HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-11 - Orange Coast PilotINSIDE
Mike Lavery carriea a
on•stroke lead Into the
final 18 holH of the
30th annual Cotta Meta
City Chemplon1hlpt1
today at Costa Men
Golf & Country Club.
Serving the Newport-Mesa community since l<J07
AUGUST 11, 2002
~ ~
, ..
Before aummer ends,
why not have e fling
with Newport·Meaa7
We h.ve five
1uggettlon1, lnctudlng
free concerts, to keep
your summer cool.
Local artist Debra Huse sets up In her office, a beach on Balboa Island where she touches up a painting of a boat in late afternoon light.
Newport Beach on canvas
City Editor J1m11 Meler
t.llkl with Newport
Beech Pollc:e Lt. Bob
01kJev •bout the
alrt>ome unit he
command• over
N9Wp0rt·Mt11 akiea.
Want to know whit'•
going on thl• WHk?
....... A10
From the dory fishermen to the Balboa
·Pavilion, the city inspires more than its share
of artists to capture its images for posterity
June C1111rend1
R ays of sunllgbt rdect off the
ripples ln nM...still waters.
Waves ecatter mJWona of
gratna of sand acroaa the
6ncb . Pilhermen wade to
shore, drqglng their quaint dory flsh.lng
boats behind.
When viewed through the eyes of an
artist. Newport Beach la a living collage
of cooatantly cbanglng images whose
beauty is greater than the IUD\ of the
scenery. And it's a city that ought to be,
and thua ii, ln pictures.
•Many ardata ate attracted to the area
becauae it'• an ablolutely beautiful place,
a spec:tacu1ar pi.ce," said Jana Dubler.
the dty't c:u1tunl arta and puta
It would bl lmpolll>lt to count the
number of Clll\lllll and phofOlrlpba
scattered throughout ttte world that
reftect N~tfi beauty. Artfats are
conawitly creating worb of Newport
Beach acenery and many of those worb
end up in places far and wide.
"A lot of people who buy my palntinp
are vial tors who are out hlJdng or vlaltl.ng
the Back Bay who see me out there
painting the places they're enjoying,"
said Luke Spencer, a painter and pastel
artist whqae sole model for the last 10 '
years bas been Newport's Back Bay.
Bvery chance she gets. the Newport
Beach resident sets up an easel and art
supplies somewhere overlooking the
Back Bay and sets out to capture the
ever-changing tnood and beauty of the
area. She bu created more than SO
pieces depicting~ Bay 1andecapes
and other lmqel. Her woJb have been
on diaplay ln juried showa at Oty Hill = ~ wnpped up a bla ahlbit ln
The shadow of artist Luke Spencer faffs on her canvas as she paints in Newport
Beach's Back Bay. Spencer has been creating art of the area for 10 years.
For Spencer, Newport Beach 1s much
more than a single scenic city. It's a living
thing whose beaudful face chanses
conaWltly with Its mood&
"l?Yely day there'I a d.lflerent
aanoephere or a dUferent feellna ln the
Back Bay. There are watar aubjecta,
beautiful c1ith. animal& lbere'a always a
di.ff erent light source. It's just a wry
beautiful place to paint and draw and
spend time."
And lt'a th1a Mll1" of pi.uu.rt that
... CNNM,hpM
Decision not a qtiick sale
Watching the dream cars go bye
Vendon will wait at least a month before
city oftlciala even consider the queadon of
reopenln1 OCC'a awap meet on S8turdaya.
LelttaH1r"r would MeDINl'Odlte ID •· Dally Plot pm41dlWlplDll&. ........ .
ldallDlllJOltllit ...... COil•
. COii)\ ... -am. ..... .......... .. COlll Calll9 IMlp ... _.. ~I.....,.., ....... back
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~w::.~::tz: :l.rl&!'!l:t.:.:
. Ai s...Y. A&cUst ii. 2002 • ,
Greenlight announces
council candidates
Hoping to tip the scales of city
government. the Greenllght Committee
annoUI1ccd Its candidates for the
upcoming City CouncU elect:Jon. The
controlled-~ group has endorsed
Allan Beek; Madelene Ara.lwlian. Rick
Tuylor and Dick Nichols-all of whom
share at least some of GreenUght's
ideals of controUlng development and
A victory for the dty's dory Oeet may
sdll not be enough to save these
fishennen's trade in the long tenn.
Federal ftsheries' authorities have
agreed to exempt thomyhead and
sablefish from an emergency fishing
ban, but regulations could gel tougher
Balboa Wand got some sad news last
week when owners of the Balboa Beach
Co. announced they would close their
Newport Beach store. The clothing
ret:ai.ler and its recognizable logos have
become icons of Newport Beach to the ·
Banners on Coast Htghway and
Newport Boulevard could soon ask
campaigns that capitalize on catchy
marketing strategies are being
considered as a way to raise public
awareness about water quality.
~CASAGRANDE covers Newport
&ach and}olm Wayne Airport. SM may
be reaclU!ld al (949) 574-4232 or by
e-mail at june.casagrruu:k@laltmes.com:
What's up with
the bottom of the bay? .
Launching a series of new
water-quality studies, Newport Beach
leaders want to get to the bottom of
what's causing pollution in Upper
Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. .
Qty leaders brought in notable UC
lrvlne professor Stanley Grant, who
te!lches environmental engineering, to
talce water-quality samples in the
harbor to determine If boats are
dumping their sewage in the marina
Grant, working with a $50,000
contract, said he would also take
samples at two other locations in the
bay as part of the study. The study was
ordered by the 5anta Ana Regional
Water Quality Control Board.
Grant and his undergraduate
students took. a first round of samples -
using high-tech -between July 26 and
He plans to present his preliminary
6ndings to City Hall by Sept l.
-PAUL CLINl'ON cooers the
environment and politics. He may be
Tf!DChed at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail
at ptWLcllnton@latimes.com
Trying to find a compromise
for CHOC health center
District officials and representatives
from Childrens Hospital of Orange
County have decided to work with
community members who criticized
the placement of a health center on
the Westside of Costa Mesa. Officials
hoped to locate the center adjacent
to Rea EJementary School. By working
with opponents, both entitles hope to
create a center that the community
embraces and that addresses what
they say Is a severe need to help
The Newport-Mesa Unified School
District will expand Its breathalyur
tests at school social functions to alJ
students starting this fall. While the
dlstrlct has tested students suspected
of alcohol consumption in the past,
officials feel this will be a way to make
sure ever}' student understands the
district bas zero tolerance for
underage drinking.
. . . . .. .. . • • • • ..
~ Bug of his own' ..
There are the' obvious mots you azn get al a car show-the
close-up of a cherry grilk, peo!* looking at a tricked-oul
engine-and then there are tM ones you don't see coming.
would still n«d to teU the. story of VW enthusiasts gathering '\
• to admire IM custom Bugs.
Seeing Dylan Wilson, 2, of MoreTUJ Valley tooUng along in
his Bug-shapt!d stroller framed by a row of tM real thing, When Sean HUler visited tM <Alifom/a VW }ambotat on
Sunday, he u.w looking/or sorMthlng a Utti. bdleT than the
obvious. The shot, taken al tM Orange County Fairgrounds.
Hiller found his shoL
Luxury cars seized
from C.Osta Mesa lot
Scruffy unden:over drug
enforcement agents drove
breathtaking aµtomoblles off a
Costa Mesa luxury car lot last
week after the owner was
arrested in connection with a
large Riverside drug ring. ·
More than $8.5 million worth
of Ferraris, Lamborghinls and
other exquisite cars were
hauled from Auto Market of
Orange County because they
were considered liquid
commodities of owner Nader
Amirvand, who officials suspect
of money laundering.
James Harris. an attorney
representing the auto dealer,
said the chuges against the
longtime Orange Cowtty
businessman a.re false.
Amirvand is a well-respected
proprietor who has sold many
cars to various heeds of
A Ferrari Modena is loaded onto the back of a flatbed tow truck from Auto
Market of Orange County on Harbor Boolevard in Costa Mesa. The exotic
auto dealership was raided by officials from the Drug Enforcement Agency
on Wednesday and all cars were seized in connection with an investigation
into a methamphetamine ring in Rivefside County. .
industry and famoua athletes, Han1a said
An attorney for convicted murdered Bric Bechler has filed a lengthy appeal, citing a ~miscarriage of justice" at
his trial. William Kopeny. a veteran appellate attorney, filed his opening brief at the 4th District Court of Appeal in
Santa Ana on Tuesday. Bechler, 34, was convicted of fust-degree murder In February 2001 for bludgeoning his
38-year-old wife, Peg.ye. on a boat rented from Newport Harbor and then dumping her body in the ocean.
The death of a Newport Beach man who fell while he was roller-blading In March has been ruled an accident.
according to the Police Department Gery Holdren was not hit by paint-ballers, but fell as he was blading along
Back Bay Drive.
-D\llY PllOI' STAPF. 70 contact the newsroom, call (949) 642-5680 or by ~mail al dallypllot@/ati1114com.
education. She may be reached al (949)
574-4221 or by e-mail at
City reaches agreement
on Aug. 17 Dyke March
The Orange County Dyke March
may have disappeared from the City
Council agenda. but the subject was
not absent from residents' concerns
lasl week. as the city and a county
lesbian organization announced a
compromise had been reached and
withdrew the Item from the meeting.
Special event officials, including
police and transportation staffers,
agreed to approve a shorter route for
the Aug. 17 Dyke March around Uon's
Park, given event organizers withd~w
their request for permit fee waivers. As
a result, the council qenda item
scheduled for Monday was dropped,
leaving a handful of residents with
questions and concerns.
Audience members wanted details
about the march and wanted to make
sure the city hadn't given the
organization any special treatment
Council members assured residents
that fees were not waived for the
march, as the lesbian group would still
be expected to pay nearly $4,000 for
their event.
-LOUTA HARPBR ~rs Costa Mesa.
She may be reached at (949) 574-4275
or l1y t-mail al lolila.~oom.
Quotables ,,.
'We bel/6W tM locatton
UNU being us«l as a front
and possibly for moMY
a special 8ltrt wita the
Drug Enforcemeft
Ad11i11il111>1tion, on the IUD
Matretd ~ ~. ~ls lleled to be Plft
of a<*'uen.
"If SJJfMbotJy Is""""'-'
by w11a1 rm tlollfs In my
backyrtud, I d&lnk MAr
should be lookint Into a
peeping 10m orrJINmi;s
and not this. ..
-Slndra Geml.
former Costa Mesa mayor,
following the City Cwds
deeision to loosen
regUations on storage of
·vehicles '
"You +your dog= bad.
You +your dog+ your bag
-Poulble Newport
part of an effort to iM>Ne
residents in keePng the
Back Bay and haft>or clean
"'1M conclusion uw just
recenlJy drawn. Absent
any addJdonal
information. this ewe ls
clostd. .. _,.........,
Newport Beach Polee
sefgeant, on a final report
on the death of NewpOrt
Beach resident Gary
Holdren, origi\at/ thought
to have been caused by
"'lhere's nothing that Isa
that hasn't already bftn
brought up. I don't see
anything in Mr-e that
jumps out at TM al all."
-Debbie Uoyd,
Deputy dstrict attorney, on
an appeal by lawters for
Eric Bechler, who was
convicted of lclq his wife
in a boat off~ 8elct!
"What Wit M,. ls """ {once/ all stuMnJ:s blau4
tMy wtJl be Im ualy to
try and sa If dtq mn 8fi
by because no OM wiU git
-Robert Barbot.
Newport.ft1esa tnfied
School District
St4)el'iltendent, on a
proposal to expand
breathat,tzer tests to al
s1udeots at school f\n:tions
"(!he family/ u.w
concerned ouu tM fact
that it still had a JU#
aJtaChed insit:k -any
tiTM they find an
ordnana Ub that, llstlU
has tM po12ntlal of exploding, ..
Costa Mesa Polee
lieutenant. after an e>cPoM was bn:l In a Westrrtillster
Daily A Pilot
Newt aulttant, (IMS) 674-4298
flho'°91.,._. lftd Dulg,,.,.
Box 1660, Cotta M .... CA 92828.
Copyright: No newt atorlff.
lllu1tratlon1, editorial matter or
adveft.IMmentll herein can bl
reproduced wtthoUt wrtu.n
penn!Mlon of copyright owner.
Gl'9g Fry, Don l..eectl, S..n Hiiier,
Glne Alexttnder, Lori Andert<>n
(IMS) 6'2-«111
Record vour oommenta about~
Delly fl'Uot or rwwe tfpe. •
Our eddtwe le 330 W. S.V St., Co.u
MeM. CA 82G7. OftlCle houni are MoftcllV · Melly, l:JO 1.m. · I p.m. c.Nllllra
Thi Tlm.t Orange County
(800) 262-8141
Mli•tllll• Qr 111ftat IMl e42.w78
.,......, (M) 842."'321 ....... ,....
(M)e42.eeeo ..... , ... ,57....U3
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...... ,_CM) 880-0170
54Mlt ~lot•""""-oom ..........
•1ir-.,._ IMI 6'2"'321 lu*-,_ IMl 831-'7128
A moldy IUflflV dtlY Is whM
the QfWt WMther gods hew In
lt01'9 for UI mete mOftMa.
Expect. high of,, end.
nlghtdme low of 84. Going to
the bMdt t. NY9f IOUnded
lib • .,... .... Mllk9 IUC'9
you wear your eunbloc*. ~.the,.....
~onAug.11wln 1•,wt.ttt..~ ... ,
rMCt.ed • whopptreg ff1
degf .... The lowtlt w In
1180, wMftthe~
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Cloeetolhore, .......
.. """b¥ .tllOOI\ **• fnlmh......,_to .... '°'° 1111nc-.....-..w1n11 .._of 2fllltorllll.1""9 ...................... ... ....., ...........
' '\
TIDU .....
12:21p,m. . •p.m. ,..p,m.
Sooday, Au&ust 1 l , 2002 Al
A mailwoman to remember
Exploring the COSMOS
High school students got their fill of math
and science during a four-week program
that ended Saturd~y at UC Irvine.
Marjorie DeMartino. directot.
Scholarsb.lps are also availabae.
Oaify Pilot
A history feature all but feU
from the sk:iea for me this
I'm always loolcfng for them
and really appredate when
people suggest Ideas. But th.ls
week it happened rather
anonymously. One of my editors
received two pages tom out of a
photo aJbum. &ch had a atleet
of plastic protecting Los Angeles
11mes stories about a woman
named Verna 8. Ford.
l don't know who sent these
ln, nor why, but thank you. 1 had
a good time getting to know Ms.
If you don't recognize her
name. she went by the name
Annie. And if Annie still doesn't
ring a bell. she was a Costa Mesa
mailwoman who was so
"gregarious" that she became
known as "tugboat Annie,"
according to a 1964 Daily Pilot
story written by current theater
critic Tom Titus.
The yellowed nmes clippings
about Ford include grainy
pictures of the late mailwornan.
In IWo of them, she is holding a
long cigarette holder with smoke
spiraling from its tip.
One story, written In May of
1971, said Ford was known to
always be with this little
accessory. Doreen Healey, who
was born and raised In Costa
Mesa and had her mail delivered
by Ford, confirmed the quirk.
"My husband worked in
Crawford's Drugstore when we
were young,· said Healey, who
added that she'd never even
heard the mallwoman go by
Verna. "She used to come in
there and get books and sit and
read. And she smoked and she
had a long. long. long cigarette
holder. She'd sit there at lhe
counter, In the olden days they
had fountains, and she sat there
and she'd read the books in there
and smoke her cigarette and
have a cup of coffee."
Ford, best known for
delivering the mall of many
Costa Mesa residents, is also
remembered by Healey as a
book reader and rock collector.
But it was as a mailwoman
that her social side came ouL
Verna B. Ford was a mailwoman in Costa Mesa from the
mid-l 940s to 1968. She went by the name "tugboat Annie."
"She was so friendly and she
knew everybody. of course,"
said Healey, who knew the local
celebrity through her grammar
and high school years. "She was
a charming old lady. She wasn't
that old, but 10 us, she was ·
The Times story from 1971
!ells us that Ford started her
deUvery career in 1945 and
retired In 1968. She is said to
have thought of her patrons as
"families" and was known for
godmothering 29 children.
Another Tunes article
featuring Ford says her
co-workers gave her the
distinction of sorting mail very
fasL She is said to have
memorized her customers'
ad~. gotten to know and
care about many of them and
never had an accident driving
her truck.
She died in 1971 at the age of
"She was generous to a fault,"
Healey saJd. ·She was just
always doing something for
• Do you know of a person, place or
event that deserves a historical
LOOK BACK7 Let us know. Contact
Young Chang by fax at (9491
646-4170; e-mail at
young.dlanQtllatlmes.corrr. or mail
her at c/o Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St ..
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
D•lrdr• N•wmen
UC IRVINE -The last thing
14-year-old Jacqueline Jung
wanted to do this summer was
spend a month with other teen·
agers who on}y wanted to talk
about math.
So Jacqueline was not thrllled
when her parents told her that
instead of cbeerleading camp,
she would be attending an in·
tensive math and science sum-
mer school called COSMOS at
UC Irvine.
The outgoing Ventura teen-
ager said she was pleasantly
surprised when she arrived on
campus last month and found
other students like herself who
wanted to challenge themselves
mathematically ~e having
fun outside of class.
In fact at a brunch before
graduation on Saturday, ii was
evident chat saying good-bye 10
her newfound friends while ex-
changing e-mail addresses and
CD's was an emotional experi-
ence for Jacqueline.
Walkathon to benefit
4-year .. old girl
A walkathon will be held
in Costa Mesa next weekend
to benefit Leilani Gutierrez,
who was rendered a quadri·
plegic after an auto accident
on Mother's Day.
The ·wallc for Leilani", will
tile place Aug. 18 at Fair-
view Park Crom 3 10 7 p.m.
The event has been organ-
ized by waitresses at The
Omelette Parlor, where Lei-
lani's mother, June, works.
The accident eaused seri·
ous chest and head injuries
to Leilani, who was coma·
tose for a month. She woke
from the coma in June.
lnformation: (949) 574-
Students take classes every
day for about six hours and
, complete homework as well. On
"I have so many memories," Saturdays, lhey get to lake field
Jacqueline aald. "It's one or tt1ps to locales Uke the ~h.
those things I'll remember Ma,gjc Mountain and c.atalina
forever.• J.sland. nus is lhe third summer UlJy Allen, 15, ca.me 4JJ the
COSMOS has been offered at way from New Mexico to attend
UC Irvine. The program. taught COSMOS for the second year in
by ua professors. aims co mo-a row. Last year she went co the
tivate students w.lth a proven . same program at UC Davia (UC
aptirude ln math and science Santa Cruz. offers it as~).
who want to immerse them-UlJy saJd the main reason ahe
se1ves in a stimulating college came back for more COSMOS
experience. Out of 218 appll· was to enhance her chances of
cants. 175 made It Into this getting into the college of her
year's summer school, which Is choice.
funded by the state. To realisti· "I want to go to UCSD and
ca1ly mimic the college experi-since this is such a prestigious
ence, students Uve on-campus class. I think: taking a California
rhroughout the month-long summer school will improve my
program. chances greatly," UUy said. "I
The ~ are divided into also thlnJc it will help improve
dusters with titles like "Com-my scores on the SAT and ACT."
puter Game Development; The For the UO professors, COS.
Power of Programming" and MOS is a refreshing opportunity
"Biology/Neuroscience -Ex-to be surrounded by a sea of
plorlng the Human Brain; Fron· passionate students, said Rocky
tiers In Olemistry." Gjpson, who taught neurobiol-
The tuition is a modest ogy and chemistry.
$1,100, which enables lhe at-"It's inspirational as an in·
tendance of students who structor," Gipson said. 'You
couldn't otherwise afford a pro-rarely see so many students
gram of similar caJiber, said with so much enthusiasm."
Middle CoJlege High
School has openings
Several opening are still
available for the 2002-3 aca-
demic year in Orange Coast
College's Middle College High
School. ·
The classes are offered 10 stu-
dents entering 11th and 12lh
grades. The schoo l, a partner-
ship between OCC and the
Newport-Mesa Unified School
District, is designed for stu·
dents who may not be perform-
ing up 10 their full potential in a
traditional high school etting,
A totaJ of I 00 high school jun-
iors and seniors were enrolled
in the program last year.
Last fall, lhe Middle College
High School opened a brand
new facility on OCCs campus.
The new building contains four
classrooms, a 40-stauon com·
puter lab, a career center and
staff office!>.
For information on register-
ing, call (714) 432-5732.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2002
~~\ I 1 Sp..ic Newport Beach Tennis Club
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• .l": .... Newpon -
Cruisin' Down Co~st. Highway
Looking through the windshield into the fututt
Pa""1 discussion rqrarding IM future of Q)a.st Higllway ;ncJuding
updtm on IM I~ Slmit Brldgr. Banning Randa. Mari nm MU,,,
0mma dl'l Mar V&Uagr. down to o,staf Cow
P...el Partidpant.a: haron Wood, AuL City Mana~r
Sccve Badum, Public Works Director
Ed Sclkh, Planning C.Ommission
Program begim prompdy at 6:00 p.m.
• I '• e I • I Seating is limited
Guests a,. alu>ay,:welc<»M
, , '' • : • . \ ( I • ' f \ I ' ~ ·, I ' • • •• •,
! It t• 1 l, . .
,...... ..... vs s, ......... .
Ra:mt INdy Sad Honnon.
~t thmpy...., iftCIWt the
rilk JIGlt &-. mob ......
Oftl'iaa ClnC'a. f;nd CM libouc .......,
~and dili:iallian ~
t .......... ...., ...
ltfr I ........ ...
1.ecNrs t, Di. Al S. a aMi
wt.a tu.;,Aut ..,, ~ 20.
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"A new adventure In Judaism"!!!
7fJisfiing all our members and fnend~
a :Happy .New )ear 57bJ
We encourage all to plan and spend this year's
HIGH HOLY DAYS at Newport Beach's
Our warm and friendly temple's motto is:
).11 '"' I' I\'\·//.. Ill!..'/,,,,, (l'\t/.
Everyone is welcome to join our
on Saturday night, August 31 at 8:00 PM
An fee cream social will precede the service
This year again, TEMPLE ISAIAH 1s pleased to present ag<un
phenomenal HIGH HOl.Y DAY services with CANTOR
SVETLANA POaTNYASl<IY, a nationally and intemauonally
renowed vcxali~ who will assist RABBI MARC RUBENSTEIN
in all High Holy Day services.
TEMPLE ISAIAH worships at 25501 Irvine Avenue
(Back Bay) in Newport Beach-
Chifd care for all mnfng .seMCeS ts •v•1/able
For reservations and further infotmation, call
(949) 548-6900
J CltftN .,,,..,,., o.,.,.-~
. OWIS-1,_... •ZM11111' ... ...... v.., U.S. 1*--0W,.,.
orl'iWMcc •• /w""'11S.M--····· ·---SS.JS ,..,.....,_%1Mtf ,,, ...... , ... ,..,., /#°"4J'6.JI o· .. c .... ,.... s.-. ,,... .... ~ .... ,,.. .. ,,, ... ·-· ,.,,,.,,, Mr,...,,
/ilo.t.llUS r,urar-
M S\lnday, A&JiuS1 l l, 2002
• ,........._.•*ADyw'Old iMlewen11t1don
au~ of~ conduct end aloOhol lntoldaMlon In IN
3000 bkd at 1:60 un. ~. •
•Vim dal Olol0..1 * d1 GNnd thd w "P0'1ed .a 7 p.m.
•Welt Cwt ltlghw.r. A 27·yur-old ....... w et1•111d on
euaplclon of diaot'defty conduc:t •nd ekohOl inloldc:don'at
12:.25 a.m. ft'tmy. •
• 38ltt S1Net: A bike wn reported stolen In 0,. 200 blodc at 8:60
p.m. Friday.
Continued from Al
venue as their primary source of
income, Blanc said he is optimis-
tic abou1 gaining approval for a
larger venue.
ColJcge officials have worked
with dry uansportation experts
to formulate a detailed plan of
action lhal addresses both the
city's and the swap meet's needs,
Blanc said.
The ciry wants to ensure traffic
flow on Fairview Road is not
bogged down by swap meet pa-
trons waiting to turn into the
overly crowded parking lot, and
that ha7.ardous conditions, such
as pedestrians jotting across
Fairview to catch the bus, are
CoUege officiaJs want the Sat-
urday swap meet back so ven-
dors can regain valuable
business and the school can
ma.Jee up for lost revenue over
Continued from Al
the heck do you do with billions
of dollars in ca~h? Banks have to
report large cash deposits to the
federal government immediately
and big tickel items -
mansions, yachts, luxury cars -
all have paper trails that are
By Dav~ ~11g
If rhere is more demand
for houses than can easily lxr
met by the number of homes
available for sale, it's a seller's
marker. Sellers, generally, can
call the shots in such a
market. Oflcn, they arc
receiving multiple offers on
their homes, if rhc homes arc
auracrivc and well-priced.
Further, home value& arc
generally rising fairly quicl<ly
bccau~ of rhc intensity of
Is rhis the bcs1 time co sdJ
your home? The best time co
sdl your home is the time
when r.ou truly need or want
to sd . But the time when
you will probably get rhc best
price for your home is at the
paint when a seller's market
rs reaching its maturity.
A seller's market is always
foUowcd by a slowdown, a
rransitional period that leads
into a buyer's market, when
there arc more homes for sale
than demand requires and
buyers have a great number
of attractive home& to chOOK
&om. Even in a buyu'1
nwilet, however, acllcrs of
genuinely auractivc hornet
that arc wcl I-priced arc
usually able to tell within a
rcuoMblc amount of time.
The ctuality of the home,
morr c:Nt t'M c;tuality of me
market. detum1na .a.labiliry.
'Thinking of aclling and/or
burin1 or· if you have
qucttioru. call me at 9'49·
46).2000 ot vitit my wd»ite
et ... cwong4.Cl0m.
°""' ~,,,.,,. ""'"' """"'.. kit hMt" 1999 lltiJ ii c... NnvJ-t ,,,, JWC " ,..,, ,._u:a M•
the past few months.
"I think by the time we get the
final word, which I think we will,
we will be lucky to have our full
swap meet back before Nov. l. ~
Blanc said.
In the best case. swap meet
vendors wouJd have had to en-
dure six months of the scaled -
back version of the weekend
campus swap meet, which was
cut in half after city officials dis-
covered it was operating at twice
the siz.e permitted. Council -
woman Libby Cowan asked city
officials to research the swap
meet after she noticed an in-
crease in traffic congestion on
Fairview Road.
College officials agreed to
close down the swap meet on
Saturdays and reduce the nwn-
ber of vendors from almost 500
to 275 at the city's request.
• LOLITA HARPER covers Costa
Mesa. She may be reached at (949)
574-4275 or by e-mail at
longer and easier to follow than
the Yellow Brick Road.
According to Drug
Enforcement Agency Special
Agenl Jose Martinez. who was
the top cop at Wednesday's raid,
"This Is an essential part of the ·
operation. You must convert
your money to at least have the
appearance of legitimacy." See?
It ain't easy bein' sleazy.
According to the feds, the
dealership owned by Nader
Amirvand of Tustin Ranch
provided the rich and the
New Medical Products
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The a eo-pater
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Computer Software Training
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Se: f-"1 r.t.,.-,
0..0 Swr M fall Oj
ConlhJed from Al
spencer WOrb to capture ln her
b~t, duzling colon.
I like to brin8 a feeling ol joy
tO'tbe pelndnp. m1d life. If
mullet ate Jwnpin& in the water.
I try to 1ndude the rtnp to
show that there's life there along
with the sdllness,. abe said.
Por Balboa Island painter
Debra Huse, hwnan life
oontrasted against nature
provides a lot of insplradon,
too. Bo!lts. for example, factot
largely into her body ofwortc.
Ufeguard stations and
beach-goers under umbrellas
are also favodte subjects.
"The boats here alone give
you so much to paint, Chere are
so many classic boats on the
harbor. And then there are the
sabots. the colorful little
sailboats," said Huse, owner of
Debra Huse Studio Gallery on
Balboa Island. "Newport Beach
is classically different from any
other area. It has a whole
different character from Laguna
Beach. Ufe here is centered on
the harbor and people really
feel like these places. the
harbor, the pavilion, are their
DON l..EACtt I OAll..'1 PILOT
Steve Simon f~ors Balboa Island, the site of his gallery, as a subject for his paintinss.
"Newport· Beach i.s classically different fro~ any
other area .... Li/ e here is centered on the harbor
and people really feel like these places, the harbor,
the pilvilion, are t.heir backyard."
Debra Huse
backyard." .
Balboa Island artist Steve
Simon was an up-and-coming
businessman when Newport
Beach first captivated him. The
first time he drove over the
bridge to Balboa Island, he fell
so deeply in love that he not
only abandoned his hometown
of Olicago, but he was inspired
to cash in the button-down
lifestyle for that of an artist
Just as Spencer found her
artistic home overlooking the
Back Bay, Simon has found his
uJtimate artist's model in
Balboa Island. Though his body
of work stretches well beyond
Newport Beach. home is where
brush finds most or its
"For me Newport Beach and
Balboa Island in particular were
love at first sight I just felt the
artistic juices coming to the
forefront for me," said Simon,
who moved here eight years ago
to become a professional artist
and who, four years ago,
opened Simon Fine Art Gallery
and Studio on the island.
Like many artists. Simon has
found that views from the south
bay front, sights like the Balboa
Pavilion viewed from across the
water, "are an ideal subject
"Even though so many
people have done It, the classic
view of the Pavilion never gets
old because the mood, the,
lighting. the different tlmes of
day and year ma.Jee it different
every time," said Simon. who
last year published a book of his
infamous with the dream car of
their choke, but the paperwork
wouJd go to the OMV under a
slightly altered name. As in
slightly 6ctidous. For eiample,
let's say the proud new Ferrari
owner was Vincent MThe Bomp"
Bompers from Bell Gardens.
With the stroke ofa pen, Vincent
was now Edith Appleby. a
third·grade teacher at Jefferson
Elementary in Tustin.
Amirvand was arrested
Wednesday, hauJed away along
with more than $8.5 million in
dream cars.
Speaking of people whose
manners leave a lot to be
periodically in the Daily Pilot on a
rotating basis. For lnform•tlon on
adding your organization to this list,
call (949) 574-4298.
The Costa Mesa group sponsors
and aupports outreach
community aervioe programs,
such as the homeless sanctuary.
Volunteers are needed. (714)
The nonprofit organization is
lootting for volunteers. 18 and
older, to provide companionship
for adults with developmental
disabilities. lu a •Citizen Buddy;
volunteers will Visit with • buddy
twice a month and call or e-mail
them once a week. The
organization lao has en •Buddies
program that forms friendahfpa
entirely over the Internet.
Volunteers for tha1 program must
be at least 12. (714) 546-1826 or
The local chepter fa looking for
rnen Md women older ttMln 20
who have liwd In Orange County
for at least ab< months end heve
been on the job for at INst three
month• to wve .. big btothen
or big._. forcNldntn egea e
to 18 from Ii~ home9.
Yoh.tntMr opponunhiea for the
0renge County Coundf Include
funckataing. "'°"'"" cl9u91opment Ind trllntng to
..... 18 troape Ind pedt8. (714)
Me 1110. ,,
••I I M1llUll'I onru12a OGllll'Y ,.www-•2•••
desired, Mike l)'son was also a
customer of the Auto Market,
and stored a number of cars at
the site. Am.irvand's attorney,
James Harris, vigorously denied
the charges and said his client is
an honest, hard-woddng
businessman who is in no way
1WOCiated with drug lords. He
did not address the issue of
associating with Mike l)'son,
The Wednesday Harbor
Surprise had a slow start -
drawing a small gaggle or
onlookers when the polJce
barricades and the yellow tape
went up. The few became many
to participate in various activities
at the Oasis Senior C.,,ter In
Corona del Mar. Voiunteers will
tutor lqgally blind adult students
with the use of computer• and
other adaptive technology. Mary
Johnson, (714) 821·5000, Ext
The playhouse needs volun1eers
for ushering, badcstage work.
mailings, typing, controlling
lights and many other duties.
(949) 650-5269.
The society collects Information,
photos and artifects relating to
the history of Costa M918 and the
harbor area. Volunteer• are
needed for clerical tatb and
computer Input. and help in the
library. (949) 631-6918.
The Costa Mesa Literacy Center
needs volunteer tuto,. to teach
English as a second language.
People who went to leam English
as a second language ere alto
encouraged to call. Cati to
"'Ulster. (714) 436-3310 or (714)
The Orange County cn.pter of
the "4llionel MtMple Sclefoale
lodeev Ma -.tad I MW
.. help group In~ .......
people,..., • ..,......., ....
mlnllNI ~...-•• of lllllllple ....,,., otboll. ,,...,..., ....
........ ,, l.lft. ... flral ~
of wery month. (941) 9150-78.
paintings and poetry titled "The
Spirit of Newport Beach."
And while many of his
-customers are locals who have
also fallen ln love with the
natural wonders of their home
town, tourists, too, buy many of
the paintings Simon produces
In his gallery.
"People love to take the
beach home with them,· said
Simon, who also listed the
Corona del Mar shore as a
favorite subject.
The city's allure for artist&
helping build momentum for a
local art scene that, though It's
still in its infancy, seems to have
unlimited potential. Barbier
said that the city hopes to be
able to start regular plein air
palntirig events.
when the parade of luxury cars
being driven or hauled away
began. But when the 1V and
radio reports or "breaking news
in Costa Mesa" lit up the
a.icwaves, it was show time. With
news helicopters circling
overhead. the crowd swelled into
the hundreds, pointing, ooh-ing
and ah-ing as each dream car
was hauled away. Stretches or
Harbor. HamUton and Victoria
were downright nasty as hordes
or curious drivers spilled off the
freeways to see some reality
television that actually was real
for once.
According to DFA agent
also needed. Call for an
application. Fred Gaedtler, (714)
The multipurpose senior services
facility at the comer of 19th Street
and Pomona Avenue seeks
volunteers who can greet
members and the public at the
front desk and vofunteers for the
Resource Department with Excel
computer experience and sharp
telephone skills. The Senior
Meals program also needs
people to deliver meals to
homes. (949) 645--2358.
The nonprofit organization at the
Costa Mesa Senior Center is
looking fot new board members.
The fund-,.ialng end
pollcymaking board needs
volunteers who will participate in
monthly meetings, occasional
committee meetings end special
projects. Candidates ehoold have
connections In Costa MMa and
aum>Unding oommunhles and an
lnterwt In serving the comnwnJty
by hetplng •nlorL (949)
~2356, Ext. 16.
Volunteers are needed to serve
.. ladvocates for abuMd, •
neglected end abandoned
dtlchn. Votuntaert won one on
one wllh • cMd far three hours• ~ (714, llMOM.
The city's Arts C.Ommission
awards $40,000 each year in
grants for the v1suaJ and
perl'onning arts.
The city's furled shows exhibit
in the Oty C.Ouncil chambers
and the maln lobby at city haJJ.
Independent events, like the
Balboa Art Show on Balboa
Island are also adding
momentum for the arts. And
other ideas are in the woit.s to
help Newport Beach reach its
artisdc potential.
"For a long time I felt like
Newport Beach didn't have the
emerging arts scene it should
have," Spencer said "But now
you can feel that there's real
movement beginning to
"It's very encouragjng. I'm
proud to say I'm a Newport
Beach artist."
Newport Beach. She may be
reached at (949) 574-4232 or by
e-mail at june.CltS8grande
Martinez, the Auto Market was
doing some legitimate busineM,
and the feds are now trying to
sort out the cars in tenns of
what's hot and what's not. so to
speak. In the meantime, all the
pretty wheels are being stored in
an impound lot in Riverside.
So what have we learned?
Crime doesn't pay, espedally
when it pays too much, and
don't mess with the OMV Ever. I
gotta go.
• PETER BUFFA Is a former Costa
Mesa mayor. His column runs
Sundays. He may be re.ctied via
&-mail at PtrB4@aol.com.
assistants are needed to help in a
variety of mediation caaes.
Bilingual language skills are
needed for office volunteers and
for mediators. (949) 260-0488.
Easter Seals needs volunteers for
ongoing clerical work end to help
in programs for children with
disabilities and In special events.
(714) 834-1111.
VoluntMr trall guides are needed
to hetp vi8ftora leam .OOUt their
environment. (949) 645-8489.
CaU (949) &q-eoeo to hefp
Friends In 5efvlce to Humanity
aaein with the Mobile Meals
program and provide ongoing
emergency assistance to those in
need. Both always ...tc volunteer
aaalatance In •variety of areas.
(949) 645-8050.
Glr1 Scouts of Orange County
needs volunteen to be trained ••
troop leaders, serve on special
committees •nd give lectures, ~onatretfona Qr ct ...... (114) 979-7900. I
GR.S ite. Of
.... CCUfTY
Volunteers .. needed '° oflar ~end enridMnenC
~forglft.lnd bovt·
(Me) 148-7111. '
The C>rDlfltratlot'I .........
OOUnaell Ind eduCM< atMIMd women Ind dMldlWi. It 11 looldnQ -~ <• 131-6242, ht.M.
thej~y of
jelly beans
T his has been a week of discoveries
at the Wight House. The most
Improbable of which has been
that the entire family can rally around
something as simple as a jelly bean.
Discoveries or greater magnitude
exist, no doubt But none have been as
humorous or as unexpected as the
world or "the original gourmet jeUy
bean." And since an amazing amount
of bean trivia has filled my brain, I feel
obligated to share the nuances of the
Jelly Belly world with you. ·
First of all, if you
ever find yourself in
Fairfield, I'm sorry.
Fairfield Is
between San
Francisco and
Sacramento -
about 20 minutes
from a pool in
Vallejo that you
never want to visiL
But if you are near KAREN
this epicenter of WIGHT
confection. the JeUy
Belly factory is a musL
Don't laugh. What the water polo
team and I expected was lc:itsch, but we
got a very impressive tour through a
very professional facility. The factory
was a multifaceted operation, complete
with the requisite gift store (which had
everything from A to Z), an in-house
restaurant with a menu that includes
jelly bean-shaped hamburgers, pizzas.
sandwiches (which were very ta.sty) ...
and or course, candy galore.
As we drove into the massive parking
lot, we entered a world that exceeded
our expectations. The factory is
immense, immaculate and imaginative.
Our group waited in line for the tour
(they take groups of 50 people every 10
minutes) surrounded by Jelly Belly
artwork. which included portraits of
RonaJd Reagan (who put JeUy Bell)C on
the map), Elvis, the Statue of Ubeny,
George Washington and the Pope.
There is a collection of these likenesses
that tours the world. Currently, the
traveling collection is in Gennany. but
the factory retains 30 pennanent pieces
of"Jelly Belly Art."
Jelly BeUy jeUy beans were invented
in 1976. ln 1980, when Tune magazine
reported that presidential candidate
Ronald Reagan was a fan of this breed
of jeUy bean, a new generation of candy
consumers was created.
Jelly Bellys began to make history.
They were carried into outer space on
the space shuttle Olallenger, they were
on Air Force One and in the OvaJ Office
in the Reagan Administration (his
favorite Oavor is coconut), and they
See HOME, Pqe A9
Soodly, Auaust 11. 2002 A5
A group of fun seekers get an elevated view of the harbor and the Fun Zone while taking a spin on the Ferris wheel.
Five things to do before summer
is over in Newport-Mesa
Daily Pilot
E nd your summer by having a filng
with Newport-Mesa. Watch and
spin stories about people minding
their own business at Fashion
Island or South Coast Plaza. Spend
a day in the sun and salt at Crystal Cove. Ride a
not-so -dizzying Ferris wheel at the Fun 1.one.
Feel the grass pric kling through the towel while
a musician plays in the park. Bite into a frozen,
chocolate-covered banana, bought from a
Marine Ave nue vendor.
The calories. the brain-freeze. the indulgence
of it all!
You just cannot miss this stuff.
Assuming you've alre ady done the tanning
and barbecuing, the water-sporting and the
Mai-Tai drinking, you need to experience
summer's subtler side.
Have you ever sat in a mall and watched the
fashionable people. the weird people, the tall.
the short, the lone r, the crowd-eel and the
I-hate-shopping shoppers go by? 1ry iL With
the dog days of summer yet to come (43 days
to be exact), and with air-conditioning soon to
become an extra wonderful thing, why not sit
yoursetf on a mall bench, maybe with a snack
or two, maybe with a friend or two, and look
around? It's really more fun than it sounds.
With all of mankind's many quirks, it's a
guaranteed circus.
The beach is just as fascinating. Just stare
and get lost in the bigness of Crystal Cove's
waters and sands. Start thinking about all those
unnecessary things that become problematic if
you think about them too long. Then start
thinlcing that cenain things are actually so tiny
compared to really big things like oceans and
sides and lose the worries you found while
over-thinking. Then, spend the rest of the day
doing nothing productive, nothing that
requires cell phones and computers, nothing
that requires much energy at all. Just sit there.
And when you're tired of doing that. what
about visiting the Ferris wheel at the Fun .zone
on the Balboa Peninsula? Yeah. yeah. Only
tourists ride the wheel. only tourists care about
Harmonica player Roger Baldwin leads the way
as he and bandmates Mark Liddell, left, and
Afldy McClure of the Wildcats put on a show at
Bloomingdale's Courtyard in Fashion Island.
the Fun Zone, but how backward is that? We
live here, we know the secrets of parlcing here.
so why don't we all enjoy the romance of the
Ferris wheel?
"We like to come here because it's more
convenient for us," said Don Thompson, after
getting off the wheel on Friday. MWe do n't have
to pay to go into fan amusement) park.. ft
And you can't let autumn arrive witho ut
enjoying one of Newport Beach and Costa
See SUMMER, Pace A9
"Hollywood is kind of a small place. Once your name gets out
as getting the job done quick ... well, the referrals come." TRAVEL TALES
ErlcRI .....
Piper of Hollywood to
get Newport induction
Bagpiper Erle Rigler,
who can be heard on a
number -0f soundtracks,
will be 27th person
honored by Muldoon•s
Jennifer K M•haf
Daffy Piiot
E ric Rigler knew from childhood
what be wuad to do. Alm
lnlant. he le.I for the IOUDdl ol
the.,.,... At• 3 or 4, bit flltMr
took him to ... .....,wwital .. 6oin
Gn9t Bdlmla pillJ at dw Gnat 't1i'seaa.
Fon& ~·7•1.1111111n1a. ~ pmld .... be a.med to Pl!IJ. ~....--~themolt :tt.=~-:.
Muldooa'IWll ·~ ... New;on Bwh.HlibWllliillkiw_..... lalolcanbellmd•~ hm --n. .... Jilidlilua• 11111 ..........................
-~ ........
Relaxing in the waters of Kauai
Daily Pilot
A Costa Mesa family went to
Poipu, Kauai last month and
continued a very new
tradition that loob to become an
annual one.
SUrrounded by greenery on the
southernmost tip of Kaua.I. the
Thomu family relued on the oldest
of all Hawaiian islands (Kauai wu
fonned around 6 million yean ago).
They hung out on the beach and
p~ on the pua at night.
"We juat loYe it bealu1e It's warm
and the wat.-a warm and the
water'I dear. Just pUing away-It's great. .. Mid Mary 1bomu. •
phatmlld8t at PalMew
DewJlopment9I <:enler. "W! went
lut ,..r and we t.d a really p>d
dine and we went ..-i. •
,,.. ........... lntbe
ThomM fWnlr: )" -ll, l:e¥tn, 10.~7.llMllrlllberBnlda.nd
mochs Mary...,., ..... by~
the dlmate uid dlrttJ bat In Kami• waten IDd .......... =.":'i.-.m.i:.~ dme -=rhmlMh I II o1 • ..,.,
... t .......... ,.., ........ ....
..... ............ ? •• ..... ..,...,.. n-llill. .,.... .. .., ... ,... ..
Jennifer, 11, Mltthew, 7, and 1 Oyear-dd Kevin Thomas~ Kluli.
~It--. .... ... ..... you could ............ . ......
"' ....... Ille "8mlr Ollllltmmd ....... ............ flsl ....
.-.-.----~ ...... ...,..,... ......... ...,
--~IDC __ ..... .. ...... ......, .. ,, ... _
.._._..,1112 •'Y -un 1 •• ... , ...
M Sunday, A&cust 11, 2002
City was right
to put brak~s
on regulations
C osta Mesa City
Council members,
who lately have
found themselves
facing criticism over
efforts, depending on one's
perspective, to either clean
up and regulate the town or
turn it into a version of Irvine,
made a wise and reasoned
decision last week to loosen
regulations regarding vehicle
In essence, the council rightly
determined that a few bad
apples don't, in this case, ruin a
The months-long debate was
driven by car enthusiasts who
saw themselves as the
unfortunate and unnecessary
targets of regulations banning
the storage of inoperable
vehicles outside.
The laws applied even in
backyards, if the car was visible
from neighboring houses.
While cleaning up the city is a
worthy goal, it need not involve
careening head long through
those not being irresponsible
with their property.
Relying instead on city health
and safety codes to combat
unsightly and dangerous
properties is a much more
well-reasoned line of offense.
This is especially true when, by
city workers' own estimations,
there is not a large number of
egregious offenders.
Still, even these loosened up
and more targeted rules should
not be taken too far.
Those complaifling that the
city's aggressive enforcement of
the past few years goes too far
and crosses the line into
invasion of privacy make a good
Residents of Costa Mesa (and
the rest of Newport-Mesa, for
that matter) should not feel they
are being watched every second
of the day. Private property
should remain private except
when police or other safety
officers are properly involyed
and have in their hands
documents such as search
City leaders certainly have
better things to do than peek
into backyards and over fences.
They proved they know that with
this decision.
Balboa bids adieu
to an old favorite
W hen we found out
last week the Balboa
Beach Co. would
leave its Balboa
Island flagship store, it stung a
little. Founded in 1970 in the
Fun Zone on the Balboa
Peninsula, the clothing store has
become a piece of the island's -
and city's -history.
Owner Jim Roberts says the
company best known for its logo
T-shirts can no longer afford to
stay on the island. A rent
increase to his store "exceeds
our business model," Roberts
While it's obviously a shame
the Marine Avenue store will
close up, it's a shame the
decision to take the Balboa out
of the Balboa Beach Co. rests on
a business model.
After all, much of the reason
the 32-year-old business
succeeded in the first place rests
with the locals who purchased
the shirts. Councilman Steve
Bromberg pointed out this week
that about 90% of his shirts
sport Balboa Beach Co. logos
and that many islanders also
boast the shirts.
We understand that profits are
important to a company,
especially in this economy, but
we would think something could
have been done to keep the
company close to its roots. In
1995, the company merged with
Pacific Brands Retail Group and
began operating stores In outlet
centers -something we'll more
likely see from this point on.
But even though the store will
close, we hope we continue to
see Roberts behind the keyboard
at city functions and Newport
Beach Oiamber of Commerce
events. And, despite its
departure, we appreciate the
history and the product, and
definitely look forward to seeing
all of the company's future Jogos.
Landing the point
E artier this month,
•everybody Oil the Balboa
Peninsula WU acting like
they'd never seen a boat drive
nearly half way up the beach.
Polloe anested the captain and
owner of the boat on suspicion
of operadng. boat while
hnpllNd. ~ aay <IQ.year-old °'""' Plidlla Of Hacienda 11eap11 bid an alcohol leYel of
O.l~w.ilCMl'rhe legal Unilt,
when ... ~ tu. 44-foot ~udael Of the water near
13Cb...... • ._
PJ2111Art ~ lhere1 • -
dlll a•bm ... expMIM
.... fart.e llidden ~ ...
tfle lack of docks ln Newport
Wfive all heard about it,
lncluding that a number of
harbor-side residents are renting
their slips out, a potendally
Improper action that the city ts
lnvestigadng. You can't Just
crulle around the harbor and
ftnd a plaee to dodt for a bite to
eat or a 1troU along Balboa Island. .
)fl ~~~IULUI, ndy.
And eoiaechlng ..... to be
Of com-. ............. . bk--• .. .....
MC Ill, ....... .....
Greenlight endangers Newport's quality of life
By Richard S. Stevens
In reading the thoughtful letter to the
editor authored by Adele and Mel Mann
in your Aug. 3 edition ("GreenUght
preserves city's quality of life"), I felt
saddened that we have come to this in
our lovely city. 1 have been visJting
Balboa since 1937, and this has been
my permanent home since 1963,
almost 40 years. I have been a
developer and I have led major efforts
against development (the airport
among others). I have served this city
and county in a wide range of volunteer
positions over many years, so I have
paJd my dues.
ln short, I love Newport Beach.
I also strongly feel that Greenligbt will
ruin our city, all by the bands of
well-lntendoned citiz.ens. People who
know the reality of the political process
will agree that under the current rules
of the game, no economically feasible
project will ever survive an election.
Won't happen. 'Il)en, increasing costs of
operating the city will mandate that our
elected officials will be forced to seek
other ways to generate the needed
income in ways that will not require a
And what might they be? Think about
the continuing el"Ofllon of our prize
jewel, our harbor. We are a.lttady giving
away the most precious llSlet one bit at
a time with the continuing expansion of
commercial party boats, noise, Joss· of
water space for kids to sail, inadequate
parking and the like.
That's just the beginning.
What really bothers me is that
Greenlight has usurped the very
essence of elected government. We
have castrated our elected City Council
by its passage. Why not apply the
Greenlight principle to our national
government? When the president wants
to send troops somewhere, lefs hold a
national election and, unless a majority
vote yes, our boys stay home. Then
maybe we can get rid of Congress and
run the country onUne. In essence. we
have told our elected officials "we don't
trust you, so we're not going to let you
make decisions on our behalf." What an
insult. Why these dedicated people
would continue to serve is beyond me?
I have developed major property in
the toughest of all towns, Carmel and
Monterey. They have done a dam good
job of preserving the essence of what
makes their community great. Their
regulations and scrutiny by the staff
and Planning Commission took us
. through the hoops for some years, but
we were allowed to develop our
property ln accordance with the zoning.
We never would have survived an
election, and the city would have lost
the addition of a lovely, very popular
reskJentJal area providing needed
housing and Income. It wouldn't
happen under GreenlighL
I noted in the same issue or the paper
President Mike Healey, Trudy
Ohltg-t4 .. , Fred Boctmlller end Plul
E. Shoenbergef
P.O. lox 1200, Coeta Meee
nea-1200, (714) 764-IOQ
-.ii: Preeident Artene Sclhafer, Jim
Fenymen, M PMy, Greg Woodelde
end Den Wontlll .....
200 ~ o.tw.;ftO. 8'* IOIO.
Coilll ...... d •• f7Mt ...
E111'bllbD.W,.._..llbi4, ......
AIW91.Ci.-...... l_lll .....
a tribute to Joe Beek, father or Allan. a
major sponsor and leader of Greenlight.
leaders wbo made this dty great
However, a great number of his great
legacies, such as Beacon Bay, would
never survive Greenlight Irony.
The problem ls that because
Greenllght can inOuence emotions.
they can always gamer the votes of
those who react lo buzz words like
~traffic, view, pollution• without
knowing the totality of the facts and
without respect for other people's
property rights.
I am no longer a developer and I
want my long-standing hometown to
continue to be the environment my
parents loved and I kNe. No-growth
plans, which ls what Greenlight really Is,
have historically led their communities
to economic disaster.
The leadership of Greenlight ls DOW
focusing on atac1dng the deck In the
coming election lo achieve their same
goals the proper way. But remember
when you comider the candidates as to
who lo elect to represent you what the
real impact of•no-growth• will be on
our beloved city.
•RICHAN> S. ~. e k>ngttme
Newport~ reeident. wes ~
general meMger end~ of the
Balboa Bay ctub (1983-1975) end molt
recently Mrwd on the Newport BMctt
Harbor Commm ...
Plaza, Senta AM 92701
•Jim SUva, 2nd Dllllrtct (eo.t. Meee,
Newport~). (714) l:M-3220
• Thomat Willon, l54t'I DIMrtc:t
(Newport Coat>. (714) 8M.-o
• Fair onv.. C... Mlea, (714) 708-MIR
~ ......... Cutllttngle,*8
PNeldent Rubin A. lmllh, ""Mlv
Smhh. Eml¥ .. lfotd. p._, .......
Jamea ....... Olll Dl••C-. L9lle A.AevMdPlirllle~tt •••• ITATl--Aa.MswCIQ, .... DIJlldei. .a ~-=-.... .,,, .. _ •. _ .... ...... .._.... •.. ~ ............ m-1•
N8JM: Newport Beach Police
Lt. Bob Oakley
Du'8tion with air unit On and off
~:Lake Forest for 22 years
Education: Bachelor'• degree in public
administration from Cal State long
Family: Wife of about 30 years Marty;
three children and two grandchildren
Hobblea: Water skiing; off·road vehide;
camping; ftying both choppers end
'They'll hear a
helicopter on routine
patrol when it's
P,assing by, when it's
out there flying and
not specifically on a
call. The aircraft is
scheduled to be
airborne five hours
out of every nine-hour
work shift, and there
are two work shifts
per day. Weather-and
permitting, that
aircraft is airborne 10
hours a day.'
'But all in all, I think
the ove~helming
benefits to the
community and
departments that the
aircraft offers is .
. irreplaceable in any
f I I I I I
FORUM " ~. August 11 , 2002 A7
cover all tlie tJ ases .
Newport Beach Police
Lt. Bob Oakley leads·
the airborne unit the
Costa Mesa and
Newport Beach police
departments team up
to fund and operate.
W hen a new group
called the Committee
to Abolish Helicopter
Noise popped up in
Newpon Beach last month,
dozens of letters to the editor
swarmed the Daily Pilot.
To find out more about the
Airborne Law Enforcement Unit,
a joint-effon Costa Mesa and
Newpon Beach created in 1996,
City Editor James Meter took a
nip over to one of the hangars at
John Wayne Airpon where
Newport Beach Police Lt. Bob
Oakley leads a 10-man
operation of three helicopters.
The wlit has an MO-SOOE and
two EC-1208 choppers, the
latter of which Oalcley says are
currendy the quietest in their
class. They're equipped with
infrared, a searchlight with
SO-million candlepower
capability, a computerized map ·
and a Lo/Jack system that allows
officers to track down stolen
vehicles equipped with the
antitheft device.
While based out of JWA, the
choppers, which patrol at 70
mph, but can fly up to 140 mph,
also land about five times daily
at Costa Mesa Police
Department for refueling and
Beach Poli~ Department for
meetin~ and paperworlc needs.
ln 2001, the unit responded to
6,306 calls, resulting in 692
arrests and 54 recovered cars. Of
those calls, 1,394 were-in
Newpon Beach and 2,480 were
in Costa Mesa, which pays more
for personnel.
When and why will residents hear
the choppenl
They'll hear a helicopter OD routine
patrol when it's passing by, when It's out
there Oying and not specificaDy on a
call. The aircraft is scheduled to be
airborne five hows oul of every
nine-hour work shift, and there are two
work shifts per day. Weather-and
maintenance-permitting. that (\ircraft is
airborne 10 hours a day.
If there are no calls taking place
during that particular part of the Oigbt
ln which we register the racUos Crom
three different agencies -Costa Mesa
and Newport Beach and Santa Ana by
contract. So the helicopter can be over
any of those cities at any given dine
during lts routine patrol practice&
It'• not on a call, then it's generally
just passing by. We have lists of areas
that we checlt on. things that our
detectives may be Joolcing ror. Those are
some of the duties we perform when
we are not apecitlcally on a call.
Otherwise, .we're monJtoring ttafllc and
acdvity in specific areas related to the
time of day that draw our attendoo to
so~ unusual. That way, we're
more proactive and dfectM in a law
enforcement poeture.
When the belioopten on a call, It'll
go to that locadon ~and begin
orbiting it So lf we're there for a remon.
molt caees we're ftylnc eome type of a
chde around that lo<:adon. Al>ett. wry
tarp ctrde. We haw a wry larji leld QI
vtew from the helicopter.
So than when aomeone can expect a
hetk:opw to be over the* bome or ania
for ID emnded period of tlmil. But a.p In mind that'*' c-. • ...,
~=".-. mern a 1111 If &"ltwllJ ..... totrilaeand ........
..... 1n ...... otl\1a$ .....
W9*:b 1111 a., Street incl Ns 1 n
and Hllbar boulevardL A ..... cwllllll!c lhM loQdon on• Cll• ........... adlit OUl to...,.... ................... °'. ............ L$oda.aOltlll
CGlm' • l"" • a.:ma.. dlmw'-. A ....,_11 h J acted~ •lllllllll•I:
'll A ....... ,.,.. ... -........ . ;ii;.i;;r._iii •lllF a11-JW tllllill'9;o ........
1111111111Wtlt'J fll
Newport Bachf
ln 200 l, the aircraft was in Newport
Beach 36.89' of its time. Th.at factors in
time for both calls and routine patrol
Costa Mesa Is 44.7%. Santa Ana Is
14.4%. The reason for that is the
amount of time they actually contract
for our service. It's based on how many
dollars they contract for our service.
Haw doee that work tbeof Do you
they pay up front?
Yes, we bill them monthly. We have a
contract and an employee (a full-time
pilot) who we get credit for. In the
grand scheme of things. it relates to 37
minutes per shift over the dty of Santa
Ana. That brings back revenue,
including the employee's time, of about
$300,000 annually to the cities of
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. That
further reduces the costs lo our
Haw mmy memben of the unit an
There's myself and seven pilots
currently assigned to the unit on-a
full-time basis. Th¢re's one employee
that is on a temporary asslgnment here
to augment our investigative operations
for detectives' surveillance wort. which
i.ilcludes counter-drug interdiction and
narcotics surwillance type of
There are also three mechanics. They
rotate their time depending on the
maintenance needs. Aitcraft on a
maintenance schedule based on
number of OJght hours they have. At
any given time, aircraft may require a
specific procedure.
Something else with respect to
cost-sharing and cost-reduction: We
also perform maintenance for the
program. They contract with us for
maintenance (of two be:llcopters) and
hangar and office space here. 1bat
of&ets costs even more to the nme of
about $2.50,000 per year. So, though we
employ the mechanic:a, we make better
use of their time by contracting their
services with the sherUra deputment
here. Also, we'll use an aircraft for
training. But when they're training,
they're training over the city. We'll go to
Los Alamitos Army Airfield for that.
What are aome recent apectflc ca.Ill
the choppers have gone onl
(Grabs a staclc of reports) Here's one.
It's a man with a gun call. The
helicopter arrived on-scene first. It
located the suspect. This was a man
with a gun riding on a bicycle. They
located him at First and Harbor in
Santa Ana They lcnew he was originally
armed, but the unit determined that he
wasn't armed. As a result, they directed
units back. to where they originally saw
the suspect. And the officers found the
gun as a result ofthaL That's something
that probably would not have occurred
without the use or the helicopter. They
were able to locate the gun, obviously
put together a better case for someone
who was unlawfuDy armed ..
Here's a grand theft in Newport
Beach from Neiman Marcus. It was in
excess ofSl,000. It says F.agle (another
name fur the choppers) responded to
the area and located the suspect vehicle
on southbound PCH from Newport
Coast, which is about a oouple of miles
Crom the scene. F.agle contacted LakUna
Beach Police and the vehicle was
slopped in Laguna Beach. The suspect
was aauted and the property was
recovered. That's a case where we ~re
able to get miles away from the crime
very quickly to find and foUow the
The way tn wbk:h eome of the gated
communldee In Newport CA>ast are 8et
up, doe& that m*e h much more .
dlmcult from the ground point of •
It does because the ground units
have to gain access to the community
whereas the beUcopter does not.
Here$ one that's a pursuiL It's really,
In my oplnJon. one of the helicopter's
strong points-from a public safety
perspectiYe. And that should be
obviously given all the accidents ~
unneceaary v\ctimS that are somttimes
·end up the results of pursuits. '
F.agle was called out from the ai.rpbrt.
which means we ~re on the groU{Ml it
the time. When they arrived, the •
suspect vebJde WU OD the tranlitloft
Anaheim. Huntington Beach and the road from the northbound San ~
.county. Freeway to the southbound~ Miiia
m• .._c:ti ,, ..... ~ .. .....
Freeway. The aospett was tiavellng at a hWt rate of speed usmg the left
lhoulder-to pus ocher ttafllc. ~
unlll med due care in oot ~
~t==:. they don't Mve to. lbat'a the point.
1be vdUde cumed westbound 00
r.uJartnO and nionhbound on the ftnt rlabt'tum. 1be ¥ehk:le IOJppld t.pdly
.. be pulled up to the curb. He exited
thewbk:le and led on foot eallCbo\lnd.
c:Umblng a eecUrtty fence Into a IUwe
No. Che TM1011 dMie 11e Cine atruaft epertment colnpla While
la bec:aa.e ofrNlt•wn ~ updll• of the~
requJrmMnll and edwdt •1 of locadon. we IUeDlptld 'tO polldoD
mecMmd dme. So. ID lllllf die pancl ualtl on~ i*~IWCllL Thi
ftalllbllryola.o .... ~.., I ........ ----.~ --· dri-.llNllly..._DliL If .,... ___ pMtfla~
youonlfa.ttwo•... .,,,_ .... ,. .. 211w•lillll•k ... .......... _ .......... ..................... _ ...
I daldlilL ·----..... ....... =-------'llllD •'* r I b eta. , t ?111•~-·· __ ... .. ................ __ .... , 111,...1
....... t
::::::=::.:::1:•::•..,.. • ...
obvious in even IO more officen don't
bring that capability with them. In this
case. with a vehicle being pursued, the
officeTS weren't willing and able to take
the same types of chances in
endangering the public as the suspect
was. The helicopter's presence there
still caused the suspect to be taken into
Here's a grand theft in Corona del
Mar. It was a purse snatch at Pogonia
and Coast Highway. 1hree males and
o ne female were involved. The vehicle
was described with a full license
number. F.agle was able to drop down
and con6.rm the license plate. Laguna
Beach PO was immediately requested
to assist.
While they were responding, the
driver stopped his vehicle in the
intersection, st~ped out and walked
away. Eagle stuclc with the subject and
directed Laguna Beach unhs to take ·
blln into custody. &gle then l'l!tllmed
to the car, which was still in the
intersection. No one else was seen
exiting that car and there were no
incUcations, such as a door left open. to
suggest that anyone else exited. One
female was followed north on the
highway that looked close enough to
the de$Cription of a female involved..
She appeared to ducked into a motel
room and was later detained there.
pending further investigation. At that
point. Eagle left. This is just the
helicopter log.
That's another example of the
helicopter's overview and seeing many
aspectS of a scene and being able to
direct the ground officers.
Now what do you often ftnd on
routine pauo .. t
Most commonly during the daytime.
we11 find vehicles driving recldessly and
obvious h1gb speeds that draw
attention so we can direct someone to
stop them. More often at nigt\t. in
commercial areas. where vehicles are
moving around where they houldn't
necessarily be, the air mM will watch
what they're doing. If they look lik.&
they're at doors or somethlns like that,
we'll d lrect ground officer& to check It
Daytime, if we're having a epeciflc
problem lo an area like with residential
burglaries, the belloopter wtU spend
some time in thote areas trytng to
locate random 11'\CJ'mDmt and~
much lib a ground oftlcer would look
for IU5plcious activity.
Here'I a residential burilllrY on
Monte Carlo in Newport llMCh at llfFt.
f.agte ~. pomtie IUlpeCt
Vehicle Jeavtng the area of• ftll6dentitil
burglary. fAgle din!cted unlta IO the
area and Ht up che vehlde. "'*it Ml
.Immediately pulled IO lbe allb and
• awaited ground. .nta. The a.pect -
amsced. Wheri they tumed me Wit on.
he uid ·Ah. betkopca'l IO( me.. rim not
going 10 get~· n.. .. a m.e In
whk:h it ... tM!l1 obvtoul to the
uspect of tbs beUCopcer'I mptibilk)t.
•• , .. ,,,. , .. , •••• 4. ·~
Sunday, Auctist 11, ~2 ,.
Continued from A5 TRAVEL
Continoed from A5 TheHNt CINtcet'C......-.on
f Mesa's many outdoor concens.
C.Omlng up ls Octavio Figueroa. a salsa band, at
• 6:15 p.m . Tuesday at Fairview Park ln C.Osta Mesa..
t It's part of the city's 3rd annual Concert to the
the MCC>nd Thursday of every
month at 1he Radluon Hotel In
Newport.Beach. The lundteon la S23
and lncfude9 entertainment The
hotel la at 4645 MacArthur Blvd.
(714) 648-2244.
two ttl chi cla ... a tlught by Victor
Armand: a .... ion for
Intermediate· to advanc.d-leyel
stude'nts from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m.
Thurldeys .for people with cancer
and their famlllea. A beginner
aeuion meets from 10:30 to 11:30
a.m. Fridays. The eta .... are
dealgned to reduce streaa, Increase
longevity and promote a 1enae of
well·being with baaic,
eaay-to-leam, non·strenuoua
movemenb to aid In balance end '
conoentretlon. No registration is
required. The center la at 4000 W.
Coast Highway, Newport Beach.
Free. (949) 722-6237.
~-"We'd go and watch them
~ Park series and offers the services of a Mobile
Reaeatlon Van for kids while the adults get ·
caught up In good music.
• Send ONGOING EVENTS ltemt to
the Daily Piiot. 330 W. Bev St, Costa
Mesa, CA 92827; by fax to (949)
646-4170; or by c:alllng (949) 574-4298.
Include the time, date and loan.ion of
the event, 81 well as a contact phone
number. A complete listing Is avelleble
at www.dailypllot.com.
The Newport...., Wiik.ing aub
meet• at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday
through Saturday, and at 7 p .m.
Sunday. WaJkera should meet at the
interHCtion of Hospital Road and
Superior Avenue. Free. (949)
for free,• Thomas said.
Shoppina wasn't
' i
"1be recreation department is giving back to
the como:!~ty somethin.g that ~ould be exciting
for them. said Unda Dtvino. asststant recreation
supervisor for Costa Mesa
Fashion Island's annual summer concen series
will present the Dave Mason Band at 6 p.m. ~Mason is known for Writing "Feelln' ~ and for a soJo career that lndudes four goJd
The dty of Newpon Beach also has a
concerts·ln-the-park series. presenting Brasil
Brazil at 5 p.m. Aug. 25 at Buffalo Hills Pan. The
series continues with the Jumpin' Joz Band on
Sept 22 at the same park.
"\Wre hoping that all the residents will come out
and enjoy the bree'T..es on the bluffs and the sunset,"
DMno said. "\Wre hoping to read! out to the
COl)'Ullwllty for a lot of rultural diversity. Get to know
)QJI' net&tU>ors."
Rounding out this summer menu of fun are the
frozen chocolate-covered bananas found at
waterfront places. Legend has it that Balboa
Island presented these treats to the world -
that's right, the world -and that two ice cream
businesses on Marine Avenue are responsible for
this totally sweet blessing.
Who <lid it first is unclear. as Sugar 'n Spice sells
something called "Mom's Original r-rozen
Banana" and a neighboring shop seUs "Dad's
Original Frozen Banana.· Wilma's Patio, al'>O
nearby, carries the chocolate-covered, sprinkled
fruits (ifyou can even call it a fruit after all that
sugar coating).
So what are you still doing here, reading this?
Go out, have some fun. enjoy tht.• !>ummer while
it lasts.
The Newport BMCh Newcomen
Club meets et 10 a.m. the third
Wednesday of each month at
different homes. The group of about
100 women go on the road end play
golf, tennis, bridge and mo111. The
group elso holda several evening
parties. (949) 8544501.
Th• Frienda ol the N.wport Beech
Public Library seek book donetions
to raise funds for the library system.
Books mey be left at any of the three
branch libraries, including, Balboa,
Mariners cir Corona del Mar. They
may also be left in the special book
closet next to the Friends Bookstore
at 1000 Avocado Ave. All hardcover
and paperback boob are
eooeptable, with the exception of
law books end magazines.
Donations are tax-deductible. Call to
arrange to have books pidced up.
(949) 759-9667.
The Thurlday Moming Women's
Club, a 40-year-old friendship club,
Is seeking new members. The club,
which contains various general
interest sections, meets at 11 a.m. on
ln1*Wth couplM with OM Jewish
partner are invi1ed to participate in
an Interfaith couples discunlon
group hosted by the Jewish Family
Service of Orahge County. The
group is geared toward those
couples looking to make Judaism
and the Jewish community pan of
their relationship. The group meets
In the evenings in the agency's
office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G,
Costa Mesa. Preregistration Is
required. (714) 445-4950.
The Newport Sports MuMum, a
nonprofit organizatiQn, operates a
free museum at 100 Newport
Center Drive, Newport Beach. The
museum, which has one of the
wor1d'a largest collections of sports
memorabilia, is open from 9 a.m. to
6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333.
Nightly meetings are offered In
Costa Mesa and Newport Beach for
anyone who wants to overcome
nicotine addiction. A schedule can
be obtained by calling 1714)
774-9106 or (800) 642-0666.
the Isle' or Skye.
The &tande High Schdof
Pe rent Teacher Student Aun. hosts
e monthly paper drive every
Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the
school's northwest parting lot, on
the comer of Estancia North and
Placentia. Newspapers that are
bound, loose or bagged are
accepted, however cardboard,
bound materlal such as phone
books or thidc magazines are not.
Bins are available for drop off every
day of the month for people who
prefer to go et other times. All
funds raised go to the association.
Free. The school is at 2323 P1aoentia
Ave .. Costa Mesa. (949) 516-6500.
Oasis Senior Centltr ott.fs a daily
telephone contact program for
seniors who heve a limited local
support system. They also offer
ongoing computer classes that
teach the basics of Word, Quicken,
Print Shop and Internet usage.
(949) 644--3244.
Continued from A5 •WHAT: Eric Rigler inducted to
Muldoon's Wall of Fame
up in a music-loving family and
credits his parents with helping
him to appreciate music.
"My parents both love to listen
to music," said the piper, who
also fronts the cutting-edge
Celtic band Bad Haggis
Rigler plays three different
types of bagpipes -rwo from
Scotland, one from Ireland -
along with Irish penny whistles
and low whistles.
playing private engagements
and giving lessons. The calls
for recording work started to
come in; first from small groups
putting out Celtic musk albums.
then from larger acts. "He brings true magic to
cinematic film," said Richard
Kaplan, director of special
events for Muldoon's. Kaplan
nominated Rigler for the honor.
The Wall of Fame at the lfi<,h
pub was started in 1999 with
help from the Guinness lmport
Co. It honors artists and
statesmen or lrish ancestry.
Rigler will be the 27th inductee
to the wall, Kaplan said, joining
the Wees of actor John Mahoney,
• WHEN: 7 p.m. Thursday
•WHERE: Muldoon's, 202
Newport Center Drive, Newport
•COST: Free
• CAU: (949) 640-4110
\'I.Tiier Ray Bradbury and Sen.
John Kerry of Massachusetts.
Rigler said he was surprised to
he honored on the wall but
think!> it's "very nice.• He plans
10 play a short solo concert at
hi~ tnducLion.
ll1e Palos Verdes native grew
( www.Bad.Haggis.com). ·More
than the lV was on, the
turntable was playing -from
classical to jazz to ethnic music."
After winning a California
state amateur championship in
his teens. Rigler traveled to
Scotland to learn more about
the pipes and play in
competition. Among his awards
is the Ounvegan Gold Medal on
"A lot of Irish and Scotthh
plumbing, baskalJy," he said.
~When you see all of these
different pipes and segments of
whistles, it's like some lrish guy
drank too much Guinness, went
down to the hardware store and
started to invent instruments."
When Rigler moved back to
California in the late '80s, he
decided to try making a full-time
living from music. He started
Then came the call that led
to the career Rigler enjoys
One of the largest music
contractors in Hollywood was in
a bind to find a bagpipe player
for a small musical part in a film
called "The Fugitive.~ The
contractor called Rigler, who was
ihappy to play when they needed
him. It went well, the contractor
kept his number and the rest is
neglected. thougb. during
the family's nine days of Cun.
Jenni.{er got both a hula
dancer doll and a hula
dancer beanie baby, plus two
charms for her chann
~one was a surlboard that
has a peace sign on it and
the other one was a sea
rurtJe, • said Jet)Jll{er, a
' student at TeWlnkle Middle
When asked why the
family chme a place not all
that different from Newport
Beach to escape to, a haven
they plan to visit again next
year, Mary Thomas summed
It up by saying the island
offers natural pertcs ililµ are
more conducive to relaxing.
"The water's a lot wanner
and it's a lot clearer and it's
just gorgeous." she said "It
rains a Jot there. it's just
green everywhere, ir's very
relaxing aod it's not nearly as
• Have vou. or someone you
know, gone on an interesting
vacation recentlv7 Tell us vour
adventures. Drop us a line to
TRAVEl TALES, 330 W. Bav St..
Costa Mesa. CA 92627; e-mail
young.chang@lstimes.corrr. or
fax to (949) 646-4170.
"Hollywood is lclnd of a small
place," RJgler said. "Once your
name gets out as getting the job
done quick and easy. weU, the
referrals come." or the mms Rigler has worked
on, including "Titanic." he said
he liJc.es the James Homer scores
for "Bravehean" and "The
Devil's Own" the besL Playing
music for the movies ls "great,"
be said.
"It's gratifying to know that it
ends up finally ln the movie,"
RJgler said. "Uke any aspect, it
can end up on the cutting-room
• ··HOME are then coated with three coats
of piquancy. a shiny sugar
roaung. and then polished
before they stamp "Jelly Belly"
Even the bargains have
bargains; buy two two-pound
pack.ages and you get the
ln addition to "nonnal"
flavors like buuered toast,
margarita and cappuccino. Jelly
Belly bas capitalized on the
Hany Potter phenomenon. In
the famous J. IC. Rowling series,
Hogwarts students enjoy "Bertie
Bott's Every Aavor Beans." The
fictional flavors include obscure
selections such as sardine,
horseradish. ~. earwax.
booger and ... vomit. And, yes,
they have come to life and you
can buy them at the Jelly Belly
conversation. We presented a
box lo the coach.
was actually a good lunch
f. Continued from A5
• , •
t •
were gifts to international
Owing our 45-minute tour, we
learned that this year's favori1e
tlavor Is watennelon. last year's
favorite was buttered popcorn
and the aD·time favorite is
We watched beans being
made at every step of the
manufacturlog process.
Jelly Bellys are the only bean
to have a Oavored center. They
on every bean. •
Beans that do not mm the
CUI are called "belly Oops." They
are beans that have fallen short
of perfect.
Whether the name brand has
smeared, two have stud
together or the wrong color
coating has been applied, belly
flops are packaged and sold in
the gjf\ store for $5 for a
two-pound pack.age. a
signifioa.nt savings from retail
2037 HARBOR BLVD 650 5860 C O S TA MESA CA 949
,: •· "' r·. ·.· .. : . -. .. [ WWW i'EnFnHMANCELTDCOM
third bag "free.• That means you
can walk away with slx pounds
of jelly beans for $10. We
bought six. Everyone in
our group bought at least as
In addition to the "bargains"
and the vat.s of individual
flavors, the gift store has plenty
of Jelly Belly attire. Lest you
think that this is a tacky
endeavor, let me tell you that
my oldest daughter did her
bade-to-school shopping at
the gift store. No comments.
This assorunent has been a
great source of ~usement and
The factory is currently in
high gear for Ouistmas; they
make the products months in
advance. We watched
production of red, green and
white beans. wrapped in
poinsettia-printed packaging.
After the 45-mlnute tour and
an expensive stop at the
Candyland store, we had a
cllofoe: visit the Jelly Belly Java
Bar, the Jelly Belly Ice Cream Bar
or dine in the Jelly Belly Caf~. We
opted for the ear~. and as funky
as a Jelly Bean-shaped
hamburger and pizza sounds. it
Not only did we lcill a couple
hows of down time; the entire
fam1Jy, team and group of
parents (which they might not
admit) had a good time.
Sugarcoated fun.
l'm reluctant to report that the
Jelly Belly Visitor Center was a
sweet experience. Not only for
the product. but also for the
affirmation that simple
pleasures are the besL
• KAREN WIGKT is a Newport
Beach resident. Her column runs
Bea"'ti~ \to"'" <Aa .. d~"' Pond o,. Pool
• Vivid & B"'eh+ Co'-e
• ek' .. Mad• of ai-
• M-1c:al Optt-(~ --0
• Floo+l"9 Co~ (o,. Por-d or Pool . , . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . ----. -- - -----. --
P 4 . ortanta ........ ~··· .......
. ..... ...,_..
AlO Sooday, August 11, 2002 ' '
Sponsored by:
Irvine Barclay
Theotre as part of
the New World Flamenco Festival
Whent: Irvine Barclay Theatre,
4242 Campus Drive, Irvine
Cost: $28-$38
Contac:t: (949) 854-4646
Spon90Nd by: Upper Newport
Bay Ecological Reserve and
Nature Preserve
Where: 2301 University Drive,
Newport Beach
When: 10 a.m .
Co,r. $20
Contact: Call for reservations.
1800) 585-0747
UNEXPECTED' 12 Sponsored by:
Newport Beach
Public library will
prosent magician
David Skale for the finale of its
<,ummer reading program
Where: Newport Beach Central
Library, 1000 Avocado Ave.,
Newport Beach
When: 10:30 a.m
Cost Free.
Contact: (949) 717 3801
Sponsored by:
Costa Mesa's
Concerts in the Parle
Where: Fairview Park, 2525
Pl.icentia Ave .• Costa Mesa
When: 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
Cost Free
Contact: (714) 754-5223
Sponsored by: Irvine Barclay
Whent: 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine
When: 8 p.m. Tuesday and
Cost $28-38
Contact: (949) 854-4646
'Much Ado'
about the
Bard's play
Pack a picnic, wrestle your
children into the car and head
to Grant Howald Park in
Corona del Mar today for
Shakespeare by the Sea's
"Much Ado About Nothing."
Sponsored by the Newport
Beach Arts Commission, the
outdoor theater company is
presenting the comical story
of four lovers -Hero and
Oaudio, Benedick and
Beatrice -and theif trials on
the way to the altar.
•WHAT: 'Much Ado About
•WHERE: Grant Howald Park,
on Iris and 5th avenues in
Corona del Mar
•WHEN: 6 p.m. Sunday
•COST: Free
•CONTACT: (949) 717-3870
Sponsored by: Book
Raiders Dig Reading
Where: Newport
Beach Central Library,
1000 Avocado Ave.
When:7 p.m.
Cost: Free. Adults must be
accompanied by a teen.
Contact: (949) 717-3801
Sponsored by: The Lab/Anti-Mall
Where: 2930 Bristol St.,
Costa Mesa
When: 7 to 9 p.m.
Cost: Free
Contact: (714) 966-6661
Spon90Nd by:
Newport Beach
Publlc Ubrery
presents Karen Luchesi photos
Whef'e: Newport Beach Central
Library, 1000 Avocado Ave.
When: Through Sept. 13
Cost: Free
Contact: (949) 717-3801
Spon90Nd by: Kiwanis Club of
Newport Beach-Corona del M ar
Whent: Bahia Corinthian Yacht
Club, 1601 Bayside Drive
When: Noon
ConUc:t: (949) 852·1148
House ol Fitness
oner Corona del Mar
• Cet into Shape
•Decrease Body Fat
• Loot1 & Feel Your
• Nutritionist &
~al Therapist
• Bacrd1 WorWoub
Sponsored by:
Irvine Barclay
Theatre as part of the New
World Flamenoo Nlstival. The
Seville, Spain, company will
perform "Mas alla del nempo"
for the first time in the United
Where: Irvine Barclay Theatre, I 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine
When: 8 p.m. Friday and
Saturday. and 6 p.m. Aug. 18
Cost: $28-$38
Contect: (949) 854-4646 or
USED BOOK SALE 17 Sponeored by:
Friends or the
Newport Beach
Where: Newport Beach Cantrel
Library, 1000 Avocado Ave.
When: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . Saturday.
A special members-only preview
will be held 1 to 5 p.m. Friday,
with membership applications
available af the door.
Ccm: Boole.a will be priced at
"Bueti A Bag" Saturday. At the
preview, hardcover bookt will be
$1 for two and paperbadc.s will be
6 for $1. All proceeds will be
donated to the library system.
Contact (949) 759-9667
EErz~C!!S •
•tWIYA•DI ........ _ ...
' s M, T w T F s
1 2 a
4 5 .e 7 a 9 10
11 12 13 14 16 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2-3:.17th annual Hispanic Playwright.
s M T w T F s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
2: Labor Day
s M T w T F s
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
31: Halloween
The number of ptiblic partcs in
Newport Beach.
"You just don't want to
make any bogeys and I
didn't make any bogeys."
IOlh ......... COiltli Meia
°'Ya....-..... ' 11itC....M111iGo1aco..,a..» .............
MIMUID\eot-. . .,..
ai.1;11,.... .... .,._ ... UtYery. T.ylor W:>od, ic.t
c.tv.t •-Alttltwl Thomeon. Ed MaOtntlHI, Adem Mwth9M, Plltt1<:t
Cen9n ·-Jeff P9yne. Steve Butloc*,. Jr( Jeng. Mlc:h8el w.n.m..
SI-Eric Brougher, Ted Mamot.,
OfWg l.opel, 8reene Murphy ·-Den Smith, Eric Wtng. Doug
~Ryen Gele, Mel Collini,
.»ff Coburn, Bred Beumen
•-Jim Slmpeon, Tlm Moyera, Billy
Collopv, Jim Fuchs. Jr. Lowden, Eric •
Mendel, RI<* Nola,,, Blake Orgill,
Greg Seto
70-Jelce Allenec:h, Ry1n Armstrong,
Mike King, Keith Klntel, Jeff Lal.
Mark M.nwerlng. Jeff Ohlal'ld, Andy
Ovenofl, David SergNnt. J. D. Stem,
Setoni Suzuki
11 -Andy Andertc>n, Brennen Cec:b,
Mertt Chriltef'Wen, Tom Hug. Rlcherd
LM, John Lorenm, Tom McGreevy,
Scott Md.Aod, Alex Mungual,
Shinjlto Otani, Don.id Rhee, Jeff
Thomee • .)fwy v.qi-. Ceeey
72-DUn Rlmo, Gererdo ~
Ryne Rlndflei8ctl, DIVid Tl'OYRo,
Andrwl Price, Deen Peul90n, M•rtt
~ng, M.rtt "-· Chri8 Keyt., Sein o.ty, John Morrie
71-Robeft l<te"*• Eric Weia, Ed Su8olik. Byron Smith, Dmlk
Sdleepera, Regen KU9tMI, Oevld
~ly. Jim Jones, Derek Bedell, Peter
e.Mr, Denny lane, O.nny Oonov•n
lit-Chad TOW9ney, Doug T1mbera,
Jotwthlln Morgln. Bob Moore.
J9Nd GrMM, Chief Gonzale%. Steve
FNnc:fl. Glbriel Armendariz
1'1-Nlchol .. llodl, MlchMI Bleltaha,
~Cornell, Mlc:Nel W.llter,
Dennis Shlughneay, Rymn Ritter,
Stew Lepp, St.eve Kennedy, Andy
Homer, Rlndall Heredl•, Jol\llthan
r-o.ter, Vince Driecoll, Robert DeClerdc, Mlcheel C.rpetlt9r ..
1'1-Jon Chlmt>en, Omd
CrMMmen. John Glllee, Geoff
Gillon, Mn>n Genii, Merio
Guen-.ro, Zech Hllop, Kevin
Mc:K.Me. Sam Motg9n, Mlrtt
Running. Ry1n Snyder, Brien
.,,_._,~er .. Midwel Dlwil.
Bin o.eo.. RicNd Flnti, Robert
~Jon Frtedmen, Stewn
GlbtJs, London Gould. Til>ot
Komoloczy, EdM(d l.1Per1e, Kent
Ptitlffer, Chad RuaMll. Jig Simpeon.
• tp.,72)
Arwt .....
M -JlmKubeQ
•-Jemee WMlca
·-8rten MorWty, Scoll Helldenlott, IGrtt o.ncw, Robert
70-Martt Zlmmermln, DeY8
ShllftlN, Jones a.at... Bob
Fernenda. George Heetey, Paul
Wilfden, Todd l..ar9eon
7' -i<.ld'I eo..lo, JeO l<teul, Mike
Mc:Ginty, Bitty ,._,,
72 -Don Angef, Dennll Ridlerdl,
.John Steger ............
., -Rlndy L.a.dll
,. . i..or. Heneen. MM.
71 -Greg Boy, Thed Sends .......
71-l.-ry GtMt
71 -Joel.opm
lit-Len SerQn), ~herd
1'1-Robert Ounhem
•-.JenvHwdv 77-Jemee a.ker
79-WMf s...twwv. °""* kllf\ ~Holmes
SpotU Eclllor Roeer Cattson • 1949) 574-4223 • Spotts Fu.: 19491650-0170
Tbree-w_ay logja01
Lavery, Wood, Calvert all
six-under; 22 players
shoot under par on Mesa
Linda course Saturday,
but defending champion
struggles in first round of
Costa Mesa City
Richard Dunn
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -As daylight ap-
proached for the first g6lfers Sarurday
morning and an ocean breeze cooled
the afternoon players, what transpired
was a wild first round ln the 30th an-
nual Costa Mesa City Championships
at Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub.
The shorter of the two city-owned
municipal golf courses, Mesa Llnda.
played havoc on the defending cham-
pion, Big Canyon Country Oub's Ml.Ice
Carpenter, but played right into the
hands of nine amateurs who finished
within five strokes of the lead in the
championship flight
Mike Lavery of Irvine, a member of
UC Irvine's men's golf team, blitzed
Mesa Llnda with a 6-under 64 and will
take a one-shot lead into today's final
round, along with Taylor Wood and
Ken Calven. A stroke back at 65 is the
quartet of Patrick Carrigan, Adam
Mashall, Ed McGlasson and Andrew
Thomson. Another quartet is two
strokes off the pace.
"Everybody lcnows it's a pretty short
course and it's the kind of course
where you're pretty much guaranteed
to have some birdies," Lavery said.
"You just don't want to make any bo-
geys and I didn't make any bogeys."
Lavery, who will be a UCI senior, fin-
ished tied for first last month in the
Southern Califomla Amateur Champi-
onahip and lost in a playoff.
Battale resumes this afternoon on
the longer Los Lagos course (6,542
yards) for the title. Brougher, a fonner
Costa Mesa starter, won the first light
last year. Collopy is a Newport Harbor
High product.
Carpenter, attempting to become
only the third player to repeat as Costa
Mesa champion, was hoping to light a
fire of birdies for his Big Canyon four-
some in the first round, which in-
cluded Will Tipton, Danny Donovan
and Jones Cup Ill champion Danny
"I thinlc we were trying to hit too
long a drives," said Lane, who, along
with Donovan, shot 73, while Tipton
was 1-over 71 and Carpenter 5-over 75
to faU 11 strokes off the pace.
Carpenter, who qualified last month
for the U.S. Amateur Charnpio{l.Ship
Aug. 19-25 at Oaldand Hills Country
Oub in Birmingham, Mich., lost his
ball on one hole and felt he never
really got going in the right direction in
the round
•Nothing went right." said Carpen-
ter, humbled by the game follQwing
rounds of 66, 63 and 63 on Mesa
Unda. "lbe greens were in good
shape. It was just one of those days ...
somebody had to ma.lee birdie, and,
you know, that gets contagious. But It
didn't wodt out today. You learn on
days lilce this. Hopefully I'D play better
tomorrow and get ready for next
Mike Lavery, who plays for UC Irvine, drives the fairway of the 18th hole
during the Costa Mesa City Championship Saturday. Lavery shared a
one-stroke lead with Taylor Wood and Ken Calvert with a score of 64.
After playing in his first U.S. Arna·
teur Championship this month, Car-
penter said he'll probably register to
play in the PGA Tour Qualifying Tour·
nament this faU for the 6rst time.
"I'm single. I'm young. I don't want
any regrets." said Carpenter, 29, who
added he realizes that playing in a
tournament is much different than
playing with your country club bud-
"At the U.S. Amateur, I'll be going up
against the top collegiate guys, guys
who are going to be on tour, so it will
be a good test for me . . . I thinlc I'm
pretty tough when it comes to tourna-
ments. except (Saturday)."
Following Lavery in the first round is
a slew of close pursuers,Jncluding Jeff-
rey Payne, a Garden Grove resident
who made seven birdies and shot 4·
under 66 b ut was actually disap·
pointed with his round.
"Jlm (George) can teU you." Payne
said, pointing to one of the players in
hJs group .
"I could've shot 59. I had a bad
fourth hole and a bunch of putts
wouldn't drop. l was playing with my
buddies: Payne also bogeyed the last
hole, the 381-yard par-4 18th.
With a tournament record 376
player entries, tournament director
Sean Collins said that figure •blows
away" last year's previous record,
which was 320. "That shows how good
the golf course is: Collins said.
Collins, also a Costa Mesa teaching
pro and first assistant under head pro
See GOLF, PqeA12
• Daily~PikJt. ....... ,,,_ ,.....,.... ..........
Sonday. Aulust 11. 2002 All ,
Jim George chalks up No. 30.
Mr. Classic
the march
Jim George won the
first Costa Mesa City
Championship in
1973, and hasn't
missed one since.
Richard Dunn
Daily Pilot
D espite a shaky round
on the Mesa Llnda golf
course Saturday in the
30th annual Costa
Mesa City Otampionships at
Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub,
original champion fim George
still remembers that delightful
summer afternoon in 1973 like it
was yesterday.
George. the only golfer to play
in every Costa Mesa City
Championship (Connerty lcnown
as the Will Jordan Oassic), was a
San Diego State player at the
time and recalled that his
mother insisted he return home
to Costa Mesa for the summer
and find a job.
·1 wanted to play golf that
summer, and I was hired at
Fedco," said George, a 1970
Estancia High graduate who
played at 5:30 am. every
morning that summer before
clocking in at the department
store which no longer exists.
"I decided to play in this
tournament," added George,
who carded a I -under 69 on the
Mesa Llnda course ln the first
round and found himself six
strokes off the lead.
Roger Calvin, a future PGA
Thur player, shot 63 ln the
opening round, but posted a
smooth n on the second day as
George won by two shots.
~1 was playing with Joe
Simpson, Soon Simpson's dad,
and I made the tum at 33, but
still didn't lcnow where I was (on
the leader board). Then they told
me at 12 I was in the lead,"
George said. ·1 couldn't believe
it I was a little nervous. butl was
able to lceep it together."
George, then 21, finished with
See GEOftGE, P .. eA12
Benny Ricardo .
An NFL veteran for 11 years and Costa Mesa High
alumnus, Ricardo has gone from writing for the Pilot
to hosting a San Diego radio show.
drive from the audience and I k:noW
going out there that I WW make them
laugh and control their emotion&. 'Ibat
comes from preparation."
For ftw years Ricardo hai been the
aporu dftctor and rnomblg radio lhow
host for 103.7 Planet FM. a San
Diego·bued radJo •don. He tmleil
nationwide to do ..net-up COmedy Na. and wll perform Aus. 13--18at1:30
and 10'.30 p.m. It Hlmh't in la~ ·Humor• dw ....... God1"9 me.. Rk:ardO .a.i "'
Bui Ranlo mlPt not be ....... ................ ---:z.:. I II ...... ~ .. ............... U.l•ID
Caoi-.ikill ·-.... t.ae»-a., ID HllltfDftL
Continued from Al 1
Brad Booth, knows the Mesa
Unda course as weU as anybody.
Last winter, Collins shot a
course-record 12-under 58. Ja-
mje Varnum held the previous
record at 59. The Los Lagos
course record is 10-under 62 by
Bryan SaJtus, now a member of
Canadian Tour and the last
player to repeat as Costa Mesa
city champion (1995-96). John
Wardrup (1990-91) is tht: only
other player to win back-to-back
Costa Mesa titles.
Major championship winners
Marie O'Meara (1979) and Scott
Simpson (1974) won Costa Mesa
titles before their PGA Tour ca-
reers. O'Meara won the 1998
Masters and British Open; Simp-
son won the 1987 U.S. Open.
With tee times at 5:50 a.m., be-
fore sunrise, Collins said no
Oashlights were necessary, but
caddies stood out"m the falrway
to help golfers see a target.
"You don't use much (sight),
anyway, when you're teeing off.
You use your senses." Collins
said. "You've just got to feel the
Defending champion Michael Carpenter (above) tees off on No. 18
Saturday. left. Costa Mesa entry Mark Les shows his form on No. ·16.
Below, Danny Lane chips from a steep downslope on No. 17 during
first-round action.
Continued from A 11
a 2-under 69 on Los Lagos to win the inau-
gural Costa Mesa City Olampionship with a
69-6~138. '
"That was a long lime ago," George said
Saturday, after posting a cool 83 on Mesa
Unda to fall out of contention. "Whoever
would've thought that this tournament
would have this kind of history."
George, referring to past Costa Mesa win-
ners such as Mark O'Meara (1979) and Scott
Simpson ('74), both major championship
victors on the PGA Tour, said it is an honor to
play in the Costa Mesa City Ownpionships.
MI'm not as good as I used to be: said
George, who a.t SO is eligible for senior golf
events. ·rm getting old. I'm on the downside
of a mediocre career."
George, who worked at Santa Ana Country
Oub for 2J years before retiring in 1999, is
still in the golf business. selling golf equip~
ment and accessories.
Of his record 30 straight appearances in
the Costa Mesa City Ownplonship. George
said only once did be ever come reasonable
close to missing a tournament, but he has
Mnever come close to missing it."
In 1995, George boarded a plane for Las
Vegas on a Sunday ntght following the sec-
ond round to attend a golf Industry conven-
tion, but there was never a conflict. "I won
some script that year, too," George saJd, re-
"I was playing w ith Joe
Simpson, Scott Simpson's dad,
and I made t he turn at 33, but
still didn't know w here I was
(on the leader board). Then
they told me at 12 1 was in t he
lead. I couldn't believe it. I was
a little nervous, but I was able
to keep it together:'
ferring to one of his three top-1 O finishes in
the event.
George, who lives in Lake Forest. placed
second In the Santa Ana City Cl1amplon'ship
ln 1993 and qualified for the 1995 Southern
CallfomJa Amateur ClwnplonshJp at Santa
Ana Country Oub and 1997 California State
Amateur, but nothing tops the first Costa
Mesa title, accomplWled before Henry
Aaron broke Babe Ruth's all-time home run
record and before Tiger Woods was born.
"This tournament puts a lot of pressure on
me. I try too hard/ Geotge saJd. ·1 don't per-
form as well as I'd like. But, now that I'm 50, I
can play In senior eventa, but I haven't done
that yet." .
Even the Costa Mesa City Olamplonship
otren a senior division, but George declines
to oompete in the championship ftlghL
Continued from Al 1
stn.ight field goaJs without a
mJss Inside 40 yards, at the time
an NFL record
memory. You can't do anything broadcasting everytblnc from
about what's already happened. college football bowl games to
All you can do 18 take care of NFL Monday rUgbt and plllyotf
In 1983 with the Vlkinp he
booted 25 of 30 field goal
In 1985, the yeatNhlelgh was attempts for 106 points, helping
born. RJcardo retired after l l them to a 9· 7 record.
yeu1 u a kicker in the NFL wtth KJcldng a game·wlnnlng ftelc!
the Detroit lions, Buffalo Bllls, goal and m1ss1ng one ue a one
New OrtelDI Saints. Minnesota can expect. on two oppollte
~ -s.n Diego OW'gers. aides of the emodoMf tpeCttUm, Rk:aido met bit Ont wife accordlnc to Rlc:mdo.
~had a.de. deal that •1t'I the peatest ~In the
IUClrilD Would redre from the wodd." Mid Rk:ll'do ~
NFL to .pei9d man lime with about~ a pme·wlnnlna ~ -~comedy, • fleld goal "lbu'w pnpmtd
eport1 ~Md Mlness younelf your Whole Ilia to do It
once AlblifF. Wll bom A lot ollt fa IDllltal.......,
auano--noilOubeathat ~ablltMl'I~ he . .-...~...,.; 'lbeonen 11JtielD
"AiGIW w a bliil. ·he .met. Is m'1 ' •• llld p.1
,. ......... ~ can stUI .... ...,... ... ..
~~··.... uprtcht1Dd91» ..... .. .... _. .... ,...._... thelrereo .. ••~•-.. • M _,.. ....... 29 Is ,OU l.weo ........ .
what ls about to happen." football pme1 to Top Rank
The thrills followed Ricardo 8oJdng ftabta.
from the football fteld to the He coventd Johnny,_. tn
print, televiajon and radJo his tint tight for the P8oi at the
iegrnents of the media u be lrvtne Marriott in 1917 md ._
wrote coh.unns for the Diiiy Gnce annowced dole.., 400 •
Pilot about bk apmtencel In tel* for P.5PN lntemedonll
the NFL and wwetitd bWe ldlOOI wl Direct TV In Spinllbt
footbal 1111* ID the lllae IOI. • £nalWI and~ ·~aa lbl,.,., wu Rk:ardo wmta to...,. •
one oftbe ~ Wrtq hopee to publllb a book ~Ol~llltbl ortwomdillOWW.IO tauaht me boWtD be~ umounce NFL 1111* In
to real md Ihm to pul woldi .........
doWil ........ " Rlclldo e.ld. ., 'Ile cdl Moniq\M9 .. .....
a.d It, I coulditt....... Mind" ind idOM ... ..
mt +•" dineWldablr..t•1111--.
Sliidflln 1-••• .,....., .... ~-~ ~-...... , I I I .......... . .............. _.. 11(" ... llld;
" 2? ............. ,.. ......... o.Nm ... llr-' m'1pl • ._. .... ...., ... _.
Recalling a .
sterling Tar
He earned 1.6 letters
in all with Sailors.
t.O.name an all-league squad
that year.
, MacMlllian thought it was
0 ne of the most
outstanding versatile
athletes to play all
major sports at
Harbor Wgb ln the early days
was the late Tum McC.orkell,
Class of 1944.
McC.or:kell, who died two
years ago of Parkinson's
Disease, had advanced his
career in years past to become
a successful architect in Laguna
He scored high marts all
through hJgh school and
eventually could tally up 16
letters In athletics, which is
among the records from
yesteryear. One recall
had him listed for
eight ~ity letters
and eight lightweight
interesting to note that
McC.ockdJ won first place in the
All-CIF high hurdles in '44,
although it featured some
htlmor and oonfusion.
After McC.o!Xell was calJed
the winner, there was some
questionable event lingering in
the bac~d It prom{>ted
Newport Coach Ralph Reed to
quickly exclaim, "Go get a
burger. Tum.• And he did
Upon his return. which
munching the sandwich.
officials indicated they would
run It again since they had
unintentionally run nine
tracksters across eight lanes,
which was illegal.
The sly Reed
protested, pointing to
Md:orkell consuming
his "lunch-time
Out of some nervous
chit-chat, the officials
chose to run the race
again, but award a
duplicate·Gold medal
to McC.orkell on the
Roger Neth, a
member of the champ
'42 grid team with
Md:orkell and a
former police chief for
Costa Mesa and Irvine,
was one of the
athlete's companions
in Costa Mesa days.
DON sidelines.
Boles, another CANTRELL versatile athlete, said
Neth said. "Tum was
a very popular guy and a great
all-around athlete. In football,
he was quiet, but quick."
Md:orkell was not a giant
arhiete, but Neth said he
managed weU at 5-foot-9,
weighing 145 pounds.
Few classmates remember
McC.orkeD from later years, but
Neth said he did appear at the
20-year reunion in 1964.
Fonner gridmates Joe Muniz,
Bill Van Hom, Glynn Boies and
Rod MacMillian all remember
him as a fine gentleman, a
well-disciplined athlete,
friendly and a bright studenL
MGCorkell was a running
guard for the legendary fullback
Harold SbeWn on the champ
'42 grid team, but was shifted to
blocking back under Les Miller
ln '43 since former coach
Wendell Pickens had left for the
Navy after World War U opened.
Named "Tur of the Year" in
'44, McC.orkell had also earned
raves in basketball.
In t'act. Harbor's All-CIF
forward Bud Attridge recently
said. "Tummy McC.ork.eU always
made me look good. He was
not a ilashy guy but he was a
quJet guy and a sharp team
Attridge recalled one game
"where they double-teamed me
and Tummy scored 20 points.
Then they chose to guard him
tightly and 1 was clear to score
22 points." That prompted a
laugh in reflecting back.
McC.orkell earned the
excellent player trophy in the
annual Huntington Beach
lburnament In '43. He was a
heavy fawrite for the All-Sunset
conference officials chose not
there was one big
disappointment in basketball in
'44 ..
MWe won the Sunset League
championship and qualified for
the ClF playoffs, but Principal
Sid Davidson ruled against it,
because the war was on and he
didn't want the school using up
any gasoline for the school bus.
He was a very conservative
man," he said. adding. "there
were no Clf playoffs for us that
But Boies, an ace pitcher on
the • 44 The baseball team,
remembered that McCo!XeU
was also a sterling baseball
McCorkell. captain of the '44
horsehide club. wound up with
a batting average of .531, which,
at the time, was the best bitting
mark in the history of Harbor
The star athlete had played
both third base and in the
outfieJd in four years of
The team won six of 10
games In Miller's first year as
the baseball coach.
And Miller once said he
moved Md:orkell and Carl
Oberto to the football backfield
in '43 because the '42 team had
graduated all but three of Im
outfit. The war bad drawn most
of the players Into the military.
Miller said Md:ork:ell did not
have great speed, but was shifty
and quick in his running
Boles remembered one last
gathering with McC.orkell
during a later year at USC when
he invited the Conner grid mate
to join his fraternity and he
accepted the bid.
Celebratq-the Daft Pilot's
Athlde ot1he WeelC series
D -Chri1 Monachelli
Orange Coast
Tredl and field, ·oo
11-Ryan Inman
Corone del Mar
Volleyball, '02
._ ....... ..
Mn ..... .
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The bidding:
NORTll EAST t• ...... INT Pa. .._ ,,_
•• Pass ... .._
Opening kad: 1Wo of •
Study the d11gnam above. The d:ln-
ger to South'~ sf*ie ttamc should be
ohv1ous -1hal the heart fi~Je will
fllll and the dwnond ace w1U be off.
side. Can anythmg be done to counter th•, pcrvClliC he of the earth'
Nace Nonh'ir onc-no-uump rebid
de'p1tc holding c.11cellent three-card wppon (Of South', MJll lllld lacking I
diamond sropptr Wi1h n nu mini-
mum. 11 •~ 1mpon1111t to limit the h;and
~soon as ~1ble. Switch the two or
d1wrl<llltb to clu~. and the '-pade
rai~ would he more palatable.
Knowing there would be wasted val-~ m cfu~. South lo-;t nll intere:.t in
1am n ICUkd ror rour ~ Wea pJI otr k> die mmt leld ol 1
low lrUmp end docUret" ..... raiion-~ wilh die dllnlmy lbll
oonll'ICt -~Oii lridlna one ol two cMtil end having the time ID lie« bod! II
pn:«y IOI.Ind. Bui ahouJd you loot DO dce&>er Into the hand. you n doomed
IO (allure. · •
••Did you find the extl'I dWIQC 10
bring home the *°'1 even if both
cards are \YIOll&? ff IO, 8Cccpt our ~oogrutuladons -it ii not easy lO
spot the winnlnJ line. Win the opc:n-
lng spllde lead in dummy and ruff a
club. Cross beck to the table with a
trump and, ruJT IWlOthu club, then
cash lbc ace Ind king of hearts and
lead 'the king of cluti.. '
If EaSI cvvcn with lbc ace, ruff an(!
lead a hear\ toward the jack, and you
are still safe if dcbeT key red card ill
favorably localed. If East doe. not cover, instead of rufrt.ng. simply dis-
card a hean from hand! You have
convened a 75-peroen& cMnoe into a
West tS fllCed with ttn.c losing
~iom. A club yields a rull'-41uff: a
diamond seu up your king: and lf
West elll.IS with a low beaut. simply
put up the jack. That either del ivet'S a
1nct Ul'VIMldiluely or. if East covet1
with the queen, thoboanl'1 13th heart
wiU take care of one diamond lmer
there is 5till a trump entry to
dummy. And Ibis line gives you
another chance IO collect the fulfi 11-
ing trick -dropping I doublccoo
Rental To Sime 6030
CdM le-tlful Tro lvl
condo, hko new 2br 2ba,
4blk to ocn 5undeck,
lncty. Ip, vault c81. stor ••
lem pref S950m+hrst &
hut 949-675·8737
4Br+ofc. 4ba family
home at quiet end of
Island $5500/mo yrly.
Angela/rllr 949-723-0653
see this onel Oversized
Newly Ramodaled One
Bdrm in CdM. Huce patios, tons of closet
space. Pets Welcome.
Only $13401 Hurry loc
won't last. 8118-561·1546
Apt. llr s ..... FOSll hi.
New paint. cab6a int•net.
balcony « pvt patio no/ PIC/srT* SUiO 9&219-<m1 SIMill'. a;;;: 21r, lie,
Bill Corona 2 Blks, patio,
cwp«t. Sl500/mo, lease
NB/Ocean Ylew rooms,
Oceanfront/22nd pvt rm, unlurn. share ba.
utls pd, n/5mkc. k1tch eneltt, lndry, I block lo
Newport Poer, $660/mo
Cati Sam at 949 278 7905 (between 91 Sp)
Balboa Penlnsuta
Oc-fr-t ot 19ftt St,
furn'd modern condo, fp,
view, 1mmac winier, 3br
2.5ba, 949·673-1943
l'rlv.te •-w/balh 31r 21• dpla. upper.
Newport home Sep enl. 1••. w/d, 11111. Ip. w•ler
no kit. quoel n/smlVpeb pd, ocn vu, nu/pnVctpt
fiDn ud nd !M!Mill 5111 S2400mo 949 722 7 ~
Balboa Island
Se. loyfr-t 2Br S 1950
view of bay/boah lBr
ll 795 Irie. W/O, aaraee.
patio. 949 673-3059
Y-ty 21r 11• w/e-,
$1650/Me. Oc-~31r21•
Wlffter le"'el
Otlten Aveli.a.lel
Aued .tod leelty
c-si.... .. furn wllly
rental overlookmc beach
& ocean Avail Aue •nd
Sept Bev White, Prud
Ca Realty 949·219·2402
•~21r11e lc 1ar, no pets, SI 500tno BJ Johnson 949/721
0132 Prud. C11if. Rulty
TWililtH Apt 28r 1'1>8• nr shopsibdl. Avl now F p,
1 pr sc>. pvt P8fJO, n/pet/
~ 316 Maro-it• sum
3br 2ba, New ClnlPill*i
Ip, frt 1d. 1 c ,,,,., S2«n'
mo without p . szm'mo.
c.1N SAT~ 12-2JOO 60l~~l3
Upsule Corona Hoch·
land~ 3+2 house le deck,
drive by 524 Seaward Rd
Key access to pvt beach.
Lse $2600 949-673·9336
S. of "" Hr 21Mi, fp, w/d hk-ups, fric, French
doors, frnt y11d. nu/crpV
pnt S2600 949-400-0355
Hit'! ...,-CMlefl, wCIHl to ~ch, 3br 2ba house,
fp, car. w/d. n/pel:s,
$2700/mo. 949·6« 4003
Eal«M 28r 191 Aw-._, close
343 RetchHtlf. 'Hl'Y pvt, to bch, hUI• rtmodlled
beautiful cond, $1750/ Studio. Nwpt Hafttl, Fp,
mo. •st. 949·642·6438 lots of ctoMt space, utls
l'•IN <vte Pr lie pd SlJOOm 949·515·2969
COlflllleltly renovated, 2c IAY5'01 VIUMI
1ar, 111& yard, HO PETS. 2Br 281, 1ppls1 carport, Sl850mo 949·548·5&01 porch, pool, apa, Marina
•Newer 41, 1•1.a.. Sl500mo+ 949/723-1200
1500sf hOUH W/'tard, l"t '---.. tile lint cond (no &•r) 2c i.-t ef M.I. C-
prknt ap1ces) $2200/mo enjoy our 28r 281,
n•il now. 138 Santa Newly remodeled, tiled
lsabll IA. •AIM 2• counter top•, dl•h·
1*/•le, 900sf, ne-. wisher Included. Pets
alnt cond, nail now WelcorM. Only $1,5851
Sl750/mo. 138 S1nl• Cell Todey. 888·~1-
lsaMI, IB. Drtw• ~ & 1546
pklt!pW.f!rw. "-lier W_. 2br 2ll1
l'•IN ~ IMI-condo, w/d, fr!&. new "--· 2291 Le Pl.ye tlll/crpt, f!ltio, fp, 2c Or. 3br, den, 2.5b1. 1ar $1800, 71•·393-1925
f0tmal din, wetblr, 2fps, llwffa S., 1,1..., • mstr suite. Y•unt 8/16 Mlleeh, ..,., ......
$2 ........... D...w ._...... 2 ....
Pfllff, 949-7,U -6074 Sitts). Mr-7'5'-0990
fflnll ...... VILLA IALMA $2,075.
Double M8R Sult1S 111 &•led, vound level, Huie Oedl Monl Oen Yu
tropical &rounds, hwbor MaryAnn McGuire
area, fp, w/d, car. Sll 50/ 949·646-6770
mo. Aft 714-997·3993 Prudential C1 Reatty
NlwplltlllCll Jlr He ....... s..,._
iiiim:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii to bl•ch, Fp, 2c 11•. 1 -year leas•. no pets,
S2100/mo 626-359·•539.
Ocee1tfre11t Wl1tt•r
rentel 2br l.5Ba. fp, I&
sundeck, ctr. w/d, frlc,
$2200/mo. 949·515·3636
•-•coolote Jlr 2.Sh
townhome Golf courH
vi.ws, $2600/mo. KM•n, •at 949-759-3741
bee c...-on presti-
q1ou~ B1yhlll Or, coif
course vus 2br 2.5ba, 2c
111. W/O, pool, sp1,
welcht rm S2800m yrly
fr•••• 1•••• llr zia., 2c pr I '-· .....
c.11, fp, .. petlO, *2.J1!tl
-..,. Mt·71H1•
... Mllll .,.
l"9W _...., fOf col·
.... sonior atudlnt, NV
hlstory/Wutern Clv. hp, ref, .,,aci1I Ed
1111ptut 949-548·4287 -.....--ArCil•tec--''""' ... ullls full·tlm• Office
Assistant. RequltH SOf'lll
hHvy llftln1. 1ood
communications & ln-
lMP1fson1I slllM., qre•
ntiatlon1t slillls, pOsltlve
attltu* & SOfM com·
puter up. R•ll•bll car
& lood dl'1vif11 record •
must. Faa resumes only
to 949·574-1338. c • ....., ... s-1 .....
Rewerdin1 positions to
provide in-home com
panionshlp. homem•k·
in&. err•nd:s. fie• PT tvs
or 24 ht .jhift.s, Ctr
req'dl n4-444-4881
Dance Teacher, teach
be&lnln& Billet & lip. Must love kids, call 714·
Hair salon·St1tion •v.11.
Affordable rent in sr11t
NB arH. Ptnse have
own cllentel 714· 993·
"-,,_. fvtwe, work from home. Perion1I
trainln1 provided. free
Info. 888-238·884 I WWW opportunity4wealth.com
Werk tr-.._., mail
order/lntetnel Up lo
$5,000/mo. FT/PT full
tuininc. 800-677·7619
Motllcel Asahte•t
needed for front/back office. Mm 2 years .. p.
on Primary C1re or OB/
GYH. S1lary nee Please fn resume 714-327 1290
d•tl base fqml. 10·
20hrs per wk. PC up,
ACT/QBooks. E·m•il res
plt@pa1 parson c;om
PT IAK • ......,, ... I .
Country Club occaslonal
eveniop., Cell 949-644
f•perlenced, for Coron•
del Mar facility. Call Lisa
llTAll SALIS. E.ttenslve
Tralnonc Provided Chi
caeo base field '1kl&
A&ency seels FT, h1ch
TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE • clients in L.A. llH. EOE
FM/f•mell Attn: L.A. I
ener1y level field Ml<tc
Reps. Respons.blt fOf
conductin& promotlon•I
1ctiVities for tobacco
---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 312·787-$219
1 Loafer maybe
5 Audit aoes
9 Connect (2 wds )
14 I tesnate
19 Zorba portrayer
20 llcle over
21 ·-kldChf191•
22 San Al'llQllK>
23 lmmerseo
24 Lhasa -
25 Blender button
4:'1> Kelly s C0-'1051
27 Gatllef leaves
28 Frequently
30 Suspiaous 01
32 1950s record
34 Salt Lake City player
35 Foochon
36 Moose cntcher
37 Therefore
40 Tnvtal
42 Decks out
44 Egg souroP
45 WI.id
47 Stomach mu~
49 eon .. bf ewer
82 Style
85 Pocket Change
80 Soup holdcf
91 wasp
95•Just - -
9G Curdled
98 Geu or Musial
100 Close-mouthed
102 Adjust tne length
104 Make Nke a snake
1 ~ Acom Dearer
106 Hearttell
107 Tightwad
100 Ctly on the Trt:>er
109 Some JFK arnvals
110 Tea cake
111 Spljn1er
113 Put up looo
114 Mil rank
t 16 Fairy-tale betno
t 18 Livy's hello
119 Put a er-ease 1n
122 Stanng a1
l?fl Alwa)I!'
1 ~ LOW voices
13t Snug retreat
1 Uke 90f'ne trea9Ufe
2 Go bec:J(paclllng
3 -·lradl mmd
4 ProVlde 11.a'ldt
5 T.ik casually
6 Energy
7 Nonwrnn« (hyph.)
8 Porous
9 Spelling error
10 Promtse to pay
11 SpaniSh or French
12 Emerald Isle
13 Hequtres
14 Pfetlx for house
15 Tawm fare
18 Fuzzy
17 Gives light -
18 Kentuci<y Derby
230\1 barrel
29 Galof Bowl site
3 t Mexicali 5f'ladls
36 Moon, poetically
37 Misjudges
38 Tlghtdr ...
30 Chatty stalling
41 Numsku"
76Prldcle n More lemony
79 Ceromonlal firo
01 Trtal 1oca1e9
8" Decays
8S Goa out wtvl
80 Physicist -New10n
87 Smallef ttwn mini
92 PFC's superkn
94 Reproving CIUdCS
96 Hard metal
97 Hl1S the t>all hard
99 Cloudy
101 Deeply felt
t03 -out a 11-.ing
104 wt1et
107 Swiveling
106 Saeam and shout
109 Dtny plaoe
112 SIOeways
113 Hope and Crosby,
onen (hypti )
115 A1l1 up
117 Cooling devloe
120 Far
121 Ebrowed
123 Catch fire
connects9h0tmall50"' _ n So-'-Blby/Qlld's tum
& acc.u slofe in H8 Prd,
lwd ---.. call ... ~~1 -
IMW '021251 $388/MO
Odown lease On Approved Ctedot
Fle1t terms • 17f>536
'02 XS3.0 $515/MO
0 down lease
On Approved Ctedlt.
Flu terms IP5'4557
'02 USOO $42S/MO
Odown lea••
On Approved Cre(lit.
Flu terms #033583
... ,..,, .... _... ....... . .... .,, dnt ... .
........ 0 .... ..... ...... , .. ....... ..... -... .....•
""" flll I W.IM't ..... ~1211· ........ 1 ...
a.. ......... , ....
' ... •wd, wht. 1loys, loUed, clHn. 7111,
$14,500 obo ...,3'21tl8
DOOCH•T ... 'M
White, low miles, Vlf't
1ood cond1Uon
$4500 949·548-4806
...... a-'9S HOO.
Cummins• 011111 lon1·
bed truck 94k ml, stick
shill, &rffn, V•V Int, very clean cond v304-U6
$10!995 firm fin1nc1ne n• I, Bkr 94&-586 1888.
....... 1~-u...
C1r10 Van E250 U ·
t11161d, Y8, 0ti& owner
lrom new. Whltt/blk Int,
bHul orlt cond, fin •v•ll
vinU927l S3995 firm Bkr 949-516-1 lal
J-4 '97 r..,._.,.v_.,
loaded. dnf cond, 6311 ml. Whitt/tan, Sll,950
949·275-1350 Pl>
Jertl 'HJ-ISO XCAl1 alM,f/,,..er,loetl•411, .. 17521 $17,97'
,_.. '01 • .,,.., ... -t•, ........... eleys IAUSIS $21,9t6
, ..... '99 ,.,,.., ...
vert ~a-. certlfletl
1194791 $1~976
Fertl '00 T-SIS
...... lllZ'" 300f. Leaftd, U.111 ...._a out 19 w .
Mll<DH<l80 .. 7
ltJw, bfk,tvetlttlll&.,.I
Tlliti.1___,Cerll IW9111• 111, ....
MIKIDll <U4M ..
Ytr y nlca Coupe. flllwtaselRld. IYJI 11112 S4J,900
MllCIDU MU2e '91 Wlllte. loaded,
very very cllenl
IWAOl724t $2',900
POH<HI 911 'la
Pl'ltlY Cl(, vtry cleanll •JSl2167a $24,900
AUDIA4 '99
Blue, lmm11eul1telll
F 11lly lo1dldl IXA2JSl91 $21,900
IMWS40f'97 C•llf .. car, e\ltfy option.
• lttw sat& weM mamt. IY9WS412S $11,900
Silver ptlstine condition
and 11 shows!ll
IJ1l.H2010S $50,900
IMW3tsl '94
While convertible,
extremely nice car.
IRJ033784 Sl9,900
evte, f /rwer., t. Mllea MorcHeto •a1 S60Sl 124664 S 14•976 crum puff. wht/t•n ltlw,
fe;.ta_,., '01 XCAI showroom, chrome, 2
4dr, at...-lde, tops, $16,750 714-751·2464
t A09122 $17,976 Nit-'96 200SX SE·R
Svpenr.w ,_..._,, cd, allo'/a,
•A2927S $2 .H S
ca..vy '00 Mebl!.v lS
!titer,.,_ rMf, •r. •261356 $14,9 6
fertl '97 T-rva SGl
wt•, ec. very ct... •131652 511,976
fonol '99 T-rva SI wt•. 6 cyt, .... ,.. ...
$224506 s 1 J,976
T11"4we .... , .........
Fertl '9$ 1-..rr XU
4 c'tl, JOit m1 6 sl!lfl, camper shell w/catpel,
41/l" hit, chrm •his, CO,
beaut 01111 cond,
vt567912 flft BY•tl $4995
Bkr 949·S86 1888.
Showrm, 36k, red, auto,
loaded. moonrl, alloys,
wine $7500 714-751·2464
Porsche '71 91 ll Coupe,
Sllnr. xtnt inside & out, SI0,000 Firm, 760·320·
T•<t•t• '92 Terc.t
avac. ton avail, crut
Trampo<lation earl
#180036-3180 $4,695.
s..loerw 'ts a.pre ..
ps/b/w/cc/tiH, stereo.
cass. moontoof. alloys
•144027 2915 $'9995.
v .... .__ '91 Jetht
moonroof, alloys
•144027-2915 $9.995.
"-"• '97 Civic UC SD ..
ec/ps./b/w/l/m/cc Fertl '93 T-rv• Grey I014532·3047 $9,995. 4dr, auto, ps, a/c, pb,
1ood cond. current Ill'/ smoa S3500 714. 313 03911
H...de '9a Accertl lX auto, 4 cyl, 67k m1, atnl
cond. dark creen ext/tan
lthr ml, ac, p/wmdow/ doors. cc. on duh cd,
Sl2,800/obo 714 803
9204 J...,., '93 XJS 6cyl,
2+2, Coupe, 6911, British
racinc &rHn. tan llhr. moonrf, chrome whl~.
buut cOtod Sl0,995. "457219 8kr 949-586-1!118
J••ll' c •• , ...... '97 lar..._ 4a4 15 mo w111.
V 8, at, ac. lthr int.
f/pwr. cstm whls/lwes, Sl4,75J) 949 642 270?
J.ep '9S Grw.t ~
101k mita. 1 ownr. •II records, very clean
S6995 (949) 631-3241
.._.. a-er '96 IMcowry
Greel\/tan ont, ti.auhlul
ou1on1I condthon Sl3,W..
Ion & w111 na~ v•57291
Bkr 949-516-1111
leicvs '9 I lS 400 a Int
cond. 102tl m1, pearl whV
er y rnl, all records,
loaded. 1 owner, Hniof
clt1zen, v~y clf!an, pp,
$10.200 (949) 640·7402
.._... '91 Ctvk s.4-
ac/ps/b/hlt, must seel
•597440·3068 Sl0,995.
Fertl T--'00 SIS
alloys, 6 cyl, low ml
'242942 2835 Sl0.995.
MerNrt '99 SeMe LS
6 cyl, ac/ps/b/w/dl/m/
cc/hlt/•bs. stereo CHS, moon roof, alloys
1618849·3166 Sl0,995.
miles, fin nail.
1076285-3291 SU.995.
Teyeto '00 C9"1e Cl
11/ec/ps/b/w/dl. tilt, cd,
021181 $12,595
......... 9.Ac-<M'tl
•1439 3237 SIZ.995.
........... v .. .._.
SELL ,. ...... ...........
What happens tt you don't
can the Classifieds (949) 642-5678
53 Tcxtt>ook d'Vlciom;
57 AaOf Bndges
60 Soda-<:an oponor1
62 Song ol l11umph
Ci3 CIMfHll
t32 Web 91te. '°' 9tlort
13'1 Thousand, ID a yegg
135 Dover'& 5l
136 f'tord
137 El09CS
138 Putter's org
139 r ou1 mood
1«> Sola
-'13 Causes a bl!Aef
46 Midday broak
''8 Mat\'elout
51 Slmpy'1 pal
52 Jets Jortti
54 More c:n111y
55 Uptight
124 Simon and Diamond
125 Felc:hes
128 L.opat of sportt
128 "1l\e King• STARTING
65 Env!lon morntor
00 Cleans a fish e1 l.acked, b11et1y
88 Cruwdl11g logt1th~
69 Vouciler
71 MIKer tor rum
72 Flf8Side
74 Compass dlr
142 Ascend
144 Motolcal nelght>or
141! Slow mowrs
1 ~ Epic of Troy
1 o48 Degas contemporary
150 SOho 11ree1car
1!H P\Jmmels
5e Phllo9ophers
130 Paci{ animal
137 Dole ou1
138 Mountain lton
139 Polle> vaoclne
Le.-....... ......
Giid W/t.M lttW, ... pwt,
ttlOll $1S,llO
..... 51'91 .....
Wllltlw/!aft.....,,auto fuflpe-1 118084 $14,980 ..,_,,n.,""'
While w/111y ffll, 'II '91ff, •X4,
118016 $6,980
Ciiry.Jer s.tw ......
lXI Convt While
w/perfect tan lthr, auto.
118172 $11,980 .......... .._..
'97 LS S.dall Sitwlf
w/er•Y Inter, 6 cyt, cd,
118042 SU,980
White w/hn llhr, 1 own,
1 nic• fresh trade lnl
•18060 10,980
Red w/lmmac tan lnt•I·
or, 1uto ONLY
11n49 Sll.980
Bladt w/hn ltlv w/Sport
whb, loc.I orle surch
118083 $23,980
fl•••clel Servho• • .,.., .. ,.. Speclellllne
'" mort1•1•. mob II• 4 homH, p1r1on1I & 4
buslneu loans. B•nk·
ruplc't. bid °' no credit •*°-· No 11>pllc1llon fH, call 7 dya wll. l ·
800·211-8540 ....
Fr11 •111>1icatlo11L last
tppl'OVll NOH r'ROflT ~ CONSOllOATION j
24 llour consuftetion • • IOA11
•• , ....... C20 eeATIINUe
'98 lSeden Only 651< ml o.!:!,~6!,~.
on this blaut'tl full pwr suoo 94t-67S.a9'u 1 1180801 Sl6,980
Yol¥e MO s.4-'01
Sed•n This is en almost
new Volvo that has f1cl
w•rr remalnln1
118272 Sl8,980
Rover White w/t.1n llhr
Only 48K miles!
118138 S27,980
IMW C..vt '96 S211 Sc>orts pka 5 CD. prem wtils, only 6SK rnl.
•18157 $21,980
IMW MS '91 5..i-
White w/pe<fect blk lthf,
1re1t rec'd:s. 681( mil
117665 18.980 Men..i.. ... ats
E320 Oiesal Sedan
Smoke silver
•18341 Sl9,980 ......... ....
5 ~. fully loaded.
white. sunrf, must selll
S8500 080 949-675-2.852
2001 tlh Dwffy 1111•
new, fully lo1d1d, slip
ev1l11bll. $28,500 obo 1
('49) 474-MOO •I 11
1/2 0-...,. of 65'
Chris Creft. Buutifull't
m1inl1ined. For prlvtt• , ==call ~7569 :
Power w Md, U .Sh
balm, no llve • boerd,
nHr Bey tsl1nd & Fun Zone'949-689 5553
Plug into the Pilot
Classified section to
find services from
electronics and
plumbers, to
landscapers and
Daily Pilot
75 Stolle10p wn1111er
78 Most loyal
78 -spumame
79Co honcno
80 Livestoctc ral9ers
1~ Term paper
153 S.Sweeds
154 This aenora
155 T•m of oxen
'8 F-enoel' 'a blade
S9 Proven thing
61 LLD. hOIOer
87 Sixty ltlinutes
88 Yacht spot
70 To be. to Henri
71 Sweet liqueur
141 Trip-routing org
1"'3 Do1pn1tr1 nome
1~ Kind of rack
147 Recent (1)r91 ) BUSINESS?f.
• • • • • • • • • •
Enjoy •tunning vl4tWI of the Newpe>f't Harbor end
city lights from thl• custom home.
Llrge, 19mocfeled Spygl•• home with viewa.
DownstKI bedroom end dedt off~ Ml mat«.
JOHN HYATT 949.759.3749
Gorgeoua BMcon Hill remodel, f1bulov1 view,
pool i nd ape plUJ ocean bl'Mzft.
Flnelt crtftl!Tltnlhlp. BMutlfvl 5 Id. 8.5 Ba. hem..
,..,. bMt of tn. *ti
!'AUL WRIGHT 949.717.4745
Gl'Nt vlewl from thle ~ 3 .... &en unit hie
vlewl of the oc:.n, CMlh and the ~
GIQI THOMAS 949.759.37'4
Rare opportunity! Sptclou1 4 Bd. 2 81. horM on
rer• lot of 11,520 aq.ft.
MICHAEL SALAS 949.370.7792
P1rtt llke Mttlng with prtVl1lt gltld en1ry. Home In
perfect condition.
KURTZ 6 JOHNSON 949.759.3765
Conwnpot9'Y ~on the ..ndl The
Crown Jew9I of Newport'• OoN11front.
ROl!IWT TAV\.OR' 949.Ul.1115
e.g.,t and coilb-. flmly home on •..._.lot.
NMer ipf:illl ICll. SP'Mt ioc..lof'I ,,.., pertc.
WAAJJ Ii HtNMAN • 949.759.3705
17IO l&.UllllO
~ DDllnfrollt beed\ houli, 4 Id. end 4 le.
JIU. ANOMJI Mf.711.2717
Only twlll~ Luceme In the ..... VlewtJ
3 Id 3 le. on • PfW"klTI lot.
4 8d. 3 a.. with bey ¥lew from tn. kitchen, formel
dining end grMt room.
MAHAL BOZMTH '49.884.0211
4at W.aAY
'~ 2 be1h home. LMge lot plldo. ........
CLIVILAND a AACICI 949.711.2742
I •