ~-=rc::E"'u-;-:nr.s-,.,.r-tliic:ir.imit"Tt..:ftcr"'ITr-.r""oJna~nlTs.-Tis1ITT'Cl~~ 10 LO!I l\ngcl In tt)l!:!. tht' w ile point auard Noelle Sa~ added Raiders probahl) ~trc not going to be tn 1he NFL 11ine-po1nts and good defcnstve play. pla)ofTs. The~ figurt' the~ have onl ~ them'ICh t'!I to blame. GRUDGE ••• homBI . 1rc very ,·ocal 1n their vic"'s on sailing and other thinp. Both Conner and Blackallcr arc former world Star Cius champions before bcromina involvtd in 12- metrr racin& for the Cup. Conner also bu c~rnet 1n saihna olher bta bolts in 1uch no1cd rttatt.11 H the Southtm Ocean Racin• Circu.h ih flonda and other intcmat1onal e¥eft''· "This game. 1n ho n. \ummed up our "hole season." linebacke r Matt Mille n ...aid Sunda' fpllo" 1ng 1ht' Raiders' 10-17 los 10 the Kan'ill\ Cit) Ch1l"fs. "We. had It right there 1f \H' h:id \\on. and wt just didn't get it done · "tiow man SJmc· d1d "'C gl\C :l\\3) thl\ )ear?" • The defeat was the third in a ru" for 1hc Ra iders. all to underdogs. l lad the) "on an) one of th<»e pmcs. the) \\<Ould be tn a po'l1t1on to chnch a pla)ofTbcrth b) bcattn& lndl:mapohs nc\t Sunday Hut th{'v lost 33-:f7 tn oven1m<" to Philadel- phia and took a 37-0 bcauna from Scaulc hcfort' Sunda) 's defeat S11nint ~ith thc ~cs' winnina t.ou hdown .... . Thl' main reason the Raiders losl to KanMs pla)ed '"ell enough to \\in even with all lhl' ('m wa\ the st\ en mrnoH•n 1trey-rnn1mnrctt1'nr-mtnO\ er<. w l• ~t·rt• m posltmn to tic or l'\l'n gu Chiefs had none. · ahead 8111 there the hall was on the ground again .. "We JUSt got ou~I\ C!> IO trouble "1th Flores rcrerrcd to what occurred \\1th fr I b 1umo,0ers," ~fet\ Vann Mt ElrO) of the R11dtn rrmn1nmg. The Raiders, trarliTig :!0-1 7. "'ere in a ~1d. "Thr last two weeks. "'c JUSt ~tunk up the fim-and-10 situation at th<' Kansas Cit\ 16-,ard field." hnr "h"n a fumhl<· b' Napoleon MeCa)lum "a .\ppropnateh. the final t"o turno,cr1 b~ the m ·o ,er<'<i h} Tim Cofield of the C hiefs. Lh1ders came on' their l:ut t\\O otTen!l1'e pla) "lt'o; been n long. tough }ear." n on.-s '31d. helping 1he Chiefs pre'l{'f\ c a 'll'lllr} "h1d\ put "\\ c·, r hccn up and do" n and up and do" n nil them 1n position for-their fil"\I pla~off apJX•:lranc\• ~car on a roller coostcr. and toda~ "a, C'\"rtaml~ ,1ncc I Y7 l. · • -anolhct c~amplc of 1t." De plle the1fslidc.1hc R:uden..8-7,!lt1ll ha'e l o'i i\nscles began thr sca.,on b) loc;an.g 10 a chanc-c to Qu:alify for 1hr pla~offs a'i a w1IJ<ard r>;:n' r r. Washington and the rw York C 11ants b~ 1cam. • a 1olal of onl> 11 points. Tho~ three team\ ha'" a The "'t,uld do so b' beating l nJ1:1nnpoh11 comhinl'd ~ord of 3 -10 a nd all \\Ill be 1n the next Sunda~ 1f Seattle. \~-6. loscc; to Oen,cr pla~om-. ~ ~'turda). Kan..a< C'lt~. 9.f\, lo~s to r1tt!>burgh l he Raider\ rebounded h) winning t'tght \,f Sunda)'. and Cinc1nnat1. 9-6. lo~" to th<· Nl'" York th1.•1r n{'\t nine game!.. promptrng hope of a th1rJ Jets \1nday. ~vllt'r tmwl 'tetOI')' during the I q8(k and a l 21h ''.lio. ho. 11.l>.'' Millen said when mformcd of pJa\tlll' appearancun.Jj tAr1. ... .... .\lso 1n double figures were ·c hris Hook and Chns Bums. each with l l points. Wh1khuntingquailor~nyothcr game. it-is not u.nusua1 to-reuttd a h111 and run ri&ht into a herd o fbufTalo (bison). The wild boar are tuskers in tbe 100-po_und class while th_e Billy goats have grown large horns over th<' ) ear-5. Turkey hunters-can harvrst a big tom snlhe 20-pound rang<' ~por-t1nga r~bl~t>e.aro. The hunts offered are excellent for both ex penenced and first time shoot«!rr.Jn n • erraan can be aschallcngmgas a hunter "ants t~---c==- Those" ho "'ant 10 tap some pnvatc:\andshuntl~ 'the outfitters to insure II booJung for 1he harvesting of game thu wsnteTand spnn~ Rams-s-et sights on 49ergame With playoff spot clincheQ_J_!1~y eye_ _ West Division title When 1he Rams learned the' '41.'Cre in ·thl* pl atolTs for Lhe fo urth con· sccut1,·c season. they didn't exactly break out th<' champagne. Just afier their overtime loss tQ M1am1 Sunda\. the Rams were to ld that Minnesota had los1 10 Housto n. as)unng them a1 least an NFC \\1ld- card berth . "I guess there was kind of an ackno"lcdgemcnt ofit." Coach John Robinson said .of the news that the Rams had made the playoffs. "Bul the game this Friday aga1ns1 the 49ers. n vals playing for the dh 1c,1nn r hampio nsh ip. that's what \ott\I play fer. ------~ "I dCl think the fact that both we and the 41kr., arc a'sured of hemg 1n the pla) off!> it" cs a sense of secunt) to both team!>. It woufd n.-alh he m'P o.us time 1f not... · The R:im-.. hcaten 37-31 h' the f)olphin<.. "111 can:aI0-5 fl'<'Ord into f-nda} night's r~gular-season finale aga1n-.t 1he 49ers. 9-S.· I. 1n San f-ranc1~0. -• I ··You coufdnt as or a rer--; ~t·nano ... Robm'ion said. "The game 1.-. he1"'een maJor rivals for the d" 1i.1on u1le. 11·s on tele"ision and t think 11 ~llbc...an~ "I'm not sure there's anythm1 nH>rl· ~ou could ask m this p~ tro;~ion .. The lo\Cr. the wild-card. will opca the playom the fo llowing w«-kcnd at Washington With the winner gelling I ~c . Looking hack on the loss to the Oolphms. Robinson said: "Daa Marmo was j ust fabulous. In l"-t _ li:1 1:. w ere a e hand, it wa5 nice to~ able to evca hn'c a chance to win.it." The Rams m the past have been a poor catchup team ~use of their "eak passmg pme, but quanert.cl Jim 'rrett gt"c them ti\( cap1bUi11 to omr back. "It "a' an C\C1t1na pme and tht fa n., crrta1nl) got Lhcir moMy°I wonh." thr COKti said. -nut wfnn1na . ( • l ! 1\ • d1f'Wrcnt subJ«l. • "Walluna ou1 of the 1\adium, tht r fans ~ttt probabty talkiba aboul • "hat an c~citina .. me it was an4 .-.a"'°l· 'Ht y. ~·~ OIC If we·• bca1en Tampa Bay , .... ,. they'd have - tx-cn \8 ·ina ii was. w wom ~ the) 'd c.vtr ltt'n and. •eoy, we ft •• tmu~. -....--....,..... . \ x·Clev ... no . Clncfnnatl Pittuiurgn -Houstotl. (Al"'"" .-STl Setvrav . IMOa1'SNOS~S IOWL lat lilrh...,., La.) MiS\1U IP1>i (7·3-1) YI, TtllH Teen (7-4), s om T.,....,,o.c;n HALL ~ PAMe IOWL latT.._J TIMH'ICMY, Dec. tS SUN IOWL (al SI ..... , Alel>ama (9-3) vs. Washl')gton It· 2; 1 J. a m (C8Sl BLU•·GAAY ALL·STAlll CLASSIC (at Mcctl-• .. .,, ..... ) 81u. vs Grav. 2 o.m_ ,._...., DK. t1 GATOlt IOWL (at JKar.-.., l'la.l 11.30 !ilenlord rl·J'IVS-Clim~ (7-2-1}, 9-lO 1 m ICBSl 1 Al;OMA-.OWL -Cat HeMMul Arli on1 11•31 Vl. Norfl1 Carolina 17·3-1). o m (A8C) · _______ -.::._-_-__ -~~-=- \· lat Mlm!IMIJ Tenntl-we 16·Sl n . Minnonota (·6--S1. S o.m Tueselav, OK. JO P•aaDOM M»WL _ (at ......._). UCLA (7·3· 1) vs. 8rlgham Young <1·0 , S p,m HOLIOA Y SOWL (at Sall Oleea, San Diego State (l·lJ vs. Iowa 19:31, 6 o.m w.-...v.0ec.11 ___ ftACH eow~ (at AllMta) North Carolina State 11·2· I) Yl \/lrgfn1a Tech !8-2-11. 10 a m. BLUEIONNaT IOWL -rar-Heiitirif Colorado 16-SJ v' 8avtor C8·3). noo" ALL·AMEllllCAN IOWL (at~ ..... ) tno1ana 16-S) vs. Fiorloa State (6-4-1), S p m Tilwn4ay, Jen. I CITIIUS IOWL <•t Or'landa, l'la.) USC 17·4) vs. Aul>urn 11·3). 9 a.m 1 ABC l CO.TTON IOWL. (It Dalas)..-.------.-,;exa\ A&M 19·2! •s Or>10 Slate t9·31, 1030 SUGAlll BOWL ~ >· -. . . Tnu·EI PHO 4, U!•" •. Atl1011e 3, Memphl\ Stilt 3. Ce lllorn1a 2. Le Salle 7. LSU 2 Nortneesttrn 2, St Louil 2, Cl! Stale Fullert6n ) Georgia I, Mic11ioa11-l. COLLEGE MEN Lente Marvmeunt 116, s.c.I C ..... 101 ( Naf'l·fflWf'Mee) s.cal C ..... 11011 Lav• ( 116) Wvnn• L.lg111foot ...L.u£• Conoaen Sleol'ltns -()!wit Dixon 8ell.tv feflpftp f9"pftp 9· S 3 23 .t.rmwono 7 2 O 16 9 6 3 15 Voll I 6 I 22 10-1 . .L2L _ C..1.rter . J L L 0 It S-0 Nikc11evich 7 1 1 21 10 0 2 ,. \/0991 7 0 2 l4 I 0 0 1 Mtvtr 0 2 O T 2 0 2 • Fr ver 3 O t I 1 o I 1 Roscoe 1 o o 2 Sfmmonl I O 1 1 Lu zeretll • 0 3 8 Vearguon S 3 ~ 13 Tolal\ .•2 12 21 IOI Totals '6 17 11116 none 1ncouvar I Nick ' 1riv1 (Stevtn1) ,1renett1 n«HJer Y IQ control tlll• rogue, '"Oftll ------'NorrlrOIVl ... ..-----::r.°"'":------Y-5allara Sadne 1J>J,,cav) toe, NOTOltlaTY lt·21 Contentlout !'IHI YefV University '6, Santiago 63 M1nne1o•a ll 13 3 19 • 121 llS 10 S•fadv Star (Ollvaru > 118 comoelllive 111rou1111ou1. lPffd and Stev.n• art !lrYIM Tourn.menll SI LOUI\ 11 17 5 1'/ 96 106 NICK 'S lllllSH (7·2) Rellal>lt tor too etfort and IOUiJll comb<> to Ignore LONGSHOT SLUE ICE Sanfl•90 (6l) Unlvtr\it>I (96) Toronto 17 13 4 18 99 IOJ Steven\ riot\ tr11S main track, to i>erteclion. coulo f9 " pt f9 " of to Detro•• 10 13 S 1S 8S 93 l>f tne edoe tnii runner need\, NEW GOLD NINTH lllACE. 1 Mii. Turt. Purse· 120.000 BO\llCI<. Ta~aoka Tcson Av Ila Hank Atex1noer Lezema Kit.no To1a1s 0 0 0 ~ ,.1,~1, s 1 1 11 Cn1ca110 8 17 6 12 107 116 OlllEAM ll·IJ Forcto exrremetY wide ,,,1,rtng F1lhf\ & mere1 3 vnr1 oto & u-•rd. Ctalmlnll 3 I I 7 011n J 1 4 8 WALES CONFElllENCE 1ne \tretcll Clo\.ino wlln ll\tert•t late, llu 'OMO Price SO.OOO·•S,000. 6 7 O 14 G1auen I J 4 ll Patrick Dlvhion •o l>f closer to nrtv lttd, E,.HaMIElllAL <9·2> l &road Strn t (Sl1>l1i.(lJ) s I O 11 s1011ot1 11 o o 11 PMaoe1on1a 27 7 1 '6 137 76 f ioure\ 10 be nu r tl1e lud or IHder of tr1e 01c1t. 2 Lotul ,Dtllgnt ISlevenlll)) 5 2 2 11 Hong 7 l 1 S Pi•tsfJurgn IS 11 ' 3• 117 103 -riv m.v '"""' I00'<"°8Ck If atlowtel to ...ieor·~o l Tarllaliitd (Pincay(2)) 7 1 4 6 c a1owe11 ' o o e NY l\tanoer\ 16 12 2 l• 116 103 "'' nalf m11e POie LONGSHOT THE SHOE • Vital Score <Detanaun•••> 1 $ I l Bnll S O 0 10 Nt'w Jer\ev 14 U 1 30 116 13S PRINCE S L•dv Lv (Soto(2)) 1 8 6 Ho0ttu1 Gal (8ue) 2 1-l-._ Rogen 0 0 .S 0 · .J-l'f h !J,lll:H II) U 6 26 117 2 FIC[H. ltA_CL L MJl-'".!'.urse Sl•.000 3 vur 7 'Gevl1ole ISoli') 24 IS 8 l>3 1010" 41 11 18 96 Wos'1moion IO lS fi 25". -.,, HI ~10, & uowerd Cla iming Price 16,000· U ooo-8) O CetWon -r1n101 116 119 116 11• )13 Ill 113 ~ bv Gu•mrt A0.1'" j)ivll ion I One Evtd lllllmeo l8lllek) tl9 9 Voland• (Patton! Sen!lago n 10 8 3o-6J Bo\ton 16 ll 4 3~ llO 190~ 2 Wtll Bov (Ottenoun1ve) 116 10 Magnetic Dancer (\/ergar1) Founta in Vallev 28 19 25 24-'16 Montreal IS 13 ' • 111 • J O!I Dael (SJmoM>nl ll• AIME ...... -+* a 111 114 Fouled out Rooan ~llrttoro 14 " J1 91 16 • OIVOlJ ON 15'blllt) 116 11 Barn• Golden Eaele ~Stevan~ci11 l 16 -Tecnnfcals None ';lut'~ ' 14 " -17 113 -ff ~Bold Conc;o•da f,.8e.aJ-116 I? C•+t•eltrect-t501ollll ttt- ------Bult'alO 6 70 4 16 93 lTI 6 Amerone (Steven•) 116 13 Aglgeel !Pincav(l JI l16 lrvlM 66, Corona 34 Mandllv'• kart 1 Gutt\!reemer (Ferna,nde1) 116 u Sll.lmblu hankl (S11>111et7)) 116 C ... -· 1131~)lnt Tourn.men1_r'v~,.;;.. l"l Minne\ota _• T~~=n8:~~ ONE EYED lllOMEO l1-7l Doe\ no1 need Ille HO.-EFUL GAL (•·11 Dise1>ooin!l11g effort to __ • ·-.,. lead ~~right of1 hon" Pllce In ""' coug~r. C'1! ~""~Ck on !he rurt at one mile fo'" 1lf fP 19" llf tp M.nnu ota at N...Y_Ulanoers one mite event, frtlh from game Kore. distel'IC.t , nu\!llllg 1no caoable ri.r. VITAL lelelflfmt Lo1tola ~rvmounl, 61·~ Tnree.· oointen-SoCel Collt'lle-Steontn\ •. L•o,,11001 1 Lovole Marvmoont-NlkC11ev1c.11 S. Frver 2 Tecl1nlca1': None. K1Mt'• •1 0 I 2 H.,r1n9 ' 6 3 14 MOl\lreal al SI LOUIS AMARONE (5-2) F lgur1s to open davllont u rlv SCOltE 16·1) Reced U lrem.IV wide enterl119 ,,,. -c;lf lll!ff -.,-,--6-mimi11!VIW-r o-1 W-___Q,tl(DJ.LOJ S-~v'' Ge--~------•ruL!edlen..Lillt1LllllLLUQQCC IJW91Llo..J.•~A.,._,W.,_..l~ST_,___,$"'1r_,.t,_.,tc"'ll-'e"'lo''''Jr!i-~=~·t" w~..,,,_l\ff...!nL!O<L HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Ze1a cow\•. 4 O J a Norion o 3 I 15 Plll\Ouron at Kln9s SOY (6·1) Working wt'll 9Cf'0$5 tow11 or.c>1>ing mucl1 groun<f.~ IOlS (9•1) HH 5110wn Woedbrtdel 57, S.vanna 41 Hurrionrev 7 o 7 • Petersen .7 o. 7 4 Bulfaio 41 Hartford tor return, caoaoi. conditioner soot• nls stock 11 si>eeo 11 1lmtl l>Yt not too mucri Stick, flit •I'd (lrvlrle Taumamant) Cl'lllO 1 O 7 4 Maclnne\ O O l 0 Washington 81 N y Ranoer1 winning levt tl LONGSHOT; GULFS TREAMER should l>f come>ttltlvt et tnl' i.vt1 L.ONGSHOT Savanna (41) WMCllll'idee csn Lon9e•OOM 1 O O 1 Oder> ~ O 1 8 Toronio al New .>e"ev SIXTH RACE. 7 Furlongs Purse· J l2,000 F1llif!1 .t.GIG.t.EL. ,. " "' tp ft " Df 1p Soanosl'I O 0 1 0 Biac• 4 0 0 8 Winnipeg at Cnieaoo & mares 3 vurs old & uowaro. c1arm ing Price IEST IET MISCHIEVOUS MA TT 11111 Camooell 10 O 1 20 Brvan S J o 13 Grttlle 7 1 1 6 O Rourl\e 1 1 1 3 Oueoec at Edmonton 12,S00· 10,SOO Race), ._ 3 3--9--ICeete-9 6-?--.?.,..?-~B_ro_wrl_ O C O Burns • O 1 O 1 Oei.011 '41 \/'eM;---I 8ttle Parlllt nne (MllNlnl. 11S ... IC~"1:AY LA Ml"110SA !7lh Rae•) -~ 800ker Kemole Tillman · Fotilz Petnter Nguven Shinkle Rivera GelltllO\ 3 O 3 6 Lee O O O o Leonaro 1 O 7 Mone O O O O • 1 French Crleket (Slloemektrl llS Acut• 0 1 0 I •·denote\ aoorentlce 1oc1tev 1 2 0 • Townsend I 0 3 7 Dunt&D 1 o o 7 0 0 2 0 York 2 0 1 4 ) o 1 1 Delbert 1 1 1 • Totals 16 1 18 34 Total\ 17 11 12 66 o o 1 O Gotoen -i o o c k«• bv Oual'ftn O O O O Juarei O O O o Corona 6 1 14 12-34 O O 2 O Lucu o o O o Irvine 19 16 10 21-66 0 O 0 O Odum 1 o 1 4 TecMicals NOtie o o 1 o Sl'lffwooo 1 o o 1 Lone BNdl Wiison SJ, SaddletNd1 46 Sulsle I O l 7 rooiason o o 3 0 {Irvine Tournement) 18 T IT 41 r01111S 23 fl Tl 57 ~II (·461 L8 WM"'1 <SJ> f9ffpf1P 191tofto Score by OUarten G. Do111n 1 7 4 16 Broll 6 7 o 14 11 10 6 u -• 1 Hanso11 S 2 2 17 MeMe 1 O 1 1 Sava,,na WoodOridlle Tecllnicals None -IS 10 19 13-S7 M Dolton l 0 0 6 ?ruoll 1 1 0 0 4 Lerriva 2 0 0 • Revl\Olds l O O o Mer\11&11 1 0 I 4 Simoson 2 1 I 6 Mann. SI, Troy Sl On11veros 1 O 4 • .Well .Ll l 1~- (lrvine Taumiimert) Primous 0 0 0 0 YounQ 1 O 2 6 Marilla (SI) Trev (SJJ Tota•• 71 • II •6 Tot111S 24 s 7 SJ ~Mecer HIGH SCHOOL Estancia I, C•PO VlleV 0 E \tanc•a \corin<;J Kir"" I Goa lie l vs\ee 10 MariM l, Pala• Verde• 0 Marina \Coring Darin Flsnman I tl!ves Dll9P Genr tno 5. Los Alamitos, Fai_rplex results La..Alamltm MOHOAV'$111ESUt:t"·~-~~~~--~-MIOllll01lrv-<t-m•~m-'T'C--~~---m (Shi af S6·cleV QUarter Ilene ,,_,...) ( 11111 af Si·daY lla"'"I '""""9) P:NUT lllACE. 350 verds FllllST lllACE. Ol\e milt oace (II IMw Or1e•n') a-------.:w~-v' W-el>ras .-rnT -~-~~·eLtP~-:---~~~~~_..,~...,.......,..,,....,..-..,-~'°" ......... ~----------t? JO-om Georgeso11 9 l 2 19 Ferren 6 0 I 17 Saddlt'Oack 16 8 9 13-46 -----~.1WWUG1rci1) -00--1.~ ~ Poowlat tOrunOYI ---1~1~i0-~i-10--l~.60~ Sea Ot A1w e (Lackev) 5.20 •.60 W•nnl"O Glow (.t.ubon Jr 1 3 to 2.69 I L' IAB CI --Goll 3 6 -1-t? 1tuomtki11 7 S 1 19 Lono 8 eacn Wil,on 14 10 16 13-SJ J0-\11-piac-et>o fCruoerr s.10 t aDIW ano lle.ien 1W1snarol 4.40 lllOSE IOWL (et "•Je._) Arizona Sta l" (9-1-1) •S M1cl'l1oan 110·1), p m INBCI OAANGE IOWL (It Miami) O•la homa ( 10 n II\ Arkan\a\ 19 21 S JO' D m INBC1 Friday, Jan. 2 FIESTA 80WL (at Ttmoe, ArlL) M.am. Fla < 11-01 vs Penn Staie o m NBC.1 SaturO.v, Jan. 10 EAST-WEST SHllllNli CLAUIC <at Sin Franclua l , Ein• vs We\t 1 om • -l4ULA IOWL (et Hinelulu) Ea••'' Wt>s• 1 om JA~AN-90Wt:-­ (et YOltellama. Jaoa"1 10 om Seturctav, Jan. 17 SEHIOlll IOWL (II MeOle, Ala.) Norin v\ '>ou•~ 10 a m Odets M1n 1u 100• 1 over Tuas Tec11 Geor9ro 7 over Boslon College Alabama 1 • over WH hlngton C1tml0n 1 01ter Stanford ~-----AillonLJ ov.et-.Horlh Clto••na Tennessee S ovtr M1nne19.Jt_ ocor9''> over A~m YO<.illo Iowa 6 over San Dieoo State Norin Cerohna S11te 3 over Virginia 81v1or 5 > over Colorado Florida S1att u over tndlana Auburn 7 over USC ---.,.ewH A&M MOVJT OfiiOSlalt I !; NeC>rHka 4 over LSU Michlga11 3 over .t.rlzone S111e Ollla llOma 11 over Arkensu Mlaml ,,.., over PeM Slate ll'rem Harrell'• •-s.orfl B• Tecl1 Hett1baugl1 5 7 o 12 Snirlev S O I 10 Techrucais Notte Mevers 6 O 3 12 P1c,1011a • 2 3 10 Floyd l O 1 1 Brain O 0 I O Sand9rs O O o o Briooes 1 o O 2 Yemate O O 1 9 Delool O O 1 O Totels Marine Trov Yu 0 0 ) 0 24 10 12 st Totais ?• 1 9 SJ Scert bv Ouarters 14 12 • • 16 16-~ 13 24-53 Technicals None Don Lueo 64, E1t.nc1a 54 (lrvllle T--...) asta11Cla !S4l Oen Luoe 1'41 . ... ft "' tp .. It Df "' .ore~ 2 0 7 • Stokes 3 O 7 6 Moo11tv 7 • 2 19 Kur>lman 1 O 2 2 Tilt 8 0 I )6 Cl'lanev 9 3 J 11 Markell I 2 2 4 Garcia 3 O l 6 8erktev 7 0 J • Gomez O 4 3 4 Norvlllt I 7 0 • Coronado '1 2 2 6 ~~ _ _o__.,_o_ 0 0 -1t101llilS.OlL..i J I 18 Allen O 2 2 2 Petetson O I I \ Camoos 1 o S 2 Tota11 71 10 16 5' Totals 73 18 1 s 64 Score by Quarters. Estancia Don Lugo T ecnnica1, None 14 9 14 ll-S• I I 13 16 24-64 Edison 66, santa Ana JV 4' (lrvlnt Tourn.ment) EDISON ('6) -Prince 4-0· 1-I, OeSteteno 8 4 1·10 Henderson, 6·5·J 11, Fo\ter, 4·0·3·8. Loth\ 1·0 !·2, Hunter. l·O·J·? Han1011, 3·1·0·7, Henry 1 0-1 1. Totals 18· 10 13 66 ScCH't bv Ouerttrs Edl\On 14 14 23 ls--66 Sonia Ana JV 10 19 8 17-•9 l echnocals Sa"'a Ano Coa cl1 Kalz HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS FOYntaln V ... V Sl, Muir 43 (Mornillelldt TourMl'Mftt) ,ovmam vlllrf un MW 143> Handlev DeHaven Hasak a B101er 'fQl.UlO. YOarra B•ono f otals feffpftp ft ff of IP 6 8 3 70 8 radlev 6 1 S 13 l 1 1 3 Gr ant 5 I • ·11 1 1 • 16 Colllns O O 1 O 1 7 O 6 Frazier 0 0 I 0 __ 1 .0. O 2 Jon~-_ 3 0 • 6 . I O l 2 if urner 3 l '1 I 0 i 2 W•lltam; I 0 3 1 Davidson 0 4 0 4 19 13 17 51 Tolals 18 7 11 •3 k 8f't bY Quarters F ounlaon Vllllt v -12 15 10 14-S 1 Muir 9 8 13 13-43 t ecnn1cals None Corona dlf Mar 71, RMCho Alamlfos 70 urttv.,sltv ,JS, Trov 29 (lrvllle Taumameflt) <bva-TaurMmtntl lllalldle AlamffM 170) Corene dl4 Mar (71) Ullivtrsltv ll5) Trev 11'1 fe ft pf tp It It pf IP '9ltJ!!.JP t9 It ~ te Rom-1 T' -3 f M!tr#Stacn Ir -rl• J~nsen l O I 2 Havoen 1 O 1 1 .MO!llltL-ll L -04'-.MDWS. 3 I 3 L~ ~ Parrv O O 'l O P-1out lle 7 9 .-n ~oir > I f,1 'Cumbie o O 3 O Rieoellk O 0 S O Chtelmen 3 l 2 7 O'Neil 3 0 2 6 Ho • 7 O 10 McKenna O ! l 1 Nouven I 0 4--2.. Ourns .L l 3 II Sa\8 2 s 1 9 Robt•••on i -0-0 • Jeogll O O O O Cole 3 ·o O 6 Seto o o o o Adams 1 o • 7 Gallagher 1 l 0 3 Hubbard 0 0 0 0 GuH I 10 a 4 10 Ameeker 0 0 1 0 Cumml"O' l O 7 2 To1e1, ~" o -e coocre 1 o a o 1• 12 lJ 70 Tote" JS 8 II 78 Totals 10 IS 11 JS Score bV OU•ntr• lhncno Alemllos 13 16 21 13-10 corona oe1 Mar 11 21 10 lt-71 TecMlcat' O'Ntll ICdM) un1vt rs11v irov' Totals kart lty OU1rters 9 1' 10 4 T echn1c a1, None 14' 1 17 ,. .l II-JS 8 7-?9 Time; O: 11.27. TlrT)e 7~ 4 AIM> ran. Sftaeia•w"tnalfv•, Rum Rum A1$0 ran· Hello Cr>•rger . Steroid SlaHlon, Di\CO Marv, Motel ~dneu, Gollal>egolno. N.uevo C.uru. K1m1,-J8 . Kool Jau °""'" fishlftl OA\/EY'S LOCKElll (IMwPOrt hadll -1 Footis.n Nan, Walt\ Prtllv L1dv -U EXACTA (S·l) Dalo '3160 Scra1cnea: Nublado Roia. J2. U(ACTA (6·'1 paid '7•.60 SECOND lllACE. Ont mo. 1ro1 . Saltv (~ler) · 11 oo SECOND lllACE. 350 vards. 8uck Sto•t tD1tra"tO Jr 1 Ed The Hemmer (Hartl • 40 :u o 2 60 Kern Doll (Tooo 111 5.60 4.20 • 40 4.40 • 10 0oa1 16 anglers U'I 0onlto, l• rock llsh, 1 cellco t><'ln 11 sa1mo11 orouoer. 2 1cutDl" NEWPORT LANCMNG -2 t>oals, 13 anglen. 65 l>On•IO 44 rock lisn. 2 sl1eeoshH d. 33 mar~ere1 l \and Dass Foav Dasi'\ t811<1illez) 8 20 J •O 1ilf!e· 1 OS.2 I 8tdulnol Coin (Harmon) 3.60 Al'o ran: L1lll Prt4e. Star Hill G. wvomla. Time · 0:17.97. Smol<v Reef, Redmond' Jov. Milford ""-<r~v Allo ran. Htavenlv Tou t. L.lllle Angel Ha nd, n DAILY DOUBLE (S·l l 0110 Sl'l.IO Triolt Effort FOOllSll Nan, Welts Pretlv Ladv 1J EXACT A (3·91 oaid s l 1S.60 U EXACT A 13· 1 l Ptlld '33.20. THllllO lllACa. 350 v1rds THllllD lllACE. One mile Pace Heathen (84!ft1all 7 •O Sn" Rtlel\tleSs. (Plkntn) 9.00 3.20 7.80 Mr !=roggle (Wl,11erdJ S11tt-So Pr-tLackev) 4.00 3.IO Son OI Ml Marro (Succerotte) l.IO 2.40 3.00 ?.60 2.40 Movln Megen <Creager) 2.10 Time 7-1>62 . l\::';r!~~·L0advl Plain Jane, Ellttr Ftver. Al'o ran· A"ovs Si<teter , 11' 11, Nut yo 8111 miclt, I Lov• Trovtlle. Jeannes. Mlracte, Plunders Scratched· Jam &reektr 8arc111t1. FOUlllTH lllACE. One m11e DICt ~: Quts!ina lilllf, J!11reis On DKk Solcev Trouble <Grnd\I) · -1.2.CL.l.IO~ S2 EXAc.TA 16· ll oald 152.20. 'Volcano Of Snlrw1I <Rue1>1tr) '20 310 . N•=B~~ 'POUlllTH lllACa. 350 v1rd•. So!~l~~~~~n <Difranco Jr I · 3:10 HOUSTON ASTROS-Sioned Davev Lopes, PrirlCflOnl Orol'lan (OCdrck•n) 4·60 3·~ ?:40 Also ,'In Vender Lor11e Anovs RllDll, Hell Infielder ·outlleldtr. 10 1 two-year conlrecl. Atlffl Wlleell 1 reagerJ 3·-2 80 Moonsn1ne, lu ck C FOOTBALL Azure Cutle CGarcle) 3.00 Scretcned: S1<Topers lnveoer <:anadlan ~.....-LHllH l\:,e: r~~~·':evond Tredltlon, Slu le Moon, '2 EXACTA t3·S1 o11d S37 60 MONTREAL ALOUETTES-Named Joe Swnt Vlctreu . FIFTH lllACIE. One mlie Dace Faraoa111 head coach ,. -H ••c• ..... Gam1>1e !Jacobsen) 39 40 HOCKEY I.-' .. · ....., varcts.. Chime Timer (Hen,itvt N1tlenal Heeltav LHllH Sll.lpabcH Ward) 6.to 4.70 3.20 S nc led M CHICA'O 8 L.ACKHAWKS-S•nt Bruce Perfect LOOI\ (Dlderk k .. n) 3.00 2.20 v Tl~ 2""' ls. IKutl>lt'r) 12.IO 7.40 J.40 3.10 500 u ~ Cllanct Of Fortullt (FIOrtt) 410 .. _: ·""· · Ca\$1dv. defen,emen. td No•e Scotia of 1ne Time: 0:20.41. · AIM> ran· P•nne" Ladv, Secret .t.ct, Miu -Amtr->eel'l~e'f"tSOCtffVf-CElll -AIM> ran: ~ocivs Sunlnlne, Ju•l• -IJfilln. -SbaScvta. LUCILv~. Jtwt'I solrll --:u=:r.::~~~~,.,..;;==------1~M·•u""'4tl'IJ'lal~Sllill·~. WV04119Cll •-...... ,_:r~, retc11te1. D J 8 f!dah.Q'lt¥11un-Mlleiifttiiif.:siCW.::tiiiUi • · --,---------u •llAnA 11 1 ~ )) ST LOUIS STEAMERS-Waived Lou Sto· -n-•x•cTa-t7~nit!IO S1UO; II DAILY -~l.-",~ )l,,uo. • ,.,... •' · oeld ll .40l.IO.• 1anovlc, oefen\eman. SIXTH lllACa. 350 vard' SIXTH lllACa Ont 1 ... CO\.LEGI! E-in.....,iduelt tH•rt) l .40 3 00 7 20 ' m,.. oact. "" 1 I c-, To Mt {Garcia) 5·.. 3 _ Parkwav Adlot (~aitfl 4-10 coa~~11v-N1med <;.>1io1 Utt ec need 0011>aH :-;:c;,•1, Sold <Garcia > · 3.00 Mol'ltarev Mira" (\/eltanolnoham) 3.00 2.tO 3.00 3.IO 7.00 ~E..W ~.El~JCQ::-Announced Ille rtllgnellon D•~!_!,O~ket !Meler) 3;00 P.1o;~n!~;~,(Flnon1 of Jot Ln DuM, lltad Toofliilf ~l\. • "i'"" ~ , H • ,..... •~-,..,,. AISO fin: ~And "•In 8ve II Seo WASHING TON $T. TE-•nnoJnced rMlg· ... '°ran. av "'" "" ... -"°'''· ""'' Mklt!IY Llngan Gu' 8 1rdlas I Ide ve ttv. nation of Jim Walden. hu d lootl>all coecll, so !'le Go, Easllv Ki119, ASllnlo, Ona Lucllv SlrMk. Ayre Cargo' r • Wvnne Narldlna. COUid •<UJH-ttrne oosmon •I tow• ,State 12 aXACTA (S.·n H id '32.IO. Scraldltd: Zlntan~ WILLIAM JEWELL-Announced !ht ,.,;g-savaNTH lllACa. 170 verd•. S2 fXACTA 13·•> Palo 112 '° nation of Ille Wallace. 11tad foolt>.tll coach. 8otln1 747 <Eowera•l UO t.20 l.00 SllVSNTM '••ca Ont ml~ llloter Young (Garcia ) 10.ZO 5.IO SemMr Sllli (lllltchi.) :~0.:0 Ca111 Kiit« tOloerlcksan) 3.IO SUlltf'1or Jet '(Fltco) • . -) Los Alamltos quarterhorseraci.ng._entrles l'lmt: 0;45,6'. Gully Girl (AllOtrll>nl AIM> ran: Sollnd N Furv. So Sunny, llliOS Time· 2:02 4 •.«> 3,IO S.20 uo l.20 Miio, Lt N1lur1I . AltO 'ren·. j K Somo!I $2 axACTA 12· l) PtllcS s.suo HOUM, Fwn Hunter • MOOI\ Cloud, Llllte •tGMTH ••cl. l.50 varcn. 3. •A 1 .... TM ••ca. an. mlle Soarklln9 Point tGrcla) f .IO UO -Mol'Nfl HIM (Olten! oace. m m ·122 122 m 121 122 m m .172 HM-Elellen• Ptince fE~---li?- AIM a...-. f AnOv Ttl Slnte <Vautllnl 112 THNU> lllACa. 350 Verdi Pu"• 53,000 Ffflles j vHr olds. Cla imlnt Prlct '3,200 1 Jona111on1 Jent <Hart) 1?2 2 ear CM a. Qulek (S.vltle) 121 3 Kev N Jav Jtv (Proctor> llt 4 FHI H Flair Clllull ) .,.,. 122 S SPilrk1tUkaoiamono (L1w111 119 6 Unle W11\'Mr !Oilterk k .. ~ 121 1 Ho Time Forrne tCarooiat tn I ~rv hit Brown (Hunt) tn ftOUaTH •ACL 390 Yarm Purse· _,,. Fll41el. 2 veer olds Clctlmint Price: 11.000. 1 Trulv Merri ,.., (Ltwls) 122 2 Mt OoocSafl Sovnct\ (Ll(tttV) 172 l Four Wav Miu . tGarcie ) In 4 SuMr SM Breeze "f PtuliM I 122 s surlet ltoyalt ICrtffe!'I In 6 Go Gtlllfll LadY (Him!) 122 7 0.... Pie IOktorlUten) m ll'WTM •ACa. HO Yardt Purse: U,JOO. ClelrnrMllt. 2 YMr Oldl. Clalmlnt Price• SS,000 1 Brtokllfll Nlttllt (Fi9UtrHJ In 2 FJv Ba""" (H"') In ~€.t.no¥~u.ctaL -~?r~iO~~~~~'J:i~~iiT~----ti~-fF~m~e1~P~o~1n0f~t~e;,•01<t~1ne!1~1--~--~2·!'°~2~.20--~0om~~1n~k~N~t~v~ ... ::;no~ln9'lt~~m~i~_::..~:oo~s~ ... ii._~'.eo:;_~~-1 • Rlcn lnce1>tlon (Ward) 121 10 Henk, Manhanoltr IFIOrtll p S Sulctlffe (Lackev) J21 AIM 1.-. Tlmt· 0·17.94, Time; 2:02. 6 T A Ad91ntave-fOIOertt:t(senJ 12' 11 Ever•tt• Cul (Y•utnn) 122 AlllO ran: Ale11ti Park, fMrr1 Trio, Trve Aces Arto ran•PayOfl .-.,1 pH Ptlant 1 Yut o 8oy (Ltwll) 122 EIGHTH lllA<:E. 350 Yard$ Purst: 14,500 ' '1 aXACTA Cl-5) Ptlld $24.IO. ltvan Hlell. COUllMI Jtmmy Val'IC om, Mark II SIXTH ••Cl. 350 Yard\ Pur-M sJ,000 Fllllt• 2 vear old• Cle lmlnt Price Sl6,000 DAll.Y Tlt!P\.S (5-t-l) H id lllS.20, ••'•xACTA ( .. ,., ~ uuo •. Flfl1-1 3 YNr old1. Cla iming Price sJ.200. 1 Stttinvb•mnvrun (8rOOll•l 122 .....,." !\ACS."°° vards. ,.....,... •Ac1: OM l'llllt Hee I Pa rr No,,_s Star !Proetort In 2 Your let <F igueroa) 122 SllHllY fr~ IOOrckln) UO U O t.to ~tl'ldMvt ~ (A-Ml) a- 2 Mini Miu Mevtl'$ CFtorttJ '" ) CaN Mt Wra~lll (Oarcl•l 122 Val Lou (Gll!'Clil) 7 '° 6.20 Wlllllr'-·-. (l(UWlfr) .... l Chese Ovr Jut IEOwardsl In 4 snt,,_v Se®'ln la.ldillel) 177 Lell\Sfar Bo (Gtrela) 4.to Ktw!h'ie (O'DONfllltl 4 111••1 lllab (Lklitv) 122 s CaN A Vkt~v (Oloerlek .. n) 122 TllNl 0:1U1. flint: lit!. ' S Mlt~!!_,~._'I~ ::.u(O~~tJ m 6 ~~~;:o~:~~v.~~·9~m· Purse sJ,20011 u;~'°, .. raB"1/flBvtVtTlmeslll-!°"'1a~~~~ kAllo~K~.~ Stay "'' • ........... ' vH r olds Claimlnt Price· u.ooo. ""'" " "" ' ......... ,....,..,,.,.,., IT"SW"' · ra ... ,_. _. .-.1(111. 1 Rttl Miu Setrlelt (Gare.la) m l HoordV Kid ll.ewlsl J 27 WJlcl -ti •llMTA-t ... 1) Nflf M,11, 1.10 2.10 uo '·'° '·'° • ~., c'"' tl'illlt11tof'll • m 1 tooY Bv lldlf' tttaultf'lf> 121 ?! ~~a .. • .. 11<·6!~~~3~> oo.,. ..... _.. _ ,. 11, 1 .-., 1 ,..._. fa-Ml -. mue sav•NTH •ACI • .00 Yard• Pu,,t U ,000 3 Oanct lf'I Tl'lf Ille CFltueroal llt •• ~.. " • .--•.-.-NTM ACe. OM milt Fltliei & merta > Yffr olds a. uP c1a1m1no Price lour wlllf'll"' tldltts <ala llotws): Nici M.l.01 to N lu Mee. M,000_ • ~ ~:,;!"Fe:!" i'J~=~:!i ~~ 15' wlnnlf'lt fldl.t1 (ltve winner•). flic-Sia flllol: ~':"'Id \-:J1 SUI 't2' tM 1 Flflv Percent LadV <Gercl1) 119 6 Cllarllt Ir MeO.m COloeflc"ttnl tn '20,51t. . Motf¥ ... N tAMlr-) • l • 2 ltOll 0 I.OM 1014trl<lkMf'll 121 7 Goin Slf'Mllln (Creff91') 1'2 SI fl'ICk NMI <6->~•·•+S·2+7l ""'14 llO Time· tAI. l .• ! i~::C~1~,,!,'111 (~:~;lt\Moa) m I CCMI ltultl (l.ICktV) 112 !~~~~~=I =:!~:!t =·~.:IO°';; . AIM ·,.;.: ........ Tr~. lmtrW °"""9, SIMO Awtv 11•11te1) Ht , Ntertv Me 10!:1 1.__ in wlnf'litle tk kttt ,j,tltvtn hottitt). TOllltflt't w • '-'~";~1 , .. ;1,...19J.M • M«rflUM (Ptft ll 121 10 Talam•lhytlO'(ltl«t (Olderi,kMf'I) in rvover-' 12• u o. llOOI ... ,,,.. ., ••ACTA O·•> Nld Ille.. ' 1 '"'"~ (Wclltvl tn II Goodv Ftst S1IOts (Mtittl 1tt I °'! lotMl!e Ofl (Car:oral m Jlioun r "~_iPa~> ltt • A"9tldilllCll, l,G7, ------~1191 Hatdt '167,JlO • I • w WOOLSEY · . · evei()pmin . _.8-hifts management BCE-Dnt~eat ~· has ann~ ;:veraJ_;;-~naae­ me".'t ch.anges in tt~ California operations and moved tts main Topattrl utesfqracompanylnclude - tea~ spirit and promotion from wit In whole. the ~up behevcs thl\lhere is and how Amman buliMll cu little discnmination in tht hilna of promo~ naployee.ethic:a. A ~ women"'.'"'" . quethonnaire helped to deter'IDine . Tbji yn(s CAB panicipants -12 professional and pmonal v.auet and men and sax women -were full-other data. .. _ • . time, nc;m,mauaemcnt employees Convinttdofthtirabtlitytoexcdif By-U.EN&ICllNEID Crea~~ Ad visory l:IQ9M(CA8).--~~~yean old -· givmihtoppomanity, thc€1\:88'0UP • , • ·., Judy Yaneey of Munson Soortiot The pup is cfesiincd to rccosnize looh·forCh&Uentt and tht chance to What arc tomorrow's business Goods in Costa . Mesa and A~n pr honor outstandina y~ em-advan« in a job. CoOectivdy, .dley leaden thinkina aboui·today'! What Leonard qf Supmor .T.ran1oM.ed 1n plo~ W:ho possess rship place less impona~ on items ..-ch frinac benefits. and othtr facton are . San~ Fe ~prlnp Pl~!Cipated 1• tbt quahues, ,.improve internal com-u job dtscri~ons lar rrviews appcifinf O'lnemTHow dot ey view-!...fMCl1ng-h<khecentl'. m-~ Jolll. munialnon. ltrip o ~'ftlop"1Jl r andjiiii'anttts .,ai'nst vontaam, ·. th~ir companies and life in general? · A~ona the findinp. t~ CAB methods and tcchniqu« for .1mprov-Pnysical work en~ir0nment is im- ---•. · ~. meetma revealed that tlle.three most ina.employ« motiva~io.~ and_paf'!id-ponant ,0 the JC>l.anl~i;nptoy~T,bey _Jo fiod out, 1he ~n-mem bf imponant attributes the )'OUDJ. pauon andoproV1de tn$1gh1 into the -wanttoWOfkin-afacmf)'tharatcte.n. ,. lntermar lnc.~bnnp_togethtt .Leadtn look. for in a company are 10Cialpolitic&landbusiness environ~ ~and anncti.Ve. Thtyalto prefe'r youn1. non-man .. ment 'personnel aood team spirit. sharina of pis and men ts of tomorr.o"'. wortdna in an environment with IOOd every year. San Diea<>-t>ascd Inter-promotion from within. The three . Workshop d1sc~!ts1ons explored team spiritaod exci~ment. -1--ft' ... rk, whicft....GWM all-or pert-of PJ -ro.,.attributUthcytooHorinajobare issues such -as attracting qualtty--A>one said .. I-want-to work-irt-1l major corporatton.5. across tM eoon-challengr. wonin .. as-a team and a emplofces.-fringe benefit~ necessaf) place where it ~looks like evceyonr is try. chooses potential young leaders pay or incentive prQli"altl that re-~o rctaan valuable employees, attract-turned on abOut wnat they a0 .- .at -!he.. varioui ·companks as a wards them for workiq bard~. As a ang and kttping ~omen employees __ ("'"• ... YQUJIQJ99) -Cahfomia~om-K-0UC~n&cr fo-Ne~ach 10 its rc:ccnlly developed Dupont Centre in Irvine. Heading the company's California operati<ins is H. Go~oa MacKnzie who becom~-sen1or vice presi<font. western operations. Tlaomas J. Rielly, who has headed ~BC~ED's ~U.S. ol.Mef,iperat~ion~ fo ....... r eigh ...... t y~ar"""99ils .. is l~eavi'1g""""to !>C~t up R~ielly "'4--· Pop_µ-lar top1· c ·. w_ 'ho m ake.s wha· t Homes in KoU Center 1n partnership with BCED. MacKenzie has . . . . .·... . companfs d~velopm~nt actjvities in C'allfomia and Arizona and land P~OJCCts in .Wash1n,1on and Idaho. Joining BC'ED's Cali fornia opcr~ttons as. vice pres!den.t, land is Keaaetlll H. Klopp, who was pre-v1ously with Oecantc ( ahfom1a Inc .. as prCJrdent and chief opcrattn~ offich. Klopp will be responsible for all of the compan)''s I.and dtvclopmcnt-a<'t1v.iry 1n C'1llifomia. BCFDe"elo pment Inc. Call It voyeurism or envy. biiffofksltke surveys shownigwhaTh1gh. rotlers:~rn based 1~ Vancouver. B.C 1s the real estate subs1d1ary of&ll Canada Enic1pusq htt. of--Montmii. a-grant m Can11dHtn-~R<===--s:.: .... ~=- communications. natural gas transmmion and resource de, clop-By DTON REPP ment. •1111111••"'-•....., J.,Ratmoad Wool1ey,fn:!>1de~t·ofWool1eyfn1m Flaandal, has WASHINGTON -Call it voy-eurism. Or envy. Or just plain relocated is business to 4 25 Jamboree Bl vd .. Suite 1258. New,.rt cunosih. Beach from Santa Barbara. For 17 years he has been engagct1 in Whatever th~ case. editors at busmcss..and estate planning. and. for .the-past five yea~. in total se"eral pubhcattons say detailed. financ~al planning seTViccs. dollar-for-dollar surve\S of how much mope), ix·oplJ: ~-paa 1cu- •• r' lfl U T lJ M t IJ N D S - lafly tllOR-i>afffngin-six--and tt'ten- ligurc salaries -. are among their most popular stones. The current. issue of Washing- tonian magazine. for example. fca· 'lures a salary rundown of the ta.Pital't 50 &op camers:led oy Wasfungton Bullets basketball player Moses Ma lone ai $.2.J.~000 a year. 1 ~ 4 ; t 10 II a " 1S l' lt ·~ Ac= TherapTcn NelsC>nRsh LbtvAco wtA LblVACQ wl8 H1noverCos lnlracR1d NorlhLllv LDlvAccwls §1mln11Tcn s enexco rovldAm us Pree 1.ml~terCP envlrnOlag NelwkVldeO Ovu Ttf'aCo AlloyCPlr NallLumbr Frtlltf' AmMedElec ~cldNlbr vmp8rck:'' er adv Lb NYSE UP s & DowNs Jhe rest of the h1gh-rollrr llSI Scoreboard·: sun ey1 ng pay of top- tncludes professional athletes. cor-earpmg corpor:ne"execuu v6 . J)Orale execuli\a, tclev.a~1on pe-r--t.e-ad1ni the~ffon to-l)Ublicizr-big, sonaltties and stockbrokers -but no bucks salaries. however. ig USA poli11C-1ans or go' crnment officials.· Today. which during recent months "Jts one of the more popular has dc,oled major play to .painsiak- ~o~~e ~t a lot-Of m~~~de\a11ed SUA'ey5c0f.pay.:alll01ll in 11." said ~n1or editor Robert Pack: college football and basketball who· was in charite of compiling the coaches. athletic directors. concac ..alaT) data over a two,month period. presidents and pro baSt"ball players. He added .. "I g'\Jcss it's a sense of The newsJjapcr·~ surve~ of IOI 'oyeurism -\,.'\ti) one. lJkci to k.no.w large publtc un1vcrs1t1ufound co&le&c .... hat other people make... prtsidt>nts paid an a verage of nea n y Business Week maga7inc also pub-S95.000a year and ranking as the top- lt.$hes aA ··E"<ecuttve ( o.mpensat1on tp1ea8e mee SAt.Am/•J NarN 1 NEOAX 2 Comrrt.ll 3 NIHllhEn ~ fF~1: un ~=~~met Wl .. ndSvc 4 FEX an &~ -1v1•n Co _ 2..... -rabl111"15nield 1 , -, AvanrGarde Jfi. -1,. 265 BIW c.01t 2 ShOretlneSv t:rom Our Boutique ea~ • • • II We!itCllff Plaz.a '7th end Irvine Ave Newport Beach t7.14) 642·3310 Member of American Gem Society Christmas Hours 10am-8pm Monday thru FrkSay . . 10am-6pm Saturday, noon-5 pm.sunday--· • • • • I e r ' I ..___ L... Anoth~r comf Ort _of home·: e~tti!Y credi_t iJleS: O wnin::,;--:y:o::u:-r -;;;;:;..;.;;;;;;;;;;;,!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;:, full amount of thr loan can be.set up as a rcvolvina hn<M>f )OU ~k loss of ownership should you default. whether for your primary rcsidentt or a second ho~. own home has many ~ -credit av1i&able for vinually any need. Once it is -stae. Many landen stl a minimum for a horn~ Some-horM tQUily liocs ace 1v,i!abk ~n 1 second home, a dv antaaes. · but establishtd. you can borro w what you need. when you equity loan - typically SI0.000 to SIS.()00. Mo~t hmll increasing potential tax <kductibtffiy. . until rcttntly. the netd it. up· to the full amount of the credit line. credit lines toSSO.OOO orSI00,000, but some offer loans of .\s a bonu~ jntcrest on funds u~ for medal or financial benefits of Tcrmund coNii•ionswiU vacy so it pays 1orompatt up..,to..Sl.000.000 ---educational pufPQKt remtins dtducuble on an amount h.<>meownma w~tt banks, sa\ltffgs and loans and brokerage. firms for the •la&el'ftt rate. Home equity loal'ts are usually baled up lo the fairmarlcet-value of the property--w ac may- u5ually tied~lO-lell. · featutC$ lbal-bcst~uit r,our needs..AskceadllosliluliQll for QQ w prime' Jendin& rate plus one to two percenUtat be a good deal hiahcr than the home's cost.. . . · ing it. Now. through documentation descnbing the d eta ils. lf_you have any points, A loan with.a variable interest rate can be the t>csf-liyblrll"SC~the mouey ftom-1-home-equ tty-hne to an innovalive type questions .or problems understandtng the terms and deal today. but remember. the prime rate can move up as restructure your debts. you may realize a n ~pprccilblc of loan known as a conditions of the loan. check with vour financial adviser. well as down., . savings o n interest rates. Interest rates on credit ~rds and "home eguity creifit line.. .. 1~ value o f your-home can be Here are some variabks to compare: _ . · •Fees. As with regular monpges. oriaination fees consumer loans are still as hilh as 20 percent, while home used to finance a new car. a college 1!1-dcscation or home •ACttSJ.) Mlalmun re41•lremHt1 for wltMraw1I fo r home equity accounts arc generally 2 to 3 percent of cquit) rates. which may vary. currently averqr less than improvements.. · ,......,._ .... te.UM,UM orena S~.JL•••eu tM4ine--arnettnt. But. somtc lendersalso-eha rgeadditienal 1-0 percent.-. . . --.,-~ tlome equity credit lint' allows you to borrow up to 1Cftlle4i a1 ~ aa.,...1, penoaal e~ or, la aome closinJ costs. a nd some programs have a pplication fet'S A. home equity. credit hne can~~ convenient. low· 80 per"Cent of the appraiS('(j value of your hou§(. less the caHS, lleMt ear-.1, •P a. die f•ll amout of die crHlt u.e. from s 1 ()()to S3C>g. · . cost wa) to fund maJor expenscs. but it is not for~ve..,one. _ balance due on the fi rst mongage. For example; if your •Re,.1mnt. Most lendersrcquirt thata perccntqe · Enhancipg tile attractiveness of the home equity Your financia! consultant ~n help)'.OU ~~oc;>sc the form of home is valul!d at S 150.000. a nd the balance on your first of the principal be repaid each month. Othcrs..J>Iovide for credit line is pri"ileged treatme nt under the new tax law. credit best su11ed to solv1na ~our U1d1V1dual needs and mortgage Is S75.000. )'OJI _m ight be eligible for a home in teresl-only paym ents. The outstanding balance must be Tax reform phases out most consume r cred it deductions reaching goals. . ., equity cr~dit lir~e ofS45.000(1 50.000 x .80 eq ua ls 1.20.000 paid at the end of the term . .Typically. ~o~e equity over five -years. but interest cxpcnSe rem,ains fu lly Jax~. Mar y J. R•dle ~· Ylce Pl'H"e•t ud mau1er, .;-minus 73.000 equals 45,000·\..---------....... -a~t'oQmS have a l~MO"llf tS'"ye-ln's. It Is 1mponanrtu--o~1iblt' on a monpge::basMioan up to thrpurchasc-cusamer Ulfu<ma~~, 1 Flexibility .is a ke y feature of this type of cred it. T.ht• realize that. because lhe credit is secured by your ~ome. . J1r.icc' of ·the house. p1us the cost of imr:m)"cmen ts -Feuer at~mltll bac. . ·_ · Wail SJ:ie_eterS ~;:~f~~~~~tageous __ t~f.:~~~:~l~~9~ ~~~~;~:;~t~,~ ha vingjittei·s with the Internal Revenue Sernce o nl} 65 pi:m·nt of the $2.00o intt'rest procedures set b)' the IRS differ ft C1J • t · over a tax deficiency. The IRS has R pa~ml'nt w1llbedt'duciiblt'.Sir:ice the depending onthestatusofyourcasc. ·a r.JS ··nas •'>Sut'd de.tailed instructions t('~ing • ALPH top ta\ hral'kt>t 1s 38.5 percent. your If the contested tax ha b1l11y 1s . ' ..&! ·-~uch taxpayers what stt'ps to follow 1f ta\ bcndit for the S.:!.000 of intl'rcst several years old. the interest in- tht') want to pav interest on aO\ ta\ s· paid will tx· onl~ S500. \'Olved can be as much or more tha n dt'fic1cncy before yea r-end to ge~ full . con Gl.'nt•rall) ~pe:iking. ~OU <.'ann·ot the liability it~lf. Where ificant - -~ • deductibility for-th~intcrcst paid: pa)-intl'rt'st on-a · tax dcliciency 001 ars· arc '""o ve . serious con-tekensian parouy · G1ulianr.thcl:t-..5;:anomey. ~\Jee Dickens' Mrs-:'""Feuiwig ... on~ast subs1an11al sm ile" O\er landing such big fi sh in theirel«'tronac nets and the prom ise of more to come. Under the new tax la~. the deduc· w 1thuut pa) ing for the defic1enr) at s1derat1on should be given to options d. l h h t llOn for interest paid to the IR. IS inter<.'St in 198~ rather than la ter. To thl' \anll' llml'. You ma} pa) accrued that "'ould_give an interest deduction she s tg ton g OS phased o ut O\'er five )Cars. beginning 1 llug~tc tht' d1fTcrcnce1 su_p_pose ~ou 1nu·rn1 on a tax )OU ha'e alrcad~ this }t'ar. Contact )'Ourtax ad ,iser for 1n 1987 whe n onh 65 percent.of an~ are in tht· 50 perccnt ta>. bracket and paid. ;ind )Ou may split a partial ass1srarrrnn dealing with the tRSon---of-credibilities past <;uch interest paid will be deductible. \OU 0\\l' _the IRS back taxes plus pa~mcnt •proport1o natel) octween this matter. Bankers ~no ro crs who made monc} the old-fashioned way. in safe -j ht' new law's lower tax rates arr $~.000 of intt'rest. If you settle up -Ml-ta\C~ °''"d and interest. Formal R•lplt Scott 11 a certffled 'pabllc anotht'r incentive for paying IRS-+9M6. thr $2.000-int~ fttH. lt'QoTn:ments·-muS1--be-fottowcd i11 . accoantutin-Newport BHcll. .YOUNG LEADERS.WANT SHARED GOAL& .•• From BS ~hat it has to offer at the anter\IC\\. according to the group . .\t that ttmt' the compan) needs to m ah · tht' prospectivt' employee ft'el important and make the 1ob sound chalknging. A good boss is o ne who gi ves the t'mployee the freedom to take o n more challenges or rrspons1b1llt~. c I ' \ n listens to cmpJo)ct'~· suggesuons. the· group said. Medical insurance 1s the most highly ratt'd benefi t. Otht'r'i. in order ofimportance to the CAB. arc: dental insurance. d1sab1ht)' 1nsurancr. a company.paid pension plan. a prolit- shanng plan and a 'toe!.. purchaSl' plan an \\h1ch the l'ompany adds to .t l' l·mp O)l.'e s rontn uuon. wo- th1rds of 1he participants think that rnmpan~-pa1d child earl· 1s 1mport- an1 .\, 10 l'th1cs in thl' wo rl..place. the group rnnsrn\us 1s that honesty has to stan al thl· top of thl' com pan). T he bo's \l't' an l'Xample that "will fi lter J ow n."' thl' group cl~imt'ch "Nc&atl"C reinforcement ... such a locking up supphcs and stressing harsh rules. can ha'" nl:gat1' c dTccts o n emplo'el'S._ ··w a1rh for 11mes when \OU .rt' not giving l'rnplo~l·n thl· benefit of tht' doubt. Ci 1'" rmplo~ct's that trust a,nd hoprfu ll~ th<.'~ wi ll giH' 11 back to )Ou:· ~•11d nnl· of the CAB part1c1· pant\ Marie). \\lrt'd "'1th the fi rm s ledgers. and takeovers that had changtd thc deeds and cash bo.>.es. fi nancial face of America in the last Wo rd that both banker Dennis two \ears. Lc\l~l'and I van Boesk) :·czar of the "1hey say BOesk) isa very cooper- ..\rbs -the arbitragers who arrange at1\'e witness. so there'sa lot of people b1ll1on-dollar, ta~eo' t'r dt'als -had not slet'ping · well at night who been "w1rrd with tape ~ecordt'rs b) probabl) shouldn't be." mused Ro b-- prosecutors before their d~wnfall t'rt Birnbaum. president of the New -5lil:pLUP..,th~trcct hkc--ttw €1'1111-wmd York Stoclc Fxcnange.lnhls I 2th ofTthe East R1 vt'r. Rumors. wh1~h the Ooor offict'. • strt'et "'~on. and guarded wh1spe~ E, t'n w11h an' incoming Demo. of m ore ind1ctmt'nts to com" from cratic Congress alread~ clamorins for soph1~t1cated ~tock survt'1llancc com-mo rt' controls on corporate raiders. puters moaned through the leafless Birnbaum reITcctcd tn c buo)ant clm<i of Tnmt~ church)ard "'hert' mood Qf t he carolers in lhc....stcec.l By HUGH A. MULLIGAN blue chip securities. t;Ould hardly .,. •s 1 1cw: •1f1 •• •• • • COJ!jai n th~t ·tltt -~t the fl urry of \~ORK. -.Spooke.d-by 11s-subpocnas-re-ponl'd R> be !ailing on ansiaers scandal. Wall Street at Drexel Burnham and Lambert. Jef- C'hnstmas is as jittery a~ that .. squee1-fenes and Co.. and other-top ing. "'ren~.hin&-; grasping. CO\'etOUS pUfVC)Ort of j unk bonds, the IOW· old sinner EbCnez~r Scrooge meet-grade. high-risk bonds used to fin•~ IA8 tbe sbo5t o.f bu; pan~cr 1acob tome: of the mme than S.900 mereei:t .\ln:rndt:r Ha1:1111ton. father of ffit' bdow whose voices rose above neW& fi nancial c'11stnct. was ~1d to be dealers proclaim rrrg ··e OESK y rolling in his ira'" ~neath the SINGS" and s1m1lauablwd.tidin1sof t~mb_stonc att~.st1ng to his -mcomip-no 10,. . ------t-LWLl;..uJl.lQUJJ.)..._---.. "Tht're·11 be a C hristmas around In the mock D1ckcns1an ecor OI m' house." he sald.~he factthat one -- Hall) ·s bar on Hanover SQuarc. 0 ( the biggest traders in the world. whcre three stretch limos· oof rront with huge fin ancial resources. was %BONUS CASH BONUS YRS !12% s250•- 3vRS 1% $500* 4vRs '2% $1000* 5YRS · 3% $1500* 10vRS 5% $2500* Minimum bala nce Sl.000. •Example based on 550 .000 opening ba lance. ;\ow. the instant you open any Columbia longer-te rm certificate, you'Hget some· thing extra._Anlnstaiit..Cash Benu~of up to 5% additional interest. We'll deposit the money to your account so it can earn our high rates. Or~ you..ran withdraw it and take it with you. The choice is yours. Financial gain isn't the only ;eason to own a Colum bia certificate, however. There's also financial security. We're over three times stronger than the _govern· men t requires. Plus. your savings are ·federa ll y insured to $100,000. Then there's th e confidence. thaL come wiffi .k"nowing tOlurnbia is the nurn· be r one managed savings and loan in the nation according to Forbes magazine's Yardsticks of manage-ment perfonnance. See how much more Columbia's Instant Cash Bonus and high rates can mean to you. Call our Convenience -- Banking Cent er: '1·800·652-BANK. Or visit one of our,local branches. You could be richer fo r the experience. Instantly. _,_ ·' -. •• took up the entire block between apprehended sho"s th.at the syste m Wilham and Pearl streets. wom ed "'orks. The New York Stock fa. ~upp1es in the half-m illion-dollar cha ngt' trades SS b1ltion a day - a income brackt't prt'sumabh searched tnlhon dollars in the last nine lht'ir memo ries for an\. conversations mo nths. Pt'opk who invest in t he the-~ might have had In recent weeks market \hould now be q uite confi· with "Ivan the Ternble." He was dt'nt that C\t'n a Mr. Big like Boesky pi:nah1ed a reco rd S 100 millio n and can't t'scape survt'illancc." barred from the securities business l ip in tht'· vmtors gallery. looking for life by the Securities and Exchange down on the plank OQ<>r jammed with 'lommission for dealing o n insidt' hro k<'rs. specialists and messengers information bought from U:vine. and awa'lh in a paper sea of o rder slips "There lS tt'nscness. I can sec it in and trading cards, Michael Crt'em. their faces." said proprietor Harr: rhairman of the New Yo rk Futures Po ula kakos. "ho welcomes some of E\change. wondered aloud "what the street's highest rollers to h1!> sort of ruks Coniress can 12.ut in place. oblong bar when the 4 p.m. c10$ing to make people o~y the law? There ~IL cla at e SlQcj E!cban&e.-ma~-~ ~-q~ ~ whai--- "Surc. big deals. are made here. but constitutes insider information. but mayoc not so muchright now. lntimt' "ht'n ~ou're payi ng for it you got to of trouble people stick to their desks... bchl''" it's illegal or why pay for it?'' Off in a corner. a ta ble of morose Crcem doubted that Alexander rt'gulars. all in three-piece suits. gold Hamilton was "rolling in his g'rav(• flashing at their cuffs. and all ap-an) more than usual. There'll always part'ntly under 35. broo<kd a bout the (Ple&M eee INSIDER/87) tapped 300-line telcphont' co nsole on Bocsky's desk. "Everyone mtlced ro Ivan." sighed the baby-faced broker 10 O rphan Annie curls. Tht' prcholida) mood was ver: upsetting for Lollie. the Argentine "'aiter who was looking forward to the traditional Christmas largess of Harry's fast track clientelc. ''They tell me some of my customers-may go to jail. • - N__QJ l'''cr:yon~ wu w-CCathcd in a holiday gloom at the prospect of process servers mingling-with the sidewalk Santas and the Salvation Army bands along the short strttt of dreams that Alan Slepman. a young broker at Merrill Lynch. notcd ··ter- minates at ehherend with the river or the cemetery." Cen.ainly.. Gai:r Lynch. -the-SEC enforcement chief, and Rudolph High Court to review securities fraud caee WASHINGTON ~AP) -The sl pr~mc Court agreed Monday to hear lll>~«t by a fonner wan--srreet Joum1tl reportef'-1lnd two othcn convicted of securities fraud for making money by invni1ng m stocks the reporter was wri ting about. T he case of reporter R. Foster Wina ns. posing questions of insider tradin~ and ~rce-press riahts. prob- ably will be a1rtd before the j usti~s ne:itt fall. 'fh~ot expected to announce a decision until 1988. Buy NOW Before 1987 For Tax Break 99.99. •()n • tra m w1 m a sys m t t wor s .. ultimate i11slden arbitrage."' when but certainly was not as lucrative· .as Bocsky was allowed to dump a half· the numbers that Bocsky rao Up. billiol) dollars wortb....of .sCc.urities in These. investigations may ao on for advance or the wrongdoing revel· . mon1hs, even )'ears. The worry down ations that drove down their prices. here is that the whote 1«urities ·~vov j u.st have to look at the businns will be·affcctcd." movcmcntobtocb to know that a lot Hours before_ the market's 9:~ of t~guysitave been harnnd hun opening bell. chauffercd stretch limos ba~." obser-Vcd veteran arbitraJcr and an occasional Maserati circled Leonard Sheriff. who has been doing the Regcn·cj' Hotel ort upper Par.k busincaon the strCCl. for 40 years. Avenue. They waited for the wheeler: "Tbesc.bi&.dealers are n..QW&a¥d in deaters-attt'ndinl' the ... powcrbf'Cl • c ass1c----ari)nrage. which means a fasts .. pioneered by the Tisch clan. who among other acquisitions took over the parl'"nt L0t,-ws hotel chain. But the subdued noise levels. to· dicated the onl) mergers on the agenda involved scrambled eggs :ind lox. Suddt'nly. as 1f bdatedl) reflecting the true me.aruoi ofChrutma.s. ct.hJ were back in· st) le. or at kast 1n earnest conversation on Wall Street. _ The.moraht) ofans1de.mformat1o n was raised dunng the noontime pra)er mt"t'tangs and stud~ groups that t\l.o frsuit priests conduct 111 a upstairs. computer-<.·quapped m1ss1on around the comer from the stock c•change. · "Info-manics. as they'rt called dowtLhcrc. are.on e'en.body's mind now." said the Rev. Neil Doheny. ~trust as elemental to the whole operation of th(' markl'I. Trading 1s don~ b~ voice auction. faith an anothc:r person's word. It's supposed to be a fa ir pla} ing field. but the inside traders had a scn!W of somehow being e"<c mpt." On thr Tur:.da~ aflrr Bocsky's do"'nfall. the 4uc:st1on of what con· stitutes 1lkgal 1nformat1on came up in a scm1nar ori "Faith L1fl·and Wo rk Lifc"_sondurtl·d b~ the Rt·'. Joseph Dirr. di rl'ctor oft he Jc\u11 office. ~~---1..~.uw~...._..oru on rnmor a mosaic of p11:nng 1nlorm at1on together.'' Fatha Dirr rl'l'all.cd the d1scuss1on "But thl'rl' ;m· so man~ people \I, ho ha' c a re:" to pm ilrgcd anf0rmat1on -nnt JU"I the dealers and the board ,,f dm·l·tor-1. but attornc)s. secn·tartl''· printing pcopk. cleaning lad1c' -ho" do ~uu determine m your O"' n run' 1cnce when.a tip IS 10 .lhe rl.'alm Of rumor or inside information"" °From the very basic to the more complex, Ray de- veloped a plan and guided me to the experts to get the job done.'' pubJ1c announcement and then you deal. They arc high-mk speculators or "'or •. Acrord1ng to Henf) Gellermann. retired from the investme nt firm of .. 1 Bache & Co .. -now Prudential liiche Sccunt1es. Inc .. "The street al"a)'s has-fluctuated bet\l.een greed and ea~ l=bt'-blg-Gl«~rl'fltt kMiartS>-t hat ~ ou ha' e a lot of peo ple ~lo"' the agt' of30contro lhng 'at sumsofmone~. Thl'SC bright. brash M SAs ~ent through a fairh bnef course Qf 1ra1n1ng that had no 11mc fo r ethics m-rm~em-Wrththe (rchos that thl.-ir fim obltgat1on \\as to l'heat." .\~ ll "S31' lffiOllArmyband pumped out the unintcntaonall) aC'ClJsator. carol. "Do You Hear What I .Hear'>'' the calm of the C hristmas season seemed to-~flTe "1th lhr dusk ovC'r tht.• JlllC~ strC'l't. Har~ 's 14 prt' att' dining rooms. accommodating up to 500 guests. "ere booked sohd from hc:·rl' o n out for Chnstmas parties. Santa would st1ll come lo Drexel Burnham·whc:re Levine was the I.Up merger maven and where the chair· man griped that 1nvcst1gators Wl're asking fo r 'luch detailed information the firm could hardl) do bus1ne'ls. Salant'd staff \l.Ould rece1 \ e a Christmas bonus of 35 percent or -tl'iear annua pa~. At Go1<11nlll ~ bmkcra&e-housc.Jb.c...~ would be 25 percent, and at the <\mcncan Stock fa.change. 12.5 percent. Still. some of the jo~ "'as m issing from the rolo r· coordinated do\!. nto\I. n to) tand of "lilte nights. blue chips. greenmail and golden parad1utcs. ·'This tame )OU knew the trouble hll close to .home. because the JOk.cs didn't pop right o ut." obscned Llo)d F1t1s1mmons. polishing glasses be· hind the bar ofSt. Maggie's Cafe at the .. , started ~orking with Ray when I went into practice I 0 years ago. I am still looking t0-bi~orguidance with my changing needs in these changing-times a11d thankful "I'm impresssed with his to have someone c~rre.~t. professionalism as he im-competent a11d canng. plemented the various plan-James Faussctt. DPM ning phases in a sensitive Santa Ana and timely manner." ~obert Cunningham. DOS Huntington Bea ch [-_ 44nJembom BM .~"' tnll Nt-PO" 8'ec:h. CA 9lf«I Ttltphliflr 1714)cn5 mt - This may be your LAST CHANCE to lhake tax~ucttblecontnbutiomtri ~IRA. Great American \bur advantage ...... Check these vantages: • Additional deposits allowed without · • Self-Dircctcd IRAAcfoonts-purcha.o;e stocks. bonds, mutwll funds. and much more through GAF financial and Insurance Serv-ices.t btabh'hed 1885 •S12 B.illK>n m A.\set, . exteriding the telT)l. • ~ SlOOminimum Opening amount. Op;n your acmunt today. Call the toll-free financial Line now: 1-800-42.1-BANK~ . ~ With 21 oftic:a lerVina Or-. C<ulfy: ANhrim iml EJToro l..lpna Nlpd Newpon Beadi/1b-er Shoru S...Clrmm~ 8albo9 lsUnd FoUl"8in Vlllry Million \1ejo Ntwport Beach!Udu s... Jun c..,ano Blllc.~la Hu..,..._8-f\ MamrdlBlly <~ ~ Bree-............ Newport llud\/ ~*"rim- upiscrano 8-d\ 1...apna ttill Newport Ccnm 0.•-S..0..,..__. __ ~ol-·1.-~--·.._S.....•S-,_AN .... _·~ .... ---------··-~ .... -·~-·· I HC..0>~ ----------- ---·--'-..,._ .... • Cwrenc,·lddUhOW• luf ftw 12-tll ~ 8ftd YWYMt..---c'ffecll\~MVllW • otlcb ~on llwCWftfll lift"""'-· _....d\M ,,,_,.,.,. ... ......__ on....,.., tor-tur. llMCn!IC kcom.pc-*d ~en• J651l6.5 .,.._ Tlw •urmu ~•~IN!) duin,.daih Tlw Nn'l"l!ll nllC 1111 !tor U-"' ._,... lltA _.,..,...-., ....S ~afRr is subjKt IO--Oll dw h..,. ot _, SiW'.ft t.-11 Md c.i Mn llv • idd Uri)• •lhclr-.1 ollvndt.~ U-a dYa '9''l )'Mn"of. Illa)' lwll a .. ""nftl P«Nak) Mdloeoolt..~-. fedmll...t_pl'Ultln_ .tlV••J>PI• , ~F 'Rft.nc:..1.i.d lnw.-cY Sen-." a •holly owtwd ~' ofGmoc A...mc..n F1n1 S..lnp W ~ l'Me;,_ A~MI Finl S..lllp ._.- This announcement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitalion_of a1:1 offer lo buy these securities. Th e offer is made only by the Prospectus and the rela ted Prospectus Supplement. . ,. -~---- ll.O'/o - ··-INTEREST MONTHLY, $5,000,000 SERIES 8-1 . • INTEREST MONTHLY, $5,000,000 SERIES A-1 Subordinate .Debentures offered in Californ ia . MINIMUM l~VESTMefr $2,000 AMERICAN CON.TINENTAL ~ CORPOR:ATION . $10,000,000 at par Pte-visit CK call •n Amenc.n Continent.I eorpo;.tion ,..,,..ntattve tod9y 8t MY Lincoln S.vings branch m C.flfOmia for ...... and • Proepectus. ALHAM8AA DOWNEY 300 E. Main St. 10033 Paramount Blvd. (818) 289-6343 (213) 927-2506 ANAHEIM HILLS ESCONDIDO 5791 Santa Ana 1655 E. Valley Parkway Canyon Rd. (619) 747-8100 (71 4) 974-4410 GLENDM.E ~ 100 E. 'Gfenoaks Blvd. 200 6. Duarte ---(818}-24?'"6906 (818) 445-7080 QRANM1A t&LI 1UR11ANK 17851 Chatsworth St. 3800 W. Verdugo fwe.. (818) 363-5041 (818) 841 ~703 HEMET CAMMH;tO 1111 S. Slate St. 2300 ~nderosa Dr. (714) 652-2761 (805) 987-0902. HOUYWOOD 7050 Hottywood Blvd (213) 466-6211 HUNTINGTON MNORAMA CITY lfACH 14526 Roscoe BlvG.-- 7662 Edinger Ave. '818) 894-9394 (714) 841 -1738 AOL.UNG HILLS *ltMNE EllaTEI Koll Center 29920 Hawthorne Blvd . 18200 \k>n Karman Ave. (213)· 377-7577 (714) 854-4l80 "UNTA »M ~ taLI --1631 N.tfflstol St. 23601 Moulton Pkwy. (714) 547-0771 (714) 586-4050 SANta MONICA LNCEWDOO 1460 Fourth St. · 5247 Hazelbrook Awe. (213) 451-9931 (2~3)630-1404 -~OMS -U)8 ANGE.ES 13701 Riverside Dr 630 W. Sixth St. (818) 783 -3130 (213) 628-4131 ·open Saturdays at an locations except Los Angeles ana Irvine. r 19e6 Ame<IC3n Cootinen131 CorPol'atlOA Q iuN CITY 28127 Bradley Ad. (714) 679-6801 TORRANCE 21835 Hawthorne Blvd. (213) 540-4222 TUSTIN 14161 Red H1~ Ave. (7l4} 730-0245 . WEST LOS ANGELES l 1285 National Blvd (213) 478 -0481 WOODUMD HLLS 5995 Topanga Cr?yn. Blvd. t818) 348-1511 . ' l I : • I e _· L_a c k Qf global thin king is deficit for U .S. firffis . • NEW YORK (AP) -It of\6n is said the world is has befriended pri"ate enterprise. the corner on trade pahially provoked 1hc bitter words. · _More than 60of the nec,utivcs said t~e most difficult- . Jtttina smaller. partic~larly th~ financial world. Besides blastina some uixutives for worryi!'& more . T he criticism this fall occurred as calls arcw lo uder hurdles facina US. C<?rporations co";!d:~''t! a~4 ~c~ To a lot of American business managers. however. about .aolf scores than balance sht.-e~ he said "cor -fer proteetionist &eaitlation-1ime&et--ttemmin1 the flood-net rel~ted-lo financal maLlCI.S. oc.,J mers.-!L t~.world beyond tbc bo~enofthc United States remains pocracics" -entrenc hed' corporate bureaucracies -of imports into tfle c9u~try. The U .S. trade deficit. ''the fi. '!ore of American man~fieme~t to seize op- a b11 unknown. a consult1n1 firm says. · w rc_sappina cconomte-strcngth. expected to reach an unpfttedented level. of about S 170 portuna 1cs (overseas) already avai ~bdle.h .. . • __ "Everyone ~ms to tcrosnizr'thcviUI ntt<f for "Bloated: risk-averse, inefficient and un· billion in 1986 has bttn a powerful drag on economic Almost all the e_xccuuv~s 511 t eir com~nies American firms to expand internationally.'' said Peter F. imaainative" were amona the unflattering adjecti' es activit). ' abi!ity to co"!pcte aaa1nst forcian fi~was f~nua~d Mcdtt-of Eaon Zdlrukr-1nltmational a OUlnaatQ\CAt -Dannan u~ to dc~ibf..U.S. bus~-. --The--tth~sulting:-ffrm. -starting with 1he.-lhcif:comP8:'1~"· !0na·&ccm SUCC61.h "! 0 .;,.,~(cs..;,t~0-- ................ __ consull:ina aodcxecutive..search firm. : And, tn 1·s~h_ 10 ... pan Socklt,confertntt ... Ur ...assuniptlonJhat U.S-CDrpD(&llODS na.vc som~ lfOUDdJo.. ..:spccif!e ~hCllt...ln.~~(d \2 Cl) CJ! I l I ____..:_. - -'•But what we fo11mt"ls that mosl u;s. companies New Yo:~. Dailnan,had_ihistb,ayatx>utt et~ndencie~of: .. cover before catching up with fo,rei,gn rivals who-alrca y mee~ fore11n compcut1on. : .. · . .. • haven't really madeAhc kind of commitment to global U.S. b1;1sinessts: "Much of cqrporatc America remains operate o n a slobal basis. FOmm1ss1on~d a survey to fi nd .Zehnder advocates nu~uring &ransn~ti?nat ex -" thinking that they should,'' Meder said. parochaal. and knows far-lcSJ tbout eth~ cultures than out how senior U.S. business e·xecut1ves fell about the ecuttvcs. Tod~ thai • .co.mpa.n1es ~h~uld provide bonuses, _ The long-simmering debate about America's com-foreian managers know about us." ' subject. faster. promotions. attractive hv•!lJ. arrap1tments. or pctitiveness and productivity heated ~P this autumn In a simjlat \'Ctn, Commerce Secreuan Malcolm An independent ·polling company contaeted 100 superior benefits ~or .employees willtn& lo liv.t outSJde ·when Reagan idmin1stration officials enaqed in some Bald. 'nttdled American businns people for beina , executives of corporations that rank among the 5~ 1heir native countries.. ' . . . business-bashing/' -_ _ shortsapted~·n their obal view. which he says bis laqesl indualrial a~ ~t Yrvire-rorporauons...m_ _ ''G1v_en the cons1dera~le numbe~ of disu~centives Deputy ·Trcasu11 Secretary Richard Darman na agrav~ nra~ troUl>lcs. the United States. All the contacted companies have a1 inherent in g~1 ng10 a fon-11.n eoun~ry. ~Chilli m,x_...._ __ harsh criticism. unusually so for an. administratiqn that Frustratio~ thft t c country has }aken so long to tum least o ne foreign subsidiarv. than the ordinary package as required. ~der said. . . -· The typical child c~u::i disassembl~ the typical toy in less time than it takes the-typical adul te assemble it Or lose it altogether in that black hole kn own as a bedroom closet. p1ck up a Jr. CD gift_paek..-complete with pencil box. pen. passbook and gift certificate -today. Then bring your littl~ saver by-any· time. certificate in hand. and we·u set Suggestion. Give them a gift that teaches. grows more valuable every single day and doesn't take a . nuclear physicist to put together. A J1~ CD from Lincoln Savings. him or her up with a Jr. CD pamphlet and picture l.D. card. . Come by soon. Our new Jr. CD is a great gift idea sure to hold their interest for years and years arid years to come. If you know someone 16 or under. you ca n hel that little someone invest as little as $100.-from o ne day to ten- years. or anywhere in between. It automatically roll5 over at maturity. - l\nd 1t's-msured up1to~-'\~lr.il-Batteries not included. And earn adult rates doing it.· Our virtually indestructibl~ Jr. CD enjoys the very same competitive rates as all of owr other CDs. $lOO.OOO by the FSLIC. , Which means that instead of dis- membering some microelectronic monster. from the planet Gonzcr. _your . child can be building a fmanc1a1 future. LINGal;N · SAVINGS , OVER 13.8 Bl tlON IN ASSETS fts interest 1s compounded daily. not quarterly. And learning what saving is all about. 59 drop by a Uncafn office and Wc.MakeltEasyToMakc.Moncy. ALHAl\BllA llVIUtAltlt E.SCOMDIDO 3()L L M.411. !>I 3&()() W. 'JerdUI(• • A,,.-1055 t. l/allt:"y Pa11< ... ·.1y 1 .. r Lt "I "I Ave I (at Hollywood W~ i'J lnC1.l lO Lon~ fl\16) lll'ol 0$4.S (618) 841•Ji'tl3 Dru~ Swre) ANAHEIM HILLS CAJl\AJULLO 10101 Ml61f11J SNI S..111o1 ArM 2300 Ponder<>)" Dr Gl.£Mllo\L£ lAllf •r Rd fat AmellH 100 l 1..11 .... lrlk 8iv•I r.u lni!J('n.il Hw11 f 605, 0&7 0002 (d' 81 .. r 'Blv,t I (1141 O?ll 4410 DOWMl l lllll1 l4/ '>JOO AJlCADIA UlCSl P.acflJlQI 1n• 8J..i:1i G~Hlll.5 200 t: Duane R1t tat noren.. r Av<' I 11851 (.,.._"""' rtn St (at Se<.und Avr-1 ~21llq11 ~~ (di ~dl1 Avr I llUll I 44.5 7000 ,,. jljt j '1()41 HU'lET 1111 S Stdl~ St tat Stl't"'-XI) !7141 c.52 17'>1 'Open Saturd.1y' di <1ll lo<.a11ons ~1.Cl'pt Lo5 Angele) and Irvine • t lotlC>. ur< u 1M~100 <t l....;11 A,,.,..'°'tir n ~ COJllU•G SOOM ro llMfCHO BllJCAJlDO. HOLl.rWOOD 1tYA H1ollf'i"•"1d 8111,f (ne.u La Brc.i Ave l I JI}) 400-0211 KUl'fl1MG10M BEACH 1002 (dmger Aw: f~t Sher Lanel 17141 &41 173& LAGUMA HILLS 23001 Mouhun Pkw / !Moulton P.irk..,ay Shoppmg Cemer) (714)~·4050 IAllWOOD PAftOllAJU CITY • 14526 RoKOC Blvd (ne<irVan Nuys Blvd,) (6111) &94·Q3Q.4 Ul'CHO KIJCilDO SAKTA Jl\OMICA 1400 founh St (at Broadwo1y1 (21ll 4Sl-QQJI SHEIUIAJt OAllS 13'°1 R1ven1Je Or 1 .. 1 Woodman Ave I !6111) 7&J 3130 SUM COY rvmM 14161 Red Hm Ave ·1nex1 10 Starer Bros I (714) 730·0245 WESTl.05 A1'G!US 1126' NatlOn.11 Blvd (•l Sawtelle 81\ld I (lUJ 478·04&1 3\11 _uuu~ltM'l'----•HRIHIJW~~zeMnr<ll1!i~M -W9eDb\JfD __,.__ __ Koll Center 16200"\loil l<Mmsn ll'<lf: (pt Michclwn) t/1416'4 47'80 'LOS Ai.GEUS Oj() W. Smh St l•I H~I (ll3)~~ 4131 ESTATES 2Q920 Hntthoml' Blvd (at c~sl) (213) J/7 75n SAJnAAMA 1~31 N Bmtol 5t (at 111h St I (114)5470771 (7141 O?'Q oeQI HILLS . ~ Top,,1111 Cnyn. Blvd. lOIUlAllCE (at Oxnard St.) 21635 HJwthome Blvd 16161 l40·1'U (l!CTOU from °"'Amo Shopptng Ccmerl 1213) 540 4222 • fSfr' . . -·-·I ·---... . . .. • I SALARIES.~ • ·paid pubhc official 1n 47 of 50 s'tateS. Along with· salaries of , the ,educators. USA Today also disclosed • ·perl(s ranging from a SJ . .S million mansion provided for University of Illinois President Stanley "'cn.bc .... rcy--__ lo a S46 annual allo1ment of produce from the university farm for Presi· dent F. Ja) Taylor at Louisiana Tech. At the same time. the survey found th.at football coactles are beina ~id more than their institution's presi- dent at Alabama's Auburn Univer- sit}. Michigan State and the Univer- s1t\ of Washington. For t"<ample. l'oach Don James at the l 'niversit) of Washington 1n Seattle receiv~s a base salary of $103.344 plus benefits. including-use of a summer camp and a dealcr- providt:d Mercedes 380SAL -a uto- mobJlc. Th.c univcrsit •'s resident. ~m--mg.-s 1r -. sala11 ofS95.052. Kin&. am.oni.. ttic colle&c foo_tba.lL. coaches is Texas A&M's Jackie Sherrill. wuh a base salal) of SI 14.190 and total pay package - including income from TV and radio shows. product endorsements and board memberships -estimated at S267.000 a year. · L!SA Today concluded from the sal&I) surveys that coHegc football has become "a business of d1stone<l d perverted ideal~ ... ··("oachcs often take home two or three llm~ more 1han the school uflil'lab wno hire and superv1~ them . ..\nd fo ur or five time more than J1s11nsu1shcd teaching professors and \<·1cnt1sts. Some coache reside in plush offices in luxunous bu1ld1ng.s "'hik tenured facult' members OC· l'UP) pos1agc SiamP:siLed offices in rundown building.~." the newspapt>r ~Id. B~ rnnlrast. USA Toda) said. the un1vcr-,1t~ presidents must shoulder maJor duties and arc "wonh evcl) d11)le" lhat the} are paid. ··Given their levels of responsib1ht) and the comparable pa)' they could receive in private enterprise, it 1s impossible to suggest that these public employees arc ovt.•rpa1d." Ano1her special re rt. qn college . se pa} for men's coaches among lhe top :?5 D1' 1s1on I schools a'eraged SS 1.004 a year. compared with S4:?. 790 for "'omen. SA Toda) es11mal!:d O\Crall income of"North Carolina State's Jim Valvano al $500.000 to $700.000 annuall) - including as muc h as S~S0.000 in speaking fees. llSA Toda) senior editor Bob Dubill said the sala~ sun e~ s \\ere pan of an effort b) the ne"'spapcr. based 1n Arlington. Va .. JUSl across the Polomac Ri ver from Washingto to m:ske "lttnter use of freedom of 1nforma1ion laws in stales across the countn. ''Thf reason "'c. went into 11 1s 1ha1 there had ~mWlodleal1-auc.ur....---1 in10 the salaries and the perks .. at the public unl\crs111es. Dubill said. Asked whether -publishing the in- formauon might rai~ ciuestions over invasion orprivacy, Dubill said. "if you".re going tnlo the public a.~ena. thats one of the prices )OU pa). "I think that some people "hose salanes were published were upset. but others feel that the articles ha'"e bc~n fair and art" long overdue:· he said. · .:Jack 0av-isof()rcgon State Univer- sity. presids:nt of the National Col- legiate Athletic Association. com- mented about the USA Toda' series. ·· 1 found the data inten.:stini. :. It wu not overdone -J don't think it was 1<11rommsm -,n-,rif-'..__ ___ ..__ - CD's Too Low? •Rdiremmllncon. • Current lnterat 'ID-Deferred •Safety ' . ,, ''"'" Life l ns1mmc·e < tUH/N:m1· 1md 11 ltWmlwr' 1if tlw .\«11'.f fmnl/1· <.<ill lt1d<11•Jur C<NH/lltrftt df'lnils' f 'f'lw l"IC'fl'St mtr Is 'H>I Rtmrm1t1'fvl tmd Is •Nh}ft"t to />wlodlc c h<t"SC' Tlw If'*""",.... mtf' Is 1't, -,.,,.. FutHrlll lh•tl"'""'"' nnH(l1• ( 1>11trrK'I 11 f'ltlllo· Fnl'm AP·RfnJ J ~~~~ ,....,.,,..,.,,.,,,,,,,..,,.... 18'0 ...... v..o. om.,'--•• .,, C...._,CA.._ . ,.,, .... , .. UNCaN BENmt· um C p M r ·A N ·y A MDHM C'J-1111! ~ ti\.\tll' flt~• rtf1ltft1"i•tt4!1ri.11' ......... ...__. I •I tttt l•t •• tfl •\l"I f' 'if-~\ t -· 4ftt ._ '' _ ... ~., ... ·~"''..-.. \; .. '• \ NEW YORI( (AP) -s... 4 o.m. Tl.lftdev prlc.-•nd net cri.noe of the 10 mo't •ctlve Amerlc•n Stock Exc"-noe =· trltdl"9 national~ al more t'r"& TalwanFd n 11. 1m WlckH , -~ -'i'I I.or. lmer-Tt• n i. 1 -~ Wengt..ebl!! 6, fl~ + v. lmDef'Oll A g 7, -11• NY Timft s 1 , ,,._ ~ HHt>rrt. 112, 1 "• + 11• Ame• o 1n. •' • FtAu' Pr n 119, 9V. BAT Ind 165, ~ METALS Quons \ _ ... , NASDAQ S uMM~RY slk clubt.ic. ftom ~ t.ol'bcU.; ·~750 oll ..gi,tor bzlt, • 1 tY.>.. • I l s : .. n s : l l • ,., '~ • • •., ._ .... . '• ,,. , ..... -.~ .. ~ ""w', .. - \.\.\1 1 HI HO" ttOMI ., lac. REAL ESlATE •••••Alll IHI .... EuropNn conten'l90'ary 2 bites from ocean, 3 pri- vate belG.heS Just re- modeled 3BA with FP 1n LA $299~000 LEASE.. SU-IMO WTll.I" YlfW •r SIHUUYU Location. loca11on 11 Unique corner 101 w11h view of back bay. c11y lights & mountains Plen- ty of room for expansion Atmodeled kt1c'1en & bathrooms Solar water heat Spacious work· shop t utll1t y r oom $349 900 SALLY SHIPLEY JOYCE OEBOL T 7C.,Q 9100 'kaditiona Realty 631-7370 let .. ...., y. Sell y .. ,,.,,,.,1 Cai°"'81fW, 141:5671 for Information & surprlelngly low coat. . -· tlWPT BCH Ocnft 2t>r 2ba, Condo 1150 sq It, sec bldg m1n1 con d S 1200tmo. 499-23 11 UUTlllm Beaulllul, clean large Gar- <ten Apls Beaul1lully 1andscaped grounds Pool & spa, patios/decks Sorry. no pets 1 Bedroom $635·$650 131 E 18th St 646·6816 1' No pets, S 1025/mo yr lse. you need at the prtee you 644-1010 or 760-7037 wanllo paywt>en you read Alter 5pm or Wknds claSSJhtld d111v AIRPORT SPA Comeen)Oy. relax w1up'd massuse tn pvt rm Cit tg 0 C Airpott. e~y tlot6l 1 min 4570 Campus Or. Ste 2 NB. 71 4 862-Mll 9 ooam-11 OOpm LAUIA WHEEUI c A A F T s llWPHTIAllHAPTS .------~------------.. WlllUATSLIPS 18R upstairs. S515 cab'• Bachelor - - --S565 T v /gas paid. pool. rel 2 Bdrm l', Bath $750 r e_g § 4 5-:--8 16 1 J 4 7 "2250 vanguaro 540·9626 Flower A11a1I 1/ 1 No petsl Elegant waterfront apts 2Br 2Ba · den Micro. dshwshr. frplc, garage. prv1 beach $2225 •ALSO AVAILABLE* BeauJ1ful ·lBdrm $935 BOAT SUPS EXTRA Sorry no pets 760·0919 2BR upstairs wtgar, c.ble T V . ref req, NO PETS! $565tmo 352 Victoria 645-81'61 Avail 111 * 2 BDRM DUPLEX Very quiet. large yard, garage. good area. $695 Drive by 545 Bernard 559·5001 * •Eas1slde spacious 2Bdrm apt, quiet street. Child ok. No pets $625/mo. &31·8155 2 Bdrm 2 Balh 398 w Wrtson 2 Bdrm 1 .ea 161 E 181h $760 631 -5583 S.ulttrt lmt $500 mo 1Bedroom, park- $745 ing, no pets 548-5682 642·0856 * 6-PLEX near Beach' NEW 18A 1BA dl w. encl X'tra large 2Br, 1'1t8a, 2 gar . av a 11 1 2 • 1 5. parking spaces $650 mo $725-dep Cell 833-2130 498-9677 PM Only Mon-Fri 8AM·4 30PM 997.9309 Agent llWPllT YIU.All •iac. ltat1la ~ C O ;Ai~IEA ~UEX~A'y. S iM•I UH ' COMPLEX Ldroom wtkitctien l)(ivl· 1 PRESTIGE LOCATION lege1. Adults only. Nr 5 BLOCKS TO S C. PLAZA shopping center & bus hne 962-5760 •CIOM to OC Airport Room for rent S325/mo • • 7 Mlnutn to Beach FU. SUCCESSFUL 11111111 •Night Lighted. Sand $200 dep. Fun hse prM- c leges. 3 minutes to OCC How much will your son or daunht.r know about bvsineu when Volleyball & Tennis rts Quiet nghbrhd 540-8140 • •Pool. Jacuzzi. BBQ applyi~ fo!)heir first full·ti'!_'e job?_f>tenty, if he o__uheb.m..tter overecfP1rki ng littl1/llitflt -27"11 been a new5___, cOf'rier. Throu-L. route e>1narience he or she •Cable TV Av11table -,..-.--· V"' r-- •Ree Room with Fireplace Ul•lla is already a lop ahead of their cloumotes. While they all and Billiards . llTll • "'aster ideas, the boy or girl with o newspaper route i' able to •Saun11 Wkly renllls. S 145 & ~them to _pradkol UM. Be,ainm'LCcauieuJeom the batic • O Acres 01 Maonlfic.ot Upl~ofor-Tv. ......... ...-. -the bask princi-i-from the first day of ~a...:,... to -'-1,·-r Grounds coffee, heated pool maid .,...... • "··• uw T .. service & steps to oceen. newspapers. Th.-, buy at wh9lesate, sell at retail, make 1 BA FURN/UNFURN Kitch'\ av1 985 N· C~st colledions, kffp fh.ir o~ boo6ts, and ~I with people face to JR 1~u~:SHED Hwy Lag Bell 494-5294 I face. Corn.rs quickty find out that "profit" and "lo\s" are $58~ =' Fii 1111/WI I more than ... tbook .. rms. 1 BHch new Hotet Crnr Newpor1 Fwy & Biker i Pool. TV,...,_, 1680 Sir The benefits of managing o newspop.r route ore OI\ equation (Sorry. No pet11> 1 PllflOr, C.M 845-"2"221 for o future successful citizen. A great number of today's (7 14,SSZ-0075 IHWI llTIL prominent men and WOtMn start.d fh.ir public careers a' ---..__ Wkly rentals now aveil. newspaper carriers. And they all vouc+i that o newspaper route Sparkling cle1n 28drm. S 1•0 00 Wit & up 2274 .n.illU-0.-..._~ -~ .n.ill a head ...,. on the future. w_.a. $705...All.utMI pd NWPI 91vcr.rn-~,r.-n:IC-i~ -..--r--..,.... Frtg, ger Sorry. no pets. ' -n f i. 1MO WALLACE If you reloolungtoucai, Boys and girls lv years and oder wno moy be interes1ed 1n route e•5-273t 842-4114 elaQlfltdll .. newtlorY<N work: should conloct fhe Doily Pifof circulation deportment at 6<42·<4333. 1 •ii \\'nc RJ 1 .\rrrec ( "''" Mr M • ( ""'' irn1.1 IJ!fl.'" $2.40 per day TM1'1 ALL you pey IOf 3 Imes. 30 dey """~ . "'the -SERVICE- DIRECTORY . CALL TOOAYll illfNLlll Y04Jf Service Directory AepfeMnt•trve 1•2~a21 11t. a11 --.... ••••••• 111111 PlllTllli Cosy ap to tlM ftr• tlali - wJata.wltla t lliim ..• ·-.. 1442 S Brts.tol. S A Ml-l!n INTO eoae ·~ 642-5671 SAVINGS hos o new way to turn your-Hrdden lreos1:1f~ 1'~to CA SH with o S9.00 Clossrf ed Ad with prwpay ~Days P• 'O''? c.cw I!\?'"., "•o Commerr1ol p,.,J ~\'I';'"' L.·-.:..--· .,. !YJIJ• "q ()( Employ"'e'"'' A.".)\ T ~~re \ "\l) t>'•,.'? ••'Tl•I 10 who1 '/'>· '"'J' ~·"" i• 11 fO\. ~tt:j •o ~ ;ovr i:ooi:h h•qtl d-o-· O' '>""! •• \"''.: .,.~.,. 'lnd ~-roil r'le Oo.+y ? .-::· r: -.:n I e'! \IQ~I ()( <JV) the C.OVOO" t;e-c, ... Moil to: Ooity Pilot, 330 W 9oy St .. Costo MHo, Co 92626 --NAME ~~~~~~ PH()Nf ADDRESS ___ _ CJTY_ l lP •r • ,.... VISA 01 IV ( - - ed - id )U· )ITI :ies e5. ith er- he of ct- lt~ lCr 2•1: 2) - ion ha s ,,_ -lo the." l ol rt'· tkc ln't '-2) - I L Orlft8I eo.t DAILY PILOT/ Tueeday, December 16. 1MI II W "MlSmla . PmEllmll~ Wmlll -...s!J!!I , fmJC.. w-. MUCmR C·-. ·~ ,, ... ,. __ .._ ........ _... -............ E=:G ._...,_. "..._.,. ._. ·-Tllll ll...,.... ... lllecl CA(l1.,VO.IM1 TollMn,llenllCI ..... tuMCell ............ = ... ftlM._ .... _.,. OI.,..... -'-; t0........ .. ::.=.-~000 .=: "::'Jla'411.1• na-.rc .-tt1eeouMy0.010r· .,,_,.."'Y•H•!ofl9. er••--_. ..... ..,. .. 111 ~ ., ..._ -Jl.9K!D": :'~':!9 .. 1: • P'Olled•,... .. .,.._ ...._ '*" •tr• n.e .__...,...... YI• Of .,.. County on No.,.._ ~"**I GOfUCI • ._,. er.--., end,.,... .... ,_....Code ot C• H1a ..., ~&' 9'.,. _... Ot IO ,_, ,,,., or el lfl ... .,_ .-....... L-. ,,._ '"Md out~· doiflO ~ •: ,,..,_ -~-21, 1tll -.. or tM fOtel"""*" lil9"CY 1Mr N -.w.11 .... 11111 The ltme IOr *"I dlMle .. 19G1 IM :"f I a-llld&. , ... 91 111 .• Tllll I , eel-~ ~m-.--... ~ haw~ If\""~-lftf/Of ~ ot; no4 _,.. pnot to tMlf IUllTl.Ct U • 1. -._ ...._ ,...,,... ....,...., ... , ~ ~., ~ Orlftll . • -O!N!VllV! I . MifCMl(L l'ftOflll9 "Oftl ltle ........ MiWfl jt ........ ...-".!~to._.,.. 8 ~ION tor Pf••• yeera. U .000 firm. UGO Pn C.. DtM, 5"' TM loltoWtftl !*IOftl o.11¥ Pilot Deoem41et 11, 23, ~IN feat A '*'410n flM ~fled Mertnanottoe~. ... .......... a ... --·---11'1 ""* c. IUlllNMd 10 Md 531.3013 "°°'· Cotta ....... c.... "9lle ~ .. ~ OI 30. , .... Jlftl*y •• 1M7 WIM ~property Te In tot• ~ JOHN N MITCHti,L In YOU MAY IU•-.. "C=-.-.. ~'~9!. ,~....:.,.. ewfNfld ~ -OMce of tornla t2121 the tic11tloul ~ "!fNi TUI dOlure. yo11 mey Offier ~ IN 9"'*iof Court ot Or· -qpt ~ "'f ~ It ~ ... t ,_ --llto -_.... ., .iHdl ""811 8f1C1 ,._lty ... •llTIU..a l .J.H. Pfol1MIONI Ser· J & I( EnlerPfilla & eon; prooerty tot ..... ptovided enge COUftty~ttlM •• 1 per.on.,..., .. _, In ....... 1111~-· ~ .... ee;:n'-'onn-!on IM ned. ttt2 '"" ltr•. U\IOCA"8lJ'MJCKS wicea, lno ,. Calilornle oor· 11ruetlon M1n•1•111er1t. "8.IC MOTIC£ ,, ..... lleotlCMtedP,IOr10 JOHN N MITCHfLl tl9 .... IN ..... '°" mer 9vt 0.....-~ CILJ --:::7. f'oOM 200. ~.CA COMEIHORC.Al,1.FOA potlliOl'I. 3200 ,.,k c.nter 27301 Gaen UHdOWS Df'We. .. ~ ot ""IOr• POlnted .. petlQNll ,.,.. llC>OfltllUlltculOtOtNfNn. ............. ~ •••ot.,c .... IN ··=llPO" tset4, not .... "*' ll¥e ff! ... IPPvnlL ~tve, 5th Ftoot, Cotta Et TOl'o, California t2130 A,.,. ciolufe, reMntatN9 to IOmlnls• tile lltrttOI'. °' UPO'I IN ••· _., ...... "'wA-'" 'PPfOYI ;~"--I• tat c:.iendaf 0eye 1n edlleno. Of .... Meta. C8'11ou"8 9~ TM llet...... ~ •ll•ll AefMnlbef. YOU MAY "''"of tilt~. '°'._ for 1M ....,_. or ._...,DOIMLD-.. Bond ....--·-· ... OOO IMCI OPtlWIO ~ DelllLO Thia I '*"' ~ to-.OW W' --. LOSE lEOAL RIOHTS If The petJOQI\ 1eq11e1l1 adnllnl91retOr. 8flCI .... Wllfl WLL llU. AT "*IC contrecti , uCMOlng •"· ~ tot 1tN1 ....... ;::_;::::_.,.-----t•!ll•lr ye ~ 1corpore1Jon flledoo 1tll 1141ntheCoun· T=-:=.,. YOU 00 NOT TAKE eutllor1ty to admlniater Ille the court Wlftl proof of..,. AUCTIOll TO nll '!!: ~~= ~~~ MtlPf...,tnOelnthe_.d 11211 CHllVD. E.J.H. Profeuloriir S.· 1y of Of•not· OrlOINI , .. ~bulinell -C4iiiftef "'6MPT ACTION M011Ca ....... under the~ Im. a.wrtttt!\.J~ ..... F:' .... ,. o-.... 001oe' ~' olffleCOIW-''°' ...... HUNTINGTOHB!AOH Ylc". Inc · F Scott Grou, No F260200 \. Gtoup 2471 te.... Oil dent Admlnlf1retlon of h · Ing ttlet ~o.iii9-ep9Cill ----• ,., --•i(iltO ~--...-. _ _.. • ..._...... ~· ./OMICeitll'~.2730t ,enderAvenue\JnlCA ,.--~ OIPMILT'MD t.-AC1. notl9eof,IN"fll!ftl0t-Mlft. ................. Ulllt-"'8'COf .......... '7Q ~tiOMUlnO. ~111111 Mt,....., ......... 1 Tiii• 1t11amen1 ... flied G~ MINOWI Ori .... El arton Celil0fni9taai . IUGTIONfO A llMrlnQ on Ille petitlOn ventory"1dappt~Ofl " ...... ,. ~~ ':;~~ G41f::'~o1' .M '°'"' STO ltt ·--"" ..... .. • llf•• -.. wlth the County Cterk of Or, Toro, CA 92t30 £ F AMI~ Co. inc: • RU. UllDmt wlU be held .on OECfM8fR •••• ..... , Of ot tflf pel • fNM ....,_., - -fN n-..... prQPOMI No pr...,~ wil • .... ange County on Noyemt>eJ JoM • JoNph Dante11, c a1lto'rn1a eotPClf..ion eioo DlllD CW tMltT 3 1. 19• at· t :45 p M. In 1ton1 Of ~ts mentioned Ml. IMelM .. -Yt1t Labor Code. 81~~; be gt anted ~ IN bid te Aulo trena.S.·• t31824. 4, 1986 • 27301Glen MMdow1DrlYe, Cant>y Avenue,~ 100. NOTICE IS HEREBY Dept No. 3 ., 100 Civic: lnS.Ctlon1200encll200.50f "...... ........... rnenl ..... --1 re ... accompanied by IN STD ,114171 EtToro.CAt2830 R•Mda.Cdf0fnia913.)5 GIVEN: THAJ Sen Oleo<> Center Drive w"'' lll'llJ tlleCallt0tnlt,Prot>t.l•Code. ..... c ........ Cd l';' 9::"1nl'l:~ty ln ,.,, I COA\IAIR' Soydet 'TUtbO'. 2nd owner. reblt tr11n1· -Put>il1.11eo Orange Cout Thia buli(leU WU COii· Th11 "tlu'""9t -..-con·· ~. lne.,-a Aha, CA t2f02 ...... , .............................. ",_ 0 •, llleWOfk iato ~done Bid proc>OMll. ~ N Delly Pilot November 25, De-dueted t>y a general partner· dueted by 1 COfPClf•llOl:I corpora11on 11 preeentty tile tf YOU OBJECT to the n.taher, AIWMJ9 fet •· _. MW ... ~ : ~ ~ :.'tect by tilt Oepwl· tubnlltted tor the emit• C*Tlber 2 9. 16. 1986 lhlp E.F. Aeelty eo.. Ina., • Tr1111 .. under • Oeod of gtantlng of the petition. you '•••w. -..._ ,,... _., .... c ..... • ment of lndulttlal ,..._,Joni .otll O*flbed tfl«eit), 0.. T49I ,,.._K.-DeNela California cotporetlon. tr\111 deted Marcll 21th, lhould eitMr ~at the _. ... ...._ ...._,,.,.,., ..._.... lft .... A oflllllllstlngl.lonflle viatJon• ftom plane -encl Publlttled Orange Cout Marlhall £Jralo*, Pr9lldent IM5 e11ecuted by SUUNNE hMrtng and etate rC>Ut -. ....... CA -' ="•'' 8M ltate M• ~ ....... Wtted aoov. IQ«lficatlOM w111 no4 N ----------DailyPilotNovernt>e<25.0.. Thi• •l•l~t ....... CURf'IE LEWIS, • widow jectloMOffileWl'lt1"'1_~· ~ OfMGI' CAMt ~ a11....,_.1M iii! Dfii'MMf.SW'd•C.c:w "8.tc NO:ncl--cembel. 2..-t. 6.. tW w1tt1 11'9 County ci.nrot 0r-llrMf-{;1t.-t.fAN;M~O. • uons with tne cowttiiiOr• Dally Pttot Oecomber 15, fl . Ulllt I. ue,., Tt ... -. ~ ~ .,..:,"'O\IM ~;i reltdlonl o1 biOI The H to 1nge county on Oocelnber widow ... joint tenant• • tne hMriflll VOVt • appeot· 22, tNe • ,.,._, "' .._ • '° .. ~ BuslneN" In ac· Oepeftment h•• .ti. ttoflt to ,-_....!~11 ----------t, tH6 Truator to aecure otMI· ~~be In petton °' ~ MT495 , .... ..,~: .......... ., !!o~.wittl S.C:tfoo tltl, waive ·eny Irr~ In a ••la... r 1Ui. lino • -:::!!.-.T· .. ~ • "8.IC NOTICE ,.,,.., getlOn• In favor of HOME youf '"°'.__ • ••ul1?1~ ....... Of. ... La 2 c...u1«n1a bid °' lo r~ any°' ... -.. ,,._.,., Publt~ Oflnge Coat THAJFT AND lOAN AS-IF YOO ARE A CREDITOR llcl'8ll ........ Or..-al. MCI • ,.,,. • -. • · s t.2001080 842·•32 t fOFJD '70 -MaYerick,· gd runnm~ cond, -new llros. $750 Or Best Olf.r Hm 551·0649 Ole 955·0383 Tiie lollowlng l*sont are Dally PtlOt Oecemt>et !8, n . SOCtATIOt(. • allt0tnla °' • conttngont credltOf of Pta.IC NOTICE ~. Cllla,..._ ltmlnitttathle ~~ bldS · 1 · eo PAY UOUOA. 2651 IMM .. Jnuary • T52~ COfded Mardi 29. ••s -yC:Ur ctalm tW1ill~ :,~ ~:AU -..._........._ , ... ,, ••• ,,. to lhe ~i!.!..~"fat~ ~:~~!!;:::,..:·by": ~v •. Co•t• Mesa. Cl 92t27 Tile follOWlng peraons wa FlleJPage No. 15· tOMlt of present II to t,... personal " " ........ ,... ,,.,.,., Mlnotlly --· I and I macte In Dong Soo Ktm, t860e doing 1>u11neu u EMER· ...,_IC ..,,.T""rr: Offic181Aec0td1 In the office re9feMnllt1ve appojnttl(d by '°-~-:~•~P~ULT 4e,crtllte4 elltowo 11 14th Streoc'·~~~.;..~~· ::!'.!= .. '¥"h 1 en.· "ln- K•mstra Aw .. C41frltos. CA ALO HOMES. 518 TtawrM ... _ "" ~ of the Recorder of Orenoo the court within tour monltlt ~ • M; • ..., ramento, -·-·-• ...,..~ .. 90630 Onve. Costa Meaa, CA County, CallfOfnla, OMc:rtb-from th• d•I• of fkll ... UNDER THE DE CLAR· ... .,, lfYlne, C....,. not toll than five (51 calen· 111uct1on1 to BOOOera Sun Hee Kim, 11160& NICOias D Os.no. 13355 ~TITIOUI ....... lngl~I~ .. P«Oeecl oflelters•Ot~ ATION Of COV~NANTS 117'4. -dai o.y. In ad~ of tllO Pr~ .... .,.._.., t<am~f.-Ave .. Cerritos .. CA ')/era Cruz St . Cerritos. CA NAiii ITATamNT-of Trust said Obllgatlonl In· tn Section 700 of Ille C-0 .. D'rlfO~ A NO R • TM ~'ir die• opltnlng data If bktdOt eumine and ®tain plenl. FORD ·74 PINTO, new rbtt 90630 90701 The toltow1ng '*'°"'are ~onenotofth .. um of Probate C~ of CallfO#nla STRICTIONS AS ANNEXED oWMe MJ ._ _, •ants "Small Bu11ne11" 1pec1~0.n•. 8r'ld b id trans, run1 good Aat11ng Thia bus1n.-1 !l con· Emma U Oaana. t335S do•ng bu .. neu ea._ JOHNS S1GOOOOOO ThetmefOf flilng efaltllt.iii TO THE SUBJECT PROP·.....,,......, ..,... preference on lll!I Rf~ ~°'·=~~tor~ $150 Call evtnlogs atttr duc;ledby llu~dandwlle Vere Ctui-St . CemtM . CA CONCRETE PUMPING. 255 n 1iH ·, ... b eneflel•I t'IOt ~pit. ~ to-~RTY~ t.ml.l~ Y_Q~f1'~ .......... ..., ........... Mc* muat 119" .STO.•tt -Dl'llC:iLi -~6.46J~~ ~~1.JOO'O-~Soooo...1"1.41im:n,..., ~ 701 N~es Pt . l agun!.,_BeiCJ.:!. it'lteteektt'lder-.ic:t deed of montt!sfromttledai.oftfle ACTIO!t TO .-PROI£.C .......... W-MJ ....... lotm ISmall 8u1lneu. .CbJtLQ! ~· FORD '71 GRANADA• dr. Kim . Tiit• bu11neu ls con· Cahl 92651 tl0n1 .. lie.ting notice aboft YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY .._ ' • Pref-"Oe and eer11tlcat1on at1on1 at IN •t>ove addr .... Tllll llaternent wu filed duC1ed bw husband and wlle Jonn Alan Smith, 255 cured thereby are "'otentl" VOU MAY EXAMINE the BE SOLD AT A POSUC I* ...... M ..... FlequesO ~ 1ubml1 WTth tMptlone numbei (?14l pwr 11oerlbrt(s. euto. •le. .. .. _ c "''-·k In. , 0 Nyes Pl . Lagune Bead! ....... ~ .... , SALE IF vou NEED AN EX· .............. • • bid . 957·52t3 am/Im. new top/pntlbrk wit .. t. .. ounty ..,..., o u•· N1c01as D ~•no. Emma Callf 92651 ''"""by Ille underllgl'IOO. file kept by IN court If you ~J.-.NATION OF -H+E IMtt .,..._. °"""" ~ ....._ ., -Wr111unt ~ A PfY"*ll bond. Sten- 70K mJ~ stoced 2 yrs, n. ange County on November U Osano This bustneu 11 COr'I· TlleHll bfeoctl of. and do-.,. a persorr irft9"1Stect In NAT U RE · OF T HE wenentr ... ,.,.... • "" r. NellllurtMllftlefl "'• dard Form 107 In the smkr, $2450. 644· 1294 20· 1986 F-·• ~}k1141~-•ct•oulenlennty c' tewr'k'o'''otedr· ducted by an •ndMduat fault In, IN obllgatlons tor the est lie, you may serve PROCEEDINGS AGAINST piled. ,...,... lttte, ,... -amount of llfty petcent ot IN -· _., .. ,..., 1 J 11 At S 1111 wt11ch H id 0..0 of trust II upon the ueeuto• or admin· 0 0 ....,_. • one_.,......, f'MI ford Mustang 1985 con-P.11bllslled Orange Co.at ange County on Decembet 0 n an m Mc:ilrity "" occured In 111at istrator or upon the It· V U. YOU ·SHOUJ..D C N· eoperttte,.......111119,,._f. Your attention 11catted10 contract ptiee mull accOfTI· vertlble 5.01 red S 12,500 Dally Pilot November 25. De-2. 1986 T1111 s::a1ement;:'o1'~ payment"" not been made toJnet '101 tile executOf or TACT A LAW't'ER ,.. _., "'9 ..._.....,.. th• "Nondlacrimlnauon paoy every c~r..Kt~invotY· 84S-8973 ifter 8pm ._bet ~,e,.46; 1916 '~ w~tll thee ~nt~n Novern~ of: • -. mlntStrllOf, and Ille wltll On JanuM ary _ _6. ~: •! ~ ~ ,... ..,.,....,, _. ClauM" set f0f1h or r•fetred !ng_ e_n e1pend1ture 1n_••~ T4117 Publlllled Orange Coast 1 ge OU Y Themotitlllylnstallmentol the court with proof of..,. t01)() A. · 1tle Law unte:et lntero1t tflereeft, H tohere1n.w111e111upptlcable 01 $5.000 alt lllMll Daoly Pilot December 9, t6, 24 1986 , lnlef"tdueAugustit. teN. 111ee ._wrltlen requeat 1181. 01 VOGT & RESNICI<. as ,.. ...... In .... CCM'., to 111tnooe11~1~...-f9'e .. icc .. alul-tllddef-Wlll 23 30 1~ 1111• and subH quent tn1tall· 1ng. i 11et you dealre ac>eel•I duty appointed agent fOf Ille ..,,_.,If...,,..-ttte 11rucllon contracll and 1UI>-De requlr~ to entll' Into • ... ITl'I P\llLIC NOUCE ' T505 Published Orange Coaat l menta due therNlter; PLUS notice of the filing of an in-OEE~FIELO COMMUNITY ._....., .... CC&R'., tooo contracts. and lo the "Stan· contractutal tgt~t WI " IT ...... o111y P.itol o.c.mw 2,-8,, a lite c arge a1 M t forth In ventoryandapptaltornentof ASSOGIATION unci.r end ctiereoe 8lld .,,.._ ef dud Celllornre No n.,~ form of"• Stander~ All c""": and op' Ilona Nil.IC NOTICE 16 23· 1986 said note: PLUS an advance estate HMtl or of IN petl-pursuant to the DECLAR· ttte -,,_... end ef ttte 01scrlrn1natlon Gontlr eomen1 IOfm STD 2 ......., T502 In the .,,.W,.,,nt of '3.722~2. liOOlOf 1Ceount1 meollonld ATION OF COVEHAHl'S, ~..... Oft1rac1 1Je binding-upon ~~~~7~:-~ll~~~~~~~J~P~e;r~~~n~~~~~=:::=~~~~~m~"~-~·~•;--~ --------~~~~~~dueon~~~~tton~OO~dt200.5of CON~~~t ·"aw~ ~~~~(~er~~-~~~of C~~~ r; TITMMll 9111M•I -11BllC..MlllCL_ mbrancea ltra In · tlleCillf0tnitPrOtleteCode. STE'ICTIONS, (hereinatt., Tiie ..... __. ef ttte eral Condlllonl. OPR 413. upon apprC>Yal by ltle State ' mos on approved credit Ootog buslneu· as v LP. ltMm UAIWIU -IACI and,_ any ..., ~ h ..... ...._., ._. .-.. Section 00700} .. . Tl'le contract 11 not blndlnQ ••I.st Nuiff11on Center. 20463 TllelOllowing·petaonure FICT~ ·That by 'reason tllefeof. teniep lof , ............ 11' "C-C&R·s·1.--rROrcfed In .. ffOfleocwM.., ... ,,.. Dl,.ARTlllTll on ,..... lrd .... /lllAILJ YMba l •nda 8tvd , 'V0tb• do"'g~u Cellf0tn1a NA•ITATWJlllJfT 1tle underligned, pretenl ~C--DfM, .... B ooli. t t2t3, P1~u enrtellto..W-4.-.. ,AMIMDMCMATIOM, unttt it is appl'O....O by ap. 2524 H111tbot Costa Mesa Linda, CA 92686 Hatr L~. tS05 Meu VerO. Thi following petlOnl are beneficiary unoet Hid o..o 1ao, ..._..,. ..... CA tM-226. lnclullve. Official aMe Hll"'MM ......... W.. &. .,._, Dlree* propr18te lllJttlotlnd 1tete -•--•a Leo·Joon Jeng. 15092 East. Costa Meu, CA 92626 Clomg bul!Mll •• s.,... of trua1. lies eaecuted and l2'eo . ~ds of Orange County .,..._ _. ......... , et Putlllelled Ofange Cout ~-""tudlng the 00- -• 8r1gllTon S1r·eet: WHl· Keren Aidge. -203111 ~ter ~r 1'1U oet,_-8ct1o-Sllld Tnn19e • PUDllll!ed Orllllge Coatt Calit0fn6a.M~lo .......-................. ~Owc:ember 't8. . a.n.at Ser• minster. CA 92683 Southwest Btrcll StrHI iseats Circle W"tminster, I wrttten Doclatatlon of De-Daily p,101 December 9 10 subject pr~ veatlng ii' uttan ef "'9 Nottoe tif hlo t9116 VtCU. If requweo c L A s s. I F I D 6 4 2 - 5 Young Hee Jang. 15092 Senta Ana. CA 92707 Cal•IO#ma 92683 I f11Ul1 and Darnand tOf s ... t6 l 9116 . ' the name of OOHALO E le 11.MS• T5t2 "-" noneAemQI llate eotl-- Brtghlon Streat. West· T111s bus1ne11 11 con· Mahmoud B Etuyeaa.~ lies deposltad"llwitll said TW50I SPATH Will SELL AT PUB· Tfle .. fte&erJ DOI 1rec1s of 15.000 Of mote are minster. CA 92613 dueled by~ t6t112 KNll Ctrcle, Weot-TrutlM Mid died of tnnt LtC AUCTION TO THf TilM c~ill Al-.,._IC . ..,..J""" aub,ect to tlate oontrac10f T1111 bu11ness IS con· Keren Ridge -m1nstet. CA 92683 ano ••I documents ev•Oenc-HIUHEST BIDDER FOF< IOCfATtOM. ........ ..._ F"""'-"" 1\4 "°"41SCflmlnahbn aod ~ ducted by llult>andandwife T111s statemenl was filed This bus1neu 11 con· ing obllgatlons Hcurad Pl&.IC NOTICE CASH(p1yabtea1tNtmeof CCAR'• i.eret•..,• tt•· NOncl a. ploence 1aqu orament1 LM-Joon Jang. Young with the County Clerk QI Or· ducted by an •ndMdual thereby, al9tf 11., elected aate In lawful mon.y of the eculM--' .. ••-'•1911 INTINIKD TUWtlt f>Uf.-..ant 10 G&v.t~t HM_Jaog anoe County on Docamber Mahmoud B-E.lsayeaa.. . tfoes herl'by tll8Ct flO t:Jnoted Stlf1esf S1 ttle outllde 111_. ... ,.... a .tttten IMc· .. -'IA .. ACtt Code Sectton 12ti0 and Till• statement was •lled 11. 1986 T111s statement •U lilfd cauM tile trust property 10 l1ont entrance of the t>ulld· -.. ange County on NoYetl'lber Pul>11sl\ed. Orenge Cout hlo -4 o II g1Mn I II • Code Title 2 D'fllOn 3 ' lllend fet 8 ""'· LOW BOOK OtRECTORtES . .,~,,,..,. 11201 . . 1nge County on Oeoember g•'hona eecured t~eby _ ZIEOL.Bl Karman Avenue, .Newpon _......_ ef ·.,.._...Md _ '"'' Daoly Pilot December 18. 23. , ... ,. 30, t9&6. Janua1y 6 19f7 2. 19116 Dated aec.tnber 5. 1986 AMO°' NnTION Beach. Cahtornla, jJf right IJoctlon ...... n.e llftdaf· INC .• C•tlf0tl'll• CMpot· In .CCOfdanc• Wllh ttle -Fll7a.11-1")111'-T1ttttPT AND i:o ADU•HTU lllle and lnter•l-oon~ ... ...-cw ............. ••ion of ~l30 Harbot 81\ld_, ptovrsiqnn~r ~ 1770 Published Orange Coas1 T521 Dally P1101 November 25 De- cem ber 2 9 16 1986 Published O<ange Cont LOAN AllOCIATIOH ar: llTATI NO. A1 ... 1 to, and~ held by 11. under Defeult end llocffOfl te ... Suite 200. r.oata Melle. Cah· of the l abor Code. the O.. Da1ty Pilot Decembe< 9. 16. Ma. Certet To 111 heirs, t>eneftctar.... aald CC&R S tn the propert)' to llto rooenlecl In tM c.-. forn11 112626 intend• lo pertmenl 11u ascertained 23. 30. 19116 I Publtslled Orange Cout credllora and contingent. situated on salel County and tr .,..,. .._. ,... ,...,_., transfer to and ..... back th•• the general ptevalllng T5t0 Dally Piiot December l6. 23• creditors, end persons who State described as-la located. from MAL BtEBELBERG and rites of wages apptlcat>te tn K _... ---------30. t986. January 6, 1997 moy be olNrwlM lnlerested UM 2. Lot 7 of Tract 11693 0.led: 0.C-bof 2• 1-OODV BtEBELBERG. llUS• the county In wf!ICll IN WOtl! FtCTfTIOW.,...11 llB.lC NQIJCL_ I T5 t 1 In Ille will and/or .... ,. of .. recorded It\ Boot! 358. VOGT a MINMtl( Law band end wife ot petsonal .. 10 be done.,. thole ratoa T:-::io!~':.,-s!! •• e FICTITK>UIMl ... 11 ~~gtE~El Nl CHOlA S" ~~ .. Mi:~ ~.ur_:.:-:a';:.e =:,·,~ cs:c~= ~ •. o b/=1~1= K 21333 doing bullMH 81 Enc~• HAMI ITATIMINT P\lllfC MftJICE A petition llH l>Mfll11ed Records of Ora.nge County. h ,_ C lit I. merked Elll1b1t A-and Retattons eop..1 of IN FICllTIOUI .u..... Ha11 Fashions, 25571 The lollo-•ng persons.,., "" by RICHARD M ZIEGLER In C1Hf0tn1a ,.,. •c ' • "". WlltCh description. tit' Ill•• .1,ge "'".,.on lite 11 lfle NA• "9TA-ffMINT Merguetlte Parkway. Sta J. d<>tng bustneSS as· The Delta K·ala the Supetlor COUtA of Or· The street address ano :._ ~':~~T.:a Ir: refer~•. It made • pan Offl<le of the Chief of P181'1t The tollowlng ~ ... MtUIOn Vi.JO, CA Hett Group. 260 N~t Centerl lw.Me aUJJL ange County reques11ng that other common dftlgnatton p~ 'Or•nG'.· 6,.,1 hereof H lllougll Mt IOftll Operations.. F1a1~ De· domg tluSlne$$ as WARM· KlliemPllou<: Tran, 23991 Dr Suite 410, Newport NOTICI TO RICffARO ~GLe" be .'ff any.~~,..._~ Oli!Y-pn Doc ber18:2' !ulty_ i nd epec1flc~1~u-•I velopm4n!llC#!I~. INGTON-OXNARO TOWN Car~I Otlve. Et Toro. CA Beach CA 926&0 CMDfTOAI,,. •PPOtnled IS personal rep· .d esctt b•d above ,. 301 1118:' ..,, . . length "" .. ' Tiils-rriils-Slte1nspection..lllbeheld CeNTER, a t(>lnt lfentCJre 92630 '"*la Corporaoon. Cah-aUUC TllANlflfl 1esen1111ve 10 a<1m1n11ter the purported to be 26 Wiid· T$ 17 action II to be consum· Thurs Dec tll tO 00 AM 3090 Pullman Street Costa Lan Thi Ngo. 23991 forn11 corpcrer1on AND Of INTINTIOH estate of the decedent Ito•••. Irvine Calllornla mated on Docemt>et Jt, Fa1rvtew Developmental Mesa CA 92&26 Carmel Dr•ve. El Toro CA T111s bu11neu •s con· TO TRANIFER The pe1111on request• 927 14 19116 at Tu111n. Caltfom11 Ca01el Tne Ro~• P Warm· :630-µoq..iJauU-;ILJ!l~"''' autnonty 10 aomrr1111er tile Tlla undetlTgned OT•· pt8JC NOTIC( -Oatecf O'icam ar f ~ ....,._ CNef OI 1nglo'l Co i at1forn11 CO<· ThtS business II con· eo<ge A MouhOS c 11 .. 1 IEVPAGI LICENIE estate Under !he I~· ctet"'9 ~ HMHllly fof 8n\' 19Y816LLOW lllAftOr ---c. 0,.1•1 I •• --- po1at1on 3090 Pullman ducted Dy llusband andwile Eaecu11v1 0 n1eet NottCe tSi-et>yglventl'lat dent Adm•n1strat1on 01 E•· incorrectness of the street ITATl. .. NTM , ~...... Put>lttfled °'111'9' Cout Stree1 Costa Mesa CA . Klliem Pnouc Tran. lan TlllS statement was tiled a bulk transfer 01 P9'5onal lllH Act add_1ess and other commor AaANOOl-NT Of JJ0.1.--.C:~ • C....,.... Daily Pilot oec.tnt>er 9. 16 92626 Tllo Ngo with the County C•ll of Of. property and a tr ansftlf of A hearing on the pelltton de51gnatlon W ~ny. Shawl' UltCW ,ICTinOUI cor,eratleft, Ir: •et t986 RoC>et't P warmlOjjlOf'. Tlltt 11atemen1 was hied •no• Cout1ty on Oeoemt>et llquor license " about to bl w•ll be held on DECEMBER lletein IU ..... NAiii ~': Ila "'Ht•1RI, 3090.P.u!tman..SttML. Costa ,1.,111 lhe-County.Cletll ot Or· 2. 1986 .made-_ 3 l .1iff aL L 45 P_l\L S.Ald...satawiJUlemade.but Tlla lotlowln.g pec.M>ra .DMJ..A"-•Q .!It~ Mesa CA 92626 ange County on oec.mber ~7 Then.,_ Social Seeunt Dept No 3 at 700 C1Y1C without covenent Of -· naYe eb~IN uM of Ntery -....--...,---1-C·..,,.-T .. IC_E __ Tn1s business is con· 11 t986 Pub14Slled Orange Coaal 0, Federal T~ Number an~ Center D11ve West Santi ra11ty eapressOf lmphed. ra· 1ne Fictitious 8 ua1neu ACKNOWL EDGEMENT 1 r~ "" aucted by 101nt venture ,.-a Oa11y Pilot December 16, 23 maihn .address and' ZIP ll CA 92702 g11d1ng lolle PoSMUton oc Name CITRUS VENTURES. BY NORA L HURST. --------- It II• Robert p Warm-. PubllSlled Orange Coast 30 19116. January 6 1N7 Code ~umber oi the trans-IF vou 0 8JEC T to Ille encumbfences to pay the 21145 East Cout Highway I NOT ARV PUBLIC. STATE c:>on~0°' 1ng1on Co a C1hlo1n1e cor· Daily Pilot December l6, 23. T522•j feror are CALIFORNIA granting of tile petition, you •emetnlng pnnc1pll aum of Co<ona Oe1 Mar Calif0tn1a OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY IULK TRANIFIR po1a11on By Rob••• p 30 19116 January 6 19117 __________ ,COUNTY LINE, INC ' a should either appear .. Iha the lien NCU!ed by UKI ,...; 92625·2990 OF ORANGE 1' Sees 610t-6 t07 Warmington President T520 f>tel.IC NOTICE Teaas corp . •6t5 Barranca hearing and 11•1• your Ob· property, with interest t~e-The flC11h~s Bu1lne11 PubhShe<I Otange Coast I UC C) Tnos sttlemenl <o111as Ill Pafkway Intone CA jeetions or Ille wtltten ob1ec· on. IS provided In sa1c Name referred to •boY• w11 Diiiy Pilot Decemt>ef 16, I Notlee her b 1 Wtl ll the County •erk of Or· Pl&.IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI ..... Tiie names. SOCll l Secur· hons With the court before CC&R's. advan~. II any flied on 5120186 in lhe COUn·I 11186 c •Otto IS Of ~lly giv~hl~ enge County on Oec:emt>fl( NA.Im ITATIMIWT lty or Federai Tu Number. tile llelfln'Q Your appear· under. the terms of 58!C ty of 01ange F309867 ' T515 n~med r~tansfeto-: 1~~1 1 ~ 1986 K 29546 The tollowlng pel'tonl ere end maiht1g addr"' and ance mey be 1n person or by CC&R s. lees cllatget anc Stephen K Nicki, 1021 i nz11n FICTITK>Ul IU ... IS Cloing bu11ne11 ... CITRUS ZIP Code Number. of ,,,. your allorney •~penses oft he Trustee ano Westwood Lane. Redtanda, 1 PUBLIC NOTICE l~~~:r::•••· ~~:at;our' to ~ Pubhsheo Orange Coast NAME ITATl•NT VEN TURES. 2145 Ent transferee 818 46t5 BAR· If YOU ARE A CREOtl'OR ol lhe lruSIS created by H id CA 37373 he It ~ ~ opet Y Oa11v Pilot December 9 16, The following peraona are Coast Highway. CO#ona del RANCA PKWY . INC . 1 or a contingent Ctedita< 01 CC&R's . Wiiiiam C Ring. 292 t Set· NOnc. Of ~:•'l,i:;,e:S:~~ businesi 23 30 19116 dolng business 81 Jin'• Mar CA 92625·2990 Call! corp 46l5 Bairanca the CS.Ceased tou mutt Ille The total amounL of tllf Ung Sun Ottve C0ton1 Del •TaNOaD TRM!IWIR dd 1 11 ded T 504 Subrnarloie. 24 13 5 Fairvi.,_ Wilham C Ring, 2112 I Set-Perk way, ,,.;,1oie CA your clatm with Ille court Of unpaod balance of the obi•· Mar. CA 92625 UNDIR llCTIONI ~ran'~~Of~ ~rae '~;j~ E ----------Um• R Santi Ana. Cahl ltng Sun Dflve. COfon• de4 That tile personal prop· present 11 to the petlOnll gallon seoured by the PfOP· This buSlnelS wu con-MIPi AMO ltl?4 FOSTER and LA VERNE C f>tellC NOTICE 92704 MB• Calllorn11 92625 erly 10 be translerred ts de-rep1esen1a11ve appointed by erty to be sold and reason· ducted t>y a general P811net· C4UPORMA FOSTER 2112 w Ocaen- ---------Jin Sop P1rk, 5 10 N T 111~ bus•neu Is con· sctobed In general ., ma· the court within four months able est1m1ted ca.ts. ••· lhtp · IUtlNIN AMD 1 N9w e.ec C I( ~71 Pauhne Street •7. Anaheim Clucted by an •lld1v1du1t letllls, supptiff, mercllan. from the date of 11111 IS· penses and advances at the Tl'lft 1t11~t •• filed "'°'9alt0Ne COO. ,~:a por1 II, .,.. FICTITlOU19UIM.tl Calif 92805 W1thamC Ring drse. equi9fnenL1utnltura. suanceoftettersasprovlded Ume ofthe lnUlal~ttOr Jll.il~UheCovru>'.~"'kotOr· Name of 11een .... !It•' Tne~mC~ NAME STATEMENT Tllos business ,5 con· TNls stllement was filed l••tures. equipment. stock in In Section 700 of the ol Illa Notice ~le If ange Count)' Of! December SoGtal Secutlt'f ~.and 1 tfiici'ii~-- Th t011ow1n s are w1Ut Ula County Clerk W abUili'ieasturrent· Probate Code 111 Catltomir S·t '208-17 2. t986 addreu of . lice nsed 0 pc~lp~ ~:= = o•ng usiness as erfect 1nge n y ry known u u STI . lneroorngzi 01 tile intended iransferor , e 1,,,age Pl'IOtog1ap11ic. 1666 Tll•S s111emen1 was liled 2 19116 LINE RESTAURANT and II not C Ring -,.,.:__ ve Oita Newport Blvd Su1le ...;1c,:::3;:,3....,....,.-""'~"""·k.ci..k 0$-()f --8'96-rom. • .. .....,.., 2112 w Oceanfront, '"*·I··--c -•·f ..... . "Costa Mese CX 1126'27 -an~ County ~ OeGemt>e; QI b Io t'I , D 11 n R & Park-y trvtne CA togetllet lletflng notlee l bo'd CC&R S heretofore executec Oatty Piiot Docember 18, 23, port Beach Callf0tn1a. LA -· -or ..... ....5ou.lllwesL Matket1ng 4 10. 1986 Cr11tcti.r, Altomep al Law, wnn Ille. ionowino dffCllbecl vou MAY E>CAM•NE 111e and dell\lef'ed to tlle undet· 30. Jenuery &. tN6 VERNE c FOSTER, 2 t 12 w • .,:' .::Ollet business names soc1atu Lom11ed. CaJ1f0tnte ,,_, IOO New,.n C_._ Dr~ aloOhol•c beYerage tieenle file kept by the court IT)6U llQmRS .-wrmon Dediratlor 0Ib1 on, D II ft n a Ocffr'ltl'onT. Newport Baad'I. rnses uNd by 1tle corporauon 1666 Newport New'°"IMcll,CA.-ON SA LE G ENERAL are 1 peraon interested in of Default and Demand IOI Crutcti.f, HI '"•,ott C..t10tnla ltransfw°' wi111.1n the put Blvd Suite 133 Costa o::.~b~:~~,~~ 1~~~;'. Publlshed Orenge COHt LIQUOR LICENSE NO the ntate. you may _,,_ Sale and awritnenNotlceOI Centet Ottvo, .... ,.rt Name. Soctll Security thr~~ars ate,; bu Mesa CA 92627 , 30 1986 January 6. t987 Da1l'f P1to1 December 18. 23. 47.147902 now llsued fOf uJlO'I the t•ecutOf ~ adrn1n· Default and Elec:tlon to Sel 9eocfl. CA-numt>er. and addr-of 1n-eddrns ~ti! trensfertlnell Tllos business is con· T519 30 19116 January 6. 19117 U•d prern•AS. fOf premlMf 1strat0t or upon the •I· The under1tg~ cauMC T52t• !ended tranafereo. Including are p J 'S SPORT I~ Clucteel by a corpc1111on T523x located at 4815 BatraN:a toroey 101 tile eaec:utOf °' lllE~tl~tlGtoa ~~p-'10~ ~ Zip Code P J."S SPORTING GOODS INC S690 Averwdl Sout,,west Mar~et1Dg As· ..,,. ICE Parkway lrlllne CA eOm1n1streror. and Ille -Mlh -. ~· """ .,. ..... PlllJC NOTICE GOODS INC $690 Avenlda N · A el soc1a1es Limited Robert Pl&.IC nvT PlllltC NOTICE Tllet it1e totlt COfllld.,· the court With ptool of -· corded •n the county wtletf Navarro, .A,;tllOlm. Call· ,;~:ro nail ""· Cell· Searles Pres1aen1. ahon '°' •lie tranifer of aale vice, a written request •l•t· Ille reat ptoperty 11 tocated. ITATa a. fornla T This slllement was toled A 701179 H 21917 business and of uld ttcenw Ing that you Oellre epecial Dated Decemt>er 2. t986 CALIFOMIA Kind ol lklenM tntended to he property pert•nenl w1111111e Count-y Cle,.. ol Or FICTITIOUI MHMNlll IWOATANT NOncl Is the SYm of $85,000.00 tn· notice of Ille flllng of an tn. VOGT I MIMCK, Ln Dl,~NT Of be tran1ferred: RETAIL tlerto ''s desert~ in Qin· ange County on November NA.Ml ITATIMIWT IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN cludln inventory •timateCI ventory tnd apptalsernent of Cor,.rallen, · UH Vell ftAMI MD PACKAGE OFF SALE BEER era H Ioctl In rade, Fla· 26 1986 The IOllOWlng pereons are FORECLOSURE BECAUSE at $5 ~ 00 wtitcll cont1111 estate HMIS or of Ille petl· KenMft, lutto •, Mow· MCMATION ANO W INE L ICENSE ~res !Equipment and 1'327554 doing bull..-aa· Untied YOU ARE BEHIND IN YOUR oft~ lotiowing Ilona Of aQCOUntl mentioned ,ort leecfl, Cetlfernlt IM CL.lmllTI •20·00313 ~odwt 1 o f • certain Publoshea Orange Coast Donor Society of Orange PAYMENTS, IT MAY BE person a I C 11ec11 In Section 1200 end 1200 5 Of l2'eo (714) M .1-e.1 ., ITATW •ACM Total con11derat1on to be ,Ct OC£RY STORE WITH Oatl Ptlot December 9 16 .County, 11111 W KatOlla Av SOLD WITHOUT ANY $100000· Oomand Notl·IC lheCtllfornta Probate Coot DllRA M. LIWll, 110. FINCt(tQ paid fOf the t>vllnell tnd !BEER A~D WINE l,.ICENSE 23 ~O 1986 , 6223• Aneneirn, CA 9280' COURT ACTION. end you be' repl~ced •Ith c11t-lllcMef J. ......,, -!it· Pubhlhed Orange COH1 ORA.NOi COUNTY, ticenM Is S20.000 00 1 r'''nest and-IS" loclled 11 - _______ T_506_ 0,:~l~mcr.~ =;•,;:: ~~ may 111ve the legal right to through escrow $34,000.00" '""°' '°' ,._.....,_, -Dally Pilot Decembet t6, 23 CAt.•OMIA • Call! to be oepo.Jted In 1 :2 W Oceenfront: New· bring your account in good Demand Note to be rnwkec' •IMetttlt ti .. lte. 111. Rf¥· 30. t9116 MOTICI TO eterO'# $20.000 00. TOTAL 1:~,!:'11• California. The MUC NOTICE ~~~ t>uilneH 11 con· stending by paying all ot void et such time•• e.l1ti"' et.ade, CA tlto1 TSt E C°'""ACTORI 120,000 00 Hid tran:,me ur;-ci ~ •:: K ,..,7 ducted by an lndlVldual your PHI due paymenta plua emcumbrenc:e u been ••· PubU~ Orange Co11t Sealed bld1 .-ff! be ,.. The wfler• lhe~on •~Elll:fY'S-- I( petmJUed. coa .. ~•a-9ttmed ~~ Dally....PUoLC>ec:embel 9... W.. --f!ta1C1m1C(--~ of Ille 9f Of ,,,. tran1fer of I GROCER IE .. F1CTITIOUS ltllffllH'.--t--tihovmond ~ penaes wrtllln the time ...... escrO'# aild att cred1t0t1 '*'IC 16, t9116 • Department of Par111 and Ille bullnell and t"-lk:enM S S NA,,,_ STA .. ..-NT Th•• statement waa tiled ....... -Tw~"" --1 aod bull! tranaler •• 1n -"' ' .. ....., C "'· mltted by law for ra1n1tat• llaye filed Claim• in tllli .,.,,,, • ·-Recr11tton. Conatructlon Of tie~-11 lo be paid 11· tended 10 ....... con•.. 1.....; Tht> 10110...•ng persons are with the county lerk 01 vr· men• of your account. wlltcll escrow 111ve been ~Id tr 'ICT1110UI IUIMIN Section. 2422 Arden Wey. Action Eacrow, Inc , 800 jat 1 .. _ otro"" ~mma.., dnon9 Du5•~ss as Tego •nge County on No~ber 1s normally five bul•neA accordance with sactlor l'tllt.IC NOTICE NAiii ITATIMIWT Suite A· 1, Sacramento, Call· North T1.11tln Ave . Sutta G, Esc'R'"'ow ice, 01 ACTION Chem•e Service U S A 711 25 '9116 days proor to the date set tor 24074 ol the Buatneu anc The following penc>ns are lornta 95825, telephone Santi Ana. Callf0tnl1 on Of T sun A. NC · 8go 1 ~h ~;;1111 ~~~85~:•9;~;;• G3 Publlsnect Or.,;= tllesate olyour property No P ro fessio ns C o dt NOTICIOf doing bu9lnetl u : CAL· (9t8) 920·8821. uci to 200 alterJanuary5, 1917 S~nta An~en~fOf;:;.• 0r' p ,.__,. 6 23 sale dlle may be Mt untM $50 000 00. DllATM a. COM~CI( fQODS.-bOe fl.cM , Tundey, J~ 6. The partlea aereo that the 8 C ~ • • G')•O,c;hmidt Chemical Oaity •IOI .,...ember ..t ' ' three mon111a from the date Tll11 fl fiU been -.-c .IOllPM VWICINT W•1 Flrtt St,_., P.O. 8ox 19117. at wt)IGll time 8flCI contlderetlon lat the traM-J~.-. ou5 t1'1,.. on7 TOf ett.. Gorporaroon a Del••ar• 30 1986. Januery 6. 1917 -.· ....... _, • • ..... _ 265 S 1 "' c • .._. ..... .....,..., .._ of 1 ......... _......_ •-A -··-, .... hit bl* T524 1111s notlee of default •Hr• bet-llNO 1ran11er .. enc ~-.. • . tn • ""'· " place '·-• .... 1 be pu_, ,.. ,..., ---.,.., the transfer iS ..,..1 ..._... 1 co•po•atoon 9t4 Randolph corded (wlltCll Oita or re-said tren1fer0f tllet oon JOtlPM YWICINT 92702~2t5 opened and read '°' pet· tie«!• or lic:enMI 11 to be Catt! nl •~. tu..,_. 0 ~~:~ Hopewell Virginia IMD•fC ..,,.11rrr: cordet1on appears on 11111 sldera110n fOf the 1rantfer OI LUICMClllR Beetrlce/Hunt-Wenon, formtno the WOtll u lotto.a paid..,., the Department o4 mefcf.. ~=:, ;1i;· rnos Dusiness is con-r~ "" ~ no11c1 I Tiits 1mount 11 said business end of talc A.MD CW NliilOH Inc • Oelewere corporation. Furnlsfl en tebot, tne· Alcollolic S.-age Control Tile name ano add 04 ducted b~ 8 c0tpcration A ,_,71 19 ll03 77 H of Docembet 8. llCenM 11 to be paid onl) TO Ml•llftR 645 W. Vllencle OrM. Full-teri.ts. toots and equipment llu apptoved the prQC:IOMd 1111 ~reon with ':'om .,.,. ........ ___ 11 1Ne. and Wiii iner-untH after transtwr fin ~ ap. llTAft MO. A1... orton, CA 9~ ~to conetNct 5000 trantfer cleims mey be ..._.. ....... C Gotdsc11m1dt Chemical ,..,.. • • • ..,..,. --9\tf~Ol.tllt becomM cw,. pr~~ to .. belrl 111 ..... tlar CO. • LE o1 ~blQhMMS.3.10 LI Of ~"' of.JM TIOH Eee..0W ,._. ,. " . CorGM>t•IH>fl Eber~&-IMMl-ITA.,...Mf-rent You mey not h8'11 to 'ObOllc SeYorage eon1 .. o1 credlt0t1 end contingent ducted ~ a.c:OfPOf•tlon 72" Ngtt PV.C ooeaeo c:flaln oac:row hold•; AC TION TUST ·me~ Kos~a Presodet11 Tiie tollowfno pet~~· pay tile ~tire unpaid po1. pursuant to Sec 24073 et cre01t0t1, and S*.OO• who BHtrlce/Hunt·W•11on. llnli. ltnclng 11 SA~ ESCROW INC , 800 North SANT°T :~'lfA~~g:. ~ Tho~ s111emen1 was hied do<ng t>uslneU U ..,....n·, tion of your IClGOUnt -aeq nfsy be ot"'""" fnt9fftted Inc. P.M Ayen. V1ol Preti· CLEMENTE STATE IEACH. Tuttln AYe . Suite 0 , Santa 92705 • I wotn '""County Ctetk of Or-view Uotel, Hl1M Pac:tflC• tllOUgn fun payment w'11 ci.. Thet the Nraln delcfibec In the will lftd/Of ntll• of de(lt Orange Cowty. Callfornle. Ant. Calllornla 12705, and tile Int day fol T4116 Ml.IC NOTICE Pl&.tC HOTlCE T·S07 ange Ct1un1y on October JO Cost H•y. Huntington rnanded. t>ut yOU must pay lranafers.,. to be Con9Ufft JOSE PH v t N C ENT Thie 1t1tement wu hied complete fn8CC:Ordencewtth ATTN Marilyn Wtat· ~ e.::"'!!_Y~Y CfeditOf l996 Beach. CA'*' tile emount steted...aboV.!t. maied.Mlb)Kt 10 the lllicM CHAP£U.£ AKA JOSEPH wllll Ille County Clerk of Of. the plen• and 19Klfleatl0nl rnotetand wfllefl IJ ,-• 2• ,,., ,_.,1 Rambflal l.Jhbflai Patel. However. you and your provlMon1, at BURRO~ VINCENT LUl(INGER 1nge County on July 22. IMrefato and tUd'I Ndondt ROY I . 'OlftR1 LA bef0te theN Q bvtlthaa d9y Py tilished Orenge Co11t I 12 1 E Pacific Cost Hwy, beneftclary 0t mortg-O-rney ESCROW COMPANY. 1807 A petition has been llte<l 1986 tllefato • mey be lteueel YIRMI C. 'OITIR. T,_. date --meet :"9"bo ll'lmattor Daoty P1101 November 25, De-Long Bead!. CA toeoe mutuelly egr" tn Wl'ltlnQ A E l•ncotn Avenue, Or t>y Eamond Vincent In tile ,.,.. ptlot to t>ld opening O.te. ""' 0 ~ ..,. c:••nbef 2 9 16 19&6 lHrnlben AambNI PttOI. prtor totlletlmarllenottceol ange. CA 92985 on Of 9'tOI Sut>ettor Court of Orange Publletlad Orange Coelt Tile contract fM tlll1 pto-'·'·'I l'ORTIMG 1iie:••O. November 10. -~l T 488 t 12 t E Pac:ICflc Cost Hwy. ute 11 POiied (wttlotl mey January 7 tM7 County requHtlng I hat Dally Pttot July 29, August 5, ject it tubjoct to Slate con-QOOD9, IMC~ 1-Y: MAMCT ROY I 'OITIR • • ---------Long Belcil. A 90806 nott>e .. ttler tlla.ntheendof All o•'* bullneee '*"" Eamond Vt~I be •P· t2. 19, 1tee trector nondflcrlmlnallon POITIR, '"lllDIN"T, w... c ·,0 • .. f>OOLIC NOTICE Tritt bu1tne11 11 con· th• thrH~month period end ICldr ..... uMd ~ thf pointed H pettonll rep. Amended PublleatlOn 0.. end. compllanQe req11lr• T1•-..... ....,. · ITIR, T,_. ducted t>y l'lu1t>~d and wife 1tated 1bovel to. 1mong tr analeror1 wtthtr'I thrM reeontatMI to edmlntster the oembar te. 1tH men11 purtuant to Ocwem· ~ Orange coaat , ' , 1 1 , 0 " T 1M0 • .... L R. Patel, R. u. Peto! other ffllngs, (tf prO\llde Id-year• IHI P•ll. IO .., .... .,. of"" decedent T273x merit Code. Section '"'°· Deity Piiot• Docembef ''· ooOoa. IMC IY· MAMC l'ICTITIOUI .,..... Tllil """"'"' ... filed dl1ton11 time In wtltcll IO Cllr• known to tranefel .... .,. Th• petition reqUHll 4 jOb lhowlng, conducted .... 'OITIR, f: ·;.,..· y NA.Ml ITATW•NT with the County Ctent o4 Or· Ille default t>y ltan•fer of,,,. NONE autllOtlt'f 10 1C1m1n•1tet Ille "8.IC NOTICE t>y Mr ci., Pfllfllpe, .. be TSl4 ~tf'led ~--c Tne t0Uow1ng peraon1 era .enge County on NoYornber prQPef1yorOthetWIM;(21• Heme Ind eddrOM o "'''' under 11\9 lndepen-held on TllMdey. OecelnW Deity PilOt ~ber OM! 001t1g bus1neu 1i DAWN 25, 1988 . tebltsll 1 llCfleclule of pey. ~'ow hotdet: BU""°~ dent Admtnletr111on of EJ. K.. 30, 1MI In..,.... ~ "8.IC NOTICE teli 11 • -ENTEF<PRISES. 16845 Von ,mm ment1 In Ofder to°"',...,, ESCROW COMPANY, 1807 tatel Acl MOnCS °" trac:torl lflcMd "'"' ., "" 151.11 Coat h I and 2 A E UndOf'I A¥tnllt, Or A hMt TMllTll'8 IM.I tntrence to SM ()eMente ....,. 9'Am8TA~ F t e nit fo10w1nC1 pertOnl art u1111fue11. • 1oint the tlnle pertod ,..-r9c1 to In ~ bullneM • ~ venture acting as 0-111 the fltlf l*lll'IP' Of "* lnC. _. woet·Toc. 14200 Partner 161145 Von ic.wman not~. ""'9N ttte 011•11tton &.m.91C ... alMMICI ~ Or • Sutto I(, !Mne, Aven~ 1rv1ne, CA 92714 "8.IC NQTIC( ~ fOfecloMd 11C>Of1 Of """·-IC., ft: .., e c.11 92714 T1111 bus1ne11 11 con-...,.,.,. .men .. .,...,. ~:-.. rr. ...., ""'* tnc . 14200 CuNw ducted l>y • hm•ted partner· A 1W171 t>otweerl yOV llrMf ,_, Ct9dl-......, Ta•' • Or Suite K, ntne. Cellt llllp FtCTmOUI ..... tot perfl'llt1 a io., period, ied <>r.,.. Coet ~ Cllll'J)ClfetlOrt Oewn Ultral\Je4s. General MAim ITAW yo1111...,. Ofttt ftle ..... """ ~ ""°' Decelnbet 11 TN• b\ltlnoM le con· hn9* s., Uttratuota tn-The followlng l*80ftl .,. to ••op ftle.,.. of you!' Pf'OIP-, ... .,..... ~ • oorpor.tion COf'PO'•tecJ • jOIOt ""Mer. do.no buliMel .. ~ orty ~ _,.. "" .,,.. U•c ,_,_.lftc Gtcwte ....,. 8Y Jamoa P 0..01. v Pt fndUflr• tnc . IOI ._. emourit den'wldecl ~ ,_,, ________ _ ,,..._,,, ' CF 0 . $outtiern A¥tnllt, 0rertv9, t:Ndttor. n.. -...moM .. Mid TNI 1191emont ... flleO California tHM To llftd M IN amourtt.1--------.....,..-...__ #1191 IM °"'"'1 c;.,.. of Or· _. fM County Ctel'tc Of Of. L"'"9n s ..... Inc: • a C.-. yOV ,,_,.. ~. or to .,,..,.. • -.., ~on OotoMr JO • .,.. Collnty on Octow n . tornle COfPOtetton. I02 W• tot~ to.._ ttte..,... ll07a Of 1• ,,_ S<MlftWI\ A...,., Orenge. ~or• you!' 111t01*1Y II 9Unt Of ,_ ,_ Celtotnlentl6 ln~fet"!¥._ 111 ... dl. lluOhlloct Or.,.. c.-~ Ofange eo.t fhl1 OVllMN 11 con· rMIOn. ~: ~ ,llOC~ff,0. ~"°'NoWmt>erH.O. !Mt9dbr,toori»orall0n HOMI THlUPT AND ~°'Jt:"i'°" :t., I t lt ,_ ..,....., 2. t , ti , tNI Luman lelH, Inc , LOAN AMOCtATJONola't: ••At-• • · ' T491 T411 9otdetl Outten, '191 ca.Mt ~ '91 , nTA11• ... ,_ 8 MUC M>TICE -. -~,-----. ,, -·- 25CENTS AirCal pilot rennrts lane came within tif~t~~3:l6,' ... !~~~~~!'! incidtnt.'' AirCal spoknmH Bill Bell were at least 100 feeuway from each port. said the incident m._never ~1111-~~~;=~.:.=~::=:~~~~=~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~-•~ ---· -taid:-· · other horiZD1'1tlfly&IMf"eour40 feet poited o tower offiCaals mere. l 00 feet Ofjetl.Jier Carrying 69people • from San Jc>te and was about eipt "The Cessna WIS not climbina or . apart vertically, Park said. He 11id . miles northwest of John Wayne, divina, it was juat level ... Puk said. thole fia~res w~ul~ pr~bly cha nae "I looked tbrouah the lot Sunday when its pilot spotaed &he Caaoa l '1~ "Ai this time it's an unknown Cnana once the 1nvcst1phon 11 completed. and the~ was no report or it. My · ' in its path. 11id Russell .Park of the 172 w d • k information tells me the pilot filed FTOm1 ·~~~ca~r~ly~S~u~~:;=~y~a~f\crn~~oon~~·~.....,...~~~F~edeMl!~rattl~A~~~i1~twio~nHA~d~m'ltifin~·i~unfttb~·0t~n~.~---.... ........ · .... _erlo~n=~t ~n~o~w==-wh~o.::.....:.;wa.=;...1 ~nn~·~na-...:..:it~-="~A~ll~w~c~cal<WU.ln~s~o~b~yAa~tt~h~isutwim~c ....... "~'~hc.._~w~i"&b~Cll,..Qoa~1~&r-R,ACO~.aaodaerF44 . I he Jet, ~na 69 people. was or Where It Was}Ojna. ' · · pirot's estimate. M he said. ..,.nc a.t the El Toro M · Da .. fedc~l authori_tics are attemptina · forced to take evasive acuon as it flew "The pilot was abo'Ut to make a A wamina WIS issued by •'!· a· r .. lkll said M .pdsCn,ers-and a pew i;°'sai~ anM_ oase._ to identify the pilot of a sin&le-enaine over AnaMim near Disneyland, riaht tum and as ·he -started his li&ht ,,.me controller .}>efore the I: 19 p.m. off our were aboard the jct. w.hich can Maq said the planes were beyond pla~. that ClriJe> witlti.1i 100 feel of aut.horitren:aRtMo-nday. tum he saw a Cessna-type atrcraft. He near<ollision-, Puk said.· seat up·ro 8S people. th ·,, sd' t. r h .1 h wa coUidtftl-. wiffi •n AirCat jet as it · No injuries were reported in the took evasive action and pl'Oeeeded \O The AirCal pilot. wh<>K name was tay Maag. air traffic control tower Ai~~ to~~~n ° 1 ~.lo n ~~e approacned John Wayne Airport near-collision. John Wayne and landed Without withheld, repo_rttd that the two planes manager at the Orange County air-~.._ (Pleue .. AlllCRAn'/A2) I BJ TONY SAAVED~ _.,a...._ ....... A ciiiuns task force rcpon outlin- ina ways to remove predominately Latino cjay worken from Costa Mesa strttt comers was rc-prciented Mon- da)'1'C11h'e etty-eoo11cil. wh.rch voted .Council members stressed that the cit)'. was not..dcalinJ with the question · ·Sandlnletu daJm Amer I-of all~I immiarauon. but rather how . can Sam Hall wu carry-to-disperse the la~c· sroups of men Ing mapa of areaa near converging in pubhc areas. where a previously cap-Funhermore, Mayor Donn Hall tured American la being refused to allow testimony linking the _ ... _ .... ..,.,,.1 ........ -. :..L' .. 1 day workers to illegal immigrants and -•nnu ......,....__ lft cu~ker Gff..tn m~teoo . Hall chided critics who said the Sporta recommendations from thecity's day worker task forte would help un- -Georgetown transfer documen~ workcn, t('evfn""Ffoya la aet fortlrst -~Vie do not promote the hmna of illegal aliens... said thr irritated game with UC lrvlne./81 mayor. -Woodb d Ameng 1be--FecGmmeA4~10ff~~ Marina, rl ge, tbr establishment of a hirina haJI Untverstty remain un---wtrnrhphesttteftt1 ~an fmd work, beaten with Irvine Tour-strcucd the mayor. nament vtctorlea./81 Asked later how the city would ... ---• dctcnniM whc-t.hcr-a--wor-ker-is ltpl Entertainment · · The American BaJlet Theater deUvera a 1Hght1y ·cracked "Nutcracker'' at the Performing Arts Center./AI INDEX Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business 1a .. med mlci__ Entertainment "Qplnion Poll~elog Publlc notices Sports Television Weather A10 A3 B5-9 810-H A11 without violating civil nghts laws. Hall said the council was workina on a method. HoW!'veT. he was kttping the details .secret so as not to ''dillutr the plan." Cit)' officials are apparently chafing from the controversy surrounding the 12-mcmber task force. formed last May to deal with day workers using Lion's Park and other areas to rendezvous with potenual em- ployers. F~r dissenting members of the panel attacked the group's majority r«ommendations. presented to the council in November. Thr dissent in oursomc o ere an a ternat1ve re- ~at.~widd1ng-Costa Mesa of . he alternative repon. written b) d~ssc-O!er P.at Dolan. was labt'led by thttouncil as "racist." On Mo nday. Dolan was told by Hall 10 leave the mk rophone after alleging the task force was promoting illegal immigra· tion. Hall a nan I} called for dissenters to (Ple.ue tee REPORT I A2) Striking drivers for~~hris~mas, hope for support Striking bu·s drivers staff the picket lines six hours per day. three days per week for strike pay from the union of about $200 per month. Thr stipend doesn't ~in to match ~ular. waJris that top SI 3 per h~r foe 1e 11ror 'IC' s. Many of tht 732 drivers in the United Transportation Union No. 19 and their families will delay -or forso -Christmas. They're busy worry ins ab6ut mort- aaan. rent payments and other bills. Nevertheless. nine days into the strike •aainst the Oranae County Transit District. union memben remain committed to winnina con. ccssiol)s in stalled contract ncgo-. tiations. Grqg McElmttl. 31. has t*n driving for the district nearly ntne )cars. The Sa n Clemente resident was just mam in o . c a is wife moved into a new home. They had purchased fll()St of the Christmas prcstnts on their list. Not surpris- ina!Y· money is shon. ''My paycncc\ controls our funds. so we had to make a lot of cuts ~I fast," McElmcel 11id. "We took all of the Christmas presents back." Karen Briley, 24, said simply. "What Christmasr' Pick of the foreet Burglars steal· file on~Irania:n ·s: Mmstlealiags- 'Fhievesktlew what they \Vere1ookJngfor. noffi ng e se misSin CU PERTINO. Calif. (AP) -The ·office of a lawyer for a businessman linked-to .scQ"Ct~rms deals witb Iran was b\.IJ:llarized over the weekend. of weapons and nuclear devices" was ··stolen. officials said Monday. . The file on Albert Hakim was taken in the "break-in of the office of his· attorney. Horace E. Dunbar Jr,, on Saturday nigh . Dunbar told in· vcstigators. - The burglars removed the Hakim file and '.escaped bt'forc dcpuucs amv . minutes after" a sifcnt alarm was triggered, said Lt. T.K. Davis of the ~nta Clara County Way spokeswoman. R•an to teetlfy. A8. $henffs dcpanmcnt. Davis .said the files werce listed 1 nu mcricall y in gyen ca hi nets.. bu 11hc 21h-inch-th1ck one. that was stolen also bore Haki~ name. ··we feel thal whomever did the r after and went specifically after this file ." he said. ''The office was alarmed. Again. whomever did 1t went in. got that file ana ldt:-Tll«c was no ransackmg whatsoc.vcr. ''Accordine to Mr. Dunbar ... the file dtd conuun information concern- ing the sale of arms to Korea and possibl y from Korea to Iran:· said Davis. who added he had no lunfier -_;;;ii• information tcgardm&. th~ reactors (Pleue eee BURGLAJlS/ A2) throuehout the count)' slackened donations 10 Unjted Wa y. Trest said About 70 percent of the contribu· 11ons to L1n1ted Way come from pa' roll deductions from employees ofboth private and public companies. l\nother 27 pcrc-ent origmates wilh corporate sponsorsh ips while 3 per- cent co mes from special gifts from tht' communtt)-Trest said. Trest said the chapter"s board of 7 30 a m. Thursda~. The reduction "'111 afTcct L'nited wa, ·s donations in the fil"it half of the organizat1on·s ne11.t fhcal H'ar -Jan l. 1981 to June 30. 1987 . Gloria llauoa, 2,,., of Corona del llar didn't ba•e to anowaboe Into tbe wooda for ber Clut.tmu tree, bat ahe'• keeplnC tbe tradidon alln ala 1980e u abe cllaplaya ber cbolce at Lloycle Manery In eo.ta 11 .. on Monday. And in the last· si x )Cars. L nited W a.) .s_pend1ng in the count} spiraled from $7.~ million to S 13. 7 m1lhon. a 12 percent annual increase. "This was the ·fastest growing nited Wa" until 1985,'" Trest said. But rece.nt restructuring. la>ofTs and mergers in pnva1e business L'nned Wa~ of Orange Count) made its fi rst cutback last summer when 1t reduced its donations b) 211-i (Pleue eee ~D/A2) Focus o ~ lHl NH\S SinJIC and living with a roommate io-Mission Viejo. Briley said she'll have lo start lookina for a part-time JOb this week. "I have a litllc in the bank. but it won't last much longer." she said. But families and mends u · s n nvcrs p 1camertt and don't expect 'lifts-this year. said Ernest Hooper of Tustin. "They un'Ckrstand and accept.·· said Hooper. 31 . "We're out hcrt for a cause. We're all aoina to suffer." Those sentiments were eitprcssed over and over by the strikina_ drivers as they stood auard at six OCTD sites in thr county. (Pl ...... 91'1U1Wf0/ A2) Chairman says di~trict w-ill begin hiring permanent: non-union drivers Dec. 22 them . he al\o ..aid Local 19 attorney Jim Evans "''" seek a temporar) re-training order to stop the d1stnct's action "It's 1llegal to lire an employee 1A.ho"!> on stnke." mith said. "We By PA UL ARCHIPLEV Gro~e. ha'c the nght to concened activ1t1es. °' ... ....,,........ D1stnc1 officials said letters "'ould and a stnkc 1s a concenC'd acti ity. be sent . out ~1onda~ to the 7,n _...:.:;'J:.tMi",..:..l'f"--rl-1'"""11"t"'"1mnFft'l17mlini:;-"-Orangc County Transit D1stnc1 stnlungdii\os detatlifiiOt!li!ptal\. .. . · . ion Chai~rk--tetd-MOl\<Ji) Dist net spokeswoman Claudia tactic lhe\" ceri lhi'nk of. SO tar It l\as t e 1strict would bctin replacing Keith said the Nauonal Labor Rela-workcd on 10 emplo}ces. (Ten dm· striking bus drivers who don-'t return uons <\ct permits th(' action b«ause er ha'-e crossed -t.he pit'ket hon to to work with ptrmanent non-union the dlSlnct J.sn't linng the dn"ers _ return to their JObs.) drivers starting Dec. 22. · tt's merel) replacmg them. -No\\ 11T{·y·l't' r~-somng ro The "Is there any doubt in anybod} ·s However. NLRA reaula11ons also chairman oft he board." Smith said ot mind they're trying to break the sa} permanent replacements can't be the retmng 4th Distnct supervisor union?" asked Julienc Smith. general bumped when sinking drivers return. "Clark's being permanrntfy rc· cha irwoman of the United Transpor· "It's just a screwball way of sayrng placcd. Ma)be he wants to take talion Union. )Ou're fired." Smith countered. e"ci)bod\ with him." Clark's announcement followed an he s~ud the district and union use Keith in isted the act1o'l didn't OCTD board meeting in Garden ... NLRB guidelines but aren 't ruled b) (Pleue Me O.ISTIUCT/A2) Gtr-l,8, fights off kidnapper ~~~-vcrntt-fttcd-h~~~~~-on-'Wal "f"=--~--;.:,~P;.HIL;;;;~IN:;;;E;l~D;.EllMAN;;:~;----~-;Su:pe:;n~·o;rrc~o:u~n~l;n~WVie~s;,fm;i;in~s1'te;r.__:~~c~o~ll~«Mt;;;.~,nnllt;;-y;:;rr1c~a~sc~.1J;:nc~:-"llfirni1m~tmmt. oe • ...,....... Kraft has bttn charted with slayina ecutors are objcctina to that proposal. .Kraft's dcfonsc 1s bcina paid fo r b · r 16 mm and boys in Oranac County , . On Monday afternoon. Deputy the coun1 y. but C;ardenas has ordered Attorneys for accuKd serial killer bt'tWttn 1972 lnd 1983. and pro~ On Monday moro1na. . post-. District Attorney James Cloninger 1TCord of thrse expenditures to Randy Steven Kraft appeared in two ccu&ors have 1mplicatcd him in 21 ponemcnt •rtu.,ents . bepl! an ~he arpcd in rourt that ~a~nas may remain scaled -oilntrc ounty counroomt Monday, otfttr killinp. Santa Ana courtroom of Supmor -not bl' the appropnatc Judac to · · taunchint their bid to postpone Kraft's attome>S Sil' they nttd Court Judte James Turner. But prnadc: over new arwumeots for a • Cardenas commented Monda) on Kraft's t(lal for up to one more year. mott lime because of the complexity Tu~r referred l~e 1:fllltet to S~-postponement. the sensitive na'lure of the Kraft ca~ K!ft~, =~ha~~ .:r"~'lJ=! or these. cases and the man of ~nor ~ourt Judac luas Cardenas in C1on1nttr said that ~view should ~nd. ~·~.he Could m~ke no "hast) time to build their dehte lintt the paperwork and evidence that must be tstm1nster. bl' handled by the JUd~ who wlll • ttihon od loninac:r s request that rev~. Last May. Ca • 1 15 ~ .. nt_.. a preside ovrr the Kraft trial itself. anot er JU &r rt\ iew the post-rormtr computer copnsuhant WIS rocn .. • ~ ponement arauments. armttd in May 1913. They are also scekin1 s~ in the 1tvcn-month trial delay to Kraft. At Cardenas 11 not c11.pected to bl' that Cardcrias said deliberations on the The lqal debltc resumes WednH-Oranac County Sheriffs Department that time. relatives of victims in tht Judac because of his couna~poi nted matter would resume Wednesda> day mornina In Ora.,.e County Crime Lab to anal)'l_;_t' materials catt joined Pf(>9CC'uton in protesting role in rrvitwina t'xpendnutt re· momina. • ... ' .\ Capi~trano Beach girl fought oft' a v.ould~be k1dnapcr Monda) as she walked home from school at lunch· lime. lav. cnf~men• offklalt taid. Tht' :ycar-otcf 11rt. whose Identity was not rekattd. v.-alktd by tht u pcct at about 12:20 p.m. on htr way home for lunch. he told 1nvnt1ptors he was \tandina beside his car and ~•end· (Ph1• .. OlllL/ A.I) • • - . ~C.ar.negie Hall com~S alive ~after 7-month restoration NEW YORK (1'P)-The music of violin vinuoso who led a "rive that pianist ·Vladimir Horowi~who be~ Horowiu ~-Sina~ t~c _sncd.)he balLfram ..dauuction 16-.Came-lbe--ncw..ball~rU111010ist: a Clinol'ham~andsaws.asCarneaie yean.qo. . . . . • . Leonard Bernstein conductina the Hall. whost ncll, warm sound has .. Its the place where all per-New York Philfiarmonlc in his own .i ftSP.i red mu~ i c i ans from formancu~n<tards for America have compositiOI\ written (orthe occasion. Tdtailtovsky to the Beatles, reopened been set since 1891 ," added Stern, "OpeninaPrayer:" Monda).' nitht after a seven-month p~dtnt of Carneaie Hall. "6very- ---~llon._,. _ • • 1>0CSy!J_wb,Q.'J_bcc.1L.M~ lb.tr MadJioers ·nd~ Frank •. ""AlfOT this wu ne for the arctt mark. It's pert of th~ history.-it's in Sinaua with the Peter Duchan · Or- ..:..;__AlllLwbo are...for1bc pal ona...who 1bes'e walls You tan feel it •• cbcsua, S~-«llilL:Yo-..Yo _M are mmina. and· for the steal ones The night bepn with two surprises: mezzo-soprano Marilyn Home and ---.llll'.llU will.come.'.:..said11uc..Slern,_.the a brief. unK!te®led ~rformancc by soprano· Benita Valente. . ~ . --.. . ·----:-- BUilGLARSSTEALARMS SALES FILE ..... ·~--'Pram . suPOOSedly ·~scribed in the .file. and really has nothina to do with the mcnt about 2~ minutes ater ·and Hakim. · nian-bom busi-current notoriety of Mr. Hakim " reponed thllt the file was missing. --.. nnsman. h · n linked · to ·the Davis said. · ~ . "He was a bit reluctant to talk federal., ov~rnment's ·~ret1 Dunbar · rclea about the files for two ·reasons," Davis said. ·:rherc's the · attorney-·.· w~s fun,neled to rebellion .forces. In this office .was client rclahonsh1p .and . e 1ze Nicaragua. ; ' • .breken into on thcev-cnint-0Ulec. 13 _!hat . the ,,press .would · be very Hakim's business partner. retii;.ed 'nd that som,e files arc missing. I will mtDerestbaed. • 1 -. ·1 -.. -11 . ed Air. -Force-. Maj._Gcn.. _.Richard V. make no further statement and take un r a so . n1ua Y . ~port · Secord. is under criminal investiga-no questions." . some computer diskettes ~1ssmg. but- tion in connection with two Swiss Davis said the buralars-jimmied a those later. were. loc.atcd m .ano~hcr bank accounts that ma~ have been glas~ door in an cncjogc:Lwalkwa.y. draw.er.J?r mvcst•l!lt<?rs Davis sa1 -..,.......-~used:-:tn--the:'-•ran 'ilivcn•oo sehetn~. -,rre-Tf11rtei:t ~· nTwOoden door· f1iat __ :Thc.,llC1i~Wlh -b FBI Justice Dcpanment and Swiss of-led h f D ba d call~ m.tohelp~tt l;hec~se. ut . . to t e o ices o un ran two officials art Washington said they were fic1als ~ave said. . . other attorneys. Th~ wooden door set only monitoring the shcriff s depan-. ---....ua1c,!m.-who-hvcs ITT nearby-_to off-the-alamt;-hHSid.--:---ment mvcSligafiOiranasrtll ron-- Gatos m the southern San Francisco When deputies arrived, Davis said, sidered it a local matter. _ Bay ar~a. has n~t commented on t~e there was no sign .of anyone around. Davis said fingerp.·rints found on all~t1ons. tf 1s home number is Deputies wallted throu&Ji the office the cabinet were being compared to u~hsted and there was no answer. at with Dunbar when he arrived a few prints of people who work in the h1s..company. St;inford Technologies minutes later. btt-t the attorney didn't office on Monday night. Corp .• on Monday. notice anything missing. the lieuten-"Right now. we do not have any "Mr. Dunbar told us that this case ant said.. suspects." Davis said. "However, we that wautole.n-was-2.!h~rs old He said Dunbar caUcd t~ ~n~&Y.Cnues." . - .--.AIRCRAFT NEARLY HIT OYEllCOUN'f..Y ••• From Al .. 1'.he AirCal. pi.lot bad yet. to ~e a ·Radar ApproachTontro.4 said.Park. of lhe SI. ·n&le~~ plane was in +---11.QK;u;uu.-a::q:rw::L-«lD--Ul1C-..UU:1.QAC.JU~1¥-·~-PeJtl-Wd tlie airline was tryingAO.-eontacl.-witb..an~trol-towei.-- Monday afte.moon and airline o -IOClte \M pllot roday to complete a Maag said the radio report on the ficials w.ere not available for com-forfl'!JI repon. . . incident to a control tower other than .me.nt. _ . l.t 1s not known whe(her the JCt pilot the one· an·airpla~ lands at is not All information on the near mid-air was able to sec the identification considered unusual. as pilots can -crash wasfrom-rhe-pilot-'s radio.~rt numbers on-the Cessna .• Also, it has · reporrlfear-collisions whertver they C st TRACON r Terminal ot been made clear whether the ilot i. w· . · --;c=- u.,s~ Tempe .....-on ...... 1 .. ....._ ..... ,,,.,._, "-City P'romAl Ola Colbert of Huntington Beach said stle Cc.els it's her duty_!Q be on the li!"es: even th.ough igr:iPri.ng Mondax's. work oul'to the private sector, to hire more part-time drivers and to revise policy on absences. . - TODAY flfll low 1:1t a.ltl '1tt1 111Q11 UO L iii '-'6 IOW -l:O-p.m. ~Pile" 10:UJ1.m ....... , !Jlnllow t~t I Im, ~Nol> ISOLm s.concJ low 4 n p m 9-lc!Neh 1111 p.m. • 25 1.1 ·U 35 u 1.0 ..o.s 35 ti tteM i<MMy .. l lA 1lii:lftd._-' et4;4$p,m. . • .._,,._._et4:Mp.,,.,end .... ......,,_ .. ?:at ...... and drive safely."· 'I" Striking drivers don't believe pass- eniers ~ill t)C if?te ~o cfepe~d on n~w hirin1 permanent replacements for elimination of medical and dental threat to replace them. the strikinJ drivers could rtlean the benefits when career employees re- REPOR. TONDAY.....,ORKERSPRESE.V"'ED lossofher1ob. . t're They say the district will put ~W-A -&c • • • E°'Olbttt said -she is IUC'kicr fhan ~~round ymn-f70s is when you newcomw._throuah a crash trajniog From Al many drivers. Her husband is work-rcall ystan needingme<jical benefits," prog'lm to get more l>u5esback onto move off the immigration issue, and ... we have to aeal with it and call 1t whether they are illegal or legal," ina, so theyllavc al Least one steady said Ernest Hooper. "If you've been the streets. • complained that ··newspapers keep what it is.'.' said Readdy. "These day Hornbuckle said. "It doesn't matter if income·to suppon a child in coUeae with the company 25 years. you really "Pretty soon they'll be just like the bringing illegals into"(the day worker workcri. or whatever .YQ~_,wantto call they are purpk .... blag_gr whatever. and another in high school. don't want_ a _pla_ID!~ to .Qul on the RTDJ.i.!I L..oLA.ngr:lc.t Counl)'1:_said -dikmma-)?-- - ---!hem ,wlllDCin your ne1gli60rbood T he problem is people are congregat-evenHCless, Sinta Claus won't be wall. Mark. a fo rmer RTDdriver. "A lot of Another dissenting task force pretty soon." • ing." generous this year. In fact. some employees think the accidents." member. Ava Readdy. replied that Residents testified that people are Hornbuckle and Councilman Or-"I don't know what we're going to district doesn't care much for their And while violence has been 1 ~. - I ' .4 the prol>lem .was the same. whatever moving from · areas of southwest viile Amburgey were appointed to do about Christmas." she said. ··1 welfare at all. avoided 50 far. d~ivers don't know if ----the euphemism.---{:osta MecSa-hccause of the influx of work with ciJy staff on selecting which haven't even looked at 1l Christmas 'Td just like to ~et more respect that wiU last. _ . .i .. We can call them day workers: we "'day workers." of the task force recommendations tree. from the company.· McElmeel said. f can call them illegal aliens: we can call ··1 grew~ in this town. I've seen wrn be used. Hornbuckle said th "My kids know we don't _have an)' "Wc_dri.\'..e_iG.000 miles a)'Ca!andge.t "We hax.rnlhad iL)'.d._.bULthat.'.s.-.--.--i1renrw~rym:rwanrrocatr·-· ~e-m--se-c=n~1•-cretenorate an -it's gomg to get Tina proposa s w1 brought-bcic._k~-m-o-n-ey:ln going to ard. but we'll a little·patch. not saying it won't happen." Hooper 1 worse unless we put a stop to it.'' later to the.fµll council. make it somehow." · 'T ve had 811! years of perfect. safe said. Readdy said: She said-some-of the-fec~men-.Rank andJlle..memberurusuheir_ drilt.i.ng -<1nd-I don'weel-1-gct--much "Thi5 -tS-JU5t a couple--of ~ -1 -one count"i'I mnnberattribttted-H\e--datiOl\$-are more acceptable than leaders. and agree the district seems credit for it... · down the road. When people really 1 Q JRL problem to "mass hysteria" created others. Proposals for police ro patrol bent on destroying the union. Mark. a striking driver who declin· have their backs against the wall. with From Al • • • b} the federal Immigration and the area on foot. and forthe city to use They fee~ the public-is-misinformed ed.10 _give _ his last name. said he the bill collectors knockini on their Na\uralizatism Service as well as the its newsletter to reach da workers about the issues. yet they need the expected to be l61d-what-to do when doors. it cauld.Ji;wpen. ingTo10ufcanraSlf-somcT1th..-c1-;;;n.,...gwe=r"'e_...m--.-e'"Td'""1a"". ~A=n""o""th'"'e.;..r=c-=-o'-u-'-n~c;,i 1=m=-e-m-=Tbe-'r=-"sa~id'T-· ..:..;w.;o;11"'1 =...;.p""r""o'r"ianl.-y=-~be=""1-'m""'p=+-e-'-m:..:e:.:.n.:.::te.::.;dT".'--=p'""u'"l~1c"''""s--...-su1'lR51'DO-Ptessure ttn--1t? was in1he-Marin~ut-HFthc.-~ ........... ~-. -d--. wrong with the vehicle. said Orange the illegal immigrant battle should be Hornbuckle said. district. civilian sector, he thinks both sides f!lu.1..w.•~1·11v.,.. ,..,t "'oe~s~nHt,...C""O"'m..,e--·- CountvSheriff's Lt. Russ£1sne.r. fouJht at the U.S. border and not in Needing more study .arc sugges~ McElmeel. who manned ._pic~et shou!d be.able to agree 9 n working to that'. he said. As she passed b} he grabbed her tndividual Cities. tions to move the WDrkers to a more lines fi ve years ago when the union conditions. Most would prefer to be back on the and tried to force her into the car. Couacilwoman Mary Hornbuckle. desirable location; use the Orange last walk~d out. said the issues arc "In the 60s and iOs they nego· road anyway. The .&irl began 'elling. kiclcing and who moderated the task force. e,,;-County Human Relations Com-diffe~cnt -and more important -11ated.'' he said. "In the 80s it's bust "I just \tlsh it wou.ld ~ct over with." biting the assailant. He kt her go and platned later that Costa Mesa docs mission as a go-between for the city; this time. that mug. be a Rambo." said Ola Colbe°rt. "Id like to go back fled in the vehicle. not have the legal authority to enforce and use video tapes to educate the "I've had so many people ask me Drivers believe they have the to work. A countywide alert was broadcast federal immigration laws. workers. according to Hornbuckle. how i:n.uch money we're asking for," public's support despite its confusion "I reall} feel sorry for the elderly for the suspect who remained at large However. the. council can try to Other recommendations are he said. "It's not for money. h's for over the issues. during aH this. The sc.nior citizens Monda~ night, Elsnt'r said. move the more than 50 wor.kers wh0-promoting cultural awareness; using job security. _ "Mostly,_All of my passengers can't get an)'\\'.here. And there's no The suspect was described as a gather at a southside park as well as in churches and social groups to build "If we were . o sign now we support me." Hooper said. He sees transponation for the handicapped. white male. about 33 years old. 5 feet front ofa hamburger stand waiting for relations between the mainstream wouldn't have a JOb in 31h years (the man>' of them regularly on the street. "What we really need is the public's 5 inches tall. weighing 180 pounds work. she said. . communit} and the day workers: and proposed length of the contract). waiting for rides -but not on the suppon. They should write letters. with shon whtte hair. He was dnvmg "I don·t know that there's anv real using the Spanish media to spread They'll subcontract out to the private limited OCTD buses. call the district." a late model red sports car. question in anybody·s mind as to information on city laws. sector and replace us with pan-time "A lot of my (>!lSSCngers won't even In the meanti me. strikers vow l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~nf.viei~i·F"~~~~ • - _ ~de ~e~~silthey~nav~~~·· theflluand~t~iruni~n .. -t er union mcm15er5agree wages FfoQ.per said. "Unce yointart dnv1ng "The)"Yt"lrying to bun-our umorr~" ••• mean stnking dn,·ers werr being fired. She sa1d the s-tatu~f strikinjt drivers who returned afterthc Dec. 2~ deadline would depend on three factors: how manv come back. ho"' . man~ permaneJlt replacements havt' been hlre.d and seniorit). She said the district wants its uni on dri ,·ers back on the job. "We want them to come back to work. We would appreciate 11 1f the~ -would.'' Keith said. Both sides said no more talk!. arc scheduled---~-- ··The mediator called and asked 1f1t would be producti' e for him to come· back. and-both sides ~id no:· Smith said. The mediator failed to hnng the union and district am cloo;cr tn an agreement during talks last weekend. Kt>ith ~id thC' -only~ontract ttre· district would agree to .. would contain 11 s fi na I offer. "The district has an obligation to the public.lo tffflaxpa)-:Crs.~~she said. In the meantime. the district will rnnttnue to offer limited service during the week on 13 of its 53 routes. Keith said. .\s more dri,ers-return -or are replaced -the district will increase CIW:c on th ose I J m_llor routes before reopening other routes. The strike began Dec. 8 and manded a rrdcrship of 112,000 customers per day. With its limited service. the district is ferrying less than :!5.000 per day. · UNITED WAY TO MAK-EC-UTBACK-S~ •• :rOID-Al----- percent forthe period of Jul y I to Dec. 31. . United Wa\ di!>tnbutes funds to H3 o:pniz.ations in-Orange-Coun1y. including the American Red Cross, ·Chitdrcns Hospital· of Orange Coun- ty. Goodwill Industries. Family Ser- vice of Orange Cuonty and Doyle Mcintosh Center for the handi- capped. "The agencies have all beeti alerted ~~~~E lllllJ Plat MAIN °''ICI ·330 Wnl Ba., St C~ll "'"~' CA ...... .00•-Bi>• 1560 Cctte Mesa C.t, 92626 and they've all been suppor1 ive:· Trest said. Many United Way chapters have recently tnrd to make-spending cuts-. sonre of which have been far more severe than the 21/1 percent thts- chaptcr has already faced. Trest said. The Dallas/Houston chapter, for instance. reigned in spending by 30 percent. The national organization was . founded 99 years ago m Denver. The first United Way in Orange County opened 64 years-ago. Two )'e.acs ago.lhtlocal chapter aao was co nsolidated into one organiza- tion. At one time there had been 16 throughout the county. Forty-fi ve staff members work for the l~al orpnization along with 2.000 volunteers. who decide what groups will receive varying amounts offunding. Trest said. Cine.led •di ll42·5fl711 1>ue111n1 6 tt0<t0<1e1. 642·•3? t ~.,,.~rooay If you 00 'IOI l\I Vt your ~oe· Dy S lO D m c•~ oe!0te 7 o m •"<I· YOVI C°'1'/ """' De ~''° ~f!lt "4!•e·r mty De •.O•g(Ju(.ltd "'''"OVI tDeMI .,., ,,.ttOn ot cooy•!Q"I o .. ~.- s.cono creu sXi.11g41 oe., 1• Cott• ,,..., C'ifi!O<"•• (Ul>S 144-9001 5'1111C• Pl'°" b'f cerr.., SS 26 peo -IC<! Oy me• SJ 00 mon1111p . VOL 71,NO •• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number above and your meuqe will be recorded, trantcribed and de- livered to the appropriate editor. The sarrie 24-hour answerina servic~ may be wsed to lftOl'd letten to ~itor on any topie. Contributon to ou( U.ten column must include their name and teJephone number for verification. Tells us what•s on your mind. 'I Se•u<O.y eno Sunday If you oo no1 '~' 'fOVI cOi>y oy 7 • m et• Delore 10 I m 11\0 yQUf COO)' Mii oe~.o Clrouf1tton t111~ · • · · ngers they_ said Br·~· "We've Qt to stick - come to depend on you to be on time toget er . Tlie .posH·· Gift Guide Tweed 'sport cqat . woven .of a featherweight . mrtand woo . A perfect Gift idea. Offered in a multitude of shades. Per/ id for the cool weather ahead. 9- ft ' I