HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-23 - Orange Coast PilotSERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COM-MUNmEs SINCE 1907 TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1999 Developer unv~ils new Horile Ranch plan l • • • Segers.trom proposes low-rise office and retail b\lildings on 86 acres in Costa Mesa where it once sought a 32-story tower. EusE G1m ~Pio! $t Illilµ.on in sales and property taxes, ivould require a general plan amend- ment. · . A better prqject? Do you think the latest pro- posal for the Segerstrom's Home Ranch is an improve- ment over its 1986 version? Call our Readers Hotline at I Fairview Road, Freeman said. The Orange County Thansportation Authonty has proposed improvements to the San Diego Freeway that would allow for such an addition, although Segerstrom would still need to secure state and federal ·approvals for the offramp. and the Segerstrorns challenged th~ ref- erendums in court as well. Former Mayor Sandy Genis was one of the founding members of Residents for Responsible Growth, the group that headed the opposition to the pro1ect. COSTA MESA -C.J . Segerstrom & Sons is proposing a/radically different" Home Ranch development at the 86-acre site that became the center in a storm of controversy a decade ergo, when the com- pany proposer! constructing a 32-story "It's completely different,• sai,d Paul Freeman, director of community and gov- ernment relations for Segerstrom. "Ten years ago we were talking about a 32- story building. Basically it was a high-rise project. Tb.is is not. This also has a retail component that the other project did not. "Basically this is compatible with everything around it. unlike the prior project. There won't be a single building where the number of stories is double digit. tt (949) 642-6086 or e-mail us at dai- lypilotOearthlink.net. Give your hometown and phone number (for verification purposes only} and spell your full name. In 1986, Segerstrom & Sons proposed building what would have been the tallest high-rise in Orange County at the time on the Segerstrorns' original home- stead. The land sits roughly between the San Diego Freeway, Fairview Road, Har- bor Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue. It is the largest undeveloped parcel owned by the Segerstroms and rem~g in Costa Mesa, Freeman said. "It wasn't to keep it c:\S open space,• said Gems, explaining the opposition to the project. "It's not like that has super- duper floras or wetlands. It was the inten- sity of the development: People were really concerned about the traffic." Residents also feared a 32-story build- uig would set a precedent for other high- rise developments in the area, . Genis said. • office building on the land. . Tb.is pldn features only low-rise office buildings -none exceeding nine stories -and includes a freeway offramp to ease traffic. But the project, which the Segerstrom company said could generate Since plans are still in conceptual stages and would be contingent upon the type of project the city approves, actual square footage and costs have not been determined, Freeman said. Segerstrom & Sons also is proposing to build a new Susan Street offramp from the San Diego Freeway at its own expense, which will enhance the project and ease traffic on Harbor Boulevard and Residents adamantly opposed the high-rise and turned down two referen- dums for scaled-down projects in 1988. The project also was challenged in court, "J thirl.k we've got a proposal that's far less controversial, if it's controversial at all,· said David Wilson, also of Seger- SEE DEVELOP PAGE 5 Statue ready~ relocate • 'Nakayoshi,' Newport's sister-city emblem behind City Hall, will be moved to the Central Library. JCNIFf:.ll RAGLAND IOly Pb NEWPORT BEACH -A · minor controversy regarding relocation of the Okazaki frie nd- ship statue died quietly Monday :tight when the City Council vot- ed unanimously to move it from behind City Hall to the Central Library. The sculpture, named "Nakayoshi," was given to New- port Beach by its sister city, Okazaki, Japan, in 1984. As part of the 15t.h anniversary celebration of the relationship, the Newport Beach Sister Cities Association wanted to relocate the granite statue to a more visi- ble and honored location. They decided on a grove of pine trees ·next to the library's front door. Council members voted 6-0, with Councilwoman Norma Glover absent, to approve the move with no discussion. About 15 members of the asso- ciation sat in the audience, ready to support the relocation. • J guess our lobbying has worked,• said Karen Evarts, pres: ident of the association, after the vote. Balboa resident Tom Hyans protested the move at the coun- cil's last meeting, but did not attend Monday night's meeting. Councilman Tod Ridgeway, who initially said he wanted the sculpture to stay on the peninsu- la, decided not to open the wound and supported the reloca- tion to the Central Library. In other action, council mem • bers gave their blessing to plans for the Botiita Canyon •banana belt" park, culminating a year- long planning process by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The park, which could open by the end of next year, will have three baseball fields, three soccer SEE STATUE PAGE 4 . INDEX QASSIRED ............... ~ ..... ~ ............ 9 LOCM. Vt)f(ES ............ , ........... -••.• 2 PCJlJa FllE'S ........ --. .......................... 2 SPORTS -.................. -... """" ........ 6 &It .. *"" ---"-· . .,,. .... S.,.2 READING WITH THE FISHES KIM HAGGERTY m~ I DAILY ""OT A student rea~ ln the hallway of Beek Hall at Newport Harbor High School tn front of an underwater mural that was painted by artist Michael Brindley ln 1994 as a gift from the senior class. Comcast, MediaOne plan to merge • Newport Beach and Costa Mesa will have same cable carrier, according to reports. JRNlHR RAGIANI> ~Pb NEWPORT-MESA -A merger between Philadelphia-based Comcast and Denver-based MediaOne means Newport Beach and Costa Mesa will be served by the same cable rompany. The 5'9 billlon deal, in which Com· cast will buy MediaOne's stock, was announced Monday. The merger is the sccond·blggest in the cable Industry end will cteate one of the nation's llll'.9 t cable TV o~rators, aC<X>rdang to a story by CNN wire ervices. Together, they will serve l 1 million customers. Dave Kiff, Newport Beach assistant to the city manager, said city officials are still investigating whether the merger will aff cct the city's franchise agreement With ~omcast, whtdl expires in 2002. However, based on a preliminary r view, he said it probably would not. .- Kiff a.id the merg r "1 1 unlikely to affect rates paid by N wport Beach cu!ttomer , but rtttefi could go up at the end of March because of dereg\llation. Comcast offldal1 could not be readled Mon<tay. Del Heintz, gen ral m&nag r of MediaOne in Costa Mesa, said •1t•5 still too e8rty to toll" exactly. what kind Of eftect thll Will have on C01ta Meee subscribers. But be said the merger· will be a "good marriage• and it prob- ably should not result m any layoffs. •The bottom line is the company is going to be stronger than it was as two separate companies," Heintz said. "I think you can look forward to former MediaOne customer.; seeing better customer service, and I th1nk Comcast C'UStomers can look forward to seeing· better customer service as well. beea\1$0 together we·re going to oo stronger." · That would bo good news to rtil· dents m the areas IOiVed by Comcast -W t Newport, Balboa ·~. Ne'1Y}l0rt 1 lelghts and Upper N9~rt Bay -who have long c:omplalDed ahout tht! quu ty of lh cable compe.· ny's ivioo Supervisors might change El Toro course • Board Chainnan Chuck Smith proposes plan that would shift more passengers to new airport, easing load at John Wayne. Jl:...,IH R RAGLMU ~Plit NEWPORT BEACH -County supeMSors will con- sider switching next week to an airport plan that would cause future use of the proposed El Toro Al.rport to increase by 15% and use at John Wayne Airport to shrink by almost half Board Chairman Chuck Snuth announced f\.1onday his llltent to place the matter on the board's March 30 agenda. Under his proposdl, Plan C -calling for 24 rrullion passengers per year at El Toro and 10.1 million at John Wayne, with a high-speed people mover linkmg the two -would be replaced as the preferred project by Plan B, which puts 28.8 million passengers each year at El Toro and 5.4 million at John Wayne by 2020. The biggest difference between them is that Plan C assumes two airports workmg together as one with SEE AIRPORT PAGE 5 Barbot to seek budgetary belp • Superintendent says putting together a subcommittee may help prevent deficits. Oliy Pio! NEWPORT-MESA -To prevent future budget deficits like the $4.8 rrullion shortfalls thclt hdve needled the district the last two years, Superintendent Robert Barbot will ask school bodrd members tonight to create an oversight committee to keep an eye on the books. ·we believe we can assure no dehots m the future." Barbot said. 1\vo weeks ago, school otfiClals mformed board mem- bers that the distnct predicts a $4.6 million shortfall this year, forcing Newport-Mesa urufied to deplete it!. gener- al fund reserves below the state-recommended 3"10 Many board members said they were surpnsed at the news, even as district officials stressed the shortfall is the result of uruque, one-time expenditures this ·year, such as $1 .6 million the chstrlct spent on d ebt restructunng SEE BUDGET PAGE 5 M1UENNIUM MOMENT Popular Newport councilman was top teacher, citizen r:ormer Newport Be~ch Councilman Phil Mau- rer is regarded as one of the mo.c;t popular people ever to serve on th Caty Council. Maurer ttnd hl<: wile, Pat. have lived on Balboa I land sm' • 1954. A teach r Ul the Nowport-M school district for 33 years. Maur r was the district' Teacher of th Year in 1975 and th Chamber of Commerce' Citizen of ~e Vear ln 1972. H w ele<-:tcd to the coundl in 1980 and re·e.lected iii l9M abd MtVed as mayor 1n 1985 and 1986 Plall ...__ He dteei the dredging and daenup 01 Upper Ne~ Bey among the most r wording aC't"OmpUshmenbl dunng his tenure. . . . 2 Tu.day, Morch 23, 1999 J MAILlll Smokfug isn't just unhealthy; it's messy Now that .rlioking has made a comeback, the general smoking public must be educated as to the proper disposal of dgarettes. Every car has an ashtray. Why don't people use them? Do smok- ers know where their ogarette butts end up? I suppose they don't. The butts you toss out of your car wmdow or stamp out on the ground before you enter no- smok.ing establishments end up jn our ocean. Living so close to the. ocean comes with responsi- bility. Your butts eventually end up as pollution 111 the Pacific Ocean. Whtle many people are responsible smokers. the number of people trashing our land with cigarette butts seems to be increasing. If smokers want to risk various forms of cancer, that is their personal choice. Educat- ing smokers to properly dispose of their cigarettes will benefit everyone. 1n fact, general litter- ing seems to be increasing in our area, which is a crime. BARRY SAMUELS Corona del Mar Parent input good, but give board final say The Newport-Mesa school board has stated it wants parental mvolvement in deciding the fate of students. It is clear that the board has taken a divide-and-do-nothing attitude districtwide. In analyzing New- port-Mesa's needs in a four-zone system, the board has effectively divided the cornm~to squabbling factions. The needs of the whole dis- trict should be assessed by the board, and the board should make realignment decisions: This action would take fortitude and courage on the part of the elected officials. However, it is far easier to let each zone, and then each school m each zone, deode its own fate. That action gives the appearance that the board is concerned about the peasants but in fact allows them to stonewall any mearungful decisions. Our district is in a sorry state. We have overcrowded facilities and others that are underutilized. We have buildings falling apart and new ones being built. T~st scores are -well, enough said. . live limited lives because of huff· ing. SCOTTTUWS Costa Mesa Goverrunentleaders don't know everything As a part owner of a local orgaruzation, 1 want our sso~plus employees to be the best they can be. The competition is tough. Our customers have many alter- natives to choose from. No matter how good employ- ees are when they are hired, they are almost always better when they return from training cow-Sesandseminars. You can see it in their skills, effioency and enthusiasm for their JOb. Our governing board also benefits from training and semi- nars ("Council adds $5,000 to its travel fund," Feb. 17; Readers Respond, •Council members should pay their own education.• Feb. 20; Editorial, •Has Somers changed from penny pincher to spendthrift?" Feb. 23; Rebuttal, ~Figures must be right before debating travel expenses,· March 2)). Since the board influences the rest of the organization, we get a lot of leverage from improving the skills of board members. Because of the importance that policy has on long-term eff ec- tiveness, I would not want to invest in a $74 million organiza- tion whose policy-making skills were not continually updated. The organization I am refer- ring to is the city of Costa Mesa. As a citizen arid 'taxpayer, I am a stakeholder of the city, and I want it to remain a good city. I want businesses to stay here and not look elsewhere. I want my neighbors to stay here and make the city even better. So I enthl!Siastically support an increase in the council's cud- gel for education and workshops. If council members are willing to put in the time· and effort to improve their effectiveness, I think the money should be there for them. We citizens don'tneed to worry about its being wasted. We'll get it back a hundredfold. It's a good investment. TOM EGAN Costa Mesa Trinity Broadcasting doesn't need a sign local voices GAINS ANOTHER CHANCE AT UFE Last year, Drew McCra.ry was fighting for his life. Now he's training to be a lileguard. "This is a really big deal for me," says the 17-year-old Drew, who missed tryouts last year because he was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. •1 got another chance at life.• A THEATER CONTRIBUTION The Balboa Performing Arts Theatre Foun- dation won't have to raise quite as much money to restore the beloved Balboa The- ater, Uulnks to Costa Mesa-based Birtcher Construction Services. The company bas agreed to hand.le project manag~ment - free of charge. #'Jlle foundation would only be paying for the sticks and stones," said Bill Wren, a foundation board member. •1 never anticipated anything so great.• LONG ARM OF THE LAW The law arm of the law reached across the Atlantic to Italy to bring Jeffrey Wayne Minor to justice. Minor left the country to avoid prosecution for various alleged alco- hol-related oflenses, including c;harges that he dragged a NeWport Beach pOlice officer with his car after she .stopPed him at Fash- ion Island. •tt looks like his European vaca- tion ended early," said Orange County DON LEACH I OAILV Pl.OT Karen Evarts wants to relOcate the •NakayOlhl• ltabie, which ts behind Newport Beach City Hall, to a more visi- ble place like Central Ubrary. Deputy District Attorney Mark Geller. LOSSES A NOMCMWENDLY DEBATE ~wouldn't be the word to describe a debate ~wned by a proposal to move •NaUyOlhi. •the friendship statue-a gift ~Beach from its sister city, <*ui1d. J~ -from itl spot behind Qty Hall to the Central Ubrary. •A decision was made in 1934 to place it behind City Hall, REBU T TAL Doily Pilot and the Sister City A.Ssodation ha.I beeh embamlssed about it ever since," said Karen Evarts, the association's president. •it's not a visible and honored location." But some residents, including Central Bal- boa Homeowners Association president Tom Hyans, say it belongs right where it is. "Please don't remove this bU Of cla.sa and culture from the pentnsula," he told the Qty Council. SKATE PARK Pl.ANS NOT SKAllNG West Newport residents migbf like the idea of having a place where tbe dty's skate· board enthusiasts can practice their half. pipes, but not too many want to live near it. Noise, crime and parking top~ the list of concerns atnong many residents who attended a community meeting on the sub- ject last week. A suboommittee of the dty's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission will gauge support for such a park in other areas of the dty. A MAmR OF UNrTY Racial tensions may not be obvious on the N0WJ)Ort Harbor High campus. bill there isn11:qtal unity, either. That's :what Renee Roctnouez, a fadlltator from the county's Human Relations CommissioD. told ~ents and students during the school's Unity Week. •1 think students have a lot of work • to do,• she said, adding that some Latino students don't feel accepted. The district's most appalling liabilities are those inruviduals who have the power and obliga- tion to make changes and their inability to take responsibility and initiate timely and relevant changes. I too see no need or justifica- tion for a freeway sign for the overly obscene 1iinity Broadcast- ing Network's headquarters palace (HHelping1ost souls find their way,• March 4). We already have signs directing the gullibles to such f acillties as the Crystal Cathedral, the Irvine Auto Cen- ter, Little Saigon and Disneyland. Mama Rose gets glowing review from Costa Mesa mayor ROBERTSHAW Costa Mesa Show and tell best way to teach kids If you want to stop the kids from -huffing,• don't tell them it melts the bram \tilless you can show pictures (•'Police hope to stop 'huffing' from blowmg the house down,· Feb. 26) What would be the attraction for a visit to a broadcasting sta- tion? Valet parking by angels, a holy water carwash or maybe a free heavenly hot dog? Or per- haps a version of the game show "The Price is Right" renamed "The Price is Too High." B eing in the restaurant business and also eating out quite often over the years, it really is a rare treat to find a secluded, family-run operation that treats its customers as kings, provides excellent food and personal table service while still remain- ing in business. The corporate competition these days a.bnost precludes this wonderful Blaine Lombardi over the years and have never seen such devotion to the customer as these two present. It is quite common to see Richard. the chef, speaking with each table and inviting diners back and to his cooking classes. Elaine outdoes herself in making the diners feel as one of the Mama Rose family. But the main attraction is their commitment to allowing you to stay and enjoy your visit as long as you want. Too often in the go-go world, the pressure is on to cattle-prod cus- tomers in and out to bring in more. by raising the entree price, which means everyone pays, and eventually throwing a lot away. Salad and soup at $2.95 is a steal and the •absolutely gigantic" entrees (your reviewers own words) are, if anything, underpriced. Commenting on a restaurant review is not something I normally partake in. However, I believe excellence should be acknowledged whenever dlld wherever present. My only regret is that the cozy, home-style little ltal· ian restaurant that my wife and I enjoy our anniversary dinner at may become too popu- lar. In my book, Richard, Elaine and Mama Rose are already a top-rate restaurant. Please don't change a thing. style of operation. . Most k.Jds will not believe a comment like ·melts the brain,· but they would respond to pic- tures of the damage caused or videos of normal kids that now TBN's facilJty has given new meaning to the word ostenta- tious, and it's trappings intimi- date all but the filthy rich but produces a bountiful bottom line for its operators. MAX ST. YVES Newport Beach Imagine my amazement when I read your not-so-glowing restaurant review of Mama Rose, a restaurant I believe shines far and above most of the restaurant competition in all categort.e.s..(•Mama Rose comes up a loaf short of top rate,• March 18). The review states •the service is the kind you would expect at an ordinary restaurant." On the contrary, I have observed Richard and "Moderately expensive" and complaints about paying extra for bread makes me won- der what and where ate we making our com- parisons. The bread is quality and the charge is,,f or an extra basket. Most places will serve all the cheap bread you want, cover the cost GARY MONAHAN Mayor, Costa Me6a Wl l TI TO YOUR llPlllllTlllVIS GOVERNOR Gray DaVJS, (D), State Capitol, Sacra- "mento !;5814, (916) 445-2841. ing, Washington, D.C., 20510, (202) 224- 3841: or 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Swte 915, Los Angeles 90025, (310) ~14- 7300. U.S. SENATORS • Barbara Boxer, (D), 112 Hart Senate BW.lding, Suite t 12, Washington, D.C., 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 2250 E. lmpe- rlal Highway, Suite 545, El ~do 902-CS, (310) ·t14·5700. HOUSE OF REPRUENrATIVES • Dlanne Feinstein, (D), 331 Hart Build- •Chris Cox, (R), 41tb District. 1 Newport Place, SUite 420, NlrWPort Beach 92660, (114) ?56-22441or2402 'Rayburn Bulld· ing. Wasrungton. D.C,, 20515, {202) us. 5611. (Represents most or Newport READERS HQIUN£ news stones. Illustrations. edlto- (949) 642-6086 rlll matter or ~isef'Mnts R.cord r;iur comments •bout herein can be reproduted with· cot written permission of COflt· the 011 Pilot di news tips. right owner. VOL 93, NO. 68 AD PRESS HQW TQ REACH U5 our lddress Is 330 W. 81)' St., Costa Mew, CA 92627. Orculatlon l1tOMAS K. JOf4NSON. CQRRECDQNS The 11meJ Orange County flubllshtf (800) 252-9141 WIUJAM L090EU. It is the PtlQt'i policy to prompt-~ Editor ly correct all errors of wbstlnce. Cles.slfled (949) 642-5678 STIVl~I. PIHM all (949) 574-426& Dljplay (949) 642-4321 ~Editor mNewport~~ (dltoriel TINA IOllGATTA. News (949) 642-5680 At111tAnt ~ng Editor oe::y, Pilot (USl'S-t44-«>0) Is Sports (949) 574-4123 AHAStAQA ..... pt.I lshed Monday through Sat-News, Sports Fu (949) 646-4170 OtyEdttOf u<day 11"1 ~port 8NCh •nd E·m.ll: clfilypiloteurtnl1nk.nct l'llVIU.S. Costa Mesa, sublcriptlons .... Mtiln~ NeoM£dttOf IYlllabfe only by~ 8~ Office (949) 642 ... 311 ROWCNllON. The Times Orange County ( ) Sports rdltor 252-9141, In lf .. S outSide of 8Uflnell Fu (949) 631-7126 Newport leach and Colt• Mes.-. IMRCMM1'1N. ~to the DMlv Piiot l't'IOto f ditOt llVlllab&e only .... bi/ t'Mll fof llublllhed by • ...,. LYMlllOtA. S10twmonth ~cl-. ""*Community NMI. w ~~ng = p.ict ft CON Mell. CA. • ""* MiTOf Compeny NllYOlii .... nck.tde ell epptlCab4e CIMiltfted~ stat• and kQI ....... ) flOSTMAS-............ "°"" LWIOIMOft. TU' Send Neira~ to fllWlderll end ao ~ The Hewpoft ~Mela ............ ,...., INN\ o.ltv ~ '-0. '°" 1560, Cc.ta Viet ""4dlnt. ~ .. M.n.ger a..~~ Mme. CA 926». ~Ho e 1•ftN10t M ,..,_,..,... h , 1 Beach.) • Dana Rohrabacher, (R), 45th Djltrict, 101 Main St. Swte 3C, Huntinqton Beach 92648, (114) 960·6'83; or f 027 Longworth Building, Washingto!Q; D.C., (202) 225·2415. (Represents Costa Maia and West Newport Beach). STATE SENATE Rau JohDIOn ~). 3.Sth Dt.bict. 185.'2 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 2201 Irvine WEATHER TEMPERA1UR£5 TIDES Balboa TODAY ~ First low Corona del Mir 8:31 a.m ....•.. 0.2 62151 First high Costa Mesa 12:58 a.m ....... 4.9 65145 Second low Newport Beach 7.48 p.m. • , ••• 2.3 62/50 Second high - Newport Coast 3:21 p.m ........ 3. 1 62151 WEDMISOAV SURF FORECAST First low LOCATION SIZE 10.02 1.m ••• , , •• 0.1 Wedge.. . . 3-S nw flm high Newport. • , .J-5 nw 2;18 a.m ........ 4.7 Blackles •.•• .3 5 nw Second low Rivet Jetty ••. 3-5 nw 9:38p.m ....... 24 CdM •••.••.• 2·Snw 5-(ond high 5:04 p.m ...... 3.l IOATWG V•rl~ mominQ 'WAla winds at 0 to e II.nob Tad BLA"f\N.: 5' bt<omlng ~at I to 12 knots by 1ftemoon. ' 92715, 833·0180. STATE ASSEMBLY • Jirn Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa),, 834-3220. •• Mmtlyn Brewer (R), 70th Distr1ct. 18952 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 220, Irvine 92715, 863-7070. • Thomas Wilson. 5th District (Newpc)rt • hacb, Santa Ana ~ts), 834~. •• • oaANGE COUNTY FAit 10A1D • SURF We have mostly cloudy skies today, with fog and drlz- zle In the morn- Ing. The clouds should clear by the afternoon. We have 1 building northwest swell f« large, over· he~d·hlgh sets in the best spou. Outer waters may see~large swells. Sets should continue going above head high Into the midweek. Water visibility and conditlom are poor. The sun will set at 6:10 p.m . 88 Pair OriV&, CC6ta Mela. 708-PAIR. • Board: President EmDy SUbd; Vice · PNiident Don Saltari!Wi and a.mben ·• Gify Hayakawa, Jilil LIDdbmv, John: Crecui, Randy Sllllth and Dab Willet. : .. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA :· • Wat 19th Strwet: An amplifier worth $600 was stolen from the Senior Center in the 600 bk>d March 13. • • Brlltol Strwet: A purse containing a wallet and cam?. er a worth more than $500 was stolen from a Japanesf tourist in the 3300 block at 5:30 p.m. March 13. Th• tourist's passport was also taken. · • Newport loulwlll"d: Tools worth S400 were rtolerl.: from a c.ar on the 1600 block March 12. :: NEWPORT BEACH "• • CoMt Highway. A two-wrt radio worth $850 was stolen at abOut 8 a.m. In the 1600 block March 13. • • ..,_ Snet: A thief nabbed $390 out of the toP. drawer ..of a dresser In an ~ building in ~ 100 block about 11 a.m. M«ch 19. ,C~ Doily Pilot Maxie S was place to see and be seen D unng the 1930s and '40s, Slapsie Maxie's nightclub was one of the most popu- lar spots in Los Angeles. The stars of the entertainment world went there to see and be seen. The rest of us went there to be amused, and amused we were. The pla~ sported one of the finest collections of comedians of the times. I have never been exposed to the so-called Borscht Belt of hotels and nightclubs in upstpte New York, but from whdt I have read, it seems lo me that it featured the kind of hwnor to be found at Slapsie's. A step up from bwlesque. Ba¥{dy, yes. Risque, yes. But never dirty, obscene, lewd or in bad taste. I never heard a four-letter word used in any of the routines. Slaps1e Maxie was Max Rosenbloom, rehred world light heavyweight box.mg champion. Max had not been a slugger. l am not aware that he ever knocked QYt an opponent Actually, to quote MdXie, he wcouldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.· Rather, he was a superlative boxer. His claim was that no opponent "ever laid a glove on me." I doubt that cldim WdS exactly true. The scar tissue around the THE VERDICT robert gordner eyebrows, the flat nose, the ttuck llps, the hoarse voice indicated that more than a few of tus oppo- nents.., laid a hand• on him dur- mg his many fights. Maxie played the punch- drunk fighter to perfection. He was the butt of almost all jokes -the classic buffoon. At Slapsie Maxie's, everyone got into the act, even the waiters. Or perhaps more accurately, especially the waiters. At the important point in any routine, they had a habit of insulting the speaker and dropping metal trays with resulting crashes that could be heard in Santa Monica . Tully Richards, who for somJ! reason never made the big time, was a regular -a very, very fun. ny regular So too Ben Blue. Also Henny Youngman. You know ... "Man goes to psychiatrist. Psy- cluatrist says, 'You're crazy.' Man says, 'I want another opinion." Psychiatrist says, 'OK, you're ugly, too.'" Jackie Gleason also was a regular before he became a big star of television. He was JUSt another struggling comic, and very good. He had a peculiar practice. After lu.s show, he would go down to a jazz Joint on Vine Street that featured Dix- ieland Jazz. One of its headliners was a one-armed trumpet player ndJlled Wingey Malone. Jackie would tip Wingey lavishly to play Jackie's favorite Dixieland tune, "That's a Plenty.• Needless to say, Wingey played "That's a Plenty" until the other patrons had had more than plenty of it. Other comedians came to learn and to steal lines, an accepted practice in that line of Work. One night, I sat next to a table at which Jack Benny and Harry Ritz of the Ritz Brothers comedy act spent the whole everung trying to make the other laugh. Neither dJd. Jackie Coogan, who was then prominent actor, Cdme often with his wile, a comparatively unknown mobon p1cture actress named Betty Grable. All I can remember about her was thdl she had great-looking legs. nus was before she became the favorite pinup Q'U'l during World War 11 just because of those legs. I had met Jackie dunng my surfing days at San Onofre. Jack- ie bad a likeness of Betty Grable carved on the face of~ board. Those were knee-pa(ldlmg days That meant that every time Jack- , 1e padd1ed out on tus board Wlth his knees planted in a carved · likeness of his wile, he came m with bloody knees l guess that was to show Betty how much he loved her Maxie's club.was very plain. However, it was so successful that Maxie moved to more pre- tentious digs on Wilshire Boule- vard, where he promptly went broke. So much for success m the entertainment world. lt dlso proves the old adage, "U it din't broke, don't fix 1t. • • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona def Mar resident and former judge. His col- umn runs Tuesdays. OBITUARY Louise Elwell Louise Elwell, a former Corona del Mar school principal and longtime Newport Beach-area resident, died of natwal caus- es Feb. 24 at Blg Sky Care Center in H ele- na, Mont. She was 88. Boater, 52, suffers fatal heart attack after rescue attempts in harbor fail Ms. Elwell was born July 1, HMO, in Atcbee, Colo. She attended high school in Oklahoma and received her master's egree from the University of Redlands in Redlands, Calif. Sh~ taught for several years in the Los Angeles area and was the principal at Corona del Mar Elementary from 1957 to the early 1960s. "She is missed by our family and many of her friends,• said Marjorie Barnett, a retired Corona del Mar Elementary teacher. •we were longtime friends.• There were no services at Ms. Elwell's request. \.\f\ SPl HGI ()\ Dcif Pb NEWPORT BEACH -A 52-year-old Laguna Beach man died Saturday, despite a desperate and dramatic attempt to save his life after he suffered a heart attack Saturday while at the helm of a 34-foot sailboat in Newport Harbor. Frank Yusko, who recently had heart surgery, was out on a pleasure cruise dround 2:30 p.m. with co-worker Elaine Benben when he suffered the attdck'. Benben, a non-boater, was undble to take control of the vessel but flagged down a pass- ing boat, whose passengen. reported the emergency to the harbor patrol by marine radio, Orange County Sheriffs· Harbor Patrol Sgt. Andy Decker said. • As the boat sailed in circles between the two jetties, Benben performed cardiopul- monary resusatation on Yusko, Decker said Harbor patrol Ctispatched three boats, two of which were withm a half-mile of the way- ward boat. Patrolmen managed to board the ship within five minutes of Yusko's heart attack and take over CPR from Benben. A semiconscious Yusko was taken back to shore and then to Hoag Hospital. He was pro- nounced dead shortly after he amved. Benben did not suffer any m1unes, but she. came close to running aground. "With the way the vessel was traveling,• Decker said. "It eventually appeared that the boat would have struck the rocks if we were not able to boa.rd it and get it under control." He said the boat rrussed the west jetty by only about 50 feet. • Tuesday, Morch 23, 1999 3 West Side plan has. two options •Choices are 'Fix-It' or 'Major Changes' to boost pedestrian traffic, cut down on industries. Eu"-E Gu Oci(Pb COSTA MESA -Consul tants working on the West Side Specific Plan presented some preliminary concepts to the public Monday dunng a sec- ond major planning workshop Woodie Tescher of EIP Associates presented two basic ideas for revitalization at the meeting. The fust, called the "Fix-It" plan, proposed creat- ing a pedestrtan-fnendly area mainly around Placentia Avenue and 19th Street. Tescher descnbed the zone as a three-block area extend- ing along 19th Street from Pomona Avenue to Just west of Placentia Avenue It would be a pedestrian-onented retail area catenng to neighborhood, rather than regional, needs. Wally Gerlach, who hds lived and worked on the West Side for 20 years, supported the idea of creating a pedestn- an-friendly area. He said many acadents occur in the area because motonsts dnve too fast. "Slow 1t down,· Gerlach swd. "Let people see what the West Side has to offer.· • John Henrfd, who lives at the end of 19th Street, said the ided would respond to the needs of people who live and walk in the area. ·There's intense foot traffic· already,· Henna said. According to the •Fix-It" plan, busmesses along 19th Street that are west of the three-block area eventually would be d1Scontinued. Indus- tndl dnd manufactunng uses on Pldcenba Avenue north of 19th Street also could be phased mto tugh-tech comput- e r uses that cause less air and noise polluuon In addition, the "Fix-It" plan offers two options on what to do with the bluffs area west of Whittler One option would be to gradually shift the manufdctunng industrial use to high-tech computer use, as along Plttcenllq Another opbon is to convert the area ttlong the bluffs to a reSidential. dred. • HennCl supported the latter' opbon, saying that car paint- ! mg bus~sses in prime real estate areas didn't make sense.~ However Bob ~filler who • I owru. a busmess on the bluff, disagreed He fears he and ' SEE PLAN PAGE 4,, , MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO · AS WELL AS BAJA ALSO ON OUR MENU. FISH TACOS TORTILLA SOUP CHILI SIZE CHILI CHEESE OMELITTE Cocklolls Phone Ahead tor Food To Go 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949-645-7626 Clean '[jfJ))lk ~tt& Carpet Maurice Lacroix. Tomorrow 's Classics. and a 110 lb. do For over 45 years Coic's advanced equip- m ent and fully trained, certified techni- cians have provided the most effective cleaning available to assure you che finest results possible: And we guarantee it! Joan Beguelin, satisfied COIT customer far 35 jtars ~son and da"ghter-in-law have had Hans since he was a puppy. Then they moved into a new house with white carpeting. The ,... carpet wasn't so white anymore. They asked for my advice, and of course I said "COIT!" Now they have a ckan white carpet again, and COIT has another satisfied customer,. Call For A FREE Estimate! COIT=~ •• M11.1riCt l1cro1• M1101 Ste•nless tteel ca end b1aco1,1. tcratc~ res stant sapphire crY1t•I, wattt r r. st111t to 50m, av11lable In l•d et ano t-4 ns II\ MAURICE LACROIX As ahown $850, Foi mort 1nto1m11ton. Toll fret ' 800 SWISS DO pal ( 1--800 '/94 ?736) Fax 818 609 7079 • w-.m1urlcelacr0111.com Switztrland I I I I -~ .. I 4 T~. Mordt 23, 1999 -• . ... ·. Doily Pilot 1 Car~ hollle cloSures d:i.Splace senior citizens ~ . . • Company closes 29 . facilities in Orange and Riverside counties; 12 are located in Newport--Mesa. JES61CA GtRRrsoN ~Pb COSTA MESA -Ellen Brown thinks she's one of the lucky ones. She lost more than $2,000 and had to e ndure a nail-biting week- end of worry. But her father, Arthur Cain, formerly a resident of an Autumn Rose assisted-living laclity in Costa Mesa, has found a comfortable place to stay. On Friday. Newport-Beach bdsed Managed Assisted Care Services Inc., which operated 29 facilities in Orange and Riverside Counties under the name Autumn Rose , abruptly announced that it had gone belly up Nine facilities in Costa Mesa and three in Newport Beach were shuttered, leaving 72 seniors, mcluchng Cain, homeless. Though the state requires com- pdnies to give 30 days' notice of .,.., ......... .... ._ ... , ........ . -.......... . Pllut Grwbet eo-ownet of cameo Homes their intent to cease operations, families were given only three days to find new homes for their relatives. •I was going to pick my father up at noon Monday,• Brown said. "But at 8 in the morning, the care- giver called and said if 1 wasn't there by 10, [state officials! would call a taxi. Where the heck is a taxi going to take him 1" Of the 54 Costa M~a seniors left homeless by the company's closure, about 35 were placed in other facilities in Costa Mesa, said FREEDOM ASSET ACCOUNT • High Money • Maintain or Purchase Market Rates Stocks. bonds and • Unlimited Checking Mutual Funds • Debit card • Internet Access SUTRO&CO Mw:sonot~!kt 18'8 Private Client Group FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL TODAY! LANTZ E. BELL, BRANCH MANAGER 8JO .... ort OmUr .DrlH. 8tdllt M>O .... on 8eocla. Qt n6eO Nominate a special person in y()ur community to become a Staples Community Star! Robert Rosenberg, executive director of the nonprofit group U.S. ElderCare, which helps fam- ilies find placements. But Rosenberg cautioned that ·many of these arrangements, put together as they were at the last minute. may not work out. What really makes her furious, Brown said, is that Managed Assisted Care bought her father's residential facility just six weeks ago, as part of seven care homes in Costa Mesa it purchased from James and Susan Vocke. "That's the scandal of . it,• Brown said. "They had the nerve to purchase those homes in Feb- ruary when they knew they Were financially in trouble. ... And the tragedy is what's happening to all these seniors.• Phone calls to the company headquarters went unanswered Monday, but Jessika Keller, supervisor for the 12 Autumn Rose facilities in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, said the compa- ny's finances had fallen apart after a would-be investor unex- pectedly pulled out of a deal. "We're all devastated and emotionally distraught," said Keller, who learned about the clo- sure late Friday morning along with the rest of the senior staff at the company. Keller said that before she had a chance to notify her staff, her clients or their families, many of the more than 700 assisted-living facilities in Orange County had already started "a feeding fren- PLAN CONTINUED FROM 3 other business owners along the bluff could be displaced. "I have to admit it was improp- I I I • I I I I I I I I I • I I I • I • I I I • I I I • A Staples Community Star Is someone who has a demonstrated track record of exceptional volunteer service In your community-from the student who runs errands for senior citizens to the president pf the local PTA chapter. A Staples Community Star will be chosen from Che community surrounding each of the 74 participating Staples retail stores. r---~-~-~------J Visit your local Staples store and pick up a brochure to nominate your favorite Staples Community Star. Nr.w f xtr.nliecl Oea1ll111e Completed nomination forms, 1lon1 with an' euey ot 500 words or less, must bt submitted by April tst to bt 1Ustbl• for entry. • I • I I I I I I Each Staples Comm11111ly SIM wrll receive the lollnw11111 • A $1,000 donatjon to the non·proflt orcanlzatlon of the honoree's choice 9 A personalized 8 .. JC8,, porcelain star permanently displayed In the Star ptaza at STAPlES Center • A repll~ star to showcase at home or In the workplace e A donation, In the honoree's name, to the STAPLES Center foundation e Re<osnltron at special events zy" of ca1lJ to family men1bers of Autumn Ro.e seniors, hoping to lure them into their group homes .. Orange County bas an unusu- ally large number of such fadll- tles, Rosenberg said. Even ·with the loss of the Autumn Rose homes, Costa Mesa, for example, still has 40 facilities, double the number 1n 1995. Newport Beach has one . ews Widespread Brpployees of M~ed Assisted Care Services Inc. anq;Jc>yees lOSfjobs, homes and final checks. The crisis over Autumn Rose's sudden closure raises the need for legislation is needed to force assisted-living facilities to keep enough money in reserve to pre- vent such disasters, Rosenberg said. "The state should regulate these things more carefully,• Rosenberg said. Facilities are required to show that they have money in reserve before they open, he added, "but once you get it approved, they don't check it again.· While the company's collaps~ was unexpected. some in the industry said they had questioned Managed Assisted Care Services' practices. "They bad a clean, simple operation, but I never understoOd how they could charge so little," said Paul Gruebel, who with his sister, Use Beck, owns Cameo Homes, a group of residential (adlities in Newport Beach ·and Irvine. He said Autumn Rose charged between $2,000 and $2,500 per month, compared with the $2,500 to $4,000 he charges. erly developed initially." Miller said. "However, what they talked about in their plan -changing to a pedestrian area and enticing different areas to come in - would mean displacing hundreds of businesses." . None of these changes would happen overnight, Tescher said. Some immediate changes, such as painting and improving appearances of businesses, could .. ... COSTA MESA -Many of the 140 at so employees ol Newport Beadi·bued Man· ~ .•lllstad care Services Inc. k»t more than theh' jobs when the company abruptly ilrinounced it WU dosing its Autumn Rose residential care hoines. They lost their homes too. •we're waiting to hear .some news," said Luis sal· dana. For tbe last six months, Sal- dana worked five days a week, 24 hours a day, caring for six SeniOn in a home near South Coast Plaza. He cooked their meals and made sure they took their medicine. He lent them bis ear for their stories and Im shoulder to cry on for their: troubles. The industry standard for such services is $93 per day. plus room and board, said Robert B. Rosenberg of the nonprofit group U.S . .Elder- Cere. start in six months. However, the "Fix-It" and the other plan could take five to 10 years each to implement. It also could take 40 to 50 years before all industrial uses are phased out, he said. Ialplementing a plan like this one would require discouraging traffic south of 19th Street from moving along 19th Street through residential areas. Rather, engi- neers are looking at ways to move Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil Vince Flavorful & Delicious Lunches & Dinner Vaique wlM l'009 A ...... roo. 1..aue. tor p-owp .,..._ lllfttlap 1od prfr•lr lilnctlons 723-0621 P1H.SeCaU For Re.e"atlons and Dlrectlons 251 Shipyard Way • Newport Beach T Ht SMOia:. SHACK AT 111-TUL WINr. Q1 I AlS (~ 250 Ogle Street -Co•ta lie•• CA 926271<3} (9,9) 650-8,63, 631-6863 fax www.hitimewine.ccm . www.cigartilae.net (out of •tat• price•) Cigarettes Camel Filter -Marlboro Red Box Benson & Hedges -Benson & Hedges Ultra Lights Marlboro Red Box 1 OOs -Marlboro Light Box More Red 1 OOs! Regularly $31, now $25.99 Buy Any t> Cigars and Receive a $25 Ashtray for $6 Assorted Cigars Special: 4 for Sl O /\ 11 c , ci , ir c rl -, 0 ~ s ; 11 (' r ir , c 1 • .~ l I) (I i 1 ) .~ 't I j < J I 1 () 1 •' , , ; ' ' All Lighter• -Sele 'price S 19.95 t~ $1 os:oo - ] 09' off • But Autumn Rose's care- givers won't even reoeive that for their J.ut two weeks of .. work. Caili-1trapped Man· aged Assisted Care Services lnc., which R~ predict- ed would file for bankruptcy, was unable to make its last payroll. Monday morning, exhaust- ed frolD a weekerid of volun- teering to help their charges move out of their bomes, Sal- dana sat with three of his col· leagues in the Uvmg room of a Costa Mesa facility. · •we're waiting to see if we get paid,• be so.id, as he fin- ished cleaning out a fish tank. The fish, presumably, also were evicted. But when Managed Assist- ed Care Admirustrator JeSsika Keller anived, she bore more bad news. "There is no money," she said, as faces around her fell. All of the furniture in Autumn Rose's 29 facilities would be sold, and the m oney w,puld be pooled to pay the ~vers first, she said. traffic east and west along 17th and 18th streets, Tescher said. The second plan Tescher prn· sented was coiled a "Wholesdle or "Major Changes ~ plan, wtuch could be implemented instead of the "Fix-1t• plan or could becomt' the 'Second phase of the "Fix-It p1d.n Under the "Major Change!. plan, the three-block, pedestnan- friendly area would be enlargPd by building three-to four-story mixed-use buildings rather than one-to two-story buildings that would be exclusively retail For example, stores could b<' located on the first floor, wtth re!'- idences on the upper floors ln the "Major Changes" plan. the area on Placentia Avenue north of 19th Street would be changed to residential zorung. as opposed to tugh-tech industnal Along with a large r pede stnan- friendly shopping area , a public plaza would be created • with recreation ~as for children to play in while their parents shop The second plan also calls for d m ore aggressive approa ch to industrial areas along the blu.11 Rather than an e ithe r/or approach, the second plan call<- for the elurunabon of the mdustn- al area along the bluff in favor ol a residential area. STATUE CONTINUED FROM 1 fields, one oversized soccer field and one multipurpose fi eld Amenities will include two park- ing lots, pedestrian walking trail~ and two restrooms with equip- ment storage facilities. The total cost, mclud1n9 design fees, ls $5.9 million -the exact amount available for the project in bond proceeds. • Council members also agrePd to have EPT Landscape Architec- ture, the firm hired by The Irvine Co. to work on the plans thus Ia• . finish the designs rather than put the project out to bid. . Councilman Tod Ridgeway · objected to the $250,000 contract, saying he didn't want to t~e away fair competition. ~ Parks commissioners also prO:- posed a Ust of amenities they would Uke to see in the park il more money becomes available. At the top of the list are a tot lot, two tennis courts and basket· • ball courts in the-west area of th_, ' perk, and another restroom and · an overlook in the east areti. They add up to about $612,000.' · Daily Pilot DEVELOP CONTINUED FROM 1 strom.~ Councilman Joe Erickson had voted against the skyscraper pro- ject when be served on the Plan-mng Commission. Erickson said he will reserve judgment until after he sees site plans and traffic studies. But in general, he said he has concerns about the height of AIRPORT .. CONTINUED FROM 1 restricted flight distances for each, while Plan B calls for two market-driven, independent air- ports. Smith's revlSlon comes after the release Friday of a technical report revealing the proposed people mover in Plan C would cost $437 million to build with an ~verage cost-per-rider of more than $100. •sy opting for the alternative without a hard rail link, we will save hundreds of millions of dol- lars,~ Smith said in a press release. •This also responds to concerns expressed by the air- lines, as well as increase conve- nience and choice for futurP. pas- sengers.• If the board switches plans, it will be good news for Newport Beach. Plan B would mean even fewer passengers at John Wayne than called for in the existing set- tlement agreement, while Plan C would mean about 2.5 million passengers more per year. Additionally, the technical report shows that under Plan C , John Wayne's terminal would have to almost double in size by 2020 -from 337,900 square feet to 632,850 square feet -and the number of gates would increase from 14 to 30. Plan B, however, would require no expansion o..f the facilities. Ellen Cox Call, the county's El Toro spokeswoman, said it is pos- sible for Plan B to result in the clo- swe of John Wayne because of market forces. However, she said county offi- cials don't expect lh~t to happen. •Based on the projected air passenger demand, there is more than enough to go around,• Call said. • U the market is thel"~ airlines will use John Wayne t • But El Toro foes are calling th move another example of how th county cannot be trusted, saying airline officials already have made clear their desire to fly out BUDGET CONTINUED FROM 1 Nevertheless, Assistant Super- , intendent Mike Fine said at least $1 .45 million of the deficit ls recurring debt. Another $750,000 of the deficit is for extras such as information systems. Since coming to the district in August, Barbot said he has been looking for ways to make sure the district stops such deficit spend- ing. A subcommittee of three board members who will watch over everything the board does to prevent overspending may be the answer, Barbot said. "We're not proposing a new way of keeping the books,• Fine sai,li. •This is a formality to add an extra step in their process to approve agenda items.• Fine said the subcommittee WQuld "increase board members' .... ~awareness• of the effect pro- grams they approve will have on the budget. the buildings and amount of traf- fic that may come with this new plan. Segerstrom's application for a general plan amendment screen- ing is not arr application for approval of the project. Rather, the company is asking the coundl whether it would even consider such a project. The project area has been set aside in the general plan for a medium-density resi- dential housing development. When the general plan was •1 don't have a problem with it. The question I have is whether it's a duplication of our process,• said board member Martha Fluor, referring to the budget adviso.ry committee. Fluor has offered to serve on the new committee. Fluor added that she wishes the board had such a committee in place last year, when members voted to renovate Eastbluff Ele- mentary School. Renovations for the school cost nearly $2 million more than offi- cials estimated, forcing school officials to dip into developer fees to cover the difference. Although renovations at East- bluff are not paid with the dis- trict's general fund money, school officials now have to scramble to figure out how to pay for portable classrooms and renovations at other schools that would have come out of developer fees. "I think it's an excellent idea,• board member Judy Franco said of Barbot's proposal. •This will make sure all seven board mem- bers are on the same page.• "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Typ~ of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes •Roman Shades • Blind~ • VcrticaJs • Shutters • Bedspreads • Co•pliM1•t11ry Coutdi.tio" in Yo"r Ho•• adopted, the council was con- cerned about me.i.nt.ainulg a bal- ance between resldential and commercial uses. Freeman said the Segerstrom company doesn't think the land -near the county's main post office, railroad crossing and the Tunes Orange County plant -ls compatible with residential uses . A development of mixed office and retail use similar to the Auto- mobile Club of Southern Califor- nia would be more compatible. Moreover, the proposed Home Ranch development would occu- py a larger land area than the Auto Club does, Freeman added. The 16 buildings would be con- $tlucted in phases according to market demand, he said. But such a project calls into question whether it would increase the need for a bridge at Gisler Avenue, and whether changing the land use from rem- dential to commercial would increase the need for residential Open for Dinner Only at 2:00p.m. For Easter reservations call (949) 631-2110 or TOO TIRED TO GO OUT? Pick up a Party Pak or Bucket Join us for: IASraJt. Surulay April 4, 1999 Now Taking Reservations A Special Easter Menu Se..Ved After 2 pm l\a•lly Sbe Carry-Out Also A11allable (949) S'iS-0099 Fax (949) 548-8468 2000 N Bml. C.O.ta Mesa developments in other parts of the dty, creating a •spiral of develop- ment, • Genis said. The general plan amendment application is expected to go before the counol April 5. A staff report on the proj~ should be ready April 2. Genis said the success of the project would depend on commu- ruty outreach and efforts taken to address residents' concerns that have been voiced in the past. Segerstrom officials will be .. holding m tings with oommuni: ty and neighboThood groups m the area during the next ~ months. ·1 think the Segerstroms Ud the community have come clo.et. togetht!r in the past decade,• Erickson said. •Hopefully, ttieY-re more sensibve to each others needs. As the last remaining open parcel in Costa M0$4, it needs to be sensitive to the community's needs but profitable for the Segerstrom organization.• univ o( dcs1crt• 1h.i will .. arm )"'II• hear• ''"'' ch11drm ... ,u aJ.., b. 1nv11..! to an CD! hunt b-. r~ [.u1e1 llunn> -..i11da• "<pnl 4 ~ from Oom <o 2.JOpm. rt--"",..., u-......... ~ aJJ ,.,..~ ,,,. """'"- Hop over to fill your basket with Easter Goodies Mary Ann baskets ........... ~ cross buns • cookie platters & Easter Eaas •CAKES ' -. ~ ........... I •• 6 Doily Pilot . . . _,.._ SAILORS STAGGERED ~ewport unable to deal with Sea View nemesis Sunta Margarita, which HIGH SCHOOL IOYS VOLLEYllLL in Orange County in a match that wins a tournament, especially when it's Newport Harbor, it's a big upset," said Rapp, house- mates with Glenn in Newport Beach. "Tonight was just one of those things. J thought we played well defensively and our block was there. We got some hands on balls and did a nice job in transi- tion.• began to unravel. Coach Dqn Glenn, whose team, ranked No. 1 in Orange County and No. 2 in the CIF Division I preseason poll, had won 13 straight games in best-of-three matches this season, includ\ng a title at the San Diego Tournament wins Orange County title. lllOWID DUNN !lift"" Santa Margarita, which gradu- ated five starters from last y~ar·s CJF Southern Section Division I championship squad, showed the Sailors how quickly it can reload. HUNTINGTON BEACH -As soon as Newport Harbor High got comfortable, all the trouble start- ed. Coach Eddie Rapp's Eagles (2· 1) came from behind in the first game, then handled Sea View League rival Newport Harbor (2· 0) with relative ease in the sec- ond, capturing the Orange Coun- ty Championship with a 16-14, 15-9 win at Golden West College. of Champions. • Mauro bad 27 assists and sparked the defense, while sophomore outside hitter Blake Robinson provided a match-high 17 kills and senior outside hitter Dan Mora added 10 kills and nin~ digs. Junior John Costigan had a Lead.tng by five pomts Monday night m the h.rst game of a best- of-three final in the Orange County Division J Champ1- onslups, the Sailors' dream of an unbeaten boys volleyball season •Basically, we got our butts kicked,• said Newport Harbor Santa Margarita, ranked No. 7 in the county and No. 9 in the CJF Divisio~ I poll. was led by tourna- ment MVP Andy Mauro, a senior setter and the team's only remain- ing link tQ last year's CIF Division I championship squad. ·Any time you beat the No. 1 SEE SAILORS PAGE 7 HONORS DAILY PILOT PHOTO BY DON LEACH he '99 Dream Team, our best in prep girls basketball -back row, from left: Costa Mesa's Evelyn Powers, Estanda's Francia iaz, Newport Harbor's AJyssa Paul and April Ross, Costa Mesa's Autumn Smith; kneeling in the center, from left: Costa Mesa's •·nny Earnest. Newport Harbor's Kristen Urban; sitting, from left: Estanda's Lauren Cassity and Costa Mesa's Nancy HatsushJ. resenting the Daily Pilot's 1999 high school girls basketball • Newport's Ross, Costa Mesa's Smith·share Player of the Year h onors on nine-player squad. 8AJUlY FAl llJ<NMt IQ1y Plot Smee the Daijy Pilot began selecting its All-Newport-Mesa District Dream Team in girls basketball SlX seasons auo. the spotlight reserved for the Player of thf' Year has consp1ruously avoided the p.nnt Center stage for this year's unprec<'dented nine-member squad, however, was clearly the low block, where a pal! of Juniors applied their determination n<I athlebosm m impressive fashion. Hence, theu combined labor in th~ lane -allowed Costa Mesa HJgh's 6-foot cerlter Autumn Smitll and Newport Harbor's 6-1 P' 1'\l Apnl Ross to share Ptayer of the Year fP<"'ogmt.Jon on tl}e seventh annual Dream Trdm .Joining the district's twin towers are n peat selections Evelyn Powers (Costa MPsa) and Francia Diaz (Estancia), Costa t.-1< a teammates Jenny Earnest and Nancy H.1L.,ushi, Newport Harbor seniors Kristen Urban and Alyssa Paul, as well as Estancia junior Lauren Cassity. Costa Mesa's Jim Weeki is Coach of the Ycttr. Ro , also tho N wport-Mesa Co-Player of tha Yi ar in volleyball, led all district corers with 13.3 points per game, while ._ reffing around 10 r 'bounds, according o Harbor Coach Gregg Savage. The ~~nrcc·y ar varsity performer wos also a shot-blocking presence and an unsellish passer. ,_ ________ Powers led the Mustangs with 45 But, Savage said, her biggest impact may have been centered around something less tangible. "J think April's most important contribution to our team was her whole competitive attitude," Savage said. "She's a unique athlete, in that whenever she steps on the floor, you know she's always going to give you 100% and do whatever it takes to win That alone, at bmes, earned our team." Smith, who blossomed after a modest varsity debut as a sophomore, averaged 11 .8 points 13.3 rebounds, 3.8 blocked shots, two steals and shot near}y 50% from. th~ field. Her 399 rebounds broke the school single-season ·record set by Mustang legend Olivia DiCamilll (360) and her 113 blocks, including an eye-popping 15 1n a Pacific Coast League-opening win over Est4Jlcia, were also a Sf"ason record. •She improvNl tremendously and had a great yeM," Weeks said. •J thlnk the defensive end is really where she made the biggest,.contribution. To h4v~ a prosencP like thal in the back of a man-to-man detense, allowed us to put a lot more · pr ure on teoms. • The 5-7 Pow rs shifted from an inside rol to the perimeter and paced th CJF Southern Section Division ill·A senufmalists with o }.2.3 sconng av rage. Also an ell-diitrtct perfonner in vol! yball, • three-pointers and chipped in 4.3 rebounds and 1.8 assists. She scored in double figures 19 times in 29 games, including a career-high 26 in a nonleague win over Villa Park. Diaz, an undersized post at 5-7, relied on toughness and tenacity to average 11.7 points and around nine rebounds per contest in her third varsity campaign. She scored in double figures15times,mcludinga career-high 26 iri a second-round league win over University. Diaz' consistent contribution helped the Eagles finish third in the PCL and advance to the CIF .. Division ill-A quarterfinals. Ed.111est. perhaps the dlstrlct's most unsurlg standout, averaged 11 .5 points, 5.5 rebounds, 3.2"'Steals and 1.7 assists as a versatile 5-7 JWlior guard-forward. She had the b4.ll-handling skills and quickness to succeed on the perimeter, but also provided a tenacious rebounding pres~nce inside. She also drew ome defensive assi9nn1f'nts ligainRt opposing centers, partitularly when Smith got into foul trouble. Earnest prOduccd 21 double-figure scoring outputs in 30 games and is o big reason the Mustang are expecting special things next season. Hatsu'>hi, a 5-5 ophomor point guard, wns a key fclctor m Srruth's cm rgenco, as SEE DREAM MG! 1 QUOTE Of Tll DAY ........... tuts kkilll -.· D• Glenn, Newport boys volleyball coach Tuesday, March 23, 1999 • Sports Editor Roger Carhon • 949-574.4223 l(JM HAGGERlY-ZVUl..IS I O~Y Pl.OT Newport Harbor's Zach Wells (8) and Adam Hearlson go up to block a Santa Margarita klll attempt In Monday's title matcJL · tfl SPORTS HALL OF FAME· .. CELEBRATING THE MILLENNIUM • Former touring pro has been making an even bigger name as Lindsay Davenport's coach on women's circuit. lllCJIARD DUNN .. (Van't Hof) turned around llaJf Plot my career," Davenport, who hired him full-time in the fall of O nce a Top-20 player HI 1995, has said. in the world in Van't Hof, the Palisades doubles and a · Club's hea9 pro emeritus, Top-25 standout in singles, watched Davenport'Jast year Newport Beach's Robert Van't capture six singles"toumaments Hof made a smooth transition -at Tokyo (Pan Pacific), from performer to coach. Stanford (Bank of the West), These days, Van't Hof can Carlsbad (Toshiba), Manhattan sometimes be spotted Beach (Acura) and on teievision. seated in Zurich, Switzerland, in the fiont row of large addition to the Open title tennis arenas, while in New York. keeping a close eye on And while Van't Hof's his prize student, court savvy and Lindsay Davenport, opponent preparation the 1998 U.S. Open are second to none, his women's singles calm, uplifting influence champion who reached off the court helped pave No. 1 in the world in the way for Davenport, October. winner of 23 career Van't Hof, a Van't Hof doubles titles, to become three-time the first American in 16 All-American at USC who won years to win the U.S. Open. the NCAA singles championship "He's my best friend," in 1980, retired from the Davenport said. "When you're Association of Tennis traveling together all the time, Professionals' Toux after the 1991 you do everything together. I U.S. Open. couldn't imagine doing this with It didn't take long for Van't anybody else. I couldn't imagine Hof, whose career highlights starting over with somebody included reaching the Round of else. J hope (oux relationship) 16 in singles at Wimbledon in lasts my whole career, and then 1983 after upsetting Johan Kriek some.· and Henri Leconte, to become a Before Davenport moved to sought-after instructor. Newport Beach in 1994, she Just 18 months removed from would commute from Temecula playing professionally, Van't Hof to the Palisades Club (then in was the head teaching Costa Mesa) to get lessons from professional at Palisades Tennis Van't Hof. Club, the head coach of the Van't Hof, a former NCAA Sacramento Capitals in World singles champion for Coach Dick TeamTennis and a United States Leach's 1Tojans, reached the top Tennis Association player 20 in the world in men's doubles development coach, in which he in the mid-1980s, earning six ~ped then-young Amertcan professional career doubles titles. Todd Martin rise to top-40 status But Van't Hof, a longtime in the world. player and coach for the Van't Hof, currently traveling Sacramento franchise in the with Davenport on the Women's Billle Jean King-operated World , Tennis Association Tour, tutored TeamTennis, has become a standouts such as Geoff Abrams bigger name in tennis as a coach (Newport Harbor High), now tb8.ii a player. among Stanford's best. • (Van't Hof) has a great work But Davenport's Grand Slam ethic and he never takes a title and rise to No. 1 on the . student lightly," Pali.sades Club WTA Tour will forever be linked owner and operator Ken Stuart to the soft-spoken Van't Hof, once said. who encouraged Davenport to Van't Hof, a Daily Pilot Sports drop weight ( about 30 pounds) Hall of Fame honoree, and his before her climb to the top. wile, Betsy, have three children. I Dent opens men's pro circuit at Mobile • Corona del Mar's Taylor Dent eyes March 30 start. Newport Beach's Taylor Dent, who turns 18 on April 24, will be among the leading entries when the United States Tennis Assoda· lion circuit begins its 21st season with the USTA/Mobile Men'I Pro· fessional 'I8nnil Clullc on the h&rdcoUr11 ot MObUe, Ala., March 30 through Aprll 4. Dent, considered on of the USTA's bright young stan, was a singles runner-up and doubles champ1on last ~ at the USTA event in Mount Pleasant, S.C . A former Corona del Mar High 'tandout, Dent won a CIP South· em Section singlet title ln 1996, becoming only the third fre;thmon ~ TE NllS in history to capture a singles title, f ollowtng Palos Verdes' Pete Sampras (1987) and Laguna Beach's Jon Leach (1988). • Dent, who reached the ~­ tedinall at the US. open, Prendl Open and Australiin Open junior cbatnpomhlps Jut year, graduat- ed early (from Monte Vista pu~ school) last year and h.imed pro ot the U.S. Open. " Dent. ranked in the top 41 O on the AllOdation of Tennis Profei· lk>nals' Thur, njoyed hls biggest Win In the pro ranks last year against 45tb·ranked Man.no Puena at tbe Hamlet Cup on Lons# 1114nd. -by Richard 'Dunn ' I \ I ' ) er 't. of ts me 16 m jck op les es. rid I ch rk b rt Doily Pilot Si)orts Tuelday, Morch 23, 1999 7 --~~~~---------------~------------------~~~-=:_ ~~----------------------------~~ ILL·STAI FOOTllLL llME ILL·S111 llSlllllLL llLP WllTll ine nominated for South JAMESON A REBEL •Newport-Mesa MVP ~elu is among locals ~.;vying for spot on the , ,South All-Stars roster. ' " BARRY PAULKNER 1 Estancia High senior Manu ~uelu, the Newport-Mesa Dis- ct Most Valuable Player, tops a Jitt of nine local South nominees ~ the 40th Orange County All- Star Football Game, scheduled Jilly 9 at Orange Coast College. Along with Tanielu, Mark Hat- d, the Newport-Mesa District ensive Player of the Year from rona del Mar, as well as New- rt Harbor all-state and All-CIF ulhem Section Division Vl punter Eddie Johnson are among ttiose vying for spots on the 36- , itlayer roster. Those chosen for ~ the South roster, scheduled to be 'announced in early April, will ) llattle the top players from the , North in the annual sum.mer , showcase, ptoceeds from which • benefit several charities. • ~ Colorado State-bound Brant Hill, a standout lineman from ~wport Harbor, is another of the local candidates, as are Justin Shea and Dennis Alshuler from CdM, Costa Mesa's Ricky Martin dnd Gus Sandoval, and Estancia's Ricky Romo. Tanielu, who played running back, receiver, and defensive back, produced 1,837 all-purpose yards for the Eag)es and his 11 touchdowns were 75% of his team's season output. The 6-foot- 1, 180-pounder caught 53 passes for 816 yards and rushed for 727 yards. He was an All-CIF Division VI selection and was also named MVP of the Daily Pilot's All-Paci!· ic Coast League team. Hatfield, who accepted a scholarship to Utah, was in on 131 tackles in his third season as the Sea Kings' middle linebacker last fall: The three-time all-district honoree was 6-2, 215 last season. but has added a few pounds of muscle since. Johnson, another three-time all-district pick, averaged 42.3 yards on 32 punts, including a career-long boot of 71 yards. Johnson was also nominated for the Shrine All-Star Classic, whith pits the top players from Califor- nia against those Crom Texas. Martin tied the Orange County single-season interception record with 13 as a 5-11, 155-pound comer. Hill, who played several posi- tions for the Sailors, will concen- trate on defensive end in Fort Collins. The 6-5, 230-pounder was a two-time all-district and All-Sea View League performer. Shea, who plans to join Hill - as well as former Sailor Pete Hogan and ex-CdM standout Nick Schaumburg -at Colorado State as a walk on, was a two-way standout who sparkled on defense for the Sea Kings. The 6- 3, 230-pound two-time all-district performer tied a school Single- g ame record with four sacks against Saddleback. · Alshuler's versatility was cashed m by Coach Dick Free- man, who utilized the three-sport standout at receiver, quarterback, and safety. The 6-foot-5, 200- pounder had 18 receptions for 113 yards, threw for 315 yards and had two interceptions. · Sandoval, an all-district and All-PCL defensive end, also won a PCL title in wrestling for the Mustangs. Romo, who opened the year at quarterback and spent time at a handful of positions on both sides of the ball, was a consummate leader for Estancia Coach Dave Perkins. The South will be coached by Rick Gibson, who led Wood- bridge to the CIF Division VI crown and a 13-0-1 record. .- HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL ... ··SAILORS CONTINUED FROM 6 KIM HAGGERTY·ZVWS I DAILY Pl.OT Ty Tramblle (left) and Bllly Clayton (above) took their shots, but too many Sailors' efforts fell short Monday night In the UUe match as Santa Margarita swept Newport for the crown at the Orange County Division I Championships at Golden West. Wells each had five kills for the Sailors, while Jameson added three kills, three service aces (al) in the second game) and a pair of solo blocks. Hearlson had three blocks. match-high 12 digs for the Eagles. •wo kept the pressure on them with our serv- ing," added Rapp, whose program also won a CIF Division 11 title in 1997. Robinson led the charge in Santa Margarita's first-game rally, recording six kills and a block - after Newport Harbor led. 11-6. Newport Harbor enjoyed an 11-6 lead in the , first game following kills by Alan Umon and all- toumament selection Adam Hearlson, and a solo block by Matt Jameson OQ. Santa Margarita senior middle blocker Brian Kallenbaugh. The Eagles twice had game point, but the Tars found a way to keep it going and eventually caught Santa Margarita at 14 , with Jameson delivering the fireworks with an assisted block and a ldll a rally be kept alive with an outstand- ing dig in the back row. •Maybe we got comfortable,• said Glenn, whose squad was outplayed in every aspect from that point until match's end. •we l05t to Corona del Mar in the final last year, but that at leMt went three games. Tonight we just got ambushed.• But Mora had back-to-back kills, including one to give the Eagles a 15-14 edge, then an unforced error by the Tars on a set furnished San- ta Margarita with the clincller. The Sailors led in the second game, 4-0, but the Eagles rallied again, building an 11-6 lead. Jameson's ace pulled the sailors to within 11-9, but Santa Ma.rg's cons1Stent block and dig-.every· ball defense carried the Eagles to the finish line. Hearlson, Umon, Billy Clayton and Zach DREAM TEAM CONTINUED FROM 6 .. 1 he continually fed her lnstde, including long passes over "'treating defenders when Smith ran tho floor in trah.Sitlon. • Hatsushl, whOH pa$1•fim mentality often required Weeks • to ask her to ahoot more, 1 av raged 8.3 pomtl and drilled 42 truee·pointen. But her 7 .2 '•lst average ranked among the Orange County leaders and she ~ contributed 4.1 rebo\lnds flld 2.9 lteala per cont t. H r ~to-Matt ratio was -.rtY 2·1, pro,mpttng Weeki to '-m 1'* the bMt pure point • guard the school has ever had. Urbali, a 5-9 soruor, provtd d consistent scoring punch for the Sailors, producing mucb o~ her 1 t .9 per-game average on midrange jumpers, or con erting in tramitlon. She wu also a rebounding presence, though the S8ilors kept no reboundlnq stats. Paul, a 5·7 point guard, cap~ a four-yeo.r vanity car r wtth a solid campolgn. She averaged ? . l points, but scoring was never her primery concern. Instead, he rOC\.UHKS on handling pressure fro~f)OS!ng def P.n with steady ·handling prowess, and ~U the ball tO Ross, UrbaJ'I encS"the rest or her teammate1. o.plte her preference for pUtlng, Paul did .P(tMde ll sroring thleat, particulo.rly from three-point range. She hit five thtce-pointers against Lakewood in a Dccem9ef tournament gam . and twico sank four from beyond the arc in other games, including four three balls without a miss in one second-quarter visit to •the zone• ftgainst Sea Vi w League champion El Thro. Cassity, a s .. a forward, was a defensive demon for Coach Paul ·Kirby' Eagl , and also averaged 10.4 polnti per gam She's left akin on every floor 1he'1 ev r played on. but oontinuea tO add poliSb to the heer ethletidsm wbidl bu alloWed hJtt to uc8l thus far. Sbe Will be tbe catalyst fer the sap. next MetOn. =40=-c--~----------~~ Newport Harbor standout lone local representative in Orange County All-Star Game set for April 24 at OCC. Newport Harbor High senior Matt Jameson, a four- year varsity boys basketball starter and the Newport- Mesa District Play- er of the Year this season, has been . selected to represent the South in the Orans e County All-Star Bas- ketball Game, scheduled April 24 at Orange Coast College. Jameson, a 6-foot-1 point guard, averaged 16.2 points, 6.6 assists, 5.5 rebounds and 2.6 steals to lead the Sailors to a school-record 24 wins and a berth in the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion ll-AA quarterfinals. Jameson, a thfee,.time All· Sea View League and all- district per- form.er, is among the 12- player South roster, coached by Laguna Beach bead man Bret Flem-Jameson ing, wlnch will square off against the top players from the North at 8 ~.m. The girls game, wlnch for the second straight year will be with· out a Newport-Mesa player, will precede the boys game at 5 p m. -by Barry Faulkner BRIEFLY ·SCC's Candelaria honored Southern -------.-Cal if orn i a I AS I Ill l College's Kevin Candelaria was named Golden State Athletic Conference Player of the Week after going 7 for 13 (.538) at the plate as the Vanguards won all four of their baseball games. A junior outfielder-catcher out of Page, Ariz., he also bad a double, four RBis and six runs scored. Mustangs lead Argos COSTA MESA -----.-The Costa Mesa G 0 l f High boys golf team built a 229- 240 advantage during the first nine holes of an 18-bole non- league match with Garden Grove Monday at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club's Mesa Linda Course. Junior Jeff Montoya had the low roUfld of the day (2-over-par 37), followed by teanunates Bryce Sheridan (40), Luther Mithcell (50), Donny Miller (51) and Steve Perez (51). The match will be con- cluded Wednesday dt Willowick Golf Course. Eagles' rally falls short COSTA MESA -----.-The Estancia High I 0 l F golf team outscored Villa Park Monday at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club's Mesa Linda Course, but the Spartans pre- vailed in the 18-hole nonleague match, 410-420. Tom Rausch was 1-under (34) Monday and finished as the 18· hole medalist. Pete Andersen (38), Matt Wehr (38), Joey Mueller (43) and Phil Westphal (43) also scored for the Eagles, who topped the Spartans, 196- 206, the final nine holes. OCC women lose, 7-2 COSTA --... --.-MESA -Orange T I II II I S Coast College's women's tennis team dropped a 7-2 nonconf~r­ ence decision to visiting Seattle University Monday, the Pirates falling to 6-6 overall NONCXJtt UENCE ~ 5EAm.E lJNMJlsrTY 7, occ 2 Singles: Jaeger (QCQ def. Ayawawa, &-4, 6-3; Lee (S) def. Verhagen. 6-0, 1-6, 6-2; F~ (S) def. Poire!, 6-2, 6-~; Ewert (S) def. Gibson, 6-1, &-4; A1.19ust1ne (S) def. Hemming.a, 6-0, 6-0; Ky (S) def. Babayari, 6-0, 6-0. Doubles: Jaeger-Poire! COCO def Fry--Ewert, ~3; Lee-Ayakawa (S) def. Verhagen-Gibson by default.; Ky-Cruz (S) def. Hemminga...Babayanl, 8-4. Eagles clipped, 17 -1 GARDEN -----.- GROVE -Sopha-T I II II I S more D.J .. Glacy and senior Jacob Sink moved out of single~ to form Estancia High's No. 1 doubles team Monday arid they earned the Eagles' only set in host Santi- ago's 17-1 nonleague boys tennis win. Glacy was replaced at No 1 singles by Creighton Chun, while DoIWDJc Jane took over for Sink at No. 2 singles. Estancia Coach Dave Hebert said the switch will be permanent. The Eagles (0-3) host Allso Niguel today in Pacific Coast League action. NOM.EAGUE SNmAGO 17, E.srANCIA 1 Singles: Chun (E) lost to N. Vu, 1-6, lost to K. Pham, 1-6, lost to Tran, 4-6, Jarre (E) lost <Mi, 1·6, <Mi; Perez (E) lost <Mi, 4-6. 1-6. Doubles: Glacy·Sink (E) lost to M. Nguyen-T. Vu, 3-6, def. 0 . Pham-0. Nguyen, &-4, lost to Van·Ngo, 4-6; Trujillo-Rudolph (E) lost 0-6, <Mi. 1-6; Alvergue-Reddock (E) lost 1-6, 2-6, 1-6. l • AQ ATI S CENT•:R • EROBI SPORTS SCHEDUL• TODAY ........ C611ege -Westmont at Southern .,, catifomia College. 2:30 p.m. .--, Community college -Pasadena at M Orange Coast. 2 p.m. High school · Aliso Niguel at Estancia, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Univen~ :-: 3:15 p.m. · ·- • Softbell nr. College · Concordia at Southern , ' califomia College. 2 p.m. Community college -Santa Arla at Orange Coast. 3 p.m. High school • Anaheim at Estancia. 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Sant.a~ 3p.m. .. ... • Tennis : College women · Westmont at ;. Southern california College, 2 p.m .• High school boys -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 3: 15 p.m.; : Costa Mesa at University, 3: 15 p.m.; Aliso Niguel at Estancia, 3:15 p .m. • • VOiieybali High school boys · Marina at Ne~· Harbor. 6:45 p.m. .... • Swlnwning .. High school boys and girls • Costa Mesa at University. 3:15 p.m. • High school gins -Newport Hart>Qi. Costa Mesa at OF Relays ~hms at .. Belmont Plaza, 3 p.m. • • • Golf • High sdlool boys -Newport Ha vs. Corona del Mar, at Big canyon 3 p.m.; Costa Mesa vs. Tustin. at Tu.lm Ranch. j ;)O p.m. .. - DEEP SEA : .. -MONDAY'S COUNTS • Newport Lllncftng -1 boat; 17 .. anglers. 10 sand bass, 4 sculpin, 1 ,;e Davey's Lodter • no report. • llPPY lllTlllY i il t J I I .. -.. .. • RA QUETBALt .. •Fa WEIGHT PERSONAL TRAIN R. • TRENOTH TRAINING £QUI • BAS £'1'8ALl. ltrilb~..r-. YMCA 2308 nlftnllt)' Dr.• New..,.. 9wla 9JiMe 949/642•9990 r FlcthJou• Bu.lnee.t l111il N•m• 8t....,_,t The IOllo'IWttlQ ~~ .,. dolno buill'IUI ... DJ tA•rkttlng and ,, Promotlof'a. 30 Paml>ION • St , Allto Vlofo, CA 029!8 Douotu HtjWY 81amona. ~ PatnplOt\il St.. Aliso Vlelo. CA 92650 . fhll l>Ylll'INI It con- ducted by: an lndlVkA* ~ ~~-"'! you •tarted doing ,uuav•U yet? V .. , Feb. 1, -'899 Douglas H Clemons Thia statement was fiktel y.illt\ the County Clerk of Orange County on 2-26·99 ttt9618441 7 Dally Pilot Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 1999 T343 Fictitious BualneH Nam• Statement Tile loUowing persons 111e doing t>usiness as BAGS N COMPANY, 15561 Producer Lane Unit I, Huntington Beach, CA -82649 Jammie Coca, 163~ Myrtlewood, Fountain Val· ley, CA 92708 This business is con· ducted by an Individual Have you started domg .,business yet? Yes, Feb. 1, t899 -Jammie Coca This statement was fried with the County Clerk ol Orange County on 2·26·99 1"96784429 Daily Pilot Mar. 2. 9, 16. 23, 1999 T347 Flctltloua Bualneu Name Statement The following persons are doing business as: COLOR AD VENTURES. 1008 Wilson Street, Costa -M8ia. Ca 92627 Lisa Ann Secrest, 1008 Wiison Street. Costa Mesa Ca 92627 ' Ttus business Is con· ducted by· an Individual Have you started doing busmess ye1? No Lisa Ann Secrest This s1a1ement was filed with the County Clell< of Orange County on 2·26·99 19996784430 Daily Pilot Mar. 2., 9, 16, 23, 1999 T344 Fictitious Business Nam e Statement The lollowlng persons are doing business as. Creative Insight, 22946 Moonstone Lane, Lake Forest. Ca 92630 Branden Wiison. 22946 Moonstone Lane. Lake • Ferest. Ca 92630 This business Is con· ducted by an Individual Have you started , doing business yet? No Branden Wiison This slalement was filed With Ille County Clerl< ol Orange County on 2·26-99 " 19996784431 Dally Pilot Mar 2, 9, 16, "6,4. 1999 T341 .. Fictitious Bualne .. ~ Name Statement The following persons are domg business as. 'GONDOLA· NEWPORT. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102 B. New· port Beach, CA 9266.3 Frank A Walker, 20242 • S11nshlne Or., Hunlington Seach, CA 92646 --James A. Mahoney , 1707 Plaza Del Sur' 'Ball>Oa. CA 92661 ' Tuts business is con· ducted by a general part· nershJp 'Have you started doing )vslness yet? Yes, 2115199 Frank A. Walker James A. Mahoney 1'tils statement was filed 'jl(llh the County Clerk ot .orange County on 2·26·99 19996784432 Dally Pllol Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23. 1999 T329 Fictitious Bualn eaa Name Statement The lolloWing persons are dotng business as. Nalional Support Setv· ices. Inc , 21476 Cypresswood, Lake For· est. CA 92630 Nauonal Support Serv· lt'es, Inc.. 1Dt33·0843294 (Ca11torn1a}. 21 476 Cypresswood. Lake For· -t. CA92630 This business 1s con· ducted by a corporalion Have you s1arted doing business yet? Yes, Febrv· ary 19, 1999 Nallonal Support Serv· ices, Inc., Vall! M Wea119r OiO ' lhis statement was ltted with lhe County Clerk of Orange County on 3-2·99 1,9996784718 Daily PtlOI Mar 9, 16, 23, 30. 1999 T353 Fictitious BualneH Name Statement The following persons are doing business as: GTR Autosports. 5118 w Progresso St .• San1a Ana . California 92703-1116 Hien Tuan t.y, 5118 w Progresso St., Santa Ma Callfomla 92703-ft 18 ' Toi Van Trail, 9432 08ela Ave.. We1tmin1ter, C11itomla 92683 Nam Hoang I.am, 1059 NCatlfoAntortlo Cfn:le, Orange, mla 92869 Thll bollneu It coo- duetad by: • general part· IWll'll\ip fiave you &tarted dOlng bu$irl4ttS yet? No Toi Van Tran Thia etatement wu fli.d With tne County Cltl'k of Orange COunty Of\ 2•9-99 111917121f3 DallY Pilol Mar I>, 1 ~ 23, ~ 1099 1383 ,.ctfifou• BuatnM• N1m1t Stet8'Mnt the tollOwtng pel'ION are Clolnl) butlniaa» aa: t1 a J Pr<>vertlee, 1s12 Port Sheflleld Pl:.-•• N1wpor1 8-adl, C4 l>!loou Hanry J Miedema, Tn1•t" of Mlocsoma iram11y Trust aarlK'J Hllt811X>, 1812 Port Shelfletd f.!:.1 NoWl)Of1 O.adl, <fA 92wu Thia DUaineH It 000• dl.QIKI by. Family Trtal HAY1 'J'CXI •t•rttd dOi"9 bUli'l*H yet? Y ... Marctl 2<4. f 994 . f=IJ M~rna. :r,,.. ll•tement waa lllltd Wlltl 1111 Oounty Cieri< of 0r•""9 Counl,~·! 09 1 •212 Olily Ptlct Mtr. I>, 11!:_~ 30 .. tlJtl l i.IOf Sunbreezet...~unUngton BMch, CA. ~<47 Thia bulinHI It 000· dUC11d by an lncti'Vldual Have yo1.1 111ned doing uSlnelf_yet?·No Otvl<S COhel' Thia ~ment waa flt.d with 1t1e County ci.nc ct Orange eoun~:t'.3 12'99 t 7"16t Dilly Pilot -..ar. U14-~3: 30. ~· 1999 ·~ Fl ue Buiiwe Name Stetement The followfng pertOn$ are doing boslntu aa; Cles.y "Pielura Fram1fl0 1835 Newport Blvd., 0 160: Costa Mesa, CA 92621 Ignacio G. VIilanueva, 295 S. Oak St., Otange CA 92866 ' H&Qor Mendoza, 333 E. 16 St., #31 , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This b1A1lneu le con· ducted by: co-partners Have you started· doing business Y-1117 No Ignacio '/3. VIiianueva . This statement was !lied with Iha County Clerk ot Orange Coun!>-'. on 3· 12·99 t 911917161'5 Dally Piiot Mar. 16t 23, 30 ~rtl 6, 1999 365 ~lctfoua Buslnese Heme Statement The followlng persons ere doing business as: Western Reliance Funding Group, 24422 A11enlda De La Carlota, Laguna Hiiis Ca. 92653 ' Bond Corp. Realty Serv· Ices, Inc .. (CA), 12 Corpo- rate Plaza, Suite 120, New· port Beach, CA 92660 This business is con· ducted by a corporation Have you started doing business yet? No Bondoorp Realty Serv· Ices, Inc.: Bryan K. Bond President ' This stalement was Hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 3·12·99 19996786164 Daily Pilot Mar. 16 23 30, April 6, 1999 t366 BSC8190 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: RETA MAE WHITING CASE NO. A196081 To all heirs, benefl· ciarles. creditors, cont· ingent creditors, and per· sons who may otherwise be interested In the wtll or estate, or bolh, of: RETA MAE WHITING A PETITION FOR PRO· BA.TE has been filed by AMY l YNCH and NICOLE LYNCH In the Superior Court of Calltomia, County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that AMY L VNCH and NICOLE LYNCH be appointed as personal representatives to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the deoedenrs Will and codlcils, if any, be admitted to probale. The Wlll and any ocx:hcils are available for examination In lhe file kept l>y lhe court. THE PETITION requests aulhority to admlntster the estate under the tndepend· ent Admlnlstrallon ot Es· tates Act (Tills Authority wilt allow the personal rep· resentatlves to take many actions without obtaining oou11 approval. Before taking certain very impor- tant actions, hoWever. lhe i>ersonal representatives will be required to glve no- lloe to interesled persons unlesa they hav1:1 waived notice or consented to the proposed actl<>n.) The In· dependent administration authority will be granted unless an lnlerested per· son tiles an objection 10 the petition and shows good cause why the court s1'oulcl not grant the aulhotity A HEARING on the pell· lion will be held on Aplll I, 1999 at 1:45 p.m. In Dept. L73 tocated a1341The01tY Drive South, Orange CA 92668. • IF YOU OBJECT IO the granting of the pelilion, you should appear at th9 hear· Ing and state your ob1ec· tlOns or lite wrltten obJeC· IJons with the court before the hearing. Your ap· pearance may be In persoo or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOA or contingent Creditor of the deceased, yolf mutl Ille your Claim With the court and mail a copy to the peraonal representallv&1 appointed by the court within four months trom the dale or the flrsl issuance of letters as provided In Pro-bate Code section 9100. The time for flllng claim& Wiii not expire before foor months rrom 1ne heiring date nolJQed abOve. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the court. 11 you are a penon interested In the eslate, you moy file with tti. court a Request for Soeoial Notice (forrn DE· 1&<4} of 1he llllng of an In· ventory and appralaal of e11a1e assets or of any petition or account aa provided In Prot>ate Code &action 1250. A Request for Special Notice form la available from Iha court Clertl AttorMY for ttle Pet.ltlonen LHLIE J. QARBER, H O. (C88 Hnl>O) NAll.VID, GLICKMAN, ICOTT 6 f'RANOIE, 1IOIO VINT\JRA BLVD. 8Ul1'9 410, SHEAMAN OAKI CA 91403 Pubfl1hed Newport Beaol"l·Coat• Meea Dally Pl~ Marct'I 1 e. 22. zj, 19:nr TM376 LEOAL NOTICE NOTICE 0 , PUBLIC SALE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Noliee 11 he~y glvon ltlal IM Ul'ldlraigntd will Hll &I publlc •'-'°'Ion. purau!IM IO 8ecCIOf\ 21100 Of the Out!· nosa & P1ofeae1ot111 Code the (Ollow~ c1tecr1b9<! ~1~ 8NYoER K·27, Table, ct\, band ~Ip • m11c ITEVE!N CAMft&EU: 0·13 Orgen tv't. 11W'tlder, lug , 880: ~'!°'.A.:..~•. bed, mite. •~ LAARN¢E H• ~~~ o-no ~ ,_., ...... -=-~ :=w.. p;.15 1Y, .... J fllhpola, tum. mite. Slht w1H be by com· petltlve bldd•ng {Wnnen Haled bids may b• 8'bnlltl<I In ~) on ltll 30th day 01 March 1"8 91 200 PM al~ prem1ae1 were aetd p1op-erty n.1 bMll etored lltld Which 18 located ti AYRES SEl.F' STOOAGE. 1012 Emea\ Ave., Hun11ng1Qn Beadl, c. (714) 8•8-73'. IM!cllOf'd ,..serve• lhe right to bid 11 th& ure Pvr<:hM4tt moo be made by CHh and paid for at the lime of pufQflase All pur• chased goods are sdd as Is and must be removed at 1lme ol aale. Sale Is suD)ec1 to call08flellon In the event of seltlcsment between landlord and obligated peny. Publlshtd on 03/16/99 and 03123/99, AUotioneer: Wanda Norton. Bond. 5·40()..1684 Ayres Self Storage. Resident Managers Publlshad Newporl Beach·Costa Mesa Dally Pno1 March 16, 23, 1999 T373 Flctltloua Bualneaa Name Statement The tollowln.g persons are doing business as: Finance Direct Networl</ FON Co., <4819 River Ave., Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 Bruce Scott Russell, 4819 River Ave .• Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 This business Is con-ducted by: an individual Have you started doing business yet? No Bruce Scon Russell _ Thfs statement was llled wllh lhe County Clerk of Orange Cou111~~3·12·99 1 186159 Dally Pilot Mar. 16 23 30, Aprll 6, 1999 tJ71' Frctltlous Business Name Statement The loltowtng persons are doing business as: lntemet Company, 2655 Plnecreek Or., #0<435, Cos1a Mesa. CA 9262(1 David Wiiiiam Main 17349 Jessica Lane, Chino Hills, CA 91709 This business Is con· ducted by. an lndlvldual Have you started doing business yet? No David Wllllam Mafn This s1a1emen1 was filed witti the County Clerk of Orange County on 3·12·99 19996786157 Dally Pilol Mar 16 23 30, April 6, 1999 h12 Fictitious Bu•lness Name Statement The following persons are doing business as· Golden State Capital 2855 Plnacreek ' Or , #0435, Costa Mesa CA 92626 • David Wiiiiam Main, 173'49 Jessica Lane. Chino Hiiis, CA 91709 This business Is con· ducted by: an individual Have you started doing business yet? No David Wilham Main This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 3·12·99 19996786158 Daily Pilot Mar 16. 23, 30, Apnt6, t999 T370 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S IALE T.S. No. CC-439'0-<.; Loin No. 0l28038t1 a~ YOU ME IN OEf~UL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11128191. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8UC SALE. jp: YOU NEED Nf EXPl.ANA- TION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCU:OING AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO COffTACT A LAWYEl A pubtlc auction .... to the hlahdt bidder fOf c:uh, cuftlel"I Ch.Cl! drawn on • euc. °' n•· tlonll b1nk, check dr.-wn by • state °' ftdef•I credit union, or • checJc drawn by • mt• °' feder•I UV• Ing• Ind loin auoci.tton or Nvlng1 1uocla~.lon:·i o( uvtnga bank specniea In e.ctlon 1102 Off the , ... n1ncU.I Code and author· &Lid to do bullM.u In thl• state wth be held by the duly appolnttd ttuatae. The Ala Wiii be mlde, but without covenant or war- ranty, eaJH••Md or Im-plied, regarding tit .. , po.,_ ae1aton, Of anc:um- bfanc.e, to utttty tr.. Obtiaadofl MCUfed by Aid DMa ot Truat. The undef· algfMd Trust" dlldalmt any H1blltty for tny lncor• r.c:tne.H Of the property llddreH or ot!Mr common dtalan•~ If any, ehown twe.rn. H'ltUSTOR:DAVID aeC>TT WIL.aON AND DIANA ~ Wl1.SOH HUIBAND AND WllfE ftacotded 12Nll aa tn-etnim• No, 1111C1Ma'7-' 1n ~ • page ot omc111 "-Corda In the ofrlce ot the ftecon:ter of ~E County, c.lltfotn ... Data ot Siie:~ It 2:00 PM Pl.tee ot a.r.: AT Tltl! NOfllTH ~ IN- TMHCI TO THe COUNTY COUftTI«>U ... 100 CMC CINTIR DtWe WHT IANTA NIA. ~it\ =' Adotua le SM· to be: 412 CAM- I ClftCUI COSTA MftA, CAL.lfl()IVM 92121· m1 Al'H #! .-.111-11 The totltl amount ~ .., Mid lnltn#nent .. of ... tlm• °' ....... pubffca- llon "' "* notice la S'2H.20t.21, wtlkh ln-cfUde1 the total MMiUnt ot the unpMI ~ (lnoludtne accrued end unpaid lnttltfft} lftd rta• IOMble ~ C09U, ••I*'..., and .tvencea It the time "' lnltlal ~­Ulflon ot thla nottc.. o,te; Maleh 1\,~-IXICU-TIVSTllW ~ INC. 11411 1M fllJt;. NAHDO MINION aw SUITI ._ •ttON ~~(~ =r-2111'/ .,,, ~ NOTICE OF APP.UCA TIOH TO SELL ALCOHOLIC HVERAOES De1t Of Filing APClllcallotl' FEB 2!1. 11Ml8 T9 Whom II May Coo otMI· The Natne(t) ol thi Ap. '**111•) II/fire. 8AIN1JOHN ROBERT HIHRY aka 8.AINTEAHE "°8ER'T HENRY S AINT JOHN . '8Hl!IL~ ...... ~ IHll.A AHNE "'"' 9"1lclolti ~ 'r. .. '!PfM'I IO .. ' . L'!!!f--11..ue !I01ICl8 11 l'llllJC .llOTltli] ~n1 o1 AICOhOOe aucted bY OO·parmere F1.....iuo Peve'•t Coiurol to self II• Have you 1t•ntd oo.ng ..., U9 Buelneee =~~'m:_~b STE :u~~~7 Ye1. Ftbr~· r~':~ A2t0, COSTA MESA, CA ~ Mlfld!Olll •rt doing butmll et: ~27 Thie a1ete1Mnt wa• flled J C Cuaeom Painting. 380 or lhe lolloWloo (YP4t ot With Iha County Cfel'\( 01 W WllllOl'I 10102, Coll.a License: 4 t Olol·SALE Ortnge Count~ 3.5.99 Meta, Ca 82027 BEER ANO WINE • t 7"22e Joeeph C. Viera. 880 W ~TING PLACI! O.ilV PtlOC Mer g 16 23 Wilson 0102. Coe\a M .... ubllahed Newport 30, tff~ ' Tlsa Ca 92G27 Beacti-Coata ~sa oa11y Thi• boalnesa la con· Pllof ~ron e, 16, 23, 199& Flctltloua 81.1alneH ducted by; an lnchvldual • T3152 Nwn• Stetement Have you start~ doing Flctftloua Buelneee The f0How1ng persona bu511'1ess yet? Yes N•m. St9t9me t ere Clolng bullness as 2"·17·89 Th n New C.reer Resources Joseph c. Viera are ·~~g ~I J>81$00S 224 Hartford Rd., Newport This slalement was filed 0 neu a•: Beecti, CA 02660 with lhe County Clerl\ o4 H~=r~dus~n~l S HGlendr-Croaby~226 0111nge C04.lntv on 2·28·99 CA 92104 " na, artford Rd., Newport. CA 1'996784413 0 Id L 9~0 Dally Piiot Mar 2 9 16 172~~ San R~C:,P'Ct~· M!~~ Batafilla, 26501 23, 1999 · ' t.J32 Fountain Valley, 'CA 92700 Htlls, 8~a926J· Laguna Flctltloue Bualneaa Raymond t. McAJplne, This t>vslness 1.S con· Name St•tement 2618 PS7 Lane, Cedar· ductect by: a general part· The tollOwlng persOJ\s edl.!, CO 61413 nership • are doing buslnep as: teve L. MoAJpine, 5721 Have you started dQlng Glnglss Formalwear C Abraham, Westminster, buslneo yat7 No 2011 Westrnlnsler Mall: A 92683 Glenda Crosby Westminster. Ca. 92683 Thfs business rs oon· This sldlement was filed MatttleW Thomas Poy ducted 1 by: a general part· with the County Cler1< bf 2033 Ea&t Third SI., 12e: nersh P Orange County on 3.5.99 LOl'IQ 8eatn, Ca. 90614 Have you started doing t999678521t Thls business Is con· business yet? No Dall'! Pilot Mar. 9 16 23 ducted by: an lndlYldual DaVld L. McAlplne so, 1~99 ' 1356 Heve you &tarted doing t~rshstatement was llled Flctltlout BusfneH b.ustness ye!? No O:an~e 8c~~~S\~ Name Statement ~~:":.:1e=a!:S0Yiled 1 78522'4 The folloWlng persons With the county Cfertc o1 Daily Piiot Mar. 9, 16, 23, are doing business as: Orange County on 2·28·99 so, 1999 T361 Viking t>er1ormance. 485 19996784422 Flctltfou• BualneH ~-es~.7g'A 9~;;t. Costa 230W9~11ot Mar. 2, gt 16, Name Statement Ertk Folkedal 485" E ' 332 The foll<>Yi!no persons 17th Street, Costa Mesa: Fictitious Bualneea are doing business as: CA 92627 Name Statement HAWKEYE Viking Aircraft Proctucts The following persons CONSTRUCTION, 666 (NVI, 1765 E. Sahara are dolng business ss· Baker St., Suite 331 , Costa Suite 490, Las Vegas. NV YOUR filEIGHBORHOoO Mesa, CA. 92626 89104 FLOWER LADY, 10171 Terry L. Zlasman, 6401 This business Is con· Theseus Or., Huntington Rosemary Drive, Cypress, ducted by: a limited part· Beach, CA 92646 Calif. 90630 nershlp Susan Kay Voltz, 10171, This business Is con· Have you slatted doing Theseus Dr., Huntington ducted by: an lndtvldual business yet? No Beach, CA 926<46 Have you started clOlng Erik Folkedal, (General This business Is con· business yet? Yes, 3.92 Partner) ducted by: an Individual Terry l. Ziesman This statement was filed Have you started doing This statement was flied wilt\ the County Clerk of business y.e•? No wllh the County Clerk of Orange County on 3-5·99 Susan Kay Voltz Orange County on 2·3·99 19996785225 This statement was filed · 19996782262 Dally Piiot Mar. 9 16 23 with the County Clerk of Dally Pilol Mar. 2, 9, 16, 30, 1999 ' T35S Orange County on 2·26·99 23. l999 T350 Fictitious Business 19996784434 Fictitious Buslneas Name Statem ent 2J'a1~9~11o1 Mar. 2, 9. 16, Name Statement The following persons • 1 T340 The following persons are doing business as· Fictitious Buslneaa are doing business as. Diagnostic Medical Serv· Name Statement PEACEMAKERS Ices. 4667 MacArthur The following persons COMMUNITY CHURCH. BlVd .. Suire 400, Newport are doing business es: 1720 Al.lams Av Cosla Beach, Ca. 92660 HART'S RUGS ANO Mesa. CA 92626 Calllorn1a Diagnostic CARPETS, 101 Kalmus Douglas Folleue, 1920 Health Services, Inc. (Ca.}, Or., Coa1a Mesa, CA Swan Or • Costa Mesa CA 44· 100 Monterey Avenue 92626 92626 . #204, Palm Desert ca' CYMRU TRADING INC Marie Kolasinski, 1970 92260 ' · (CA), 101 Kalmua Drive' Swan Drive, Costa Mesa. This business ts con· Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ' CA 92626 ducted by a CO<J)Orallon This business is con· Anne Sorensen. t961 Have you started doing ducted by: a corporatton Swan Dr .. Costa Mesa. CA business yet? No • Have you started doing 92626 Callfornla Diagnostic business yet? This business 1s con· Health Svs. Inc. t>atrfola Yes, 10/18178 ducted by. an unin· R Farr, CEO CYMRU TRADING INC., corporaled association This statement was filed Ph1Ulp HarWioe President other than a partnership with the County Clerk of This statement was ffled Have you started doing Orange County on 3·5-99 with the County Clerk ol business yet? Yes. 19996785208 Orange County on 2·26-99 10·31·97 Daily Piiot Mar. 9, 16, 23, 19996784426 Anne Sorensen 30. 1999 T354 Dally Pilot Mar. 2, 9 16 Thia statement was tiled 23, 1999 fa36 with the County Clell< 01 t-1ctltlous Business Flctltlo'*• Buelnen Orange County on 2·26·99 Name S~tement Name St•tement 19996784421 The following persons Daily Pilot Mar. 2. 9, 16 are doing business as· ar~3o1 lol~rg per$ons 23, 1999 T33fi ARROWHEAD B & H~sne: as: Fictitious Business PROPERTY MANAGE· Campus Orme~t:'· ~o Nam e StateRlent ' ~ENT co .. 666 Baker St · Newport BeaCh. cA 92660 The toUow~ng persons c~rte92~~~· Costa Mega, Professlona1' Funding are doing business as: Madge Irene Davis 2230 CorporaOQn (CA), 4570 ro1a1 Appliance Service Lake Park Drive .us San Campus Dr. Ste. 100. (TAS). 1614 Minorca Dr.. Jacinto, Calll 92583 ' NewpQrt Beach, CA 92660 Coste1 Mesa. CA 92826 ThlS bUslness is con· ThtS business ls . con· Vad1m A M1chanlne. dueled by; an indlVldual dueled by; a corporation 1614 Mlnorca Or. Costa Have you started doln I-lave you started domg Mesa, CA 92626 business.yet? Yes Oct 9¥ business yet? Yes, 2+99 This buSlness 1s con· Madge Irene Oa~is Professional Funding ducted by an lnd1111dua1 This statement was filed Corporation. John R. Have you started dotnQ with the County Clerk 01 Browning, Sec/Treasuer business ye1? No Orange Counly on 2•16•99 This sllllement was liled Vadtm A M1chanlne 19996783603 with the County Clerk ol This statement was filed Pally Pilot Mar 2 9 16 Orange County on 2-26·99 with the County Cieri< 01 23. 1999 · • • • 19996784-U4 Orange County on 2·26·99 ' T349 Daltv Piiot Mar. 2, 9. 16, 19996784433 Fictitious B usiness 23, 1999 T339 Daily Pilot Mar 2. 9, 16, Neme St•tement Fictitious BusfneH 23, 1999 T~ The lollowing persons Nam e Statement FICtitious Business are dolng business as: The following persons Name Statement Skin &l3ody, 120 E. 16th are doing business as· The following persons St .. Costa Mesa. Calilomla Adams HardWOOd Roor· are doing business as. 92627 Ing, 92S Begonia Ave LOLLIPOPS. Sonia Park Weatherly, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 " ACCESSOIRES, 372 3624 W Carel Or., Full· Ctlrtls Bnan Adams, 925 Cypress t3, Laguna erton, Cahfomfa 92833 Begonia Ave .. Costa Mesa Beaol"I, Ca. 92651 This business ts con· CA. 92626 ' Holly Wojahn, 372 ducted by. an Individual This business 11 con· Cypress 13, Laguna Have you started doing dUC1ed by: an lndtvidual 8eact1. ca. 92651 business yet? Yes, 619.5 Have you started doing This business ls 000• Sonia Weatherly business yet? No ducted by: an lndlVidual .Thi• s1a1ement was filed Curtis Adams Have you started doing w1tti the County Clerk ol This statement was med business yet? No Orange County on 2·26·99 wilh Iha Counly Clerk of Holly WOjahn 19996'784453 Orange County on 2·26·99 This statement wH filed Dally Pilot Mar. 2, 9, 16. 19996784425 with the CounlY Cieri< ol 23, 1999 T331 Daily Plfol Mar. 2, 9 16, Orange County on 2·26·99 Fictitious Business 23. 1999 T337 f9996784452 Name Statement Fictitious Bualnesa J'al~ Piiot Mar. 2. 9. 16, The following persons Name Statement 2 • 1 99 T330 are doing bUslness as The following peraons Fictitious Buelness GtobatNet Productions are doing business as: Name Statem ent Group, 3345 Newport a) WOMEX TRADING Th BIVd.. Ste 206, Newport GROUP e lollowlng persons Beaoh, Ca. 92663 bl WORLD OPTIONS are clolnp business as:. James J. Ranoe, 107 M A R K ET S & E X lmperla Auto Service, 24th St. Newport Beach, CHANGES A TRADING ~17 W. Segers1rom Ave.. Ca. 92663 COMPANY 20291 Kline nta Ana, CA 92104 This business Is con· Onvv Sant& Ana H Jght Riad A. El Masr1. 65 duotlld by: an Individual CA 92707 e $, ~;:~~field, Irvine, CA b Hfve you stane<I doing Rlcnard J. Counts, 2052 Ziad AM '342 usnessJet?No NewportBlvd#6·11.Cos1a I. G · asr · James . Ranoe Mesa CA 92627 0~~ rove, Irvine, CA ·This sta1ernen1 was filed This business is oon· This business Is con· ~th thee County Clarl< ol ducted by: an Individual du~ed by a general pan· range oun11-27·:~·89 Have you started doing nershlp .,..450 businen yet? No Hive you starled doin 2 Dally l>!lot Mar. 2, 9, 16, Richard J. Countt buslnen yet7 Yea 199<4 g 3• 1999 T333 Thls statement was llled RIOd A. EL Masri Flctltlou1 Bu1lneH with lhe County Cler1< ol Thia .taternent was flied Name Statement Orange County on 2·26·99 with lh• County Clerk of Th9 fo4lowlng pertMs 19996784451 Orange County on s.6.09 ere~ bualne88 ea; 23DaUy Pilot Mar. 2, 9, 16, 199M785213 Ba~tar Flooring, Inc. • l999 T346 Oalty PllOC Mar 9, t6, 23, 3001 Redhlll Ave., o'ulldlng FlctitJoua Bualne•• 30..i, 1999 T360 <4 112.2, Co&ta Mell, Ca. N•m• Statement .-lctltloua BualneH 926~8 . The IOllOWing per&O(\s Nam e Statement B1ySf11r Flooring Inc.. at• doing buslneu aa. The lodowlng perten• ~a 3001 ReclhlD Ave.. .TAHITrfNN MOTEi., <450 are doing businea u ... Ing 4 #122. Coata V1ct01la Sl., Coat• Masa, Slortgt l>lut Malt Cenier -T~..: ct. lr.!I 626 CA 1>2627 2468 Newpo11 Bl d Co ' ·-""' ""' le con· Feng An Chow .450 ,,,_ .. Ct WJ.6-d .. &ta <1~11<'1 by Q COl'JX)flltlon VICIOrfa St.. Colla 0 Mosa (uOene Ken Chen 16 avt you •tarted doing CA 92627 ' Aalna1ar IMne ca 9U14 buslntn y111? No Blh Chlom Chow 450 GIJdyt Chad< 1o Rain· K~~~~r6 F1oo1rll.ng, Inc , VClctOlle St, Coaia J.Ae ... 11ar, lrvl™t C, a~814 OMO A 92627 Thi\ bui111eS. •• COO· PrHldOnl ll'll• buslno.-,, 000• <luotOd bv: e ge,,.1111 9t1rt Thl11 statement w11 11111d Cluctad by hUaband end ntl*hil) with rhll CWnty ci.1~ of wile Ha~ you atanld doing Orangt Covnty on 2 26•19 tlav• you GtArttd clOlog t>u•frnl , Y•l? No 19"11....,.8 butlnau yet? No Eugone Chan Dally P110t Mar 2. ~ 16, e1h Chiem ChOW 1'hti llotement waa 111td 23• i 9w9 fa35 Thtt atatemont was llled wllh tho Covn1v Cl•rk of Flctl1loua BuelnMe Wllh tht County Clerit Of Orange County °" 3-5-99 N•m• Statemeftt Orange Counl~~·21M~9 1"'978122.i fhA lolfoWlllg '*"°"' 1 M4M Dliilv Pilot Mtr 9, 111 23 ar doinO buatntM.. Oclliy_.Pllol M•r 2, 9, 16, 30, 1m T350 Little Joe'• Mu•IC , 73, 1WIJ T348 F:.:1.1:.=• ~~~· a~:4~ ~= Flctltlou• ButlneH fh9 lol Grove, C/\ t2MO Heme Statement art dOfn =~u~rtQOI Aaul Pllyen, t31'1 Clln· Tn• IOllQwlnO per1ont DONATHLu;s 2~ 0 ton s1, •t 1. Oerdlln a,. dotnO bullfl4! .. as Fairvi. Rd Co Orov , CA 92843 Mvence ~IOnt, 2~5 e CA 020~1 • 111 MtSI. Thlt bu '""' 11 con• M1r111om11 Ave.. IA 1, Ed d M duclOd by. •n Ind~ ~ti.im. catilOh'I& 92806 2262P~~ ~~di~ Have )'l.1U started ~ Hamkj ~•Y Jatarl, 10$ For .. 1. c.111om11 02930 =~: ytt? Yu ~:~· Irvine, Catt• ~lci4l Me~ 22921 Ra~= ~hYNh Mimi Mwl'lgt Jee 1ootrno ~~ FOf•tt, tflit -.11,... "9d 10$ w Y• ~ trvtne allfomtt lln'9U W1tt1 tr19 ~ C1M1 of C.ll!Qmltt 92t04 ' ' Glovan"I ~dtola, °'1lngeoauMw°"ta-tt Thia buelneee 11 ocn-~ ilwai--j ...... -.....,..... OUQICf tlV1 ""8blOO tnd ,.._ ~ -OilW Plat Mlt 2 I 10 Wife ftttll Min.. II oon b 1 · t... ™5 .._ve WOii 91a"*'I dl>ll1V ' ~~~..---~~--_.;. 1•••• w .. ,., bUM"'9I ._., v .. 01/01119£" • lit"1v•th ~ng\ Thi• ata .. meot waa filed with the County Clerk of Orange Coun~~l/.1: Dally PllOt Mar 23 30 Apr $, 13, 1999 he6 POIUC NoT1c! NOTICE OF · AV AILA81LITY OF ANNUAL RETURN Puravant to H ctlon 6106(d) o4 the .Internal Revenue Code, notice la hetet>y given that ui. an· nual relum for the fl&a9l year endlng Novembet so 1998 of ihe CHAITToN FAMIL V FOUNDATION private loundatlon, Is .van: able for Ins~, oare of Richard B. Thomas, A Professional aCXX>Ontancy corporal~, 2681 Point Off Mar, Corona del Mar 92625, (949) 6<40·2568 during regular business hours by any Cl11ien who requests II Within 180 daya alter the data of this publl· cation. Published Newport Beach.COSta Mesa Dally PllOt MarCh 23, 1999 T377 Eecrow No: 00017832KMB NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (SECS. 6104, 6105 U.C.C.) Notice Is hereby given to creditors of the within named seller that a bulk sale Is about to be made of the asse1s described below. The names and buslneaa addresses of the Seller are : HIEN NGOC NGUYEN ANO KIM DUNG I.E. 600 WEST 19TH STREET. NO D, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 The location In Callfomla of the chief executive office of the seller Is: SAME AS ABOVE As !Isled by the seller, all other business names and add19ases used by the seller within three years belore the date such list was sent or delivered to the buyer are: The names and busfness addresses of the buyer are. LAURA MA and TONY MA, 2514 SOUTH DIAMOND STREET, SANTAANA, CA 9270<4 The asse1s to be sold are described In general as: A BUSINESS INCLUDING FURNITIJRE, FIXTURE A N O EQUIPM EN T, ~EASEHOLO INTEREST ANO IMPROVEMENTS TRAOENAME, INVEN'. TORY and are located at: 600 WEST I 9TH STREET NO 0, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 The business name used by the seller at that location Is; 0 & H DONUTS The anticipated date of the sale/transfer Is 4119/1999 al the olfloe of Apex Escrow, 15576 Brool<hurst Street, No. 8 , Westmrns1er. CA 92683 This bulk sate IS subject to California Uniform Corn· merclal Code Section 6106.2. If IO subject, the name and address or the parson with whom claims may be flied Is KATHLEEN BUI Apex EscrDw , 15576 Brookhurst Streel, No. B. Weslmlnster, CA 92683 and the last dale for filing Claims shall be ._,16199 which Is the business clay before the sale dale speOI· fled above. Dated: 31611999 /a/LAURA MA /a/TONY MA Published Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Daily Pflot March 23, 1999 ______ T378 t , 11 SOuttt co.at. Coela Mall.CA 9Mae Tnla bUIMrw111 11 oon- ®c$ed by. an lndMdual ~YI you ttarted doing bUalnHI ~? v ... 311 M9 JMnnlnie ArMneull Thlt lttltllnent .. rtltd With the County Clerk of 018nge County Of\ 3-1 ~" 11111111117 Dally Pltot Mar. 23t 30, ""f, 13, 1M 3119 cihtOu• luelnMe Name~t The tOflOwlng pel'$0i'IS •rt doloO· tiu.lness u . W. /\,Adams & /\elOClates, 240 Nloe Lane, f212, New· port Beac:ll, CA 92663 W.118ce Afl(ln Adams, 240 Nice Lane, #212, New· port Beach, CA 92663 This buslnen Is con· ducced by: •n lndlvlduaf b Have you started clOlng uslness ydt1 Yes, 12/15197 Wallace Allen Adams ' Thia statemenl was filed w th the Cotlnty Clerlt of Ol'enge County on S.19·99 1"96711019 Dally Piiot Mar. 23. 30, Apr. 6, J3, 1999 T386 FfctttJOu• Buaf ne .. Neme Statetnent The lolloWlng persons are doing boslness as: The rntlnlty Matt<eting Group, 17280 NeWhope St.. #20, Fwntaln Valley CA 92.708 ' Robert Hartis, 17280 Newtiooe St., #20, Foun· taln Valley, CA 92708 This business ls con· duded by: an Individual Have you started doing buslneu yet? No Robert Hams This statement·was flied with ttle County Clerk of Orange County on 3-19-99 1"9e787014 Dally Piiot Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6, 13, 1999 T383 Fictitious Bualneaa Name Statement The following per$onS are doing business as: a~ LEFT COAST MEDIA b LCM IMAGE CARDS 2 21 West Coast HlghWay, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Todd Edward Robison 1901 Glenwooct Lane'. Newport Beach. CA 92660 This business· Is con· ducted by: an individual Have you started doing bUslness yet? No Todd Edward Aoblaon This statement was filed with the County Clert< Of Orange County on 3-19-99 11998187015 Dally Pilot Mar. 23 30 Apr. 6, 13, 1999 1384 Flcthloua BualneM N•m• Statement The lollowlng persons are doing t>usiness as: LA PETITE AMBIANCE 2512 Ocean BIV<I., Corona del Mar, Ca. 92625 Laura G. Davalos. 2612 Ocean Blvd., Corona del .Mar, Ca 92625 Th1s business Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started dotng business yet? No I.aura G. Davalol Thia sta1emen1 was llled With the" County Clerk of Orenge County on 3·19·99 ~ 19998781011 Dally Piiot Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6, 13, 1999 T385 Flctitloua BualneH Nam• Statement The folloWlng persons are doing business as: ADVERTISING ANO MAR· KETING INNOVATIONS 15154 Transislor Lane' Huntington Beach, CA 926<49 A.M.I. Services, Inc., (CA), 15154 Trenalator t.ane. Huntington Belch, CA 92649 Thia business Is con- ducted by; a oorporallon Have you started doing business yet? Yes, 02/14194 Fictitious Bualneaa A.M.1. Services, Inc. Ne me Statement J~nn M. Kaas. President The lolloWlng persons This statement was filed are doing business as: with the County Cieri( of American Plano Co.. Orange County on 3'-19·99 11661 Martens River Cr., 19996187019 Unit L. Fountain Valley, CA Dally Pilot Mar. 23~ 30. 92706 ~· 6, 13, 1999 1387 Mlchael Morey, 11661lctftloua Bualneu Martens River Cr .. Unit L N•m• Sta._m ..... t Fountain Valley, CA 927oS •• ..,, Denise Montgomery The followlng persons 11661 Manens River Cr' era dOlng buslnese aa: U It L F 1 ' KOPKE ANO 9~7oS °"nta n Valley, CA ASSOCIATES. 63S Prom· Thil business ts con· ontory Drive West. New· ducted by: co-partners port Beach, California H 92660 ave yoU started doing Judy Kopke, 635 Prorn· business yet? Yes. 03/01199 onlory Drive West, New· Denise Montgomery porl Beach, Cellrornla This statement was flied 92660 With the County Clerk ol Thi• bustneu 11 con· 01ange County on 3-I 9•99 dUOled by: an lndivklual 1"9e187007 Have you slarted doing Daily Plfol Mar. 23, 30, business yat? Yes. Apr. 6, 13, 1999 T394 February 1, 1999 F Juc:Jy Kopke lctltlou• 81.1alneH This statement was filed Name Statement With the County Clettt ot The lollOwlng f)4trsons Orange County on 3· 19-99 are doing bUslness as. 1"9e7ent9 SCUDDER REAL TV MAZUR & ASSOCIATES, 2101 E. 4th StrlJet, Suite ATTORNEYS AT uw. 102A, Santa Ana, CA 500 Newport Center Oflve. 92705 • Suite !..42.i. Newport Beach, Scudder Capital Mori· CA 9~ gage Corp., (CA), 2101 E Daffy PAot Mar. 23t 30 41h Street. Suite 102A, Apr. 6, 13, 1999 3g<) S1n11 Ana. CA 92705 Fictliioue Bualnea• This t>oslnese 1e coo· ducted by: a corporation N•,,,_ State~t ~:'.fy~t?a~ed doing er~o1do~1~55"::°"' SQldder CBPltal MOr1· Peterson & Associates OA"4l Corp., Cfa)'lon RU.8· OBA Mall Box•• Etc .. sen Jame., Jr. 600 A Anion Blvd., Costa l'h11 statement was tlltd Men, CA 92626 With the County Ole11< o1 Matt< J, Peterson 1221 Orange County on 3-19·99 West Coast Highway, 1DtM78101t jp106, Newport Bea.en, CA ~~aw. fJ~~ ::r. 23t:i 9~ burAnen 11 con· I ~ ducted by• an lndlvldual ct tloue Bu•lnfft Have you alarted clOlng N•m• StettfMnt 1>o11ne11 v.-1? v ... 3+09' The following peraona Marl< J Pater1on •rt doing tiu.lneu aa: Thll st.19ment w .. f!Mld Sttr lilolta. 1002 E .. t With ft\t County Cletk ol Bnitancnury Road, Full· Or•llQ8 County on 3 19·99 •rton. Ce. 92835 1ttte787004 Ga'Y A, S<ihmldt, 19102 Delly Piiot M4r. 2.3, 30, Pe1kvlaw Ttrrace, Vo~ Ap1. 8, 13, 1990 1392 ~'1:u ~c~°"'· 19102 • SUPERIOR COURT Ofl P.11rkvitw Terraoe, Yort>t CAUFOANIA. Unc'lll, Ct 92e&& COUNTY OF Thia bualneet 11 con-OR~NQE. 341 The doetld by· huet>and and ~ Drive. Po.t "t'ave )'QI.I attrtld do4ng Of'flOe lka• b"l 71 • t>ualnlA yet? NO' =','ri.-Q1ry A Sd1midt "" ' Thie •t•t..-nent w .. ftjifd T .. THI MA TTEA OF wtlh the County Ci.tt 01 HI PETITION TO O..ng, ~on 3·tl·IO CHMGI ntl NAiii c' 'l....,.-,oo1 OF PAlllLA JI.ANNE DellY PlloC Mar. 23 30, QWTH .. it;Jal!· lltt h11 QN8 TO 1ffOW '" iuelM.. CAU. FOR CHA.NOi N.me "8tement OP Ulm The folloWln9 penane CM1 ..-eR art Oolng.builneN.. A1.a11 t fr,111~ c:. .. ~· p ~I l t TI 0 " ! A I a ) Collte MIM OAnea9 ' 'ELA JIAH"I JHnntne' A1t•n•utt. ~.J':,..r,rir:= ,. • . ---•. 1"'iiil . . "}, --~· ~ ~DIR TO CHAAGE NAMES FROM PAMELA JE.ANNI! GWYNN£ TO J ACQUELIN E ANN POOCHIGIAN It 11 hel9by ordered that all per'°"• ~ In thie mttter 8Pf:!.98r befOte thle court 1n Department No. 703 or Ille Orange Coun4y 6upetfor Court at the acldNtt ahoWn above on 5-<4. 1999, at a o'clrook p.m. tnd ttien 1ncl theN •llOW cause, u any tti.y havl, why t"8 pelllfon lor change of name stlOUld not begramed. It l1 funher ordeted that a CCOY of tills order to show 081118 be publlshed In Net COSTA MESA OAll.Y Pl• LOT, e nawspafMtr of gen· eral clrculallon po!>llshed in this coon1y, at leasl once a wetl< tor tour conHQ.ltlW weeks prfOI to Iha dey of the neat1ng. DATI:: MAR 18 1819 JAMES A. JACKMAH. • JUDGE/COMMISSIONER OF THE SUPERIOR COURT DOUGLAS S. SMITH ESQ., 5 HUT TON CENTRE, SUITE eoo. SANTA ANA CA 9'£107 Published Newport Beach.CO.ta Mesa Dally P1lol March 23, 30, Aorfl 6. 13, 1999 'T379 FICdtJou• Bualneaa Name Statement The folloWl.ng persons are doing business as: 1 OTHt.EVEt.. COM,. 341 1 SeashOre Of. #A, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Jim Madden. 3411 Seashore Or., #A, Newport Beaol"I, CA 92663 This buslnen Is con· ducted by: an indlvldual Have voo started doing business yet? No Jim Madden This statement was filed wl1h the County Cle~ of Orange County on 3· 19·99 11998181008 Dally Piiot Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6, 13, 1999 T393 BSC8171 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: AGNES LILLIAN TIPPING aka AGNES L. TIPPING aka AGNES TIPPING aka ~GNES DlXON TIPPING eke AGNES DIXON ake AGNES ULU~N DIXON CASE NO, A19621 9 To .all heirs, benell· clacles. creditors, c:ont• lngenl creditors, and per· sons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: AGNES LILLIAN TIPPING ska AGNES t.: TIPPING aka AGNES TIPPING aka AGNES DIXON TIPPING aka AGNES DIXON aka AGNES LILLIAN DIXON A PETITION FOR PRO· BA TE has been filed by DWIGHT G. TIPPING. JR In the Suf)4tr1or Court pl Cattlomla, County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE request1 that DWIGHT G. TIPPING, JR. (DWIGHT GAYLE TIP· PING IN WILL) be ap· potr1ted as personal repre· sentatlve to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests the decedent's WIU and codlells. ii an~. be admitted to probate. The Wld and any codicils are avallable for examlna1lon In the Ille kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to edmlnislet the estate untSer the lndepend• enl Mmlnlstrallon of Ea· tates Act. (This Authority will allow lhe personal rep· resentatlve to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very lmpor· tant actions, tiOWever. the personal representative Wiii be required to give no- ttce to lnlerested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed adion.) The In· dependent administration authOl'l(y wlH be granled unless an Interested per-son Illes an objeotlon to the petition and ShOWI good cauae why the court stioukl not grant lhe authority. A HEARING on the pell· tlon Wiii be held on April 15. 1999 at 1:45 p.m. In Dept t.73 located at 341 The CllY Ot1ve SOUit\ O~e. CA 92868. ptO\,lideO In Prot>ate COOe 1toUon i 2b0 A R9<1uest tor Special NotlCa form la aVfltabl• fl"Ol'f\ the COUit cfert< PemfONt In Pro Per: DWIGHT 0 . TIPPIHO, Jft, t10 IL MODENA AW• NUEt.. NEWl>ORT 8!ACH. CAL•ORHtA t2~ Publlsh .. O Newport Beaett-Ooata Meta D~ PllOt Mitch 17, •><a 2 1999 ....,. . WT297 LIFE ANO ACCIOEMT ANDHEALTH .. SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATEMENT · YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998 Of PACIFIC LIFE -IN~I~;;,.~:~~ 70Q Newport Center ~ NeWport Beactl. CA 92Cfr. Horne Office , : Total ad1nltted tSsets. • •. $97,584,847,807 •• ' Total flabllltles, ·;~ $38.<427.1.,<4~A1210 : •: Capllal l::i1QC;1(S, • • $30,000,000 • Aggregate write·lns fotr other than special sut~ funds, So • Surplus notes, . _ .. $1<49,609,956 Gross pald·ln and con tnbutect surplus. , $35,000,000 :· Aggregate wnte·ins tor1• speclal surpkls, S D " Unassigned funds • · (surplus), S9•2,793,641 ;: Galfl (L06S) fr<lf'n opera .. • tlons, $240,844,121 ,• Nat Income. $187.567,839-'. Increase (Decrease) in . Capital and Surplus dunng • 1998, $212,626,114 • Insurance In Force: Na· ' llonwlde, S89.5S4,957,000 : Acoldenl & Health premiums, S Q Insurance in ForQO: Calffomla Bustness Page • $18,716, 158,091 • ; Accldenl & Health - premiums • Direct, $7,991,638 ...... We hereby certify t~ the above Items are In .C- cordance with the Annual Statement for the year ended December31, 1998 made to the Insurance Commissioner ol the Stale of Callfornla. pursuant 10 law. /SI Edw1rd R. Byrd Name of Vice PreeJd..,t and Controller /SI Dick Vin Tr•llen N1ma of Anl1t1nt Se,.tary Published Newpoo 8eaoh.Costa Mesa Daily Piiot March 22, 23, 24 25 26, 1999 . . L FE AND ACCIDE AND HEALTH SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT · YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998 ol PM GROUP LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Full Corporate Name • 100 West Clarendon. SuJte 2000. Phoenh<. AZ asoq Home Office T.otal edmltted asse1s $337,911,164 ' Total llabllllies, $.261 ,211,976 Capital Stocks, $2,900,000 Aggrega1e wllte·lns J0t other than speclal surplU$ llJnd&, • Surplus notes, · Gron paid ·in and C()l)- 01buted surplus, $37,606,714 Aggregate wrlte·lns for spacial surplU$. Unassigned lunc:Js, (torplus), 136. 192,<414 Gain (Loss) from operallons, $6,103,848 Net Income, $5,089,724 Increase (Decrease) In Cal)ltal and Surplus dunng 1998, $5,039,452 Insurance In Force. Na· Uonwlde, S8,n6,055,000 Accident & Health premiums, $465,303,252 Insurance in Force· California Business Pac;)e $4,234,089, 104 . Accident & Heahh premiums • Direct $108,350,306 • We hereby cert1ly 1he1 the above ftems are in a<> eof'danoe with the Annual Statement '°' the year ended December 31, f998 made to the Insure~ Commissioner ol the State of Calllomla, pursuant to law. • /SI R. Lee Wll,hlln, Name of Vice P,.tldent, Tix /SI Dick Vi n TrelJan N1me of AMl1tant ' Secretary Publ'6hed Newport Beach·Co&la M(Jsa Of{ Piiot March 22, 23, 24, , • 26, 1999 " M426 IF YOU OBJECT to the granting ol tha patlUon, you should appear a1 the hear· Ing and state your obtec· tlons or Ille wrltten ob c- tlons with the court be ore the hearing. Your ap· pearance may be In person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A Cf\EDI· !.--~~..---­TOR or contingent cl9dltor of the deceased. yov must file your claim with the c°"rt and man e copy to the personal representative PAcir1c V1EW appointed by the court r• Within tour month• !rem the MEMORIAL PARK date of ltie flrat IUuancie of 1ener1 u provided In Pro· Cemetery • Mortuary bate Code section 9100. Chapel • Crematory The time tor llllng claim• 3500 P.afJc View Orivt wilt not expire berotw lour Newport Beach • monthe frorn Iha hearing ........ ~700 date notloed •bOv•. ·~~li-lillilliaiiriim•.I YOU MAY EXAMINE tht Ille kept by ttle court. II you PtEllCI IROMll • •re a person lntetnled in IEll -UWAY the esttle, )'Qt! may ma M ort Ch with th• cxiun a Request for l.l#Y * apet fg:cial Notlco (form DE· Creme.tiof' ; > 01 Iha fifing o4 an lh· 110 Broadwav veolotY llnd oprnlaal ol c 1 .. 1a1e 1111111 or ot any oata Mesa ~tltlon or 1ocoun1 11 ... _.&4_2.·9-150mm• "Affordable JUtero.ative'' Discount Olsket, · ~dpn& Burial Service . . Why should you ubjcct yQurself.& your family to paying inflated price for c~kets & setvices???? c:.11 Toll me 1..-.54CAllBT ..... °'*" ..... . .. eo.na . • • I n ~ s s ~ • • .. l' . • • , ... Tu..day, ~ 23, 1999 ... ·J-. ' ' I~ ,_ -~ ·..i ~ r' '-< . '.. -=~ 'f ,, I • ,I • • , ~-. 41.J.J ,Ml».,.., ~·-~ -~-·- Plctldoue Bu.lnffa Aothloue .,..._. Thea ltl""*1t ... ~ llNSON n4e fleT1110N ,.. anhOltty will be grented ClbfM\ioM> with the before • four • month8 ....,. A. r k a• NerM ......_,t Hime ...._tMnt Wiil fie County Cl9l1t ol A PfTTTION .._ ~ .uthority to unleee en !ntM-.etecf oourt before the hut· ftom the healtno ct••• Na • 1 P • Ill a TN fOlowlng pel'IOfle • 'nie kllloWinO pe!ICnll ~ Countv On 3-11-99 ...... Ned by LoutSI! a. ...,....., UM M1at• penon the en obfMdon lne. Y04Jr .... enc. noticed .oov.. ..,,.. are~ bullneea aa ~ .,. dCMno bullrliile M : 1M11711011 WIUI! In UM ~ undel the Independent to the ..-ddon end rn.y be In pe,.on 0t bv YOU MAY [XAM-1-M11Jf,... • Dance Eaparlance II, OVNAMTC MORTOAGE D&llY Plot Mii 23, 30, Court of Cellfomle. Admfni.tredon of e .. ehowe OOod ceuea whv your attorney. lNE the f .. kept by the ..... •1100 10044 Adami Ave. 1UI. BANKINQ SERVICES, Apt. IJ, 13, t999 T381 Countv of Or~!. \Mee Aot. CT'Ne ~ the OOWt ehould not IF YOU ARE A court. If you •••per· ~CA W1z..Mill Huntington BHch, CA 7 C... De Los Q~ CMHH?M THI! rtlltiON ,.. tv will 81ow the .......... fl'enl the euthority. CREDITOR or a contln-eon lnterwc.d In the 03/11, 03117. 03/ll ~ Ha~ 100« ~s.nta Margallta. llOrlCE Of ~ dwt LOOISI I ... repr~w '° t.Jlk. A Hl!ARINQ on the gent creditor of the -~1 you rMY ftla ActJtlou. Bu•lnett )dams Av 1118, Hunt· WffltY ~. 7 Cella Kill .. TO WIHI be eppoineied • "*'Y . eodone wt1hout petition wil be held on dace•ed. you muar fO. with tne oourt • fonNI Neme ~ o. Loe o ~ ~,,,. ob'*"ne oourt epproy. April I , 1111 et 1 :45 your cl.,.,, whh the Reque.i fot Sf*llel In~ S::n.';: ~. sant~CA~ rwr~Oflll!!!..... to edmhuter OM ntet• el. 8efCHa Ultlne ~" P.M. In o..,t. Ln locet· c04Jrt end "'-'• copv to Notic9 of the filing of en The fotloWlnO persona ..,...,..,. ...,. 1..-. .... ual M' .... ......_ K u~---7 .._,~,., : -of the d80Ment. ....., '---runt eodoN ecf et 341 The City the,.r90rw1haprnem. 1-......, end....,..,_. ... are OOinO businauC u "" ~ ":C:~U,rt';; doing c..;D; Loi ~. W. -IQllt THI! "1'1T10N , .. ~-:,;.;.~the .,.;;;; Drive S. P.O. Box tive appointed by the ~f---.... t;"' Of of ~::bo~~~gh,•n~-:wport t>ulineUYJt? Ye1, 3/01/IMI Rancho Santa Margalit.a, CAR NO. A1Ht70 qu"'9 tha deo9dent'• repr• .. ntatiw will be 14171 Oreno• CA court within four eny ~ ot eocount Beach, Cellfomaa ll26e0 Miko HUegawa CA 112688 T 6 al hen, beneff. LOST WILL end oodloila, required to QiW nodo• 12813· 1671 • montha from rhe date .. _proMed In aec11on M 011 y 8 1 ., k , u Tnls statement was filed Thia boslnns It con-cf.,..., oNdltol'9. ~ If anv, be edmlt1ad to to lnt•r•atei:t pefeOne IF YOU OBJECT TO of firet 1Huanc4-of 1250 of the C.iifornla SHborough, Newport wrtl\ ltle county Clark of ducted by: l'lu1band Ind tineent oteditore, end prob9t•. The LOST uni au they h•v• the grentlno of the l•n•r• H provided In Probate Code. A Ra-Beach, Celifomla 92990 O,.,,geCoun~on3·111·911 Wife peNOnewhomeyodM,. WILL and eny oodlolle waved notJoe or con-,.tltlon, vou ahoulct .. otlon 9100 of the 9'1 .. t fotSpeclelNotlc• Patricia Stark. u CLAaalPlllD ... II'• th9 r..ource you can count on to •ell • f'l'yrlad of "'ero~"° dlM h•mt. ~~ out c;otutnne compel quallfl•d buy•r• to 19991717010 Have you started doing wtae be lntw .. tecf In .,. ev.....,.• for axeml-eented to th• propoeed eppHr It the haerlng California Probeta Code. fonn la llWllttbl• from Bayerut Coun, Newpott Dally Piiot Mar. 23.1.. 30, bullne11 yet? No the loet wil or Hteta, netlon In the flla kept by .adon.) The lndepen-end •t•t• your obJec· Th• time for -filing ttt. court olark. Bead\, Catllomla 92660 M.2·5978 ~r.8,13,19911 T381 1 ___ w_ea_~~v~o_._H~01J1.;.;.;• ..... ~-..£:.:S,.:.or::,..::both.:::.~·~o~f~:~A=N=N~A::....:W:.:.:J.~the=-=c°":::.:rt~.~------~~d~•~n~t--=•d=m:..:.:.:.ln~l=•~tr~•~tl~o~n~~~on~•;__,~or:__fi~rll~•--w~r~lt~t•~n;J..;;;c~l*~·m~•.;;_w;,,;.;.;;ill;_:;n=o~t~•~x~p~lr1.:i...:A~n= .. :::: ... ~•~,_:.::.~~=•--=D01==*:::.:=~-Til.:..:.:.::~;_;;;t>u~1~1ne,;;,;.11;;.._1~s-oon~·-L~-------------- cell I Index II g -'=.trC-"-........ .... • te• ·IH . . -... r'l .. ..... CD «r•·•11 SEimCE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home ~nd Business Needs -......................... G:l EQUAL HOUSING OPPOR11JNITY All ltll nt.111 lntrtlsl .. II 11111 ......,_ It nllled II Ille fd. nl fair ....... Act 111 .... ....... Midi Utt It lllttll I.I lfttrltll "Hy Jrtltrllct, 0•1111111 er •lacrllnfHlru hsH H rlll, ctltr, rtlltlH, n1, lllMlclJ, tamlllal at1tn er NllHal trltl•, tr H lltHlltl II .... H f llC' ,,l flftlCI , lllllllMtl ., .i.cmn111t11ff." Ttlll H WIJIJtr wlll HI • ......., HC ... llf lftlf11H· 111114 ltf real tltltt ntc' la 11 "'"'"' " ...... ow '°"" Ill h rtlly l•llrlllt• lh l Ill fwtlll•p 1•wertl1d 11 1.i1 HWIJIJ'f 1ra 1f1ll1MI ff 11 .,i ""'1nltr llnll. T1 c1111- ,... .. ..,,..,,.. ... Cll ltUO Ttll·llM ll 1~MHI. f« llle WU11h111M,OCtrt1,..Ut call HIJO II 4lWSll, ~-... ~;--~~ t t, .. , '. ,. , .. ; .. ''· ·; :--j._•f,,··/' .';1(\ SOLD!! Showe•.. Homt1 for Sale In our s.turdty RNI &bite SuJ>l>lementl Homes of the WHk Olsplay Adi Stall at Just S751 ~Is Tuesdly at 6PM °'*1 House UslillOI $151 Oaadline ThulsdlY 5PM It P1y1 to AdvanlM In th• But Loeel R .. I Ettate Section CALL TODAVll USA K. RIVERA Mt-574-4252 ANNE W1UEV 949-574-4249 _...,.~...._,.w._. tlO" Bay l Fuhlon lalend View <Mir 1900 s I 38d 2.581 ~. 1329,000 °""* wtll carry O.W.C. Aeent MM 70.7t7Clt465C). 7733. .aacouRt 24 ~ 1111e<1 COIMlllllly, 48R 3.~JFp's, OYel'&jzlld M~er Slite, ll>raly, gourmet ldtehen. JWy Muncy Pructentlal Ca A11l1y 800-413-7986 OCEANFRONT $3118,000 AGENT 1149-723-8f20 'E slOE· mo Etaeli •E 2br 1bl, W/O flkllp1, 2 car g•, no pMI. 1175/mo. Credit l'IPOf1 required. MM4MSIS UtsX VERD£ f'i 28r, din, lbl, trplc, W/O 'i!P. slrigle gw•. rw clteor. no pats, $811~ 94H3t-0473 TRM.EVtl TOWNHOlllE Very Spacious 28aclroom 2e.tl wWI Pn>fWTllC 'llaw Pltvata Eltvator, 2.5 Car EncloMd Qaragt, flllplaca, .._. Walt~. Wllhel/ ~ hlt'\1111 a yard. S200Q(mo on 1 y.er INM. Clll tor IPClt. 114M48-8453. TliE BEACH HOUSE APTS. 1413 SUfl£RIOft ~ ' Newport Marina Apartmenta Bal!'tor1t community with private beach & marina. Walk to Balboa laland. 1BR.28R and 2BR widen ll6SO-t3600 Wood bumin fin1plec & private garage. Sorry. no ~ta. Pie ... calla ~949) 760-0919 ' .. . . -, q; .. -. . . ., f I I .. 4 .. ,ll_ . ::·' ~ =: SflOrM Sbr s -llTl&Zing -.. uplllks, p¥t dec:ll. new Pih. c:erpat & uogradel, oomm potJ/ ~ lu, t bll lo bell, ~· $2100 949-574-0844 lnOiWiilC <>Mi vlftl I.Jg lux t br 1 ba. woodllrl, dec:ll. garage, QJlld, PC>OI. spa, ten, gym $14A&mo 049-722-8314. UYs tDE COVE, vllW Elegant 28r will den llrlQll stOly. Entrnie to Biiboa r •. S3500'mo. ¥ 1148-721-3568 3br ibl; ~emii .vii, 2 car gat. llUndrV ll'N, buctl near· Avail "'1 S220CYmo 800-708-tno NnPOi1 &It 38diTii t IOli, 2.5ba. oomm pool.new CllPll. new paint. 11975/mo 1149-64&-1889 642-3850 rrcently renovatfd, oear ~or PWJ1 & attracll, 0C Paltgrounds college. bc:hs, lhoppln« mall. Uhr ft1 dcak. Pnie HBO, BSPN, Olacovery, OD phooet. spa A pool First 1't apecla1I Oil slaglea. ei.. $134+ Ta.. C.M. Motor Inn. 2277 Ha.rbor Blvd. 9't9/64.5....a..o ~""·'·-· ,. -~ .... . \ ' . ~ ~)-··~. ·.. ' I . ' ...... ' . ., .. ~"' . ·-~·:t , ,. ~ ' . nU" • \ I • • l..o6 •• "'· rt ' ~ ...... .. . . . ,, ,, ByF~ ('H<>) o:l 1-0:>1)-t ByPhone By MaWln Person: Rntt·• a11d d11111l111e. on· ~uliJCt't 111change~1tho11t 110111·1• fl11 • p11lil1i.lw1 n ••·r. t'" tl1r ri~l!t 111 n·11J>r. rrcla s1f\-, "'' 1-.c• or rt'J''' 1 1111\ 1·k1"1f1NI ud.1.i•n,.,1•111rm Plru-.1· report 811\ t•rror 111111 mu\ 11 111\11111 1 la~-,1fird 111l 1111111f'diotrh Thr -Do1h• 1'1101 arrr111.,, 1111 liul11l11\ lur om •·nor 111 011 a1hrnibt'mcnt (or~ hirh 11 ma' IH" r1••po11~i hl1· t.t.1·1·1H for 1hr rcM of tlw •pan~ nrtuollv ot•r11pw.t 1,, tl11· 1·rror <:r1·d11 r1111 11111~ ht• all"" rd for thr f11"!>t 111i.t•1111111 (Plr,..&t llH fmlf \OUf 1Mflltt' 11ul f'h<M"' 111111ll ..... •1ul •t II r•ll )Oii hll/l • 1111 • p11<t 1111mt ) (949) l>42·:'Jb78 :3:l0 \\\·-.1 Ru, St n"l't Co-.111 ~lr.u, C'A 9:!627 \1 '"' r•in m,.1. ~ fl.I\ ~. CIUR .. 111 ,,. ... _, • Relief from .,.,..,. • Anewtn to DA'a • Modification °' support ,. .... _,.., .. ..... ,, 1M'I laJ9J918-7-1818Jue-•1a r • -• ,·r11 .._•L•~ \ · ·•1 \ ,~• t ro ' • f I j, :. '-~ .. ·:-~-'~i~ FOUnd Iii filftlif1 Uft119 l*tlantl lot 1 .., llfaoataC wltl gold clup. Timid In to cu11omer Mrvlw. Come down lo ldenC • PACIACVIEW 2 olot1 VISTA DEL MAR S2'llO MCtl 14N54-115' 2 CHOICE ctillEftAV (Off JI HatbOf I.AMI, choice loc, new Olll .... Bol'I I 1500 obO 114-13Ml34 ,,_, .--.... ~ ·' " -.' .... r· ........ , -~ ~' • -6....JI ' • I I .\ .......... , • -~, • .: .. _.4 :i -... .... -- -. .... . ~ !' , "\ ' ' ~ , """·' .... ' . t6 .. . ' .. -,....... J ----Deadllnes ------. UOUJ'S Monday ............ Friday S:OOpm Thun,day .. Wednesday 5-00pm lil• 'I rlrph11111· 8 ,:JOa111-:> OOp111 \11HHIO\ ~n1lh ~ulk-111 8::Wu111-:i OOpm \f1N.t.1-~·n,1 .. Tuesday ......... Monday S:OOpm Wednesday .... Tuesday S:OOpm Friday .......... Thun.dav 5:0Cl1•111 aturday ........... F nday 5:00pm A dining rm -Solld c:hlrry, 92" cb pedesUll, 2 lelvel. 8 ~dllh.lgNedbuf· let a IWJt:h • ITllldling seiver, f'llYef. opaned, 1111 bOKed, COSI Ill<, ... $3875 714-5 ... 1144. &IC Enc ctniii. 6r5 $125 Olk l1bla _,... + 6 chairs. $175. Paean tltlle w.1eat $50. 2 wahlt end tJlllltoraoa ellJI. ne111rs.s100114t-~n04 • . ' I '.I' '-~ t:t'• r, ... ...._ ·" -..i • • • -· "!>. Rate Hotlc WlhMooklng ltoplrd 1POC*1 CFA odarl ~ for pmlltged ... $450l$500 14Mi1-2111. Jui. R I B, aod, Rodi. *'· 50's I llO's Mll(E 845-7505 WAJMOI OCb COiAll Oc*S. ... Ftriln *, ...,. Ina Old we:t... ~ lewalrf, Wll lCOAIT COINIU ..... . : . -·~· I ., *·~ ', tt. ' ,, ..... ~ ~ AVON AAODUCTS S1Al1 YOIJf own bullnell. wen l!Pitil houri El1jOy IMnited NnWiga Cll IOI free (888)942--40534CAl 'SCAN) * KILLE.RJOB * Baja~in NewJnt Beach Is ~fly persooable er1t1gdic baa~ ~toWOttin fun restlUnr' by the beach Please cootaCl Spc:na:r or Mike ~ 949-673-0'292 or 714-612-6253.)'ou may apply in person at ) ) 4 McFadden Pl3ce. Newport Beach • Canlglwr • for elderly lady. l.Ne at bNch. room & bolld '*" llnlll alfllY 14MScM730 biitvEJiUiit:£S:JiOkev _. Homttlme. ·sian up to 34 ~·Mota~ 'Medlcal. darUlr-111 a 401k 'Wllttm Of 48 .... 3 YI' OTA• 1 Y' lld>ed. Combiitd Transport 1·800-290·2327 (CAl'SCAN) ...wt/Ul9TllAI MM19~ForA S«lft f MtiltttW Flllltft 6! C'.,..ldlii1 Na. I a-t ~t·~~ MwalW,0-........_ ....... tlwll&w a-om.. ~..,.. r.,,,,,.,, .Ms•r-.. c.-. .,..,,. ",., ... o.1 -.... • .,.....nn •SALES PAAl.f'Ull TIME" PT fOf upecale WO!Mna llort In Fllhlon lllJnd. AllO Mtn1 ltort Full/PT for stocking. dlta entry llC. ContKI DlfTYI Of Sine Ml-759-7917 SKiii.,., WOfd P9i'f. NA NP, SOWpm, good math NB property mgr near Pett FAX 949-722·1085 1~1~~~ 1~LINIWt=I AUTO REPAIR FOR LEASE/ c.111. on Newport Bfvd. New Bullclng-4 Bays, $3500 Olfet ~ Wiii iiir.1149-842-9699 -a f~ Row to Cfet•e mulljplt .. ,..,.,. of Income buying lloma In n1ee area with nolt*1g down, 24hr Recorded m!g t-97o-&n.a:t10, Ext 750. MEOiCAL 81wRd Unllmlted Income potential Invest $4,995"$8,995. FNrc· Ing avll1blt Free lnlo. & vtaeo Client acquisition program Island Aulometed M1dlc11 Servleu. Inc 800-322·1139 IXI 2101 (CAL'SCAN) STAT£WiDE ADVERTISING 25 words $450 IO gel YOUf ~ publshtd In 211 Cdtomla newsptpers combined CUtUlatlon O¥tr 3 I mllllon CALSCAN (916)449-3698(916)449·8010; -ec:npe com(CAL•SCAN) 1100.000 X YEAR 1n ~own dirad mMllng business FOf 51111 l4>~ send $1995 to Siar ... 3960 w POll'll loml B!Vd, &$ H. 1437 San Diego, Ca 92110 GARAGE SALE HINTS BefOl'9 )'OUI' garege aai.. determine what Items you wish to NII. Make sure everything It dean and re~. DA!bl.lik>t 642·6678 RNIACtAL PROelEMS, BAD CAEOO, WE CAN HELP. * 1.tt>CM1W572 * AO DOWNPAYMENT? PROBL.EM crtdlt? Own lht l10ml you nttd now, wl'.hout • Cl!I dowl1 Pll'f'"S1I. Complele lirin::ing i queli8ed. OeGeorge Home Alliance t .80().343-2884 (CAL'SCAN) UWE BUYU ·Se11M tnancad na4es •tnaur· nie setllelnenls 'Und note pofllolol 0&Mless Notis Colonlal Fina ncl1l 1·800·969·1200 Ill 51 (CAL.SCAN) UP FOR 42'80AT ElEC· TRICIWATER.' GOOD LOC . CLS TO UDO 1Sl£ BRIDGE $13PERFOOT 94H75-61211 (•c--1 ACURA Cl '17 8lk llAO. 11r ptNI pk CO. A8S, lloys. (003379) 116,698 LEXUS OF W£Sl111NSTER ~)U2.aol ACURA 1NftoRX iO 4dr, Stpd, 1urvoot, IOll ml, one owntt, great CCIC'd1Uon! S6000 obo M""4Wt17 lcORA VIGOR as 'M 8roM1, Auto, lold9clL Wtr'/ cle1n, UK ml, IH ,5H. Mt-'Jn.1M1 BMW HOl 1912 5-19flld 2~. moonroal, dllltOll ~· tic. t OWIW, $1900 obo 949-650-5426 BMW 5351 191 BllC~ 8Sk ml, ~ dat•fled. good condition, pp S14,IOO 949-146-4H1 ailiw ssocs1 iitt Stiver wlblue INlll8f. "*11 concl new 11res & blnkl, Clldomll smog. $3750 714-549-0161. BMW 1401l 'H Blac:kltlll, 37k ml, new tires, $42,000 very clHn pp 114M54·2513 BUICK SKYLARK 't4 vs (Vlnl253605l mn Sonny'• Gmc PontllC Buick 714-444-5200 801Ck SitYLAAK 40A ·91 Auto (WI 1419060) $81177 Sonny's GMC PontllC Buletl 71 ........ 5200 CHEVY CAVAUE.A 40R '87 Aulo (Vil II 98054) 19.371 Soflny't GMC PontJec lkltck (7H)444-S200 CHEVY St 0 8lAZER 't$ Whlle.'gray. auto. ptNI pllg, tit roal rack (107583) 114,8118 LEXUS OF WfSTUIHSTa. ~14)192-ncll c~S1o PO xcu 't5 5 apd jWW! 2646tn $9995 Sonny s OMC Pontlec Buick 714-444-6200 Oodgt Gnlnd CllfllVM LE '14 V6, auto, llhr, ale, ~ CUI, C11S1 ~s (RXl 13326) $8.1199 Orln!Je Co111t Jettp/19uzu (714)$4M023 FORD AEROSTAR 1113 $1,177 (PMl537) TliEOOOAE R081HS FORD IMM4MO'IO 1-~~1 FORD ASPIRE '16 Auto 1/c low m •es (T6178670l S5.m ar.,. Coa11 Jeep t1uz:u • 714-549-8023 FORD BiiOWCO 1996 tddll B1uer Edhlon. Blacb"'an ledlef V-8, CO Slereo Foty lOldtd. new blailes MW t~M CUS1om Wheels, Mn Condition $18.500 949·5484020 949-548· 1522 FOfiO COHTOUR SE 19.98 112,977 (F22.:lll 1) TliEOOOflE ROBINS FORD M~10 FORD CROWN VlCT. 1993 $7,177 {XAot1-47B) TliEOOORE ROBINS ftORD 94M46-00\0 FOAD ESCORT ·e1 5 spd. ps (vflf219871) $979~ Sonny'I CMC PontllC Bwclr 714-444-6200 FORD ffiTIVA ei 5 spc1 11e tvr.11200n> ~95 Sonny'• Gmc Pontiac Buick 714-444-6200 FOAO MIJStANG 96 V6. lot. pl& 9"Vln1 C8" Wt low mlal (TF2(»575) $1'.l 999 ()qngl COM! .-.p lalllll 714-S4Matt FORD PROBE GT 1111M 110.m (XA011ssa1 THEOOOAE ROSINS F~O t4M42-4010 FOfiO MNGER PU « 5 spc1 !"'" •823177) S89n Sonny s GMC PontllC hoetl 714-444-5200 GiliC SONOMA SLE ·91 5e9c1, SLS (Ylnl502182J $19917 Sonny's QMC PontllC B\l'C1' 714-444·5200 SHOPPING FOR A NEW APARTMENT? Classified lets you compare costs without hassle or worry! STAR.TING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • TvoJdoy, March 23. 1999 TODAY'S CRQSSWoRD PUZZLE ACROSS 57 Explorer 1 Coffee. sJang.ty t'e>«dahl 5 ,,...... end • Sii Oein ot 11 ms L.andefs 6 t T elented moVl9 Q Clp«l a bll temer 13 Uo and about 62 The Hawt<eye 1s WtnllMl·fhe. -State HS Wash 63 Sea dUCll 17 Water softener .,. Gardener's 18 Aga.insl purchase 19 Harem rooms 65 Nuns room 20 Cunning 86 Hoover Dams 21 Comic Jonnson lake 23 AUlhof Hemangway 25 Exp1ec;!IOfl of 01sgust 26 Most melancholy 27 Oatk 30 Commel'Clals 31 -lazu~ 32 Bnel 37 Norse god a& Caught oold perhaps •o Wnter Sotor1 41 Wllh great care· 43 More agteeabl11 44 Strr fry u1ens1I 45 Unreliable 47 M0\116 50 Oalai - 51 Polar llgtit 52 Baseballer Ty 53 Kept rn snapc 56 ·oracu1a· aulhor Stoller DOWN l Elbows 2 MP's concern 3 Change 4 Ahas. 1ni11alfy 5 lndolterence 6 Zero 1 L1s1bu1 - leas1. 8 Guarded 9 In solil8ry 10 Sales 11 C.pialn'1 command 11!· Stop WCHlung 14 Praises 22 Cheerleader s shout 24 Tnck 25 Lug along 26 Cotton unit 27 Trvdge 28 Ory gully 29 Neal as PRfVIOUS PUZZLI! IOl. Vl"D .-32 Travel by air 33 S\lbalcilC IOl'GSl 34 Pa/1 ol a fool ~ No, tor Yeltsin 36 Indiana sleet town 38 Sweet-smeH1ng 39 COIUmtl1SI Chase 42 Wide-spouted pitcher 43 Agile 45 Deco1111ve. In a way 46 Science room 47 Swear 48 Moratl'lan anoo'fed 49 Wanderer 51 lJ>ose.h.tting garments 52 Monk's hood 53 Saucy .5-4 Expense 55 Precious Ointment 58 Doe gardener's joO 60 Goel 695 CARSITRUCKS NANS/SUVS 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANS/SUVS 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANS/SUVS HONDA CIVIC DX 1996 St2,9n (P107854) THEODORE ROSINS FORD 949-~6-00tO HONOA CIVIC EX 95 Aul• A• ~wr wtr\lv<.'-'let:r.rtl 4 '~ !I 11••\ 1008~;19) S 11 8<•H lEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)892·6906 __ HONDA CIVIC EX CPE 94 p ~ ..., ! m 1m & Cd CIUISe hit "' rr 'f r HS280!<2) S9 ~,. • Orange Cout Jeep Isuzu 714-549-8023 Isuzu Trooper II 1989 821<, orig owner, everything new $4950 949-650-7160 •• * • * JAGUAR XJS CONY '96 $J9,995 96-4282 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953-4900 JAGUAR XJS COUPE 2D '93 $19,995 93-4335 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953-4800 By OWIUS GOKN with OMAR SHARIF •nd TANNAH HIRSCH COM DINE YOUR CHANCF.S North South vulnc:mhlc:. South deal NORTH •J742 f:J l<.86S o A 7 IO\lite Wtlh three helUlS With a (jflh trump, however. South would surely have accepted. West led the jack of d1umonds won In the clOICd hand so that declarer could lc.t\(I •trump to the ~ng. When that fe1cheJ the Len from East. South realized that the! contract was safe if trumps were '2·2, and ao continued with o low heart from the table, West winning lhe queen as East discarded a diamond. West cleared the remainJ ing trump winner and continued with a diamond, forcing the ace from dummy . WEST • Q93 IV AQ7 0 J 10 9 3 • KJ ! • 87 l EAST • 10 8 6 5 ~ 10 0 Q654 •Q64J SOUTH •AK Q J9432 O K82 •A, 10 9 TilC hiddihg. sovm WEST ·NORTH 'r.AST INT Pus 2• Paa 20 Pas.-! 4Q Pus PBS.1 ~ Now South tried ""hm1 the ace and king of spades, then ruffed a dia- mond in dummy and a spade in hand , fellm& the queen. Unfortunately, there was now oo enuy to the table to cash the jack of spades for a club dis· card from hand, so declarer had to lose two clubs for down one. Opening lead. Jack of o When you have more than one pos- sibility to maJ..e your e<>ntract, pro· ceed carefully Plan your campaig11 so lha1 you c:in II)' a second line i.hould the first fai l. North checked for a four-card major in opener's hand with a Stayman two clubs. When the hean lit was located. North made a slightly aggressive ra1!>C to game rather than Correct tech nique is for declarer to abandon trumps onoe the king holds aod test the spades. Arter cashing the ace and kfog of spades. declarer returns to dummy with the ac;e of dia- monds and ruffs a spade. When that fetches !he queen. declarer can now lead a second trump in an auempt to collect an overtrick. Whether or not West takes both high heaiu. a dia- mond ruff serves as the enuy to the table to discard a club on the jack of spades. 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANSISUVS 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANS/SUVS JAGUAR X.112 SEDAN 4D '9' Jeep Cherokee Sport '95 $23,995 • 9'-4348 2<11. auto. 11n. PM pkg, 1111, root BAUER JAGUAR rack (620598) $11,798 714-153-4800 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN 4D '96 (71')812-6906 S35,995 116-3934 #EP CHEROt<EE '113 BAUER JAGUAR 6 cyl auto. e/c. anvlm cus. cd, 714-953-4800 low miles ((Pl.&40531) $10.999 JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN 4D '93 Orange Coest Jeep Isuzu St7,995 93-4306 714-54H023 BAUER JAGUAR JEEP Grand CHEROKEE '114 714·953-4800 llmlttd VI, IU10, 4x4, JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN ·97 sunroof, CD, prem sound $41,995 117-4219 pkg. Tralltl' lour pkg MttaJ BAUER JAGUAR grey, 701( ml, good condition 714-953-4900 BEST OFFER 849-515•9930 JAGUAR XJ6 SED~N '17 Jeep Wrangler '95 6cyl whte. $41,995 97-4211 hasd top 11/C. rJd. custom BAUER JAGUAR whls. 66lc ml, 111111 cond $11,500 714·953-4800 Leave rT1$ll 949-494·9894 JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN '07 JEEP WRAt(GLER 1993 $41,995 97-4275 4x4. ps am'lmcass lowrrules BAUER JAGUAR (PP255664) SB.999 714-953-4800 ~ange Coert Jeep Isuzu -J.-ag_u_1r_,X,,..,J~&~v-an-=c1e-11-=.c:"!116=--~ 714.549-9023 $39,995 96-4011 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953·4800. Jaguar XJ6 1991 50k ong ITV new bres CID immaculate. $12.500 Pf!V&te party 84M73-0411. J19u11 XJS '92 V12 Corwanibk!. chrome Wire whls CID changer, car phone. lmmac cond, 82.Sk miles. $22 255 949.954.0557 KIA SEl>ti1A LS SEDAN '91 Auto, ale. pis, am/Im cass. tll1, PllOI rental (W5710241 )$8.999 Orange Coes1 Jeep ltuzu 714-54M023 l£XUS ES 300 '96 Llhr 33k mtles, CO. ctwome wills (17822/152100) $25,795 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 695 CARS(TRUCKS NANSISUVS LEXUS ES 300 '116 LIN, CO, dvome wtits. moon- rool (tn3&'1'3878) $22,995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LExus E§ ioo 'W Ruby llhr, moonf'ool. CD (17682/t361611) $23.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '116 CD. chrome whls, moonrool ( 175951135232) $23,995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 1116 Caslvnefe S.ga. lltv, co (17664/1422i7) $23.995 JUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 360 '116 oo crvome V>ileets ( t 7704/ 134795) $24.895 TUSTIN LEXUS 714.S«-4100 LEXUS ES 100 '16 Ltllt. 0 miles, CO, chrome whls. (17820/t82760) $24,995 TUSTN LEXUS 714-544-4IOO LEXUS ES 300 '96 Wl1le, th. loW """· co (17706/1<40846) $25 295 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 HOME, HEAL TH JWD · BUSINESS .......... I 220 ACCOUNTING I TAX PREPARATION BY CPA Fr"'< C· ... rar · ftF·•· E.,, 138 k Year I'" , C. .tll•!Clt<,n Prcl~!!f11•, 0 ' '"'"SS \ lnchvid-ual~ 0 '~"' ~ ' r r 1a11.,1s Wl<etl<I Ar, I r. rs nal zM Sv 04Q 4 '4 J!H 222 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS At:ousllc Ceiling Removal Knock down IHture apphed Call Ceiling Du19n NOW• 714-611>-3385 Robert 224 ADDITIONS /REMODELING FARTHING INTERIORS Kr•rhNllBdll\ Rnmodel R !l A')11 > lllSNMC •• r. 7 949-&15-9325 ---REBUILD OR REMODEL Home~ °' Ollicm. • Oua11ry Consrructlon • ne~sonabl'( Pnced • L ical ClltTlpany •6Jf>3 I 8 • Sll'phenson & 4sooales Call 941-&1•·5465 231 APPRAISALS C&P SERVICES • f11\11,..IM'ct • E-111t1 • ms 1>011111011\ 11 .... tW-ANA/\.181'AI' c.£R f. 14-540-1225 2'8 CABINET MAKING Adv9netd Woodaylttml -<:uatom Cabin.try· Kltthtrl• lllh t Ooor1 MOldlng1 • Mtnttll UM16SO 114-t1Wi07 1250 . CARP!HTRV I •REPAIR. Speclall1tl All typea.=r or ameU Aemoool-~ anga Colny toe 33 year, ·Ins MCNISA 71 ·Mf.J5f4 A TO Z H.'NOYMAN fnl.ld Ref~ c -- •l<dehoo BllUI, Door• W111· dow\. 0or111'~6-72S8 ' ERVICE 252 CARPET CLEANING Pron Cwpet Cleaning H ·~I ·Polrle--Fast'!I F """''Y .tl'ld Marure111 Lon 714-979-2098 260 CERAMIC TILE ( 216 O.ECK COATING I WAT£RPROOFCOATINGS Decks balcMes, SlaltWays. Quality woik et reasonable rates L1587430 722'11769 284 DRYWAU SERVICES 292 FLOORING /TILE SALES•SERVtCE•INSTLL Harctwood. wiyt. C8f8mj(;. PERGO, carpet MC, VtSa. 1.1708279 714·373-1589 296 FURNITURE /CABINET FlNISHING WITTHOEFT DRYWALL LEAKY Showers rep1lred. A II p h .. IS Is m. 1111 g R99routlng ind installa11oo. ,oos CLEAN! 20111, fair, free CUSTOM WOOOWOAK Custom Furnilure RastorabM'repalr Displays, 714-799-7719 L•670HIO Dean ot Tiit. es\ LJ400030 11•.eJ9·1'447 949-673.e-065 714-846--8526 266 CLEANING /MAINTENANCE 286 ELECTRICAL SERVICES SMA J 8 PR I 303 HANDYMAN MOMEREPAIA DUNCAN ELECTRIC LocaVOulclc response HOME IMPROVEMEHTSll Sorvtc&'Remodets Orywall· carpenlry-palnllng PROIBSK>N'ALISMIMr• ""''" 20 years expenence ~~ .... much morel~~ ~.,ok77 1.1275870 850-7042 ._., ........ 64S.5' OUAUTY LICENSED COffTRACTOR laaurance Home lmpmnm OEOl.;ATIOH No IOI> 100 smal Al ~ices & Skdled Maintenanee-plimb-714 342 0656 R...u.r rllnlClcM. fans, new Ing electncal. appllanc:es, • vr-carpentry, till , drywall 714 437 -2704 1.;:;;;;;;;SYCS~, Spa$;;:;;;;;64;;S.;;36:;:;S6;;:;~j 714 26!Ht8S or pgr 688·2077 A Touch Ot Cl111 Cltanlng t>JG'-GOH•"--. HOME RESTORT REMODEL c1earwig·-Res1d'Cummllrua1 -• ...,. Tiit, drwall, wdwlt, fencta, lJC'rJ llofl•ll>d Free Est dec:kt, rm add'a, roofa, gtn. Ter«.a 714 282 71.tJ nip. Convn/r11, Rtl'I, lrtt BRtGKT HOUSECLEANING tst. Clvlt 71~ European Prole11k>nals. Genktl Contr.Ma.ndymto BEST IN TOWNt Reltf'tncu. L~ltd & Bond Cltptntry DAR EK l • -dryw1IVp1lnVremdlllrtj)1fra GRACE 714·857-2647 NtwC':M.lllt:::r-MSM Conatr. 714·061-1436 ~ A4dition • Tt-1.,. PAGE'S HOME REPAIR 270 CONCRETE /MASONRY BRICK BLOCK STONE TILE Concrele Pillo. Ofl\lel:\'aY. Fl1~. 880's. Aef1. 2~r• exp Ttrty 557 7594 •ClilitNt WORO ST AMPED CONCRETE • Boe · Blocli;. Slone.. Tie UC I 5" 1656 583 l<t58 SHANHOHSIOE CONSTR Co11crt1e/Maaonr~IOr11n191 iv lemt. H1•s1C1e 1epa11s 714 540-77311 I 272 CONITRUCTIOH ~ • S"'J.ltlw ~ PaRng fences woodwollung, • ltl-•l'f. r,..wei ... 1,,.1 plumbing yard cltlll up '714-371-735' •~,::::~!!A• QlfALITY CRA"SiiAN • tam• Nnr O,.Ollu • Calto111 20 }'NII exper AlolertnctS. FRl:E EStlMATE rM YOUR HANDYMAN! (949 722 1 7478 MARK GSO 9525 I ~ ,~I 1304 HAULING I JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 714-166-1842 AVAILABLE TODAYt 84M73..SS66 HEALTH I a BEAUTY \l'I \\II \1 l\<.\ll,• \'" < PHEN+DIET Complete Medial Proa s79/ Weight Loss mo. Med> lnc:h•lt<I IAGRA REcAINCONS IN t Vt m 800-700-8 4 1*~1 TIME TO BEGIN YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT? Call a plumber, pelnttr. hl!!dYl'n1n. or any of the lltlet atMotl jleted .1*1 In our dire~lo_ryl THESE LOCAL SERVICE PEOPt.l CAN HELP YOU TOQAYJ MARINO'S IAllllSC.IPI IUlllftlUllCe c-Jlle6. • ~ Y*'4 ...._•0..•T..TMI 0.-0,. I,,.. ht. ---4221 PUBLIC NOTICE The C•hf Public· UtJhtles Commission REQUIRES that all • used household goods movers rrint their P.U C. Ca T numbet; Amos and chllotlers pnnl their T C.P number In all ldYertis-ments. II you have a question eboul the legality ol e mover, limo or chauffer, call: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION 714-558-<415' WUlllMO'M lhr. co. rnoonroat 11111:111l4n61 m.m TUSTIN l.Ul.lt 71'444 4IOO wus CJ w •w Auto. ah, lttv. moonrooc. aloyl, ABS, C0.(186527) 118.898 LIXUI 0, WfSTIINITUl (714)112 ... CIWCOLR oONTlklNfll 'H Auto, •· tull pwf, am'lm call llhr (699353) $15.998 LEXUS OF WEanMNSTEA rm~--M FP/1iii 17,177 (IAI0933A) THEOOORE RotaM FORD MH46-4010 • MERCEDES.SENZ JOOE 'H 3 211r eng. mt cond, CIO, T 0 P SC80lmo w/12 moth l9INlf1ilQ °' sell lof $21 ,500 14MtMno ............ -.. .. cond, .,.,, ...... lllOO NMIO-IM7 ........ .... ~ .. ~. tueo, lit, kAI pwr oeck. co..i:_611m1ot42so1 sio.898 · LuUt OF WEln.tlTEft (714)tta..,. iiifiOiiStt lcOPSE 1iii 11.m 1WC1uo111 THEOOOAE A08INS '°"° ~10 17~-, .... ~ ..... , ., ~~~~~:::.'. ·~~~ POftSCHE t11 CAMfftA '15 eruf, NC lmmac, IC'# tn~..'1 $1500 doWn 111ume 117,uw peMM13~11 PORSCHEIU Tiffi 71 Polot lllue, dwti blue .UV Int•. 1 own« never bMll WYKkld. ISKmt. 111,tsO. 84H75·3100 Poncht 124S 'II NC, llllO, ~t. pd cond. s.soo do!Mt......,. snso PP ~11 i TOYOTA CEUCA It .. N ,177 (WCl7tOIB) THIOOORE R08M FOAO 84H4M>Ot0 TOYOTA C<>f'OUA 1111 111,tn ~12t1t) THlOOORE A08IHt FORO 84M4H010 TOYOTA TVICEL. 'N SM. A/C, 23klnl. Ul<E NEWll S9S95 714-UWOt2 -'1'ov0fl 4 flOHHEM 'ii"' Auto trana, loW m~ 2WP, wlpwr mode a °"" *'"'· whMe, powtr twfYfhlntl NC. Sunroof, CC I tilt wlll, SCertalCD pltyw, elloy wtM, R4ldar detect«. Xlnf oond. All maJnt. NCOtdt. 112,800 Local N.I . C•. 1 adult owner (849)151-1115 d07 Voik1w191n VW Van 'ft Vanegon, 4spd, runs good, ntw tires $975 obo t4M314'62 vwCAMOilTll HEW: lftlmltOt • .,...,.,, .. conven, tall pipe, ~ AC 1y1Ctm, stnt lnafdtlout;' $3400/080. MM~lllt vw sOPD 1EETlE '71 Auna IOOCI. tood Urea, new c•b, Nee l!W, nMdt IOIM body 111orll. $700 firm. MMI0-7$51 THE ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES SPECIAL SECTION! Don't miss our award-winning* special section. It's filled with antiques c!r collectibles, shops, dealers, auctions, decorators, shows, refinishers and art galleries! *Voted First Place at the 1998 California Classified Advertising Executives Conference. krucgC'I' painting ruldtntlal faux finishing wood rutoratlon tnanhew 949·548-5481 lie. 7~98 '.z~ .... -'J.."""' .. ~~ , , ' '' ., & . • • •.. ---- ORCO PLUMBING B DRAIN CLEA.HING 7 -DA\'SAU:EK t. Otilc:n Di ount 7601170 ., .,., -' . ' -.. ·,·,· • • ' t -.. Al~ JI-' It a.in • LIWatcW. c...aa.i 548-0769 .._.wtiicn fcorn r, . I ' • '! '' ·. I I q I i • 'I lndlv/Grp Help All Levels ~ 9f9-5f8.S833 "!~~·~ ', '' ,., ... ' .. ~-.! ' r ~ .. ,.. • • .... The Dail Pilot Service Dlre1tor S1rrl1lng 111011 Who Senlc• Flt Comm uni Call Today To Start Your Service Directory Us ting ""' 642·5678