HomeMy WebLinkAbout09_Martin Residence Coastal Development Permit_PA2018-091oe`'�WP�R CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT u r July 26, 2018 C'a(ppN�T Agenda Item No. 9 SUBJECT: Martin Residence (PA2018-091) • Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-041 SITE LOCATION: 9 Bay Island APPLICANT: R.D. Pinault Company OWNER: Brian Martin PLANNER: Chelsea Crager, Associate Planner 949-644-3227, ccrager@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING • Coastal Land Use Category: Multiple Unit Residential — (10.0 - 19.9 DU/AC) (RM -C) • Coastal Zoning District: Multi -Unit Residential (RM) • General Plan Land Use Category: Multiple -Unit Residential Detached (RM -D) • Zoning District: Multi -Unit Residential (RM) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and the construction of a new 4,703 -square -foot, single-family residence and adjust the off-street parking requirements with a parking management plan. The design includes hardscape, drainage facilities, and approximately 438 square feet of landscaping. The project complies with all applicable development standards. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-041 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 2 DISCUSSION Bay Island is a 5.5 -acre legal lot in the Newport Harbor with 24 individual building sites. Bay Island is located on the north end of Island Avenue on the Balboa Peninsula where it is accessible by a gated pedestrian bridge. With the exception of golf carts, vehicles are not permitted on Bay Island. The Island is developed with 23 single-family homes and shared open space, recreational areas and a clubhouse. The homes are predominately two and three stories. The subject building site is located on the east side of the island and is approximately 3,523 square feet in area. The site is currently developed with a two-story single-family home. Background Bay Island was first established prior to 1936 as a recreational club and gradually developed as a residential island over the years. On November 24, 1997, the City Council approved Use Permit No. 3618 to implement a Planned Residential Development (PRD) Overlay and modify the Multi -Family Residential (MFR) development regulations applicable to Bay Island to reflect its unique characteristics. The purpose of the use permit is to ensure that the single-family detached character of Bay Island is maintained despite its MFR zoning designation. A copy of City Council Resolution No. 2004-23 adopting Use Permit No. 3618 is included as Attachment No. ZA 3. The use permit provides development standards and process requirements for development of homes on individual building sites. The use permit also authorizes off-site parking in a parking structure located at 501 West Bay Avenue located at the southwest corner of Island Avenue and West Bay Avenue on the Balboa Peninsula. Land Use and Development Standards • At the time Use Permit No. 3618 was adopted, the residential lots on Bay Island were designated Residential Single Family Detached by the General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan, but located within the Multi -Family Residential (MFR) zoning district and Planned Residential Development (PRD) Overlay. As a result of subsequent updates to the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan, and Zoning Code, the subject property is now located in the RM (Multi -Unit Residential) Coastal Zoning District, RM (Multi - Unit Residential) Zoning District, and is designated RM -D (Multiple -Unit Residential Detached) within the land use element of the General Plan. A single-family dwelling is consistent with these designations. A coastal development permit is required for development in the Coastal Zone, and the property is not eligible for a Waiver for De Minimis Development because the property is located in the Appeal Area. Tmp1r. 01/17/17 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 3 The proposed single-family dwelling conforms to all applicable development standards of the RM Coastal Zoning District, including floor area limit, setbacks and height as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Bay Island is a single legal lot, and therefore setbacks are measured from the perimeter island property line and are not measured from the building site lines that were established by Use Permit No. 3618. Similarly, floor area limit is calculated as a cumulative maximum for all building sites on the island. The applicant requests an adjustment to off-street parking requirements pursuant to NBMC Section 21.40.110 (Adjustments to Off -Street Parking Requirements). Table 1 — Title 21 RM Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks min. Front(Water) 20 feet Approximately 150 feet Allowable Floor Area 1.75 times buildable area Approximately 143,916 square feet total for all homes Approximately 130,095 square feet total for all homes Parking* 3 Onsite in a garage 1 Onsite (Golf Cart Storage) 2 Offsite 501 W. Bay Ave. Height 28 feet flat roof 33 feet sloped roof 29 feet sloped roof Common Open Space 1,725 square feet total for entire island Approximately 452,460 square feet Private Open Space 236 square feet 654 square feet `The applicant requests an adjustment to parking requirements consistent with NBMC Section 21.40.110 (Adjustments to Off -Street Parking Requirements). Adjustment to Parking Requirements As noted previously, Use Permit No. 3618 authorized off-site parking for Bay Island requiring 48 parking spaces for the development of 24 homes on the Island. Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.40.040 (Off -Street Parking Spaces Required), single-family dwellings with 4,000 square feet or greater of floor area require three on-site parking spaces in a garage. However, since Bay Island is only accessible by a pedestrian bridge, none of the 23 residences on the island provide on-site parking. As a part of the development, the applicant proposes an adjustment to off-street parking requirements and the provision of a parking management plan. The parking management plan includes the use of two off-site parking spaces in the existing 49 - space parking structure owned in common by Bay Island residents located at 501 W. Bay Avenue. Use of this parking structure is consistent with previously approved development regulations of Use Permit No. 3618. The parking management plan also includes a requirement to provide one enclosed golf cart storage space onsite; thereby, the project provides three spaces total for the proposed unit consistent with NBMC Section 21.40.040. The review authority can authorize off-site parking or adjustments to parking requirements with a CDP pursuant to NBMC Sections Tmp1t: 01/17/17 3 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 4 21.40.100. The project has been conditioned to maintain this design feature and parking management plan. Hazards • The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. • The Development fronts the Newport Harbor with a sandy beach separating the project site and the water. A Coastal Hazards Analysis was prepared by PMA Consulting, Inc. The report concludes that the proposed project is reasonably safe from coastal hazards for the next 75 years including shoreline movement, waves and wave runup, and flooding with low future sea level rise projections. The historic highest tides have reached approximately 7.3 feet (NAVD 88). Utilizing the anticipated 1.5 - foot sea -level rise (the low range of projected sea level rise over the 75 -year design life of the structure based on estimates for sea level rise provided by the National Research Council 2012 SLR estimates), the finished floor elevation will protect the site from sea level rise. The proposed finished floor is 9.00 feet (NAVD 88), which is consistent with the minimum 9.00 feet (NAVD 88) standard of the Zoning Code for new construction. An additional 4 -foot -high concrete or masonry block garden wall can be accommodated around the structure of the development in the future to adapt to future sea level rise under higher sea level rise scenarios if they occur. • Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(i)(iv), the property owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the City waiving any potential right to future protection further bayward than the existing development to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). This waiver would allow a future concrete or masonry block garden wall around the structure if it is needed in the future. The property owner will also be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with NBMC Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c). Both requirements are included as conditions of approval that will need to be satisfied prior to the issuance of building permits for construction. Water Quality • The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan, construction pollution prevention plan Tmp1[: 01/17/17 4 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 5 (CPPP), and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. • Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 21.35.050, due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP)/ Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) is required. A WQHP prepared by Robin B. Hamers & Assoc., Inc., dated April 6, 2018, will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist prior to issuance of building permits. Public Access • The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private community of Bay Island. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact and be proportional to the impact. The project involves the demolition of a single-family residence and the construction of a new single- family residence. Therefore, there is no change in land use and the proposed increases in floor area, height and bulk is comparable to other existing development on Bay Island and will not result in any significant adverse impacts to public recreation, access or views or otherwise diminish the public's use of the ocean, harbor, bay, channels, estuaries, salt marshes, sloughs, beaches, coastal parks, trails, or coastal bluffs. Therefore, requiring additional public access with this project is not supported. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bay Island community at the street ends along the Balboa Peninsula (approximately 400 feet from the subject property). It should also be noted that in 2013, the California Coastal Commission issued a Coastal Development Permit to replace the existing pedestrian bridge to Bay Island. As a special condition of this permit, the publicly owned land fronting the bulkhead at the mainland terminus of the bridge and to the west of the bridge was improved with hardscape, landscape, trash receptacles, and benches and remains open for public use and fishing. The existing bridge is not open to public access. The California Coastal Commission attempted to require public access to the bridge when it was replaced; however, the Courts struck down the requirement as it was without foundation. • The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public access way, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site is located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas and is visible from nearby public beaches, Newport Harbor, and public lateral access path. The project will replace an existing single-family residence with a new single-family residence that complies with all applicable Local Tmp1[: 01/17/17 15 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 6 Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views as the changes to the existing view sheds will be negligible. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction of Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant impact on the environment. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family residences and addition of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the construction of a new 4,703 -square -foot single-family residence. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property and residential occupants within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting that was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: - kt�t4 Chelsea Crager Associate Planner MCC TmpIC 01/17/17 Attachments TmpIC 01/17/17 ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Use Permit No. 3618 ZA 4 Correspondence ZA 5 Project Plans Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 7 7 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 2 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2018-041 TO ALLOW THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE, INCLUDING AN ADJUSTMENT TO OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9 BAY ISLAND (PA2018-091) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: 614"115004EIIIIIIIIIIIrG11riLTA :1.rr• MWITS]1601 1. An application was filed by R.D. Pinault Company ("Applicant'), on behalf of Brian Martin, with respect to property located at 9 Bay Island, and legally described as S -Township 6, Range 10, Section 34, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. On November 24, 1997, the City Council approved Planned Residential Development ("PRD") Use Permit No. UP3618 to implement a PRD Overlay District, which modified the Multi -Family Residential ("MFR") zoning and development regulations for Bay Island. The purpose of the PRD Use Permit is to ensure that future development maintains the single-family detached character of Bay Island. 3. The Applicant proposes a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and the construction of a new 4,703 -square -foot, single- family residence ("Development') and adjust the off-street parking requirements with a parking management plan. 4. The subject Property is located within the Multi -Unit Residential ("RM") Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple -Unit Residential Detached ("RM -D"). 5. The subject Property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Multiple -Unit Residential — 10.0 — 19.9 DU/AC ("RM -C") and the Coastal Zoning District is Multi -Unit Residential ("RM"). 6. A public hearing was held on July 26, 2018, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 2 of 8 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQK) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 3 exempts the construction of limited number of new, small structures, including one single-family residence. The proposed project is the demolition of a single-family residence and the construction of a single-family residence located within the RM (Multi -Unit Residential) Coastal Zoning District. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with NBMC Subsection 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits — Findings and Decision), the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a coastal development permit are set forth: Finding A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the Development is consistent with the existing single-family neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development based on allowable development standards. 2. The Property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code ("CBC') and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 3. Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.35.050, due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A WQHP prepared by Robin B. Harriers & Associates, Inc. dated April 6, 2018 has been submitted and will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterizations, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the storm runoff volume onsite, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. 4. The proposed Development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and open space. Tmplt: 04/14/10 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 3 of 8 a. The maximum cumulative floor area limitation for all residential development on Bay Island is 143,916 square feet and the proposed cumulative floor area is approximately 130,095 square feet. b. The proposed Development complies with the required setbacks, which are 20 feet along all exterior property lines. c. The highest flat elements of the roof are no more than 28 feet from established grade and the highest ridge is no more than 33 feet from established grade, which complies with the maximum height in the RM Coastal Zoning District. d. The minimum required common open space on Bay Island is 1,725 square feet and the proposed common open space is approximately 452,460 square feet. e. The minimum required private open space for the development is 236 square feet and the proposed private open space is 654 square feet. 5. The Development includes over 4,000 square feet of livable area and therefore requires 3 garage parking spaces pursuant to NBMC Section 21.40.040 (Off -Street Parking Spaces Required). However, the Development complies with NBMC Section 21.40.110 (Adjustments to Off -Street Parking Requirements) in that a parking management plan is being provided as follows: a. Bay Island is accessible by a gated pedestrian bridge and the only vehicles permitted on the Island are golf carts. The Development includes a dedicated 200 -square -foot garage for on-site golf cart parking. b. Off-site parking is provided in a parking structure located at 501 West Bay Avenue pursuant to Use Permit No. UP3618, previously approved by the Planning Commission in 1997. The parking structure includes 49 parking spaces designated for the 23 single-family residences on Bay Island, equating to two or more off-site spaces per residence. 6. The Development fronts the Newport Harbor with a sandy beach separating the project site and the water. A Coastal Hazards Analysis was prepared by PMA Consulting, Inc. The report concludes that the proposed project is reasonably safe from coastal hazards for the next 75 years including shoreline movement, waves and wave run-up, and flooding with moderate future sea level rise projections. The site is separated from the bay by an approximately 150 -foot -wide sandy beach and grass landscape. The current highest tides have reached approximately 7.2 feet (NAVD 88). Utilizing the Community Development Department policy of a 1.25 -foot sea level rise, the proposed finished floor elevation will protect the site and surrounding development from sea level rise. The proposed finished floor is 9.00 feet (NAVD 88), which is consistent with the minimum 9.00 feet (NAVD 88) standard. If sea level rise exceeds projections, an additional 4 -foot concrete or masonry block garden wall may need to be constructed around the front porch of the Development in the future. Tmplt: 04/14/10 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 4 of 8 7. Proposed landscaping complies with the Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought -tolerant, and prohibits invasive, species. Final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. 8. Pursuant to NBMC Subsections 21.30.030(C)(3)(i) and (iv), the property owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the City waiving any potential right to protection to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). The property owner will also be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with NBMC Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c). Both requirements are included as conditions of approval that will need to be satisfied prior to the issuance of building permits for construction. 9. The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City's storm drain system. Findinci B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of aby body of water located in the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private community of Bay Island. NBMC Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact and be proportional to the impact. The project involves the demolition of a single- family residence and the construction of a new single-family residence. Therefore, there is no change in land use and the proposed increases in floor area, height and bulk will not result in any significant adverse impacts to public recreation, access or views or otherwise diminish the public's use of the ocean, harbor, bay, channels, estuaries, salt marshes, sloughs, beaches, coastal parks, trails, or coastal bluffs. 2. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bay Island community at the street ends along the Balboa Peninsula (approximately 150 feet from the subject property). 3. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. However, the project will replace an existing single-family residence with a new single-family residence that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development Tmplt: 04/14/10 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 5 of 8 standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit Application No. CD2018-041 subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This Coastal Development Permit action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is fined with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation plan of the NBMC. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with NBMC Section 21.64.035 and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 2018. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator Tmplt: 04/14/10 i3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 6 of 8 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project -Specific Conditions in Italics PLANNING DIVISION 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, an agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney between the property owner and the City shall be executed and recorded waiving rights to the construction of future shoreline protection devices including the repair and maintenance, enhancement, reinforcement, or any other activity affecting the bulkhead, that results in any encroachment seaward of the authorized footprint of the bulkhead or other shoreline protective device. The agreement shall be binding against the property owners and successors and assigns. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of development. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction management plan to minimize impacts to adjacent residences on Island Avenue and Edgewater Avenue to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director. 5. A minimum of two parking spaces, including one covered, shall be maintained for the dwelling unit at the parking structure located at 501 West Bay Avenue (Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Block 3, East Newport Tract). 6. A minimum of one enclosed parking space, with minimum dimensions 9 feet wide by 12 feet 6 inches deep, shall be maintained onsite for golf cart parking. 7. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). Tmplt: 04/14/10 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 7 of 8 8. The Applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 9. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the City's Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of building permits. 10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall incorporate drought -tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the City's Planning Division. 11. All landscape materials and irrigations systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing conditions and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the City's Planning Division. 13. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit to the City's Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the application file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Coastal Development Permit application. 14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the approved Construction Pollution Prevention Plan ("CPPP") and Water Quality and Hydrology Plan ("WQHF) shall be submitted with the Building Permit plans. Implementation shall be in compliance with the approved CPPP and WQHP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the City's Building Division. 15. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 16. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock piles and Tmplt: 04/14/10 1.5 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 8 of 8 construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sides, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far assay as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 17. Best Management Practices ("BMPs") and Good Housekeeping Practices ("GNPs") shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the CPPP. 18. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Sold waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 19. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, wetland or their buffers. 20. Should the Property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of approval by either the current property owner or leasing agent. 21. Construction activities shall comply with NBMC Section 10.28.040, which restricts hours of noise -generating construction activities to between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday. Noise -generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 22. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of NBMC Title 20 Planning and Zoning. 23. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of Martin Residence Coastal Development Permit including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-041 (PA2018-091). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The Applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Tmplt: 04/14/10 10 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 17 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 10 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development No. CD2018-041 PA2018-091 9 Bay Island Tmp1[: 01/12/17 zg Attachment No. ZA 3 Use Permit No. 3618 J-� _W b, ! RESOLUTION NO. 23 • FILE COPY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NE'W'PORT BEACH APPROVING A PLAN NI ED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH LAND USE AND PROPERTY- DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR THE BAY ISLAND COMMUNITY [USE PERMIT 36181 WHEREAS, the Bay Island was developed as a stock cooperative prior to the establishment of City zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, a planned residential development use permit is necessary- for the administration of City zoning regulations on existing and future development on Bay Island; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan designate the site for "Residential Single Family Detached" residential uses and that a planned residential development is a permitted use w thin this designation; and WHEREAS, the project is located within the Multi -Family Residential District and Planned Residential Development Overlay District, which permits multi -family residential land uses and planned residential developments; and 'WHEREAS, Bay Island provides off-street parking for each dwelling unit which is equal to that of the requirement for sinSle family residential dwelling units. The off-street parking for Bay Island has shown to be adequate for many years and that the approval of the planned residential development use permit will not result in additional parking demand; and WHEREAS, the waiver of the requirement that the planned residential development be bounded on all sides by public streets will not -be inconsistent with adequate standards of pedestrian and vehicular access and traffic circulation for the development and for the area in which the develop- ment is located. The project has not negatively affected the pedestrian and vehicular system in the past seventy-five years, and v:ith the standards established by the planned residential development use 20 0 permit, the project will have adequate pedestrian and vehicular access; and WHEREAS, the approval of lise Permit No. 3618 to allow a planned residential development Will not, under the circumstances of the case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, for the following reasons: • The proposed planned residential development will not significantly alter the land use and development pattern of Bay Island. • That the PRD will allow Bay Island to continue to be developed with dwelling units; densities and property development standards which are consistent with those in the surrounding area. WHEREAS, on October 23, 1997, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach held public hearings regarding Use Permit 3618; and WHEREAS, on November 24, 1997, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held a public hearing regarding Use Permit 3618; and WHEREAS, the public was duly noticed of the public hearing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, it has been determined that the proposed amendment is categorically exempt under Class 5, minor alterations in land use limitations. 21 0 THE CITY" COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF \EWPORT BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Use Permit 3618 is hereby approved to establish the following land use and property development. regulations for Bay Island: 1.5 Bav Island - PRD. All development shall conform to MFR District regulations unless modified by the following: I.5.1 Setbacks and Encroachments. A_ "Major Structures" shall conform to setbacks and envelopes as illustrated on Building Site Map dated 8-15-97 which defines the Buildable Area of Ihese sites. B. "Minor Structures" such as sun shades, decks, railings, stairs, etc., may encroach into the area illustrated with a maximum railing height of 42" above the main living floor. Porches and decks, roofs, etc., to serve floors above the main living floor shall be cantilevered and shall not encroach more than 5' into the front yard (bayside) or more than 4' into the rear yard (interior or "park" side). Roofs may encroach an additional T. 1.5.2 Gross Floor Area Gross Floor Area shall not exceed 25 times "buildable area." 1.5.3 Land Use Each site designated on the map of Bay Island shall permit the construction of only one single family unit. The existing caretaker's residence and the tennis court are permitted as accessory uses to the single family units. 1.5.4 Parkine A parking structure built and owned by the Bay Island Club and located on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5; 6, Block 3, East Newport Tract provides parking for 48 cars, 37 covered and I 1 uncovered. Two off-street parking spaces, including one covered; shall be 22 maintained for each dwelling unit, including any caretaker's residences. ISS Building Height Building height shall be 24', using the measurement of height defined in the Newport Beach Zoning Code, Chapter 20.65. This may be increased to a maximum of 28' with the approval of the Planning Commission if it is deemed compatible and consistent with the height and scale of adjacent and surrounding dwellings. 1.5.6 Nonconforming Buildings and Structures Buildings and structures made nonconforming due to the adoption of this planned residential development use permit or by ordinance changes may be continued subject to the provisions of Chapter 20.62 of the Newport Beach Zoning Code, 1.5.7 Modification Pennits,/Variances Modifications and variances to the property development regulations established by this planned residential development use permit or the Zoning Code may be granted under the provisions of Chapter 20.93 and Chapter 20.91, respectively, of the Newport Beach Zoning Code. 1.5.8. Public Safery improvements All new structures shall be fully automatic fire sprinklered in conformance with the requirements specified by the Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department. All existing structures shall be retrofitted with automatic fire sprinklers in conformance with the requirements specified by the Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department when the valuation of any new construction or alterations exceeds S50,000. Fire sprinkler system for each residential dwelling unit shall be installed on the dwelling unit's domestic water line. It shall be installed ahead of the pressure regulator so that the fire sprinkler system will be pressurized when the 6" fire main is pressurized. 23 Since the domestic and fire system are common, Bay Island shall sign an indemnification agreement, which is agreeable to both the Bay Island Club and the City of Newport Beach, indemnifying the City of Newport Beach for contamination or damage to individual dwelling units or the common domestic water system from pressurization of the fire line. This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on March 9, 2004 , by the following vote, to w6t AYES. COUNCIL MEMBERS Heffernan, Rosasnsky, Adams, Bromberg, Webb, Nichols, Mayor Ridgeway NOES, COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENTCOUNCILMEMBERS None fEe W . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Mi STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven: that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 2004-23 was duly and regularly introduced before and adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council, duly and regularly held on the 9th day of March, 2004, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Heffernan, Rosansky, Adams, Bromberg, Webb, Nichols, Mayor Ridgeway Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: 'done IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 10th day of March, 2004. (Seal) City Clerk Newport Beach, California 25 Martin Residence Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 12 Attachment No. ZA 4 Correspondence Tn,ph: 01'1'17 20 From: ]&] McKellar To: Craoer. Chelsea Subject: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) Date: Monday, July 16, 2018 12:10:17 PM Subject: Applications for new, oversize large homes on Bay Island. Ms. Crager: I'm writing to you to express my concern of the two current oversized homes being considered on Bay Island. Clearly, the homeowners needs are based upon their need to increase overnight housing for many more guests than they currently can accommodate. My problem is that even at their current size, most Bay Island residents don't park their cars in their provided parking structure 1 short block away at the West end of Island. Instead, they take the easy way out by parking their, and their guests cars, on the streets on Island or Anade, (where we reside), Lindo, and other surrounding streets. By their being inconsiderate, parking up to 6 days in front of our houses, they occupy many of the valuable few parking spots for us! By the City approving larger homes for them, this parking situation will simply worsen. It's a simple formula: new, much larger homes approved, brings many, many subcontractors to construct the homes to park on our already overcrowded streets for the months and months to build the new structure. (Last year, a sub told us there were 7 different painting contractors all painting one new large home at once)! Then, upon completion, they posess much more space to have both daytime and overnight guests for a few days, this further puts a strain on the few street parking spaces available. If the city approves these projects, you set precedent and will have to approve all requests for mega -mansions on Bay Island... further eroding the parking problem. Thus, I feel these applications should be denied. Sincerely, James McKellar 326 Anade Ave N.B. 27 Attachment No. ZA 5 Project Plans 22 -O 0) L w Q T O C U O U O 0 c 'a m C '� f6 M U)) a) 3 O L a O E a) t 0 O O c0 T C o > a) m O .N ra 0 3 a) a) T c E c E E ami `O U E CD o T N a) C.9 r�6 a N) � CL c U O O U rn� tU) U � C m U) o .3 a) a -C 0 0 o �_ C Q a) o r`o U U fi m C CU d O a) I Im rn0 0� C 0 N IM a) uJ L O O � T c � W CL "o _7, a a) a) C O f6 Q N a) a) O 0.0 c m 'U LT O Q T N U f6 y m � c O 3 E E 0 a) U t fn ~ v O C U j> CL2 a) 0 O O LCL IM L C w N O W d X N N rnO C c C imC -0 +. LL >? O (a t7) C 0 C .N U N wE .0" to d O C C O tm O C L co M A R T I N U R E S I D E N C E 9 BAY ISLAND, N BEACH CA, 92661 LU Z U) GENERAL NOTES PROJECT TEAM 01 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET INDEX 1. All work, including materials and workmanship, shall conform to the requirements of local codes, laws, and ordinances and as OWNER: Mr. Martin GEOLOGIST: EGA Consultants, Inc PROJECT ADDRESS CODE ANALYSIS A0.1 TITLE SHEET specified by all by all governing authorities where applicable. Reference is to the latest accepted edition or revision. In the event of 9 Bay Island Newport Beach, CA 92651 c/o: David a Vista Avetom CEG 2124 375-C Monte Vista Avenue 9 BAY ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH, CA, 92661 CODE: 1 CEES & NBMC ITLE 21 AND EXISTING USE PERMIT 361 AND A0.2 CITY NOTES MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS conflict with code requirements, that code requirement or note which establishes the higher standard shall take precedence. m Costa Mesa, CA 92627 LOCAL CITY tf�idA t. 949.642.9309 ACCESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(SPRNIKLERED) CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -B A0.3 CITY NOTES - CAL GREEN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 2. The intention of the Contract Documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment, and transportation necessary for the APN: 048-040-02 LDG SITE 9 ZONING DESIGNATION: RM PRD #3618 complete and proper execution of the work. ARCHITECT: hudgins design group, inc. COASTAL PMA Consulting Inc t OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: R-3, U A1.1 SITE PLAN 3. The Contractor shall visit the job site prior to bidding any portion of the work. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and c/o: Scott hudgins 32932 pacific coast h HAZARDS: c/o: Plamen Petrov, C-66947 p wy, #14-272 OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS: 1 -HR NUMBER OF STORIES: 3p, A1.2 AREA CALCULATIONS existing conditions prior to beginning work, including but not limited to existing interior walls and roof structures. Should any dana point, CA 92629 28161 Casitas Ct. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 FIRE SPRINKLERS (NFPA 13D): REQUIRED A1.3 DEMO PLAN condition arise where the intent of the drawings is in doubt or where there is a discrepancy between the Contract Documents and 949.322.7922 p.petrov@pma-bg.com PROJECT DESCRIPTION the field conditions, or within the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall notify the Architect immediately for clarification. t A2.1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 1 Acceptance of these contract documents releases Architect from any liability of inaccurate portray of existing conditions whatsoever SURVEYOR & ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. LANDSCAPE Designscapes, asia DESIGNER: c/o: Steve McConnell ROPERTY IS LOCATED IN NEWPORT BEACH, CA ON THE BALBOA PENINSULAAT BAY ISLAND LOT) THE t A2 2 FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 2 as established by consulting engineers and/or surveyors. CIVIL CIVIL ENGINEERS Steven@designscapesasla.com IS APPROXIMATELY 45' WIDE BY 78.2' DEEP, IT IS ZONED RM AND ISAPPX. 3,523 S.F. THE PROP MLEIXISTING ENGINEER: 234 E. 17TH STREET, SUITE 205 3,000 S.F. RESIDENCE TO BE DEMOLISHED. THE CLIENT PROPOSES TO BUILD ANEW 3 -STORY A2.3 FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 3 4. Dimensions are from face of studs or to center of wall as indicated on drawings, unless noted otherwise. COSTA MESA, CA 92627 SINGLE FAMILY P. (949) 548-1192 RESIDENCEAPPX. 4,503 S.F. TO BE WOOD FRAMED WITH A SLAB FOUNDATIONAND ROOF-TOP/VIEW DECKS. THE A2.4 ROOF PLAN 5. Written dimensions take precedence. Do not scale drawings. Walls not dimensioned are to align with existing walls or be abutted PROJECT WILL BE OF A EAST COAST TRADITIONAL DESIGN, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: INDOOR/ or applied to existing walls per drawings. Doors not dimensioned and shown jamb tight shall be set 3" from perpendicular wall to OUTDOOR LIVING SPACES INTEGRATED WITH AN ' OPEN' FLOOR PLAN AS WELLAS OUTDOOR PATIOS, DECKS, LOGGIA, A3.1 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS outer edge of doorjamb. SYMBOLS AND BALCONIES. GOLF CART PARKING WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE FORM OF 1 CART GARAGE (200 S.F.). THE EXTERIOR A3.2 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PRIMARILY FIBER CEMENT LAP SIDING, FIBER CEMENT SHINGLE SIDING, WITH SOME USE OF BRICK AND METAL. 6. Reference to any detail or drawing is for convenience only and does not limit the application of such details or drawings. THE HOME WILL HAVE APPROXIMATELY 4 BEDROOMS AND 5.5 BATHS. THE PROGRAM MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A4.1 PROPOSED SECTIONS Section Number O Door symbol - see door schedule KITCHEN, GREAT ROOM, DINING ROOM, MASTER SUITE, MASTER BATH, WALK-IN CLOSET, 2 SECONDARY BEDROOMS WITH 7. The design, adequacy and safety of erection bracing, shoring, temporary supports, etc., is the sole responsibility of the 2 ATTACHED BATHSAND CLOSETS, OFFICE WITH ATTACHED BATH LAUNDRY ROOM, A POWDER ROOM, BONUS ROOMAND C-1 CIVIL TITLE SHEET & NOTES Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the structure and provide necessary bracing prior to the AB Sheet Number 0 Window symbol - see window schedule ELEVATOR. C-2 CIVIL DETAILS & SECTIONS application of all shear walls, roof and floor diaphragms, and finish materials. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. Detail Number 4 Keynote symbol - see keynotes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (L.C.P.) C-3 PRECISE GRADING PLAN 8. The Structural Mechanical Plumbing,and Electrical Drawings, as well as the drawings other consultants are supplementary 9 � 9 pP ry m Sheet Number pia -i Color/material symbol -see color/fin. list y PROJECT CONFORMS TO APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CERTIFIED LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM. - TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY C4 to the Architectural Drawings. It shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to check with the Architectural Drawings before C-5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN the installation of work shown on the drawings of consultants. The Contractor shall bring any discrepancy between the Architectural Drawings and the drawings of the consulting engineers to the attention of the Architect for clarification. Any work installed in conflict 1 Sheet Number Ceiling height symbol ADDRESS: 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH CA, 92661 C-6 GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS with the Architectural drawings and not brought to the Architect's attention shall be corrected by the Contractor at the Contractor's ZONING STANDARDS expense and at no expense to the Owner or Architect. 4<A11 2 - Interior Elevation A Equipment symbol - see equipment list L-1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 9. Prior to performance of work, the Contractor shall require each subcontractor to notify the 3`_ Number A Plumbing fixtures symbol per schedule DESCRIPTION REQUIRED/ALLOWED EXISTING PROPOSED CONFORMS Contractor of any work called out in the drawings for his trade that cannot be fully guaranteed. �� (Yes/No) �� a Plumbing accessories Symbol per Schedule USE RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE FAMILY Y ZONE RM RM RM Y 10. Contractor shall verify the location and size of all openings with all drawings and manufactured items where applicable. Spot elevation 11. The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work and be solely responsible for all construction, means, methods, techniques, UILDING SITE ARE 5,000 SF 3,523 SF 3,523 SF N sequences, procedures, safety and for coordinating all portions of the Work. ABBREVIATIONS BUILDABLE AREA N/A 2,453 SF 2,453 SF N/A t 12. The Contractor here -in agrees to repair or replace any or all work, together with any other adjacent work which may be BLDG SITE WIDTH (AVG.) 50'-0" 45'-0" 45'-0" N displaced in connection with such replacement, that may prove to be defective in workmanship or materials within a period of one LDG SITE DEPTH (AVG.) N/A 78'-2" 78'-2" N/A year form the date of acceptance, ordinary wear and unusual abuse or neglect excepted. A.B. ANCHOR BOLT FLR FLOOR R.R. ROOF RAFTER MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT 29'-0" 26.86' 29' Y 13. Contractor shall protect all existing structures, landscaping, materials, etc., during construction. Contractor shall patch and ABV. ABOVE FT FOOT R.S. ROUGH SAWN SETBACKS: repair all surfaces disrupted or damaged during construction to match existing adjacent surfaces. A.C. ASPHALT CONCRETE FTG. FOOTING RA RETURNAIR„ Front (BAY) 151-0" 2 „ 0 -0 Y A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR GA GAUGE RED REQUIRED -11 Side 41-0" T-10-1/2" 4'-0" Y 14. The Contractor shall on a daily basis keep the premises free form all accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his AL ALUMINUM GALV GALVINIZED RI RISER employees, subcontractors, or work, and at the completion of the work shall remove all rubbish, debris, equipment, and surplus "broom ALT ALTERNATE GAR GARAGE RM ROOM Rear (PARK) 121-01' 14'-2-1/2" 12'-0" Y materials from in and about the building and leave the premises clean". APP APPROXIMATE GEE GARAGE FINISH FLOOR R.O.W. RIGHTOF WAV BLDG FOOTPRINT N/A 1,629 SF 2,227 SF N/A DEFERRED SUBMITTALS ARCH ARCHITECTURAL G.F.I. GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTOR S STAINLESS BD BOARD G.F.R.C. GLASS FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT S.C. SOLID CORE 15. Any deviation from the Construction Documents or specifications by the Contractor or Owner without the Architect's approval BUILDING SITE COVERAGE N/A 46% 63% N/A releases the Architect of responsibility and liability in connection with all work so involved. BLW BELOW G.I. GALVINIZED IRON SCH. SCHEDULE BET BETWEEN GLS GLASS SECT. SECTION OPEN VOLUME 15% / 368 SF 16% / 381 SF Y 16. Clarifications on and/or inconsistencies with the drawings and specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Architect by BLDG BUILDING GR GRANITE SH SHELF 1. DEFERRED SUBMITTALS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE PROJECT ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF the Contractor prior to commencement of work. Additional charges will not be granted based on claims of incomplete, inaccurate, or BM BEAM GRD GRADE SHTG SHEATHING PROJECT DATA RECORD AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL FOR PLAN REVIEW. inconsistent drawings and specifications. BOT BOTTOM GYP. BD. GYPSUM BOARD SHWR SHOWER 2. ELEMENTS OF A LIFE/SAFTEY NATURE MAY NOT BE DEFERRED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED DESCRIPTION EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL BYN BEYOND H.M, HOLLOW METAL SIM SIMULAR O: GUARD RAILS, HAND RAILS, STAIRS, EGRESS COMPONENTS, LIGHT & VENTILATION T 17. Prior to an excavation, a meeting will be held on site that will be attended b the project engineer, geologist, project building Y 9 Y P 1 9 9 9 P J 9 Bw BOTH WAYS H.C. HOLLOW CORE SPEC SPECIFICATIONS ELEMENTS, ETC. 3. DEFERRED SUBMITTALS ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE REVIEW AND PERMIT ISSUANCE. HABITABLE AREA: inspector, general and shoring contractors. C.J. CEILING JOISTS C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS HC HANDICAPPED HD HIGH DENSITY, HOLD SQ SQUARE DOWN ST. STREET 4. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS, FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, DEMOLITION, POOLS, SPAS, WALLS, LEVEL 1 2,027 SF 2,027 SF permit is required where excavations exceed aft and a copy of the permit shall supplied to the city prior to C.O. CLEAR OPENING How HARDWARE STD STANDARD SHORING, FENCES, PATIO COVERSAND OTHER FREESTANDING STRUCTURES REQUIRE SEPARATE REVIEWS AND PERMITS. LEVEL 2 2,086 SF 2,086 SF i gaUOSHA issuing a building permit. There shall w issuing or excavations 5 feet or more in depth into which a person is required to CABCLG CABINET HR HOUR STL STEEL5. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED, CONSTRACTOR TO SUBMIT FIRE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS FOR LEVEL 3 390 SF 390 SF of altrenches descend, or obtain permit from State of California, Division of Occupational Safety and Health Cal/OSHA . This permit and an P P y ( ) P y cLG CEILING HT HEIGHT STN STONE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMITTING TO CITY. OBTAIN FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT PRIOR TOTAL HABITABLE AREA: 3,000 SF 4,503 SF 4,503 SF other safety permit shall be obtained prior to commence any work. Contact CaUOSHA at 714-558-4451 for additional information. CEM CEMENT HRT. HEATER STSTUCCO TO CALLING FOR ROOF SHEATHING INSPECTION. CER CERAMIC I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER RU STRUCT STRUCTURAL 19. The requirements of the 2016 edition of the California Building Code and 2016 California Residential Code (Title 24) have been CUR CLEAR IN INCH SYM SYMMETRICAL EXTERIOR BALCONY AREA: 654 SF 654 SF taken In consideration. COL COLUMN INS. INSULATION T&B TOPANDBOTTOM GARAGEAREA: 200 SF 200 SF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS CONIC CONCRETE INT. INTERIOR T&G TOUNGEANDGROOVE 20. All new utilities will be underground to nearest utility pole. CONN CONNECTION JAN. JANITOR T TREAD, TEMPEREDGLASS TOTAL (HABITABLE+GARAG ): 4,703 SF 4,703 SF SLOPE AND ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATION: SLOPE= [(8.78'-7.60')/36.6T]100=3.2% 1. HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED, SEE TITLE 24 SHEETS CONST CONSTURUCTION JT JOINT TO TOP OF CONCRETE/CURB/CHIMNEY 21. The responsible certified geotechnical engineer will inspect and approve all grading and excavations prior to placement of CONT CONTINUOUS KIT. KITCHEN TD TOP OF DECK ESTABLISHED GRADE _ (8.78' + 7.60' + 8.52' + 8.42') / 4 = 8.33' forms, reinforcingsteel or concrete. In cases involving engineered fill, a soils engineer shall provide the inspection and approval. 9 9 9 P P PP CONTR CONTRACTOR L. LENGTH TP TOP OF PLATE *LOWEST FINISH FLOOR ALLOWED PER USE PERMIT 3618 = 9.00' 2. REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. D DEPTH LAV LAVATORY TT TOP OFTRELLIS Licensed civil engineer/ architect that prepared the drainage plan shall certify at the completion of the project that the site D.F. DRINKING FOUNTAIN, DOUGLAS FIR M.C. MEDICINE CHEST TR TOP OF ROOF t OFFSITE PARKING: TWO OFFSITE PARKING SPACES ARE PROVIDED IN THE PARKING GARAGE drainage is in substantial compliance with the approved drainage plan. dr D.S. Pour M.O. MASONRY OPENING TRAIL TOP OF HANDRAIL LOCATED AT 501 W. BAY AVE., NEWPORT BEACH PER USE PERMIT 3618. DB. DOUBLEOUBLE MAS. MASONRY TW TOP OF WALL REVISIONS 23. The plans shall comply with the 2016 California Codes. CBC, CRC, CPC, CMC, CEC and CGBS, 2016 Energy Code and all Local DET DETAIL DIA DIAMETER MAX. MAXIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL TEL TELEPHONE THK THICK CITY NOTES applicable codes and ordinances. DIM DIMENSION MED. MEDIUM TYP TYPICAL PLNG DIV. CORRECTIONS #1 05/08/18 24. Project shall comply with NPDES, SUSMP and BMP requirements. DN DOWN DR DOOR MFG. MANUFACTURER MIN. MINIMUM U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE UR URINAL 1. DESTRUCTIVE REMOVAL OF WORK PERFORMED WITHOUT PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTION(S). 2 2. DEPUTY INSPECTORS ARE REQUIRED TO BE REGISTERED WITH THE CITY. ' 25. Contact dig alert. DWG DRAWING MISC. MISCELLANEOUS V.T. VINYLTILE 3. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES REQUIRED. 26. Structural observations by design engineer. DWR DRAWER E.N. EDGE NAIL(ING) MTD MOUNTED MNL. METAL V.T.R. VENTTHROUGH ROUGH W WIDE, WIDTH 4. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND DETAILS FULLY CONFORM TO ALLAPPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, THE VICINITY MAP CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (R301.1.3 CRC) E.W. EACH WAY [N1 NEW W/ WITH APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH NO PERMIT IS ISSUED WITHIN 180 DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF APPLICATION SHALL 27. Owners on adjacent properties that must underpin their buildings due to the proposed excavation shall be notified in writing ten days prior to EA EACH N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT W.C. WATER CLOSET, WALL COVERING AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE. (CRC R105.3.2) ■ beginning the excavation. Copies of these notification letters shall be provided to the city prior to beginning the excavation. ELEC ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE WD WOOD 6. EVERY PERMIT ISSUED SHALL BECOME INVALID UNLESS WORKAUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE ELEV ELEVATION NAT. NATURAL WP WATERPROOF WORK AUTHORIZED IS SUSPENDED ORABANDON FORA PERIOD OF 180 DAYS. A SUCCESSFUL INSPECTION MUST BE 28. Termite protection. In geographical areas where hazard of termite damage is known to be very heavy, wood floor framing shall be of naturallyE.I.F.S. EXTERIOR INSULATION O.C. ON CENTER W.R. WATER RESISTANT OBTAINED WITHIN 180 DAYS. A PERMIT MAY BE species (termite resistant) or preservative treated in accordance with AWPA U1 for the species, product preservative and end use or AND FINISH SYSTEM O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETERdurable EXTENDED IF A WRITTEN REQUEST STATING JUSTIFICATION FOR EXTENSION AND AN EXTENSION FEE IS RECEIVED PRIOR -. provided with approved methods of termite protection. 2304.11.6 FIGURE 2603.8 EQ EQUAL DEN. OPENING TO EXPIRATION OF THE PERMIT AND GRANTED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. NO MORE THAN ONE (1) EXTENSION MAY BE EQUIP EQUIPMENT OPP OPPOSITE GRANTED. PERMITS WHICH HAVE BECOME INVALID SHALL PAY REACTIVATION FEE OF APPROXIMATELY 50% OF THE 29. Wood supported by exterior foundation walls. Wood framing members, including wood sheathing, that rest on exterior foundation walls and are ESMT EASMENT P/A PLANTINGAREA ORIGINAL PERMIT FEE AMOUNT WHEN THE PERMIT HAS BEEN EXPIRED FOR UP TO SIX (6) MONTHS. WHEN A PERMIT HAS less than 8 inches (203 mm) from exposed earth shall be of naturally durable or preservative -treated wood. 2304.11.2.2 EXH EXHAUST P.S.I. POUNDS / SQUARE INCH BEEN EXPIRED FOR A PERIOD IN EXCESS OF ONE (1) YEAR, THE REACTIVATION FEE SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY 100% OF [E] EXISTING PL. PLATE THE ORIGINAL PERMIT FEE. (R105.5 CRC) 30. Fasteners for preservative treated and fire -retardant -treated wood shall be of hot dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon EXP EXPOSED PLAS PLASTER 7. AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED bronze or copper. The coating weights for zinc -coated fasteners shall be in accordance with ASTM A 153.2304.9.5. Exception: Fasteners other F.N. FIELD NAILING PLY PLYWOOD 8. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE: 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRC), 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL ( ) PROJECT SITE than nails, timber rivets, wood screws and lag screws shall be permitted to be of mechanically deposited zinc coated steel with coating weights in F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE POL POLISH, POLISHED CODE (CMC), 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC), 2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC), 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN accordance with ASTMB695, Class 55 minimum. 2304.9.5. Fastenings for wood foundations shall be as required in AFPA Technical Report No. 7 F.O.M. FACE OF MASONRY PR. PAIR BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (CGBSC), 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS (CEES) AND THE CITY LOCAL F.O.S. FACE OF STUD PT. PAINT ORDINANCES. 31. Provide house street number visible and legible from the street with a minimum size of 4" high and 1/2" wide (CRC R319.1) FRMG FRAMING R RADIUS, RAFTER 9. ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE LEGAL N FDN FOUNDATION R.D. ROOF DRAIN REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THE FIN FINISH R.O. ROUGH OPENING PROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT o 10. PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W U Q m Z W LU Z U) W 01 Z z Q J m CY) HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 Di PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: NTS PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A. 29 W-0 �a) �C L a) Q x� (1) CL Y ;n 3 Y o Y a) w Q_ CU(1) Q y -0 rn _ c Y Q >0 O U O U O O -0 o c Cn m of m � L O > o a� s rn w L L C o O L>1 c 0 L O a� -0 > (1) O N 0- (1) Z- 0 CU0 Lm La c E CDc E a0) LO U E o> > CU ate) W a 0- o c 0 L Z- 0 La U Lr - a) a) c n CD ul s � U O 0 U p> 7 O O CL @ W -0 L 0 O O a) 0- (D O mU rn �j r CD = -0 0 W sT F- y ui C y CU m > U) s 0 0 s w- > c m- U) Q O O1 a a) c o 'm L E 0 L L () U) w 0 0.0 m O M.0 'U () .L o_ o_ o O m to as 0) 0 3 0 as E -0 0 0 U � to ~ Y ti (D U Q .a? a) 30 L a) o CL L L 0) U rn o y a- d c x a) a) H 0 c a) o Q � U L L 0cn iT O 00 C .0 U y N O N Q_ CO O O L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.00v 1 (949) 644-3200 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Applicable Standards: 2016 California Residential Code (CRC); 2016 California Building Code (CBC); 2016 California Plumbing Code (CPC); 2016 California Electrical Code (CEC); 2016 California Mechanical Code (CMC); 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES); 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (Cal Green); & Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) GENERAL: 1. Residential building undergoing permitted alterations, additions or improvements shall replace non-compliant plumbing fixtures with water -conserving plumbing fixtures meeting the requirements of 2016 California Green Building Standards Code, Section 4.303. Plumbing fixture replacement is required prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final inspection by the Chief Building Official. (Civil Code, Section 1101.1 et seq., NBMC 15.11.010) 2. Issuance of a building permit by the City of Newport Beach does not relieve applicants of the legal requirements to observe covenants, conditions and restrictions, which may be recorded against the property or to obtain plans. You should contact your community associations prior to commencement of any construction authorized by this permit. 3. Prior to performing any work in the city right-of-way an encroachment permit must be obtained from the Public Works Department. 4. A site survey by a licensed surveyor shall be required prior to foundation concrete pour. 5. Garage ceiling height. The minimum unobstructed vertical clearance for parking spaces shall be seven feet, except that the front four feet may have a minimum vertical clearance of four feet. (NBMC 20.40.090 A 4) 6. Utilize one of the city's approved franchise hauler to recycle and/or salvage a minimum of 65% of the nonhazardous construction and demolition waste. (Cal Green 4.408.1, 4.408.3) 7. Stairways shall not be less than 36 inches clear width. (CRC 311.7. 1) The minimum head clearance shall be 6"-8" measured vertically from the sloped line adjoining tread nosing. (CRC 311.7.2) 8. Advisory Note: Homeowners Association (HOA) approval may be required for this improvement. 9. Additional permits are required for detached structures including but not limited to: a. Accessory structures, detached patio covers, and trellises, b. Masonry or concrete fences over 3.5 ft. high, C. Retaining walls over 4 ft. high from the bottom of the foundation to the top of the wall. 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimumReq 05/04/2017 1 PLUMBING: 30. Plumbing Fixtures: a. New Construction & Addition/Alterations that increases condition space area, volume, or size (Cal Green 4.303.1): i. Comply with CAL Green Mandatory Requirements b. Addition & Alteration: Existing fixtures shall be replaced to meet the following requirements: i. Shower Heads: 2.0 gpm @ 80 psi ii. Lavatory Faucets: 1.2 gpm @ 60 psi iii. Kitchen Faucets: 1.8 gpm @ 60 psi iv. Water Closet: 1.28 gallons per flush 31. Clearance for water closet to be a minimum of 24 inches in front, and 15 inches from its center to any side wall or obstruction. (CPC 402.5) 32. The water heater burner to be at least 18 inches above the garage floor, if located in a garage. (CPC 507.13) 33. Install a 3 inch diameter by 3 ft. tall steel pipe embedded in concrete slab for protection of water heaters located in garage. (CPC 507.13.1) 34. Water heaters to be strapped at top and bottom with 1 '/2" x 16 gauge strap with 3/8" diameter. X 3" lag bolt each end. (CPC 507.2) 35. ABS and PVC drain waste and vent piping material is limited to 2 stories maximum. (CPC 701.2(2) (a). and 903.1.1) 36. ABS and PVC roof and deck drain material is limited to 2 stories maximum. (CPC 1101.4) 37. Roof and deck drain systems inside the building are required to be installed with directional DWV drainage fittings. (CPC 1101.4 and & 706.0) 38. Cleanouts are required within 2 feet of the connection between the interior roof and deck drain piping system, and the exterior onsite storm drain system. (CPC 1101.13) 39. All hose bibbs are to have vacuum breakers. (CPC 603.5.7) 40. The maximum amount of water closets on a 3 inch horizontal drainage system line is 3. (CPC Table 703.2) 41. The maximum amount of water closets on a 3 inch vertical drainage system line is 4. (CPC Table 703.2) 42. Provide gas line with a min capacity of 200,000 btu for water heater. (Cal Energy Code 150.0(n)) 43. Provide a condensate drain no more than 2 inches above the base of the water heater space. (Cal Energy Code 150.0 (n)) 44. Provide a straight vent pipe from the water heater space to the outside termination from the water heater space. (Cal Energy Code 150.0 (n)) 45. Insulate all hot water pipes. (Cal Energy Code 150.0 0) (2), and CPC 609.11). 46. Isolation valves are required for tankless water heaters on the hot and cold supply lines with hose bibbs on each valve, to flush the heat exchanger. (Cal Energy Code 110.3 (7)) 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimumReq 05/04/2017 5 CONSTRUCTION: 10. Pedestrian protection adjacent to public way to be as follows: CBC TABLE 3306.1 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS HEIGHT OF CONSTRUCTION DISTANCE FROM CONSTRUCTION TO LOT LINE TYPE OF PROTECTION REQUIRED Less than 5 feet Construction railings 8 feet or less 5 feet or more None W Less than 5 feet Barrier and covered walkway Property Line 5 feet or more, but not more than one-fourth the height of construction Barrier and covered walkway More than 8 feet 5 feet or more, but between one-fourth and one-half the height of construction Barrier 20 feet 5 feet or more, but exceeding one-half the height of construction None 11. All exterior lath and plaster shall have two layers of Grade D paper over wood base sheathing. (CRC R703.7.3, CBC 2510.6) 12. Wall covering of showers or tubs with showers shall be of cement plaster, tile, or approved equal, to a height of not less than 72 inches above drain inlet. Backing for tile shall be cement board or cement plaster. (CRC R307.2, CBC 1210.2.3) 13. Safety glazing shall be provided at the following hazardous locations: (CRC R308.4, CBC 2406.4) a. Swinging, bi-fold, and sliding doors. b. When located within 60 inches above the floor of wet surfaces such as tubs, showers saunas steam rooms or outdoor swimming pool. C. Glazing adjacent to doors: i. Within a 24 inch are of either vertical edge of doors and within 60 inches of walking surface. ii. Where the glazing is on a wall perpendicular to the plane of the door in a closed position and within 24 inches of the hinge side of an in -swinging door. d. Where glazing area is more than 9 sq. ft. in area, with the bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor, top edge more than 36 inches above floor, and within 36 inches of a walking surface, measured horizontally. e. Glazing where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 36 inches above the plane of the adjacent walking surface of stairways, landings between flights of stairs and ramps. f. Glazing adjacent to the landing at the bottom of a stairway where the glazing is less than 36 inches above the landing and within 60 inches horizontally of the bottom tread. g. Glazing in guards and railings. 14. All doors from the house into the pool area shall be equipped with an approved alarm or an approved alternate drowning prevention safety feature. (CBC 3109.4.4.2) 15. Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations (CRC R314.3, CBC 907.2.11.2, 907.2.11.3 & 907.2.11.4): a. In each sleeping room. b. Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. C. On each additional story, including basements and habitable attics. 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstru¢ion MinimumReq 05/04/2017 2 ELECTRICAL: 47. Electrical service to be underground for new construction, replacement building, or addition to an existing building exceeds fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the existing building. (NBMC 15.32.015) 48. Edison Company approval is required for meter location prior to installation. 49. Field inspectors to review and approve underground service requirement prior to concrete placement. 50. Service equipment and subpanels to have a min 30" wide by 36" deep clear work space.(CEC 110.26) 51. All lighting is required to be high efficacy. (California energy code section 150. (k) and Table 150.0-A.) 52. Provide a listed 1 inch raceway to accommodate a dedicated 208/240 -volt circuit for future electrical vehicle (EV) charger. (Cal Green 4.106.4) 53. All receptacle outlets are required to be listed tamper resistant (CEC 406.12 and 250.52) 54. Combination type AFCI circuit breakers are required for all 120 volt single phase 15/20 amp branch circuits. Except for bathrooms, garages, and outdoors. (CEC 210.12) 55. At a minimum, one dedicated 20 amp circuit is required for a bathroom. (CEC 210.11(C)(3)) 56. GFCI protection is required for all receptacle outlets located outdoors, garages, accessory buildings, bathrooms, crawl spaces, kitchens, laundry areas, kitchen dishwasher branch circuit, garbage disposal, all areas within 6 feet of a sink, and all receptacles within 6 feet of a bathtub or shower stall. (CEC 210.8) 57. Receptacle outlets are not allowed within or over a bathtub or shower stall. (CEC 406.9 (C)) 58. Subpanels are not allowed to be located in bathrooms or clothes closets. (CEC 240.24 (D) and (E). 59. Circuits sharing a grounded conductor (neutral) with two ungrounded (hot) conductors must use a two pole circuit breaker or an identified handle tie. (CEC 210.4(B)) Group non - cable circuits in panel (CEC 210.4(D)) 60. The receptacle outlets that serve kitchen counter tops, dining room, breakfast area, and pantry, must have a min of 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits. (CEC 210.52 (13)(1) 61. Kitchen counter tops 12 inches or wider must have a receptacle outlet. (CEC 210.52(C)) 62. Kitchen counter tops must have receptacle outlets so no point along the counter walls is more than 24 inches from a receptacle. (CEC 210.52 (C)) 63. Island and peninsular counter tops must have at least one receptacle. (CEC 210.52(C)( 1),(2),and (3)) 64. The spacing for general receptacle outlets must be located so that no point on any wall, fixed glass, or cabinets is over 6 feet from a receptacle outlet. (CEC 210.52(A)) 65. Hallways 10 feet or more must have at least one receptacle outlet. (CEC 210.52(H)) 66. Garages shall have at least one receptacle for each car space on the interior. The branch circuit supplying the receptacles shall not serve outlets outside of the garage. (CEC 210.52 (G) (1). 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstruction Minimum Req 05/04/2017 6 d. Not less than 3 feet horizontally from the door or opening of a bathroom that FIREPLACE: contains a bathtub or shower. 19. All fireplaces: e. A minimum of 20 feet horizontally from any permanently installed cooking appliance. a. Factory -built fireplaces, chimneys and all of their components shall be listed and f. Smoke alarms shall be hardwired with battery back-up and interconnected unless installed in accordance with their listing and manufacturer's installation exempted in accordance with CRC R314.4 & R314.5 or CBC 907.2.11.5 & instructions. (CRC R1004.1) 907.2.11.6. b. Factory built wood burning fireplaces shall be qualified at the U.S. EPA's Voluntary Fireplace Program Phase 2 emissions level and be in accordance with the 16. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in the following locations (CRC R315.3): California Green Building Standards Code, Chapter 4, and Division 4.5. a. Outside of each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom(s). C. Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of factory -built b. On every level of the dwelling unit including basements. chimneys except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the c. Where a fuel -burning appliance is located within a bedroom or its attached specific factory -built chimney system and are installed in accordance with bathroom, a carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed within the bedroom. manufacturer's installation instructions. (CRC R1005.2 & CMC 802.5.2.4) Carbon monoxide alarms shall be hardwired with battery back-up and interconnected unless exempted in accordance with CRC R315. 17. All fenestrations on windows and doors shall have U -factors (0.32 max) and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC=0.25 max) values in accordance with T-24 energy calculations. All fenestrations must have temporary and permanent labels. TEMPORARY GENERATOR: 18. Hand operated construction tools powered by electricity must use power provided by Southern California Edison through a temporary pole or available outlet. In the rare case where electricity is not readily available and a portable temporary generator is necessary, then the following restrictions must be adhered to: a. Must be portable and may be easily relocated. b. Temporary generators are to be located a minimum distance from any property line according to the following table: C. If the minimum distance cannot be achieved then the9 enerator shall be located the most extreme distance practical to inhibit noise. Other methods to inhibit noise may be utilized when practical. d. May be operational for a maximum of five consecutive calendar days. After five consecutive calendar days of use, power shall be provided through the use of a temporary power pole. e. Usage is limited to weekdays between the hours from 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. No use on the weekends or federal holidays. 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimum Req 05/04/2017 3 67. Laundry rooms must have at least one dedicated 20 amp receptacle circuit. (CEC 210.11(C) (2)). 68. Provide 120V receptacle within 3 feet of water heater. (Cal Energy Code 150.0 (n) 1 A.) FOUNDATION: 69. Weep screed for stucco at the foundation plate line shall be a minimum of 4 inches above the earth or 2 inches above paved areas. (CRC R703.7.2.1, CBC 2512.1.2) 70. Fasteners and connectors (nails, anchor bolts, etc.) in contact with preservative -treated wood shall be of hot -dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. (CRC R317.3, CBC 2304.10.5.1) 71. Anchor bolts shall include steel plate washers, a minimum of 0.229" x 3" x 3" in size, between sill plate and nut. (CRC R602.11.1, CBC 2308.3.2, Acceptable alternate SDPWS 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstruHionMinimumReq 05/04/2017 7 20. Solid fuel burning fireplaces: a. Provide a permanently anchored gaseous fuel burning pan to the firebox of a solid fuel burning fireplace. b. Solid fuel burning fireplace must comply with the California Energy Standards mandatory measures. C. Chimney shall extend at least 2 ft. higher than any portion of the building within 10 ft., but shall not be less than 3 ft. above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof. (CRC R1003.9) d. Liquid fueled fireplaces are not allowed for interior use. 21. Direct vent gas appliance fireplace: a. Direct vent sealed -combustion as appliance fireplace must comply with the Cal 9 PP P P Y Green code requirements and must comply with ANSI Z21.50. (Cal Green 4.503.1) MECHANICAL: 22. Rooms containing bathtubs, showers, spas and similar fixtures shall be provided with an exhaust fan with humidity control sensor having a minimum capacity of 50 CFM ducted to terminate outside the building. (CRC R303.3, Cal Green 4.506.1, CBC 1203.5.2.1, CMC 402.5) 23. Where water closet compartment is independent of the bathroom or shower area, a fan will be required in each area. Bathrooms shall have an exhaust fan with humidity control sensor, min. 50 CFM capacity. (CRC R303.3.) 24. Where whole house fans are used in bathroom areas, the fan must run continuously and shall not be tied to a humidity control sensor. (Cal Green 4.506.1) 25. The clothes dryer vent shall not exceed 14 ft. in overall length with maximum two 90 degree elbows. (CMC 504.4.2.1) 26. Environmental air ducts shall terminate min. 3 feet from property line or openings into building, and 10 feet from a forced air inlet. (CMC 502.2. 1) 27. Mechanical equipment shall be installed per the manufacture's installation instructions. (CMC 303.1) 28. Domestic range vents to be smooth metallic interior surface. (CMC 504.3) 29. Supply and return air ducts to be insulated at a minimum of R-6. (Cal Energy Code Table 150.1-A.) 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimum Req 05/04/2017 4 CITY NOTES: MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W Required Required Setback Time in Use m Z Setback from from Adjacent Hours W O Property Line Structures 0 - 1 day 10 feet 5 feet > 1 day 20 feet 5 feet C. If the minimum distance cannot be achieved then the9 enerator shall be located the most extreme distance practical to inhibit noise. Other methods to inhibit noise may be utilized when practical. d. May be operational for a maximum of five consecutive calendar days. After five consecutive calendar days of use, power shall be provided through the use of a temporary power pole. e. Usage is limited to weekdays between the hours from 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. No use on the weekends or federal holidays. 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimum Req 05/04/2017 3 67. Laundry rooms must have at least one dedicated 20 amp receptacle circuit. (CEC 210.11(C) (2)). 68. Provide 120V receptacle within 3 feet of water heater. (Cal Energy Code 150.0 (n) 1 A.) FOUNDATION: 69. Weep screed for stucco at the foundation plate line shall be a minimum of 4 inches above the earth or 2 inches above paved areas. (CRC R703.7.2.1, CBC 2512.1.2) 70. Fasteners and connectors (nails, anchor bolts, etc.) in contact with preservative -treated wood shall be of hot -dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. (CRC R317.3, CBC 2304.10.5.1) 71. Anchor bolts shall include steel plate washers, a minimum of 0.229" x 3" x 3" in size, between sill plate and nut. (CRC R602.11.1, CBC 2308.3.2, Acceptable alternate SDPWS 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstruHionMinimumReq 05/04/2017 7 20. Solid fuel burning fireplaces: a. Provide a permanently anchored gaseous fuel burning pan to the firebox of a solid fuel burning fireplace. b. Solid fuel burning fireplace must comply with the California Energy Standards mandatory measures. C. Chimney shall extend at least 2 ft. higher than any portion of the building within 10 ft., but shall not be less than 3 ft. above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof. (CRC R1003.9) d. Liquid fueled fireplaces are not allowed for interior use. 21. Direct vent gas appliance fireplace: a. Direct vent sealed -combustion as appliance fireplace must comply with the Cal 9 PP P P Y Green code requirements and must comply with ANSI Z21.50. (Cal Green 4.503.1) MECHANICAL: 22. Rooms containing bathtubs, showers, spas and similar fixtures shall be provided with an exhaust fan with humidity control sensor having a minimum capacity of 50 CFM ducted to terminate outside the building. (CRC R303.3, Cal Green 4.506.1, CBC 1203.5.2.1, CMC 402.5) 23. Where water closet compartment is independent of the bathroom or shower area, a fan will be required in each area. Bathrooms shall have an exhaust fan with humidity control sensor, min. 50 CFM capacity. (CRC R303.3.) 24. Where whole house fans are used in bathroom areas, the fan must run continuously and shall not be tied to a humidity control sensor. (Cal Green 4.506.1) 25. The clothes dryer vent shall not exceed 14 ft. in overall length with maximum two 90 degree elbows. (CMC 504.4.2.1) 26. Environmental air ducts shall terminate min. 3 feet from property line or openings into building, and 10 feet from a forced air inlet. (CMC 502.2. 1) 27. Mechanical equipment shall be installed per the manufacture's installation instructions. (CMC 303.1) 28. Domestic range vents to be smooth metallic interior surface. (CMC 504.3) 29. Supply and return air ducts to be insulated at a minimum of R-6. (Cal Energy Code Table 150.1-A.) 2016 CorrList\RESIDENTIALConstructionMinimum Req 05/04/2017 4 CITY NOTES: MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W C) U W m Z W O >a W Z V W 0. Z Z Q t J u) Nr Q HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A002 so W-0 �a) �C L Q Q x� (1) Q (1) Q) W^L\ wi C3) 3 O T c W 0 s O U L 3 � L Y O� Y W 3 'o 0 - CU N Q y -o rn _ c Y 0- a 0 O U O U O 0 -0 o N c � � La Cn a> m rn N O L O > O s rn w L L 0 0 O L>1 c 0 L O N -O > of O N 0- (1) Z- :3 CUN Q Lm ca c E CDc E _N LO U E o T CU ate) - m -0 . N N 0- 0 0 L Z- 0 U Lr - a) N c n CD rn s � U O N rn U O) 7 O O Q @ W -0 L N N 0 O O _O 0- m O mU rn v ar CD ° L -a 0 O N pt W C1 H rn ui C y � C N C1 N rn t 0 0 s N Y 0- 0 � a N c 0 M Q N L L N 1n w � 0.0 m O M.0 U of o_ 'T rn 0 a O C U co to m 0) - 0 0 3 o m E -0 0 W U � w~ Y ti (D U i CL .4? v M 0 L O O O- L L C1 U 1n o rn a- d c x M N H O V � C C1 00 Q � U L L °0 Cn O C .0 00 U � O N �a) N 0 - CO O O '13� L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newi)ortbeachca.aov 1 (949) 644-3200 CALGREEN - RESIDENTIAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Scope 1. 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (CG) is applicable to all new residential buildings, including but not limited to, dwellings, apartment houses, condominiums, hotels, and other types of dwellings containing sleeping accommodations with or without common toilets or cooking facilities regulated by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD-1). (NBMC 15.11.010, CG Section 101.3.1). 2. 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (CG) is applicable to additions or alterations of existing residential buildings where the addition or alteration increases the building's conditioned area, volume, or size. The requirements shall apply only to and/or within the specific area of the addition or alteration. (301.1.1) Energy Efficiency 3. New one and two family dwellings and townhouses with attached private garages shall install a listed nominal 1 inch inside diameter raceway to accommodate a dedicated 208/240 volt branch circuit. ( a. The raceway shall originate at the main service or subpanel and terminate into a listed cabinet, box, or enclosure in close proximity to the proposed location of an EV charger. b. The service panel or subpanel shall provide capacity to install a minimum 40 ampere dedicated branch circuit and space reserved for installation of a branch circuit overcurrent protective device. c. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective devices space reserved for future EV charging as "EV CAPABLE." d. The raceway termination location shall be permanently and visibly marked as "EV CAPABLE." Corrlist\RESIDENTIAL CALGreenMantlatoryMeasures 01/10/2017 1 Material Conservation and Resources Efficiency 4. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings in sole/bottom plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or other similar method. (4.406.1) 5. Utilize one of the city's approved franchise hauler to recycle and/or salvage a minimum of 65% of the nonhazardous construction and demolition waste. (4.408.1, 4.408.3) Water Efficiency and Conservation 6. New residential developments with an aggregate landscape area equal to or greater than 500 square feet shall comply with City's water efficient landscape ordinance. (4.304.1, NBMC 14.17) 7. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall comply with the following (4.303.1): FIXTURE TYPE 0 MAXIMUM FLOW RATE Single Showerheads 2.0 qpm @ 80 psi Multiple Showerheads Combine flow rate of 2.0 gpm @80 psi Residential Lavatory Faucets 1.2 qpm @ 60 psi2 Common and Public use Lavatory Faucets 0.5 qpm @60 psi Kitchen Faucets 1.8 gpm @ 60 psi Metering Faucets 1 0.25 gallons per cycle maximum Water Closets 1.28 allons/flush1 Wall Mounted Urinal 0.125gallons/flush All Other Types of Urinal 0.5gallons/flush Dry fog coatings 1. Includes single and dual flush water closets with an effective flush rate of 1.28 gallons or less when tested per ASME A122.19.233.2 for single flush and ASME A112.19.14 for dual flush toilets. 2. Lavatory faucets shall not have a flow rale less than 0.8 gpm at 20 psi. Environmental Quality 8. Moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before enclosure according to one of the following (4.505.3): a. Moisture content shall be determined with either a probe -type or contact -type moisture meter. Equivalent moisture verification methods may be approved by the enforcing agency and shall satisfy requirements found in Section 101.8 of this code. b. Moisture readings shall be taken at a point 2 feet (610 mm) to 4 feet (1219 mm) from the grade stamped end of each piece to be verified. c. At least three random moisture readings shall be performed on wall and floor framing with documentation acceptable to the enforcing agency provided at the time of approval to enclose the wall and floor framing. 9. Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the Product -weighted MIR Limits for ROC in Section 94522(a)(2) and other toxic requirements in Sections 94522(e)(1) and (f)(1) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94520. (4.504.2.3) 10. Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with of the following (4.504.3): a. Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program. b. California Department of Public Health Specification 01350. c. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level. d. Scientific Certifications Systems Indoor Advantage TM Gold 11. Minimum 80% of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with one of the following (4.504.4): a. VOC emission limits defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) High Performance Product Database. b. Products certified under UL GREENGUARD Gold. c. Certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program. d. California Department of Public Health Specification 01350. Corrlist\RESIDENTIAL CALGreenMantlatoryMeasures 01/10/2017 2 13. Paints, stains, and other coatings shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound limits set forth in Table 4.504.3. (4.504.2.2) VOC CONTENT LIMITS FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS 2,3 (Grams of VOC per Liter of Coating, Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds) 0 COATING CATEGORY VOC LIMIT Flat coatings 50 Nonflat coatings 100 Nonflat-hi h qloss coatings 150 Specialty Coatings 100 Aluminum roof coatings 400 Basementspecialty coatings 400 Bituminous roof coatings 50 Bituminous roof primers 350 Bond breakers 350 Concrete curing compounds 350 Concrete/masonry sealers 100 Driveway sealers 50 Dry fog coatings 150 Faux finishing coatings 350 Fire resistive coatings 350 Floor coatings 100 Form -release compounds 250 Graphic arts coatings (signpaints) 500 High temperature coatings 420 Industrial maintenance coatings 250 Low solids coatin s1 120 Magnesite cement coatings 450 Mastic texture coatings 100 Metallic pigmented coatings 500 Multicolor coatings 250 Pretreatment wash primers 420 Primers, sealers, and undercoaters 100 Reactive penetrating sealers 350 Recycled coatings 250 Roof coatings 50 Rust preventative coatings 250 Shellacs Clear Opaque 730 550 Specialty rimers, sealers and undercoaters 100 Stains 250 Stone consolidants 450 Swimming pool coatings 340 Traffic marking coatings 100 Tub and tile refinish coatings 420 Waterproofing membranes 250 Wood coatings 275 Wood reservatives 350 Zinc -rich rimers 340 1. Grams of VOC per liter of coating, including water and including exempt compounds. 2. The specified limits remain in effect unless revised limits are listed in subsequent columns in the table. 3. Values in this table are derived from those specified by the California Air Resources Board, Architectural Coatings Suggested Control Measure, February 1, 2008. More information is available from the Air Resources Board. Corrlist\RESIDENTIAL CALGreenMantlatoryMeasures 01/10/2017 4 12. Adhesives, sealants and caulks shall be compliant with volatile organic compound (VOC) limits set forth in Table 4.504.1 or Table 4.504.2. (4.504.2.1) ADHESIVE VOC LIMIT 1,2 Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter 0 ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS VOC LIMIT Indoor carpet adhesives 50 Carpet pad adhesives 50 Outdoor carpet adhesives 150 Wood flooring adhesive 100 Rubber floor adhesives 60 Subfloor adhesives 50 Ceramic tile adhesives 65 VCT and asphalt tile adhesives 50 Drywall and panel adhesives 50 Cove base adhesives 50 Multipurpose construction adhesives 70 Structural glazing adhesives 100 Single -ply roof membrane adhesives 250 Other adhesives not specifically listed 50 SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS Q PVC welding 510 CPVC welding 490 ABS welding 325 Plastic cement welding 250 Adhesive primer for plastic 550 Contact adhesive 80 Special purpose contact adhesive 250 Structural wood member adhesive 140 Top and trim adhesive 250 SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS Metal to metal 30 Plastic foams 50 Porous material (except wood 50 Wood 30 Fiberglass 80 1. If an adhesive is used to bond dissimilar substrates together, the adhesive with the highest VOC content shall be allowed. 2. For additional information regarding methods to measure VOC content specified in table, see South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1168. SEALANT VOC LIMIT Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter 0 SEALANTS VOC LIMIT Architectural 250 Marine deck 760 Nonmembrane roof 300 Roadway 250 Single -ply roof membrane 450 Other 420 SEALANT PRIMERS Architectural Nonporous Porous 250 775 Modified bituminous 500 Marine deck 760 Other 750 Corrlist\RESIDENTIAL CALGmenMandatoryMeasures 01/10/2017 3 14. Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardwood plywood used in interior or exterior of the building shall comply with low formaldehyde emission standards as set forth in Table 4.504.5 below (4.504.5): FORMALDEHYDE LIMITSI Maximum formaldehyde Emissions in Parts per Million 0 PRODUCT LIMIT Hardwood plywood veneer core 0.05 Hardwood plywood com osite core 0.05 Particleboard 0.09 Medium density fiberboard 0.11 Thin medium density fiberboard2 0.13 1. Values in this table are derived from those specified by the California Air Resources Board, Air Toxics Control Measure for Composite Wood as tested in accordance with ASTM E 1333-96(2002). For additional information, see California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Sections 93120 through 93120.12 2. Thin medium density fiberboard has a maximum thickness of 5/16 inch (8 mm). 15. All duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the building inspector to reduce the amount of water, dust and debris, which may enter the system until final startup of the HVAC equipment. (4.504.1) 16. Bathroom exhaust fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. Unless functioning as a component of whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidity control capable of adjustment between a relative humidity rage of less than or equal to 50% to maximum 80%. (4.506.1) 17. Duct systems are sized, designed and equipment is selected using the following methods (4.507.2): a. Establish heat loss and heat gain values according to ANSI/ACCA 2 Manual J-2011 (Residential Load Calculation), ASHRAE handbooks or equivalent design methods. b. Size duct systems according to ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D-2014 (Residential Duct Systems), ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. c. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ANSI/ACCA 3 Manual S-2014 (Residential Equipment Selection) or other equivalent design software or methods Installer and Special Inspector Qualifications 18. HVAC system installers shall be trained and certified or work under direct supervision of trained and certified installers in the proper installation of HVAC systems. (702.1) 19. HVAC special inspectors must be qualified and able to demonstrate competence in the discipline they are inspecting. (702.2) Documentations 20. An operation and maintenance manual, CD, web -based reference or other approved media shall be provided by the builder to the building occupant or owner at the final inspection. It shall include operation and maintenance instruction of the equipment and appliances. (4.410.1) 21. Documentation shall be provided to verify that finish materials used comply with VOC limits as set forth in Tables 4.504.1, 4.504.2, & 4.504.3. (4.504.2.4) 22. Documentation shall be provided to verify that composite wood products used comply with formaldehyde limits as set forth in Tables 4.504.5. (4.504.5.1) 23. Documentation which shows compliance with CAL Green code including construction documents, plans, specifications, builder or installer certification, and inspection reports and verification shall be available at the final inspection. (703.1) 24. CAL Green Documentation Compliance Certification form (City form) is required to be submitted to the Building Inspector prior to final building inspection. (Section 703.1) Corrlist\RESIDENTIAL CALGmenMandatoryMeasures 01/10/2017 5 CITY NOTES: GREEN BUILDING NOTES hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W 0 U Q M Z W LL w Z U) W Z Z Q t r J U, Q L � H0A SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A003 31 T N _C w O -) � U � 3 C ` .E O •f9 .+ � U O O fop ` L 0- 0 O � 3 a 1r U Q O a o T C C 03 03 N O U O ` 0) N C L QI 0 •� O U U O L a O C O O t .. N N •N (0 O O C N L N E O ( C M N L U � N O) L N -Q E N 0.9 (6 L o ` w rn C O M :=, U NU •Q O) U0. N ` O C fa m c L N U ` a) O O O u) N .Q a) V o � 0 C d 7 2 O 03 Im N r_ C) O) .N fL � a rn N Im H 7 (/1 0) O C T Co N O O rn CL a) L_ C C t E T U) V_ C O O_ O_ " O U CL U NN O_ O O o C OS f0 N L 0) iT CL " U 0) t C V o O O E ­ O_ E0" ` 7 N L) O w Im >1 to C C � rnm O (n p c N o y Im E N O)= C "r o X U O) O N do. r -- L W O � E o O (D U L O_'O O) C C C N f0 .y 3 O) '0-0 m y CD CLr in a) U) O_ a CL N _ a) 4'-0" 1 T-6" 14,_11, WINDOW 11'-6" WIN 66-5" 51 10 BAY ISLAND 36'-0" wrm milm 15'-0" -8" 6'-5" 1'-8" 5'-B" '-8" 6'-0" 2 � h. 814135 W 78.42' �- °2 WIND I S 53 WINDOW DN N p1?G� WINDOW WIND 4 64 1 65 m 11 w 53 I� 8 Q Lw W 9 BAY ISLAND 1 19 �S s PROPOSED FOOTPRINT o _ o 2,228 SF W DECK c� " _ 9.00 FS ry ah O L 2'-6- h 30 Q I a7 TYR CASHL, 44 n 12 ) L 1 c '-8' T-10" -8 T-0" 1 165 66 EW Y/ WINDOW9 CART P RKING 64 )w z zW WINDOW WINDOW -FTBBQTT 90 vy m - - - N 614135° YY 77.9 2 - - - 3'-0^ 3'-6" 53 6" TYR TYR 37 531 1 11 in F_ 'r 9 V 157'-3" WIIVUUW lul// 5 D00 KEYNOTES WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW SITE NOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR 1. FINISHED GRADE WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE NEW STRUCTURE/ADDITION SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM 2% AWAY FROM THE BUILDING FOR DRAINAGE CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING PURPOSES. GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS 8 BAY ISLAND 2. THE DISCHARGE OF ANY POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. NO SOLID WASTE, PETROLEUM BYPRODUCTS, SOIL GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS I PARTICULATES, CONSTRUCTION WASTE MATERIALS, OR WASTEWATER STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY GENERATED ON CONSTRUCTION SITES OR BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MTL-1 W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. SHALL BE PLACED, CONVEYED OR DISCHARGED INTO THE STREET, GUTTER OR STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED 'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR 3. PRESERVATION AND USE OF AVAILABLE NATURAL RESOURCES SHALL BE STN -1 3'-0" 3'-0" ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH EVALUATION AND CAREFUL PLANNING TO MINIMIZE STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT < 8.5 PSF 5'-6" T-6" NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON THE SITE AND ADJACENT AREAS. PRESERVATION OF STN -2 STONE FLOORING SLOPES, MANAGEMENT OF STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND EROSION 4'-0" 14'-11" 13'-0" 38'-0" 8'-4" L5'-0" '-8' CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH CGBS SECTION 4.106. STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO 4. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO PREVENT RUNOFF, LOW HEADVEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 1P_0 65'-11" 15'-0" DRAINAGE, OVERSPRAY, OR OTHER SIMILAR CONDITIONS WHERE IRRIGATION RYSB 77'-1 1" WATER FLOWS ONTO NON -TARGETED AREAS, SUCH AS ADJACENT PROPERTY, WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR NON -IRRIGATED AREAS, HARDSCAPES, ROADWAYS OR STRUCTURES. LDG SITE 1 WD -2 5. EXISTING AREA DRAINS TO REMAIN. UTILIZE EXISTING SUBSURFACE WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM. ANY NEW AREA DRAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD EXISTING SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE. 6. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK (9-4)WOOD FLOORING / CEILING ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR i 7. ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR AN "A" LICENSED GENRAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. 8. A CAL -OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS DEEPER THAN 5 FEET MATERIALS AND FOR SHORING AND UNDERPINNING. 0 9. SEE SHEET A2.4 FOR ROOF PLAN INFORMATION NOT SHOWN ON THIS 2J SHEET INCLUDING EAVE DETAILS AND PROJECTION DISTANCES. �- (N) WALL 10. IF APPLICABLE, REF. PRELIMINARY LANSCAPE PLAN, FOR ALL HARDSCAPE & PLANTING AREAS WITH REPECTIVE HEIGHTS AND MATERIALS. i PIA PLANTING AREA - REFER TO T UE NORTH PROJECT NORTH 11. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SHEATHING (EXT. WALLS) OR FACE OF LANDSCAPE PLAN STRUCTURE F.O.S.) TYP. U. N. O. ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 1/ 8" - CONTACT ARCHITECT IN WRITING FOR ANY CLARIFICATION OF NOTED DIMENSIONS, DO NOT SCALE PLANS. (N) CONCRETE WALL SITE PLAN LEGEND hudgins design group, inc 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com ..3�"wtis�NS W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 v v v v v v UILDING SITE BOUNDARY LIN SETBACK FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK BUILDING FOOTPRINT ADJACENT BUILDING FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) (E) GRADE (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHE (N) DRIVEWAY GARAGE GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REQ'D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) (N)GATE - AS SELECTED Q 00 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400 AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" Q CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY W a - LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON LU 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONIC BASE 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA - SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 32 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) 33 HARDSCAPE/PORCH /PATIO 34 PAVERS - SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 35 CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S 36 BENCH, +18" A.F.F. 37 BBQ, PROVIDE GAS AND ELEC. PER OWNER 38 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18" A.F.F. 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT 41 SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 42 (N) STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4" AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". O PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 43 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR 44 EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED 48 ROOF RIDGE 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT-UP AS REQUIRED 50 ROOF PARAPET LU 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER Q CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 54 DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. 55 (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY Q'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD: UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE M W BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL 59 COUNTER, +30" A.F.F. 60 COUNTER, +36" A.F.F. 61 COUNTER, +42" A.F.F. 62 CABINETRY 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEE AREA CALCS SHEET A1.2 64 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE 65 SETBACK AREA ALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 66 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 67 FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT / SIDE / REAR 68 ADDITIONAL THIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) 69 (E) BAY ISLAND CLU(LO SIDEWALK/ FENCE 70 BAY WINDOW 1 WIIVUUW lul// 5 D00 KEYNOTES WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW SITE NOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR 1. FINISHED GRADE WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE NEW STRUCTURE/ADDITION SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM 2% AWAY FROM THE BUILDING FOR DRAINAGE CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING PURPOSES. GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS 8 BAY ISLAND 2. THE DISCHARGE OF ANY POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. NO SOLID WASTE, PETROLEUM BYPRODUCTS, SOIL GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS I PARTICULATES, CONSTRUCTION WASTE MATERIALS, OR WASTEWATER STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY GENERATED ON CONSTRUCTION SITES OR BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MTL-1 W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. SHALL BE PLACED, CONVEYED OR DISCHARGED INTO THE STREET, GUTTER OR STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED 'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR 3. PRESERVATION AND USE OF AVAILABLE NATURAL RESOURCES SHALL BE STN -1 3'-0" 3'-0" ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH EVALUATION AND CAREFUL PLANNING TO MINIMIZE STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT < 8.5 PSF 5'-6" T-6" NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON THE SITE AND ADJACENT AREAS. PRESERVATION OF STN -2 STONE FLOORING SLOPES, MANAGEMENT OF STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND EROSION 4'-0" 14'-11" 13'-0" 38'-0" 8'-4" L5'-0" '-8' CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH CGBS SECTION 4.106. STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO 4. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO PREVENT RUNOFF, LOW HEADVEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 1P_0 65'-11" 15'-0" DRAINAGE, OVERSPRAY, OR OTHER SIMILAR CONDITIONS WHERE IRRIGATION RYSB 77'-1 1" WATER FLOWS ONTO NON -TARGETED AREAS, SUCH AS ADJACENT PROPERTY, WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR NON -IRRIGATED AREAS, HARDSCAPES, ROADWAYS OR STRUCTURES. LDG SITE 1 WD -2 5. EXISTING AREA DRAINS TO REMAIN. UTILIZE EXISTING SUBSURFACE WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM. ANY NEW AREA DRAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD EXISTING SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE. 6. AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK (9-4)WOOD FLOORING / CEILING ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR i 7. ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR AN "A" LICENSED GENRAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. 8. A CAL -OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS DEEPER THAN 5 FEET MATERIALS AND FOR SHORING AND UNDERPINNING. 0 9. SEE SHEET A2.4 FOR ROOF PLAN INFORMATION NOT SHOWN ON THIS 2J SHEET INCLUDING EAVE DETAILS AND PROJECTION DISTANCES. �- (N) WALL 10. IF APPLICABLE, REF. PRELIMINARY LANSCAPE PLAN, FOR ALL HARDSCAPE & PLANTING AREAS WITH REPECTIVE HEIGHTS AND MATERIALS. i PIA PLANTING AREA - REFER TO T UE NORTH PROJECT NORTH 11. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SHEATHING (EXT. WALLS) OR FACE OF LANDSCAPE PLAN STRUCTURE F.O.S.) TYP. U. N. O. ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 1/ 8" - CONTACT ARCHITECT IN WRITING FOR ANY CLARIFICATION OF NOTED DIMENSIONS, DO NOT SCALE PLANS. (N) CONCRETE WALL SITE PLAN LEGEND hudgins design group, inc 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com ..3�"wtis�NS W c) U Q 00 C0 Z Q a W a - LU z U) W 0. Z � � Q C0 Q a L � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER Al A S2 T (1) L L L U � 3 c 'c o 'm .J � U O O y L 0- r= � 0 O � 3 a U 0-0 a O T c C � a3 a) O U 0 `- a) N � L QI 0 •� O U CO m L .0 O O O L -0 w N •N N ; O 0 c N L 0 E O _ ( C M L U a) a) L a3 .0 E -o 0.9 E 2 L W rn C O M V U NU •Q a) U0. N i O c ca m _C U '0 a) 0 L 0 O O N CL i 0 a) U .0 ci o � o d C E o as Im N r - C tm .N fL ,Q a uJ m Im (n m o C T Co a, er n L L C c L E O) � >' � v- c a) 0 o. " O U Q U a`) o a o 0 a c c as y 0) 01 3 a " 0-0 U N L C V o � o E Q o- 0 3 W °oma w Im O, � c c o rn as o (n p c o N o IE t m 2 ami M c . r O o X U a) O N do. U o _ W �E o 0 (D L da cmc c c fc � '3 a a o fl. (ACD a) U) 0- O a . N _ a) LEVEL 1 AREA CALCULATIONS I 111-411141_2" 91_91, LEVEL 3 AREA CALCULATIONS 4 LEVEL 2 AREA CALCULATIONS *SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR OPEN VOLUME VERTICAL DIMENSIONS AREA TABULATIONS REQUIRED/ DESCRIPTION ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDABLE AREA: 2,453 SF 2,453 SF Z HABITABLE AREA: W LEVEL 1 2,027 SF LEVEL 2 z 2,086S LEVEL 3 W 390 SF TOTAL HABITABLE AREA: (2.5X) 6,132.5 SF 4,503 SF � EXTERIOR BALCONY AREA: Q LEVEL 1 0 SF LEVEL 2 a 278 SF LEVEL 3 (ROOF DECK) 376 SF TOTAL BALCONY AREA: 654 SF GARAGE AREA: 200 SF TOTAL (HABITABLE + GARAGE) 4703 SF OPEN VOLUME: LEVEL 1 136 SF LEVEL 2 245 SF LEVEL 3 0 SF TOTAL OPEN VOLUME: (.15X) 368 SF 381 SF AREA TABULATION hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com ..3�"wtis�NS W c) U m Z W a - LU z U) W Z � Q 07 Q a ca HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 SCALE: 1/811=11-011 /} PLOT DATE: 4.10.1 8 SHEET NUMBER Al 02 SS T (1) _ O -) � U � 3 c 'c o 'm .J � U O O L 0- 0 o � 3 a U 0_0 a o T C c � as o o v' a) o m C L QI 0 •� o (n CO O L .0 `o o O �-0 w N ,N CU `O ' c � 0 E O (nw' M N L U a) m -Q E -o � a) 0.9 E Na) wo " rn � O M :=, U NU •Q a) U0. N 0 o C as me L m U �- a) o o u) m 'a a) o � 0 � d o m Im t/1 � m� .N m � a rn m 'a� (n r m o c T Co ami a a a) 2 yr n a) L c c t E TU) V_ c Q O O U Q U a`) aD a O U D C a3 rn 0) 013 a " U t C V O O O E 1 cL E=" O 7 N L) O � c c at rn m o (n p c to O ,.E ami M.. c CL r O X U a) O N do. rUo CW c O as cmc c C f0 O o CL (ACD a) tq O- a CL N _ a) COAG. 0o + la 611 CNP1NG1N6� F6A06 OC la 611116°D 119 605 SRT 56555 CO CoAG ' IL (05) hOC 1) +1g911 1 la A 6)6 pe la' hoc 1ap116oG COAG. c�P1 cE K F6N + l9pa) 9 0 RGOF 15 2, 00 0 00 o rn v �� W ro v e a; v i \ ,. W o m s' W W �° W W '-w W W W Cn a^oma TIN TR C ,5 605 (1. 5 516ORi56R o W la X116°c 8 a1A16° � GOAc. o 608 � o SG00 D) 60G las 5n1 B°o coAG. la 61) la 11012 Gal +19 0 gD 065) E g60G o _L(8.05) 5 ZG _iL (8.53) + (8.07) 9i j0N6 - - ------ (8.53) COS - _5 a 211 605 - N 614135" W 78.42' - - (9.35, �O 1 (8.23) COS (8.00) TG (8.06) COS ( 73) TO %605 788 (9.55) COS (8.08) COS 101+_60� y (8.05) COS l ' 11 all \ � O (12.89) COS (11.63) COS (12.90) COS F� (12.91) FOS' R (7.94) A PART (794(794 0 5 feet or more None (9.38) TW HOSE BIB f2) (9.11) IV OMEN MENEENEIrN Barrier and (790)-------(9.40)-TW- - 66) (760) COS (769) COS 5JoN6 �G (9.23) COS STEPS \ h � Oz o W w W a DDo CHIMNEY o�rN he �� �a �DDO Fl (9.62) FF 11 a9) a° 11 a1) eo la Aab pal 609) 60g DO 2'-7" OOOR l la. na) e of 16 p1) boa 156 pa) RO BLDG SITE 9 eFee apaleDoap21aD° 2 STORY BUILDING 0°56 ° 1 1� 4 BED/ 5 BATH/ 3,000 SF 595500 5) boa @) 195 216p6 9 BAY ISLAND 1� plap6)6OD 1958)6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9)000 616) W 5 0 1B 52) 6 91 gDo o Q A a A WON GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. Site to be fenced at a height between 72 and 84 inches using a chain link overlaid on the exterior with an opaque vinyl fence. 2. Topographic survey to be stamped and signed by a licensed surveyor (or civil engineer with license number 33965 or lower), as required per the Planning Division. 3. All debris shall be wet at time of handling to prevent dust. 4. Sewer line shall be capped. 5. All basement fills shall be clean and uniform. 6. Streets and sidewalks are to remain clean and free of any obstructions. 7. Plans are to be stamped and signed by a licensed engineer or architect. If plans done by a contractor, then contractor to sign and indicate his or her license number (legibly). 8. Pedestrian canopy protection required if demolition is within 10 feet of public sidewalk. 9. Erosion control devices shall be available on-site between October 15 and May 15. 10. Between October 15 and May 15, erosion control measures shall be in place at the end of each working day whenever the 661 605 5 five-day probability of rain exceeds 30 percent. During the 112. 1) 60 111) O5 +l ' remainder of the year, they shall be in place at the end of the 112a +l 5 1 5p) 6 151 working day, whenever the daily rainfall probability exceeds 50 1152) el �° 1 +l6' percent. 1 116 p51 11. Temporary desilting basins, when required, shall be installed 11 a1) Eos +l1 and maintained for the duration of the project. 12. If on is sed he Coastal and j+1115 11 49) 6°� 05 5+1611 i volves threeoolrlmo a dwelling nits) ntone trructu e, or eleven 11 g5) 605 GR 501 or more dwelling units located in two or more structures, please 11 41) meet with a planner to ensure compliance with the requirements 1 ?°� \C 5 5 in Chapter 20.34 (Conversion or Demolition of Affordable 5 o.42> 60605 11 651 60 611 605 Housing) of the Zoning Code. 112901 1 gal 11' 13. If the demolition is proposed within the Coastal Zone and m +l 605 OS 05 05 within the Categorical Exclusion Order (CEO) Area, a CEO 5FEPS 1 ^ 11511605 11 1116916 1165) 6 +11951 511 11 A5) 6 p21 �PGK notice shall be sent to the Coastal Commission by a planner. The CEO notice becomes effective after 25 business days, (8.10) Eos �� �s unless called up for review by the Coastal Commission. Once (Z56) COS E TING WALK - T'A➢ PA 3 5 510N6 effective, a demolition permit can be issued. Please meet with a 11 + EXISTING RAM P - planner to determine if property is eligible and to start the CEO (760) COS 11 aa1605 21 605 1 gal 1a1 15) 5 13x1 05 L- p9) 16 +l 11• + 11. 60 +l n6) 6 notification process. (9.20) COS 11' S1 1 1591605 116a1 a2) 11. 59) 605 14. If the demolition is proposed within the Coastal Zone and not (9.20) Eos +11� +l1' 11. within the Categorical Exclusion Area, a Coastal Development 111 X11 11611 aol 169) 6°5 Permit (CDP) is required. Please meet with a planner to discuss 6C� +1 1 611 605 the application requirements for a CDP. lg"V" to O 156 55) ROOF W FOOD D60K \ e OD DDO N �66NGA 951) i=+19y21 l9 51) aD0 O 18 N056 8 h app) 0°O 1 9 521 D6CY QOS�° 600 QOs� (9 5.9) Fog C C p9) 60 2) 6°Cp11 hoc o 1555) (9.49) E,,,, Qos Qos Qos - 44) 55) 600 N 614135" W 77931 6OG pi) - +laja 6OG boa Og la 110. hoc la 5 +la. (9.21) Eo6 a 09) la 51119 22) 94) 6 COAG 110 55)56 516 W COAG. 6 p0) �0 (9.20) FOR 1 ly. ° + srEPs Ao (9.87) EOB 0 51 EOB \CST mmm �o� o m�R)F \ a= a 111? DooR 0 0 0 0 `� "' i v c�' m �a c `i e v `� 0 5) h`. ��ry �/ 11/ m 3 M b Rp0 m3 m3 m3 m3 m A6 ^ ^ ^ h ^ u 15n a5) R°°F l� ( ) (26.3) TOW (10.53) COB (232) BOW 2'-8° WIDE CHIMNEY spn \ s --_4t s�3W3 Rt o s�m� 2 m �� m .�C14 -IN 3 � O0F 151211 R 605 G0551 ao) 1165) ADDITIONAL NOTES: EXISTING DECK 1. Remove all existing landscape, planters, hardscape, wall, fences and existing concrete driveway where NOT A PART necessary. 2. Remove existing 3,000 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom a 29) single family residence. +1 ' 605 n) 3. Protect existing wet and dry utilities on the lot. Notify gas 11 a5) +116 company to shut off gas to property. )605 la 26)+ 116x 11 a9 + + lB aa) la a9)+ GRP¢ 211 +19 +19 251 19 321+ +(a 95) 19 59) -A�_ la 9A) 295 TRUE NORTH PROJECT NORTH 3306.1 Protection required Pedestrians shall be protected during construction, remodeling and demolition activities as required by this chapter and Table 3306.1. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic. TABLE 3306.1 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS HEIGHT OF CONSTRUCTION DISTANCE FROM CONSTRUCTION TO LOT LINE TYPE OF PROTECTION REQUIRED 8 feet or less Less than 5 feet Construction railings 5 feet or more None Less than 5 feet Barrier and covered walkway 5 feet or more, but not more than one-fourth Barrier and z the height of construction covered walkway More than 8 feet Z � 5 feet or more, but between one-fourth and one-half the height of construction Barrier 5 feet or more, but exceeding one-half the height of construction None DEMO PLAN hudgins design group, inc 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W 0 U W 00 Z W a - LU z U) W Z � CO Q a ca HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 SCALE: PLOT DATE: 4.10.1 8 SHEET NUMBER Al 03 S-4- 0 -0 N N N (6 L Q O X � N CL L 3 � L Y U Y_ 0 O Q (6 N 0, -a iT - C Y 0- > O O U O U O O +' L -O O N C -O � (6 N N N N N C L 0 L > O O L L CU O O C C L O > N O N 0— (1) Z- :3 CUN Q L > c E CDC E W LO U E O > N N C .0 - (0 -O "J N N 0- 0 O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) N C Q N O U C � O U p) C C O >i CL @ N -O N N O p O N C .0- N O mU U C1 a� r N Q L -a 0 O N Y C1 t C1 H to ui d C y � C N p1 N � O L O O s C ) Y Q O >, N O C O M Q N L L N O w C 0.0 co M.0 U U (D •L > rn 0_ O O @ U (V 0) C C 3 O co " E -0 O N U � Y ti N U i CL.4? a� 30 L a O CL L L ^� U Y ' O 0 O to a- d c X m N to 0 �0 Q � U L_ L O w C C .0 00 � O N d E N 0 N 0- C O OY N C L 0 v 0 v LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 1 UILDIN SI11 UNARY LINE 2 SETBACK 3 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5 ADJACENT BUILDING 6 FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) 7 (E) GRADE 8 (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE 9 (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 10 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY 11 OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHES 12 (N) DRIVEWAY 13 GARAGE 14 GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. 15 EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 16 EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 17 FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REO -D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) 18 WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) 19 (N)GATE -AS SELECTED 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 32 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) 33 HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO 34 PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 35 CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S 36 BENCH,+18"A.F.F. 37 BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER 38 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18"A.F.F. 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT 41 SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 42 (N)STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4"AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 43 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR 44 EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED 48 ROOF RIDGE 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED 50 ROOF PARAPET 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 54 DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. 55 (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL 59 COUNTER,+30"A.F.F. 60 COUNTER,+36"A.F.F. 61 COUNTER,+42"A.F.F. 62 CABINETRY 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEEAREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 64 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE 65 SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 66 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 67 FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT/ SIDE / REAR 68 ADDITIONALTHIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) 69 (E) BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE 70 BAYWINDOW KEYNOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS MTL-1 STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF STN -1 RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STN -2 STONE FLOORING STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U Q m Z LU L L LL] Z U) LU 0. Z Z Q t J U, '^rr' G � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A201 315 0 -0 N N N (6 L Q O X � N CL L 3 � L Y U Y_ 0 O Q (6 N 0, -a iT - C Y 0- > O O U O U O O +' L -O O N C -O � (6 N N N N N C L 0 L > O O L L CU O O >' C C L O > N O N 0— (1) Z- :3 CUN Q L > c E CDC E W LO U E O > N N C .0 - (0 -O "J N N 0- 0 O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) N C Q N O U C O N O >i CL @ N -O N N O p O N C .0- N O mU U C1 a� r N Q L -a 0 O N Y C1 t C1 H to ui d C y � C N p1 N � O L O O s C ) Y Q O >, N O C O M O N L L N O w C 0.0 co M.0 U U (D •L > rn 0_ O O @ U (V 0) C C 3 O co " E -0 O N U � Y ti N U i CL.4? a� 30 L a O CL L L ^� U Y ' O 0 O to a- d c X m N to 0 �0 Q � U L_ L O w C C .0 00 � O N d E N 0 N 0- C O OY N C L CCU > -> 78'-5" LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS MTL-1 STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF STN -1 RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STN -2 STONE FLOORING STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ 1 UILDIN SI1 11 UNARY LINE U 2 SETBACK 3 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK Z 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5 ADJACENT BUILDING LU 6 FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) 7 (E) GRADE 8 (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE U) 9 (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT LU 10 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY 0. 11 OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHES Z 12 (N) DRIVEWAY 13 GARAGE 14 GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. t 15 EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) '^rr' 16 EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 17 FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REO -D. BY G MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) 18 WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) 19 (N)GATE -AS SELECTED 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 32 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) 33 HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO 34 PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 35 CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S 36 BENCH,+18"A.F.F. 37 BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER 38 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18"A.F.F. 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT 41 SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 42 (N)STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4"AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 43 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR 44 EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED 48 ROOF RIDGE 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED 50 ROOF PARAPET 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 A4.1 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF A 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 54 DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. 55 (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL 59 COUNTER,+30"A.F.F. 60 COUNTER,+36"A.F.F. 61 COUNTER,+42"A.F.F. 62 CABINETRY 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEEAREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 64 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE 65 SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 66 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 67 FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT/ SIDE / REAR 68 ADDITIONALTHIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) 69 (E) BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE 70 BAYWINDOW LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS MTL-1 STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF STN -1 RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STN -2 STONE FLOORING STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U Q m Z LU L L LL] Z U) LU 0. Z Z Q t J U, '^rr' G � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A202 3C 0 -0 U N N (6 L Q CL X X � N I? L 3 � L Y O + Y_ 0 O Q (6 N 0, -a iT - C Y 0- > O O U O U O O +' L -O O N C � � (6 U N N U N C L 0 L > O U L L CU O O >' C C L O > N O N 0— (1) Z- :3 CUN Q L > c E CDC E W LO U E O > N N - (0 -O "J N N 0- 0 O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) N C Q N U U C O N O >i CL @ N -O N N O p O N C .0- N O mU O C1 r N Q L -a 0 O N Y C1 t C1 H to ui d C y � C N p1 N � U L O O s C ) Y Q O >, N O C O M Q N L L N U w C 0.0 co M.0 U U (D •L > U 0 a O @ ?� U (V 0) C O 3 E " E -0 O N U � U ~ Y ti N U > Q .� QD o UL a O CL L L C1 U U O to a- d c X m N to 0 �0 Q � U L_ L O U C C .0 00 � U N d E N o N 0- C O OY N C L CCU > -> 78'-5" LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK BUILDING FOOTPRINT ADJACENT BUILDING FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) (E) GRADE (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHES (N) DRIVEWAY GARAGE GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REO -D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) (N)GATE -AS SELECTED PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S BENCH, +18"A.F.F. BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18"A.F.F. DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 (N) STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4" AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED ROOF RIDGE ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED ROOF PARAPET ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL COUNTER, +30"A.F.F. COUNTER, +36"A.F.F. COUNTER, +42"A.F.F. CABINETRY AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEEAREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT/ SIDE / REAR ADDITIONALTHIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) (E) BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE BAYWINDOW KEYNOTES ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING TRANSPARENT GLASS TRANSLUCENT GLASS STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. BREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STONE FLOORING INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U Q m Z LU L L LL] Z U) LU 0. Z Z � Q t J U, '^rr' G � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A2 0 3_ S7 0 -0 N N N (6 L Q O X � N CL L 3 � L Y U Y_ 0 O Q (6 N 0, -a iT - C Y 0- > O O U O U O O +' L -O O N C -O � (6 N N N N N C L 0 L > O O L L CU O O >' C C L O > N O N 0— (1) Z- :3 CUN Q N (6 c E CDC E W LO U E O > N N C .0 - (0 -O "J N N 0- 0 O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) N C Q N O U C � O U p) C C O >i CL @ N -O N N O p O N C .0- N O mU U C1 a� r N Q L -a 0 O N Y C1 t C1 H to ui d C y � C N p1 N � O L O O s C ) Y Q O >, N O C O M O N L L N O w C 0.0 co M.0 U U (D •L > rn 0_ O O @ U (V 0) C C 3 O co " E -0 O N U � Y ti N U i CL.4? a� 30 L a O CL L L ^� U Y ' O 0 O to a- d c X m N to 0 �0 Q � U L_ L O w C C .0 00 � O N d E N 0 N 0- C O OY N C L I I I I I I I I ROOF PLAN 1 UILDIN SI1 11 UNARY LINE 2 SETBACK 3 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5 ADJACENT BUILDING 6 FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) 7 (E) GRADE 8 (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE 9 (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 10 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY 11 OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHES 12 (N) DRIVEWAY 13 GARAGE 14 GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. 15 EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 16 EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 17 FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REO -D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) 18 WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) 19 (N)GATE -AS SELECTED 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 32 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) 33 HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO 34 PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 35 CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S 36 BENCH,+18"A.F.F. 37 BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER 38 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18"A.F.F. 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT 41 SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 42 (N)STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4"AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 43 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR 44 EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED 48 ROOF RIDGE 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED 50 ROOF PARAPET 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 54 DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. 55 (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL 59 COUNTER,+30"A.F.F. 60 COUNTER,+36"A.F.F. 61 COUNTER,+42"A.F.F. 62 CABINETRY 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEEAREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 64 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE 65 SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 66 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 67 FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT/ SIDE / REAR 68 ADDITIONALTHIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) 69 (E) BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE 70 BAYWINDOW KEYNOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS MTL-1 STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF STN -1 RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STN -2 STONE FLOORING STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U Q m Z LU L L LL] Z U) LU 0. Z Z Q t J U, '^rr' G � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A204 se 0 -0 N N N (6 L Q O- N N" Y Lr- L Y O + Y 0 O Q_ (6 N Q y C Y 0- a O O U O U O O •-" L -O O C � a� C � (6 N N N C L O t O N _F L L Cp O O >' C C L O > > N O N O O _ ICU O N -0 N (6 c E CDC E a0) LO U E O T N N N N Q O O L y O UL)_ � w N C Q N O U C � O U p) C C O CL -o N N O p O N C .0- N O mU O C1 CDs C !Z O N Y C1 (D C1 H y U d C y N p1 N � U) t O O s N Y Q O >, N O C O M L E O L L N rn 0.0 CIDC U � (D 'C O- rn 0 a 0 m U (V 0) — C O CID E -0 O (D U � Y Ci (D /�� U L C .� a� M 0 a o CL L I) L U 0 o y Q d c x m N to 0 C C1 CO Q � U L L O w Oi C C O � O N d E N 0 N 0- C O OY N C L hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U w m Z LU L L w 1 UILDIN SI E B UN ARY LINE U) LU 0. Z Z J 2 SETBACK 1 } m T 3 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5 ADJACENT BUILDING 2 1 6 FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) HT. CERT. REQ'D HT CERT. REQ'D 7 (E) GRADE 1 h o� "�0 '�� o1 `50 �� 2 8 (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE HT CERT. REDID I 9 (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 38.00 TR 52 I O T " 2 ,Q ASI 52 38.00 TR 10 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY MAX RIDGE HT. 10 I I I I I V I I I I I J.. ' 52 MAX RIDGE HT. 52 —I 0 11 OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHED 3s wo 61 1 �I� J J I I I J J J J T,Q �B J. 121 J JS [ 12 I i. 0 "'� �� 12 DRIVEWAY ASPH r I i , , , , , , , , , , S I, I, .� , _ i -.�5 WD -5 - 13 GA GARAGE - I _C? 14 GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. 58 WD -6 WD 6i WD 6 � 15 EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/BYDAS OCCURS) `p i I WD -6 I 16 EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) 33.00 TR T �6g L GLS 1) 33.00 TR 17 FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REQ'D. BY MAX FLAT HT STN -1 T ��y, I ; - MAX FLAT HT 44 L WD -5 - 6- ' GLS -1 18 MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) WATER HEATER DEMAND) WALL L LD a� < -, -TANK-LESS (ON -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. GAS) ASPH - (PROVIDE 1 -1� i. ) ) L-) ) 1 WD -6 in 19 (N) GATE -AS SELECTED MTL-1 hO,_,.__)-L-) 13� T ���==��� 2 3 T�'SD 29.50E 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400 AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY I + — — — — — — —— — — 52 WD -6 �r. i id— MTL-1 52 LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON 28.00 FF - 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION WD -6 0 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) WD -6 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) GLS -1 W D-1 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET WD -6 2 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W1 SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY WD -144 i( O I 44 b 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 44 I o N 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS °D 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS GLS -1 WD -6 _ 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONIC BASE 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 6 WD -6 6 n N 32 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) — ------ ------------ ----- ----------- — 19.0 FF 33 HARDSCAPE/PORCH /PATIO WD-6WD-6 0 34 PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS _ 35 CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWGS W D-6 44 W D-6 36 BENCH, +18"A.F.F. 37 BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER GLS -1 - - 38 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE /FIRE PIT W/DRAINAGE, +18"A. F. F. 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/BYDAS OCCURS) STN -1 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT WD 1 67 SKYLIGHT (ABV /BLW /BYDAS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 67 - WD -6 67 42 (N) STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4" AND A STN -1 MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". — �- �.-_ = 1- STN -1 PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) WD -6 II C_GLS-1 ro 43 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR GLS -1 - - 9.00 FF/ BASE GRADE 44 EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL WD -1 - PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 i0 N 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED 48 ROOF RIDGE ED—/ 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED 50 ROOF PARAPET 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF EAST/ FRONT ELEVATION 54 DLINE, IN AIN ABV. REF CIVIL DSll WG BY 55 NR DECORATIVE CHIMNEEYISHROUD MODEL 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE �`5 1 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL 2 HT. CERT. REQ'D oa HT CERT. REQ'D I j� 59 COUNTER, +30"A.F.F. � HT CERT. REQ'D �r�L� 60 COUNTER, +36"A.F.F. 38.00 TR "'�� 52 I 38.00 TR 42 A.F.F. -I 62 CABINETRY61 MAX MAX RIDGE HT MAX RIDGE HT 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLU ME-SEEAREA CALCS SHEET A1.2 52TWD Tse 5 - �5 / PH ��' �� ASPH ,yb�.�Q- 64 65 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR -MAX 32"ABOVE GRADE SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES WD -6 66 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 1 WD -6 2 67 FENCE/SITE WALL-42"MAX. IN FRONT/SIDE/REAR 33.00 TR WD_5 .6 ' L _ T IGLS-1' - - - - - - T �s I 33.00 TR ao 68 ADDITIONAL THIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) MAX FLAT HT W D-6 / 53 - - _ � 1S - - - ��STN-1 `. °. MAX FLAT HT.`T70 69 BA BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE BAYWINDOW ASPH�, LASP_HJ) IJt2 ASPH _ 12 T� o I.pj WD6 �1ST T o 29.50 FF KEYNOTES 52 63 �I 28.00 FF WD -6 WD_6 ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING 52 — -GLS-1- — _ WD -1 GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS 44 WD -1 1p _ _ WD -6 44 - — GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS WO -6 /( WD -1_ o — GLS -1 I - STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS' A", DARK GREY I N MTL-1 W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. GLS -1 _ bo MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED-KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF WD-6LAILAL I I ED BRICK SNEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO STN -1 FOG, SF 6 WD6 N m STN -2 STONE FLOORING 19.00 FF WD -6 WD -6 o STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO �WD-1 - - - - Ih�Y VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD-6D 1I - STN -1 WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 / \I� WD -6 >1 GLS -1 WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL -7HERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD 58 �oI 14 I b� WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING STN -1 WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDI E, ARTIC WHITE COLOR W D- I� WD -2 9.00 WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR 67 FF/ BASE GRADE _ Lrt I MATERIALS 63 STN -1 1 SWD-6 :E 7 WD -6 (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL WEST/ REAR ELEVATION LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com LIJ U w m Z LU L L w U) LU 0. Z Z J } m T HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A30 1_ 39 0 -0 N N a) aS L a) Q a) N CL Y Y O + Y a) O O_ (6 N 0, c Y Q a O O U O U O O •-" L -O O C a� C Cn � a1 M N a) C L O t > O a) L U L L CU O O >' C C L O a) -a > N O N 0- (1) w Z' O CU a) Q N (6 C E CDC E a) LO U E a) O T CU a) a) N 0- 0 O O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) a) CD U U � � a3 U p> O CL (D-0 a) N O p O N C a) O mU O C1 CDs C C Q -0 O (D ` C) (D C) H to ui d C y N p) a) rn t O O w� U) Q O >, N O C O� M L E Q D L L a) U 0.0 C co M.0 U () •L U 0 a O @ U as 0) C O co E O N U � O ~ Y ti (D U aa))Q 'o (n 7 L a) CL L 0) L ( O to Q d c x m a) H O �a Q � U L_ L O w C Q U d E N o N Q C O OY (D C L hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W 0 U Q m Z W a w W 1 UILDIN SI E B UN ARY LINE 0. Z Z J U) ^� 2 SETBACK 1 3 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5 ADJACENT BUILDING 1 6 FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) o HT CERT. REQ'D o HT CERT. REQ'D 7 (E) GRADE 2 8 (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE ASPH 9 (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 38.00 TR 38.00 TR 10 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY I MAX RIDGE HT. I. - 1. - I. _ � 1- I. - 1 1- V I _ I. - 1 - I. - - - � MAX RIDGE HT. 11 OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHED 12 (N)DRIVEWAY 52 _ ISTN 1 r 1 13 GARAGE Hi CERT. REQ'D 14 GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. 33.00 TR MAX FLAT HT 00 l�'wv GLS -1 a `� 44 - GLS 1 - - - - - �� 52 LT 53 - 0°j 0°' �� _'_33.00 TR MAX FLAT HT. 15 16 17 EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. O., POWER, AND VENTING AS REQ'D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) Z � wO s 6 � 18 WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT c C j MTL-1 12 12 MTL-1 +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) _ a Q 0� 52 0 Q- 12 1WD 5 - - - - � � � � - - � � � � TWDS_ � - 52 - - O O 6.5 r1 � 6i 5 y0 y0 19 (N) GATE -AS SELECTED ti 3 Opl tib' �Q'I rye. �Q- �g..�Q� 29.50 FF 20 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL 400AMP MAX (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) h,L - - - WD -61 - - - - IMTLIi-1 MTL-lit D-6 52 I -VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON WD -6 28.00 FF - 21 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION WD -1 4 22 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) WD -6 23 (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) WD -1 WD -5 WD -6 24 PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 53 GLS -1 A �'�` 25 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET ,p WD -6 O GLS -1 LS- 26 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY 44 `SQ2S0 I GLS -1 ,L� I 0 27 PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION I WD -66) I o N 28 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS wD-s WD -1 � 29 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS -REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS o Z ,p_ 90, GLS -1 wD 1 Z ti 30 WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE v �� GLS -1 l 53 �L 31 PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS N N m WD -6 6 ti N m Q 32 33 PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO 6 - - WD -6 9.00 FF U 58 4 34 35 36 37 38 PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S BENCH, +18"A.F. F. BBQ, PROVIDE GAS AND ELEC. PER OWNER OUTDOOR FIREPLACE/FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18" A. F. F. WD -6 76 1STN71' _ , - 53 WD -6 WD -1 GLS -1 _ GLS -1L . STN -1 29 O �r��0��r��r � WD -6 'T - ISTN�1r'T 'T f r WD -1 39 DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) 67 I GLS -1 56 - 40 STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT ^`L�.�Q� I - _ - _ - _ 41 SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 WD -3 r WD -6 42 (N)STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4"AND A 67 MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". O PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE 1205.4) o �L 9.00 FF/ BASE GRAD 43 44 (CBC 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +q2"A.F. F. .. _.. . _.. - �-� --1-- ii - - 45 FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL l PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 WD -6 46 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS 7 7 47 ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED STN -1 7 48 ROOF RIDGE WD -1 STN -1 49 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED 7 I 50 ROOF PARAPET 51 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 52 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF 53 METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF NORTH / RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 54 DLINE, IN ABV REF CIVIL DSll WG AIN 55 NR DECORATIVE CHIMNEEYISHROUD MODEL BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 56 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. 1 57 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE HT CERT. REQ'D HT. CERT. REQ'D HT CERT. REQ'D 58 STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL fASPH �'��.�38.00 59 COUNTER, +30"A.F.F. TR 52 38.00 TR 60 COUNTER,+36"A.F.F. MAX RIDGE HT. ASPH - , _ 12T� ] 12 1 12 J '� ��� pq - 12 T �y._'� r 12 cO _ �1 T`5 �1 MAX RIDGE HT. 61 62 COUNTER,+42"A.F.F. CABINETRY X51 63 AREA OF OPEN VOLUME -SEE AREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 Tr_ _ �TTTTT 52 HT CERT. REQ'D 0 64 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR -MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE I 1 - - - - i 7W 5 O_ I 52 ----------- 53 WD 6 oo �9 ��. I 65 66 SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE 33.00 TR �Q^O�`� STN -1 nlD-6T 33.00 TR 67 FENCE/ SITE WALL- 42" MAX. IN FRONT/SIDE /REAR MAX FLAT HT ��O STN -1 56 6 r GLS MAX FLAT HT 68 ADDITIONAL THIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) 1.5 58 -1 Z LL � 70 ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE MTL-1 my�� 12 MTLII-1 12 �5� �6.S �h�O ) L _ -) T7 5 6 _) ' - _ _ �3 BAY WINDOW 7i -I 7 1 �� --- L - - 15 - MTI -1 LOy�Q 29.50 FF ii l l u l it `° KEYNOTES sl I 28.0o FF _ 52 W D-6 _ _ _ _ - ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR WD -6 CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING 52 r r r r r r r r -GLS -1_ _ WD -6- 50 (@D) TRANSPARENT GLASS - - - - - WD -6 ``1`�' 44 - GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS °J N STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY ST -. - 63- WD=1- O 56 -WD-1- ���1 MTL-1 O W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. WD -1 WD -1 _ _GLS -1 o 19 EDBREAK METAL, PAINTED-'KYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF -53- WD -6 ih N STN RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER LIME WHITE WASH OR STUCCO (WHITE) -WD-6 - - - 19.00 FF -1 FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STONE FLOORING WD -6 - _ _� T -C _ - - STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VII _ -WD -1- 6 VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN - - - - - - WD -6 37 WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR I \ LL - _ _ - Op WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR -I 67 T T I I I T -T - - - -GLS-1- STN -1 4 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD rs WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING - 1_C .. - .. -67 / T -19_ -wD=1 -1 1 -1 i7 r r WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE,ARTIC WHITE COLOR D.00 FF/ BASE GRADE �� v T` - 7 0� - - 9?OO FF/-BQ E GRADE WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS 7 (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL SOUTH / LEFT SIDE ELEVATION LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W 0 U Q m Z W a w W W 0. Z Z J U) ^� HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A302_ 40 0 -0 N N (6 L Q O X � N CL Y � L Y O Y 0 3 'o Q_ (6 N 0, -a iT c Y 0- > O O U O U O O +' L -O O N C -O Cn N N N (n N C L 0 L > O U L L (p O O >' C C L O N -O > N O N 0— (1) Z - O CUN Q N (6 c E CDC E W LO U E O > N N C .0 — (0 -O "J N N 0- 0 O L Z- 0 m U Lr - a) N C Q N (n U C � O U p) C C O >i CL @ N -O N N O p O N C .0- N O mU O C1 a� r N Q L -a 0 O N Y C1 (D C1 H to ui d C y � C N p1 0 N � O L O O s C ) Y Q O >, N O C O M O N L L N U w C 0.0 co M.0 U U (D •L > rn 0_ O O @ U (V 0) C O 3 E " E -0 O N U � Y ti (D U i CL.4? a� M 0 L a O CL L L ^� U Y '0 (n O to a- d c X m N to 0 �0 Q � U L_ L O w C 00 C .0 U � O N d E N 0 N 0- C O OY N C L 38.00 TR MAX RIDGE HT. 33.00 TR MAX FLAT HT. 1 38.00 TR MAX RIDGE HT. �s 33.00 TR _ MAX FLAT HT T4 so 3 r1 I WD -1 I HT CERT. REQ'D BATH 4 BATH 5 HT (.FRT RFn'n ED STAIR 43 43 v STAIR I!, HT (.FRT RFn'n HT CERT. REQ'D HT CERT. REQ'D 1 F 38.00 TR MAX RIDGE HT. 33.00 TR BO Q m MAX FLAT HT. 29.50 FF 28.00 FF W LL 0 N U) 19.00 FF 0 0 o� Z 9.00 FF/ BASE GRADE Q SECTION B SECTION A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 FY.^ 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FIXED DATUM POINT/ BENCHMARK BUILDING FOOTPRINT ADJACENT BUILDING FS/ FG/ EG (ABOVE/ BELOW/ BEYOND AS OCCURS) (E) GRADE (N) FINISH GRADE/ FINISH SURFACE (E) CURB/ EDGE OF PAVEMENT CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY OUTLINE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED/DEMOLISHED (N) DRIVEWAY GARAGE GARAGE DOOR & TRACK (ABV) - INSTALL PER MANUF. SPEC. EDGE OF WALL (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) EDGE OF ROOF/ CEILING (ABV/ BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS) FAU - PROVIDE GAS S. 0., POWER, AND VENTING AS REQ'D. BY MFGR. (CMC 904. 1) WATER HEATER - TANK -LESS (ON DEMAND) WALL -MOUNT +44" MIN., VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR. (PROVIDE GAS) (N)GATE -AS SELECTED PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 400AMP MAX. (MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANY OBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEY DWGS) (E) UTILITY VAULT/BOX LOCATION (REF CIVIL& SURVEY DWGS) PROVIDE (N) FAU, HEAT PER CRC R303.9 TRASH STORAGE AREA, SCREENED FROM STREET A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION PER CITY PROPOSED MAILBOX LOCATION 5'-0" HIGH SCREENING WALL FOR A/C UNITS EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS WOOD DECK (ABV/ BLW/ BYD) O/ SLEEPERS O/ CONC BASE PLANTING/SOFTSCAPE AREA- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS PLANTER (FLUSH WITH DECK) HARDSCAPE / PORCH / PATIO PAVERS- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS CONTINUOUS RECESSED STRIP DRAIN - SEE CIVIL DWG'S BENCH, +18"A.F.F. BBQ, PROVIDE GASAND ELEC. PER OWNER OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIRE PIT W/ DRAINAGE, +18"A.F.F. DOOR/ WINDOW PER SCHEDULE (ABV/ BLW/ BYDAS OCCURS) STEEL UTILITY DOOR, VERIFY LOUVER REQUIREMENT SKYLIGHT (ABV / BLW / BYD AS OCCURS) ICC -ES ESR 2415 (N) STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4" AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNS OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4) 34"-38" HIGH GUARDRAIL/ HANDRAIL @ STAIR EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL, MIN HEIGHT +42" A.F.F. FRAMELESS TEMPERED/LAMINATED GLASS GUARDRAIL PER CBC 2407. INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS, ICCES-ESR-3269 EXTERIOR SIDING, PER ELEVATIONS ROOF - MIN. CLASS W FIRE RATED ROOF RIDGE ROOF CRICKET, BUILT -UPAS REQUIRED ROOF PARAPET ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES PER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-2 METAL ROOF GUTTER, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF METAL DOWNSPOUT, KYNAR FINISH TO MATCH METAL ROOF DRAIN LINE, IN WALL/FROM ABV. REF. CIVIL DWGS. (N) DECORATIVE CHIMNEY SHROUD MODEL S11 BY 'AMERICAN CHIMNEY SHROUD.' UL LISTING (MH30042) & WH LISTING (5091753). TERMINATE 2FT MINIMUM ABOVE BUILDING PER CRC R1003.9 GAS FIREPLACE-'HEATNGLO' MEZZ048 -ANSI Z21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEAL COMBUSTION TYPE. RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/ REMOTE STRUCTURAL COLUMN/BEAM PER STRUCTURAL COUNTER, +30"A.F.F. COUNTER, +36"A.F.F. COUNTER, +42"A.F.F. CABINETRY AREA OF OPEN VOLUME - SEEAREA CALCS SHEETA1.2 45 DEG. VIEW CORRIDOR - MAX 32" ABOVE GRADE SETBACK AREAALLOWED FOR MINOR STRUCTURES 4 SIDED POLYGON USED TO ESTABLISH GRADE FENCE/ SITE WALL - 42" MAX. IN FRONT/ SIDE / REAR ADDITIONALTHIRD FLOOR SETBACK (ROOF DECK OR BUILDING) (E) BAY ISLAND CLU q(LOSIDEWALK/ FENCE BAYWINDOW KEYNOTES ASPH ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, CLASS A, DARK GRAY COLOR CON -1 CONCRETE FLOORING/DECKING GLS -1 TRANSPARENT GLASS GLS -2 TRANSLUCENT GLASS MTL-1 STANDING SEAM ZINC METAL ROOF, CLASS "A", DARK GREY W/ 16" CONTINUOUS PANS. MTL-2 BREAK METAL, PAINTED - XYNAR 500' TO MATCH METAL ROOF STN -1 RECLAIMED BRICK VENEER, LIME (WHITE) WASH OR STUCCO FOG, WEIGHT <8.5 PSF STN -2 STONE FLOORING STUC INTEGRALLY COLORED SMOOTH TROWEL STUCCO VEG VEGETATION/LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPE PLAN WD -1 WOOD SIDING, 4" JAMES HARDIE PLANK, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -2 WOOD SIDING, 8" VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, WHITE COLOR WD -3 DECKING MATERIAL-'THERMORY' OR EQUAL, COLOR TBD WD -4 WOOD FLOORING/ CEILING WD -5 WOOD SHINGLE, JAMES HARDIE, ARTIC WHITE COLOR WD -6 WOOD TRIM, WHITE COLOR MATERIALS (N) WALL P/A PLANTING AREA - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN (N) CONCRETE WALL LEGEND hudgins design group, inc. 1107 south coast hwy laguna beach, ca, 92651 t: 949.322.7922 e: info@hudginsdesign.com W U Q m Z W LL w Z U) W 0. Z Z � Q t J U, '^rr' G � HOA SUB. #1 01.12.18 HOA SUB. #2 02.13.18 CDP SUB. #1 04.12.18 0 PLN CHK SUB. #1 05.15.18 SCALE: 1/411= 1 1-011 PLOT DATE: 5. 1 5. 1 8 SHEET NUMBER A401 41 Grading General Notes GENERAL: 1. "ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT." 2. "PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT." 3. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. 4. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING AND/OR DUST PALLIATIVE. 5. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 6. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAYS; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. 7. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. 8. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 9. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND PROTECTING UTILITIES. 10. APPROVED SHORING, DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. 11. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 12. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. 13. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND SLOPE AREAS. 14. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ON-SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN A "STOP WORK" ORDER. 15. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPES SHALL CONSIST OF PVC OR AB5 PLASTIC SCHEDULE 40 OR SDR 35 OR ADS 3000 WITH GLUED JOINTS. 16. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. EROSION CONTROL: 1. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 15 TO MAY 15. 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON-SITE BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15. 3. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHENEVER THE FIVE-DAY PROBABILITY OF RAIN EXCEEDS 30 PERCENT. DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT. 4. TEMPORARY DE5ILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1. A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST, CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. 2. A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF THE 5UB-GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTORS, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. GRADING FILLS/CUTS: 1. GRADED SLOPES SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL. 2. FILL SLOPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LE55 THAN 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE. 3. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TE5T5 SHALL BE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO THE OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS. 4. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACING OF THE FILL. 5. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL. 6. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. 7. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. 8. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF, OR POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ACCUMULATION OF, SUBSURFACE WATER OR SPRING FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. 9. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE 5UBDRAIN5 SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE FIELD FOR LINE AND GRADE. 10. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF CONCRETE FLAT WORK PLACED OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE TESTING. 11. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 12. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. 13. ALL CUT SLOPES SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER GRADING BY AN ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST TO DETERMINE IF ANY STABILITY PROBLEM EXISTS. SHOULD EXCAVATION DISCLOSE ANY GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS OR POTENTIAL GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL RECOMMEND AND SUBMIT NECESSARY TREATMENT TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL. 14. WHERE SUPPORT OR BUTTRESSING OF CUT AND NATURAL SLOPES IS DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER, THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF DESIGN, LOCATION AND CALCULATIONS FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND TEST THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL BUTTRESS FILLS AND ATTEST TO THE STABILITY OF THE SLOPE AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES UPON COMPLETION. 16. WHEN CUT PADS ARE BROUGHT TO NEAR GRADE THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL DETERMINE IF THE BEDROCK IS EXTENSIVELY FRACTURED OR FAULTED AND WILL READILY TRANSMIT WATER. IF CONSIDERED NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER, A COMPACTED FILL BLANKET WILL BE PLACED. 17. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS DURING GRADING. 18. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE: IF, IN THE COURSE OF FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, THE SOILS ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST OR THE TESTING AGENCY FINDS THAT THE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS, THE DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE GRADING WORK AND TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE MEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL. DOCUMENTATION: 1. AN A5 -BUILT GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, AS GRADED GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, LOT DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND LOCATIONS, AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. HE/SHE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT THE WORK WAS DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT AND/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE OPERATION. 2. A SOILS GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER, INCLUDING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATION OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS. SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS AND OTHER SUBSTANTIATED DATA AND COMMENTS ON ANY CHANGES MADE DURING GRADING AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE SOILS ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE AND COMPLETION OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JOB SPECIFICATIONS. 3. A GEOLOGIC GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, INCLUDING A FINAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SITE, INCLUDING ANY NEW INFORMATION DISCLOSED DURING THE GRADING AND THE EFFECT OF SAME ON RECOMMENDATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN. HE/5HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE AS AFFECTED BY GEOLOGIC FACTORS. is of Bearinqs: ZE BASED UPON THE BEARING TWEEN ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY )RIZONTAL CONTROL NUMBER 183" TO "6273" BEING NORTH 028'54" WEST. PRECISE GRADING PLAN FOR THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA Legend: I DESCRIPTION LP LOW POINT AB AGGREGATE BASE LT PARKING LOT LIGHT AC ASPHALT CONCRETE NG NATURAL GRADE BW BACK OF WALK PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CB CATCH BASIN PL PROPERTY LINE CBX CONTROL BOX PM PARKING METER P05T CF CURB FACE PP POWER POLE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE PB PULL BOX C.O. CLEAN OUT R RATE OF GRADE OR RADIUS C.Y. CUBIC YARD R/W RIGHT OF WAY DS DOWNSPOUT 5 SLOPE OF PIPE EG EDGE OF GUTTER 5B SPLASH BOX E.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 5CO SEWER CLEANOUT EM ELECTRIC METER 50MH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE EMH ELECTRICAL MANHOLE 5MH SEWER MANHOLE E.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT ST.LT. STREET LIGHT EV ELECTRICAL VAULT 5W SIDE WALK FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION TEL.MH TELEPHONE MANHOLE FH FIRE HYDRANT TF TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATION FL FLOW LINE ELEVATION TG TOP OF GRATE ELEVATION FNC TOP OF FENCE ELEVATION TOE TOE OF SLOPE FS FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION TOP TOP OF SLOPE GB GRADE BREAK TP TOP OF PILASTER GM GAS METER TS TRAFFIC SIGNAL HP HIGH POINT ELEVATION TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION INV INVERT OF PIPE ELEVATION WM WATER METER LF LINEAR FEET WV WATER VALVE Miscellaneous Notes: • SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLY MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNERS OR OFFSETS BEFORE STARTING GRADING. • PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BE ISSUED. AT THE TIME OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INPECTION, IF ANY OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING TH SITE IS DAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED AND 100% PAID BY THE OWNER. SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. • ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PREFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITAION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR AN 'A' LICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. • ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. • A CAL -OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATION DEEPER THAN 5 FEET, AND FOR SHORING AND/OR UNDERPINNING. Engineer's Notice to Owner, Contractor & Architect: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND SHALL REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 'OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS" OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, AND WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS' "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS.' THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR THE CONTRACTORS' AND SUBCONTRACTORS' COMPLIANCE WITH THE "OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATION5* OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OR WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS' "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS.' CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY, AND THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS. ALL EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND PROPOSED GRADES SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED A SOILS INVESTIGATION MUST BE MADE BY A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR GEOLOGIST. SOILS AND EARTH ACCEPTABILITY ARE NOT UNDER PURVIEW OR THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THIS PLAN.. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES REPORTED BY THE OWNER OR OTHERS, AND THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDS EXAMINED, ARE INDICATED WITH THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND EXTENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN, AND ANY OTHER UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES FOUND AT THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR I5 SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. EARTHWORK AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION ITEM QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES FOR AGENCY SUBMITTAL OF THIS PLAN AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATING OR FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND THE DEPTH OF EXISTING PAVEMENTS AND/OR STRUCTURES ARE UNKNOWN. IT I5 THE CONTRACTOR(5) RESPONSIBILITY TO DEVELOP HIS OWN QUANTITIES FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. IF THIS PROJECT IS STAKED BY SURVEY CREWS OTHER THAN THOSE CREWS UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE SIGNATORY ENGINEER, THE SIGNATORY ENGINEER WILL NO LONGER BE THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND WILL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY AS TO THE FINAL CONSTRUCTED PROJECT. THE SIGNATORY ENGINEER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN CORRECTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT IF THE STAKING HAD BEEN DONE BY SURVEY CREWS UNDER HIS DIRECT SUPERVISION. EASEMENTS MAY EXIST ON THIS SITE RATHER THAN TH05E SHOWN ON THIS PLAN (IF ANY ARE SHOWN). THE OWNER/ARCHITECT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING A TITLE COMPANY RESEARCH EASEMENTS. THESE PLANS ARE FOR REVIEW ONLY AND ARE NOT FINAL PLANS UNLESS THEY INCLUDE THE SIGNATURE OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND THE APPROVAL OF THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. Benchmark: OCS 1-4-71 FOUND 3-3\4" 005 ALUM. BM DISK STAMPED "NBi-4-71", SET IN THE TOP OF A 4"x4" CONC. POST. MONUMENT IS LOCATED IN THE 5E COR OF THE INT OF F ST. & BALBOA BLVD., 81' 5E'LY OF THE C.L. OF F ST. & 27.3' NETY OF THE C.L. OF BALBOA BLVD. MONUMENT IS SET LEVEL WITH THE SIDEWALK. # I DATE I DESCRIPTION I ELEVATION = 7.828 (NAVD 88, 1995 ADJ.) REVISIONS LAT. 33035'56.68" LONG, 117053'29.30" Legal Description: SHARE HOLDERS ALLOCATED LAND AREA DEFINED AS LOT 9 OF BAY ISLAND, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE UNRECORDED MAP OF BAY ISLAND PREPARED BY RON MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., DATED AUGUST 15, 1997, ON FILE WTH THE BAY ISLAND CLUB, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION N e w p o r t B a y w Vicinity Map S NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION NOTES NO. I DESCRIPTION QUANT. UNIT SITE GRADING ITEM QUANTITY GSCONSTRUCT CONC. PATIO & WALKWAY PER LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECT PLANS. - LS G2 I CONSTRUCT 6" CURB A1-6 PER APWA 5TD. PLAN 120-2. 72 LF DRAINAGE C5 AGENCY SUBMITTAL OF THIS PLAN AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR D1 CONSTRUCT 4" PVC OR ABS SCHED 40 DRAIN PIPE. 64 LF D2 CONSTRUCT 9" SQUARE DROP INLET W/FILTER INSERT PER DETAIL SHEET C2 6 EA D3 CONSTRUCT BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL SHEET C2 8 LF D4 CONNECT ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUT TO STORM DRAIN W/4" PVC 3 EA D5 OUTLET ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUT TO PAVEMENT OR CONC. SPLASHBLOCK 6 EA D6 CONSTRUCT FRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL SHEET C2 33 LF EROSION CONTROL (REFER TO CASQA STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK) 5E-1 CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE OR GRAVEL BAG BERM PER SE -6 270 LF SE -10 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 6 EA u WM-8 CONCRETE WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 EA Soils Engineer: EGA CONSULTANTS, INC. 375-C MONTE VISTA AVENUE C05TA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92627 (949) 642-9309 PROJECT NO. R0939.1 REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 7. 2018 Owner: RD PINAULT COMPANY ATTN: ROBERT PINAULT, PRE5. 1230 N. JEFFERSON, SUITE "D" ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714)632-9441 Sheet Index Number Title EARTHWORK ESTIMATE C1 ITEM QUANTITY C2 DETAILS & SECTIONS RAW -CUT 35 CY EARTHWORK AND GRADING QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES FOR Soils Engineer and Geologists Certification: SITE SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY C5 AGENCY SUBMITTAL OF THIS PLAN AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE SOILS ENGINEER AND GEOLOGIST OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I RAW -FILL 35 CY CONSTRUCTION C05T ESTIMATING OR FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. HAVE REVIEWED THE GRADING PLANS AND FIND THEM IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PRELIMINARY SOILS OVER -EX 325 CY SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS, THE DEPTH OF EXISTING PAVEMENTS REPORT ENTITLED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT (2.5' OVER SITE) AND/OR STRUCTURES, AND UTILITIES ARE UNKNOWN. THE 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PROJECT NO. R0939.1, DATED FEBRUARY 7, 2018, PREPARED BY AMOUNT OF SHRINKAGE OR BULKING OF EXISTING SOILS WHEN EGA CONSULTANTS, INC. SHRINKAGE 0 CY USED FOR FILL IS ALSO UNKNOWN. ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DEVELOP HIS OWN QUANTITIES FOR BIDDING IMPORT/EXPORT 0 CY PURPOSES. DATE NAME: REG.: Soils Engineer: EGA CONSULTANTS, INC. 375-C MONTE VISTA AVENUE C05TA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92627 (949) 642-9309 PROJECT NO. R0939.1 REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 7. 2018 Owner: RD PINAULT COMPANY ATTN: ROBERT PINAULT, PRE5. 1230 N. JEFFERSON, SUITE "D" ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714)632-9441 Sheet Index Number Title Description C1 TITLE SHEET LEGEND, NOTES QUANTITIES, VICINITY MAP C2 DETAILS & SECTIONS GRADING DETAILS AND CROSS SECTIONS C3 GRADING PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C4 SITE SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN EROSION CONTROL & CONSTRUCTION BMP PLAN C6 GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS I GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS FROM EGA CONSULTANTS INC. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! "ALL GRADING SHALL COMPLY WITH SOILS REPORT'S RECOMMENDATIONS" PREPARED BY: ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 234 E. 17TH STREET SUITE 205 TSTA MjA, CA 92627 R.C.E. 31720 DATE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PRECISE GRADING PLAN FOR THE MARTIN RESIDENCE TITLE SHEET 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA AREA=0.081 ACRES SHEET C1 OF 6 9" NDS CB INSERT. ND5 9" SQUARE TAPERED POLYPROPYLENE CATCH BASIN, USE RISERS AS NECESSARY 9-3/8" WIDTH 3/4" GRAVEL BASE 6" DEEP BELOW BASIN. TO PREVENT STANDING WATER. 9" SQUARE ATRIUM GRATE IN LANDSCAPING 9" SQUARE FLAT GRATE IN CONCRETE 411 PVC (SCHED 40) INLET/OUTLET PIPE (1% MIN. SLOPE) COMPACTED SOIL DRILL 1/8" WEEP HOLE 4 PLACES -NEAR CORNERS. D2 - DROP INLET W/CB INSERT NOT TO SCALE 16" MIN. WIDE PEDESTRIAN SAFE FRAME & GRATE - 3/8" SLOT OPENING. EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS OR EQUAL. 4" PERF. PVC PIPE N DIMENSIONS DETERMINED BY GRATE FRAME DIMENSIONS. USE FRAME AS FORM 311 L J �i�%;BOTTOM 1 3/4" CRUSHED r�cl+ \ ROCK W/FILTER SECTION 1-1 CLOTH 1 All ncnr coir nrnc 4" PVC DRAIN PIPE 4 PERFORATED PVC PIPE 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK W/FILTER CLOTH FILL THIS PORTION WITH CRUSHED ROCK AFTER POURING GRATE SUPPORT CURB. RATE NOTES: A. DIG A 24" WIDE X 18" MINIMUM DEPTH TRENCH B. PLACE FILTER CLOTH IN THE TRENCH. LAP 12" @ TOP. C. FILL BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH WITH 411 CRUSHED ROCK. D. FORM AND POUR PERIMETER CURB. E. FILL THE REST OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK TO 4" FROM TOP OF TRENCH. W - BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN NOT TO SCALE z O¢ z Lu O� O Z H HO 'Ti 06 - FRENCH DRAIN NOT TO SCALE SITE BUILDING SITE LIMITS I # I DATE I DESCRIPTION 1 REVISIONS EX. WALKWAY EX. GRADE SITE BUILDING SITE LIMITS 4.1' MIN. I I I f 3+-� SWALE CONC.CURB -III- 1 z i STEPPING STONES i 2% SECTION A SCALE: 111=2' 15.5' MIN. PILASTERS & FENCE CONC. PATIO w H a Z W (�J N Io 2% d .. .�' P 4 PREPARED BY: ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. CIVILENGINEEP5 234 E. 17TJ; STREET, SUITE 205 AWSTALARSA, CA 92627 5/30/13 SECTION B SCALE: 111=2' WALL FINISHED FLOOR WALL FINISHED FLOOR SITE BUILDING SITE LIMITS 4' MIN. � W2.5±ALL SWALE � z H 00 2% MIN SECTION C SCALE: 1"=2' FINISHED FLOOR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DETAILS & SECTIONS FOR THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA SHEET C2 OF 6 4? `J Le pm al J U U d BE M F.F. ELEV. 15 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER PER SOILS REPORT PAD ELEV. _ IL H M SLAB ON GRADE SECTION (REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR MORE DETAIL) NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION NOTES NO. DESCRIPTION SITE GRADING G1 CONSTRUCT CONC. PATIO & WALKWAY PER LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECT PLANS. G2 CONSTRUCT 6" CURB Al -6 PER APWA 5TD. PLAN 120-2. DRAINAGE Dl CONSTRUCT 4" PVC OR ABS 5CHED 40 DRAIN PIPE. D2 CONSTRUCT 9" SQUARE DROP INLET W/FILTER INSERT PER DETAIL SHEET C2 D3 CONSTRUCT BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL SHEET C2 D4 CONNECT ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUT TO STORM DRAIN W/4" PVC D5 OUTLET ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUT TO PAVEMENT OR CONC. 5PLA5HBLOCK D6 CONSTRUCT FRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL SHEET C2 BUILDING PAD NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY STRUCTURAL SLAB SECTION WITH ARCHITECT AND SOILS ENGINEER. PAD ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON A 13" DEEP SECTION (5" CONCRETE SLAB / 2" SAND / VAPOR BARIER / 4" GRAVEL) PER THE SOILS ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. IF THE FINAL SECTION IS DIFFERENT, THE PAD ELEVATIONS SHOULD BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHOULD REMAIN AS SHOWN. "ALL GRADING SHALL COMPLY WITH SOILS REPORT'S RECOMMENDATIONS" CALL BEFORE YOU DIG PREPARED BY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SHEET ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. C3 CIVIL ENGINEERS 234 E. 17TH STREET, SUITE 205 PRECISE GRADING PLAN 05TA OSA, CA 92627 949 -1192 FOR OF THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 6 # DATE DESCRIPTION 5/11/18 GRADING PLAN REVISIONS I B. HA RS R.C.E. 31720 DATE 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 44 OG. RdJ r I I I I 11 (12.89) EOS 111 X11 `12 X11 Ej /°�a ca m m (11.63) E-059 Roy �qol Ros / o (12.90) Eos (12.91) EOS n o mo m 10 (n C fF / Ol w 2 W lg pa1/OR (7 94) EOS \ 2 \G o e ro_ o ^ o 0 00 7.94 BDO CCQ NN HOSE BIB�(8.05) �938J TW OSJ (8.07) (8.53) EOS 8.56) (9.12J I I (9.11 J EPIS = _ - STEPS 11 511 Ro� / 11/ `l la 601 Q6 0 2 la 510 N 614135" W 78.42' �- 9.35 TW .' �7� 9.40 TW osLI> ui ( ) - ( ) (8.10) EOS 961 8 - E�sr 'f - - - - � EP� ROS / la 211 / (8.23) EOS (8.00) TG (8.06) EOS _ (7J3) TG- - - - , _ S` (, J TC h (7 60) EOS (7.56) EOS — \ \ 51°NR ggi R°� / SSONR �j vi al" '1 / 0 / �� (9.55) EOS -� / 11'CC 05 2i gp 7.88 (8. T EOS 6y z a1 R/ 51 R°5 �a R°5 J E� �\ 101) s�°�R 7 so) Eos `1 Bal s Roygal H GNP s a a 1i a 3 / a (f� 05) EOS 11 R05 % �� RO 2i 11a1 113i GS oc > JGATE l / h i— 118 / 6 P / (9.23 EOS STEPS (9.20) EOS �1� / 11/ / l / I 11 6a1 R°/ / `1 k6) S O � EOS 9.20) Eos / ( —— 11 / — la 9 Rog la/ �R� R\SR o I n cn cn cn �n cn cn c� 600 C�kllMfdEY � �j `1 6 Oi ' / 1 R°5 11 1i OS R°° o W W W W W W w o 1 a21 /—°�Q�Gr- �1 a 16gi 31R/ �I\`/ �\\\\�\\\\\\�\\\� (9.55)EOS o h N o o� m 11 •ggg 1u L o o ro � of �i � � � � G`� i� 11 1/ la % 141 R°g / OCG � (9.62) FF agi gp/ / a1i Bpm g 521 p/ l8 / W G a aai g RoB 05 2'-7" DOORLd 11/ o I la a6i 40 i R� 0�0 Rob lg aal / aal R°% / I GRP55 I �l1 aol 11 j / I Q,351 N I / l3i 1a1 ROg / 6FP gp0 6 I lgA9) p/ lg 5 0/ lg 521 6 la 291 l g 1161 R°g ll/ la j G El g 521 R� / G1 R°5 / 1 ail l a 161 Roj N la 2a1 R°% �a gj / a kal R°j / Go a51 i �la3gl lj 0Q0 `g 661FFo U m m Ci U \ Ca• a o Eoe �^ a g1i � Ro6 / laa�/ G / la all R% °G N �� oG GNP\N�1N � r r r � lg pai r ROG / r lg ` ga 6 r 9 N gR\G� Rog 2 m m o a 521 / 600 / a 11 RGY\ 1 581 p/ 1 8 69i RO (9.59) EOB RpG /ROG /R°c � P lel �1a3a1 (9.49) EOB QOy'C QOy� QOy� la49l/1x521/la.a11/ / I 1a5g1 �1a8a1 a61 �laa / — — — — —3a"I � / ` `— — +� +la• � * 551 \\� �/ N 61'41 35" W 77.9,5' / ° ° — 1a1 - i e agl r a 651 la• aal 1p 331 R°/ 531 Rg all — x(9.21 Dia 511 R�21 Rog E06 / la'- BASIS OF BEARINGS: 081 % l lg 2 �41 / THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE BEARING BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY / 9 _ , -9' \ ` $a1 HORIZONTAL CONTROL NUMBER "6183" TO "6273" BEING NORTH 74028'54" WEST. �\� % E� l `. la. 1 •�� / co . l °5R w �G� a. STEPS-� SSS �S1/ HORIZONTAL DATUM STATEMENT: / 501 N (9.87) EOB (f0.51) EOB 6 `I _ _ _ _ GROUND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM (CC583), ZONE VI, (26.3) TOW lg a 1 I (2007.00 EPOCH). MULTIPLY COMBINATION FACTOR 0.999970445 AT OCS "6183" FOR GRID DISTANCES. (10.53) EOB (232) BOW IHI BENCHMARK NOTE: la' �� �� 5x1 / \ gal /o 2"-8"" WIDE 3i , _ _ _ THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY VERTICAL CONTROL NUMBER 6ai = 11% poOR \ lg./ CHIMNEY "NB1-4-71", ELEVATION 7.82 FEET (NAVD88) (1989 ADJ). la 151 2 1 0 la/ 10631 / VERTICAL DATUM STATEMENT: L` o o W W fF \ \ \ \ l 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 � 3 0 0 0 0 0 1211 / / ADD 0.38' TO THE NAVD88 ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON TO OBTAIN MEAN LOWER LOW WAT ER ELEVATIONS. lg a5i gp/ m m m m m 3 N m N 11 j.001Rp Ro\ \ 5R EXAMPLE: ELEV. 7.00 (NAVD88) + 0.38' ELEV. 7.38 (MLLW) FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION: ZONE X (SHADED) - AREAS OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD WITH 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LE55 THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS I m m m _ m N PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD. o PER NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (FIRM) MAP NUMBER 06059C0382J DATED DECEMBER 3, 2009 a6i RO°�/ / m m m m m 1g 111 BLUE COLORED ZONE - AREAS OF 500 YEAR FLOOD; AREAS OF 100 YEAR FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LE55 l30• / t THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 100 YEAR FLOOD SCALE: 1"=5' Legend BOO BUILDING OUTLINE BFP BACK FLOW PREVENTER BOW BOTTOM OF WINDOW CONC CONCRETE EM ELECTRIC METER EOR EDGE OF BRICK PAVING EOC EDGE OF CONCRETE EOS EDGE OF STONE PAVING EPB ELECTRICAL PULLBOX FF FINISHED FLOOR GM GAS METER ICV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE ® MASONRY WALL BUILDING OVERHANG SCO SEWER CLEANOUT (XXX.XX) SPOT ELEVATIONS TEL TELEPHONE TG TOP OF GRATE TOW TOP OF WINDOW TW�� TOP OF WALL Feet �TWj TREE (SIZE VARIES) R00(/ I # I DATE I DESCRIPTION 1 DATE OF SURVEY: MARCH 1, 2011 SURVEYOR'S NOTE: THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS RECORD INFORMATION ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BOUNDARY SURVEY. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT. PREPARED BY: ROBIN S. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 234 E. 17TH STREET, SUITE 205 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SHEET SITE SURVEY C4 FOR OF THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 6 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 45 m PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FLOOD ZONES MAP PLATE H-8 DATED 2008 I # I DATE I DESCRIPTION 1 DATE OF SURVEY: MARCH 1, 2011 SURVEYOR'S NOTE: THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS RECORD INFORMATION ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BOUNDARY SURVEY. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT. PREPARED BY: ROBIN S. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 234 E. 17TH STREET, SUITE 205 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SHEET SITE SURVEY C4 FOR OF THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 6 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 45 40 literature and our experience, it is our opinion that the proposed improvements at the site are feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. There appear to be no significant geotechnical constraints on-site that cannot be mitigated by proper planning, design, and utilization of sound construction practices. The engineering properties of the soil and native materials, and the surface drainage offer favorable conditions for site re- development. RECOMMENDATIONS The following sections discuss the principle geotechnical concerns which should be considered for proper site re -development. Farthwnrk Grading and earthwork should be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines included in Appendix C. It is our understanding that the majority of grading will be limited to the re -grading of the building pad for the proposed construction. In general, it is anticipated that the removal of the upper 2'/z feet (scarified to 3 feet) within the building footprint (slab -on -grade portion) will require removal and recompaction to prepare the site for construction. The removals should be accomplished so that all fill and backfill existing as part of the previous site use and demolition operations are removed. Where feasible, the limits of the pad fill shall be defined by a 2'/z feet envelope encompassing the building footprint. Care should be taken to protect the adjacent property improvements. As stated above, for cohesion treatment of the site sand fills; soil -cement shall be used. To achieve this, during grading — dry bags of Portland Cement shall be mixed in the scarified over -excavation bottoms and into the overlying fill lifts. We recommend water -flooding the pad excavation bottom as well as each lift to induce hydro -compaction of the dry sands. A minimum one foot thick fill blanket should be placed throughout the exterior improvements (approaches, parking and planter areas). The fill blanket will be achieved by re -working (scarifying) the upper 12 inches of the existing grade. Site Preparation Prior to earthwork or construction operations, the site should be cleared of surface structures and subsurface obstructions and stripped of any vegetation 9 Bay Island, Newport Beach, CA Soils Report Project No. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 12 in the areas proposed for development. Removed vegetation and debris should then be disposed of off-site. A minimum of 2'/z feet of the soils below existing grade will require removal and recompaction in the areas to receive building pad fill. Following removal, the excavated surface should be inspected by the soils engineer or his designated representative prior to the placement of any fill in footing trenches. Holes or pockets of undocumented fill resulting from removal of buried obstructions discovered during this inspection should be filled with suitable compacted fill. Fills The on-site soils are suitable for reuse as compacted fill, provided they are free of organic materials, debris, and materials larger than six (6) inches in diameter. After removal of any loose, compressible soils, all areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, brought to at least 2 percent over optimum moisture conditions and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM: D 1557). If necessary, import soils for near -surface fills should be predominately granular, possess a very low expansion potential, and be approved by the geotechnical engineer. Lift thicknesses will be dependent on the size and type of equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches. Placement and compaction of fill should be in accordance with local grading ordinances under the observation and testing of the geotechnical consultant. We recommend that fill soils be placed at moisture contents at least 2 percent over optimum (based on ASTM: D 1557). We recommend that oversize materials (materials over 6 inches) should they be encountered, be stockpiled and removed from the site. Trench Backfill The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of rock sizes over 6 inches in dimension and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness) by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM: D 1557). Geotechnical Parameters The following Geotechnical parameters may used in the design of the proposed structure (also, see "Liquefaction Analysis" section, above): 9 Bay Island, Newport Beach, CA Soils Report Project No. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 13 Foundation Desian Structures on properly compacted fill may be supported by conventional, continuous or isolated spread footings. All footings should be a minimum of 24 inches deep (measured in the field below lowest adjacent grade). Footing widths shall me an minimum 18 inches for the perimeter footings. The building slab shall be underlain by 2 inches of clean sand, underlain by 15 - mil thick moisture barrier (e.g.: Stego Wrap; lapped and sealed), underlain by 4 inches of gravel (3/ -inch crushed rock), underlain by compacted fill. At this depth (24 inches) footings founded in fill materials may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 1,750 and 2,250 psf (for dead -plus -live load) for continuous wall and isolated spread footings, respectively. These values may be increased by one-third for loads of short duration, including wind or seismic forces. Reinforcement requirements may be increased if recommended by the project structural engineer. In no case should they be decreased from the previous recommendations. Mat Foundation Design (Optional) Due to anticipated high tide waters and cohesionless sands during construction, a mat slab foundation system is a recommended option. Mat slabs founded in compacted fill or competent native materials may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 2,250 psf (for dead -plus -live load). These values may be increased by one-third for loads of short duration, including wind or seismic forces. The actual design of the foundation and slabs should be completed by the structural engineer. MIN. DESIGN ITEM Mat foundations: allowable bearing pressure: passive lateral resistence: mat slab thickness: steel reinforcement: coefficient of friction: Modulus of Subgrade Reaction: RECOMMENDATIONS 2,250 psf 250 psf per foot min. 12 inches with thickened edges (+ 6 inches) no. 5 bars @ 12" o.c. each way, top and bottom 0.30 ks = 90 Ibs/in3 Cement Type for Concrete in Contact with On -Site Earth Materials Concrete mix design should be based on sulfate testing with Section 1904.2 of the 2016 CBC. Preliminary laboratory testing indicates the site soils possess negligible sulfate exposure. 9 Bay Island, Newport Beach, CA Soils Report Project No. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 14 ACI 318 BUILDING CODE Table 4.3.1 - REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE EXPOSED TO SULFATE -CONTAINING SOLUTIONS Sulfate Water soluble Sulfate (SO,) in Cement Type Maximum water- Minimum fd , Exposure sulfate (SO4 ) in soil water, ppm DATE cementitious material normal -weight percent by weight ratio, by weight, normal and light weight weight concrete concrete, psi Negligible 0.00 s SO4 <0.10 05 SO•<150 ------ ----- ----- Moderate 0.10<SO4<0.20 150<SO4<1500 II,IP(MS), 0.50 4000 IS(MS),P(MS) I(PM)(MS), I(SM)(MS) Severe 0.20 S Soo < 2.00 1500 < SO4 < V 0.45 4500 10,000 Very Severe SO4> 2.00 SO4> 10,000 V plus 0.45 4500 pozzalan As a conservative approach, we recommend cement with a minimum strength f'c of 3,000 psi be used for concrete in contact with on-site earth materials. Settlement Utilizing the design recommendations presented herein, we anticipate that the majority of any post -grading settlement will occur during construction activities. We estimate that the total settlement for the proposed structure will be on the order of 1 inch. Differential settlement is not expected to exceed 1 inch in 30 feet. These settlement values are expected to be within tolerable limits for properly designed and constructed foundations. Lateral Load Resistance Footings founded in fill materials may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. A coefficient of friction against sliding between concrete and soil of 0.30 may be assumed. Capillary Break Below Interior Slabs In accordance with the 2016 California Green Building Standards Code Section 4.505.2.1, we provide the following building specification for the subject site (living area and garages slabs): Concrete building slabs shall be directly underlain by a min. 2 inches of clean/washed sand, underlain by a min. 15 mil -thick moisture barrier (e.g. "Stego Wrap"), with all laps sealed, underlain by 4 inches of 3/ -inch gravel. 9 Bay Island, Newport Beach, CA Soils Report Project No. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 15 The above specification meets or exceeds the Section 4.505.2.1 requirement. Exterior Slabs -on -grade (Hardscape) Concrete slabs cast against properly compacted fill materials shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick (actual) and reinforced with No. 3 rebar at 18 inches on center in both directions. The reinforcement shall be supported on chairs to insure positioning of the reinforcement at mid -center in the slab. Control joints should be provided at a maximum spacing of 8 feet on center in two directions for slabs and at 6 feet on center for sidewalks. Control joints are intended to direct cracking. Expansion or felt joints should be used at the interface of exterior slabs on grade and any fixed structures to permit relative movement. Some slab cracking due to shrinkage should be anticipated. The potential for the slab cracking may be reduced by careful control of water/cement ratios. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the pouring of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of slabs. Surface Drainage Surface drainage shall be controlled at all times. Positive surface drainage should be provided to direct surface water away from structures and toward the street or suitable drainage facilities. Ponding of water should be avoided adjacent to the structures. Recommended minimum gradient is 2 percent for unpaved areas and one percent for concrete/paved areas. Roof gutter discharge should be directed away from the building areas through solid PVC pipes to suitable discharge points. Area drains should be provided for planter areas and drainage shall be directed away from the top of slopes. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING It is recommended that no clearing of the site or any grading operation be performed without the presence of a representative of this office. An on site pre -grading meeting should be arranged between the soils engineer and the grading contractor prior to any construction. GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION AND TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION We recommend that a qualified geotechnical consultant be retained to provide geotechnical engineering services, including geotechnical observation/testing, during the construction phase of the project. This is to verify the compliance with the design, specifications and or recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated. 9 Bay Island, Newport. Beach, CA Soils Report ProjectNo. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 Q Geotechnical observations/testing should be performed at the following stages: • During ANY grading operations, including excavation, removal, filling, compaction, and backfilling, etc. • After excavations for footings (or thickened edges) and/or grade beams verify the adequacy of underlying materials. • After pre-soaking of new slab sub -grade earth materials and placement of capillary break, plastic membrane, prior to pouring concrete. • During backfill of drainage and utility line trenches, to verify proper compaction. • When/if any unusual geotechnical conditions are encountered. • Prior to slab pours to ensure proper subgrade compaction and moisture barriers. Please schedule an inspection with the geotechnical consultant prior to the pouring of interior and exterior slabs. LIMITATIONS The geotechnical services described herein have been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the geotechnical engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the subject locality. Under no circumstance is any warranty, expressed or implied, made in connection with the providing of services described herein. Data, interpretations, and recommendations presented herein are based solely on information available to this office at the time work was performed. EGA Consultants will not be responsible for other parties' interpretations or use of the information developed in this report. The interpolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction by a representative of EGA Consultants. We recommend that all foundation excavations and grading operations be observed by a representative of this firm to ensure that construction is performed in accordance with the specifications outlined in this report. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of others. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. 9 Bay Island, Newport. Beach, CA Soils Report ProjectNo. RD939.1 February 7, 2018 17 WvPREPARED s NO. z RCE 31720 rrI It BY: ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 234 E. 17T STREET, SUITE 205 ST SA, CA 92627 49 1192 5/30/13 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SHEET C6 OF 6 NO. DATE DESCRIPTIOEVISIONS BY GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MARTIN RESIDENCE 9 BAY ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH, CA A Phormium 'Platts Black' Platts Black Flax 5 gal 3 O Azalea 'Fielders White' Fielders White Azalea 5 gal 47 Liriope 'Variegated white' Variegated Liriope 5 gal 62 Buxus microphylla 'japonica' mOphiopogon japonicas 'Dwarf' Pavers Concrete stepping pads Japanese boxwood Dwarf mondo grass 5 gal flats plant at 3" O.C. ON 12 FLATS pp O W J � Q O U N II U O - (6 U) O W C6 LU W J � Q Q U U) Z Q J 0 Z H Z Q J E w 0 U U Z (6 U) W C6 M � U) Z 00 LLI Q �N C U W CO U) N Q Q CO w 2 CO a) C:) Z CO (D N W O U) Z Q J 0 Z H Z Q J L -1 4 Q w U U Z = U W - M U) Z 00 LLI Q �N Zip n N Q Q CO w 2 m Z L -1 4