HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-11 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS&
to black
and w hite
I t is the thorniest of thorny
issues. the touchiest of
touchy subjects, the thinnest
of thin lee on tl1e Great Lake of
The question of color. Not
people. Police
cars. Maybe
you and 1
don't lay
awake nights
about the
color of
police cars,
but the
people who
drive them-
i.e .. police
officers -do.
In the city of
Costa Mesa, which is not far
from here. an aJtument that has
waxed and waned for more than
20 years has finally been settled.
Before long, Costa Mesa will
trade in its white and blues for
black and whites. The cars won't
change, but the paint jobs will.
There was a time, long ago,
when police cars were black and
white. Period. Not blue and
white, or brown and white, or
anything else and white. Just
black ... and white.
In the 1970s, someone
decided -and I wish they
would call me before they do
these things -that cops needed
to be warmer and fuzzier. Do
you know where the word
"cops" comes from? Years ago,
police badges were made from
copper. and the people who
wore them were called
"coppers," which was soon
shortened to "cops." Does that
have anything do with what
we're discussing? It does not.
In an effort to be more warm
and more fuzzy. most police
agencies abandoned the black
and whites and went to the
white artd whatever's.
There were some half-hearted
arguments about lighter colors
being easier to see but no one
ever proved that and no one
really believed it. Let me ask you
this. When that big honkin' black
and white CHP Crown Vic gets
right up on your bumper and
lights you up and scares you, do
you have any trouble seeing It?
Neither do I. There is no real
reason for police cars to be black
and white other than tlle fact
that cops like them that way. It
makes them happy. And tllat's
good enough for me. There are
some people who I try really,
School projects alway•
spring up after the winter
break. With that in mind,
remember that the llbrary
is a great place for any
student to find information.
S..Pege M
Real tttete broker and
butlnet9m8n Steve
Rosenaky tits down with
the Pilot'• Mike Swanson to
telk about tlfe as a City
Coundl member and the
iMuet fedng him end hit
N9wport Beech
conttHuentt. ... ,...Al
Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907
JANUARY 11, 2004
Customers enjoy lunch at
the Gypsy Den, at 2930
Bristol St. in Costa Mesa.
The walls of the coffee
house are covered with
carpets and colorful
decorations and painting.
Small coffee shops
still thrive amid the
Starbucks of the world
Eric Perley works on a crossword puzzle over a cup of coffee at Alta Coffee House at 506 31st St. on Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach.
Bucking the trend
June Casaerande
Daily Ptlot
0 riginal paintings. including a
nude, hang on the walls. The
coffee menu Includes a lot of
familiar concoctions, but the
drinks sizes are "single."
"double" and "triple." The clientele are hip,
the decor is irreverent and the experience
isn't one likely to be franchised from coast
10 coast.
This is a coffee house designed without
shareholders in mind.
'>aic.l customer Todd Stocking. pointing to a
cluster of paintings on the wall at the Gypsy
pen, the popular coffee house and lunch
spot in Costa Mesa's Anti·MaJI.
The Gypsy Oen is just one of dozens of
local coffee houses that not only survive but
thrive in the shadow of tlle nationwide
•1 think Starbucks has actually helped
because they've made it a lot more
mainstream to have different types of
coffee," said Rich Baranoski, manager of
the Harbour t louse on Balboa Peninsula.
which offers a <>erene waterfront experience
with every cappuccino. Though Newport Mesa has its fair share
of big-chain coffee houses -about 16
Starbucks spread throughout the two cities
-independent and small-chain coffee
joints continue to thrive. Each w\th its own
special niche, with its own unique
personality, these lesser-known
establishments o~r what the big chains
can't: a distinctive experience served up
steaming hot.
"You don't see art Like that at Starbucks,"
Not so long ago, people would brew a pot
of Folgers at home before heading out the
door to work. Bul the age of the
multinational coffee house conglomerate
has changed all that. Now, many eschew
the home brew In order to stand in long
lines for a latte or a morning mocha.
Instead of snuffing out poteotlaJ
Kareen Nilsson prepares a mixed drink for a customer at Alta Coffee
House. Coffee houses like this one have grown in popularity as an
alternative to the major chains like Starbucks and Diedrich.
Newport Herbor High' a
gins' batUtball team
defeetl 8ectt Bey rival
Corona del Mar, 44-34.
Warmer weather a welcome break
Seventy-degree temperatures give residents
a chance to enjoy the outdoors; forecasters
say trend should continue through Friday.
Lollta Harper
Daily Pilot
at tlle beach was a Uttle harder
to find and the usual layers of
mid-winter apparel were peeled
away Saturday u residents took
full advantage of the summer-
llke weather.
After enduring several weeks
of bitter cold -by Southern
Callf ornla standards, anyway -
residents took full advantage of
the sunshine, which warmed
the atta to a coiy 75 degrees,
with 70 degrees 3l the beach.
Families took to the streets for
bike rides, parks were full or
children and barbecues were
uncovered and sparked up.
Brandt Maxwell. a meteorolo-
gist with the National Weatller
Service, said residents could
look forward to bright side and
sunny days for the upcoming
week -with no p~itatlon.
·cenerally we wtU have good
weather for the next week."
Maxwell said. "There will be
allght cooling (SUnday) and
Monday but overall, it will be
mosUy sunny, most of the
The line of cars on the south·
bound C.oata Meta Freeway was
a telltale sign: It was a b each
day. Richard Hernandez and his
young family sat in that traffic
on their way down from Chino
Hills. he said. When he £eh the
heat of the mid-m orning sun,
he packed up the truck and
headed for Newport, he said.
"Hey, If you get the chance in
January, that you can hang out
Jal the beach, you take It," Her-
nandez said.
Lelena McCully, of Newport
Beach, said the temptation to
put off other lndoor chores,
such as filing blll.s. was slmpty
too great.
ft l just had to get out.~ she
said. "Look. at this weather."
Football fans, who could not
quite be coaxed all the way out·
doors because of the National
Football League division play-
offs. made a compromise by
watching the games at a beach-
side locale. Ba1' such as Shar-
keez and Mutt 4'r1ch's were
packed with football fans in
Olp-Oops and board shorts.
Tom Sutlowski, of lrvlne.
said he joined his Newport bud-
dies to watch the game and en-
joy the nice beach ~ather.
•tt's the best of both worlds,"
he said.
Newport Beach lifeguard
Mitch White said the sunshine
brought m~ny people wtthout a
lot of probltms. Al!. o( press
time, the lifeguard tower n;·
ported uo rnlljor lnctJcnts.
·H's Just a really nice, sUMy
day: White wd. ·1..ou of peo-
ple out and even a Uttle 1u.rf ror
the surfers. Everyone got what
they wanted." ............................................................................... ~ ...
A2 ~. Janualy 11, 2004
One of city•s founders and
greatest advocate dies
The venerable hlstoria.11 of Costa
Mesa, Bob Wilson. passed away Jan. 4
of congestive heart failure. Wilson
worked arduously to get the city
lncorporated In l 953 and served a!>
mayor three times.
• City leader!> announced Monday
night that another proposed
senlemenc agreement has been
reached with former Ciry Any. Jerry
Scheer. Peter Brown, the attorney who
represents the city, is confident that all
parties wUI sign this agreement The
lest agreement fiuJed becaw.e Senior
Deputy Clry Ally. Marianne Milligan
didn't sign It.
-Deirdre Newman
C.Ommunity college district
on financial watch list
The slate chanceUor's office ha11
placed Coast Community CoUege
District on a financial watch II.st to
monitor its operating budget more
clm.ely. Coast and a dozen other
community college districts statewide
were on the list. released Wednesday
by 1he chlll\cellor for California
Community CoJJeges, which idenclfied
financially troubled districts. Coast ls
l1!>1ed ~a Priority 3 district because ii!>
budget reserves slipped below the 5%
recommended by the chancellor's
• UL and community college
Mudents wilJ see fee increases up to
44% under the budget proposed by
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Friday.
Community colJege fees will go up
from SJ 8 per unJt to $26 per unit to
help prop up the state budget. UC fees
will increase 10% for undergraduate
studt'nb and•~ for graduate
student' Public schools would receive
S2 I 6 more per student next year, but
some '>pecial programs might get
redun~d funding under the proposed
• The State Board of Education
Thur~d.ty approved a request by
Newport Mesa Unlfied School District
to waive a $750,000 penalty for not
providing enough Instructional time to
'itudent at one hJgh school. To offset
the 30 hours lost. the district agreed to
atld 1.800 instrucdonaJ minuces this
academic year and next at Middle
Collegt' I ligh School.
• Newport I !arbor High School\
newly refurbi!>hed 11wimmi11g pool 1,
opc•n rnr ht1!'linc, ... Tht' llt'W pool ho'
fresh lilt',, m•w dt>ck~ with belier
draim1ge and .i <.late-of-the art 1imin~
system. makln~ ii a potential venue for
rMtion,tJ 'w1rnming meets.
-Mnrlsn O'Neil
C.O ta Mesa police bu t
extensive pot fann in office
Costa Mesa police arrested
42-year-old Paul Harrington on
suspicion of cultivating the marijuana
for sale afler they searcht>d t.he office
ofS1arv\ng College Students Moving
Co. In the 2000 block of Placentia
Avenue on Tuesday.
Detectives found about I .050 plant~
a well as another one pound of
marijuana cilld a handgun. Harrington
had set up an extensive indoor
culllva11on organization. The _total
value of the drugs seized were
estimated at 5450,000. Harrington also
stole electricity to grow the plants
indoors, officials said.
• Costa Mesa saw an increase in
violent crimes but a decrease in
property crimes during the first nine
months of 2003 compared to the 'lame
time In 2002. a report released by the
<;tale attorney general's office on
Wednesday showed. ·
OveraJJ. crime in the city was up by
Sometimes in photography It all comes down to the light.
·n1e vast majority of the time we are l\.mjted by crummy
lighting conditions that we must fight against and work
arow1d, battling to ge1 ~decent plaure. Then every once in a
while we get a gift. That ls what happened in this photo of
thi: Clrque du Soleil tent raising at the O.C. Fairgrounds. It
started out as a bit of a medJa circus itself, with three still
photographers and a 1V cameraman all trying 10 ge1 a shot
of the work. crew raising the tent I got the same shocs as
everyone else. but decided co linger a bit longer after the
main event was over and the other photographers had lefl.
As I was walking around the far side of the tent I saw thi!>
beautiful corridor of Ught shining through, throwing graphic
shadows across the foreground. All I had to do was wait for
lhb. worker to make his way around the ring as he
straightened the poles. He moved into the right spot in the
frame and I had my photo.
-Kent I f'f'/)tow
Gov. gives State of the
State and releases budget
Gov. Amold Schwar.t.enegger gave
his first major policy address Tuesday.
wging !'.>-Uppon for a SIS-billion bond
pacbge on the March 2 ballot and
vowing he won\ raise tax~ to fill a
funding gap estimated at S22 billion
In existing debr and a S 14 billion
deficit m the 2004-05 budget.
On Friday, the Governor
.umounced lus $9'J. I billion budget
plan. which prupo-.cd i.hifting $1-1
billion i.11 properly tt\Xl'!I from local
~own11ne11t!'.> to !'.>Idle cotren.. Local
llepubUcan legislator.. praised
Schwarzenegger's budget proposal
but expressed rese"'3tions about the
bond issue unles.-. ii is ued 10
~pending linuts.
• Orange County on Friday
announced a streamlined plan for
county government lha1 is expected
co save more than 5800,000. The plan
changes the dunes or the county's
four assistant chief executfws. who
become deputy CEOs and assume
oversight of some departments that
1.4%. Violent crimes. a category that
includes murders, rapes, robberies
and assaults, lncreased by 10.'4% and
property crimes -burglaries and auto
thefts -dropped by 1.6%.
-Deepa Bllnrat/1
C.Ounty denied ability to clear
overgrown San Diego Creek
Orange County officials learned they
can't proceed with clearing part of San
Diego Creek, which they say has a
reduced floodwater capacity, because
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, shown greeting UCI student in 2002
before he was elected, announced possible college fee hikes this week.
now repon to the CEO. It also
eliminates eight vacant positions in
the counry executfw office.
it's overgrown and full of sediment.
The California Coastal Commission's
executive director on Wednesday
rejected an emergency permit requesc
for the creek clearing and asked the
county to use the usual permit
-Alicia Robinson
GreenJight plans to sue city
over Marinapark vote
The Greenlight committee
announced plans to file a lawsuit ..,
Supervisors will hear about the plan
at their meeting Tuesday.
-Alicia Robin.son
against the c11y within a few weeks
over a vole on the Marinapark hotel
pro1ect. Though the matter i~
scheduled 10 go before vocers.
Greenlight leaders say that it should be
labeled a Greenlight vote. City Council
members disagreed that the hotel
project triggers a Greenlight vote
because it's not expected to generate
too many peak-hour car 1rips.
Greenllght leaders want Measure S
guidelines changed to include 101aJ
floor area in the list of factor used
when considering hotels. City official!>
are considering a similar move.
-/1111e Cruagrande
"Draconian cuts aro
needed. I'm all for 01e
poor people and the
downtrodden and all tllat
kind of stuff, but we just
have to make draconian
-Newport Beach
Mayor Tod RJdgeway on
SchwarLenegger's plans to
make deep cuts in the
state budget.
"But I loue cl1e rain. My
teocher at school used to
let us go out in the rain
and play.·
Nature Center camper
Yun Seo about sluing
inside making jewelry,
wi1en there were puddles
to jump in.
"Nonnnlly, it suirts at
noon. bw hen?, it's nt IO
a.m. But they still have
-Green Bay Packers
fan Brian Jojade on
wa1ching his hometown
team in California.
"A simple apology is
JrtSt not enough after your
wlwle emotional life lzas
been stolen from you. Jail
would be nice, but it's not
possible. All these people
luwe left is a ci11il remedy"
-Allorney John
Manly, who is
represenling 80 victims of
alleged abuse 111 the
Catholic Church, eight of
who are from
Newpon · Mel>Cl.
"ft MIS apropos of my
Dad -totally in comrol.
totally making it happen
as he wamed it. I le did it,
he lleld on."
-Carol WUt on her
father Bob Wilson's
Christmas dream to
spend the day with four
generations of his family.
before passing away.
"We neednn
explanation. We need ro
make sure this garbage
doesn't happen again. We
need to make sure our
senior managemem is
protected from tvhateuer
tlie feeling of the moment
is by the council. It's flat
oui wrong, and it's not in
OJsta Mesa's best /merest."
-Costa Mesa resident
Doug Sutton on the city's
second settlement with
former City Atty. Jeny
Aide Aoblneon POSTMASTER: Send addreH SURF AND SUN Politics, bulineA and environment dlaf'lges to The Newport 1"9PO'ter. (949) 76M330 BeachlCotta Mesa Daily Pilot, P.O. 1/k:i&robint0n•i.rJmes.com Box 1560. Cotta M .... CA 92626. WEATHER FORECAST ~ ...... Copyright No news 11oriet, evening. Out farther, winds News 8IMtlnl. (949) 57'M298 llluttmloot, editorial matter or should Whip up from 10 to 15 tuis.,peNllladmes.oom ldvertiNmenta herein c:.n be Lo<* for pertly doudy tides. knot.a from the northwest.
VOL 98, NO. 11 ~ reproduced without written today, except et 1he c:oest. Waves ahoukf be et 3 feet or
THOMAS H. JOHNSON S....Mc:Ori Malit C. Dustin, Don l.Mcti. permialon of C09Vrlgh1 owner. where it should be mo.tty less with western swells from 7
Pu blither "'10IO Editor, ~T~ cloudy in the morning. Alto, to 11 feet. TI>NYDOOEAO (9491 7M""'3S8 REAOfRS HCmJNE look for Pltd'V fog in the Editor 61e"8.mocnri tl"1tirnes.com morning. Highs In the mkt-to SURF JUOVOITTING Joie J. Sentoe ISMS)~~
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8.J. Cehlt O.niel Hunt. Pwul SlitCl'Mtz, Monday ·~. ll'..301.m. • S p.m. afternoon There'I a poeelblllty lhouldet-to head.high at the
M1:rlng Editor, Dlnlel StlYWll Con11'111»1• for cloudl tonight. but no tllln. best epots, w.fst-Ngh or 1Hghtly (IM9 57-Mm NEWS~ It II the Plloc'a Polley to promptly l.owl ~.,_In.,. upper bellw 9llefyWhera ... a.J.c.11n• i.tm...com o..e--COfT9d Ill tWTOf'9 Of llUblWnce. 40I to lower' 50L Nof1tlweet Mondey will be WW'f better. -~~ ,,..... '*' (949) 1'&M324. evening winds etOUlld 10 mph. W... Cll'lltY: Cl_ly Edl\or. Cr1nw Ind COUlU rtlPOf*, Becoming nof1heMt 10 mph WWW.-urlrider.OfV (IM9)~ (9'9)67~ FYI ~:;w.ccm ~bltMrlthtl~CX>tn Th4J ~ a..cM:olc.t ,_.. .tel' midnight.
.IUMO pldl o.lly Piiot IUSPS-14'-ll)()) 19 111~'9tlon. TIDES SPQfU Edltof. Newport 8eectl repc>IW, publlshed dtlty. In N.wpon 8Mcf'I WWW.IMS.noN.g<N nn. (M8)PM223 · Ml51-M232 and eo.ta MIN, eub9cripdone M Height
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the ... #Ml eoud..-In the .........
Daffy Piiot
City may require more medical parking
The Newport Beach City Council wil l
consider changing zoning regulations to
demand more parking per square foot.
in~ and added traffic.
•Any new developments that
(..."Orne in should be able to han·
die their parlcing requirements
and they cen.ainly shouldn~
add to the probJern. • said
Councilman Steve Rosansky.
whose district includes the
Hoag Hospital area.
been proposed.
The maner appea.n; on the
agenda along with another
item 10 reconsider the pennit-
ted heights of elevator shafts on
some commercial and multi·
family residentiaJ buildings.
The Item would make some ex-
ceptions to height limits for el-
evators in cases where the fire
department requires larger el-
evators to hold gurneys in case
of emergency.
June CaH 1rande
Daily Pilot
medical offices in Huntington
Beach need to provide one
paridng space for every 175
square feet of office. Irvine re·
quires one spot for every 180
square feel But Newport Beach
medical offices only need one
parking space for every 250
Some city officials say that's
nor enough. especially as the
area keeps expanding and a
nwnber of applications for new
medical and denial offices are
UC Irvine to unvei l
plein air exhibit
The UC Irvine Student Center
wilJ exhibit •Ancient Im pres·
sion /New Expression," the
work of You-Si Wang. a plein air
painter who portrays the his-
tory and culture of ancient
China through his mixed media
Wang uses oils, acrylics, en ·
amels and other materials to
create modern, original paint·
ings of ancient impressions.
The exhibit will be on display
at UCl's Center I lall Gallery be-
ginning Jan. 15 through March
30. The opening reception, free
and open to the public, will be
on Jan. 16 from 7 lo 9 p.m.
periodically in the Daily Pilot on a
rotating basis. For information on
adding your organization to this
list, call (949) 574-4298.
Volunteers are needed to assist
Laguna Coast Wilderness Park
staff and James Dilley Preserve
staff and docents with hiker
registration and general public
orientation. (949) 488-0287.
Laguna Shanti, an organization
that works with persons with HIV
or AIDS, is seeking caring
volunteers to assist with running
the front office, delivering meals,
providing transportation and
providing complimentary
therapies such as massage.
acupuncture and chiropractic
care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446.
The perfonning arts orgariiza11on
needs volunteers for computer
input, ticketing, filing and
handling phones. (714) 5~262.
coming down the pike.
ary Council members on
Tuesday will consider whether
to study tightening the roning
codes to require new office
b~ in the area to create
more parking. And it's an idea
coun<..il members seem to like.
"l'm all for a study," Mayor
Tod Ridgeway said
Ridgeway explained that. in
the new era of HMO-driven
mecUcal practices, its become
common for doctors to in-
crease the number of patienlS
they schedule each hour. The
result is a greater demand for
parldng spaces at offices build·
Gallery hours are 7:30 am. to
11 p.m . on weekdays and noon to
l p.m. on weekends. Admission is
free. Pa.ricing is $5. For more infor-
mation, call (949) 824·5588.
Experts to address
water quality concerns
A panel of water quality ex·
pen s and other officials will
take part in "Water Quality: Is-
sues and Actions in West New·
port Beach,· a public forum
taldng place in Newport Beach
City Hail's Council (Jiambers.
Orange County CoastKeeper
Program and Media Director
Randy Seton, Newport Beach
Assis1an1 City Manager Dave
Kiff and Harbor Resources
Manager Tom RossmiJler will be
on lhe panel.
The event, running from 7 to
8:30 p.m . on Jan. 28, is free and
open 10 the public. For infor·
mation, caJI (949) 722·6421.
effect on a young person's life.
Students 10 to 18 years old are
matched with mentors to
improve their ~ool
performance and self-esteem
while developing positive peer
and adult relationships. (714)
549-9622. ext. 35.
Orange County's only nonprofit
resident chamber orchestra needs
volunteers for ticbting, ushering,
phones, mailing and help with
receptions. Nominees are also
being sought for the board of
directors. (949) 830-2950.
The recovery center for women
with alcohol or other chemical
dependencies seeks volunteers.
(949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 548-8754.
The.Upper Newport Bay Nature
Preserve is looking for volunteers
to assist with naturalist-led tours
and programs. special events and
habitat restoration projects. The
interpretive center is at 2301
University Drive, Newport Beach.
(714) 973-6829.
Planning Department staff
members brought the item to
the council because, "planning
staff believes that actuaJ park·
ing demand for these uses is
greater than that currently re-
quired by the wning code," dry
planner Gregg Ram1rez wrote
to council members.
"The item. if approved on
Tuesday, would mean only that
the city would study whether to
change the required parking ra·
tio. No new figures have yet
Newport lecture series
tickets going on sale
Tickets go on sale Wednesday
for this year's Newport Beach
Distinguished Spea.Jters Lecture
Former 'Secretary of the In·
tenor Bruce Babbitt, Public
Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Director Lori Wallach, four-star
Marine General Anthony C.
Zinnj and former White House
and United Nations official
Nancy Soderberg round out this
year's lineup.
The first event will be Wal·
lach's talk, "The Era of Corpo-
rate Globalization,· and wiU
take place Feb. 20 and 21. Tick·
els for each spea.Jter are $55 for
Friday and $18 for Saturday
talks. For tickets, caJI (666) 30 I·
2411, or e-mail dsls@westem-
direct.com; tickets are not avail-
able at the library.
For further details about
promotion of the city to potential
visitors. Volunteers with
extensive knowledge of Newport
Beach are needed. (949) 719..olOO.
The program seeks volunteers to
tutor adults who want to improve
their reading and writing skills.
Volunteers will be certified during
training workshops in the Friends
Meeting Room at the Central
library, 1000 Avocado Ave.
Newport Beach. Information:
(949) 717-3874,
The Newport Beach Premiere
Cinema Guild, which supports the
Newport Beach Film Festival, is
looking for new members.
Interested candidates should
want to help further an artistic
and cultural heritage in the
community and should have a
love of cinema and a desire to
raise awareness of the film
festival. (949) 253-2880.
YMCA Community Services
needs mentors to make a lasting
The library foundation needs
extra hands to perform clerical
duties. such as filing. organizing
and stuffing envelopes. at the
Central Library, 1000 Avocado
Ave. (949) 717·3890. The bureau is dedicated to the
Sizes 4 to 12 in
a great selection
of widths, from
• Van Eli • Sesto Meucci • Rangoni
Ladies' fall shoes & accessories!
Corona Del Mar Plaza
949-721 -1325
Next to Chico's
Ridgeway said that he doesn't
expect that the item will be
controversial because it does
not apply to single-family
hom es.
"lll.is should have virtua!Jy
no impact on the residential
community," Ridgeway said. "If
it did apply to residential, I'd
want to sn1dy ii more."
these speakers, visit the li-
brary's wcbi.ite at /l((p:ll
111w1v.dty.nP111port -bPacli. ca. us/
Leach to chair chamber
of commerce board
Mesa Coni.olidated Water
District General Manager Diana
M. Leach has been selected as
the chairperson of the Costa
Mesa Oiamber of Commerce's
Board of Directors.
Leach h<is bee n <1 board
me mber '>incc 1997.
I .each be1:ame general man·
ager for the water dil.trict in
2001. She 11> also completing
four yeari. as a board member
for the Orange County Water
Ai.'>n .. received the 2002 Lead·
er<;hip Tomorrow Excellence in
Leadership Award and com·
pletcd the 1 larvard University
Senior Executives program in
A variety of jobs need to be
tackled, including set
construction, ushering, and
mailings. Scheduling is flexible,
with a two-to 20-hour
commitment per month. The
Newport Theatre Arts Center is at
2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288.
Sunday, January 11, 2004 AS
Featuring A Live Tribute To
Frank Sinatra
Every Monday dr Tuesday 6-9pm
Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails
•••QuaUcy Sco-ia•-
.. •Nightly Entertainment ...
I 0 1 R,-,.,~, ,.,,,;,.,,,I ( ~//
(<)49) 64<l-'"'9••4
l(t'l't lnuu \H,. ( '"'"' '"'"·•
fJ1eu•1 h 1• ••rJ \1•10 , .. +,,.., \ '"•I\._ • I , t "'
M Sunday. Januaty I I , 2004
COSTAllESA NEWPORT llACH .-.. ............
.__ .. Ills.ad: A crdlc
. ..,v...,....._,.,
glngeburpy WM
repofted .... the 20ilOO blodc
It 5:23 p.m, Thureday. ~ irwoMne """'* we& IWPC>Md ti 7:08 p.m. ~.
• Faln..1-w 9'oed; An auto
theft \Vt.a r•porttd lo tho
2700 bloc* et ~.34 p..m.
Wedneamy. . ,_,..~A
hlt .. n<f..run wu reported
In the 2200 bloc* ac 2:45
p.m. w.ctnetdly. • ...,_ loulewld: Grand
hft from• vehlde WM
reporiod In tho 2800 blodc
ti 12:08p.m. l/Jedo .. day.
• MIMlon Ortw: An aU1o
theft w.1 reported In tho
900 blodt at 7:47 p.m.
·~Wey: ~
Forgery wn 1"9POl'1td In
~ 2300 blodc et 4:46 p.m.
• Wla.e. Awnu« A hom•
burglary wH ropo11od In
the 2000 bf ode at Q67 p.m.
Connnued from Al
rl'ally h,mJ 111 rnakt• happy. Tlw
fiN 1' lhl' p.·r.on I liw with
I h;1t':. Vl'I y unponJnt.
f'lw 111111•1,, art• 11111'. 1lw JHS
JOd 111)' tkllli't
I d1111'1 w.1111 .111y1111l' puJhnft
rnt· 11vt•1 or d11111i.; thtni.;' In my
11111111h 11 tlwy'it· 1101 h.1ppy
...,., 11\ 1w11 1hu111h~ up 011 Uw
lll'W n1fm '1 ll1•11lt', 1>111 t:'XJt'tfy
wh111 I\ lht' b1~ <k al ab11111 1·a1:-.
ill hl.ll'k Jnd Whlll' With lht
boY" ;11111 ~irl:-. in hlue« h \ 11
u 1hur.1I thin~ In lht' 1111m.I:-. of
rnmt uffit t•r:-., rC'.tl c•up~ driw
hlark .11111 wlult"•· At u1nJ111g to
kfH,1hnJ11. pn .. ,rdc•11111f 1h1'
< .0~111 M1·i.a l'ohrt' A.'~n .. "A'>
r,1r "' tlw rank .111J lih'. which I
a·1>rt·w111. arl' 1 011l't'1111·d. chi'
w1ll lw 111114<" !'1111n· you Wl'rt' J
little kid. y1111 dr1 .. 1111 .1h1111t
tl nvmg in J hlat k tlrHI wh1tt• nm1' tlw v..1y 11·, 'uppo,ed to
l\l l11,1lly. wll\'11 I wa' .1 hlllt•
kid. I llrl'tlflll'd .1h11ut playmK
n·111t·1 fwlcJ fur thl' Yankl'C''
tn\\il I lm111d out I hall 1lw
arhll'llr abihry of Arnold Sr.111.-,
hut I 1h111I.. Ml 111,11..c·' h" pm111
pcift•uly. rtw lllltlg(' IJI till·
blade w1d wl1111· h." h1·1·11
Jlll'hou.'l.I m our rnllt·ctwt·
n111,r111u"w"' for half .1
n•ntury or 11111n• ~1111 e 11111!>1
pollll' ufficl·r<, now fool.. likl'
llll'y'r1· HI tu rrll' .mtl wu11IJn'1
know Bnid1•n1 I.. ( .rawlmd lm111
Lindy ( r.1wford yt'ah lht'V
wuulll, fmi.;1·1 1h.11 11\
11111•n•,1111)( rh.11, 'iO y1·ar:-. l.111•1,
tht' lurl' 1111<1 rhc· 11 •n· ut flit•
hl:wk .md wh11r '111111.lw '"l'h
a firm w 1p 11111111"' '"I"
say whar yo11 will ,1ho111
tl111"c old IV wnn. llwy ""Liiy
did <ld1111· 1111• tnlJ)(t' ut \\ hu
pohLC ullkl'l' ilrl'. hO\\ lhl') .11 t
.11hl wit.II llll'y drive. ''H,11 kn
~11.ul. "fli~hwJy ll:Jtml, ..
"l >r;ig111·1." "l\d.1111 I l. "N,1kt·ll
<.11y," "M S.111:111," lulu· Y'""
ll1d \11u t·\1•r 'l't' lt1·1·d 111\d
Continued from A I
LOl11j)l'lllll", lfll' 111.lJllr I fl,llll'
ht1vt-fo,tc•rt'!l a I n·nd 1h;11 111
turn frt'.llt•tl .1 m·w ni.trk.c·1 for
1orn1w1111.: uifft•t• h1111\1'' 1 lw
he~t 'ltr.1lt'I(}' u( tlll'
morn .111d pop 1,1va J(llfll' u11d
the· -.inull dmln' .1l1kl• ,., 10
offc>r :111 c-xµeti1•111·1• 1h:11 tht•
'ook.it• nretc·r' ort1'\' hnu'<''
jwa can't mutd1
• .., ....... and
....,.....Roed; ~theft
WM r•pori.d ar 10: 11 p.m .
• Gow..wod Awnue: A
hh·and-Nn Wat r.ported
fn the 400 blook •l 10!36
a.rn. f1iday.
• Newport c..tllf Oriw
&It An auto theft WU
rep<)fted In the 300 blodc ac
1:07 un. Friday.
• .... ClpOl't c.... Drift
w.t: A trwftk ICddent w
~In \ho 800 blodt at
7:.41 p.m. Thunldev.
• Ploft OulMN '9ac.: A
home burglary WM
f'ePO'Uld In the 2100 blodt at
9:22 p.m. Thurtdev·
• UnfW•elty o.tw: A
garage burgJ1ry wH
reporitcl fn tho 2400 bloc*
at 8:02 a.m. Friday.
Mulloy rull up lrl 'illlllf' 'il~!>Y
girUc mamhy-µmnby wh1tl' :int.I
powder blue rar ltlJI "1.id,
"Your Sorety is Our Job I" on
lht> J our? Dam, righ1 you
duln'r. When Lhey roared u1l co
the hqtaor store. lhl'y could
hurdy ~el that black aJ\d wh1lt
1h111i.; with the hln1·kwau, .mt.I
lhl' thr1•1• hulwap' ICJ -;mp
hl'foa· ii wt•n1 rhmu)th Lhe
fm111 w1ntlow
Now 1h;1t wa:-. J polic l' 1 .1r1
When llrodt·m·k Crawford
put Lh<' 1wdaJ 10 1J1e metill and
wiiwlC'd "10-4" 111111 char mike
tha1 Wd' tJw 'il<r.t' of a
1>111eapple. wa'> he· in somt•
heiKe anti Wal l:turus witJ1 u
"'iuppor1 Your I A1l·ilJ l'ulilu
Mfety ~~c1ah'>I'>" lmmrwr
-.tklr.d! Ncgatory. I le wa.' in J
hlack .rnd while 01ry!>lc1
lrnpenal 1ha1 lll't·c..IC'd it tiUt•r 111
maJc:c a II-turn .111d h<1d one
huge rt'tl light 1111 lop 1ha1
luokeJ hkc> HZ I>:! Ml 0111 ur
tlw 11111thl'r !>hip a11tl IJntfod on
h1i. roof Illar, my fnt'ml, w;i., a
polin• n 1r.
lntt'rc,11ngly, .1, '>I rong ab thl'
allur<' of llw hl;wk and wh1ll'
may ht:. II j, a pcnatiarly
Anierlcun prdrrcncc. A: .. thmt•
ol you who <ipin 1tw ~lobe now
.md I hl'tl ~llOW. yot• t';lfl M't'
">mt• vrry funky cop rar.
ill ro ... , tlw IH>t 11111111, lt•ll .ind
J\1·ro~' lllt' A1l.11111t. the
I Ufllj>t'.111 I 11111111" 11 yl11g lfr ~ct
,11111, 1111•11tl>l'r llclllOll' to
-1ta111l.ml11A• thl'll t·11w~cnt)'
whklt·i. "' follCIW!'>' p11l11 (' I'll(\
red .111d whill'. amhul.1m '"
'ahno11 111n ... Yikt· ... I ry
i.:,·111ug lrn• Fricl:iy or AnJy
'lljlOWIC'/ 11\IO n11e ol tho~l'
M.11), 11111\, 01('' .UlllCS. ~I
llll'rl' y1111 have 11 (.op!> and
thl'if rnr-. Ir\ m111plit'a11:d
11111 11 th1•y'n· h.1ppy. I'm
l1<1ppy I Vl'rylhmg :.h11111tl lw
that t'<"Y I J{Otlll go
• PETER BUFFA •Sa former Costa
Mesa mayor. His column runs
Sundays He may be reached by
e mail at ptr()4 ".10/ com.
t•n1ertaanr111:111, lrkl' Alta'<;
\aturday and o.;unduy night hve
ITIUSll' "'Khb, nw111h ly p<wtry
1111-:hh or ju.,1 -l111111d1t•d
11pc1H11tkc 111~h1 .. nn
• 1 don't c·vt•11 lt•d hkt•
'lt.1rh11ck., '' comp<:tilion lnr ui;
ht'C';lll't' Wl''tl' lll'I "41
111nt'dibl y diffl·rc·111: Alw
m.111agl"r 11na liC'11tlt•y :.aid
Fresh baked ~ood~ made on
llw prt•mt'l'"• horn(' made
lunch fan· nnd o down·homr· hook..~1011· a1m11sphere have
Ileen pan or AJta' succcsc; for
more than IO yean., Benl1t'Y
"l~forc Starbuck~ ounr
jJong we were juM U.'> busy alt
Wt• a~ llOW," !lh C oddcd.
And t'Vl'n before the b ig
rhain~ wcrP big chains. Omnge-
c .ounty w1ti. a enfTL-~·frfondly
rnmmunlty. Dic•tlrid1 Coffee.
now a publicly traded
company. go1 II.$ 111ort here.
lakt• C ~1((-l!uha 1111 N1·w1)orl
Boukvard 111 C1"ta Mt'\J. Ju~t
going 10 1h1• hallunom tlwrc.· 1s
a wallc nn 1ht-wllo s1tle. ·nw
ladies' room wallt ort' coveretl
with bl.u k paJnl, act.'t'n1t·d by
red liKhti.. t.1 pink neon
Oamlngo i.cuJpturc. a string of
na.-.hlng bulb., In n frame nnd a
lV hu11l< .1hove the 1oile1 and
draped with shl"cr fabrk rhc·
volume 111 Hamed down, "0 that
the only noise romf'S fn1111 the
rork water fountain on one
After reluctnnrly cxilin.l( the
b.'lthroom, the vi\11or finds
Lhur Rubo itself 111 a s1lm11la1lntc
Jumble of Indoor and ouldoor
h . ng·out option!\ for enjoying
a good cup of coff ce for $1 .6..'i
~rved by a pierced but pt•rty
"I like having u place to IJO
that's kind or eclecdc. kind of
hidden." 5ollid Mil:<· Morunez.
lounging In a comfy chair at In
II chl tk COrt11.'r or Gypsy Den on
o l"l.'rcnt nftcmoon ·r1t1cts llltc.>
this are just nice places to go."
Some local espresso bar$
t1eh as Alta Coffee-House In
Newport ~ach offer evening
Newport Boed'I end John Wayne
Airpor1. She may bo 'ffd1od et
(949) 574 4232 or by e-mail al
iu~.CM••grande latimn.com.
I Pitc~
In! ~
Help keep
our city clea n !
DAiiy Piiot
•&cap.from wim.r; a ONGOING AROUND TOWN
• Send AROUND TOWN llama to
tho Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.,
Co&Ut M esa, CA 92627; by e-mail
10 11111.pena latimos.c:om; by fax
to (949) 646-4170; or by celling
(949) 574-4298. Include the tlmo,
date and location of tho event. as
well as a contact phone numbtir.
fitnea and fathlon show with
tnathlet• Lokelanl McMlchael end
Pro wake boarder Emily
Copohmd. wilt bo from 2 to 4 p.m.
at the South Coaet Plaza Spon
Chalet. Foor every pair o f Nike
Shox Turbo •hoea lhat are tried
on. NikeGo will donate a pair of
shoes tp Che Boya and Girla Clubs
of Orange County. Information·
(714) 424-9255.
Kids Night Out from 6 to 11 p.m.
at the Balearic Community
Conter, 1976 BelMric O<lve.
Children agos 7 co 12 will be
tranaported from the community
con tor co the Arrowhead Pond of
Anaheim to watch the Mighty
Ducb versus the Minnoso<a Wild.
The cost is $20. Information and
regrstretion: (714/ 754-5158 .
JAN. 29
Th• N.wport c.nw
Toastma1ter'1 Oub can help you
Improve your sxiblic speaking
skills or p0tish your business
presentations. Memben; come
from a variety o f profesS1onal
dir;oplines and backgrounds. The
group meets every Monday
rnomlng from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at
610 Newport Center Drive,
Newpon Beach. Vatldated partcing
1s available in the parl<ing
structu re next to 24 Hour Fitness.
Guests are welcome.
lntormalion: (949) 721·6732
There witt RM• Computer Fait at •
the Orange Counry Fair &
Exposition Ce11ter from 10 a.m. co
5 p.m . In Building No. 10 at the
Orange County Fair & Expoaltion
Center. The cost Is $5 for adults;
children 10 and younger get in for
free. Information· 1800) 800.5600,
'1ttp ·/1wvotw.ocfair.com.
IKEA will h1r119 a St.epyhMd
contest to see who can stay in
bed the longest starting ot 10:30
a.m . at its store at 1476 South
Coast Dove, Costa Meaa .
Contestants will have to drink
water every 30 minutes lhe
winner will receive an IKEA
bedroom seL Information: (714)
The UC Irvine Center for
Unconventional Security Affairs
will host a forum. "Are Schools as
Safe as They Should Be,# with
keynote speakers Orange County
Sheriff M ichael S. Carona and
Orange County Superintendent
of Sdlools Wilham M . Habermehl
from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at the
Arnold and M abel Bectm<in
Center, 100 Academy Way, Irvine.
Information and reservations:
Body Wise Fitness Center will
offer a free exercise night from 6
to 8 p.m. at 2901 W . Coast
Highway. No. 110, Newport
Beach Attendants can get free
lips on for worlcout routines
Information: (949) 650·1660.
http:llwww.bodywisefitness info
Shennan Library & Gardens will
present "Floral Design Using
Tropicals; a floral design class. at
9 a.m a1 2647 East Coast
Highway. Corona del M ar The
cost is $45 and preregistration 1s
required Information: (949) 673
2261. http:/twww slgardens.org.
The Newport Beach Public
Library Foundation's Manuscript
Book Discussion Group will
discuss "From Beirut to
Jerusalem" by Thomas Fnedman
al 9·15 a.m. at the 1000 Avocado
Ave. hbrary. lnformat1on: (949)
The UC Irvine Social Ecology
Partners Program will present
"Growing Rationally: The
Significance of Housrng for
Orange County," from 7 to 8:30
p.m . at lhe University Club
L1braf'( Information and
reservations: (949) 824-1278
Laure Sdllessinger will sign
her new book "The Proper Care
and Feeding of Husbands" a1 7:30
p.m . at Barnes and Noble
Booksellers, Metro Pointe, 901B
South Coast Drive. Information:
(714) 444-0226.
The UC Irvine Social Science
Dinner Club wilt present
"Elections Can Be Chaotic Even
Outside California." at 6 p m. at
the Un1vers1ry Club Library. The
cost is $40. Information and
reservations: (949) 824·2511,
rswatez a uc1.edu.
UPS* N.wport Bey presents
Astronomy night w ith the Orange
County Ascronomers,from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. at the Peter and Mary
Muth Interpretive Center, 2301
Unrvers1ty Drive, Newport Beach.
In formation: (949) 923·2295.
JAN. 18
A Home Remodeling end
Oecoratmg Show w ill be held in
buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the
Parado of Products at Orange
County Fair & Exposition Center.
The show will be open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. today_ The cost is
$5.75 lor adul!s, $3 for semors
and free for childreo younger
lhan 12 Information: (818)
The West Coast Reptile Show
will be from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. in
building No 17 at the Orange
County Fair & Exposflion Center.
The cost is $5 for adults and $3
for children 12 and younger.
lnforma11on (714) 826-0600.
The Sc.hoot of American Ballet
will host aud11tons for
intermediate to advanced ballel
dancers from 12 to 18 years old
for its summer course. The
auditions wilt be from 2 to 6:30
p.m . at !he Jimmie OeFore Dance
Cen<er, 151 Kalmus, Suite G3,
Costa M esa. The application fee
is $20. Girts must bring po1nte
shoes, and all applicants must
provide 111ne-d1g1t Social Socunty
Whittier Law School professor
M ichael Bazyler wrll discuss and
sign his new book HHolocaust
Justice" at 7 p.m. at Borders
Books Music and Cafe in Cosla
Mesa. 1890 Newport Blvd.
IK.EA will oft9r a •Kid's Pajama
Party; at whid'I children 12 and
younger can part1c1pate in
sing-alongs, slorytelting, snacks,
arts arid crafts, run gemes and
free stuff. from 9·30 to 11 .30 a.m.
at 1475 South Coasr Drive, Costa
M esa. Information· (714)
Up~r Newport Bay will
presents nature journaling ror
families lrom 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the
Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive
Cenrer, 2301 Unrversrty Onve,
Newport Beach The evenr is for
children ages 7 and up who are
accompanied by an adult. The
cosl is $5. Information: (949)
The AClU of Oninge County
wilt hold Its monthly meeting
with guest speaker attorney John
Alcorn, who will discuss
Hlmm1gration Law and the Patriot
Act, 2004 H at 7:30 p.m. at the
A Home Remodeling and
Decorarrng Show will be held
s1a11ing today In buildings No. 10
and 12 and in the Parade of
Products st Orange County Fair &
E1<position Center. The show will
be open from noon to 8 p.m.
today. The cost is $5.75 for adults.
S3 for seniors and free for
children younger than 12.
Information: (818) 557-2950.
-Unitarian Universahst Church,
1259 Victoria SI., Costa M esa
Information: (714) 299-4551.
The Commodores Club of the
Newport Beach Chamber of
Commerce will present the
Newport Harbor Christmas
Parade Awards Dinner and
Auction at 6 p.m. at the Four
Seasons Hotel. There w ill be live
enlel'18inment and silent and live
auctions. Tcdcets cost $75 per
person and $900 fore table of 12.
Information: (94.9) 729-4400,
The TEX•us Gu11ar Show wltl
be from 10 a.m . 10 6 p.m . in
building No. 14 at the Orange
County Fair & Exposition Center.
The cost is $10 for adults, ctllldren
12 and younger gel In for free
Information: (918) 288·2222.
Decorating Show will be held In
buildings No. 10 end 12 and in the
Parade of Products et Orange
County Fair & Exposition Contor
The show will be ()pen from 10
a.m . to 8 p.m . today. The coac ia
$5. 75 for adults, S3 for seniors
(55+) S3 and frM for children
younger th1n under 12 ,,..free.
Information: (818) 657·2960.
The Com M est11 Historic.I
Society will have former Costa
M esa Pohce Chief Roger Neth as
a speaker at its annual dinner and
Installation meeting at 6 p.rn. at
Captain's Table Rest aurant at
Orange Coast College.
Information and reservations·
(949) 631-5918.
The Newport BHch Newcomers
Club will be touring the Orange
County M useum of Art. The cost
rs $15. The organization is
designed to help people meet
new friends and to team about
what Newport Beach has to offer.
Information: (949) ~9922,
newportbeacti. orp.
JAN. 22
Hoaig Hotf>lbl wm host
"Nutrition for the Lung Cancer
Patient." a doytime lung cancer
support group, from 2 to 3:30 ,
p.m. et the Hoag Cancer Center,
conference room A. The apeaker
will be Kathy Pham, a Hoag
Hospital nutritionist. Information:
(949) 760-6542.
The UC IMtlne lnt.madonal
Center for Wri<mg and Translation
w ilt explore the various ways in
which M aori language and
culture meet the w orka of
Shakespeare with a seminar at 4
p.m . in the UCI Humanities
Instructional Building. room 135.
A reading and film screening of
"M aon Merchant of Venice" will
be at 7 p.m. In the UCI Humanities
Instructional Building, room 100.
The cost is $5. Information'
hnp:/twww.hnet.ucr edu/iCW(.
The Chy of Costa M eM'•
Recreauon 01v1s1on will have
registration for its 2004 basketball
league for adult players from 8
a.m. 10 6 p.m . Jan. 5 to 16 at the
Downtown Recreation Center,
1860 Anaheim Ave. Information
(714) 327·7663.
FEB. l
Humen Options, which helpa
battered women, their fam1hes
and the community break the
cycle of domestic violence, will
hold its second Super Bowl Golf
Tournament al 8:15 a.m. at
Pelican Hills Golf Course, 22651
Pelican Hill Road, Newport Coast,
and a Super Bowl Party at Tommy
Bahama's, 854 Avocado Ave.
Newport Beach. lnforma11on and
reservallOns: (949) 581 ·6701.
Hoag Hospital will present a
community education class on
"Heart Attack: Signals and
Actions" by Dr. Lee Carter at 6
p.m. al the Hoag Hospital
Conference Center in Newpo11
Beach. Information and
reservations: (800) 514-4624.
http '//Www l1oaghosp1tal.org
Hoag Hospital will present a
community education class on
"Stroke. rhe Warning Signs" by
Or. Subbarao M yla at 6 p.m. at the
Hoag Hosprlal Conference Center
in Newport Beach Information
and reservations: (800) 514·4624,
FEB. 10
Hoag Hospital will present a
community educa11on class on
"What is Arrhythmia" by Or
Brian Chesnie at 6 p.m at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
111 Newport Beach Information
and reservalions: (800) 514-4024,
FEB. 11 ·
Hoag Hospital will present a
community eduC<111on class on
"Drug·Elttng Stent: Setting a New
Standard" by Or. Richard Haskell
at 6 p.m at the Hoag Hospital
Conference Center in Newport
Beach. Information and
reservattons: (800) 514-4624,
FEB. 17
Hoag Hospital will present a
community education class on
"Setting the Pace· The Latest
Pacemakers and Devices" by Dr.
Neala Hunter at 6 p.m . at the
Hoag Hospital Conference
Center rn Newport Beach
Information and reservations:
1800) 514-4624,
Book Soup South Coast Plaza
will start its new book club "We
Want Fiction" at 7 p.m. at 3333
Bristol St., Suite 2400 The first
book for d1scussron will be "The
Great Fire" by Shirley Hazzard.
Information and reservations:
(714) 689·2665
The Perrot Education and
Adoption Center, a nonprofit
organization, will have a seminar
on feather destructive behavior
from 1 co 2:30 p.m at lhe Balearic
Community Center, 1975 Balearic
Drive, Costa Mesa. Information:
(949) 631·3606.
lrttp:l!www.peac or9
FEB. 24
H09Q Hospital will pnts.nt a
community education class on
"The New Guidelines on
Hypertension" by Or. Richard
Blankenbaker at lhe Hoag
Hospital Conference Center rn
Newport Beach. Information and
reservations: (800) 514-4624,
Hoaig Hoapit.al will Pf'9Mn1 a
community education clan on
"Heart Healthy Cooklng" by Hoag
chef Rlcnard Rellly at 6 p.m. at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
In Newport Beach. Information
and reservatloos: (800) 514-41624,
hffp:l/Www. hoanhospltsl. 01 g.
Hoeg HotphM wta Pf'9Mnt •
community education clau on
"lnnov&Clons In Cardiac Surgory"
by Dr. Douglas Zusman at the
Hoag Hospital ConfeNtnce Centor
In Newport Beadl. Information
and reMrvatlona: (800) 61~24.
South Coast Plaza will
have Santa's Express Train
running through Jan. 4 al l he
Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home
Slore wing on Level 2.
Information: (714) 435-2083,
The Newport-Mesa cribbage club
rneets on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of every month
from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis
Senior Center, 800 Marguerite
Ave. in Corona del M ar. The coS1
1s $2. Information: (949) 646-5293
The ACLU of Orange County
meets at 7 p.m . the third Tuesday
of every month at the Unitanan
Universalist Church, 1259 Vicloria
St. in Cosla Mesa. Each m onth's
meeting will feature a different
spealcer on issues relating to the
Bill or Rights. Information: (7141
Yoga classes will be offered
Tuesdays and Thursdays from
noon to 12·40 p.m for nme weeks
at West Newport Commumty
Center. Registration is $54 for one
class each week or $100 for two
days a week over nine weeks for
Newport Beach residents. Others
pay an additional $5. Information
1949) 644·3151.
Costa M esa's Recreation Division
will provide a three-hour theme
birthday party for up to 20 guests
at the Balearic Community Center
weekdays from 5 co 8 p.m .•
Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m
or 4 to 7 p.m .; and Sundays from
4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 10
12 will consist o f lunch/dinner.
games, crafts. prizes. cake wrth
ice cream and supervision by
staff. Parties cost $250 or $300.
Information: (7141754-5158.
A variety of private, semi-priv•te
and group swim lessons w ill be
offered this summer at the
Marian Bergeson Aqualic Center
a1 Corona def M ar High Sdlool
Options include one-on·one
instruction on Saturdays and a
Monday through· Thursday
program for alt ages and levels
For session dates. times and
costs, call (9491644-3151, or
1egister in person at Newport
Beach Recrealion and Senior
Services, at 3300 Newport Blvd
Professional and lic:ensed soccer
trainers with the Afl·England
Soccer Academy are available for
one-on-one. small group and
large group training. lnformeuon-
(949) 395-5103.
Jewish Family Service is
sponsoring a teen support group
for high school students that
meels M ondays from 3:30 10 5
p.m. al Tarbut V'Torah Upper
School in Costa M esa. For
information or to register, call
(714) 445-4950. Pre·registration 1s
The First Page -Fine Children's
Books, at 270 E. 17th St. No. 10 in
Costa Mesa. offers free story time
M ondays, Wednesday, Fridays
and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10'.30
a.m.; and Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m.
Information: (949) 645-5437.
Bayside Restaurant In
Newport Beach c;>ffers wine
tasting every Thursday from 5.30
to 7:30 p.m . ror $15 per person,
featuring five new wines each
week. Information: (949)
Gl'Mn Systems ln1-netlonal
shows you everything that you
wanted to know about orchids
and repotting during a free
sominer at 2 p.m . every Saturday.
An orctlid end tropical plant sale
is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . at the
20362 Birch St. facility
Information: (9491756-1211.
Dl9CGYW the Mc:rets of C.fbon
Canyon Regional Part< as you
w alk through grovea of beautiful
Coaml Redwood trees every
Sal\lrday at 8:30 a.m. Parting is
$4. Information: (7141996-525:.>.
The w..t CoMt Aepdle Show
will be from 10 1.m . co 8 p.m. In
bulldlng No. 17 at the Oninge
County Mllr & bpc>thlon Center.
Tho OOtC 11 S6 for tclufta and S3
for ctlildren 12 and younger.
lnformatfon: (71 4) 826-6600,
The Fwtencb For Plenn9d
Parenthood luncheon, at 11 :30
11.m. et Sherman Ubrftry &
Gardena, will foeua on •
education in Che Santi M a
Unified School Ol11rict. Toon
activist• from Campfire USA alld
Gir1s Inc. will dit®st 11 curriculum
that only te~es abstinence untfl
manfege. Sherman Library &
Gtrdene 11 tt 2647 E. Co.It
Hlghwly. Information: (714)
833-&373, elrt. 121
1Mm ~ •• notipoftt
or911niz.ation entouraglng women
who have been through cancer
treatm ent to exorcise, host• Walk
and Talk ti 10 a.m the second
The PMot ~and
Adoption Center, a nonproftt
01ganaetiotl, wm have a eemJnar
on perrot nutrl1lon from 1 to 2:30
p.m. at the Baleertc Communtty
C.ni.r, 1971 Ba ... ric OrM, Cotca
Mlle. Information; CM )
831-380e, hffp:/lwww./JIHC.Ol'g.
The City of Co.ta Mee.
Reoreetion OMllon w!U pt9MnC
Hoag~ wtll preMnt.
community education ola .. on
·e1ood ~ure end Cholnterol
Screening• from 7to11 a.m. et
the liol9 Hoec>ftal Conference
Cent•r In N.wport Boad\. Tho
ooat I• S26. lnformtUon Ind
reter.!lrtlona: (800) 514-4814,
and fourth Friday of the month In
front of NIKEgoddou store In
Fashion Island. Mtlmbera meet
for lunch after at Atrium couri. It Is f'"· and ell fttne.u lovola fire
we!Qome. lnformatlon: (949) 276-3888.
Daily Pilot
Conbnued from A4
~rt Community CounMllng
Center otters a way to stop the
cycle of domestic violence
through the support group In
S.AF.E. Hands. S.AF.E. st ands for
safety. awareness. faith and
em powerment. The group meets
from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays.
Free. Information: (949) 721-8079.
The Newport Beach Walking Club
meets at the corner of Super1or
and Hospital Road in Newport
Beach at 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m.
everyday. Information: 1949)
The Newport Beach Cake
Decorating Club m eets from 7 to
9 p.m . Thursday nights al
Superior and Hospital Road m
Newport Beach Information:
(949) 650-1332.
The Spanish Speaking Club
meets to learn Spanish quick and
easy. Information: (949) 650 1332.
The Assn. of Business Services
hosts a networking m eeting that
deals with education connections
from 6 to 8:30 pm. on the second
Tuesday of every month at the
Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St..
Costa M esa. Inform ation: (949)
#Divorce: A New Beginning,*
a workshop for men and w omen
divorced or getting divorced, 1s
held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at
180 Newport Center Drive on the
third Saturday of every month
Cost is $40. Information: 644-6435.
Free tours of the Orange County
Performing Arts Center take guests
to the dressing rooms. performer's
lounge. backstage and on stage at
10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at 600 Town Center
Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours
can be held by special
arrangem ent. Information (714)
556-ARTS. e><t. 833.
The Newport Beach Newcomers
Club holds a general meetmg on
the third Wednesday of every
month. The organization 1s open
to all women residents 1n
Newport Beach who have lived in
the area fewer than five years.
Information: (949) 645-9922, or
visit htrp:l!www.newcomers
newportbeach org.
Oasis Senior Center holds •
pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10
a.m. on the second Saturday of
every month. Breakfast includes
pancakes, sausage, coffee and
orange juice for $3, $1 for
children. The center is at 800
Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar.
Information: (949) 644-3244.
'bga and rhythm.
~vogarhvthmicsH combines yoga.
danoe and fun. The class is held
rrom 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays
at 2850 M esa Verde Drive East,
Suite 111, Cost a Mesa.
Information: (714) 754-7399.
lnt.mith couples wfth one
Jewish partner are invited to
part1c1pate in a discussion group
at the Jewish Family Service of
Orange County office. Call to
sctiedule date and time. The
office is at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite
G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950
Women 50 and older can join a
discussion group coordinated by
Jewish Family Services to
address issues such a;; amoety,
depression. relationships,
loneliness and family. The g roup
meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
M ondays at the agency offices.
250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa
Mesa. Preregistration required.
(714) 445-4950.
Friends of the Newport Beach
Public Library Used Book Store
are asking for patrons to donate
books to replenish the dwindling
stock. Books may be left at any of
the three branch libraries -
Balboa. M ariners, or Corona del
Mar -or in the book closet next
to the Friends Book Store, at 1000
Avocado Ave .• Newport Beacti
All hardcover and paperback
donations, w11h the exception of
magazines and law books. will be
accepted and are tax deducttble.
(949) 759-9661
The Braille Institute otters tree
computer classes to people with
fading vision who have difficulty
seeing the computer screen. The
Oasis Center at 800 Margue11to
Ave .• Corona del M ar. offers six
sessions. Call to sign up for
classes. (714) 821-5000.
A spiritual care class meets at
7 15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400
Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport
Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949)
The Costa Mesa Chamber of
Commerce hosts networking
luncheon meetings Wednesdays
from 11:45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the
Costa Mesa Country Club The
cost is $14. The club 1s at 1701
Golf Course 011ve. Costa Mesa
(714) 885-9090
American\,.lh1s year are
expected to get their teeth
whitened, according to
Martin Ciniger, a dental
professor al the University
of Medicine and Dent1~try
of New )ersey
IN 2002
Surgoc.it Proce-dures lnuease
1 %; Largest Gains for
Tummy Tucks,
Brt>ast Augmentations
Advertise in the
"A NevO You"
special section and
A bf'aln tumor IUpport group
meets the first end third
Thursdays of eed'I month from 7
to 8:30 p.m. at the.Hoag Cancer
Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag
Drive, Newport Beach. Free. ·
Registration not required. The
group is designed to help
patients and their families
understand and cope with tl'le
illness. (949) 574-6232.
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
hosts a mental illness support
group from 6:30 to 8 p.m .
Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at
600 St Andrews Road, Newport
Beach. (949) 574-2236.
The Jewish Family Service of
Orange County sponsors a
discussion group for adult
children and their parents from 6
10 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a month
at the Jewish Family Service
office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G.
Costa Mesa. $10 per person. per
session. Preregistration required.
(714) 445-4950.
The Jewish Family Service of
Orange County has a weekly
parentmg support group. Parents
learn strategies for successful
parenting and for dealing with
the feelings and behavior of the1r
children. The group meets from
10 to 11 :30 a.m Mondays at the
Jew ish Family Service office at
250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa
M esa The group will cover
managing anger, anxiety and
peer pressure cti1ldren
experience Preregistration
required (714) 445 4950.
The Costa M esa Senior Center
has ballroom dancing with hve
music from the Costa Mesa
Music M akers from 7:30 to 10:30
p.m. every Tuesday night at 695
W 19th St., Costa Mesa $4. (949)
548 3884
Jew ish Family Service of Orange
County sponsors an ongoing
healing support group for the
chronically ill. The purpose is to
provide part icipants w 11h
emotional and spiritual support
to manage illness and its
consequences. The group meets
at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the Jewish
Family Service office at 250 E
Baker St., Costa Mesa
Anendance is freo, but
reg1stre11ton is required (714)
Scrabble Club No. 350 mee1s
from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays al
Borders Books. Music & Cate a1
South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St
m Costa Mesa. $3 New players
are welcome. (949) 206-9822
For advertising, call (949) 642-4321
Daily _A Pilot
Sunday, January 11. 2004 M
The Coln and Stamp C1ub m..U
trom 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the
Oasis Senior Center. New
members Interested in trading,
buying and selling stamps and
coins are being sought to join
these informal meetings. There
are no fees required. (949)
Jewistl Family 5-Nice oft9rs
ongoing bereavement support
groups for adutts at all stages of
loss. Group members share
experiences. hear how others
deal with grief, receive support
and leam ways to cope with
sadness and loss. One group
m eet s at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth
Jacob in Irvine. The second group
meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays at
Temple Judea in Laguna Hills.
The third group meets at 1 p.m .
Thursdays at the Ezra Center in
Anaheim. Free, but advance
registration is required. (714)
Jewish Family Service of Orange
County provides a supp ort and
discussion group for persons
recovenng from childhood or
teenage sexual abuse. The g roup
meets from 8 to 9:30 p m.
Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St.,
Costa Mesa. Advance registration
is required (714) 445-4950.
VALUE Piii Diii .................
• CMsJ1....i Ir CISll
• MMICalls
• rlct U, alNI Dtllmy
•U .. 1'1!11101
JMr IStalt
• Estate AlctlHs
·~AwaUlt •llclae4,11Ht~ -----....... -.... a law14 Two-hour kayak tours with a
trained naturalist guide are
offered al 10 a.m. Sundays from
the Newport Dunes Waterfront
Resort Ttie resort is at 1131 Bade
Bay Dnve. Newport Beach. $20.
or $10 for California Wildlife
Campaign and Newport Bay
N aturalists and Friends
members (949) 729-1150. rr---------------~ -:tt,.~! sa.:.!@IP A yoga and dance class is held
from 4.30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays
at the Center for Spintual
Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive
East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa. (714)
2285 Newport Blvd • Costa Mesa
Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa
Mesa offers free self-defense
classes to airline pilots and flight
attendants. Classes are taught by
three-time U.S. N attonal
Champion Tom M arshall.
Marshall's 1s at 333 E. 17th St,
Suite 13. Costa M esa. (949)
Everyday CCMlpOI
I • $7.99 I GtCMI t1n Fa 29, 2004 699
This Ad
Seniors, Mltmy, law Enforc ..... t
1 · S7.t9 I SIMt ID I Gee4 nn ftl 29, 2004 599
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A Dealing with Divorce support
group is offered by Jewish Family
Service of Orange County The
group 1s led by an expeucnced
counselor and meets at 6 p.m.
Tuesdays at the Jewish
Federation campus. 250 E Baker
St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa (714)
COMPLETE (949) 650-1009
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(949) 673-6981 -Manny
,. ~. J.ntafY 11. 1004
Mission · made possible
W Ith school wf.ntr:r recess
OYtt, it's tltne for
children to go back 10
wort on their school
Yow children may be wortdng
011 i C.aJJfomia mission.
American Indian, state, coullll)'
or president repon this year. Be
ure to remember that children
can use the Newport Beach
Public Library as a valuable
resource to facilitate 1.he
gathering of infonnation for such
projects. Students are already
starting their C'.alifomia mission
repons. for California mission
reports. the library has three
M.>ries' 10 help children with I.heir
projec1S: "Mlilllorw: Cal1fomia'I
Herttap," "The Mi.lone of
c.llfomlaH and "Cllllfomla
Miilililol& ..
•Missions: California's
I leritsge• series Is a pamphlet on
each mission written by Mary
Null Boule. "The Missions of
California• series Is written by
various authors and contains
more than 60 pages of
information on each m.i.s.sion. In
addllion, the "CallfomJa
Missions" series contains seven
boob, six of which discuss
missions grouped by geographic
area. The seventh book in the
series is "Pro)ec:U and layout.I"
by Libby Nelson with Kari A.
Cornell. nus book shares how to
create a replica of a mission
using cardboard. modeling
dough. or sugar cubes, and ii
an dudes the layouts or the
50 % OFF
1st Session
on the
Entrees .fomi
&rved until 6pm
(exttpt Saturdays)
Homemmk Pasta
Fresh Seafood
Vt-al Specialties
• Submit AFTER HOURS items to
the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.,
Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to
(949) 646-4170; or by calling (949)
Orange Coast College is offering
a nine-part film h1stof'( on Alfred
Hitchcoc:*. The series will be
moderated by retired OCC
professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each
session will be held at 6:30 p.m.
one Friday each month. The
events will be held al OCC's Fine
Arts Hall 116. Adm1ss1on is $6 for
adults and $5 for seniors and
OCC students. Information and
tickets, call (714) 432·5880.
The Claire Trevor Sdiool of the
Arts will present film director
John Badham discussing his new
book. "Actors and Directors et
War:' from 5 lo 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Nixon Theatre
at UC Irvine. Information: (949)
The Revolutionary and Romantic
Ordlestra end the Monteverdi
Choir, conducted by John Eliot
Gardiner, will perform as part of
the Philharmonic Society's 50th
anniversaf'( season at 3 p.m.
today at the Orange County
Performing Arts Center. A
pre-concert lecture will be given
at 2 p.m. Tici(ets cost from $20 to
$60. Information: (949) 553-2422,
Opera Pacific will present
Prologue: ·cosi Fan Tutte;' a
lecture on Mozart's opera. at 2
p.m. today at the Irvine Barclay
Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. The
cost Is $25. Information:
Broadway composer Cy
Coleman, a Tony, Emmy and
Grammy winner, will perform a
medley of hia compositions In
Founders Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday at the
Orange County Performing Arts
Center. Tidtets cost $56.
Information: (714) 556-2787.
Opera Pacific will present
Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tune· Jan. 20
through 25 in Segerstrom Hall at
the Orange County Performing
Arts Center. The performances
"He interviewed poorlv,
but I hired him anvwav ... "
Yeah Right!
The fact of the matter is, it's often not who is most quali.6cd
for the job, but who is most qualified for the interview.
It's time you got a coach in. your oomer.
ICA...._. ___ ___
r .11:1 1 Jfh11l!1' • ". •
1 • 1 1 t J ~ • • { r ) · · 1
• • • \' 1 ' i · · · r , • , l J , i -l ..... , I I I \, " \, , " . 't I • r , .. r
various mi5&1on&
Additionally. there Ille several
general titles that will provide an
OlleCView or the missions. such as
"1be c.lllomla Mllllone" by
Ann Heinrichs and "'The
c.nfornla ~by Valerie J.
Weber and Dale Anderson. lf
tit.Jes on an assigned mission are
checked out. the CalifomJa
MJMlons Fact Canis in the
Otlldren's Reference collecdon
provide the basics facts on each
missieo and can be copied at !he
library. See our I lomewort Help
section on the K.ldsPage linlc on
the library website for links to
information on the California
mismons. OJck on the tab labeled
F.vents and Services; then select
Kids Page.
For siate repons. there are also
will be at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 20, 22
and 24 and 111 2 p.m. Jan. 25.
The 22-member Moscow
Chamber Ordlestra. led by
American-born conductor
Constantine Orbelian, will
perform at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 22 at
the Orange County Performing
Arts Center. The concert will be
the on:tlestra's debut al the
Center. Soprano Araxia Davtian
and pianist. Carol Rosenberger
will also perform in the program.
Tickets cost $75. Information:
(714) 556-2787.
Jazz singer Lizz Wright will
perform at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
Jan. 23 and 24 in Founders Hall at
the Orange County Performing
Arts Center. Tickets cost $46 to
$49. Information: (714) 556-2787.
The Hutcnins Consort., the world's
only professional ensemble
performing on eight-scaled
violins, will perform music by
Bottesini, Tcnaikovsky. Borodin
and Dvorak at 8 p.m. Jan. 23 at
the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242
Campus Drive. Irvine. Tickets cost
$29 and $34. Information: (949)
854-4646. http://www.hutcl11nson
consort. org.
The Royal Philharmonic
Ordlestra will perform as part of
the Philharmonic Society's
Masterworks Series at 8 p.m. Jan.
28 in Segerstrom Hall. Tickets
cost $20 to $60. Information: (714)
556-2787, hrtp:Jlwww.ocpac.org.
Johnny M athis will perform some
of his classics, sudl as •Misty#
and "Chances Are; at 8 p.m. Jan.
31 at the Orange County
Performing Arts Center. Ticbts
cost: $45 to $100. Those who
pun:tlased tickets for his canceled
performance on Dec. 6 have until
Jan. 16 lo exdlange or receive a
refund for them. Information:
The Mozart Classical Orchestra
will perform Mozart's Lucio Sila
Overture. the Aute and Harp
Conoerto, and the •Prague"
Symphony at 8 p.m. Feb. 7 at the
Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242
Campus Drive, Irvine. Tickets coat
$24, $32 and $39. Information:
(949) 854-4646.
lhrtt main series': "lftm S. tO
Sblninl s.." "Helo US.A.,H
and .. America the BeeudfUL ..
Each series hM a book for each
state, which includes information
on the history and people of the
state and color photos, state
symbols, recipes. timeline and
ba&c facts. The ·America the
Beautiful" series is the mosl
in-depth al about 140 pages.
For great maps and pictures of
llags and other state symbols~
visit our database Qmiculum
Resource Center grades
kindergarten through five on the
library home page under Find
Information and the subheading
Databases. Under Maps and
Flags. the state maps include
basic, elevation. agriculrure, and
indusoy maps. The state nag
The Juilliard String Quartet will
perform music by Haydn,
Webern, and Beethoven at 8 p m.
Feb 10 al the hvine Barclay
Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive.
Irvine. Tickets cost $26. $28 and
$32. Information: (949) 854-4646.
The concert "Hapa: a Celebration
of HawaW will be performed at 5
and 8:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Irvine
Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus
Drive, Irvine. Tickets cost $32 and
$38. Information: (949) 8544646.
Opera Pacific will present
Prologue: "Candide; a lecture on
Leonard Bernstein's opera, at 2
p.m. Feb. 15 at the Irvine Barclay
Theatre. 4242 Campus Drive. The
cost is $25. Information:
The Moscow State Radio
Symphony Ordlestra will
perform works by Sergei
Radlmaninoff at 8 p.m. Mardl 2
and an all-Tdlaikovsky program
at 8 p.m. Merdl 3 at the Irvine
Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus
Drive, Irvine. The on:tlestra will
be conducted by Pavel Soroki n.
Tici(ets cost $44 and $59.
Information: (949) 854-4646,
Gulfstream Restaurant in
Newport Beadl presents a jazz
trio Sunday through Wednesday
as regular entertainment at 850
Avocado Ave .. Newport Beadl.
Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and
610 10 p.m. Monday through
Wednesday. (949) 718-0188.
The Studio Cafe presents
Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11
p.m. evef'( wook. ··wanted•
musicians include guitar players,
bass players, singers, drummers,
keyboardists and others at 100
Main St., Newport Beadl. Free.
Jazz and codctails flow daily from
noon to midnight Sundays
through Thursdays and from
noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and
Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club
& Resort, at 1221 W. Coas1
Highway, Newport Beacti.
Information: (949) 645-5000
Waller Lakota and David Alcantar.
the New Yortc Jazz Connection
Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251
comes in a color or outline
version. Plnally. the FactS tab
provides a color plcrure or the
state Oower, tree. and bird and
lists state mets. Remember the
library catalog. databases. and
Kids.Page are available 10 access
al home, even when the library is
• CHECK rT OUT is written by the
staff of the Newport Beach Public
L1brery. This week's column 11 bV
VictoM Campbell. All titles may be
r81ierved from home or offlCe
computers bV accessing the catalog
at http://wwW.newportb68dl
library.org. For more Information on
the Central Library or any of the
branch locations. please con111Ct the
Newport Beach Public Library al
(949) 717·3800, option 2
E. Coast Highway in Newpon at 8
p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and
at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays.
Diana Ditri joins the duo on
vocals on Mondays. It's free.
Information: (949) 673-9500.
The Bluewater Grill offers live
music Friday and Saturday
nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper
and Kelly Gordien (known as
MPG) perform classic rode, R&B
and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays.
Marvin Gregof'( and MPG will
perform classic rock, swing and
R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The
restaurant is at 630 Lido Park
Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. (949)
The Rusty Pelican offers the
music of Common Ground from
Wednesday through Sunday. The
band performs from 7 to 10 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday. from
8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. Friday and
Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m.
Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735
W. Coast Highway, Newport
Beadl. Free. (949) 642-3431.
Players restaurant is now offering
live music from 9 p.m. to
midnight evef'( Friday end
Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th
St .. Costa Mesa. No cover dlarge.
(949) 646-5615.
Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant
in Newport Beadl presents the
Rici( Sherman Duo featuring Rici(
Sherman and Alan Remington on
Friday nights. The program
features all your favorites on the
saxophone keyboards. Anthony's
is IU 151 E. Coast Highway. (949)
Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown
act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays
at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E.
Coast Highway, Corona del Mar.
Solo guitarist Ken Sanders
performs classical flamenco
tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and
Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922.
Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone
Bridge Band play rock and R&B al
9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place
Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500
MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadl.
Free. (949) 476-2001.
"lovers and Executioners.· an
update of M ontfleury's classic
costume comedy "La Femme
juge et partie:' will be performed
through Jan. 25 on the Julianne
See HOURS, P11e A7
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Dally Piiot
Continued from A6
Argyro1 Stage, 655 Town Center
Drive, Co1ta Mesa. Tickets cost
$19 to $55. Information: (714)
"Happy Valley; part of South
Coast Repertory's NewSCRipt
series, about an adolescent girl
seardllng for happiness in Hong
Kong in the year leading up 10 the
handover from Britain to China,
w)ll be performed at 7:30 p.m.
Monday on the Julianne Argyros
Stage, 655 Town Center Drive,
Costa Mesa. Tickets cost SS.
Information: (714) 708·6554
"Antigone• by Sophocles. the
story of Oedipus' daughter who
sacrifices everything to bury her
brother, will be performed at 2:30
p.m. Jan. 23 through Feb. 29 on
the South Coast Repertory
Segerstrom Stage, 655 Town
Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Tickets
cost $19 to $55. Information: (714)
"Journeys;· the story of a young
dancer who is struggling with her
identity as an artist, wilt be
performed at 8 p.m. Jan. 29
through 31 and at 2 p.m. Jan 31
and Feb. 1 at Vanguard
University's Lyceum Theater, 55
Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. The guest
director will be Deborah Marley.
Tickets cost SS. Information: 1714)
http://www. vanguard. edu/
"The Subject Was Roses;' a
Pulitzer Prize-winning drama
about a paper boy's return from
war. will be performed Jan. 30
through Feb. 29 at IM Newport
Beadl Theatre Arts Center. 2501
Cliff Drive, Newport Beadl.
Tickets cost $17 for opening night
and $13 for all other
performances. Information: (9491
One of the most respected chamber ensembles in the world, the Moscow Chamber Orchestra. with 1ts conductor and music
director Constantine Orbehan, will make its Orange County Performing Arts Center debut on Thursday at 7:30 pm in
Founders Hall. Tickets are $75 and on sale now at the center's box office Pianist Carol Rosenberger and ArmeniJn soprano
singer Ataxia Davtian will join the group for the event. The orchestra will perform Boccherin1's Symphony in D minor "La Casa
del Olavolo" and Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings, Op 48 1n C Ma1or The orchestra has toured throughout f urope. Asia.
Canada, the United States and South America. and in a sold-out subsrnpt1on series 10 the Great Hall of Moscow's famed
Tchaikovsky Conservatory. For more information , call (7 14) 556-ARTS or v1s1t http/ /www ocpac.org
The Kennedy Center's
Imagination Celebration will
stage the Hans Christian
Andersen classic tale "The
Nightingale" at 7:30 p.m . Feb. 6 at
lhe Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242
Campus Drive. Tickets cost $11
for dlildren and $13 for adults.
Information: (9491 854-4646,
"Sideways Stories from Wayside
Sdlool." an adap1ation by John
Olive from Louis Sac:har's
Wayside Sdlool novels, will be
performed from Feb. 13 to 2~ at
the Julianne Argyros Stage, 655
Town Center Drive, Cpsta Mesa
Tickets cost $10 to $21.
lnformetion: (714) 708-5554.
New York artist A.M Hodl links
images. sound and space to
create "Mitosis: Formation of
Daughter Cells;· whidl will run
through Feb. 15 at UC Irvine's
Beall Center. The exhibition is
open from 5 to 9 p.m.
Information: 19;'9) 8244 339.
http://beallcenter.uci edu.
"Cities of Promise: Imaging
Urban California;' an art exhibit
on how artists in the 1930s to the
present have incorporated
skyscrapers. houses, bridges,
freeways and automobiles into
their works, will be al the Orange
County Museum of Art from
Thursday to April 25. The
exhibition will also feature
paintings commissioned as
covers for Westways magazine by
the Auto Club. Information: (949)
759-1122, http://llvww.ocms.net.
~essons are given from 2 to 6
p.m. every Sunday at the Avant
Garde Ballroom in Newport
~eadl by the Orange Counry
!wing Dance Club. All ages are
welcome. and no partners are
needed. Information:
http://ocswing com. (9091
Tango dancing 1s offered from 8
p.m . to 12:30 a.m. the first
Saturday of each month at
Danscene Studio, 2980
McChntock Way, CoS1a Mesa
Information: (7141 641-8688
DeFore Foundation for the Arts
·hosts ballroom dancing with a OJ
playing various types of music
from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays
and 8 to 11 p.m. every Friday and
Saturday at 151 Kalmus Drive,
G-3, Costa Mesa The cost is S 12
Information (714) 241-9908.
There will be an open poetry
reading night for anyone who
wishes lo present his or her worll,
with music by L1qu1d M,use. at 8
p.m. Tuesday at the Gypsy Den
Cafe. 2930 Bristol St .. CoS1a Mesa.
Information: 1714) 549-7012, (714)
564-6526, (949) 472-9028.
There will be an open poetry
reading night for anyone who
wishes to present his or her work.
w11h music by Ryan Strassburg,
at 8 p m. Wednesday al the Alta
Coffee House, 506 31st St
Information: (714) 564-6526, (9491
There will be a love poetry
contest with professional
judging. cash pnzes and hve
music at 8 p.m. Feb 14 at the Alta
Coffee House. 506 31st St
Sign-up for contestants will begin
at 7: 15 p.m. The cost to
contestants is $3. Information·
(7141564-6526, (949) 675-0233.
Children 3 to 7 years old are
invited to participate in songs and
finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m.
M ondays at the Costa Mesa
Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949)
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A dlildren's story time 1s
presented at 7 p.m Mondays and
at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the
Newport Beach Central Library,
1000 Avocado Ave. Ch1ldr&n may
wear pajamas to the evening
sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801
A dlildren's story time 1s held at
10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes
& Noble Booksellers .:11 Metro
Pointe, 901 B South Co.:ist Drive,
Costa Mesa. (7l4I 444 0226.
A dlildren's story time 1s held at
10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15
Jan 23 di Pavilion at lhe Four
Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport
Center Drive Newport Beach
lnformatton and reservations
(949) 854-6552,
http:l/www single
qourmetlaoc com
More than 90 Napa Valley
yintners will be featured ill a
wine tasting to benefll the 50th
anniversdry of the Boys & Girls
Clull from 7 to 9 pm. Feb 3 at
the Sutton Place Hotel, Newport
Beach The cost 1s $300 for a
block o f lour and $250 per
person for a 6 p m VIP reception
with Anthony Dias Blue.
lnforrna11on· (714) 639-0056.
h1r11 1 www boysandg1rls
The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset
Dinners from 4 to 5:15 pm
Monday through Friday at 2735
W Coast Highway. Newport
Beach Meals typically cost
between $10 $15 (949) 642-3431
The Rusty Peltcan otters Sunday
brunch from 10 a m to 3·30 p.m
every Sunday at 2735 W Coast
Highway, Newport Beadl Meals
ryp1cally cost between SS and
$15 (949) 642 3431.
a m. Fridays at Borders Books &
Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333
Bear St., Costa Mesa Free. (714)
432-7854. PWNTING
• "e Pnru no 1ht> Pr .. rn1~
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• I g Boot! (11pw,
C.mall ~our p/111 flies 111 u\ lit
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Friends of the Orange Coast
Interfaith Shelter will host its
annual FOCIS on Dining ever1t to
help raise funds for 1he Orange
Coast Interfaith Shelter on Jan.
20 at Gustaf Anders The cost 1s
$125 per person. lnformatton
and reservations: (949) 642-4029,
1949) 376·5851, (949) 581 -8160,
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Sunday, January 11 , 2004 A7
A twilight dining menu, featuring
dishes sudl as chidten parmigiana
and calamari picante at reduced
prices, Is offered from 5 to 6 p.m
weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m.
Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant,
3131 W. Coast Highway. Newpon
Beadl. (9491642-7880.
Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine
tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m .
Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m
Saturdays. (949) 650-8463.
A Sunday brunch featuring
international seafood and salad
buffets, roasts carved to order
and breakfast favorites is held
from 10:30 a.m . to 2 p.m. at
Sutton Place Hotel, 4500
MacArthur Blvd ., Newport
Beadl. Meals typically cost $30
-$40 with dlampagne. (9491
Musical acts perform at 8:30
p.m Thursdays through
Saturdays at Alta Coffee House.
506 31st St Newport Beach
(949) 675-0233.
A variety of hve music 1s
presented daily at the Atrium's
Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur
Blvd .• Irvine (9491833-2770.
Jazz 1s played at 8 p m. Fridays
cind Saturdays and at 11 a.m.
Sundays at Bistro 201 3333 W
Coast H1ghw<1y, Newport Beach
(949) 631 1551.
lnstrumentdl music 1s performed
after 9 p.m Thursdays, and pop
and rock is presented after 9 p m
Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din
di lhe Bamboo Terrace. 1773
Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa
(949) 645 5550.
Live music 1s performed at 9
p.m . Fridavs and Saturdays al
Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .• Costa
Mesa. (714) 957-1951
Live music 1s performed
Sundays at Hard Rock Cafe, 451
Newport Center Drive, Newport
Beach (949) 640-8844.
Live music 1s performed
Thursdays through Saturdays at
the Harp Inn, 130 E 17th St.,
Costa Mesa (949) 646-8855
J~y /)n111' Wong
Cn111l11m1111um' h.1"<.· lung been
hK>l.cd Ull<IJI ,1, llll "1.'di-
\ll'pbmlli\'I 111 "11•.11 .. hom.:'.
<J1vl'll him l ll"l'I) JM1.l-.:d mall)
\lllgk 1.111111\ h1•J1l(\ .tr.: t11ll.1y,
1hc) m1i:h1 •" ... ..-11he1111i. nhomc'
a' 1i.dl
Cond11m111111n1' hJ\l' l\f:cn
h.1v1n111h1.·11 ll.I\ 111 the pa'I fo1i.
)l-.tr' \11n• fr,·.: ,1,md111g hon'<''
h,1vt' g<lllll'd j!rcali\ 111 valuo.>
lo;,Jll) llll'n: h.1v1• hc«n t1m1•'
h1m.:\<'r "h.:n 11111domm1um
value., h.iw hccn apprcc1.itmg
l'llCO f.i,ICI
Thi.' 'll.i11l1n3l A"oc1a11on of
Re.iltor,11() !1'-ARJ di-covered 1ha1.
on a nn111inal ba,1~. 'mgle-fam1ly
h0mc' appn:c1a1cd al u 7 4% rate
Ill :!(l(}l
Tho(, UllU\Ually h1tzh. 10 ~y
1he lc11s1 .• ind m many area~ the
Jppreu.itmn r;lll' "~a great deal
higher th.m lhat
The nillmnal apprcl'1a11on rate
lor condomm1ums, meanwhile,
wa' :i \lunnm{! I~ 1 'l over 1lx-
'amc umc penod In till-We\!,
condo pnc·.:, dim~d lly an even
lutzhcr 2 ''l. in lhc North1•a.\I,
the) ro~ h> 22~. by 17.2~ m
the South .• tnd. no 'urpnse. hy a
mere 6..V!I in 1hc M1dwc,1. Wh1ll
1.1.e \¢1!, 1n mn<il reit•Oll\, i~ ti
gro" ing .iwa~nc'~ of IM value in
coodn'. :ind a grov. ing confidence
th111 1h1•1r apprec1a111>n rate wtll
remain '1rong. For mnrc
1t1fonnatmn n 11l me JI
949-~.B-1 200 or v1rn my
web\lt('~ .11 d11vewong4 com 01
oncfordroad com
Daw ~ng 11'1 bm r rrllms.
hnmn '" Nrwpor1 &arh 1inr1
I 989 '""'is with Coast N,.wpon
l'ropmtn!O>Uwrll &nhr.
Al Sunday. JltnU<f()' 11, 2004 Dally PilOI
HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -~: Mall to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cost11 Mesa, CA 92627 • AMCten HottlM : Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170
E-mall:S6nd to d11/lypl/ot@l11times.com •Alt correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit ell submissions for clarity and length.
Mesa needs to
step up its roJe
in JWA takeover
T he table has been 'let and
the seating arranged. as
Newport Beach politicians
prepare to engage county
officials about the
possibility of controlling John Wayne
A.nd Costa Mt:Sa leaders are
wondering what happened 10 their
As far as the hosts are concerned .
there rs limned seariilg. Space Ls
reserved for the three Newpon
Bea.ch councilman who make up the
Sphere of lssues Committee -
created specifically to explore how
the city can play a bigger role in
airport management -and any or
all of the i.cwn Orange County
Supervll.ors. who currently oversee
John Wayne. nw airport is a county
ucut. .. portauon hub and touches the
borders of Newport Reach. Costa
M~. Santa Ana and lrvine. Its jets,
with loud roaring engines. share
equd! lime on flight paths over parts
11( both Co!>!a Mesa and Newport
kcal'h. These factors, and others,
how prompted people to quei.tion
why Newport Beach Is the only city
to pc1~sibly have a hand it1
controllin~ John Wayne's future?
'01c an ... wer. while most may not
likt' it, Is simply because they are the
only city to take the initiative.
lndeti.l. it ,.., Newport not Cosm Mesa
that has been entrenched in yt!atS or
costly settlement agreements with
the OOWlty the FM and other
agencies over John Wayne air traffic.
Newpon Beach instigated the idea
of taldng over some of the county's
duties, most notably control of JWA.
and advanced that possibility by
creating a specific committee to
study how that would best be done.
So far, it has been Newport Beach's
party and its officials have the
prerogative to limit the gu~t fu.1.
Do Costa Mesa leaders have .t riRllt
to have their voices heard?
Absolutely. And th.is is the perfect
opportunity for the city to rever.e IL'>
historically Daccid stance on airport
bsues and establish its weight ui
John Wayne discussions.
Costa Mesa Councilmru1 Alla11
Mansoor Is correct Costa Mesa must
have a voice in the future of the
airport -its residents deserve 10
have their best interests represented.
Mansoor should continue I01)Uil>Ue
his fresh, aggressive approach to
John Wayne issues and push his
council lo talc:e the necessary steps to
hold their own discussiom with
COWlfY leaders.
Rut if Costa Mesa wants a scat at
the table regarding discussions of the
future of John Wayne. it mu.\I
understand that it cannot simply
crash Newport Beach's get-together,
it muse host its own.
Schwarzenegger's fixes
tantamount to a tax hike ' 'I 'm your worst nightmare.'" TI1at's not exactly the
movie line that many were
hoping co hear fro m Cn>V.
Arnold SchWlil7.enegger th.is week a\
he unv~lled his fix for the state's
linund al woes.
Rut hill Rambo-e!>que attack on
lucal governments. coUege students
and state park V1S1tors make that
'>t<1tl·men1 even more apropos today.
fllli week alo ne. the leadership of
LWL'll < il1111nunity College District.
llCI aml the cities of Newport Beach
and (:<Na Mesa learned there would
be n mixn1re of deep cuts and fee
.-hikl'~ proposed to their already
raw r-t11m coffers as part of the
80Wmor':. plan to erase the state"s
$15 hillion deficit.
On Friday. the governor proposed
hi'i $99.1 billifJn budget that included
Sd0.3 hllllon for public education and
S8. 7 hilhon for higher education.
The bnd new.. ls thnl the governor\
plan will ~h1f1 some $1.3 billion in
property Laxes from local
governments to the state to help pay
for ~hool funding. and he plans to
oveNec UC '~tern tuition increMes
of 10% for undergraduates and 40%
fo r graduate students.
At Orange Coast College, ~tudenL~
could sec fees go from an already
hiked $18 a unit to $26 a unit. It was
only a year al_(IJ lhat the price or a
course ww. $1 l n unl1. meaning the
cost of a community college
education could more than double.
For state park visitors, the hikes
mean Instead of paying $5 to visit the
beach, it could cost S\2 per day. For
those who hold annual passes, the
pm:e jumps from $67 to $125.
N> for the shift in $1 .:i billion lrom
local governments statewide. city
oflk ials have been down this road
before in th e early 1990s. when tht'
stale government took. money out of
civic budgets to h>ive 10 schools with
l11e promise that it would be remme<l
later. Thal date never came. M'Jl1is is
just robbing Peter to pay Paul.'' said
Newport Beach Mayor Tod Ridgeway.
Ridgeway said the cuts 10 local
governments could translate 10 $2.4
million for Newpon's budget alone,
which may have an effect on new
hiring for public safety pen>onnel.
The governor's budget is not all bad
news, however.
Newport-Mesa school officials
were relieved thls week w learn that
I.he governor's proposed S.1-0.3 biUion
m school funding means spending
per pupil will increase by $2 I 6 a year.
Whjle some special programs will
lose funding. it his heartening to
learn that for I.he most pan
elementary education will not feel
the brunt of the budget knif'e this
Gov. Schwa17.enegger wa.s elected
to be a refonner, to provide new and
creative ideas to solve the state's
hudget woes. So far, this budget
doesn't seem to offer anything new.
While not imposing taxes on income,
businesses, or property, it does mean
college students and state park
visitors are goillg lo see their costs go
It might not be called a tax for
them, but it sure is going to feel like
one. We just hope the pain they are
going lo feel is worth it.
Back to black (and white)
N o more wondering If that was
a police car you just whizzed
by, or Just a set.-urlty guard.
Costtl Mesa police cars are goi ng
b3ck to black and white.
For the first tim~ since the 1970s,
tJle City Councll tflls week approved
the switch. The department is
elated. and Olief John Hensley says
the swhch will increa~ officer
visibility and improve morale.
The more v1$lble pollce officers
are, the better. he said, even lf they
lJ'U just routint1ly patrolling the
streets. When drivers see police () cars. they 1tlow down. And the
claSIJc two·tone variety
wiquestJonably represeQ ts
someone who can get yo~·
trouble. There's nothing tening
to a driver than the sight a police
officer who's on the side of the road
ltt..~ulng a ticket.
White police ca.rs migltt produce
more citation-based revenue. but
blaclc-and-whhe cars keep roads.
and the community. safer. Some
have argued that the softer lmage of
\he white car ls what tbey liked. but
some images att best with a harder
PoUce cars are mo8\ eft'ectivc
when they look Uke poUce cars.
M drivers ln Costa Mesa. we f\llly
support the move back to black and
St<JU o/tlu Stllt8 2004
Don't lose that loving feeling
cocaine-related death of
musician Bobby Ha tfie ld.
The Newpon-Mesa community was
saddened by the death of Bobby
Ha1fi eld on Nov. 5, and we are further
saddened this week lo learn that a
drug may have played a precipitating
But let's stand back. and put all this
into perspective. They say a man's
greatness is judged by what he leavt!S
behind. In the aggregate, few have left
our community after contributing so
much to so many.
His music lifted the spiri1s of not
only the "Happy Days" generation but
the next and now the next. We always
chink of our own peer group's music as
the best -but even my kids think the
music of the 1960s was pretty cool.
Who hasn't danced Lo "You've Lost
that Loving Feeling," or " Unchained
When, a few years ago. our
community was devastated by the
crash on "the curves" -al ong Irvine
Boulevard -it was I latfield aild Bill
Medley, along with their m ends
(including Irvine's Will Farrell), who
donated their time and talent for a
fundraising c.:oncert at the Newport
Beach Country Oub.
I latfield's daughter -wi th her
stunning rendition of a lewel song -
brought tears to the crustiest of our
neighbors' eyes. When we Heeded a
psychological salve, It wa.~ Lhe Hat1iclds
that applied the ointment.
Yes, perhaps the "Righteous" light
has diminished slightly, Maybe the
relatively smaJ I amount of drug. in
addition to heart disease and a drink,
Wildlife is a part of living
in a developing county
I sympathize with Park Newpo"
reeldeot OaJre Friend. concemlng her
experience with the coyote, in which
her cat wu attadced. AD of U4 who
live ln the hou.es on P.<bb.aff arc
quite aware of the neighborhood
ooyote. He comes Into ouc backyards.
and ln lhe •ueeta often. All bf us have
lo.st, or heard about someone los4ng.
a pet. Recently. a netahbor bad their amaD dot anatched &om their bade
But It It u.nreuonable to expect ~
d ty to dilpMo ot CO,Ota f~ DWlY
do not live in the Bact Bey but ttawl
20 ma.. tn one nAgbs.. huntJnt, Moet
live on lbe lllDd around UC tMnt and
beyond.,.. kq. tho development
of the land around ua condmM. we
• ..,.. to ltw wl1b the wOd ..,.,.,...
that ~Md lhelt' hundna FJUQdt
and prWf dWppeu
All• can do la mUe ewe ouc _.lad older IDlmata ue Indoors
.... COJOta cmmot pt to a.a.
Thwwlld ....... Jump ...
mdllpl-lmo llDlll.W. IO fb."'!Z..our • .,.... fnllde would be
caused his death -but maybe it
didn't. Laboratory errors are part of life
and death. Maybe the coroner is
wrong. And let's remember that
1 latfield was probably not aware of a
95% coronary blockage.
But by any measurement of the
grading scale. Bobby Hatfield's life is an
A. A5 10 what he leaves behind it is an
A+. Unlike most of us, hjs
achievements will be heard and
savored by millions of all ages for
centuries. We should choose not 10
lose that loving feeling.
Newport Beach
Drugs. sex and rock 'n roll! I have to
admit. this was pretty much the
mantra of the 1970s growing up in
California. Timothy Leary and LSD in
Laguna Beach Marijuana and hashish
in the high st:hools. Quaalu des and
reds on the streets. Flower power in
San Francisco.
For all of us, time marches on. For all
of us, times change. Some of us change
with the times and some of us don't.
Drugs, once used by some fo r
recreation, have turned into addicc1on,
despair and death. For others,
experimentation and use has been
outgrown and dreams have been
sought and achfoved -and this
includes many of the people who want
to be president of United States today.
ll was sad to hear that the famous
Bobby Hatfield died of "acute cocaine
toxicity." It is sad to hear when anyone
with talent, potential, influence. and
the love of many people dies from
drugs. It is sad to hear of anyone dying
from drugs and to think what possible
potential was squandered.
I understand that d rugs still are very
Newport Beach
Our jobs can be filled
without foreign help
To weigh In on our Presidents
plan to get the Hispanic vote by ·
openlng our borders to lawbreakers:
1 am deeply disappointed In our
President on this one. And 1 have
sent blm an e-mail telling him so.
Seems like J've been ••ytl'\g thJt a
lot lately, but I am a 21·year veteran
&om World War II to Vietnam. Ub
lllOlt WWII vett, I've kept my silence
•bout my service tor years, u it wu
a fOb to defend an protect our
countJy. But. tbia put year, I have
felt \be need to tpeak out more.
I don't can what excutet they uae.
tbete people break the law when
they come over our bonk~ Ulqally.
J pt tlred of bearinf Iha' ii we dtdri'
haw rhe IDepls oW' .cat• and our
country wowd 10 belty up. I pt 11'*
of hearlna that our economy wouJd
be In tbt aelar without them.
Wben l WU tn the Navy, I met i a..1n Scotllad. later Iha came to
.... S.... llld ... wedcW. 1b brtftl her.,.... .. ovwr hlr&.....,,, J to., lbniasb mondlt and mauntUnl of •
popular in the high schools, but 11ow
tJ1ere are designer drugs and date rape
drugs that are the "'in" thing. If I haJ a
daughter I'm not sure what I woulJ d11
protect her from harm. like the ha.n11
the female student received from the
three boys and a pool cue. I gucs11 11\
like driving a car; it is not only how
saJe you drive but the other driver you
have 10 keep an eye out for.
How do you "just say no" when y11\l
are slipped a "Mickey" and are
unconscious? If my daughter were
assaulted with a pool cue when
UI1conscious I think. I would wa11t
blood from both tllOse boys and th1·1r
parenti.. Of course. I would neve1 J 11
such a thing. but what fath er wo11ld11 '1
have this thought no~s hi.s mind'?
Is there a mes::.age here? YI:!-.. 1 lw
message is parents .should taJk am.I
c.:ommunicate with their children. ll.lkc"'
interest in their activities and wl10111
their friends are. Talk about drug., and
find out what is being used on and uff
campus and gel informed. Just eJ1H all·
students about drugs in all open ;111d
unbiased way,
llip-hop and rap are now the mo~t
popular forms of music for 1eenagc1 -..
Often the lyric~ are violent agains\
people and degrading loward wn11w11. I
1hink parents should know what tltl'ir
children are listening to. taking an
interest in and discussing what it is all
about. Maybe how b oth sides -child
and parent -view the music. Time
marches on and time~ change. and thi<.
isn't I.he 1970s or the I 9130s anymore
and children are exposed to so much
more. There are new challenges for
students here in our community. Wh,1t
are you going to do about it?
Newport l\t'iKh
paperwork. I had to show tJ1e State
Department that I had a job,
housing and financial responsibility
(or them. After 14 years, we divorced
and I came to California -which is
another story.
I was an experienced buUding
engineer but the best I could do was
•Janitorial job at $2.25 an hour.
There were jobs, but the Wegals had
them and were getting paid $5 to $7
an hour. If they hired me. they
would have had to pay benents.
11\ey hire the IJJegals because tlley
don't have to pay them be nefits.
Most employers pay them under the
They don't need benefits anyway
because they get evef')1hlng £rec. I
have never been on welfare,
unemployment compen!latlon or
taken any kind of cbadty. I give.
I'm a 22·year veteran and am
losing my home of 26 years Ln HI
Ntdo Mobile Home Parle but I don't
bar llll).'C!ne worrytna about me or
my netghbo11. I'm 75 years old and
I, like other Jepl realdentt, can do
any job that any Ulegal can do. and t clodt break the.._ -.m you Mr.
President, you have ~ ~~y
Cotta Mesa
0.tdy Pllo1
Name; Steve RosdnS~y
FORUM Sunday. Jaouary 11. 2004 A9
New kid on the Council block
Steve Rosan sky adds
expertise in real estate and
business to a city where
development issues abound.
A fter first running for the Newport
Beach City Council ln 2000. Steve
ROMlllky became its newest
member after his appointn1ent in
Representing the district of West Newport
and Newpon Heights. Rosansky has an
especially keen eye on redeveloping Sunset
Ridge Park.
The easygoing speaker no longer takes Boy
Sco ut trips with his son Jonathon, now a
student at UC lrvine. but his love for the
ourdoors -especially fishing -keeps him
Rosansky gave his views on everything from
pressi ng city issues 10 being new to the
Council to who would win a matchup between
college foorball's co-national champions in an
interview with the Pilot.
What made you decide 10 gee Involved ln city
pol Ilks?
Having owners Uving in their homes can have a
positive and calmlng effect on a neighborhood.
That is not to &ay that rental housing Is not
desirable. A sufficient stock of rental housing is
critical to any vibrant community. We need 10 be
able co provide residents of all lncome levels a place
to live in our community. . . Sometimes I think the
"problems" we enrounter wi01 renters could be
avoided by the property owner:. themselves. Proper
screening of potential tenant!>, regular maintenance
of rental properties, not cramming too many people
into too little space and avoiding undesirabJe uses
of rental units would go aJong way toward having a
beneficial effect on the city. As an owner of rental
property in Newport Beach, J try to renr to tenant-;
that I think will treat my property and the
surrounding neighbors as if they owned the
property themselve:..
What West Newport ot Newport Heights Issue do
you look moat forward to working through ln
The issue that I intend 10 focus most intently on
during the next year is securing the funding for the
unset Ridge Park at the inter-.enion ul Superior
and PCH. District 2 has suffert'd for year-. wtthout
adequate park facilitie' whiJe the city ha!> ~pent
money in other area-. for park development. Part of
the problem has bt't'll itlenufying suitable parcels elf
land to build parks on lhe west c,ide ot Newport
Beach. Th e city ha.s the opportunity to buy the
Sunset Ridge property for $U million. ba:.ically thr
price Cal Trans paid for the property 1n the 1960s
City of residence: Newport Beach
Education Bachelor's 1n econom1r.s
from Wharton School of Business, Juris
lfoctorote from UCLA's school of law
Family: Wife Gina and son Jonathon. 18
Hobbies: Sport fish ing, bac:kpaddng,
camping Jnd hilciny
My interest in politics wru. first piqued when 1 was
in lhe seventh grclde and I was asked by my !>Ocial
~tudie'l teacher. Mr. Pagorsky. to taJce pa.rt in a
school-wide debate centered around the 1972
presidential election. J was assigned the task of
presenting Rjchard Nixon'i. views on tax refonn. !he
same teacher also suggested to me that 1 might
want tu consider a career in law. It's amazing how
much a concerned teacher can influence a student
Later on in high :.chool, I was involved in the
Political Oub and I served as its president in my
senior year. My political ambitions lay dormant for
awhile after that as I completed college and law
school and then went into the practice of law. I ~1ill
kept up with local and national politics through the
newspapers and watching the City Council
meetings on television, but I focused most of my
community volunteering energy on my son"> boy
scout troop. which meet~ at the Sea Rai.e on
Newport I !arbor.
tlw IS'>Ul''i that affect the city ii!> a whole. Whal l
have found that has surprised me the most is the
quality of 1hc Nrwporl Beach ciry staff. Although I
had high e'<peclatiom coming into the office. they
have conmtently i.urprised me with regaJd to their
k.nowledge of city mailer:. and their conc-em for the
residents of Nt'wport Reach.
You may have watched City Council meetlnp In
their enllrety In the past. What's It llke sitting on
the da.ls, In the public eye, knowing that you're
there for the long haul, having to keep your eyes
w1d ears open every mJnure7
1 lowever. we have only allocated SnR0.000 to do \O
My goal is to secure crty funding for the um1aindt>r
of the purchase price and to alluc:ate funtfc, to
commence the developme111 p10<:1'~'> A<., a re,ll
estate broker. I haw \een too many tle.11., fall ap.lrt
while a pruperty b 1n c'crow We havl· 1h1·
opportuni1y to buy 1he property and thl' 1.:1ty nct'c.b
to move forward and do.;c: 1ht: dt>.\J.
Any generaJ thoughts on the Santa Ana R!ver
Crossing Bridge?
One of rny first appointments on the Clly Count II
was 10 the new Santa Ana River Lrossings
Committee. I believe that a brid1-:e over the ~anta
Ana River between Banning Avenue in I luntington
Ut-ach and 19th Stret't in Costa Me:.a ''critical to
<Jlleviating the traffic problem 1ha1 plague PCI I and
Newport Boulevard. I t.hinJ.. we Ill> a ciry nt~ed to
reach out to Costa Mc:.a anJ I l11nting,011 Beach
officials to work out a deal on the bridge
I enjoy heing on the dais listening to the varioui.
view., exprcs!ied by the public as well as my fellow
rnuncilmcn. l he importance of being a1ten1ive
1.anncll be '>trc .. sed enough. I try to l eep an open
mind und not brinK my own pl•rsonnl biase'\ 111 the
m<lllt•r:. hdort-ll'>
· / enjoy heing 011 the
dais listeninf? 10 the
I decided to gel involwd in local politics 111
;\ugust 2000, when I read an article in the Daily l11lot
thal nobody had come forward to run for the
District 2 City Council seat. I caJJed Jan DeBay. the
Di'>trict 2 councilwoman at the lime. and askt.•d her
how I could get involved in the coming elernon.
Although at the time I made the call I had no
intention of running for lhe seat, Jan and severaJ
other community leaders in West Newport
encouraged me to throw my hat in the ring. l:ven
though I did not win the elecrfon, I persisten1ly
applied for positions on various Newport Beach
commii.sions and I was finally successful in being
appomtecl to the Parks. Beaches and Recreation
Commis~ion. When the position opened on the Ctty
Council after the resignation of Councilman
How do you think your real estate and business
background wlJl help you most while serving on
the councU7
Personally. I can'1 understand the oppo<;11ion to
the bridge by Huntington Beach and Co:o-13 Mesa.
C.1>s1a MC'sa is trying lo rcinv1K<>rale the Wt'sti.ide
area through redevelopment .111J other means. nie
real estate broker in me can't think of anything that
would have a more po!>itive impact on property
values on Westside Costa Mesa than opening up an
easy corridor to 1he beach are;1<; by putting a bri<lge
1n. The businessman and restaurant owner in me
!lays the added traffic on \9th ~trcet would also bt' a
boon to the businesses thar seem to bl' '>tniggling
. .
i1anous Vl('111s
t!Xpressed by the
public as well a~ 111y
fellow c;o1111ci/111c:n
The i11 1porta11ce of
heinf? attentive cannot
be stressed enough. I
try to keep an open
111ind and not bring
Proctor, I jumped at the chance to ftU the remainder
of his 1erm. The rest is history.
What I like the most about being 1nvolved In local
poli1ici. is that I l'an really make a significant and
tangible difference in our city. I aJso think it'"
everyone's re~ponsibility to give back to his nr her
community thruugh some type of public servitc.
Being a real l'!ilute broker and a busine:.sman is
certainly n<tt a prcrequ~ite to being a councilman.
but 11 i.ure doesn't hun. Many of the issue., that
come before the City Council are based in real
e'tate. Th ese 1;,~ue" c:.u1 take many forms such as
development p1 opo:.ah, tree policies. vtew issues
and helpin~ re'11<lent!. with variance!> such as 01e
C:ouncil m:cntly <.11cJ in the Goell matter. among
others. Obv1ou,1y. a strong busine.~ background
give-. me thl' tool!> I tH'l'd 10 analytc conrrat:t
ITWllCf!i anJ rity b11dgl'l
If you had one free Saturday lo spend In
Newport Beach, with no other obUgacions, how
would you spend It?
The burden on I lunungton Beach would not
increase because lhe traffic i~ already rommg down
Coast l lighway to Brookhurst Street. A11yone
wantfog 10 go to Newport Beach will c:ontinue down
Coast Highway. fhe driver.. goinR to (.o<;t.1 Mesa 01
the freeway will have a more d1rccr rout<'. which will
save them tjme and money ....
111 y own persona/
biases to the nu111ers
heforc 11s. ·
What are your lnltlal Impressions of being a City
CouncU member? Has le been dlfftculc co gee up co
speed? What's surprised you most so far about
serving on the City Councll7
I would probably 1,1L.1· a hikt' ride with my wire
down th<' pl·nin,111,1 to •>IH' oftlw piers. I enjoy the
ocean ,mc.J you rnighr al.,o tin<.! me a1 the surf line
w11h my -.urf li~hing rod A' t11C' '>Jying goes, 1he
wor:.t c.l.tv lhhing j., IJrlt{'r 1han 1he best day al work.
Whar aspect of Newport Beach do you chink
could use the mosr significant changer
The Back Bay and the harbor are two areas whl're
we need to do significant improvement<;. They have
ht'en neglected too long with rrgard to dredging
and the natural hah11a1. The City hds made ~tndcs 111
that direction but there 1s a lot more we l'·ln do. My initial Impressions or being a Lily tou11c:il
member are all favorable. Although being a dty
touncilman is demanding both on my timt: anJ my
intellect, I wouJd characterize the job as fun. During
the pai.t two-and-a-half months J have spent my
lime gelling to know the other councUmen and the
va.rio11-. community leader5. I have aJso devoted
lime am.I energy 10 gelling up 10 speed on the issue~
that directly affect West Newport Beach as well as
There's been some rnJk of the clry movtng more
uway from rental properties and encouraging
owners to live ln their homes, thus curbing loud
parties and other cllsrurbances often found more
frequently with rentals. Do you thlnk having more
owners living lu their homes than renting th em
out would hove a benef'lclal effect on the dtyf
A1, d person rnvolvcJ 111 lhl' .,,.at 1•,1ate industry. I
am L t'r ta inly an advrn illt' uf home ownerc;hip.
Any closing thoughts?
I would just like 10 thank the memhl•f'> ol the City
Council for placing tht'ir lnJ~t in nw anJ giving me
this oppor1unlty to serve the re'iidenl'> of Newport
Beach. I mt end to live up to tlwir l11~h expectation~
and my door is open tu all.
E-ma il makes access to P ilo t easier than ev er
B atL. when I <;l.irtetl In this
bu<.ine...'>, tdt•pho11es ancJ
IJ.S. mail Wt'll' 1he m <.1in
lines of con11nunka111m to the
Gumg lhrough tlw m.til w~ iJ
ltunultuou~ nffalr. StiKkS upon
stacks of pn:•ss releases and
lelletil would be pilt;'tl up on the
t.l1?1>k ol nearly every t'ditor <md
reponer. Letter 11peners and
paper nus were ccmuoun. If you
used the word mou'iC. mo-;t
people thought 11 w;" Just a
rodent loob(' In the mail litnrk on
your desk. not a ~·omputer tool.
Then come fax machines. And
soon. faxes began to toke the
place or the mall and even phone
calla After a while, It wns a
wonder how we eYeT cxist('d
without ru machln~
Them came e·mal.I o.nd the
news business cl1ru1ged forever.
8\.lt is it a change for the good7
Routinely, J hear members of
the n~ st1lff tcll 110urces on the
phone to send their story ldea.11 or
p~ releases yt., c-maJJ. lndet-d.
at the tnd of news Stur1 ~ we
publish the reponer'll c-mo1l
11d~' and phone number to
gtw readers bener a<X.'CSS to our
stnlf. I do the same with thil
colwnn. I b1ow plenty of readen
take advln1agie of haWig that
OOllCICt wtt,h n?pOners and with
me. 'Ibey \rt me or reportm
know "8flt away wbtn we have madf a m18Ulke. ond Ukcwtse the
praise comes
a lot easier
with a click or
a mouse
instead of
having to put
pen to paper
and mail out
the lener.
E-mails also
have changed
the way we
repon and
gather news.
Some Interviews are done solely
by e· mail and story tips routinely
come through ow e·mail baskets.
About a month ago. columnist
Lollta Harper wrote a piece that
would never have been possible
prtor to the advtnt of e·mail. The
column ~ based on an e-mail
that &he bad recefved from a local
reader mgardl.ng a U.S. postage
stamp that commemorated the
Islamic holiday of Ramadan. 1'he
e-man crlddzed the cnatlon of
the strunp celeb111Ung Islam.
becawie of the Islamic ties or
tcnortst ln lhe Sept. 11. 200 I ,
attacb and elsewbtte.
Htttper took the argument in
the e-mail to task. noting I.hat
Islam as a religion shouldnl be
condemned f'or the actions of" rew. JUii lib Chdstlanlty or other
religtoN lhouldn't be
condemned lbf the extreme
ocdons of some their members.
The response was n ft~ of
more e-mails from critic
condemning Harper. and
Muslims who agreed with and
thanked her for defending their
religion. Some of those came
from as far away as Pa.ki'ltan.
Obviously, we aren't alone here
at the Daily PUot in our use of
e-mail journalism.
A survey of271 politicul
journalists last year by the
lnsdtute for Politics. Democracy
& U1e Internet at George
Washington University's
Graduate School of Political
Management found 45% saying
they use the phone less often.
Half saJd rJ1ey received more
than 30 e·mails a day, 25% said
50 or more and 5% more than
I SO, according to the UJ'Ve)t
I lc:now I probably get 30 to SO
e-mails each day, a large portion
of them are spam of some sort.
some pornographic In ntuure.
tome just get-rich-quick
But enough about me. I asked
the Daily Plfot swr what they
thought. Naturally. I sent them
the q\l£Stions via e-mall.
Tu nly surprtse, City Editor
Oanene Goulet waJ1ced Into my
office to glw me ht'r opinion In
"I !hi* tt-mail has me.de
thlnga euler, but tt's also cut back
on penonal communication Md
one-on-one conversations.· ~he
Mid. "Around here we send
I.' mail" to m nvcy l'\/C'ry ht1l1·
thing kllhrr than JU!>I -.pcaloJ11< to
pt•opl e. One of the prohlrm:. with
thc.11 i<; you don't hear sorneho<ly's
tone and things tan be
misun<.lcr..wod. (f'·maiJJ 1:. great
to keep in 1011ch with my
fl-year-old niece who hves 1n
Ma<iSachusetts, bul it'" overused
when it's the perc;on 'ittting next
10 you."
I guess I should hove got llJ)
and asked the question 10 her in
Harper. who spends most or
her time going through reader
c·malJ a.' the papers Forum
>age e<Utor; h3d thb to say:
·e-mail has its ups and dowm.
as do most things," she replied In
an e·mall.
•A~ much as J love the
convenience of lmpty cutting
a.nd 11nst1ng leners to Lhe editor
from the OnUy Pilot lnbox.
directly Into our publlmlng
system. 111.s daundng ro open
and delete downs of "add
Inches" nnd "reflnonce now"
~mails. as well a.• those pop•up
porn m~ th~t would make
Larry f1ynt blu.'lh.
"I wtsh there were effecdve
pam deletion programs tx'<lluse
the ones we have lion~ wor\c."
she oontlflued. -1 can get graphic
pictures <?f collegti coeds ln very.
um. corhprofhlslng po.'iltlons. but
the e·mnlls from my mom ~
ml\lted spam. Go figure. t
l lowever. hilting the delete
!muon I 00 limes a day is still
easier than typing in all the
letters to the editor by hand. All
in all. I would rather have it than
From an e-mail response by
Newport Beach reporter and
erstwhile grammar columnist
June Ca.<;agrande:
"Pumng up with die spam is
absolutely worth it." she wrote.
"E·mall lets me get extremely
valuable documentation that
otherwise would be difficult or at
least dme-consumlng to ohtain:
reports, correspondence,
supplemental agenda
lnformadon, photos and
"During the process of
replacing Councilman Gary
Vroctor, I was able to receive. via
e-mail. full copies of applicants'
materials -scanned. ligned
applicatfons. reaunes.
statcrnt'l"lts. everything. A:s
offensive and annoymg a.'I some
spnm 18. I think e-maJl has
revolutionized the wny we do our
·eouncilman Dick Nichols last
su_mmrr vowed to only
communicate with us ln writing.
UBWllly via e·mall. ln such CllSeS.
the technology has allowed u., to
have an cxaC1 record of
comments. which helps us,
whUe allowing pt0ple like
Nichols to feel more secure,
TONY OOOERO is the editor.
He welcomes your
comments on news
coverage, pho1ography or
othe' newspaper-related
issues. If you have a
message or a letter to the
editor, call his direct line a1
(949) 57~ or the
Readers Hotline at 642..a>N.
send it by e·mail to
or dailypilot@latimes..oom,
or send it by mail to 330 W.
Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA,
which helps them."
I tent.I to agree that e·mall ls
worth it. de pile the spam, and
that It has made our )ob ea let
1\1\d our profe11\on better.
Although. I agree wtlh Goulet
that we need to make sure: lh3t
personal contact with our
Oltrees and the public ls not
Rut In all. giving readers trnd
the general public Instant
t1C'ce s to r1?poners and the
media via e·mruJ will onJy help
u Jrnprove our communication
with the community. t.mprovt
our public: Image and Improve
our reporrlng.
And Just Ukr the fa.x machine.
It' a wondt.'r how we ever
mstc' W\thout It. .._
AlO ~. January 11, 2004
Good6Todd t4f.75f.l15l
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lncorM ~or h In cne nS rwnt .t. ed.:
"I'm not going to stay.
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I have to go."
Silvio Estrad•. Costa Mesa
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Jan. 12honoree
Dady Piiot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: 1949157-M223 • Sports Fax: 19491650-0170 Sunday, January 11. 2004 Bl
U CI misfires
at UOP, 67-52
Anteaters are O for 14 from
three-point range in the second half
as_Tigers claim Big West decision.
Barry F.ulkner
Daily Pilot
SIOCKTON -The University of the
Pacific missed its fust 10 three-point
field-goal anempts and visiting UC lr·
vine missed its final 14. The difference in
the T\gers' 67-52 men's basketball victory Saturday before
3,625 at the Spanos Center, was UOP8 abili ty to make the
Anteaters pay for their shooting struggles.
"I told our kids at halftime that the way we shot, we
were lucky we weren't behind by 18 or 19." Pacific Coach
Bob Thomason said after his Learn made just 5 of 21 first·
half field-goal tries (23.8%), just 2 of 12 from beyond the
"We had our chances in the first half," UCI Coach Pat
Douglass said. "We just didn't talce care of the basketball."
See UCI, Pa&e 83
Newport Harbor senior Ktd Lim lifts Royal's Drew Murat and
nails him to the mat at the Estancia tournament Saturday.
Swigart ignites
Sailors past CdM
Newport Harbor wins third
consecutive Back Bay duel with
explosive third quart er Saturday.
Bryce Alderton
Daily Pilot
CORONA DEL MAR -The Newport Harbor
High girls basketball team came out after halftime
in its Back Bay duel with host Corona del Mar de-
termined to take fate into its own hands.
The Sailors bucked recent trends of low-scoring
second and third quarters with an uptempo style
and rolled past the Sea Kings. 44·34, in the second
nonleague meeting between the
two teams this season .
Newport (9· n escaped from a
perilously close 19-16 halftime
lead to outscore CdM, 14-5, in the
third quarter. CdM senior guard
Sarah Stem scored all five CdM
points in the quarter, but a gap of
seven minutes, five seconds sepa-
rated them as the Sailors went on
a 14-0 run.
"We pushed the baU a lot in the
third quarter, which was what
[Newport Coach Jen) Thompson
talked about at halftime." said Sailor senior Victo-
ria Swigart, who tied Stem for game·hlgh honors
with 14 points -I 0 in the second half.
Swigart was a force underneath, grabbing 15 of
Newports 30 rebounds. The Sea Kings tallied 15
Corona del Mar's Megan Benbow. center, is
sandwiched m a ground battle for possession
with Newport Harbor's Brittany Deyan, left, and
Jilhanne Whitfield, right, m Saturday's contest.
"We've been shooting well lately, but were just
cold !Saturday)," CdM Coach James Barkalow said.
"We forced shots and could have made good one!>
great ones.
"The game plan was to zone and make I the Sail·
ors) beat us from shooting from the field. But we
tend to get lazy in the zone and 10 be more aggres-
sive, I switched to man to man."
Lim, Estrada finish
fifth in tournament
Newport Harbor
seni or struggles but
finds positives,
while Estrada moves
on from Costa Mesa.
individual. he said, and plans to
transfer to Westminster.
Lee Romo resi~ed as head
coach of the Costa Mesa wres-,
tllng team Tuesday, yet Estrada
had been planning to tranSfer
because he saw the program de-
Steve Vlr1en
COSTA MESA -Silvio Estrada and
Newport Harbor High senior Kid Um
finished fifth in their respective weight
clru.se:. al the Estancia wrestling touma·
ment. but that's about the only similar
aspect between them as they have vast·
ly different tales.
F..!.tmda, a senior who competed in
the 145-pound division, transferred
from Coc;ta Mesa last week. Al the tour-
nanwnl, he wrestled unattached. as an
teriorating. There are only seven wres-
tlers in the entire program at Cost.a
Mesa ,
Romo resigned mainly because of the
lack of participation . Costa Mesa boys
athletic director Dave Perkins said.
"I'm not going to Slay." Estrada said.
"Wrestling ts my sport. I have to go."
Estrada, who finished !>ccond in the
135-pound diviston in the Golden West
League laM year, said he moved into the
Westminster area recenlly so L11e trans·
fer could go through. I le e>Cpressed dis-
See WRESTLING, Pa&e 82
"!Rebounding) was another thing Thompson
talked about at halftime." Swigart said. ·we weren'
boxing out in the first· half. ICdMJ was getting a lot
of third and fourth looks. Fortunately, they weren't
putting them in."
The Sea Kings shot 24% from the field (12 of 50)
while the Sailors made 18 of 41 field-goal attempts
Barkalow said CdM played " 10 times harder (Sat·
urdayl" than in Newports 60·34 win Dec. 5, each
team's season opener. "!Saturday) we were ener·
gi1,ed from the start and played hard the whole
game and I am extremely happy about that." PHOTOSBYMARKC DUSTIN/DAlLYPILOT
Newport Harbor High's lvonn Melo, left, drives to the hoop but finds nothing but a roadblock in
See BASKETBAll, Pa&• 93 Corona del Mar's Lauren Snell (OQ) in Saturday afternoon's Back Bay clash on the Sea Kings' court.
Joe Ronquillo
Orange.Coast assistant
coach teaming with
French, AmaraJ on
baseball camp where
parents are encouraged
to get involved ~h kids.
Bryce Alderton
Daily Pilot
J oe Ronquillo wants to extend rus
passion for baseball to not only
the children he teaches, but the
parents of those players.
The former Estancia High grad who
went on to play at Orange Coast
College and the UnJYenity of Redlands
Is co·dJ.rect:ing a youth bueball camp
with longtime friends BW French and
RJcb Amaral. But RonqulDo contends
thla lln't just any ordlrwy camp.
., pre(tr to "° tt • pt'OlnJ1l. Oun la
much more lndivlduallatic wttb
limited numbers," Ronquillo, 47, said.
"The three of us asked ourselves lslx to
eight months ago), 'What is it we
really lover Baseball. And. even more
so. we love not only our kids, but all
lcids.. Our goal ls to build strong
famllles and kids through sports and
activtdes and get them away from
(television! and video games"
Prom 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for six
Sundays beginning Jan. 18, Ronquillo,
French and Amaral -an 18-year
professional who played 10 seasons in
the majors for SeattJe and Baltlmore
-will instruct players ages 6· 12 on
techniques such as hitting. pitch ing.
catching and proper throwing at Costa
Mesa High and ThWtnlde School Uttle
League fields. The three friends. who
all played at OCC. hope to motivate
the audience to get involved.
The program I~ lbnlted to 48
MMy aon got five swings at a camp MAAK C. DUSTIN /ONLY Pl.OT
Former Estancia and Orange Coast College basebal player Joe Ronquilo is
... RONQUUO. P.,• lt2 starting a basebal camp with a different spin: Parental Involvement. ~
BYU's soft
'85 schedule
A beUrang
on Monday
as I
scanned a
story in The Tunes
about the Associated
Press football poll
and h<M some
writers were
uncomfortable with
~=artng in the ROGER
The AP rankin~ CARLSON
indeed. thankfully
, and corTect.ty, provided USCa football
team with No. 1 laurels. aharing the
honor with l.ouislana State after Its
victory over an undeserving finalist.
Oklahoma. on Sunday.
S.. EASY, P .. e 82
82 Sunday. January 11. 2004 SPORTS
Continued from B 1
appointment for wbar happened at Costa Mesa. yet he
seemed Intent on Improving hi situation. That staned
with his perfonnance al the Estancia tournament.
Estrada pinned Alex Brandt of La Sierra with 12 seconds
left in the second period to earn a fifth-place medal. Mer a
scoreless first period, E.-.uada gained one point on an es-
cape and then scored two on a takedown with one minute
left. He then worked to collect the pin.
In a thin.I-place semifinaJ match. Estrada lost to Penin-
sula's Slcylar Wilkinson, 6-4.
·1 have to condition bcner, • E.suada said. "I have 10
study my guys more.·
Um also realized some areas of improvement he needed
while competing in the 119-pound division. His day staned
with promise -a 3-0 lead in a championship semifinal
match against Josh Pacheco ofSanra Ana. Bur Pacheco ral-
lied back. scoring five straight points, on an escape. then a
takedown and a two-point near-falJ to end the first period.
Pacheco scored an e~ape to open the second period
and then he attacked Um to score a takedown and sub-
sequently broke down Lim for the pin.
Pacheco wenr on to win the championsllip, his first
1ournamen1 title of the season, by defeating Peninsula's
Otris Minniti, 4·3, in one of the more exciting matches of
the day. Um lo 1 his third-place semifinal match, when
he was pinned in the ~econd period by Guy.Davis ofTra-
buco HilJs.
However, Um won a fifth-place medal because he de-
feated Drew Murat of fioyal I Ugh from Siml Valley, 8·3. Lim
scored a major-decision vicrory over Mura~riday, but Mu-
rat was a bit more ready for Um. Still, Lim i.cored four
points in the rhird period, on a reversal and a takedown. to
"ecure the victory.
Costa Mesa's Silvio Estrada, right, battles Peninsula H1gh's Skylar Wilkinson Saturday at the Estancia tournament in the 135-pound drvision.
"I was prt'tty confident I could beat IMuratl," !>aid Um,
whose ultimate goaJ this cason is to qualify for the state
meet. "With everyone's help I think I can do it. ..
Conbnued from B 1
Ont' wnter had given up hb
vo1e on the Al' p•mel befon• this
'ea~on. became then: wa\ too
much of a rh<uice of "bccummg
rhe nl'Ws," as opposed to
"reporting the news." And
.mother \W!I uncomfonable with
iht: ethic. issue.
!ltere is a thin line between
hcing the reponer of an even t. as
opposed to bemg in a posilion to
hemg a pan of the event.
I found myself in that position
m January of I 985 after the bowl
~ames were completed.
Rrigham Young Univers1ry
defeated Michigan in late
December at the Holiday Bowl
IO go 13·0·0 and a few days later
was named No. 1 in both polls,
the coaches and the writers.
I was on the AP panel. the
i.econd year of a second "run· as
J voter on the wnrers' panel and
w.c. one of '>t'Veral voters who
did not vole !or l.aVeU Edwardi.'
HYU eleven. den}ring it a
c.:ornplere .. weep as the only
undefeated team in the land.
l11e \..ougar. played a very soft
M:hedule that !>eason -
defeating Pitrsburgh (3-7 -1).
Baylor (5-6), "l\Jba {6-5). Hawaii
(7-4). Colorado State {3-8),
Wyoming (6-6). AJr Force (8·4),
New Mexico (4-8). Texas-El Paso
(2·9), San Diego S1a1e (4-7· I),
Utah (6·5-1) and Utah State
( 1-10), before posting a 24-17
victory over Michigan (6-6). They
managed to get past Hawaii,
1 R-13, Wyoming. 41 -38. and Air
force. 30-25. It was Michigan's
worst record In 17 years.
Washington ( 11-1-0),
meanwhile. KO'd Oklahoma in
the Orange Bowl, 2B-l 7. The
Huskies' only loss was to Rose
Rowl-winner USC (9-3), 16·7,
and there were no uses on
BYU's schedule.
It was a hot topic in
November, with BYU and its
weak schedule in the No. I slot
with its unblemished record
after Washington reU in the 10111
After some writers went with
Wru.llington in the final poll,
including myself, the Associated
Press caJJed me at home,
inquiring for my reasons for not
voting for BYU.
I had not voted for BYU as the
No. I team at any point in the
season. And, a final No. 2 vote
for BYU was given grudgingly.
There were several teams
obviously superior, among them
USC Ohio State, Nebraska,
Oklahoma and Washington.
I told the caller, "I llave a
question for all of those so
enamored with 'nbeaten.' Where
were you late in the season when
Cal State FuUenon was 10·0 and
the panel (logicallyl had the
Titaru No. 19 because of a 'soft
hitters in the past.
Fullenon finished 11 -1 and
among its list of victims were
Hawaii, Colorado State and
Fresno State.
Why such respect for a BYU
schedule which was arguably
not much better than
TI1e Times and Hegister did
nor carry the AP srory. but plenty
of others did and my question
was the central point of the
piece. I got a phone call from
Seattle where the I luskies
thought I llad it just right.
At any rate, that was my
reasoning, righr or wrong, but I
had no idea I'd wind up in the
spons pages around the counLry.
I found myself on rhe AP
panel after receiving written
invirations from AP. twice, and
looking back can only presume I
was given the opportunity
because I covered home games
for rwo major schools (USC and
UCLA). I'd call in each Sunday
morning from home with my
picks. always updaung my
previow, selections. a'> opposed
10 updating the actual fop 20,
but it was not something to
boast about, ii wa~ ju...1 my fin.I
assignmenr each Sunday
There seems little doubt the
Pilot, with a circulalion at thal
time hovering around 15.000.
-was one of the srnalleM in the
nation, if not the smallesr, to be
involved with the AP l op 20.
That was the end or rny voting
on the AP panel. The following
season l was replaced by the
Register\ college writer, who 10
my amusernenr, referred to his
paper's participation 111 his game
notes and so forth on a regular
basis, which was somethmg new.
It musr have jusr about jolted
them OUI or their chair., after
scanning the AP story to read of
the tiny Daily Pilot'!. AP Top 20
football poll voter, while they
had been sitting on their duffs.
I had a previous ··run" of rwo"
or three yt'arS with the AP voring
In the latt' '70s when use was
running amok, but thert' w~
nothing close 10 controversy and
I considered the end of rhe first
tour simply a ma tier of rotation.
Pcrhap!> 11 was no more than
rotation. again, I don't know.
At any rate, I remember that
uncomfonable feeling about
becoming the news in 1985,
rather than reporting the news.
and it didn't bother me at all to
sec it end.
Still. becau<;e of the power of
the bowls and the apparent
forever lack of playoffs on the
Division I level, someone's got to
do ir. and thankfully they got it
ngh1 this ~eason. Without the
writers. lJSC would be No. 2
I k y. ~ee you nexl ~unday.
• ROGER CARLSON is the former
sports editor for the Daily Pilot. His
columnappears on Sundays He can
be reached by e-mail at
Conbnued from B 1
Ronquillo took a week off of work -
he selJs wine -last summer to watch
hlS 6-year-old son, Max. participate in a
"The thing John lilces about me is
that he can put m e anywhere,"
Ronquillo said.
"I didn't have the best of range, bur I
loved playing shortstop because you
are right in the middle of everything."
nonquillo said.
reconstructive knee ~urgery, which
cau~ed her to sit out the entire 2003
Rachel fionquillo. a junior. i-. a
returning second-team All-Golden We~t
League.· forward for Costa Mesa·~ soccer
team. Eric, 12, play~ on AYSO and travel
team~ after encountering some "bad"
experiences in Little League, Ronquillo
he wa_<; at." Ronquillo said "Our goaJ L\
for l'ach of rho .. e kidi. 10 gel 50 to roo
•-wm~., .1 day that will build muscle
111l'lll0 ry.
Honqu1llo urge.; parrnt' to attend rhe
't''>.\1011' and become a pan of their
1 hild\ development.
"A lot or times mom b playing the
role of both dad and mom." Ronqulllo
...iid 'They want to participate as much
.t\ rhey can. bur ir i hard. That is why
we 'cheduled rhe camps on Sundays.
to allow more parents the opportUility
10 watch their kid~. We don't want
pMt'nts to drop off their kJds and come
hJ< k in \I~ ur wven hours."
"ll was the best week I've ever taken
off,· he ..ad. "We want parents to be
involved and go home with the son lor
daughter! and try la tecllniquel."
Ronquillo said too often parents and
children aren't spending enough time
interactlng with each other. He wants
10 bridge that gap.
"This is a way for the family to get
together for a bit." Ronquillo sald.
Ronquillo played third and first base
at Estancia before graduating in 1974.
He then coached Amaral at Fstancia.
Ronquillo will enter his fifth season
as an assistant at OCC this spring for
Coach Jolin Altobelli. He will coach the
catchers after spending time with the
Prior to his current stint at OCC
Ronquillo was a pitching coach at
Saddleback CoUege for two years
Honquillo played for Ken Millard -
now an assistant at Woodbridge -at
Estancia and then for Barry Wallace at
OCC before transferring to Redlands.
He hopped around \he infield. gelling
experience at several positions.
"I played third base my junior year at
Estancia, then moved to fir!>l for my
senlor year," Ronquillo said. I le played
third base his first year at OCC under
Wallace before moving to left field
when Mike Mayne took the head
coaching reins. At Redland~ he played
Ronquillo also spent two years J.,
Corona del Mar's head coach in the
mid 1980s.
Ronquillo was born al Hoag I lu'>pital
and grew up playing Little League Ill
Costa Mesa.
He played basketball until his
freshman year in high i.chool. but
decided to focus solely on baseball.
"Baseball was my thing." he said.
Ronquillo lives in Belmont Shore'
with his wife, Kirsten, and has four
children -rhret! from a previous
marriage. Ills oldest daughter, Sarah.
played soccer at Costa Mesa and look..'>
forward 10 her sophomore season al
OCC next fall after recovering from
"I le got OUt of II and never Wanted 10
play again. He loves soccer. That is his
deal and he is awe~ome at it."
Ronquillo said. "I told Eric IO come to
(the basehaJll camp and try 11 out.
Maybe he could help coach a team if he
wanted it. I want him to have fun in
other things, but we'll see."
Camp applicarion'i can be obtained
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Dady Piiot P O R TS Suoddy, Janudry I I, 2004 83
Continued from B 1
The Sailors Led. 33-21. at the
end of three quarters and twice
stretched the advantage to 16 In
the fourth quarter. before CdM
scored the game's final six points.
CdM wins in double OT
Newport stmior point tuard
lilliaune Whitfield fin ished wtrh
nine point~ while junior Kristi
Eddington tallied eighr points to
go with six rebounds. Every New-
port starter :.rnrctl induding Cia
ra Lawrence (fuur points) and
AJlyson Stoltz (two points).
CdM senior I .auren Snell
scored six of her eight points 111
the first half while Kate I let·~
chen talJied three points. all un
free throw:., and had four re
CdM (6-UJ look its fir:.t lead
since 2-0 when I lt'cschen mad1·
the back end uf J one-and-011t•
situation with 6::.16 tu go in the
fi rst half to 111<1lce ii It -IO. Two
Whitfield frcl' throws and two
layup~ by Eddmgton, one a rt•
bound off her own mi~. gavt·
Newport a thrt·t•-point lead bt•
fore a three by CdM :.ophomore
KelJy Kawata evened rhe srnn• JI
The close.,t !he Sea King!>, who
had won thrt•e in a mw entering
Saturday'.-. corllt''>I, t:ame wa., l~I
18 on a Stern layup from an a'
!tist by Kristina Wayte to open the
second half.
'l\vo Sailors wu~d often 1rap a
ballhandler in the <'orner or nc,11
1he sideline and t:o m111unirntio11
became a problem
"Wherewr Samh wao;, (tlw
Sailor:.! talkt•d," Rarkalow '>aid.
"fThe Sailor..! would mmt' 10 "''
screens a111.l no llllL' would hl·
there to help out. WC' didn't talk
enough and 1·11111111unkatl' 111
one another."
Stern who added thrct' Ml·al,,
had scored 21 point' in cad1 of
her last 1wo ganws, h111 Nt"w
pon:o; defenM: limited her to 111,1
11 !thOll> Sa turd.iy.
"When 'ihC' \lartl'd hitting. wt·
wen t man to 11w11." l'hompM>11
Stoltz picked up hl'r scc:oml
foul with 2:i:1 lo go rn tht' lir-.t
Continued from B 1
UCI cornm1tted 11 of 11-. 15
turnover.. bt-fon• in1enms.-.ion.
then. perhap' drJined by lhl'
-;tretch of four game<, in eight
days. Ooumlert'd from 1he field ar
ter intermission, making ju.,l ll of
:IO. including the aforerncntiom'tl
0 of 14 from threcdom.
If I.he Anteatt•r. were ddiri1·111
outside (their 2 of 2 I 1hrt'<'·prn111
performance 1111all'tl oul at ~.5%1.
UOP's dcft'll'it' helJX'd keep 11< I
leading scor('r, Milw H1•vtwrha
and Adam l~1rada 011 thf' 1wriph
ery, as wdl.
Parada, rorrnng oil hi., 1110.,t
productive three garm: '>tfl'ldl ul
the seru.on (avcrnging 17 •point'
and eighl rebound!. .,inc.:e Big
West play bti::;m) . .,con:d jusl om·
point, missed hb only field-goal
attempt -an lll·foot jumper -
and managed six rchou mb before
fouling ou1 fur ju<,t the Sl't'rmd
tim e tJ1i.-. '>e:JM111. I !is lir;t and
only !>hot from the tiC'ld m ml' al
must 25 minull'., 111111 the ga1111·
and he playt.'CI only 19 minutl'.,
l'arnda·s scoring output wa~ hi'
worst in 1:11 game~. datin~ hack to
Feh. 22, 2001 , hi' freshman cam
paign, when ht• went -;cnrt:le'is i11
a home win over IAmg lkad1
Efevbcrh<t, who came in with a
team-best 1:1.6 per-game sconn~
average and had po!.led douhlt•
figures in sevm straight contt•-;ts.
fmished with four poin ts, all from
I.he foul line. I le was Cl for 7 from
the field, rntluding five crrnnl
Sophomore l{llanl Ho...,
Schmider. whose 25 minull'.,
were I.he most ht• haJ. playt'd 'iinn•
(lame 4. wus I of II from thn·r
point range. though he managrd
IO match senior StanL'\lav Zun1k
for team-high scoring honor.
wilh 10.
Newport Harbor's K11st1 Koon. left. and Corona del Mar's Kelly
Kawata (24) go for a rebound in Saturday's Back Bay clash.
q11.11 ll'r and did11'1 rt:t urn 11111 ii
I ·tl~J 11•111a111l·d 1111111 halltimr•
N1•wp1111 \ h1•111 It n•.,ptmdt·J.
I 11•.,h111.111 1\.111111 Ml'lo J.tllll'd
four p11111h whrlt• April Slatt·r
'( un·d IW(I .1111 I r, 111111 11 trl' .. h
Ill.Ill llritt.111~ I h').111 Jtlt.kd one.
<:ollc·1·n f\1.1rk., :-um·d four
p11i111 ' .111d l111u 1-e•d -.i•wral balls
.1wav 1111 dl'll'n-.c· whilt· Katie
St h11ltc• adtkcl two prnnt., tor
1111· hunw-.md hrmit· U.1rk
11.cy -.i·m·-. 1111' .,t·a-.iirl h1111-cd re-
n·nt 111.,tury wlll'11 hoth ll'cllll'
1Nr.1lly play j11.,1 nm t'.
1~111 llarkalrnv 1 .tllnl I hornp-
"'" ovt·r tlw ""'"'"'' a11d both • 1g11·1•d to rt
"II " 11111 tm th1· 1:111., Ill play
I n•,h111.111 ,1,1111•1 r-.l.11k 1 lill
mad1· all 11111•1• of 111' tidd goal
I ril'., and i\rn., H.i,i...111.,ka., added
a11otlwr w11h11111 a 111i.,.,, to hdp
lJU .wrntl t'\11'11 gll'Jll'I .,h11111t11g
l11t1hty. llut thl' /\1111-.111•" fi111.,lwd
JIM IH 111 'l:I fr11111 till' fid<I I l·I":,).
1111•11 'l'l llllll·IMlr-.1 jll'll ('ll(<tgt• of
tlrl' '''"""' (llwy ,11111 I'"' .11 1%
111 a lo.,., :ti Si1rranwn111 Slatt•I.
1 lavirrg .. 11rv1vc·cl it-. ftr ... 1 hall
rnlcl -.p1•ll 11( If' lx·g.111 lll'.1ti11g 11p
,11lt•r till' hmtl...
111111111 rt'"'IV(' I l.1V1d I )11uhl1·y
1111 ;1 lhrl't' h;ill wllh H .ll'I h·ft 111
tilt' g.11111• 111gf\t'1111' htr'I' <t .!.7 .!'i
11•;111, 1lw11 111'>1 ,1111 r• l !. l 111'
hornh r.1ppnl ,, 7 O 11111 that lw
g.111 with r-.11.il1 l >av,.,· 1h11·1· point
I J< I "1pho1111111• g11.11<1 ldl
( 1lt1g1•1 .,,1111-.1 p111h,11 I../. I .,,., 01111.,
l.1t1•r Ill l..11ot tlll' 't°llll'. 11111 l'.11 rlit
('I h, I 0 11111111flo1t'lll t•J -.c 1111'11 lllt'
llt'XI -.ix p111111 ... ,111d 111 ol till' lll'XI
I.! 111 1.1k1· r11n11n.1111J for g1111tl.
< .l11g1·r li111,lwd w11h 11i111•
point.,, 1•1gh1 1d1rn111th .111d 1lm·1·
·''"'"· llll' lig1•r-. lll.11lc• 17 ol tlw11 ti
11.11 24 lid<! gn,11 ·llll'Clllll' Ill fi11i'lr
,, rt''IH't t.1hl1· t'i 11% lor tl w g;11cw
(:.!:.! 111 111), 1lr1111glr tlwy wound up
Jll'I ' uf :!II lro111 th1t·1· 1)111111 di'
D1•,p111• lht• ""'· whwh
drnppt•d the 'l·.Jt(·" 111 7 h, 2 .!.,
r )011gl.1 .... ., pr.11-.i'tl 111-. 11'.lnl\ d Tun
"Our lid-. pl.1yc·d h.ml 111111~'11.
hut wt· uev<·r t•,1ahlr.,h1'1l an 111
'1dt· gam1·." I .>1111glo1,., -..11d "Wt·
halllc'tl, hut wr• ju-.t rouldn't .,u.,
1.1i11 .111ything frn two h<llvel>."'
I liornasoll prai<>Pd hi' team\ ahil
ity 111 h;ittll· through ii' .. low !'.Ian
,md w.1, ht•;uning ,1ho111 .111 w1
lll'.11t•11 r1111fercn1·e .,tal 1 1h.11
l1·,1v1·., the rigl•r.,, prdwd rn th\•
prt•-.t•ason In fimi.h .,rxth hy nm·
fcn•rrcP cnache., aml l'ighth hy the
mt'tlia, alop the :.1and111~'· a hall
garnc ahead of I Jtah State.
I louhley. whom l11omas1111
-..1id would he "1an111g if not lor a
hng1•nng J..Tfn111 pull. fin i-.hl'<I with
orw1• 111 thl'ir IH>llll' gy111, '''P''
n.1lly th1• "'111111'," Th11111p.,1111
"''" Nonteacue
Newport Harbor 44.
Corona del Mar 34 Score by Quarters
Newpon io 9 14 11 44
CdM & 10 ~ 1J 14
Newport Swigart 14. Edd1n111011 8.
LdwrtJnco 4, Stol!L 2. Wh1tf1eld 9.
Doyan 1, Melo 4, Slater 2 TrobmJn 0.
Koon o. Celek O
3 pt godls Sw1ya1t 2
Fouled out None
Technicals None
CdM Snell 8. Wayte 0. Ben how O
Hoeschen 3. Stmn 14, M arks 4,
Kawata 3, S<:h11IW 2, Duoin1Jur11111 0.
Skalla O.
3 pt goals Sh•rn 4, Kawatd 1
FoulEt<i out HPt•sch1m
ledtn1Lals Norw
.i ll'illll high Hi point.,, while (1
foot 10 11111ior Jyler Nl'wton canw
1111 tht• hc11d1 to po)ol a ca11•c1 -
h tgh Iii porr lls. ·
l>av" -...·ort'tl 15 and Um'>lirul
Marakn :.rddc.-d 14 to help tht•
ho'" t''l;lt•11t.l I.heir winmng '>treak
Ill lhr•
lJ< I wt•r 11 Lhc first 7: 17 of thl'
g:mw without a point and mHdl'
rh fir~t 't't'tllld·halffield goal after
ti: I :l h,1d t•xpircd in the period.
llw /\11tl'aters. picked to fi111sh
tlurd in tlll' prt-season confcrenn·
poll-.. will try to rf'l,.1111nl l11ur.
1l.1y, 11\111'11 tlll'y play ho't tu I IC
llrv1•r,11 It•
ZOTS UC lrv111e 1w11111 forwaril
Greg Ethington (5 2 1xi111ti. anif 211
IP.bounds per qarne) 1111~sed l11s
low1h sir J1gh1 game lJet..iuw uf Jn
11nsl)(>(:1f1f'<f .1cadem1c •elated n1.it1c•1
His <1va1lab1hty lo• •he rest ot the
!K'dson shoulrl be known uy Mor11ldy,
d school s1x1l.csman sa1<J UOP is 4 0
1n Big W<t!>I Conference pldy tor llw
lorst 111ne •,11w1• 1996·97. when 11 won
•ls frr st s11vfl11 conference gdrnos e11
ro11w to the regularseason 819 Wt!St
r rown 5.lturday was UOP Coad1
Bob lllomason's 150lh victory 111 the
~1><1no~ C1•11ter (wh1di opened 111
19811. with unly 50 losses 111 tlw
6, 150 se.u wnue TI1ot'naso11. tht•
dt>an of ll1q West coadies 1n his 16th
season. has nuw µart1c1pated 1n 320
w111s as urlhcr 11 player (1968 71) or a
1;o.irh . UOP''\ wtn Satwday P.vo11e<I
llw all time Sf'nes with UCI, 29 29
Thonic1son is now 10-8 c1ga1nS1 UCI
teams w.icf'led by Pat Douglau , his
l>eSI l11rnc1 c1ncl former UOP toam
Dig West Conterence -Pacific 67. UC Irvine 52
UC Irvine Zutak 10, Hill 6. Parada 1,
Efevlx•rha 4, Gloger 9, Schraoclor 10.
Okoro 7. C111npboll 3. Baskauskas 2
J pt goals Campbell I, Sdlraodor 1
Fouled out Parada, Zuzak
Tecnmrals None
PKifrc M111aker 14. Codde 2. Yango 3,
Davis 1S. RoSfl O. Doubley 16, Newton
15. l<ora1k1c 2
3 pt. goals Dov1s 2. Doubley '>.
Newton 1
Fouled ou1 None
Tommcals Nono.
Halh1mn UCI, 22 18
Kutlu Kubus scored the third of
h~r team-higli three goals in the
:wcond three-minute overtime
period lo give the host Corona
del Mar I ligh girls water polo
team a 7-6 nonleague victory
over Santa Margarita Saturday.
CdM outscored the Eagles,
3-{), in the• fourth quarter, indud·
ing Vivi<m Uao's goal with one
second re111ai1ling in ret,'Ulation
tu force overtime. Uao .. Jortla11
Anae and Katya Eadington each
scored two goals for CdM 14-6).
F.adjngto11 addt'tl four steak
Brittany Fullen had 14 saw' 111
Sant.1 Ma...:arita led. 6·3, wr th
I :0 I left in the tJ1i nl pt'riod aftl·r
the Sea King-. took an early 2·U
Corona del Mar 7.
Santa M argarite 6, 20T
Sc:ont bv l'ltriods SM o :I 3 o o o t1
CdM 2 0 I 3 0 I I
SM -D. Anderson 3. Cous1nam1 2,
Figge 1 Sa11es O'Connor 8
CdM -K Kubus 3. Liao 2, Anae 2,
Ead1ng1on 2 Saves -Fullen 14
Waldron powers M esu
•BASKETBALL: Jun ior It'll
Waldron scored ~I pointi. and
grabb ed 11 rebounds lo lead
the C:ostot Me.,a 1 ltgh hoy:-
ha!!kethall learn to a 54 41
nonlcague vil'lory ovt•r hu .. 1
Calvary Chapel (!'1,1111,1 Anal
Mr•.,,1 -.nm·d llH' frr .,t '>IX
poinlJ. of tht• third 4uartt'r lo
rlaim its bigges1 ll·ad, 4:1 24. in
.i ga11w 1ha1 lasted aboul a11
hour. Ml•sa Coach Hoh Serwn
'ttid. l'hl' teams comhi11et.I 111
.,1111111 1:1 fret' 1 hrows.
Waldron. who knm kt•d
down four lhrt:t.' poinkrs. af.,o
had sevt'n 'ileals while p111111
guard Brian Molina tallkd I :1
poi nil.. Scott Kn ox scored I II
point~ whilt• l'ony Krikorian
added fiVl' .
Duainc: wa.,1• ad ded 1hrt•t•
point!> wh1l1• llrando11 All',011
rallied two points for Me<,a
( 10-6). wluch re!tumeo; Colden
Wt·st l.l•ag11e play when ii hmt.,
Orange al 7 p.m. Wednc1>day.
Costa Mesa 54,
Calvary Chapel 41
Score by Quarters Mesa 19 1!1 10 1 '>'I
Calvary 12 n e 'I 41
Mesa -Molena 13. Knox 10,
K11konan 5, Waldron 21, Stankovic
0, Wase 3, Aleson 2. Gandia 0,
Letall11rH O
3 pl goals Waldron 4, Moltna 3
l<nox 1, Waso ~. K11kor1an 1
Calvery Courson 5. J Spora H, N
Spera 6. Vanderwal 8, Graves 8,
Burragan 2, Stowan 2, Morrison 2
3 pt godls Gravus 2. J SpPra l
Courson 1
M esu 's Romo resigns
• WRF,STl.ING: I.er H11rno
h.I'> n•..igrwd '" wrl'.,tling
roach for C .u.,la Me">a I hgh.
mainly hl'l<lllS.l' or the lack "'
part1ripa1H111 111 1h1· program,
hoy' a1 hl<'1i1· din•ctor I >aVl'
Perkins i.aid.
1>0 111( /\rnhuq~ey, ;1 lnrnll'r
Musta ng, will tal..l' uv1·1 •'"
Mei.a\ head c.:oad1.
l'her(' art• 't'Vl'll hoy-. in tht
1•11tirt• program. Perkin' .,a11t
·1 he Mu.,ta n)(' 'tarted thl' 'l"I
!.On with t•rght, htrt st·nior Sil
vio fatrnda tran.,frm·d 111
We-.tminsll'r Jan :.!, Perk.in-;
said. fat rad a ti ni">hed .,t·cond
in the I :10-po11nd divbion in
the c;uldl'n Wl''l League la-.1
year, when lhc Mu.,tang., madl•
the CU· Sou1hcrn St'llion ll'alll
.'itrtli' Vi rgn1
Brick leads Mu stan gs
•BASKETBALL: Costa Me-.a
I ligh'!t girls bai>ketball lt•urn
used a .lfi 6 run tu break opf'n
a 1wo-poi111 game and went on
Ill defeat v1srting AvaJon. 60·27,
in a non league game Saturday.
Me...a led, 12·10. wilh four
minute<;, 18 ..,cconds to go in !ht•
11rst half, but outsrnrcd Avalon,
36·6, until lhe end of the lhinl
quarter to t<t ke nmtrol.
Cassey llrlt:I.. led Mesa with
18 points, Including four
three-pointers wh ile Bethany
Vergara scored a career-h igh
10 pointi..
Susy 1'ru1illo added eight
points, two on thrce-poinwr~.
Mesa was 11 or 2!1 from lwyond
the arc (:ltl'Ko}.
Costa Mesa 60, Avalon 27
Score by Qu•rters Avalon > 4 !> 11 11
Mesa 10 16 n 12 w
Avalon -York 13. A Konnedy 10.
Hernandez 4. Woo1ka1ka O luchao
0, Morand 0, C l<ennody 0,
Alvarado 0, McDonald 0, Bownw11.
Sampson 0.
Mesa -Bnck 18. Kolly 2, Tru11llo 8,
Be Vergara 10, Br. Vergara 0,
Akansol 7, B1olland 4, Cluff 5,
Sanche1 6, V Em1s1 0, S Enes1 O
3 pt godls -Akansol 1, Bnd 4.
Clutt 1. Sanchel 1. Tru11llo 2. Br
VPrgara 2
Alston takes second
• WRESTl.IN<;: l11n ior "faylor
Alston finblll'd wn>nd in thl'
112-pound div1i.io11 to ht•lp
lt'ad the Corona dl'I Mar 1 lrgh
wrt'!>lling learn to .111 eighth
pl.Ke finish 111 thl' Northwood
tournanll'nt, whidl i111 luded
:.!4 learn .... Saturday
/\lst 011 t•arrll.'d a vk111ry by
tl•t·hnical fall owr ,, Wrl''llt•r
from h111th1ll t11 <t1lva11 n• 10 1h1•
lt11al where he lo.,t. 7 I, 111 J
Ltlvary I Ji.11wl wrc.,tlt•r. Ju11i111
A11t.lrl'w 1-.t·lr~ran 111111.. thud
plan· 111 tlw Ll!l pound dt\i
-.i1111 for lhl' !'!l·.1 Kings, wlulr·
11111111r 1111.111 Fl·t·li·y I I .\fl
po111Hls) w;11' lourth and .,l'nior
Hyan Short'' ( t hlll tini:-lwd
VU women rout I lope
• BA.SKETH.i\U.: I reJ.hma11
Lfll'l'Y Burns '' ott•d :.r career
h igh :!II poi11h to ll·ad tht•
fourth r.111l1•d Vanguard Uni
\ll'r1-ily wor111•11\ ha'>kl'llxdl
ll'am to ct 'HI !iO ltuldl'n Slatt•
Athll·111 ( 11111t·rL'l1l I' VKlory
over vi.,iting 1 lopl' lntt'rna
111111<11 Saturt.lay
Hurn~ wa., 7 l11r ti lr11111 th!'
fidd and ltl foe 14 lrom thl·
fret·-throw lim·. ltat'lwl llcs~c
(18 poinr..), Kl'lly Srh1111d1 (161
and J.i.,a Faulk11t•r ( t 01 wert'
al.,o 111 douhk figure' for tlw
I ion' ( 12-1. 4 I in n111ft•rerw1•),
1h1· defending <;~A(. rha111p1
"'" Golden State Athl•tic Conference
Vanguard 90,
Hope International 50
Hope -Melvin 14, Bradley 9.
S<:arrart 5 G•lcrod!>ll 5, Oool1ttle 14
Golla1 3
3 pt goals Br;ulloy 1 Scamtrt 1
Vanguard Jo., ... t~i.011 3 Mills 5
Burns 28. Faulkrwr 10, Schm1c111h.
Besse 18, McClollHn 6. DmP11hor 4
3 pt ~ioals
H11lhlmo VU. 4'f l'll
UCI sweeps Wyoming
• SWlMMING: I lw Ill. Ir
vme women\ -.w1m lt'.llll d1•
lcaled Wyun1111~. 1'11 -IOO,
whill' 1h1• /\ntt'.1 tl'r 111(•11 ;ll.,o
downed t ltt• (.ow hoy-,. I :11 110,
at tht• Anll'a tl'r /\quat "'' Co111
pll·x Saturday.
I he lH .I wu1111.·11 w1111 I 0 of
lhe 1:1 cwnt~. S11ph1111111n• l.<ira
ll1argardu1tir won tilt' LOO fret·
't~ (I :5:1.9 1). till' .mo individ
ual medley (2·0(, 21.1 ;md tlw
100 hrcast:-trokc ( 1 :lM.~c1). lun
ior Alexi!. Sheridan won I ht•
1,000 frel' (10:111.401 .ind rlw
500 free (5:06.5:1) J11111or Kirn
Do aho won two t•w111.,, 1 hl' 50
fret• (24.54) and t lw I 00 hat k
.,troke (58 45).
On the men's .,icfr. -.i•11ior Ket
n·crn Adnan won the I ,OIJO f11•(•
Hl;41.H I) and 11 11· !'100 f11·1·
(4!t1 2.!l0). Sopho111ort• d1wr /\11
ton Slobounov won tilt' 1111e
m<'ter (292.95) a nd till' three·
meter (296.55) d1v111g rnmpl'li
The /\ntealt'rl. art• nff from
rompetitiou u ntil lamrary 24th
at noon when they wi ll host
Cal Stat<' Northridgl'.
Mc11J I li gh girls waler polo
team earned a fl 5 thrilJin~
overtinw game ovt·r Notre•
Dame, hut lo-:t, 11.:1. w El Mo·
dena to clo.,r out r1111<.ola11on
play tn lht' Wl'!ttl'rn wurna
mt·nl Saturday.
/\lly...cm I larri., -.i·1111•d 1111 a
'ix-on live opport111111y in .. uu
dc11-dl•ath owrtin w to ll·ad 1hc
M11.;1ang ... 111 lhl' w11l 11v1·r N111n•
J>arrw Sar.ih B11wn1.1n l1•d
Mt•.,,1 CU 71 wi1h thrt'l' g11.11'>
Wu tem tournament
El Modena 11. Cost a M esa 3
Score by Quarters
E1Moc1onll ) J 4 ' 11
Cosra Mosa o 1 o "
El Modena -Vanoz 5. G11•(0 2 V1111
Such 2, Dellbticl< 1. T.i1t11 .. 1 Savu!>
Ha11so11 4
Coste Mesa Malaµ1r.1 2 Twul11u I
SJvt!~ Molhan 7
Consolation -Cost e M esa 6, Notre Dam e 5, OT
Score by Quarters Cosl.1 Mosil 2 2 o 1 1 6 Norri• Ddrnf• 2 o 1 / II ~
Costa Mesa Bowman 3. H11rr1!> 1
LI' 1 Sl'huppert 1 Savi''> C 11l1•y
Notre Dame 0111 4 K"h" 1 S.1vP~
Sol1vJ 3
V U rallies past 1 lopl'
•ll.i\SKETB/\1 .1.: 1111.111 lo.i111
'torc·d !.! I'"""' .111d
gr.1hh1·tl 111111· rl'IH>lrtlll' .11111
11•.1111111.11l'' 111 .. h l'll'"l)ll .111d
( 1rt·g ( 111" 1•,11 h .1cld l'd I (I
p11111h ,,, llH' h"'' \.i11~11.11d
ll111v1•r.,11y 1111•11\ h.i'l..r•thall
ll.',llll 1.1ll11•d 111 th1• "'C'OIHI
h.rlt 111 tlr•lr•at I lopl' lnll·r tru
ti1111JI , !i4 'i I , 111 l.11ltl1•11 ...,1.111•
l\tltletir < 011lt•rt•1111• ,11 tron
...,,1111nlay nrght
I lw I ion' Ill /, .! I 111 thl'
(,!'!J\1 I 11.11kd hy 111111 ;11 hall
1in11" hrrt mll,ron•d 1 lopt". :Ill
W. i11 lhC' .,t·rnnd hall. I l11p1·
fdl tu ~ I.I, o !i ll11dli~11 C .le
1111•1111• h.id 2/ rdiound., for
I lllpl'.
Local freshmen ~him;
• WRE~'TLING: N1·wpnrt
I l,1rhor I lrgh li111.,hl•d 't't 01111
.11 till' ~.111ta l\na lrt•sh1ot·11
11111r11a111t•111. when· 1wo l·.,1.rr1
na w11·:-tlt·" 1·arrwtl 1111"11.d'
!'!a11IJ An.t WOil till' 11 ll'.1111
lllllrrtl'y ,11 11'1 . wl111I• Nt•w
po rt h.td 11 () a 11cl I h II <I pl.IC t•
1.1gun.1 I lrll., li111.,lwtJ w11h
Nt·wpur t < 11ad1 l>or11i11ic llu
l111w said it w;" thl' highest 1111
i.,h lot a l11·.,h111;111 11 .. 1111 111 tlw
JI•''' four y1·ar.,.
rlw '\J1l11r., h,td thn·1· uttli
vrdu.rl 1 h.1mprc11i... ...,,11111111.,
C1t1y11t·r wo11 tlw 115 po1111cl di
v1.,,011 1 ha111pi111"h1p. M1·w.111
J\,hur~1 t-.lfllL' away wrth 11111• 111
1111' 111!1 pound divi . .,i1111 and
Je•.,-,i• l\fo..,hall WU' I h1• C IJ.1111
pion in tht· I 'il pound uivi
111 tht• 11 2 pound drvi.,11111,
111.,h I luglw., fi111.,lwtl we 1111d
tor Nt·wpcirt.
I'm b ta1wia, < .alw I halr·r
WOil lht• 140 p111111d d1v1.,,1111 Ii
tit-. I k .,u111•d a vl1·tory hy pin
111 !l'l 'l'r1111d' in 1111• fi11al
ug.1111'1 .1 "'fl'.,tlt·1 trurn 1'1•11i11
Al-.11, l'llrt•11 /\l\,11l'i' t·.ir111·1I tt
1h11d plat t' nwtlal rn lht• 171
p1111111l tli v"i1111
UCI splits at UCS B
• VOU.EYllAJ.L: I Ill' IH Ir
vi11r lllt'll\ vollcyhall lt'.l!ll dr•
11·.itt•tJ l'at ilic, .1-2. 111 r on-.ola
1w11 .tl l11111 ~lllrd,1y .ii tlw \I(.
<,,1111.t Barbara 11111111a1111•111.
1h1·11 111:-1 111 tlw IH1't < ,.1m ho,,
.10 211, :10-25,:W-24. .
Pacific lops UC Irvine
• BASKETBALL: < 11urt rwy
I crgu.,on -.cored 11. po1111.,
and 011 btrna Call.Jway .11ldt•ll
I 0 for tilt' IJ<. lrvi111· woml•n\
h.rskcthall tt•am ~.1111rd:iy
night. which lo<,1 to v1siti11g
f'al'ific, li2-57, i11 ll>g Wt·'t
<:11 11fNt•nte action. \H I It'll 111 Costa Mes~ spl 1· t.s u I 11, 0-4; \JOI' irnprnvc•lf to
•WATER POW: llw ( O!.ta !i H, 4 0
5 95Englne
Tired of that pesky check engine light? See
us today for an electronic engine analysis to
find the cause! A must to be able to pass
the CA smog checkl
J ............... __ ....................... ._. ... _...._ ______________ ._.. ______________ ~--""~---
Poli"Y How to Place A __ Deadlines --
Rates and dcadltnc, arc: subject to
cbange without 110111.:c The pubh!>her
reserves the nght to ccn!>or, rcda.,)1ty.
revise or rcJCCI an> cla.\,1f1ed
adveniscmcnt. Pkaw report any error·
I.hat may bc Ill your c1J:.,1fu:d ac.J
1mmcc.Jm1ely. The D.iil > F1ilo1 ,1n:cph
no ltub1h1y frn any crrnr Ill an
adven1i.c1ne111 for v. hllh 11 nia> be
responsible except luf tht· cml of the
space: a<.·1uully occupied b)< the error.
Credn can onl) be .lllov,,ed for the hr't
CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm
Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm
Bv Fax
<949) oJ I ·6594
tl1lt11~ 11Aludc \OUt n.•llt(' '1ld
J>h<•'<" llUllllx't .00 "'<II <•II
HIU ........ "1th -r•1<< ~U<~t I
Tekphone !UOam 5 ()()pm
Bv Phone
(949) 642·5678
I lours
Ind ex
By Mail/In Person:
330 Wesi Bay Street
Costa Mesa. CA 92627
At Newport Blvd. & Bay St
Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm
Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm
Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm
Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm
Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm
Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm
& MISC. 1010-1110
~ 1489
t°6R SAU
~ liill
'.. ~
t..' :
• ~
' -~ ........
~ --.J. I f
Undl'r till' SL'n icl' Directory Ba nner
Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week
For Only $32 per week (4week minimum)
Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245
Antiques 3010 MERCHANDISE 1160 ANTIQUES Costa Mesa
JUST LIS no lltll'ltx
Grof loc t11ple• aood
rtnh , Int tond 7 2br
I '7h• I Jbr ?ba wont
lavfronl 2br 2bo den
lolf Jblks to buclt doclt.
1 I r S8 70m I mile lu avail. dbl 11•1 S269'; Ajt
beach nul u1I~ stove, 949 642 9699 GMC S11rlo11rbon lSI
2500 4wd, 70k • m1
aold;1an lthr, •lta uat.
superb or11t cond
$13,995 ~552461 Bkr
9004 Automotive 9004
1117 u-. I -'.O' & IV~
81 AltlW SIA• ""-' "'""' Mike 94'1 M~ /'JO~
Events 1310
All tul ••l•lr ~rh~1t1~
lflat in UU\. 11,.W\&J•P~f I\
'Uhf~f I lu thr I fdf'f 11
• ,., Hflu\•flk A'-t o f 1 %H
"' Amt11n(f•U Wlfh tt h
lhoth.t; \ ti tll'1£••1 lti
AdYfPI 11\tot dO)' P' ,., .. ,
,_,",. l1mdAt1ou 01
'11\rf11t1111,,t1u11 b,.,t11tt un
ial,. c.ol11t 1•lt"11u1 "' •
t't•ndu •µ IAm1hfl \13111\
ur n•honAf n1 '~'" ur •n
1nl•nt1on tu "'""~ dt'l_y
"'uc.h put .. t,.nc t tinut•
llnn m dt\t flll11(1.,f11111 ..
rrH, "'"w\,1M•ttt will not
~nuwm"rv 111, ~01 ,u1y
.td'l~rhvru•rnl to, ,,_.1
f"\l4tlfl" ""htth ,, ltl
vml•th1n uf lhf' latw Out
'"'d"' "'' her •by ,nfn, ntr11 lfMI All C°tN,_11
lflait Ot'i'f'll t1\,.ct 111 t ht\
nr"1t\t1.~IUH Mf' tl¥'1Jtt•l1lr
on tH1 t lHt1I t1vµurlur11h
tM\t ru t l"l1Jll 1•'1 ut , ...
t tt1111t1 tl1•H1 , tll lllJU fnll
h•• ti t KHU 4 '' M•,4f)
Auctions 1483
... -h·'•'9\ '"
t \•• •,. •."' • • .-•I ~ ••
$$ CASH PAID S$ ....-. ,... . . '• ..
Wf BUY ESTA'nS .... ~ ...... ,,..,.,...,....._.
2202 k . M.iA 8t.
• l--" • ~
lost 1505
...... fr ldoy IA~ •• , enld
watch at ~nl <>I Rob1n'no
Mav Stm e r •~h1011 l•l•nd
r~ward !949) 644 8158
lOST WHIU llllAlllSl °" PCtl rn COM .. t1y
SAi n1n1n1n ~ 171h
RlWAR01 C•ll 1>01 Wa'h
94!1 6/3 4137 ~6? 841 048\
"lllf GIOVlS' Mlscellaneooi
Merchandise 3855
tin<~ Sj>rM ScOOI• IJW"'
l1t1tch. tJllo coffee tabl<.
ta•I ofle1 ed @ $725 000
N1wpo1 I Apt Group
Rul Eltal~ Broker ae~
Serncn 114 412 8955
1111 t t il fan & more Ill
I IMh St 949-S4a-2421 L ...... , ............ tfl-,
Jb<. 2'11ba. "uldeHC,
l•hWe 2br Illa llll'~ llJelJlblt. poot.. 2 ~ llVo1lll
home to tally remodeled 1/20 $2700 31()~1679 949-516-1818
'9S SAAi 900 Sl
Conver l1ble Only 68k
still w/wrnty, V6. at,
Fully Loaded & Beaultful'
9.775 obo 949 644 6646 ltd s...lly Shew
@nt.VtltyC .....
DtMn ... """' 949·78'-S277
b<tmbuu v>elv•i&. moth MeH Verde du11able 1_•1U1_•_949-__ 67_3_~_10 ___ 1 loc 4br lba 1omod
new appls. butll·tn l11c,
ult Stml•y !>62·682 260!> .....,. Htt L Side .....
Jbd. 'l'/.t». re ~ 2c1p
Ch.,m1n11 f side I br Iba Cllll't a/c Ip aw Sl~mo
bock house. pvt yd. wd ?'.JJ7 Holy 949 l94-12!i0
J...,a, '97 U • B111tsh
rac1nc 11reen/tan lth1 .
CO. fabulous cond
t hrou11hout. SI0.995
v59721 bkr 949 S86 1888
'02•MW J2Sa
Beautiful Red. 8k ml
(19826) $28. 980
'94 MH<•"-• 1420
''"' '~
w-••d 811 Tra ... ,.e11ne
w /endoa ure; and
o(uatabl• baalcetlooll
APPLIANCES 3050 Builnas ----Oppoftunltles ltelrlgerotor, New, n ... , __ and
u11t1 SJOO nu;vrne mu't ~ ·~
.111 1 14 2'9-7 ss8 Franchlsei 3905
•.,jirt wor>d bf....J ·-.. l.11•• n""1 ""~ Wr-tt1
Sit"! "" $:1'J() ')8 lb 14111
,. th•('OO. t-dll<I ·-••• wt tol.~IA w .,,,., '"" $11.fi
t "' ,~..,_ '149 t /'i IVI/
l l" c.R( Al fltN(JlllUN
'l4'1 S411 !<!Oil
1.800. VENDING
90 M~Chlnf\ S8 610
t he Ba\t I IKAllon\
I 800 836 l464 ?4 ""
f>O vettd•n& nutllcno
wolh •<ullenl tot1t10n~
M11,1 'lrll 800 234 69111
Stortlng a ..... 11 b11•l-
n•••? Nred F m.tnc t.11
d\\l>ti11ce> CoU DFS toll It•• (cil I 866 ~ 1119
l•I u>help1
Business Opportunity
SeNtces 3910
29 l'eopl• .... d.d ••
w orlr. fr.,.. hom •.
811\1n•u ()pµty f1•e intu
l 800 311 "618
kitchen I br & lull ba
dow11st11n. I& lot Colhn
Oolanrv 714 743 9882
Newpoft Buch
IOHff A (N('(ON ..._ i.. 4Cf + loll
IW~H Set-~yon
YMlW Cu.wd 11>1ted entrance
SI .!'>99.<XD OwTW</Aeent 949 4008413 ~· 949-lb4-4!m
:z.;::•culor layfronl w~tdod< ~
con\trucllon !>!>< !>ba
Open S..t. Sun I 5. ™I'll
S4 450,000 '2t Via U4o
Sovd 949 244 S244
12 Yr Lndlw
Aw< o, r ot•I $5500/Mo
frod ~ 96~3el
I OSO 1 lrler lan•
l outtd in N I uslln Hills
I ~ ""' h1tllop nt.•tt
&lit /r,. Cdll fo• pr tlf
Aet John l oaan
114 131 1808
relt1e. u111 incl $11'.>0tmo
949 722 6017 Le 2tw 2"" ...... ...
$/lorec.llffs steps lo beach,
New,.ort au... th• new/pa.,t/lloor~ La yd
•••••• 2br I 5be no pets $3900 ROOert 949-760-1750 Sl19S/mo l!i65 Irvine Ave • 3 949 720 9422 • 203
new ?br I Sb• town
house style 2522 [Iden
Sl37S1mo 949 642 5488
I SI)( h ~ d\4llek.
rea• unit. Ii pvt y•d. p ,
OU c•pel. wd ,..up $ 1700
714 939-2202 73 I 2338a 103
E.mtde t.rm style ltie. W1Y
pvt, h ;a,. P£TS ()( wd. ..... ~ l*M'c stu., ~ Sl«X> 949-293-4631
Newpoft Biid!
llU Gll\INOY ltW T04'S
New I-tr.ed ... :b 2!lOI on Per1111SU11 ~ 14>"
IJ .-led w.... to shops. p .
W\l ,...I.ff\ ~ 9'9-m.46.D
STUDIO, nu r beach & Employment
J...,a, '94 XJ6 low ml,
melAlltc srlver blue. tan
llhr sunrnol CO superb
cond $6995 v•897241
Broker 949 586 1888
Ot~covery II 7 seater,
du•I moonrls. rear 1ump
suh heated seat lac
warr 36.000 mt. $19 99S
VlJ!J1:JJtl .tm n.,.m-5161
______ 9004 __ Mercedea '96 C210
IMW 1998 528 Ex Buulttut betck/crum
cellent cond, wlute/t•n. tully loaded. showroom
p1em pack•a•. all ••I«•~ in/out S9250 714 7SI 2464
$22.!00 949 !ti'> 0781
IMW 'O I 13 coutt••
3 0. ~spd ?31. m1 lull
tact wa11 anly Stlvet /blk
lthr CO, 111nrf. I 9tn
whls, buulthtl ltke new
cond. 1111 3va11 •99~2 I
$23.9'1.> Bk1 949 S&>-1888 www.oqoabl.-
Merced•• '00 C2SO
Coo'4>'~ Sport s.i-
beauty 40I ""· cilromes •u1o $19 500 714-7!>1 2464
Me1eode1 '95 U20
Bla•k/blk beaut. 111 opt,
non~ mcer. new m•!Of
svc.'$10.2'.iO 714 751 2464
(19823) SI0.91Kl
"Vol.lr1w..,.n N•w •.. ,,.
5?k mi
(19782l) S9980
'001r.XIC I
Blacl\, 18k n11
\19818> $41,980
•oo hop Grant/
Cit.role ..
Black. 1811 m1
(198402) $41 '980
'00 G/IAC H1 H-~
Yellow, 20ll m1
(19942> S45.980
CUCJ20 c_,..
Black. JAk mt
(193941 ) $25.980
'99 Mercado• CUOO c-.. 4911 mt
( 19/51 I S39.980
'91 Po,.clN loxotor
Silver 61~ ml
(194481) $23.980
'91 ,., .. , .. "'
C4 Met~ltt r 01es1
Vehlcln Wanted 9045
w ro .,., _, -.
"""' " rd. Tru:k>. V.-~Cast\ Free
T OflWll Wt come lo ynu
w/r::J#!# Pay
949-Z28 -S648
'9S Harley Dovld•on
Roadk111& lmmaculat•
cond1t1on. $12.000 call ~2 212 4117
Power Boats 9515
Ma~le1uall 9S Skt boal
wtlh t nwer s tereo
custom Lu.er S 17 .000 ~2 212 4117
Real Estate Services
bay l1uodry room 107 1001(1(((,.lt, l'T fnr r 81y $820/mo ullt incl Newp ort Bur h RC
Av11I now 949 723 7816 'lteveloper QutCHll•Ok\
LIDO ISll STUDIO •-P 949 7'l3 4701
l•rit• closet & balh.
sunny uposure, SIOOOm
. Act '149·61!> 6161
PT Mon frt 8 I? duttf~
1rtrl mow1na pl1n1tna
a•1den m~mlenanc•
S1.SO/h1 949 673 2'61
l11lclc '99 l'orlt. Avenue
Ultr h1w mt llOICI Ian
llhr mnr I CO alloy whls
llltou11h o111 SI I .99S ~/.741 8 111 949 586-1888
Cadlllo< '98 (ate•a SOie
mt blklblk llht blk
0111aae r ool Bo•• CO
am Im ;.ht m wl>ls 11old
pke books11ecor<1s. hke
new S799S vS5728l Bkr
Merced.. '91 SOOSl
luw m1 lady owned
book' records whl Ian
1nl. h•r<I & soft top, CO.
mint disc, I orenzo
wl1eels, labutous cond
lh1 uu11houl, S IJ,!195
~#fm4 I 7 Bkt 949 586 1888
( 197421) S2J.980
'11 f'lnujl ZllJ. Cuddy W1A
Volva.!Penl.t 00... prop, 250
tn. 1JfJ1Y cte.111 ~ partre
$16.00l 949-/Zl·l4D
WAftl l'llfiOI. fl"\\ OC' F •ft.tnl
'"' ".a1Mt4ttt4' 4-1 f• Lt1~
V'>.' •• tx·llrr I •• b<'tlro
C,IA lrtl1twtl ..,,. ""'"II'~ lo
II t llty f I~ ':M'l b8<) llflj
Ceo•t Coln N••d•
1 tlol ( '""'1 Cold \lt•M
Jt:lftt'lry 'Ndl(.ttn .ttth•ittn
,.,.,~, ltble• 949 641 ~48
Pianos 3510
•lnl cond malt h•na
hfnt h Sat r 111< e S 18'.>0 c.11 949.ss2 1s4 1
Cats 3610
ltlSCUE 911 L•I• \
lln< er l•1nt11' tiflllltllt
Ptt Ownrl\ Nt~ll H~lp
Woll Mannered Atlull
I.Ah ' Oldfl 00~\ ""~d new honiH Advpl l\dull
AllllTl•I> th1• Xmot .IO
day 1ttu1n Polley
WWW •mm11lntlWtjf" °'"
Ao• rm & Hnt '""'"' n '""1 1n1..,.. .fl !My ,,..., l>.M !*rd ""5tecl. ,.,.,,.,~
,,.., '~~ tv ~
tm\lf...,...., & ~ ,.,
'" .,..,. 11~ ~zm
WWW An1m1lnelwo11l OIJ
S.9 % ll•tlftg• S.vf"I
Yov Money. t rAn h\I
yuur hnmt tor l 9"-
i.•vrni Yf•U thCJU\an,h u t
dull'" 1S800K h<>meJ '"6!"'"' ~J1• rornm1\\tOn
I\ $481\' f p101>erly @
I 9'~ 1• SJt i'OO th•t
e11u•" d •avwa• ol
Sl6 800 Trlaho Kof'la<,
Realtor 949-2$4-3913
W'fl/lll#Ap ..... ,. ..... ~
(Mona del Mor, 2865
[ Coa•I lfwy Sh11e <µet
hwMh!.d nffv w/CPA
S lOO mo 949 /60 9033
Ct OSI 10 Bl ACHt8AY
$2,.31 4 MO l,IS7SQfT
T-L\1-tAa ...... ofka
& ~JM lecQllaln s1CSla
-·..._~lo M 91t'f " ~ "109 Ill' .-pat. CUI <nnt -. he~_.,~
l1TI rrun $11!11 98 ~
Corona del Mar
Oo~n Stde 01 PCll ~I flt Sl,l'li,IXX) ~ mt
P11141~ 9&219-~
RentalT0Shar1 6030
WTIWff ~ 2br lb.
laund 1m. ~ & br~
.._ "' r Mhtoo ts prol ~ Sl'iOlrllll 949-!!J3.<b49
~ lw, 11/ ......
~blhiO Ocnfml
time, LeMe avatl Jan I
S 1525 net ut• 94!Mi'6-07'00
S~tound,yearly HB \hare twnhotne own be. 2br Iba, recently
msh b,,.bAlh walk '" remodeled 2 ur parlt.•n& clo~et pvl P<>OI wd. Sl600/ 949 633 81 44 S700 • ulll 714 393 1466 ___ m_o ____ _
Nl/0<•-View 11-m
Ocuntronll77nd P11v1te
room unfurn, share ba.
ultls paid. no/•mk.
k1lchenette. lndry, lbllt
lo Newport pier. S730m
Call Sam 949· 278· 7905
(belwffn 9am·!>pm) ==-
2br 7bo nr pte< nu
paint c•rpet, tile close
In shop\, Ip. I t aar wd,
•et '1775 94!1 210 1103
a I ilol. nr:w pmttairpet
2 UI p19. b.:lly•d 1/2
blodl lo ocean. nusl -SUD>lmo 949-278-J<a> cal
~ 91m-5pm mt
2br ?ba Uj>datod un~
hdwO firs, nu patnt cO<MJ
pooV~. frm.u ctr •at Hl'9 2411r stouee. 400-$1900 949 673 71nl
&X>ll un•h Perl.cl l0t
ventele1. low 1110\ CIM
CM olyn 949 863 1390
,.,. no ....... i.-..,
patt0. car. wd. avail l · 1
lo 6 ·15 S2000/mo • uttl
Aat Ann• 949·673·6511
41r HA, u,..., U11tt,
Lre muter w/balcony,
also front deck 1a1 •1•
se>.c•. S?900/mo yearly
Alli 949 723 1363
Bllbal Ptn11111la
ltrw;,., .... w .. to
'"•ch, clean &. quiet
$1000/mo available now
llUll7.o&lll 31().~
I br lrpl(. upstaln.
bekony; 1neoed p111t.
Int. 4: t h &. 8 1lboa. $12'0/mo 714·478·3942
1 NOi.iSi TO HA<MI
2!ir, lbe 1111 ~ UNt W/GCll W., le pl4lo SllfAn
.w8I ftw!wl ~
3bf 21>• duple I, I hH
from lxh. ,., , wd hit.up,
MW ClltlHIVP•lnt. no ,,.,
U300/mo. 8(1.)•IJC>·8185
,...._ "-" tu• -ltchen,
Ml bltll, no tmVpeb,
~ + llO utlltlee
mll lll Mt-721-lii ............. '" ac.i WW dtldl. 0..., S2SXl/ifto llJ ~ l"nldlnllll .._ m .())st
~ ......... ~~
3b1 2ba •'l>Oer -unit on
pen1n1ul•. nu p"nl/
hnoleum b•lcony Ip •&I
$2200 949 293°4630
HI' Holthh i.>br i.>b1
htmrm, Ip, hClwd th, pvt
Yllfd. See 2110 Coral Ave,
S2250mo 949 642 5488
'"' Site i--.e, quiet area, newly 1efu1b11hed
2 cet ,., . wd hkups,
S2JOO/mo 949-759-0874
..........., c..... ( ...... ,
~ 2br 2.5bll 17~.
cltllil 1o beach 2 c a•. S2«Xllmo 114-8>1 axxz
Ott W.._, Jbr t !JC>a
p1bo, 1 Qr car. new
i.rtch, lwndry & dOColo.
a¥1M $2500949-722 9130
•-ttful Sft9clov• Jb1 .
Baylld&e 0 Plen New
~ ..... t tocebonl S2soom ••t-464-0700
Holr•tyh•t & Monhurl•t
•l1t1on avaol 1n n~w
la1ee resort & \P~ 1n
Newport Buch 11
1mmed optntnl Call
Pam@76041l 1367
~ .... w...~ ..
looU1I lot e~p w ~~
I/\. IJMI ~~ °'1tr f1't
IT10fllh flee 9'19 7':.2 1885
CAD Sevlllo STS '2002
lully loaded pear I white
•mmac J 2K m1 S32,000
PP949 6.ll 1772
Chevrolet '99 Monte
Carlo 2dr coupe, V6. 30K
atlu•I m1. 1t1ver/11reen
melalll,, CO, beaut.tut
like new cond. $64%
v872491 Bkr 949-586 1888
MercedH '88 S60 Sl
Wh1te/lan. 1mmar rntout
tuns arul new soil top.
ctnJTe<., su:m n4.7'Jl·2'164
rontfoc ·oo lonnovllle
Sl Ilk actu1I m1 white/
tan tnt CO. premium
•ound alloy whh
SI 1.995 cost new S28k
fantutl( value v•l33197
ltn1nc1 available, Broker
w-.0<pob1.c ....
37K ntt
( 19812) 126 980
lt°"9• ltov.r '95 4.0
SC 80k ~m1 black/l1n
llhr superb cnnd
throueht, books, records
SI0.495 v045829 Bkr 949·
586 1888
IOAT SUI', sine ltft, liOfl
plus main chan11el
Newport Pen1n•ula. 11~"1
dock 949 675 5900 VALIT ,AIDIG
llWGO CerY•ll• '92 Conv Pu>tlton~ also avatl•ble. W~tte. 011atn1I own~r
Ooor Ca~ & Attendants low m1 Immaculate cond
C811949·123·11710 or lu $14,000 ~62 212 4117
resume to 949·223·8/15
ltoftge llover '00 4.0
SC l 61l actual mt. lull
l1cl w~11, blk/car mal
lthr. buuttful ltlo.e new
cond Musi see lo
~eaat· $28.4!li .017896
Bkr 949·!'>86 1888 -·~···-
Ital• Royea '7• Sliver 5511 Macrrc oll 15Ch .,
S11!dow II. low m1ln. ~ Beach, Ind DI
.int cond. besl offer Sab)ll wlnloird dtes8
over Sl/,IXXl 949-923-511:? $19.!ro/obo 7l4.374-5nt
Ar•• lt•p• n~eded Ideal
l0t supplemental 1ncom.
~ .. 16~
htRh school \tuoonts. PIT
1upptemental Income.
bonu5. 1nlernat1on1t
11 avel 1ncen1tves £mail
lntowotl 1 @ ool.t-
Mw-SMwlty 0-4
PT 1larl Fab 9 Req HS
diploma mu1t Pass
baCl.CJOUnd chtck $7 'hr
949 7S9 1122 •233
~re \1'A o&
welc1 tntl!r&ettc people
pmonb lierre> '··-... f'hMlg, Qt!. fire ...
hrdy ollt 9&!lb.l loe>.21!
""9. S...... _. Wfkl/
-. ct6tently twq. PT
ram1y MeAicln 1esi-an1 ., Newport llNcll ~
~ 2JQ) Mmevd fiMl'OUltY ..... .._. ........ .....
Wtfe needs Part·tlme help
Mill tlousellold Mint be
""Y 111tfb!t Ofpnlltld &
r esponslble Mon ru, ho<o
open. Send rtiply p 0. Bo A
42 Balboa ls.land
• • • • • • • • • • •
Thr Ltgal Drpartmmt at thr Daily Pi/Qt is pk1ZStd tO an~unct a ntw Sf1'111(f
now a1111ilabl.t to ntw busin~s.
wt wiU now SF.ARCH rhr 1l41'U far JOU at no (XIN (hargr, and saw you thr
timr and thr trip to tht Caurt HoUJt in San141 Ana. Thm, of to14r1t, afar the
S1arrh is romp~d wt wiU fiJt your fotitio11J businm Mmt ltllttmntt with thr
Caunry Cl.trk, publish oner 11. wttk for fawr wtrks as rtq"irtd by !Aw and U>ni filt
your proof of publication with thr Counl] Cid.
Pltasr stop by to fik your fiaitious businas Mmt 11'tnntnt at thr Daily Pi/Qt,
330 W. Bay St, UJta Mrsa. If JO" r11111101 stop by. pk11St r11.U us al (949) ~2432 J
anJ wt wiU mar ammtnnmts for JO" to haruik this protttiurr bJ "'4il
If JOU sho11/J havt 11ny forthtr quations, pkast raJI us anJ wr wiJJ bt morr thui
tWf to AJSisr !01'· Good'"'* in JO"' 1l(IU business!
Daily A Pilot
--,.-,.--~---------------....,...-------------· -------.. ----··----~----------------------.
Daily Pilot
Plug into the Pilot
Classified section to
find services from
electronics and
plumbers. to
landscapers and
Daily Pilot
C l.1.,.,1f1t>d Community Marketplace
Ncilhu vulnrnlble. Nonh deal~.
• 96J
QJ 105
• I( 9 ..
6 A 10 8 7 5 • Al
K8 5 •086
The bidJ1na:
I Paw I• ,_ l • ,_ 4• ,_ hM .._
Opening Jc.id· Queen of
E,cahh.hing a Wll while keeping
one hand oft lead 1~ not ea_\y. Bui
once you have isolated 1he problem,
a soluuon can often be found.
Tho~c playt'l"'I who will only raise
wnh four cards m responder's major
have an unpleaunt task on thi5 deal.
With llvce iucb b.ijh-quallty 1n1m~
plU5 I Nlfilll VI.Ille fn hclltS, IWO
'pidcs j, correct. South bu an euy
raise to lllll'lf.
West fed the queen of heam, and the main lhrcat 10 the conl111Ct was
obvious. Bust had to be kepc off play
to prevent a lead thou)lh the king of di1mo~. That coulcf be ach1c'ed
only if Wt'i.1 held tht' king o( clubs
lo llddilioa. w1ce lht're Wll5 no Side·
.Wt eo11y lo dummy ooce trum~
were dra"'n· the ace of club' had to
be won on the lh1rd round of rht' sulr.
The opt'nin& move wa} 10 allow West', qu~n of Ileana 10 win rhe
li.nl 1ndi. This pla~ is vn1I to prc--
vcn1 East from g11rung the lead w11b
lbe tJna of hcaru. Oeclaltr took the
Bl'e on the heart conti nuauon lll\d d~w lhree round\ or trump'>, ending
in lbe clOied hand. A club wa} led
and the jKk was flnc)sed ~uccc~~
fully. and dccllll'tr heaved a )i&h of
R'.hcf. TilC nut \tep wa.~ simple.
South conunucd by leading a low
club from dummy to 1he'quecn On
lead with the king. We~• ~"UIJIJ du
declarer no ham\. No mauer what
West rc1umcd. declarer wa' a~'urcd
of 10 tricks.
Don't miss out on this chance to
promote your expertise in this field!
Our Wedding Showcase
Publication Date: Jan. 27, 2004
Space Deadline: Jail. 20, 2004
Advertorial Deadlfne; Jan.17, 2003
Full Page : .......... $750*
Half Page ........... $420*
Quarter Page ...... $275 *
Eighth Page ......... $150
"'"x3.5" ............... $90
Service Dll'ldory
C•htornia law re·
quires that contrac
tor\ tak1n11 1obs that
total ~ or more
(labor or maleru1ls)
be licensed by the
Contrac tors Shte
l rcenae Board Stale
l•w •ISO requires lhal
contractors include
their lic:enff number
on all adve.-hsma. You
c11n check the status
ol your licensed
con trac t or at
WWW ctlb Cl,iOV or
800 J21 CSLB Unll·
censed conlractors
taklna 1obs that
tohl Ins than SS-00
must state in thetr
advertisements that
they a11 not licensed
by the Con tr ac:tor s
Stale llc:ense Board."
·Ask about advertorial
space availability
Call Ann Gendrolls 949.57 4.4249
Daily L Pilot
Install reface ub1neh
Computer SeMcll
HELP! ...... ,,er.,,.... •M,_..._,,1111111
·~··~ ·~~Sln"9•h ·~~ ·Olb~
• Qgllt~ RU),~
•-SQ,rp.el'Vlr-. ... UC~~ 10 Yrw CompuW ~
WltTHOln DltYWAU LIMY siw-,, R~red
1111 phnes sm/lrc 1obs Reeroulln & Installation CLIANI 20yrs. fa or. free Ill£ 0£AN 949-673 n!I
est l«XXXI> 714-639-I 44 7 714 a... 11$26 714 883 2031
SM All JOI IXPlltl
Lout, Qufck Ruponse
Home, Yard & Dock Elect
3l Yrs hp 0\#lcam Electr1t
lll'O':>l!lO 96«JO. l'D'Z
l .f .C. fl.ctrlc low pnces
IDl:M conbaclor, no job Loo
smal. no job too bl&. Refs
upon r~ VC10-8101'C8
011•,Wor~ l.1ridc.c.1•11· 0111
moicfirc. 0oue 714 S46 7258 c _,,.,ter Help (714)142·1'10
~n1Tree5Mas ....... ~ .......
llw~~ n..,.ScilAlino.i~ ""9'1J~lAll~i.,.
ftH A . D1" If. [.11pPI
[If.' l'l1rllj )tr, rt•
Carpel ctean41'IQ speCial
3 rooms & hallway MUI
tnctlldes precondnlonlno
Kevin 714·329-3942
ca,,.. ftetsllr,tlla
n CAarlT-trCMrtYo
Repairs. Patchin&. Install
Courteous. any 1111 jobs
Wholeufel 949 492-0205
0.. IHI l"C Rei>ns, l.lpefades/New
reasonabkl r•tes. Mic:tosft
Cett Jim 714-43U783
CoM~l•t• llectrlul ~ New lones, Up. Tro• Servlc•, Yard
&ndet., lroublnhootq. Clnnup. M11ntenanct.
lrdlalt\Adoor 714-J66.n19 Sprinkler Repair H•ulfna (90) U0-1711 UCINSID COMlUClOlt
Irle!. llod1 St..,• Tiie No job too "" M _,
Concrete. P1ho. O!lveway Rt1>••1 , remodel, fins.
Fir@l)lc, BBQ. Rers. 2!1Yrs -·MW svc 949-645-36156
Exp, Terry 114 !>57 7594 AoortnlVTU•
Call a plumbtt,
painter, handyman,
or 1 ny of the 1r11t
strvk:n llstad htre In
our urviet dlfeetoryl
llF "lnR( • Rf rn111
8. RfMOOfl l,_.c;
~ ~---$4" f4t.64S.1704
Sunday, Janual'J 11, 2004 85'
1 Fundamental
6 Nobel11\
11 C~ VtPs
16 Oantas mascot
77 Leers
78 Actor -Reel/fl
79 Ahab and crew
63 R1111's garment
84 Actvertieement
1 2x4
2 Vine support
3 Kuwaiti neighbor
4 Not his or hers
5 High notes
67 Ve511bule
68 Paci< animals
69 Clog locate
71 What bees spread
74 Aap!or"s nest
21 Expound It length
88 Comet dlscoveter
89 Mischievous looks
6 loo thtn
7 Fragrances
76 Jeans partne<s
77 Sky hunter
79Brvsn off
23 Ugl1t l>Ulb hller
24 Vetoed
25 Exploit
26 ·a.icony scene·
'Z7 New Zealander
28 Story ot Troy
29 Pote
30Sea Wottd
32 Cowboy's rope
34 Ehxir
36 Men, u an lclcie
38 Pnze
40 Has oecaS1on tor
42 CtJft)s
43 Grassy places
45 Archeology finds
47 More troSly
49 Baloney
52 Bunches
53 Throbbed
54 Glass container
57 Astonishes
58 Reprimand
59 Thorn
60 Made a ttpestry
61 Red~aally
62 Golfer's warnings
63 PhyslQU&
65 O.v1119 brld
66 Check casher
68 Lettuce. slang1ty
69 Camel's m1heu
92 Small number
93 Atlas dots
94 Poet TS -
95 Ring out
98 Milota ot f\otke~
99 F1sh1ng lure
100 Y eltow See country
101 Type of racket
102 Round Table km9ht
104 European capital
105 Revives (2 wds)
t06 Painter
Leonardo da -
107 Aleut carvtnq
108 Hawtriorne s town
109 Revise
111 "Take --I
113 Diver's find
115 Himalayan Slghhng
119 Emptiest
121 LJconcehke
123 Skipper s bellow
125 Card game
126 Phony coins
127 Playground gear
129 Design
131 Eye Of ear
133 Heredity factors
134 • -Peak or Busti'
135 Peace goddess
136 "Lone Ranger:
9 C>iaqge or stock
10 Hammer or saw
11 Medieval maidens
12 Rubs out
13 'Have --dayl'
14 ChOlce Word
16 Made from yam
17 Sider
20 Do ant11met1c
31 Peddles
33 Battery PoSI
35 W111ow snoot
37 Town squaie
39 Mofe nsky
41 Palermo's locale
44 Don't eM1st
46 Some parents
48 Large Afncari ake
49 Amazon parrot
SO Romance
on the Seine
51 Sn -
52 'Baauty and the
Beast" remake
53 Ram. in astrology
54 Kids arouno
56 Pauses
58 Hue
59 Baseball ploys
60 Become less naive
80 · -tuegot A
81 Ease r l
82 MuSJCal combos
83 Watches secrelly
85 Temporaiy g11ts
86 Totally dari<
87 Murat undercoat
89 SwMSCn ti old lirn$
90 Temptira m0<set
91 Term paper
94 Hero.c rale
95 lnnermosl par1
97 Rival
99 Smooths wood
100 Moss and Capshaw
101 Bndqe tees
103 Tael
104 Slowest
105 Wine servers
106 Bordered on
107 K nohng
108 Sa ttng away
109 More proficient
110 Hawa11 s -Loa
112 Zen masters verse
114 Wollea cJown
11b Encourage (2 wds)
117 Ghnennq adornment
t tBH1ooen
120 Recipe qtys
122 Give light
124 Selleck and Jones
126 M11 nonco"1
128 Teacup rim
72 <:fanny companion
73 Family members
Clayton -
137 Gndtron deal
138 Jet 1onh
C2 wds)
62 Icebergs
63 F1lldt9d
t 30 E Dor ado loot
132 Aussie 1umper
139 Forceps 74 Collars so to speak
75 River mammal 140 Ftsh hnder 64 Crly near Zu11ch
Home Repair
Christlen Handymen Fmll~
'9'IC8I t!l:ywtl
~. SIA>tlootl.
windows/Oocn, -· las.c.t bolr1lS & painting
* JltO MASONRY * Any Type, Best Pricu,
IE.ST. PUnll co. INTflUOR EXT[RJOR __ ..._
o\I:"* .. !rt.JI",,....,.. -............ ....... ,_ -·--·-d--.., ,_.., _...,.
71W32-S660 s.1lor d1SCCIOOI F191
llS1Jml\e Cit! Jolwl 714~ Re~ Ok, Quality Work •• ,.,. _. -·-
•7 Jo5I' 714 SJI 7643 Clwni'• ........ '1Nrs ~>'P
Gm..W. ID'l\ll
'IWNIVlANCE • R&linlial • Commatial
No Job 1bo Small
Daft Hamilton
All w0<k 1u11anteed
Stcnge Spec\llla
&Inoa 1H1
Ptumbq. EIKtrical, Doori, HST MOVIU SU/Hr.
Finish C*"P C:. 9e4lM-8!1li Ser~lna ~I C1Uu fn1urtd
Tl638U 323-997-1193
&~ Cwpentry o Plumblna
Orywa• • StU«O
PaintH11. n1 & mot• 20+ Yean hperlenc91 J171 .... tt-S77t
JUN« TO nn OVMPlll
714 968 1112
949173 S566
323 630 9971 cell
The Cehf Public
Utillltes Commission requires lhat all used
h ousehold aoods
movers print th air
PUC Cat T number,
limo1 '"d ch•ufleurs p1lrll their T .C P
nu"1bt• In all adver
llMmtnts. fl you hlVe
1ny quullon' about
th• l•a•llty ol e
mover , I Imo or
chautfeur. call·
Grul P11ee1 Gu•••nleed
work I ree est l •375602
714 538 1534 7 390 294S
Profl, clean. qu81tty work
lnleri01/ut and docks
l•703468 949 400 10S4 ,.,.. ..... , .... ,, ...
Top Quality. CompeUllve
lnlarlor/Eal l l6'8228
Call Jay 949 650 S066
Qvelity work, low r •le,
can for ftee ~timate fl.791542 714 876 S811
Mf Devi•• '•lntl1t1 Interior & £ aterior
Reasonable lbt"
l •337023 714·6J8·4034
P1int1na"1t/ut. ~louWApt
Ou•llty JObl Fro estimate
l•!J69897 714 636 8888
e H aoM1lonor ~et J "'"11ert S(W£R JCflfNG
F rlendly Ser VICI
f4t-t 1S-t J 04
i •152~'' H!wr.a
(94') 64S·2SS2
frN Ut! Sm '1CIM"~ ocm::u One. 714 235 9150
,ltlCISl ,lUMllNG
Repatrs & Remodelm&
fRCE CSTIMAT£ ll687398 714 969 1090
Tree Service
S1ieuah11n~ in
WJllJJ•Pr Remool
l•~?41 !M9· l60-l?t I
Sal!sf•cllon Cu•r•nteed
949 631 1562 714 966 !KltO
Clossifitd ii
wlitlMr JOf1 'tt
b11Jin1, ulli1tf,
or jlUt tooling,
cliusifed "4s
w"'1 JOV nttd!
(949 6'1-5678
I I ~
• ~. Jlnulty 11, 2004
949 .644. 9060
949.718 .1700
~! I I