HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-17 - Orange Coast PilotG~ye Wassail· McGee \\'ilh W~ldo, '~ho recently underwent ~mputatlon. Wassall· McGee has set up~ decorated an in Kelly's coffee shop asking for donations to help offset the expense o( the cat's operation. MMC-0.. ,.. . Where's Waldo? He's , home, but needs help ~ Well-know wandering cal' survived amputation - now friends are banding together to help pay the bill. By EmJy Crttly, Spec~ to lie Daily PiIOr OALBOA -When lV.O-)c::ar-old Waldo m)'Stc:riou ly bro~c his lc1 :md il nc:tJc:J .imput.mon. re: 1dcnts t-cre ~ere e:iger to pitch an needed fund~ anJ support. Uut who1's ~ unusual nbout this outpouring of assistance is W:ildo isn·1 a hule boy -he's a c:it, a .,.ell-kno"n c:it. A wanderer, Waldo lllld his "mommy," Julie Gill.stron, had no ~ner m~~J into the neighborhood nc:ar the Balbo:i PJ\1hon. (" when Waldo proceeded to m:ikc friends with local re5.ldcou and fishermen. Gillstron :iid il ~enlCd like every Sundt) the "oulJ h:l\e to look ror Waldo in h1~ three fo\'Ortlc pl:acu near M:un Street -a toy ~tore. Kelly'· coffee shop. :mJ .l chtur in front of G:i)e Wa~ll·McGee·s b:i)frOnl hou e. Waldo's ac,h-cntures ha\e \ t:il.en him 10 the Newport :llld D..ilbo:i Piers :ind ~s1bly points be)ond. G1lb1ron ~•d Wale.lo frequenlly jump) on all kinds of boat • including the Bulboa Ferry. "We're urc he got a few free rides," oJJcd W~ll·McGcc. h "a~ w., all·McOce who f1r>t round the injured Waldo ¥>ith a brolcn pJw, unJ n:alilmg the ¢Q~i imol\cd -about S725 -sct up a \V:ilJo·dccor.ueJ can in Kell)':. oor~c ~hop a:.k.ing for See WALD0/4 UPCOMllle IVlllT Climb aboard and meet your pol iticians Complimentary ttd<ets are still available for Wednesday') "Wet Wednesday Pol1tic1ans NighL" Ticl.ets c.in be pid.cd up at Hornblower Dining Yachts and at l ove To Tr;ivel in Cost.a Mesa The two-hour b.ly cruise, free to the public, will give you the opf><:>"tunity 10 meet many decision-malers. Among the politicians attending are Supervisor Tom Riley. Newport Beach council members Phil Sansone and Jan Oeb.ly, Costa Mesa council membe.r Joe Erickson, trustees from the Newport-~~ Unified School District and many more! Join us for ho~ d'oou"Vres, a no-host bar, prize giveaways and a magnificenl sunset while meeting your civic l~dcrs abo.ird the lu)(urious Lord HomblO\ ... -er. The yJcht lcJ\'es the Hornblower dock at 6:30 p.m. Boording bc?Ains at 6 p.m. The 2nd Annual D.iily PilotMornblower Dining Yachts Wet Wcdnescfoy Summer ScriM, continuing through September, has been drawing more than 500 guests each W'C'ek. Hornblower D ining Yachts is 10C.1tcd at 2431 W. Co.u.t Highway, Newport Beach (next to Can.J's W.iterfront rcst.Jurant): love To Travel is 1°'41tcd at 369 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. ......... CIRCULATION' 800.252·91•1 CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 RETAIL ADS NEWSROOM HOTLINE SPORTS 642·.4))0 Around Town .................... J Bric:lge ...........••..•••••••••••.••. 10 O~SSiir~ ..•............••.......... 9 Lepls ••....•........•..••••.••...•... 7 5oc'ieily I i It. f 4 f If 1 It I I It I I I I t I I I II I I I I s ~ ................................. i w_,.· ............................ 2 ...... Something new Anew~~on seMat dutil ~ Jim de Boom detM.cs tOdW 'ii\ the Daily Pilot. The,~mn, which an be found on ~ s. will ccwer news.. annou~and schedules ol all the tcMce dubs -SuCh as RoQry. Kiw~nis arid lions -en Newport Be.ch and C06t.l Mesa. opular rabli1 inoV1ng to li'Vine ~ After 25 years at St Mark's Presbyterian Church , Rabbi Bernard P. King is moving his Shir Ha-Ma' Alot Harbor Refonn Temple. By-?CJn'f~ nt Joyce Sdfmr. St.in WYllr'S NEWPORT BEACH -AJ1cr 2.S years of 1baring a space with St. Mark's Prcsbyterfan Church., the popular Rabbi Bernard P. Kina is pullinl up stakes on his temple here and mcwi.ng to Irvine. ''For years people ha .. e been en- couraging us to move out on our o~n." King s:iid. "Bui we hove had such a happy rclatio~hip \\1th SJ. Marl, It was :i hard dcci~lon lo make." The Shir Ha-Ma'AJot Harbor .. '' For years people have been encouraging us to move out on our own. But we have had such a happy relationship with St. Mark, it was a hard decision to1nake. Reform Temple sig ned an agrce- men1 lhis "eek to mo"e from Newport inlo a 26,589-~uarc-fooi building al 3653 Michelson Ori\C, the site of a former pom club. The building Y.111 be rc:nO\:llcd t'O included 12 cla~!lrooms for .:l re- ligious )C:hool and d.iy-care pro· gr:im. a kitchen and )()Cial hall. o '' r 1cen room, libr:tC) and gift )lo re A b~ketb::ill court '' 1tl aho be trJnsformcd into a 200-~r)on ~nClU:lf). ..There are a number of lhing!I made po!>!tlble Y. llh our mu\e:· King s:iid '"We hope 10 e!>l.Jbhsh our O\"" pre~hool Jnd J relig1ou!t !tChool held on Sunda)S. In our present :irrangcmcni. 11 i) w mc.;· what impo iblc bec:iu)c S t. M.irL. ·~ meeh there for Sunda) \ef'\ice:. ' Kmg. a Y.cll-~.1lOY.O and uut>po- ~cn rehg ou .. I .lJcr 1n !\'c\\port lkach \\hO on..:e nurd1cd \Hlh the Rev. Mo.1rt1n Lulht r J...rng. Jr., c>ti- m.tlcd &111:. c~caµllilJL oL .:tp· prux1ma1ch 300 l;im1lic> "111 be ffiO\ ing into the nc\\ bc1ht1e) al the beginning uf I 'Not Rob.,,n ~u:bkr. the d m:ctor of the nearb~ 1 em pie Bi.It ) ;ihm. '>.lid )he d1J nut thinl. lhe mv\e b) Shi r ll;i-.M:i 'Alot ""uh.I h.nc .in effcd on 'ha >~ n.1g1Jgue·> mi; mbcr- i.h1p. She noted th:.u there I!> ;in in- crca>mg number o( Jcv.1)h familic., mo' ing into thi> area. '\\e .,i.bh them the bc~t." !the !>.11d "'But \\C: d"n'1 l~'iol ;,sl 11 like the) .ire l~a\ing. ·1 he~ .ire JU'I mo\lng w their O\\ n bu1ld1n;" Despite higher fttS, m~ny students wait in line outside the OCC admissions building on M onday, the lirsl day of the fall ~t'me lcr. Students lace Costly education . By Russ Loar. St.11' Wn!t< COSTA MESA -Or:in~c CoJ.!lt College offi 1:11, on Mond;iy blamed higher 1u1tton fee> !or .l 6 ... pcrccn1 drop in adm "'lln'> l'n 1hc rif'!>l da\ l\r the fall ~mcllh~r fher~ "ere :?0.~9 >IUJent\ reg1 tercd for 1he foll -.cmc tcr. "h 1.h began ~ll\nd.i} -1.5:?0 loludcnts le~ th~n the fmt J:i~ l)f I.i ll cla'>-.C' .i )e.lr ago StJIC 13"'mal.cr' raised \Ul\1 n fn.'m S6 t\1 SlJ a untt comp3reJ 10 3 )ear ag\) :inJ c:hmm:ated the Sc)(J c1lins un 1u111on lt'e,. For tudent) v.lth b3chelor· 'kgrct) or Financial aid and h1 her. the c°'t of going b:H::l to 1.."'0llegc I\ Oe~ibility from OOV. $50 I Untl Orange Co.a t Col-\\e\.e lob1 more th n W pcr1.e n1 ol our lege officials have .. 1uJcnl) ~ho h\'lJ ~3~hdor 'Jc,rce' ··-.aid gil.en single mother rolkt:e admw~n'n!I dcl n Su,an I.Jr "n Voland01 Hti\rd of Lnrollmcnt'> t\p1 ... "3ll) d1l'llb during the Co ta M~ ;a, shown stJnc tcr :uiJ cull cc o01c1:il~~~ _p_red1C11 her "ith her Tall \Cmc~tcr cnr'' lni\:nh v.ilffC:ictl "' ul 6-)t.ir-old daughter 15,l JO. romp.ucJ h..\ : ,Q1"' l>tudenb Por cha, a ch.lnce enrolled at 1hc cnJ ul f ll ~mc,IC'r l W~ to re toirt her life. Soe OCC 4 Homeow.rs get to keep antennas .._ But council rules that satellite dishes must be relocated from neighbors' view. ' \ VOICES Comniunily members debate the issues aff~cting their lives ... Ill Un AL TAKING OFFINSI vo~s ot painless fix for schools BY FARES SAWAYA A hhough the editorial by Mark Pctrucca on the so-called "parental choice" initiative (the school "ouchcr. Aug. 14) purport> to be on the pro~pec1s for 1he mi1ia1hc's pa.,sage, 11 1s, as the 111lc of the eJatonal underscores, a nnt-so-th1nly-\'eilcd argument an favor of 1he H>ucher. Tho'>c inclined to vote 1or the m11iati\c as a painless, quick fix lllr the problems be.,clling education ... h\lulJ ponJer the folll.>\\ ing. I. ·1 he 1n1t1:Hi\i! \Hluld shift between SI and S:! billi0n from public school tunJ1ng to CO\er the \Ouchers for stuJcnts 1..urrently enrolled in ptivate Please don't la~e the follO\\ing comments to mean T113t Pete Wil)()n listens to me as an adviser, but I h3ve gained a bit of notoriety with his office. I'm the one who's alway~ calling to leave message) like, "Tell the Governor \\C want to see him in Orange County -come anJ rnll to us!" l'm sure thot many others have been sending the snme me~gc. But after your editorial ("The gO\ernor meets with the editor: Is the ship si nking?" ·Aug. 12), I was left with the feeling that Pete was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. He may not nave taken a stand on the \Oucher initiative (he needs to), but l\c did show up (extensively) in Orange County. a..,~ .... ""' ... ' Gov. Pele Wilson, according to some re;iders, shou!d be praised, not criticized. 1rn1 deal of ~rsonal h.•rm. !lo:yvu- hc looks wnaU-and >lightly built. I this some new 111nd~ms )'ou\·c e)tabli~hed? To look politically correct, under WI feet ond \lightly built pcop)c don't qu31ify? And 10 compare his char~ to a OMV clerk on Quoaludcs -wow! Are )Ou in for ii when you have 10 renew )Our driver'> licen c. Ma)bc the truth is you were O)mg blind on some unu-.u31, unprc~ri~J mcdiQtion when )OU dreamed 1hi' one up. ~b)bc you're o n Kathleen Brown's pad. Well. \\hatcvcr turn) )OU on, pal. llut for me. )Our article was a turnoff KARL 0 . UERGI IE R Ncwpon Beach D l read )Our ;,irticlc regarding Pete Wilson :snJ v.:rntcd to tell )OU ho~ atN>lutely disappointed I am. l am tt)ing nol to be too negatl\c bul I think it h n "cry, \Cry Ji:.Jppointsng an icle. -. .. hoot .... thus Je..ihng three se\ere blow 10 an .ilrcaJ~ unJcrfunded public dlllol ..,~,tcm. Since many, if not moll!, of 1hc pri\atc schools are church Jffthuted, "e the ta..'(payers will be subsidizing religion -a clear violation of the separation of church nnd st:uc. '.!. The initiative permits Jiscrimin:uion based on income level, gender, IQ testing, othletic ability, religion. or disability. He's a good governor who's had to s1eer a state that is almo t ungovernable -even th~ natural disasters that occurred durin_B his tenure didn't dnmpen his goals for the state. He's the only tr\Jly pro-business candid:ite in the I 994 election nnd the only one \\ho can bring jobs and bulliness bacl. 10 California. And he's right on \\1th his pl an:. to combat illegal immigration. Give him a break. Pete's the 011c Cur me. 0 EVELYN HAR"l Ne\\ port' Dc:ich Boy, you really lnow how to hun a guy! Your hit·piece, put·down editorial on Aug. 12 i.mad. .. i. of childish, smirking glee at sticking it to th<.' C..tliforni;.i Guv. A good . .governor I hcarJ Pelc Wilson speak Tuc..J.1y morning. He had \Cf)' good ans"cr 10 th e thing' th.11 )llU '·1> he hJJ no an,\\Cr") to. I 1hought he "as e\lremdy at11culJ tC .. So \\h.11 1h:s1 he\ not tl\.cr )j, feet? Whal docs that ha\"C to do w11h the df1·cti\enc" ol hun in lcgi,la1 ion? Why noJ print :ill 1h1. ~\>t>d thing' that he .i' Jo111g / I le ha' Jone some 1r1c1cd1ble 1h1hg' M.i)he )OU c"uld haH, dllnc a l111k r-:sc.lrC'h a~ut thc. lh111gs th.it ha\e b~cn h.1ppcn1ng I \\J!'> ju't re.tit) J1,.tppo111teJ in the D.111> Pilot. I( tlU\ j.., ICfHC,Cllt.lll\C of ho\\ ~OU ~cc 1h1ng\, ii re.Ill) m.il..~l> me ljU~ ... uon (the nc"'pap.:r) b.:cau'4! 1 hcJrJ (\r,t·h.1nJ h" uutlV\ll on th111g {1nJ hi.. pcr~cp11un on Jll lh1he '"UC\ .1nJ )llllf \\.1) of flflllllllg tl \\J\ \CT\ ~ppotmm~ 3. There arc no standards for teacher certification. 4. Anyone who attracts 25 students can create a priva te school and auract talt.pa)er funded vouchers. Nothing can prevent a Waco or Jonestown type school from receiving public funding. S. The choice is primarily for. priv:ue schools to choose tbcir students. Parents will have only limited choice from among tho e schools that choose 10 accept particular !>tudenrs. Funhermore, it is sheer fant35y that a sizable number of students will have a chance 10 enter elite private schools. since these schools will be able to rcJeCI any student who does not meet their criteria. Tho~e few private schools. and they arc few, whose students perform bcucr overall on :>landardized tests or which have n large percentage of students accepted by the more prestigious universities can boast of their superiority simply because they choose to admit only those tudents \\ho can perform well ncadcmically. The public schools must admit all students --those with learning difficulties, emotional disorders, behavioral problems., etc. and mUS! attempt to edu~te all -al very formidable and difficult task which very few, if an), prh~te schools are willing 10 unJenJl.c. ( ··' There are man) other compelling n.•J)Ofl\ for re1ec11ng the \OUCher 11H11a11\e, bu t p.!rhaps the most J1~1urbing. 1s that its p:bSage would 1ntcm1fy the dt\tsion bet\\een the haves and the hJ\e·nut' in our society. Jn dice.I. the 'ou.:her \\Ould give a S:?,500 gift tu C\\!~ ... 1uJcn1 in a pri"~te school ''h1k 'ubtra..iing th~ tOtJI amount of 1he'>c ~111:-.. lrom the education of public >Chool \lullcnh 1 h1> 1s not only grossly unfair 11 '' an a11.1c I. on e"¥ery principle of cqu:ilit) anl.I cqu11y th.il \\C as a cuumn nnJ J) a )late have striven for tor ~o iong I he wucher 1m1tat1vc 1s truly a \~11chc•; brew for educational, social anJ ~conon11c disaster and should be n: .. uundingly rc1ected by the \Oters. Fort'!> '.J••JJ:J is 11 l/untingtoa &11ch n.•sid~IJt. As )'OU· reported, you could h:ardly '"'" 10 "brag about the coup.'' This stunning opponun1ty obvious!) overwhelmed your sense o( balance nnd )<>u ended •Ji> concocting one of the most juvenile hate pieces you're ever published under your onme .. Pete Wilson's done commendable 1ob duriRg almost impossible times . Sneak attack by parlcl eontmlSSIORT We arc incensed by the sneaky, underhanded, little job the Newport Conservancy JUSl pulled ("$6,300 snafu: City brochures to be reprinted,·· Aug. I I). Don't tell us they didn't know thot sending 42,000 pamphlets to Newport Beach residents containing pro information about the Newport Cof\SCrvaJIC)' was on 1he yellow side. Now the curious will want to know Vl'hat ~as in the brochure thal was not sent. Prin1 it in the Pilo1. Let the park and recreation commission be responsible for the printing. Let :ill the homeowners know honestly what the brochure said and what the Newport Conservancy is ti) ing to force dO\\ n their throats. The Conservancy should have to pay for the reprinting of the brochure. Not 1hc taxpayers again. The money should come primtlrily from 14tle purses of Jean Watt 11nd Jo V:indcrvort. We think thi~ whole bunch of shcnanig:ins )links. GORDON AND A J. WEYILL Dalboa Undu tht brmncr "Of Sp«/11/ lntcN'SI," tht mtssogt from the Porks, Btacbts and Recrcalioa Commission read: Dear residents: This faJJ the City h:lS .t umque opportunity to pre en-e some of its ID I open sp:Jce for future generotions to rontinue to enjoy. Designs for the Qutaways and the p:Jrcel along Jamboree co/Jed Newponer North (1! they rem:tin with no houses) include .t bal:Jnce of enhanced nDti\.~ hibitat, ~ - I '\"e lnown Pete Wilson )i11cc he \\a .. 11\a\ or uf ~.in Diego. He is strong, intelligent. tenacnHI\ a'nJ h;" a HOTLINE view p.11hs, and Dctnc p/:1yinJ; fielcl!> for both children 11nd adults. P/:Jns 121 1h1) point include • .-ate in NO\'Cmber bJ the citizens to 1i\e direction t<J tlle City Council. Please be lln informed ~·oter ond .,; t the Cas1:111:i., und Newporter North! There •~ill be :Jn open hou~ C\."Cnt on the ~itc on Oct. JO called, •·w alk on the Wild Side." Plan to tJttcnd thi once·in·:i·lifetinu.• event :md ~-ec what we 1 .. iJI be prcservin1 for OUl}efres :1nd our gr:indchiltlren. lkl0tt1 tbt musagt Has • S-inch ad promotia1 the Nett'port Qm cn:wq Ct'COI.. die rescue In n time when there i so ll)~fh ,·iolcni.:c and 'IC:inl.1.11' that corrupt b{ir cities it ,., .1 rd1cf to know thal there arc peoplt: '' ll\1 onl) \\ant to help other,. Too 0111.11 "~ \llll) hear :ibout the ncg:H1\C JnJ r.1rcl~ the po>ithe. Nc~purt Deach in rc:ccnl month!'> ha> been plagued with :.i 101 of 'cand:.ib and our city l'I not Jll ncg.111\e On July 14, 1 was do\\n at the Wedge (.J popular place for bodysurfing 1n our communi1y) und suffered :in .acute asthma attack in "hich r could ha\.'C died. Th:anb,to Nc""pun Deach Marine Department, Nc"port Be ach Fire Oep:irtmcnt, the emergency room staff at Hoag Memori al Presb)'tcr1:1n Hospital l am still alive. I know this may not~ ne~ but thC)C people went out o( their w:iy to keep me ahvc, I was sc:ltcd and tllone but the team that responded to thot call mode me · tccl secure .111J th.1ni.fulh I am till here. • I I.no\\. 11 mJ\ 1101 be .i bi~ Jcal to them but II 1' to me. I om 2.i )Car~ old and hJ\C')Ufkrcd (mm a)lhmJ all my life and have nc\·cr c1cr come ..._, clo c to d)1ng thJn 1 d1J that Jay :111J it mc:int a gtcJI Jc.11 to me: 10 ~nO\\ that M> man) people nre \\'1llins to go out of their \\a)' to hl·lp me \\>hen 1 necJ it. 1 am just \\rJ1111g 10 lc1 )\lU I.nu" how imponanl the'e p<opk Jtc to me and the cummwn1t} al Luge JUUL MOORl:. Nc\1 port Ueach Hilpilg the working poor I \\ ..1n1cJ to i.:om1ll1111cm the <:ti\ of Co>ta ~le a :1'1 "ell .. , dc~elopc1 ... Mcm ll Uu1kr 111 ,11\l.I Ure111 OgJen Jr. fo r turn111g the Ir ,1, doJ~-: 11\lo hou ing for \\Orlang s111glc.-.. ,\ lot of the p.!ople "c )~C .11 the Somcun~ Care!'> So\1p Kt1\.hen Jrc not only th-: homck'l'I, but .1lw the "orling po~1r and \\ ho'c s.tl.tric) ha\c not 1.cpt up \\Jth the i.:tN of li\sng I .1pplJuJ their u,.111\c approach for the \\Orl...1ng ~)\IT. ~ H:Vl; 1 St?\~1AN Senior Pa)tor F1r...1 Un11c:J ~1c:1hoJ1>t Churi.:h Costa Mc>.1 CGnsiler It done r hc: picture of th'c boy on the front p:ige (Aug. 11) •~ my ~on. lie ~on S mcdJls. 1 gold. ~il\cr :ind t\\O bronze. We'd lo\-c for you to put ~mc thing in the p:apcr about the layal compc1111on . JAN CL.ARK. Co>ta Mei..1 Kl· l LY ~lMMo-..:s I\ l"\\ f)\>rl lk .u; h LEnER Remernberilg a friend H:iJ l not ~en \0 bu-.> on l·riJay )OU \\\lUIJ hJ\C 3h0 ~Otten 3 "balh.,11c'' letter from me :ibout the ~tory anJ he:idhne on Al.in Sch\\.ilbe\ trJ~11: murder (Aug 13). facn after rcaJ111~ )our .ipol<>g> anJ c\pl.1na11un (Aus 14 ). I still Ju not undc r't.ind ho\1 1 uu coulJ define :111y pc r~n·i. life 'un the bal'.i u( .t \\\O·<lcca<le-old Cllll'1~t1on fur ,llt,, \\h1ch although the\ ''ere 11oron1 anJ rcprehen 1bh:. he lung :igo p.1iJ the prn .. c C\J tcd b) l:a\\ and for \\o-hl'-'h he .11,0 co111111ucJ to p:i) the price \\ h1d1 \\,1:. ampo-.i:J by wcscty on top ol 1hc crunmal pcnah1c>. Dc,p11e all o( that. he rebuilt hi h(c llllO \OlllClhtn~ U\dUI anJ \alu.ahlc Uut )OU d1J 3()(llug11e am.I gracdull) . .tnJ for 1h.11. l lhJnl wu l hope lhal 1f )OU CO\Cr his )(:"ICC\, )t>u \\o-tll allo~ him 10 he rcmeml>crcJ .&i. h1, (r1-:11d-. \\111 rcmcmth!r him, ·" .i m.10 \\ho carcJ l.1-:c:ply nbout other p~l)plc, \\ho J 1J nl)t k t lw. m1 t.ilc Je,tro) hun, but sn,tcJJ Jc,oted h1 hfe tu nu~ing a "orlJ "here no one cl\e in the future "oulJ m.ilc th"'c mist.i~c Peggy nnd I "ill .ihhl) remember Al.in houtang greeting ... ncr<>s> the room :it cr\)\\o-ded meeting!., hii cnthu .. ia 'm nnd h1 .. pa 'i10n. hM. humor .ind h1' enerf). lie "ill~ mis~Cd b) :ill O( U) :and, s:>dly, he \\-ill mis\ ceing h1> efforb ~uccccd. Nc:'<t time. please do better by humanity JIM 10LEOAN0 Costa Mew Till \tV.1'.•ICTSlA~ H • f\1'"fA '.af:." 1to01 2Sl-'Jl4l l'LMttt:;-~r!~~~+~!~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!;~:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a...::;..~~-+---....., -..--...-~~"1111:.flrc-ltfi'iiiJ-r-'*"~ npcionsro PlllCE LOG -.r1,• 1• Readers Hotline: 642-6086 Yuur Com~!> .ibo!UI rile Q,a,fy PIQ flt ~' l•fl' .. ,11 ~ rtce>td.d Md ·~ di· •f'ltlv tu Cd·t<• Wtltl.ll!\ le._... fllit ...,. J4 hw• .,,,._~I -..."1(.r ""'J tie Wifd IO ttu11d ~en IO dw N4ar on MY lope Contr1tMl)f'' to tilt' t1ocw .. ho .. ..,... 10 w.r tl>C"t C-li p.btiVwd mlllol incM» rtl(o.r ~ CtlY .and phOtw n11~ dot ~· ,,,.. .. , • .nl Ttw. " ~, ceimmun ry ~· llt" "'f' ... ,nc yo.. -""-"' To M ke A Corredion 11 .. t1wr. ,,.. ., ... ~.,.,~ lll .. •HR (1' wtftl~ ~M Qll 541).112•, ~· 16) fl'Wnl .... It. O..ly Pilot only ~ ~illi.ble by ""'" ,.,, H 58 ptt monch S«ond ct. P-. p.>id .at C.0.U Mew, CA IP•oeft·inc.,. 1U .ip- pk.lb&e "'* 61\Cf local U... I f'OSl MA.S- t ll Send ...,,,,. ~ 10 The Noc. ,0 b 1S60 C.. MtM. CA 92626 CC>r't'JllCHT. No ,....... .,,., ._,M.Cltll. tcMort.11 ,...._. OI ~ ~ Ull ~ ~fd ~ WT!Ctt'n P""W1" ~ d mfl'f'•fl'i CWMt How to reach us CircubOon: (The Times Or~ge County) (800) 252·9141 Acfyertislng Cfa 1fied 642-S678 01~play, 642·4J21 (ditorW News 540-1224 Sporu ~2 ·4330 ~.Sports r~x ~6-4170 M.ain Oltke Business Office 642""4321 8uSfness l.aJ< 6l 1 ·S902 '..bW'ltd bp ~ ~ - ,...._ , '""'" M#fOf c~ w ,;,. cm.-...,. c...ir..i ~ w..,.. .....,. Mo.tt °"""°' Mitl&I Orvl). ~ '!nMK O«'ur ' :10-. .... .0.1 '0 l)O A.Mo s .. >11, 1.l~ ~~...,,.---, 'li ,.-. u •:t7 ... "°' U).Ua.-.S.• 4:16p&Ot I02J ~f.J .. COITAMUA 111'"" ft.Malnvct: PollC'C artcsh.:J a "'um;in Th\lr°\Jiay for p~ttlUllOn Candy I ~'tr. 22. "':u t:alcn inta CU\tocfy ti( lh~ COrn~f Of cnic A\l!nuc. 'n-port .,_~, .. rd! J '1 Buncrv.1d, ''·~at :arrc tcd •t the rorn r of Van,u:ird Wiy lllursd11)' for riJina a b1l.:~ unJ~r the mnuc""·· 11~ awan.nt: A Mc stolen M 1 rrom 1hC froftt or the lllt1ft) . £a,t 17da trttl! llmp!Q) ~' 11 Kkh CklSCt report J a tnh bo' uokn from bchinJ their counter. ....,MTUACll lltatur. F'alht .. rtth ...... bouac ol vodb were Molt• Wed~ fl"OM lM ...... of ........... ,,., Mod. I 1ua.·AWlce ... .._ .......... ~ ---............ .. .......... • Newpott leach/Costa Meaa Dal~ P6lol MOUND TOWN NIAY DllA5TEl: D wn1 Finley of Emcr~ncy Man gcmenc Specialist will discu .. bisutcr Pitparedne " d\&nna 1 luncheon at the Red Lion Inn. The 5eminar • presented by the Southc,,;' CO\&f'tles Chapter of Community Associ111on lm titutc 11 • charge of $3 . CaU 380-7360 for more iruonnatton. WIDNUDAY UV£ RAPTORS: B1ologi t Peter Bloom will discu the raptors th•t i~hab11 Oran1e County -not Jura 1c Park -during a S p.m gathering I t tile Ncwpon Dunc Oubhou , 1131 Dael. Bay . Or. The event " open to the public 1t no charge for more mfonnallon, contact ~e Ncwpon Con crvancy It S48-1<438. o m CERS WIVES LEAGUE: The Orange County Officers Wives League will meet 31 noon at the Costa Mesa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Dr., Co'ita Mc a The event will include a fa hion how by Broadway o ( South Coa l Plaza For more mforma11on, call Charloue Walker at Ci49-2028. ROXBliR\' OUTH: Center 500, a Performing Aru Center upport group, will bold iu monthly social hour for members and guest at Roxbury South, 2 Huuon Centre Adm1 ion 1 free 10 Center SOO membc,... .snd S~ for guests and pr°'pcctM: members. For further information. c:ill CiCi6 :!1~1 ntUaDAY REPl'BUC A SE~18L\: The Co ta Mc a Republican ~mbl} will hnh.l 1t\ monrhl} socutl at 6.30 p.m. 01 the South horc 't'ach1 Club. 25::?., \\ Coast H 1ghwa~ Gue'' "elcomc IATUllDAY DIVORCE WORKSHOP: "A cw lkgmning.' a divorce ~Ork.shop, will be held from I to 3 30 p m .u I ~port C~ntcr Dme, Newport Sc ch For more anformat1on C.1U Max.me Cohen at 75Q-0579 It's All at the Petter Shack! Htialthy deliata has disintegrated into Jlush R i&h& here in 't~Oaily Palo& the other the A~ 1hi11 v.cckcnd, J Sol in the 'fhc pl n cert:unl) •'On't 0•"0rk if n one And only order• (1om • Republican cf:iy, there was a 'Lory about "Ru~ jalopy and hudcd to the local h:ird~<are "-l:lnti '' to~ rk Or ndnw rcr Ou1h's o"n comm nJcr in chief count. C.olin Pov.'Cll Rooms'' poppina up 11 over our l.torc, ~here J v.cnt to rcplxc • SJ.72 pJrll: c sc I r the rCC"C aon hn1cnng w:h thrc tcncd to quil chairman of 1he Join1 heavenly little •hcc or Money m:1g:1l1nc'1 plua. but walked out v.ith :a b s .. et full o( people belie\ ill• the recc 'iun "" ) lingcnn . Chidi. of 1:1(( <Wer a•Y" in the military • 18.511\ be)t place to live in the US. various ituff and :1 ch:ircc-c:ud account ft uci. borh "~) , or ha e\i~t') nc for• t to Oen. C rl E. Mundy Jr,. comm nt ut t e The Vil1:1ge Farmer, Country Side Inn Sl99 Closer to the limit ~cp hope ali\e, don•t ltop 1hinlini ;,l>UUt :uinc • dmittcJ last v.cck ,to doing an and Henry and Harry·, Ooat Hill Tavern -On the v.::iy to 1he Home Oub or Home tomorro" nd ull 1ha1? end run r0unJ the prewd~nt v.hen ii came all, eerily, 1n ~ta Me~ Depot or Home S~ or wh:ue.vcr it\ B acl in the &ooJ old dJ)S, ~hen Dush .to h~s !>Ill c-hunc-vut:to-dry policy of -h:ive rooms where Rush callcJ, I noticed this bumper ~t1clcr on the anJ that old :ictor guy, ere in oflicc:, b.urin~ mamcJ Marines , . _ Limb:iugh hstcnc~ can b:ick of a blue VW wagon: un)one other than PJt Uuchanan unJ Pat faen Republic:.ins :uen I immune lO g:nher for the conserv:ui-.c "Hoppiness is Ointon's face on u 11\llk Rohcnso11 "hu cnhcizcJ the conim:rndcrs .Marines duin& end runs :irou{ld a president. broadcnster's n:uion:illy c:mon." -· m c hic! were br.1ndc.!d unAmeriC'Jn. 1 he Ait)onc remember Ollie North? Ou1 the syndicated radio -.how. Up rhe strcel, 1urnang into the drive\\:!)' mc~.ha \\ere commie), Tele' uiofl' sitcom '~hol.: no11un of defying the commander in Once they've b~cn __ of a buildioi-Lhat.ho~my bank until i&-chofttt'lers~~ b) a t1cc 111nidcm-h+411 ffflJ..thtfltt~ning hHfttit twer--------'"!" thoroughly proirammed by wa swallo\\.cd up in a merger, there \\JS un \\ho ,h:all remain Dan Qua}le • dt!IJgreemenh "1lh h1> orders smacb me o( 111111 Ct! their right-wing' ~"":am1, lhc Ollidized red Toyota sedan with 1h1' bumper Bill Clinton \HI'> ckdcd pres1Jen1 fa,t lx:1ng unAmcncan follower> arc !rec to filter message: "-10\cmbcr b\ m re Amenc.rns 1h~1n an\unc Dvc,n't such reruliJt1on threaten the bock into socic1y, l.icl.ing "Dush 111<as right: The plan "on I \\orl.'.' else in the r;cc ~1111 1ltc b.1>hiog com;nu >, milttal) 's clllin: chain of \:ommJnd·1 If ~t all the Eco-nut and Femi· Ma)bc my four }Cars as an Orange cspcc1Jlly un)!ln c 1hc prcsnklll Ju,.:s. Joc,n't, a fHl\Jtc shobld.nc .• blc 10 tell his Editor's Notebook n:iz.is th:u get m their way. County re ident h~n't 1:iug!l1 tnl! :in) 1hing. .1n)lt}1ng rcla1cd iv 1hc miliLJJ). \\ b) ! scr,ca~t : "l J1,~grce "1th )uur 01dcr 10 D111ohc:ids indeed. Pcrh:ips it's bcousc -01:<. I'll adm11 ii -CJuse he's a non·mh:iling pot mvl.cr "ho 1.1kc that hill, sir. :ind unles "e c..1n come Country SiJc otric1ul I voled !or the g\Jy. Out this propen 11y for JoJged 1hc Jr.1ft, bud.I). up ""•t h some cumprom1sc. 1r 1 \\111 be arc e\Cn preparing a pooh-poohing th.c prcsidcm real!) surprisci. Uut 11 goc' hc)unJ thJt, Alter .111. during forccJ tu .1.cndcr Ill} res1gna11on from the "Rush" menu. The doily i.pcci:il \\ill me. Hey, why mince \\Ords'? Ir real!) ..orta 1hc1r rc,J>1:Cl1,c \\Jf'>, Ronald RcJgan \\;a curp-.. sir probably be generous portions -enough to licks me off. mal..111g mo\I\;' .111J Qua>lc ~in a Dul cnoui;h l'f 1h1> .. cnuui. 1unl. I'm arisry a l)'p1c:il 300-pound New Yorl. radio Open debate 1s hcnhhy. h 's" hat rhis glorilu:d RO IC unifurm tu1lorcd b) hi... ·· gc111ng in m~ CJr "11~. the · (ltn1on )ucl.s host -or rump roast M llh a side or ham country "as built on. Out there now seems daddy No. rhc rt' al reason 1s the un,polcn but hc Juc)n I inhale bumper )lid.er and and com, was hed down wi1h the finest to be a mood where one !>idc is rooring for but hc;i\ily hinted ~c:l1cf th:u ~ou\e go1 to heading O\cr to my local Rush Room. I'll be really white "hine in town. the other's failure -:ind should 1hc be Rcpublic.111 . ur at lc..1)t Sam ~unn, to be the unc Jc,l)urang l3Jmb1-on·J·slld. Aftc:c readmg abour the Rush Room 1n country come out the lo)er, M> be ii. a patriot \l,Jft CuJ.u':. t•olumn runs Tu~sd:JJS. Airport Commission to decide on new pa~king rates at JWA. By Russ Loar. Sal! V.r :er Long·tam parl111g ra&es :it Juhn \\ J) nc A1rpor& will lose :i l11tk Jh11uJe 1f counl) )upcn 1~r.. apprO\C .i nl!w parl..ing fee plan. Uu1 the cu)t of pJ rling jusl long enough to p1cl. up Aunt K;i11c JnJ her lu!J;.igc "'" doubk unJcr &he nl!w plan Rate \\Oukl d1mb trum SI Jn hour 1n pJrl111g arcalt ncJre I the p.i)sengcr terminal lo Sl p<r h;il( hour for &he first '"o hou~ The rJIC: falls bJck '" SI an hour .1ftcr rhc lir..r l\\u hour'> 1 The short·tcrm hil..e is off!>e l h} J h1g Jrop in the Sl4·a·t!J~ rJh: in 1hc p.1rl..ing gJCJSC> ~c.it the term1nJI lu S9 a dJ) IW.t1.' in rhe long· term remote parl..mg lot on M.iin Street bcW en MacArthur &ulc\Jrd and Red 1!111 A\cnu~ \\oulJ fall lrom S7 '" So :i J.1) T he plJn must be .:ippro,ed h~ the count~ Airport Comm1~s1on on \\.:dnc)dJy Jnd by &he Uoard ol Su1~1'\1wr' on Aug. 31 Olf1-.1:ib prcd1C I the chJngc 111 pJrl.1ng kc') "ould co,1 rhe :urporL .ibout s.,oo mo a )C::U You're lnYiled To Sec Our CUSTOM INVITATION PRINTING CENTER Ch()()S( From Our Hugt &l.u tion of Typt Styln, Print Colan, Papn-and Envt/opts. \X'hecher You NccJ lnv1t;at1ons f.or \X'cJJin~ .. . 'ihowcrs ... Ann1vtrQno Birth AnNltlnct'tllCOIS .. . (\ Binhday . HoliJaY' . Or hlr That Oncc-ln-A-l 1fc:t1me 'ipcci;aJ (°)(ca.,mn ... We Have a Fril'nd.Jy, Ctt.acive and Mcl pfuJ Staff, In Addition To Extttmely Fa.st Service. Whatever Your Custom Printing Nttds Arc ... W't Cm Do It! fa11 sson's t_ 111wr0Rt~'f'Alnr.ca11" . •Full-time and part·time programs •Convenient class ~ules- days, evenings and weekends •Accelerated full-time 2 1 /2 year program Wanna place a classified ad? Call our cl<bsiiiecl ad depart ment at 642-56 ... 8. C apita• F unding · Group ApptolfM by n. Desi dittl .... °' halblate ,_22Y.art ' REFINANCE TODAY Guaranteed To lmfer Your Monthly Payment At ABSOLUTELY NO COST! Co11 Todor Fof o Free Consuhotion (800) 201 -FUND 5031 Berch Ave , Su11e E, Newport Beoch Please Join Us F or Dinne r Lunc h or Week e nd Brunc h Sabatmo·s was ooginally founded 111 Chicago after our father brought the tamil'f recipe for our famous ltaltan Sausage from Pale!!!_lo Italy m the 1930 s Today tus sons & oraooson COO'.nle to prOYlde a complete mell! of authentic Italian food prepared fresh cw and seasoned With 5 genel1t>OnS of fam'Y pode for· Rl'Slf'Yations Call 723-0621 251 St11pyard Wiy • Newport Bueti 0 •YOUR PLACE or OURS ? • AT YOUR PLACE ... •Our Giant Q..rtOOor-Grt '13ig Fte11" • AT OUR PLACE ... c • Private HJ~~ fbm' ' •Men.JS & a.l1ets TohxnrottEkrf 0$ •We1Eva1~ 0 We have a lot of c"mpetltion, but our Ribs don 't/I 1'1111-tim • a'"' Part-tim • Cl .. •e• Brgirt Aup•t 25, 1993 Call today. 1'111ln-tor1 (724) 738-1000 ·or lrvirw (7J., 753-9100 •Combined JD/MBA degr~ with Chapman U~wrsity . - • Scholarships and financial auiltanc"e available £~ell~ ~\fs C'OAfpp.~ COAfpP.~ WSSTIRN STATS -•UNIVERSITY-· COLI.IOI or LA: .. • IEX ~farlMMC,.....~ scrip& Will (orm .....ct,,,.......,. dtcJ .. from ..... -ahc --of .... educ.aim, .. ooaceded 1ha1 ICJl(hanJ teen' ab&wl wa ii the duty ol the parentJ the lCCAS.'' From 1 Production crews a1me 10 Newport Beach 10 "We re not t:iklng any M.>tt of ii cdi1ori:sl 1alk to ~nts after ••oriu appeared in the "None ol111 here argue the fact th:.l children need 10 be pro~rt)'. cduc:atcd. but we (lhC ~renl•) C4.ln do 11; J:ud Uonnic O'Neil. SO, uf Nc"p~ut Uc:ich ... We dun't n .. ·cd Pa~nncd P.arcnthuoJ 10 be crus:>Jcrs :et 1hc pier." stand," ;iid Eamon Hucina1on, direclor and Daily Pilol oabou1 Nc:wpott Beach Ci1y executi,·c prooucer oC the how. "Wh:al we Councilm n John Hc:daca• obj«tions 10 JC hope \he program d~ ~ c~cntu:all) disoou~ c cdu tiun m:ucri:sb bcin~ributcd on lhc people from &cuing in the i1u:s1ion." bcoch by Planned P3rcn& . The &how is an ABC Aftcrschool Special "(ProduccB) h:ad hc:ard o( &he con1rovcl'\y Cilllcd "Jocqui's 01Jcmma," which focu<.cs on a <1\·cr rondom distribution on the pier and knew 1 hey alw ull pa.,)ion:a1ely ua;rc:cd 1ha1 c,\ hould bC ~\'ed fur 111.11 ria,c. fictional 16-)ear-olJ character, Jacqui, :\nd her that people had called in &he Daily Pilot lo dcci)ion to hove pre-marital ~x. She is plagued CJtprcss their 'ic~" Mc:Tca.guc said. "Pre-muri1ol s~ic colJ'iCS m lrc than prcgrHll\C) and disca>e. ii oi1pplc )UU cmouonall~ and how )'OU thin!. or Other pcopk," O'Neil \:lid. "ith conccrni. over birth ron\rol, fears o( Filming took pla~ :u the Newport Beach scxuully tronsmiucd db.case ond, 11nolly, what re)iJcnce or consc~uh\le activist Jo El~n "Teens arc being robbe d ol their )UUth onJ being robbed of 1heir lnncx~ncc:," ~1iJ Allen: 47, 11 he po._e for camcramc:n in a rounJ· tJblc forum on her outdoor pJtio. ••Part of th'-' ~'¢itemcrft" of 1 he ~ ct is-':l.nttcip:mon . to do when she becomes pregn:int. .Allen, who helped to aathcr many of the Cre,~s will get opinions Trom tecn:igers.. p:iren1 \~ho participated in the on-<:amcra parents, teachers, p.iston. and ochers di-.cus ion. The )C\ICO panelists were filmed in .ruuionwi®Jlbw.U ~uc. ---ooe-on--0 inlc"~ and forum ~iom. "lne scrip• ha~n·1 been "'riuen nor h:is • They rencctcd a r:inge of cuhurc~. professions Jacqui been c:i t," ~:.aid Pally McTeague, a • :ind bad.grounds. The program b i.chcdulcll to ,1ir January 27, 199.t. DCC From 1 Uut de)pite the higher cost of higher cduc:ition, tudcnts on campu) Monday ):lY the) arc coping "1th help from parents, )Cholar)hips and s1udent aiJ programs. For single mother YolJnd:i Heard of Co)IJ Mc)a, i.h.iring a grilled cheese i>!lnd'"ich a1 lu11ch1ime MonJay with her 6·) ear-old daughter Pori>cha bct\\Cen cla))e), financial aid and Ocxibilit) from Orange Coa)t College o(ficial h:i'e gi-..cn her a chance to restart her life. "The) m.11..c me L.:cl hl.c l can rcall) be l>umebod),'' \he )aid. "The)' don't JU)t ):l)' that they care. the) )hO\\ that thC) care." on "elforc,'' Heard sotd. "Out there arc some or us "ho ore doing producti\·e thingi> \\ ith it." College offici:ils say truly motivated students h:i\C a plaC\: on campus, even if the) cannot atrord tuition. "I ah\a)) tell 1hcm that this 1s not Orange Cuast Bank. but \\C do ~ry to. "ork \\ith ahem," sa~d admissions dean Dro\\n. "If the i.tudent is \\ illing to make it work, we're willing to maJ.c: it worl." M onet Corcoran, a married )tudcnt anJ mother "'orling tO\\ ard a c.irccr as a c.1rdio\'a!lcular technician. said the tuition increase is only part of the problcm. "The co:.t of the bool) b \\Of!>e," i.he )Jid. "One of m) bools wal> S95, and 11 \\:l) a pretty thin bool." CorcorJn :.aid a fncnJ \\ho is Jbo in the Jrdiova culJr tcchnic1Jn program h )truggling to male end' rnect. Occau)c: :.he hal> a bJchclor'i> degree in interior dc.,1gn. 11 co~h her S50 a unit. or S600 for a l:!·un11 i>t:mcstcr. 10 aucnd the community college. After o l>UCCC))ful car.:cr in marl.cting \v11h AT&T and J l>:.alary of nc~HI) $40.000 a year. Ikard''~ forc.:d to lca'c ''or!.. bcc;,u .... c.. of .i lh-.abwt\ .and )()Un found hcrl>cll out of a job and out of monc). R..ithcr than gl\c in to a hfe of ''clforc dependent'). Heard Jec1ded 10 return to Or;mge Co.bl College and \\Orio. to"ard a d.:grce in busin~ m!lll:tgemcot. A> a i.inglo mother with l\\O )Oung children, 1hc college da) care center h~ helped m:ike her ambi1iom po))iblc. But retired nur)e Virginia Duce). i>tanding in a long ILnc to regii>ter for an, algcbr:i cl~. .... !>aid the higher fees have not "No1 everyone ''ant 10 be discouraged her. 'T m going to be 70 years old in March and I can't think of anything more exciting to Jo,'' i.he said. rcoi11mercial Real Estate & Business Loans I ltEAI f.STATE LOANS BUSISES LOA 1S I All types.. i>lrip srolG. Fo1 wo1L:ing opttal. ac"ounts recci\'abll!.· commert>1.J l>uild.ings. c.:1c. <l}uipment ll!a.sing. foctunns. SllA's. I ALLtANCE FUNDING · ME~fBER lAFC · 714/675·8125 MESA TIRF CO~AP.ANY AlJTO FITNESS CENTER 548-9182 ~ 2049 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa ~~c:a~·:-r• ~iwaUti' I ALIGNIGNT I s19's , :a& , REG. '29.,; mr. I * 19'5 I '.NO APPOINhEH1' NECES.WY I If Mal.~ I L __ ., .... ~ ~ _J fMUST PRESENi" COOPoNI ()i[. OIANGf I 1 FRONT DISC t ·SPE-C~ 1 B~ SPEC•.&• IOJID • OI. I fl.JEI I IRL I • 5 Ql.Mll .Jo.30W I 1 4ots 1 •o..ndf• 1 1 :~'fr:t-:.:, I $J6!!r.w I .;:;-... ,...,_ ......... t.: -~....._ -..l_ !!'~~ _J ' WALDO From 1 donations. So for, nbuut $100 has been rai ed. "When we found out he got injured I thought 'hey, no problem,' the cnt's always han~ing around, liO why no t help him out,'' sa'iJ Kelly's coffee shop owner Al Domo:.lai. Gill tron s:ud Waldo lilo.ed to lay on boats with hii> paws hanging down on the side. She thin~ that his injury ' a cau eJ by a boat banging against u dock with Wnldo'!> pa\\ causht in between. Before thb injury, Waldo had gollen himself into other foci., including gettina stuck unJer a dock after the 11dc came in and Jisappcaring for 1wo months. "lie doesn't I.now hi) boundaries,'' Gilbtron aid. "Thi~ is prob:ibly his-eighth life." Admirers· ol the cut, m(M of_ MOORGlO-Solt Gloss ~OOSnlRlM'"PAINT D1st1nct1111 sott·otoss 11n1st1 otttrs outstanding gloss and eotor rtteMK>n '°' all types of extsrfof and w1Yf SidtOQ whom Gilb1ron doesn'1 even ii.no'"· vi~itctf him in the ho)pitJI. "Since he W>h w popular, (the \.t:tcrinan:rn) Jidn't charge ai. much.'' ):>id Gill.,tron. Gill!.tron ioaid she's hear~ neighbo~ cummenting to c;ich other about Waldo's rond11ion, and she said at lca)t 50 neighbor ha'c come by to find out how he i) Joins. Since the surgery. Gillmon said she h~ll> ~cpt Waldo 1nll>idc because "he can't really defend him elf." Although his '>titchcs arc '>1•11 intact, Waldo •~ up and running around. ch:l.i>ing G ill\t ron '!> othc r cat, Bori . ''l le') :i Ol))tcry cat, I don't I.no\\ hO\\ he docs :ill thc .. c thing,," ~•id G1lbtron. Uccau:.c or licr ncighhor') 'upport lor :i nd curio..ity :1bou1 Waldo\ con<l1t1on, G1lhtrun i> planning :i reception ;it her hou'c ~o neighbor.. can gel togcthc:r and "'it Waldo. l h\! "\Valdo bcnel1t" "111 be hcJJ on f.r1dJ}. Au~ 1~ at 7 p.m. Offers expire Auoust 18. 1993 NEWPORT BEACH -Rkh:ud Allen Lee, •t. the caniMI '*'>rkc:r who was urre>tcd on u pacion ol mole tins thla 1sirtl at • ~untcd bc>UIC aur:actioA at t~ Or;,na• C.OUn&y;Fair ~­ innoccau Munday in Hoarbur Court. Lee, JtKribed at a driClcc .from Nevada, wa' :arm.1cd July 16 ofter three cirb •d 12, 13 :and I~ ran tcrc:unint uut ot the C:ic1u Ja"k H:auntcd Shack. :lllccmc thu1 he h:ad grabbed them :anJ rubbed his ~ands over them. fi\'C more girt aged 10 anJ I l h:i"c told pohce tMt ~c fOJtdlcJ them. 1llose allegations urc bcina in\lei.tig;ued by the Shcnfr dep:irtmcnt. Uc h:1 .,'!Iii.I he -.!ls lllet1!1y cscoruna the girl-. through the haunted >h:adt amu .. 1:m1:nt anJ bumped into lhcm. Lee i> being held in Otan~c: County Jail on SSO 000 b.;iil. NEWPORT UL:ACH -Poli~ d\!tccthe> ~re scckin& the public'• help in ~l\ing :a Jul) 31 hooting al lhe b:l>C ur 1he Ne\\ port pier th;U re)Uh\:d in the den th or 11 Santll An:a m:in :snd woundin$ of unothcr. Jor~c Rico, 23, died in the shootout and Jorge CeJa, 23, suffered muhiplc Gunshot 'hounds. Gonis urccd an)unc w11h inform:ation on the shooting to call detectives ;it 1-00-SSS-NDPD. StHt no leads ~ stlbbinl death SANTA ANA HEIGHTS -Authorities have not release~ any new information regarding the st:sbbing dcalh of 6l ~yeJC·old t(!)idcnt Alan Schwalbe, found dead in his 22nd Street home Thu~doy, the Orange County Sheriff reported. Schwalbe, 61 , w:li 11 forme r te~cher al Coron3 del Mar High School. He was lalso '"ell kno" n as a community nctivist, donating time to charitable c:)uscs nnd marching for g.ay rishts. -By Tony Dodm> SERVING LUNCH DAILY 11:30-3PM DINNER NIGHTLY 5PM·10AM IOClllY ~ AAM,tWy...,. Bob Hope, right, joined his 'friend Dr. Howard House on the lin&-.s of the Sanl.i Ana Co untry Club Monday for the 4th Annual Bob Hope and Dr. How<1rd House golf tournament. "My cup runcth over \\-ith pride," said Dr. House, thanking Hope and th\! many other golfers and tournament organizers. Committee president Gloria Osbrink, and co-chairs of the event JoAn ne Stewart and Woody Smith were on hand to congratulate the golfers \\-ith a cocktail reception and dinner in th e clubhou e. "Delores taught me how to swing," said Hope \\ith a \~ink and a brandy Alexander in his hand after finishing the 18th hole~ "Shall \\e go in and get cleaned up before dinner?" suggested one of Hope's golfing partners. "This is .as de.an as I get," replied the living legend of American comedy. With that, he took the hand of his very chic \\ife Delores, ~earing a bumble bee yellow pants suit and her ignature pearls. Singing i happy little tune, (it was learned l;itcr the song \\aJ from an upcoming Christmas record recently recorded), the pair st.rolled into the club-. house for a moment or quiet before dinner. look in Wedncsd.iy's Daily Pilot for full coverage of the tournament e\ent benefiting the House Ear Institute. 811,574 stolen from ·sale at ' El Torito Grill f.uur d.t) after a "akr boater c\ploJcd and ripped npJrt the b.id. of the El Touto Grall an Fo haon hland early th1~ month. someone took .id\Jnt.ige of the re taurant'~ ungu:uded ronduion and 'tole S 11.574 from a lod.cd .ifc. ac'-'orJans to !'\c" port lka~h police. Polaec found no signs of lorceJ cntl') to th e safe. and rc~taurJnt ofllcaal~ bchc .. c the money wa taken bct\\CCn ;.\ug. 1 "hen the C'tplo-.ion <X(;urrcd and Aug . ..i. The C\plo)ion, "hich cau cJ Sb00.000 an Jam;igc. l.alle J one ,c,t.1urant emplO)Ce and inju red fa \'c other -8)' Ru~s ~r RUFFELL'S UPIOLSTEIY llC. ................. 1m -... ces1a--wa.1 1sa • the Sarvtce Club M EmNGS le PROORAM re rvacion or for more inform:ition. C. irlda, trc urcr: and dircaon T .. nus WEEK; 0 O'Bril'D, Ttrl') llou1Mlot. Ilks Mo.ft, TueMl•y, 7:15 a.m. -Newport BRJ EFLY}lt ~:i all males :u the Rtn110 Trotta, Dr. Ar1bu.r W•U.. 5eeft9 Beach Sunrise Rot<ary Oub, meeting nc the Spttt, Rosu W.GUbtn and pr. Cbatln B0>lboa Bay Club, prograru by Larry Acker Newport De:ich Sunri~ Rot ry Oub a. Cocbh:all. on .. Home Aide." members awarded the Oub 5 3nnu 1 SQuth Co:ut Metro Rot ry Club will be WtdoHd:.y, 6:15 p.na. -Newport hol3rship to si~ de Cf'.i ng gradua~cs of led by Co ta Mes;i rc)ident Kim Ka I, B:ilbo:s Rotary Club, meeting at 1he 1 Monte Vi.,ta Alternative High School. Oub \\ho has been elected pre ident, rcpt cine Nc'.l.port Beach Country Pre ident Price bapiro, \\ith the aid of Ron ch nm h.1 v.ho rcm,in on the Oub, program by the Rotary Di trkt 5320 GO\cmor MJke BO'Jrd :a~ club secret ry. ~~II is owner of Adam Walsh Foundation .Darnold , pre ented awards totJlin.&. Sts.OOO Oa;imond iun-Companv. of Costa Mesa. to gra<Juating .M:niors Bridget u bmkuhl, •·· discu ing ''Missing Dorothy Sollulsk:a, J:> on Cram , and Scr.ing ~1th Ka,ell re· Carole Buckner, Children." r-. C ______ pr ~iJ nt I "r Jbl Co~------=----d ~1-r --•f'Oll= •rt . 'uur• ny. " ~ o.m. -. C fi ( trca\urer. JnJ ducctors Dall' Bixler, South Coust,Mctro Rotary Recei\lmg crti acatc~ 0 Achievement \\arn·n DarkM t, 1ikt KonduUa. Dou& Oub, meeting at The Awards and checks totali ng S l ,OOO "ere trude and Vir&ini::a Ca)str.a. Center Oub, program by seniors Jody DiCl's:i~ and. Curto Millan -Bruce Campbell anc.J Scholar)hap Commlltee Chairman Ron 0 Ul9lllll Coulombe und members Bob Fow ond Roy WELCOME TO TllE WORLD Of Ill -Constance Cooper of Woo lsey, workin& ''ith ~hool coun clor CR\1CE CLUBS: Nancy R.Doty, attorney College Financu l Planners Li nda Ut L:.a Rosa. made the selection of "'•th the firm of Robmwn & \\'1 hbaum. Service Clubs on "How to Pay for Your Kid"s College Education ." the "inners. Congratulattons to all! Inc .. joined the Ne" port Balboa Rotary 12:15 p.m. _ The O Club. Pam Buld~in O\\ner of Exprc ion Exch:tnge Oub of NEW OFFICERS ASSU~tE ROTARY Flomt joined tlie South Coa~t Metro Newport H:irbor, meeting at Charley CLUB DUTIES: Cornna del Mar resident Rotal) Club ~lark \\')l:md, Pru_9enual Real fat~tc Joined the E\ch;ingc Oub of Brown's, progtam by Orange County Andy Campbell has been elected president Ne~port H.H'X>r. Supervisor Tom Ri ley with a State of the of the ~ewport B.slbo.1 Rotary Club for County Update. the 1993-94 Rotary ye:ir, replacing 0 Spttial t\'t nts: out-going pre ident Ste,·e Phnir. Campbell · Stnict ('/ub Updatr is publi~btd MttlJ) in tbt Dail) Pilot. ubmit infor mDtion b) FAX to 6Jl-585J or b.Y m:JiJ tu 17~ D:i)port H J), Stnport Be:JclJ, 92660. To grt imob ed i11 JOUr cummunit), titt a srnict dub ;J try this uttl..! Sl'pt. 14th 7:30 a.m. -Mesa Pride is president and CEO of Americair, meeting at the Costa Me~ Country Club loc:itcd in Santo Ana. Serving with will present the annual Neighborhood Campbell arc: Rk hnrd C. llolmeren, Pride Contest winners. Call Arlene president elect; Harry Weisstnbtrger, vice Schafer at 546-1429 for breakfast president; Sam Osndche, secretary; J omes Got a tax question? Call the IRS hotl ine -any ttme during business hours. 'dl Internal Revenue Service ~6','11 Answers. Arnstonct. At 'bir Servict. , Read Our _Report! SUTRO&CQ ln vesln1t.'nl Pm(csswnals Smee 1~iJ 2 Civic Plaza. Suite 180 Newport Beach , California 92660 , (714) 720-0111 I (800) 346-5472 Sutt0 (J Co. is • subsKh•ry of John Hancock Freedom Secunnes Member NYSE and ocher tnaJOr U .S seo.sloes actiansies Member S1PC. EARLY BRONZE AGE ~ R 'm aree S "TODD lYARM'S FIRST COLLECTION OF .. JEWELRY'' ms All C. M OlJALACA~ I smc ,. NmST .R#f.lJ('( ,,., ~ ~ IESUS fMNTlt6 A flW .on.RY ,.._ n£ ~ Nf) ctW8l8 tT .mt .. WDa P(RSONMJTY, TID> • --A STA111Bf MOUf 8BIWWtam ..... •MIC TOMtUlllRlflNtlDI ABWIW SPlaM.. • ... &II -• T 0 u R TJEWELRY ··EXHIBIT D 0 T y A ~ 0 B 0 A August 17,1~,19,20. 10 am to 6 pm R M Jj 0 5 a ways you can express love. one " the most caring nd lhOUQ u 1nvo t p anmno ~ fllmV~ ar~ls before the need arises. Thais exactly why Harbol Lawo haS created the ·Head ot Househokr program , allowing the Head of Hotisehold ore (1) FREE SPACE~ you enroll m 01.J betore need prOledion plan. The '"free Spare. is at NO COST M <BJGATION (SM l.-n ()tty) A $70 00 one time encbMnenl cn 1ee is req.Jired trt ~law. This o11e1 1s valti!d a1 s1.29> oo plus sro oo ErOlwmeR care. lf's m easy W'f lo ISSlte eootplete ~ arrangemere so ~" llin•f'f won1 have to make all U'e difticul ~after the tact. Why burde n your family? A wise s>efSOO prepares In aMIU. ftD ..i ~ oomes to the person who has made thoughtful ptovisions for the fllUl9 OI &arnif'f _., kM9d OR!S. Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive IADDAE~ss.__ _____ ~----------------------------crrv. __________________ .____ __ _______ .,.,, ______________ __ • • SPORTS EDITOR ROGER CARLSON. ~2-030, 1. JS7 There's just no place ·lik~· 'home' ...... For Estancia High product Jeff Gardner, TOny Owynn, thanu to the r«cnt Rllout by the P:idrct. Creden1i'1lcd stars such as Gary Sh:ffield, Fred McGriff, he's got thaL'bome-COUft advantaue:' ·dQwn pa __ To.DY fcr.narutch Benito S nti~, Bruce Huf')t, Greg Harris and Randy Myers, aJonJ with their snJane • have been elimi- uated, leaving a mount:un of opportunity for pla)cn. but not a whole lot of hope for post-se:ison play for the Padres, or lhcir beleaguered fon). By Roger Carlson. Sports Edotof A fter eight years of barnstonning the coun- try from Tidewater to Las Vegas, it seems only appropriate that San Diego Padres second baseman Jeff Gardner, who graced the field ~nd Ooors of Estancia High School in 1981-82, would finally begin to start feeling at home. Af1er all, what better way to feel at home than to claim a !>larter's berth in the National League? Or to be some 90 miles away from his p~p stomping grounds -an obvious hort hop for a steady scream of friends from Costa Mesa? Or, for instance, to always h:ivc your No. I fan in the st:inds. e"ery home game, such as Pa· dres' fai1hful Lola Gardner, Jeff's grandmother, better ~nown as "Nana" in the Gard· ncr fumilr? Or, for that mutter, to be residing where your ,rar· cn1~ grew up. in Son Diego. And when th e season is over G.1rdncr v.ill be bock in the co,ta Mcsa-Ne'.\port Dcach :irea ''here he in tend) to con· .. t1nuc dabbli ng 1n a ba)cball ~:imp v.ith friend Scott Mager), "ho coaches Coron:i del Mar H1gh·s ba)eball team. Ucin~ .. al home" for Gard· nc r b 'crapping for everything ~ou can ge t, often as an under· Jug, almosl al"ays 3 ) the ".270 h11 ter .. he 1s showing today. Over 1he course of eight-plus \CJr), he has slrokcd the bat at J 281 le,el, and in 3,620 ap- pcrancc) at the place, has four Jinger) (one. a) :i Padre). "It wns disappointing seeing the reaction of the fans and community," admits Gardner, who has been moved into the leadoff slot in the lineup. "But you know, we've played just as • well or better.'' The Padres arc currently 46-73, 331h games off the pace of Western Division leader San Francisco, 14 games behind the fourth-place Los Angeles Dodgers. But Crom the tone of Gardner's voice and the general sce- nario in the Padres' lockerroom, you'd never know they were ~~ ... hopelessly ou1 of it. "It's much more enjoyable th'1n earlier in the season," said Gardner. "Our approach is belier. We know in order to · win we really have to work hard and get our elves ready. "Now, we lose a game, 111 least we '-now \\e went out and let it all hung out and it just didn't ~ork out. We didn't have that feeling before . Maybe there's a lot more fight and drive in us now." Gardner believe!\ that "fight and drive" will trnnslatc into a winning streak of sorts before the season conclude)), and for the Padres, nny ~rt of >vio- ning streak \\Ould be nt least a little salvation for an otherwi c sad MILWtion. "We've been close 10 that (run) for a month ·now," in- sists Gordner, who \\Ould ap- pear to be settling in for a run of his own with the Padres. Probably the mo)t common ..stalemenL Gardner hc:us re- garding his own play i) "Hey, you're having. a ·good year." And Gardner fi\:ld) it the same way each time. -a day at a time. Such has been the personna ol Gardner, who made the break into the Big Leagues re- :illy official this spring when th e Padres brought hiro up at th e out set. Gardner had cxpe· rience some of the bright lights in 199 1, with 13 games '1nd 37 at-bats as a New York Met; and 15 games and 19 at-b:its with the Padres lase )'Car, but re al1s1tically this i$ the season he has been dreaming of since those days as an Eagle in OJsta Mesa, as well as a Pirate at Orange Coast College. Jeff Gardner's bat has moved him into Padres' leadoff slot. "l really :im just going out day by day and doing \\hat I can," :iid Gardner. "lt's hard for me to get too excited about n yeor until it's over. be- cause it can change o quic~. When it's Oct. 4 I'll look bac~ A standout spring training session produced a starter's berth on Opening Day and he's been a familiar figure in the Padres' infield ever since. · He and the Padre) \\Cre in and out of Los Angeles over the "eekend, on their way to St. Louis, starting t'.\O of three games. ,.,.1th a )1ngle and double (his 19th) in eight at-bats and le;n ing the Southland "11h a balling average the same as when he entered .. 270. and )CC what my season was like." Chances arc when Jeff Gardner looks back an the fall, it'll be very easy to visu:ilize a nightly p'1rade or 1 for 4, scrambling .- for everything he and the Padres could get; s:ivoring some 62 "ictorics and tr) ing to put some 100 losses a.side: always a fa. miliar face in the )lands at Jack Murphy. and often eApandcd with longtime friend~ with big grins in the stand\. .., ,. . On any team it's a respectable battin~ aver:ige. With the Pa- dres 11 's basically No. 2 or 3 on the hu parade, right behind Perhaps more th:in nnything, however, will be the presence· of mind that a foundation has been laid in the quest for more and belier in '94. The Dodger§' S(Oreboard tefls the story for Est~ndJ tligh product JcH Gardner. Notes off a napkin, one man's iarbage, another's survival ....,. Every sports columnist has one thing in common, a pack rat's disposition. L O)JI fa n) and reader!\ of th1\ corner. \\h1ch, J I l..t)t count, had )lipped to three -3 d1)ta nt cou)1n 1n Ar~an\..t), th1) ol' boy who sleeps on a local p:irk bench and :i fcllJ who wraps foh at J nearby market -have marveled o'er how a column keeps going. They have the illuMon that one just tosses a few sheets of white into 3 machine, goes tap-tap-tap for an abbreviated period and, .. oila/ -out -Auto come enough to fill a quarter of a page. Dreamers. One learns early on in the news game to create a ''panic" basket for slow, dry days. But, to maintain a sophisticated air outside the new)room, one I) inclined to refer 10 it :is a ready reserve vehicle or bad. burner news bank or a flotsam & jets:im container. At any rate, it bec:imc a valued habit over the years. The basket was oft-filled with clips from varied p:ipers, large and small; service club bulletins, scribbled notes from co:iches and locker room ch:itter, commenuuy on napkins via luncheons nh assorted friends and acquaintances. The high risk factor? Being tabbed a pack rat from newsroom collcoigues. We could live with that. The ba~ket used to conuun hil3nty from weekly papers out of mall towns. Since the p:iy in such ureas I) slight, the talent is often lagging in polish. One recnJlcd is the headline that read: COACH LOSES SUIT. MUST WEAR NECKTIE. Another wrote this: "The bridge contest winners were Walt Harley, a turkey, and Alice Jones, a porker." And I third: "Don't (orgel the booster club's Lenten Dinner. The same fish U) I 1 1 )c:ir '"II be )Cr\ed." Time ''J' "hen Mel Snulk\, .1 prized halfb.lcl. in I IJ49·50 fo r. l l:1rbnr High, '"orl.cJ on 1hc \.11nc folung boat '1) Dill lk rry, :i n:lll\ c of Corona del M~r. \\hu now 11\C' 111 M umct.1. Iloth had pr Jnl.!itcr 11 .. 11Jcnc1e) in their )Out h. Ourmg one uu111\~ at 'ca, lkrl) tool note of ~m;illc\ \ hr.ind nC\\' shue), then Chl))C ..: ahc.:.r Smalley h:id gone tu hunt.. out -to nJil them to the dc~i.. Without \a) 1ng .1 \h>rd the nc\t morning. ~mallc\ CJ,11) d1)Ccrncd what had tr,11hpircd, then quictl> sJipped J\\J) tn pull Ucrr) 0!1 brand new j.u:l.c t oil the han~cr. With AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE !>Cl\'O~ 111 h:inJ, he )IHppcJ .almmt half o( one arm off anJ not )\I mulh lh the other arm They nC\i:r fU'>)Cd 1.11° luut:ht ju't calm I). 11'-c !ilJp)11d. 1..11111..:J\ J1J tht"i r U\\ n thin~ L1urd .x 11.arJ, \\OUIJ hJ\C IU\CJ II. 1 larbor I l1gh') (jcu1~L ) 1rdl.:~. (.la" of '-16, \\J\ lllO)t aJL pt JI 11p·in) during StJnfonJ anJ D~lh>it P1,to0\' ~c:ar, anJ hJJ :i gvod l'~C hum 10-15 foet from the bos~i.et. Uut "ht' can recall hi'I l."t ))hlll in the du ing game the ~car he hrol e the all·t11nc NUA ,ingle--.ca,on !>Corina; rc\.'urd' It '""" one of h" traJcm.ul.cJ l.\hOOl.\ from the middle of the ~ey :ind he recci>cd a 1hu11Jcrou~ See CANTRELLJ7 From the sidelines T Ma/or R1palr1 Welcome •Minor Repairs Welcome 2380 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 650-8598 or 650-8599 OPEN PlONO.AY -FFNnAY 8>lf1.7 TO :1Pf.l 1 I 1 ' • ~ • I ' , t ~ : • r ~ , I • I ) 1 1 • 0 • .. ' t r--~------------• r•• -----------• r--~------------~ I TUNE-UP PACKAGE I I DISC OR DRUM BRAKES I I LUBE, Oil, FILTER . 11 I ...... .a. ... s1~ I I ........................ s4911 I , ·Upl05qll*4dinl~ol 1~· , I :!!-......... ·=::::· I , I :=.:..-=::=::..... I I ·Niii,.. .. I ........ I I .... . ...... ...... I I ·a.Iii..,..,..._. ..... .,.> I ......... ' ...... , .... , ~ -· ·--,___ ' -.c. a PS..,,_..... tCtl••·te&_. ,_._.._._..... ....Clli.PlfAm .~--...... ,._.II .. ________________ .. ·-----------------·----- . - ' '· Jrwiaw---.or11 ... w. ...... _ . ... ,._I htr1wfoe•..,. wed~ MariO DeMll'CD wro&e ia ... •tw'>a owa&Jo9 I.-....._. recal pell IO II)': .. Did )IOU bow ol ~_..,fans as be walked otr OWWM1(lkc) Eileahower waa • IM loot. lcfa-looced punter lor Armyr 18 Al-OF Harold Sbelnin's Wei&. the fUIOft I kacw that was prime 4t)'S u •feared 215-pound hcau11 I Md to do 10me lkctc.bri lullbed ror Harbor Hip. he WU ' • c8tlCd ... Stub., h.; some wn·,.... once or a tpOnl mapuae and "1 "'., fCMiftd lhll OUL .Few IOda)' mipa noc W>dcflllnd Not only that, but lite once hoW that uuee. faced the famous Jim ThoJJ>O and So. WI liked ProCC$10r Emcri1us bis Ca.rliilc lncilans. The outcome? EAHrlrd Stephen-of ~C\Jse Carlme. 27-7. And Thorpe ... ' Unkriaty. 1ottho was therunnfo1 IV'Cn&el! better lh:tn Hryarai per suar~ a~cad of S~Oin fo ·.-a, &o carry. He oould abo dropkick SO c~lain 11. .Y_!rds or more,_.--~-----=--Stephen• replied, ....,,tor ___ _,. Humor? Joe Muniz. Le~ Miller') Ocnnans had a di\e bomber made fine blockin& back an '" 11 Harbor by the Stub factory ~hich ~iscd High and 1 nath·c Co 11 Mesan. lot oC havoc in the c rly )Cars or uid be still can't uodeMand v..hy Genn:any'• mauling Europe. The wags started rderrina to 1he area term Stub bomber was much in as "Goat Hill." lhe headlines then, and the stories He bu&hcd, then said, "l\e woukl rcCer to the terror people ~er Ken a goac in Costa Mcs:a felt when the S1uku were comina. in all my life." and the devastation in their w:ike. Jn Spanish, of cou~. "Goat "I'm sure that's where Harold's Hill" is pronounced "~ta 111 ol Stul.a came Crom, probably Mesa.'' huna on ham by the opposing We recall one cl3.SSmatc as a linemen." pl~be on 'th~ H3rbor Hi~ Beacon. Why w:as the lnte Ralph Recd, HtJ first story nn somclhmg like Harbor High's :uhJetic direc1or lhis: "The Tar quanerback threw through the '30s, '40s and 'S<h, so a beautiful pllSS to 1he end, "ho fond o( mile runners? He used to made a bcau1ifuJ ~tch ... and it be one himself during Oberlin led to a beautilul vic1ory." C.Ollese d:a) • Seems he faded af1er his first Hence, one can imagine his literary attempt, but later made it utter dcha)\1 in lhe mid-'50s :u the big on the intern:uaonal m:ifkel ~li!omaa tr.ick :ind field meet (no1 v.ntang). So one might v.ell v.hen Nev.port's ~n Todd Wh11e term that :i beautiful finish. And a cracked the t.t:itc prep mik rcc-0rd beautiful lafcsl)le. H ey. don't :.ii <4:20 O:u. Lnock it. White, v.ho "'ns re:ued on And ii ><:cm~ filling 10 cl<he D lboa l land, :monished mo~I with word from Yuga Berra: "l competitor\. He had a slight build. rcoilly didn't say·e\etything l s:iid." wore.horn-rammed gJll)Cs and h:iJ Doa C.nttTll is a former spor1s J mode t da po)1t1on ttlitor for tbc CcHI.> .\tcs11 Globe M~l riv:il~. no11ng his )IZC, Jlutdd, fotTrunncr to th~ D11i(y couldn't C\Cn imagine tha1 he al~ Pilot, and• ~idC"at of \C!'-ed o o grill) halfback for Al · AlbuqurrquC", '.M. Bishop used as a special pawn for Opera Pacific eon tourney CORONA DEL ~tAR - Nc-wpon Be:ich's Joey Bishop 1okes his hot , then ge~ the fi02I hot a1 Oper::t Pn ific's first golf toumamen1, sched- uled for Monday, Aug. 30. The lungllme comedian and a\.ld golfer "all compete mt he tourn:iment, then prO\ adc the comrncnlary for the C\tning•s informal .a\\ard) ceremony. Opera Pacific's Busanc.~ P:mncrsh1p is ponsoring the event to ra1...c fun~ for the Opera for facf)one program. ~hich bring the prolc )ion:at Chenure Compan) ttoupe of 1ngtr!• 10 arcJ schools to \\-Ork 'llr ath dc\clopmentall) chal· lcnged )tudenh Pelic:in Hill Golr Club's Occ:in Course I) the scuan, for the e\ent. \\llh the fif)t tee-off at 11:30 am. The l -hole event includes the u11c of 1hc club') dmang range. computerized golf c:irt , a"' ar~. pnzc), lunch and a Western, ~le b:arbecue on the patio of 'file new club- house. Joey Bishop Two hole-1n·one prizes "''II ~ offered on d1ffcren1 p:ir-3 holes -r a OMW 31 is and a cruise ft> the Dah.Jmas from Sterling Molor . Ltd of Ne" - port Beach Reserva1ion) arc at $300 per pla)er. For further informal ion. c:all Mary Naman, As.socialc Director o( Dtvclopmcnl for Opera Pacific, a1 546-73 n . . "-'°' Estancia High product Jeff. Gardner lhro1\S to iir)t to complete a double pla\I as the Oodg~rs· jo)e Offerman )lide!. into )econd b.b~. Lawlck wlni opening race BALBOA -Craig Le'1>1ck, rep- resenting lhe Mission Ba) Yacht Oub, wa5 the winner of the first race Monda) at lhc Lido 14 Na- uonal Otampion hip Regatta • Lcwtck lS the two-time dcfcnd- mg champion of the rcgatu. The e\fcnl, bcang held at the Balboa ' acht O ub, will continue through Thul}da) -.it)l racing tarung at 11 a.m. each day. Six more races will follow. ln second place was Mark Oau- d10 of Bahia Connthian YC. while B31boa YCs Phil Freeman and TlDl Mutvaney placed third and fourth, respectively. A totaJ of 28 competitors arc laking part in this 1· ~eek' competition. lllP lfA HllR YllCllM c'IE UJ ftlgatta AMM cown··•.....,._ ~c....,,__, PHRF-A - 1 Mischief {RQ'dotV'Hri/l. 8CYC, l.S ~ 2. T~so (Ron Kim). eve. 10 75 3 Ru-Ml-hz (R.i!P'I ~s:us. 4. Cebu IScoa hyg) BSSA. 19 75 5 ~ ~ . S8YC, 23, 6. . (Pe!e .Jotr.s:Dre), BYC. 29. 1 Cursor (P«1 Firwel). NHYC. 34, (Mart menr.-.s). OPVC. 39 PHRF·B -1 Hearwivt (T'm HIMl!z), SWVC.. 10.5 poi:::s· 2 (be) Wap1 (B;Mle ROfip ~. Of'VC, 16.25, Live ~ (.lonalHobnsen) WVC. 16 25. ' SIQdoo (PU & Lw1 Sbarp). 8CYC, 19 5 Sfven Seu I (l<atf Scfioclp). MMVC. 26. 6 1nt1nse (~ ~ berV}. NSYC, 30 5. 1 MK s (E & S McCUI). A8Yt. 31 5 a lngger ( w.s.s). 8SSA. 33 75. 9 .Jlty Too (1(empVWoods). ecvt. 41 PHRF-C - 1 Medii::me MM! (Glln He11ir9) 8SSt\ 14.15 pom, 2 Sorce1w (Dims Rosene). SSYC, 17 75, 3 B~ Moon (CUA.Moon). PCYC 17 5. 4 ~ (Robert HertzblrQ). 21.75, 5 Uct.ety SpiC (Joe Oeoa•'aell). BCYC 2' 6. ~ (Dick Hlyl)ln) ecvc. 28. 1 9IOSt (Al:Dn Berg) wvc. 35. a SnaJ (Ed l.wnls). SWYC. 39 9 Redline <Bob M&rals). NJVC. 10. 41 . 1Q. Otilaw (.limes~). SVC 51 11 K~ ~ Navarro). LSP. 54. 12. Bmo (Robert Pl.are). ave 59 13 Wlndlmae ~ (BYC). 63 ,, Olsls (Ray Goowwll OPVC 66 PHRf-0 -1 OectUsa {tD:orl IUI}. C8YC 16 75 l)OrtS. 2 AmorOU$ (C~ Hol- land). 17 75. 3 ShCezUedee (Sitwf;~). HHYC. 19 ' ~tr1der (RIS'tOld Syncl ). ecvc. 24 s. 5 Ooo (Led Se.ll'f), BSSA. 26 6 Jmt)elle ('l(tvm Wolle), BCYC. 26 75 7 Slngshal (&1 & Sue Murray). Cf8Yt. 28. 8 r.lschief (8tUCf Sd'wactllr (OPYC\ 38 9 Frteman1te C>octDr (Sll o·eu.m1 lSf .w ~E -1 11 Go (Don Prnionl. 6 25 poru. 2 COOi Bmzt (Joe ~) CPYC. 15 75, 3. X·Rlted (Am ~. Cf8YC 16. 4 ~a IOl/IO (X.M\ Lr). BYC 20 75. S Pussyat (Jonn Suby). wr.. 22, 6. Bad lnnuence (Rot> E ..i (BCYC) 32 S~ eye. tK.old'RICNfdson) 33, 8 ElJn (Doug & 5'l1dy M IS). 8CYC 35 fltW.f -1 Hu Kil (RacNtU Keler (C8YC) 5 pointS. 2 Sctloc( l~ !.:i.'1l & Bob 8*y). Mff'C 13 25; 3 ~ (81\Jtt Loa) ~ 1' 5 ' 8~ Murw (Dalt). CBYC. 20. 5 S'lOQ9Y VII (Rictwd Rot>etts). CRA. 27, 6 Mmr PlllC ~ Piel· ard). SlBYC 29 7 Jormy ~(John Kdy) DPVC 3', 8 CIMW TrtVOt: (Wts Selly). SSYC. -«> RnlDm Leo Verue -I MOlgl (Ed C11*W). BYC 1 5 p()ll1tS 2 ~ IJX' Biiie), 8'tt 3 Pdlc Hql ~ & Ro Ocilm). VYC, 7,' Two 0oo Golie 1AAgelc> Pry-.. kdf). SSYC. 9. 5 ea&befr.e (CllUCl & Susan Plc~l. SVC. 8. 6 8olCl lJdV {Bemt Par- lridgl). LSf. 12. 7 ~ (SZoctoNr.'S:dt~). 8YC. 15 T.-n troof'y -1 ~ POd YC ~AP4 Cool Btttzt A"'CICl;>Oelrll Urban, Dodgers claim national championship J u.:\ L rb.in, the ~u1hern CJl1l"rn1.1 C. 1. .. e t-'' "hv '' hi:.iJ.:J l\.~r :'\e"P''it lbrhor H1~h ".1' J 01.:mlh:r of A 01c:r 1:;0 A mateur Oa,c· bJ 11 C ,, :11: r·::-" n :i t ion.ii chJmp11Jmh~p tcJm m the SJnd\ !\ouLn 0 1' 1-.1on 1 hi: P 1.1.. R H.r:i D .. ".h;cr) ::ipturccJ tt .. 1 tie .n ~pian,, Tcu' lJu't ni•rth of H .. >u,. 1un) l'D u111fa\ "''h an 11 -5 '1c1on ,_,,1., the Te':i' T r· nJdoe l he D Jgi:r . "ho h;nc nu" ,,,in the 1,1La r.:t· mi:nt ti r1. 1:. 'tr .lr~ht 'c:i~. \\COi ti uu~"l unJclc:i: .. d l 'rh.ar p :. c:J .:i r,1mpl :c g.11n1: on ~JlurJ.n . 'Ir' mi: out '" ""'h.. llu"lll!! ''"'en h1" anJ no "ah .. ,, an k.1Jin" the D,)ojl!" ri. 1 • J ~-~ \1-.''hll~ ~'~r the ~0111~1 ..\Ii· 'tJr' · I h~ l'1H R"cr.a D ldc .. r- arc a I .and r d .,J l am ol top 1.i.)..:.1h1ld pla)cr' Ir m throu~huul 1.>uthcrn C:ili· for :t1J. -B• tlH' D~11_1 PllcJt PUIUC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTtcES PU8UC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLtc NOTICES n.. .... ... .,. .... .. n.llllae .... ... .. u .. ....... ..... te'NtN ,,. ..... n.,., •TICllOP .:> ' ........ , ' v STUTlllli l llEW BUSllESS'l'I The a.-~ at .,,. PMot .. ~ to IMOUnOI • ""' .w:. now • • l1bt9 to ,.. bose-11111 W. .. l"IOW IEAACH .,_ ~ for JllU .. no ..,. cNrge. 9'MS _,,. you ... ... end eie .., to ... eou,, .... " ... Ma. n..n. of CICM"SS1 ....... --.. 001111'1t d .... .. your ~ bu--,,.,,.. ..... ,.,,..,. ~ ... eo.ey Caertl. ~once•...,. tor...,,.,... ........ by ... end ..... yea# proof of P1Mcilllkle1 ... County Cine . . ---------~.. -...._____ GARAGE SALE HINTS Before ~ur garage sale make sure all your merchandise is plainly marked with prices. ~"'--Iii. 330 W. Bay SD'eet • 9'1t1 ••c•.._ ...... ,,_..aa-a..at lfOTllCll cw e.: ~ F' ••RDO l"uDl11~"•ct lll-po•t ft.(;~ .... Diily ~ ·u x lt. 993 PUBUC WOTlCE r.u.~ .... 93t53M.11 Trust.e Saloe ..... 9>-5149~ ....... _ ... ~~7 ~.,, u•12>-n NOl'lCE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IW DEFAULT •DER A DEED OF T DATED 02.t4 • UWLESS YOU TAKE TIOM TO rROTECT OUllt "'OPEJtTY. IT n-.~ ......... '"'-~--~.., ....a.-MYa ... ... tllle INlst~ ABC.~ ~ tlt('. ba~llH'ftL and d~t lhf'n ~e-t m e ~ash. TO PIA E .-l\ .W C . .\LL '642-5678 Co ta Besa, C1\ 92627 DU'LOna.st How To Plaee Classified d COltOllA DEl MU NEWPORT 2122 BEACH COSTA MESA 2624 BOJE.LS 2169 a MOTELS 2718 COMM£RCIAL LOSl & EMPLOYMENT FOUND 2925 5530 Bl' PRO~~: 714 IU·5'71 Bl' \1 ITING OR JIAIL: 330 . &, -lrttl . Costa \Ina. C .\ 9'2~: tC.rwr of \,..,.n Bl•cl. &.., l) CL\S IFIED HOIJRS: Ttkphont Sam • 5·30p Moada~-fnda• 'l'aJk.(n 8.30a.m-5.30pm "o.acb' .r rida~ DEADLINE \lonJa~ ......................... Frida) 5:30pm T~sd1~ ..................... \lond1\ 5:3 p 'ltdM.da~ .................. Tu~~ 5:30pm lndtpendf'nl.... .. .. 'tJnt,da~ 3:30pm Thunda) ........ .. .... \l tdnt .. d1~ 5:30pm f ndl\ ...................... Thur da' :>:30pm ~1turd1 .................. -... f nJu :>:30pm GENERAL POLIO' R11!'t .-d ~ &rf t~I i. c~ •ntli.v1 .UC~ TI.r ,.w.Awr """""ti l~ ,,,1" to (~•v. rulu uh. run~ or ''l"' ••• rl,..,f.,d .., .. ~ ""-rqi..rt .... r<TOf't 1lla1 -~ k ia ,_. dam( ..... ~111rh T1w Oaih PIM & Tlw l*pu dmt IM'ftl'U .. ~ I# ,_.. ,,..,..,. • 1a ·~I (H •iwdl II -· "' rttpMtiWf. "tfP4 r. dw "* ti Llw tf*'t .meD, omapifl!f M ·~ fnw Cr.lie ..,, "' ......... ,., 1!..r '"'' _,,_ ROUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE 'GEND&I. COSTA MESA 2124 aEST VIEW Of 8ac:tl a..y & F ashoon ltDncl 2•63 ,,_... Awe A 1 381 l 1'2 Ba dbl gw. rwllOf ..... 9~ IMMAC 38t 2811 E'sade ,.__, atleh dbl gw. t1'>4, tam rm. noce yd, a&t1Um. 11300.. SS 1·140I •Ulle Peninwta• Lu'll 28R Watemonr S l 500 28R H!lA (AYI 1) S900 U4lo Parllil e7>4030 7 Days 710 U4lo P-1l ~- irsio& aac1111 ..,. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REAL ES TA TE Lg 28f' • "- 1 cory COSTA MESA MO TOA IN"I (••·-----· sns mo .., Pets 1ow cs.ity ..,.,..,, S99 & 329 Un_..4Y Or-#J ·~~ ..... "' to•---------MZ·2.8t4S :,. ~-64~MO BUSINESS OFFICE E -S•D£ aac11.-.,. ._ _______ FOR llENT 2769 Lg 28R -~~ony S1•5. mo No P9ts 329~~-.J M-2 ·2818 llENTALS TO SHARE 2724 fULL 1erv•<• ot11ce ~best watue & -'rpo.1 toe:.. St&~ al S.350 -.o ~6 HS P "" ~_...Pun EMPLOYMENT • • ~$TAI.. Ji0aS •• FOUND 5 6-mo-o•O 5530 sart sh .,"' • ~ ~· T0a.hel T..._ elo For app1oca_,,, " #It!°> OU~ ti.. colUar. '"'°· t 2t6\~ Z.291 ·o."'1 ll?P'Q• AJg s. Part· Time 7am lo t~ 7 o..ys Nt>t a.a::~ ~ Local M fo "-<SS llgt'I( Auto llact*nt Sou:1\ PURRS Al.OT! ~ ~-onc::t &4 -0'97~ kwldng • ,,.. seat Ellper ~•d C~t.a rn.ac""-Days W.O--..... ...... T1 Ft I 7am·l 30P"" llrd Store PT PERSONALS St.a~s S&'Hr w I»- come a f'99U&&t PT Rehat> .. ~ ... Ol'I lo ~,.. a'\ef a 90 ,..., CM'9 tor e.Ol d• QUAJ.tytng peood bl!'dl F..a .. , .. SCHOOLS & ~ CaQeS etc Flin P .. as.anc ""•Oil 0 IQS INSTRUCTION 3012 I 0 """°" "' ~USC ~ ,.,,.._dy. .._ __ de~t•rous. a ···""' Saturda y No e11p n e Classified section to find services from electricians · ond plumbers to landscapers & pointers. " ...... 0 •• .... ._....... . , ......... ..... 111 .Wiii ... .. ~· 2 3 4 5 41.-0.llCleled ............ 51 CNpln 52 lrdln 91"'*" 53 Ku Kllo - 16 Dog tagl 51 "9olnt: ptfll. 57 Y"*- TOOMUCm--. T kl tUt ... EMPLODIENT lllPtOYlllllT 5530 5530 EVERYBODY TUTORS. H .S. Pro- Calculua/Trlg, Cllku- QUAU Fl ES ::: ~"': HWtng 9P'" tor f.. 113/tV, 4M-'1011 expansion .. hent. 23lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pod ...,.. In omc.. • .......... wh• a cu• wvtce. ~ I No exp nee. Car req. C I., 9lt wll $350-$500f#K 2~ Mr. l..alrw. 14' lrl,.. '"""' Restaurant• If,.. wwld lib: i---+--+---+-+---t Gina's a.lboe v f1uRlle ~ Seeks PfT smlllng vP1all a-&a people-orlenmd, Hf- vice minded cuatomer vPUd v8Clldaa days Service Repe. Dave. V,.J for>"* .m.t N ight 6 Weekend• V'_.,__ leedcr avallablal Contact _, Craig or Mary. No O..U ... l'D pat J09 phone c:.ns ps.ue. ID_,.. wt~._.... Stock Brolcer ud .-wbo are now National lnveatment cJolaa dae prolarffiivl banking firm •-k• marbdqwoddaat exp'd regi.t.ed rep-we will -*-_ ...... ~Excellent .... , __ Produc:t. gru1 pay out I caD it .-a m.eo • In • non-pn>prletary ............ JOll'Slf. environment. Take U'9 a.. It EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT ' EMPLOYMEHT r.,..t step to dcamaU· but aot •J ~ 5530 5530 5530 catty ~ .... your 1n-Scad raumc er c:aU iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil come. Contact Lou Olp 0-It Alley at 155·5888 (7l~ __. _17 EJ1p Sal•sperson tor Part T1m9 Acct.a pay-new gift storelclothlr)g able dart!, afternoons, In FuNon ls&and As1c Some acctg. exp. 10 tor Kim. 760-0711 kay & keyboatd aklb. Prof Nsmkg office nr S ecretary tor busy airport. 755-6!>45 Nwpt Ben otc. Handle,•-------- many task.a. Campi.Mr Buy It. Sell It. Find It. exp a ptusl 873-4453 Cl-alftod. Reeeotion Sain Member NASO, SAPC ~, ~ ~ Part-,.lmo In r• T~•Scltool lti811J 21 9 ' knowned photography HB area. Private ..._.,_..... studio. Claaay, -• achoo!. ECE unlta groomed, good com-req'd ts:ae-1441 munlcator, dedicated, . u eager to leam. Call tor Buy It. Sell ll. And It. appt. 675-3130 Qeaal~ • cu1•car .... Cofl•••a.1 ........ at or• g • c a b l n • t . •llliiiiii••""~!iiil~~:::---~--:::::: &c.1. cones. A9duces. 1 • "' ...._.. WMl•r fOID 9075 enla,.e._ etc..' IMO ~ MetCN1aer t.'0,lii••liilliiliim•• obo. 812..:MZ11 PP ~ oower. VHF, .._.., •7e MUSTANG ,,_. .... gllNanlzed b'lllNr. • 114.500. •71· 1 '24 NC. looQ/n.rie QOOd. AM/FM CM&. 111751 AAat •• UNll'Uff obo. 71411191-3112 VV'W ··~·· -------· M\lllt b9 ~1--------fCC;u:;;ii";cM•;:Q~ •FMa PUPPtea• burl taK.•7-.0tM BOlfDA 9085 • ......,..,.. ,... 48' a.... .... '•7liiiiiiiii•iiii••• t WMk olcL ~7 SpcM't fWMw, lollded & '13 Accord 4 dOCW. wn/ ~ 1375K obo. fm, A/C, new ....._ "o... ..0 1 .. (7t4) U.Mft battety 12300 Obo • a ay, W .-... • .__ _._,._ a48-902.4 whit• Angora d• .,.._ ·-.. _. ... -... hcM.iae cet. .._ boaL PP..,..'° renc.._ ______ _ ...-.. IM comM with "' buy. Have a11p on JEEP 9110 canytftQ cue, lftter Udo. 115-1895 b01C. ..... A.dub ptet. 'U RANCMI ROWR ------- ........ c8I ~19 SAJt IOATS 7014 t07K rm, loaded,. Jdnt EllPl.0110!.1fT aftllt ~ Condi 1'5,900 obO. 5530 OuaHty 1'.wn tnc. ac»f• Pwr ~ Pwr 18'ander 38 72. new r\)-n&-5040 Ev M2•5U4 Md 80fa, c:Nn. FAE E T 0 0 0 0 D Ging Yanmw d1eMI ---------• _ .. met ..,_ ~ HOM•: mate T-ehell MW •hc*i tat* 125K •1---m-•CED--ES--6-1_3_0 Trair=tlon =-~ m1ec ~: T•••• s~-mo.o1d. 7.r.H1e1 cw 49'M8•2 IW1.GI\ • • CIOCtllll;g Prtced from very affectionate. UDO ••c.> __ PURRS ALOTI 14• --· M M8Z 1.-.._,. "'-naa.. Pllot. 11:...... ~1 obo 942.scM7 Cal 848-0972 S.... movtnQ. ""* n........ T -rvr -r -·r ... t T,.._ & CO¥er uuou, I~ an .... mom11'0 tude delv-T....-,. 4"9C wooden Slt\cUV ~ Mic ml _., to Coeta M--. PMlo tum Mt ..,. brc*• N<.C Pupe=: lnct. (114) ~toe '9900 M.24332 Newport e::· F~ matching wtti.e..._.cuah-... ahota/wofmed eltoW/ --------a, _______ _ ~Valley. N::t ~:~~·1'2.MM4 .,.._ '500. 1152.1003 YACHTS 7018 IOW IOTCE 9112 = '!r ~ end TROPfTOHE (Canlina) c..... 33• MdJw'I •81 liliiiiiii181ii••- 11.50 .,_, how~= 111-pMia ...._ ceet. PWIOS a Mine cond, "" ek.. '::!'~V:,:.';:'!._ ~ pet ..-, Call I ght color. all OIGAJIS &059 many ellltaL Np Hftw. oan sn.. • 642'"4333 no IU:t w or w/o moortng. ~ ce:; ;:: TA u c I< 0 A Iv IE As Wiiltl6i • • ••• , ~aa.aao:s S7SK 0obo &.»-:MM WANTED: Lon91'au1 MIC• 8CWA m ...... ....... 'II 39' ·Sea Ray Ex· f1atbed Owner 0per. 7t1 .. fe1 EM~•••-. -ConclitJOn pteH, beat malnt.1-------- ...,_ ne9ded. ~ walnut , 11 ooo Y9Cttt on ~e Me11Ct TOYOTA 9210 datea muet poea9U .,_. 1 a f. It 20K. (70Z) 45&-2002 liiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliililli& i.e. mod.,~ ..aulDISB et· eor<*t 42.000 fW1I ::,_ °": ,::oc'..:: lllSC. 8015 sroamtG 11.1Jt1D SUPS mi. 0tay s ..,. MVWm ,,.,.._ 1.eoo.145-4473 GOODS soe5 DOCKS 7022 ::0~ watf04:,_::; Anttque~ ......... illll .... us Po.tal a Gov Jobs glau doora (pa1,1• $23 pet hout + ben-IHO•a). Butcher QUPMIT• SMAl'T ~°' "9nlJ Slde-Tlia. Eat DUCJtS 1220 era. now hiring! btoca ....,.. 11so. LO °°" c:tube .._.. e.y,, UttSe 9aeoa ••1liiiiiliiiiiiia••• 800-~ ~4 hnl blac:ll gtanlt• tab.. ~ FWO, .. new. tlnd. IM .,, I IE,,.. ... 1700. YakaAm. aid/ S/W ttwu 3 lfol\. P8'd 944-1a34 !l &M-5771 •• To.eta htnl m__.,~.,. ~rldll300.2tgL-..---... 1386 Cab va 4-4, low WA.V•~& ahaped C0t'9n ~ ... Mff ~ It~ 000. SUVJCIS 5533 ~ 11eo.. ..._ s--. ... ae dbl a._._, o-rt ptHQ EYE 2. 1.S, .,_,. &;y It. Li L Find It. 111111n 1700. Wah,/Dryr dot~~~· Chu••'- ,..._.. be ...,. .,_ 1190aa.. 6404433 . -- .,,. ~ In ttMa cat· LM fAiililiiQ 06. tor eootY INIY ~ you belt ..... Ml. 4 .,.P .... : Montego Bay to cal a 900 numbef ... ,.... • .,... Wolff ~ Ctytllal In wNct\ lMf9 la a "41•>2 14 . ..._ ONLY 22 chatg! per "*""e. KUiilAWi, .. co1-:::: = .. ~.ir, Buy ft. a.I .... Find tt. ora. many ... ~ •eoo. ······~ lng.12/Up.~ 71~ ttta In. For NJ AdJon Can. liljfllL AO-VISOR Ml-H78 312& 3929 •