HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-02 - Orange Coast PilotSPORTS Estancia water polo fills up win column ,., .. I I ··---· ...... ,. .. ----····-··-·--·. • ,. • • :9 • . ------- ----. . ~ . . . . UPDATE Council could give staff ticketing power Serving the Newport-Mesa community ~ince 1907 \I < > ' I > \ ' I~ l{ I l I · I '\ ( I He's baaackkk ... Ro'.)l> Perot hdi. hied papers with lht> C'dhfom1a Si>cretdry of Stdte\ Office s11bm1tllng his "mtl•nl to qudWy" n new polincaJ pcuty thP RPlorm PMty PProl c1nd hti. group, Umted WP Stdnd Amened, hds unltl Oct. 24 to gdtht:>r voters or s1gndttirf's to q11dhly thE' pdrty for the MMch 2b, I ~96, pnn1dry ballot. ThP qroup nef?ds to get 89,007 volf'rs lo 1t'g1ster wilh thP pd rty by Oct. 24 or get 890,064 siqnc1- turei. on d pet1t1on c1sk1ng for the pd rt y lo be sc1 ncllonl'd Party on PNot 1sn 't lh!:' only orw lryinq lo qt1c1hfy c1 nPw puhttc c1l pdrty TwelVl' oth1·r poltt1cctl group!> hdve s1qn1•d 11p Wlth the• Cd.Ji.for· nrd St>netdr y of Stdte to vie for lhP Mc1Kh 21> t>IPrtwn. dee orclmg to c1 prt''>'> relt'd'>l' from thdl nfftce Of tho..,1• yroup'>, o nly tht> Ndt· urc1l L.1w Pnrty hn-. 1111 rwd m '>l(j· Jtdlurt•!> !8,4<17 to Ill' l'Xd<1 ThP oth1•r 11 would-ht> pc1rt11•-. to ptc k frtllll ctrt• • Cl1\'lrllnmPntt1hsl Pc1rl~ • Roe k r1 nd Roll P<111} • Pc1t11ut P,11 ty • C 'ons1•1 v<1t1v1• l'c11 ly • Pu11tc111 Pc11ty • I l11111dr11..,t Pc11ty • C '011st1tul1on Pctrly • ;\111P11t·c1n C'hnsl11111 l\11ty • C'hrv .. t1<111 I l1•r1tc1qi> IJc1rty • Unlunilr'>m Pctr1y • !{Pnl AmPnc c111 Pc1rty Fun Fair farl<.; Pnror<' Bi>cc1u ..,P you 1 .in 111•\ 1•1 h,1\ 1• tuo 111c1ny fun fc111 fcH t..,, ht'TI' clr t' rt few more ..,tc1ts from lht> l<i(I') 01<1ngt> County f'c11r in Jul) • /\Ion• lhclll h.000 pPoµI• IHd\'PU 'ThP Rock." d roe k < lunbinq '>UllUldlll>n c1ttrd<"t1un • 3 12 c1nimah werP auclloned c1t the Jumor L1VP'>tock Auctmn bnngmg 1n c1 tol<1I of $150.82'> 111 ..,c1les • 140 f11d1tjhl1•r-.. rt>pn-'..,1•nl 1nq I q c!Ppt1rlmf'nl" lrnm ,1cro1,-, th!' Wl''>l I 11mp<•l1•d Ill lhl' f-m·- f 1qht1•r Comlit1t ( 'h.illc'nqP Fire called 'suspicious' at college By Carolyn Miller. Od1ly P1/01 COSTA 1[~A C'o'>lct r-.tt•..,c1 frrpftqhtns Wl'rP h11.,y cl11nnq tht> Wf'f'kPncl. <>xtmqu1shmq d poss1- hlP ctr..,on fln• nl c1 mNhtrll f"ollegt> dnd two PIPctncc1l fir<''-di South \nc1<;t Pla7r1 Al 5 14 pm S11ndc1y. frrt>fr qht· Pr.., n1'>ht>cl lo dm1s1? numProus 1,mt1ll flrP!-. burrnnq in the ha ll· wr1ys uf Pr1n llc Coll f-'qc> c1t '."l 160 • SEE FIRES PAGE 3 ~~-~--~---~------~ I \ It I \ 59 AND HOLDING 2 AROUND TOWN 2 QASSIFIED 7 LOCAL SCENE 2 PUBLIC NOTICES 6 SPORTS 4 WEATHER 2 \\ I \ I 11 I I : ' A WAVE OF EXCITEMENT · A flood of surfers from across the U.S. compete in Newport Beach during the annual Rusty Newport pro-am competition By Carolyn Miller, Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH C"lutch1ng d gut certificate and $1 50 check in ont:! hc1nd and his surfbodrd in the olhf'r, Billy Oswald was reddy to cdU 11 quits The 18-year-old from RPdondo Bl•c1c h was one of 230 surf Pr~ from Mound !ht• nation who nocked lo 54th Slrf'l't Sc1tur- day and Sunday to compPlt' 111 LhP third annual Rusty Newport Prof P.,')11111c1I t\m.i- teur surf compel1l10n Oswald. who h<1.., bePll '>Ill fllHJ for 11 "I Jove to surf and it feels good even when I don't • II W ln ... -ERIC GROSSMANN + yedr'i, I 1rn1,lwd llfth tn the mPn\ prol1•-,. ')1\111dl d1v1..,1<>n of lhl' tompPt1t111n whlC'h include>'> '>lll f Pr'> rlfJPS 1 h to 14 In Is lllllllll<·-. o ... wdlcl held lo llldllt'llVl'f Ill'> budrc.I C'XJH'l tiy OVl'I th<' WdV«>-.. rtn<I hope lht' JUdqPs wuuld spot .it lt•.i'>t th re1• g ood OlOVl'S Olli of the l 0 Wd\'l'S lw 1.., alJowPd to ... urt LEAH HOGSTEN I DAILY ?ti OT Corona de l Mar surf Pr Mark Caffey puts \o\ dter into motion during Sunday's Rusty Pro Am Surf Contest in Newport Beach . · "I Wd'> prPtl) 1,tokf'.'d c1flt•r thPy ~did ti WdS d 9ond WdVP O<.\o\cild -...ml peering out to th~· m ec1n fwrn h1·h111d hh lemon yellow punk -style '>Ull<Jld'>'>"" Dl!'lJO With '>111111' ff'lli1\\ 'olll I• ,... ti' '11111 JH'll' 111 thl' •'\'t·nt L1111l1,.1t '' h•• 11111d1+. o.,11rf \\ t 'dl tor c1 !Of ,d -,111t111q•11111p<111\ h.i-.. h1•1•n o.,u1l111q Im Ill \••.ii-. 11111 h.1..,11 1 ..,l11ppPd -..111r{• f ,,, l\\n drt\.., thP .!. lo h -loot Wc.i\1-'-.. lht> li'I d1•q11 I• ql.t'>'o\ \o\cth•r ctnd thP 80 dPCJfPP l1•fllp•·rc1t11r1 t11rn1·d thP ... 11rt111q compPll· t1n11 111!11t111 1•'\1 1•llt-nt 1>nl' f'\l•nt d1rt•( trn I >.irr1•r1 Hnlhc1rt -..,11<1 BPcH h C 'ommumty Surf Department and Ru..,ly ..,ur1 wrrH t'> not all about compeb- l1<>11 Ru-.ty o.,urthodrd and clothing compd· ny, bctsC'd 111 Newport Bedch and lrvme. <,p on-.orc, lhP competit10n lo proVJde a rf'< rPnt.Jonnl I'\ ent for [drrubes dnd encour- d<.JP younq krd'> to tdke up the sport "I'm goinq to pc1y '><HOP trc1f111 II! k· , ... With thls." he ~did "mthnq dm~ II rll h1-.. wmrungs. '\!' cl<tcl ljt>l llH' 111!11 II 1111cl -.1111 • 1111• lrr..,t dcl\ I '>llJ11•d I \ 1 111 • '' d •11111 rt 1•\ 1•1\ nu 111<1q ..... !1111\.. for tht• mo-..t .. rc1d1r c1l 111o11 1·u\ t'I .ind th1· mo'>t rnLH c1I c onchl1011 (ti ol \\ ol\ t \\hu h ,.., thf' tuh·· 1,urfpd rn d sl) IJ'>h 111rH1nt'r. <.dld Bnlh<1rt ThPrP 1., 111w 111-..t pl.111• wmnt>r lor dlJ five d.l\'ls1on.., v. lt11 h 1ltrr1< l••d -..11rh t.u1-t1mt• '>ll rfl'r'> d.., I >rno \11dm11 th• nurnlwr 0111• ..,urf Pr m th• 11.i!H•n dtHI P'" o:;urf1•r" Toclrl !\ltlll•r 111111 Ru t111 · C. ·011111 .... Bnlhc1rt ..,c11d The surf compPllhun dr1•\o\ ... ur11•r.., of .ti! <1ges d.Od expen ... nC'e levPb to d t>mon Strate their SpPPcJ, o:;tylt> cillcf -..111011lh m oves to crowds of pPopl1• w h11 <Jcllht•rl'd al the sunny ht•cwhl'" lhr1111qhrn11 tlw weekend d.1)-L.1mht>rt "did 'It ... o1dd11 t1\, Rut 1111 Ldmlwtt c1nd h1-.. lri••tl' ll•1tl11 1pr1trnq m tlw 1 o mp1·L1t1011 .-..n t 11 ·• dh1111t wmnmq In orc.Jer for even the youngE-st of '>w1l-'t'> ca1J1~d "grommets· -who die 12 year<. old c1nd younqer to feel welcome tn thP '>Urfmg commuruty there IS a category for thf>m to comjWlE' m and no matter how th1•y pldrf', rlll qrommt>ll> wm d prize Tanan LamhPrt 20. dro\'t' up from !'>ctn I lo\'t• to -.11rt ,met 11 f1•t•I.., q1111tl l'\'1•11 v. h.,n I dun I v.111 ' -..,11d f r1c l ,,,,..,..,tn.1n11 ..!.l 111 l\.li..,-..11111 B1•111 h \.\ h11 1.111qll1 ·d 1111 111-. h,ul 1111 k I 111 • "'Pill "P"n ... ur1•d hy lltP e II\,·.., "Tht•rt• nrt• 111110.,ers m the l.Jttle guy~.· Tom < 'h.tlH') ctn t>Venl Pmployee said Costa Mesa firefighters work to extinguish c1 ..,11-.piC'iou.., fin· a t Pacific Colle ge in Cosl.i Me!-.a, Sunday. Teacher work days boon to faculty, bane to parents •While students enjoy d day of play, their instruc- tors say they are concen- trating on improving th Q quality of education. By Julie Ross Cannon, Daily Piiot NEWPORT-MESA -Student~ love them. Parents hate thf' inconvenience. Teachers say l hPy are a necessity. They are teacher work dayl>, and Friday was the first one of the new school year in the Newport- Mesa Unified School District. While many stude nts were lounging in front of tbe television or enjoying a day at the beach, teachers were hard at work brushing up on their skills and w orking with colleagues on new teaching methods. But school board memberl say the number of days schools are requesting for staff development -.. .111 • ''" ,...,..,1v1• .ind\ nt•·d 1n .llll)o 111 for e•· -..11111111-.. In 1111 lldek rwxt YP1ll rt11111qh ... 1,1IP l.tw c1llow" fnt 1•1qhl d.1y.., wh11 h mr1ny NPwpor1 1t''>•I ..,e h11nl ... H'CJllP..,IPd for th1• I HC).') .tl(i ..,e hnul YPd 1 I ruslf'P!'. "r11ct thry will c1llow only "IX day-; nPxt Y<'dr f\fld fo11 1 nays !ht' follOW1n<J yPctr. Ro<Hd m1'mhPr.., did, h owf'v· N, !f'BVC' the cloor opf'n for schools 11ndrrt11king tt rPstnirtunng pfforl ot sp f'cial t1rt.lvit1es lo a p ply to the• boctrd for addittonal d~iys On Fnday, tf'arher.., from MctnnN._, Kd1 ser and Nl"wport E>lc>mf'nlary c;choots gc1therPd al the Costa M e!>d Community Cen· ter to listen to sPm.mars from edu· caUonaJ consuJtants Bnice Joyce and Emily Calhoun. These w orkshop s arP unpor· tant for teachers' conb.nuing edu· cation, Manners Pnnnpal Bonmf' Swann cuud •Tue goal ts to g et what WC' rt- leaming back to th.!' classroom.· • SEE SCHOOLS PAGE 3 Party hot spots cooling off • ( I.ti kf!11\\ tl 1111 111\\ll\ pr1rl11 •..., l111tl .... Ill drop 111 <11 .... 1111li.1111 , ..... cl .... ( !llllJlollt'd 111 1111•\ ll1ti.... .... 111111111•1 \\ I .... I 'I \ \ I'< If~ I I ft, II J 111 1'1• 'I •I \\1•..,I .,, \\JI• 11 IH'll lj I 11111111 )loill\ 11111 'l'''' \\II' !11 ,..., d 1111 \•oil II\ I 1111 11 ""'ii I" 'Ii' ' I''' I 111 I 1111 t I ( 11\ .... 11 •1o111• 1 \\Ill• 11 1 .111 1, .-.1 1lie111111 • 1•·1111• h 11111111101.; .. "'''I"''' ll1·o11tl p11l111 ll"•l'llllll"ii 111 1 11 jloill)' d1-..f1 l1 lio1nc , . .., 11·p111li·cl 111 \\1•..,f N•"·"-P•"' 11111 11· -..1111n111•1 111111111!-. ,,1 111111 I 111 '-..1•111 I I )11.., r11.11k1•cl ct Ill". d(()JI I llflll'otfo tf !11 -..tllllllll'I l'11q \\ h t•fl '-I<> I' 111\ lt-..11111i.111c ,..... '"'''' •fl"'''" "11rd111q 111 ''''111111 11. "' ll 1•11l11, \\,. \ .. lt>'I II \I I\ ... 11. I ..... ..,,111 11111 \\I' -.1111 h.t\•1 \\1111\ 111 tl11 ..,,11cl \nil\ I oll!lf-. '\., \\I' If I 1{1 I• h p11h1" .... ·1q1•111t '\.,\I \•'ttf \" ii• >11ht1!1J l"I I It I 1 \\!•cl 1•tf1lll .i111t \\• II""' th• -..i1111• 11 111•! 111'1 1, ... ,, .... I h1 p11h• • th1 < 1l\ l • 111111 rl o111d lh·· (Clfflllllllllf\ \\<1fl\1·d l11q1•IJi1 I f11 I rtllll lht• llot1illl11flcJIJ\ lll!lll\ oll•'ot l•'•'lllllHJ \\1th -..h11r t 11·1111 l!'lll•'I" ctnd t nll1•q1• -..t11d1 •11h 1ht1llhJ tilt' <.,\1111111•'1 munth-.. rh·· 111r11•tr1t\ 111 th~· ch"111rhc111< ,,.., 1111 llw \\t>..,t Sul1• .i11• cttl11l>11!1•d 111 , lll'nhnl, Com-.. <.c11d Sol11t11in1., w1·rr• l111111d l>y c 0111 ll1n1nq p11hc·p p1nqri1m1, ..,twh rl'- • ( '11111111111111) Pt ult" t11HI Pr11h T 11 E C L A S S I ·c S 11·11 1 >11 .. 111 .. d Pnht mq Ill• 111111 1•ch1tc1l11111 PnfnrrPmi>nl r111d l••ll ''' 11p v.1>1k c1nd c1 pdrt\. 1111l1nc11, 1 11•\ 1.., .. c1 h) thP C it\ ( ·111111111 l 1lllH ... -..c11d lh1 1rd111c1n•t' "'huh rm• I\, ... th•• l1 nr111L ldndlord dnd p11111• ·11\ o\\ n1•1 ..,ppnfw-.. -.tni-t 11111 '" '"' pctr1\ hn-..h whP rc1nnnt nr \\Ill 11111 I 1111(1111 lh1•1l prtrllP-.. 1'11!11 1• olft< •'I'> 1-..~11P \1ul,t111r.., ot tll• p<11t\ 111dmc1rH" 1h-..1111br1nn' uh 1-..11n 1 .11cl~ \\ hH h e nn 1 m.t up !11 ::-01 'i<>O llll 1 hrcomr prH11t•1.., who ht1\I' hf'l'll WctlJH'rl l1111r llffif'S ( 1!111\-. .... 11d S111c 1 • f'IUOI Cf'nlPlll of I hf' nPw 1mhnc111ce began in f-c>bni.rry 310 u .. \C. c nrds ho\"P bt>Pn 1-."11t-'d al pcHty d1.,turha11t , . ., 11tyw1de. ( ;11111 ....... 11d WM MOGS19t I 0.V.Y "-.OT TboUM.nds of people mllled about the hUcan HW predk'e ~ ...,._ • • 5?A •••11, Sunday. Nea.tly 100 d ... c can were on display for tM 13tla Aaaul Newport a.dl C.... cou.n D'l!Jegance. -MONDAY. OCT08ER 2. 1995 Keeping score in the battle of the gray cells Can't please most of the people, sometimes T he next time your husband gripes -"You're thinking like d womdll" -treat it as d t ompliment. Recent scientific studJes reveal tha t while women\ bra.ins dre smaller than nwn's, God gdve females 11 % m11rt• brdJn cells. It taJces all this Cfdntdi power to juggle a budge t, kids, d job and a spouse who m•<>ds d constant infusion of pep t.tlk!>. Whi.le males favor the a.nalyti- 1 rd 1..-11 sic.le of the brain, w e lc1cht'"· who hate lo waste dJ1y - t hlllq, ll!.P both sides of our crd - 111um l'hdnk~ to corpus callo- '11111. rt hc1nd of tissue lmking the two hc1h•P., of the brain, we spe hoth ~1d"'' ol d problem. Whether 1c1 11·11 our hu.,bc1nd how much w1· pr11d for our designer fur or p.in• him <1ncl ll!l the poor dear •wt c1 qnorl rught's sleep -the llltlll'I ll11l '>ldl• ctlWdyS prevails. Tlw .,lud y 1tlso revealed that ,,., 1•11 rn1l of t>ight pt>ople who ..,, 1111•d 111 the· top 1 ""of the l.Q ,,.,i.., \\ 1'1" nwn who e'Ccelled in tll•· -.111 1u ,., nnd muthPmatics \\ h1J1• '' 11rn1·n t•\rellf'd in ~tmplr• 111<1lh hk1· 111gqlmg hudgPb dnd l11d111q lhP11 1•xtr.i,·aqnnt hor- 11111111• n1 .. 1rn 11ndt>r hou ... e hold "X)l>'tb1·-., WP o..,\lll don'l do1runatl• 111 ... n1•nl1t11 I tl'lch where nh'n IJ11\'I ' h<ld d hrdcl ... tclft 111 '>h<ll p I t>l1lJ chi, d ldrgl:? pro- p11rf llll1 u/ nwn ...,, or!'d at the bot- 10111 of tlw 11·0..,h <1" "rm-'nld.lly c!Js- 11dvc1nt.H1•·tl 111 TPdthng. wnlmg ,111<1 c1nth11wt1< 11111,lJv from cir 11pp1nq 11111 111 '>Chool '-;c 11•1111• h,.., h11c11ly concPdf'd th.11 m1•11 \ 111tl w111n1•11'c; hrdu1s func 111111 tl11fl'r,.11tl}' wllt'n p1•r- t11111111Hf th•' "dill!' l<1Sk'>. That'<, fltll tJI) 1 •l1 '! I Illy 1 nq llr'W.., I lt1\I' }'llll •'\C'I yon1• shuppinq with ~11111 lt1i-.hc111cl' H1•l11r1• \tHl 'rt• th11111ql1 th1· fr11nt do111, nancy mcintyre he's groaning. "Buy 1l and let's g et the h ... out of he re 1" Meanwhile, you'd h oped he would be as enthusiasllc in hnd- ing the exact pillows to mdtch your sofa as you a re . Evt>n a mdle who scores m the top l.Q. tests flounders 111 sup<'nnar kNs trymg to find the pednut butte r in the dairy section with llw res t of the butters. The sexes also Vdry Wlde ly tn their skills in dnvmg d car A man behmd the wheel fdntastzes he's in the Indy 500. Wome n mdy not come to a full stop d\ c-ross- walks but always ford Sdle Soon we'll hdve Sl]ldrt <"drs thdl dre sexJess and clnvt' lhem- !.>Clves. The most startling disclosure of thls scienWic report · Brdms. like sex organs, drP visua!Jy fem- inine dl birth, and mdie organs are created out of female "clay." It's good to know we're more than Adam's nb but a brain sup- plier -a highly skillP<l emit We don't aJwdys .,ucce<.•cl, but 1t 'i. ruce to redlJze wP p1 oducP c1 IC'w g emuse~ now c1nd then • NANCY Md NTYRE'S column appears Mondays ForPst Lawn donates $129,000 to scouts Tlw f-11r P"t Ldwn Foundo - !11111 mr1clt> d cnntnbutwn of 1111111• tli.tn $1D0,000 to thP U 111 111w < 'r111r1ty C'ounciJ ol the Boy ~1 out' of Arnerwc1 on Thul'cloy ,\11111 d111q lo u Boy S11111t 111111H rl JH•'"' 1Plt>c1sP. For t'"' Ldwn donated $129,000 to d~'>ISt the Boy Scouts' 011tredrh program -LParmnq tor Life. Considered a low-cost, h1gh - 1mpacl program -Ledming for Life provides underpnv1IP9Pd children with clas~ws lhdt devplop valut>' cind life '>klU.., AND NOW A FBW SOUR NOTES PROM •oEAR CRABBY' -lt's not that our readers are chronic malcon- tents, but they do seem to dwell upon the downbeat. Call them cranks or cunnudgeons, what- ever, but they enjoy taking dim views. Their credo: ·if you can't say a nasty word, don't say anything.· Take, please, ex-footballer Kenny Schaeffer of Costa,Mesa, who's furious because his once- beloved Rams are compiling a winning record since fleeing to St. Louis. "Georgid Frontiere is doing this just for s pite," Scha- effer seethes. (Right, Kenny. And before leaving, she placed the dreaded "Curse of Anaherm" upon our fallen Angels.) Marilyn Jdcobson of Ba lboa 1s huffing becduse these essays appear to be pro-smoking. "I resent thdt you're pandering to women who think it's smdrt to smoke cigdrs, especially in pub- lic," she fumes. "Don't they know whdt 1t\ doing to theu hedlth?" (U you're rcfernng to the all- femdle smok1..•r s taged by The Sophlsllcatf'S of ATSC, m'am, please be assu1 ed that I've n ev- er been 111 the rompany ol hPalthlE>r-louk.mg ladies. Oh. wow, c1rC> they ht>dllhy!) From Jdy Cornelius of Coro- na del Mar comes ct he lpful suggestion. lnstedd ol cumlwr- TODAY ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Joan Andrew~. d MFCC and educattonctl psyrholoy1st. will be g 1 vi ng a frC'l' I Prl llrl' I itled ··Attention Def1c1l Disorder 111 C hlldre n, Adolr'>cenls and Adults" dl 7 pm 111 the CoasllinP Coun~eling CPnlt'r, 1200 Quail St., Suite 105 tn Nc-wport Beach. The le cturP wJll provide an in- depth look r1t the disorder and its treatments. Fm 111formdt1n11, CdU 476-0991 COLLEGE NIGHT The NPwprnt MP..,d Srhool cfu,- Da~.P.ilot hour ,\n\werrng serv•<e mav be nf'W\ storie\, 1llustrat1ons, ed1ro u\t'd 10 record letters to the rral mdtter or advertisements ed11or on any top11 herein c.an be reproduced with AD DRESS ou1 written permission of copy TEMPERATURES nghl owner Newport Beach VOL 89, NO. 227 Our tidd1t'H 1\ 330 W Bay St . 68153 Co~t..i Mesa. Calrf 92&27 HOW IQ REACH US Balboa THOMAS H. JOHNSON, CORRECTIONS Circulation 68153 Publ1\lte1 The nmes Orange County Costa Mesa WILLIAM LOBDELL. Editor It rs tht> Pilot \ poltcy 10 prompt STn'E MARBLE ly correo all errors of substance (800) 252-9141 74158 M .Vhlg•"Q Edtl •I Please ralt 574 4233 Thanlt you Advertising Coronn del Mar IRIS YOl<OI <.·.,.Ed tor Classified 642-5678 68153 MARC MARTIN Pt .. ..,to fd11 -,, FYI Display 642-4321 SURF FORECAST BOB FRANK The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Editorial LOCATION SIZE C•rcul,1!11111M.1 11qe1 Daily Prior (USPS 144-800) rs News 540-1224 Wedge 2-4 SW HANK KNIGHT published Monday through Sat Prod11cttor1 M<1nc1qr1 11rday In Newport Beach and Spo rts 642-4330 Newport 2-4 sw JUDY OETTING, (O\ta Mes.i, subscriptrom are News. Sports Fax 646-41 70 Blackies 2-4 SW Cli!S)•lif'd M.maqPr only avcl1lable by ~ubscribmg to E-Mail: FLTL71 B@Prodigy.com River Jetty 2-4 SW LANA JOHNSON The nmPs Orange County (800) Main Office CdM 2 4 SW 252 9141 In areas outside of Promotions Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Business Office 642-4321 BOATING PRAMOD SHAH Coniroller subscriptions to the Daily Pilot Business Fax 631 -5902 Sunny. warm and only are available by mail for locally breezy READERS HOTLINE SB 58 per month Se<ond class Publrshed by ..,.. through the start of 642 6086 pottage paid at Costa Mesa, CA Cal1forn1a Community News the week Light and (Prrces include all applicable a Times Mirror Company ~ variable winds 'r'our omments about the Daily stC1te and local taxes) POSTMAS through the day to TER Send address chan9es 10 Jeff~y S Klein, Pilot '" new\ lops writ be record The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Pre11dent and CEO 20 knots. Sea~ will ed .ind g111en drrertly to Ed•tor Oa•ly Ptlot, PO Box 1560, Costa C) 1995 Calif CN run 3 feet, with a 4 W1ll1am Lobdl'll The same 24 Mesa. CA 92616 Copyright No All rights reserved foot southwest swell. The Ansari Collection SAKS FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH COAST PLAZA Nasnn Ansan presents her fall 1995 cocktail and evening collection. Now being shown on the lh1rd level jerry kobrin som e references to the Costa Mesa music ball as the Orange County Performing Arts Center, why don't the media shorten its name? "U New York's Metro· politan Opera House can sim- ply be called The Met,• he asks, "Why can't the local audito- rium be called The Pert?" (This is a splendid idea, Jay, and would be welcomed by headline writers. But I don't think Mr. Seg would approve.) And now a few curmudgeon- ly bJ eatings of my own: -Our beleaguered county could save money by replacing e x-Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez with a potted palm. -Now that Janice Mitter- meier has successfully moved from J ohn Wayne Airport to the county HciU of Administration , can her luggage be far behind? -lt Walt Disney were alive today, how would be react to the widening effort to fire all hairy-faced employees at the Anaheim Convention Center1 I'll tell you how. His moustache would bristle. -With apologies to the tele- phone's inventor, Don Ameche. I'm cuttµig down drastically on outgoing calls. The system hcis finally defeated me . Madden- ing, maddening. I placed a call to a corporate office and got nearly four minutes of recorded instructions. u For this, press that," etc., ad infinitum, ad nau- seam. When the Spanish ver- sion started, l dropped the phone and, glassy-eyed, had to lie down for awhile. -When I recounted this episode to a local banker, he sighed and said, "Oh, that's lht> new VRU system." "And what does VRU mean?", I made the mistake of asking. "Those ini- tials," he said, "stand for Voice Response Unit, but they also may apply to the person you're calling. Translation: 'Vare arf' you?" -Ted Turne r never cedse~ to amaze me. He'll reap more than $100 million from his deal with Time Warner Inc., yet my m ost vivid personal recollec- tion dates back to early 1972, when we opened a Li on Coun- try Safari park south of Atlanla. Turner's mission was to woo the fattest possible slice around town trict b sponsoring a College Night for all district juniors and seniors from 7 to 9 p.m. in the gyrnnc1sium at Newport Harbor High School, located on Irvine AvenuE> crnd 15th Street. The event will provide students with the opportunity to speak with col- lege and umversity representa- uves dbout admissions, applica- tions, srholarshlps and housing. For inl<>rmation , call Cathy MPsen Bnnk at 464-3665. MASTER SWIM CLASS Orclnge Codst College is offer- ing a Mdi.ter's Swim program for adult., l q years of age and older, for all levels of expen ence. The program offer consecuti ve monthly session, beginning today in the OCC pool. All of the ont>· hour classes are taught by ace SWlITl Team coa ch es, Don Watson and Jon Rathfelder. The cost ts $40 for one month and $70 for two. To register, call 432-5880 CHURCH SUPPORT GROUP The Board of Deacons dt St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach, offers a free support group for long-distance care-givers. The group meets at 7 p.m the fi rst and third Monday of each month. of our slim advertislng budget tor both his billboard company and his buddiJlq television sta - tion. He didn't assign a sales rep, he pursued our business personally, relentlessly, and successfully. -Turner has many longtimP sailing buddies here in Pilot- land, dating back a quarter- century or so when be was cap- turing nearly every yachting trophy available, w~e also winning The Brash Ring. He was known around Newport Harbor and other ports as "Captain Outrageous~ and "The Mouth From the South," but he also knew how to put money where his mouth was. -Turner's inner sanctum at Atlanta's KTCG-TV, Ch. 17, was adorned with e nough yacht-racing trophies to comer the silver market.We met there> four times, and he'd always spoke glowingly of Ne wport Beach.Twice, while attending boating events here, he visited our Lion Country Safari h ead- QUdrters in Irvine. But, alas. our corporate president was "too busy" to see him.Shrugged the boss. "Oh, he Just wants to seU us more billboards.· Ah. yes. famous last words. Before ledvmg my office. Turner asked, "ls this compdny tor sale?" I shOuld've told him to make an offe r. • JERRY KOBRIN'S column runs Mon day and Wednesday For information, call 857-1873. INVESTMENT WORKSHOP "Bdsirs of Investing: A Pruner," is the title of a workshop being offered from 6:30 to 9 30 p.m. in Orange Coast College\ Community Education OHtct> Steve Bernardy, an account VlCe president at Pa.ine Weber, wtll teach partlClpants the trade-off between nsk and return and how stocks and bonds work. Partici- pdnts will also learn to re.ad financial papers and evaluate vanous typPs of investments. Thc> cost is $29 To register, call 4J2- 5BBO MENU Little or no marine layer or fog i~ expected because of l'.rom Surfllne WavetHk through Tuesday Newport-Mesa Unified School District Elementary Lunch Menu • OffeNd every day a weak offshore flow TIDES TODAY First high 5 56 a .m 3 9 First low 10·53 am 2.6 Second high 4 51 p.m. s.o Second low after midnight TUESDAY First low 12:03 a.m. 0.3 First high &·44 a.m 4.4 Second low 12·09 p.m 2.1 Second high 6 04 pm. 5.2 WATER TEMPERATURE: 65 A storm off the Aleutians generated a west/northwest swell that filled in along local beaches last Wednesday. We received head high surf most of the week. Another small west/northwest swell appeared by the weekend. By the middle of this week, we should see the arrival of a solid soutMouthwest swell created by a storm off Antarctica. For daily surf reports and forecasts, call (900) 97~SURF. The call costs S 1.50 plus any possible toll. 1. Turkey and cheese on a 4-inch roll 2. Turkey, turkey bologna and cheese on a 4-inch roll. 3. Student mini-chef salad with lettuce, carrot sticks, cheese, sunflower nuts, graham crackers, fruit 4. Garden or green salad consists of lettuce. shredded carrot, red cabbage and garden peas Choice of milk with alt items Strawberry 1 % milk available Thul'\day and Friday • Monct.y. Rib-E-Que on a Bun OR turkey corn dog; cold, uisp, sa!ad greens with low-fat dressing; del1t1ous peaches; choice of milk. •Tuesday: Chicken fajita salad 1r1 a tostada boat· lettuce cheese and salsa; refried beans; fresh fruit; choic~ of mitk'. Secret Dot Day. • WednMdliy: Ch icken-fried steak, rice and gravy; garden peas; pineapple cup; choice of rn1lk • ~Y:. Bean and che~se burri10 with salsa OR jumbo corn dog, oven crinkle french fnes; diced pears; choice of milk. • Friday. Tuna Boat Sandwich OR barbecued beef sandwich; o~en-baked beans; half banana; low-fat brownie; choice of milk. Fihh Avenue Club "Ooer fO IJ«Jn combined~ In Ora11je Ceialtf • FARNSWORIB GIASmtLL IANDSCAPECOMPANY • MASONRYCOllND' , MSS138 484-7744 . . MONDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1- Comicil to consider giving more employees ticketing power • Certain Costa Mesa staff members may undergo training to enforce city laws if the City Council gives the nod to the p~oposal. including the city's new sign plan, which sets guidelines for banners or temporary signs and bans the use of inflatables that exceed 24 inches in diameter. By Tina Borgatta, Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The City Council tonight will discuss expanding Costa Mesa's code enforcement team to include some members of the City Hall's classified staff. "We've got an awful lot of employees out in the field on a daily basis," said Councilman Gary Monahan, who suggested the council consider the matter. "What would be WTong with FIRES CONTINUED FROM 1 Red Hill Avenue. The interior of the two-story building was con- sumed with thick black smoke but the extent of the damage was unknown at press time. Police and fire officials are sus- picious of how the blaze started, but would not confirm whether the fire was started by an arsonist until their investigation is com- pleted, Costa Mesa Fire Battalion Chief Jim Ellis said. Donna Boo, one of the owners of the school, said they had prob- lems with a disgruntled person associated with the school and had fil ed a report with Costa Mesa police. But Boo declined to comment further on the incident. Twice this weekend, shoppers at South Coast Plaza were inter- rupted by the wail of fire alarms set off by electrical malfunctions and had to be temporarily evacu- SCHOOLS CONTINUED FROM 1 she said. The workshops can ha ve a direct result on student perfor- mance, Swann said. "I can't begin to tell you the difference we're seeing (since Joyce and Calhoun gave the first seminar two years ago)," she said. Second-grade teacher Heidi Gralow said the days let teachers stay on the same page as far as learning the same techniques, and being able to talk about them later. "The big benefit is we're all learning the same things, so when kids go from first to second to third grades and on, we all have the same strengths," 'She said. "I have the confidence that the groundwork I'm laying now ... will be enriched and grown through the child's education." When teachers attend work- shops on their own, it's harder for them to incorporate techniques into their curriculum and talk about them with other teachers, she said. ·s o ne xt week at lunch over Save 50 % on all Karastan Rugs HEMPHILL'S RUGS & CARPETS Mon·Frl 1 o-6 Sat 10-5 722· 7224 230 East 17th St., Costa Mesa ' Re Painting? If you're looking to paint or repaint, rebuild · it, replace it or restore it, look in the Pilot Classifieds to fi nd the service best fitti ng your needs. having them enforce some of our minor municipal codes? We're not trying to give everyone a cita- tion book and have them start passing out citations. "But, if they see people work- ing their vending tarts out of the park without a permit or even see campers or people drinking in the parks, we might as well allow them to do something about it." Sev~ral-ordinances passed recently by the council require aggressive enforce~ent efforts, ated from the shopping center. Sunday at 3:55 p.m . noise from smoke alarms and heat detectors were resounding throughout all the stores in the three-story Crys- tal Court building at 3333 Bear Street, Costa Mesa firefighter Russ Park er said. About 150 people were evacu- ated from the building for less than an hour while firefighters looked for the source of the smoke which came from a mal- functioning lighting system in "Everything But Water," a bathing suit store on the second floor, Russ said. "There was too much wattage for what the circuit could han- dle," Russ said. "There were five time s the Lights on the circuit than was necessary." Smoke from the burning Lights wafted into the building's central air conditioning ducts and trig - gered all the alarms, Russ sa.id. The bathing suit store, which was slightly damaged, will be closed until an electrician the hot soup and celery sticks, they can talk about what they learned and how it's working. That's what is really powerful.· Parent Alesia Erickson , a member of Ma riners' site council, sat in on Friday's seminar to see for hersell what teachers do on the children's day off. "It goes from the word 'inspira - tional' to 'impleme nted,"' she said. "Teachers can be inspired and go scurrying aroWld by them- selves and not get things done, but here it's common. They can all come in to learn new skills. and it's implementational." Erickson said staff develop- ment days upset some parents because they are inconvenienced and don't know what the days are for. "I can see exactly '!Vhat they're complaining about,• she said but suggested concerned parents And in July, after residents complained that some homeown- ers were violating the city's yard sale ordinance by holding more than two a year. the council directed staff to beef up those weekend enforcement efforts. However, the current enforce- ment team is small and may have dlfficulty meeting the demand. "We have bad more and more complaints from residents, with the garage sales and the banners and the guy selling com out of his cart," Monahan said . "We ) inspects the store's lighting sys- tem, Russ said. No one was injured. Just before 9 p.m. Friday, as last minute shoppers scurried to make purchases before the mall closed, alarrt}s went off at Bul- lock's and Bullock's for Men department stores as smoke bil- lowed from the roof of Bullock's, Ellis said. About 100 people were evacuated from the two stores. The smoke came from a small building to the south of the two department stores which houses an electrical transformer and a giant fuse box which both explod- ed, Ellis said. The explosion sev- ered power to the two stores, the parking lot and surrounding sur- face streets, causing chaos but no injuries, he said. There was no fire in the two buildings and damage was con- taine d to the electrical storage area, Ellis said. Southern Califor- nia Edison is reportedly investi- gating the electrical malfunction. contact their school to find out more about what teachers do. Gralow recommends parents use the day in an educational way, taking the children to Sea World or the zoo or a museum. •·u we don't present teachers with the opportunity to learn, we lose out on the opportunity to model for our children the impor- tance of Life-long learning," she said. "The community all wants the same thing," said Swann. "We all want the best-educated teachers we can have." The next district teacher work day is Oct. 23. RUFF ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. Where Yow Oolar Coven Motel 1922 HAlllOll 11.VD., COStA MESA -s.e-1156 Beautiful Hair! Hairspray 7fte S.lo• Open 7 days • New Clients Only Perm & Cut Weave & Cut Reg.$65 Reg.$65 w/ad $50 w/ad $50 Long hair r.xtra • Sp1nls Not Included. •Wt uH only profeulonal ptoducu • Coldwell • Redken • Paul Mitchell ~ Neµus • Seti.sUan 6i Framesi 540-1877 2981 Bristol St. #83 Costa Mesa (Baker/Bristol) COME ON ... YOU KNOW YOU NEED THOSE TEETH CLEANED YOU REALLY DO PEOPLE LIKE US •.• "What would be wrong with having them enforce some of o.ur minor municipal codes? ... " -GARY MONAHAN have the ordinances, we just haven't been able to enforce them.· If the plan is approved by the council\ the employees would have to undergo some training, which could cost abdUt $78 per person for 64 hours of classroom time. U all the positions recom- mended for enforcement duty are accepted by the council, the training fees could run $4,000. Staff positions that will be coll" sidered for code training include the development services direc- tor, b.ulld.ing inspectors, fire mar- shal, animal control officer and maintenance supervisor. Also tonight, the council mem- bers will discuss their views on Senate BW 2, which authorizes governing bQdies like the City· Council or other special districts to place an item on the ballot proposing term limits. The bW goes .into effect Jan. 1. However, the earliest ballot on which this I Tue council meets at 6:30 p.m. item could appear w~uld be for in the City Hall Council Cham- the Nov. 5, 1996, election. ber, 77 Fair Drive. briefly in the news Chess players wanted at Jewish center The Jewish Senior Center of Orange County is looking for players to join its new chess club. Players of all levels are invited to join others who enjoy playing the game at the cente r, located on the Jewish Federation Campuses, 250 E. Baker St. the center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m . to 2 p .m. For more inlorma- tion, call 513-5461. Girl Scouts seeking new members Girls ages 5 to 17 are invited to FREE PAGER FREE FREE PAGER 3400 Jrvlne Ave. Sfe 103, Newport Beocti • 476-2244 • *· 12 SQ. YAIDS MO WAI KITCHIN VINYL •lllSTAWD• * •29900 * 24 ·1~R PATTERNS TO 01 FROM AaMSTR G • NINGTON • NGOL£~M• AU l'A NS 1 DUALITY • F APPR VEO • FlOOl rtEP EXTU Tax-Free YleJd to Maturity 1om Girl Scout troops forming throughout Orange Cotmty. Girl Scouting helps girls increase self-esteem, make new friends and become a vital part of their com.m•mity, according to the Girl Scout Council of Orange County. Financial assistance is 2760 Eai;t Coast Hwy. Cnmn G11ld~11nid & PCI I Corona del Mar (714) 760-6672 available for program costs. Women and men are also needed to serve as troop leaders, guest speakers, program assis- tants and ip other volunteer posi- tions. For information. call the Girl Scout Council of Orange County at 979-7900. Designer Ladies · Clothing, Jewelry, Belts, Dais, Hats, : F11tures-llirrors, Glas CNS OP~ CARPIT YOUR ENTIRI HOME llSIAWD "'" PUOlll6 *•1soo•. 24 DESIGllEI COLORS TO CHOOSE FIOM PLUSH 01 TEXTURE AU CMl'ETS 1 ST OUAl.ITY STAlll IESISTAllTI IASfD Oii 129 SQ. NOS. --11.188% Approximate Tuablt Equivalent Yield ' California State University, San Diego Revenue · S&PRatin&: Coupon: Maturity: Price: AAA 6.125~ 11·1·24 101.50 Moody's Radna: Yield to Call: Call Dale: Call Price: For more information, call Daniel c. Borpn Senior Vice Plealdent • 1n,eal1 em (714) 476-5126 62o Newpon CeallJI' Dr. •Suite 1300 • Newpan ._._ • • • , • , EYE-OPENER Estancia wins fiJ:st water polo tournament -in yeQTS Eagles win Magnolia Tournament crown ANAHEIM -Estancia High's water polo team, rounding into top form for Thursday's Pacific Coast League opener against visiting University, captured a townament championship this past week- end, annexing the 24-team Magnolia Invi- tational despite splittll\g its final two games. The Eagles, led by Mark Stephens and Chad Bollenbach with four goals each, topped Cerritos, 11-10. In the second of Saturday's round-robin three-team finals, Sanger of Fresno was an 11-10 overtime winner, despite four goals each from Bollenbach and Eric Way- man. Cerritos defeated Sanger, 9-8, in the other game, and by virtue of total goals scored in the finals (Estancia 21, Cerritos 19, ·Saoger 19), Estancia was declared the winner. •It's exciting," admitted Estancia Coach John Carpenter. "This is a little his- tory in the making." It is the first varsity tournam~nt title for Estancia in the lifetime of current Estancia players. By the same token, the crown will def- initely play second-fiddle to Thursday's showdown with University, a game many believe will virtually guarantee the win- ner a CIF Division II playoffs berth. 0 fstMdll tt. Cen1tos 10 Scor9by~ Cerritos 5 1 0 4 • 10 Estancia 3 1 4 3 -11 Cerritos scoring-lie 3, Kef'I 2. Shen 2. Coral 2, Cheng 1. Estancia scoring-Stephens 4, Bollenbach 4, E. Wayman 2. Huang 1. Saves: DeWilde 8. a Senger 11, EstMda 10 Score by Pertocts Sanger 1 4 2 3 1 · 1 1 Estanda 2 2 3 3 o . 10 Sanger scorln~·Phili~ 4, Yamamoto 2, Mcc:rary 1. Oomoto 1, lhss 1, E1dal 1. Saves: Johnson 11. Estancia scoring-Bollenbach 4, E. wayman 4, Ben- nett 1, Peterson 1. Sa~: DeWilde 14. • Mustangs face Servite tonight at Newport Harbor in preview to its run for CIF. By Richard Dunn. Daily Pilot VIl..LA PARK-It's not that Cos- ta Mesa High's water polo team can't compete against the top CIP Southern Section Division I teams, it's just that it couldn't Saturday. TWice, in fact. "Those Division I teams, if you don't come out ready to play, then they'll kill you,# Costa Mesa Coach Brian Kreutzkamp said. ~we're ranked (sixth) in Orange County, and I really feel our boys can com- pete with them. We just didn't do it (last) weekend." Costa Mesa (8-4), top-ranked in CIF Division 0, dropped a pair Sat- urday in the Villa Park Tournament against two Division I teams, Villa Park and El Toro, the latter, 11-8, in the third-place game. Similar to their morning game in the championship semifinals, the Mustangs stumbled early against El Toro (9-3), falling behind, 9-2, late in the second quarter. Mesa never Jed. El Toro senior goalie Greq Stoll, a two-time All-CIF Division I selec- tion, recorded 18 saves, including • 11 in the second half, when the Mustangs attempted 19 shots. KATSUYA RAINONE I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Ryan Kelly passes the ball to a teammate during Saturday's semifinals against Villa Park. Costa Mesa fell in the semis to VWa Park, and to El Toro in the The Mustangs were guilty of fail- ing on their first four man-up advantages. It wasn't until 2:03 was left in the third quarter when they converted. In the second quarter, they were O-for-3 in 6-on-5 situa- tions. third-place game. Mesa returns to action tonight at Ne wport in a match with Servtte. On its way to a fourth-place fin- QUOTE OF THE DAY :'There are ptopje who say IUt wtnnbll lln't ~g. but it sure plays an unporunt part In your ure ... _ 6SfANOA COAOt JOHN Ul!BENGOOO ish, Mesa committed five turnovers in the first quarter, as El Toro, ranked seventh in Division I and ninth in Orange County, bolted to a 5-1 lead. With 1 :03 left in the third quarter. Mesa's Roger Kimos scored on the counterattack with a lob over Stoll to cut El Toro's lead to 11-8. No goals were scored in the final 8:03. James Comfort and Chad Cleaver led Mesa with two goals each, while goalie Justin Taylor had six saves. ·we wanted to be in the finals, and if not, then definitely win third place," Kreutzkamp said. "El Toro wanted it more than we did, and it showed in the first half.# Mesa gets a crack at a highly ranked Division II team tonight at 7, when it hosts Servite in a nonleague game at Newport Harbor. Servile, which lost to eventual tournament champion Villa Park in Saturday's final, is ranked No. 3 in Division Il. • In the championship semifinals, Mesa's defense against the Villa Park counterattack apparently overslept, as the host Spartans sprinted to an 8-3 halftime lead, before holding on for an 11-10 vic- tory. "We've got to come out harder than that," Kreutzkamp said. "We spotted them with an 8-3 lead, then we played well in the second half. But if you spot a team like that a big lead, you're never going to win. The kids don't come into games focused. but once they get going, they play well. But a good team like Villa Park will kick you tight in the butt.• Villa Park (13-2), ranked No. 3 in' Orange County and No. 4 in Divi- sion I, scored four goals in each of the first two quarters. Mesa, however, picked it up in the second half, as goalie Taylor recorded four of his seven saves in the third quarter, when the Mus- tangs outscored the Spartans, 4-1, to get back into the game. Costa Mesa's Robert Grayeli had two of his three goals in the third, while Sean Hylton had both of his goals. Grayell scored with 0:09 left m the third quarter on the counterat- tack with an assist by Comfort (three goals) to cut Villa Park's lead to 9-7. But Villa Park's Joey Pacelli (four goals) scored twice early in the fourth quarter, before the Mustangs irutiated another comeback. Comfort scored twice, the latter coming with 0:48 left in the game on an assist by Hylton to finish a counterattack, then teammate Eli- jah McDaruel added another goal with 0:15 on the clock, following a steal at mid-pool by Cleaver, to cut Villa Park's lead to 11-10. The Spar- tans, however. called timeout. then ran out the final 15 seconds. 0 VIiia Pllltc 11, Costa MeN 10 Scor9 by Quarters Costa Mesa 2 1 4 3 • 10 Villa Park 4 4 1 2 • 1 1 Mesa scoring-Comfort 3, Grayeli 3, S. Hylton 2, Kimos 1, McDaniel 1. Saves: TaylOI 7. Villa Partc scoring-Pacelli 4, Cornue 3, Baumgarner 2, 8. Pharris 1, Waldrip 1. saves: J. Pharris 10. 0 El Toro 11, Costa MeN 8 ScON by QuM'ten El Toro 5 4 2 0 • 1 1 Costa Mesa 1 3 4 0 · 8 El Toro scoring-Tiiton 4, Lindstrom 3, Souza 2, Sakatani 1, Maag 1. Saves: Stoll 18. Costa Mesa scoring-Comfort 2, Oeaver 2, Grayeli 1, T. Hylton 1, S. Hylton 1, Kimos 1. saves: Taylor 6. MONDAY QUAllTE1lBACKS Looking for the ultimate pleasure? Thy a trip home in a winning bus •John Liebengood has been around long enough to know it, and the coach is relishing every moment of the Eagles' 4-0 start. By Barry Faulkner, Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-Estancia High football coach John Llebengood isn 't much into intangibles. Though principles of team play, discipline, responding to adversi- ty and sportsmanship are all byproducts of the sport in which he's invested a sizable part of his ·life, they still don't bold a collec- . live candle to a good horn-blow- ing bus ride home after a victory. MThere are people who say that winning isn't everything. but it sure plays an important part in your lite," said Llebengood, who shared a fourth straight demon- strative drive back to campus Fri- day with his team, following a 21- 13 triumph over Ocean View It's th~ first 4-0 start for the Eagles since an unbeaten regular season in 1989 and bnngs Ueben- good's 10th Estancia team within one win of matching its best sin- gle-season total in the 1990s. "I'm real pleased and happy It was one big win for Mesa COSTA MESA -While Costa Mesa High's convincing 15-0 vic- tory over Troy marked Mustangs' first shutout ixi 27 games, lt also allowed first·year coach Jerry Howell to keep the faith -of his players. "To be real honest, I think our kids were beqinning to wonder if : they could wm and our coach es could coach," said Howell, who came into the Troy contest on the heels of a pair of hard-fought loss- es. "I think there was some sec- ond gue ing, but I'm not sure if the kJds realized how tough the competition h ad been the Urst three games," Kowell continued. •Mayfair ts 3·1, and IO ii Edison and Westrnlnst r. We're a good football team and that Vlctory over Troy was r Uy, re4lly tinpot· ' tant tO help ow kids see that. The :suc:cea d our wbol seuon may be bued on that Win.• DIMnle conllllu tO be tbe MM the Mustangs build from. bUt the lnaeued oftentaq pro- f ductlvity against the Warriors, whom the Mustangs bad not beaten in three previous meet· ings, also gave Howell & Co. a boost. "The tools are there, we just need to improve our consistency and stop killing owselves with penalties,• Howell said. "A h.olding penalty called back a touchdown, which l think ls our third or fourth called back this season, and we've had two other drives stop ped in.side the 10 by holding calls (previously this year)," How ll Mid . Howell wu encow.tged by tbo play of .• sophomot 1 Ronnle U evanos (inU'lng bis ftnt IUU't at safety) and 5-foot·S, 150-pound defensive tackle Vince Hcunade (who recorded one of four Mese sack.I), among others. •w e're startlng to buJJd some depth, which wiJl h lp us get through the (Padftc Couo Jeoque ..-Jn." and all those other things that go with winning,• said Llebengood, wbo is thoroughly enjoying his team's present peak. after a half-decade in the val- ley. • [ know what it's like lo be 0-4, • Llebengood explained. "1ruthfully, start in '89 through last season, including one win the last two Pacific Coast League cam- paigns) have indeed tak- en their toll. there were times I felt Uebengood like quitting. But I hung All the affirming handshakes currently coming his way, he ad.mils, can't erase the pain of criticism that flowed from the stands, in, and there are people here who have hung in with me, like (offensive coordinator) Art Perry." Llebengood's recent struggles (a 17-33-1 record from the 10-0 AFAIW in the mail, and behind his back. "When you're losing, everyone points fingers and the top guy is usually the one pointed at," Liebeng<><><! said . •If I run into those people today, I won't go out of my way to shake their hands.• Declining enrollment, tighten- ing district purse strings -which made it all but impossible to hire on-campus assistant coaches - and a cyclical dearth of talent and depth all contributed to the recent dry spell. So, Llebengood isn't about to dampen the recent postgame rev- elry in the name of maintaining discipline. ~The kids like to have fun on the bus Iide home, beeping the horn and celebrating a little," he said. •And I let them go crazy. Players today should enjoy the wins and cherish them. We all remember what our senior (foot· ball season) was like. Heck, l remember mine and it's been about 25 years." By the same token, Ueben- good isn't about to let his kids for· get there's plenty of work left to be done. "l don't really believe we're cocky or overconfident, because we haven't been beating teams 50-0," Liebengood said. ·w e have some talent, but we realize Ocean View, Calvary Chapel, La Quinta or Cypress aren't exactly Edison, Fountain Valley or Esper- anza ." Depth is beginning to show CORONA DEL MAR • Corona del Mar High returned to its pen- chant for football domination Fri- day, which allowed a handful of emerging standouts to return to the field when Coach Dick Free- man emptied the bench in a 34- 1.t win over Saddleback. And, according to Preeman, inany Sea King substitutes have begun to show they deserve play· tng time, regardless of the scant "We've even had a couple gµys earn potential staJ11.ng jobl," Mid freeman, who collected hiS ftJ1t win aa a bMd coach alter taJdng over when Mark Schuster WU anelted 54p. 19 for alleged- ly molestirig h1I adopted daugh· ter. Among the teterVe1 Freeman flDgled OUt were tenlor safety 'nevor Pavone, Junior quarter· beck MU MccWlan, Junior line· bec:ker Bnd7 Colton. Junior Gftemtve IUMaaan Tate .LueM· l>llDk. .... runmnv bM:k ==·===== " and sophomore tight end nm Thurm.an. "Those are guys that have stepped up, and w1ll o.llow us to rest some people a little more as the season goes on," Freeman .said. Freeman said b.1S starte rs deserved their ea.rly breather after building a 34 ·O lead against the Road.runners, =h he was not completely aa . "It's bard to complain when you score 34 points, bUt I'm still not happy With aw olf emtve con- aistency, • P....man NkL •we had a couple reel 9o6d ..n.. but there went illl IOIM a.takes we need toe ......... • : Preeman .Uo praised h11 Mmor ~p 10r tnaurlng the tntenllty and focus mum to the dAistred level after a week. ol dis.- traction that accomp&Ntd ~u. ter'1 ln9it. •aur ..-n haw ~ wen.· P....n.r. Wd • -ly ldny ,....,.... - • 'II" .... -....-. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1995 L ---- ---' ~-------------r I ------ Pirates' struggles continue with rival Golden West on the horizon • Mt. San Antonio latest to receive free pass to victory; Sauk injured. By Roger Carlson, Daily Pilot WALNUT -1f Orange Coast Col-' lege has some of the best football . fans anywhere. How many oth- ei::s would endure the agony of the Pirates, and still come back for more? They did it again Saturday afternoon at Mt. San Antonio Col- lege in a Mission Conference game which was billed as an opportunity for redemption, as well as a tuneup for rival Golden West coming up this Saturday. It proved to be neither. It was a disaster despite a week off to get ready. The host Mounties are now 3·-0, the reeling Pirates 0-3 as a result of a 30-7 decision before some 1,500 at Mt. SAC. •I told our kids we played a very good defensive game,• said OCC Coach Bill Workman in the aftermath. "But offensively, it was just absolutely unbelievable." Believe it. The Pirates, guilty of 10 ..tu.movers in their first two games, fumbled eight times and lost three, and managed to net 116 yards on 10- for-28 from two quarterbacks, while giving up two inter- ceptions, one returned 94 yards for a Mountie TD. The num- bers project to 15 turnovers in three losses. Sauk One of three first-half fumbled center exchanges set up a 15-yard Mt. SAC TD march, another triggered a 44-yard TD march and Mt. SAC was up at the half, 13-7. Coast had controled the clock in the first half, over 18 of the 30 minutes, and put together a 67- yard TD drive, spearheaded by quart e rbac k Matt Sauk's 13- yard "wrist- fiick • to tight end Jason Sweet mixup, and was sent to the can- vas with what appears to be a badly sprained right ankle. at the Mt. SAC ...,.....,.....__ ...... _.._ ____ _, His availabil- ity for Satur- day's duel with Golden West would appear to be very tentative, if at all, as he left the field on crutches with his ankle packed in ice. 2, as well as a 21-yard keeper by Sauk and a 17- yard completion to wideout nm Lane. But in essence, that was the extent of positives for a team seemingly bent on killing itself. •our center (260-pound Char- lie Pesca.rolo) was out and we had to move our left guard (John Hardenbaugh) to center, and that's not fair,· said the stunned Workman. Workman solved the center exchange at halftime by inserting Newport Harbor High product James Moureaux, but the Pirates found other ways to self-destruct. The biggest blow of all came in the fourth quarter when Sauk, Coast's best weapon, took the snap, moved to his right, then turned to correct an apparent What else could go wrong? The hosts drove 80 yards with the second-half kickoff to go up, 20-7; happily accepted a gift fum- ble off a •fair catch" by returner Andre Hilliard at the OCC 18 and turned it.into a 37-yard field goal; and finally capped it with a 94- yard interception return by Chris McAlister. This final coup de grace came just moments after the Pirates seemed to finally get in line for a moment of gratification. Willie Barnes broke through to block and recover a punt at the Mt. SAC 15 with 7:33 left and the Pirates down, 23-7; Mt. SAC's only "turnover" of the game. But on third down from the Mt. SAC 8-yard line, Sauk's replace- ment, Jason Gondringer, released his pass to the left. Defender James Wu tipped the ball as it crossed the plane of the scrimmage line, and racing in to pick off the high carom was McAlister, a freshman out of Pasadena who -----~ did his impres- sion of another Pasadena Mc.A 1 is t er years ago, 1James McAlis- ter), racing 94 yards for the touchdown. Reminded that among the Barnes gathering was most assuredly the competition from Golden West, all Workman could do was acknowledge it and shake tus head. HThey see us making these mistakes," said Workman ... "and we just keep doing it." HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY sec exploits CdM drops two in Chicago fare ~~-·~~-=--~~~~~~~~~~.__......-.--~-----~·~~· ••• Mesa freshman wins with 16:16 Southern California College's women's soccer team was a 1-0 Golden State Athlet- ic Conference victor over The Master's Sat- urday on the strength of Megan Conner's goal 49 minutes into the second half, with an assist from Meggen Fleener at SoCal College. Amy Lewis was named SCC's Player of ther Week ... In men's soccer. sec was a 1-0 loser to visiting Westmont. Chris Miramonte was SCC's Player of the Game ... In women's volle yball, host Cal Baptist of Riverside recorded a 15-8, 15-5, 15-5 victo- ry, dropping sec lo 5-10 overall, 1-5 in the Golden State Athletic Conference . CHICAGO -Coro- na del Mar High's girls volleyball dropped two matches in the Nike Challenge Gold-DiVl- sion playoffs Saturday, losing 15-3, 15-5, to eventual champion and host Mother McAuley, then losing to Wiscon- sin Lutheran in the losers' bracket, 15-10, 4-15, 15-11. • Bruce Hancock sharp at Dana Hills Invitational; Newport girls win Jr. -Sr. DANA HILLS -Costa Mesa High's Bruce Hancock won the Division ill freshmen boys cross country race, Newport Harbor's Claudio Cortes was first in the Division III sophomore boys heat, and the Sailors' girls won the junior-senior race in Division ill Saturday at the Dana Hills Invita- tional. Here's how it went: •Hancock ran a personal-best 16:16, while posting the quickest time of the day for Mesa's boys. MHe's reall'f coming along strong,• Mesa Coach Joe Busi said. •He's really intense, and he really enjoys the competition. He enjoys winning and being out there in front. He likes to try and get that front position and bold it.• ln the Division ill boys junior tace, Jamie Corrillo of Costa Mesa ran a personal best (16:34) by 50 seconds, finishing fourth in the race. Zeke Noonan (16:22) was sixth overall in the senior race for Cos- ta Mesa, which opened its Pacific DEEP SUNDAY'S COUNTS Coast League dual-meet season with a victory over Laguna Beach on Thursday. • Coach Eric Tweit's Newport Harbor girls, ranked fifth in CIF Division ill, won the Dana Hills junior-senior event with 72 points, led by overall second-place fin- isher Tahnee Thiel (19:16). The Sailors were also led by Colleen Eadie (20:48), who was eighth, Sheena Dietz (12th in 20:54), Autumn Puro (20th in 21:25) and Jennifer Parker (29th in 22:02). In the girls sophomore race, Jamie Swarburg of Newport Har- bor was second in 19:18, while teammate Alicia McFall was third in the freshmen race (20:16). ·we needed another race before we race against Corona del Mar on Thursday (in Sea View League action),· Tweit said. "We'll see how close of a meet we can give them." The Sailors will host the Sea Kings, ranked fourth in CIF Divi- sion ill, at the Castaways on the comer of 16th and Dover on the west end of the Back Bay. "They're pretty good," Tweit said. •They have a little more depth than us. We've got to find SEA o.wys Lodtw -5 boats. 127 1nglen. 90 sklpj1Ck tun;a. 36 yellowfin tuna. Newpoft Uftdlna -6 ~ 214 anglers. 22 sand bass. 35 calko bass, 56 bonito, 445 macker el, 3 rodcfish, 29 sculpil\ 8 yellowfln tuna, 3o4 skipjd. SAVE MONEYI SAVE TIMEI With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 one extra girl to run a really good race. It'll be interesting." • For Newport Harbor's boys at Dana Hills, Cortes ran a personal- best 16:04 to lead all sophomores in Division Ill. "It was definitely a great job by him," Sailor Coach Bim Barry said. Following Cortes was Danny Overton in the senior race (11th in 16:59), Brad Torrey in the junior division (11th in 17:03), Curt Her- berts in the freshmen heat (sixth in 17:55) and Ty Tratar in the senior competition (26th in 17 :56). Newport Harbor Montessori Center Preschool •Kindergarten • Costa Mesa's girls had four runners merit personal-best times, including Gigi Van De Walker in the sophomore division (fourth in 19:46), Jamie Denoewer in the freshmen race (second in 20:10) and Kelly Chapin in the sophomore heat (11th in 20:43). Full Time• Part Time •Year Round Ages 2 to 6 • 7:00 a.m. lo 6:00 p.m. • Corona del Mar High's Tyler Beardslee finished 18th with a SK tune of 16:48 at the Stanford Invi- tational to lead the boys to a third place team finish. • Education to prepare young hean<. and minds for the challenge of life • Experienced, certified. Montessori teachers • Individualized academic 1nst.ruc11on Christy Cummins was 13th in 20:09, while Jennifer Morgan (26th, 20:48), Vanessa Jamieson (34th, 21 :00) and Kim Long (38th, 21:03), helped Cd.M girls finish sixth as a team. • fa.tensive extracurricular program~ (art. music. computers, gymnastics. French & dance) • • Hot lunches 650-3442 "Academic Excellence in Hannony with Young Lives" 425 East 18th Street • Costa Mesa Exhibitors lnvit11d! 11th Annual BUSINESS & HEALTH EXPO Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce Thursday, October 19, 1995 11 :00 am • 7:00 pm Located at FASHION ISLAND N•WPORT Be.A.CH (Bdwftn N•"""1t Mtrt:u •"' tlN Bf'OtldwJ) "' \ . I -FREE · -.... · AtJ m1ss10111 , . ,_ -, ·~ ·-.. ·. • ~ ll111111 Ellll• •1 ln11a11111- llMlB •t1E/ 1 Advertorial lilt.SAC !I •100 141 17-29--0 127 2-mtn-10 351 1-31.3 2<-0 9-93 28.-Sl Auto .. Fact. by Paul Frech SERVICE & REPAIR GERMAN SWEDISH JAPANESE AUTOMOBILES ALL IN ALIGNMENT Aside from a car's propensity to pull to one side on a flat road, there are other indications of the need for a wheel alignment, including uneven tire wear. For instance, excessive wear on the inner or outer edges of one or more tires indicates the need for a camber adjustment. Camber is a measurement of the angle at which the top of a wheel is tilted out or in from the car body. Excessive wear on the outside edge is due to excessive posi- tive camber, While wear on the inside edges is caused by excessive negative camber. When wear takes the form of feathered tire edges, an incor- rect toe-in setting (a differenoe In the distance between the front and rear edges of the front tires as measured at hub height) is the culprit. Keep an eye on tires for signs of uneven wear. HINT: nres that scuff or make screeching sounds when going around comers may also be indi- cators of the need for a wheel alignment OCTANE RATINGS EXPLAINED The octane number (referred to as the anti-knock index) that driv- ers see at the pump is an aver- age of two octane rating methods. Both methods lhvolve the comparison between the test- ed fuel and a special reference fuel (lsooctane). which has an octane rating of 100. If the tes1ed fuel has 90% of the knock resist- ance of isooctane, It has a 90 octane rating. Now. let us return to the two octane rating methods -motor octane and research octane. The former more closefy reflects a fuel's performance under high-speed, high-tempera- ture conditions. and part-time throttle use. while the latter Pf'8'- dicts relative performance under low-speed. mild knocking condl· tions. The research method (ypi- celly yields results 6-10 points higher than the motor method. Thus, the two ratings •r• averaged Buying the right gasoUne for your engine can h81p maintain Its efftciency. At C & F, no mder What your car needs, we'I put you back on the roadl YOur aafety la our concem and our pleasure to ensure. Open M.;.f H . C.. ~10 tor the belt In MA~ MMce. We're at 20IO -, J>tacentta. No Wotk done WltQlt h owMr*• mppft>- Wll. WI .. an Olkill 11 ....... and ~ ~tor 111'°9 ~..,,.,.,end bill II • ' w 1011C11 -W 11'111• ,_IC 1011C11 ... IC IOTICll W1C llOTICll W IOTICll PUIUC IOTICll _, Wiii .. .... cl ... i1tiilft ~ ..... lion la:_... ...... ,...i.~lllllllf'lrl -\IU871 ;:-••L1191 IThe ~tllM.., .. c:111911u,. 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CA tlllO. Wle, C8ltOtrU 92111 • De ., .. GI Mcoldc IMllal OOUftt If you ... .,.,. A.,..;. . .-. .. ltW .... ... "'* ...... If ..... THIRITO, WITHOUT ...... °' .. corivnon tD\. bl t*4 °" OCTO. Tiiie bullC ...... 9Ubjectc "'°'~ o..•ociment. I -~111111 _...._ 80ft . .....,.._ In ct. ., ...,._._ -' or... ..,.. i't11Coll'on epedo HQW1VM, Nit MIHTTd d .. Flllon. Mlt .. 1-. • 1:41 P.M. 10 c.lltomla Unltorm °""' CIAlomla corporauon; I·. C.: '30 _,_ C.S Ollllll. s. ~;.=-.,::T.: IN ._. ..... ., It ... ol IHTM UflON THa ~ I.id ..._ • bl "'*'-In ~103 locllltd ll 34t m•rclal Cod• lecUon ~ Glory, IMM,'c.it, *'OOft ._. CA ll2lllllD Wiii :-Jw :,,. ':'1onne1 O•••to•u e.M A11tll.,1t1•• ..,.. *"' a wlPICl"\:::'n..,.. • •ACa OI-, SAID LAND NOA wltllCM ~ or WW-ni. om. SolM\. Of· 1108.l. fOtnla 921\5 • "41" (M.Ue Gwlll f"*'ll ,. .., -eoi.1 ...,.,,. ~ "* ~ ., 11tw--..111t.-. deftr'9CI In ?OM d Ntt l'OfnlOH °' TH! rentf • ...,,... Of tmpllld 1n91, 92111. If eo 1Ubj8et1 the ~ Thlt ltuelMtt It con- Aa!QnM(•) , :=:,_...-..:rof M ....,_. ,... .. ,,... .. ~ olftt~dDdllll(Df the~...._ Md 8U81UR,AC! LYINQ teOl'dlne -.. po·u1110n. II' YOU OBJ!OT TO the 8"d addt ... °'the J*tOfl duC$4MI ~ • corporadoft 0. _.,21. tM , 1___. ... .v _ _l":Z,.1.... ~·~ .,,,, ~ .. 11M In flroteeM°"11 Codi. l'8 ~ A80W A D1Pnt Of 100 Ot 04t't« tnCUll'lbrenoee. to granting Of Vie ~Ion. Y°" Wl\h WhOtn ctalmt may be The ttQletftnt ~. Sara An1 """"'-·.,. -.....,.. Of I f1cltout ....... ct8lti COl*'aetor -.rded Fl!t Al mt'T(O OR Nl$efV the wlplid ~ MoWd 8PP"' at U'll hHr-filed .. EtcrOW Conl\lltenll, to It~ ~ under NlwPOll 8udl.co.ta Mm,_ ~ ~~:':'!:ou~ 1•~,,.~..,1411::_11e-... :-_..~ ill~ of 1111 14Q1111 OI the l:onnct lot tNI WCWfF RUOVio IN THE Of!O done Mewed~ C»ed Ing and Ii* ~ ob-120t Dove Street 41300. the llc1Jtlou1 name or ON331m 15820d2.9.16, ,_, .. piro-~ ... -~ ,_ ...... ,,don .;;::.,,, .. .,. uftdef ftdn, Stat, °' lhall 11"'1 conPUc.t •.,... R!CORO!D IN 1001< of ftUlt. wld'I n e:s or ftle witn.n ob-NeWpon &each, CAf t2~1 • natnet lltltd abcW'9 on lw-60 ,,... ... "' _., ·-..,.,. ,,,.._ 1 .. 1 IN (See SeQo1t 1 JorllV of the WOf1C, In ac> 3731 PAOI! 25 OFFICIAL othet 1U1M .. ~ with Ula court b8-and ttle IHt dale Of '" [l OU1t 19, 1895 Pu.LI,.. NOTIC! ,1,2ob•t•of Ctheod•c· ~omlA .. • ~·~411\, rlel'lt .. WfY HQ' l!utlllm *"' Pl'Olttfliont COf~ wttt1 the l>fOVf. RECORDS. • therein; pllJt tldvanoM, " the hMrlng. Y04/t IP. Clalmt thall be Oc\ober, I l.4ortlaon D.v•lopmenf, " " .... .,.. ,,,.,, ---.. 1). llont 01 Cllfornla &Yt.1-YOU ARE IN DEFAULT .w. ~ 111\d In*-~ may be In Plf90n 1195 which I• l)lf bUSln ... Jamel J. Motmon. Preal· CHSUtS7U quMt for Speol.r Notice ::::-.:.::. rr.: ~= fling MH 111\d Ptofeulona Code UNDER A OEEO OP TRUST Hf thtteon: end plUI ..... OI bV YoUI •lfOfMY. cl•Y befOfl the 1111 dai. dMI NOTV'r Of form le avtlleble from ..,..,._ ff ·-,_; Newpol\~lt.aMeu s.ctlon 7059. DATED 11/211/M. UNl.ESS cht.rg ... Md ~·· of Ill \'OU ARE A CREDITOR tptelned above. Thie 1latem8111 Wit llltd _...~TO th• oourt ctertt. lll.-ftl • ..,, ,..,_ ,, .... lt'te CH32517UlAJ013Sep25 Oct All Wottc must .,. com-YOU TAKE ACTl()H TO 1he 'TN•IM and of the OI. eontlngtnt credhOf of Dated• ~ueu•t •• with the County C111k or rw;A~'rrr!a ~~llUl ~ .. ~-· M1u1e11 ll••l• Com,•11v; z.t 1&, 19QS ' pleted within 55 COOM<:lr PROTECT YOUR PROP· ttutta CfNted by eeJd Deed the decwed, YoU mutt flle tell Or1t1gt county on S~ .,.. .... _I""" -,,, w .. d,., ... ,m~1•: ""' ' liv• days. Tl~ It of 11\• ... ER1Y IT MAY BE SOLD AT of Trull ni. ~ ainOIM'll yow Clelm with 11'11 cout1 LAI G Coa\M b8r 20 1~ ESTATE OF: 2790 ....._...._ !. j:.,..~~~-9'\ .. _ PUBLIC NOTICI! Mnc•. Failure to complete A P08UC SALE. IF YOU of .. Id obllg.uont, Id-tWw1 l1'\al •copy to the Plf• P':::,ll~hed Newport ' 1te8'8H•n BARBARA JOAN .,._ 311 A#l.VtA .... 81_, ,., .-1Mr> the WOtk Within the Ume NEEO AN EXPLANATION Yancff, lnWMt, lllPenHI tonal r9pt"entatlve IP-B h,. 11 u ... Dell" Delly PllOI Oct. 2 9 18 ~NANN c.ta ..._ CA u.. el • ,_ i-~fl-.lor1 tor m tot1h herein will retU1t In OP THE NATURE OF THE and ,... at the titM Of "'-Poil'Md bY 11'11 court Within He ...,.ot .,., 1 ' ~7i CASE NO. A179701 10/0Z. 10103. 10109 me o.trict Att..,..,.·• office-:.;::;:-==:. the lmPollflon of llquld•t~ PROCEEDING AGAINST tlll f:bllcatlon of thll No-tour montha from th• date PllOI October 2, 1095. 1~23=-, 1;.:995;.;.;., ____ _ .To a11 Ml111, benefi. PUBLIC NOTICI =~ •-: .. • IWIEITATmlWf ~::~-:i f;. ~y.:. ~~ x~:v~uLD CON-~ pe~:~ n: .,.~ ~!": = ~ ::.,: m9 75 PUBLIC NOTICE clan11, creditor•. con-==-.-veet metl.,• .,. Thi followlno IJlllOll(a) Im forth In the "lnformaUon for 3211 WASHINGTON AVE. Ilea !Mn the fUll credit bid. 9100 of the California Pro-PUBLIC NOTICE cn1t311UO tin;ent creditor•, end CNtUUUI A..,.-. ,., -0-.,, bltinm a OOHTN>ITAl BlddMI." COSTA MESA. CA 9:2827 ' DatM 08/t3/tH5 batl Cod8. Tl\e time for fll· 1 8411 Flctllle>\lt alllln ... pe111on1 who mey other· NOTICE OF 111e "'•neo•"'•"' of tlle ic..-0 J:~ lOIO Rd., Each bid mutt conform "(If a ttrMt adcha or 1at Kqultv Mortp .. , Ina dtlml wlll not •xplt• .;~;e:2 .. •.INT OP N•me ltateinent wiH b, lnteratted In PE I it ION TO .,cMeolOfictl/p•teon1oto01co1 ......... -and .,. responsive to the common d"lgn1tlon ol N TnaetM b9t0te tour rnon1hS from io11.....i ..... ...,.,.,.., .,. th8 will or Htate, or ........... .......,.. __._ ,,__ w• m-CIOWtll·~ F~ contract dOCUl'Mflll Each property It lhoWn above S .. ~-J ., the healtng daw nolletd WITHDRAWAL FftOM Tl\e ... m~.., .. -._..,.p~ h f BARBARA ._.... __ 1 ~ end ...,w.i. 1 , , Mt lhilf~ Dl9d MJoy bldd« ah.all submit. "on the ne w.rranty 11 lven at tO •r1 ,.,,.... ' rlW, above. PUTN•"SHIP doing bu'lneU u: tntex, ~g'-'N c~~ANN ESTATE OF: ~ =°""'.-:.: ::::"' -29. 19'15, 4't ~Colo De form furnished With the. ti. comp1e1enJ. or eot· PrHldent, 1811 At• YOU MAY EXAMINE IM OPWTINO UNDER ~ ~~ ~acl'I~ A PETITION hea GAYLORD H. lANO ~-w• oi•.,., tor CA92679 cont.r.ct documen\a, a list ~N)." TM t>eMl1clatV lana. Ave., ltOO• Hun. rue kept by U'll court tt you FICTITIOUS ~ aw ' been filed by MICHAE CASE NO. A179702 r....a-.. "'~ eo-1Aul1 IXn CIOMI, TNlllM of the propelled au~ und• l&ld Deed of Truaf. Un9t•n aeaoh, CA •• a plflOl'I lnter .. ttd In •USINl!U NAiii! St1t B lght Inc a Callfor· L. CANANN in the Su· To 811 helrt, benefl. -.:i::.,o1 "'":i".,.:,c1~JJ9: CIOWd·Mcehenly Famly tractore on this ~ by rMSon of 1 breach or 82Me (714) 72MUt tn. ntat!ur. may 111• The lollowlng persons nla ~&ilon.' , Upper perior Court of Calif or· cleriee, credltol'tl, oo~ :..co•,:.':' Trust. Dltlld MJoy 11, 19116. #1 requlfed bY the S default In the obl!Qallonl Publlah•d Newpol\ with the • lorrnel ,. have wltl'ldrawn u general Newpott P\aza. i100 New· ni•. Coun~ of Orange. tingent credito111, and ,,_ • ..,., w~ o1>•-ro ..-• s.ams. Colo De Clla. end Subcontracting F r teeut9d thereby, hereto-Beach.C01ta M... Diiiy quest for Spedll Notlc:• of ,..,.,._,. from the paMef· ...,.. Beecti CA 92660 ET T'ON .. .._ • ...... 10 lhe CNo<m.n ol 92619 Prac:11cet Act. Gowrnment fore ulCUttd and dellY-p• .... .,. , __ .. _ 18 25 "-the lllll10 of In Inventory r:-,-~·-u ,_,. ,,,_, ,...... '1 I THE I r• pereon• wno may ot ... r-CllOPTIMA corM•..,••nvne uw Gl90DIY Ncnnen Mc8heney Code Section '100 et seq, ertd to the underai..ned I ""'_p_...... ' ' ..,... and appr.isal of ••lal• u-.. , p opera ng ..,,..., n••u• Thi• but ne11 • con- quHtl that MICHAE L. wiH b• interHted In _, 0, ,,.,. eoerd r .. uc1 NSlll of Clvwlll·~ Each Bid ahall be ao-written Oecl1tatlon 'of 0.. IOblf 2. 1895. Nta or of any petlJlon or llou• Butlneee Name(•) YL ducted by: a oorporatlon CAN ANN ba appointed the will or Htat•.:.. or Medico! c.,,,., 10 ,.,..,, ,._ Fam!V Tt11st. Dltlld Mly 2&. 1ggis, companied by a certified or fault and Demand for Sale m959 account H provided In ASSOCIATES IV, 850 Soulll The registrant commenced •• per1onal repre11nta-both, of: GAYLORu H. :."!'.:"1no1eve1,;~ P":!'•~,:.:c:; 4'1 Sawgtut, Co*> De cm, CA c"hl1t'1 check or bid and written notice ol d.: PUBLIC NOTICE •action 1250 ot the Calttor· ~·!~~~Ive, Costa Mau, t,oh•ttlllaact11,.,,,ltlobuu1~1mund• :, tlve to edminl1ter the LANO ~ Q267V bond In an amount not IH• fault and ol election to nla Probate Code. A R• ""' HFi" 11 B 1 ~ estate of the d_,cedent. A PETITION hH ~ 0cee1> .,.,,.,.,, t>etweon Tl1s bulinm II~ lff than ten !*cent (1°") of ceuH the undersigned to AMENDllD quest IOI Specql Notice J~.:. iti~.<>,;:!n1 r:r ~~= ~m: i:t~d1~ove on THE PETITION re-been filed by JUANITA van-,.... w• epprovea. l.mlyWst the tolal bid price. payable sell uld property to 11tl1ty NOTICB 0 , form II available trom lh• Partntrahl wa• flied on 31 s•~• ~-lght.' Inc LaVon qu11te the decedent'• LANO in the Superior T,.. tloard meettno edlourned " D...,jstnnf Ills not ..., bloun lo th• Olall1ct u 1 guaran-eald obUgallOn• and thtr• court clel'k P 1 1 0 -.,. ·• WILL and codlcilt, If Court of California, 7'66 p.m . "' memOfY of Mr. ·-,., tr ~ tff U\at the bidder, II Its after the undtlll ned PETITION TO Attorney ior the P.Utloner: 2i/94, In the County o r· Evant, Presldtnl any, be admitted to Couniri of Oranff•· Geotve Corul•, •eei<Mn• of '!> .trwact bu_llnett undtr rvopoa81 11 accepted shall caused 11ld notice o, d• ADMINllTllR WILLIAM P ALDRICH ang•. Original FC\e No. This •tatement "'8' filed TT N w.1mntet end c11v of s.nt• l1c:HM bumness neme ,.. ' IST'"TK F • • F603863 with the County Clerk ol probate. The WILL end T E PE I 0 r• Ana Ftrehoht.,, namesfisledhellin. promptly execute the fault and of ellCtlon to be .. 0 1 ISQ, (CSB#74073), Brighton Hornet, 1 Callfor· Orange Counly on Septem· any codicil• are avail· quettt that JUANITA SIGNED) LAURA ~ CPlJN. Agr .. ment, lumlah I 1au .. Reco«Sed June 8, 1995 at MARGARET ATTORNEY AT LAW, nla corporation 950 South be 20 1995 ebre for examination In LANO be appointed H KATHLEEN£. GOODNO ELL TNatet; GREGORY NORMAN ~1Jo::;it~fu~P:=,'!it 1Bn0•011k. ~01. •86-021'440~~cl~~ ANTHONllTTA SEELY 7fS3 WEIT LAMBERT coast Drive, Co11a M•H. r ' 19953058819 ~~rt~ile kept by the f:r~~~~;!~::~~:n:::!.~: AcUnG ci.o. of 111e &011d of~. TNSM . notlHt thin one hundred R~d• lngtl\• office 01 the ca .. No. A179t97 RD,, BREA, CA 920211 CA 82628 Dally Piiot Oct. 2, 9, 18, THE PETITION r• of the decedent. 5-••ot• Tl1s stltement was ffled With percent (1001') of the lolll t8QO(der of Orange County· Toi all heirs, rnencfar~ (7t4) 011·5825 Thia buslneH wu con-23 1995 m979 quest• authority to THE PETITION r• PUBLIC NOTICE Cou:t Otrtt of Otanoe bid price lumlsh 1 Pay-Seid Sale of property wlii ~d =· ~8n:.Oc:t Publlthed Newport duct~ by a general part· -·-------- edmini•ter the estate que1t1 the decedent'• . ~T~E m:"t~ 1~ ment Bood In an emount be made In "u le" condl-othtrwt .. be 1n~.:11edma~ Beach.COsta Mesa Dally ":S' rfMITI:D a Celllomla PUBLIC NOTICE under the Independent WILL and codicil•, If Fill NI. 11tUl5170Z llltment ~~ liYI ye!,. lrom ~~~ ~0.'!,tty~~t ~'"'~ covenant 1 or the wlll or estate, or both, Piiot September 29, Octo-Urnlted partnership, By: AB Flotltlou• Buslne .. Admini1tre1ion of Et· any, be admitted to FlCTI11CIUS IOSINl'SS dlll it Wll filtd In Ille Ollice and lumlah ceitlllcalea 9YI.'. ~.i::.--•• exprdl eutlUor m: of: Margaret AnlhOnetta bar 2. 8, 1995. Group, a C111foml1 gtnerll Name Stat•ment • t A t (Thie euthon' bate The WILL. •nd NAME lfATUIOO ,.__ ,.., a ""-"' ............ regar ng • poa 5aa1u Fm799 p1rtner1hlp 1\1 General "' ,1 •• c . • pro . Tiit loll<Ming ptlSOn(S) i""9 Ille ...... ~""'rte. .. new ,...... deoclng that the required Mst1~1 or 1ncumbrancH, .\''PETITION hat bMn . Partner By! OLA Attocl· The lollowlng persons are ty will a.llow the pereon-any codicil• ere •veil· no lalslnen as: CA ClEAH6'S 1 Bu•nm Name Statement Insurance 11 In etfect In the to pay me rernelnlng pnnd-filed by Valerie A. Gray In PUBLIC NOTICE aiea Inc a Celilomla COf· doing business u : Am•ri-el representative to take ebfe for examination in AL TERAnoNs 3333 S DI liltd befOlt 11\M lme Thi amounts Ht forth In th1 par sum ol the noll(I) •• the Sul)8rlor Court 01 CalJ.. rvvallon ·• Managing Gen-can Compliance Services, many •otione without the file kept by the Brisfd St Sllltl Ana· CA 02704 !ling of tit stllllrnent does not OI general condlllons. In tt11 cured by aaJd deed ol lomla County 01 ()fange NOTICE OP ;;i Partner BY: Rudy J 623 Whitney W1y. Suli. A, obtaining court appro"* court. Henry· TlllOflO s5H ~16-l5-~I 111tllccat lhe utoe 1n tin even\ of failure to enlef Into Trull. wllh lntlfe•t u In THE• PETl1'ION requ.Sts PUnlC HEARING Saldonl Viet Preild~I. By: Costa M .... CA 92626 al. Befor1 taking certain THE PETITION re-l9. :12 fort Suinitr IMnt CA of 1 FQiout Business the contract and exea.ite said nole provided, ad-that Valerie A. Gray be ap-NOTICE IS Hl;REBY Chertei Packard Sect_: Petrick McDonagh, 623 very important 1ction11 qu11t1 •uthority to nO · · 1n titOl*>n ol the 11Q11ts of the required documerlls, vances, If any, under lht pointed IS !*tonal repr• GIVEN tnal/ublle hearings tary By· B A c uci a Cali· Whitney Way, Costa Mua. however, the per1onel edminl1ter the ••tat• nu b.lsiness is tondUdtd b't' r uncltr f«lenl. Stall, et such bid security wllt be term• of Slid Detd ol aentaUvt to administer th• will be hel by the Costa tornia ilmlted 'par\;ierehip CA 92626 repretentative will b• under the Independent 1~11 law (See Stctcn 14400 lortelfed. Th• Faflhl\JI Per-Trust, IHI, chetg11 and estate ol the decedenL Mesa City Council on Octo-General Partner By" BA Thi• buslneu I• con- required to give notice Admini1tration of E•· HM you staAed dajnQ busl· seq , Bustnus Ind Plolessions lonnal ance1 1 118on1 d -~}'111 r• expenses ol the TrustM THE PETITION requests ber 16, 1995, at 8:30 p.m., Devilopmenl, lne., a· Clll· dHucted by: 111 •• ~~dUald 1",. to interHted per1one tatH Act. (Thi• euthori-ne5$ yet? Yes wisgs 1). m n n u orce .,.., • ec1 and of 1he trutts Clealed \he dec8denl'• WIU and or IS soon ther .. ner u fornla corporaUon General ave you -·"" Ou.,, unlau they have ty will 811ow the pereon-ED HENRY TRUONG rstt;ling lhrough the guarantff pa-by Slid Deed olTrusL codlcil•, If any. be admitted possJbl1, In th• Council Partner By: David B.u. Ste· buslneu yet? No waived notice or con-el reprHentative to take Trls staltmeJ1 was flle<I with Al.DEM l Y11AN OCNNI ~"'-rlod IS tpacilled In the Said Ale will be held on: 10 probel1. The wtu and Chambers ol City Hall, n retaty, By: Chatles Paci<· P~ck McDonagh 1ented to the proposed many eotion• without Cou~ Cltrll or Ofl 11326SOIAll general conditions. October 10, 1895, at 3:00 any codlcilt are available Fair Drive. Cota Mesa. 1rd execuUv• VICI Prtsl· Th 1 llaltmenl was filed action.I The indepen-obtaining court •pprov-1ney 1 SePltmber19 1995rqe ~J, CA go Th• DISTRICT reserves p.m. on the lront ll•P• 10 for examlnauon In the Ille the following hems: dint, By: BRIGHTON with the C04JnlV Clerk of dent administration al. Before taking certain t«>T~E n.: f;c • ~ NtwiioltSUc.M:ostaMPI lhe right 10 reject any or all the 8nltlllce of th• Orange kept by lhe court. APPEAL ol the Planning HOMES 1 Celltomla cOf· Orang• County on &-15-95 h · "lib t d -1 ti' •11•1 ••ous me CN3298961347.c>A~18"" bids or lo waive any It· Civic C.nter, 300 E. Chap-THE PETITION ranuests Commission's denial ol a11on' B • "'Vld Ball 18853058477 :~.:;ity a":i' i~t~~!~t:d ~:~.1:~.0~~: ::,.:~!i lalfmtnt expm Ii~ yea~ from Oct 2.9. 1ggf" ,...,, regularlllff or Informalities man. Orange, CA aUthority 10 idmlnlSter the Zoning Action ZA·95-09 ~aldent y. ..,. ' Dally Piiot Seplembet 25, pereon file• an objection repretentetiv• will be lhe dill 11 was fijtd in !hi Office In any bide or In the bid· At th• UrM 01 the lnlllll estat.a under \he tndepen-l1om Carolina Cohen, au· Thi• llalement wa.s filed Octoblf 2 9 18 l995M968 to the petition end required to give notlci tile ;:urrtt Cler1l A new Fia-PUBLIC NOTICE ding. publlcaUon of this nollce, dent AdmlnlstraUon ol Es· thorlzed agent for Wiifred wllh 1111 County Cl1tk of ' ' ' ehow1 good ceu11 why to interested per•on1 ous siness Name Statement Al required b~ Sectl~n the total amount ol th• un-lat•• Act. (Thie autl'lorlty R. Cohen, for a minor con-Ofenge County on S.ptem-PUBLIC NOTICE the court ehould not unleu they h•v• r:r-istbef~edbelOl't lNldateTl'le FlllMD.1HUl51l0) 1773 of the alllorna paldbalanOloftheobllga· wlllallowthel)8rtonalrep-di\lonaluser,:m111oallow berl21995 , grant the authority. waived notice or con-1fing ol Ills statement does not of flCTTTIOUI IUSIHEIS Lah borDCod1. Iha Dlr1ectodr of tlon secured by \he above resentallve 10 take many a minor bu ldlng addition ' 19853058078 At*" t1-H1717Z tsell aulhonze the use 1n lhs NAME STATUIOO I • epertmenl o In us-deecrlbed deed of trust action• wllhoUt obtalnlng conalsUng of a 550 1quart ACTmOUI IUllNfJt A HEARING on the tented to the propoaed of 1 fit"OllS Business T1141 I0110Wlng person!s) '" trial Relations of the Slale and .. umaled cosls, ex-court ipprovll BelOf• tak· foot room above an exist· Dally Piiot S.pt. 25, Oct. 2• IWlflTAlSIBIT petition will be held on ection.) The indepen-Name 1n tioldon ol lhe rights o1 Ooino businen as 1ST ~ES of California has deter· penses, and advances, Is Ing certain ve"rv Important Ing 2-cet garage with a 9, 16, 1995. M968 Tiil lollowing person(s) IMlt October 28, 1995 at dent admini1tration r under Fedelll, State, Of SJON PRINTING 1514 E. Edinger mined the generally prevall-S154,848.00. ictlons however Ill• per· legal, nonconforming ttl· PUBLIC NOTICE doing business as: fiAR8oR 1 :45 P.M. in Dept. 703 authority will be granted law (See Section 14400 #H, Santi AM.'CA 02705 Ing ratH of wages In the II Is posalble thll al the aonal reprff.ntaUve wUI be back (20 fMt required; 10 UNOCAL 76, 750 N. Hamor 8hd. located at 341 The City unleH en lnteraeted t seQ . Business and ProlesSlons Hong Ju, 3653 N Pole Lane locality In which the Work time of sale Ille opening required to give nollce to fMI, 5 Inches provided), lo-NOTICE OF La Hain, CA ll0631 ' Ori v e O fl n g e C ~ pet1on filet an objeotion .) Rtvtltlde CA~ la to .,. perlorm4ICI. Coples bid may be Iese than lh• lnllKHltd pecaon1 un1e11 caled at 11155 Capri Clrcl1 PUBLIC AUCTION llldl e ~ ~Mow· 92868. to the petition and ~t Ftling Tiiis tlisiness la c.onQ.lcted of theH wall• rate determ., lolal lndet>tedn"' due. lhey have waived notice or In an R1 zon•. Envfronmen-N II I he b I hted Aw . lkllnl MCA 90621 IF YOU OBJECT TO 1how1 good cau11 why ESCROW MIERJCA CORPORA· an 1ndi~~ll f:~~A~~u-:c:~EVAIL-Dat•: 8/t2185 consented to \he pcopo1ed lal Determination: Exempt. that 01;: u~er!~,,Yedg ~ Tris b'.it1nw it coMJclld ~ the granting of the the court 1hould not TIOM Rtgistllnl Ills not yet begu malnlllnld 11 the DISTR~ T.D. SUV1CI! COM-action.) Tl\e Independent APPLICATION from Glab-NII al Public AUc\lon on an i~al petition, you should gr•nt the authority. Q828 GI/din Gro~ 81~ trwaet business unocr office located it: 1370 PAH't, aa .. Id Truat••• 1dmlnlt1ratlon authority Wiii e:llumlstr ~·ec:~· t.13089 10/09195 11 11:30 a.m. at: Type of l!u1iness: Gas SllbOll appear at the hearing A HEARING on the Sute 20 fa'°Vs busmus name Adam• Ave Cotta M•M. •r Franc" O.Palma, be granted unlelS an Inter· " · 118• AU.SPACE. 8564 HAMIL· ~ Ills not yet ~n end etate your objec· petition will be held on Glfdln Groie. CA 112644 names ~Sled he1ttn CA 82626' Physlcal Faclll-AHletant Secr•tary ••ted peraon fllM an ol> ~eal~,the Pte~ln, TON AVE. HUNTINGTON ~ ll1l\SICl butlness uncltr 1111 tioM or file written October 26, 1995 et ~~ ~::P~&t SKiNEO HONG JU u.. PteM10g, and ere avail-1750 E •. 4th St., Ste'. C ~~.:."u:Y ~ Zonl~ Actl~n ~'85·1g, BCH., CA '82548 the per· blout tMsinm name Ot objections with th• 1 :45 P .M. In Dept. 703 2.916 '"""" · Ths st&ttment was l~ed able to any lnterasted ~ TOO, Santa Anti, CA COYtt thould not ....... the McDonald'• Corporallon, tonal _property of Iha fol-lllr1ld htld ~ court b1for• the hH~ located at 341 The City • · _, tile Coun1y Cltl1I of upon ~eqUML The con. 12705, (714) 84~ authority. w--" authotlud agent for Kyo-loWlno: SGHe>: IWlJ 8 KN.AHTAAI Ing. Your appearance Drive Orange CA PUBLIC NOTICE 1~onSepllmber 19.19QS llactor lhall post• copy of 8372 A HEARING on the pell-lat1' Hawaii Corporation, for NAMl, UNIT I , INVEH· TrR ~was filed wlltl may be in pereon or by 92668. t«>TICE-Tils fOMius Ihle doc:ut1'18nt It each )ob ., AVAJL.A.ILI! THB Uon wm be held on OC1o-a minor condlllonal uea TOcivRD INS BO 9 Ille ~ ~ of Ollnoe your enorney. IF YOU OBJECT TO Alt No.11t53HIHJ Sllftrntl'IC npru_I~ Ytlf'l I alt.. Tl\e Contractor and EXPECTID OPENINQ t>er 28, 1995 at 1:45 p.m. In petmlt for the construction HOUSEHOLD rri:'Ms 1 • ~onStpleml:llr12. 19116 IF YOU ARE A the granting of the F1CTIT10US IUSIMEtS h datl rt was Iii"" 1n lhl Oii any tubcontrlCtor under It Oepl• 703 located at· 34t ol 1 2 310..quare fool Mc-N0Ta-Th1 Actlous Niimi CREDITOR or • conti~ petition, you ehould NAME STATEMENT of the Cou~ Clcr1t A new fict. thall pay not r..t then the BID MAY BE OBTAINED The Cfty Drive Or i CA Donalcfot Restaur1nl with HAZZARD. C032, HOUSE· Stalltmttt .,.P1111M yen f!Qm gent creditor of the eppeer 11 th1 hearing Tl'le loAoMng ptllOll(s) 1~ s Business Nlmt Stateme tpecilled prevalllt1Q rates of BY CALLING THI FOL.. 92668 ' ang ' drlve-lhru window, located HOLD ITEMS, TOOLS 1111 dlll it was filtd in Ille Office deceeHd, you mu1t file and ttate your objeo· Ooing tllSlneu as UNflEO SAN rn.istbe hied Dlfort trial •me The W80" to all WOtKeB em-LOWINQ Tl!Ll!PHONE IF YOU OBJECT TO the at 3099 Bristol Street In I H~~S~~~OUSE-0C the C0untY an, A new ficl. your claim with th• ti on• or frl• written AND GRAVEL. ~ 1222651, fihng of thrsstatemef11 dots nol of ployed In lhe execution of NUMBER 9 ON THE grentlng of the pe\lUon, you Ct zone. Environmental JACOBS HOOi HOUSE· lous Busuiess Name Stlllmenl court and mail • copy to objection• with the 13131 los Angeltt St ltw1ndae 1~1 aulhonzt 1t11 u11 in thr the Contract. DAY BE FO A E TH I! lhould appear at the heat· Oetermi~tlon: Exempt. HOLD ITEMS ' rn.ist be ftltel befOl'I Mime The Utaper1onalrepre11nta-court before the h11r· CA91706 . 'state ol a FQlous Business No :fdet maxc:l~d~~ SAl.1!:(714)480-5090 Ing and stale yov,r ol> REQUEST from Council VANAOS H081 HOUSE filingoflllutltlmentdcanolOC tive appointed by the Ing. Your appearance Urlted Aeao-, Mxed CollCI! Name In 111ot•011 Of the liOhts ol 'Jal b or 1 per 0 ,_,, TAC417700C e!°"' or Ille wrlttefl ol> Member Genie for Council HOLD ITEMS • • ~ IUflotltt Ille llSt in Ills oourt within four may be In per1on or by Col'PQR1lon. CS.lonn, 13131 los anothtr under Fedt111, Stale, 0 f ~day• •~er •h:J:•e 181 Publl1h1d Newport one with the COUit t>.-Rtvliw 01 . the Plannlng RIALTO CA. 923n TELE: 1t111 ol 1 licllous l!uslness month. from the dat. Your attorney .&.-ies St lrwindllt CA 91706 mmon law (Set Seaon 14400 or •ope 09 ° '· ore 11\e hearing. Your ap-Comml1llon • decision lor ... 0 .... 73• "7 .. Aue' TION Nlmt In~ ot Ille ....-ot of firtt iuuanc• of IF YOU . ARE A "''Tiu tiuSiness IS cOnclicted b't' et seq ' Business Ind Professrons A payme~ bond shall .,. 8HCh·Cost1 MHI Dally pearlntl may be In person PW!nlng Action PA·9~2. BoND , 12:. f.19 IOOlhtr uncllf kdenl, s• "' 'd d 1 CREDITOR ti 1 """"'lltOC\ l required prfOt to execution Piiot S1ptember as, 25, Oc· or by your attorney Heather R. Atmbruster. au-t common 1,. (Set Slclofl 14400 ~e•t~d~n •9 1g(f"'0; th: gent credi~;, a :,on t~ ~AtOimnt has not yet begun F;m Fifing :~n~ ~:'r!:':i a;;;s~h1~1J: tober 2. 1995. IF vou ARE A CREDITOR 1hon2ed agent 1or EMC B~~c~'.!:'o~~ d M~•'•w fb°ai~y et 11q. Business Ind Prolessions California Probate Code. deoeHed, you mutt file ID ltansact b.lsiness under the TUM ESCROW INC. contract documentt m957 or a conUng8nl creditor of Mortgage, Inc., for a feclllty Pilot Sepllmber 25 Octo-Codt) PAC919C VllW •MONALltAM CerNtery • Moftuel'y ~·c..m.tory 3500 Pactftc View Drlw NwpoJt 8-:fl ........ .......... llUUUIWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation I . -h h d~s bus111tss name o f3151 Bl'OOM&ntSt . the d1e .. 1ed. YoU must Ille to aceommod1t1 up to 14 b 2 1895 ' Fi11tAling your c e1m wit t • names hted herein GMdlnGro~ CA Pl urauent tobsllec:tlocn 22300 PUBLIC NOTICE your c!alm with the court senior re1ldents Wllh • varl· er ,. • M974 llO" ESCROW SERVICES INC court and mall a copy to SIGNED UNITED RE.AO J.tXE Newport 8Uc:ll-COSia MISI o th• Pw c ~ntract · and mill a copy to the per· ance from parklng requlr• 11'U5 ... ~~~P«;:;;;i~lt~8fr~~en:; ~RETE COAPORAT~N r: CN32~T·~Sep25.0Ct ~··P~~~::•~:,~1f:~ TR~:::~~~o:Al.B aonal reprHen1allv1 •rn "*'11 (' tpices requlrtd PUBLIC NOTICE Foootan~ CAQ27m court within four DaleLoepp,\4ctPrtsident ' 2.9.18,191)6 the 1ucc111ful bidder 10 UNDERDEl!DOF rc:1:!:Ji."':0:u~w~~.~ angpor~~1!i:i~ onet3os117 ~Beech-COliaMtll month• from the date Tiu Sllltmert was hleO With PUBLIC NOTICE 1ub11ltute 1ecurlt111 for any TRUST of tlrtt luuance of 11'1• let-~tert:r"" Piece In an R2 Ftctltlou• Bual •a• 0 ,!'~~Sep 18,25, Of f. 1• lesua e of lht Cou~ Ottlt cf Oranoe monies withheld by the -"d-... In ~• •"""" ronm-... ·• n-1~-n ""'~·· 1 .... 11 ' nc Couf'llY on Sel*mbef 19 1995 Olatrlct to ensure perform-Lo•n#82·2939, ,.,, u pr..,... '"" a .... uon ~· . ex .. ._ """•• Nam• ltat•m8nt ~-:~~r:n 1~1g{fvi~;d t~: NOmE-llls lie\~s Name c::TT~CI! f:Rs ance under the contract. T8193821 ~: 8'0:'~1~~:~ No~fcE. rS"P~URTHER Th• lollowlng pecton1 art PUBLIC NOTICE C l'f . p b Cod Stitt~ eicsiru tr.ie yeatt trom Each bid submitted In r• YOU ARE IN DEFAULT I clal • Ill t lllplrt GIVEN that It uld tlrM doing buslnelS u : Regen! e I orn1a ro ate e. lht da:ll 11 was filed 1n the Olltee CALLING FOR BIDS aponse to this Notice 1hall UNDER A DEED OF TRUST ~ore j~ w mon~ from and place all lnt•rffled HomH Corporation, 4100 Fit .... 154157171 Ji~1me ti':~i ~~~ 9flxp1't~ the Cou~ Cleltl A new FQ. School 01,111c1: COAST contain, u ab. Id Item, ad· DA TEO 01127/1992. UN· tlll heallng dale noticed persons may appear and Mac:Al1hur Boulevard, Suit• FE11T10UI IUllWSI b.for. four month. *' Business Name Stale COMMUNITY COLLEGE equate thMUng, thOflng, LESS YOU TAKE ACTION boVe be hurd by lh8 City eoun. 150, Newport Beach, CA NAllEITATmBfT lftlst De fdtd belort lhal •me Tl'le DISTRICT and bracing. or equivalent TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· • . N • c:il on IN aforementioned 92860 Thi !Glowing person(•) .... from the hearing date ftl!ngofthsS1Jltmenldots notol Bid Oetdllne: October 24, method, for the pcolec\IOn ERTY, IT MAY BE SOlD AT y~ MAY ~u:i. ~I~ Items. John Giit Development, daln; bustMU a SOVTii noticed above. tseff ailhonzt Ille use rn llH 1995 at 2:00 p.m. of life and lmb In trenches A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU ~~! :r'' ~ ~~.~In IF THE AFOREMEN· Lid., a N.vada Corporation. COAST £M10MJM. 535 A1D1 YOU MA y EXAM-stall of 1 N:6\<1Us Busineu Place o_I Bid Rtctlpt: Of· tnd open exc1v1llon, NEED AH EXPLANATION the .:::. u fill TIONED ACTIONS ARE '100 MacArthur Boulevard, 11\1111 , Costa Mae, CA INE the file kept by thl tQme in 'i'Ol$11 Of lhe ngllts ot lice of Director of Purcha .. which ahalf conlorm to ap-OF THE NATURE OF THE with th ·uJ° I ":!, A.-CHALLENGED IN COURT SUlll 150, N-pon Beech, Kit Jae LM, 109S3 LI S.sa Ftottal Slall Ing, Cout Community Col· plicable tafety ord111 PROCEEDING AGAINST e oo • or the Chall be h CA 926e0 Aw ~nVllly CA9Z709 0100unrt.lnltfery•o1u 1 .'!r•1na ptehr•· r uncltr • • lea• District, Bldg. "D". G mJ Board YOU, YOU SHOULD CON· quest lor Speci.I Nolie• of ...... ttlll•.~~ 1 Thi• bu1lne11 11 con-This~· :........-.. 1o:. ..., law (Ste SedlOn 1 1370 Adams Avenue Costa ova ne TACT A LAWYER. the IUlng of an llMntory ,_. to ontv .,..,_ ._. ducted by. a corporallOn ~ IS ..... ......_.~ Htate, you may file seq,Bustnns llldPl'oftSSIOl\S MeN. CA 82626 ' BW WllUam M. V .. a , NOTICE IS HEREBY and appraJaal of ealalt -IOfMOl'le rllMt 11 ~ The regl1ttent commenced ant · al with the court• formal l ProJ1ct Identification Ed. D., Chanoellor, GIVEN that 11t Equity aets or of 111Y peUtJon °' lie hearing ~ncrl In lo tranaact bullnea1 under ReGisntll llas not Ytl bloun Re~Ht for Sp1clel ~• Fikng Name: Orange coast Col· Coaat Communl\y Colo Morte.Qe, u TrutlM, or account u P«Mded In ~~ or d:= ~-the tlc\1110111 name or ::.~ .. ~ uncllf lhe Notice of the filing of •n Newpolt Beadl.COSta Mts.t lea• Track Dralneg1 R• .... Dlttrlct. 111CQMeor trustH, or sub-NCllon 1250 of the CalJ.. r.......,-ence 0 ~• 1111.ci above on 8/t/ wSlnas """' Of lnwntory and eppraiael CN329916UW013Stp26 Oct palr Bid No 1897 Publlth•d Newport 1tlluttd tru1IM und• and fornla Probate Cod•-A A• the~ty ~ .~':!' pf1or 94 nameslittldhelll11. 111•••••••111111 of Htate HHte or of 2.9, 18, 19QS · PIK• Bid•' are on file and BHch.Cotta Miii Dally putaUant to the poW8r of ~um 11 'c:vJ:.:11rr0::,0'f,,C: to, ufW T heELUOTT Jol'ln Gall Development, ~ ::.;:. ~ lffd with •ny petition or account PUBLIC NOTICE avalleble al: Office of the Piiot S.ptember 25 Oc\o-tale conferred In that c11· ::;. l«k. 08 ... Cl ... "ci rk • Ud .. Wllllam F. Dohr, Pr••I· lhl Cou~ Qtl1t of ,__ 110 Btolldw•y COit• Meaa ...... , .. .. When Words Are Not Enough "SpecfaHzf ng In Sgmpathg Fl~rs" 2983 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 540·3135 . CEI .. provided In HOtlon Physical Facmu .. Co<>fdl· bar 2 tl>95 ' lain Deed ol Tr"8l rlCOfdtd c c pu.. •• • dent . ISt "'-""9 1250 of the Californl1 .,.., ... '"5.,.51614 nator, Atdllh Rlch1y, Cout ' -M970 04/2411892, at lnetrument Attorne~ for P•t._ Publlthed Newport Thia 1tatement wu Ried Courrtt~., ~'!!'...,1_2:,1~ Probete Code. A Re-..... -. ..., Community College Dis· number 82·269380 Book, tlonera Beach.Costa M... Dally with lh• County Clerk of NO\--.,~• ,.,..._,. ,..,,. quHt for Speolal N->tlc• ~~AW'=' lllct; 1370 Adame Ave., "D" PUBLIC NOTICE Page ol Otllclal Record• In actoar C. Johnson Jr., Piiot Octobef 21 19H. ()fang• Counly on 9/\ 2195 =-=~ -~ ~ ri:c: form 11 ivallable from Tilt tollowino penon(s) in Cotl• MeH, CA (714) 432. the Recorder"• office of \he JOHNION a FLYIR, m977 18913811085 Of 1111 CtJAJ:'ettrl: Act- tha 00Ur1 clerk. oo.no business•: UMTEO " 5~0JTICE Is HER EBY TR~::~~~. o~.. ~:r,f..°'~~u~~I• :: ,i2oao !~!.'!1 .. ••·· Su??: PUBLIC NOTICE Dally Pilot S.pt. 25, Oct. 2, lout 8utlneia NwM ~ Anomelforh1tloner: NIJ GAAVEL, ~ 1263008.QIVEN th•I th• ebov• Ch11ter Oambonl and .. • --... , -9,15,1895 M967mut1btfiltdbtl01tMlrn1.The D27~ ... -1'~ 13131 Los Angeles SL, Irwindale, named SclloOI Dlslrlcl of T.I. No. Stella Gambonl, huaband 8212t, (714) 85.. on•13t48t• PUBLIC NOTIC• lllingof tis .-mtntdotl not ol -,,__--. CA91706 , Orange County, Callfornla, A220907 and wll1, bY reuon of a 1901 NOTIC• 1'0 5 llltll ai1hOllft the UM In tU ~-~CA ---,. ... ~ Halling Co'llOlllton, acting by inc! lhrough Its Unit Code A bfllcl'I or d•leult lnJ•V-Publl1hed Newport CRID&TORI OP "olltlout •uslnHs "* Of I Ac:ftout t!u91ntst ---.--....,...,,.., 131&1 Loi MQclea St, Govll'nlng Board, heftlnal· Loen No. CASH rnent ot l*IOl'menc1 the Beach-COata M... Delly IULK IA1• N I t Nlrne In '4cllllol\ of lie llghll tJ 10/02.. 10/03, 10/09 lrWlndlle.CA91706 ,., rel11ted to u "DIS-AP#1SIMHHM>4 obllgallon• uoured PUot &.ptember 29 Octo-ame tat•tMn "'°'* uncltr ~. Siiia « Ttis butiCIW is COr4ic:ted by TRICr'. wltl rlCllve up to, T.D. SERVICE COMPANY th1r1by, Including lh•t bar 2. e 1191. ' C:t·:.·u ~~; d~ fol~~rr:.~·e~c! common,_ (Set Sedoft 14o TRADE ·~ but not Iller than the u duly aa>polnted TNttN brMC:nordtfaull,Nobol ' fm809 ___ __:N• ' . toot'• CUlllnn t.._,' 2111 ltMQ..,..._lftd~ Thi lldDlnt commeoctd to ~ .. ltd time, aeeled und11 th• tolloWlna c1 .. which wu recorded Ol/121 wv. e. ... -•··c Code), Dllact b.ialnw uncllf Ille bid• k>f the aW111d 01 a tef1bed dMd Of truaf WILL 19851 u Instrument run-PUBUC NOTICE aMa-ICH Senta An• Aw.. oata AlltAlnO ........... cfasalfted ricMou'I ta"llllU namt OI conlJKt 1or the project d• SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ber 86-ZA773t, In BoQk, at Notice la he<eby glYlfl to Meaa. CA 92927 1811 ... IC. .. "M'a ··-,.. Ulld abow on Hovcmbel actlbed .. : TO TH& HIGHEST BIDO!R Page, WILL SELL AT PUS. ••o 4271 cr•dltora of th• within '~~~a CA~oot. c~~ 1316'....,,.,., It "-------·-· __ ._13.-...,;1990-..-______ , lnttallatlon Of Drllnage FOR CASH (In the fonnt UC AUCTION TO THE 11onc• 0, named ...., V'llt • bulk Me CA 92'a7 ,, '-.:.=.~ ... Facility forTrlldt Drainage which we laWtUI tender In HIGHEST BIDDER FOR NTmON TO .... ia '""'to M ~ oC ~ CrofOOt. 2211 hnta ...._ Miii ..-------------------....-~---==~--,! There wfl b8 e flllMn the Untied ltll•l end/Of CASH, lewlUI money Of fM AOIUIOaTU the &1Ht1 dllCtlbed Ana A,,. Cot&a Mell CA CICl'l.lllllllT·lOcz.C~ \U5, STARnNiG (116} non-fefundable pey· the euhler"• cierillltd 0t Unbed StatM. 9Yldenced •UAftOPs !*Ow. tm7 '' ' OclU 1• ~ r.equlred for MCh Mt ott\er Chlcb tpecilleid In by i C11hler'1 Check ..... w ____ ., .. ,... 'TM ""'199 Md bul&neet Thia bueln•H I• c~ 1--=-~=.;.;.;.;.... _ _. • of bid dOCumenaa. Checkt CMI Code Sec:ilon 2924" drawn on a ttai. °' na----"'""• of IN ...., are: ducted by• "'1lbwtd and TM Community • lhoUlcl -.. made payable to (paylble In fl.Ill a ltle dme t10na1 bank or the equiv• CASI MO. At 79M4 Jeatey K. Ooodm8n. 12 wlte . Me.rQC ~. : d£.' , Coe.et Community College of Mia to T.o . S.vlce lent lh8reof drftln on ll'ft To alhllrt. ~. ha lllland onw, ~ HIV8 you •lattecl Oolng cia..itled A 1lT17W ~..,. 7 ~inlll bl~ In~ .. ~"'::~~=~~'=~~~ c.a1orn11 bullnee•yel?No Ma.M7a 1 'IL the peace ld8nUft8CI aboYe, encl rtt¥W Nld by • und8t the California P:ln•ncl11 oChel .... b8 lnW.-d In of the cNat euculW of'lloe ~i. :.~ _. llltd ~~~~~-~ml encl thoM bide aNll .,. laid Deed of TNl1 "' the coa.. ·~ IO do tM .. fW ....... Of ltoll\, of Iha .... Ir. l8ITll .. wit!\ the Coun"' Clefk Of For &d a..:.;...· di OCMM*I and ~ read p•operty herelnatt., d .. ~ In the "* Of otJ.\Q(MlcOONALD ~ ., ft m.IMJ B Us., T1l TCJ'S' Ct~~ eloud .. the ~ tcrlbed! C•lllornla, PAYA8LI AT A PiltliOW "-' beel'I M hted by the ..... Ill Orange COWlly on .. ,HS c• a J.J. '! CJ4 "l (' nm. and... TRUITOR: IC.ATHLl!!N 1lia TIMI Of'~ on 10/ fifed It~ ICOTT Mao-oet'8t bullntiM ~ llld 'IHIHA471 ~ In accofci.nee with the CASH oe/1"5, al 4:30 "-\. • V. 00NAL0 tft the ~ addf..... UM by lhe DallY Piiot ~blf 25, s • • • • • • • • • • • • • provlalona of Calllornle BfHUICIARY: CAAL L ~ ad)aCW'll eo the CoY1 of Calllomla.. COunty .... ...,... three~ be-OctOb8r I. t, 'I. 18tOMM$ AO-LUU\ '"-1-1 n....... ..1... n..:.&. ·a:J.... .i--J Publlc Con&ract Cod8 ho-l<ASAUK ANO MllOA!D A SM Clemlnie City Councll Of OMNQa. tol'tl Wle dale euch ll9t Wlltl----------,nr~ .AFD,_•--Ir-•~ lion a3-00, the Olllrk:t ,.. ICAIAl.LK Tf'USTE£S °' Chalnbefe. ~ al 100 THI ~ ,..,.... Mnl or delY9'ed • ... R . NT •••WOllW#Wl6W............... qulrN th-1 the~ pot. THE IC.ASAt.!K 'AMILY AY•nlda PtHldo, ••n ... ICOTT MacOOHAU> IMIYtf .. : 2930 Plll'IC...... 642-5671 ·-~" r1·~~ •• 1.. ''° ~ _J ihr .... the followll\Q G1U-TRUST OATID JUt.Y 1', Cl•m•nte, Caltfornle.. 811 be ..,.,._, M ~ port. NlllWpOlt INch. CA w,.-,.,.,~ .. ,.,.r'J'#I"',...,. -1a11,-a1ncat1on of cion1r1elor'1 11. 1M1. ~er.cs o.o.mb8r ~. w. and~ oon-,.,,_......_. to 11c1M1n1a-~ 1IJ.;th;.;rou;o~h~c;lu;;•lfle;;d_. ____ iiiiiiii~ ,;,,,,~""~-;,;a-, lllwl lrt.S.. AK n.. ~ ""-"" ..,0, oer.. et tM 11me tha& the t, t"'4 .. '""'· No. .. ...eyed IO and """' held by • the ..... Of the dece-TM ,.... ll1d bualneu • J_J Mil tl.1""'.t:::-.. ww-wiJJl hC-.,, OOf*Kt le llWWded: oell2IO In IOok pega Of • .. TluMM und.r ... .,.., -···I I ., .... bUllllf are: ~;:t:r-11t::_...1. , &.:-........... -._.;_J 1..;. 1=. -~ ~ ~-~ Conlractor: Co42 Oftldll ~ In &he of. OeN of. TNM. tn "8 ,.., THI PITmON ,...,... LA.tpe O.i ~ t1'7 1111 ~ ---,_-,_,__? ___ ,_,-r_, ~ltf: ...,..mw 21. kle ot h....., of er. PfOl*tf ~ ~ tald d*"t .. .,._...,.._...._..,.. ... ..,...Mon- J: · ..-*~°"" 1• and°"°"' 2. 1,.. ~ c:ou.w: Mid Oeec1 oe CountY w ...... .. ...... "'*' .. .,......, -cuoa '1' WAU< T'H1'0UQH: oato-TNlt deeClliee N '°'°"" IClftbed M 90lcMI: .... ~'fill C. The ..... llO tit told 119 f'1i--."1•JltJ""Jdili-"""'-..,,,,.,,•''Jl/J14·/f#l.Jj!JVlt ~'\.!..• .. t :oo a.m., ~ LOt m cl n. NO, 1111, ..... All.""'; ~ •m Ibid "' "'*" •: a,.,~ C.-Mm& f~--~i,.._,••(7U)6'l-021-'• .....,., :=:' J /:t. •n. ~Of..~~ ~ ':':.;.-.:.~ :.:, .r.:-..= ~•= wil-*• •••,.CfrJal• .. ,,...,,,,,_ *"' M., Olllf'IQ Moflltw ooeTA MQA. COUHTY C .. D Ma,;•,_""",.. a , .... ._._. ...... b Hid ...... ,, .L-U.t.-,~--... J...J -.J .;1#,...... ~to lnitf f/C,,._ Loi Ofl OMHQI, ITATI Ofl __, l9t Ille* '°£-i ........... _. -*'II II .._..., :IJ-':--"'lf&'-:-~r:-• • (114)....., Al IHOWN • .. a lllllft..... mt ,..y ·=utml ...... = ....... • N ptt•.,;,,,_ G.JW•,_,,,,,.,,.._. • ~Tll OlllaW ... A ~ ... ...... .. ........ Iii..... __, Ill ...... •••W'""" If IOGIC lflll~ Mt Ill......... .. ......... Put a few words to work for you . DJIW~lllot ·F,;.;:.-I --.. = ~--~--------~:----'"-....,:""""'--------:::-------'•====;...;; .. ;..;:•~·=:.:..=.=:.:'Ill :i.:•::.::•=·~·~J~i:::.:::1 ........ ..---................. __ ........ T. 0 USIFllD llOUllS Telephone 8am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday PAILY PILOT DEADUNES Monday ............ Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ............. Monday 5:00pm Wednesday ....... Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ................ Thursday 5:00pm BYPllO• (714) 642-5678 BY FAX (714) 631-6594 (Please include your name and phone number and we'll call you back with a price quote.) BY MAIL ORIN PERSON: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 C.orncr d Newport Blvd & Bay St GINlllAL POU CY Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without nouce. The publisher reserves the right to censot, reclass ify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pi lot & The Independent accept no liability for any error in u advertisement for which it.may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occul'ied by the error. Crecht can only be allowed fo r the first insertion. ------1 CORONA NEWPORT NEWPORT EMPLOYMENT FURNITURE 6014 PIANOS & SPEED & HOUSES/ DEL MAR 2122 BEACH 2169 BEACH 2669 BUSINESS & EMPLOYMENT 5530 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ORGANS 6059 SKI BOATS CONDOS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FINANCE ------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FI 0 r a I S 0 fa S 8 O · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii FOR SALE aBR 2BA Front HoUM LIDO ISLAND STEPS 'fO BEACH ·-------· ---------.. R .... e_alo-;;E_• ... ta ... te ____ o'll Southwest atyl• sofa Bab)/ Grand Plano N I d t d 2B $11 0, 3 mod Italian Xlnt cond In tune. wtyard, W/O hk·up, Spacious 3Br+famlly ew Y ecora • r, ---------EMPLOYMENT -·· -·-••• -h s rAo ea 494-2729 g. A II I ed frplc. No pet.a. Yearly ,_ _,,.,. _ c r ..,.. · Must aacrif1ce. $1550. gara · va mm · room, 2Ba, 2·•tory, $835/mo. 631·8208 BUSINESS 5530 ._, Wiik-i'! IOclllori: Leather sofa love seat 714-527-1854 $1850/mo. 640-7000 partially furn, frplc . .,..,.,.,,.,.,.,~=-=""""',...-~.,..,..,,,... ..,..., Ext 306 Agent $2200/mo. Avall Nov. WINTER.ON SANDI OPPORTUNITY COIT1> plwl. For lrDrY'llw & chair, unused S1400 --------- BIG OCEAN VIEW 4th. 75-49 2 gt. urn 2904 - • ...a (seats 8) w/hutch $1200. 3Br hse $1800. TherriJSI n-... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7016 6 1 A F 1Bd apts $800 & ACCOUNTING Clll Ron Taylor. rel Oak dining room set BICYCLES 6060 $2995 3Br 2Ba So. PCH NEWPORT TERRACE Incl utVcblt/gll. 633-9243 Community news pa· NclF'ft $950 obo. 894-4356 $1795 3Br 28a. 2-cat Gat 3BR 21e A. gar, no DON'T JUST DREAM per p ubllshlng co. 'P'"'""' Twin Captain'• Bed Bike• & bike parts, like £OUAL ltOllSIHG S1395 2Br 2Ba Cottage pets, $1050/mo. ---------ABOUT FINAHCIAl. seeks part tlme Staff 673-7300 2 chests, mirror, desk. now/used. Sell 1 piece ---------0""0"'uNiT• $ R B "'AS 9219 SOUTH COAST Accountant. 15 hrs/1 '::::=::==:=:!::===:=1 II 6 I 92"'A ••11~nuE SUPS 500 oom B/ , No Kitch ..,.. • FREEDOM. Do Some· 1• bkshelfs • Grey Elm / or a · 4 • .,.. "~1 Allrtal11t1t11ow111s1n11nu111 714a55e-eeeoAgt. Twnha•B•lcourt HUia. METRO 2686 thlng!Call717·7580 wk. Must know Lotus RETAI. L-~"''ES-PERSON Porcelaln trim, Exquls ---------DOCVS 7022 •1988 22ft Ski Boat• 5. 7 litre V-8 , King Cobra 0 /0 , low profile hull, Just serviced, new controller/uphol· atery. Great ski boat· fut·IOOka gr-t ..... re- ady to go. $10,500 646-9449/574-4247 uws,aplf Is w*cl lo ll1e fed· 1 ·2·3 to r Windows -~ ualfalrHoulntActt11Hlas 2 Mastr BR, 38a, 1 Ii· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Local Vending Business and/or Excel. Send re-W/exp need ed f~r condl $3,100 aell. -lldff •llldlllWtsllllltt•I COSTA MESA 2124 ~:Y.·si:~~ ~~~; 28R 1 Large BA w/lub for Sale. Be your own aume to: Accounting con temp w omens $1,900 760-1218 SPORTING GOODS to MwartlH "111y prtlerentt. Nice backyd, W/0 hk· bossl Earn big SSS. Supervisor, P.O. Box boutique In Fash Isl. --------- llmltaUon or discrimination upa, atove, clean, new Call 1-900-350-9353 1560, Costa Mou, CA Mgmt poten. Call or MERCHANDISE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6065 1B' Side Tie. wed on race, colot religion. Clean 3BR Hou•• on I••••••••• paint. $725 835-1198 Pepsl/H•r•h•r/Neatle 92628. fax resume: 640-2774. Scuba gear: tank, BC, m ,llHdlcap,lamlll.alsUIUIOI Canyon Park Sl225/ APARTMENTS SAii Cas h Business$ Caregiver CHA FT/PT, SALES MISC. 6015 ~;~P~7s00~e373.~~2~ke 55' M ax Slip, Balboa 11alinalorlgl11,oranln1tnllonto mo + dep. Vacant. FOR RENT $30,000 & up. only 6 five-In, refs, reliable, REPRESENTATIVE Pen. Sec 1-car prkn~ 1NU1ny1ucllpralettnc1,llml· 642 "5855 MISCELLANEOUS hrs/week need ed. dependable. Call Deb-Growing community Exqulalte Chin•••••••••••• Incl. On-shore facility. Water/Electric Near 36th/Ma rcus, N.B. $125/mo. 646-1264. t1lloa0tdlsctlmlnallon." CM/NB Border Clean, Limited territory avl. ble 830-4357 Lv mag newspaper group seeks R ug• Collectible, $800/mo. 723-5835 Tiiis 11npaptr will not bright, roomey, 4BR1 _________ RENTALS ~~~~~~~·ca~~ r~;n~; CNA dl1pl1y advertising repre-~a~~~~~·96:xtremely TRANSPORTATION Dock apace tor lease blowln9ly accapl 1ftJ a4wel1Jse· 2BA. Many +. grt loci BALBOA Immediate ownership. Nursing & Companions 11ntatlv1 with 1 year mini----------1 ••••••••• two 40', Beaut. arear mtnl lor 1ul """ wltlcll 11 In $1750/mo 642·5194 PENINSUIA Gro und floor op· NHded for Homecare. mum experience. Excellent Nordic Track Seg· on Balboa Pen. WaterJ wiolltl011oltll1ll-.OllrralCl111 E'SIDE house, cute 2607 ROOMS 2706 portu nlty. Call FIT. 310-438-4444 btneflt package Including uola. Amerec 010 ---------elect. 723-1470 HI ... 1111 II tll I all 1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1·800-862-3847 24hrs , but aaJvy tor the ener-Rowing Mach. 7 ft BOATS 7011 n •·r Olmt 1 1 Br 1 Ba, 1-car garage, 1•1 BR $600/ tll d 1 COOKS/EXP D gttlc sales proleaslonal fold-up pool table. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---------11nma11 Mwtltud '" tllls private yatd. $850/mo. mo u P · Large Private Suite VENQINQ RTE•New Nights. Start ASAP. that we __ __. lmmedi·ately. aues & Balls. 5 It BOSTON WHALER CAMPERS, RV'S, lll1llll'8f .. ..,....,, H • 433-9528 house to sand, aundk, NB Executive Home Machines In 21 Loca-M lta Ill ,....,,. k 0 II . /d A all 301 E argar v e Phy·•-·11d1un acrnnlng re-older des . 2 .-.o ·top O TRAGE 980 T1uin~RS 8014 ..-ll~lllall. llcem-.,,..., _ _,..._..,,..._.,.__,_..., wBalbo. v ... 1 n6~·7946 · Pool & Tennis tlona• Buy All o r Call 631·8220 . ~-EO-E• Pl 11 oak Student Deak•. 22· U . 1 £VU.WO -lldbcrimiutloll,UllHUO E'alde Secluded a •. --$095 040..0518 Part•soo-5gg.6780 qu1r..,. . ease ca 6 3-63 6 HULL BRANO NEWliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r. Townhae oft Back· FIT MANAGER, PIT Judy Oetting 11 (714) 574-7 1 175 hp JOHNSON TOl·llllll 1·1Df.424·151G. bay. 3BR 2.5BA, 2-carl·C-O-..-R_O_N_A _____ Huge Rm/Prlv B at VENDING-FANTASTIC HELP Busy frozen 4250 for lnttf\11-or tax re-PLANT SALE ACRES O.B. has 25 hrs. New 1111 WllMlll•. DC .. , llltaaa attach gat. Pool/spa phone Lovely NB Hm. NEW PROO U CT. yogurt store In NB. sume 10 (7l4) 631 -6594 Cement fountains s110. steering cabloa/con- cd HUO al 4H·l$00. $1500/mo. 642·3950 D£L MAR 2622 kltch/laun. prlv. $495 400% profits. $1200/ Great oppty. 644-2600 bird baths $20. Citrus-11018 , Dual baits. Incl utll1. 642·1341 wk potential. FREE GOURMET COOK/Lt Secretary Ught fruit-avocado (fruiting) Loran. VHF, Fish E'tlde/Npt Ht1-3Br tBR tBA Llnht & AJrv NB Own Master Suite, calll 1-S00.788-3358 housekeeping exp'd accountlng, some comp. $10. Junipers, vines, Finder. Outriggers, Bi- '84 Mldaa Trailer RV, 17' self contained, sletp 6, $2,450 GOOd COn<Jl 537·2782 CORONA DELMAR 1022 Twnhome, frple, pauo, • ·• kltch prlv. Lg Clubhse. llve out FrT Non.'. tiq>, ftuent Eng. S7-S81hr herbs $1. Ql\/l(tlg palms mini, Stern Seat R .. sngl gat. $995. 847·7S40 lrg deck, gar, $875 Avl Pool/Jacuzzi. s soo. MORTGAGES •· smkr. Newport' Beach ~ASAP. 63t~n7 a· $20. 909-674-~22 veraelble Piiot Seat. I••••••••• 1111. Open hou•• J ...... •7 .. .,. Ol F s s AUTOMOBllES •·Side Townhom• sat & Sun 1-4 429 erry .,....,_ •• area. 714-e73-3643 Secretar)l/Cuat Svc PROBATE SALE o re eat tores 48r 2•.1..aa, big yard, IA Iris 673-8078 Room For Rent T.D.'S 2918 Hand>1man-Muat b• Wordperf.Lotus /IBM Bronz e s lncludlng Porta Pottle. Dual Axl•• .. •••••••• DRASTIC ... DUCTION TII c lld OK N WI d L 1 NB Traller. $13,900 obo. I• n-. .. P ram rm, LR -1. 2· *** h · on able to do repairs for n ows. oca Mo uan 1 v table Olde OdM Con-.. ,. Large 1 BR, lovely amoker. Mutt Ilk• LOCALRESIDENT area.Call631·8835 ngo s a e ' (714)846-6340. 1---------c:at, pooVepa. tennis. view, newly refur· H•s TO BUY new homee. Please 5' bronze mermaid BUICV 9035 nectlcut charm w/lrg t1400/mo. 4334528 d 1 /0 cats. Plea•• call WIS .. fax resume: 250-9008. Stockbroker'• A• table, 6' Bllnd Justice,---------"' woodsy bac kyard. blshe •enc gar. W 631·9011 after 7pm. matured trust deeda. alatanl. Microsoft e tc. Ivory Including POWER BOATS ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hu g e Liv rm. w/ NEWPORT HEIQKTS on prem. Walk to bch. Pleue call 640-2181 Home Maller• wanted 11 beamed cath cell. Fp, 3BR houH, no ........ No pets. $925-$1100. VACATION . FT/PT. Earn cas h skill• a must. 10-20/ swords. Samurl hel· 7012 .--•533-8074 1 d wk. Sal neg. 717·5610 met, lots of furniture 48R, 2~BA. Fr drs gardner, Refs. r•q· 1..,,..-=-------1 RENTALS 2722 dally, start mme . Including antlquH , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii onto brick pa tio, wood $895/mo. 650-2258 Studio apt w/Fr doors, ME Call 1-800-759-3!585 St>1l••t/Colorlat South West curios, 38' TIARA SPORTFISH firs. Only $499,000. courtyd, walk·ln cloat. ANNOUNCE NTS LEGAL SECTY, exp 'd, Looking f()( Confid ent wall cupboards, arm-Partller wanted. N.B. 41 6 Haze l. OPBN ---------Quiet bch area. $600 Incl Npt Bch Oceanfront ••••••••• Npt Beach, appro x 20 111f-startlng. likable, olres, tables, paint· Sllp. Home 644.2000 ---------HOUSE SUN 1·5PM IRVINE 2144 utll. Sml pet ok. 673·7350 R•Hrve now for wkly/ hrs/wk flex. Good pay. talented, wllllng, lngs, vases . fish Work 754-4000 x1o2. CADILLAC (714) 494·0193 monthly winter rtntala. ---------Call Merk 644-0782 eager, honest, bowls, Louis xv deal<, '84 Leaabr• loadedl Good condl Reliable, 4 new tires. ale. p/a. $1,500 000. 786·5844 NEWPORT BEACH 1069 Fully furnished 3Br ANNOUNCEMENTS •=-=--------dependable, clean. & catVed consoles. 4· 39' Seara)/ Expreuliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii UCI CONDO COSTA MESA 2624 2Ba, gar. No amk/no 2920 PIT da>1• to watch fur-thorough, It you are b r 0 n z 8 guard I an '88, fully loaded, 600 • 7 7 S • v 111 • 2nd 2Br, fp, AC, gar, poot, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pets. Karen 434·1424. nlture repair shop In any 2 of these call angel, Grecian urn hrs, exceptional cond. owner, low ml. Wht w/ spa. tennis. $950/mo. 2BR 1BA ---------1 CM. No, knowledge of Oanlel at 650-6169 f untal girt 5• high $99,000. * 675-6l28 red lthr Inter. lmmac 9040 Laundry RENTALS TO CAR POOL WAHTED turn req d. 645-8448 South Cout Plaza. 0 n ' Agent 759-9314 hk·ups. gar, 2868 •---------bronze, 8' bronze ---------$3000. 968-7720 1..ldo Island 70 H lot ---------Hickory Place. $725 SHARE 2724 ~~~ H~~~g~~co~~ PIT RE ASST. WAITERS, Cocktail "Dolphins at Sea," ..,. BOATS, YACHTS, •·,-8-1_E_L_D_O_RAD __ O_W_h_t 6BR 5BA, 3 Ip, pool, NEWPORT (310) 431·7870 School. 642-3151 For top NB Bkr. Com· WaitrHIH, Hostess. German carved curio CHARTERS 7013 w red Interior. Good Owner 673·0968 1BR Mobil• Home puter •kills & lie pref. Apply In ~raon: Tues. cabinet, 3' settee. Condi 821< ml. $2,900. AgentaOk BEACH 2169 OUlet&Secure. Roomma te to LOST._ Ro n 760-5000ext101. Oct. 3, 12-4 w/Erlc LouisXVlpatlor tabl•,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Call 733-1047 g 3520 E. PCH, COM. 5' acreen, bronze v. to ~ share In 42' ---------Harbor Ridge By Owner iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1991 Newport Blvd. s hare 2Br 2Ba town-eagle, etc. Buy all tor Unlflyte aft cabin '90 Fleetwood 4-dr Best location & vlewl AT THE BEACH 846-83 73 ho use In Costa FOUND 2925 PfTWorkFfTPay $75,000 or part or mo t or yacht In aedan.xtntcond.Orlg Exquisite remodel 2BR•1 BA $650/mo. Mesa. Clean-cut iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EMPLOYMENT trade for boat. mo-NB.640-8624 owner. $9.200. Leave 3Br+ den, 2VIBa. 2490 Annual Rentals Lndry, pool, quiet, nr non-smoker. 2-car Found Cat-Per91an ~1.2 ~-:'. ~00 ~~~ S£RVICES 5533 1orhom1? 1240 Logan message. 640-1987 ~~.:· ;'~s9 ~5,5J~: Or Winter Furn all transportation. No attached garage , mix? Found 9/27. In· +com m. $300-SSOO/ #1. Cost a Mesa ---------1990 Wht Coup De Owner/Agt 759-7859 Large Selection pets Me-0392 private b•th, laun· Jured, needs med ical wk. Mark In 1alH. 1oam-4pm everyday SAIL BOATS 7014 VIII• Blue leathr, blue 2Bd+2 lotta .... $1976 A cheery well-deslgnd d ry, comm pool. No attn. Call 631·1030 O ffice p roduc ts .... •-• until gone. ah .. pskin covers In 312 ocn vu fum .... $1150 1Br 1Ba, serving bar. pets. $395+ YI utill-Loat KJtten "Zoe"lost 852-0247 Please be aware that ---------I 14' Laaer complete w/ front Mat. 1-owner. all .NEWPORT COAST 1070 3Bd Npt Hghta . $1826 pvt paUo, $585-$600/ tles. Eves 549-2656 9/18. 4 months old the llttlng1 In this cat· JEWELRY FURS all trim, Including svc rec. 42,300 actual Prope~ Mgmt mo. 548-9081 Tabby/S iamese w/I=::::=:~::;::::;::=::::::=:=:= egory may require you • Highlander trailer. Will ml . .xlnt cond., beat • Backba)I Eaatald• 28R 2BA Master BR w/ freckled face, orange. Palace Park to call a 900 number & ART 6025 Hparate. Xlnt condl offer over $10,000. --_...__._. blk ht. o Ink / In which there la • $1200 OBO. 723-0292 646-5732. ,. .. "'~~ 2BR , W/O hk-up, prlv BA. Bale, walk·ln ,w ne P paw need• Park Ho st· ---------+---------ALTEZZA ' -rgeat fir --o~· blk No collar charge ...,.r minute. + ESTATE SALE ... patio, yard. no pets, cloeet, parking apot. .... · · •••••. priority to ,._ • • plan w/bonue rm+3• 873·1900 1745/mo 631·7813 Pool. gym, tennis , Irvine Terrac. COM. those 18+, must be--------·• • 2.05KT Ola. Solltare ~!f.:.~g~~~:.7~8toent __,....,.....,,..,,...-....,. ____ E 'alde 2Br, 1-<:ar gar. $475+Yl ulll 445-9606 759-1558· Reward! fully avail wk-enda. EMPLOYMENT Internal~ nawlees, F 48A au 1 hM to ocn w/d hkup, sml yd, new CdM 2 BR 1aA+ofc LOST 1 B •a g I• Apply In person at WANTED 5535 Color IA Cert. val 3-car pkng, W/0 , fp, cpl 253 Cos ta MHa dbl gar, large patio, Puppv &-mo-old fem. Palace Park. 3405 S36,500 Sell $16,000 -.a-,.-'De_•_G_B ___ 1_1_2_5_, new pnt. Very nlcel St. $775. Agt 631·8097 no baok unit, W/0, fp. whVblk/brwn. 9/8, vie Michelson, Irvine. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • Antq 14K gld bag n~ Yrly 11795 723-4968 •----~----s6 7004 Cllff Or. & Riverside 559-8338 colle ctors Item· val. •'•Id• >Cira lrg aunny 50 944• Av•.. NB. REWARD.•---------Companion Helper $6,000 Sell $2,500 LAND AUCTION .................. .............. *' .... ..,..Id .• •c.Mt ........ ~ Ill. ••rcreat 38R ~Y.BA 2Br triplex. View, pvt COM share 3br/1ba 1 Call Slffl, 842-<1870 PART TIME WORK Senior Disc ount • Ola. Wadd Bnd Set Like new-remodel. P:•tlo, lndry rm. S845. block to ocean. Sffk· L t"S ,,81 P FULL TIME PAY Patricia 957.()685 $3,250. Sell $1,300 3100 aq ft., 2 muteR, f'IO peta. 646-7303 Ing r•••· rmate. N/S oa am ue ara· + Pearl & Ola. Neck· ,o'm.' 11"/dlnlng rm •al\lto Call •7_,_ .. .,,.. kfft tame, talka, vlcln· The Tim•• Orang•,,.•••••••• lace Cert. va l. 11 Combo kltch/fam. rm LOVEL y 2BO Brl~ht ....,., . " ~<il\IU tty Nwpt lal. Dawn County la looking for 1• PooVapa s-ear gar lmmae. N-pnt, n c• CDM Shr Hae near 848-8901 or 842-1574 bright, energetic ealH MERCHANDISE ~-~e!:"• 'gt,~ $3000/,,;o. Broker' ~f'iea<;ar;::~at ::~~~t NJ~~r'::f.t..~u Reward Lost women'• people to workl••••••••• D'art. Call for d•talla. Cooperation, 831.a380 · • 00 ' wallet, black Chanel, evening houra with •-t ....iu 714-722-9701 --------..-Lovelr clean E'ald• "450 mo. 97s-17 Ud 8121 No ? outafde sales team.1_________ """ ~ft, ••1rld8..0.ted. •811 ier. microwave, w/d CM-Roommate wanted aak'!J.':t.2~ Eam hour1y wages + Q'Y1C1r ~olO G 0 A a E 0 U a 2BA, pool & •P•· l'lkup, c:arprt. No pets. to ahr 2Br 2BA. ;en.roua commlaalon ANTI "'~ u MINK <:OAT Refs. 540-7551 daya I095+MC. &45-21.a Smoker OK. $387/mo. whll• qualifying forliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil **•Imported from 788-6180 eves. Call David 444-3829 our attractive t>enents ••UY1NQ IT•MS• Sweden. MlcMength. M••• Verde 2BR 2BA Iv mag PERSONALS package Including From 1~1860. 1 pc S ize 8-10. Embro~ CEMETEIY LOT/ .. ,,,,..w Terreoe 3Br w/garage In 4-pl••· · medical coverage. to entire ••tat.. Paint· dered llnlng. Like CRYPT 1225 2'ttBa hH, very clNn 1750/mo. Pam Agt N8 2br ba Park Call T ........ _...... Mewl Make Ofter. & bright. Comm PoOI. 6'4U. 880. Nwpt. SSOO ~ utll. d• om, _........... Inga, book• fuml\u,.., Nffd quick Hit ~aolflG View 2 companion cremation Plots In La Ouanlt• Ct. Ocean $2200/mo. 609-7968 ~lat $250 P"' phone PLUllaD etc. Immediate c&sh, Pie call ------...--lnu8.CH~aoll ••r S Cleanl ?"" ... A... -••""u•t • 3002 a•&&..1 ft.I.. ...,..,. now top I. 173-8223 Iv m-.......... , ... 8!! 7 .. ..._, ...... ·••d CANYON• atudlo •pt. UOOd o • , .... _.. .-~·~ rv-v • reum-.., -.. -.... ..... ..... ~- Town.home. 28d 2Ba lncJ refrlQ·•tov..ut11• N Shat• 2Br 2Ba In hiring. Muat have Zur Qeena Antique Leave m .. aage. Pool Spa 6 Tennis Reta req, 546-1571 exchange for help In AM Oar Gura~ good OMV. 84'"32911. Mall la having It's 1st 11500/mo 769-a42 •am• • UI• houM Speak to Other "'l«a POITAL 6 OOV'T JOel SALEI Oct 2·14 ····,-m-t-s-.------:1 view under beautlful • k"ptng. 831-2020 on World Famoue 121/HOVA•Bf.NUITS 1'770 O..ange Ave. CM. ._ olive trH. $1,300 ilUffe Coftie 48R W/ NIWPORT DIAL. A HUNK 800-NO EXP WIU. TRAIN lUlIM.ALS 8041 -------- S4M It all It tebt te plttt e H ••t• ., .... tl .... llH M.IH let ...... ~i.111 ..... ••ch. A a1vlnga of frplc ema11.......e a.car CB 2 •• 11 •• .,....,. 436-HUNK 2~11"*'. ............. 71"_....11-1 seoo 1.aoo.247·9839 garaiie ~-,;int. In BIA uu• &\1•.n1nlooi1 ....,... '"'0 ......... -APPIJAlfCBS 6011 beaut1iu1 oondltlont WANTBD 2728 OVER 18 I LONELY? .!:c, \Yplng , _____ &iii ADOPTUIT CAL•SCAN l17M/mo. 84Msa4 Oeatrnt 38r 1"98a, You need to '81,!C ... ~ fl~u ~ f~·a WaaherlD-r s14o Everv Sal A 8Uf\ a1 Ct,I} .a.aa.alVV\ :SOUSES/ :CONDOS ~ORUNT 2101 ~)'Mlwrlt • C'111Aad9d, ....... ........ ......... NMll youWWtl. ·Beach Area Winter Pumlihed OrYtwlr IUhdroom some OciHmront9 111I041IOQ/mo VIII• Ren .. 11 == gar 11\0V•, fr1g. Yrty eomeone who u, __ • -""· P ··-PETSMAAT, Foun-.in ......--vvv tti6olmo. IM opt 10 •••KING• Im cott.a• a1anda. Cd 1~ 90Countant. 842-3111 ea. ,.frlgtrator ''7S Valley. Pupplee, klt·Jlr:=======~=======~ t>uy. 31o-&-.U1• /back "ou•• or atudlo 1611 tllt-... S3.tt.'mln. H '""" OMe; 1fW Qoocl condl 94Ne48 t•n• and moN, ail , , w/ljard. Aeap. P8f90f\ s.rw-u l t.,..&.9434 a..tt OMoe. Medical looklnO tor lovlna, cai 18R e 1aA e from w/dog Will tbt uo/~ CUnlc (AHt 1n".1tanc. SOt• Ing hom ... CAU. 111· 1875 to 1115 a 81udlo den for reduced rent Cootdl 1ot) ~ Mii• PUl.NlTOU .. 9037 f Into at "460. Calf lroker at (und., 1400) 144Mt71 s ELL a .ie;:ln ang. ~ °' mot9 11 ..... 2-3850. lf>an. , .. rtUM '°· *'* Qli .. •nne Dewn Ne Y8M Dog muat OOI •1li iii•• COll'macw. our used vehicle 14•'*· c.11 Mt-2211 ..,. Off .... Uk• ~ R~~· .... au •7•..U~ ·-·~BSt'•t1 classlflld RSaTAUiiiiif .......... '3;900. ha Vttty "~' ltlO to ::19~~........ A ·M78 "'" Delfvety/OMh--.OOobo ., ... 1176 good home! ~not peta. No ..... No ... 1am . ....,.,, liax twe. c....._ r ~•ta. we .. 4 .... ...... •41 41M Need Mr ..... M.IW I matd*'I ohre like ieiil+1tt ._. ~ ... , ..__ ...... 1usmass oma "'·...,, .... 1...,. ""inn. 111 e11n .._ MncMa ,, ..... 11nct1. ..... _.... 1800 ... JIOl IDT 271 ........... Miio ~ , .. --. Ocl ...... . --ir:::...s. ,,.. •• a\..-.e . M1-eea .... ..,, c.ARAGESALE HINTS More~ ... ale, delBmiri! vim lllms Wih to .•. =.: ... ~·m-___ • MONDAY, OCT08E" Z 1995 CHEVROLET 9045 FORD 9075 FORD 9075 MDCIDll lllO DDCll •7e 4-L Ml ..... I ...... 8'. ..... ~''iiillllillilm•lilijl~ 1•111 •I. a tope, -~ • Ollll c¥. .., O/d, eo, oo.111! loaded, xtnt condl ..,. • ...,.,..,. new thee, '"•' 1N9k :' J::! 1f:: 111 IOO ft1..... UMP~ olHn. 9rnOgged. ~ ... 1 191 w ·•·-..... &: ' •WOaehl c.I --obOlllU. -·r ..._ ·•~ .ooit Red/Tan. 821Q. flln a\11. E4,jr0pe.n. Wll come AN8WltR8 TO W&&ltl.Y 8RJOOE QUIZ E~opeen body etyM. 'M 8 lie to youl 194-0169 • Xfnt. Condition! mL P110 JC.LT, auto, VOW\YIGIS 1235 Wa11ted Car or' 116,000 145-4811 opal, met. f.ct. waTt, iil••lli••••il Truell LltUe WOik Oki •9j 300 Ti w...,. f<ord Fnog. avall. •e7 auo v.aow w.lblk ~~:;Y ~1~9F Q. l · A. South, vuhwrabla, you hold: Q. 3 • Both vulnerable, as Soulh you hold: •AQ 10863 <;;1Vold OAQ ..i 10964 The bidding has proceeded: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST I• Pa111 3• Pass 1 Whnt do you bid now? A • Whether you play limit. or forc- ing jump r aises, you should be interested in slam. The sensible method to investigate is via cue·bid· ding, and it is normal to show your lowest.-rankang control first. There is no need to depart from I.his prac- tice. Bid four diamonds. Q. 4 -Eost· West vulnerable, as Routh you hold: FORD 9075 FORD •A '7 I l?A • 3 oVold M J 10 a '7 • 4 The blddina hu proceeded: WIST NORm EAST SOtn'lf 1117 p... p ... f What action do you take? A • There is a textbook bid for your hand -a jump to three clube. Even if you play weak jump overcalls, a balancinr jump shows a good hand with a long suJt -a most. ac:wrat.e description of your, holding. To dou· hie court.a trouble. Whlt•/parchm.m, top 1'7•500· Me-11ee Int, taotory aunrf, cond, 40M. fec1ory •• C.teoo Wht. PU good c:ond 12000 •----------' warranty. t35,800. Auto l.d'd nut.7 VO 809-fiW704 • ANTIQUES a Call 114-433-41528. nu whleTil'H, 8111 r., •1tSICS 110,000 e50-79HS •ea VW BAJA/STREET ~ 92 ••n• 19P• 2.e BUQ. le• Or•en, color.l&••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mint cond. Fully Brand New Mo\or and '91 JAGUAR XKE loaded, auto, blk, 1 VANS 8225 Clutch. EXcetlent run-Xlnt cond.118,500 owner. lmmac In & nlnO condltlonl Eye S03-8S5-7511 out. Muat •••lo •ea Dodge Caravan catcher. Mu1t H• toi---------apr.rec. Priced to L8 Ve lo ded 92k appreciate. Neade Buy It. Sell It. Find It. HI . Financing avl 1 ... ~00 a bo ' v minor lnt.,.lor tch·up. Cl•••lfled. cau Pac:inc Import• :o0d~ndl ;.1;8S::.ry sa,~ 84 ... 3401--------- 118•800· Olr 970-2929 '82 Cl\rVeler Town/ •ea POX 4 dr, new country, 40k ml. tlr", epec:lal whit, Al 110,800 Xlnt c:ondl C, am/fm, ca11, $3000 MERCURY 9135 Q. 5 · ~ S.uth, vulnerable, you hold: M K J 6 l?A 8 8 07 2 •A K IO s liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Your right-hnnd opponent. opens •et CAPRI Convert 548-3807 before 8pm. OBO. 83<>-4541 •93 Merburv VIUager '80 .1•TTA GL 1 ownr, La dual a/c, dk grn, under watr, lo ml. loaded, Xlnt condl auto, blk, $8800. No matter what you'r.e doing, your hometown newspaper the bidding with one heart. What New top, 5-1pd, 1 onr, Ill<• new, white. AC, action do you take? pwr wnlSa/ateerg, am/ fm caH, alloy whla. A • Nothing is particularly appeal-$6,400/obo. 644-5370 ing. Tty not to overcall one no trump with a aingle stopper in the opponents' suit and a at.rong four· card major. However , a takeout double runs loo great a risk of end- ing in diamonds at an uncomfort- able level. While by no means per· feet. we think the least or evils is to oven:all one spade on the four-card suit. Q. 6 • As South, vulnernble, you hold: NISSAN 9150 •••••• '91 Maxtma 81! White, Fully loaded, AU Power, AC, Sun- roof, Stereo/Case. Tinted Wlndowa. 96K Mii... $10,800 obo. Call Tracy 714-361· 2123. •AJ 5 1?K983 08 MQ876 PEUGEOT 9160 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 10 PaH 2• Pau 3• Pus 1 What do you bid now? A -Mnny would bid Lhree no trump, but that is our second choice. There's no reason why part· ncr, on this auction, cannot have four hearts -North's d1stribut1on could be 1·4-5-3, or 1-4-4-4. Our vote goes to three heflrt.~: 1l cannot cost to pattern out the hand in search of a possible slam. '87 505 4dr, Sspd, P/ W, runs xlntl very clean. $1,500 080. Call 454-0460 PONTIAC 9170 '85 Or•nd AM Great condl $4200 OBO. low mllet, must selll Call 897-5357 PORSCHE 9175 $15,900. 1551-SM03 Qreat condl 23&-0989 Thinking of having a '90 .letta QLI 6apd, garage sale? A/C, AM/FM c:aH w/ Gtv. us • Calli CD chang.,. 1nrf, c:ust CLASSIFIED whl9. seeoo oao. Xlnt 842-8878 c:ondl 962·2934 TM PJ!li.rllot fits In. ·-··------·----------------• • : 0 YIS,SILL MY CAlt • • I Run your ad in 12 '82 3588 comp. re-the Newport Beach . ,....... ~ 9075 LINCOLN 9 0 built eng. needs some Costa Mesa Daily liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cosmetics, has low p I nd the '89 Muat•nu contv 4 '94 Muat•ng QT '77 M•rk 8-Qlv ED bar 110,000. 248-7165 iota c:yl, am/fm cd, auto, Red, w/blk Int, 85k ml. moonroof, all pwr. Huntingfon Beach 76k ml. ale. $4995 loaded, Grt condl good c:ondl $2,000.1----------,,-lley obo. 543.91s1 se.soo. 310 2a1-7696 cau. 248·7165 TOYOTA 92l0 Fountain Vo '89 V9 T·Blrd LX --------------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Independent to loadod. 7ok ml. new HONDA 9085 MERCEDES 9130 '77 Celle• OT t1ftbk, reach over 100,000 1hock1, tunned, d• tailed 55500 631-4709 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5spd, dependable! homes. Fax us this ~ • C.-. Card O MC OVISA D AM X • • • bt>-- "'-llo CW.Y l'lOl '80 Civic SI 2 dr '77 450 SL Parent Tags 9-96. runs good! 92 Corv, Conv. wht '83 T·Blrd Va, Brown, '88 Thunderbird V8 '90 Thunderbird LX hatchbk, wht, nu eng. looking for that ape-5875 firm. 631·7149 form with your credit Ld'd chp, lg, rk CD full pwr. Runs good! Whl, fully loaded, Blk, lull power, nu headers, custom whls, clal car for your child? d I 330 W .... -. C.. "-.CA n&27 "'"~Q.MJ((114'431....,.., ,,._,...o+I ,.._ "'"'* ,..,,.._. ..... Wrnty s2a.sK Biii s1 ,100 oso. 894-0389 auto, am/tm casa, xlnt tires. S7,900 OBO. a/ rl c E 1 c 1 A d ---------car #or moi it in Call 363 1383 c, an , $2750. ashl xce tent ond e . TIUUMPH 9215 th h k * __ < ... 1_1_4;...) _65_0._19_1_s __ 1 •86 Tempo GL 2.dr s-condl $2750 obo. 759-1 ___ • --------Immaculate c:ondl 721-1339 wi a c ec I spd, PS, PB, cass. Lo 1_9_1_9_9_. M_us_t_s_e_11_1 __ '92 Tempo QL 4dr, 238-9270. Fin Avl. Run Lr 0 week! I t /b I a/ _,..,,,,.,,....,,..----,,.......,,.,,.--,--Classified Is..... TQ ml. Runs & looks xlnt. '87 T·Blrd Full power, au o, P • P s, c:. •94 Accord LX mint CONVENIENT '80 Spitfire canary doe $1700. Call 641·2081 V6, well malntaJned. pd1 1• like nu tires, 301< c:ondl shwrm mdl, 10 whether you're buy-yellow, blk trim, Web-your COr Snot Thinking of having a Must sell. S3n5 obo. m 't gr9e3at condl 56350· trick to llsll $15,000 Ing, selling, or Just ber carb/headera. sell we'll "'n 1•t ? 714-549·7526 Ca I 6 •2988 OBO. 362·1708 I kl cl sill d h '" On the move? .... ---------O•C:-o-.,_ a .... ..., aM a--a.._,,._ a--o -o.....,c.... o·-o-..-.. o_.,. Ot-0--0--0 #-O C.-a.-1 o ...... -0--oc-0 0---0~-a...,..., a--- • SI 0 /or ' ha. $ 1.00 eodo odtliltonol h : ···-··---.. --·-.... --------.. Sell your extra household items in Classified garage sate oo ng, as e a1 cu11m eng. very fast! for the k Give us a caUJ Wh_QJ'1•LY1Ufr_e bu,yjng To place an ad In JLFlnd IL what you needl 4apd/overdrv. One of Ono r wee CLASSIFIED or selling, Classified Cac11'!!'2~5~d7_8_. -1..--l:uJljUC.L.l..:a .... Lll.m.d. CLA1S1Snrta7 a Kindl $2695 cash! FREEi All for $1 o· '~-... 842·5878 covers all your needs! , _______ v ___ ---------___ 8_4_2_·5_6_7_e __ ._2_38-_9_2_1_0_. _Fl_n_A_vt_. __ '"-------------.=;.;;;;a.=:.:: ___ ~_--:;....---" HAUUNG 3720 LOCRS/KEYS PAINTING 3858 PERSONAL ROOFING 3910 SERVICE DIRECTORY CHILD CARE 3536 CONCRETE & MASONRY DRYWALL 3557 SERVICE GENERAL 3584 SERVICES 3680 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REPAIRS 3818 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SERVICE 3 86 7 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REROOFS & REPAIRS High Ouallty•Low $$ Uc'd•Bonded•Fully lns·d Local Rers. 997-0038 SPACE AVAILABLE For Advertisers. Ask About Our: Introductory Offer! * Best Price/Quality Landsca.pt, brick, alone Coocttlt. 800.715-1007 JUNK To The OUM P liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •W. P. YOUNGQUIST iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .,.SMALL JOB EXPERT SERVICE DIRECTORY (714-998·1882) SPACE AVAILABLE Painting Contracto~ Pereonal Aaalatanoe OrywalVAcousUc Repair All 3 Newspape<s: $144 Wlll haul what Trash For Adver11aere , Oual. painting by prol I• for lh• busy _prof'I & /Hanglng/Taplng/Ttxlure 4-Llnei • 4·Weeks Man won'll 968-1882 Aak About Our: Uc#602098. Ins. the elderly. Exp/rel1. 1-800-404-ROOF AUTO REPAIR/ SERVICES 3447 To Place Your Ad Call Gina Bucci 714-574-4249 Comm/Ret 551·5573 Clrc 100.000 HomeS/Bus 1_________ lntroduoto~ Ofterl Fl'ff tst. &45-3305 M1. Jack1on 855-6330 + CEM£NT WORK• I--------Dellvared w/lA Tlmes-OC HOME CARE/ To Place Your Ad 21rrs Quauty Painting _S_P_Rl_"'_TVT_ 11:!-R-S-3-9-2-1 PLAIN/STAMPED ELECTRICAL 3610 •Newport Beach Call Gina Bucci PLUS touc:hupe. a~ Brlc:k/Stonemie/Bloc:I< COM & Costa Mesa SERVICES 3760 714-574-4240 24 Hre. Richard Sinor Pl.ANO le VOCAL YOAUURTOKMEYOBTILOE LLOIFNE?Q CLEANING REPAIRS/COATINGS • Huntington Beach Uc: 280644 545-3209 LESSONS 3868 SPRINKL~R REPAIR Scheduled lub'lcatlon, SERVICES L541656 831-4310 ~1 El•ctrlc•I work FV & Sunset Beach LIC'D BEAUTICIAN u11M'11GE 3830 QUALITY CARE Valves•Heads•Tlm• 35481_________ Duncan Electric • Saddlebacl< Valley 1 com• to you. Home;1_,iii.,~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 20Yrs Exp. Excellent PIANO e.g .• Advanc:ed clocks. 25Yrs L6cal Exp. fl"ers, and spaik plug iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Brick. Block, Stone, Tile Quick ReaponH MV, Laguna. El Toro hospital. Full HNlce.11 workmanship. Fair All agH ·Teacher cert. John 548-7885 change: 1 Mobile Service. A TOUCH OF CLASS Cone, Patio, Driveway Local Uc. 650·7042 Pl•••• Call Gina Sr. discount. 434--0208 Don't You D•••rv• A prices. 545-2417 Ron Entertainment Avail. 2.Reasonablt Ratti Cleanlng. Res/Comm Fplc, BBOs. Ref. 20 Yr 7 14·574 .... 2 4 9 1Hr Vao•tlon From CHUNG'S PAINTING Jennifer 64().8669 TRANSIATO'DI 3.N1xt Scheduled Maiot Uc/Bonded. Freo Est. Exp. Terry 557.75941.ELD--E-RL_Y_____ Reaponalble, highly Stress & Amlf•tvf &V Recorded and duplicate Teresa 282-7143 ---------educated, Immaculately Therapeutic Maatage 20 Yrs Exp. Qd Price! TUTOR 3927 card left lor owner. r11'D11:! 3611 HANDY MAN 3710 clean couple withing Stephen Lee, CMT Guat worl<. Fr" Eat. PET Ed Barrett 548·3371 Chrl1 Squffgle Clean CONTRACTORS ~ 10 houHllt. 960-8757 71 .... 67·7222 Uc#375602 1538-1534 3870 L•a•N SPANISH NOW' Spec:lallzlng: Window 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii p f SERVICES 5""0 • cleaning; Carpet & GENERAL 3558 llAFFOADABLIE CARI! Carp'try, roof'g, plbg Headaches, back pain. l!meraJd • ntlng Exp'd S.A. Tutor. Also CARPENTRY 3510 Preuur1 wash 490-3825 14100-830.0073 painting. remodel IANDSCAPE & Maaa•e• therapy In Int/Ext wallpaper/lit• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tran1lator-lnterpreter. 594.124Hr Uve·ln EI• c ff 11 e /S tu cco. Or'a office. StO di•-Come.Ut1v1 rataa. 10 yrs Peraonallzed P•t Car• suaan• 073.7409 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •BOSS HOUSECLEANING Remod•l•/N•w Con-Concr111 decks/Repairs IAWN CARE 3808 count. Dawn 843-9053 exp..Free est 751·2039 Kennel alternative. No1--------- Rtpalrs, Remod. Oool•, wlfl. ~;g~~e~~~ohn:u~~ atructlon Tenant Al,!8HT,?:~~~~~~~ MORGAN, Uc'd 65o-3261 H.Q. Painting Cu1tom •1 tr••R• f~r .w0:7'!·71~· TILE 3928 dowa, cat>111e1t, stucco & dry· 714-548•0308 Improvement. Handy· •CARPENTER Paint, B•alo Y•rd M•lnt. lnt/Ex1, t•xture, wall· ne. • a. v or .,.. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil wall, ftncH. gates. etc. Uc. man ave avl. 574-0827 1---------1 Drywall, Stucco, wood Lawn we, Clnupa, MOVING 3834 paper. Free eat. 714· Cl!,RAMIC • MARBL• 35yr• ••P Jerry 842·0587 CIHnlng Move In-Out CPI BUILDERS INC, FENCES Fence, Sub Floore. Sr. Tr•• Trimming/a Lt 897-3985 Pgr 302-8420 PLUMBING 38go GRANITE Install & A to Z HANDYMAN 2ovra Exp. Rel'•· Rell· Realdentlal Con1t. & DEtKS 3615 Disc! John 636-8235 H•ulln 979-e 4 s lpllt Second Moving lk•'• Cu11om Painting Fab. Clean·up, Llo.'d INSTAUJREFACE CABINETS able. Weekly or Bl/wk uc.#516424•1nsured 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Carpentrv•Electrlcal TREii . Professional Moveral Prof, Clean, Quality TH• LOC"' PLUM&I!• Rea1. S 892-5933 t<ltchens, baths, doors, Call Pln•*845•9889 (714) 805-4993 1• EN I! Plumblng•Orywall* 24Hr S.rv. 7-0aya Wk. Work. Int/Ext & Doct<1, -. " Q •ITll R Windows. Doug S<t&-7258 HOUSECLEAHINQ •F C S GATES• Stuc:co•Palntlng*Tlle Topped/ftemove. U•ns, Sr Ol1c/FrH Eat. lna'd L#7~ 131 ... \0 • WSllftamlnc:e81ngert1n .. 7Co. rou.,' • eetoraUon 15 yr1 exp Good Ref MW/Npelr/PCNt replaced •••.-iup flt-M'N T·178452 540-8981 JU • p 1. .... Regrout•R•c•ulk HIRE A CARPENT'ER · · Redwood • Ltll576605 Rooflng•Jim 64l·741M a..wn Servi~. Mow/ •P ... r# 34&-MSO• NG LI! •Int n111 Friendly Service Repair.Clean & Seal Remodel-Gen. Repairs ~ne ."•?,,14 f~ 5 a~Y.; DECK Jim Whyte 542·7206 HANDYMAN Painting, •dge/aod/eprlnkler•/ • Elct/lnl New conet. Lowest Llll47CSOOO 676-9304 ~ lstll'ftal• l40-73ot Fi re-Water Damage COATING 3570 •Wood Fenc .. * Elect•Plumb•Carpl'y c:ln"'P· AJ IHS0.2718 PUBLIC NOTICE ssl ... Ol*f'71 ~9Hdl 8t9tr2"',!1010K Expert Drain Cleaning Regroul Systemsll538035 Elect, Plumb, & Paint •WINDOW CLEANINGt , ............ ,, .............. h••...,. T11e•Marble. 25YrseA1ls IV• mag or call after 5 The Calif. Publlo Utlll-r6271 t. "" &. Plumbing .. pair 846-2342/227·8122 FREE ESTIMATES ,.._, .. .._, ·-·-'ll Jerry Bell 775-e380 a•1 ·--rlc·-I -wncare tlH Commlealon RE· PACll'IC PAINTING n• • TUTOltING 297·8081 Oavld A.llled Waterproofing Inc:. ntlmaltl. Low pricff.. Uc'd -_.,.. -· -QUIRES that all u .. d ·~~ work 2a'!'!:~. s•teicvp• .• ~!L. w2~8rk ---------1-_,..,...,..........,,.--..---BalconlH•Stalra•Elc. AdVlnlaQtConllr. 974-6301 H•ndyman•Aellable Malnl•Soddlngelrrlgal -~-• liiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiii CERAMIC •WINDOW Cleanln• Balow Grad• Coallng11 _________ 1 Reaaonable•Sklll•d lon•Cln-upa•Tr••Trlm houaehold good• @ , .... pric:el, L 884378 Preol•• Plumbing SAT ••Miners Excel 3528 •Carpel Cleaning• L#709G97 H2·3008 fLOOD INSTii" y Fr .. EaUPleaae Call Quality Work 7&o-T173 mp ouvc•ra,._prTlnl thbelr Fr .. E•t. 7a2-7881S Repair• .. Remodel• w/P•t O'Dowd Teal TILES •Screen Repair•• ft nw. Dave 345-3452 a, 1 , _..,. • • · ...,.. num •r; PAINT a R•PAlftS P:rM Est.lma\H prep con11t. 5 Miga In &iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil FrH Eat1•729-7079 UPADtS 3620 Ho ft ...... ,,...4 1 "" oene ...... acpng llmoa and chauff•vr• •Ex1eriota L#N7388 H .. 1080 ll'lllne 1195. 873-2360 Galey Shower• Rep'd DOORS 3580 ene ·-~•mod• • Irrigation, Trimming print their T.C.P. num-'lt\couatlc Remv/ln•t.il A .. CO.la M• ewport & Removal•, Clean-bar In all adv~• •W-.. R--'"• 1 ...... _..._ _______ 1--------- egroullng lnstall'n COMPUTERS 355• •QUALITY WORK• 25 Years Exp upa & M alnt, St. Uc. menta ".t:,.u have a .,.,.. ._. p•Qp• WAU Ll870l30 Dian of Tile u Hardwd/VlnyVCeram'-Jim 831·A480 .............. 2., e•""-•109 · Qualtty.Warranuea a\ QRTY e13-eoes 846-8!52& An •JCIHH'l•noed "" ............ .. ....,.... quaation "'-i. Uc1Heee211Bon.&tna. COVERINGS or SPAC• AVAJLABU dependable door Mrbla/Carp•t·Bod/lne Home ft••tor•tlon • LllM!eo_. Ra~llnl gallty of• movar, llmo •••MT• lltoNtet MGM:NT 3898 Tfl• QI••• Block• Por Adver1ltt•ra. hanger. auar wQfl<, L708279 722·7332 Remodellng. Tiie, Y•d lune up/lnalnleewce, or ~.~~•"1o'~4!.~fa_ca11: IWAIOW .-;;;e; iLllftt. ~ Around eon.1·n Wopl Aak About Our: ~.Don 6.21-8910 drywall, woodwork, landacape/arUstlo det!Qn. ,.....,. vu-, • .lllH CuetoM W•hpapel' Od Rere. Reasonable. lntroduoto ... OfterJ Can't Htm to fenc:H, dec:k.I, room Contr•ctorlC27~oOe. Commlaak>n alllllno4f\IJEJll 'H°"'t/API Property M.,,.gement &trlppln9/PalntJne L#B582887 630-1281 To Place Your Ad 1-----------t •-_,1th addition•, roo11, gen Pron & Ethical. 145-?005 ?14'6A-4181 QU9llty Job, ,,... ••t. Harbot At ... fconomlcal No lob too amelll Call Olna Bucci DIYWAU ge ... .. OH repair•. Comm/RH. DiMrnanii·· Moving L1'88 .. 07 ·~...... 847.a~T• (Pgr) 0.,.. Oft W/9d. e1i.1en ' 71 ,..57.._..249 SUVICE 3584 repair fob• Ref•/Fr.. E•tlmatH. L.ocal/Ortlo•/Storao• -::i•~•;itonll,r'iCRWJmmr;wjly"'-~--=:!:~!.:!~!!!!.-1----------__,c~.-... -,p-u-,-.-,"!la~.-.o ...... h-1 around the houtt7 .lohn, e47.9eao UMOUSINE t..ong o.et. ,,,... Eat. INT/RXT. Vef'i oom· Can't '"m to for •tfectlv• leamlng I.el the Semi AaUted C<>'\tractor. SERVICES 3814 T*181832 t7•~1 t4 patltN•. Uo 1841·228. •PAM'S AO•NCV-All •PP• 6 aottware ltan•T• .... T•Xlur• CIM•lfled Rpra. lmprvmnt•, amt PINN JQ 71 .... ao-eoee get 10 all thoat W•havanann1... Mark e7o.7a4• ACOlietlo C•lllng1 Job•. Quallly, lnt•orlty, 8PAC•AVAILML• ......... r•Ptll'lobt .id•tlV comp!lnlona & Int/bl Painting. ''" let'Vlo• l car•. Ken e..2-1110 '•r AdvertlMf•· OvtrstocktCI \With around the hOUN? l'laff"pere. 142.e110 TRADE !80 Kevin 873-M20. Directory Thlnk4nQ of h•v\ng a Aak About Our: atuft? Le\ tht ClaUlllM MOM•• DAY• CAR• JMVtc• PRO help VO\I find &.,agtf .... , lntroduet•~ Oft•rl '*"e .... WV way I A call to letvlee °"" .. " ~z~~tla.!d~0C,:~~~ln:~ tlrOUQh Classified fti~-==~• f~~~ .... htt71P· c'ru~~~;i T~;l~~:':J'::c~ :.:::: ~ _?....~ ~pa ftnd .'~pr.-lcft;;,;,;;,;_..;.,C_M_9_7t_·_7't_1_t •• ___ M_2_.a_8_7_1_"""'!',.._L_(1_44_00 ... -o:_30..;,_e_ae-e __ ._7_81 _______ __.__ Ma ... 78 71447~a... .... ... ,.. ~=!.!!! ~ M!P. 3929 3932 ------