HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-01 - Orange Coast Pilot... ---.. ·.-._·.·..:·-·-·-·.--... · .. ·-.Ji!-=-· SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COMMUNITIES SINCE 1907 wars past and present 8 /\rn1 •rKctns pc1y 111<•11 n·s 1wcts to lctll<•n solcl1l'1 ~. c1s wdl dS thos<' c·um•nlly li ~Jhlinq 111 Yuqo~lr1v1c1 .... I \\' Ilk<•\\' lh~P1lu1 <'UST,\ f\ I ES,\ 1\I 111..,1 fl''"' I 1 d 111 f\l11ndt1~· ttt till • \.\1•11llltlllll1114'<1 l1.1q ·dl<1fH•d I lctil1<1I l.<1Wll f\ll'lllOll1d 1'111 !-.. tilt• ( id(lt <Jllclld 111<111 tlt •d Ill ... 111wl~. c 1tr1 y 11t<J (>Id< ;1111 \ '"' v1•1t•1,11 h , po l1tu 1r111.., c1nd 1 hrld11•11 p<1 1d tlw11 ll'"Jll 'I h 111 111111•11 \\111 1!1•1111•.., ,111d l'\jlll'""l'cl tl 11111qhh 1111 1111 • I 11111 ·111 N \('(I 1111 ... -.11111 lrl Y11q11 ... 1,I\ '" \ ll111IJl1•flf 11! '>ri••fl< I llotdillllllodl\ d tr1ll11t1· 111 .,11ld11•1-. 111 J1i1C.I \\111' \\<I' Ji''' "" 11111111 1111 "" l">I ' 1111\\ l1ql1l111q \ oclld flll\ •l<l<ilfl-..f Jl\1• 11 111111-.. I" "I 11qt "'''" p11 · ... 1d1 ·111 '" .t 11.d,111 11 111-.• • \ II 111111°1"! " \\o1IJ.. di Ill'>" lilt lo1\\ 11 1111 l1 •11111111tl I 1,,, 111\11J..1•d 111.i11\ ,, 1111•·1 Tht>lma Morrison, n·nter, h olds hdnc1s with frit>nds durin~J Mon- ddy\ Mt>moridl Ddy Sl'f\'i('(• ell I lctr· hor Ld\\ 11 1\1t•mori.1I PJrk. lt11lo ·11 ~1 1 ,).. .. qi 11 1 .. 11 .... .i !•\ .. , ... , ...... I w t111 l11J\1•1o•d •1\1 I fhl' f,. lll l">lltlll'' 11f \Ill• I II I') •t •ltli• ! ' I Ill d 11\\ II Ill IJI• 1•11111• • ,, II>· II II\,. l1•1l1t1111J .. ,,,,, '" C:.[E s cnv1CF PAGE 6 < ·ummdndn 11.irohl J . I lohl of \'F\\ :J.'i.lh ... 1.1rh tlw 4.'i lh <1nnudl ~h·moridl l>d)' '''f\ ic 1· \\ tlh .111 opt'Oirtq "iJlPeCh durin ~J l\1ondd)'"'> ( t'lt'lllllll\ ell I lctrhor Ldwn l\1Pmori.il Pc1rk ctnd '\.fo11nl C >liq · < ·,·m l'lt·ry. TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1999 Police probe of shooting continues I\., lj .... I 1 .... 111 ., h ... I 111 dl '1tll1 .... 111 1 J 1 •'111 .,111 l"''<1f1c11il 111 11 .i111J l1od1 \ t 'I I \.II '"""' \J••I ,I I fl,, ! .1 11 I I 1 t! 'Iii t: I ' ' I I ti~ ! l'd_,,,1 t,· •'11\111• '"' 'It 1. f. • 'l\ I • • • •• I '1 I• ,,. •'I Ill""'' \•I •· 'l• °'oilJ11 i 1. ... Ji,,.,,,'"~ •. ,~ \\ti r • ., , l ltt d l·l111dl\ .. !Ito \It I 11 """'"'' 111 t '' I I J' 11111 •I I 1•P 1 tl1• diu11111 I I "I • I " II!• I I I I d !If 1111 11 'I •11111 11 ,., .t 1111! lto ... li ""' l•' '"I•' I' l••I •' !lilllJlllHj . I\. ! ' ' " " ! 11. I-. I• I ' ' \1,11,.,,,• ,. .1111 \ 1.i1d1t1 H,d ,, II ltd "' ,, I 11 llfl• I I t Iii<· ,,,, ... , I· It t 111 ·-.I o1-. ,t 11· 1111111·d 111: l.illill\ 111d I ll•\ ill1•1 11! lt ll ! 11 '.t•I • :1 1111 1<1 \ l h• tlfl, •:• "' 1il1• •I 1" 11••1qll11or-. "" I• 11 <11 ·1 .,, ·t1 1 l11r1<1 111111 tl1•·d ,,,.,., 1t I 1 .... I • I· "·""'" ,,, ' .... ,,,I· ll•tll '''''I' I I ·, .. \\ 11111 I f\· '" 11 .... , ,,. ., .... tit•· •111!-. "'""" "'" °''' "1 1'11 /io I I llllrf I" I • -..111 I' • I •! J j.,\\ I \I I I ht 'tH• I : "'' ,, '. \ I\ I I ' "ol • 111 1 I 111111 I \\II 1111, fl• 11 'Ill - t t11 l 1• d II••' ! tlll ! o Id I ' t...,f r ~ ROl3E PAGE 6 Rookie teacher ' rt ..... .1. -.est Jewish Center to. honor • K cllt'll l~wlll1 •1 111 -...1 V\-ctlk 1•d 111111 1\1'1 I lc1-... .... ro()fll l<1-...I S1•pt1 •1Hl11 ·1 L11t1k lll'1 hcwk . ...,11,.·.., "''"11 IH •t C'!lt•cl 0 11 -...t 11d1 ·nls It """ \ I , \i. 1<1-. ''- 1~..i~ r11nt S lit •\ l l h t . .n v 1•111 .... old. ctllll .... 111111· dcty .... lht• c1wt•...,111111• 1t" .. pori...1- h1l1l y ""''Ill!.. str1qq1 ·nn~J ( >11 0 1111·1 dc1y .... tlH' 111 ... t 'yl'dl lt•r1t 111'1 l1•1•ls ..,!Jt• h rl" 1111 • lu•..,I J'>I> 111 tl11· wotltl Kr1n•11 1<1d1t1•1. ,..,.111 1 l1•1lf Iii•.., lift!J tflclclt• ell f )tf\'I' f-1111\ 111111 S1xlh l ;,,ult• ( ·l'nlt•1, 1.., 1111t • 111 nion. I h1111 'LOO 1 lt'W It '<tdll'r!' who took ove r c l<1..,..,ruom~ 111 th1· NPwµort-f'. h•..,tt Sc hon I D1!>- tnc t th1:-. yf'ctr. /\II told. t1ho11t 20",, of th1• tPdC'hll1CJ ~tC1fl IS nc•w ., Nc1t1m1w1dt'. !>t udH'~ ~how that c1ho111 hall of <111 ht•!J111n1nq teacht>r~ ledvt · tlw prnl Pss1on dfter thr('f' yPrH~ In NPwpor1- MPsct. lhdnks in p cllf to -;pt>c1al lrct>lltn\J prog1<1ms, clts lnct ol lt- c1als sny lhal ll!'Jllrf' 1:-. rl11sl'r to l .:'l "". "Thf' ftrs l year lot I ti'rH'hin~J is probably th<' most slrPssful, sleep-depriviny. challPnginy timf' of your lif P," saici Lincia M o<>k , presiden l of tlw district's tedchers' union. RRIAN P0Al!OA I ()All V l't1 1 '1 Karen Richter, a teacher at Davis fifth and Sixth Grade Center, helps out student Paola H ernandez as she prepares her k lh• for flying during an afternoon break. Richter is a first- year teacher at the school. Richter. the dau!Jhh•t rtnd grandddughter of t0<1rlwrs. said she> has no plans lo quit. But thdt doesn't mttr1n th<' last year has been Pctsy "It's overwhelming. h<'Ccl usC> you're affecting so many hvE>s. • shP stud. When lhf' brll rany ltt ... t S 1•p SIH• 11111-.1 dl"·aun the lesson!> lpmber, there she WclS, 1ilntH' 111 ollld till' cl'iSIHl11TIC'l1tS and gra<iP the cldssroom with h er ('hc1r~11·~ tlw lwnll'work She must dC>tPr· Some are angels; nthPr.._ rm • Iii· • rn11w whwh ... t11de nts arP gPt- Ue devils. But all ol llwrn httvt• , 1111~1 11 . wh1< h sluclents n eed a lot to learn. As th<•H l11lh-inorP r1clvan1"Pd work and grade teacher. 1t is RKhl<•r's 1oh w hich ctrP h o pt0ll0ssly confust>d. to see that they maslf'r s<wnn'. "So111l'llllll''-I 111st felt like, math, ttistory. rf'adm9. wnllnq Oh my qn ... h I didn't tear h and m uch morf'. thc1t,'" ~ht• :-.ti td ------------ With IH•r lnnu lllond<' llc111 dncl lrll't' llPP of mokt'-llp, Htchl<'I 1'011ld p<1 ss for c1 high school ... 1uclt•nt hersPll But rather thrtn rl'lying on hl•r p<1r · enls. shP h.is nPdrly .50 worrwd pdrt>nts n11rn ng to hN. Shi' hc1!> to int<'rpret ton!> o l SEE RICHTER PAGE 6 CORONA del MAR SCENIC SK FUN FACTS INDEX A lllossomlng battle of the sexes W hat Is It about the Corona del Mar SK Scenic Run that seems to attract more women than men? Offklals for the race said the answer t9 that questk>n could be that the so·<alleo •WNker veMt• may be sbonger whef\ tt comes to uerclM end~ fltnen. Recreation manager for the city of Newport BHch. McGuire said last year's race had more women entries than men, and it appNn the trend wtll continue at s.turdey's race. •1 ain't give you exaa figures. but lt'1 going In the dnc:tion of more women thin men egM\. • the Yid. OUt of the 4000 rumen expected to sign up, offldels are expecting more then half to be wamw.. ............ _ OffiNfs stl UI 1'd tMt the rec. is open eq&.111)1 to men end women alb. •trs a.on. an ..-oppor• t\My ttq. Mort women .. Nnr*'I n thM"I •good"""". ~ ...... •tt ~ to be ttMlt running wm more f/l a men-., but now It..,. to a. mudt,... I ~t41 ... to•• llld ~·~~ ~ ,. ........ ' ----- ClASSIRED .................................... 7 COMMUMl1Y FOIUM .................... 2 POUCETl'S .................................. 2 SPOllS ........................................ . '7 WEATHER =-"=~ S.Wa ... , .. 1 . ·'" ......... --: .... ' . . --- Teachers teaching teachers • f\1 e ntorship program provides 'coach' to support rww instructors. NE\VPORT-tvtESA - When KMen Richter showed up for her hrst day of school ldst fall. the new leachN was not left to figure evf'rything out au by herself. She was part of the school district's highly suc- cessful mentorstup pro- gram. the Beginning Teacher Support Assess· ment System. Th~ program. which school bodrd members voted last week to expand by nearly 300%. pairs begmning tPacbers with more experienced men- tors. "BTSA really helped me," said Richter. "The biggest challenge is being confident enough in your- selr she 'ttiO,lo boldly take charge in the class- room. SEE MENTOR MOE I MILLENNIUM MOMENT The community's stamp of approval Swiss • \ .... d lio111k q11c11il < 'h1 i-..lc1pli \ 11 •il t le 11 11 11 I 1111<! .... d '·, •cl d t1< 11111 <•11 t:-1t •I ( 11 l ·d 111 lh1· I l1d11( dlhl I ·· l ·1 • I ti-..[\ \If ~\ '"'''~ !llloll(f ,, 1111 rl1-..1 11\1 •11•d rind '''!'"""" \\111!.! \\.J r 111 •111 d 11n1 - 1111•r11, t 1:11 O'[ f\lfl(I !ht 11111\1( t\ll<:t "'Ii 111 1!1•11•111 cl "unclu\ rl" the I,•\\ '"h t 111111;.imtl\ ( 'rontl.'1 .. I l lllll1tlllfc1!l<l!l otl '~!t ' 'i t'olt < 'lu1 ... 111ph \ 11°111. ,t ht> hn' -.11ir!• li1•1·11 q1\ .. 11 t'' l11m 111 tht· I 'mll·d '.'-.ld l\''-\\:II oltlt•fld II\(• It\\ l~h < 'ornmu111I\ < ·1·1111·1.., < "·l,.IHc1!1un Hnll dlnnq '' 11 h .\1i-.< ll\,·1t; -.111 · 'l\·111 I\ 1,.1 \ 1t•11 11d't"in 111 I h111t- 111qtt>n Ht•rte h o1111I ·\11!1 I >t·td111a- t11>11 Lt'dljlh' 1 ht111 H1uni1 Lt•d W1.Jl 111 l.r1qw)11 "-111111 ·I Thl' Pv1•111 1:-rwld t. 1 ; t>lt•brate lh« qrnwth 111 ltw .1,.,, 1-.h < ommu- 111t\· in l hctrn11· I '1111 111\ and lo l1t11.111r th" ... \Jr\'l\'ol l d i tlH· Jewish "111111 Tlh· 1111·11 c1rc• hemg h on - m .. tl w1lh lh1· T 11·drtkdh Award as 1•xnmplt•!--• 11 111:-.p11,1t1on. right- P11u:-.nt>!-:-nntl :-.011<11 JUstlce ~ 1t•11l wc1~ \\'ot k.rng as a securi- ly q11drcl r1t n Swiss hank when he d1 ... r1>Vt'fP<I what appeared to be \\'orld W,u II -Na documents. He -.1•rr1·lly took some of the docu- 1111·111., c1nd martt> lhem public SEE SWISS PAGE I Goldie Te Winkle was Costa Mesa's first post- mistress and was the wife of the city's first mayor. She and her husband, Charles, came to Costa Mesa in 1920 and bought a general store mDed Harper. It was there that tbe became pAt!'4Mlw. Uke her husband. ~Wlnlde was actlft tn many cMc cqui&atioDI. tncludlDg the Hart>Or ANa .,,. & GtBtl Qub, CoMa Mw Hlllatml Sodley .. Colta Meu Chua~ Ca 1n•. Sbe w MIMd om. Mme.. of---· tl'M . ~Wlnk9 died ta 1812 ......... lGI. ... a• MIH•lt 1 l I ... ERll J!Wlllw .. ..., ,. t t Z Tuesday, June 1, 1999 community forum Daily Pilot IOW TO COllllCI YOUI IDllSEllllMS PRESIDENT Bill Clinton. (0), The While House, 1600 Pennsylvdrue Ave., Washington, D.C., 20500. H otline (6 a.m. to 2 p .m .) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: presidenJ@whiteho use.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 vtCE PRESIDENT Al Gore, (D). The Cdp1tol Build- ing, Suite 212. Wushmgton , D.C , 20500 E-mail: vice.preside11t@wh1tehou~e.gov Fax: (202) 456-24b 1 GOVERNOR Gray Davis, (D), Stdte C'ap1lol. Sacramento ~15814 . (Y lh) 445- 2841 ; fax: (!-1 1 bl 445-46:U U.S. SENATE • Barbarct Boxt•r, (D I. 11 l. Hr1rt Senate Butl<l1n9, ~11111' I IL. Wasrung1on. D.< ·. W5 IO, (2021 224-~553; or 2250 E lmpPndl Highwcty. Su1tr> 545, ti S1•q11ndu 90245, (3HIJ 414 -5700 E-mctil: senalor\dlboxer.se11ul1 · y111 •Dianne FP1n~le1n, (IJ), 1:0 J IM1 Building, Wc1sh1n~1ton , I><·. 20510, (2021 Ll.4-:IH4 I, CH 111 11 . Santa Mo111C'u lllvd , S1ult• !11.'i, Los Ancwlt·~ <IOI)~'), (:110) Hl 4- 73UO E-miul scnutor(u n·111srr · 111 -'it· nu ti '.YCH BRIAN POBUDA/ DAJLY PILOT Costa Mesa High School student Bruce Hancock makes his way to a m orning class. Hancock is the only Costa Mesa High student going to an Ivy League college in the fall. GAINS ON HIS WAY TO THE IVY LEAGUE 1 I<!\ his cldSS valedictundn. He bodsts a 4 17 grdde point averny e. He nms II 011 VllWS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chm, ('<1x, (HI. 47th 01!'.tnc-t, Newport l'l.H t'. Suite 420, Nt•w- port Bt•ttch 4:!b60, (94!-I) 7511- 22 44. cir 240:.! Rdyburn 8ULlchnc.i. Wd!>hinyto11, D.C .. 20515, (202) 225-5bll, lrlX (<149) 25 1-!-l:IO!-l (RepresC'nb 1110!-.I of Newport Beach) tr<1C'k and field ctnd won the CIF-South- \•rn Seel.Jon 01v1s10n Ill title in Lhe 1.600- nwter run. No wonder Bruce 1·-ldncock is Pnnct>ton-bound. HP might have stayed 111 Cctlitorn1ct , though, hdd 1t not hPen for tlw dhrctsive ctltitude ol n rnt1ch at a cer- ldm pn-?:.t1g1ous school 111 Pdlu Alto. "Uunnq the renuitmPnl procf'~S. Lhc 1 ooch from Stanford wct~ c1 ltltle too 111lenst• for my bk tnq," ~cild lht' stnr from < '11stc1 Mesd High RON SOLIMAN I DAILY Pl.OT Tom Halliburton, upset over the influence of the Piecemakers on his family pickets outside the Piecema.kers store on Adams Avenue. E-mdtJ. christophe1 cox(.n mail.housP.ym· • Dana Rohrt1hdChN. (R). 4)1h District. 101 r...luin St.. Suitt~ :w . Huntington Bl•drh H2048, 17 14 t 960-6483: or I O:l7 Lonyworlh Building. Wd~lunuttin, O.C., ('.W21 225-241 5; l<JX . {7 14 1 !4h0-780h (Represenb ( ·11.,!<1 1t·'in i1ncl West Nl•wporlj BEN FRANKLIN WOULD BE PROUD Th .. n ty of Newport BPdC-h 1~ adding to lh lh•f'I of electnc C<lrs. hnnymg the total 111 I <I -the lctrgest flt'<'l of <tny munic1- p.ility 111 the state. So lc1r. nty employees h <1Vl' put 40.560 mile:, on the cctrs. The t•:.l1111c1lt•d cost: 2 ct>nts c1 miJe. "I'm sur- pn~1·d other dues arc• not using them," '>t11d Nt->wport Bedch Ct>nerctl Servwes chores a major task. But that never kept him from achie'ving greatness. "Some- times, Eric had to earn his college edu- Cdtion twice -once by doing the work and the second time by fighting for social and academic accep tam;e," said Anderson's molher. Sandy . read the book. "Churches that Abuse." by Ronald M . Enroth. And when H al- liburton refused to apologize. the Piece- makers i;lapped him with a $5 million lawsuit. "I believe what I said," said Halliburton, whose mother is a 20-year member of the group. "The only reason to apologize is if I was wrong." They abuse the privileges," said resident C harles Hartwell. But the players see it another way. Said volleyball player Patrick Daw· "It's a free show for beach- goers." GETilNG BIGGER AND BIGGER I )1tP<'l<1r Dav1<I Niederhctus. SHOULD THEY STAY OR GO? LOSSES GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE, BEYOND Er1< A nderson hnd In work harder than lllllSI S!UclPnb 111 CJl'I h1~ collc\'.jl' degrPP, < '1•rd>r.il pnlsy hd~ conJmed him to d wht•Plc hr111 rtnd mctdt· tlw sunplPsl 111 NO TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK Residents hate the.noise and crowds they attract. They just want to play in lhe sand. A debate over whether the beach volleyball court at 24th Street should be relocated has pitted residents against athletes. "These guys come, c:tis- place the people. hit them with balls .... First they Sdid it wouJd be $4.8 million. Then they said it wouJd drop about a million. Now they're sa ying it's more like ~.3 million. Tllat's how much the New- port-M esa school di~trict is in the hole. Not to worry, however. "The bulk of our delicit this year is something that we planned ," Sdid M ichael Fine. the dis- trict's assistant superintendent for busi- ness services E-mail danc1(a 111111/. lwus1" q11v STATE SENATE Ross John~un (Rt. Villi Di~tm 1. 18552 Mc1rArth ur Blvd,, Suitr· 220, IJ"VU1e ~271 :i. H:l:l-Cl 1 HO, I.ix (949) 83'.l-Of-i!-lh STATE ASSEMBLY M anJyn Brewf>r (R). 70th l>i~tnc I, 189.52 MctcArthur Hlvd . Suitt• 220, lrvme 927 I 5. 8ti:I-7070 E-mct1I: a70(aC1ss<·111l>ly.c<1 ~/fl\' STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St .. ~Ullf' 2000, Snn Frdncisco !!4 10.5, !41.5) H04 -5:wo. regionctl olltcP locdlerl in Lonq Beach, (310) 5~0-5071 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Aclrrnnt~trc.11ion. I 0 C1v1c Center Plazd, Sdntd And !1270 1 • Jim Silvd, 2nd Dtstnct (Costd M esa), 834 -32~0 • Thomas Wilson. 5th District (Newport Bedch. Sdnla Ana Heights). 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR BOARD 88 Fair Dnvt>. Costa M esa , 708-FAIR Board: Prestd<'nl Emily Sdnford. Vice President Don Sdltarelli: and members Gary I layakawa, Jim lfldberg. John C rean. Randy ~th. Don W illet. Curt Pringle cmd James Barich. ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa M esa· 92628-9050, 966- 4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa- Newport Beach Pircmnakers 'twist and turn· the Bible I'm rdllmg concerning Mdne Kolt.1!-1nsk1 's letter: "Tret:•s .. nnd 'C<•slapo tdcllcs'" in the Dc11ly Pilot on Thursday, Mny 27 l'rn rPc1lly appalled about th1:. c1rt1c !(>. I low dare she compare the r<11d nn the Piecemakers with the Columbine H.igh School shuotmg, where 13 people lost lhc1r precious lives. She and her group twists and turns the Bible and God's word in whatever direction suits h er at the time. I'm really appalled about her article. MARION HARTWICH Costa M esa I want to offer my suppor1 tu Tom Hctlliburton. I feel these people who belong to Piecemakers do not have that right to influence any- body in any way, shape. or lorm, That is extremely inhumdn, I teel that Marie Kolasmsk1 should be held accountable for all she has done with this young man and his family's life. PATRICIA ALKAWADRI Fountain Valley The Piecemakers. a religious group, sa id Tom Halliburton defamed them when he e-mailed vendors with information about the g roup's activities and urging them to Review was fine, but what a bout the wine? My comment LS about Kathy Muder's review of Sapori ("Try Nc•wport's ltdlian restaurant S<lpOri -ti's all m the name," Mciy 27. 1 think she got two of three elcrrwnts of a good dining review riyht. However, she does not refer to Sapori's really very nice wine list of particularly good Ital- ian wines, which go well with the food. I think it's a mistake for a restaurant reviewer not to men- tion Lhe wine factor. In addition, I've been there - a yectr or two ago -with a group of people and we brought our own bottles, which Sapori poured very graciously. But I'd like to know what the corkage fee is at Sapori now. Also, while I'm on the phone, I'll just say that your Wednesday food section could use more wine articles. ARTHUR COONS Newport Beach MAILBAG City limited in El Camino Plaza cleanup Regarding your May 2 1 arti- cle, "Cleaning up El Camino Plaza," it is important to recog- nize that while this shopping area is certainly an eyesore and attracts a variety of criminal activity, the~fity of Costa Mesa is limited in wnat it can do to improve this property. I was in attendance at the meeting organized by Rhonda Heintz and attended by our may- or and city council, and they both reiterated this issue. It seems that a more reasonable approach to this problem would be to work with the current owner of the property to encourage them in improving the property or attempting to put the current owners and another developer interested in improving this property together to rebuild the center. While many options were dis- cussed at the meeting, the most highly received were to have the property maintained as a shop- ping center, but totally renovated and redesigned with efforts made to attract family-oriented businesses to it or to totally rede- velop the property as a residen- tial project similar to Lyon Mesa on Fairview and Adams. In the best interest of the com- munity, I feel that maintaining this as a shopping center with a renovation and family-friendly atmosphere would be the best solution to this problem. I have personally driven the alleyway along the east side of the shopping center at various times of the day and night and have seen activities ranging from drug sales to acts of prostitution taking place. As this center exists, it is certainly an attractive nuisance at best and requires the attention of our local law enforcement and the participa- tion of our conununity in finding an answer to this problem area. The plaza ~rtainly holds the potential for becoming a hub of activity for the community, a gathering place that we can all be proud of, where our children can feel safe and that would ben- efit the city in tax revenues. MARK RUSSELL Costa Mesa HOW TO CONTACT US T he Daily Pilot wel- comes letters on issues concerning Newport Beach and Cos- ta Mesa. There are four ways to send in your comments: • LETI'EJtS - Mail to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa 92627 • READmts H01UNE - Call (949) 642-6086 •FAX-- Send to (949) 646-4170 •E·MAIL- Send to: dallyp~ • .nel REAPERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 ~stories. Illustrations. edito- rial matter or adwrtJsements herein can be~ with- out wrltt«I pemWslon of copy- right owner. WllTllll SUIF P 0 LI CI I I P·S VOL 93, NO. 128 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. ADOBE SS Our~ is 330 W. Bay St., Cosu Mesa, CA 92627. CORRECTIONS It Is the Piiot's policy to prompt- ly cOO'ect ell erron of subsUnce. Pleate Qft (949) 574--U68. ~Newport INcM:osta Mesa Delly flllot (USPS-144-800) Is pubillhed Mondi>/ through S.t-~-In ,.,.Ott lw:t'l nf COit.i MIN, IUblcrtptioN .. ~~~t.::G 252-9141. In ... OUllldit of Na..-t...., •°* ...... .......... to .. Diiiy Plot ............ .., ..... S10 per monih. ,_... dla ==•·c...--CA. :.:S: •. ~~-... CA ... "' ' HOW JO REACH us ClraMtlon The llmes Or.nge County (IOO) 252-9141 ...... a.tfted (M9) 642-5'71 ~(Mt) 642..U1 ........ ,._. (Mt) W•SllO 5pottl (M) 574421 Newl,. 5pottl,..,, 146-4170 Eoft'WI: ...... 5&1Nt •. net ~Olllce IUllnmOMct~M2...W1 lullnl9'-~111-71M .......aA'ftMIS hit><>. 66157 CorON del Mar 68157 eon. Mesa • 69t'59 NWJpe>rt BNch 67151 Newport C09St "'51 TIDIS lODAY First low 5:36•.m. Flm high 12:14 p.m. Second low 4:J2p.m. Second high 10:4Sp.m. -0.3 l .4 lA look for a sUght decreMe In the surf today. Waves to rHCh 2-4 ft .. with the swell coming from the southwest. Sides ~only~ ., . ._ ..... -. ... - Daily Pilot A beach version of '1be Magnificent .Seven' F or no particular redson, I have decided to select those individuals I cons1d· er to have been the best 111em- bers ol our city council during my lifetime. l shall orrut from - consideration any current mem- ber of the council. My selecllons ctre completely unscientific, highly subJe<'tive and totdlly without scholarly research. With c1 complete Lack of originality, I shall call them "The Mdgmfi- n·nl Seven." ' For mayor, I i;elect Dora I hJJ . I think Dura Hill is the person whu probdbly hc1s hc1d more · influence on this city than any other pPrson during my h1etime . Intelligent, grc1c1ous and tough as ndils, she did dWdy with c1ny possibility that d smgle yruup from c1 partwulc1r part of town lould run the city, much c1s the group I hove rc1ll ed the Balboa Bunch chcl. This she did by suc- cessfully ram-rodding a city chartl-'r which provides for sev- Pn nwmbPrs of d city council 1•lectcd di lc1rge, but geo9rc1 ph1- c«1Uy sepdrated. Even though th P passage of lu11e hc1d pretty wPll done awc1y with the old wide-open honky- tonk e rc1 by the tune shP arnvl-'d, Dura Hill 'itc1mpect out any 1emc1mmq r1spl'cb of th<ll pMl ol nu r history · d l<!w remmniny T H E .V E I D I C T robert gardner slot machines and some high- slakes poker gdmes m a couple ot privdle cl ubs. This she c11cl by hiring a tough, supe r-cledn chief of police, Jim Glc1v1s. The town had g rown awc1y from that row- dy event known us Bal Week. Nevertheless, the evPnl contin- UP.d. Jim (;Javis hroke ib back by ma.:;s c1rrl'SIS uf thP pc1 rt1ci- pc1nts Dora Hill c1lso brought the t~1wn out of its hor~e-and-buggy days by brm~ring m a trained, professional city n1dnc1qPr, Bou Shelton, in place of the good- old-boys type of city mandgers Wt' had 1n thP past. f\.1y nPxt membPr of "The MagT}.ificent Seven• is Doreen Marshall. Doreen was a worthy succes- !'.or to Dora Hill; just as tough, just' as gracious, just as.smart. I think Doreen_ ~as pr~bably'the most popiifar ~mber of the city council we ever had. When she left, politicians were ready lo offer her any political job she wanted, from supervisor lo Assembly to Con- gress. She said no thanks, she had served her term, and that was that. My next choice is Jean Watt. J~an, too, is smart, sawy, hard-' working and articulate . She is a thinking pe rsqn's environmen- lulist. She is no fuzzy-headed dimwit who would cha.in herself lo c1 tree for the publicity. S hP took on land developers on the ir own ground, environ- mental reports, tra1fic now stud- ies, trading people for ~pace. The town owes J ean a big vote or gratitude. My next member of "The Milgnilicent Sev~n " is Evelyn HdTl. Intelligent, hard-working, tiercely independent, Evelyn served three terms with distinc- tion and remains one of the most popular members of the City council. My next member is Lucille Kuehn. · . Lucille was ~d is very sinart, very strong· of will, very articu• late. She is very knowledgeable ,about community affairs. Even today, when election time comes aroun , oo or s name on any list of sponsors for an office. My next member is Jackie Heather. I have never known anyone with more energy. Even when she suffered a crippling illness, enough to send the rest of us to bed, Jac;:kie continued and still continues with a heavy load of community work. My seventh membe r is some- one who goes a long way back, as far as I'm concerned. Ruth Ellen Pl~er was born and reared in Balboa. I remember her as a skinny little kid who was always running. I·never saw her walk. She brought that same energy to the council. So there are my "Magnificent Seven." Well, what do you know?! All Women. These seven bucked the odds and brought intelli- g ence, integrity and charm to City Hall. Om town is a better place in which to live because of each of them. • JUDGE GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and former judge. His col- umn runs Tuesdays. Newport Beach ad agency wibs awq.rds_ 'I . Newport_Jleech advertising agency Lawrence, Mayo & Ponder recently . garn~red tbJee honon at tbil year's o en voca Awarmisr,-t-·ealCb-nlOlllth-hpn~Jllllllelillllllll';~ ·which recognize the best in through May. health care communications The 10-montb program created by or for Southern eosts $1 ,200. Many partici- Callfomla health care organi-pants are sponsored by organi-" zations. zations, employers or other , The agency took one gold community members. •• and twa silv-er awards at the Deadline. (or submitti.ng,(J 1. ~ay 13 ceremony. applications ls Jun e 1. fot_.l The winning entries are: more inforination, call (9'9)~ an AIDS Walk brochure for 644-8283. • r 1 "4 1 the AIDS-Services Fourida- tio~, Ora nge County, which won a gold; and silver win- ners "Healthsource, • a peri- odical for Palomar Pomerado Health System in San Diego, ~d "Latino 5 a Day,~ pub.lie relations for the California Depa.rtment of Health Ser- vices. Lawrence, Mayo & Ponder was founded in 1991. The agency provides creative ser- vices, including traditional and-non-traditional forms of advertising, public relations and marke,:ing to clients in a variety of industrtes. Community leaders sought Pacific Building gains two contracts Cost9 Mesa-based Pacific " a·uild.lng Industries ba$ been named general contractor Qt two. new .restaurants · for Brinker fntemational. Construction on' Romano's Macar.oni Grill, an 8,500- square·-foot · building at the " Cerritos Towne Center, began May 14. Construction on .Chili's Grill and Bar, a 7,SOO- square-foot space at Union Landing in Union City, began May 18. The facilities are the 43rd and 44th restaurants built by Paci.fit Building Industries for Briri.ker International. l>BI has built more .than 120 restaurants and a1s·o provides.,, Assembly candidate bucking for support Leadership Tomorrow, a non-profit community leader- ship program that serves the cities of Costa Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach, ts recruit- ing participants for its 1999- 2000 work.shop series: · generaJ con tracting and • design 'builc;i services. for golf course clubhouses, as well as for office, medical -office, t, shopping center tentanJ,,~ improvements throughout the . western United States. • John Cdlnpbell, the only official candiddtP in I he race fo r thf' 70th District, is pulling in <.>ndorscm e nts in cln effort to hctlt possible opposition . ...... j (. \I l\. Du1ly Pilot NEWPOlff-1\l ESA c1 lot lw worry ctbnul IJefo1 l' I\ ldrch uf 2000. ThPTp':-, lJ1p f>ll'i!>lbl illy or lJ1f' M1UPn111u111 l311y comp11 ter <llscts- ler, the• off-chdnn:• uf m1:-.~11HJ th" n1:•w Stc1r Wo1 s movlt'. nul tu menl10n lht• run on qoorl chctm - pagnP lwino prPd1rtL·d 1n Decembr>r. John C 'ctmplw ll, whu\ runnin~1 tor 'thP 70tll .·\!>:-.Pnibly D1stJ·icl !>('rtl, hn1W'> th.-rl'"-· on(' thtn~J hP won't hctVt' to worry c1bout · nppu- s1lwn C<1n1plwU tlw tounrlcr and < ht11rmctn ol St1c1h ot Orc1n~w Count} ctnd Sd!Urn ot Orange l 'rrnnly lid:-dPctrcdlf'd himsplf lD ti fu lltlllH:• C'd ll1(>1tl~Jn 1tnd tu ~Jl-'tl I nu l'(I I ly Plldor<;effiCl1l!> clt>'>H .. JIWd tu WdlU llll othl'r Repu bl1cc1n hopP[ 11 b 111:-'>UCTPS!'>. tl1us fc1r, hd<. 1•xu•t•dt·d In~ t>xµeclt1 lton:-.. C ·c1 mp bell .:;,11<1. "I cc1n't Sri\ thc1I l l'Xpe<lt>d it ," hi.• '>t11d "Surr>. J ".t>-h11p1nq !• could U~'I rt ..,uhsldnl1dl rllll•itint ot c,u ppurt " In th0 rr1ct' to fill lhl' sPc1l held by I\. lanlyn Brewer, who 1s hPiny forct>ct out by lPflll limit:-., a few possible conte nders already have opted out, Campbell said . They include Jrvine Mayor Christma Shea, who dropped out in April to focus on the city's fight dUctinsl the expansion of the El Toro airport. Cctmpbe ll 's support also· int'ludes lhe bc1cking of both Cos- '" l\lesc1 and NEc'wport Beach's llldyurs. "Hl''c; c1 successful business- ntc1n, tor ont>, c1nd 1 lhrnk he's 11•ctlly shown, throug h tha t, a 1Ju::.in1!ss acumen and an c1pproc1ch lhclt would be very benPftnal for us at the stale gov- 1•rnml'nt lt>vt•l," Costa Mesa I\ l11yor Gary l\loncthc1n sc11d of his 0c1rly endorsenwnt "But I think even more impor- lunt. John charctcterizes for me whr1l r believe arp nE>eded as far VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY • VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY runs pert od1cally in the Daily Pilot If you'd like 1nformat1on on getting your organiza· tion listed, call 574-4228 v1s1tor'-. II you hc1ve c xtens1vt> knowled~w of New11ort Bec1ch ctncl wc1uld like' Lo volunteer, cc1ll 722-1611. Beach Recital Series G uild needs volunteers lo c1ssist infos- tering music a ppreciation so as fctmily and m oral values," . Monahan said. "We need that in leadership now more than any time." O'Neil is joined in his support by Newport Beach Councilman Tom Thomson. Ide ally, the early endorse- ments will make possible con- tenders think twice, a t least, before deciding to join the race, said Matt Cunningham, Camp- bell's campaign manager. "Ideally, nobody else will get .in the race," he said. "The closer we get to the filing date, the harder it is for other canclidates to get into the race ." Other local politicians who have endorsed Campbell include slate Sen. Ross ..(ohnson, Assem - blyman Scott Ba ug h and county Supervisor Tom Wilson. that classical music will endure. For more information, call 644- 4208. The program, for adults who live or work in the tri-city ' ".,,' < "' ' " . I l" , 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949-645-7616 ~am,l .. ..,q LIFELINE LIVING CENTERS Me ntally tll adults rely on Uw Ne wport Bec1ch center for resi- dential housing It needs prote:-.- s1onal funcl-raisers to support ctnd maintam this resource. For mort:· mfom1ation. call 675-1700. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The proyTr1m seeks volunteers lo tutor aduJls wishiny to improve U1eir reading and writing skills. Training workshops at the Cen- tral Library will certify volun- teers. For registrabon or more information, caU (949) 717-3874. Solid 7ed Pati6 ?~ MEET OUR MEMBERS Member fon I yar Occupatioo1 Ltpt Sromrv Member fon I Year U f Ra.Ju: I ruuldn'1 ~oe how fut I k>st 23 lbs. na , of fa1 ;and I 2"-hod1 fJ.t! My h.dt It() loogtr bum! I wish I lnew M('f how well yoga. aerobics and sUtngih m&il)Jng woit.ed, I ~ ha~ swtt'd soollC'1 I mally fed gttar and Ml MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing a rts orgaruzation needs volunteers for computer input, ticke ting, filing and han- dling phones. For more informa- tion , call 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Commun ity Services needs mentors to make a lasting impact on a young person's life. Students from 10 lo 18 years of age are matched with mentors to improve the ir school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relation- ships. For more information, call (7 14) 54~-9622, ext. 35. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for adult women with alcohol and other chemical dependencies seeks volunleers. For more information , call 548-9927 between 10 a,m. and 6 p.m.. or call Joy at 548- 8754. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITOR$• BU~ The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The · Newport •Mini Tacos • Ch.ingolin~ •Guacamole • Mini B.urritos • Taquitos · • Chips & SaJsa ) Teak is now Affordable! Why did you join Shapf-Up! I wn no1 fcding well and my back I''» hurung. I knrw 1 ottdcd to get in shape. I then saw an ad for Sba!*Up & 1oin«I. enjoying atrcisc! ft.r do 7" likc .a-. ~Upl I newi itlr like a smng-ti and I am alwayi ~ by thr R#£ The mff' u hipr-Up rally loob OUl -my wdl-being; chcy WC. 8 1 i n g i n 9 ~VI ea n i n ~ & Pu r pose t o You 1 L : f ~' Saturday, June 12th ~ 9am to 3pm Mariners Church I Rock Harbor ·~ Dllmv.r Who You Are . ,;,~ ~the I~ Technology I ,... Disco• What "*' Primary Motivator And Obstacles Are "" =re:u "::!=.a~~ 5crtiit1n• 1'J ldentlft--Own StNggla Md How Hotd You leek 4 Tuesday, June 1, 1999 • send AROUND 10WN Items to the Dally Pilo\ 330 W Bay St., (ON Mew 92627; fu them to (9'9) 646-4170; ot caU (949) 642.·5680, ext. 228 A complete llst1ng of Around Town may be found at dallypiJotcom. TODAY Newport Beach Community Ser· vices ,is seeking volunteers to belp with the 18th annual Corona delMar S'ceruc SK from 6:30to10 a.m. June 5. Volunteers will serve as course monitors, futlsh line helpers and restaurant row helpers. Volunteers will receive a T-slu.rt on race day. For more information, call (949) 644·3159. •Traditional Art Images," an exhibit of oils and acrylics by Gena Mezo, will be on display through June 30 in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more in1orma· bon, call (949) 717-3801. The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Conunerce's New- port Sunrise Breakfast will be held from 7:30 to 9 a.m. dt the Irvine Marriott. Our congress- man, Rep. Chris Cox. will be the speoal guest speaker. Cox will present •A Look at Current Leg- islative Issues.· Members' cost is $20 with a reservation, $24 for potential members. For more information. call (949) 7W-4400 The Newport Beach Christian Women's Club luncheon will be held at 11 :30 a .m dt the Bdlboa Bay Club, 1221 W Coast High- way The featured event wtll be ·A Collection of Design Jewelry by Serafina." Tickets are $21 . Reservations are requested For more informabon, call (949) 760- 9616. WEDNESDAY An eight-week taJ chi class will start today at the Co~tc1 Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St. Th1s class will feature d "no sweat· form of mental dnd phys- ical exercise. Wear comfortable clothing and flat shoes. Admis- sion is $24. For more mforrna lion, call (949) 645-2356. The Orange County Coast Assn. luncheon will be presented c1t noon al the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 15 1 E Coast Highway, Newport Beach The luncheon is titled "The Seal Beach Update ~ I iellman Ranch, Naval Weaporui Station, and Water Quality, Los Angeles and Orange County.• Special guest speaker will be Seal Beach coundl member Sh.awn Boyd. Reception ts at 11:30 a.m. and a luncheon and ra.ffle will be helct at noon. The program will begin at 12:45 ,p.m. Reservation dead· line is May 31. 1lckets are $20 for non-OCCA members. For more lntonnation, call {~) 660-8665, ext. 3. Paclfic Law omces w11l present a free "Uving Thlst and Medl·Cal Estate Planning• seminar at 6:30 p.m. at tl\e Costa Mesa Conunu- nity Center, 1845 Park Ave. For more information, call (800) 874- 872 Estancia High School's College Night will be presented at 7 p.m. in the school's Social Studies Court, 232.3 Placentia, Costa Mesa. Students and parents from all Newport-Mesa Unified School District high schools are invited to attend. Presentabons will be made by representatives from colleges and universities. For more information, call (714) 515- 6504. A prostate cancer discussion group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Hoag Cancer Center Auditorium, One Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Spouses, family members and support persons are welcome. to attend. For more information, call (949) 760-5542. FRIDAY A gem, jewelry and bead show will be presented through Sun· day in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Hours are from noon to 7 pm. today; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sc1turday; and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more informa- tion, call (714) 708-1500. The Tango will be taught to sin- gles and couples alike at 7:30 p.m. at the Defore Dance Center, 151 Kalmus Drive, Suites G-2/G- 3, Costa Mesa. Admission is $8. For more information, call (714) 241-9908. . SATURDAY The 18th annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK or 2-mile Fun Walle Mattress Outlet Sto BRAND NEW· COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! I 1 '3C 3165 Harbor Bl vd. Costa Mesa . iii One Block South of 405 Fwy 545-;1168 AUTO ACCIDEIT VICTllS FREE REPORT reveals what rhe msuram.c companies don't want you to know. Was your car injured? You may be tool! It may be weeks, months or even yea rs before you experience pain, stiffness, headache , even arthritis! Don't settle your case until you read our free report. "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Wmdow Treatmenta around town I will be run throughout Corona del Mei's relidential streets and sceruc bluffs. The event Will alw include a 1K Dolphin Dash for kids age 3 through 10. Pre-regts· tration fees are $18 for the SK Race, $15 for the 2-Mlle Walk ai>d $12 for the Dolpbln Dash. Fees include a T ~. Proceeds will benefit Newport Beach Corrununlty Services youth pro- grams and Corona del Mar's beautification project. Por more inforntation,ca.ll(949)644-3151. I A Tennessee Walking Horse show will be presented through Sunday in the Equestrian Center at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center, 88 Pair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more informa- ~on, call (714) 708-1500. HomeAld Orange County will celebrate its 10th anniversary by presenting the Rainbow of Hope Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel, Newport Beach. The black-tie gala will include an evening of fine dining, live entertainment, dancing and a silent auction. nckets are $175. For more infor- mation, call (949) 553-9510. SUNDAY Newport Beach's Paddle Power will present its annual Kayak Expo from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. Paddle more than 60 kayaks, canoes and surf skis, meet representatives from top manufacturers and view equipment and accessories. The grand prize drawing features two kayaks. For more information, call (949) 675-1215. The Balboa Island Parade will take place at 11 a.m. on Balboa Island. The parade will begin on Bayside Drive and then travel over the Balboa Island Bridge and down Marine Avenue. The eveat will feature floats, march· ing bands, old cars and entertain- ment. This year's theme is "It's a Good Lite." Admission is free. For more information, call (949) 675-1773. Local author Robert Bruce Wood- cox will be signing his book, "The Golf Gods Are Laughing,• at noon at Barnes & Noble, Fash· ion Island, 953 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 759-0982. JUNES The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will present their annual luncheon and installation of officers at 11 :30 a.m . at the Bal· boa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Dean Corey, executive director of the Orange CQunty Philharmonic Society, will speak on the present and future of the Philharmonic Society. Reservations are $20 and must by made by June 1. For more information, call (949) 675· 3563. JUNE9 The Newport Beach Public Library Foundabon will present a book discussion group at 9:30 a.m . and 7 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Ubrary's Friends meeting room, 1000 Avocado Ave. The group will be dis- cussing •Anywhere Bot Here,• by Mona Simpson. Admiss1on is tree and refreshments will be served. For more infonnation, call (~9) 717-3890. A free noon program Utled .. The Islands and Higblandl of Scot· land" will be....presented at !he Newport Beach Central Ubrary's Friends meebng room, 1000 Avo- cado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3801. JUNE-12 Ocean Dlscovery Day will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . at Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and Regi~nal Park, 600 Shellmaker Road, Newport Beach. Activities will include ocean exhibits, family games, a . marine biologist station, shark tank, crab lab and aquatic tours. Ad.mission is free. Refreshments will be available. For more infor· mabon, call (949) 640-1751. ONGOING STEP-TEEN, a seven-week workshop for parents of teenagers, is available for Orange County parents. Learn to encourage teens, resolve con- flicts, increase corrununication and enhance relationships. The workshop will be conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist. For more information, call (949) 225- 8189. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church offers a support group for families with loved ones who are mentally ill. The group meets from 6:30 lo 8 p.m. Sundays in the church's Dierenfield Hall C, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. The confidential group is ope,n to the community. For more information, call 631-2880. Prospects Networking Group meets from 7:15 to 8:30 a .m. Wednesdays at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Breakfast is $6: For more infor- mation, call Angie Stafford at 474-2225 or nna Firman at 551- 3156. All Lassen's Leads Club meets at 7:15 a.m. Tuesdays at Mimi's Cale, 1835 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. For more information, call 646-1252. Zen Center of Orange County offers meditation instruction every first and third Sunday of the month from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Zen Center of Orange County, 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Sug· gested donation is $10. For more information, call (949) 722-7818. The Newport Beach Parks; )eaches and Recreation Com- mission meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month in city council chambers, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. For more information, call 644-3151. Nicotine Anonymous fellowsbJp wants to help men and women who smoke to quit and remain smoke free. For more information • No Con Loans • £A:twry Llne of Credit u'~~--- • Low Rates • Coovert Variable ro Fixed • Refinance/New Loans • Pre·QuaJifying Available on local evenltig meetings, c:8l.l 650-2713. 1'be COIM Meea Hllt.ortcal Soci- ety holds o free o~n house from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays· at 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa. 1be event features memorabilia' from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army Ak Base. Por more infonnation, call 631· 5918. Overeaten Anonymous meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at St. John's Episcopal Church, 183 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call 953-0900. OASIS Senior Center offers a Pa:rkinson's disease support group from 7 to 9 p.m .. the second Thursday o~ each month &t 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. For more inf onnation. call 644-3244. The Yoga Place offers a prenatal and postnatal yoga class from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays. New classes begin on the first of the month. For more information, call 642-7400. Hoag Cancer Center offers Man to Man, a free prostate cancer discussion group, from 7 to 8:30 p.m . the first Wednesday of each month at the center auditorium, 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, New· port Beach. For reservations or more information, call 722-6237. The Paclfic Business Xchange has weekly breakfast meetings at 7 a.m. Tuesdays at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. There is no charge for the initial meeting. For mo.re information, call 640·0588. The Newport Beach Psychologi- cal Association presents a coed relationship group called Insight Equals Power at 7 p.m. Thurs- days. The fee is $25 per week. For more information, call 722· 4588. Hoag Cancer Center offers a free relaxation and imagery work· shop from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at' 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41 , Newport Beach. For more l.nfor· mation, call 760·5542. The Sea Explorer Ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for young men ages 14 to 18 interested in learning about sailing, seamanship, piloting. navigation and cruising. Meet- ings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednes;- days at the Sea Explorer Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more infor· mation, call 642-6301 or 551- 8591. OASIS Senlor Center offers ongoing assistance, counseling and ref err al services for seniors. For appointments or more infor- mation, call 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join in from 9 to 11 a.m. Thurs- days at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th and Pomona streets, Doily Pilot Costa Mesa. For more infonna· tion, call S..5-5669. A free .upport group for cancer patients meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays and a support group for people sulf enng from chronic fatigue syndrome meets from 1 to 10 p.m. Wednesdays at the Institute for Holistic 'Treat- ment and Research, 4019 West· erly Place, Suite 100, Newport Beach. For more ifitormatlon, call 251-8700. Arthrlth Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. for more information, call S 13-56' 1. NlgbUy uaeettngs are offered ln Costa· Mesa and Newport Beach for anyone who wants to over- come nicotine addiction. For a schedule or more information, call 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Sports CollecUon Foundation, a nonprofit organi- zation, operates a free museum at 620 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, is open lrom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. For more information, call 721-9333. Hoag Cancer Center sponsors a Cree tai chi class for intermedi- ate to advanced levels from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m . Thursdays for people with cancer and their families. A beginner session ... meets from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Fridays. The classes are designed to reduce stress, increase longevity and promote a sense of well·. being with basic, easy-to·leam, nonstrenu- ous movements to aid in bal- ance and concentration. The class is taught by Victor Armand. No registration is required. Free. Hoag Cancer Center is at 4000 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. For more information, call 722-6237. OASIS Senior Center offers a daily telephone contact pro- gram for seniors who have a limited local support system. For more informabo.n, call 644-3244 The Costa Mesa Communlca- ton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednes- days at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking s)dlls. For more information, call 444-5030. The Newport Beach Distin- guished Toast.masters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beach. For reservations or more infonnation,call(949)646-1274 . . Mesa Messengers Toastmaster Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St., Cos- ta Mesa. For more information, call 540-4446. PREEDOM ASSET ACCOUNT Daily Pilot ill ·. Choose from the . r following HOT co~ Accounting Anthropology Arabic Art Astronomy Basi£ Skills Biology · Business Chemistry Chinese Computer Computer Ne~orking Dance Economics Emeritus English ESL French Geology Health Education History Humanities Italian Legal Assistant Management and Supervision· Marine Science Mathematics Music Philosophy · .. Physical Education Political Science Psychology Quality Aaurance Real Estite Sociology s,. ...... Spedal Edm1tloll "eedl nPel .... Toarlllia ., '· llOTHllLY LOVI Lonnie Christopher, left, buries his brother Joel Anderson's feet ln the san~ at Newport Beach. lllEFLY City celebrates new '.Arcl;les Interchange NEWPORT BEACH - The dty formally dedicated its new $18.5 million land· mark Arches Interchange on Monday, as a swing band and parade highlighted the festive occasion. The interchange, a high- way grade separation and overp~s where Newport Boulevard ·and Coast High· way intersect, has served as a transportation hub for more than a century. After an extensive makeover, which resulted in the largest public works con- tract in city history, the inter- change opened in May. RICHTER CONTINUED FROM 1 clizzymg new rules for teachers, and shepherd her students through the ulU:a-stressful Stan- ford-9 tests. She has to do all this and deade, after 15 years as a stu· dent, how to balance the demands of her new job with the need to have a life of her own. In the rruddle of 1t all, her roommate and best friend got married and moved away. "It was fnghterung," she said. .But she's become an adult. It lut her, she Sdld, the first time she heard someone call out to "Ms. Richter.• • 1 turned around, sort of expecting to see my mom," she said. ·And then I was like, 'Oh my gosh, that's me.'" She cdffie to the classroom with big dreams. "You want to give [the stu- dents) the world," she said with a smile. "But you can't. ... they have to do things themselves." Instead, she did what she could -which, according to her principal, Cheryl Galloway, iS not insubstantial. When Richter came in for her job interview, Galloway said, she could tell right away that the young woman bad what it takes to be a good teacher. •I can teach teachers to teach, but I can't teach them to love kids," Galloway said. "When I interviewed her, she kind of lit up when she talked about children. That's what I look for, people who have this desire to be with chil- dren.• And, of course, a willingness to work really hard. "I'm kind of a perfectionist," said Richter, who plans to spend her summer getting a master's degree in reading so she can bet- ter help her students. "So it's hard for me. because I always want things to be perfect." A glance at her classroom sug- gests as much. She says she doesn't have time to exercise. She barely has time to do lier laundry or see her friends and family. But in her classroom, she lavishes attention. In one comer are hand-drawn maps of the world. In another are photographs of her students, under a headline that says "Star of the Week." On a back wall, the word "fractions" jwnps out in bright, cheerful letters. Little greei;i plants poke out of paper cuJ)S ... in the middle of students' desks. "Her students' just adore her," said PTA member Lisa Reedy. Her biggest mistake, Richter said, has been trying to take on too much. Like the holiday party, where she tried to get students to cook gingerbread cookies and make books and cards for their parents at the same time. Every- MENTOR CONTINUED FROM 1 Having a mentor to bounce things off helps a lot, said Richter. "In teaching, when you get into that classroom, you are alone," said Christine Jurenka, the dis· trict's head of staff development. •wu spend all day 1n that dass· room, making many, many deci· sions and hoping they are the right ones.• The BTSA program. Jurenka said, helps new teachers not to feel so alone in the classroom. The statewide program gives new. teachers two years of solid sup- port. • Jt's like a coach, a guide, right on the side, all the way through two years,• she said. thing turned into a flour-strewn, goopymess. Her greatest triumph: "One of my students told me I taught him to read," she said. "I feel like I am making a difference." Along the way, she had help. She was involved in the district's training program for new teach- ers, and she had. support from mentor teachers in the district and: from her alma mater, UCI. And she's relied on her moth- er, a·20-year veteran who teach- es third grade in Moorpark. "My mom kept me going,• said Richter. She even uses her mother's •discipline , gesturing to a list of names on the board, some with ominous-look- ing check marks next to them. But she's also developed her own philosophy. "I want to make my students responsible for their own learn- ing,• she said. "And I've learned that I learn as much from them as they do from me." Doily Pilot Jurenka noted that while half of all new teachers quit after three years, only 15% of new teachers in the BTSA program nAtionwide flee the profession. In the New- port-Mesa district, only 3% of teachers who participate in the BTSA program leave teaching. With statistics like that, it was no surprise distrtct officials decid- ed to expand the progi:am. Until this year, B°fSA was run through UCJ's School of Educa- tion, but could only accept about 35 new teachers. Last fall, the district hired more than 200 new teachers, and prin- cipals will hire up to 60 more next fall. So, ta.king advantage of newly available state grants, district offi- cials plan to use $480,000 in state money to start an in-house BTSA program. PROBE CONTINUED FROM 1 even though the baby had not yet been born at the time of the shoot- ing. "The investigation is ongoing and will continue," said Officer Jeff McCollam of the Costa Mesa Police Department. "Officers have already begun to saturate the area, looking for leads.• Authorities said they ques- tioned a former boyfriend of Bal- ena about theshooting, butsaid he was working at the time of the incident. Ll Ron Smith said there are no current suspects. The original bridge was built by James and Robert McFadden in 1888 to haul supplies over the Santa Ana River for a wharf where the Newport Pier now sits. The .McFaddens later added tracks on the route that is now Newport Boulevar4 and the 5~ Freeway. ·-----------------------······--· --·-·----------··-----·- Members of the slain girl's fam- ily were seen driving out of the area in a blue minivan Monday. with what appeared to be furni- ture and boxes of clothing. Neigh- bors talked about moving away from what was once a close-knit, gang-free area. J;>ublic works director Don Webb said the refurbished interchange will allow more th.an 121,000 vehicles to pass through daily, up from 92,000 before the improvements. SERVICE CONTINUED FROM 1 protect the freedom of this nation. "When you look at the head- stones that read something like 'Joe Citizen, 1890 to 1975,' you know the probability of that per- son being a soldier IS almost nil,• said Costa Mesa resident Nelson Wilpon. "Then. you look at those who served in wars and the stones read something like '1911to1942.' Our soldiers live a short, valiant, z 0 ~ JUNI I 1999 0 u ....... ____ .. ._,CIA ---------.-----------------~ . ' I 1 I, l·i ~\-U~~"~)'. -I ~ --- Realttratk>n Btalnt 8:20 a.m. Women's 5-K Race Warm Up 8:45 a.m. 2 Mlle Fun Walk Men's 5-K Race 9:00 Lm. KJdi' 1-K Dolphin Duh llatt 0.1 ~(II) $2t brave and productive life." Mourners at Paci.fie View Memorial Park in Corona del Mar echoed the same sentiments. As rifles sounded for the traditional 21-gun salute, Amy Thatcher said her prayers were with the thou- sands of soldiers currently engaged in the bombing of Yugoslavia. · •I just feel that enough lives have been lost already in all the wars we've been involved in throughout history,• she said. •And when you are reading daily about these bombings, it makes you sick and you just have to feel for those soldiers and their families. " Throughout Mond~y. as ser- vices to remember those who served their country continued, there were many others who had their thoughts on Yugoslavia. •The patriots we honor today gave their lives for the dignity of human.kind, and now the torch has been passed to the current armed forces,• said Costa Mesa councilwoman Linda Dixon. The day was also a chance to reflect on local heroes. Cmdr. Harold J. Hohl of VFW Post 3536 I -~---~-~~:. --------~ ---------------- .. 111111: 1b ......... Newport BCtlCh ~-· beautification )111)111 ...... ~--· .. R E G I 5 T R A T I 0 N F o· R M ON1 fotM Pu fNU4Nf l'ou1 •AY u '"orocomol LAST NAMI f llll NAMI LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Su ADI lON Rl.C.l DAY) """ OATI L LL LL-LL,-19LL AOOIUS L L L L L L L L L L L l L ·L L L L L L L Ctn S1"n z,, LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL O,umo PlfONI L L L - L L L -L L L· L ------P'AlTICl,ATINO IN. S•• WOMIN't s c MIH'I T S..tr "°"" S•n LLLL I M l Jll T·SHIO C11110 Stu lLL • ... l L .,..TRY5·UUN s 18 L 1 .. 1 .. WAIC SlS l '"°' l•c c101 $1 2 L L AOI CAUOOlT-AD\IU MAU LLLLLLLLLLLLL t-12 1)41 , ... 2A 25--2'~~~~»4'~ ......... 10. AOf CAtl OOlf-AOUlT ftMAll LLLLLLLLLLLLL t-12 I )-41 1,_2A 25--2' »oM '54' ._.. ~ »4' »-M '°""' ~ '9t AOI CAUOOn-h ICto'S IOVI L L L L 0 I... L L L L M •·• 7•1 9·10 >-4 ,_. 7·1 *"10 MC L VitA L AMb• L ,., DAU L L -L L ~· LLLL-LL~L-LLLL-LLLL led a s&lute to former Costa Mesa mayor Alvin Pinkley and his wife Lucy. "They were Mr. and Mrs. Cos- ta Mesa," Hohl said, "Anything this city needed, they provided it.• At about noon, the ceremony at Harbor Lawn concluded with fire. fighter Fred McDowell's rendition of "Taps.· Once again, while the · fallen were remembered, those in Yugoslavia came to mind. •1 just hope "Taps• won't have to be played for too many of those soldiers over there,• Wilpon said as the color guard exited the park. SWISS CONTINUED FROM 1 with the help of a Jewish organi- zation, but not before some of the documents had already been destroyed. As a result, Melli was fired from his job, threatened with jail time for violating Swiss secrecy laws and received death threats and hate mail that forced him and his family to flee the cquntry. Melli's first job in the United States was as a doorman in Man- hattan. · However, he was invited to speak at many institutions, includ- ing Whittiet Law School in Costa Mesa At his speaking engagement in Costa Mesa, he met people who assisted him in his dream to get a college education. He will be attending Chapman University in the fall on a four-year scholarship. "l know that over the past few months, things have gotten worse. ... and then the graffiti began, so it's .time to go," said a woman who refused to give her name, saying she feared retaliation. · Police said Monday that it was impossible for the gunman to see inside the garage where Balbuena and her family lived, leaving open the possibility that the family was the target ol gang retribution. "Maybe (gangs) are trying to claim this territory.· Smith said. He and his family will also receive support from the 1939 Club, an organization of Holo- caust survivors and their families. Mermelstein, author of "By Bread Alone," will be honored for his work to expose the horrors of the Holocaust. Mermelstein, the sole survivor of his immediate family in the Auschwitz death camp, was awarded monetary judgments for his suffering in the camp after taking the case to court. Led win is being honored for his work as chairperson of the Anti- Defamation League and its effort to fight anti-Semitism. prejudice and bigotry. The ball, to be held at Westin South Coast Plaza, will feature a live and silent auction, dinner and dancing to the music of Rodea Drive. Auction items are being sought. For more information, call Don- na Van Slyke at (714) 755-0340, ext. 261 . r · s1ziiiNGSiR~o1N, I I I ·1 ra I I 1•10.• I =· ... ..w .. ... 213 days. •Aztecs provide fonnidabie semifinal chailenge for Corona del Mar in tod~y's CIF Division IV collision. Sea Kings-bid in Division-IV this spring, must eventually include eliminating · a top-echelon pro-IASEIALL ~ntly lost star senior pitdler Steve Lee to a broken wrist. Lee was 21-0 the last twoJ seasons, including 8-0 this year, oefore he was sidelined. gram. . BMRY FAULKNER Myfb SANTA ANA -After his Coro- na del Mar High baseball team scored the game-wuuung run on a two-out error in a come-from- behlnd 10-9 quarterfinal victory over Chaminade Friday, Sea Kings Coach John Emme said any successful playoff run has to include such good fortune. The No. .\-seeded Sea Kings (18-8), get that chance today in a 3:15 p.m. semifinal clash against \op-seeded La Quinta.v(27-2), which will host the game at Santa Ana College. Coach Dave Demarest's 26th edition won its seventh straight Garden Grove League crown and has outscored it$ first three playoff foes, 27-9, including a 12-2 six.- inning mercy-rule triumph over Gladstone in Friday's quarterfi- nal. finish in Division IV last spring) are one win away from their sixth secllon title-game appearance under Demarest. They won sec- tion crowns in 1994 and '95 and lost in the championship game in '93 and '79. The pitching cupboard was hardly left bare, however, as senior Enc Seale has fashioned a 12-1 record, inducting all three playoff wins. Senior Brian Cis· neros, who has also pitched in all three postseason contests. is 7-1. Both hurlers have earned-run averages less than 3.00. Offensively, the Aztecs have filled the sizable shoes left by the- graduation of record-setting cat~her Gerald Laird (.630 with 46 Similarly, any CJF Southern Section title quest, such ·as the The Aztecs (57-4 the last two seasons, including a runner-up The Westminster-based school, however, has had to overcome some adver:sity this spring, as it ~EE' CIF BlSEBALL PAGE 8 MICHELLE VEE I OAllY PILOT CoroJ)8 del Mar Higb's Sea View League champions of 1999 -bottom row, from le~ Geoff Hunt. Matt Larson, David Beser, Erle Wlethom, Mark Hatfield, Wes Hock.lnson, Ty Harper; middle row, from le~ Nate Lem.merman, Andrew Johns, Cavan Cuyler, Dave Knecht, John DlCesaret Derek Loe, Alex Swanson, BJlly Eagle, Ryan Jetton; top row, from le~ assistant coadi Steve Foreman, assistant coach Gordon McNelli, J.D. Martinez, Brett Elliston, Rory McKeever, Alex Bottom, Eric Snell, assistant coach Aaron Kok.x, Coach John Emme. -• Sea Kings shared league crown with Irvine to become first league champion from CdM in 17 years. 8A1Utv FAULKNl:Jl • ~RONA DEL MAR--High school athlet- ics .en be a class struggle. Put a band of tal- ent.ea ·athletes in the same class and hope attrition, competition, or myriad other factors, don't sabotage their collective potential. The 1999 Corona del Mar High baseball season is one many began looking forward to when this year's seniors were making Little League headlines. But such optimism had given way to frus- tration when the then-sophomores and juniors struggled to a cumulative 9-20-1 Sea View League record the last two springs. "From what I've been told, and I don't know the history as well as I should, this has been a group with tremendous potential," second-year Coach John Emme said. "They'd had a lot of success as individuals, but they had never achieved ultimate success as a team in high school.• The latter can no longer be said, after the Sea Kings posted a 10-5 Sea View record to share the championship with Irvine. It was CclM's•first league crown since 1982. •Now that they've had success, they realize that not one of them could do it without all their teammates. That has brought cohesion to the group." That togetherness, teamed with talent, experience and the confidence fostered by a 4-1 record in the first round of league, proved to be a winning combination for the Sea Kings. #Last year. we started league 0-4 and that makes looking at the second portion of league (five home-and-home series) pretty tough,• Emme said. #But this year, we were 4-1 after playing all five league schools and the one game we lost to Santa Margarita, was one we easily could have won.• The aforementioned setback followed a 7-2 win over Back Bay rival Newport Harbor, but Emqie cited ~bsequent first-round victories over Irvine, 6-4, and El Toro, 4-1, as the most critical building blocks to the team's confi- dence. •we held two teams which pretty much doormatted us last year to four and one runs, respectively," Em.me said. "That was due largely to pitching and defense, so that showed us we had improved in those two key areas." Hitting had been a constant stnce Ty Harp- er, Eric Wiethom, Matt Larson and Mark Hat- field began swinging varsity bats as sopho- mores in 1997. • Seniors Nate Lemmennan, Alex Bottom, Brett Elliston and Matt Tiuede, as well as juniors David Beser and John 01C.esare forti- fied the lineup, which operated primarily behind the three-man pitching rotation of Lar- son·, Harper and Elliston. Andrew Johns, Alex Swanson, Geoff Hunt and Billy Eagle led . the contributors off the bench, which also included hurlers Cavan Cuyler and J.D. Martinez. The extensive off-season emphasis on defense, combined with what Em.me termed •expecting to win, H helped the Sea Kings turn the comer. They earned six league Vlctories m games decided by three nins or less, including three one-run triumphs. Among those was a 15-14 win over Newport Harbor, in which the Sea Kings trailed, 8-0. Proof of the Sea Kings' newfound consis- tency was also revealed in their three losses by two runs or less. •This team has a whole bunch of competi- tive juices flowing," said Emme, who will lead the Sea Kings into today's CIF Southern Sec- tion Division IV semifinals ag&inst lop-seeded La Quinta at Santa Ana College. "We've got a lot of strong personalities and the makeup of these guys is such that we're going to be in just about every game." And, with a league title in tow, they also assured themselves a spot on the short list of the best teams in the school's diamond history. l~OPll I I 11 LI lllllY 111111 I ••••••• , •Now that by'w had SU«ISS, hy rdzt that not • u .. of'-" muld do~ ... al ... temrnalls ·-. John Emme, CdM High baseball coach 111 SPORTS HALL. OF FAME CELEBRATING THE MILLENNIUM c Newport H~bOr II AP f ..... 90RIS HAU. Of FAME aumtATING THE MU.ENNIUM • May '99 inductees Dick Tucker I Jim Parsons Jeff Fryer Sandi Cofl'er Ralph Reed WaltKelly 1Uady :JUldnllebl Matt Keough PaUI Desmet JetrPries CbarUe Pbilllps Billy Whitford Judd Sutherland 1) Price Prl&a 'Hm...- SpQrts ADOPTION IUILD CHAllTY "(~ ~ ..., ftKqUet Qu&. ~ dub of IN\IMl. Nlwpclrt ~ •T-U. 0 .. Pallucles :, fsOub) .s:s f.IJIN>S OflEN SlHGUS '' ~ Round -Pete Chol drl Cordell Ezerins. 6-<e, 6-l; ~Smith dt.f Erich HtttlllG.~.k 1. ~l..hl IMfper def Ma.11 Schultz. 6-4, 6-l; Trent A.lron de4; Brian Morton. 6-3, 7-6 (7-2); Biii Howil' qef. David Douglas, 6--0, 6-1, Mlchael Lavery det. Handley Ernst. l-6, 6-l, 6-2; Robert Ortiz def Omstlan JenM!n, 6 1, 6 O; Jim Martineau def. William Feovenyessy, 6 3, 6-3 . ,5.cond Round -Bill Behrens def Ah l<er n1ani, 6-1. 60; Erle Faulk def Jose-Carlos Arzdg<t. 6 1, 6-0; Simon Shen def Parker Collins by default, Chase Exon def Qa111d Roimlrez, 6-1, 6-4, Juan Cerda def Stefon lohannon, 6-1, 6-2, Samayoa def Choi, 0-3, 6 l. David DtMarino def Smith, 6-0, 6-0, Aaron det Harper, 6-4, 6· 3; Howie def Lavery, 6·2, 6 l Stewart def Ortiz, 6· 1, 6-4, Martineau won by default. Andrew Scorteneau def. Reid Sl,\'ltf ry, 6-4, 6-4. Eric Davidson def Ben l\ogers. 7·6, 7·5, K.e111n Pollock def Mike Leonard, 6-2. 7 6, Brt<tn Barry def. Charles Gra ·tiam. 6·0. 6·0; Scott Davis def. Greg Biorkman, b·2. 6-2 Third Round -Behrens clet. Faulk, 6·2, 7 5, h on def. She", 6·2, 7-6. Samayoa def Cerda, !> 4. 6-7, 6 3, Aaron def D1M.irino, 6 3. 2 6, 6- 3 S.tewart def Howie. 6-3, 6·2. S<.ortene.tu '1t:f Martineau. 7·5. 7·6 (7·3), Pollock def .PotXfPSOn, 6·4, 1·~. Davis def 8arry, 7 5, 7·6, Bill Behrens def. Enc Faulk, 6-2, 7 5, Cha~ i!xcn def Simon Shen, 6·2 7-6 ~rt9rflnals -Oa111s def Pollock. 6-2. 6-2. '-"'Wart def ')(ortenCllU, 6 3, 6..(), Sitmayoa def. · .uon. 6 0, 6-4,.Behrens def Exon, 6-l, 4 6. 6-2 ; MEN'S DOUBLES first Round -Jacob P1etrOV\l\kt!Trent Miller • J.,f Thoma~ Bohun/l(enny Cruz. 6-4, 6-1, John f'.ltts/Cr.:119 Johnson def HandleyhlR1ck Con· <"y, 7 5, 6 I, Trent Aaron/Jim Martineau def. ~eg Biorkman/Jon Biorkman, 6 2, 6-0, Bill '!~renSICarlos Bustos def, Brian ltillebrand'Dana Bozeman, 6-0, 7-5, Bill ~e/Ne•I Grover def Robert Ortiz/'Steve ~obalt 6 1 t)-4 ~ond Round -Behrens/Bustos def. ~lohnson, 6-4, 6-2, Pugh/Mansong Hing ~ How1e1Gro11er, 7-6, 6-2, Vi~ser/Aldrich def :;tt>nv Bu1an/Pat Crow. 7·6, 7-5, Hansen/Peterwn ~ Hottmon!Kitplan, 6-3, J.6, 6-3 . • WOMEN'S DOUBLES ,. l'.int Round -Gret~hen ·Magers/Kathy R1nal· .. •$tunk1e def K•ren Pnce1Chmt1ne Behrens, • 'l'O. 6·1, Jandrea Ouwcndyk ~.:ory Crigger -!Pf Gretchen Miller/Amanda Phillips, 6-2, 0-6, r, 4, Jennifer Slattery-Lyons/Julie Slattery def MQira Gandy/Ellie Hammargren, 6·0, 6·0. S4cond Round -Danielle Scott/Keri Phebus lt.>f Slattery·lionllSlanery. 3-6. 7 5, 7 6 (7 1) MIXED DOUBLES 1'1m Round 1y, .. 11,,., Esmero/Jacob P1etromk1 def Keri Phe- tJOJY(.uck Miller. 6-0. 7-6, Nteole Elhot/Ken ."11110 d~f K11nen Case/Ross case, 6·0, 1·6, 6-3; 1()(j, Re.J/Pamck Rea def. Nadra Vaughan/Cur- "' Ellmore, 6-2, 6·2 ~e<.ond Round -Kathy Friu -May/Juan Cerda net Christine Behrens/Carlos Buston, 7-5, 6-2; ,.;11tc1 Huber/Brett Hc1nsen def Linda ttrnkaw/Oav1d Ramirel, 6 1, 6·2, Esmero- .PH.;lrowsh def E ll10VZan10 6 2, 6 0, ~··:i•Pair1•.k def Natalie Exon/Chaw Exon, 3-6, .; ~· Camey SalummafTony Bujan def Ellie M • •1T1,11gren/Jeff Banwer, 6-4, 6-4, Jandrea ('J .endyktS<olt Davis def Sondra r 1t'lsen/Br1an Hillebrand, 6 2. 7·5; Kathy l ald1·Stunkle/Andrew Chaney def Danielle 1-endhn/Alvln Gardiner 6 1. i ·5; Gret<hen ~t<1~els/James Ault def Moira Gandy/Eric •Jua<1e. 6-4, 1 6, 6-3 ')uarterfln.ls -R1naldl·Stunkle def Rea/Ilea, ,. " 6-1. 6·3, SalummatBu1an def r uwendyl(}Oav1s, 6-2, 7-5, flllot/Zar110 def M .. qers/Ault. 7-5, 6·2. Fntz-May/Cl!rda def Hu tiner/Hansen, 7 -6 (7 '>). r; 7, 6· 3, hme•c.iPietrowsk1 def Elhot/Z,m10, 7 5, 6-2 f).O MEN'S DOUBLES Pll'ft ~"41 -Paul Croslo/Adam Kranson def. lf1'i..111 Matek/80 McGlaughhn. 7 6, 7·6. Rkk Lt\slertllnan Barry def Robert Finlay/John Hammargren, 6-<I, 7-5; Teny MMcolinelP9t• f1U~trkk d•f S<ott lldNdc/l(•Vln AtM- strong. 6--\. J 6, 7 $; G~~ rtt.IOtw Nowldc def. Rt<Nrd Robb/Andy Urias, '-0 6-3; Greg WaU'ler/John Wasfler cl•f. Biii~ McQualcl/Ruben Mendoza. 7-6, 6 !; Wiii Mol- ravwAtt Hernandez clef. Etlc ~ Midlelson, 6-0, 6--2; Jeff OIMVJeny V*1tinge clef Michael MoenterlNell Amor. 7"6, 6-2; Jamil At~tnt Dfopsy def. Peter O.Vld- son/Jon flaM ~6-l QliMWiflnits -CrosSIKr•nson clef. Foster/Barry, 2-6. 6·1, 6-l; Marcollne/Fltz· patrlck def. Tete/Nowick, 2-6, 6-0, 5-2; Moravac/Hemandei def. WIVlef/Wdltt, '-1, 6 2; AtchalDropsy clef. Clin&Van I.Ing., 7·5, 6- 4 MIXED DC>UeUS Quarterli.nab -Libby Despot/Jerry Vlln tinge def. Emily SaboJMkhael MOenter, 6-4, 63 5.5 MEN'S OOUIUS First Round -Cory Fiene/Alan Iverson ~. Robbie Reenan/Bill Hanson, 6-2, 6-4; Rob Miit- sop/Grant Helgeson def. Steve Cruz/Phil Hamllton, 6-2, 6-4; Pino MariolatJohn Olden- berg def. James Daol'Robel1 Davenport. 6-2, 6- 4. Larry Collins/Ken Stuart def. Gary ChowlBlll Mueslng. 6-3, 7•6 (7--4); Dean Corley/Colboj Morita def. Orestes BaeZ/Scott Morton, 6-7, 6- 1, 6-4. Quart...fiNls -Mark MurphY.ISeve Van Ho def. Fiene/Iverson, 6-2, 6-4; M1llsopMelgeson def. Marzola/Oldenberg, 7-5, 6-0; Corley/Mori· ta def. Collins/Stuart. 6-l, 7-5; Tom Morrislfred Morris def. Tom Cohen/Ale.11 Marcial. l·6, 6-3, 1~ I . WOMEN'S DOUBL£S f'l.l.t Round -Loretta Browl'\/Sandl Roberts def. Heidi Schuler/Angle Stephens. 6-2, 4-6, 6- 4; Fiona Jones/Jenny canfleld def. Tracy ReeveYLisa Sigaty. 7-5, 4-6, 6-2; Beth Thomp- son/Laurie Helgeson def. Judy Loule/Maricaye Daniels, 6-4, 6-7, retired. Second Round -Jeni Morton/Daren Collins def. Christine Galvan/Rhonda Lee, 3-6, 6-0, 6-l; JoneY<anflelkd def. Brown/Roberts. 6-4, 7-6; Thompson/Helgeson def. Doreen lrlshlPet Damian. 6-4, 6-3; Janet BezmalinovkMCat.hy Bennett def. Yasuko Kawamura/Naomi Iseri, 6- 2. 6-4. Quaf'terf'mals -Daren Collins/Orestes Baez def. Laurie Helgeson/Grant Helgeson, 6-3, 6-1; Jones/Marzola def. Loretta Brown/Dean Cor· ley, 7-6, 6-0; Beth Thompson/Rob Mlllsop def. Janet Hamilton/Phil Hamilton, 6-3, 6-1; Kim- berly Schram/Frank Zebot def. Jeni MortonlS«>tt Morton, 3-6, 6-2. 6-4. MJXE.D DOUll.ES First Round -Fiona Jones/Pino Marzola def. Jennifer CriswelVAllen Criswell. 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. 5.0 ~'SDOUllES First Round -Luis Torrado/Ron Chew def. S<Ott Wright/Jeff Hed, 2-6, 6-4, 6-l; Brian Val· pariso/Marc Rosest def. Bob l<eilogg/Sam Kovacs. 6-2, 7·5; Bill FemandezfRick Mielke def. Walt MitcheVMarty Olson, 6-1, 6-l; Glen Dog~rell/Ooug Rudolph def Br1.1<e MurrJy/INoody Brooks, 6-4, 6-4; Steve John· sonl0av1d Weisman def. Warren Wong/Ben Gaither. 6-3, 6-4; Tim Claar/BrU(e Malloy def. Jerry DeAlnUllrv Goldberg, 6-3, S-7,.6-4; Wes Simmons/Owen Gilfen def. Ronn Stubbs/Jon Delgado, 6-1, 6-4, Rid1 RuhlenlVeme Kopy· totf def Kerry Flaherty/Jim Serlnger, 6-4, 6-2; Rob Roof!Ted Teacher def. Jano fears/David Reed, 6-4, 6-2; Tony Pascoe/Hlro lsogawa def. Paul Mullis/Greg Garancousky, 7·5, '1-5; Peter Finch/Leo Fracalosy def. Robert Jensen/Rick Wttd, 6-3, 7-6; Dennis ClausfJim Buehring def l<en Kramer/Hyman wong, 7-5, 6-3; Oen· n1s Bowel'YKurt Jensen def. Joe Aurlem· ma/Mick Mickler, 6-l, 6-4; Nell Malley/Paul Miller def. Dierch Brown/Ron Hextall, 6-3, 26-. 6-4 S.cond Round -Marc l<elly/Gary Sequiera def Torrado-Chew. 6-0, 6-4; Valpariso-Roest def FernandevMlelke, 6·1, 7-6; Johnson/Weisman def. Doggrell/Rvd<>lph, 6-t, 7-6. 6-1, ClaarlMalloy def. Simmons/Gillen, 6- 4. 5· 7. 7-6 (7-l); Ruhlen/Kopytoff def. Roof!Teacher. 6-4, 6-4; FlncMracalosy def. Pascoe/lsooawa, 6-4, 6-4; Claus/Buehring def. Bowers/Jensen, 6-4, 6-2; lim ll~ary Doi def. Malley-M iller, 6-1. 6-2. "Affordable Alternative" Discou nt Casket, Cremation & Burial Service Why sh ould you subject yourself & your family to paying inflated prices for caskets & services???? Call Toll Pree 1-888-54CASKET Sening Orange & Surrounding Countries -Gemetery • Mortuary Chapel • Crematory 3500 Pacific Vt..,, Or1ve Newport Beach 644-2700 PIERCE IROTIIEJll BELL BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel ' " Cremation ... 110 Broadway ' · Costa Mesa 842-~150 Ml 94"1 DCM• ES Ftm RouM -~ AepoVf.WO Burke d•f. NonN Vffl/Pft Fruler-McCabe, 6·2. 6·2. 5ealincl.lloul'ld.-P#tMla l illle/Polly Dutst ~­ Bewrly JohnstontPMnty Horldll. M, 3-6, 6-0, Judith OurrlPattv Moore def. Jodi So<ellll(afln Sl~nn, ~7. '7·S. 6-2; Olrls BlodU5uunM Schwartz def. Aluls Brown/Mary Morr1 6-2\ &- 1; ICelly Schor1z/Suiy Stlek def. Repoz-Bunce, 6-2, 6-3; Taman1 8tlt'ardl/lrenda Olllier def . Yukari Sengwr~unslrllSablna Seoelbac:h~ 6-4, J.S; Mona \ranUngelChel'yl HTrtler def. Randi Reznik/Penny Wilton, 7-5, M ; Jan Bruner1$haron lgnat def. Holly Malloy/Uz Archef! 6-2. 6-3; l<.lthy Moore/fem Monroy def. Julle OavidlClndy Reyes. 6-3, 6-l. QuertetflMlt -'DUl1'1Moore def. Pamela Lii· lie/Polly Durst, 6-~. .3~1 7-6 (8-6); Kelly SdlorUJSteck def. Bioauxnweru. "'6, 7-6, 6- 2; Van U~irtler def. Berardi/Oliver. 7-5; 6-4; Brunerllgnat clef. M00te/Monroy. 6-4, 2-6, 6-3, MIX&> DOlW ff Fl..-t 9'ound -Julie Davldll.eo Fraailosy def. Jodi Sol'rellllrlan Valpal'iso, 6-0, 6-2. Second ~ -Cindy Reyes/Chris Bowen def. Ttida Welsmen/Steve Johnson, 6-4, 7-5; Liz Harcher/Jerry DeAlnza def. Randyh Reznik/Rob Chrtnensen, 6-4, 6-2; DavldlFracalosy def. Mona Vanllng&'Art Jenk· ins, 7·5, 6-2; Linda Winston/Jim Buehring def. Dale Sklles/Dennls Claus, 6-3, 6-2; Karla RepoliMlke Walters def. Etin SprustonJMkk Mickler, 6-2, 6-2; Kristen R0<>s/Warren Wong def. Fawn Burke/Teny Fleming, 6-1, 6-3; Holly Molby/Mac Roest clef. Gayle JonevGary Headdlng. 6-3, 6-1; Cheri Plumley/Gaty 001 def. Cynthia ReddlckA:>on Parker, 7-5, 7-S, Quwterflnal1 -Repoz/Walters def. Win· ston/Buehrlng, 6-3, 6-1; Molby/Roest def. Ross/Wong, 4-6, 6-3, 6-0; R~wen def. Plumley/Doi, 3-6, 6-2. 6-3; DavtdlFracalosy def. ArcherlDeAlnza, 6-<e. 6-2; 4.5 MEN'S DOUll.ES Fll"lt Round -Rick Secayan.Mike Malloy def. Rick CoveylBob Renko, 5-7, 7·3, 6-2; Phil RamosfDave Und def. Chudc Duran/Richard Guinn, 7-5, 6-1; M~ Sachs&'John Kao def. Andy TruongtJQfe Juc.aban Jr .. 6-0, &-3; Colby weehloavid Meier def. Thong Nguyen/John DI Fiore, ~-61 6-.~ Loren Nelson/John Nelson def. Larry AOCertoowr.l l.l 8ahn, 7-6, 6-1; Craig Chlh/John Lvnch def. Robert Kastner/Dan Stet-son, 6-l, 6-3; Angel \Nela/Robln Johnson def. Biii salisburyl8rett ~yden. 7-5, 3-6, 6-4; Wll11am Holland/Scott fakahlshl def. Ell WendelVJeff Wegener. 6-3, 6-4; Mike Plersontlarry Dennis def. David 81ec.kford/8rad Oeck, 6-3, 6-4; Mlchnl Oddo/\/Vllllam Wraith, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4; Victor Pedroza/Roger Delaney def. Bill Le...itb'Sffn Blair; 7·5, 6-4. SeClond Round -Tom Duddy/Jim Gray def. Sac.ayan/Malloy, 6-1. 1-6; Rick Bailey/Jay Kollins def. Ramos/Lind, 6"" 6!1; Weeks-Meler def. Sachset'Kao, 6-4. S-7, '-0; Chlh-lynch def. Nel· • sonlNeboo. IS-7, 6-2, 5-i; Holland-Takahashi def. Varela-Jolinson, 2-6, 6-<e, 6-1; Od<bWralth def. PlersonlDenning, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4; sam Wen- zel/Robin Garthwaite def. Pedroza/Debfley, 6- 3, 7-5; Vlc;tor Strauss/Sam Vergara def. Tim Boyd/Johnny Jones. 3-6, 6-3, 7·5. · Quan.rflnalt Oddo/\Nraith def. Holland/Takahashi, 6-l, 4-6, 6-3; WenzeVGarthwalte def. StrauWVergara, 6-2, 6-4; Duddy/Gray def. Balley/Kollins. 7-6, 6-4; Weeks/Meler def. Chlhllyndl, 6-0, 6-4. WOMIWS DOUBlES Fll"lt Aound -Regina Glenn/Karin Toth def. Joy Petersonn>at Herms. 6-2, ~. 6-2; Katie Healy/Shananon Vance def. Sandy Chow/Cindy On.mg. '6-3, 5-7, 6-2. s.ciotMI Round -Linda Huber/Dorothy Bishop def. l<lm Spearll!lleen Mccoskey, 6-l, 6-3; Christy Anderson>Dpnny Ahlers def. Kathy BucN'Stella Redondo-Soto, 7·6, 6-3; Lesllle KeyslSue Smith def. Carla Moore/Gall Ross, 6- 0, 6-0; Regi(la GlennlKariln Toth def. Ellzabeth AltlerilMary Ylebb, 6-2, 6-.2; Healy/Vance def. Rebecca BowyerfJudy Sims, 6-2, 6-4; Leslie Kol· lar/Sue Purcell def. Shayne Perkins/Charlene Horton. 6-2, 6-3; Linda W~errrracy Camp- bell def. Pam Daqufla/Sendy Dunn 2-6, 6-2. 6- 1; Susan VromenlTerrl Oatfl def. Suzanne TRAFFIC CIACULA TION SYSTEM . AN AUDIT OF THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ~OGRAM IS AVAILABLE FOA REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC AT THE COSTA MESA CITY CLERK'S OF· FICE. 77 FAIR DRIVE, COSTA MESA, CALIFOR· NIA. THIS PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOL· LOWS: OATE: Monday, June 7, 1999 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 77 Fair Dr1va. Costa Mesa. ~lomia PUBLIC COMMENTS IN EITHER ORAL OR WAIT· TEN FORM MAV BE PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION, TELE PHONE 754·5335 OR VISIT THE TRANSPOR· TATION SERVICES DIVISION AT CITY HALL. 77 FAIR DRIVE, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA. Pllbllshed NewPort Beach· Costa Mesa Dally Pllol May 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, June 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 1999 F917 ~ctltloua Bualn•H NMne Statement The fottowtno persont are doing business as: Oance E11perlence II, 100-W Adams Av •116, Huntington. Beach, CA ll28Ae Eugene Leary, 10044 Acfems_A_v1 1116, Hunt· lngton IJMQl, CA 92646 Thlt bullneu Is con-dt'*<I by: an lndlvtduel Have Y9l.I allned doing butlnele "'1 v ... 3-01-tt EUGIN l.Mry Thll~wts ftled ...... .... County Cleft! ol OrMOt Count¥ on s., •·tO 1"917111IO = ,_ ~ , . .__~ '·' ,... J9'Q SUMMARIES ~ig,1f'11Wendy MMy, 3-6, 7-6, 6-3. ~· • l{oll•rlPYrcell def. ..... IYN~•· 1-6, 6-3; WIOOOM'IClmpbell def. \lt~m, 6-1, 6-li Andenonl'Ehlef' clef. HUberllllshoo, 7-6, 6-2; IOeys/5Mlth def. Glenn/Toth, 3-6, 6-1, 6-1. MOCID 00.llUS Flnt Rourtd -Martha Gfrcla/Vkto• P~rou clef. Ketle HeelWlllll Sellsbury, 6·3, 7-6 (7-2); -1i.ura P.rochnfak/Darutl May d.t. .Us.a V•r•la/A.ngel Varela, 6-1, 64; Wendy M~/Mafk Mathis def. SWl,i wetsM::hrl~ COf'· rlgan, &-~ Polly "4cCQfmldcJRob 81ndner clef, Elitabeth Shumaker/Joseph Markovich, 6- 2. 1-6, 6-1, Shannon Vance/Jay Kolllm ~f. Susan Daltonll(en Godinez. 6-2, 6-4 Leslie Kol- larll\ob Whitehead def. Joy P~udc Dum1. 6-0, 6-2; Julie Roeder/Mark ~ def. Kim Spear/Robert Bis~ 6-3, 6-2; Regina Glenn/ken Ctowl . def. Bette Kerhoulas/Dlon Kerhoulas. 3-6, 6-2, 6-4; Julie Shel'Winllarry Shefwln def. Janice Ashton/OalQ Johnston, 6- 2, 6-3; Danette Par&ntel8ob Baifey def. Sandi Carter/JJ<k Roche, 6-3, 1-6. 6-3; Christina Tay- lor/Alan White def. Darren ffleod/Robert Kast· ner. 6-3, 6-0; Sharon Dieknelt/Joh.rl l(oo def, Unda Waggon«/Oavid Meier, 7-6, 6-1; Marsha Jonesl'Steve Cunlff def. Marilyn Wilson/George ~~ ~. 6-3, 6-3. Round -Garcia/Pedroza def. Terri Oates/Loren Nelson, Hi, 6·3. 7-5; Prochnlak/May def. Macy/Mathis, 6-4, 6-4; Glenn-Crowl def. RoederlPldc. 7-6, 6-1; Par· ente/Bailey def. Sherwin/Sherwin, 6-1, 6-2; Kiekneit.IKao def. Taylorl'Nhlte, 6-1, 6-2; Oenise MorrlsonlDan Prlzier def. JonetK:uniff, 6-2, 6-2. Quarterfinal• Prochniak/May def. Garcia/Pedroza, 4-6, 6-1, 6-2; l<ollar/Whlte- head def. PericlnslSachse. 7-5, 6-2; Parente/8ai· ley def. Glenrvtr<>YJI. 7-6,m 6-4; Morrlson/Prl· lier def. Olekneitll<do, 6-4. 6-4. I 4.0 MEN'S DOU8LE5 First Round -Scott Zook/Chip Fesko def. Todd Adams/Robert Witt. 6-4, 6-3; Tom Marr cellus/Kahn Raddavong. 6-2, 7-5; John Sek~ ly/John Soto def. Kevin SheridantJoho Benna· ton, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2; Dennis Bird/Dlrck Bedford def. Robert Green/Chris Hansen, 6-1, 6-2; Brett Bluicek/David MacDoald def. Tom, Mor$e!Gary Goodman, 6-4, 6-3; Tom SeldeVJaSQll Willlams def. Cameron Crown- er/Greg Kearns. 6-1, 6-3. Second Round -Jerry Shaw/kaymond Brown def. Robert Myer.slSam Wason, 6·1, 6-4; Jonathan Rivers/Val laguatan def. Mike t-tam- rock/Randall Trost, 6-0, 6-3; Mike Colby/Oeron Colby def. Zook/Fesko, 6-4 6-3; Marcellus/Rad- davong def. Sekely/Soto, 6-2; 6-0; BlaziceklMacDonald clef. Bird/Bedford, 6-3, 3· 6, 7-5; Seidel!Wllllams def. Joe Sappla/Oavld Hagan, 6-7, 7-6, 6-4; Michael Glazer/John Hur- ley der. Greg Lamontll<en Treleanl, 6-4, 6-3; Roger MorrislDonald Brown def. Mike Mcl<ln- ley/Oon Brenner, 6-4, 6-2. QuartetflNls Shaw/Brown def. Riversllaguatan, 1-6, 7-5, 1·5; Colbyfcolby def. MarcelluslRaddavong, 3·6, 6-1, 6-3; sappialHagan def. BlazkeklMacOonald, 6-3, 6- 4; Glazer/Hurley def. Monis/Brown, 6'1, 6-2. WOMEN'S DOU8LfS First Round -Bonnie Barken/Barbara Kraus def. Dixie Terry/Patricia Leick, 7-6, 6-4; Suzanne Frank/Nancy Schwalje def. Barb Newom/Oorls Lenahan, 6-2, 6-2; Pamela Cot· ton/Eiieen Coe def. Molly MartinlAiicla Barcl· nas, 6-4, 6-2; Patty Anidol8etsy Hawkins def. Jeannie Lawr.ncellsa Legrand-Tew, 5-7, 7·0, 6- 3; Lynn Carter/Kathy Sekely def. Mary Amen· Nehrllch/Fran Meyers, 7-6, 6·1; Jody Young/Bonnie Swarberg def. Christine Shive-ly/Corlnne Morgenstern, 6-1, 3-6, 6-4: Marty Mortis/Nan Ng def. Lois FridluncllManlyn Ben· nett. 6-1, 6-1;Wendy Gerdau/Annette Thomp- son def. l{ltty Haenraetstcynthla Ewell, 6-1, 6- 2; Gayle Klocke/Usa Fukumoto def. Susan JohnsJCarot Conti, 7-S, 7-6. s.conct Round -Debra Zamora/Bessie Lee def. Nin Newquist/Joyce Flood, 6-2, 7-6; Diane Gluer/Angle Burwell def. Bonnie VarkehlBar- bara Kraus, 7-6, 6-4; Suzanne FrankJNancy Schwalje def. Coe/Cotton, 6·1, 6-7, 6-1; AnldolH.awklns def. C.rterlSekely, 6·7, 6-4, 6-2; Morris/Ng def. Young/Swarberg, 7-5, 6-4; Ger- dau/Thompson def. T<lockelfuliumoto, l-6, 6- 2, 7·5; Nancy RobinsorVMary Ayres def. Patrl· cla HoustonlDenlse cancelllerl, 6-3, 6·3; Diane Klmbrollinda Covarrubias def. Joanna Glasstrosanne Oddo, 7-6, 6-1. Quarterfinals -Glazerl8urwell def. lamo- rell..ee, 6-0, 6 t; ,renkJS(hwalJ• def. AnicloMawklns. 6 2. t-3; Mottlsl'NQ def. ~r­ daulfhompson. 6·1, M ; Klmbro/{ovatrublti def. Roblmonl:,"-1, 6-l. DOUM.IS Pint ~ -Bobbi O.udeunanlJ•rry Daud- eirn1n def. M•"Y MOft~ MatrlJ. 6-2, 3- 6, 6-J, Elk• Voss/Robert MC.Isaac def. Janie MMkle/John Staslewlci, >7, 7·3, 6-3; Diane Kimbro/Mike Hamrock def. 8ecky t:tonrathlS<otLZook..-7·5, 6-0: .Patty .Ma~· l'M6'011111d Wald def Mar'lna Nichols/Robert Dunbar. 6-3, 6-2; Tracy RussolMkhffl Russo def. sandy Rowley/Rafael Arroyo by ·Injury default; Liz Glennltrk Reichert def. OebOrah Orlssl/Rafael Arroyo, 7-5, 3 6, 6-2; Mlrand.a Soegll'Brett Blazlcek def. Pattie Lambert/Mark Newell, 6-3, 7-5; Vicki Peterson/Somchal Moy def. Susan Ktame:r/8ob DennerlirHt, 6·2, 6-3; Nlh Newqui$1/Jlm Flooci def. Eiieen Coe.'Gary Conkey, 6-2, 6-7, 7-1; Norma Rodriguez/Tom Seidel def. Cla,. Gray/Harold Charles. 6-1, 6-1; Suzy Wallace/8111 Walla<e def. Linda Mont· gomeryl8111 Mdntgomel'y, 6-3, 6-1 . ~Round -Gayle Klodc.e/Oonald Brown def. Denise Cancelllervetfrls Green, 6-2, 6-1; OaudermanlDauderman def. Vos-sllsaac. 6·l, 6- -4; Kimbro/Hamrock def. Matarrese/Wald, 6-1, 6-2; Glenn/Reichert def. Russo/Russo, 6-3, S.7, 6-0; Soegll81azicek def. Pete~. 6-1, 6-3; Rodriguez/Seidel def. NewquiSt/Flood, 6-2, ~ (7-2); Pamela Cotton/T'om Cotten def. Wal· lace/Wallace by default; ~f Foster/Crista H«k- endorn def. Anne Jacogs/Stan Fair; 6-3, 6-2. Qu.iirteffifMlls -Klocke/Brown def. Dauder· manlDauderman, 6-0, 6·1; KimbrolHamrodc det. Glennl,Rei<Mrt. 6-3, 6-2; Rodrigue11Seldel def. Soegl/Blazkek. 6-3, 6-2; COttorvtotten def. Foster/Heckendorf. 7-6, 6-1, 6-3. 3.5 MEN'S DOUBLIS Fll"lt Round -Vincent Buencamin61John Buencamino def. Phil Cotton/James Malloy, 6- 3, 3-6, 6-1; Martin Rlchman.111111 Skupen def. Fred Afshar/Omar Gaf'{:la, 6-1, S-7, 6-4; Kevin Bogart/Marty Barber def. Al Qinlan/Don Ray by default. Quwtllrflnats -Ken Romerollee Gislason def. Brennan Clssity/Antonio Cagnolo, 6-1, 6- 1; Buencamlno-Buencamino def. Rlchman/Skupmen, 6-1, 6-1; Bogart/Barber def. Dana FrazlerfAI Krelnikov, 6-2, 6-0; Chris l(i~John Perisidl def, Richard Schwartz/Paul salmon, 6-4, 7-6. WOMEN'S OOUllLES flrst Round -Kathy Wllllams/Mary Kriskovic 1def. Jillan Griffin/Lisa Briggs, 6-0, 6-3; Karyn sandbur~eresa Halloc.k def. Susan l<op- peVClndy Shaffer, 6·2, fi.2; Dorene Spear· man/Kathleen Kronk def. Linda Joplin/Lupe White, 6-4, 6·2. QuwUtrf1nalt -Margaret Holzman/Monica McCarthy def. Kristina CoWv Le, 6-2. 7·5; sat. liejane Super/Laurie Ruiz def. Debbie Marten- son/Diane Reddie 6-1 6-0; Sandburg/Hallock . def. Wlllla.ms/Kriskovic, 6-2, 6-2; Speat- ma.n/Ktonk def. CourVBarker, 6-3, S-7, 6-3. MUW> DOUILIS F1rst Round-Danielle klastCliff Von Ting def. Clndv Searle/Robert Ramey, 6-4, 6-4J Patricia MarshaVEranl Di Massa def. Gloria CarlintAI Quinlan, 6-4, 6-4. ~lnals -Kath~ Shaka.s/Ron Varing def. Linda Merrlll/Rkhard Merrill, 6-1, 6-1;. Yoland SmitM.aurence Woodard def. Islas/Von tlong, 6-0, 6-1; Kathy White/nm White def. Mar- shal/Or Mas.sa, 6-2, 6-1; Chris Nel~Greg Bar- tone def. Kimberly Sloan/Chuck Favreau, 4-6, 6-2, 6-4. Senior Men 35 first Round Doubles Jim Pugh/Bruce Man.song Hln9 bye; John letbfPat Harper def Monty GrifflnlMichael Landers, 6-2. 6-0; Glen Petrovi<JJohn Davis def. Rkk Foster/Billy McQuald, 6-4, 6-2; Patrick Rea/Bennet Slvsarz def. Tom Omstead/part- ner, 7-6, 6-1; Erk Quade.ll(evln Armstrong def. Ruben Mendozalf>eter Davidson, 6-4, 2-6, 6·3; Barry Bus5/Erk Van't Hof def. David Bohan- nonlDan Bohannon. 6-7, 7·1, 7-6; John Wash· ermm Pawsat def. George Tate/Dave Nowick, 6-2. 6-4; Mike Fedderty/Oonnie Visser bye. Quartetflnals -Pugh/ManS0tJ9 Hing def. . Letts/Harper, 6-4, 6-0; Petrovic/Davis def. 'ftea/Slvsart, 6·2, 6·2; BussNan't Hof def. Quade/Armstrong, 3-6, 7-6, 6-4; Fedder!y/Viss- er def. WesherlPawsat by default. 19996792800 Law Offices ot Loyd E. Wrighl, 111, A Professional COrporalion, 19200 Von Karman Ave- nue, Suite 870, Irvine, Call· lomia 92612 Merilyn Tripp.-Per90n11 Repre1tnt1tlve of th• Ea· tate Daily Pilot May 25. June 1, B, 15, 1999 F53B Flctltloua Bualnesa Name Statement The lollowing pef'Sona are doing business as: ~ Cllh House. b Barldeys Biscuits, 17721 1 Laurie Lane, Santa Ana, Calllomi8 92705 Judllh Anne tutt, 11121 'h Laurie Lene, Santa Ana, Callfomla 92705 This business Is con· duaed by: an Individual Have you started doing business yet? No Judith A. Clift Thia staterrient was flied with the County Cler1< of Orange County on 5·21 ·99 19996793919 Dally Pilot May 25, June 1, B, 1S, 199§ TS39 CNS1716899 Notice of S•le of Re•I Property •t Prlv•t• S•le C11e No. M 94698 In the Supenor Coun of ttie Slate ol Callfomla, tor lhe County Of Orange In tl'MI Matter of tlle Ea· tale of G•r•ld 'lee Tripp, deOeeM<I. Notice I• hem IN! the under Wiii sell at Prtvat• sa • to tne h~at and best bldde!1 1 to oonfttmatiOn or Ill SUperlor Court on or after lhe 29 day Of June, 1"99 at 1he Dept 1.13 cl 9uper1of Court Qt ?.!i CountY ;.._~..!, Tht Drtw, ...,..,,,,., CA .. lhe ltaht. ... end .,,. temt cl illld ---.. tlm. cl deelh Md .. ltdlt. lllle MCl ....... 1'9 .... ,, .. .-... In ...... to tliat ol ... ctecl... • In -:::. ::.=:. "= ~olC.-== ll1allllled • ........ ~ ... t:.n"' ...... 1: a1••-"M -at• Unlllcl ......... al -· :a:-----• Attorney(•) et l.ew: Edjpr C. Johnaon, Jr., Eaq. JOHNSON & FL YER, 3080 Briatol SI., Suite 630, Coata MeH, CA 92628 Publlshed Newport Beach· Coste Mesa DAiiy Pilot June 1. 2. a. 1999 TW540 t ,,.. ..... ~ Doily~t ~: ~ CIFBASEBAB.. Hit CONTINUED FROM 7 ~~·~ RBis and 42 stolen bases ~e spuming the Oakland A's to1~Y at Cypress College this spring)~: Senior Willie Keller has ~ postseason homt! i:un5• including a pair of round-trippers a.ng, sli RBis in a three•hit perf-0rm.8c T against Gladstone. • Senior Sen Fredrickson, . 4,J>• foot-4, 220-pounder who ~,p)ay tight end for the South m Lhe upcoming Orange County .. a . Star Football Game, also pro\tldes muscle in the La Quinta llp.~1\M_?,; Muscle, however, iS someUU&g. the Sea Kings can match '"'Wltlin any team in the division. · .. After three homers in the d[~­ matic triumph over Chamintt~e. the Sea Ki,ngs have belted .. .42 dingers this season, two short of Jast year's school single-season record. • ' fumne's big boppers are led.by seniors Ty Harper (12 homers this spring and 24 for bis career, 'tkrth school and Newport-Mesa Dts· trict records), Eric Wiethom (11 big flies), Matt Larson (six je0ks1 including two in the postseason) and Mark Hatfield (five boni'b.s). Larson, ranked by Bas~~g.11 America the No. 40 prospect fl'0III Calif omia for this week's major league draft, is 6-5 on the mQUIMil. Harper, a two-time ~ selection and the reigning port-Mesa District Player at. Year, is 5-1 after picking u win in relief Friday. - The Sea Kings, who won _. only CIF crown in 1981, a.re ing off a Sea View Leaguei~ championship, their first 1----:!I~,._.., title since 1982. Today's winner advances to the championship game at Edi- son Field, either Friday or Satur- day, against the winner of today's El Segundo-South Hills semilinal at El Segundo. Peirsol tuning uP ' " New -----------port Har-S W I M M I 11..G bor High freshman Aaron Pwol will ~ comwting in the Meet of Champions a\ Mission Viejo 1f1'ne 17-20 following his tuneup c\t the Speedo Meet this past weellend where he was eased to a wittltlhg 2:05 in Ule 200-meter backstfAie, as well as good swims in th~· ffiO back (second), 200 bult9,t11Y (sixth) and 400 individual meGley. DEEP SEA _ I I I MONDAY'S COUNT'S 1 tMwpott Landing 5 boats, 160 anglefl I 57 b.wracuda, 16 bonito, 61 c;lllliro bilSS, l2 tOdrf~ S7l t<ull)ln. ll t~ed, 28 wMeflsll, 2S blue perch, I sol•, 1 tngg.rflsl\ 1 white -bas.s. Doily Pilol . - ;p T . • 1 ' ' ' -::-· ,,... , J•1•my or. _._..,. ...... ,...,, *, 1Mf"l9, CA 82812 ~-way 82t320, Tl.l9tln, TfW 1o10W16ng ~ Siephanlit AM For\e, ._...,,. 927 !~ .. ~ blAIMN, llilOl ,adll ~~. 11\0int, CA Thll bu11nMa la con-f~~ BMdt, Thie; bulloeu Is con.. =~a g11r\111al CA 826IO ctutted by: an~ , Ha~ )OU Ul$lld ~ "' Tl.ICMf EIMtCll'IMI, Int., Hav. \'O'.I 11111*1 tilQ bulinefS ret? Yet, •~tot YKfll Tr\JMI bullne5li yer? No Ol!l2W1~'7 • ' a..ai, CA 92i&I • S'9phankt Ann Fone • Je!WTly F~ l)UllrlHI It con· Thil ~ llta& flied Thll •llllNnl was tiled ; dUCl9d by. • cotpCntlon • ~ "1e Cownty Clerk of witfl ltMI County Cltrk of .... ~ ~ ~ doing Orange Counly on 5-7-119 Otanoe County Ott 5·12·99 "'~ yet1 Ye1, 1 t/97 119M7'2M2 1itlil1t2121 "'TUd*'~.loc., 25o.-JyP11ol ,_._ay11,18, Dally Pilot May 18, ~. -.~ Cblcl...-P.~. ·:Iona 1, lm___,____rS(K_ ,J~-LB. 1m----.....IS20 Tllll ~ WAI llled Fkthi0u1 8uelnea1 Actltlou. Bualne•• ..., "'~"°""" """' .. , ,.°' Nam. Si.tement Name Sllltament Ortnge on • Tl'l9 IOllowlng P8BOOI TM lollowlng persoos '""" 1 are doina bullneu 11:' .,. ~ bullnilu n : """""' ... May 11t_l_8J Marine file~1 325 N. New· RENT A"VETIE, ~'l5. JuM 1, 1 OW pon BIYd., Newpor1 Baacn,' NEWPORT BEACH, 21!12 ... ,FfctftlOUil 8u1lnn1 CA. 92663 s. E. Brillo! St1eet, Ntlw-1"*'-...........,, Marine Pu1>llcatlon1 po!1 Bead\, CA 92660 ™ folk1Wlng peraona Compa"Y. Inc., {DE.), 325 RAV Newport, Inc.. !Ce~- ... ~ .... ••: N, Newport 81Yd., Newport" loolil) 11454 112 N1flonll ":! 1 , · Buen, CA 92663 Blvd., Loa Atlgelet, CA (,iama Solullott1 This buakl9at 11 con-900&4 I ~2 ViCta GIWlde. ~ ctucled by: I 00fp0(8tlOl'I TIQ bualne11 \1 oon- Beactl CA 92660 HIMI you 1\aned doing ctuaed by. a COfPOf8tlon ~ .,.,.·ic': Ard'lllects A.IA, bulln••• yet? Vt•. Have you 1tart8<1 dOlng ..i CA). 542 Vitia 12/01198 business >'9f? No ·~~ NiiwPort 8eaCtl Ma1lne PubUcaUon& RAV /iflwport, Inc., CA 92t18o ' i;:otnpany, Inc., o.nnl$ Mictlael Brophy, Presldeol Ttilt b\dlnett 11 coo-D'Alessk:i, Pr.sldtnl Thil SUilelMnt wu llled 111.ided bV: 1 corporallon This alal&ment waa llled with the Cou!ily Clark ol Have ~&titled cloiog with IM Countt Cleric ol Orang. County on 5·14-99 tl\dlnell vei7 No Otl.noe County on 5-7-99 1HNm15' Tarayaci' Att:hllects. AIA 1lt9N7123n Dally Pllol May" 18. 25, tld" Bert •W. TefW.yao Dally PilOt May 11 , 18, Jooe 1. 8, 1Q99 T521 Pl~ ~ ' 25, JIJne 1, 1999 T514 FlCtidOut Buslne•• . Tl'ill llatement Wal liled Flctltloue Buslneaa Nam• Statet'Mnt wl!M lhe County Clllrlc ol Name Shltement The lolloWlng persons Mnge Col.l'ltv on 5-7-99 The lollowlng peraons are~ bullneU as; _ 11KIOl7t2392 are doing bu51ness as; E\iro5Peed Pelformanca, Dally Pilot Mey 11 , 18, THE MORTGAGE 80700.lheMI Ave.,Stan· 2'il.iJUOI t, 1990 T508 M~TERS. 521-B Wast 100, California 90680 , '•"-ACtttiou• BU1lne.1 Aho(\ Ave., s.i1a Ana, David L. Grimm Jr~ 8070 Nam• Stlitemenl Cetllomla 92705 calherlne Ave., Stamen, ''"nwo fo1owing ptirlOOI GaryG.Fo11,l660E.111 Cal~omla90680 "·s~'daing bualneill as: SI., Santa Ana, calilomla This busll'llU !' con· •8e0o•IMNL 2081 Busl· 92701 a~~ by: an1::rua1 ti): 'EQUAL HOUSM; OPPORT\HTY l 22 ~I W0008RIOGE TWNHlllE 2·Slory. 281. l.5ba, Fp, lrlSide laurOy, 2 ~!Id earPoN ~. End in S159,900 ~ i49r'7S9·931-4 "' ti .. di.-""'*'-' .... .................... , ... ""'"' ........ Ari II 11N .. ............. " ....... It ....,,.., •• ., '" ....... lae==·1 WATERVIEW ~1111• ff .iH1IMl11tlto1 :).Wil .. -·· ............. . ql,......,,p. ......... tl ,........ ....... " .. ~ .......... '"·~·. ...... -11411 . r.i1 .... .,,,., .111 ... ................ ....,.... .... ,.. ........ 11 .. , ........ M .... 0. t1afln w. ... .., ............ . ... Ill... lf'l•l1•••• ,. 1•11 ........................ .......................... "*"'*"' I .... CllNUD ,..,"" .. 1.-.u ..... ,. ............ oc ... ,.. ... ............ J1111 Liited aer tton. 2.5Ba. nn. 1ar9f ~ard, Rlnd\O llH. (ilea! ~ . .500"911'119'1~51-47 l 12~;m!1 NEW ON MARKET Views ol Och'\. HaltJOI ' Sinell. Custom~. Wl\llrge yard. grM loc! Sl,095,000 ~}'Or-714·2&4· 13.14. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CLASSIC! Open Sii.Sun 1 ... '308·Cll't St. :lbf ~ a.n, l« .-------,I )rd bf) """°1 1:JOO sl, lul I I baa.m.nt. HI• 111te 1n1. R2 t ~ ~:::::. ~-::::.= ilelQt" *"°•00094M1S.7111 BELcOORT iWiOft ~ ; ----'--"! ~"'··· .. ' Jl .. . Three Homa& Av•ilal71e From t~l.900. All 26R, 2B/\ 2-5.0ry sn ..... reet 28R. 261\ Wtth Psitlo Over C1tyg!_"t $118,290. 5paae ~nt $1.075 ~er Home• For Sale From $18.000 or le•ee From t 1,100 Month MYSJDE VILLAGE SALES. 849 723-4046 ••EAST saoEll 28R 1 BA. Oownllan, ~llt locMll)n. MW appliwas Wld loaMg, ll'llll Sell S8215/MO. 26!1 16'11place18 The Renttf Caritar 714-841-003 .... 'COSTA MESA• MOTOR INN 1 ST Wll: Speeill On All Rms $134.00 Tu, IHIUfM 24.f'n ffonl Oesll. 0 .0. pholles, tree HBO.'ESPN/Oisc ... IOc ctwin, pooW\lated jac. Guesl ta.lld. Nrby F"')'I; 405 I 55 "*1 1way llMI 0C FaifQfd&, College. shop lTllh. bthg, rest A mambel rl Cail'~ 2117 Hart>Dr Bfyd 9-'i..Ms..4640 r -~: . . . ~ ~. .. -· --·-----. LI._,"' , "" , ~ ·"""'~ . ,, ~. --- I 40ZLO!l'r• FOUND I Fo1,111d bfattltl 1!1 NB apptOJ In FtbNIN. Ct" to dMttb 1Mt.722·1Hl. 1412 caim~ I 2 Pioli (hold 4) r.-2 tlllll. ii tdd oul \/bu Del Mii sec!1Dn Paclllc View, N.B. $8500 Dbo. 714""89.4'6118 ~1 WANTED ~~HB!S ~OS Col!Ktiblff . .......-.r-.-·-·-·OMt.-$$ CASH PAID $$ _,,....._ ..... _ WE BUY ESTATES ·~Mtncly<~ .. "" --• ,AITlll" NOW OPEN lneo.!aWHI. ttMESA YERDE'O COllSl<lNME•rs 1$25 Mesa Veide E. ""' Hr Mon-fll IOlm-Sp'I\ in!Set 11.m.:Jcln'I Bring In oor.igl,.,.. orbfowss~h stoN. Wt hllYt Int fumllin I ~·1 1nwor11. and mcnn T1•~4207 ,p.....-. ... , -. ' --~· ... _,~~-.. ' .. ·. . .. -.... ' C'l'NfiiA'1 HAUMAAA As$\ttlnl Meintgtr. Evee a wkMdt. Apply In p«aon. Clll ll:·Matt Plaza MM46-15S7 I DOG TRAINERS M 1 yw uper. TMC;ti ~Ill obedllnce ... Cosu Mesa S10.S50f'ptr hi. ll00-374-3344 6RtVEfis.fUIT8EDIHEAVY ~ our drivecs 11"9 J7 C8l1tll milal ~ ""' mDl!lt'lfy '?aid benlllt &nls I refer· rJil progi"atrS "Wftlem or 48 staleS. Jyrs OTR t l~r 11a1· bed. C~ T11nsport 1-80().29().2327 (CM.'SCAH) OfiiVEASJ#HEN ff COll'IM 10 bllWfitl, we'te goc. II tna bell .--! ~. ~ P1Y raise. 'SOios .291:pm. ·s 1.000 19'" on bon111. T1al111n11 op· -SRT 1#1-lllG-j:iAYOAY 11·877·2«·7293) Tdl Ffel. (CAl'SCAH) FARMDIS MARll'n --·-• °"""" ·--...... ,5"food . .._., ·-c.-(141)790-0403 ot apply In pertOl'I • #IY ol our 3 lo(:ltlona. Pmrt tlm• • Driver Wanted $9 .22 per hour plus mlle1ge. NHdecl Mon thru Sun 2:45.lm to 5:45pm. Addl- lional work rNY be av•il· ,.,._ Must have truck M Yafl, \(ability Insurance with pl'OOf Of paymenta, driv- ers license, soclet MCUrity wd, •nd Cleln O.M.Y. print out. Accepting appllcetkm1 Mon to thru Fri tram 8:001m to 4:00pm. Pleau bl'ing •II required Information. Tlrnes Orange County Attn: Pim Becklngl\lm 2901 "'"' .... Santi Ana, C. 91704 T14-54H548 ............ T......by. Juno l, 1999 I! SUMMER FUN 80 Customet Ssles i:OPENINGS>'r s12 Per Hr Appt College lntemshlps •viii. Fun, upbeat environf11!A1 No experience nee. Will tr1ln. Ftetlbte hours conditions 1pply . 714-549-9599 •·yE'f RECEPTiOMSf' Part-tlml s.a.ra MdeiS i'nrned~ tor ptt i-pllal In Colla MIN. Mull bl ••· Pf(d and low 1t1i.nal•. Call MM42-11 U 1480 BUSINESS I OPPORTUNITIES - !GET OUT Of dllbt lffle!I Credll COw'4eling ceniers cl America. Slap oolllc:IDf all. --·-· F•ee Mht ·cor.........,,L ~ p1ol lt (M1mb11 NFCC ) 1·877·938-2222 Toll It .. (CAl "SCAN) ..... bOfti' ElfCTAIC·· lift. For..c ..-........ mlllt condillon $11,500. 71'42S44M MM1UI» 1-~1 50ft HwlpOft 8Mdl A 8loet .......... (;Al ... _ W/salls RI Ol.Clollrd. S1lJl)O C.U Jail MM15-0la 1-•1 it.CURA lEGENO ·a J; P.n t1m1 CPf.. Miio, lr:lw ' -.:_ ~ Stuffer/Inserter ~."'::' =-~ W ted AT•T BELL PAVPMONES. ntwlt SM50. 71 W41~,._ an \..cell sheS $150K yell polen-TOYOTA WiNftb • .,,,,. To rnnr1 section• ln1o \\al Low1s1 f'lc11 . nee~"'· ..-~ the Los Angeles Tlrnet 800·800·3-4 70 2 firs .-Otnltic No dlllllfs '*'-• newsp11per needed Sil (CAL'SCAH} loClrl COM f'tlldn. pri>file 6:00.m to 8:30pm. snd 30 LOC'~AL ~~ P*1Y MH32·90ol1. sun 2:00.m to 6:00.m. iCWll u n tiff • .. IJIP'O•· a div M tor ~ Addhlonal wof\ may h ,1195 caa 1.eoo-9!J&.VENO 3111 mi, fully ...._ . svalllble. (CAL "SCAN) •lfra. ~ t:.I OWii ,-OUR OWN BUSii'flSi Ml l•M20I $5.00 pet" hour or piece --.. HerthlY liirii'11i'ti 'tf • work whichever Is !t::·~'"':llat:111 No Uhr, sport ~ 25': .-1 gre1ter. Must have cktY-se11ng feqi.il9d Stntl ,,..._. (599367) Slll,8811 • ers license or Callfom'I "*'· ~ NllJml w• COSTA M1ESA ~ LD.tnd1SodllSa<:urity prolits 11p 10 Sl,600 www~11 .... 1100 , 1·800-337·1375 24 hoijrs .._.. Clrd. {CAL'SCAN) BUWJBIC .. c.111 tceeptld11 w.11.. HOit INSPk'TiOfli 1MNS1S =15 lflO·~;:' +, appllcstlon• Mon lhru Fri :,.~~ •. iL~El\Js=~~;-;~t!~ from 1:00.m to 4:00pm.. .,.,., one d N lrlP 10 i.... _ (1tljllMIOI ONLY. pft1V '*"'<:•. l!IWrlg lflO 8iW 1211 COil ...... a comple11 tiualnlu 1m1tt1 New ~ Tlmes Orange County s2 .ooo ao0-3•1·2-455 ~. 5500 dcNn A.tin: Pam Beddnfh&itl (CA&.'SCAN) t7450.flptlH7J.·011.._.. • 2901 Gerry Avt. ;;~~~=~::::::~ WWW Uil 'it'! ' San\I Ana, Cs 12104 CMJloaGANI7.ATION Sl!Jblk. 111to, llhr ...... 714-649-1541 ~ 1...1.. rtNl (W0!663l: $34.llS ' ............ -... ,_.. '"'t' '°"' tln\ f (\11\ II) lEJ\lS Of wtrn.•lBI -i• 1"* • '*' · mnr (7'1•)111.aOI ... • REAL ESTATE IS A GREAT ochtt~mW·•aw .... mcsl .. •"nl CAREER! ERA R-.n, ' k ~-=-: $1000 -.i ..._ t1151 =~~~ ~r_.r__I!.~ mnKS2KWll~ ~ kif plf kilnM '**'II ...... ~~__,.... ... .... f! ~ coY1M ll'ldtWr ~to bl 111t-HC~ Qiour. CA.OIL.UC~~ cessMl80CMCl0&1819111111 NT • e..,.. ~.,... .... • -··· 1fiW 1~=13~· ~·-~ ... ~-~·-=~-;,; ... ~ .. ~·-~s~·~ .. ~ -~~~ •TWCA921IO ,..,.01Ja obla • --""gO c.111 .. SSl-Ot9' 11• ... .,. : .;:;;;;;. ~ .. ClblUC CAW W i ~ ll'ICI ...... er· lo tlk "'· ... '"°°"""'·co. ~~ .. =n'; • ~=-;..; -.-.Of__,~"""'°" 711 IW ... -• ait-s.n -...n ... R61d, Cor(IM dill ...., Tuesday, June 1, 1999 TODAY'S CRoSSWORD PUZZLE 54 Tom k> lhredt 58 -Ml"6on 02u..i.. 63 Tough hber IS Tll lM OCMI - home ee tron-ncn "'"t 87 Type of mdding ea Poems of 69~~ •• 70~paf\ 71 Cemp91"1 r1"d ~~ 2 Chlnete border rlV9f 3 ltat.n,curntney 4 Rapjd - 1y11«n 5 Conc:u<red 6 -S.y -My Gllf 7 ~ .. • countet"part e Actor Baldwin 9 Aromatic woods 10 Goea laster 11 Emmy relatlve 12 Plllld gannent 13 Sllpc>et'y ooos 21 Part of the lace 23 Relldered lats 25 Fikes 27 Pedall 28 Gladlator's place .,... 01 .... u...11,-~ 29 loulllene wtlodufwt.t 1 .. ture 50 Uded 31 Bullflght cheefa 63 "llilld" poet 32 Plant hie 54 F ec:tory 33 Sweethfflt 55 Perltlenoe'a 3-4 Nutritional friend supplement 58 Cathedral par1 36 Common 57 .Arab boat houseplant 59 Secret writing 40 Ghoelly 60 Revival 41 Chirp meeting 44 RMI lhout 47 Downy fNtt 81 For 1 .. r that 49 Queen of 64 Conceit 695 CARSfTRUCKS NANSISUVS 695 CARS/TRUCKS 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANSISUVS NANSISUVS ECLIPSE OST '97 FORD ESCORT LX '94 FORD R-,: Exira Clb 'IM l d• ale. ca..s 5 spd ~'"' V6. XL T Eqtip days 2 SK tTMJes I lJke "'"'"' (039868) $16 990 MITSUBISHI MOTORS www co1t1n1namrt1.com 714-545·1100 FORD CONTOUR ·ge Auto FllC1ory Warranty Puce<! 10 seq1 (11397511 S9 998 Coat• Mts• Uncoln Mercury 714-540-5630 FORD Crown VIC1ort1 LX '98 Alloys Pwr Seals. ABS (1162413) S1 G998 Cos11 Mesa Lincoln Mercury 714·540-5630 rnilt•$ (12304721S5 494 Costa MHa l,lncoln Mercury 714·540-5630 (1~5516) $15.998 Cos11 MHa Liocoln Mercury 714-540-5630 FORD EXPLORER 96 FORD 1·TON DUALLY 'to •WO. Eddie BauCI Moonrool 64k m1 xcab, auto. a/cgf8' Loaded' (•A 172011 $20,9<16 leatu11s (KAS 1542~ S 11. Costa Meu Lincoln Mercury Nabera Oklsmobl Cadllllc 714-540·$630 714-540·9100 FORD GALAXY 1964 GEO METRO COUPE '96 Coovor11ble SOOXL. ~ond. (X 1167728 716323) $4995 981c or~1nal mdcs oho CONNELL CHEVROLET '149 64 6383 714-546-1200 SEJ..L YOUJt l SED VEIUCLE 'l'IUWVGH CU\SBJFl.£D -·· lly OWIU S GOREN wi&h OMAll SHARIF Md TAHNAH HINSCH 00 NOT PLAY BY ROTE Boch vulnerable. South deal . 10 unbloc:k the Jack if possible. Declarer had a problem. Nmc tricks •would be euy if West held the k.ina of clubs, but what if Bast had the monarch? Ir SoUlh played the eigha NORTH • 4'3 CV' 743 0 QJ10 • AQ 1065 -~-when Bast followed w.itlu low heart WEST EAST We t. knowing declarer held the A J tenace would surely switch 10 spedes, and thot spelled disaster. So South elected to wan with the ace and rely on the club finesse -down one when Bast took the klng and reverted • QJ9S <::I I{ Q 10 9 2 0 63 • K 107 62 CV' 65 ... 7 3 0 8741 •Kl SOUTH • A8 CV' AJ8 o AK9S •J984 to a heart through tfie jack. There wa.s no way to guarantee the ~ontract, but dccl~ should hive •ivcn We5t a nudge an the nght dare<:· taon. Since the lead esled for the jack Tile bidding. SOUTH· WES'f NORTit EAST of heans to be played under the queen, South should have obliged! If West. thinking declarer had started with A J bare, continues with a heart, declarer cun win and take the club INT ra53 JNT Pua Pass Plt Opening lead: Queen of <::I finesse with impunity. If East can return a heart, the suit is breaking 4- 3, so the defenders get only four tricks in all. Those <.1erenders are not always such bod guys. Sometimes all you have to d() 1s give them a bit of encourasement to aid your cause. Even 1f North-South's opening no- 1rump range is 15-17, the North hand is worth a raise to game. 'The good five-card suit and intermediates t.rC the equivalent of a coufle of points. West led the queen o hearts, a con- ventional gadget which asks partner Js there some way for the defend· ers to avoid this trap? If East does not have the jack of hearts, the defender is supposed to give count. Theref<>R, East must play the six of hearts 10 show an even number of cards in the suit, and Wesl should realize declan:r is trying to pull a fast one and shift to a spade. · 695 CARS/TRUCKS N ANSJSUVS (T046974P-04f\974) $9.895 COHNELL CHEVROLET 714·546·1200 HONDA ACCORO LX '94 (X1536e3A 113126) $9.995 CONN£ll CHEVROLET 714·546-1200 tNF1NIT1 130 '99 Hlt< mlles. foadS ol equip A mosJ see! (752393) S26,99S LEXUS OF WES'tMINSTER (7t4)89Z-'906 Jalgllll' XJS Convertible '92 47k ml, whtenan lnl. clwome ~s. S2000 down assume $18,000 pp 949-673-0411 Jagu• iQs vi2 cowt '14 $31,995 14-4371 BAUER JAGUAR 714.953 ... 900 Jaguar XJS 2 • 2 CONl/T ·96 $31,995 OM42S BAUER JAGUAR 714.953 ... 900 Jaguar XJ12 Sidin 14 $24,995 14-4394 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953 ... llOO JAGUAR XJ6 L SEDAN '17 $39,995 97-4352 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953 ... llOO JAGUAR 1114 XJ6 SEDAN 4D $21,1195 14-4391 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953-4800 JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4 '96 6 cyt, auto, Hahc b+Jo. e•colenl condiuon· 114<>3921 Sl2.988 Nabers Oldsmobile Ctclllltc 714-54().9100 695 CARS/TRUCKS NAN81SUVS • Jeep Gtand Chwokff '96 loolls & drlY8I '*8 neWI {1079t 1) $17,990 MITSUBISHI MOTORS www.cotllAlrntNmlta.com (7t4)5.U·1700 JEEP Gilild cheiol1M 'is v-a. 4WD. Low Miles. Llfedo. Red {#6196n} S16.995 Coste Meu Uncoln Mercury 114-540-5630 CHEVROLET CORSICA 'te (X147214A·270998) S8 895 CONNE1L CHEVY (714 )541-1200 CHEVROLET s10 En cib '16 {X146S32A-1 S9007) $9.995 COHNEU CHEVY (714 )54&-1200 * CHRYSLER LE BARON 11N • 4-dr powet, 811, ,.., clnn, new smog cet111ica11 $1790 Obo 949·723 1504 CHRYSLER NEON '97 (X124048S.204931) $9,795 CONNELL CHEVY (714)54'-1200 Chlysler Town & Couniry •·94 6 C'ff, ~tni VIW'I loaded $9995 Half>or Au10 • lilanol Avu 1282036 949-642·2262 OIAMOHTE ES '17 20I< rriles' Goroeousl (008148) $17,900 MITSUBISHI MOTORS WWW.COatl!MUITlltl.COln 714·545·1700 FORD F 1SO Xll '94 8' bed, IU10, AC, tlh, CC, xlra fuel tank, S.O Iller, f)ftm wtll1 $9795. Hattlof Auto • finance Avail. IA27I05 IMM42·2262 l m c~I OOOGE DAKOTA SE 'H Tiit, CC, en• tow mllee, I cyl, AC, eu1o, AC, $4995. Hlltlor Auto • flNinee AveU. I0231M. MM42·2262 LEXUS ES 300 '17 LIN, moontool, CO. chrome 'wtils. (18098/006699) $28,795 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544....00 LEXUS ES 300 197 llhr. moonfool, co. chrome ~ {1811Ml23305) $28,995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-UOO LEXUS ES 300 '17 lllll lllOOIYool, co. c:tvornt ¥tflls (1807~779) $28.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-$44-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '96 White, hilt, low miles, co (17706/140848) S23l~5 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-$44-4800 ,LEXUS ES 300 '96 co chrome wneets ( 1 mw 134795) $23,995 tuSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '98 Blaclu'black, 17K ml. llke new Isl oiler OYef S28K Temllc dell' 949-718--0517 LEXUS GS 300 '96 Lltw. moonroot. co. 47k miles (17890/120241) $28,295 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS LS400 95 (009599) $29.995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (7t 4)192.ffOI HOME, HEALTH AND ~ ........ 222 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS CEILING DESIGN ACOUSTIC REMOVAL KNOCKDOWN TEXTURE APPLIED • 714.f10-339S 224 ADDmONS /REMODELING FARTttNG IHTEJUORS KllChelVBa!!llRemodll4 Room Addol!01'4 v~ L•560875 ~9-645-932' REBUILD OR REMODEL Homes or Ollrces • Oualrty Constl\JCtloll • Reasonably Pnced • Local Companv 1636318 • S18Qheoson & Associal81 Cllt MM44-5465 248 CABINET MAKING Advan'911 Wooclly1tecn1 .Custom Clbinetry· Kitchen I Bath t Ooora Moldinga • Mantela LIH1'50 714-99WI07 I 2so CARPENTRY I A TO Z HANDYMAN .,..... Ralaoe Clllnts K!ICIWl Bllt1 Doors Wro-Oows 0ou,g 114 s.4&.nsa •RE,AIR Speclalletl Ail !YPt•· ug or amen. RtnlOClet-~lllOI COUlllY ~~SI' 262 CHILD CARE /LICENSED loc•I Au P11r Program Sttlcing qualihed Host f amilres for wmmer amv~s Fla1ble, leg•I. 4Shrs/wl. Aver~ COSl S24&w~. per family. not per child Call 800-713-2002 or 949-495-3993 www.eur&i ir.com 266 CLEANING /MAINTENANCE VICKY'S CLEANING We otter THE BEST House and Window Clea~ 10 yurs expeneoct,..,. ref 11 VICtCY S 71 wel-03'5 IAISH CLEANING LADY AVAILABLE CALl ANNETTE 714-434· 1 IO 5 270 CONCRETE /MASONRY B~CK BLOCK STONE TILE Concr11e. PallO, OrlVitWay, F11tplac1 BBO's, Ref's 2Syra 1xp Terry SSJ.7594 AM0£ASOH cona1r11ct1on latl)I Of Smll Jobs tnl'd Lt844072S Loc:al CdM Est 1128 714-273-4723 • CUiEHf WOfttc • STAMPED CO..CAm tr1c11 • llocll • l tone • llle Uc.' .. 1151 .... &a-1451 ERVIOE 272 CONSTRUCTION /CONTRACTORS • LEWIS CONSTRUCTION Ref'llOdeOOg • Handyman Lie . 7<MT/3 local Aesldeft 714-557-5925 27~ COMPUTER SERVICES Sync1ec NelwOfll Con1uMln9 Wlbsllt Design NllWOllt Jnstda!IOl'I & Suppol1 Celt 714-t0f.t14t ••USER FRIEHO\.Ytt Women to women compue.r lnllNCtlng In your home. L~ ,..,._ 14M6G-3012 286 ELECTRICAt. SERVICES 303 HANDYMAH /HOME REPAIR HOME IMPAOVEMEHTSll Otywall • c:afl)llllry= llld IOOCtl morel Smal1 obi oil Gary 94 5-52'77 All Tnlde9 Home lmprowments • ...,,., B1th/K1tchen remo<11lfng peger 714-68&-2077 phone New~ 71H89-71850ulckresponM A.. A4Mi9'• T-i lap. 0oora • Decorattve MOki1ng Sw/Macr~ Oer1Mlc Tiie ) °'YWlll • CallAnlhonyltM~.f115 • lltwln • li ' 1 •n•>l•1'.r•u• • lltpW •!WI I SPA' GeMf1l Con1rJHlndymen . wo.w-LIL LlcenHd • Bond Clrpentry • faa • ~:cw OIO&li. • Cu101a drywalVpalnlhemdlalrepalra FREE ESTJMArE MSM Con11r. 714-HM4H (949 722 • 7478 ouAU'N CRANUiAN ••.k;-•llilrillllm;;;UI 20years exper. Aeterenc11 1• l'M YOUfl HANOYMANI I m FENCES/DECKS I MAAK MH50-9525 WOOD FENCES I I Replace Repair Low ratest .~84. w~~ FrM hauinc>'flU LlClnMd -...., •~ • Advan1191 Const 974 5301 WIITHOEFT DltYWALL I I ~II ph11u/1m1111111 291 FIREWOO~ IOI>• Cl.CANI 20r1. leir. tree _ • est Li400030 714·639-1447 288 ELECTRICAL SERYIC!S UCENS 0 C Ho 100 too llNI Al ~ Atpeic. rlfllOdll t1n1 new IYCI II* 94"4~36$6 Sllllt JOI llHMTI DUNCAN Et.ICTNC LocM'Ouittc rllPOflN ~Rtmo<lell 20 ~ ....... -.... ice .... Lt27WO t4H60-7042 Oood~ ,.....Mr\1ce. 11.-.-19 ... to buy GREAT FIREW0001lt Otder VoU'• now• Only '1351 cord or iu11 $75ttielf COfdl Fr• dellVer; 714-865·1432 212 FLOORING /TU 'I. •• , \. . . ' . 11 ... : t11'1~ ••I a.-.. Y'M' .. tlnd ....,., .... .......... ,., ......... .... ,... ..... ....... .., G .......... ~~ aoo-7~ 1--=1 1WETOBIGIN YOURHOllE Ill ROV!llENT PAOJECn C11J 1 plum ber, pilrter, handymln, OI' any of lhl Qt8lt ..va. lllltd 1*I In our dlrtctoryl THESE LOCAL SERVICE PEOPLE CANHEl.PVOU TOOAvt ,.._ S In llOtk 8llftinO II $36 995 (125218) LlXUS Of' WHTIMITI" (714)112 .... M.CMllMIN EctlPet RS .• Low dm I olt*I in 5'CICk (25a&li1U11.W 'lilttulllHI llOTOftS www.~1.C0111 (714)Mf.1700 cONftNENTlC 'i1 tvoryltvoty lelltllf, low rnlll, loaded (tss5718) $22,197 Co•ta Meea Uncoln llWc:ury MIT1U818"1 GAUNT '16 714-540-H30 ix.1 .. 97SA 355o&82) $fl~ MEACE0£S WANTED or 1nv CONNEJ.L CHtVY nice Eropean cat, no dNlera (714)64•1200 please, local Colone del Mat I realdent, prtvatt party MM32.eo41. llliWcury Gt. u.qui, Li ... 1611 ml. flClaty warr Mu5I Seel LJr• l'WN' < •e 1 S«M l s 11 .998 Coata U... Uncoln Mercury 714-540-St30 MEACUfiY lliYsflOOE Ghi 2 to choose from, Well· equipped, low mllea (t6411S2, 1641003) $9,998 Coa11 ..... llncotn Mercury 714-540-5'30 MEA<:OAY SABLE Ls '83 (P902836PA-602836) $8,995 CONNELL Ct*VY (714)541200 WTSUINSHI 3000 GT SL 'II Auto.• ctvomee. aloys, 1511 ml (001385) $27,995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTfR ~·1 .. 2-eeoe MITS SHI iOOOGT '17 Biii w/chtomes! Gorgeous! (000470) $20990 COSTA MESA MrTSU81SHI Www.CO~ll'nfflflllta.com 714-S45·1700 llONT8'0 lf'ORT ILi .• FBCI dlmal IOI 7209) 12015 COSTA lllEIA ~ ..,,,,. ~ 11 nnlt•~ 71 .. 145-1700 HISSAM llNTRA 'IO IX42Sl11A·711t388) s-tm CONNEU CHEVY (714)111-1200 OLDSUOkE cOTUss •ge Auto. 111, cw P<Nr pkgll. & morel (361S581$10995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714 )192.fiOI Pl YMOUfR vovlafR 'iO I cyt, euto, AC, 14185. MANV MINI VANS AVAIL. ,HwbOt Auto• finance Avail. IYH7341. MM42·22t2 PORSCHE t11 CARRERA '15 snit, NC, lrrmlC llW1I cond. $1000 down assume $16.950 PflVll8 Pl"Y MM73.o411 SAflJAH sc2 '95 Auto, aJr, ITIOOfllool & ITl()(81 A great cart (358826) $10,995 LEXUS 01' WEStMINSTER 714"'12~90e TOYOTA CEUCA GU7 LOIOed .. dltOIMll (o:!t15e) $15.9'0 MfTSUlllHI MOTOftS WWW.CMtalNUM ...... 71 ...... 1700 TOYOTA PICKUP ·91 51pdn dl<ome btrN>er. ~ , em-Im c:aa, Ottf 82k . $3995 949-65(). 7073 TOYOTA 4 RU14NER 13 Icy!, 2Whdrtve, AC, Pl, PW, PS, -1 lltfM, C~ CD, t11nroof, tinted '.f!Ma; lllef whll, CUiiom tirtl, ,~ baclc window, roof rec $12,000 ....... $41-15" 'VOLVO 5-90 '99 Auto. air, root, pwr pk. ~. gold 1)llji (133082) $25.1195 L£)(US OF WEa'rMINSTER 714-892-SIOI' Father's Day Messages Appearing Saturday, June I 9th .W/I tpeaal man ... your or uiaomn;er! . 1 Lane 2Unet 8.1 .• mes 4 Lanes 20 Characters per llne You may use all ~ lines. For larger ads, call an adVertising rep today! w. w """" it talJ f OI' ""'" FAX this form to (949) 831-8594 Name=--------------------------- Phone-·------------------------- 8111 my: Visa.._MIC __A!E_Oiscover __ Cntdlt Card•: _____________ _..s:xp Dale:. ____ _ ' -.J Stop by or mail to the Daily Pi.lot office at: 330 W. Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or Call (949) 642-5678 to place your ad todayt 330 MOVING & STORAGE All AMERIC~N MOVING Careful. Courleous. and CHEAP ! T186977 1149-993·5001 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cahl Public· Uhhhes CommtsSJon REQUIRES that all used household goods movers rrlnt their P.U.C. Ca T number. limos and chauffers print their T.C.P number 1n aa ad\'ertls· ments H you have 1 question about the tegalrty of a mover, timo or chauffer. caU PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION 714-558-4151 Can, eeemto git toll ... ,.. .. llOUnd ... ......, LM"9 ., .•.. ... .. • El•• ..,. ... ...... ••• 1340: PAJNllNG I PR ffiM NINTIAG Profl .. lonal Sefv--Sat11t1C1lon Guer.m.ed 714-54t-227t UcHS1122 RAINiOW CllCLE MAIHT. Plll'lllllQ-lrNIX1 HouWIPI QUBlllY ~ FrM ISU L15698D7 63H888 MOIEAT ISBELL co. loleflOllHterlof smell J(ltll ()I( ~· Pllnhng l t494350 call 949-&46 3006 Of P101 1149· 58()..9626 H VAS OOAUTY PliH'hHG TOUCHOPS TOO 24 Hrs. Richard Sinor Llcl2IOI« MM5Ml t2 I Ml HAPPY DAD•S DAY 1~ r 1 ~ U~OLSTERY 1 PRECISE PLUMllHO G A G UPHOLSTERY Rec>MS & Remodels Since 'Ill Cut1om tumltln, FAEE ESTIMATES ~ery. •14P cown, an-lt687398 714-1168·1090 tlqul repel!. 714-642-4112 Neighborhood Plum,,.,.! ~· TWEE.DY ftl.UMlfNG 949-645-235 CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS