HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-02 - Orange Coast PilotI ' • l • I r ' ! Panama J THE ORANGE COAST Full house COAST/A3 'I 25CENTS Mesa police crack down on drinkers ly JANET ZIMMERMAN Of -Daly-SU« Parties and guns fired into the air marked the passage of New Year's holiday. which was marred b) at least two dnnlung-related acc1den1s and a 53 pcret:nt increase in drunken dri ving arrests in Costa Mesa. For the second consecu11ve \ear. Costa Mesa police I made more drunken driving arrests than an} other agenc> 1n the count~. But the Costa Mesa Police Dtpan- ment's incn:ase in arrests O\ er la!>-t year "as unusual compared to other ci11es, where the numbers remained lo". of 1hc dangers of drunken dnv1ng or a new la" lo""enng the blood al- cohol It'\ el affected 1he number of arrcsl) .. I 1hink ""e made more arrests because of o ur increased enforce- ment. I ha\ e no idea whether there "ere mon.· or fe wer drunken drivers. but our altitude 1s Lero tolerance." said Costa Mesa police gt. Tom \\inter. "ho organized the crackdo" n. Tiie Rose 9owl In l'•ud•n• dr•ws IOJ,500 f•ns •• USC defe•ts the University of Mkh ... n . For ttCHy, see 81\ Man} ct11es did not increase pa- trols for the hohda)'s. Officials were unsure "'hether a higher awareness Last war Costa Mesa's na11onally rcrogniied task force made 30 ar- rests. Thi!> \Car "'1th 'ie\en two-man teams in ihe fil'ld and the pohce heltcopter offict'r'> arrested 46 drunken dm crs from 6:30 p m. Suo- da\ to l"\O a.m Monda}. Winter f Please see ARRESTS/ A2J County has its first baby of the decade 1y JANET ZIMMERMAN °' -Daly -Staff New Year's revelry came 1rr a dj!f~rent form Monday for a young co\lple who became the parents of Orange County's fi rst baby born in 1990 -a ~trl delivered al Fountain Valley Regional Hospital at 20 sec- o nds af\er midnight. Baby Michelle. born to Joe Tran and Khanh Quach of Long Beach. wa5 nearly tht tast baby born in the d~ade past. But Dr. C'o Pham said he urged Quach. 28. not to push with her con1rac11ons until close to midnight. "You could never plan something like this." Pham said. The 9-pound. 7-ounce baby Michelle, who measured an at 201/i inches. was rewarded for her timely birth. Her parents. who own a market an Long Beach. received numerous goodies from the hospital, including flowers, a month's sup~ly of formula and four weeks of diaper service. They mav also be spared the approx- imatcly Sl.OOO delivcry bi ll. doctor's fees ex c luded . h os pital spokeswoman Sheila Holhdav said. "When the bab) ca me on New Year's. I was very happy and very proud." Quach said. The bab) 's mother ~1d she wasn't affected b) all the pubhcit) sur- ro u nd1 ng the :?1h -ho ur. un-· complicated birth. "I want 10 have another one. I would do 11 all again." said Quach, who also has 6-and 3-year-old daughters. Michelle's arrival also interrupted the Ne"' Year's Eve celebra11on of Dr. Pham. \\ho was with his family. Bui that kind of interruption 1~ becoming commonplace for Pham. who delivered the county's first- born several years ago. The Fountain Valley hospital is the third busiest obstetrics unit in the county, officials said . "It's exciting this year because n's the first baby of the new decade," Pham said. "If she had oushed f Pte~ 1H BABY/ A2t COVERSTOR~/GO~ERNMENT Joe Tr•n •nd IOYnh QUKJt of Long •••ct• hold Mlchetle, the tint baby born on th• ........ --~Owtt .... Or•nt• Coast th decM•, •t 'ountaln V•ll•r •~1 Hosptut. Laguna officials defend City Hall remodeling ly LIStJE EARNEST °' -Daly ,_ Scaff ThC lona·antkipated rcnnovation of City Hall in Lquna Beach has atimd a wave of last-minute com- munity inte.rest, as some residtnts question the wisdom of the S2.6 million project while officials main- tain the remodelin& is necessary to relieve cnmped workina conditions and boost employee morale. Also simmerina on the~ t.ck burner as the project nears ill start- up date is the controvenial illUC of bow the city expects to fund the T answu to thete and other questions will be laid out fOr mi· deatl It I JU. 27 wotbhop before the City Coundl In the meantime, 10me city em- plo)9CI •Y even tbe trailers~ they will 1elnporaril1. wort duri111 tbe IS montbt it will take to 9dd l l,000 ~ feet o( lpilCC to Oty Hill c:ouliJ be u improvement over wmat wom._ c:Obditionl. .. r. '°'a filtiaa u. tni"-are ' IO lie.,._, tiu -~pC>tice m: Plail Trimble llid nandy ............ otnce .... be trains new offi cers. W ith his com- puter keyboard balanced on his lap. Trimble's back touched his desk while his knees brushed apiost the book case on tJ¥ opposite wall lo the put IS months, 'Trimble said. there hu been a 23 ~t turnover in the department a fttU- tjme officers. With police depart- ment employees "livina in each other's pockets," Capt William Cavanauah said, cramped con- diLions could be a factor. And when Laauna officen attend trainina classes at the snazzy new Irvine Police Department, a wins of that city's sprawlina new City Hall. it's even hatder to come home to ~ Cavanaqb said. It's Ii.kc a k.kf from tbe abeUO 1oi1t1 into anotller world," Cavanauah said. 1'Ml'1 a .,.,&e de ... nmenL I meu, _.. a wni-ty.~-· Still, the .... Ml 81¥1r .... ID =r--·es& · is 11...., _. ~u§la ID maila-.a ita • From &M ...... ta '• WU10 -..... ~ .......,,. wonlll-.,.. ... More offi ces will have windows; new carpet will be laid. The effect wlll be fresh. not fa ncy. according to Frank. Architecturally, the new City Hall has been dcsianed to look much like the current building. which was built close to 40 years q o. The departments that have the most to pin u a rault of the remodeling arc municipal services, community development, fire and police. Frank said. The city manaser and City Councir offices will not cha nae, he said. Last year the l..quna Bcadt Police Employees aaociation o~ fercd a Iona list of ills platuinJ _tbe depanment, includina comp&aia11 that second-story toileia would beet up and overflow, drainina thf'OUO the ccilina and into the downstafn work ua. On a m::ent tour of city oflka. . Cavaoauah pointed out 10me of tbe problem areas. In the main oftice from wbic* most offictn work. witnellel ud victims mus& be ia••te.ecl wida vinually _no privxy. be llid. Tllere ii .,.... iateniew ..... Mee ,.._ .. lllMODIL/AJI Flu bug bites, but riot too hard lly DEBORAH A. SAKAMOTO o.-y ,._ ,..,.,.....,_.. C'h1lls. headaches and fever arc taking 1he1r toll on many busmcsscs as the seasonal wa"e of flu sweeps the count). and hospitals report an increase 1n the number of pneu• monia caSC'S among the elderly. But the seasonal influenza out- break over the holidays has been no worse than }'ears past. businesses and health officials also reported Like man) companies, Pacific Mutual Financial Co. in Newport Beach nouced a J'eduction in em- plo)ces coming 10 work. The com- pan) also reported that a tarae per- centage of cmplo}ccs arc wortcina while 111. "I know that we have been losina people here for a day or two. How- e\ er. many have been com.inc in sick. Those who can afford it call in sick. but a lot of people are spread- ing 11 O\er and O\er again," Mary Jo Belon. pa~ roll disperser for Pacific Mutual !Wl1d. Fluor Aerospace Corp. in Irvine, which emplO\ecs 2.500 people, re- poned a noticeable decrease in its workforce O\ er the holidays. But since payroll 1s not divided into "sick lca\e" and vacation. it was hard 10 detemune if people were taking the day off for enjo yment or 1f the} were 111. Sandy Marti.., secrt"t.ary of employment. said. "In our office of 13, there have been al least five people out for at least a day or mo re became of illness." she said. "There has been a lot of complaining in other depart- ments as well." Laguna Beach City Hall baa also been affected by abeenteeifln. One woman said 1everal were comina to wort with snifllcs and colds. She-bu noticed a lot of 'cold medication lini~ the desk tops. .. It s definately an annoyance, .. sbe 'd .. aa'kf Rich Dewberry from • '••Beach Fi~ ()epanrMet ll6d the fon:e -bee. hit hard by * flu. - Bee.ult 1be depanment it __. like a family, with firefilbtcn-... sleeoial and Uviftt in cbe ~ daeY often .. the h to ed odm. ~'!f!l:;'t. ~ ~ .. Oldy .o:.· ..... ~ ..-• ..... mamaials tiave been ~tMt will chaw in comina ..,. • die. eetimatecl 22.000 pay ri2 ks; ,..... up 10 ~ feet in ~ coauaue on their m.ipal:i_on hit . tbe frozen An:tic feedina '"'=~ ~j~ breedill&anc:l • ~ ·~ """'119 Ol'DJf and tikt IPJll. Alona the)way, the creatures MCm 10 cbaqe tlleir names -from the Wasbinaton pay whale to tbt' Or- eJIOD pay whale 10 the California lfllY WbaJe -aa they mate their wal' &Iona tbe tl,000-mile journey. By late December or early Janu- ary, tbe first pay wbaJes appear Ilona the <>raaee Ccmt each year, brinai== 10 wbale-walehing boa daily &om Dana Point and Newport Beach. T}le season l,uts ttuooP. March. The ~ .... ~~ expeditions give residents and vi11ton a chance to view the lonpt IDPtion of any mammal on earth. said Harry Hell-ina. director of education at the C>ranee County Marine Institute in Dana PoinL .. We QOmider whale season a eel· ebration, •• Helfina said. ••The wbaJes were once reduced to only 1,000. Because of man's intervention, they are now up to 22,000." Hellina said the Atlantic gray whales were bunted to extinction and the East Coast residents do not ~ve the privilqe of viewing the 111nt mammals. "We are so fortunate to have that opportunity in California." he said. .. The Cltioa wba.lcs have also been reduced to extinction.·· This time of year early in the aeason. some may get aa chance to see the wba.les mat~ Hellin• said. Matin& and siVU\I birth 1s not the only reason whales mi.,.ate. Other whales may prefer the wanner climate to the dark Arctic winters. And some do not travel all the way to Mexico, but spend the winter just outside the Arel.le or off the coast of Canada and Pacific Northwest. Whale-watching excursions often yield si&hts of many other animals. such as brown pelicans. sea lions. seals, dolphins, porpoise and even killer whales. ARRESTS FromA1 said. Year-round. Costa Mesa is No. I for drunk.en driving arrests per capita, Wiater said. The two accidents oocurred in toei& Mesa at 11:15 p.m. Sunday and 7 a.m. Monday, Winter said. In the first accident, a motor· Eist suffered a broken tea at flower A venue and Fairview ad, Winter said. He was Masoected of drunken driving. ~ the ICCOnd alcohol-related crash ~ at Fairview Road and the f?iep> Freeway._ ~e driv~ in RQllC-Car, non·mJUfY acadent ~ted on suspiaon of drivina the influence. be said. A thick fas that shrouded many '-rt.. ~r the county and laampered ~bwty was not the cautc of' any krioua accidents, police said. t Statewide, 29 people were killed over the New Year's holiday week- ,nd, even tbouah drunken drivina arrests~ up considerably, accord-i~ to officials with tbe California ~Y Patrol in Secramento. ecn 6 p.m. Friday and 6 L. m. , 2, I 56 suspected drunken ~ arrested, compared to , durina tbe same _period last teu. accontina to tbe CHP. There were 33 ltjabway deaths last year. Local fi&urcs for fatalities and arrests hanCiled by the CHP were not available. Some hacty ~ ....... CCM&DWa W. ...... ~ ...... Ill.Immel dtaa ever nJllld • ..rtb. TllebNe ................ extinction abd aeadm ellimate Wt only about 4.000 l'alllia. . "This is a painAally low ........ It is difticult for one to find a ..ae," Hell' said. . ma. • Tbe Ulltitute restricts itl pabljc toun to their Whale "-'• ia February. Groupe anct ltboolt 1MJ reserve trips by callina lll·Jl.50. Dana Wharf SponfilbiJll iD Dua Point bepn its daily towl Dec. 26. Manaaer Jodie Tyson laid their boats have located the whale and also sea lions, teala and porpoiles. "You can't ~-a whale siahtiiia. .. she. wd. "Some days you can 10 out and see several and1tQme days you won't see any." ) If a wbalc is not spotted, ~. visitors can return for another trip free of cbarae, she said. Newport l.andina Sportfishina in Newpon Beach conducts trips 1even days a week aboard their 7().foot Nautilus. . Pam Watts, owner and man.aer. said they have obterved sea lioDJ, seals and varieties of' whales and dolphins, includin& the menke whale, a smaller whale located in ihe local wa ten. \' Watts said there were no "best times'' during the day to see a wtWe. "It's ha.rd to say when one will tee a whale. It's a migration. They travel 24 boun a day. They could travel in the middle of the ni&bt when no- body is lookina." "I am nlC$11lerizcd by the whales and really enjoy the dolphins," she said ... They love to Jump and play along the boat side.· Davey's Locker in Newport Beach offers daily tours. Workers said they spotted several dolphins on Dec. 26. their first day of business. Their 2'h-hour trip once s~tted a killer whale. Although this 1s un- com mon. they can be located on our coast, manager Eddie Di Ruscio said. "Every trip is an adventure.'' DiRuscio said. "You never know what you'll see or what will hap- pen." Davey's Locker offers another op- tion for the more advcntureous whale seeker: parasailin& 250 feet above the ocean. ~what better way to sec a whale than from 200 feet above them ... CHP spokesman Steve Kohler in Sacramento said there was no way to know if a new law lowering the blood alcohol standard from . I 0 percent to .08 percent. after which a driver is considered intoxicated. had an impact on the number of arrests. The new law took effect after mid· ni&ht Monday. But Lynell Sanford, who manages a CareUnit Hospital program in whic h free transportation is provided for intoxicated drivers, said she heard from several callers that the law has made a difference. "People were more and more aware of the issue of drunken driv· ing," Sanford said. "Several men· 1ioned the new law and said they didn't want to get caught. .. Tbc program, co-sponsored by M6thcrs Apinst Drunk Drivers, suPJ>lies a free cab ride for in· ebriatcd motorists within 20 miles of the public placic t1'D' call from. Last year, the propam stretched from San Ocmente north to Los An&eles, but this year was only for Orange County. Nearly 90 calls came in sine~ Christmas Eve, of- ficials said. The program ends today. For the most part, the weekend was quiet along the Ora.nae Coast. "We bad lots of fas and lots of parties, but nothina major hap- pened." Huntiftlton Beach police S.S. Luis Ochoa said. Huntinaton Beach, Fountain Val· Icy and Irvine police each arrested three people for drunken drivina DiRUlcio said.· .. You can sec five miles around ... Many have exPRSScd concern about the welfare or the mammals as boats pursue them. Some worry that commercial and private boats 'will distract the animals on their Iona journey, tiring them and forcin1 them to chanlc course. Brad Hanson, wildlife biolopst from the National Fishery Scrv1ce, said ~re were no re&Ulations as yet on wbaJc watch.iQI. lnstead. guide- lines have been established, advisina boa ten to come no closer than 100 yards to a whale. The Marine Mammal Protection Act does prohibit harassment of the whales. however. "We feel that anytime the normal behavior of the mammal has been changed. harassment has taken place, .. he said. Hanson said penalties are admin· istered to those who kill. harass or capture marine life protected under between Sunday afternoon and early morning Monday, which was about the same number as last year. of- fi cials said. Seal Beach made one drunken driving arrest. A sobriety checkpoint planned for Irvine was canceled for lack of staff· ing. Sgt. Jeff Kermode said. The department had 12 officers working enforcement 1n the field,1. however. In Newpon Beach, nve people suspected of driving under the 10- fluence were arrested. Figures from last year were not available. Figures from the Sheriff's Depart- ment also were unavailable. The New Year's t.radition of drinking and driving was accom- panied by the firing of guns into the air, although there were no reports of injuries or propeny damage as a result Two men were arrested in the 17000 bl~ of Q ueens Coun in Huntinaton Beach after police re- ceived a report of shots fired. Of- ficers confiscated a .22-caliber semi· automatic handgun and box of am- munition, Ochoa said. Arrcsted were Francisco Javier Reyes-Cruz. 22. and his next-door- . neighbor. Nicolas Cortes Cabrera. 20, after they ran into an apartment and began loading the handgun. he said. They were arrested for resisong arrcst. Officers never saw them tire the gun. Ochoa said. Other area police departments also had numerous reports of gun- ShUl:tels the act. .. Last year, three cues resulted in prosecution. Tbey were fined about $600 a piece. We lake these reports seriously. Fines can ao hiaber dc- pendina on cue and what actually happens 10 the animal,.. be said. · HanJOn is currently wortdna on regulations that he plans to submit to WasbiD11on D.C. . For those landlubbcn interested in viewing the whales, several &ocal spots offer spectacular views. WhaJes can be si&bted from the bluffs above Corona del Mar State Be8cb and from Crystal Cove State Parle alona the Irvine Coast. There are several spots in Lquna Beach such' as Vista Point at ·the we~t end of Crescent Bay Drive. Heisler Park and Ruby Viewpoint at the west end of Ruby Street. In Dana Point. the mammals can be spotted at the Blue Lantern Look- out Park at the south end of Blue Lantern Street. fire, but there were no arrests. Santa Ana. a city plagued by the problem. did not have any figures on such arrests for this year. Residents in Los Angeles County did not fare a$ well . Six people. including a 3-ycar-old ~rl and a pregnant woman. were tnJ\Jrcd by stray .bullets. None of the inJuncs was senous. More than 30 people were arrested 10 unincorporated Los Anacles County areas for felony illegal use of firearms and more than 32 wcapc:>ns were confiscated. BABY From /\1 herself a little quicker she would have had the last baby of the year." Michelle is expected to go home with her family today. ._._Direo- .... city ia .. . ....... , =:a.,l!'ft. ID._':-~ '*'lfne 1:.1 ew lhare but DOt in tbe c::rWs porponiou or lut year, .. ... .... .. But I am not aoina 10 •Y it can't tel w ... la1cr,.. be said . Vio Morris from Hun~ton ._. OC, HaJJ said the Ou VU'US Ml DOt ~ed a ~or problem for llil ci8iee but be bas noticed a baclft&1 or tick people. . 'h'1 rmDy not that difl'ercnr from dUa time lli:lt year," he said. HOIPillll in Fountain Valley, Huatiastoa Beach and Costa Mesa · have reported both a reduction in scaft' and an increase in patients • became of innucnza viruses. with lbe exception of Huntinaton Beach. which reported no ill effects. "Our staff bas been quite ill with tbe virus," said Debbie Soott, regis- tered nurse at Fountain Valley Rc-sional Hospital. .. It's pneumonia with the older petieots, thou,h. Sometimes it makes them so 111 we admit them," she said. Officials at Humana Hospital in HuntiD11on Beach said they noticed no increase in the patients over last year becault of the virus; however, aeveral memben of tht: staff have fO \'I HIClll' == llML ~~:=;tJ» .. ~ but it._ DOI ....... lar l)a I Der, a montlt wben~. ,.. • aHy apt IO call la, .. iaid. Oatlaod laid tbe bolpi..a o&red nu vaccines in Octobe!: wlUcb could account for the smau amouat of petients and staff' infcciect with the ViNS. "About 500 seniors came th~ the hospital and we also off'tted vaccines free of chaqe to our em· ployces." she said. "I am not sayina this is the reason we are not seeina much of the nu, but i~ could be." Margaret WetSCI, director of nurs-- ing at FHP Hospital in Fountain Valley, said she has noticed a Wat percentaae of elderly people visitina the emcriency room with pneu- monia-type symptoms. "It affects the elderly more severely," she.said. "We don't admit au who come to the emeraency room with the nu, but I noticed today a lot of people coming in with questions." Wessel said a majority of the staff is fcelinJ the effects of the virus. which. include cougbina, runny noses, fevers and sore throats . "A lot arc wandering around here with runny noses," she said. Dec Pad&et.. infection control nurse at College H01Pita1 iJJ .CO.ta Mesa. said many pneumonia cues of the elderly have been reporUJd: "We have a lot of pneumonia cases riaht now," she said. lrvlne football fans left In dark About 3,000 Southern California Edison customers lost power Monday ni&ht for more than .an how followina CQW{>mcnt failure in the Deerfield area of Irvine, a power company official wd. · The outqc, at homes bordered by Irvine Center Drive. Culver Drive, Deerfield and Yale Avenue, caused interruption of New Year's Day football aames for the residents. . It also lcnockcd out traffic sipials along Irvine Center Drive at Jeffrey Road and Fontairie A venue, pohce SCt-Jeff Kennode said. Officers set up flares and portable stop signs at the mtcrsections. he said. Equipment failure ID an underground vault caused the 7:45 p.m. outaae, Edison spokeswoman Linda Gilleland said. By 9 p.m .• ~ws had restored power to nearly half the customers. she added. Man hit with pipe In Costa Mesa A Senta Ana man was &eaten on the head with a pipe Monday by a man he met in a Costa Mesa bar. who later tried to steal the stereo' out of his car. ~ark Antho~y Rose. 33. was ~eated and released from Hoag Memorial Hospital for a. 4-mch cut .to the back of his head. Lt. G ary Webster said. Rose was 1n the car Wlth a man he met at tbc Lion's Den on West 19th Street. Webster said. The two went 10 a convenience store 10 meet the suspect's friend and the tno drove to the Burger Kmg at 2015 Harbor Blvd. shortly after 7:30 p.m. In the parking lot. Rose was h11 on the head l>cfore o ne of the men tried to steal his car stereo. Webster said. Rose stopped the theft. and his attackers. both 1n their 20s. ran away. REMODEL From /\1 it also serves a~ a bnefing room. officers can onl> hope it's empty at the right umc. • "lfyou get a bad guy and he wants to taUc, well you go someplace else." Cavanaugh said. Dispatcher trainees learn the ropes in the detcctives' locker room. where bullet proof vests share space with file cabinets and staclcs of paperwork. Property evidence lock· ers sit in the hallway "It's just kind of hodgepodge." Cavanuagb said. But even 1f residents -who at last week's Cit) Council m~ting clamored for more infonnat1on about the remodeling -are con- "1nccd Cit) workers need more spare. some s11ll ques11on where the mom·~ "'Ill rnmc from to pay for 11. l ntil fl'H'ntl~. oflictals planned to rcbuilJ ( 11~ Hall with money Laguna .,.,ould ha\'e received as a rc'iult ot an agreement between a pre' ious C II\ Council and the coun- t) of Orangl: T hat agreement, made I 0 ~ l'ar' ago. allowed right of way for the "ian Joaquin Hills toll road through S~lamnrt· Hills to be sold to lhl' roun1~ tor approximatcl} S7 m1ll1on Since thl· current cour.c1 l 1s una:)I· mousl> opposed to the comdor. that C\changl· ha!. no" been thrown into question ( It} Manager Ken Frank has tx·cn d1rer1ed to report back to thl' council on funding o ptions at the Feb. b council meeting. Just call 642-6086 ~~A,.~~E Daily Pilat Dally Piiot Dellvery What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number above and your ~cssqc will be ~rded. transcribed and de- hvemf to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record letters to the editor on any topic. Contributors to our Letters column must mclude their name and telephone number for verification. Tell us what's on your mind. VOL 14, NO. 2 MAINO,,,CE ) .!Ow l#y \t (' •\f,1 Ai.A .. , .. ( ""'' "4...,,tdd•ru Pre , 1\b(l' 1 .. v,..,. "•·'·' (t.n 1f+MJ llO\ 1\41\,..lA 80\·"'°'\\ ,.,, '.•"" .,,.., ~I\ &•l 4111 '""' \ )() p "' \po-n h • l · • J )() ""~"" • \411 II• ,, \4(). 111 J F JV( NumfH!r 6 lt ~901 Cop~'·9"• -N\J nf'IN\ il0'+'\ 1lf•JU' .. '' ''" ... ,., ,, , .. nwttf"f Of Mtvt"•f•M"-n"W",.,., n,..,,..,n "lA) '" '""P''"'''tt "'' w•tf'lOvf \Pf'C•M °"''""\~on ot 1 OC>ytiq,11 n'l/llt/n#', if"U>rlO d An pcnt419" p.11d Al (O\t• ,v,.\_,. r .-1.t,,1ni.- (IJP\ 144 800f \ub« ropuori Oy "'"~' I\ H ~· lour ~ft~ Pf''t<>d by l'Nlil \1 P"f fOUf Wf""~ p_.t1f>CJ fhf °'M"9" (OJ:" o.-u; P1101 1) OVW•\tt-J IJ.,. ,, tqf" Cott• Mf'w ~'"'"9 lrac .A ''n<Jl""' ,_.Qm"M ,.n,,,,,,, '' puOIU.f\t-d lf'Vtti '"O'"'"O' ~ Wf""f'l I"'" p1 nnp ... ~ puOl<\1"''9 pi..,,. ,, •I HO w 8.ty \I ( ........ .. P119« (OU• M~u ""°"'""'9 IN 1 • "'1oolty >WN"rl •Ul>•IO<o11y ot ,..,, C.•oue> "'-'"'"'l '"' 1-11 f "• l t.ol \or~ JI ,_,,r\Htf'tW & Chtcf E•r<utrtt Otf;c,.., < n.tftf\#1 S;\LE ST ARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 10:00 A.M. t \ I • Is Guaranteed f ,-• ,., ""'' ""'" , "'' i.! ,.._, t .. >.,. ""'I ,..,:11,. • ,,,. A l(J rUl.I u.-c>t 4 ()# Ck •''" J l)\;" u~ IQtnf't \f"h ~ r C. ~'°'t"' t\ OOf'" ''~ b .4 m 10 \ g "" Wfl'f'lld~y\ 10 AH1\f y•l\,I w •t"i _,, •' .q. •''' " ,.,.fl'th Clrculatlon Telephones Molt °',,,..,, ( oun« y ..... .., ..... 1~"''9"'' ....... • ~ewport llbra,Y offers ·program for chilCf ren The Ncwpon Baich 'Pubtic Ubnrv at New port Center, 856 San Clemente Ave., will start the n~ decade off with a special Saturday prosram for children. 5 ~st older. · Beai~m.na Saturday the library will hOlt a balf- hour stones and craf\S Prosram .at 10:30 Lm. on the flrst Saturday of each month. The ~s are free and pre-rqistration is not required. f <?r more information call, Children's Services Coordmat<?r Judy ~elley at 644-3187. . 1:he hbrary wll~ also feature a special art exhibit by Balboa resident Julie Glt'llone-Matt.son ~rouahout January. The artist works in acrylics, ink and watercolors. Her Christmas card dcsi&ns arc . ~riryted a~nua~ly by Everarcen ~. The exh1b1t 1s on view m the Community Room. Sanctuary plans dlscuss«J South Coast Audubon Society will have its first meeting of the year at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Orange County Marine Institute. Dr. Bp.rry Thomas. director of Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, will present a program about birds of the area and will give an update of present and futu~ pl~ns for the sanctuary. which has been experiencing growth and expansion and there arc plans for more changes. The session 1s open to the public. Shortwav~ m~mb~rs llst~n up The American Shonwave Listeners Club will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the homt of Stewart Mackenzie. 16182 Ballard Lane. Huntington Beach. Shortwave listeners gather to swap techniques and information on equipment. listening times and more. Tht>tr motto 1s .. World Friendship Through Shonwave." For more information about the club. call Mackenzie at 846-1685. lmprov~ sp~aklng ski/ls Several Orange Coast Toastmasters ciubs are looking for new members who wish to improve their self.confidence and public speaking skills. Sunrise Speakers c hapter meets at 7 a.m. every Wednesda) at the Holida) Inn La Paz. at the La Paz e).11 of 1-5 in Laguna Hills. For more infor- mation. call Cunis Sch"1nk at 582-7090. or Dons Quarnstrom at 586-0761 . Singles Vf!e/com~ newcomers Libert) Singles chapter meets from 7 to 9 p.m. e'el) Tuesday mght at Colombo'srestaurant in. Santa ~na. For more information contact Sondra Cohen at 826-1097. A chapter meets 1n Costa Mesa also. For more information on mee11ng times and location call ,·ice president John Fitzgerald at 546-1200. Me~tlngs for n~wcomers Huntington Beach's Newcomer'! Club meets for a Ill.'\.\ members coffee klatch at 11 a.rn. on the fourth Tuesda\ of each month. For 1nformat1on on location<,. call .Ferne Reason at 960-0430 or Denise Mcnich1ello at 8~ 7-8944 LB to fl/I board vacancies Laguna Beach's Cit) Council 1s seeking appli- cants 10 tx· on the c11y·s Board of Adjust- ment/[)(:s1gn Re' IC\.\ Board. Tv.o regular mem- bers. with terms through Feb. 1. 1992. and o ne alternate "1th a term through Feb. I. 1991 . are "'anted. The board 1s a five-member bod} appointed 10 constdl·r rcque~ts for 10ning code vanances and 10 re' ll'\\ n mstruc11on designs. The alternate must prepare for and jiltend mceungs. but sits as a \Oting memtx-r onl) "'hen fewer than fi\C regular member\ arl' in attendance. In add1t 1on to weekly me1:11ngs. board m1:mbers and alternates are ex- pec ted to\ ISll Siies and re\ 1ew p~OJCCI plans for 10 to 10 ltl·ms per "eek Laguna Beach residents intere"ited may pick up an apphca11on 1n the C11v Clerk·s office at Cit) Hall. 505 Forest A.\e. Deadline for applications 1s Jan 11 . and thl' council wi ll in terv1l·w prospects in a regular meC'llng Jan 16. For morl' information. call at 497-331 I. e't. 10'1 Sal/In~ Instructor wanted Dana Point Harbor Youth and Group Facility sc1:ks an assistant sailing instructor and camp leaders. pnmanl) for summer programs. The assistant sailing instructor should be enthusiastic. eager to wortc with children and adults and love sailing. Previous leaching ex- perience 1s preferable but not required. The pos- 1t1on 1s part lime . (amp leaders de velop their own aquatic re- lated classes or work under the facility's leaders. For more 1nforma11on. call the faciUty at 661 -7122. Tuerday, Jan. 2 • 6:30 p.m. Costa Mesa City C.Ddl, council chambers. Civic C9tcr~ 77 Fair Drive. :;9 \ , .. 1101 ... ,., 9y aaa.AH A. SAKAMOTO ......... (&: ,, The two hiah 1ehioorl1 a.re reauAar fun-lovin1 students. Bo a.re interCsted in an, their friends., activities and other upects of their l e at Corona del Mar Hiah School in wport Beacti. What separates them from otbcn ii tbe quality of their art and their ability to send a messqe. In this case, it WH a messqc qainst druas . Ina Lim, a junior, and Amanda Soltz., a sophomore, placed first and SCCQnd sS\acc respectively in an anti-drua posier contest sponsored by Bustop Shelters of California. 1 Lim, 16, said she never entered a poster contest before and did not con- sider herself an artist. She wanted to show the negative aspects of drugs and try to keep fellow students away from that type of lifestyle. Now she plans to pursue an art career. Her poster depicts a skull interlocked with a head. Abstract designs come from the head, but the skull remains desolate. The words .. life or death ... your choice" run across the top. "I wanted to ma ke the life part more appealing. That is why there are thoughts and ideas flowing from the mind. The skull side remains empty:• Lim said. .. I drew a skull and a head bttausc I wanted to show the positive and negative aspects:· she said ... l wanted to make the life pan more appealing. .. , thought of using the shock factor in m} poster but ruled against it." she said. .. I don·t thinks fear works anymore." Lim won S250. which she plans to bank. 'Tll save it for school or whatever I need It for. I am really proud of it, though ." Lim was disappointed that more stu- dents didn't become 1n"olved in the contest "It was their chance to make a state- ment. It is reall} frustrating because even if they can·t dra\\ they probably could ha' e come up "' 11h some good ideas," she said. She is now recognized more at school and a11nbutes her new populanty to the first-place honor. "A lot of people know me now and recoR1Le mt• as an anist. They ask me to .,..., ,.... ...... .., .,......... ·-··· Amanda Soltz fleftf and Ina Um show their award-winning posters In an ant i-drug contest. dra'' poSll'r') and signs fo r their clubs and Lim said "It\ JUSt not v.onh 11. I think stuff" lhl' rapahtl111cs of the mind are not Drugs arc the \\Orsc thing one can do. explored b' teen-agers. The~ could have a natural hiab without tbe dnlp. .. Amanda Soltz, a bubbly 14 )'em' old. was brimmina with minb at ber' leCOlld- place honor. She bu previously DIKed la poster contests, includina ani>ther anti-dru& contest when she WU in mth ...... • tfer poster flalhcl with briabt redl, yellows and other colon on a bl-* t.ck&round. A jaaicd circle outlines the word's: .. Addicuon is a oneway trip ... "I thou&ht about the theme for a '°"" time. I ~cw I had to use rully britbt colors because a boy in my siith-trade class won against me because of his colors:· she said. She drew the poster in one afternoon, but it took her several days to till in tbc colors. Soltz said it was important for teens to deliver messages to their peers. ··tr )Ou have an ad tcllina children not to tlo drugs. It "ouldn't have as much of an effect as a k1d ·s work," she said. "It's just peer pressure. Since kids are tcllina kids not 10 do drugs. it will worli: a lot better:· Soliz said adults don·t uodersand the e).tt'nt of the drug problem. ..Adults don"t know what's ~oma on." she said. "h's up to us. now.' ~ Although she said she doesn't pcr- sonall) !...no"' an}bod} in volved with illegal drugs .. she said man) are and the access 1s there. ··People won't come up to you and asi... ~ou 1f }Ou want them. But 1f you do v.an1 them }OU can find them." Soltz said there aren't manx eighth· graders invol"ed. ..We're still really you n2 ... said said ... Ifs usually the older kids .. v Soltz descnbed her poster as stnlona. "I reall~ liked the str.irpness ofit. l didn't wilnt to do something mellow. I wanted something w11h an impact ... Soliz won S I 00. which she banked. "I ne'er v. on an~ thing this important before. )() I am JUSt going to save 1t." she said. Both Lim and Soliz plan to enter lhc neu poster contest. sponsored by their Pare~~her Association. The theme. "Where-'tfie k~ Ends." 1s going to be challenging to both students. Lim v.111 be assisted b~ Bustop Shelters in re-creating her poster for display m se' eral shelters in the Newpon Beach area. Beers, cheers and jeers greet 1 O I st Rose Parade PASADENA (AP) -A protest by AIDS acuv1s1s and appearances by em- ba11led Sen. John Glenn and unrepentant cop-slapper Zsa Zsa Gabor fa iled to dim the Ne"' Year's Day holiday sp1nt of the Tournament of Roses Parade. There was also a n Elvis sightini by the es11ma1ed million spectators Jammed curbside to witness .. A Worjd of Har- mon).'.' the them' of the 101 st ~ition of the parade. The world telev1s1on au- dience wal> put at 350 million. The 60 nower\> noats drifted off for their 5''i-mile 'so;oum along palm- studdec.l Granite Grove and Colorado J a. ............... -= to rnaM•at-.•..... on C••••nu p.,. eo.•1 flDllL boule\'ards on· a picture-perfect balmy morning w11h temperatures hovenng near 50 degrees. Rangrng from a band of homeless to refugees from the fngid Midwest. spec- tators delighted in the pageantr;· and sunshine. But the) weren·1 happ) about Miss Gabor. the AID ach \'1Sts or Grand Marshal Glenn. ~ The appearance of the fa mous cop- slapper angered many spectators, who booed loudly as she rode by. some screaming: "Go to Jail. you floozy." ··God. wh) did the) lower their sights to put her in'?.. one observer asked. Gabor "'as con,·1ctcd and sentenced to Jail for slapping a Be"erly Hills police- man who stopped her Rolls-Royce last summer Moments earlier. the crowd booed a bnef demonstration b} AIDS act1v1sts who earned a banner reading: .. Emerg- ency. Stop 11fe parade. 70.000 Dead of AIDS." The gro up sat in the roadway. halting the parade for :!O seconds. Founecn members of Stop AIDS Now, o r Else wanted 10 show their dismay with government policies toward the deadly d isca5e. said group spokesman Bruce Mirken. "It's a wa) of reminding people that for 70.000 people the parade 1s over." said Marken. Occasional boos also greeted Glenn. D- Oh10. the first U S. astronaut to orbit the Eanh. G lenn is among a group of five U.S. senators implicated in the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal involving in- fluence peddling. "This is a be.aut1ful. beautiful planet here that we all share:· Glenn said. expressing hope for the new re~r as world e vents evolve. "I'm o pt1m1st1c we can make that world of harmony we all want." There was only one minor breakdown. The parade was stalled five minutes because a hitch broke on the Amencan Donkey and Mule equestrian group entry. The thousands who staked out prime viewinJ spots early and rana in the new year with midni&ht cheer rustled in slcc~ ma baas at dawn as the crowd swelled and revelry heiptened. Police said it was an unusually quiet niaf\t. , "1t•1 probably the world's bigest New Year's Eve Rarty," said police Century zt ••al •stat• corp.•1 floM. ....,,.. a.ct11erd ... won th• Sweepsulr• TropllJ. ... spokes~man Mary Schander. "We like to have a real family atmosphere, a perty atmosphere. Those people who want to get drunk don't come here:· More than 1.100 offi cers patrolled the streets. There were 235 arrests. mostly for drunkennt'SS, said Janet Hinton. another police spokeswoman. .. It was wonderfully. unbelievably quiet ... stR said. Tbcrc were 320 arrests in 1989. Yasmine Delawari. the 17-year-old tournament queen. pulled at her pova and savored the momina sunshine. She also focused on the harmony theme id her prc-puade remarks. "There have been so many cbansa ia the world -East Germany, the Sovic1 Union and elsewhere. It's tumins out 10 be a world of harmony," she aid. The Grand Marshal's Trophy for molt creative desiJll went to the 0 m1 Motors--Unilcd Auto Wotkal eatrJ "People in Tune with Tec:boolcm," • pictina a futuristic sJ*Clhip ~ ro- tates upward and extends into a 606ot robot. ,...._ .. ,_MAm/MI Latex dollars· ro balance a budget • PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) Manuel Antonio Noriep doela' -n. Wbile Houte laid the fint merit shelter .. in the houle.olOod" A..a. troopl to return home · and uraed the Vatican to expel• the aace lbe invuion beain Dec. 20 left former dictator so U.S. forces could Paaama on Monday. -take him into custody. ~artillery batteries tptalina 141 E data · d Panama lacbd 1 1e--IOldien from Fort Ord were "CD route n w . . 10,California. press ~tary Martin cure c!'o~ pnson to hold Nonep Fitzwater toad reporters aboerd Air on cnn:~mal chafJA ~t tb;at ~ Fon:ie One would hke to see Nonep tried an 1be ~nt is '1ad to ace some Panama after the United States~ of the troops comana home and ecutes the general on drug trafficking hopes the rat can lea"'.e as soon as c~rJCS. . possible," Fitzwater said. On_ly after the American Fourteen thousand troops were authont1es ~ done -· ca~ we. have rushed in at President Bush's order th_e opportunity to ~t.radite .him to to join t 2,000 troops permanently Panama and ~e ham JNlY m Pan- stationcd in Panama. • arna for th~ cnmes an~ offenses ~ In a related development, 20 U.S. bas com~ltted here 10 Pa";&ma. d.ip&omats left Nicarqua on Mon-Endara said after a New Years Dal. day ni&bt for Miami after they were ~-.:·eut for the moment we cant expelled by President Daniel Ortega. do 1t. . Ortcp pve the diplomau 72 houn Nonega . greeted th~ New Year to leave the country in retaliation for shuttered 10 the Vauca11 embassy the search Friday of its . am-compound where he sou&ht sanc- bassador's residence in Panama City ~uary_Dcc. 24, four _days af'rer a U.S. by U.S. forces. invasion toppled his government. Bush apoloaized for the incident. On Sunday night. about 200 but noted the troops were searching people held a silent candleliJht vigil for weapons and found numerous in outsjde the embassy, praying that the residence of Ambassador Ante-Nonega would be brought to justice. nor Ferrey. includins rifles and Uzi In an interview. the R.oman Cath- machine auns. U.S. officials re-olic archbishop of Panama said it turned the weapons after teaming was up to Noriega to decide on his the hom e was a d iplomatic resi-own to leave his Vatican asylum. dence. ·'The image of us pushina him out Meanwhile, President G uillermo the door isn't what we would cx- Endara said Monday that Gen. pect," said Monsignor Marcos Vatlun AllllNl•••d~ Jose~ ulloe w.aa tllorulfl ttte pt• past Alllerlcan soldlen Into dte ••beaJ COlll· pound In .-.,,..... ~ on· Monday. Greaorio McGrath. "He will have to leave by his own decision." McGrath said the United States could offer Noriep greater personal security and a fair tria.I. ··He will have to weish his choices and come up with that which is the least disagreeable," McGrath said at his home. Meanwhile, the U.S. Southern Command, which oversees military operations in Central and South America, said it arrested Rodolfo "Papito" Chiari, a close Noriega crony who also served as his interior and justice minister, on Saturday. The military communique gave no details. The Southern Command also said 50 members of the "Machos del Monte" battalio n of Noriega's De- fense Forces surrendered Sunday near Rio Hato. 80 miles southwest of Panama City. Police files reveal Ceausescu's paranoia BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -security agents of Communist die-paid informant codenamed Geam-the country and go to Germany to Copies of Securitatc flies show Wlth tator Nicolac Ceau~scu. who was paru who denounced Pavaloaie in a his wife's relatives." he wrote at a cbillina clarity how a paranoid state .ousted and executed by the Dece01-document that also made allegations safehousc known only by the spied on its citizens with telepbo~c ber ~olut1on that ended 24 years of about the premarital sexual activity codename Rosa. taps, mail intercepts, photographic his rule. of Pavaloa1e's first wife and referred Pavaloaic, in a telephone intcr- surveillancc and pa1d informants. Pavaloa1e's file began on July 13, to the wealth of her parents and her view from his home in Focsani, 120 LOS ANO!Ll!S -Wbea the federal 90wnunmt took hi ... ceaaua in 1980, it never counted Brian UsWaur, tbeD 121-year-old bomdeee penon stayina in a racue miuioo. .. I knew about the ClmlUI." aaidJupibur, now be9d of food tervice at the Loi ~In Million. "But the~ wu always IOftldbina.you didb't want to be involved in. The attitude wu the aovernment wu tryuta to keep tabs on you." For the 1990 head count, the U .S. Census Bureau will try to do 1 better job findina. pining the trust o.f and countina bomelesl. ~pie -one of the biifCSt fl'OUP5 of people m1ucd by the last ceDIUI, JOlJU.DI bl8ckl and recent 1 mnusrants. . The aovernment plans to take steps like tendina officials to parb and alleys where homeless people sleep and hirina the bomdea themtelves as census takers. • Quadruplets born to Alameda pair BERKELEY -Life in the 1990s will be a lot busier and noisier in the home of an Alameda couple who became parents of test-tube quadruplets on the last day of the 1980s. fed and Mana Lusianan. who had been-lryillf to have a baby for six years, now have three &iris and a boy born within four minutes of eac1"other. The babies, 10 weeks premature and ranJin& in weigbrfrom 2·pounds, 12 ounces to I pound. were in stable condition in Alta Bates Hospital's intensive care unit on New Year's Day. Fire In home kllls woman, boy . WHITIIER -An explosive fire in a home with security ban on its windows Monday killed a woman and boy and irtjured five othen, including three children. in the second deadly fire to strike the area in less than 24 hours. Sheriffs arson and homicide detectives were investigating the blaze. There was no immediate word on whether the bars on the windows played any role in the deaths or injuries at the sin&)e-fam.ily on Abbcywood Avenue. Two sheriffs deputjcs who were in the area when the fire broke out at about 2:30 a.m. also suffered m inor injuries while trying to rescue people in the home. said Los Angeles County Fire Department Capt. Frank Lopez. O n Sunday, four generations of family members were k.il1ed and seven other people were injured at a home on Valley View Avenue near Whittier in a fast-moving fire helped along by a brittle, dried-out Christmas tree, officials and relatives said. '\ ·\'1'10'\ ·\I. HHlt:t ·s Miniseries to make DEA chief a hero The copies, obtained by The As-1977. after his chance encounter on relatives in West Germany. miles north of Bucharest, ·said he sociated Press, record 12 years in the the streets with an old classmate, a Geamparu identifies himself in later began to suspect his old friend WASHINGTON -Drug Enforcement Administrator John C. Lawn life of Doru Pavaloaie. 48. an econ-man with whom he felt comfonable the document as a ··former school was an informern generally keeps a low profile. He speaks in a quiet, husky voice as he $Uides omist for a bus company who was ta.lk.ing about his wish to move colleague" of Pavaloaie. "I suspected him because the se-the actions of agents throughout the wo rld. trying to keep them safe m the denounced by a schoolmate because abroad. the lack of freedom in "Doru Pavaloaie does not have a curity services during interrogations field and supported in Washington. be wanted to leave the country. Romania and his demand that job and hves like a parasite. Since used some of my words when I But when a miniseries on the 1985 murder in Mexico of DEA agent The documents detail a pervasive "Ceauscscij must give us food." the vel') beg.inning of the marriage talked wi th Gcamparu," said Enrique '"Kiki" Camerena airs on N BC in January, he could become sys~m of internal 6pionaae by the The schoolmate, however, was a both of them .have wanted to leave Pavaloaie. · something of a national hero. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Th~ miniseri~ ~pku Lawn tan~i~ with Mexican officials who stonewall efTons to find Camarena and his killers. and going public to ~criticize those officials over the objections of Reagan administration officials. At the conclusion of a National Archives screening. a choked-up Lawn told the audience of about I 00 DEA and Mexican Embassy officials that it was "an extraordinary piece of work." Doctor dying of AIDS blames hospital NEW YORK -Veronica Prego had everything to-look focward to at the age of 25 as she embarked o n a medical career. Until, she says, she pricked her finger with an AIDxontaminated needle and the future came crashing down. ' Seven years later. Prcgo's S 175 million negligence lawsuit is going to trial Tuesday. while she fights to survive the ravages of AIDS. Prego's lawyer. Diane Wilner. says Prcgo sued Kings County Hospital. its parent agency, the ci ty and two doctors to ensure that other doctors are protected. It's her No. I priority -at least, on the days that she's not being rushed to an emergency room with AIDS-related maladies. The case is ·•tcmbly import.ant" because it could set a precedent that hospitals arc liable when an employee is infected. said Larry Gostin, associate professor of health law at the Harvard School of Public Health and executive director of the American Society of Law and Medicine. Party at hotel leads to 50 arrests A TLA NT A -A New Y car's Eve party at a hotel turned violent as drunken revelers threw potted plants and fire extinguishers from upper floors into the lobby. At least 15 people were injured and about 50 arrested, police said. "Noboby knows what started it. One minute it was fine and the next minute things were falling.. .. said a police spokesman who would not give his name. About 2.000 young people were partying in the 1.685-room hotel on one of Atlanta's main thoroughfares. Peachtree Street. police Sgt. R.J. Lynn said. "You get the feeling these kids arc spoiled. irresponsible," Lynn said. "When you start tossing bottles off the 37th floor you could kill somebody." ffOHl.D HHll·:1:s .. Chinese crltlcial of Gorbachev BEIJING -Seven months after Dena Xiaoping told Mikhail S. Gorbachev that their decades-old idcolc>fical schism was healed, Chinese leaden arc privately accusing Gorbachev s refonns of leading the socialist world astray. Chinese authorities, in internal documents and closed mcetinp, ~portedly blame Gorbachev and his "new thinlcina.. diplomacy for unleashin& the forces that have ended 40 years of Communist dominance in East Europe. Diplomatic sources say China was beina careful to a void a public break with the Soviet Union and other fast-changina socialist states by stressing that China never interferes in the internal affairs of other nations. The sources say open disapproval of the upheavals in East Europe would show the Chmne peol)le how isolated their bard-1.ine leaden have become from the popular reforms sweeping the socialist world. Romania, Soviet Union may dash BUC5, Romania -The new contiality in Romanian-Soviet relations '1111 the overthrow of Nic::olae C.eaute1eu m&)' turn IOur over the issue of oldavian territory annexed by tbe Soviets 19 19«>. MOICOW acceDted 1 Romanian invitation for Soviet Pomp Minitter. Eduard A. Sbevanlucbe to visit in January1 the official Soviet De'WI ~ Tua laid Sunday. But lt remains to be teen whether Moldavia will be on tbe ft IUr6ce Moaiow it only deljpted wit,b tbe revohadon that ou.sted ud .UCUted C.UlllC'll., who WU publicly if politely dlided IJr bit cornpl nepotilm by Soviet le8der Mikhail s. Oort.ckv Oil I vitit two r-n •· Ileen '•'t -::= loo Diacu, ia u acquaiDllDCe of OOl1*bev hm dart .... la Commuitt youtll mcnanc:aea, ... bloc cUplomaU •Y· M'r *••• 4fter helping finish th• Slerr• M.clre float, Br.cl Anpove tf Sacr•111ento.re1t1 before ~r.cle surts. PARADE =ro.tAl The Sweepstakes Trophy for most eautiful float went to Century 21 teal Esta te Corp.'s .. The World 1s 'our Back Yard," depicting a V1c- )nan home and gazebo shaded by rees wtth multi-hued flowers as tamed-glass wmdows. The tlowery head of Elvis Presley m M1ssiss1pp1's float and a jungle tarbershop qua net of hippo. g1rat'te, .stnch arid 11ger were crowd ti ease rs. Propped along the parade route in t1each chairs and sprawled on tlankcts. overnight celebrants took >1zza deli venes. unpacked ela borate casts and fired up barbecues. Fems Reid drove his motor home ORITI. ·\Hlt:s to California 1rom cold Aurora, Ill .. to eye the procession. Jie spent the night at his spot on Colorado to get a good seat for the morntr\g parade. .. It's a real circus." he said. ''But I don't think I'm crazy being here all nigh t BeinJ crazy was staying back m Illinois m the winter ... .. Ifs the first time I've been to the Rose Parade and I'm happy to be here. It was 70 below zero with the wind chill when I left Iowa," said Elise Wise. 80. of Newton, Iowa. It was near 50 degrees at parade time. Nick Orr. 13. spent the nipit on the parade route panyi ng with his teen-age friends. .. We just played around all nigh t, walking around ... Orr said moments after fire officials extingu ished his s1de.,.,,alk bonfire ... We didn't get any sleep at all." Gweneth Feynman, landscape designer Sy The Assocl•ted Preu AL TADENA Gweneth Margaret Howanh Frynman. a free· lance landscape anist. world traveler rnd w1do" of Nobel Peace Pnze w1 nnins ph ys1cis1 Ri chard Feyn- man. died of cancer. a rela11 vc said Monda\. She would have been 56 :in Thursday. Mrs. Feynman d1C'd unday at L;CL:\ Ml'd1cal Ce nter. said Frances Lewin, a cousin Hl'r final illness x gan while she was on a tnp to ;:gypt. Befort" that tnp. shr had been o Antarctica and v1s1ted even con- .men!. said Lewin. · Her freelance land~aping busi- ness was an outgro"th of her :ntbu51as11c home gardeni ng. uwm said. Mrs. Feynman was born 1n R1p- ponden. England. Jan. 4 1934. and came to the United States in 1959. She It ved in Altadena for the past two decades. She was one of the key fo unders of the Noyes Library at Alfred E. · No,es Elementary School in Altadena and of the Arroyo Singers. a non-professional women's choral group that performed in the San Gabriel Valle). It was founded 1n 1961 by the "1ves of several Cal Tech faculty members. Mrs. Fe) nman was sec- ond soprano. Richard Fe' nman. a physicist who taught ai Cal Tech. djed in February. 1988. Dead Sea · scrolls ·, expert TORONTO -, !:>o lom o n Birnbaum, a Jewi sh scholar crrd1ted wtth establishing tile authentici ty and age of the Dead Sea Scrolls. has died. He was 98. Birnbaum. a nati ve Austrian who was an expen in ancient Jewish languages, wrote two books on Hebrew and Yiddish and dozens of trticles and research papers in au academic career that spanned most >f this century. The scrolls. discovered in caves 11ear the Dead Sea beginning in 1947, include thr oldest known manuscripts of the Bible. Birnbaum Ealyz.cd the irammar and script to tc Lhcm from the third century C, to A.O. 68, the same period ater C$labhshed by carbon-dating tchniques. "Some of his majn discoveries. in academic terms. were path-brcakina ... remark.able analyses of manu- scnpt material," said his son Eleazar, a professor of Middle East and Islamic studies at the University of Toronte._ His fat her's work allowed re- searchers to read and evaluate many documl'nts. he said. Birnbaum was bQm in Vienna. The Uni versity of l'lamburg. West Germany. created a teachina pos- ition for him in the field of Jewish studies in 1922. He fled to Enaland in 1933 when Hitler came to power and taught at the University of London until his retirement in 1957. Birnbaum continued his research, and moved to Canada in I 970. He died Thursday in Toronto and funeral services were held Friday, his son said. Pirosh, screenwriter MONICA Robert whose 1949 screenplay Blttie.,.ound" won an Academy ward and who co-~te the Marx rotbers' cluaic "A Day at the aces," died Christmas Day of heart ilurt.. He wa1 79. Priosh who wrote, produced or irectlld 'a dozen well-known ~l.m1 Ii similar number of teleV111on · remained active tbrouth hi• ter years. most recently te11ehln& ritina at the Univenity of them California. Hit 1949 Olcar-winninl drama bated OG the fiahtina betMCD German and Alhed troops at the Battle of the Bul&e where he fouaht with the 320th Infantry in the lJtb Division at Bastopte, Bel~um. He was writer or co-wnt.er of the movies "[ Married a Witch"; "Hell Is for Heroes"; "A Oatherina of Eqla"; ••What's So Bad About Feelina GoodT'; "Oo for Broke." and many mare. As a TV writer, he wrote the DiJot propam1 for "Laramie" and ''Com· bllt." He also wrote lelJMDtl of ••Hawaii Five-0.'' "FJW¥ Que/en." "Manni1," .. ~-·.clroalide:," "Tbe Watton•" and "Banaby Jona. .. amoaa othen. 11ilosopher Det Noce 011A1101 cev•n •n ... POUTAll AmA ,._ LA IU • ~-Atc). .. 60µ-W.t "-IMly • ._ ..... II ..... • -~ ,..,,. dNftnlt, " ... Qldlf """°' ply ,_,,_ ....... 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"''' au.Mt ~ 0 \tr,<t ,,..pon1 ,.....()Ol", .. tf' ~, QU.ltl'ty __,.t,, .. po11uun1_, \t~d '""""' ~~,,, ?() ,, prt'dllctt'd f()f fr'\fl' c:Ol\(.tJ M t.I """2 QOOO .. , ~ \N'I~ 4 P\1 ,....__r1 ot 4 1 \ t'tt?"!(U'<I J()f' ~ Qr~"'""Y"fl' r,.., "'Q~D \ fl'~tM'IU \t~O ~· , .. , W"'IQ) .tfr' .t\ fO"Ow) C.000 .. , QuMty ()SO ~,.,. SI 100 ,,,_atntul I 0 I t<jq "Pf) ......... ~nfuj XX). l'l'J n.. .., "°"' )()() Qt mot. A r11,.1 uq ""°9 '*''' ,, ''*"' wnrti I~ ~\I•\ ~I 200-214 • w-<ono-l~ ~ "'l7S·l"1 -• tl\lrO-uq ~ .c 400 Of mot• 'Ille U.S. Depu1;ment of Labbt ~ Monday at is investiptina muns by seven Otanae <;ounty pr• ment workcn who cla1med they were blacklisted or otherwise in- timidated by employers after coop- eratina with a utbontics in a labor crackdown. Rolene Otero. director of enforce- Accord r _acfJ_e_d in coal strike By MIKE ROBINSON As-ed l'rftl\ll'l'lter WASHI NGTON -Offi cials an- nounced tentative agreement Mon- day to end a violence-plagued, 9- month-old strike against the Pittston Co. by I . 700 coal miners in Virginia. West Virginia and Kentucky. ··we can continue to try to scratch each other"s eyes out pr we can accept a relationship where we can grow together:· United Mine Workers President Richard Trumka told a news conference in the office of Labor Secretaf) Elizabeth Dole. Trumka said ii is unclear when miners will return to work, but he said the agr{'cment would be placed before the rank and fi le for ratifi- cation within eight to 10 days. Terms were not disclosed 1m- mediatel}. Both s1dec. called It .. a victory for collecti ve bargaining'' but said the~ want striking miners to hear th e specifics first from union leaders. In Montgomery. Ala .. President Bush issued a statement that he is "delighted.. with the settlement. Bush. on his way back from a fishing tri p. said ... , want to wish the famil- ies and communities of the mine workers a very happy New Year as they look forward to the benefits of a new contract." Marathon bargaininf between the UMW and the nation s largest coal exponer included a 96-hour session just before Christmas. Former Labor Secretary W.J. Usery. who served as mediator and vowed to fi nd a solu- tion over the holidays, termed the dispute the toughest of his career. ··At I 0:30 last night we had a handshake." he said. The strike was marked by mam- moth la bor rallies. vandalism and rock-throwing confrontations be- tween strikers and other company employees. The union is currently facing fi nes totaling $63.5 million for violating coun orders limitinJ picketing and other strike activities. "We hope that we can resolve all the outsta nd- iDJ litigation and charges." Usery said. Dole said one of the mo$t difficult issues was the long-term security of pension and health care benefits for miners and their families. Coal workers said the strike was prompt- ed/rimarily by Pittston's move to en its contributions to the UMW's mcnt for the !lepettmenl's Waac A Hour Divi$ion ·~ Santa Ana, said that some scwi~op owners or- dered to make unpaid minimum wqes wrote checks to their workers, but then allegedly forced them to give the money back. Jn another case, she said, a worker claimed her employer followed her home and demanded that she return the money. but her boss denies this. The labor depenment ha• Ried swt apinst the boss. Despite the documentation of abosc in Oranae County aewina shops, which has result~ in 18 shops bcina orde('ed to. repay. bac~ wages. the dcpanment as finchna 1t tough to act the money back int.o the hands of victimized workers. "I had employers take employees to the bank. have them sign the Labor Secretary Ellzabeth Dole Joins hands with bargainers In Washington D.C. on Monday after a tenatlve agreement was announced between the United Mine industf}-w1de rt 11remcn1 fund . Do le promised to appoint a com- mission "'whJCh will review all aspects of the pension and health care issue and make . recommcn- da11ons to me for deali011. w11h 11." She and the ncgotiatdrs said the commission was prompted by the need for a broad. industry-wide n1eans of holsteri ng the pension fund . She ~1d the panel would re- pon back to her in six months but 1ts recommendations would not change Mo nday's agreement. ··The funds issue has been settled between Pittston and the United Mine Workers ... Trumka decl~. He said the prov1s1ons would stay in effect "for the life of the agreement." .. , think the members will be e~tremel) happ) with the aRrecment that 1~ prc!>entt•d to them." Trumka said . User) said the negotiators "came to "hat I realh belive is a ... reason- able solution to both sides. It is fair. It 1s honorable. We hope and pra y that 11 won·1 JUSt be another Band- A1d. but 11 will be something per- manent." "We JUSI couldn't be happier to stand before )Ou today," Pittston Co. Chairman Paul Douglas said. .. We think we've met the essential ObJCCt1om. of all those concerned ... The stri ke began April 5. As the b1ttern e"~ grew. 46.000 mine workers 1n I 0 states walked off their JOb~ 1n ")mpa th) at one point. Pittston's coal subs1d1ary. Pittston Coal Group Inc .. had said it could not afford to continue pavments ~ (tcttle~nt) check. lland lhe cub bolses 1culcmcnts ranaina from over to the employer in the bank SJOO to almost Sl,000, s\e 11id. lobby, and then $i.p a receipt 11yin1 Also three other worken have they tot the m~ney;:, Otero told the complained that Ibey have been ... S.OS An'*' Tunes. They. (the em-~ fused work because they c:ooperaled ploye~) JUSt told them at was a "th fcdctaJ authorities tn an in-formahty that had to be done and wa . . f h · I.'. bollet. took advantllC of the ianorance" of vest1p t1on o t cir 1orm~r employees, an of whom a re recent Otero said she is threatenlna lepl immiarants from Mexico. action qainst anyone who haranes Four workers surrendered to their a federal witness. • -- .,- NL.-••••••• Workers Union and the Pittston Co. From the left ares Paul Douglas. Pittston's chief e)lecuttve offtcer; Dole; UMW President-Rich Trumpka and mediator W.J. Usery. into the fund. which covers 130,000 pensioners who retired between 1947 and 1976. The company. 560 of whose retirees are covered by the fund. objected to making contribu- 11ons to the pensions of thousands of employees of other companies. The UMW had said that other companies would attempt to escape from the fund if Pittston were allow- ed to do so. Sen. Jay Rockefeller. D-W. Va .. said in a statement. 'T m delighted the strike has been settled. Let me sa) that there is no threat to the pen~ions of the 125.000 retirees acros!> the country." Usery was named mediator by Dole in October after she visited striking workers in the coal fields of southern Virginia. Strikers occupied a Pittston pro- ccssing plant 1n Carbo. Va .. for several da)s in September and mine' \\-l:fe blor kcd cfsewhere. More than 2.000 strikers were arrested in the lir'>l three months of the walk- out. man\ for si t-down demon- stratiom a·nd .$0mc for rcx:k throw- ing. Three union officials wer{' iailcd. Wildcat strikers from other states 101ned bumper-to-bumper co nvoys to slo~ P111ston coal shipments. <\s the strike went on. Pittston hired replacement workers. but pro- dut·t1on was well below pre-strik e lc'cls. The company said its coal operations lo<;t Sl6 million 1n the second quarter of I 989 and $9.8 million in the third quarter, com- pared w11h profi ts of S9 million and $7.4 million 1n the respective quar- ll'rs of 1988. Telephone 'peephole' stirs privacy complaints 8y JAY AltNOLD "'-latH "'"' llVl'lter WASHINGTON -An "elec- tronic peephole .. that displays the telephone number of incoming calls is worrying defenders of privacy ri&hts and stirring concern on .cipitol Hill. But others say the new gadget will shon-<:ircui t nuisance calfs and will be a boon to law enfi:>rcement. Tht new service is known as Automatic Number Identification. or Caller ID, and is being offered for about $6.50 a month plus another S60 to $80 for a small viewing device that flashes an incom ing number before the phone is answered. 8utines5ts love it. But privacy advocates say it's Bia Bro1h,cr and 'lwiD ad to "phone prefix dis.- 1Crimination" and other ~iaJ ills as people selective!~ decide what calls to answer or to ignore. -~This changes the nature of phone tcrVitt. It suddenly is interactive," 11)'1 Oary Marx. a professor of soci- ( olog) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "The phone companies arc tr} ing to neate the argument that your phone number i~ something you ha\·e no rights over," Marx sa ys. .. This service essentially says ... you don't control )Our phone number. we do.·· Opponents of Caller ID also say 1t is a de' ice of telephone merchandiz- ang companies to mine for gold: the names. telephone numbers and buy- ing habns of people who make phone orders or inquiries. Mark Plotkin. a Washington pol- itical fund-raiser and liberal com- mentator. ~ys using phones 10 p ther information on people has "frightening Orwell ian implications for the future." "First it's the phone number and then il's all sorts of information on the screen ... what color he I!>. what political pan} he belongs to. his religious background ... Plotkin says. Caller JD is drawing the attention of Conaress. It will be one of ~vcral prl\ aq issues to be discussed in House and Senate Judiciary sub- comm1ttct• hearing~ th1s spring. con- grt·ss1onal sources say. .. We will urge Congress to adopt leg1)lation to require blocking d{'- v 1n·) ... !Ml \'> Janlori Goldman. a staff attorne\ 'w11h the i\merican Civil L1ber11ci. l 'n1on . : Heated debate has surrounded proposals to introduce Caller ID in sc,cral Jurisdictions na1ionwide. California alread) has passed a law banning the serv ice unless cus- tomers arc gi ven the ability 10 block it on their phones. Caller ID will begin Jan. 9 in Penns} lvan1a. despite strenuous op-- pos1t1on. But state phone regulators said Bell of Pennsylvania must allow police and domestic violence inter- ve nt ion agencies to block th e service at will. New York state regulators refused to allow Rochester Telephone Co. to offer the service unless customers had a tota l blocking option. Caller ID has been available o n a It n111ed basis in New Jersey since Onohcr 1988. It was introduced in M·ar>land and Virginia in the past t"'o months. and phone users in Charleston, W.Va., are ordering it now, according to Bell Atlantic spokesman Ken Pitt. South Central Bell. a division of BellSouth. began otfcring the service in the Memphis area in December. and expects to begin offeri ng it in North Carolina. South Carolina and Florida within the next six months. said Jim Whitehead. an official with BellSouth Services'." Nynex will offer rt ·in Bennington. Vt., before next summer. Nynex official Joe Gagen said. American Teleph one & Tclqraph Co. also offers the service to its 800- number customers 10 enable busi- nesses to quickly call up com- puteriLed records when customers call. New Jersey Bell spokesman James W. Carrigan said 1hat following the introduction of Caller ID. requests from customers for traPS or call tran: rn·ord .. ded1nt·d 49 percl.'nt in Hudson ( ount~ dunng a six-month f)(.'rlo<l. Statewide. the number of requests decreased I~ percent .. and we expect that to incrl·ase with the availability of Caller ID ... Carriga n said. <. alkr ID also I'> being u<;cd b) f)(>lll l' tu traCl' bomh threats and fal!>l' alarm'>. .\nd 11 1s 'alued b} takeout oper- ations !luch a!> p1ua parlor!. to verify phone orders. Retail businesses and banks sav Caller ID allows them to have cus· tomcr!>· records a\'ailable before a compan) representative picks up the call -eve n though it makes some customers uneasy to be greeted by name before they identify them- selves. For the avera~e phone user, phone compan) offioals say Caller ID si mply lets them see who's tryi ng to enter lh{'1r residences by telephone. "You have the right to know when you answer the door lo know who's there." Pitt says. -~a~and' s-liberalized economy to bring hardships would like 10 suesa lbat despite the 4a1_11m and chakasn, we sul)d befOre a unique chantt nd it de-"'*'°" us how~ ialc~ actvaatatc of iL" I Tiie far·reacbins plan iJ intmdcd io ...,..nt tk centrally ~ed ~Y run by the Communitu ~ lbeir loUr-ctec.de rule. But ..... tt conceftt Wt Ifie etiOftOlftk the price of reaular p solinc had doubled from 1.200 zlotys a liter (48 ccnlS a pllon) to 2,400 zlotys a li ter (96 cents a p llon). The price raises form pen of a radical economic prosram backed by the Solidarity·led aovemment that was peued by Parfiament last wetk. Included in the propam is a law rqulatina saJery increases . BJlcerowia, whotc plan is sup- pori'Cd by the World Bink, t~ Euro-,_.. &ononaic Community and 1-ioi' Wntem.J>vernmcnts. told PA'P thM the diftkull tima '*"6111 ~ unevoiclHll but' *'-YI ill IP:' .,.,.... ............ 1c1 .... ,.... ~~in Ille ... ra. ' L .. ln .._ an1 h moa&M • • ~ Hnlha ... Oii ........ ·•t don't think they underiiand bow powerftal the federal 90vern- ment is." she said. ~r retU.a 1b admit that the law a~iel ~ juit baRles me. They re looki any way around it all.•• A federal statute fOtbidl plo>.:ers from discriminatine or firina emplayees who with federal labor iaspectfons. Hai.;>py ._New Year: ---... Payroll taxes up By NANCY BENAC .-..-.." ..... 'loll'rtt• WASHINGTON -The new year is bringing higher payroll taxes for workers and bigger cbecks f;l:re- tirees as a long-scheduled ial Security tax increase kicks in a cost-of-living adj ustmenl boosts re- tirement benefits. °II, The payroll tax is risi ng t tt5 percent fro m 7.51 percent in 89, meaning cm~loyees will pay S S to Social Security for each SI 0.000 of earnings subject to the tax. S 14.qtore than last year. Employers pay an equal a mount for each worker. The 1m:reasc has been in the cards since I 977. when Congress ap~vQd a plan to help k{'ep the giant {~rc­ ment program on sound finan{:,ial footing that included the taxjumP'1n I 990. Congress subsequently enacted a bailout package in 1983 lhat boosted the payroll tax from 7.15 percent to 7.51 percent in 1988. wi thout chang- ing the 7.65 rate that already was planned for 1990. The new year also means workers will start pa)1ng Social Security taxt·s on a bigger share of. their earnings. The pa1roll Lax .applies to income of up to $51 .300 in 1990. an increase from $48.000 in 1989. The combined effects of the ~n­ creascd tax rate and the higher''~x­ able "age base mean the maxfm'lrm amount of SoCJal Security taxe'S 'ik- ducted will Jump by $320 to ~~4 for a ~orkcr who earns $51 . ..JPY 'ur more. 11 1• Social Se-curity laxes also are'gdlng up for the self-e mployed. who will pa> 15.30 percent in 1990 .....:. the com b1 ned cmploycc-t"mploytj' f '~~ rate. The tax rate on the self-employed techn1callv was 15.02 percent in I Yl!9. but· they got a 2 percent tax cred111ha1 automat1call} reduced the amount paid to I J.02 percent. In I 990. the) lose the tax credit. but for the first lime the\ will be able to deduct half their Social Sccvrit) taxes as a bu~iness expense. The same $51.300 wage base applies. The wage base has gone up every year since 197 1. with the latest in- crcast· aOccting about I 0.4 million worker" an<l St'lf-employed individ- ual" "ho ha'e earnings over last )ear·s maximum. Wh1k 130 million worker~ and st·lf-employcd people will be p~ying more into Social Security in ~ 990. 38.9 million Social Secbrhy lx"nefinaries will stan drawin&' &jg- gcr monthly bencfi t checks. (hecks delivered on Jan. j y/ill include a 4. 7 percent ben"$ in-crease. the hi~est boost in 71/i v ai;s. The l'O<ot-of-hving adjustment 1i tk- s1gned to offset the effects of 1nfYa- 11on 1n the past year. · The increase promises an extra $25 a month for the average retir~d worker. who in 1989 received $541 a month. The maximum monthl y benefit for a worker retiring at age 65 in 1990 will be $975. up $76 from the comparable figure for 1989. The 4. 7 perce nt benefit increase also applies to 4.5 mill ion recipients of Supplemental Security Income. which provides a minimum income floor for poor people who arc aged. blind or disabled. Maximum SSI benefits will rise to S386 i an individual and S579 for a co J~ in 1990. up fro m $368 and SS r fC· spectively. in 1989. . 1 Since 1975. Social Securitf tmn. efits have risen automaticaJEI h year along with advances 1 Consumer Price Index. ex r six months in 1983 that were skipped to help Social Securit_.ert a financial crisis. In earlier years, benefi ts were increased sporadically by Congress, often in election ycan . The ttl 990 increase in the payroll tu rate will be the 21st. The payroll tu was I percent of i~omefto $3.000 when Social Security In 1937. It stayed there until 91$() and has risen gradually since then. In addition to financln1 Social Security retirement benefit" the payroll tax also finances survivors and d isability coveraae and most of Medicare. The Soc-ial Security Admini .. tration maintains that the tax in· crease ii needed to belp tbc tovern. mtnt build up the raena dial will · be needed IO belp PllY retirement benefits early in the not canury. Social Seciarily'• """ ... Aft"! ~ SS9 billiocl in AICal 1919 10 S 169 bilfioa, and lft oro.iecled IO .,..t at I I I .I trilUon i8 2030, .._ tM rmrvtl wjll be ......... * ...,, boom ., ...... ........ n.~-. :.w ... s: --:.-&. ... .,,:="· r.:;r: .. la Ml ....... Newport Assistance League to initiate a debutante ball ly KAREN M. REED Ot ,...,. Dolly ,,_ Staff ll cannot be -said that folks in the 'l'l'"' port Harbor art'a arc NOT training a genera11o n of fund-ra1'><:rs and 'olunlecrs. • Yet another Dl·butante Rall has tx:i:n 1n111arcd through th<' .\'1- m tanct' League o f Ne"' po rt Beach. But such an ar t1' II} I'> more than 11>h1te goY.ns. prett} c;m1ks and prae; 11n ng the t. Janw'> tx1'' In 1h1s instance. the 21 .\S\l!>lccm to tx· prcst'nted at the first Medallion Ball on Jul> 14, 1990. represent more than ~.IX)() hours o l 'llluntcn wr- ' ICl'. T.o. kick off the cclehra11on. of 1ht·1r labc?(~. howc\'er. the high c;chool sc91urs "en: ··anno unced '' a t a hol- 1cf.t~ ·tea held at tht• Ne y.port Harbor Y.it·b~ Club. Some 27".l parents. grandparents and famd ~ frie nds gathered to hear a little about t•ach Gf the }Oung Y.Omt·n a ll daughters or granddaughter<. 11f .\<.\l<.tanre u·;igut' member-,. "fhae has bern 1.ilk ahout 1h1'> l1n -\i.~1stanc·e Lt·agut·J for na and <'' t'r." <wt1d ball cha1Nnman Marte- france Lefebvre. "So J\ pan of our cclcbrat1o n o f tht' S e"fllH I C hJpter's 50th Ann1,er..a11 111 1990. "'l' dcctdt•d lo take lhl· plungt· ·· fhe NcY.port H..irhor -\'i'it\lan{e League dcbu1an1c pn:-.c n1a11on of 11s -\'1<.1!.teen\ 1s a fir'>t in Orange C l'un- ''. and a 1rad1 11o n thJI no"' ec;tab- lishl·d Y.dl tx· con11nUl·d . according to l l'feh' fl' "Thi<. " our 1n:iugural nl·nt ... '>he said La.s Re1nas. o ne u l the five league Ju>.1liancs 10 Ney.port Beach. ho~ttd tht· tea "'1th Betty Sprang, Kitty Loa Proulx and Betb Curtis chamng and org..u}111 ng the feslt \ 111c<. Tl.it· task o f 1n1 rodun ng and relat- ID@. I\ b1 1 about each o f the .:! I ><wng Ph1l;pthrop1sts fell to Sue Mean, "'ho added clc' t.'r quip' about c::ich as ~ne was prl'~ntcd lbf debs and 1hc 1r parent<, 1n- cLfJ~ Jennifer Balalls, Mr. and Mn. P.,u).L. Balalls; Hilary Benedict, Mr. a!MJ., Mn. Ooaald K. Benedict; Alyua C•rtls, Mr. and Mn. Geor1e G. CurUs; Mldtelle Fay, Saaclra HowarU. Hester and Bnce M. Fay; Mlcbelle Ferris, Mr. and Mn. Wil- liam L. Ferris; Marga ret Gaul, Or. and Mrs. EdwlD S. Gani; Lisa Greeaert, Mr . and Mn. Wayne E. Greeaert; Stacy H•1llles, Mr. and Mn. Roger L. H11llles; Kaaey McCoy, Mr. and Mn. Patrick A. McCoy; and Dau MansoD, Mr. and Mn. O.aae It. M•HOD. O then are Lisa Muar, Mr. and Mn. E. James Murar; Molly O'Neil, Mr. and 'Mn. Denis 0 . O'Neil: HeEr Palda, Mr. and Mn. James L. P Jr.; Aue P'1lllppl. Bart.era P~ ppt and Terrill L. Pltlllifpl; ~ Re)'Hlds, Mn. Gle .. -E. BICIUf,I II kh vulnerable. West deals. I/ NoaTH "' • & J 'J ••{ Q Q' J 2 r ~r.< 0 A Q .t/f)( .... 7 W6J-EAST • 'Jii • Q II 7 Q 15 Q J 116 4 0 ... ,,,,,0 14 32 •os .,, ,., If>' II ,,, IOlTl'll •A' I 4 Q A & I 0 v ... •A&94J2 -...... ,_ -,_ .. ,_ Piii Aly11• Curtis. Jennifer B•l•ll•. Alll1on Taylor. Kelly Weber •nd Dana Munson fabovel; Mega'! Rodhelm and Stacy Hughes fbelow. front rowl and Lisa R09ers and M•rgaret G•a11. Reynolds; Megan Rodlllelm: Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb M. Rodlllelm: Lisa Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. David · C. Rosen; Leslie Swart.era. Mr. and Mn. George. R. Swart.era: Allison Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Michel L. Taylor; Kelly Weber, Mr. and Mn. Cral1 J. Weber; and Jill Welpatt, Mr. and Mrs. JteltJt C. Welp.tt. Organmng comm111ce members rcprcc;en11 ng all chapter'I also include Betty Oobrott, Katlty Reed, JHle Kingsley, Gerry McGratJt, Patti Rose, La•rle Vletclt, Lyn Cornell, Gloria Loadoa, Katltrya KalH1 and Dina voa Burier. North cue-bid in respon1e to South's takeout double, South elected to jump in his weaker suit since North rated to have four cards in each majo r for his c ue-bid. The final contract of six spades was excellent. Left to his ow devices, dedar• would certainly have romped home, since the only way to play the club suit is to cash the ace and kin1. witla tntJfyiq raultt. Declarer'• only lofer wouJcl have bem a trump. When Michael CappeDttti ol WUbtqton, D.C., held the W• _., he opted for tbc dmlisb lad ol dte five n~ clubs. Deem• cap- .... S..'1 Jeck whJa UM killl • •WlbllallJpr11L&tdW• ... ..... ...... dub. A.fttr [ ti • lllil•olcr..,.udlMill• .... ..................... ................. ~ ..... ... II 8 1. He ta. rill IM• W1 I la *•• w. . the other woman lases \ hard lesson · for \j:lce pi:esl dent DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am linina at m y desk in a beautiful office and tea~ are streamina down my cheeks as I write this letter. I ~e worked for this company nearly 14 years. I stancd as a file clerk. Two years ago I became a vkc president. Sound terrific? Wa it till you hear the end. Care Ombudsman Proaram and check w1lh .her 4rea Aaency o n Aging. Whale these arc ooih fine suggestions. the patient's physician should be consulted regularly. es- pecially sf a sudden change in energ~. a"'arcness and mob1lit) is no11ccd. <h ermed1ca11on b) over- worked nur~es and attendants could be the reason Last July. in a weak (and foolish) moment, I became involved with tl\e president of the firm. It staned With an IOnOCCOI klSS of COnlfltUla· t10ns after I had brought in is large and prcs11gious account. Before long. Mr. X and I were staying late to talk business. Then we !>cgan to talk about our~lves. H1s ... mamage was no ~ood (sound fam tlia~). I was single and starT)-C} l.'d. t1o n as a lot o f bull. It's sttll a man's world. and I'm Y.tlhng to bet 11 always will be I JU SI ho pe cvel) female "ho rcalh this will take m } ad' ice and stt'l'f clear of men 1n the workplarc .\s Jane said to Tarzan. "It''> a Jungle out there .. -FUN CITY. l '<\-\ Please don't a!>sume that the clde r- 1> should m·,cr be sedated . Man)' nur!>1ng homc-residl'nts complain about h.ird-ol-heanng people o n the tlour "'ho plJ ) radios and TVs 100 loud . .ind pniple "'ho wander into tht· "rung room a1 night and get 1010 lxd \\Ith 111lwr patients Some e'en wundcr nit till' grounds and unnate 10 the nnghh111>' yurd<; Thc.-.e folks ncl·d 10 ht· r1·,tra1ned . a nd <.c.·da11on hJ> prcl\l'd t lr>tul f hl'rl' is. ho\\- ner. luo 111ul h 1Hcr..eda11on b) <1' t'r"'"r"'nl 'tJtl and attendants "'hl> ti nu 11 l'•"'n Ill t art' for a pattt'nt "tw11 h1· 11r '>ht' 1\ J'>kl'p I.:! or 14 hour' 1 dJ' • W11hin a fl'\\ weeks we were ha\ 10g an afTa 1r I thought no one knew about 11. but I was mistaken. First there was a chill fro m women in the organ11ation. Anonymous notes began io appear on my deslc. One began. .. Hello. Who re." Another. "vrl.'ct1ngs. Tramp." Last "eek the chairman called me in. and I was lired . Mr. X received a slap on the "nc.1 I fct'l that I ha'c bee n ha nlkd a ro11en d l.'al. I didn't ins11gatl· the affair M r X made the lirst mu\l'. l ' nfo rtunatch. I can ·1 suc for '>C\ual harassml.'nt· becau'><' I Y.a!> a "'1ll1ng part1l·1pan1 DEAR l'SA: The workplace 11 where many women meet tbe lr bus- bands. Your mistake was becomlDg Involved "'itb someone else·s hus- band. In m ) opinion, that Is the real lesson to be learned. Good luck to you In the future. Tlle adage "Once barned, t'1l ice shy," is "t'll worth remembering. Plca!>t' \nri print th" k11er for the lxnt•ti1 111 1h· d Jt·rh Y.ho canno t '>pt:ak 1'111 1hn11\1'ht:'. -f HIRD I ) l I~· Pr '\ '\ \) I \ \ :"-1-\ • • • Dl\R \\,'\. L-\NDI-R\ )ou '-'t:Jt: rii!ht ''" "'ht:n •ou ad' "t'J thl· d.rngh1~·r .. t .in <ircgun nur,mg· homl· n·,1Jcn1 to 'ipt'a k 10 her rn111hn 'dollor J houl po\\1hk 11\l'f· DEAR P E:\:\ .. \'ou'~t' hH on a timely a nd 'ital 1nue. I bope all families with elderl) relative. and superintendt>nt~ of tbese facilities will listen to wha t you are saying. Tbanks for writmg. ,~l·da t 111 n .\II 1h1!. talk about "omen·,. libera- .\ lt'Jdt:r from .\l..rnn 'llgtnteJ th.ii \hl· look into tht· Long-Term llOHOS('OPI·. Tuesday, Jan. 2 ARIES I ~1arch 21-.\pnl 19): \ ou rrali1e k'>" than 24 hour<. ago tht•re Y.as an c\C'af>C route R' m1d- aftcrnoon. )OU ma(,..e u\C nf 11. Sc·tnano k:lluH'\ tree· dom. rh>thm. 'anet>. ahd11~ to communttJll' wnrl'pl\ in d)namtl manncr TA R l lS 1-\prn .:!11-\.fa> .:!OJ "lo m.1t1t·r Y.hJI thl' odds ~ou emn 1w a " 1n nl'r f (){U'> o n mu<.1t l'Oll'llJ1n- ml'nl. lt•khratmn You'll ht.· remodd1ng. f'>J11111ng. l'O JO)ing rl'lrn1on "'''h lo ,cd onl' Yo u m 1gh1 tx· a<.k1ng )'Our<,l'lf "Is th!\•-------------• pos~1blc''" G EM I S I /'_ (Ma\ 21-Junl· 20) Confl1c1 t'"'" hc- tv.een one "ho "ant<. to promott: you and 10J1' 1d- ual Y.ho \a)' ~ou need mo re pnm· lllllllW~!llli~llll 1ng. Plc1} "'c11110g ............ . game ~t rel m an- euH·r 1n,o h rd One in poy.cr fi n::ill~ points 10 ~ou CANCER ( lunt• .:!I-J ul~ 221 ) ou tap1 urr Y.hat had lx'cn l'IU\l\l' f out' on mll'0\1\\. drama. rt'\p:111<.1h1lit' and rt:\\.trd I 11\l' rda1111n<.hq1 Jom1n.11l'\ \1 nnl·' "•thhdu "111 hl' 1•kJ \t'J -111 \nu c .1pnu1rn pl:'\\\ OUt\IJ nd1ng 111k LEO 1 luh 2 \. \ug. 221 lnd1\1Ju.il "'ho llt•uhtcJ \llll lCIUIJ d1111 \..iii rdt:nt h XU\ llO UJll\t•1,,il .1 rirx·.d u>mr>kt11111 ,,f lnng·\IJnding a'"~nml·n1 \ 1111 m1t\ht tx· ded.mng. · f h1' truh 1\ 11 I am 1n line•·· \fll'" ltgurl'S prumint·n tl) VIR(,0 ( .\ug ~\-Sept 22) F-resh apprQach bring" fa,orahlc rtsponSl' F-ocus on populant). 1ndl\1duali1~. se' appc::il Lunar PoS1t1on acct•nts pubhc tt). legal a ffair\. mantal \talu\ Len \quanu' per<,ans pla) roles LIBRA 1\t·pt ~\.()l·t 221 \ ou m1gh1 Ix ..a ~10g. "It Sl'l'nl'> I ta"-r one \tl'f' lof\Aard .ind '"o bal k"ardc," Yuu . anualh J n 111.1(,..t• pingrt:\\ \uppon 1\ gathered m mt·1ho<l1tJ I rnannrr \kJn\ J 11n t ru'h l''IX'Ualh Y.herc moon " UlOl t'I n,·d St'ORPIO 1 <>d 2 \. '\.1 '' 211 E mphJ'" un <,pccu- IJt11111 ~)(1r11larit' l!ll'Jtl'f .1".11 Ol'"' o t y..irJroht.· h<xh 1mJ!!l' Ill\ 11Jt1on 1111 1\a ~ tu p1n11gtnu' '>(>1.1£11 Jffau .\,tt'nl on rnm.11111 fll•"1hk 1ournn \dg.111.inJn r>IJ\<, kn ruk · .ACilTTARll ~•'\.u, ::1>n 211 \tuJ\ 'xorpm Oll''>'>.li(l' K11JJhlm~ \\111 ht· tr.111,lorrnnl 1ntu \lt'P- p1ng,1111w \ nu·u k.1rn n111rt· .ihout h<1\1l '.dui:<. prcip- l'rt\. 't'llllll\ ( lc1\1 1l'l.1t1\l' 1.11(,..c, ,1hou1 m11nn "'hl'rt' t I ,", lol J It'd CAPRICOR:\ 1 lkl ::.J.an 141 Rt·.1J JnJ '-'rtlc {ommuntl Jll' 'l'l '''ur 11\An PJll \ uu'll h..· Jl·.iling Y.1 th rt'\lk'' fll'11 r>k llh luJ1ng rrl.111,r\ Am thrr nr \l\tt·r lt(,..rh 111 \tall' · \1JnJ \llll tor 11ntl···· AQl'ARll S I I.in :11.f d1 I Xl l mphJ\I\ on tin,1n,1al 'IJIU\ n·molkhng u intau "1th o ne ""ho - undn,tJnJ\ tol111 '-lhi:mr ) 011 uiuld th.ingt• rt•stJl'OlC 1t·n1por.tr1h Jul· tu homt: rt·p.11r\ rl'lurhl\h1n11. PIS('ES lf ch 111-\1.irth :111 \11u·,l. tx·en running Jtll·r 1pportun1t\ .tnd no" 11 I\ prJl lltalh plalt'd 10 \OUr l.1p l olu' 11n t>.1 ... ,IJ1!l' m.1nt:U\t•r' dandc,ltnl' Jr- r.1nel"t1h'nh If' JA:\ 2 IS YOl R BIRTllOA Y: \nu h.i' t' <.penal \U tu·" 111 Jl·Jl1ni.:' "11h "'""·t·n. mnthl'f had morl' 1ntlul'nll' 1h,10 J1d tatha \OU are g01ng to mak(' dram.illl l hdngt'\ 10 Januar~ ( anctr. <. apncorn pcrw ns pla~ 1m pona n1rolt'"1n >our h f(' Man ~ rc-s1nct1o ns that ha untl'J \OU last \t'arY.111 be removed. ·10¥116 SALE I ry 3rd -11 ll starts•••••••' ·•;:•L. ·dation Complete Stoca 1qui Everything lust &o! 40°/o off lll Mercla11•is• In ~tock ....... ., ...... ('9n •"* ..... ) Dole picbl• ffatnn, ruf',::::'' U:• tl&h dais, stuffed '. IJlttin& c•ds, et~ . Harvest Oecorat\ons 50°/o Off J0S Ml.TAU ~ c ,, .... ..._. • lnchaltie me a little and let me get oo my soapbOx one more time to pac.d my case apinst the way women are depicted and treated in • movies. Matters seem to have gotten wone in ~nt weeks with the re- lease of holiday films. Talk about deliberately fabricated rearession! That's exactly what we aet in Roben Zemeckis' "Back to the Future II," a movie that goes to the trouble of introducing Ma rty McFly's girlfriend, Jennifer (Eliza- beth Shue), only to knock her out and treat her like a sack of potatoes that Marty (Michael J. Fox) hauls from place to place. from decade to decade, throughout the movie. When Marty asks Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) why he zonked out Jennifer, the doc shru1ts. "She isn't necessary to our mission." What he really means is. "She isn't necessary to our movie." This line -either the ori~inal dialogue or m) paraphrase of 11 - sums up cxactl} the wa)' women have been treated 1n movies dunng the 1980s. A few weeks ago. in a piece writ- ten for the Los >\ngC'les Times. critic Charles Champlin reported that cer- tain fem inists arc upset with Dis- ney's nc"' animated feature. "The Little Mermaid... and its "un- conscious se-.;1st vie"' of the woman·s role and goal." Thl'se women are more than a l111le late 1n noting the danger rnh erent in most Disne) features (films ~cared spcc1fi- call) 1o"ard 1mprcss1onable chil- dren), and the fart 1s the~ 're p1clo.1ng on the wrong film. as the title character in "The l ittle Mermai d" goes against the trad1t1on of mo t Disne ) animated female characters. She"s far from passive. fo r example. and she"s qu11e headstrong and re- sourceful and 1ndepcndent-m1nd ed. Besides. whatever sex ist qualiues exist in the film arc denvcd d1rec tl) from the source material. Hans Chnst1an Andersen's caut1onan fairy tale. which I happen to think i's dead-accurate about what women will put themselves through for love, for a man. (Some men do the same thing.) The movie downpla)S a lot 'tlO\ IE l .ISTI '\GS Newport Beach ~ 0--7Cl' f --.,. 8l\IO b1S·l\10 H~V l 4 7'1)0 SDWAnl NCWPOllT CINIMA JOO '11-l>O" C•nc~t O<tW 644-0760 I lleno --.... et J...., 1•1 1 4 1 10 l lMet M_...1PG1 11 1 lO S 1 lO 10 ) Alwq9 lfGt 11 JO l S )() 8 IS 10 IO SDW-.>I 15'.AHD CINIMA F•>t11on hlMXI 'l•w po<l (Merl 1>~1 1 18 I ..... fRj 12.~JO. S I JO 10 2 T .... A ~ l•l I l IS S JO I H 10 J.,..,. Lint• ·-IGJ 11 1 • b 8 tO 4 .,..,. W• ef -..... I.I I I H 1 • JO 1 9 IO s ......... ,_ellfPGJllJO 24 S S TIS, t JO • I>,_,, ......... fltl I 1 JO J S )0 8 10 JO 10W--.. V~ fPCi·IJf II 4S I 4S 4 I> IS. 8 JO. 10 40 of this. in fact, even excisina the important ~ucncc in wliicfi the little mermaid s ftns are brutally cut apart so she can walk. These women -and even men - would do well to redi~t their energies toward Eddie Murphy's "Harlem Nights," in which women are punished because Murphy seems to think they control men throup sex. Certain parts of their anatomies are relentlessly debased throughout the movie with the foulest, most ear- assaulti ng language imaainable. Murph} reveals a lot about himself in his movies. whether on purpose or inadvertently. and the crazy, m1 "<t d-up. misou nous pleasure he1 takes in debasing women frankly sca res me. · The men in his audience. mean- "' h iJe -men who presumably have mothers. daugh ters, wives. girl- frie nds. nieces and aunts -laugh en1husiasticall ). I sat there wonder- ing how these same men would react 1fthe opinionated women in Herbert Ross· "Steel Magnolias" critiqued men and their bodies in the same gro~~h 1nsens1ti\e wav. (That would ne\l:r· happen. of c6urse. because ml'n s1ill are calling the shots in the li lm business.) Well. I think the alienation toward Susan ·e1ddman's feminist revenge comt·d~. ·· he-De' ii." addresses my spccula11on: The men in the au- d1enn· aud1bl~ hate 1t. probably be- cause 11 scares them. It hits a nerve. This 1s one of the few movies toda) tha1 "'as made w11hou1 being at 1he mat' of male-oriented demo- graphics and "•tlfout resorting to the u'ual "Macho Father Knows Best" plot mechanics. (Ho"' 11 ever man- aged 10 gel made. r 11 ne 'er kno" .) And one of its stars. Roseanne Barr. 1s an affront 10 \\hat .,.,e·,e been told leading ladies should be and what the' should look lake -1.e .. blond. tx-a"uuful and mute. ···This a1111ude 1s espcc1all} en dent among those people -v.omen as well as men. surpn s1ngl} -who come out of Dannv DcV1 to's "The V. ar uf the Roses··· and comment. "Whal a bitch~.. referring to the Ka1hleen Turner character in it. r \C~ been t0ld this is the one recurri ng remark people make while UDO CINIMA 'II~! 81"<1 .ti Nrwl>OO V~ ~IHUSO D•lvl ... Miu D.itr PC.1 l S 7 'I r otrT THaATltl l~S f (o•\I H 19••w•r 1>1) &lbO C .... 111. Cl•w4•1 ft I • I 'I 4' Co ta 'lt>sa IOWAllOS CINIMA CUOITlll J70t H••C>u• 91~,, ,..,,..v v .. rl'lf" c~np•1 97q 4 14 f ""• WIH •d ,PGt •] 1 • lh• DevH II" A •O , The Little Meu,.•14 •G 1 I I 4 S • I> IS 8 lO •O •S j w.·,. No""•··· 1f"(, '0 I• •O I ·~ 4 b ''> 8 JO 10 H 4 Steel M .. nollet f PGt t l 1 JO S 1 )0 10 I DWAllDS CINIMA H••D<» 8tv<l I A<1>m1 Aor s•~ J10.- exiting. She is a bitch in the movie, but th at's not the point. The point is that no one comments on the M ichacl Do uglas character. who ex- ecutes just as many unspeakable th ings as Turner does in the movie. No one comments on him; no one has a comparable word to describe ht !> character. Not even wo men. Luck1l ). there are no really bad rok models in Steven Spielberg's "Al"a~s:· but Spielberg's idea of roman<:{' 1s certainly.curious. In one sccnr . h" dresses up 1-toUy Hunter in an ugl~ \\h1te evening dress and has her make ·an {'ntrance into the f:l\ontc hangout of the fi lm's bra ve fi rrfightcr!I. a di' e. She and co-star Richard Drevfuss then dance - to "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" ($el 11?) -and all the Olhl·r firefighting grease monkeys in the plate get the same idea. But Orl'} fu !ls makes ·them wash their hand~ first. Th{'} do. and then they pass Hunt- er around to each other -one \\Oman and dozens of guys. each taking hi s turn. Spielberg sees this as a.di te tfM ,.,...,. II ll'GI 11 45 J IS S 4S 8 • \ •O lO HAltlOll TWIN CINIMAJ HAfDOt SIYO /f W •ton ,,,,.. .. ,fill J\01 T•ft90 a CH ll 11> I l S S IS 1 IS ~JO , Tl>• W•r o f th• ltoH• 111 • 1 JO J S JO 8 •<' lllllA CINIMA "'•Wf> "' 811.<l /I qrr> Sr &•1> SOH Chrht ... •• V•<atlon 1PG I I t 1 •S 1 Is ·s •S II r ' TOWN CI NTlll CINIMAJ ~out" CO.tit l'l.>u 'C, ·~ .. Th• W'•r of the ltOHI l•i I / 1 }() S 1 JO 10 I Drlvln9 111111 D•••r 1PG1 I I • s I 4S • b 8 10 •s I The Uttle M•,....14 1G1 I I JO 1 JO 4 JO b JO Fl JO 10 lO • 11,.... a Me ,., I l s ' 9 10 4S SOUTH COAST rLAZA Brntot/S~r S41>· l7 I I 1 ll8H IRI 11 1 JO S 7 JO I 0 I IM:ll to th• P'..c .... II fPGI 11 30 I •s 4 b IS. A 10 10 40 I J Steel M .......... fPGI 11 )() ) s 30 8 10 JO UA SOUTH COAST rLAZA I Sit I \II s~ Aw S•OOS9• I ,_ltJ lvtlneU IRJ 1110 J H 4 SO 1 IS 'I JS 1 L--·· T-.... fPG I JJ 11 SO 1 SS S I OS 'I tS I S"•·D..,11 f PG· I JJ I 1 10 1 IS 4 JO I> JS 8 SO llunting to n B.-ach IOWAllDS CHAltTI• CINTltlP IR/1 IN~'"'"' A•• A4 0 '10 • ..... 1• I I •\ I • lO 1 q )0 } ,, ••• 1111....,...... PG I Ji 11 } JO s 1 JO 10 I Alw•11 IPGI '1 I )() \ 1 )() 10 • .,..,. ......... ll•••tt•t • 7 •S ) IS 6 8 )() 10 ·~ \a.do to th• P'MC..,e II tPGI 11 )0 l S JO 8 0 I\ IDWAltDS HUNTINGTON TWIN t8S•J ~"'" \1 841! OlAA -···· No ""99" 1P(, ''I I 7 )() 7 •s s 1 Is q )() 1 TIM UttJe •••-1G1 11 1 • & 8 9 •S Fountain Valley 'OVNTAI._ VALLn TWIN 810011nun1/fclwvr 8''1 I\()() I Cllr .. t....,1 V--fPG· I JI I I JO I JO ) 4S . b 81\ 1010 J T"• Llnle Me,....14 iGI 11 JO I IS ) IS S. 1. 8 4\ ,AMILY '0Ult CINIMA 11161 8rootrllotl! St 9bl I )01 ''~•11 1•1 t 4S )4S 6. 8 15. IO JO 101 .,..,. tPGI 11 1 4 UM·o.wtl (PGI I>, 8. l Herl-......... 17'1 t JO l 4S 6 8 IS, IO JO 4 T ...... & c..11 11'1 11 )() 1 JO 4 JO I> JO 8 JO. 10 JO RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTEIY INC. ... ,_ .... °""" ..... 1m--..cma ..... Ma-1111 If~. men are bavina it rouah in mo~~ today, little &iris ami't. Aside from the apunkX heroin& of .. The~Uttle Menna.id, we've bad such heidstrona, indepcndcnJ females as Anne-~arie, t:he little anima~ cbaracter in Don Blutb's brilliant .. All Dop Go to Heaven'" mouthy Jenny Lewis in TOdd Holland's "The Wizard"; steadfast Rebecca Harrell in John Hancock"s "Prancer"; and. earlier this year, Amelia Bumettc, who played Kurt Russell's levelheaded daUlhter ~ Ted Kotcheff s "Winter l>eople." These arc litde Jirls who are doina cvcrythina that arown women on icrcCn shoufd be <1oin1-(I auess, tho uah. that it's not threatening when it's a little airl.) So there is a hopeful trend: These movies about children arc also mov- ies that were made for children, and. hopefully, the children seeing them are. coming away with decent pri- orities. lfso, then they're doing a Jot better than their parents who arc waUowing away at such regttssive junk as "Always" and •·Harlem Nights" and "Back to the Future II." danaerou• lamina tooll, and that the people IP*kina them should con· sider standards u well u box-office results . The ft'iab&eni~ thin&. of course, is that may6e today s movies do reflect the standards of 1.he people who moke them - or the lack of stan- dards. In September, I a~teod~ a fil'!l seminar at the Tellunde film Festi- val in Colorado, durina which the moderator. Annette lnsdorf (of New York Uni versity). challenged such filmmakers as Arthur Penn, James Toback and Errol Morris about bow they use their freedom (with Insdorf citing David Lynch·s fonnidablc "Blue Velvet" as an abuse of this freedom). All of them claimed · a righ,& to their freedom -to do and say exactly what they want in a movie. without censorship. interference or even sclf-monitonng -but, alas, none of them, not one, talked about the notion of "responsibility." some- thing that I, as a critic. steadfastly refuse to abandon. (That's my New Year's resoluti on. folks.) something romantic. but for me it played like yet another variation on the barroom rape in ''The Accused,·· only sanitized: All these guys "tak-ing their turns ... Let's hope the kids cominl out of ··Prancer" or ··The Wizard aren't sighing. "What a bitch!" The bottom line isn't so much that movies are abusing women. but that movies are very powerful and Without responsibility, wi thout some set or sense of standards. ) ou end up "1th a "Harlem Nights," a movie that. yes. is very entertaining -but evil. HOOh.' Imaginative books for youngsters By PAUL CRAIG McCl«ctl}r Newt 5«vk• Jon Scieszka's marvelously imaginative "The True Stof) of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf' (Viking. Sl3.95) 1s for e"eryone familia r with the story of "The Three Llltle Pigs." A Wolf claims he was framed and got a bad rap from the media. He says the real story is about a sn{'ezc and a cup of suga r. 1' started when he was making a cake for his granny and went next door to borrow 1hr sugar from the pig who lived ih a straw house. . This droll version puts a hilarious n~w kink in the pigs· tale and leaves the wolfs reputation up to the reader. Lane Smith's full-page illustrations show a dapper Alexander T. Wolf with "granny" glasses and plc nt} of am using details. such as . a handkerchief decorated Y.1th woolly sheep. A howling success. In "The Black nowman" b) Ph il Mendez (Schol- astic. S 12. 95. all ages). ~oung Jacob Miller wakes up on a sno"' Saturda) angr) at being poor and black. ··1 hate being black." he tells his mother. Ti! as she may to humor him. h{' sulks. Then his brother cajoles him 1010 making a sno" man. "h1ch 1s black from the dirty snow. Among the snaps the} use to dress the snowman 1s a kentc cloth. the bnght l~ colored material that brought magic w till' As hanti people bcforr the~ were sold in to sla\C:n. This hit of kcnte "as sold. too. Though rn 1a1tl.'r\0 , 11 has kept llS po"er. Ho\\ that power 1s used malo.e'> "The Blad Snowman" a richly woven onginal folk talc. The man y. full-pue soft pastels and water- T\' LISTl~GS 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 • WllMI of JiopefdylO Mljcw Did (In Oodot, Murpfly FOIUll ~ si..eo10 Oodot llrown "colors b} Carole B}ard add depth to this stof) of restoring a boy's understanding of what matters. Pam Conrad's characters are made of wood. but there's nothing "'oodcn about them 10 "The Tub People" (Harper & Row. S 12.95. ages 4 to 8). The seven "ooden figures arc a famil y and fnends who h ve in a line all da)' on the edge of the bathtub. At bath time the~ pla) in the "ater. One night before getting lined up again. the} ac~1dcntally begin rushing down lhe drain , T he child disappears th rough th e grate. The tension that Conrad develops hofd s to the last page. Richard Eg1clski'~ illustra ti on of the people with their high-~loss fini sh 1s perfe<·t: with their frozen ex- pr{'ss1 ons. their postures tell the tale. Here arr other l.'xcellent books for 1he young set •Jn "Chicks Chicka Boom Boom·· by Bill Manin Jr. and John .\rcha mbau lt (Simon and Sch usler. S 13.95. ages 2 to 6). the small letters of the alph~ climb a coconu t tree. onl} 10 fall out and need rescg b~ the big letters: a perfect read-aloud tale. • Each page in ··The Wildlife 1-2-3. >\ Nature Counting Book" h~ Jan Thornhill (Simo n and Schuster. S 14.95. ages .~ to 7) 1s brill iant "1th color and an 1mag1 natl\ c 1llustrat1on tha t '"' ites a youngster 10 count 1he animals. some or "h1ch are clever!\ hidden 1n gras<, and borders - •Ste, en Gammelrs manelousl} fan n ful and col- orful 1llu'>tra11onc; ca~ "Will 's Mammoth'' b) Rafe Martin (Putnam. Sl4.95. ages ~ to 8). The fe.,., words in 1h1~ picture book introduce Will and his parents. "ho tell him the mammoths disappeared long ago. but Will knows better and proves it. 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Ottlgniftg WCllMll (In SltrlOI Nntlltt (ln Newt Ptt5-(AI lo St81IO) :J D Colllp Foolllll Orange ~-fftd Aoggin'• lflol1s Bowl ~ Hird COl)'f (A I Newt 8"t of Bowl. Cont"d Tllli* ClnOn (R) • CllMtt Ill Toumllllelll ol "°'91,... From Pasadena. Calif Hosts Bob Eut>lnkS. ..... ... C""'10 9lo4tlef1 aw..o SllOtllntl EOWlrds (RJ (In Stereo) • ~ SuQar Bowl A1ab11N vs M11m1. from E~ Mo¥ll: ••\Ii "L..alillf'' {1984 Orama) Tom ..... ~~· Cont"d ..,. Sellek, Jane s.vmo..r Lauren Hutton tll Piil .... Enl TGNafll MllcwDld Doctor llilurDfw .. .........,,__,_.....,. NnNtt ..... Ptt SeiM fAI D Low K.1111 a Alie ...... INidlEdiloft ..... Carol lumtft Hirt'° Kll1 "4urOIW Wr IP e.n.y..., LO'ft CoMectloft lo lftdF""'* Conntc1ion 31 c-..,..... Soiw Bowl Cont d To le Mnoulad ..... _...o Tw•llofltoMI 21 Julllp ,._ "'Ellmll Allll Mdoll ··r 11teen W11ll ...... =: Adlm·12 • ..... Cont'd Aame (RI On St«eol D Wendi !Al !In S.eol o • c.-, .. Nlgtlt Coult Mow1e: ••• "The 1111i1 EVllll" (1979. Comedy) Bartlta ...... Anlnio Hiii (Al tin Ste<eot 0 Strtislnd Rvan O"NNJ • lllldWJ :loo"' y,. .....,,. ~·s ~ Fl'Olll Vienna: Tiii New Yw• c...l1loll s..w· Tiie 'tot LAlll'lf Cone d !RIO Dllnt and antmll • 1tl0 (In Stereo) V'tdot lonle • Collgl ,..... Orange Mo* ••~ ..,._, ........ (1983. Comedy) Tom To le~ ..... 8"t of Bowl. Cont'd Cru!M, Rlblccl 0.Momay, Joe Pantoilno ClnOn (Al • ,,_ ... Lord ,,... flt lord In Toudl Jec:*Van Owigtlt Tholllpeon ~llld ..._ • ~Nlwtllour M CMewtt OrMt lftd In~ of Americt't lnf9ftct w ... !flow 'New 8ulN11 Rpt. MltNeill ..... "'Onlv One Woof · Wldlfe Y11r's Letnr • I tn "To Flo(tnee With ............ °'"" Aetet l..cM" (Pert 2 of 21 l!Pl/1 2 of 21 Fuglllve FyVMM HMr1 of IN ""'°" Momg Up Alf Finl '°"' Cont'd Edllt of Ice (A) Amlom(A) AMC Mowle: ""°¥11 Wed" Cont"d Mow1e: tt• ''Cireflw" (1 938, MUllCll) Sllll Ooidwyft Mo¥11: ... "RoYll Wtdjlillg" (1951 , Musical F1eo Asta1re BRAVO ,_.ofOM'tOMI ...-. u• "Twill lftd IMur' (198') Adam TonsberQ ~· '°"' .... SllOW J Hlftclll't W• Mutlc (AJ DIS Mowle: "Ult ...... Cont'd Mow1e: toe ..... w .... (197n Man Hamtl PG" ......... '1001: ~ .... OdrtMY" (1968) 1(911 Dullea UPN -• WOl1cl -• Cont'd ,_ . Nfl'•O...... ....... .....,ofC....fOGN aJWOltd (A) ~ FAM 1'1C... •••11111 .... Mco..ict ......... ~..,.., ...... o.t' 119Sn TIA 700C-. GALA DolV... Mo¥ll: .. .,,_di 1•111m •" Femendo SCJllr 24Her81 ....... ,.. .............. Ole" Lucha Moteno .., -...Cont'd .... ..._ •tt "Twllll" (19118) Arnold Schwlrzenecioer 'PG' Mo¥1e: u~..,..., F11111" (1911) ro· O IOdl Ill Hiii LR ......... DIW 11Jr DIW ~Forllrt -..: •• "Tlrlllt .. Flwt" (19113. Orltlll) John Vodlt. RdllRI CltnN 1om FllMlll llAI ..,. •1111'1 r Cont'd ... ... ""'91111c" (1911, -tWneon Ford. A .... o•YI "Tiie ....... (198115-'*' S.. R ..:. ........ 1~ • 1-.e. 0i...-. C.M --ICTY lalllHI lllfllellt ,,_ 0-......... Conl'd ..,. ttt .,,. 1 Tu:d• a· (tt:Jll ...... ..,,. a. ...... (1Mll 0..1\IN,........., tcLA "'..._ Tw Conrd .... L.-.... .... Mii 1 .......... til TV /RI "'llrllllTw ..,. ..... ..,.... ....... (1 .. 11#1 ~.'PG" .... ,., (t81Ul 'R' ... ett ........,. ll1171 'A Q TW .._ •tt ......., la T-" (1M1. Drll'NI Cont'd .... .,..,., .._ T._,. 1931. Drtmlj ~ oenoer TllCV. .... "n. Jlltdle .... me ...... ~ ~ .....,,. n-Ml* Allawlld. ·~13· ... *".,.,., ..... In•--" (191 S*9wt Marin. ...... ,., "T .. lleclo" m -..Cont'd .... te~ "L.w ....... 1155, Orlml) .Mnl WW!Wt, CJ*11on.Heltan. ~ U Y, "Tiit ~:We IUllfllllil,_.,." ... ---.......... ,......,.._ ---... ..... 0 UUT---...... ,., "nit'-Ollt"{1-~ ... •• ,., .._,. (1f74) l..udll 8ell WWUll .... -~ ..... -,...,_...,,.~ ,...,.... ... ........ IUUT-.... 0 .,_ •• --"*'-c... , ...... ,., ...... CW' '"" District a Of ney v.accin(:y fueling no: '>JI ( :~r!b ackroortt politics The Orange Cou_nty District Attorney's Office ouabt to be SQ~ca~y clean. Right now it is j ust squeaky. Distnct Attorney.Cecil Hicks had been headed toward rctiremcn~. meaning voters would be headed to the polls in June to pick_ a succ~ssor. But what may have been a wide- open race is starting to look more like a coronation orches~rated by backroom politicians. . H1~ks was unexpectedly appointed to a Superior Court JU·~hap by Gov. George Deukmejian 10 days ago , meaning has. last day as district attorney after 23 years in the o ffic.e ~·II be today. Sort of sudden. d on't you think? And, coancadentally, ti mely too. Th.e vacancy apparently gives the county Board of Supervisors the opportunity to name someone to fill the .post un~il t.he J une election, though at least o ne challenger ts quest1onan~ whether the supervisors arc adhering to lhc 'taw o r flaunting. the rule~ while. trying to play kingmaker. The scenan o goes lake this. At today's supervisors 'm~t~ng, the board selects Hicks' heir apparent. Assistant . Dastnct Attorney Michael Capizzi. to fi ll the District Attorney's chair until June. While Capizzi would be forced to stand for election the n, he would enjoy the decided. if no t insurmo untable advantage of being listed as the incumbent in the race'. Toppling an incumbent in Orange County comes about as "aS} as selli ng vacati on tour pack.ages to Panama these days. Se~r~ral of the superviso~ are on record as saying Cap1u 1 as b) fa r the most qualified person in the office and deserves the appointment unquestionably. ( They ma) be nght about Capizz)'s qualifications. he has an outstanding record. However. being qualified should not automaucall) earn Cap1ZZJ the appointmenL though the appointment will certainly earn ham plenty of questions. Voters. not supervisors. should answer the question of Cap1zz1 's credentials. Putting Cap1ui in the District At- tome' 's seat toda\ would be a slack tnc k. but a tnck no less. The board should refrain from such politacal tnckef). It , .. 111 onl~ ull) C'ap1zzi·s reputation. If he is, as one supcn 1sor said ... head and shoulder the most qualified ." 'o ters "ill select Michael Capizzi as their ne~ d 1stnct a nome\ in June and no one. not even the losers. will be able to· squeak. Opinions eiti)fes.sed In ttus space are those of the Datty Piiot Other views e1tpreued on this page are those of their authofs and artists Readers· comments are trtVlted and may be serit to The Daily Pilot. P 0 Bo• 1560. Cost• Mesa 92626 - TOD\l I\ HISTORl Toda' 1s Tucsda'. Jan :! 1hc 5ot"C-Ond da' of 1990 Tht>rr arr 36' da~~ left en the \t'3f . . Toda~·~ h1ghllgh1 1n h1sto~ On Jan 2. l '>Oo. ~reta~ of tale John Ha~ anno unn-d the · < >pt"n Door Poltl'' ·· to faulttate trade IA. 1th < hina Cln tht~ datl' In I., h. (1C'0~1a bec-aml' the founh state to rauf~ tht' l \ < o n\t1tut1on In 14 2 I rt•lig1ouc; ~f' IC'l"S IA.('l"e broadcaSl for the fir..t llffiC' as w .... A 1n P111 .. burgh ain·d the regular unda~ So('f''IC'l" o( the c11~ 's (ah an Episcopal C hun.h In 1924 thi: l ·n11t"d talcs and Canada reached an agrt't"mtnt o n 10101 J ll1un tu pn·<,('f\l' :"1agara Fall!> In 14'). Bruno Hauptmann 1A.t'nt o n tnal JO Fkmmg10n '.J . on d1arges of ~1tlnapp1nt and 111urdenng the infant son of a nator Charles -' L 1ndbergh lllauptmann 1A.3S found guilt~. and t'll.t"CUted I In 14''' T1m(· maga11nr namt'd C1erman chancellor 4.dolf H 11kr 11' "\1,.in of thl' ) l'df ·· In ll/~2 thr PhtMJ'PfTit' capital of Manil a IA.3~ capture-d h~ thr hpant'>t in thl· l·arh JJ~, ni tht' Pau fir 1A.ar " lo 1~1 '-l·n fohn F t-..ennc•(h of !via!i.sachul>('tts announ·ltd h1' CJnJ1dal·, Im thl· l)(·mo<.rat1c prt!i.1d1:.n11 al nom1nat1on In 1465. the 'r\a, ) or~ Jet'> s1gnw L'nl\e~Jt' of -\labama quantrbac~ Jul' 'a math lor .i rl·poncd S4<111 0<1{1 In 19..,~ Prt~11Jc:n1 "aon \1gnw legalauon rcqumng sLatti. to llm11 h1gh1A.a~ '>peed., 10 " m ph 4n I '184. '-' ~ 1l!>On G oodi: the So(ln of a shaft-cro ppt"f. wu sv.o m in " Philadelphia·., first hlad ma,or In 1988. Pr~1den1 Reapn and Canadum Pnme \11msttr Bn a n ~I ulron~ signed an ar.rc-1:men1 to hft trade restnruoni. hl-tWt't"n their ~C.Unlfll-S T c-n , ea~ 3iO In ~pons.t' 10 the '1e1 in ten enuon in A.fghanm.an f>rc-5'dcn1.J1mm' ( anc-r he-Id a da\-long ~nes of meeungs and recallw thi: L ~ amha'><.ador 10 "-iO<,(.OIA. fl•r rnnsulta11o ns. f 1,l' 'l'a~ ago Japanc~ Pnmi: M inister \ asuh1ro "'ausoni: \ISlled Prt.•<,1dcn 1 k c-agan in Loi. A.ngc.-k' whef'l" the' d1~ussed W3)S o( opening up Japanc~· mar~f'l\ 10 l n11c-d Statts goodi. One ,car ago P rt foundC'n. J im and Tamm~ Fa~e Bakker. returned 10 thl· 1c-IC"' 1°!>1on pulpit fN 1hr firs1 llmt' in two )ears. broadcasung from a horro1A.ed hou~ 1n Pinc-' Ilk ~orth Caroltna Toda~ ... h1nhdaH A.uthor Isaac ..._s1mo' 1s ..,0 Singer Juhu~ LaRosa 1r. oO \1ng.c.>r Roger Milkr ,, ~4 Former telev1smn t''angehst hm Bakker 1s 51 -_II!.·"' ..... PA!Ju[ UiAS1 ~J, ~· t' ,. ... -I ... • ,. f'ffW'r ,,..,. ~ TO~ T 41T t..ditor ()(" ff'-1 t-' h MW"1•tr td1lor ro'1 CL4'\I'- ,,. ... f,d11or '-TE\ l M4RRl.f C11 ' Ed1tnr HO<.£R RI .OOM t nlltrt"to f;d 1lor ROGER C4Rl.'-<11' ~porb f.di111r TOMMDD an.a..-°"'"''"" TEIU PUPO Or('•latiell Mel'kf'ti .. Manet1r r IKJ8 FllAN ' ~Dmivf!'l")MllDaft!I' Ot4l.O GOOn c... •• ,,,~M...,.. . ...... All C1 t I llHONBA WID Olla l'r« I a•= '"' DOS1'14 IA ~···· '4'' REt<:Hl:.:'BUC< .. Rr lail !-la~ Man.,i.-r CHERI F'Rl:.:EM4' (3-il'""41 • ..., ..... Jl m OETT1 I\~ 1.4"µ1 4dvert1UOfl M•o•flM BE<ll. \ S. H~'D£Jl510' ~ OiT'Nloor MU\ CUSTER 4d s-vac-•-....- 4.U AT~ ~MHapr USA TA l P~Syervt- PA 11llOl TOOL ~s.,...-­ soon~ ...._ .......... l&l;(aAWNIJ ., 'I ..... .._ .. Traipsing .through onion field trying to bag author Jo!.eph '-' ambaugh almost ruined m' ( hnstma., ) ou ~ I had been pur.,uing 'e1A. pon·~ premier author fur month'> tr: ing 10 gel him to agn:t: to l..1l I.. utT tht: Ii bran·., "fJlh an· n1,lr"-H' 't:<H at tht: F·ni:nd.,. o f the L1hrJr' \ B1nhc.tn Pam o n Jan 21 I hJJ hupcd h~· 1A.uuid rt:mc.>mber ml· I '>ci t ne\I to him at an in11matr d1nnl r pan~ fund·ra 1srr for tht: '\.4\ur:il ll1\lon \1 u~um V. c t:Jlh ·d .i ll n1~h1 .ihoui h1\ nt:v. hou~ '><Ion tu tx-rck<s'>~:d .. The Hlood1ng ·· Hr I) lllll\ 1nu.·tl J~IUI lhl· plJV.l"f ot I>'\.\ tnting J'> :.i lnme .. oh 1ng ti.1111 <inti 111 lour~ hl flt r\uad•tl ml ,,. I hJ\l hl.·ln lo1hh\llli! hJ1d f1,r ••ur (llflll·flddln ,01unt,-t • gxt thl' d1Jg_n11\l1, ""ntll·r : .... I ""J' llr\! 1n I 'll .. hl' thl t:Jrd ''"l' ht !r .. v.r 11 .... , .... fl' r l ~ .. 1,. ' J w r '><I' 1 r .i 1 tr Ut I It :t-r lk•' '-c.'l'J' ""l'l '~·1r·rr < • -,:rn;" .... 'l JU\ 'llJ . H l "'J' ·~. 'lg I• . .,,). t' · 1u~t .,l, J, ... J .... , r-.. .,.t'\.r1lt· Jnd . nJ .... 1 u .. ". J' I 1tJU ar, ~ l'H.l I' I 't. "''•l>t:\ ··J·r }\\•u.U')I~ ,., l 't: J "-" t t ' • .1' \. \ ~ f hr '°" •U IU J ) ... ,, • ,,, J'l' \\Jg llf J ""' : !,'.l"' Pt • •j•ll '•J, \ t • , h'J'll·\ 'la, I '• ' JJ n~ t;, .~, \>. •111•"' !hert :· ..i': ;, ' 'l•l 1:-,. oJ r• 11J' h1dl'1f ~·t »J :• ''· I\ '"l'n' Jnd m• 111h '• r• •" /t trlln l••hllpu~huod "'' ..., •flJl•l1,,. nt·"" ll n1L1n ( '"' '" 'JIJ . I ii d11 d C) ..... d \ I 'lll\ .. ,1 Ill\ ~l''' 11' d ""lllll'' I J1Jn \ .. •1,,u1 ;\ fr1111 thl' hnu'>t '"I" !ht PJfXI 11JJ n» l'llumn ,, I "'"UIJ llJ\l '>id,tlJ 1\ l• 'hl -'«lo~ I "d' PlJI l ,,,ll'J I ht·n 11 '-111nda. i! ,, r• •• t1r"tmJ' ·u n1n!,'. ,J < H'-"'J"'' mr t•• l"nlt \< ,l . ..., ) I If~ JO\J • "•d Ill •UT • on1ra.1 '><•rn hut I "' pr .. hahh Ix fdrn.n~ · 1 ht· Bltot'li nf il • • hl 'lent (If t '1t lllOll: 111 l ngland 111 fanua~ and f lhlUJI\ 111\t·ph V. ;imhJugh ..... pr11m1\.t'd tlll that "'hlll •••U ~lt hJ I •••u II tc:ll "' Jll Jh<JUI • '•UI Jd. t 11\urt' '" •1,·:1 • .JJ I lttJl>I. >!JU t,11 1 "'UI u!l lifl llJ I '1 ~·otll!! I• "r ,,. J '""'~ •! ·•1•. ,J'l JllJ lnJ,1 ~ 11 Julh• I\ \1 , I l'•I '. ..i 'I J I r ,I ...... .. J \ tlJ 1.-r , -~ \ 1 • I J • \\ • ,, • t • • .. • r · ·~ ' t '• . . I ·t. ,, • J J~\ 11 ... . . \ J'~ .. \{ •' \ . ' : I •h.'''l! 'I.' t' "'"' J' .. ,. I ,, .. ' J'll 1· Jli.•"• ... ., •. ._ ... t" .\. •• ~ : ' ·i-• ..t"• \ , .. I ~ ,,, I' • •• 4 • ' ./t. l""• 1'..i' · v• • I ·'"' J · ,,~ 11 ,L,, 11 \*h,' •• 1 I 0(.*~H .. ">JI • ll rt r llJ \k ~' ~11~ I •1~i..ih.' ..i·1d 't..Jrt /1,c.,.! J ..._ ...i' , ,\ r J , ..s '-. "r ,l ·I J" °'ll "1 •'t IJrT\i•U' I.\\ • ;"·' • \''l\"I t.1 t ~"'" ( I t \ t ' '~· o l 4 1 • I .d f \I I t r •fl ' 't U t " 1 · .., .. · , 1 .... " ·I-'' I • lu .... u ·• ' ' "'f1J! I 01JJ ., tl1 <Ir t1tt Li' ' t ' l lt.. t .... ? 1 V\ J' 1 I Ph , ~ -"' •i J' 11 '01 :l :s·11.J '•t .... 0.;lJ a n\l :·,~· rl\11'! n~ Jnl.l ~'' 'namt dr,J 111~ ul\ I .,. •ulJ • ,1q •ti• Jr'~ ,1•' U'l\l "l .-\1!1~' ·1 • n dl\k • thl d1 .. 1r and ..:S\ \h<shJm thrc-c t1mn < )nl~ tht:n ~ould ht' retogn11e J11d Jl.lm1t mi: II ' hute V.d\ 1r1 < 1.ntun < 11\ <10tl v.hln In li1ur1d ••ut I hdd kh 01\ l ar 1r tnl lmnl •I thl h11tl'I lk rr1adl· rn1: hnng JI Jl'IUllJ (IJ the \C.'f\ Ile 1:n\1Jn•l Jnd go 1hr<1ug,h 01\ \r,J "m r11utinr all '"l'r ag;iin \1,J 1h1' "J' tht: gu' 1A.h•J v.;i\ g111nK t• t•_ "' h u' fliJll n11n K \kill\ I>• < 11r1c1t\ l11okt:d anJ '>11Undt:d • t • :.. 11 Hut hv.ald II v.a~ bfl ckyt:t:'> JrJ hl V.J\ 1n an o\trl<J:JI and ... , J'lng J;srl.. gjll'>'><'' \t1mt:ho1A. I g,ot !,011 r lhl lJI ;ind ...,l re 1111 •Jn 1hr .! ' •rn_ ·'J' '' r. "U'I · hr l..ept '" t I•).' Jf u!1ll ,;\ Ion II lllU\l'\ ntci .; • ' l • ~ ~ 1 .. r•' '' r r: ~ r ~ \ ' J • ~J! ''"• ,.., ,11~ u\ ( 1l'I tJM thl I• \ ~' iJ \ Ir ~ ' par ll .. l:' • 1 I ~· 1 .;\ 1r tc1 l ht' 'u' ~ \l r J 1•n "J ... nd turnt:d • '""' I "'J' ·r .. 11·. ''"t dnd ) , \r,J' ·• 1• Ill null''> , ... ''''"t'~",.-' tf!ll, •ft' o'\ • \..!.. • : , d0 d '," ~ c. , \'•At'''\'\.·'! '..;\t' J 't' ~· .... • ~, ;\.• '•f t ' ,,.... "'1.. t.J:..1\ un .... .J • f • .....; ,f, '"' \i 'flt :·; ·'till l)IUTTl'I I \did Ill\ c • · ,!mJ' "'"' ., •r 11~1 ·uint:d I ~e " • !,'. tt.<11 ...,,, J 11 ""<t' I l•1und <1 Jl ~,t•IJI rl"' authc•r V.end\ It ,.,,,11. Jr11.J 'lil ha \ cag.ri:t·d tu 1dl J' J'> ·-· •tt·r ,.. urdt:r m\'>ll'r"' · "\11 11.J'"I .,,.,.j I' .... ·~ud dul flUI Ill \IJI '' H"rr·,n, ., ~ riruk\">"' .,1 r 1 ~1,.n Jl I 11• g &-.Ht ' ; t' < ull(g.l \ht" tdb 'IH 'tt,;' ~l"'' t' puh "hl'd I~ l1 kl 11 •:''"f , .... • , 11. ii g•> t Hal\ Jrd ''~' " •11.l' ... , 1 < \ • 1JnJ ,...., .. ~ 1ng • · \I I ><"•d•~' It " ' 'II. .. 'I rt ' ! .... I ' ij( .... 111 _,.,.: ~t"' J/lctir Ht>alllu ,. a 'r•porr Br11cb rt"~1dt>ot ud a /ormrr ma.tt•r o/ llu t elf.~ Huntington Beach woman's fib ~asts pall on Deukmejian A.( R4.ME"1TO -A. prom 1nen1 H untington Beach IA.Oman v.ho chain th<' i.tatl' 'ullt·ge Board t•f Trulilt"('li g11t laugh! rt'('t'nth In an embarrali'>lng fin aht•ut hn an1Ckm1< can ompll~hnwnt .. Tht> Le" .\ngdt"!-I 1rnt'" rn t•akd that ~arnrnth1 Lon~ak "'wngh h!oolt"d her..clf a' ht1ld1ng a n ali~tl{·tate uf an" d q tfl't in lttt'r.iture LonMiak at fi~l d1 .. m1s~d tht' m 1\'UI 1c-mt·n1 on hn oflinaJ h1• 1- graph 1cal m a tt·nal alt incon<.t'Qut·n· 11.il he: told Thl T 1meli that lihe ..dlle'n ·1 tare·· da1med that her n 1l- lt ~t t\ptrH'Oll'~ IA.l'ft' tht "cquP al('nt°· of a deg~ and tO<..l._ the Lc-ona Hclm!ik~ approac-h tell· mg a T ime~ rt"poner "Peopk wbo read vou1 art1clt' don't e'en can: You (no1A. that'l .. Twcnt}-four houn late1 attt"r tht" ston wa~ published and after the Dcmocrat1c leader of the Senate. Oa' 1d Roberu. i.a1d she shQuld re- sian for m1slcadm1 scnatori about bcr academic qualifica.uons ·dunng oonfirmauo n . Lantdale adopted a bumbler attitude. She 11sucd 1 s&.a1etDellt of apolo&y ~ an) public oonf\llion wtudl -...,, hav~ ~uhtld .. frolll IM false cMin\ of .,..Ou.uoc from ~ ~ Ctty Colleee aD4 deduat .. d ._ never my inu:atioo to mislead aa~ repnha& DU' oommUDit) ~ record. of Yt'bid> I am qui\t proud." ~ ~=x ~ ':;. terious '!IC: :?! llbout how Gov. Oear,r Oii .. _ ... _____ .. cboolcl .... ten. QS 'iln -~to liMw .,.udiiii _. •r~ :=:.11=~"" 3 ~-:*'1.ir I$ • Pl·oril from l on~ tkarh thr (!.t" - n n 11 ~ huml Ill"" n hc1' t hl't·n hca' 1- h IJ' 111l·d 1nl lud1 ng Lan"1alt 4.nd '' l:J'l ll1~ l C10lpa1gn n>nlnt'iu\ll1' Lln-.ddlt , .. mc1rr1l-d w Y. 1lltam L.mMialt " 't•n v..calth' lung Bear h-H unlll\l!ton Beach ti1lman and dt'' l'lupt·1 l ht· Lansda.ln pt"r· r.onaJI~ and thmugh u'mpana~ th<"' control. <ontnhutt:d more than SI U0.000 lo thr gtn t"rnor's 10111al .cam~o for go' emor 1n I 9l!~ The Lan c ha't' !>tn<t' tx.-en ~ular contnbu1on> lo Deulme;1an and other Rcpubltcan candidate~ and causes. mcludang the 1990 GOP can· d1datt" for governor. U .~ Sen Pc\t ,.W1lli0tl. Wilham Laoidak was named to the t.Otk HOJW Raciftl Board 1t1 1985 and was receoU) reappottnod. Perlulf>' the mott ~ ~ about the Lanldales.. bo..-evc:r. Ji ~ t.bt'y have prof1ncd &om potiti- cal oonnecu<>M In 19 • as COQSJ"CA wro\C dcwls ofcomplu "w reform" ~KM\. u tOtCrtcd into t.bt' ~"' docv~ mcnt dpzcn' o( tpeQa) PfO\'*Om fot ~ wtUI poku_cal Md tin 1 cill ._... .ua '\1 cs''d' •ht IA1•1'(!cslt l •1t h..i .. •t • tl 'l'<tll'l.1 lhJI I \ illll• \ 11~111 1'1and' dUd1to" \l l.lt .r ... u .. nf d '" 11 n11 J ta' ,hf11t·1 1 11m p<.1 r ' , ;i llcd I.Cl hla \ 1 r~xn I Ill Ul',llll.i r1 'h\ Lan!>dalt·, It \h1dd 1n\t••·11 t•1•111 I \ nu"nl·-.~ l'P'-'1 at 11111\ 1-t lfl ~ ntl'lltan un.a11vn I 11 \1 il' 1 "h" \ 1 rgm hland~ ta' authon\1t'\ dunnt·d thc comp;!n' tor S4 S m1lhl1n n taxn tor I <1!1:'. and 11.1111 Bui 11r h daH1 latC'I ,nn grn!>lllllCll Id' "r 1ter.. inM"rll'd intl tht • 1•n n nu, H'torm· hill a prtn J\l(lO that abwh ed th<' firn fr11n DC!' in~ thl bac._ UtM'' T o the Editor: Tachers may 10 on stnke 111 I.he <Kean V1cv. School DiJtrict.! ~ hum \\-ho taro·1 Certainly rnuy pcopk dun ·1 ._,.ust pohuci.ans don't. And unlonunatel). th<" state of Cati· forn1a doesn't. bct·au~ we are 1till on the botto m of m0t1 natioaaJ (ompanwni. for fuod1ng. !ft.be aver- <sgt: ixrwn mana~cd his buSlneta the ~J ) 1he '>IJte u f ( al1forn1a manate' tht: '>(1\0411 d1,1mt) he would be hun~rupt' \<. hooh '>l<.11 t tla!>~ 10 Septembtt. ~hen d o tht:, li nd o ut how m uch ha., been funded for schools? Why, 1 ht> c ntl uf ~~u \t, o f course. I ( th~c art:n 't en<>u r.1ud.tnt' to fill a da!>r.room u ~>I to 34 stud.ems. then 111 Marlh ol tht: prn1ous school year the t('aCher\ are no tified that some of thrrn \o\ Ill not be returning. llm '>l enano hapl)l'n\ H~ar after year' J"m fonunale bcalUS('. W school rn' <.hild a11ends ha~ dc<hcated tl·~t her\ -the lund who stay afkr '>lhool vn ;i rl'.'¥ular bas1r.. attend n\11)1 )l hool funt·troos JO VIie part"nl; t,, paniupate in da\i.room Jtl1•1t1n .ind rt::id1nt1 program~ and .... 11,, ht:lp \\UJent'> in need of a hllk t\1!<1 11ml l hl'\ Jrt: 1hc lund of 1)1.vpk v.ho hn•m1r tcdlht.'r!> bt'cauS('. th\'" ti~c: ~1tJ., Jnd IA.ant th('m to ~""' JP t• °'-h('allh~ ind•' 1duaJs rtJd. I•> l•1n1r1butl tu '>'Xlet) And th.at ' J 111u~h 1•1b no..,.adays! I l'Jdll'" mu'>\ he prt:parcd to meet thl 11u:d., cJI lh1ldrl·n v.hos.c: pa~t~ dll lll.J\• JU\t \UJ \J\IOg 3\ !>IO£Je • pdll 111' .\1l<1i1•1l1,n1 drug abuse and an~ nun1hu •ii ph~\1lal and mt'ntal Jtln1u1t~ rnu)I he dealt IA.Ith. a .. well J\ ll'J lh111f read1ntt, v.nung. math .,, 1l·fllt and ''ii. lal \t ud1c\ \1.in_. pe1.1pk ~~ that tht:~ 'lo\-Ould !il l t11 ha't .i tu\h' n1n c-mvnthJOb .... 1th ""t"l '-t nd\ anJ holiilins off OK . \ tlU l!~ t;i llllll!'. J da\~TCXHTI of 33 ..,_ '''a1·•1ld'> fi,e d.i\~ a IA.eek for nint" "" nth'> I i·t " '>t'\ h111A. long ~ou Las1 \11d • t" rcmen1!x·r aftn-5.l.hool al· • l' llHTI,, '!!." \I •nkrt:ncl'li hol- JJ, ;1• 1t,!J'!, ll and \.orrt'(.11ng ., p .. :,. ., "''° plan\ and fieid tnps'. < > ldr \ l'"' ~h•.x>l D1\tncfs tt'J • t''' .,., :•• ~t·•111g and ma~ go on \:•1 0.1 I ll ·1 1 lt lo.l ~tnk~ -~ 1x. ...... 1 u 11.l I-id'> are lhe real ,....... J ' c.! -i11• thl ixvpk ""ho •JI ; l 'Ill •.1·1l.l n~ Hut "'tu.1 arc w( d• J" _,1 the t"arl~ funding • · ' ' I ~.l • l'' "'"'d ht:rt: 1s ""C' I 'l •• ··l hi. rid t) lrrJ1n ;,i ~ell~run , 1,1 •, dn.tt 1l 1 ..ind ha pp~ tat he~: "iu.,10~~-.. '>t"OIOr n t11ens. p-Ill uq>annwnb ,U't:ntk hath - : r,, 1~1 gcx..., on '-1.tn' !)\'Opie think 1ha1 lhc lollcT) v. "' o ('1¥ help V. rung' J he lotter) ~" l'' add111unaJ lundint1 bul c..:cn.a10- 1 ,,.,, •ht· g.rt'at pvnwn pt"o ple ha'e t~ 1 lnj :1 • tx·l1n i: Lonen funds •rr P"""' a ... mall pan of tbf school •lud~t·t \ nd 1A. ha t lo.1 nd of mt~sagt' dll "'t ~" 1n~ 11ur \.·h rldrt"n ;,nd yther 'tdll'' I t1<1l lnr '><..houli. tu \uf'\ 1\e 10 < .;1d1111 , ... "'l haq· to ha'<" bingo an\! o 'lJ'l 11•1\c:r"' · · \1ar1' poli11u.im ...i~ th.at ~bools ~t.. r111 ·u~I' m1 mt"~ that I\ 1s the huol <1dm1111i.1rato~ v.·bo mn~ mcana~l thl lunds '>omc tcacben "'>UJ 4gft"t ._.Ith thal S-lal~t"Dl. J dlll ' I n• •IA. trutl ....alan~ and ben- d t' a•t dllt"l. tl"d b' man' va.ru1b4e~. l"'Pl alh •n )lhooi d1stni.1~. But the 1dl • ' that our ..chool d1stnct is vll<.lh•l \t P'i' OIJI t('al·he-T'!> what they kt' ' wnparahle pa' with o ther \I. Ii•, , d 'tr 1l tlo •n < a.11fomaa. School tun~u.~ nt-'l"di. to bl' rncreas.cd The 'l·a1 1, '' 1lt1 ng of lunds to mttt all :.uld' 11 ,, huul managemC"nl needs w bt dddrt'!>!>t-<l,.t•nlt' and for all. Mai ht: that meanli m.&JOr cb.a.Qlc. \, r 1~h! ! lur th1ldrt"n are our fu- t1.1rt \>. h111 lt•uld Ix more impof't&Dt 11 U' V. akt up pt-vpie' Teacher , ... ldlll'~ nwd1lal bt"ne1it5 and wort· • 11~ vnd1 t tlHllo an mt-rel) the up of ht •ll'h\'fl!. C)uall1 ~ educatioo is d Ill' t'd v. 1th ~IUlht~ l~ aod <1dm1111i.lr<1Uon In man) i.ottancos, It'd\ ht·r arl' ra1:.1ftf. uur cbildrcn! If ~ t 11 ''t t ht' ~ood tl"'.tl'~ to pri vait 1nou ... 1r' -\1 hl• "'111 bl' left \0 ft.II J\ LIE ENGQ UlST H unll ngtort Beaob May s st ri kes out w ith t~em CAMCORDER CLEARANCE! Save on Floor Samples, Clearances, Models, On•Of·A·Klnds, And Overstocked Camcorders! 11111220 T09Nbe VCR wtth On-Screen Programming 6 HO PAO s25gs1 • S-.VenV1-year progrfmming • tape ,.main indicator 18'' IEllOTE TU 21" . -~ . " fAIWAI Alw,Alllrll .....-.c .... .. ~ .... ---........ ...., ... •auto~ •utomaticatly playtfMp-'de of .. pe 15911 ONl Y S25/MONTH"· Panatonlc 19" Remote Color TV with On-Scr"n Dlap4ay • high contrast picture tube • 155'-channel cable compatible • ColorP1lot electronic color control system 5 268 J ONLY $25/MONTH .. Zenith 25" Cotof Stereo Rece!Mt'/ Monffor wtth On-Sc'"n Dlaplay 6 171-CMnnel Tuning - • MTS stereo broadcast reception • C hromacolor contrast picture tube & comb filler • sleep timer & auto channel search 5497 OMlY 127/MONTH .. Whll•WnttnQhouM 20.e Cu. Ft Froat..frH R•fr19«•l0f with Cantilevered Adfu•~ Sh~ves 5599 OlllY IJ2/MONTN'' IT&1l Whlr1pool 2-Speed j..Cycle Automatic Wa1her e large load capacity • available In white only OWtOMlW 5299 Otll Y 12$/MONTN'' I BFHgidaire I F r'91ct.ire Undercounter Dlahwalher wtth 2-LevelWHh • evellable In white pan.I only s21991 Otll Y 125/MOllTll .. ~I PORTLAODI --I ~ 1t ·- J •~ -a ~ ~ lllWM02 Porhnd Compect-Slzed Mkrowawe Oven with 17911 Conwen6eftt Oetroet let Ung - • MGA' bV ~MITSUBISHI' MGA 110 Wett• Metched Audio Compenent Syatem with Remote Controf • 110 watts per channel amphller with bu1ll·in 5-band graphic equah.zer & 30 lunct1on A1V remote Scott 25-Watr Dlgltal Tune AM/FM Stereo Receiver • quartz synthesized lun1ng lor drilt- lree accuracy JVC Compact Olac Pt.yer with 4-Tlmea OverN1m~lng & 11 Bit Technotogr • dual 18-b1t tectinology/no d1stort1on & clear 1ma91ng ......... Dltllel AMIFllC. ... tte Car ....... wtth 12 ....... ,,. .. ta • eutomattc ... k tun•no' s59991 t ONLY 132/MONTH .. S88 . f · 8DSE""f BoM 301 httes II Direct Reftectlng 8Doll Shett Spuker Syatem • full. resonant sound • direct and reflected sound combined • attractive walnut finish .. 5 129!! JVC4"D ..... Conelpe•ur• wtth4i-WeH ..... ""'"' Ha ...... ~ 119!! Prtoee lfteol .. Ttwu ............... ' .. ,. ! I $4,ooo ExDrHa er.cir Avahlllli I ... OW:~Ceuwl•,_D IP ITOAI HOURI MC>Jt.FRI IATUADAY 11AM-9"1 10Ml-1"1 Trojans . avoi~d Fl.ags of .different Colors -- Two occurrences of seismic proportion rocked Pasadena on New Year's Day. The jets' fly-by. Bo's bye-bye. • Co nsider. first. the Air National Guard F4s from March Air Force Base. Four of them zoomed in from the north, just a few hundred feet above 103.450 unsuspecting spcc- Ultors at the Rose Bowl game. With shattering impact, they rattled press box windows and set off countless automobile alarms in the parking lot, precisely in time with the final note of the Sar Spangled Banner. ""This made t.he Candlestick Parle earthq uake seem like a picnic." said one press box vis11or. after crawling out from under a table. Michigan coach Bo Schembechler. however. set off the last-and-most- remembcred explosio n o n this 76th Rose Bowl football game. which his team lost 10 Sou1hern California. 17-10. W 1th less than six minu1es to play. Bo surprised the Trojans and just about everybody else in the Western Hem isphere by calling for a fake punt on fourth-a nd-2 at midfield in a IO-I0 11e. The play worked. Schembcc hler. coaching his final game before retire- me nt. was about to depart in a blaze of glory. as M1ch1gan had the ball on the USC-32 with plenty of time to maneuver for the winning touch- down or field goal. But wait., Was that a la te nag., It certainlv was. and M1ch1gan's Bobby Abrams was whistled for (al blocking below the knees. then. after a zebra huddle, (b) holding Schembechler was so incensed at what he called an ··unbelievable call"' by line Judge< "harles C7Ub1n that he eventual!) received an ad- d1t1onal 15-}ard penalt y fro m ref- eree Jim Kemerling for un- sportsmanlike conduct. That look care of the Rose Bowl game. M1ch1gan punted, USC mounted a final. concise dnve. and MVP running back Ric ky Ervins ran 14 yards for the winning touchdown with l:IOrema1ning. Cena1nl y the f rnJans. who out- played M1ch1gan for most of da}. deserved to w1 n But Bo d1dn'1 dcscne a vt·llo~ farewell nag. . "One thing I won'1 miss 1n rc11re- men1 1s incompe1ent offi cials." Schembechler said afterward. "Thal was the most unbcllnabk call. and I go11t 1n m y last game. First the official said m) guy blocked below the wa1s1, which h<' didn't. He mad<' a pcrfrctly-lcgal block at the hnc of scnmmage. Then he changed his call and said 11 was holding.. "Absolutely nd1culous. That's all I can say." Was he aware thal hnc Judge Czub1n was a Pac I 0 offi cial? "Of course I know 11," Bo said. "That happens all the time in this game (the Rose Bowl). That's what's wrong with split crews. And it wu a late flag, too. But maybe it was fate because we played so poorly. We didn't deserve to win." And what about the un- sportsmanlike cond uct call. Bo? "I was angry. sure," Schembechler said. ''but the flag shouldn't have been called on'fTle. He (the referee) was just backing up his buddy." Maybe y<1u should get involved in officiating now that you've retired from coaching. ch. Bo? "Oh. no," lamentod Schembechler, smilina, "I want nothina to do with officiating. The pme has passed almost all amateur officials. anyway. They j ust can't ("9 ... 1H T Al.UY /IJJ USC, quarterbaclr Todd Marlnovlch tries unsucce11fully to evade th• grasp of Michigan defensive llnemen T .J. Osman and Sylvester Stanley. USC offensive llnemen Brad L•~ua•tt and Mlchael Moody look on during ftrst quarter action. USC's freshinan tomes of age Marinovich leads game-winning drive By RICHARD DUNN Olllly ,._ C°"•~-oc P.\S~.\ -· Sen10nt) has nc,er really maltal'd ~hen 1t lOmes to Roc;e Bo v. I '1ctonc'i. "0 l ·sc unleashed its red-shin fre'ihman quar- tcrhal'k. Ralboa'!> Todd \itanno' 1c h. 10 'inap a string of four ronsccu11 \ c bo~ I lo\~S Imagine that W11h 11s remarkable rt'pu- tat1on. L''i( needed a frec;hman 111 gel hailed out on Monda~ The Tro1ans hadn't wun a pul>Hea!.lin gaml· \1nn· the I Q85 Rose Bo wl. ""hen thq J cfcatl·d OhlO late ~hllc Manno' irh wa'i a frc<,hman a1 Mata Dc1 High The talented 'iOUlhpaw could'"e l'3'ill) ht·en 'Olcd the ~me\ MVP as he cnginccn:d thl' r ru1an .. · ~1nn1ng louchdown drive lO tkf<·at M1l'h1gan. 17-10. 1n front of 103.4,50 fon., <JI 1hc Ro\c Bowl. - .\s II turned out. use tailback Rick) En IOS. a ~un1or. earned Pla~cr o f the Game honors with 1-6 )3rd-; rushing on JO carries. 1nclud1ng a gnmc-w1nn1ng. 14-~ard spun w11h I 10 left 1n the game. The Trojans (9·.:-!·I l werl' marth1ng toward the same 'iOuth end 1om· 1n 1he last 1v.o Ro'il· Bo"" I games v. hen turnm l'r\ ended t'Omt•hal k bids. first against \,fith1gan \tall' in 19!1 7 and then against the \\ohcnne' la\t )t'ar This lime. hov.eH·r 11\cre v.o uld he no la\I· minute blunders. onh .1 trad111onal l '<.,( ·likt lin1'h -1hc J...ind 'fonno' 1th0'i lather Man . v. hu t c1-t·aptJ1ned l '\( ·, na11onal ehamp1o nsh1p lt'J m 111 I lJo2. -. .. ould ht· proud of I \t \tarted the "-lnntng Jn\l' o n II\ 25-\ard lint·"" 1th "i I "i 10 pla~ \lll·r ,, 20·)ard r11mple11on ll"llm ~1ann11\ ll'h ru 'PILI l'nd John JarJ...~on for a first du""n al lhC' M1ch1g.an 24. the· Trnian\ kl'pt the hJll on the ground "I told tht• gu ~<; 111 lht· hucldk th<JI "-C d11.Jn'1 nt't•d to gl'I 11 all 1n Onl' 'hot." Manmi' ll'h -..11d "W l' JU\I nt•cdt·d tu "-ork 11ur "'a) J ov.n th<: tit'ld '',l lw 1h1rd-and ·5 pl;1 ) to J J wa., oh' IOU\I} a h1g pl,I\ tor us I v.a' looking for him all the "-:!~ and hl' v.a' thne 1u,1 hkl· he ha\ tx·cn all ) t•ar .. O n another th1rd-and-'i 'i1 tuat1on. f:r, 1n<i USC"• Jobi :J•cllr•n ...... 12 ,_. on • pMI rec•ptlane Mfor• 1tetne IN'oufh• v.l'nt off left 1ad.k for S 'an.h 10 gl'l' the Tro1ans a fir .. 1 d'"'" at the M1ch1g.in 1-l nn tht· nnt pla). 1-r' In'> v.t•nt a n1und right l'nd fur tht· 1A1nning 't 11rr ··\\ c IU\t ran the hall <1t tht• t·nd 111 tht· dn' c '' · \IJrinu' 1th ,.uJ ··1 J...1nd nf v.antt·J to thr0 v. 11 hu1 v.t· rJ n 11 and 1t v.orl..t•d ·1 talkd that Iv.inning touchdo~n l pla\ hct.iu~· "-l' v.l're d 11<,C to hu,ting 1t a Irv. 11mt'' I 1u't tolJ tht• lint·mcn 111 '>\a\ ""1th thnr hloc:k' ,, htt k longl'r JnJ Kit J..., did 11 .. \itannO\ it h "'hn compk1t·d ~ ~ 111 'I pa\~'' tur I "X )ard'> . .i l\O ran for.:-!\ ~ard' -lht' longe\I 111 h" ~oung l <.;( l arcer -latl' 1n lhc fir'>I half to hl'lp the r ro1am taJ...l· a 10-1 halftime lead "" 'tramhk up lht• m iddle ga'l' l 'S( a lir,t -.1ml-goal at the M1ch1gan 7 wilh .i I -.econd'i left ~Inn· Quin Rod nguc1 hnolt>d a 1.:i-,ard fidd g1>al ;i, time ran out in the fir<;t half · fh,11 ""as tun:· \1anno' 1ch said o f hi\ run "I fif\l <.a" (<;trong ..al~t\) Tnpp Wclborne. hut hl· ,11pfl('d and I haJ room I wa\ JU'it \tarting to run. and I v.a<, JU\I glad hl' fl'll. <;o I gucs'i Tnpp tnrfl<'d .. \1annm1ch ga'l' l \t the t•.irh lea<.! \\Ith J I ·\Jr<.! tllUthdov.n run attn !)an ()~l'O'> hlocJ...c."d (Pleas~ s~~ MARINOVICH/B2J Penalty set stage for Ervin's TD lly KEN PETERS P ·\\\D f'\ A o Schl·mhl'lhkr·., ,oalhi ng l art•cr ended JU<;t hJ...t· ~o man\ of hi\ ~a,on .. at \1 1th1g.an -~ith a h1\\ in t ht• R O\t' R<i" I J nd "'1thou1 a na11onJI l h.1mp1on,h1p. .\nd v.11h Bo "<-'t'th1ng dt tht· of· ficial' "The one· thing I won'1 ml\\ 1n rct1n·mcn1 "1momprtl'nl n ffin al<;," ht· 'W1d alter h" 2 -.,rar coaching career ended"" 1th J I, HI hw, 10 -.Jo 12 \outhcrn < altlnm1a "It'' thr moc;t unN:hC\Jhk <.tll and I got 111n m ) la-;t g.iml' ··11 v.a<; a Pat 111 11tliual Jnd 11 haPPl-'n\ l"\l'f~ liml' I u1mc· OUI here .. .\s do loc;scs in the: Rn~ Bnwl - Schembechler v.a\ 2-8 in 1he '-J('v. Year's Da~ game H 1s ire was pro' o ked b~ a tostl) (~lease stt ROSE /1111 replay P<\SADEN<\ -If you were here at 1he Rose Bowl or at home wa tch- ing on 1ch.·, 1s1on c;urely the thought ·mu~I have come to mind as the n1,ers1I) o f M1ch1gan and Soulhern C al1forn1a. easily the two most-rccogn1Led Ro!>e Bowl part1c1- pants at what has always been the nauon's No. I showcase at New 't car'<. time. left the field fur 1heir halftime break on Mondav. The T roJans ha!. wasted· a couple ol cham.es. and Michigan had scored onl) a field goal and v.a" trailing before IOJ A SfJ Dc·Ja 'u'1 \\ould 11 happen again'' Would M1<h1gan appl) another <>econd-half rail) to ruh ..all into thl' ~ounds of L' '( C <i.it h Larn ~m1th who had endurl'd l"-O \lraight Rose Bowl IOSSC\'l Would tht• v.a\tcd efTon\ of th<' fi rst half. v.h1lh had generated only 10 I <:;( point\. he comhine"d wnh ._. thl' '>Crnnu-halfturno\crs and frus- tra11nn' v.h1t h the Trojans wen· ht·'>t't ""1th d ~ear ago when a 14-J_ k ad ,,tnl\ht·d 1nwa 22-1 .i Michigan \ ll lOf\'1 Wt·l"i. a.-. \OU alread' kno~. 11 d1Jn 't l ')( rallied from a I 0-10 \landofl h' ftm ing a founh-quaner pun·1 Jnd unn 1ng ""S ~ards for the "'1nn1ng tourhdo "" n "'1th 70 seconds It-ft .1nJ .1 I ~-10'1cton r ht• d1tkrence" It "-3\ likl· n1gh1 and da~ '' I 1m R\an thl' 6-foot·S. 260- pound .\II· .\mcru:an defrn!.1'e tdt l..k -..ml ··t...i\l \Car in the fourth 4u.irtl'f ""t' ""t'rt· tir('d Th1'i ~ear. we w uld h.i 'l plaq:d a tifth quarter .. .\' 4u.1rtcrhacJ... Todd MannO\ICh. tht· 'uP1-·r·frt•\hman out of Balboa ,.ud ·1 v..i\n t "'orned about 11 (the nll\\t'd opponun111c\ in the first 4u<1rtt·r1 \.\ c v.l'rc mo' mg the ball (hut 11 v.asn t gelling 1n the.' paint.) \~ ~mllh "81d. ··\\e ~atched a film la\t night -11 was lhe 'dnve." t1g.11nst Washington State_" Kc mcmher that dn'('., The lasl· tltlt h lengttr-of-thc-field march by lht• rcd-hl'adcd freshman Munno ' 1ch and thl" 1wo-poin1 con - \l'r"1on v. h1 ch gave the Trojans a m1ral ulnus I!.!-I 7 decision. 11 "'a' \\t,>ek 4. and 1fthere were Jn' douht'i whl·thcr 1h1s young quar- terhall had ""hat 11 Lakes.1hc) were lorl'\ er n•mo' cd ~k ll \t'C his \hare of sacks and 1nlt'rll'pt1om in thl' nc,t three years a\ ht' lc."ad\ l ~( hut there's no qul'\\1011 he 100J... lhe reins for good thal da' and a., T rojans· fans realize Olt"". for 1hc 'er: good ··There·, 1us1 no belier fl't'hng." '-t m1th '31d "For a chang<' Southern ( ahforn1a peo ple can Ix happ) the ~ da\ after the bowl game." ·· Thcc;(' 'i<'n1ors won thrt"t" straight Pal · Ill t hamp1onships. and they·rt' grnng out 1A1nner'i toda}. They de- '-l:f\l' II .. There wa., no question who dc- <,c.·n ed to v.1n o n Mo nday. Bo ~ ht·mbc1. her "81d his Wolvcnnes d1lln't dec;enc 11. a nd they dJdn't. ~1 1lh1gan made ltS usual snare of ml\takes 1n a bowl game. and ~ hemlx'chler bowed out with a re- rnrtl 12 ho~l losscs 1n 16 tnes. 1m lud1n~ 2·1Wii Pasadena. · \\ r med hard but we didn't play a glHK.I game:· Schcmbcch ler said. .. I hn re good kid\. hut we didn'I tll·~·r' t' to win .. The\.\ oh t'nncs d1dn"t deserve 1t helau'\e 111 cn 11cal m1stak<'s. like a m1\'M.'d hlcxl 1ng assignme nt which allov.ed Dan O v.ens to "snake through" and block a punt -the ball p1ckC'd up b) Junior Scau and returned 2-i )ards to the M1ch.ipn 11 in the c;econd quarter. It SC't up Mannovich's e ve ntual 1- f Ptene '"CAM.SON/SJ) UCI must perform to capabilities to compete in Big West Palmer, Rishwain are healthy for conrerence opener after hol(day break I · I ....... ....., .......... _ ...._..._Jaftldlapenoe 11 1 prnilly ........ or takel out a coujle of,.... for IOIDC\hi .. di(. lnlat-rnili1ary,11udy abroed. wuaevw I.he reuon. ,_.._..-...._E V•9J:oJICll._'1,..-,.._a 8111111):=-•S.illlllirdll ,.... ..... why ....... bi@ ICbool P"1'1*1-.... ,., ...., ........ to be_, booplla . nordklitreillymattcr. come• ••to....," Sobe IO ... mtour t Oalys-foot-1 uafte*maniD · ~.J~a:'t.·~~·~ '(bi same for ..... time in bit llfl. . bi9 ~bool. Van Scoyce ~play--_ =• ~--.._ .._ ...... ar--.··• '' a IOI ol'dllaud•B,wOald -..... ~-.......... - coWda't....._=ii ..,.m.t I llic5u , tbe opeG·fire Aftertbe1WO-JW biatva. be ecf arpiUzed buketW until hja----1111 ....... ..., _... llim to scanned his community collc9e op-~ore year •• : when lie arew to die •1 Ala ,.. should"'...., .. collell ... ~> 1-1 ~--ijUlt ID to a Divll&OD I Dool and Wiik~. They lboolhlt on OoldeD West Col. a.•a · men's bulcetbe11 tQm, tions. ch~ OoldeD West, mam-S.f'oot-l 1 over one summer. .. .. , ••Md WOlflild.lor Ftder- ly for its turfi• ~talion. ... wu kind ofa NDt," Van al Marilime llMI ._..., .,.,.,, ... said ·~and hope to ,eta &oOk a " uaique avenue before laDdina iD OWC Coecb Jim Green- ... mOltly did h (aurfina) for'the ~said. "Most oftbepys on bim to TenniMI blMd. Mlts.d' travel," Van Sco)'Ce said. "h was our (GWC) team have been playina PMro. bec8w ~ Ud ._. .. So I cboll West. 11 WU and it wu always PDI to be there . But if there'•• "l to'° without them payina,. that d be ,._t." field'1 lleck yard. "I~ into thinp." Van Scoyce said, 1 owaed my own business that I bad 1wted, and I was surfina and doina thinp. I never took basketball seriously. I j ust played for fun and for exercise. I never planned on takina basketball any further than bi~ school. fun. but I wasn't makina any for yean, but I just picked it up a quanen lbeN. •t now be'• retired, money:• few years aao. when I was a be11>tout oftbal-'Y. He'14' now, .funny 100, became it'• a aurfei 1eh00l J talked to Coech Greenfieldi and be Mid I could improve. He l&io I bad a lot of natural ability. And plus tbey bad a decent prosram tbere. becaUIC l'd.aoae to Lona Beach Oty (or a year and didn't really like tbe ~m there. You'd think a p y who ICOl'el in sophomore in bi'ah school. and mr. mom, tbe owm a couple of bunches -he's avenaina 16 points ''I was never rally interested in cocktail &ouneet and they have a loc Van~~ Whole linele-tlme scorint biab (ll) this~ WU aaainst Antelope Valley an tbe Gold- en West Tournament, &VefllCS ftve assists a pine for tbe Rustlers a game, indudina tbe flnt lix pmes basketball. I was sbon until tbe of real eseaae. , in which be shot only five or tu summer before my sophomore year. '"So my_preats ~6'ald pa~ . time$ _per outinJ -would be a auy I .,.eW almost a foot, from S-l and (collcee~ nacy always said 'd who'd played Slncebe could walk or 85 pounds to S-11and145 pounds.. $,t lwupnstoto to C ( 13-6 ), who wrapped up the .Colleae of the Desert Tounwnmt tJtle on Saturday as Van Scoyc:e earned all- tournamcnt honors; An4 basically, after high school swim. I just sprouted over one summer out ol~ lchool. aad I Hawever,llc:iae:bom-and raitc:d in •mtmlde the team1he11ext year, not eo.--1 ....... le saay out "'Wbeo I fint tried out (at GWC, Greenfierld)-aic I bad a lot of raw talent, and I just bad 10 develop my skills. I'd always planned on toina beck to colJete to aet a decree. but with runninaa business. r couldn't talce the tjme out. With today'• prices, the coll• tuition IOtn& up every year, it'd be nice to aet a free ride so~e place. I stayed out for two years and just surfed, ran my business and traveled a loL" Hawaii ands~ two yean at a and then I played my junior and half for two yan. You know, I just strait-laced, academically oriented my senior year at the prep tebool" ~a couple years. After all, A freshman, Van Scoyce appears on his way toward a four-year ride. "I'd like to io back borne, maybe the University of Hawaii," be said. "Hawaii or California -because I'm a beach person, and I don't want to be too far inland." Van Scoyce, pronounced like Joyce with the first 'c' sounding like a 'k,' was a member of the ASP (Association of Surfing Pro- fessionals) World Tour for a year and a half, making stops in Greece, Australia. Italy and Japan. prep school in San Francisco is a far He kept his hand in tbe pme after thinP weft Piii well for me at 17. cry from playina at Mater Dci, araduatjng in 1987 from St. lpatius I wu matins deCent money, and I Capistrano Valley or some other fligh, the boys.-only Catholic tehool was travelina and bavina a aood Orange County hotbed. near the home of Van Scoyce's time." · ··They emphasized academics," he uncle, who suBJCSlcd to his parents Sounds pat. Why tbe cbaqc? said "Sports was just a release, just that he attend 1t "( wu just pla~na in part leques something to do, I auess, ~use we Van Scoyce's father, you see, re-and pickup ball ' be said ... , played wcren 't powerhouses in any sport. tired at the age of 40 and moved with a lot of ool~ playen and a lot ··1 had always planned on JOing to college and setting a dqree, it was important to my parents and to me. I know my parents would pay for it, Greenfield, meanwhile, hopes that Van Scoyce's play will allow the Rustlers to swim down stream. Money was,n't cqctly pouring in from the ASP, and his basketball My junior year in basketball was one from Hawaii to Southern California. of the hi&h school prospects. I oould of the school's fint championships." "They moved out here (to Lona bold my own, 1 paas. While I was I Home teams s oiJ/d be favored,' but it's upset time in NFL playoffs The A~ Pr~ss The precedent for 1990 was set on New ~ Year's Eve. ~ It's time for upsets an the NFL playoffs. The matchups for next weekend's ---- d1v1sional semifinals were set Sunday when the Los Angeles Rams beat the Philadelphia Eagles 21-7 and th~ Pittsburgh Steelers shocked Houston 26-23 in oven1me in the two wild-card z,ames. All four home teams arc favored. All four home teams could run into trouble. pan1cularly 1n the NFC. where the five playoff teams ma> have been stronger than their fi ve AFC counter- pans. The weekend starts a t 12:30 EST Saturday when Buffalo (9-7) is at Cleveland (9-6-1) in the onl y match up set before Sunday's games. Then, Minnesota (I 0-6) 1s at San Francisco ( 14-2}. the proh1b1t1ve favorite to become the first team 1n a decade to repeat as NFL champion. Sunday"s games stan with the Rams ( 12-5) travel- ing east for the third week in a row to meet the New York Giants ( 12-4) at Giants Stadium. In Sunday's AFC game. Pittsburgh (10-7) is at Denver (11 -5). Denver is an early 8-point favorite: San Francisco is fa vored by 7, and the Giants and Browns are each fa vored by 31/i points. But all the underdogs go an Alvarez to coach Badgers -.~· MADISON. Wis. -Barry Alvarez. ~ assistant head coach at Notre Dame. has ~ accepted an offer to become footbaJI coach at the University of Wisconsin. ---- Pat Richter. Wisconsin's new athlotic dim:tor. was en route to Miami on Monday where he expected to meet with the 42-year--0ld Alvarez before the Fighting Irish met No. I Colordao in the Orange Bowl. ''lhope to brin$ him back tomorrow,'' Richter said Monday after meeting with the UW Athletic Board to get approval to hire Alvarez. "Barry Al varez was the No. I candidate in my mind." Alvarez. who spent three years at Notre Da~. replaces Don Monon, fired last month after compiling a 6-27 record over three y~rs. Alvarez, an assist.a nt coach at Iowa for e1Jht years before movina to Notre Dame. has been a maJOr factor in helpina coach Lou Holtz rebuild the Fighting Irish into a national power. As the defensive coordinator for the 1988 nat.ional champions. Alvarez coached a unit that ranked third in the nation in points allowed ( 12.4). tpt O I I O I I 111. U \ \ S.. Bllff, Hall of Fame linebacker. about the NFL drua~m: "Athletes are breaking the law and hid.int behind the NFL banner. They go to a 30-<Say rehabilitation program while the guy on the street acts thrown in jail. .. Spain edges U.S. for tltle PERTH, Australia' --Arantu Sanchez beat Pam Shriver 6-3, 6-3 Monday nisht to lead Spain past the U nited States 2-1 an the championship of the Hopman Cup team toumamenL < ;a Emilio Sanchez beat John McEnroe 5-7. 1-5. 7-5 to aive ~pain a I~ lead, but McEnroe and Shriver beat the SancheZ brother and sister combination 6-3. 6-2 an the mixed doublel. That left the women's sinaJes to decide lhe 12-team exhibition event and the I 8-year--0ld Sanchez, the 1989 Freacb Open champion, overpowered Shriver. Sucbez lolt only three points on serve in the first see • llier ttady bueline pme and occasional drop .,.. tn.lraled tbe m~ agressivc but len accurate ..... St ct a brote Shriver'• terVe in the fifth and ninth .,.... ICGri111 repeatedly with puaina shou and Cl'OD- CICMlrt winDln. Sucbcz took a 5-0 lead in the second .... EmWo SUcba had 11 aces ill bis 2-bour, 37- ..... riillll matda. Md!moe wu ~ a point farM ..... oblcenity ia the I lib .-me of the .ond Ill. _.... 009& him tbe ~ and comillained aboat ...... Clllr. ~ ....-Sachez ill the drinl act. seeks ~ Jot;» . confident. T}lis is the third straight season the Vikin~ and 49ers are meeting at Candlestick at this point lD the playoffs. Two years ago. a 9-7 Minnesota team went w~t and shocked the 13-2 49ers. who bad won their last three regular.season games by a combined score of 134-7. The score was 36-24 and it wasn't that close. Last season. it was San Francisco's tum. A 34-9 victory over the Vikings sent them on the way to their third NFL title of the decade. The Rams. meanwhile, get to play a team they've handled better than anyone an the league. They beat the Giants 31·10 in Anaheim in Week 10 and have scored 76 points against New York in their two meetings in 1988 and 1989. That's more than the Cardinals, for example. have ~ored in their last six games against the G iants The key factor 1n the Rams-Giants game 1s likely to be ~eather. P111sburgh goc~ into Denver aware that it lost there 34-7 m1d~a) through the season. gaining just 167 total )ardc;. But Pittsburgh also has a historical precedent -in 1984. a 9. 7 P1t1sburgh team went to Denver for a d1\ 1sional pla}ofT game and beat the 13·3 Broncos 24-1 7. l\THEBLEACHERS . ' I fl/ MftMn .. lHE MUSIC~ lURN IT eK.K ~ \ ! ............ ..._... .. M-- ,, USC qu•rterbacll Todd M•rlnovkh cel- ebr•t•• • 1-y•rd touchdown run on '• MARINOVICH From 81 a Michigan punt and Junior Seau returned it 24 yards to the Wolvcnnes' 11 to set up the score. A#&..11 pflll broken pl•y In th• second quarter •• Mkh· lg•n• 1 Ale• M•nh•ll looks on. Mannov1ch. who played two years at Mater De1 before quanerback1ng Capistrano Valley High his jun- ior and senior years, set national high school passing records before going to USC as the most sought-after quanerback an the natio n. I'M MELTING! MELLLTI NN~1.~! It appeared to be a beautiful fake as Marinovich looked to fullback Leroy Holt for the hand otT, before 1 turning the other way instead and running to paydin untouched. After watching Rodney Peete last year. Mar\novich got his chance to st.an when Pat O'Hara went down with a serious knee injury 10 days before the season began. "'It was my fault," Marinovich said. "I didn't get around in time to get 1t to Leroy. I just didn't get around. and I was stanled at first. but then I realized I had only 2 yards to go. I just missed bim." Jackson. meanwhile, had five receptions for 56 yards. sctt1 ng a Pacific-10 record for having at least o ne reception in 37 consccutjve games. He had shared the mark with former Trojan Randy Simmrin. But no catch was as important as the 20-yarder be caught to set up the Trojans' winnin& score, a touch- down drive led by Marinovich, who was as poised as a veteran who knew all the ropes. Pressure? All Mannovich did was ma.kc first team All· Pac IO. the firs t freshman quarterback to earn such an honor since records were kept in 1952. He showed the nation he was for real in a nationally-televised game at No. I Notre Dame, where he completed 33 of 55 passes for 333 yards. He would throw for 303 yards the following week against Stan- ford. "I couldn't ask for anything better," Marinovich said of his season-ending performance in the grand- daddy of them all. "That was our long-term goal, to be in the Rose Bowl." 5ll Dorothy Inadvertently destroys the wicked Instruct or of the east and liberates the entire aerobics class. Skippers locked In close race This finish was being compared to USC's dramatic 1 come-from-behind victory over Washington State on Sept. 30. when Marinovich drove the Trojans 91 yards for the winning score with four seconds left in the pme. To pull out the 18~ 17 win, the cool-headed Marinovich connected with Gary Wellman on a two-point con- version and escaped an upset while putting an end to the Cougars' nine-game winning streak. USC had lost its last four bowl appearances: Aloha ( 1985). Citrus ( 1987) a nd Rose ( 1988. 1989). Marinovich, amazingl y, has three more opportunities to bring the Trojans back to Pasadena. Coach arrested for brawr AUCKLAND, New Zealand -New A Zealand rivals Steinlager II and Fishet and Paykcl Tuesday continued to fight for the "- l~d on the third leg of the Whitbread Round The World race. · Fisher and Paykcl, skippered by Grant Dalto n, had a nine-nautical-mile lead over Peter Blake's Steinlqer, the winner of the first two lepn The third leg is from Fremantle. Australia. to Auckland. Fisher and Paykcl was last reported 903 nautical miles from its home port, with Steinlaeer 912 miles ouL Next was British entry Rothmans, Kippered by Lawrie Smith, 40 miles behind the leader. then came Finnish entry Martel& Of and Fmich yacht Olarles Jourdan. The 23 competina yachts have contested two previous legs: from Southampton. EnaJand, to Puntc del Estc, U ruau.ay, and then on to Frcmabtle. The 3~()()(). oauticaJ mile race moves from Auckland bKt to nantc del Estc, tbeG on to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and is acbedWed to end at Southampton in May . 11 I I\ l'-.10\.ft \ltlU .. It was very similar,'' said Trojans Coach Larry Smith1 who won his fint Rose Bowl at USC in three tries since taking the job in 1987. "Todd really kept his head in there. And on the winnin& touchdown run, he went in and told them wt to do. He was real positive during the 'drive.and henit some key passes." PROVIDENCE, R.I. -The coach of the Florida lnstjtute of Technology basketball team and five others, including his two sons, were arrested in a hotel lounac after a brawl that was triagered by a bomb scare. Marinovich felt the same about the Washinaton State comparison. .. He (Smith) said to play cvci:y d~wn like it was the Washington State pme," he siid ... And maybe we could see a little deja vu." .. This was a disturbance of major proportions," police Maj. Edward J. Collins said of Sunday mornina's half-hour melee amo ng bar patrons, Marriott Hotel security auards. Providence police and memben of the Florida Tech team. which hours earlier had won a holiday tournament at Bryant Colleae. Police said as many as 75 people were involved. UCI counted on 10 be a •treftJth· With Palmer and H~n trylna to re-''°"' 11 pin their toach, and Butler and 1up (elevation on the jumper) better... Anderson tryina to pin consistency, Ben Rishwain. the freshman wallt-the Ant.eaten have strugJcd. on point auard who looked strona in The oft"en1e was 1uPPOtcd to 1U<r short stints. is back after sufferina a ceed inside-out, but ·sutler's bouts broken finger and misted the lUt with foul trouble and atypically poor five pmes. -shootina niahts. ua bu sputtcr~ct "Since I'm back and Rilbwain is The Anseaten have not played a bllck, it will Jive 6s more 11.abili~ (at pme where their top four offensive point auard),'' Palmer sajd, • But playen are all performina well at also, I think it pve a lot of the once. The shootJna pen:ent.,a of you.neer 1uys experience, like (Crail) the team'• top~ outside sbootcn Manha.II and (pylan) Rildoa l -Herdman, Andel'IOn and Palmer think they'll be able to help u1 a lot -ran,e from 37 to 41 percent, 100 in tbe beck cowt,.. .tlile Butler and Doktorczyk are Becau1e of illneM and the late -b.iuina 53 and 59 percent respectiv~ mum from Chriltmaa ~ olteV-ly . eral playen. MuUipn Ml lbuftled ••1 t.boulbt the lbootint wwld be the 1tartin& lineup, but llid h will better," M~ aid. "&ml Carr afl'ect abe pllyiaa time of'dae top 10 found a few flaws ia Henlma't p1r_yen unie. · Ibo\ and be'• ...uy been tariddne Palmer wW be joiaed by M8nbll1, it dow9 ...... h days. w...... center Ricky Butllr, foiwanS Rob he'll taOc:t tbem doWll ba ~ Dok10faYk w1 ~· 1..m remaim '° bl ... ne a11111 ANlllW'l, wM .... P19ii11111111 olf. pme will bl better if ........ lltl pent, ... aM ......... Jeff ~" JlcnlrMa. cM ...... ....... •• DI • ... MlrlltdicMIV-o&MiW play ... .............. ,. ,., ''"· ...... .-y 1111 ........ .. --~l~~ .. whi --~ .... ···-······ ........... sav. ··= ............. __ ~· :-:-.:-~ -::; .,.,,.i:.J'":ll~f'1.., .............. ....,.-.• ~ .......... ~ ..... ~ .......... •• U t. :':; '9111 ~ • .,. •au "• ........ :: .: • ~ -"69':1:• :V:lr:l1 .... Aid 11 ~""' I a arou~ of experienced playen who arc trytn& to come t<>cetbeT u a team. Three players were active a year aao. includina Bia West freshman of the year Kendall Younablood. senior forward Durell White and sophomore point pwd Albert Cbappdl . Younablood (14.3 points, 4.6 re- bounds) is lhe only Aaie who bu started all I ( pmes. Iii i1 sbootiDa 54 percent from the field and ao percent from the line. Five J?llyen arrived from tbe commuruty oollelC ranb, two re- turned from Millions with tbe Morman Church and one ii 1 fed. shin transfer from a community coUeae. .. They're a mature team nea thoulb ~·re ll01 a vetcna -la tbe coatenDce," M._.. rnid- .. (Kolla Smilb it) a IDod eo.da _. they1I play Mnl., ~N ........ to heat mem.t .... " Fout commuily ~ 1"7 a • ...... ,.., ....., '-It tr •...... 1 cmw...,..., .... .._.ril S. wt Hiit tf I (6.J) tO ... ... • .~ ........ .. t5?tt~M -lllCIC •MNlll /II# .......... MIAMI -Lou Holtz WU rjaht, ~if bit limina WU W1'0Q1. Frm- tndoo let in on top.ranUd C.olo- rado. thouab earlier than Holtz fore- 11w, and filot~ Dame followed tbe fleet feet of Raahib. Ismail to a 21-6 v!ctory in the Oranae Bowl Monday n.i&bt. Thus. the (ourth~nked FiJhtina l~l who finished 12-1 apinst the touanest schedule in the country staked their cla1m to a second con: secutivc national championship - something that hasn•t happened since Alabama in 1978-79. Not.re Dame finished 12-1 against the toughest schedule in the country, but the lone loss was to Miami. 27-10 on Nov. 25, and the sccond- rankcd . once-beaten Hurricanes made their own case for No. I with a 33-25 victory over Alabama in the Suaar Bowl. The final Associated Press poll will be released today. .. I've got to vote for us," Holt1 said after getting a Gatorade shower from his pla)'ers. "We're No. I. All year lo ng. we played with pressure. We played nine bowl teams. I don't know what more you can do than 10 beat the No. I team by 15 points." Holtz predicted last week that Colorad_p's offense would be frus- trated and would "leave the game plan completely and start grab-bag- ging" by the middle of the third quarter. and a failed fake fiekt pJ aftei havina fint4nd.pl at the 1. "We're aoina to &<> beck and *'° ond-suess a lot of wtt.T we did imidil! lbe I ().yard line because we d1d.n't act it done." Colorado coach Bill McCartney said. "I don't expect an ybody to "'keep us out of the end zone the way they did, but they did it." Ismail, a speedy sophomore known as the Rocket, rushed for a career-high 108 yards and a 3S-yard touchdown and Anthony Johnson added scoring runs of 2 and 7 yards as Notre Dame won at the OranfC Bowl fpr the first time after six losses to Miami and handed Colo- rado its first loss of the season after 11 wins. "Coach Holtz told us all year that the Notre Dame spirit is what would pull us thro ugh all the adversity." said Ismail, who shrugged off a separated ~houlder to be named the game's most valuable pla yer. The turning point came in the second quarter af\cr Colorado had driven to the Notre Dame I. Three times. the Buffaloes tried to run 1t. o nl) to be '>topped by the Notre Dame defense, twice for no gain and once for a two-yard loss. Ftnall¥. they tncd a fake field goal. only to be stopped at the 2. Notn.· Dame. which had yet to cross midfield. had life. And even though the lnsh .,..ould ha\e a 27- 'ard field goal blocked Just before half\1mc, they had momentum and took command in the second half. ,.,...__...... Instead. the frustration came 1n the first half. when Colorado blew three scorin& o pportunities with a fumble. a massed 23-yard field goal Colorado. which committed only 13 turnovers during the regular season. made three . Notre Dame Coach Lou Holtz gets doused by his players a fter th• lrtsh defeated top-ranked Color ado soundly. Hurricanes stake claim to national title By BEN WALKER M \90<11 \lfrtt•r NE\\ O RLEANS -M1am1. the team oflhc I 98lli. 1001.. a fir.,1 •Mp Monda) night to,,ard becoming tht• team of the I Q90s. The second-ranked Hurricanes. taking ad- vantage of a loss b) top-rated Colorado. won the Sugar Bo""I and PQ'>sibly the national cham- p1onsh1p. too. ~:a11ng Alabama 33-::!5. "I m1g.h1 ht.· a bit prejudiced. but there's not a doul:lt in m' mind "'ho's No I. That's us." Craig Encko;on "11d aftrr thro.,..ing three toul"h· do"' n passe'>. Coach Denni-. E:.nrl..son. 1n ht'"> fir\t H'ar a t M1am1. agree~. · The pollster-; will ca!>! their 'ott•s 1n T he Assona1ed Pre-.)· final rankings Tul.'scfa~ and No 4 Notre Damt· . .,.. hit h beat Colorado :! 1-n 1n the Orangl· HoY. I. 1\ \Url' to gl.'t a lot ol ')Uflport "I thin!.. "'C <Hl' the t"lc\l. bul lhl' \Otl'r\ ha\C to dl·ndc 11 ." he "'11d "l here arc a 101 of good tl'amo; nut there." Mon· than an~ thing. this season's cha'ie for No I \\tll ca1:11nl> \park funher dt•batc ahout a pla~ off to Jectdt• the champ1onsh1p "To gl·t a 1rm· national champ1on,h1p. 11 prohabl~ has 10 ht.· pla)ed on the field," Coach Enck'>on 'illtd "Hut I don't knn'-' 1f that'') fcas1bk .. In the ahscnn· of that \}Slrm, M1am1 may \\l'll he '01cd llS third tllk an '>('\ l.'n seasons The Hurnl·anc'> limshl.·J lhl· dt'l':Jdc 99-20 and sax time' "l·nt into ~l.'\\ Yt'.tr''> Da' "llh a shot at thl' 11111.' . M1am1 handl·d :'\otrc Danw its onl> IO'i\ an I' gaml''> tht<, ~·a,on . 27.1() "~1 1a1111 beat :"-Jutrl' Damt'. !':otre Dame tx·at ( c1lurado. c.o ~11am1 ha\ to he 'Jo I." Alabama cuath Hill ( ur~ said "That\ tht• onh wa> 10 ftgurl' 11 .. ..\lahama kl·p1 \11am1·, top-ranl..l.'d detcn'-l' o0-t).ll,1nlt' an the tir\t hJlf. llltcn "'orl..1ng Y.tthou1 a huJdk .ind lrom the shotgun l11rma- \11Jll \ 1111\ of '>l rl'l'n fl:l~\l'' JnJ dray. pla~ \ kept thl' lluml·anl'\ ll'lll.ilt\ l'. ,111J 11 <>h1meJ on thr \u1rl·hoa1d \lahama·, I~ 1)111nt' 111 till' lir'>I halt -all 1n lhl· \elund 4u.11t1•r -\q•n· thl' nw<.t 1n a hall .1g.11t1\t thl· H urrtl.lnl'' tht' 'l.'J\nn \\ hc k ~lc.11111·, 1ll'll'n'I.' 'lru~kd th 11lknw .1\ u'ual dtd not < )nl~ :i fl'" 1h11u'iand ot till' '>uPl.'rJ111m··, .,..,A,2 la"' v.c•rl· ~11am1 ·, l·olor-. I hl· ma111r11' t:lllll' dcl'"l'U 1n \lahama·., cnm~nn·and-wh1tl:. .ind th1· n111,1· thl'\ gl'Ol'r:tt1·d 1.iu,nl u1nh1'1on tor t hl· II u rrt1 .1 nt'' , \ttll II \.\:.I\ Ill!\ ,I\ h.1d J\ till' I 'IM1 \ugar &1 .... 1. \lhl'fl "'Ith a d1ann· JI thl· lh:lrnp1on,h1p, the Hurricane~· 1'opl'S "'l'rl' da\hccl _,5. 7 h\ Tl·nnl''>">t:l' and ''' hoistl·rnu'> hol1-.tl.'" ~lta m1. tool and uid.~ got 1n10 \c.'\eral wutlk-. Y. tth the more lOn\t'n at1\l· Cnm\on fttll.' pla ~cr\ 'x_·,aal pcr<;unal foul' "'l.'re lalkd. although lhl.'rl' \\l.'rt• no tull-,t.1k hraY. I~ murt· l'Jl'l'l IOO\. Tht· llurmann· ddl.'n'>l' ,dln"'l.'d an a\l'ragl' ot JUSI 9 ' pmnl\ pl'r g;lllll' hut got \tung for 11 tn th~ fir\I halt. :ilthough mui,1 Y.l'rl' Sl'l up h\ m1~1;.al..n h\ tht· otll·n\l' and 'IX'l tal ll':l m' Bui \l1jm1 ga\l' upJU\I l'l lotal ~.1nJ\ 1n thl' third 4uJrtl'r jnJ uintrnllnl \laham.1 un11l lhl' fin.ti llltllUll'\ F.r1d,,11n thrl'"' j ri.11r "' 11 ·~Jrd TI> pa'"l'\ Ill thl· wu>nd h.111 :J\ \11am1 l'\ll'ndl'd ''' 20-1"' kad 111, li r\I \ll'nt w K11h < hutl11n<.l..1 1.1.11h fi q ldl 1n lhl' 1h11d 4uancr .ind lht' othn 1.1.t·nt tu l{jnth lktlll'I \\Ith :\ 22 n·mJ1n1ng tn thl· ll-Jf11l' \1t1·1 hotlt ll'am\ nll\\l'd l11ng ticld goJI' l'.trl~ Ill 1h1· lir't 4uarwr lhl' I lurrtlJne' mo\t'd llh \Jrd' 1n J n1ne-pla~ marlh l.tpix·J b) \tephl·n ;\Ill •Ulrl·' '·~.1rd ll)U( hJm111 plungr r hl· 11> lJJlH' un lhl' lif\l p(a~ afll'I \1t:tl1lt got J ftr\l dll\\ll \\hl'll I t'l' Otmtnl Jumix·J nll" .. tdl'' nn a f11urth-and-~ lil·ld goal t~ from thl' 7 \ n1H.J1l on an apparent tumhk h~ l l.'oncHd ( unll'\ glll the .\labama Ian\ ang~ Junng \ !1.11111 '' pnx:ns1on More than one team will make its case for nation's top spot MIAMI -To wan a mythic.al natio nal championship. teams from Colorado and Indiana came to the ed&e of a neighborhood called Little Havana. where m ore than a few of the 81 , I 9 1 in attendance watched mi mature Japanese TVs to learn how the hometown boys were fan ng against Alaba~. far to the north- west in New rleans. Only in Am n ca. Four teams playi ng two games 900 miles apan a1 nearly the same time through the night of New Year's Da} and everyone consumed .;, the same burning question. Who's ~o. I'! ··11us1 bt'he\e in m) heart that 1r ~ou ha\e the best rl'tord against tht• toughest schedule. ~ ou ·re '°' o I Case n:'>tcd:· \aid 1'01rc Dame coach Lou Huitt. firing a pre- l'mpll\ e and um hJral'len st1ealh emotional barrage at the pollstC'r'i 1mmed1ateh after h1'> fourth-ranked lmh beat top-ranl..l•J < o lorado 21 -6 \i11am1 l·uat·h l)\.·nn1'> Encl..\on tirt•d bad 'O minutes later. right alter ht> ">t:cond-ranl..l'd Humcanl'\ !>ll'l'fed dl·ar nt ..\lahama H-~5 "I thank "'I.' arc lhl' best. hut thl' \Utcrs ha\e to J~·nJl' 11." ht• \aid E:.nck<,on"., tollt1.,..1ng H oitt on Monda~ n1gh1 "'a" more a fum t1on ot '>taning 11ml· than rank .\nd the' mJ~ "al..l' up 1h1'> morning 10 find thl'ir fl<l\ltton-. rl'\ t:r')Cd But that "'3'> thl.' "a~ 11 Y.Cnl throughout ncarl ~ all 111 tht· night bdtHl' f hc ln~h l..1d.cll 111 ( oloradu J I l< .. ,4 pm ~I) r on J halm\ f-lonJ.i night and J g.athenng 1hat tia-. long bt.·t·n hla'>l' Jhout "arm \Ao tOll'r' lnund httk •rn thl· tidd In gl'l l'\l ttnl dbt.oul JS \1\'ll I hen 1n thl' '>',tntng \l'tond~ 111 .1 lt>rgl·1tahk lir,1 4uanl'r, a loud gr11.1n l\\Ul'd fntrtt lhl· uc11.1.d In 'I.'"' < )r kJll\, \11.11111 ·, (.trio\ HurrtJ. 1.1. h1 1 rJrl'h d11l'' \Ll1 h thing' m""l'd .1 .J•l-\JrJ lil'ld ~11al I h>llt. hunl..1·rl·d do"' n Jlung thl· '"uth \ldl· ol thl· Ornngl' Bo"' I and 1" I'll ng d k"' hlJde'> ut gras' tx·- l \\ l.'l.'n hi\ lingn' luoh·d had. qllt//tlalh u\\'r h .... \h11uldcr and \11·111bdd:1111uu1ng. Se\l'n plu" latl·r < ·ulc1r.1Ju·, tkix·ndahk "-l·n ( ulhcrt~un m.1td1t·d Hunta·, n11\\ lht'> llOl' an u~h dul ldtng that hooJ.. cd 1.1.1JI.' lu tht· lcll lrom 1u-.1 2' 'urd' 'x'\ l'n pl.I\\ l:tll'r .It lhl' ( lrJO~l' Bo"'l \11.11111 Y.J\ tn tht· m1d\t ot 'u1nn~ 11' li r't tm11.hdll"'n Jt lhl' '>ug.ir .\mar "'l'nl up and 11 11111 1.11kd Jlong 1hc \ldl'l1m· h' ,1n .rn.k l.trf\lng J ,dlul.tr ph11nt' pruhJhl\ g1 •t 1h1 hJd "'''" <II ;..our'-l he hJJ l'n11ugh 11n hi\ mind fhl· Hut)al\'{'\ haJ foragl·d thl'lr \la\ to lhl· ~11lrl' Datnl' I \Jrd hill'"' 1th ln1ir l hanll''> to malo.l' I ll1l11· night J lut '>'or'>t' But htL H1l'ntl'm' g111 ,tufl"cd h~ thl' 'iotrl' l>aml' dl'll'll"' l' l harge on the 1ir,t'11nc 'K ott K11.,..alsk1 and f ck.IJ l ~ght did thl' ..aml' to Hagan on lht• ne~t. and B1eniem y•as run out of bounds after talung a pitch from Hagan the third ume. Holder JdT Campbell tried divina on a dl·spcratr fake field-goal at- tempt but T ro> Ridgley caught him a\ though he were a precious piece ol Lh1na thrn unceremoniously huncd ham 1n lush green grass. Hl·artrnl.'d. the lnsh marched the kngth ot 1he tield and gave plJll'l..1L l..er fMI~ Hackett a chance at the kaJ from 2 'ards away with onl~ thrl'l' '"-'tonJ-. lcftg before half- ltml· Hut ( ulurado\ Greg Thomas hlol lo.cd 1h.11 <.1nd 1f Ho ltz found any 'olJtl' 1n thl' llll"'d's rollecu ve moan. hi: d1Jn't ll't on. Then again Schedul e comparison M IAMI. !'LA (11·1) ~I a1 /ti \f' ''- l ' (a 1hH' d )8 <>' M H 01'' 76 )' M•C" \I S6 ( nt,M<ll 48 ~ .. -Jo~~\• 10 "' f' "' oa • ~ E C<1•0"'" 7.t a• P t1\bv"'1t 41 '>n• ::>~\• 71 l\j "P0A""P ll • A aoa,,..• , o' '''" •, J'.>~' e .,. NOT"E OAME ( 17· II lo \/ I J r 0 ,, ... y ' lid' ·' y . •Cr d 1 p ......... t ;' / ,.. s·-s • ·c l _,. :..•' . . ;'8 •• ~ ···.t 'J' • . ~., ... .,9 ;Y. l • ,. ;:.,., . ,. 10 ,, "'J /j,.. f " 7 ,. "j ... .. , .. ,,.; .. a .. hr prnhJhh d1dn t J..n111.1. 11 "'a~ l)l..'l.JU'l \IJhJmJ h..id hhx h ·d ll lH'l l,t 'l.'\trJ·l)\llnl Jtll'mpt 3 J 1 10 0 16 2• 10 ) 4 10 7~ I) 19 13 ' " 71 2• I 0 • 1) 77 6 I \ l'r\ 1111"' ..1nd lhl.·n ... sa.Jd ~ntrt" l>Jnll'' \nth11n\ Jc1hn~on. ""ho '" ung 'urp1 l\tngl~ It'" chl't'r\ for I• •lll hJ1 '"' n 1 un' 111 2 and ., 'ards. · .. Ill. "Jr t•I thl· \l.1d1um "'tluld roar Jn,! I "·I' \\11111knnf!! "'hat hap- Pl.'nnt I hl· ln'h lll'l'dnl lattk -;upf)(in du nn~ thl 'l"\11nd hall an\\'a' dov 1ng up t nl11r.1J1,·, drl'Jm ~ascin \11..11111 IPDlo.l·d r4uall~ 1mprc\\l\l' l'\l'll JI J J"t.1mt· pulling a"' a' tr11m ~·•-I~ .11 1n tl·rml\\t11n w j final '1.: ~ dn "'"n I >t·paning \lt<1m1 tan' 111 \lc.1m1 Jnuhkd thetr f\ll'J\urc t11r thl \h11n ndl' home • '"trl' I )Jn\\' 4uJrtaharJ.. Ton' Kill.' "'a' 'mtlin11 "'hl·n he left the < >rant\l' 8.1"' I hut r hance.-, are \lam hl.''IJ kl'! that '>',1 \ '>'ht·n hl' wakC'\ up Bel thJt hl' "nn't fh1<. 1s. after all, \mn1l·a C >nl· 'pon,.,..n tcr onC' \Ole and Jlt thJt -and most of them will \Oil' tur \11am1 ROSE From B l pcnal1\ that turnl'd the udc to South~rn <.al latl' in the g.ame. The \\ohen ncs. Y.tth fourth-and-:! from their 4b. picked up ::!4 >ards and a fir\t do"' n on a run b\ Chn<. Stapkwn off a l:ike punt. · \ 111\lor.. lour h~:h1nd \\'ond\ lta~es. · Southl'rn (al"· I .irn '>m11h 1.1.ho bt.·g.in h 1., rolkgl' l 1Jal·h1ng career ,1, an J'>\l\tant unda '\thcmhnhkr Jnd rl·ma1n' hi\ lnl·nd. ~1J. ·-rm '>llfr~ tha I hl' ·' ka' ing 1 hr ga ml' Bu 1 ~l)U nl'\l.'r aptiltt~l/l' tor 1.1.tnn1ng .. TALLEY From 8 1 i..l't'P up l lwrl"' a gnli<l r>0\'1hiltl\ thl'' ·11 nn n l'\l'n ..iud' the tilrn 1ll "h,11 hJPJX'lll'd hl'rl' ttKl<1~ '\ uu u1ullln·1 ~o11u1 Jnd tind anllther o t1iu.1I to mal..l· a l all 111..l· that." Seminole Willis thrOws five TDs Hut lhr pla~ .... a-. ralkd back on a holding ix·nah} against M1ch1gan. Schemocl·hlcr then 'elled at the of- fictal'. .,.. ho 1hrc" · a flag in his d1rect1on and marrhl·d off 15 more )ards to gn .... 11h the 10-)ard asscs'>mcnt for holding. l hc \\ohenne\ thl·n punted. and Southern Cal l'll'.g.an the wrnnrng dra\l' from 11~ 25-)ard hne. The Trojans (Q·:!-1 ). snapping a two-game losrnit s1rcak rn the Rose Bo.,..1. go11he Y.1nn1ng touchdown on a 14-yard run b) Ricky Ervins. the game·-; most 'aluablc pla~er. with I :~ remaining. Thr ~core capped 1hc 75-yard dnve cngrneered by ToJd Marinovac h 1n the closing minutes.. Schem~chler wound up his head coaching career with a 23~65-8 re- cord. rncludang 194-48-5 dunng 21 years at Michigan. He finished as the fifth wrnningest coach an Division I- .. I hi\ " a lo111ball game. Hl' .,..ouldn'1 ha\l· "'antl·d me to toach am d1fferen11\ .. \m1th said. ·rhc 1 roJan~ IOllk a 7.(l kad an the 'iClond 4uana on ,\ 1-,ard run h\ \1anno' tl·h. thrn. after '-t1ch1gan got a 111-~ard lii.'ld goal h~ JD. C arl\1rn. (..)urn Rodngue1 made 11 10-3 \\Ith a 34-)ard lield goal on the final r>la> of lhl' half. A 2-~ard run hy Allen Jefferson w11h four minute<; lef\ in the third quarter tied the $&me at 10. \1anno' 1rh limshed with 22 com- pletion-; 1n JI attempts for 178 )3rd~ Ha e; \11th1gan counterpart. Michael fa,lor. was 10-of-19 for 11 5. . Leroy Hoard ll·d the WolvC'nnes offen\l\el~ with 108 )ards on 17 caml.'s. He ~I up their field goal with a 46-}ard run '" the scrond quarter. then ~t up the I) ang touch- d own "llh a 31 -)ard run rn the third pcnoJ. O\ er on d owns. It rould do ne11her as Mannov1ch ran on thtrd·and-4 for 7Jards and a first down, then foun Player of the Game Ricky En ans for 13 yard., and a first down. then connected for 20 yards on a third-down pass to John Jackson; then handed off to Ervins for an I 1- yard dash to the 8. and finally again Ervins for the final 8-yard touch- down run. In short, the final mistake was simply the inability to stop another Mannovich-dirccted "drive ... From 8 yards out. the only rut concern was to maintain possession and llcep the ball in front of the goal posts for a field 1<>11. "We were goina to lay that baby naht in the middle of the field," said the happy Smith. As it turned out. Ervin1 took the beby and ran for a touchdown in- 1&ead, allowina Michipn the final few seconds to rally, to no avail. "Maybe M were too lilbt." U• plained Scbanbedaler. ln tbe aftcrma;,!\ MariDOv1dt took hit pllC'C II tM puu1U81 tow 111.aw. ......... ,... ... .......... __ ..... . 11li ·-·· ...... .. ... ... ~ __ ... ~ I l'\\·part1al oh,en l.'rs '>uggec;ll·d . :it1cr rl'\ tl'"1ng IV rl·pla~'">. that pcr- hap' \llrh1gan·, <\hram-; dad ha\t' a gnp on a I ~( Jl'r\e\ on the fakl.' punt pla~ "II I <;c.>c lht· µmc li lm and find that I'm .,.. rung."\\ hl·mhcchkr <;aid . ''I'll apolog11t·" \ileanwh1lc. Bo. hu "' "'ould }Ou 'umman1e what happened'? "rnck play aboned," S31d I Schembechler. laughing. t'x1t right Consider the iron). Bo's cloSC'St friend. protegc. and mal through a d1st1n~u1shed car<'er of college rnar hang "'as the latC' Wood~ Ha~e .. o f Ohio State Ha)e" dcpartt·d 1n anger after slapping a Clemson pl<t}t'r 1n a ho.,.. I game and ncH·r apoloog11ed Scht>mbechler left ""1th a \cllo" Oag at his fct•t after an omn·a1~· call denied ham 'actor) 1n hi'> final game The man and thr call"'" be remembered. Florida State hands Nebr aska worst loss since '77, 41-17 By WALTER BERRY ,..,. \90'11 "''" .. ' TEMPE \nt -Pctn To m Wtlh'> "'allht·d from thl· '>tJcltnl.'\ Y.hcn f)anm \1c \1anu' rl'"rllll' the rClord ~Ill!.. during f-lo11JJ \tall'"• l:i\t he,ta Rn.,.. I '1dor. O\l'f '\;l.'bra\l..a tY.o \l'ar-. ago ~1onda~. \\ 1111\ madl' \OOH' fl'' '""'n' h~ lhro"' 1ng for .J22 \ard' :inti li'e touchdo"'n"> a<. the titth-ranl..l·J ·l'mtnolt\ ruutl·d \lo 6 Nehra,ka 4 1 ·I ~ "We thought .,..e could thro'A on them Jnd that's Y.hal .,..e did." 'i31J W1lhc;. a fil\h-,ear wn1or "'ho had a 'lhuol-rernrd 1.124 passing ~art.le, th1' ..._.a.,on "I d1Jn'1 thin!.. I thH'"' the ball that well I don't think th•'> "a' m~ bt.''it gamt· "We ha\l' the hcst rcccl\Cr\ 1n the urnntr. and I thin!.. "l'0 rt• lhl· hl.·<;t team an the rountr. Hut";_. dtlln't thin!.. "l' rnuld beat Nebraska as had a., "l' did .. The \ll tO~ r apped a 10-2 season for f-londa \tatt· "h1t h \\On 1t'i final 10 game<;. It was th<.· "'Ol"il lo\\ for lht· ( urnhu'ikl'r' I I 0-2) since O klaho ma heat thrm '~-7 1n Ill.,.,. :''kbraska. facing the m ost lopsided bo.,..I defeat in 11~ IOO-~car fcx>tball history. used a blocked punt and a 2-,Jrll toulhl1'1'>'n run h~ hatlo.un 4uartcrback Macke) J11'-l·ph '>'tlh I It• to pla' ti• d\Crt 11\ .,..orst post~ason lo-;, \IOll' thl' l1J1,"' \ugar tt<1\Ao l f ,4.-• to i\labama). 1 he< ornh11\l..l.'r\. "'h" haH",·l "on a New Year's Da' gam1· \IOlT tht· I '->X~ \upr 1-\{1"' I. no w arc 0-4 in the I 1l''1a "\\ l' thought "e .... ere rcJJ\ It• pla~ Ob' 1ously. w~ "'l.'rr not and I'm d little t•mbarra)'Cd." Coach Tom 0-;lx>rnl' "-lid '\.\ l' had a lot nl turnO\ctrs (five) that prnhahh ll1'1 U\ 21 to 21\ p<11n1' "\\ l' thought "'C 1.1.erc rapahk nt "'inning the game anJ \\l' Jlm11'I 1.'lldl·d up getlln~ hln"'n nut Rut Flonda StJll' """ tx· tht· hc't t<'a m 111 \ml'rtl3. 1 can't argue "'Ith that .lltn \\l' \\l'fC hl..lll'll '11 hadl ~ "\\ 1111' pla\l'l.I d"' tulh v.dl for them." Osborne added "Hut 1.1.t• gJ\\' him .1 Int 111 time to get his throws off Thl· ..am1· thing haprc.·nl·d thl ld'I time we played them .. Florida \taa· 2-1 1n I 1l'\l.1' ht·at l"<ebraska 31-28 hl'rl' 1n 19KX Y.ht·n \ll \1.tnu\ 1hr<'"' for 375 \ards and three TD-. Y.tth 4111 \Jrd\ \ulJI 11tkn..c - \\ 1111' namt·d thl· g.inw' llltl\t 'aluahk player, lin1'>hl·d "'''h a rt'ltinl -l t.J \Jrd' total offense and l'C1mpkl<'d 2 '-oj 4! 1 ra\\t'' .tltl'r h1tt1ng 15 of 21 passn lnr 250 \3rd\ 1n thl' flrq halt "I u1uldn'1 ti..· m11re proud ol a quarterback than I am 1n l'<.·ter Tom lh" \car Hl' J..C'pt getting ~tter and better." ~minok' lCl,lth Bohh\ Boy.den said ._It, l'tt It* 1 UC ......._ ........ II.OT DMlll 11 'L "-A.,.... .......... Ale ~··~."90.m. , WC M!Mellote el S1i11 FrMdlctl, l p,m. ............ WC ... et New Yortl Glentt ..... -.m. A.-C PtttaOurtlh el o.wer. 1 o.m. c:ote,U•llC• CM~ ......... JlllLM MW9a90WLJUUV ..... ~. (llt .... °"'9M) 3 o.m. N090WL ...... , .... (el Honolulu) AFC VL NFC COLL•G• POOTaALL llte>sa 90WL USC 17, Mldtl_,. 11 k:ef'e " o-rtlr'I USC t ti I 7-17 MldllelNI • J 7 t-,. USC-Marlnovk:n I run tRoclrieYe1'klc:k) Mlch-FG Carll.on 1' USC-FG ROdfloue1 34 Mlcl\-Jeffenon 2 run (C¥taon klcal USC-Ervin• 14 run (Rodrtouel kldll A-103,4SO. Ta AM ST A TISTlCS utC Midi First dOwns 23 11 Rushe,·vard• 47·111 32·119 Penlno 171 115 Return Vara• " 11 Como·AtHnl 27·31·1 10-20-0 Punt• 4·3' 7·)6 Fumbln·Losr 0·0 2·0 Pene lllH · V erds 1·17 1·62 Time of Pou en lon 32:40 27:20 INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING~usc. Ervin• 30· 12'. HOii 1·3S. Merlnovlcl\ t-20. Mlcl\lgen, Hoerd 17· lCll, Bunch 6·9, Jetfe<son 1·2, TeYlor l·O. PASSING..-USC, Merlnovlcl\ 27·31-1·171. Mk:nloan. Tavror 10· 19-0· 11S, Hoerd 0· 1·0·0. RECEIVING-USC, Jackson 5·S6, Ervlnl S·'4, Holl l ·7S, Griffin 3-22. Scott 3· tt, Wellece 1·1, Wittman 1·6, Ge!O<elll\ !·(minus 2). Mk:11· lllen, McMurlrY 4·S6. Hoard 3· IS, Celtoway Z·ll, Bunch 1·11 ORANGE BOWL N9tre Dwne 21, Cetwade 6 Scer'e lt't ~ c..... . .. o-. '""90eme 0 t 14 7-ll NO-Jonnson 2 run (Hentrich kick) NO-Ismail 35 run (Henlrlcn i.lck) Col-H•g•n 3' run (kick felted) NO-Jonnson 7 run IHentrlcl\ klcltl A-tl,191 TEAM STATISTICS C• NO Flr\I dOwns 16 II Rusl\es·verds "·2t7 S2·279 Peu tno 6S 99 Return Verd' 36 0 Como·Att-lnr •· 13·2 S·9·0 Punll 3·3' 5·40 FumbtH ·Lo•t 1·1 0-0 Penellles·Verd' 1·5 3·3S Time of Poueulon 27'11 32:43 INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING-Color.do, Hagan 19-106, 81enlemy 11·66, Ft1nnlg•n 12·4S. Klu lck 2·6, CemPl>ell 2·tmlnut 6) Notre O.rne, Ismail 16·10I, Johnson IS·H , Rice 14·SO, Culve< 5·2'. Walle<S 2·3. PASSING-ColoredO. H•oan •· 13·2·6S Notre Oeme, Rice S·9·0·99 RECEIVING-ColoredO, Klstlcll 2·33. Prllchera I· 16, Perek I· 16 Notre 0 1me, Eli.n 2·47. Smith 1·27, JOhnson 1·13, Brown 1·12 SUGAR 90¥WL Miami 33, AIManM 2S S<erew~ Mleml,...... 7 u ' 7-Jl A-.ma 0 17 0 •-ts Ml-McGuire 3 run (Huerte ~lclll A'-611tle ' PHl trom HOllll'\OSWO"lll <Oovte klek) Mte-<arrOlt 11 ous lrom Erlc'ltson llP.lc1' bloeked) Ale-f'G Dovie •S Mi-Johnson 3 run (Huerta 1t.k111 A~ussefl 7 ou ' from Ho1tlnosworlh (Doyle kick) Ml.-Chud1ln,kl 11 oeu trom Erlckt<M' (1<lc1< felted) Ml-S.fhel 11 oau trom Erickson IHiArl• klCll) Al-Wimbley 9 oen from Hotllnoswor-tn (AutMll DIU lrotn HOIUnoswortl'I) A-17,457 TEAM STAmTICS Miit Ale First dOwn• 24 17 Rusl\n·yerds so-m 2'·31 P•nlng 250 214 Return Verds 13 34 Como-Al l-Int 17·77· I 27·43· I Punts S·31 1·31 Fumt>ln·L0tt 2·2 IHI Peneltlel·Verd5 11·77 3·24 Time of Pot..ulon 30'31 2'·27 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING-Ml•mi, Fla. Conlev ll·M. McGuire l7·IO, Jonnson 9·51, Erickson 6·S. Alallen'le. Stacy 9·21. Owens-Lan ie 4· 13, Hous· Ion 4·6. Tutnel' 6·4, HI" 1·3. Holllnetworl,, s (mfnu1 f l PASSING-Miami, Fl• . ErlcklOfl 17·27· 1·2SO. Alat>eme. HOlllnesworlh 27·43· 1·214. RECE IVING-Miami, Fie .. Cerroa 5·•. Hiit •·64, .. ltlel 2·31, Thoma• 2·21, ChucUlmal 2·21, Oewtllfta 1·23, Conlev 1·2. At.t>eme, Turner 7·'10, .. Ille 4·'2, Wlmtllev )-41, RuaMI 3·25, Hiii 3·11, Stecv 3·14, Owens·L•Hlc 1·1, Senderton H O, Goode M ~IESTA BOWL P'leftd9 , .... 41, .......... 17 tar. w o-rter'I ......... 7 J • 7-17 .....,,. ... • 21 • t-41 Net>-Greoory 9 oe1• trom Gdowikl (Berr'°' kldl) FSU-Allttlonv 14 ..... from Wllll• IAncrtw. kick) Nelt-f'O Drennen 3' Fsu-tt.JotlntOn S NU from Wint' (Andf'swl klc:k) FSU-0.CMll< 10 NII from Wllllt (Andrews klcll) Fsu-Moor• 1 run (kick felted) Fsu-ft.Johnton I NU from WIMlt (Andr-• Idell) FSU-Anthonv 24 oeu from Wlllls (Andrew. kldl) ..,._"""" 2 run (9err'°' klctll A-n ,KI. TSAM STATISTICS cmtUS 90WL ..... 11, Y9r'tlllle 21 SC.. "" o-rtln ...... 7 .. 7 7-11 Vlrtl""ll • 7 7 7-J' 111-Wllllem• IS N U from ~.. (Hie· 11lna'klckl Ve-Flnkell!Oft 30 N•t from S. MoMe tMc:lnwnev klckl 1..-oonoven I -from (ieMge tHloeln• kick) 111-f'G Hleeln• 34 l~ltflth 3 run (H5"inl kldll Ve-Wlllon J run (Mctnwnev kick) '~"' 24 NU ~om CHcwge (HkKJln• lllci.) \lr-+1.Moore 4 N U from S.Moore (Mcinerney kick) A-.0,016. HAM ST A TISTICS • Ve First downs 2' 11 Ru~·nrm 46· 174 32· I 10 . Peulne . 32 I 212 Return Yards SO 11 CC>m9-AU·lnl 26·31· I 1'·30-7 Punlt 3·31 6·41 Fumbles·Lost 3·3 7· I Penallles·VerOt 4·3S •·40 Time of Poueulon 34:30 7S:30 tNDfVIOUAL ST A TISTICS ~SHING-litlnols, Grltflll\ 11·'3, Feeoln 10-Letll< 6·17. T~· 4·1S. 8owt.y· Wll ms 7· 10. l!Mtlamv 1 ·I. Slleven 2·4. &ett 1·7, George 7-tmlnus 271. Virginie, Kirby 1·'4. S.Moor• lS-34. WllM>n •· 10, Gr91111s 1·2. PASSING-IMlnoll, George 2•·31-1-321. Vlr· glnle, S. Moo<• 17·27·7·1'1, 81unclln 7·3·0·21. RECEIVING-llllnolt , 8e4temv 1·16', Wll· llenn 4·4S, Grltfllh 6·43, Donovan 2· 11. a.ti 2-12, Finke 1·23, Hertley 1·9, Wu 1·1. Fffeln I· <mlnus·3l. Virginia, H. Moore 5·S6, Flnkel•lon 3·69, Kirt>v 2-21, McGonnlgel 7· 17. Wiison 2· 14. Cooke 1·14, Oool4ty 1·10, Stffle 1·7, Gr91111s 1·6. lh •tes l·(m lnus 2). HALL OF FAME BOWL Aubum 31, OMe S._te 14 Scwe ... Ouenen Ot11e Ste.. 1 7 0 0-14 AlllMlnl J 1 7 14-J I OSU-Snow I run IO'Morrow -10.l Au~Yle 19 FG OSU-8. S••*'n 9 DU S from Frev !O'Mol'row kid<) Aub-Teylor 11 oeu trom Sleci. (Lyte kick) Aub-T•VIOr • DU S from Sieck (Lyte 11.1ci.1 Au!>-Stecfl. S run (LYie lllek) Aut>-<•a.v l ou s from SlecW. !LYie ff.lck) A-S2.SJS TEAM STATISTICS OSU Alltl First dOwns II 21 Rus'1n ·verds 36·66 '5· 171 Passino m 141 Return Veras 2S 73 Comp·Att-lnt 16·3t·I 16·23·2 Punt5 7·•1 S·.i Fumbln·LIHI 1-0 l·O Penelll~·Verds 5·33 2· IS Tlme of Ponenlon 29 13 31·•7 INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING-Ohio State, S.Grel\em 12·S3, Snow 13·42, Frey l ·(mlnus 21), Lff 2·0, Duma' l·lml"u' I) Aut>urn, Denley 20·15, Williams 10·46, Joseon 7·43, Strong 7·7, A Wrlgl\t 1·4, Steel( 5-lmlnus 141. PASSING-Ohio Stele. Frev 16·31-1 ·237 Auourn, Steel( 16·27·2· 141, Mclntosl\ 0· 1·0·0 RECE IVING-Ohlo Stele, J.Gre,,1m 5· 103. Olive •·S5. Snow 3·30, P•lmef' 1·25, II Sllbleln 1·9 Lee 1·S, S Gren•m l·S. Auourn, A Wright •. ~ TovlOr •·33. JOMPh 3·20, , ... ,, 2· 15, Wu dt r> 1·9, Oe~rev l·I. Cherrv l·tmlrius·3) c ..... bewtl RHULTS C.......llewl (41. ,.,_, Frttr1<1 St 27. ea st 6 "'"'.._ .... let SN-1. L.e.l ~e9<>n 27, Tulw 2• eiue-GrevCIHMc (el Montgomery, Al•) c.rov 29. Brue 10 AleM8..i (etH..-.,l M1cn1gon St ll, Hewell 13 Al Arnerkall .... ,.,~.Ale.) Texas Tech 49, Out<• 71 L.llef1Vllewl l•t""""""'1,Tenn.I Mlu lu lool 42, Air Force 1' H ... y .... (atSMOleeel Penn St SO. 8ri11hem Young 39 JeMHMCedta.wt l•t IEI ...... Texe1) Plt1SOurg11 31, TUH A&M 21 ,,....,.,. .... (et~> Wu l'llngton 34, FtorlCS. 1 .... °' ..... lat A..,. Svrecua. 19, Georgie II ~ ..... (et Jedi---. ...... , Clem$Oll 27. WHI Virginie 7 c....a.w. ( •f TlfC'Mll. ArU. ) Arizona 17, North CerOllna St 10 H .... ,.,_._. (et T.,,_, f'te .. ) Auourn 31, Otilo St " °""' ..... ~ (et ONl!de, Fie. I IMlnolt 31, Virginie 21 c ........... (et Delle•) TennetMe 31 Ar1l•n1u 27 ........... (at T.,_, AIU.) FtorlCS. St •I. Net>rH ll• 17 R ... llewl (It ... MdtlM l Southern Cal 17, Mk:n!Mn 10 Onneita.wt (etMllml) Notre o.,.,,. 21, COIO(edo 6 Swer .... ( •f .... OrtMlcl) Mleml, Fl• ll, Alebema 2S SCH a DUL IE S.tllnlev, JM. 1 J Huie._,. (., ....... , 5 o m INBC) ......... (at Yelr9Mme, JNeftl 10 Pm IESPNl Setw9y,Jeft.• ,...... .... (etMIMe,Ala.l n o p m (ESPN) ,.....,, JltlL 21 ............. ._ ( .......... , ?:JO OJI\. (AICI '' HI U ~ I ' ' • &. Pel. -L.-.1 11 • ,,. Pottleftd • " 10 M5 , S.tttl 13 u .. 7~ Ptlolnlx 12 13 •• • ~ 10 " .. ~ OOldln Slele 10 17 .l10 11 s.cremento 7 20 .J9' . ,. MdWfttDMlm San Antonio " 7 .731 Uten " ' .m l Denver 19 10 .w l'h OeNa1 lS 13 .SU s Hou1ton 12 11 AGO ' CherlOtle 6 20 ,.231 13 Mlnne50te 6 23 .207 14\l'J Ee1twn c ......... Alentk DMMen New York 20 7 .7'1 ..,.. Boston 17 " .141 3\.'I Phltedelphle \S 13 .536 S'h Wuhlngton 12 " .m l 'h New J ersey I 20 .216 121h Mle ml 7 23 .233 141.'J Central DMMeft Chlc ego 19 ' .679 lndle na 19 9 .679 Detroit 18 " .621 l'h Atla nte 16 " .593 21h Miiwaukee IS 13 .536 4 Clevela nd 11 16 .447 711) Orle ndo 9 20 .310 101h MelldeY'• Sewn No g•mn Kneduted TeCl9'1'1a-°'"*" 11 Mlnnnole, 5 p,m. New Je<Mv 11 W•shln9ton, •:JO o.m. Oelroll •I Ori.noo. 4:30 o.m Mllweukff •I All•nle , 4:30 o.m. Pfloenh• •• New York. S o.m. tndl•n• el OeUH , S:lO o.m. Ul•I\ •I Goi<Mn Sl•le, 7:30 o.m Mleml •' Portland, 7:JO p.m NBA ... .., ( Tinulll SundeY'• G-.) ~ G f'G f'T l"tl A¥9 Jorden. Chi 21 )37 20I 912 32.6 Maione. Ut•h 21 ,,. 277 1217U Ewing, N.V 77 2'7 "' 763 21.l MuUln, G.S 27 260 170 no 26.7 Wll~1ns, All 27 267 134 "S 2S.7 Ch1mt1ers. PhQe 25 230 lS'.' "' , .. Drexler Port 2• m 100 570 na Ber•lie• Phil 26 219 176 617 23 7 Biro, Bo• 21 2Sf 127 651 73.5 Elli,, S.e 26 234 102 611 23.S CemPbell, Minn 29 160 ISO 677 23.l Ttldele, Sac 17 251 113 629 23.l MllOne, WeV1. 26 2S4 94 602 73 2 Miller. Incl ,. 227 ISi "' 23.' Ola1uwon. Hou JO 27S 134 "s 21.1 Roolnson, S A 26 195 194 sa. 21 s McO•n1el, S.e lS 277 IOS S61 27 4 Wet1t1v. ulren 77 2S4 90 607 27.l Hl,_,Cliollen 76 219 127 S71 27.2 Cummings S A 76 ?37 94 S7S 27 I F 1e10 Goel ,.~ centa119 FG FGA "'" We\I Phor 99 IS7 631 Ber~lev Pnlt 219 360 .60I Perls'1 Bo• 185 313 591 Melone, Ute n 791 S20 .573 Grent, Chi 166 29• S65 Puson,Cl'll 134 243 S51 Wiiiiams. Port 1Sl 290 S46 Roolnson S A 19S 357 .546 McHelt , Bo• 19? 3S7 S4S Smlh , lno 166 30S S« Aet>eundlne G Off Def Tet Av1 Oto1uwon Hou 30 101 212 313 12.1 Rooln•on, S A 26 102 216 311 ,,,, Oo~tn N V 2• 102 117 m 11.0 Maione Utah 21 16 240 316 11.3 Cage,~. 76 l()f 171 2'2 10 1 Bar;,.rev, PM 26 117 161 273 10 s Parilh. Bos 28 100 191 7'11 10. ~1io.alv Mia 29 10S 19S 300 10 3 Ew1r>g N V 11 76 196 272 10 I MolOne All 26 121 Ill 261 10 0 Wiiiiams Port 79 9S 195 290 10 0 A'"'" G ..... . ..... Stoc;,.ton Ute h 26 31' ••• JOfln"", ulr~s 27 304 II 3 I( Johf1son, P~ 17 llS 109 B09ue,, Cnar 26 273 10 s Grant, Cllooer\ 26 26.J 101 Porte.-Porr ,, 259 " Tl\omes Oet 21 2SO 19 r:1em1ng, ln<1 21 231 13 McMiiian ~a 26 20I 10 C ..... men Record Ptl ,..,, I Svrac use (32) 9-0 l,S.S I 2 Ke nsu 123) 13-0 1,521 2 3. Georgeto wn (7) 9·0 1.450 3 4 Illinois (2) 10-0 1,417 4 5 M ichiga n 10· 1 l,JOS 5 6 Okla homa 8-0 1.237 6 7 M iu ouri I l-1 1.179 7 I! Louisvllle 9· I 1,077 8 9. lndla na 10·0 1,068 10 10. UNL V 7·2 1.036 12 11. LSU 6· I 994 9 12. Georgfe Teel\ 8·0 914 14 13 Duke 8·2 873 13 14. Arke nr.u 1!·2 717 11 15. UCLA 1!·1 621 16 16. St. J ohn's 11-2 549 17 17. Le Se lle 7·0 509 20 11!. N. Ca rollna St 9·2 421 19 19. M'lzo ne S·2 •11 21 20. lowe 8-1 399 11 21. Memohii St. 7·3 32S IS 22. Alabeme 9·2 244 22 23. Oregon SI 9·2 238 23 24. M innesota 8· 1 21S 2S 25. Lovole Ma rymnt 7·2 108 - OtMr rec.eMne veitn: Texu S2, Mlcfl· lgen SI 41, Vlrglnl• 35, Coloredo SI. 31, North Carolina 23, Xevler, Otilo 19, New Meu co St IS, Noire Oeme lS, Okt.hOm• St II, St•nford tO, Seton Hel I , Welle ForH I I, SW L04.11tlene 7, E. TtnnftlM St 6, ldll\O 6, Ale.-81rmlneMm S, Arlv Llllle Rock 5, Ge0<11l• 5. Hewell 5, Pllllburllh 5, Vlltenove S, L04Jlslene Tech 4, Purdue 4, SW Mfn ourl St. •. 8owllne Green 3. Lono 8Mcl\ St. l, Clem'°" 2, Connecticut 2. New MHlco 2, Temole 2, Vendert>lll 2, St. LOYls I, UC Senf• Berbere 1. -~ ...... 1.L& T•C• 1M t L......,,C. JI i5=.~-a ~ ! 1..... H '•i • l.UH\.V .. , t t .. &.alll leedl Stele M l • , .. """"'9 '°" ' ... 11 ll.W•tNnltOll ,_, a111 12.~ t.: -=~ 13.Purdue 14: Si.Nn F. AUtlln 6-1 II 1 S. L.ou1a1ene St•te ,_ 1 '1f 1' 16. Allllurn .... •1 1J 17. H-•R 7.. OI 11 IL Soulll Cerollne 4•3 4ll 20 1'. TIMftlM Teel\ S-2 JJ) lt 20. Venden>IH 10-2 »1 l7 21.S.MIUIUIPC>I l•l 3'6 21 22. Old Dominion ... , rn 22 23. Providence 7·2 21' D 24. s1. Jo...,ri'• 4·3 a 24 2S. KenluekY 10-1 6l -Other• receMne voln: N. llllnl* 5', P9NI St. 45, O.Peul 33. Ruteert 26, 1(.-24, C.ilfOmie 20, No<thW'ftlern 16, C..,,_. lS, Le S... 14, VIiienova 12, San Ole9o 11, A"'-f , lllflOla 7, Mlulu lPC>I 6, Toledo 6, Duke S, low• St. S, Monlena S. l'ffbf..-e 4, Ohio SI. 4, Mleml, AL 3, Mel~ 2, Connecticut I, llllnols SI. 1. ...... lcMel tlrtl COSTA MSIA ..vt'TATIOMAL (etC....MIMHllll> (_ ...... , .... 11 o.m.-o-Hiiia ,,._ TrMluco Hills I.JO p,m.-Sente AM VL lrvlne , ...... ,.cc •• 3 o.m.-Tuslln VL Cvor.M 4:40 o.m.-<:etllttr-V...., n. Scllurr CMnUI ... le:ll 1t1 6:.20 o.m.-Sell Clementl. Ya. Woodbrldlle I o.m.-Norltl Torreace va. Cott• Mete HOC k I \ ·~. ' NHl! STANDINGS Ce"'911M1 c. .... -~ Edmonton Klnei Calgarv Winnipeg Va ncouver Chica go Toronto M innesota St, Louis Ot1roi1 Buffa lo Bos ion Mon1real Hartford Q uet>ec SmVtMDM.-. W LT 21 12 7 20 JS 4 17 13 10 17 IS 5 12 19 8 Norrt1 OMlien 22 15 3 19 21 1 II 20 3 16 17 6 12 21 6 Wales COf!fetetice Adams Dlv!Mon 23 11 6 71 15 3 20 17 5 19 II! 2 7 25 6 Patrick Division P hila delphia 11! 17 5 W1uhlngton II! 17 4 New Je rsev 11! 18 4 NY Rangers 15 18 7 P illst>uroh l6 19 3 NY Islanders IS 21 4 ~y'sScere Kini$ 7. Wesninoton • TedeV'sG- "'91 GF GA 49 151 121 " llO 151 "161 13' 39 120 129 32 121 139 47 160 1•7 39 174 115 39 131 142 31 13S 121 30 126 153 S2 140 121 4S 140 121 •S 132 121 40 133 134 20 119 179 41 I« 127 •O 133 131 40 156 156 37 128 131 JS IS7 166 34 t35 153 Klnel et New Vorll 1s1and1<s, 4 JS pm 80\lon et Pittsburgh, 4.lS om Va ncouver al Detroit. • 3S om Bulfalo 11 New Jera.v • 45 o m Edmonton et St Lou••. S 35 om Pn11aoe1on11 et C•IQ•r¥. 6 35 om WedtWMlaV's (;emes Quebec at T oronlo. 4 30 om W1nnll)fll 11 Hertlord • JS om Wn nington et New Yori. Rengers. • 35 om Eomonton 11 Cn1c•go 5.lS om Klnei 7, Capffals 4 Seel'• bv Ouartitn Finl Pen.cs I 1 4-1 1 > o-• 1. LO\ Al'\Ot~\ Etl"-I !Crowder Tonl lhl. n 1. We\h1ngton C1ccer1111 II !Hetcnerl 9 37 Penal· lits-Grt111<v LA trougnlng), • 26 Sneehv WH lrouohlng) • 76 Clccorettl. Wu (rouglllng), 17 50 S.cencl ,.en.ct J Washington, Kvoreo' 5 (Mev, Helcnerl, 4 73 '· Wu '11ngton, Jovce S tPlvonke, 5""hvl. 6·73 S. W11nlngton. Clcctrelll It IRldlev), I 41 6. Los Angetes, Rooln'on S t Bl1X1stad, Nicholls l. 9-.33 7. LOS Angeles. Nlcl\Olls 27 IROOllallle. OLIChtlneJ 13 7• Ptnellles-Tonelll. LA tun soortsmenllkt conduct). 10,73. Roua.. WH lunsoorl,manllft.t conauctJ. 1023, Gretzkv, LA (rougtM g), 13 SS. Crowder, LA (lnterfe.-1nce>. 19 12 Third ,.en.cl I . Los Angeles, Ku<Jelskl 11 IGretzkv. McSorl•v>. I 1' 9, Lo' Angetes, Grelzkv 20 (McSorle•. Tonelli). 6 •9 10, Los Angeles, Ellli. 2 (Ro1>1nson1, 17 50 11, Lo\ Angeles. Gretzkv 21 (Rot>llellle, Ouch4tsneJ. 19 11 Penal· ttes-<rowaer LA (crou ·cl\eclllnol. 2·32. Wlckenhe1ser, Wu (triooinol. 9 4S Shots on go•l--Los Ange~ 14· 12·9-lS WISl\lnglon 14• 17·6--37 Power·Plev Ol>oof'lun111n -Los Angetn 0 of 1, Wu nlngton O of 3 Goer.es-Lo' Angete1. Hru<lev 16· 10·3 137 tl\ols·ll H Vtl) W11nlngton, BH uPl't 1S· 12·J llS· 21> A-ll, 130 R~-t(~ry Fr•~ LinH~et Oeouu o. Brien Murony H..-nen Cuo ,INALS ( •t l"'1fl. Aintnle l SOelrl 2. Uftltitd Stetn I Men Slnllet E Sonc'1e1 , 5'>•1n, def McEnroe, United Srete\, 7 • 5, S· 7. S· 7 Wemen SMiie• A Sancher, So1ln, def Shriver, Unlleo Stele\, 6·), 6·3 Ml•ed OelAlln ., McEnroe·S/'lrlve<. United St•ln . dei E Se ncnez·A S.nche1. Soetn. 6·3. 6·2 Wemen'I t9UrNlment ,.,.,... ....... , .. .,.., ...... ...... u1r1u Pfltter, Autlrle, Oef Olenne 8ainlretl Austrell•. 1·6. 7·5, 7·6 11·6); RennN 'SlubOt, Auslrelle, Oef. Eva Pf•tf. Wftl Germefty, •-6, COLLEG• ~M 7·6 IH I. 6·3, Petre Left9'ove, Ctecflotlovekle, 969 w .. t c:.. w. def Cteuala Porwlck, w .. 1 G«menv. 7-6 (7·ll. •·•. Nicole Jegermen, Ne1'*1enclt, Clef Kerlne C f WWW M 0-Quentrec, Frence, 6·2. 6•l , Reelncl ••ldlr1ov• W L P'd. W L ~ 1121. C1~v•t.. def. SMirlfte Goin. Nev.·L.-t v.... 2 0 1.0IO 7 2 .m VUllOlloN , l-6, 6·•. 6·l ; Olnllv V.n R....-e. New Nlelllco Stele 0 0 .OOI ' t .900 South Africa, def Akiko Klllmut•. J-. 6-l, UC Set'lte ~ 0 0 .llO 6 2 .750 3·6, .. 3. Meye Kldoweltl, JeNll, def. Yuki c,s,_ .~!:.'!!""°" 00 0• .·•080 6 5 14 ~ 1<01ium1. JeHn. 6·2. H ; Mano11 lolleeref 011. ..... ~ Nelher'i.nch, Oef. P•Kale Pefedls, Frence, S-7, UWI Sfete : : ~= ; S .MS 7·6 17·4), 6· I, Cerrle Cwwtll""*5\, 1.Jvonle, Sl!llUCI JIM Ste.. 0 0 --2 6 .m Mid\., Oef. Jeft9 ~ve, CndlollowllAle, 7 .m 6·0, 6-3; Nelflelle Hef'r'lfT9ft, Fr.nee, Oef. I.Me leecft St, 0 1 -7 I .m Merlenne Werdel, lekertfllld, 6·3. 6-4; Kli'nRlo U.fJlllKtl'k: I 1 •• 7 I .111 Oete. J-. def. FHertc:.e '-lenof1, llel't, 6-4, "9clk· ll Ca•a I Ct 2·6, 7·S; IE11e Svlllerove, Cddlollo¥11kle, Oef. er r ?A "'.._ AM Gt'OIWllM. Gf'ovt Cltv. Ofllo, 1-s. 0-6, 6-1; • l. M W L fl'ct. Terry ~ (1S). L«ctwnont. N.V., dflf. AM UCLA 2 I t• I 1 _, HenrlctlMOn, Melltomedl, NMwt .. 6-l. 6-4; lledlel ~Stefl 2 O .._ t I AM McQullen, Auslrelle, Oef. AlldrM Tlfl'lltv•I = 2 • ·-1 • .. (13), ~. 6·1, 6-11 llM*o ..... JeiMn, ~'°'' l 1 -1 • .616 def. MM Mlntlr (f ), Auttr .... •-6. 6-J, 6-11 ~c1a1 l11te 1 J -6 I .M .,.,... SdUta, Nell•~ dflf. CarMIY ....... • • -• ' .. ~ ....... ..,...., 1·S. ..... MICflllt Cdll 51te I I -t I .Ill ' ..._.,Cl, Aultr•. M . C....... T.,..,..,, .,...... • a • s I '" ,r_., 1-s 6·11 K""*' ~ • ...-. UK I I -I MS def. KaNll W..;'.#-n•• • ..._ M, a ... M : Al'llelle.... I I -• 4 ... lllW tw9111 • ...,, • ., •· .... -..... ... c.11 C -'-'• H , 6-41 ...... ._...i ~ •· C....C....I ... ...,..a,...,.,. • II 0 t< 'i H \ 4 I\ C. Tennessee r unning back Tony Tho m pson f241 flles o ver Arkansas line backer Mick T h omas f o r • 5-y•rd gain. No. 8 Tennessee •"I showcases talent Webb's 250 yards sink 'Hogs, 31-27, give Vols No. 600 By DENNE H. FREEMAN O.\LL.:\S -Chuck Wl•hh put T l'nnc~~el' into till' fi()()., 1CIOJ") dub and &J'C thr n:llional pollster<, pause w rnns1dcr 1 ht· \' ul u n tl'rr' fo r a h 1gh ranking \\1th a .'I-27 ( 011011 Bo"I '1l'1Un 1'1unda' tl\l'r the .\rkan-;a., Ka10rbad. '· · "\\ c sh1l\\ed the na tton that \\(' arc om· uf tht' tx·~t tt·ams." .,aid \.\ehh. "hu rushed for 250 ~ards o n 2b la l'rll'!I. ..ernnd lx'~I 111 Collon Bu"I hl\tur~. "~ta~tx· "e \\111 get a 'hut at tht' national 11tk Wl· du hJH' I I 'trtortl''> .. \.\eh ti 'il'Urt•d 1" tl'l'. onl t' on .1 '>JX'l lalular 1!1·\ard run J\ 1ht' :--.o 8 \11h hl·a 1 the I0 1h·ran kcd K J1rn hJl I..' .. .\rkan!>a' took U'> light I~ \\ l' 1us1 "ani...·d 11 111ltrl· .. \\ l'hb ~1J I l'nlll'"l'l' ( 11-l I lx•rnml' onl~ thl' IUth !>lhoul tu rclord 000 'll'tone-,. "ft "•" a grl'JI \\J~ to gl·t the · '>lh1111f', <1D01h \ltllH\ ... said C oath foh11 11~ ~bJors "ft Jl'>Cl '>t:tn\ thl' !>dhHll'\ (()(Ith ~l·a1 1n a hrg "a) The "111 lt>Ullln't hapix·n at <I lx'ttl·r linll'. ~1aJor'i '\aid \.\ l'hh. a frl·shman. "3" a ... good 3'\ ron~ Dor'\ett. \\hOm r-.l aJor~ l·oarhl·d a1 P111shurgh. "I nl·,er hau an,bo .. h am ht·tta than thi.. ~uung m.in." ~laJOf\ ~aid . "1 hl' t11ughl'1 11 gt·1,, thl' toughn he gl't'>. I k " ulll' 11f till' rarl' onl'' "ho tUllll'' along." ~l aJors -,au.I T l'nn1.''iSl'l' dl·~en t'd to hl' comtdt'tt•d lur the na 110nal tnk "In a normal ~car. \\C "ould." hl' .,a1ll . ~rkan..as COnlllllllt'd l\\O l"OSth fumbks and .. uth·rl·J J n1t1lal 1n1er- <·ept11H1 thJt rnst 1he Katorbacb dl·arl~ Ul''>pt te .1 C ouon Ao" I-record 31 lir .. 1 do" n'>. ··\.\e madl' some unt.harar1enM1r turno' er!>... .\rkan!.a'> Coach Ken Ha11ield 'k!td. "\.\ l' "l're 1ntcKC pll'd in their l'nd LOnl' latl' in the second penod anll 1hc) \Cored a quick PRO llO('Kt:\· tourhdu"n. Thal \\aS a t4-po1n1 )\\tng 1ha1 1urnnl th l' game around. \.\ l' tough 1 had. bu 1 11 wasn '1 good enough ... ~rk a n sas linebac ker M ick Thuma'\ !'.31J \.\\·bb \.\3S the best running bat k he had seen. •·He's JUSI a great running back." l homa) said. "He 1s quick. hl· has PO"l'r and he can ge1 10 lhl· 1ns1de \\ l' JU'>I rnuldn '1 stop h1 m ... .\rkan!>3'> fin1~hcd the \ear 10-2 as 11 lo-.1 11s snund straight Collon HO\\ I \.\-ebb's rushing 101al trailed onl ) the 265 ~ ;mh b~ R in"., Dtt'k) ~lal·gk aga1n'1 t\lah.1ma in the 1954 ( l1llon Ho" I. .\rkansas. "h1ch trarkd 24-o in thl' thin.I quana ha11ktl to lhl' \C'I") l'nd Qu1nn l1111\l·~ thn·" a 67-)ard .,l tirtng pa'>'> to tight l'lld 8 111) \\ 1nstun. \\ho (umhkd tht· hall at lhl· \ .rnd thl·n rl'Ul' cred 1n thl' l'nd 101\l' ''tth I 2) to pla). Hut f t•nnl'S'>(."t' d1nchl'd thl' gaml' "hl·n .\1' 111 Harpa rl'<"OH'll'd the I hig'> on'llk kid:. Jt thl' .\rkan'k!s .lll r l'nnt'\Sl'C"s .\nd\ Kelh th re" l\\I) toul·hJ1l\\ n pa\'>l''>: 1ncl ud1ng an .l- \Jldl·r. ,111d lrt''>hman Carl P1ckem hdi.x·J 1u111 thl' ganll' around l:lll' 1n thl· 't'1.11 11J quancr '"th an 1ntl'r· l'l'PI 1011 \\1th Tcnnl'\\l'C trailing 6-J. P1l k- l'll\ 111tt'rlepll'd (1m' l'} ·.., pa!>!> 1n the cnll 111m· and rl·turned thl' hall 10 the f .\.~ard ltnl' I 1.1.0 pla~' later i...dl) found \nthun' Morgan alt)Jl(' behind the ·\rkan'>:l'> 'crnndal') Im the 84-~ard I() P·"'· longc't 111 fcnnessce's :m. \t'ar ho" I hl'lor' Jnd 'cronll longe\t ;n tht• ).l \t'ar'> ;.>f th1.· Collon Rowl l l·nnt·.,.,ce '\truck aga in on a ?(J.. ,ard J11\l' h1ghhgh1cd b~ Wchh''i run~ of I 5 and JI' 'ardc; tx-forl' he \rnred from thl' 1.; ard h nc for a 1--ti halt11me kad .\ t-,ard pa'>'> to Greg .\m'ller ,1akl·d ihc \ ul'> to 1h'-·1r ~.l-ti 1h1rd· ix·11oll k <ld Webb'<, 'ij'.X'ctacular 78-~arJ scor- ing run. third longest 1n Colton Bo" I h1!>1UI'\. l3mt· after Jame'> Rouse had \l·ored on a f ., ard run for ~rkansac; in the 1h1rd ~nod . Gretzky scores two goals to key Kings' comeback LANDOVER. Md. (AP) -To Wavne Gretzk\. the Loe; i\ngelcs t-in'gs· h1ggcs1 · comeback of the Sl'a!>on was something more than JU!>t o-.ercoming a three-goal deficit. .. Especial!) on 1hc road. Especiall y "11 h Ste\C Kaspar m 1ss1 ng. Every· bod) came hard "hen we were down 4-t. .. Gretzk) said after he scored t"o goals and added an assist tn the third period as the Kings overtook the Washington Capitals 7-4 on Monday. "We played Saturday night tn Los Angeles and traveled all day yester· day. Playing an afternoon game 1s tough." II was the first time this season the Kings won a game after falling be· hind by three aoats. They erased a two-goal deficit while beatina Van· couver on Oct. 1.1 K.aspar1 fifth on the Kinas with I 3 aoals ano one of their top penalty k.itJen. missed the same with the flu . After settina up the tyina aoat. Gretzky scored his 20th of 1he season at 6:49 of the final period. He picked up the rebound of a shot by Many Mdortcy at tM riabt ed,e of till' crca~c. stllkhandlcd around a fal kn Don Beaupre and fl ipped the put'k 11110 an oix·n net. r\ftt•r Todd Ehk S<·ored his second goal of lh<' game "1th 2: I 0 to play. G retA) capped ofT the sconng on a breaka"'a} \\tth 49 seconds left as thl' i...1ng'i 1mpro\('d their record to I ~-5-4 in their last 21 gamc-s. "When ~ou get do"'n 1-1. 3-1. or 4-I. ) ou 're al"ays thinki ng about not changing ~our st yle and get the next goal. Fortunate!). we dtd that." \\ ashington. which saw its four· game winning streak snapped, got two goals from Omo Ciccarelli. but played without its top two de· fenS<'men, Scon Stevens and Rod Langway, who are out with injuries, "We were so in charge for the first half of the game, it is really un- abclievcable that we let them back in the game," Beaupre said. Gretzky, who uncha.ractcristically picked up a pair of rouahina penal- ties. was held scoreless before assist· ing on the tyina goal. a shon-handed tally by Bob Kudclski, a1 1:16 of the fi nal period. Bernie Nicholls tiad pulled Los An,ek:s within -4-l .... IM ... ~ ... Georg~ throws for 321 yards, 3 TDs; Vir;glnia falls, 3 1-2 I ly UINr KAU.EST AO ,.,~ .......... O RLANDO , Fla. John Mackovic said the aifTerence was rhythm. "They weren't able to balan~. to use the run to oirsct· the pass quite as well." the Illinois coach said ~1C>nday after his I I th-ranked Illini beat Virginia 31 -21 in the Citrus Bowl. ··Tht' thing that ht'lped us tu<la) as that the) could not get into J rh\ thm." But JelT George had 1he right , 1bcs all da). thrt>wing for 3:! I ) ards ,and three touchdowns as the Bag 10 runner-up dismantled the -\tlanttc <. ~ Conference co-champions. It "'anlhno1s· first postseason v1clol) 111 :!6 ) cars. ··somr da} s ) ou f(:d hot. hkc ) ou ran thnn' an~ lhang )OU "ant. anJ 1h1., \\3S one of those limes." said C 1l·orge. ''ho rnmpleted :!6 of 3 pa'>ses. ··rd 111..e 11 to happen e'e~ g_Jm~: but 11 JU'lt doe~n·t happen 1ha1 ''a' (,eorgc hit four straight for ., I ~ ,,.irJs 10 spark an 8 .. -~ard \Corms, J11\1.' that o pened 1hc econd half I h1"ard (inOi th's 3-~ard run ga'l' 1h1.· Illini J 2-t-7 lead ·· 1 reall~ thought it "'a"' o'er ''hen 11 "as 7-U." Gl·orge sau.J. ''because. d '"u "-no" the dl'fense "e·"e got. all 642-5678 ----- .. ~··· . ~ ',,,. ... Houses/Condos rr= \ I 1\ 11 \ '\' ll2.I Kl \I 11 tk'"• COLDWeLL BANl(eRO ~ ~llllfH l\\ I~· .ill' 1 Costa~ we nttd as a field pl." T he IUjn1 ( 10.2) lost only to top- rankcd Colorado and No. 3 Mk b- iaan tbjs year. .. It Sttmed hke we just a<>t better each week." Gt'orac said. "We knt'w we were a good · team. We just wanted to prove it today." The victory ended a bowl drought datan~ back to a 17-7 victory over Washington in the 1964 Rose Bowl. The lllini had lost four straight bowl gamt'S since then. Virginia's first ~wl loss in t~rce postseason appea~ccs gave 11 a 10-3 record. Shawn Moore threw 1wo to uch- down passes and Marcus Wilson scored on a 2-)ard run for the I Sth- ranked c a ... ahers, who entt'rtd the game w11h a sax-game winning o;m:ak. "The first and last (games) we didn't do so good." said V1rg1n1a wal.'h George Welsh. refemn~ to a 3o-I 3 loss to Notre Dame an the <. :l\ allcrs· opener. The o thl'r Vir- ginia lo~s was 3-t-::!0 at Clemson. "I d1dn'1 thank "'l' were flat. but we made a tut of nmtakes:· Welsh !>ltd "\\ e gut lxat prelt~ good " fhe game '>taned ominous!~ for lhl· c a'alit·r~ '"'hrn Wilson fumbled lht· upcn1ng kickoff. l111 no1s' 8111 lfrnl.cl ren n ercd al the V1rg1 n1a 36. l..Jco rge n1.·eded fi,e pla)S to gel 1nt1) 1ht· end 1o nt'. h111ang IC\C \\ dl1Jm~ "1th a I S-,ard pass for a •.n k'ad · C.ieorge. named the gamt"s ~1VP. 1hrl'\\ l\\O touchdo""n passi.'s llllnols wide receiver Steven Wllllams Is tackled by Virginia defensive bade Jason Wallace after • first quarter gain. Slack throws three TD passes , rallies team by Ohio State 9y FRED GOODAll. N ~lllf- TAMPA, Fla. -Ohio State's Zack Dumas gave Auburn a "'ak.e- up call M onda). Tht' nled Tigers answered w11h Reu.ie Slack and a sufTocatj ng defense that punished the Buckeyes the rest of the da) Slack shrugged off a slo"" stan to thro" for three touchdo.,...ns and run for a founh. and the sung~ defense ht'ld the Big Ten's top off en St' to 81 )ards in second half to produce a 31 -1~ \ICtor~ It\ the Hall \)f Famt• Bo"' I The .\ubum quanerh~l I.. inter- cepted t\\Kt' in the tirst half l Om· pletcJ h1l> IJ-..,. I 2 pa~St.·<, ind uding an 11 -~ard rD Ill (1rt"g Ta\lor JU~t before halfllmt· J nd a +,ardt'r 10 the "'IJl· rt'll'l\1.'r ti 'r minute'> into tht' th1rJ 4uanl·r that g.JH th1.· fig~ a I "'-1 .t k JJ fht' '.>en 1ur y uJrterbal·t.. l nlll'llt'd earl' in tht· '>l.'J')on "hen .\uhum '.l.J,· "1nn1ng hut not b~ lop)ldt·d margin~. put a"'a) tht' gaml' "Ith a pair of f1,urth~111Jrtl'f toUl hd1n~ n' -o ne 11n "ilJd,\ <Hard run that capf>':d J lt--plJ' Xo-,·ard J n't' Jnd thl· 1.Hhl'f 1111 J 2·\J rJ pa" 111 lkrtll.'rt { JSI.'\ Th·c ~b-po1nt 'llrgl' tullo"'l'J a 'll IOU) hit h\ Duma-. 1m \uhurn's ~lal ' Danln. t'arh 1n lhl' ~lond quarter. The O hio State safety ccl- cbnl('d \o\Jth teammates while the T igers running back, the antended rettl\ t'r on an incomplete pass. re- ma1Md do" n on tht' ground . "That chang<'d the complcJUon of the game " said o\ubum coach Pat D)e. "ho urged Danley to get up and run off the field after learning he had t1nl ) had the wind knocked of him "I told him. 'Ifs there's an) wa> \OU l·an "alk oil this field - or tx·111.•r ) et. run off -) ou should do 11.·· ()~,· ~J1J "I 1old ham d on't you dart• k t tho s.e Ohio Statt' ~oplc think lhl·~ ·rl' t11i>gher than ~ou art .. DJnk' rt'turncd and finished with b -'JrJ, ru'lhmg on :!O camt's. ~IJll... ml'J n\\h1k. had 16 compk- 110 11 ... 111 22 Jlt1.·mpt for l'*I )ards :inJ "J' q111·J the game'<> most \ JIUJhk pl.l\l'I '\\ l' 'lJrh'll thl g.Jme in sun of a JJLl' · ">J•J I·" l1ir "ho had four laldll'' 1111 ; ; \Jrdl> "Tht' minute ...,l;h ~ g111 hit 11 pumped us up Thn \\1.'ll' "'-.11 intt o ut 1n the ~l·oml h.ill .111,I "' 1i111"-Jd' an tJgt' .. \\ l \\\'ll fl.ti I ll thl• ti r..l hJlf .. "ilJ,k '-ltd I ti.int.. 1'\t•n tx>d' n·- allh·J th.II If \\\'didn't Stan LO pla\ 1hl n 11 ''J' !!•""~ 111 tx· a llrng Ja~ for Jll \II ll' I tw '111111' "·l' 1tw '" c;tra1gh1 11.11 \ubu1 11 11•<1 "h11h ~1lenc ed 1.n 11,' J ,1"n 1h1· ,1 11.'tlh Jnd "ound up '' 1111110~ I !!-Jl1ll''> ln r lht• 1h1rd 11nw 111 tu uJ ,l-.1,1111' O h>0 "itatr. "h1d1 \\lll1 "" 111° 11' la~t '>l'' en r1·~ulJ r 't".l\tlll l.!.JJ11n lint\ht·d --t FIF:D From North Orange County From South Orang~ County 540-1220 496-6800 Costa ,.sa 2624 COSU ~ 26 24 N!WJ)O!t Se.ch 2669 Business/Office Rent Lost & Found 1925 WESTBAY APTS ••m 11•110 NEWPORT PIER AREA 2769 LOST llttle Wfllle Poodle $200 OFF MOVE-IN' n Yr~ Blk to beedll 28R Xma1 Eve Newport These attractive Apts tea-Presdtlglous 111vln1gt1 Ou11eBRt. g . n-carpt..-palnt No WHTOUFF lllLllH Heights area REWARD' I gar en poo se ng Crnr of Westclltf & Irvine 673·5065 or 642-3022 ture pool. spa, pr vale $625 Electric gates 10 pets $900/mo 67~0 Newpon Beacn pa11os or decks. garage bl TV & Full Se<v1ee-G ros.s LOST WHITE POODLE or carport in a beaulltully carports. ca e PElllSULA vie Yorktown. Westw1nds landsca ped setting BBOs 5 min to bCfl No Fu & Copy Service Avt Lan6 "..,"·3076 111132 ""'IS • 6.42 3 146 Ot11te & Retail Available "' ...., Sorry. no pets "¥ · Jlll1Y lllT&LS Albatross Of H B 1 Bedroom $655 II _ __.,11 .U.t 101 2 Bdrm. 2Ba twns $865 ft •• .......,., .. 825 Center St 6.42-1424 Hunt. Se~ 2640 * l 10 4 Bedrooms --------·I •Un turntshecl Industrial 2788 MDLI.I' S,ECllL 18R IBA. carpets. drapes. •Close 10 beaeh , ___ ...,. __ _ gar d/w coin laundry •Comm 1 Space Avail 1200 SO n w1front of· 1210 OFF! $675 mo 2116 Hess •Free hll-CALL TODAY' lice laroe rear drive-m * ALA MOANA APTS 1lt 846-~ t or 536-3764 VILLA REITILS doo• S780tmo 629 Ter-1~-----~~ t & 2BR 1BA. DIW, •LI 2U 21& lllO• D~~s1 ~:~·-~~~~a ME~S Domestics 3018 t>eaullfUI pool area. large Walle to bCh Garaoe No ll&-4112 6.46--0ea 1 HOUSEKEEPER/NANN Y recroom&laundry room. pets 960-82311857-1776 needed, live on or out close to shops & buses Some Enghst> req good S585-S675/mo 4 ILICIS Tl IUCI OCEANFRONT snarp 2Br oay 664-5108 Ive mag 530 W Wit.AA garane Great area• Win-,..1 11,;;-· 1BR all ultls paid Unturn 1er ~entaJ No pell L:i'VE1N COOK 'ORtVER in ·-• ' $600 . dep 985-4954 8 8 79c.30 18 722·9012 or 642-1603 S950 mo 1 -Jo" xcnng tor rm & bCS Lovely home Prlr Fem 50-70yrs Sorry No Pets SUSllH •m ~ 494-5568 or 494-64911 ~Beach 2648 S 1150/mo yearly 28r 1Ba. SIOO •SOMIT LARGE 1BR Ocean 11,_ gar No peta 543-56112 ()pportl.nftJes 2904 Need Grandmotne"; type • Large 2& ground noor deck w/park1ng Close to - -'I 11m111 n babysitter 1n Eastblulf lor •2BR. celling tans. dish-beach & snoppmg 005 WISTCUff 21r 2la I • • occasional bat>yslt tOf 10 washer. cable. enclosed tranSQ 499.1450 Frplc retng dm rm. pool yr Old 854-3210 garage lndry Outet/secure $875 Own Arnertca s HOTTEST 1---.m;;o;;;iiiiiii-...~!! 324 Vlclor1a 548-3706 1142 Rutland 646-3679 All ,!!!' M':~~es El!lf>f<>y?Mnt 5530 con llllSE N!'!f0'1 leldl 2669 Premium locatlOnl llTIU 1110 .FF! •EXCLUSIVE GUARD• SM! (Jemtnte 2676 1· ... 74f·IOIO Firs! Actors Group Is an 11tGATED COMMUNITY • Near General Hospital ac1ors manaoement firm lBR lBA lrg fence yard II Ill CAIYH 3BR 2BA d/w SIOY'I T-SHIRT & C8D screen ' see•ung new taces tor up garage nteeS~~\lon L0112BR 2BA 1ownnome frplc Avail 1 8 $7451mo '::t~n~~ ~1~:~0 c,~mr,:.~e ~d15 comCl~v·= ~;: Of prov~, mo micro. frplcs tn LR & mstr 558-7659 ~· p 7 " 59 ,.,_ 622 ~<Anter BR wet bar. wld '1k-up1, --soo nn 14-88..-45 re s e n I a I ' on s C a I I TSL MGM T 642· 1603 2 Cir gar central air All 213-962-9075 WTSllE maintenance incl Sorry. Misc. Rent.JU Investment * CllEF * no pets 6.44-0509 ~-. 2908 1Br lBa. t-car garage Rooms 2706 '?%""==+ wanted Caribbean-style S6S01mo * 760-836.4 ENJOY 14-15~ retum oo m enu F 1 T P / T ~W.T1IH e WITllflllT e BR In great tamlty hm '°' Trust Deeds S 10 000 10 6•2·20 11 lem n-smkr Kitch & lndry s l 000 000 Call Denison 1BR. IBA. gar . no petst llWPllTIUlllllP11 pnv Perfect t~ student. Auoc 673-7311 NOW• CllOllATllllMTI $625/mo 722-67 I 1 •WITl lllT sun. nr occ. $350 662-2123 1------~~ llPDWISll Eastslde 4-plex, 1 BR apt EXCLUSIVE BEACH -Happy Ads 2910 Full time route supervisor Lndry rm $550 • COMMUNITY Hotefs/Motefs 2718 -needed for wee6tly dl•-d e posit NO PETS BAY VIEW Beautiful 2BR tr•bullooot •~a 722·9855 111 mag 2BA Micro d/w fir• UllU IUCI HIPPY IDS in HB. FV CM and NB. place. garage & entoy our llTll IB Manao-adult car.-.. WT111f prvt beaCtl S t800 All cood1nate delivery et- 2BR. 2BA S725 • secur-maintenance incl Wkly S 175-Up ~t pool W.L Fii IWMIATllll torts. proVlde admtms- 1ty Heat & water in· •leat IHn htrt* s1eps 10 bCh cable, kite, tr allve support Good eluded 324 E 20 th SORRY. ~O PEIS maid SllC 9i5 N Coaat MJ-llll salary. m11Mge paid Cell 6.45-4761 l&U 111-1111 Hwy, Lag a..ctl 494-5294 &42-4333. Uk tor Bob . • . I l I . . .......... FIT po.itlon °'*1 f« I ct.- pend Ible pel'IOll wltll I X• perlence on Building Maintenance. Full ben· eflta 1nd excellent wont environment. Apply In person. 6am • 3p'm, Mon- day thru Friday. The Diiiy Piiot, 330 W Bay St .. Coste Mesa. Ask lor George Arauz. 6-42·432 1 IXI. 203. ....... FI T & PIT angles & COU· pies lor mini ttorege mgmt Must llave prol appearance & good pllone skills No exp nee. wm train 992.0743 -...._uuemc1 Expetlenoed penon lor OB/GYN FI T Good ben· ehts, Newport Beach Call 650·0822 Nur'"Alde llUCT UIE STAFF Staff needed to work with dev dis adults In gro..p home selling 1n Costa Mesa Good t>enellts. w111 train, all sh1hs n9eded Call 55 7 -8 1 t 3 lor lnlo. • No Collection • [arly morning motor routes available Must have dependable transporat1on and liab1l1ty insurance AlllVI AVll'lll Ell'llllllS Call 842 ·4333 bet""een 6 a m S p m IM t I 6am IOam 1S&S Areas available lllltlllt• Be~, Clltl Mal, llwllll't&QI F•tlll 11111 WHERE TO LOOK CL~ FI_~~~ MERC~= .-:.:-.:. -~ YOU WANT • f' -- ...... ' .. I >-J1h 1'11111 I nJrp.. nJrnl c 1a.,.,1fil·d DYllllC PROTECTIOI SERVICES (24 ... 1) (714}1U-HIO TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROll 66 Successful f'MVK>UI PUZZLE IOl YEO 1 2 3 1 .. play 67 Grauland 66 WW-11 hWy. 88 AfftrmatlYe 70 Ch•ger 71 Sterre - DOWN 1 -Cruces 2 Frequentty 3 Pedal 4 -down: muted S Hotd beck e Exe911ent 7 Scorched e Wholy 9 PunWiment 10 Cut 11 Drudge 12 Abhor• 13 Put forth 19 Sp6got 21 Crony 23 Hlterlty 24 --berrel 29 EY9 pert 27 DMoe move 30 TrM 31 a.tore 33 PurpoM 35 Feign 3e Braltlen cffy 37 EuropeeM 31 Snowy rein 7 40 Arthurian llldy 41 Hindu god « Wiid outbfeak 4 7 IMbrlated 48 -Mt: coll. aubj. 50 Stytlsh 51 Ealy -- 52 Foodt.,.. 8 9 10 • 53 Herem room 55 Roman ludoe 57 Ooea wrong 59 Gemstone 6 1 Sombfero 82 Compae pt. &4 Eat of Coto. 15 UndMded 12 13 $2.44 per day Thal s ALL you pay tor 4 fines 30 day m1mmum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY For more 1nlormat1on CALL TODAY" ISi FOR LOIS Your Service Directory Representa11ve 142-4321 Elf. 310 PllLll•Till The Celll Public Utlllties Commtss1on, REQUIRES tha1 all used. household goods movers. print tllelr Pu C Cal T number. limo s & cll1utfeur'1 print thetr T C.P number In all advertisements II you have a question about the legality of a mover. ltmo or chlUffeur. Cell. Public Utlltl.. Com· m1Qlon. 7 14·&58~4151 Relrlg.. Waaher/Oryera Oiltl-wllhers. Oven•. Courteol.ll Serl. 7C50-7398 ,. 11 • n•""' ••••ln·m .. "' '"' I , tirtt••• t • ..,. .. , /"91/, ,.,,, U"IN'" l'lillt' 1 \/1 Ill/I'' W£ oell lhd hang t099'her Strlp-p1lnt..tn1taH. Ad· Ytoe to the crazy. 14 ~ exp. 133-7172 #"/ ttma. , , • I' •. about your ~ lhrough our closs1l1ed section . D:11ly Pilot Independent ---W1r1rj .,., ~. 1 ;•1' ~~q' .; .. "' . •" .. ,.,...... ....... Wact111H A uto . Air , P I S . P/W1ndows. Tiit, Stereo Cassette. Wood-gr· n Trim Wire Wlleel Covers t 1GLE690) 12111 BILL MAXEY TOVOT A t888 1 Beach Blvd H B 847-8555 PONTIAC 1982 Trans AM T -tops, power windows dOOfS SIMring. seat AC Fun car Mu si sell $3,500 559-~60 •...tt&tti•ttl'll "uto Air PtS. Stereo C11ssette Low Miles• (2NXH312) 12tH Bll l MAXEY TOYOTA 1888 1 Beach Blvd H B 847·8555 Pta.IC NOTIC£ FICTfTIOUI au ... 11 NAMI ITAT••NT The tollowu'Q ~rsons •re OOtng t>u•mas u NEWPORT SPECl,.L - TEES. 726 Tu1tm A""'ue Newport Beech. C,. ~2&63 Deborah Lynn Boler. 726 ·Tualtn Av•nue N-port Beach C,. 92663 This bu11ne11 I• con- ducted by 11n lndtllldu9t The regttlrtnt c;om- menced to traneKI bull· neu under the llclillOul t>u1tness n1me Of na~ 1111.0 lbove on 12101189 Deborltt L~ BOier Tn+a statement Wei filed wlftl the County c ... of Of. enoe County on Oeclmber 8.1MtPaM8 Published Ofanee Coast Daity Pilot OecemOel 28. 19". J•nulfY 2, t . 18. t990 Tiii TICl •.::= '&':. ..... ...... .,_ ...... ,...19'1' • rs .. ... c.-....... -.. ~=:,11111CM lift .. IC .....,._.., LHIMde.2*,.· ....... ,...I I I . c:-........................ ... S1001.HwMr ..... ,,,_ ................ , ...... 1t1:e ..... TIMI Du11MM le OM-~ le ao;t;o to 'lt401 VOft ~Av- ._ • -....._ • •.,,.. ~ 4hioted t>y: en unln· by. e .,...,.. 1*1· ..... !MM. CA N715, ,.. _.,. °"' Oecl•-..... Wtdllr Ill ......_ oorpo,.ted HIOClletlon _.. • 9'loe In a.u w 1. 19 lrwl -fA W•PJ•-• Of* flM e per"••• Ttl• t1tletrent OOM• lllW • e IW8ndl. Tll• ,.911trent WITI· Miry"° 9llny a. """· • IOIO ~ n.. r91l1trent GOlft• ........ to .,.,... • ...... Mt ~ Mlf""O 10 ~ to trll'IMCt ~ •111 I I -........... C-..... C... ftl9IOlld to trerwt ....... Uftdlr lM ~ ~on ltW ..,.._Uon __..., tN llcWow ~ on: Deu , ... 1, -.. County a...i Of Or· '°'* --. did, on 0.. .,... Yftdlt IM 11c1tt-. nerne or ,.... ~ flll GOl'IWMft""' ~ ~ neme Otf ..,.,_. ..... Counlya.t&OfOr· 11. i• -..e11a1a County on D1rnr• ..._It 1• ~,,.,.... .,_,_. w. °' ,.... llDoW on: 0.C.nOer wtthtMOeoueYComolroler, ebOW on· Oeolil.O. .... Counly Oft Csca:.., ...._. .. tlllfull ,..... 12 all WM.._. , • ...-wt.~ the-.. llMecl lltlo"9 on: OecllftOll 12, 1.. 14th Ollltriot,-liO -=r.nont 11. 1Ht 11, ,. Ille County a..t Of ()r.. lie CCIUMY a.ii of Or· ~ _...,. end MfmlnMI 10 1• ~ Htnllte ltr•. Suite 3900. San JotVI A. Rk:Nrdton ~on Oei I ...... CGunly on Oeoen• ~ Or ... c.... ...., ~ • pwtnef• ~ T. Qt.,. Thll ................. Frenclloo. CA M 105 wltNn Thil IUl*'l*l1 ... ftled ... I , ,.. ~ PIOC Oeaeillller ~ti, ....,_, After INl o.te, no Thie llall :•ie WM llld w1tt1 fie County c.ti al Of· 90 ~ of the <Sat• of tNe wttr1 the County Clet1I al Of· , • W ,_,. 2t, 1 .... ~ 2. 1wu per ton or •ntlty 1111 wttn the County C"1ttl of Or· erioe ecurty on OecllftOll pullllceelon. Tl'lt ~ erioe County on Dtcl..,.., ..,. ~ Of-. COllll Pullltflecl Orerioe C.... T·tM eulhotttytolncutOOllOltlone 111'99 ~on O.C.1.._ ti, 19'8 ~ portlON ot lhe ~ 15, 1Nt Pulllll'9d Or..,;. Coeel ~ Not O.C.1• tl , 1t, °*Not December 1t, M , on blNlf of Wwmlngton ti, 1Nt ,._ plll:atiOn •• on Ille with the ,._. Plot O.C.1.._ 1t, 21, M , 1 ... .-..Y 2, 1MO 1 .... '*"*Y 2, t . 1tt0 ..aJC llJnc( <>ell PWll. ,._.. PUblllhed Of_,. CoeM Deputy Comtroiter • 1*'1 of Put>IWled Ofente C.. t .-JrNilrt I , t , 1tl0 T-132 T·141 EXECUTED on the 311t Publlllhed Or8f9 C.... o.lly Pilot OeoemOer -~J tM public Ille Thl9 Ille la o.ity Piiot o.c.mt1et 21. T-142 fllCTlnOUe • ..... dey of Deolrnber, 1Nt et Deity Piiot ~ 2t. 1M8. Jenuwy 2, 9, 16, 1WO evlllleble IOf public ln9')eC-1989, Jenuary 2, t . 11, 1tt0 ,,__________ .... STAR 11 Coeca ....... Callfornle. 19", ~· •• 11, ttlO T·164 uon during r~ bu..,_ T-151 .,_. __ .,. llnTIN' The~,.,_.,.. WARMINTOON HOMES, T-113 "°'"" eecmca TO ..._ ""'~ doll'CI but1nW • e c.1itorn6a COtPOtttion Ml.IC NOTICE Publilnld °'.,. Cout P\B.IC NOTlCE COWTWTOM. fllCnnDUe W• fllCTmCMM .,IP IU IMPEAIAL #HAAMA· By: w-.m S Krelale, 11a ( "8JC MOTlC( o.ify ~ January 2 1990 M-(11111) M.Mm8TATll rT NC~• 111118 MMm8TAW CEUTICAL PAODUCT8, 8' VlcePfealdent PK:TmOUeMtlMM T 111 Kam ........... The~,.,_.,.. MMmSTACT rT ThefoiowtnePet90nl.,.. 3172~Pllwy.J.111, WARMINGTON REALTY. flCTmOUe .... U umlTAW k1WC. .. •1 but1nW MC The '°'°'*'I penone.,. dc*IQ ~ •: lnflne. Calif. 9a7l4 lfllC . a Callfornla COfPOt· NAM1 ITAW The~ peraone are __ .,. wmrr (CrTAColOlf ~> ...... ,..,,...,, wl M P UL YOUNOHAO & ~:r INVESTORS TAUST-p,.ITlod Shah, 390 t atlon, The following penona are dOll'lll bua1nW ... r-..... nui-. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT NelllM ........... llOCIATEI OF C.ALI-,,..,..,,,,.PANV 1117 ~FUHOl,234E 17thStreeit.~~--~.lnllne.Cellf. ByWllllarn S K,_..,lta 1doln0 ~•; CHEZMOl.JOOO~ol. '1CTI'TlOU8 .... aa (Av1 1 0 a Acu1 ad o ) PLMf °'91ATIOM, PAa-0AHtA. tll27 Brootlhut'M _...,_ • Wle 100,Co9ta ....... Cellf."" l5 5'. Vice PfMlden1 INVESTORS TRUST, 234 Colt• Meea, Cell! 92621 MAim STAT'DmNT ANTHONY M1RE NDA, VllW ~~.,.AL 8uMI 406 Fountain V• Dnve, Newport leectl, c.lf. 92127 Tilll bualMM la con· Publiehe<I Otano-Coast E 17th Slreet Suite 100 JH n Bernard Delver!. T tone ara DAVID MICHAEL ROSADO C9llTa. Mt1 HAMOR ·· Clllf 9270e t2te0 . MicNel Clrrtto 702 SIM-ducted by. an lndMduel Oe.11y Pllo1 January 2. 1990 IC06ta Meu c.;.. 92&27 · 221·~ 8 Avocaoo eo.ta 00::: = ::' and DOES 1 1h•OUO" 50, 1n-1Lft.. caeTA maA. dA Aorwd D. Knoe. t040t 8Nnnon CyntHe Mmen, ford Ct., !Mne. cam. 92715 Tiie reglatranl COITI· T-172 MidlMI Cirr110, 702 SIM-~ C.itt 92526 AA.MIES IN MINIATURE ctvslve --..... -~"'-Aw .. Fount• :!a!~s~ Newpott .,_ La8rade, 1601 w. mencecl to ·~:u--f()(d Court, lrvtne. C•llf Thi• bu1ln•H ti con-1745 Tradewlnd• L•ne vou ARE BE•NG SUED 1Ul8.. Mii. .. ,_, el V-""1, c.M. 92708 • · Lincoln AYe , Montlbello, neaa under the IOu• ~ 92715 dueled by an 1na1~ 8eecf\ c;.111 92860 av PLAINTIFF (A Ud le••• ....... ..., ._. M PIUI Younbef~ 8'ed-~~con· Cellf. 90640 ::WIOC>"9 ~ N°!A nem. Ttu1 bu11neu It co,,. The regl1trant com-~an 8 LAw.on, 1745 dema ndan d o ) KEV IN ......,.._....,. _, ,.., i.w Ad .. Bay , C>No v,. M Tiiie bu11neH '' con-I on. d\IC1ed by . .,, lndlvldual IMf\Oed 10 1ran..c1 l>u9I-Tradewind• Lane Newport scon BROWN ' ler ,..,.,. I I -' • 44t40 Tiie reglat,.nt COITI· ducted by· a gen«al pert· Premod Shah Tht ••glatran1 com-neu undet 11141 llclltlout 8eecf\ Cam 926e() v-....,. JO CAliNDAA ........ 17 .... 111.Glectaile, Thi• bu91neu la con-menc:«S to treneect ~ n«lhlp Ttlll ataMmen1 ... ftled --It' NOTIC[ jmenc.ec1 to lrenuct bull-t>ualneu ,_ ()( n-Th11' Ouatntll II C0f" DA va .,.., ..... --- ...... e1ut •41•1•••"' ducted by. co-p.rtnera :::_.ut\der .,.,,!9 or~= Tiie regtttrant com· wttll 1~~~~ l'"UDU\I neu under the flct1tlou1 llSted above on Sep1emoer ducted by an •ndtvtduat .. .-'Nd on FCMI to tt1e • 11 I r .. ......,. ..... The reglatrant com· lltled above . Decernt>er menced to tranuct t>ual-;'T989 Y bullneu ~ °' na,,_ 15. 1989 The reg1t1ran i com-trpewrltten reeponH al "'9 ......._ ..... -. _, menc:«S to trenMci bu9I-4 1989 on. NII under, the llctlllOua • ,._ K 053eJL~ . Maled above on: o.c.rnber ~ 8 Oelvert menceo to tranuct 00 ... thlt cowt . ... ''11 tee_.. .. 1r neee uoder the llctltloua 'Shennon C AMI bul!Mlt name ex n11mee .... llMCI 0 Cout NOTICE OF PETITION 13, 1989 fhll 11aten"WW1t wu filed ,,... uno.< the llct•houa A letter or pfioM cal .. _, ,..._ M .... r .. t>ulloela n.me or namet · man lilted aboYe on: Deoember ,.-ut>I r.,. MlehMI Clrrlto wttn the County Clerk of Of. bu narrn1 0, names not protect JCMI': ,our '"'9- .._. _, 4" et .....,._ "9tld aboW on· not Y9t Thie ltatement -llled 13 l989 Dally Pllo1 o.c.rnblf 12. 19, TO ADMINISTER Thre ttatemerit wu filed ange County on Oecemt>et = Oc written '"POftM "'_,.. i. ,.....,, w., .._.,,, et Ronald D. KnO. with the ~ty Cleftt of Of. MICNel Clrrlto 't 28· 1989· J~ 2. l990 ESTATE OF: wtth SM Couoly Cler1c 01 ()t. 1S. 1969 1~;88 t>ove on tobe< 1 In prc>per ieo .. fomt M FOi.i ,lllllVWW DSVD.OflMDt. Thll ttatement waa filed ange Coun1y on o.c.mt>et Thia atatemerit wu llled T-133 JEROME E. ange County on December F ... 11 N0tmen e Lt.....on went the ~n to hew,_ TAL CINTllt, '" H · with the Couri1y Clerk of Or· S, t989 f with 1he Counly Clerk at Or---WEJS Ilka 18, 1989 Publlll'led Orange Cou 1 Thll l1alomet1t was hied CMe. www*'1 11 .. ,._. _, W9 County on o.c.mber ._ Coun1y on December Pia.IC llDT1C( JERRY E. WEJS ,._. Daity PtlOt Oecem~ 26. with the Count C1et1< 01 Ot· " '°" do "°' Ille ,_ 1;cMc« a........... .. INt Pu=-'~.,. ~ t8, 1919 CASE NO. A108821 Put>ltalled Ofange Coeat 1989. January 2 9 16, 1990 aooe C0un:y ~ oec.tTlbet '99pOnM Oft time,'°" may .....,. .., ..,. ,,..... '4al718 DtllY blf t , t , ,._ LleM.llOla T al "'-'-Deity Piiot December 2e. r .1se 4 1989 ._ IN -· end ,_ ...., ,...... • ..,.... Publtahld Orlfl09 eo..t ~. 1989• January 2· 1990 Publllhed Ofaoge eo..t COLLlel ~A&. 0 ·-·· 1989. Janu.ry 2. 9, 16, 1990 ,._,M ...... m-r end P'ot>' C • 11 ale11lfloet11" Deity Piiot o-nt1et 19, 2e, T-135 1y Piiot December 28, C09TA..U_. ~c..c..:.ed~ T-18 1 Put>ll$Jled Of~ Coast ertp may be.._..,."""-' "'-(e) ~ 'ir ... 1989, January 2, 9. 1990 1989. January 2, 9, 16, 1990 "'°"°""°'1 • wtW> • rrwy P\8.IC NOTICE Daily p1io1 Oec.emt>et n t9 turtMf .. ,n1n9 ~-"'- C lflu1irr ..... ....._. T·143 T-162 AD¥llOtl'f bl In~ In rtBlJC NOTICE 26 1989 J•.nuary 2 1990 cowt ...... ,.., * ....... rtllJC NOTIC( In ICOOf--.. .. .. ...... boll FICT1TtOU8 .,..... T. 127 There ., • .,...., ..... , .... ...... ... ~ la ... ,_. Sall D;trlldftl w• E~E E wrlS ... FICTTTIOUa IU8MU NAm ITATUIUtT ..._ta. y-"'8J •*"'9 ~ • _., 1..., .. "8..IC NOTICE F1C11noue MWU rtaJC NOTICE end TOlllc li:IUiw••• Act ~RYE WEIS NAm STATDmWT TIMI toll<>wlng persoo• .,. •-.,. W'lllC[ to ~ en enOme, ri9t1t M ........... ..._. y-. MAm ITATDmJIT oft• ............ Counol A PEfrTION Ma been The fOllOwing peraooa ate d<><ng t>ullinMS u ,.~"" _.,_ K '°"do no4 a-n ... ~ .... ,...... -. ---x ~ -. . The tollowlng ~ .,. flCTITIOUI .,.... °' '°""*" c ....... ,. by JEAN JAC08SON dotng ~ •: THE URBAN \/INE 300 I FICTTTIOUS .,..... en •t1•r.J, ,ou mer c.-"" .... v.ae..u...... NOTICEOFP£TTT10N doing~•: ..,...ITAT'DmWT oenctr ...... •llUlllC.em-.. c.~ Court°' MAGIC FOUR MAINTEN-Redhill Al/e Ste 1·204 ~ITAn•NT ett_,ret.n .. ~or Pu*4 I l~M TO-ITEA AAITT MANOR II, 1450 Tiie following pertont are '"I on Nflll ol 11 llOIMad ,....,_,-;:--Cou "' of ANCE 23732 Hllltlurt t o. .... Coste Mesa. Catt! 92626 T olloW1 • 1ep1 e6d oMce (lated In M .. ~ • -•· OF: So. T~ St •A. Sant. dolog ~ u _,.. ..,.,. ......... In .._. ..... -. n., •75 L n Nigl* Calif Emily Roaenoerg 712 he I ng persoos v e ttw pt;oM boot). ,,.... • _,,. • Ana. Calff. 92704 THE GARRlSON GROUP, .. f911oft . ....,.,._.... E. 25;, agu a ' PotnM1ha. C-Orooe def M.,. d<><ng t>u-. as Deepuee de .,e le _.. _.. 111111111*'111 .-W .. O:.a__ ' Jerry Doidge. 1u2s 39VetleyVlew,lrvine.Cetlf __ ,..._ '"'° 111 •· THE ,.ttr~~ MwtlnE GOldberg.23732 Calif 92625 s6~Yii N5TAt~9 r;:n~~..,....... .-. ctt.doll ~ ....,.-.. ~ '*&. •n.-M.icolm l -. VOfba Lloda, 92715 l'nOIPI*• two ~ Hl"hurat Onve •75 Lagune Leanna 8 onamoe1 407 dlc'9I uetect tMne un plu• C1•1 r• 'f rlWlr:ttlw HOW OYIO Cellf. t2UI lloda S Ganleoo, 39 VW--ethylene o•ICI• end bl IPPOlrl..:c' N i,,.i Call! 92877 JHm1ne. CO<ona ~ Mar. ~::;· Costa MeN Calf! de JO &:MAI CALENDANOI c.-. A,,..... .... e f9f •AGNER..IR.81&a Tiii• bualnea• It con-t.y Vlew,lrYlne,Cellf 92715 t>9flNne-ll1tld t>y _1111 90 :.:."&~~ ,hi•' bulln ... 11 con· Calr1 92625 N A Ra<>cttN 139 per• prennlar une ,..... ... ...., M _. HOWARD O. dllcted by. an lndMdual Mtch ... W Garrlaon. 31 .... of~• known the dtcedlnt. ucted by an individual Thts ous1neu 11 con: s an:':r .. c:;' Costa •,,;.... raepueet. eec:rita a -~ .. _, ...,.,_.. 'ir WAGNER The reglllrant c om· Va/Mry View, ll'Ylne, c.M. to cw C*'Olr, 1111'*' ,._ THE PETTTION The reg la tr ant com -ductecl by • general P¥1 C.itf 92627 ~..,-a. ccwte. ....... _, .....,.., CASE MO A151111 menced to tranaact ~-92715 *"·Off at'* ,.odlictM .. --. 90 menced 10 tranaacl t>uai-nersn1p T b Une c:aru o ~ llM-s. IHI HI,, .......... M-T ... ..._._ ,_ uoder the lk:tltloua Trila bu11nen It con-tolddty. ~ -..-"1 ...... ,_. under lhe f1<:tiUous Tria registra nt com· hll b Ultnes~ :; ~on· t~ "'° le ._ • ......... ......., -1411t O ·-•· ~ name or namee ducted by nuat>and at>d wife However IN Hoepltal m t>uat,_. name °' nam. meoce<I so tranwct bull· ducted Y an in tv .,. proteccton; au ,.._te .... ..,.. • ..__IRt .. ~-.......---.crecllora. Mated aboYe on October The 1eg1atran1 com-Council'1.em.n.notect1t1at =..:-lofl"~-= lt14'<1 at>oYeon July 1. 1989 neu under tt>e hC111tous ~ r~gi~1;:::c1 c:,~1: eecrtteamaqulnattene..-CA•1"1. nt Of'eCMOf9, -"' t976 rneoc:ed to lranuct ~ both ct.: le•.,. r-..O Man in E GOldber t>usmess name or namee 0 r c:umpllr c:on I•• lo•- ltt •• 1111 ter ........... ....., w ..._ ~""!! Jerome G. Oo6dge -under the flctltk>ln In IYdl ltMll ernountt ltlat !:,w (Thlllhl ~~ Thi• •t•iemen: ... ~ filed 111:ec:1 aoove on December :SS: u;d~.rr:e °'tic~•!:= "'a 11 dad•• I• 9 a I•• MM ........ ,... lft tM .,.,...._ --., Thie atatement wu ftlld t>ualnees ntrrn1 O< nam. tM ltate doel not conalOet &aM . .._ tth She COUnty Clenl of Or 14, 1989 "" tlfWoPadM el 111ted ~ .. .,., f/f .. Cleftlrect ter ~ wW ot ...... bot boll, with the Coun~ Clettc of Of. listed above on: Oec»mt>er "*" llU8rOdoul ~ l0t repteeen w;ton. '° wtlMxlt noe County on o.c.m~ Emily Ro.noe<g ~~ted9;~ove on November qwe i. cort• eec""'9 ... "'9 ...,_ •01t111.i,.... °'w·=~AA-.2.: "199 County oo Oeoemblf 1s. 1989 oocupetloNllupoeute. :"'~1 ~el 15 1989 This sta1emen1 wa• 11\ed N 1nc Radclllle c:aao . .... .. ...... " .......... "· ""· -11 , 1959 lloda s Garrlaon The Counclt'• wemlng II In a.tor ~ ._,...; I , .... ,, wtth the county Clerlt ot 01·1 Ta y I I .. llteo .. ueted no Pf-la au a .......... ..,_ •TD 111 HOW D OYIO ,._,. Thi• ttalement wu !\led aocordlnOI with the public • ·-' Put>llehed Or CA>ut •noe County on Dacemb41f 1 tui '" _. u r-.u-ta a ti.tnpo. pu9de """ .. * p 1" 11 • ,.. WHOW~"o'o W~EA.. Published °'"199 Coell with the Courity Clerk of Ot -nottftcellon provttton• of =t the =Dairy Piioi ~ber 26, 15. 1989 1wiin 1~~~ntbnC~~ P9fdeJ a1 caao,, te .,_..,, ,. .... 1 ti .. M....... · Delly Piiot December 19, 28, aoge County on Oec»mber Pr~eon.IS, end~· • ltYI Wtl bl 1989 January 2 9 16 1990 f440912 •noe Y qullaf au Mier'<>. Mi dlnero ....._ ... *la --A PETfTION '-been 1980. January 2. 9. 1990 18, t989 LOI Anfllla. ~. Ot· ~~ hi9 no4lce lo · · ·T.155 Put>llal'led O<ange Coastl4 t989 futleo , otrH coH• de au ,..., 'ir ... ITD 111. 9ed b¥ LAWRENCE T. 144 ,..,_ erioe. Stn BemarOlno. Ven· • .._..... ' 9,,.. n Deity P1101 December 26 ' prop.ded .w. •"* ec11- .. ~" 11•1 ,_.. M EDWARD HOl.MES In lhl Put>llthed Ofaoge Cou1 Nrs. end Santa Barbera =~ :::::;" ':: t989 January 2 9 16 1990\D Pu~i:-°~*': 1~1 doftelpcwpenede la-1e. t l ..... ter "'9 ....,.I ~.... COUit of Dally Piiot Oecamber 26, Count•. OOIW:, 90 the ~ T-1S9 2;'1~9~9 'Jenu~ 2 1990 f:llteten otroe r•••ttoe :::.,~•:•.::.• ""':i OR'ANOE. County ~ P\B.JC NOTICl 1989, J110Uary 2, 9. 1\~~ a ~o!,lde ~~ IC'lion"' Thi 1r4ldellt P\8.IC NOTICE r 129 =::-...:::-: :--.::= 1011•n1t1 • :.r-::. M THE PETTTION '1CTI'TlOU89UWU QYlllty of hMltft c.• 11 11 adls• atloli ~ ~t•-SlllOCOft- ... 1t1111M 1M .. M ~ twt LAWRENCE NAm ITATDmWT YeeC1 In ... twOU* fOlf"' 10 .. In ~tec:I "'= an FICTTTIOUa .,..... P\8.IC NOTIC£ P\8.IC NOTICE -• --.oo. ,,_.. __ ..,, ................. EDWARD Ha.MES be The followlng per90nl •• "8.IC NOTlCE ..... dli¥iOel auch .. "!" petWOn .,, .... ITATW•WT ~a WI~ de,... TM. D8'•t:l•11I hae ... ~ted • pef9CINll doing~ U: lcardlae ~era. '-1 obf9c'On lo .. petlofl The i()llo:#lng persoos are FICTl'TIOUI Ml ... 11 flCT1TtOU8 80 ... 11 etenc&a de 1'110111tn o a -'-• .. ..... Ir· NCW ... ...-V. to 1(£NHEY CAPITAL MAN-FIC~.,..... ,~ ...,, cau..., •. hoO end ... good cauee dOlng bu-.. NAm 8TAft•NT ..... ITATW..wl -oftelfta de"'* ..... ;;a;,,.., ... e'N:?.,. Mtt•a11r lhl .... olAGEMENT,1218 KNIOf1Ye, NAmaTAT'llmWT 1pro1i r1 ...... ITl1CrOn· wtwy ... ~not S PURGEON MANO R Thelo!lowtno peraootar• The tonow.ng peraon1 ar• <-... dkecletlo t•· tact_,• 17...... .. d9o9dllnl. CorON del Mat. Call!. 92'2S The fOllOwtog peraont .,. euroaurg1cal 1ntt•umen11. grWll ... ., ___ ..,. PARTNERSHIP • Ce11f0<nia dO<ng 1>11-as dQon9 °""-.. ~o) . ... 'N .. M -11111 FM THE PET KenMy Capital M~ doong l>ullnM8 u lend other equipment that A HEAAIHG on h Limtted Partnentup 188 E MAGNUM TIRE SHOP 0C LOCATIONS 19 48 c-Mo. m .................... ~ .. cl9oldlnr ment. Inc . Clilifotnla. 121• MPR ENTERPRISES, ~.,. .......... .,tllnCJ .. pell*ln .. be held ~ 17th eo.ia ....... C•ltt S UPPLIES 1070 F Nof'lh P0<1 R•maoa1e Newi>e>rt The name and .ooreu of _.. ..,_ 1W;11e11oM 'ir ... WU~ coclclt. II llt'f, KMI Ottve, CotON del Mat. 6032 1rongate Cir . Hunt· the hopeltal ..-og con-· .Jf/IW.M'f 25, 1090 • 1 4 92627 8at1v1a S1.111e ~ Ofange IB4MCh Call! 92tlfi0 tt>e court is 1Et nornl>nl y DI ........ I ............ "' ... .,,..... '° ~-Caif. 92625 1ng1on Beach Cahl 926'8 tlOMI atMfft 11er1ltHllOO P.M. In Dept. 3 loc-.d .. ThOmll s LM . l88 E Caht 92667 ThOmu Jemw Vanuae, direoctOn de la Corte •t SU· 11~1 ..... ~ ....... .,._ Thi .. ~ .. l!'Y Thia bualneu la con-Raymond E Mena. 8032 E~ o!Ude II -'lat 700 ~-~ ~ 17th Cotta MeN, Callf Toni H Gallon 22157 Pe-1945 Por1 Rarnao-t• ,..._. PEAIOR COURT OF' CALI· ...... I .. ....... .. .. .. -· ducted by .• corporation lrong•t• Cir • Huntinoton fOlf tM control of~., w-. 09lWI ...... --921527 CJflC :: 103 Costa WM port 8Mcn C.itl 926e0 FORNIA. COUNTY Of' OR· ,..11,1 • ~...., _, ..... 1 In lhl • Tht reg11tra nt com· e.acri c .. 11 92648 "'*1101• "2701. Donald A. Kerk•. 188 E Calif 92627 Thtl ouatneu 11 co n-ANGE 700 CIVIC Cent., .......... ,,,;,· .............. .., lhl COUit. mencecl to transact bual-Thll1 bul ln•H It con-~ the emooinll 04 IF vou 08JE~ 17111, Coal• ....... Calif TnlS Out lnHI \1 Con· dueted by an tnd1vlduel om .. e Weal Pott Office Boa ~lftcati-1 aft4 M4I THE Mii under the llctlttoua oucsed by an 1na1Vldual EtO ,.._.., to She al· lt'9 atWl4lna of,_.....-·. 92627 ducted by an ind!Vldual The 1eg11:ran: com· 534 Sant• An• C-'if0tnla ,.,..... 'ir CALuNo (1M> ~ ~ ~ name O< nwnee Tha reglllrant com· moapflae ~ 110a91tet1 art~......, 81 lhl J1m Cavat.IOCt, t88E 17iri Tne reg11trent com-menead so trana.ct 1>1111· 92702-()8315 111-ena. ldtv•illtlf .. lllted at>ove on Oecamblf menoed to 1ranaacs bull· IO llMI. IM upoeure..,.... end ...,. 'fOAM Cotta M .... Calif 92627 menced to tranMCl t>u• -undet 1he llcttttoua The ,,_,__ a<klr-. and A ...,_. ~ .._. undlr .. 11 , 1989 ,,... under the fk:titlout.,.. noc lftlillUf.,._ -OI • wrM9n Marlen Horn. 196 E 17th. nest unoer the t1c1111oua ~ n-Of na~ 1~ numt>et of IMaln-~•.n.t•lii•__,. Adl1•~1on of J11meeKenney bullneu name Of n•mw UllnflhemoetlOC)flJSticated with Ill OOUl1 Co11aM .... Ca1t1 92627 bus•nest name ex ~ 11111.0•l>Ove on Octot>e<3 1 llflt attorney, °' l>l#tl'" Mt .._ .,_. • ,.,_. .. /Id.. (TNa. ~ Thie lt•tement wu lllld llated above on December dlMctlon inatrumenta The be lhl l*lring.~~ Herb Goetz. 1158 E 17th t111ect above on not vet 1989 ...,11hou1 an a110tney 11 1E1 "'9-"eot,..... ,_.. eo-8low l'9 ~with 11141 County Clertl of Of. 4, 1989 emoum. of EtO r......O ~ "wt Costa M .... Callf 92e27 Toni H Gallon ThomU J l/anUM nombre 11 d1reccl0f1 y .i nu- OIMreot 1ft. R ID enee County on Oecamber Raymond E Men• <*tl!nty dO not even t>eg1n pet!Ofl Of' b¥ yoAJr ~-Tnt1 buslnHs 11 con· Tht1 stasament was filed Thta 11atemen1 wu Flteo mero de te lelono del ==·~~,..._ 1;; 8Clonl wtlMaUt 12, 1969 . Thia etetement waa flleCI to appr-lhe levell Shat IF YOU AAE A d~ed by a llm1tad partn«· wHh the County Cleno. ol Ot-With 1he County Cieri. 01 Ot· at>ogado def <1emandante, o ..... ef..... court ~-,.._ wltn the Coun1y Clerk of Of. l\l\f9 .... tabltt!Md b) CREDfTOR °' • lhlp ange County oo Oece!nber ~ Coun:v on Deoemt>er def demandante que no TM MIUlllM ........, ...... I ~ vety Pubhlhed 0t*"9' Coell ange Couoty on Oecemblf botll "'9 Stet• and the Fed· ooull:;gandt crec:ltor of = Th• reg11tr1nt com-4 1989 4 1989 •~ at>ogado. N I JOHN .. M ---... .. ...-~t =Delly Plto: December 19, 2e. s, t989 •ti Qo¥er""*'I aa a tale d9cl•• • you must meoce<I to tranaact t>u81-,...,.. foUelM p RAPILLO. 1NC 7777 .... e .;..T.-~. ._ 1989, Jaouery 2. 9. 1990 ,._, 11m1t fOf oocupetlonal ••· 'fOUI c:tMn Wlt'I lhl OOUl1 neu und., tlMI f1Ct1tiou1 Publtstled O<ange Cou1 Put>llan.d 0.at'IQ9 Cout Ce<\tet Avenue. Sut1e 550, ................ e:: ,. ... ...-v. Ml T·14S Pubtllhld Orange Coea1 poeyre. ~. lfl k~ end mal I copy ID h bullnesl name O< n.,.,.. Daily PtlOt Oecamoer t2 19 DIMiy P1101 Oec4!mt>et 12. 19. Huntingto n 9 eact. CA .... Aitll TIM .... IT'D ~ ID gil'9 I'°*» Deify Piiot Oecember t2, 19, ..... IN,_ PfopoeitlOn 6S ~ f9PI~ Haled at>ow on NIA 26 1989 January 2 1990 26 19119 Janu•ry 2 1990 g 2 6 4 7 P h o n e r _..,. ... t.. ..... llMfH•d ~ 2e t"9 J~ 2 1990 ~ tt 18 COiiege iooc*lted by lhl OOUl1 Tliom•s S LM T 128 T-126 7141848-4849 ......... c...,. l'9V .._. ..... nob rtaJC NOTICE ' , , T·13t ~ c0.11 ..._., r• wlt\11\ lour inonttll tom Thls S1a1emen1 •U flied DATE 1Fec1>11 SEP 2 1 ..-ooriMnted ID.. ....,... '° Wcw"' 10'I the dlM of.,.. i.uanc. of W1tn the Coun1Y Clerk 01 Of. 1989 =., ~ = ~:: dan;L TM flCTTT10UI .,..... :::;::.,., .., ..; ~ ~ 00~ In anoe County on Dec.emt>er Clllll~-..1 OA"Y L. O"ANVILLE, ......._ •..., -_. ldtt•M ... t um STAnmWT •-ar W'ITW ::-::-:-.._ aitd .... EtO ~~ .... •L........."' ,,............_ 8, 1959 IT... C'-'11. ar s-z.•. -_., .....e .. be ~ted ~ Thelollowlngpertonaate I'"-IWUllW. ...,_.._ ~ ........,.. ,..,.,, o.,Mlty ..__,-!i•••8'"'"'"e"1•w.i1lr .... ll .. d perw .. In COUf'll al proWllno The *"9 b llllna dmSnl Pul>ltariect O<af>99 eo.t • th t b j Put>l'9he<l Ofange CoM1 "..,..,.,...a.-• .-..~ to .. ~N~:KeT i Na . 'icrmoue-u normt1pettantcar.. .. noe •JIPft blbe 0ei1yP11ot o.c.mt>er 19 26. 1s e answer o your uy ng D••ly Piioi 0ecemi-19 26 ~.:-..:•.:. .. ~ mriCt .. --~.... 151221eecti 81vd ,Mldway T~~1:':!-our~~~=~-=-· 1989 Janwry 2 9 t~139 and Selling needs. 1999 January 2 9 1990 ...... I I I • ............. ..,, OIM#(' ft_, City, Cetlf. 92655 doing bue1W ... of the ~t QIUelity of care T 146 Al R • • ....... _ ~t .. .,~. Roy Pw9onl. 1958 Pon w I L 8 E A T • s To tNt end -llaYe and... YOU MAY EXAMINE ....................... ~~ ~ Caroey, N-port BMc:h, PRO PERT IES, 21102 continueto uaeEtO r~ lhl•"'P~-~- ............. II ........ --· tlO . CAltf 02e60 Spurney Lw, Hunt~On ......, WI Ofdef 10 melll• ltlMe you .. • S*W IC W'ITICE Pt&.IC NOTICE P\IJLIC NOTICE ""41tcrl•1Htllli 1114 ~ ~ 1 ~ Gene Mdw~. 8 Aogel, 9"dl. Calif 9~ ... eavtng ptooedvfat avell· lne.l..iM In ,_ .... __ rta __ IC..;....NO_TI_CE ______ rta ____ ""'--·-----------1--------- , .... ,11 H II ••I eutaRll ~· ~ c!-"'ft:9 c.:' a19:..~5 I con Jotlo Earl Wllt>en Jr .. ..,.. to our patlenll and I to you :::I.• Mll~lhl NOTICE ..... ufTlNQ SE •LED 8108 ,..,_, le .. , .. ,•Ht --Senti .._ u . ' -21102 Se>umeY ~.Hunt-protect tller'n fro"' 11 •· 1 '"" ,.. c.-...,... ,_ _, ..,._, ,..._ ducted by· a n unit\· lngton 8Mch. CeMf 92641 .,. ... trt1ie lnftee1ton• Soedel No*ll lhl CC 755 c...,. A""''*''"'" tr210• 1w.,, OltJECT T corporated auoclatlon l hl• t>u.ineet I• con· Ona OCNr ..._ CflelTllCel. al .,, lrwentDfy • c.-. Tittt a. ~ a. '""' other tf\8" • l).rtnwlhlp ducted t>y en~ '*'-"·,,..,,mo t>e Pf•· app1ha' of --l••H•1t IH1. A '94 .. '::.17 of.. The reg111r1n1 com -Th• reg11tr1nt colTI-.,.. 1r1 ~ relMMO WI t"9 ot of WIY ~ No11ce II hereby given lhll the Ctty CouOCJI ol the City ct Hunllf191on Beech. Callfornle will r~ ,,...... • ..._ ter .... ~etWtlfPr:1 .. menced to tr~-1~..: menoed to treneact bu9-liMltdlaMerwlfontnen1 IVf· account Iii DroWitd tealed bids lor the Main/Pier Sewer Main Con1truc11on 1n lhe City of Huntington Beach, Cetifomia In tf..rt .., ,_.. ...... NM ut\der 1... '"" '"""' ""' ut\der ttll flc:lltt"' rowndlrll .,. flOIPitet'1 fuel MC*>n 1250 of accoroence with the ptans and spectl1callons and llPflCl•I provl1tons on me In tne office of the ...... ..,,.........._.. ~.. ~ neme °' natnet ~ """'°' '*"" ator• tarWt. but" 11 ••· Clilfomlll,.__Codl, ()lrectorol Public Works Documenls wlllbeavallableon Deoember 14 1989 A chargeofS1500.no1 , ..... ,..... 'ir • c .. .,,... --hted lbove on· Oeoemt>et lle1ed at>ow on: No\temt>er ,,.,,.., unlikely 1"*1 .,,l ~ lor Soeclll refundable , wlll be reQuirecl 101 each set of specttlcat1ons and accom panying drawlf19S wM 111e1-.. •111 -..i ·-.. ,..... t2, tNt 21, 1"9 mernt>er• of the publlc w bn'I II~ ftom =-.:.: 1 ~":9"Z..:: =:;,'°:, ~ ~-~ ~t •• flied ~n =.:=n ..:!; filed :':n.-:-0 ~ c::'t:,:; =i'"=ltttoner: ...., .. ,.., "'°' ;11-.1 F · ·vou ARE wttt1 t~1Y c~~ wtth 1ne County c..ni or Or-state contlder• 10 .,. 11a1-a.. _, .......... _. M • CAEDfT'Oft ot ange ty on aoge County on o.c.mw •odOul. A~ et Uw ........... iW4d I., IR.... ==~ ~ of t2, 1989 •. 1989 ")'OU require lunMr lnfor. ,. a.i'llt ...... _.. ...... , ... ,,,.._ : W ,..,. meeion. contect the Pubic .,...440 IA 111 .i• 11 .-...:-= ;:.-Publllllld Oterioe CoMt Publlahld Of_,. C08lt "-''°"' Department 11 .......-i leech , ,...:1t1t1 ....... fm .. = """ e Oelty1 ~~2 " t~ 28· Delly Piiot o-nt>er 12, tt, Co1tete Ho1pi11I Cotta -....._. ... Lll1laf c.-. ....... ft 1989.--, ....... d 28, 1989.Jenuary 2, t990 .... •: 7t41142·27S4 ... Or9"Q9CoeMDttlty..--... ;al Ill Ml I 1 IAlf llllt.. T·l-T-1$0 ""8!ofl tM. Jln.2,3,9,1990 .................. ,... ,,.... ::.-: ·i·:.:=:.:. ..... °' ... ~ ................. ~-£Qi' ._,.,..,I'? t1•9M Oadl "tP ............. ..... . .. ............ .... .. ........ =-::: .: :-.:s:.:.~ :.-..::., .. q.-..... ::.:;-:::.=°== .. 'Tl.:~ .. :.... ~j·~ .. -~ wurmna i?=-,.,.. .... , .:, •• o..e-0.... "-= =Nie DOI 01 .. IMMllllf .. ....., ..... , .. STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? PIMM stop by to file your ttctltloua bu..,,._ at1tement at the DeHy Pttot Legel Oeparl- ment. 330 W•t Bey. Coste Mell, Clllifor'"-. If you can not stop by. plMM call UI at' (714) 842.4321. Extension 315 or 318 and we will make errangetnentl for you to h1ndle t"'8 procedure by matt " you "'°'*' MW eny further queet'<>n•. p ..... call us and we wtl be more thin gt.cS to .... ,, ~ h.tO In your new bultNlln Wortr Item t , J • ~ 6 • 9 OIAECTO .. OF PU9llC W09'KI ESTIMATE ''•"llC Con1f()t S-l"'Q ~ "'9 Conatruc.I tO V C P S.-..,..., ...0 ~ eo-..iruc1 •8 ,,,_ T ro-• 510 306 Join .... ,.ting O C S O -•t .J S per .,...,. on p1.,, C-l•WCI I YCP -ttllf>• C-trUC'I • VCP -lat•at and aoc>u'1....,.._ c-.trUC1 I VCI' -llvl> ContlNC1 c·---....., ttO<,., o•...,""" .,.. ... ~ OI*' In accordenc:. with the P<OVlllOnl ot SectlOn 1773 ct the Lebof Code lhe Stet• of Ce!Horine, Otrec1or of the Oep1re1ment of lndu1tt1ll Re4etton1 then determine the oen«•I 0<evaltlng , ... of wages. appllcab6110 the~ to be oon1. copiel of lhl let•t general wage ret• oetermlnatlona.,.. on me et lhe omc. of the City Ci.rk end 1he o n a of the Olr.ctor c t PubllC Wortt1 of the Ctty of Huntington Beech. Calttomle P1en1 end~. together With Pfoposal lorm, mey be Obtatoed at the on1ee of the a.rector of Public Wortta, Cl1y H .... Huntington Beactl, Catttorn11 No bid wlll be ,....._, un .... It la medl on e blank lorm turN.W by the OtreciOf of PubflC Wotlta, The ~I attentlon of P<oepecthl'I ~• la catted to the prQPONI requtrementa. Mt forttl In the apec:1t1cattona. for futl oir.cttona • to ttte bktdlng All bid• wtl be compai 9cl on ttte bee6I of the Director of Pub16o Wotlt1 ..itm.t• of the ~of work to be done ·1 I • r I I I "Oh. I thought someone was at the door." by Bred Anderson "Walch yourself. His playfulness takes a lot of forgiving." NANCY f-tRbT 1Vri'E D/E. l£f fiXJT" I~~ ROQ\'\ 11-ll':i DECAOC! RR<.T 11"£ ~ b.<>'£0 ~WALL T~1; OELADE ' f I ' Louis Pasielll', \~ fin' tifllt ~ Q~ l'R CAii -\'fie ~SS Lovi~Z-'TioN! .. .. Ml LI<. DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham i' IJI"'. ! ~ 1111 I I~ [I If ill ~ 1-l ''Ml<'.W1LSON DOESN'T MAVE ANYT~INGTO DO AND J'M GO~NA HELP HIM I " 11ltRt'& A;>()U) !\AYlUG. !>(ii.) ... ,.---1 by Jerry Scott fl~l" WJE IVE.. °"'"""' A "11ENP CJl.AZlJ ™I~ DE!.AOC ' by Jimmy Johnson lll!itRY LO'lt~ ~l'AIJ!'' GAJUl'IELD SHOE ( •. . . \ • v G:ARFlfLP, WMA f MAPE YOO PO TMA.17! by Chllrt11 M. ldlull l TMfNJo< IT WA~ TME tAR~LAP!> by Jim Devis by Lynn Johnston by Jeff MacNelly JUDGE PARKER by Harold Le Doux .!J\,FT~R TALKING W •TH "eeev 9~NCef'lt , PAl-MEl't Goes TO A Pu8LIC P HONC! ANO CAL.LS KIKI MULOOC>N :IN CHICAGO' 'l'OU"LL Be A ,_.OUSt!.GuEST A T S P'l!!NC!!f'lt FAl'llM S , KlK t .,.,a..NO 'I'LL WAN! TO TE!-L YOU A L•TT L e SOMe· TH IN Q. AeOUT eOTl-4 Aeeev ANO SAM OR 1ve:R 91!!.CAUSe 'I DON'T l'lNOW HOW MUCH TIMe INe'LL HAVI!!. AL..ONe A FTER YOV a.eT HeRe 1 FIRST, MY F"'l!!NO SAM f O N I . THe SVl'll ... ACe, I-II!! s••""'• l'lll!'L.A>c'eO ANO •ABY GOINQ/ DON'T l_f!T TH,..at,T ..-OOL 'l'OU I l-4e'LL • ee .... 6KtNG THI! ' ~ ... o L-AWY eR I K""°"" HO\l'I I OU•8TION8/ TO H.ANOl....I!: ' THAT TYP'li:. DAl"l:LINGI =i l I ' IUOl.L • FUNKY WIJllKERBEAN by Tom Batluk DOOllfESBURY by Garry Trudeau #11/111¥ ~ ·RJIC-. If /I\. 1H£ FILM MUSI HAVE BROKEN 1 8 II• /·L ,~~~.~· scc'\l~~-ar..trs· ::: 1-..i _.. n,t.T I _,... - f ~EHM.lT '1'1111' COAST/A3 WORLD/A4 THE ORANGE COAST 25CENT S UCI~ 80-70 SPORTS/Bl WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1990 Judg~ challenges DA appointment By IRIS YOKOI Of the Dally -St.rr A Superior Court judge told O r- ange County supervisors Tuesday to rescind o r prepare to legally defe~ their appointment of M icha I Capizzi as district attorney. a sci - tion the board unanimously made only hours earlier. The legal challenge was filed by Deputy District Attorney Thomas A vdeef. who is running against Capizzi in what has become a heated and bitte r election contest. Superior Court Judge Julia n Cim- balok. siding with A vdeef, granted a court order that requires the board to rescind its appointment or have county attorneys appear at a Feb. 2 court heanng to defend the appoint- ment. "The board will not rescind the action." County Counsel Adrian Kuyper said of the supervisors' ac- tion. He defended the a ppointment of C-ap1Z7 i as legal and proper. Ku}pcr said Capizzi, who has been chief assistant district attorney, will remain district attorney despite the legal challenge. Cap1zL1 summed up Avdecfs legal advances as bemg a publicity stunt that came "a day late and a dollar short." "I am the district attorney and I'll continue to be." said Capizzi. who was sworn in Tuesday morning b)'. o u tgoing District Attorney Cecil Hicks follo wing the supervisors' ap- pomtmr nt. The 63-}ear-old Hicks. who ser- \Cd ai. district a11omey 23 years. anno unced in August he would oot ..., .... ,......., ...... _ Bright sunshine on Tue1da1 draws a surfer to the Newport Pier where he tests the water tollowlft9 th• overnight storm. Storm dumps V2 inch of rain on Coast By LESLIE EARNEST Of -Dally -k.rr After smugly enJOymg a sunny three-day weekend. O range Coast residents were Jarred awake early Tuesday by a storm that brightened the sky w11h hghtening and drenched the area w11h almost a half inch of ram Besides makmg 11 that much hard- er to chmb out of bed. the storm sent back -to -wo rk m o to ri s ts hyd roplaning across slick streets where. 1n one case. eight ca~ were invol"cd in a predawn pileup in Costa Mesa. While no serious IOJUncs were reported a!I a result of the storm. Ooodmg occurrrd at Pacific C oast H1gh"'a} and Supeno r ~'enuc in Newport Bear h where sewer drams arc bemg mo;ta lled. The down pour. "'h1r h was un- leashed between m1d01ght and about 9 a m . dropped between 40 inches and 51 1nche!I of ram between H untington Beach and Corona dcl Mar In Costa Mesa. v. here last )'Cat at th1c; 11me ~ ~8 inches of rain had fallen. the \torm pushed this }ear's jPlease IN RAJN/A21 ('0\'ER STOR\' / I .·\ tt A ORDER seek re-elccuon 1h1s year. He wa\ gi ven a Superior ( ourt 1udgc\h1p two weeks ago b) (io'. Georgl' DcukmcJian and h1'i rcs1gnat1on a' d1s1nc1 attorney was effcct1 w noon Tuesda~ Su pen ii.ors all backed Fotm1a1n Valle~ resident (ap1111 to fill th{· unc:<p1red term. sa"1 ng he 1s tht· most q ualified 10 fil°I Hicks' \hoe'> But ~'dct.>f. a Da na Point res1- dl·nt. ha' argued such a n appoint- mt nt h~ 'uix·n 1sors ''1olates the <ii.ill' < un!>t11u11on and accused Hid,,· appointment a s Judge as being poli11call} timed to g;ive C .1p1111 thl· ad,antage o f listing h1m<,d f .1~ lhl· incumbent 1n the June l'll'l l1un ~'>'>1s1an1 D1stnct i.\tto rney Ed r rt't'mJn '' the third candidate 1n (Pin~ see DA/ A2J Trial finally opens in triple-slaying case from 1980 By HOW ARO FINE In a tn al d claH·J tur nl·arh a derade b) lt.>gJ I m.1 ncu' l'rl ng pm' ecutor\ told JUfClr\ f Ul''-tl .:1\ J formt•r laW)cr ma!>tl·rm1ntkd the \I J \IOI!.' n1 three peopk fou nd dcJJ 1n J V.l''I m1ns1rr home "T hi'> ca~ "Jhlrnt tht· l \l'1.ut11in of three pt:Opk and him f hn mJ \ Man1scallo mJ'>tcrm1nJl·d thr m urders " (")\.-'put~ Dl\lnt t \tt nrm ' R1charJ \I l\.ing 111IJ the '"·m.rn Sl\·v.o man. f1 ,1.'·Jltl.'rnJlt' un 1n < lr angc \ounl\ \upn111r C 1\Url \lan1'>4:ak u J IPrmt•r V. t•,1n11n'll'T a11orne). "au useJ 111 J1ret ting the sla)mgc; ut h1'i tx•\t tm·nd Ric ha rd R1u 1one '"· JnJ .1 I '>·H·ar-olJ wo man a nJ ~l<-\t•a r-old mJn '1\11 ing him O\l'r thr J ll 11 \kmo nal Da\ "el'krnd Prosecutor.-. nin1end tht· Jdrn- dant. o nr of thr found1ntt mt·mhc.·r' of the Hes\1an m olnrt~l k ga ng or d cred R11z10nt l.tlkd aftr1 a. d"pull· OH'r "ho \.\OUIJ (tl'I lh<· profit\ Im m drug sale<; and a r(lunter1e111 ng nrx·r· at1o n. King ..aid that u'rr thl' nn:t '"'' to thrCl' month\. the pro,t.·ru1111n "ould prl·sent more than 'i(l "II· nesses and numerou' nh1h11\ 10 prm e \1an1scallo·, '"'oh cml·nt 1n drug and lOun1crfc1110g hu'ilnt.'\'>C<. and h1'i guilt 1n the 1..llhngc, If l On' irtcd . \1a n1~ak11 uHilJ face thr tkath penal!' But dckn\\.' atwrnc' <. 1.11ntcnJ \1an1'4.alln "a' '4..'l up t-i' un\J' on a.-.!>1x-1a1t.· "The 1.lllrl"\ bla med \lan1"-ako tu a'o1d ha' 1ng the l.'a\l· pinned 10 them ... said .\nJrc" Roth ont.· nt \.tan1'><'.ako·, .i 11nrnr).-. "b 1denre "'" hc dC\Clol)l'd to 'hm ' that \1ani\('alco was a fall g.u ' · R11th "11J "Tht·rc 1\ no real P 1tk111.1: that hi.' "'ac; 1n,olved m ,tn\ l\f)I.' "' lTin11nal 3Ctl\JI) .. \l.1111,,.111.n .u . "'3!1 arrec;ted 10 \t,11,h l'll'IJ ..i nJ ha' hcen 10 Jail '""l' tlwn 11':nd1ng the outco me o f prl'lftJI n1111111n' hetore he was ar- r.11~nl'J l ht· \l\Urt 1.a'>l' ha ' heen plagued t" Jd.1" -1ndud1ng a Jumbled , .. un trJnx n pt that rcqu1~d two "''' n' tx·t11H' tht· \late up~me < • 1rt '" ,1r..11gh1cn o ut. and a 1ml~l' \Utl1Jc 1n 1<18R l'r11\l.·1. u111r<. contend \1aniscalco \\J\ Ill \ uht•J In 1Jl11.1t drugs and 1."un1t·r1t·1 t1ng 11pcra11ons before the l.1ll1ng' ··fk ma~ ha'e been a leg111mate hu\I nl·"man 1 n late I ~79 and early 1 •1x11 hut \1an1scalco had a nother 1>t1.upa111rn . a cn m1nal enterpri!C that 1n,oht·J the sale of narcotics ..1nJ l'•iuntertt.•11 monc) ... Krng said. l\.1ng tksa 1hcd what prosecutors 'aid "l'fl' 1hc e 'e n'ts leading up to thl' \k mona l D:n "eekend. includ- ing J f..11kd J lt1.·nipt b~ ManiscaJco Jnd h" .1'>,1\\.IJH''> to place a poison 11n 'onw 111 thr counterfeit money "11h tht• 1n1r rtt1n n of killing R1111om· "hen he co untc:-d the fake hill ... H\· told the 1uror<; about Mani- \\J k11·, hou\t.' ·"h1ch he terrncd a ·, ir1ual a rc.t•na1:· with handguns anJ mil1tal'\ 3!>'>3Ult n flcs. !\.mg then dcscnbcd how Mani- <,tJ l\ n oh1a1ned a "tov" !Cmi- .iu1o mat1l pistol with an e1&)\t-inch \lltt•mn .ind ·told his assoctatcs he planm·J to ~ill R1zz1one. Thl·n l\.1ng said. Maniscalco or- \krt·t.l 1v.n a'>soc1a1es. Phil Warrcn l~ase see JRIAL/ All Purse theft victim's year starts poorly Drunken driving law courts prosecutors By ll08 VAN EYKEN Of .... Dally ,... k.tf A Fountain Valley woman lost a big chunk of her life savings to a purse snatcher who escaped with nearly $200,000 in jewelry, cash and o ther valuables at a South Coast Plaza department store, police said Tuesday. Fumei Yana Ch una sajd she was tryina on shoes with a friend at the siorc when an unknown man sat oext to her • .,abbed her purse and ran off. She said she was carryina so many vaJuables in her pune because of the holiday weekend and the weddjna of a clOIC family friend. "An enaineer at the company where I work; he's like my son; it was his weddina, .. Chung said. "I wanted to aive to the bride a lot of my old jewelry." The "old je..-elry" included such items a1 a S2S,OOO pearl neckll~ accordina to a preliminary police report. The total declared value or losses in the report is Sl83.'°°. Chun,·s son, Frank Yana, said bit mother wu ~~ an unusually asp amount ot cub becaute of the New vear•i holiday. "It's Chinae tradition to sive a lot of money to relatives at New Year, and she knew the banks wouldn't be open OYer tbe weekend." he said. • O uma uid she shouted for bdp when the thief' toe* laef .,..,_ ......... ~/AZJ By EMILY ADAMS Of -Dally -Stafl' While a new drunken dnv mg law appears to have created a wider net for authorities to use 10 catching the drunk who slides behind a wheel, local pohcc officers said the new rule hasn't changed the way they nab intoxicated drivers. Instead of h.clping catch the drunk. the new law will ass1s1 authorities {>rosccute those who drink and dnve. T he law, which went into effect at midniaht Monday, lowers the blood alco hol lc"cl a t which a person is presumed too drunk to drive frQm 0.10 percent to 0.08 percent. A per- son who "c1gho; about 160 pounds gains 02 percent for each d rink consumed L1kcw1sc. about .02 per- cent c"aporates each hour. meaning that an average person would havr 10 consume about five dnnks tn an hour to be kpll) drunk. "We could've made an arrest at .08 percent years ago. What matters 1s whether or no t dnvina is 1m- pa1rcd, .. Newport Beach Politt Sgt Andy Gonis said. ··w e "ouldn'1 ha\l· \lopped \Ome- o ne (for crralll J n ' rngl and then said. 'Oh. ~ou'rc :i 0 Oll go aht·ad on yo ur wa~ · .. The 101pa1.1 ,1l tht· 1.1" "'II he mo•a apparent 1n the cnun\. a'i pn1,. ecutcrs find thc m<;t•he'i \I.It h a larger numhcr of case<. \I.he re the dnver " pn-sume'CI drunl. Cion1'i \Std. Law cnforccmr nt offi cial al'IO hope the lav. "111 ma~c dnnkcr-; think IV.ICC before thr' dn\C Local bartender' \a\ 11 'it"em\ to be working. 'T ve S«n a big change in the r11.·11plc 1n thr bar this year -busi- "''" hJ~ hcen a little slower and they c.t'\'111 mo re av.are." said 8uD Bu'hc~ bar manager of Malartcy'1 I m h Puh in :"lcwport Beach. T hn'iC "ho come into the bar hc1 ' rn·1 been dnnk1ng quite as much a<, tht'' "t'rc last year and crowds aren't quite u thick at the popular \l.atcnng hole. Busbey said. "V. c railed a lot of cabs New '\ ca r"• [' c and there were a lot of people v. ho amvcd in limos. so I thin~ the' "ere definitely more oon- f~ .... ~/AJJ Two nuns in Nic;:aragua killed in attack ly l'll.ADSLl'O ALEMAN "' ...... """' ...... MANAGUA. Nicarqua -Two nuns. includina one from Mil- waukee, were killed and an Ameri- can bi~ and a tbinl nun weft wounded lft an auack on their car in nortbealtetn Nicarqua. cburCb of- 6dak and radio reports said Tues- day. Church authorities said l\INMn ambu.W tbe car Monday nilbl. but one;::! 11ed &ater that a land mine u Oft may have been re- sponsible. -:GOOD MORNING The Nicaraauan aovernme nt blamed Contra ~bets for the inci- dent. which the Rev. Marcelino Eslrllda said took plact on a hl&h way near Puerto Cabn.as in the remote Caribbean coastal rqion. about 200 miles northeast of this capital. TM church said it had no infor- mauon a to responsibility. Church officiall and tuDily W•~ ified the slain nunt at W- Courtncyt... 4S. of Milwaube. _. Teresa Kosalcs. a ~ Bish op Pablo Schmitz, 46, ol~ du Lac. Wis., aualiary ...._ ,'fl IPl•w .. W/MI .. Oh. I thought someone was at the door." llARllADUKE by Brad Anderson "Watch yourself. His playfulness takes a lot of forgiving." NANCY ARLO AND JANIS HOU~~ Ait MR! fl//€ 16 Mli1kE OC ~S! WUY ~ )1)tJ SO HAPPY~rH 1/l/-.O ~ .... Lou\s fas,evr, \~ ~r~ t~ cwMd '1N I" CAii ~e~\~ Lo~zATioN! '· M l L K "· DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ket cham ~ 1-l 11Mit. W1LSON DOESN'T ~AVE ANYfHING TO 00 ANO 1'M GOMNA HELP HIM ~ If by Jerry Scott by Jimmy Johnson ~I~ LOVE.!> C<'JAPA.:t{! by Kevin Fagan GARPIBLD FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE I VU5T ~1° SEa-1 llJ Gt!f t.Jflr.M. ITS f\8 IF l'ftE Wll'V I.OAS ~~ BL.OWING-~ ~ieHI c' lR~ I 1FE WAU.S. -""" "' SHOE JUDGE PARKER ..!}\FTER TALKING \l'HTH ""eeev S P'eNCef't, P~ME"' Goes "TOA Pul5LIC PHONe ANO CALLS KIKI MUl...OOON :tN C HIC AGO ' .. FUNKY WINKERBEAN D001'ESBURY by Garry Trudeau #1111¥ ~TIN6 IOI( .... 1/f /\ by Jim Davis by Jeff MacNelly by Harold Le Doux l"'IRS T, MY Pl'\leNO S A M I ON THe SU"',.ACe, He Sll•MtS "'l!!LA><eO ANO •ASYGOING.' 00N'T L..l!T THAT ,.OOL ~I He'U. Bl!! ASKINGTHe .,._-----1 HA~O 1-AwveP' Q0•&T10N8.' by Tom Batluk 1l-4E FILM MU51" HAVE BROKEN ! -...~..:..:....,._;.....-4i . c_._ .. .._ .. _.. . ~ ...... ~ ............... ~--:: :c. :.71:1.: