HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-01 - Orange Coast PilotI CF EIGHBORHOOO FOCUS T H U RSDAY, DECEMBER I., 1988 Skinhead trouble on rise in RB ~ Cos ts of cleaning up a fter va nda li s m . racis t graffiti in park s also incr easing By ROBERT BARKER Of .,,. o.., l'llol •i.n Skinhead gang members arc spc.·w- 1ng hall' messages and Na11 swas11kas o n walls and sidewalks in Huntington Beach c11y parks w11h 1ncrcas1ng frequency otlic1al~ said Wcdnc~day SpN:1J1c ou1breaks ha1.c been Coast Defendant describes murder of Huntington Beach woman./ A3 World The Supreme Soviet votes to ad opt Mikhail S . Gorbachev's overhaul of the political structure I A4 Business Buyout firm's $24 .5 billion offer tor RJR Nabisco accepted./ AS DON i FIC'ET WHEN -~ ~ -·--"·~--- 24 shopping day• to Chriatmas Index Bulletin Board Business Class1f1ed Comics Crossword Death notices Entertainment Opinion People Police Log Public Notices Sports A7 AS-6 B5-7 B4 86 87 A9 A 11 A lO A3 87-8 81-3 noted for about lhrec years. but t 1l> utlic1als report there ha~ hci:n a .. harp 1r1ncase 1n rhe hate nll''>'klge\ 1n thl' las1 six mon1hs or ~o 1n thl· \fl r:.iv. l111g ( l'ntral Park Police call the outbH'Jll. J l on,t:.101 probkm." Daryl Sm11h. lhl' l 11\ , 'uPl·r intcndent of parkc;, lrl'l'' Jt1J land OCmalls welcome charity kettles By 808 VAN EYKEN 04 IM O.ity l'llol Sl9fl I 1l e a \1.l'r1l' from J :-.O urnun l<ock"ell painting. thl· 1.1m1liar llcll- nngas from the "iah Jt1nn .\rn1\ v.ill kl'i:p vigil in ( >rangl' Count ~ ,h11pp1ng malls th1~ \Car. dc:.p1ll' pr11hkms tlw religious ~:hant~ group hJ<._ had 1n 11lhl'f part~ ofSouthl·rn C .1ltlorn1J .\number of'>ton:'i ..1ml m.d" 1111lw lo~ .\ngeles arl'a h:.i'l' fl'ht'l'd Pt'I· m1<,s1on w \:1ha11on \1 111' '"lun- tel.'" who hd\l' 3<\~CJ to WI Ill' llll'tr familiar rcJ donation l l'llk'> 11tlil 1JI'> of the organ11Jtll.ln <>a' Bui the group ha' L'1wnun1..:rrd ltulc rcs1s1anci: from< \1,111g.r < 11u11 1~ ml.'rchant<;. :ll.\ord111g 1n \ta1 v. tl- !tam :--lot1ll' count" , 1111rd1nJl1>r lur the org.an11.1t111n In fart. Nouk had part1uil.ir p1.11,1· tor one m .1 I I. 'iuu I h C 11.1 '1 Pt.11 J ~~ ma1Mg,·ml·n1 JI',\ 111l·rlh.rn1' hl' -.J1J. hJ\1' lx·n11\\L'I h.1d.".irJ, to 1•nnwragl' thl· Jn nu.ii< 1111,tnl.1'> lunLI dri \l' "((\flt\\ \ll)h lh,ll lht•\ \1' .tllPl.\l'tl U\ \I' b,l\\' lllll \..\Ii\\'\ lfll'fl', lhL'\ \\' lx'l'll "n llr\ '11ppt1rt1'<' ' -i1,I '\1111 \I Pill' 111 th1• fl''IJu1.11 1'- th..: l' 111 lfl Jll,1~1 I 1,,tolll' 1,,1 .! J'ill'U 11ur lwll-ri ngt·r 11' hl·«t ti.11! .tn, thing 111 '"'' .111J 1h1. n 111'"11.1 lh.1: hl' Ulffil' Ill olllJ hJ \ l' .I 1111 .il ·It' thtr•g' 111..t· th.II I \\'l\•t1ll' h.1, 111'>1 0...·l'I\ \~I\ hdpt11I I ht' 11 1111 ~l'l'lll 111 'l'l' tit' ·" .t I'·''' •1f ( hfl\lnl.1' . In IJrt. \ah Jl11111 \11111 1..,·111,·, .11hl \lh l'f tx·th h.1 \I h<,·,·11 ,I p.111 ' I )<:aping. SJtd the \cindali\m directed against blat'ks and Jt'v.' -1~ causing park dl:anup losts to m1wn1. fl com .tbout $300 to SSOO for ntv rrcws 10 tlean up alter :i norm.ll wi:elend of gang ac11' ll ll'\ but con- \1daably more v. hen g;mg., rcalh go on a tear. he said. In recent wcrk' gang nwmbl'rs have carvl·d up p1' n1c 1abks -.pra)- pa1n1cd \I.alls and tOrn up bathrooms. Sm11h said S11ckcf"o were auac hcd 10 l1ghl p«Jlb v.11h ml·c.~ajl.cs "kill dll lhc hlach" Laguna gay ba•hlng trial goe• to jury. A3 and .. death tu the Jev.s." hl' -.;1111 \mith al!.O ..aid that otlil1c1h h,1\\ rece1,~·d an 1mreas1ng nunibn of call<. from ixopk v. hu ''nu kl Ii l...l' 1< 1 JOE or v.alk through thl'lr pJrl hut .Hl afraid tor their ">ale\\ ~m11h rcn·nth l~u1l1 m•J thl' n crea!!.C 1n actt' 111c' 10 n1lmlxr' 11t th1.· Cit)·., ( ummun1t\ \..:r \ K1' I .int m1s\lon I v.Jntl·d them 1u l nov. .ihou1 11 ' h1 \J rJ II \ •u Jon l!l I 111 .. orn,·1h1 ng lti..l' lhl\ fll'\ht J \\J~ II l n·p\ 11l1,·r1ur.it1ng It nl1un1·Jo1.'\Jn~1h1n~ Jhou111 II gl'I~ J m1k .ihl·iid of~c1u · \~1 frt) C o ix. v. hu"' in chargt 11! 'I' pol11l' J,·pJrtmeni's \(lt-'Cial t'll 111ru·111l·n1 untt \did 1h~1 nll11.:ers haq: 111.1d1 \1111\\' .Hf\'\h v.h1k tlKU\IOg l'lt111I\11n !Ill' l ti\·~ tlJ pm curfrv. Matilda Ortiz s eeks don ations in South Coast Pla za for Salvation Army. ( 'hri ,1111,1~ 1111 llt':lfh lf MJ \t'.lf' I hi' \t.11 hn\'l'\l'I \,tl \,1111•11 .\1m' ofl'i, .11, in tlw \.1 11 I 1·rn.11 d • \ Jiil;\ h,l\ \ I j)l 11 tt'tl tft.11 ,II) 1111 I I ing n"umt11:1 '.1 t11t'f1 fl.1111' hJ\ 1 1: ll'rTIPll'" 111 1111\1·111 •If "'""·'"' 'nlunll't't' 11111 11111·, •1ng 11u1"d1 thl·1 r l''t.1t1l"h" I\ T"11P<11pk • 111,l 'le Jj')I J1.t 1• l'111ddl lhl' )..1"111'' 'i.111 I 11 n.1nd. \ .1111', 1"11d 11.11i11 ""rt' l''t'll pt.1 .. ·.f dlhf1 I , I' I ll' .1111''1 fl'lt'lllh !'>' 1/1,• 111.1n.1!!1'1 · h1 '\, rthrid~l' I .1.;fi11111 1 L'nl1'r I••' 1,.,1111 .. '" 'J1Jll' lh1· n1.1ll f'11rddt """ ti.· llJ J ll'llJ\l'd ltl ITllllt' lh>l ·'' .tll lcl "''''II ,J1,11!x• ,l11'1Ht' t1u1 f';,·1.1ll'l 111 ~lit' 1.J th1 n .11 lllJn.1~1 I tu.I , '""''rp·drJ 1tw 1,1\\. \~ \ ,I. 11111 '• I • I I ''''"ht d11·rh\ tw ,,10J \\, '"'l1l·1,· .,, .ll tfw· 11 " 1c-l.1 ! 11 ( r tJ Hu \\l ll't• th.11 .1 q. IJlt11r' ' ' '" \Id ll iJ llf \'\ J 111, !'1·•1 .... ,, h dl1 fllot1 th.I I l1'1.!l11.1l1 111 fl lh~· 1.J'<.' o'f ~111 '\,11•1 I J~1· '.I !Please sec M ALLS/ A 2 j Irvine private school confiscated by IRS By GRF.<; KLF:RKX Of N Oelly Pttot Slefl Tlw ln k r:il ~oq·rirnwnt h," 'l'llt'd J 11011hkd pr1\t1tl' 'thonl 111 In int' v. h ll h h,1d h<.•t•n tlf<ll'H'u Ill 11111\ l' 0...·1.1u'e 11v.,1,11pn.111ng 1n .1 \f,1nnc < orp' l ra'>h-ha1anl 111nl' ()f1irl'r' nf thr I ntcrnal l<n cnm· \cf\ 1n· ;in'\"l'rl'd the ph1Hll'' .it P.ll'tfit \1111rr' Ptl\.1t\' lligh 'i;,·honl lhl\ morning. ~1" 1ng till' \1 hool ha' ~·l·n llinfi,l.ltl'd h' till"~'" L'ln1111·n1 I l;l· 11tl1u'f\ rdu,\·d IP i.knt.r' lh\'111 'l'h1'' nr 10 Pll'"'h turth,·1 1n t111 111.1111111 ,1hrn11 tht• 'l'1tor1· \alh Huhn.HJ. 'polo.n111.111 Ii •I 1hl' IR\ \Jll.I thl' 'l'l/Ull' 11,1, Jllth11fltl'\I tx·c1 u'l' th« 'l hool 11q!ll 1 t\'11 111 p,11. lhl· ~1l\l'll11lll'l1\ \'' f1.l'I In\,\\\'\ I\ l'I .I I \11 1 \\'Jf J'l\.'rtnd I hr 1.klt nqucn t l.l\l'' .1n 1 uni d111 111g I'll{~ .111d l'IXS Kuhn.Ill ,,11d \lh1111I o ll111JI' fl'11'1'l'd \\'\l'f.tl \\fll h'n n1111u·, pt:.111 .i11, .ind ' 'lh flomfR'I Id •l"l••'••lft«'" "\\ 1' ~.\\l' 111, 11 '\ 1 1,11 "·" r111.:' .ind lk, 11k.I I•• 1 11 ' • rl Kut 11.1, ,31J I R ~ 111 ,., 111t11t·d 111 'h"111, .111i·r LfJ<;<;(.'' 11 I II J 111·,,J,1\ Ill 'l'l •1 ' thH1f\ Ill\:• 111.!1·111' ,Ill.I I\'.\\ 11\'I' '11'1 'I rl'turn t11 1h1 "h·•••I 1111til r1111h" nn11r1'. 1{111111.111 ,,11d fhl' "'11\lll \\,I' I< 1\ I 411, 111'1• n.11 rr111. l't',lll't! "'" 'l• 111 '1' \\l r ri1,11J" Kuhn.111 '·"" I t' I I 'llldl Ill ,, " 'I' 1 .... 1 • I·' 111 I , n 1.·1 ll1 ' , t , 11 , r \1 , ,IJ\IV.\ :tmrhtth1,ll\ f 11,1' l°'l'l h1it \\,l\l'I '1111\ llh n111J,!l" ,111.t'I .\ .t '111 fl lht• tll\ ltkd ,I l.1v.,111t ,1~.111\\1 ;!1 • ,,h,1<1) , i.111ll1nk! •ht 11 ,.f I ' • .,,, n'" rq?.11 l.11 111 , .1 ·1,: , ,, ", t '' 11h1n iii. 11 f ,,.,. \!,11 'h t 1 i'' \ "1.11111n ', 1.1,h ,,,,,, \1.irl.. \\ ,·1 h,·I ''" 11, • • ·' th •, w \\II 111.t '• h "' '·''I I""' I \ ·t1.1· to • ,I, l".'111fllol11' .. I 11,j .11111thl'I lu 1\ ' I! 11 ,, 11., \\ 1 II hd ullJIJ ,. " 1,·.h 1 \ J r. 1 imm..:n1 1h1' :•• 1'1'1 \'. I hl ,,:i .... 1 'l\\l\l'd t11 II\ I ',\' 1\01\'"I I'\ \pf\f 1-Jt'I ~ K qh11.i11 ,,it.I ,, 1\,,.11 111lic1:1l' h.1, l < 1.11 "•'I'~' '" ••ml' up ~1\h th1· ·'\' 11<1111'11: (,I\ J!l • ,., l'll:l11rl lh< 'K' . 11 11PI' t.1 ,,·11 'h '1.ht>1•I 'fll• 1"'- 1 'h 1,111.t , .. fl\\ Ill d ti\ I h..: I 1 • I 11. I ) •'; ll' 111\f t!••ll\\'. ffl <,,\'\' ,l'l .1\1 'I '',f,'< \I'll .\ I{ llhfl, I '•I ,j lfr ... .11d "sl-..1nheads .. lOngreiatc not unh in ( entral Park but in other Jfl'J\ lhJl offer thr freedom o f open ,pau: '>\Jl'h as at tht' Santa Ana River bottom and 1n Oood w ntrol channels.. Hl' ~aid the gang promo tes white -.uprcmat' and 1s affiliated ~1th the neo-'a11 mu,cmt·nt. while dc,oting t1mr to auac ks on blacks and Jews <ope said ~l.inheads art' a c0n11n- ual s1111rll 11 aggra' a11on but that p«>lill' hc1H·n'1 rell'l\t'd ··a s1gn1f1can1 numtx·r ,.i ,,1lb ul har;.i'i\ml'nt" from (Please see SKINHEAD/A~) Pair held in phony $20bill scheme ·Printing press fo r counte rfe it mo n ey d iscovered in Mesa 8 ) JO:'\ATHA="-\'OLZKE Of It.. Delly ll'llo4 SI.,, l '' o ml·n Jn m k deral cu~tod\· alll'r l ll'>l..1 \k\..t pt1lice brol..e up a t11unll'rle111ng op•:ra11on 1ha1 "as printing h<.1gu~ S~ll hills out of a rt:ntt'd \h,nro\la \\l'nue v.an:house. IA'ICl.l1 \l' 'itl'\l' l-<.1hb111 said a man ldlling h1m~l'lt hank Ro)!>1 rt.'nted the l.\Jr,·h11u'' \rnl I hut 11n "'-1a' ~3. the pm pc.·r·' 'rnJnag1·r l'nll'red the bu1ld- 10\!, Ocl J U'-l' 11 .tp~Jrcd abandoncd l11\1dC' hl' t.1und an old-fashioned prin11n11 l'fl''>' 1n\o.' and paper .\ l.JUnJr• J , r .Jl\11 ~a'> tn thl' v.are- h1lUS1' an1l n~1Jl' "ert °'t'' l'ral S ~ll r hill'> I ahh11 I '>.llJ fh1 IJndlurd 1•lnlJl11-d p11l1l e ~ho ,1•1111\1.il.:d lhl· !(1ll>d\ and llngl'r- pnntL'd \hl' \\Jfl'hllU)l' and I\\ COl'l- :ent~ T 1 ··ngap11nh '~er,· ...cni 10 'h\ ...,1,1 .: v. •ul· 11mpt•ll • u3\:\Nnl. but :~1 \ .... 1 tl ··~ ' I hn 1•1·r1· pi.·111 Lt<•tKl hll\,_ f .1n1111t "Jlo f hL I •'l'rl'n°I 'Upt l 'uf'l('f f'""I h1.t\ hul Nttl\ h11ith I H,1' n11t !'•'''d •no11gh P11flcr 1r "•1rthl'fn ( c1ld11m1J Jr- ,•,J K11" ·h1 ' "l'l'l.. lnr .1llt'[ll'dl\ ,1,1"1·1~ .i h"i!'" hill I Jbh111 -. .. ml I h1 •11.1n 1•h••'l' rt'JI nam\ "\lilo..1· I <'J.1 \,... .!lll·g1•t•h u'nll'\'>{·d 10 thl' .iul\ll r h 111 11~ .1n,l 1,1fJ 1h1• '\<111han \ JlllNn1.1 .1111'1 •flltt'' hl' wa' \•:ln11·d h1 I 1"1 .. \k.,,t poll<t' I ahh111 <;aid 111 JI'• u.:l·1. • 1Jl'nt1lil'd D-.:i,1ll f 11l.rn1I -· Hui 1J Parl .t~ h 1<. .ll'Utnlp, !ht d1·11·.tt'l''-.lltl I 1\l,111.I 1 '"' .1.P\l"f\ll\'\ '3td \\J\ \llnll\I\'.' '11'\IL ,I ,h,t1gt''L'fh,ln~ •111r~i.1 t''" '· • . 1~ •1 • .1: l omfll" • ·1 h I .1 \ "' t•' 'It'd J I h1' 1p.1'l1I 1·•' l ,tfl'"tl ,.11.! II ·• • .In I '.I' .111t1f\.i \,.. •illt.:11' .. 1'V.1'ft'l .. L.tn,i I I h.itr ,; I ,1 llf" I \.I Ill 1 fh' Jr·,·, '"" J':,! t •• ~ n1L·d 11·" II.I I ' ~ r I .11"' ' •• h. •1 1 , I,, \.\.'II IX'll\)>!. 1 Pt~a">(' ~f'f" COl1"fTERf'ElT/A 2 1 Patients speak up for Coast doctor in molestation case Airmen on the ready in Mesa Newport physicia n released a s judge reduces h is ba il By PAUL ARCHIPLEY Of-~NdlSMff P:uicnts and friends rushl•J 111 the defense of a Newport fkat h neu- rosurgeon Wrdncsda} alh·r hl· wac; arraigned o n charges o f l·h1ld m1)1l's1a- t1on. Dr Franets J W1ll1ams wa~ re - leased from Orange Count} Jail on reduccJ bail after Municipal Court Judge G le nn A Mahler a1wptcd de fense arguments that he would no t nee. The bail rcduc\100 1·ame over the objections of a deputy dr~tnl't at- to rney who argued that W1lha ms faces a possible 26-ycar ~·n tl·nn· and has aood reason to nee. Williams. 64. was arrested T \KSday after Newport Beach police obtained arrest 1nd search warrants stemming from a former patient's a llept1ons he had mok:stcd her dun ng offttt v1s1t'§ Williams face 11 ·Dec I 2 prdiminary hcariu& on 10 counr~ of chitd molestation of the patient. Otputy District At\Otncy KcllY. M~ said the Cate wilt boil dOWft 10 his word qa1ns1 hen. llo wl'H'r. pro\(.'l utllr'\ dl·udcJ till' C:l'il' wa' <>l'rillU\ enough 10 pur'Ul' ~c.'llUSl' W.illtams alkF,l'dh m.1tk '>tal('mcnt~ lo rndqx:ndl'll I "11 nl''"'' · that corrohoratcd some 0 1 ~hJt th\' v1ct1 m told 1 n vestag.ato,-.; "He 1s naturally trying 10 put tho<;e <;tatcmenls in the tx.·st possible light .. Macheachern <\31d "•\ 1nal \I.Ill dctl·rm1nc JU'>I wh.JI hl' mcanl 1;1, 1hem ·· The pa11cn1 was I::! Yl':lf' old \\ht•n lhc incidents allcgl'4'1) lnok rlau· vvcr several rnonth<i 1n l 4~5. 1 tw molc~1a11onsallcgcdly<XYUrrl'd 1n h1~ onicc behind locked doors when no nurse was prl''il'nt Now hv ing 1n Kentucky. lhC' grrl was being w unsded following a <;u1c1dr a11e mpt when <the told of the alkged inc1drnt'i in Williams' ufficc. Maceachern said thC' rounS<"lor notified polirc theft', who 1n turn called Newport police. Rut attorney B)'ron Mt•Mtllan said during h1~ ..:hen1's appcaran~ at tiarbor Mun1c1pal Court that the case 1'i an cxamplr of ovcrTcalous pro~ ccutio n of a rc~pcctcd phys1 1an. He said Williams has pract1CC'd mC"dicinc in Orange County for mort' than 20 >.'?rs and is a fa m ily man. McMillan said tome of the mo~ than 400 v1t1ce>.-P<''> and pho tognaphs poll«' oonti$C'atcd naiurnlly may tn· dude somt nudity hc<'ausc they WC'rt (P't•ee -PA 1'1CN 111{ A2) I 8~ JON ATHA~ \ 0 1 lt\ I- OI i... oe11r ....,. 11.n T l\a1"'> :l h11 111 \\''-\l'hLI, 11•• 1I, Ith l l·d J\\3\ 10 ( l• .. 1.1 \h '·' I II' .1h1,I\' prcparl·d tor 1111111111 " l 'ntil IQ42. Costa Ml·,,1 " ' 11111th mo ri: than a pl:tl t ti ' "' th11,ugh o n thl· "a) to '<'11" "' ,"\' l'l't' It was t;irmland. li1·ll.h 111.t ... m.111 rl''\1dl'nt1JI \l'tllcm,·nf'• R111 a war raged aero<,<; lhl· 11..I· •· ,111d 111 f l·bruaf) ot lhJt \l'::lf 1111· '" ,. ol ,1hout 250.001) )l)Ung .11t t11\'ll .11 r" i:d from a II aniunJ 1 hL' ul111111 ' dl'll'fll'llncd 10 make thl' "01td ""' ti" 1kmocrac" I he 1.()()0.ane Santa \n.1 \1111, ·\tr R:i<il' qu1dd y grc" and"'"'" "·1' lO' l'rl·d w11h J.) m1ll 1on <.tt11.111· In 1 ot \rm' oorracksand 2Xnrn1.1I\'' 1.'\"nt h11't>r1als M o\l1lflhatha~1s gom·11'1\l,1' 111 n·mnant'i include Or:inj_ll' l 11.1,1 (. olkgl·. Cuy Hall. Southern t .111 fornia < 'oll('gc. the Orangt• < t11m1, Fairgrounds and the Mc<;.J J cl \\.11 rl·,.1<kn11a l tract Thl' 222nd Combar Commun1L,1 111m' ~uadron of lhc '\1 r Natll1n.1I < ;uard nn:uin rng a lllnl'-.tt ll' kn1.t•J dlmpounJ on Nc"'J)t)rt Roull'\ arJ. t\ the ,inly m1hl•I) un11 left 1in the s1tt.• ol lhl' tor mer :u r ll.l~· toda-. The 41quadron is maJl· up of lhrer offt('('rs on activt m1li1:i11 dut~. :-' full-11 mc fl'<kra l C'I' ti -;en ant~ an,t 17' part-tnnt reserves ~ho \f)('ntf 1wo daY' a month at the \\a~ The par1-11mc.·rs n1ngr 1n 3J <' tr,)m Ill''·"' .11.1 Id ii ,11.1' ••. v, hen 1h,·, .111• "'' " • i..111~ 1 \1r l\ia111in.1 I l 1u.11d 1lw11 '''"' '·"" \t \1111 l'll'\ \111111\ \\ii I \I fl< fo\i fhc• ::211d 111 { "'1.1 \t\·,,1 ., 1 \Utl<1rd111.1ll' 'llll,tdr.11111•1 II' If ,' { lln,bat l 11m11111nh .1111 111, l 111q1 undl·r t 111 11:111" ll1•n.t~1,1•11 .1 1,1 ha<\c.·ll .11 th1' '"' 'b l l 1~hl.11'h" \ '~ \'1 \ L 1\ '' \ , • t '• , ~ \\ &!-. t n 1: tfl, '' '"~~.Jr, .11111.' I• .1, ph \\ 11\\\ .k 1•1 ,., n1~ht \ ,, "' 11'•" th.1• •• II , .111111111\,1)' 1,1 I ' .i 11•, 1 1• .I br '" 1 n th "'' ' I ' •' 'I '•'Ith .11 '·''"I'• I !h1 '.111· 1.111111 1, t.1. '" :- "Our job is tohavea trained force ready. We'renotpayingpeopleeveryd ay, but they're trained and readyevery~ay." C.lpt ,Juct11h .\ G1l!lt(1 I )CI. H' h I Tl t' 11 I < 011 H ll rll Hk I '\,111\ln.11 ( •U.lrd 'IJt1,111 Ill "·" I 11\l'fl\\I \aid { ,ipl l11d1lh \ l llt! 1 tht· d1'IJ1 hnwn1, .. 111111.11111. 1 ,\I 1h1 < m l.I l\k <;;1 ha~· In .1 1·111nh;it \11\1,1111111 thl· tm11 ....,,,ll\\.l Ix• tll Wvl\ h• .l lflllll'lk 'l"'I .111\1 l''t.1hli'h r.1d1n 1 ,,m 111u1111.1111 "' •·· <.upptlrt tighta unit<> ( 11~l111 "''" .\1 r "-iat111nal (ruard mrm~c. 1.11• ~· l Jll1'\I IO(ll ~f\ l1l' !'>\ Ilk f'" \'fllM or I '\ .\1r l-1..,.-\'\' ·our 1oh ~ould Ix· 10 go 1nr.1 J n' < nmhJt \ll11<1t1on Jnd pnl\ 1J1·, ,1m m11n 11·at1on' and 'lt1fl(ll1rt !Pr "i,,, I'\ 1•1 Ol"CJ\ ll\ • 1h1• caplAIO \.lid I noutth C'Q111pmrn1 \ll\ '"' 1h 11 n inc acrt'S tor 1 hl' b.i'I(' 111 .111 J'> 11"> llV. n \II\ I hl'rr·s a c.m.lll m~'\111..tl "'"" ilnd a d1.n1ng hall II .. 'Uhi h,,d, 11 I\''"' f\ ,,~ ... .i, I\ '\\ \ f \\ I'\\ • ' I h1 h.\W ,,1, .. 0\,111H.llll' '' f(I 11'1 .tltll\ l'll\lllf!h h• j'<l\\<'I .111 Pl I' t 1'1111 l'ljllljlllll'l\I fh1• g.l'•''"''' i'''°"'l•1,·J ••tll•l'l1l1't1l 11\•' I~ C'l)1l1 ch ' r"'" ,., 't ', • i1 '\ "'" ·111.11 11.1. 1, "·""' ">'' I~ I h11l->h t.. ... ,,J I h.11 ,,1p.1hd1t\ \\.I\ ll''tt•d Ill"·"' l 1111 ( '""'"' \\hl'll .l ,,,,,., h:i<.<· \11 l '"l.l \k\.l' : ''11<! "·'' ,1,~1·d In prO\td1· 1k•lflLll\ i.11 .I prl\1111 Jur1 n~ .1 I'"'' 1 1 <'t11.1tll • l 1l1.lll\\lll1'll 1!1 I 11<,,l,1 \h '<\ ,il\1' ,11,l lhl'll \\111'11lll0ll\ ''lll '" t.11 ti~ "''L't\ m11n· ~11h m.111fl11\"·1 than "1tlh dl'\ 111 .. 11 pov.trr 1 hl' ·\11 Na11,1nal <iuard pro• h\C.-'i w.lll'f lllll l\.tnd 1enl\ for 1h1· Md11 h 11! 1)1mt'' "illl ·a-thon C'v<'n ·\rr-11 I• ·•' i'L.'11 lh H" ...,,11ut" "•" I '11, h ' .111.f •lhL I lll ' I • • .!11.1r1h11•," • h.11 .1n· ''••t i. 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'-IHI "h!l\lhl llJ.1l ,,tit L'\!'I lllfll\ lh1• , d,1••11\11111,\ lflll< ~1' fl''fl\•Od \\ h 1 lhL ",11,1\<IU\4' 1111 lht• h3\C 11 .. ,,,, ' I 1n' LI( 1·k11111ntl ~ and 1x 1 "•n.1 .:1.11 •111 lhl' 1,4.1uadr,1n . the .1111<•11111 •I 11111\' rll'1 l'".l r' t11 load 11 ,tll 11\il \llh \.. ,11 pl.till' I\ 1lh'.l\\llL1l 1t1 h1111I\ -.,11.t \1.1'-ll'r \gt l1ni I 1\ll~ l 1rng \Jtl111 ""11llf tJkt 12 g1an1 1 141 ~:ind .1 < \ 111ml,,1' thl' bac;c''\ !o(L'.11 "n111 llh '""'"&th\' '\IUIT that I 1\IJ\ { )n, th111~ 1hat ~1)uldn't he c.-astl)' l•\31.h•,t " 1h1· ~~-fl)t)t antenna be- hind thl' tw.1Jlj11alll'r" ill the base. ,1ff1,·1,1l\\ I. nnv. n "' ;1 rntat:.bk. l1~rt1hm11. rx·nc~1~ <1n1cnna At 1 h1· JW:I~ c'lf a f\ \ l<x'1 hoom ~11s a n M\.-101'1 v.1\k antC'nna Thar c.tniu urr {"Onnt'ct, the batr '"'h M1h1o r-, •\ffihattd Radio ~ tl'Ol, M .\R ~. wh1C'h 1s a m1htary and t•I\ than ra<110 hnk lhat ICU as a lcktraph 5)"Sactn \h'°'*' .t.dt '<>kfi~ can C'Ol'll.IC1 matf Ya. (P'fl111 ... -A/- ... U Orenge Cout OAJLY PILOT/ Thurld8y, Oloet'nbet 1, 1888 L_ex~c_o admits oil rig safety violations, fined $750,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) -exaco Inc. .eoct Wednesday to plead auilty to federal felony charJCS. stemming from failure to test safety equipment on an offshore oil rig. and pay a S 7 S0,000 fine. The company's Texaco USA subsidiary was charged, along with a former oil rig supervisor and a drillina contractor, with delaying for two days a required weekly test of a device that prevents d eadly blowouts of pressurized natural gas during drilling. .. This ccnainly sjgn•ls o ur com- mitment 10 sec that offshore dnlling opera~ns arc conducted safely and legally," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Janet Goldstein. a member of the Justice Dcpanment's environmental crime scct1011 who is prosecuti ng the case. h is the first criminal prosecution under provisions of the offshore drillinJ act that took effect in 1978. she said. No accident or other damage took place because of the testin& delays at the com_P.11ny's Platform Harvest off the California coast in December 1986, a Teuoo sPokesman said. The company laid blame for the viol- a1ions on the supervisor. who was fired. A cnm1nal CQmplaint filed in U.S. District Coun charges Tcuco w11h i.wo counts of violating the Outcf Con11nental Shelf Lands Act -one count for each day the test was delayed. Roben R. Brogdin. 48, of Bakersfield, a former supervisor on the platform I I miles off Point Conception, also was charged with two counts of viouuina the act. Texaco, which c6utd be fined_ \_ll> to SI million,~ to pay $750.000 in a pica barp1n filed simuJtaneously with lhe chars,cs. Brosdin. who could be imprisoned for 20 years and fined $500.000. also P.leaded guilty but prosecutors didn 1 make a sentencing recommendation. In a separate indictment returned Wednesday by a federal grand jury, tht contractor, Helmerich & Payne International Drillins Co. of Tulsa. Okla., was charged w11h six counts of Yiolating the act, said Goldstein. Two counts concern the delayed test and four other counts stem from alleged falsification of documents on earlier tests of the blowout preventer. The company, which also has a Ventura office, declined to negotiate a plea, she said. Amnesty deadline passes; farmers issued warnings FRESNO (AP)-Regional Immi- gration Commissioner Harold Ezell warned farmers today to be careful not to hire illegal aliens now that ttit deadline to file for amnesty has passed. Ezell noted that 34.000 peo ple applied for amnesty under the Special Agncultural Worker program 10 the western region o n Wednesday alone. :he last day appl1cat1ons .could be fi led. The deadline for ahens .who worked 1n areas 01her than agncul- ture was last spnng. Now, growers must be diligent in examining docume nts of people they hire and completing the required federal form 1-9 , Ezell said durin_g a press conference at the Jmm1gra11on and Natural Service office m Fresno's federal bu1ld1ng. He noted that fa ilure to compl) w11h these rules could result in fi nes ranging from S250 for a first infraction up to S 10.000 for repeated offenses Qr six months 1n Jail 1fa cnminal complaint is filed_ .. We don't want to use penalues," Ezell said "We want everyone to unders1and they can '1 hire illegal aliens anr,more 1n agnr ullure or any ,ndustl) · Ezell also advised growers to exam- ine documents of all prospective employees to make cena1n they are c1ttze n"s or legall) permitted lo work 1n the Li ni.&ed States. "Don'tJUSI do this for anyone who lookr. or sounds foreign." he said. .. Do 11 for everytone. That's the way you a\01d d1 scnmina11on." During an 1nter v1ew before Wednesday's m1dn1ght deadline. Francisco Ruiz. 29. said he was happy 10 get his application 1n the hands of lmm1gra11on and Na1urallza11on Ser- vice officials in time. But like others who visited the downtown Fresno office. he was wary of the application process. "Ma~be I won't make it. I don't know.' said Ruiz. farmhands who prove they harvested fruits. vegetables or other perishable crops in the United St.ates for at least 90 days in a one-year period t.haJ coded May I, 1986, arc eligible for amnesty under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act California, the nation's agricultural giant, tallied more than half the applications nationwide, or about 500.000. Like many other. farm work~rs. Ruiz encountered difficulty. obtain- ing proper documents for his appl~­ cation. Ruiz said he sent away for his birth certificate in Guacbla1ara last May but itarrivedjust two weeks ago. Jasuja Shudh. a Fresno grape worker, had filed his application several months ago and returned to the Fresno immigration office for a follow-up interview. He found the amnesty ~nfusing and ~~h­ nical. Shudh had problems obtain.mg documents from previous employers to verify his work history .. _ -" "There are thousand,g'"nf innocent people who are not ed1Scated enough to go and contact a farmer" and document their work histories. said Shudh. "This law 1s not going 10 solve the problems of illegal aliens." said Shudh. "Those who came (to the lJ n1ted States) aftrr 1986, what will happen to them?" Pedro Enriquez, one of an es11- mated 2,000 people expected to pass throu&h the Fresno immigration of. lice Wednesday. said he waited until the last day because he was saving his money for 1hc $185 application fee. Workers on the average spend about $300 for the application, medical examination, fingerprints and photo- graphs required by the law. "A lot of clinics arc charging outrageous prices -$85 to S 135 for an examination," said Nancy Garcia, a worker at the Southwest Primary Care clinic in Fresno. She said some clinics are giving workers unneeded x-rays for their examinations. The price climbs eYen higher as workers try to obtain amnesty illegal- ly. Some fann workers reportedly paid as much as S 1,000 for fraudulent documents to prove they worked here. California immigration offices in recent weeks have rttommended the agency deny 85 percent of the farm worker applications. "Fraud has been a real, real serious problem." said El.ell. But there's a powerful incentive for aliens 10 cheat on their applicaaions -legal status 1n the l:ln1ted States. Ezell predicted 30 to 40 percent of applications under the program would be denied nat1onw1de. but didn't say how much of that would be due to fraud. Agricultural workers w11h no legal status who have not applied for lcgaJ1za11on will be subJect to deporta- tion. MESA AIR BASE READY FOR COMBAT .. From Al Master Sgt. Ho ward Mclawhorn said. The base also holds quali1y-con1rol officers and a command room that 1s entered only after a secret code is punched into an electronic keypad. First Sg1. George Ma1us1c 1s set to reure 10 less than a month, after spending 37 years an the Air National Guard. serving the last 14 in Costa Mesa. • -A Coolirig off period for qoas~ Southern Celffom6a'1 reoent ..,.,.,.. temc>ttatur• wll beQ1t1 to cool FrldeyM 1 higtt pr...ure ~OWlleNd owr ldMc>and northern ~a weekeM, ecx:ofdtng to Che Nation .. W...W Servtce. 1 111 •1 <11111 I DecrMl6ng wtnctt wlll lllow a W.U .. bf.-. tcvetum, and that wffl bring a llgttt coollng trend. f()(9CMtert aakl today. Coutal .,. ... will bit fair .+th aome h~ ctouda Fr~. GU9ty northern wlnda are QPIC1ed todaef .... tonight. Along the ~ CoM1 It wtlt bit fair Frlday except aome tWgh cloudlneu. Local pty "9f1h to northeMt wlnd8 16 to 25 mph l>ak>w canyont early ~ deeraulng tonight. SMghtty cooler Friday. Beed\ Iowa t~t to ~lght Friday 72 to 78. Valley Iowa ton5•• to 52. Ftlday!'f5 to 80. ~rom Point tlon tot Mexican Border -00., Inner waters, varlablewlnda to 10knot1tonlght. Wlnd1Frldayweat to eouthwest 8 to 12 knots. Seu to 2 feat. w .. tarly swell .. feel. Soln4t high cloudlnesl Friday, otMrwi• fair. Over outer waters. north to northwe.t wind• 8 to 12 knots with seas to 4 reet through Friday_ NorthWMt swell 6 leet. Ot --loo Extended Flrst~n F1ts1 IOw Second l\IQll Secondk>w TOOAY 3 13 pm 85epm ,NDAY 5:0 1•m 11 24 ILm 4.39pm 10 36p"' 3& 11 4& 2.1 3 6 1 4 Sun Ml• IOOAy el 4 43 p m , l'IM9 FrlOey •I 6 '9 p m -..ia al 4 43 p 111 M0on r-el 11 21 p m . NU Fridey Ill 1121 pm -•-~ •1 12.2t Lm PATIENTS DEFEND ACCUSED DOCTOR .• f · From Al - of operations and examinations per- formed by Williams. Williams videotaped some of his operations using a miniature camera strapped to his head, pnmanly 10 protect himself against la~suits. He does not cany malpractice insurance. McMillan said the prosecutio n 1s basing its case on the statements of one 12-year-old girl who Williams treated three years ago. Williams had hired the girl's mother as an a.ide and was 1reat1 ng the yo uth for a learning disabilny. He d iagnosed her as havi ng a bram cyst. McMillan said. During one examination. Williams conducted a routine pelvic eumin- ation as a fa vor to the girl af\er she complained of a vaginal discharge. McMillan said. Fnends and pauents•of Williams have Ooclced to his defense, calling newspapers and police to refute the Mine blast kills 45 HONG KO NG (AP) -A gas explosion npped throuBh a coal mine in nonheast C'hma. k1lhng 45 workers a nd 1nJunng 23. an official C hinese repon said today. The report said the cause of the ex plosion was under invest1ga11on. No other details were provided allegations. Victoria Villalobos of Newport Beach said she has been one of Williams' patients for 21h years. .. l find the accusations extremely hard to believe," she said. "Every- body I know is shocked." Williams performed a surgical procedure called a cervical fusion on Villalobos, 27. and she praised his work as well as his professionalism during office·and hospital visits. She said she often had to wait for a nurse before Williams would exam- ine her. and when she dmobed and put o n a gown for eitaminations he would not enter the room un~il she opened the door for him. Once, when she was in the hospital, Villalobos had to wait for Williams' assistana to arrive from the office before he would examine her. "He's the first doctor I've ever liked 10 my life.'' she said. "•would have no qualms whatsoever taking my chil- dren to him." Newpon police spokesman Bob Oakley said the_y too have received numerous calls from patients, includ- ing numerous testimonials about Williams. "We've had some people reporting they were victims.'' Oakley added, '"but that h~ to be investigated to see 1f they're fact or fiction." Maceachern said she argued unsuc- cessfully apinst reducing Williams· bail from S500.000 10 $25,000. "We have a man who's 64 years old. police took $1 24.000 in cash ou1 ofh1s house. and he's facing a 26-year sentence," she said. "He has the resources 10 nee and a reason to flee. He could live quite comfonably somewhere else. "Also, we don't feel he should be practicir:tg ~ed1cine. panicularly on young girls. COUNTERFEIT MONEY •.• From Al held by federal authon11es and he was unsure of their whereabouts The U.S. attorney has I 0 days to file charges against them: they could face up to 25 years in a fede ral peni- 1en11ary. he said. Labb1tt said counterfeiting is a federal crime under the jurisd1c11on of the U.S. Treasury Department, but "we initiate the inves11gat1on into any crime until the JUrs1dict1on of another agency supersedes ours. Then we wo rk with them." "The system allows us to interface w11h hams to ge1 messages to Gls and their fam 1hcs. It's busy all of the time,· espec ially during the holidays," Mas- ter Sgt. Conrad Neumann said ... The a1rwa,es arc free. and we use them as much as we can " T he antenna 11self has a bit of h1ston It was donated 10 the .\1r Nau onal liuard b> former An1ona Sen. Ba rn-Gold"ater. who wasac11' e m MA.RS dunng the Vietnam War. G1gJ10 said. ln another room. one wall is almost completely covered by a topographi- cal map. etched with red hoes from point to point. "The 2~is o ne of the better units I've been a 1ated with in m y career." Matusic sa1 . "Our jo is to have a trained force ready," igho said. "We're not paying people every day, but they're trained and ready every day." MALLS ALLOW CHARITY'S KETTLES .•. From Al · - "This 1s where we plan radio lmks to sec if we can make a shot work,'' G1gl10 said. ··we can check the terrain ana see what system we should use and what equipment we'll need. Purdell's pohte but firm resistance front o f 1he1r stores and which 10 "But we've chosen no t 10 co nfro nt resulted 1n an amicable seulemcnt. prohibit. them, at least for now." "We needed one. and one day got a call 10 come and gc\ 11 ." the captain said. Thr base is m a constant stage of readiness. and pan1c1pates in several on-base and o IT-ba)e drills. l\n A.tr Force techmcal adviser is also assigned to the base lo oversee tts operatio ns ''I'm here to make sure the tax- pa}ers get their mo ney's worth." "Of course, it always looks dif- ferent once we get out in the field." The guardsmen go through regular basic training and then onto special- ized training before assifnment to a base such as Costa Mesa s. Once at a base. the guardsmen receive ad- d1t1onal one-on-o ne instructio n, Master Sgt. Frank Lagos said. "They have now welcomed us. and Purdcll said he believed the issue there are some remaining locations was one of public access to a public where we also hope to reach agree-place SKINHEAD ments," he said. He said his policy was to challenge • • • One particularly d ete rmined the company's policy by scttiAg up From A 1 adversary is Mm neapol is-based kettles despite the protests of manage- rcsidents. Target Stores Inc .. whose mana_ge-ment. There's actually two factions of the ment has a policy of not cooperating Target stores in Orange County. group. whose members range in age with the Salvation Army or any other including the one in Huntinglon from 12 to the early 20s, he said. fund-ra1s1ng organization. Beach, also adhere 10 the company's One branch is more of a social Geoge Hite. the company's vice nationwide policy, but Nottlc said he group with a bonding of music and president for corporate and consumer would not challenge store managers c.amaradcric that has nothing to do affairs, said this week that TafJCt on the issue. with white supremacy. instituted the policy to avoid having "We'll keep after them, and I think · The Gemco srores that were purchased by Target used to be a major source of revenue for the fund drive, Purdcll said. The annual Christmas fund dnve usually raises about $1 .5 million in the Los Angeles rqion, according to Salvation Army officials. Donations were down by 20 per- cent in Southern California las!_year, a drop that Salvation Army officials attribute, m part. to restrictions placed by mall and store manaicrs. Three to share $5.8 million The second faction, though. active-to decide which groups 10 permit in thcy11 change their minds," he said. ly promo~ a belief that ''white 1s -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nght" and 1s affiliated with white supremacy. he said. SAC RAMENT O (AP) -f hree 10110 tickets from Chico. Apple Valley and A.lha mbra have 1he n ght six numbers 10 win SI 9 millton each for their lucky owners. state lottery 01Tic1als said today ldenuues of lhe winners arc un- known until they come forward to claim their pri1es. and their tickets are Yenfied. The three winnrng 11cke1s Wiii spill a prize pool ofSS.847.J 16 for correct- ly guessing the wmning numbers picked Wednesday night in the lot- tery's twice-weekl y "Lono 6-49" game Thcw1nnmgnumbcrsare:2, 13.17, 25. 35, 36 and the bonus number. 9 E1&ht tickets hit five numbers olus the &onus to spin a prize pool of S !,,.552.6721 orS194,084 each, lottery omc1als said. Three of those 1icke1s ~~~E Daily Pillt MAIN OFFICE ~ w.-1 hy St Co.le t.t.. CA Mel....,_ 9o• IMO C:O.le ~ CA •7e:>t a......c1 -k1-M 16 -& ec!llOO<ei .. t-411 were bought 1n Los Angeles. The others were from Sun Valley. Santee. San Rafael, Truckee and San Fran- cisco. Another 260 tickets with fi ve numbers arc wonh $3,076 each. A total of 14.616 tickets with four numtx-rs will receive S49 each. An automatic $5 goes to the 260.973 tickets with three numbers. In a related development. a lottery spokesman said chat the illuminated numbers that were displayed above the machine Wednesday niaht reflect- ed an error, The number 35 was broadcast twice. spokesman Jim Hamblin said. The announcercallina out the lottery numben announced the correct numbers. he said. The sales from Saturday n1aht to Wednesday•s drawing were S 14.5 million. Smith said that initial outbreaks were noted about three years ago at Le Bard park in the area of Brookhurst Street and Indianapolis Avenue near the headquarters of the Hun11ng1o n &ach Ctty (elementary) School Dis- trict. Gang members damaged the park clubhouse and hung dead animals at the premises. he said. Cope noted that Satanism 1s related to some skinhead activities. Norma Vander Molen, a member of the city's Commonity Services Commission, said that the problem apparently moves from park to ~rk and poses a chrcat to the entire community. "People shouldn•t fear for their safety at the park." she said. "We should do everything possible to p.-eserve the family atm<>1phere at the park." ~= lecau..nllld Justcall 642-6086 ~,...., " '°" 00 ""' ._. "°"' NP« IV ....... -....... t '"' .... ,....,°°" .. . Wbat do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you IJte? CalJ the number above and your m: will be lecofded. tnDIC::ribed and do- Ii 10 I.be ~te ectrtor. Tbe W LWAUiJ4 ICnice may be med 10 reconl letters to the editor OD any topic. Coo11ibuton 10 our Letten oohlm.A mlllt include 1lleir name aod lldepbooe awnber for verification . TeU ua wtw•a oa yoot mind. ..._.. Cira d "IR Tlll.lllRH ... Or-. °""""" - • ' By BOB VAN EYKEN · aM l.nt.JE EARNEST OfllleO.-. ......... Three alleged members of a neo- Nazi youth png accused in last July's violent assault aaainst a gay man in a Laauna Beach park are now awaiting a jury's "erdict that could send each to pnson for I 0 years or more. Aaron Fredrick Compean, Stephen Walther and John Michael Moore.z all Huntington Beach ' residents, tacc charges of attempted murder. robbery and a civil nghts violation for alleaedly attacking and ~ting Rob- ert Thomas Joyce with a lead pipe. Compean faces the additional al· lcptiOI\ that he was Jhe one who wielded the lead pipe and caused aravc bodily harm to the victim. If the allegation is proven, he could get an additional four years in prison. Superior Court Judge ~vid H. Brickner dropped two of five felony charaes a&aiftst the men Monday after James Wade Crocker chose not to travel from Pennsylvania lo Cali· fomia to testify. The three defendants-- had been charged with auacking Crocker. In closing arguments Wednesday. both Deputy District Attorney Thomas A vdecf and the defense attorneys stressed the violence and viciousness of the July assault. Avdecf argued the circumstances and evidence indicated that the three men went to Laguna's Heisler Park intending to find a gay man and murder him. . "I anticipate the defense argument that if the defendants intended to kall 0.-,Net ................ Michael Moore, Stephen Walther, Aaron Compean (from left) await jury'• •erd!ct. Mr. Joyce, they could have thrown him over the cl a ff. or they could have shot him," said Avdecf. ··1 would answer that 1f you wer~going to throw him from a cliff, you wouldn't need this (lead pipe)." · The case for attempted murder. A vdeef said, rests on whether Joyce's testimony that one or more of the three men shouted "kill the faggot." is credible. :'Another argument ma¥ be that Honit-.plans to seek re-election: for the implementation of Prop. indicated whether he wall seek' a third and was decisive an persuading him to osition 98," a successful Nov. 8 ballot term in 1990. Deukmcjian. who has change his mind. he said. He did not measure. · . accused Honig of exploiting cduca· offer details on what has private polls SACRAMENTO (AP) -State schools superintendent 'Bill t-lonig, who was expected to be a candidate for governor in· 1990. announced Wednesday he would run fot a third term as superintendent of public instruction. Honig's announcement, ending two years of speculation about his political future. left at least three major potential Democratic con- tenders for governor -state Con· trailer Gray Davis, Attorney General John Van de Kamp and former San Francisco Mayor Dianne 'Feinstein. Honig said he called each one of them early Wedncsqay to alert them that he was withdrawing from contention. "I would have had a shot at it (the governorship), and a reasonable chance.'' Honig told reporters. He said he "seriously con- templated" running for governor. but decided to run for re-election to "fight Honig s~rheaded the campaign uonal issues for a run at the gov-disclosed about his potential can· for the initiative, w~ich sets mini· ernorship, declined comm1nt on d1dacy, otherthanthat they indicated mum annual fundi.ng levels for Honig's announcement and nis press he had "a chance" at becoming schools and community colleg~s and office said it .. had no plans" to release governor. He was likewise vague requires the state to funnel por'!tonsof a statement. about his potential to raise the future tax rebates to schools instead Honig. 51. a former lawyer and millions of dollars needed to mount a of taxpayers. school district administrator who guberntorial campaign. "Wc askedthcm (thevote~s)to11ve once worked as a teacher in San But he denied that lackluster polls us financial support for thas reform Fran~i~o·s ·rough Hunters PoJnt or fundra1sing problems scared h.im effort. They did that and, I feel I r:iad~ area. has made little secret of his out of the race. 'T ve never run away a pledge to them to finish the JOb. political ambitions. and his an· from a fight yet," he said. Honig said. "We still have a tremen· nouncement June 20 that he had Honig also did not say whether he dous amount of work to do in registered as a Democrat indicated· endorsed any of the other potential California to keep our schools mov-that he might be planning to run for Dcmocrattc candidates in the 1990 ang and I feel that to pursue other higher office in 1990. field. But saad he would look to sec options or pursue ottacr offices at this Honig was an independent when he which cand1date supports educa- ume would be a diversion of effort defeated incumbent Walson Riles in uonal issues, and he emphasized that away from quality education... 1982 to become superintendent. He he has close taes to Yan de Kamp. Gov. George De~k.m~ji~n. Hon.ig's said he will remain a Democrat. "We've worked closely together." sharpest poh11cal cnuc. as an the midst The Proposition 98 campaifil con-H<mig-sa.G. of has second term. and he has not sumed Honig's attention 1b1s vear Van de Kamp. through press Mr. Joyoe made lh11 up. that he was only smacked on the had and &hat nobody said they were JOina to kill him," sajd Avdeef. .. h 11 for you lo judee Mr. Joyce's cridibility. He wasn't afraid to fe1 up and !di you what happened, to tell you \bat he as a homOKxual. .. But James Odn01.ola, dcfente at· tomey for Moott, said Joyce, a Los A~ resadent. appeared lo be uncomfortable admittina has homosc~uality: Accordina \o Odrioiola, when asked if he was py, Joyce hesat.ated and answered .. ,n a vu:y soft voice and looked down at the floor." .. I auess what Heis~r Park is works both ways,·· Odriozola said. ·•Because now Mr. Joyce has some explaintn1 to do." Joyct could. have a reason for "embcllith~na _his testim9ny," IC· cordina to 'Odriozola. since p)'l, like skinheads.. could be prejudicctl. "The hatred could &<> both ways_ couldn't it?" OdriozOla s&icl. ··or course, in one it would be fear and hatred. but it could ao both ways:· The defense attorney asked the jury to base its verdict on the facts and not be swayed by what m'ight be their distaste for the skinhead philosophy. Odriozola admitted the defe.,. dant's beliefs make the case difficult to defend. .. These guys at least two of them. embrace a philosophy that is abhor· rent to the nuinstream of the Amen· can public." he said. "There's an element of hatred that you don't sec an other trials. l'm &0illi to try to cut ~rough that hatred and act to the racis ofth11 case:· The flC\s, Odnozota•aid. aft tMI thtte is some doubt wbeilMr IM defendants went co Heisler PmtE willl the specifte in&cnt ao murderu,_. -u there att two realOMblc con- clu51ons tha& can be drawn. you •Ult choc>te the one that~ iuc>: ocnce: that's the law, lJic l9id. The jUfY'' iatk. ICCOl'Clma to, ..... S. Sweeney, Wahber'1 attomey. ii IO .. put a c91d ~rsh Upt on die evidence." ··we·rc askina you to be. fair co peoole W.iw> wouldn't be fair IO anybody cfse, .. Sweeney said. "People don't kill peoplrmerdy becaUK they're py. no matter-how rouch they bait them, .. Sweeney Mid. .. If shinheads were about. killins people/ they woWd carry 1un1. .. :• Al oefense au~ ror C~pean. who faces the pouibility of a loast jail term if convicted ofwiddina_ihe pipe. Gene E. Dorney Wei his clieftl was tryina to .caR Joyce, not kill him. ··Li.kc Mr. Walther and like Mr. Moore. Mr. Compean did not to down there with murder in his heart ... Domey said. ··1 implore ~~u. Mr. Compean . is not to be offered as · ransom for Walther and Moore... · Each of the three dcfenda.nts faces ur '°nine ycan in prison if convic\ed o attempted murder. The robbery charge5 could brinf each defendant an additional year in prison and the cbaJJe that ~ three violated the victim's civil riahts could add on an extra eight months to each sentence. The trial bqan Nov. IS. , Merger of 2 utilities -will mean rate slash , spokesman Alan Ashby, said Hon1as announcement .. was.good news for educatiun:-t1obrf'orwanf' o working with b\m in the future." Br ¥.All &-VIE a.. .............. SAN DIEGO --: 1'be parent of Southern California f.dison Co. entered "lhe crown jewel of terVice territories" when San Dieao Gu A Electric Co. acoc~ed its S2.S billion buyout bid. officials said.. The stOCIMWlj) delt lpPn>Ved Wednesday by SDGltE dtreaors, which ~tcs the nation's billr:st public utility, will rt$Ult in Iowa' clectdcity rates for customen and hiahcr dividends for stweho&den. Ealson chairman and chief eMCU\ive officer Howard Allen said.. Def en.dant claims her ex-lover killed Huntington woman Attorney Paul Morg&n dies The utility services pans of toU\b ()ranwe-·County. cxtcndina • w north " South Laguna and La Paz Road in Llsuna N11uet . .. We have conduded thal there wa11 be savinp pHRd on to amomen, al'\d that this combined institution will be monad' and bmcr able to serve customer needs,.. said Alim, also chief executive of Ediloe's unreautared ~rent.~ whidl serves most of Southern CabfomiL From staff and wlre reports A woman blamed the strangulation slaying of a Huntington ·Beach woman on her former lover Wednc~ day, saying she was just following her boyfriend's instructions when she wrapped a towel around the victim's neck. The woman described the slaying while standing trial for the murder of another woman. a Redlands an· surance clerk. who the couple is also accused of slayi ng. ••ttc told me. 'You're gonna kill this one.' And he told me. 'This is how you're going to do it,'" Cynthia Coffman testified Wednesday. her third day on the witness stand. .. , put the towel around her neck. like he told me to. and I pulled." she said of instructions gi ven her by ex· convict James Marlow. "I couldn't do 1t, so he took one side and I took the other ... When the victim. Lynel Murray. 19. of Huntington Beach. didn•t die. Coffman was allegedly told by Marlow to get out of his way while he strangled her. She added that when the murder was over. her ex- boyfriend urinated on the body. . Coffman dcscribeO the murder · during testimon) an a trial in which she and Marlow are accused of murdering Corinna Novis. 20. of Redlands. • Novis disappeared from the Redlands Mall on Nov. 7, 1986. Coffman led police to a Fontana vineyard a week later where the body was found. The woman had been strangled. lf convicted of the killing, the couple could face the death penalty. Cynthia Coffman Coffman's lawyers are attempting to show that she was a.victim of what they call Marlow's .. eroticized hatred of women." Coffman said she was subjected tO' about .50 brutal beatings and was sodomized and tattooed against her will. Candy firm fined $20,000 over deceptive packaging IJ BOB VAN BnEN ... ..., ....... New Jeny-bued candy company MAM Man bu fll'Ced to pey Sl0.000 in tettlement of an Oranac Coury IUit over cba1JC1 that the ~y deceived the P\lbliC by itl Kudol brand panota bars bout that.were too larte. Tbe luit. ftJed in 1981, stemmed &om an in~tion by the Sta~ Deolnment of'Food and Acriculture. Oflldala ol \be depanmen\~· .Diai· viOG o1 Meuurement Standarc:h de- termiDed that the candy company's ~~ made the product look tbu lt is and unAirty nlCd aroe sbelf speoe.. Coetall- A thief ptje<I open a pra,e window on Alben Street and escaped With ~ooa and a hand.sun. all worth ••• A ltertO WU stolen from I Volb· ._. Jena IJl!ked in the 1600 block ol Coriander Oriv~. The car's Ioele wp pried before the S600 sound ~wuttOlcn. ••• Sewnl covertlble t<>PI on can thfOUlhout out the -city have been "Thq' just happened to di1C0ver the product in Orl.JllC County, so we bandied the suit," said Deputy Dis· trict Attorney William Gallqber. "But the settlement applies siate- wide." Companyofficialsalso=o abide by an ittjunction 'bitina further violations of · · ·s slack fill laws. MAM Man introduced Kudos panola bars in Al>f'ilt 19&6 in boxes that were latter than the current ones. "One of the ~ prob&emt we identified in the suit is that there is increuin&ly ICUQC ahelf ~ at retail outlett," OaUaaber said. "so there really was an in1finlement on fair competition.·· 1l&shed open in recent weeks. In sort\C cates, the crooks· suc:ceeded in steal· in& the car stereos. but sometimes only the top wa1 destroyed .... FoantalD Vallef Two incidents of vandalism oc. cutftd 11 local parts this week. Someone scrawled "Hait to the South Side Oana" ·in a<>kt paint Qn ola'Y"" pound equipment at Alltn Pan. 16t49 Mesquite. on Wtdnaday. Police believe the inckint occumd By the time the suit wu settled. the company bad alrady miuc:Cd the size of iu l<udos boxes so thl they conformed to state laws. ()allagber said ne did not know whether the company did it becaute of lcpl pressutt, but he said Man officials had been cooperative. ··The company was not recalcitra.nt at all,·· be said. "It just took us a while to reach a scn.lemcnt because of some staff chanaes in our office and in t.M Division of M~ment Stan- dards.'• The compeny did not admit to any wronad_,ina in the 1ett..laMnt. bu& ~ to pey S 13,000 in penaltin plus $7,000 in coun costs. between 4 p.m. Tuctda)' and 7 a.m. Wednesday. At Helm Park, someone dua a l ~ foot deep hole at the bete of plaYlfOund equipment. nearly cau:• ans the cquij)mentto topple. PoHcedo not know if the ihcidents att relaled. • • • A ruidtdt of\~ 1900 bk>Ct of Callens Circle ~~ &ha& Sl.000 wotth of ulverware was LIJc.tn from hit ()C'Cn lll'llt sometime over the weekend. The 11,..e wd opeft for ronmuction wtitl:. --~-.. Memorial services are scKtt1uled Fnday in Newport Beach for faul Morgan. the city attorney for West· minsters1nce 1968. Morgan. 67. died Monday after suffering a heart attack while driving from his home an Laguna Niguel to his office an Newport Center. .. He was here when I came (an 1975)," City Clerk Mary Morey said today. "He's been a great.help.to rytc personall:r and we are going to mass him very much." Morey saad Morgan represented the city in legal controvcrsacs over rent control at moiblc home parks and worked with anothtr law firm on the city's controversial utility tax ball. Mof11n is survived by his wife, Bea: •nd son. Steve of Lake Ar- rowhead; dau&hter. Paula Lawler of Carmel Valley: and two grand- children. •- A memorial service is scheduled 3 p.m. Friday at Pacific View Monuary an Newport ~ach. The family has rcqucsted that donations be sent to the American Heart Association. ··we wouldn't be goina into this if we didn't thank we could produce better consumer. valu~ than each (utility) could on its. own.'· · Customers of the survivina utility also will benefit from iis incrcucd financial strcn&lh through .,eater market COJTUJCtJtivencss a~Of'C~--­ Superspeed train question_ed e 1c1en t encray transmission, SIXi&E chairman and ch~f eJt· ecutive Tom Pqe said. "This deal is cleady in the best 1ntcresu of our customers and our shareholders,·· Pqe said. By T1te A11ociat~d Preu Members of a bi·state committee stud) ang the possabilrt)' of a super· speed train between .Las Yeps and Southern California have raised ques- tions about hm1t1ng the project to two fi rms. · Mcmbersofthe comm1ssion mtt an .\naheim Wednesda) and some members said the proJect should be A female rcstdcnt of the 900 block of El Rey A venue reported that a former boyfriend called 15-20 tames a da) bctwttn Monda) and Wednes- day and threatened she and her new boyfriend with bodi'v harm. . . ' A man entered ITT-Canon bu1ld- ina1t IOS50Talbert Ave. at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday and asked to sc-e the security supervisor. A sccurit) auard tried unsuccessful) to locate the supervisor b) te,cphonc. and whe,n the security auard asked the man to leave he anacked ham. The guard suffered minor cuts and bruises. Baattncton Beach A parole qent came to the pohcc front desk Wednesday to report that one of his parolC'CS saad that has tirlfirend was raped about a month aao in Central Park by four or five men. • • • A r'C$ident reponed abut fiv~ sho~S. pc>sstbly from an automatic pistol. tn the area of Warner Aven~ and Gothard trc!ct. near Ocean View ·H~ah School. at 3:07 a.m. today. • • • Several 55-aallon drums of •luminium rcponedly were stole at Madsen Ptoduct I S6J2 ProdUCl Lane. • • • • Somonc entered a busil\CSI 1n the l6000 block ofl.tnda" Lane lhn>\Ch ~ brok~n .,..jndow and stoic a S600 ~ttt . • • • SlOtt e~IO)U asked Polttt lO co~ u/\SAP Cu 90C.'M\ 1t iM*'bk) af\er he alqcct\y took a· man into cullOdy ~hO ~J INl up I stniak afteT tmftl eo sea&• bottle of done by Japanese or West German companies -the two leaden in the high-speed railroad tcchnolOI). Other commassionen said the can· didates .should not ~limited to JUSt those two systems. Meanwhile. commissioners art also split over whether to run the service to Ontario. or continue on to the Anaheim area. ·tequila aT Lucky Market. 16600 Bolsa Chica SL • • • Someone shd open a sliding .iass wtndow 1n the 7000 block of CoB1can Drive and stole a SI SS typewriter.and S201n cash. lntJle Computer chips 'A'Orth S l 5.000 "'-ere stolen from a business an the 2900 block Of Alton P,arkway between 1·2 p.m. Mondav. ' . . A $3.000 woman·.s diamond an- niversary nna wu Mo&eft.-4,Hint an open houte two week5 .,oat a home 1n the 30 btoc~ of RockWood~ • • • • A video camera. tool chest and tools were stolen from a van parked 1n the •800 block of Irvine Boulevard early Tuetday mornina. • ! • Someone stoic J 180 from a home in the· S890 block of' Walnut Avenue between 10 p.m. Tuetday and 6 1.m. Wednetday. Entry "' apparn\l)' made throuah an open window. Rewport81•cll A bur&lar shooed anto a room at the Mesa M"-1~.ffS N. cwport 8'v4 .• while a man skpt tMrc and CIC8P'd with $360 )n cash. The victim •;cl he Tbou&h not pan of the ~ aareement., SCEcorp also plcdies to file a request for a I 0 percent rait reduction for San Di~ customers with the st.att PUC withm sax monw of the dears completion. "I. hope it will.be JO percent (lo~ than 'rates when) the request ll made." Allen said durina a news confe~nce at S004"!'s main bujld· 1ng in downtown San Oiqo. had chained the door before rctinna. • • • • A woman st1y1na at the Manion Suites. 500 Bayvae~Circk. rcponed the burglary of an opet nna and camnp from her room. tosto·wu estimated at St .22•. • • • A woman preptnna folf bed in her bathroom sponcd a prowler crouchi na in the bushes ovaide t.he bedroom window of her hGflne oa 1he 800 block of I Slh Street. Her K•-••·-- to her roommate scateci off' dllt suspect. i.aca-lleacla Ca.mm equi~nt and 1 swea• valued at Sl,928 were lt<*a from a location at the 600 block of~ Coast Htah•'I)' Wcdnetday a&. noon. • • • Three DeODk at1Cft11Kint IO .. perfume In the 400 black Ol i:... Avenc Wednadly •nooa ... tdv11td to 11op ~ police ...... ••• A S660sllver p&ase ud .._ ... •ill WCTt rq>oNd m .. •hm•.~ in the 1 soo bkd ore.-~ Wtdnetday 1ftemooa. ••• " ~·fter lifted 16.99 .... 16 bm •a"°"' m •a "-*II Olnnryrc Suea Priest sentenced in I .. ;Ba assures Democrat& ·h~ 'II act on budget deficit WASHING TON (AP) -Prcsi- dent-e&ect Georae Bush told new Senate Majority Leader Geo~ Mitchell today be wiU take tM lead rn propolina solutions to the nation's bud&et c:tefJCit. as Mitchell and olher Dcmocnits have said he must de. · Democrats have expressed concern that Bush, who campaigned on a no- new-taxes pledge, would try to mike Congress move first in formally recommending potentially painful steps to trim the huae federal deficit. However, Bush said today after meeting with Mitchell that he had heard the new Democratic leader's comments Wednesday "that the president-elect, once he becomes president, should take the lead on the .. , as.sured Senator Mitchell that that is exactly what l inter¥1 to do. · And then the re will be, I'm sure, active discu~on (and) nqotialion with whoever he dcsi~tes to try to solve these problems, Bush s.id. On another subject receivina much publicit)'. as BuSh moves toward takfog office, the president-elect told reporters•he was .roncemed about stories that "m ay be hurtful" for John Tower, his rumored choice for· de- fense secretary. But Bush said he won't be rushed into making Cabinet decisions. ~ Bush and Mitchell met with rc- poners on the White HOUie driveway after a SS-minute breakfast meetins in Bush's vice presidential office. "I am confident that we can work together,'' said Bush. "I'm not naive about it nor is he and there will be different approachnon some of these major problems facing the country." I Mitchell said1 "We had a cordial and J?«>ductive oreakfast." H~ said they had not discussed taXes or any other specifics of how to wrestle down the deficit, now runnma at $I SS. billion a· year. He 11id Bush was entitled to time to assemble his entire ecooo mic team and "prepare -:...-:~ - ·Gorbachev.given ·stron~ b~ckirig ox;) refOrm plans MOSCOW (AP) -~ Supreme Soviet voted overwhelmiDaJy ioday to adopt Mikhail S. Ciort.chev'1 overhaul ort~itkal ~urc, but 1 ~ful of .. no .. votes and abl&entionl showed the monns remain controversial. Five deputies in the Supreme Soviet, or parliament. voted apinst ahe DKkas of constitutional amcnd-maiaa. wlaich live more power to President Ciorbllchev and provtde for indirect election of the president and lawmakers. 2Bk1UedbJ aatl!9$1vfet etlJnlc riots budget-deficit question." . . "We're not going o do eycrything an a great rush. W e trying to be prudent and. do the proper work required to bick up appointments at all levels:: said the vice president. his own plan.:· · aort.c:hev, who also is eeneral lecretar)' of the Communist Party. told the dieputics that a 11onn of controversy over the reforms -indudinc 2so.ooo letters -10 the Kremlin -could have been reduced, Pmtponed and he took the blame. Laaacla of tlMt --... ttle "We did not care about explaining MOSCOW (AP) -The Com- munist Pany ~wspaper Pravdnaid today 28 people have been killed in two weeks of ethnic violence in the republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Kremlin leaders met to decide how to .... 111 ...... ~ ---the euence. lhe meeruns" of the Lobb~v1·st u s d I d ..... tio Atlall .... _,.....a.-·--chanaes, Gorbachev said. ''The . J . • • e ays epo&-1-A D bJ , .. •a••• rec:1te1a. ... eenter was just fo11owina the old calm 1he situation. . · · =~.. todaJ f• 24 JKMtice. .tb.i~na, well, they would .>rr-0·1e may ofundesirablestoeuba· . 1wtlereeWIDd8elOt get used toit . .i 1 '.l .I.I.( Dill• aiaft die lawll 8fte. "All of us are now Jearnini our Official repons said thousands were fleeing the unrest The situation in lhe southern region ·remained tense, with mass meetings in many 1owns in Azerba.i- ·an despite the presence of Soviet troops, unks. and a strict curfew. Azerbaijan Interior Minister A. Mamedov said. · J'tDa1 decl8loll OD tlte laaacla ~ns. All of "s arc in a school of hurt Tower By'heAssociateclPreH ...... ~tecl ~t. Tlie democracy, and we should be good BIRMINGHAM. Ara. -The deportation offive Cuban boat people, the .... use Uld tta ftri mllltarf pupilJ in that school." Gorbachev -~ first whose cases c.ame under review after last year's prison riots, was aatronaata are on a eecret said. WASHIN GTON (AP) -John postponed today after Cuba ~quested more time to prepare for them, t~e ._ •telllte ml..toa. In the Soviet of Nationalities, half Tower, the former senator and lead· government said. Joe Krovisky, a Jusuoc Department spokesman m -.-, of t he bicameral Supreme Soviet Authorities have confiscated ' homemade pistols, sawed-off 'rifles and explosives from ~ouna people in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Mikhailov said. ing candidate to be 5'cretJrY of Washington, said the flight from Birmingham to Havana, scheduled for noon parliament, the vote was 6S7 in favor, Defense in the next administration, is today. wa~ rescheduled for 11 a.m. Friday: The five fled ihe communist island th~ against and 26 ~bs~entions ~n registered a.s a lobbyis~or five large nation in the 1980 boatlift from Mariel, Cuba, but were placed in custody in Pentagon'& amending the cons~1tut1on to an- dcfensc companies, a ording to a America E'Cndingdewrtation bccaoseoftheir criminal records in this country. corporate <;Jorbach~v s p_roposals .. Tower associate and congressional Some oft he 125.000 in the illegal boat lift were convicts or mentally ill. The five-The Soviet of Umo.ns voted 687 an records.-·-/ have been imprisoned a t Talladep, about 60 miles east of Birmingham. ·COIDpUter f~vor, two aaamst with one absten- He said said the death toll includes Armenians. Azerbaijanis. a Russian, a Byelorussian and a U krainian. Tower, former chairman of the uon to approve the same measllres. A c-,_ <'-• k companion packqe pro~iding for Azerbaijan and Armenia, two southern Soviet republics, a~ tocked in a bitter dispute for control of the Nagorno-i(erabakh rqion. The--area .x:nateArmed ~rvicesCommittee,is Economlc forecast lncbes back up networ c~· muluple-cahd, ida.te elections was the chief candidate to take over the I b bo h top Pentagon spot, but President-WASHINGTON .-t''the government said today its chief forecasting adopted unarumo~s y.-· Y t elect George Bush hasn't yet made a gauge offuturc economic activity edged up a sl\lggish 0.1 percent in October NEW YC?RK (AP)-An unknown h~st three of the ~t~ve votes final decision. according to sources -after-falling a month earlier. The Commerce Department's lnde}t of Leading computer mtn;tder forced the Pen-came from Estonians· whose tiny speaking Wednesday on condition of Indicators had previou.sly been estimated as falling only 0.1 percent in .tago~ to cut. !m.ks•be'tween an un-Baltic republic has deelared jts sov- anonym ity. September. but today's report revi~ that aowntum to minus 0.3 percent. cla~sifi~ .m1ti1ary _network and a ereignty from Moscow. is part of Azcrbavan, but its Giredominanttp\rmeman population (bctn:qhMtng sincrfebrua.ry for annex~tion by Arme nia. Some Bush aides oppose Tower Economists said the movement of the index-appears to be pointing to slower nfl t1onw1de academic and corporate The reforms create a strona presi- becausc they fear he wouldn't push growth, bUt they have been hard-~d to find much sign of it yet. Other networ~ for several days. the New dency in place of the. largely cer- hal'tt enou~ to reform the Pentagon's statistics for October. the latest available, all look very strong. Unemployment York T imes reported today. emonial role now accorded the head Both Azerbaijan and the Kremlin· have rejected annexation. is at a 14-year low, factories are usini more of their capacity than at any lime in The academic and corporate com-problem-p Jiued system for buying 8'h years and "'"rsonal income posted its stee.....,t increase in a ~ear ... The puter network, known as Arpanel, of state. weapons. the sources said. --~ · th . m~ is clear that the fourth quarter is starting out very well .... T ere are no was the same one crippled last mon ---------------..---•--11111mllllllllll!lllll!!ll•~~.-Bush sidestep~ the question particular imbalances .... (and) that suggests the economy should keep on by a computer virus, which is being Wednesday. As ed by reporters expandina nicely for another six to nine months." said Allen Sinai, an sinyvraesctuigasc.ted by a _federa_J grand jury in -RI. val part1• es dea~· loek about reports of staff d issension over· economist for the Boston Co. _ tJ ~ Tower, Bush said onl-y, "stay tuned," · Pe_.!118gOn officials said Wednesday • • .. . _ ~ rc~t1.ng ~is fa vo.nte . refrain ~n Gorbachev to address U.N. -see si dhts the uererrsc Department move was • I 1 · . t administration nominations. He sa1d , e · due to technical difficulties. Ill srae 1 govern men "all is tranquil'" within his staff. NEW YO RK -:Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev pJans to play tourist However. severaJ unidentified Representatives of Bush and between official functions during his visit next 11¥CCk to address the United computer security expert1 told the Tower are n-otiatinJ over who N~~ions and meet Ol)e last time with Presi~nt Reagan. Gorbachcy is du~ to Times that Pentagon officials had ~0 arlive Tuesday aftern(\On. The next day he 1s scheduled to chat wi th Uni\Cd._jnformed them the network conocc- might be named to high-evel Defense Nations Secretary-General/Ja vier Perez de Cuellar ancf Argentine Foreign tion was sevec&r aftef t"' intruder Department jobs, the sources said. Ministe_r f?ante Caputo .. wh o is president of the General Assembly. bef~re illegally gained entry Tower. 63. retired from l 'ongress in add~essing the assembly ll:self. T hen comes lunch. on Govcrnors_lsl~~d with The experts said they believed the 1985 after a 24-year. career in the President Reagan an~ Pres1dent~le~t Bush~ccordmg to the t.entauve 1t!D-erary Pentagon broke the connection, Senate. capped by his chairmanship rele~sed by the Soviet U.N .. Mrss1on. Coast 9 uard secunty pl?ns include which permits m ilitary and academic of the Senate Armed Services Com-closing the 375-f~t Buttermilk. Clllnnel. "'.h1ch se~rates th~ 1sla~d fro~ researchers to exchanJC information, mittee during President Reagan's first Brooklyn, T he Smriet and Am~ncan first ladies. ~utgoing and mcomang. will while ii tried to eliminate a secumy term. ~ attend a luncheon hos1cd by -Perez de Cuellar's wife. flaw in the military networlt. OFFERS .. .... • Current Rate* -_, · Annual Yield % PREM CJ.HECKING . . . •A.JNDS FSLIC INSURED FOR SAFETY •EARN A PREMIUM .RATE WITH COMFLETE LIQUIDITY -AT ANY TIME •A MlNIMUM BALANCE OF ONLY $10,000 AND YOU MAY DEPOSIT AS MUCH AS $99,9'» I ~PREMIUM CHECKING AV~ABLE AT MORE 1HAN 18S LOCATIONS ntROUGHOUr CAUR>RN,A •NO PENALTY FOR FARLY WITHDRAW~! YOUR FUNDS ARE AVAR-ABLE WHEN YOO NEED 1llEM -, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUF.STIONS. REGARDING AMERICAN SAVINGS I WE WELCOME YOUR CALL. 1-800-247-7191• Monda1'-Friday 8 a.m. to·5 p.m .•Saturday 8 a.m. to noon . • Certain l'f!8trictionl apply. ' : Tbil rate ii olf..S f<W • limit.ad -. oalJ and • ldbjact to chea,a wit.bout nodce. The l'lt.e wW be ~ ii the be1anoei drop9 bebr tJ0,000. A....i JWd 1-'on.....,ccq c r ,..._...,._ilW\•~for~--· .. •JERUSALEM (AP) -'the left-of- in which Likud-h~«*I bylfti~· -- center Labor Pany and lhe righ1-wing Minister-Y it2hak Shamir, won ~ Likud bloc deadlocked today in rival seals whjJe labor, led by foreign efforts to form a cbalition govern-Minister Shimon Peres, won 39 scats. ment after one of four key religious . Shamir: who wa$ asked by .Presi- parties defec1ed from Likud to Labor. dent Chaim Herzog to try to fonn a The "'°ve by the five-member. government, said on Israel radio he ultra-Orthodox l\gudat Israel Party was still optimistic he could do it. gave labor the support of 60 legis.-Earlier this week. Shamir appeared lators in th~ 120-m,eJnber Knesset -to have the firm support of 65 ll.01 enough to ford'l a ao-v.muncnt-bul eatliame.ntmembers, indudina those sufficient to block Likud, which has of the four religio us and three riaht-- the backing of 58 parliamentarians. wing pan~· The balance of power now is in the Bul th ligious parties started to hands of the undecided Torah flag bolt when hamirasked Labortojoin party. which has 1wo scats. the government. The' smancr·partics Party leader Rabbi A vraham feared Likud, to accomodate Labor, Ravitz said he 'preferred a broad- would break promises to them. based government that would include Political alignments were sbaken both LabQr and Likud but didn't again when labor's Executive Bureau ,;rule out ?he possibility that Labor voted Wednesday night not toJoin a will form the government." government headed by Likud. The It was the latest t'-'t"around in vote was seen as a rebelllon against complicated coalition talks that have the party leade,.,hip. which rec- draaged on sfoce tbe-Nov. I election ommended negotiations with Likud. ,.,._ Mafia figures rounded up in Uniteil State~.and Italy By Tiie Aueclaced Preas WASHINGTON -Authorities arrested a number of SiciHan Mafia figures today in a joint U.S.-ltalian under~9..v~r operation targeting international drug-tramckina rings in both counane$.~-ulhorities announced. TheFBl s.Md 75 peoplehavebcencharaed in the U nited States and 133 in Italy. Arrests were being made today in eight U.S. and nine Italian cities as the result of what FBI Director William ScJsions called a "loni-term. undercover operation that builds strong cases apinst 1op leaders" of orpnized crime. Arrests were under way today in Baltimore; Buffalo, N.Y.; Miami; Newark, N.J.: New York: Philadelphia; San Francisco. and Rockford. Ill. New president takes offlce ln Mezlco MEXICO CITY -Carlos Salinas di Oonari, a disciple and exponent of the fret market who becomes president of Mexico today. welcomed Latin American leaders an" diplomats from around the world despite protests ft'om his electoral opponc:~s. President Fidel Castro of Cuba, President Daniel Ortega of Nicarqua and other heads of state attended a private dinner Wednetday for Salinas at the National Palace. Salinas was scheduled to take the reins of power from President Miauel de la Madrid after his opponents registered their objections in speeches on natio nal television. "This is a very imponant advance on the road to democracy," said Juan C1rden11s Garcia, spokesman for the Popular Socialist Piny. "We will be able to set our messqe to the Mexican people without violence or problems." V.N. condemn• U.S. over Arafat vlu UNITED NATIONS-The General Assembly voted 151-2 t~ condc,mn the United Slates for not lettin1 Yauer Arafat enter the country and pve it until today to reverse &he decision. U.S. oflkials said they would not budle. If An1fat. the PLO chairman, is not panted 1 U.S. visa, Anb nations will offer a resolution to reconvene the General AMCmbly i" Geneva so Arafat can addms iL Diplomau said palllfe *Is 111Ured. The United States and lsntl ~ Wednact.y's condemnation. Britain abstained because it said the cnticism was too hanh, but all othu U.S. allies supported the denunciation. The vo~ was conducted in a rare and dramatic roU call. requested by Jordafl. . - -. ' • . .. . OrMge Cwt DAILY Pll.OTIT......._. O.C.1110er 1, 1W Al RJRNabiscoaccepts $24.5 billidhtakeoverbid. NEW YORK (AP)-A &op buyout firm won &he tumuhuous war for RJ R Nabisco with the b111C$t takeover on record, a S24.S3 billion offer that 4erai~ a ri val bid by Nabisco cxecu&avcs who trigcred the b1ddina frenzy. . RJR Nabisco Inc. direc&ors ap. proved the SI 09-a-sharc offer by Kohlbera Kravis Robcr1s &. Co. Inc. _late Wednesday. cappina a day of frantic. confusma mancu venng 1n the auction of the cigarcue-and-food giant. A member of the competing in vest· men& lfO-"J> led by RJ R chief ex-ecutive officer F. Ross Johnson said their last•mtnute offer -$25.42 billion or S 112 per share-had been hiahcr, but sugested the iroup had been cheated by an unfair bidding process. The value of Kohlbcra's offer for AJTierica's 19th largest 1ndu"naJ company was nearly double tht old takeover record. S 13.4 billion for Gulf Corp. 10 1984·. · Althoup rhe Johnson aroup·s offer appeared lO be h1al\Cr. RJR said llS board of directors concluded KohJbcrJ's offer was substantially equal. Kohlbcra's offer per share broke down to S8 I 1n cash, S 18 an stock and add111onal stturitid .-onh SIO, RJR said. aroup's btd was not disclosed. but Sheanolf uhman Hunon, the Waif Stru& fi.on that was one of its. kry financ;ial pannen, saad ... From what we know, our bad was the best." of questions 11 well." Kohlbefl,. tht undisputed ._.... io buyina comPl'nin with bori'091ed money an deals known as leweftllld buyouts. said it was happy witb lbt outcome. "Tht Board of Directors of RJ R Nabisco. by unanimous vote o( all directors present, adopted &he KKR ofTerasbc1ng10 the best 1nte~toft~ company and m shareholders:· &he company said. RJR did not say cxact!y wh y Kohlbcrg's offer prev11led. • T~ breakdown of &he Johnson .. We art mystified about the pro- cess and the saandards that the board usccj to reach au decision," n said an a sta&cment. "We arc goina to continue to keep our options o~n. We believe the RJR shareholden will have a lot However. the deal railed tbe PfOI-• pcct tha& some busionies-in one ol America's ~t consuma product companies mi&ht bt IO&d to help KohlberJ pay lor ill prize. - ""'-"' A SALE SO BIG Even RUDOLPH is coming to Minuteman Way! BRI G YO I KID and YOUR C..\MERAS! . RUDOLPH will be Here SAT. Dec. 3 l lam-Jpm SU . Dec. 4 lpm-4pm FREE Goodies For Kids! Have xour ornaments and Gtf\s Personalized while you wait Dec. 3 & 4 pnly! * II Christmas decorations 26~ OFF includes wrap cl cards * 25~ OFF·All Plush Animals * 50~ OFF Lucy & Me collectibles Other unadverti9Cd S~ials 2 Days Only -Dec. J A 4 • Weikhft'Plua '"' a tn-i•/NI.,..., ._.. ·~ The Minuteman Way I M * ~ Coelt DAILY PtLOT/ Thurtday, December 1. 1W t Iii I 9 -.~u \Ill I "' ... . i~ I 11q 11 ' !' ~i ! .a ... THUR8DAY'8 CLOSING PRICl8 Market drifts lower NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices drifted lower today in a lackluster performance restrained by anticipation of Friday's release of November employment statistics. The Dow Jones average of 30 industriafs. which gained 12.9S' on Wednesday. gave back 12.63 points today t~ cl<;>sc at 2.101 .88. WH AT AMEX Orn NEW YORK (AP) Dec. I , AMEX LEADERS GoLD Quoa s ~. NEW YORK <AP) Oec. l 1 Ad~~~r nc~MeCS 1 Olal 1t SIJe$ 131 New t11011' I Newlow$ I NYSE LE~O[R S Dow JoNES AvERACES 290 WY~...._...._,P 111 Weci.142• 10.Ull. 12.W. ME T~Ls Quorr s NYSE UP s & DowNs NASDAQ SUMMARY OTC UP s & DowNs I , DAILY PILOTIT"6H'lday, December 1. 1911 CE .A7 , Inside out beaufyf ocus Of NB busiriess· NB duo . . Upand ·tli·elr. ellOttS - Barban and Jim de Boom have more in common tha n marriaac~ In fact, her special eventj coordina tion fi rm of Barbara de Boom and Associates has ex- . panded and was renamed de Boom and Associates with the addition of her husband, Jim, as nµnagement consultant. - Barbara has been coordinating ·charity and b\isinessevents in Orange County fol"the past fi ve years whileJimNstcqncluded a 23-ycar career with the YMCA, with the last 13 years as president ·and CEO of the Newport-Mesa YMCA. The new firm will continue to coordinate.special events and will add new thrusts in marketing. long-rangeplanning, a nd staff and volunteer development, accord- ing to Barbara. • • • T he fifthannuat Newport By KATY BOUCBER .... ..., ........ Btauty is only skin deep. but Sharon Michel of Newpon 8cach feels you can have bo"' inner and Quter j)eauty -and she's started a businns wi1h thal in mind. Michel, 32. is president of a new company called Lisanc f\esthctics Inc., a business that docs evcrythmg from detollfication wraps to com- plete make-overs. · "Our philosoph y is beauty starts on the inside," Michel said. "Then yo u ~ can do thanp on the outsack lo enhance. "'Inside-out beauty' starts with health, both with mi nd and body," Machel added. "Some of the most attracuve eeoplc have to take catt of tbC:insade WSt.--lhen ~ukc care of the oulside ,by nutrition, trtat- mcnts and detoxification. • "We are plannina to work wtth a Ver)! wonderful doctor an Newport Btach and can offer the client a complete program for beau1iful slun as well as lood health," she a<lded. Michel said the name "Lisane" comes trom the area around the Dead Sea a nd that•s wl\ere her hne of producll come from. "The most concen trated mmcral produ'1 deposits come fro m 'the L1sanc Peninsula and arc &ood for rcm1neralmn1 the skan as well as the ba~as to take internally hkc a mineral supplemerat. So we ha ve products you can take internally as ~ell as apply toptcal~ in our treatments for home use," Michel added. As you enter her Newport Beach facaltty, each room as equipped dif- ferently according to the type of trtatmcnt desired. State-of-the-art mu~anery is uStd for clecJron1c muscle stimulation trea tmenl!, while another room of- fers a btd for a reluing one-hour body massaic us1 n1 plant oi ls selected for 1nd1v1dual bod)' and skin conditions. Another popuh1r treatment pro-- vam lO help detoxify fluid rete.nllon· 1n the body as also done with seaweed clay to punfy and magnesium. for softening. Plant extracts from Lisanc arc used to cleanse and tone. This is all new to Machel. who 1s a 0-.,... ........ "'ll.e, ...... Debra DtcldnlOn and Gltta Mae.Iler ll•e a facial to a patron (at left). and Mueller puta ftnl•ldnC on ShaJoa lllcb!=l. ·, -. - . newcomer to ownin1 her o.,n beauty business . "I started in accountana. &hen coms>uters." M1chtl said. ··1 '°' myself a ptttty aood busanns b.ck-ground and~nt to wort fora Frncb company an skin ca~ and loved it.·· she said. ··1 decided to take it on my own and opened Lisanc Aesthetics Inc. last Ju'ly. .. Pnor to openanJ I met Debra Dickinson and asked her to work for me because I immed1at.cly rccopized ·her level of canng and knowledte of (Pleue eee B&AU'tY /A8) Makeover. '. aspecicll . treatment I think ifs a fact that even Qne wants to look her best. · In my case. I ti) to follo w' suit b} eating scnslbh ~cxercasing. and taking good care of my skin Ho"ever. most of m) beauty rouune consist~ 9f thanp I did myself. I was unaware of the scope of • treatments 1ha1 can not on1y re lax you totall). but makt a big difference in appearance as "ell. I hi\ e to ad mit the closest I've gotten to a beauty trutmen1 as one of those ovtr-the-counter make overs. Last ~eek. I had the opportunity to meet haron Machel . Deb1a Dtckmson and Gatta Mueller. all aesthetic beau ty consultants for L1sane~Aesthe11cs Inc .. in Newport Beach. wuh Michel bean& the presi- dent. It ~as quite an citpen cncc. I was i>laced on a table fo r a· detoxification treatment that con- (Pleue eee II.AD OVBR/ A8) Salute to the Arts brought more than 10,000 participants to enjoy three days of art, music, dance, theater, the culinary arts and .activities for all ases-including a .. Youth Day" haghlightingchit- dren's art and activities. . ___,.. "The three days were outstand- mgand the Youth Day was , fabulous," said Sandy Blat- Maritiine ~rtist paints-.fanlous Newport site ..: . . &ermaa, city arts commissioner By KATY BOUCHER chairande.ventchaiT. "The 0t•Wr,... .... Newport Beach City Arts Com-\ mission wase~tremethpleascd Some people just 1ove to doodle. Such ~s the case for John Stobart with the1ttmoutand t e partic· wnen e was a cnilOTn EhglanO. pation of the community, and of In fact. he paid more attention to course the supponofNewport _ has doodling than his school work. Center Fashion Island, the New-which led to anger from has teachers. port Harbor Art Musucm and the poor marks. and the predicuon that. ... Newport Beach City Library. We he would be doomed 10 fail ure. arealready planning_next years' However. his teachers couldn't Salute." she added. ba'<e.l5ccn"rngre wrong. · .. ,m Jorieasoa,owner ofthe • tobart. 58. is an inte(natipnally-., acclaimed mantime anast. He'll un· Paradise Distinctive Cuisine, veil his paanting. ··Ne\\ port Bcal h. handled the restaurant partici-The Pa\llion Overlookin$ the pation forthe.openingevent-a Harbor at Sunrise. Circa 191 0.' 1n the pre-party at Newport Harbor Art 'ballroom of the Balboa Pavilion on Musuem with more than 200 the Balboa Peninsula .. attendi'ng. . ·'The premiere showing hosted b) The party honored the salute Whitman Galleries of Corona del co mmtttee and donors who made Mar started No". I 5and 1son-goi ng." · saad Bonnie Whnman. gallcr) o~ncr. this year's event a success. ··There arc se"eraJ of his rare onginals.r 1-..;...;..;;.--_,,; ____ ..LJ.__J Cn y'ArtsCommissionersat-h b h tTJ 1 tending included Blatterman, an;l~h~~~~ sf~J'an ~adc an a"ppcar-Adml!'ine John St~bart'a palntlDC of the Parillon are (from -Whitman &allay owner; Phil Toser. owner of tbe Parillon: nylltll Draytqam,(CQ ) SbelU ance at the gallery on Nov. I 5. he left) N"ewport Councilman Phil Slia~ne; Bonnie Wbltinan~ and Newport Councilwoman Rutbelyn Plummer~ Stewart, Kim YHDg, Carl an tends to return to un veil his original collection... E I d ~ Be h ba d h h • l k h b h l. Nel11er,aadMartleeStockman. painting at 5 p.m. toda). Whnman said Stoban will be here Jf/~ ~a:rd~ ~n~.,..,~~t N:!po1~ the 1~os~ ~~rt!~: :1e;{e~~·~;'~~: ~t~~ .. a1to~;!8sat1t0'1e mbcrs out Jorgcnsonalsocoordinated "A print of the Pa,ihon han~ an through Sunda> and will be doang a HarborandthePa,11lonaspar1 ofh1s work. · "f "anted to paint the scene v.Jth more than 30 restaurants and City Hall in the ".la)Or's office book s1gnang Sunda)' as pan of the attempt to re-create on can' as ~men-"Ne" pon Harbor and the Balboa Saddleback Mountain 10 the back- caterers who p rovided sampling donated by us ... Whi tman added. "It Corona del Mar Christmas 1.Valk. ca·s h1stonc harbors and ships: the Pavahon antngued me becau~ the> stround. the harbor as 11 v.as in 191 o:· throughout.Fashion Island. becomes part of the cit) 's perma[le nt Stobart. a native of Derb}sh1re. glo~ da"s of sails. "'ere under that ~lonous Cahforn1a (Ple&H .ee FAMOUS/ A8) . ~~~-"~hisyearwebadrestaura.'!:~~iiilliiiiiiiliiliii ............ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiilm_.iii._ .. _.iiiiilml!lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...... iiiiiiiiii.l.iiiiiiiiiiiiii.l ......... 11111 ................ ~~ .... 111111~111111111111111!1!111 ....... ~.;.. ........ . write~ and VI Smith and Jeri Wilsoaselect the most outstand- ing looking restaurants and fi rst place was presented to John Dominus: seco nd placeiointly tg Alta Coffee and Balboa Dessen Co mpany; third place Paradise Cafe and most JS<>pular. Bob Bums. (The line was a lways three- High school abusers offeredmere than treatment decp.) ··All ,he food was delicious a~ the more than 6,000 people at- • tending had a d ifficult time deci- di!"& what to taste." Jorgenson said. ' • • • (Pleue Me LIBRARY/ A8) , BuLLE T 1H BoARD Wi t'h today's drug and alcohol problems. ometames "Just ay No" as not enoup)t · That's"~ The Center for Family Counseling 1s doan& something about It. v. ith the help of Lynne Bloomberg. Bloomberg. 46. of Newport Beach is directing a prc)gam called 1he Reco,en. Group. to help studen ts who arc· in treatment or have com- pleted treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. The program wall operate at both Estancia and Newport Harbor high schools. Bloomberg sa ys the program otTcrs a great suppon group. · . .. When students come ou t of treat- ment fo r substance abuse. the) arc asked not to go back to their old group of."using' friends and to make a nev. group of sober fnends." Bloomberg said. "The recovery group "111 ser,•e ns a support group for these teen-agers who need help readJUStang to normal life." Bloomberg said the meeungs "'all be held onc-e a "eek dunng lunch hour and \.\Ill g1H~ ·the students a chance total ~ abou1 their fcd1ngs and get the emotional support the~ need to remain sober Tht program "111 run th roughout the schooh<.>ar and 1 free to studenl\ It "'" be0condul·ted b> people from the Teen .\ss1srnnce-Progrnm cT ~Pl an 1n1em, and Hloomberg. \\ho as a cert.tied alcohohsm counselor. Bloomberg saad her goal for the group as to pro' 1de a t'reCJtl\ e SUP.port nt1v.orl for teens that can ~ their !.Oc1al net\.\Orl as v.ell Bloomberg 1s the mc:*r of three h~cn-ager 'and ong1flall) became 1n,ohcd v.nh the center "hen her \.hildren \.\ere going into Jun1orn1gh ~hoot • ··1 \\anted to ~nO\.\ \.\hat rm J children \.\tre up aj3anst and I v.11ntC'd to ~ducatc m~ self to ~hat was goang on out there and prov ade a better dciensc form' ~ids:· she said. • .\long v.Hh ·her tn\.Ohements "ilh the cen ter. he ha SCI"\ cd a president ol PRIDE. (Parent Resources and lntorma11on on Dr1,1g Edu cauon.> an oranazat1on v. hose purpose 1s 10 pro' 1dt" commun1t). parent ~nd 'iChool c; "1th drug and alcohol a"are- (Pleaee eee DRUGS{ A8) ...___ ----~-~ , .. . Lagtina will welcome Santa at Friday night Celebration San la Claus is comi.ng to dow; -to Laguna Beach. Parade Jn Mlsslon Viejo and rcscn at ions mn~ be ob1:uned b~ c.alhn g .\nnc "hen Hdtt at l 11 s1:s_1, <. ourt holds tht> first of 11 month I> that is -. Friday night. -· Kimbell Relph at ""5~-.)505. "'de-1 ner aud111on The Laauna Beach Chamber of Commerce h~s.~ full A .. Man1-Maq's Parade" for children of Mis ion 1gnup "Ill ~an at Q a.m. at the uth Coa l Plaza . I ~A r: St N' k h he arr ve at 6fr m V1CJOW11lbeheldFr1da) at 11 a m.tnlhcparkinglotofthc SLJ cllnlc slated ln Laguna tore In (osta \k . and de 1gners "Ill be: sttn In that evenan1 P ann~ ior · ic w en 1 s · · k • ord··r (all 1-... 1.'l 3 -)Ci. lor a-1t1on"l 1n"orm3t1on. aboard a fire truck at Mam Beach. where bands rom Mar ct on the Lak.c shoppmg center. · ~ uu .. 11 Laauna Beach High School and Thurston Middle School Children arc invited fo drirss as their fa\'Ontc The South Coa t Med1'7al Center \\omen· Pa\tl\OJl "all pr~nt a ~1al progrJm on kttng f~' at Tucsda) ·s mec11ng of thr l aguna Bea h Ch.1mber of C'ommcrtt. wiO beentenainina w1th Christrnu-musicstart1ngat 5i,JO~ ton book ,.·dcotape or hns.tmas...charactec and con'- A tree-liahuna ceremony and a parade up f orfst arcgatc al 10 a.m an the shopang center at the comer of Avenue to City Hall also arc .scheduled ot 6:30 and &.U . Vasta del LafO and Marguerite Parkwa). Judges "'II be respectively. All businesKs arc bein& asked to remain Mission V1e,10 Ma)or Norman Murray. Oll,mp1c gold rJ:n until 9 p.m. in observance of Laguna's Hospitality mcdal-w1nnan1-4wimmer Bnan Goodell and u ack Tnr:tJ>. .... president of the Saddleback Valle> Chamber o(Com-1.,.t. merre. Peace. confilct lecture at UCI Robert Scheer. a writer for the Los Angeles Times i nd an adjuncl profcs.sor at UCI. wall ~ak on "The Media and the Cold War" Thunday at 7 p.m. in Room IOI of the lntenm En11necnn1 and Research Fac1ht> on the UCI campus. TM prewntation is free and open to the public. Ataenden may part an lots 18 and I 8A and arc urscd to purcha1ean evcn1n1p1rkin1 permit forS I. Call 856·6-ll O for fun her 1nformat1on. Literary wor.k•bop la HB Ruah Colvin. rounder of tht Li~nK1' Votunt('('rs of Amcrica. *'" lead a partnt-ch11d read aloud "ork\hop Tuaday 11 7p.m.1n the Talbert Room of 1he Hun11ngton 8eac:b Libnl). 7111 Talhcrt vt . Hununaton lkad' Tht pufPMt ,,fthc , ... ,,on i~ 10 h<'lp ""'""' tht• ,, k 1,r ill11Cn1Cy b) lt'A(htfll .mo ll\ • ·•ra11111 pa"'"" 1t1 \\.,1.1 '" dwii J:&n& ch.aldrcn. (all ~~ BmNn ·~ ~1 -.\77' l\lf ..... ,. ..... - Hollday mu•Jc leat1val set The an dep1rtmcn1 of Ir\ anc Valle)' Colleac v.111 present a .. Fes11\al of Holtda) Music," fcatunng the Chorale and C'hambc:r inters ofthccollcac. Saturda) at p.m. at the Rtd Hill Lutheran Church. I 3~00 Red Hill A \'e .. Tu$tin. The co~n of famal )-oraentcd-music include\ aud1coct carohn1 and a post-ronccn reception. The dunatton as SS tor ~ncral .admission and $6 for student and "Semorc1tm~ns. (all SS9-.\333for 11ckct 1n(orma11oi\. Maa-.emeat .emlnar ln lrnne "TQm Butld1na and Paruc1p1t1,t Maniatmcnt" v.111 be the htk of a talk b) Edward La"lt'r. d1 rtttor ol thc US(' C'tntcr for E1ltttt'c Ofun11auon\ Tue• at tht '" 11w \famolt Holtl, UU'IO Von Karman .\\c L '""°' ,,,n \J)t'Ak -at I~ ;am . tolh1\\1n1 "'h'~ hu\in...-u lnlckn will S-.rtK"•C-~ in a panel d111l'usst0ri umaSSIOfl "SlO. whidt 1ndudn the cost ot bttaktlst. The breakfast "111 be held at the ·urftlnd nd Hotel in Laguna, beginning at -a.in. Those interested 'ihould contact the chamber at ..iq~ IOI '. Charity bl.ke ride planned Falm and tclc' 1s1on cclcbnt1cs "111 par11c1patc in the .. ( hoo~ a <. hant\ .. b1~c n~ undi) on the nmp'-" lll dkback. ( olki\! 1n \11\\IM \'1t'JO Thcc,cnt v.111 t>c&an at • am. and Joor pnzc'i~all be. ll'Cn a~a\ at nOOfl .\ portaOJ\ Of ca h· ndcr°'• rcg1'itllH1on "ill go to the \.hJrat) of h1\ or her choice Optimists plan history .eulon Oraoic < ount) h1ston "'ll be J1~uc.~·'\ht a "'«11ng ot the Opt1 m1s1 < lub of Ir" anc T~~ mornana b John W~tt The brcakfa'il ~\ion 1s tc hCdulcd tor'" a m :it Hof\ Hut. I 8SO Du las St . 11'\'aRC Va111on arc •n' 11\"d and fun her 1n1ornm1on I)&\ a1labk at 30-5tt3Q or 6 ... ; I .... q Designe r audltlon• In Mesa l.OCll dnif"'-''1 i nd an a'Ant of uniqut t:tth1on~ and 1«cnonn .-11 ptntnf eMar wattstfunda) at ~.lO am . . Hypnosls classes In Newport Free noonumc da \t' to tea h h' pno 1 to business and protes 1onal people to help ohc\,ork. and personal problemi.and to change habit "''II be offcf'C'd nt 't wttk in the lil\h llcx.'r conference room of the San"a Bank building . .i4~1 Mac.\nhur Bf\d .. 'NllOf'l Beach. Theda ~"1tlbtoffcrcd TucsJa\. "-cdnc<ida\ and Thur~fa) b~ Or James Hanlcr a dmal·at h) pnothcf'ipist. (all ~55-~1)()1 tor clas time ::md rc~nat1ons CIJampaffae brunch fand-ral..,. The ladies .\oc1cnt OrderofH1~rn1ans v.111 ~ a tund·ral\IOI chamf!IJnt' brun h tor the Brothers ors. P.i1rtd.. Sunda) at 7820 Bolu ~\c en '11dwa) City. · The C'\l·nt bqin'i at I I a m "'1th a church icrvitt. The '-l' t ot the brunch'' $4 ~nd ""' "'ral prue dqwanpatt .,Unncd ( onta('1 Mona" a Kt'Olh at 4(). 790J · -for lddttional information. ' Pocket - LCD TV Save .•40 15995 Reg. 199.95 Newport residents RccsI on the links and in soccer Whoever said·· 13·· was an unfucky number? Mary Lou Bcnnelt of Newpon Beach would be the first person 10 disagree. . Ma ybe that's bccaust Bcnne11 land- cd a 125-ya rd hole-in-one at the 13th hole recently at the N~wpon Beach Country Club. And yes. there were witnesses. Pegy Fox. Chris Winton. and Lucic Howes looked on with Maggie Dixon. .. All th(SC avid sports enthusiasts belong to the Newpon Beach Country Club's Women Golfers. • • • In rasc you didn't know. ~hawn O'Donnell. a second-grader at Nc~­ port Height$ Elcmcn1ary School. 1!. quite a soccer player. . O'Donnell ledlhcTorbos toa S to 2 win over the Fighting Irish by scoring fi ve. goals in AYSO Division ~.,, Soccer action recently at Ensign Field. The Turbos arc coached by Cathy ·Love of Costa. Mesa. Shawn is the son of Rochelle and Michael O'Donnell. Reg. 349.95 low As 115 "-llonttt• Remote on-screen programming !>f 14· day/6-event timer. HO. #16-510 - Remote blllt9<• eidta HQ VHS Video Camcorder Model 100 MovieCorder ... Av Realistic .::::Lt. -Save •200 1---lowAs$55 Piillonth• Low A• 115 P9t' Month• Direct-view screen. up/ down search tuning. #16-159 Bfttt-••tr• Capture specialholid~y memories7 just point and shoot! Low-light (7-lux) recording, infrared auto-focusing. With hardcase. #16-801 CD/AM/FM Cassette . CD-3302 By Realistic Save •so Digi~l-~eady Speaker Ne>Va -15 By Realistic _ _ 39'Ji 1'::5 p':.~~! Dual-Cassette Stereo- ~ System 100 By Realistic . ,,,.._, T 15995 2'::15 s;. ·f Dubbing cassettes, AM/FM tuner, turn- table, 271/e" -high speakers. rack.. #13-1228-. ~ Por~-~ ;ea1:!8ve~ Handy CordlesS Telephone 15ftA_I; Reg Save _,.... 219.95 '60 f 25:393 n:: Rad~5-~ Off 79.95 --~ .. Play through your headphones or home stereo. #42-5011 He.opnon.a. 1>anerin •• ,,. An unbeatable buy at $20 off! Security code. Tone/pulse' dialing.-#43-544 Rechargeable Emergency Lantern ' c . 3• By Radio Shad< Ut Reg. 1 · 37% 21 .95 ·1 Lights when AC fails! Doubles as ftashlight. With wall bracket. charger. #61·2740 ·cut 27"- "Lightiiing" Display llluma-Stoon .. By Realistk: .. .. LewAe111 ..... ~ ..... 111.11 Personal Mini Phone 1 -Rad~ Shack Cut ~ '.... 11.15 35"- "Hangs up" on any·ftat surface .. Putse' dialing. White, #43·505. Brown, #43-606 Illuminated Microscope By Micronta Cut 40¥o 5'5 .:1i 30X powis. Exemine ampe, dtcuitl. Hind-held. MM60 Pencil Sharpener •· By Aldo S!'ack SPECIAL PUllCHA•• v 3• ~ - LIBRARY PROJECT •.• rromA7 Arc yo~ wondcrina what's Jklm, M.D. ofNcwport Beach. going on at the Newport Btaeh Sirlykin has ~n elec1ed as the Public Library'! first chiefof slaff at Irvine It has just been selected as the Medical Ccnt~r. accord in& to Californialibrarytoparticipeacin J•C.Gaffmey,presidentofthe a new video and ~try prOJCCt. new holpi .. I. Only 25 sites w~chown. Sinykin hasa been medical nationwi<;te fort.he Joint Pf'OJ~l of dirtttorat AuorCorp. in Irvine the Amencan L1~rary Assoc1a-since 1979. He will serve a two- tion and the Nat1ona~ ~ndow-. year term. ~ menl for the Humanu1cs. · h ·11 ·..a-h .. Voices& Visions"sccksto ln~h1srolc. ew1. gu1ud e k. di · · t d hosp1 .. l'sOrstmed1cal1aafT • re !n .e mtercstinpoe ryan .. throuihits formativcyean. rcvuahzc th~ place '!fhumamues Sinykin. a family practitioner ufthe ~mencan society &~rough specializing in occupational the use oft he popular series medicine has been in practic:e for recently shOWAQJl PBS. ' 33 · Aprojecttrainingscminarfor years. · ed h 26 library teams was held recently In .l 964? he was appc>mt t c at the Del Coronado Hotel in San mcchcal di~or ofU~I Student • Di 0 Health ~rv1~. sta~ng up the ~d who was there? pr~ran:i ·~ conJU~ct1on with ~e Newport Beach Public Com-, university sopenmg. · munity Servjces Librarian Jackie .0th~ l~I doctors serving Headly UCI Professor Emeritus with S1 nykm are 1'oma1 Cesario SamMCc.J&oela,andCal&H• and Br•ceDablDofNewport _ CroeP-:a associatcdircctorof Beach. . . . • the Califo~ia Council for the The medical cen.ter 1s ln:me s 11 umanities. . first and only hosp!tal and 1s "We extend a warm invitation scheduled toopen_m 1989. The to the community ro attend these health care center !S owned ~nd programs." Headly said ... And it operat~ by Amencan Medical should prove to be a stimulating_ lntern.a11onal. Inc. (AMI.) foun- and rewardingprolcct for all the derofmvcstor-owne-d1rea1Chcarc '-' services. participants wh~tfler they know We lavl&e yom to 1,Dd 81 . and love ~trl Q{ are completely IDformatioD OD c.mmulty ... ,. baffled by it, tfe~s a wonderful chance togainabetteru~der-pelllqs.W~wu&tolaearfnm . standing for both kinds of read-_ yoa aio.& •pHmia1 eve.ts, local ~ ...... .....-..... ersThe series will take place next 11 Sn.t If die Dally Piiot. spring. P.O. Box 1511,C..&aMnaQtH. • • • Maril to tlae a&tatkHt of ltaty ·-C'on1L?ratufations toGeraldSln-Boaclaer. We 're looking f o~ good sports~ The Daily Pilot wants to rcp<>rt the SP.Orting exploits of you and your nei ghbors. We're not looking for news from Anaheim Sta4ium. that's covered. We would ratherhcarat>outsomconcyou know~wlinga600 scrres or shooting a hole in one. . . So if your recreation league team finished on top, 1f you led the , pack 1n'a I 0-K run. your neighbor landed a marlin or your spouse won a tennis toomament. let us know. Send us a brief account of the sporting accomplishJnent and a photograph 1f you have one. The Daily Pilot will publish them in our Good Sports column. which wlll ap'pear in 'thursday's Neighborhood Focus section. Address your correspondence to Neighborhood Focus in care of the Dai)y 'Pilot. P.O. Box I 560. Costa Mesa. 92626. M-AKE OVER A TREA~ ••• - FromA7 sisted of massage toning lot1ons made from seaweed from 1hc Dead Sea, where Lisane gets all its producfs. l was wrapped tightly by Dickinson in a plastic wrap and warm· blanket that made me begin to sweat and tmglc. Dickinson explained th is process takes all the toxins out of your system. and she said it's great after a weekend ofpany1ng. Wh ile enjoying the body sensation. ~· Mueller went to work on my face, giving me a facial that inclu_ded skin analysis. steaming, skin' exfoliation, penetrating mask. a.nd massage of the face. Then Mueller asked me. "How much are you attxhcd to your eyebrows?" I could only answer. "I never reall y thoufht about it. I've had them alJ my hfe. • She told me eyes were her "special- ty," and just a color change would enhance my whole look. BEAUTY •••. tromA7 ~ Wow, I couldn't believe it. She was right. just a shade lighter brought out , the blue in my eyes . . ' \ And it didn't stop there. She dy~ •. my eye lashes. a treatment she said the s~in," sh~ added. . . would last about three weeks. Eyelash ~1chel said her third. associate. dying is wonderful for the natural G111a Mueller. wandered in ~nc day, look without having to wear makeup. and after they got to talking she By this time I was ready for my realized th~y all sha red .a ~ommon body cool do~. another rub, and bt'a~ty philosophy -inside and then Dickinson took me one step outside beaut y. further. She massaged my feet and Mueller said she's done beauty han•s. applied a mud-like solution treatments on soqie pretty famous and wrapped them in feet and hand people: . mittens -almost like the ones you "I did a T'f .. show in Dalla~ call~~ use as potholders. ~ ... 'Eyes Only. Mueller said. I Both women gave me such" royal focused on eyebrows ~c-au~1 the,Y . treatment it was hard to get off the define the true eye. It .1s a m1.nute s table because I was so relaxed. change but very effective. I dtd Zsa , "This is especially aood for busi· Zsa Ga~r .• ~lly Kellerman and ness women who need relaxation JaWn Smit~. from their busy schedules." Mueller ichel said she alrcady·has more said than 200 clients and is open five days · • • • a week. Prias vary because of the President of the company Michel variety of treatments provided. watched as these women perfonned Besides the various body treat· their areas of expertise. ments. the company also offers After I got dressed and looked 'in makeup lessons. manicures. th e mirror. I definitely saw a "new pedicures. lash dying and body wu-me." ing. I have to admit it was so enjoyable, Michel said she feels she's launched I couldn't decide what 11iked the best. a one-of-a-kind bu siness. However. I must say I love waking "Noooeelsdsdo1ngth1s concept." up in the morning to beautiful eyes she said. "OurS is more clinical. without a bit of makeup on. therapeutic and aimed at the whole -ar IU17 lleecffr being." FAMOUS NB SITE ••• he added. "A moody sunrise scene. I picked su nrise bcc~use it comes up JUSt in the ri1ht SJ>Ot. "I am fascinated by li1ht, misted edges of buildings and the lines of DRUGS ••• P'romA7 ness programs and mobihze efforts to educate parents in the 11rca of dru1 and alcohol. abuse and use amona tecn-qcrs. TAP provides on-campus help for students who need someone to. talk to. TAP counKlon are on campus once a week and •Mlude luMh hour np ICSSlons and onc-olM)ne meet- inp. And Bloombtra 11 tonfldent it will benefit everybody. ••My personal pl 11 for TAP to coatinue to IJ'OW and to tet the whole fam1fr, invofved 1n the ,,_.m. "the llid. ·t AP " ~· anlr Ai •uctenu-but parents as Well. Wrlavwa terrific mm.a 1111wcwk iilCt iGlavdlble 'bf anyone"° needs~ .. . _.,.., ...... ' ships -especially square-riged ships with their wonderful sjl- houeues." Stoban said. After studyina an for five yean at London·s Royal Academy. Stoban beaan his career by l)lllfttin1 for steamship companies in EnaJand and in Canada. A ~ tumin1 point in his life was his decision to come to America in the mid-1960s. · "four men -James Caancy. who reminded me of my father, John F . K~ned)'_, GeorlC Genbwin, and Walter Cronlute -~t me'° Amenca." S1oban •id. However, it wu the New YC>ft Public Libnry in 1961 where Stobart found the kn to adventure that has become bis life. , "I was dlumbi,. daroup ill cal~ tion of nautical pnn11 wtaen I made a lllnli• ditcoVery. MOil of Amcri· ca's ltilloric bartion Md nae been s*nted.'' 5'ollal'I Md IM ambition '° suc-ceed add 1 ..a IO Wive for. .. ~----n··--=tt~-.:....--:t ..:-~,;:. ~ fl A•1rtca _... • Miil T..n. nplain1d A•1rlca ia ....... •. _, ... ' .. ) . 'Baniam' opens In Laguna Scott ._,.,U u .. Banaam" clowu aroand ·w1t11 (from left) Tamara lloffmaa, Kmn Sclaala, Raney Zelonka aad Kea OTerbeJ In tbe Yoatb Tbeater maaical, playlq tODICJat ~ Dec. 11 at die Lapa& Playbome. CalNlM-8041 for ticketa bllormatlon.' OCCsets holiday f estivtties ., UV1N DOYLE ....... Ce: 0 •• 0 Plenty of Christmas spirit will be pffered to the c:ommunuy tt\11 month •t ~Coast Cqlleae. · "Tiie N•tcrad1er," Peter. Tch11kovsky'1 classic Chnstmas · beUct. will be performed by the Coast Ballet Theatre Saturday in the Robert B. Moore Theater. Show11rms are 2 p.m. ~nd 7 p.m. Advance tickets arc SS.SO for adults and 4.SO for children and senior citizens. Tickets at the door arc S7 and S6. ,. • ..,... • .,.._,.._~m."a Ei1cT14PllldudNuicy~ct1l.,Wp1"111•taaa......... acnes of thrtt comedies b> ,Arnold ·concert 0ec:1e at OraDCeCOut Coll.... · Perl. wall be p~nted Dec. 8"'11 and IS-18 in OCC s ~scat Studio at1hedoor. c.eera"w1ll~perfonnedDec.ll11 Theater.. "L'Ace Neel -dae MMk: el St. PaulsEp1scopelChurcb. Tbccboir ...--.Showt1mes arc at 8 p.m. n1ghll} CllrishDas" will be pcrfotmcd by will perform chnstmas music from with a 4 p.m. mauntt scheduled for flu11s1 Man anne Whllm)er and around the wortd at the church. both Sundays. Ttcket pnccs arc S4.SO guitarist Joseph Poshek. Wh1tm)er 1s located at 1221 Wass sU'CCt in TUii.in. for ~ults and SJ.SO for children and a solo flu 1ist with the Pa&eant of the TickctsarcS6 in advance and $7.SOat senior cn1zcns. Mas1ers Orchestra and ~oshek has the door. "arbtma1 wla .B~. Brus ...,.,...performed u a soloist throughou1 Tickets for all events may be dae aar.pe"w1ll be presented by the Europe, Laun Amen~ and the U nu-purchased at the OCC ticket office. 190-v91cc OCC chorale. under the cd States. located in the college's student center . . ~ . d1rcct1bn ofR!chard Raub. Chamber The show will be presented Dec. 18 The office is open r.fonday throuah . NBC beats back 'War' challenge ~f~ie~~ramus1c w11lfcature brassand at8 p.fT!.inOCC's Finc ~rts--Rec1tal Friday from 9 a.m. to 7.P:m~ and Th\ · ..r. . .11 be d HaR Tickets are-$5.50 1n advance Saturdays from 8 a.m. until noon. . . . 1spcuormance.w1 prescntc and f7 at the door. Tickets may be purchased with Viu · ~· Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. m _th~ R<?bert B. The annual "Cllrl1tma1 at St. a}ld Mastercard by caHi"I 432-SUO. --NEWYORK ~~-W~nte "va~~~mijran~; an~ ~~"~~~ • "~M~T~.A~1u~1s $~7_a~t~====~=~--=~---------------- 1988. November sweep ~ults ent~r ho~r megascries that ended up w11h a Ni~• /i'~~~~P2;'/~(o .. m~~1( ~~·9 1 million ttfe door and $8.50 in advance.· . - - · the record books, there will be a big rating ofl8.6 and a share of29. l\omes. • ' , • Tra41tieul Cllrl1tma1 ma1lc will .. asterisk next to them because of the Herc are the prime-time television m "~'~•· sn. wrot•.''. CBS, 20·'· 1" ~ perfobrmEcd T1~ a cdontedmporary Tl . - writers' .strike that delayed the TV ratings for the week .of ov, 21-27. s. {41 "RoweoM.'' ABC, 2u . 1 , nillllon 1ash1on Y enc mgsta an Nancy season. · -· -lop10 listings include the week's homH: Rumbel Dec. 16 1n the Robert B. , k" . h ti 7. <11l "T•k•Mv D•uel'I'-"'· PIHse.'' ·"NBC Moore Theater But the month will most likely be ran !ng. w11 ull sca~n-1o-da1e MonOav Nietit Movie.'' 1u , 17 t millloti 110mn. . ...r: 1 1 nd remembered for the lasl of the bi.g-ranking 1n parentheses, rating .. fo~.t~e 1. m "Who's IN Boss"'' ABC 11.l 1u Tmgstad pc11orms on c assica a event network rniniscricS. . week, and total homes. A~ X in m~1~tF .. NBC lLO "2 m~ ~ , steel-stringed guitarsd: Rubml beOcal ~ys . . . parentheses denotes one-time-only 10 c201 "Afn.n ... 'Nee: 11.t. u.1 million Enahs~ horn, oboe. ou e nna .A~nl1na to the A.C. N1elscrr Co., • prescntaiion. llOmft. and chimes. The concert w1ll 1ncludc wnh a couple of days lefl. NBC had 1 121 "Golden Girt,," NBC, 2o ra11-. 2u 10. m "TM CO$bv Show.'' NB<;. 11.t. 16.I music from their Christmas album ... mi.1ot1 he>mH. ''Th G ft •• T" k IS fi th. won the. Nove~ber swcc~ by about mi~~3~-.wnutft .. ces 210 20.7 111 12. ex> "War and •~•nee Part ,,.. c 1 . 1c ~ or is per-two rating points, d~pate ABC's hon'in. . . . m tOn ABC. 17Sretino, 1Sl mflllon l!Omft. formanccareS6.501nadvanccandS8 • FUL)Ol\~I \lillUE 2•••••••11• .11•l MTIU 211 ff • HIGH 5'1RITS IPG-131 1 •l·JU Jtl ..... OLIVU lCO•AIY IGI ........... "'' HllSTIAVlS CHRllTllAI IPG I ............ ,,., . ~ I i ' I I .... , .... 01VI IADHAQ tOll !E Ht.CM! FRESH HORS£$ IPG·UI EVHVIODY'S AU. AlllRlCAll IRI ~A FISH CALLEO WAllDA (RI "'-"''"' ft ~ ~ 111'1111 -~. .~ -u .2 ..... , •••• 12 I Nll-Jll •1•11 CHILD'S PLAV.1.RI • RU Ff ELL'S UPIOLSTERY 'INC. . .__ ... , ..... c....~ Sbanfbal Acrobata will perform at UCI. • 1122 -•11 .. CISTI IRl-541-115' Shanahal Acro~ats 'dueat·UCI The Shanghai Acroba1s and Ma- gicians. one of the world's mos1 renowned acrobatic trqµpcs, will perform feats of skill in a 2.000-ycar- old Chinese tradition Dec. 9 at ucr s Bren Events Center. The production will be the finale of ucrs fall arts and lectures program and will be presented at 8 p.m. Established in 195 I. the Shanghai Acrobats have toured more than 20 countries and have won many awards "A SIDE·SPUTITNG 00\IEDY SMASH. •• APAmIDUD<Ff WANf TO END." M B u ~ ....... non 1 'll(.\11\f I R L R L A y S: C · H · 0 · 0 · G:· E-Il ! .········· .. ~fD."· •• _A~~ (i!J~ -_.__ ---,._ ..-..---~-a..-Qi-.J/1119 ........ , --·~ .... ,...... y -...... .......,.., .... "°' __.. ..... ·~~ ......... .. .. .,,. ,.._ in national competitions. The troupe µ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::--1 maintains a 1.600-scat amphitheater in Shanghai where it performs six sold-out shows each week. On their 1988-89 U.S. 1our. the acrobatic performers have been i9ined by magicians for the.fi rst time . . Three masters of traditi9nal and modem magic are featured in the show. . Tickets arc SIS for general ad- mission, but aac and 01her disco unts may apply. Call the Bren Events Center box office at 856-5000 for telephone. mail and credit card orders.· Stars raise million for charity in LA LOS ANGELES (AP) -Frank StMtra, Lata Minnelli and Sammy O.visJr. raised SI million in a charity 'lppeannc;e at the Forum during their • national tour. The money will 10 to the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center. which is in Rancho Mirqt and c,rcs for scxual~y and physically abused children. said Susan R e yn o lds . a t o ur spokeswoman. • ••Last time I was in this building I wn tryin& out for the Lakers." joked 0.vis, who also deliahted the au- dience with a spoor of M ichacl JICbon 's ··e1cl." After the show the 1hiu performers '*' dinner with <400 auests who paid Sl.500 10 chanly for the concen and banq11et. Amons those 1n 1ncndanc:e were Tom Selleck. Chevy Chase, M"'-Berte. Ottt0ry Peck end ~Hamilton. For the show's finale. all three johled i11 .. New Yon. New Y~'" c:OMidcred. ~anatutt tune for se .. l1ra llld Minftdli. --......... u ....... 114/M4 Z•IO WKlUl llf<~~ OOUT SmtO 11U M41HAT KtOOGID !PG-Ill DOUT Sl1llOr WUS.Wll~ "'-' ,. LM9 ..all NII 101 1N01·JO••JO .. JO l·JOl .. JO DOU f SftMC)IWIU 11 SS> 10 J lS 1 O10 00 l-----:~---1il ~a «IMNlrf ttl ....--------...., 11• HO ),49 S:Jt Ml I· M t•JO JOCMt '°'""'11'"' ...o.uls MACCUSIDai OOOT sntto COCOON: Tiit tfTUttl 1.01 1 10 >·U • 00 I lS 10 SO ., .• , SJ,.,.., 1•1• t---------"1 "'T1IA SftllO ..-~~­ laSMn t .. l>I '"'' •• ,.., •• 1•U CHILD'S Pl.AV (RI r::-_:z._, 1•t(R) ............... JI . AUEi -..lll.lll 00 .............. -~ ..,. -h'-1:1 ~-~ COM>NA (-C.0-11 11'11160. COSTA•SA 0 l-C-. ~JIO:l IL TORO ~8 1-511 tsao POUMT .... VALLEY ~~ ... ~ m •!IOD NU.Dn'Olll UICF-..1 .... ~ ~~ as.4111 ....... .._.. __ ~1 069 I.A-AO& P'lc.t,c I Li-- !* 1400 lMIUMA eaACH r-s.i..c-•111·11 --WlaJO (_0-.,. )64.0110 ~ '-.,. HU GK~e o. L~ -. ~SfMOS • • • IMTAW WIWI• llw.w.... f-..C...W. ~1"4 111-1135 .......... ~-c..~ llZ :ral .... Dr-. .. STAll'lem -GMm ~v-.c.. "'~ • IO. TO A NEEDY CHILD WHO HAS SO MUCH LESS THAN YOU, Bring· new toys, .games, clothing or other suitable items for children from tots to teens Give yourself a· lift by kno~ing that your gift will be appreciated . by someone who ~ould otherwise receive no Christmas Gift. Pleas~ do not wrap your gllt. Daily Pilot Holiday Gift Collection Now thru Fr.iday. December 23 I .. AlO M8.sKeclball tinmasks lives BJ IAREN REED .,.., ,... C.111s.r '"' 01her1 variables in the total proceeds were the silent and live mike he asked the crowd, .. Let's have Literature's Phantom of the Opera auctions -the c~talogue of op-another round of applause for the wore a visible muk to-di51uise his ponunities appctnng more as a ca~." haunted face -but the marks worn screenpla)', spiral bound with section Members of Opera, Pacifica, with ~ the women of Interval House to dividcrrs. The catalogue cover (and featured selections from "Pbanto~f b1de their sha.me of the domestic invitation). featured the artwork of the Opera," entcrtafoed the crowd, as violence imposed upon them often ao _Interval Hou~ supj>9rt~r Harrl~oa did Barry Cole and his Sounds of unnoticed. . 11~ attending WJth hve auction Music. Saturday ni&ht a few of the masks partietpant Jelm Sia.ck (he pl-ys the Williams was honored by Immi&fl-were removed", as nine pduates of new "Herman Munster"). · tion Commissioner·Barold E&eU for, Interval House, accnterforvictimsof Additional celebrities bidding on according to Ezctr: her 100 percent domestic violence, reminded those items in the silent auction as well as success rate with Amnesty Program fiUing the Ritz-Carlton BalJroom -assisting auctioneer Jolla Kukel . families-and for having aided more in a moving presentation of ~ow (donatina his lime for the seventh families in the program than any they'd su~fuJly tU!lled their hv~ year) in the ljve auction included other ~ency· in the United States. around -JUSt how 1mponant their · honorary chairwoman Beverly Gar-. Supervisor HarrieU Wieder (who support of the ninth annual fund-lud (standina in for Florence Hen-drove in from Palm Sprinas es- raismg gala, "Le Fan tome d rOpcra," derson>. actor JM Mllfenl, French pecially for the evening) was pres- was. · Consul Jeu Mldlel BanJc, former ented with Interval House Woman of Event chairwoman Carol W~•. governor !Wm_. "Pat" Bron (who the Year, -. by aU accounts, was the force behind 9uestioned bis introduction as the Guests enjoyed a sumptua.us din- the party's success -and was often • father of the Democratic pany in ner, prepared s~iaJl.Y by ·executive cit~ as the tca~n Interval f:lou.sc Oranae County") and NBC news-chef Christian Rasstnoul for the contJhues to rcahu success m lls caster J• Be&nl. • event, 'including-a smo'-ed duck effons to aid women. -To create the theme, the Grand breast salad; veal medallions with Williams estimated the attendance Ballroom and surroundma corridors morel a.nd crcyfish feuillete tarrigon at 375, and explained that they had no of the hotel, were transformerd into a butter, and mini'llture baby grand forecast on the proceeds, only that Paris Opera House -from the eia.nocakeswith Tahitian•vanilfaand "we hope to top last year's total of Pban1om 's coach to the floral designs Cointreau. SI 30,000." tiy Chris Lindsay. Assisting Williams as "Directeurs Individuals pajd $150 per person, Sau Freese, rctumina for his Principaux" were C)iaOla C..rtaey, with corporate tables (which included.. •-second year as master of ceremonies, Ju Smulley ftesen and Mary four Ot'Chestra tickets for "Phantom _q"prot>ably the closest the Phantom WaJ&oa. "Oiru1eurs" included RM- of the Opera, ... -and dinner and came to actually visiting the event, as , ere Araritroa1, Xatlt.y Elllou, limousine transportation to the play) Freese sported a black cape 10 Barlae Goodrlclt, Qarlne ftob. ranaina as high as SI 0,000. complete bis "look." Upon takm& the -... and JuJ• V4 ...... Jeaa lllellel H&rslc, Jolla lltlfonl and JollD Beard. F:rlday, December t By SYDNEY OMARR ... ·- ARIES (March 21-April 19): Discoveries are made which verify your views, theories. Emphasis on chaqe, travel, vanety, ability to be anaJyucal. Member of opposite sex declares, "You express yourself in a very compellina manner." TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Domestic adjustment proves beneficial, involves style and desian. budaet and activities rclatina to youna persons. Libranati~e provides _ mlssinJ link, hefps ,et job done. Health rcpon favorable. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Attention centen around home, security, real estate, chance to correct put mistakes. Define terms, separate fact from fancy. You'll have unusual opponunity 10 sec w~t happens behind scenes. · CANCER. (June 21-July 22): focus on power, authority, responsibility, intensified love relationship. Keep optjons open, accept chaJlenae of deadline~ Authority faaurc is in yO!Jr comer despite initial reticence. LEO (J ul_y 23-Aq. 22): Financial jlJdament, decision aoes in your favor. Whal had been reprded as lost is due to be recovered. Long-dista.nce communicalion could result in journey. Aries plays sianificanl role. VIJlGO (AuJ. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasi2e couraae of convictions, wilhnaness to stan anews.pioneerina spirit. Love rcla1ions1'ip srows 11ronaer, con11dence is restored, judgment proves correct Leo fiaures prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You were ri&hl in tint place -somethmg has been hidden, clement oT decep~on . . is present Family member s_ayi. .. I~ sorry.but .rm also human." Canc:er...i..~· AQuanus natives are 1n pacturc. ICOIU'IO(uet. 23-No.v. 21): Divmify, loOk beyond the jmmediate, add to wardrobe. Examine lep) doc. mCdts, ~ IOcial invitation. Promotion due, you may be uked to •run for office." Gemini fiaum in ICeftlrio. · SAOmA.UUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stick 14> f'acta. steer clear of one who advocates shorteuts, Ft·rich-quick schemes. Individual ~viously indifferent coukl now become vm_ v~ ally. Taurus, Scorpio NY roles. CAPIUCOllN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll cli1COvcr motives, member Of OJ!POShe ICl is invol9td, travel and publishina f11ure ptom1nently. Pmonal horizons broad- en, you no loqer will be satisfied with status quo. Virao involved. • AQVAIUVI (Jan. 2.0-Fcb. I 8): Play waitina pme" atrca cfiplolllaq' and self-confidence. Individual doee. to , you says, "I wilb you would handle the money." Check source material. be aware of lous. credit ra~ · PllCBl.(feb. J 9-March 20): You could be 1n conlelt with another Pieces. Attention ce1tten around lepl rip.ts, pcrmitlioDs, debate over property NJ>ta. FICU are on your side=r Clltimate V1ct0r. COnpatulationa. IP D D I IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you have knack for a~na to women, you ~ innate undentanding of politics and publicity. Cancer, Capricom people play important roles in your life. You have aounnet appetite and possible diJalive problem. Mother bu made more of an imPKt than father. ~"I December you pin pater undentandiftl of spiritual vaJues and have Chance to streamline sechnaqucs. ~· domestic adjustment likely to occur. durina January. an easy hand to bid. South's deci- sion lO rebid three no trump rather than take a dilmond preference is a mystery to us. Observe that, 11 the cards lie, six diamond1 makes (de. clarer wiDJ the heart openiq, cubea two high trumps and four 1pades, discardina dummy's losm1 heart, then ta.Ices the club finesse). Women wOrk for sake of families ~ Both vulnerable. North deals. ~ORTH •AX Q J \:) 6 3 0 AX 10 6 5 +AQ WEST EAST • I 6 3 • 10 7 S \:) Q 10 7 5 l \:) x J 9 ' O Q O J91 •x••2 +763 SOUTH • 9' l \:' A I 0 7 .. 3 l • J 10 9 s The bidding: NortJa Eut l 0 Pua l • , ... r.. r .. Soatb l NT 3 NT Wett P .. Pau Openina lead: Five of \:' South's play matched bis bid- dina. He won the heart openina lead and now bad to run nine tricks be- fore the opponents pined the lead, since they were poised to run off 11 least four more heart tricks. He cashed the ace-king of diamonds, but when that suit didn't break he wu a1uck in dummy and could col- lect no more than eiaht tricks. It is a natural tendency 10 10 after your Iona suit first and, bad there been another entry to South's band, be would have been ri1bt to tackle diamonds first in cue 1be suit did split evenly. DEAR ANN !ANDERS: As chair- man of the Senate Subcommittee on Children, Families. Druas and Al- coholism, I want to add to your excellent rtsPonse to the letter in a recent column claimina that today's mother works to buy a BMW and a country club membership. Womed wQrk for the same reason men work. To suppon their families and pay the bills. Far from destroyin~ the traditional family, mothers wages keep millions of children fro,m sinking below the poverty line. Two-thirds of the women in the work fore~ today arc either the sole support for their ctrildrcn or have husbands who eatn less than S l S,000 a year. In 1988, fewer than one in four si-ngle molhcrs received the full amount of child support due on time. And while women in the work force have been a boon to business, most businesses have not respanded by A11 lulDS '• proviclina on-site child care or arant· 1na parental leave. Ann, please keep tellina your vast readentiip that American women haven't turned their t.cts on their chi~n by entcrina the work fon:e. JbeY. have aone to work 10 keep their famili~ ••ther. -Sincerely CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Uni~ States Senator (Conn.). DEAR SEN. DODD: I a,,ndace ·=·M•t .. dMn..U .. IMJ w leYe le 1tay at..._._. be faU-dme .......... Mt It jnt 1a•t flu......., ....... ,..... , .. ,... itadq .. cue•..U. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I read the letter about the woman whose neiahbor anuck into her bedroom arid planted a pair of lace ~ties between the abeetl U I joke,". it brouaht t.ct some fond memona. While I WU in biab tcbool. I ••friend" decided to play ajokcon me and ~led a py ~ne in my locm. The Dlali wu for me to find it while the tchool football team WU in the locker room. I did. It wu only tee0ncl1 before the tauntina and lti• blowina bepn. I tried to explain but -~were Whooolof'lauabt.er and my declaration or innocence Wll drowned out by the jeen. After a few minutes I became so cnrqed that I threw the ftllP-Zinc ' . ' acrou the room. Al it sailed throuah the air, a ~ of)Japcr Ouitcred out ]t WU I mail-order receipt with my fdend'I name and addreU OD iL • What could have been an ualy • epilOde turned into one of the belt eumpla of a joke that bKkfired. Ev~ne lauahed Jt the unexpected tum ofeventL There's a moral to thit story that J hope ii recopized by all ~ i~ out there. Simi me -THE: LAST LAUGH IN ALAMEDA.• CALIF. DEAR ALAMEDA: Call .. a , 11•::11, .. , ............. .-..: an .. ...._ ..... .,_lliawa• ...... •1111111 ........ ~ ........ , ., .... , II lmtsn•? DJ .,..... .::C.':'~i ......................... -.:. .......... ' • It is difficult to solve a problem if you don't know that one exists. If that sounds somewhat paradoxicaJ, read on. There 11 little about the biddina that appea11 to us. Nonh '• demand bid of two diamonds is a 1tretcb, altbo~ we copcede that bi1 is not However, a l-2 diamond break is 'Only a 40 percent chance. The alter- native is a club finesse, which is a SO percent sbo1. Since declarer is ln bi1 hand for the first and last time at trick one, he should lead a club 10 the queen. Wben that succeeds, be bu boosted bis total tricks to nine. Let's get fi-ank With our coilgressmen I • - . • . Members of Conareu lhould not set free J)OStaae on mail to con1ti-111•••m1!1••••••••••••••••••••1 tu~nts. Rather, constituents should ~t free postqe on mail to memben PASSWORD A good word passed around about a business Is lnvalueble. A bad word can be unfortunate. Our ~owl nc success In the past 31 years has been due to the "iood words" and referrals sent to us by our customers. No 1mount of advertJslnc e1n replace a personal recommendation. - We ire no.t Infallible, l)ut we are worklnc towards that pl by llVtnc our customers the bnt service ind quality poutble. •IT A4. "'" TIOll CVtTC* 0..Al'l'"CI • ...cttlll "° netta. 166, PlanUI St. C-.Mlm 6t6-t838 • of Consress. So contends one tbeor· ist, who says it would help a little to chanae the ~nt pettcrn that malta it so hard to disloa,e an incumben\, however unworthy. Mk the history tcholar in your family to name those puu of the world not ruled at one time or another by some counlry in Europe. They're few. You have to bean expen 10 recall any. West Ocrmany'1 law, sdpulatcs limply that the divorced panner with the most money pays the alimony. Catt>on dioaide ablorbid tbroqp your Jkia iowlrlj'081' .,..... ..... blocMI......., r.-111a.,. You "'' better. Medicol tlY it ......... eome .._ You'd Ill dais ref'm, they •Yl tr~ '°°' 1 ~ llow beth in duo IOda. Coftljdef ....._ No Irick for 1 1oc.-to stay ajrbomc 12 hour1. with only four specific feathers taken peppespot? • . from each IOC*· · A. _ ~ llewi@Ul 1t•1 aewr 11 your old tchool dictionary at completely llbptilil So 1•sDD1 hand?Saya 19.Sledition. Tryloo~na I~ ancient Muslim law, h took die · wbllever'1putbii0ii1ort~libtbe up: byte, dolby1 AIDS, ~Y d11e, tesUmony. of two women to count.er ~ end up DOftb. Tiie pbOtocopy. No nack, what? that of one man. ~ "'1110DllllD1lil • Claim i• his~ repeats itself. New To aet for the F81'1 .. Tea MOit ~--.. .....-IO , York City's fint l&Odtbroken met WanUia"lilt,acrimiulbutoqullifr under an old buttonwood tree on on tOur counts: l. An oftk:il1 .,.,. Wall Sueet. Stlnd by. warrant must ma. 2. n. culDrit • must mve 1 record ol crinUDll Wblt doll .. <» ........ to you? To 10!D1t ~. it mtUt maru-. -.. '° 1111an o1 old '' ....... Slilell8. Of ...... After LOI Aftaelel, what's the activity. 3. EYidenee mutl iDdicatl leCOnd lafl£ll U.J. city ba die West Mid cnmiftll CIDIMia .. 10 be a*-' Cout? MOil old timers l&ill think i&'• tol0Ciety.And4. hbliciayto.-tbe OnlJ. dull out olive .,bit, cu• Su Franciaco. Mktdlc limen pe11 public.-aesded live 10 "'a,_ aid. eitber s.uJt or PonJand. 1t•1 the • lCJUmU~. who know it i1, in It Wll "=f. Stolmwlki "° IKt. Sen..,.... aid.~ ..... wtakla ... Q ... Jtllllft .. ii .. daron ~ ~"'-" dM sbip 1iab. ..................... .... WllM'l 1111 ilnD .......... .......... rt., A.-Wra.· when everytlllaa 1IH fetlt ~.. . w._ ... _. • ._. .... H.O. Willa wrae.: .. H_. ...._, '•man 11 mm. ..a -. • ~ ....,._.....__ 7 •••. ·i Guri accident a tragic rem.~nder · of safety nil es It was a situation dreaded by anyone who owns· or has a loved one who owns a firearm. A gun di51:haraes while being cleaned, and the list of people killed in a firearms acciC:ient inercases by one more name. Harry M. Baker Jr., 63, was takanaa sbo,.verwhennis wife left their Newport Beach home Tuesday. The retired execuJive was in good spi rits and planning a hunting trip next week: ... ·Several hours later he was dead . His wife found him slumped in a patio chair. A shotgun and gu1t-cleaning materials were nearby. A cleaning rag was still clutched in his hand. The question that haunts society after·each accidental injury or death that involves firearms is asked again. Who is to blame? .Investigators believe Baker's death was an accident -a painfutexampJc..ofhow a small mistake can result in t~y. That explanation doesn't mean much to Baker's widow, family and friends. They can rationalize that his death was an accident that could have been avoided, but rationalization doesn't case the pain or fill the void left by Baker's death. This incident flli.CS once again the risks .of kceping- fircarms in the honit. · Elementary safety precautions require that family , weapons should be locked away in a secure place' and that ammunition should be kept apart from guns. A gun should nev..tr be loaded until you're ready to U¥ it and always check to make sure any gun you nandl~ is unloaded. -• There is no fail-safe measure to prevent firearms accidents altogether. . Education and constantly remembering the danger of owning and-handling firearms are the first line of defense againstyagicaccidents like the one that occurred in Newport Buch on Tuesday. Ftt1110BH TV regulatioiis ConBJl'.SS ... TeCeP.tly voted to limit commeTcials on programs aimed at children. Ads -most of which promote toys-would have been limited to I 0.5 minutes per hour on weekends an~ 12 minutes per hour dining the week. President Reagan, basang his decision on the free speech provision of the First Amendment, vetoed the bill. Congress- vowcd to send a tougher bill to President Bush next year. As much as we appreciate the intent of Congress, ... we agree with the preside nt. ... . The ban on cigarette advertising ... was based on objective evidenco that even an oecasional smoke is a health hazard. But the notion that a certain amount of toy advenising is better than any other amount is subjective and selective and would set an unhealthy precedent. Let's leave control of this part of a child's life where it belongs: in the hands of parents. · News 'l'rlbae, W~, N.J. Warning labels Pat yourself on the back, Californians. When you passed Proposition 65 by an overwhelming vote two years ago, you did-yourself a favor by requiring "clear and reasonable warning" when products expose their users to chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects. It now turns out that you did a favor for all Americans as well. The ciprs and packages of pipe tobacco they buy will now carry cancer warning labels, just as cigarette packages do. ... The cigar and J>ipc tobac~o makers hoped to a void the requirement an California by posting warnings in stores. But Californ ia Attorney General John Van de Kamp sucd·the tobacco companies and eight retailers. ... Within days, the tobacco companies had agreed to pay $ 150,000 in court costs and to apply the wami!'& labels. A spokesman for the Cipr Association of America· said cipr packages sold everywhere in the United States will carry the warnina tabels. "It would be impossible-for them to label only for California," he said. The same result can be expected for pipe tobacco. ORANGE COAST Pillt •• .., Cludlnln Publisher ,., .. [.W ... ,..., -.-tM>t l•a.9 ..... [..., ........ City (Mof .... c.-. s,.,ts (IMlr ......... , .... llMlr Clill-..... ,.., ....... ...... Dlnttlt ailiiiiil ................. ...... ....... ,......., ....... 0.-. ............. .._,M °""""' ..... c........ ..... _ ..... ,....... .... -Thursc:ley, Oecemb« 1. 1MI AU I 1 want to ~earn h'lfmilify? Ro·ot for Rams or Bruins Remorse missing after NB campaign· . if o 111e fdi1or: Local elections are behind us. Wounds arc hraling. however not w.ithout some scaring. Recent letters to the editor indicate no remorse by supponen of NewPoct 2000. Their dedtful, deliberate mi .. presentations and hateful mailincs have not been rejected by con; tribu1ors to this devious cause. Why? Campa~•a.n stalemCnt& prove New- pon 2000 contnbu1ed thousaJM&.of dollars to Matlock. R yckofT and Watt. Dollen from this same organintion exened influence on the city of Irvine elecuon by supportinJ. Cameron Cos- grove for City Council. Margaret (Mrs. John) ·Gard°"' persists in Newpon 2000's attadts after the people have voted. Enough is enough already. • JOHN KJLLEFER Corona del Mar Credit earned by Gorbachev · · To the Editor: I was certain the Bruins would win. I could feel it. I could sec it. Rose Bowl, here we come. Give me a typewriter. I'll write the headline now. I was confident. STEVE MU Ill I Was .... wrong. The Bruins fell apan in the second half. leaving me with hate to root for a<hersaty. but you the sad realization that I would ha~ ~k.e wha&e.vcr ad1'&Jltagc tS..OfI'ered in to wai1 another full year beforcl could spons. • rcc.la im any braging rights. · The bubble burst qu1ckl}. ho~ever. This hear"s cont~t was at the Ro~ :.when.. the-~nnouncer clicked .off Bo I r( uses starting lineup -pausing ~ • ~me tu for t~e ~ruins. dramatically before sa} mg; .. .\nd at Jn response to Mike Hanna·s lel\er to the editor concerning Gorbachev·s acuons: I would Ii.kc to point out thal Gorbachev 1s not all the "crazy comm1e .. 1hat Hanna bclit'vcs he is. Although I do not totally agree wtth tlle Commuqist ways conttm1ng soc1et). the premier has made SOmt' if'Cal chanit1 m fo_rellfl. affa.m 1bat should not0e overlooked. First of all. Gorbachev ,has met with President Reagaq to discuss d 1sarmamen t of n uclcar weapons - a step toward worlsi peace. Agam, victory sec~cd 1ncv1table. quanerback.. .. ROdney Peete:· How could they lose . Impossible. l should ha.,,e rcahzcd then what I In add1t1on. he is said to Julve encouraged the PLO to rccosniie, __ _ Israel and to accept the United Nations Resolution 242. whteh douses the fire and hostility m lbe '°'rab-lsrach conftict. On game day, I r,odc a shuttle bus know now. . . from a Pasadena park in& lot down to The game went sour prctt) qu1ckh . the Rose Bowl alon.J with my wife though the Bruins dad maf\aF to pull (USC fan) and two friench (one a close before halftime. l cheered. l rabid UCLA fan). Outside the yelled. I urged tht' man ( Cl.A fan) stadtumtherc was the usual chaos -bc;hind me to pour his .beer on his people with their faces painted in fnend (USC fan). But 1t did no good. team colors and fans wcanng buuons The Bruins lost and anot.her )car. loudly _proclaiming "My maid went another chance was washed away. to UCLA.. and "University of There would be no Rose Bowl game Spoiled Children... ~n Jan. 2. Tht're v.ould benobraagil)& . . nghts. There would be no JO~ m · lnstde the stadium . f d1sc;ov~. Westwood. There "ould be' onf) I.ht' sadly. that we were sining m w~at longs1roll from m) S<'at to the parking ~~red to be the USC rooun_g lot where I would catch 1he shutt~e section., My l~ck. Oh well. I figured " bus back into town. . w~ld JUSt give me ~ larger cross-The next day my v.1fe and I dro\e section ofpeo~lc tond1cu!e -.heo my home. I mowed the lawn. I washed team wo~. which __,as I ve said -1he cars and -sull numb-l tl1pped was inevitable. on the Rams· game The) "ere Now one of tfte main themes that playing the San Diego Chargers. one had led up to the game was the fact of the sorriest teams in an) pro- 1hat the USC quanerback. Rodoey /essional sport. The Rams lost. Peete. had measles. Like most UCLA H umihty was ail but embracing me fans, I had gone around In the da}S now. Perhaps I used up all m) chips before the game staling that I sure with the great sports gods when the hoped Rodney recovered. becau~ 1t. Dodgers v.on 1he World Senes. I wouldbeamightybigshamc1fhehad l don't know to sit out rhe ,a.me. Deep down 1ns1de. f There's always-ne(f -r~ar. ho~evcr. I could sec the v1nues of St~f'c Marble Is tll~ D•ily Pilot dty havt ng Peete on the sidelines. You ~tor. Gorbache' has also put fonh a ~nes of new measures concerning \ht Sovtet Union. He has created a more cap1tahsuc working SOClfly com- pared to before wbtch was purely SOClahst, along wtlh aims 10 bbtralize the cQdntry. Furthermore. he has allowed dissi- dC'nts IO visit the Soviet Union and freed pohtical pnsonttS. The prcst~nt of the SoVICC UaioD has also loo~ncd the n~ arouad tht' ~hgious frudoms of the Soviet ett1zens. He has recently created tt.e first rabbinical school. We should sllll be cautious upon de.aim& with the So"iet Union and Gorbachev. however pos1f1ve measures such as the~ should not be ignored. DA. VIO BIRNBAUM CdM Joumahsm Dept. ~ T 00A1· IN H1srow ·, -- - Toda) 1s Thur5da)'. Dec. l. r.bc ; 33otb da} ol 1988. There arc 30.days ------1en 10 the }ear. Leg1~ a ors ~a low in.trivia ra~C11it.:ir~~~:~~:;..:.~~ gt\( up her scat on a Montaomtl)'. while initiatiVeS'increase ::;l~ii'E~~~~fui~ ---.---' Once-efficient California tegislature becoming paralyzed by inillectiveness DAN WALTERS SACRAMENTO -The 1987-88 biennial session of the California legislature was a poor one. The hst of serious policy issues that were not addressed is a lengthy one: that of major tasks accomplished is bnef almost to the point of inv1s1b1h· ty. Testimony to that fact was found on the June and November ballots m dozens of 1nit1at1ve propositions that faced voters. Virtually.all of those initi11ives - especially the five auto-insurance- related mcnsures -represented the frustration of outside inter'C$t groups that have been convinced that the lqislativc system dOC$1'.l work. LC&islators complain about the spate oriniuat1 ves, but they have mostly thcmliClves to blame. OM could speculate endles.sly wh~ the California lcg1s1lturc. once foutcd as bean& tht' most productive in the land. has become panalyz~. Whatever combination of causes. the LeJislaturc's chronic inability to do its JOb 1s a fact, despite efTons of leaislat1vc leaders to deny It for public ronsumpuon. Ptrvcncly. proof of the lqtS- laturc's poor performance is 10 be found 1n 1he hu~numberofbtff! 1hat ii 11Cnl to Oo\. George OcukmtJ1a6's dnk dunna the t'Ao-~r qs«>n. a la~ pcrttntaac of whteh spewed fonh 1n the final hc<'11c houn.. The tint }tar of the lftSJOft saw I. 736 balls mo"e 1hrouah the \.41s- 1lturc. while the second year produccd another 2.0 17. DeukmC,J•an, who·s nt\"ef bttn heal&ant to utt his \cto. re#Wd 232 of' the 1981 bdlt and 370 ohhe IC)U men ·ra. °' nearly a sit.th of the toW. . . ,. Leafing through the • lists 01 measures from the governor's ollicc. both those he signed and those he vetoed. one is impressed by the hecr banaht)' of the product. Very. very few of them deall w11h • matters of true substance. issues that for stale lcg1sla1ors to re-e\;im1nc will ha"e some impact. eHn t~1r pracu~ of pas 1ng thous:mds of nept1vel). on the h~cs of 28 m1lhon bill carh session. e pcc1:.tll) "hen a Cahforn1ans. Most fell into the rou-high percentage of them are passed 1n tine hou5'Ckeep1ng \&nety. correcting the closing da) of bu ine heforc some past errors or malong some ad.l!'umment each }car.'' minor change m la" rcq~tCd by a Thl!fe are recurrent ctlons to state agenc. or local governmen t. impost> a bill llm1ta1100 ,on the Man) were sclf·St."tVlng bills that · Leg1sla1 ure. to gl\ c each member n stroked pan1cular const1turnt groups · thC'd numher ol mca urc he or she by authors who It.new they ...,ouldn't can car~ 1n each ~"SS1on. Thi." latest. survi~e Oe~mCJian·s scrutiny. Or sponsored b .\sstmbl)'mnn , tan they ~ere blatant favors fo r special-Sta1ham and state Sen. Gai; Han.. interest pleaders. surfaced Tut>sday. In total. the bills s1mpl) didn't .\ hm1t m1&ht help a bit. but 1\°s amount to much fora Lcg1Slaturc that rs..'ient1all} a 8and-.\1d that ignores has thousands of e\pen emplO)'ttS the dteper malaise-atll1ct1n& the and spends nearl) $200 m1lhon a year California LC'g1 latu~. a problem that on its own operations -a figure that delies t>a.,, l:'orrect1on has nscn dramat1calh in rcccnt years. It ma) be 1ha1)ht1ncrcd1blc soc.al They demonstrated thl" Cap1101' and'~onom1c d1,rrs1ty that 1s mod· esscnhal pctunts ~rn Cahforn1a malt's 1t ncarl 1m- Dcukmejian. tired af\cr dcahn.1 ~1ble for an) lcg1slall' r forum to wuh hundreds of last-second function v.cll. ben with tht' lof\eest of measures... said as much in a Post· moth es and the most encrtetlC' session radio address. dforts. ma~1na pohc) for 2 .minion Not"'' that the Califomt.a l..Cais-Cahfomians is a d1fit"uh bus!n«S: letutt had passed more 1han .l. 100 ln that sense. Cahfomia s lq1S6 btlls dunna a pcnod '" •tuch Con-lature represent the ulumate tol of pas enacted just 2. 700. DcukmeJt•n tht' -'mt"ncan \) tcm of IO"tmancc Uktd rhctori(all)~ that wa C1'ta\cd lor an homotenou aaranan soc1ct) · ··~ Cahfonua rcall ) need J.700 Unfonunatt'h. howe"er we don•t new laws., Only the most JJUMOftllc ha'e lotl) mothn and c:·nt'f'SY· we advocate 'Of bi& IQvefnmt'ftl would have a Lrt1slaltltt th•fs domt"'Md an~ yes. In fict, l moed hundm:ls . by the pros and the hustkn and ofthaRbtltsbtautc:ldon.tbd~11 whotc tnna•a arc C'Oftlllmcid b) IS witf Of n«C$Sat)' fbrto''CftlfMIMIO 1~wcr It~ th0ed0'¥ftt t~~ I~ fQCh lftlO C\CfY upecl of of tftttft'lb. lilMt tOlftfoic.*tl. our li"Va. ....,. It • •>•~hr• And M eddcd: "I bchcve 1t tt ttmt c rr 'at ,. ta~ requanng blacks to sit 10 the back ot bu~s "as c'entually struck down b~ tht' upreme Coun. ()n 1h1s date. In 1824. the pres1denhal el~ uon -...a\ turned O\er to the House of Reprcsent411'~ when a deadlock de' eloped between John Quincy Adams. '\ndrew Jackson. William H. Crawford and Henry Clay. Adams t.a C\Cntuall} declared the winner. .In 1934,Joscf taltn'scollaborator. Serge• M K1ro". was assassinated at the ~ningrad party headquancrs. H1sdealh kd to a mass1"e purgeofthc "1c1 Communist Pany. In 1965. an airlift of refugees from uba tQ the nitcd States bftan. In t 97 Pre~1dcnt ~rt_la lL Ford arnvcd 1n 8e1Jmg to discus with Chinese officials d11Tercnccs over Washington's poltc) of detente with \he Soviet Union. tn 1981. I 0 people ~ere killed 'lo\ hen a chanercd \ ugoslav DC·9 Jetliner slammed into a mounuun wh1leap9roach1n1.\JaCC10 1rport 1n Corsica Ten }ea ·aeo: Prestdent Jtmmy Cartcr4norc than doubled the sue ot the nauona1 park system • he 1n'olt~ his ue<:ull~r, a11thonty IO Pf'Olttl 56 m1lhon IC1"C5 of AlllU wdd11nds 1n an actM>ft .,,...., by env1ron"'C'llt.ahsts. ~ year ~ NASA aaMIUM!lll that four compan~ -aoaaa fv:IO. space. McDonntll Do.,1a1 AJtronav4tC . °'"neral llecUic•t ~1tro-Space Dtv11io• a•d Rockttd"nt Dtv1SK>n of 1loctwell lntttnatlonal -Md bee1' •-did rontracts to help bwkt a ll*C ...._ Todaj:s birthdays: Acb• lillllf Mar> Manin is 7'. Fol•r OA DuMOf Slat"fldd if.,_ ii 65 . ~(tor-com~&aa-du"CCW Woody Allnt 11 Sl St. L0a bWll ii 51 Golfer I.ft Trnmo •*'·Cl r 111 actol' Ricblrd ·""' II ~ I ~-.... Olarte• Tilloa ii. a,n.Allr '7 I I . . .. · .... ..Id~as fo~the 10()'s of G:~ season. · -._ ·~ Bo1.:.ua" ....... .-..-eca ' JU ~ J ~ '° u•r..-..-c:ll . ,.. . I actwe~ .. d ~...ny laaue yo I ~y O _......, __ ..._ 1uHlCl•n' no\ aw•"-· • ~Y to h•11e • wen\ an \\9"' ~· r Qrea\er ,._... ....._ n's oUf ' .setn•ncl· In"::: ltetn ol equ o . • Aska sales counselor tor details. .. con•u_. • cotnP*f• or otter you . · Sharp VHS VCR with Wlrel"a Remote Programming --~-----· - f l SHA • ~~·---· ~-Q •. 27-funchon wireless remote control ! lull au10 play • simple rec.ord1ng timer • 14·.day/4-event hmer w1lh daily/weekly repeat -e-i-i khannel v.ollage $Ynt9esiier- tuner .. VCAl..U • $2,SO·O Express Credit Available -seeours••••Counse1or1Foroe1a111 • .... Cllwolll Olr ---. CONYENll!NT HOLIDAY HOURS: MON. • ,,... IA TUM)A Y IUNOA Y 11All • 1•M 11All • IPM 11All • JPll . . 30 Dey Retum OuerenlM ... C1rcu11 City w\11 gladly 91ve you 1 full relund, w1th1n 30d1ys of your purch1se, 1f you are not sattslled for 1ny reason We Hk that you returr') the mercha'}d1se 1n new cond111on with your sales receipt.. carton and accessories. Circuit City Low Price Ouatan ...... II, within 30 days of your purchaM at Circuit City, you ftl)d the aame Item for lesa at any localstore, lncluchno ours. we'" refund the dillerence -pl111 1~ o l lhe d1llerence. ThtS oftet elcluct.s the Ctrc:uit Ctty Outtet Store. OYER 100 LOCATIONS IN 12 ITATll PrlcM l!n.ctM """' .......,, Dec•mlMr S. 1MI BAKERSFIELD 4230 Callforn11 Ave. (805) 327·1977 INLAND EMPIRE Rl""6de 102H M•9noll1 Ave (714) 819-2000 lanhmar4111not11 S "E" SCreel(714)815-55'5 LOS ANGELES AREA Ce""'°" 120 l . Compton Blvd. (213) 803-1700 Hulfau• 4400 Sunl9t Blvd (213) IU-to33 uc1 ........... 113es u Ctene0a 11. (213J HCM700 Llll1wa• 4990 'ecutty (11,, .. 2981 ...,.11•1•1 ~1 v .. c:.mpo (213) 111-0000 NOW OPIN IN NORWALKI 11758 Fir•tone Blvd. ,, ... ,_ P•••e• 39 N. RoMmead (118) 796-4444 van Nuys 13830Vlctory Bl. (818) 712·3355 Tonwe 18020 H•wthOfne 81. (2l3) 370-3333 Woa.a.M ... 21470 Victory Bl. (11 ..... 1212 w. Lot Afttele93t15 S.pulved• (213) 391 -3144 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ORANGE COUNTY lueM 'aflll 200 N. Beach Blvd. (714) 220-9000 Hu•ln ..... 9"ctt n77 Edtnger Ave. (114)115-... ut-e .... 23541 CaJI• De La Loulu (714) __ 1., Or-.e 1407 Chipman (714) 134-1313 ..... AM 1445 S. Brl1tol -2 mil• north of So. c..,... (114) 141-tlOO . SAN PIRNANDO VALLIY .......... 170l10ewonlftif9 (11 .. W-5:'44 llonlclelr 5150 Plaz1 Ln. (714) 825·H65 .... CowlM 339 N. AzuN Ave. (818) M&-8315 SANTA BARBARA 3711 Ste .. St. (806) se.<>300 OUTLET CENTER 5555 E. Olympic lhd .. City of Commerce (213) 72+«111 ... .._ ............... ........ ........ c.... . '· • • I . -,- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1988 .... Stopping Brown Bar.oils' concern servtterunnln back keytoFrl ay'soutcome Friday.'• ClF fdotbaJJ matcbups, odds G DIVISION I · Brown, however. has not been complete!) unstoppable. Despite the a~ esome numbersJle has racked up. Long Beach Jordan held him to 16 )ards !n ~ 9-8 non-league loss this )ear, ame ..,. Sile fountain· Valley (I ~2) vs. Servite (I 0-2) Santa Ana Bowl Odds • Serv1tc s same cs t>M1call) an olT-1.ackle offense w11h sweeps and mouon out of an I but Jrrry Person's Friars '>'111 5pht their back's as well. BJ ROGER CARLSON ............... DIVISION VI Pacifica ( 1~1 -1) vs. Corona del Mar (10--0-2) Oranac Coast Cq"~ CdM b) 3 rv11c by 6 Derek Brown. . DIVISION VIII Woodbridge (11-1) vs. Aaoura (8-3-1) .i\aoura High · "Pnmanl> it's~ run-oriented team." said Milner. . There was a time when Derek Brown was 1_ust another freshman at La Habra Hap School. But that was before he picked up a football. And there was a time whtn Derek Brown wascon- sickred a n up-and-comina so~morc at Ser\lite Hi&h. p ining 32 yal'ds on JO car· ries in a 14-10 victory over Fountain Valley. . A year ago h<: was more · . · than just a nother .back. rushing for 139 yards on 20 carries. scoring on a SI-yard run and a 40- yard reception as Scrvitc put Fountain Valley away.17-10. L .ttk Brown, at 5-foot-IL J80 pounds has ~sheer for 2.118 yardS; 108 behind Bell'~ all-ume Orange County mark. and in the· process such heralded names as Russell White of Crespi have been subjttted to backyard status. • Brown scored fi ve touchdowns in just his lasqwo "games, and rs obviously the key to Servile ~!gh's role. as the favorite in Friday's Cl F 01v1s1on I scm1tinalsgamc with the Barons at the Santa Ana Bowl. In leading Servile to a I 0-2 rccol'd he has scored. 27 touchdowns runniJ'la and three with receptions -30 touchdowns this year. Woodbridge b) 7 back "'e've faced and he haVhad the most productive ~son ofan) back in the CIF. .. He's a strong. inside physical runner, and he ~as the quickness to accelerate and go outside as well." , Brown's touchdowns come from eve!) angk. whctllcr from the mtcnor or outside. off passes out of the backfield. and on punt and kickoff returns. · In a nutshell. he's a 1ouchdown threat every time he touches the ball. _ _ "But along with Brown. the quanerback. Chns Johnson. concerns me greatlv He lhro~s the ~I ver) well and 1s a delinne threat spnn11rig out and scrambling. ·. "I have ,not seen one sack 1n all the film "e:' e seen. He's as dan~erous as Derck Bro"' n inlus o .... n wa)'," · If that isn't enough to make the Barons dose up shop and watt'h ~ basketball game '°.stead. the) nave a Sen 1te defense to contend "'ilh ~ h1ch commands a s.1m1lar respect. "" 1thou1 quest ion 11s the best defenSt' ""e·,e pla)ed this year:· said Miiner. whose own team has shown.some pretty standout pla) _in po ung back-to-bac~ shutouts in Cl F at't1on . Now he's a senior and within striking distance of Kerwin Bell's sfo&le seasori yardage mark of ,2.226 yards set in I ~79 for Edison. . "Obviously in a year's time he :"has 1~provc,d greatly," said Fountain Valley Coach Mike Milner ... Without quet1ion he's the best ··He catches the ball out of thl backfield. has speed. never. C\Cr t.akes a blo". and p{a}s . hard C'-ef) single do\\n:· continued Milner "He's probabl) the most competit1\C go\ "'e·, e played against in the last scven-,ears. '.\nd he · sounds like a &!ca\ kid.~ team plil}er:· ··Thc\'re 'Cry ph}s1cal," continued M1lntr. "fhc linebacker (Garrett Gredd\ at 6- (Pleue eee STOPPING/B2) B1LL llWCAll COLLEGE BASKETBALL .·Defense ~J?TiOTity lorUCl TiMETOADJUST: Athletes in-- Action scored 133 pointsapinst us, the Czechoslovakian national team .. 1ot 119 and ~raia State scored I 09 last Friday maht. At this point. wt havc ded ded tha1 we do not tiavecnou&h quickness to play that way(notonlydon't we have enough quickness, but we have be- come very squeamish about setting an NCAA record for pointsallo"'cd in apme-1 do not want that record) .• lfwe had defeated Georgia State last Friday with a crowd of about 2.SOO in ancndaace. I feel that we wouJd have had mort' than 4,000for the championshippmc againsl Maryland in tt'* Freedom ltowl . ClasSic. lnstcad. a small crowd wa1ch- cd Gcoraia State play Maryland in the final. What I am really saying is that I am always crying about the lack of interest and then when it is there. ~c did not come through. I cannot blame an)'one except (Pleuceee DSFENSE/83) Jeff Herdman of UCI bu hlf abot bJocked by San f'rancleco'a Jeff Chrt•tlan while ..... ....... _ .... ._ clrtrina to the buket darlq first ball. USF'• "'9bawn Syka (22) Joou on. Foul .~ti~ing ·for Anteaters Shooting, ~ef ense CT>Stly1n 82-:S O loss to San F ra n cisco By JON FERGUSON °' ....... ,... .... The lead '>'as never more than sever:ifore1thersidcand itcamedo"'n ~ the fin.aJ lCCOJld.s ~en UCI .'1idJl't come through. but Anteaters Cl>ach 1 8ill Mulligan pointed • to the larger picture as to wh) San Franc1SC'o rt'mained undefeated. lt was a lack of ability to defend the ball and poor shoot~ng 10 "'hkh Mulligan pointed. A lot of the credn for USF's 82·80 victor) ll the Bren Events Center has to go to guard Kevtn Mouton. who did mut'h more than JUSt sink t""o frtt thro"s "'llh seven seconds lo pla). .. I didn't think ""c los\ 11 at the end," Mulligan said. ··The first half. our thrtt best pla)ers don't shoot ~ell<-' for 16). When ""c don ·t shoot \I.Cit. we don't pit) welt It's a tough game to ~ Thein~-a aood-leam and didn't have their best pla)er."• • Without 6-foo t-8 Mad, McCathnon ..... ho a' eragcd ~O point~ a garm-an leading the Dons to a .... eekend tournament \. ICton.. th( Dons gol sohd perfo rmances from Joel CkBonoh ( 17 point\. IO re- bounds) an<!, p61n1 guard Mouton <n points, 8 for I 0 from the field. 6 for 6 from the ltne. 8 assists). "-h1k (Jg 1mpro~from40-to SO - percent on field goal shooting in the second half. MulHgan is hard-pressed to put his finger on Wh} a talanted group of shooter$ 1s shooung 44 percent through three gamev. ._ "We JUSl don't shoot well in games." Mulligan sa1d ... 'Wc have b1~- 11me shooters thatJUSt miss shots. Id use (Justtn} 4.ndc™>n more 1f 1t "eren't for defense. We probably should have pla)ed him mor~.'"' The t\\O pla)crs ~ho put UCI 1n pos1tton to '>'1n the game .... -ere tbc most appartnt 1n defeat. Freshman Brian.McClor.kcy, who scQre~ 1.i points o n 6 of 9 shooting ·and grabbed fi\e rebounds. missed the fron1 end of a one-and-one frcc- throw s1tuat1on after taking his sec- o nd charge of the game from Mouto n \\llh 24 seconds left and the scoreued at 0. A.fter a USF timeout w1ih 11 second left. the Dons mbo~~ to Mouton. '>'ho dro'e nght ;tround the pen meter and "'as fouled b)' a flaihnj Rod Palmer ""Ith -'C'en S«onds to .,pla). Aftt.c Mouton hit bothJJO'~ ~~1ke Labat m1.,.Sed a dn•ing~footcr and Palmer -misfired on a thrtt- point('r !11 the buucr. Wits the toul 'tll-adqsed~ ··veah.'" Mulhg.an s<nd. "The way he defended the '>'hole night. (Mouton) ""ouldn't ha\(' had a hard lime an)"'a>-h was ~ · ' (Pleue eee UCl/llSJ · : AJ CdM,. f0otb8Il'takes centeJ;" stage this week ea Kin s uef P'aCffi ca Friday in CIF s emifinals By ROGER CARLSON or._..., .... .._.. ~ " . Something funny is going on at Corona del Mar High School. for the first lime since the school opened its doors in ~ September of 1963, they --Lt!f .l..-aren't playing a basketball .., p me on the first Friday night of December. Instead. they've moved it up to toni&ht (Capistrano Valley is at Corona at 7). The rt'ason is simple: - ·champions entertain Garden Grove League kingpin Pacifica Friday night ·at Orange Coast College in the CIF Division VI football semifinals. The prize is a benh in the championship finals against either-defending champion Valencia ti 1 -~I ) or Fullenon (7-4-1) a week later at a site to be determined. For Holland and his Sea Kings. 1t 1s a milestone which has nc~cf' before been ac- complished. The Sea Kings. still u n~aten at 10-0-2. have put"' hatbaQ been Corona del ~Jar's best· ever teams firmly to the background. The units of 1971 (:'-3). 1976 (7-3). 1980 • (7-4), 1981 {7-3-1 ) and '83 (8-3) arc now just part of the buildup. · "f wanted to get past the first round of 1he playoffs." recalled Hc;>lland. ··That was 1mpQrt- ant. Then 11 '>'aS f.Ctllng to the·scm11inals and staying unbeaten. · Both have been accomplished and Hollagd agrees th1 15~Corona'.s best-c' er t~m. br far. ".\bsoluteh.'' he said."\) e''c got a lot of tools and \\Capons.- Those tools bt-gin w11h s1\ lirs1 tl'am .\Il- a View League scTecllons. kd b~ hncoocker- running back John Kato' s1ch .\II-league credentials. ho,,l', er. aren't reall" the topic of the da} at Corona Jc! \.lar. ii"s Pacifica High and 11s ~tanner ·the same club w1'1ch sent a supcnot' 1'.lc"pon Harbor team to the s1dehnl's a fc:lt Jgo in 1hc ~ond round. 01d.erson recorded four quanerb:id. , sacks and 12 unassisted fackles as Pacifica handled ddlcback 1n the second round. '2 .Q. the same Saddleback eleven ~ h1ch fought Corona del Mar to a scoreless lie 1n Sea Vie"' l}la~ Dt~kerson dominated the game from sideline to s1dehne for .is minute and "'a ne\ er blod.ed for long. ··The) j ll!t couldn't blocl him:· s:ud Holland of addleback's d1lem;Ja. "He's an inside do" n gu) and real <tu1d<. If ~ r,et knocl.l'd do"' n he gets back up. He d()(' n't Sta\ blocl_s;O and 1nat"'5 a real concern If ~e don .. 1 control that gll) notti1ng else 1s going to ...,orl' · Holland rates .\nderson as an adequate pa~r. one \\oho does " hat's needed \o be done "He i~t the b3ll 10 the recc1' er.:· said Holland "The 11gh1 l'nd (Prcnttss) had about lh egu\s1l11 him. but he JUSt bounces off... · The Sea Kings arc playina l!tLlliU!ll1!IW -football in December. Basketball must adjust its"~hcdule. Coach Dave Holland's Sea View League First to ever gain more than cig!lt 1ctoncs. the Sea KinJS<arc e)emg their 11th wm-and the trip to the finals after two \Cl)' impressive CIF pl a yo IT"' 1clories. Tro) was a 44-0 '1clln1 and Anaheim was bounced. 28-8. last wed.. ' 8111 (ra\en's Garden Gro-.c League champs have SC\eral wa,:ys to bl'a1 ~ou. bui,1ne most common denominator 1s 1hc pa~1ng combination of quarterbad. Bobb' \ndcrson and light end Keven Pren11 . and J dcfl'n "e guard named Mike Dickerson. Holland admitted 11 ~a a conC'Cm to ~"\' Pa 1lila core ~ on ddleback. but added (Pleaee eee Cdll/82) Dave Holland ~ WOodbrldge hOplng ~:for history to repeat • . ~ura awaits a~ Warrtors_gun for · berth In CIF ffna s I J ROGER CARLSON °' .. ..., ....... Woodbridge High's Warriors have been down this road before. and they're hopina history will repeat itsdf, 1n the same manner as have stvcral other variables this football 1t1son. Remember what happtned 12 months qo? The oncc-bea1en War- rion waen't the Pllcjftc: Coast Laaue'1 No. I entry as they traveled nonn to mttt No. I stcdcd AtalC'Mtero. but a superior Wooct. bridle 1am destroyed the AtaK'ldero ft\ytrl with a 4()..() lashtn&. Even today, ot.rvers in t~ AtaKadcro arta chuckle about that one. Aside from Aaa~ro fans. others who have bttn '·ictimim:I for ~n by A'81C9dcro. lovcJ ll. Friday niltn. another once-btatcn Wllrion ceven 10C$ nonh. 1t1ll witMul No. I tmlCntaals. 11 tht C'lt) • Gt~ 1waitt dw CIF Oivnion VIII tt"'ttinal c:lalh. A ~· by any m1rsin will ttnd the Wamors into the Cl F cham- p1onsh1p linals again where the) would hope to make it two straight Cl F crowns. • Quarterback Fred Schweer "as at the controls then, and he's at the controls now for Woodbridge. which has now racked up 22 victories in 24 starts over the past two seasons. There are also some contrasts in this one. It's Rick Gibson's first )'tar in the dnvcrrs seat. taking Gene Noji's pl11cc for a >'ear. Agoura. meanwhile. lS ~ by veteran Frank Grcminttr. who 1s 1n t\Js 19th year ~t the ChafJCrs' helm. He coaches a basic opuon pme out Rick GlbeoD . of the veer and 11 has .,.-odUttd <me Clf champ1onsh1p and two runner-man) points," up.~n15hcs. Gibson, mean" h1le. said h15 prob- Asked 1f he had ~n w~ le'!!s arc l"<rfold. . and if the Warnors rcmindtd him of !:1rst. thcrc!sthe bas1c-s: anyone in pa1 tlC'ular. the Aaoura . "o~~ I\ a ~ea~ ""'h1ch i a 1"4 li~c c01Chsatd,"l'vcsccnthemtnpcrson ~s .d~kn ''4:1)', said' Gibson and 1n film last )'Car and this year Th~> rt' not super b11 me·""•SC but • · real ~1.11ck and hustle to the ~II "\'c:ah. the> do rt'm1nd me or •'The) ha'e some \Cf'\ ~ ath· ~!!'cone. Wyom1n.. lcttson that sid\• olthc hell.1ndud1n1 Wutt a lo' of ~i<k open offcnsts.. tht hncbad.\lr (6-foo,·1. 2 I ().pound but not lht varictl__ of runs that wn1or Carnck O'Qu1nn). Wood~ shoW1. nty11vc 1nm' "Hc'sa lol like M1kt 'Yurko,ich 1n a kll of dck'n\lv• problem• •tllt so the --~ ht rum the bill and aattLk't man~ mutl1~ tcta. motlOll. runn1na and he t ~'One ~ hl\t to deal and throw1n1 out of C'Ycr)' ont of with." • 1hott1t1s Thai· '~h),t~Pfod~so ,...._ ... wAaa~,.-) From sandlot t<i the pro ranks Not 10 11g a fter playing forG\V.C. Loma became-starter with Jets rcpj<tCl'd hmi -and John t.::lhott "-hO !'llll\('d t'n the qmc hll,f mot of his career. although\ ~rhn At~'> and Gem Philbin probabl~ ranl. ahead ot hem pl:i' mg moch of tht'.1r ~:arecr bcto rt SJ\ I..~ \\('rc m.,,rdcd J'i an official SlJtlSllC in I% . By JON FERGl O'i "lot bad for an e1gh1h-mund r11d .. ou1 of onhern °'..,.o..tr,.•U••" .\nTona L n1\.Cl'Sll\. Mar~ Loma" J1Jn'1 thin'\: abou! plJ~ mg proli.' c;10MI .. If bc1ni1n the nght pl3C\' at 1ht> nght time .. Loma football un11l 1t h;ippcned ~ , said "There·, '>O mam p.u\\ lhat p.c1drafted1n the l"l8hth His 1$ no talc ol N\hood drcamc; The onl\ IOOtball round that arc t'apabll: ot plJ\ 1ng Ru t there·~ nowhere for he pb)C'd before h1\ Sl'ruor \car at ard<'n Gro\e High tncm to pta~.. • _., was sandlot ~1th tril·n~s fo1 ihc fun of 11, Loma .... a in Jd., ~amp \l.llh 1hc fi rst pla~n· \\-hen he \\l'nt out tor 1he \3r5•t> football team 1n stn~e on.· \ht' \Ctcran<> h3\tng "all.t.'<i out and onh 1965. ht' "as pcnc1kd in b) his coach at ccn,e,r. TNt roolt.cs.JrecqcnLundakw tn c-bC'\'3'crsworti.1naout didn't ~orl anJ hi! mo'oo to defense. ~here he spent as full tra1n1ngcampbt'gan on Jul~ 1~ 1cno. He•'alchcd most ot his time ''a11ing for 1he team to get ahead for a others fade. IC\ cut and quit chan c to pla\ ''The name of th(' gJmc 1!> the mon-th1np you e1n His first· stan tamt> "1th an up tan program at do." Lomas sa1J. "I pla~oo llU RuJil) R)an. ttc .ed. 'If •Olden \\-c t 1n I %tl 3 a JcfeMh e lincma.o Tl'tc nc't }OU "ant to he around ht'rt' au~s. in the more thn• you season he ~tarted .it orTcn 1\e tal..'~le Th1\ "as no clear can do It )OU and I arc CQUAI. and I can ttwrid lht path. proJcctorand ~ou"·an't. 'ou·resonc lotofty)taa• .. )' \'tt ft,_~ )cernfi~ hi' Ii t pla"~ orpntled IOot~ll. .allt.b6!dcfcmnc hnc po llJQM Ir .)OU •acu to be around. he found h1 mwlf ~tarting .it J cfcn\L\C end fort~ New }Ou h•'-<' to ·" 'ork Jct Did tk stnkc haH' an ctfC'\-t' Hard "Of~ Man' put 1n their hart' But ho""' man) ""It mllht haH helped me I thin~ \On)( SUY'QUtt tMt pla)crs v.cat out I 0 ·~c3t'\ m mOI\' of Pr'l<'ll~ throuah ml&h' not Ni'c quit ~' t~ cGa(~ 101 :\ hulc lltOft of• a~ntt and f\C\cr set Jrtfi4.'d. or act ptd.~ b\· the loo\ at me. I aot mort r.tm 11mc •· • pros but nt"Wtt make 11 thrnuah cJmp Thtn. his btJINt bn-ak camc. 1 bid one tbr M>mcoftt ~na ~ d<lnn't hun. and Lomas •a a 6-foot·'· tlSt". Ptulbin su&rcd a ~~n<nd•'W """'> "' IM fitia 200-eo-ndcr 1n h1ah ·hoot. c•h1bitt0n pint. . Talcnttd., tk "as ~ned enou,h to start for fhe ··wed» IC-" Ewbank) dtd1f1 wa"' \G ~ • tc'bOft\ and ~ the Jets 1n wb th~"C of tho\t. a k' mOft() .-l..Olftaluid. ··~) _•ctt ~:\~--~OOOa dtfmtt wtndt •11 oM o( the tint 111 footbell wt.tn he ~ Ind Pl~ Mt SU.OW TM UI iiOlii Ml lie -brokt 1n. • pla). and he IOol' hkt a p1us Aw .... ,..•· h Ill Ht stanch fou.nh on the t~f\'l'I all-time YCk Iii' worked out:· behind Mark Guhncau. JOt' Klttko -the man whO CPIH• -~ ~ ... " Or.nge COMI DAILY PILOT/ TltUrldey. OecWnbet 1, 1911" .. ..I , ... • ~If it' S December, it Inllst be tourname:ht tilli Areaschoo sprepartngfor ~ startofbas et all, soccer - niment. The only th11JP the schcduks 11rtt Oft •~ the dates, wtuch is Dec. 27-30. • varsity toumeyJ 11 the ~s 1l1em.ie cv«,y year. ------ 1 By $1' AN GRANCH ... .. o.llJ,.... C:.t I d 1 I -.. II is really the Marina/Edison Tournament." admitted Edison Coach Randy Williams. ··Mike Thornton (Marina's coach) and Dan White (Edison's old coach) put th1uhing totethcra fowycarsaaoand it has become on<> of the major high profile 1oumamen1s in the County ever Stnce... • Girts soet'Cr 1C11on also stans with the bcsirinina or pt.-cem~r. One of the laf'IHt tourntys in On nae County 1s the Irvine High Tournament. It bcsins on S.turday and runs 1hrou&h Occ. 10. 1., af1. "4 teams arc !n the. toumamcnt with 17 from Orange ( ounty. The Irvine High Tournament is unique because i' .1s only ~IF sanctioned tournament for both boys and}irls vars1tr squads. Only 23 sh'oppir\g days before Christmas which means that girls basketball action sets underway ~t many This.year all of the Sunset League schools are in the tournament. whkh has not always been the C'ase. of the area hi&h schools today. • • Most oftll~ teams will play in at least one tournament this year and one of the bigest in the Orante Coast area is the Marina/Edison Tournament on December 27-30. Or 1s it the Edison/Marina Tournament? "This year we added Ocean View because we ihought it would UJ>lradc the tournament. which is wh1it we II')' 10 do every'year,'' said Williams. "I hope we don't have 10 play one oL\hc teams from our .league. but if we do it means we advanced a long ways." • Each school wit play a minimum of two pmts with all the games bein1· held at Irvine Hiah. The cham· pionship game i~ for 7 p,m. on Dec. 10. Among the area schools in the tournament are L.aauna ~ach w~ich op_cns t~ tournament 5aturday at 9 a.m. against Tus.11n; Un1vers1ty battles Woodbridac at 11 : ,You see on Marina's schedule. it's called the Marina/Edi~n Tournament. but on the Chargers' scheduk. ii'~ refttred to a• the-Edison/Marina Tour- The tournament is ror both varsity and junior varsity girls. This year. Edison will.host the varsity portion. while Marina will host the JV. N"ext year. Marina will have the Corona dcl Mar takes on El Toro at 3 p.m .. and Westminster faces Irvine at 5. ~ Sanders' Heis1nan ve>te split between AikDlan and Peete From The Assoc;la&ed Press STILLWATER. Okla. -Barry Sand· ers got the first part of his wish. He will be in Japan when the winner of the Hei-sman Trophy is announced. The second part is not likely to be as easy. ·Td like to 5tt Troy (UCLA quarterback Troy Aikman) or (USC quanerback Rodney) Pee·te get it," Sanders said. Nevertheless, the tailback is expected to become the eighth junior winner in tlte H.eisman's 54-,ear history when tesults of voting by 870 members o the media and former Heisman wmners are announced IN THE BLEACHERS ~ -·---... 11~ .. __............. r Saturday. . _::-• Before Oklahoma Sune left for Japan. Sanders explained why he would rather not win the Heisman. .. 1 j ust.don) wanLtoJiealwilb jt~lt's_nouhat I'm scared 10. because if I ~ot it. I'd apprttiate it and rd handle 1t as best as possible. • .. But it kind of puts a lot of pressure on one guy. If I got it, I'd feel privileged and e erything. bot it really wouldn ·1 mean much to me right now because as young as I am (he turned 20 in July) 1 still have a lon&ways to go ... The Heisman Committee invited i ve of the Dodgers interested ln II array nation's top players to attend the nationally televised announcement -Sand«~rs. Aikman, Peete and quar-Los An.geles Dodaers executive li:M • tecbacks S~e~e ~alsh of M1a!l1i..£fla) an~ Major Harris Claire co:nfirmed Wednesday that he has of West V1rgin1a. Wal~h can't qiake 11. either. He has a talked wath the Orioles about Baltimore · game against Brigham Young on Saturday night. · . first baseman E4dle Miirny, but 5aid through a s~kcsman that he is just "explorin1 . possibilities.' It was reponed earlier that Claire. the QUOte Of the day DodJCrs' CXCC~tive yicc P".C'ident. a.nd Other tea~ officials had met with Orioles officials stc!CllY in Chicago Tuesday night . . . Two former Dodgers Wiilie Nelson, the country singer who · is among the handful of Americans who own their own golf cour.ses. on his Pedernales layout in Sp1cewood. Tex .. where ~he s11 le is laid .back: .. Par 1s whatever you fed ftke:-Lrkc-the-ethcr day. ·the first .hole was playing to a par of 47. and I birdied that sucker." pitchers rejoin~ the organization Wednesday as Cla• Osttt11 was named a minor league pitching coach and Camilo PascGJ was hired as a scout, the ~earn announced . . . The Kansas City Royals announced Wednesday they have signed 16-year veteran catcher Bob BOOM to a one-year contract. ~ne hit a career~high .29S for 1bc Anarls last year ... Wide receiver Mart 0.,.'1 season with the Miami Dolphins ended Wednesday when he and liatJe-used Vanderbilt upsets Louisville defensive back Vtet.rk9nofthe Dlllft-c-owf>oysWere . su~nded for violating the NFl!rsubstanc:e 1butt Vanderbilt guard Barry Golteea sank a m-:pohcy. The 30-day suspensions broupt to 24 lhe 45-foot desperation shot at the buzzer umber of players suspehdcd forthat reason this season Wednesday night to lift the Commodores ... The NFL suspended 1';1~rt Br.'"! of Miami for one to a 65·62 upset of No. 13 Louisville in pme Wednesday as add1t1onal pumshrnent for a late college basket~.11. With the score 62-62 and only three hit. Brown was C)ected ~~last Sunday's pme again.st seconds remaining. Goheen took the in-bounds pass. the New York Jets after hitting quarter~ck Pat ftyu in quickly dribbled panmidcourt and launched the game-the head ... Boris Becker used a boommgscrve to upset ~inne~just ahead of the fjnal horn ... 'In other action top-seeded M.ats WIJuder, 7-6 (9-7~ .. 6-7 ( 1-7). 6-.1. • involving top 20 teams, Alaa Abdelaaby extended his Wednesday r111ht at the Masters ten!"1s tournament 'In field goal shooting streak to 19 straight baskets. scoring New York. In other matches. third-seeded ~re 18 points and leading top-ranked Duke 10 a 95-46 A1a11l beat No. 7 Tim Mayotte, 6-2. 6-4, and e1ghth- victory over East Carolina ... Harvey Mason scored 20 seCed Hearl Leconte upset No. 5 Stefan EAers, 6-4. 'points. 12 on three-point shots. as No. 11 Arizona 6-2. · avenged one of its three losses last season by ~ overpowering New Mexico. 80-67, In its season-opener r--"'"""'!'"---------------....:. ... Does West scored 21 points and Keay WU ... led a Television radio second-half Villanova surge that carried the 18th-TELEVISION ranked Wildcats to a 70-60 victory over St. Francis. Pa. S:lO P.m. -COL&..aGE FOOTaALL: Ai.1>ema at ... Dway•Davi1scorcdei&htofhis20J>9intsduringan Telle' A&M <r""'' at ~t), ESPN. 18-1 Sttond-halfrun and No. 19 Florida. down by 16 7:30 P.m. -"'o HOCKEY: Toronto at Klnvi. points in the early going. rallied past Siena. 7 1-67. Pr~P.~~~ ttORSe ltACIMG: HoltvWOO<I Park Penguins win fourth straight retMaY'. Chennel S6 (Prime Tld(et, 10'.JO P.m.>. 9 P.m. -COLLEGE BASKETBALL: LOYOia ~rvmount •t UC S.nt• e.rtMtra, ESPN. Rob Brown had two goals and two m 9 P.m. -BOXING: USA. ltADIO assists to help the Pittsburgh Penguins to • their fourth straiJht victory. 6-4, over the Washington Capitals Wednesday night in 4:30 p.m . -COLLEGe BASKETBALL: UCLA a t Miami, Fla.. KMPC (710). Pittsburgh. The Capitals only lost for the second time in the last nine games -both to Pittsburgh . , . Elsewhere in the N HL.P~I HoHley scorcd thegame-winninggoal and added an assist as Buffalo defeated visjting Quebec. 6-2. fQr the Sabres· third straight victory ... In Hanford. Bobby Smltll had two Joals. inclu<ling the go-ahead score 1n the second pcnod. to lead Monireal to a 6-3 victory over the Whalers ... Jn Edmonton. Jart K•rrl scored shorthanded to spark a three-goal second perr"od and then scored into an empty net to snuff a VancCluver comeback attempt. giving the Oilers a 4-2 win over the Canucks. 6:30 p,m . -COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Cal SI•!• Fullerton ., Utah, KMNY (1600). 7:30 p.m. -PRO HOCKEY: Toronto •I KillfilS, KL.AC (S70). • FRIDAY TELEVISION 10 •.m. -WOMEN'S SOCCU:' NCAA Olviilon I ctiamplonihlp (t..,_), ESPN. Noon -GOLF: KHnaHH Clauic seniors tour· nement first round from L•halna. Hawaii, ESPN. 2 o.m. -TENNIS: Tourrn1men1 from New York, ESPN. ' 2 P.m. -CIOLP: Tournement from L.aroo, Fi.. (detaved), USA. .. 'FloCflt plan,' strongly advised You arr JOing fishingfortheda).'. or maybe taking a friend for a ~Y sail. or maybe a cruise to Catalina Island or some other nearby port. Y cs. you will be back by dark. or will call when you set to your destination. Comes niahtfalland you haven't been heard from. leadin1 to anxiety by loved ones or friends Jef\ ashore. Naturelly. theirftrstact will be to call the C01st Guard and repon you missinaat~. · :·Th~ first inquiry by the COlst Guard will be: ~hat course did you take when embarkinton your cruise? If u bi& ocean out there. What cove on C1talina Island were you destined? Whet port we~you viai&i ... ?Oivu complele dncrip1ion of the bolt. How many people 1boerd? for ,an. 1vaa1on have filed a "Rilfttplan .. ~naa.kinaoffforthe clly OlftomedcllinMIOft. .......... ifoE"' acrm in *:a:'i ~"itviaaJ ,.... dleclly.1t•s1he ,_.,_,.._ ~().-dean E. ...a. . -*•*•iate the1n•iety of ;W•_..JC*fownMfe1y. .... an attura~ -bt plln" ltft wttll wm~onc uhun: 1• v11.11. &ina stuck of&hort all nip t. ~~when your1tt noc equi for it, 1s at bnl u uncom- fona , it>Mly1nd miwritbleell· perienc:e. I 1 could even be fatal. Nobody plans to be "ovmlur. ''but 1t is sometimes difficult 1oantici,.1e 111 the possible rat0n1 for beina over- due. Fas. out of fud. dad bltterin. •re just 1 h of &he rat0ns for bein1 0 ovtrdue." Befort k!avi!'I home badly on the !fita".111ecoasc o.n1ri ldv11e1daityobdo~ _. .... ily ......... ;r""• °1IGM ..... widll IUllH per- IOft. Thtftoet ................... information as how far ypu plan to go: on what course: your destination and estimated umeof arrival: what l'OUr boat looks like and how it is equipped • and how many persons abolrd. Whilethete facts do not1&&1r1n1ee that you will be found imn,ediatdy, they do take much of 1he suen work out of establishinaa tearCh str11eay. The information will allow for the moreeflicientme of search veuels Ind 1im'aft ind the overdur bmter is more likely to be found quietly, ll«Ordina the COlst Gu1rd .atda Ind mcut P'es*. Andlhmisanotherbitofldvke: If you have 1111d101bolrd. call home Ind tell IOfneODC you lrt-'dy in pon.ortlm ,cM&bav•---41own and ~r 1pproxima1e localion. The 1at1ermam * net'CIM1on.ptna an K'Cul'llC-oa eolill • Ja.a •~ f'ollowedandri ....... .-e traYeted. Tbts CIDICilllY i1Dpc:w18nt if you lia~nmoutal'W•liiddmly ----=••*-las. =JW ......... . ........ -.. .... c ... ••a l...Ut:J:"i•~-­~f--Y°"••of & ..., ............ P'CM1atala Valley•• Kedrlc Powe bopee to ba•e a Ml ~t Friday wbea bla team faca Senlte at tbe Santa Alla BoWI. STOPPING BROWN. • • P'nmaBl foot-4, 240) is the best we've seen this year. And we thought he was a better . linebacker than Petko last year. wbo went to Nebraska." · Other major individual concerns come from the presence of down linemen Darren Gallaway (6-4, 225) arrd Vince Salidvar (6-4, 220). · "They're both real big, have great quickness and are extrrmely physi- cal." said Milner. ~ "As for their secondary. it com: pares with Lung Beach Poly in terms of quickness and athletic ability. The quanerback (Johnson) is a corqer and <>sea! Ford (6-0. 16S) is a \trof\ safety." For Milner and his Baron~·it's the last hurdle to what is hoped to be a second straight march 10 the CIF finals .• and he said that despite the' hurdle. the basics remain. "We're down to the semis,'' he said. .. ll's two teams playing qainst each other. We were both good teanu last y~r and we played a close. hard- R>ught gar6e a year -ao. It's a matter of proVJng 10 one orthe other who's the better and wbo has improved the most. · "ll's a bigpme. The winner1tts to o 10 Anaheim." ,. LOMAS £/" follow all my buddies going to • • ~ -Vietnam." · Prom Bl Lomas was beat on on the offensive So, two years after the Jets have line. so he tried defense 'and "it was won the Super Bowl, they prepare for be.ttcr suited tom~ anyway." the season opener in Cleveland, the College was different than high fint Mdnday Night Footbalrteleeast. school for Lomas. a late bloomer by "Namath was there, and all the desires more than talent or work notoriety be commanded and the ethic. He started on the defensive line circumstances, the national ex-arid he made friendships he still holds posure," Lomas said. •·The New York today. pres5 was all over yo", you're a rookie "I said. 'Well. I'll stay in school, do 1tanina. They're saying, 'What's it again next yea~. and then go to Weebdoing. Why didn't he Stxl'ld the Vietnam.' I had another good year. money to go get some big time guy and then (the coaches) are saying. who knows what he's doing.' " ·well. now you can get a scholarship.· Lomas proved he knew what he · "I said I'm going. Vietnam was was doing, ranking second on the starting to seem like not such an team in sacks for a defense whkh attractive situation. People .xou know ranked first in tile NFL against 'the were coming back dea41t <Udn•t take rush and first overall in the AFC. The ~uch more than that.ff team went 4-1 O. losing six games by a He was recruited by Washinston, touchdown or less. where his former coach at Garden After the . season. the Jets dis~ Grove had moved on. and San Diqo patched the si.Jt-year veteran Bigs to State among olhers. So. ifs head to Washin1ton and moved Lomas to his 1he "big time:· ript. spot as Philbin returned. "I th<>U&ht Washington was a Iona So the pr<>ees,$ was complete, to an way from home and I don't know ifl extent. Lomas had made the tran· want that," Lomas said! "I had a good sit ion from a player with only sandlot friend at Golden West who was 1oin1 rxpcsience to a solid NfL performer to Nonhern Arizona. and a friend in the course of six years. from hiah school. Bobby Gray, and In the summer of 1965. Lomas another Triend Alec Walker, who.were shoWed up at early workouts and all going to Northern Arizona. didn't know what to do when the "Looking back. I don't know ifthat coaches told everyone 10 line up for was the thing to do. but that's drills. He'd just decided to come out hindsight. It work~ out.. as far as because it was fashionable. getting 10 pl:ty, and I didn't hive to go "It was much more fashionable in 10 Vietnam. 1965 to be on the varsity. and be "Their whole program was keyed involved in athletics." Lomas said, to JC transfers. All you had to do to be .. It opened doon for you. You were eligible was show up. We had 1uys liter1lly treated better tun 1hc nor· there that had been to Vietnam. they mal student. Yoa'd tct a break if you played fouryearuomewhere. went to needed somethiq. Vietnam and now came back ahd ... knew I could play football. I had were startin1aJ1 over •in, 1uys 23 or the basic techniques from playins 24 ~cars old. It was very relued." pickup football, runnina and chasin1 So for two yean. Lomas had good 1 PY down, that's easy. It was hard friends, good times and took pan in dciilll those drills when you don't some succnsful football tams that knoW what they're talk ins about... went 8-2 and 7-J as an NAIA 1ehool. AlthouJh he didn"t see e•~nsive A year later it moved into the NCAA plafina lime, the idea of ._,int to ranks and event'1ally joined the ·ei1 juneor collqe and Dllyina football Sky Conference. teemed to beat hadina to Vietnam His new COICh as a senior came wilh his friends. Fullerton recruiled from the NFL renkl and his connec- Jailn..ll!ettly on hjs size. but it Wll a tions proved vlluable for the promo- jiijwerhou1e, 1nd Lomas felt he S10Ud"'"' ........ t .... io-n11fthoseplayen. IOofwhich went a better chance with an upstan on to sian a pro contract -four proaram at Golden West. throup the NFL d11ft othen as tree "fullenon was imprnsive, and J qents ind a pair in CaMda. didn't Wint to ~t lost in the shuffle.. After five yan of football, Lomas Lomas said. ··1 tho!'lht •• , don't even had not euctly set the world on fire. know what I'm doina here.' That but he made an im~ and Md &he ·worked out IOOd for me bccautt they opponunity few are afforded. And he needed any body they could lt't· was havina the time of his Hfe. .. w. ........ -wt -m· .i. _1 "I hid a, cou~ o( 1u~ in biah '" ._ .,.,..... ,..., .. " ""• IChool thal 1 WIS in IM Of..-LomQ e•dh•ncl kiftcloftet my water level said. "Then I to on to junior~ for *t it meant to bt dedicated, they quit 1nd I play. I never Ud work. lw 1omeduna Ind IKriftce fOr burnout. .. wtnntna. But~ 1hl1 llllt came~ .. My ""* motive for IDilll ao his ._.. lime a an ICtiw pla)'W Oolllift Wat -I lib l'llYilll llMld but 10 ~ faedl ............... Mired,..,... ........ ... ....,, lftCI ..... . .....--~-h=···~· ..... ~ .....,. ...,.._ -,.., _,... WIUI Ntfll tllid. • loo&' •f die.,,, .. 1.11 ............... v...._ _,.."'~~....,==,,, =c:~~llAilli:•--.. IOa ---~--ad ........ -., ......... °'* llr I ft lltlh • .., _·.a ,,,.. . WARRIORS;. ...... 1 - Giblon is also imprnscd wi.th ~r1 ·s secondary. 'They're quicker than Sa~ta Clara upfront." Secondly. there is the mind pme: Aaoull 'uecord isn't an ere-popper -and every Woodbridge player can read and view the scores. The Warriors have seen tougher and bauen touaher than what this veer option team shows. Said Gibson: ... It really doesn't matter who we play at this staae. If we win against Aaoura we're there (in the finals). "They can look al us throulh the repalar season and we were preny milch the same way. We didn't score some points until tbe playoffs s&arted. .. If they set the option worttin1 it wean out lhe clock, but on lhe fli~ side. stop them 1·2-3 and you. make them tbrow the ball. - .. , think in their minds if it is a low- scorina pme. they'll win it. Santa Clas:a only-SC<>ted 16 points on them." A&oura's offense revolves around three players in the op&ion -quar- terbaclt Josh Smaler (S-10. 170), O'Quinn. the fullback, and David Caramaais. the pitch man on the option. · Also J factor is running back Zack Miller (5-11. 180). "'We switch them around a lot," said Greminger. · - Also a player of note for ~Ura is defensive tackle Todd Steuss1e. who at 6-foot-6. 230 pounds. has gained the attention of the college recruiters. .. CdM •• -. l'romBl .. We're not the same team that played .saddlebad . .. We're playina better football. But. Pacifica doesn't make mistakes. If you do. they're goin1 to ~ you. Thafs what happened to Saddle· back." __ It's also what happened to Newpon Hatbor a year aao. The Sailors entered with better credentials.and player for player, were the belier tea(!l. But it was Pacifica which moved on in the eliminations. "It's that kind of a team," said Holland, "which we feel we are, too (opportunistic)." Chri_s Shockley, at 5-8, 170 pounds. is Pacifica's mljor runnina threat, and has breakaway credentials. Physically Coro~del ·Mar enten... with an edge, alUioUJh HQlland said his team is smaller at the 1uards. "They play a lot like we do;· continued Holland. ''They break their I, use trips (three ,wide receivers to one side), and throw a controlled passing game. h 's a lot like Ncwpon. Defcnsivtly they're a lot like Saddle- back." · Corona also fi1ures to ao into the pme in gOOd physical shape with little in the way of injuries. "We don't even hit any more at this point," said Holland. ..The main thina is to .Ct to the position where they are. and they re ready for Friday." Friday's CIFplayoff match up~ ,........ VIII¥ n. ler"f"9 tat S... AM ..... NI Nft.) f'OUWTMI VAU.Y -VITW lt·J> C•J> 22 Meter Del 17 21 C.... IS lS Et Toro Jl • MarlM o J MIMioll Vl9'o 2• JS Taft 1 2t El Medelle 1 HC...... 20 10 L8 Potv lS t L8 Jord9ft I l2 Ocw View 0 G 8. Men!""* y 13 • Ed!Mfl II 11 St. ..... M It Wfttm!MIW ll M ....... Amel a » Marllll It 22 LO\'Ol9 27 G HMM"=' 8dl-ll G Meter:: 2• '9 SI. Frwlt 0 JS EIMl1flo1H1 11 IO ltlAl!Oou11 0 '1 Creuil tl .. .,.., .... ,....~ ........ lllke Labat of UCJ )oeee control of tbe ball aa be beada aroand Ken Bart (30) and Jeff Cbrladan of San FrancHcc>. UCI BEATEN, 82-80 ••• From Bl Floyd's man." Mouton. who bad penetrated twice for ~kets -aad subsequent three· point plays in the final "fivc m inuteS, scofing The Dons' final -eight points. was on the move again when Palmer reached. in. All of Mouton's eight baskets were on layups or short penetrating shots. ·:They were trying to penetrate and trying to make something to wi n:· Palmer said. 'They ha·ve some-g(500 players on the perimeter. I was trying to get in his face and keep him from getting around me." ..Brovelli. who ealled it a .. blessing" to win without McCathrion. added. .. Things like (th~ foul) arc going to happen. panicularly in 1his type of game. 1.t was very physical game. up tempo and both teams were pla) 1ng hard defense. "We both · kne\V we had good shooting on the perimeter. so )ou·v·e got to get out and defend. When Kevin Mouton gets on the free throw line. ~e usually'puts them in. 1 think the·k1d pla)ed -hard and aggressive. MoutQ.n was penetrnmg-and C'allstng problems. Defensh ~I)'. the) wanted to stop that. .. UCI hit only 40 percent of1ts shots in the first half. but came up wnh a J7.35 lead largely on the strensth of a 23·9 advantage on the boards. indud· ing 12-2 on the offensive end. But Kevin Flo)d. Labat and JcrT Herdman were 11 combined 3 for 17. McCloskey and Anderson (3 for 3) scored IO and 7 points respect1vel) to lead the way . ·DeBertoh and a stretch where UC1 turned the ball O\er four times 1n eigh t possessions kept the Anteaters from pulling awa) m the sc, ond half. Down 54-47, DeBonou hit a thrce- pointer and. t""o 18-footers to spark a I SA run for a b~-58 lead w11h 9:05 to play. ThC' lead changed I 0 times after thal. DEFENSE A PRIORITY •... From Bl myself. It as tou,gh to blame yourself -so much eos1er to blame someone else. 0 Two weeks from tonrgh1. we pla}' our Big West Conference opener at UNLV (the rcstoftheconferencc stans in January). I hope the R unnin • Rebels do not remember that \\C defeated them in March in the semitinalsofthe conference tourney. We would like to bc'-able to sneak in ··there. but I doubt 1l. 0 Loyola Marymount plays IJC Santa Barbara tonight on ESPN. Should be a great game. We will be looking at it closely. as we play at UCSBJan. 7. Takea peek at the~1ld crowd in Santa Barbara tonight and imagine yourselfbringa team in there 1op[ayw11h hopes fora win .. Th_c studentsat UCSB arcierocious. . 0 I wonderifDcPaul still refers to itself as "America's Team" aflcr successive losses to U NLV and Ohio State. 0 Georgetown made its annual debut in Hawaii against Hawaii-Loa and beat them up. as usual. Some )Car, the Hoyas w11l play a rcalteam in their first IOgamcs. 0 Chapman College does note' en seem to be able to lire a coach properly.lfyouarc goingto fire • someone. I guess you sho uld consult with the players before you select a new coach. The way they operate at the Orange school makes 11 tough to hire someone fort he job next )Car when thexconduct 1heir"na· tionwide ·search. . 0 l hope John Sneed has success at Cal State Fullerton this season. H~ 1s a g~ man. Touah opener. though. at Utah tonight. Ma}'bc the T11ans should get John Thompso n tosched· ulc some teams for them. 0 Check some of the powerhouse teams that some of the "big time" schools beat upon last weekend: Duke over The Citadel: lowa over McNttst State: llhnois over Illinois· Chicqo; Nonh Carolina State o'er Columbia. Oregon tatc OH~r Pon land and' c:s. U Cs ti r t four pmes1w c it.irsngmim Dt-la\\ an-. Howard, I and Ponland. '"'h Sea11k n1vcrs1t~. a 01v1s1on 111 school (non.scholarsh1J>}com1ng upa little later. The bo11om hnc 1s that 1f)ou. the host team. can comC'"Op w 1th l'nough monc)_.)ou can .. bu}·· )oursclfe~~ wins. Docsn ·,seem ngln. docs 1 t'~ Befo re I forget. how about an Jose State. from our ron ICrencc. pound mg on Sonoma 1ate'.' The amazing th1 ng 1s I hat at the end oft he )Car. all an)'l>nc asks 1s ... ~hat lS) our record?"' People lorget "ho~ ou pla\ed. \Vh1le I am ull on 1tlc ubJCCI, how about lo~ ola Mar) mouot-'?la} 1ng U.S. fn ternauonal tJn1vers1ty three timesthtS)ear') o.tha1 1snota misprint. The) also took on .\zusa Pacific again this )l'ar. scoring 164 pointsinan C~Arccord-t)1ng performance. Ma) be John Thomp. son schedule for them. too. Teamshkc NLV,Arizona..l n- diana and Ken tuck) play "real" opponent in the non-conference: schedule and c;hould rt.'ce1' e credit for 1 l. 0 Congratulauons 10J1m Harne~ at UCL.\ for hi lir 1"1n a the Bruin · coachagain I r~·xasTech.J1mw1lldo aniccJoba1UCLA.a hc1sagood • coach. . 0 Don't) ou love the statement ... to be honest w11h )OU .. :· Dtxs tJmt mean that the) u uall) lir to )Ou the other ttmes'! 0 We pla} a1 San Diego State Frida> night. You can listen to the game on . KPZE rad10( 11 (}() .\M) w11h Rob Halvaksand Tim T1ftcall1ng the action ... Basketball Talk with 8 111 Mul11gan"precedcseachgarncb) 30 min utes. 0 Be sure to plan )'oursun1}!'cr around the annual OranJcCount) .\II-Star game. This )car sclass1c will bcpla}edJul) 7 in the Bren Ccntcron our campus and the game alwa) s daspla)S the top 1alcn1 in the area. • >'--. NaA ST AIOMNGI Wftt9nt C•.,..we ~-<Mk~ ~d. Ge L.Men 10 J 769 Pofllend 1 1 500 J J GOiden S111e 6 7 .. 2 • Phoenix 6 1 .. 2 • SHtlle 6 7 .. 2 • CllllPlrl 6 I .429 .. ,, Sacr•men10 2 9 .112 7 MiftHt DMlieft Oau.s 9 • .692'- Denver 9 • .692 U~h 9 • 6'2 Hou" on 9 6 .600 1 Sen A n1onlo s I llS ' .f-\iaml 0 12 .ooo .. , Eastem Centwence A~ DMlieft Phlladelonla 10 • S .667 New York 9 5 .6'3 Boston I 7 Sl3 New Jersev 1 9 t&JI • ,,_CM t>. For• v•v ~ 5' MIW\MMM '7, NW L--11 wr.._. SI I07. ~., .. 7l NC C ... tll '6. N CwoAl\I Al. T 5' Orel • ._,, \IO, LSU M .. dlotd t J. Clllfonw Pe 10 ... . ;·~. S ~~ .. Ne Lou1''4lne S1 -"$m'°" 1' ~COClltmati ·---~~..;... J VtfldlfDill 6$, Lo...ml4e U Vir9'111• JS, ArlteftW\ 6S Welle FCl'"HI 5' 0.vlO.otl 41 •AS.T &o\IOn U rt Me"Kllo.l\ell\ 76 8'00lllyn C04 65 W1f'llV<>fl §1 8uellntl 16 ~ 13 COllnKt.C"' 7S Yeoe .. H04Y C<CK' t0 Mou<ll St Mery·, Md t1 Norlllff"ern rt. Fe.rf.elcl 10 P•ttllluf'9'1 7S lltoo.rt ~r,, 61 Pnnce100 '3 co1ee1e 33 RllOOe 1"-"G •. t rown 12 SI JONI'' 16, Feirle!Oh OidunlOfl SS SI JoMl>h ' .. OrtHI 11 Vi~nov• 70 SI Frenci' Pt .0 WffM'I" ... St Frenci,, NY •s COLLEGE MEN s.. ,rMdla 12, UCt • , ...... ~, SM ,r-.ba UCI ,. ..... H•rl• 1 •26 OeeortOll 1 2 3 l7 Chri•Hen 1 0 I • MoulOll • s 4 n. f ill• 3 3 I ll Greefl 0 I 2 l .. ...... l,.iPel 3 ? • • r oimu ... 3 0 , 1 N\CClo,kev ' ? 1 t• PaltMr 7 1 3 11 ~o • 4 2 l 10 p_,, 0 0 0 0 , NM\. 'T AllDlllGS ~ C1nr1 ... Cal9arv E om<M!IOI\ Ki.. Vancouver Wlnni099 Oetroil Toronro St. Lou!' Minneso11 Chicago smvw.. Dfvilieft WLT'11 16 4 4 3' IS I 3 33 T6 9 0 37 11 12 s 27 9 • • 22 Norris Olvilieft G, GA '°' '° 115 " 133 103 93 16 16 .. 13 7 • 30 97 19 11 13 1 73 16 ,, 8 10 4 20 73 .. 7 13 ' 11 19 " 6 16 ' 16 102 121 w.i.sc~ Patndl OMlieft NV Ra1199r1 14 I 3 31 ICM .. PiU\0Ur9h 1• 10 0 21 115 Wa~lnglon 12 11 2 26 t2 Ptlilaoelohla 10 16 1 2 I 100 New JerMv 8 12 4 20 77 "(V 1,1anders 7 IS 2 16 7S IOI 91 103 96 99 . • P ~ u B .; ~ t r r, : •. --- ·Magic seCond in assists Johnson moves up on NBA list~actn_g Lakers to vi~tory_ From Tk Associated Ptttt • Weshingfon ' 7 .U. Charlotte • 3 10 .• 23 I cwm-.t ~ SVlln 3 o o I Bell IOOJ McWllOlt~ I 2 4 ' ~clm•ll • ) 2 lt ·-'°" ~ 0 0 1 ll099' 2 i J • , Adams DM\ien Montreal IS 9 3 33 Boston 11 ..S -2.l. Suffalo 11 17 7 24 109 '° 93 Magic Johnson scored 40 points. including fo ur free throws in the last 18 seconds. and moved into second place pn the NBA 's career assm hst 10 lead the Los Angeks Lakers to a I ID-I 04 VICIOry over the Seattle ••1 SuperSon1cs Wedm!sda y naght at the J'--Eonam Oelroll Cleveland Allaota Milwaukee Chicago lndlana 11 3 I 3 ·• 6 .716 727 .571 .S4S .429 143 l ':i 3 3''> s &ell 223• Tore1, ?I 20 20 lt1 Buller -0 0 I 0 Tola•\ 32 13 19 10 Helfhm41 UCI 37·2S Tllr-POlnl oe>e1$ USF-0.8ortoli I Ell•' 2 SvkH 2, 8d l, UCl-M Oo111oruyk I Ptlmer I. ~rJon I Hartford 9 13 I 19 ~ I 16 2 .JI . 71 t2 102 .\fter a pair of JohniC>n free throws 1~ ga'elosAngelesa 16-potollead.with 2: 19 to pla>. ~aule ran off IOstraight 6 s 6. 8 2 12 ...... Y', sc •• , Uken 110 S.all't 106 New York 13S. ~ 118 Coll Bo''°" 133 New Jenn 100 Phil•~·· 11• Potuanc:t 106 Sen AnlOMI IOS. Mlem• 101 ClelrO<I 114, lnd•ene 11' HOU\IC)(I IOI · OellH 89 Ul•ll 107, ClltCJtllO tJ Tedev'• ~' Pllil•oetonia et Cllerlo!Jt. •·30 om. We•ll1no1on a1 Allen1a, •JO om cieveieno •• Mll we\lllH. S:lO om Denver a1 S.CretTWnto. 7.30 om ,,....,.., Gemn ·Utelr a1 Ulien 7 :'JO 11 m. 9 ..SOC:al C..... fl, Chrisliaft tffrita.. 71 I....,.,...__, Clwbllefl ......... SeCal c ..... Kr N U F~1.,­Mee1er Cnonm Flo-s Kirjlwy SoUcit 8vrlll'ler0l ,. .. .. .. .. It .. "' •S 113H 1126 6 o • 11 o ... on 1 , .. 1 " 3 s 2 11 Mool>ct , 0 4 s 10 2 • 27 Luna,. I 2 3 22 1 o o ? Boe .. MO<t a s 1 11 J o o 6 Mansfit10 S o I l t 2 O 1 4 Van A1'1t1141 0 0 0 O 1 I 3 3 Wa11111e.rn 0 0 2 0 CiraOO'f • • 0 0 I Jec:f\son I O I 2 Totel1 30 13 10 7' 'Totals. 37 II 16 '3 Helfhm41 SoC ., c olleOe s ... '° WMl!eMl9'f'1 sc-Mon1ree1 '· Harlford 3 8Vffillo 6, Quellt< 1 P1.11~ron t. We"1onolOI' • E"O'll$)nlOn ~ VencouYff 2 TMIY's~ TCl'"onto 11 K,.... 7.3S o"' M•IW\HOla •I 8oston •JS p m Molltreet •• Ph aae on • •.JS o m ~ et 0e1ro.1 •.ls om NY "l1110ers el St LOU•S S.35 om NY Re"9ef'• et Ca 11arv 6.JS om ,, ... y', ~ Hertford e1 8uffetO, US om Vencouvtr et W1Mlot0, S JS om CalO•rv ., EOmof'ton ,,JS 0 ~ (Xll nts to ue the game at I 06 on • Derric' Mc K.e.)•'s. layup w1tb 35 ,.. seconds remammg. --- Reserve center Olden Pol) nice blew an opponuntt} to gne the Sonics the lead v.hen he badl) missed a pair of free throv.s v.tth 20 seconds LO pla). .\fter a Laker timeout. Pol)nice fouled Johnson on the inbounds pass and Johnson put the Lak~rs ahead to sta). I 08-106. with 18 seconds re· main mg. Elsev. here in the N 8.i\: CllllNn 11 S.allle, 1 o.m M1lwaukff •• N.-Jtnev, 4.30 om Porlleno at ~m., 4 30 om O.lroil el Wasnlno1on. S om 8o"C)(I •• Clevtleno. 5 om. New V()(t( et betwu, S·JO o.m ~n Slt lt •I O.nvtr, 6:30 o.m Hou"on •I P110tnh1, 6:.30 om Tllr te ·oo tn t oo•ls Cnr1,1 1an Her11ew-<Ul\n•nol\em S, SoC•i C~Ouion 2, Mounce I. Lvnov 4 Men•Jie!O I • COLLEGE WOMEN LOY9'a Marvmeunt 11, s.c.I C ..... JI ( .... c......-1 TENNIS -~---·Masters ~ Ka.ids 1 lS, Clippen I !I: Mark Jackson scored eight of Jus game-high /' 32 points to oven ime to Jead New Yorlc past the Cltp'pers at the Spons Arena. Lalrtn 110, Senk' HN ' 'SEATTLE 11061 -C•llf 3•9 0-0 6, MclCtv 1·!1 l_-3~17, L•"er t·S 0:0.....!-.E.111\.J.S·.22 ,,,. 1"~11 l·S 1·2 3, Mcoe.niet s-11 1·4 11. Tllrtell ·2·S 2·2 6, P01m1ce 0· 1 2·6 2, Reynolds 4·7 3·3 11, Lucas O· I 0-0 o. ScllOene 3-S 2·3 10, A JotlnSO(I 0·2 O·O 0 Tolels' '1·1S 11·71 106. . LAKl•S l llOI -CirHn S·9 3·S 13, Wor1nv 2·l 4·S I, Tl!Dmoson •·S 0.0 a. E. Jonoson 13·21 13·14 40. ScOll 4·13 l·I 10, Coootf" s·• 2·3 12.· WOOlroon 5·10 1·'3 11, McNamara 1·2 2·2 '· Camooe" ?·• O•O • Toiai, ~•·7' 26·33 110 SC«• bY Oue"'90 Stalllt 26 19 22 39-106 L•~•n 2s 33 n »-110 SeC.i c-.. LIMie ~ Har1ooen Menken -ttO\t Helliclev WOodruff Brown LePolnlt ......... ... ...... •OJ I Jnllo 2034 010 1 F14naoen 9 10 19 I -1 t <1 -Git'Sofl S 4 '} 10 1 1 S 6 8ruic'h I 2 I 4 l 0 I 2 Tntor l 0 0 4 3 II l 17 Eaoall I ) I s 0 O I O 8tll~~r1 2 2 3 6 HeQt1Tiann 0 O I 0 O Hera I I I 17 LonoootrOJ S 1 2 11 To1a1s 11 16 1• 38 Total' JS lt IS 11 Halll1me Lovol• Marvrnoun1 44· 13 Tt1rH·POl111 oe>e" No'lt TecMicen ,,._ ' (et ..... Ywtll ,..,.., ...... SiMlet . Henri Ltc:Oftle (~~t Mt Slefllll EatJerv (Sweden). 6·4 •·?. eons 8ec'er CWes1 G«· ,,,.nvl de! Mets w .. noer 1S..._I 7·6 •·1 ,_ 1. Andre .AOHll eel Tm Meyoll• IU s ) ,., 6·4 New York 's Gerald Wilkins hit a 10.footer in the lane with one second lef\ m rqulalton to l1C thc..gamc at 11 8. Celtics U3, Neta JM! Kevin Mc Hale scored 26 potots and Boston avo1dro tts first month with a-iosing record since laCT) Bird 101oed them in 1979 t>y rouung N~w J'crsey at home. The Celtics extended to 6i their streak of winning months.· Jau 117, Balls tl: in Salt Lake Cit). Darrell Griffith scored 32 points and k.eycd dttw.vc--spuns m the~ TN .. ·ooon• goe1,-e.lit\ 2. ScJtOene 2, e JOMSOll, Scoll FouteO ou1-Nont Re· DOtlnc!S-~allle ., CC•11t • 13), L•ktrs " COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEN Golclln West 114j ~lrenfWd, 6t ~ (_.,.... V .... T-'*'*"I ...... second and third quaners.. as UUlh t•t ,_. .. , '""· A1Htre1e1 handed Chicago tts founh straight --~ I ~Wftt . ITnorno\On ti) Asstsls-Seallle 2S (M<.M1tien I ). L••trs 26 IE JOhn\On 101 Tolal fouJs-Seelllt 23 La~ers 26 Tecnn1cets-Seet1lt ........ . ft1'Dflp F1sfltfQS .> 2 ~ • Oam s l I 0 12 FEATH6RWEIGHT5 -Jeff Fenech !Aus· .. defeat . tral••I \IOOl>eO co.oro.. Neverro tv11,.1eno · Cl\•nev 3 2 1 Mlr·S1ac11 9 10 2 29 HeM 0 • 3 KrtD• • 2 3 10 ill~\ <leftnH, EUh ' N .i.-1 11 I 41 of tiftn round 10 r-•1e111 wee 1t1te S,.n IH. Heat Ull: Al \'jn Rob-• CFenec11 is n-o ... 1n 1..!.. .. nockoull, N•varro 1' en son scorcd ::?7 pointsasv1shingSan AUenoanc-11.S05 Kni<lls lJS, OiPMfS 121 New YO'tl< (llSI -Newman S·l2 7·7 19 Oaic1tv l · 12 l-3 9 R'w•no 10-1• •·• ?•. Jeci.~ 10-22 12·1S 37 c; w .111;,ns 11>-19 6·11 n wa."er 2·6 O·O •. Gr"n S-1 o-o lO, Tuci..er 3-J 1 ·2 9. s1ncklano 0-1 O•O O 8urter O·O O·O O To111s ... ·97 33·44 13S Meena I O 2 Cl\emoion 3 3 3 9 Eldnd9e 2 2 0 1 And«IOfl I 0 1 1 Herm ' o S n Yem.It I 1 4 22 •7·:J1 .\nton10 handro the e;ifpans1on Heat tts 12th consecutive loss. The defeat ga' e the Heat the fount\ v.-orst stan to ~B<\ hmof). Groree S I 3 11 lltoce · L • I 12 Smtih 3 I 1 7 Jtnillf'S l 0 l 6 -Hiclson ) 1 y • Koutracl! I • 3 ) llHd I 0 1 I McCOY I 0 I 2 Totell ll 12 2• t9 Tot.is 31 2• ?O) 1• Heltilme Goio.n Wf\I 61·21 • CLIPf'fRS ( 1281 -Mannino 7· 11 6·6 10, Norm•n 1· IS 0·3 1.I 8tn1am1r1 7· 17 O·O 14, Oa11w 9-19. 9·9 27, Nixon 3·9 O·O 6, W1U1ems 6· 14 0-0 12 ICllt 1·2 0·0 2. Woll 3•S t ·6 U. Gran1 7· 13 J·S 17, Coof'ortr•ck 1·? 2·2 • To111s Sl-109 16·31 121 kore by Poriech Tnrff·oo1nt oe>els 8aktrsf1tto--eionon 1 Golo.<i Wnl-Oavn I M~·SIK!'I I Yemett •. Kou1racn I Ttcflnoceis None Rockeu ltl, Mavericks at: Rookie Demc~ h1e\ousc:amc off the bench to score 25 pornts. four during a IO- po1nt Houston run earl~ 1n the fourth o..O SN tl"*'9 ~aner. leading the Rockets O\•er NEW.-ottT LANl>fffG -' bOe• s •no..,, , Ila at R "'... H ••o 11 ,..,,,, , ,.. • ""° ons l roe .. 1 "'· 1 ~ eun1on "''"na. ou ... n New Yorll 37 31 26 24 11-IJS C ooen JJ 27 2S 26 10-121 ~·o.ac. ... 1 s.c"°'" 1 ~~ snapped the Mavenckf fi,e-game DAVIE Y'S LOCKIE" I,..._, '-01 -l ... nning treak -T,,,.__,,, ~ s-~ ... -2 c; wA.ns l Tll(tler 2 Fo..itG 0<.11-S.noam•n Rf· oounos-Ne.., Yor• 61 Oao.,iev' Ew•no ll1 C••ooers 62 1Mann·ro9 . l)l An's"-Ntw 'fori. :>oe~ • _...... 70 llO"-to \ •.O ~ '° ;e <0 DUS IO ~no DISS 7S --~~ so '71en Ill. Triir Blasen 19': Kw11>n s.. 111.ie otwi " snttDS.,.ao '' ,.,,," Charle Barkle~ had 4 1 points and ::?2 23 (Jaclo.SOILIL. C•tRPeCLlS IN,xon tl. ..l.OJl.1.1-----' ...__ ..... ...__'_•\_1i_2_no_coo ____________ -;..re::.;bo=-undo, in lcadtn the 76ers at~----- 10-.;1s-Ntw Yori<. 21 Cltootrs 30 TecM1· ca1-New Yori.. oeiev o1 11amt .o.nenoen?-11 501 Colle9e ieOf'ts WIEST ·•OCKIES San Francisco 12 UCI ID SoCel COl'eOe 93 Cnr•Uen Het1te~ 11 Ar1rone DO Ntw MextCo 67 · Cehlorn.a 76 GrembMIO SI SI COlore<IO SI 73 Colo<aoo 72 Ntv•O•·Rtn0 '2 wasn11191on 90 Pac1l1C 95, Cal POIV·SLO ,, San Oleoo 90, Cal Lv1neran 64 Sanle Clara 93 Chemonaoe 75 Texas·EI Paso S9 New Me•teo SI SI Wvom1no 17 TeJ.ts Sou1ntrn 14 SOUTHWEST Ark ·L1tlle Roe.._ 100 1-1«.t\lon 61 Pr1lr1t V>ew 9' 1-iu.,on·T IOI~ 17 R.c;e 107 AICCl'"n SI 7• Te~as Cll•••h•n '6 Ctnltna•" 60 MIDWEST Bowhno "'"" 91 O~iance •1 Oevto11 11. Mou. VaJlev SI 61 Oel"aul 66, Maine oil> • K•Mes St 86, Ulan St 67 Ktnl SI '°· Niagara 59 M•Ch•oen St 71, Nebra».a 7S s lll•nO<• 11, E YtMV llt 1 I W ll~no.s 71, Tt .. s We$•tv•n 4J W•s ·Grten Bev 7S N t •no ' 6S SOUTH Aooeleeh1•n St 95 L•otflv 11 Bethel. Ttnn IO Tenntsiff SI 7• Ou t-95 Eu l Caroi.na 4& E Kenluckv 9S w Va we""" IS E TenneuH SI 109 81ueHIO Coll 11 FlorlOa 11. S-.na 61 Jacli.50n St 127, M•lts 90 Merslla'I 111 . Soutn Alaba,,..• 110 McHtese St 79 Tn ·Cna••an<I09• 66 Hitll KhMI Of' f"LA Yot' FS CFrilMv'' Semlll .... I OfvtSIOM I ; Lovola 112·01 vs 8 \hoo ....,,,., I IJl-21 •' Ctfr.101 C04~ ,.,....,,. V...., (11·2) "' Servile 110·21 et Santa AM Bowl. DfVISK>N II Anlelo~ Vellf'I ( 10·?1 •I P1lmoele lf·ll 8u,<ie 110·2) el Can'tlon, CenyOfl COUlllrv ( 10·21 • DfVISION Ml Mou.on V..+o Cl2·01 al Per1mout1t ( 11· ll Los Alem11os 111·0-11 el El ~· 7·51 DfVlSfOft rv Ctertmonl (10-21 ., LOS Altos (l 1-1' E1 RencllO CI0-71 el Ramone 111·11 OIVtSIOM V Coron• Cl·•> er Sari 8ernaro1no ( 10·21 Cenvon Se>rrtlii• 111-n et Norco i9·l> DIVlSION VI .. Fullerton 17·4·1) al Ve~nc1e 111-0·11 Pec•f•et (10·1·11 vi C-• Met 110·0·2) al Ofenoe Coast COllevt Df'ltSION VM Sei!I• Mero• 111·1) al Temole C••Y 110·1·1 • Sen MenttO 110-1>-1) I I LomDOC •• ., ' DfVISIC* V1tl Atesceeltfo (12·01 vs T.:aDUCo 1-1.n, 110-:21 al M1S$<On V t10 .... ,,... (11·11 ., Ao1X9"a 18·l·" · OIVIStON IX ICtrn Vel .. ¥ (IO·ZI t i Ttf\ec!\eoi tlO·?l · Dflen I II II vs Caro1n1tr a 00-ll al Car0tnler>a Jr HS Wl'CIMSdaY's tramacttens IASl8ALL AmMcefl Ltffllt .. K.t.NS.t.S CITY ROYAf.S-S1~ 8oO Boone celcfl« 10 • one·veer cOll•rect '"'1tl-t L....,_ SPOKANE INOIANS-Named Bruce 80Cllv '"'lt'le~ FOOTBALL Netli9NIF ..... LM91M NFL-SUtot-nOeO Mar" 0-¥.,em ~.ns w-oe rtce •ff •'lei V<tCI'" Scott 0'11es Co•b0v1 oefen1 ve baco. for JO oe"' lor Y.otal11>9 ll'le let.O.A S $1.lOllel!Cf e bUW ~'CV Su\OC!nded Mar.. 8ro .. n. M1em1 Ootort..ni e1t•t1U•Vt IUle.man 1or Ol>e oe,,_. tor 1 lele n.1 1n llSI Sw>oav s oeme aoe nsi 11\e Nt.,.-YOl"ll Jtts LOS .\NC.ELES RAIOERS-R .. ,.gneo Vince Even1 owr•..-baC" S·~ \\ e Frt<tmtn )!lflll'"• , ,..,...., Rt .. •le<I l(e.t" hM:IW•" Xfet111"'• roo Ptac.o .>oM Gesei. o~1'"e Mme!' on n.ureo rtwMte DETROIT Ll()tilS-Na"'1eel Mouse Div ' Of: 'ens•ve coacPI INOl•NAPOLlS COL TS-S,9neo kt In Ta...-. or Otters ve oac' "-4'NSAS CITV (HIE~s-An"l)Un(l'O tile rt· ~siattm~t ol Pai14 Pall"f'f!f. '"""'"° baCt. atrer -,. "40 ~ "-'~ u1 wet'-tor CO"O\ICI ot•r ~'· IQ ·~ !U m HolVWOOd Pull WI o .. uo• '( s ltl.SVL TS 1'<'11 '" AC .. tih">' 1)..i •tO HO 51, "' S•..a. a.a<,1 •10 S• ..,..,... Loo• Vt~1.....,1 HO Los Al1mltos Wl.OMl.~OAY S ltl.W\.T\ "* o"". l l f:XACT.t. '1 Tilll'Lf: 11.-. e4 >t·•V -.......... _, F•ST ltACI • '"''C'>\I' S"""~ °"''" ""'lit 1000 •40 SQO """'P"'w'P"<a•t IHOolOO E..,.,•0'"4 f •fl S• _, lltO ,.,.. ' .. SICO!olO lt.t.CI t ,.,,_, lfoc• "II 11_.. ,.,. JIO llO ltO ~ •• .... ()I ···~ l 10 00 ........ J 0...,. •• T ""i' I 111 U DAILY OOUI LI I I 04I o U• lt THtllO ltACf, 1 I Otlo» • T .,.. I 111 st:Vl.NTM llACE t '"' ..,..~, e..-·~ ....... "'"'' , .. 1 t0 1.0 ,._,..., •n.tt Po""f•_., :.o ).0 "'1 ' l •J'<"' s·n~,. •GO ' "'C IO U EXACTA ? J N<I ~IO U l'ICll SI.II • l • 1 I • 1 NO 141ttO,J<. 119 .. ""W'O l<e:••'' ,,. ......... " N<I IJI OO lo 134.1 ,......_ ,.._, .. , '•t --llGHTM ltACI. I I 1• ..,,._, '"' ,..,.,., ___ .. ,,.....,.I F•H llACI I '"' ~ ...._, "' "' .,.. ... , :eo :40 ''° .......... o.-~lO J .. ..... .::.000 ~ .... f-, .. ,_ , ... . \l l.1'ACTA HCOfltO ltAC• .-..(t. ~· °'''•"<• F""'I""~ "~·· ~""'-• & Y• 1 4"'9"•"" ' ..... l 00 '"' 4,j,,,,; U l'XACU s°&lll'NT" ttACI .,., .... ~· ., .... (•r \ .,. .. 8••fll \41 .,., .. flt ~< "!"JIOll"d \<I .. 00 -. ._., hO no :.o 19 HO Ze.Q 11/0 "' ao \l l 1'ACU• 4 .. .., ~.' 10 P•tt• •9 E•o• 151•"" SOO HO 110 Coo< C .. , W•'" ''"•'•-• SOO • 40 """" M·><• •l 18tec• t Q .0 1)00 '00 Hell\-~ 1roro1 IOI .. o T "" .O.O U I X•CTA • 1 N4 \ltllO Coo 'lo...i P""•• • 70 T-17• U fJllACU t I Dt<O '1100 FOVltTH llAC• I I 14 -... 0-.... r -Stf•t"' I 40 •IO • .. \wOt> qffll• "'••• Sii SM Or ... ~ ... , 0 "-'" tc• r...,. ,.~, U IJIACTA 1 I N<I U.UQ. IJ OAIL Y Tllll'L• • I • t• -.S •1310 l'"TH llACI • V-> &• (11\I ...... ~19111 S•••I• • J,0 J M HO .. _ .... 11~1 •• ,,, 000 J 00 t.."'-'• ""41"'-'" ..,,.,...., HO f e 110 I U I JIACTA l I N'O Sit '6 MXT" ltl(.I t VoA9• Ila\ ... ,..... 1VMl\l ..... J HO f ,..., 1111 '1 1•1C'TA i • ..... ,.,, 10 \J OllLY Tllll'\.• • 1 i .. <I \I Ill• -nt ltACIL I m ._ MO\.•• L_. """'' t• •• 100 Al T ... 'Ill l •-...\1' IJ 110 ..... ,., i •• .....,, , .. f-IJH U l llACTA 17 J• N4 iltOOO " l'ICK Nl .. I I • I t ) 7 I l S ll ••• u 1 .. 00 "' -,.,....,.. ·~u· t9•• ""°'~ oe-o \.n• .. Jo '' ·~·.,. 1><.'''' TM•O ll•CI -o N.t .. _ s .. , .... o._...-• ., 740 ~ .. Hift'O~ ......... Y• •1'1f:l~"'P"J 140 : 0 ~ ........ S-•.-. J,. ••• 01 '1 UIACTA J ..,., lil JO f'OUllTH ltACI I t • "-··· -· ~ ... ltol 1., : • ···-,..,_, , .. tit ·• Jtf llt1'l .. •Vt ...., 1 IO I -,. .011 •1 l1'4'ClA I • ••<1 ,,.. ~~10~"' fo•to , ... ,.~""• _. ' Ftf'TH ttACI I t -· ... ...-.c:. lt tu ......... ~ ,_, i ~;: !: Yow ....... ._ ,. 1411'111 ~~ .• .... • ....... • • • • )It 110 ,_Nf H ~Cl 1".,. .J.1><• ""'"" •4f l)co,• ,1· ·n lt ... l .. '° • I Y ~ • 9.,..,., • tO t .0 ' • "' ... '(•• I>-J'1 ... 1 t :on \J l ll•CTA l 1 .. ,,, ~7 11 \I OJl.ILY tlt~I , J • N'll ._, .. 'c-'(• ... .,.....,,. :'It-....... pcctrum. P.ts&oas 114. Pacen JI I: Isiah Thomas orcd 36 points. mctudina Detroit's last SI\ in the '1ctory over Indiana at -'\ubum Hills. Mich. SCCtalres home opener The Southfm Ca11fom1a College • men's basl etball team opened its home season on a pos1t1ve note WMnesda} night. tum1ng back Chnsuan Hentage. 93-"78 The \. anguards. nov. 4-0 overall, led Jhr-0ughout the game after Jump- ing to a I b-4 lead in the earl~ s~. The Hav.ks closed to v.tthm e1&ht .. Ith under a mtnute left '" the first half before Todd Dixon's thftt.po1nt goal ga'e CC an 11-potnl cushion a1 haltl1me Leading a bala~d Va nsuards' auacl .. as K~le . Lund} with .!2 points. Jell 81clmore ~•th.! I. D1i.on "1th I~ anJ Jim Man field v.1th 11. Lund' "a' of 11 from the tloor, tndudmg. ~ of 4 from thrce-.potn' range O'erall. • C on\lcnro 52 pcn;ent ol 11~ o,hots from the field l C rcmatchc Chrtsnan Hcc11age 1n the Ha"~ l · g} m atutda) night. In a men's commun1t~ college game. Golden \\1e t 114. 8ak.ersfiel4 ct: The Ru tic~ rolled 10 1he1r 'il\th "'ID 1n sc' en out1ng.s ~hind a 65 percent shoo11ng cOon from the field 1n the first l\lund 01 the I (Heam ~ntelope \ allc' Tournament f1\.°C pl:l\cr .. reachl'd doub\e figures in scoring tor liolden "c t, led by Marku \tulkr-~talh's .!9 potnts. T he t orona dtl Mar High ~product con' encd ~ of I from the field and 10 ot 11 from the foul hnc. \tanna l l1gh producl Da\c \ amat~ l.'.h1ppcJ an v.11h 12 poanls and l:lbert Da' 1s had nine assists 10 go v.-tth h111 I.! points. Golden \\ rst was to face Palomar loda) 1n 1hc ..ccond round of tM t um.1ment .. ... I ........, .., -· --_,,. ~ . - • I OrangeCout DAILY PILOT/ Thurlday, [)e(;ember 1, 1988 • by 811 Keane COU1'TER CULTURE by Maratta & Marana BLOOll COU1'TT "We· asked God to bless this LAST Nighff ·>) • !"' MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "Do we have a dog? Boyl Do we have a dog!" PEANUTS . 5.i LiCoN VALLE~ SNACKS I • 1 PL AiN t M'ic 11.0CH i PY EARBECu~ f1 iCROC Hi PS I " ........ II I DENNIS THE MEN'ACE ,. - I '-'"""-"r--I:-w by Hank Ketcham ~l I ' i i . LET NC TELL~ ~s lT 60ES 'b> FA'if WHEN WRON6Wffi{ T~IS TMING: '()URE AAVI~ FOM.~m SlDW WHEN 'rru'Rf w.ltTtNG~ J by Charles M. Schulz r uJAS WRITING OUR CLASS NOW ~E KID w~o·s PLAYING WELL. MA'f'BE BV '(OU SAID I T~IS TIME ~E'5 COULD 6E 60TTEN OVER GERONIMO ! CMR15TMA5 PLA'f'. SEE. AND I ~ 6A6RIEL 15 UPSET BECAUSE MADE T~IS MISTAKc . .I PUT IN i ~E CAN'T 6E 6ERONIMO,AND 6EROMIMO lt-'STEAD OF= GABRIEL .. l COME RIDING ACROSS TME ----~---~ & STAGE ON A STICK MORSE !· GARFIELD · TUMBLEWEEDS DRABBLE 8EIN6 UPSET.. . by Jim Davis by Tom K. Ryan 1' 1J.f e -mrrJe "TWtf' Pl..AVS 1'06e1H~R', fJAYS t06enteR'! 4 ~-- by Kevin Fagan .. ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady ' HAS MAR16ENE HAD ANY CONTAC:lf W ITH H ER 'BIRTH PARENTS IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS '? • DOONESBURY YOUUXJ< A LIT1l£ J 'iHXJK UP, • R4L.. 'If)() • ff.EUNG ~yr . ' ., \ 'Yf;AH... • )!;AH ... rM.FINe. 7HANl<S. \ by 'Garry Trudeau WANNA TALK ABOtJr IH \ by JJmmy John ,_..,..."'Y*Y • ..... _._J*ll..., _.....,...._··n-·1my ,_... ...... ""' .... --'°' . . . .. / 0.Mk.IHe ... llJI-_ , ..... ,_ Jlt ..... ·-..... ,_, ··-,, I.JI.._ w 11•- COLD Well BANl(eRO associated ... o .... -......... ""'-<• ..... t<CM'KY ....._....., ~ .,,.,, .. """" ,..,..,., l.-~ .,.,,, .... ,......_ ...... ~..., .. OIJll'¥ ....,., .,,.,, ~ .. ..,.161' , ... ___ .. .__..., -..... .,..., ... ..,..._... fN!MfWWftC'li tl ,....., .. f' ......... •• , ... .., .. cw ...... ...... ~tu ......... .,,..,~ c.-............. .., .... "" --Ah ................. •Jtwt••" .,..... ..... ....,fief.,,_ -.................. _ ., .................. ~ ... ~ .. t..-.C .... CMll .... .,,,. ...--.-- I . . I lk" .. ~-~ '· Merrall Lynch Realty NEWPORT IAYFIONT LANDMARK Timelest 5BR. 68A, water on 2 sides, perkJftl for 6, dockJng for 5, zoned Rl·S. Can convert to spacious Income property. $2,450,000. I 759•6600 let It ..... Y11 Sell ~ .. ,,.,.,.,, Oil ...... Mt-5671, for Information & surprisingly low cost. ~~,-.:/'· 4 '---~ A ~ "• L __ --,. .. . I D1ilyPDlit t T o~ay' s Nlwl Jodarl~; . J ~----In new9racltl by3pm I .. .. F<UIJADS AltEFREE Cit Ml .. ll J Delivery Drivers PART-TIME Newspaper Delivery Drivers Needed . Monday -Friday 2PM-SPM . Weeker\dS & Holidays 4A~lAM. Earn up-to - S600/month. Must have reliable - tran~portation, ins urance & a good driving record. Call 7 J 4 /642-4333 ext. 205 Between 8AM-7PM Ask For Rodger TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROU 1 AC>Pet9rlt g Gotflng elm• 10 Hand tool 14 Al'9b 0< T ur1! 15 Moldlng HI IMec'aton ~ 17 Uroeo 111 Hlllfl mellinga 20 Cour1 21 Covered 23 T.IJ• perts 24 Money 25 Soft dflnk 2& AIMll•-30 M~ 3"4 5-settw 35 <>c-• prino. '1 Provo4l• 3' NATO, eg 39 N.Y llbrlll'/ toundet 4 tTwtet 42 Soon. ,.,.,, 43 Corner 44 Melle med 441 CNlll 48 VelUlblee SO Tre...i paper S2 Aegiet• 53 e.. Sf Setw• 1'1111 57 ewn. t>oy 80 LEHI l9CI 82 Not • 90'll 2 3 14 17 20 4 64 BC end AO &5 Func1ton M Engender &7 Pelnf\11 &8 Lo<*ed f7tlet ff Stumbled DOWN 1 Ruminate 2 Company lnlllgole 3 So 4 Eniyme: IYff. S ACMP officer I USSR 111/y 7 Andent e Arbiter 9 Bout 10 Mell• known 11 Adrift 12 Cemellen 13 Feline 19CleM 22 Straight 24 ConYWM 25 si.teno- 2e LAC> end JoM 27 A9'Hlder 28 Better 29 Metric unit 31Saw ~ 32 P.-oe perlOnltled 33 Etta 36Comm~ ~ 5 54N .. ty~ SS Blemllh stEr- 57~ Sf Handle Fr ff Compulllion 11 Kind of been 13 Aoww • All Tr&nsportation Provided By An Adult Superviso_! BE YOll OWN BOSS WNIJllG '8SPAPER PIOIJTIC* rJJlllMf'f HAS P0SJTmS AVAUIU FOR SELF..,TNAT£D TME· CtM;E rm: r£~ TD stftJMSE YtutG ' Mltl.TS ON A fOSl'N'Efl l'IODOCTK* Cl«EW. aJMMlEED '.-$400P11m1 wmt POmmlL TO lllOO PO Im LMCE•IED 1EllCl£IUIUEr--.. •YCUt• ......... LOTS Cf CIPmllllTY TO .,. 11111 USI II) MES1IBT l£QlmD CALL •· TllllAS (213) 477-3163 I • • • MOTOl IOUlll·~ lllUaf•r CllTI... -Ill llUll ......... WEEILY PAY•IT l • I .. ~ .. ,n etWf'•~wld .. 1111"' ••ll/IMI-----.. ... 1~2-1111---=:=-- ........ 1. 2. 3. 4. Motllimllon • Floel~t . Floet Patching Dock Lumber 1 L.S .. 920 SO.FT. eooso.FT. 170 LIN. FT. Reduced conltructlon plant, epetjll provttions and oth« contract documents are eve11.e11 for--.xeminatiort-wtthout Chetge °' ln8Y be aec:ured upon paymenf. Inducting state ..,.. tu, of: · 17 .80 If picked up In per,on 110.00 If requested' by mall Plant and ~ requested by malt ere sent.yla U.P.S .. to pteaee Include the atrMt addr ... to Whlctl theee documents '"9Y be~· No. of Sheets ~.70 No. of Sheet• 31-35 . 6-10 7.40 21.80 ~ . Add 12.00Jo price shown If plant' .. requeeted bf rMJt. ............... 11-15 18-20 ~1-25 11 .10 14.80 18.50 33.30 37.00 40.70 «.40 EMA Pubic Work• ttand•d ~ wtth 1P9Ci.t prOYlslona (current laauel •• eleo P8f1 of this contract. Cq>les of u,. ltMdllrd ptw wtth tpedal provtlilona .. lll80 evallable It EMA Development DMsk>n for en additional charge, lnctudlng .......... , .... of: . 111.50 If picked up In per90n 112.75 If requeeted by melt ..................... of ...... llld lplCllllHlllM: Al c:Mcks lhal be made peyellle to: Environment• ~t Agency There• be no refund fo,r ~qt ptw and apect.r prcwtslol1S, and r-..rn II Mt r9qUWed. lldderl wllf*'g to obtmn • llt of _. holder'l lhel notify EMA/Putllc Worb • the eddr.-9howf'I abo¥8. by m811 and .... lndudl a cl** ~IO EMA/Pwblc Worb In the~ IO 00... ~ COMa of the llC of plen hoedera. The =OOlla 'Mr be d11I n•~•lectll• the EMA by 1 lllSl'WR• • (714) .._Mii. Due 10 the compeeidty of EMA'a .,... the lyplellr..,.. of blddlir'I........., on..,...-._ Iha EMA wl.,.... no attempt to teed a Mat of 111n ~IO..,.,.._.._. ....... a.. the tdlPhOI•. llldderl ..... = lltl of plM .....,. .. adwtMd tNt tM Mat ..... cunnt • Of .... dlll9 ol,..... and tNt ... ,...... llMMAd be • to llow for nonMI mell ...... ti il'illilH ........ _llRllll I au•w on t111erpet.eton of nw ...,. lind 8"clf9I PnMllone swtor to IN date acNdueed tor btd open1ng .,.. be 8dcll 1111 d to TOlft Aoesftlllr. "oteot 119-. who me, be rwlled et (114) M7-8Ut. •Attal 1•111111 n. blddlr"t ..... eon .. dlfected IO .. Provtzb• In Sectton A. ''PicipoM ~ ......... and C.MllkM-. •• r...-dllig tM ,... · •••.,... coodtttons "'*",."""' OOWV9 In ttw ..,..,.,..,, ol .. propoaal '°"" llld the llAl,,_on of a. btd., ,.... .... pro,..•of....,1mof ... ~c.-o1 .. ._.,c .. os• .. -..o1.._,..,,._ o•••-~P'•••rMeofperclllltWf1118•--11t• •4r111etarhr'f:'b.,-:-:,:-•:a..,..tnWI ~..,_. ..... at111Fcilan or twPl ot WOllU•,...... fo 1111N19-••• hlft.. f!l .. Dlia•:••t el'Nli t•R I ?Pa. .. T'-,._ .......... a.-o1 ....... o1 .... wt10t1.and __ ..... _, 7 * .. .., ......... ...,_ ..... ...... '°' ......... --........ ce-n. C.•udOI• ~ .. (?t•> •-1110 . ·M:nr I ........ ... na1 ' TM ...... ,._. ... doll'I...__ 0 I 8 DOWN 9Y 1"E llA, l~I I AMIMf .........-. a.. ....... Cllf ... ...... ~··· ... .... . ,..., .....,,.. .,..,...,Cllr .... ..... ............. ,. ..... ~~ a..,..., Olll .... T'l'lll "' ,,,_ .. .... ---··=-· Tlte ,.... rut •••· ......... ._ ..... ,_ ....... ...... ...._ ..... ., ..... .............. .. -..... Pt m L._ Tllil -· - - ... .. o...,a.-.. °"" rw.o-.r·-·-i. .... .,.., ., .. _. ............ °' ""eo., ol ~ o;... eeune.. c • ...: Dlll:NI .... tO. ._ • .P LA e>r.,.. 0-~,_ ....... "·"' DI I &1 t,I. "9 ~ .. , ,v STARTING A· NEW BUSINESS?? The legal ~ at the Oa1fy Piiot is pleaed to an- noonoe a new serv1ee now eva1I· able ton~ bosmes.ses We wtll now SEARCH the neme tor you at no extra charge, and s.ve Y°'-' the time .and the tnp to the Cowt H~ tn Santa Ana. Then. of cour.e, after the tearch 1s compteted we will flte your hot1tk>u• ~ name statement With the County Clerk. publish once a ..-tor tour ~s as requtfed by law and then hte your proot ot pubff. cation wilh the County Ctenc p PtM9e stop by to tllli '°"' hCtltlOUS bustneas sta•1-.it .. the Oaity Pteot Legel o.p.rt. ment. 330 west Sey, Costa Mesa. Callfom4a. It /f04J CM not stop by, pteaae cell us at (7141 642-4321. Extenseon 315 or 318 and we .,,. make arr•...-ments tor you to ,,.,.... tNI pr~re by meil " YoU should hllv. eny """*' QUeettons. pleeM C8lt ua end we •N be more than gled to _... you ' Good ~ In your ............. , BBCHEVROLET Home of the Serengeti Blazer Mittl@@111 Call our friendly salesmeriToi' details 579-5100 1-800-228-7240 17071 E. Imperial Hwy.· Yorba Linda. California ,.,,,,.,, '"' -.• S.mo1 I S.IMitio• -THEOD_ORE ROBINS THE 9J~1 STORE 2060 Harbor Btvd., Costa Mesa 642-0010 o IADDLEBACll Sales & Service Leasing Pans • IRVINE AUTO CENTER 1-800-831-33n 114-380-1200 ~I GMCTRUCK "THE SMART S964o • (714) 540- 2850 HAMOR BLVD. COITA MESA' OSA~~~l~& · 0 NEW LOcAi'IONI -· - SANT A ANA AUTO MALL 1500 Auto Mall Dr., s.nta AM _ 135-3171 Newport/55 Frwy. at Edinger ~ates Dept. open 7 days SeMce Hours. ·Mon.-Fn. 7em· 10pm BUENA PARK STANTON GARO N GROVE P.ACIFIC OCEAN "OMll. OOUln'r8 au.T ~MT .. lliW'Of'TI" • (71~) 540-0713 2llO HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA ,, f .1n1rti11 •• Tlli• •11• / C1H fir Dll1il1 · 842-4321 - .CALL ONE OF THESE . DEALERS FOR THE BEST BUY • UNTIL 1:00 P.M. . , ........ ...,., W'lll• ... • OLDSMOBILE • CAOILI.AC • GMCTRUCKI m/512-0800 SAN DIEGO FWY • AVERY EXIT LAGUNA NIGUEL liff:flQSStlr •HOO~INO •HO GIMMICKS 0 HOUSE of IMPORTS, Inc. . Mercedes-Benz 6862 Manchester Boulevard · Buena Park -SIBYJCI 2 (3 or 714/llERCEDES ·M·"" 8a •p M·F 7a-6p r -u Whnc.J-5 and MHmeet. Sat. 8a·2p • Superior '@ VOlwKSWAG~N@ ~ IN WESTMINSTER ~ 7600 Westminster Blvd., Westminster (71,)891-9378 (213)430-2849 Orange Coast Jeep Eagle c.,,.,,~. Sales o.r "1 '*'*' • Semee .. 1123 • Leulag 1114 Barbor Blvd. • Coata Me•a . • ~~r-CJ\MPBElL • NISSAN/~ 8001 • low Prit•• • No G1mm1du • Greot S•lechon • f11 •ndly Peopl• • f 11cellent Service 11135 le.ti 11111 .... , ~ ..... (21 J) "2°1461 (714) Mt-7711 •11ACH SALES -LEASING SERVICE -PARTS (714) 848-7739 lllOO a..caa Bl•d. (714) 596-1008 H~ ••ell, CA DN7 • • • ttt :"l.'1' ....,.,, ~1 BORDA DSALD IR~CO. Sain. 8en"tCe ..... ~ft1Al1MUee 988-1959 · . 11a1 ...... ll\ll&t ....._care ...... - .atit·~ve· • "V•CX.rAMmaA ' _.,;,..~ D FOCUS • DAILY PILOT/'Thurlday, o.c.nber 1, W N A7 . JOYCE IHL111e1 ·At.-76, Mes~ singer 11 belt~ 'em Out -Luraiy erulse-· Beads ·foTlua · Looking.for an opportunity to relax on a luxury liner? A chance to bask in the sun1 dance under the sian and eat tall you burst? Does this souqd fun or what? And to tlrillk you can benefit a_ worthwhile caU'Se at the same time. Bingo on the hiah seas will be featured during a tnree-niaht cruise from Los Angeles to Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico, April 14, 1989, aboard ·th&Norwegian Cruise Linc's Southward. S~nsored by the Short Statu- red Foundation to raise funds for its program, the cruise will feature Shamrock Bingo and entertain- ment by fonndation chairman and sin~crGracleOHver. ·. The Fountain Valley-based foundation provides services, in- formation and advocacy to L enhance the well being of short statured individuals. For infor- mation, call 848-927!). • • • The Huntington Beach High IJ JOYCE IODLOVICll °'.............. ~ As Harriet! FOil StePI 10 the m1erophone, the s1qe t•11 cause the beads on her dttny blKi suit to burst intoakaltidolcoprofcolon. Then on cue, she bqins a ~h. S&l"ry rendition of"Sentimental Journey.' · As she croons the classic ti.Inc, couples leave their chain and walk to one of the three dance noon to enjoy a chllnce to touch-dace. Backed by the 17-membcr Bia Swi~ Band, Fox. 76, performs every SunGfy from 2 to 6 p.m. at the. Mui Louqe 1nlldc Coica Maa·s Red Lion Inn. fox, the 1988 Ms. Senior America ofCahfornia. belts out the 19~19'40 sonp populanud by Glenn Mitter, Artie Shaw and knny Goodman. The music rekindles the 1uesu' desire to kick their heels to 1he Balboa, Lindy, tanao, swina-or simply slide cheek-to-cheek across the dance floor. "I ~ so exci1ed, l can't sit still when the music it playina. •• 11id Fox. whose looks and tncrl)' belie her 70. plut)'CU'L School Model United.Nations stwdcnts rcccntl¥ won 52 awards at the Model United Nations conferences held at Edison High School and Claremont College. Theconfercnccs-are designed to give students first-hand ex- . peric'nce in confronting world problems. The program is directed by Lyn Aase. Thcawaia winners: Jenifer Malla, Tim Yaces,Gruit Calla~, Matt Jtovacll, Poppy Crossiriggua,r9 is .special to evefyone J ....... PHI Harmer,, Todd LelWDu,Grec Breea, BE LevlH, CUd DeLorm, N I~ Rava, Delia Park, llevhl !f, Amy CanUaal, AlltlM Hqllet, . ~PW. Darrea Deffaer, Scad SUei, Jiilie Jackie, StepUaie W ... 1, Clteryl Ka met and Steve Be~u. pthcr winners were Scoff Fruee, O... lllm, Krt1tea Olney, Bria Toy, Drew Hea- dley, Eric Tllontoa, KatllJeea ~·Blair Farley, Brea& Kllley, J Kao, Paal Lean, Mike Harmu. Ca..U. JOHI, Qri1 Will, William Kim, Allea MacDonald, Gres Splqel, Jeff Woods, Rob . Gaffey, Amy Cardlul, Geri Mlddletoe, Qris Gross, Jeff Col- HD, SlepUnJe Yan1, Lily~. Amy Muata1, Brian Headley, Aimee Ceb.i1ki, Slaue Bradley ud Padma Atlarl. • • • By JOYCE BODLOVICH °' .. o.llr ..... IUll John Fontes walks to the center of the crosswalk. looks carefully at the cluster of cars idling anxiously, then lifts his stop sian and motions for the Whittier ElcmentarY School pupils to 'cross the busy intersection. ".Walk your bike," he warns a young boy. "Wait!," he orders a group -of-eithusiuu ch1ldren-primtd --«> jump into the 1raflic-ladcn street. F:or 73-year-old Fontes. being . :i crossing guard on 'the corner of Monrovia A venue and l 8th Street in Costa Mesa is more than a routine job. • "I have a lotoffun with these kids." he said, ··1 do magic tricks for the them 1n the morning to f.et them in the mood to go to school. ' Because traffic is heavy in the commercial area. Fontes guards the four corners like a mother bear. "J have a motto ... I teU the drivers Fountain Valleyhaselected its new 1988.:89 Chamber of Com- mercccdirectors: Marie Ham-, moH,Sff Bretllaaer, Marty Blitz - ud Jlm McLain. • • • Speakingoffountain Valley.a congratulations to TOiiy ud Ana Pa1U•ca, who recentl y celebrated tbear 65th wedding anniversary. The long-married couple Jive at Parkhunt Retirement Residence. . . . """ . TheOrangeCouoty L"\lpus Foundation of Amenca Inc. an- nounced the election ofits 1988-1990 board of directors. The. two-year term runs from October 1988 to Septc'mber t 990. The new (Pleue ... C~R/A8) they better respect my sign and give these little men and women a chance to CDJOY life." Fontes. of Costa Mesa. is "tickled'. by the show of appreciation, he has received throu&hout the 18 months he has guarded the ioterscction. "I have had lots of beautiful moments. like when a littk girl gave me this hean as a Christmas present. · was decorated so cute..'..'.-he-5aid. "And on one ratn) day. J picked up another little girl and carried her over a big fuddle. The mother was so gnttefu she sent 1he little girl with a plastic. bi& tilled wi1h cookies for me." But it is not .only the parents and children who shower Fontes with appreciation. Whlltier Elementary School officials faavc thanked him for h1 d1hgcnt work. and the owners of A 1 ren's Villaprcschool.locatedon the nonhwest comer of the inter- (Pleue ... CJt0881NG/ A8) Foi'merf. Wy JOYCE BODWVICH ---~·..-Barbara Brown has officiall y re· tired (rol'n Fountain "'Yalle) Cit y politics ,,_ but not really. · Brown. th'e first woman on Foun· tam Valley's City Council, the city's first female mayor and its first La11na council member. decided not to run for a th ird term in November. • For Brown. ,t was a pragmauc decision: ··1 have a daughter "ho will be in college in two years and a 13- year-old son. It is time for me to make a career move ... 10 grow up and ge1 a job." She joked in an earlier inter· Ands~1 hhe rarely dots. Dunna the four the ~rms. Foll i1 iu moa ocal • second only to the audience with its rousana applause after each well-ptaytd number. The Costa Mesa sin~r is ellciltd about each member of the band. Directed by Barney Olson. tbt band was formed in 1984. Most of the musicians arc former bia band ~m­ bers prompted from a mellow retarc- ment to haul out their instruments and resharpen their mus1caJ skills. .. I broulbl Bob Lopn out of a 20- year-hjbemauon," Fox said. lauah-doesn't plly an anstnimen&. M ii a •!\I-mu.sac buff walh rams of bim ._., Trombonist Lopn, 72. has playtd knowlectaie. He is also one tA Foa .. with band leaden Gordon Jenkins. billesl C.ns. and she in tum. la bit. Jack Teaurden and Jack Kemp. "l. f!!Vtt could team lO Nad Gu1tjnst Bob Sturte0n playtd with m~c. he admmtd. .. . . the Sons of Pioneers. Otrector Barney • You never wanted to. h11 .. ..., Olson is a former h1Jh school band kids him. director and proftssaonal musiclan. Keeney said . the fftu~ of He movtd to Cahfom11 to work with interest 1n the bi& band mu11e at~ Ansell Hill and other b11 bands. encouflllnl saan that swina muac Earl. . ... _ ... , won't be foraoucn. • Jeftn t11~wee11. the.band m~t 1or A lotoftbe local col.uvealol pracuce 1nsa~e •an Irvine business o(youna. fantastic musicsan1, be aid. owned by Fox s brother. Bud Keene). "The~ are bit bands WJth au~ under TbouP Keeney. a pho101r&pher. 20. As tona as we teKh lheln bow tbe m\Wc was played, u ~n't •·'." Fox said the twlftl muuc: rep- ~nts a lime of lf'ICle wbell ballrooms we~· filled with ~ dancen. -· "The tea ume dancins mialn be a comina thina. •• she said. ·:ia does brina young people to an -.e of • elcpnce ... Fox·s love of music •oes Wl.f b9ck.. She says, -1 was born s1naina. Born in Oakland, she toc>k music ICjS()nS tbroupollt hiah school. "The Depression came •Iona and I graduated from businesacollete." w said. "Thou&h I could type 7' words• minute and ta.kc shonhand. the only job I could find was lickina envelopes at a business tn downtown Oakland.". .But that aJI chanted when Fox wen\ dancing with f'rieiads at one of the local cJubs. .. Durina that time, we bad the best music and danci.na wu •n ineapen-s1veentcrtainment.-shesaid. •Attht club there was this sinter wavina a wand with alincr. I'll never follet that. I thouaflt, 'gosh. I can sina, I can do Jhat.' •• -Aftd thaHl~y-Wbat the diclt ~ •IW'll"I with Del Courtney's Bud. She then toured in the Bay Aft9 with other local bands. Her stints included St. Francis Hotel, the Athens Athklic Club and the Palace HOlel. ··1 thi~ I made SS a ni&ht. daat wu i k>t of money," she said. -1n lhole (PleMe .-mLTDIO/.MI) -volunteer, artist win HBhonors· David Kirsch and Harvey Clemans have received 1988 honors from the . Allied Ans· Board of Huntinaton Beach. Kirsch was named Volunteer of the Y car. and Clemans I.be Ouwandins V ISUll ARlSL ~ According to Michael Mudd. of the Clty's Community Services Depan- mmt. Krtsctr was 1tk:cR!d llm5uib • ___.........,,..... l'Ubhc nominauna process for his leadership and commitment in promouna the ans tn Huntington Beach. . Mudd wd K.Jrsch has had a 11feton11ntcresttn &11. His pulion led him to locaJ art groups. includina the .\ru Associates where he was a board member. His willin..,ess to support the Cit) ·s effort in promotina the ans. along w11h his counesy, pro- fCSS1onaJ1sm and dedication earned him the honor. John Fonte. wttb Whittler Sclaool papUa. {Pl--... Arn/MJ ~v ma}!or still in-public life . . view. With the sk)rocket1ng cost of college educatfo n. Brown's council salaryofS162.50Qg.month "'ouldn·1 cover the cost oftc'tbooks. . So she decided to acccpu Po iuon that will take care of financial needs. and more 1mportaml~.shc sa)s.allo" her to continue wbat she does best - "serve the commun11~:· ACC"Ording to Bro\\n. he has re· newed a "ork1na rdarionship '"'Ith former fountain Valk" Cm Council membtr and current Orange C"oun1~ Sui>erv1sor 'Roger tanton as h1 execuu ve ass1suint. The JOb 1 onc-'ihe held bncfl y. and somewhat con-'"°' emall~. tn ~9 I Brown's campaign manager for her landslide '1ctof) 1n 19 0. Jan Wilhelm. turned on Brown and called h~ dms1on to a~t t~ Job ~ h1le ser\ing as a council member "1m·-mo~I. improper and unethical." Brown .contended that the ~oun1,· counser5officc and the Fountain \ alle~ cit) attorn_p studied th(' matter and found no confli ct before he aCC'epled the JOb he found 1t difficult to balance a tUJl- Umt' JOb. a council post mad her· fam 1J) commitments. ··1t was almost impoMi~ to be on council and do the full-t1meJob:· said Bro~ who bu-a mastcr:.S ~in public admin1s1rauon. ··1 tned for• ~C'ar and couldn't do things I wanted as a paren t. That 1s ~hy I became a substitute teacher." Brown sa}s her new JOb almost duplicate her City Coun cil rcspons1brliucs. However. almost a )Car later. -··1 wan1cd to sta)' 1n pubhcadminis- Bro"n resigned from the Job \\>Ith trauon." he said. ··1 wtll ~resent tanton ~use of ume constraints (Pleaee .ee FOIUISR/ AS) ·Laguna will welcome Santa at Friday·nlghtceleOration -Santa Claus is coming to down -10 Laguna Beach, that is -Friday night. . The Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce has a full evening planned for St. Nick when he arrive a1 6 p.m. aboard a fire truck at Main Beach. where bands from Laauna ~ach Hip School and Thurston Middle.School win bcenicrtainina with Christmas music starting at 5:30. A trte-l~&htina ceremony and a parade up Forest Avenue to City Hall also arc scheduled at 6:30 and 6:45, respectively. All businesses are bein,-asked to remain opeo until 9 p.m. iq observance of Laguna:S H9spitality Night. • Peace, confiJct lecture at UCI ,Robert Scheer. a writer for the Los Angeles Times and an adjunct professor at UCI. will speak on "The Media and the Cold War .. Thundar at 7 p.m. 1n Room 101 of the Interim En11nccrin1 and Research Facility on the UCl campus. • The prc1tntation 1s fm and open to the pubhc. Attcnd«f. ma) park in lots 18 ind I SA and art uracd to purchase an e'cn1na park in& i>cnnit for SI . Call 856-641 o for: further informauon. Literary workalJop In HB Ruth Colvin. fo under of 1hei.;ttnacy Voluntccn of '.\mcnca. w111 lend n pan:n1<9'tti" rted aloud workshop Tuesday aa 7 p.m 1n the Ta~ Room o(the Hunt1na1on Beach Library. 71 11 Talbert A ,.e .. HuaUnpoa 8-(h.. The puf'POS('ofthc ~'"on t.'lo ~lpbttal thc c)~kof ilhlt'tlC)' by tea hmg a1'J ~ ncou!'lllnl percnls lb rcaJ 10 thear ~una cluldrcn, (.:>II Sue 8n'man It 841-l77J for llMlft 1nf0nnatton. Parade In Mission Viejo A "Mini-Ma~·s Parade" for children of Mission VieJO will be held Friday at 11 a.m. in the parking lot of the Market on the Lake shopping center. Children art' invited to dress as their fa,onte storybook. videotape or Chn tm~ charac1er and con: arcaate at 10 a.m. in the shoping center at the corne r of Vista del Lato and Marauentc Park'A'I\). Judges will be Mission V~o Mayor Norman Murray. Ol)mp1c gold medal-winn1n1 swim~r Brian Goodell and Dick Tnpp. president of the Saddleback Valle) Chamber of Com- merce. Holiday music fntlval .et The art depanmcnt of' Irvine Valle) C'ollC"ge 'Alli j!rncn\ a .. Fesu"al of Holiday Music.•· fratunna the Choralcand ChambtrSirwtnofthc collqc. Saturda)' at 8 p.m. 11 &he Red Htll LutMran Church. J 3100 Red Hill Ave .. Tusun. The co~ of •m•l)~ntcd mu'i1c includes aud1cntt carohnt in..S a post-concert ~ption. The donation 1s S8 fn. gt'n(tll ad1n1s.1ton and $6 for student and tcntor c111zcns. Call 559-J).)) for tldi:et 1nformatton. Designer auditions In Mesa Local designers and artisan of unique fosh1ons and aettssoncs w1H present their '\arcs Tuesda) 11 Q 30 a m when Hein al C11stal C-oun'bo'\d th~ first of tts month!~ ··c1cs1gner aud1t1ons. ·· , Sianups v.111 t>ei1n at Q a.m a1 the uth (oa t Plan store in Costa Mesa, and designers \\Ill tic .seen 10 1hat order. Call (213) 385-~5 for add1\ional 1nTorma11on Jf.8•86,emeat semJnar In Irvine "Te11m 8u11d1n1 and Pan1c1pat1' c \fanaecment .. will be the utk of a talk b} ~dward l .1"kr dirt\ tor Mthc use Ctfttff for Eff'ttlt\.e ~OllJllOns Tucsd~~ ~· \hC' lr\ 1ne Mamon ~tel. 1800 \on t..arman ~ 'e Lawter ••H IP"al "' 1· 1 S a m . fallo\\1ng ~ h1ch business ae.den ••II ~rt1cJpatc 1n o panel d1 ·us ion. A.dm1ss1oa 11 SJO. v.h.cb JncluJM 11'"· ('O t of hrca~fast. and ~lttOM ma) be obtained t\\ \.ill1f\& .\nnt' K1mbdl Relph at 7S:?-S30S. S~I cllaJc 8Jated la £a6on• The South Coaa Medal C~ltf \\.omen's Pav1hon will prntnt a iperiaf .,....m on ~1in1 ~ftt) a\ T~)"i IMdi• of IM ~-Btach Chambtr of C. ommtrtt TM bttelt"-wtll bt Mid 1Uhe urhnd . nJ Hoctl 1n ~una. tJtainn1 .. a1 '1 a.•. Thate 1nu.·mtnt 4.houJJ ~~t ti\( chamber ac •M;;tOll. • Claarlty. bfMe dde ,.,••ned Fi1m and tc~itioft '*"Ida trill .. nlriPllt' 1n thf . "t hoosc a Chanty" bike ride unda) on the campus of ddlebac~ Colleac 1n M1ss1on \<1cJO. The c' ent will beam at 8.30 a.m and door pnzcs Mii ht g1 .. en a"a' at noon ~ pomon of each ndcT's re11strat1on w1l1 i O to the chant> ofh1s or her cho1~. Hypn011l• cJaue. la Ne.,,,_., Free noonumc classes to teach tt~pnos1S to bu.stncsa and protm1onal prople \o help soh c woft end ~l problems and to cha nae habits wtll be offered next Wttt in the filih tloor conferentt room of \he S..wa Bank butkhng. 4400 Mac nhur Bl"d . Newport 8eech. The dann will be offtttd T~y. Wednadly and Thursday~ Dr. James Harder. a clina.I b)'1'ft0therapi•. <all 9.SS-7901 for class times and f'HttVMIOM. f Or~ Coeat DAILY PILOT/ ThurlcMy, December 1, 1988 ... Jl'ORN*R P.V MAYOR STILL SERVING COMMUNITY ••• P,_A7 . • RQ1erSlanaonin1evcralcitiesinclud-"He 1s a tremendous force in the They know someone in the offict 1s ptip matenal. and w 1roo• &hc top ing Fountain Valley~ I will be aetivc In county. To find a job I rnJO) doing so Ver) sensitive to t~r nttd~ 1nd vott-tetln. my city wi1h community outre-.tch na1urally. a JOb description 1 have concerned b them." "I cmobuaztd cny cre«ntials. not and constituency probaems. done for eight years for Fountain As she dtpened from City Hall. the fact I was a woman:· sht said. "l "Thedi&Tentt is now I ge\ paid for Valley, and topping it off working Brown rtlltctcd on the role of bean& ran b«1utt I w11 qualiftcd ... I said, those thinp, tha\ i1 1 unique ex~ with Roger Stanton 1s the greatest." the first woman council member. 'this 1s what I have done for the C'lly. · pericnce I ran ~t used to," she said Stanton's supervisorial dis\rict in-.. 1 rtmembcr when 1 was runnina. Thal is how it $hould be -mao or witha laual\. "My husband is ecstatic. eludes Santa Ana, Garden Grove. h · bl 1·k ·1 ~... Id be wom-n, look at tht cttde!'tia!s." The second day on the1·ob. he sent me Midway C'i1y. Tustin and Fountain eanna pro ems 1 e. anou B_ rown said her mot1v.1t1on for · home taking care of my children.' " flowers." . ·~alley. she said. "They were about 4 and 7 at runnina centered on her children. Brown said when she heard Stan-One of Brown's responsjbility will the time. I \\-Ould be considered a bad Brown says she as keeping her ton ~d staff openings, she im~cdi-be ~orking with the Latino c~m-mother. They said 'don't use photos politic1I options open. ately Ju~pcd at the opportu.nity to !11Unlly: She says thataspcct of the Job of ybur children in the ~mpaian: "llovc pohtics, it is nota bad word. work wnh an elected official she 1s veryTmpOrtant to her. That isa different set of st1ndards. A I remember my grandma cryina, respected. . ''This is one of my l<?ves, one I am man with young children was ICCCP.: 'Where did ~e go. wrona? A ntee "I looked at applying at other very proud of." she said ... The First table, a woman was different. S11 ll Catholic Mexican g1~I and you t_um offices because l"wan1ed to stay in the Distnct has a large Hispanic popu-some cities in Orange County haven't into a politirian. · "she said. laugh!nJ. politicaJ arena," she said. "Roger is lalion and 1 have a lot of friends in the electcd a woman." "l said politics is not a bad word. 111s the only elected official I have no Hispanic community and feel very Brown d1d·no1 heed the advice. She positive and respectable. it 11 ~nc that qualms working for and reprcscnaing. fortunate to be able to work for them. used the children's pictures in cam-forces you 10 make many sacnfices. ·• .Reg. 199.95 Low Al 115 ,_Month. Direct-view screen, upf down search tuning. #16-159 8anenes e111re Reg. 349.95 Low As 115 Pw lloftett• Remote on-screen programming of 14-·· · day/6-event timer. HO. #16-510 . AMIOte betterlft 91111'• l.owAl155 PwMonttl• Capture special holiday memories- just point antj shoot~ Low-light (T-lux) recording, infrared auto-focusing. With hardcase. #16-801 Digital-Ready Speaker Nova -15 By Realistic · 3AM Reg. HALF :I~~ 79·95 PRICE! 8" woofer, 21'2" tweeter. 60 watts capacity. Real walnut veneer. 19x103/ ... x 71'2". #40-4034 ·Dual-Cassette Stereo +,5~995By Z'i~$.v. ""'Olol-. 219.95 '60 Dubbing cassettes. AM/FM tuner. turn- table, 271/e" -high speakers, rack. #13-1228 -~Po~-~ 0~!!.,~!ayer · · 15~ Reg Save ,.,.... 219.9.5 '60 Reg. 199.95 Play through your headphones or home stereo. #42-5011 He~. t>att.,_ ext•• An unbeatabie buy at $20 Qff! Security code. Tone/pulse' dialing: #43-544 Rechargeable Emergency Lantern Cu.I Reg. 311 By Radio Shack. 37% 21.95 1 Lights when AC fails! Doubfes as flashlight. With wall bracket, charger. #61-2740 Cut 2~ "Lightning" Display llluma-Stonn"' By Realistic Personal Mini Phone 1 -Aad.:~hackCut ~ '.,.. 19.95 . 35-v. "Hangs up" on any ftat surface. Pulse' , dialing. White, #43-505. Brown, #43-506 ARTS ••• PromA7 Clemans. an 1n instuctor at Gold· cl) W~t Colleac since I ~70, s~iaf­ izes in watcrcolon. HaJ P1•nunas depict Southttn California with eaK and frnhnca. The simplici1y of watercolors as a medium 1lJows him to ex plore a wide ninae of emotional qualnies. Mudd said. Clemans ~id his art -49 heavily influenced by his tctchina rolt, "Much of my art ~ins as an. instructional demonsl'r-Mion and evolves an to a personal statement and vi¢'e versa." Clemans said. • ~Mudd said the awards committee be1ieves Oemans has contributed signi ficantly to the ans IS a pro- fessional and as an individual who has enhanced tbe arts in Hunting1on &ach. ,. .. CROSSING GUARD ••• PromA7 section, are eq_ually graleful for his The cold weather, however,_ morning and afternoon presence; s>romp1ed a rilove to the warmer "He 1s cheerful and friendly. He ·California climate in 1983. · makes people feel warm even on cool -. "We ju~~ celebrat~ our SOth ~ mornin8'" said preschool owner ni versary. he said, thumbing Donald Tarno. ··children love to be through a leather wallet and pointing around him. He always waves to our to two small photo-booth snaps of a preschoolers and teachers. He simply handsome man and woman ... That makes people feel good about them-was us." sel ves. He 1s also very conscient~ous Fo~tes also proudJy di!J>layed b~s on the job. I only hear great things .crossing guard ID caret The card as about him." issued by his employer, the ci ty of The preschool children were the Costa Mesa. . recipients of one of Fontes'.·hobbies "They have a beautiful system recently -m~kill& homemade _ncre:' liuaii1. '7hey Jive you an ID. pizzas. card, fingcreri nt s. they do thinas the ''These 'Children thanked him for-proper way. 1 • ever for that pizza," Tamo said. "It is Font~ said a .recent birth~y card one of his specialties. I think he has from a cny official was moving. been making pizza for what -40 . ··My boss, Mary Cross. gave me a years?" birthday card ... she wrote, 'John. Fontes is of Portuguese descent. wishing you ~ happy birthday1 and His ability to speak Spanish comes in thanks fot doing a wo nderful Job. J bandy with 1he predominantly Latino onl y ~ish we bad more of yo.u o~i population at Whittier school. . there. That was vcry, very nace, 1t "My fami ly is from the Azores. ,tic~led me.." \ When r was 2. we ca me to the lJ'ni~ Fontes then stopped to escort an States and settled in Massachuscfis. assemblage of. gialing children The Portusuese people settled on the,. thro~ah the c~ossw.alf. ~e.co~ucts !.. Atlantic Coast to work th~. conon · spccaa1 finger ~anipulataoo WJth one mills. We went through Elhs Island ·young dark,-haarcd boy. . along-lvith the other immi.,ants, · "Now y4U beJona.-io aJricndsbip "I remembered later when my dad club," he says to the.captivated boy. worked for a brewery," Fontes re· As the flood of children heading called. "He could get a bucket of beer home trickle! to ~ few straglcrs. for 25 cents." Fontes reflects on his second career. Fontes and his wife relocated to "This is a beautiful job," he says, as Arfaona. He raised one c:llughter, a sm~ll child gives. b~m ~ hua. "The worked as a liquor salesman, and amazing part of this JOb 1s that I get rctircdfo Prescott~ t-riz. paid for it." -' BELTING OUT SONGS ••. FromA7 days, women vocalists sa1 to the side very quietly. until they were called up In tim"e, her broken·heart began to to slng:• heal. She started takina voice lessons She married a musician in 1941 overcoming the hoarseness caused by and traveled'throusf:~'dt the United the chemoth~?i needed ~r a -SJates..wjlh-buJua who plarcd-mastcctomy i 8'--Soon Iler rich with the Gus Amheim Biid. She did' sound was back. not sing. however. becau1e Amheim Fox said this is the best time of her did not carry married couples on his life; partly because of the band, the payroll. rest due to band member Dick ··one night. his vocalist walked off Marcum, whom she has been with and he asked me to fill in," she said. since.1987. "The girl was surpiscd wben Gus "I waited until 1 was 75 to find the didn't ask her to come back." perfect man," she said, laughina. The bombina of Pearl Harbor · Accordina to Olson. the band and prompted most of the band members Fox just keep impr<>Ying. to lea vethegroupandenlist.Afterthe "It is like 900 percent better each war. Fox had a 1rea1 time working at week we play." he said. "We are the movie studios as ao extra and reiterating swina music of tne 1940s occasionall y in the chorult$ of musi-exactly how it was played. It is cals. showi ng young people why it was so Fox retired in 1947 to raise a son damn popular." • and daughter. Eventually her mar-Olson said lhe band's music is not riagc ended .and she met her second 6nly peaking thcinterest o(the people husband. swing dancer Ray fox. who auend the Sunday .pcr- Whcn he died in 1983. Fox's griefwas formances. but.plans ire brewina to so complete she ga ve away her piano. •take the band on an overseas tour. the stereo and tapes. She vowed never "We are still an unfinishcd story,·· to sing. dan<'<' or listen to music again. he said. CHAMBER OFFICERS ••• PromA7 president is Kerrym Coflmu of Huntington Beach. ... • • •• A job well done for the Hunt· ington BCach Pop Warner checrleadinasguads, the Charaen, the ~obra~ a~d th~ Broncos. The11rls,d1v1ded mto three teams, took honors in the recent Pop Warner Orange Em· pi re Chcerleadina Competition at Huntinaton Beacn Hiah School stadium .• There were 82 squads rep- rcscntina IS Oraqe County cities. In all, 1,890 &iris partici- pated with more than 4,000 spectaton watchina the all-day event Each of the squads featured a cheer and 1 dance routine. The Cha,..enand the Cobras placed ftrMaDd tbe Broncos took a eecond. The HwatiftllOn 8ellch dteerteadii::l'm it underthf clirectioa ore aaaora..t ..._Mollof'=checreach ...ttwu.m ·vama. ne....._practk'eaeb week for six hours and cheer at weekend football games. The Lupus f OtlDdation is a non-profit orpnization run by volunteers With aoaJs of provid- ina education, emotional support services, pubhc and profeuional • awareness and support rnean:h into the cause and cure of System- ic Lupus Erythcmatosus and re- lated diseases. • • • Complete Medical Care is of- fcrina arnnesty phYlicalsat its GanlenGrovtancl Huntinaton Beach offices. The health poup will provide the medical documentation needed to file an amnesty aoollcaUon. Tbecost is S'°forldiaf11.1ndS25 ror children. ........ ,. ........ .......... " ·-er . ''Zl ....... ... r.:. .... -:p~:....-= l.~l!.'=.a.':' .. 11't':a ............... ...,. ........ ... .J Focus .column .notes cliaage Editors note: Readers of Ne;,hborhood Focus will notice a cfw>le inrbis week'scolumn. Reporter Joe Bel Bruno will be c:ovena· JOU th aranae county for Ne· borbood Focus, replac· 1 ilJI ie &mest. who moves to tbC metro staff. From the new picture on top of this column and the editor's note, you probably have picked up the fact that this is my first week workina in the Neighborhood Focus section. Leslie Earnest, who hascov· ered your neiahborhood for the past year, wilfbe a hard act to follow. The accuracy and depth of her coverage is something that I will strive to continue. lam already look:in• forward to covering thecommumty beat, whiclican-bcan.inlerCSbnau--- • . . JOCUS . . KSBR: College radio Station a success BJ JOE BEL aaVNO ............ SaddlebKk Collqe student Brian McCoy made some lua mh~ute adjustments to his control pencl, listenina int(ntly to his hadaar in anticipetion of a ao-aheld to take to the air. ' The 28-year-old Laauna Beach resident was not in the cockpit of a twin.enajne aircraft. lnsae.d, he wn preperina 10 hit the •irwavn or southern Ora• Couniy u a news anchor for ~10 station KSBR·FM (81.~). He is Just one of the 60 students who receive nscnsive media trainina at the ClOUclt• l.000-wat" radio station. aro.dcastina oui of studios in the buement of the 1ehool·1 lihnrY in Miuion Viejo, KSBR beams 2"91\c>11r jan and up.tc>-(he-minute news ia· formation to the south county. Fast aPbrolchina its I 0th year on the radio dill, the station tw terVed iu area as the only public radio slltion. Most imponantly, ICC'Ol'dina to the stu· dents, it lef'VCI II I t,acoa (or future radio profns1onals. laevn that tlae station's "bands-on" '7hert is a 101 of e>pponunity philosophy offers the kind of climate offered at KSBR," 111d McCoy, who needed for leamina. anchors the momina drive-umt ''The entbusium of the students is news. "I've been with two oV.Cr .iJ,l1t incredible. theft is rib bickerin_J. collqe Stations. and there is really no ftabuna or t.ckstabbtna 'famihar an compeJisc:>n ~ith KSBR. We ,et more an entenainment-oriented environ· responsabiht1e1 and Cllcellent facili· • mcnt, ·• said Wedel, who allO teaches ties to work from.•· radio counn at theJ'.ollqe. . ~hile maf!y colleaes and univer; "We try 10 &e'l the students in· smes only offer class instruction an volved u much 11 possible in the br09dca11 media, KSBR JiYn llu· opn'ltio.n ofa radio station. and t~ dents full priv11ctes to their 1tudi05. learn a lot in 1 short period of time. Prosram Director Terry Wedel be· Tbe s&atioa is almost entirely run " by students and commumay volua· teen, wtuch 11 not UDUIUIJ b I tollelt llltion. Howcv«, wbat meu kSBR 1pan from other col ...... 1ions " •ts size. facilities aftd an 1lreldy bta community followilllo accordina to Wedel. Riva.tin' ttuu of other commercial radio stauons, KSBR ntima1e1 ill studios to be ~nh more \ban $200.000. That includes three OIMir studios, a full ~rd and CD library, wire and audio services for the news center. as well u the station's tram-miner and satellite stationL &rher this year. KSBR scepped up ill county IJt'WI cOV~ _due IO a • U,000 arant fn>m Sa_n -~Gu A Electric. Nouna the station 1 inc:rea- ina . ro&e m soultr county ~ \be utility compeny and KSBR used the funds to sublcti"be to TM~ssociated Plus Nitwork News. Thas service feeds the stauon national newscasts. u well u individual repons and antervaews. News instructor Charlotte Sjater behevn that this is a far cry from the aa1ton·1 OfllinaJ "rip and tear method" of reponma the news. •"One of our baant commitments is bnna.ins local and national news to the community,'' sa.id Sla~r. who produced KSBR's live Election Day coverage. ''Now. the news staff has more 11me to pther local· news and learn reponina skills. instead of read in& tliro~ the AP news wires for • their stories.· KSBR was awarded a Ccnificate of Exoellencc from the Associated Press • this year, due.to their comprehensive reports. ThtS award is one step below Station of the Year, which isgivm ao · just one radio station 111 the counuy. In addi1ion fo Jiving media stu· dents an invitation to learn the.,._.....;~• signment. This being my first · week, I want to establish an "open door .. policy. Anybody who has a ttory idea -or any idea -can call or write to me at the Daily technical end ofbroadcaulftt. 68 alJO allows students to explore dif-ferent fonnats of music. The Mission· Viejo station prosrams a blend of l~oustical and electronic jazz throuahout the day, bk>c:kinc off the ·Pilot. • • • And now, what some folks in thec0mmuni1y are up to .... SUdn Rieber, director of commuruty education at Irvine Valley Collcac, has received the Community Services Person of the Year award. This honor was presented to her at a recent .. statewide conference by the CaJi· fomiaCommunityCollcgeCoun· cilonCommunityScrvicesand Continuing Education. Rickner has been active at the community college level for the past IOyears. -. . . Five Laguna Beach residents · were applauded rcctntly for their outstanding devotion as com- iUnityVolunteernt the Laiuna Beach Commu~'J. Oinic. gva llnel. DMalal I:. ler, 8GJ» . Muea,BW"PlambudDr.J.ee G.....__ received the honors. Morctfian 2S0peoplevoluntcer at the Laguna Beach Community Clinic, and are all com mended fot their efforts in bringing affordable healthcaretosouthOrange _ County families. • • • • TheawarCi mentioned in the above item wasn't the only one this week for Plumb and Gar· lington. · They were also nominated for Ready to ~ memben In Lffe8tylee are "(from left) Doq Wllldn•, markettna .tee .................... preeldent; Bwle Bllakln, aecatl•e .tee presl~t; lllcbael W. Llacko, preeldent. (Pl••.-8TATIOlf/A8) 0eilter giv~ specilil-~~ p~ent assistance By LESI IE EARNESr °' ........... A center that will provide nursina care and hospice services to ~bents with life thrcatenina and chronic illnesses -=: including AIDS and c:anccr -opened llst week in Lquna Beach. Ahimsa Ca.re Center-. formerly Qardcns Convalcsccn& H01Pttal. " a 47-bed facihty t'hat win conti nue providinJ gena1nc care while U· pandfog its services to include phys1· cal, psychological and spiritual aid 10 new residents. • · Administrator Sharon Lucas. ~~ said she decided to open the cen1er when she realized a special need for patient assistance that would smite a rNalancc between home and acute hospital care. • "Principally. what I saw was a pp in 1he health care sys1em. ··said Lucas. previously administrator at Western Neuro Care Center in Tustin. "It seemed that there was a need for ·younge-r patients who want to direct their care." · honors at National Philanthropy •-~--•Y1~7spo..--nsoredbytheCalifom~~.__,fl!IL.;;c-..:!lliol£.~~~.-;..-...._..~ Community Foundation, Chari- Ahimsa. which means "reverence for life... provides an alternauve. Lucas said. "It was what sttmed to be a lacking area in the heal th care field." table Giving Fund-raising Ex- ecutives, The Volunteer Center and the United Way ofOranse County. This day was proclaimed asa national observance by Congress in 1986and iscel· ebrated across the United States. This year, awards were given to six south county residents. UC l's ViceChahcellorfor Institutional Advancement, Job MUtller, was awarded Outstanding Pro. fcssional in Philanthropy. Rock- well International picked up the By LESLIE EARNEST °' .. ...., ........ Career building singles may feel it's e waste of valuable time to passively sip wine spritzers at a nightclub as the)'. wait for an inlercsting face to smile in their direction. "Our main focus is to provide as its home base for very (pccafic peoplean environment that is.not just reasons. The Irvine area has a high one-dimensional," said Bessie number of single people "'ho "'ork Baskin, president of Orange County long hours. haveof\en rclocated from· Lifestyles lntcmauonal. "The ~J~~other areas and arc looking for new vironment allows men and women to friends. In add1t1on. the 6.<ro meet for business networking. sports square-foot club on the comer of i\.lthoug}l she did not say what patients will pa) ,according to Lucas. center care will cost less than the fee for 24-hour nursing care at home. Ahimsa does no1 accept MediCat or Medicare, but Lucas said 1hat may change m the future. Curtcntly. most of the patients at the ccn1er suffer from Alzheimer's disease or organic brain syndrome. age-related 11ln~s that man1fcs\ in S) mptoms such as forgetfulness. said Lucas. a licensed clinical ~1al "'orker and nursing home adm1nis- tratot. But for the past year. an organiz.a· tion has been opera1ing in Irvine that claims to have found a way to make social hours count for business· conncctionsand ~efinitely to _sociall_y Main Street and Redhill Avenue 15 flnd .. a very special person in the~r near the a1rpon. making 11s services afe. conven ient to single travelers. ...... '--- work l.'lth patients to develop ind1· v1dualized treatmen t plans. In ad- (Pl ...... BONOU/A8J minded singles. · According to Baskin, owners of "We take care of an individual in Lifestyles International chose Irvine (Pl~M .ee SINGL&S/ A8) As part of 1he ex panded services. doctors and other staff members will (Pleue eee CA.RB/ A8) Eaguna will Wel~orne Santci at Friday nightcelebratiori and reservations fT)a> be ob1a1ned b> calling '\one "hen Hein at I) Stal Coun holds the first of its monthly S.nta Claus is comina to down -to ~una Beach. that is -Friday niaht. The Llpn1 Bnch Chamber of Commerce has a·full evenina ~nned for St Nick when he arrives at 6 p.m. aboard a fire truck at ~in Beach. •here bands from Luuna Beach Hiah School and Thurston Middle School wiO bcentenainina with Christmas music starting at 5:30. A tree-liahtina ceremony and a parade up Forest Avenue to City Hall aho are scheduled at 6:30 and 6:45, respectively. All busi~ are beina uked to remain open until 9 p.m. in observance of Laauna's Hospitality Niaht. Pace, coanlct lecture at UCI " Robtrt Scheer. 1 writer for the Los Angeles Times and an IMiiunct _jWOfessor at UCI. ·will speak on "The Media and lhe Cold War" Thunday_ at 7 p.m. in Room 101 of the Interim Enainttri"a and Research Facalily on the UCI campus. The praealalioa is free and Opet\ to the pubtic. Attendees may park in lots 18 and I IA and are urged to ~aaneni .. ,.rtinapmnlt forSl.Call 856-6410 for Tunller information. £JfeNl7 trarbllOJI Ill BB .... CaMn. bander of the litcncy Voluntttrs of ••rim. wtn lmd a partftt-dild rted aloud wotksh<>p T..._, _ _. 7 p,rn. in &he Talbm Room of the Hunti"l'on lllC[LlnrJ. 7111 T-albtn Ave .. Hanti~ lb(h. 'hi \;'r::.ohhe 9tUiOft is to hclpbmtl tM cvck of i~ i• and cncou,..,.,. l)IWnts 10 read 10 ...., = cWln. Call Sue Bmna• at '41·1773 for ... ... l • Parade la Ml .. lqn Viejo A "Mini-Macy's Parade" for children of Mission Viejo will be held Fnday at I I a.m. 1n 1he parking lor oft he Market on the lake shoppin& center. Childrtn are invited to dress as their favonte storybook. videotape or Christmas character and con- arepte at 10 a.m. in the shopina center at 1he comer of Vista dd i::qo and Maraucnle Partway. Judees will be Mission Vic)O Mayor Norman Mumy, Olympic gold mcdll·~nnn1na swimmer Brian Goodell and Dick Tnpp. president of the Saddleback Valley Chamber of Com- merce. Holiday mu•lc le.tlval .et The art department of Irvine Vall<'y College will pttSCnt a "Festival of Holiday Music." featurina the Chorale and Chamber Siftltn of the collqc. Saturday at 8 p.m. at 1hc Red Hill Lutheran Church, 13200 Red Hill Ave., Tustin. · The ~n of family-oriented music includes audifncc carohna and a post~nccn l"C'ttPCion. The donation IS $8 for &rnnai ldm1551on and $6 for Students arid scn1or c111zens. C11l SSt.llJ3 for tldct 1nfonnat1on. Kimbell Rdph at 752-5505. · "des11ner aud1t1ons." • Sianups v.111 begin at q a m aJ th~u1h Coast Plaza S LJ ll l -• t-.a l '·•d'nn store 1n Costa Mesa. and de 1gr1ers "'ill be 5tt1l in that .a C n C -.a cu D --e ._.a order. all (2 13) 38S-400S for add1t1onal information. The South Coasl Med ical Center Womcn·s Pa' 1hon will p~nt a spec:.aal proeram on skung safet) at Tuesday's mectina of the Laauna Beach Chamber of Commerce. The twe.kfa~I will be held at the Surf and Sand Holcl 1n Laauna. bqannin& at 7 a.m. ThoSt' in1cres1ed should conlact lhc chamber at 494-10 18. Charity bike ride planned Film and tClc\151 on cclcbnt1cs •ill pan1c1patc m \he "Ch<><* a Chanl)" bike nde Sunda) on the campus of Saddlct.ck Colklc an M1ss1on VicJO. The event w1TI bq1n at 8:30 a.m~and doorpnzcs "'II be 11\en awa\ 11 ·noon . .\ portion of ach n<kr's "'l"tnlltOG wall to to the chant)' of his OT her choice · Optlml•t9 plaa ld•tory. 9eaiOJJ ~Co.at) 9'1st0ty trill~ d11(Usscd It. m«t1na of the Opt1m1st 0. of lrviM :ruelda> mom1n1 b)-John WC'tC'Ott. Tht btta\fUl ""8on 1s ldwduee.t for 7 a.m at Hors H.a,.18t~ ~5' .. lmne. V"nonatt 1n,1ttd and funhcr 1nfonnatt0n it av .. W.at IJ&.S6l9 or 675· I ":79, ~er •adJtlo• fa lleM • • l«ll ~ aild Mil 1 1 f6•eqw a.sheon arid ~ •iff pratftt ...., ... ~ 119:JO a.m. • HypaOlll• cJaues ln lfe~rt". Free noontime clas5CS to teach b)pnosas to busaness and professional people to help sol\c WQrk and pn10nal problems and 1o chantc habits will beofkttd nttt wiedin the fifth floor conference room of the Sa•wa 8111* bu11d1ng. 4..oQ MacAnhur 81\ d .• Ne"Wpor\ Beech. - The classes wall be o~red Tucsdly:Wcdnaday Md Thursda)' t>~ Dr. James Harder. a d1nical hypnotherapisl. Call 9SS-7901 for class tunes and rocrvauons. - ' . CARE •• .' P'romA7 d1t1on to the rfttd1cal care. social workers and suppon aroups will ~ available to help Plltents and their families lcam lo deal with the stress that accomflanic 3 life-thrcafcn..., illness. Although most residents have not bttn aware of the new center. Lucas said she's hoping last week's open house will ~gin to change that. • "The grand opening is son of the first step in makin~ouroutrcach into the community,' Lucas said. In January. a program to train hospice vol unteers will ~in. Steve Peskin(l. director of Laguna Shanti. a non-profit organization that offers emotional support and prac- tical assistance to people facing lifc- threatening illnesses. said Ahimsa could fill an important need. Reg. 349.95-Low At S15 Per Month• • Wlretess Remote Remote on-screen programming of 14· day/&-event timer. HO. #16-510 • 110-Ch. Tuner Remote batt•nes 'k!ra Pocket Color HQ-VHS-Video Camcorder LCD TV Save '40 15995 Reg. 199.95 MOdel 100 MovieCQ.rder"' By RealiStiC- Save •200 1oggoo Low Aa SSS Pel' Month • Low As $15 Per Monttl • Direct-view screen. upl down search tuning. #16· 159 Banar• .. xtra Capture special holiday memories- 4ust point and sh®t! Low-light (7-lux) recording, jnfr~e<1 ~uto-tocusing. Wlth har~. #16 .. 801 CD/ AM/FM> Cassette C0-3302 By Realistic Save •so Digital-Ready Speaker Nova"'-15 By Realistic 3~ 1~9:s HALF PRICE! BH woofer, 21'2'' tweeter. 60 watts capacity. Real walnut veneer 19 x 1Q3f. x 71'2". #40-4034 . Dual-CaSsette Stereo System 100 By ReaJistic-_ -tcna5 Reg. Save ..,_,.. 219.95 •&0 Dubbing cassettes. AM/FM tuner, turn- table, 271/a" -high speakers, rack. #13-1228 million bJih tech campureaemble8 a ranch 1tyle houe like thoee In the nellhborbood It occapl•. Dual-Powered Cale - Ee-423 By Radio Shack . 8'8 :is :;1'! Switches from solar to battery power in dim light. With case, battery. #65-563 Handy Cordless Telephone ~ ET-393 By Radio Shack n Play through your headphones or home Stereo. #42-5011 HeadPl'IOMS D8nenes ei<1r1 Rechargeable Emergency Lantern Cut Reg. 311 By Radio Shack. 37% 21.95 1 Lights when AC fails! OOubles as flashlight. With wall bracket, charger. t61-27 40 T ~ ftis 5915 An unbeatable buy at $20 off! Security code. Tone/pulse1 dialing. #43·544 Personal Mini Phone 1 -y~hackCUt t '~ 19.95 35.,,. "~angs_~·: on any flat surfaoe. Pulse' dtaJlng. wtlite, #43-505. Brown, #43-506 Portable Keyboard "Lightning" DI splay r Cut 2~ Concertmate®'350 By Realistic ~ 333. 2995 :Is Neat qitt for young Tests all popular sizes! musicians! 100-note The perfect partner tor memory, 10 rhythms, ·=~operated gifts. 4 tones. #42·4006 llluma·Storm"' By ReaJlstic Hnat for Im :r parents widens By JOE BEL BlllJNO ................ For the Oranse C'oun1y thaptcr of Con«pt 7. coming to the aid of abused children through foster famil· ies has become another case of supply and demand. Statistics released earlier this __year in a publication known as the Child Abuse Reporting Law. bastd on a study conducted by the saatc of Califdmia, indicate that incidents or child abuse have nearly doubled in the last eiaht yea11. It is projected that the num~rs in 1988 will exceed 179.000 cases of physical. menial and sexual abuse. . For the Laguna Beach branch of C'onccpt 7. this translates to a areat demand for foster parents. accordina to area aqministrator Huah Margesson. · - "I ran across those numbers re- leav<t by tnc Child Abuse Reportrna Law and was alarmed at what we would be facinJ in the future." he said. "Since \.h(rc are few laf1C residential care facilities. there 1s goin.K. to .. ~ a great need for foster families. . Sinct 1977, the non-profit Concept 7 orpniution has offered ~ 10 help abused. nalecied and troubled cee....-ancr cbildrcn in OnlllC. Rivmide, Loi Aftldct and San Bernardin<> counties. lts child placement prosram. now in its tee· ond year, has alrndy placed 60 children in Orante Coul\ly homes this yeu. In the put, Concept 1 w,eted mainly du~ tehoels and other public orpn1zation1 for pre1e11- 1ations on ~in• a foster family. With the number.or reported child abute cases on the rise. ConcePI 1 is DOW focusina upon the workplace to add to its netw~ o(fo.ter patents. "Child abuse and bein& a foster parent aren'a two subjects that ate talked about over a company lunch," Maracsson said. "We send a rcpresen- w.ive down 10· their company, and really lay out ihe whole idel to them. So far. we have gotten a favorable response.·· Workina around the company lunch schedule, Concept 7 sends one or its eepresenlativcs to host the talk. . STATION SUCCESSFUL ••• FromA7 ~- evenings for specialty shows. Such shows as '"Blue Monday." (Blues). "~tin Jazz," and "Rcgae Showcase." can be ~card througout the week in the 9 p.m. slot. The newest innovation that KSBR oow has slated for its night proarammina is "~ntap~ Talent." which features unsigned arusts. tions," said the 18-ycar-old Irvine resident. "Besides. they are exposlna the saudcnts with music that they wouldn't hear anywhere else. They arc also serving a lot of people in the community." . KSBR adopted the acoustical "New Age jazz" format four years ago. after breaking its affiliation with National Public Radio. Tht decision to sever tics with the network came due to a movement to increase the students' roles at the station. Oper- ..) Hosted by Bill Burns, this show will serve as an open forum for new anists in l'fot only jazz. buf rock'" 'n~ roll. ~e. New Age; blues and ragtime. Be10J-i>rimarily Jljazz and allC.aWi ve music station, this is the only show in the line-up that will spill into a more mainstream sound. ations Manaacr-...Mark Schiffelbein --~~ saj<f the dccisiqn • marked a big improvement for the students. Wedel said that playing jazz and experimental music has not ~n guestioncd by the studcn1 body of Saddleback College. who might otherwise favor a r-0ek. 'n' roll or pop format. However, he docs believe that it e!JtS the station in a "Cat~h-22" situa 100 ~between the communi, ty's needs and what the college's students want to·hear. "The students are not aoini to listen to our rock "n' roll when there are bigger stations at the other end of the dial. Since we are not just a college station. we have t'o keep the com· muni1y 1n mind ---cy are our biggest concern." f\ccording··to Saddleback Collcae studcnt.StacySadler. there is no other route to go ·but programming some kind of alternative music. "If they were to proaram r9Ck 'n' roll. t.he~ just would not be able to compete with thost biaacr LA Sia· --- ··KSBR is uniqu~ amouna school audio pre>Jrams, c9nsiderin1 ~ur 24- hour service to he communtty, our diversity in programming." he said. "We art unique in the way that we give the students total conarol of the station. That doesn't happen at other col~-_ Scfuffelbein. who was brought into KSBR when the station switched formats, believes that it is also the supporJ of the colleae and community • that makes it a succeuful program. Saddleback Collcac funds the ularies of Wedel, Schiffelbein and a now· vacated news director post. Yet. it is the community's efforts durina the one week fund-raiser that sponsor the programming. ··Some stations just have conlinu· ous fund-raising. we don't do that to .,. our listeners, .. ·said Wedel. "We raised around $10,000 this year. which 1s a good indication of how we arc perceived by the community.•· We 're looking for good sports The Daily Pilot wants to report the sporting exi)loits of you and your neighbors. We're not lookina for news from Anaheim Stadium. that's covered. We would rather hear about someone you know bowling a 600 series or shooting a hole in one. . So. if )'our recreation leque team finished on top. if you led the pack in a J().K run, your neighbor landed a marlin or your spouse won a tennis tournament, let us know. · Send us a brief account of the sporting accomplishment and a photograph if you have one. The Daily Pilot will publish them in our Good Spons column. which will appear in Thursday's Neighborhood Focus section. a Address your correspondence to Neighborhood Focus in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box l S60. Cosaa Mesa. 92626. HONORS EARNED... -FromA7 ~ .. Outstanding Corporate Foun~ and development in the office dation Philanthropist award. park category. Harriet Witmer ud Tim Strader shared the honors forOutstand· ing Volunteer in Philanthropy. ~He Hester was named Outstanding Individual Philanthropist. • • • The proposed Irvine Medical Center ~as taken another step closer to its 1989 opening. Presi· dent Jou C. Gaffney announced Gerald Siaytla will be the hospi- tal's first chief of staff. • • • The National Association of l ndustrial Offce Parks presented an award of merit to Albert C. Martin and Associates at its annual conference in New York. The winnin1project, Koll Center Irvine. chosen from 280entrics, was ci led for excellence in desi&n ••• The N igucl Art Association is holdin~itsannuaJ fall juried art show of memben' work. The show will be held Friday through Dec. 29 during regular business hours at the Great American Savings Bank in l:.aguna Beach. • • • Saddlcback College is accepting nominations for its fourth annual Outstandina Women in South Ora nae County awards prosram. Community members may par- ticipate by nominatinaa woman who has s1gnif1e1ntly contributed to the betterment other com.- m unity. Awardswillbeaivcn in the catqories of career achicve- me,,nJ1 excellence for wom~n and SaOOJeback Colleae student achievement. Nomin.dons will be Kt"epted throqab Jan. 6. SING~ES BONUS... .. PromA7 • all aspects of his life, .. Baskin said. "'Our phil0t0ohy is, 'Th(re's more to life than just clatina. • " Althouah • penonal profile is la ken of e.ch member to outline what he or she' is lookina for in a social partner. Ufntylesc:o-founder Michael liacko said tbe 9'11niution is not a datina service. Rather, he said, "we're very much like an airline ctub, but pttd to slnak orofcuionals. .. ·With one compeny hummina and another set to open in Los An~les after the first of the year, U.Cko said die p ii 10 have 15 Ufellylel lftWMtioftal businesees acroas the nation widtin two ,.n.. .. w. MW -ror.• let'• put it ..... •)','" laid Lildo. wbo added ..... BfPIOXitnalelJ 150 ........ bm join_, month. "'TMI d\11'"" been very IUCCftSAal. .... prilMrify beca111t we'n delJvm .. 1 ....x:. -.. that people can't tet anYPlace else." Many of the chab's services revolve around the OlllDization '• c:ouc:iape tervite. tttemllm can enlist tnc concieflF to make dinner or theaaer rnervauom or to hold a tpOt on lbe tennis coun. Tra~ plans can be booked and bulinaa arra~ll can be rnB fiom home bifOre In exec:utiw leaves on 1 trip. Ent~preneun willl 1 ~uct « service '° tell can lilt ti willl chi conciefle and can dilDlay the Dl'Od\lcl for Olh« manben. wbo mQ becorne buyers •buli-...... ln eddi~ UIStyla Hkl1 monlhly = Plftlel and ac-CMional ._ .. _..... At I Wt ~k" ~ LiM:U ........ ~-11111•-''*'rA: tet ...... aa..· . ...---.: •••lien.ID efkt. .,_.... ....,.