HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_Taormina Mixed-Use Coastal Development Permit_PA2017-21703/13/2018 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT July 12, 2018 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: Taormina Mixed-Use (PA2017-217) Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-094 SITE LOCATION: 424 31st Street APPLICANT: Ball Architecture OWNER: Vincent C. Taormina PLANNER: Liz Westmoreland, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3234, lwestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING General Plan: MU-H4 (Mixed-Use Horizontal) Zoning District: MU-CV/15th St (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th St) Coastal Land Use Category: MU-H (Mixed Used Horizontal) Coastal Zoning District: MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th Street) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit (CDP) to demolish an existing single-story office building and construct a three-story, mixed-use development. The proposed structure includes a 745-square-foot commercial space at the ground floor and a 2,378-square-foot, single- family residential dwelling on the second and third floors. The development also includes a 400-square-foot, two-car tandem garage for the residential use and three uncovered parking spaces for the commercial use. The project includes hardscape, landscape, and subsurface drainage facilities. The design complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-094 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Taormina Mixed-Use Zoning Administrator, July 12, 2018 Page 2 Tmplt: 04/03/18 BACKGROUND The Zoning Administrator approved Minor Site Development Review No. SD2016-008 on December 15, 2016, for the project, subject to conditions of approval. Subsequent to the approval of the Minor Site Development Review, the City received permit authority for the issuance of coastal development permits. As a result, the applicant applied for this CDP with the City to allow demolition of the existing office building and construction of a new mixed-use development within the coastal zone. Additional conditions of approval for the CDP are contained within the attached draft resolution. DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards  The property is located in the MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th Street) Coastal Zoning District, which provides for mixed-use development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code.  The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a single-story office building. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one- and two-story, commercial and mixed-use structures. There are several structures in the immediate area that are similar in height at two-stories. Additionally, the Cannery Lofts development consisting of three-story mixed-use buildings is located near the project to the southeast. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development in the Cannery Village area.  The project design includes second- and third-floor decks, which serve to set back the second- and third-floor living areas from the street. These features serve to remove some of the massing, keeping the project at a pedestrian scale, which will helps maintain compatibility with the neighborhood.  The project has been designed such that it will be compatible with the scale of expected future development.  The proposed mixed-use development and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. 2 Taormina Mixed-Use Zoning Administrator, July 12, 2018 Page 3 Tmplt: 04/03/18 Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Requirement Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front 0 feet 0 feet Sides 0 feet 0 feet Rear 10 feet 10 feet Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Nonresidential 696 square feet (min) (0.25 FAR) 1,392.9 square feet (max) (0.5 FAR) 745 square feet (0.27 FAR) Residential 2,785.8 square feet (max.) (1.0 FAR) 2,778 square feet (1.0 FAR) Open Space (min.) Common 75 square feet per unit 108 square feet Private 5% of gross area for each unit (139 SF) 1,191 square feet Parking (min.) Residential 2-car garage 2-car garage Commercial 1/250 of gross commercial floor area (3 spaces) 3 spaces Height (max.) Flat roof/railing 26 feet ~22.5 feet Sloped roof 31 feet 31 feet Hazards  The development is located on an inland property in a developed area more than 500 feet from the bay. The project site is separated from the bay (the nearest body of water) by Villa Way, Lafayette Avenue, and a few blocks of mainly mixed use and commercial uses. The finished floor elevation of the first floor for the proposed structure is 9.00 feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures. The identified distances from the coastal hazards areas coupled with the 9.00-foot (NAVD88) finish floor elevation, will help to ensure the project is reasonably safe for the economic life of the structure.  The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 3 Taormina Mixed-Use Zoning Administrator, July 12, 2018 Page 4 Tmplt: 04/03/18 Water Quality  The project site is located more than 500 feet from the bay. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. Public Access  The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula within the Cannery Village area. The project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The site is developed with a single-story commercial building and private parking lot. The site does not currently provide any views or access to/along the shoreline. Vertical access to the bay front is available along 31st Street in front of the project site. Lateral access along the bay is available via the Rhine.  The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view or access opportunities on the site. The project site is not located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project is located on an inland lot and will replace an existing nonresidential structure with a new mixed- use structure (i.e., nonresidential) that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing and anticipated future neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views.  The project will improve an underutilized property in a predominately mixed-use area, which will in turn help to enhance the visual quality of the Coastal Zone for visitors and residents.  The entire frontage of the project site is currently utilized for vehicular access to the existing parking lot and no street parking is provided. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in a loss of street parking for public use. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 4 Taormina Mixed-Use Zoning Administrator, July 12, 2018 Page 5 Tmplt: 04/03/18 The Class 3 exemption applies to the construction of apartments, duplexes, and similar structures designed for not more than six dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed mixed-use development is consistent with all requirements of the Class 3 exemption, as it contains one commercial tenant space and one residential unit on an existing nonresidential site. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: ______________________________ Liz Westmoreland, Assistant Planner JM/law 5 Taormina Mixed-Use Zoning Administrator, July 12, 2018 Page 6 Tmplt: 04/03/18 Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 6 03/13/2018 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 7 05-15-2018 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2017-094 TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE-STORY COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW THREE-STORY MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 424 31st STREET (PA2017-217) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Ball Architecture, with respect to property located at 424 31st Street, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. The lot at 424 31st Street is legally described as Lot 19 of Block 331 of Lancasters Addition. 3. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing single-story office building and construct a three-story, mixed-use development. The proposed structure includes 745 square feet of commercial space at the ground floor and a 2,378-square-foot, single-family residential unit on the second and third floors. The development also includes a 400-square-foot, two- car tandem garage for the residential use and three uncovered parking spaces for the commercial use. The project includes hardscape, landscape, and subsurface drainage facilities. The design complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. 4. The subject property is designated MU-H4 (Mixed Used Horizontal) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th Street) Zoning District. 5. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is MU-H (Mixed Used Horizontal) and it is located within the MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th Street) Coastal Zone District. 6. At a public hearing on December 15, 2016, the Zoning Administrator approved a Minor Site Development Review No. SD2016-008 for the project. 7. A public hearing was held on July 12, 2018, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 2 of 8 05-15-2018 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Class 3 exemption applies to the construction of apartments, duplexes, and similar structures designed for not more than six dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed mixed-use development is consistent with all requirements of the Class 3 exemption, as it contains one commercial tenant space and one residential unit on an existing nonresidential site. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation for residential uses is 2,785.8 square feet (i.e. floor area ratio [FAR] of 1.0.) The proposed gross floor area for residential use is 2,778 square feet. b. The minimum gross floor area allowable for nonresidential uses is 696 square feet (i.e. FAR of 0.25). The maximum gross floor area limitation for commercial is 1,393 (0.5 FAR). The proposed gross floor area of the nonresidential use is 74 5 square feet (0.27 FAR). c. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 0 feet along the front property line abutting 31st Street, 0 feet along each side property line, and 10 feet along the rear property line abutting the alley. 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 3 of 8 05-15-2018 d. The highest guardrail is less than 26 feet from established grade (9.00 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is no more than 31 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. e. The project includes a two-car tandem garage for residential use, and three uncovered guest/commercial parking spaces for the commercial component at a ratio of one space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area . Therefore, the project will comply with the minimum parking requirements. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one- and two-story, commercial and mixed-use structures. There are several structures in the immediate area that are similar in height at two-stories. Additionally, the Cannery Lofts development consisting of three- story mixed-use buildings is located near the project to the southeast. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development in the Cannery Village area. 3. The project design includes second- and third-floor decks, which serve to set back the second- and third-floor living areas from the street. This feature serves to remove some of the massing keeping the project at a pedestrian scale, which will help s maintain compatibility with the neighborhood. 4. The project has been designed such that it will be compatible with the scale of expected future development. 5. The development is located on an inland property in a developed area more than 500 feet from the bay. The project site is separated from the bay (the nearest body of water) by Villa Way, Lafayette Avenue, and a few blocks of mainly mixed use and commercial uses. The finished floor elevation of the first floor for the proposed structure is 9.00 feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures. The identified distances from the coastal hazards areas coupled with the 9.00 -foot (NAVD88) finish floor elevation, will help to ensure the project is reasonably safe for the economic life of the structure. 6. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 7. The project site is located more than 500 feet from the bay. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 4 of 8 05-15-2018 8. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone . Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula within the Cannery Village area. The project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The site is developed with a single-story commercial building and private parking lot. The site does not currently provide any views or access to/along the shoreline. Vertical access to the bay front is available along 31st Street in front of the project site. Lateral access along the bay is available via the Rhine. 2. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view or access opportunities on the site. The project site is not located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project is located on an inland lot and will replace an existing nonresidential structure with a new mixed-use structure (i.e., nonresidential) that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing and anticipated future neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. 3. The project will improve an underutilized property in a predominately mixed-use area, which will in turn help to enhance the visual quality of the Coastal Zone for visitors and residents. 4. The entire frontage of the project site is currently utilized for vehicular access to the existing parking lot and no street parking is provided. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in a loss of street parking for public use. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-217, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 5 of 8 05-15-2018 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The project site is not located within the appeal area of the coastal zone; therefore, final action by the City may not be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. PASSED, APPROVED, AN D ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY, 2018. _____________________________________ Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 6 of 8 05-15-2018 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. 3. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right -of-way. 4. Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHP’s) shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP). 5. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 6. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain in lets and any waterway. 7. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 8. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new coastal development permit. 9. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 10. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 11. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 7 of 8 05-15-2018 to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 14. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 15. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Coastal Development file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Coastal Development Permit. 16. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non -invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 17. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 18. Prior to the issuance of building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 19. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 20. This Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-094 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 21. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 8 of 8 05-15-2018 from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Taormina Mixed Use Development including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-094 (PA2017-217). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 15 03/13/2018 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 16 03/13/2018 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-094 PA2017-217 424 31st Street Subject Property 17 03/13/2018 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 18 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 MIXED USE CALCULATIONS: GENERAL DATA: FRONT SETBACK 0' (none) REAR SETBACK 10' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 0' (none) MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 9.00' MAXIMUM HEIGHT 26' - 0" (flat roof) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 31'0" (3:12 min.) SITE SPECIFIC DATA FOR THIS PROPOSAL: PARCEL AREA 2,785.80 SQ. FT. F.A.R. (1.5 X PA)=4,178.70 SQ. FT. PARKING PROVIDED 5 garaged required 2 garaged provided 2 non-residential 3 ADA van required 1 ADA van provided 1 GROUND (FIRST) FLOOR DATA garage 400.00 SQ. FT. gross floor area 745.00 SQ. FT. net floor area 656.63 SQ.FT. vertical circulation 104.65 SQ. FT. common open space 108.00 SQ.FT. SECOND (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 1,635.00 SQ. FT. balcony 418.00 SQ. FT. private open space 418.00 SQ.FT. THIRD (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 743.00 SQ. FT. balcony and mech. 882.00 SQ. FT. private open space 773.00 SQ.FT. mechanical space 109.00 SQ.FT. TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 745.00 SQ. FT. NON RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 745.00 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 2,778.00 SQ. FT. RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 2,785.80 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL PROPOSED 3,523.00 SQ. FT. F.A.R. 1.27 COMMON OPEN SPACE minimum required 75.00 SQ.FT. proposed 108.00 SQ.FT. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 5% of gross floor area 138.90 SQ.FT. MIN. proposed 1,191.00 SQ.FT. CODE UTILIZED: 2013 California Building (CBC) Electrical (CBC) Energy (T-24-6) Mechanical (CMC) plumbing (CPC) codes, with local amendments & California Green Code DISTRICT AREA CANNERY VILLAGE; ZONE MU-CV/15TH; LOT 19, BLOCK 331, LANCASTER ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH; GENERAL PLAN: MU-H4 MIXED USE CALCULATIONS: GENERAL DATA: FRONT SETBACK 0' (none) REAR SETBACK 10' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 0' (none) MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 9.00' MAXIMUM HEIGHT 26' - 0" (flat roof) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 31'0" (3:12 min.) SITE SPECIFIC DATA FOR THIS PROPOSAL: PARCEL AREA 2,785.80 SQ. FT. F.A.R. (1.5 X PA)=4,178.70 SQ. FT. PARKING PROVIDED 5 garaged required 2 garaged provided 2 non-residential 3 ADA van required 1 ADA van provided 1 GROUND (FIRST) FLOOR DATA garage 400.00 SQ. FT. gross floor area 745.00 SQ. FT. net floor area 656.63 SQ.FT. vertical circulation 104.65 SQ. FT. common open space 108.00 SQ.FT. SECOND (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 1,635.00 SQ. FT. balcony 418.00 SQ. FT. private open space 418.00 SQ.FT. THIRD (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 743.00 SQ. FT. balcony and mech. 882.00 SQ. FT. private open space 773.00 SQ.FT. mechanical space 109.00 SQ.FT. TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 745.00 SQ. FT. NON RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 745.00 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 2,778.00 SQ. FT. RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 2,785.80 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL PROPOSED 3,523.00 SQ. FT. F.A.R. 1.27 COMMON OPEN SPACE minimum required 75.00 SQ.FT. proposed 108.00 SQ.FT. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 5% of gross floor area 138.90 SQ.FT. MIN. proposed 1,191.00 SQ.FT. CODE UTILIZED: 2013 California Building (CBC) Electrical (CBC) Energy (T-24-6) Mechanical (CMC) plumbing (CPC) codes, with local amendments & California Green Code DISTRICT AREA CANNERY VILLAGE; ZONE MU-CV/15TH; LOT 19, BLOCK 331, LANCASTER ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH; GENERAL PLAN: MU-H4 TEAM MEMBER: A NEW MIXED-USE P ROJECT FOR VINCENT C. TAORM INA 424 31ST STREET, NEWP ORT BEACH, CA 9266 3 OWNER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Vincent C. Taormina JKL Engineering 424 31st Street 900 N. Santa Anita ave., #B Newport Beach, CA 92663 Arcadia, CA 91006 714-743-4608 PROJECT ARCHITECT TITLE 24 Stephen L. Ball AIA Architect Alliance Energy Partners P.O. Box 9156 5530 Corbin ave., suite 300A Laguna Beach, CA 92652 Tarzana, CA 91356 949-338-2679 818-921-4757 SURVEYOR / CIVIL ENGINEER Shree Consultants LLP 3002 N. Cottonwood Street Orange, CA 92865 949-768-4467 INTERIOR DESIGNER Nila Trider P.O. Box 8229 Newport Beach, CA 92658 949-644-9226 BUILDER TO BE DETERMINED SEE A1.00 FOR F.A.R. CALCULATIONS ASSE SSO R'S MAP INDEXTOTAL ARE A TABULATI ONS, LEGAL& CODE SVICINITY M AP G1.00 T ITLE SHEET OCCUPANCY: Zone MU-CV/15th 1st floor occupancy B / type VB 1st floor occupancy U garage / type VB 1st floor occupancy S2 trash storage / type VB 2nd & 3rd floor occupancy R-3 / type VB CODE UTILIZED: 2013 California Building (CBC) Electrical (CBC) Energy(T-24-6) Mechanical (CMC) plumbing (CPC) codes, with local amendments & California Green Code DISTRICT AREA CANNERY VILLAGE; ZONE MU-CV/15TH; LOT 19, BLOCK 331, LANCASTER ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH; GENERAL PLAN: MU-H4 SITE P ROJECT DE SCR IPTI ON A mi xed-us e de ve lopment c onsis ted a 74 5 s quare -foot comm erc ial spac e a t the gr ound floor and a 2,778 squa re -foot si ngle-fami ly r esi dentia l unit on the s econd and third floor s with a 400 squa re-foot, tw o-c ar ta ndem gara ge for the r esi dentia l use and three uncov ered pa rki ng spa ces for the comme rc ial use. DEFERRED SUBMITTALS TO BE REVIEWED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL FOR PLAN CHECK OR APPROVAL BY THE CITY: a.residential elevator equipment b.fire sprinkler G1.0 0 TITL E S HEET & M ISSION S TATEM EN T G1.0 1 A PP ROVA LS A 1.00 PLO T P LAN / A DA PATH A 1.01 FLO OR ARE A CAL CUL ATIO N / OPE N S PA CE AR EA A 2.00 GROUND FLOORP LA N A 2.01 2N D & 3RD FLOORPLAN A 2.02 ROOF PLAN A 3.00 NORTH & W EST ELE VA TION A 3.01 S OU TH & EA ST EL EV ATION A 3.02 A RCHITE CTUR AL FINISHE S A 4.00 GEN ERAL S E CTIONS 19 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 APPROVALS G1.01 20 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 N ADA Toilet Gas Meter Rectan gular HB Hose Bibb HBHose Bibb KKey BoxGarage Door OpenerUP UP ENTRYENTRY Parking CurbRAILING RAILINGRAILING35'9'-3"18'4'30'-0 5/8"92'-11 1/8" 10'8"92'-11 1/8"8'-0 1/4"14'4'1'6'-3"6'-4 5/8"1'-8 1/8" 14'1'-8 1/8" 20'-1 1/4" 37'-7 3/8" 2 5/8" 4'-2 1/8"17'-9 7/8"8"4'-1 3/4"4'-4 1/8"1'4'7'-2"4'-2 1/8" 4'1' 17'-6 1/8"10'-0 3/4"10'7 7/8"17'-7 7/8"12'-4 3/4"7 7/8"10'10'7'-6" 6'-4 5/8"6'-3" 20'-1 1/4"7'-6 1/8" 48''60''48''60''17''43''56''48''3'12'3'17'-9 7/8"NONRESIDENTIALTRASHPath-1 RE SID ENTIA L LI FT ADA B A TH 5.00% slop e to alle y Path-5OPEN STAIR PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL EGRESS P ath-2Path-3 Path-4Path-6 GUE ST-3 (ADA V AN) GAR AGE E =7.4 0' E =7.4 0' RE SID ENTIA L-1RESIDENTIAL-2 ELEVATION @ 9.00' GUE ST-2 f.f. 9.00' t.o.s. 8.75' F.F. @ 9 .00 ' REAR SETBACK 10' P.L. N 00°44' 30" W 92.92'P.L. N 89°15'53" W 30.06'P.L. N 89°15'53" W 30.06'ELEVATION @ 9.00' ELEVATION @ 9.00' ELEVATION @ 8.55'31ST STREETALLEYC.H . @ 8'-6" GUE ST-1 SIDEWALKSIDEWALKt.o.s. 8.00' t.o.p. 8.96' e = 8.40' t.o.s. 8.75' t.o.s. 8.75' f.f. 9.00' t.o.s. 8.75' f.f. 9.00' e = 7.6' e = 8.70' e = 8.70' e = 8.75' dsds JANI TO R RESIDENTIAL TRASH & STORAGE ELECTRICAL SERVICEPANELNON-RESIDENTIAL ENTRY dsds dsds C O RNER e=6.90' P.L. N 00°44' 30" W 92.92' DDEEFFGGHHIIKKLL DDEEFFGGHHII JJ JJKKLL 11 77 88 22 99 1010 1111 77 88 AABBCC 11 22 AABBCC 33 44 55 66 P.L. face of finish face of framing face of finish P.L. P.L. face of fi nish face of finish P.L. cornercorner corner P.L. face of fi nish face of finish FIRST FLOOR SETBACK SECOND FLOOR SETBACK Path-0e=6.90'745 sq. ft. (GROSS) NON RESIDENTIAL SPACE (690 SQ. FT. ACTUAL) outdoor porch ADA PATH CALCULATI ON PLO T PLAN (1/4" = 1 ' - 0") A1.00 PLOT PLAN / ADA PATH (1 /4" = 1' - 0 ") BUILDING DEPARTMENT COM MENTS: 1. Prior to perfor ming any wo rk in the City right-of-way an encr oach men t pe rmit mu st be obta ined from the Public Work s Depar tme nt. PUBLI C WO RKS DEPARTM ENT COMM ENT S: 1. Sh ow the entire driveway approach on th e pla ns. T he entir e driveway, includ ing th e slop ed p ortio n of the driveway shall be locate d within the proje ction of the sid e prope rty line . 2. The pr oject sh all pro vide a minimum 4 foo t wide ADA com pliant p ede strian path aroun d the driveway ap proach. a pe destr ian e asement shall also be grante d to the City. Cond itions: 3. Ea ch un it shall be served b y sepa rat e wate r an d sewe r services. 4. All imp rove men ts sha ll be co nstru cted as re quired b y Ordin ance and the Public Works Depa rtm ent. 5. 31st Str eet is on th e City's Str eet-cut mor atorium list. Tr enchin g/da mag e to said street will req uire exten sive street repa ir. Co ntact Pub lic Works for repair re quireme nts. Reco nstru ct all br oken /dam age d panels with in the alley along t he p roject alley fr onta ge p er City Standard. 6. Re const ruct the sid ewalk, cu rb a nd g utte r along the en tire 31st Street f ron tage per City Stan dar d. 7. Plug existing driveway pe r City Stan dard STD-165-L. In stall new drive way pe r City Stand ard STD-162-L. The p roposed pro ject sha ll be d esigned to comply with t he City sight dista nce st anda rd ST D-11 0-L. "Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning the Police Dept. (949) 644-3 681." Signs & Ide ntificat ions 1. wh en s igns identify permanen t ro oms and spaces of a building or site, th ey sh all comply with CBC 11B-703.1 ; 11B-703.2; 11B-703.3 and 11 B-703 .5. Where pictogr am s are pr ovided , it sha ll comply wit h sectio n 11B-703.6 and sha ll have text description s com plying wih t section s 11B-703.2 & 11B-7 03.5 . (11B-21 6.2) 2. All bu ild ing e ntra nces that are accessible to a nd u sably b y per sons with disabilities and at e ery m ajor junctio n alon g or lead ing t o an accessible rou te o f tra vel sha ll be ide ntified with a sig n disp laying t he In ternation al Symbo l of Accessib ility com pluing with sect ion 11b-7 03.7 .2.1 and with ad ditiona l dire ctiona l sig ns com plying with sect io n 11 B-703.5, a s req uire d, at junctio n when the accessible ro ute d iverg es fr om t he regula r cir cular path . (1 1B-216 .6) 3. Provide tactile exit signa ge a nd ide ntify lo cations on flo or p lan. I nclude sign e levation and typica l signage text per CBC 1011 .4 at doors to exit p assage ways, e xit discha rge and exit sta irways sh all comp ly with sec tions 1 1B-703 .1; 1 1B-70 3.2; 11B- 703.3 and 1 1B-70 3.5. (11 B-216.4.1) 4. Sign s re quire d by section 1007 .10 to provide directions t o acce ssible means of eg ress shall com ply with section 11B-7 03.5 . (11 B-216 .4.3 ) Accessibility Ram p 5. Ra mp surfa ces sh all be stable, firm & slip resista nt a nd sh all comply with se ction 11B-302. 6. the m aximu m slo pe o f a r amp that serv es an y exit way, provides a ccess fo r pe rson s with disabilities, or is in t he path o f tr avel sha ll be 1" rise in 12" of hor izonta l run. Cross slope of ramp run s sha ll n ot b e stee per tha n 1:4 8. (11B-405.2 & 11 B405.5 ) 7. Inter me diate landing s shall b e pr ovided at intervals not excee ding 30" of vert ica l rise and at ea ch change of d irectin in excess of 3 0 degre es. (11B-405.6 & 11B-40 5.7.4) 8. Ra mp runs shall h ave h andrails com plying with sectio n 11 B-505. Hand rails are r equ ir ed on ramp s tha t pro vide a ccess if t he r amp slope excee ds 1" rise in 2 0" of hor izo ntal run, excep t tha t at e xter ior d oor landin gs, ha ndrails are no t require d on ra mps less tha n 6" r ise or 72 " in leng th. (11B-402.2 & 11B405.8) 9. Ha ndrails sha ll b e pla ced on ea ch side of each ramp and shall be con tinuo us the full len gth o f the ra mp, shall be 34" t o 38" above the ramp su rface , sha ll e xten d horizont ally abo ve the land ing fo r 1 2" min beyond th e top and the bott om o f ra mp ru n. Exten sions shall ret urn to a wall, gu ard or t he la nding surf ace or shall be co ntinu ous to the han drail o f an adjace nt r amp run (11B-505.10 .1 & figu re 1 1b-505.10.1 ) 10 . Hand rail grippin g surfaces with a circular cross section shall have an out side d iameter o f 1 1 /4" min imum and 2" maximum . Non -circu lar cr oss se ctions sh all hav e a p erimeter dim ensions of 4 " minimu m a nd 6 1/4" maximum, and a cross sectio n of 2 1/4" maxim um. (11 B-505 .7 & figu re 1 1B-50 5.7.2 ). G rippin g sur face s (to p and sides) shall b e co ntinuo us alo ng th eir le ngth and shall b e un in terrupted b y newe l posts, othe r con stru ction elements, o r ob stru ctions. Bot tom of gr ipping sur faces s hall not be obstr ucted for mo re t han 20% of th eir le ngth . Any wall or oth er surfa ce ad jacent to th e ha ndr ail; sha ll be fr ee of sharp or a brasiv e elem ent s and shall ha ve round ed e dge s (11 B-505 .8). 11 . Hand rail project in g from a wall shall have a spa ce of 1 1/2" ebtween t he wall a nd th e handrail. (1 1B-50 5.8)/ 12 . Edge prot ection shall be provided on e ach s ide of the ramp run an d at each side o f the ra mp landing . Where the ramp surfa ce is no t bou nde d by a wall, the ra mp shall ha ve a curb at m inimum of 2" in height o r a barrier tha t pr event s the passage of a 4" d iamet er sp here within 4" of the f inish floo r (11B-40 5.9.2). Toilet r oom s: 13 . Unisex t oilet an d bathing facilities h all be identifie d by a circle 1/4" th ick, 12" in diameter, with a 1/4" thick tr iangle with ver tex p ointing upwa rd su per impo sed o n the circle and within th e 12 " diame ter . Th e tr ia ngle symbo l shall co nstra st with th e circle symbol, eithe r ligh t on a da rk ba ckgro und or dark on a light backgr oun d. The c ir cle sym bol sh all contrast with the doo r, eit her lig ht o n a d ark backgr oun d or dark on a light backgrou nd (11B-7 03.7 .2.6 .3). 14 . Toile t ro oms shall com ply with section 11B-60 3. (11B-2 13.2 ). Turning sp ace of 60 " min sh all be pro vid ed with in the ro om (11B-6 03.2 .1). Tu rnin g spa ce sha ll be pe rmit ted t o includ e kne e & toe clear ance comp lying with section 11B-3 06. Do or sha ll not swing into the 30"x48 " cle ar floor space or cle arance requ ired for any f ixt ure. 21 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 P.L. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE#1 (80 SQFT) PRIVATE OPEN SPACE#2 (338 SQFT)11'-8 3/4"1'-11"14'7'-2 5/8"5'-6 3/8"36'-9 7/8"4'-0 3/4"7'-5"9'10'-8 5/8"35'-8 5/8" 4'-2"12'-3"5'-1 3/4"4'-1"A G ROS S NON -RE SI DEN TI AL 74 5 S Q FT A -> 9' x 7' 5 ” = 67 B -> 7' 2 5/8 ” x 5 ' 6 3/8 = 40 C -> 5 ' 1 3 /4“ x 1' 11 ” =10 D -> 1 4’ 0” x 12 ' 3” =17 2 E -> 11 ' 8 3/4“ x 36' 9 7/8 " =43 2 F -> 11 ' 8 3 /4“ x 4' 0 3/4 “ x 1 /2 =24 A+B+C +D+E +F =74 5 GAR AGE 40 0 S Q FT 10 ' 8 5 /8 x 3 5' 8 5 /8” =38 3 4’ 1 0 x 5’ 0 ” = 1 7 B C D FE ENTRYENTRY 3'12'3'COMMON OPEN SPACE #1 18' 1" X 6' (108 SQ.FT) MIXED USE CALCULATIONS: GENERAL DATA: FRONT SETBACK 0' (none) REAR SETBACK 10' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 0' (none) MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 9.00' MAXIMUM HEIGHT 26' - 0" (flat roof) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 31'0" (3:12 min.) SITE SPECIFIC DATA FOR THIS PROPOSAL: PARCEL AREA 2,785.80 SQ. FT. F.A.R. (1.5 X PA)=4,178.70 SQ. FT. PARKING PROVIDED 5 garaged required 2 garaged provided 2 non-residential 3 ADA van required 1 ADA van provided 1 GROUND (FIRST) FLOOR DATA garage 400.00 SQ. FT. gross floor area 745.00 SQ. FT. net floor area 656.63 SQ.FT. vertical circulation 104.65 SQ. FT. common open space 108.00 SQ.FT. SECOND (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 1,635.00 SQ. FT. balcony 418.00 SQ. FT. private open space 418.00 SQ.FT. THIRD (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 743.00 SQ. FT. balcony and mech. 882.00 SQ. FT. private open space 773.00 SQ.FT. mechanical space 109.00 SQ.FT. TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 745.00 SQ. FT. NON RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 745.00 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 2,778.00 SQ. FT. RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 2,785.80 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL PROPOSED 3,523.00 SQ. FT. F.A.R. 1.27 COMMON OPEN SPACE minimum required 75.00 SQ.FT. proposed 108.00 SQ.FT. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 5% of gross floor area 138.90 SQ.FT. MIN. proposed 1,191.00 SQ.FT. CODE UTILIZED: 2013 California Building (CBC) Electrical (CBC) Energy (T-24-6) Mechanical (CMC) plumbing (CPC) codes, with local amendments & California Green Code DISTRICT AREA CANNERY VILLAGE; ZONE MU-CV/15TH; LOT 19, BLOCK 331, LANCASTER ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH; GENERAL PLAN: MU-H4 MIXED USE CALCULATIONS: GENERAL DATA: FRONT SETBACK 0' (none) REAR SETBACK 10' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 0' (none) MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 9.00' MAXIMUM HEIGHT 26' - 0" (flat roof) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 31'0" (3:12 min.) SITE SPECIFIC DATA FOR THIS PROPOSAL: PARCEL AREA 2,785.80 SQ. FT. F.A.R. (1.5 X PA)=4,178.70 SQ. FT. PARKING PROVIDED 5 garaged required 2 garaged provided 2 non-residential 3 ADA van required 1 ADA van provided 1 GROUND (FIRST) FLOOR DATA garage 400.00 SQ. FT. gross floor area 745.00 SQ. FT. net floor area 656.63 SQ.FT. vertical circulation 104.65 SQ. FT. common open space 108.00 SQ.FT. SECOND (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 1,635.00 SQ. FT. balcony 418.00 SQ. FT. private open space 418.00 SQ.FT. THIRD (RESIDENTIAL) FLOOR DATA floor area 743.00 SQ. FT. balcony and mech. 882.00 SQ. FT. private open space 773.00 SQ.FT. mechanical space 109.00 SQ.FT. TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 745.00 SQ. FT. NON RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 745.00 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 2,778.00 SQ. FT. RESIDENTIAL ALLOWED 2,785.80 SQ. FT. MAX. TOTAL PROPOSED 3,523.00 SQ. FT. F.A.R. 1.27 COMMON OPEN SPACE minimum required 75.00 SQ.FT. proposed 108.00 SQ.FT. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 5% of gross floor area 138.90 SQ.FT. MIN. proposed 1,191.00 SQ.FT. CODE UTILIZED: 2013 California Building (CBC) Electrical (CBC) Energy (T-24-6) Mechanical (CMC) plumbing (CPC) codes, with local amendments & California Green Code DISTRICT AREA CANNERY VILLAGE; ZONE MU-CV/15TH; LOT 19, BLOCK 331, LANCASTER ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH; GENERAL PLAN: MU-H4 PRIVATE OPEN SPACE #4 (420 SQFT) MECHANICAL SPACE #1 (109 SQFT) PRIVATE OPEN SPACE #3 (353 SQFT) P.L.12'-8 7/16"3'-0 11/16"2'-9 15/16"3'-0 3/16"14'-2 3/16" 5 9/16" 5'-7 13/16"11'-4 1/8"5'-7 7/8"5'-11"6'-3 3/16"6'-4 5/8"17'-0 5/8"14'-3 1/4"14'-8 1/4" 6'-9 7/8"3'-1 7/16"20'-6 3/4"GRO SS FLOOR ARE A THIRD FLOOR-RES IDE NTIAL 74 3.0 0 S QFT A -> 14 ' 3 1/4" x 14' 8 1/4 " = 21 0 B -> 3' 0 3/1 6" x 6' 9 7 /8" = 2 1 C -> 3 ' 5 1 5/1 6" x 3' 1 7 /16 " = 1 1 D -> 6 ' 3 3 /16 " x 1 4' 0 5 /16 " = 8 8 E -> 2' 9 1/1 6" x 7 7/16" = 2 F -> 13 ' 6 1 /4" x 3' 0 11/16" = 4 2 G -> 1 7' 0 5 /8" x 4' 11 7/16" = 8 5 H -> 2 0' 6 3/4 " x 1 2' 0 1 /2" = 24 8 I -> 5 ' 11 7/1 6" x 5' 11 5/1 6" = 3 6 A +B+C +D+E+F+G +H+I = 74 3 A B C D E F G H I 54 '-4 15/16"29'-4 3/8"GRO SS FLOOR ARE A S ECOND FLOOR-RES IDE NTIAL 54 ' 9 7 /16 " x 29 ' 10" = 1,6 35 S QFT OP EN SP ACE ARE A (1/8" = 1 ' 0") A1.01 FLOOR AREA CALCULATIO N OPEN SPACE AREA (1 /4" = 1' 0") 22 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 HB HB K UP UP 35'9'-3"48''60''48''60''17''43''56''48''8'-3" X 6'-6"5'-2" X 3'-7" 35'-1" X 9'-7"7'-0" X 6'-7"5'-0" X 5'-1"NONRESIDENTIALTRASHRE SID ENTIA L LI FT ADA B A THOPEN STAIR PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL EGRESS GAR AGE f.f. 9.00' t.o.s. 8.75' F.F. @ 9 .00 ' REAR SETBACK 10' P.L. N 00°44' 30" W 92.92'P.L. N 89°15'53" W 30.06'P.L. N 89°15'53" W 30.06'ELEVATION @ 9.00' ELEVATION @ 8.55'31ST STREETALLEYC.H . @ 8'-6" t.o.s. 8.00' t.o.p. 8.96' e = 8.40' t.o.s. 8.75' t.o.s. 8.75' f.f. 9.00' t.o.s. 8.75' f.f. 9.00' e = 7.6' e = 8.70' e = 8.70' e = 8.75' dsds JANI TOR RESIDENTIAL TRASH & STORAGE ELECTRICAL SERVICEPANELNON-RESIDENTIAL ENTRY dsds dsds C O RNER e=6.90' P.L. N 00°44' 30" W 92.92' 745 sq. ft. (GROSS) NON RESIDENTIAL SPACE (690 SQ. FT. ACTUAL) outdoor porch NNOTES: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1. Height certification is required. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1.Building shall be built as Type-VA for one hour construction. Exterior walls of fwellings, guesthouses, garages, carports closer than 3' and 10; for commercial to the property line shall be 1-hour fire resistance-rated construction. Table R302.1(1) and R302.1(2). 2.fire sprinklers are required and must comply with NFPA 13. 3.Occupancy separation is required between elevator, garage, and hallway. 4.Occupancy separation is required between R & B occupancies. This includes exit path of travel for R occupancy to a yard, court, or public way. 5.Occupancy separation is required between R path of travel and carport. 6.Roof overhangs shall be 5' from the property line. 7.Roofing shall be class A. 8.A geotechnical report is required for permit. 9.Fire rated wall adjacent to property lines are required. 10.Parapets adjacent to property lines are required. 11.Open trash bin beneath stair shall be of minimum 1 hour construction and fire sprinkler equipped. 12.Surfaces shall be level with a slpe not steeper than 1:48. Changes in level are not permitted except at thresholds. Opening floor shall not allow passage of sphere more than 1/2" diameter. (11B302.2) (11B-404.2.4.4). 13.Deck covering shall be class A. FIRE DEPARTMENT Conditions ; 1.As per California Fire Code Section 903.2.8 an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area. Where a different occupancy is located in a building with a residential occupancy, the provisions of this section still apply and the entire building is required to be provided with an automatic sprinkler system regardless of the type of mixed-use condition considered. This is consistent with the mixed-use provisions in Chapter 5. (As per the IBC Code and Commentary). 2.The structure will need to meet Fire Flow requirements which can be determined and referenced through the NBFD Guideline B.Ol Determination of Required Fire Flow. C.F.C. Sec. 507.1. 3.A fire hydrant must be located with 400 feet of all portions of the structure measured by an approved route around the exterior of the structure. C.F.C. Sec. 507.5.1. 4.Smoke alarms will be required in the R occupancy and must be installed as per California Fire Code Section 907.2.11.2 outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms and in each room used for sleeping purposes. 5.Required vertical and horizontal occupancy separations must be met as per C.B.C. Sec. 508.4.4. 6.Open dumpster beneath enclosed stair shall be provided with minimum 1 hour fire rated construction and provided with fire sprinkler protection. 7.Newly constructed Group R occupancies located in a building consisting a fuel burning appliance or attached garage shall be equipped with single station carbon monoxide alarms. The carbon monoxide alarms shall be listed as complying with UL 2034 and shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 720 and the manufacturer's instructions. GROUND FLO OR PL AN ( 1/4 " = 1 '-0" ) NO N-RE SIDENTIAL A2.00 GROUND FLOOR AND SECOND F LOOR PLAN 23 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 DN HB HB UP 2'-7" 17' 6'-11 " X 11'-2" 9'-0" X 6'-0" 4'-1" X 11'-2" 15'-6 " X 16'-8" 28'-2" X 21'-7" 7'-0" X 7'-3" 21'-1 " X 14'-0" 6'-1" X 6'-0" 5'-5" X 7'-9" 3'-2" X 6'-0" 5'-0" X 5'-1" 6'-0" X 3'-3"8'-3" X 2'-0" 5'-6" X 3'-4" 3'-9" X 2'-0"8'-3" X 2'-0" B EDROOM SHOWER BATH RESIDENTIAL LIFT BATH BATH LAUNDRY BALC ONY CL OSE T HALL G REAT RO O M B ALC ONY F.F. @ 1 8.6 1' KITCHEN C.H . @ 8'-0" OPE N TO THE SK Y ELEVATOR RM. dsds dsds CLOSET UTILITY CLOSET C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 E A5.01 E A5.01 F A5.01 F A5.01 E A5.01 E A5.01 F A5.01 F A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 G A5.01 G A5.01 2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK2% SLOPE ON DECKDN REF.HB HB 2'-11 1/8"5'3'-2" X 5'-0" 22'-1 0" X 16'-6" 5'-0" X 5'-0" 21'-2 " X 19'-6" 15'-8" X 5'-7" 0'-5" X 3'-9" 8'-1" X 28'-3" 5'-1" X 4'-8" 13'-3" X 13'-1" 10'-0" X 5'-0" 5'-5" X 3'-2" C.H . @ 8'-0" F.F. @ 2 7.8 ' CLOSET FAM ILY BATH RESIDENTIAL LIFT B ALC O NY BATH HALL B EDRO O M B ALC ONY O PE N TO THE SK Y ME CHA NICA L ENC LOSU RE (O PE N TO THE SKY) S TAIR WELL dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds A A5.01 A A5.01 B A5.01 B A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 F A5.01 F A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 C A5.01 G A5.01 G A5.01 G A5.01 G A5.01 A A5.01 A A5.01 A A5.01 A A5.01 B A5.01 B A5.01 2N D FLOOR FLAT ROOF (NO AC CESS) 2N D FLO O R FLA T ROO F (NO AC CES S) 2N D FLO O R FLA T RO O F (NO AC CES S)2% SLO PE O N DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK2% SLOPE ON DECK2 % S L O PE O N D E CK2 % SLOPE ON DECK2 % S LO PE O N D E CK 2% SLOPE ON FLAT ROOF 2% SLOPE ON FL AT ROOF 2% SLOPE ON FL AT ROOF 2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% SLOPE ON DECK2% SLOPE ON DECK 2% S LO P E O N D E C K 2% SLOPE ON DECK2 % SL O P E O N D E C K 2% SLOPE ON DECKNSE CO ND FLOO R PLAN ( 1/4" = 1'-0" ) RES IDENTIAL T HI RD FLO OR AND ROOF PLAN A2.01 THIRD FLO OR PLAN ( 1 /4" = 1'-0" ) RE SIDENTI AL 24 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 DNROOF PITCH 3 : 12ROOF PITCH 3 : 12ROOF PITCH 3 : 12ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 ROOF PITCH 3 : 12 1/4 : 12 1/4 : 12 1/4 : 12 1/4 : 12ROOF ELEVATION 39.33'PLANTERSP.L. dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds dsds ROOF PLAN ( 1 /4 " = 1'-0" ) ROOF PLAN A2.02 25 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 30'-3 7/8"31'8'8'8'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 5/8"30'7"7"5'-7"10'-3"9'-8"3'-4" P.L.P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK F.C. (39.33') PROPOSED RIDGE F.C. F.C. (40.00') ALLOWED HEIGHT FOR PITCHED ROOF (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL (Elev 31' - 3 1/4")30'-3 7/8"31'8'8'8'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 5/8"92'-10 3/8" 24'17'6'-1"9'-10"10'-8"15'-4"9'-11" P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK P.L.P.L. (7.40') ALLEY F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL Elev 31'-3 1/4" WEST ELEV ATI ON NORTH AND WEST ELEVATI ON (1 /4" = 1'-0") NORTH EL EVATIO N (STREET FRONT)FRONT I MAG E A3.00 26 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 30'-4"31'8'8'8'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 3/4"30'7"3'3'-9"7'-2"12'-2"3'-4" P.L.P.L. (7.40') SIDEWALK F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL Elev 31'-3 1/4"30'-3 7/8"31'8'8'8'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 5/8"25'-3"10'-10"3'7'-9"21'-11"24'-2" 92'-10 3/8" P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK (7.40') ALLEY P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL Elev 31' - 3 1/4" EAST ELEV ATION SO UT H ELEV AT ION (REAR ALLEY) A3.01 SOUTH AND EAST ELEVAT ION (1 /4" = 1'-0") REAR IMAGE 27 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 FR ON T 31ST STREET RE AR AL LEY NORTH WEST ELEVATION SOU TH EA ST E LEV ATIO N MAR VIN SL IDING PATIO DOOR GUN MET AL MAR VIN CO NTEMPORA RY CASEMENT WESTER N RIB® ROOFIN G, VI NTAGEPOLAR WH ITE DOOR & WI ND OW ROOF GRA YTAUPELAKE B L UE TIL EBEHR P AIN T COLO RS CONCRE TE A RCHITE CTUR AL FINI SHE S A3.02 Note: 1.Exterior stone in seismic design category D (D2) shall not exceed the limits of Table 703.7(2) and shall not exceed 4" thick. 2.Masonry veneer up to 5" thick, installed over backing of wood or cold formed steel accordind to Table R703.r and Figure R703.7, shall be limited to first tory above grade (R703.7) 28 PLAN CHECK expires: 4-30-2019 12-22-16 ZONING APPROVED 12-15-16 A NEW M IXED -USE PROJECT FOR seal issue A NEW MIXED-USE PROJECTVINCENT C. TAORMINA424 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926637-31-15 VI NCENT C. TAORM INA consultant project 424 31ST STREET description sheet sheet of 2018 STEPHEN L . B AL L AIA , ARC HITEC T TH E IN FORMAT ION & DESIGN IN TENT CON TAIN ED ON THIS DO CUMENT IS TH E PR OPERTY O F ST EPHEN L. BAL L AR CHIT EC T, INC. N O PAR T OF TH IS INFOR MATION MAY BE USED WITH OU T TH E PR IOR WRIT TEN PERMISSION O F STEPHEN L . BALL ARC HITECT, INC. STEPHEN L. BAL L AR CHITECT , INC. SHAL L RET AIN AL L COMMO N LAW, ST ATUTOR Y, AND OTH ER RESERVED RIGHT S IN CLUD ING COPYRIGHT THERETO. C NEW PORT BE ACH, CALIFORNIA 9 2663FORSITE DEV. REVIEW 10-03-16SITE DEV. REVIEW 714 743-4608714 743-4608 PC 2 06-05-18 COASTAL 07-15-18 30'-3 7/8"31'8'8'8'-6"2'-1 1/4"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 5/8"P.L.P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK (7.40') ALLEY F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL deck planter non-residential planterdeck parking and street entry planter planter planterplanter planter parking and street entry Roofed balcony balcony balcony balcony balcony elevator elevator elevator Bedroom closet laundry bath garage closet front entry Bath Closet Bar Bath Hall U361996R UPUPCO/SD SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)SECTION C-C SECTION B-B SECTION D-D SECTION A-ASURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT (H.E.)P.L.P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL garage non-residential trash (32 sq. ft.) residential trash, mixed open stairway to residential unit on second floor rear service access to non- residential Hall Walk-in closet Bedroom sliding closet Bath BedroomBalcony Mechanical Space3'-6 3/4"P.L. Non-residential P.L. closet (6.90') SIDEWALK Great Room Lift Family Room Garage Exterior passage F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAILMechanical space Stairway Stairway Lift LiftNon-residential ADA Bath3'-6"3'-6"3'-6 5/8"non-residential deck planterdeck planter parking and street entry P.L.P.L. (6.90') SIDEWALK F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAIL 2'-1 1/8"8'-6"8'8'31'30'-4"3'-6 3/4"P.L. Non-residential P.L. closet (6.90') SIDEWALK Great Room Lift Family Room Garage Exterior passage F.C. (39.33') MAX. F.C. F.C. (40.00') CODE MAX. (9.00') F.F. F.F. F.F. TOP OF RAIL TOP OF RAILMechanical space Stairway Stairway Lift LiftNon-residential ADA Bath GEN ERA L SE CTIONS (1/4 "=1') A4.00 KEY MAP SECTION A-A SECTIO N C-C SEC TION D-DSECTION B-B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36