HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-20 - Orange Coast PilotTHE NEWPORT BEACH • • We shouldn 't ~~' l complain about a cloudy spell when Jupiter is getting clobbered by comet parts Partly sunny and humid and completely co met-free today. See Weather, Page 2 Winner of California Newspaper Publishers Association's General Excellence Award for 1993 Newport · 1;_reates blueprint for a vibrant downtown ~ Balboa residents, merchants work with city to pinpoint improvements needed on the Peninsula. BY DAVID HEITZ, STAFF Wann BALBOA PENINSULA -A blueprint for creating a vibrant downtown Newport Beach nestled in the heart of Balboa will be the fopic of a Planning Commission public hearing on Thursday night. The grandiose plao is tho result of three years of meetings between peninsula merchants and residents and city officials. "It covers a wide range of things -public improvements, traffic cir- culation, landscaping, zoning," said Councilman John Hedges, who represents the peninsula. "It covers the gamut of what happens in the area." The portion of the peninsula . slated for the massive improve- ments includes: • East Balboa Boulevard from the 300 to 800 blocks • East Bay Avenue and East Ocean Front from the 500 to 800 blocks • Palm, Washington a]ld Main Streets from the 100 to 300 blocks • the east side of Adams Street from the 200 to 300 blocks • the west side of A Street from the 100 to 300J>l~ks. Restdents and business owners alike have complained for several years that Balboa -the place from which Newport Beach ht.story sprouted -has been forgotten by city officials, left to· deteriorate into a not-so-ritzy pocket of ham- burger stands and T-shirt shops. The Central Balboa Specific Area Plan Committee took those complaints to heart , Hedges said. "We've come up with a lot of good ideas for the downt own area," he said. "One complaint we always hear is 'No more T-shirt shops!' So we have come up with more residential uses." While that aspect of ·the plan likely will please Balboa residents, other elements aimed at attracting visitors to the peninsula may. not. "People are going tO · come ou t of the woodwork no mailer what you do," Hedges said. Most of the improvements :ire aimed at making U~lboa :i placc that's attractive for both resi(fonts and tourists. "Maintaining a balance between visitor-serving and re.sident·Sel'mg uses is considered vital to achiev· ing geals of economic rcvitahz:i- tion and improving the com· munity's character," Senior PIJn· ner Patrick Alford wrote in a memorandum to the Planning Commission. The authors of the detailed plun hope to accomplish the following goals: • ·1 o con)olid.uc, pre)ene and enhance the tradittonal central bu!.mcs!. district charoctcr of the :ire a. Wa)s of achieving that go•tl in· elude offering propcrt) O\\ ncr~ in centivcs 'for consolid:111ng lots. m:i!.;ing the Jo,1,n1own more pedes· tn:in lncndl), and encour:iging l.1nd-.cape and ar..:hitectural treat· ments ''h1ch bre:ik up the mo- noton~ of existing buildings . • Io pro\ldc public improve-· mc1m dc~igncd to enhance the \ 1s· u;il qu:ihty of the :irea. e11courage . See DOWNTOWN/Pa9e 4 Candidate enlisted to he~p raise funds for tollway lawsuit ~ Corona del Mar residents get help from Assembly hopeful in continued fight against Newport Coast Drive proposa l. BY DAVID HEITZ, STAFF \\'Alllll CORONA DEL MAR -An army of Corona dcl M:ir re .. 1dcnts opposed to a 50-ccnt toll propo.,eJ for Neo,\port Coa!.t Dm.c: h:.i:. dr:ifted a state assembh c:indidatc to help organize a iund-raising campaign aimed at collecting enough money to sue the Tran)· portation Corridor Agencie.,, T}Je agency was created by the county and charged o,\ith building' the San Joaquin Hilb Tr;in~· portation Corridor, a tOll\\a)' which ''ill stretch from San Ju:in Capistrano to Corona dcl ~lar when it is finished in 1997 A l,6-mile portion of NC\\ port Coast Dri\e will become part of the tollway. · thc occ:.ansidc ruute, r..: .. a:Jting the nightmarish Halls.: · Jam' v. hich h:iuntcd the conimunit\' bdore Ne\\ port Coa:>t \\:.is burl t · They ha'e cnli.,tcd th..: help ol A-.!.cmbly c:indid:.itc Jim ·1 olcJano. :1 Democrat \\ho v.ill face ~1a1il}n UtC\\C.:r 111 ~o,embcr. La)t \~ccJ... Toledano hclp11J or· chcstratc .1 ma:>s mailing to 01orc than 5,000 Coron:.i de! ·~br re)i· dent'!>. The fhcr \\arns rc.,idenh uf the pcndi:1g ·toll and ask-. for cor:· tributioni. ranging from S:!.5 to S50J h.> help p::S) for a l:n• .. :.iit. "It )OU li\C iQ-<;'(oron:i del ~t::sr, )Ou'll t111d drh cK' cuuin~ throush rnur residcnual neid1borhood~. ~nd )OU'll b::UI... more ClrS \\hen ~ou tra'cl to \\Ork. stop or pb)."' th:i lcllcr i.tatc.,, l he m;.iil' •I? com..... fr0:1l th .. r-.e,\pon Cua'>t Dmc O;:fcn'c Fund, :i nun·protil group \\ hich Toledano hclpcJ crc~tc ·11 i:-. pv"· ered b) a group of \olunh:cr~ from CoronJ dcl !\Jar. ~WC MARTIN, DAILY 1'1LOT Southern California College drama Instructor Rob Wyatt investigates the school's theater following a fire. See story, Page 2. Corona dcl Mar resident:, fear motorists who don't want to p..t) the toll will dri'c on Co:ll>t High- way instead, ~n:ulin& tralfic along "\\ e JUllt gu1 \t:irtcd :.ind arc in thc pro.:e-.s of drafting a com· plaint." Tok~bno said. It tJ~e-. careful rc-.carch ..i1Hl prcpJration Answer leads to more questions Discovery of Denise Huber's body closes one aspect of three-year case , but Costa Mesa detectives ' job is far from over BY MAile S. POSNBa, STAPF Wann PRESCOTT COUNTRY CLUB, ARIZ. -Many a retiree has moved to this upscale community nestled m a mountain range about 80 miles north of Phoenix. Residents in this cluster of custom homes built around a golf course enjoy a climate that normally lingers a few notches below the blistering temperatures of Phoenix. Population of the city of Dewey, where the community is located: 35,000. This is a classic "sleepy little town ," a place where only three murders were recorded last year and cellular telephone service isn't available. It's here in this generally quiet community that police have begun to unravel a three-year mystery that's haunted the family of Denise Huber and plagued Costa Mesa police. Huber, 23, at the time she vanished after she got a flat tire on the Corona del Mar Freeway, was found stuffed in a freezer here a week ago. The chest-type freezer was found operating in a stolen Ryder truck rented by John Famalaro, 37, who is being held on suspicion of Huber's murder ... 11u••athtl•• LOCALS ONLY Clyotel lllGttld In NlwlloPt The Newport Beach Police Department has issued a coyote warning to residents of homes in the Back Bay and the hills to the east, of Newport. Police ask parents not to leave small children unattended outside and advise pct owners to do the same with their animals because coyote si~htings have increa~ in residential areas recentJy. Accordin~ to a police spokesman, officers who respond to a coyote sighting will attempt to capture and move the animal to a safer area. INllDI A fire T~y .iW'!ited ammunition and gunpower that w~ stored In• Cott. Mesa apartment. A firefiahter barely !Saped injury In tfte btd. SM story, '•P 2 ..... Almanac, .•........................... 2 ... SfX>'tS ······•·······•·············•••·· 5 .. M A tribute to !~~ry ~~Huber uched hundreds of iNlviduals across the country, as evidenced by the calls that have poured into the Hubers' home and to local authorities. 8ot nowhere has the impact of the tragedy hit harder than in our communi~ place Denise called e. In memory of Denise, we're opening up our Readers Hotline to those who wish to express their thoughts and emotions, share personal memories of Denise or convey condolences to the family. We will print the responses on Saturday, the day her family has scheduled a memorial service. Please lea\ e your thoughts, ~me, hometown and ptlOne I~ mber on our Readers Hotline, 642-6086. See TOLLWAY/Page 4 Local students are out of this world. ~ After first attempt to .contact shuttle astronauts was scrubbed, pupils at Kline School ta lk to commander Tuesday. BY Russ LoAP., STAIF Wann A fter an aborted attempt to contact Space Shu11le Columbia last Friday, 13 Kline School student!. on Tuesday spoke to shuttle Commander Col. Robert Cabana a) his spacecraft soared over Hawaii. It was touch and go for the private school students who waited patiently in line for a turn to ask questions of the shuttle commander. Their fir~t attempt to contact the astronauts, through an amateur radio relay station in Hawai i, ended in static Tuesday morning. After last week's inability to maintain contact with the shuttle, teachers and parents at the Costa Mesa school prepared themsehes for failure. Dut 50 minutes later \\hen Columbia again passed O\C:r Hao,\aii, the entire student body crossed their finger~ in unbllO and . contact was made by ''a) of a sophistic:ited arra) of equipment set up and operated by parent Doug Borcoman, a ham radio eApert. "What do space tra\Clcrs do to relieve a headathe?" aslo.ed 10-year-old student Greta Jean Ridley. "We take aspirin or T)lenol that we have on board," shuttle Commander Cabana replied, h1:i voice crackling with static. Kline School was one ol only 13 schools in the o,\orld chosen to communicate with the astronauts and the only chool from California, thanks to a gr.i.nt that Borcoman helped the school secure. His 7-)car·old son, Brandon, \\ho asked the shu11le commander about the dietary habits of foh in pace, ~id he'd like to be an astrl'naut, "bec:iuse there are a lot ol thingl> you can c\plore ill ~rac1. .. the pmJtL ckn1-.nt:icy 'chool first apphcJ tu lake rJt1 I l I e project dubb..:d 9AREX (Shullie Amateur Radw E\penment in ~fa)' 1993 anJ \\:l:> sek.:ted in April 199-l. The ~-=hool":. ':l.:.:omplishment come) during a heightened publk interc:.t in sp.1cc due to the :?Sth onni,er~:il) ol the Apollo 11 moon landins 10Ja~ and the p1.:ctJ1.ul:ir !>i~ht ol mclCIJr fr:.igmenl\ puncturing the pl:.inct Jupt1cr It', been a totJI eJuc:itional c\pcncncc. for 1he ~"huol' . 45 !>lUJClll\, Aflcr t\\U mvnth., of cl.i.'!l~rnum prcp.uation, ~tudi."nb a'keJ the shuttle commandc:r .lbOJt D!'\A C'\perimcnl\, the dfcc1' of m1crogra\it~ on pl:mh :rnd the manufacture of mc:tal-. in pa .. c. Defore the quc,tion·:rno·.11,~ er period. !>tudenh nnJ parent:. \\itne sed the a:.tron:iut,' breathtaking \icw of Earth on 1he \Chool' telc' i!.ion monitor:. Triangle 'quare conee house gets brand new lease on life • Pain du Monde takes over former Alta site, which closed Monday. New owners say few changes expected. BY lluaa LoA.a, S'r.u• Wunt. TRlANGLE SQUARE -In one of the quickest b"5iness turn- arounds on record, the AJta corfec house Will reopen today under • new ownership, becomina the fourth Pain du Monde sandwich shop and bakery la I.be area. Just two days after the laid-back CIC(fee house caed ht ~ Har· bp View resident Scott McVean , will reopen the busines ~ith only. a few changes in menu item . The recycled antique furniture. unfinished h3rdo,\ood floors, ex- posed ceiling pi~s nnd copper· plated coffee bar will stay. McVean, 33, opened the fir$t Pain du Mondc on Balboa I land six years ago, rouo~ed by ad- ditional location at Fa hion ls· land and on Pacific Coa t Hipway in Corona dcl M:ar. McVcan 11id the TrW\ale Square $lore in Co$ta Mesa will continue to sell AJta cotrec: manufactured by former AJta coerce house owner Patti Spooner, who also own1 a whole- sale coffee buJincss. Owner Scott McV_.. wlll opera.te Pmn du Monde In the de of ... c~ 4 the former Aha coffee hOUM In Trlingle aqu.,e. · t ·- i Wedf\Mday, July 20, 1994 .. lhe 102nd....., Orange County Fair Run s through July l4 _ TODAY Hours todny: noon to midnight. : AJI day: Open Breeding Sheep Show at Live:.tock A,.rena. · 12:30, 2:30 p.m.: Japan ~rate Do·hosu-K3i at Miller • ·Arlington Theater. : S p.m.: Whistling Contest at ~ds' Stage. · 8 p.m.: Tim McGraw at ~acific Amphitheatre; Eric £kstrand at Cal Spas Heritage ~tage. COST . General adruission SS (ages (3 to 64); $3 for seniors, 65 and older; $2 for ch ildren, 6-12; free fpr kids under 6. ~ISCOUNTS I · Today is Yquth Ag Day - a.'11 4-H and FF A members will be admitted free with r(lembership cards from those organizations. : FEMA card or Red Cross identification holders also receive two free admissions. '. Additionally, today is an "Unlimited Carnival Ride" day (purchase an Sil wrbtband and )'~U can enjoy unlimited rides from noon to 7 p.m.). fARKING • S3, but free for carpools of wur or more. flP : Wear comfortable shoes, k>ose-filting clothes, hats and S)Jnblock to deal with the heat. TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS Polka music wafted through the fairgrounds as children celebrated German Day at the fair. •. l(jds ages three to 12 devoured German food during bratwurst-and pretzel-eating contests in the morning, then tested their strength in a s~in-holding competition. .J<jds ~ere also visited by Don tbe Music Man, who brought hf!; accordion and taught c&ildren the chicken dance and p~lka. Children were also ei couraged'to try out German·themcd ar1s and crafts liie hat·making, noodle necklaces and gingerbread-man d~corating. iThis is the first year the fair his designated a national tlleme day for children. •fairgoers of all ages also pi rticipated in the aluminium cf' stomp, where participants raced to squash 10 soda cans. • For adults, there was the "Old Nag" competition, where c~uples got on stage and arc jlidged on their nagging ability. ·The Gravitron ride was rd-opened Tuesday evening aCtcr being closed since SjltUrday, when a 44-year-old rwe operator was electrocuted a~ he tried to repair a floodlight. B & 13 Amusements decided to replace all the wjring oo the ride . AJtencla11e• Turnstile attendance for Tuesday through 6 p.m. was 17,508. Last year's attendance on this day through 6 p.rn. was 13,108. Total 1994 fair anendance through Monday, was 395,849. , .iliJPiiiL VUl. 88, IO. 172 ' HADIU HOTLINI 642·60H Your commcntJ 11bou1 lhc Daily P1lo1 or ncw1 11ps will bo recorded and aivcn d1· rcctly 10 L:d11or WilliJm Lobdell. The umt 2•·hour 1n1wc11n1 service m1y be used 10 record le11cn 10 11\c cdiror on 1ny 1op1c. • MAILING ADDHll 011r adJrcu 1; 1'10 W D•y S1.. Coit1 Mcu, CA 92627, • TO MAKI A CO•llCTION h II tht-1'1l<lf'1 pol :y 10 ('Nlnpdy rorr«t all won QI Jllbt.Ulll'.t. fl1t.1,1oe ul.I 5-40- 1124, UI 363 thank )OU n1onm u Johnaon, rub!Ww.r W1Jla.un Lot!Joll, 1-ditor ltw M.»b~. Mat"'Ji• )!.J1ror lru YC>Nil, C1ry Ed111Ur M~ M~n, JltlCJfo \:411ur lob Frank. C1m1~uon Mm.IJcr H 11\k Knit ht, Pmd uC'hM MllftAJ'fr Mktwal. Oct(hcr, D1tp&.ay MANl'!f J\Mly OCuina, c )1ficJ M~•" rr~ $bah, Coom.i!Jcr LOCALS ONLY Rre can't extinguish couple's love ~ Blaze at SCC theater causes $1 .3 million damage and wrecks wedding reception plans. B Y Boa PAGE, SP[CIAL TO nu o.uu J>1LOT COSTA MESA - Digging through the charred remains of Southern California College's theater Tuesday, one couple was abl~ to salvage two of their hand;made wedding decorations but not their bed. Monday morning's fire at the college all but destroyed Shelley Johnston and Ronn Johnstone's wedding reception pl ans. The couple had planned to hold their· reception on Aug. 6 in the school's 250-seat Center for Dramatic Arts. Johnstone, 33, said that the flames consumed the redwood and white pine, queen-sized bed frame that he had made for the couple's new home and most of the decorations that his fia ncee, 25, had crafted for the reception. The oouple, wha are both alumni of the college, had made the bed and the decorations to save money and stored them in a corner of the theater. • When Johnstone first surveyed die damage to the theater on Monday, he thought that he and his fiancee had lost everything. "When I told Shelley, she was crying," Johnstone s.tiid. But Johnstone returned to the theater on Tuesday and lifted th e bed frame and discovered that two of Johnstone's favorite decorations had been spared. The bed had fallen .on top of the decorations and served as a shield from the names. According to Johnstone, his fiancee looked upon the saved wedding decorations as a good omen for their marriage. Johnston said, "The fire destroyed everything but saved our entwined hearts." One of the decorations was two entwined hearts made of wicker and adorned with dried flowers and the couple's initials. Following the wedding, the hearts we re going to hang..frorn the bed that Johnstone spent a week making. Now that the setting for their wedding reception has been destroyed -college spokesman Joe McCarthy said tha t the theater sustaiQed more than $1.3 million in damage and will probably have to be leveled and rebuilt - Johnstone and Johnston arc scrambling to make new plans. Johnstone said that the wedding invitations'havc already been mailed so the reception will likely be held outside the burned theater on a lawn. Having the event outside will cause the couple to incur new costs that they say they cannot afford -a tent, lights, a system for amplifying the music for dancing and new decorations. But already on Tuesday, friends were looking to help Johnstone and Johnston find ways to save money. One friend told Johnstone that he knew someone with a music system that they might be able to use. And whep the co uple complete,s their honeymoon in the gold country of northern California and moves to a new home in Minnesota, Johnstone will be looking to rebuild thei r bed. The f'lcwpon Bnch/CC»c. Mesa Dally Pilot (USPS-144·800) as publlJbcd Monday lhrou&h Saturday. In f'ICWJIOJ1 Buch ind C:0.11 MCA, 1ubtcnp1Jons i re only IYlil· 1ble by subtcn1>in1 to The Times Or111ac: Counly (800) 252-9141. In 1rcu outJlde Of Newpon BclCh ind Co611 Mesa, lubtcnp- IJOru to the Daily Not only cm: 1M1i11bk by mail for S8.58 per month. Second dlU J>OS\a&C paid I\ Co.la Meta, CA (l'Tteet inc:lucfc Ill 1pplicablc alalC llld loaJ tucs.) POSTMASTER: Send 1ddrca china« to The Newpc>n BeldllColtl Mesa Daily Pt.loc, P 0. &o. U60, C.O.C. Mcu, CA 92626. Copyript: Ho new1 1&o- rics, llluurarion1, cduorill .. Iler or 1cM:r· 1asemen11 herein. can be rcprod~ with, Oii\ written pcrm"ilon of copyrlaht owner. MOW 10 a1ACM UI Circulation: (The Times Oran1e County) (800) 252·9141 Ad ver1Jsln1 aassified 642-S678 Di play 642 .... 321 Edllorial News 540·1224 Sports 642-4330 News, Sports Fax 646-4 170 Mala Oftln Business Office 642 .... 321 Business (ax 63 1-5902 r.bliahed by Cahfomi1 ~ .. ~· a T oMcS Mirror ComP"'Y' W I CITY EDITOll llUS YOlt.0 1, S40-1224, ext. 361 M.u.c MAaTIN, DAILY I'll.OT Costa Mesa Fire Capt. Steve Twigg talks with Eric Ehrhardt, 7, after a fire broke out In the Bay Street apartment he shares with his grandfather. Blaze ignites gunpowder, ammo stored in Costa Mesa ·apartment ...,. Firefighter almost injured in blest that 7 -year-old barely escaped from . BY 1)NA B O&.GATI'A, STAH Warn:a COST A MESA - A firefighter nar· rowly escaped injury Tuesday afternoon when fire ignited gunpowder and am· munition that was stored in the bedroom 1of a Bay Street apart o1'lnt, causing an ex· plosion. - The blast threw Costa Mesa Firefighter Will Moss, who was checking the unit rot occupants,' across the room. "It actually moved my body -like someone gave me a hard kick," Moss said. "ll was powerful. I've neve r felt anything quite like that." No injuries were reported in the 3:20 p.m. blaze. But just moments before the explosion, 7-year·old Eric Ehrhardt was inside the apartment watching television, unaware of the fire in the next room. He was pulled from the apartment by a neighbor who drove up to the building at 423 W. Bay St. and noticed smoke coming from the unit's front bedroom windows. "I ran to the aptrtment and saw Eric sitting in the livinf 4'00m watching TV," said 17-year-old Jcnttifer Hessebach, who is ninc·months pregnant. "I told him to get out, that the apartment was on fire, and then I called 911." After dousing the flames, which took only a few minutes, Moss said firefighters noticed "a lot of ammunitfon, some weap· ans and a torch~lype container." Fire Department officials were still try· ing to determine the cause of the fire Tuesday night, but investigators believe materials in the room had been smolder· ing for possibly several hours, according to Susan Wood, a department spokeswoman. Dennis Hartley, who lives in the apart· ment and manages the complex, said he had been doing "minor maintenance stuff, carpen1ry work" earlier in the day. At the time of the fire, though, Hartley, 43, said he was outside working on his car. Damage to the apartment and its con- tents was estimated at $15,000. Coast Guard saves nshermen from capsized boat Two fishermen arrived safely at Los Angeles International Airport Tuesday evening after they were plucked from the ocean by a Coast Guard helicopter about 12 ~ miles off the coast of New· port Beach. According to a Coast Guard spokes· man, the men, who requested their names not be released, were rescued two min utes after thei r boat capsized about 6 p.m. The men were on a pleasure fishing trip and had caught a shark when their ~ boat began taking on water. When they were unable to pump out the water, they placed a distress call to the Coast Guard at 5:15 p.m. Two helicopters, a cruise ship, a Harbor Patrol boat, a tow boat from Newport Beach and a Coast Guard boat all responded to the emergency call. Afte r the ·men were rescued, 1he towing and Harbor Patrol boats couldn't save the fis hing boat. WIATHla AND OCIAN CONDITIONS TIMPIUTUllU Newport ham: 67/62 B~lbCNI: 67/62 Cost. Mn•: 69/61 Coron. d.i MM: 67/61 IUUfOUCAIT LOCATION The Wedge Newport Point Bl~dln S.A. River Jelly CdM TIDU TODAY Fir1t high first low Second hJgft Second loW THURSDAY SIZfSWtlL 2·3 • 2·3 • 2-4 . 2-4. 2-4. 8:59 1.m: J.9 2:33 1.m • ..0.8 8:03 p.m. 6.6 1 :45 1.m. 2.0 First high 9:40 1.m. 4.l First loW 3:15 a.m. ·1.0 Second hlsft 8:49 p.m. 6.6 S.C:Oftd low 2:36 p.m. 1.1 Waa.t T.m~r1ture: 66 ' AUIANAC ••"••unc1u ~al IM•luvptcl# •• rrpotfcd 10 ti» Ftdtflll Banluvptcy Court Jn S1wta .ua. COITAMUA • Aaoe Es1etle Ren11ud; db1 A.QT Wholesalt, Acq. Tsl. WUSLE. Chaplcr 13. • Robert Arthur Boudreau; db1 BGR Contractina. Claulc Artim A.uochlles. Chaplcr 13. llRTHS Most rtttnt blnhs In Nwpon lk•rb and Cost• Mtsa. HOA• MIM~a&AL MOIPITAL M•y6 • Ed i nd Su11n Johnson, Corona del Mar. girl ,., •• 21 • Michael Schtnk and Xochllt Giese, Newporl Coast, boy ,., •• 22 •Vikram and Ollllr Shinde, Costa Mesa, &irl •Elias 1nd llllda Khamls, Newport Belich, girl ,., •• 2i • Bttt and Slent Tn u1hen. Ncwporl Beach, boy • Slt pben i nd Ucldl M)trs, Newport Beach, Jirl •John and Celina Dole.a, Newport Beach, boy •Jon and Anne llomlsch, Cos11 Mesa, boy •Glenn and B1rbara Mehner, Costa Mcs:i, girl , ••• 24 • Jobn and G1mtt Thompson, Co~ta Mcs:i, girl •David and Nancy Murray, Corona dcl Mar. boy , ••• 21 • Allrn 1nd Pa111tla Caahlon. Newport Bc1ch, girl ,., •• 26 • J1111cs and Dana Jones, Cos11 Mesa, eirl ,., •• 27 • D1"ld and Kathy To)lOr, Cos11 Mcsn, boy • D1vld ud Dultllc CIUaeto, N~port Beach, boy IADDUUCK MIMOIUAL MIDICAL CINTla• ,.,1y' • Kelly and Tom Mllchcll, Newport Beach, girl DIATHI AIOSI rr«nl dt•lhs lfS rrpontd to tht Orongt County Recorlcr's Offirr. COITAMUA • Ct011la Pol'tll, 65 on June 26. • Robtrt Sptth, 80 on June 22. • Cbar1u l.lndtrs, 76 on June 24. • f nd Jltliltrn, 89 on June 22 • Dlrk Bos-.onh, •~on June 21 NIWPOH llACH .. Rkbard Ntlsoo, 6.S on June 2J. • Cr11ct Thorpt, 80 un June 27. • Lols Albr!iht, 96 on June 18. MAUIAOU Most rrrtnt m•rrial{t:t as rtpontd to the Orange County Recordtr's Offlrt. COITAMl lA • Roarr Gampp m:lrri ed Erika Norro, June 11 in Huntington Ocach. • Shu l Story married Arthur Gatta, June 18 1n Newport Beach. • K.rysut Nauytn married JtfrTnn, June 18 In Co)ta Mesa. • Dominick Chapman married Samaalha Sarada, June UJ in Costa Mesa. • l\lark Hardy married KarDlen \VbUt, Juno 11 lo Huntina1on Beach . NIWl'OH llACH • Rosalinda Saur married Mapd Mid.el, June 21 in S:mta Ana. •Alvaro Vasco married Da""n Matney, April 24 in San111 Ana. •Alla Dorzakova m:mied Arthur While, June 17 in San1a Ana. RIAL UTAH IALll R~ot tHI estlltt uln ., rtpot1td by tbe ContloeaUll Lllwytrs Tltle Co. in SaaUI Ano. NIWPOaT llACH • 1866 Port ~lcr Place, SSBS.000, S bCdroom, 3 bnlh, to R. R. Schneider. • 1942 Port Stabournt Place, $389,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, to S. Ou. • 1806 Port Tagort Place, $425,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, to T. S. Bosche. • 409 Vista Gnnde, S329,500, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, lo L and M. Krctcr. • 5_,0 Vista Grande, S300,000, 3 bedroom, 2 Vi bath, 10 A. and L H~ling.s. • 2608 Vista del Oro, SJI0,000, 4 bedroom, 2 Vi bath, 10 F:Chicricati. • 2601 Vista Ornada, · $312,000, 3 bedroom, 2 Vi ba1h, 10 A. und G. Joyce. • J09 Vista Sume, rnJ,000, 3 bedroom, 2 ~ ba1h, 10 R. L Ryan. • 500 Playa, $245,000. 3 bedroom, 2 Vi bath, to D. and H. Hagler. • 100 Scholi Plaia, $178,000, 2 bedroom, 2 balh, 10 H. and M. Simms. •SJ Nonhhampton Court. S450,000, 2 bedroom, 2 Vi balh, 10 T. J. Sutherland. • 23 Seascape Drive 45., SIS0,000, 2 bedroom, 2 Vl b;ith, to P. Doyle • 310 Fernando SI. 105., SJS0,000, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 10 R. Beck. COITAMllA • 1065 Vatlt,Jo Circle, S:?t9,000, 3 bedroom, 2 ba1h, 10 0 . Pickell. • 1101 Debra Drh·e, S22S,OOO, 3 bedroom, 2 ~ ba1h, to R. M. Salameh • 1116 ~nnls Way, $275,000, 3 bedroom, 2 ~ bath, to D. K. Vu. • 952 Goldenrod Dri\'t, S'.219,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, toT. C. Tan. • 99J Dahlia A\r., S2JO,OOO. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 10 R. K. Sai10. • 9-'1 JDSmlnt Circle, Sl89,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bn1h, 10 R. A. Day. • • 9JJ Crocus Circle, $270,000, 6 bedroom, 3 ba1h, 10 F. Tadaichi. • 917 Tanana Place, S203,000, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, tu W. FiLz&crald. • 9°" M1ckcn1le Ph1ce, $220,000, 4 bedroom, 2 b:ilh, 10 M. T. S:ito. • 956 Den~cr Drlvr , $143,000, 4 bedroom, I Vi bath, tu R. L. Doerr. • 90J Lombard Court, St90,000. 3 bedroom, 2.,; bath, 10 D. Long. • 1467 Oeau,me Place, $120,000, 2 bedroom, 1 .,; bath, to M. Snlot • 209 Mayrulr Lane. SIS4,000, 2 bedroom, 2 Vl b:11h, to B.W. Carry. POLICI FILU COITAMUA 2000 block Harbor Boulevard: burglary reported JOOO block lkar St.: burglary reported 2000 block Fairview Road: A T·Top was stolen from a Niss:in 280Z valued at $1,900. NIWPO:IT •IACH 2000 block Sierra VlslA: A cu~1om·designed mailbox was . stolen from the front or a residcnc(. JOOO block W. Coast lll&hway: Someone threw bricks at two parked vehicles, damaaing a ta.illiaht and causina dents on both vehicles. One brick was round at the ICCOC. IOOO Graa•IUt Drive: A parked h&uar wu &tolcn from a rc.idcntial aaraac. 600 Wotk lnlM Aft.: A vcndina mKhinc. owned by the Ncwpon·McSI School District, was vandaliicd. The control ~ncl and tclectlon buttons were pried off. causina S800 worth in damaaca. , ·- Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Daily Piiot Wednesday, July 20, 1994 I PaYine my (almost .last) respects to retired Marine 0 OPS - Retired Marine Corps Col. Casimir Uok- itwtcz, who could've mod- eled for ll recruiting poster during h!s. WWII fight ing days, has been ailing lately, so I decided to pay my respects at his home in Lake ) Forest. So we stood there shaki ng hands, and the bcmcdall cd hero stunned me wi'h this startling pro· nouncement: Local Scene "In another minute, Jerry, I'm goi ng to die." Holy Leather- necks! "How can you be so cenain?" I asked. " Because," he gasped, "you're standing on my oxygen tube." 0 THEY HAD THE LAST SNICK· ER -I'm limp from all the ex- citement generated by the World Cup Soccer finale , but there's still strength enough to rail against. in· vaden from Mars. It's beyond my comprehension how these hucksters were able -to plaster "pristine" Newport Center with promotional banners urging us to consider their candy while watching f utbol. The scene was obscene. Not only were we Snickered, appar- ently we were snookered. When I motored over to New- port Center on Monday night to watch a dreadCul movie (see below), the garish display was still in evidence, painfully so. On Tues· day morning, when I phoned mall he adquarters to ask questions, none of the executives was avail· able. So the questions remain, and someone has much to answer for. Meanwhile, the fl acks at Mars must be snickering like crazy. 0 WYAlT? BURP! -The Mon· day night entenainment agenda called for a viewing of "Forrest Gump," but we couldn't get in. The line must've stretched beyond a dozen Snickers signs. There was n't an evening screen- ing of "City Slickers II," our next choice. What fo do, what to do? It was ne arly 8 p.m., desperation time, when a kindly theater employee tipped us that Wyatt Earp would be _unreeling in~ few minutes. It was the worst tip since some- one suggested that I bet on the Nigerian soccer team. If you're planning to see this Kevin Costner bomb, don't. As I learned next day from "The New Yorker" review, this three hour· P.lus fiasco will make you feel that 'a large chunk of valuable time had simply vanished in thin ai r, like a rustled herd." Not only were my ears assaulted by all that shootlng. but the inane direction and dialogue made my hair hurt. And the gosh-awful length! It was the first time I ever stood in a theater and yelled, "Editor! Edi· tor!" There'll probably be one more attempt to sec "Forrest Gump" at a local cinema, but I'm not count· ing on it. Let's just kick back and wait for its video release. The wail couldn't be any longer than sitting through that Earpian ordeal. 0 S 0 HOW ARE TllINGS AT HOME? -Glad you asked. A lot of curious folks have been •. dropping br the new abode, and they're asking all soris of ques· tions. A f cw samples, with ap- propriate responses: • From Carlos Moreno of Co- rona del Mar: "Your garden is gorgeous, but don't you miss watching all those beautiful sun· sets over Catalina Island?'' (Yes I do, Carlos. So, using . Make-A-Wish volunteers find out what it's like to receive 100°/o CASH OUT HOMELOANS ~ Two from group's Newpo rt office given tickets to Streisand con ceit. nv JOYZ£LLE DAVIS, Srrcw.. TO Tltt DAILY r1LOT NEWPORT OEACH -It was a wish come true for two dedi- cated Orange County Make-A· Wbh Foundation volunteers. Marlene Ec~ert and Wanda Lundy, who both volu ntee red more than 500 hours last year at the Ne" port Beach-based charity, each received one $350 ticke t for the much-louted Barbra Streisand concert ton ight at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim. The tickets were donated by Lewis Killackcy, a Newport Beach resident and re· tired stockbroker from Kidder- Peabody & Co. Incorporated. · "The most important part of a non-profit organization is the vol· unteers," Killackcy said. "Vol- unteers arc so critical -especially in this economy. 1 thought th ese tickets would be a reward for going above and beyond the call of duty." . KHlackey, who will also attend 1hc concert, decided 10 purchase two "terrific" tickets for donation when he heard Streisand would be performing in Orange County. He ga\e the tickets to 1he Makc-A- Wish Foundation, which grants "•shes to terminally ill childr~n. because he likes the idea that "ev- eryone hopes to have a wish come true." Eckert said she almost felt guilty when llhe was told she received a ticket to one of the hottest con· cerls of the decade. "I felt like, 'Gee, I don't expect to ge t things when J volunteer,' " Eckert said. Still, understandably, Eckert was excited to receive tick- ers for the concert that was sold out by the time she called the tick· ct agency. The office lltaff at the Makc·A· Wi sh Fou nda1ion in Newport Beach was delighted by Killackey's offer to donate tickets to the Strei- sand concert -but they were also presented with the dilemma of RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. ... ,_ .... c.....""' 1112 .... IUI .. CISTA •U-541-115' A Stroke Of Brilliance~ AJnerit()OC paint & wallpaper cente r J69 I. 171h ..... COiia Mela 646-8774 Hidden bel*td .. @ llalof'I finding the two wonhicst vol· untecrs. The pair had their names drawn at random to win the tickets. Eckert, of Orange, has volun- teered with the foundation for 7 ~ years and Lundy, of Lake Forest, has volunteered for nearly three. VICHYSSOISE CfUlfu[ potat'} anil fuK..;oup & Clwiaof: CHICKEN PESrO SALAD qrilfu[ marinatt.d 6rodiette ef ~ 6rtast witli T'OITUline fettua, ml r.a!Jfu!J', carrots anil Git vinaifirlttt SALAD NIOOISEA L\ CHANTEO.AIR CfumfJ of twul UJiJh grun. btans, tQmJZtOt.S, 6oifu{ poU#otS1 apJfts anti 6a5y fi'WIS witli walruu vinaifirlttt drrssiniJ CRAB & PASTA SALAD OuD meat (1l)U !Ntfitl !Hair pasta witli tomatot.s, 6asif, garfic & oli:ve oil PARISIENNE CHICKEN SALAD OUVIER ~ anil potato safM (1l)U bafriJgruns SCAUDP AND SHRIMP SALAD A L\MARSEU I E qrilld scallops anil sluimp over rattatoulle SMOKED SAi.MON SALAD !Jresn smoK:r4 salmon witlt aram c:lutM, capers, onions & ~ttt tfrt.ssing CHINF.SE CHICKEN SALAD Cfrinta safm{ witlr clri&;pi 6rtast farci anil oratlfJt lfarBtt' tfrt.ssing ·$8.50 ?~~ 18912 MacJUtftur 'B{vl, lroitu • (714) 752-8001 Moc.JWw & 'DoufiUis, """'Jofin JWport ''THE .. FINAL REDUCTION'' 50%-80% OFF ENTIRE STOCK 761-6577 • ATIRJll coon Nt:WPOH WOI LOCA110N BPll Concerts & Arena Events ' money saved from the rent, l\c videotaped llCveral sunset~ for .. later viewing.) 1,800 lady bugs in your mailbox, but I'm not telling. Arc they doina their job, munching on those pesky aphidll? •'From Gall Mathe~100 of Har· bor island: "Tell your honicultural chief, Avid Gardener, that J 'm contributing a fountain to your back yard beautification program Can you name it after another former movie star?" (Must be, Pat Since they we re turned loose in all the nower beds. J ain't seen hide nor hair of the lady bug!i. Out then 1 ain't )Cen , ony aphid) either. which they're llu pposed to he munching. Uh, wh::it doc) an aphid look like?) (No problem, Gail. We'll c::ill It ' Joan Fountain.) •From neighbor lady Pat Tranchito: "J know who put thoi.e Jury Kobrin's columri runs .Munday and WrdncsdD)'. Call the Contractors that can provide you with all or your Landscape and Masonry needs. FARNSWOR111 lANDSCAPE COMPANY (714) 548-5132 LJc. 421070 GLASSEU MASONRY COMPANY (714) 434-7744 Uc. 489443 OVER 40 YEARS OF COMBINED SERVICE lN ORANGE COUNTY PERSON AU ZED DESIGNS W1lli COMPLETE LANDSCAPE INST AU.A TIONS. REFERENCES TifROUGHOUT ORANGE COUNTY , Please .Join Us F or Dinne r L uncfior W eekend Brunch Sabatlno's was originally founded In Chicago after our father brought the famlly recipe for our famous ltahan Sausage from Palermo, Italy In the 1930's, Today, his sons & grandson conbnue to provide a complete • menu of authentic Italian food prepared fresh daily and seasoned with 5 generatlons of famrly pnde. Thank you, The Sabatino Family CATERING SPECIALISTS RHteml»r We C.ter ao.ts & Cltarlen "In your home °'In our dining room ... " For Resen<al>OnS call 723-0821 251 Shipyard Wa · Newport Beach 'O' thru Sl 'l>.\l.Jt U z .. VAN ml INlGWt TUM HfTOf Mq lfkM Gillts ,.,._·My r 1 · 24., r ~SN ntl ltSD~l .JlU l l thnaSl,O.\l ,Jlll l4 PICA~ tOOlO 1\ur11 a Fri .• "'"· • "'" a "'"· Su• · •P~ Sl 'D~l.Jlll h , . /. Sr£<W. SAW1t TO MOKO • ..,.-festfotltesl t•I •" C..-.S. ~"" ~l' f.OOll •-t:iU ...... ,,.~ ........ .... ,.,. .. , ................ ..._(M.l lJ•GM..( .. U)N .. , ........ ..... ..... ~:..::y, ... ='-, ....... .., ' 4 . Wec:tnnday, July 20, 1114 HmER ...... .... ' and the theft of the truck. Huber's parents, who are in the process of moving from their New- port Beach home to North Da· kola, will be able to begin a new chapter in their lives -one free of the frustration or not knowing if their daughter is dead or alive. Answe ring that question also has been a great relief for Costa Mesa Police Lt. Ron Smith. "We feel gooa for the family 1hat we should be able to brin~ someone to justice in this case, • Smith said. Evidence to support that effort continued to mount Tuesday as in- vestigators here attempted to com· pletc a search of Famalaro's house in: the Prescott Country Club, and ' those working in Orange Counry moved in on two storage units - in·Laguna Hills and San Clemente -: where they believe Famalaro kept Huber's frozen body for near- ly lhree years. While it hasn't been determined wl\ere Famalara would be tried, what's important is a conviction an'1 death-penalty sentence, Smith sai<I. ~'This is certainly Costa Mesa's bigges t case and mine personally," said Smiih whO was a SCrJeant when Huber was reported missing on.June 3, 199 1. ''We put a lot into (the search for Huber) in terms of hours and emotion." . During the three years Huber wu miajn~ police De¥9I' Mre Ible to ~loP uy new mdeDc:e in the cue -until Yavapai C.OUO- ry sheriff's ofticlall calfed Colla . Mesa ~ just before lwdtime last Friday. "Is Denise Huber still misslna?" the depury in Arizona wanted to know. They had found a dead body in a stolen rental truck. The woman appeared too small to be Huber, but her driver's license wu found at the house. "The first sense of emotion was when we got the phone call, where they said they had Denise's ID," Smith said. "We knew it was a major breakthrough. That's the fint lead that ever sounded really good." . Smith, who never had seen Huber, said he experienced a se- ries of emotions -from disbelief to relief -once f angcrprinll posi- tively identified the youn1 woman. "A lot of our personal can have the Denise Huber bumper sticker on them,'' Smith said, referring to the sticker soliciting information about her disappearance u she re- turned home from a Morrisey rock concert at the • Forum in ln&fe· wood. "It's a small enough depart- ment and a high-enough profile case that we all know (the case)." After a grueling week of search- ing for clues while . dealing wiltl hordes of news reporters from California and Arizona alike, Smith plans to return home in coming days so he can attend \he Saturday memorial for Huber in Newport Beach . Enjoy a lli!Jt selection of merchandise WE BlJY • SllL ON CONSIGNMENT• LAYAWAYS l '8 DAYS WfE AS CASH Iii• 2384 Newport Blvd. • Betweet wu.an and sna..-.. • Costa Mesa 714 6l1-2411 Stop Creditors Plotect r Oii' Assdsf Personal & Business Bankruptcy Low Offices Of Arturo 'E. Matthews, Jr. ( ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "''" \ I .'If, 'II' ( ' "' 11//.,/1· I' G~~;;., (7!4)966·1319~~ ART OF BEV O=>I il'II ~E ''\\'Ill'\; 1111 \\'l'\.ll 11 :\I> \\I"-(·~·· Visual poetJY at Doolittle's best when the horses take flight! Now taking orders for this dynamic NEW Limited Edition Print that is sure to sell out! ORDER YOURS TODAY! ''l'J{,.\'\11{ J<>I\ 1111 \\II I) 1111"-<·~·· ACT FAST. .. available, is a very limited sup1_>ly of this classic Doolittle rendition, sold out at the edltion's releate VISA and MutaCard A~ttptecl WlilTMAN GALLERIES 3545 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR (714) 675-2478 \ TllJ.WIY ' ......... 1 Thia ii an imponant document." He said IOmC envelopes have been returned but the kitry hu not been tallied yet. Toledano said the litigation will focus on whether the counry acted le&ally when it deeded a portion of the road to the tollway agency. He said the action was ille1al. ''They had no· authoriry to charge tolls on a public road." Toledano did not specify a time- line for filing the lawsuit. Officials fro~ the county and the tollway aaency maintain that everything has been done legally DOWNTOWN ......... , safe pedestrian movement and bi- cycle transportation, and to f acili- tate the Oow of vehicular traffic. By directing non-residential traf- fic Qff Ba}boa Boulevard to park· ing areas and other destinations within the commercial district, city planners hope 'o keep tourists out of residential neighborhoods. • Tp locate and develop new parking areas without eating up existin& open space and rccre· HODSON fil $798 with COUPOn below aad abcwe·board, cwn thoqb Rio! idenu claim they never kneW about the toll until recently. Ironically, Assemblyman Oil Ferguson -who soundly defeated Toledano in 1992 -ii one of the most vocal opponent• of the pro- posed toll. A candidate for the state Sen· ate, Fupson hu been fighting1 denlly for removal of the toll. He ordered leaal opinions to written on the issue Crom the sembly's legi.alative counsel a the Attorney General. While the Attorney General's opinion vindicated the tollway agency, the determination from the legislative counsel was incon- clusive. atfonal areas. The committee hasn't pin· pointed how to pay for the grandi· ose plan, but some ideas include setting up a special assessment dis· trict and using revenue from park- Newport Beach/Costa M-Dally Piiot ClllH .... .... 1 Spooner closed the Costa Mesa coffee bouae on Monday after !ail· ins to win a lease compromise with TrianaJc Square managers, who say she owed more than $40,000 in back rent. McVean said he will operate the business under the same leue terms. Spooner said her $7,000-a-month lease to· taled nearly $10,000 monthly after miscellaneous tenant charges in· eluding maintenance and advertis- ing were added. The quick turnaround was good news for Alta's 25 employees, who will be asked 10 stay on. And al· though Spooner says she was not treated fairly by Triangle Square owners, she hopes McVean will succeed. "It's unfortunate what happened to us, but l wish him the best of luck," Spooner said. ln taking over the business, McVean is paying an undisclosed amount to NcWport Bcllch entre- preneur Steve Lewis, who had in· vested in the Triangle Square cof· Cee house. Lewis purchased the Aha CoCCee & Roasting Co. shop in Cannery Village Crom Spooner last November. The Cannery Vil- lage coUee house has not been af- fected by the Costa Mesa store's financial problems. McVean said he will add a num- ber of his low·Cat and fat-Cree bak- ery products. to the coerce house menu, which includes such fare as the eclectic but always popular eggplant sandwich. While McVean admits starting any new business is always a calculated risk, he says his three other stores will help spread out overhead costs. "We're not going to change the way it looks," McVean said. "ll's a real unique ambiance -a real comfortable place." Triangle Square partner Rich Shapiro said while the decor will remain the same, he expects the business to generate a quicker turnover of customers. ing meters, according to city of· · r-------------------------, ficiaJs. Although it's gained overwhelm· ing support, city planners say some opposition to the plan has been expressed by some area propCJlY owners. , The Planning Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the coun· cil chambers of City Hall. . Ualle~ies I St~dio Summer Special FREE . Portraits 1-8xl0 •Kids/Pets or • Models/ ActOfS 2-5x7's •WeddJngs •Parties with sitting fee • Commercial • Adjwancnt to OWdmi • Housebttaking • ~ Training • Nipping •Jumping oo Pcopk • ~ Pulling • Coote When QJJed • Saving You Siner 1979 Coastal Puppy Training (714) 835-8538 Le Tour De France · Summer Dinner Festival TO<lLOQSE $29.00 Qratin ~~le• . MARSEILLES $31.00 Cul .. es de Orenouillu MarseiDllses frog legs Ma~llles·sty/e S..,...,, D'• •Miia. ~es. New Zal&nd mussas au gralln s.llde Toulclu*nne .ux Oe&ls, 1bmlltu et Saudi ... Orll6es Toulou.slenne salad wtth tfXP. tomatot:s e grlUed "'l.IS.l9t St. Jacques, Oeufs, TolT\lllfll /14arsel//e salad with corn, eg{A shrimp, scallops and tomat09 c. ......... twtcob ..._, Oorft dac.*1f et Seudt-~ duck c:aswrolt with wtlfh bwll C. Thon a la sauce Aqutnte smoked sa~ lie Flotta,.e /loa Ung lslltid ~ • NICE$33.00 (re;ll tuna with s/)4c:y IOITl#>e »uce Tarte a l 'abrlcot & Prunes ave<: l'l\lel ~esh apt1col and prune IA1t wllh honey LYON$36.00 Crepu awe Fruits de Mu := Orlffu ~ Lyon ave<: Crevettes shrimp l/ge-talls S.a.de L)'Oflnlise Fk de~. Mer PnMntale cwtu erdot Wllh croutons, g11rlJc poaclWd egg and warm bacon dressing freshm"~~,...,.,,--~ Plet de Boeuf. s.uce Mofile BttfTaiderlofn with Morelle mushrooms ~ 'Qwte~ apple a.rt ~deF~ rasptxrry mou.s.se . STRASBOll~ $29.00 Ale de Poulet "'rcles au p ARIS $30. 00 From9 ~ ~ ~willl dteese l Chausson Parisien :....-a dr'n IWeC chlcket and mushrooms In puff •mses de~ pa,stry ililJcef! greens with ~and Salacte de PolYron au ff\le.I et Nobe ~botnV~ ~led peppetS wit/I honey and nuts Qouc:nde aax PoiNons Fumes, Saomon Griitine a'lle<: Aubergines ~., Polvre. Sauce Ralng Grtaee.s smo~ JMCkud with c:abba~ and Sa/m011 au GraUn with grilled Riesling sauce eggp4a.nt St. Honore Baba au Rhum ----Please call for reservaiions ---- 18912 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine • (714) 752-8001 MacArthur & Douglas, near John Wayne Airport s K N c A CAN A TEEN AND I ~U< MOM MAK[ A CLEAN START I~ /IS SUMMER? TOTALLY A DEEP CLEANSING fACIAL FOR EACH Will HHP RESTORE HARMONY TO Tl ~E SKIN AND SOOTHE AWAY SIGNS OF ACADEMIC ANXIETY I llP·HOP EMOTIONS. E GOSME TIC CO.tERUPS. BAO Dltl l)A.YS COA.S fAL fnl LUTJON. AND PARf:NlAL STRf:SS " 0-.l.X3HTER·MOTHER fAClALS. S].9. TOC:iETHfR A Tl lN AND HfR MOM SAVE 40% FOR RH.AXING TRf:AfMENTS WlfH ACTIVL NATURAt INGREDIENTS CifNTLY APPLIED BY EUROPEAN TRAINED NSTI fEflCIANS ACNE U\1~£ CONSUi TAI ION IS INCLUDED BFCALJS( YOU!< \KIN NEEDS A BEST FRIEND CAI l TOOAV AND Rf.~[R'v( ONf; APPQINIMF.Nl llME FO~ HOTI l or YOU TUES()A.Y THRU SATUR™Y 10 ·71L 6 714 <>73 3122 ~E IA Mil LER IN~Rt; 3355 VIA LIDO SUI TE A HIE l ll)Q BUILDING NEWPORl BEACI I UAJED ~ ING BttilND It E ll BUll.0 NC1 .. Newport Beach/Costa Mesa DaJly Piiot Wednesday, July 20, 1994 tr· • PORTS SPORTS EDITOR ROGER CARLSON, 642-4330, ext. 387 Question 01 the day: Who's . going to beat 'em? ._ Not Florida. that's for sure. after Tue sday's 30-16 romp for unbeaten Newport Beach Dukes. BY lUCHAllD DUNN, SPORTS Wt.m• NEWPORT BEACH -It Q was substitute girls night out on the town. Ann Grossman and Tami ""' Whitlinger-Jones, filling in for the Newport Beach Dukes while Zina G:irrison-Jackson and Larisa Neiland play in the Feder:uion Cup, won only three games last Saturday in Boise in women's singles and doubles. But with their nerves calmed on Tues- day night, playing in front of a passi\·e John Wayne Tennis Club crowd rath~r than boisterous Idaho fans, Grossman and Whitlinger-Jones redeemed themselves in the Dukes' most lopsided victory of the season, a 30·16 overtime dc_cision over the visiting Florida Twist before an estimated 500 fans, as Newport Beach remained perfect in eight World TeamTennis matches. Gross man, 23, teamed with Trevor Kro- nemann for a 6·3 win in mi.xed doubles, then Whitlinger-Jones controlled Nicole Arendt, 6·2, in women's sin,les. Grossman and Whitlinger-Jones followed with a 6·3 women's doubles victory over Arendt and Sandra Cacic, giving the Dukes an 18·8 lead. "Sign her full-time," a fan hollered from the stands, after Grossman began the final game in mixed doubles with a passing shot winner, fol- lowinJ a pair of lob will· ners an the eighth game as Newport Beach broke Arendt. Grossman and Whit· linger will not be full- time. They leave this week for Stratton Moun· tain, Vt., to continue play on the Wf A Tour. Neiland is expected to return to the Dukes in time for Saturday's road match against Sacra- mento (5-2), while tl\ere is no timetable for the return of Garrison· Jackson, still alive in the Federation Cup. "I was nervous (com- ing to the Dukes), be- cause they were 6·0, and I h a ct·n • t p I a y e d TeamTennis in two years," Grossman said. "They were tough condi· tions in Boise; the crowd was obnoxious, but in Newport it's a very mel- low crowd. I'd be in the middle of a ball toss, and &h e Boise fans would say, 'Serve it there, serve it there.' I felt more comfortable to· night." Kelly Jones does it again with a winning style In men's singles Tuesday night at the John Wayne TC. Whitlinger-Jones, new· lywed wife of Dukes standout Kelly Jones, felt double the pressure playing as substitute, al· though she'd been with the squad since the be· KAr:.VYA llAtNONE, DAILY P1Lor Trevor Kronemann slams it back with a two-fisted assault in Dukes' 30·16 rout of Florida in World TeamTennis. ginning of the season. "Ann and I just wanted 10 come in and do a good job and keep their record un· defeated," Whitlinger-Jones said. "There was a little pressure comi ng in, with the team being 6-0." Kelly Jones was the first Florida (3·5) won its only set in men ·~ doubles, the final set of the ma1ch, 6·5 (5· 4), to force overtime. Jones held serve, giving up only one point, in th<C lone over· time game. · "That's kind of funny," saifi Duke~ mere exhibitiom.. Whitlinger-Jone!> bro. ke Arendt t$ree time!> i!l women's singles, including • third game when she used a 1wo·hand bac~hand "inner to clinch. In the ~ixth game, after being down love-40, Arendt came back and broke \\'h1t- linger·Jones to cut the defi· to congratulate his wife following her victory in women's singles. "That made me ner- vous, too," Whitlinger· Jones said. "I didn't want to Jose for him." In the fourth se t, Jones dominated Andres Gomez, the 1990 French Open 'They were tough conditions in Boise; the crowd was obnoxious , but in Newport it's a very mellow crowd. I'd be in the middle of a ball toss, and the Boise fans would say, 'Serve it there, serve it there.' I felt more cit to 2-4, but Whitlinger- Jones bJOke and held for the • victory. "I've been here since the beginning in helping the team nnd practjcing wuh them, so I feel like l\e been comfortable tonight.' -ANN GROSSMAN, Nnvport leldl Dukn 3 part of the-team,'' Whit- winner, in men's singles, 6·2, after leading 4-0 to give Newport B~ach a 22·8 lead. Jones, the WIT leader in men's singles at 47·26, gave up only three points on his se rve. linge r-Jones s:1id. • If Garrison·J ackson is un-, Coach Angel Lopez, referring to the WIT able to return in time for S:1turda) 's rule stipul ating that the leading team match, Dukes owner Fred Lieberman ~aid .. must win the final set to clinch, eliminat· ing the possibility of final se ts becoming that Robin While, a former Los Angeles ~ Strings member, is a possible replacement..~. When I-Birds, Mustangs were only dreams 1 L1nLE LEAGUERS' Costa Mesa 13s ~ rip Ocean View, get ·another shot ~ at Seaview today 3 ...,. In th e '40s the only real concerns were simply was there enough gas to go! M cnt1on the names of Bill (Dutch) Van Horn and Ralph freitag in the early 40s and local sports fons would have cxcla1med, "Oh yes, lhose t>YO fine fullbacks under Les Miller at Harbor I tigh ." Refer \o the same pair in the late 40s and local sports followers would have quicldy lin~ed them to championship Orange Coast College baseball under Wendell Pickens. A few years later, fans wou ld simply identify Freitag as "that former Harbor High. bruiser who was invi ted 10 try out ''ith the Chicago Oears by George (Papa) Halas." Meanwhile, Von Horn would become ~nown a "th at dedicated fireman for Newport Beach." I • One day, the pair invited Tar basketeer Jules (Bunky) Marshall to join them for a journey to Los Angeles to watch a Pacific Coast League baseball game. Bear in mind this was·during WWII days and gas was rationed by the government. Hard times for fun -loving teenagers. Von Horn said, "My guess is that tt was 60 some miles to Wrigley Field via Firestone Boulevard. And we planned to use cleaning solvent to.stretch the gas mileage." He added, "I believe cleaning solvent was more expensive than gas, and they were not allowed to sell it in quantities over one gallon. We solved that problem br taking some one gallon Jugs along, stopping at filling stations along the way, and telling the proprietor that the solvent was for our mothen' cleaning needs." He continued, "All went well until on our return we ran out of gas between Downey and Buena Park. Unlike today, there was nothing but farmland between the two, and nary a gas station in sight." But, with rousing humor, their Balboa Island neighbors of the early 40 might hove quipped, "Oh, you mean tho e two lads who are constantly fumbling around with their old cars?'' From the sidelines He added, "Glass jugs in hand, we set out on foot to replenish our supply in Buena Park, and then return to our Not n week passed without hilarity. Van Horn , nlways an engaging humorist, recalled a number of laughable incidents from rhe old days. "Rnlph had a Model A Ford that had seen better days, and had among other thinas, a warped head and a leaky radiator," Van Horn explained. "Due to the scarcity of gasoline, Ralph h:a<l found out that he could augment hii gas ~upply by addina cleaning solvent art~r the eft&ine had warmed up," he said, addina. .. any damaae 10 the engine would hardly be noticeable due to its advanced ap and previous wear." car. Footsore and tired, we returned home much later than we had planned." Van Hom said, "Most people recall their first automobile with fondness, not so in my case. I had saved S400 and (a nice lady) 1ugested that I use it to buy two view lots on Ocean Boulevard overlooking Corona del Mar's Main Beach." With a laup, he said, "I have always prided myself on my ability to ipore ~ advice and elected to buy a car instead." He added, .. The car wu a 1934 Ford coupe. New automobile production had ceased and used cars were in short supply. Don Miller ('44 Tar QB) and l were working for George Yardley's father in Bellflower, and when we used by car we found that we had to stop coming and going at Sunset Beach to buy oil, not gas." On a woeful note, Van Horn said, "It soon became apparent that the car was a closet diesel. The answer to this serious drawback was to spend most of my senior year overhauling the engine in high school auto shop. Work progressed slowly, but eventually the day neared when I could get it running again." In the interim, he found that vi tal components of the car had been borrowed ~ the likes of Don Vaughn ('44 Tar conversion booter) and other VS owners, and carburetor, distributor, coil and battery had become communal property. He added. "Furthermore, since the car was laid up it was not burning any gas, and I was prevailed upon to contribute gas stamps for the common good. The end result was that I never got it running again, and I had my dad sell it for me after I went into the Navy." Reflecting on gas rationing, Van Hom said those WWII days compelled youngsters to cooperate or face the prospects of staying home to listen to the radio. A boring outlook for a teener. He said. "Car poolinJ may have started in this era, as kids with cars loaded them to the max with passenaers. Two or three bodies could be stuffed in the trunk or a coupe with the deck lid opened only enoup to ge' the minimum amount of air." He continued, "One such incident occurred when Don Miller used his father's car, a Nash Lafayette sedan, to transpon several or UI to the Udo Theater.'' Van Hom said, "On leavifta lhe theater, Bob Dunlap p in the bid seat follOwed by a youna boy ud myself. DOn and Jim Dou&W ('44 • PHOTO COUllTUY or Btu. VA.'I Hoa..'I Dutch Van Horn (left) and Ralph Freitag, circa '45, on Balboa Island. tnckle) were in the front seat, the other passenger slips my mind:· He added, "l looked at the )Oung boy and he had a terrified look on hi face , but no one said a thing, and Don proceeded to drive to the Island Nearing the Island bridge. Don casu:illy asked the boy where he Ii' ed on the Island." Then came the shock. Van Horn said, "The boy blurted out that he Jive d in Costa Mesa . Don then turned the car around and drove to Costa Mesa and le t the boy out downtown. ''After he left, the question on everyone's lips wa . 'Who the he14-wu that1' '' With amu ement, Van Horn aid, "It turned out th:at e'ef)·one hact as urned th:at someone el5C h::id offered him a'ride home. Prcciou gasoline had t>Cen wasted!" Those were the days, my friend~. Doll C .. tnll 11 • IOtWH lporU tdlltw for IM Cesu Mn. Glok llmald. tonrvaatr to dw Dau, ,.,,.,, MHl•~ol~N.M. ~ Carcerano 's All -Stars advance into territory never seen by a Costa Mesa Little League group. BY Bt\.RRY FAULKNt.R.S1•o•n \\RITU WESTMI NSTER -This time, the Co!lln Me-.J li1tle LeJgue Junior All·St:1rs pl:in to be read). Man:igcr Greg Carcer:ino's 13·)'car·old st..1ndout) continued Costa Mesa's unprec· edented District 62 All·Star Tournament run Tuesday night, defeating Ocean View, I 0·5, 10 ·ct up a rematch with Sea' iew, bcginrung today at 5 o'clock at Johnson Juruor High. It \\JS Sea,icw which pu hed Co!lt3 • Me-.a into the loser's bracket, "ith a 1~-1 d'rubbing Sa1urday. Dut SL"< Costa Mesa er· ror . including five in the first inning, 'ir· tually abotagcd an)' hopes of "inning 111 that contest, providing Carcerano & Com· ·pany plenty of hope for round two. "We 're very h..1ppy to get .l second ~ • chance at (Seaview), because we JUSt weren't ready to play the last time," said Carccrnno. who if successful tonight, will • need another win over Seavie" Thursday night to claim Cost:t Mesa Little League-'s fir.t-<:ver Di~trict All-Star championship in the Jouble·climination format. It was Carcerano who managed the Ju111or·Scnior Divi ion Cardinals (aaes 13· l•) to the District 62 title earlier this m'onth at the very !Mlme Johnson Junior High diamond. "It'• neat to have gone where no Colta Mesa team has tiCforc," 1aid Can:crano. who crc:,dhed bi entire teant for pol_.. off Ocean View. With 1 potential Ude -...hcadei • mind. Caremno ~ Ml J:t''• lllle-up Tucldly,....... ... 8 Wldnnday, July 20 •. 1894 Newport 8Mch/Colta Mna Dally Piiot Rsh tale for Costa Mm's Roya Laall ltllld aut In LlllPI Gold Ft881 NEWPORT BEACH -Costa Mesa's Frank Royce out-fished over 200 other an· glers on Saturday to capture the 11th annual Schock Boats Owners' Tournament, the larg· est fishing tournament held out or Newport H:irbor. Bonito, which tipped the scales at 6 pounds, 4 ounces. Mary Ann Steele of Los Aqeles won the Female An&Jer category by catching a 4· pound, 8-ounee calico bass, and Gianna Se· grelti of Newport Beach weighed in a 3- pound, 8-ounce bass to win the Child Angler category. MARINA DEL REY -Nick Adamson, representin& the Balboa Yacht Oub, won the f mal fWO of ei&ht races to cap off a vie· torious Gold fleet overall finish in the 199• Laser Class U.S. Championship, hosted by the California Yacht Club, July 14-17. The tournament's grand prize was award· ed for catching the Largest Surface Fish, and Royce won the event by weighin& in a sea bass that tipped the scales at 20 pounds, 3 ounces. Other winnen included the Newpon Har- bor Chamber or Commerce, which received SS from every entry fee to help fund it1 an- nual aean Harbor Day. The donations to help clean up the harbor totaled S95S. Adamson added one second-place and two third-place finishes in the eight-race. event, easily out-pointing second-place AJex As a participant in Yamaha Marine's Elite Angler prbgram, Royce added a Sl,000 cash bonus to his winnings by placing first using his Yamaha engine. Mike Waninger, senior vice president of Yamaha Motor Corp., at· tended the tournament and presented Royce wi th his Sl,000 check· during the awards cer- emony. "The tournament was geared toward f am- ily fun, and everybody had a good time," said Marie Schock of Schock Boats, the Newport Beach-based marine dealership that hosted the tournament. "We also had a lot of support from the local community through donations for Oean Harbor Day." Ascension, 20 1h-3 l ~. Ascension is the director of the junior sailing pro- gram at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Other strong showings from area competitors included Newport Har- bor Yacht Oub's Mandy McDonnell, who was 16th in the Silver Fleet series, · but earned top overall honors among junior women. Erik Sic of Newport Beach placed second overall by catching the Largest Bottom Fish -an 8-pound, 2-ounce rock cod. John Fis- cher of Dana Point placed third by landing the Larges t Bass, which weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, while Dave Meyers of Costa Mesa fin ished fourth by weighing in the Largest Only owners of Grady-White boats, Bos· ton Whaler boats and Soout Boats were eli- gible for the tournament. For more information, contact Schock Boats, 2900 Lafayette St., Newport Beach, CA, 92663, or call (714) 673·2050. McDonnell had a third-and fourth-place finishes for her top two races. INONE, DAILY l'ILOT Steve Leece teamed up with Jeremy Via and Mark Courvoisier on the mound, and had two hits, driving In one and scoring three times ln Costa Mesa's 10-5 victory over Ocean View Tuesday evening in District 62 Little League action at Westminster's John- son Junior High. DEEP SEA FISHING Plot ICl'lln on Iha tuba tonight · · Danny Zimbaldi, also of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, wound up S2nd overall in the Gold Fleet series, while NHYC repre- sentatives Whitney Finster and Cortney Polovina were 29th and 60th, respectively in the Silver Fleet competition. TUUDAY'I flSH COUNTI' An examination or the prQbable Major League Base- ball strike, and opinions and observations of the recent World Cup, are the primary topics or discussion by Daily Pilot sportswriters Richard Dunn and Barry Faulkner on tonight's 6 ·p.m. telecast of "From Press Row" on Copley/Colony Cablevision (Channel 3). DllY•Y• L•cker -a bolts, l69 anprt. I king Hlmon, 46 bonilo, 20.S b.arr.w:ud.., 274 c.111~0 bu1, J67 Hnd bus, 24 Klllpln, 5 rodJhh, J t olr, 161 m1clu!rtl. The conditions included moderate winds in the waters off Marina Del Rey. Next year's championship site is San Francisco. COSTA MESA: 138 get another shot in playoffs against Seaview Newpert L•nllln9 -7 boltJ, 315 111gl•n. 247 Hnd ban, IS u Uco b.\u, 14 rodllih, 44 \Giipin, 6 h~llbut, J bMr.acud.., 375 m.acktttl, The 30-minute program, which also' includes its tra- ditional "Match Points," will also air on Fridays at 8 p.m. through July and early August. ,, .. "•••. ended the game with a sparkling defen sive play, back-h:inding a would-be single in the hole and firing to first to nip the Ocean View runne r. CdM's Ameba ·third at soccer tourney BOATING RUULTS Leece for just two innin$S apiece, as Mark Courvoisier finished the final three frames. The trio of Mesa pitchers com· bined to strike ,out six, allow six hits, and walk only three, easily besting a four-pitcher effort by Ocean View, which surrendered 13 waJks and seven hits. IAUOA TACNT C&.Ua WHJTIIER -Cory Smith scored three goals and Brendan Fenno tallied twice to lead Corona del Mar's Ameba to a 5-1 victory over the San Diego Va- queros from 'Poway and a third-pince finish at the Lions Club "Socce r For Sight" Tournamc:nt held last Sunday at Califo rnia High School. of the San Diego go,.al. Then, just before the end of the half, Fenno conv~rted his second goal to give Amcba a 4-0 halftiine lead. Midway through the second half, Smith, still play- ing the forward spot, collected a through pass from center-half Danny Degheri to score his third goal. Sldy si. S«1" No. s (s.&urd.ly -•. wi-kl Loni l'olnl) 0..1 PHlf A -1. C-, Jtlt/JAM (Al'Otll, NHYC. l:S7.l0; l. Netlual\Un, O"" ''lll"or•, ICYC. 4:02,02; 3. bidtt, J•y Undl!f"'""· IYC. 4:02.23 Cl.u1 PHlf I -1. Slohr, Sine M<llher, IYC, 4:0S.$1; 2. Sorurer, ~ .. It loHH, ssvc. 4:0S.S71 ). Dllllber&te, C.H. Pldle, IVC, 4:06.lJ. CIM1 l'Hll C -1. Tlltftt,, Cll KAudtOll, SSYC, l:S6.lt; 2. ~'1, by 1ooC11. IYC, 4:03.47, a... l'Hal o -1. "'"rut. John Su14y, w e. The generous base on balls total included three wilh 1he bases loaded, and seven Costa Mesa wa lk recipients came around to score. Robert Cowin had a hit, two stolen bases and 1wo runs for the winners, while first baseman Mike Higgins had a hit, two RDI and a run. Stephen Gorman and Nick Kim· brel ·also added singles for Costa Mesa, while Craig Siefert and Casey Grondahl each drove in a run by drawing a basell-loaded wal k. Smith, a cen ter full back, opened the scoring when he unleasheq n 40-yard towering shot from the right sideline which sailed over the San Diego goa.lkeeper at the seven-minute mark of the first half. Ameba's strong defense, Jed by David Frazier, Patrick Wood, Danny Stone, Riley Watson, John Grod and goalkeepers Matt Meyer and Cornett, thwarted the San Diego counterattacks until late in the game when San Diego notched its only goal on a shot just beyond the reach of Cornett. 4:09.11. I Sbty Sbc StriH No. ' 1S:..C..r -•. a.ia-to Lona PolnO Minutes ~ater, Spencer MacDonald orchestrated a combination of passes with Josh Cornett and Geoff Leach which found Fenno breaking for t.he net to score his first goal. Smith, Fenno and MacDonald were named the most outstanding Ameba players of the tournament to close out the current season. They reassemble in November. OM• '11U A -1. a.lcht, l1Niefn1M1. "'· l:U.JJ; l. C,.,_, f.,_fl. NHYC. l :l4.04; 3. NchuthU.n, "~· ICYC. l:lUO; 0-1 PHlf I -I, OillibriM«,' l'idt.W, IYC. J:l4.ll; l. l- Of~, T"--DMI'•, SOYC. ltlS.071 l. Lld.lty Solil. )Cle ~ell. ICYC. l :JS.14; Cl.ut rtlltf C'. -1. T1Jfftt, Kn..dlOn, SSYC, 3:29.48; 2. Someio, '•UI O.C.pu.a. SIVIC, l :lS.)2; Cl.m 'Hlf D -I. Clewf Tr-. Wtt S.lby, SSYC, l:~.lS. Leece had two hits for the win· ners, driving in one and scoring three runs to match 1he te am-high ou1put of short stop Brett . Decker, who walked three times and reached on an error. Decker also Catcher Scoll Rhera was a one· ma n wrecking crew fo r Ocea n View, driving in four runs with two singles and a double. His only out was u seventh-inning sho1 directly at Kimbrel in center field. Sm ith then moved to forward and nine minutes later headed Casey Zide's crossing pass into the back PUBLIC NOTICES PU8LIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOYICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE aeuer Within thrM y..,. ti.-beb#. PUIUC NOTICI menced '° trW\UCt bu8'-WIUlam o. Puso, PYesicsent PUBLIC NOTICE The reg111ran1(1l com-PUBLIC NOTtCE s11111 Matl1 Beawo ---------r fOf• the d•t• aoch lilt wu 1'1w .,.,,,.. and bullnesa neat under IM Flctltioul Thia llalement wu tlled menced 10 lranuct busl-This 1talement was llled cn•t188271 Hnl Of dtllV91'9d to the eddt .... of the Miier are: Gnett83tNIO BullnHI NllM(I) llted with the COWlty Clertt of Flctltloua ,,. .. under the Flct1tlou1 PUBLIC NOTICE with the Counly Cl.,k or NOTICE TO buyer 11•: none Al.AN GREEN ANO lAlJ. FloUUoua •boYe on: 12/31~ Orange County on Julf 12, Bu9lne .. Neme Bu.ine11 N1m•(1) !lated NOTICE OF UL8 Orange County on June 28. CREDITORS OF The nllMI and bullneu REL E. GREEN, 41119 S. Bueln•H Nw Monetctl Par1ner1Np Inc .. 11194. Stetement abo\le on: NIA Nolle• 11 her•by elven 1"4. BULK ULE 1ddr11H1 of the buyer 11e: Campua Or., Irvine, CA StM t • CA eotp., A. &wry Mc· F915288 The following pwsone Al Diaz purll*ll 1o sections 3o71 F813788 KHANH THE NGUY£N end The locatlon In Cllifoml• The ...... Comic CEO Publllhed Newport BNch-dol bu"""8 u · .,. Thi• slatement WU filed and 3072 or th• Civil COd• Published Newport BHCh· (SECI. 8t04, PHUONG LAN VU, 600 E. of the chief executive otllce ~~log~· ar• Thie 1t1tement WU filed Co.ia M ... Dally Pilot Jlly HlllCREST DEVELOP· wllh the Counly Clerk ol ol lhe Slate ol C111r0<nla Coeta Mesa Dally PHot Jul'/ 8105 U.C.C.t Bay Avenue. N•wport of the Miier 11: tame ...... neM 11. with lhe County Clerk of Orange County on June 24, the undersloned HARBOR Esorow No.24850-R Beach, CA 92681 Aa Uated by the Hiter, Ill I ) EAL TH Al TERNA-Orange County on June 21, 20, 27, Augult 3, 10, 19M. MENT, A CALIFORNIA UM· 19M. TOWING wlJI eell It bllc 8, 13, 20, 27, 11MM. N0Uc1 l1 he,.by given to The UNll IO b1IOld11• other bullnM• name• and TfVES b~ VACCINE 1"4. WS35 IT~O PARTNERSHIP, 3723 P8t3480 auction it 1022 E cWesT-W514 credt1or1 of the wilhln described In gtneral 11: addrtsHI UHd by the t.:~~~ ~~M= F913tM PUBLIC NOTICE :.:hs~~~1 • Newport Rubllahed Newpor1 Beach· NUT. SANTA ANA, CALIF. PUBLIC NOTICE named 1111er that • bulk FhcturH, Equfpment, IJ. leller within ttwM Y•at• ti.-Dri\le S tt 1 50 Co.ia Published Newport BNc;~ Paul 1r Sllat• 98 Unda Costa Mn• Dally Pilot July 92701 al 8:00 am on AUG. -------- sale 111bou110 be made of cenN, Goodwlll, Cofpor•· tor• th• dal• auch U11 wu M • cJt • nl 4 9M Coeta Mn• Dally Pilot FJotlUou• Isle Newpon Beach CA 6 13 20 27 1994 5 1994 Ille followlng d• Flolltloua th• 111111 descri bed Uon N•me and Slook, Tr•· sent Of delivered to the J .,. o°r • I 695 June 29 ~..., 6 13 20 •u ....... N..... 112eio ' • . • I • W518 aCrlbld P,operty lo wtr: Bua!noH Name below. dename and are loclt.cl 1t: buyer are: OOfle en ce ampo o, • v-•1 ' ' ' s•-t t I 11191 HONDA. License No S Th• names and buslne» 600 E Bey Avenue New· The "'"'" and bUslnea Town Center Drive, Su111 11194. .. omen Th• bu1ln111 11 con· p UC T CE 3DOY507 S I C Ill . telomenl sddresses ol th• aetltf are· ~ lkach CA 92ii6; addr ..... of lhe ~9' 11 •. 1450, Costa MHI. CellfOf· W501 The following P«SON 11• ducted by: a Umilld part· UB NO I ... JHu c'B ''a•~c-a ...,,·2• The 1o11ow11'1Q persons .,, . .,,..... ' . nll 9262& doing buslneSa u · nerahlp v1nl .., 765 m v•7n doing business H ' PRETZEL TWIST INC.. A The bu-1M11 name used LIENG BOON THIE AND Teri Johnlon 895 Town PUBLIC NOTICE THC BUD, BIR·o. AND The regl1lrant(1) com-flcUtlou1 Slid ,.,. I~ '°' the put· E ' E CONSTRUCTION, C1bfornll CofJ)O(atlon, dbl by ~ ... ,., I I that Iota-KEEM BOON THIEM Center DrM. Sull• 1450. BUNNY FARM. 20362 s.w . menced to 1tan11Ct bull· auelneaa Name poM or llhSlylng lien ol 25085 Eaton Lane. t.agune THE PRETZEL FACTORY, llOO Is. THE PRETZEL FAC. The ...... lo be sold ar• c t M c Ill I FloUUeua Cypr111 S•nt• An• ""' under the Flctitlous Statement lhe uncsetslgned '°'to.Ina NI uet CA 926n 600 E 81y Avenue New-TORY described In general u · 01 1 •H, a orn 1 • Ind t · 1 thel' nth g · P<>'1 ~•ch CA 9266t The anllclpat.cl date of All FURNITURE. FIX: 92e28 Bu ....... Name Helahll. CA 92707 Bullne11 Nam1(1) llslld Tt'8 followlng peraona at• 'J'~Ofl9ll Ind wt Samuel Aodollo Escamllla. The location In Clllfornla lhe bulk all• 11 Aug. 5, TURES. EQUIPMENT. MA· Thie bu1lne11 11 co,.._ Stat....,.t . Kathleen L Lowmlllei.-&7a aboYe on: 1-2-89 doing business u : ~1 of Ale ~ling ett--25085 £alon Lane. Laguna or lhl chl•f necutwe office 1994 it th• office of ASAP CHINERY. LEASEHOLD IM· ducted by: an unlncotpO-The folloMng per90hl •• Darret. Col~ Mell, CA PJul T. Sii~. General KO SPECIAL TY COM· pen · Nlgyel, CA 112677 ol the H lllr ii ' Hme u Eecrow Inc 15584 PROVEMENTS STOCK ~N rated ueocelton other than doing t>ueineu u : 112627 Pal1ner PANY, 2040 S. Sanla CnJz Dated Ihle 11th d•J This buslneu 11 c~n-l bovl . Brookhural St .. ' Westmln-TRADE GOObWIU AND a ~ 1) ROYALE HEAUH CARE Marian B. Rivera. 20362 S. Thl9 atatemen.t was filed St, Anaheim, Callr. 92805 of JulJ, UHM. dueled by: an lndMdull Aa llfltd by lhl seller, all iter CA 926sJ." LICENSE A'GREEMENT TO The r•glitrant(1) ,com-CENTER b) AOYALE W. Cypr•u. Santi Ana with the County Cl.,k of Kay·D Company Inc., (Cal· Joan M. Noutary Th• reglstranl{s) corn- other business names and Thie bulk Ill• la subjtct USE BUSINESS NAME and menced to 1ran11ct bu1I· THERAPEUTIC RESIDEN· Helght1, CA 92707 Orang• County on June 28, llornl•) 2040 S. Santa Cruz Published Newporl mencld to 11an1ac1 bull· addrH Ses used by the 10 Cililomla Uniform Com-111 loceled 11. 4199 s n•u under the Flctltlou1 TIAl. CENTER c) ROYAL.E Thf• bu1ln111 11 CO!l-1"4. St .. Suitt 100, Anahtlm. Beach-Coal• Mesa Dally na11 under lhe Flctillous ---------•m.,cl•l Cod• Section campui Drive IMne CA · Buslneu Name(I) lilted T.R.C., 1030 Wfft Warner ducted by: co-p1rtnera F8t3787 Calli. 92805 Pllol July 20 1994 BuslnH$ Name(s) hsled twtlOllAWM- MOUNrOtNI ~·~ ~·~ "S4!rving AU Fa/Jiu'' 1825 Gltler Co8ta ,.. ... llM PAc.IC V.W MBIONALftAM Cemetery • Mortuary CNpet-• Ctema1ory 3500 PKlftc View °'"" ~8eadl ~ 6106,2, The bulineii n1me uM<f 1bove on: JuM 1, 11194 Ave., Slntl Ana, callfomll The regl1tt1nt(1) com-Publlahed Ntwpo'1 Bach· Thi• bu~lneu la con· • · W 29 above on: n/a 11 10 subfect th• name by the Miier at that loc• Jani~ Gllmpolo 92707 menced to trltllact bull· Coste MeH Daily Pilot July ducted by.• corporalion 5 Samuel Rodolfo Escamilla and tdch" 0j lh• peraon llon 11. GOLOENSPOON Teri Johnlon Roy• Hu/th C.1 Center ne11 under the Fk:tltlous 6 13 20, 27 tK4 Thi registrant(•) com-PUBLIC NOTICE This 1111•menl was llled with whom claims !NY be FROZEN YOGURT This statement wu filed Inc., (Clllfomla) 1030 WHI Business N1me(1) Uste<S • • • · W5 2 menctd to t11nsac1 busl· with the County Clerk of tile<S 1, EICfow No. 24850-The 1nllclpated dlll or With the County Clerk of WllT'M Ave., Santa Ana, above on: 6-MM 1 ,,... under th• Ficti11ous FlotlUoua Orang• County on June 28. R, ASAP Escrow Inc., the bulk NI• la Aug. 5, Ol'ange County on June 28, Clllfomla. 92707 Marlin B. Riverl PUBLIC NOTICE Busin111. Name(•) hste<S •u•lneM Namo 11194. 15584 Brookhuret St .. 11194 11 lhe olflce of The 191M Thi• bu1lnH1 11 con-ICalhlMn Lowmiller abo\le on. not 1ppllcable ltat•ment Fet 3812 Wealmlnsttr, CA 92683, Etctow fonim, 231tl1 lake Fe13831 ducted by: a corpcnllon Thl9 l1ll«nerlt wu filed om1 t83838 ICay·O Company Inc., /I/ Th• following per1on1 11e Published Newporl Beach- and the lut date fOf filing C•nter Drive, 41120, EJ Published Newpoft BMch-Th• regl1lrant(1) corn-~ the~ty Clerlt or FJctltlou• ~lldent doing buslMll 11: Coate Mesa Daily Pllol July claim• shall be Aug. 4, Toro. CA 92630 co.ca ~ Dally PUot Jt.Jly menc:od to tranuct ~ ange ty on June 28• ......... Name Is l laltment WH lilld MICROTOUCH CHIRO· e. 13, 20, 27, 1994. 11194 Which II th• bullneu Thi• bulk ..,. IS IUbjec:t 6 13 20 27 1"4 ""' under tM Actitlous lK4. with the County Cl91'k or PRACTIC THERAPY CEN· W5t7 day before the Ale dll• to c.lltomla Uniform Com-' ' ' • · W508 BullnHI Nime{•) lilted F113811 Statement Orange Counly on June 14• TEA 668 W Baker 1315 1peclfted above. mercl1I Code Section above on: not •PC>llcable PubAlhed Newpon Belch-d~ f:w'ng ~are 15194· Coai1M11a.'CA112628 ' PUBLIC NOTICE Dalod1JulJ13 UHM 8108 2. PUBUC NOTICE Roy• HNllh. Care Cen-Col1a M ... Dilly Piiot Juty ng neu u . f812427 Dt Liabon o McClt1Y KHA.NH THE NQUftN If 9o eubJect, the name ter, /SJ Vice Preeldent a, 13, 20, 21, 11194. :rg,~~· 6~~ir;:ew . Publlah.cl Newport BHCh· 116oo warner Avt., 152s: Flclltloua PHUONG LAH w and lddr•N of the person LW2MN7 J:;:,• :'temene w~~ W513 Center Dttve sun. ::;: Cotti Men Dally Pilot Juty Fountain Valley, CA 92708 BuslnH• Mamo Publl•h•d Newport ~th whom clllms m1y be flotltleue Of~•~ June 1~ PUBLIC NOTICE ~ e..c'h, CA 92960 · 13. 20, 27, August 3, 1"4. This busln1u 11 con· Sla,oment BHch-Costl Mell Dally filed 11 The Elcfow Forum, .,....... ....... 11194 • Wilfr9d o. Knottntw 18 W522 dueled by: an lnd1vldual Th• following persons,,. 23161 lak• Cent• Ortve, s.......m · Gema San Clemente' CA The r1gl1tr1nt(1) com-doing business 11: Piiot July 20. 1994. 1120, El T0to, CA 92630. The 111 Fet2et7 LW2t7718 92672• • PUBLIC NOTICE menc4d lo transact bull-OUICK • UTE, 26 S11Ver· _________ W_S34_ •nd the 1a1t dlte I« llllng doing':::"..:~ Publilhed Newport Boech-Flotltloue This bueln•H 11 con-1t 13868 ne11 und., lhe FlcUtlous 1tr1nd, Dina Point, CA PUBLIC NOTICE dallnl lhall be Aug, 4, Monltch dll A¥ion Part Cotta M ... Dally PMoC Nty lusln1H N8fM duded by•.,, lndl\lldual on• Bu1lnH1 Nama(s) listed 92629 --------19914, wNch II the DulJ. norlhlp 15 Monaco ~ 13, 20. 27, "'9"' 3, 11194. atat.....nt Tiie reg.l•tflnt(•) com-FloUlleu• lboVe on: not applicable Jeff Hlld•bfand, 28 S1IV8f· onat 1 .. 278 MM dly before the .... PolN. CaMomi. 921it W527 The folbMng per10n1111 menced '° trenMct bulJ. au11ne .. Name LI1bon O. McCarty 1trand. Dana Point. CA NOTICI TO date epec:ltlod aboYe. Mceomk>Monarch Beac:tl dOlna buslnffl 11: neu under the Flctltlous' Statement This 1tatement wu filed 92629 CREDITORS Off Deted 7·14-M Ud a C11ffonN llmlted PUBLIC NOTICI JOE" FLAHERTY MARKET· BullMH N•m•(•) lilt.CS The followtng per1on1 ,,. with tile COl,lnly Clerk or Thia bu1ln111 Is con. au K • ..... UINQ 800N THllM P-~P 4920 Carroll __ ,. t 1etaee ING GROUP. INC., 31172 above on: f.7·94 doing bullne11 u : Cring• County on June 28, ducte<S by: an Individual ,... ••w L -Kllll 800N THllll Canyon Ro'.ecs Sill Otego --BatrlOCI ParkWay, Sta. J. Wllfr9d 0 l<nottnew FASHION FAIR, 570 WHI 1994. • Th• t•gl1lrant(1) com-llU lllMWlY (SICS. 9104, Publl•ll•d N•wporl CA t2121 • ' F1oUUOU. 135, !MM, CA 12'714 Thi• atatefMnt wH filed 19th Slrffl, Coit• M111. f8t38tl menced 10 ttanHct bu•l· 8101 u .c.c ., B••ch.Coatl MHI Dally Monarch Pa11nerahlp Inc., •u•lnoM Memo Joe Flaharty Marktllng wtth the County Clerk of CA 92627 Publlshed Newpor1 Beach· ne11 undtr lht Flctlllous Mortuery * Chapel Escrow No. PUOI July 20 11194 a CA corporation 4920 Statement Inc., (a Clllloml• Corpo11· Oteng• County on June 27 Thomu P. Oordon, 24341 Cos1a Mesa Dally Piiot July Su1ln111 Name(•) Haled Cremation 1·16284-pm • • c.,,o11 Canyon Ro8d Sin Th• followlng per900a 111 llon) 11194 ' Barbado1 Drlv•, Dane 6 13 20 27 11194 1bov• on: l-13-114 Nolle• la her•by given 10 W533 Diego CA 12121 ' doing bullneu 11: Thf1 bu1ln•11 I• con-Fl138IO Point, CA 92829 ' • • • · WSIG Jeff Hildebrand 1 J.O __ •,.oeMdw ... ay cr•dltor• or th• within Whottler y04.l're tx.tylng Thfa ' bu1lne11 11 con-ART CIRCLE FURNrruAE. ducted by: • corporation PubUlhed ,,.ewport BelC~ Thi• bu•lnHe I• con-Thia llatement w11 filed ~·-••• mimed Miler that 1 bulk or Mfllng . Cluslflecl duded by: a general part· INC., 1855 Sherlngton The regl1trant(1) com-Cotta M 0 .11u Pilot 1 .. .., ducted bV: an lndMdual PUBLIC NOTICE with the County Cl.,k or -.... I• •bout to beof'flldt of covora all your Medal t*lhlp Pllce, No. M110, NeWport rnenc.d to tnlnAC1 bulJ. ... -1 v-1 Th• regl1trant(1) com-Ofang• County on June 13, ••••••••I the a11et1 d11crlbed Th• regl11rant(1) ~om-8"ch. Clltomla l2M3 neu ~ lhe Actk1oua •· 13. 20, n . 1984. menced 10 tr11111ct bull· FloUUou• 1"4. ~====~==~========~-------~~==~~~~~~1 ~~~~1m~~N~OO~ ~10~~~~~ h~uN~ H1~1 Sherlngton Plaee..1. ..... 11?, above on: Juoa 10, 11194 PUIUC NOTICE Buslne11 N•m•(•) liated ltat...nt Published Newport Beach-Newport 8"ch, W11nOm11 Joo Flaherty Marketing above on: n/a The tollowlng persona are Costa Men Dally Pilot July 1*3 Inc .. Joe Alherty, Pr..r-L ... 77ao Thomas P. G0tdon doing t>ulineu 11: 13, 20. 21, August 3. 1"4. Thi• bUllMll ,. con-denl Thi• ltltement WU tlled N 0" TH AM EA I c AN W528 _... ducted tty:. corporation Thie ltatement WU tUed F1cleltleue with the County Clerk or EQUIPMENT 10555 Sten-•---·-----~~ (~~. 'I/ \ The regl1tr1ni(1) com-wl1h the County Clertt or Bu ....... Name Orange County on June 21, lofd Ave., Gatden OrO\le, PUBLIC NOTICI! STARTING ANEW ~ I · .·/, menced to treneac:t bulf. Ol'ange County on~ 11, ........... 11194 CAl2t40 ," ) ··~, ' neea under the flctl1low 11194 The foltowlng per1001 are Fet387t Donald Bem1rd Clatk 18 FloUtlou• r.;. / 7 BullMll Name(1) lated PB t It IO dOlna buelne11 u : Publl~ Nawpor1 BMCh-Latigo Ln. Rolling Hllll' Es· llualnea• Nemo ~-.... ..---....-.,._ above on: May 25, 11194 Publllhed Newport Beectt.-PRIME RECOVERY BU· Cotti Ml .. Dally Piiot July tlln, CA '°274 ' ltatoMOnt Y .. Um USA Inc., Arthur Cce'8 Men Dally Piiot ~ REAU, 575 Anton Soul• e 13 20 27 1"4 Thia bu1lne11 11 con-The followlng persona 111 H. Dlllemuth, PrMldlnt 20, 27, August 3, 1o, 11194, vard, Suite 550, Co1t1 ' ' ' ' ' W509 ducted by: an lndlv1dUll c1o1nQ busineH u : This Mlement WU ftl9d W532 M .... CA 92828 Thi t•Ql1trant{1) com· TOlJCHOOWN PROOUC· ~~' '\ ..-with the COUf1C'/ Clettl of Rhone¥ Suite, 4342 M• PUBLIC NOTICI menced to transact busl-TIONS, 8 GrenKhe, IMM, ~ -,-Orange County on June 21. PUIUC llOTICI hogony Clrcle, Yorba .,... under the Flct1hou• CA 12714 1984. Linda, CA 12988 PUBLIC NOTICI BullMu N1me(1) 11919<1 Sony1 Sparkman, e BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Uga1 DqKntm~ Ill tht Daily Pil« is pleas«J to annOU/1« a MW mvia now awilabl.t I{) MW busine:1:1es. ~ rviU now SF.ARCH tht ""~for you tJJ no extm chargr, and save you tht ti mt and the trip I{) tht Cbun Hou.st in Santa Ana. Thm. of course, after tht search is complettd wt wiU fik J"U' ftaitious busiN!S11'11lTM stlllmlnll tvith tht Cbunry Cf.trlt. publish ona a wttlt for four Wttla as rtifU'rttl bj law and thnr .fik your proof of publianion with tht Counry Clmt. Plmse stop by to fik your fa:ribous businas fllllm'lmt at tht IJajly Pi~t. 330 W. &ySr. Costa Mes4. !fJf'U CJmntJt stqp bJ p!az#CtllJ u.tlll {714) 642-4321 and wt wiU maltt ammgmimts for you to had this pro«tiNrt bj mail JfJ""' should haw any fortlxr quations, pW-caJ/ us awl wt wiJJ be murt than • glad ro assist JflU· Good ~It in your new bu.rinas! ' NtHM Plelltl•• Thia bu1lne11 11 con-NOTIC• OF UL• 1boYe on: 1-7·94 Gttnaehe, ll'Vlne, CA 92714 Published ~ 8wh-••IRH• ..... duded by: .,.. lndtvldual Notice la hereby Given Donald Bernard Clltk Thia bu1tnen 11 con· Colla M... Daly l'llOC ...... ,,.. Th• '•'C,'trant(1) com-punuent 10 MCllone "3071 Thie 1t1tement w11 flied ducted by: an lnOMOUll June 21. .My e 13 20 The ~ per9on1 .,. menced under tr~~ MCI 3072 of the Clvll Code with the County Clertl of The r•gl1lrant(1) com-1194 ' ' ' dolr'I tlUllneM •: ""' """""""" of the Stat• of Calfomla Orange County on Jwne 7, menced to lflOUC1 bull· ' MOONLIGHT DESIGNS, Bullneaa Name(e) llled the underlloned HARBOR 1984, MN Mnder the flctlltoua _______ w_4_1_1 MOO Edinger Ave •• 18203, above on: .My 1, 1"4 TOWING, will ... at pubic ,., 1e1:a Bullflftl Nln\t(I) lltled PUIUC IOTICI HunllnGlon IHch, CA ~~ llled auction, It 1022 E. CHEIT· ~shed Newport 8HC:l'I· ebo\le on: l-2NM n:---------tal47 With the ,.,A.I.-,~ of NUT, SANTA ANA. CALIF. COit& Me .. OaHy Piiot July Sonya Sparkman OMttaTtn Adrienne B•rtH, 1400 Ori ,..==."1 ..... " 92701 .. 1.00 am on AUG. 8 13 20 27 11194 Thi• •tlltm•nt WH llted ,......... ....., ""'· 18203, ~ 1~ __ ,,,.on_,. • 5. 1994, the followlng d• ' • • ,. • WSHI With the Counly Clltlt OI Buelft•• Mw ~ 8Mch, CA 9*7 · ICflbed 9'°'*1Y 10 wt(: Ofange Coun1Y on June 21, atelt•lftt D•vld lrlcllton, 1400 PetltH 1M1 CHEV:i. i.bnt• No PUBUC NOTICI 1K4. The foloMf'8 peraona ...... IW9., 18203. Hun-Publllhed N9WpOft ~ 2HLU7H, alata Callr.. Plt3800 doing~ M ' .,.._. 8elicft. CAllM7 Coela M ... Delly Not~ V1nl1QIYY22PIM111740 ,......_. Putllllhed Ntwport BNch- TW MERRIMAC 'woooa '"'• buel.,... I• con. ao, 27, ~ i , 10, 1194. hid .... la lof the put• .......... ....... CoslAI M ... Delly Pilot July L,., 425 ~ Wey: = ~ • .,.._ .. J*t· WA1 =-.,,,::...~~ ~ ... .._.... I, ta, 20, 27, 11194. Coit• Moaa, California Ttte ree11u1n1(1) com-..... _ -ncl MCI MOraoe ~· wtlfi The follOwlr'9 ~ •• ws1s aatzt IMMed lo tnnMct bUIJ. r.,._ 119¥ ooel9 of actwnl1in9 end •11· = bullnMI ... J:.=-=:.-~:.f, ,_ ~,. ~ ,.......... ,.,...or... 1120l"°~Al~IAl!!: Can'tSHmto Norttl PMtlcontef °"""· ..... ,... Neme(I) lated ......... .... ..... ..... t• ... .., COiia Mela, CA 12127 get to .. tho•• ._ m . ..,.... AM. CA~~ ... ••••"' el.Mrt~"4. lt•ll• M1r11 l11t1rd, re .... 1.1-.. ta70I --·---The totlowlng ,_.... .,. ,,._ .. lleut.-y 2120A lerM Alla, Ave., ..-,.._ Thi• bu...... II ""' = .:·~ ~ ~ dolr'I tlUllneM •: '"bll•h•d N••porl COiia MeM. CA tnl7• •ound .,... houM7 .,... by:. oorporllon ---,._w:::'"&n ~ .. l~!!!.!..,INTIOMT!D IC). ..... Cotta ..... DlllJ Thi• bUllMM •• con-Let.,,. Ttto reglttrant(tt ~ _ _.._ --r ............... ., LTD .. tlO ....,. PI04 .My 20 1994 dueted by:"' lndl\llduel menced lo .,.,_. bu9lo t"4. Ntlltl ~C.. OfM, It• • · Wl30 The roglatrent(t) com-C....,..... nw und9r .. ,..._,. Nllllwd ~ .._. "90h, CA -menc:.d lo ...,._ bull-1erJtoe lullneea NaMeCs) ._. C... Meu IWy Nol -Mt Aj (Urnllld ,.,_,,, Thlnldnl of haVln8 • nw un1er U'9 flc1lflout Dtreet- ....,. on: 7J1• 1, ti.-. 11 1"4. H Aol'apall, INM. CA ..,..,_ .... , ~-Name(•) ll9lld ........ TW INVllTM8ITI INC., ' Witt tl7t4 Olw ue a cell abow on: .. ,... http you llnd ._,,It. ... I.,._ I. y 1. ~ ~~ :: PILOT CLM81P1•D ~ 11 .... ft, Ptna 11. relable help. c1r11•1' ca.---. ,..,. · • ...... ,. c.......... Ml ... 71 I a '·· BY PHONE (714) 642-5678 ~BY FAX (7 14) 631 -6594 (Please include your name and phone number and .we'll call you back with a price quote.) BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: 330 West Bay Street Costa M esa, CA 92627 Comer of Newpon Blvd & Bay St CLAlllFllD HOURS Telephone 8am-5 :00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday PUIUC NOnC£$ :..s =. ::-::. ::!-:· ~ ~.,j1 ..,:-,:,.-=~ C:-:'-.'i: .€' e-·~~~= .. =>-~,..,-· -~--a~--.·-~·-= . .....,,, -~-.,c: .. ~-~ ~· -.,, ~ .. -: .,. _ c ,_ • _._,. ._. -.. 4 ci;:: ~r ,;~J· -.: -""""""' _t ...,. !:)..,,::"': ::---a:-::.:..::>e Se=:·:>-2:1· ~ ~~-= -~ "'·, :..: 'e''-=".:-=::=.:::-:::-.:"\ :•=s:>e-e ~ ~~~s ~ e e:-~e:. :~ s._:-~ ~ :>ore:-a ·..:.ct;)-0 .::.: z;~ ~-ts .. ~--:-c ·-~9\.Ca s:.a~e~.: a_~.: s._:i~--:-.: ::-: _ -~-.:s .. : :~e ~ -.. ~-·~-:s S..O:lJ~.: 3\ : .... :: ~ .. , - .: ~, :;· 'e~'DO~ Bea.:.-- ~~.::.• ~e C.4) Ce"\. 33.): ':?t\~· So...tte\'3;'.:l ''~"'"':\:>-: S;a::."' ~a. J."r'o.a ~~55.3 ,.._ • I:; c•a a::>e '"· ·c:>-. e .. •.~~~ :""""O~ ::.,=.a) -~a -:;:i • 2 Jr : -· :,: :--!:> 3..3:-~ -' a! :~ : ~ .: 'eY.;-.:'"' 3~a.:--! ; es :::>epa-:--e.-: 3•· :t>S ;.:~ ~\es! 5:" s :·ee· ,e .. ~"': ~ .:a.·.:>-.a ~$5.3. cc· a.._ ac~-:-e-· :4 -·.:· SL:-3:J1 ~ Co-~ e~e~ ~·e~-a ·.:a:::; 02.:'a~es .:a:-~e .:e• \e•ec oe-=-e :).: ~ ate· !"a:-'3::l ~ -~;-s: ,,.. ti;() .... '.# ' -:.1"t' ~ :.~ ~ .. ~s 'r.>.'7' ::i~ twooe-s a"\SWerS ~ o .. es~ ~~s c:-:a '.'led r a standar.:l '.orm ~·c-.; ..a · ~ n ~.rest on~a•:-e ano f>a.'"Oa s:a:e..~ .. : "-.c"l ..-OJ2S ::ie ,.,._ JW'!""~ G::>c.:r.ne.-!S. ~-:-:..::.!' ~ :~ e-~ :: ='~ a~'fl~.:. .;. :: .._rs..-...-.· .s '.' 3~~1:..a:-.~ ·e·~--s .. : ..,f :-·:~~_..-.:\tot !\~~ti ·~ ::·~~ :::~~ ,a9'.:2 !1. ~"-:-a::-..as ::i -'= .,~ y ·-£ =-·~ !':~ :.,, "ES-J • -~ 'J'-•::: !..-:: " .. 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HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE DANA POINT 1026 CORONA liiiim-miiiliiliiiiiiii I DEL MAR NEWPORT 2122 BEACH COSTA MESA 2624 MISCELLANEOUS I RENTALS TO SB.LOR TRADE --------216 9 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii RENT AlS • iijSKAlliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l-..lllliliiililiiiilllmliiiiiiiillim liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'BR Mobile f'll.'>m• H T'HE s.ANo.Jla 18• UNITS 5 8loc:b to Marina. w .. ~. ~ Mgmt avl St.SM AQl 71~737 •MSMINa CR••K• Cherry Lalla a rea From $•91.l Ov••I & ---------1 p,_,, 'I.: ,_, ~"' S..'''' 2• tw NC. poo&a, ten-38R • d•n, 2 SBA. Se..•ur• 1 ~1 Ne"'"'" t VACATION ""-' t!\are wlll "'• ,,.._ Sbd. 2ba. din rm trml dining. •9P tam-Bl\.1 ~6-83:'.l 2722 6 1 St•'• t-•8 Utf tem rm. $27'00 mo 11y, lndry rm, c:ul:-d .. tBR wpstatrs, VERY iRENTiiiiiiALSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil·-------· ·-------· (310) a ... 1am M C S2000 Mlt.e78'7 clean & qu •t, t'il p~ "'9 ,.,, 810\~ Acada. Hbr Vu Hm• 3& 28a. b .. uhf1.1I lan.11..:•P•. r f\j TI t>H~Mu• ... ~., COMMERClAI. BUSINESS a bft-tn., frplc. w ;d , frfg, cll1 AC comm IX>OI & nr h"H shoppi ng, 8~h CC ~ f ~,,.,.,. REAL ESTATE FINANCE NEWPORT C8l'pOl1. No emk.~JMl. ~nls.' sul)ertl cond lndl) t.i~ l.>" o•~· ~'"'" JBI\ ~BA 'M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~-~Ill!'~~!!!!!! COVAL -$1025/mo 873-2138 s ...._,.. No ~''· p1•:..se $5~0 s s..::~ \\I.. 6U~: ,, 0""0"'"'"n BEACH 1069 . 1975.mo. 7S.-v704 mo 64e-<>392 A1'1lla&m.._..• New 2br 2ba GrH t L kl F a _______ 1BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS -··-11·-· .. -........ , kltch•n. Avl now 00 ng or"' 2BR·1 BA COTTAO• DrU'PALS TO FOR Dr~ 27 69 OPPORTUNITY ;.;;-~.;;.,'Ma._ Lownt Prtcecl 2.Str s uoo11 att1ut1u eC Rent11? Encl P•h->. "'ash•1 ~"' iiiiiiilii~iiiiuiii,iiiilliiii - ..._. _.._.. _....._ 1 "Port l&.a-• ... n call 71 '"123-Ml.2 Call KIP di)•~ hl..up. "" ~•I• SHARE '7 2 4 2 904 ---· u-w $775 m<> 722-4S284 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii&iil 1t ...... ._, ..,........ 4Br~.58a. 1oV91y pvt H1rbor RHlty -• r-t •Jt VIND• lil'llll lill •• •tw••la•h• yard. ~ c:ondl COSTA MESA 2124 173-t400 AVAILA8L. NOW C'1M·"''•'•t:·• P''-'' """ f"V • Ullf 11 ""' '* ,...._, ..,8994 A.gt 1 BA r•'1~at..i, P" p la c • 1oo•t11•1 111 $...\$0 "''' t-•"' 1.'S~ll FACTORY DIRlCT ........... ......, ...... • •• _.. ......_ 509-2135 Pgr ~110 $575 Ha rbor CoM tt , M~~• ,,,,. '"'"' 00\\ \r ~''"' \In• ..._..,... •• ...._ "Port Stnetl" 2br 2tMI an.ch 2 car Oc fro Ila • 646-0081 (310l318·90a 9 COMMllClA1 ''~'' '.!\' ' tvll tj•11• ........... ,,.......,... .... U.tinas-7/tS pool 11175. ••n nt1 ~··Id• ~Or 1Ba'ijar ..... '1 CM l't\)f shr l.Ul•h.l• PROP.llrY 2778 ,., l••l••• l'\ '"'"~ u.111..... _.. Mint cond-:--5fk:t Som-gar, aaJi.:8aa \SR .............. " $1000 hkUJ)I . n•\\ly r•moJ full\ fvr11 cOnJ" ""' n111 ... 1 1•"11•"\ \'"trll) TMI """""' ... ••• • 3eR 28~ ........... $2000 s eoo & sa75 'ft )d OA P'-'<'I t•m1I• \411• 1 E l.tO ''"' nNu• '"'••1•·i ........ ~ ........ etMt. 3 Doors to gm. •BA 2&a .......... $2400 ~•let pd 4"3•10J7 · pd $SOO S•&.Jl4'eT SlOAfflAONf SJ~.fl~'l\l ('Hh ••~uttllJ ..., .., ,... ,... ...... la~ bft • =~1.000 NE\V101T Mobile 2BR ..... 11160 ••a io• a a ok .. " N•w omc• ••••·• : IX"IO ,,,, .,,,,"••1••1• '''\'~' ....._., ... ..._o...-n Super Pot1o1Ulo w/ IUCB 2169 IALIOA-NWPT Lg HJA w paho S6•& lntln-.\"V.ibod'.1• :.! 1n11 al ll.-1\l'ft "'"' $~ •h•1• '_.,,, ~!\7•6A,\1 .. _.., ....,_. 1111 11 h....-~ hl;oo=h RllM 7t4-723-4494 mo 329 Uf\l\l•relly ~b S~•O ulll ,•N p.1 Nl T \Int neN ,. r,i.~. _ .... 1 ... 11~.J~W11.1•1.....---- ·--...... ••••••••• ... •O. No P41ll 8'~·::1810 Pohol •P~-~·!.''N''' ., •• " .,nu NC\\PT (\ .. ,, 1 )\) V«> Nu111l'tttl ••S ftleCllllts MMllllf • lllls upgraded. .... seat, In S nr 4~ ., -' Ill'" ~lt .,,,,fllt. l\) ~IA11 U~tl ... ,_ •,...... 11 • ~.:::"°rt Be•Ch .a • .-. SOUTH COAST •·••0 • U CK UY drug P•I A~• now ~.1-lNDUSTRIAl 2788 l~p u •~"~'""'' "'' .. ,..,, ... , .... .._... ...... P •PP•RWOOD8 &ne: PtQllf 1\1 IHO °'·""•' 141<.1\).0l\!t h.X'l\l ...... .,,.., · a1n alllUD WIMw wYrtw llBDO 2188 1BR. ~ d hllup., yard. 'r"TlrT. --:--11111 • ._ • 1.-...-,., ~ $595 no pet 631·7113 N Mo.J•11\ o..-.. n HI, AUTOMOT IV•. N\.'I\} "~ ••• '"'. llOllLI 1_..... lnct w temont I neat 1t111,1, prl\ •ntr. aq ft, :o.u Pta1.: .. ,ha 11on1•8u'lr ii.II Or lllTP ,, I I DC...... llOO MIO to 11~ mo. • LQ DLX LOl'T BA alt U8T IDa aundcll., ,,,,,. I~ cl,,Hl A\'41, Coata M•u v .. ., P art•rou lbl• S~I\ ull llUI • ... ,.. 801115 VIiia R-tal1 amen AenVle option COUNTRY woooa "' • _. ,.. • ~1 oo tr I•••••••• .... M851mo-E'ad CM 1er 4t 1 loft BA. u " No , _______ 11• ... , ... HOM• 171-4112 H•SM01mo.aa1-113e =~~;~=~~~et143 DIMES GIDIUlL l 002 Dbl wide pvt bctVpertc MecMtlur Vig Jbt 1 be fnod yd, '9fnOd MIOO. upatra ans + d•P· Heme aw.et MeMe l ll•••mi!llllllllll••• 131 ... 10°'131·1110 O•ted. eec, -.nnle, 18R Aptt, •~•. ACCEU BEACH gym. pool. IM-5001 pool .. d •• rtttd, cio .. FORECLOSED to bffch •hOpP't'V, • l I. l la J --Jf a OVEANMENT RINT'.a•s c.i1 '°' VO\lf ""'•d· is 'Jtl CK •.• t1v potJ" r aonana. HOM•9 bone•el ~ dfeH (7 t 4) "4a·M&I J • /' And P~I aCONDOV~s 1M '**' ........ APAltTMBNTS Npt "•hl•.,.. ilr Run a lO-lincda.ii6cJad in mrSmudayeditionofthc HUD. 1M . ~ • .... POa ....... 1aa. w.,.,. v•rdener. l!--VA. ATC. eeo. POa UNT 19"· YI .... 11Gll mo aan a g•r•u• Incl. 11000. Daily Pilot furanly $~.00 (or~ dimclc I H!l U.tlng9 for,_,,.,.., IM Condo 11100 mo mo. a.a.i.i» flNANCllllQ bellmble IM Oonft 111'0 mo 1-80CMI~ IM ·,.._· --i---------Sm•ll IBA COlt•til•• Ext. fU80I ,_.. ~ ltOOOwtt IAllQA ptitlo, aim yd, ffplc. 11--------~.......,--1111QA 39" Condo .11100 mo _....,."' • M?I mo. .148.e<MM C~~ ISUKD Zlot TI'8"'t:'f-.-...... v ... 2107 33ea a0tttat. • 'DAILY PILOT uaa aq ... ..,... ···-=-·-·~ .. ~ nwroat DIADLIN.I ~.,... tMwne In UWROllTMllrnew 673-IM '*°"• ftaeto. He .... 1. ,~ ..,._ 4 bc1 c.. eoc1. root-re '''· dtw. 11111 llACB Ztll Monday Fri~5~ acpd, rft0¥9ooln eond. deoll tiOOO AOINT tiili "t.~ -mo +dep. 1 79-113? ....... • ==·~"'=" eye eeao ii'ttlOO A.:-:. •t• m·· Tuesday ....... Mo y5: ~ ...... l?N'" ..... ~ Wednelday .. Tuesday5~ II~...-----:: 21U ·=-=~ !fl!:'!'~-.: 1hnday ..... Wcdnesday 5~ onu.. .... t r,.:a..,-,.:w: . "° -... No PridaJ ........... Thursday 5:00pril Sell your extra 1 M • , .. ~ • INT Qlllh.wlav Frida 5:00pm houllhold ~ ~ .. ~ .. _ ......-wa,, ...... Y · ttema ~ '!.!!!",.m In Clglltltd ~-MNT __ .. _._,__dll_i_T_i•_, ______ _ RIHT .... 011111111C1 .. I ' i TODAY'S CRoSSwoRo PUZZLE ...,. -~ 1um1ua• I•----· --......, -. ~ ~7 'II T .. lrd, .. ..... 8y CH.W.11 CIOllaN M port -.v..--• ..,. troPftY .......... l?K I-IOU OJIRCI IOln 1011 J101D wtm OMAR SHMlll' 1100. c.11 .... 1_ °"I ml. rM wlWN lnl. -----------------------'I ANNAH .-SCH .,_. ooncl tn-111'7 ACWI eoo.e NNOUe PUDLa .._., ~ T PUllll1'Ull IOH •HW .::S'• : ~ ';· 11 =:;:;. TBS CASB OF THE DEAF DSFBNDBR te 1ric*eon phonM. POWU IOATS BOllDA IOIS ~:~~ =~~ Eut.-WeatvulnerabJe.Eutdeala. weektndbedbeenreconatNc&ed 7~....-:;00~~ ~':: 7012 ••Pnlu• ·t6 eor..m.r 14 Nowl9t -NORTH the p&.yera. PQIOG bad pored ,_.,. din rm ... w/ M h. mo Heettne Red AT, At;. ~ ~ •I I 3 them for houn and wu in the pro-huech lllO, 122" w.6-8ld oompatable. 14' N .... uol&elolnbd Ille ml 17.IOO. ;e ~lop-:. ._.""_ <::> K Q 8 8 caa of croM-aaminiat eome of ""' _. unit 1100, ReQulr .. CPU. mlt, eurrev eop llide 11s-MIO "' 15 Fabte 0 Q 10 7 ' b:;: lian. On tbe a&and wu Cul plu! ,....17$-31'7 ll24IOI S**•· L.ooke like an 81 Accord U· bCft gm/ 17 bll9n money ee ~ ChlppencMle '°"'* din-e1ec l3l60 obo. 122· blue IMJIUv int 48k unit ~ _ • ' I ton «>--. tM .J.:: player from 11'8 rm _. .,_,,... a PITS • 1411 « 11wa1-2111 ml. cw phn/aJatm/ Inc. ia=:-e7 F~ m 10 'I =~~ 9 8 ~ C~V~ aitomey ftaed =: . .::= orig UDlll.S 9049 lven din•hw, lOfl ~~·~~74~ p:: 19 Sollp'a enemy c;> I 1 G I Q ' 8 piereina pM on Jow "Wen ,held bonom, 1881 w/ ' IOUrgentecronym DOWN O Vold O A I .ttincl!:.lll(i th' dN.l?"be ed. •"'8nAI formal NY-8.8 Nteaan. Xlnt cond.1--------~=-=~ ~~ *hirffi!MI• Qt 815 8 • K J 10 8 11 "J wu," ..:.ied11 Jona !':n'o::f~ "::t E~r!~f! •• ::~~~ 771~;~~~8712 JAGUAI 1105 H~alealic !~et SOUTH "Did you win the openin1 apa 1821. C~carved PETSMN\T, FOYntaln teeG~ XJa Convert, leL~•.....i-. 5P•triotlca1WV1 •I lead "with tile ace and return the rte. Poe* rm Mt Valley. Puppi.e, kit·~·" •ft••s 7014 claaalc coltectlon. footbd~yere e Toils ~.. <::>A .J 10 auit? J>ayeon demanded. S1IOO. Leath• den ten• and more, aU ~ .vn& Very, very low mite•, t7 MMdoW 7 Scenll 7.»14 c , .. ~,_~ 0 K .J 9 8 8 15 S "01 CCMlna. Dec:W.r ruffed. ... 11IOO . .._.,... loc*lng for IOvl~, cat· mint cones In/out. Brtt· 29 -Clod< &Bogs •A. 'I forced out the ace of tNmpa. won 11A118.J: ~ dlnlngJ ~:re•~<;~foz4t· MOVING, lluet 8.U lsh racing gr.en, Int 32 Wild dUcka 9 P•rt of 1 grove WOf1( ~7 .. __ ,estate_ The biddins: the return drew the lut. trump die-'"'• ......... ~.:.~ '°!L °' m · t3 irt comlMet• small biscuit. 863-no1 37 Actr"' AR>nght 10 8lblical region .. .,..... E Sou•L W N .... L ___ .. ~ .l...1.. •L-L--~-L-,.., ___ c·-· Atfectk>nale petite rem boat EZ to aet up & 38Llghtmnl t 1Mimiclong 3201'-River 488townflnt ,.ut .. eet Ona ~aguuOD""!"..-natomaa: ll00.7a0.07tt brown tabby, approx ull. 1250. Aak about•--------- 40 Det>alat*t 12 Scard'\lvian 33 Courteous acts 49 T1ny shr'lmpWI• 1 • 2 0 4 t 15 0 . bia contnct. What• ~~lem? a.ortnoe hi end beige 3 vr• old ipayed & tfaller. e73-238t JEEP 1110 :: =r for ~~~tty 5 5:1 so 't:!tt~es D~nU:-:C.: :: of:-:-.~;:.: !f.. bia impoe:,,}~ ~ct. ~t =~~v:::y: ~:,; =~rf~':!ob~~ ------- 44 Egos' 24 ~='player enclosure 51 ~'"::i' seat The crime wu aimple enough. roared "AJJy b~.eapert would re-~I fbctu,.• wlbulba, for new Indoor/out-1490. Standard ;acrni C04Jnterparts 27 Fond du -, 38 Grass 52 Mocher-of·peaf1 Seven bridpexperu had been invit· alize from the biddins that declarer Ito.a. 7IO-e453 door home. l30 (wlll only 1750. 875-818t '8S.IUPCJ• R•b411t, no NII, dean. No smog required. 54400. Call 175-2272 45 Navy -W11 39 Negatrve votes 53 French school ed to the home of Cynu Vane, mil· could have only a ainpton apade, Vintage Couch, off· ~I~:~ ~ho~•) 47 Inquired 28 Antlered animal 42 SoUth of 54 One Who kkes lionaire industrialiat, for a weekend snd t.o return the 1uit would be white, bfoc.d• fabrie --------1-------- 55! ~~outrd.... 29 TV extra· 43 t:~st -56 ~~ ot the of bridp. One of them wu sn im· pointleu. Since what.eVer tricb de· w/orna\ely carved FR•• IUTT&NS MARINE SUPS MEllCEDES 9130 ., ...,,.. ""' 1enestnal ......., . . 1 th" f h ,__ L-d , __ . •L-_... .,_ wood tllm, >tit cond Adorable, long & 1hort DO'""f! 7022 58 Mexican 30 Comedian Buchanan "Nau111us· poator, a notonou1 ,ewe ui w o c....-er ~ ~ ~ 1D uie 111U 1u1.. l500 ~~·7088 hair, 7 w..ka old. Call '-&WI liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!i~iiiiiii menu Item Coatello 45 Insect 57 Sheriff Tupper had at.olen four priceleu emeraldl would inevitably be loat, the only -l:";' 722-9841. '87 •eo ••c. t 7" 69 Hero's 1al• 31 -In 1 day's 46 Make beloved ~r!4~!der, She from Vane'• collection during the danpr for the defense wu that a lllltCBANDISI FREE TO GOOD HOME 11• boat allp w/dock AMG wheel• w/Yoka· coune of the weekend. Everything club would 10 away. Theretore, a Brluany Spaniel 15 1100 mo. 125 Grand hama tlrH, cuatom pointed to younr Gary Mohan, who dub abifl 1t trick two would be man-lllSC. 6015 y..,1 Mulered ~I• Canal, BaJboa Island paint, Ilk• new cond. wu arreeted for the crime. Hired to dat.ory. J doa't know what happened ·great' with kid• and 8715·5095 Mus~1!~~~~~5oo. defend him wu the famous Coun· to the real Carlton Jonee. No doubt AQUATIC PLANTS, flf--'Ulta• Leaving coun· 40 FT mooring, prlme•----.,,.-..,.---- aellor Merry Payson. hia body will tum up somewhere!" tet'e, fleh. FrN catalog try, muat find good locatlon. St 6,000. 84 500 SEL Gray/gray All the hande played over the Cue diemiued. on ho..-'!-to bu II d home. T • , m • av • II• b I • . anrt tint Wlndo1 ws, 4 i---------------------------jl~Po:;:n;d•::;·:::--;;;:.:982::;·-::2~42;:15~11.,,..:es;:.::0-:.:;34;:.:.11;.,:.:M;:lc:.;k:.!y,,...,,.~~I Chuck &95-506& dr, pwr everyth ng, gd HUG• WARBHOUa• FR•• TO GOOD ' cond &Ok ml. Muat Hll PERSONALS PERSONAI.S 3002 HOT&ltlLDI 1-800-88CM819 ToU Free Calt Hot Exotic ,.....,,. I.he Glrla, Loe .. Girt• Wiid Girt•, .. ., Girt• T .......... Cell .... ;tOS.927~2230 Toi RIM Wll Apply 11+ • •• 4•' Mooring S 14 500 obo ••TAT•-· HOMm1 Blk German GrHt Penln1uta 768-190t Iv mag EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 5530 S!RVICIS 5533 NO .IUNKJ Shepherd, 5-yre·old, location St5K. L•llque • Baccarat Mut mai., swNt di•· cryatal, LlmogH 3 Po•ltlon, very playful, 723·5883 1tertlng allver flatware great w Ith k Id 1. 60'sllp 85 300CD Turbo dl•HI coupe, 1llver. $7800 9 0 9 ·2 7 2 .9 8 7 3 0 r Wknd1 714-650-7005 Caahlertcoff•• ........ 1eta, Jade carvings, lg Comes with dOf! private dock Counter PT 3-7pm. Plean be aware that Oriental & ..European houN. Moving, cant N • w p 0 rt B •a ch•-------- 250 0gi. St the n1t1ng1 In thl1 cat· anUque Ivory coUec-kNp. 962-452t, ask $626mo. 2t3-687·7327 ~RCURY 9135 Coata Me.. egory may r9qulre you Uon, cherub bronze1, for Vicky. ~ Qr-I Summer .lob to call a 800 numb« llfnlze bronze• such ....... -.....,,--...~--:--1 Excellent loC nr Ferry· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In wNch there la a u foootaJna, 15 ft taJI Lha•o Apao Puppl•• 40' +. on-shore bath 086 Colony Park Wagon, i~~~ ~~~f 51:,~0~•0 ch&rg9 P9' minute. panota, hotMs, Ilona AKC, champ lln ... Ml faclllltlH. Pvt parking loaded! 9 PaH, beige/ aelllng. Mon-Frt Sam· Childcare-Interviewing a. elephanta, Yamaha ~n'!: :.!'~sS:-per avl. 723-H35 beige w/wood graln, t t :30am, CM area. parenta f« care of 1 baby rand, TV1, Per· ' • Lido 14 3• ft Npt 873-7677 OI 1573·7848 Call Todd, 708-2345. lnfant·xlnt environment •larl on.nt&I &Ilk Bava ebuaed ind Beach mooring, 15th & refs. NB. 722-1713 carpets, tape1ttles, lg abandoned peta. Be • StrHt loc 110 000 •--------Help the environment. early Calif & European voluntHr/foater. Call 818156G-7ee9' · TOYOTA 9210 Mktg firm ...U Reps. art-CGllectlon, ROM-714-859-2704. gz ,C:!1ng~"J' 93~ DOllESTICS 5540 wood & Lout• XIV· . LIVI AIWD IN Nat '84 Camry, 4 door, 5-li~•lllJliiiiii~[iiiiiilii~ 1tyle J:ch tum •uch Slip to 60 ft In aale. d a/ f c .. & B SPORTING •P , c, m us, SCHOOLS 6 Real E1tate Houaok-por.cdM u c • om-protected marina. All gold w/cloth tan Int, INSTIUCTION 3012 ...... --.-,-.-:n-... --.1 is Oya/wk, 1-epm, ~~r,._.~~': S:t ~; GOODS 6065 tdll". s14/ft. 1531-8480 's'~;50n~wbo. ~~8,28•t•" Busy Wiik-in locllan. muat drtve. Refs. E~ 4, 1591 Supene>f #At, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil---------PhlebolomJ Cert ~ plln. For .,..... ivn (7t4)&3s.ea•• Coata M••a. 850-5870 Nnt t6' Greg Mortev MOTORCYCLES •------- Orange County. July Clll Ron TIYIOf, d Mah .lone aot wl1h Touring Kayak, hand· SCOOTERS 8018 VANS 9225 30-3tat. 714-145-9201 1"''"1•11'111111 cue. XLNT cond. $75/ made, cedar & fiber· ~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~i!!ii!~~~~~~ ........ MERCHANDISE obo. 780-2553 Iv mag glua ..a-79•7 :oNDA BLIT• 150 '77 CHRVY ~ton van. !••••••••• Tr .. Ro .. • SS Cltru1 Stalrstepper, exer bike, Auto, A/C, pwr braJcH, EMPLOYMENT 673• 7300 or fruit treea w/frult row mach. Uke new. Delw••· Red, runa pwr steering. cassette. =:;;::=::;::=::::=;;:;;:~ ltO; On Palma 4-6'$t0 $100 Heh. 845-t418 •Int. s 7 oo. Call St700 Call 673-2741 !••••••••• •••oretarw PfT• ANTIQUES 8010 Gal plant• St; ahade, Tunturl TSt10 4 way ex· McKay, 640-t430 . . -------- •---------Small frlen~ly NB •r•• pine, frul1 t 6 gal $20; cerclaer from Sharper •uvoTTVCEueVPs ~00~!! LOST a office. Y::~1 :-=·~ 70-p.okl Grandfatn... herb• t35 klnq1, 11 : Image 5100. 84<>-8t87 ••••••-VOWWAGEN 9235 An" "" uu.n' r v£u1 2925 POUND 2925 EMPLOYMENT =:~8:na111y. Common clock, 11500· Baby Iliac StO 909-574-9422 AUTOMOBILES i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliii!iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5530 .. ,, .. • must Hr• grand piano $1000. '71 BUG Convertlbl• Call 844-1820 TICKETS 6075 Beautlfull Red & _________ 1FOUND Orey and FOUND• llale min... flex. Reaumff: P.O. · JEWELRY, PURS white. COMPLETELY LOST & white older cat, hu lure• PlnHh•r at •MOD•L S&ARCH• BoJC t246 NB 82683 *BUYING ITEMS* a ART 6025 rellored, like new, low fonuft bffn ~laWed, wflti Goldenweat & Talbert, Malelfom, no exp Work at Hom•Lota From teoo-teeo. 1 pc AlrUne tk1 rnd trip for BMW 9030 price. 642•9574 """ 2925 while paw•, In Co•ta Hunt. Beach. Muat ID. roq. •morv Hollla of .lob8 a SSI Send jewelry to antlre houN 2, LA·New Orleans. 1-,----------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Meaa. In the vJclnlty of Call 714-531-5CSt8. Agoncw, 7•7·toeo. SASE to: RAE, 838 contents. Immediate Auatrellan Opela 1450/palr. 1545-297t 78 VW BUS 4·1pd, all S AEW••o $ Orange Avenue and LOST CAT. White 8 .. _T II o..a.·-Camlno d• Loa Manta cuh top. 873-8223 Solid, glorioua colofa. '8t BMW 7331, 4 door. o (lg Int. Ilk• new, "" o.i Mar. PleaN Call neut male w/brown 011r" I rnrwrl c-240-4t3 San Cl ' ' · Phone Trish, &42-32t4 PHANTOM, Sun 7/24 t tOK ml, auto, a/c, hardlV drlve111 reblt LOST 14K GOLD Klmate.42-0505. spot•. declawed, teCAS2673 •m-oAK/lldeboard, bvld8WATCH watch plalJ.. 2pm, 4 tlckeU , anrl, loaded, BBS eng.S2000.754-t593 llllCLET AT oc FOUND• CALICO name ·-ng.r," Ylc:lnlty Need ct ... B (W/&lr en • mlrr«-tt200• Rcklni num 'Tresor M•glque . 149·50eL 960-3803 whll, allver w/tan Int. eev. Karmann Ghia FAlR ON.JULY 8TH CAT near Nebraska Orange & Santa t• brake e ndoraement) Ch~·S300, Tbl & Lid ed onty 1500 aoad lmmac cond, muat Convertable·spoke (POSSIBLY AT THE and Calll01nla In the abel, CM. Lov" to QM or c1 .. 1 A drlwra '°' ~~._::"~r~~r!;~5015 U.S. s2soo. 72t-8727 '"' S4750. 786·8261 mags, radi•ls, bra, alt PACIFIC AMPHITHE· M•N Verde area of In cars. Pleu• call growing tran•eortetJon Repainting? Cedar ChHt·S175: Vlolot Parkhurat TUNSPORTATION recelpta, xlnt cond. AT Re 0 u R 1 NG Coata Meu. lt'I an 63t-t718. ,department to handle Cloek·u 11•5300, Pm-framed oil Maacape, CADlLlAC 9040 $5950 obo. 544-0508 POINTER SISTERS old Calleo and 11 LOST gray & white dellvertea throughout •JOO'"~"""*" tr1 Drwr·l100, Ova.I 6'x3'. Value $7500, '81 Convertable Rabbi!· p ER F 0 AM AN c E ) mlulng It• owner. long hair CAT With LA, VEN, oc. and SB i, ...., .. ••er mlrror-1200, Pr11bck ... , $2900. 548-t954 5 1pd, AM/FM cau SENTIMENT~L VALUE Very swNll PIHH grHn eyH, Tuatln CountlH teSlllrt",WinlhlNol chalra·2 matchlng·S75 BOATS 7011 '78 Seville, pale yellow stereo (pullout) $3300. PLEA S E CALL call at my work, 714-Ranch area Pleue ~IOtn!h ea, Mahogny drp..ff p&lnt/wht lthr loaded, 846-8229 auz•n• 548-9597 252-ltMSe " thl• msy call 114-838-Cieot. Part·tlme, 20-30 hOUfl tbla"2-S160ea, Ma-Good Job• DrlVH Greatll OR &42·70751 ~your IO•t cat per week. $1.00/Hr. .wiwau711liiib19foi. hogny aNr l400, Bwt/ reliable Nrvlc.. 8 FT 1nn11able w/8HP e73-76n or 973.7945 PILOT CLASSll'l•D FOUNDS DOG Mo1t detlverle1 are pl1cher•Wht·S200, 1558-outboard and 18 ft When you write It'• 1h• reaourc• you Au1trallan Shepherd Good Jobe PM, aome AM. 1088, 7&e-2553 Iv m1g lnterHtlng things cedar touring kay1k. --------a Classlfled ad, can count on to Hll a MI x? Huntington rtlisble aenices lC to buy Call Tom, 148-7857 DODGE 9065 Include all myriad of merchan· Beach, Magnolia & lnterc1tJn1 thln&s Af~~n CY":.~: iijiiii:A -u--Ov,,__er_a_toc_k_ed_w..,.ft"""h-HOUSEBOAT the facts di•• ltem1, becauae Adams, Edlion Patk. to buy Coata M•Ja. rm,:. •tuft? lt'a all there Lake Powell In allp. Caravan Grand '87, 85K our .cotum111 compel Call 969-2820. < • A call to every day Partner• H•k another ml, V-8, auto. fm can. and get the qu•llfled buyer• to Convenient lc's aJJ there No phone calla, Clanlfled In Clualfled p a rt n er. we 11 loaded, lugg rack, results calll Piiot ClaHlftod every day pie.... wlll hell> ._..2 •878 equipped 55 tt boat. xlnt, 1llver, muat Hiii you want. 942•5878 , ___ M_2_-s_e_7_• __ --..:.m-.-a_a_ss;.;.i;;.;;fic:..;d;..___ ---------1•••llll•lllllil••t .. _...!M!!2t:!.S~•!:7?!1~--· --v 714-148-1571 16250 obo. 788-8261 •--------- -----•IClEANING DOORS 3580 FENCES HANDY MAN 3710 INSROCTION3780 I.JlNDSCAPE a MOVING 3834 PAINTING 3858 llAL ESTATi SERVICE SllVICES 3548liiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a Dl!a5 3815 IAWN CUI 3808 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii SPECIALIST 3911 DIRECTORY An •JCH.rlenood fiiiiiiii••iiiiiiiiiiiii llR FIX IT Small Prepare to excel on T. Douglaa Palnlln• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili -------·•I •WINDOWCLEANINQ• dependable door •Wood Feno"* houHhold apptlance SAT w/PAT O'OOWD Troo lrlmlromovel, FlnHt quality palnt111g RepreHnt Negotiate CAUGMR 3501 Exp'd 24 HR caraglver avail, local refa, Non/ drinker, 1moker. • <:;> 873-7048 <:;> • FREE ESTl .. aTES hanger. Guar work, ~. htlllUlinO repair• & handyman Author Con1u1tant aprtnkler eyatem• & In \h• beach area. In• Problem AHolutlon """ reaa. Don 62.t-8910 tdrNMe. Lowpilcel Uc'd ChOfel.1557·2118 Lecturer. lrvlr\• lnd1epg. You name h, Neal/clean. L#681332 or Buyer Broker, Mark 297-808t David AcMwugt Conatr.11'°63o1 Plumblni/olootrlo Seminar• 873-2380 we do ltl .._..174 Terry 909-485-8810 &45-5969 ~Rf HOU8•CLUHING sprlnkl.,..,.celllng fane. REES YANQUAAD PAINTING tl5 yra exp Good rela. DRIVEWAYS 3585 ln1tall/Repalr. FrH Jeurayey 3784 T Int/Ext, Ouallty work. -'PT-Yt!-----3-9-2-8 Call anytime. Maria PLOOR INSTALL Eat. Water H-tora GWWIOWI\ To,,M.--ew•. U.t1•, Guaranteed L#876648 &~ • 2.4t-053t • LIKE-NU CONCRETE llEPAlltS 3620 TotaJ prlcu lnatalled ....... ._ 751~78 FREE EST Ms-e2os 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 30 gal 1251MO gal GOLD PLATING v•aco PAINTING Roallw CrHtlvo tlle ----------~1CONCllETE• NolewVru-~r~a remowc_.... 1278-50 gal ~ Embleme.f'awoett• LDIOUSINE • Wallpaporln9 work Patlo•lount.in• .. •-,_.. Ylnw'1 hardwood 24t.Ot37 pgf211-8t88 Old Jewelry, Mc. We Lllf5836915 11 .. mrma-aaunu-tuba rpr FrN Eet 780-8427 ceramic, marble, aub Semi Retired contractor oome to you • ......,1 SEllVICU 3814 PAINTING 3858 688-&247 1hower1. 7•3·•228 floor repair, carpet · ·--------- CARPENTRY 3510 MASONIY 3557 -------Uc Bond M~3M2 Rpra, lmprvmnta, sml WllMam Harold Jewetera A to Z ~:" * IHI PrlcelQu811tJ ElECBJCAL 3810 ' Job•, Quality, lnte;rtty, Watch & jewelry repair =: ":!=•Y •W.P. VOUNQQUl8T PET INSTAWAEF ETS undlapl. bite*..... l cat•, Ken 842·t no Antique/Fine Jewelry p.....,.. c....... IOICNnl. bathe, doors, JT CClllCNel NMUt POUflTUU luyfllfmdl 87~H• apedM. Stoctced bar °'* pllntlng by pn>f'll SEllVICES WALL 3870 COVlllHGS 3932 wlndowt. Doug 647251 A-t lllootrtoel woftl "tU· .... TCP 7280 Ucl8020H. Ina. MIR& A CMPDTlii Brick, INoc:k. Stone, Tile Local Uc. contrllC1ot UPAlltS 3822 BAOUNG 3720 1--------free na. 145-3305 P•aonallzed Pet C81• Cuatom Wallpaper ------~ Addltlon11Remodel1 Cono, Patio, ertv.way Quick AffponMI '""""1:n1u O"TuG 3834 Kennel atternatl e No 8trlpplng/Palntln9 Flr•/W•t•r/Repalr•. Fpfc, 88Qi. Ref. 20 Yr FrM Eat. 990-7~ c I .. •--_._ nu~ II Y&H i 1rra Qu.lltr PalaU111 etr••• Of wo,,; 'Uc No Job too 1malll Jerry ...._71MO Exp. Teny e97.7994•.., • .....,_ Hauling Junk, Appl .. UPADt 3788 PLUS touch up I Ina Refa 873-71M , 5% 011 w/ad 673·2937 • iLicftlcllii Wood, wtc:tcer, uphola, ancea, Yard Ctean-Up, PUIUC MftTICI mur.sa. Richard Sinor · Al,.n. Almod. Ooora. • Cement/brlclc/atoM/tlle etc. FREE pfckup & Etc. Call Mlk• ""' Uc 280844 &45-3209 We gala should hang dowl c:ab1neta RICCO & drt drvwy elab 12.ISO/sq ft UcenM 41z33te>tM:tO. detlwry, "9·t8a~ ..... t38t Palnllng/Stalnlng/New The C.uf. Public Utlllo QU~ITY c™ -,-T-Yn.--•lN-G--3-8_1_0_ together. Strip, lnataJI, ...... '11ncea, .:-* Uc •tamped conc,.t• Small Jobe, mmnt and Cablnet1/Aefaclng/R• U.. Commlsalon RE· -~ ... "-.. advice to the crazy . .. --:,. .,.,. ~"la.Ma•' L•1411M • 13t-4310 repelra. 548-l203 .IUNK To Tho DUMP flnllhl Uc4'82....,."' Q' "R•a ...... _., u·-2Q yra exp. Quality 83"-717" ... voime ,..,.... ....... --.-. uaM'fty U•V 3710 1714-.... t .. a) ing. u_7_..1 v. ~ .. ._ -...,. k hi f I .,.. ---·1 " AAHu -..u. .....,.._ hou1ehold good• wor m•n• p , • r nm LOCAL PLUMaU •---------WE'LL haUI •way wh• mover• .rrlnl their prtcn &45-24tf Aon •Ince un.. Wllllamt----------a,ILD CARI 3538 CONTIACTOIS ELDElttY U-. Traah Man won'tl P.U.C. c T numb«: •morald l'alntlntl lenQel1 Co.·W• are aa 1 3558 CAD 3811 Ma .. lltefttal ,,.,.rtlea 1.AHDSCAPI • llmoe and cl\e.uftewa Int/Ext wallpaper/tile clo .. u your phone. Get te ll'or...., ••-her CPA certlfled-greal "om• environment. Call Hayley 444-1114 Loe.a Uc 20yr up Small Job•, big Job• Quick reepon••· Fr" Eat. llS0-7042 :,:;:-;=.*:"., BEAi.TB, 11.&un LAWtf CAll 3808 grlnt their T.C.P. num-Competitive rite• 10 vr• Llll471000 175-1>304 " ......... llh •hie ' Gary M ... a77 • p~ee 3740 ., In alt advertlM-exp FrN ••• 711·2039 Everydey low H copper t•e N8le & & "~ mente. If you have • KOLMAN l'AINflNO r • p I p • -co m p I • t • CPA~ M .. vt Carpentry, rooting, ..... Ya~ llalftt. question M>out the le-lnVExt Qual work plumbing INC. S • 8 •&~' 24hf'llodty r•t• negtbl plum bing, drywall, R.u. ........ hnonal LeWft!t Cleanup•, gallty of• mov9t, llmo Aeae prl~ff Plumbing 13e-1842 i. '-' 8 Kllteem 7'°"30e3 1tuoco, pelntlng, Ule, Trlllner-l.wn outdoOr T,.. T""'-::2 L or :='~10•11: 8ond/ln1 · 11nce '71. CHILD SOPPOIT electrlcal. Jim 141-7414 eurvlval technique•. " ....... • 4• Conlmleelon L.,811517 Fr" E•t -1-00-,-IN-G ____ _ 3538 Dia FUCIS Co1nplot• pro1Mrti !Oyrs exp •7-4a90 lrrlgat on, drlpllnH, 71..,....161 •4• eo~~ 24hra 3110 ------•!COATING 3570 •o~ 3115 matnc-cuatompalnllna patio deelgn, ., ... , LW-11 •• --PAINTING890489t ..... -Ulc a ~..,.." In 1oc9ttng •••••••• ~ drywall-<1arpentry ....,..,., ....._ 121· -·-Conedentloul etaft• ., ... .,.. __ • oohcUnQ euppof1 STOP oeolc LHk• ptum~ *· 1097 °' 31M__.. ~~:a-~ man, olcMaahloned '"-· ~ comm. Attic, batement, and cloeet from deelnquent ~ wea.rproof coetlnp-•PDC• OATS•• Call Rick aaa.-.q Len ...... ~ ._. : 'Ril.illll~--prtct-·-'"-wonc--man-•_hlp __ ._. '•HOOfFR-~/reoeltEST ,·· 1!•is::· enc cec at7 .. •~• cteoke, etalre Qua!. wan: , · 'Vrt .......,•-.-H-1.Q-IWIMWI-----.-• vn ..,_ ...,..._., • 55 - ::-.:::n~ i=oocte ~= __ ._ .... __ ,_ .... ___ , ~,..:~::-·,_-=~~~~~