HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-31 - Orange Coast PilotIlly /Inside ORANGE Tiii lllPlt II ' " i!t :; F rs > •a,,.,,..., cia 'JP ... Jtd l: Good ,~ Morning! A .. 111111 llw ,_.,, En Clear skies and damanishang wmds arc expttted today. Coastal/Inland highs from 62 to 69. Lows from 41 to 4S. For the Orange Coast's most com- plete weather information. including boatang. fishing llnd surfing reports .• sec page Al2. IN THE NEWSROOM Just when you thought they'd given out college degrees and certificates for everything under the su n comes word of a new program at Cal State Fullerton .. The university is offerina a Certificate Award in the field of Trans- portation [)(omand Management -an oth<"r words. r<'duc1ng the number of cars on th<' frccwa)'S .. The program 1s being <"ndo~ and co-sponsor<'d by Caltrans. the Orange County Transit D1stnc1. the Orange Count)' Transpor- tation Coahtaon and an) other 1mport- ant-sound1ng orpnizallon with the words "Orange County" and "Trans- portation" an us tatle ... Certificate Sttkers wall tr) to devise ways to 1mproH· the tran portataon S)'Stem "hale oolanc1ng such concerns as mob1ht )'. air quaht). land use and w h1ch agency gets to take cr<'d1t 1f the program actuall) accomplishes any- thing ... To get a certafic.ate. students must take sax cla~s for a total of 11 7 hours of instruction ... It's uncertain at th as point whether being stuck an traffic 1s an acceptable excuse for being late to class. . QUOTES Of Tllf DAY "/believe Wt° 're all able to tune m. to a de,rtt. e\lcn 1f t1 's only leamms to listen to '4-hat >our sut It'' cl mtu1t1on tells }OU .. Costa Mesa ps)ch1 c Verona Borba/ Al 0 "The on/,~ limit to our realuit1on of tomorrow '411/ be our doubts oftoda) ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt TODIY'I EVENTS • Chns Isaak rocks an the New Year at the Coach House 1n San Juan Capistrano at 8 and 10:30 p.m. Tickets arc S 19.SO for the first show and S3S for the second. which is limited to people over 21 . Catt 496-8930. •The Pacific Symphony Orchestra nngs in the New Year in the Grand Ballroom of the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel tonight. Tickets arc SI SO. Call 474-4233. TOMORROW'S HIGHLIGHTS • Buyi~ a sun, plasterin& a wall with Jl'lffiU and market1n1 somethan& as be1n1 "recyclable" will be more difficult an California be&Jnning Tues.- day. COMING ITTRICTlOIS •Stan submittiq your poems. stories. pbotopaphs and drawinp for our next Readers' Pqc, which runs Jan. 27. Send your submiuions to the Readm' Pqc, Or-. C..t Dd1 NM. .now. Bay St .. Colla Mesa. 92626. INDEX ,.._, s?PP a• ...... . @ f Nd lllrtin/Al Monday, December 31, 1990 25 cents So long, 19901 What a yaarl -The top tan review:. Oil spill to Glasgata By Karen Auge Orenoe eo..1 o .. iy P1101 . ~ It wasn't quite wha1 we h:id in mind. Orange Count). ltkc the re'lt of the nation. sailed into 1he new decade on a wa' e of confidence borne of a decade's prospcnt) and hopefulness ignited when fr~dom broke out acros" eastern Europe The s~•<'S hll"t' were sunn) mo'lt da)s and business was booming -so much so that some acuv1sts wert screaming for a halt to the sprav.hng arowth. The Rams had battl<'d their wa) to football's N F( champ1onsh1p, and gnd1ron prognosticators foresaw a ros)' Ram future an 1990 Earl) 1n the )Car. .\ngels management coughed up malhons for patching phenom Mark Langston. fuehng fans· hopes of greater baseball &Jory. Rut the 90s W<"re scarcely a month old when the tide turned here - latcrall}. For most of Februar; the wate~ off the Orange Coast were dark- enC'd b' a blank<"t of 0 11 tha1 001ed from Br1t1sh Petroleum's tanker i\men - can Trader In man) wa)s. 1l "as JUSI the begin- ning. Those pcrenntall} sunn) skies be· came a cu~ as drought stretched into its fourth )ear. and talk of v.ater rationing be-came not JUSt a distant threat but an immanent reaht)' Those clamonna to pull the rems 1n on local growth v.on a backhanded 'actor; as unexpttted economic w~ accomplished what their outer) couldn't. reached epic propart1ons that pla)'<'d havoc with the nation's economy. as See TOP TEN/14 Dubious distinctions of 1990 Coast news from the scandalous to the ridiculous Oh sure there v.-as the ~n11n Gulf cns1s and the Lincoln Savinas and Loan m~ and the Huntinaton Beach 011 spill. But 1990 )'1elded more than th.at. What about the Irvine l"C'Sldcnt "'ho was ticketed for packlq up litter 1n a ncagh- borhood park? Or the county supervisor who got into a shovtn& match while waiting in hnc al a South Coast Plaza depanment store? And remember the Superior Court Judie who ordered his baihff to wrap duct Litpe around \be mouth of a foul..amapcf'Cd defendant? Herc are some of our favontc dubtous deeds and distinctions for 1990: ...., ..... Em~ of tbe Ottat American Bank 1n Newpon Be8cb make Medlanes -.hen they inadvenently depolit $42,SOO in the trab. Tbt c:atb is recovered the fol9::f day when aty refuiC woften arc to empcy their tnlh lnlC:ka and sift dv'cMilP ·~ tom o( tnllll. IDC'idenl bri• aew ~ to ._. Old warnifls .. tky. ~ ~ now whcft that lllOM)'I bca ... ....... 7 ' Rep. Qril Coa. dlll .. •• coe. If CllFS2 ,._ Nea,., ........... '° Lil' a ·1 • "" "' • ...., __ "' .................. lllllMiC ... h1stonc first election. Cox and has fellow tra,elcn.. however. find themsd"cs marooned 1n Bcr11n Visa problems. Co' blames the Soviets. ha~" er. The )Oun1 Republican finally makes 1t to Lithuania -the day after the clec· lion. fu.llMlll News note: The skipper of one of the Balboa Island ferries is arrested for drunken boau q after he era.shes bi vessel into a dock. A replacement ai~ per 1s qwckly found. 1111 ........ OrWl99 ~ o.ly Plll04 Beach as.sues were major concerns for Coast r8Sldents in 1990 including a devastating oil sptll off Huntington Beach In February. left. and beach en- croachment de- bates. and decisions. b4Mow. Daily Pilot looks at '90 • Tep Ta oa ~ Coast: The Dally PlMt rcvscws the top stories of the year includina lbc Huntmaton Bc.acb Oil Spill, lbc purchase of the Laguna Canyon and the new terminal at John Wa}nc A1rpon/Al • 0..11• DUU.CUW: Reuaoe the steps of some of the more controversial, scandalous die ridacuJous storia of 1990/ Al • Emtertalameai: Local an scene illustratci conuoveny and poW1h/ •• • Pelltiec Who won, WhO IOll and bow tbe voten .._.. • itlUeS in 1990/ M .... .,.. Royalty ._ .. Qruee Coat willa ...... .,.. .,.., n.. 11 a111 ftvc 11CW1 ..-ti I ..... roro.1-• i ............. l11~All . .. , " ,. • I Orange Coast People HE 11-------------- The general manager of Arches in Newpon Beach. He has "'orked an the restaurant business san~ 1955. when he opened his O'-' n in Ponerv1lle. GOIN' SOUTH ----------- He moved to Newpon Beach an 1958 and opened Bcrksharc's, \'htlh re; no"' known as the Warehouse. "At Berkshire's we had a lot ol u:lebnues come 1n People lake Sinatra. the Wa)'ne famt l)', f>llrc and Hamel Nelson. Dack Powell and J une All)son. You nc,l·r l nl'"' "ho "as goang_to pop an." GOLDEN ARCHES---------- In 1960 he ~Id the rt"Staurant and went to '-'Ork at Bob Bum s, where he sta)ed for 12 )cars. Then an 1972, he came to Arches and he has been at the Newport Beach landmark ever since. "Our hu"nes' 1<. 95 percent local. We know practacally cveryQne who "'al k~ through this door and that's a nice feeling.." In the 35 )ears he has been an the restaurant business, F crnandc1 ~ad that the people are the same but the operators have changed .. Today )Ou see ponaon control. you never use to see that. But people don't change that much. they still want that good qua lit ' " GREEN THUMB---------- r ernandc1. "'ho lt\es an Huntington Beach. lakes 10 work 1n hi' ~.1rdcn ·'' a hobb~ and the 65-year-old has no intention of 1c11ring ·I "uuldn l l no"' what to do ... -Compiled by TOiiy Dod~ro Local News Briefs H l ''JTI M 'TON BEACH -An overnigh t sobnety checkpoin t c1n PJulll ( oa'lt H1ghwa> 1n Hunungton Beach has netted fi ve motori'lb \U'>JX't led of dn' 1ng under the infl uence of alcohol. a < Jhlorn1J ll1gh"'a\ Patrol official said Sunda) Orfan, \Ct up the checkpoint at Anderson Street and Pacific ( oJ\l ll1ghv.J\ JI ''JO p m 'iatu rda~ and t>nded 11 at I JO am 'iunJa' Otlin·r, \lopped 642 motomb. bu t the) arrested onl y fi H o n .1lwhol rl'l.lll'd t har~e.-. said Officer Lauren Dummer of the ( H P's \\ t \Im 111\ll'r ullilc Man crltlcal aner bitting pallce cir \'\Ill I \1 -.\ Santa .\na man was in antensa\e care 1n an Ir ' inc. h11\p1tal "unda' after undergoing surge~ fo r head mJunes ,.,.1 k r J ,, ht·n h1\ car c.rashed into a poltcc pa trol car parked on lilt 'ianlJ \nJ f rt:C\\a\ fo'M. Blanw '2 "'as taken to L ( In ine Medical (enter ,1i,ir1I~ .illt·r h1'> 'eh1clr car ran into a car occupied h> two .\naherm poli\l' 11lltlt'P1 "ho ha J pulled o'er another man about 11 42 pm 'iJlurdJ\ .tuthuntae<. \atd !fr' maanh going l<l he ob'>CneJ hecausc the rn1un es he \ulkn·d u1uld turn into '>Omething mon: ~nous." \aid \haron I '"n' .1 hmr11JI <,pokes woman \ PJ'>\l.·ngn in Blanco·, car whose name wa s not 1mmC"d1atel) rdt«l\c.·d wa\ a1rl1 f1cd from the crash scene 10 Wc.-.tem Med1tal < t'lllt'I 1n ~anta .\na. His cond111o n was unknown. One ol the officers also suffered •nJunes in the crash and was taken to a ho'>ptta l. ..atd a dispatcher from the ( alafom1a Highway Patrol'.., \anta .\na offi ce The '"o offi cers had pulled over Manin Hernande1. 21 on the northbound Santa Ana (5) Freeway at Harbor Boule vard an .\nahc1m Their t ar was on the n gh t shoulder '-"Ith tis rear amhcr laghl'I on the dispatcher said. Om• ollicer had put Hernandez an the bad ~at of the patrol car and was running a check on him fo r outstanding warrants The sernnd officer was an the car. the dispatcher said. For reasons that weren't 1mmed1atcly clear. Bianco's car ran off tht• road and smashed into the patrol car Hemande1 also suffered minor tnJunes an the crash. the dispatcher said. and was taken to Anaheim Memonal Hospital. Highway Patrol and Anaheim poltcc officers did not 1mmed1· atel) ii.no"' wh) the officers had detained Hernandez. or whether Blanco was arrested in connection with the accident. AN AHEIM -A poltce officer shot and cnt1cally wounded a man who was beat1n1 and chokina a woman an the bushes of a residential l\Jlahe1m ne1&hborhood Sunday. The 1den11ty of the suspect, who ~s listed an critical conditio n al UC Irvine Med1caJ Center in Oranac. had not been detennined. sa1d Lt. Ray Welch of the Anaheim Police Ocp111ment. The 34-year-old Anaheim woman. whose name was withheld, told poh«' that she wa<1 Wllkang home when the man confronted her. bepn choluna her and drqacd her into the bushes at 29.S I W. Oransc Ave .. Welch said. Patrol officcTS wctt sent to the crime scene at 4:0.S a.m. on repons or an assault in prosre • Upon arrival. officcn found the man 1n the bushes. hoktina the woman down on the around and bc'l11n1 her, the lieutenant 1a1d. The su pect jumped up and chaJlcnard the officm after they approecbcd him and identified lhemtelVi At that point. one of lhc lawmen lhol him. The condjtion of the woman. and the motive bt:band the incident. -ere not immediatdy known . "To our kno-ledee. the vtc:1im did not know her •t&ackcr ... Wck:b Mid. Anaheim pole« dd«tiva .cl i•..._&on from lbe Oranee O.nty DiAnct Attorney's of&ce wiU banclle me oftkcr-invotved ..... allt. ....,,_ .. """ ..... -····· • • The World ... in Four Minutes 5 II.Ill 111111 ._......_II ...... ·-put \hem •• t'a'tU 111d on lsnel tclev1s1on. • •• -••• ..--. _._--.-. The Plan. whkh stiU must be approved by the c.abine&. calls for WASHINGTON -Conarnaional lcadrn II.id Sunday the White cstablistuna tent camps to hou'IC 10.000 amm..,.ants. House shoukt redouble its ctroru to find a peaceful solution to the crilis io the ~n Gulf bctause the American people don't want to faaht a war in the f'Clion. "The Amerku people arc not yet committed to war, and they want to make «Nin that Pttsident Bush has done everythina. punued every avenue for peace befott .tbc fin"' IW'U," saad Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, R-IUJ\., on NBC-Tv·, "Mcct the Prcu." "The American people do not want war, .. he sajd, Both Dole and Rep. lt's Aspin, O.W1s., chairman of the House Armed Services Commiucc, said Bush and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein must break the stalemate over diplomatic talks between the two countnes. fllll• llllClclll lrl• •viii ._. MOU NT VERNON, Mo. -The father of a braan-damqtd patient at the hospital where Nancy Cruzan was allo"''Cd to die after a coun fight has been blocked from moving bis daughltt to a state where her feeding tube could b( removed with less legal strife. Pete Busalacchi says hJS daughter, Chnstme. should b( allowed to dae. But Don Lamkins, director of the Missouri Rehabihtat1on Center. contends Ms. Busalacchi has mental functions and responds to commands. Ms. Busalacchi. 20. has spent 31h years an a vegetati ve state similar to that of Ms. Cruzan, who was buried Fnday after bccomma a focus of nauonal debate and a landmark U.S. Supreme Coun ruling on the n gh t to J1e. Sll'gean's dlltll If AIDS 11111'111 Slits BALTIMORE -Breast cancer surgeon Rudolph Al maraz was considered a gifted healer who 1nsp1red trust. but has death last month left some of hi s former patients fngh1ened and fccltna b(trayed. He had never told his hosp1taJ o r h11 patients that he had AIDS. The case has embroiled Johns Hopkins Hosp11al, one of the nauo n·s most respected medical centers. 1n an emot1onally charged debate o\Cr the respons1b11at} of doctors 10 inform patients of their own health problems. Two weeks after Almaraz died. 11 was rcponed he had operated on some 1.800 patients after bccomanJ infec ted with the AIDS virus. 111'1111 alftClll Cllll fir tent CIMPI JERUS .\LEM -(m migrauon Minister Yatzhak Peretz presented his plan Sunday for housing tens of thousands of the coming year's e'<pccted 400,000 Soviet Jewish immigrants 1n tent camps and army bases. Peretz presented his plan to the mantstenal commutet' on 1mm1gra11on. He later fielded cn uc1sm of the tent camp proposal on Israel telev1s1on. calling 11 "an emergency plan for a ume of distress " "I am alwa)s afraid that there could b( a suuauon where 1mm1grants ""I get stucil. at the a1rpon. and we will have nowhere to by Sharai LeBeau ORANGE COAST'S ONLY FICTIONAL DRAMA SERIES ft 1ght then and there. "athcnne Bell sho uld ha\e gotten out of Jonathan V11alc's arms. oO hts hed and "'alkcd out of his house That's "hat her mind '-'IS telling her. but her bod) refused to budge In fa ct. 11 JUSI pushed closer to Jonathan Nell Sturbush. the ex-Newpon Beach mayor and -Ka then ne had JUSI learm·d -lather of Jonathan. kept poundi ng on the .:-losct door. his muffied )ells demanding to be let out Jonathan . hts arms wrapped t1ghtl} around Kathen nc· as they laid side b> side 1n hts kang-s11cd hed. pn:tend ed no t to hear him. "Shouldn't we let him out') .. Kathcnne fi nall ) asked . her ltps not l\\O anchl·s fro m Jonathan's. Her e\es searched has face for a due He JUSt stared at her v.11h those'bab} blue e}es "We should. but then we wouldn't be able to do this:· he "'h1six·n:J bcforc tenderl~ gn ing Katherine a ka\s The kiss didn't last long.. but for "athen ne. 11 was the most passionate: onc she'd C\er rcce1"ed She could feel the an tenstt} 1n Jonathan "Katherine." he said. pulling her e'en closer. 1f that was possible "I loH· \OU and "'ant to make \OU m~ w1k " To be con11nued ... Did You Know? National bus contractor started as a good deed •Along tbe Orange Coast: .\good deed started an em pare Taylor Bus Sen acc. a school and cllnrtcr bus transportatton service, " the largest pnvatel} owned bus contractor 1n the llnatcd States It hcgan wh<'n Mrs Ta)lor, mother of a handicapped child , began dm 1ng other ha ndicapped children to therap)' sc-umn'i She bought a statton wagon . then another and hired a dnver. as transportation req uests began to mount With an emphasis on service for the hand1rnpped. she increased her fleet to 100 bu~s The compan) now emplo)S 1.1 00 emplo)tts with nattonal headquarters 1n ,i\nahe1m Fame IS n~uns. Get ) ours 0.\ sc-ndins >our h1ston ca/ facts to Did )'ou Know'', Oraa1~ Cout Dally Piiot, P.0 Bo.-1560. Costa Mesa. 916!6. C.mpllftl by Aue S,1u Pollce Log . FIN OLONGAPO. Phihppincs -Fire swept throuah a two-story hotel pecked With U.S. strviccmc~ en route to t~ Persian Gull on Suf_'day, and police said three Amencans and a Fahp•no womar:i wen: killed. Two other Americans ~re tnJUrcd in the fire, which broke out about 1:30 Lm. at the 34-room, two-tory Ro)'~I ~ Ho!-tl •. 011e of many around the Sub1c Bay naval bast filled W1tb sa1lors sb1pp1na out to the rulf. 'd th Mike Pusang. spokesman for the city government, RI e cause had not been determined but arson was suspected. E• IL•1ll1 lll1lcn 111111 PIClllc RABAUL, Papua New G uinea -A strona earthquake hit Plpu1 New Guinea's New Bntam I land an the South Pacific early Mondi). causing manor damage but no reponed anJunes. The eanhquake was ~corded at a preltmmary magnitude of 6 8 on the Richter scale. according 10 lJ ... Geological Survey ~ent1sts in Golden, Colo. . New Britain 1s a narro'-'. crescent-shaped island with Rabaul on its northe3st up. The 375-milc-long island, home to ~bout 200.000 people. has a rugged range of mountains with scve1:3I active ~olca~ocs. Ima lt1kara1, who "oril.s at the ~ovrmment s volcanic act1v1t)' sc1en11 fic sta tion in Rabaul. );)ad minor damage was reponed tn scattered regions of the island 1111111111 stream 1cra11 lllN• .\THEN . Greece -llundn·Js of .\lbJn1an\ streamed into Grcttc on Sunday 1n the bag&l''ll nnc-da} nodu.-. ~•me the Communist rulers there began a reform program .tnd ..\lban1a announced II 1s also allo" ani Jews to depan Thirt)·S<'\en Je"'s Jll relatl'J Ill'" 10 Rome fro m the Albanian capital en route to lsral'I , \<l td \hula lJahat J spokes~oman for the American Jewish (. ommattt'c in '\t>"' 'orl She said Sunda) ·s tl1ght "a' thl' lirst in a planned operation dubbed "F1~1ng Carpet" tu "'h1~l an l'\llmatr:J 500 k~ out of Albanta 11 11••1tlll In White H•se 11Ntnt W ..\ HI GTON -1-le,cn pc-opk "'Cfl' arrc'itcd Sunday after the} scaled the north fence ol r hl' \\ h1tl' llou-.c anJ threw red inl, simulating blood. into a fo untain anordang to authon t1es The~ were among a group of .m dcmonstrator'l aflihated with the O.C Coahuon Against the l \ 1n thl· \1 1ddk l a'>t. according to Doug Holmes of the uniforml·d d1' l'1111n nt lht· '-;enct '-;en 1Ct'. .\mong tho~ arrc tcd "'·'' !11rml·r < .11holtl priest Ph ili p Bcmgan. a 'etcran anti-war actt ' 1st Pres1Jent Bush was at the prl·.-.1dcn 11JI rctH·at at Camp Da' td 10 the nearb) Mar)la nd mountain' Jt the 11mc: o f the arrests. -8) Tbr A11oclated PrtH News al the Weird llcrlt SlrvlCI 11111 1rrntn t• 1111111m1111 \'.\I l ( olo -\ \cl rl'I ...... r · 'ice agt'nt as-,agm·d to p1utn 1 Vin· Pn•\u.knt l>Jn ()u,I\ k "J' arn·,tcd for \horhlting ,1tlt'r .11 lt·~t·dh tnantt In \ll'JI .1 2Xll '~1 JJdn•t Juth11ri t1l'' 'aid Jmce Fk tchl•r ol \\ J\h1n{(ton "'a~ l hargt•d "1th 1111\(knwJm1r thC'ft and r<'l<'J\l'tf J ltn rusting a SlOO hond Tht• lhJrgt· lJlrtl' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat VOL. 84, NO . 385 a...,...- VIDe~ ~ ......... ... ~ .1 Ol.l\IOlUOl fX'nJlt~ Of 30 di\S an J.11 I and J S I 1100 fine he 1s 111 .tpfX .ar Ian 11 1n \!ail \fo. n1l 1r.11 c 11un P1il1u• C hid "l'n Hughe) ~td I kl\ ht r 111 "as arrt:1.tcd l hur,J.I\ Jltn alkgl·JI} 'ltu ffing till' 1.ll lt·t 1nt11 J 1ohopp1 ng bag <)uJ\ k h.1 .. lx•t•n \.3tat1 on1ng 111 \ ,111 "11 miln ~l''lt of Dt·n \ l'I 11n .inti 1111 \ln(t~ hcfurt' ( hrt\llllil' BJ Tb r Associ•tH Pn• How to reach us at the Dally Piiot Circulation Orange~ mconc u~ 1 sp1rk plua to break 11w pa tenser iidc windo11rs on a Ford pickup and 1 MaLdl s1a t1on waaon perhd an front of a homt on Nc"ada The thief took 1 '1e.rco from ~truck and • S 110 bo) 's bclc from the station W110n. Lane rrpe>ritd that someone bkw up her mail bo' w11h o cht'rry bomb tl1ll ind n Joequ1n Hills "*1s and caiated ID t'4'11mlltd $7,9()() ""'Of\h Of dim• to In UQa~lOt. 1wo btckhocs. • loader. a ~nctwr ind t""o ll'IC'lon by sma h1na pu • v.1ndow5 and m1m>n. a.earlftl up \Onlrol p.incl\ c"1t11\I ""'ru and s;prradi,_. oil thmu1hou1. 0 Sofmonc sm.tsh«I a .-endow 1t laam A ..... A man. dacribcd as 6 fttc &all. slam and blac took 1hree Plnaton.c ~ fRMn a Thnny dfus· toiT on Welnut Vflluc. 0 M1J1k's Otamond o. and utcd • pok 0t Stick to <omputtt components -onh S21 .l~ ~ rtmo~ six ncdlacn vaJlk'd at Sl.800 rtom the tolcn (rum Amcncan Bwkkn MOf11111t Ccwp um. .., IUll TriltT A\~. Fl 2*9- An at"IOllllt Rt firr '° dM conlellll ol nwo tru.111 di.ml*en localed bdltnd Thnft)"1 11 16141 Har- bour lhd z aw - . , ... - A 1·bx mncty ttnt mldt of PVC ppc Wiii Mo6cft from .. ""i41e COllH*11QI ffarw lela..S IO te.maenlaed A S .).400 Rok-• drnttr In IM 1200 pan,. 0 v.a1 h was mtni"I from • k of Ba) i<k Ori~~ aftrr • 0 n un .. no•n m;ak llcd a 2S;.)ur~ man 1n OW-200 bl~~ uf i9th trttt and mreaallld to "tOft'h .. h•• s1rttrif-nd·, Surulu Sem\M'99 .-d .. _. ho and hutu htf ~ .. 0 ~ pried ._ • llidiae .... .._ • a £am <oun ..... ...W..., ~ _. _. IJ.125 ~., "°""''' ............. . ........... ~ .. ~ t ._ ______________________________________________ ___, --------------------------------------------~--...... ~----..... .;.......:.----------------~----------~·------------'·• ., • Or~ Cout Dally Piiot 11101111111wltl1111 1tran11, w•dll'IUI We have JUlt about mack it. . As is every year, the one Just about past has been filled with oddities, stranae people, wonderful people. calamities and crises, wdn:I politic aod even wein:lcr politicians. It as a journalistic tra- dition to reflect back on such things, h iahlightina the besttst, the worstest and the mostest. So why not? 0 Most Ado Abut Not Fred Martin Miida.: All the flap about Rep. ~· .h.. f Dana Rohrabacher's drua ~~ US( in colleae. He's no d if-C ferent than 'lcvcnty-malhon ----- other guys. 1ncludin1 many of cquaJ o r higher status. 0 Stru1e Me11a1e of Ute Year. "This 1s for Fred Martm I was 1w1y when your computer survey telephone call came. M> son hung up on him. I would like to contribute m} verbagc. so call (phone num~r)." 0 Most Unspeakable Newspaper. T he Oraa1e Coast Dally Piiot, of course. The mayor of Irvine a nd assorted 'Costa Mesa cit) council men. past and present, are a mong the kennel full of local polttico~ who won't speak to anyone from this newspaper. Note that fe" of them denied the truth of what was reported The) JUSt d idn't h kc seeing 1t in print. 0 Best Thing That Happened to Fred: The Fred Column 0 Best Thlna That Happened to Readus: It onl> runs thr~e da>s a week. 0 Most CouragHH Person: (art Ul'il. the scptuagenanan Balboa Island man. v.ho. after losing his leg to cancer. sailed his boat in .\pnl\ Ne"pon 10 En~nada race. 0 Smarmlesc Elec tion Campaign: Hands dov.n. thr mudslinger betwet'n Ir' inc's former mayor. l..afT) .\gran. and tht' 'actor incumbent ~<ill) .\nne hendan Runner-up ( un Pnngk 's Tom lmberg 0 Voyeurs of tbe Year. T he Costa Mesa cops "ho demanded that t\l.O \NOmen at the Pacific -\mp1tht.>ater stnp 10 pro\e the) had uo;ed the "omen·s restroom lcgall) 0 Quirkiest Holllne Call: .. \our "ntcr. Fred ,\.1Drtm That gu1 t) somcrhtng else . 1h1 m.' HCf) boar. H c's t.omg 10 rhe harbor pnrrol. chedong on 1h1s. cht•d"ns on 1ha1. Ho" come f'<"Opk can ·r ha 1 c- ,1n) prn ii<.\ 1' llh rhat g&.1.\ fie uclds nothmg to wur nc"Spa{X·r ) ou nct'd somrone "11h chansma. ·• Right Pl'opk \all into Newport in a 181-foot boat and 'ihuuld not C\pt'("I 10 Jllr.1(( a11en11on But rm "ork1ng on the lhan1om.t It onl) I lOUld ha'c a~ mulh as tht> caller 0 Ne1'spa per Crises of cbe Vear. The Dally Pllol t~ing to drop the rnm1c stnp 'ianq .\ftC'r being shC'lled b~ our readers on 1ha1 one. a month latrr "t' If' and dump '"o others Judge P.irkC'r and T umble"eeds No wonder the editor'\ ha'e rcwl,ed not to tn that again nr\I )t'ar .\n) bets" Personal!). rd ""ap all three of them for Gan I ar\on·, r ht- f c1r \1Jc (•l\C ml' that anJ \hO<' Jnd l"m happ) 0 . Quote of tbe Year: ··rm a .\fnnne //ought in thrt.•t• \\Jf\ \.\ h' should I be J/ra1cJ of J I<'" /asgors ') .. .\\'>emhl~ man ( 111 r ergu\un on a group of gin-right\ protesters 0 Dumbest Fred Column Gaffe: ;-..;011ng that Phil '°>Jn\unl·. "ho "a'I running unoppoSt"d. "as dcfeall·d in ht\ bid lur rt><kd1un to the Ne"pon Bear h ( 11' < ounc1I 0 Bumper Sticker of tbt Year: fie Bctv.crn .. \aJdamlll' Hussein" and the one on .i Wells f-argo armored tnKl .. Dmer < arnes No (ash He·s \famed ·· 0 Trutb of tbe Year: The la")er'" bus-bc.'nl'h ado; ha"l1ng IN')T \~T D IVORCE:.. B.\:"ll\.Rl1PT< \ 0 Nicest People: The Fred Column rt>adc~ "ho ha\c l Jllcd and "ntten such nice commt'nls about "ha1 "c do here Runners-up The lo~al readers v.ho cnJO' the column (he,, then~ arc a fc"'I "ho ha,en't calkd or wn11en \oe\I runners·up The readers who ha' r called and ~nttrn in mc.-d1um 10 high dudgeon. ske"cnng us for this or that olTen~ real or imagined I v.1c;h each ot )OU a happ~ and peaceful °'Jt'"" \ t'Jr 4\nd that's rhlrtJ for 1h1s or )ear Bullatln Board ..... llt.-v111111.,..,. HUl'<TINGTON BEA{.H "Ho" to Help omcone Who Doesn't Want Help" 1s the focus of a d rug 1ntent'nt1on proaram offered ever) Thursday 1n Januaf') at the Solution Source Center. 18351 Beach Bhd This free communtt) sen ice Wlll 11ve fa milies a nd fnends stcp-by- ste p 1u1dance 1n dcahna wllh chem1call> dependent people. T he pr<>lf"im as offered Ja n 3. 10. 11. 24 and 31 from 7-8· 30 p m Call 1-800-628-3305 ftl elm 11t1 lllllt llCUM FO Nl AIN VALLEY -The O range County k1 C'lub v.111 hold 11s annual Silent .\uct1on and monthl> meeting Jan. 16 from 7 30 to 10 p.m. at the Claim Jumper Restaurant. 18050 Brookhurst t . Fountain Valle) Adm 1ss1on 1s S2 and no re~r­ va11on 1s n~ed. For more infor· mat1on cill the k1 Club Hotline at 957-8686 r Bflll~tla Board,..,,. M-'ay1 Hd n•rlhy1. -- Monday, December 31 , 1990 M Va~ naas wrong way on aNa INiwars SAN iclEMENT E -The dnver o( a van carry1n1 several Mua<:an nationals over the border eluded 1mm1arauo n officen and pohce after a wild ~minute nde Sunday that included hcad1na apanst traffic on the Costa Meta and San Oiqo f rttwa)'s. officials said. males "-ere "' able 10 the van. Ho"'evrr, they approached tbe van 10 talk to w occupants and J(t a beUer look It It, at which llmC the van sped ofl' no nhbound on l·S.'' 0 "'81 said Aaents went after the van. ""hOR dnvcr >A-Ould not pull over. The driver followed the freeway to tbe pin be1wecn lnsctntate S and the 40S Frccwa)' an Irvine, then ~nt north on the 40S join, be d. ·"When tbe vehicle fin.aJJy came to a AOp, the driver of the van plus two o\Mrs fled the vehicle on roo1 a nd wctt not apptt~nded." Orqa td Tbe chisc ended a bout 6:SO a.m and Tustln pohct called the Border Patrol. "We suspect the dnvcr was 1 lmupkr .. whom the Mexican nataonaJs paid to dnve them across the lJ. .-Me .. 1co bordrr, said Mtchael Orea. supervisory Border Patrol agent for the area that include the San Clemente checkpoint on the northbound Interstate S. As the Vlln neared the Jamboree Road ex11. the d river drove across the dut m edian and started dn vina north in the southbound lane of the San D1eao Freeway. Greg& said. "We the n n: ponded to the S«ne and too into custody thrct addJlJonal oa:upent.a of the van. who turned out to be undocumented aliens from Muico," G regg said Aaents detained the altens witho ut ma der11 and took them to the San Clemente Border Patrol statio n. The dnver and two other s1.ospcctcd ahens escaped Tustin police officers who manaatd to stop the van on the southbound Santa Ana Freeway. "Border Patro l aacnts puJJcd off the chase and bas1call) let the vehicle 10." because the dnver wa dnving danacrousJy, he said The van's 1an1t1on had been bo t-wared. b ut It bas not yet been rcpon cd stolen. said T ustin police Sat. Brent Z1carell1. He said pohcc have traced the van to lls reaistcred owner 1n North Holl ywood. but have not been able to cont.l{'t him. G rcu sajd the thrtt aliens who were caught would be taken by bus to San YStdro and would ""alk back to Mexico ae nts le~mcd later that the van's d n ver kept 101n1 no rth o n the southbound San Dicao Freeway. then turned onto the Costa Mesa (55) Frecwa)'. when~ he al.so wcni apmst traffic. "That's most hkely "hal w1U happen to these thrtt unless there's some other m1t1gating circum stance. which I doubt." he said. He then re .... o nnected with the Sant.a Ana Freeway in Tustin and headed south with traffic Gregg ~1d Tbe scrieant said Border Patrol agnts have told him It t$ possible that the owner orthe van v.host' name was not disclosed. may have been in' olvcd 1n the alleged sm uggling. T he chaS( began about 6: I 0 a.m. when the white. 1974 Che' rolet van a pproaeht-d the San Clemente Border Patrol chttkpoint. T usun pohlt'.' monitored the cha~ and spotted the veh1l le and successfully stopped 11 at Main Street 1n Tustin, v.ht"'IT the f~ays Z1carelh said the van would remain im- pounded until its rc&Jstercd owner reporu 11 stolen and claims It " \gents there on the point not1C'C'd that two -By ~ CJ1y New1 ~rvl« Area lottery ticket wins $4.5 million ~ACRAMENTO -.\ t1<:kct bought in TorrancC' had all ~•x num~r .. to -win S4 5 m1lhon in the \ahfom1a l Olll'r\ ... l"IC<'·"ed..h ··Louo 6-5 r game lotter> otlic1als said ~unda' r hC' v.inning numtx·rs picked Sat· urda\ n1g.h1 "<.'re 5. 18 33. 10. 46 1 I Jnd lhl' bonu!> numbc:r I T "o Ill kch bought 1 n Pon Hueneme had fi,e number'> plus the honu<, num~r 10 each "In S164 510 frum a pn1c poul of SCi14 010 fherl' \l.ert· I lb 1icket'> "1th fiq~ ot 'ii\ 10 "in S4. )fiO ap1el'C from S'-1!< 4 11 \omC'., 1tiO lllkl'I\ had tour ot \I\ to ea1.h "1n SM from S4M0.42 7 Thcrl' "l.'ll' l'l.Ulfi 11d .. c:t<. ""h thrl'l ot ,., "onh an automa11r $'i per "'"m·r \.\ cdne\Cla\ ·., 1.1tkpo1 "a' C'\11· mJll'd JI $4 m1ll1111l lot1 t>r: nrliual\ ,.mJ I hl' Topper 1.llll' .. 1.ho~·n "C'fl' r 11rrJ n1.l' '°>Jugu-. fsnmd1d11 Thl• numtx-r.. and I.Ill<''> "nc lhn,en h,,Lutto m..i1.h1nc during a 1l'l1.'' t\lon hroad1.a'it ongtnJltnll 1n \:11. r JnH·n111 T h1. numhcr' Jfl.· l"tl·d 1n th1.• nrJl"r the' ''l'rl· Jnnuun1.l'd . hut 30\ um1hinJl1Un "ould v.1 n \.Jk, Imm \\ 1.·dm·~a~ n1 llhl 10 \aturdJ' ·, dr3" 1ng \\l'fl S4 n m 11 lton lot k" ulli1. 1JI <o <. .. lllJ -8_., lb~ .4sso<'iat~ Pr~ss Garden Grave woman dies In auto crash \.\{-\T\U,\fl::R -.\ (Jardl·n '1ro\\· \\t1mJn \\J' llllc:J l'arh \un- j,1' \' hl· n hl·r l .ir .. mashl'J ; n 10 J ,r;iffi1. "gnJI pole on 61.•alh RoulnJrJ JI TrJ'>k \\c:nuc lkJn11.1 L Penning.ton ~I "il' pmnounrl"J dt•.1d JI thl' ~n·m· nt OIJ\\I\ I.' hl'.ld IOJUrll'\ JI 'll' a m a nrr hl·r Ill~, T 0\ Old ( orolla '"1.·n l'J Jnd n J\hl·d at the nonh- ra\t wrner or Rl'Jlh and fra\k Thl· 'chide: "a" <.l1 hadh \mJ.,hc:d th.it \\ l-!>tm1n\tl'r tirc·- tight<"r' had 10 l UI the \tlllm out o t II poh1.t' '.>aid \.\es1m1n<11cr polKe ~g1 Tom Pt\ ler said Pt'nntngto n·s ca 'as S«n 5'\\en mg JU'>I pnor 10 the crash It " nt1t km>" n "hcther she "a'> dn' 1ng under thr 1ntluenle of al- 1.ohol -By Tiie Dally Pilot -sllllllll clinics 111 II 11 .. ll't Baell ~EWPORT BE.\\H -"Free- dom From molmg" clinics. eight· 'iC''>'l1on program" helping people kick the hah1t. "•II be.' held at Hoag Hosp11al from 1.Q p m on Mon- dau and Thunda's ~nning this Thunda' and running through Jan 18 R obert llallegos "111 lead the chmc in the confettnl-C center side 1. at the hospital. 30 I Nev.port Bh d Another d1n1c "111 be held Ftb 4-28 1n Hoaa·s Cancer Center. Sclledule at llollday closings •Public clcmcntaf) Junior high and high schools and lOmmun1t~ colleges arc do~·J until Jan 7 llCI reopens Wednesda) • All county. stale and federal offi ces v.111 be closed Tuesda) •The Costa ~e..a and Corona de l Mar post offices arc open toda) from Q a m to 5 p m The H untington Beach post office and the Beach ( t•nter and Ha \ton 'itat1ons are open Inda' trom g "lo am 10 noon The 'ie"port Beach Main Office 1s open from 8· 10 a rt\ to I p m todav. but the Balhoa Sla11on and Balhoa Island offices arc clo'>t'd .\II post o ffices will be.' cloo;cd T UC'sda~ • C11yt and count' hbrancs arc o pen (oda) but do-.ed 1 uesda~ • Fountain \ allc' and \o~~port Beach ell' halh .m do..cd 1l>da\ .\.II UI\ .llffill•\ "111 Ix do..Cd Tucsda~ •Trash p11.ku p ~ht>JukJ Tue'>· Oa\ "'II run o ne da.' late •Banks and sa.,,1ngs a nd loans will be.' clo~d Tuesday •Orange Count) Transit D1stnct bu~s will run o n a holiday sched- ule Tuesda.,, Call OC'TD at 6 lti-i 433 for schedule 1nfor- m..iHun • The Orange Coast Daily Pilot bu~tnl'\~ Onile IS open toda} but closed Tue~a' Call 641-4313 oclorl' I ll J m. for dell,en as- sistance Cold weather kills Rose Parade flowers, sunnier times expected P.\S.\DEI\ .\ -Halm~ "'i.'Jther lorccast "le:" 't car·~ ()3~ d1'>pt.>llc<l 1h1.· gl· ·om \unJa, for 'oluntl•er\ <;<:urnintt Ill i;lur l11lnrtul \l'l/.t'l3 t1on on the tiO lloat'> [1.l·1t1ng final tom.he\ lor lhl' l uu1 nJnh:nl ol Ro\t·, Par- Jdl' Behind ~ h1:Juk tx·\.JU'>l. n f J "cck-lonll lrl'ac "urktrc; '"II "'Ne \111. king lhl\'lr' \ll lluJI'> J\ JUdgl·) .rnd thl' puhhl l(OI thl'll lir.t look at 1h1. , ntr11.·, · \\tar a' "C kno" C\t'f\ thintt is tim· \.11J parJdC' 'poll.r,v.l1man l\.r"11n TranquadJ ··t urtunJ h:h. thl' "t•JthN'' ·1urned "Jrm no"·· It \\:IC. 'unn\ on \undJ\ "'th l\. m pt:rJIUfl'' ll',llhlnjl tntO lhl' blk and thl· '1.'" 't l·ar\ DJ\ lorC\.J~I ,.llkd tor .rn1111.· of the '>3me It "'3 .. ,, "l'k<'nH" r,·hd alttr 'uhtrec11ng ll'mrx·r.11url'\ 1.1'1 .... erk ~·nt noat hu1ldrr' \1.1.1mhl1ng tl1 l1nd \Ub\tllUll'\ 1111 fll>\\l'f\ ktlkJ h\ frn'it Hut \undJ\ tlt1Jt hulldrr\ v.1.•r1.· call1np, thl· lOld 'nap 1.>nh a m1n.1r \t·tha,k in prl·para111in'> for the.- I O~nJ l'J11111n lll thl' 1 ournJmrnt ol Ro'l'' 1 hl' 1.11' .._,, BurhJ nk '>l'nt 11u1 a 1.all tor' l1lunll'l'r" w hl'lp romplctc 11\ lhlal Jn l'nln katunng ,.1ratlc\ ekphant\ frog\ .rnd lllhl"r Jn1mJI\ rx~1gncr I: rll .\ndcrson \.lid he "a .. Jl°'<lut a da' hl•hind Sc;hedule Onh 10 of .rn c\Jll'lll'd ~()( 'nl- untl't'r' <,ho"t"I up '>unda' morn· A~o Florist S teve Haddan applies pampas grass to the whiskers of J cat set to adorn a float in tomorrow's Rose Parade In Pasadena. 1 nll hl.' ,;ml .. , m r,•al \\ltflll'd th.., morning hl·~au\(· \'r dl'n·1 hJH thi: 'olun 11.·1.·" th.11 "l hj\ t' 'l'\tcrda' at th•' 11ml' he \j1J "c nt"t'd \Olun- lt'n' le" hdp u' tinl'h th1c; thing ofT In lht IW\I ''''' d3\\ .. \tudt·nh lf\1m < alttom1J \lJte Pclh 11.·" hn1, l " 'cr\11\ '>1111 "l'rc gather nl( \Uh\lllUI\' 00\1.erc; after lrtl\I ~tlkd -._ IX'f\.l"nl 111 th1l\c: gr11" n h1r thl' <,ehool tloot .\n t·'it1ma1ed )0.000 people \trolkd through th~e floa1-bu1ldin1 arcJ' w '1e" the lloats unda). s.i1d Tranquada Judges also made lhl fir<;t o f thrc.-e inspections of the bll entne., -.hr ..aid The final Juda· in@ takec; pla<e at 'am '°'lje" Year's 03\ Police see link between area attacks TLSTl'.'w -Polile ~1d unda) the.-' bc.'he'C' thal' ma' be a link oct"c-cn the ~Jting dt·.ith of a man 1n Tustin and a11a1. kc; on four other peo ple v.11h1n hourc; in \anta .\na anJ Orangl' Fro)lan l.'clawuc1. 26. v.a.\ "ail - ing home from his JOb 31 a ( arl's Jr r~taurant JI """t'"pon and Mucht'll a \l"nurc; "hrn the la ta I assault took. plate ~·J ~gt Jim Pttn of the Tu~ttn Poltce OC'partment \ clac;quc.-1 had forgotten the entr. card lhat :llll'"ed hurl to open the St'\.unt' gate at his rn1dcn~. La Posada .\panments at 15761 Pa\3dena -\' e He was "111101 b' the pie. an hope that someone would enter or c\lt .ind kt him in "hen he ~a'i JI tal kt"d about I 4 'i 'C'\terda' morning. Pee~ -.aid .\ rc'>1dl·n1 "ho "a' IC'a' 1ng the mm pie' d1c;co\C'red \ elasque1. "ho had been knocked to the ground and "a" uncon<,C1ous Orangr ( ounl\ fire Department paramc.•dtn tnoli.. him 10 \.\.cstem \kdKal < C'ritcr 1n nta .\na for trcatm1.·n1 nt \C\ ere head IOJuncs .\fter about nine hours 1n the hospital'., 1n1cns1' e care unit. doc· tors pronounced Velasqu~z dead from ~'era I bin" s 10 the head wi th an unkno" n object. Pt'C'f) said Police ha' t' t'iet'n unable to locate an' .... 11nes~ to thr sla )"IOI and ~b \Ct ha\C' not cstahlt\hc.-d a posStble mot•' e or suspcctc;. Ho"c'er de1cct1 \es were lookma 1n10 the \>oss1b1l1t\ that there m 1aht be a conn('l.t1on between Vclas- que1's murdrr and the similar beat- ings of three people in Santa Ana and one person 1n Oranac Wt occurred "'thin hours of the T ustin incident. Peer) said The four other \ IC\lms survlV«! their att.ach . 1n "h1ch the) were al'iO strud. on their heads wnb ~me t~ pc of object '\nyone with tnformauon on the cnmcs was a k~ to call Tun&n pohet' Detcct1,e Nasano Sohs at (71 4) 544-424 -81 • Clry N.-. .sernr. Psychics using ''falras'' to get the pilbllc In the right mind . Personal crystals, mind readings and advice on love and life available By 8ob van Eyt(en Of'lnle CoMt ~ ~ NEWPORT BEACH -h was a aood place to shop around for the ptrfCC1 mind rud1na. or that per· sonal nystal you've bttn meanina 10 ftt. Profc11 on1I psycbac t. dafr"Voya_nts and apntual ed ... isors from 111 O\'tt Southern ahb'nia C'!:ed Sheraton Newpod Hoed y b' a~htt an a 1Cna of "Plydtic F111a" that oraaftizers uy are aatndnl to introduce tht public '° 1ht btMflts of Pl)'dlic rcedina •nd iditel t«ttniQ--. "*nil ii prinyrity tbr CNf own pubtk rrll&M>M. .. COIU Melll p1y- M 0 rh1e re-ader Verona Bor'be 111d .. We want to show that we're aJI ded1· a ted profcss1o n•ls. We're on the up and up and "-C're not 1ry1n1 to a ivt anyone·• ham ... Borba sate! she believes the abilit)' to Sitt into anolhet person's Pl)'Chc i innate in everyone and that throuah trainina. tud)' and mtdi- talion an)onc could attain the kind of insiahts she provides to her clients for 1 rte. .. , btlit~c we're an abk to tune in. to a ~ cvm if it's onJ) kam1"1 tO Mcen IO .tlat )'OUf IUt· Intl intuiuoa tell• ou:"' she aid IUt 1.htrc lft mouih pcOpk arwnd ...._ t•UWnlKW)' Powtn art .... Wdopecl to provide • • ' read chentele for her scn·1ccs.. Borba said .. People come to us with prob- lem and questio ns about ttlttr love hfc. about health matten. finantt' a ll the 1mponant thinas 1n hit... he said . Ps)c h1C'S ofte n use mineral tt) lll -popularittd ttttntJ) b) the io<al~ New Aft rdiajons - or otha' tnn'l)·focu11na cit K.'CS , "I JOmC1imcs utc l)l)"Cbomttr).,.. she id '"That' holdi"' • pt'r'JoMI objen, ucb u a -.kb or a n .. "°"' the ptftOn and" mine it '° cnhantt the radint. But ll'a not tttRy ntt&d .. Ont pnctitionet who .a a var- ttt of objttts. anct•ni ~ and T aro• t'al'd as ~tu J . SCT- raino. of Ha('acnd• He'Shts. .. The cl) t.al aniphfics: at helps focus tht' cncf1Y," he said .. And d1ffc~n1 t}pc of Cf) tab d o dif- ferent thin ... " plain. "'h1te 'Quart7 ('T')st.aJ. ~ said, helps bi.m in hc:alina and a K s i na a penon's bcaltb. Anol.b.Cr, a ~ey quru ('1)1Cal. • tbs nql'1\-C ~·he .ad. nl1kr ~ SaTtlieo aid bas Pl)Cbic ability -lliled 1tldf elrty 1n 9'i1 lift. • ''Wlla I a linle bf ta N.-JCIWJ aDd link ........... .. COIM IO die ..... • •t.,.. far rnr ... .-... rn, .. ._...._ .. wi.c. rdbeell .... k•wile. I • 1881 holds promise llr high tech; not for autos, housing By Dave Skidmore ANoclatect Pr ... wrn. WA HINOTON -The new year holds prom· ise for hi&h-technology and medical companies despite the deepening economic slump, but maoy businesses tied to automobiles and housing face dim prospects. a government forecast said Sunday. The Commerce Department, an its 32nd annual forecast of winners and losers in American business. predicted that 110 of 184 manufacturing industncs it su~yed would enjoy rising sales in 1991. The rest will see no growth or suffe r a drop in .sales. "The outlook is generally one of continuing but slow growth for most sector~ (of the economy)," said Commerce Undersecretary J. Michael Farren. However. the department's forecasts are based on an assumption that the economy will avoid a tteess1on with a growth 1n the aross national product nc>.t year an the lower end of a I percent to 3 percent range. Nearly all pnvate economists contend the economy already is shrinking and will. continue to do so at least through the first quarter of l 991 with an annual arowth in GNP of around 0.3 percent next year. . The Commerce Department report said that over1ll the median 1rowth rate for manufacturina le i e peeled to be positive for the ninth consecutive year. but by a barely perceptible 0.89 percent, down from an almost-a~ismal 0. 95 per· cent this }ear. The median rate -the point where half of the industries had bigacr sale increases and half had smaller -was far healthier an 1988. 2.1 percent. and 1987. 3 percent. The 56()..page report. "'U.S. Industrial Outlook," was prepared by 130 analysts using infonnation current through August and September. Retail sales were projected to rise onl) I or 2 percent after 1nOat1on ne>.t }ear. "Consumer-oriented industnes are expected to do less well overall. reflecting the general slowdown in the economy." Farren said. "Such producu u furniture. appliances and household audio and vidto equipment arc expected to dcdinc ... and wood products." Farren said. . • tn addition to the manufact~nna 1n~ustries. the report also evaluated 166 service businesses, the fastest-vowing sector of the economy. However, Farren cautioned that the performance of serv1CleS was much more difficult to fort'CISt and to compare to previous >ears. Two key sectors of the economy. construction and motor vehicles, were upected to have another bad year in 1991 . with their weakness spillina over into a variety of related indu tries. High vacancy rates in office buildinas was expected to depress construction by IS percent, while hotel construction was predicted to fa.II 20 percent. Residential housina construction was ell- pcctcd to decline 6 percent from 1.22 million units to I. I S million. Electro nic anformnt1on services. computer soft- ware and other computer services are Cll~ted to do the best. while slower expansion was projected for movie theaters. homr entertainment and lcpl scr- vu:es. Car sales probably will fall from 9.S million this )car to 9.3 million, but truck sales likely will ri se about I percent to 4. 7 million. the report said. "The declines in both construction and motor Vt"hicles will have a significant impact on a number of o ther major industries. including buildfog ma- terials. household durables (aoods such as appliances that arc e>.pccted to last three or more years). steel In general, the department said indus~ries linked 10 cxpon sales would fare better tha~ bus1~esscs ti~ to thi-domestic economy. Farren said foreigners will bf c~couragcd to bu> U.S goods by the decline in the value of the dollar th1~ )rar Ho\lo-e' er. Farren conceded 1hnt the price of 011. dnvcn up b> 1hc Persian Gulf cns1s. likely would keep the U.S. trade defic11. Sl()Cl 4 billion. in 1989. at about SI OS b1lhon 1n I Q90 as well as next year. Strange moments in ad campaigns By Carla Marinucci San Franc;ieco Exemtnet Truth 1s stranger than ticuon - and 1t''i particularly true 1n the world of ad\Crt1s1ng. Unusual eH·nt'i. unbelievable strategics and strungr happenings are the norm for 1h1s mdustr). Here's a rundown of some of thc best. all of them are absolutely. posttl\ cl> real -a roundup of 1990''i Grl'at Moments in Ad"crt1s- ing • Menage A Cola: "The." < ho1ce of a Ne\\-Generation:· Pepsi-Cola. wa accused of gn 1ng C'On~umers "'hat the~ reall) "'an1 -st'\ - th rough subliminal ad\(.'rllSlng Thcrl' Y>cre complaints the "ord "'le\" could be read on Pepsi's "Cool Cans·· when the\ "crc SlaCkC'd up. one on top of another. Thr compan) \a1d 1t was JU\t a TOP TEN From A1 ta.xpa}ers braced themo,eh l''i 10 foot the bill for C'\er ull,c\' 1rrespom1bk dabbling The Ram ~ faltt·red \O badl} that rumor\ of Coach John Robinson's 1mpi..•nd1ng tkpartun· wen.· bu111ng b\ mid-season. The Angch onl> 01rt('d "llh 500. ending the c;ca\on ~0.~2 Langston led 1he d1\appom1- 1ng parade "1th a R-1 7 record &fore farc...,ell "as bid to 1990 \lot' would sec a record-setting numt)(:r of murders an the count\. thc number of pcopk unahlc lo tin.d "orli. here climb to a four-)ear high. and ~hrnff Brad Gates. rcrlC'ctc·d th1o; ~car b) an ovcrwhelmtng ma- jorll) would be fined $247.000 b) a IUr) that ruled he unfairl~ grantt"d concealcd·"eapon<> permits. The count) 1\ slated to pick up the tab Bui all eli.c pakd in compamon ''ht"n a ~11ddlc Eastern madman ra1~d the threat of ''ar. suddenh s1lcnc1ng all the hopeful talk of glohal harmon~ and JH'an· di\ u.knds that began when the< old War ended Orange ( ounl) paid the pnrc for the looming conflict. both hll'rall). at the-gas pumps, and cmot1onall}. as thousands of scrvtct"men and "'omen \lo-Cre sh1pped off to du1~ 1n the de~n And th ousands mon· of thC' hu<>bands. ""e . parents and children the) left behind here pa) a'i "'di. 1n da1I~ installments of ...,a1t1ng and wort) ing Still. there "ere. 1f not the coincidence. "If that's so. then it's a coincidence." so remarli.ablc. 11 belongs in record books:· con'iumer advocate Da' 1d Horo\lo-1t1 "a~ quoted as sti~ mg. •Just Do It. But Don't Hun Mc. amburu tribesmen \lo-ere featured in one of Nike's ads. running through their na11 ve Nonhcrn Ken}a \.\llh brand ne" N1kl' shoc!>. ubutlcs translated their animated con,crsauon as "Jusl Do It.'' But Dr Lee Cronli.. a Un1\Crsll) of C1ncinna11 anthropologist and !.Cholar in the Maa language. re- ' ea led 1he actual con' eNit1on \.\8\. uh shghtl) d1 tkrent "\\ h:rt he'!> rcall) sa) mg 1s. ·r don't 'ol.anl thl·~ C;" r ml' big \hoes · ·· • Rda\ Kid. It 's Onl) l holesterol. Both Ad\t~rt1\ing Agl' and Adwl·d reported. 1n \epar:m.· 1tems. that ads for The Partnc.-rsh1p alien substance clean up crr"'i that included 'oluntccr\ and the l '. ( oast Guard and at times numbered I 500. managed to corral th(' horror that gnppc'd the Orange Coast throughout most of Februaf) The nightmare hcgan Fc.-b. 7. when the Bnt1sh Petrohum Co. 011 tanker .\mencan Trndt"r apparcnt- 1). investigators would la ter say. 1mpakd itself on its ow n anchor The mishap touched olT 'o!.hal "ould become tht• \.\Or'it 011 'ip1ll off 1he Caltfom1a Coa'it 1n 20 'earc; l 'lt1matc-h . an l''illmatt"d ~00.IX>O gallons of crudt' \.\t're dumped inlo Orange Count) "ate" in a spill 1ha1 thC' Coac;t (;uard <11opped measuring" hc-n 11 had '>pread to 14 square m1ks of OC\.'an. For a t1m1:. high "1nds and of- ficial<;' alleged mdc-r1c;1on hampi..·red ckan-up effort' [,C'ntuall). 190- degrre "atcr "as used to saub the goo off bt.·al h roe i.. \. a flcr 11 "as dctum1ned that the high temperatures "ere ..ale tor "lldltfc &aches "ere closed fot "l't.'l>.s a.;; llC'an-up effort~ ot nearl\ 1.500 "urli.1.·r., cont1nuc-d .\n C'Sl1ma1cd 161 seabird!> died. and another J 7b animals \.\1.'rl' tn· JUrrd in the lir'it eight da}S alone "hilt' fi shermen. clu1ming thl· spill all hut dcc;trOH'd thc-ir ll\ehhood. l'C"Spondcd "llh a SI h1lltnn damage SUll At the ~me time-h1\ efforts dunng the dis.aster art" "'ldl'I) cred1· 1ed "1th helping propel former Huntington &ach Ma)'or Tom Ma\'i to the state asscmhh thousand points of light Pn·'>1dcnt %. Tbe Laguna Canyon George Bush exaults us 10 provide. Skep11c'i said it couldn't be done. at least a glimmer or t"o h1.•rc and P1.·~s1n11sts P<>1nted out 1hc giant. therC' ~C'mi ngly unstoppable lr"mc Co. Local chant1cs repon g" ing 1~ up had most of the count) appro' al!. 11 1n these tough economic 11rncs One-nt"eded and was an\lous to build. of 1hose chant1t"s. Share Our St"h C\. But a dogged band of en- found a second hfe after being '1ronmentaltsts. Cll) leadt'r; and pushed from its 20-)ear home. longtime." residents with a soft spol >\woman in Orange ga'e birth to for tht" rugged. pristine ttl n)on 1g- 11n). but health). quadruplct'i norcd thr na)SO)C'r\ and per- Motomts had plent) of 11mc as ~nercd in their effort:~ to keep a the> sat mo11onless on local roads -'.200-homc de,clopmcnt out of to rccons1der their past rcJectmn of Laguna Canyon. tax increases aimed at fu nding high-.\s word of their effort go t out. way improvements. Measure M. the little band $ftW into a mob. the third incarnation of uch a And C\Cn the In ant" Co. had to take program. passed voters' muster an no11ct' 'o!.hen m~arl> 7.000 s>m· November pa1h11crs w~lked 4 S miles 1n 1989. We watched with unseemly glee 1n a protest aimed at halting the as Chatlcs Keating Jr .. alleged mH-proposed development. tcnnind of the demise of lrvme-The ama7m& th1na 1s. they ap- bued Lincoln Savings. pou1bly the parent!)' ucceedcd. nation's btllC t savings and loan Voters put the fin1 hana touches disa ter. cooled hi s heels in a Los Nov. 6 on an agrttment Lhat calls An1clcs jail. for the Irvine Co. to sell 2, I SO actts And cnvironmcntahsts and city of the canyon -once cnvi ioncd as <•fficials 1n little L.aauna &ach used the itc of thousands of homes-to cunnin1 and sheer will -in tead of the city over five years at 1 co t of the shn15hot David employed -to $78 million. . pull off a stunnina victory ovq .. In the November elccuon. neatly Or1n1e County's Goliath. the 80 pcrctnt of the city's voters Irvine Co. • agreed to tax themielvcs over 20 We may have run hon of .years m order to r111e $20 m1Uion mone)'. short of Jobs. shon of tolcr· toward the ca.nyon purchase. ancc. clean air and unconpled roads. but there was nd shortqc in I 990 or rivetina news. Herc arc the top 10 Ot1fll't Coast stories or 1990: l. H•--8e9dl OU 8'111 It came ·fiom off tM C'OAlt I . 'he MW ra...u F. IWey Termlul at ... J• Wape Air· ~ve months la1e. S20 mlllion ovc:r budaci 1nd a whole lot IC)itr.er than its P'ftd«'ator • lM MW ltt· minal 11 John Wayne At,,on dt- bUtcd ttlit )'atr amkht umwavmns fan&tt. for a Drug Free America may be ha' mg an une'-JX'<'ted effect: small Ii.id' all '"er thl' rountl) arc ~fus­ ing 10 c-at their fncd eggs. in the hd1t'f 1ha1 momm) and dadd)' arc g1' mg them drugs and "trying to do bad thing'> 10 their brains." •"I am s1rong. I am invincible. I am a li:m1ri1nc pro1ect1on prod- uct .. Tampa\ tampons revived the old ·70., fcrntn1!>l anthem. Hekn Rl·dd' ·., "I .\m Woman," as a st1mng call to acuon and theme \ong for 11\ l.11cst ad campaign. "hllh -an li.e1.·pmg v.11h the revol- u111ma~ Jpproarh to such int1ma1r produC't\ -dl'Pll'l' "omen running on the heal hand of cou~. Jogging through lit>ld' nt "heat. •Truth In \chertmng. F1nall) Lenna l klnhll'\ returned to '>tardom 1h" \CJr "Ith a snaz1y new rampaittn fcu her Helmsk) Hotels. hfl" 1m.1gl' ol John Wa)ne that gra n·' thl· lo"er floor as the sh1m- mc.•nn~ nl'" tC'rm1nJI \.\as first un- ' ellC'd l<l lhe pn~.,., 1n earl) Scptem- ht·r .\ "l'd la1er. on Sept. 16. the." .H ~ 1100-squan·-foot. S3 I O-m1lhon t1.·rm1nal gre1.·1ed m first air passtn· gl'rs The terminal. 10 limes larger thl\n tht' cramped. outdated and 0' erC'ro"dC'd fac1ltt~ 1t replaced. \.\111 'K'ne an estimated 4 75 m1lhon pa'l<ot'ngac; 1n I QQ I B~ the year 2om l\ 4 m1llton trn,t'lcrs "''II pass through "' marhk comdors lkforl" 11 ":l'i l·ompleted. though. some ~I 0 million 1n amenities - hli.c hulkt proof glass and 1mponed m:irhlC' llnonng -"ere slashed 10 ITil'l'I hu~ct '\long tht" way. one contractor ''·'' tir<.'d and another firm forrl"d 111 IX'' out S779,000 for dl'"gn c.•rror' But most ot that 1s probabl) of httlc l.Onll'rn to tra,elcr~. who c-nJm rn1auranl\ ranging from thC' elegant 1n \ilDonald's. t"'o cockuul lnungt'' Jn d1splJ~S. t\.\O Vlr lnungr-, and prohabl). most popu· lar of all boarding gatt"s that don't re~u1rc pac;sengt"r\ to brave the cle- ments and tromp acroS!> the tarmac to g1.·1 to ~a111ng planes. It rose from 1t \ o" n ashes. .\ftl·r l\\O un')Ull'essful Ines 10 per<.uadc 'Otl"r\ h<.'re to support \1m1lar plan\ count\ officials du~tt:d on an uld tra.nsporta11on ta\-h1lt" pn,po\al updated 11 onl) shghtl~ anJ put 11 on the ballot for a third attempt But thl\ time. 10 the surpnst of man~. the half-\'ent \ales tax. called Mt·asurC' M on 1h1\ )car's ballot. got a lhumh!>·up fro m voters. The mcu .. url' pa~scd b) a margin of 54 percen1 1n fil\ or 10 46 percent agam<il "In man) respects. Orange Coun· t~ came of age-last night," Newport Ekach poh11cal anal)st Harvey Ena· landl"r noted the dll)' after the No' (l ck1.·t1on WhatcHr the ex planauon for the ~tnnh ng turnabout. Measure M - ~lated to tali.( dl'ect an Apnl -will ra1~ an e 11matt"d 30.1 million over :!O ~ears. at an c t1mated annual cos1 to indh 1dual taxpayers of $SO to $75 The approval bnna.s with 1t the promise of as much as $400 million 1n state and federal match1na funds for ant1<onae t1on proJCCU. 5. ne JoH lrvt.e Smltll/lrvlM Co. IAWHlt . It made the McMantn ptttebool tnal look 11 quick and un- complicated 1 an appearance in traffic coun. It lasted seven years. and UJtd the talents of a team or lawyers. A retired Judaic devoted a full ~ 10 deadtft& the case. Lawyttt for tbc lf'\'1nc Co. spent 17 dl)'t m1k1nt their final arsumcnu. nd when all ..-a.s said and done. heiress Joen lrvanc Smith won hrr claim thaa the Irvine Co. oWf!d titf milhon or dollara. Son of. The QOUM naled lhlt dw 1114 million Donald a.a pm '-h htt Mock whcft ht ... O* dlt compeny in 1183 -. ,,..... llM thin the act.a ""-ol ~·1 lled. The thid. b&llck 100 ooad .,_ly toward the lhort, indatmmiaatcly killiftl animals and la"i"I a peth 1:=;-Al11iilll Of WUIOG dnU'udioft in Ill wan: I For 1 time. II 11«med no human co.id -It. IU nama.ke. On~ .. County SUpa wilOf noaiat F. IWl'y. Clef· emoniirNlly..., J 11 die llMd ol • broUe. newtJ cdorired ........... 51ill, ....... a'#f:u5ta ..,, ......... .. -............. ,. ........ But lftu WttkS of benliftl the e.TOP:r..-.- 0r'"99 Coat Daily Piiot Hai Ith John's wife thinks tliat John's silly notions a~ Just a S)'mptom of some son of m1d-ltfe en 1s. hr has adopted a "thl\ too shall pass" attitude. John hates the "mid-life cm1s" Linda Algazi la~I. but agrtts that what he 1s e'penenc1ng 1s a S) m'1tom of some- thing. Burnout. perhaps? John ~ 1s a good businessman. Monday, December 3 1, 1990 • 7R Resolve to develop a healthier attitude, doctors recommend Making those resolutions stick DETROIT -l\n attitude ad· JUstmcnt 1s more 1mponan1 1n P~"<'nting disease than changes in diet and C\erc1se habits. the l\mencan lnst11u1c for Prcvcn- 11"<' Mcd1c1nc ~~s in m Ne"' Year's resolutions list The No I cntr) on the 1n- st1tu1e's Sl\th annual "Top Ten Health1e t Rco,olu11ons" hst 1s to avoid "JX~cho~leros1s" -a hardening ol the att1tudl·s. Dr Don Po"'ell. pn.·o,1dC'nt o f the 1n· slltute. said Frida' "It's the "'a'" · \\l' '1c"' the events 1n hfe." h.c ..aid. "We used to th1nl.. ph)sir al fitnc!>s was from the neck d own. but no" we see 1t as m ore of an 1ntcgra11on of mind and hod\ .. Po"'di. author of·· ~65 Health Hints." said "'orking out at the g) m 1sn 't enough for people "ho want to lt"e longer. hcalthu:r It ves "You have to look at their attitude. the wa)' they deal with stress. "'h<'ther the)' have a social support net""ork. and the wa) the) v iew life." he said. .\dopt1ng the resoluuons on the hst. which 1s based on recent medical re~arch. could add up to :!O ~cars to a perwn's life. Po"'ell said The ltst includes trad1t1onal good-health l'Ommandml'Ot'I ltke watch \\eight. n:duce chole tcrol get ph~Stl'al. control blood prl'S!>- url'. l1m1t akohol and use seat belt!> It also include!> resolutio n'> to control hosultt~ and de' clop a sonal surrort nct"ork. Stop smoking appea~ on the 1991 ltst as 11 has each )Car o,1nn: I Q85. hut tht'!. \car's list include\ a n:solutwn to. a' 01d smokers to esca~ thl' P,Olcn 11all~ harmful efTt'cts of pass1vt' smoke outlined tn a recent U. urgcon Gen- crars report Thomas Launa. spokesman for the Washington-based Tobacco Institute. said that that resoluuon suggests sqrega11ng 30 percent of the population and \\Ould foster unnect''iS3~ 111 "''II .. We're o;cc1ng a 9fl's 'ers1on of tht' """ ~gregat1on1st." Launa ..aid "Imagine 1f )OU put an~ other group 1n that catcgor). hkc don't .. 1.,s11<.'tatl· "1th Catholics Can )OU imagine the o utbreak that \\ClUIJ l JU\C'"' Rc,olut1un., to get at least se"cn hours o f <.ln·r each night \\J\ bum~·d ofTthc ltc.t for 1991 to mal..e room for the a111tudc adJU'lnH·nt pr111nt~ -Hy tbt' Ass~i•ted Pr~ss lnsid.e Medicine How refreshing. a clean slate. We humans n«;cd that. For dogs and cats every da) 1s a clean slate and they have precious few "goals." We are different. goals are important and th(' Ne" Year 1s the ume to set them. Ho~ver. mo t resolutions are discarded b~ Fcbrual) and for- gottrn b) \tarch. usuall~ tx-cauSt' a "goal" ~as resolved not a ~ha' - 1or. For 1n tancc. tho!>t that rt:Sohe to lo~ ~O pounds and "get into shape" s1mpl) c reate '>hon-lt'ed de- lu\lons f ht) )Car do 11 right Don't ~t goals. but resoh c 10 perform the beha' 10~ that "ould accomplish tho~ goals It 1'> thl· ~ha,1ors that mal..l' ~ou \UCll''>\lul an)Wa). so "h' not conn·ntratc o n them" Rl'soh 1ng tx·hJ\ tur'> 1c, all bu\1· nl'\'> Bch~l\ IOf\ lx'lOml' habtl JnJ good hah1t<. arc JU<.t a.,, hard to hr<"ak a., had one' Thl' more good habits ~ ou groo' l' lhl· morl' obtainable thl' mo\t d1ffirul1 ~oal' tx'rnml' \\ant to lo\4.' 20 pound<.'' Rl·<.oh l' the\(' hcha-. 1or\ Jullan Whitiker, M.D. •I. l ~111 a'o td high fat foods rorget lalones tor II \\hilt' JU'>! 3\ Old the fall\ o ne<, • t . I will ta.kc a hnsl.. "alk tor ~11 m1nutl·~ 5 11me!I J \\ll'I-.. \\ ckunw to thr upper one rx·rccni nt 1.'\l'ru<.- 1ng \mcrtl'J O) 8 3. For three month\ I "'111 cat apples as snacl..!> \ ou l.Jn Jo JO\ thing tor thrl'l" mnnth'> and h\ 1h.t1 lime appk'> mJ' tx· a hah11 • 4. For thn:c month' l'JI oatmeal tor brcal..la'it l1arn1)h \\&th fruit. ral\tn!i. '"innamon T heart\ bn:alfa!>t ·~ lo"' tn fat, ht in fi ber and ts as good a brealf• to ~l..1p lunlh on a!I )OU can fin<t : Ir thl·~l· bcha' wrs arc new. thQ " "Ill melt tif ~O pounds in about:S ~ month\ : '2 -II ~our goal '' to l<'t·I hcttt'r. tQ : nut the'>C heha\lors • : • •I II \Ou don·1 ha'<' a l)('t get ; one \tudtt"'i shu" that canng for : :.ind ht'tn~ rl 'JX1ns1hle tor another : It f(' dl·' J tC\ muod \1 ust people : J\t•td fl\'I' tor thl 'l"n r~sons th<'' • c.hould na\e thl·m v. rshing lO II\(' "11h n11 'tnng' 1<, a' good a rectQC : for 1.kprl'"1un a' JO\ ~ : • t ( J ll a lnl·nd on'e a da~ J.t i 10 wll-.. \\ omC'n du this much bety-r: than men hut '4x. ial contact ts '~: Ltn•l<l a an11Ju1r 11.• deprt''>Slun th: lhl'fl' ,, : • 8 3. 11 '11ur mood 1~ blJl I.er lhilfl: 'nu no"" 11 'huul<l bl' o,c-e a <lUl tu( i l hcr1.· .u1.· ;1 'am'I\ of ~te not1-. drug °''"'llll.J, II• l k' Jll.' mood ! \\ h.lll 'lf \nur 1wal) ur rcso~ i ut111n' I h11JX' th.ii '''U t'nJO' t~; pr·~ " T h,11 ,ind 1lnh that dcfin~. a hapfl\ ltlt' I l Your house can't be clean enough to thwart dust mite allergies By Or. John T. Chiu $pee11l io Ille 011ty Pllol >\ recent report ltnk!> the o nsl'I of allergic asthma 1n c hildren 10 the development of allcrg) to a m1crn- scop1c 1n~<.1 . the house dust m111.: Dr .\nn Wookocl also at- tnbutcd the n\tng inudcncc of a'ithma and a'>thma death'I among New Zealanders to the pre' alencc of m1te'i in their ho usehold .\lthough for maO\ \ears. both allerg~ sufferc~ and allergist<, had su'ip«ted 'io mcthing 1n the hou~­ hold dust to oc an allcrg)-tau<1ing ng<'nt (allergen) the 1.:ulpnt re- mained unl..no"n until l\\O Dutch sc1enttsts noted in 1964 that the house dust mites accounted for a tnaJOrit) of the house dust allerg) As pointed out b> Dr. Thomas Platts-Mills. a lt'ad1ng researcher in mite allergy. the following kc) S)'mptoms would suggcsl that you mav have mite allergies -snee21ng and wh«11ng the first thing in the morning. onset of symploms while making ~ds. and ftthn& ~Iler outside tht' house. Once )Our usp1c1on has been comfinned b) either a skin test o r a blood l('st. a' 01dancc will be the best defense incc most of the mites often arc found 1n )'Our bed. encasing the bo'< spnns. mattress and pillows with a plast1c11ed a1r- ttght cover is an absolute ncce 1ty. The wall-to-wall carpeting 1s )Ct another favorite watenna hole for th1sc hardy uninvited v1s11ors. which neither vac uumma or steam cleanina would eradicate. Thus. a hard floor would be a better solu- tion. especial!)' in the ~room area. Is more frequent vacuumina helpful. then? The answtr is a quah· fied •')-c :· pro~ 1ded the fll.ht type of vacuum cleaner 1s used. Recent • ' \lud1n ha' c found that most ot thl' ht1u'lchnld 'acuum'i onl~ help lo renrculatl' thl· mttt alkrgl·ns during 'acuuming f o cffCl'll\el\ rCffiO\e the ultra- fi nc m 11e ()a rt 1de .... 'ou "111 need to U'>C a 'acuum "tth a <ipeetal filter. l no"'n a'i a Hf P~ filter at thl· 'aruum C\hau~t J'> a trap lntere'it- ingl) r nough. at least one I) pc of 'acuum c m po~ ing a water reservoir a'i a trapping s~St('m was found 10 be usC'les'i in rcmo' ing the m11e part1des How about a special 1.11r-tiltenng S\Stem for the hou~" .\lthough therl' ha"e been reports touung its heneli". I havr not ~en impressed \\Ith an) of the S)Stems 1n handling mite allergens. This 1s hkel) due to the fact that the mite particles onl) get 1n the air when one rolls on the mattress or steps on the carpet. h rt'dUll' the Jllcrgll' p...--itenc~ of tht'\l' mttl' alkrgt>n' ~uggcst~ thJt lrl'lJUl'OI '>pr:I\ 1n~ ot the m11c-in- fc.,tcd an·a, "1th a tan nil' and 'oluttnn m;\\ he.· tx-nefic1al Mon· rerentl' lx'nl\ I tx·n1oa\c. thl' -..tml' prl';l'r' alt' c found tn 'Inda pop'>. ha' l'x'l'n found to he an l'ITl'llt \\.' mill' l..1lkr Hll"l'\\.'r. ( alt- fom1a remain' tht> c.ok <,iate "hirh ha' not appn>' eJ 11 for houc;chold u~ In addttwn. Jlthuuih the manu- facturer suucsts that this product needs to be applied to ~our carpet- ing onh oncl' 'earl\ this area's climate -<to ncarh 1dt alh suited for mtte grn"th -"'II 1til.'I) f'l'- qu1re appltlalion at least 1"1cc a )ar Thus. 11 }UU .ire allergic to houSC' dust mites. \Ou "'" h~el) benefit b) these !l1mple steps. •Encase the bedding "Ith plast1l.'.'11cd a1rt1ght l'O' l'r' •l 1sc a \Jl'uum dl'J nt·r \\tlh ~ HEPA filter frcqu<'ntl\ •If \OU OIU't hJ\l' l·arpcting. trcat 11 "1th a tanntl aud <.pra\ and or hcn1' I hl•nt(IJll' po"dl·r rcg- ularh •Rl'<lUll' the hou\t·holJ hum1d1t~ h' a1r-rond1111.rntng llr J dc.-- hum1d1fier Finalh 11 Sul h measure~ '''" latl to contgrol Hlur allrrg1l nmptoms \OU ma\ ~·nuush lons1dcr cumult· :ng 3n allerg~ SJ)('(13lt\t lO help \OU r«IUll' \our mite allt"rgi~ "•th a ~n"s of 1n1el uons also knu" n as 1mmunothcrap\ u intaining the m11e alkrgcn-; ')1nce 1t 1 unusu.il IN a per~on to be allergic to the mill allergen alone. the rt'')ult from 'our h1s10 " and personal c\am1na11on ma) prompt )<>ur allera1\I to test 'tou tu other. airborne alleracns as ~e•I . Farmer s is c o mmitt•d to California Orh·•n. .J ....... _Ae••c,-.,., A 441 N. Newport Blvd .• N.8 . 631-7740 FAX 650-3746 C.:all or Fax us your quo t• r•qu••t. mce the mite particles remain m the air for only seconds. the) are m the n1r long t'nough for you to inhale them. but not long enough for most of the a1r-filtenng S)'Stems to get to them. Ho-...evcr. 1t should be mentioned that these devices ma) be quite efTcctt'<' in removing other airborne allergens such as plant pollens. molds and am mal t;:;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:iiiiiiiiiiii=-----iiiiiiii!iiiii;;:;;:;;:;;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl danders Is a1r-cond111oning an) good" inct lhcsc mites thnve ~st in a "arm and moderatcl> moist en- ' 1ronmcnt. air<0nd1t1on1n1 wlll thwan lhe mtte population b> ~­ ducing both the hum1d1ty and the temperature in the household. , Thus. mites usuall) do not pose a problem in office bu1ld1ngs with ctntral air cond1t1on1na. Can )Ou do someth1na about them,. Fortunatcl). Kveral recent d iscoveries ire ofTcnna us some hope an combattana thetc mitt . The finding of the ability of tannic acid. an inlf'C'd1enl '" tea, to panial· • Deluxe suites. prtvate and semi-private studios • Transportation to doctors and recre.tJonal acttvttJes • Warm and cartnc environment • 24-hour security Md stll/ff • AssiQnce with medications and blthln& •Walkto~ .. .ee • We ofter care for your lcWed OM While you v.adon De<.p11c thl· J°'" l' mca<,url'' 1h1· pronouncl'm1•n1 \1n th<' dl·m1\C.' 111 tht• m11c r<'main' prl·maturC' \lnll' modern enCf}l\ ·\J \ ing l lln<itrUl I ll)n method<. "111 l1 h •h prnm<'ll' t'' l'n h1ghrr mite gw"th in•·de thl· hou~ Thu'I \\lU \h11uld he. mt>H' lardul about the llollnO(l "hl·n rt"modeling M hutldtn~ 'nur nl'' 1 hou\t' meJllal 11•r1•' ,inJ '' """''n b' rm·J1 .. 1 .ind J1·nt.JI ,pt·ual"'" />ft'.J ,t' tnn•.irJ <Jlll'\IJOns to tbt• \ft-Ji. .1/ l'/J.1.1 \''<It 1Jt1on ot '''"-- p.•rt < <'ntcr , <• the Hc31th Edu~~ 1111n fo•unJ.J1111n tr.II an \11gut/J ">u111· _'flt> '\n • porr &·:uh <J:t.>t>()J ~ lnltdentlah. 11 '"u \\,101 hi tm pn-ss 'our fm•nd\ 31 the n('\I cocktail pan' 1dl thl'm Hlu Jrl' allergic to D t Dt-nnathphagmJcl fannac and D PtC'rOn\\\inu' in- •Mad of h1iu<;c du'lt m1tl'' RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY lllC. Your single source for conlprehensive medical services. The Medical Plaza Association. located next to Fashion Island in Newport Beach, provides the most comprehensive group of physicians, dental special- ists and outpatient medical services in Southern California. In one convenient location! Nearly 200 health care professionals are available to meet your lodividu.al health care needs. Phys- icians and dentists are available in each of the followin& specialties: . • I I • ' • "' ! • I Entertainment • • v OrMQe Coat Dally Piiot • , A year of growth and con1N11PSy on local arts scene By Roger Bloom Delly Piiot Ar1t Editor Growth and controversy were the two sides of the arts coin alona the Oranae Coast in 1990, with several cultural organizations takina aiant strides toward greatness and a couple walking into the national furor over government fundina of the arts. Following is a look back at the ~op ten stones about the ans and entena1nmcnt in 1990. a year that will be remembered a'i a watershed in man) ways. • 1. Beauty Is la tbe Eye of tile Taxpayer. The national debate over funding for the National Endowment for the \ns (NE.\) and the anti-obscenity pledge that was required of NEA grant reci pients in 1990 was played out in part locall}. as the Newport Harbor An Mu- eum JOtned with the Bella Lcwttzky Dance Compan} of Los Angeles to challenge the NE.\ pledge in federal coun. .\lthough the an11-obscenity re- qu1rt>men1 wa\ dropped for 1991 when Congres'I rene,,ed the NEA's charter. the Newport Harbor mu'ieum pressed tis lawsuit to reccl\ I.' m 1990 grants totall- ing $1 00000 "11hout signing the pledge. Argument-; ''l'rl.' heard 1n Los .\ngeles federal court 1n December and the 1udgt>"• ruling " e\pcctcd c;oon Ta\pa~l'r funding for the arts "as also a sourn• ol uintrO'l'r'i\ for the: ( osta \.fesa ( 11\ { ounc1I "h;ch th1 summer held up 11\ art\ grant'I for SC\Cral weeks after '>outh ( oa~t Repertof) sent a ll~er to 1t!> 'IUh!H.nhcr\ urging them to "nte their rong.reo;.,1o nal representat1\I~ to sup- port '-<f .\ lundtng \ta~ur Pl'tl'r Buffa. in respono;e to a u 111en complaint. queo;- t1nm·d "hl'lhl'r c1t\ mone~ "as being U\l•d for thl' lohh\lng It "a'in't. and the t 11 ~ gra n'' "l'rl' rl·ka.,1.·d Th" IJll thl' < O\ta Mco;a Pia\ hOU'>l' found lt'-l'll 1r1 1lll' cH' of thl' c;1orm \I.1th a 'itag1ng ot "\l\tl'r Man lgnat1u~ h- pl.i1n' It \II for 'ou." a \l'ath1ng indll't- ml'nt nt ( atholit dogma and prau1n:\ b' C hnstophcr Durang Once again. c1111t•n u1mpla1nt\ men 1.·J '>0111<' rounnl mem- tx•r, to qu1."1l1on ( u\ta \k\a\ '>upport tor thl· thl·atn Rut lhl' public \U pport "J' 'trllng -J'> thl' lontro,l.'r'i~ mounted thl' 'h'i" \old out each pcr- turmJnu· Jnd 1h1.· run \\J\ auualh l'\- trntkd In J1.u1mmu<lall' thl' 1kman·d tor 111.l..tt' -.rnJ th1.· uiunul Jgatn hJ1.l..l·d J\\ :.I\ • 2 Tht British lnusloo The < OJ\I "3!> O\l'rrun "Ith th1· tx-.. 1 ot Bnw.h film' pla'., mu\11. anJ Jn 1n ()(tntli:r ao; thl' i l'\ll\al nl Bnta1n tool.. thl' lOUOI\ h' \lorm f hl' f)'( )\ h ( Mll' OpcrJ ( om- pJn~ ma<ll' 11\ lir\t '-' 1.''>I < oast appear- Jn1. l' 1n I~ \('.tr\ \IJl,(tng 'Th1.• \t1i..ad o" anJ ·I hl· 1'1rall'' nt Pl·n1an1.l··· JI thr Pl·rtnrmtnl! \rt' C rnll'f to popular Jnd 'r Ill.ti ,1l1. la1m \ludl'rn Hntt\h Jr am." "1'rl' nmu n tnt .11 \nut h ( O:J\I Repcnon anJ th1.• f1l'" lr,11w H;irdJ\ I h1.·a1n· r J\\~Hlh "l'\\Pllrt ( 1n1.·ma hm11.·J a Rnt- l'lh lilm lnt1,.1I "h11.h drl'\\ \Ulh nntahk ~lll'\I' a<. \.1 1l h.1l'I C .11m· and Ju Ill \ndfl'\\\ \1. ulptor f lln\ ( rag_g'<, DUBIOUS From A 1 \fold th lltl-., ,1 l1gltt qu.1rtlr' hut lhl' lireligh11.:r, qutl t...h 1r.rn,1orm thl' m111l'I room into thl'lr u11nmand J'Xl'il .\nd thl'll 111 prco' l' 1h.11 .111 gUl'\' .ire trt·at1.·J l'qu,tlh tlw mntt•I J'lk' tor " S Ill tkpn\11 111 turn 11n thl· mom ' tl·kphom· T hl· tirl·nwn P•'' thr 1.kp11,1t Ha ll' to mt'' a tir1.· \Pll 1..nu\\ You call this 1rt? Thi.' 111Ulh halhhom•d l .1gunJ < .111,11r1 mural -till r l'll -" llOJlh dl\m,1n1kd Jan 7 muth 111 thl· rl'11d o t '>om1.· puritan' "ho \tl'\~ 11 a' dutll'r lhr mural. "h1th \trt·1rh1•\ auo'' tht• 1.1n\c111 l,1111.hlJpt• con'"" ol \nap\hnt' 1du1.·d onto hoard' Pan 111 thl· dl·,1gm·J 1111pall . .ippan·n1h 1\ to·"atlh lhl' ph11t11' fadt• and rnrl .\rt1<.111: '1\111n J'lldl' fan'> 111 tlw mural .trl allo.,...ed 10 purlha\r pt1rt1on., 111 th1.· .in "or!.. for $:!'i J hunl.. I et'\ 'l'l' "1th Xll 1141(1 photoc, on thl' mural that \\ould uimt· to Ne Cits, •lster 'l'"C! '\ott' \upt•n 1\or Roger \tan ton gl't' into a 'i<'Uffil· \I.1th anothl·r man "'hill' standing. 1n the caletena hm· at "-ord•.trom Thi.' t"-O appar<'nll} wrangle ll\ <'r "ho "-a<> first 1n hnl' Hungry . no douht Plllce llh ...... Police in Newport Beach are left o;crach1ng their headc; after a hea' }' granit<' tomb ton<' is found on Back Ba) Dnve. The 1nKnp11on on the hcad'itone 1s in Japanese. leaving police ~w1ldcred. "{)eciding to play detcct1ve. Orange Coast OaJly Pllo& reporter Iris Yokoi enlists her mothtr's help 1n translattn& the inscnption a nd fir.d out the head tone had bttn taken from a Santa na cemetery where 11 marked the grave of a woman buned some 83 _years aao. Cue solved. News note. A small fire 1n the Hunt· • iDlton Beach City Hall fit .. depenmcot Oftica IHvct authoriucs red·faced -the , fftt department ha no moke alarm. It , dOn now. ' '-' ......... N1ki9-j Onnhko finds out thf hard ny that i1 dOesn't alwa~I pay to be tk tho.tful Ont. Onnenko rvns 1foul Of Irvine's naid \l.ori..., ''l'IC highlighted at thl' Newport \rt \lu'>l'Um 1n an C\h1b1t "'h1ch do\e<l onl~ la<>t "''1.'k In all. 11 ''a" an org~ ot .\nghcan art\ and entena1nml'nt. stun- ning 1n both quallh anJ quanlll\ • 3. ~l'" Kid on tbe Podium.< >n <kt Y. 1~.,l'Jr-olJ C J rl '>t ( l:m wnJUl'tl•d thl· PaC1fil "' mphom Ort hl''itra lor the first t1m1. a' 01h mu'>1~ J1rl'1. tur \1 ( lair had lxl·n namnl h' thl' .,, mphom '41 hoa1J 111 ~ l'hruan to '>Ulll'l'd lu11nJing d1rt•1. tor "-n th ( IJrl.. ht· tool.. up hi'> ne" duttr' 11tliualh on C>i.t I "" Jt•hut JI tht• hl'lm m1l\ l'll Dail) Pilot mu,11. 1.nt11. \1 1 t...e R U"l'll 111 \Hiit' · onl· "nu IJ 1h1nl.. 11 "a' a hrand nC'" on h1.·.,1ra on \tagt· JI till' Pl·rtorming .\rt\ ( t'ntl'r not 1u<;t a nt'" kadl·r ,1t lhl' rxxt1um It " ~kar thal "it < lair h,1., und1.·rtah·n to rl·mal..l· thl· nrlht'\tra u1mpktl'I ~ Jnd thl· 10111.11 rl''IUll'> arl' rl·markahle" "' ( lair "ho , nllll'' to lhl· l111·al cn\l'mhk trnm an ,1....,l\l<1nt u1nJul tor\ pn'>t JI thr Ao,11>11 \\ 111ph1111\ hJ'> al\ll prtnrit lll'd the P<tl t lil 'n mph(Hl\ ·., outn:arh prngr.1rn'> Im \11uth JnJ the 11 1':.pJntl wrnmun1t\ \ml 1h1\ month lhl "mphon\ uHH luJl·d a k.l\l' agrcc- m1.·n1 "1th th~· ln 1m \kado"" .\mph11hcatr1.· 111 uint1nul .111d l'\p.ind rl'l\\1111~ l,t\\\ \\hlll' rhl..1n~ UJ' ll.l\h 11nl' da' 1n a par!.. 1n h" '\111th\\1111,J 1111gh horh110J i It' r \\,trd 1111 1111111\\ ttlll \\ 1111.,I" l ht• ()"I\ J1J\ ll l'' \ Ill ~t'I \4.'l'm' that 11rahh1n~ ,rn, 11r h111tk' lr11m puhhl pl.1 ., 111 Ir' 1111 1' .1 , rim1 Mem, apple pie, At1111n 11n1r11s C n11rJ1n.1111r' 111 Iii .111n11.1I I 11urth of Jul' par,1J1 111 I l u1111n~t11n lk.1, h pin" into nOl' 111n1rcl\1't" altl'r .1n111lwr I 1r\I 11' .\lghJn1\t.lll I 1t 111. 1.11 K.1m,1tullah \.1ti Tlwn 1h1.· '\I( \ lnd1.1n < •Uldl'> Kl·p D.111.1 K1th1.1h,1dH'I ,l\I..'> that thl' \lghan lrrl'lllllll fi~hll'I Ix• pt•rm1 ttCd tO mall h 111 lhl· p.1r.11fl I hl· .1n'"l'r 1s no. ~l'l'Urtl\ prnhk1m .1pp.trl·n1h I hl' Indian (1UIUl'\ nll'Jn\\htk .111.· IC!IJ ((I tal..t• a hike !x·l'aU\C lhl'\ dCln'I h,l\1,• J1rll['X'r pcrn11tS .ind m1gh1 'hm d••"n 1h1.· par<1tk "Ith their \hon ltttk lli.t' PJrndl' olfa 1al'> f1n.tlh rl·knt and kt in thl' lnd1.rn ( r111J1.· ... -Jlld ( lln \ali Flsll story '-c"' notl' o ... ,ar th1.· l.11m·d carth- quale-pr1.·d11.11ng 11\h .11 < oruna dcl Mar High hool cirtln hl'I tan!.. for thl' final tinw 1n 11.141) fhc fi<,h "a' said to ')"Im s1de"'a' 'i "hl·n a 4uakl' "-3'> coming .\nd that'!. appnn1ma1cl) tht• "a' ht• 1s found when he g1'c" up thl' ghost H(' 11\Cd through c;everal local quJk<'S. but never -.aw the Big One Malllll tM ...... I orgct the grants. the endo"'rd chain and the new theater. UC I make" the Octo- ber cdttion of Playboy in a feature spread tttled .. Girls of the 81g W<'st " Among tho..e who pose for the ~pread ts ..cn1Qr Knsuna Kcasbc)'. ··1 think my mom was more excited than I was ... she later tells reponers. Right. Tiii ........ . The ocean was awash with trouble 1n I~. Otl. sobs of arttn aliea and even a stranac creature known as a megamouth shark. Ju ta~ b1utrTe, however. 1s the m1lc- long squ1d slick that rolls onto local beac hes 1n Auausi. .. It's Captain Ncmo's rcvcnae." advisc-s Laauna Beach hftauard Chns Daniel . ... ........ Superior Coun Judie David ner makn hradlines bY orderina 1\11 bailiff' &o wrap duct tape ll'Ound the mouth of unnalj defendents. The pntettee Otrenct tile Above. the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company staged "The Pirates of Penzance" at the Performing Arts Center as part of October's Festival of Britain. which brought the best of British film. music. plays and visual arts to the Orange Coast. Top left, Carl St. Clair was in at the Pacific Symphony's new music director: bottom lett. Renzo Piano was out as the Newport Harbor Art Museum's architect. the group's !>ummc•r \em·.., of pop\ and famil)-om·ntl'd program\ th rough 1996 • 4. Discord Over Piano Piao. Thl' Ne"port Harbor Vt Mu!>cum bo:.ird took another loot... m. l'NO at reno" nl'd Italian architect R1.•n10 Piano's plans lor a nC'" fac1l11' for the in'it1tut1on and dcudl·d 1t "-a.ntcd a 'il.'COnd opinion It got one from Wilham Ped<'rsen and .\\':iuua1es of Ne" ) ort.... and Pedersen. a f:l\ nnte of Ir' me C o l ha1rman and rnu'4.·um bc.·n<'factor Don Brl'n. "ound up gl'tttng the nod to 1.0ml· up "llh 1he finJI plans and dra,-..1ng' The Ptano con1rm1.·r'i\ \Urlal·ed o;oon aftt•r the muS1.·um·., e\c'cut1H· d1rn 1m J....l·' tn { on-.c~. a ">Upporll·r ul P1an11' kft 10 i:l\\ume a <itmtlar pnst in< hirago C 11n\l'\ ' rcplau·ml·nt ha\ not \l'I hc.'l'O named h~ thl· mu..cum's bo.1rd although a thorough na11onal \l'arl h ha' ht.·l·n undl'rtal..c·n \lu,l·um ollil'IJI' <..I\ thl'' l'\fl\.'1 I 111 n;11111.• .1 Ill''" d1n·1. wr l·.irh 111 I IJ'l I • S. Nt>w Jtwel lo the Crown. C >n '>l'Pt \ti. the 7)0-\1.•at In 11w Harcl:J\ Th t'atre "a' ,,ninall~ opened to th1.· puhh1. ca p- ping Jn 18-)ear dfort to locatl' a ma1or rt•rf11rming ar1'i \t•nue 1n the ut\ fhc George Arnold .\mC'ncan < I' 11 L1hcnics l 'nmn but de· light~ Daily Pilot reader' "ho 'hl·er on Judge Cana 1n a tclcphont• !IUrH'\ lllMllL wrltJll llMI Cll~l•I Parent'.> ho"'I when <;tudcnt<> at Ed1M>n ll1gh in Huntington Beach arc told that condoms come in "fun colors" and that some arc e'en mint-flavored The instruc- tor \how<; off a pair of )cllow and green condoms -school colors. 111 wtt11 n The 4.0 earthquake centered ne4r South Coast Plaza shakes lccal re 1dcnts but. ama11ngly, doc not disrupt a 2 S·ton Roll Royce Com1che Ill that ha<> been perched atop four Wedgewood bone chin teacups fo r the ghuy Fnt1val of Brst::un 1n Costa Mesa. And that prove ? Who knows" ......... Hun11naton Beach City Council can· dtdlte Georst mold is tossed 1n Jiii but rebound quickly with a T h1n fcaturina his likeness and a catchy J~n: "Gco,.,e mold -you r man o n the 1n11dc.·· .\mol(I Jo the elcc'lJon bedly but the T-h1n becomes a colJc:ctor·s uem. bl .... • Irvine Councilman ally Anne Sheridan admiu lyina on Mr' ftlWM: aoct on to be etected mayor. .. . ... II\ llll' BardJ\ thl·1.l..l.•d in \I.1th a pml· tag elf S I" ti n11llic1n. \I.Ith i1 I 1 m1ll1on 1.onllng trom th1· c11~ of l1¥ine. l C I pill h1ng rn "1th the site -bct\l.cen Br 1dg1• Road and ( ampu!> Dn .. e -Jnd ~IX million and pn,atl' <,«tor fund- r.11 .. 1ng mal..ing up thl' remaining i.i., mrll11111 [ hl' tlWJll'r I\ nlknng an 1n1t1al \l"Jr' '-lhl·d11k that indude~ pla,,. cla..,..,1<al ;1nd 1a11 mu'>ll anJ dan1.·c. dra"1ng on h11th 111unng national group!> anJ l1ll. .1 lllmpanll''i Jnd Jl':rtnrml.'rs "ho hJH" thl .iud1rnll' ha<,t· 111 lull~ ullltll' tht· ne" t.11.1hl\ • 6 Hometov.o R.bbit Make Good \\ Jrnl'r Hr11\ and thl' nation th1' \l'.tr nh\l'r\l"d thL· <illth ann1,t·r ... 1n ot 1h1· lilm dt•hut Ill Hug~ Bunn' crl.'all'd and· dt•\ l'lnped to hi' prt•c;cnt lorm b' thl· ·...,a.,1.alh < hud, Jom·., nt ( orona dl'I \1.11 fhl' uni' l'r'>JI adulation. 1ndud1ng 1h.11 111 \l'I Jn111hn ~nung &l'nl·rat1on ol l<1n' tirmh l'\tahll\hl·d Jone' -Jlo;o thl' t.11hn 111 thl' Road Runnl·r a nd ~ill' I ( "'Oil' r "l'l'I\ B1 rd and s~ "l''>tl'f l 11m .ind Jern. th1.· (Jrtnl'h. ;rnd do1l'n.. 111 11thl'f\ -· ·" '1.'t11nd 11nl) to 01snn 1n thl' lw.ton ot .1n1m.111on and as .i film Sally Anne Sheridan _... • Ir' IOl' < ounulman C am<'ron < oc;- gr<Hl' finall) knds ofTleg..il 1.halkngl'' lrom r,·c,1dent\ "hn l la1m ht' "a" ~all'd tl kgall). promptl~ lo'>C' ell'lt1on • Rl·p Dan<1 Rohrahat hcr. R-1 lunt· ington Acal h admits he tool drugs as a )Ounp. man. "in" rt•.elect1on in a wall • '>urx·r"1~or Hamett Wieder sa)'S 'ihe "on't '.>uppor1 Mca\urr M . the tran por- 1a1111n 1n111at1vc "'ins conv1ncingl) f Pllll, 11111 II I mt inaina tclcaram employet> Kim Jacobs. hired to dress up as a c-op for a 'urpnse l'nnhday party, docs a doublc·take when the real cops open the front door. Seems that officers from Co ta Mesa and Westm1n ter art 10 the process of busttna the binhday boy on drua charaes. Unsure what son of odd group she has thrown 1n wuh. Jacobs prepares to ao into her act rhou&h tempted , the pohcc stop her. "Thert ~ert all the~ people in the kitchen and some of them had rubbtr aJove~ on." Jacobs says ~tcr. NC'#ly clct1cd Irvine Councilman Bill VardouliJ makes a plash at bi first coun· C1I mfttll\I when. acoordina to some in the crowd. be "01ps ofr a pohocal foe. VardoUlis hotly cknact lite acxusauon but I poup Of ~itical lcicnce llucknll from lJni~•Y Hilb Scbool daim1 othti'· wise. ··1 k.now a middle firwrr -"en I 1tt at, .. one .. ....,, npeattit. , humorist on the level of Chaplin and Allen. He was honored this yCAr with pccial awards at the Cannes and Mon- 11-cal film fes tivals and rteeivcd a life- time achievement award from the Los Anaclc Film Cnucs • '1. Oat of HlberutJoD. 'fhe legendary Golden Bear. which pro".1ded a vc~u~ for such di verse entertainers as J1m1 Hendm. te"e Martin. and Jackson Browne as the) ro~ to supcrst.ard~m. reopened at us former locauon ~t Pacific Coast H1g.hwa) and Matn Street in Hunt- ington Beach -although Hcndnx, Martin nnd Browne might have trouble rccognlllng 11 in its ne" incarnation. Now part of the P1ers1de Pavilion shopping and enteruunment compl~x. th<' Golden Bear sull maintains its policy of opening 11s stage to young. up-and- com 1 ng acts. The ongi nal Golden Bear was tom down in 1988 to make way for downtown redevelopment 1n Hunt- ington Bearh • 8. The Fab Five. The New Kids on the Block phcnoml.'non hi t Costa Mesa \I.Ith a 'engeance this summer as the supcrh11t pop qutntcl pla)l'd two sold- out 'lho" o; before pre-teen fans at the Pauti1. .\mph1theatrl.' Ttckrts to the 'lhO"., ,old nut the da} the) went on sale Tu Jtu>mmodat(' thl' unusuall) )Oung cro"d 1hc amphttheat<'r management al\o ~·t up J \pl'Ual room \\here parents pro' 1d1ng 1ranspona11on for their )oung lOOll.'rtgOl.'r'i lOUld "all out the show. • 9. On Edgt at Tbe Center. Officials at thl· l'l•rlurm1ng .\rt~ (enter. the pn·m1l·r 'l·nue 1n the rnunt~. spent a lot ot good prl'-( hrntmas shopping time dl'O' in!( puhlt\hl·d rq>Or1!> that the h1gh- th 1nK < l'nln "a' d1' ing into the red \rt,< 1.•ntL·r \fl'll..l'\f)Cr'ion\ act...no"kdgcd 1ha1 'taging' ol ".\ f unn) Thing Hap- rx·ned on the Wa, 10 thl' f orum " and the \u'ltraltan Ralll·t ramc· up short of pro- Jl'l llnn' in Ill kl'I\ \Oki and revenue ral'>t'd .1nJ lOnlirim·d that fund-ra1S1ng dTnrt' "011 Id prnha hi\ not meet lh<' plannl·J go.ii hH thl' '<'ar. but insisted that n·H·nul'" lrnm other productions .111d th1. ( 1.·n11.·r' rncncs "ould lc.-cp the '1.·nul' 1n 1h1• linanual pin!.. not the red T h1.· < l·n1a' linal I Q'Xl ha lance: sh~t "111 ht rl'll'J\L'd .... \llOn J\ II IS compiled prubahh 1n m1d-JJnuan ( l"ntcr of- lil 1al' "·"l'd \tJ\ tuned • I 0 On·tb~·Job Tralalng. The "le"· lliltl llJthur -\rt \l u-.eum found time .unnnl!! thl· lnntrnH'f'\lt''-tn mount a '1"-'l 1.il ulJ1 l \h1h11 11f .\nd) \\ arhor~ l'.trh l11mnwr1. 1JI "nrl... l'nt1 tkJ "<)ucccss I' J l11h 111 '1:" 'ort..." In S<.·ores o f "''"k' nnuted tor .1d Jgl'nnes and m.1ga1 tnl'' 1 h1· \hen\ '-l'f\ l'J to spotlight '-' .1rh11I\ c.irh fi1rmJt1\l' ~l·aro; JUSI after hl' nH" 1·d to 1 hl· Rig .\pplt• .\d la} out' and 111.1t(.llinl· nl\ l'f' from thl.' pcnod r\'\\'.tkd .in ;ir11'1 h1ir,11ng. \\1th nt'" and 'onwt1m1•, 'hut l..tng 1dl•a\. and allo"l.'d 1h1· 'll'\\l'r to trau• the gl'nl'<,1\ of some 111 thl· l.1nwd .1n1't'' latc:r ll'l hn1ques and m11t1h Win a few, lose a few It OrJngt· ( ount) pro' 1Jn th<' margin of '11. ton for Re· publtlJn \ S Sen r l'll' \\ tl\on 1n the gm <'rnor\ ran· ~I \ 0<'r H'a rs of turning down pmpo\l·d 'klle'i ta' hll..l''> 111 pa\ for trans- portation 1mprovc- - .v mrn1 ... Orangl' C oun-Wiison t) \ Oll'r'i Jppro\C Measure M 1n O\ember '' I agunJ Beach vot<'rs approvt' the "'' ·., prorx,~d purchase of Laguna ( an,nn from the In inl' C o "h1ch had planned r<'s1dcn11al dl'\t'lopml'OI 10 the pr ... 11ne can)on 4) l ( en us fig. urcr, l'lOint to the hkc-- h hood of a new con- gre\s1 onal St'nt opcn- 1na 1n south Orange Co unty . ever al prominent Oranae Coa<>t leaders exprt s M ayt mtcrc t 1n such a ~at .S) November clccuon winners and lo<>en: uue n. Manan Bersaon. R· Newport BC'ach. loSH her bid to become lieutenant aovcmor. Democrat Tom Um· bcra win a G1rdtn Grovc-bucd Al· mbl tat, and Re· publican Hundnpo11 Be1eh Mayor Tom Mays nta has ... Hunt1~ leKh oil .......... ..- pell dilllkr 10 wie .. lllOft an AMlftbly ~ " Orv Am"""'1 ... DDnld la II $hoct Pllftditl _. ""ea ii -ill COAa Meil. UMI Newpon lllda llllllJ'- u~ty. _., ....,..., ' . ; till PROFITS \ \ \ \ ~ D iQ (•11.11) (11••) PtXE ... ~ ... ;; ,ft' ~· /' ' lWIN SNFAKS .. • Monday, December 31 , 199017 • . -+ ~-I t-----+--I I I Orange Coast Delly Piiot P•Wlllfltls? 9 11t~lll•c1& .... ..al1.IL• This was. the year mediocrity reigned ovar Hollywood This year marked Kevin Costner's very auspicious debut as a director with "Dances With Wolves." Mov/1 I/stings •AL•OA CINI MA "I t A"tnuulort Cele bf'••'°" . . ' • IDWAllDS NIWl'OllT CINI MA • '.• M ' ( .. ·1,. .. -..... (l ,.. H • Mh ••J • lO H 4 I> I\ 8 \() 0 • \ ' ICl,..,.1..,ne" C~ Pt. I I I I 4\ J I\ • H t H ' -M d kls~-ll'Ct li I I I\ \ •\ 8 ·~w ... ·a T•Mi"'tT_,,., Ill 'IO',, " ' t ·~ l\ UDO COllllCMA ,.,.~°'" c ~fl •I "wt'\4>pOr' \. ,, .. ,,#' ~ ... n.e She ltff"'t lllr ,. I I\ I H 4 Ii I \ I J Tl•• Godl•ther ,..,, Ill • \ t !<J I l'Oll'T THIATlll • ..O• f ••t •«I'•"•• t II t. N Cyrano d• .. .,,., .. 1"(, to • 1 Y • \ •• Cnt1Mn1 Da nce• Wtt,. Wotvet '< • k ;; IDWAllDS CINIMA Cll:HTlll 11 1 >t ,, ll r 8'" J Vr ~ ",.,, • .,. ( tn-tr 9 19 • •' ' HOM• Alone fPr11 I ... .,. ' 1 \ \ 4t.i ~ I 1 1 \ l-w ... ·, T•llllft9 Too ,I', r It I I 1(1 I\ EDWA llDS ISLAND Cl..,I MA I "'" \WW1 "'""" C)(lfl ,. fl'" ,.,,... • Home Aton• 1'°'l I ' ' ~ ill t •' ,. H 1' ' ., J • AtlAftfJiil "'"'-\ .,..,.J ... ...,,., ... . ...... ~P\i .. ~ ..... •COS'• lllltfS-""'' • •uwrrOM ... -·· • •• , t l Al'"ost A" ""9•1 1f'C:.I I J 10 I !O • 111 ~ ICI "'°'°JO 4 The llvui. Moone 111 I/ l IO ~ 1 JO IQ NOW PLAYING . .. •• • u. ....... "°' .. 1., ' .. ·-.-it.JO ·~-.. ,· .. ""'I •\Ai•.AJ.Ut CAl'ISTUllO IBll ........ ·~ liltGAl •SA#f• ..... ..... , lf:IX "-""' ... ,,_ ---· ....._ ... , ...... ......, . t«. ,"it_ • rusn. f ~Y2' CHI ... .,~ .. . ....-atof ... .. •WlsnMU11.f ·~.....-.,. ... ,,l ",,. an Ol•llOt !Dr' .,. , +fl .. ~.~ .... , ... ,,.. ... ~ ...... .. Q ,,-"-' al::;~ • • • .. - -UMVlllSAl SlUDIOS MOllYWOOO -._._ "'Kindergarten Cop' is one of the year's 10 best!" •0'91-No•o\ l'fOP\ I "lAGAZINI Schwarzenegger • IS Kindsrgarten COP • lillf~ aACfl • SNf'tA 4JU f:,..,.. -vwr ............ p• ~ 1BK" \Al'\ ..... ... ) ._ ... • '::l., .._.... -_,..°""'. I 17 ---.. • M"" lllll l -Y;h ...... ""7\•'tJI.•• .....,. '~ A,'f ~· ·~-., ............. Vll-'9ftt~ ... By Oevtd Lyman 8cf'lppe How1110 ..... SeMoe It had to happen. In an cfTon to boost profits, corporate-ruled Hol· lywood veered so sharply toward the m iddle of the road in 1990 that it almost forgot how to make a good movie. Rcviewina the list of the year's releases. 1t was v1nually impossible to come up with 10 movies to call "best." The b1gge 1 moneymakers, those inoffensive. but undistinguished pictures like "Ghost," "Home Alone" and "Dick Traq .. are hard- ly the fodder of best-of-the-year lists. U nfonunatel}. the movies that were supposed to provide us with excellence. end-of-thc-)'ear pictures like "Tht' Godfather Pan Ill." "Havana" and ''Thc Bonfire of lht' Vanities." rarel) rose above the mediocre. ttlcased by ml,Jor studios. Thrte arc forciin film and the other three are the work of independent fil m- makers. My favorite (in alphabetical order): • "AvaJoa" Barry ("Rain Man") Lcvinson's semi-autobiographical masterpiece i an eloquent and bit· tersweet family ponrait of immi· grant Americans searching out the Amencan Dream. • "Ciaema Pa.ndJ10" An Oscar winner, this Italian-made film 1s an unabashedly sentimental homage to the cinema, un extraordinary tn- umph. as accc siblc and touching as 1t 1s an1S1ically magnificent. • "CyraDO de Be rgerac" Swashbuckling. poetry and grand passion are equally distnbuted throughout, as Gerard Depard1eu offers the definitive performance of Rostand's tragic sold1erpoet. • "Dance1 Wltll Wolves" Kcvtn Costner's sprawling western 1s humorous. painful and enormously moving. a rare accompltshmcnt for a first-time director. • ••eeal')': Pwtratt of a Sent Killer" A homfying and un- ninching view o f a sccminaly nor· mat man who i , in reality, a n u nspeakably vicious killer. • ''Moatle•r Hire" A mcsmcri1- 1ng French-made talc about a lonely voyeur and the woman he loves. A haunting and probing character study. the picture is equal parts my'itcry. thriller and romance. •"To Slttp WIQ Aa1er" Charles Bumett's film a middle-class black famil y feels comfortably main· stf'e'am. But. "'1thtn the 1radt11onal structure. this quirky gem 1s a multi-leveled and even-handed pie· ture that linds opt1m1 m in its tragedies and despair tn triumphs. •"Mr. & Mrs. Bridie" Amb1gu1- ty reigns in this masterfull) scnptcd picture about a middle-aged coupk (Paul Ne"'man and Joanne Wood- "'ard) battling both their own <le- mons and thC' curious world e' oh · ing around thC'm in the 193Ch and 1940.-.. If top-of-the-line film!\ were elusive. those 'ying for the bottom of tht' heap. WCrt' everywhere. . It 1s onh not1n' that K1~t1e Alley ha the distinc11on of stamna in three of the bottom 10. My least favorites (in alphabetical order): • "Tiit Adveat•ret of Milo ud Otis" Demeaning pablum for ki~. • "De1perate Hout" A ~lf-1n· dulgcnt Mickey Rourke vehicle. • "Glaott Dad" Muddled 8 111 Cosby. • "Looll Wlto'1 TaJkiD1 Too" A d\Smal sequel (wuh Kirstie Alley.). • "MadltoHe" U nfunny talc about vmttng relatives. Alley's sec· ond mention •"My Blue Heaven" Steve Manin and Rick Moran1s in an overpla}ed cops 'n' robbers giggler. •"Problem Clllld" Tasteless story about a demonic child. W1th John Rttter •"Rennie" Pretentious talc of loH and betra)al with Kevin Cos· tncr and Anthon) Quinn. • "Tbe Rookie" Cltnt Eastwood's "'ur~t-cvcr. •''Sibling Rivalry'' Love and tn· lidcltt) 1n a painfull> dull package. Alie)'\ third cntl) It's a glaring example of the men- tal tty that plagues corporate Ameri- <:a: goal No. I 1s moneymaking. Creating a wonhy vehicle for that monc) malong 1s an aftenhought. Not coincidentall). JUSt two of this )Car's ltst of fa.,,orite pictures -there arc Just eight -· "'ere Contemporary art center names new board IDWAllDS CINIMA ., .,i;.." 8"'0 ....,_,, "•r '41> ll I The 0-f•t"e' 111 I 1 \ l IO 1 IQ IS HAll•Oll TWIN CINIMAI '"'"'""' 811.0 f W ,._,,. \trr'I .-11 t~ Hawatta • 4 1.-.-ne" (~,Pt. 1 Ii 11 4' t I\ \IO A Mis.A CINll:MA '-"' " B •ti/ ltt't ~• 1>46 \OH ··-·~-Sctt l0 rf\•n4• r•t.. I 1J I .~ I l •S • " •\ ,. lO IQ 4\ TOWN CI HTl ll CINIMAS \"'''" ( w•I '"'""'• \ • A4 H•v•n• ~ • I HOM• Alo ... tl'ul I I I() I •\ • ~ '' H IQ J t i,.1 t """°" "'" ""9•1 1rr., 11 "' 1 ' 1, 1 t0 'I" 4 O•nc e o With Wolvet ti'(• I 11 I I 4\ • I\ R SOUTH COAST l'LAZA ''"''" \""'°w•• \•II 1/ I I ' Aw•ll•"'"'' ,re. I ,, I' IQ 1 \ lO 8 IQ 10 I ........... A UHi• LHr 11•c.1 I l l IO 5 I tO I( \ HAMiet r•, l •S •JOllSIQ SOUTH COAJT \llLLAGI \,-.,, ,.. 91,,,,, \4:">0\•• l-W ... I Tallllnt T-tPC. I lt I 1 J • h " . I T .. • llMlll• Ho .,.. • I/ J lO S I JO IQ 1 ,..,...,.,.., r , • \ • t-1 ~ A JO 10 I\ .... ttlttt. IUcll IOWAllDI CHAA'TIW CINTitll 1811 w .. ,,,., "•• .... <, 1! D•M et -Wei••• 'l'C:. 1)1 11 4\ l IS 1 I H-• ~ I', I() I<\ ~I\ I 10 • •\ I I M.,, •IMI A Uttle ~ PC.• I I JO I 4\ • ~ .... • Tlte -•tt.e1 Ill ,. \ I \ \ H A I\ • T'h• aonftf'• o·f '"• V•nttl•• • } t \ 1 t', \.. ,. \ 4 ll:DWAllOS HUNTINGTON TWIN 11'4 I Y • •• \I 11•--QtM ICllMler .. n e" C~ r I \ !O R 10 I . M., ....... , I ' • •\ ., I~ IPVIH THI UNIVlltSITY CIHIMA •l •S ( '''"'"'' Du•• A\• AAI' I H•.,•n. tit I I Ill 10 )I A lO 1 T"• Go41f•th•• Ill '' • .. I .. , IQ 4\ I 1Cln4.,_.,.e" C~ ~ ' Ii ,t l lll \ lO II I' • Th• llvo•• HOMO• • ' " I • Kl I ~ tO M., ....... ~I ' ' ' • • 1 \ • 41(1 ' The II-le olf , I \ IU 10 W OOD•lllDGI CI NIMAS 8.o" ,,.., .. ,.,.w .. ., ( ._,.,,.. •" H°"'eAton•1P •4'' 'i .4';flt()I' ' Leota WM t TaM1tn9 Too "f 1, jf ' u • 't( \I '' "•Hwert Dow n Under , tt t .C\ Tfrte 11-1• • • l flw•d lcl1101i.."41 \CJ • • A 4 Almon Aft A ... el I/ ~ , f\J • 4\ I f-1111 ..... , '0UNTAIN VALLl"Y TWIN 8•-. ''""''" f"·~• .. . . HOMe Aton• tr t t \ ~ 8 \ T"• lletcue., Do•" U-•• i J ti) \ ~ 11-1• e 'AMILY 'OU• CINll:MA • It•""''" \1 'ft •• AtMo t t Aft An9el H 4\ I 4 \ \ • \ ' 4 \ {I. He va "• JI t ' rJ t l flw•td klt'°"'•"flt 1Pt. I ti 'I 4\ I \ I\ •• • Loot! Who·1 T ........ T-1PC:. 1 li I] J 4 & " 0 Several Orange Count> an1sts and bus1nc~~ people were recent!) instalkd on the board of trustees for the Orange (ount) C'C'ntcr for Contcmporal) .\rt The center rc- cent l~ Cl·kbratcd 11s I 0th an- "'' ,·r .. •1 r' :X-n 1ng .. , l'\Cl ut1H' d1rec1or "''II be Kathken Kaplan o f In in c Shl' \\a<, namt:J 'olunll'er of thl' ) l'ar rrt11t1.,. fl D • • • AU AMC BRAVO DIS ESPN FAM WPIX 7:00 7:30 8:00 ,, BEAUTITIJL, RICH, INTELLIGENT, SWF. 27, Blonde, blue eyed, whh 1 love for tnvcl, thcal.re, fomsn films, Ind romnk walb on the beach. seeks Mr. Riahl to live happUy ever after. Find out how to mca IOmeOnC like this or pl11ee a FR.EB Id of your own in DATELINE. See details in today '1 cla11Uied ICClion. this pa t summer at In 1m· r 1m· .\rts Centl'r Jcffn:' f rt'>{h ol ln 1ne O\.\nt'r of JdTrc' f n sl h lk· .. 1gn .\ssoc1ate<1 o f "le~ port fk ad1 1~ as.-.1s1an1 d1rl·ctor T rcasurl·r 1s Santa .\na re~1dent f>1Jna rra\.\le\ .\l\o ~·n 1ng on the board art' '.111.l' \1lC1l'e of Laguna Bca<:h. Ed Duran ul an Juan Capistrano. ~u,a n C1reer o f Santa .\na. Gene 1 ... 1.1c,on of H un11ng1on Beach, Ra) larnh of ( ostJ \ksa. Karen John- 'on o f ~ant a .\na Lauri \knJl·nhall of Ne\.\port Beach and lk 1 llll' \1mon of Orange \\ l'll-1.no" n photographer l 1hh' knnings of 'c"' (lCirt Fk.tl h "'111 \l'f\c J' nh1h1tur l ha1rman \hl'" curn·nth ''nrl.in(! on a f'lrllll'lt l'nt1· tkd "I l'l'll'n nJ,? Rl'lat111 n,h1p .. 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11 :00 . 11:30 ...... Tu Suglr Mame ...... D'c* a.ti'• .... ,..,., ...... ....,_ ..... .... ,..,., .... eo.t c........ ...... H£W U£AR1S eue 1>9KWfR & 'DAKct PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS CHAPTER 26 From Spm-1 an -$35 per person Live Band -Bvffet Champagne Toast at Midnight Coeta MeM Qotf Qub 1701 Qotf Cow. Drtwe, Coeta ---{7141 .... ,. Call for more lnformetlon .... ,..,., Orenge Cout Dlllly Piiot Monday, Dac:ember 31, 1990 . Society • Clrll • fr•; 111 ,Royalty, bath foreign and . dam11i1c, marked 1991Ys society scene Since joinin& t~ Dilly Pilot 1cam as society editor last sprina. I've atltnded. hundreds of parties. Such a job I have! The following are 1 few events which I 1hough1 had a litt~ somcthina extra: •THE BEST OF THE BEST: The Crowning Glory! The Festival of Britain brought a Kries of celcbrily- filltd royal celebrations honoring Princess Alexandra. The British can come back any time. •SECOND BEST: Vida Dean was impmsed with the historic opening night of the Tom Riley Terminal of John Wa yne Airpon; the extrava- g:1nt Optra Ball: and the tented soiree premiering Haag's Cancer Centrr. •BEST GARAGE PARTY: I Actu- ally the only) was s1agcd in 1he nashy spons car hideout of Sandi and Don Weber. The garage caper. offering fab food and 1hr fantasuc 1alt"nls of singer E''elyn dr la Rosa. ni.1sed funds for !hr YWCA. •BEST CELEBRITY BASH : Tosstd by party-givi ng partners John and Donna Crean. dozens of stars from ~tihon Bcrlr to Ang1r Dickc-nson roamt"d lhl· Crt"an Manor 1n suppon of the Amt"rican C1 ncn1a ·""'ards Founda11on. • BEST PICNIC: The Kingston Trio concl·rt in the gingham.clad backyard oftht' Discovt"I)' Mu seum "'as a "inner. •BEST INTER\'IEW: Grn1us C huck Jont"s, thr cn:a1or of Bugs Bunn) and other darlings. "'as gracious and stimulaung. •WORST INTERVIEW: Nancy Reagan. During her two ''1s11s 10 Carol Humphreys ~4.-rluo . . OC this }tar -a lunchron for Hoag Hospital and a dinner for . .\TSC. the form er First Lady j us1 said no to the prt'ss. •BEST/WORST STORE OPEN· I NG~: Depending on how hungry you w('r(' -The Chanel Bouliqu(' in SCP. •BEST OF T HE NO SHOWS: Bob Hope was 100 pooped to pull 31 !he firs1 annual Bob Hope/Dr. Ho\\'ard House Golf Classic ben· C"fit1ng the House Ear lnsututc. DolorC's filled 1n. •BEST OF THE SLEEPERS: Number Ont": The Protocol Foun- da11on of Orangc County's G reek feas1 at thC' .\thcn1an Rt"staurant in Hun11ngton Beach v.·as funfi\IC'd and fit for a Zorba. Number two: Tht" Los Compadres Cinco dr Ma)·O 1hirt}·~mething shindig ben- efi11ng tht" 011,·r C'rr-st Treatment C'en1er was IOP notch. •BEST AUCTION: Good;cs P· lort jammed the auction tables at FundSy for 1hc Western Medical Cenu:r and the Interval House a:i- nual bash at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. •BEST COSTUME PARTY: The Opera Pacific Founders' Gala trans.. formed the Crean mansion into an antebellum fashion wonderland. Runntr-up goes to the lovina- h~nds-at-homt" creations of those a1tending tht" Stol)'book Ball led by Mo1htr Goose Martia Coy for the Pacific Chorale. •BEST '50S FLING: Rightco.us Brother Bill Medley's informal con- cen at his Fountain Valley Hop nigh1club raised funds for the Or- ange County Foundation for the Homeless. • BEST DECOR: For elegan~ - tht Hyau Re,gency Irvine ballroom "'as dolled up b) Tiffany for the Centt"r's Candlelight Concert. For fu n -At the Santa Ana Zoo party al Prt"gos Restaurant guests could 1alk lo the live animal party props. •BEST FASH ION SHOW: What could 1op the Guilds of the Orange County Performing Ans Center fashion spectacular 1n Segerstrom Hall~ • BESJ OF T HE C .. llC: Lush or- chid leis: fare prepared by the cur- rent king of catenng. Turnip Rost: sho'ol.stopping Polynt"s1an tntertain· ment: and the oceanfront paradise of Jim and Nancy Baldwin made a srnsational sun1mer fest for lhe Nt"wport Harbor .\rt Museum. •BEST SETIING: Nothing can match the splendor of Casa Pacifica (the formcr Nixon cstate ). This year the Herben ·s openC"d 1hC"1r part) gales for Doheny E)'t" lnst1tu1e. Happ) Ne..-.· Year~ Nancy Reagan paid two tfght-llpped visits to the Orange Coast th is year. . From left. Oud~y Moore, Sir Angus Ogilvy, Princess Ale:.;andra and Michael Caine attend a Festival of Britain fete. Angie Dickenson. Janet Leigh. Leo Jaffe and Roddy McOowall at the American Cinema Awards Foundation bash, the year's top even! Donna and John Crean evoked the Old South as the theme ror the Opera Psiclftc Founders· Gala. for celebri1y watchers. Daughter's handling of alcoholic mother deserved support • Dear Rt•den:' Remember tllit letter from tllie da•&•ter wltll •I· cohollc p1rea11, boU1 ar1•men- rallve drunk1".' Sbe gave a blrtlliday party for her motlller wbo got bombH and 1lllrttd a flglllt a1 osual. When U1in11 t•rne4 agly sllle told ber mother 10 cool 11 or leave. Her molber and lather left. Tbe da111bter hadn'I beard from her mother In several weeks, was 1ettta1 no s•pport from tbe rest of tbe family and a1ked me whal lo do. I told lier 10 telepiloH ber motkr ••d 1polo1l1e. Tlllat response bas danied near IM1pltaJl1~ tk two men lo my mall room. Tiiiey bave been worllla1 overtime all wttk u4 •re ea:· Hasted. H•ge uells of letters art h•oct1a1 the doorway. 1'11111 Is wbat my naders llave 10 aay: From Jackson . Miss.: I don't do coupons. I don't "'·rite leuers to the editor. t don't send birthday wisht"s to lht" pres1dt"nt and I ha'c nc,cr \lrtllen. to •\nn Landers. UnlLI now. Yo u said lhl· v.o nHtn 1n Kentuck} sh ould not ha'c l·v1cted hl·r mo1hrr fron1 her humt· for figh11ng. ''ou v.crc v.rong If the mo1hcr·s al- CC'lholtc txha,·1or dots not produce '§(}ml· negat1\C conS('Quences she v. 111 fl('\ er make 1hc elf on to l"hange Thl' daughter did 1he right thing 1'.1emph1s: The noodles are bo1l - 1ng. Get read, for 50 lashes. Your ansv.er 10 the daughter of the al· cohohc parents was terrible. Sounds to me as 1f the "·hole famil) 1s made up of co-dcpcndt"nls. They n~ hrlp. nor the daughtt"r. Brcmenon. Wash.: I am a re- covering alcoholic. I know n lot abou1 obno\10us drunkrn bcha,·ior because thrre was plenty in my famil). I ha,·c the right to decide whal I will not to~nile 1n my home and so docs that daugh1cr. ¥ou Ann Landers ~ • .,,.~L~,..,, •• .,..,..,.. n-·----c=:: ble"· n Sall l.akC' City: The daughter dl·- St'rvt-s a pat on the back for stand· 1ng up to her inebriated mother. )'ou ga•c hl·r a lo.lop 1n !hl" chuix •11n1r1'I don'1 heir :i n alC'ohnhc h~ being an For shaml' Burlington \' ~1ntc 11 \la~ !he .. enable r "\\ hen m' brolhrno and I \\-alnut(rcl·l. .. (ahf \\ould ~nu mother "'""' ca.uo,n:t th1· prohlem. le1 "1\ knuv. Iha! she was not ha,·c 1old 1ha1 daughter 10 10IC"rate '>he or,h11uld Jo th1· api.1log11 1ng Did "-l'lcom<' 1n our homeor, unless she .,,,.,ual ahuM· from a. famil ~ mt'nl-tht• clean1ni lad ~ ansv.t"r that lt•ttC"r v.a.' 'iOhc'r '>he v.en1 10 .\lcoholics tier'' Wh~ lhC"n should shC' tOIC'rate "-h1•n \OU "-l·re out 10 lunch'} .\nnn•mous and got ht"r act unacccptabll· l'l:ha' 10r from her llalla ..... \I , '1'1l·r became an al-h.>gt"l ht•r Ifs been fo ur ~rars now mothl·f' ft IJlr'> a mounlain of eohottc v. hen her hush.and died Sht' and "'e are once again a happy ru1nl"'d n1ore h1rthda) panic~ and fa m1l' ) our ad,1ct slanlo. courage 10 siand up aga1ns1 an _, r h d To ·All Wbo Wrote: u th••• were abu'il\C" p;irenl Too bad ~ou didn"t Th:inl\g1•1n~ a.nu .. nstmas 1n- 11\e that "-Onl a.n tht' support she nt•r\ than I (·a.re 10 rr-meml:lt"r I • Booby Pritt for tbe goof of tbt: ln, .. ,j ht·r '"·' ··o"t"' to h•lp I y•ar tbal on• woold wto •a..i1 -~ ... ·~"··~ . . . .. R o~ al Oak. ~I 1l'h. .\ 'r~ 1 m-~"-"'_'"_'_d_f_n_•m __ '_'_· '_"_'_'"_t_h_at_>_o_" __ d_•"_•._T_b_•_•_•_•_•_•_r _lh_•_c_lob_I><_'_·_ ponanl point "as O\Crlooked 1n that l":\ChangL· bl'l"-l"e n ~ou and 1he daughtt·r o f thr alcoholic parC"nls Since she knov.s 1ha1 her mo1hrr and dad ha'C' a serious dnnk1ng problC'm . ..-.h> 1n lh<' v.orld did shr K"rvt" liquor" Boston: ·\s a ft'C'O\ enng al. coholic. I ha"r learnC"d to takr rcsponsib1ht ~ for m } bC'ha,·1or. h is only when 1he aleohohc is madr 10 an:C'pl limits se1 b~ 01hers that ht' or sht-1tahzN lhC' dnnk1n1 is out of ""' Ser,,.lng Newport Harbor. Crista Me•a. Irvine \ Pike~ '......:l=r<fj~ #nn ·~~ An old idea modern math students would love • UJou-t~··· ~~-' > Where Is tbe best motor bot.el sening tbe When t~e Crusaders took arithmetic from Arabia back to Europe. the Europeans accepted 11 withou1 much fuss. But they wtrt' smart enouah to outlaw 1lacbra. It sta)'cd illegal for a couple mott centuries. A wound on the chest leaves an ualicr scar than a wound on , the fact, accordin1 to a Miami dcrm11oloait1. Ht says the face ~als better than any other l)llr1 of the body. Q. To wba• does Oick Oark credit his you1ht\il re\ix~ manner? A. Naps. l"m told. Hippos have four toes. rhinos three. Moot ~ yar of marNet: is not die ltYftldl .. .,,..., lbe .,.. tlonll llledion Y., ll>r di..,..._ Half tho di __ ...,, ..... ......... Ymrofdlir,_..._.. .... dta et . It •iU .... fin&. Q. r ........ .,. clliljr-. MllJl•1tlollcldlo1111- .lo L.M. Boyd child tends 10 be tbe lfN,f1et1? A. That wouldn't be aman. Re- ttnt rttear'(h sna .. ordtr o( binh means 1hdc In rdatiYe i•ltllite'fttt. Scholan now say ditlittcnca be- come rvldoe1 only -.. r.mlly membm t9'ink thne'a a ditraaK"e. IO IMI alrlprine diflmlllly. --,_ •Y •-hllf Ille. ...,,.....illion , .. ,,~tomiel pertbrl1ned un~ Mtioft.W. am be ~ -· That's niht. .. Sunday'" is a papn namt. On July 4. IOS4 A.O .. tht sky ht up mcn1 stunninJly, and stayed that wa). li&IU rnough to rt'ad at night, for •bout lhrtt mon1hs. A super- nova had ex.plodcd. Hi1torianJ say au the world's Faiths picked up Conv,ns.. Thosc who tno"' all abou1 roses say theft' onet wts a bhJC one. About ttvtn etnturits aao. An nbian aro..-.'cr namtd lbn..al· wam wrote about it- Geotse Washinaton once 111n an ad ror • coolc. Ofl<ml s 15 • month. Help was hard to find, evidtntly. Thc1ad nn six weckL Th<t< ,..... plac<s and times whtn Wllrriors ~nt in10 t.nlc annt<I whh yoyos. 111' ~ In conven.tioa. _. • • re-.,.. iltdr ,., •• , .•• ....., • •omen do. IMI'• •....., •• 011 t .-. ..... rhn--· ""'""""' ..... ---• livrlter reaC'lions than womt'n. This 1ttms 10 rcla1t-to a corollary 1n our Love and War man's files: .. Men tend to conceal that tht'y cart. Wnmtn lt'nd to concc1l that the)' don't." Spoken JapanCK uses fewer K>Unch than any other major 1 .. , ..... Is a mustache fOOd for nothina but decoration~ Prince Bcmhard of Holland 1umed his into an hondl) test. When he aAtd lhotc round~ 1bout how the)' tilted it. he sakl. the phonitt pronounced it mapift«nt. bul real fritndl called it ri•iculous. If the: ccns*d taken hive their dlta riah,t. thfft <M1t of fivt: *< I II now In tht.ir lOl wiR It'-di..os. Yoe -llyi .. oqtQmls .... , II)',.., ......... ftJiltl ....... , .., ........... _ .. ,. __ ,...,.._., I 1111111! Lei.-...-,_ .... -· Tllry .... , II)' . ..., ...... Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area? Where Is tM ht.st, qaallty m-r Ht.el you can go to for put location &lid great val .. ? For Extra HolldaJ 0-U, Hideaway or 8-blOll Conaider the followinl: • '. " by Bii KMM "Closer to midnight the music gets louder and everybody gets funnier." VOO l<NOW WMAT I TMINK WE SHOULD DO?Wf SUOOLD START T~E NEW VEAR OFF WITH A 6AN6 .. by Charles M. Schulz " . . . Orange Coat Dally Piiot I I J \\\E l}.Sl 1~\N6 ~OU'-lHl E~E SAW I A11~ NEW '/E~R's fVE PAATY I llARllADUKE by Brad Anderson SHOE by Jeff MacNelly DENNIS by Hank Ketchum t ~ '~~ 1--'~ 4;. ~ • : ~' .. Oh great' A New Year's Eve duet' RAl'fCY ARLO AND JAN18 OV&RBOARD • l u 1l-!EftE. J'VE WNE. iU£ Mlar".OWAVE, TME.. ~.WO"nE.Vt:.f<. FRED BASSET ITS ""' !>-ITTE'lLY COl..D NtGMT ! I~ VOW ~ (JOINV FOCl ,., WA.l.I(, Wrl.AP uP w'U. ... II.ND ~12E D TOO \ I M JUST PUTTING ON HIS CO._T II.NO 'rl-11NvS N()W l ' I Pt.>i C'VCT TAPE. OVEFl AU. 7t4E 9L11J1<1N~ OIGtrAL-Cl.OCt<.S IN 'TJ4 E i.IO~E. THE MENACE J ~ 1 ~~l . ~ ! •MR W1 LSON SA'<S HE HASt·a°i· l1AV A GCOO MO~ING Sl~E HE WAS MY ~ '' by Jerry Scott ROSE IS ROSE JI MOO I 'IJJVi, Gm"I ~ ()41\tt 1tP <J~~EAP~ by Jimmy Johnson FUNKY WlNKERBEAN SO ~Al'5 n4E S1'0Ft'-" .. I KNOW 1HAI fVY.J Nerf 1{4V/~ A WE F-OR NELJJ l;EAR'5 EVE 15 SON\E KJND OF A 816,COLOS$AL... MIX -UP ... BUI 1 511Ll (AN•-r HEL.P f=EELING RE.AU..Q HUR-r ANO REJECTED ... "4A5 -rnA"rE MAPPENED iO ~ z. ,, ' by Chip Dunham FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE ~­ EH-01E 1 by Pat Brady 1 WfSM rr ~ l.rml Uf-O 'S ~ l,l.NQ\~ 1\([U. ... by Tom Batluk by Lynn Johnston 1 .:-:\ ('t ~ti 1f ~r. ) Ir 1 1 ( WAN NA l tt~c0 If OUT 7 ----..r-r1 ¥ I \J .. 1 ~=====-· aiii:r:...___J l_.~~~ ....,...._...___...__..____ ·.,.;::--....;.;.;;; ............... __ ..... 12'6::!1!!~~~~~~1 .... !!!lf:.:~;;!~~~~ DOES PETE" Aeuse vou P'"4Y 91CALL-Y' o " MeNTA'-l..Y p by Brian Basset MfiNTALLV YES' ANO HE WOULD ~VSl~l..L.Y I F HI! THOUGHT HE COULD GET /'WAY WITH IT -=-~ DRABBLE by Kevin Fagan by_ T. K. Ryan , Opinion Anl~-- Publlll>ed by Page Group fubllshlng, Inc. 111111't L '-pr-t & chief executive officer U I 7 I. t 101 t editor & vlce--presktent a.. 91 • moneglng editor ._ ., cn:. night editOf Biii .... Ir, cholrmon .... W ....... Ir, executive vice preoldent Ila .. L Ill mm, vtoe prnfdent & general manager ._ .. , 17 :, 1111·-. founding publllhe< Editorial The old year leaves a legacy or hope There were good times. and bad. T here was tragedy and triumph. Frustration and solu- tion. Villains and heroes. Scandal and charity. And, ul- timately, ho pt:'. By any measurement, 1990 was a year in which rt"sidents \.\'ere tested. The Hunling1on Beach oil spill -fast on the heels of Earth Day -sounded an ominous no te as it ro lled 0 010 loc.al beaches and jetties. k.illing wildlife and choking off local commerce. But the bear hcs were eventually cleaned, business restored and \.l,'ildlife nurtured back to health. -\nd. if there was a slight afterglow to the messy inc1den1. it was that area residents didn't stop to think twice befo re 'oluntccr1ng to help clean up the beaches or rescue oil-soaked birds. Peo ple cared and the 011 spill "''as an affirmatio n of that. The }'Car was full o f such examples. big and small. Reside nts 1n Laguna Beach voled overwclmingly to tax themsel\'tS to spare a portio n of Laguna Can yon from devclo pmt'nl. Evicted alter 20 \'ears o f he lping !he ho meless and the need \, ,-o lu n1ters w;th the Share Our Selves charity re- gro ui>cd and fo und a nt~w ho m e . Th<' l-i un11 ngto n Beach police helped deliver C hristmas to a httle girl \\'ho had bee n 1o ld Santa C laus wo uld not be "is1ting this )Ca r. If the vear began o n a no 1e of o p11n1ism. 11 is coming to an enfi '-~•11h m i>.cd signals. The rea l C'Statr boom has past. The cconom ) is slump- ing. War bec ko ns. But vet. 1f the ('ve nts o f 1990 ha,•c taught u s an)th~ng., it ts tha t ""c Jo.no w ho ,,., 10 surv ive. we c.arc enough to pitc h 10 and we are well expencnced 1n turning tragedy into tr1un1ph. Write to usl ____ .. ..__..., l'lll.. n.. ..... .._ _,,.. tnCOUf'IQM corr~ lrom our r..,_.._ We~ leftert be kept to approxtmatety 300 worch. Any corr~M» .igni~tly IOngel' than 300 words >Mii be prlnt.i 11 o"'t •°"•'o.dltef'etlon ., a ..,_.,Co_..,,_ .. - Community QOn'Vnll'lt.,.._ w• reeerved tor 1-..a pertinent to ctti.. and lown1 9kW1Q IM Or-oe Cout. Guest COfl'\"*'ten. mey pertMn to any publle tNue. EdltOriet r~ •• r~ lor rebuttals to «tltorlel C>O"tlona of lhe .._ ---.... Lettert ~ed to be lblklut or In t.ct t•t• • no1 be prtntiect. Writers we llmlted to fOlM' mubmlMk>NI a month. AM cor1~M» mutt be 9'Qf*9 and lndude tM 'lllriter'1 eddr9M and te6ephone numt.-IOI' ..,.,1r1eauon JK.lrpoMS. Lett•• lhOukl be addt...-d to the "-... -.... S30 w• ~ Sl'9et, Costa M9M. CA 92627. A'""'k)n: Len ... to the (dftOf. Wrttet'I with ~ .,. utgred to Clll the o.lt)' PMot •t (71~) 142-a21, bt. )51. , Monday, December 31 , 1990 j11 IJlt lll UlllP T.J. •1c11•1111 .•.• Mf-4U1 n . - DC Legends Weather in paradise can be extreme \\c don't ha\e ""Cather 10 '!>IX.1._ ol. a\ a general rule '° '"ht'n "'t' do de' 1ate frurn lhl· norm t"'l"f'!obt~~ tall.\ abuu 1 alol l ne\pc:Ct('d ~han11.rs 1n our mil\t plca~nt chmatl' ha'"' ~h.a~:d 111.· h1~tof) ul (>range l ount\ Maybe we'd all be better off if we abolished every holiday \.\ l" arl' 1n a \C:'rious drought '1h1 auon and 1t'~ b1;l.'n \Cl) cold ol l.111· "11h human\ an1n1a\s anll (1011' 1hreattn('d h' Lh(' unt'\JX'~1.-l1 \('''·rJI) of lhl; \eawna! v.l·at hl'I Old 11mrr; ..a~ Orangl' ( our.1 l'l tnter\ v.crl' 1·oldl·t 1n \car\ p;.i'\ Thl"rc "a-r. l"nough 141nh.-r chi\\ I• gro" apple\ 1n ( O\ta \le'-' a~ .... ,.11 a' pr11t' dahli;.i hulb~ By Clifford 0 . May ~11ow ... a News Maybe 'l''C should jus1 abolish holidays. I say 1ha1 panl) bccauSC" New Year's Eve always Sttms a ume of s.uch synthe-uc cclcbrat1on. Rig.ht now, you're worrying about the prospt"Ct of war. global warming and slock market n1cltdown. Your son 1s wearing an camng. the value of )Our house is plummcung and )Our boss didn't wish you a Merry Chns1mas But tonight? Hey, it's New Years Evt~ Break out the bubbly! New Year's docsn'1 even fall tn the nghl ~ason An'.' mlsonably 1n1clhgcnt calrndrr-makcr would ha'c plaC'ed 1hc )Car's lum1ng point 1n 1he spnng. ,,.•hen n vcrs arc melt- ing. tn:rl> are budding and s11ns of rcne,,.•al arr all abou1 Onl y an 1d101 ,,.ould pul 1hc Ne" Yr ar in 1hc cold. dark depths o f winier, II 1sn"t onl ~ N(',,.. Y('ar's I'm compl.a 1n1 ng about. Look at the stnfc Olh('r hollda~s art' causing. Letters Slrvlng tlle c.i11'Y T o th(' Eduor· Si ne(' the ad \t'nl of the G ulf (.·n~1s 1n "ugus1 . \he 1hour,h1 of pride. JUSl1ce and m1htaf) conOtct has lx·cn on the minds of C\ef) memtlcr o f .\mencan SOC-It'\). .,, :i IQ-\car-old, mal('. college studerH 1he "no11on of bring draf\ed and fir,ht1ng for m~ cou n l~ rarely escap1.·' m~ conscience I remcmbt'r v.hen I ,,.a~ a )Ou ng studrnt. reading bra'c Lal('S of "ar heroes. fa mous ba!lles. and \ 1clOf)' a fler \'1c1011 ~1 1m1ck 1ng 1hrs.e courageo us 1alt's, m ) yo unger bro lher and I ¥roukt oflcn prclend w (' v.·e rt' valiant war herOC's ,,..11h capes. helmets .. afld po,,.·erful to) dan guns shoolfna any foe that came "ith1n our pa lh 10 hbcn y. ~s )Oung childrt'n "'(' were also taught to lxlle\'e lha t ,,..t' "''<'l"C for- tun::uc 10 Ix Americans. frt'C' 10 do as we please, when \11c plca.sc and whe rt' "'C please. Thert was very litlle wt would nol sacrifi« to protttl o ur na11 on and keep our inalienable rights. Now 1he arown up children of the past ire beina called upon to fiaht for and pro1C'Ct 1h1s nauon's over- seas intemts. It would be an awful cnme for someone 10 s.ay that thcK acncrous men ind women hive no1 left their wivn, husbands, C'hildren and/or loved ones for • justifiable or honorable cause. Howe ver, I am sure thcrt arr other youna adulls. cspm.lly lhotr who arc ~fi&ious or believe in tM Biblt.. like me. who know thlt they would not want to k.iU anot.ber human bc'in~ ls it dishononbk 0t cowardly to not Wint to kill anothtt man? No. Would the -'< o( the Uoil<d S<alft loot -._ lftdividuob who r<ftn<d to kill or bt ia~ved ift Ille kiUi .. o( od>eT ........ bt- ina'? It ts q~ Wluot I -lib .. --if 1hm are lhaMtive ...,. o( ..,., .. y<Ni _..., io ... _ o( adnft.1-dlolif l -tobt .. llod. 1 --be ' I;' I -~~· ........ -ond I "lr?fs I - -.. 11 ,,.. •lln lo .. --._ ...... ,,,.,.. .. ., es sr1.-•1mla. .... .....,, ........... a~'U&:; __ .,....... . -... 1h11• --·---·-- Somr .\m('n can Indians arl· fun- ous ovl'r Colu mbus Oa~ Therl' arc e\ ('n 1hose "ho obJt"'C'I lo Tha nkst11,ing bi:causi:. the} $a). 11 dt'n1gratC'S Indians 10 prcturt them shanng a meal "nh thr Pll· gr1m s. !Of courk", tht• crucial po1 n1 -one ,,.,h1ch h1ston.ans ha\C negl('('t~ -1~ v. ho ,,.,ash<"d the d1she'l.I Proposals for a ,\.t ar11n I ulhtr King ho hda} ha\e cau~ed conf11 r1. \UO. Cena1nly, there should Ix \001(" s1grufican1 mr mor1al 10 thl' cen- tury's grr atrst c1v1I nght'l leader. a q u1ntcss.er111al1~ -\mcn~an figurl' who challrng<"d 1h1s na11on tu lt\C up to 11~ 0140 bl•st ideals .\ ca~ can ht nlade al~o !or a hohda~ 1n mcmor~ ofan -\nll'fl\an Indian . .\ gCM.XI l·and.1J a1t· "nult1 hi.• '\11- ung Bull "ho. along ,,.tth ( ra1\ Horse. dcft•a1t·d. ('u~lt'r a1 Linle Big Horn 1n 1876 and ,,.·as h1m~lf k1llt'd b~ l r S go' ('rnmcn1 troops a hundrrd )Car> ago this month One cautu1n Befort' l'\tahl1,h1ng m~ countr\ \.\I LL l .\\I ~1 .\ 11 Cl( 1' Ne"pon tkalh SCllool progress To tht' Ed11or (-(lngratula!Hll\~ Ill lhl· '\,4..,,.J)l.lr1 ~·t,.-sa l ln11ird. ~·ho1.1l l)1,tnl1 and 11\ Prt"\1dent Jud' FranlO lnr the dra\llC drop 1n 1 h~· 'tudcnt~ usc.' o f mBnJuan.a :ind ~ll·ohol a' rcpont·d 1n \OUf rK't l ~ ed11111n Flluni."("f\ .1hu.,t'rS. out of an cnrul- lment nf I t-.00(1 ~1udcnt ' is 1ndt·C'd a fi ne rr('nrd LC'n1enc~ rhallcngc'> \tudent!I le) e-.plort• hov. far lhl'\ (:t n go z~n).­ To\('raOCt' \t'I\ l1m11~ Good going. (.,()! l)IE J<),Ef'l·I Nr,,.·pon lkar h Nl)IStlcl To 1he Ed110r I read 14·1th apprcc-1a11on and g1't'at 1ntC1TII J im Wood'~ antt·lc ~rd- 1n1 Mr Dt'havt"n and his profcucd 1nnoccnct. I have had the hcti') rnpons1- bili1y o f defending the innocent on .k\ era I Ol'Cas1o ns. Tbnt matters arc 1ncf'C'dibl} 1ax1ng and d1ff1cu\110 rTC'On<'lle. Not the s1uff for a good n1_gh11 slttp. Hett's an 1n1clr tha1 ma) provide further rood for thouaht. I am reminded of 1hc "'aJI plaque in the offi~ of then D.A. C«i1 Hkts. that said .. ,, is alWl)'S more dift1cul1 10 convict the innotCnt-. Thank you for your contribution to the anrmess that more tha.o a few innot'(nt pc:oplt fall victim 10 tM prnent criminal justice 1ystcm. FRANK C. WRI GHT uaunoBcach Fii • ••~·· To the F.ditor. Conaratulattons on your front P9lt 11ory coven na lhe tltt- lrotnllft k ftdds (EMF1) is.sue in S..untoy's Dolf Piiot. For _. l'w f'ollowtd the EMF <Olltro-io Tiie New Yorttt, witlt inle'ml and "°"""' tonca ,._ W1lcft the illuc CIWllP Id •P in C>rwwt' COUft\Y ~in Fcsatai• v-.. lty, IMoe ond Tullia -1-• -.., .. Joowr 91 m. e1 Onlllr C.. t ' I •lrw. o.e1.,,., ........ ............. 'I ... .......... I..,_ ---........ an M LK or "-1H1ng Bu ll holida~ "l" n('<:d tn 1h1ni. ,1hi\ul "hat 1ha1 l"\l'Ot 1\ h ... l·I~ IO ht·LOOll.° J ccadL'' h('Ol(' ThC'rC'" n111h1ni rt'a,,unng, 1n thr C'\ampl(' 1!( !hL' hulida' nlari.1ng the h1nhda1' uf ( 1.:11rp.l· \\'a.,h1ng1on and .\hrah..101 l 1n,uln -nl'" ~/U1\ht'd 1nln "Prt·,1dcnt'\ 1">3~ ·· d hlcal.. ~tond.t\ LIL·J11at1."d n1a1nl\ 111 hc'>c.1.,ung LJr :1nJ (urn11urr ul('~ II .1 ntv. holiJJ1 !' dccl.lred \1>11\ m11'1 nf ti' 11.1·1 1h1· d.J1 nil" Fat 1 hJnc~· Ru! 11111 1.ln Mc:\ it "ill ml·.in an t"\lra da1 v.1thuu1 v.nri. in V.3~h1ng- 1nn t•hr,h 1' rnu~hl' ai.1n tn Jn C\tr.t d,t\ 1• 1\h11ut rl1n in lk'.1th \' :il!t'\ \\ ould :,nung Bull Fl'JI!' v.ant f1·d t r.tl hurt'autr.t\\ p.111·n n11•rt' l1·1~ur1· in h1~ h111101" 1 hl'> "II \ct the i.ttl' nut ul ,,,..hool 1110 v.·ondcriul \\ .iulJ \ll .._, rcJll\ v.;in1 °t,l(j' 1n lht• '1r1•1·\, 1.11h1·r thJ.n 1n thr cla\,ffw1n1' "" J ti:t\ nanH.·d f111 h1n1 ' Clillord () .\Jal ii a.11 ~lror witll tb~ RO<"ltJ .\founiain 1\·~.,., la lk-•· l'('T. lrnnl ~J~l' 1nlt·r:igr I 1X·l1t'\t• 1\ den1.1nd' ,,, I "J' r1,·.1....-J 1~1 ""-...· Tb~ Oail\ P llo1 run thc \1t1r. 11n ri;.ig1· '•11l" I h1>pt.' th.ii I 4'4) ".1 }!.twiJ 1•11•' 1Hf !h1· f\'.lf'l0f ... olU lll\ ..I \ i\J1 I'll< hi,' 111 1IUJ 111< .II l\l1°dl.l J I\' tl -\"'il l'l1"-\R!)ll l \ 11r11r1.1 tt,·l \l;.i1 Demanding answers 1 n thc-t-t1 1101 [ h..til· [lll'•I ,,n !ht' !<o:IOll' \\rl·~·1 llH1r hl, ... l.., ,1 ..... 11 from llt·nn ,\. ll.11n, ,,n .1nJ olT fur ml•rt" 1han ~t> ~l'.\r' ! v.nuld h,,. '>tlrll~' ~U("'>- 1111n" .sn'"'·r,·d .l\ lo th,· fl"t1ttJl1on n1 1h1: t'trnl·, nf'('rat1ng p.:rn111 h\ !ht• ( P,1,1 \!1'"3 (It\ ( l•Untd 11.•' 1n~ -.,·rn lhl' "l' tht\ ("11\ ·., 111un11I h.i' 1\p..•ra1cd O\,·r 1hc \Cdr.. J h<°hC'\(' lh31 ~Jffil'lh108 \ffiCI!\ at'iout tht"1r a1·111'n' I lt•nr. ~ Ham 0 \ ha!> rrs1dcd 1n 1ha1 IOl~a11on ~1n(c ..,.('"pon Bl'd ":t~ .::i Jin <oad :uid this tin' '11lal(' '43S c-a lled Crool l l•ll .\lw. 11 "a~ 1n 0 J)('r.n1on lon1 hcfort' 1he nc1ghtlorhood behind 11 "·ai budl \\ h ~ "t'f?'n·1 1he apan - menli bt'hu1d Hrnf) & HarT)•'s t'lu1h slrUC'tuall~ sound enough 10 supt>f'<'Ss th(' not!.C' from lh(' bus1- nNsrs 1n 1ha1 art'a Thars not the tavern·, fault H:1v1n1 kno,,. n and aske'd a few tt'\ident' 1ha1 ha'e hvrd 1n that 1mm«flate area, I fi nd the)' had no no1tt oomph11nts. The Goat Hill Tavern. in my opinion, 1s one of 1he last land~ maru k:f\ 1n this cat)'. sin« the v.~W. ha.II and the Mardln center YoTf'(' rated. I have bct:n able to patronize tave:ms for eight >Un now a.nd althoUfh I do nO\ visl\ Henry a Harry's of\en I do et\ioy myself thert and hai'"C oever 1ttn at1y prob&em or obscui\·e noite when 1 do visit. ne Dally PUM. in my opinjon, hO<lld bt ukina I f<w q-J J hove not ltell'd yet, sudt u: Why 11a1n·1 Ulctt been any anounoed t0mmuni1y m«tinp llteld to potroes Ud o<h<T com"'mtll}' tnmtbtrl c:n voice their • J 1F ;.,, __ .... _al __ wilh!M~~ ... la. ___ _.. __ -""--... 11• _ ............ . -I•! • 2 •• ~mudgr pot~ ,,.4.-r(' lighted 1n nr an~t· orch3 rd~ and ('l..'.las1 01tJlh \f\O.,. ,n1otht·rl·d \tra,,.~rf) fil·lt1' Jim SIC'Cpcr·._. < lr.tnge ( ount\ .\lmanal of ll 1\1orKal Odd111e'-> ll'l' a1l-11mt' lnunf\ ll"ml)l·ra1 url-JrtJ v.cather rl'lord' \Ince: !ht'\ t"t.'CanH' r('1.:ordcd h1~h1r' His LA•cc:m~r "caiht•r 1ahlt• h..1, hi\\ of h ttl(' n1>tt''-> in thr far marg1 r. 111 "h1,h l'\l'Cpl11Jn.1 J v.t•athl•r IJ\'1~ Jrl' mcn11ont'd -a 1urnadn 1n 1 ... ~11 n1 ... 'll.1~ 1n 1 ~t1r .ind ll'>b"' '"" .... 111 \4tll\ had iog 1n ll.j)9 and l<Jflt"i NJ "antJ .\n3 V.1nd~ 1n l!'>-,., 1lM11 \4n" t'-'i ~ 1~)s 1"' eanhqualo.e\ 1 ... 1: and IQl: a nd,, Ol\iJl'rn l'ftlhll"nl Oltlnl\\ldl• alert II" \ l)fi- ,,, ... thl·rc· ... "eJthc1 lor \Ou I tl\1\.1n11-:tht•.it1 to 1h1· Janu.:i.r' !Jhl<· thl·re hJ' tx·cn \nuv. '"'lC thfl't' tl cww.J, I"" 1-oad '\anta .\na• ..tnd t·anh~u.s ... t'\ l'"-t• 11mc\ plu" hl03\ \ \l\IU<lll:l' In l"J"I \\ l"ath('r h:t\ pla1C'd a pan 1n th1 dl'\ clopn1en1 1ll o ur picas.int t·u..1\La ''1d nd1an' 1n the: area "Cft' gener..111• f'll'Jll'IUI and lh('rt• '43) pll'n\\ 1l 1Lt11d lnr all 111 \h.are anll \ht'ltrr ""J r:i'' to prl1\ 1d1· I he Rantht'ro' "t'rr nlh h<"l.llJ" 1ht"u l·a11l1· ran 11n their 1mmcn"" IJ11d~ .i nd u)uall~ there wa~ cn11u~l 111 ft"t'<l them I h.: .\n1t'rit.ln' l111Jo...,C'J ... 11 .,hC't·p 1ha1 "rre t"3)\ h> ra1)(' 011 1h1 ... Ill\( l.it1J Jlld \ il·lt1t•d \I\ puun\I• .1t "not l'a,·h \Car "h11h sold tor. rr11fi1 I ..11n11•r\ ha'l' ;.iJt1rd "ah·r I• ttir l.1111\ .ind tl'aped pnw.J1~11•u t'fllr"o fhr lil"rtc-rain-.torms ho.,.hn~ "'t;.in1J \n;.i v.tnd' and ~nods •' 1'\tn·n1e hl"•ll ''' l·11!d hn·a't. up th. r11 .... ,.,,1('1n 11t f'l'rl"t't1 da\s .:an1 m:il..1· U\ rem1·mN-r 1ha1 "'t' do nu ,,1ntr11l thl· \"lt•mc-n\<;, f pr C'\J mrk· On t hnstma~ E•1 111 l/'(1'11 tht' n.111\CS nl "hal "oult ht: f)rangl' < ount\ r('101cl"d 1n • murh n('(·ded ra1niaH fhl·n 1hc-rl'fti1~1 nr. ~toppc'\I an1 v.om he~n It r:unl"<l lur \fl da)~ ,,.11hou sl opping ' 0 :'\1'' er he-fort 1n the memof\ o the oldt'!.I 1nhab1tant. had then °'-"t"" ~uch flood) ... h1s tonan Jamc- \1 1lh."r Guinn wrote 111 ··H1s1or1ca and 81ograph 1cal Record o \outhem Ca!Jfom 1a·· ··The Santa Ana R1,cr for a \Im• nvalrd the Fathcf' of Wate~ 11 n1 agn11udc: In the to wn o ".nahc-1 m. fou~ mtln from lht" r1vc1 the water ran fo ur f«I deep anl spread 1n an unbroken shttl to th1 Coyo1c Hills. 1hrtt miles beyond · More 1han 200.000 head or cattl. we:tt lost. alo na with other livestoc;:I and pc-optn) Topsoil was washed from lh• land and camrd away b} tlu swollen "''Cf. The sun came out once more. th., watet'S rtUdtd and lhe people ~ joked q.ain. But. it dJd DOI raia -1ft for I , ... ,,.nd the dmuPI ~ """ the floodJ had ~ Cotti< b<pn to ,_.. -lot of lfllS and water Md 1llrt ~ OWDttS had lo lidl &Wm for MCrifid prices -lcn tbn SI o 1leod -o tlaucJtt<r .-.. -worthlcn hides. The Mnk:an ,_ -""" clq>rndmt on tllt -b Illa iocomc: .. became •llMP' Es' '9 ... tua,l<viodonlM .... • I• -----" IOklporallof:lloir-to ______ .. ... ., ........ ,> .. -Te ... ... ...... . . • • • • \ 11, 1llO age • ·. back at Illa The top five stories of 1990 by city lo au. Ov Selves reblrt ... . la the end, Share Our Selves lived up to •11_tame. . -. county's largest privately run char- ity, which distributes food to the homeless and huapy struiflcd back to its feet barely in fime for Chnstmas, six months after anpy nei&hbors forced SOS from Its home of 20 years. In June, city officials. o rdered the Ham- illon Street charity closed, after months of often bitter squabbling between SOS Direc- t.or Jean Forbatb and others dedicated to lulina the hungry and nearby residents who protested that those hungry also were I OWsanoc and a potential threat to their -~ty. City officials bowed to those com plamts. and ordered SOS closed b) June I Addmg to the charity's woes. Scott Mather. a homeless advocate. insurance broker and president of the SOS board. resigned dur- •ni the spring after adm11t1ng to msurance fTaud that bilked the chant} out of thousands. +he ~ond incarnation of 0 opened DJ. 17. at 1550 Supenor ~\'l'. in an industrial ne1ghorhood. But e'en before the first client sho"ed up for a meal. neighbonng businesses vo"'ed 10 sue the city if the chant ~ damaged 1he1 r busmess. '1. ne Orange Coastline It was a strange ~ear on the coastline Water temperatures cltmbed higher than anyone could remember them bcmg for years. A mile-long squid site!.. slithered up on shore between Monarch Ba} and Dana Point. and enterpnsing fishermen qu11:kl ~ rounded up the sltm}' sea creatures and hawk~ them at S:! per pound [n Ne"-port Beach. residents drr" a line 1n thr sand after the state Coastal Com- m1ss1on ordered the c11~ to do something about pnvate patios dnd "alh built -in some cases as long ago as t"o de<.ades - on publtc beaches. The Ctt} (ounctl. caught bct"een the Coastal Comm1ss1on and 11s constituents. dc.>c1ded to allow homeo"ners to keep their patios and walls. but at an annual pnce Clltl-·u It's disclosed that Councilman Ed Glasaow and a since-retired police lieutenant spied on secret computer communiques between the poljcc chief and city manager. %) Scott Mather resigns as a director for the Share Our Selves (SOS) hunger relief agency after d isclosures that the insurance agent accepted money for an SOS insurance policy but never took one out. 3) Controversial Councilman Orv i\mburgey loses his ~ for r~lection. O Amburgey takes on federal Housmg and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp. who blas1s a city policy requiring agencies that receive city fu nds to screen rec1p1ents for thei r immigration status. S) SO closes after the city reti.ises to renc"' us lease 1n a neighborhood racked by complaints about the facility. SOS re- opens 10 an 10dus1nal area in December. I,, ...... l) February's American Trader oil spill dumps )()me 400.000 pllons of oil into coastal waters and onto local beaches. t ) Measure C. mandating voter ap- proval of any development on beaches . and parkland, passes in the November election. beatioa out a weaker, councit- backcd measure. 3) Demolition of the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier ae.ts under way at last. to make way for a new structure. •> Councilman Wes Bannister comes out of nowhert to win 1he Republican. nomination for state msurance com- missioner. only to lose in the general election. 5) Huntington Beach City School Dis- trict Superintendent Diana Peters is fired and f)aid off. six months after getting a pay raise and having her contract ex- tended by the board of trustees. .......... l) The American Trader oil spill blackens Newport Beach. I) The city is divided over the issue or oceanfront encroachments; after a series of hcarinp, the City ·Council decides to allow most of the encroachments to stay, as long as owners pay a fee. I) Young political unknown John Hedges edges out 12-year council incum- bent Donald Strauss in the November election. •> A U.S. senator from Kentucky proposes standard noise rqulations for airports nationwide, thttatenina the stricter regulations in place at John Wayne Airport and thus also threatening the settlement agreement between New- port Beach and JWA; local officials lobby congressmen to fisht the standard- ized regulations. succeed in grand- fathering in JWA's agreement. 5) The new JWA terminal opens after m an}' cost overruns and several months' delay. And finally. a small fishing boat cap- 1urcd a rare mcgamouth shark. onl} the fifth oflls species e\er caught. 1n the "ater off Dana Poin1 But to long11m e Orange ( oa!ll rl0'11dents it wasn'1 an> thing that turned up 1n the sea. but one 1h1ng that "cnt do"n that marl..<'d 1990. Traffic was a major and continuing story In 1990. cul-ballot which will increase the sales tax to pay for county minating in the passage of Measure M on the November transit improvements. After being battered b~ "'tnd and <,urf tor 76 years. the grand Hunt1ng1on Bl·arh pll'r was dismantled The crumbling landmarl... as much a pan of the cit\·.., 1dent1t} as the Matterhorn 1!1 Ill 01'\nc' land'<, v.a<. de- clared unsafr 1n 198!'1 after lil·n.l· "'ntcr storms n pped a"'a~ 2511 ft·et ot the <.trut- ture and o;cnt Thl' End (ak rumbling into tl)e ocean Though debate raged u'er "hat 10 do y.rith the wounded c;tructure. nt~ offinal'> opted to demoli\h the ncket~ reminder nt the city's h1stof) and 1.harallcr .• rnd t'fl'l I a new. modern pier in m plact'. Construction of the ne" pier "1th ti\ estimated price tag of $11 7 m1ll1nn . " scheduled to begin in Januan and he completed b} \farch 1942 lhl' nc" pier will be 12 feet higher than 1t\ prcdt'tl'\Of l >"!00 ft"\.'t long and is nrx·cted to last tor t no , t'airs 8. Orv Amburgty .\'> 1~ thl· ca<;(· with former President R1thard :-..1xon. e'er)bod) \rems to haH' an op1n1on about ( m 1a Mesa·., colorful lormcr counulman To -;omt· to rm er polln: l t On .\ m- t'turgl'\ I'> a tireless cru..adn tor la" and order and commuo1t\ pnde Tu others. his idea., ~mad.. of 10sens1ll\ 11~ and his action~ ol 1mpropnel\ Whate\t~r the pre\a1ltng image of him there 1<, no den) 1ng that .\mburge}' made hr.idline~ -lol'> of lhl·m. in 1990. Elel tl'd 1n 1986. '\mhurge) grabhcd the 'J)(>lllght 1h1\ }car "'hen he became one of C O\ta Mc<;a's leading ad\(X'a tes of a pohc~ that ""ould den) c1t)-d1s1nbu1cd federal fund<. to chan11e'> 1ha1 assisted 1llega Jlll"n\ GEC A~T a1 !Pi DI F RECAST C-t.i Sunny •nd •at m tf Hoths '" lllf 60\ •nd IOll\ trom Int llPPrf 10s 10 mid •lh °'"'" Sunny and warm ti ••lh lltCfl\ ITIO\tly lrom ~~ 10 6~ 1nd lo.o lrom JO 11 •O 0•" ll!f laMI M w•h >\mburge} argued the polic) was pan of program 10 nd the cit} ot a burgconmg populauon of illegal workers. But Housmg and l lrhan !Xvclopment Secretary Jack Kemp differed. Undaunted b) the red ltght turned on in Washingto n. Amburgey challenged Kemp to debate the issue. and rnmpared illegal aliens to hank robbers. r he secreta~ did not respond to lhe 1n' 1tat1on Later in lht• ~car Amburge) himself came undc.>r tire. "hen cat} attorneys launched a probe of possible con01 cts Qf interest stemmmg trom >\mburgey"s vote in I Q87 on an amend men I to the agree- ment w11h the Cll) 's cable television franchise holder ..\mhurgc}. an clectncal rnntractor. had ""orkcd w11h the cable firm in\ Oh Cd If prO\ ed. the an·usat1ons could result in a S 1.000 lint> and Amburgc) ·s removal IOOAY: Clear S ~l tS wtlh d1m1n1sh111& winds ltt&ll\ from lilt low 60s to nur 10 lows lllOStl~ from lht low lo mid 40s IOlllOUOW. Sunn, slltS iftCI W I I Ill t I te111u r•luru H1111s uptcted lrOftl tilt mid 60s to low 10s OCEAN REPORT TOOAY'SSUN Sunrise: 6:56 a.m. Sunset: •:S4 p.m. TODAY'S MOON Moonrise: 5:03 p.m. Moonaet: 6:57 a.m. ~Qr. NIW MoOn .... 7 Jin. 15 BOATING °"' ""'" ..., ..... """' t1 5'"911 " Im .. .. 1 i.t FISHING c... """" .. ,... '*' -........ 0 .... , ......... -x•••• TIDES ISS •• It 114 •• 11 Ht•• 1'l HI•• U SURFING lOCA• • ......... ~11 .....,.,. .... .. . t~ ..... . Slit c.. t 1 s-a.-te 01 I from offi ce But the latter puntshment he<:ame moot 10 No\.embcr, when Amburge) suffered a surprising. hu1 sound defeat 10 his bid for re-election 10 the council. 9. Doctors on trial ~ prominent surgeon. a no1ed PS>- ch1aln\t and a Oambo)ant comest1c sur- geon "'ere headline grabbers this )Car. 1n Orange County and beyond. But 11 wasn't their medical prowess that made doc1ors Thomas Gion1s. James White and Michael Elam big news 10 1990. Instead. the tno were stars of three of the mosl sensational area trials this year. The fate of all three 1s still up in the air. ..\JUI) in G1onis' trial couldn't d~1de 1f the doctor mastermmded the hmnt;t.C?f two thug~ to bear up his ex-wife. A1ssa Wayne. daughter of lalc ctor John Wayne, and her m1lhona1rc bo)fricnd. Roger Luby. A sec- FRONTS: • • cow •• • • • MMMf STA"°"'4RY . " • u •• •• •• •• • &I " JI ., . Sl ., •• • • .. . •• •• • • •• p. •• •• •• . " •• • • ii •• ...... "1990 ond trial k>oms. The medical license of Elam, a colorful cosmetic suraeon. was revoked in Auaust after a medical board heard petients• charaes of botched tummy tucks. un..uked- for note jobs and insuraMC fraud . The su~n. kno!¥n as muc!> f~r b!s social actiV1ttes as bis scalpel-W1ekhna. as currently bem:d from practicing peodina an appeal. The third Oranic County docto r to find himself in court is now awaiting sentencina on charaes that he sexually molested ~is then-adopted son, 29-year-old John Dew, while Dew was druged . Dr. James White faces up to 10 years in prison for the crime, which he plead guilty to in May. His sentencing was delayed when the doctor vanished only to tum up seven weeks later in Texas. H. Glupae Covert spying. intercepting private messages. eva.sdroppin' on co-workers - it sounds like act1vit1es reminiscent of another era -Watergate. But such national pasttimes took on local flavor this year, as Daily Pilot re- porter Bob Van Eyken learned that Costa Mesa City Councilman Ed Glasgow and former police Lt. John Rcpn pecked at private computer communiques between City Manager AllaJl Roeder and Police Chief Dave Snowden for six months in 1989. according to the district attorney. In an "1nvest1gat1 on" Regan and Glasgow claim was aimed at unearthing wrongdoing by Snowden. the two became pnvy to personal banter. informal com- ments and off-color jokes. No charges were filed in the incident. but the Costa Mesa City Council in December voted to condemn "in the strongest poss· iblc terms." Glasgow's action. That's not all. of course. Our imaginations were captured. our ire aroused by dozens more stones in 1990. A few eumples: ... The unsuccessful counroom fight by surrogate mother A.nu Jolua10D to win custody of the baby she bore for Mark and CrtaplDa Calvert. . .. The unprecedenled gathering of.1hree former presidents and the current presi- dent in Yorba Ltnda last summer to com- memmorate the opening of the Nixon Library. ... Election llpscts 1ha1 saw conservative and liberal mcumbents alike turned out of office. Among 1he surpnse losers at the polls were former Irvine Mayor Larry Asran. former Costa Mesa City Coun- cilman Orv Ambar1ey and former New- port Beach C'ity Councilman Don StrHH ... The res1gnat1on of a Hungtington Beach's top vice cop. Lt. Mlke Blas. after city officials launched an 1nves1igat1on of possible unau1hon1ed v1s11s to massage parlor<; with Cit) mone) by the 15-year- \ Cteran cop ... The battle b} Orange Count} c111es. including Huntmgton Beach. to stop the aenal spra) ing of <'hem1cal malatkloa. used to kill crop-lhreatenang medf11es. ... An anc.:1den1 tn which a pair of Costa Mesa reserve pohcc officers allegedly told two women to disrobe to prove their gender after the two were spotted exiting a women's restroom dunng a Bally Idol concert at Pacific Amphitheatre. ... Newport Harbor Art Maaum became the first art museum 1n the nation to sue the National Endowment for the Arts over funding restnctaons aimed at prevent mg federal grants for so-<allcd obsttne an. ... The death of UC Irvine founding chan<'ellor Du Alclrle .. al age 71 after a lengthy bout with cancer. .. The conviction of aerial rapist Robln Scott Daaubrock. who terrorized Orange Coast women during a 17-month rampage . ... The death from AIDS of Vl.Dttnt Claalk. whose battle to return to h is lrvme classroom after being diagnosed Wlth the disease made national headlines. : ~ • • .. . • • = : . " • • .... • n .. ... ! ! . .. : I " I 11 ......... ... . ... .. ... .. ... .... .. ... ii':? ..J.. ----· -- . .. • • .. . u .. ., . . .. • • . .. • • u .. 11 .1 '• -- Rll 11••~·· December 31 . 1990 The Dally Piiot ... F11 MllP ..... Cll"tl11 ..... - c111blre AFC West Dlvlsl-n title · llcllll I Lakera top 78erl/82 Prep r ... inga/83 Roee Bowt/83 Clesstfted/84 17-12 win over San Diego gives LA bye in first round of playoffs pme took on a whole new complcx.100 when Raukrs' naht tackle Scott Davis broke throu"' tfie offensive lane and blocked Carney's extra point try. ~ 8t.n Wyman Or..-COMt Deir No4 LOS ANGELES -The Loi. An&elcs Raiden lit atop the AFC Wnt today, undisputtd champions of the division. They sewed up the division crown Sunday~ virtue ofa 17·12 win over the San Dieao <..bafttrl before 62,S9l at the Los Anacin Memorial Coliaeum. But 1t wasn't pretty. In fact. as wins 10. it was downriaht uaJy. It it was aood enouah to allow the Raiden a final record of 12-4, while Kansas City finished second despite beatina Cbicqo on Saturday to finish 11-5. Most importantly, the Raiders' record is second best in the AFC, Jivi~J them a bye in the first round of the playoffs which begin ~xt wctkend and a home date in two weeks Distractions part of game for Trojans By Suzanne Gamboa Ii A9eodaled Pr .. Writer EL PASO. Texas -It seems .. USC Coach Larry Smith has "' had his mind on everything but Michipn State heading into t<>- ni&ht's Hancock Bowl. l='irst, an earache threw quanerback Todd Mannov1ch's status into question. Then backup quarterback Shane Foley was ar- rested on public intoxication charges in Newport Bead\ on Christmas eve. further complacaung the quarterback dilemma. Smnh has made a big to-do about the dry AstroTurf m Sun Bowl stadium. saying tt as ''dangerous" and should be watered bcfo~ the pmc. which starts at 11 :30 on Channel 2. M1ch1pn S1ate coach George Perlcs .. whoS( team has played all its games on artificial turf. said he'd never heard of such a thing. Team offiC1als have said Mannov1ch of Balboa Island Wlll st.art and Foley out of Newport Harbor High Wiii be allowed to play. but the turf controversy won't be r'C$Olved un11I loda}. Despite the d1stracuons. muh·s TroJans (8-3-1 ) arc one·poJnt favontes to stop the explos1"e running :mack of M1ch1gan State (7-3-1 ). "We h"e in Los Angeles... m1th said Sunda)'. "In Los "ngeles there arc a lo t of distractions e"ef) day. so our pla)'ers a~ used to that. The) will h ve with It and wall play wnh at. .. Smith said the dry field could cau~ serious lnJU~. .. The players' feet arc suckin4 to the field like suction cups." Smith said. "I have talked to 01her teams who have played in El Paso who 54) the di') field cau~ some anjunes "It has no thing to do with M1ch1gan tatc or a psychological advantage," he said. "h bas to do with making the playing con- ditions as safe as pomble. •· Perles said he has tried to t'1!0~ the Trojans' hardships and keep has team's attention focused on the game. "We JUSt have to do what we do well and that is run the ball." Perlcs said. The partans' 1-2 running punch of T1co Duckett and Hyland Hickson have each gained more than 1.000 )ards this year. Smith says sto pping them as the key for USC "They're both grc.at backs and I thank 1n that situation you don't necessarily have to desi1n a dcfenS( to stop them, but you hove to key an o n them." Smith said. Pcrles said has running backs will have to Cl&ht for every yard qainst USC's defense. wbich allowed only 113 rush1na yards per pme. "Their defense 1s a touah defense apinst some thin• we do well. run the footbeJJ ... Pcrtcs said. "Their linebackcn fill very quickly." ••• , "'., ,,,,,. *'' ,,.,.,, ,,,.,, By Mary Foet• AIWJ l:ll•d "--Wr1W ~EW ORLEANS -Call it a & penty pany. About a dozen Saints' players and hundreds of fans plhmd at Cham1>1on's. \he bar owned by kider Monen Andmc11. on Sundly to watch AOanta beat o..n.. and keep NcW OrieaM' playoff hooes alive. The Saints. 7..a on die -.on. mute beat 1M Ramt ~~ Moftd9y •• IO .., up ~ ftnal spcM. "AJI we WUtl it I ibot." MebKker S.. Mills Waid. ... .aw. we·we a IOI "'* _. ..... peopll llaiek. We ID' o6eo a t.d -.i. -.1...-.c11._...., • ._.,mm._ ~won IM &II~ widl ... .... dM IEMIMI, ...... lw 8 J4..JO ~ • Die. t • Allillim la a Ir ..... _-'-At.,._...., ..... i"'Jn • .;:-... ""' ......... °'*"" .. .._pillcaar ..SID .. wla• ....... -wl'-Wld.'"ru a·•'** .... ,.. ... ,Mii .. apinst an opponent to be dc~cnninecl. Tickets ao on sale today at the Raiders office 1n El Squndo and other ticket outlets. "It wasn't the prettiest pmc sn the world." Raiders Coach Art Shell said. "But we did what cham~ions have to do. We found a way to win. We played for 60 minutes. "I am so proud of those &U)'S.." Shell said. "They deserve the be AFC West ch1tmpions .. Quanerback Jay Schroeder echoed Shell's sentiments. ''I'm proud to be a part of this team," said Schroeder. his voice choked with emotion. "Many looked at us as a bunch of castaway" not wanted by others. We played and came togther as a unit." Sch(()(der, the tarset of many critics over the course of 1he year, rejected the notion that by taking the crown. he was somehow vindicated. He refused to i.ke ~it for the successful reaular ~n. "We all did what we had to do to make this happen," he said. The Raiders sot off to a rocky stan against San Dieio. They were quick to admit they pla}ed badly as the Charaers pushed them 111 over the field dunna the first 30 minutes of play. although the score dad not reflect It, a 9-7 Characrs advantage. San Dieio scored first. capping an t 1- play. 79-yard drive with a 19-yard John Camey field &031 wnh 8:S3 left in the opening quarter. Marcus Allen aot Los Angeles on the board with a I-yard touch- down run tn the second period to cap a76- yard Raiders dnve. But that was answered With I: SS left to play in the half when rookie quarterback John Fnesz threw bis first NFL touchdown pass, a 7.yardcr to Craig McEwen. But the After a 1eorclC$s third penod, Jeff Jacaer shov.ed why th1np were chan&cd when he kicked a 4~yard fie'd aoaJ eatly in the founh pcnod to 11vc the lb1dcrs a I 0-9 lead insttaa of leavin& it all tied up. But there were sull some surpnscs to come. On the ensuing luckoff. Donnie Elder found a seam and raced downfield for 90 yards before bema tnppcd up on the I 0-) ard lane by Dan und. The Raiders defense held, forcing San Diego to ~nle for a 2 1-yard c~rncy field 1oar for a 12-1 o lead. But Schroeder and has Raiders teammates hun& an. movma 80 yards downfield 1n 11 plays with slightly less than four minutes to play. sconng on a 17-yard screen pau from Schroeder 10 Steve Smith who bulled has "'a> tn for the score. It was Schroeder's 11th touchdown toss in See RAIDERS/II Year in review: Top 10 local stories APl.mSii- $COft Davis celebrates Raiders cllnchir~ ot AFC West Division UUe. lAe PaynetOrenge CO..I Deify Pl6ot Marina High's baseball team pulled off most improbable ot titles by rising from third-place In Sunset League to w in the CIF D1v1s1on 5-A title Improbable Marina titles on · s8me day top list By Jon Ferguson Orenge Cout Dally Piiot Whale Manna H1gh's ba~ball team of- fered lhc wildest success stor. of 1990. the dcckanJ of official N ick v'an Lcuw by R1vers1de linebacker Sam Manu offered a most bizarre and ugly occurrenCt' 1n the Orange Coast .\rea O\ er the pa~t I ~ months The V1k1ngs were truh· destiny's darlings. achle' ing "hat ~med to be-the trul) 1m poss- 1blc dream for a school wh ich docs no t hne 11s gym Wlth CIF cham- p1onsh1p banners from d1fTercnt spons. This was no t 03, ad sla) ing Goliath. 11 · was David la)'mg an 2rm of Golwhs. Marina marorcd into a team aroond playoff tame. but many ad trouble adnut- 11n1 1t to the vef) end I hl're was no doubt 11 wa~ a lcam of great lhnractcr. and It e'en had one of lhc biggest charac1crs of all -Robin L1ndse) -as m em otional leader To lop 11 all off. th<' !i<:hoors \Oftball team went ou1 and won the school''> fifth Cl F 11 tk 1he same night .\ school "'llh onh fi,e banner'> in ~, )t'arsaccomphshed t"o <11multaneoush. Le\\ tha n fi,e months later at Orang<' \03\t College·, LcBard 1ad1 um. Van Lt-uw was decked 1n the heat of a football . game This ma) be something tha1 man~ pla\ers and coaches ha .. e felt lake doing at one u me or another fi&urau,cl>. but nc11hcr ~ould eHr consider pract1 mg 1t -unul then. It "'as a bnef incident before a rclatl\ el) small cro"d at a Saturday afternoon com- m untt) college football pme bct"ttn G olden West College and R1,ers1de Cit) ( ollcge. and the sc"ent)' of the bru<'n acuon ~"cs as an ugl) landmarl occur· Pro rootball rt'.OlC' .\I Corona dd \tar High < hJrhe Brandl'. a h1ghh 'iUCl'C'''iful and \Oml'llnll~, rnntroHr.1al 'olk .. ball coalh had a part- ing of the "3'" "1th 1hc ~hoor'> adm1n1\- 1rat1on and 1:i1cr "ate hcd 1he lt'am lll girls hC' ho~ to coach go on 10 "in 1he ( lt state 1111C' The Orange ( oas1 .\~a kalun·d m.io~ highlights dunng the pa,1 'ear For s~at tl"am\. ho" ahoul StJt( lham· rnon"h'P" for \tater Oe1 H 1$h·~ tx>'" ha<iketball. Corona del \far Hit.h., g1rh 'ollt'' bllll. Orange ( 03"1t ( olkge·' "omcn·s s"1mming .ind a quane1 from Golden West Collcgt' -"omcn·s basl et· hall and .. olk>ball. men'\ s\\1mming and "ater polo. Orange Coast's footb311 team made n s fi rst bowl a ppcarantt ~n 'C the natinoal lhamp1onsh1p )C3r of IQ'?~. and the con· tro,crsial transfer of running back ~rek parks led Mater Oct's foo1hall tea m to its tint 5em1 fi nal appcar.ince in the \IF-pl:t) · nff, "nl l' I lll'\ll I hl \ l I "omen ., ~rns-, countt) learn eam"·d tounh an the na11on at the ""l(';\A \ hamp1nn\h1fl' .ind the uthcm (ah- tom1.l C olkge men " ba'lctball team won the ..._ .\I.\ D"tnct ' 11 tic 10 advanC't' to the ' \I \ '\:a11onal T oumament in Kansas ( ll' fnr tht tirc;t tame an school h1stol'). "1nn1ng o ne it.amt ht-lore bo"'"i out \\ tm andt' 1duals \1anna's Cherokee Park' pro' 1dcd \lOe ol the most t.alcnted ba'ketball pla' er; 10 c' er come from the Jrl'a "C'"Pl'" Beal h quanerb3ck$ Todd \b nno' 1ch and hane Fole\ had their h1tthhght and lo" lights \\-h1le gu1du'1 the l C\C football team. ""lC'v.pon Harbor Htgh product Buff\ Rabb111 of lJ('l fin1$hed founh and1' 1dualh at the "JC .\A "'omen's cro countt) champ1on<,h1ps and two Or- ange Coast .\~a produlls "ere taken 1n the tirst IQ packs of the Ma,,or Lcaauc Ba'it'hall dmft See TOP 10/11 11111111 CllllD AFC central; 011111 lases, stlll lllllllll 111111r1 ., ••• WEB 17 Raiders 17, Chareers 12 Redskins 29, Bills l' Benpls 21, Browns l' Fllcons 26, Cowboys 7 ~ 23. Colts 17 Giants 13, Pltl iaD 10 '"" 20, .... 17 Senwb JO, u. 10 an..n,,..n .... : : fl 1 It r r .1 .. FfomB1 i1 lbC bHt or the thrtt. Miami dinched the bat record amont AFC wild cards willl a 2~ 17 vino!l' over liwti1upoUa.. TM Dolph1M ( 12-4) will bt It hOfDC ~an t Kanta City nn1 wetkeed. Tht Cowboys. 1-1' ._ seuon. finilhed 7.9 th11 ~· Ila& lhrir 26-7 loA at Atlanta ma&ht have cost them the NFC"s third wild~ spot. If New Orleans beats the Rams on Monday n aht, the Saints will set that btnh and will visit Chi~o next wttkcnd. If the Rims win, Dalla bttomcs the fint team with a losin& record to mile the playom. "We heard they had five cases of champaane on ice, so we bou&h1 our own bottle. which cost us $2.291" falcons coach Jerry Glanv11lc said after the victory. Here's ho~ Sunday's games went • Bea1al1 U, BroW111 14: At Cin- cinnati, Es1ason htt wide-open l:.nc Ball with a 48-yard TD pass to break a 14-14 tie as Cleveland (3-13) ended its worstscason in franchise history. • Otlen 34, Steeleri 14: C~rlson. RAMS From 81 dan said. "Saints fans ha' e been hungr) for this for a long time. We'\e had good records for the last three }Cars and didn't get in. Maybe 1t\ a lind of JUSt1cc 1f -we male 11 this year." Detroit's Barry Sanders. who finished season as NFL's leading rusher. makes his break attar passing Seattle's Robert Blackmon New Orleans' lack of offense ac- counted for most of its problems this St'ason. After last )'ear's starting quanerback Bobby Hebert de- manded to be traded or released. the Saints went with John Fourcade for three gnmes before trading for Steve Walsh. \\ alsh continues to learn the sy~- Sports lll'eak More Illegal payments uncovered In Loyola wrongful death hearing I <l'-1 \'<ti I f\ llJnk <oat her,·, ---- mnllh r '' hu \J\' a l O\ 11la \!Jn m11unt • 4(. I n1H•r,1t' hoo.,tl'r ga'c her <,On in1pro1)1:r r • l J\h pJ\ nwnl\ <ll.,o ..u'' the man g.1H· h;l\kl•thall tl'illllfl1,1tc Bo "'•mhk moon II .. , ... , rl·- portl•J \und<I\ l ·''" l'r Hrul l I Jgd rrprl'Scnt1 ng thl· ( 1,1thd' IJm1h in ..1 \\Tllllt-!lul Jl·.tth w11 Jg.11n'1 Lmola Jilli I' 11thl·· lkkndJllf\ ,,lid UOI\ ''"'' ofliuJ I\ l..nl'" .1~1ut thl mrn•fl\.1 p,t\ flll'lll\ ;.ind l0 0l11uragl·d 1h1· dl·,11 0\ 1gn11n ni: 1 t In I u, ilk 11,1lhl·" ll·,11111nn' in hl•r 1kp11,11111n 'hl· ,,1,, 'hl '·''' \lt11:rt <1l·r,1l·n gmng :JIPllOJ J Jmrwr 1.1t-lt .iltn ,, i:.1nw ~·,·ltn~ 1•11 m11n1'' .11111 gl\ 1111! II t• lh~ I' I r' . I .l!!t'I '·"" \.11urdJ\ Ill I tdq1h111i.· 111111 \IP' •\Ith th,· l 11, \n~dl'' I 1111r' '·l!ll°I "·" \,11 lfl011llll~ Ill Jl;i .... 111 II 1 l.1" HI ,,11d till ,f1111h r part\ lnl 11knt "11h ( t t\l~ll llllllfllll .11fl•I .Ill'( \ \ l•IUIO,lnll'llt g,lllh' 111 , .,,., 'I 1 ,,11d ,fl, ,,1\• < '' '"''" ~ \, 1111101·\ t" I l.1111.. • rnd t I~ 11 11 tl11111 1h1 .111111111" ''J' t1·J }!.1t1ng Jn" n till' 11,t 111 rl.l\\'I' ,l,~111) \I r<. ( 1Jfhl·f\ \\hll d\l' ll'11 t\1d tit, n11•n1, .rnd 'h ,,, ildn t 1Jl'nl1h 1h1· • llh'r' I .1~d ,,11d t-.11111111 \\1111ldn't ,.1nlllh'llf 0 111 lhl' ..tllqi..1111111 '' h r• fl ,1, I l·ol ,If I"' \11g1•l1'\ 111,111.11111n.il \1rp.irt ··1 h,1\ 1 h11•n .1.t\ "'°d h\ Ill\ .ttltlrth' nut I •pH· . 1 •lltllll 111 hu .w,,· "' P• nd1ng lr11g...1t11111 h1· \,Ill.I \dll 11 Ill' ll't 111 1 •I 111 I •" \n~·lf,·, trn111 .1 < lipp1.·r, g.1r111 r -..111 I .1~1 I If\ I 1,1th1 I' • I.ti"' .I \ 1,11, h .l .II ( 1Cf\ll'O f',I\ illllll "hJI, pl.i· 111~· 111 .111111k1nll1 h111rnJnwn1 .tnd Ill .!11 d 1w.11h \\\11 h1tllf" l,11\'I \n .1utop" Jd rn1111lll h1 d 1, 1 • •' I "Ill 11p.1l It .1 h1•,1r1 d1,nnkr Edmonton holds on Hartford 11111 l<.1 nhud m.1,k , .. , 'J''' and ( ,J ---- I 1!..~.111111 'il•llld 1 'Ill,,, till' IJna11nfn!' ~ 'lilt'!' 111 hi '" tlh ll.1rth•1d \\ h.tl1''' .1.' .. -i '-.:, ,aft ' l.U lll' ,tll It 111.11 \.11 k .1d 1n 'lfl ,11 11on '11111!.1 1111.:ht K.in111rd lo.q11 lltl' r >ill''' 111 1h1 ~·.lllll' "111, h \J\\ ,1 1u11 n1.1ll• fl¥ ht I Jmo1l111rl .h ft'l\'4. m.1k,• "\ 1•r.il poor pl.1\\ I hnr l.1111111· !11. li·.1, thr /1tnl' 11·,11lt1•d Ill ~·HrJI 11pp11111.r11t1l'' 1111 ll.11:l111d h11t 11111,t \'l'rt· 11ll"ld <>n1 111 1<.111t111d\ hn1 ,,,,,., 1Jm1· \\h1·11 hl· ,1op1x·d t-.1'111 I )1n1'l'n ••ll ,, h11·.1i.. .1"·" l.111 111 th1 111,t IX'• 11d tl1pp111~ 11111h"1!1•1\I' 11.ind 111 dl'fkt t 1lw put!.. tnf11 thr '"llll'I In Jnotlwr 'Ill ••.111 l • \1r~l' ( J.11 llh'r pn\\l°I pl.1\ gu.11 I.ti !' 1n thl' \eu1ntl fX:llml ~,l\l' tlH ho\I '-n'I ) ork l<.lll~l'I\ ,I 2 , tu: ""Ith ~l'\\ 11 f\t'\ th1 I k' "' third ,,r.11~ht 1k.11I It>\ ~ l hl' l'.llfll I.. I >1' 1\11111 k.1dintt K.1n~t'r' rJlhl·d from J 2 II dl'lh II It. \l,I\ f\\(I point\ In lront 111 "'''" Jl·r<;n "h1,h 1ll11\\'tl 1nt11 .1 'i.·umtl-pla11· 111· \\1th Philadl'lph1.1 TelevlllDHldll Brosterllous' turn-ans 8 l \C \1 11 h1jl<1n \IJlc < hJnnrt ~ t I \11 .1 m 8 ( .11 \.\ '"111101 I H\ ~ ~ m 8 Ram\ ..... 11111\ < hannct 'i pm • li..1nr' "'" 1h \1.1". 1'1 1111, 111 i...-1 ' "1 rm •Lil \:ilk·I mola f\P"'i ~ rm TE;Lf;Vl'ilO'll f'oll~•" Poell1•ll I I \11 ,1 111 l11hn I IA null\, liowl Imm 11 1'11\11 It',,., t " '\ M" his.in 'i111r I hannd ~ , p m I "fll"' 1 flrn~I from T IK'l<>n \r11 C •hlor111a " v. ~11min1-I B'i p,.. ,, .. , ..... \ p n1 -RAm\ 1 Nt11o Orlon\ c llanllf'I ' Pr1 lllH:h)' \ VI pm -,._lllf!\ 111 M1nn~ita rnmt' 111.ke'I Plaerf • •II•• ti pm -\\ othl ( Ufl cnm~111111" fh1m ll.11~hrn('f OtlYfMI 1 1.1~1 fSf>"" .. _ .... f' ... 7 10 I'm -Santa i\nll• ~play' fhanMI 11 l\pnn~ 1111cl IOpml t II tlll lllllClllPI .. ' ................... . . .,,. ...... . ~ELLO. HE.LlO? I : NEID A Rf.VIEW JF WAT lK:ff PtA y I ~f \, YOU I 01015 1.~ .\NYONL llPTHE.RE 7 ~1? ~ ~ 1~ Sklles sets assist record 'n 1111 \~ rlt•' 't'I .111 '-Ii\ rl'u>rd \'Ith ----'tl """'t' .11 d '' nH·d 2 ~ p111nl\ 1n kn ang • ~ llll.t11d11 1 • .1 11 .1111 1n11lll lor r<llnl\ 1n a r ... ,,, "'' ''""" IJ\\'I \l\ltll11,! l)\.•n\Cr ----- "und.I\ r hl· I 1111 If I fUJrd fll'J t-.n in l'nnl·r"• mnr~ ol '•1 ·'""l' \\tlh .111 .1tln oop pJ\\ to JC'm K<.0\nol1h "1th 1, '' kit 111 tht' ~Jml I hl' H'lOrtl J\\l\t Jl\o "a' ,1 p.1 .. , fl• 1{1 \1111Jd, \\h11 h11 J 20-luot Jumper "-'llh 111 ,, ,\,lllt<h 11·111.1111111~ •H 11~' 1'11'1\\ 'u1rnl 'I prnnto;and the Mil· \\,1111..u llu ~' 111.1dl ..1 dub-rnord I~ 3-pointer'i lo hl'.tl l'or'l.1nd I l • 112 Jilt! \II\ unl'x'att'n in 15 home ~amc·, I h1 I .111 Bl.11l·r' hJd mnl' '·r<unter\ J!t the '"" h'.111' h,,. ... ,. till' 'B \ rnorJ tor one gaml' "'Ith 21 • ...,,1111 \l111. l1rll '"-Ult't.i 2h prnnl'i cts hosl ~annL'· \11t.1 ,11 .... ~ 1111 111 nthn\l\l' ,1ump "11h a team 'i<"onng ll'\111d 111'1 11111.t ..1 'l·H·n-gJml' ln\1ng '>treak h) lkh.111 r \, 111!. 1211 11><1 l hl· T 1mhl'l"'.\nlH''i ne,cr tra1htl 111" 1 1111f thl'll Ii"' twme \inn· a \lltOI"\ O\er lh1· < l1Pll\'l't I >n 11 Tarheels hold on Cardinal '' '1 nth 1.111~nl Nunh ( arolina hit'" .1 I\ point '"'' h.111 k.1d :ind 11\l'rraml' a • ~ l•'t' p 11nt d\'11111 111 lhl' tinJI '' minute'> r ... "iund.I\ 111 hl'.11 ...,,,rn lmd 71-hO 1n the Red ___ _ I 11h,t1•1 ! l.1"1' , h.1mr,111n\h 1p game H11.I.. I 11' '1.111nl _o pt.1rn1~ a~ the.· Tar Heel\ (9-1) \\llfl thl'll 'l'\l'lllh \tra1ght With North Carolina t~:h1nd 'i' <.1 1 .. , g,l\t' the Tar Het"ls the lead for ~11od 1111 ,, thin point pla\ "'Ith I(}-I' remaining_ 't 11rrr1t! 11n .1n 1'1tt.ht looter from the lane. I hl' C .ir1l1n.1I !''-') "'as led b) center Adam t-.l'l fl', "ho hit 'I ol Ill \hOl'i 10 score 20 points and yrahtx·d I~ rd)(1und' In 111hl'I llllll'~l· bas~etball games· •R1d1 "•ni \rmed IX points to lead fi"c 'd1r ..... i...1 pl.t\l'f\ 1n douhlc figures and the 22nd· r.1n ~1·d < 11rn h11,i..n, held olT rhe Citadel. 94-80, on lhl' ro.111 lor lhl·1r 10th (On'ic(ul1H• victory. • \c ll' f-arl '<'Or<'d .:!O points to lead fi ve Iowa pla~t·r, in douhk figur<.'' as the 23rd-ranked ll.1\\lql'' rolled to J 104-64 "1c1ory ovt'r Chamanade 10 "1n the 8tg hie lnv11a11onal in Halo. Hawa11. Earl h.id 10 !')4.11111' 1n the first halfn'l Iowa (11-1) bu1h a M· '4 halh1me kud. • Forward Rnan Hendnd ~orcd 27 points to pac.e ( ahforn1a to on tl 1-64 win over Iona for seventh plact 1n the Rainbow ('lai..111c~Ryan Drew hll 1he &<>- ahead thrct··po1n1er with I 6.S8 ldl on the clock to a1\e the (111l(kn Beor\ (4-S) a 4J-41 advantqc and the lt'nd for aoocJ -From ta.e AnedalM Pres1 I Quote of tlle day Rk• Br*a, Orc&on football coach. on aoina for an un~ucccssfUI t~o-poinl converMon I the end or lurday's 32·31 lo LO Cok>rldo \tatc-in the F~om Bowl. "f like to wtn footNll game I \)on't come to football sames to uc. l'\t never pla)cd for 1 tic sn my tifc. Ma)be rm not too sman. We didn't want to <'Omc all the ~•Y down here ind brina llealty 20 000 fan\ to k1 our si tcr ... ... ;. lait ftna .., ... 1911. complieed 2l or 29 lar >17 ~ and..,. toUcWowa AAlr---a ftdd pl early. dw Oilm ecorecJ Oft ftvc ~t pGllCMioaa. IOOk a 24-0 llllftift leecl and eMld i•IO tM ~'Q U. c.111 IT: Miami, in the p&ayofll for the finl tame in four ian. WM led by ruaner Stmmie Smith (108 tot.al yards) and de-fmsl~ end JtfT Crou. Uch had a hand in two scores. The Colts. fin· ished 7-9. lheir worst mx>rd since 1986 and the first losin stason as an NFL coach for Ron Meyer. • Faleeu H, C.wMyt '7: At At- lanta, DaUas could have clinched a .SOO stason and a playoff pot. In- stead, Keith Jonca returned the tee· ond-half kickoff 76 yards for a touchdown and Dcion Sanders added a 61-yard interception for a TD. Atlanta's M•lte Ro21er. gamed a • carttr-hiah I SS yards on 21 cames and bttame the first player to ap- pear In 17 .-mes in an NFL season. He played in five for Houston and 12 for Atlanta af\er being signed off waivers. tern, coach Jim Mora said. He aJso continues 10 struggle. The Saints offense 1s 24th overall in the NFL, 27th an passing and l Sth rushing. "We do a lot of little things to hurt ou~lves." Saints fullback Craig Heyward said. "We aren't messing up big time. just missing bl~ks, missing cuts. When yo1,1 add 1t all up. we hurt ourselves." The Saints delcnsc, which strug- &lcd early on in the year. has finally flit 11's stride, veteran defensive lineman Jim Wilks said. "It', been n funny year." Wilks said. ··<ittm'I hke the whole league •Irr' wlll M. Uw It: S.p1• ............ tied .... .,..., (~10) aa Mlftinw. lben blt1'8d IM Liont' nan-eackhool otrta. b\ * final two q.-nen. SeluJe ucked Detroit q~kl five limn. four in lbr llCOftd half. Dnrick F~nntt rushtd for 75 yards and two ICOttt. 0.\ie Kml com~ 21 of ll pmn for 225 yanh, but ... inlel"CtOced tW1ce on« in tht Detroit end ione aNt apin on the Lions' S-yard liM. He also lost a fumbk. •a...-. It 8Wt U: At Wash- lnaton, Chip Lohmiller tied a team record with five field pis for the Redskins (10-6). Lohmtlkr made kicks of 37. 24. 19. 43 and 32 yards. ••ten it, vw.p 17: At Min- neapolis. Joe Montana's backup. Steve Youns. threw a J.4-yard touch- down pass to John Taylor with 29 seconds left as the 49ers became the first NFL team to win 14 or more ~mes in three seasons. The Vikinas 6-10) lost their final four pmes to nish last in the NFC Central. Youna sparked the 49cn with has passing and scramblini. rallyina them from a I~ halftime deficit. was 0-4 at the same time. We have staned packing up ddens1vely. We've also held our opponents to one or two touchdowns a pme which is what we want to do. ' The Rams. "'h1ch went 10 the NFC 1i1le game Inst January and were tl(pccted to be a contender in the championship race again this year. have lost three straiaht. includ- ing a 20-13 defeat by Atlanta lut "'eek. "Don't expect them to 1ust come in and play dead," Jordan said. "The) want to ao out on a win. The) arc a aood team. they've had some trouble thi s ) car. but the) 're a good ....... ~ .......... re,, d wmptllld ill - trouS ....,. ~. -· 14 10 finish 1-1 $, the 1WOl'M the ~· The Patrioca ~ pttv1ous team mark ror the rtt<>rd ttt by the 1981 dub that 2-14. For 1hc first ume 1n their 3 year history. they weft winlai horM. They've lose 15 ttraiaht NFC East teams since 1971. ., ...... u, ....... ll: Denver, Sammy Winder rushed 80 yards in his final NFL John Elway hit Mark Jackson fo IS-yard TD. 0.vid Treadwell kJ cd field goals of 22 and 31 yards a Bobby_ Humphrey had a S·yard run. The Bronco5. Af champio three of the last four years, sank S·l I this season, while Orccn lost its last five games. • JtCI 11, 89C9 H: At Tam Bl•ir Thoma~. lhe No. 2 _pick in t year's dntft, scored his f111t rush1 touchdown as a pro and Pat Lea kicked three field goals for N York. which won its last two pm to finish 6-10 in Bruce Co Jct s fi ~ason as coach. team." Rams Coach John Robinson got late Christmas present from own Georgia Fron11erc. Robinson. who 10 the final )Car of a five ye contract. "'as told this week at woul be extended. "Hot>Ciull y this will have pos111ve efTccl on us. so we can out there Monda y niaht and rca play hke we are capabl~ofplayang like wc did last )car. said Ra cornerhack Jen) Gray. "Hopeful! -we rnn put all of the things that have been bundled up wath th1'1 )e behind us and go out thcrc and JU la} 11 on the hnl " Johnson's triple-double propels Lakers by Philadelphia, 115-10 INGLEWOOD -Magic John- s..ln had 34 points. 13 rebound'> and • I \ assists und!l ) night -his sixth tnple-doublc of the season -and the Los .\ngclc'I Lakers defeated Ph1ladt'l- pl11a 115-107 dec;p1te -'9 points by Charle\ Barkle> The 76er!t trailed h) a' many as 22 points in the third quarter, but thl') closed to 109-103 in the final minute after ha~kl·t~ h) Barkk} and Rickey Green. But Phdadclphw t:oult.J get no clo~r as the teams ei.:changed ha'ikcl\ to the.· final buner The L all'fS kd n-'iO 1"'0 minutes into the 't«Ond half, but Ph1ladclph1a outscored Los Angeles 2S-I 5 an the la-;t 10 minute~ of the third ixnod to trail 87-75 goi ng into tht' tinal 12 minute<, lh ron ~·ott and \ lade DI\ ac scored tor Los .\ngelrs to rebuild the margin to 16 btfore 1he 76cr\ started their surge that madt" the game cloM' at the end D1,a1.. !>torcJ 19 points and James \\-onh> 18 for thl' l:1ler' lJarklc\ "'ho scored 14 of Philadelphia's I 9 point-; in thl' tir't quarter. "'as follo .... ed b' Ron <\ndrr-;nn "1th IM Jnd He~' Ha\\'kins "'•th 15 I he.· 7fler' m.itlc.· o nh ~'en of 21 shots 1n the tirst 4uanc.·r Jnd l u' .\ngclcs ""a'i 14-for·::!) to build a 36-1 ll kad Tht' l.a~l'r'> It'd h) as man) as 21 pornt!i bdort Ph1ladclph1 a doc;ed to 64-48 al halftime . ··our team pl.i)cd a complete game." Johnson said ··c.,1x·ualh 1n the lir!.t half" hen "l' ran our ofTt'nse and JKtatcd tlll' ll·mru ot thl· game .. John,on "ho,l' '4 points "'l'rl' a season high. S<11d plJ)ing Barl..ln prl''>l'nl' a tl1lcmma .. , uu haH· 111 mal..c a chmcc of e1 tht'r lct11ng him dn'c ur g1H' up the '-porn! shot." Johnsun ~1d . Rarl..lc) madl' t"'o of four 3-puint attempts and wa' 14-Jor-2 ' lrom thl' lic.•ld 1n the ttame. -By the Assodated Preu For the record At• •t . (,. ·~ len N IS•• O•tro• ·'~ •.. M·~f'Wt, '• ........ , " • •r\it\ I t,.. ....... ,.. \4""0N .,.., ... BnllltUll Miami p/11tll'I C/lpflll'I In ,,,.. road win, 112-97 l 0 ~ ..\ N Ci F LES Sherman Douglas f>Cored ::!5 point\ and Gkn Rice and re- scn t" guard Kt•\ln Edwards had ::!4 l'alh J!. thl' \t1am1 lleat heal thr Loe. .\ngek' C hppcrs for the -;"th <;1ra1ght 11me. 11 ~-Q7 on c;unda\ night The Heal "on for onh the third ume in 14 ruad games th1c. season hut the) are '-1 o'rrall afkr lo mg 10 <;1ra1ght fkno11 RcnJaman matcht'd a season high "'1th 21 pcunt' ,rnd "-l'n Norman also had :! I for the ( hppc.·r., "'ho hJH' dropJXd eight ofthr1r last nine gamn Thn ..trl' 0-4 at home against thr thtrd-~ear e\pan\1on tl·.am after hcat1ng thcm at "11am1 in their "\R \ tlchut 1n IQ88 TrJilrng h\ 10 points ""Ith nine minutt'!I to plJ~ th1· ( hppc" dosed to l).:!-85 on Jcl1 "1arun\ t"'o free thro"'' "•th 7 10 left Rut \.11am1 \(Ort'd thl· lll'\t '>l°H'n pt.)1nt\ \11.1011 pilled b' (,rant l ong·~ eight point\ and -.CH'n ealh b} Ru:c and Dougla\. out~ort'd I os .\ngelcs 'I· 16 1n the third quan1•r to t'fnsc an 11-purnl halftime dcfiut and talc a n. 7' adv an· tagc The lkat C\tl•ndcd the margin to 84-74 "'Ith a '1 I '>pun JI thl' <.rnn of the fourth quaner The (lipper' too~ the lcad m1d"'J) through the.· lir\1 quaner and held 11 un11I Dougla,· IC>-loot 1umpt·r put \11Jm1 1n fron1 M-ti' "•th 61 m1nut<''> lc.-ft rn thl· third period p -By the Associated reu kw• • .., Qv.,...,-, ........ 74 1111)~11) ' ...... , )) , ••• 1• .., ~'~'Al~ ) •.c e t I lllclllJ NHL st~ C,,_..LL COtll'lal°"I ""-~ ()r-,~ ... , t I ( O•..-Ol 0 I LO\ ,.......,._ (•~•'• W L l '°" C'_, G 1 ·• ... ,,. t ·I II I 41 14/ I I •I ) • I~\ I II It J )7 llt I •In I JI IU I J I lwl•r•"°' 1 J N~-... ... 1 4 C e,•N It .... ,_ 0 --0 ...,, \...... (,,f' •"'' ••oei.-,i'W1' ( _..,....~ AA em-u h • .,,. •ic-• 1 lo' .,......._ • v ........ -. • .,r NIW""-1' I A•"•''-~•m. )I '~' W'""''"9 "-°""--1 "'' •~ ll ,,,.,,..... Gt~~ ,, ro•e1 ~-M••"'" Jt t.Ot ·~ Jl ''".Cr.JO ff'l('-f"oee1 M eP\.i( <"•ot"' .. "" M.,n S LOy\ .. "',1 ~ 1""'4~ et~ \.O'\ O.•,o• ,. IJ ) U 1)7 II 71 II • • Ill t " '' 4 «J t• II ·-· -----• "* ... _. .. tvN-• 11 n t 11 11• 1 11 I• 'l H It) I ,...._ "*' WIU -· ·~ ,,..,.,,_ .. IOUTHWHT \owt"9'•M M•lf'I. • T••U ··~·°"' n MIOWllT 111 C"'C-'1 ' U••~ tO Y ,,...., 0 f t•a\ Pa-. .,...,,."." 1it Oo,._ $1 H --"• ll '·-is ..... _, .• , lltew.-. <>"t• tt 0.tf' I M tOVTH F ... i. 6J --~le .. ~' )I 11 ' ,., ...... '' II -••UN Cit .... . '-·~ , __ .. ... T \,....., 0 ......... G,_1' T°"" "AMI WT\ •-Oe•lk .... 1( ..... ,, •• ,,..'°" • '~' ............. ..., __ .. ,_" IMl'll C• IOI .... II -... ,,.....,,., ·-~-a... _ ... ,.,. .. _ 11 ~-· .. '"'"' ~•"'II ,..,. ,,... ... 1' •et• I-• c ...... ...., ,..,, , __ " .. Al , .... 0 ~.......,.,. UCl• .. --I\ W••--~ •I w.-.... " -·•I ~ .. .u. .. n ·--.If-n .. ..._ it 11 ... 11 ,.,._ ~ .. , ........ ,_.1 ._........,. , __ .. tt.,...,41 n '""'' T••IK .. Olloe $1 U 1-el WALU CC>tff'llHNCI ·--w l l '°" G' G I ''on //f/Aoft~t~ 10 I) I .. U• I H•tttrw1111 e.,.,.. 0..- It 14 t •> 17' II I• It • )t 111 11 I) It t U IU IJ t I• I U tit tP ........ ~ .. V • .._, 11 IJ T ""-· ,,., ' frffw JiftM~ It 11 t l'lt,_.., It .. ) w.,,_.,... II tJ I NV l-l IJ It I -.... tc.r... ft IM I 41 1 .. I 11 I~ I ., 111 I,, J1 IJ.) I) ,, .. Ill ...... JlrW'r J " V •-• I ,_..., • .,.,_o > ,_ .... ~ ·-.. -· ,,, .... \I lo.A •• ,. .,.....,.., 11 n •"' ~ .. ll V '--> lltit"' v-..... ww... u ... ,.. ......_. •. ~•ts• ... c-•• '""... 0> .... __ .. '-• •l>•"' T-.._ --.. w..-... lt)I •"' TNllKUlll ...... u. ......... ~ \~ AH(> ·LU DOOOlarT•--~~..,..,.,.....-·-· .. ~·'" .. ""' , .... ·-· "" ,..,,. ..... -0.•le ltllCI'. ~ ... .._ ..... -l-" .. ·----... ,,.. ,. .... tt c-1 l .._ ..... ¥ .-, ......... ~.~ ........... 1 • t I ,_, __ .............. 10 ..... ~I et! ll,,.~ -1-141K"1 f I H ··---°"'4•••.... °*' °""' ............... 9-clll ... ·-M<Gr ............. ._.,, ...... *'' c ........ ---.. .......... #C ...... Llfl_,..... I .... •·l Or ... Cout Daity Pilot ~~::-... --~ ......... ~------~--._ .......................................................................... ..:M:o:nd::•Y~·~Oec::cet:m:bef=~3~1~·:1990:::!": Hm's how the ~ c...1 Delly Pia.a 1~ tiff rank<'tl the Top 10 local tonn of Marina titles L .. Peyne/Ofenge Coelt Diiiy PllOI Robin Lindsey hugs Marc Newfield during seventh Inning rally In title game victory. 1 Mnnn:s H1gh's success 1n the spnng of 1990 was the wtldcst pitch of the -.t.•ar Thl' V1k1n~ bcrnmc the first C'lf ~uthl·rn ~-ct1on school to wan baseball and .,ofthall lttlt''> in the samc i.eason since 1he C IF beg;in uo"ning \oltball champions an IQ74. The) mnrkC'd onl\ the founh and fifth C'IF titles the \l'htlt1I "on \tnet opening in I %3. and the lir<1t l.'H'r e\dU\l\CI~ b<n\ title (a co-t'd badmin- ton ll'am "nn onl') fhl.' mo't 1mpn.'\\l\C' "3'> thl· V1 langs' ba<,ehJll ll'Jm. "hll'h 4uJltfic~ .is arguabh the best < tndert"llJ \IOI"\ in Orang<.' Coast · .\rca '>Porh h1)1l>r\ \1.lnna ·hadn't madl· th<' pla\ClITs 1n 10 'ear\ tin1\hl·J an thC' l:ll.ir tht' \CJr· bcfon· "ll" p1rknJ tor la\t an the ~un~t L cague ag;un and rnm{l1lcd JU'I a l~-1~-1 rernrd O\l'rall "h1k earning third plan· 1n kague. a notable achll'\c.·- nH·nt 1n 11~:11 \\1th Jll tht· lOmponcnt., pealing at the nght 11mc.• \1:mn.i rckk th1: bat., of high maJor lcJgul· JrJll p1c.l \fan "-ewtield and fien ciu rht.·r Ruh1n L1nJ~·' .ind thr arm'> ot ~an Patll'r\on and Da,1d huh1 to thl" utk Thr \'1l1ng\ do,,ned four league.' champions l nn'>l'l u11 H'I\ in lhl' pla) off., -1ndudang West- lakl· High ol \\c.·<,1lalc \ 11lagc. the top-'>l·cded team 1n lhl· di' 1\lnn anJ \Cc.ond-ranl.t:d na· t1onalh h' l \ \ Toda\ -rn route to a '><-'' cnth- inning nmll'b.tl t.. '1cton o' ea Diamond Bar at .\nahl•1m \1ad1um for tht' title Coac.h l'aul Rt'nfro" had a rcl<:l ' t1ml' "llh \ome ~Kl'lter. in his SI\ \<'a~ at the ht'lm but "itU<l "Ith hi\ program d 0 e\p1te e\lt'nSIV(.' cntl· n\m 'Jul 1rnl\ that but lhc.• V1t..ang" had a hl\tOI"\ ol h<.'arthrl•al and the \hort <.'nd nl onc- run gamc<, an rl·u.·nt '<'ilf'> ·1 n·all\ ht'hc.·H· "•th all m' hrart that (111J' hand "a' on the.· "hole thing." Renfro" \did in the dugout iunnl'I al \nahc1m ~1ad1um Jlk r till' g.rnw I h1ng' JU'I dun'1 hJppc.·n ltll' that "hen: I.id' g11 lrom J\ t•rag1· lid\ I~ ll'l'ptng thc.·11 ht1f'\' up Jnd h.t' 1ntz the right JllllUdl' all the "•'' 1hroutth .. .\nd "h1k .ill the ( \llll'mc.·n1 l.lml to a hc.•.id .11 thl Ht~ \ JU'I out\llk the.· lount' .11 \lJ\IJ1r Park in l al..c"cHld \tann.1' top-\<·cdcd \ot'thJll tl·am ".I' lhJll..1ng up a 1-0 ninc.·-inning \KH>r) m n \l'u1nJ \l'l'lkd 'l'" hul"\ Park in the C Ir 5- .\ 111k µnw P11d1c.'r' \\ 11lJ f>Jrlhcn .1nd JJnl·t \tl\ahara fi111nvh ,h.irnl Juttl'' in that game.: "llh \.11\,1h.1r.1 l'.Hnlntz thl' "'" 1n bonu\ p.10r1, Parl hl·n "l'nl I~-' "1th .1 ll '5 l:.R \ and U' ha11111g ,1\!·ragl' \\h1k 1\.1 1,ahara. a Founuun \ Jiil'\ If 1~h 11.tll\ll r "C:nl I~-I "11h a II I' ER.\ Jnd I ~fl \trll..l'lllth in ID6 anningo; \ll\,1hJr.1 Jl'o Jnn, homl C hnsta ) orl..r lrum 1h1rd hJ\(.' lur the.· "inning run "Ith t"ll oul in the bouom nt the n1n1h ontclal decked 2 (1llldcn \\est C olkg~ ( oach Ra) ~had.leforJ "ho ha' bct'n pla\lng or coal h1nt1 lout ball for o\<.'r lO H·ars. '"11d hc.·'d ne'a -.cen an ~thing hl t' 11 But 1t hap~ned an the third quarter of th1: Ru\tllr,· ~ml' "Ith R1\C·r<.1lk (II~ Colh:gl' un Ou ~I al Orange.• C oa\t ( olll.'gl' ~ R1,cr\ldl.' hnc.•hac ker \am Manu punched otliual '\1ll \Jn L1:uw and 1..nockcd him o ut momen1anh all<.'r 1he latter had flagged Manu tor un,pc.irl\manhke c.onduc..t .\t the conclusion of n pla'. Manu ">lnppcd a Gold<.'n We~t pla)er 1n thl' lace ma\I.. to d ra" the p<"nnlt~ Tht' anc1den1 drc" a ttenu on across the cuuntn . and 1nd1cat1ons "-Crc that Manu "oulJ not pla~ football again Manu "a" a 240-pound maJot rolleae proo;i:>«t Year In r evi ew : Top 10 local stories Mater Del football a Oettk park -at fim anackc>d as a parochial ~hoo1 recrujt head1n1 from Montclair Prep of the San Fernando Valley to Mattr Oc1 for his sc_naor 'it'ason -made an 1mmcd11te impact on the Mater Dea football ~roaram. lcadinJ. the Monan:h 10 their ft/St C IF division sem1finaJ benh since 1966. The Mona~hs bqan the season 0-2. but Sparks came in for the third pmc and ran 80 yards for a touchdown the first time he touched the ball M 1er Oct football chaoJCd as quick as that parks r:in for 279 yards and three touch· downs in a 38-2 1 victory. Mater Dc1 "<'nt 4-3 the rest of the season apanst a strona hedule and knocked off top. ranked Easenhow<.'r an the C IF Div1s1on I quar· l<'rfinals as parks ran for 186 yards and two founh-quaner touchdowns. but the season <.'nd<.'d against Quaru H all an the semifinals. Orange Coast football Ofange Coat Deity Not ph040 Orange Coast's Greg Thurston and Jeff Prince react late in Orange County Bowl. 4 In 1i.. fifth )car under Coach Ball \\ 1)rkman. lht: Orange Coast Collt'$e foo1ball team rrturnt'd to the Cah forn1a l·ummun11~ rnllt'gl' bowl p1ctur<' for th<.' tir'lt time in 15 )Ca~ s1ncr. daung back 10 the 14~~ nnth1tal national champion squad. \\ hlle the P1rall'!> blew a I 0-potnt founh- quaner lead and lo<>t to El Camino Collcge ~'-~0 in J thriller of an Orangl' Count) Bo"I. 11 didn't d1m1n1<>h a \trong 8-' campaign Thl' 'ltrc.·ngth of the Pirate~ "as a sttng) ddl'nk led b' .\11-.\mcncan ddens1,e bad. Lll"rl'nl"C" Hatrh and a \trong hnebaclang co~. "h1k a rl'\urgt·nt ulknsl\ c hnc "as the l e' as th<' tl·am "un th tinal lour game., w capture· the \t1\\inn ( onlcrl'Oll' ( l'ntral (),, 1s1on 111k <)uartl·rl'iJl I. C 1rqt \n~l·lu' ll and tailbacl.. \drain \tl'l'n kJ the ex ( otkn'iC Golden Wast success 5 (1olden \\-e<,1 College won four ,t.1ll' 111k., in thl· l"akndnr \.Car. ach1e'. 1ng '' ha1 uni\ one other· rommun1t\ lulkgl' an thl' ·.,tall' -Orange Coast 10 I 4114 -had l'' l'r donl' The.• \\Oml·n·, h,l\kl·thall JUggt'maul went Ji-I -''' onh ln'l'l Ill '\ al1ma Valin ot \\ ,l\h1ngton ran(c.·J '-o I 1n the nation ai the 11ml' tx·h1nJ lrc'lhman point guard Bats \mh1a Orange.· fmp1re Conkrcnce ~1\ P DonnJ C 1ondnnger Jnd .,t•lle tournament MVP ClauJe11e JJl hon The.• ream dcd1l·atl·d 1t' 'iea\On 10 Knsdrn T .anJhc.' J former ll'ammate "ho "as alleged!~ shot 111 Jl'Jth "' hl'f "°'friend "\ome \.J\ "l' 1.1.on hcc.auo;e of her." Jaclson <,J1d .. , hc.'ht''c \hl· "a' 1here "alching us .\lot of people hclte' l' \he did 11 that she "as pulling thl: \hUI\ In • Th<' men·., '11.1.1mmrng team rec<'t'ed som<.' unc,rx-nC'd '>Uppon pcrformances at the \tale ml'l'I Ill em<.'f!C from a host of fo\.ontes a\ the \IJlc.' 1..hJmp1un C hrn ( larl..c "on thn:e 1nd1' ad- ual 1111<."> to lc.·ad tht.• "ll' 1 hl' "Jll'r polo team'captured 11s ninth stall" 1111<.' hch1nJ .\11-.\menrnn goah1: Scott 1 D}lor and lcJding ..cort'r Ed' ard \an Lu1Jn The Ru!ttkr'i "<'nl 17-4 en route to beaung Cu<.'sta. 1 l-1 ~ in \Uddcn-d<'nth o' crtame. The.· 'ullc\ ball team. "'ath onh '"o SOflhomorc\. "-On 1h fourth <,tatc lllk bth.and th<' pla' nf '>tall' 1ournamcn1 MVP Joh Eberhart. "ho l<'d a halanC"Cd attact.. as thr Rustlers toppled 1op-ranl<.'d ~ "nza 1n tht' title match. Charlie Brande 8 Just a the \'etcran c:oach was IOOk· 1n1 fi rward to com1n1 back to sch~ to lead a potential state championship squad he had tutored aJI the way throu&h h1&h school. volleyball coach Charlie Brande found out his contract wouldn't be rtncwcd an a mo'c b) CdM PnncJpal Tom Jacobson It stemmed from allep11ons b) the Clf office that Brande ma) have violated the state aovcrnang bod)·, policy thro uah his involve- ment with both lhe Oran&c County Volleyball Club and Balboa Bar Vo lley ball Club whil<' also coachana Corona de Mar H1gh's bo>s and girls teams. H1Jh Khex>I coaches arc not allowed to coac h their high K hool pla)ers on club teams dunna the school )car and o nly hmHcd amounts outside th<' school )t-ar Brande:. "-hose vca1 coaching succ~ses have been mesh<.'d with contro\ ersy including another d1sm1ssal from the school an 1986. finall) dtt1dcd not to fight th<' allqat1ons and ya<.'lded has nght to coach high school "011~> ball the remainder o f this school \Car an f<'tum that the chargrs be dropped · Cherokee Parks Ofaoge COUI Dally Pilot photo Marina's Cherokee Parks signs with Duke 7 \fanna Hagh·s C hrrokee Parl..s "a' a '>lght e'' er \Inn· ht\ tall framl' first ht•g.in l<I roam thl· ~huol's c.ampu'> \\ h1..·n hl' "J" an l·1ghth-graJc.·r repc..1rt~ "t.'rl l trl ul.it1ng about the-pla' l'r "ho \A.OUld mJl..l' .In 1mpal'I the nl'\I \eJr "' J lrl'\hmJn hwr \l'J'°' IJta 11 ..ecml> 111..t' he .. , l'x't'n J \ 1l 1ng torl•,er c.'\J1l'UJlh tu opp<..>'>tng n>alhe"<. .\ tour H 'M \IJrtl'f P.irl..., "a' JHllrdc:d Par.id<' \taga11nc.· \II \ma11..a s1atus before th<.' ~·J\<>n thl' lnngl·\I running and perhap<, mo<,t pre')- 11g1ou\ ut high '>(hoo l \ll·.\men1.a ll'am' Tht•n <\. t : ' hl annoumcd hl' "ould ''ll-n "llh Dul..l' bt.•turl' the \lJr\ cil ht\ '>(.'n1or "4.'.3'>1\0 cnnrlud1ng thl' rl'lruttml"nt ol th<' mo-.a co,ett·d high .,l hoot pla\l'r 111 Orange ( <klSI .\rcJ h1<1ton Thl' fl .h,.11-l I 'tandout J\cragl'd ~I ., point<. la'it \Ca,on .ind h.1, nllll hcd 21\ pt•r game 1h1' \l'J\Cln Baseball dr1n The.· (bang<' C oa\t .\re.t ha\ 8 pnn 1d<'d \Omt' gl"l'at ~J"4.'.t'lall prtl\fll'\ I\ \\\l'r th<.' \t'3f\. but nC\l'r \\ere: t"'' JH'J plJ'l'r' ta t..l'n so high an the.· Jrall J\ "hcn \l.inna H igh'" li~t t'l.i\Cm.an \1Jrl ''-'"liclJ and turmc:r <~t·an \It'" l Jll her f-rn: ( hnstoph<'rsnn "l'rl· sel<.'ct<.'J on lhl" lir\I round J un1: ..s 'e" licld 1.1.a' -.clect('J \1\th o 't'rall h' the ~attic \1annl'f\ and<. hnstophl.'r\<ln "3' l ho\e.'n l'>th o\l"rall h' the 4ian franu\(ll <.11an1' 'l'" lielJ "J' a pc.lwl'r h11tC'r <,upreml· tor the.· V1k1ng' \\ h1k hi\ reputauun pre' enll'd bag numht-r\ hi\ \l'Olllf \C'ar th<' homl' run" he did hit "l'fl' m11n\h:r \hots and th<.' pw ~·outs nocked w th<.' ll untangton Beach lJmpu' '\('V.· ficlJ Ot'lJffil' JUst the fourth Orangl· < ounl\ prcfl pla ~er Jraftc.·J in lhc first round 'itnl"C I q-1 Chn'ituph<.'l"\On "as bu ) at 1he \ilm<' tame pumns up \trong number\ as a Junior catcher at San Dacio tnte .\ t'og an thr Sc.tha"i..s· runs 10 the qunnerlinal'> ''' the <. IF pla,off., an high ~hoot (hn'>lllflhl'r..on was a major league prO\- p<'Ct then hut op11.-d to \\a11 USC quart erbacks Chno• Coat Dally Pliol P"OCO Todd Marlnovlch had has ups and downs I Todd Manno\ICh. a B.alboa bland f<'..adcnl and former quarterback for Mater Oe1 and Capistrano Valle) highs bt.·gan I \JC.XJ on top of the "'orld. JUSt a rt>d-~h1rt lreshman ha" ang l<'d the l 1S( footb.all tt:um to .1 Ro\l" Bowl 'actor) 1n ht'> fir\t ac 11' l" \ea St in Entt'nng th<.' 1990 t"ampa1gn. \.1annO\llh "a\ ~mg toutl'd ct'> a -.ophomun: He1i.man Troflh' l Jnd1datl' and a poten11al "'Fl drall flld alter thl· '>l'J\on Thc.·n halt\\a\ through the campaign \tJnnm 1d1 \\J' laught m1'>'>1ng an an dass b' C oac. h Lam \m11h and \U'>pended tor a game iM' 1n~ thl" wa' tor tilth-\ ear ~n1or ~hJn<' Fuk\ a IOf!Tl<'r '\c.·"f'<'irt Harbor Htgh <,tandout "' gl'I lhl' hr<.t '>tart ul ht'> c.:ar('('r H<.' led the I roian' 10 a I \.fl \\tn al \n 1onn \wtc: Thl' rl·\t of the \<.'ar '>math had \.1annm tl h Jnd .. o k' hanle lor th<.' JOb and <,uddenh all "a" not 1.1.c:ll tor the h1ghl\ pubhltlt'd and pre\\urcd \1Jnnll\ ll h .\n l"ar tnkl·tmn ll'pt him nul ol practice 1n lat<' CX-lt'mht'r tn prcparatmn lor 1on1ght'~ John llanlt.k.I. f:io"I Jnd JU" "hl·n f llk\ appcar<'d to ht· hl'aded tor J ,1an1ng J\'>lgnmcnt 1n h1' final collt'[!.l' g.iml' he.· "a' arrt'\ll'd in '\l·" pon &ach on (hrl\tmJ\ r \l' IN flUhhl tnlO\IC3llOn tor t..1c.t..1ng the \\tndn\\ nl J lJ\I 1.cth It "J\ a '>t'J\11r ••I t"o g.ieat 'oung athlete\ gl•tng 1hruugh a m~rtaJ ol l"t\l\ and turns. Mater Del b1sll1ta11 1 0 The \1atc.-r Oe1 High lxl"> hJ,kl'lhJll tt'am "o n th final :t-. ~ml'' 11t lhc ~.1~1n en ro ute.-111 g111n~ '4· I anJ l J{ltun n@ 1hc '>l3ll" lllk \'llh J "~-hll \ tdlll"\ ll\Cf \Jn Franl l'°l " R1urdJn 1n the.· tllll' twml' a1 the < )Jll.mJ ( 11lt,c:um .\rl:nJ It "J' J tl·am 111 nc nurljUl'l' '>I.tr' \U1.h J\ \tater f)\-1 kJm ' ••I lhl· p.1,1 hut thl· tno 01 .\nd' l\.anl·h Da' 1J Rt•' It• .inJ .l<N •n <..)uann prO\ 1dnt J '"hJ lounJJl11•n < >shn '>IJrtl·r' I >l:n I. \t11 m· and (,th.irlt<' \ ndrt'' l cim pk tl·J thl' ,1.1rt1n~ (I\ t J nJ "\th· man D.inn' () 'rrl ""'a l..l'' rc'>l.'f\e "M.onng I~ rx11n1' 1n lhl' t11k• ~ml· anJ h111an~ t\.\o fn.·l' thrn-.., \\llh l'l!-'l'il 'tulnd' to Ll" \\htlh \(.'Jlt-J thl' pr11gr.1m ' wu 111d \IJll' 111k ·\\l II n.1nw 1'\lf'\ ,1nl' l1l 11ur p lJ'l'r'> 1c..1m \I\ f' m•\t \\(.'l·I. .11 llUI hJnyUl'I ..aid ( tlJlh < •.11"\ ~kt-..n11_tht Jltn 1mpr11\ tntt hi\ c1ght·\l.'Jf fl'lllrd at lhl' \anlJ \n.1 "ho11l tc1 :2"'·1 " T hl tl'J m '' •n lhl' < II u thrm ~·n1on '· \ 111k '" t•r I ung !kal h l\•h ..it-.....i 11n ()uinn ' '·po1nt('r '"'h I '4.'u 1nl1' kit Here 'a \JllncJ I h1<1I.. at thl' hnlc thing' that male hll 1n thl' nc"'room lun I ()3m1a n ( 11·1llll"\ 'auh1 1n<,1ght gral t'' t;,pon~ p.igC's ~ P11111 1oc., ... ou1h. ~o,cr. 1-1 r nr1l kH.)thall ' Ion f crgu\(m (!Ot"\ tn f n'l('nada Joc<tn ·1 tall Cl' <.'rht\3rd o r gl't Sill -fk,t Jc.·c.1\lon nl \CJr -"l' 'htnl'd tnfl to ( HXlli" 1 ll ( 13 ffil'\ n Al\k,l·n 11-"l'' \ngl''' "ntcr R1lhard Dunn hot tnnl '" ll.C ' P1l1lt hit\ the: \1del1nt'' at "'l'"POrt Harbot 4 C ,\\ c t1al.. (n1. \1.iJJ, \lame, d~panment for l:tl l ,,f 1ntc.•gnl\ 1 Ra1d<'r' 1.,nerag<.' tn~c-o; giant leap ~ fouthall ·~) Ulh "hlpJ'Cd clUI IO 10 minute<, I Our man l lo-.d Tac<'. hountc-d b' Op Pro \tatU\ \l HO\. l.c.•t<,1 Top 10 IJ'Tas,1.: .. dfo1n s-.ee·'L'r poet:! don1e RAIDERS m<'t lhrtt OI lh<' l<'am·s four main rr 4 iWltj 111 '.II 1 t '0 ~~ ljAill goals -to mal t' the pla~ofT ... tak<' . ·ru . i From B 1 th<' di\ 1s1o n till<' and lO "'" th<.' last .. ~~ LA-f'G JW9"" 4~ I 77 5.0-l'G Cer~ 21 l ,, Orange County high school basketball 116 (IN) 2. Tustin (12·2) • will be e1t:!t:!e~nti adainst QWITO four pmcs and hi'> 19th of th<' )Car fi,e gam~ (duhbt-d the m1nt-~a!t0n ~.;;, '.II lj'--ff A CX pit<' a I<' than sterling stan -b' .hdl) after a m 1d -scawn \lump hrtX<l<'r complet<'d onl) t"o of ca{lpcd b~ a lo to Kansa\ Cih a t By Jim Cour AP Sporta Wrller H NTINGTON BEA H -In order to beat Io wa an Tuesday's Rose Bowl. Wa hanaton behc"~ that 1l mu t pa as ontn a at runs. "Ptoplc think af )OU top th<' nan. you beat the Hu.skies." Wa hanaton receiver Mario Baalcy said "l don'• think that's true." They think that bccauK of Grq Lewis, who won the Pacafic-10 rushm& tatJc "uh 1.279 yards on 229 camn. The dahth·rankcd Hu5kin ran the bell Sl9 tim~ •hik '\"artttt.ck Mark Brunell threw JUI' .. H pusn. "Mark's 1 P' peucf," Bailey said. "ff he'' 11~~ thc.opponun1ty. he's aoins lO sho-c~body." u--i um cam'-in lli kt\ knee 119inti UCU on 'filo~. 10 in Wah· tftl'Oft's nc111t·tcHasl rcp&ar *'°" •me. tff had anhml!COI* IUt"l"Y· millid lk WatltiftCIOll !catt llft'f and 80 OM ._.. if M11 be 100 pcrcellt on T.-Y. tr hr's not. tlw OKmli~ burdea will .......... ...._.~•ni .. b ... .. .... .... ,.,, impro* throuahout the season Ht was 7- for-27 for 66 ~arch against San Jose tatt an the opener and 11-for-~4 for I SO vards against Purdue sn the folio" ina pme ntn<.' first-half pu'i<'s -h<' com-th<' C'oh~um pl<.'l<.'d 11 of~~ pa\SCS for 162 )ards Th<' fourth 1 of cou~ to make wttho ut en 1ntrl"l·<.'pt1on It left him and "tn thr upcr BoY..I "1th o nl\ e1gh1 1nt<'rt'C'pt1o ns all F~ thou&ht the) could "1n the KaSOn dt\ISJOn crown or Win lhr la\t five Hts counterpan. Fn<.'Sl. makmf pm<.'s of 1hc season Mo t thou1ht at H<' finished "11h a 46 pcrctnt his fint start for San O.tao. wa I would bt con 1d<.'tt'd a successful pa ana avcragr Wlth 118 rompk--for 22 for 9 yards with on<' inter· snson af t~y made the pla)ofT . a uons for t. 732 )ards and 14 touch-C<'pt1on ftat •tuch all aarttd was po \able downs and <'~' in~rccptaon • Shdl said thctt would be hllk O "I think tl\1 will be the pme IJmc ccltbfat( • ....., 11, CMrelr& '1 whtrr <''trybod) Mh1cs we have a ··wc·u <'f\JO). 1t toda> ( unda) )." s.n o.... sc... '"~ lftal pa s1n1 aua<'k." Baal<'> said he said. -we U be back tomom>w \M ~ : ~ : ,::~; Baik). Washinaton's act re-(toe.ta>) looluna at the film. We'U ..,......, ttivtr. au.aaht 40 puK$ ft t67 i.kc our uiu.aJ Tuetday off and tqin ~0 c.-v tt, • ., )ard and Jil touchdowns. ...ewts '· tenous ..on; on Wcdnctda ... L.A_.... 1 ,:r,::.,, ••' cau,ht 20 .. ssn for 34' yards and " He poentcd out the btdcn have SC>--Nd ... 1 .._ ""' ,,..., OM touchdown. wtnk dtt1) threat Ortlndo Md<a> had 19 c:altba for 31,r~::.::-::,~~ GWC tops Sequoias, 71.:68, wins title pmc A ljtt)e bit ~ f fed COQfi• RJI I raro -,,,,,_ r~...,._ dem ... BnlMll mid "We've pa..t ~ '""" ~ wttl tn our pnctten bot.-Wae Colleec -omn·a bnkctbeU team·~ Its oely m of tht Bnu~tt·s Ntl\1111 ........... OVU· .... by ckttati.111 coe. of tM ...,.,,, ...... -.Wrwdtc40-~ 71~ ... tM ~ >•rd clelh nt 4.'7 •iaedl llld lie ~· ..-c OllM r.,_. Cot-... ... 444 Yaids Oft 105 mrria for s .. 4'4 ,.,. wid9 10 ...... ,... ........,. -· ...... -r: --• -..... , .... JDotMr l4p0-.illllt ........ .. Ce'lcr· ,.. ......................... ... LA-Sm-•1' t7 NU Iron'! so.r-IJ ...... tolC'tl lltl •-61 S93 : : .: .: 0 I < l l' r •• .. r r f • "90ll NORTH OMMI CO. "90ll IOUTtt ORANU CO • ... ,.. . .... • T .. DAI. V 9'0T Ct.'Ulf'lfO OffaliOUAS ·. ... c.-CK VC>Uf' AO THI ~IT OAV I,._ 0.W)P PtlOI 1111 ... tor •lllC4nCY itnd llCCUIK) t<OW*~ occ-ally "'Oii 00 OGCUI P*M ... ,.., w!Wn '(OU< 4Ht •I rffO O.C-W.O ~ yo.;. lld dally ~1 .. 1or11mm4l<l•ately to 6'2·S678 Ti.. O.oty Piiot .xc_,11no1ta1>oi.iy tor any et•Ot .,, en !Ml,...,_, tor "'""" 11 mttv l><P 1e5')C)n111> .. UQIPI lor ,,,. cost of ,,,. <o.K• ectoefly occtJl)l4KI 1>y ,,,. etror Cted1t ee11 only t>e .J"°"'9d ror 1~ '"" 1nw11on An) _,,, not p11ld witn.n 30 oays as •9CtW•ed ..,.. be \<JDf«t 10 l>lit nol hmtl.O 10 1.-.nce Clletgee computed di I ... OI ti.. uope.0 t:>elanc. per mC)nlft all COlleCllOtl C051S ~ Mty IHIOl\&b .. lllOl"9y I 19" ... .... . ~, --·. I.I .... olll l ' 41 l l B.1 "" \ il!i.. 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ITI The ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 11 ~Ing fOf ....,.,.., b<ight and enthulltU11e 1..nagera age 12 yeatl and older 10 aell newapaper aub9Ctlpllont In en adult supervlHd door 10 door Hlea campaign Liie anemoon ... ny .-...n•no houri Excellent OP· por1untty fOf right per- aon For more 1n101 • mallon call Teri at ~2-4333 Eict 209 l T HAUi.iNG SERVICE llCIUIE YHll Ill Mii Small )obi my Garage/Yd Ctnupa.-Tr ... luo.l apeaally 26 yMrl ell· M Ml-1112 20.J:,::> Speclelalno In peftenOe 893-6873 I dt ... M Xlnl P.11r1fH11.j Tllllllll 111 IEW ~HAUL •-YOU 20'1. otl reta S43-S80S,S48-3229 • rat .. or olhet Mtlmatea l•PlllYEI l\'9Wayt patlOt pa1h1. Gen hauling Ir" nou .... LOWEI UTES etc No IOb 100 amall, hold to•IC dlspoeal with 11 fn ef IMn LHll rtlt ...... , Hl·Olll loed Fr .. Ml ~4-0389 Qualify. Mii\cled $2.44 per day That I All )'OU pay for • llnes, 30 day minimum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY J N J Customera RICl••td Srnor (Lie Ins Reis) 645-3209 ANO HOME BUILDERS Fine i.welry. CUil design llOUIL Oil P&Jmll S 12/Hr • MATERIALS Reletencea 67S-4006 Tired ot lncomP9tent and Expen gOld repal"'r• unretlable tlle c:o'a Try a atoratlon Ins replacemtt company with integrity & 22 t Marine, B 111675-3927 pride AAA Tiie & Marble Lie /bc>n<*j 239-3970 RALPH S PAINTING-LIC lnllE•t Wallpaper stnp . ...,., ..... ~ O.C.1. belconi.a. 11 ,. Ouallty work 722-8789 Oryw,lll l .... ,, . . . - L.1nch( 11w l .1wric.Ht> Reat rates, quallty w<>tk •· TREES • Reta • 982-HO I • T~tRemove CINnup PAINTING WALLPAPER Nu lawnl aprtnklr 7St-3H6 ANO REPAIRS Local rel s E•i>erl wot I. S,rl .. a.r•LIHM• Free ut 6«-1•78 Call tor lrM Hhmate Lawn Ma1nt 898-706't RAINBOW Orc:le Maint Painting lnl Ext HOUM & 110 1 WISCIPES Apl Oval jOb FrM Ml W St llC•~9H7 636-17S& Complete S.W:./~ Lie lna'd 143-3225 llUllllP&lmll au.111y Pt11nt1no by P<O· t~als Lie •602098 Insured Bonded FrM ntlmetes ~5-3305 A HI HANGING/ST RIP PINO Llc•5eo875 VISA-MC 673-1512 WALLPAPER Contrac1or Gary Gompf Commt Ret Orange Cnty 0\19f 30 yrs llc:•328240 •9•-4366 WE gala ahd lleng 1o091M< Total lnlerlOf Remodellng ~ADVICE TO THE CRAZY 63.3-7172 r v" \ v,,, .· •I ' '" . . ~ '= Piiot ..... ,.. -·-.... ._ ... .., fON>1tlO'ISTrYA .u,_-....-... T,_ 1or M'-... 4-Cl.---.Cllo1lleOIR.__,. MM11 ....._A*, 8ir. ,, ....... ~.AMIAI..... .._. __ . .,_.._ ... ......._ ftO.al•larJenv, ~nw .nw.,,,a ... ~Upeo .... ooo. r1tAttlfff*.eac1111t~ .......,,.,...--""' --. ..... ..._. ._.. M.too oeo ....._ ,.......lDr,.._~ .... llD•·l:OOP'ft Lilf" M7·7tll d!UOnl ~ tWelo lttftt IMMACUl.ATI ...... _. ... CJ'OHIMt '4-2n1 OlfY• pollelOn. _,, ..... /1 =-=t:"*enct 1 Met wtt" .,._.1"""'21 0Nr ._.,OIO a IM,111 l&.I. ..W 111111 u; H ,... m•DM _. W......'•~ehop •• S}40 n11r•1s 21· ... Cell O•=d•y•. 1•1---lhod ... Cont1nen1a1. Sunroof, "::.,.. ..-aAM-11Nootl~ftfl :--loft .... nd, N .• : --, ..... "5; c ..... 11111.ISA -.&...,""'' •1·~ I M7.ell6 OOfnl*1 ........ Of' 1}lUMmi--............. ~~·-.Ppte(d. .....,.. ~142.-e ........ ~. 11,.,._ bu~. pp 141·1115, ,,,__ .,..,...,,~ _..... 11•lt4MOOO• '" :::'.!tua"!i::o:"1C. __, •at•t 1111T&m1• M4t,o. 2'•wc.-a• .. ..-f'uft COIUi oMoe .......... •Mltl I!!-7014 ..,.... -llll!'p/a. Pl'*-15epd, ""· Ille, euntOOf. LIHCOlH 71 Continent* AWO. .,_y, '.... --$111l.-ttil, ---cw~--Al9R •Ill 1IMIM1• ••t111111.L -·· ..... ..., .... Vw 4J040 MVOOf .... eoCMt.~ RED, flnanc1no avail • ..., .,.,. ....... good AWWA'9W .......... ,.,... "" tom ..... ~ a\lllill (1NH131) ''"°·au ... 2~7 NOTICE •• HIAHV -nfafl .,_ ••111111111 ~Saler Mutt Sal 'IOMAXIVAN (tWEtln .... Meteuty , .... L OIV!NtMita ....... Dto- pC'*'9 ....... i36.000 $1, 50 080 Atk for P!!:·,~~weo,tft l!m -·-·-""'& Aed&Gray,11.~mttea. ~-=~~~ poe.itlel. De1Ma.(1)I05 •Caauel()fb The ORANGE COAST Lanotl20-2237. • • ... llUOTlflT& _. __ , yood cond ition ..., _., .,. ._.., Mr-tOOO bt. l·223l7 •Ptaeaaint ~. DAILY 'tLOT II loc*lftt. 60 l I =; ILSU~E .. ~ FOACES SALE 11111 hectl IHd H8 188818Mc:JI9Nd. HI 14IS4I 14oe 1Wh1) T In con:_ 1c1k111.-8 • .,.!! __..... tor PIOY•.,..._, ....._.. ~ Mlle Tr~ 1.,, ... 131.21n l4f..t"5 • &47-1554 _ ldlttn .. ~ ....... ..... ,...... ·~ssoo.,.,.... a rttlf .... ,.,_iteltw ..., eooct eon-_._ -FOii 1919 fcon"OiiM liO Tim&--1111 06dt 198$ Cler• =· ,.-;:, ~~ ~ AJbranoMe.UIO-omt Call MllQQla. at tor the~ dept dlttof1 ~Mutt Mii >= ..-_ at\ Convaralon Loaded DATSUH '79310GX •-4/dr, 8'ghm, 511(. Hoel•....,.,_ W..., .... -OEA * Now~ Catt 5-4'"'"93 To work ~ Mon thla ..-. 1;50 0 80 ::.::r::/Tr-. gul4 14 000 mlliat TV vcA' 5 apeect, 2 OOOI' l\etdl, Auto. w, pla, like new, lent. lo•d•d. $4,950 1118 u:;;:...,. ~ (1) 806 N7-IOOO Ext Ntwpoti/Coeta Meta .. ~ .. lhru Fri., llalblt hOura ° Calf es1.oi74. 20 FT. ll'llnl motor home. Ce. 2·AM/FM cai..tt .. : blue, $14$0 financing av allablel 192•2651 ot tn. Cl1y to ~ flt l<-22317 .. Beat of Ml WOt1da 0()('(1 trail« hltc". aitc.llent 634-3251 <2Mos9511 --Neg9tlvt becliaratlOn #Id UA-llllli.T&IT s.c PIT sswpm,F1ex1blt ............... .,. ,,..,...,. 6014 ~~.1..;.~:;; ~:_~~:" 120.000 ..aMHULll'll llU=Tlma Ml.JC NOTICE ~~:.,:: ht1 lnt.,..tlng WOflt A E IU..Ql1 Din rm .... wtdctt .. llO'f9 -Auto, air, pi e, P~ 18111 &Md\ BIVO HB fltCTrnOUe .,_.. IN_..,., public to,..., ProPtt1Y Mgmt Co needt Developer ,., milt So 6C + dbl hMdbcf, hl-cn.tf. 4 \I/heel OrtYe/ .._. VW 1'"'8 fi0lii09 biA tilt, CNIM, stereo ca.. IAT..tSS$ ' MAM1 ITAT'DmMT and comment on tlllt tNtp, energetic l*tiOn Airport. S~ WOfk ~1h playpen, .. roller, other ~,.,.... runa gr .. t Mutt Mii, lAe¥-Clnlom wt\11, low mllea. _ The lollowlnO oet90N ere oocumentatlon C09i1t of to ..... brend new Apt• Mure~ 831-4404 mn.11DKETING baby"""' 912-1844 9030 Ing country a 1800 financing •v•ll•bl•I VoM> 1~ Wegon doing bu'"--=· ..... Decl9'tllln arid In Coat• ~ Good ___ . t.RIM CNY)' 1974 F • s; 5"6-M48 (O<M389) 50 000 mltet. 3fd ... TULSA ENTEAPAISES. Ing CIOCurMnt9 .,. doting akMea '"""'9dtate --/UllH• OfMI u 11,111 mff1t GOndftion M t50 18822 '1ag1ta1t l.11 • Hunt-able tor ~ r~ ~ 8elwy • L... ,..._I.II Mtsc.t1WOU1 6015 ., tPT 4•41~~B ~ ..t.-a..... aMa •.a--& &48-9729 ' ~BMdi.Cellf 9114& Mdl~atlNPtan-lng 8onut + lentfit ,,_.,,._. Earn EXTRA MONEY .,c, ~ ,_ • ... ap ~............. _. _, ••••• -Outnlln Mcfen.nct. MIO ~. Cl1y ol a.nd letter°' ,.-.ne I~· '1T Potltlon avall In WOf'klng S*Mlmt Good WANnO TO au;· Old Oranny 8011 New 0..-. 9045 11111 8Md'I Blvd HB VW 1972 SUPER BEETLE 1882 A9gltett Ln Hunt-Newport a.ct\, S300 ..._. RMS 2t3t Vie 0. l a lAQ\lna Ben., ... Ability communlcetlon and phone ORIENTAL RUG • ""Y llNll/tlrealengtne + 11tra 847-8555 Con"*'lblt New paint, 8 wiaton 9Mctl. Cell! tM41 O«t ~d. NewoOf1 Vde Dal Mw California to direct IC>Mdl ttwac>y tklllareqolfed to..Cl grow· tlz• In ""Y condition. Ortve to ~aciatel e.t '11-llTUll L--··· m09 on new tng1ne, new lhis t>u11,,..1 11 con-8Hch Ca11torn1a ct u ) • 12014 In a S N F C.tit0tnta lie Ing. local~ 1-t00-531-7233 ofter over 13.500 S"owroom car $5800 -brak ... ur .. Gr"t car ducted by an indJvtdual 144-l2" '9qlMed.PtaeMoont.ct. MOVING 9 cu tt c:hM1 7141281·1111 080 &50-0eoel¥meg m&PIAll! i4500 or ofl ar The reg11trant(1J com· Deted 12-11-to lftlllf.Y,IJ1'UI :=c.n ~end frMHr, tofH, collM 7141540-07!54 CLASSIC 'H Muttang 1541-9398 71 ... 870-0784 ::*' unJ! t;~iCt•= ~~o.!:i°: All type9 ~ lmmedl-Cenyon er .. tt~ Stet 104 IMtaaf Twi.......... ~bleid 16de~O, tict. 11111 U.D G• 'll V-8 No d9ntt Needt MERCEOes 1973 280 VW 198 t Raobit Bu11neH neme(t) llateel 31 1990 ' ' atety 21 2 -0374 R l vtrtl d• '92507 at••2 •• :.-r'. y-• ; .... r; ~arator, Auto. air, pit. titt. tttteo. eofMmecil work l3000 Sedan.OttglnalM>fyi*nt ConY9r11ble triP'e wntt• aoow on o.c.mt>er 1!5 SuSeM·MO Par1 Time 787-0204 -._.. lampa. ,_ 1 iv. mtO oultom wHe & drea, low Atltt 4 30e>m 557-2833 with ten lot•lor Well new engine & top m1.n1 1"° m1lea, financing avail-FORD 1930 MOdel /I. maintained California S 4 0 0 0 0 B 0 ~ 1~.!'::i~ Uled WIUIFMllUll UP TO Jewttty/Fun/M able!(tSKA028) Tu dof, 90% conditt0n. Car Prlnclpalt only 2131434-57 11 withthe'CountvC:o10r---~--NO-TlC( __ _ H .. 4 PITT...., poehloN 6025 ... S 1 . 2 50 or 1 rad• Aeuonable offer PC> vw 63 BUG One owner. enge County on o.c.mt1er --=;;.;;..~....;..;;-- avall Above ever age -.&. llUIY TIYITI 895-1074, 89~269 7141957-0213 orlQinal lnterlol S 1500 11 1990 ACTITIOU9 .-u wege, no 8l!P nee Appty •soo 1 5 CT bfllllant whit• 18881 e..cfl 81Vd, HB LINCOLN 1981 4-door Mercedet 1982 3000 080 (714) 846-7177 Of ~ NA=~ 320t Newpor1 BM!, NB diamond. ~abed II 847.a555 Mdan O<lginal ConolllOl'i Turbo t>Mutlfut ear 1 (213) 431 -5090 •11• 8 Pu~ Orenoe CoMt The penona .,.. 87s..4500, Uk for Peggy H .000, Sacrifice for tow mileage real Chet • OwMr excellent con---Qel4y Pllo1 o.c.mw 24, 31. doing t>ullneM .. ,.I •.... -.... .-U .000.131-t480 wtcdyt ,., • ., .... "ILT ... s 4 .. !5 0 . R I ch . ryd d 111 ~ n s 1 0 5 0 0 Autos Oomtstk 9300 '"° Jenuaty 7 14, 1991 HIOHPAAK MANAGE 1_. -, " r · M-~ MENT OAOUP 1M5 Pw1 Chrlatlan Shi. PIT Im~ PER MONTH ..,,.. I UTln AU1o, air. ,Pl •. p/Wlndowt ~9'-'307 71415"3-0973 CHEVY '74 NOVA, auto, Trinity Pl Newpor1 Beectt opening "2·88M .-_.y & tocilt, tilt, crulM, tlereo -MERCEDES 1984 300D towner &cyt N Batt Calif t2e80 Plantt Laro• ulactlon o l eus, "(2~':~5a:)allablel Autos lmpo!ted 9100 Turbo E11ctllent con-Xcond Sl350u o:J· U..Marlelrvln, 1te5Pon ·* NO COU£CTIOI$ * d iamond•. vintage UHi Acura 1988 Legend d1t1on 83.000 mlles 839-8242 b::ty~Newport Beech DP'I PLAIT nu WllChet Incl Aolex and llU ··--mtT Original Owner. non/tml&r, s 13·500 34&-9415 CHEVROLET 85 Perfect Artf\uf lrolln. IMS POfl & N>rtlc:ultur• --aor Early mornm' g motor ro tes Patek W• buy. NII, trade -· I tinted wlndowt '90 fuel Rolls RoYQe ·n car very low mll••. Tnnlty Pl Newpor1 8eech Fil Ot PIT c;-,. In· U and repair. Wllllam 18881 8eaeti BIYd. HB 1njector1, new battery, Sliver Wraith 11 Balboa loeelecl 4 SPMd wtlh PAC..C VIEW C.llf 92MO 14.1rano. nee T09 waget available. Must have Harold Jeweler•. 3118 847-8555 other HtrH $12,000 whlte/chocOlal• hid.. crutM control S3 850 MDllONAL ~AJtl( Thia t>uslnat " con· 1111n1 beMflta. on.going dependable transportation Hewi>or1 Blvd•• 32nd 1111&1 .. 4 ,. 'ti OBO 96•-121~ 79K 0r1g1na11y sold 1n 5"8--4793 Cemeterv • Mot1uary duc:teo t>y a oener• pen. educatlONI ~ty Call llMHI NB Immaculate through· Dllipel • Crem.1or; '*""P a d l"abili' Stpd, air, p/1. tlereo cast. ACURA LEGEND 1988, 5-0 u 1 $ 2 8 g O O CHEVROLET CA MARO JSOO Paone v-Drive ~ regi1tranl(1) com-betwH n am-4pm, an l ty insurance 1--------llnanclng available speed. loaded blua. 71 416«-g2()6 1971 Z28 (LT 1)350 new Newport 9Mdl mencec1 10 tranuct ~ 281-8100 Asa lot Latry fttts & N*nlb 6049 (3X22509J au n r o o I . $ t 4 9 9 5 mo10< m.nt condllton .... '"° MM uno. the F~~ IEAL man um CALL 642 4333 PB ltm Coc:ktt Spaniel 2 ..... 875-80e9 TOYOTA 1977 Cellca SfSOOO 0 8 0 John lua•n•n neme(t) lllt•d ....... ............,. RE co -... I ... _.,,,.,,,. BMW 1976 200"' 4-spead, A /C JUSI &40 1128 ----.-ab0"'9 on J-.ry 1 '"° ....... , ,....,._,...,. • r•· trained, gr .. 1 w/klds .,._ ~I I• " smoooed Astung $950 ~ -1 _.. U.. ltWI ...-. ·~ eec·y 100 10 ai>9fOved hOIM. 18881 BMch Blvd. HB rtbulll engine new ttrn ~,14.6'7•7 n2 Cl'ievy 1979 tmpala llU lll&IWH Thia statement.,.. Neel and .,, ..... tant 10. 109 875-7805/H 830--0358/W 147.3555 new paint, GAEA T FUN 305CID • c; Men s 1300 With the Co4/llly Oeltr "'Qr. producer MUl1 be Mlf. HUN11NGTON BEACH. co:;"TA ~ $3.800 PC> 760-~77 TRADE 080 850-6785 evenga. Mortuary '* Chapel enoe County on ~ :~:;.~.:: H'EWPORT BEACH. ·FOUNTAIN VALLEY. When looking for o full-t ime job, 1t BMW 11181 325• Con-DaV9 CrefMuon 1 1"° s k · II · h k h Ytt'ltble Reel 24 000 milt Chrysler 1985 LeBaron 110 BrO.OWay Pu~ ~ "'= !:~, 10 ~aci ~~~,J:. CRVINE6 LAGUNA BEACH ta es proct1c o y no time to c ec t e warranty s 21 900 through clusilied 1oeOeCS 1<>wm•1Mge ... oe1-Colt• Mesa Delly,,.,. 0ecem0w 17 24. ·1~HB9~~se~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~p~p~o~rt~u~n~i~~~e!s~in~c~lo~s~s~if~~!d~.---:~~21 •1101 'd 14~5171 ~-,~~n~ ~150 ~~•M J11~~1~ 111.'ttti'T's 3003 900 hone s.rvioe is not avahblie in aome Huntington Beechlfour«ain Valtq .,.as at this time. his anticipated th• th• 900 Mf'Vice wftl be available to these slbscribers on January 11. Some of the 973 and 875 prefixes in th• BaJboalNewport Beach area will not be available unt~ April 26, 1991. We appreciate your patience. MEET R• I OM .pecia} ~ .. ~ .. Attic, basement, and closet then get some cash . I HOW TO RESPOND TODATEUNE • ( Jll 1-900·844·0100 • I nt cr J lhg11 "ode .tppcanng in ad • I ''lcn to gn:1:1mg •I l'J\C rtl\ . .,,J~c lynu c..an \.hangc 11 11 n11t ,,111,fu:d 1 \\hen lt•J\ inJ! a ml'''aJ!e • I c.:· J vc.: 'our ftr,t nJ me • \kn11on \our lllll'rl''" • kll \OUT J~C • (k\1.Tll'x \(IUI ;ipfX',HJOC..C • '°IJ1(1. ti\ Hiur pn:lcrcnc.:c' •Inc.: ludc.:· '4hJt ''1u hl cl.l Jhl>UI lhc..· 1x·r,un \11u ,ire..· rc..·,pondin~ 10 'h•u m.i~ lc.t\l' J \() 'cc..und me"agc 'l nu '4 111 tx· .1u111mJl1t.all\ hilled 98t ltH l'J l h 11H11UIC DhTE ·LINE FREE PERSONALS USE THIS FORM TO PLACE YOUR FREE PERSONAL AD GUIDEL IN ES ~NT CLEARLY· (First three words ore boldface> 25 wofd moxm~ FREE ADS ARE MAIL-INS ONLY All ca1..ns Wil Be Charged Regular Rate. · --.,1 "' • ; .. ' • • • ,.\ l . t ; ~ .... • •• \. ..-\ I • ~ \ By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF ~ TANNAH HIRSCH Q .l-A1 South, vulnerable, bold: •AQJM •J8~2 • 7 •AJ8 The biddini hu procNded. South West North Eut l + p._ I NT p._ ? What action do you tab" A.-You have a near minimum openmg bid. but with e mgleton you don't want LO play in no trump if it can be avoided. Show 'llOUr ttt ond suit, de p1te ita poor qualtty Bid two bearu To rebid two padet here would promiu a ti• card suit Q .2-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +AQ6 •e •A7~2 .,q108~3 The bidding has procttded South Wett North Eut t • PAM I NT P&M 1 What action do you take? A.-Again you have a minimum and no Jik1n1 for a no trump con· tract. but. thia lime there's nothing you can do about it WhiJe you au~· ly have an e1ght·card minor-euit fit. your club 1u1t 11 too bed to rebid and two dU1mond.a would be a 1trength· ahowmi reve~ Pen Q .3-Neither vulnerable. u South you hold •AJ8~2 •Kt09 • QJ9 •K3 The bidding has procttded South Weet North Eut I+ P... 2 • PAM ? What do you bid now., A.-You have a balanced mini· mum with Jood mtermedl4tn and stoppers in the unbid u1t.a A rebid of two no trump describe11 that hand uartly, and there'11 no rea30n to even think about anvthmK else TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • ACROSS I Survey nail 5 $et up let!IA II V-MJN I~ TM I>< ld4! 15 F • 89' anu> t6 Ven.II• 17 LMldecl 18 CIH.ify 19 UM a dOOt 20 fapef ott 21 Dot 23 u..a a coucn 24 Sudoen lloo<I 28 Dela 28 Youno CM<I 29 Bending l4IQ jojnla 33 Fatenet 3e Lootl.cl toward 37 New Pf•• 38 Boisterous 311 lnlO"" 40 PeruN 41 Glf1'1name 42 At -the eye can ... 43 Leen '4 Warning lign 441 Ofone. ~ 47 Gudrun I mtla 441 lnlerll'll .. o 52 A999 S6 Anden1 57 t::*'' ~ SIP-..~ 2 3 14 17 &0 Aul,,O• lf'Ofl 61 1n11en1 .,.,,, QulCkly 61 Blaz•no 63 Speak .. ClteOly 64 ~anoum 6~ Remain• 66 Ftaletnel IOClety "*'l\bera 87 Slit! fatlric; DOWN I P .. sonnel 1 bear 3 Wtth Me 4 HateO ~ GlfmMt e ,t.ccllmate 7 Tiny pair11cie 8C1ty1ones II H 11911a1'd boolo 10 Kind 04 Q<)Y9'n"*"t bond 81'11 11 Contra 12 Writer 13 Slips 22 Body jOlntl 25 abou1 It? 27 Govt wort.er 29~ths unit 30 PenMtln 91'nC*'Of 3t Nol lw 32 AUC110n word 33 Cold dllfl e 7 34 011ry -vino 35P-.e 38 O.U.a etc 311 Sak/lea 40 Using money 42 Pauncny 43W1t,_ 45 p,. pair1 46 Eq>lodel 48 E.,..~1 411 GIYer 8 !IO MuM SI Gwl'l\al'I neogl'll>O<• S2 Gr .... l<tttefl 53 Bio amount S4 Continent 56 By moutn 59 ()t( 10 11 12 13 ... :. ~· ~, ' J';:--~r ........ ' ' '.• .. ....... ,, / , . ~ .. -~ ' """' "" .. .. ~~ .,. } 1 ' J • , .:J · . ~ ". t~ (; . ( ~ " I ,JJ,,._ \.I ~ ~ . ,.--.....-..... . . . 'f • ~l ~ ~ • /) ! ~ >. (• I , ... ...... : ... • • I .. .. . . .· .. ,; . . Mo.,ay, ~. II ual usuilfY conlCT'Vlllvc. quiec roUKJ M .... f . ~.II ' N~• Vear'• E"~ Full Moon 1n 1u let loo~ Avoid embamumcnt by AlllES (Mardi 2 l·Apnl 20)' Thctt o~n \t&n C'anC't'r. tmphaS1z« that pretenchna to look the other way 1s a lot 10 bt said for tak1n1 the lane manv will prefer to remain close to Sccnano also features productmn, of least rcs1stanC't' Colkaautt and home C anctr Capr1com persons promotion, added prcst1sc Taurus close associates arc "'II 100 con· will he' 1n thc ntws -man) 1nd1v1d· 1nvolv~. cemed about their own romfon or uals tl«ome aware ol prexes\ leading SCORP10 (Oct. 2}..Nov 21) tceunty 10 apptte11te what you arc tn financial restnc11ons People L<>-Lunar aspect h1&hhJht1 travel, dis.-tryina 10 achit've by rinaina the ni&ht tend 10 "ect cra1y .. Pohcc will tnbuuon. commun1ca11on. roman11c chan~ e11her in your very personal be alettcd to upect rnmes of viol· involvement Don't take whispered hfe or on tht' wort front. ence end adm1H1on' 10 mental hos.-sv.cet nothtn&S too ~nousl) EJIC't'I· TAURUS (April 21-May 21): This p1u1I\ Penonal Ocspttt' ('vcrythma. lent for a1tcnd1n1 thcater You could ma) bt a 1tmc when evcryth1n1 Happ) New Ye11r1 play starrin& role appea~ 10 bt out of control or ARJES (March 21 ·"pnl IQ) SAGmARJUS (No• 22-0cc 21 )· mov1n1 ahead without )OUr ap. lunar P.<>Stllon accent• homc, """ Emphu1s on power. authonty 1n-pro•al tfo-.e\tr, you really can't \PQn~1b1la1y durab1ht) of aoods tens11" minor d"putt conctm1n1 IOK Occis1ve planetary aspccu only You'll ccletn~lr v.11h older ind1v1d· who has the money tttr ctur of ul')t you to SY.Im aptnst tM tick, uals Y..ho remonstrate about money 1nd1v1dual who 11 bclltcose. demand 1t1en1ton or 1 Kllkmcnt and love Rcfuw 10 bttome involved PU&l'IC'IOUl. RC101"e to take lft'ller and fOl')tl about f'C'C't'nl d1sappo1nt- 1n foolt\h tirade ch:arv of o""n 1ff11n mcnts. rcbufTs or rc"nuls. TA RlJS (Apnl 20.Ma) 20) Take CAPIUOORN (Dec 22-Jan I q) Gl!MINl (May 22-June 21): No,J spct 1al care in traffic lnd1v1dual Lon1~1stan« call hclPJ make th11 )OU rc~ll) do have to feee the fki v.ho prof~~ true lo"t could bt hohCS.) cclebrauon one 10 re· that ttrt11n Joint amnaemcnt.1 or 1nsp1rcd by adult btvcracn Mam-mem~ Full Moon h1&hh&hts pan· lona\landma b\mnn ties have 10 bt ta1n balancl' pe1"5J)('C11"l' lksolve to nef'\tl1p, ded1a111on comm1t~nt, vvcrcd, for you ''mpfy cannOt af. make fmh start dunn1 comma year. mantel st11u-. You'll feel. "I can't ford 10 waste your time and money GEMINI (Ma)' 21 -June 20) wait for thc )car 10 bt&1n1" on someth1n1 which btlonp to Financtal pt(turc command• auen· AQ ARIUS (Jan. Z~F!'/' I 8) another ume. plact •°' diffttc.nt 11on Fortet arc scattered. but JUSt ~tt., ~\Olu11ons con«rntna diet. chaptl'r in )Our life. pnor 10 m1dn1&ht confidenct 1s re· nutn11on. modt'rauon Ntw love CANCER (June 22-J\lly 23): An tum~ Gruter financial stabthty 1n-could co1nc1de ,,..tth New Year Be t"tremely potent uptC1 bCtwittn the d1cated for com1n1 )car Sqittanan o~n minded w11hou1 bt1na aulhblc sun and Uranus plu1 a fuU moon c:an 1nvol\i~ Othtl"I look 10 )OU for leadcnhJp make for a tame of tmob~I OUt• CANCER (June l l-July 22) Full LC'O plats rolt bunt' and r«nm1natJOnt. un.~ of Moon 1n your 11an accents 1m· Pl8CE8 (Feb I q.March 20): courte. you are P"l'1)9rcd '° a1eer puls1 vl'ncu. penon1I mqm'tism. Avoid wild aoow chaw Don't al-your outlook or potltion. H()111'ewt1 1en1uaJity. Kl appc.tl You could bt tempt to control act1v11tcs of others. hav1n1 made qu1\t a •Hamber or in cha,..-of entena1nmcnL Valuable Family mcmbn d0t1 care. retOl\lt.t ld)u"menl.I or COt'IC.'ftMOM. )OU wUI conllet made a~ mull or unlq~ 10 1)t0vc 11. Emphai1s on t)lt. probably dcdde 10 ftlht to tie bit• l)tOll'tm creat1v1ty. lovt rtlat1on hip ('~ end LEO (July lJ.Aua. 22): Some rules n111 vc invohf'd Ll!O (Jul} 24-AQI. 21): SomeoM are broken atona ,,..,th aJnt-arc. IP O . SI II YOOll amTllDAY: aPPQn '°have tud or dcMlc tOmt- uck 10 f'am tliar 1round. don't I» You are tnck~ndtnt. many consadn thint that ha wound you up and art come involved with OM •ho makes )-OU a ma\mck. You do not rollow you tllinkill lbout yow ~-­ wild prom1 lft'urcs Foaas on crowd. broke from ~ ....,, w ;no41t1 m -.I teeunty. How· .ms. 911!mour, uteripe. nc<'a91ty co.Id haw bttn lrPlntld ._ -t\'W, ..,_-=;. :: Uf to hell for di1Cftt1on . Of botb .. mitt -'tile,..,........, and ""°"' ID ....... ......., VlllOO (Al.II-23-Scpc. 22): This Leo ~o pcnont art:._. eo t .. n ~ 1 bOll .... could be OM of your most cxciu• ~ ''ou'll l,.~I In IMI~ thetc a Ml mooft "' dw ...-..., New Yar'1 Evn due 10 1nv1t11100 '° ...ttl ud c1ptott. you'I t 1t111 ol c- tulldl"' domain. Em~ on row a.. etrk 1ftd you couM _. VIMO (Aill-2..,.,. lJ)'; Y• tnpe.. chaf# of ICCftC, ft1Ntt0ft, ro-•!'! ftftd 90U1 mat.t. Janu.ry ..._. M pr1,19ilrM •ead of~....., mance. pin ttlroulll wnnrn <iront. 1ridrpcndlmtt.. fiontl ...,, ht _. and ...... die -'I 111 _. C~m1n1 rqJfntnttd. dira-. Rl'Oftl lo~ ,. ... •"• d* .._ IMW °"' dw -uau (Scpc. lJ.()(i. 22,.. led1"16-A..,. WAI 11'° bt rMme111Mt. .,.,.. a..-.. ,,..._. .., w·11 ~~--------------~----.._--~~~--~---------~ftlllla.. ............ .... Hobb-'• : :..."Jt.'':."o1• .. 11~ 1-...,. .. _, ...... ~ find the equipment and supplies >T..;1~~u~ ..... You need in classified . •tie ,.. -accwa • 1111 ..... ....... "' •