HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-07 - Orange Coast Pilot. . While the fog .. will grMt"' M thlS moming. It'll btow off for ~ another sunny ~- Can a hfft wave be near? s..,_/U SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA CGV.MUNmES SINCE 1907 ON 1HI WIB: \fV\NVV.DAILYPILOT.COM MaSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2002 An Olynipic effort · Vanguard student Amy Taylor, 27, who carried the Olympic torch, is raising four kids, three of whom are her siblings YCMMg °*"9 DAllY PILOT Adam Taylor hkes to play man of the house. The t 7 - year-old mows the lawn. takes out the trash. settles fights between the younger ones. Joey litylor is genwne, lov- able and likes to see tf he can get away with Uungs. At 15, he also thinks it's funny when he gets caught. DJ Taylor lS the JOkester. He's an extremely mtelligent 7-year-old. haVlDg grown up around so many older people. Fm.ally, there's Amy Taylor She's 27, the b1ological moth- er to DJ: the sister to Adam, Joey and Tony; and the legal parent to all four. Last month, Amy, who had been in and out o f foster homes since she wdS 4, bore the Olymp1e torch in Newport Beach on behalf of foster care and the prevenlJOn of chJld abuse. d nt at Vanguard Uruvers:rty Ul Costa Mesa. She works part-time domg !Jght bookkeeping. She pays the bills m the Taylor household. She cooks, cleans, packs the lunches, checks the home- work, does the laundry, drops off and picks up whoever need s a nde, watches the school plays, attends the con- ferences and docs everything else parents do. She also gets scared and discouraged ometimes and \ .... ' .... ,. ·~(: -~ ', > ... . ' .. Tony Taylor is qwet. pas- sJve and sweet. The 12-year- old will wnte little notes that say "have a nice day· and tuck It m his sister's books. She hds i:I 3.8 grade-point average as a scholarship stu- I ~ Pl.()l SEE EFFORT PAGE Al Amy Taylor adopted her three brothers and l also raising a 7-year-old son of her own. SEAN HUfl" ON. Y PllOT JOl8 SlaOll llllelllbles mural panel.I lie and other young artists created for tbe YMCA pool ln Newport Beach A multi-paneled gift \ Newport Beach YMCA reaps the reward.from a year of hard work by students from a Santa Ana school DH••Newm.n DAU Pll.OT F or the members of the Newport Beach YMCA, it ls o vibrant backdrop for their pool area. Por students from Santiago Creek School in Santa Ano, which serv 1 teenagers with sodal and academtc problems, it ls a athartic emblem of artistic expression. The 16-p&nel mwal that now hangs at YMCA shows off f andlul seen of marine We, lncluding purpl fish with yellow tal.ls, a ntd and yellow plnwh l heWish with a pa.nk and white flsh IW1mm.l.ng by and a large octopus. The mural was anstalJed last w k at th' YMCA, and for many of the stu- dents it was the first tlme they got o chance to work on something es a team and give sometbmg concrete to the community. • 1 never participated 111 one of th SEE GIFT MGE M Mamng ua more accessible to the public 1--'l W ... I he tf Yed to the end ol a game that drllgg9d on for almolt flve 'bowl in amic weather. All ol this ..... eo symbotiae rathllr wen tbl d.-mlMlion ot tdl UCI adminlMl'alion '° gear up to the new and gaowtag .,._. aa. of a,....,_ ..... U.S. News and Wodd ~ ............... 0 ..... k ........... .,... ...... ua.-....... .. --·· 1 c :r , • ........ '• .... ....... 9 , '11 lliiz:s- Alllll .......... . .._a11 _ .... _ .. _ ( Newport ..... ..... " .... , .. ,n J,, "•• , ..... .,. ' .... . - ~ .. Hoag gets $2 .. 5 million for pavilion •Grant bnngs the hospital closer to its $50-million fund· raising goal for the proposed Women's Pavilion. NEWPORT BEAC H HOdg Ho p1tdl hd rt"CeIVed d $2.5-nullion grant lrom th • Arnold dnd ~label Bcckmdn Foundation, bnngmg 1t < lo-.er to rdlSing the $50 million needed to build 1~ pldnned Women\ PdVlhon Tht• nt•'-' H>ll 000- sq Udl('·foot "''\l'fl·'ttOI) bwldmg 'Aili -.pt•CJdllze m ''omen\ serv1ct> .. dnd will holll<' d tuU-lle<.lqt•d mdtt>r- ruty urut. o lm·d~t rnre nm- ter dlld an m1<1gmq cent r that will ~ namt~ dfter th Beckmctn._ II 1' "t•l to be complt•tl'<.I in .!IMI~ Thal rentt•r 1 eicpt~t d to mdudt• .,lX mammo<Jra- phy rooms one hwp-.~ room. t\~o ultrasound room and cun ... uJtdlion room The grclnt ·mecln a great dt>dl to the communi· ty" l)('Cct\I P 11 wllJ al<,u fund SEE HOAG PAGE M Deadline arrives for city duckS • Newport ordinance banrung large-ale feeding of the fowl take effect today. JwMC....,Mde 0AA.Y PILOT NEWPO RT BEACH - Lock up your trough and hid your water: Today' the day wh n the citywide tnctJons on fHding due go lnto ff A ol today. th re.., no longer any uch thing d a tree lunch lor th birth But hn.t-t1m off nd rs caught rvtng th m larg quanh- b o1 1ood and wot r will go fr e with JU t • warning. ~~ t Oty t-.tanager Da Kllt d. • H pefully, this will gtve us a Chan to g t out dnd talk to people about th ordmanc , • Kitt said. Cud nfoccement ottk SEE DUCKS MGI A7 u.m_m _____ 11 ____ ,, . -----M ----11 \ IN A2 Thursday, Febtuory 7, 2002 COINUn lllPNllll 1he flnt of four n_otMy tnllnlng _.,.,, ~ to educate indtvldulh *-" the NlpOnlibilttlel of a notMY public will be offered from I a.m. to J:JO p.m. todaV at the Hilton Hotef. 3050 lristol St.. CoD Meu. FutUre seBions will be hekt March 28 at the Hlhlon. and f:eb. 27 and March 14 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel. ll50 ~ue of the St.rs. Cost.A Mesa. S139 per seminar. (IOO) 17Mll7. Doily Pilot Let the weekend bloom at South Coast Pklza 0 rebid enthusiasts will love the 22nd annual Fuctnattonof Ordllds lntenuaUoaal Show and Sale today through Sun· day at South Coast Plaza's Crate & BarreVMacy's Home wing. The how will feature more than 55 of the world's mdlt renowned orchid grow- ers, and 30,000 orchids will be on display. A 30-foot cen· terplece of orchids designed as a mother tiger baslcing i.n the sun. complete with giant timber bamboo and tropical blooms, was created by floral and parade float designer Don Davidson. Orchid lovers can learn more about orchids at the 15 seminars hosted by orchid experts and authors. Topics covered will be grow- lng orchids outdoors m coutaJ Cahlonua. learning Greer Wylder BEST BUYS agdlll offeMg 1ls armuaJ pd')' for a linuted Umc through Feb. 15 tf you sign up for dn annual pass. there ure two options· a gold membership for $995 will give you d St>V· en-day-a-week pass for el('( tnc boat use '-some blaC'k· out dates apply; or a llvN memberstup for $495 ts good for Monday through Thur<.- day electnc boat u W1th some blackout dates Duffy Electnc Bodt Co off rs top ot the line service and bod~ The Duffy Club Card is gO<XI through January It' at 200 I W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 645-6812 Bob Dowson to grow orcluds and growmg tips for specimen orcluds. The latest addibon to the show is a spec141 glft wtth purchase offer. U you spend $200 or more at South Coast Plaza stores or restaurilllts, you'll receive Srruth & Hawken book • 100 Orduds for the Amencan Gardener.· To recewe a book, show your same-day receipts at any South Coast Plaza Concierge Desk. Purchases from orchid show vendors do not apply. Nicki of Nldd's Secret Prem.Jer Labels say thdt smce Yves St. Laurent announced h~ retirement there's been a big market tor tus clothes and accessom ... ·This ha caused price to skyrocket in some bou- tiques.• he said. ·At N1ck1 ) Seaet. I have more than d HE IS Helping families celebrate the live of their loved ones HELPtNG OTHERS COPE W1TH LOSS Bob Dowson knew even tn college that he wanted to run a funeral home. He has spent the last 18 years of tus We getting there. Dow on. who IS the general man- ager of Paoflc View Memonal Park m Newport Beach. says 1t hdS been a ·rewardi.ng prof ion • ·We have d farruly come m here at the worst tune of the11 lJVes, • he !.aid ·And we see how the11 recov- ery takes place over the three days they spend with us as w e help them plan and conduct the seMce. • PROVIDING A PERSONAL TOUOt Dowson ha.t a bachelo(s degree m mortuary sdence Crom the Univer- sity of Minnesota. He also has late and national Iiams that qualify bun as an embalmer, funeral director. mortioan and operator of a cremato- IRIEFlY IN BUSINESS Newport Beach spa offers healing therapies 'nadlllonal Chmese healing ther- ap can now be found at a New- port Beach pa Spa Gregories bas added the h allng therapies of acupuncture, herbal medicine, mox.ibustion and aurtcuJotherapy to Its range of skm and body treatments. Common condttioM treated at the spa are headaches, pain, migraine, ttreH. anxiety and dep ression, weight lo s and 1moklng ce sation. He s helping a person live on after they're gone num. As the general manager of the funeral home. Dowson overs all the actlvibes and also gets lnvoJved m some of the proce • mcluding embalnung. He says the JOb has evolved over the years. Today. services arc I traditional than they used to be ·we encourage famill to bMg m objects that were close to the deceased." he sa.1d. •rt could be as t of their favonte golf dubs or om • thing out of the ordinary but mean- lngful. The old organ mu ic ls a.I.so more or less gone days and Is • replaced by music that was impor- tant to the individual.· CELEBRATING LIVES The job, however. doe pre ent a Spa Gregones is at 200 Newport Center Dnve, Swte 100, Newport Beach. Reservabons recommended Information: (949) &U-6672 Newport Beach eater y donates Sept. 11 funds A Newport Beach re Id nt ha provided funding to families of v1c- tims of the Sept. 11 tragedy who worked in food servtce in the World n ade Center complex. The RJtz Brothers Charities. the Ritz Restaurant and Garden' sociaJ club for men railed $115,000 last year to give to lhe Window of Hope few grave challenges. Dowson said. The big one ls to remain professional and objective through a process that may well tum into an emotional roller coaster ride. ·we really get bonded wtth the fa.nulies because we work dosely W1th them,· he said. •And occasion- ally we get OVer\!ibelmed. especially if It lS o tragic death or one that involves a child.• U he is ever m that position, Dowson said, he tnes to "step bock " or hands over the a s1goment to omeone else so that he doe not get "too wrapped up• m his emo- tions. But Dowson says there bas never bee.n a bJne when he got depressed or disoriented about his profession. "In my opinion. what 1 do is not just a proces of burying the dead,• he said. "But it's helping to create a proce that celebrates a We.• -Story by DMpa Bhamtt; photo by Steve M<Crank Family Rellef Fund Ritz Brothers' member Hans Prager and wife Charlene recently returned from New York, where they presented the money ra.iM<l. Each of the 850 memben con· tnbut $150 annually to a chosen charity that bas typically been divided among Orange County· ba ed charities that aid needy chll· d.ren. The W111dow of Hope Famlly R lief Fund's first fund-railing event was held Oct. 11 w ith the a ststance of 4,000 restaurants worldwide. The Ritz Restaurant and Garden 11 at 880 Newport Center Drive. right; No nl'M---~ edlaMI "*'-• td' a.,,._ '\ lllA'l"' HQDM (949)642~ ~ Y'OI" COf!'W'*'tl ~ the Otlt1 Not or new1 t1p1 heNin Cln ..... , ..... wilehout wtftWI perm • an flf ~ .,._ VOL•NO.• ....... _ ~ ---..... ..,,, ........ "···~ UIM--'8aeu•a~ _..,, ...... ~ '=~ ____ ....__ ........... Milllllll Qr ... ... ,..... ,_. ........ .... ....._ ....... ... ,,...,, ......... -.......... ,...,._ .. 1No4111 ,.. .... --... ... .... s•• - a a a 11 a•-......... ...... ,..... .... ,,.... ,..._dto a• I •c.ft .... _ ................ """" .. MMlll ,,.,,., . -owti1111':.&...,. ... ..... ·-----...................... ... # •• ·-.......... ..... -. ......... '¥Ft 22 b I I r:= .• "".,SC.. Cc.ta ...... CANG7. • • 911 I • . HQWJO•KHUI CINAl*41 .,,,. ""* Orenge ~ ceoo>m-t1•t JWbuM4 OMtfted ~ M2·5'11 .~ ... MMll1 ......... .......... 3-!llD' ..... S74o4W .... ,. ... ~." .,., ........... " l"fNI: ..._ ...... I .... ..... ...... --.. I04Ut ..._,.. ... ,." . Mlldllll'r-CI ......... ................... .................. • t British perfumer and skm c.are expert Jo Malone will be at Nelmul Marcus from 1 to 3 p.m. today fo1 the open· ing of her new boutique inside the store. Malone will demonstrate her signature art of fragrance comblmng, and guests wW receive a sil- ver perfume atom.iur as a gift. Malone's other products include cologn • bath olls, body lotions, body cremes, potpourri and candles. Ideal as gifts for Valentine's Day, there are also customi.zed sets that are wrapped ln her cream and black bo1es. Neunan Marcus lS at Fash.Ion Island in Newport Beach. Nlkkl Twtgs is having a pnng open ho\J.se from 3 to 7 p.m. Friday. Highlights of the open house wtll be a selection of Valentine's Day gifts and adornments with Nikki lWlgs favontes: Beou- vieux handbags; Nancy Deline-glass artisan Haute Rocks jewelry; Icing -bead- ed wraps: Roger & Gallet French soaps and toiletries: Shanghai Lulu -funky pajama's, totes and acces- sories: Wlnky & Dutch fun retro jewelry: h.and-pamted Wei; and Les FleW'S -florals in vintage. Nlkla 1Wigs bas added a new partner with European f141r -Marion Hartwtcb. The boutique is now accepting quality con- gnmenta from 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Satur· day. Nikki 1Wtgs is ln Quon- Mt hut 23 at 660 W. 17th St., Cotta Mesa. Dully m.ctrtc Boat Co. ts doun p1 of the h.tghe-.t quality, and I have not raise<! the prices ongmally d ter- n:uned for each item.• Th resale boutiqu also ha d great vari ty of other tugh- end con gnod items. mclud · mg Escada, Giorgio Armaru. St John. 'V rsace, Chanel and Valentulo Many or the p still have th onqtna.I pnce tag on them Nickl Sec:ret Premier Labels h d stock room th hrst Saturda} of each month. It' at 177 Rivemd Ave .• Swto G, Newport Beach. (949) 57.C · 0099 Charl H. Ban Jewelen ha dtscounted its nttn.> col· lectJon of valentme-theml• jewelry 25° .. for Valentml'., Day. Chari H Barr is di W tcWf Court at 1803 W<>.,t· cWf Dnve, Newport B ach (949) 642-3310 . HJ. nm. Cbocola U r I d one-top hoppmg d tma - llon tor Val nun · Day, The• chocolate hop, insid HJ. Time Wm Ceil4l'S, scl.ls cm· tom heart boX< that can be filled Wllh all kinds o~ quality chocola • mduding ugar-fri and t·f van- etl . There af1 a do21 n bulk valenun candi , fram , candl and lo of glft id Ha-Tune 1!I at 250 Ogle St , Costa M . (949) 650-8-463. • llST -.rn ~rs Thursdays ~ s.tur~ Send lnfomwltion to Gre.r Wytder M 3l0 W. lay St., COi ta ~. CA 92627, Of ~ fu •t (Mt) 646-4170. SUIJ All SUI ........ • Doily Pilot Thur.day, Febtuory 7, 2002 Dancing in many forms • Students from the Corona del Mar High Orchesis Dance Co. take the stage tonight in a perf onnance that's very much their own. CORONA DEL MAR The fantasy world or dreams takes on many forms -some are weird, some are wicked, an~ some defy description. Dreams ln aJl."\helI various incarnations will be explored through dance when Corona del Mar High School's Otch· 1 esis Dance Co. takes too the stage for three perfonnances of "Before You Wake Up" starting torught. The different dance num- bers, with titles such as ·I Had the' Weirdest Dream,· "Wicked" and "Untitled,· mvolve a wide range of styles, including jazz, techno, ballet. hip-hop, lyrical and tap. The showcase is unusual because.the students manage every facet of the perfor- mance process. from choreog- raphy to lighting to costume design. "They're led.ming natural, working skills that they can take out ltlto the world,· said Nicole Smith, co-director and Orchesis alumnae. "They're using their crnative mu.sci to the fullest extent.· When the lights come up on the first dance tonight, it will be the culmination of six months .of intensive labor. Students auditioned foT the Orchesis dance production • class in the spring. and the 23 selected started rehearsing in late summer. Sixteen of the 17 numbers are choreographed by the students, who audition the other company dancers for their own pieces. Jessica PaJermo. a enior who is pre 1dent of the com- pany. choreographed or helped choreograph eight or the numbers. One or them, •Everything,• ts a lyncdl bal· let and jazz nu111ber danced to the soulful l!>aUad of the same name. The song starts slowly as the dancers move gracefully across the ·stage, trailing rib· Authors ink their way to Newport-Mesa schools • District's elementary campuses will host the sixth Authors Festival. O.lrdre Newman , DAU..Y PILOl N EWPORT-MESA -The school distract 1s a literary mecca today smce 30 chtldren's authors are visiting the van - ous elementary !.Chools as part of the annual Author.. Festival The authors~tn-resldence for the day will sham with students the process they use to wnte thetr books, including galley proofs and publ.tstung strategies The festival, which began sllC years ago, enabl students to learn the tnS and outs of wnt· ing from the experts. • Jt builds a bndge between the wnter and the child, who suddenly realize that° books a.re made by people.· said Joan Hansen. fe tival co-chair. The festival begins with a breakfast program ell Ne,..rport Beach Pubhc Library. which will feature the three tudent winners of the d1 tnctwide Authors Festtval Bookmark FYI The winners of the Bookmark Contest are Makenna Flotron, a kindergartener at New- port Elementary; Elena Valeriote, a second-grad- er at College Park; and Jasmine Werdel, a fifth· grader at Harbor View. Contest. Then the authors will clts- perse to the dtlfercnt elemen- tary schools to give their pre>- cnlallons. Joan Pizzo, who has wnt- ten about the Back Bay area, will visJt Sonora Elementary School 10 Costa Me a. Ldst week, Principal Lorie Hoggdrd sent her tudents on a field trip to SheUmaker Island to pre- pare for Pizzo's visit. The festival also boasts 1t own poet laureate. Michael Glueck. who wnt an annuai poem based on the theme of the festival. This year the theme 1s "Get Carr ied Away ... Read.~ WE DO THINC:.S RIC.HT! OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MlXl(O Ml CASA ME x I (AN ru s TA u ll ANT WETAICE DINING TO THE NEXTUVEU WE SPECIALIZE IN LARGE TOGO ORDERS PHONE AHEAD! 296 E 17TH H COSTA MESA 9H·645 ·76 26 Anc Furniture • Beds• Fabrtc & Trtms ···~· bdow ..... pt1tal NlW nc:td•ncht 9'Ms ~·~In b baa __ , ~ .... of IS96 to 5096 off f YI "Before You Wake Up" wUI be performed M 7 p.m. toct.y, Fr~ and Saturday M the loatl Auditorium .t Newport Harbor High School. llckets are S8 in ldvance and S9 at the door. \. bo~·like scarf attached to thetr wrists. embodying the vulnerable emotion of the song. Toward the end as the mu ic crescendo , the dancers are bathed in a deep red light. Palermo said the choreog- raphy experience has taught her valuable skills. "I learned a lot about inter- personal relationships,· Palenno said. "I've kind of been the medlator in a lot of situations. I've been a teacher, a peer and a leader.· ~ '-'>CH I DAILY Pl.OT Dancers from Corona del Mar High School's Orchesls Dance Co. perform "Green Crace," a dance paying tribute to the heroes and vkUms of the Sept. t 1 tragedy. Once the choreographers have chosen their dancers, the exhausting rehearsal schedule begins. with stu· dents pending three to four hours every day after school starling in September. After Orcbesis rehearsal, many of the students -such as freshman Chnstina Fulcher -go to the private dance stu- dlos they have been studying at for years for more dance classes. Chnstlna 1s m eight of the dances. lncluding a spdrkhng tap dance number called "Diamonds," renumscenl ol cl Broadway how wtth mu,1< from the movie Moulin Rouge." · She said she doesn't mind the demaodmg nature of prepd.nng for the shows "I thtnk Orches1-. I'> really fun and love 11 l wouldn't chdnge dn} · " 1h1 ng, Cbnstana ald. For the fm<lle or the show, the music stdrts with a jolt as t1 d1-.co ball on the ceiling of tht' auclltonum 1s illuminated. The danc"rs perform a JMzy romp to ~unbellev­ dOlf' • a fitting metaphor for ull the work they have put into the ellort Thorny questions remain for Newport Coast • How residents will get promised money, and where some other funds.are, are among the issues Newport Beach is handling as \t brings the newly annexed community to town. June C.sagrande to credit residents' tax ball<; DAILY P1LOT Others contradicted th1 -.. Kurth said, who along wtlh NEWPORT BEACH other aty staff members met Confusion about how to dis· with offtciais from the coun· tnbute $18 million to New-ty execuove ofhce m late port Coast resjdents could January. fore hadow problems with The money comes from the county m tracking up to the ll"Vllle Ranch Water Dis- $20 million that may be . trict, which 1s pdy1ng the unaccounted for. city a total of $25 nulhon City taff got conflicting over sue yedrs as pctrl of an dn wer; from county off!-agreement to supply water cials <ibout ways to pay back to the recently dnnexed $18 million owed to New-area. Newport Beach has port Coast residents from an pledged to return that mon- annexat1on <l.Qreement. ey to coast residents: $18 ddmm1strahve services rrulbon w1U repay a portion Deputy Director Dick Kurth of their tai. buts, the other $7 told members of the New-m.Ulton could be u ed to port Coast Advisory Com-build a commuruty center m m1ttee on Tuesday. the coa t ared Some county representa-The city Wlll d1stnbute taves said it was not pos able $1.2 oullion a year over 15 CARPET $19~: years to the resident'> lo ht•lp r!!pdy a essmcnll. thdl pd1cl for roads dnd othPr mlrtt · '>lrUC"ture. The dffiOllnt \\.Ill 'dry from homeowne>r lo homeowner. but 1t 1<, expl"CI· ed to dVerdge dboUt $720 the hrst yectr A~s1stdnl C1I) \.ldndger Oclve Kitt Sdld thdt 11 the county a.., undble> to work out the log1st1c-. ol puthng d credit on the residents' d!>Sessment tax btll. 1t'<> po'>· sable thdt the aty c<>uld opl to distnbute check.., duectl\ to the re adents The adV1S0ry group 1!> wt to create d !>ubcommmee to work through thl'> l!>Slw along wtth an even stickier que bon of what happen d to other d se ment dt tnct mone~ Some residents wor· ry that. of the St8 l mubon m bond issued in the• 19~ and ·90s to help build the area, up to $20 mill1on mdy be unaccounted tor. They want to know why they were reimbursed onl} LIFETIME WARRAltt LIFETIME WARRAllT1 LA MINATES ~9~. "· llFnllE WAIUITY WOOD LIFETIME WAllAIT1 <;.J. 5 m1U1on tor d portion of 't-"" port Codst Dnve they pdld t1bout St 3 1 rrulhon to huald before 1t Wd'i taken by the TrdnsportdtJon Comdor Agenq to be made into a to ll rOdd \1tv and county officials hcl\e been qwck to say that 1t s unlikely any money 1s nu~smg But they agree that residents have d nght to see PXdctl} where thelt money went -a reque t that coun· I\ offlndl'> hdve been slow 10 pnont1ze Ktff 1s heading up an inquiry into the matter. The cit\ will hue dn uwestigator to help determine which documents will best answer these que taons. Then ofh· c1dls will reque t the docu· ment from the county to offer the dfea residents an Pxe1ct accounting of thell 01oney "There die a Jot of ques- tion" that need to be dnswered. • K!ff Scl.ld. A4 ~ F!wuGty 1, 2002 Report: Sprinklers could have controlled UCI fire 8 Blaze from last summer did as much u $3.5million1n damage to research lab ·. Dek•• ......... 0AllY Pll.O'f UC lRvtNE -Automatic sprinkJen would have helped cootrol a 6te lh4t broke out ln a cbemiltry lab ot t.be univetlity last awn.mer. an independent repon bM found. The ap&olioD ODd enauing ftre damaged two lat. in Pted- mc:k Relnel Hall on July 23. GIFT CONTINUED FROM A 1 things before,· senior Nick Gard.a laid. •Now I feel great• The students started work- lllg on the colorful seascape more than a year ago, said Cyndie Borcoman, a Newport Beach resident who teaches at the school .. Volunteer Joni Henn.an nur- tured the students' artistic muses throughout the process. Herman, who has provided artisbcexpertise tosuchlwni- nanes as Kenny G and Rod Stewart, said working with the Santiago students gave • meanmg and soul· to her CURVE CONTINUED FROM A 1 tnterview at his office last week, is to seek a stronger connection with the commu- ruty m which UCI lives. 1 can get behind that. Even though I had a small part in UCl's growth as a teacher there for two decades, I can certainly be a lot mo~ neighborly. "Look around our campus tonight,." he said. "Princeton IS playing volleyball and UCLA IS playing baseball here. I don't know bow many lectures and other activities open to the public are going All Branda of High Gnde Watdaa & Jewelry Expady Rqaind la Our Shop. Bad Stringing & En&ming Services Available WE OU MTITlllt \ WHll I YOU WAI I l)U f l"J \ll) .. f!A~\I CHARLES H. BARR ~ 1",..,,.,., H.4w ~ IJS9 ••>•tuwu1-.1 illllo ,,.tlOA¥ Sl0•¥ lil'l'r\Wt lllAH S.~AIUOO•ll IMfl '4J4jlt ODl.o ~ Tb• lovettigelion. which began e week .,.... tbe eca- deot. was candut19d by esper111 in emergency,..,.., opera· bonl, chemiltry and lnd\JIUial 14.fety. While 11>rinklen were not requirfd tn the lab el the time the baD WU built. iDveltigalon declared that lpdnklen would have helped c:ontain the fire. ·sprinkletswould baveecd· vated soon ofter the fire began, oontrolling lbe fttft growth and sublequeoUy limiting lite dam· age,· the report stated. 1be investigative team also reported that tbe lnstallation of automatic sprinklers should be other work. "I know how much cowage it took to take a risk and put something out there that could be Judged,• Herman said. "It's remarkable because (the stu· dents) come from such dtlfi- cult d.rcumst.ances. • The students looked to books and magazines for mspi- ratJon. Nick said he got the idea for the pinwheel fish in a book. Senior Jose Simon. who worked on the octopus. said he enjoyed·lhe opportunity to use a paintbrush for the first time. "Usually, I use colored pen- cils,· Jose SaJd. ·1 wanted to make it like a fantasy, so I added some bnght colors.• Junior Alberto Gomez said on torughl. There are our extension COW'SeS, which are a real resource. Besides our performing arts. exciting activities are takmg place in engineertng and computer science. On any day of the week, top people from all over the world are giving spe- oa.I rectures on our campus. ·But I still hear from too many local people saying, 'l didn't know that was happen- lllg.' Martin Luther King's daughter spoke here last week, for example -a dynarruc, spiritual and dra· matic stage presence. I think more people would have been on hand lo bear her tl we had publicized it better. We haven't done a good . KENN Y PRINTER ~ I I ( l < 1, I I > j), )11111 l:J\llf Jill\ l\.1 ((\ Rabbitt Insurance Agency Al!TO•HOMEOWNELS•H EAU'H .\u"11l1r, .'itlllY 19~ 7 ~~~ -···--·-../ > .~ 949-631-7740 .... ow,.,.,., IM.. Ntwpert ... CN-r .... H.«all NOW SELL IN G! Ocean View Homes • Ori( 7 New Homes • In the Quoi'lf Coastd Corrml""Y a Sea • Steps trom the Sald aid Mlrutes trom ~ OfnrlQ l Enteitai ment • 3 & 4 Bedrooms • 2-car Gaoge • 2.603 to 2..894 Sq. Ft. a priority m roams that -.. baardoul matariall. The fire llattlid when cbem- lcal milt Jeakipg from eqwp.; meint that WU too highly~ auizied mUIOd an ~and sublequent tire. Graduate tludent Cy Pujamoto, who wa.s pwilya.ng benzene et the time, hu fully fecovered from fint· and ond-degree bums he uf fered on bas face, nock, leg an.d nght artn. Damages, cle nup and rebuilding 005tl reloted to ttw fire wtJJ t.ot&I as muC:b u S3 .5 mlllion, campus offldals wd. Whie the ~tioo found it look hi.m three months to paint two lorge sea turtles. Alberto, who so.id he got mto a lot of trouble when he was younger and once was stabbed so badly he almost died, sa.id art has always provided an out· let for his creativity. "When I was a little k.Jd, art was the best thing to do because I wasn't good at any- thing else,· AJbetto said. C harlie Lush, maintenance operator for the YMCA, said he was impressed wtth the stu- dents' artistic skills. "It's Just gorgeous. Look at what thls ha done for the whole area. It's turned a drab area Ulto a piece of art,· Lush said. The panel will e ventually enough JOb of Uus or of mak· lllg it easy for community people to come to activibes on the campus. We're working bard at both of these things now.· He ticked off a number of examples, starting with tus satisfaction that the Pilot is now covenng the UCI cam- pus. Facilines at the school of the arts are beiny upgraded around a newly designed plaza. Parking capacity is being steadily enlarged. The university's CEO Roundtable -compris:l.llg a group of Orange County corporate leaders dedicated to building bridges to the community - is setting the tone for an mered.Sing number of commu- nity volunteers UlVOlved Ul campus activities. The new baseball stadium will soon be enlarged so It will be suitable for J:'ICAA playoff games. There i.s more. Much more. But the biggest challenge is getting the word out to UCJ's neighbors. And, lo that end, efforts are underway to create a master calendar that can be assem- bled well enough ahead to permit planrung and wtJJ pro- vide daily information on campus activibes. The calen- dar would be offered to news- papers, posted on th• univer- sity's Web site, and sent out lo campus malling lislli. On a more modest scale, d n<>w electronic sign on campus, pd.id for by stud •nts, IS putting up messages 24 hours a day describlng campus cictiv1ties. Chancellor Cicerone -an intemab.onally acclalmed atmospheriC' sdent.Jst -is sympathetic lo mte.rscholastlc athletics and admits to fcoling some pressure about adding a ~ lacklng, itallo found thingl that hel~ to m•mmn the MYeritY ot a similar ocxur- ~. including fire walll and meC:hankal ventilation~ in the labs that prevented the Ure from spreoding and dam- g\nq adJacent areas. 1be report also found that UCI provid adeqwlte safety trcuning for all lab worketl. UCl's policy is to protect lab- oraton and rOlearcb fadllbes with automauc prtnklers, the report mentions. And. the uni· vers1ly is in the midst oJ a fire safety survey of au campus buildings. be covered with a seal to pro- tect it from the water splashed by swlln.me:rs and maybe even speckled with some •metallic, glittery stuff to make it more reflective and add another dimension,· said John Cullinan, another school vol- unteer. As lbe students w ere rev- eling m lhetr artistic aclueve- men t, Herman was aJready looklng ahead, talking to Lush dbout heT students painting additional murals for the weight and aerobics rooms. • Delrdnt NewmM covers educ,a- tion. She may be reitChed at (949) 574-4221 or by ~m111 at d~rd,..MWmclnetarimes.com Division I football team now that UCl IS tn lbe big b.rne tn so many other ways. He explained lo me an detatl the economJc trade-offs that make 11 impossible for him to sup- port uch a move. ' Then he added: ·our ath- letic program. are built on student athletes, and I lhmk we're doing that so far. For example, thrPe of our basket- ball players are on the dean's list. and a fourth ts very C"lose. But the only way to get the money to start a football pro- gram IS through teleVlSIOn, and ii rcqw.res a wmrung team lo get on TV. 819 money makes it very difficult to run a dean program and he1ve real students on the team.· But has enthusiasm for what is taking place at UCI these dart ts boundless. So ts his desare to mvolve the cam- pus with tts netghbo~. He talked With specl41 satisfaction about UCl't; out.reach pro- grams to local students that range from t1 professor who plays Saturday morrung math games With gtf ted school lod'i lo the support faculty mem- bers oUer to public school tu- dents Ul the urts. Like Dan Aldrich, UCl's ttrst chancellor, Cicerone MsiduousJy picks up trash he · en<'ounten; on lhe campus bc<'au:se he feels strongly that "the beauty of the campus is vital .• 11\at beauty as JU.st one of the mMY reasons UCJ's nrughbors bould take a doser look at how we can share in the depth and bretidth of its phenomenal growth. • JOSIPtt N. m.L ts • resident of S.ni. Ana ~ His column apPffft Thi.ndays. ......... -..... .......... Daily Pilot MILIC wm . POUCl flUS COSTAMfSA • • ....... llN9b A gtlnd thefi Y'*,.,,.. In the 3300 block M 12:36 p.m. Mot*y. .c ·w.-...-A gr~ ~ wet repor19d In cN 3500 bl<d lrt 2 10 p.m. Monday • .............. A .,.tty theft wtl ~ In the )000 block lrt 11: 16 a.m. Monday. • Giiier ••ue: Graffiti wa. r~ In the 1200 block at 11=--sa.m.~ • Ne •art ._11......t: Posses- sion of dr\9 WM reporttd in the 2500 blodc •t 1 :59 p.m. ~ • Nuts• .. "-: V~llsm was repotted n the 1500 block at 1 :22 p.m. Monday. • ... ..a..lc Dlrtv.: A hit~· "'n w• r~ ln1he 2800 blodt •t 11:20 ··"'·Monday. • Vktotla ser..t: AnnOying phone calls were reported In the 200 bloc.it M 8;51 a.m Monday. IRIHLY IN THE NEWS Accident injures 1. closes intersection A four-Cd.I' crash in New- port Beach on Wednesday afternoon left a man Uljured and dosed down an inter- section for at least hcill an hour, police said. The collision happened at 12: 10 p.m. dt the inter· section of Bnstol Street and Campus Drive when OBITUARY Andy Anderson A memorial sem ce 1s scheduled for Andy Anderson al 1 :30 p.m Saturday at Pt1Clf· ic View Chapel. 3500 PaciJJ<: View Dnve , Corona del Mar. Mr. Anderson, a 28-yeat resident of Newport Betich, <lied Wednesday of natural rouses. He was 85. HOAG CONTINUED FROM A 1 the hospital's breast cancer research pro1ect, said Ron Guziak, executive director of Ule Hoag Hospital Founda- tion. "lt wdl allow Hoag to part· ner With Stanford UnJVers1ty That we bell ve has great potential,· he saJd That collaborative project, also to be named after the Beck.mans, will focus on research for new magnetic resonanro dlagnosbc testing and novel tberap1e for breast cancer treatment. Guziak said the Beckman Foundation's decl 100 to award the grant for Uu pro- Ject showed It cared oboul soentific advancement. not just bwlding structures. The grant bnng the total money raised for the pavU.ion to $42 million. ln many ways, th grant can be 1eeD as a culmlnation of Arnold Beckman's work with Hoog Hospital, h l«jJd. Beckman was activ al th hotpltol for more than thrt-e d cad • s rvmg on lhe board of directors and the foundation•s board. 1n 1990, be was named chalr em ritus of the Hoag HOlpllal Founda- tion board ln recognition for years of h1I I d hip and support. Guxiak Mid tbo lte for th new building ls being pre· pared. "We'll start laying th foundation tn the next th months," ho sald. He Mid th new fecllity wW treat a variety of peuen&s althOugh tt ls to be aUed Ibo Women'• Pevtlion. The holpital ()Wei • large pen of its SUttem 10 the gen- .-osity of tbe conununity, Ci•ar:Nk Mid. • 1 tbln.k we bevti been able to COIDIDUDicim 10 lndi· Ylduall and pbilan...,.... tbat we're a flM-"•nding ..................... ...................... illllleoourc:• •bl-. .. ,..... wi.y ....... ._._.,, 1rww.• ; ·._., .... .._Mauto theh was repo11*d In 0. 700 bk>dt .i 10.12 a.Jn.~ NEWPORT IEACH ............. Loud murJc Wiii NPOrted In ~ 3100 bloCk lrt 7:3A p m. TUeedly, • c.el terMe: ~ '°llt-.nckun wti ~In the 100 block at 1 ;S6 p.m. Tuetday. • c.on1at Drhe: A home but· 9lary w.s reported In the 100 block •t 2'.49 p.m. ru.ct.y. · · • a.t ac..t "-* A but· gtary w• ,.ported In the 100 bl9ctt at 4:02 p,m. MoN&ty. • '"""'9 -.....: A Commet· dal bufgt.ly was reported In me 100 bk>dt at 1;~ p.m. Mon- dllf. , •Vl.._..Drtw ... MecArtftl.r loc.llw•d: A traf fk colllslon Involving 1njur~ was r~ at 12:21 p.m. Tuesday. Waltraut Jechart, 69, of N wport Beach reportecl1y ran u red light and broad- sided a white Ford Taurus dnven by 43-year-old Tony 1likounald.s of Irvine. Sgt. Steve Shulman said. The other two cars col- lided as a result of the Ul.I· t1aJ crash, he said. Trikounak.Js was taken to Hoag Hospital because he complatned of pain m his back and neck, Shul- man said. No one else was injured, he said. He 1s survived by w1fe Mary, sons Robert and Michael, lour grandchildren dnd 1wo gredl-qrandchildren. • TO OUR RIADlltS: ~ Dally Pilot wekomes obituaries for res•· dents or fonner residents of Costa M~ and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obltu.aty printed in the Pllot, aSk your mortuary to fax us the lnf()(matlon at (949) ~ 4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764--C324. PEARY JaneO. 79. of Newport Beach died February 2. 2002. She was bom in Louiavllle, Kentucky and attended Polytedlnic School and graduated from Bishop's School l and Finch Junior College. She served with the Women's Air Raid OeftnM $eMce in Honolulu dunng WOt1d War 11 . Mrs. Perry 11 soMVed by her daughter, Cynthia P. RoMdale; son, William C . Perry: granddaughter. Katherine H. Rosedale: sisters Patricia Hammar and Helen Ouetbackef and her loving dog Maggie. She wu preceded In death by hor hutband. Wiiiem C Perry. Mtmorill MtYlcet will be 2:30p.m. llwtldey, FebNary 7, 2002 at Pdlc V. Memorill Chtpel, 3500 Padtlc View Ottve, Colona dtl Met. CA 92825. In lieu of flowers tht famly rtquMta donatione be mede to H oag Ho1p l t1I Cancer Foundltion or lht Ulllt G8l'dln CU)of .• ~ .-v---,-·:-~, a..__._·. ~--· -_,.1 110 ~. eo.ta M9N Ma'91IO Oaify Pilot Thuradoy, Februory 1 2002 AS cona MESA Ctn COUNCIL WUP·UP . ........ me 1ic.me. did not think L&M 011ry be allowed at car dulenh ps the Harbor Center and ttt. S50,000 for detector loops to P•tel'i stor. Ii In an •re. ihould be able to sell hard and arwashes but not In reii. K.mart $hopping center. sense the can w11t1ng to exrt CITY Hill that h.s been dubbed as over· alcohol. dentlal 1reas. Despite the rte· Re1idents queitloned the the lhopping ttnter. concentrated with liquor ·can me old fashioned, but ommend1t1on, code enforce-need for the light. s.y1ng lt Here are IOfne of the de< · lkenses. according to state I think a dairy should sell rMnt staff ~td the use would only serve to add more · WHAT WAS SA.ID: law. The law requires the city milk.• he 111d. of canoplei on residential tr1ff1C to •n already co~-Counc1t~man K.m~n s1om the eosu ~ Oty to declare It a •necessfty• or• pr~rty 1f they .,.. being ed arH. Speaken suggested Robinson wid she was •stf\19• Council made at Monday's •public convenience• to issue CANOPY CHANGES used to shade cars 1n drive-right-turn only lanes instead gl ng tremend<>Wy• with a meeting. the license. The council ways IHding to gar~. of the hght light so close to Harbor BOYie- LIQUOI LICENSE Council members asked 5-0 postponed the 8111 Moms, the director of vard and wid she Wti womed Patel, who haJ owned the WHAT rT MEANS: pubhc seNices. s.11d the traffic about traffic congestion . canopy issue, WHAT HAPPENED: store for 12 years, to demon-saying 1t need· Code enforcement staff division has studied the pto-·is what we're buying The Oty itrate the need for a more '"...... ........ -th~1::1• ed better defin will clearly define the differ· posed Intersection and a light worse than what we are alle· Council denied lenient liquor license. The itions of what ence between a canopy, • is the best alternative. Morns v1at1ngr she asked. a liquor license small-business owner constitutes a canopy, tarp or tarp and a tent, so council said the city was looking for a request for the answered the council by say· tent before making cttangM members may make a more way to m1ke ex1t1ng the c:'en· -Complied by informed decision in two Lolita Harper drive-through Ing m1ny of his customers are to the existing ordinance. weeks. ten Soifer. Many accidents and h~· LIM D~iry handicapped, or mothers Much of the d1S<uss1on near·acetdenu have occurred store on S.nta Ana Avenue. pushing strollers, and it is easi· Monday revolved around the WllSON TRAFFIC LIGHT on that portion of Wilson, Owner Shailesh Patel er for them to patronize his technical difference between caused by those making left . applied for the lame to sell drive-through store than oth· the three categories of covers turns out of the center or NElT MEnlNG hard akohol at his store. Patel ers In the arH. and whlCh would be allowed WHAT HAPPENED: pedestnans. • WHA~ Costa Mesa sells bffr and wine but said In residential zones. Audience Council City Coun~il mttting many of his customers have WHAT rT MEANS: members were opposed to 3-2 members WHAT rT MEANS: • WHEN: 6:30 p.m . requested that he sell hard Pitel will be permltted to any covers being used in res•· approved the The council approved a Feb 19 liquor. In addition to his appli· sell beer and wine at his store. dential neighborhoods, saying first steps to budget adjustment of •-Ill: Costa M~ cation, he Included a letter they looked bad ••1!.<i~!'ll1' 12tJ install a light on S 119,231 for the future con City Hall, 77 Fair Onve and 211 customer signatures WHAT WAS SAID: The Planning Commission Wilson Street. struction of the signal The supporting the approval of Resident Joel Faris said he recommended that canopies between the driveway exits of Harbor Center has donated Westside committee gains last-minute interest • On the last day to apply for the 46-member redevelopment action panel, 34 join the 11 applications previously received. Lolita Hwper h.Ht rec e1ved only l l letter\ of O.t.tlY Pilot 101 r t. <Mtld Mike Rohm on. COSTA MESA -Th<• Westside community turned its ht1t ms1de out a nd rt1UH~d hdck Id t w~k. turning whttt looked lo be d dtsmaJ turnout for lhP W ts1de Redevelop· m •nt Acuon Conuruttee mto d good howmg of mtere.,ted pdrtJ s The city received 45 etpph· ration lor the comm1tl<'<> de 1qn('d to forge et worlunq pion for the future of tht• West 1de O nly two clt1y'> l>t'for the deadline, the pldn· nang and development ofhn• th<' dep.irtmenl's director Not d gTI'dl respon <• lo tt committee that wdi. cn•t1h•d to host dbout 4b p<>opl On lht• dC'adlmt> ddy, hOWC'V('r, 44 t1pphct1honi. flood<•d ltw office, he> 'Kltd. ·A lot of peopl cam m tit the lt1.,1 mmute, • Robm.,on 'did The Wt• ts1de RedPvPlop· mcnt Ac 11on Comm1llP£> Wd crt:•t1tl·d last month h} thf' City Counnl -acting di. th1• Redevelopment Agency Thr c-umm1t1N" purpose '' to hnnq io~wther often wt1mnq We'll pay th e sales tax on all Karastan wool and new wool introduction purchases thru February 28, 2002. Come see our uperb new wool introductions for 2002. Visit our howroom and savt during our "SALE TAX" alt durin.g the month of Februa,ry! Costa Mesa Location Only. ( -.... , ., ,., °"""' <:-,n <--i,..., ,,. S."'"""' C,"ffmn•. l OHN B OFSER CARPET ONE 291 . Brutol Scl'ftt, C..U Mftl (714) 751-2324 • www.blocscrcarpcfOnc.com f Tl WHA~ Redevelopment Agency meeting WHEN: 6:30 p .m Monday WHERE: Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center ~U: (714) 754·5225 ldt turn' ol lttt• t on11u11n1I\ to ltncl common qround for thl' luture of tlw 1mpm en,h.-d n<•tghborhoml Pr<•v wu' dlll'mpt., ttl rt•dt>v1>lopnwnt 1n th<• .irt-o ht1\ •• ht•••n thWdflC'd h~ cl l,u k ol C Olll• mumty c on'>t'r"u' Appbr.int' w1•11• rt-qum-<l lo be W<.~t,td<' "''1tlt•nt,, prop(•r· ty or busllll''' m' n1•r\, t•xc1•pt for lhl)<,(• vymg for dn t1l·ldrqt• 11ppomtment All m1•mlwr' must l>t! lt><1aJ W'iJdt•nL., Robm<,on ~1d d I<•\\ peo· pit> from other pcsrti. of lht• city dpph{'(i, .,ldling lht'y ht1d dn mtert>-.t m thP c tty., mo ... 1 Wl'<,lf'rn nPICJhborhood rur 1>xample, Bob Crdhdm. d f'-1ec;a Verde n.•.,tcl<'nt, <1pplwd l>f'rdu'e he> Wd\ conn•rnt>d dOOUI futun• dc•velopments of the 19th Slrf'<•I lmdcw. Rohm· "°" <wud At tht> City Counnl me(•t· my ~londdy, Coun<. 1lnMn < "hri.' tc•c-1 chdUenq1•d mdn}- rc-s1dent.... whom h" cl<l.,.,1hc>d 1.1., ·con'>t<1nt compl,11nt>r.. • tu qet mvolvNJ w ith ••lion., to m1provt• ttw city "RI' ned1bl t> S.•n:1· on tt comm..,..,.on. c.1ncl lw rnort> 1•fft .. ct1vt'. • Steel \did 111 th11'>l' he'., plt1CC'd in thdl qroup "I CdlJ on you lo qt•I mvolved dnd nol JU'>I bt• dm' n ht•rt• ...c tt•t'< hmg •• t tht• 1)0(hum l'ut d hltlP t1c11on lwhincJ \our ~ords "'''f'I <1nd tu., 'upport• " \H•r1• c1inc4.'rnc•d \\Ith th• l<1r~.W '"<' of th1• w •. ,( ... tte Rrcl1•v1-.loprnE>nt Ac llon C '•>1n· IT11l1Pt' dO<I the> lcKI lhdl rt•ntc-r., ·wf'rt• '~·nc ourd(jt>d to '>('rvt• ~)I) at nw ( uunnhndn hd' '>In< I' ( hclOIJl•d ht'> }XJ\I· t1on 'hqhll}. \u}-mq th1• rnm- mattc•t> Ind) nut l)(• J.><>rfK:tJy d<-,1ym-<I , hut 11 'houJd not d1...courd{W J"·oplc• from pdr· t1npdlmq an t~· pm< t''' \\'h1lt• mo\t of thow anttor· l''>lt.-<l IO \Cl"\.IOCJ on lht' w t· c,1c1c.> R"dc•vt•lopm<'nt Com· m1ttl•f• hvt• 111 thl! 1.1rctt. mo-.t ol them W('fl• rt•pr<''>PnlctltVl'S ol qruups lhdt \H•11 1nVlted to '''rvt• on lhl' '111111111tt~ by 11-. < rt•<Jtor. Coun11l\\1Jntdn Llbb\ ("11Wi.ln About I H < urn111umty orgt1· nuc11wn' -wh1< h wne 1den- 11l11!<l d'> hd\'IOq 41 'tdke Ill lht> rornmun1t\ • hove sedb n •,t•nt•d for· ,, .. ., people Apphrc1nt ff'\J>orHJtng from thow qrnup<, urh "" r hur< h"'· thl' < o ld 1esc1 < 'hdmht-r of (' ommercP and tlw Ldtmo Bu.,mr~.,, !'.et\\ or~ -Wiil lw dUtOmdllC'dlh plocNI 0 11 tht> rommlllPt>·. ftuhtn'-fin ~1d Fl\" niorP m~mber. w,11 bt• threctl\ ttppotntf><J by council mPmht>r" -Mhnq ns tht> Rt•clt>\if•lopmt>nt \gency -di '1ondd~ ·, rNlt-n•lopmt•nt nw1•ttnq . rl'> \\'t•ll d'> an acJdJ· t1mMI 11'-'P t1I -1.srcw member SWEETHEART OF A DEAL GRFAT GIFr IDEAS FOR VALFNilNE'S DA: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • V1lentlnc C1kt For Two • • Joseph Schmldt • : VlllOllrS.Mty,O#ThltltkhH«Mt s:as : : Velvet Heart • ~ OlocdMt c:.M Wltll Olocot.tc • • • GaMcllt ffOlllllf l'Wtllt4 WllJ\ A • • Filled With Delectable Tt\lrflU : °*4*1t .._, ,...,.. : : Made With Pure Belgian Chocollte •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• : lndivldu1lly Cam1tions Balloons : : Wr~d Roses lllT I QJ I Afr lllT I Ill I Fm : : SASO SJ99 °"'"'.,_·-·•: • "'f'~ (., a -1.&rtU•• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• : • °*>M f'fOCTI ALM .. Vanet)' Of fruh Rotes : : • Cu.Mom ~ Yo..t ve.,.., Own Amt•IM••h : • • f'Ne 0.~ •tlll $50 ~M or 11\cn • : ~Your Ofdus fMty (94,) 631 ·4404 : ........•...•.•....... ~ . • ()nDte COunty's FavOJltr# • ~a--'r~ tor fresh Meat & -~ .. ~:::.._· ·-~~ USOACh,,_• I ~~ Rlbc11• StHk f'l(>oO. 1 (YI*' •• -· 1 ~ .. • .. A6 Thunday, Febrvory 7, 2002 EDITORIAL Cheer coach's dismissal case of bad timing T he threat is ever· present on school campuses: ·nus will go on your permanent record " You hear ii in ele· m entdry chool, are saddled with at an rruddle school, and Lht>n it becomes the ulumdte menace m high school. when there's mdica· llon that a mark on your pemldnent record will be enough to keep you out of college At some point, of course. when you reach adulthood and school IS a bit behind you. you're able to reflect on the fear that threat ere· ated and realize that, really, there never was a penna· nent record to cause such years-long concern. Or 1s there? It turns out that longume Newport Hdrbor High School cheerleading coach Lisa Callahan has been sacked, and all thanks to her pennaneot record, it seems. C allahan, by telling school ad:m.inistrators in November that she had seen 1rregularibes in the judging of cheerleader try· outs, sparked the conlTo· versy about who should be on the squad and whether Newport Harbor handled the s1tuatJon well by hrst allowmg everyone who tned out to 1om the team and then reversing that deos1on. The emollon from that roller coaster, by most accounts, was settlmg down when news bit late last month 6f Callahan's dismissal. It is rightly welling back up for. two reasons: the timing of and reason for her removal ln the Jirst place, even if there is no direct correla· tion between Callahan's hr· ing and the controversy, it clearly is going to arouse suspicion that she was forced out because of her role in this sorry affair. Was that not obvious? Add to that the cause for her dis· missaJ -school officials say her hiring process and background screening were not done properly 13 years ago -was essential· ly an anoent technicality. and there appears the same fumbling of events Ulat has let this controversy tum into the "cheerleader cnsis. • A nd that leads to the inevitable question: Why? Why has a routine mat- ter, albeit important to some, spiraled out of con· trol? Why was a firm ded· sion not made at the very beginning of tJus mess that the school and district could then follow? The answer rests some- where in district headquar· ters or the Newport Har- bor administration. Some· one really should explain it, and do so quickly, before the district and the school's permanent records gets a mark for a very minor inddent. 'Rlght now, we are ln a dead center. Some people call it th old Lucky's center. I just call it a dump.' -"--N1..,..,, the ~na~ of Orange County Pizza, on leaving lu current Harbor Boulevard location for Costa Mesa Sq~. w~• It will double In size READERS RESPOND Doily Pilot BOat parade coµipromise floats AT ISSUE: Most letter writers enjoy the latest parade plan that will maintain the normal route on two of the five nights. T here ls no doubt that it was a result ot your timely, thorough, fairly presented, ongomg and superb coverage of the boat parade problems that an excellent compro· mise has been offered by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce (•New plan launched for boat parade,· Tu • day). Following your publication of my open letter of Sept. 13 to the chamber, I received many congratulatory phone caJ.ls and reports. I received only one negative letter. As a result of this pubbdty, I know many people wrote their concerns to the chamber. I persorldlly know i.ev- eral people from as far away dS Crestline, Lake Arrowhead and the Big Bear Lake area, plus Pasadend and Los Angeles County. that voiced thet.r du.pleasure with the onginal plan to both shorten the parade route and nave fewer days. I received an extremely mce lell~r dated Feb. 1 from David Jane . 2002 Cbiistmas Boat Parade chaumcrn ln thls letter, he thanked me for my ·construcbve feedback,· outlined the proposed comprorruse and tnVll· ed me to attend the meet.Ulg on Feb 13, when these proposals will be d1 • cussed. CertaJ.nly I'll attend . None of thts would have hdp· pcned without the Daily Palot I dm very grateful to you. MICHAEL MIWKAN Newport Bedch I don't tJunk the 2 112. to three· hour parade route is what dtscour· ag participants. I believe at 1 the seven-day comnutment. I thtnk the parade route should remam the same but the number of days the parade takes place be limtled to three days Friday. Saturday and Sunday night 15 when most people view the parade anywcty. DEBORAH IRISH Balboa Perunsulo Richard Luehrs, presJdent of the N ewport Beach Chamber of Com· merce, is a wise and pabent Dl4n. But he's been sJl"epUlg I lately. Why? H e has to put up with all ow water wom es. The latest phm eems close to a winner. ln addlbon. how about a f w minor mode t modifications: •Smee it ts the event that counts. why not dJvide the boaters anto two ~UACti/~v A colorfuJ array of hoUday Ugbts adorn a variety of water craft as they move toward the Balboa Island bridge in the Grand Canal during the 2000 Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade. groups -such dS the Blue Ae<>t and the Red Annadd Hdve them alternate days For exampl Bluf' on TuPSday, Thur"><foy and ScltW'day. Ked on Wednesddy, Fnday cltld Sunday. • lnslend of pctrdd s for vcn days ~ m tlmC'<.; pd'it -or five under th<' n<>w pldn -make 1t ~1x ddys • Return to th~ ongtndl, longer route. The cfo.ttdvdntage wouJd be fewer bot1ts (X'r p<1rndP -not rPally d ru1rdsh1p or d<•&l brettker for most viewer!>, chnN'> clod party·goer. "ftle udvantag are many • Boclters could participate m lhrc , rather lbttn seven or hve, p<1r.td " PMade-; would he a btU~ horter A wan-win lor the partlC'l· pants who C'Ould llU rcmam mvolved • Sue dayi. lS a ld11 C'omprorruse A win-wm for thP merchants and view· ent • Tht> lonqer route would be off. t by few r tx>ct per rught. A win and d wash tor homrown<'rs and Vl wers • Experu.t~ would be reduced for bodter~ and the chamber A WlD·wtn • Brett Hl•mphill could both !>all d boat ttnd sell a carpet. A win-wm. • Bootcrs. v1t'wers dnd mNC'hant'i would dU love one other agctin A wm·win·wm. All this, plu~ Richard Luehrs could !Jeep in peace onC'e dgatn MICHAEL GLUECK Newport Beuch SpeaJung as d pc.ud capto.an, I f1•1 ·l thtS wa a good dCK'tS1on by tht> parade orgctnazen. to cul the r><mldl• to hve rughb Even though 1t would be mon• profHable to me lo run even ruqht,, I would rather lo tht• extra incunw a.nd sec d safer parade, I helve op.-r· ated vessel in both the NPwport t1nd Hunungton Hcsrbor parcld s mc-c· lht• '60s and nave M>en mtmy pmbll•m., in the la t two or thw mqhts of th" N.-wport p~mtdf' that I fl..iel WNP caused by too mdny mght1. on the water If 11ny of the r ad nb thmk Uu.., " unJair, perha~ they houJd <JN out of theu ruce warn> room.c; ..ome night dnd b Ip out the own r of th<.> c bocst.~ thdl pend 10 to 12 hours <1 du~ and thousands of doUars to put tht!i great parade on. And regMding th person thdt threatened to harm Br tt H mphill's busin , I wssh I kn w wh r hf• or she lived so I could point out th<• house c111d teJJ lh~ story to my J>d"· s nge~ CAPT. BOB WILSON "' Congratulations to th<' orgaruwr. of the boat pdfddP tor C'01rung up w1th d gwat solution Sound bk<• d yroot 1deu PEGGY MAROTTA Balbod 1.,1.md LEnER TO THE EDITOR ~ Greer is again off base on Newport Coast annexation . ' .. ... N ot only ls Phillip B. Greer way off base, b ts out of tht> ballpark (Letter to the Editor -·Caty hould have talked to N t:'wport Coast residents,• Jan. 2'). Im letter contained several serious errors that need to be addr M!d G1'1."er slllted that the city of Newport BP ch should have tdlkcd to Newport Coast residents pnor to the annexation proceed· ang . In fact. more than t t/'2 years ago, r p tativ of tbe oty made 1t clearly known to all c:om- m\,llliU that th y would be ava.ll- abL lo m t and dJlam the annexattoa wttb a.oy group requesting fwtbet lnlormation. 1be only ccmmu.nlty to respond w the Santa Luda Homeowoen . After the meettng, wttb lnlormatiOa pnMded by the dty and the Newport Coat Commit- Of 2000, the majority ot the relidertll were 1upporttve ol tbe propoeed an.neution. Howewr, at no ti1ne prior to the annnation dJd GrMr reqUMt lhlt city repre- tenlattvM attlnd bis bomeoWnen .. adltlon meednQI to P'0'1de lnlormation and .....,..,. to qu.- lionl. c;,.... itated that • Ody "* article c·<>enenr '° ........... etmld ....... • 0.C. 51 WM W .... mMla• pWddlll1.....,.. -......... Nlwpmt c... ........... n.W.'"'*lbe very surprised If lhe Pilot hed this agenda ln mind when the article was written. Fwtbennore. Green statement perWmng to the diMm· chantment ii far removed from th truth. The vast majority of resl· dents ln Newport Cout and New- port Ridge IUpported the annua · lion and the efforts or th Commit· tee of 2000. Contrary to another aaertlon by Greet, during the 4W'Uldon· negodatlOO perf.od. ~II were kept Informed ol all matten by the Ule ot MW'lletten, geaeral tDMttogl and lhrougb lnlormatlon poMd on the Newport Cout ('.ommlttee ol 2000 Web (www.newponcout org). AftAir four years ol Degotietionl, the ccimmlU.. WU ab&e to eec:ute an....,...,, that MMftwt tbe community wHb I ftnanda1 ptic:k· • comllting ol Sl.S mUtioo and otbet IUbiltan~ ftnancW and .... YM»·reau.d bmMftta. c;,..., ltal9d he..,... "9M· bJrell fftJm I, 100 ............ blcU· cati09 tbeb' dm r ' Cl\aa wMb tbt an_...._ llfll t Aglla. be n•11R811d lbl lldl • 11111 .... . Counly1 ............. ... _..M12r jl:llH!ld ..... IDIM NWpmt ~ _. Nlwpat .... :-=-·· ••»•sn-=r...,.-:..-::. ~ ... .... n.Ot.-mmat c1a.im responsibility for au 6S8 ' vot . Thent was a mailer nt to the enu.re cornmuruty by enoth r resident Uult produced 1gnaturcs, u well as vo~ sent dlrl'ctly by lndMdUAJs unconnected with Greer's fforts. Th facts negnte Greer'• main contention that peo- pl had no opportunity lo vot on the ann Uon wue. ln potnt of fact. lb community did hav<> an opporturuty to vote, a.od It ch to not oppose the annexabon. ln the end, and according to applica· b" law, lb re w sunply not enough J9Mturel to trigger a vote oo annexation Greer t.llo claimed th4t h •rep1esent1• 1,100 resldentl. However, the actual ouniber is probably a frecti<>n ol what b believes it lO be. Many A Simple Vo4a pMition siqnahnl were duplicateil, and many w.. obtained from non.Newpon CCMlll . and non·Newpor1 Rk;lge rep· -.cl \'OllelS. Pua1bwlncn, if ..... ti bad be9l told tbl trudl Wball A Sim. .... .... colledld ......... OIW't cfl!llMM\....,., would llMly *"* ... rurtW. We btllft ........................ ,. s 5' ~.... • .... ......... tDmilKt ..... ... ....., ............. ..... ........... _ .... ... .....-, I I ........... .. ................... th parks, reneg on its prorruse lo pay ror tax 11 Ii f end ,., taxi for infra tructu11 1mprov ts in other parts or the oty. Non of th1 l! true. Mclny r 1- denb "4.id they 1gn~ th poUtJon just to g t th folk off th doorstep becau their h1cu w re so aggressivt>. FinctUy. and agam contrary to what C r sl4t· ed in hl5 I t r, the Aviallon Coin· matt for lb city ha tek n \be po&Ltlon t.Mt it op(>06ed to any · Alreralt Uigb over lb Nowport Coast~. Th N wport t Conurutt of 2000 com.nun 1ed by board mem ma)Onty of homeowners aqcx:i,a boM, and G r attended MY of lb C'OJTUN meetings While Gr..n po.ttioft on tt.e enMDtion WU deaily ln the minority, and be ii ob¥Wulfy I poor laMr, at leut be II ~t. 19 med I lawsuit .... the county and '°" twice trying tlO get • court~ to ltOp ........ don. . ..,,._be IGll trYiDG 'D ..... ... ,...... .. ::.i.t. .... ... clue• Ell ID bll .._. eantetn ........ -....... ucmrl. lldla t •MID ...... .. .. Ct '11 .....,. ~-.. .. llftr. .... "' 11 ............ ·~- • Doily Pilot lroulMf TOWN TODAY ln1ne Mayor wUJ lpeak on the relationstup between global ls \Jes and the local comrnunlty as part of UC Irvine's Center for Global Peace and Confuct Stud.Jes Wmter Forum from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Social Saence Plaza A. Room 11 O. at UC lMOe Barbara Atwell, 19-'9) 824- 6410. • A fund·raber for the Newport Harbor High School's Grad Night will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Sterling BMW, 3000 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The rught features food and live and Uent auc-fans. (949) 645-6772. UC Irvine'• third annual Chancellor's DlSungwshed Fellows Sen will continue with Pem Diacorus' presenta- tion • Collletdence, • wtuch will cover probability, begm- ning at 7:30 p.m. m Sooal Sa· ence Plaza A. Room 1100, at UC llVUle Diacorus u a pro· lessor of mathematics and ta· b.stics at Stanford Uruvers1ty. (9-' 9) 824 -7372 or www. vc ucJ.edu!CDPSllnde Center, (714) 241·9908. x.htmL A tr.. lectUre given by Torsten N. Wies 1. a t 981 Nobel Laureate in physiology or medfane who pioneered research tn bram ctrcwtry, will peak at 8 p.m. in the Cryst41 Cove Auditorium at the UC Irvine Student Center on the UC Irvine campus. S5 for parking. {949) 824-6455. SITU I DAY The Orange Coast College School of Sailing and Seo· manslup bas sch,eduled a pair of five-week. non-credit Intro. ductJon to shlelds sailing cl for students movini) from mall boats to keel boats of 27 to 30 feet On clas will meet from 9:45 am. to 1:15 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, March 2, March 9 and March 16. The other class will meet Sunday, Feb 24, March 3, March 10 and March 17 at the same tJ.me Classes will be held at OCC's Sailing Center, 1801 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Registration costs are $115. (949) 645-9412 Intermediate and advanced ballet students. 12 to 18 yeers old as of June 30, from Costa Mesa. are mvtted to audition for the School of American Ballet' Swnmer Course from 1 to 5 p m. at the Jimmie DeFore Dance Center, 151 Kalmus Ave • Swte GJ. Costa Mesa Students must register an hour before the audition. $15 (212) 769-6600 Dance llOllAY Or-.. Counly sa.r. Shlg&el wW host a pre-Valentin 's Dey Soda! featuring happy hour, an outdoor berbecue, mUlic and dance Ooor at 6~30 p.m. at the Pierce Street Annex. 330 E. 17th St., Costa MeM. FreP. (71-') 968·5099 or (714) 505.2404 WlllllSDAY Surpri• available to treat lung cancer patients will be dlscusMd at a free cl from 2 to 3'.30 p.m. in Hoag cancer Center's Conference Room A at Hoeg Hospital. t Hoag Dnve, Newport Beach. ReQlS- tration is required. (949) 7- CANCER. Nancy layman. an oncology nune specialist at Hoag Can· cer Center, will give 4 work· shop on handling tears relat· ed to cancer diagnosu The talk will take place from 6 30 to 8 p.m . in Hoag Cancer Center's Conference Room A. 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. No registratlon reqwred (949) ?-CANCER Fii. 14 The llnt of four notary train- ing sessions designed to edu· cate mdiv1duals about the re pons1billtJes of a notary pubbc will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p m at the Hilton Hotel. 3050 Bnstol St., Costa M . Future ons will be held March 28 at the Hilton, and Feb. 2? and March 14 t th Wyndham Garden Hotel, 3350 Avenu of the St&n, Costa M . $139 per m.1- nar (800) 876-6827. fll. 16 Tbe YMCA ENCOllEphll will ponsor fr breast can- cer so ning for women 40 anCi old r at Harbor Chrtstldn Fellowtthip, 1-'0 W. Wilson St , Costa Men. Screenings 10dud a mammogram, duu· cal breast exam and self- exam instructions. Call to chedule an appointment (71 4) 935-9720 or (714) 806- 2037 Orcb.Jd growen and vendon from a.round Southern Call· fomia will converge at the UC Irvine Arboretum for the annual Winter Orctud Show from 10 a m to 3 p m. at the comer of Campus Dnve and Jamboree Road on the UC lrvl.ne North Campus $2. ch.ll· dren 12 and younger and memben. of the Friend or UCI Arboretum are tree (949) 824-5833 The 2002 Sweetheart Ball to help reuse funds for the Hoag Heart lnsbtute will begln at b pm at the Westin South Coa t Plaza Hotel m Co ta Mestt The dance will be puJ on by the 552 Club of Hoag Hosp1ldl Foundabon and ntfany & Co $450 per couple, $225 per md1vtdual Re ervauon& reqwred t949) 574-7208 HI. 20 The lena CJub wUI host a (Ommuruty m ung dedicat· ~ to the pr rvabon of BM· rung Ranch. th 420-ec:re PM· C 1 of land adJOcellt to th Orange Co t R1v r Pctrk, with bJCyd • walkmg trails, arroyos clnd p cruc ar . Th m ting will be held at 7 .30 p.m. al the Costa M Com- muruty Neighborhood Center, 1845 Park Ave .. COila M (949) 645-6621. (94 ) 645· 6621. Fii. 26 The YMCA ENCOJlEplUJ wlll ponsor e free b11 t can· cer screening tor women 40 ond older al St. Joachim Catholic Church, 1964 Orange Ave , Costa Mesd. Screerungs tndude a ma.rn· mogram, cllrucal breast exam and self-exam in trucuom Call to schedule an appomt- ment (714) 935-9720 pr f714J 806-2037 HI. 27 The Orange County Cal Alwnru Club will hold lls 2002 Spnng Speaker DUUler at b p m at the Wesun South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Blvd • Costa Me a $60, $45 for young alumru from 1991 ·O 1, SSS for Orange County Club members Reservation~ requested. Orange Count) Cal Alumru Club. 4200 Pdrk ~ewport Swte 216. !"~wport Beach CA 92bb0 17141 Ml- 7738 Thundery, Ftbtuory 7, 2002 A 7 llAICI 2 . A DOD-credit ..a1iDg mm. ntJed • c c~ 1 • for i.ndividuabi lD lD eaek. . • CNiling certificabOn :8i be offered by t.he Orang Catit Colleg ScbooJ ol Seil· lng and Seam•n tup The thr -w k c1a will m t from 9 cS m. to 4 pm. ~iarch 2. M rch 9 and March 16 et CX'C' Sailing C n r. 1801 W Coa l Highway Newport Be ch Designed for ind.Mdu- als Mth m rmedia '4iling k.illi but wtth limit~. d any, expc>nence runrung mid-size auxiliary cnnsmg boats, the course will cover ba.s1c sys- tems, ra~o operation lopper· mg respons1bilitl and pracb· cw kills RegtStrabon costs are Sl 75 (949) 62.S-9412. MARCH S A two-section, comprehen- 1ve mlennedlate COdStaJ nav- 1gabon course will be offered by the OTa.ngt:o Coa t College School of Scullng dlld Sea- marutup throughout March. A four-week se<"tlon wUl meet March 5, ~tarch l:l March.19 and March 26 from 7 to 10 pm A three·\\ eek ection will meet trom I to 5 p.m Mdrch ~ ~ldrc.h 16, and March 2J Both sections are designed lt•r ind1viduals who have already completed a beguuu.ng ~iling clas a.nd will meet dl the Orange Coast College Scu.lmg Center. 1801 "° Coast H1qhv. ay, Newport Beach Registrcsnon costs are SW t949J 645-94 12 DUCK CONTINUED FROM A 1 smelled m places such as Grand Cancll on Balboa Island, where datly troughs of food and water set out for ducks have drawn nocks whose consequences have been called "d1sgusung• and "unbearable" by some neJghbors BRIEFLY IN EDUCATION prompted Davi& to rec.r1mmend expand.mg the prognun to <;erve an add1bonal 79,000 children B1)St'll said One of the most 1mpor.tant find.Jng was that 4 2 o of the stu· d nt who scored m the lowest qu4rt.1.le on the Stan.ford 9 -who \\ere mo t at-nsk of being held bdck a grade -t ted al a lugh· er level dfter belllg in the program band.Jng out the wanungs \vill be armed wtth lltera.tuTe about the consequences of large-scale feed.Jog of waterfowl m gen- eral and ducks in parUcular. Water qualJty tops their hst of con- cerns Duck droppings contain extremely high levels of the bdctena that cause beach closures and po hng Ducks themselves carry bdctena &uch as salmonella. wtuch po e a o;mctU threat to humans who are ex~cd to the buds. One of the b1gge t rea ons betund the ordmance. though. can oo M>en and Under the new ord.Jnance. inodental feeding of the ducks. such as an ind.J· vtdual tos Ing pieces of bread, 1S per- mitted because it isn't enough to take away the buds' tncentive to rrugrate No doubt, it's a dark day for ducks But cty ofhcals UlSlSt that m the long run, everyone -indudmg ducks - will be better off. • --c..gr..-COW<S Newport Beach She may be re.cNd •t (949) 57...,.232 0< by e--~11 •t /UM c•ygr•~t11MS.com ~ ....... Se.ct.: PERFEcnoN CAN 8E YoURS TooAY! The Original MIKE'I C'llPETI OVER 25 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ua report supports after-school program Gov Gray Davts has proposed increased fund.Jng for 11 statewide after-school program based on a favorable report from UC lrvme Researchers an the school!> Department of Educabon tud.Jed the After School Leaming and Sd.fe Nt>1ghborhoods Partn~tupi, Program and found it had a po 1· bve mfluence on tudents The report. relea ed Fndav, ALL CARPn & PLOORINQ Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Lamlnatea CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooft · ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER · ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' • Custom-Made Pumlture • Slip Coftrs • Patio furniture • ~Shades. ....... "The tudy shows 1mpro\'ed test !>Cores in read.Jng and math. better school attenddnce and bet· ter behavior among partlClpatmg student . • Davis satd fnda' Joan Bissell. v1ci> chcur of the UC'I Department or Educc!llon l<>d the tudy u mg a Vdnely of a .. o;es!tment datd 1nc.lud1ng Stanford q readmg and mdth test o;core and the student<;' durd· lion m the proqram The after-chool progrdm studied 1s a 15-hour per week progrdm that focu.s on dcade- m1c and ennchment aruvilie • "That 1s so s1gruf 1cant because being retcuned has adverse effects on chtldren -p ychologlcal and '>OClal effects -and 1t h.as not been shov .. ·n to foster tudent s JX>rfonnance 81Ssell aJd ln the 2002-03 budget, DaVIS mcred5t>d lunchng for before-and dflt!r·scbool progra.ms by $75 mil· lldn bnnging the total fundlng to $162.8 rrullion A8 '!hu!llloy. FGuary '1, 2002 EFFORT CONTINUED FROM A 1 always feell ·ca.'° the edge.. But more than anything elle that def1Del ... Amy~ is the poe wbo kept her boys ~ delplta a CXlib8cttYe hil- lOIY ol more fostar bomel and more soaal worken than any of them can count •AD lt takes ls one look at them and aeelng that they didn't ask for the We they were given.· she said. That's what k rp her going as the heo.d ol the Tuylors. llCOMlllG Tiii TAYLORS Amy 1llylor and her brothers come from a broken back- ground ot one mother and five fathers Each of them spent childhood ma combirultion of i>Jaces: very bnefly with their ~ in ddfe:rent foster tones and with their grandmother. who was eventually made everyone's care proVlder. But 10 years ago, socuu worken determined that Thylor and her siblings should be placed outside the ir g rand- mother's care. It seemed likely that the s1b- 1Jngs would be split up into d..lf- ferent homes. So Taylor. then 17 and close enough to 18, becllme legally emanapated and proved to a Judge that she could handle temporary custody of the boys. ·with good grades and no pobce record, I was granted that,· Taylor said Her sacnl1ces included a scholarstup to UCLA. "l couldn't go away to UOA and Live on Cllmpus and all that Wlth (theJ kids.• he said. "But I did it without second guessing ll. It was a t a courthouse in Orange that the lllylors became the 'lllytors. Until then. everyone had a different last name because of the different fathers. •Jt was embarrassing, trying to be a family. The judge said, 'Here, as a little gtft to you guys, I'm going to change your names for free,'· Arny Taylor said. So during a 15-minute rec:esS in the hallway. they grabbed a phone book and huddled arouad to pick their y name. They agr.-d OD 'nlylar. Par tbe ... t6gbl,...... .. ~appw.t611b9 a1'idgit ewryltx nw•"•to rwwtlMllr temporary-custody status by proving t.bat everyone wu being taken care ot. • Nobody In tbe Woltd lldcl. family hit to haw a mcm ad ded.. 'lllyl« .aid. 1"'° yeen ego,. fudge ...... ~ken were byiPg to separate the aew again. 1bly dalmed the three boys hid t.ai in the foster syltem tDo kll'9 and should be put up for~ So 1llylor, tben 25, to adopt Adam, Joey and 'lbny q her children. OJ had been born by t.ben. but beatute 1llyl« cbme to take CAie of beT fmnily, she and OJ~ father went separate ways. At the courthouse the mom• ing of the adoption bearing, 'lllykr rememben being IO Dl!lf· vous she wanted to tb"?W up for the second Ume that day. She rememben her court- appointed special advocate being a "godlend• and keepng her from fainting. She also rememben the Judge having tea.rs in her eyes before annoondng the dedslon. "She said, 'You boys better be good for your sister,'· 'lllylor S81d. The judge also added that the boys were to come back and visit her once they graduated high school. The new, oftidalfamily drove home quietly that morning. None of them really believed that they -Amy, Adam. Joey, Tony and DJ -would be together forever. Joey, being the jokester, of course said some- thing about everyone acting like somebody bad died. ·we kept expectlng some sooal worker to oome and aay we didn't sign the rigbt papers.• Taylor said. That night, the family ordered pizza and rented . "Forrest Gump• to celebrate. THE UTILE TlllllGS Now, pizza and a video mark special <><.USions in the 1llylors' lives. For birthdays. the person aging a year gets to choose the topping and the video title. LAND! W S ANGELES: PALMDALE -LtNC4STER WOW/ "O" DOWN 1.26 ecra 63rd St. E.. ac AYC. C-4 ...... -.... $21,500 Nm, e -,,,.,. ac hWk Hip "', .1 I.SO .a. 4Sda St. £ Comer Aft. H--S32"00 VJc •• , ..... ptvpal)' aaa 107da St. W. .,ori' AW. D ....... -$66,500 •Greer" I •rl•r11 loe.,_, 0. ..... ._. caw,. IJa) • I PHOTO COUl'1t~Y Of N./l't TAVlOll Amy Taylor, right. curled lbe Olympic torcb tbrougb Newport JIMcb • put of tbe Salt Lake Ctty 2002 Ot~pJc Ton:b Relay. Taylor ltandl wttb Diane Tetcb, one of tb9 fouaden of Royal Punlly Kldl Camp for foau chl.ldnm.. AJIO far birthdays. Taytor will bake a cake, and the fdily will play football after the pizza's beml eeten end the video1s been watched. •1 have to pay tbe bills first and the rent, and they know that rent end bin. and food ame first.• 'lllylor said. •But I make each person feel like it's their da • °hJ,s birthday is just two days after Ouistmas. Despite Im day being so close to the most expensive of holidays, 'lllylor immediately rips down the tree every year and bangs the birth- day banners. ·r remember being the kid that got shuffled around,· she said. •vou•re not.bing but basi- cally a nwnber et foster homes. I hated when they called me the wrong name. I just don't 8\W want them to feel like that.. Which ls also w~y Taylor shows up at every school func- tion her schedule can handle. She goes to the talent shows, the plays, even offers to be the chaperon mom during field trips. No one ever came to watch 'lllylots 9Chool shows. •But they get excited when ~ see you sitting there.· she of her siblings. Her part-time job -book- keeping for two tnveston-Jets her work at nighL She also studies at night, from 1 to 3 a.m., after she's made Join us for Twilight . D. . 101ng &l1ffl for-$6.95 dinner and washed the dishes and done the laundry. Every day is hke a race, she aays, and free time a.lone Is a privilege she almost never bas. But for Taylor, a second chance at college Is enough. After gMng up the lJO.A ICbol· a.rship 10 yea.rs ago, she took night classes at junior colleges to try to compile credits aod bits of knowledge while working tuU time. Last year, having saved some money, she decided to apply for a scholarship at Vanguard. She got It and now works part time. •The problem ls. if I don't have money to raise the kids, then l don't have money to go to school,• she said. During class, while sbe's try- ing to concentrate on everything from sociology to business. she'll usu.ally end up wonylng about bow to pay the rent it.ncf bills. Taylor recelves minimal assistance from the state because she's a sibling lnsteed ol a foster parent. and she stud- ies hard to keep her schola.rship every semester. She's had to spread out the expenses, buy her school books over three weeks instead of at once, and take the lcids to places such as the beach and the park. wheM having fun CO&ts next to nothing. •People tblnk you need money to go to Disneyland and have fun, but you just have to spend time with the people you love,• Taylor saki. The five of them laugh a lot. They go everywhere together. even though DJ 90nV!times ks why be and his mom can't go to the grocery store alone. •Everybody's equal.· Taylor said. ........ . ,,, . ,..,,,. ... E .. JWilllt 6wapa> D' ;a....11.- MillliO-.S.,. ..JllOa • ........ .. M """ ..... . '"" .... .. ........ • It doesn't matttr U you're technically ber son or ber brother. • • Joey and Adam. who often flaht for the man.<Jf-U.hautl ra., treat ny1or like one ot the ~two ~OJ'8 ftght •bke • marded Couple.• 'tile older two ha~ their duhes. &.It the mtm.dll an Oii.,_ Cllt»- e• trouble, the boyt band ~iea tight family,• 'lllytor said. Thei.r rules inclUde disdpllne. ·1 don't ad Wat the old moth· er,• Th}'.~ said. •1 don't rn.ind pOlow ngnts, don't m1nd argu- ments. But the one th.1ng I don't budge on is respect for other people and educatiOn. because tha.e are the two things that are 1°1119 to take them far in We. 'lllylor grew up not wanb.ng '°be like bermodw Cl the other adults in the family. She also decided against being poor and living out of foster homes. •A lot of what rve done is bued on tear.• Taylor said. • 1 don't care what it takes, I don't care bow long it takes. There's no reason in the world why I have to continue tbe cycle that they gave me.· GO IOITH It's as U 1lly1or was born with a compass pointing north, says her friend and mentor. Barbi Rouse. •Amy has an intuitiveness about her. All her life, even in the midst of the trauma and the destructive pattern her family was in euly on. she was deter- mined. • said Rouse. director of learning skills at Vanguard~ The mentor first got to know lllylor last year while teadung her study skills and enoouraging her not to feel overwhelmed. 1bey still talk regu.La.rty a bout ICbool. Thyklr's ambitions, about helping the boys learn and about Tay1or's We at home. "There's no way Amy cannot bring her home life into her edu- cational~ because her home We is the center of her heart.• Rouse said. ·And she makes sure to let her boys see her study.· No one gave her the same guidance. but Taylor's innate intuibon about what's right and wrong and what's good and bad guides the family's lives, the mentor said She remembers Taylor say- ing that her pregnant mother smoked and that she could tell by the way the baby moved in the womb that tl wasn't healthy. ·she rememben. as a cblld. she got this uh-oh feeling. She t'OOtinued co think about 1t and she's taken that on as a cause as well.• Rouse saJd. Whether at's not smolung while pregnant or remember- ing the ·p~ • and "lbank yous,· Taylor's compas'S conbn- ues to point north. At a recent trip to t.be1r reg- ular Mc:Dooald's -one where the jungle gym is indoors -DJ ca.me up to 'lllylor and started telling her about what he and Tony had just done on the play- ground. •Tony and me,• the boy began. •10ny. • Taylor intenupted, pnxnoting DJ. · •And ( • be continued. Veen ago. after mavtng from Loi Angel9I co Orange County, 'lllylor realized she didn't know r:l~ Dunn-WPll I Daily Pilot hOw to talk propedy. .,,.. WU I lot of~ a lot o111ang: tb11•Jd Ot Id ~ Compton and South Central. •conung up h re, lt wu so ~··~bebindeai­demkdy. Sol nip~ In the bud that I can. bealuae no OOI corrected me,• Minutes later at the same Mc.DooUd'I, DJ ran beck from tUI play .,_·again and took a blte of b.11 hamburger. While c.beWtng, be star1ed t4lking to hJsmom. •Do you h4ve food ln your mouth1 she asked. OJnodded. •Then why are you talking to usr she continued OJ quieted Immediately and continued chewing. In the 1lt.yk>r houlehokl, there 811" two c41dinal tabl -manner rule ·Tulk wi1bout food in your moutl}. and hove a napkin in yow lap UIY IOCIS During the ftrst months after th adoption, 'lllylor tOlled and turned benelf to sleep every night. Sbe worrtM about whether she'd be able to sup· port the kids financially and whether she'd be able to r&J.Se tbemrighl So far. the job's proved doable. she sald. She's long elimlbated the pcmibWty of MV· mg her own social We. Shc>'s adopted two cats -Max and Mimi -because they would've otherwise been put to sleep. and her apartment ls often busthnq with neighborhood kids who like to drop in and talk to Taylor ·11 seems they don't trunk they can talk to their parents.· she said of her young friends Taylor al o works with teenage guts who are m foster care. •Her way of maJung a d1l· ference 1s to become their fnends and to gam their trust • Rouse said. ·lbe same Wlth her sons· 'lllylor' dream ls to start d legal, co~ and resowc.e center for foster kids. EarlJer Uus month, leaders of Orange County Foster Carf' nominated Taylor to be an Olympic ton::h bearer. For hall an hour, she nm down Newport Boulevard with the torch an her hand on behalf of foster care and the prevention of child abuse. Swarms of kids from Newport-Mesa schools sat on the sidel.m cheenng. Taylor remembers see.mg them and nooong theJf 1nnoceoce. Uunk- anq none ol them was Ukely to have her sort of ~· When asked if her own kids appreoate her, 'lllylor gave dl1 tmmed.Lete •yes.. . "They hke lo say ·Amy rocks,'• she said, smiling. Tbe two older ones will often say, ·You rock., man I • Taylor, who as less famiha.r With popular teen Jargon. will say, "I'm not a man. and what does rock mean1• She womes 1 now than he did two years ago and says. Wltb confidence, that her bo~ are good. sweet boys. Her m thod ts to handle We by the day. "Before you know It, tune goes by and you're actually doing IOOlethlng. • she S8ld • V... OW. W'ftes futures. She m.v bit r..med M (949) S7'- 4261 Of by e-'""41 .. ~.~Cima.com. Very. Very Valentine·s Sale Save 400/o - OW All Regulllrr Plkmd--~ ( C di .... _ _..,hr•) u Doily Pilot ON VACATION Thursday, febvory 7. 2002 Al • ON VACA'l1C* runs periodQl!y In the Olity Pilot. It mey take up to....,.., month5 for fUbmitt9d pictures to run Photos of Souther'n C..lfom .. viatJOM wMin tOO males of Con.I ~ I Newpon 11..n (With the bUptlon of c.tel6na) .,.not effgible. To tubmit • photo. .... ~ It tO On vac.tion. J)O w a.y St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 1 ,.t and Jan McDaniel and Maureen and Gil McCutchan. all from Newport Beach. ~acatloa ln Cabo San Lucas. I I I I I I I I :·---· I I I I I ' I • --_ .. Melinda.ad Allllon Green of Newport Beach cruise the Caribbean with their famlly aboard the Carnival Triumph. · fro m a name you can TRUST-(:t> l ~ N.1.1{ )'\X;' I l) 1: ! • Lock Your me: lrom Jay 1. BEFORE you finJ .& home:' • Cuaranic:c your me: ;u you ;ire: shopping • Drop if mc:s otrt" lo~r (ask for dcca1ls) • l...oaru to $3 MJWON approwd in hoUK • No asset or jocomc: >cnfiguon Qpuon I = 8am-8pm 6.5 clays B E z K 0 AIO Thundery. NbNory ,, 2002 Daity Pilot Orange County lucks out with Pacific Life grants T bey gave away St.6 nulllon. Pac:ilic ute, headquartered m Newport Beach. held its annual community recepbon to dIStribute $1.6 nuWon of SJ million m grants to more than 170 nonprofit organiza- tions ln Orange County. The Pacific Ule Powida· tion, the charitable giving ann endowed by the largest We msurance company ln Ca.liforrua, welcomed dlsbn· gwshed guests from a dJverse held of hw:narutanan and sdentlf1c pW'Swts for a late afternoon reception ln the Fash.ton Island headquar· ters of the msurance giant. Pacific' Life boss Tom Sutton was on hand with his bride, Marilyn, for the reception. The 2002 grants include. to name only a few. the Amenca.n Heart Assn .. AJOS Service.., Founttation. Bowers Mui.eum. Orowrung Preven- uon Foundation, Human Opuons Leland Stanford \ldnsaon Foundation. New- port Bedch Fire Department, Newport-Mesa Schools Founduhon, South C0<1st Repertory and the Snuthson· 1dn lni.lltuuon. THECIOWD Glanntnl, adds that the com- mittee is tbriJled about th move to the larger venue, which will accommodate more dealers and a greater pa.rtldpation by the public at large. This year's production ls being c:bai.red by Pamela Nestancle, a fabulous d gn- er in her own nght and wife · of the pollt1cally prominent Bruce Nest.ande. Nestande reports, "The show is prov· lng to be one of the prenuer antique shows Lil Calllornia, and this year wW attract more than 50 dealers featur· ing antique furniture, silver and china.• Lldo Isle resident and tugh-ranlung Paohc 1..Jle exerutJVe Bob Haskell dad the honors. helping to pass out the dwa.rds to the grate- luJ crowd. Nestande and her volun· teer committee are naming the show •Discover the Mag- ic • Their aim is to create a deadedly Amencan theme. mwng style and penod . blendJng the old wtth the new. Marilyn and Tom Sutton spent some time wtth BWy Mou at the Pad.He We community reception. Pad.He ute dJstrib- uted St.e mllUon ln grants to more than 170 nonproUt agendes ln Orange County. • • • Lorraine Hennessy, gor· geous fonner San Diego TV news anchor turned Wlfe, mother and super-volunteer, reports that the Lido lsle Women's Charitable Founda- bon will present the third dlUlual Newport Beach Spnng Anbques Show. set for Apnl 11 through Apnl 14 Tius year, the extravaganza will be set up on the Newport Beach Back Bay an the Newport Dunes Waterfront Pavilion. Hennessy, who IS workmg with the glamorous Unda Glann.ln.l. wife of longtune Newport aeacb yachtsman and entrepreneur Valerio ·our intent is to mfuse European fonnality with the elegant, witty sens1bllity of the 21st century,• ofter,. Hen· nessy. adding, ·The new salt> will allow the expansion of the lecture senes, as well as the launching of a new attraction being called "The Young Collectors Event ·• Ma1or support for t.h.t.s year's production as conung from Ambas ador to Spam George Argyros and h1 dynamic wife. Judie. Also supporting the cause lS the Whilber Th.tst Co .. Fashion Island, South Coa t Plau and the Urban Gardener For more information on the show. call Lornune Hen- ,.,,,,. ~ f-'d"4- AVILA. CHICKEN SOUP Fresh chicken broch. chunks of chicken brcas1. and rice. Garnished with avoado, cilantro and lime Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go nessy at (949) 723-~05 or Linda G1aruuru at (949) 675· t7•0. • • • Natalie Mandel of New- port Beach will be honored as the Anne Entin Woman Of The Year at the Women' Vo1res Lunchc><>n ponsored by the women' d1vt 1on of the Jewish Federabon of Orange County · The gala luncheon will unfold on Valenbn 's Day at the Hyatt Regency in lrvme. More them 500 women from throughout Ordnge County will tum out to honor Man- del and to bear gu t peak- er Deborah Upstadt. prore . sor of modetn Jew1sb and Holocaust studies at Emory Universtty in Atlanta Upstadt has been embrolled 1n controversy with Holocaust deruer David lrvtng. recently winning a landmark libel trial ln Lon- don again t rum. Appropri· ately, her toplc will be ·Denying the Holocadl&.: Prospecbves From a Bntlsh Courtroom.· The Valentine's luncheon lS belng cha.ired by Newport Beach residents Joell Green- baum and Jacquee Upson. For more information, call (714) 755-5555, Ext. 222. • • • The 'cetebnty roster ts growing for the tnbute to the ~ & Architectural Elements from China 't:: ~ ~ Saturday & Sunday Feb. 9 & 10 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A'°piciou 0.U. I .& dw~. 6 70 W. t 71.h St., Cotta M .. bct-n p<nor ud l'ofDofta. Tum ac ,,,. ,..,, '°' 670 w. 17d\ Sc., p co the nm Pftd bump and "'"' I.ft bdtlnd dw ~ftJ ttam. 'Wltehou .. u BWa. Ci Mc J, Look (o, dw ·.u.· R-. , Qudty furnislllngs for your llom~ Cottage • Shabby Chic • Traditional Styles Designer fabrics & Accessories ( Feature Of The Week I 0% OFF All Dining Table & Chair Set Noc vaJid on gJc items. Mu 1 mention Ml ror di ~ounc. 369 E. 17th Street, Co ta Mesa, Localed behind Plum· hrio Phone(949)764-1746 Houri 1()..5 Ma.SM. S. ICM late actor and former New- port Beach homeowner Rock Hudson, ben fltlng AIDS Servic Foundation Lil Orange County. On Saturday, organizers Allison Cato, Stuart Byer and a dedicated volunteer committee will produce ·Art for AIDS -A Tnbule to Rock Hudson· tat the Laguna Art Museum. On the guest l1Sl are Merv Grlffln, Penny Manball. Elizabeth Taylor, MJcbHI JKkson and Sarah Ferguson. Duchess of York. Cato reports that there lS'a very large Newport-Mesa wing of upport for the a.flair. which will feature a celebrity silent auctlon with donated memorabilia from a list of W11acvcr you're tars that would make the Oscars nervous. Some of the donors 111clude Dustin Hoft- man, Cbet. Lauren Bacall, Warren Beatty, Halle Barry, Sharon Stone and Bette MJdler. An art auction will feature works from Billy Al Bengtiton, Don Bacbardy and oth r celebrated artists Before the ev nt. a celebnty dJ.nner will be thrown. with ticke~ selling at $2,500 per place and up Adnussion to the museum fund-raiser lS et at $125 per person. wtuch also lllclud dinner. Pl ase call (949) 809-5700 for la t· rrunute fl servations. drilin! llCl wHrevtr you're bol1d ... ,/ Drive ·--~ly ./ Lock yo&# car doorl For o brochvr• on ovto JOl.ty, ,.. me, your State Form OQ9nl. Steven Hill, A .. nt Lie.• ocaoe 18 350 Eut 17th Stl'Ht Suite 211 Costa Mesa.CA 949...fS.4&.9383 nan •aa• A •••••• ., •• <••'""' SOLID OAK MISSION.mu ~=-'.:... • DATEBOOK Thundoy. February 1. 2002 A 11 ·Brio may have the right stuff for the long run DllllllG REViEW '" _. Corona d l Mar occu-B rio Tuscany Gnll m • WHAT: Brio Tuscany Grille r I I I ' • I pi a location that has l\iltoncally had dJ.1ficulty supporting a su ful restaurant. Visibility lS not ct probl m as the restawant fronts busy East Coast Hlgh- way, but acces lS tncky and there LS llttle t.reet porlung N w owner Enzo Scog- ~llo is hopmg thc.1t a combmauon or soph1l.t1rctted decor and qudllty Jtcil1c.1n c-W- 5\lle 1S th winning Uck(•t ...And h Just rrught be nght Bno Is an atlrctctJV(• restawant both mside ctnd out. Lerge gla windows front the i.trcet nnd provtde passersby wtth a vtew to ct bar and duung area u uaUy crowded with weU-h led patrons anunatedly en1oymy c.1 cock tatl or glass of wine It's hard not to want to saunter tn and }om the pctrty lnslde, Brio is ctU mod<>m due. Recessed Lighting rn the ceiling creates a wann t1mb1- ence. while ptn .,pole; punc tu- llte the duung arec.1, c.1ddtnq dCCt'nts to the white llm•n covenng the ldble. ctnd to tiw hardwood furru tung., Mu- rors run d.lonq one wcill ol tht> duung room. n cttlng depth, c10d a plush brocc.1de '><>ht run., along thP !Mlme wall frontPd by tables for two or mon• Other n>StdurdJlts in thl' locdbon, such tlS TlrdJTU.'>U wtuch Bno replitced. hid thl' bdr doWffitau"S Scogn<tm1qllu hds WIScly moved It to ttw main le\el. cnxttlnq d mow rosmopolitdn le<'I Betund thl· bdr, John Snyder. d.lrno!.t •t relebnty tn CoroM cll>I ~lc11 nux cold ma.rtlnb c>XJl('rth lor his loyal custom<•r. llw cir IWn stau'S room hd!t lx>l>n ron11Prt('(I to a wme relldr dll(I cht•I-. table. perfect for ct c;nldll pmttlt• J>t\rty or busm<".'i rwnt The layout. wtul~ Vt'>udll~ dppeahng, doe<. hdvt• 1b c1rn'' - bdck.s. Stone till' floor. low ceiling dJld plPnty ol qld.,~ aren t exactly c.1bsorbtont when 1t com to sound and tht• din on a busy ev mng ~ only c1 I w deabels bt•lo~ IO\\ mar Not th tx!st r hmce for d qwet, romanbc everung, but ll you b.ke an exciting atm~pht•re it's usually not d prohlt~m I've dined ut Bno '>t•\eral tunes Stnce 11 opened t.1 few weeks ago Nonnclll}' I q1ve d ~t>w pl&Cf' a month or so lo work out the kinks, and I've been urpnscd at th level ol Mee at Bno. Sure there 1tre glitches here and there, but th y're mostly minor, and cons1denng the crowds on the weekends. the staff is i.urpru.rngly att ntive and the kltch n responsive without bemg rushed.· Bno bills Itself a.s a Tuscan grill with a menu that h.igh· lights teaks gnlled over an open-fldllle mesqwte hre and other peoalti borrowed from regional Italian C\llSUle. Chef Nmo Chenco has an eye for presentation, and dish- es such clS the portabello mushroom clppeb2er ($8.95) dro c1.S V\SUally a ppea.ling as they ar 11.dvorful Large mush- room cap.c; ct.re layered wttb !.teamed spl1lilch, sliced Roma tomato dlld crumbly Gor- cyonzoki (the wonderful Italian blue che<~). and brushed with a drv.zlP of red wme reduction. 1Wo dtfferent type of Cdfl>dC uo Me offered, one reatunnq thtn sllces of pmk- hu<>d rdw beef ($9.95) gar- m-.hNt WJth a mound of c-n'>p\ green arugufo '>hdv- mg!> of i.hclip Pttnrug1ano, lt>mOn JWCe dOd d runt Of tru1fl<>·scentc~ oltve ol.I The other r(•plac~ the bef>f WJth papN-thm stop-. of moked ~lmon I q 95J laced Wlth a pung<>nt rOcJ~led garlic pei.to dres.-,mq <\ft.-r d tc•w h1tes of dny dt!.h dt Bno 1t\ obv1ous thdl < ·hN1< o hd~ th<> ltahdn chefs """"e ol baldnce when 1t comt.., to sauc-• c.1nd dress- ing-; Sdlad'i '>Uch as the Cae- '>dr 1So 451 hdve only enough dre'i.,ID<l to bnng out the fla- \Or ol the en p romc.1mt• dnd < routon., \vtthout drowmng th.-d1'>h or overpowenng the pctldtl' wllh garltc Th(• 'idme cctn bt• i.dld for a pear alad 1$8 251 tlldt mdme cdrctmt!hzed Bose peclr. w1th c.1ruqulc.1, walnuts and blue c-hC'ei.P. all tos ed With d rPfrPShmg lemon vtna1gr<>tte Th«' same restraint ls used on the rcstawdf'lt's pasta chsh- es. whld1 tn my optruon upsldg the rest of the menu Penne donatclla {$14 95) starts off sunple enough. PE>nne pas- ta is tO'iSed with thUl lJ of • WHEM 2325 E Coast Highway, C<><Ot'la del Mar • WHEN· S to 10 pm Sunday through Thur\- day, 5 to 11 p m. Friday and S.turday 8tJo will open for lunch 1n m1d- February • HOW.MUCH Moder- at•ly expeM•ve l ·S444 I •PHONE (949) 67~ telling me thctt th• port I ordered II ~undPr,11)(.icl thf! yPcUI Web $44 pt•r q ld before pounnq 11 dllll llnng- mg 1t to th1• 1,1bli• STM MCCIW"lr I OMV Chef Nino Chlrlco, left. and proprietor Emo Scognamlgllo, right, have recenUy opened Brio niscany Grille on East Coast Highway ln Corona del Mar. Fuush 11 1111·dl tit Bno with thP 2UC'CcUtn tm u I •>.50), d !tpongf! C'ctk•· <lom1• filled Wlth cho<olull' d Od Vdn.illd CU!tlard. qldtPd 1th d warm chocolat,. 'aur . )r try the wonderful nnnt1mon gelato 1$7 50) < H•offi\ ltahan ICP credm s.>rvNI 1n :J en p filo dough "uow1· 'urrounded by wctnn twrm·., gnOed ctucken. mushrooms and sun dned tomato, los9ed ma tomato sauce Uuckened With a touch of er~ A dol- lop of i.ummer-qreen ~to hn- ishes the plate What I llke h.ere tS that the dlsh d()(>Sn't wun Ul the !>duce. ctnd therl:.' c. JUSt the nght dmount of ch.tcken to garnish the pttStd without berorrung the O\d.Ul mgredlent. Gnocrhl 1$14 ll5J. offered dS a !tpeC'ldl recently ell~ made cl lasung 1mpre~ 100 Gnoccht ctrc dtfhcull to pre- pare m a rE>SlclUrdnt ~ ttmg, too often endmq like ht>dV) lead pellet~ Here the soft potato clumplmg were ltght dnd c.11ry dre'> ed simply with d saute ol chopped tomclt<X"'. obve 1)1) dnd fr<'sh herbs. enhanc-ed with thin c;tnp-; of t~nder hlet m1qnon If these were ctdded to the pennd- nent menu I'd probably be at Bno -.even days a week lUscdtl cwsme ts known for its gnlled mNts, and Chenco offers a selectJon of prun ctged teaks cookt>d on the mcsqwte gnll. rncludlng d mouth-watenng bisteccct horenbnd ($32 95). d bone-tn porterhouse gnlled Wlth a touch of rosemary and obve oil. cllmost big enough for two Th ftlet rrugnbn, offered in both eight-ounce and 12- ouncc portions ( 21 q5 and $23.95), lS a good qucilit)' cut served with d tangy wme dncl bdlsdnuc reducuon. If you u· here with fnends and want t1 steak it's not cl bad cho1cP. but there are plenty of good steakhouses Ill town t1 that"<, ·what you're really alter 1 alwdys Judge a good ltdl· 1an restaurant by the veal dtShes, and I wasn't c.hsdp- pomted Wlth the vedl sC"alop- ptne with pornm mushroom~ ($24 qs1 The thmlv 'iltc<'d veal was fork tender" dnd th+> nch brown duce hdd the earthy fragrant appeal of ltcily''> most pnzed mush- room I only WI h the chef had u~ the !MllDe JUdaaou., touch WJth the '><tuce on tht!t dish d!o he doe!> on hJs pasta'> Bno·s wme list offers d decent cros -Secilon of benPr- known Ca.Wonua and ltd.llan winC'i You won't find an\'· Uunq too offbcdt on thto Lbt, di lec.1'>t not untll the}' hd\'e sonw tunf' to bwld up theu < elldl Ir vou wctnt to bnng a bottle from home the corkocw will wt you back $15 The restdurant ctbo hd., d good selection of pon., liquor. ctnd qrdppct tu PDJO} with ctn after-dJnnE:>r Pi.pres- !><> \I~ wd.lter on d n-<"Pnt V'IS1t \Ian, qets potnt' for Enzo ~ IKllldTTUQliO ~ms to have got11·n 11 nght Wlth Bno The dtll'nli\P !tlcdf good lood, o;ophJ,ll<dlf-'Ci dtmOS- pherc ctnd b\ "" < rowds md)(e ctn ctppPuhng comblnc.1 - tton Somt.> w11n 1 like the no!M' on bu.,\ mqhts, but weekrughts ctrt• qu11•ter, dnd ffidn}' will find thl• l>W.tllny dtmosphere i•nt-rqu..lllg • S1D'HIN SAHTACROCE'S rest~ rMlt rr.iiews •~ar ftv.<y otM< ~ ~him your tomnwnu at sdwnt.OOC-d.nmg com SURFBOARDS j3°/o0FF STOREWIDE SALE! FrtruarY 8th-11th Jl40 ECOAST HIC HWAY C O M q4q'20·0SJJ . ~8~SI MAh'CUt:.RITt:.f'K WY M ISSION -v' 't.10 4.1'f l~·1.2bt>'..> The Premier Steak & Seafood House You can safely lose 10 pounds in as little as 2 day or be a dre sla smaJJer Jn just 10 days! UIEM!llllm•MElm9fMSllS 1; .,... ?I 111 mun , ... SPB:1M. Only $54.60(a ..,l3UXl~) Seafood • SworclfUh •Salmon • HUibut , .............. cnw~s..w• ·~ IAINcuTail •A.b&loM • StoaC Crab a.. ·~KJ .. Cr.a. a.. • cnltU.. ·~ W.UC.nlt .... , •• h .... .... ., SAMPLC CLlNT ttSfORY• WDliMT 136 A 12 Thundery. Febn.ory 7, 2002 Doily Pilot 'Count of Monte Cristo' swashbuckles; 'Birthday Girl' gets wi,ld Adventures in the rt~v nge business .,,, Count ol Monte C'nsto" couJd and shouJd be u tcrrllac swn hbuckJ r of JOAI ANDRE momentous proportion . It has ttU thP f'h•ments to mok it u mal dazzler but falls 'ihort of U1e llne. The Cdst 1s rnmJX>tent, llw SC't>nery t'i magmh· cl'nt, and the plot follows the ongmal story .ic; wcU as dny othc>r version of thl' Alex..indr€' Duma'i d t1\,I( Edmund Uuntes (Jdm<' ( '..ivll'Ll•I) LS c;hown to be d ~Jll(J<J·h(•drtt.>d seaman who w11l i.t1< k to hts standards • md do tlw nqht thing I le 1 1><11nh•d to be nruve, even to tlw pomt of belng gullele s an the fdc c> of lr<>achery. This i., how lw C'dmP to be on Elba m thf• first place. At this pomt, you wondPr if at l'i rw< t•!-1\ary to pa ant Oantf>s as quatP c;o gttllible IOW PLAYING Fc•mand MondPQo (Guy l'<>c1r< P) 1<; 'ihown to bed drunken lout Wlth very few l>CniplP'i and no loyaJty to .111yone but him If. He 1s the son of a rount and feels SUJ><'nor, d spite the fact that lw has nPvt'r worked for dnylhmg m hts We The e two have grown up together dncl Mondego. recognwng Dantes to be the better man. hc1c; always been Jealous of IJ.rntes' "good luck.· He evPn covets Dantes' hancee. Mercedes (Dagmara Dom- mczykl. Devon Sawa. left, and James King star ln ·slacken." a comedy about a group of guys scammJng their way through college who get busted by an ambitious nerd (Jason Schwartzman). To get out of their predJcU'lent. the guys (Sawa, Jason Segel and Michael C. Maronna) must belp the nerd (Schwartzman) get the girl (King). "Slacken" b rated R for strong language, seIU&1 content and brief drug use. When DontPci is appomt- <•cl captam of his own shtp, Mondego can no longer stand 1t and betrays htm Dantes langwshes m pnson for five years before he lS nustakerlly dt coveted by Abbe Faria (Richard Hams). who spent 11 years dtggmg hts escape tunnel Into Dante's cell instead of out· side where he intended. Dante agrees to help Abbe RosEY's AUIOBODY --· You have the right to choose your repa_ir facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY • ,,. ... ...-.-..-. -~ .J__ ___ - dig a new tunnel If Abbe will teach htm everything he knows. Hams lS hts usuaJ. excellent sell. When the tunnel collaps· e • lulling Abbe, the guards leave to fetch a body bag. At this point. Dantes fmds the map to a treasure o great that he can make a new We. Dantes then take Abbe's place m the body bag and 1s . rrustakenly thrown oft the chff to freedom He JO•rts a bunch of mugglers Clnd pirates and so e11gage<> a loyal manservant By the way. Luis Guzman lS hts IO)'· al friend, Jacobo. and doc d splendJd JOb. It is at thts pomt thdt things could pack up Odnh•s ·HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? i' RO LEX \ . .. ,. . ,.., Mil~ /If•,,., ... ,.,,. ,...,J.IJM -·----Jool9!-·....--_.,._ ............. -. bec-ome Monte Cnsto and plots to dt>5.troy each or lus enem1{>c; m the same way-he w.is tortur<>d There was a dPdflh in the detatls to dveng hunself upon hts encrrue • and I think this is wtwre au the feeltng and involvement shouJd have t onw in It I certamly where dlJ the flaml>oytlnce dnd col- or 1s Oantes' relattonstup with M ret•des and her son Wds mm11mz<'d, d was the de trucllon of tus enerrues. The en<.bnq wa a great dlS· ctppOLntment. but Wllh a book th1 1ze the problem bM a.Jway been whether to try to extrclct the e ence or to u JU t a llart of the to- ry. Thj will probably always be C'Xtcmt With aU future attr.mpt' to illustrate thts story Sttll, thrre are those or us who hkr d good adventure yam. tind th1 fall m the rank om whert> close lo th top. •Thr Count of Monte Cristo• '' rated PG-13 for ad\ <>nttirt> violence and .'lWordplay. and some scnsu· allty. • JOAN ANOM. ·~ 6S," is a Ncwpof't ~..ch resident who does • lot of voluntHf wol'1t .So many s urprises for th ·sirthday Girl' • 8uthday Gui• lS the ere- C1wll c;.-.. .... ntrti..' 1" n, ... -....o.c...-.•c....... ~ .......... -------- Q~! , ..... , ......... . tl .... ....... •""r ........... •• 4"£"•1 ... . ...... .. , ,_ ..................... ---0\l\t• ........... MW JUlll flllNIR abon of th Butterworth brothers, wbo might well be consid- ered Britain's answer lo the Coen broth- ers. Jez and Tom Butter- worth wrote the hlm. which Je2 di.reeled and brother Steve produced. \ As th film opens. we meet our hero. John Buck - ingham, played by Ben Chaplin John lS a pl asant. quiet, t.u:nld young man who pends long bonng hours as a bank teller m a mall Bntish town He ms lo have no sooaJ bfe at all For recreation, h runs and mdulges bts fondn for ex magaZlll . In hort, he lead . a life of qwet d peratton. The next thtng we know . John' de peratton ha dn- ven hlm lo take a donng step. He makes a video application for a mail-order bnde from Russia. In his tape. he insists that his future bnde must peak Engh h. He wants omeone he can talk to Enter Nicole Kidman d S Nadia From the hrst tune we see her aero the airport waltmg room. we know he's trouble She certainly looks more hke a hooker than a weet, blushmg bnde And d John soon du;. covers. ·ye • 1 her only word of Engb h The amaz· mg Nicole Ktdman pea~ vutually ull of her bne m Rus 1tin When h~ efforts to tedch Ndd1a Engh h produce no result , he cons1d rs ending her back to Ru 1a Fortu· nately -or unfortunately - Nadia d1 covers John's stash of •glrbe" magazines. She mdy not be able to read Engh h. but he certalnly understand the pictures John declde he may ju t be the g11I of hts dream dftN all He dOCld to pre- pare a special bu1.hday <hn· ner for NadJd to show h r he' wtlhng to-give thetr relatJonsh1p a chance The events up to Uus point have Just been ct et up for the la t at"t. The birth· dciy dtnner LS udderlly mtenupted by the amval of Nadta's cousin Yun (Math· 1eu Ka ovitz) and hts pal Alexei (Vincent Ca I), who are looking for a place to lcly From tht moment on, John's life pins way out of control. and we th audience go dlong for a very wUd nd To y more wouJd poll the fun Ju t lm QlJl that you bought a ticket for a pl ant nd on a g nUe merry- go-round and uddenly round yourself on a killer roller coaster' .. Birthday Girr ' rated R for sexuality and language. 'Fortinbras ' a misguided mish~h 'at ua TlllTll llYIEW FYI 11r-...ntu. T wo bunu.ng qu bons sur- round the productlon of "Fort: tnbras Gets Drunk• at UC Iriine's Studio Th ter: Whatever pcme•ed playwnght Janun Glowacki to create such nightm.ansh twaddle, and what on earth motivat- ed the university's drama depart- ment to folst it on UCl audiences? Writing plays based on nunor characters from Shakespeare's •Hamler certamly lSll't an ongmal idea; Tom Stoppard perfected the art decades ago with ·Rosencrantz and Gulldenstem are Dead.· Whal Glowacki has accomphshed with thts fringe player from the last scene of "Hamlet" borders on the grotesque. "Fortinbras Gets Drunk" is dbsur- d.ist farce carried to the pomt of no return in dtrector Scott Werve' ambitious but fatally flawed inter· pretation. Werve places the acllon m a half-dozen different stagmg Mea .. on all Sldes of the audJence, with several scenes unlold.Ulg unuJtane· ously. It's up to the playgoer to determine the area or focus Werve also attempts to employ an interactive stagmg device -button are placed on rails throughout the audience, and playgoers are encour- ages to press their buttons to alter the course of the story. Judgmg by what transptres onstage. the e but- tons are being pushed constantly The only button thts how really pushes is the audlence's level of toler- ation. A good share of the playgoers escaped at mtel'11USSlOn. with most of the rest probably W1Slung the~ dared do the same, but hgunng •ttus has to get better.· No. not necessanly Desptte all the hd.lluonogeruc non- sense all around tum. Glenn l<dhson manages to forge a nughty perfor- mance as the bppl.ing title character. the pnnce ot Norway who as ~n lo succeed Claucbus on Denmdrk's throne -1.f malevolent forces don't eliminate tum brst. When It Cc11T\e LO carnage, the bloodthlrsty Odn~ appar· ently had oothmg on the Norwegldl\S Amanda Schmieder ravenously •WHAT: •fortinbtas Gets Drunk• • WIW: UC Irvine Studio ThHtef. ua aimpus. comer of ClmpuJ and University driYts • WMIN: Ooslng performances 8 p.m. today and Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Satur~ •COIT: S9 • CALL: (949) 82'-2787 attacks her evil, scheming c:baracter known as Eight Eyes, although we're well into the play before we rea.l1Ze who, an fact. she is. Andree Troilo as dellaously effecbve as Dag- ny Borg. a Norwegian seductress, and Jeff Takacs registers a high· voltage performance as Stemborg, scowge of Norway's crafty plotters. A few characters frQm "Hamlet• make waves m •Fortinbras.• The Darush pnnce tumselt. powder Oymg off tu.swig, is·given a robust. smewy portrayal by Nathan LL Makaryk., Jeff Farkash is a devious Polonius. and Mi.It Td.rver does strong double duty as the ghosts of both Hamlet's and Fortlllbras' fathers. The most creabve element of the show is Samantha White's costum- tng -a melange of kitchen utensils and souveru.rs from the garbage bin. Fortinbras' annor consists ol bun· dreds of beer bottle caps. while the klng of Norway is represented by an overflowmg trash can and Finland's ruler by a sculpture of playing cards. Followmg the show's model of eniorced unconvenbonahty, black- clad tagehands emerge frequently to funush reqwred props or costume change There's even a huge stuffed moose on hand, watclung to1cally over the proceedmgs - unUl the second act. when he wtsely turns tu.s back on the actJon See •Fortinbrcu Gets Drunk" at the nsk to your own mental health Had Shake peare w1tne sed what Glowadu hdS done with the charac· ters he created. 1t most likely would have dnven hun to dnnk. • TOM mus r~~ local thuter f°' the D~nly Piiot His rr.1iews ~., ~ MldS.tur~ Just in time for Valentines!· DA'IEBOOK .... HOUIS SHCW OtlCHIO FEST South Coast Plllu will host its annual Faso.nation of Orchids lntematlonaJ Show and Sale today through Sunday at the Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing. 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . today and Fnday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. and 11 a m to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free adrrus- s1on. (714) 9M-3265. ACROIATIC FEATS The Peklng Acrobats will per- form at 8 p.m. Fnday at Orange Coast College's Robert B Moore Theatre. 2701 F111V1ew Road Costa Mesa. The troupe consists of 26 ol China's most glfted tum- blers, contortlorusts. jugglers. cycllsts. gymnasts and mus1- oans Sl4-S27 (714) 432-5880 'TAROT ANO LOVE' Borders Books. Mus1c & Cale will host a free seminar titled ·nie Tclrot and Love• at I p.m Saturday at 3333 Bear St . Costa Mesa. (714) 279·8933 HOT YACHTS • The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will present Gary Mlltl· more' •Hot Yachts. Oceen Racers from Topsails to Turbos" exhibit of 25 ongmal yacht painbngs - with photographs and models - through March 15 at 151 E Coast Hlgbway m Newport Beach The museum is open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday Free (949) 675-8915 MUSIC HAWAJIAN SPIRIT "Mele Hula." cl celebration of Hawailan song and spant. will take the tage at 5 and 8·30 pm Saturday at the lrvme Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Dnve. IJ'VUle $24-$29 (949) SS.t -4646 BEATING OUT RHYTHM SamulNon. a mUSJCal pen:ussx>n ~!ft arm.pc...., Al S.. ~.The JJ1a11111-•. .. n-ndoy, Febniory 1, 2002 A13 'FUllY LADIES' ....,~ .. . . -The women behlDct 10me of the TWiid t diaracters ln' the comlc:I wW talk about their .. tripping• at 1 p.m. today du.rtng •funny Ladies: Women Who Write the Com.k;.I• ID tbe,Newport Beach Central Ubrary's Friends Meeting Room. Tbe program will feature a lre.- screenlng of • ...._mlnule documentary about omf' o f America's most popular women cartoonists. The llbraf) ls at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. (949) 717-3801. quartet from Korea. will perfonn at 7 p.m. Swlday al the llVllle Bar- clay Theatre. 4242 Campus Dnve. lrvme $25-$32. (949) 854-4646 'VIVA LA FRANa• The Harmoma Baroque Pla\''el'S wtll present "Viva La France.· d concert featuring pieces by such composers as Francois Coupenn and Pierre Peno at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Chwm. 199 0over Drive. Newport Beach. $12 or $10. (714) 970-8545 VALENTINE'S TUNES The UC lMne Chamber Slllgers will perform a Valentine's concert at 8 p.m Feb. 14 at Wuutred Snuth Hall. The campus LS at the Ulter· sectlon or Campus and Uruver..1ty dnves $10 (949) 824 -2787 PERFECT HARMONY The Masters of Harmony will present a concert of a cappella music at 8 p.m Feb 16 at Orange Coast College's Robert B Moore Theatre. 2701 FatMew Road. Costa Me a $23-$29 (714) 432-5880 MUSIC AT THE ANNEX Mustcal acts perform at 5 p m Sundays at the Plerce Street Annex, 330 17th St . Co ta MUSIC AT THE GRILL llw Blucv.c11t·• < 11 offers li\le mw.K on f-ndu\ ti Sdlurddy rughts Gn'<J \lor<Jr ~1ck P••per d.Od KPU\' < 1urrl11 fknown d5 \IPG1 will J>0·r!11n11 l.i s1< roc.k, R&B dnd S\\ 111<1 rtl H w pm. Fn· dd~s ~1drvu1 (,r·'<..I• ry tmd MPG will ~rtom1 < l<t,>11 rock v.mg cl.nd R&B dt tt lo p Scsturday .. Fret.> a~wm •i, .i 4 ~5-4ffi.J WEEKEND BLUES Anthony·~ RJ\ Prh• 11 Rl' tdurdllt LO 1'ewport R<•c1< n "'all pri><>ent Th • Balbod Blue•' cm rnda\' a.nd Saturday ~"·mn<1' dr•d Sunday dJlemoon., Thi• pro tram wall fedtUrP J•lll dnd ( ld'""IC rock tun1;· tor dm1n11 r1nci ddnC'lng Anlhom·., 1s r11 IS t C: Coast H1qh,,,;, 1<+441 1t7 i -i425 POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tdlt' '> d tunk roe k dnd ~ 1otu" n dC'I pertom1~ dl Y p m ">dturdd~ dl C' unnelo., Rl!>lor<lntf' J52U E C'OdSl I hqh\\d\ Corond ch~I ~ldr Solo qwtan!>I Kt n "><Jnder' (lt'r· forms dd''>1r,JI fldmt·nc-o tun••' dl 7 10 p m Tu('.,d<n' dnd Sun· ddY' Fr<•P 1<+4Q1 075-IY'.:!2 SEE HOURS PAGE A16 ' ~ ftalalial f fl I r$1G Whicfl 0 1 t I 01 Aftcl 5 11• • .__,,_ ... · E · V · E · N · Sister~s l cLl 1 ti11 Tr at , Our Entire Valentine Collection CHARLES H. BARR .. Tak~ a Romantic Homblo.wr Va~ntlM's OtJt_ Crul l'hunday, ~ 14 fl Fndily, r..t> l.S, 2002 r1trH /to4lt CllMW' ~ 1«1 <Of'/Wf tll'Ofnwnf lncildts o ~aty glosJ ol r~. four-courw wotftl mro(. donang and tlw l1ICISI '°'"°"'"""""" ~ l'hunday-lcMiicftlig 7·00 p.m. Cruulng 7:30-10-30 p,m Frld.-y &o.rdtng 1 }0 pm Crut11119 1.00-11 00 pm I 9.S ptN p.tJOfl. includt'I IOJI Ii 9t0tlllty ~JOtlJ kqullfd. Corona de! Mar P1aza 932 Avocado St nAn ~,..n 1 n Expect professlONI shoe fitting serw:. 1n the brand you trust We gulnntet to NIW your shoe atn: 2A to6E come to the new balance SALE TERTOWI -FREE \ llETllY T R~G Am,.1ltya1 I. tlte Blnluto1t#' for l'ehruory. c,,,_ in lo Eftler. DmKht/f Tli11n. Ft1bnu1ry 14, •ltOOP"'. No Pun-ltttH Nu,uory. + Expf"rf }rK!~lry Repair + Ctu1om Dl'1ilf'l.i• I + Lartfe ele('don of 1Ao111 DilJlfltmd. • 141( I: 181( Cold }f'fNlry + Pearla &: Cem1tone1 SUN>r &: Co1tum1 }l'tl!f'Wy + NVJrorllti Cry1tal Cl/t. • wmoloP,t• + A.ppmuerw + Watd14'1 &: Wot('/a R~palr Wine Cabinet or Kitchen Island Buffet Wine Cobinet ho• locking glon door, room for 30 botttet ond o drowet' for Po!'ogel • His & HerS Lingerie • Bochelorette_ Party Supplies • Books, Games, Novelties • Best Selection of Toys • Videos From $5.95 • ovb Sole $9.95 Houn; Men-Thur 10-9 • Fri-Sat 1(}10 • Sun 11-6 Re ·b·e·I Seven • Blue Dot • Diesel •Trina Turk • Riley • Blue Marlin (949) 6f0· 7300 FculUon llland • N~ Btac" (310) 4f51·3699 SanmMonka Choice cf RM'k o(l.amb Fitw.t Mipon Dm·k with<;~ Salmon in Pull' Putry Dessert . 3325 '''"'pan Bltd. \f.upott &um (949) 675-69<)() (~~G) RE S TA U RANT '.L'rtscnlS the 1Jnlrnti11r's 'I>ny S 1 v t." et I 1 et J r I ~ ... f, cc i a I I •Ii ~nt u-.11 mn1v • oup or Salad • 1Wo Gourmet Entree• • peclal Deuerc JnJ " 'I"',.,/ ,,..,,,,, •'/ \ 185.00 per couple l'IUJ IJ \ .mJ \'fJ1111I) • Rr~11/<1T mnm "'"' .i1•111/11blr C nil 7 oday for ::Resenmtions .L•"''"'' \( •*'f""I' ~·" ~ "'' "'""" 9 4 9-(> 7 5-2..) 7 3 Newport-Landing.com L I! A T H I! R \fVnJlu1ffff. llf OlllOM Jwlflib.Jp 111 fN ji11nt 1h11J /1J!1Jn /Ni,..,, "" rur·JrllU, ,,.,., Ml¥1AJ ""1 .;H rr nr;rnnr" Currrm rollrctton of kuius ILathrr "~'" "" on salr nout Ma.dt fro m -·~: finm lambs/rm 1wi11/ahlr. IL~ Jrr proud to offer ont of Francd ltadmi ILathtr Jmptr. Thtrr u no bt1ttr qW1/11y. llfl)Whtrr.1 · \, \ d t (. i 1 l " ) 1 ' ' ./ [ • 1 .. l 1 1 f f r')t · ) 1(d\ \It 1~, LC.df \ ."I •4 ,'; Lil Coro1UI till MB P!ArA 944 Ar>0c"'1o Aw. •Newport &11eb 949-721-0113 Macy & Company Flne Hand Crafted Furnirure Available ar AB 0 DE F I NE FURNI S HI NG 240 Nc-'J'Oft Unller ~ •100 Ntwpon Beach •-California "'9.?11.9S1S Thurtdoy, FetiNory 7, 2002 ~)5 ,. D-. 0 ........ ' ., NICK'S 9' RISTORANTE "'c E fl PIZZERIA MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY "\\ ') l I . '1._,) I! \Vd. (' 11 ,, r 1 - . Our mmu will offer sekctions like: • Delicious Juicy Steaks • Tender Veal • Lobster . • Tasty Shrimp Dishes • Fresh Homemade Pasta • Grilled Fish Monday ~~.,.!40· 0"' 9 J::cr. ~.o<loy Sc· oo ,. ~ ... : 3~'0'"' Valentine For Two! lJ•uruln Nh J-1tl Di11tur PM,,. for r,,,. iw/IU!w I U Bonu of Kor-HI Br111 I ' f I Baby-Mi.x Lettuce Salad I r ~,,, t, ~ •J t. < .1 .. "'d 1.,/,,,., Roasted Com Soup ~ ( .1-.116'1 ,,. ( ... 1 i ,., ' Pttite FJcc Mipon .. v • .., .... ,. ... ,. I Wiil r., .. " ....,.,. .. r .. , m ~ hrftt/, '•fW'!f ,.,,,,,, . LobnuTail 11 o:. /.1 m l•tl •.-o \It""• \/ ltrN"' .\t .. Jtt.rt f1t.,,,,.,., wtt /Mbt < _..._ .. Rack of Lamb It ml 1 ... wih ( J.op ,,, \, ~ " .... ,..,. _,. s;.,,,,r..r \l.JW l't!Mt • I · Grn"111 &,,.,, Cbocolacc Cake Ft.Ji o .. ,,,,... ""'t.rzr ' ~ 69 ,_ /,9t/J,,~'lt, ..... Adam and Eve RO LEX BLO\N-OUT SAL got stm led o a Rib ... What coUld be more romantic? • . ~)6 ~F~7.2om • 1Jc4'1~ ~e~, C.... BOOT CAMP AT FASHION ISLAND W by W.lm'fl Doody • hen Susan Tobicssen. a longtime friend and tht> own r of Body Dl'Sign, Newport Beach's most ~pecteJ athletic and post-rehabilitation center, asked me to wnt of articl h1ghllghting the ins and o~ts of her gym, I h3d no .... .-r••t ow consent to do so would prove to be a foray into an th c umvt-n.e that wouJd end many weeks lak'r 1n a • .,~raa..>, m\ lo ng-.s\med self-e.h.>em a a jod.. havmg llndcrgrnw im•p.m1bll' damage Lakt.• ITWIQ ,, "it.'mM\.'hn.-d m.ile athlete, I h.lrbon.-d a ("{'rtatn ,\m~m .. amt disd.lin wht.>n at came to the ubit_'Cl of , wonwn I f1 t."-'· o r, mon.• "fX.'<"•ficaUv, when it came to Su!>.1n' 1.1, unit.• l 1 IMt ''o"~'" todav wero generally mon.> f1t than 1lw1r rnl"'*.'rpart--Tu dcmoru.tratt.> tht.> inaccuracy of her tht.'Ory, I '••luntt.,•n..J tu 1~1t uni\ write about Bodv Design, but to do '"-'> based on real c ~nence it Its -'·""l" .. 1 '(>rt ul "n-.•\f 1oum.1h .. m" of tht.> t>xcrcise wo rld I wo uld 1gn up for,, 't'ncs of cla , ... · .11rnpt.'lt.'." "" ' •re, with tht.• \.'\Omt.>n who populatl-d them. and tht.•n n.•tum to my gar- n·t h1 pn>t.IU(l' ,, h rJ\,-t.•\c '1t.•w ot d m.m', cJo.pericnre in a womt.·n·., "" m • r S u-..111 •"' 11 to humor nw. ~uggt...,ll>d tlMt Wl' 't.irt .,,<,wlv Shl' 11w1lixi rru.• to 1oin ii Pilates class 1•11 .1 I ndcw .tftl•moon, .1 p l,*'t that did little to lt.>mpt.•r mv confidt..'1Kl' P1l.1tt.., h.ld been rid- 111~ .Ill•'' t.•r-incn.•.1 .. 111~ w.w of populantv. L>Spt•ci.tllv .1mon~t women, -;uppo rt that I cynlcal- h d1.1lll'<.i up to wh.11 I -..1w lb 1b ~nllall~· "~irlbh" ch.u.icteru.tic: An 1.•wn:t"4.' program that I\'"'" i>I\ tht.' U'l' ''' .1 .,prm~ f\·,tem tu pro\'lde n."Sc.tanCt.'. Tht.' Ide.\ L' tJut 11 pnl\ 1d~ a.n alter- n.ll1' l' ''' wc1~ht tr.11nan~. l•nt.• th.ll anciva~~ fle>Jb11itv a.nJ '>lren~th, whill' pn.>\ l•ntin~ unnec· , ....... ,!\ bull .md mu .... k· rtw n.ltur.11 bmlt·tn qual1t\• o( the 'pnn~ .,, "tl'ffi'> m.tl..l• (,)r u"\O\.'.lSC.'d "-.1-.t.l1llt' "' rnw l•lmt..., do'l' to 1..omplehn~ ,1 n?JX'htlon \-Vt• did .1 It'\\ mmuti."' of ... tn.•tching, pl.I\ t.'\r with .1 nwJ1unt.• hall w1 tht.• tl.aiJr and then 'lu1d.I\ laual\:ht.>d mto tJw first l'Wrc1se, ,, 1,·~ pn..,,· tJ1.11 b\ tht• '4.'\ t.•nth n.>pt.•citaun h.id mv quaJ., '>hilkin~ un.,lt..•.1d1I\ That 1.•xt..>rcise >'I\ l ' \\,I\ 1n r,1r1d 'lllll"-'IOrl t\I ,\ .. Ccllfr,\~'." tflt>n ,) "i>ht1uldl'r pn.._., •• cllld \II) ,and Oil lWl'r a 'l'\'llllll~h int,•rman.thl,• lt.·n~th of how. B\• thl' ta~~ \H' ftnL'hl-<l wath .i -.t•t u'f lxltimm.tl C\l'r- ll'l" '"' tlw lh111r I l\>und m\·~·lf l'1'hil~ .md um\lllin~ tu ~l·I up ~u ... tn lwH•n.'<i o\l•r me hi.,•,, drill "''r)>:t.'.\lll .11 buot ..,·,lmp "'lou'n.o goan~ to ha\ t.' to ~t..·t up, \\.,1m·11 ... tw ...aid, "1 l"nc d1,·11i... 1..11111111~ 11\ II\ l' m111utl" ' I hftt.<d my:.eU gfn~t.>rh off tht.' m.tt · And b\ tlw "av.'' .. he •llllhl\Ul'\l I tu11l 1t l'•''' Ill\ \\>LI llld.iv. nw WOl.Jh!n Whll worl. uut With ITil' lwrt.• Jo tw1 t.• .ii. m.tn\ rt.··~·t 1111 in.. · I ... t.wl'\i clWcW rnun Body 0t ... 1~n IM. lht.• nc\t \\ l'l'" My mu!>Cles Wt.'n.' !>4.He ; ~l w''-' my pride. Tht> Pil.ltt.>-. wurkl1ut h.ld -.hown itself tu bl' far mo~ difficult than f 1d mi..t~llll.-d. I l.ud luw, nursed m\ "Clf b..1cl.. to health, and tht> folk"~ mg Fnd.t\, I ,h,~H>d up lnr a \\'l•1ght-1T.1intn~ .it.•nibie :.•on th.lt \ll~' ''' Su!>.m'., train- t.'r-. w,,., o~anizmg Tht.' .. ion did nt1t go "ell: th • ~jft from a -;pnn~ i.y tern to Ae" Eq lp nwnt .md ':itainn.l..,tl•r.. W<b the l'qUI\ .llt•nt of moving tum1tun.• •round a n K>lll \ll'\1", tht.• tram- l'r m ... h.tr};l'. b.lrkL.J ordt.•r--.1t mt> through11ut \\ h1le thA! other \\Uml•n luul..l>d on. \lm~>d "'T\.'\o mon'. '1\',\rn:n ... 1w \l'lk..J • !. 1 'truAAlt.'ll \\ ith ,, •o1:t ,11 h1Cl'P l llrl'I 'Hclrdl.'f Don't 1u ... 1 ~IH' up 'luu H' gnt to pu.,h through thl.' p.1an ·· I hl· p.lll' ",,., quKI.. 'o more th.ln a minute or <..c.l of "-"' bl•t\H"l·n t.'\t'ffl"'" We lift- l'li \H'a~ht .. h1r l11rh llH• mmuh."-ran on the treadmill for hH'llt\-, .1nd ltna.,ht.'lf \\1th twenty mun• m11tutl" 1•11 tlw .. 1.urm,1 ... h.•r \,\'hcn Wl' were do1w. I tool '' h.1t ''•l.' (* ~'\:umtng a I.uni h.lr pl.h. l' h •r nw ''" tht.• flo11r and rel,l\t..J Alc"" m.u\.ht..-d .,, er, tt~ nw .1 lo\\ l'I. and ... 11d. 'hna r,· awt d;1rw \l'I ll• ftm ... h. I w,1nt ,·ou to d1• unt..• hunJn.'ll anJ (;ft\ ... at-ups and ton1~ht no d 1111w1 lh now, ••I •IH•"4.'. I h.1d ,, bt.•ttt..•r iJc.i of wh.lt tht.• \\Olllt.'ll .1t lkldv IJ1....,1gn put tlwrru.clv thn•u>th rn1 ,, d.11h b.1 ... 1!> .mJ ,, grud~mg .tdmiration .1nd n"'pt.'<.t ""'' bt~innmg to creep into am P"' ''"' 1 lw WllOll'I\ hen.•"''°'"'' mtl·rt.~tt,'Ci an fi~, .md Wt.•n.• w1lhn~ tu Jo w h,1tt..•\ t.'r" Ill n•,1d1 ttw1r rt."pt'\:llH' go.11!>. Thi:. w a!t not ,, pla l' tor 1Jll· th1h:h.1t. It wa." a plact.' \\ l'1ght 11ll l\'<l"il' ''"-'"~th. 1mprovl' fle'1ba11ty; and e't.'l'Ct!>(' tlw1r tll'CUltlhln. .,, ~tt.•m ,\nJ \ d , .tll 111 tht.• '' llmt.•n I '>ptlkc with m.idl.' 1t cJ ptnnt to l'mph.l...,11e thc oru.• ch.ua th.ti t.11 .. 1111~u1'hl'll lkld\ l.A.~1~n Imm 1t' ma.nv compt.>tato,.., a "f.imah ·hl..l•· l'O\ 1nmm4..'nt fn."e ''' ttw '' •rnpt-t1tl\ t.'llt...,., ,and nl~lt"l t loumJ d~whA!~ •• 1nJ mw th.lt p ut., ttw l lll'nt tlnd her indi· '1du.ll 11,,,1, l,,,d, mto thl• hmt.'h>tht The l'.tlUp dl' ~rat.t> of m\ O.ll\l' da·baon to ta.le Bodv ~'W' lm 1t.. ti\\ n tl•nn, l.lfl\t.' a week l.1tt>r. 1-..10 "l>tnt"li mt.• up for a Recbol... Core Board cl Onguully dt....,1~1wd to aid an the rehabil1t.thon ol ath~t~. the cla. .ire now w.ed by people of all a •c-. and abah~'S to i.rtcrl' balanct•, 1mpn1H• t...tn.ho\ascular endurance, .md stnmg~n ttw bJominaJ n.~ion. 11w c ~ ~"'nJ 1t,...it '' .u1 .1d1u.,tablc b.llancc board that sits on t<lf> of '' ·t ,,( "P""~" <;um1undt'\I h\ ll•n worN..--n rangm~ an age from 41 to 66, and ll"ll by '>u m .at thte font of the mom I ""'" wh1.,kt.'tl throuW. " nuwty-minute wor'-.out con.,bun~ of ,, 'an ty of Janee tq>S un 111' m>t tlw wre board ltsc'lf; st !VS in,·ol\'ing weight!; and fin~ hmg with a •ri of floor C\t.•rc1M..., A 'ort of potpourri of the be.t features of Body OftoiKJl"' Cl\ re • optior , I tn.1ggk>d tn l...t •p up w 1th my "pa•rs." It was not i•:ii y. The . pron.J d1ffi uh. nl.We more~ by the f t th.lt t'\ crv time I Rot one down, we'd already~ qn tu anottwr '" ' • r t1 mJ oJ the workout. I "•mply g.an• up. a Cl ion that w rm'l with a colk>chn• whoop ' f tnumph. Uttrrly Jt'f kt.I, u...an rewarded me with• rt of *~mpt•r pn ram .. to put ~ ll\ WI\ iRJl c'pe~. t ry Ddk1w ~' t' me! • <lfle-~lur f Ml. pot;mtl ol her proi ion. Th follow~ b · • l'IOO-huur ma from li xt gc thcr.lp Aft r 'o~ •n1 nd t.i\anging. t fl\Jnt door. hop&nt' to ma~ my w•-. I rnuJd heat methin k' 1\lk'J;nt rat. Ci«uit dalt. h.ad me "giwd up ~a J.un c • then a dMe.. thin ~ w duittt'ttd '"' and on rout thi t, I w lMd ilowly out IM ao., Clc1WJ\ the wau~~ v 10 m~ car. anJ ~ tirt'd AnJ olJ, qu I Jl'O\tt ·~ • •• HOURS CONTINUED FROM A13 SAl\MDAY MGHT- Gereld lsblbuhi and tM Stcoe Bridge Bud play ~ and R&B at 9 p.m. Satwda)'I at Sutton .PS.ce Hoc.l's nt- anon f..9u.oge, 4500 MacArtbur Blvd.. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. SENIQt aNmt AlfaNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m . Fridays at OU1s Senior Center, 800 Mar-· guerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. 14. (949) 644-32-«. RAii 1'HE SOtOOI. FOR WIVES' South Coast · Repertory wW present Mollere's ·ne Sc.boot For Wives• through Sunday. Petformances will be held at 8 p.m. today through Friday, 2:30 and 8 p.m. Satur- day, and 2:30 and 7;30 p.m. Sunday. SCR IS ot 655 Town Center Dnve. S19-S52. (714) 108-5555. 'MAKING rr Joe Hortua's •Making U-wW play through Feb. 2.C at South Coast Repertory. Perlonnances will be held at 7:45 p.m . Tues- day through Sunday, with matinees at 2 p.m. Saturday and. Sunday. Set ln a trendy Manhattan restawant, the play reOects on money. power and the American dream. SCR Is at 655 Town Center Drive. $27-S.Sl. (714) 708-5555. CHANGED SHAKESP£ARE UC lrvine's Stage 2 wtlJ present Janusz Glowaclo's •Foftinbras Gets Drunk· today through Saturday. The c:omedy, wtucb para.llels and manipulates Shakespeare's •ttam.1et. • Wlll be staged at 8 p.m. on each day, Ylith a 2 p.m. matinee Sat- urday. Uct is at the comer of Campus and Umversity dnves ln lrvi.ne. $.9. (949) 824-4259. 'SOUND OF MUS.C' Trilogy Playhouse will pre- sent Rodgers and Hammer- stein's "The Sound of Mustc• Crom Friday through March 3 at 2930 Bristol St., Building C· 106. Co ta Mesa. Perfor- .... eel will be at 7:30 p.m. Prtday ud Saturday •• •ingl, Del 5 pJD. Setur· dar and Sunda)'I. S17 or St . (714) 957-3347, Ext. t . THFt"ll 1"1 'llS'r ~Maqpet will ltar through Sundey in the touring ievtva1 ol ·Tbe Belt Uttle Wbofe. ~ID,..... at tbe Orange C4uDty Performing Arts Cen- ts. 1be m•'*"1 tells the tale of Mill Mona'• Chicken Ranch brothel. • place in dan- ger ol doling when a puritan· 1cal 1V reporter dilcoven it. Performanc-wlD be held at 8 p.m. today through Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. S.twday, and 2 and 7:3Q p,m. Sunday. The Center ii at 600 1bwn Center Drive, Co.ta Mesa. $27.50- 56'.50. (714) 556-2787. 'METROPOUTAN Ofl£MS' •Metropolitan Operu, • a col· ledkxl ol sbcrt plays by Joseph Ptnawo, wiD be ltBg8d Satur- ~Feb. 17 at Orange Coat 's Ont.ma Lab Studio, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mela. The productioo. put on by OCC'I Repertory Theatre Ccmq>eny, is rec.unmended for mature audiences. Perfor- mana!ll will be at 8 p.ni. Sarur- day, and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. S6 m advance. S7 at the door. (714) 432-5640, Ext 1. JOSEPH AHO HIS COAT •Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dree.mcoat• will be presented Friday through Feb. 24 by the Newport Beach Theatre Company. Perlormances will be held 7:30 p.m. Friday and Satur- day and 2 p.m. Sunday at the Uncoln Multipurpole Room. 3103 Pacific View, Corona del Mar. $8-$10. (949) 759-1046. 'l018Y HERO' South Coast Repertory will present Kenneth Loneigan's ·Lobby ttero• frooy-Feb. 15 through March N on the Mainstage, 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. The come- dy lS about a night watchman who gets involved in a murder case. $27-$52. (714) 708-5555. Ill UFE. AICT & KARAOKE •t.ee Bui: Live Forever,· an J.DSlallation by K!3rean artist • Daffy Pilat IM Bui ~ ol video end three ..... boob. wUl be •hib'Md ~May 5 at the ONDge County ~ ol An. ~ SAil C1erMnte Od· w, Newport Beech. Mmeum boun ... 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. na.day tbrougb Sunday. ~ tar "~" fot ...... and studeoll. and tree b mem- ben and chlJdreo younger than 16. (~9) 7.'9-1122. HM1'MAN PHOTOS Pbotographl by n.cy Hart- man. taken in Jocatlont around the globe, will be on dilplay at Newport Beech Oty Hall through Feb. 28. 1be pubic ii tnvit8d to view the abilJjt from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Pdday. Newport Belch Oty HaD II at 3300 Newport Blvd. Free. (9'9) 717..3870. CRYSTAL COVE •Crystal Cove Photographs,• a coDection ol pbotograpbJc art by John Connell and Meriam Bruelle. will be OD display through Feb. 28 at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. (949) 717-3870. AUOtlNa DMAMS "The Dream ol the Audience.• a collection ot works by late artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. will be OD display through March 10 at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. at the C4mpus, comer ol. Uni- versity and Campus drives. Beall Center hours are noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sun- day and noon to 8 p.m. Thurs· day. Free. (949) 82.C-2787. COSTA MESA NCf ·Painters of Costa Mesa: a show by 10 Costa Mesa artists, will be on display through Man::h 15 at the Robert Mon- da.Vi Wine and Food Center, 1570 Sceruc Ave , Costa Mesa The Center IS open 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Free. (714) 327-8300 AICT WOAKSHOPS Newport Beach Commuruty Services will present a Draw- ing and Painting work.shop series on Wednesdays through March 6 from 10 a .m . to 12:30 p.m. at the Vince Jor- gensen center, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. MiJJU Sharon Stein will lead the sessions. S66 or $71 for the series. (949) 644-3151. · Cu tomer Appreciatio.n Sale Friday, February 8 Saturday, February 9 Te tit••• ••r te,al c11at•••rt ••I., ••per •••1•1• ••• apeclal '"••ti••• •• ,. ....... ••rclla••I•• tltre)lp .. t t•• ••tire plaaa. U. •• JIS .tf at partlclpatl•1 retallen. SP Cl T ...... Guotl0f1111DAY ·rhere'a no question that we made lt a priority to have Futzy Zoeller and Ben Crenshaw in our field this year ... • Jflff ........_. Toshiba Senior Clauk tournament director • Doily Pilot COi.LEGE MEN'S HOOPS HIGH SOIOOL BOYS WKmlll UCI takes on Idaho Anteaters at the Bren in a rare 5:35 p.m. start today. AINr• Agui&.r DAU PILOT BREN EVENTS C EN- TER -UC lMne Coach Pat Douglu 1s well aware that lhP VtSlting ld dho Vandals are capctbl of pulling a fast one in 1on19ht's 819 We t Cont rence m n's basketball game agalll t the Anteaters that will be trlevised on Fox Sports Net 2 at 5<J5 pm ·They really pre<>ent a problem with their qwckn • • Douglass sa.id. ·we havP 10 defend lheirquick.ness dnd do d good Job going to the boards, peaally on offense.· The Ant dters are eighth Ul the conference 1n offensive rebounds with a 10 12 average per game Idaho as hfth Wlth an 1 t 85 average. but UCI is hrst whe re 11 counts most. • The Antec1ters 116-6. 9-2 Ul the 819 WP t) \tt atop of the conference ~ldnding wtule Idaho (7· 13. •·7) as tied w ith Long Beach State for •venlh place L<>ddmq UCI offensively 1 the SEE ANTEATERS PAGE 82 COASTERS: OUNGE COAST COWGE ATHLETES Of THI Wm< Newport Harbor's Chase Cameron goes up for a shot as Woodbrldge's Cole Edmondson (22) defends. Newport dominates two-time def ending champion Woodbridge on its home court to claim the school's first title since 1990. a...ry f.ulkner DAILY Pit.OT IRVINE -When 1t has been 12 years smce the last Sea View League cham· p1onstup and that drought had been seasoned by four slrAight runner-up firu.sbes, it's probably OK to da.nce and hug on the noor before lhe final buzzer • At least no one eemed to m1nd KOlllOAll Wednesday rught. when lhe Newport Harbor High boys basketball players s.Mcww 54 began cavortmg 'Noodbtid9f _, Ill celebration of .__ ____ ...... "This has been their commanding 5-4-40 tnumph a long time coming. And we did it on their lloor . . . " LAny Hirst Newport H.rbor basketball coach over host Woodbndg , the two-tune defending I ague champion which bad claimed row of the prt•vtous \X crowns. It' Newport Harbor· first outnght champlonshJp ance 1985 •Thi one ls pec1al for me because it's my fU'St lt>ague title ever.• SaJd venth·year N wpon -------Harbor Coach Lany Hlrst. who e Sa.don exKUted lus gam plan weU enough to bury the Wamors "l'hl.s bas been a long lime coming. And we dtd 1t on their Ooor. • added H1rst. whose stoic idehne exp ression turned to a smile as the final seconds clicked off the S.WOrs' regular seuon. ·rTbe Wamors) have everything you'd w•nt in • beslcetball team. Tb y are big. qwck. they have shooters and they're well coached. We just executed our game pJan.• The Sailors ( 19-6. 7-t in leegue). ranked No 6 m Orange County and No. 9 an OF Southern Section 01 lOO U·AA. had plenty of basketball team to go wttb tbe11 well- constructed IC.hemes The most notable performance came from 6-foot-6 senior All-CIF veteran Tony Me!um. Newport Harbor's Tony Melu.m Is fouled as he tries to go to the basket ln Wednesday's title game. Melwn. who was d pcu1 ol Hdlbor la.st two second-place showmgi. mad£> 8 of 11 hr~t·hdU held qoal attempts to mgle·handedly oul.M'ore the Woodbndge tartc~. 17-1 1. before intc11JUSSJon He added run second·h.ill points. including hittmq 7 of 8 foul ~hol!t to hrush ~,th gAm<' tugru of lo pomts 13 rebounds 4nd three block~ hots He aho added thr .asts and three teals. playmg 32 nunul and thoroughJ) tmpr mg tus coac-h ·when Tony puts his rrund to It and exerts himseU on both end of the noor. he ca.n do ttungs hk he did torught.· ~t s~ud M lum hit l'cwport fir.it two buck 45 the 'll>ltol"\ edl'Tled a tl-<4 I d Woodbndg (16-9, 5-2 Ul I ague), which tarted lhfi ruor r • t\es on ruor rught, rallied for• 10-~ lead, aft r ruor point guard P•tnck Haddan and 6-10 '!Ophomore center Odv1d Burg Joined the muc. SEE NEWPORT MGE 14 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLrn Of THI WED Trisha Wase mOfDB ~t lhonor9t SHORTY SCHf.AFER Thur,doy, Febfvory 7, 2002 Bl Color and spice and everything, well ... nice ~er, Crenshaw give the tans reason enough to attend Toshlba Seruor Classic VIll. M advertised lonnE!r maJOT hamp1onsh1p wmn rs Ben renshaw ttnd Fun) Zoeller the two most ant1npmed rookies OQ the 2002 ruor P< .A Tour have ulhc1dlly comrruttut to pldy in the 1•1ghth dnnucll ToshJbd S •mor Classic . Z<>t>Uer one of goU ' mo'>t engdqmq persooalJtw'> .,hould flnd immt•dldtt> succe s on thf' "'eruor Tour tJ h1.,tnl) repeats II.St-If ..\ ~dUN)' fdvcm1'• ZueUer ''on tw. '-td!>tecs OUt> in l ~7~ clS a rookJ,.. on the PGA Tour dOd dunng hh hrr.t \'~II to the hcillowt:d qruunds dt ..\ugu'ild ,.,uond1 Dunng To h1bd week ~tdrch 4·10 Zoeller is scheduled to pla-,: in the \tonday Pro·Am MMch 4 dt :-..ewpon Bedch C'ountl') Club and '>peak ctt the To .. tubd Clai> 1c Commuruty Btealda.st March 5 at the 'it-wpon Beach ~ lamott Hotel Zoeller, "'ho dlso won the U S Open in 1984 1 the Ideal guy for the Seruor Tow dnd its new pol.Jo , which Uldude expand.Ing the held by six pldyers. hooking up microphones on players dunng their round . havmg playe~ stop to answer qu nons that faru subnut dunng th round: and allowmq the gallery to walk down the fa.uway over the hnaJ tow ho Pld'tecs will al o be asked to conduct cltruo After the round puttlng on • mall exlub1bon for the peopt • thats a plus becaU>e th n the people can get up next to you and laugh Wlth you and hdve a good handshake and really learn a little bit about lhe game.· sa.ad Zoeller, who add~ that nuking playe~ will cl.I.so bnng color to Sdgging Seruor Tour Crenshaw, wbo won 19 PGA Tour events. including the ~:tasters in 1984 and 1995. owns property tn Mona.rc.h Beach and ha.s been playmg the golf course dt e wport Beach for the put year someum wnh NBCC Pr tdent J efl) Ander""On Crenshaw w clS also the c.apt41.D of the 1999 U S Ryder Cup t Ul. which taged the grea t comeback tn event hlltory ·Tbere no questlon that we made it a p nonty to ha\ e Fuzzy Zoeller and Ben Crenshaw Ul our held year,· Ti hiba ruor townam nt di.rector Jelf Purser sa&d •TI>e) re a gr at ddlboo on lbe Seniof Tow and ~-e took fonNard to hotting m and J.ng ho"' they fare egaimt one ol the strong fields on the tow · The t 5 million Totblbe Seruor . operated by Hoeg Holpit.al bas bcke a\·ailable for tbe fllltire SEE GOlf MGE Ill 82 Thursday. Febrvoty 7, 2002 YOUTH SPORTS Costa Mesa .easy winner in Silver All-Stars, 6-0 Costa ~shut out East Huntington Beach, 6-0, [9J tn AYSO Reglon.120 boys under·l4 Silver All-Star 1 .. ,, pool play dctlon. ' . .-- Goalkeepers Matt Grella, RJgo Miranda and Wllllam Brlleno dominated on defense with support from Kyle Thomen, Josh Knauer and Blake Pinto. f\ 1es.l struck tn the first quarter with a goal from lftvor McDonald, who scored on a pass from Ptnto. Momen~ later McDonald returned the favor with a cross thdt Pinto kick ed into the net for a goal. In the closing minutes of the first half, Alberto Nava passed th<' bdlJ to M1rand<1 to gave Mesa a 3-0 lead. In the third qudrter. McDonald dribbled through the li.ic khelcl lo '\COre dnd Alberto Nava added a goal on a direct free k1< k N t1 vd found thP bdc k of the net again m the fourth quarter. fht> Me<>a offeni.<> wdi. led by forwards Tboaau Kosnolky, \fcJ)on.itd, Mirdnd11 And Pinto with support from mJdfielders Kenneth ZJch, Benny Edles. Nava and Starnes Arnold. In quJ, under-10 All-Stdr Jetton: • Tue G FORCE deledtcd North lrvme, :t-0. dlld fell to Newport H1•.ic h ..'·II, Sdturd<1y. Ju.sUne Cathey, Nushin Tubihchl and Jeana DeArakaJ sror('d g0ttls dgainst Irvine. Natalie Seckel and AJlr-on Willlace hdd d'>Sl'>b Goalkeeper Jennifer Johnston t•orrwd 1h1· shutout Misha Brown and Kendra Fis.her had strong pt"rl01 in.in< e., t1gdtnsl Nl•wport 8edch. Riptide wins twice in one-day tourney The NPwport R1ptulr J 14-ttnd-under fd'!tpitch OIJ '01tball 11<1veling te.u11 won two of three games in a ) ( une·duy toumaml'nt nl C1'ntenn1al Park in Tustin -, .. 1urdt1y In tht> first g<1mt•, Ashley Gleason pitched a one-hit shutout to l'drn ttn 8-0 victory owr tht• Sdllta An<1 Straight A's. The only hit ~ttntd Ana had wai. <1 bunt 5.mgJe. · In th(• '>econd g<1ml', Christine Kutlck und Sash a Grumman did not q1ve up an r<1mrd run, bul the Orange County Rtttbu .. tcr., took ddvt111t<1yt• of '>Orne defensive ldp'>P~ dnd held on IOI d 4-3 VIClory In tlw thud gt1111e. K•lsey Ferguson tlnd Gina Catalano rnmb1m•cl on thP mound to ledcl the R1pt1de to a 3·2 wm dQdLnSI tlw ~< -.11 D1t1mondr,. Feryu,on Pdmed hl'r fifth straight vartory <1nd hd' not g1vpn up t1n edmPd run for the Riplldes. who scored three nm'> m the l.ist mnmq to pull out the wm dgainst the '01t1moncl., The olfen'ie and delensf> was l<'d hy catcher Jenny Tompkins, who hdd rnulllplt> htl!> and drove an the winning runs tn the third qt1me wtth a bd&<.''> lot1ded two-out double. She WclS also strong on dt'len'>1ve. throwing out '><'Vera) runner.. Julianne Bass, Markle Blngenhelmer, AJex SbltanlShl and Tori Harrison had M>lld effort'>. The Newport Bettch Riplade 1~ hoslrng d two-day liiple Crown World Senf'S qudhJyrng toum<1rnent featuring 20 teams tht'> we<>ken<I t1t Bomtd Creek Park, A rroyo Park and Grant Howt1ld P.irk Breakers roll in Area Q Championships Tht:> N<>wport Bectch RrectkPr'>, d g1t~ under-I 0 '>OC<t>r lt'ttm lrom AYSO Reymn 1.)7, mcrea Pd their IE'dd tn lhl' Gold DtV1'10n of tht• ArN a I (~-1 r hdrnp1011..,h1p' by wanmnq two gdnlf's Sdturday. Tiw Hre>t1ke,.., <lt'IE>.ttt><J Tu~tm, 3-0. dnd .,hut out Costa M~. 2-0 1\qt11mt Tui.tm. Tina Theriot opened the scoring with an unt1.,,1.,ted comer kick Caroline Hardenbergh added the second got1l <1n<I Missy Fitzsimmons S<'alt><l the wm with a goat late tn thf> qt1rne Ellubeth Eddy ctnd Zoya Faruneh were solid m the midfield lor the Breclker.. who out-.hot thc compellllon. 15-1 Agetlnst Costa MeSd, I larde nbcrgh scored two goals for the Breakers Ke lly Heenan, Brtanna Schwartz, Kasey DeYoung and McKenna Cottam played well up front and Courtney Francis was solid m the net. TerTa Friedman and Marianne Jones dom1nilted def<'ns1vely. The Bre<1kers t 19-1-1 I outr,hot Co<.ta Me.,t1. 12-2 ANTEATERS CONTINUED FROM B 1 school's <111-ume leading scorer, senior guard Jerry Green. La t week Gret'n scored 39 points in two wim to pass Tod Murphy's mark 11. 778) for moo;t career point dt UCI Green leads th conference in ~onng t.hu ~clSOn at 20 7 points per game average and has piled up l.797 Cdrt>er points ln addition to Green, )()phomore center Adam Pttrada will look to contribute on the start.mg lineup Parada ls second in scoring on lllWUT uo uten St NottMdoe PKlfl( c..I Poly UCSI LOtlg le«tl Idaho II~ F.ulllr'lon t-2 .. , 1J M 1-S 65 ., .. , :M MO ~ ·-- the quad, averaging 12.4 ppg and 6.4 rebounds per game. Junior forward Jordan Hams ( 11.6 ppg. 7 .0 rpg). sophomore forward Stanlslav Zuzak J9 7 ppg, 4.7 rpg) and junior guard Mike Hood (8.5 ppg) will also start for the Ant aters. The Vandals will counter with Moe J nkin (10 6 f>pg) and Ju tin Logan (9.2 ppg) Logon i1 av raging 38 mlnut of playmg fun per game. "They ar two outstaAdlng players.· OouglM~ csid. "Logan play almost th wbol gam . lda.ho I\ a lot of players who are effective oflen lvely. W l\dve to go lor veryone.· 1ll Ant tena def dled th.-Vandals lh lut blne the two t ams faced eecb other on Jan. 12. Hood ICOt9d a <"iUMr·high 25 points to htlp UCJ como away Wllh a 92-54 Victory ln ldMM>. ·we pJ.yt'd w U w~n w played them tan Ume. • Oougl1 aa1d. "Th y look to play some r.ooe. We have to moot the ball w U outllde. Th y .,. • mu h llnpt0ved tHJn and vwry athle . • The AmNt I d th conference in liekt.gc>IJ pement.g (.4 5) 4lnd are fourth ln the ~.in that C'ategory. Th• lqUacl alJO ls at the top of th• toaferwe peck for thtM-polnl a.ld·goe) pM 11 "31St and ti ranMd No. 21 In the ..... SIA .. It ....... • • SPORTS Doily Pilot OT ~TOS 8Y )(AN Hll.l(R Vanguard University's Matt Tisthammer (6) awaits the throw as Dominguez Hills runner Erle Pringle slides ln. Sl11mbering Lions are guilty of two errors, struggle offensively and lose for the fifth time in first seven games. Steve Vlf99t" DAILY PILoT COSTA MESA One of the many songs that blared duri n g Vanguard SCOlllOAll University's 8· 1 noncon-Ootn.ingutz H* • ference I u.. 1 to visiting Ca.I State Dominguez HUls Wednesday rang unfortunatP. ty true for the Lion . The tune: Sooal 01Stortion' Bad Luck, which echoed throughout Vanguard's base- ball citamond as the Lions suffered their fifth loss in their first even games. Bad luck I n 't tbe only enemy for Vanguard. Against Cal State Dominguez Hiils (2-0J. the Lions (2·5) dtsplayed their bad habits or low confidence and errallc play, sunendenng two runs after five scoreless inrung and giving up five runs m the final frame. f "Right now, wc.-·re trug· gllng with our confidence,· Vanc;uard Cooch Kevin Kasper said. "We're struggling 1n about as many phases In the game as we can. Solt has to be good news in my mind because we have nowhere to go but up.• Vangucird senior right- handed pitcher Britt Echol batlle through 6•1l innings, a.Uowing three hits, three runs. four walks and triking out two. He recorded hve scor 1 lnnlnga, indudmg the fourth when he calmly pJtcbed tho Lions out of a bases· load d jdlll. Ec:hols, a transfer from th Univtmity of A11%ona. led TOl"05 catch r Edgar Esqueclt to Un a hot to c nter field wh re senior Mkh•fll Bair eesily caught it. "(The Tcwo.) c4me out more encrgetsc. • iaid Bair. who w nt 2 for 2 at the plate. ·we seemed flaL We ju l lacked tl lot ot energy. Hopef uUy we can Cuc 1t soon. or e our n 1s going to be Upping away.• Dominguez Hall put runners on 1in.t and second alt r a rut by pitch and a wdlk in th l.xth inrung. th n Frank Perez s macked a two-run single to the gap ln right<enter fleld for a 2.0 lead. Th Toros p eked up another run ui the \ venth. And the Uons pulled to withm 3-1 ln the eighth. Vanguru'd f~bman Jawn Searl , who played third ba and pitched. scon.'<f after bemy walked to open the inning • Junior Matt Titthamm r hit tnto a doubl piety with th ~ses loaded. but the Uon • only run came acroi th plat on thi play. "Off n lvely we'r roctlly TODAY'S SCHEDW . ...,, Collie.,..•...., .. UC"*-"--""'°* c.n.. US pm. c..._._. ·UC erw.. • ...._ 1 p.m. ...... .,. ..... ••d•CoroN .. Mlt, S tSpm: c.. ..... ~ ....... S' '' p.M.; ~ ......... 1 p "'· ....... °""""' ·-.. 1;JD"" """............... • ••• C'.Of*"l dlt ... 7 p.rn,: Colt.I Mm•~llild\.1~ ~a..._...S 1Sp~ .......a.-...,. ... _ ..... --Ctilllt_. •UC ...... UQA •..- I struggling." Ka JX'r tttd ·we can't em to get anything goLng. We ccm't get anyonf' on bdse We 're a talented team t10d I think it's going to take some tunE> to get out of th~ We're going to ma.kc our own breaks But nght now wt''re not qettlng any of our own breaks whatsoever.• Kasper's wol'(Jl, reflected on wheat took place in the ninth lnning when the Toros scored fiv runs a.ftf>r two outs. On run wa.s scorro on a throwing error. wb.U two Dominguez t hi~ ptayf'rs rN1rh d ha via hat by 6 pitch and d walk. Vclnguard nd('(t the gtutw when Dominguez I fills p1~ h<'J Brion C'ort rt>t.lr 1<.I th • '>Ide In order, incluclln9 two tnk ut Toros' pitch r Rack Mooro Mned hie, fir t win of tha own, <'om.mg up with v n Vanguard pitcher Britt Echols delivers ln Wednesday's game against Dominguez Hills. Echols allowed Just three hits ln &•13 tnnlngs, but was tagged for the loss u the Uom dropped an 8-l dedllon. '\ !>COre innings that mduded thr e strikeouts and no hit while givmg up ftve tub. The wons, who defeated V1.S1bn9 WhJtuer College, 3-1. Tuesday. also fedt\lred 6-foot· 10 senior right-hander P J. McKalg on the mound. Mcl<a.lg came on in the eighth Lnru.ng to faC'e two batters and struck tbem out both, using eight pitches. • Vanguard wlll take on Dominguez Hills ag4Ul todey, for 1 third game tn u many day , lhh tim at the Toros• <.IJtlmond at 2 p m. IOltA• Cl Dot• S•Ml.u .. Y-WID 1 S-..tlllr ...... Domingu11 Hllll ooo 002 1os • a '·o V""9Ulfd • 000 000 010 • 1 6 2 Moore, V.,..C, (I). Con. Cl» tnd (squedf. kholt, Gf1oo& (7). ~ (I). Shtfftt (9>. s..il-(91 and G.tNr w • Moor 1-0 l • (cholt., ().l w. Cort 21 -MMstMd (CSOH). MM~l (CSO.O, IMtu9de (OOH) Doily Pilot TRISHA CONTINUED FROM B 1 n pofM and, With It, th perpctuaJ Lady Be 11 trophy, Earlwr t.hi n <J 1n t L4<Juna Bffch, h pof>ted 25 polnts, 2 t ond 10 rebound'> to obt&n lh coveted trlpl ·double. Som bell ' h could be the m~t tal ntod player ve1 dl E'tlclnc1a dlld, perhut>\. the most taJ nled gut1rcl in Newport-Mesa 01 tnt1 hJ<.tory by the Ume 'th<>\ through • ·sh mak m d lot bt>tlN coacb when he's pluymg the way he' pltly\ng nght now.· said K1rb)·. who has continually encouraged her to expect more from ht•r U, us well dS commit more tune to her game. ·Early thls ~n. he was sconng seven pomts. eight points, nmt> points. lour points And I told her he houJd be geltlng at l<>d t 15 points very game.· Klrby recalled "She has obviously worked on her gdllle tog t to the point 11' at now. but he hM nut ht•t~n d gym rot Her game could be SCclry ti .,he worked hdrdttr UoJ>t!fuUy. h hgur that out · With the 23 points he scored m Tuesda)•'s Vlctory over L.1qunu &>dch. Wa els averaging 12 4 points per game lhb Wd'>C>O But. 'the ,., producing 17 ppg m league ln her last uc qdmt·~ wtuc h hdV<' included the onJy four 20-plus pomt ouungs of ht•r young rt.1reer -;hp has t1veraged 19.8 ppg. Ld.,I '''•hon, '>hl' dverug<>d 1ust 8.9 points en route to hr H eam All-PC L rP< oqnillon And '"hilt• ">he ctdm1tted lost wt>ek ~he hds begun asserting hNwll more often 1vely, ba 1c<1lly tulung over when the Eagles' olh•nw .,trugglc • ..conng 1s not the best part of her gclJlle. B11•-..,ed with qu1ckn<>ss, strength and d free-flowing kno" lfl<lg(• of th<> g<1m(' that helps her dnlia pote posses. she ts a d1•f<•n,lv<> d moo, partJculdrly with on·bctll pres ure m the C:.1qlh luJJ-court pre \\ihl nth<> Eagl~ have the bd.U. her court VlS&On makes her a cldnq1•rnu'> pa r Her precwon feeds have helped Gray and )\.t>< h1tJ Byheld IX'Come con 1 trnt offense weapons Many umes. \\ttw mttk oppo mg coaches puy tor pressing full court, cue lllll~l'nllnq au d fender<; b~ l<1unchlng length-of-the-court , .... ., ..... , c>VN th1~m. which te<1mm<1tc convert mto layups. I h•1 dnhl>bnq skill trequ<>ntly allow her to break down ht1ll·< uun th f Pn!.<' And, d., he has hown more lately in< luchn~ ,.,.('three-pointer.. agam I Mesa, he can make <ll'IPnclt•r.. J>d> wht•n they '><lg off on the penmeter ·wtwn w~ pld}'ed CdM ldst Wf't'k, I felt llke I had to tclke over lht• q.tllll' tolll'n'>IV<'lyl s.ud \\-ase. who ts much more at ease \\1th t1 dt>ll n<l1•r m front of hl'r than a note pdd-toung reporter I tm1n<l 11 \\tt) rtnd 11 WdS enouqh for u to pull that game out • \\ tth \\ <1'>•' rtt th<' rontrols. the Eagles I 15-10. 8· I m ledguel 111o1\ pull out t1 '>hclrt> of the ...c-hool' hr..t Pacahc COcl.St League t 1 "" n '>IO< t• I 1ic11 The Edgles enter tonight''> reguJar-M!ttSOn h1lt1lt• t1cft110'>t ,.1 1ling Uruv r>1ty needmg a VIctory to JO&n the TrOJttll'> .itop the flnal PCL landings \\,..,t• l'> dlM> edger for red mpllon aqdU\St Um. In the Tro1an'i' 4 I 41 \\'In Jcln 22, Wa e sat the hrst 10·23 as penalty for havmg m1 ...... t·d prd<1ke the day bf-for he also spent ume on the bench with toul trouble .ind fouled out w1lh 4 27 left She sUU managed 11 point , (•1gh1 st al . three rebounds and two assists GOLF CONTINUED FROM 81 Winning • tournament mon• lhttn once~ d1fhcult. tmcl 11 ., t•H•n tnu<,ht•r to .. uc < l!.'>.,full} df•lend a tJUe the flt• I ) 1•.ir On tht• St•mor Tour la'it ~t'«tr, only hn• lune~ did d pltt~ 1•r rt'f)('ctl as toumam nt < hclmp1on llruce Flcl.sh r (at tht• Hom1• Dt•1>0t lnVItallonaJI, (j1l f\1orttdn (In un t Cld IC), Ldrr) ~t•l-.on tFI tBoston Clcl'>'>IC I. N l!>On again ffodnnPrs Ch.inly Cl4 ac) and I ldl lrwm (Turtle 8.ty ChdmJ)IOnshJpl Th • To.tuba Cla IC hell had v n differ nt wtnn rs an .,,._. nyNr. Fl bu, wbo plalyed ln the old Cr; by ~uth m Pro-Am at Newport Bedch an the 1970s. has won the Home Depot lnvttauonaJ m Charlotte. N C • three yectrs Ill a row. II he W\ns agam this year he'U be the hrst player m Seruor Tour tu.story to wm the ~e event four coruecutive y~ Our old friend l...any Ziegler, who ha played on the Senior Tour Slllce 1989. ~t tus exempt talus last year but earned bb way back onto the drC'Uit m 2002 by hru.stung sccond at the Seruor PGA Tour National Qualifyt.ng Tournament. Ziegler, who also played lo the fonner Crosby Southern, as w ll a severAJ tunes tn the Toshiba Cl.usic. hnlshed betund medalist Howard l'witty, who hot 12·und r 276 at the Cbampaons Course at the PCA of Southern Ca.Wonua GoU Club tn Calun WI PI01 H9ll$ SWf .... ~ 5porb fdhor. ""'bt t..a.d lit 9&57~ O'by..-_.rotJW~,.,..mm ..... DuN\. ~ Sports (dltor (golf, tennil). ffll!y .. ~ -' C'4 57~ 0t lli, ~ "l'ICftMt~twNLmm ...,, ,....... AMtlnt Sports (dlUJr ~!Ny .. ,_,_ •t (94) 57~7. 0t tJ, ~ _. beny,.._,....,,._mm .,..... ...... Splrtl WnW (colecJ& pr-. )IOUtt\. femnl). Nly .. rNdwd at (M) 57'"42.U, Of b¥ e-fNli M .,,,,.,.,...,...,..t'Ol'll ..... ~5'*U Wl1W (Or .. ~ pr-. )'OlolO\ ~""' ~ rMChed at .. 164-025. Of by e-fNil _. .-. ~CWMS<om ... Donate your vebiclC 1-888-308-6483 Set hope in motion to improve local lives. SPORTS Thut1doy, F~ 7, 2002 IS QCC rilen upset Lasers, 71-69 Pr e bm an[J(J forward Bn Bu· clwwl of Orang Coe t College cored on a layup ~Ith 14 seconds left to Mt the ho~t Ptnttes put lrvln Vall y, 71 "69, in an Orange Emp1ro Conference men·, ba~k tball g41De Wednesday night · Coach Steve SpPncN's Ptra (6.17, 3·6 an thP OtC) mad t 3 of 23 from thf• held 1n the second half (57%t. OCC WdS lf'd by -;ophomore guard Ryan Web ter. who scored 19 pomt and h11 4 of 5 from beyond the lhree-po1nt hne Mark M y . a wpll<Jmore center, bddf'd 13 potnl'> dlld run rebounds for tht.> But' Buchanan also hdd I l points and uc board . Th La 1'5 fell to 18-8. s-.i QWll lftl COWQOKl Or-. c-t 71, trWw Yaltey .. .,.,._ ~ ~111 L.oamben 4 S<oggan 17, HellCMflOl'l 16. W•lod8 • Sc0Ntn I. 5'111 2. t.ombltfd I, HMtmMl 1 ).pl 90"1 Sc.oggon ), ~ 1 Fouled out notW TethnQi, ~ Or-. c-t W1th11m 6 ~te• 19. Trtn O. Meyer\ I), Bucn.,,.n 1 l T-vt« ), OllWf o. lteulaff 6 w• 6 s.-.s )1'l pli w.blttf 4 Teyfor 1 Fouled OU1 none TKt\no<•li no<W ~ Or•nge Ce>tit. J7 l 1 OCC women romp O range Coe I CoUeg 's wom n's ba ketbalJ team WdS 8 72-40 wm00r .__......,..____. over vi illng Irvine Valley Wednesday night 4S the Pinllf'S tmproved to 18·8. 5-4 In the ' Orang Empire Cont rence , Kyra Melvllle and Nanc~ Hatsu~u. often the nngl aclers an the Pirates' attack. led the wcty Melville scored 18 points, tutting 6 ol 9 from the f1 Id Also, he had seven teals. Hatsu lu tut 4 of 4 from three·po111t rang en route to 14 points, four and three steals Coast had a 19·6 edge in ~teal • and tn terms of three· poLnt bootmg, the Ptrat were ~Jo~!= f~~~~;~\'.i~ OUR .. a.llllC1 OMlim CoMT 7J. .,_ VMUY 40 INtne _..,, • ~ o. PWttm 1'. HNS 12, Newlnlle I, SdvolOtf 0, (MT 4 Qvtnn 2. 5¥nur• 0 )1lt. goM '-'trtt 1 Fouled°"'· Samuta T«IWc.tts ~ O...,..c-t· ~ 1•. ~two II. MeMJi. 11, Qutroz 4 G1~ 6, ~ •. John 0. Johmon 0. Menc:loa 6, Ducey O. Murrey 2. 01zon l MM\halt 0, Van Burtt\ 5 )'f't pis . Hauustl• ... ~~ 2 Me!W .. t fouled °"' none Tec.hniul\ non. Halftime Orenge eo.st. l 1 11 Pirates fini h third in OEC opener Frednk Svctnbt>rq of Ordnqe < oast College shot a [QJ two-day 147. loUowt'tl h} ledmmdlE"i Lou CarraM"o (1418) a.nd Enc "'-loorP 11 4'11. d'S tht• OCC men' goU U team hru~hed th.ird \\'1'<.ine:'>d<1y in the Ordilge Emp1n• Cont rence Tee-<llf Cld. ... ,JC dt Los ~rrdllCh Golf Coww an Ouno Hilb '-dddl bdck. lt..'<l bv mt.>ddW.t \ 1tttt Sc hre1rPr di 143. won the S<'a ... on-openmg t>vent dl 731 folio\\'(.><! by Palom<1r 17501 Orctngf> COd')t 1757) RJve~1dl! 17581 ctnd "'6nlldgo Cdn}OO (7b0t Tectm~ piety('() thP hr I 18 hole' :-.1ondd't at LO'i err a nos All 10 OEC 'iChool" rompeted KeU) \.\.&ek'i 115fll dnd c .. o KO\dffid 11001 also 'iCOred lor ex c wtuch pl.iy'S in ct ""o·m.i.n tx'">I bttll event next Monday ho'Slt d by Victor Vt1llC'y Colleqt.> ttl ~pnnQ Vctlle'f Lakt• Country Club in V1ctorvtlll' 'Eaters sweep C Junior setter I @ I Ju tt J men had I 0 lu.llJ. to I <.I UC lzv1n to • 30·26, J0.25. J0.2'>, VK.tory over USC tn a Mountain Pacific Sports Fed ratJon men's volleyball mat<'h WednC'~day night at Crawford Hall Sophomore outside hi tter Jtmmy Pelzl"I added rune kills while tter OaVid KnltfJ.n led the Anteaters (7--4 3-3 m the MPSF) with v n dig and 12 ~t 1 Middle blocker K) le \\oe1chert had a team-high even block ds~1sts tor th~ Anteaters use 14-8. 1 -51 wa., led b' outs1dP lull rs Brook Blllmgs and Mark Dusharme with ntnt· k.iU.s edch Setter Males ~l<Gdlln hdd d 1eam-h1gb 211 ., t ct 't&'>ts wh1h• Coronc:t df>I '-1ar f hgh product G reg Burd •n rf'< orded .,.,,·pn d1g'S to ICdd clU pldyPrs The Antt>.iU.•r. w&JI rt>lum to C rdwford Hdll on ~dt11 rd<1\ when \oach C'httrl1e Brandt>.., crew wtll ho..t Bnghcllll Younq in tt nonconference ctuel "1th " l pm stctrt trikeout record Gina L1 b n-ill] good truck out ) ( seven to et e ~chool record for cdr r.-.tnkeout 4nd lead ha.t Vanguard UnivN'l1ty to a 5-4 vactory in the hr'it game of a nonconf n•nce w ftbcill double- hectder dgamst Cal State San Bem.mlino Wedn 'iday Vitnguard's wcund cont t ogillll5t San &m.1l'd.ino ndnd m d 1-l ue bee.tu!l>e of darkn In tht• hr t game. Cehna Ccun4nllo tnr>led to nght to open the .,e\ nth mnmg and \COred on a bunt by Rdchof'I Rolle to end the gam dnd hdnd the Lions 15-4 • I I tht> "'m Ltebengood d 'enivr who hd.S truck out 5311 in hf'r cdteer, dtlowed lX h1b ~, v-s. CAlS' w ._, 1 • ~~ 2001010 ·4 62 v~ 100 )00 t • s " t Goldwatet. ~Cl' 141 ~ Schqlp, ~ 9>0d MIC! Roi t w u.btf9)0d ll ·2). l Sutton 10 21 21 ~ ccssa). atm.nn csse JI ~ NU). CMn¥lllo (VU GlwlW 2 V~ 1, CM. Sf. SM ... , 1 S.n 8tfn.wclono OOQ 010 1 ) 2 VMVJuerd 000 010 1 l 1 Ont~• 4ltld Sc.f\~ .. " ~ llollt 28 a.tNnn ICSSll . ew OCC track to be unveil d next week CO TA ME A Orange Coa'>t College will '>ho"' ~ olt its new track and held Nlmpll'' \\.1th terem<>f\J("!'> thdt wlll take place on the Ptrttte... hr..1 home meet of tht' d-.On. feb 14 at 2 pm Belore competltlon old lhr.,...,_,\rty meet f>n'>ue-. ()( < will present d ldpe<Utung dt the fuush·bnf· (erernon) ot wtuc h cuU1oe1e prestdenl \.!drqdret Gratton will do tht> honors CX ·r athJellr d.Jre<"lor dnd lonnr>r longtune lrdCk and held C06.ch fr('<f Hokanwn wlll cdw be on hdnd d't will hr'il·\f'cH roach Joh.o Knox This 'f'tt<,00. tht• Pl.rdtes will h""t three meel.5 and lhE>u track will be thf! homP of lht> Orctnge Empire \.onlerenctt prelurunan 4nd hndlS -By leve Vlrgea These Guys Wouldn't Miss It. Neither Shoul You. Toshiba Senior Classic March 4-IO. llXJ2 ' Ntwporr ~..di Count:n• (Jub 949 I 66().. JOO J \\ww.cosh1bastn1on:l.lSS1c.com : . ( . \ ' r~ I J : 'fj •· 4 , • 84 !hundoy. F.buart 7, 2002 NEWPORT CONTINUED FROM B 1 But I larbor scorod the last four potnts of the quarter on • Melum layup and an Erik Peterson layup usl led by M lum to take a 13·10 l ad lnto the second pertod. Peterson. clmong three scruor rctumlng Sailor tart.en. dropp<..'<.l In two froa throws lo open tho ~econd·quartor srori.nq •• rontinulng a trend thut saw the Tan net 17 of 18 from Utt! tnpe •• and the ~ would nevN o;ec the lead oqain Newport dnUed scv n ol 1ts first nmf' twld..qoal tries in the second quMter. which includt'<I d I 3·0 run over cs nedr·lhnw·m1nute span, to lakl' the home crowd out of al tlnd lorn• the Warriors into COIC"h·Up mode W0<Klbnd9e. which took lht.' s.ulors to overtime JO a drrimtttk 55.54 Harbor win tht•1r flnt meeting this season, Jun 18, went on an 8·3 run to end tho hrst hull The hosts .il'lo •wored the first i.ut points of lh1• third period to do e w1tl1111 33·28. But d C hase Cdmeron lnyup and two Melum free throw' ht>lped kkk start dn 8· 2 run to up Harbor's lead to 41 ·:lO by quarter's end. • 1 think th • big thmg was, wh1•n they made their run dunng the thud qudrter, we H --• -· - "v .,,. , h • Chtled lelgl.-<t..1 ...... rtllip • Clndw!d "'~ ber1t'I W1*1;M1sn MIDI N9I 4out ~ 'M:lodbridge 40 ~ Hllh 51, Alifo N9-' 41 fridg'I ..... (l lldDJ ~"ldge lit Alilo H9.t ~ ..... .,.,... ee>~~ . CdM JV girls soccer team bas a shot at PCL Utl Corona deJ Mar High's gb1I junior YIU"lity IOClW .... bM I 1Jgbts t on a Padflc Coat Leep champ6oDtb:ip today ---Nol1bwood wbm the Sea. KAngl put their 6-1·2 PO. matte on UM U after getting put Mma on "ftaMdlry, 3--2 ~ Alllwu Wppect In from 8'uoll.At Bumer f Of r,.,,... cW Mlr'I ftnt llCOl'e. and with • mlaute1 1 h ID t.be IMkh. CdM '9lled '° dll ll up .. 1.2 11 ~ Flint l<"Oftld on u dMll went trom Burgner to .... 1>1111 on, 10 Piiot. Aben: wM CNdbad wtlb tbe ... OD dae wUmial gcael wtlb ...... -... ioft. ........ .... at hofM. CclM detnden H .. tMr LUI& I an Obi ... ,,.,. Mia tto _. MellOry hyDOldl • ............... 2 ...... a-1 tOIM 1aM 11,. ICetle kMI I ... Cl'1•1dwtelO ...... c...clllMK . . .. SPORTS l llGll SCllOOL IOYS IASll1Ull DON t.£ACH I OMV PILOT Newport Harbor's Greg Perrine la bottled up by a pair of Woodbridge defenden ln Wednesday night's Utte victory. The Sailors wUl enter the CIF Playofft next week. answered back,• scud Hirst, who called three timeouts early in the fourth penod to make sure his offense worked for good shots After Hadddn, who had misi.ed the last six league.• games with a badJy prainc<.I ankJe, sank a 15-foot Jumper with 1 :41 left in the thud, the Wamors went without a held goal until Hdddan's lhree- poanter with 2.01 left in th<' game cul Harbor's lead to 4b- 35 Newport helped frustrntf' the hosts by constantly switching defense and the result was a woeful shootmg night for the Wamors 114 of 51 from the field for 27 5"o). "They're so strnctured, W<' tned to rru.x our defcnsei. dS much as possible,• Hirst sctad. ·we didn't know U It would conluse them, but we wanted to make them use more clock. We didn't want to get mto d run-and-gun game with them. because of their hooters.· N<'wport senior point guard Greg Perrine had 11 point'>, eight rebounds and four assb1s, while Peter..on finished with nine f>Oint.s. Juniors Nc.'<.llm Pajcvic and Cha e Can\eron added four points ciplE'C'e for the winners, w ho have the r t of the week off before preparing for the cu: pldyofls, wblch be<Jtn next week I ldrbor hot m•arly 54" .. In the first hdll (14 of 2b), bclore ttlmq down cllld hn.1.Shmg 18 of 45 140" .. ) for the Qdlll ·Along with wdnhng to •xecute our gdme plan. dnother theme we u ed pr<'panng WctS that ttus wdSn't our lust r<>guJar-seai.on game, but our first playoff game,• Hust said Woodbrid ge Coach John I lttldgan c.lld Newport lS a deservang r hamp1on. "(The SdUors) played very WC'll," H1tl<1911n said "I wish we would hllve gotten the game they played the other night agalnst Loquna I fills 1a 49-415 Hawk upset Friday at Newport). But I told our kJds thut was their C game. We knew we'd sec their A game tonJght and that's what It was. •There was a lot of the emotion in the gym ton ght, with senior night. and trying to work Haddan back into the mix.· Halagao added ·out the biggest bear we wrestled with tonight Wd.S Newpor1 I larbor .• Haddan and C ole Edmondson led Woodbndge with 10 points apiece, whale Burgess bad e1ght points and l 1 rebounds *--7tw..M wa _,..40 ,_.."' 0--WS Ntwpoft Harbor 1l 20 I 1J ~ Woodblldge 10 12 I 10 40 Na JI art ....._ -tMlufn 26. ........ '· hjevlc .. Pwnnt ''· c.rrwon 4. DiefwnbiKtl O. "'-tt o ).pt. 90-". Pwrlne ' Fouled out • p~ TedlnicM • none WaaA 141fs -~10. Edmoocilon 10. lurges I. lolding 5, htlow S. NIChol 2 )'1lt-gosk. ~ '· ktow 1 kluled out . tlOr'9 T~·nons Mutrs· I 1111111 dt""9 ....... COldl.; WI~, ....... <• .. a.er ••n.I di 'Nol ... ............ ........ W11k1 111.., • lalllL SIM HUa/DMY NDT \ Daily Pilot llGll SOIOOl socca Kingpin Mesa in 2-1 win Freshman Pineda connects with 10 minutes left to Mesa. LAGUNA BEACll -The Costa Mesa Htgh boy sorcer team completed a Paofic Coast League unbedt.en season with a 2-l victory over ho t Lagund Beach Wednesday night. Mesa nior Ell Solis scored In the 30th minute after his peed.log hot dnfted thTOUQh the Laguna Beach goalkt>eper' hands. The Artists Ued 11 up, 1 • 1, alter a sucrossful penalty luck in the second hall. but with 10 minutes lelt freshmd.O AUonso Pineda's goal provided the win for th Mustangs (13·3-3, 7-0·3 in league). Senior Ricardo Luna a Isled on Paneda's goal. CdM closes out CORO NA DEL MAR -Tht> Corona del Mar High boys soccer team ended its season of 1mprovement with a 1-0 Pacific Coa t League loss to vis1lm9 Northwood Wednesday. The Sea Kmg 15·9·3, 2-6·2 in the PCLI revertl'd to ~ yed1'5 tyle. lacking intensity an the hrst 40 minutes. wtuch included Northwood 1unaor Benny Fllhclber's goal an the lOth minute. C dM C oach Pat Callaghcin aid But CdM tncrCd.54.'d its effort m the second half to produce scoring oppor- tumlles. which resulted unsuc· fUUy. ·w e had some excellent chances, but couldn't put at off, which seems to be the tory of our econd half of the PCL ason, • Sdid Callaghan, who po sc ses much optimism for next sea on. ·w e have some talented players (10 will return next yearl and the program will continue to grow We went from sixth to fourth 1n the PCL. HopeluUy. a second place is on th honzon next year We'll be back next year· CdM flrushed 2·14, 0-9·1 in the PCL last year - _J ... Cmllt ••• W L TPea ( • ' , "·'· I I I I , 1 ............... ~­ C..Mlla2. ~ 8-t\ 1 ~=O .. Mll'O CDC> IWGULNI 5fMOft s.vt.w• r •• " WL Tftts ••• Al1 ,, ~lfj\11 I J ,' , (} I• t I Ir's 1fl1 () 1 () 0 I W LT Pb • 2 I 11 Nor1nwood '> J 1 11 • 11 11 I I I 0 ~---~a.mJ Ollllll Mlm .C lMp\18-tl ~-~ Nor1hwood at o.ar. .. Mir pC)ll(QAM ~ S.Vlllw ...... W L Tftts 112 z l .tqun.1 Hill•. 11 1, 1 1 JRMrJ..- ~--Alilo~ ~Hilslltlrww f.N>~~ Eagles fall. 3-0. land in the PCL cellar COSTA MESA -The Estan0a HXJh bcJ)" 'iONW ll'tun rncl '<.I wtwt Cooch Steve Crenshaw called a frustratmq ~uon with d J.() Pdo h< COdSt League los.s to the VlSllmg no1ans of UntVPl"'i1ty Wrdnt!Sdd~ Afternoon Crenshaw also s.Ud the EagJ 15-13-1. 2-7-1 an tht• P«LI wt•nl without leaders and anrorunstentJy played up lo their t11l<•nt HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO CdM romps, 15-3 CORONA DEL MAR - Pacific Coast League girls wat r polo c h a mpion Corona del Mar ·ran up en 8-0 first-MtaP + 1 quart r I ad ._ '°"91 15 and coa led the rest of the way as the Sea Kings do ed out th reguldr ason 21-6, .S-0 m the PCL Chrisbn.a H wko w 3 for 3 In the fust quartl!r nd Oanlrla DiGlacomo wa 3 for 3 ln th hrst hdll Bnltnl'y Bowlu'> dnd Dam elJe C'url on PctC'h scort>d twl~ Corolld d I Mar\ N e, w .. na B· 3 w&Mcn. ov Costd f\.1 • With Kau Kubas (fow goo ), ctmy Strnck (two uool ) and nae) Kubas (two gooli.) p.ivmg th•• way PMIK <OW LIAM CM1S. C...MIM J COIU MIY 0 1 1 1 • J CoroNdM Mlt I • ) 0 IS Ossea .... ~2.~1 S.-. P.tulM7 CM OGllCOmO l. Hewlo ), CMtion 2. '°"""' 2. ~ 1, Zlhsnon 1, Cuylsf 1, fr• '· SNsu 1 s... w.11 I, Hiii 4. fullsn ) Anteaters aim to come out shooting COWGEWOMEN WATEI POLO PREVIEW Coach Julie Swail hopes a wav of confidence will help the UC Irvine women's wat r polo teau;i improve on last year's 3-3 t r cofd. Amara~ OMV Pl.or Al r getting th lr r t w t duttog last year'• lnauuurel women'•~ polo teelClll, the An&eMml of UC MM reedy to dWe bead llnl blto a new 'f With • dMlll• ae1 ol UC1 flcUetaed • dJlmal 3 1 In its ftnt ,.., ol C'Ompedtion, but COM:b .hale Swail hof>eS to the bar tbll dme around. h wentl her team to com out ibooting. llMlilly. ·w. ...-.s • kit .... t,. SWilil ....... •1 you IOc* at our 1tat1. more lbob were taken towaid tbe..a altllitgeme. We ~ out lDIUDtdeled et th• beglantAg of tM ..... We .................. ..,c.w OUlabocellig ........... 41 ... ...., ............ ... ,..,...c•t•llflllll-." -htil.•~••U ..... ,.. .... ?& ........ Olympic Ga ln Sydney, will look to lf'C'Ond·yeet players Elb Honnen and M -Fernanda to IMd the AntiM~ offemlvely. Horman aedAhe team .. yell' wath 5 l go.Ji, followed by Fernandez wttb 43 Returning in the net for UCJ II ~SWxerayCbemblee, who aver.gect more than~ vet f>t!' gem I t year. Ne'wCOIMr Jennifet Moon, out of RMn6de C~CGllOI couklallobe•"'CJ~b the AntNtiMI in the net. SIM MlpM.U.. ......... '° .. ..... ftnlll ... ...... •SUn II quk'k to <OID8 out of plllhe .... ID...S .. gaod .. anuctpidllg ........... .. gotnt to com•.· SwaU said. "Mom II a .... who .-SID ..................... -.... ,. .. ...,..,,........, ......... ...-..... tenttic --............ ...... _____ ... , . key ne'#COlneft lndudo Creshmen ~'TlWNn and'TW Lyman. 11venan wu the Empbe IAegue Oftenttve Plilyer ol the y, ... )WUOf and ...uor •t El Doredo High. •Karly com • to us with cooftdeoat and • caln.-that .now. ber llO pAly in.., .... lkUlldOnt.. Swail Mkt. •She'• • two-IDIW dilftndlll' tlllll wlll add to our .... wkh her ..,..Sand COUllller M&tdl .•• Lymu w• 1 MCOnd·IMm Al-CIP11'1t'tal ........ .... two,_ ........ High In ,..,....., ·-1n ::= .... "'Y ........ ......... ....... .. .. ---. ..... .................. aiun. M"¢•w.1." 1'wo ............ Mar· .,.... ...... , ..... AIMll Alm, .................. .,,., ............. .... ...... ,... .... -n.r-........ ~ ... , ..... , lrl ... IDM•tl9e_.al .. ,..._,.._,..... .. , ._ ............... --......... a a ...... Miiia .. .-...... 5peed and ii very eager to m the game.'' Swell I hoping the •eapen nccd•pi.yers, 'With e ye•r of Dlvlslon I rompettt: on behJnd tMm. wtU hf-Jr '-cl the newc:omen The '-n bM lONtumenout ol 26 pl.lyen 00 the '°*"· ·Tbe retw'Defi from IMt yeer bring • yeer of p&ilying ...... ....... the bigbell ~. sw.w Ilk!. ·They M¥e • confidence tbey did not haw .... ,.., md lhey knoW Whal to ...., from more dllk:ull ..._ .•• The Anteaten wW fin ploblbly ........ OJ'F -· oltbey..lntb*-.... OD lhe rued ..... _... lly ~UCl.A_.., ... ,... n. ............ d .. ••• a a "n•d¢ , .. ·•--=k1•• ....... · ,.. ... .,._ ...... ., "'• .,,., a 1'lllllr ... ..... 1 .. 0 .. .. -I 2 , .. ,,._ .. .. ............... Daily Pilot • I ' .,J.;i • "' . ... ~ . ,.,. . ....:.·-i tit -t -- Thunday, f.btuary 7, 200'l • Mnl:IO/l~_,...OI ,.__.," . ....,. n.-0# u.a CllJMU"l!ID ....,.,POa __..~um OI 0 & pt 1-. vw W. 0.,.. c._ r._. '-4: --• .._., .................................. Oilitt C:..., c... n.e.-..................... ~~ " ............................ , ...... c-..c...-., ...... ,. .......... ,.. ••• 09-n.•••O.C.. ........ .... .,...,_._..,._ s--.CA. .................... ... ..... _,.,c.u..-. ........ ----·-·· ..... --............ _._ ..... ~--~ ... --........... --....... -. __ ...... .. .......................... 11 ........... ,, .. •lat•••,._. "" .......... _ . .._......,... .. ·--· ........................ _ .................. -.......... -...................... -...... .. .......................... c... ........... c.. ..... -......... -......... ., .. -....... .. '-......... -.......... _,, _____ .. __ ......................... _ ........... ·-............... ... ~ • .._90!cm . ---Off • _. an . __ .., .... ...... .... ... ........... - l STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • Thundoy, February 7, 2002 87 Bow to Place Rot.-. anti dr-.W-™" am .. 11hjrc·1 10 1•han~ t.ithout 1w,.in·. ·11w 1111hli,hi>r n~nr11 tilt-ri,d11 to 1·1•11.or n-dJ1'\ if "'' i.;t or ITjcM am dtb 1f1t1I • .~ By Fax By Phone Monda\ ............... rndm ... , 1 IO '"' . Tu~l.1~ ............. M11111l 1\ 'l "'~•111 "t.Jru..,.J,,, ........ 1'111•,.1!.1\ :, llOp111 Bl-· laUfln P~ . . uh .. rtiM-mr1n. pi;._~ n•von um rmw duu O .. ) ~in ~our d1t~·1ft1,.J ;, munrclictttly. Tilf' Oaih t•ilot 1u>t:rph '"' liahili1r for •m rm" iu rut (<J-t(>) 6:l 1 -h~>1H (1>i1J} h i :!-·1h7U :~:so \\ , ... , lb' "'• • •wJ 'l11ur.-.tlu~ ...... \\.,d 111• .. 1l.I\ ,"iJUp111 &l<h rnL~mn11 few "hit-h it mm he· ,.,.XM ihlt C-.J.n't•I for llH' 1'1.-.I or 1h1· •1•U<T actuall~ orcupirtl l>\ lht· 1•m1r (:,...lit r.1111 onlv ht• nll11~r1I for 1111' fl"' i1 w rtiou I• II 1tl • 116 r'J ... 412 .. . -. . .. . . . . • I .. # ' , ' _I P"·"~ 111d1Hi.-~our ll.llUll' •111J 11hon< 11111111>1·1 111 .. 1,.,.11, .. 11 '"" l"'rl u1h • 1•ntt •11.11lf• ) Telephone 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday-Friday 420 ...... - I ' . I • 470·471 --- . i . . _ ..... per h. 'ftM.I ,._,UM II 4 IMe tor .... elll, Cell 8'I ac:Mttililig ~ 90dllyt ........ FAX ttllll fui111 to (Ml) ~ 1584 --=-------_ ....... ________ __.fltlOM No.-____ _ • Hours Index ( 11•111 ,,, ••• ' \ 11.!ll:.!~ \1 ' ... , .. .,, llh•I fl,,"' Wulk-l 11 B::~O:u11 -.l:OOp111 ~ond•.n -1· r ulJ\ . . 410 . 4a6 Friclu~ ............. 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