HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-25 - Orange Coast Pilot• SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COMMUNmES SINCE 1907 ON 1HE WEB: WWW.DAILYPILOT.COM .. ·WllTIDm Unlike •' Wednesday, you c.an actualty prepare for the thrHt of rain today with your trusty umbrella. See Page Al THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2002 Heffernan to step down Newport agree·s to spend more on Balboa Theater • The Newport Beach city councilman, often the odd man out on votes, will leave his position early. How a replacement will be selected is still unclear. lune c;as.grande DAILY PILOT NEWPORT BEACH -In a star- tling late-night announcement Tues- day, City Councilman John Heffer- nan said he would leave his seat in November, two years before his four- year term expires. Heffernan, the sole supporter of the city's slow-growth Greenlight law whose role on the council is something of a lone wolf, cited fami- ly reasons for the decision. ·I've neglected my famtly, my wife, my ex1ended famtly. • Heffer- nan told colleagues. On Wednesday, Heffernan sdld his family was just one factor, but that he was not prepared to lay out all his reasoning for the decision. He has been considering stepping down for about a year, he said. Hit is not the fact that I'm usuall y Jn the outside of most votes, 1t had more to do with who I was participat- ing with,• Heffernan said. The news came as a surprise to city officials: it seems no one knew it was coming. ·1 was surpnsed and disappointed at John's resignation,· Mayor Tod Ridgeway said. ·1 thought that m the 1 second year of his term he bad become a team player Wlth the other council members.• Since he was first elected two yedrs ago, Heffernan has often been the odd man out, usually alone in his support for G reenlight causes and SEE HEFFERNAN PAGE A4 •Plan to buy the building adjacent to the venue will bring city's investme nt Balboa Theater by purchasing the building next to it to $2 million. June C&sagrande DAILY PILOT Counal members on Tu~­ day voted 6 to 1, Wlth Couna.1- man John Heffernan chssennng to pursue purc:hastng the bwld- mg at 111 Main St .. where the Orange Jullus is now located NEWPORT BEACH -In d dec1s1on that bad arts support- ers hugging and cheenng m City Council chambers, ofhadls Tuesday agreed lo put another $1.4 million into the proposed The building is needed, the--· ater planners and offmdls con· cur, to provide dresSUlg room space and restrooms for the long- cl.reamed-of theater Onginal plans to use the eXJSting theater's SEE THEATER PAGE A4 Two 'distinguished' schools celebrate •Sonora and Andersen elementary cctmpuses receive Califorrua's highest honor for demonstrating academic excellence. Deirdre Newman DAILY PILOT NE\\ PORT-f\.lESA -BaJ- loons dnd bdnners on two ele- mentary Cdmpuses Wednes- day morning heralded the schools' selection as Ccillfor- nia D1sungutshed Schools The c;tate honors went to Sonora Elementary in Costa Mesa dnd Andersen Elemen- tary in Newport Bedch The cntena that deter- mines Cdhforn1a D1stin- gwshed Schools IS based on ~t"a{Jenuc excellence and an ~x1ens1ve appllcat1on. For Sonora. the honor was ec;pec1ally sweet because the school received a Title I award lor high Acddem1c Performance Index scores bdsed on its student popula- tion JUSl last week About 70'X, ol the school's students quaWy for free and reduced lunch rates and Sb""• are Eng- lish-language learners. "It's been a really good couple of weeks," saJd Sono- ra Elementary Pnnc1pal Lone Hoggard. Hoggard sa.td the a pplica- tion took a couple of months to complete and involved the part.1C1pation of staff. parents. community members and even the student council. "It validated a lot of things SEE SCHOOLS PAGE A-' GREG FRY I DAILY Pit.OT Contrasting scenes come together as a pedestrian tries to stay dry during morning showers on Balboa Peninsula. Sanitation district gets grand jury repriinand That's a shower •Environmentalists, Newport Beach leaders both call findings that the agency withheld data about water contamination worrisome. Deepa Bharath DAILY PILOT W ednesday's rain showers were probably the biggest -at least in terms of what fell to the ground -this season for Southern California, meteorologists say. ·The rainfall wasn't heavy, but it was continuous,• said Philip Gon- salves, a meteorologist for the Nation- al Weather Service in San Diego. There is only a 40% chance of rain today, he said. This stonn system can be associat- ed with an &rea of low pressure about 100 miles southwest of the Southern California coast, Gonsalves sald. A wet storm passes through Newport-Mesa. but rain/all to tals for the year are still far below normal •Now it's moving in our chrecllon, • be said. "There is a lot of subtropical moisture.· 1bis weather scenano 1s usually associated with winter. •These storms will become fewer and rarer as we approach summer,• he said. •we've had only two other storms this winter.• But both were pretty weak storms and did not produce as much rainfall as anticipated, Gonsalves said. ln fact. only about a 10th of an inch of rain fell Wednesday, bringing the Costa Mesa total to about 4 inches, far short of the typical 12 inches received by this date Gonsalves said an El N"mo condi- tion is already developing this year Typically, it's associated with wanner but much wetter winter weather. "What's not clear yet iS how strong tt's going to be or bow it is gomg to affect our weather,• Gonsalves said. Sometimes, El N"mo conditions do not affect the weather like they did in California a few years ago. be said. "It's hard to quantify the effects of El Nino,• Gonsalves said. The rain is expected to clear out by the weekend. Paul Clinton DAILY PILOT NEWPORT BEACH - The Orange County Grand Jury has tSSued a seven-poirlt cnbque of the Orange Coun- ty Sarutabon DlStnct's deo- Ston to withhold crucial data about bactenal contamination near the oty's shoreline The grand jury report, announced Wednesday, said sanitation d1stnct leaders have •not disclosed the exis- tence of all publicly funded studies.• As the baslS for its claims. the grand jury oted ·Tue 20 Meter Study,· a 1996 report pdld for by the d.lstnct from funds denved mostly by rates passed on to users Though the dlstnct pub- hshed raw data from a round of test data taken dunng a two-month penod in 1996 - from Sept 26 to Nov. 25 of that year -it did not provide any summary or analysis of it. A wntten analysis of the report was not released until late March Mayor Tod Ridgeway, who SEE SANITATION PAGE A4 Bird's eye view of annual yacht race Turn on, tune in to TV -wi,tb discipline •There are many place s where one can kick back while watching the Newport to Ensenada event begin, but most prefer the bluffs. __ c.. • .,. ..... OA!t.Y PllOT • NBWPORT BV.CH -On the 125-mlle-long Newport to Emenade Yecbt Rat'e route, the only real 1bow II right heN. ~n the more than 450 bOats begin muamg at the IWt1ng Une tn time for the ROOD ..,. OD Priday. Newport Beecb 18 1be place to be. Year alter yeelr, everyop4t -~ tbe bnt.,. to vWw .... na II ftom tbll bhdfl abaft Corona del Mer .... 8eldi. 1iMt r-r. •bOut 1,~ =:-..11v·o:.-..... feet spot to bring a picnic lunch end enjoy the d ty's only elevat· ed view ol the race. Parking, though, is leas than id9al. On-street parking lS lirn- ltad, and .while there'• a large public puking IOt at Big Coro-na SW. Pmk. Jib mott options tbJ9 wlD Nq\dre 101De walklng. Mott ...... lt'J WGftb the bike. In eddMal 90 l!pldal1 Offerild by ... nwien. tartud= ..... Ila Ille Baplde Centllr ~m.-atJaa. __ .. ,_om., • na Glldll wll li9 • tap ol lbe .... _....nee .... ... ........ • pi!blc 1llM•4UQ •1t'1 a greet place to bnng a picnic and view the rare,• Mid Ralph Rodhebn, promoter Of th lbmmy Bahama Newport to Ensen1da Yacht Mee. •Jrs greet because you're up ~ loOking doWn •• Oth~r I ta lft town mo make parc::bel to W9tdl tbea ontbe ......... Tbe bOell blligln .,, ~· lng .., ....... _. bMw ....... ..., .... ,,_.,. ud tbe -at IUg Calw. A '8WM Al T his is national Tum·Off • Your-1V· Set Week. and I'm going to wnte about it for three reesons. Ft.rst, being a bleeding boa.rt liberal. I'm usu- ally for the underdog1 and for th1s week, at least; 1V ls taking a beeting. Setond, l feel a dedicated newspaper should offer a wtde range of Views, and since Steve Srilith bes alr811idy olfeted. the cue for ~ Off, I f the neect to provid 4 little b8Jerice. And. third - and most 5 -whDe prowllnO a al cMtMil oa ~ delk ,tl.e ~. ru KIOll • videio Of •Kuk· ;;;11r111~ om.· that my Oldlilt de ..... -....... C1llliWz ••• 11gO. That WM lbe Clwtm. • ...... PrM • OIMe· ........... ~ldgtllly-.... Gl~-'l b ......... ..... aw , .. , ., Tnr"'• ct'!= -~? ...... ~ •llt .... tlllM :llll \ COIPOUTI HIPPENlllS A workshop on marketing and promotion wlll be held from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday at National University. The workshop Js hostid t>y the Servke Corps of Retired Executives and SJ>9nsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The.event Is $25 per person, or $20 if preregistered. The university '' at 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. (714) 550:-7369 or www.SCORE114.org. A2 Thursday, April 25, 2002 Alice Cetin~lian SHEIS Using fabric and thread to erase old patterns and create new ones SEW, THArs HER THING Right from her days as a young girl playing on the streets of Istanbul, there was nothing more Alice Cetinelian wanted to do than sew. And that's what Cetinelian, now 55, has done for most of her life. For the last 23 years. she has been doing altenttiOos end restyling at The Vel- vet Hanger, a tailonng store on Via Lido. • • EARLY BEGINNINGS Cetinellan has been workmg in a tailor shop since she was 10, she sa.id. "I started my traJ.D.lilg under three sisters who were my neighbors in Istanbul,· she said. •I helped them out and learned all the basics there.· BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Dealership sets record for first-quarter sales The nation's No. 1 Mercedes-Benz dealership. Fletcher Jones Motorcars, confirmed its reputation by setting a record WJth its first·quarter sales fig- ures. Generating nearly $107 million in revenue, Fletcher Jones surpassed its projections by increasing its sales of new cars by 19% and previously owned models by 7% over the last year. "We are delighted that our first- quarter sales have eclipsed our initial expectations, a trend we will continue to nurture by continuing our tradition of providing unprecedented customer service coupled with a wide array of owner benefits,• General Manager Garth Blumenthal said in a press release. The assortment of vehicles ranging from the completely redesigned Sl.500 VOL 96, NO. 115 . Prolonging the lives of wardrobe People tblnk restyling or altering is easier than creating original designs, but that is not true, Cetinelian said. "It's not that easy." she said. "It's quite a challenge to change some· thing that's already there.· Cetinelian, over the years, has won over several loyal clients in Newport Beach, she said. "About 70% of those who..om!e to the shop are repeat customers,• she said. •I even have one who moved to Arizona but would still want some work done when she's visiting or is in the area." Her biggest satisfaction comes from satisfying her customers, Cetinelian said. Roadster to the less expensive C230 Kompressor Sport Coupe add to the company's success, Blumenthal said. As a result of its reputation, Fletch- er Jones receives the largest alloca- tion of new and rare niche models from the factory. Established in 1991 , Fletcher Jones now celebrates its 10th anniversary in Newport Beach. Newport Beach company converting home attics Changing the California view of cramped attic space, Fieldstone Com- munities has started converting the attics in new model homes in Orange County into comfortable living spaces. The home building company saw the conversion of attics as a cost- effective means to increase the square footage of livable space in new hotnes and has been impressed with the public's response. "Normally, if you want more square footage, you simply build a RESlYUNG JS A CHAUENGE "You need a lot of patience to do this job,• she said. "You hav.e to give your customers time. People can be very picky about what they want. and you need to be gentle with them.· Recently. Cetinelian worked on a 100-year-old wed ding gown that belonged to a customer's great- grandmother. "The dress was in pretty bad con- diUon, • she said. "She wanted the S8fl! design but on different fabric. So I copied the old design for her.• Although she bas good ideas, Cetinelian said she does not design. "I'm happy just restyling," she said. "I love my job, and I'll probably do it as long as I'm healthy.• -Story by Deepa Bharath; photo by Greg Fry bigger home,• said Steve Cameron, president of Fieldstone Communities' Orange County division. •However, where the cost of land is prohibitive, as it is in much of Orange County, a more affordable option is to build up.• Building up is not all they do. Fieldstone also provides many options for attic conversion. Such rooms come ·with vaulted ceilings to allow plenty of headroom, built-in wall units for entertainment centers and desks. a full bathroom, along with flooring and wall covering tai- lored to the home buyer's tastes. "We expect other builders in Southern California to follow suit as well,• Cameron said. •Tue industry will not be able to ignore such a strong market demand.• The Fieldstone Group of Cos., which is headquartered in Newport Beach, has built more than l 7 ,000 homes since 1981 . In recognition of their work, they were named Nation- al Builder of the Year and Calif omiA Builder of the Year, some of the indus- try's highest honors. -.J ...... MOiNaot (949) 574-422' READERS HQnJNE (949)642~ right No MWJ ~ lllustrltlonl. edltoNll mett•« ~ hertln can ti. reproduaad without ~ permlllkWI of~ owner . )ola.SlwlaeM'*'-<Olll ...... ~ "'*~ (949) 7'4-0St OCt>p/lotoeit.t'*'-c:om .... SW! ........... Record y04Jtf comments .t>out the O.lly Pilot °' news ti,,._ ADOBE SS HOW TO IEAQt us ~ 'fttOMllSK.~ Nllllw nwr~ .... NOYon'IM. ~Oht11or Ott.-' c.auna,..,.. ~,. 57....wt ..,,. bllli'f..,...lffNl.com Our ~-Ii 330 W. by St., CoJta Mell. CA 92627. Offlc• hot.In .,. Mon&ly. Frldly, &:JO • m, • S p.m • COMECDONS The Times 0r-. County (800) 252-9141 ,... .... ~--­~l'Jlilcw ... o .. .. lffwpol\ hlittl ...... l'MIJ S?<Mlll ""1ll.Ul#f'MNll ... lii1wC1M1 -..Olili9 ,__.,...,_ ~'J'JWHI )'Ol.llll dlM,..,.._ .... cai.. ~ ........ ,.,.. ... .,..... .......... _ C.. --~::, S74'U11 .,.."*II"' ...... aim ............. ....... ,.._, C9iWI S74<4l21 ---·--...... Qllll ........ ................ " .... .,,..,,, ... d ..... ,. s -n It is the ~ policy to promptly correct •11 lfJOfJ of~­,.._. call (Mt) 574-4233 m The~~Mt'9~ Hot (\M..1--.. publltllCt ~ In ........,...,, endc..-.., . ~IJlfoN• ....... fllltl!¥M> .,.,.,. • 1"* 11rftll OfMfl C.ourlly CIOGt m.-MI In ... cMllicte of ~IMctl-c.a--. ..... ~•NDisllrPIDI.,...._ ..... _., ........ _. flof S• '* ................... ,, .... .......... ~ ....... ..................... SufsC =---Cll9 ... 0-"'ed '"9) 642-5'7• ~ tM9> w;.w1 ....... --~642-5111) ~.,. 57oM22J New1F411let41) .... ,10 ....... 8H110 ...,. -pl;-lttn• aim ... oa. lu*tm OMol ~ 1G4121 ....,_,_M)8MUI MMlllW'lllllliltC'& ._..._ . ..... ., ............ .... ... ......... _.. Daily Pilot ·Get your feet doum to Sak Elliott Lucca T he Sak Elliott Lucca, known for its popular tight weave handbag, has added a new line of · footwear. The company wanted to design shoes because there's such a strong connection between shoes and handbags. The styles feature high-quality leathers, with the company's signature tight weave cro- chet and other natural fibers. The spring footwear styles are moderately priced from $58 to $88, and the average prices for the fall styles will be from $70 to $90. The styles range from sandals. espadrilles and dress shoes. The Sale is at Fashion Island, near Macy's. A spring bouUque with more than 50 vendors will take place from 10 a.m . to 8 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at St. Michael and All Angels Church gym in Corona del Mar. The bou- tique is hosted by Our Lady Queen of Angels Mothers Group, Casa Teresa. the Glass Slipper Guild of CHOC, St. Michael and All Angels and Harbor View Elementary School PFO. At the boutique, you may request to have 10% of your purchases donated to the charity of your choice. The St. Michael and All Angels Church gym is at 3233 Pacif- ic View Drive. Corona del Mar. (949) 552-6222. Fashion bland offers the latest in spring trends for women's apparel, men's apparel and the home. At Aerosoles, there's a new line of sunglasses, .canvas tennis shoes and slides with match- ing totes. Alegria has cotton toile pajamas and bamboo handle purses. Allen Allen bas a new selection of teny cloth sportswear sets in bright spring colors. At-Ease Women .. Store has a new line of silk Starington blous- es and Cutter & Buck coordi- nates. Bebe has crochet tops and low-rise denbn jeans. Debey Johnson has the lat- est look of cotton eyelet dresses and skirts. cotton Lycra stretch skirts and tops, and floral chiffon slip dress- es. Cheri has hand-dyed silk scarves and dresses. lea.rt has new European clothing that includes evening wear. Lady GoU has the new •TIJd • Hawaiian classic golf and resort wear. The Optical Shop of Aspen bas rimless sunglasses with a gradient tint by Matsuda. Priorities bas peasant blouses and eyelet skirts. Rebel has new Juicy sweatshirts and spring pajama sets. Parallel has pants in spring's latest col- ors, such as bamboo and desert blue. For men, the lat- est spring trends can be found a.t Structure, which bas vertical multi-stripe woven shirts, stretch cotton boot tu and cargo pants1 Garya, which has five-pock- Greer Wylder BEST BUYS e t jeans by Ermengildo Zeg- na in spring colors and fab- rics; Sea Island cotton polos, silk and linen blend plants by Bernard Zins -Paris; and Garys Cole Haan, which has the new Cole Haan Air Nautilus and Air Mariner shoes. Spring looks for the home are available at Chert, which has Llns white linen pillow covers and guest towels; Chlauo, which has a satellite bowl designed for MoMA by Carlo Conlin, and a Ray wire fruit basket by Turkish designer Define Koz; lbe Museum Co., which has MoMA ribbon vases; and Shabby Chic, which has garden lanterns, beach bags, backpacks and candles. Subtle Tones is having a big antiques event through Sunday. The store is filled with antiques reduced 10% to 30%, and vendors are bringing to consignment pieces and decorative items. There are also new pastels in linen apparel, French ter- ry and T-shirts. Subtle Tones carries antique lighting and home furnishings, bed linens, clothing for women and children, candles, lotions, frames. and other great items. It's at Corona del Mar Plaza in Newport Beach. (9"9) 640-2781. A tree workshop on Uv- lng trusts will be offered by attorney John T. Hra.nek from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Five Crowns Restaurant to Corona del Mar. Reservations are required at the workshop. Topics covered will include estate planning. estate tax. attorney fees and probate costs, business owners con- cerns, retirement plans, pro- tection of children's inheri- tance, disabilities, and emt- ing living trusts. Five Crowns is at 3801 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 797-0145. Mayon Jewelry store at Fashion lsland is having a huge sale on its entire col- lection of fine jewelry reduced 30% to 60% oU. The selection includes dia- monds, gemstones, gold, estate and designer jewelry, and famous brand watches. • 9IST IUVI 1ppe111 ThuMay5 and~ Send lnfonNtlon to Gre« WVld9f at 330 W. Bay St., Cm- ta Mesa, CA 92627, or vt. fu •t (949) 646-4170. SUIF IND SUI . Doily·Pilot . Thunday, April 25, 2002 A3 . PosSible El Toro airport liVes, congressman says • Rep. Dana Rohrabacher returns bis attention to the issue to point out that there are ways the dosed Marine base can still fly. Paul alnton DAILY PllOT NEWPORT-MESA -Cos- ta Mesa's congressman bas re-injected himself into the debate over how to use the closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, saying an airport could still fiy. Long a strid ent supporter of an airport at the base, Rep. Dana Rohrabacber bad backed away from an El Toro airport earlier this month, saying he was "sick of the issue." 1\vo developments have put the airport dream in jeop- ardy. Measure W, on March 5, rezoned the land from avia- tion to open space. Also, Navy offii::ials announced Tuesday they would allow the land to be sold off to the high- est bidder or developed 81 parkland. Coupled with the Orange County Board of Supervisors' decision last week to hand the bulk of the base to Irvine in a o annexation bid, the a nnouncement, many om- dals agreed. has dimmed the lightbulb for any operating air-traffic control tower at the base. But Rohrabacher on Wednesday said those opin- ions were premature. "(I disagree with) this idea that simply because at last there's going to be some movement on that carcass out there at El Toro that any avia- tion possibilities are out," Robrabacher said. "Nothing will be done that will pre- clude those aviation assets out there." The 4, 700-acre base, of which 1,000 acres have been set aside for a wildlife pre- serve, still have runways and a decaying network of build- ings. The outspoken congress- man also said Tuesday's announcement &m't as ignif- lcant as it seems. A Record of Deo.s10n, which was released Tuesday, only signals the Navy's intention about bow the land will be released. The base must sttll go through what is known as a conveyance process, the for- mal transfer of ownership. South County leaders wbo mounted and passed Mea- sure W discounted Rohrabacher's coJDIDel'\ts as unrealistic. "That's almost funny," "said Meg Waters, the spokes- woman for a coalition of South County cities •tte can dream about it, but obviously he's sounding very desperate and not very rational.• North County dbes and pro-airport groups have chal- lenged Measure W Ul court. If they win their appeal, or U another ballot measure can overturn that initiative before the Navy conveys the land, then the airport plan could breathe new We, Rohrabach- e r said. The Navy has yet to announce when 1t plans to convey the land. VIEW CONTINUED FROM A 1 FYI • WHAT: Tommy Bahama Newport to ~a Yacht Race, the largest im.m.tionaJ yacht race •WHEN: The race will begin at noon, wtier'I the fim round of boats will luve the starting tine. Boats will continue to t.Ke off every 10 minutes for more than an hour . New chairman named for Center handful al a time, the boats will sail out of the harbor and into the ocean to line up on one of two starting lines about a quarter-mile southwest of the harbor entrance. Startulg with the largest boats ftrSt, sets of ships will take off every 10 minutes for more than an hour, providing a spectacu- lar show. Many fly colorful battle flags, and some get even more colorful -sometimes with hired manachl bands playing on board, and sometimes with eye-catch- mg gimmicks, such as "The Prospectors," a group of San Francisco attorneys who in past years have had a grand piano on the ship's bow and all their crew members in tuxedos. The Wedge is a gooq spot for many to watch the race, though for safety rea- sons race ofhcials discour- age spectators from gomg out onto the Jetty. The tip of BaJboa Pier is another spot to park and watch the action go by. An'd, for any- one lucky enough to have access to a boat, the race can also be seen from the water. Organizers caution "The Tea Room,, at The Village Fanner Restaurant I Personally would /lice Lo invite you to view the Tea Room and unique gift bouUque lllld enjoy a complimentary cookie ... .. 38Sl S. Bear Sc. Santa Ana South <:out .Pina V'JJage o\o.-Dw Uttl hooo ~ Brcaldiaa • Lunch • Dinnu 8am.-9pm. Tea Room lioun . llun. -5pm. &itttJJ"'""' _,, ~ 714-557-8433 SEAFOOD RESTAURANT ac OYSTU BAR ""'~,,.,,,e. "''Er Lunch I Dfnriir 51420 •17m 9'-'°' FMut ~.,,, IJ:p,.,- Ji 611 <-•· .... ._ ••.• ., (7U)MN04 • • WHERE: The starting line ls just southwest of the harbor entranc.e, between the Wedge and Bi9 Coro- na. Viewfng spots mclude the bluffs above COrona def Mar State Bead\ the Wedge, the end of the Balboa Pier and from boats on the water. • CAU: Race or~izer Newport Ocean sailing Assn.'s main number ls (949) 644-1023. oo-water spectators lo steer clear of the race, though. "You will see some pretty crazy stuff," Rodheim said. "You never know what you're going to see. Rwnor has it that there will be a woody automobile that will be floating down the harbor this year. That should be something to see.• • JUNE CASAG.RANDE c011ers Newport Beach. She may be reached at (949) S74-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrandeOlatimes.tom. • After controversy surrounding a lawsuit among former board members, Paul Folino is tapped to head the board . Young Ch•ng DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA -A long- time Orange County Perform- ing Arts Center contributor and record-breaking donor to South Coast Repertory has been elected chairman-desig- nate of the Center's board of directors. Center officials announced Wednesday. Paul Folmo, president and chief executive of Emulex Corp .. was unanimously voted to fill the vacancy left when past chamnan-elect Thomas T. Tierney declmed the posi- tion earlier thts month. Tierney's decision followed a bout of controversy sur- rounding a lawsuit between h1mseU and former board members Henry Samuell and Henry T. Nicholas Jn, co- founders and executives of Broadcom who resigned from the board last month after the dispute became public. 00150 JAPA NESE RESTA URANT . ~-~th L / An~ivcrsar_y --rhanb fur · all those ~rs ... • ~•riE~t. r Min. $20.00 All Wine is 15% OFF bottles April 2;th_,o •h, 2 002 Complimcntar_y Gift Certificates For Those Who Pu rchas_e Sample of our Specia l Wine & Sake Dinner Selection Special Kisdcrcuvccc.athlccn, !xlnoma •9a Sta& Leap. Napa '97 $2 ~ oo_ c.b Du Valct-blf r>ottk) I Napa •9a / t-icMcollccbon (Halfbottic), Napa I 8 ,.._..------~ H1fts (Half bottle),~ ''a )( rar Nicnte CHalf bottJC), N.!pa '$$ ~(Ho~) ~(~) ~(N.y;w>) +88 E:. 17th Street --~-.StnX::t ___ Cost.a Mesa, CA ffl-t 2-0J+l Talie Out welcome (No Delivcrg) • Tierney felt the lawsuit, wu-e- laled to the Center, brought undue attention to its board. Folino's election marks new beginnings for the Cen- ter's board, Center President Jerry Mandel said. "This says, 'All right, we're moving ahead,'• he said. ·And as far as I'm concerned, (the !C1wsuitJ issue is over with and we're moving onto new things for the Center." Folino, who will be officiaJ- ly elected into the position in July after Roger Kirwan com- pletes his three-year term as chairman, said in a statement: "It is a wonderfully thrilling time in the history of the Cen- ter and indeed for a1J of the arts in Orange County. The Center is embarking on a new era with its expansion, both phys1- C ·1.trit\ ... \\ .i11 1· r'""·'1 I 11,111.111u \o l111io11' Rabbitt Insurance Agency AllTO • HOMEOWNERS • H£Alllt Sl4b1L1ry Smu 195 ~ -~ ~ ~ <-r)J ~~-Ofr1lt*I-......... / r-• 949-631-77 40 441 Old Ncwpon 8hd. • Ncwpon 8C8Ch (Near HCNtC Hoapiw) Fresh Boneless Skin On Chicken Brea.st Reg '5".. Now s Z19 u.. Ground Sirloin froftFal ·s ~ Reg '4"',,, Now ~ --lb Stuffed Chicken Breast Wll/I 5'>1nach f. F-~ cally and m terms of its a.rtisbc vision and programming, and I am excited by these prospects and look forward to being an integral pa.rt of them.· The lead donor's commit- ment to the Center incl4des a $1-million gilt to its capitaJ campaign made last year. Folino and his wife. Daranne. are also underwriters of the Candlelight Concert. Folino accepted the position with the Center because his two-term presidency of South Coast Repertory's board of directors also ends in late July. He has been a trustee at SCR smce 1996 and will con- tinue that commitment for three more years. He lS also the chairman of the theater's Next Stage fund-raising cam- paign -a pos1bon he will Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breast Tomados Reg •r .. Now s 4 99 u.. Orange Roughy Reg '13" ... N ow 7 99 11>. Reg '4"u.. Now s 2!9 u.. • Homemade Your Choice: Bear Claws ~~ 99c eo. ,. SJ.50 ea. ..,_ ______________ __, hold until the campaign con- cludes at the end of 2003. Earlier in the month, SCR officials named the new theater complex the Folino Theatre Complex. in recognrtion of his total contribution of $10 million to their capital campaign. "Paul has just come off one of the most successful cam- paigns at SCR, and he's very effective, very well-liked,• Mandel said. "He's a natural.• Kirwan and Folino will be talking closely in coming months about focusing on the Center's campaign to build a new concert hall and what the chaumanship entails. ·Paul is a proven leader and a lover of the arts, and we're expecting him to bring all of those talents wtth him,· Kuwan said FULL BAR ~-COCKTAILS AUantlc Salmon Fillet s499 Reg • J 3"a. Ncx.o .. Fresh HaLOalian Albacore Tuna Reg • 11•,.. Now S619, English Sole Now s"l99,,., ·A4 Th1.1Nctoy, Aftil 25. 2002 ' PUBLIC SAFETY \ I • • . . . POLICE FILES COSTA MESI 8 Luther Mitchell's former football coach and teacher desaibe the 19-year-old as 'friendly' and say he wore 'a smile that would light up the world' she heaid the sad news. •He was one o! those st.u· dents you never forget,• she said. •rve known bim since first grade. >.. a little kid, he had a smile that would 1lght up the world. He wu very outgoing and unusually spe- cial .• said. •Luther had a good sense bf humor. He was a friendly and outgoing kid and was very talented.'' Howell said Mitchell, who graduated from Costa Mesa High last year, had several friends because of his good nature. • llRISTOl sntlET ANO ltANOOLPtt AVENUE: A traffic collision lnvoMng Injuries was reported at 8:45 p.m. Monday. DMpa tlharath The teenager tragically DAILY PILOT died in a traffic accident • CANADIAN DRIVE! A traffic collision Involving injuries was reported In the 3100 blodc at 5:55 p.m. · Monday. • DARRBJ.. $'fREn Annoy· Ing phone calls ~e report- ed in the 900 block at 2:12 p.m. Monday. • HAMUJON STREET: An Individual was reportedly brandishing a weapon in the 500 block at 8:36 p.m. Mon- day. • MONROVIA AVENUE: An auto theft was reported in the 1800 block at 6:38 p.m. Monday. • SOUTH COAST DRIVE: A robbery was reported in the 900 block at 4:07 p.m. Mon- day. • WESTBROOK PLACE: A home burglary was reported in the 300 block at 1:51 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • ESPLANADE AND VISTA DR ORO: An assault was reported at 6:43 p.m. Tues- day. • FORD ROAD: Indecent exposure was reported in the 2300 block at 8:59 a.m. Tuesday. • IRV1NE AVENUE: A petty theft was reported in the 800 block at 8:21 a.m. Tues- day. • NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE EAS'r. A petty theft was reported in the 100 block at 3:31 p.m. Tuesday. • SAN MIGUEL DRJVE: A grand theft was reported in the 1600 block at 4:07 p.m. Tuesday. • SEASHORE DRIVE: A home burglary was reported in the 6200 block at 3:38 p.m. Tuesday. • SUSSEX LANE: Battery was reported in the 1200 block at 10:59 a.m. Tuesday. • l51H STREET AND BAL- BOA BOULEVARD: A traffic collision involving injuries was reported at 1 1 :51 a.m. Tuesday. COSTA MESA -Luther Mitchell was sjiedhl. Not because the likye~ old, 5-foot-8, 300-poµnd Costa Mesa High School graduate was a star football player. Mitchell is remembered by niany because he had a big heart and always extend- ed a helping hand to any- body who needed it. HEFFERNAN CONTINUED FROM A 1 frequently a dissenting voice on just about any subject. As recently as Tuesday, Heffer- nan cast the sole "no• vote in a council decision to buy the building at 111 Main St. as space for the pla.nned Balboa Performing Arts Theater. •John is kind of the coun- cil antagonist. He plays a role of antagonist, and that's not necessarily a bad thing,• Ridgeway said. "Contention and dissent create healthy THEATER CONTINUED FROM A 1 basement for these purposes fell through when it was dis- covered that the basement would need costly improve- ments. The decision to enter into negotiations to buy "The Orange Julius Building,• as it has come to be nick- named, includes a plan to section off two-thirds of the building for resale by the city. This will allow officials to recoup some of the city's investment. An appraiser hired by the city has said the building is It's A Pet Lovers DnMI Ply The tntln! fairgrounds Will be ftlled wtth anlmll stage shows, compell!lons & demonstradons. • Over tOOO Antnall WI Enllftlln Y.U • l•pfna On A Hutt Amy Of r.t PtMuotll • 'Mvlot Frum Pit~ Sunday morning when the Chevy SubW'ban he was dri- ving spun out of control and hit a cinder-block wall on South Coast Drive. , A makeshift shrine with posters, pictures and candles stands at the site of the crash. , Valerie Johnson, who was Mitchell's teacher when he attended Whittier Elemen- tary School, said she •cried for two days straight• when debate, and John c;ertainly did provide a platform for healthy debate.• Heffernan agreed that this has been one of his most notable accomplishments: "Hopefully, I've been a voice for reason and common sense,• he said. Greenlight leader Phil Arst said he hopes Heffernan will change his mind. ·1 can certainly under- stand what he goes through up there,· Arst said. •And this sure shows how the City Council doesn't want to cooperate with the residents' only representative.• worth $1.4 million; the building's owner, citing a different appraiser, has asked for $1.6 million. Added to the $480,000 the city spent in the 1990s to buy the theater building, Tues- day's vote is · expected to bring the city'9 investment in the theater to about $2 mil- lion. "When the arts come into an area, the area· ·thrives,· Councilman Steve Bromberg said, summing up the city's main motive for the investment. But the vote to move ahead came among grave concerns, voiced mainly by Councilman Gary Adams, about whether the purchase SCHOOLS we were doing and gave us a lot of great ideas for next steps/ Hoggard said. Validators from the state came to check out the school as well and were impressed with the multitude of enrich- ment and intervention pro- grams, Hoggard said. The camaraderie between parents of different ethnicities also knocked their socks off, she said. Johnson said Mitchell was also a good friend of her daughter's and often took fishing trips with her step- son. Mitchell was also a talent- ed football player, said Jerry Howell, former Costa Mesa High football c-oach. •rve known him since he was in seventh grade,• he Though Heffernan announced that his District 7 council seat would be up for grabs in the upcoming November election, the rules for replacing council mem- bers makes it unclear whether his initial replace- ment will be elected by the voters or appointed by the council. According to the city's charter, council members would appoint someone to fill any vacancy on the City Council until the next munic- ipal election. At election time, voters select a candidate to fulfill would be a wise use of tax- payer money. Scrutinizing a business plan prepared by the Balboa Performing Arts Theater Foundation, Adams translated a number of potential worries into condi- tions that the foundation must meet. Topping that list: Adams requested better accounting of the foundation's fund- raising. He also asked plan- ners to adjust the construc- tion costs estimated in their proposal to better anticipate inflation. And, noting that the option of selling off two- thirds of the 111 Main St. building is one of the city's best tools · for offsetting its financial risk, Adams asked "He was a good kid who had a good heart,• he said. •He was easy going and easy to talk to.• Visitation hours are noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Brown Mortuary, 204 W. 17th St., Santa Ana. A funeral service is scheduled for 11 :30 a.m. Saturday at 1915 McFadden St., Santa Ana. the unfinished term. This means that a candidate elect- ed in the CQming November election would serve out Hef- feman's two remaining years if he had vacated the seat early enough. In 2004, which is when the District 7 seat would nor- mally be up for grabs, anoth- er election for the council seat would be held. Heffernan said be has not decided exactly when he will step down. •I need to get some things done first,· he said. He added that the question of how to select his replace- that the building be separat- ed sooner rather than later. ·we need to have an agreement with the founda- tion that protects the city's interests,· Adams said. Foundation members, Daunting the expertise of a number of new board mem- bers, assured the council that they could meet their goals. "Believe me when I say we're moving fast,• founda- tion President Dayna Pettit told council members. Only Heffernan opposed the plan, saying it was the wrong time for the city to make such a commitment, especially because parks and other city projects are "The validators were cry- ing after the parents met with them -(there would be) an African American parent sit- ting next to an Anglo parent sitting next to a Latino parent with their arms around each other talking about baby-sit- ters that they share," Hoggard said, •and talking about how lucky they feel to have their kids at a school like Sonora.• KENT TREPTOW I DAllV Pit.OT Melinda John. 6. a student at Sonora. Elementary School, high-fives School Community Fadlltator Marcy Shands-Brown upon learning that Sonora was selected as a Callfomla Dlsttngulshed School on Wednesday. The school board presi- dent, Judy Franco, said the honor reflects the diligence of everyone involved with the distinguished schools. •You need to have princi- pals, staff, parents who are willing to take the time,• Franco said. ·it's an exciting time for those two schools.• Andersen Principal Mary SANITATION :0d~e~0 Si':ne =oa= from the shoreline was trav- CONTINU ED FROM A 1 eling along the ocean floor toward the beach. requested a copy of the The cont.amtnation was as report du.ring a public meet· close as 1.5 miles out to sea ing earlier this year, said the and just 20 meters below the grand jury's findings were sW'face. Newport Beach offi- disconcerting. d.als and activists have long "It's clear the disbict was suspected that the surf zone not forthcoming with this was contaminated. infonnation, • Ridgeway said. Environmental activist "l was uncomfortable with Jack Skinner, who has the answers when J was pushed for the releue of the quemon.l:ng the staff about report, aid the data could the 20 Metem&r:· • have led to a greater tesUng Oiltri.ct o said they effort after a 1ummer-long would take the grand Jury's beach closure lo Huntington findinol to beart. Beech In 1999. •we have read the report •u we bad known the con· and agree with all the recom-tamination bad come that mendadons provided by the dOM to more, then we would grand Jury." Geperal Manag-ba\te pre111d for more moni- er BJeke Andenon ia.ld. •we tortDg, • SkiDnet Mid. •t•m ~•nk the d jury ,•for vary much In favor of ~ tbat •c•ocso arucS Jury's recommend•· feC!09rDle beneftt Of iaarl;. communicating wttb tbe · AlanG WUb tbe 18\'eo attl-9'.i*' . , . dd we 'wlJ UM dllM_Ci'I lbe Mftltation db· NC••menda~ to imprO"! ldd, tM ~ J\lrf Uo &aid tM way we dl•lllllnate .a ..,. ~, Tbcile 1111udl ll\Jdl8I to tbit com· lrlludr ... &°' aD )lllllllllly. ·-...a..:. ....... pc J8' • tap. TM ll!l~UUf :ilMMI tbat • ... ... ~ .... ,.._ of ...... 'Walll -.I Riii flW. hPlilll to Manos was unavailable for comment. • ~ NEWMAN covers ectu- catlon. She may be reached at (949) 574--4221 or by e-mail at delrdre.newmanOlatimes.com. the public in a timely man- ner. Under the terms of a fed· eral sewage waiver, the dis- trict releases 240 million gal- lons of partially treated waste per day from a pipe on the oceannoor. A host of Orange County cities, including Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Seal Beach, are pressing for an end to the waiver, which will expire in 2003. 'lbe di.sbict ls required to protect the water in a recre- ational zone leading three miles out under the terms of the waiver. On May 15, the sanitation d1Jtrlct'1 bovd is SchedUled to reeetve a battery of results from tests that were per- formed Wt summer. The dlltrtct mutt <:ollskler whether to step up treotment Of the wute wawr from a balk, or primary, treatment to a ~ tborWgh, OT JGC· andaJy, triNltment. ment will factor into the decision. If Heffernan steps down in November, it could mean that the council will not have to pick ~ replacement to serve in the interim. But it's unclear whether the rules allow him to time his depar- ture that way. The city attorney's office will have to interpret the charter to decide how to abide by the rules. • IUNE CASAGRANDE covers New- port Beach. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrandeOJatimes.com. competing for funding in tight budget times. But, pledging their faith in the dedication of the the- ater planners, council mem- bers decided in their favor. ·Let me warn you, though: Your work has just begun,· Mayor Tod Ridge- way said. • JUNE CASAGRAM>E covers New- port Beach. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrandeOlatimes.com. OlllUAIY Rita Annette Quick A memorial service for Rita Annette Quick, a ..AO-ye4r Costa Meu.ses- ident. Will be held' at 3 • p.pt. Sunday at St. John's episcopal Church, 183 E. Bay St. Mn. Quick died March 29. She was 97. She is survived by son Dan Robert Quick and daughter Rita Q . Halter. COONEY, Dennla Passed 'lrNay on 414 at his residence in Newport Beach at age 58. He 1$ $AMY8d ~ his famlty anCI friends Who kwed him deat1y. Worked ior Sc:thter Elevator fOr 18 yen. Pai ab oqJ8I' wllt\ 173rd Akt>orne In "1eenam, 8M'l8d the Silver Star, Bronz.e Star and PutPe Heart. Memorial mass at Our lad'f of Mt. Cennel, NB on 4tl6 10:30am. Daily Pilot Thundoy. April 25, 2002 A5 NEWPORT·MUI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD WRIP·UP NEWPORT BEACH CIR COUNCIL WUP·UP Inside th• DISTRICT Here are some of the actions taken at TtJesday's Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Education meeting. PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE DELAY WHAT HAPPENED: The school board voted unanimously to delay dis- cussions on a joint-use parking garage that would be shared with St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church until the church completes its expansion plans. WHAT IT MEANS: The issue will come back to the board in a few months. In the mean- time, the district wants to work with the city to alle- viate traffic problems in the area, Supt. Robert Barbot said. WHAT THEY SAID: "I don't want this to go to bed for 10 years because 10 years ago we were addressing the same issues and it is scary there,• trustee Dana Black said. ·we need to keep this on the front burner.• FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT WHAT HAPPENED: The board unanimously approved including S6 million for voluntary seismic retro- f Its. WHAT IT MEANS: The funds have been ----~ - 111r•n1H • --: 7 p.m. May 14 • WIW: District head- quarters, 2985-A Bffr St., Costa~ • N'ORMAl"ION: (714) 424-5000 taken from lower priority areas, Assistant Supt. Mike Fine said. WHAT THEY SAID: •it's a reasonable rec- ommendation," trustee Jim Ferryman said. "It makes a lot of sense to me." JOINT·USE AGREEMENT WHAT HAPPENED: The board unanimously approved renewing the district's joint-use agreement with the city of Costa Mesa. WHAT IT MEANS: The main change is that the city is now in charge of scheduling and will schedule all its events in district facilities after 4 p.m. The district also agreed to give the city a 15-day notice if a certain facility will not be available and to help 'any affected group find an alternate location. The only exception is CIF practice and postseason play. WHAT THEY SAID: "The joint-use agree- ment has been in place for many years and we consider it a model," Fine said. -Compiled by Deirdre Newman • Pilcws, Cushions, Pods {200t) • 'Mie Wtdcer 3 Shel Sb1d •Wm~ tbipn r Inside CITY HALL H~re •re some of the actions taken at the Newport Beach City Council meeting on Tuesday. WEST NEWPORT UTILITIES WORK WHAT HAPPENED: The City Council approved a contract of up to $48,200 with the firm of Har- ris and Associ- ates of lrvlne to provide assess- ment and engineering ser- vices for underground utili- ties in part of West Newport. The contract means that the area's deslgnation as an underground assewnent d~ trict for telephone and other utility services will be com- plete. RECYCLING GUNI REQUEST WHAT HAPPENED: Council members BRIEFLY IN THE lllWS Get discounts by retiring old flags Nilck.i's Flag Shoppe, in cooperation with the Newport Harbor chapter of the Nation- al Exchange Club, is offering an opportunity to retire old flags. Bring in an old Dag, and the shop will provide a 10% discount on a new one. Nik- ki's Flag Shoppe is at 475 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 646-5166. Yacht race party to be held today Perhaps the biggest party of the Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race festivities will take place tonight when the Pre-Race Fiesta draws thou- sands to the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. RfTAl ~ $79 $59 . • Hec:al.ootds-al sa./mst. styles •W.d.Tnds $99·A99 $79 $99-499 $99·599 • Amtad Clm1 (mt) • A..-d TciJles (D)t) •TVSlardl $179 • Swiwl Rodm tw/.... $2A9 • \bilt{o.lcs Siii ................. $299 ......... ~OQ)tt $199-399 • Pqmlf•~ $129-199 ..... ........,.............. $99S •WWdlir1•et''J .,,._ ~ I ' approved a motion to sub- mit a grant r uest to the f:Jeral Depart· ment of Conservation's recy· ding division for S40,840 . . WHAT rT MEANS: The money, tf awarded, would come from S10.5 mil- lion of federal funds set aside for eligible cities to use for recycling beverage con- tainers and for cleaning up litter. The city would use the money to continue and bol- ster its existing recycling pro- grams. HARBOR COMMISSION TASKS WHAT HAPPENED: The city's · new Harbor Commission ··hasn't even met yet. but it already has its work cut out for it. In their meeting Tuesday, council members approved a list of tasks the commission will take on. The celebration, which usually draws 3,000 to 4,000, is open to the public and will begin at 5 p.m. It is expected to go until about 11 p.m. Admission is free to race participants and the general public. The club is at 1601 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, (949) 644-9530. The yacht race will begin Friday at noon just outslde the harbor entrance. It will end in Ensenada, Mexiro, on Sunday. Nautical museum to unveil new exhibit The Newport Harbor Nau- tical Museum's will kick off its summer exhibition, "First Defense of Freedom,• with an open house aboard the 1812 privateer schooner Lynx. The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. May 17. Reservations and information: (949) 673- 7863. • Des@la 8r5lds . ~ lt.x~,etc ... • HlncRds d Pi«esl ~ so Pieces d~ F\lrim ~ 50 Pitas d Md.al Funit!..R m Hx.fSitts • lNre tx:m ~ • T!\lics • Wall lhls • lkxlm • 100 lb [)ffmrt CdJU End Tabl(s •Sofas & ~ •on c.at:nts • MTOrt5 • TV Stirids • 8*rs kb •Oltfaect·~d ~ •fist SBG • N:amJES WHAT rT MEANS: N~ on the list is the question of residential pi~ rentals -a potent ally con- troversMI topic that ques. tions whether the Ti~ands Fund should get a cut of the money that changes hands when the owner of a private pier rents it out to another boat owner. The committ~ will also tackle questions such as ho<N the city can better enforce parking rules associated with harbor uses and what moor- ing rates should be. POLICY MANUAL WHAY HAPPENED: The manual that lays out city staff's tasks on every- thing from airport policies to annexations to voicemail and water service got its lat- est update Tuesday. The <(O\) IORN Iii ~\ 4.4)iP, Ji.~ Clp 1f1iud oiit llMI l!rinf Imo ~ """' Of/I ... n we1 p '!fl" II FREE PIZZA ., '°" pwdtoM11 pCuo -~ """'fl,.,,., price. ...... ~ Birthday Party Special 4..,_. .. ' ' 16""..,.; w:'h. WE DEUVEll 714·549-2101 Coms Me.a • J J TJ lobr s.r-t 1111 m1T1H ·--:7p.m.~14 . ·-= ~Council Chambers It City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. · changes included 18 new policies. SOUNDING OFF "If you don't have e-mail, I want to urge you to join the new millennium." -Mayor Tod Ridgeway, on a citywide effort to reduce paper use, in part by sending out council agendas and other docu- ments via e-mail. YOUR DENTAL HEALTH • COMMUNiTY A6 Thursday, April 25, 2002 EDITORIAL A safe library would be a · good library T here remain only six more weeks for fund- raisers to come up with nearly $800,000 to build a new Mariners Branch Library. Library proponents say the current facility -more than 40 years old -has outlived its use and needs replaced. The proposed 14,000-square-foot struc- ture would be located on city property adjacent to Mariners Elementary School. The library would be a joint effort between the city of Newport Beach and the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and would serve as the school's library as well as the public's. But there's a catch. Organizers, including for- mer state Sen. Marian Bergeson, need to raise $1 million by June 1 o to quali- fy for $2 million in state funds. So far, they have roughly $220,000. However, Bergeson, you may recall, helped raise funds for the current library in the late 1950s. And we have all the faith that she's still capable of raising funds for a new library. There's somewhat of another catc}\, though. Some parents have raised concerns about the safety of the children who would use the facility. As it's been set up so far, the library would have both a separate chil- dren's room and a separate school entrance. Additional safety measures include video security cameras. Adding to the concerns, though, was last week's arrest of a Newport Beach recreation coordinator whom city officials suspect of engaging in lewd con- duct with children involved in the city's recreational programs. We don't know if the suspect arrested is guilty, of course, but we do know that these sorts of incidents unfortunately happen in our society and, sometimes, cannot be avoided. We urge the city and school district to continue their efforts to raise the necessary funding to build the new library, though we encourage the two entities to do whatever is necessary to appease those concerned parents and straighten all safety matters. The library is much needed in helping bring this community into the 21st century and we have all the confidence in Berge- son and friends in raising the necessary funding. Now build it and they will come -wearing huge smiles on their faces. Nation must vali~te reasons for war Y es, there are many stories about World War Il (The Bell Curve, "Required viewing for those who'd press war on terrorism,• March 21). Yes, there are many rea- sons not to accept sending our youth into war. Yes, there are 'many reasons to disagree with the current United States position and policy on the war against terrorism. 'Ibday 1s not the year 1939. The world has changed. War has changed, and so have politics. The attack oo the World Thlde Center in 1993, when the center was tnrgeted for destruction by a van filled with espatves that killed innocent • people, was our wake up call. We did not listen. Then, an-out war was declared upon the Un:Stad States and all its dti· mm. Still. we did not listen. A.naDy, when oommerdal air- planes commandeered by 50- called terrorists brought down the tWtn towers, it got our attention. It 1s not a case of a surprise attack. or anything our government was not aware of. We were aware of the goal of radicals to use commerdal jets foe the purpme of destructlon foe many yean. In fact, tbe Untted States was able to pre. vent the use or destruction of oammerdal jets years ago bec9Ule our~ Warned UI ol the threat. I~ oolwnn!st JORpb N. Bell leave the mOvie tbe- at8r 1Dd feiad ltltemattonal news 9CICQUOtl °' not Only WbM bappllned .. in the Unll9d seatel, but whilt ii ~ arouoo the WOrtd I~ Wlb Bea tbme llMMdd bea~lor leDdfng &WJ.... Ninllo~ -~ '°'81.,... that runy ,.. I jM all p\anped up _........,action and the Pm11* cllllb GI ttMdr c:bQ. dlillll illal 11111..,..... « ......... tndbful. ............ Bell 1b0Ut DOt .,.. .... out mD· ~·--........ ~ Poul James Baldwin COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Afghanistan. Now the United States is willing to commit money, resources and the lives of our youth to fighting drugs in Colombia. 'This will work as well as putting an embargo on Canada during Prohibition. lbe likes of the Kennedys profited from the prohibition on alcohol, just like the Cali Cartel in Colombia is and will profit from America's war on drugs. But this is business for some in our country and a very profitable business at that. For-profit prisons, federal govenunent pork-barrel poli- tics, the war on terrorism, as well as the war on drugs ls eroding our personal liber- ties, taking away our free- dom and privacy, and mak- ing each and every one of us nothing rQ.Ore than a bit play- er in George Orwell's "1984." Back to Bell's ideas on sending any more Americans into battle. I agree that for us to send Americans into battle, we should have the right reasons -espedAl1y morally, not eco- nomic: -for demanding death. 'Ibe seven-day war, the war on tesrodsm, the war on drugs. Th8 fear ct death a lok!iet faces Is alwayt present But we . haV8 90lc:tieD foe tbiS reeson: to Ggbt end. if need be, to die. But do you want them to die for a reuoo that II rD«aDy repugnant. a 1'8llliCXl to die that II build OD ec:nrwnk: fadOil, a 1'ealOll to die that lt belecl an .God. and ~1 If Y"" do, plMie teJk to the moca.n wl WbM °' tbOle wboM\le clild lot tt'8 ecXma* -~ -inCnla 11•11111 I.-.. ticiDe4. ....... Cllliillid be WOil ....... 9Jcobal ~ .... CID dnlgil and tbe _.on._,. lheJ. SAID IT 'You can talk about these things all you want. But it's all rhetoric untll some sort of direction is taken.' -Air~ Wotking Group President Tom Naugen, on the county finding a solution to the region's air transportat,lon shortage MAILBAG Howlo ' . . GET IWllllED lhe o.11y Pilot MkOtneS '-"*"on haleS concemlng ~ Beactl~~=Pag. Editor ~e:: ... .t the Daily Pilot, 'JlO W lay St., cosu ~CA 92627 • MAD8IS ~-call (949) 642-6086 • MX _send to (M9) ~170 • loMAIL -Send to tRilyp/Jot9/atlmucom All correspondence must include futt name, home- town and phone numbet (for wrification purposes). lhe Piiot ~ the right to edit •II illbmlsslons fOf clarityend length. Daily Pilot The fl.sb.ing barge Mindanao was intentionally burned May 27, 1946, when she was anchored off the West Jetty. Fishing barge was a great playground T hanks for you article (•New- port Beach's own Point Con- ception,# April 15). It brought back old memories. · During the summers of 1940, '41 and '42, my parents put up a tent at a campground next to the American Legion Hall. Us kids bad a great time each summer and, during 1942, we even bad more tun as we had this boat, Mindanao, in front of the camp- ground to play on. It dJd not take long to sink into the sand' as I can remember playing on the deck at high tide with water up to our knees. Tbe campground is now a mobile home park. And, according to the newspapers, it looks like it will be built out for commercial use. Time does move on. DENNIS CAMPBEU Costa Mesa Phone should provide simple cable solution I have had correspondence with the Daily Pilot before on AT&T Broadband and appreciate your arti- cles. I had to comment on the efforts of AT&T Broadband to communicate with customers via City Hall. In their grandiose effort to take care of business, it appears that it is for show and not customer satisfac- tion. I don't believe customers should have to go to City Hall to address simple 1Ssues that should be handled over the phone. · It would seem more efficient and customer friendly to get more phone lines and have those 15 anxious cable mAnagers answer those phone5 in a timely manner, solve the problem and dispatch a service truck as necessary. When I finally got through on the phone and needed a service tech. they came out the next day and were very helpful. When l had finally gotten through on the phone, the customer service representative was helpful (although it took two months and eight contacts to get a simple channel guide). My point being, I believe the audacity to put customers on hold for over an hour, month after month is their main problem. Don't make us go out after work and (probably wait in line) to address a problem that should be taken care of by just answering their phones. MELODY DAIGLE Costa Me!>c1 Mormon steeple too large f pr Bonita Canyon We are among the many con- cerned Newport Beach residents who are very opposed to the pro- posed oversized Mormon steeple. 'This is not a church or religious issue. It is a • 124-foot lighted struc- ture• issue. While the existing Mormon Church is a beautiful and welcome part of Bonita Canyon. a structure of the size proposed is totally out of place within the surrounding neigh· borbood. Codes have helped keep Newport Beach beautiful. Let's enforce the laws as they are for all churches and nonchurches alike. We would be equally opposed if this were a pro- posed water tower or electrical antenna. NANCY S. HOFFMAN ANO BEVERLEY K. HOFFMAN Newport Beach City of Costa Mesa can do better READllS .RESPOND B ravo, Byron de Arakal. As he is one of the few who seems to have a clear take on our fair city's central problem(s), de Arakal's column (•Merrily on our way to nowhere at all,• April 3) captures the Christion &ic I.ETTER TO THE EDITOR essence of what most •improvers" have been vilified for even suggesting. Our Costa Mesa City Council is truly leaderless, stumbling, bumbling along, while issuing irTelevant proclamations and publicly patting each other on the back during City Council meetings for •a job well done," while the citizenry wearily waits into the wee hours of the morning to address relevant problems ln hopes of finding real solutions. Somehow the council remains oblivious to the fact that new Coundlman Chris Steel was elected by the largest majority t>f voters of any of the present council. His election was a clear message indicating the public's displeasure with cwrent J.eedership. Now he appean to be viewed by · the other four coundl members as not just a dissellting V<»ce, but generally, a pam in their ooUective neclc Appareotly they fail to 1eJ11e the ifn~ avalanche lri the next election, whiCh Will continue to ahow the citi- zens' exasperation with tlUI coundl'• lnabWty to help them actually and substantlveJY. improve our dty. Leoder- ahlp appee11 to have taken • becaeat to pandering to IOd4.l pograms that do more to benefit outsideri. We a.re not senophobkl. we juat Wilh we cowd be prouder of our dty. TbOle •down on their luck• wbo OW' doonitep frOm heaven knoWI where have to our dty 1eadel'I than the bard·working bo ~ lived tbeU' ltva In Costa Meta and tt become a ftnt~ d~ and not continu .,..... • c:nambling delcent. By ~tm.g. JOb Celater that .. potentially haz- eldOM ID our dly'w ftnandal weU-belng and because it _...on llida tlllQuoua ~andl, ddl COUbdl lllues ltlpwn fOrm ~"Deptfve ge to ua an: Can't we do __ ..__, We'.JI .... ciome November • . 0CC swap meet shofild remain open AT l5SUI: SO say three letter Writers obc:>ut the city's decision tb&t WW liJiiit the shopping venue to Sundays Only. I believe the swap meet lboU.ld c:onliDue botb Oil Saturdays and s~ at Orange Coat CaDege tOCC swap meet vindon plead to C1fy ~· Aplll 17). Qo11DO ll down has a negative bnpM:t IDGlt on naettY ln three ways: t . IJmlting CODIWDerf ~ ~ lad bar· gain pdcel ~bf, tbe 1WN> 1Met1 2. LOa of jobs b ,,... Md ollilt work- tng at or near the swap meet kx:a~ 3 No addJtiOna1 fUndlDg ~~ ~ Justuotbereumpaeat'nae~­toi'Mth~ ttret llD't bMim: fti ..... the n,rep meetU... lt11 • needed •vice and a ._ 41 Mi I rt lor hUd•WOilmag .,..,.. DoiJy Pilot ' r !NeWport Be,ach leaders vote to tear out trees • No·other alternative to save dying palms on Marguerite Avenue is possible, reluctant city officials say. 'The people living in this area and people like myself are sorry to see these big palms go.' June <:aNgrande DAILY PILOT CORONA DEL MAR-The 114 dis- eased Canary ls1aqd date palm trees that have long cxmtributed lo the char- acter of Marguerite Avenue will be removed and replaced with king palms, the Qty Council decided Tuesday. ipcludes Marguerite in Corona del Mar. "To replace them with fully mature trees is very expeJ)Sive. • -City Councilman Dennis O'Neil The news is upsetting to residents who wanted larger, more mature trees to take their place. But dty offi- cials argued that young king palms. which will be 8 to 10 feet high when they are planted along the avenue, are the only affordable option. The Canary ls~and date palm trees, located in the parkways on Marguerite, have long been known to be victim to fusarium wilt, a dis- ease that will eventually kill the trees. The city selected the king palms as the best replacement in part because they are resistant lo disease. Trees affected by fusarlum wilt can often be identified by the fact that their fronds die in abnormal patterns, such as when all the fronds on one side die sooner than those on the oth- er side of the tree. crews have used sterile pruning tech- niques. There is no cure for the disease and no way to stop it from spreading except by removing the trees. •They're a historical. landmark identifying that parti~ area in Corona del Mar. They're beautiful,· O'Neil said. ·To see these removed is emotional and upsetting. Replacing · them with a much smaller tree is not acceptable to some in the community. The fact is that the trees have to come out. It's a reality that they have a clls- ease and they can't be cured. The city can't afford to replace them with fuUy mature trees.• The young king palms will cost the city $900 each. More mature trees would cost about $2,500 each. •The people living in this area and people like myselI dre sorry to see these big palms go,·. said City Coun- cilman Dennis O'Neil, whose district In 1997, tests showed the Mar- guerite trees were infected with the dis- ease. An attempt to cure them in 1998 failed. To limit the spread of the conta- gious disease, which was first identified in this tree species in California in 1927, CURVE and how long they spent watching it. But the rules CONTINUED FROM A 1 were flexible. They watched a nation sharing their grief when John Kennedy was my wile and me -of the assassinated. They watched delight and affirmation of a man walking on the moon. life this TV show brought Rules were regularly bent into our home would have for the World S~ries or a been downright unpardon-Broadway show they knew Jible. and loved or the Academy Now 1 have no quarrel Awards or for programs that with the multiple studies spoke to all of us -like about the deplorable thmgs "Kukla, Fran and Ollie.· lelevision can do to our chil-The intent and -I firmly dren. I doubt neither the sta-believe -the result of this tistics nor the authority for approach was to send them them. My problem is that the mto adulthood with a sense }>OSitive side of TV is being of taste and critical judg- ignored in order to make a ment. They seldom watched case for national TV Turnoff. trash on TV -either at What Tumoff Week does is home or at someone else's remove discipline and judg-home -not because it was ment from the equation. We forbidden but because it tlad rules. My kids couldn't bored them. They all read watch TV until their home-avidly when they were work was done, and we Um-growing up and still do. All lted both what they watched of this was easy because a;~ Mattress Outlet Store BRAMJ IEW • COSME'OCALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One llodl Soutb al .05 hr/ iii (714) 545-7168 INDEPENDENT LAND ROVER their parents had been enls don't have the good raised with the same mind sense or determindtion to set. And the same results. deny it to their children. Which brings me to the Adults, whether they hdVP second big problem I have earned it or not, don't oper- with Turnoff Week: the sub-ate within the same set of limation of adult fare to the restrictions as children - needs of children. Unless nor should they. specifically designed for Author and cnlic John children, mass media -TV, Leonard was makmg d s1m- radio, newspapers, maga-tlar point in the Los Ange- zines -is aimed at adults. les Tunes last week when Once again, the amount of be praised commercial TV rubbish, some of it venal, is as "weirdly democrdt1c. immense. But so is the good multicultural, utopian. stuff. And the same rules of quixotic and rather more discipline and 1udgment welcoming of difference prevail. and diversity than the au<.h· But this doesn't mean ence watching il. • that adult programs should All of this becomes. final- be excised or diluted ly, a matter of policy within because they are inappro-individual families. Setting d priate for children. If this proper modef does not mean sounds like a double stan-that adults must subscribe to dard, it is. I want adult art the same rules as children. I and entertainment judged watch far too much sports on its own merits and not on TV, for example, without attacked solely because par-apology. That's my problem, 1he Lcrgest, rmest, Friedest Beauty ~ & Ful Service Won In Orange County NEW ARRIVALS Of z(S)PE!~J SlntdlMe,......hllm Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection E. IN!St. CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality furnishings for your home Just Arrived: "Beach Cottage" Accessories & Furnishings Consignments Accepted By Appointment Only 369 E. 17th Street #10 •Costa Mesa • (949) 764-1746 1.-.-1 .. ltUIA ,.,,,.., ,. .. Houn: Mon-Pri JO:OOam~:JOpm. Sal IO:OOlm-S:OOpm. Sun 10:00am--4:00pm vlalt oar ~I•• www.twnmcthilltloral.com dnd ti hasn't rubbed oft on dny of my children. I ratio- ndhze 11 by turrung off the sound dnd doing busywork whde I keep lrdck of the gdme. As d result, neither the work nor the game get proper dtlenl.Jon. I'm work- mg on thJs -but not by deep-s1xrng the TV set dur- mg Turnoff Week On Saturday, however, we cheerfully turned off the television to v1s1t the crowd- ed and dgmg Mariner!. Brdnch L1brdry We were there to buy d book or t\<\O and otherw1se support the effort to credte d new state- of-the-art librdry on that site. ff thP locals can raise $1 million, the rema1mng $2 n11Uion to build the new library to serve a broad community that includes seven public schools would come from a grant under the state Public Library Renova- 1be .... of ttJe 114 ~ Calulry h1IDd ...... palm trees that line Mar- guerlte Avenue In Coro- oa del Mar may bea thing of the past as the d1seased trt!eS maybe removed and replaced by 36.- lncb king palm trees. GREG FRY I DAILY PILOT tion Bond Act of 2000. The money must be raised by early June, so if you want to help, you can caU (949) 644- 3150. The novelty, dlone, of publtc funds gomg to a ltbrdry is both exciting and encouragmg That might be the best statement of all to counter too much TV tune. • • • Fmally. my apologies to the people whose effort to support ano(!xatlon of Santa Ana Heights bounced because I omitted d hyphen in the oty's Web site ft should have been http://opin1on@city.newport- beach.ca.us. So give it another shot if you are so disposed. • JOSEPH N. BEU 1s a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appear\ Thursdays. t4trtf>'ale 8onJJt ·Ck!· , M~tM.t/ :Zf5% 0 Fine Furniture Al Designer Prices Ne\\ ~Arrives Dai!Y -Huny In For Best SdcctlOnl En~ Stor~idc Savin~ Of 15% to SOOA> off •• "' A8 lhurtday. April 25, 2002 Daily Pilo ' Sprir?g antiq'UES show· discovers the mµgic • • , T he cameru flashed. A red carpet led the way to the 'massive white tent at the water's edge. A triad of Mer- cedes-Benz automobiles repre- senting classic (a vintage Gull- wing) to current (the new SL500} styles were staged at the main entrance of the tent, setting the tone for the third annual Newport Beach Spring Antiques Show. The three-day event opened with a gala dinner buffet and sneak peek at the displays of more than 50 premier dealers, who assembled their wares in grand style for 500 guests con- tributing between $100 to $10,000 and more to support the show, which in tum supports local chari- ty. Produced by designer Pamela Nestande and underwritten by champion sponsor Mercedes-Benz USA. the event drew patrons in search of treasure. Dealers reported brisk business as antique European furniture mixed with artifacts from Asia and Craftsman elements from California, beckoning buyers with a penchant for quality, a passion to connect with history and a desire to find a bridge between art and daily life. The event originated several years ago. created by Lido Isle philanthropist Diana Miner as a vehicle to involve fellow charita- ble island women wishing to sup- port various causes. Miner formed the Lido Isle Women's Charitable Foundation and enlist- ed the support of Rhonda Pbalr, Marlon Palley and Susanne Buck to launch what was. and remains, a serious collectors' undertaking. Newport's elegant Marlon Pal- ley -r call her the velvet bull- dozer: smooth, sophisticated and full speed ahead -led the charge for two seasons to launch the show and establish its roots. Palley passed the baton to Pam ela Ne1tande this season. Petite blond powerhouse Nes- tande, wife or political organizer Bruce Nestande, put her own stamp on the project, moving the show from Lido Isle to the new larger venue on the Back Bay. Miner, Palley and the rest of the committee envisioned the growth of the show, hence naming the B.W. Cook THE CROWD event The Newport Beach, and not Lido Isle, Spring Antiques Show. It has become, in just three years, one of the preeminent antique shows on the West Coast. This has been possible given the dedication of women such as Mau- reen Ramer, Lynne Swaine, Anita Dabney, Unda Klnntnger, Barbara Wall, Unda Giannini, Lorraine Hennessey, Dawn Theodora, Deb- bie Benedict, Mary Mano, Marton Smith, Donna Shockley, Nancy Amold, Mary Anna Jeppe, Lara Davies and Christtna Lyon. The ladies volunteer countless hours to produce the event. Seen enjoying the show were, from left. Dawn Theodora, Leslie Larson, Diana Miner and Unda GlannJn.l. Nestande named the show »Discover the Magic" and enlist- ed the appearance of 'writer/com- mentator Arianna HuWngton, decorator Ann Fraser and White House social secretary Laurie Firestone to front three luncheons that attracted sold-out crowds. The lecture series was created to foster an educational environment that would allow guests and patrons to discover a broader per- spective of various aspects of the design world. A number of charities, includ- ing Childbelp USA, Boys Repub- lic, Human Options, Assistance League of Newport Mesa, Girls Inc. and more, will benefit from the show that was generously sponsored by George and Julia Argyros, Whittier Trust Co .. Cold- well Banker-Coast Newport, South Coast Plaza, Fashion Island, Yves Delorme, Les Interieurs, Hermes and Couture Flowers. • ntE CROWD appears Thursdays lllld Sat- urdays. Diana Miner, founder of the Newport Beach Spring AnUques Show, enjoyed the event with Pam Neatande, the 2002 show ~oman. (~~G) RESTAURANT Join us for our new Sunday Champagne Brunch! Introducing our Ntw Gourmet Buffet Stylt Brunch Mtnu! • Egp Btnedlct t. Omelette Bai • Smoked Sausaga t. Side Dishes • Preda Seafood t. Puta • Ham Canioa Station •Preda Pruitt. Salad Bai • Gourmet Daeeru .. Cttpes Adulta: $21.95 Children: Sll.95 .... w -patsity Call Today for Reservations Wllediml 5aci1a !niWilt • !lfi7 • 8-lilU 0mWt hde 949-675-2373 503 E. F.dgtwater • Newport Beach Newport-Landing.com Above, checldng out the beautiful " antiques were, from'' left. Anna Michael-· son. Marton Palley, Kathy Stuart and Sandra Ayres. At left. Newport Beach Mayor Tod '• Ridgeway, right. • • picked up a new - table at the abow. Page Private School OPEN HOUSE Affordable T~ition With Before & After Care At No Additional Cost For Pre-School Students Saturday, April 27th 10:00 a.m. Until 12:00 Noon Come Join the Funt Bring the Family! Tour our friendly up to date campuses. • Refntshments • Balloons • GudmGr'Oft Age 2 duu grade 6 12111 Buaro Sc:rctt Doily Pilot DATEBOOK Thursday, April 25, 2002 A9 C11linary Wraps has this office satisfied ~ . . '9nnlfw KMaf&.I C'Mn,y Pit.OT -----,- ' I W hen I started at the Dally Pilot more than four years ago, I worked the night shift as a page designer. Because · we worked so late, there was always someone ordering dinner out. the way 9-to-6'ers order lunch. My favorite place to go for takeout WU The Culinary Wrap, 250 E. 11th St in tosta Mesa. It had been a few years since I'd been there, but when faced with writing a dining review, I decided that treating the office to lunch - with the caveat that they tell me }\ow they liked the food -was a tfstY idea sure to get me more P.Otnts toward being the office goody two shoes. From the smiles cOl the faces of reporters, pbotogra-Jtlers and editors, I'd say my plan "fOlked. The Culinary Wrap is located in a slnanisb space next door to a pet store in Hillgren Square. Though it bas a Dice patio and a funny Cilrtoon peinting in its main dining area, it is the kind of place where you order food to go, rather than sit and eat. The menu is inexpensive, healthy and pretty diverse. There are wraps of all kinds, steaming bowls filled with yummy stuff and a good mix of salads. 1be words repeated over and over again from journalist to journalist were •fresh• and "tender .• Whether it was a Southwestern sahnon bowl CJ a spicy chicken wrap, those words aopped up in almost everyone's nMew -including mine. ! Editor in Chief Tony Dodero gave the All-American bowl ($5.75) t!thumbs up. even though the litchen substituted chicken for the DINING REVIEW the broccoli is lightly steamed and crispy fresh, and the cheese is a hearty cheddar. Mmmmm .• Man.aging Editor SJ. Cahn had similar happy things to say about the Greek wrap ($5.50}, roasted red peppers and eggpl4nt, tomat~, red onion, cucumbers, lettuce and low-fatfeta·cheese tossed in a bal· samic vinaigrette. •The Greek wrap packs a rich taste for anyone wanting a meatless choice,• be said. "The vegetables are grilled up and served in a full- Oavored sauce that leaves a little spicy aftertaste but doesn't mask the veggies (the red pepper remains particularly sweet and vibrant). It also balances nicely with the sharp- ness of the feta cheese. "While the Greek wrap isn't par- ticularly Greek in taste, aside from the feta, it is heavy and satisfying, which often isn't the case with veg- etable sandwiches that are all cucumbers and tomatoes,• Cahn said. ·A good pick for even non- vegetarians, as a result.· City Editor James Meier had the Baja wrap ($5.25), a flat roll wrapped around chicken, red beans, onions, cilantro, salsa and melted jack and cheddar cheeses. "The Baja wrap was filling. had great chunks of white meat chick- en, the right amount of spices and a nice sauce to provide it a great taste,,· Meier said. "But don't expect to eat it in the car because it does leave a trail of peppers, toma- toes, beans and sauce behind. However, it's definitely worth the purchase if you have a few extra minutes to spend eating.• f YI •MW: Thi CUlinaty WrW> •WI••· 250 E. 17th St., Cot- ta~ •MCMMS: 11 •.m.to7p.m. Monday throog~ ~. 11 a.m. to S p.m. satun:tay, dcMd ~ Hours subject to change in the summer. • COST: lnexpensiw • CALL: (949) 548"..4403 rapher Don Leach. •1t had a lot of good vegeta- bles,• be said . "Very Southwest style. The salmon was good. not overdone.• The veggie wrap ($5.25) did not fare as well with Reporter June Casagrande, who said it was "too runny• and • missmg sometlung. • While she liked the flat bread and vegetables, she could not taste the cheeses that were supposed to be in the wrap -smoked Gouda and Swiss. ·n was 1ust a little too light,• she said. I had the Thai chicken salad ($4.75 half, $7 whole), a nice blend ofrnixedlettuce,carrots,cucum- bers and sprouts topped with chicken and a slightly spicy peanut vinaigrette. A half salad was more than enoµgh for lunch. Say it Wlth me. the ctucken was •tender.• But a llghter hand with the sweet dressing would have been nice. IA:>rmal steak. •An American bowl is not quite as red-blooded without steak,• he said, "but the chicken actually was pretty good. Solid chunks of breast His was a common. if nunor, complaint. Reporter Lolita Harper loved the taste of her spicy chicken wrap ($5.75) -roast chicken, buf- falo sauce, lettuce. tomatoes and red onions, covered m ranch sauce -but said it was •very messy" and definitely not "date food." ~G FRY I DAILY PILOT Owner Matt Nazeri displays a platter of goodies al The Culinary Wrap. Personally, I recommend the Cubano bowl ($5.25), chicken and grilled bananas (yes, you r~ad that right) over black beans and rice with salsa on top. I lived in Key West. Fla .. for three years. and the Cubano bowl is as dose as I have been able to get to true Cuban food since moving back to California. U you want a good, fast, cheap place to get a meal that satisfies - even if it's a Little messy -The Culinary Wrap is the place to go. It's ruce to know that some thmgs really do remain the same meat cooked nicely. "The whole thing tastes just like I remember it,• Dodero said. "You get the whole smorgasbord of food groups -meat, potatoes, broccoli and cheese -with a healthy sprin- kling of red onions for taste. Speak- ing of taste, the mashed potatoes have just the right amount of garlic, It "was delicious with a tanta.llz- ing blend of tangy buffalo sauce and zesty ranch dressing, wrapped in fresh Oat bread,• Harper said. "The chicken was tender and plentiful.• The club wrap ($5.75). filled with chlck.en, bacon, lettuce. tomatoes. avocado, alfalfa, sprouts and Swiss cheese tossed with Dijon, found favor with Kent lreptow of the pho- to department. He called 1t "glon- ous· and •zesty.· before adnutting 1t could have been twice as big. To be fair, it was the size of a large burrito. Photographer Greg Fry said the BBQ chickf>n wrap ($5.75) had an •interesting• blend of ingredlen~. wtuch included com. spinach, red beans and nee "It had a nice. sweet barbecue sauce,• Fry said. The Southwestern salmon bowl ($6.25)-a bowl of blackened salmon, red peppers, black beans, com, slaw, onions and chipoUe chiles, served with salsa over rice -was deemed •tasty" by Photog- • JENNIFER K MAHAL 1s features editor of the Daily Pilot. She c.an be reached at jen- nifer.maha/Olatimes. com. Dining reviewer Kathy Mader is on vacation. Her column normally appears every othef Thursday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag I · You are invited to a free lecture II i "Di scover Your Real Identity and Live" ! I by Earline Shoemake, C.S.B. I ··Save o Life. •• ~ II II Date: Saturday April 27, 2002 II 11 T1·me.· g I 10:30 a.m. 11 I Place: Oasis Senior Center I II 5th and Marguerite, II D 1111 a Corona del Mar i Sponsored by First & Second Churches ! a of Christ, Scientist, Newport Beach II =·························· .. LOSE WEIGHT Take advantage of our European SlilllJ!ling "1 CJth Anniversary" Preview Special Only $45.60 (.$132.00VJurl UlllfTIO Tim OffO boCk and relax In our soothing elegant atmosphere OU exclusive treatment exerclsel yc>l-' i1lUlciet for you tne t>eneftt of 1500 sit~ n a 45 moote wtth no effort.Ol.r preview ~lol obo nckJdls th Souno which otdS In detoxlteotton. ~ to tx80k dCWI'\ fatfY der:)OiJb. t:IP ald Stomoeh AotterWlQ. Nt:iil 1h8 8oC:tf to cattr to you wtW ~ expeOence one Of .tlooday ~ ic. "9dtmentl '"' the Adopt o Pet oming Friday, April 26th, our special pages devoted to this very special cause. Look for our pages publishing tomorrow filled with lots of pets needing to find a home. A special thanke; to all our. wonderful and • gener~ue; sponsors. We hope with our combined ~or.ts we will continue oo e;ave lives for tnese ve~ Al 0 lhvnday. April 25, 2002 DATFBOOK Doily Pilot REEL CRITICS . Committing 'High Crimes~· 'Su;eetest Thing ' tastes sou~ High Crimes' guilty of audience treason •High Crimes• has some of the best talent around. You could hard- JOAN ANDIE ly beat thil llneup: Ashley Judd a,s Claite Kubik, the bright but vulnera- ble and somewhat naive wife; Morgan Freeman as Charlie Grimes, the ex- Ma.rine Corps attor- ney who comes to her aid; and Jim Caviezel as Tom Kubik, the accused spouse. This is a ton of talent, and with Morgan Freeman in the mix it should be another box office success. The trouble is, it's not a box office suc- cess. Maybe it's because there is too much talent and it usurps the story line. Maybe it's because there is too much story and director Carl Franklin was unable to compress it into two hours. Then again, maybe all the connecting parts are on the cutting room floor. By any stan- dard, "High Crimes" is not a tight- ly paced, evenly constructed movie. Oaire Kubik and her spouse live in Marin, where her husband is arrested by the military. The charges are murder and desertion. Claire leaves her job as a corporate attorney and follows her husband to San Lazaro, a Marine base where he is being held for trial. After meeting his attorney, a young man never before assigned to a trial, Claire decides she needs an experienced attorney who knows military protocol. Enter Charlie Grimes, a dipsomaniacal ex-Marine w}).o has been sober for a year and knows how the military legal system works. Now you have the team of Oaire, Charlie and the Marine defense attorney making up the nucleus of the defense team. They must work within the legal system of the military to save a man whose defense is that the military iS fram- ing him. It is a huge story, and the direc- tor seems to have ta.ken chunks or highlights and patched them together, separating the essential parts instead of joining them. There are red herrings, which have no effect on th~ story and just barely provide momentary fright but absolutely no suspense. Special Occasion .Hair and keup Specializing in Hi End Hair Cutting. Entire Process Done Without Assislonls • Color Specialists Everything For Your Beauty Needs • On~ The Best Prolessionol Proclucts Used Grimes (Morgan Freeman) reveals Important lnformaUon about a top-secret military trial to Claire (Ashley Judd) ln "High Crimes." The pleasure of watching Free- man and Judd ply their trade is certainly entertaining but, as they plod through the script, there is. very little excitement and no ten- sion. Plus, it is predictable. I think it boils down to looking like a hur- ried production -pick up your paycheck and bead home. My primary demand from a movie is that it entertain me. I find myself less likely to critique than to review, although sometimes you just have to wonder why the direc- tor did what he did. I will probably rent this video and like it lots more than I do now, but in the meantime I give it a pass and hope they don't make another "lady in distress" film. I think Judd has this role down pat by now and needs only to go through the motions.· •High Crimes• is rated PG-13 tor violence, sexual content and language. • JOAN AHOltE is a Newport Beach resl· derit who does a lot of volunteer wortc. 'The Sweetest Thing' · would be to avoid this •Tue Sweetest Thing.• Repeat. ·The Sweetest Thing.· · This exercise is designed to help you remember this film and to recall that it is to be avoid'ed at all costs. A full-page ad in the Los Angeles Tunes characterizes u "The Sweetest ELAlnE Thing" as "uproari-ENGLAHD ous, • •a comic gem• and •entertaining.• Seriously, it is none of these. How sad and wasteful to employ attractive, bright young people (Cameron ~ Christina Apple- gate) and give them no vehicle with which to create a movie. There is no sense of collaboration or direction and absolutely no rea- son for making this film. After an hour and a half, we 20% ENTIRE PURCHASE J69 E. 17th ST. Cameron Diaz st.an In .. The Sweetest 1blng." absented ourselves from the theater. ·rhe Sweetest Thing" ia rated R for strong sexual content and lan- guage. • ELAINE ENGLAND .lives m Newport Beach and owns a gift-basket business ~ operates out of her home. §~-€~ Welcomes you to the ir ~other's 91Jay ~a & Luncheon . $ } 4 95 1.31 c_oursc • lt 'ii 17th St. BEAUTY CENTER -~ Spa & Solon 283-D East 17th Street, COsta Mesa Bv Rescrvalions onl\ sui1day May 12111. 2ci>2 A lso · Com e ge1 your favorite snmlw1<. 11 rn Twilight Dining on the · Waterfront . zn Newport Beach Entrttsfrom $7.95 Fcitmy Dhd/10yr. Wetl w1•ty 31 colors to dloo• fr• • 10 clay le.cl tllit lli•tffll, lillrallle & HSJ to ..... 800•577•84f O•BLAKE Sir Rogers. C<lll Allcad Open Ya~n (a~ 7 Days (i11 the At111qw· HowJ 9-4 130 E 17111 ~tr<'<'I. C<.l~l<l A-f('S(.J M-Sun. 949 -722 -I 177 Also For sale: C<;>untry ·Support Our Schools Shop Harbor Blvd. . ~ Doily Pilot THEATER REVIEW ;J,tn. Shin (Marie Wong) scolds Shen Te (Donnetta Lavinia Grays) for being too nice customers ln UC Irvine's production of "The Good Person of Szechuan." -... -Brecht's epic 'Szech uan' stunning at UC/ 8y TOO' Titus W hoever coined the ... phrase "goodness is its own reward• never experienced Bertolt Brecht's "The Good Person of Szechuan,• wherein good- ness just seems to get the good person in question into a steaming heap of trouble. Brecht's discomforting epic play -with elements of drama, comedy, romance and even musical numbers -d~onstrates bow good- ness, if it is to be preserved, should be tempered by a counterbalancing force that is not so saintly. And even then, problems ensue by the dozens. The UC Irvine production -unfolds on the spacious stage of the Irvine Barclay Theatre . • Director Robert Cohen, who ,ttaged another translation of •tbeplayatUClin1968,has populated the immense stage with an admirable multicultural cast -all ostensibly Chinese, though 1najor roles are filled by actors of all ethnic back- gTOunds. The title role, for instance, is played by a black actress, with her major love tnterest of the Caucasian persuasion. Shen Te (Donnetta Lavinia Grays) is among the lower class of Szechuan, a prosti- tute who is "easy• in more than one respect. She finds it impossible to reject anyone In need. When three squab- bling gods (PJ Wagner, '6tephen Ivey and Saftya .,l;redericks) descend in ~arch of a truly good person :to give them overnight lodg- ~g. they find shelter in Shen iiife's humble abode. • This act of kindness con- :i:vmces the gods there is at :}east one truly good inclivid-\la.l on Earth, and they reward Shen Te with SH>O. which she uses to buy a tobacco shop. But far from being her salvation, this tran- sition only marks the begin- ning of her troubles as para- sitic friends and relatives pounce on her for shelter and sustenance, and her romantic life becomes thor- oughly complicated. Grays brings an electric presence to the Ba.relay stage, both as the reformed , prostifute and the hardbeart· : ed "cousin" she irnpel"IOn- • ates to become her enforcer, • since her true penon.a 1s IUC:h : an easy mark. She splendidly , conveys Brecht's teme of , moral conflict -bow to truly ! :'! ~~ 1ffie1~ rundion : UO's cast 1s huge and var- ied. bUt one other figure ltaDdl out with a tJourilb - Amand4 Schmieder .. the vodferout mother ol Shen 18'1 true love, a iDoraDy flawed • piot (splmdidly played u a charming heel by Jell : Parkalb). Sctm1'M1r m.dl ! bs IDllddllng ... dltwilr ! wldl IDCM19!'~cllllllD ·=-~:~-~, ...... . w. ........... ..... ~ ..... ...... ..... =-==--==111:· \ IYI • WHAT: "The Good Per- son of Szechuan• •WHERE; Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine •WHEN: Closing perfor- mances 8 p.m. today through Saturday, 2 p.m. Sonday • CDS1'.! $1~$15 - • CALL: (949) 824-2787 Shen Te's newfound good fortune, as does Ryan Jensen as the village barber who seeks the ex-prostitute's heart. Created by Grant van Zev- em, the multilevel, rotating set representing the village and its various nooks and crannies works exceptionally well as scenes are seamlessly shifted by the bard-hatted stage crew. Costume designer Bllzabeth A. Cox has fash- ioned some authentic-looking designs -especially the three multicoloted get-ups worn by the gods -while Colleen Baxter Qowling's lighting effects nicely seek out and bigblight the aucial elements of tbe play. An umeen but definitely tq>ortant Impact is Yung Wha Son's origln81 mUlical compo- llticq, wbich lignal the transl· ticlllS in tbe story. 1biee musi- cians -cellist Eunjee Kim, keyboard player J'te\Ul Park and percussiOnilt Dan Savell -aaate the SweJlirig effect of a full orcblMra. .,,. Good Perloll °' •• c1awn• II a 6llNiDlly ..... but,,... "'" ·-:z~bdm· .... .......... ........... wlll .. ,..,. ........ ....... "\.: --~·. ''*"" Rl158NICE "'"'' ... CARPET LIFETIME WARRANTY LAMI NATES ~9i. . n. LIFETIME WARRAIW . . ~.April 25, 2002 All r:l~ Dunn-Well __ .. Mocher'• Day. many of the duung ...... .,...al terVe up a ~ of dchoous llltlnlke any mother happy. LIFETIME WARRANTY WOOD ·~9!. n. t tFITlll WAIOITY · Al2 'fhUrsd<JY. Afn12s, 2003. , I -' .. 1998 BMW 750il White/Tan 25K miles. Navigation, 18' sport rims, l)(emium sound. The options go on and on. This Is ~ the ex.ecutiYe choice I $44 ,995 (shown) 18935 1998 BMW 740ll Slfver. \ $30,995 (not shown) 12960 1999 BMW 7 4011 Siver. Gray~ miles $39.995 (not shown) 15519 1997 BMW 328/c Burgundy/Tan $24,995 (not shown) 13038 1999 BMW M3 ConvertJble Sk'/Gl?f 32K Miles $36,995 (not shown) I :m8 200> BMW Z3 RecWlad< 20K Miles.This roads1Br Is a great~ to spend your summer. Top down, sun and wind In your hair. You woni stop smHlngl $23,995 (shown) 13340 \ . . • 2001 BMW 325lc a GreerVSand 14K miles. We're~ proud of this k.DaJy cOOvertl>le. Premium Package . Leather with deep burttwod. Self tlmila 6 <.)1ilder. Great tor a dtM up the coast $38,995 (shown) / #1370 1999 BMW 74011 !Tan 451< mi/as $38.995 (not shown) I t:fl19' 1999 BMW M3 Convertlble Yellow/Bladt Hang on because this cabf1olet 3 ser1es Is al busWless. BMW's pertonnanos knoWtlldoe Is 8'ldent. Driving Is what tills cal ls all about. $30,995 (shown)# 2918 I 2000 BMW Z3 SllverlBJack. 42K Miies $23,995 (not shown) I 3266 1998 EMN 5281t Siver~ 39K miles. This sett-ti.mg sedan Is ~. Deep bUf1wood and soft lealher. This sedan lhkllcs It's a sports car. $28,995 (shown)# 2731 ' 1998BMW5281 ' Black/8/ack 57K Miles. $29,995 (not shown) 16938 19998MW 528iB/ack/ Black 40K miles. $33,995 (not shown) 18092 1999 BMW 5281 BlacMJlack 281< miles. $34,995 (not shown) I 6554 1999 BMW 3281a Black/Tan 43K miles. $29. 995 (not shown) 19978 1999 BMW323 GnJerv'Tan 44K mlles $24.995 (not shown) 14340 2000 Merc«1es E 320 8lacMJlack 57K miles. $32,995 (not shown) 17176 2000 BMW S281t Blad</Black 23K ml/es $35,995 (not shown) 15152 2fXXJ BMW 528/t s.t.w.Gay 40K MJ#S $36.995 (not shown) 13473 . .. .. · · Daily Pilot . . 1991BMW528 White/Tan 28K mHes S22. 995 rn 1 t ~ 4358 200> BMW 3281a Sllveri1:ir-rt 39K miles. This premium pad<aoe ca1 is mmkulate ' , · Seit ftming 6 cyindef and luxury comfort makes fNefY car WISh it were a 3 Series. $32,995 (shown) / #1312 1999 Bf.1t1' 328/J Bue'TJ11-l'i\ !l"'1S S2899!J ' h I 7398 2001 Mercedes E 430 V8 Siiver/ Grey, 23K miles. A gorgeous color combination. $45,995 515005 SS8995 (shown) I 5220 I 200> BMW 5281t Biattz Bluelfan 33K ~ Tlis wagon Is tnJtt the best of both w0f1ds. llDa.lriouS and sporty, a perfect 101 $35,995 (shown) I 3973 I .. . GU01E Of 111 DAY "(Nlck Karp~'s) just ldll1ng the PCL ... '* John Emme, Corona del Mar High baseball coach mm&& Apr112''*-- 8ENNIS EVANS Doily Pilot Sports~ Roger Carlson • 949..5744223 • Sports fax: 949~500170 Thundaf, April 2s, 2002 Bl Quite a round for Saltus, eh? 1\vo-time Costa Mesa City champion has been sizzling on the Canadian Tour. C osta Mesa's Bryan Saltus, a Newport Harbor High alumnus, created quite a stir last year in his first sea.son on the Canadian Tour with his Southern California surfing lingo, goatee, wild-colored shirts, baggy pants and shaggy hair tucked under a golf cap. But this year Saltus, a back-to-back Costa Mesa city champion in 1995-96, is drawing more attention to ~ll these days because of his golf game. Saltus, who sponsored himself on the Canadian Tour last year, finished 77th on the tour's 2001 money list ($8,362). This year, howe\ter, Saltus is eighth Richard Dunn GOLF on the money list after five events at $15,036, including last weekend's runner-up finish in the Michelin lxtapa (Mexico) Classic at Palma Real Goll Club, where Saltus shot 65·68-72-6&-271, a career-low total score, to claim the biggest payday of his Canadian Tour career ($14,400). Pablo del Olmo, an Asian Tour member, shot 267 to win the lxtapa Classic. ·vou've got to hand it to that guy, be just played fantastic all week,• Saltus said of del Olmo. •1 was stoked out there today, but it's been so relaxing all week. Every day bas been like a vacation.• Saltus, 31 and a former Big Canyon Country Oub caddie, made plenty of headlines la.st year oo the Canadian Tour with his surfer-turned-golfer story. Saltus is trying to become the second Newport-Mesa golfer to win the Canadian Tour's Order of Merit. Eric Woods, a Corona del Mar High product, captured Canadian Tour money titles in 1993 and '94, after winning the South American Tour Order of Merit in 1992. Woods, who owns and operates The Swing Lab in Costa Mesa, is also playing some events this year on the Canadian Tour. The second annual UCLA Orange County golf tournament will be played Monday at Newport Beach Country Oub. The UCLA Oub of Orange County and the UCLA Chancellor's Associates of Orange County are the event hosts in a fund-raiser for scholarships. The tournament is an 18-hole scramble, lunch, silent auction, Bruins prizes and dinner. The UCLA Oub of Orange County ra1ses mooey for merit-based scholarships for academically superior students, while the UCJ..A Chancellor's Asaodates, the preeminent donor group on campus, raises funds for academic programs deemed critical by the chancellor. Detalls: (949) 760-6709. HIGH SCHOOl SWIMMING STEVE MC CRANK I DAllY PILOT Mesa's Alllson Gravis wtm the 100-yard breaststroke Wednesday. Split decision <;OSTA MESA -Junior Q e butterfly (PR 1:02.6). Frank Gamboa ot Estancia High Costa Mesa finished 2-12, swam personal-best times in I 0-5. three events Wednesday as the On the girls' side, Costa Eagles' boys swim team KOlllOlft Mesa's Shirley Peog, wbo defeated host Costa Mesa, 95-completed a personal-best swtm 67, in the final Pacific Coast .,.,, in the 100 free (59,94), led a League dual meet for both ~ 9S stroogsbowingbytbeMustangs schools. ..._ ... .., 67 (3-11, 1_. in the PCL). Peng also Gamboa won the 200-yard ~ won the 50 free (27.7), and she freestyle (2:05.96) and 100 free ~ s1 wastnMesa'svid.odous200free (55.61), both personal records, ......... 117 and 400 free relays. The and opened the Eagles' winning Mustangs woo every event 200 medley relay (1 :55.80) with a AllysonHarrtsandCarleyMlllianalso backstroke PR and anchored the team's won two events. Hanis posted a penooal winning 200 free relay (1:47.01). best in the 500 free (6:18.0) and~ Other individual winners for Estancia victory in the 200 free (2:23.3). Mi1ll4n (5-4, 1-4 in the PCL) included Jess bad personal bests 1n the 200 individual Hellmich in the 200 lM (PR 2:22.94) and medley (2:44.6) and the 100 back (1 :14.2), David Silva in the 50 free (26.22). as did Jessica Steenhard, who won the Mesa's Anthony Adamowicz swam a 100 fly (1:20.6). PR in winning the 500 free (5:52), while Allison Gravis woo the 100 breast- teammate Evan Spencer won the 100 stroke, 1:22.3. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Krikorian, Bjelland too much for Eagles Mustangs' duo step up to post victory over Estancia. Steve Virgen DAILY PILOT COSTAMESA-------. Costa Mesa High ao~ore Stacy Krikorian bas a knack for coming through in the clutch. More proof came Wednesday SCOlllOAll when she helped Gm.a lead the Mustangs .,..._ 56 girls track and field Ml ... ,.. 67 team to a 67 -56 '--------' Pacific Coast Lea- gue victory over crosstown rival Estancia, at Mesa. Christine Bjelland, another Mesa sophomore, tripled to give the Mustangs even more power. Krikorian. who scored the game- winning goal with 35 seconds left to · 1ead the Mustangs girls soccer team to a 2-1 victory over host Laguna Beach on Feb. 7, giving Mesa a playoff berth and a second-place finish in the PCL, stepped up when the Mustangs needed her in the 1,6()().meter relay. Wlth Mesa junior standout Sharon Day nursing a sore hip, Krikorian came to the rescue to give the Mustangs revenge from a 1,600 relay loss to Estancia at the Orange County Championships at Trabuco Hills . Saturday. Krikorian gave Mesa a huge lead when she took the baton on the third pass, changing what once was a tight race to a not-to-lose type race for the Mustangs (2-3 in the PCL). Day, who usually runs anchor, started the race SEE GIRLS PAGE 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLm OF THE WEEK c~~~ Bjelland (above) pullaaway from Estancia tn the 800 meters.She tripled. winning the 800, 1,&00 and 3,200. At left, Eltanda's Mike Casillas and Costa Mesa'• Irwin Salu battle tt out tn the 1,600. Castllas won tn 4:41.0. Sala was leCODd tn 4:41.9. OM.Y ~OT PHOTOS BY DON l..fACH Casillas responds, triggers Estancia Eagles have the motivation en route to victory at Mesa. Steve Virgen DAILY PILOT COSTAMESA- Estancia High senlorMik.e Casillas made sure lus vow to bis sick friend would prove true Wednesday. when the visiting Eagles defeated crosstown ao.. rival Costa Mesa, ...._ • 88-40, in Pacific ....... 40 Coast League action. During his hmch break Wednetday, Casillas went to junior Humberto Rojas' house and found his best friend sick with the Ou and a 101 degree temperature. The two bad been planning for the past week bow they would take down their rtvah, the Mustangs. But when Rojas had to slt out. Casillas stepped up. castnas won the 1,6()().meter race and the 3,200, while sophomore Nk: Koreerat tripled (100, 200 and trtple jump), and sophomore Jason Jobnstoo doubled (110 and 300 hurdles). •Me and Humberto, we were planninlJ oo ways to win this.· C.esiDas said. •When I found out be bed the Ou, I knew I bad to take the lead. And when I won the 1,600 and (Jobnstall) woo the hurdles, I knew we were going to win. I told (Rojas) we would win and this (win) ts just for him.• Estancia distance coach CballJe Appell said be sensed Roju nd casillas would be prepered and WU disheartened to find out Ro)u wa Ill SEE BOYS MGE IJ 112 ~ April 25, 2002 STEVE MCCRANK I DAILY Pl.OT E.ttanda HJgh's Frank Gamboa swims the anchor leg of the 200 free re lay. He doubled tn the 100 and 200 freestyles. PICllC QMII '!WIOD ~ 15, Colla -17 -~.....,-1.&unde(~ .... ~and Collet). 1:Ss..IO; ...... 1. Gwnbo9 ((). ?M-"' 2. SperQr ICM). 2:0Ul;]. ~(CM). 2:12.Mi .. • • I. Hellmich ((). 2:22.!M; 2. Tipton (CM). 2:2&.47; 1. Goodnwl (£), 2:.47.2$: IO flw • 1. 51111 en 21.l.Z; i. Collier <El. M.21: 1. 1mm ICM). 29.50; 100 fir· I. SperQr (04), 1:02-60; z. Hllmkn en 1 :0165; 1. a.. en 1 :.2S.1t: ...... 1. Gwnbo9 (I), 55..61; 2. ......... fOoO. ~]. ~(I). 1:01..51t ..... 1. ~(CM). ~so: 2. Coller CTI. 6:00~ l . ~(I), l:JS.ll: .. he ....... · 1. EIWlda (Htllmldl. SllYe. Colllr and G.mboe). 1 :A7.01; 1IO --• 1. Mlnhlll (CM). 1:11A5: 2. Todd (I). 1:17.SI; 1 TNI (I). 1:25,8' ,.. ........ 1. llplon ICM). 1:10.~ z. .. en 1:1119; 1 """-' (l).1:213t_.._.....,.1.c.a.uM1M ~ Manhlll, Tipton w>d Spencilr). l:S7A. rtcl!CMI ''W Ml COllA MlllA 117, llWKM S1 .. ~ ...... -1. Colla Mira~ GrM. ~ ......_,, 2:,, ........ • 1. Hems (CM), 2:.2.U; 2. ThonN9 (04), 2:17.9: ). iwoig J:J1.2: ll00•·1. Mltllen (CM). bt4.6; 2. Cr• (CM). 2"A5.6; ). l'lttl CTI. :t5'. 7; ...... 1. '-'II (CM). 27 .7; 2. ltopMllt en 30.5; l. ......,_ <04 JO.J; ,.. tty • 1. ~(CM). I :2Q.6, 2. TwoNg (CM}. 1.2S.l; J. I'll!! m. l:la.J; 100 ..... 1. '9ng (04), -~ 2. ICopMek oo. 1:09.JI; l Nw.-(CM), 1:09.te; MO .... • 1. 11.mt (CM), 6:11.0; 2. ~(CM), 6!J2.0; ). 1(--..fnne CTI. 7:)2.(t llOO ... ....., • 1. Colla ~ (1'wr'!I. Henll, ~ lWoNgl. 2:01.2; 1IO ... 1. ~(CM). 1:10. 2. Dolt! (f). 1:22.0; J. IWctl (f). 1.253; 100 ....... 1. GrM (CM). 1:22.J; 2. ~(CM}. 1:2S.6; l. lleld\ (f). 1:29.l; ...... ~. 1. Colta Mela ('-'la. IWrll, ~~.4:21.7. The 16en claimed the Costa Mesa Bo}'I & Girls Club seventh- grade championship. Prom left, Charlie Ramler, Scott Ktndgren, Nick Nonnadln, Kyle Kula, Chrts Vu, David Holmes and Nathan Todd. AYSO REGION J 20 De Arakal, Fox lead G Force to 5-1 win Jeana de Ankal and Stephanie FoJ: scored two goals each to lead G Poree, a girls under-10 select soccer team from AYSO Region 120, to a 5-1 victory over Corona del Mar's lelect squad. De Arakal scored both of her goals in the f1rlt quarter on assists from Malquel Mel.ebb and NalaUe Seckel Pox scored off an eat.st from Ju.sttne Cathey and a.a Whipple. • Nmhln TMbbkbl capped the ICOdng with a secon d-half goal ..... Brown and ADpoa wall.Ice contributed with solid. mklfteld play, while Amanda ...., and Jenny Jobmton anc:::bored the defense. Sea Kings sweep PACIJ( C06H ''W' ton C--. MM 101, LNllUMA llAOl IO JOO~ ....... 1. ~ del M« (Kim. ht!Mi.nc>. Melsenp, Strec*), 1:A8.21. JOO ...... 1. M<Comel (ll), 1.57M: 2. Merd't (CdM), 1.57.60; 3. BuNalM (CdM), 2:04.11. JOO .. ; 1. pftndlef (l8). 2:f3.73; 2. Marin (CdM). 2:23.50: 3. llruncil!le (CdM}, 2:27.&t. 50 fNe • I. Me)'ef (CdM), 2ll4. 2. Strklt (CdM), 23 7'-Anae leads the girls past Laguna Beach easily; Kirn wins 100 free, 100 breast to pace boys' win. 3 'llner (LI}. 24.05. 100 tty • 1. ,,_.,, (CdM). 1 :O:U9; 2. f1'es (CdM). I Oo& 56; l. Mortau\11 (LI}. IAS9. 100he· 1 IOm (CdM). 5001 CORONA DEL MAR -Corona deJ Mar High freshman Jordan Anae clocked personal bests and CIF Southern Section qualifying times to win the 200-yard individu aJ . medley (2:15.77) and the 100 backstroke (1:04.7), leading the Sea Kings to a 113-52 Pacific Coast League girls swimming victory over visiting Laguna Beach Wednesday. CIF qua1ify1ng times for the winners. 2. 'llner (LI), Sl.40; l. ~ (CdM), S'42. MO ,... • I. McC.onnelt (1.8), 5: 12.61t 2. Street (CdMl. 5:23.71; l. MMd\ (CdM), 5:31.70. JOOfNe .....,.1.QIM (l<lm. HMTb. Olllocco, Mocn).1:37.J7.100beck 1 ~(l8). 1:01.GI; 2. ICaCtM\ (CdM). I 0608. 3 Moote (CdM).1:11.k ......... 1 !Clm(CdMI. Uao's winning time of 25.50 in the 50 tree was a season best. CdM improved to 4-1 :oul: 2. IYNgiw (CdM). 1.14.99; ] 11.-11 (C.dM). 1:15.72. ....... Niiiy. 1. LlguN hed\ J:AS.11. SCOlllO•-1 in l~gue: -The CdM boys rtcl!C gMU "W' illS 11on posted a 107-60 victory LlgUN 8"ctl 60 over the Artists, as s-Kings 107 senior Sherwin Kim c--.... 11), U.C.-llAOI 52 200 ~ ... 1 Co<ona del M« GllU won the 100 tree and (tWl!lns, ~ ICl1ne, Eddington). 2 OLOO llOO he· 1. MdtlV (CdM}. 2-01.43; ICrw (l8), 2:13.86 J McAdlms (CdM). 2'.2 l.OI. :ZOO IM · 1. An.-(CdM), 1:15.n; 2 HendOdcson (CdM), 2:27 .O; l. (lie) Eliott (LI), Slmot> (l8), 2:JS J7 SOfNe·l U.O(CdM}.2S~2.~ 0-8). 27..14, 3 CMlson (CdM}, 27 90 100 tty· I ~ (CdM), UJl.712. IOiM (CdM). 114 52 J.Smltllllll. 1:1s n 1oofNe · 1 U.O(CdMl. 56A1; 2. McA$n1 (CdM), 1:01.211: J. Rootlklge (LI), 1:02.36. SOD frM • 1 • .._.,o (CdM), 5:4U7; 2. IC.ra 0-8), 5.-Sl 61; 1. HepetNrn (CdM). 6:16.11. 200 flw ....., • 1 CorON dej Mlf ~ ~ "'-· Uaol. 1·•3 "° t.eguna Beach 52 the 100 breaststroke Sea Kings 113 and was also on two victorious relays. The CdM boys finish the regular season 3-2-2, 3-2 in league. Kim McKay (2:01.43 in the 200 freestyle), Christina Hewko (5:41.87 in the 500 free) and the 200 free relay quartet of Brittney Bowlus, McKay, Anae and Vivian Liao (1:43.40) also posted PCL prelims are Tuesday (girls) and Wednesday (boys) at University, with the finals for both scheduled Friday at 1 p.m. 1• i.di ·I /lrM (CdM). 11M.7, 2. Elllon (LI). 1:12.21;]. Wlyl9 fCdM). 1:12.9S 100 ...... 1. MdtlV (CdM). 1:17 41; 2. llc>dtnhuoi (CdM), 1 14.71; l. 51..-(l8), 1:18.71. 400 fNe ~. 1. l..eg.IN 8Mch, 4 21 91 YOUTH HOOPS COSTA MESA UTTLE LEAGUE TODAY'S SCHEDULE Xs topple the Marlins, 14-0 IAllMo\ HMbof, 3:30 p.m.; College · V~d COfON del Mar Uni-s;ty at Sin at YgUN BMch. 3:15 The Costa Mesa American Little League's A:s used. Diego. 3 p.m. p.m~ Northwood it JUSt four inrungs in turning back the Costa Mesa Cormu\lty college . ES1anCla, 3: 15 p.m .; Goldlri Wiit Ill Onlnge IJrllwnity vs. CosU National Little League's Marlins, 14-0, on lbunday. COllSt, 2:30 p.m. Mesa. at TeW1nkle P.J. Maloney pitched a one-hitter and struck out Patt(. 3:15 p.m. eight, facing 13 batters in the four innings. Brian YOWDM1 mm Waldron led the way for the A:s offensively, going 3 for High tdlool boys • Open, ccllege. ~ Hiiis at New-3 with a home run and a triple. Garre tt Hinch and Josh port HMbor, 5:45 ~-~~ Alblng also went 3 for 3, and Jimmy Hammond was 2 p.m.; CoroN def Mar for 2. The defense was solid with btg plays by Matt at Uolwnlty, 6 p.m. Tournament.. McCheam at firsl base, Dylan Dalley at third base and .,,,. IUCIMRflW Garrett Hinch catching . Community coHege Community ccllege men It'd women · men It'd women • YOUTH SOCCER Or~COMtat Orange E.mplr9 Orange Empire Conftrlencll Prellrm Conffnnce Finals at It Onlnge ~ 1 pm. Pacific Soccer Club tryouts Sunday Saddlebadt College, 2 ill p.m. High ldlOOI boys High tmool boys · Pacific Soccer Oub is holding tryouts for boys under 13, It'd gltll • Edison Corona de/ Mar vs. under 15 and under 16 boys at Harper Community at Newport. 3 p.m. NonhWoQd; at Center Sunday. The under 131 ere 1·3 p .m . and the ~ Newpott 11..cti cc. i :)() p.m.; Estancia vs. under-15s and under-16s are 3-S p.m. For more information, High tdWXJI -Allfo Un~ "'lt.dlo call (949) 645-43'4. Nlgulllt~ San~2 p.m. PONY BASlBAll . • Mud Hem bull their Way to 13-0 win. then top Dogs, 4-2 • MUD HllNs '· JllvBa DoGs 2 • Sellsbwy pitched a complete game, ltltld.rig out 10 and walking two, allow ing five hits. Prank MUlatello led the Mud Hen.a' attack, going 3 for 3, lncludlng a walk-OU two·run homer. He also acored twice. JOM Catlerra end WlD IO.ae ekh had a hit .nd ICOl'ed. Salllbury had • doubl Pra%fer bad a hit and walked, and Nathan Cramer doubled. Bra 8CWaiU a1llO had • t>Uehit • • Nlwtem HAliloa 9rolM 13, COSTA M1M 0.. I -Ol!tplle kiting, tbe C.O.U ~ Ollll Dpl bdlng, erytng to cwwcw a 10.naa cWldl. Pot .._Ollll, 'Dia, .. ""' pllcMd for lour 11211' lltj Md ........... cw aa til tit fifth. ' The Cubs' Evan Vu Ceem chipped two hue hits, whUe Neboll Leoa. Evan S~.r, cartett McMulen and Jolm Roche contributed Singles. PIJanld belted a three-run home 'Nn and a $inp. Tbe game was c6lled ln the bottom al the afth d ue lo d4i't.netl . Doily Pilot NEWPORT BEAOI UTT1.E LEAGUE Angels' 4efense is too much for the Yankees, 2-0 The Newport Beach Ultle League Angels combined solid defense with timely hltting and clutch pitching to defeat the Yankees 2-0 in Majors Division action. Andy1Ro~ pitched a complete game one-hitter, while Shmle Boru made several key plays at shortstop. Angels catcher Michael Page gunned down two would-be base stealers. The Angels scored in the top of the first inning, when Rovzar slngled, stole second and later scored on a wild pitch. Page ripped a double to left field and scored when the ball got away from Yankee outfielders in the sixth. The Yankees received steady pitching performances from Brett Weinberger, Patrick Mutn-Flnn and Matt Monts. "fyler Haly also contributed to the Yankees' defense that held the Angels to two runs. · In other majors action: • GIAHl'S 5 CAJU>S 2 • Joe Eberhard pitched three scoreless innings and Taylor Stone pitched two effective innings to . preserve the victory. Eberhard was also very strong defeil.Slvely Kevtn Kottke led the Giants' offense with a triple, single, an RBI and a run scored. Mark Kanow had two singles and scored a run. Nick Taylor had a single and two RBis. Ke~4all Pick and Nick Klien both bad a single and an RBI for the Gaants. In NBLL AAA Di~on action: • DODGERS 8, C ARDINALS 3 -Dletrlcb Stauffer pitched effectively to lead the Dodgers to the win. Ronnie Sadler and Kevtn Wang displayed strong hitting to lead the Dodgers offense Michael Borchard and Wang also contributed to the pitching effort, while Emery Molnar and Jacob Sanooke led the defe nsive effort . Peter Praaza and Ben Capaldi also pitched well for the Cardinals • DODGERS 14, YANKEES 4 -Borchard collected two hits, including a three-run home run. Stauffer and Brandon Cohen also added two hits each. Dodger pitchers Wang, Borchard and Nick Taormina keyed the WUl with their work on the mound, while Joey Booth contributed OD defense . Gavin Koontz played solJd defense for the Yankees, and Wes NesUen led the Yankee offense. • GIANTS 17, MAalNERS 9 -Beau·Attyab had three hits and scored four times for the Giants. Also for the Giants, Erle Chebll had three hits and scored three times. Josh Harrt.son had two hits and three RBis and Jack Ge.rdau had two hits and scored twice. Giants' pitching struck out 11 Manners. Jamie He lnecke pitched last three mnings for the win. The Giants are 8-2-1. The Mariners we re led by lleed WWlam.s, who had two hits and scored twice. J.B. Salem and two hits and scored twice and Chase Carllle scored two runs. •BRAVES 10, CARDINALS 7 -Andrew Dunlap led the Braves with a home run in the first inning and he pitched three strong inings. Steven Bruno and David Gulbord closed out the game with a combioed sbc strikeouts in three innings. Benny Townsend caug ht two line dnves. Nick Flamson, Jarrett Logan, Michael Pranldln, Mkhae l Delahmlty and Pn.ncesco lmpagllazzo each scored at least one run. Austin Allen and Dylan Salhbury stood out defensively. • BRAVES 9, GIANTS 9 · It was a pitching duel in the early going as the Braves' Oavtd Guibord allowed 1ust one run on a solid tut by Beau Attyab, and had six stri.k.outs. The Giants' Jamie Heinecke pitched three innings, allowing just one run. The Gionts scored six in the fourth inning with Mltdl Gardner, Erle Che bU, Michael Hayde and Peter Weidner leading the way. ThP Braves countered with five runs in the fifth inning with runs by Nick Flamson, Andrew Dun.faRt(>avtd Wetland, Michael Franklln and Dylan Salhbury. Benny Townsend had two RBis in the slugf est, and Jarrett Logan bad two hits and three runs scored. The Giants led, 9-7, in the sixth, but the Braves evened the scored with runs by Logan and Dunlap and a big hit from Michael Delahanty. • DoDGEJtS 12, DIAMONDBACKS 1 -Kevtn Wang and Michael Bordtard teamed up OD the mound for the Dodgers. Dietrich StauHer had a two-run single in the fifth inning to break a tie. Joey Booth followed with a run-scoring single and Borchard topped it off with a two-run homer, his fifth of the season. The Dodgers were led defe0S1vely by Nick Taormtna, Dletrtcb StauUer and Sean Oldta. J.D. Abbott pitched well for the D-backs, while Jon Cb.rtsUan and Ru dall Nelson made several defensive plays. Benjamin Noe and Ou1st1an St Clair led the 0-backs' hitting. In NBLL AA Division action: • MAl1INERs 8, GIANTS 7 -Andrew McConn.lck poWlded out a walk-off grand slam in the bottom of the sixth inning to lead the Mariners past the previously unbeaten Giants. McConnick's slam marked the second time ln as many games he has crushed a grand slam. Ben Grelner earned a key RBI to keep the sixth inning alive for the Mariners. Mariner pitcher Gru.l Davis and reliever Cort Huttngs also contributed 1n the victory. • MAJuNER.s 7, RED Sox 2 -Hastings and Red Sox ace Cluk Cuhlon battled in a pitche11' duel in the early innings, until the Mariners caught fire. Greiner, Alu Brown, Bryte Amlon and Zach Morabito collected hits to provide the Mariners with momentum. For the Red Sox, Branclon McHugh, Matt Beny and "hylor Rou paced the offense. • GIANTS 17. Bu\11!5 7 -Before the Glahts took on the Mariners. they defeated the Braves, u Brian Pont went 4 ror 4 with two doubJea and three ruru scored. Mu 111..uy (3 for 3, two runs scored) and GrMrne fraMr (2 for 2, two runs scored) were also perlect at the plate. l.m Socelt1lll, Ta.y McCoy, BUly Macdoaald, JUldn Tacker, ADM ..._and Mn Prtck9ll alto conb1buted timely bits. Ford, MICldonUd, P.IW and Prickett contributed solld p1t<:htng performances. ~....., • .._Mm•'• and D&n S'"l• added key defeftltW ..,,,_, For the Braves, Nldlelel •'-hi NCIOidtd lbl llrikeouta, andX..-DaltilendlaillYe 11 ....,~,.,_ Grainge.r,~• ,._.ad C•f'Au Lilll llKI thii Bl9Vel' olfeme. ' • Doily Pilot COi.LEGE BASEBAll Anteaters send Fresno State away with an 8-3 reversal ANTBATER STADIUM - First baseman Matt Anderson went 4 for 5 with a two-run homer to help ICOlllOAll the UC Irvine Anteaters FresnoState 3 improve to 25-~ 8 18 with an 8-3 ~-----' nonconference victory over Fresno State Wednesday night on the winner's campus. Fresno State broke the ice with a pair of nms in the first inning, and bad a 3-0 edge after 3112 innings. Anderson sent a 1-0 pitch over the right-field fence to cut the Bulldogs' lead to 3-2 in the fourth inning, and bad an RBI single in the fifth to tie the game at 3-3. UCI took the lead for good with a three-run seventh and added two more in the eighth to win going away. Reliever Jon Koller improved to 4-2 after a no-hit, no-run performance over 3113 innings. Paul French retired the side in order in the eighth and ninth. Steve Guthrie was 3 for 4 for the Anteaters, who racked up 13 hits against Fresno State pitching. The Bulldogs are 23-21 . The Anteaters are at Long Beach State Friday night (6:05) for the first of a three-game Bag West Conference series llOIKOllQDKI UC 111vM I. r..., Sww J ffesrlo State 200 100 000 • 3 6 1 UC IMlle 000 210 l2x • 8 13 0 Runyon. NieYes (l), Ruthven (6), Bc11r (7). Edvolltds (8) and .._rper. Koehler, Kotler (4), Fmid1 (8) .tnd Miiier. W • Koller, 4-2. l • Nievft, 1-4. 28 • McGehee (FS), Piefu (F'S). HR • Anderson (UO). Titans handle Vanguard, 6-1 R.JI.l..BITCN Big West Conference baseball power Cal State Full- erton scored four runs ln the l(OIQOllD first inning en ~ 1 route to a 6-1 cs F1Jllel'ton 6 nonconference victory over.__ ____ _. visiting Vanguard University Wednesday. The Uons scored in the fifth inning to avoid a shutout when Sam Baeder doubled and scored on a single by Andy Freeman. Starter J ason Searle went 2 for 4 at the plate. Fullerton improved to 2g,.12. Vanguard fell to 19-22-1. llOIKOllQDkl FW,.,.,.. 6, VMIMllllO 1 ~ 000010000· 170 Fullen.on 40 I 010 OOll • 6 9 0 Seerte. &nots (6), HMm (8) end IUddtll; Zlhliri. Esquibel (5), Jimenez (8). Robbins (9) end Suzykl. w . ~ 10. l · s-ie, 1·2 28 • ._. M. Suzuki Cf). BOYS VOWYBALl Corona del Mar sweeps Eagles CORONA DEL MAR -Host Corona del Mar High awept Estancia, 15-3, 15-5, 15-9, in Pac:iftc Coast League boys volleyball Wednesday. Brandon Sherrick-Odom paoed the Sea Kings (7-4, 4-3 in league) with 12 kills and teammate Miles Yourman added eight. Eltanda (4-10, 0·7) was led by sophomore Josh Kornegay (nlne kills), ll8tter' Thrvor Holmes (17 uailt. and flve digs) and Krll Hartwell (aix ldlla}. CdM bolts UnNersity tonight with a dw:>oe to vtmWly wrap up a guaranteed ClP playoff berth &Jld Batancta vlalta cro11town rival Costa Meaa Priday. Mustanp swept by NorthWOOd IRVINB -The Ce>N Masa Hlgb boyt volleyball team nearly grabbed 1 lhlrd·game victory, but suffered a 15·1, 15-3. SS.It loll~ tlO P•dflc Coa1t League bOtt ModlwaiJd. ~II U1lllll1 IW' .,. ..... c.. Mell .. .uor C8ilDI J .... ,,, ........... ~. ..................... .......... 111 = ..... ..... •• (t-1. ... .. ~ .............. .. I .O,J.O. SPORTS . HIGH SOtOOl TRACK AND FIElD Cd.Mromps past Artists CORONA DEL MAR - B e c k y Cummins won three events, while Joe Barber and SC011.10••a C h r i s .;;...;;."-=;;;;;;;;..;;;..;-=~ Carpenter 11on do u b 1 e d, Laguna Buch S4 leading the s.. Klnp 82 Corona del Gas Mar High boys Laguna Beach 17 and girls track s.. KJngs 111 and field teams to Pacific Coast League Vletones over VI.Siting Laguna Beach Wednesday. Cummins won the 800-meter race (2:36.0), the 1,600 (5:33.1) and the 3,200 (11:49.0) to help lead Corona to a 1 17·17 victory. DON IIACH I DAit.\' PILOT Mesa's Stacy Krikorian (left) and Estanda's Jasmine Gelder battle lt out ln the 200. CdM freshman Melissa Swigert doubled (100 and 200). whlle S tefame Sitzer ( 100 hurdles), Alison Brawner (high jump), Sylvia Nguyen (triple jwnp), Krisserin Canary (11 -fi in the pole vault) and Cdrne Hawkins (shot put) each won an event for CdM (4-1 in league). CdM Coach 8111 Sumner's boys squad (3-2 in league) also dominated with a 82-54 victory. BOYS CONTINUED FROM B 1 Wednesday monung ·1rs not like football where they get all wild and pumped up,• Appell ~d of his two star distance runners. "But they were calm about at and they knew what they wanted to do.· Casillas' 1,600 was perhaps the best race of the day. Casillas practically went stride for stride with Costa Mesa senior Irwin Salas throughout the entire race. And, in the last 200 meters Casillas and Salas turned on the after- burners. Casillas finished m 4:41.0 and Salas came in 4 :41.9, and they exchanged high-fives and a light hug afterward. •This is how a rivalry should be,• Mesa Coach George Greenwalt said. "These are two schools that really respect each other and the kids are having fun. They bring out the best in each other." Estancia finished 3-2 in league and Mesa was 2-3. Another exciting race came in the 400, where Costa Mesa's Zach Powell won m 53.7 and Estanda's Panfilo Elias followed in 53.9; and in the 800, Estancia's Abel Flores won in 2: 14.2 and Salas trailed at 2:14.8, while Casillas came in third at 2:14.9. in the last 100 meters of the 400, Powell tightened his sore hamstring and skipped the 100, 200 and 300 hurdles. The PCL prelims are Tuesday at Irvine High. flKllC a!W I IW IOJS ~-c::on-MmA40 100. 1 Korftnl ro. 11.6; 2. lllvw en 1U l. AIU9QI ICM>. 1u 200 • 1 Kot-(I). 23.2; 2. \/!Ir• (I). 241, J Ruiz (CM). 244 .eoo -1 ~(CM). SJ.7; 2 n.. en 53.9; l ~en SUS eoo . 1 Fknl en 2: 14.l; :z. w. <CMl. 2: 1u. 1 c:..111.a en 2 10 1.600. 1. CMilla (E), •·41.0; 2. w. (CM). 4:.41 9.) Aore(I)..,.. 0. l,200 • 1. ~I).~ 2. SM~ IQAl.Cl l ~I). 10:50..0 110 HH • 1 lohnston (El. 17.25; 2. Xolll ICM>. 114, l NcMlt en 1Ul JOO IH • I Johnston en 45.7; 2. )(.oli (CM). 4U; ) NTNCronQ en so.a. .eoo !'Ny· I.~~ Annl1rOng. ~ llMlt). CA 1.600 r*f · I.~ (l(Myum. Moralel, Eli., ~ J.41.0 HJ • I HoYalt (El. 6-0; 2. s.nice (E), ~ l. AallOA (CM). 4-8. U · 1. !Calyum en IH; 2. Krikorien (E), 1•7; l ~z (CM). 16-9 TJ . 1. ~ CE), .... lo; 2. ICtlkaNn (CM). J7· 1 'h; 1 .loln!toft (El J7.0 Pll-not-ed SI'. I. MwtW't (CM), 47-6; 2.114Yft (CM). U-4; l Undquilt (!). 42·1. OT. 1 NT"'fO {E), 119-7; 2. Undquist (f). 1a.2. l ll4Yft (CM). 100.7. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF GIRLS CONTINUED FROM 81 because of her sore hip, while Rachel Hughes and Bjelland (anchor) also contnbuted to firush in 4:23. Estancia finished in 4.25.6. •From Saturday, I felt I really wanted to win this (event),· Krikorian said. "I knew Sharon was hurt, so 1 knew I had to step it up. I fdund it in me and I really wanted to push mysell • •For the past four weeks, she has been working as hard as she can,· Mesa Coach George Greenwalt said. "She was sick during spring break, but she has come back with a vengeance. She told me that she would give us a big lead (in the 1.600 relay). That was so great!" The Mustangs faced a different 1,600 relay Estancia lineup than the OC Championships. But that hardly mattered, as the -victory typified a tight battle between rivals. ln three track events, less than a second separated the winner and the rival runner-up. The 1-2 in the 100 went Estancia seruor Hanru Geider, 13.1. Krikorian. 13.7; in the 400: Day won m 1:01.4 and Jasrrune Geider came in 1:01.9; and, in the 100 hurdles, Vicki Pham won in 19.47 and Ludi Valdez followed in 19.6 The Mustangs and Eagles (1-4 in league) will meet again in the PCL preliminanes Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Irvine High. MK Cll6SI 1iMB ws c.o.tA MllA a,~ 56 100 • 1 H c;..d9r (EJ. 13 1, 2. ICl1koNn (CM). 1l.7. l...,.... (CM). 1),1. 200 • 1 J ~ ((). 2'.J, 2. H. Gtoder <El. D 1; l. KlbrWI fCM). la.O 400·1 O.,(CM).1:01~2.J Geidlrlll.1i>1.9;l.Hughe((M). UJ7.ll. eoo • 1 ljalland <CM>. 2:11. i. ""-" en i.-so; l. 1.0rN11 en "2 1,600· 1 lljllrid (CM). 5:30.l; 2. -..ro. "°'.). Vlldll (El. 6:100 µoo · I ~(CM). 12'.21; 2. "-'11 en 13:.Jl; J, lbnaJn (l), 13 • 100 H • 1 ""-n (CMj. 1!k47, 2. Vlldsz (El. 19.6; l. ludwWI ((M). 2052 JOO H • I. Vllldez en S 1.3; 2. Hid< (CM), 5J.6. .eoo r*t · 1. Corti ~ OCtil<orlln. llyrW!I, ~ Olly). SJ 4. 1,.acl r*t · 1. COllA ~ <D'Yo Hughft. KtilcoriM\ 8jellMld). 4.2) It.I • 1 o.y (CM). S.O: no tealfld or thlfd u · 1 Hughe ((Ml. 14-Z'h; 2. MdMw (l), 1)..5'/d . .....,,.. <El. ll--2. Tl · I Mlbocl In 11-5'1~ 2. Mcl.aie <El. 2&-J 111. l lluct.-CCMl. 264. Pl/ • not contestad. w . 1 """" <CMl. 3441. 2. Cas1rO en n-J. 1 Aldtr$ en is.1 OT· 1 Aini! (CM), 102.(); 2. ~ (E), 71-4; l Gw'Cla en U-''h Carpenter, who has a viable shot to capture PCL titles ID both hwdles races, won the 110 high hurdles (16 1) and the 300 hurdJes (42.8), wtule Barber won the shot put and the discus. rtQ!!C Q!6SJ llM!!l ton C--. MM 12. 1.AGucA llA04 54 100 1 Adilnl (Lil. 11 1 2 Ringdrom (C.dMJ. 11 l. J Collt« (CdM). 12 1. JOO I kll (UI). 23 9; 2 ~ (CdM), 24 1, ) Sdwwder (LI). 26.G; 400 • 1 W (i.). 5.U, 2 O.lhon (CdM), 553, l ~· (C.dMl. 55 7. IOO 1 SimptOn (LI). 21)5.), 2 Ml (CdM). 2 10 l. l Pomer-(CdMJ. 222 5. UGO 1 Stmc>oon (LI). UI 1, 2 8owlef (UI). 4 39 9; l AIU (CdM). 4 42.6, l,200 • 1 tlowler (LB). 10'36.9, 2 ~ (CdM). 10-Sl 0, J Hodc)ft (CdM). 10'59 O; 110 ... • 1 Gtrpente< (CdM). 16 1. 2 Myton (1.8), 19 ). l ~M (CdM), 21 0. JOO et I <:MpMt., (CdM), 42 8. 2 S.mc>IC>n (l8). 44 •• ) M.KIC" (CdM), 119 7, 400 reM!y 1 CdM (OIUlon. l..apet'le, Ci.tnclufll Rlngstroml. 47 4; 1,IOO,...., 1. U!guN llffc.h. l.41 9 HJ I Rlngruom (CdM). 6-0. 2 Neel (LS). S-1. l Story {CdM), ~ U I Colloer (CdM), 1&-1; 2 Z.W, (CdMl. l!M>I, J Todd (1.8). 17 111.. TJ I Todd (1.8). )&.Th 2 'Nang (CdM), 36-0 I .. l Coll• (CdM). 36-Cl'I, fl'V 1 Turco (CdMl. 124, 2. 'Nong (CdM). 12 1, l ~ (CdM). 12·1, SP· 1 IMbe< (C.dM), ~7'1.. 2 Dunn (CdM). 47·9'.. l Wald (CdM). 46 ], DT 1 a..t.r (CdM), 1..._] h .. 2 W•ld (CdM), 1)6.7'1, ) c.non. (UI). 10] 9 rMllC CDW llH ms C-..-. MM 117. 1.AGucA llA04 17 100 I Swig9n (CdM). 13 0; 2 Doud (UI). 'l.Q. ) n..,.. (CdM), 1) 5. ;mo 1 Sww}fft (CdM). 2'.7, 2. a-(~ 21 I.) ~ (CdM). 2a6,... 1 a... (CdM), 1'02 1. 2 W.0-(CdM), 1~ l Morw (CdM) 1 '05 1, -1 eumnw. (CdM). 2.XO; 2 Cuyler (CdM). 2.ll.9; 3 Pl'odor (UIU. 51 o 1,to6 1 Cunwnn (CdM). 5.Jl 1. 2. Cuyte. ~ S.37 .A. l IC.-. (CdM), s ... 9 J.20I • 1 Cumminl (CdM). 11 49 0 2 .:-.. (c.dM). 12:42.0; l no ttwd. 100 H · I Stuer (CdMJ, ,, 0: 2. o..tiln (CdM). 19 1, J Qur<Mn (CdM). 19', JOO". 1 Doud U). 49 8; 2 Sim. (CdM). 54.S. J UbGpN (CdM). 54 9; 400 ,..._. I C'.dM (Ttwrw. ~ CMwy. Tucld>. SU. 1,&00 IWy • 1 C'.dM ~­a-. Moo'M. Sw9tU. 4.20 0 Kl • 1 .,_ fc.dM). S-2; 2 IC81dridl (~ 5-0; ) ffannn (QIMl. 44, U · 1 Tuca (CdM). IJ.10. 2...,,..., (CdM). 1J.aJ,. J . ff-(c.dM). 12·11'1.; TI · 1 ~(CdM), n-10.2 ~(Ll~22·11,l noltton!, ""' 1 c.n..y (CdM), 114, l w.bef (CdM). 7-6; 3 ~ (CdM), 7-0; SP· 1 HwM!ro; (CdM). 29-l, 2. c.n..y (CdM), 27· 1; l Ta<agflni (CdM), 244. DT • I Doud (1.8). ~ 2 Haw!<"" (CdM). 11-6. ) \M)OCj (CdM). 65..o CdM wins 18-hole match by 26 strokes JUNIOR VARSITY BASEBALL Tars end losing streak, 10-3 SANTA ANA HEIGHJ"S-Newport Harbor Hlgh's boys golf team won a battle on Wednesday, but lost the war as Corona del Mar's Sea Kings comple~ an 18-hole home-and-home match with a total score of 407-433. Newport Harbor was a 203-205 winner over the nine boles on the par-36 course at Santa Ana Country Oub, with Sean Whitfield pacing the Sailors with a 39. He shared medalist honors with Corona del Mar's Nick Sherm.an. The Sailors, who finished the regular season 3-11, rounded out their scoring with Rhett Palmer and Brendon Sowers (both at 40), Garrett Whitfield (41) and Mike Benvenuti (43). Teaming up with Sherman from Corona del Mar were nm Frohling (41), Robbie Ury (41), Brad Chamberlin (t2) and Alex Cttlkovani (42). KARPE CONTINUED FROM B 1 gone 16 for 32 in nine league games, with six doubles and 1' RBis. Pot the season, the Dally Pilot At.b.lete of the Week came mto the week tUtting • team-leedlng .385 (25 for 65), With a team·best 21 RBis, u well as seven doubles and a .538 alu.ggtng percentage. IC.atp6'• petformanc:e. u well u his work ethic and demeU«, have mad him univerMl1y populU wttb h.ls teammates. •NiCJt bu the complete respect of trVerybody out ~ and OCl • t.-m of high tchool lddl, that can rarely be ..scs.· emme Mid. ~for Karp4 • putku&erty app119ot wttb bll pitching staff, which ....... not on)y .......... c::apeblHdlil bllblDd tbe plaee. but .. dliJIMllOnal.....,. Oii lmpiOillplU mMdagl GD tbe IDOl"'CI ·~-...atbemgaod--•Ylnl :.~1oblp_loaMd.._.ON ..... ,._. s.,l••lln' !>Ip II• 11 t 1 •.:t',e, INt ataawlli19•"9--........ :r:-........ .... a , ...._..., r r c a er , ~ ............ , ...... _, ..... ,.. ...... a' ,s t· -..·11111111. 5 ............... ............ ~tn!M ........ ,, .................... 'e • Sailors get first victory of the season with solid decision over Back Bay rival Corona del Mar. NEWPORT BEACH -The Newport Harbor High 1uruor varsity baseball team earned its fim win of the season Saturday, knocking off Back Bay rival Corona del Mar, 10-3, to end a 13-game losing streak. Andre Pinesett, a sophomore on loan from the varsity, belted a three-run home run and. after CdM closed to within 3-2. the Sailors scoted seven runs ln the seventh to blow it open. Ho.uy Makserjian. Karo Makserjian and Mike Green all bad bits in the seven-run seventh. Spencer Pulaski bad two bits for as did starting pitcher Kyle Castner, who earned the victory. Joey Cantarella pitched the final three innings to earn a save. with coaches led to bis decision to seek greener pastures elsewhere. •rt wu bard coming to • .oew schOol as a Junior and lt was bard ma.king friends at CdM. I really just wanted to get there and play bueball. Once bueball started. it was a little easter for mo to make friends.• 1Wp6. who grew up in San Oemente, bas alWaya Md a Mend in the game, whic:.h bA occupiad bis IOle athletic •ttentloo from an early age. •Since I WU little, t.hil bal always been tba lport l ,...ny clung to,. Karp6 Nld. • And u w the ooJy ~ iD wbkh I CID\\ld nielly stand out.• l!mme aid )Wp6'1 •bllty '° b1oc.t belb lD tbe dirt, M well 11 btl ..-•venw UUowlng behind a..~ IM9 been• big p&us aa.MNty, ~'1 llDDOlh IWtng and :11 ! Ng •1 ..,.,_Mda Mft mD bilD a o• '11 dt._OUl. ................................... _.. • ..,_ ... al1..s.·-.MML ....... ..,. .., ........ .. .. ...,. .................................... .. ..._...._ ...... ti.llit .. ._ warn?t• ..... ................. . ......... •••CAlllill W'tpU Cd._. .. _ ............ . Jiii& ..... ...., ......... ..... ... .......... . .... Thursday, April 25, 2002 B3 PREP BASEBAll 1 .. yun<1 Hill 1" r Al!\O N1yu• I ', ', Nl'wpor1 Harl 1<>• 11 11 WM....,....__ 'Mxxbkige 8, ,_ upulttlltxir 7 lAgl.N Hills at Aliso Niguel. ppd. ,.., JmliDSlllJm lAgl.N Hills at All50 NtglJel. 3· 1 s flHMDMIDll Aliso Nigul!I at~· 3;15 Irvine at UJc.p\a H 3'1 S Warriors edge Tars Newport rally comes up one run short. SCOUIOAID NEWPORT Woodb<ldge 8 BEACH -The S.Uon 7 Newport Harbor HJgh baseball team fell behind, 7-0 then near-ly rallled all the way back ID an 8- 7 Sea View League loss against VISltmg Woodbndge Wednesday. Cameron Pernstem allowed iust one run and four luts 1D the hndJ six mrung~ of hls varsity startmg p1lclung debut, and also went 3 for 3 walh two RBis and a double for the Sailors (4-16, 0-12 m ledgue1 The Satlors cut into the lead with d lour-run lourth, then rallied for three runs m the seventh, after Woodbndge Wldened the lead to 8-4. Adam Chrrry's p1Dch double drove m two and he scored on Pemstem's smgle, before the Wdmor~ rPcorded the final out. Newport Coach Joel Desgum dlso Lfl•d1t<>d first bdseman Shdn<.> Glt•nn with two fine defensavP plays m the Tars' errorless effort. SlA WW L1AGU1 WOQl)W)GIE 8. NEwPan ~ 7 Wood~ 700000 1-8 10 4 Newpor1 Hart>or 000 400 3 7 9 0 Kucera. PKk m and Sandzmeter. ~e.n and SancheL w ICIJCefa l • ~etn 28 Edmondson IW), OiJ\l!SOfl rN), Hoyer IW), F~ IW). Pe<nstetn (NH). Torr~ (NH), Jone (NH). Chef'ry(NH) HIGH SCHOOL socaR Sailors' Esparza resigns position Newport looking for a boys soccer coach. NEWPORT BEACH -Kevui Esparza. who coached the Newport Harbor High boys soccer team this past season to its hrst CJF Southern Sec:tJon playoff victory since 1997, has resigned to accept an assJStant coaching position at UC RlveTSJdP Espana guided the S&lors to a I O-R-2 record ID h.t.s only scd-.on "' tbe helm. The campa1yn ended w1tb a 4-0 defeat to top-seeded Los Alanutoi. in the ClF Dlvwoo 0 second round The Sailors defeated Santa Ana Valley. 2-0, m the first round. after conte.odmg for the See.~ Leaguebtle Newport Harbor Boys Athletic Dtrect.ot Enc 1Weit mid he hopes to hiro a new coach before the end of the school year. Interested applicants may contact lWcit at (949) 51$-6308. -by Barry Ptialber · 84 " lliunday,' April ·2s; 2002 Dolly Pilot • Call (949) 642-5678 I ~mrml Lw~l I HOG Of' T'AlJST'U'S Rctltlous Bu1lneu TS No 01.=1 La.i No. Name Statement 11~ Tl.. Otdlt No The IOllOwllljl ~rsone 017020570 "'-"'-are doing bulineM ae No. OQ114801 APH No . 456-linber1 AHOClllH. 042~ 25602 Alicie Parilway. YOU ARE 1H OEFAIJLT &lite 123. ~ Htlls. CA 92653 UNOEA A OE.ED Of Robet1 Weibott, 25602 ~ °"~ 02/tT~ Alicia P1rkwey, Su~a ACTION TO PROTECT 123, leguna Hiiis, CA YOUR PAOPERTY, IT MAY 92653 BE SOLO AT A PUllUC Linda Irwin, 25602 SALE. F YOU NEED AH Ahcla Parkway. Suite EXPl.NIATION Of THE 123, Laguna Hills, CA NATURE OF THE 92653 PftOCEEDING AGAINST Thie buslne11 la oon· vou, YOU SHOULD ducted by a general COHT/ICT A LAWYEl'I partnerahlp NOlloe le 11e1911y i;-.. "* Heve you aler1ed CTC ,._, &.a-. s.w. doing bu1in111 yel? R<A CTC ~ v ... ~ ~ Corpcnlion, 11 Robert Wetbort ~ lllPGil*d ~ This 1111ement was ....,_.. 1o .,. Deed c1 hied wtth the County Tr\111 ...-.i by THOMAS Clar11 cl 0renge County J. Fl VNN AHO WN40A L on 03l29t'2002 FLYNN. HUS8NC> »fO 20028"7tM WIFE dlted 02/11194 -Delly Ptlol Apf. 4, 11, 18, ,__, 02/24194, .. 25. 2002 Th2Q1 ~ No. IM-013'729t GI Ollicill ~ Ir! IN Gib GI h Counly ReootOlt GI OtWIQI Ccully $Ille GI Cllllomla. ..... ... on 05I02J02 • 2:00PM. AT THE NORTW FRONT ENTMHCE TO THE COUHTY COUAlliOUSE 700 CIVIC CEHTE1' DRIVE WEST, SANTA //IHA CA • pubic adon. lo ... ,.._,_ lllOd9t lot Cllltl Of dlldl .. ......., bllOw PIYlllill In U II -cl ...... rlglll. .... - .,.... _,..,,... lo -.,_ hlld by II undlr Mid Deed GI T .... In ... pl'OP9lly ....., In Mid Counly -... end .. -Mly~lntlw ,.,,,.. ,..,.,.... Oelcl GI TN9L The-~ 8fld °"" _,,_, dlllOilolllon. ff Wt'!· GI fie ,.., Pf'Ol*IY Cllllctllld ~ .. putpOl1ld lo be. Flctltlou1 Bu1lne11 Name Statement The folkiWlrljl parsons are doing bulineu 11. Corlbln Investment Co , 4 Park Newport 13. Newport Beach, C1i. 92660 Belret, 4 P1rtt Newport 112660 Inc • (Cell1 ) Newport 13, B11ch. C1I Thia buallllll .. oon- ducled by: • oorporabon Hive you 111111d doing bualn111 yet? Yes. 1966 8111ret, Inc , Paul Mlodal. Prealdent Thl1 etatament wu 1118<1 with th• County Clerk ol Onu1ge County on 0312912002 20021197133 D811y Piiot Apr 4, 11. 18. 25. 2002 Th292 801 INCICMnE ORM. Flctltlou1 Bullnes1 NEWPOAT BEM:H. CA, 92925 ni. ~ Name Statement T~ .....,_ Wt'! The following ~raons a.., lot Wt'! are doing bu9lnNI .. 1iwww1iictl-cl Irle -Aquaetarr, 1143 ~ w °"" OOITl'10fl CharlH1ont St , Coate ......-.. w eny, s-Mesa. CA ll262e lllrlin. The to111 Wl'CM'll ot Jerry Alhley KelMr, .,. ~ blllrlcl *"' 1143 Char1Hlone St .. .,__ lhlreon ot Ille Colta MMe, CA 92626 Cisar Romero This statement wu hied wi1h the County Cletk of Orange County on 04I02l2002 2002t897939 Dally Pilot Ari< 4, 11, 18. 25, 2002 Th220 Fictitious Bualneaa Name Statement The lollowinQ l*IOllS 1r1 doing busfness as: Green Alver M1ffworka, 18081 Redondo Cir Suite D, Hunlmgton Beech, CA 92648 Frankie Conrlquez. 2317 S. Center SI , Sanla Ana. CA 92704 Arthur Conriquez. 318 Gilbert SI., Anaheim, CA 92804 John G. Reno 3190 Nutmeg Or., Corene, CA 92882 This busmesa II con· dueled by: I o-rel p1rtn111hlp Have you 1t1r1ad doing bustneq yet? No Frankie Conriquez This alltement w .. filed with the County Clefk of Orange CoumY on 04/02/2002 20028197957 Dally Pilot Apf 4, 11, 18, 25.20Qa Thm FlctltJous Bualne.1 Name Statement Thi followirljl P9'90f'IS ate dolno bu'"-.. Aloha E'n1erpriat, 2642 ~ Blvd.. SUltl A. NewpOrt Beach, C.IHOf· nla 92627 Yoko Takai. 11885 Btatrice Street, C4ltv11 City. California 90230 Jamee Takll, 11865 Beelrlce Strtel, Culver City, Caltfomil 90230 Thia buline11 11 con· ducted by: husband Ind wile Have you 1t1rt1d doing busit-. yet? No Jlll'llS Tekll Yollo T1kll Thia statllTllOI WH flied With the County Clerk of Onu1ge County on <XW29l2002 20028897841 Dilly P1lo1 A;if. 4, 11. 18, 25, 2002 Th210 abllgttllorl MCllnd by .. Thi• bulinell It con· FlcUtlOUI Bualne .. ~ ID .,. llCtd '*" dueled by: •n lndlvlduel Name Statement ,_.... .......... -. HIVI you 111rt1d ...-llld .,.,_ • do.no butln111 yet? The lolloWlno plf900• lhl .,_ GI 111 lnlllal Y ... 12·13-01 119 ddng ~ N ~ ~ ... ,.... ol Jerry MiW/ ~-Dr. A.utopleJt, 3195-0 ,_ 11 ll07a1.M • le Thll llalement wu Airport loop, Costa ,_... M • 11e im9 ot filed With the County Meu, CA 92629 ..... CIPl'*'ll bid nwr 111 Cleftl of Orange Cot..y I< ayv1 n Akh • v1 n. ._ '*' IN .., on ~ 24171 UndleY St.. Mit-1r1aoe1 mr-..,. 1n 2002nt112t lion Vlejo. CA 92991 .-.... ID CMI\, ,. Dally Ploc Ap<. 4. 11. 18. Thia buslnne le oon· ,.._.. • -.... ~ 25. 2002 TI@! duded by. an lfdvkkJel .,... *-C111 1 -or Hav1 you 1t1rt1d NllGrlll br*. • dllCtl Flctltlou1 Bullne.. doing buelneu yet? *-' ~ • ... °' ...,.. Name Statement v... 411/02 DIWdl union. or • dllCllc The tollo'#lng parlOl\S l<ayvan Akhav1n *-11¥ •••or ,...., are ~~ u : Thi• statement wa1 ...... 8fld loin R flied with the C®nty --..1,-,. ..... ONlld end Aa· Clefll of Ofwigl Cooney 1 I pf •g ' Ot ....... lllr* IOClalH, 3700 N4twport on 04I02/2002 ~In .._, 5102 GI Blvd. '202, Newport 2002tlt7t71 .. ,,,,,__ Codi Ind Blectl, CA 92ee3 o.ly Pioc "'1f 4, 11, 18, ........, IO Clo bullrlW In Robef1 Fllco, 3400 25. 2002 Tb232 ... .._ Md .. ,. 111 lnllne Ave Ste 215, ,.,..., In an .,,,, It' Newport e .. c11. CA Fk:tltloua lualneu 112U3 ~ _,. ~ Thia bu11nNa 1e oon-... me IUtiement ;" : W::: duc*8cf by: en ~ The ~ llJllll'llrl9 -. p 1 1,1 Have you etar11d .,.c;Jr~ lnetrtU41u of ti WWWDWIOJii, IO Mlltfy ~ ~ yet? No Martial Atta tnd 8cf• .. ti.-..-...,,., Thie lc.t4HTllflt WU e~I, 8102 DundM • tlld OMd Ill TMC. fifed wlttl the County Drive, Hunllngton ...... .........,, 11111 Cleftcon k d Or8llQt ,._....., Blectl, CA "2047 ................. Ind 04IO'll20ld -~, John 0. Melwln, 810.2 1111 """'90 ...... fl IN 2002tltnH OundM Dftve, Hunt• :--=-:. _. .!: Oell¥Plot Apr. 4, 11, ti, lnCllOn &Md\ OA t.2947 ...,_ •.,...... 111 ... ~ • Ib21P Thill buelnHI "' con ..._ ....... ....... -clUCilltd by. In ~ ,_ --.. __ r1cWoue lutlnMf Htva yoil at1rt1d ;::... -=: .: ~ ...... ''*"'"""' ~ ~ "° .,.... W _, 0..-• The foloiMtlO .,.,_,. Thlt aliment ... T-. Dll'* tllOMI CTC atl doSlg ~ M ..,,... ...-............. flMA &outhttn c111101nla ,_, Wiii tM C<Mtly OTC ,_.,.,.. ..,... Catpet ~. 1254 ~~ Cowfy eupuu•~ -o.. Londonderry,. Co••• 100Mtt7Nt Or~ ...-. ......... CA ,...... CA Mllat Ollloi PP• .., ....,. llOlt ..,. Cleat Ao!Nro. 1254 ~Apr.•. 11, 11, .,.. ... ._.,...,, Londoncterl:liae Coat• -1 Ih221 :t...:-'<>Lr Ir MM. CA ifllOtllloUt lutlnMl-OT'O,... ........... .::. ~.:...::: .......... .....,. .... --..... HIYI you lt1rtecl n....~ .. :-.:::-;.::: .. ~ !llnl ......_ W!7 NO I i~ 0 , ~.:. • -ltin .... Dr . Colle :.:.--~ ... llW'"9t6'f·S678' ...... CA~-7 =---.......... ~ ~~~...: _,_.._... ~ ........... 1 CA~ -,_ Mary Quinlan, 1068 WaM SI . TuS1in, CA 92760 Th11 business Is con- ducled by 1 general p1rtnersh•P Hive you slarted doing business yet? Yu, Jan 2002 Fran Tracy Th:s 1111temen1 wu hied Wllh the County Clerk of Orange County on 0312912002 . 20028897631 Dally Pilot A;if. 4, 11. 18. 25. 2002 Th203 Flctltlout Bu1lnea1 Name Statement The lollowlrljl persons ere doing business as· Chr11111n Familr Church lnternationa . 3n W Wison SI. 115, Cotui ..._.. CA 92627 Hern Austin, 3n W W1laon St. J15, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This bulineM ia con· ducted by an indMdual Hive you atened doing business yet? No Hein Austin This statement waa tiled with the County Clerk of Orange County on 04/0ZJ2002 20028898025 Diiiy Pilo4 Ari< 4, 11, 18, 25, 2002 Th231 Flctltlou1 BualnMa Name Statement The tol'°:W'"SI persone 1r1 doing bullineU u : CNC Counter1op1, 3746 Warner Ave .. Santa Anl. CA 92704 Carl G. McPh1rson. 2424 \'11111 Hooar. New· Port Blach, Cl.. 92660 Thi• buslne11 Is con- ducted by 1n Individual H1v1 you started doing buslneA ye!? No Clt1 G McPhef'son Thie etatemtnt WH ltlld wrth the County Citric of Or~ Counly on 04/02l2002 2002t8H055 Dtlly Pllol Ari< 4, 11, 18, 25. 2002 Th229 doing bullneM yfK/ No LISI Bushby Thia tlltement WH filed with the County Clerll of Orange County on 0312912002 20028897154 Oetly Plot Ari< 4. 11. 16, 25, 2002 ngoe Flctltlou1 BualneH N•me Statement TM lollow1ng PlflOr1S are doing bUlliltll 1s. A.) N"AC Loan. 8.) NAC Life, C ) NAC Lease. 2915·A Redhill Ave .. Sta. 210-C. Coeta Mesa CA 92626 Neighborhood Accep- 11 nc1 Corp (CA). 2915·A Rldhlll Ave .. St• 210-C, eo.la Mesa, CA 9262e Thcs buelne11 is con-ducttd by 1 corporebon H1v1 you atened de>tng bu11ne11 yet? Yes. ~11'02 Neighborhood Accep- tance Corp. Gordon De8oar. C.E.O. Thia 1t1tament was flied with the County Cleril °' Orange County on 03l29l'2002 2002et97837 o.ily Piiot Ari< 4, 11. 18, 25. 2002 Th209 Flctltloua Bualnea1 Name Statement The following J>lflOl\S are doing buWU u : Oranl11 RM11v and ll'MIStmlnll, 107 WOOd- bury, lrvlne. CA 92620 GuslAivo A. DIK1n, 197 Woodbury, lrvlne, CA 92620 Thia bulinen ls con· duded by an lncivlduaJ Hevt you tl1r1ad doing bulineM yfK/ No GUlllvo A OUran Tht• 1tat11111ent wH filed with the County Cltltc °' Orenge County on 03l2W2002 20026197849 Otily PlloC Ari< 4, 1 t, 18, 25, 2002 TH211 Fictitious Bualneaa Flctltloua Bualneu This buslne• Is con-ducted by: an 1ndivtcllal Have you started doing buslneae ytt? No Mery Ketherlna Seefaldl Thts statement w11 hied wrth the County Cletk of Orange County on 03/21/2002 2002HH55t Daly PlloC A{)f 4, I 1, 18. 25, 2002 T!J216 Fictitious Bu1lne11 Name Statement The following pereone are Ooing buslnMt " A to Z Metals, 5 Hutton Center Dnve. '11025. Sara Anl, CA 92707 D1vld Gome• EnterpriMll, LLC (CA). 812 Sen Otego Line. ~CA 92870 Tht• bualnell la con-= ~ l.Mnlttd Have you etarted OoinQ business yet? No David Gomae Enterprises. LLC David Gomes, Manager Thia s1111emen1 wu flltd wi1h the Coonty Clertt °' Orenge County on 04/02/2002 20021897932 Deily Pilot Ari< 4. 11 , 18. 25, 2002 Th218 Flctltloua Bu1lneu Name Statement The followino paraom are doing buelilllt N Designer Show CIM West. 24151 Vlsla D Oro, Dana Pomt, CA 92629 Julie Anne Syptrda, 24151 Vlata O Oro, Dani POllll, CA 92629 This bualneu 11 con- duc.1ed by: Ill lndMdull Have you started ~ ~ yfK/ No Julie Anni Syperdl Thia llalemtnl WH hied with the C®nty Cletk of °'*""' County on 04I02l2002 20021897942 Deily Pilol A(if. 4, 11. 18, 25. 2002 Th222 Name Statement rume Statement The foiloWlng parson• Thi loitowlng '*'°"' Flctltloua Bualneaa ere dolna bullfness ae: ere doing buelne11 a1 .Uma. Statement Detroli Acc1pt1nce P1110n11ized Nulritlon Thi followlng peBC>n• Service Company. 476 Coneultante, 23011 ara doing bulfntaa u Shldy Or , COiia Mesi, Moulton P1r\\w1y, Ste Elizabeth Thll, CA ~7 •F29, Ulglltll Hiiia, CA 216 112 Mione Ave .• Celhlnnl L Bein. 711 92653 81lbo1 Island, CA E. Ranch Rd., Sa«1-Gragoty Howl/'Cl T.itt. 92662 rnento, CA 95925 24116& Loe Al1mo1. Ven lneldengmay, Thll buelneM 11 con-Lagnun1 Niguel, CA 11176 W La Palma Ave . eluded by en indMclJll 112& Anlhllrn. CA t2901 Have you atarted Thie buelneN le con-TNe bullneM 11 con-dolngca bua1 ~L y.rt No ductld by 111 lndYlcbll dueled by en indMdull cafneftne Sain Heve you 1tart1d Havt you 1tar11d Thia 1t1t1rnent w11 doing bualne.. yet? doing bu1ine11 yet? fllld with tht C®nty Y0ttr~H T..-Y"v • 1()(24/2001 Cltlk of °'*""" r~....u ..,,..., .,., 1n ll'Mll........,maw on 031~ """""' Thi• ttatement w.. Thie •• ;ii'rri'.n1, WH 20021897811 flied with the County lilld with Iha Coon1y Dal~~. 4, 11, 18, ~~ CountY ~~ County 25• Th205 2002Ql71U 2002ett7HI F1ctlttow Buslnesa ~ Piiot ~. 4, 11, t8. o.1y Piiot ~. 4, 11, 18, Heme Stmment !5. 2002 TH212 26. 2002 Jb223 ~doll~~:.• Actltloue au.lneu FlctttJoU9 IMlnet• ~ Lawns, Name ~ Name ltee:tment 231 · lt'l Maonala. COiia The ~ ptrtOnt Thi ~ PlllOftt ......_ CA f2e27 ate doing ~ a.: h doing bulirllal 11· Larry O!ltle. 231 112 Tigar Patent, 1300 Pacific Gout Rolltf Mlgnolla1.. Goa Meta, Adtrrll Ave , 14F, COlta tioC11CeY CU>, 1143 LW CA 112921 Meaa. CA t282t ~l. -~ a..ct:, Thia bullne• II con-Ma.tic P1191'1m 1300 CA 112$48 ~td by an indMdutf AdenW Ava .. 14F, Cotta Ololl1ey E. Mytre, Hive you •t•rt•CI Meu. CA 02828 11143 Lake St.1 Hunt· dOlllO ~ y«? No Thi• buelntN 11 COfl'o lnaton Bffctl, CA m4t t.atiy Otltle ducttd by: an lndMdUtl Thlt bulintaa It con-Thli ltlltment Wiii H1v1 you •lined ~ by: an lndMdllel l1lacl With ttll County Clolnt blltlntH ytt? Ht\11 )'Oii tllrttd onClllil °' 0r-. Cola'lly v ... '90. 2002 ~ ~ Y"f? No 03r.lW2002 Malle Pllgftm o.ottrey E. My9ft 2002Mt7"2 Thlll tlltll'llanl WU Thit ... 1"'*11 "*' ~ Apr. 4, ~ fltecl • 1tll County filld wittl ... ~ ~ ~ Cltllc~ CowtCY, Cltllc~ CounlY AcUtloua ,.,.._. on --1"1 °'I ltt2tll7'U Nw ltltalMnt ~. Plot AtA • 11, 18.i o.1y Plol Af'A, 4 11. 11. The followtno ' per.one ~ . Ilit~ 25. 2002 1M224 -dolno buli1til1 II: ..J-.__ 1 • ..... ~ ..... _ .... ,_ PICtldou. ... .... t Alli CMIQn, ... 103, ...... llllllM!lt .......... ........ °'tt.~~~n .!""-~~ ~'*:J::.• laflto TomM kt:et, Mt( hrv•, A.) ........ Pi.eb· 0-. ..... CA 8"27 l09I N1M MoulOll h , 8) ---PIM-g .... ~. P11lcwa,, une. 01t10n1 Clr!tda. 141 ••nro To11111 l•euna HlfJUM, CA v.... '"'· C4*I ..... C4lill MMa.; CA tttn CA t1l8f1 ._ Mar, K•lllierln• AlllNl'd D Ntundei, 1'111 ......... .. ... ......... .,. Moulafl 147 Vim --.. °°"" ...., lJ: ....., llfld Parllwar, IHH, Miia. CA ~ ""* ~ ...._. CA Tllll ......... l:a.-. . l:.. xou ....,. mZL . .... llYj ",...., . Have you started doing business yet? Yea. 1997 Richard D Ale1t11nder This stetemen1 wu filed with the County Cler11 of Orange County on 04/02J2002 20028897958 Diiiy Ptlot A{)f 4. 11 , 18. 25, 2902 TH225 Flctltlou1 Bu1lneH Name Statement The lollowlrljl persons are doing business as: Score Distributing, 1816 Alaska Avenue. Coete Mesa. CA 92626 DeW11de Design 11nd MarileUng, LLC ~ 18t6 AllSlul Ave MIN. CA 92626 Th.. busmess • con- ducted by l.tmitad Lil· billty Co Have you started dolno buelness yet? No De-Wilde Oe51gn end Marlca!JnQ. LLC Ronald A De Wilda. Prasldent This S1a1emen1 wH filed wi1h the County Cler11 of Orange County on 04/02/2002 20025897951 Delly Pilol Ari< 4, 11. 18. 25. 2002 JH227 dolno bullness yet? No Robert D1venp00 Th11 staterntnt wu filed w11h IM County Cleftl of OrlflOI Counly on 04I05l2002 2002t89UH Daily Ptlo4 ~ 11. 18. 25, May 2. Th239 Fictitious Bu1lnes1 N1me Statement The following Plf&onS are doing bullfne• as: Cameron Company. 80 Huntington Beach, CA •420, HunUnglon BNch, CA 92648 Chnstopner C1meron Strutt, 80 Huntington St U 20 Huntington Blaoh, CA 92648 nm buemttl .. con- duc.11d by Ill lfldivdJ8I H1v1 you 111rtad doing bu1ln11s yet? v ... 4111'02 Ctlr\l!Ophlr C Strut! Thie statement wu ltled with !fie C®nty Cler11 of Orlnge Coun1Y on 04/05/2002 20028898517 De"y Piiot Ari< 11 , 18, 25. MOY 2, 2002 TH238 Flctltloua Business Name Statement The I~ persons lrl doing bulinla IS. Fictitious Bu1l11ffs A.) Starv~ Schollrs fUme Statement Mov•ng & Minl·S10f1g1, The loltowmsi persons B.) HI Low Moving & lfl doing ~ u Rental Co, 1957 New- Cur10 Antiques, 1910 pott Blvd. COiia Mau. Bay Crest St.. Santi CA 112627 Alla, CA 92704 David VlctOf Donovan, Janie W. Mclaughlin, 2101 lndlen Springs Ln .. 11110 Bay Crest S!Ttet. Colta Meta. CA 92660 Santa Aile, CA 92104 Thi• bualneu la con· This business II con· dueled by: an lndMdual dUcled by an individual H•ve you 1tarted Have you 1ter11d dolng bu1lnu1 yet? doing buliness yet? No v... 1984 Jillie W. Mclaughlin D1vld V Donovan Th11 Slllemlnl WH nm llllemanl Wiii fifed with Iha County hied w1lh the County Clertc °' Orange Colny' Citric ol Or1lngl County on 03/'l7 l2002 on 04I05f2002 20028897317 2002t8Q51t Dally PlloC Apr 4, 11, 18, Delly PlloC Apr 11, 18. 25. 2002 TH230 25, Mey 2, ~ Jb237 Dav110s, 404 Jasmine Hillsborough Pr1v1te Ave . Corona del Mar, Companies. Inc (CA) CA 92625 4757 Valley View Avt , Th4s bus4ntts II con-YOlbl Unda. CA 92868 duded by an lndMdull Thie bollneM IS con- Hava you lllrttd ducted by' • corporabon doing buNleA yet? No H1v1 you 1t11r11d l1ure G1nl1v1 doing buaineas yet? Davalos v ... 811/2001 Thi• st1tam1nt WU H1llabotough Pnv1tt fjled With IM County Companies, lnc Cieri! of Orange County lacy A Bomer, on o.«>5/2002 CEO/President 20021898503 Th41 st1tement WIS Dally Piiot Ari< t 1. 18. l!led with the County 25. May 2. 2002 TH234 Cleril cl Orange County on 04I09l2002 Rctltlou1 BuslneH 2002eatees 1 Name Statement Oaity Piiot ~ 11.. t8. The lollo~s 25. May 2. ~ Th247 118 doing bull .. PAO Eltdric. 515 Su-Flctltioua 8ualnq1 parior Ave.. Newport Name St.atftment Belch CA 92663 The lollowlnQ per90111 Ph1lhp Roe Goodlett. are doong ~ IS 4920 112 W El $egl.lldo Med + Link lnt1rn1· Blvd . Hewthorne, CA ~. 124 Tuedn Ave 90250 Suitt 100, Newport This buelnea It oon-a..cn, CA 92663 ducted by. 1n indMc1lll Vourmedllnk. Inc Hive you etarlld (CA), 124 Tuatin Ave , doing ~ yet? No Suite 100. Newport Phillip Roe Gc>odlett Btlch, CA 92663 Thi• stetement wu Thia business Is con· hied wtth tht County dueled by: a oorporatk>o Cleric of Orange Counly H1vt you 1t1rt1d on 04J09l2002 doing busln... ya1? 2002t8tWt Y11, 10l10I01 Delly PiloC Apf 11, 18, Vourm.cllink, Inc 25. May 2. 2002 Th243 Michael DIGl1cco Prasidtnt Flctltlou1 Buslneaa This eutement was Name Statement filed With tn. County The lollowlng pereona Cleftl cl Onu1ge County at• doing~ N on 04/12/2002 Hawk Sporta, 1420 2002UtNO 1 Vllaoe Way, Senta Ana, OaJy Pi1oC ~ 18, 25 . CA 92705 M!Y 2. 9, ~ Jh252 Hawk Hockey. Inc. Public ..-...... (CA), 18335 Ml. La/lglly ._..._ t8, FountaJn Va"ey, CA N04lce ii hereby given 92708 that the undaf'lignld Wiii Thll buetneA 11 con· be IOld at plailc Audlon ducted by I a>!'pO(lllon on May 2, 2002, 11 Heve you 1tart1d StaMng Sc:holal'e Mini· doing bu1inM1 yet? No Stora:ge..r. 1.957 Newport Hawk Hocby, Inc Blvd.. 1.,;<>11a Mesi, CA John Numen, CEO 82827, (IM9) 831-3379 Thie atetement w11 12018, Chuck fifed With the ~ Wlll\Hkl, houHhold C1e!k of Orange COl.w1IY lumiture on 0410912002 '2021 A Emmel FOid, 200211HMO ~ lumltute Rctltlous Buslne.. Flctltloua Bullnes1 Dally PtloC Al><. 11 . 18. Landlord flMfVM lhl NarM Statement Na--s•...___. ?5. Mly 2, ~ Th241 right to bid II NII. Cuti ..... ............ orly. Sale it ~ 1o Thi fol~ persone The following ~raone Rctltlou1 Bualneaa CJlnOtlletlon In fll ewnt are doing buline111 as: are doing bullne• as Name Statement of Mtllement bltWHll Beaz Art Books, A.) Ocffndatt Capital landlofd end ...... ""' t""" 17625 Loa JardinH Fl clall Q ·1 The followlno Plr1011• ""''V1 "" W F nanc anagement are doing bullMte H. party. nt, ountetn Valley, Group, 8 ) Oceangete David f«lktt R>f Min SllMng Schollrs CA 92708 Capitel Mortgege Man-& Women. 2400 w Mlnl·Stor1111 M11th1w Robert agement Or!~· C.J CoHt Highway •C. Pul>llet*l Newpor1 8"uwlall1. 17625 Loi OC:Nngate e2Ql"al. 1 Newport Beech, CA B11ch·Co1ta M111 ~c::r~Ol#1tlin ~~18' • •tvtne. 112663 = P1o1 Ac>ll 1e, 25. 'T""'-.... ·"'--· •• -.. 1ni..i r ..... 111 Dlvld Hok.a FOf Men _ JJ!249 .,,,. .......,......, .. -~ ""''tlcil ......,..., ng. I W (CA ~ by Ill ~ Inc (CA). 14 Huot-omen I ). 2400 W NOTICE OF ~H1v~ 11~rt= ·~· ~~A11 ~ ~~Ht::~. ~CA APPUCATION TO '· .,,.. -·--...,.r 92M3 SELL ALCOHOLIC "·1uw' .. "h1artw Robert ~ by I QOl1>0fallon Thie butlneee II con-ll!VER"OES .... H1v1 you 1t1rtad dueled ..., ~ Thi• st111men1 WH doing buslna.. yet? Have"': v~u~J:J .~" of Fling ~ hied with the Coonty Yt1 411/02 d·' • ""''· April 8, 2002 To C1eri1 of Ofange County IOtgilach Coneutt1ng, ... ng bulineH yet? Whom It May eonc.m. on 03./29l2002 Inc. YH, 01/02 Thi Name<•> of !flt Af>- 200211117'3' Robert FriH, Prtal· Oavld Nok1t FOf ~llcanl(1) 11/ere· Oally PiloC A;if. 4, 11, 18, dent ~~ ~ PottOfff, ISAABEZTELORRES LUZ ~ 2002. Th228 Thie etllamtnl WH M .e-. • anager • .._re11ry The ~ hied Flct.ltlou• Bualneu ~onledk ;tho.!:. = Thllj ttalement Wit 1'1ow 111 IOOIYlna to Heme Statement ~ liJad with the ~ h ~ QI JUco. The 1o11ow1 2002ttNSOf Cltltc OI Qnangt CounlY holic tMYtrlO* Control .,. doing ~ ~Pb ~ 11. 11, on ~t ::W. 1111 & alcoholic Awt•truclc Mu11c, ~ 2, ~ Th23t o.iiv Plot~-11, 11. &IO:'r1TH ST 25581 Pueo La Viale, 25. Me'1 2 2002 N4!l Laguna Niguel, CA FlcttUoue lu:.lnlN' COSTA MESA, CA 1121n Heme ai.t:ement FlcUtloue ....,... ~2127 Of -.,.:...,.,., Grtndll JoHph The ~ ........ __ .. ;i:: lcr. ....... '-''' l(>- Hanlcl. 25581 PltMO la we dOing II: ""'· I~ " Vitti.I, Lagune Niguel, Tf\I Litllt Golden ',.,.. Pfrtonl 41 • ON-SALE BEEA ' CA ~ Htm, .... 2 Rtdlanda .,. doil1ll • AND WINE ·EATING ..... .,. .,..., RIM Ind Shine AMllY. Pt.ACE ' Tn"' • ii COO· Of.. Colta M111, CA 120 ~. IMnt. CA Publl•hld Ntwpol1 J ~ by. an lndMdual 112127 t2014 8a1oh·Coe11 MtH .. 1111 you •ttl'!td Undl M Bn.lcl. 1962 Wllllall'I Robert "-' PlloC ........ 11. ..... • dOlng butlnua ytt? Rt<lland• ~ Colt• ~ 20 Alft'ltdot ....., '?'" • ~. v ... M>1 Male CA WI IMna, cA ~14 • Mn. 2!XR DG3 Ortnd1I JoHph TNe bulin1tt It ~ Thlt blM6nMe 11 con· Hanke dudtd by tn ~ ~ by .,.. ~ fltdl'Nlwllltta~~ ~v~ ~;n= Htwt you tt1rted Qeltl cf . Ot'Mlt ~ lriil M ll\ICle ~I~ ro7b~ on 04I08l200t' Thl9 Clllttfnlnl ... MJld>9th to021•1111 IMd Wll\ the CQUnty Thlt •ttNnt ~.,. ~ 1w:; ~~ °°'"' lltd """ .. ~ Jttlllllll1 ~ ~ COl!l"llf PICtltloue ....... ~ Piiot ~ ·~ ........ , ..... .......... ~ l. ~ .&.111111 Dl:llv Plol 1-. I!,, J' .:-~~ Ao•a .. .,...., &Mna.llP llB lt• ... ~ Flnllnae, NIMt lkl IMllC ...... •atlMI 'lli'l IMlotll Or . •111. The ....,... ptrialfll -.. t•,. IMnt, CA t2112 n Oolr'9 ~ _. n. ~-• AoMit Q Daw•ipor;. D•v~ ~ M lllllfill II: tt• ~ Dr .. •111. ~ .o4 ....... • ...... ~ ~...!!!...u,... Awai•=•--• .... .....,, •'111 ·---~ °' W.i1111a.,V.-~tr: .. ~ ~11r• Otftte'le CA - !!!!!! lt9V ...,,.. ~-------------- ' • I~ j ~ -I I I I DOily Pilot ---'I I '• ... , .• ,_,. ·- ' •• ! ·~· ~ • IUlllllOMS lltctld II\ h detigr'I d COMONdNcl ~!Mlon Md EJft. (CfTACIOH h ~ ht._ two ~ Ma. lllowW• u.._ -' tat ,,. ........ la con-..... end .... lofttll duelled lly: I geMtfli pen&foff pt~d NOICIAL) dlftinc:t CIOfJIPCMMlnll. • '112 Pul'nln etn..t ..._, bY ~ HO'hC! TO OUEN. wtt ~ WlllO end COiii ~ CA wlli e 8-1 Raina ;a; ~ ll\ereln tor Have you t\Jrted ~ of u1c1 ~ ~ ytit? Ho Codi. DANTl (Avl10 1 *' Clflice MlO· 02829 or bt111tr and a 1lntlnclll AollladOl THE CAEST Bari wW9 Wll be con-Phone f (7141 7&t.l!ell0 dulltlclrtlon of VIII or AT *WAADE.N, U.C; llNCtacS ol pow~tn-Atten1fon· batter, Ot with 811 Vlnlla J ~ 111MY EUJOTI Thie •t.ttll!MtlC ... Olfuly CttY ~ THt'. CAEIT AT plarJa ~ Conllet· Aidt Baltolll. equlYalent ral!119 by ~WMDEN. U.C doWIQ ~ of lw ltYlll d Ofb 8111 Dllgldlo or ~· or 8'inclltd ~ aa COMPASS 9'*11 and lour ....... at Robett &llano Incl J>oof1. The auo- ...., wih ,. Courity f:1rt c... ..... ~~~ ~ welt~~=~ HOti'ES • COMPASS Wit laboratory IP80I PrtOualillld Detlgn oesaf\11 PrOOOllng 0.- 0ESIOH OROVP; and Development of Iha wet lklld EnUdae lhal ob-tlgn 8utld E'ntlty Ind lei DOES , twuah too laboratory wing .-ou1c1 tUI a mutmwn ot llYe ~ wlll ti. I002tl0027t starting af the o.ly Pb •. 215. -Cenfef, 197& 8eleel\c 2. a. 111. 2002 ngeo 0ttve. at 1 o·oo A M • YOV ARE" BEING be modUlar and tym-(5) NII o1 RFP Dool.I-required to lolloW the 60£0 BV PLAINTIFF· matrtcal allowlng mtnll ffM at cNrVI IA nondiscrimination rt· (A Ud. i. Ille cMman-malllmum a~ptablllty Otllgo g Conttl\ic:tion qulrtment. Hf forttl fn FlctlUou9 8ueinMe T"=7iill'!? 7 ~rt ,..,,.. ~ Seach-Coata MtH llle~ penont Ody Pllol Apftl 25~ .,. Jio ~ .. 2. 2002 ~ Shaun Haley Tlle, ..... "'o"'e._F_E_R_M_E_N_T~IC< dlndo): MARCO OAR· lor fulure needs and oo.t Strvbla. Unlvtrllty Of tha RFP Ooc:umtnlt and ~ouand~ZAOO~~ :81¥1~AT!D CON· ~la·~·,=. ~ .. pr.:~~ oAA DAYS alttf thla STRUCTION BUDGET: California 92097.2450 Iha WOlll. tummont II ~ on ...... 000.000.00 • PrtOuallfltd 011lgn llle IUOCMllUI Pr~ ....,, '° • a ""--•f'unct1no le pending Build Entlt111 may n Design Build Enll!y ,--·1_...-···-:-·· St8ta Public Worlca purchae admtionaf .-wit be ,..qund IO !wive ~ ~u~I~.. OF BIOS Shiwn Hiiiey. 2269 Subject to condltlon1 l'9IPOflH ct lhia ClOllrt. Board (SPWB) •I>' at Dee1gr1 Build e....au•s the followlflQ State ol A llOlr or phone cell proval. COii trorn eonaoud;?.cl Callfomla Contractor'• wW nd protct you, your ALL SU BC ON· r00f'90hlce ~ curttn4 at !ht typtwr!tten rupon•e C 0 H T R A C T 0 R S ~OrE:· IT ' I~ THI tltnt at IUbmllalon of Iha ·nut t>til In proper legal SHALL PROVIDE SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS' 'Gott p ............... Columbia Or.. Coeta Pf9ICl1bed by the under· Mtae. CA 82926 algned, Maled bide lor a Eiieen Halrf, 2268 Lump S4Jrn Connet .,. ColumOla Or.. eo.ta Wwlted tor the lolowlng ~ CA 92626 Wo111: This butineas I& OOfl• FIFTit FLOOA ducted by-husband 8/ld ADMINISTRATION, wife REMODEL EAST fonn you want the COST PROPOS .. LS • ..,._ ooul1 to heer your cut. ~BIDS) OHLY TO ~E AND DESIGN CON· General BuJlding Cori· " you do not lilt your •n SULTANTS' RE8POH-tractor B (Ur.enM CIU-.-... on 11-..,,., OLLOWINO PRE· SIBIUfY TO REGI$. alllcatlon)(Llcenaa ~i;; the ~. Wid OllUtUALLDl'!~uo~. SIGN TIA WfTff THE UNI-Codi) Hava you s!Jlrtad OFFICES doing buslntu ytt7 PROJ~CT NO. 111811 'fl'J'oll Wlgat, money and ..,. "" VERSITY'S DE~ & THE REGENTS OF property may ba taken HENSEL PHELPS C 0 NS TR UC TIO H TI-if UNIVERSITY OF Vat, 111.102 UNIVER8'TY OF Shau' Haley CALIFORNIA, Wllhout futtMr I COHSTRUCTION CO. SERVICES OR CON· CALIFORNIA hwn Iha COUit. warn ng 2415 Campus Driv•. SOUDA TEO AEPRO. Ac>1t 2002 This 11atament wu IRVINE Thtrt .,.. other legal Suitt 100 GRAPICS TO AC· Pubtlshad Newport Hied with the County IRVIHE, CALIFORNIA Cltnl ol Ol.nga County t2tl7 -"-You lrvlnt, CA 92612 KNOWLEDGE Rf· Stach·Coata Mesa ;;;'k;'Cai-lif'I ~ (949) 852-0111 CEIPT OF THE NATU-0.-V Plot Aprt 18, 25, on <M11 llt'2002 Origmally lciledultd 2002tl00277 tor; 2:00 P.M., llglll away. If you do not t:Ax (949) a52·0218 RAL SCIENCES UMT 2 ~ D1250 know an ettomay, you Estfmlltor: Man Keller RFP DOCUMENTS. DaUy Pilot~. 25. Mey WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2. 9. 10. ~ Ml 2A, 2002 hu been de-,,...., cell an anomey .... McCAlrrHY BUILDING UNIVERSITY WILL Flctltloue Bualneaa t.,.,., ..,... Of a leOlll COMPANIES, INC. N 0 Tl FY ON Ly Name S~t aid o111ct (listed In iht 2~01 S W Birch SUBCONTRACTORS The followlnQ perlOfll phone bo<*). Street. Surte 300 ANO DESIGN CON· 11r1 doing buWoeSa u : 0tapues de que le Newport Beach, CA SULTANTS WHO Steve'a Sharp Cara, t ta. ell!"-'--92680 HAVE REGISTERED 2038 Harbor Blvd .. ~ust= ~~ r9) 85Hl383 WITH EITHER DES4QN Coat.a Mela. CA 92627 plazo de 30 DIAS AX (949) 7~ a CONSTRUCTION Christ~r Shuster. =A~O~ ~raro~~ ~~~~O O~E~~~ =· CAu~ Ave . llCltla a IMQUlna en SERVICES, INC. GRAPHICS OF ANY Thia buslneas Is con· 19 COf1e 200 8urcheU Street A DDENOA WHICH duded by: an lnctvidual "u . rt Gltndlle. CA 91200 ARE AVAILABLE AT Have you atarttd na ca a o una (1818) 2•"-"'•"1 S I l 1 lameda Waforllca no It t: ~ OE IGN ANO CON-dong bu1 ness yet ofrec«a 1Hotecclon. &u AX (818) 247·5775 STRUCTION SEAY· Yes, Q(19t77 _ _.. eacr1ta Estimator: Bil Esalu ICES. Christopher Shuster ,_.,._ a ma-PREOUALIFIED Three PRE· This atatemenl was qulna Ilene QUI c:umpC!r SUBCONTRACTORS: PROPOSAL CON· hied with the County con laa formalidedes le-Note: The Nltct9d 0.-FERENCE& shall be Clatt of 0ninae Coooly gal•a apropiadaa 11 elgn Build Entity wlll held es follows on 04/lor..!002 1.-d ~ QUI la oo"9 be ~ to u.t only Prt-Propoaat Con· 200211119113 ~ .:' caso ta thOH COf!Crete, Cur· ler9r1ce No. 1: Dally PiloC • 18, 25, au r:iuest:' .'7~ lain Wall/Wlndowl/ 1:00 P.M. • 3:00 P.M. Mav 2. 9. ~ Th254 ~ __.... el · Glazing Sya..,_, EJec> PST, Mondey, April 22. FlctltJoua Bua•~-..... ~ cuo. Y trk:al, Fire Protection 2002 ",... pueden QU1tar su Engineering (Fire UnlveB11y of California, Name Statement Flc:tft.loua Bu•lnese Name Stfttment Thi folle>Wing ptf'IOOI are doinQ bulliieM aa: All ~ Notariet, 311 112 341h Street, ~~rt Beech. CA Kimberly S Klrtcpalridc, 311 112 341h Streat. Newport BMch, CA 92680 This busintal Is con· ducted by-an indMcMll Have you startad doing business yet? Ves. 311/2002 Klmberfy Klriq>atnclc This statement wu filed with 1M County Cle!tl °' ()fange Counly on 04/19/2002 20021900211 ~17.°'~ 25~ llllalio. tu dlnen> Y oCras Supp,..1lorl/8prlnldar Irvine Pr...oenfs The tollowtng persons :ea' .v: "'·· pr~ a). HVAC {Wiit a Orv>. Conlerence Room ere doing boilne6s aa· Flctltlou. Bualnes• ...... de 11 ~ l.ebotstory CaMWorli MMe Office ~ OSK Enterprise, Name Statement ..-•• and Countartopa, and 4004 Mesa Ad .. Suite 18&49 Mt Darwin Cir . The following peraona ,_&~!!.!L.otr~~equlst-Plumblng Subcon· 3000 Fountain Vatlty. CA are doing ~ aa. .... .._._ ......,. QUI tractor·• who have lr.llnt, CaktorNa 92697 112708 P9cific Amtncan Tele- .__, qulen lamar a been pr9-quallfltd =i j;M9l 824-6630 Geo,:r Kanemori, com. 2402 MICtlelaon ~m!tente SI no ::,,~n~ of Cal te~:!:oi:.•~I Con-::4~.;.~sJ~· ~e1~he 170, lrvlne. CA conoc:. • un abogado, PREOUALIFIED 1 30 -3:30 p M PST, nus bualoess Is con· K GttgOf'f WoN. 2402 = !·~~ ~ COHCRET£ SUBCOH-Thursday, May 2. 2002 dodec:I by an lnCivldlW MICttelson Or . Suite abogado& 0 a una TRACTORS ARE: Un111ersJty ol Cahlomil. Have you started 170, llVIM. CA 92612 oficlna <Se ayuda teoal MORLEY CONSTRUC-ll'WMI Adm1nisrration doing business yet? Petef Oe&lofves. 2402 jvH el directorio tele· TION COMPANY Building, Room 107 Yes, 04/01/2002 Michelson Or.. Sulta tco) 2901 28th Strtll, Irvine. CA 92697 George Kanemori 170, llVint, CA 92612 Otl • Suite 100 (1149) 824-6630 Thta starament wu Thi$ bullnesl is con- CAS£ NUMBER: Santa Monica CA Pra-Propoaal Con· hied with the County duded by OC>i)el1nerl (Hunwroo2clOdtll7Ceeo9 ) 90405 ..,.,_ No. 3: Clerk o1 OrlllOI County Have you started 1 ~310~399-1600 1 30 · 3 30 PM PST, on 0019/2002 doing bu1iness yel? Thi name and ad· dr ... c4 the ooufl Is. (El RI 0 CONSTRUC· Thunlday. May 16, 2002 20026900293 Vas, Jan. 2002 nombrt r dlreocion da la TION COMPANY, INC. Unlverllly ot 2D.1119ty. 1P6tlol. 200(!~ 25L.. ~ Peter D .. forges -... 30 ~. Suna 209 Callfomla. IMM -· . . _ tnl~ Thia 1tatement was ....,.,. ta IMnl. CA 112618 Pr851denl's Conterence filed wtth ll'l8 County ~iga ~ SYpeMr (949) ~2660 Room Flc:tltJoua BU•IMN C1e11c at Or11nge County 700 Civic Center Or W.M. Kl.ORMAN CON-Mesa Office &llkilng Name Statement on <M/19/2002 Waat Sll'UCTION CORP. 4004 Mesa Rd.. The lol~sons 20024900212 SarM Ana. CA 92702 ~ ~rtee Avenue. =· 3g<!lomle 92697 lie do4ngA d .., a n c4!'. d ~.1, :r ~ 2STH::5 The name, addo<ess, El Monte. CA 111732 (949) 824-6630 Oiegnosttcs, 2077 ~ ~ nutN>ef (e.26) 448-2425 tHE THREE PRE· Wlllaoe AVI 13 Costa crTY OF ~-~~·a~ PREOUALIFIED PROPOSAL CON· Mela. CA 92627 COSTA MESA tomey ii: (El nombrt, ta ~=u:HAJU:~:: ~~YES t~: "f~ 20-W~ana! A~=~:~: ORANGE COUNTY, Gt9CCiOrl y ti""""'° de TEMS SUBCON· PREOUALIFIEO L Costa Mata. CAlfl'l6Z7 CALIFORNIA llltloflo dtl llbogadO del TRACTORS ARE: DESIGN BUILD This bu"'-IS con· NOTICE dtman<IMta, o Oel de-CARMEL ARCHITEC· ENtlTIES. PRE· duclad by an ~ INVJTINO BIOS mandaml QUI no Ilene TURAL SA.LES PROPOSAL CON· Have you started NOTICE IS HEREBY ~· ta) 1113 N Armando Street F£AENCE NO. 1 WllL doing buUlll8 yet? No GIVEN that sealed SBN O A. SOLL, Anaheim, CA 92806 CLOSE AT t:OS P.11. Jaymon Cardin proposa11 lo< lurnitt*lg 876!0 (714) ~7221 PST. PAl.f>AOPOSAL This statement wu all labor materials. JON~ MAHONEY· W 0 O D 8 ft I D G E COHfE.REHCES NOS. filed wtOI the County llQIJipl'ntffl. transporta· BAA & SOll GLASS, INC. t AND 2 'MU Ct.OSE Clal1t c4 Orange Coooly lion and IUCi\ other lacl-~1 ~ Arst Street. !&eel Noyee Ave AT 1:35 P.M. PST. AHY on 04/19/20022002•9002•• tilts as may be required irvlnt CA 92606 PRE.QUAUFIED 0£. v '" tor THE REPLACE· Claramonl, CA 91711 (!Mgj' 250-4444 SIOtll 8UfLD ENTITIES Delly P*>t • 25, May II.ENT OF WOOO stJP.. (llOlll399-9977 PAEOUAUREO ElEC-ARRIVING AFTER 2. 9. 16. 2QQi Th25§ PORT POSTS AT OAT1:: MAR 13· 2002 TRICAL SUBCON· THEs.E TIMES WtU. BALEARIC CENT£A, ALAN Bl.ATER, Cleftl. TA.ACTORS ARE: BE OISOUAllFIED Flc:tltlou• Bual,,... 1m BAU!A.RIC bJ tc.lfly ArtletW, ANDERSON a HOW· FROM FURTHER PAA· Name Statement OfUVf, City Proltet ~::iJistied Newport AAD El.ECTillC, lffC. TICIPATION IN THIS _:~~':"' L~ w')!_...,be Jeoe~ 8 •• c"·Costa Mesa 1791 ~ Avenue RA» PROCESS. _.,. .., .. , ~ Plb Apt 18• 2.5, I~. cA 92914 All SUBCON· Aerocomp, 18312 aJ lht Ofllce of tie MD 2. I!, 2002 Th248 lt'Jlx ~IC. INC. ~~T~~st~~A£Es ~~a1n811~ey~~ g:~ ~llf= ADVERTISEMENT S260 Cemino Santa Fe. ARE INVITED TO AT· 92708 untft the hour of 10:00 FOR SUB-COST Sutta A TENO THE PRE· Joseph Catalano. a.m.. :a::t· 119y 13. PROPOSALS (Bid•) San ~.' CA 112121 ~:~:Ni~~L CON· =. ~~ ~~ !:\.al opetltd ~ Subftct to condotlor\s ~8.rs'co 1232 RR> sueawTTAl. RE-CA 9270ll and rHd aloud in tn. p198Cltled by Iha undet· 4701 Von Karmen A..,. OUIREllENTS SHALL Thll bullNll Ill con-Council Chambara signed, stated Coat nut, Suite 100 BE AS FOUOWS: The ~by an ~ S..led Pf()90Sals shall Propoule (Bids) tor • Newport Beach. CA RFP SutJlnltW atiall be Have you started beet !ht bllt at the WOlil ~ Sum Contract .,. 92660 ~ In two com-doing bl.tslness yat? atld ,_ OI Ille biddtt lrWlfed lor Iha folowlng (1149} 724-1589 ponenta: first Compo-Y•, 4fJr'02 but no other dfst- terred 10 2:00 P .JI., FRIDAY MAY 3, 2002 PROJECT OESCRIP· TION: Wottt lncludtt, bu1 Is not "miled to, !ht following Demolillon and remodeling of ap- proximat.iy 1,t 10 9 f of office area, to include, ti.A not be limited to. Iha removal and abetemenl ofd~un­ def the existing C8lpll· Ing, removal and dl5- pow.J ol all partition walls. carpeting and base. ceiHng llfff. flghl fixtures, t·bar grid sys· ltm, a l)Ol'1IOn ot Ille ex· lstir1Q tfVAC sys1em ano lllCidental electtleal and data/phone cabling as stiown 00 Iha drawings The MW WOf1'. shalt COO· list ot all n-walls, painting. data/phone cabling, carpeting. but. window coverings. doors, door fremes, hardware. M>ar ceiling, celling Illas lights. HVAC system. efec:trtcal OUllets and any and all requirements as shown on tne dl'lwlnOs ESTIMATEb CON· STRUCTION COST: $70,200.00 Nole. Prime Bidders who do not meet Iha qualtficallOM In the Con· traci Documents may not be tllgitJle tor awerd Bidding Documents were avallal>le to Bid· ders on MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2002, and were ISalJtd ot DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Universtty of C&litomia. lrvlne 3500 &i.10ey Place kwle, CA 92697·2450 (9'9) 824 -0630 Hol une· (9411) 824-8117 Checks for a non-r .. fUllClltlte ... wfll be ,.. CJJired " tne amounc ol '25.00 per &el ol Bid· ding Documents Checlls are to be made payable to " The Re· genii ol Iha Uo!Yarsl!y of Ca11tom1a" Sealed Bidll will not ba accepted afler 2 00 PM. FRIDAY, MAY 3 2002 Sid Sacunty in tile emount ot 1 ~ ol tha lump Sum Bale Bid, ex· duding a1tema1es. shall eccompany each Bid Thi Surtey lllUlng tlla &d Bond ahal ba. on Iha Bid Oudline. an tdmlned surety 1Nur11 (U dellntd In the C.N· fornia Code of Ctvll Procedure Section 995.120) A mandatory Pr .. Bld Conference and man· datoly Pre-Bid Job Wall -re eonduct9d on WEONESOAY=APRIL 17. 2002 lnnlno Pl'Ol'llOOY at 1 A lli4' p~ ,,..., AOMIN1$TRATION BUILDING ~ of Cdloml&. tl'Vlnt 8ulldtno f 111, Room 1'11 lt'Vint, Callfomla 926117-8100 (9411) 82~ AtTENDANCE AT THE PRE...aao CON- ,.REHCES ANO JOB WALK 11 MAN· OATORY FOR ALL ,RIME CONTAAC.• T~S. THe MEfTING CU>IEO AT 10:3S A.M. A.NY COHTAACTORI ARRIVING AFTEA THIS TIME W1U. HOT llE ~TO 'AA- TICIPATI IN THE BIO PROCESS AS A PMIE CONTRACTOR. OnJot biddet1 wflO pet• tloipale In boCtl lhe Pr. Bod Conference and the Job Walk In their entirety, wlll allowed to bid on the Project u prime oontrlCtors F« lurttllt informallon' con- WCI UCI Coritracts 0. partment within Design & Construction Seivices Brenda R Hoc:lteolUI al (1149) 824-4n5 lhe •uccesatul 8iddtf and Its SubconttaCIOfl wtll be reQUOred to follow the nondltcrimlnalion r• qulrements aat forth In the Bidding Documents and to pay prevailing wage r&... at the loca- tion of Che WOlil. The sucoessful Btdder Wiii be r9QU1<ed to halle the lollowlng Stale of CaJ1lomia Conlfactor's ltcense current at the time of submission of the Bid LICENSE CLASSIFICATION co.nar.1 Bulldlng Contractor LICENSE CODE B Other Project Specl- fln: Bidder Quall· nc:.tlona called fof to be ~ at time of bid Inch.KM, but -not -..arily llmtttd to: 1 The Contractor lhall have been In bustnets under Iha same name ana Calllomla Contrac· IO(s Uceose lor a min· imum ol 5 conunuoua years poor ro the bid opening date for this Pro1ec1 Tile llctnaa used to satlsty this re· quirement shall be ol Illa same type required by the oonlnlCt 2 The Conu.ctor shalt provide • rrwwnum c4 3 reterences for pro1ects 11mi1ar 1n ecope and slu to lh1S Project, wtiictl have beer1 suocesatully ~Id during Iha ~ 3 h9tgENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Apnl 2002 Pubhshed Newport Beach· Costa Mesa Daily Pllol Apt1I 25. 2002 Th265 Flc:tltJou1 Bualnffl N1me Statement The tollowlog persona are doing ~ BS. Mainlenanca & Repair Se~ 355 Avocado St., Ft, Costa M4Sll CA 112627 Mlehaal Zellmet. 355 Avocado St , Fl. Costa Mesa 92627 This buslnMS .. ~ ~ed by .,, lllCllv!Wal Have you started doing business yet? No Mk:haet Zellmer This atetement was ftled W1lh the COunty Cleftl °' Orange C<iooty on 04/23l2002 2002810085' Daily PtlOI ~ 25, May 2. 9 16. 2002 TH27§ FIND an apartment through cJasslfled -.. •• --• I ...... ,-.... -. ... -· ...__.._._ 9uala M:nint H ...,.., ~ RI¥· a COfPOI..,_ .--1W TI* 1•t1rren& wu Have you 11&111d Name ... .,..."* lllO with ... ~ doing llUal.neta y.., llle ~· QM~ ODumy .,. ... ~•1'2001 "i!J.*111 v..._ ~~ on Jt02t111110 ~°'. Tecn11oto· ~ ~~& ~ :ra:· 2ia !dent I Galler, PY., V--A., 0.. W-, n.-,,_.....,__ -· CA ~ Acatloue ..... filtd .. Wlltl .. ...,. .... ~ Tilll ~ la con-...,_ Stmmlftt a.t o1 Orwa ~ dldad by tn ~ The ~ 4*90IW on 04/'l3/'JDlYI: Hive you •tal1ed -ti1Q bWlr"8I • 2002ttOOH4 doing bus1rtM1 yet? St Matthew'• Daly Pie( • :zs.• Y•. 4l2Cm02 Mor!tetaoft, 2300 Ford 2, 8, 10, 20p2 T~ ~ L~ WU ~aVo..,._POff 8Mch, FlctltJou4a eu.fneaa liltd wl1tl 1"' COunly Newport liarbor Name SUlement Clialt at 0rwige ~ Mo1 u uM (CA), 425 E ~~· on <Mt'23l2002 181h St.. Co&ta Mata. are • 2002tlOOMI CA 112927 A., Structure F"'*-, Deily Pilot ~. 25, May This bullneal i. oon-8 .) Srldgtl Fitn111, 2 9. 18, 2002 ngT1 IM::ttd by: a c:orpot111o11 18982 Lynn St . II, lia_.• you 1tart9d Hunlington e.ach. CA doing buWllla Y"t1 No 92&411 FlcWoua SU.U... . Name Statement The lofloWlnQ penont .,. d9ir1g bulli1eill • A.) Culiom Molorl. 8 ) The Radletor Faaory, 788 BINt SU.. Colt.a Mesa. CA 1126218 Cuatom Motors EnterpiiMa of California, Inc. (CA), 769 Beker Shel. COiia Mau. CA 92628 This bullneas IS con- ducted by • oorpomtlon Have you 1tart1d doing bu1lna91 ytt? Yes, .U11118 Cuttom Moton Ent~ ol Calltoma. Inc. Wit1itm E Page. P,..._ dent Thia statemenl WU r~ect with the County Clefll ol OrW10tJ County on~ 20028900651 Dally Plot ~-25~ 2. 9. 10. 2002 Flctltlou• BualneM Name Statem9nt The following persons lie dolnQ buslnela u Magic Wok. 608 EUI FtrSt Street, Tustin, CA 92780 KYO Enterprises. Inc !CA). 608 East Arll Street. Tusan. CA 92780 This business is con· ducted by a oorporatJon Have you started doing business yer7 Yes. 3/9/02 KYO En1~. Inc Wan Hu, Presidtnl Thia statement wa1 filed with Ule County C1el1t ol Or1lnge County on 04l23l2002 2002tl0ot4t Oa'Y Piiot ~. 25~ 2. 9. 16. 2002 Fk:tltJou• BualMU Name Statement The lollowinjl petlOM are doing~ u A.) New PeroeptlOllS, B ) New PerCaf)Uon, 1767 Oraoga Ave .. Sulla 8-102, Coc1a Mesa. CA 92627 Barbara ¥Ison, I 767 Orange_ .. Suite 8-102. ccr . CA 9262] Thfi buslMSS is con- dueted by an ~ Have you started doing buUlM$ yet? No Baib.ra L Trulaon Thll ltattmaot WU hied wlltl the County Cle!1c c4 Orange Councy on 04/23/2002 2002ttooe50 Delly PMot • 25, Mlly 2 9. 111. 2002 ngn FlctltJoua Bualneu Name Statement The following ptrlOOt ete~l~ .. Oulat y P~, 372 Ba St • Costa Mesa. 92627 Richard Herbert Stanley, 2 I 7 Opel Ave • Balboa Island, CA 92662 Em McOwel1 Stanley, 217 Opal Ave .. Balboa Island, CA 92662 This bullnllS " con-duc:ltd by husband and wile Have you started doing bu•iness yal? Vas . .U14.I02 Rtwport Harbor Bndgll Nammer1 MontellOrf 18982 Lynn St . r1, Kat9l1 Whetlel' ea-HunUngton Beach CA Preaidarlt ' 926411 Thia iw.ment WU lony ~ 16962 fllld w1tt1 tht County Lym St ll Huntlnglon C1artc o1 Ofange County 6Nct'I. CA 92649 on 04l23l2002 ThlS business '' con· 2002llOOl47 ducted by husband and Daly Piiot ~-25• Mey wit• 2. 9. 1!!, 2902 TH2et Have you 11arted Flc:titlou• BualMU ... me Sbtement Thtlol~ .,. doing • Hemingway's Restau- rant, m ~OfMI Ave .. Laguna Btaoch, CA Sldhoum-Kenntdy Daniel, 10062 Edya Driva Huntington ea.en. CA~ This bulineM 11 con- dUCtad by. an Wldl\lldull Have you started dolog ~ yet? No Dantet Sldhoum·Keo· nedy Th11 1tateman1 wu flied With the County Clerk ol Orange County on 04/23l2002 2002f tOOfH D!Uy Pioc ~ 2.5~ 2. 9. 1 o 200:? Flctttlou1 Bualneu Name Statement The fo4loWing pel'IO(IS 819 doing buU-. u A.) Amenc:en Mone-tary Auociation, B .) First United Group. 19762 MecAtthut Blvd , SI.lite 200 liv•N CA 92612 Dale Leiter, 10 Ripll08 Ct.. Newpor! Beach, CA 92663 This business Is con· ~by an~ Hava you started dow1Q bua408S5 yet? No OaTe La1ler This sratement was filed wttll lhe County Clelit ol Orange County on 04l23l2002 20021900e5f Daily Pioc • . 2.5. ~ 2. 6. 9. 2002 TH? Rctttlou• Bualneu Name Statement The followtng persons are dolr1g business as Atntage lntemahnal Enl8l'PriMs 989 Vldona SI . lh. Co5ta Mela. CA 92627 Rosemary Wawllku Mwenia. 989 Vlcioria St., Bl Co&ta Meaa. CA 92627 Thts bu-tS c:on- duct9d by an ~ Have you staned dolog business yet? No Rotemary Wawj1ku Mwenja Thll statemenc was fit«I With Ille County Clettf °' Ofw1ga COunty on 04l23l2002 20021.t00M7 ~,,~~ 25n;; Flctltlou• Bua!MH Name Stat.ment Thi followtng pet9onS -doing~ .. Embedded Systems Engineering, 21100 Bostol St .. Sit E101. Coaea Meaa. CA 82G20 Alllgator T9Ctlnolo- giea, Inc (CA). 2900 Bmtol St .. Sit E101 . Coata MaM. CA 92fS.2ll This bualneu Is con- clotng bu51nMa yet? Y•. 311 Ol2002 Bndget Nemmat1 This 1ta.temen1 wu filed with !hi County a.ti r;:A °""98 County on 04J23l2002 20021100HI Daily Piiot ~-25. May 2, 9, 16, 2002 TH267 Flctltlou. Bu•lne•• Name Stm.mant Tha fol~ pet'IOOI .,. doing~ .. Stet.on LMld & Cattle Co 1 llO Newport Can· ter Dr • Sui1t 130 New· port Beacn. CA 92660-6911 Nita W Connelly, Trustee Quiet Hiii& Aaf\Ch Third T 1US1 4 I 5 Avocado Avenue Co-rona dal Mar. CA 92625 Todd R Wheeler. Truatae. Ou11t HIH& Rancn T'htrd Trust. 10 Milland Dr Aiit 03 Mil V*'I CA 94941 ChnslOC>hel C Cori· nally rruslee, Quiet H1115 Ranch Third Trust 20 v .. lucal. Apt C429 lrvtne, CA 92612 This busana$ I& con- ducted by Gnlnt0< Trusl Heve you etaneo 001ng business yet? Vas Oclot>ef 29 1975 Mia w Q>nnely ThtS lla.temanl Wll mao wtth me County Clef1l ot Orange County on 04/23/2002 20021800f S7 OaJly P*>t • 25. May 2, 9, 16, 2002 Th?75 A . GOOD ADI Cll <•> 142-1111 STARTING ~°"'ri,RAL SCIEHCES PREOUAUAEO FIRE ntnt Submktll wfll not ~ lt~:!n~ wu ~~ mar1ca Any UNIT 2 PROTECTION ENO~ bl acct,etd aftw: flied wt h ha C ty ....... ~~ alter ttla NEERING (F1RE SUP· 2: 0 O P . M., PST, I t oun """"""led clollng time PAOJICT NO. 111010 PRESSIONllPRINKLE THURSDAY, MAY 30, Clertt ol 0ranoe County for the r9C4li9t of bide ~~I~ RSI IUBCON· 2002 on 04/!~21100291 ~~ .:-i: IRVINE TRACTORS ARl: AL Otlql & n-i.. ~ a-25~ -....--......__ LINK..-.Sl!N CORPO-Con6truct1on SlfVioel ..,_, ,.....,. ,,,... lhll tcJlit rtapOl-t of wJ>R~:CRIPTION OF RATION Unlvet'llty of Callfomia. 2. 9. 16. 2002 ~ = ~~that,. T I 130 E. Santa Clara Ir-Int FlctltJou1 Bu1lneaa IS proper hi• Request or Slrfft 3500 BenlMty Aaot llmt. PropoMle (AFP) hu Alc9dla. CA 111006 IMrll. CA ~--2AllO N1me Statement A MC of Bid Docu· belll aMltd In an allolt (820) 445-3414 Stcond Component Thi 1~ P9f10ll9 "** rrwy bl Oblalntd to obtain ltle moil &OUTHWE8T FIRE Submtttal wlll not be -tilO bl*-• Ill flt omc. of Ille C4ly CfHllVI projt~ ap-PROTE.CnON aeetpttet tfW': Cashmere & Com· Engineer n Fllr Drive, protch and OOlll·•ffte· COll,ANY 2:00 P.M PIT pany, 5 Civic Plaza eo.ta M .... Calllomla. llvt ladtlty eolutlon lo< 2t5 ~El Sur Stniet FftmAY. 'iiaAy ;,, 2002 •320. Newpon Bead!. upon nonretundablt :: ~ ~ CA 111016 ~.& Construction CA~lone Be•"· 8 ==.r :=· ~ Tha • QOll la ~) ~. seMot Shoreline °'1'1•. ~ 13.00 wilt ba made If to ~ a lfltd tlJ71 l.llec Avt. Unlvtfslty Of Cali!omla, port Coelt, CA 92657 handled by mall. Bid ~au:.~ ~1.i: 92310 =-~Piece ~~~-~~Of~ ~ of dtalgn ,_..£QUAUFWD KYAC 1NIN, CA ~-2450 Heva you started allo be --'** at l'8 end oon.~ Mfll· (WIT AND OftYl The flm Compolllftt doing buslnea yet? Ofb of"' City Olertt Of = ";:, .,.U= :~::CONT .. ACTOU :::...~ .:'ot":! V~t/~ a.all = ~c:c:-w11'1": =~ ~ be A.O. A£E.D a CO. '""' written 111Cllnlc9I This stattmtnl waa bl nlllltd uni... 1tlt 96-,_...,_ _v:;:rv 1118 f)'9' cm RUllNt &r'tlt m· The lleoond filed w1ltl Iha County cibonal S3.oO ~ " --.... OClj«:llW Cleft °' ~ County lncludecl wlll pa,ymtl'C. approectl ldtntlfled In san ~CA 82111 ~ on 04/t 9l2«1E E.aofl bid .. bl ltll ~tary In-(868) ! 131 of Ant aNlf tM 200Jtl002M tlleda on lhe Propoeal eWt1IOnt to Pn>poMrs ~ Aifl0 gm: ~ =: tor ~ Plot ~ 25. MmY tonn • ..,._ P.1 V!IOUQll In the RFP "A Tl()flt boll f11 f11.a and S.0. 2, I. If. 2002. . Th2s& p.e ptovld9CI In 1Mt OOfl-u!l:-~~~ 2301 N 0-.. ~ Ofld Component Mmit· FlcUtloua Bualnw =bl~": provide 19,tto ••. ~~.~ ~.:..:: Hime s-.meni • ~or Clllhlel'• ilgneble tQ\HI,. fMI ,AIQUA&.tfllD 110n1 to Oe9IQn 8u11<S Thi foaowlnG pereone Cl** or • bid bond tot (Mt) within 18t(i380 l A I O fl A T O ft Y En1111a1 In lhl AFP, ":.::: =-~ nO( laaa tt11t1 10% of hi = :'9 .. ,..2'~ g~•u•:T01".:'10,i ~:·:.~a.:l M ~ ~ o.i :n"~~ .. ~ !f! d~--~,~_,IO IUICONTftACTO"I t~ ol Ill ~ ~ ~ OINI ~ of ~. No -'T"""""' .. A"I: Cost PtopoMI, eicdud• "'"....,_ ... _ _. ..-..__ ~ thell be oon-811 of Enll!IY ,.._ D•v1••w11D ----.......... _,__.. ...... ""'"' _,,..,.. .... ,._.. tld«ld IMltel llCICOtfte ~-~ ~ iMC'." .. _... • =~-c;t peon. 34:m Del OtlllPO panlll6 bV M:h _,..,. .,..,.,., -~ --·• 117;9 ~ AlltinUI Thi~ ... :~2t0ene Point. CA ~ CIMll, 0t ~ ac:tlv~ tl)•ct tnCI Co111 ..-.; CA aaet7 ~ ~ OoitA . ~ n. ~ It ~ No .... bid INll be CM-~ ••~ ~ lfi't tSO-tOOO h°'bc;'"' nil ~ M9ld ~ 11'1 lrllMMI .._...,uni.a 11 .. made admlnlattlitlve ~ INCOltPOllATaD 11n1, 11t1 :,,i.= NW!Y H•v• you ala"ect on • blank for"' ..,_.. for ... • 10001 c.... .... =-:-~ "'"' dolno bllilotA ,.,., fumllMd bV ... °" .. ..... d ~ llld .... 190 Codi al CW Y-. ... 1• 20QZ ~ ....... .... ••• • d • ~ t.oa AMn*l9. CA 80720 Proctdute 8ecUon -= =:'' In ~ wtll .. ~ Md lab MIPOfl {1t4> 791'6tf1 111120) The '°"" Ind ...., wl9I .,. ~ ~fiO::.,Ofl• or Ill• ~. Z.000 .... al ".aOUAL.,tlO ~ ot .. Nur-a.itt ct~ Coun1y ltCll ~ ~ ~ tSl90' kUMUIG IU9COM-lrlOS PolClaa ,.... IO Ofl 04/1 -~ ... _. and. '1,tlOO .., al .. TMCfDM Ml: ... *8IMd w Oeil9I ... a .•. and -...-..ve _..,.. A..0. MID a co. ... Er111y.., r--. MIHIMll IOIL.DIHO '*' ..-ce '°' ttte fWfW .... ~ ., o;;;; ~ Plal ~. a:-T<>f'I .__ Md .... ldWllll d _... = °"81>. CA •1t1 Md ._ 1111111 et .... I. I. " !!!!!!.. !!!!!!t 111 pm, • t • ,. .......... aN t1 ,000 ~ ~~~.. lacil ID CIP'MI"' ~ ........ ltn'rl-~~·~ llf .... AlllClflby _, ~IHCAL ~·~1 polal"1i ,. .... • II •IAll Qw ~-= .. :J,.T:re.: •JVL&91,,_:c. ~~ ~~f:. ..,.. .. ,_ .. ,...: ... ..-........... u·~.,, ... ........ ... ..... .... ·-.,. ........ ..... """" .... .., (714) • "" -,.,...., ••• lWo ~ . n. o.•-..... .. ~ -~MT If tllll .. ---= ~_,. ~ WMll tlle ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • Tht LtgaJ Departmm1 Ill tht Dail] Pilot is pk4sul t1J D1111mrta • nrw sm1ict flllW availtlbk to new bu.sinma. ~ will MW SEARCH tht Nlml for 1'!" 41 1111 txtra dxuft, iUllJ S11Vt JO" tht timt anti the trip to the Cburt HIJ#Se in Sdh111 AM. Thm, of COll1'St, #for tht «Arch is comp_likd ~ willfik 1'"" fiaitins lnuinm nou lt4JnW#t with tht ~ C/nt, p11blish 011tt • iottk for fora'~ _, rtff"iml "1 '4w arJ thmfi/e JO"' pTO(Jf of p11hli'4tion atith tJit °'MlllJ elm . Plast SIOP, "'tqfi/t Jfl"'foiitins ~...,,, .i tbt ~ Pi#4 BJ() w. &t] St, Cos111 MtSIL If r ca1IOI *16' ,_ c.Jl eu"' (9'9) 6124321-' • wiJI 1'tdt ~for JM"""-& a,,_.,,~ ML If,.. il».JJ btnJt D.tJfrUihtr ~"""' tJl ·-'-""' ~ ..... pd" '1sisl~ GHJ w ;,,~ w ~ -ff:;~:-.. ailJi:: ~E ~itli • .. ~·-.,-~:=-c.~M· .. -; I • Ftl•'= Ir~ !'!:=:.::' =-' .::...:·=·.:..n.-=..::;,...::;;:;:....:,;~_.;.:y~~1-...-....,_--.....~-.......... -----_...--------... • I .. .. • • • • • Ratt'A And dflacJlhw. al'& •ub)4'n lO ch.,_~ ,.ithoot IV)tW. The pubf&.her "'~ 1114' ri;l:h• to Of'nM>r, mt·IAMlfy, """'-•w rqttt any cl-iO.-d ~vuti~n1C111t ~__, ~ any rnur chot may b. in your cl°""'l'i.,d ad l11u11rdlu1 .. ly. 11t<> Daily Pllo4 accept• no llabillT)' for iUI~' enur In an iuiv.-nlllC"nM"nl IM which It may lM'.' ,_ponslhl .. t'lU"C'pt '°"' dw. .,,.,., or ch .. "f>&C""' 1wf\wll) Ot'l"upit"<I b) ..a ... ._.rror. t.:redit •·•n oolv l>e allowt"<.I for I hc.-fj,.,., i1.-ni< .. 1 Byl'ax (Q4Q) 6:~ 1-659-. (P1 ...... lnc111df0 ¥OUr nAn10 aud p..._ nutul>f't' nnd ... f\•11,.,.11 you b.clc wfth • pnc» qume.) llyPhane (949) <>42~5678 ...Boars Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm M o nday-Foday Walk-In 8:30am~5:00pm Monday-Friday Index --, -.. - .r - Monday ...•........... Friday !Y.OOpm Tueeday .•.........•. Mon.day 5:00pyn Wedne.day ...•.... Tue.day 5:-00pm Thunteiay •..... WCKinMday 5:00pm Friday ............. TI1unday S:OOpm S.tun:Jay .............. Friday 3:00pm Sunday ................ Friday 5:00pm --- I ) . . ,_.., ... .... G:t EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All rAI estate advtl1islng in this newspaj)lr Is aublecl to Ille F-ederal Falt Houslng Act of 1968 as al!Mlndtd wl!k:ll makes It llltg&I lo acrveltlse "lllY PAltrtnce. Nmitalion °' dlscrlminatlon • based on flCI, CIOk>r, rtHo- ion, sex. llandbp, familial status or nallonal orlgln, or an Intention 10 make any such preference, llmltJtlon or disuirnlnatloo." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate Whlc:h Is In violation of the In. Our radtrs are hereby Informed 11111 all dWellings adwrtised in this newspaper are available on an equal= o blsls To com n of dlscrlml- nallon, HUD toll-fr11 at 1-800-424-8590. . : .-... ' . . ~ . .,. . . . ' -· ·J LEAVE THE BIO CITY BEHIND I Nrlt ~ bMch#dl hDtlw ""'*'1 °" ,., i cnn/ Qmt ., Ahlo Prir»d from ,., saio. mbayllom ... com 1-800-576-2811 ·JI .. ;-.:: • • ... , -•• Iii: -.... ""' .I• .~ . .. . ...... .. --.. • , ' p ~--ti· . ' ~·-·· ,. . , __ ,,. . . . ~·~-.. _ . 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We wiO design a 'CARD" lor )'OUr chUd ond publish it on our ap9Ciol pogel AU. ....O'IOI WILi. U _,,..,.,JO 1* A.Nlalll YOU NOYmlMLO* PLAYER'S NAllE • NUll8ER: ___ ..,.---------"--AGE:._--'-_ nAM NAllE: _____________ POSITION-·---,.---- AddMN '°' Ntum of photo: ~ NUllllBf:.~------~ ~:----------~~----------------------~-----~--~-..;.~-- Clly:., ________________ zr., eo.~~-~--...; II J011 ...,, ID,_, l1j ... urd: ~_ ... ......_ __ WM. 8 4nM CAllO..___.._...A-..r:M IDWlflMll•IL--.-.Jn~-·O~->D:>t~M----.. : ,,,,., C*'°ll COllV 't5 • -""· mellllr: grMn, I Gal!lli !llf, CO, bNIAJIUI 1c:ond, $12,995 vf479521 :l!t. ..... , .. llMWml ~ 'tO Red, ** lealhtr, ,_ IQp, • uDll .... IJ9ll cond • HOOO 114-t1445t7 ! ww me ·1• Oodgt Dini~ .. 4X4 lMlier, , VI, llMlculettll Slt,MO. (17724) Phlllloe Auto • Mt-574-7117 • E)ccepliollll 2 dr w/leelher I ~ 1'9b1At 1tlM. Racial : &Ira Allllm l'fS l'flllble ' 10 OO'Clllnoef AC, PW, TILO'S I AT. ~ Aec:onls. E & t-.. • °""1PlcJll Bronze, eXlfllll/ Uropttn ,.u vnlUI ' Browri f ap 1341< miles : f§,185. Uz. 94~7 Bouw 8 1PMC1 '99 ; 1MW l35CSI ''7 13611 ong thownn frelh, bltllbl1I ' """'· .. rteords. loaded, 1623374 $3:1,900 I llfrll Wv, Q.eom ""'8eia, lllrll · m moo 94M50-2Q68 : <:dis Eldonldo .. • VI, p/Meta, le1thtf, low : ...... 1 -· "'b deell • Ct111WM11Pl 4,595 NAB~AS (IOO) f4$.6592 -Cellllc ...,._ SU 'ti -~~~ ., ·-W~RS (!!)O) MM5t2 Cdlc Sevllll STS 't7 • ~ V' I llM'd. 0C. lilt. poww .......... -(lamll512P) 11 .... 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WFSJ' Nornt •AJ93 ~42 0 0 ltS •IC J 106 EAS'f ., ·~54 <:> J 10 8 <:>9753 ~ AU4 • Q 97 2. 0 J7 •843 SOUTH •K 10872 l:>AK6 ¢ 8 3 2 •AS The bidding: NORTH EAST SOlITH WEST ,_ Pllsl I• ,_ ~ ..... .. .... .... ,_ Opcrung lead: Queen of i;;1 Try lO plan the plly of lbc band lO ICSI all pouibllibeS. Consider Ibis deal, used by Eddie Kamar in his lessons. Noce the consistency of North'• biddmJ. Once North elected not to open in f ll'SI seal. lhcrc wu no reason to penalize Sou!}I for a pos.'lible light I• c:a\1-1--cwm--1 __ _ MerwclM Benz 320 Sedlf'I '01 4dr, bllClclclmll re. w "'*'· .. el1rll. .. ,_, CO, llMO, UI ~ Only $39,960 Call 94i.. 70&-2134 or 818-612-6834 NleMn X""' XE '2000 Siver, IUlo, 2 wtltlls di. V-6, L'Dowtt, IJloy whlels, ed. 15,083lc 1111. bHUllful cond S 18,950 714-427-0033 01 595-37•1 OldMloble A&lrof1I 'f7 VI, ~ """ c:aa, CO, low ml. 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S11,880 117811 =4-~ (~AS 114,m ------- (!00) MHm * c.11 Far Your C. * ....... Wo .. bur ,_. V~ Gol '2000 ........... tDr 01 llOl Tuite> dlellt, IC, lulO, Cll 5.°' llllloallll 1Unrool. gel 35mpg, xlnt tOt Ilda II cond PP S16,250 -~M-_4-_TT17 __ _ 71 '·55 8 ·1121 9'9-494-4120 ... ,.., Oper9ld a...- FIND ~ u.-. Upl '--.... pounds & incllel with HERBALIFEl Clll ...... ... °"" 40 Y9WI llCp. .. r-t a wry 1U pnoa lof your Cllr. Ven 01 In.di. I.id lof Of not. Cal Oic:li Rey • 714-431-1131 "'-~ ON TIME D£llYERY W...you_.11,..._ "°"' ... • HouMllold F11rnl1hlt109. FrelOlll, ~·~ . LAICll&~~ L..IO'lnlllNd. A111114 ..... Reiff .,, ••• ,, •• ,... ,,...,,.., .... PUBLIC NOTICE Thi Clll. ~· UtlllH" Co•· ,..... AIQ • ............... =·~m C.T ........ -11111_.._ .... •T.C.P ...... ......... , .. :.."'=.:= --·~-- Thunday, April 25, 2002 87 • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZI E Everyday is a great day in Cl~ified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! 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