HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-13 - Orange Coast PilotIll Wl\11 ..... -to .bolpllll BALBOA: -Theie WU no I word Oil the ci:md.itioll of a Bell OWl<ns woman · Swlday niabt after she wu knocbd OYer bf an S.fool wave ln the aurf near Balboa Pier, lifeauard and rn offtciak said~ . Lara Maninc:r. 27, wu re- poncdly playing In 1hc -•r'• cdae when •. lqe wave broke on the shore and knocked her IO·lhc IJOllnd. Slid Medic Oil! . Ocddis o/ '1hc Newport Bcoch Fire Department. Wltneaa and Newport lifeauards rid.ins by in a Jeep helped 1he woman out ol 1hc water. She com-. pllhlod o/ nedt and bode polo and .~ from lhc oedt. down. She WU lUcn 10 Haq HOlpital where she WU It.ill beiq UUlcd iD ·lM emcr)CDCY l'OOlll lite SundaJ. Manincz:'1 injwy brinp tbc number of ne<:k injury cuea lO four in a week. Offtcials uJd neck injuries were at a reoard blah for IM IWllJn<r. Waws were reported to be powiAa u hiah 11 M foot oil 1hc COlll Sullday .... ning by llfcguanh. Olllciab apcc1cd aur! IO re- main blah !Oday. -llr lll•nd• MdM4 cosrAMESA Fuec1.a1"1 ~·llale more 111111hine for · today, but thot's whai they said b>ut the weelcencf, T empe001reS around 75 degiees this ~'. Sa WMlll«, AZ Police purs--e ,hijacked OCTD bus 1J11> No one injured In. high-speed chase of bus, wlilch hit building after bus drtver, passenger escaped . ~--,SIOl-(:q~ A MESA -A 111nsicnt was ar1cstcd Suacby mom~ in Sai:a J~ Capistrano 1flcr be aUcsed)y hijick.cd an OCTO bus from its kical route on 17th Succt, leading police on a biah spet:d chuc down locaJ streets ind along the freeways. The hijack.in& occurrcd shortly after 10 a.m. when Eugene LI Porte, 34, rcponedly s1epped . on bus number 3019 at an Irvine Avenue slop in front of Newport Harbor Hi&h School. Po- lice S4id as 1he bus followed il' route down East 17th Street, La Pone allegedly ap- proached the bus drive r wilh a rock and cs.ten· sion cord, threa1ening 10 strangle him. business' amstant manager who asked to re · · main anoAymous. "We 1old him to gc1 out of here and he got K:.ared, thrust the bus into full throttle and 1ore 1he Stdc or the buildin1 wit h the bus." · ThC ttSSistan1 manager S3id he and his staff had seen the ·s1apcct 10 minutes e:arl ier when he reportedly entered the business mut1ering ~'Ords th~ "devil" and ''666.'' Witneucs de· scribed La Porte as the S3mc man who re- turned 10 the business driv1n1t the bus. The drive r and one unidentified pa~nger immediately got off the bw and the suspect drove away, uid Sg1. Gary McErl:1in of the Costa Mesa Police Department. La Porlc allegedly drove the bui; to 1he Tex· 3CO Express Lube :11 the corner of San1a Ana Avenue and 17th 1.1.·hcre he maneu,·ercd the bus into the business' small lot in 1hc back. "He uid something like, 'My mom told me to take the bus, )() I did · " the assistanl mi.n. ager Solid. .. He asked if we wanted a ride," said the See BUS/4 Bounty hunters catch the ire .. ol local police ... In town to track down a fugitive , two Missouri men are arrested on we apons charges ; the ensuing scuffle leads to lawsu it. By loriAnn 8~. SW! 'f.'rtet. COSTA f\.1ESA -Before 73-)ear-old Joe Ro!tt: hunl· crs dO'oVn to cntch a cn1n1nal, the P.1 issoun boun1y hunter makes sufc 10 )IOW ::i ~.i .... ed-off sho1gun 1n 1he 1runl of his car. · Like a busineum.111 .. 11h hb American E.'prtsl> cird, he simply 'ft'On't le3\~ home \11Hhou1 11 .. I hunt murderers, armed robbers. dope dealer) and everything cl)C under the )Un," R~e i.a1iJ. "H'cll. yeah I carry a gun." And in the 37 )·eafj Rose hai. hun1ed men, hr ne"t'r onCc w;it-d1sarmcd -until a run in --..;th the-C°ml3 Me1s Police Departmen1 on Molh· cr's Day \ll t ekend, 1990. '' ~~· The S~nd Tribe, from left Mike 9W, Nick c;uper, S~m Bohart and Er ik Seidengl.in~ work on s.ind sculpture of sc• creatures that won the contest. Firs1 they 16ok his s::i .... ed· off sho1gun from the trunk. And then the loaded pistol hidden under the fron1 seal. And the loaded handgun tucked under the b:ack .sent. And the leg sh:;ack.les. And the hnndcuffs. A nd the mace. And 1he biUy club. And finally his freedom Rose and 36·ye :i.r-olJ partner Bob Christie ...,ere arrested for c:i.rl)1ng con· cealcd ...,·capons and dri,,·1ng a look-alike p-.:>licc car equipped wi1h red nash1n' hghts. I hunt murd erers, armed robbers, dope dealers and everyth ing else under the su~, Hell , yeah I carry a Surf, sand and sea monsters Neighborhood kids win Sand Castle contest during Newport SeaFest llJ-Mcleod, -- NEWPORT BEACH -When they arc not building sand castles. the Sand Tribe from Corona dcl Mar are riding around on in-line skate, building tree houses end breaking their~· IS. Sand Tribe is ciaht neigh hood youoptcrs who have played t tbcr all summer long. But this au er ended wi1h more than the memories of just a few areat Illy .,..,._ '\be &JOUP won a first place.award out or 13 · entries ror lhe best. relay division inJbe Newport SeaFest's Sand CUtle contest. An excited uyes'' and a victory wave was all Mike Kai, 10, could mllltcr Cor bis group's accom plishnicnt, "We practk:ed rour timea dwina the summer," said Erik SeidenaJanz, 13, ol Corona dcl Mar and also one or the elcht mcmben or Sand Tribe. Their crea1ion was a areen aea _, and Its babies swimmina in a briPt blue "San Jooquln TROl.L -~ wu p>rl ol lho conlost. ocean. A a.imllar creation -just the sea monster mother -alto earned Slllld Tribe. Ont place in the children's division this summer II the Imperial beach sand 'IC'!lptina contest in San Dieao. It took l'liO hows ID erect the sculpture 1llina •mple toots: Shovels, buckets and brooma lald tbe Coundation for the sand Dm-t141 '42·5671 and water concoction. Then biodegradable food coloring and a littl e glue provided the green and blue colors. The scales were sculp1ed out with fast food cups. The group, which ranges in age from 9-13 years old, were coached by Erik's mother, Cheryl Miller. "They have a good time and 1hey learn about teamwork," Mille r said. "They all get along well. Fo r them il's fun. If it wasn't fun , they would n't do it ... ' Other winners included the ninth &r11<ie''Dlltl,odcrs from Cos11 Mesa's National 'Charity League and the 30th S1ree1 Archi1cc1s fiom Newport Beach. The contest wnippcd up the opening weekend of the Newpon ScaF .. i, which dcspl1e overcast weather, seemed 10 attr1ct many on-lookers to 1he six events, said BaJbua de Doom, spokeswo man for .the fest . What Costa ~IC'sa polu:c didn't know, was that ROM" is con~idered somewh::it of n gun, '' JOE llOSE "big fish " \ll'llh l:i..,. enforcement back 1n his ho.>me1i.w.n o{ Ncv-ada, ~10. Semi-retired from the munhunung bus1nc ("I ..,.ant 10 do a li1tle fish ing before I get too .... eak to pull une ou1}," Rf.b.C is ~till ;i rei.pcctc:d pn,,·:.te 1n\C' tig:.1tor 1n Nc"ada. tt.·1o ., a 10....n of abou.1 10.000 !oOIT'IC 100 mile~ wuth of K:1nps C'il). In add11ion 10 hundreds of cr1m1na.lti, he uncc reCO\'· ered 198 hc:id of itolcn c.attlc. Even ~hchclc Vadon. an attorney repreJCnting the c11y 1n this case, concedes Rose .. has quite a rcpu121ion," srnong Missouri lawmtn. ' "I donate my JCMces 10 help take crippled kids to lhc Shriner's hospi1al 100 miles a'o\'2)' at my OW'n expense," Rosc said. Bui what Rau docs best is help sheriffs trad: cr1m· inah who jump state hncs before !heir b&& day in coun. On Ma"j l2. 1990. he and Chnst.it-were in ~ta Jw1e.u huntinJ down a fuaitiYC for car the(\, • Upon arrMns in 0.ta Mcp_ 1he men mimedjatcly di'Olt-c to the polio: stahon to announce their presence~ lhow their w1mn1s and requ«i u.Nu,nce In brinaina the criminal back hoim. • "l always So 10 the police dc:panmcnt rint and let •cm know wt.al I'm doina, • -Aid. ·1-.. bun doinc ~ all ewer 1he country roe 37 ycan ud tbe police haw alw1ys have heJptd JM OUL., Not tbi tim~ About the lime Rote ihowcd up, O.ta Mesa police wc:rc on I.ht phone with 1 iow 1rucl drlvcr who bod called IO 119 1 hem oil about a C011ple ol avys ridioa around io a basuJ pauol car. The tone •as Kl. The miftu1c ROM ltld Chnstic inlf'Oo See IOUNTY HUNTI:llS/4 - • Jocularity gene • s.eparates seniors from th_e grumps W ilh all our remarkable mcdtcal advances., scicntis\s still haven't isolltCd and identified the humor gene. It's probably clownin' around in some ridiculous place like the kneecaps instead or the frontal lobes. . Many people dismiss humor as a mere JOkc, arguing that 5Cientists should be ~ looking for somethinJ practical like money-making enzymes. Unfortunately, 1hc importance or a comic gene is greatly under-estimated -especially by those who need it most. Humor is one of nature's most powerful endorphins against a varic1y of pains; from pompous bores to burcaucra1ic bumblers. More 'importanliy, it orfers instant relief ngai nst a virulent anack of taking youflelf too seriously, an afOiction pharmaceutical houses haven't been able to cure. And if they did, the price alone would wipe the smile off you r face. Humor's greatest gift: ft fine-tunes your perceptions. cn1bling you to savor life's absurditie1. those morsels of comic incon.@ruilies th11 save your day. Despite its virtues, wit remains an elusi,i.oe and fragile gift. J1 's not an integral part of e\·cryonc's DNA. Some righteous souls arc born without lhe gene. or worse, a defective one thal generates puns. However, these glum folks rind gainful employment as bank loan officers. morticia ns, bill collectors, and l.R.S. inves1iga1ors. \Vhile humor is inherited rather than acquired, occasionally a .Jolly Jack pops up like Jack·in·lhe·Box in a totally square family with no black sheep, or Liberals. Invariably this is a genetic throwback to some sport who ran away from home and became the King of Burlesque. His escapades prebably tossed the family out of the Chagrin Falls Soc:i<ll Register for good. A comp<lrable dilemma occurs when two jolly, fun-loving parents gi\'c birth to a s1uffy, humorless kid. The parents must not only leap the Gcner:ition G<lp, but parachute across the humor chasm. Once this Jocul3r Gene is identified, it will t>e a towering achievement ror mankind in improving the quality of lire. The miracle of aenetic engineering will insure everyone enjoys a protective shield against the slings, and arrows, and bores of outrageous ron unc. I hope Hillary's new heallh progr<lm will cover this vital service. Non·loxic, rast acting, and available wi1hout a prescription, humor is the perfect pain reliever. But it has one drawback. lt'1 addictive. The older you get, the more you need. I find myself running low on laughs at the end of the day when everything is screaming for a1tention -from my ill ·mannercd, fiery hemorrhoids 10 our four-fooled, spoiled daughter howling for a walk. At this moment the smoke detector scrc1ms, signaling that dinner is burned and ready to serve. \Vhen things arc so bad they're funny, the emergency passes. It must be 1ough going through old age Cold Turkey and having to take the whole thing seriously. Humor is not the Milk of Human Kindness. It's the Champagne! 1 N•ncy Afc/ntyrT'• column •ppt•n rYtry !t1onday. lllusrnrlon ti~ Bill !tfdalTft. I LOCALS 0 MANAGING EDITOl STE\111 MAllLI. 540-1224, -. l6l . llNIOll Issues and answers for today's senior citizens s·he is the Grandmommy· of the·m··au .... As she turns 90, former actress remembers her national campaign for Grandparents Day. By Russ I.Dal. Stall - his Grandparents Day was a milcs1onc for great-grandmother Terri Blake who turned 90 on Saturday and celebrated the 1Sth annivenary of the national holiday she created. lt was war back in 1955 when the Conner movie .and television actress first began her campaign to create a National Grandmothers Day, \thich she later changed 10 include all gr1ndparen1s. ~- Standing on the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Blake began her quest by collecting signatures on a SO-foot scroll. That same year, she took a pcti1ion with 4,000 signatures in support of the idea to .Washington D.C. in hopes of copvincing President Dwight Eiser.ho-.'ter to !:nd bis 5Up"port. But it was not until 1978 and the presidency of Jimmy Carter that her efforts were rewarded. After 23 ycan of campaigning const to cout, Congress finally passed 1 bill and Carter signed Na1ional GrllDdparenLS Day into Jaw, to fall on the first Sunday after Labor Day. • '' Fill your life with as much beauty and ex~rienees of joy that yciu can, so when yo,u get older you can pull out the memories. Nobody can take them from you. '' TIMllME Al l•fi, Terri 11.Ue, foundorof Grandparents D;ay, wil~ ...,~ Joy"""· "In Cbicag~. 1 was goiriJ to go around dressed up like 1 thought a ·nice grandma should look like," Blake says of her early days trying to ~ne.rate "publicity for the holiday. "The reporters said, 'Hey, why don't you send home for a bathing suic, you:d get bccter publicity.' 1 called my husband and said, 'Daddy, send me a bathing· suit.' "I landed on lhe front p.ago. That's when I learned. Jn every city I wore a balhing suit and in every city I was on the front page." Ul11kc's inspir<l1ion lo honor s.randparenls was born from her own laci..: of film1!y. She was orphaned at age 3 and married 111 age 16. At <lge 50 while caring for her invalid husbnnd. she decided to. change her life and 1ook St,000 out or her S1''11ng.s 3CC'Ount, using the money 10 buy 1wo ap<lrtmen1s . and begin what would become a successful career in real estate dcvelopn1cnt. c:ar and dri"cs herself around 1own on erninds. After Blake suffered a t:troke in 1988, she moVed inlo a retirement home, but she soon m<>Yed out. "lt·WIS ll 'llo'Ondcrful pike and I m11 ao back somcd~y. but I don't like regimental JMaa,. • lhc says. .. 1\-c learned how 10 be independent." ln 19S7. Blake was dubbed the "World's Most Glamorous Grandmother" by 1he Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. That was four years after she landed her first movie role -at age SO. Blake's acting career led to roles in. more than a doze!' movies and appearances on tcleviSion shows such 11 Dennis the Menace and ~ighway Patrol. Her belief th.at age should never be a barrier to ambition Jed 10 her writing of the book, "You Can Do It.'' And the has been recognized in 1he Congressional Record for her work in support of eliminating mand<ltory retiremcnfllaws. She still has a fierce pride in her inde'pcndcnce, despire 1he raC1 she ha.s 1hree sons, 10 grandchildren and 12 great-gr<lndchildren -n1:iny of !hem muendi ng hCr bir1hday parly S:uurday at !he Newport Beach Country Club. Bl:ike keep$ busy writina 1 column foe California ·Senior Ci1i1en and she's considcrin& toaking on "a new cn.retr as a mo1iva1ion1I speaker. She ls passion:11c ubout break.ins down 1he stueotypcs of aging. Dt1t she is also concerned about >"°':'~1. ~le and encoumgcs them not to squander their hvc:s. "Fill your life wi1h as rhuch bc11u1y and experiences of joy !hat you C11n, so ¥io'hcn you CCI older you clln pull out the menlofic5.'' she advises. "Nobody can t:ike them from you." Charity pool tOll'ney South Coast Metro Rotary Club will ho.st a Charity Pool Tournament at the Oa.ssic "Q," 4250 Martingale Way, Newport Beach on Wednesday, Sepl. 29. Proceeds from the event will be used to rund club projects includ· ing a water purification project in Mexico, Share Our Selves in Costa Mesa, the Boy Scouts of Amerk11 and local school projects. The pu,blic is in· vited to participate. For rescrva1ions, call Doug Strode at 435-2191 . D In a surprise prescn1a1ion by Oub President Bob Penwell, Cal S1ewar1 was named "Exchangite of Year" by the Exchan1c Oub of Newpor1 Har· bor. Stewart was club president in 1966-67 and jusl finished 1 three-year term as club secretary/treasurer, a ;oh now filled by two members. A very, surprised, emocional Stewart was given 1 standing ova1ion . At age 90, she lives alooc in a Cos1a fo,1esa mobile home. loads her elcc1ric wheelchair on back of her SERVICE CLUB UPDATE D Sl.31\ford Uni\-crsi1y senior Rich Lee returned to 1he Ncy.·por1 -Balboa Ro· tary Club mec1ing to update club members on his accomplishmcn1s and to .pick up 1he final check of h11 S4,000 Ro1ary scholarship. Lee, "ho will graduate in June wi1h a B.A. in Human biok>g)-, scored in the 96 pe:r· cent on the l.SAT in prepnration for admission to law JC:hoot Oub Presi- dent Andy Campbell offered the club's congra1ulations to Lee as he presented the schol ... ~hip check. D Newport Beach Sunrise Rot:1ry Club is markeling their food ca1ering scr· vice as a major fund raising activity. They off tr pancake breakrasts. ham· burger lu~hes, etc. and provide food, equiA9"1ent and sctvioc to suit 1he needs of clubs, bu'sinesses and croops. Cont3ct members Mike Bradford 11 759-1978 or Ry•n Kelly II 9S.S·I 121 . MEl"flNGS AND PROGRAMS l'ou ·arc 14~/romc co visit .t service club, to hear a program, learn more about the clubs' 11ctivi1ies and to get invo/\·cd i" sen ice 10 )-our community. l "UESDA\': ; 7:1S 1.m. -Ncwpor1 Beach S\lnris.c Rouuy Oub, meeting a1 1hc Balboa Bay Oub Wr a program by Todd Ridgeway on "The Changing Face of Retail Sales.'' -411 6:4S p.m. -Costa t.iesa-Newport Harbor Lions Oub, at Costa fo.1csa Country Oub; Jim Gladson or !he Los· Angeles Mari1ime Institution. WEDNESDAY' Noon -Costa Mesn Rotary~Club, · meeting at Mesa Verde Counlry Oub, program by Shawn Steel, discuuing lhc School c 'hoicc lni1ia1ive. 6:15 p.m. -Nc:wporl·O:Jlboa Rolary Oub, meetin& 11 1he Newport Beach Country Oub, proarom by Jerry t.1en· de.Ison of Drug Abuse is Ufc. Abuse, discussing .. Drup in 1ht Work Place." l'llURSDAY' 7:1S a.m. -Sou1h Co:ast Metro Ro- tary Oub, mce1ing at The Center Club, program by John Nicoletti dis· cussing the new Anaheim Arena. . Nooo -Kiw>inis Oub of Corona dcl f\i1r, meeting at the Bahia C.Orin1hi1n Yat:ht Oub, prognm by• spokcspcr· son for 1he NeY.l)Ort Conservancy. Noon -Costa Mesa North K.iwtaois Oub, n1ccting at the Holiday Inn on Bristol, proa,ram by Steph1ny Snow of the L.A. R3nts. Noon -Newport·ltvinc Rotary Oub. meels 11 the Airportcr Hotel, prograsn by Waller Henry on ''Heahh." ll:lS p.m. -The Exchance Oub or Newpon Harbor, mcetin1 11 Charley Browns, with Ron Linsky of lhc Irvine Ranch Water DistriC1 on "Plannin1 for Smarl Wa1er.'' Sff\•ltt Club Upda tt, by Jlnt dt -Is pub/lsMd ...tty I• Iii< Dall! l'llol. Submit prt11 rtlt•1n bf FA.¥ to fJJ.$1.51 Of'mall 10 J1-0 JJ.,.,,.,.e W•y, N...,_, &•<I•, Ct 12UO. .., ... , ... ,.n..n.wo..,~ ...... Ha• te: '4l-6Gl6 "'°"" ... ,,.,,. ........ a.a, Piii or .......................... _. .. ,.., ...... ~ ....... """ -)~ ..................... . _.. ................ .., .. Gau••-· ................ . ...... , ................ ...... .. MMI. ctrr•,...... ......... ... ........... fNI .. ,.... ........ ....... ,_.: ....... .,.. IP .. t I A. -.JSJ·tl41 . "' --........ al,...... .flO'llwfl•C.O."'--•t ........ ~ .. Olly ... ..., ......... .., ... .. M.st,. ,...... ....... dlri9,..... ,.w • c.-..,., CA.,.,...~ .... ,......_ ...... ~~ Till:,... .......... ,,. .... ,4 .. IMQ, C... .... CA tH.M. au 111CHT: "° ...... --. • ..... ........... ... -••+teed.....__,..... ..... .,~-· HowlDNM:hUI ON I 11 1 (fte l1llllll Or-. C11 nt)1 llOOl 252-9141 ·- e.:n ..... 1.2 1.'°1&.A 4.J ~3~ l:IJ .... S.1 tin-... ... ldl,.... .. J:. btJ,,.-.U ___ , .... .. ............. ,....-1: .... . °""' ........ d:Nii ... .... 1 ........ .. ............... ... , ................. _ ... CeeTA- V...to.tl.cMtrar A1i11CM were rcpaned "*- Wcd..tdoy -... 100 bloc• ot ,....., -·the 2800 bkd ot PiAccTeck Ddw, SO.th Cotot Pllu and the 600 blod< ol Dun:U Slrttt. ~AradioWM -"'--·· u of ........ tlilc 100 IA~Abikc.wu rtporkd .... ,,.. • -"' ... JlllO block. was ... .,m ... ... , ·······~ Two ....., ..... wcte !11 r ,,....,.,,_ --0..lotloe--c.tar; A VCR _. 11.,..cs 1 -----.-..... --... ....... Allss••• E:-z.-:= • • • • she left blhlnd 181118 lldl iW OW, 1MAG1NS HOW THE 'rllOrt:lrTY VALUE WOULD HAVE 50.UED IP UZ TA\'l.O& HAD ACIVAU.Y MOVED IN! -Al finl n:poned tt.rc WcCfncsd•)'. the bubble hu bunt on the fortollu'• proposed residency at Jtvine Cove. And now the five·bcdroom house is back on the block. Bui the lib hu been revised upward. Instead of the oriainal 'SS,999,000 uldna price - rcponedly ncaoUated down '° SS.2 millior:a -th.la be1chfront "ru.er-upper' is now beina listed It $6,7.S0,000. Go figure . 0 DON'T L£r THE KIDS READ TfflS ITEM (Tia \Vonllna M17 8c Too Suaca:tive) -lbcie's.a handout on hand from the Newport Harbor Arca Chamber or Commerce. •-!!"--· toutin1 a .. business opponunity breakfast" scheduled Sept. 30 1t John Dominis Restaurant. The seminar's litle is "Wiping Oul the C.Ompcti1kln ." And it has this rather ri.squc 1ubtitle, "Kkking the C.Ompctition's You·Know·Wha1." D HEllE'S ANOTHER INSTRUCTIONAL PROCRMf, ES PEC IALLY IF YOU'RE WINE llAl( • H ............... UOO H ...... -·-· 41 ............... lllt M ............ 11.Ull 11. ........... U .llt ................... ,. I 50 .... -......... .. ......... _ ...... ,. M .1rsh.i ll Ho\...,clrci 1-1800) 99 5-478 ~ UNG ERIE HOME PARTIES ....... _ 261.Q560 OR cHUU -Tiie Clol_... w -packel lists 1 lp<tCb Ocl. 6 11 the llllbol Yldll Cub. futurina ,_ T, llerMJ', president of VitaTech lnteraalional. It reads: "After bearina him speak. you will have • betier wtdcrstandina ol the •Pna proc:eu.. • ~ 0 AT!VmON AU. TllEASUU SEEKERS . ' . ' . -You may dtseard your old maps. After eight ye111 ol ~ tbtlr spectoeuilr Treuure Hunt 11 Ncunao-Marcus, fund-n.ilcn at the American Diabetes Anociatioa .-cu me they're switchint thtir venue to Saks Firth Avenue. No rcllOD wu siven except that tbe Fuhioa Island &how place "is no k>ftacr 1vtilablc" for the annual caper. .._ Hmalq who heads the local chapter, pref en to wekome the chance whh these . word&: .. We now-hive Su appeal." - He happily no\ea tha.t the South Coast Plaza emporium bu orrered 1 $10,000 shoppin& spree u grand piiz.e for this year's extravapnz.a. scheduled Nov. 6. and there'll be c;ounUeu other rewards--for' lucky 1rusure-secken. Cost or the huntin& license: • mere SlSS-. 0 EGAD, DOES THIS MEAN HE COULD BE FAMOUS FOR MORE THAN 15 ~UNIJTES? -Frie nd or mine, who's been undcrgoina all sorts.RC 1estin15 at local healing center$.. emcr&ed 1he other day with some reassuring news. ''They're still not sure what the problem is, " he 11kl. "bu1 there's 1 pd ch.Ince I'll have. a dtsease named after me." 0 AND SHE. TOO, SHOULD'\IE GOTT£N A SECOND OPINION -The abOvc item reminds me or Lbc time..J p6cked up my mother at lhc doctor's offw:c, after a lcn&thy euminatioa. . And what was 1hc p rofc.uK>nal medical diqaosis? .. He lokl me," she said, "that I'm not exactly a sprin1 chicken." 0 AND NOW A urn.E VOX FROM THE POPUU -If it weren't for helpful rcaden, we'd probably never know some oC these lhinp, to wit: •From Lou A.tlllu, one or Garfs regulars: ".In writing about all the' mov4cs filmed here, don't forget '"The Ice Palace," starring R1cti1nt , Burton, shot ia the e1rly '60s. They turned The Canne,Y Restaurant into an Alaskan fiShing village, snow and all." {I checked .with The Cannery's Diil uamlllOll, Lou, and tic said lhat was be fo re hi.s time. My call left him cold.) • From '-11naa JarobsoB or CoSlll Mesa: "In your recent visits to the BKk Bay Cafe, did you ever cneoun1cr 1hc rare and endangered bird called lhe ligh1·foo1ed clapper rail?" (NOi to my knowledge, Minna, unless ii was on 1hc menu.) , Jtny Kobrin's rolumn rons !t1ond:ay and \Vtdatsd.a.r. T .. AY, ...... 1a .... PATIE1'n" SEMlNAR: The Hot,& Fer1ility Sctvic(I C.e n1er 'Will have a new paticn1 1eminar frOfll 7.9 p.m. 11 1he Oraoe Hoaa C.Onfer~ntt C.Cn1e.r. For more inrorma1ion, call • 76().2141. . TUUDAY, llll'T. 14 COLl.ISION A\YAltENESS' The Ne~'por1 Beac:h Library will present 11 free JectuJe 11 noon on "St:aatd Collision Awareness: Don'.t Become a V~im." The lecture wilt f'O'f'Cr · how to avoid s1agCd insurance scams and What 18 look Cor in a sct·up. For more informouion, ~londay -Pizza or burrito, pc.as and corn. pears in l1ghr syr up, mil k: Tuesday -llalian spaghetti w11h cheese bread slick or bur'rito, s:.lad wuh blue cheese dressing. :apple cnsp v.·ith whipped topping, milk· \\'tdncsday - Brunch for lunch waffle with bun er '3nd syrup, iau· ..u 6«-3191. AUJANCE MUTING: The C.en11al Newport Bcac:h Com· munity Aslocialion prue.nu 1bc Newpo rt Co.nscrvancy ind Newport Talpaycn Allianoe It 7 p.m. at the Newport Be.eh ,Ci ty Council Chambers. PRJOE AWARDS: Meu Pride .. 111 bold a breakfast to cctebra1c its 51h Annual Neighborhood Prkic Awards and Co:s:11 Mesa's 40t h Anniversary 11 the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Oub at 7:JO 11.m . The ~I is SlO per person. ~ad )"our ittms .to Arouad }"own r.dltor, 1bt Dall}' p;Jot, JJO lf. lla.r ~Sl.,Cost• l f#a, t1n1. sage patties, spud buds, &lazed bl ue· berries. mil k Thursday -Turkey in Jr1.V)' oYc:r whipped potatoes or burri10, carro1 sticks wi1 h n1nch dip. watermelon ""'edge, walnut muffin bread. milk. Friday -Corn dog or burnto, mixed \Cl:Ctablc~. frc~ irapcs, milk Sabatm's was ""Ji1aly lmtded " C!licago "'"' .... !;Is lrot9d 1lle ~ iec.lle lo.' .... - -Sausage llllm Palermo, llaly n 1he 1930's. Today, tis ms & pldson C00111'1Je 10pnMdea~ 1T1!tkl al .,_ -food preparod ITesll daily and seasoned •ill\ 5 gener3lioos al ~ pride. For RISlf'fllions tall 723.Ql21 !SI Sii!IP!'I' W17 • illwpofl - us•• --· I l Of course, we'd love it1f you could cash every race (no really. we would). Then you 'd be the world 's greatest handica pper. fu rlong spnnt for top two year olds. The stakes are h.igh. m both mo ney a nd standings. Because the purse is a guaranteed $250,000 • ,_..,. • W I ... ' M. a.ona•• a . '. ,_,, 5811 I ',Q .. "'., W8211 C=:J _ 12.UTOft to c.1 0.,,.-i:J-a::. .... , •••• ::=~~ .. ·:.........' ..... ~ ~-:..:~~=:!:;=3:!E=~~:::i ... ..,.h .... 1- 1 r La ix .. ~ .. -- And Satellite Wagering fro m Del Mar would be the world's and the out- co me could reveal the best Derby horses for ., CA.17141 M1 ..... -1MM IPM --Uf greatest sport- ing event. A dream, maybe ..• WINNING ISN 'T EVERYTHING. PLACE AND SHOW A REN 'T BAD EITHER . next year. JOIN 'IHE SKIPPERS CLUB And Save On Your Electric Bill _.., .... ........, .ICJtOOw1~111 s...m. -9...., llQO ll'fqi" * S-... Cir Mid-Week .R.enta1s * s-~ Olr FrWat 4t Sun * VIP~Oicdt.a. · * Ptb:ily N«ke on Spodal Evena: *Join &!Ible W3C)93 A ~clue lnuCEHOVa -·-: 7 ...... CzP 'IU:I s m•> ~noo ~,.,, .... ••• . Q s s a= ., • °' . s · 112 • <c:.1110 .. But w e still think that what we have going here is hard to beat. Wednesday, September 15th is closing day at Del Mar. So don't miss the Del Mar Futurity, a seven Satellite Wagering from Del Mar. Ni n e mo re races to go. And -given all the wins, places. shows, boxes, tnfectas, et cetera -about50 more ways to win. S.111ite\ .... rint&amDelMlf u4ltmw o. .. _ ...... ....,. ---(11<1•54• 4 111rtv, l1pll551Ur ta. \iaa ~ .... ..._, -.... .,.. ...... bowlty ......... -Altpi· dousty tet out to xatdl their car, Whot thoy fow>d wu ......i -... laws. For one, look·alille cop can arc .Plnaa the CaJil'ornia "Chicle code -and concealed io.dcd weapons arc 11Pintt the law. Rote and Christie Wfrt h1ndcuffcd ind locked behind bars. \ . It wun't unlil some 60 hours later when Missouri lawmen got wind thal some of their boys were. holed up in. I Coita Men jail 1ha1 police here leai'ncd the men were lc1itim1tc friends of law cnforcemen1. The boun1y hun1crs were set Cree. AJI charges were drOpped. . · "The feeling w1s tha't they had committed these crimes in i&norance. so u a matter of professional courtesy we released them.'' sajd Yadon. "Obviously they're nol evil pcopJc. They ju.st have 1 different way or doif'& business in Missouri." ROK is 1hc first to admit he's from the old 5Chool. But his 37 years in 1he buJineU is au the more reason he doesn't take too k.indl7 to bein1 ar- rested on the job. So .shortly after his release, he and Christie filed a wrongful arrest lawsuit. .. ........................ 1 1 a.a_,...._ ........ . """'---·a.....w. ....... .. .... """ his _ .. , -... -........ .... alMt ..._ hz·nW .. AINI I w paa.. To .. -I -oca...t IO death, They bwnblod -bi& lime ... f\lrthermcn. ROie maintain&. the arrest cc..e hhn b...tn... UM! nearly Ilia liCe: He ended •P bciq uanspotle<I IO tho ._.IAl beeaUle he wu deprived or his medidnc ror di.be•~ he Mys. Vedona 11YJ the nceaive: force claims a.re tn· valid. lh•t Role's blood...,.., tevel re~ was IC> 1ual1y lower while detained than when· he' lch Mis- souri. ud tbal 1 chroaic buniUs conditioo -not 1 flll -aoooua.ted for OnU1ic'1 sore ahoWdcr. · Neverthclct.s. Rose and Chrislie Otw to Co&ta Mesa ~arJicr this week to suqesc council memben cut ,· settlement deal be.Core their ca.-.e ps San1a Ana Federal Coun Sept 20. . ~ "I don' think we c!one·much load. thou&h." Rose admitted. . ' · '"Mr. ROIC operates in the old style:," Vedon'a uid. "He,thinks you can still go anywhere )'ou want, shackle someone up.-kidnap th~m aifd dng them across stale Jines back to Missouri. "You-"would think a modcm"day bounty hunter would check into the laws ol 20th Ccnlwy." BUS From 1 "Then I realized be was wearing a bus unifonn and he was scrioU5 and J·c:aJled'9--l·l ror him." the bus passed the El Toro Y, McErlain said otfiecrs called in the Califomil Highway Patrol to con1inue the pursuit The chase ended when the driver exited the freeway at Onega Highw1y where he psrked the bus a.t the Swal· law's Inn, nn in, sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. Meanwhile, cofCcc drinkers at Diedrich Coffeehouse got an unu- sual pick me up when bus driver, Bryan Patterson, ran inlo lhc store screaming his bus had been s1olcn and to call 9·1·1 . "We ~·Cre really busy like ~·c usually arc on a Sunday, then all or a sudden thtre was a man standing in the middle or the line saying 'call 9-l -l, my bus has been. stolen,' " said ~iary John- son. general manager at Diedrich. She said an unidcntifted off· duty firefighter tried to help Patterson catch up with the diiv· er, but the pair lost the pursuit. "He (the driver) was jumping up and down screaming, 'My bus!' " Johnson said. Costa t.iesa Police caught up with the hijacked bus at 19th Street and Newport Boulevard and followed it as the suspect drove along !he Newport Freeway to the San Diego Freeway. Once McErlain said La Porte al- lecedly struggled with oCfJCCrs some before his arrest. He 'was not believed to be intoxicated during 1he . chase. No ir,iuries were reported during the inci- dent. ' sr_::;::_-._-,.._ ~! ::!'=1'c::.":nc1 Cllllunl lnt&ltutlons in On1nae O.P, .... Moalt Priot, ond the Coun1y opcaed lhek ICUODS. Fri~ c:h1nriint ..... COftlft Ind hus- doy ... nlna. South Cout Reper" band Ill cOalln !0< tho Celtlvitiet. eory premiered "Momlnp 1 1 "FauM .. will be perrormcd throuch SeYeo," In hooor ol SCR•s 30th Septe~r 19tb 11 tho PAC. season. chaaipape ... ser.'Sd in o· the k>bby prior IO tl>e petfomo. The boy"""" were "sh;f"' ance. and folk>wiaa the cu:naiQ. a wr«kcd Cn Ncwpon.~ Th:" s what post 1hc:ater p1rty atll'lldcd a II.Ip 1hey: called 1htir affair hosted by and admirina crowd of well wi$h· John Dominis ot Newport Beach en c:on,:n1ulatina cas1 and crni. to help launch the 7th annuo.I Sea Foundina anist tbl lMclon Jr. Due Wooden Boat Festival. Cock· joined the p&.y,1 director Manin tails ind 1 aiknt 1uction ~ere fol· 8e"""1 K«pti"4 _,iades aad • lowed by 1 dinner prepared by th• eltjoyina 1 late 1aiptsuJSecr ca. resia1.1ran1'1 uec:uuve chef Luse tcrcd a.round the foun1am frontina Sorentoft. His culiM.ry JitilJ()' t.h.e 1.hc local l•ndmark theatre. -:-.sub;cct of Jmn)' compliments Opera P~fic opened its .ei&hth throu&bou• lhe cven1n1. The season Saturday cvenin& at the .. shipwruted theme" ·inspired Orange County Performina Alts many in 1ttendance to be crc11ivc Center with a bold production or with their attire. They came in cv· Qla.tlff Gounod's "Fa\111," De· el)'lhing from ''OilliJ.~'s ls.land mons 1nd devils tlelighted the cJ.it· c:hic" to tropical thnft shop. Natu- tering opcnlna ni,aht opera crowd, ralty, 1 contin&ent or men in clas- hrincin& cheers 1nd ovations for sic Newport blue blucrs joined the company, directed by the tlll· their ladies wearina thC final cntcd Ken Cuu. Men in red round of crisp white cottons. The satin lined ca~ o( black escorted summer, ncar'f 1 memory, did not '!Wmcn adorned in diamonds to the af1er party held under .the stars at the Calirornia Senario Noguchi Garden. A late buffet dinner was served 10 lhc 11Jcn1ed cast (-.·ho performed the opera in French wi1h English SUPER· TITLES projCded abovt the stai.c), c:rew and p:i.1r0ns. COstumc designer Const.Ince Hoffmiln, SCI -- RUFFELL'S UPHLSTllY llC . --We've Moved!--.................. Im-•-. .u.-IQ.11M ._._Loans 1200,000 1 175 -°"-~~ ................ msiiOi ,,._.. Buainese Loans ...,,, 1,1s,'!OO fa «XXU1fS ~.equipnenr ....... ~~·· ~#U•DDrG -WC .............. Wanna place a classUied ad? Call 642-5678, TRANSMISSION T•OUBLE? 7K OF TRANSMISSION PROBL.EUS.f..! t ARE JUST MINOA REPAIRS ~\..! UTIA LONG LIR '- ONDmONEI WITH ANY TUNSMISSION TUNE-UP S1t.t5 VALUE AWARD () AMT CO is lhl proud rtciPlnt of b .. _. s.lbol '"''"' ~bs -for honesty & ln1eQrity anel has AAATCO TRANSMISSION 1,·73 P1~rp·:1 1 .i •• Cost• r:. ',,t best a Wrifv owned n (l(:ltnttd ~siness since 1960. CALL 631·1170 Kristen's Lingerie •'Loungewear ·Gifts ViS1t us before Sep1embe< 20lh to receive your FREE GIFT 6 2°"' OFF your next purchase v.f"lie ~ &st (_) Now In Westcliff Court 631,.SEXY (7399) 1719 Westcliff Dr, ·Newport Beach (Across the street)· C.,11a• Fandlag (' G ~ .... 1::= .. __ ..... _ REFINANCE TODAY Guaranteed To Lower Year Moallaly hymarl At ABSOLlITEL\' NO COST! Col Today For o free Consultation (800) 20j -FUND 5031 B;rch AWJ,. Sum. E, 8eoch WANS Buying • Selling PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR •DIAMONDS •ROLEX WATCHES •JEWELRY ..... . inhibit tho .. ...,.,.,, ..... lei ..... d&aired the ar. r.;, oaited 1>y hi llMll. Sllttly C1w1r. Deborah Hanlft"°"' ""1ny . M-. Mlrilyft -· -Oai .. W, lobin Liwrerce, and . Annie Quinn, The honontry chain ..,,. S....IO< -ktlftO'I ond S.pem..,, Tom au.y, Nnrly e.ery y:icht club Crom miles around supp,orted the st.1 base pthcrins ror lhe boy ICOUlJ. Present were fd Warminaton of Lido Isle, Crall I.,_.,. from Shark llland, john Tanqter or 1hc Ame:rkan LcP,n Y .C., Paul Salata or Unda Isle, C.rolyn Hardyof the: Bahia Corinthian Oub, Tim Cot· llns ofNiwport Hatbor Y.C.. and NOSA Commodor< Rob Wqod, Mkkoy H•rn>S' Boy· Scout S.a Base Director JOfned hii board chair George OuhltU thanking 1he tell ou1 crowd for 1hcir al· legiance."Our miuion is to use 1hc 1eachin1 or aqua1ic Kills and rec· reatk>nul boa1in1 as a me ans or re- inforcing scouting ideals al the lowest possible cost to all, in a sare enviommen1." SPECIAUZJNG IN: Pre-owned ROicA Watches CUSTOM ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE • Oiimond Dials • l)Wnond f>eze!s ........... ........ l.94 .... Al ............... •FAMOUS RIBS &SALAD • TERIYAKI l.EJIO# OR lfAYA' CHICKEN &SALAD •PRIMAVERA PASTA &SALAD 1818 liWY atr RIJOAY S:•l ... I'll THE'TALEOF • JEMIMA PuoolE-DUCK & THE TALE OF TOM KrnEN· TONIGHr8PM , MDPWI ..,....__ ~ --•?' )',fll:w-- .:;;::r-r-... . ,.,, .... . . ....... _ One SWiii· victory for Joe Sugar .... He pulls it out with. rally over: last6 holes to ' make up 3-stroke deficit in Will Jordan Classic win. By Do!ris Blostertious. Sports - COSTA MESA Yorba Uni:fa's Joe Sugar overcame a thrcc·s.hot deficit on the final five holes Sunday to capture the 2tst Costa Mesa City Golf Championship/ Will Jordan 03ssic. Sucar dropped a '"''o-foot birdie putt on the final hole 10 overcome Bryan Saltus,. who grew up in Costa ~icu. "To be truthful, l 1hough1 the way we were &oin' (on the final holes) that we were com1n1 back to the pack... uid Sugar, who finlshcd with 1 ~-under-par 137 for_1hc IWQ·d:.y 1ournamcn1 following an openina·rou.nd 64 on S:iturday. "S1art· in& at 18. I had no idea Vl'C were still ahead of the field ." Goins into the 14th hole, Sallus was 11 seven-under, 1hrcc ahead of Sugar. Ben disaster struck Saltus on 14 as he hit a shot out of bounds. The ensuing double-bogey dropped his le1d to just one s1ro kc and when Sug:i.r birdied 15 with a shol estimated at about 65 reel, the p:iir were tied a1op the leader .., ~;r; I . ' . board. ··1 h1ven't made a shot that long in I don't know how long." said Sugnr. Each or the ro- lc:iidcrs bogeyed 16 and managed 3s on -the p3.r-3 17, selling the stage ror the fin:1I· hvle driti1na1K::s. Sugar pul his sec- ond sho1 on 1he p3r·5 oe Sugar hole on the Cringe or 1he green, then ne1rly K>lcd his chip r9~ an eagle, as the ball ippcd the cup and went two rec1 pas1. Saltus' lhird shot was chipped on the :rccn, about 12 rcet pas1 the bole. Saltus t'Cnl firsl 1nd left hts birdie putt short, 1u1 Sugar made no mistake, draining his hort 11tempt. "II means 1 kJt 10 me," s:iid Suaar, a cccnl &ndua1e of UC Irvine. "~1y whole amily w:u here to support me." For S1hus. "'ho recently moved 10 :ardiff by the Sea, it was another year of lisappointmcnt in Jhe Jordan aassic. Sal- .II, 22. fired a 63 on Saturday, and buill is lead only 10 sec it melt away to a .cc· nd straight runner-up finish. "I prob:tbly didn't play very sman golr," c sajd. "With that kind oC lead, I 1hould I VC laid up, inslead or gDina Cor it. But cing 1greuivc is my nature. That's what tlpc.d me act the lead in the fin• place." John Lovc:tt's birdie putt on the final t>lc &ave him sole possession oC third lace With I 66-73-JJ9, IWO !hots o (( the KlC. Tied Cor rourth were Lonn ~1astro 'Kl ·Newport Beach's Bob Jacobson 11 Nl. Mike Divis. Jim George and Tracey ~ttrow were at cvcn-par 142. • 11rok~ 9Cid of I lar&C: group II 143. HP IEARlllllC --.. ... ~. ..,..,.aLOCau -,...,.m.....,. ...... ,,. .. ......... , ......... ., ........ ,.-.11 ... t.tt....._,.....,..,.._ .... ,..,.. • ....,, ....... ,.,-.... ., ................ ....... •W011T·•····-· .... , ........ , ........... , ..... , ............................... ,4 .,4 ................... ,, ....... .., - ' • -PORTS , .. SPORTS EDITOJl. ROGER CARLSON, 642-030, "''· lt7 . Binh TrMl r1mbifl on one d his four touc:hdcMn runs in Frid•y nighrs SS-0 rout of Oa~ VteW in Costa Mesa'$ •ner. EDISON 14, CORONA 118. MAR 7 .... Nobody at CdM 's getting too unnerved over the opening loss, Sea Kings are st ill confident. Coron.:1 dcl Mar H igh Co:ach Dave lloll:tnd: "It · was"""ll typical first gamC. in that lhere ..... ere sornc mis· takes th:u Vlcrc \'C'ry c..:ir· rcctablc. .. The defense pla)ed pretty Vl'Cjl, ~nd I w<as real plc:tscd with our inten.si1,r. Some of our kids may ha,·c goncn a lntlc caught up in the pre· season rankings (Ul~t \lt3.S No. ;'. 1n 1hc CIF Division IV poll). so this "as a real eye-opener. \Ve still think "c·u be :1 pretty good foo1bnll 1eam. "I thought (junior quartcrb3ck) ;\aron Perlmutter did 1. nice Job ror his fint game as a s1a r1cr. He made somC" nice runs scrambling. whkh should give us another dimension. "(Senior center) Scott Walkins (soph· omore gu:11rd) JcCC Bogdan (subbing Cor injured Bobby Fouladi), (junior corner· back) Rob Alshulcr (replacing G11rth Turner, cuncntly ineligible), and (senior derensivc 111cklc) Houman Hosseinioun also did well a! fiBt·time starters. ··~like Digrado did :11 nice job 1.1 strong ufcty. He replaced Todd Borl.:1nd aO,cr he broke his collarbone in the first quarter. Dorland was replacing f\t a11 Ni- chols (mononucleosis). Borland will be out for a while. It was a ctean break." epair NEWPlllT llAllllOll 17, OMNGf 13 .... Sailors showed promise of bigger .and better things , as well as the victory, and no injuries Nev,.por1 Harbor l·hgh • .Coach Jeff Br inkley: .. \Ve ~ did some good things:. and , ~e made some mis1akes 1ha1 arc currectable. \\lade (Tif1) kicked the ball rc31 well (field goals of JS. 30 3nd 20 )'ardsJ and (Steve) Gonzales pun1ed "ell (• 6 1-ya rder among his four boo1s). And those were two areas 1ha1 "ere question ma rks going in. \Vade sho"'ed some ~ood range on lhe JS·)"lrder, 3nd then JUSI b:i rcly 'Clc11rc·d the crossb:ir Cronl 30 ya rds out. But the (JO-y31d field goal) is like the "°·in. The) 'II both look J l111le better in about three "'·eeks. .. One or the bright spots \lriD.S the of- rcnsive line, which showed us 1hcy ha\c some po1cn1inl. Some of those Lids did 3n excellent job. "I thoughl (senior quarterback) R}•an Smith played real well (or a guy VI ho had ne\·er s111rtcd a varsi1y game. He com· plclcd 65 pcrcenl. .. Bill Johru (a junio r noscJuard) stood ou1 on dcCensc. He was 1n o n three sacks ... Ocrcnsivcly. we sho\ll·cd we had the kind of quictncu \lo'e thought "-C v.·ould. \Ve had a k>t oC guys flying to 1hc Cootball, which was a big positive. "Our only injuries Vl·ere cramps. so "'c were lucky there." LOS AMIGOS 20, ESTANCIA 9 .... Eagles were in the hunt all the way, aga inst easily the best LO~ Amigos team in many years . E)!Jnci<1 lligh Co.t.:h John Lie bcngooJ: .. It ''as JJ.9, .tnd \lriC' \\CrC drl\lll!: 1n 1he l.t)I fi,e nunu1e1. but ""e fu rnbled. and the} got :inother touchdu"n 10 put 11 .. In the c1gh1 }C::lfS l\e pla~eJ l,o) Am1gus. th:it's the be)! 1eam u·s had l 'hcy did 3 nice JOb ag.iinst u~. "but "'C fell "'c h:nl :i. chJ.nee 10 .,.,,n th;u g.1mc . C\C n though "'C d1Jn~t p lJ.~ \Cry \lri ell. "Our dcfcn!>C pl:&ycd f:i 1rl~ "ell, but v.e ""ere on the field loo long 1n lht sec- ond half. \Ve shO"Ao·ed signs "'c could hit and mO\'C 10 the football. \\'e helJ them 10 JUSt 10 ):i.rds in lhc first half. but our dercnsc "'.ls un the field IOU much 1n the second hatr. · .. \Ve'rc going 10 hJ\e 10 pie~ 11 up :1. notch 0Cfcns1,cly, p3n1..-:ularl) h~ gc:111ng after people <>n the line. But .... c n10,·ctJ the Cootb::ill in 1hc second hair. and put some dt1\'CS together I also thought Qsc3r Lomeli (11 carncs for -15 rards) and ~l ike Pawinski (9-27) d id :1 n1cc 11.).b running 1hc ball. "I'm a little disappointed. hu t "'e know one game doesn't make a ~tt.son . lllc "'·orst thing about losing is "'·e ha\'C' to w:riit a ,.eek bc(ore 'AC get .:1no1her chance (fhut'Mtoy ag:unst La Quinta) ... 111/0t R.,,I,, W.I~ • Mloot ,,,,,,,, W.lrot01 I . Millar finds 55 raisons to 'cool it' .... Costa Mesa's 55·0 ·blowout was cause to celebrate , but the circumstances dictate Mustangs should take the opener in stride . IZC ""e can imptO\C ::ifler l big ""in" And despite 1hc O\crn helming dum1· nnncc of the Sca- h a "''k ), v.ho Cll· tended 1heir losi ng s1re.:i.k 1u ~O games. fl.t iller fe els t here·~ :i lot of room for 1m - pro\ cmcnt. ··\Ve m1)sed 3 lot of 3))1gnments on • offcn)c :ind de· fen)c." c\pla1ncd ~llller. ""hlht team Orange County high school toorball Top 1 o Pllol M Jeetlon• _ ... •• •• ,. .. •• •• ,. • • .. •• :imas~d ;15 net v:irds to Ocean Vic.,., 0 ) 55 "The fllm rs 'nt"\'er as good H the S('Orc .,.,hcn ~ou "'·in . nor a' b:id ;r;~ ihe ..core "'hen you lo)e" !-13"') 1n technique ;r;nd re)pi.>n)1· bil1tic), ho.,.,•C\Cf, arc corrtl"t3blc \\ h.it ma) be or gr.cat er con..-:ern 10 the >erond-ycar head roach. "".I) the mount- ing ca)ualt) count "I'd )>UTC trade · about 50 of those points rof three or rour le)~ 1n1ui;fi . ~ltllcr s.:11d ~ Het.lldcd 1un1or tr:insfcr DC'.,.,J\ne Crcn)hJ.,.,, "'ho plJ~cd up to h1) pre· ~ti.son billing 1n his fl.IC')3 debut, )ur- fcrcd J )hKhtl) )Cp:u;itcd )houldcr, :ind 6-foot-6. 287-poun d t\i\U·\lri:J.) t.tckle Jared \\'1lson sus1:i1ncd applr('Ti t c:art1· l11ge damage to his ~nee. Crcnsh3w. "'ho opened the )>('unng ··1h a -14-yard touchdo'llo n run en route to 09 )Jtds on sc'en ru)hcs. could be sidelined for Fr1d:iy's contest ag:11n.st R3ncho Al3m11os 0 1110 ""1th \\'1lwn • .,., ho -t.hlkr "'31d rould pl:i.) the tt)>l of the sca~n . .,., h1lc postpon1n1 potential arthrOSC"op1c )Ut· gery. Jn add111on. All·CIF ~n1or runn1n1 b.:1ck Dinh 0'Run:1""a) .. Tran ~ust11ncd a mild hip po1n1er ... h11e n.m:i)~1ng ~23 yards :ind rour touchdov.n) on 24 car· nes "He'll be fine ." s3id ~1iller. ,.ho listed senior tight end Adam McN alty (pinched nct"VC 1n his neck) and All-Cl F guard and lincb5tker Bryan Luxem- bourtcr {jl.lSt 1enerally ban1ed up) :11mong the ,..<1lk1n1 ... 'Ollnded 231111 Newport Bird. COiia Mesa 6611-1518 or do-8599 ' '1 ' '' .. ' ' I ' ' . ' 1r- • • • M•rtu. s1p11m111r 1a.1• ... FoolbaH team opens 5eason by showing little, anything, in right mode. y Rlclllrd DuM, Soo1S - i C10STA MEShA • I-I ""' IO Wl'CIC • ~d ror Orange Coast College's Pirates, B ey cou1dn•1 e\'Cn · re a 1ouchdown ht. . Special teams killed.the Pirates, d a third.quancr tt:play of Sal· lirday night's season opener Paalns1 visitinf M1 . San An1onio ~Id be qutekly expelled from lhe textbook b( footboll playing, I "It .secfl!S like everything thal ~uld've gone wrong for us, did," DCC rreshm.on ti&hl end Chris !Juinn said. : M1. SAC -b;J.rely able 10 move lhe ball on 1he ground -won this ~on~ronference g~me convincingly, p2-20, but ii was a victory handed •o the Mounlies on a silver platter. t•wc made every mistake you can 'wiakc," said OCC Co.:i.ch Bill Workman, who lost a season open- er for the firs1 time since 1986.. his rookie campaign. The period of Twilight Zone for Ornnge Coast began with 8 min · u1es, I I seconds lcC1 In the third quarter, aCte r the Bucs had PU8UC NOTICES scnpped 10 merit I l.l-12 la1era1i11ion. lead be(ore an atimal.ed 2.200 ra~ Ch Id Duke'• 21· yard field JOii put Mt SAC ahead, 15-t:l, folJowina an OCC offlidet pe .. l•y lbat s•ve him extra kick.&Qa room. In t.hc next terics, 0,.qp: Couc: quartcrb1clc Todd M11het. pres- sured heavily 1hiou&hout. wu in· 1ercepted by Ml. SAC 'bad<er Marcus Alridge, who rctumcd ii 20 yards to the OCC s.. sctlin& up a Ml. SAC 1ouehdown. . On OOCs cnsutng plaf from scrimmage, tailback Jeff Cayton fumbled and the Moun1ics' Molech Blythe scooped it up and canicd 10 the OCC ID.-leading 10 ano1her Mr. SAC 1ooehdown on the rollowing play. Want more? There's plenty.' Oayton fumbled aaain (our se~ onds later on the k..ickorf, bu1 the Mounties were sympathetic. They didn't sa:ire. But then, stuck deep in their own tcrrilory on fourth down in the ne.x.1 series, the Pirates had 1heir punt blocked, and Mt. SAC converted it inlo a field goaJ, lak· Pllttttfa I ...... c....._Olllr ... 1¢b1&1111.•tm • • • • ... I •J:l,IJ lead wlclt 2:35 left ia 1be third ' quaner. .. We pYC 1hcm the blU on the 15"yard lino; they didD~ ...... au -polnOi.. Worbaan aid. .. Wo did it all. We' had I whole -~ _,h Of mis• tako in one pme. We n~r CYCn played fOOlboll, but lhanlc God there's next week aod more games •• be played. MBut then. we're hot dog:lng our touchdown. We finally get a touchdown and look what h~p-· pens." • .~ Early in the rounh quancr, OCC bukup Jailbad< Kelvin LoYe, 1printin• to a 32--yard score on a draw play. was given a c:elebrttion penalty after pumplna his fist ln the air on the way to paydin. Ex· Ccssivc excilcment is how · it was ·ruled. lt forced OCC's Gene Adair to tick a 35-yard PAT, looa· er thin bis two fint·half field IO'I~ "I'm just happy with the win, because Orange Coast is a good football tc;im," Mt. SAC Coach · Bill Fisk said. •eut the tc:im with 1he most mistakes is going to lose . - "Orup Coul lloo I ..... clo-t._ lllcl ,..., -.. ..,... ... la the llcoad Ult, we didn'1 Mike Ill)' yard& Rlll•IO& •he bolL An7· tlme )'OU at:t ahead ol ID op- ponenl, you wu1 10 run 1hc clock out and we were.n'1 ~ble to." ooe~ILK ............... .. ........... _ ................ ... ........ ....., .... ,,:= .... ....... OM!r..... hrl x-•"1,..•••• 111 ••• .,,. .......................... ...... ---.-----·-.-... ~--··----·-·· .. _ .......................... ., ... ..... ~ ................. . ................ o..c..-•fi'C\ ............................... .,..,.,.. ....................... ... ........... .,... ............... . •w••···•w. ................ lf ..... ._.,..J. --.._w....,...--~~ ... - JC ----........... - -... ... OOCl ...................... ....... ............. ,,..,..,., a= ........................ ,, ..................................... .................. ,..., .......... .. _ ......... , ....... ~ ........ . _.,._...,...,. .. occ-1111 ......... . ...................................... "" ......... _.... .. ,,.... ... . ,__...., ... o.nwi._.,, ..... ., ... ..... , .. CfOtr.-•= , ..... .. .................. _ .. __ 11,.-. ...._ • t'J'fl -•.• DCC.._ ....... ..... .._ ................. $1111 ......... ,.,. ••• CW..1C...•WlrllftflllM*. ......... ....... c....-_ _,....,,..., .... --.... 0.. nlflfll • IO'm ...... v .... IAC ......... "Olil•ll•aDn. ......... 1 ......... -a.. ... O..•f/6.Cll-.... ,,, t:lf ......... ..._. •••-tlOCC't=L*• ..... .... •• OW., ...... Ill. UC'I '--"" .. I -II-~ ......... II .... -......... .. " ............ --... :;-:-a.. ..... , _. ..... ....,..." . .,.... ---........ .... 'lll'I oe.' "'*" .. .-, ,.....,. li:ll I • • 11 Ill .............. -.. . ~~ ............................... = OCC'I ................. ,,_,,,. ... W"1. ......... ,.. .... _ .. s. ' .... -- Newport ....WC-.._ Dllr l'lll -.. •"-!OWi"'!_& I I • t-• 1 • o r-ao ., .... '11oo0.-.. -HlP .... -_,,..,._ ... .., __ S.....,,00...,. ...... -DI ) ___ ...... ._ -~---­• ............... -.0.- ...., .. --.... v....._ HcMc:D •outed U. .....U...,. .. 111:>6, -·by,....., --(l~~ ......... (19:'1) ud ff ... ,.. -(19:S3~ Th& OIM ...,. - -""°"""' "' tho DMdoa DI Senior OMNoo, wilh ... C&ollo ............. at 16:f4 wl n. T 11 dii:td '8 1&19 • : • Tiie Soutbcm CalitDr* °"'""'·-·· oqud --... of 16 tPtM compc1ing in dte WWtdtr lmoitacioul-•t Jlllph 8. Oatt ht\. Tho v • ......,. -topped all o;.. tritt lll t.an rcpaented at die U'tcet Ddn o..a.ia ,... t4tb in 20:!51, with .-........ Sell I I Drd'lo l 1 :l6. The SCC: men pllccd t~ GUI .of 23 teams. Top fumber b the y.,._ 1uard&wu llOp~J ..... Set,+•. who wu 12th out ot tS8 r\ftihin ..• l'hl On.rip Coast Collete water po&o iqud opctltd iu SC:a10n «i • wUv:Jna note, dd"utiftl 1hrcc opponcntl 91 the S.n Oicao Mesa Touma.mmL U the round-robin form•t, the Pir•te1 dropped Palomar, 24-6. an.moat. 13-12. and San Olcao MCA. 19-15 • O.Dkl MatlMM and Shad Wk:ka' had 10 pit In lhe three pmc:s. - ·-··-...... -.. _.. .... __ ___ .. _____ _ ~ i:r. .. :- • ' l I I l I j i ' c j INDEX l!i~_man I ~-.:······-········· IOGa-1094 ....... a-···············-···-·--... 1100 ~--···-······································· ·~. Cooi.r.ot ._ ......•...•.•..... 11to 8-b Propert7 ....................••.•..• I I 'fl c...t.r, Loot. ...••••...•••.•....•..••••.•• IUI ..__To .. JllooNd : ...•••..••••..••••• 1a11 i....r.w. ....................... 1.00 Chd-Of.ea....17 ...........................•... 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