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Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907
6etWeen 2 candidates and a hard place
Costa Mesa Building Department's head finds himself
working on housing issu e that council incumbent and
hopeful are pushing as they near November election.
Lolita Harper
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -Rick Brown for City
CounciJ is a phrase you will never hear.
The city's building department head
has no interest in running for poUtical
office and is perfectJy content to master
his daily responsibilities regarding the
safety and code enforcement of private
structures in Costa Mesa.
But recentJy he found himself in the
middle of a political war in which two
city leaders, both looking to eradicate
substandard housing in city rental units,
turned to Brown for ammunition that
would bolster their particular idea
Councilman Gary Monahan, who is
up for reelectipn, and Planning Com-
mission Chaihvoman .Katrina Foley,
who is fighting for a seat on the council
dals, both developed a plan to help rid
the city of inferior housing. Both have
met with Brown for input And both
tout their solution as the best.
Monahan, with all the advantageS of
incumbency. was able to get bis Idea on
the agenda and receive unanimous ap-
proval from the council on Sept. 19 -
before Foley was even able to unveil her
clear-cut vision of the Planning Com-
mission's version.
Monahan crafted and passed his
housing proposal in a total of two
weeks, whereas Foley and the commis-
sion have been working on it for more
than a year as part of their community
objectives that Foley fought to institute
at the Planning Commission level.
The councilman said he simply ap-
proached Brown, who is charged with
inspecting private buildings, and ask.ed
him what would work. The answer, ac-
cording to Monahan, was a simple
tweak in a city ordinance that redirected
the priorities of code enforcement offi-
cers to target substandard rental hous-
ing, which is exactly what the council
Monahan's action came immediately
after a conference on the subject with
various community activists. It also was
Gavin Sutherland flies off the lip of a wave during the Op Airshow, a contest of aerial man ewers at the Op Newport Classic surfing contest.
Creating a Classic
The inaugural
5-day Op
Classic comes
to an end
Sunday with
1 O different
finals off 56th
Christine Carrillo
Dally Pilot 'S urfers of all ages. genders and talent levels took to the waves Sunday M the inaugural
Op Newport Oassic came to an end with
IO division finals.
While the competitors surfed amid
decent-sized waves and chaUengjng currents and
wind conditions. spectators along the beach at
56th Street intently watched the different creative
Matt King
pulls into
the tube of
a wave
during the
of the Op
C~ssic on
perfectJy timed during the peak of the
campaign season. at a time when Foley
was touting her community housing
program as a key election Item. ·
"Why would you need another pro-
gram when this is what the eq>erts say
will wort?" Monahan asked
Brown, who is not anxious to receive
acclaim for Monahan's proposal. said be
simply gave "honest, accurate infoona-
tion" and let the council.man decide if
that would adequately accomplish bis
goal City staffers -who report to the
city manager. who reports directly to
to get a
farm hand
Orange County Fair officials
offer a new after-school
program that will teach
select students agriculturally
themed lessons.
Lolita Harper
FAIRGROUND~ -~udents with IOW"er
than average le-it scores. disaplinary
problems or overall difficulties m school
will be invited to a <iJ>e(:ial after-school
program designed to motivate chem into
learning through hands-on techniques.
fair officials d ecided Thursday.
The Orange County Fair & Exposition
board approved the Ranch after-school
program. saying it wouJd give children an
unparalleled opportunity 10 learn variou~
agriculturally themed lessons not alwar>
available m trachtional academic courses
About 25 DavtS Elementary fifth
graders who have been determined "at
risk~ by educators will take part in the pi-
lot program . ..et to begin in January. The
Costa Mesa children will learn about
horses. other Uvestock and vegetable gar-
dening. They will also be able to tale ad-
vantage of the Centennial Farm. also at
the fairgrounds.
Officials from the fair, the Newport-
Mesa Unified School District and Costa
Mesa's Recreation Department all worted
together to create the one-<>f-a -kind pro-
gram to offer more than the usual after-
school program.
In the proposed ·horse education unit•
of the program. children will learn about
the animal's history, saft'ty, grooming. the
various breeds and colors. tacking. feed-
ing. equipment and health. said Jim Bai-
ley. the fairground's director of special
projects, who outlined the program.
The Orange Villa BuckaroOs 4-H Oub.
who keep their horses at the fairgrounds.
will develop the unit and walk the young-
sters through that portion of the program.
using their bones and equipment
Similarly. the other on-site 4-H clubs
have YOIWl~ their animals for the
livestodc. unit. This portion of the pro-
gram will highlight the different types or
fann animals and their uaes. Bailey saJd.
One of the stalls will be converted into a
chicho house for the cb.lklren to care for
Daily Pilot
AT A GLANCE Just a friendly neighborhood crime fighter
•• I
The Newport Harbor Bell Buoy, seen here July 13, has greeted boaters to the harbor for nearly 85 years.
Going out around the bell .buoy
The appearance of the bell
buoy off the entrance to
Newport Harbor has varied
over the years, but its
presence has been constant.
By John Blaich
For the Daily Pilot
T h e original bell buoy placed off the
entrance to Newport Harbor in
1916 was just a bell buoy. It
consisted of four large hinged
clappers that struck the outside of a large
stationary brass bell as the buoy rocked "to
and fro" ~ui; to lfle wave action. TheHobf~ jSruj,ted a duO'black. It
retained this color wttil the late 1960s
when it was painted a dark green. The
present color scheme, red and white
verdcaJ stripes, was adopted about 1990.
The radar deftection equipment and the
flashing white light were installed about
1950. .
The No. 1 marking on the buoy indicates
that this is the first navigation marker as You enter the harbor. The nwnber on the
channel markers increase as you enter the
harbor, the odd number to port and the
even number to starboard
• WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically.
If yoo are planning a nautical event. submit
the infonnatk>n to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay
St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949)
6464170; or by &-mail to
S.llbo9t rtlntMs end priwtll leMom ...
available at Marina WaterSports In the
Balboa Fun Zone. Advanced classea lncfude
navigation, big boat. powerboat, \
introduction to heavy weather and
first-mate instruction. (949) 673-3372; the
Blue Dolphin Sailing C1ub, (949) 644-2525; or
Udo Sailing Oub, (9491676-0827.
.... FeedMtlon °"""' .... In botlting
The California Seil Uons. commonly
called seals, sunning them.selves on board
the buoy have become a problem. They
pile up on top of each other near the bell
clappers. Th.is prevents the four bell
clappers from swinging fas the buoy rods)
to hit the bell Thus. we do not hear the
bell ring very often. In the old days,
enjoying the ringing of the bell buoy was
part of the local nautical lore.
· The seals used to live on the rocb of the
West Jetty. However, in recent times, they
have taken up residence on the bell buoy.
Usually, there is a big fat bull seal on the
buoy with his bare. Sometimes. there are
one or two seals in the water trying to get
on board -but there is no room 'Ibis
results in considerable discussion (barking)
belWeeo those that have and those that
On a foggy morning in the fall of 1937, I
was awakened by a second bell ringing in
the vicinity of the bell buoy. In those days,
there were not very many homes on the Up
of the Balboa Peninsula. On a crisp fall
morning, sound traveled. My parents could
not believe that the second bell was aboard
the M.S. Stranger, anchored near the bell
buoy waiting for the fog to dear so that she
could enter the harbor. Well, I bad just
returned from a six-month auise in the
yacht. I knew the tone of my ship's bell.
safety and aalllng, year-r-ound for people
with disabilities. Free. (949) ~1678.
Or.,. County ernployien CM bring th9ir
employee8 out to Newport Beach on
weelcdeya to enjoy a day of sailing oourtesy
of Orange Coast College. The School of
Sailing and Seam•nshlp now offers a
chance for groups to wort with the on-board
instructor on different sailing tec:tiniquea
while they get edvic::e on how to perfonn
wet! in bualneaa. No sailing experience
neceaary. One-day classes range from $100
to $125. (949) 645-9412.
Elec:tltc boet renbl9 .. miv"·He by the
hour at Duffy Eledrie Boats, 2001 W. Coast
My family bad a SWJll!ler cottage on the
ocean front on the Balboa Peninsula about
halfway between the pier and the jetty.
About 1928 (when I waa 5 years old), it was
a big event to walk to Balboa on the
wooden boa.rdwalt. We would then walk
down Main Street to the Pavilion to board
either the Ew. Beckworth or the Balboa
(excursion boats) for a trip down the bay
out the channel to round the bell buoy.
Floyd Gage, the professional captain
who operated the exmrsion boats at tbe
Pavilion. got to know me and my family.
Often. be would let me stand in front of
him and steer the boat Thus, I learned to
steer a boat when I was 5 years old.
It ls Interesting to note that the
excursion boats have been going around
the bell buoy for more than 76 years.
The bell buoy, with the seals on board,
has become a destination point "Let's go
out around the beD buoy."
Yes, after owning a boat for 75 years and
sailing in and out of Newport Harbor for a
very long time, I still enjoy sailing out and
around the bell buoy.
• EDITOR'S NOTE: John Blaich is a Corona def
Mar resident and volunteer at the Newport
Harbor Nautical Museum. About once a
month, he writes histories of Interesting boats
that graced Newport Harbor.
Highway, Newport Beach. AJI boab are
equipped with window enclosures and CO
players. Ice and cups are provided.
Reservations are suggested. Ar1 hour rental
i• $70. (949) ~12.
81111 Mbome oubkte rww,,o.t HMbor ..
Marina WaterSports, pulled by a motorboat
at Balboa PanHalllng near the Balboa Fun
Zone. A 90-minute trip la $46. (949)
A motott.d lounge .. INlf be "'"'9d 11t
R890ft Water 5pofta at Newport Dunes for
S25 per hour. P9d9l boata, electric: boats,
boogie boerdl. byab, lnft8teble rwfta,
b9ech furniture and WllC9Ult8 8l90 ...
11Vaitable. CM) 72&-1150.
i -=-====D===a~ilyit==A===P===il=o=t =--
Deirdre tMwrNln
Educ.tion reporter, UM9l 674-4221
a.t.dM c..llo
N.wa ...-.nc. (IM8J 67~
dlriftinfl.e«rlllo •"1flmacom
SeenHlnlr.~~ Don Leech, Kn li'epcDw VOL 91, NO. 273
THC>MAI H.. JOHNSON, Publlahef
TI>NL...DOOERO· JUOYWi~ .... ~Director '&NM~. Pfomotk>,. Oltect.or
MADa8 H.01'UNE
(IM9) 84.2.eol8
Recont your ... menra about the
Daily ..aiot Of MM tlf>e.
~ Our~ .. 330 w. a.., St.,<:<** Meu. CA t:zen Offtoe ~ _..
Mond9y • FricMy, 8:30 a.m. ·I p.m.
Cc CL 111 I
It .. the fltlofa ~to~
oonwct .. ""°""of~. ,._.C91 IMIPM2a .
It seems quite
the fish tale
A hoy.
about Richard Van
Awn's ordeal
after he set sail
f:rom Long Beach
for catalina Island
in late May or
eady June? WeO.
ftwn drifted all
the way to Costa
wry lnb!ftlt.ed In
seeing a swell
model from that
matching bis
accounts. nus is a
perfect situation
to detennine jf
this voyage is
possible by using
the weather and MIKE sea historic data
Rica where, OD WHITEHEAD records for the past four months. Sept. 17' the naval
frigate Mcauaky rescued
him off bia dismasted
Z&fOO\ sallboaL
According to Pham, he '
was asleep after he set sail
for Catalina. and when he
awoke that morning, a
storm had kicked up and
snapped his mast. leaving
him drifting. He was now at
the mercy· of the wind and
CWTent since his engine did
not wort. His radio was alao
not woddng. ao be couldn't
call for assistance.
AddltionaDy, he did not see
any other vessels to signal
for help. but I wonder if he
bad • flare kit aboard He
drifted for more than 3 ~
months, survivtng by
catching rain water to
drink. eating ftsh. sea turtJes
and aea guDs. Why sea
call me a skeptic. but I
have a very dlf6cuh time
believing his story. How
come he does not know the
day he left Long Beach?
~. if bis story is
completely true, then I will
sail a sabot to c:atalina.
First. I am very troubled
as to why be is down below
asleep during the short sail
from Long Beach to
Catalina, whk:h usually
takes about five hours.
1arlble seamanship and
very dangerous sleeping
when he should be
standing w.ttch to avoid
other boats. ships, oil
platforms and the island
Strange as he did not have
any electronics such as GPS
for him to go asleep and
then wake up to know his
The second troubling
notion la that be did not
wake up during the storm
from the crashing smmds of
the mast with the sails and
. . hitting the fiberglaM ~whk:h had to make a
horrendous echo through
the 26-footer. 1lle boat. now
foundering in the seas,
would have rwned, rocking
in the swell troughs. and the
boat'• speed would have
slowed mnsiderably with
the sails dragging in the
With the power of the
Internet. I looked up the
~thee history of a few of
NOMB sites for May and
June, and I do not see any
record of a storm. plus the
highest wind gusts are
below 20 mph. I would be
Those of you who boat
and fish in the San Pedro
Channel know that when
you Ooat in the channel, the
winds aod cwrent will push
your boat back to the
mainland. and it is
common to be pushed
south to the Camp
Pendleton area. What really
makes me a skeptic is that
for 3 ~months drifting at
sea no other boater pueed
by to notice a dfsmasted
AD boaters should pick
up a flee abeo1t>ent bOg!e
pad at the Newport landing
Fuel Dock. SbeD Sbdion -
(949) 673-7878 -in
Newport Harbot. The
program ls~ from
Dana Point to Newport
Harbor. Steve Kim. a
twardous waste specialist
with the county of Orange
said, .Boaters just need to
go to the fuel dock and pick
up free new pads or return
any used pads.·
"The inframuctu.re is in
place; now it's just a matter
of getting the word out to
boaters and their mtthanics
about the program.. said
Pearl Bolter, supervising
hazardous waste specialist
for the county of Orangie
Environmental Health
Division. "We antidpate
distributing thousands of
absotbent plda during the
next )911'-ads that will
certainly help mp the
harbor and our ocean
Boatera use the
absorbent pads to soak up
petroleum producta in the
bilge and the pads are~
efDcient because they do
not absorb water.
The Orange County's
Health Care Agency, with
the Orange County Sheriff's
Harbor Patrol and the Oty
of Newport Beach Marine
Resources Department,
partnered with the
California Integrated Waste
Management Board to
fund the program.
Safe voyages.
Pilot's boating end harbor
columnilt. Send him your
harbor and marine-related
thoughta and etory
euggntlona via e-m.11 to
MilceO BoathoUNTY.comor
go to BoathouN TY.com.
It'll continue to fMf like fall,
.. W9Wike10 douct. and end
up wfth perUy doudy--and
~ temperstu .... H6gtl8 wlll Juat top 70 In eo.ta Meu end
wMI ~ ftom the lowief' to
mlcMOI fn NMpoft 8-cf\.
Lowa~ c1p below eo.
On TueicMy, we cen ecpec:t
the eeme. but~mey
pfVYldl .,.,_,...,for .. of
ttMleedrvt •atitee lntt.fonn Ofllghllhouo•LV.~
.... up •ted .., ..... end.
11•1 ......
1-to 3-foot W9Y9e 3lnd a mbted
norttmte.t and IOUth .... of ..
to 6 fMt. The Melt. build
tNa .venlng. Fog wilt be found
both •rtv 3lnd .....
-' lf /hey sh(Juted fire, would anything more happen?
We've beard of d.ebatet ptting INSIDE SCOOP tleated, b. Ul enoup to 1et off the
buildings' fire .WmT
Thursday night dutloa the Costa Mesa
City Council candidate forum, hosted by M~sa Verde Community Inc.
homeowners' assn .. the 1brill bells of the
ftre a1ann Interrupted the otherwise
brilliant answer of one of the uplriog
Hundreds of audience members looked
around curiously, obviously pondering
whether they 1bould drop their plates full
of catered goodies and file out ln an
orderly fashion or proceed with the
business of n'1'f0Wing down thelr choices
for city leadenhlp.
Ultimately they chose the latter, betting
that the danger signal was a misfire
absent the presence of smoke or screams.
Their assurnpUon proved to be correct.
Everyone, Including esteemed Jlle8U
1ucb u Councilman Chrit Steel. former .
mayor Sandra Genii and former Dally
Pilot column.IJt Byron de Arabl (that's
Mr. 103 to you), refocuaed thelr attentiom
to the words of wisdom belng aha.red from
the podium.
A member of the centers' autodial 1t.aff
reported that an •older gentlemen-in a
leisure aulr bad &cddentally pulled the
fire alarm. Sound llke anyone we know? ~ Compiled by Dally }>tJot staff
Madison Harris, 7, center, gives a shout of excitement after being tossed into the air by friends Kimberly H1ggms, 16. left, and
Courtney Higgins, 16. at the Farm Soccer Complex in Costa Mesa.
N£WPOaf BP.Aai
Udo VUlaP mlPt be
rdMd 1n tbroulb ddekndt
pennlb-a lb'8tegy Mayw
Tod RJdeewaywaoaa to look
"lt bas become an un-
controlled industry in our
harbor,.. Ridgeway said of
the commetdal pleasure
boats, often called '"party
boats,.. th.al carry large
numbers ofvlsitors to New-
port Harbor. "YMve lost any
degree of c:ootrol over the
use or these properties be-
cause of bow the annual re-
newable permits work."
The problem ii most evi-
dent in Udo Village. Ridge-
way said, where huge cruise
boats bloclc views of the wa-
ter. congest the harbor and
create traffic and parting
problems on land.
Ridgeway bas asked city
staff to start loo.king into
the matter. Haiboc semcea
director Tony Melum said
will he gather information
to present to the city's Har-
bor Commission and, ulti-
mately, the City Council.
Part of the problem,
Ridgeway said, ~ that DO
one knows for sure which
boa\8 are coming to New-
port or where the boats are
coming from. Most of the
vWtiQg c.m..r ....
bertb Ill the ... "'IDcill
buainaw amt IJ RF ·a~
der permlra ... ._ f:;Jl:'i
anc1 state. cw % me
permit ptOOfllt ..... 000-
taln any oo+•• aw:r die
~typeor~of ·
the boats tbll ddCt here.
Tbeee bulioNt-c:ooceo-
trated in lido vm... ,_
the e.Jboe PuD Z.am Oil cbe
peninsula and iD a w ·
other dty locadom.
Melum aa1d that the dty
has not recehieid many
complaint.a about the eOur'
boats but tbat cbift will
have to be further mldy 10
detenn.ine the atmt of the
boata' dfectl and ....
city could gain p..-con-
trol Though mmr of the
permits are fsaoed in CX>D-
junction with state tide--
lands guidelines, the per-
mits may atford the
Oexibility to alaw the Har-
bor C'.ommi'lkJn or City
Coundl to put c:ooditiona
on the commerdll doct
operators, Melum .-L
Continued from A 1 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS
hens and hatch incubator chicks.
Finally. in the gardening por-
tion of the program, students
will each have their own 8-foot
square plot to plant, fert.iliu and
Stacia Mancini, recreauon
manager for Costa Mesa, said the
program will give children acce..s
to hobbies and interests they may
never have dreamed of. It will
also allow those who may not
Oourish in a typical academic set·
ting -which generally involves
listening and retaining informa-
tion -a chance to get "hands·
on· and really connect with the
subject manner, Mancini said
The agricultural theme should ue
in nicely with fifth-grade science
curriculum, she said.
"I know that when I was a kid
it helped me to be able to do
what I was being taught and
then see the results of my work.·
Mancini said.
The program. aimed at 'ilU·
dents whose schoolwork is not
up to expectations, will run from
3 to 6 p.m. at the fairground's
equestrian center for about six
months. Bailey said. Ultimately,
a year-round schedule that
would include summer camp
sessions would be developed.
Bailey sald.
For now officiaJs are excited to
get the first session up and run-
• LOUTA HARPER covers Costa
Mesa. She may be reached at (949)
574-4275 or by e-mail at
lolita.harper@latimes com.
Coastline foundation
will host fund-raiser
The Coastline Community
College Foundation and its
Acquired Brain ln1ury Pro·
gram staff will hold their i.ec-
ond annual fund-raiser 10
benefit brain injured stu-
dents in Newport Beach on
Oct. 19.
Since more than 700,000
Americans are affected by
brain injuries of both trau-
matic and non-traumatic na-
tures per year, Coastline has
established a rwo-year pro-
gram to retrain those individu·
als and provide them with the
skills they'll need to become
more independent.
The program has a speciaJ-
ized curriculum that e mpha-
sizes cognitive retraining. so-
cialization and career
development to promote in di·
viduaJ responsibility and inde-
The event will include din-
ner. swing dancing to a live
band, a silent auction and a
presentation by Shalini Mal-
hota, a student in the pro-
gram, about her experi·
Tickets are $80 per person
and the event will be at the Ra-
disson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur
Blvd. For more Information.
caJJ (714) 241-6214.
No ,.,..~ w+wt "°" ,. aoino ,..,.,.--~
RTS ""··· Daily Pilot
Hoag Hospital earns
consumers' award
Hoag Hospital has received
the Consumers' Oloice Award
for the seventh year in a row,
the company announced fri.
The award is granted each
year by the National Research
Corp., an independent organi-
zation that measures health-
care provider performance.
Hoag was ranked by the or-
gani7,ation as Orange County's
most preferred hospital based
on overall quaJity of care.
Nationwide, 151 hospitals re-
ceived the honor this year.
Hoag was the only one in
Orange County.
Newport Coast group
will meet Tuesday
The Newport Coai.t Advi-
sory Committee will hold its
next meeting from 5:30 to 7
p.m. Tuesday in the Newport
Coast Elementary School
Multi-Purpose Room. 6655
Ridge Park Road The public
is welcome to attend and par-
Items for <.h.'>cusc;ion on
Tuesday's agenda include the
installation of a traffic signal
at Newport Coast Orive oppo-
site Sage HilJ School. speed
control on Newport Coast
roads and rules governing in-
stallation of cellular antennas
on homeowner associations'
land. For more information,
call Lhe Newport Beach City
Manager's office at (949) 644·
UC Irvine welcomes
memory ex pert
Elizabeth Loftus, a forensic
memory expert ranked
among the I 00 most eminent
psychologists of the 20th cen-
tury, has joined the UC Irvine
faculty as a Distinguished
Professor in the School of So-
cial Ecology.
The Distinguished Profes-
sor title is the highest cam-
pus-level distinction and is
reserved for senior faculty
members who have achieved
the highest levels of scholar-
ship over the course of their
Loftus comes to UCI from
the University of Washington
in Seattle where i.he spent 29
Considered a pioneer in
false memory research, Loftus
has helped to prove that, in
some cases, people believe
they experienced events that
never occurred. Her research
also showed that eyewitness
accounts, notably tht>se given
in court. often are inaccurate.
At UCI, Loftus says she
looks forward to establishing
new collaborative projects
with the faculty in the depart-
ments of psychology and so-
cial behavior; and criminol-
ogy, law and society. where
she will hold a joint appoint-
·rm excited to come to Ir-
vine and join the outstanding
group of scholars working at
the intersection of psychol-
ogy and law -some of the
most distinguished psycholo-
gists in the world.· Loftus
said in a pre~ release.
Loftus has served as an ex-
pert witness or consultant in
some of the nation's most
high-profiJe trials, including
the McMartin Preschool mo-
lestatJon case, the "Hillside
Strangler" case. the Michael
Jackson case and the trials of
Oliver North. the Menendez
brothers and the police offi-
cers involved in the Rodney
King beating
Boy Scout Sea Base
will break ground
A Friday groundbreaking
ceremony will kick off the
$5.2-million renovation of the
Boy Scout Sea Base In New-
port Beach.
The base, established in
1937. provide~ maritime rec-
reational and educational ac·
livilies on behalf of the
Orange County Council of the
Boy Scou~ of America For
more information, call (714}
Costa Mesa offers free
landscaping trees
Costa Mesa officials are of-
fering free trees to those who
would like to beautify the
front of their homes and help
the envtronment at the same
Residents of Costa Mesa
can help improve their neigh-
borhoods and reduce air pol-
lution and heat by taking ad-
vantage of the city's Free
Parkway Tree Program. offi-
cials said. The city will plant a
parkway lree in public land in
front of any residential prop-
erty, as long as space permits.
for free.
SeveraJ varieties of trees are
available depending on the
size of the planting area and
aD the city asks in return is
that residents agree to wattt
it on a regular basis. Watering
instructions are provided
with each tree.
To request that a tree to be
planted in front of your
home. call the dty or Costa
Mesa's Maintenance Services
Division at (7 14} 754-5123.
Fr ee TOTAL TRUST PLAN Se mina r
Su" ,,,,~ Ortoh. · '•
As ~ ., DOllS PIACO • OU. Al 171
H.,,, rJ 11 P ~' n BA r f 1
........ 8RM:A
24 Ytilfold men~
e«• ••If on •flP'don of
cotlboled ..... a,
burglery toc)lt In the 1400
bloc* .. 1 a.m. SftJrd8y. ..............
v.ndellem wn NPOf't.d
In the 3100 bloc* at 6:19
p.m. Thundey.
• ......,.s.r..t:A
an.ted on "aepidof'I of
burvt-ry. receiving..,..
property and showing
false ldentfflcatk>n to e
peace ofllcer In the 3300
bk>dt at a-oe p.m. Friday.
• F8lnllew Aoed: Two men
were arrested on
suspicion of prowling on
privet• property In the
2700 bloc* et 1:48 a.m.
• N9wpot1 Boulrcerd: A
man was arrested on
suspicion of being drunk
In public In the 300 blodt
at 8:25 p.m. Saturday.
• South fWtt: A
19-yeal'Old man wu
arrested on auspldon of
committing a hit-and-run
calding Injury In the 600
blodt at 7:55 p.m.
• Vlc:totle Street: A
mlulng person was
reported In the 300 bloc*
et 11:54 p.m. Thursday.
• 12nd S1rMt Md ac.....
ftot'lt w.t: Petty theft
wu reported at 11:01 a.m.
• WNt C099t Highw9y:
Trespaulng wa1 reported
in the 4500 blodt at 5:17
a.m. Sunday.
• Ant Av.nue: A
hit-and-run involving a
parked vehicle was
reported In the 2900 blodt
at 10:16 a.m. Sunday.
• N4lwport Boul9vard: A
physical fight was
reported in the 2800 blodt
at 12:21 a.m. Sunday.
• Oceen Boulevmd: A
party disturbance was
reported in the 2100 bl<><*
at 2:53 a.m. Sunday.
• Oceen f'f'Oftt w.t: A
physical fight was
reported in the 2300 bloc*
et 9:11 p.m. Saturday .
• Oceen Heights Driw
and Via Rubkto: A traffic
coUi1ion, causing injury,
was reported et 11:19 a.m.
• Rtwrside ~Illegal
fireworb were reported
in the 400 blodt at 2:25
a.m. Sunday.
• s..boume Way:
Vandallam was reported
in the 1900 bl<><* at 11 :35
p.m. Saturday.
Cbe c:0aDc:0 -Ute DO i*rMt m 111t11s·. to ha. ~ fulure
..... he laicl. They mnalD
neUlbal ad wort tbroulb cam-~ 1r•on. juit-u tfk were
any ocha" dme of the year.
~ r.naln neutral ·on the
polldil aad Jet the politb play
tbeimelvea out at the appropr:t·
ate lewla, • Brown said.
While coundJ memben bad
not been briefed on the com·
mlsalon's proposal. they voted
to appnJWJ .the Planning Com-
~o.o's goal to aggressively
battle substandard housing and
knew of their woi:k'in that areL
The Planning Conu:niaton's
program, which ls a work in
progresa is mote comprehen-
sive than Monahan's and would
require new enforcement om-
Continued from Al
styles of each surfer.
While Op did understand that
a large amount of Its forus
should be placed on the various
surfing competitions, the
company also felt that it was
imperative to create an event
that provided swfers and
specmtors with much more.
They wanted to provide a venue
for people of all ages to enjoy the
sport and culture of surfing.
"This isn't seru1ar and this Isn't
just for the bro/bra." said Alain
Mazer, director of public
relations for Op. "It's for the
recreational surfer, the
professional surfers; It's for the
whole gamut Our idea was to
not just create a surfing event for
the pro guys, but for the all the
locals. ..
With a number of beaches to
choose from, Op believed that
Newport Beach. which can often
rety on its jetties to synthesize
whatever waves aren't naturally
provided, would be the most
conducive beach for the event
And with surfing taking off in
light, Op needed to hold the
surfing competition in a premier
surfing locale where all the
surfers go. Mazer said.
Although the consistency of
Newport Beac.h might provide
common ground for surfers, it
certainly hasn't lent itself to
common surfing.
"Surfing bas advanced so
much,• he said. "Kids have
taken swfing into the air, they've
taken surfing out of the box;
they have no preconceived
Continued from Al
innocence of the man she was
going to identify. They also
cautioned her not to talk with
anyone about the incident until
after the investigation and trial
was finished.
lbat's a pretty tall order for
!!Omeone whose father is a
Mattress Outlet Store
Git the Int for IMI/ ,.... 3165 n..bor Blvd.
~ . Costa Jllesa
• o. mom s..t11 o1..os rw, liil (71.4) 545-7168
Sunset Dinners
~ 9'amma (iina
Monda -Frida : 4:~:15
,_ .. :roucHES
In the tneierlm. the tmmed1-
ate lmplemeotatlon of Mona-
han'• program could aerve u a
pilot program for the more
complete vertion yet to come,
Mayor Unda Obon, who
asked about the differences be-
tween Monahan's and the com-
miuJon's housing proposals
before she cut her vote, said
she didn't beUeve it waa a case
of aupporting one or the other.
She tended to agree with Fo-
ley, saying Monahan's idea
served as a •beg1nn.lng action."
Sbie c:deil 11 a~ 8rM pin.•• me '•,.....tatloo ~ bwd tcW die commu: Wouli Ill to Ilia~ nltJ. Tbi comm' t ti 1»n med bi.In
l"1hert II diaftalteiY room fOf wllil W DNded to mmM lbe
bott.." DliDD tald. ~ WOlt and be W411-4 PlmUdDa ' c.om.m11Gooer tbeV ~ .... be Mid. BroWn
BNCe Garficb .gNed. waa nevs lo a posidon to Inter-
~ ate not at odds here,•• ject OplnlOm or o«K reoom-
Gulk:b .aid. "'1bele propoaala rneOcfa.dobJ abOut the pro-
ftt t~well.. gram. .
He wd the commlalon wu • 1 can gtw pf9feulonal ln-
lookiDg long term and hoped to put, provided that aomeo.ne in
preeel\t thorough data that authority It going to llsten,"
would provide the council with Brown said. "I am espec!.ed to
the best altemativet available. respond thoroughly to c0undl
Planning commlssJonert took or commission members' re-
theirdme delving into the sub-quest&"
standard housing issue and get In other words, offidala don't
all the ground· work done to aaJc Brown ii they should imple-
band over a complete program ment a program; they merely
that council members could get ask him bow they can.
beblnd. he said. Brown said it was not hi•
While Brown did not lead the
research for the commiaalon'•
proposal, he was an integral
place to give JUs personal opin-
ion about which program be
thought would be better suited
for the city.
The ultimate objectives of
Gavin Sutherland, center, and fellow competitor Josh Kerr, right, share smiles and a handshake for a
photographer after the finals of the Op Airshow at the Op Newport Classic surfing contest.
notions of how surfing should be,M
Providing a venue for surfers
to showcaae their creativity on
the waves, Op also needed to
revise Its judging fonnat to keep
in pace with the expanding
~The fudging format will be
modified to better rellect the
more contemporary aspects of
surfing." Mazer said. #The kids
newspaper columnist
But now that the man has been
convicted of the crime, Jodi can
talk freely.
And one of my fmt questions
to her was just what lhe heck was
she lhinldng chasing after a
robbery suspect?
"My concem was that someone
had been injured.• she said,
noting that she heard sc:rearm
coming Crom the yogurt shop. "I
didn't want him to go
• Send AROUND TOWN hems to
the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to
(949) ~170; or by calling (949)
674-4298. lndude the time, date
and location of the event. as well
as a contact phone number. A
complete lilting i1 available at
St. Joechlm Cethollc a.un:h In
CoeU M ... Wffl ho9t a
Mammogrem-e-thon from 8:30
a.m. to 2 p.m. The event.
aponeored by YWcA Encoreplu.
and The Susan G. Kamen Breast
Cancer Foundation, wtll provide
breut cancer 9Crffnlnga to the
community. Free. The church la at
1964 Orange Ave. For more
Information, call (714) ~9720 or
(714) 808-2037.
The 0... Senior C*"9r wtl hold
1 prevt.w rummage ua. from 9
1.m. to 5 p.m. end a fin.a ule
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . Sd.lrday at
the center. The~ wtll eocept
donetlonl from 9 1.m. to 1 p.m .
~until Tueedly. The
prwl.w .... i. S3, the flnal ute la
tr.. The centllf .... 900
~Ave .• Corona def Mar. ( .. J 844-32A4 .
today are not surfmg conscious.
It used to be very ridged, and
surfers are now more creative."
Not only are swfers more
creative, but they're more
diverse than every before.
Surfers are no longer of a certain
age or gender, which has often
surprised people not ln tune
with current social change-. of
surf culture.
#I was surprised to -;ee how
unpunished In that split second, I
took off after him. "Ille cops can't
be everywhere. and maybe It was
silly for me to do it. but it was just
natural. lf I were the woman who
was worbng at Golden Spoon. I
would need that closure."
Her actions didn' swprlse her
dad. Jim. or mom, Barbera. a
fonner Newport Beach Ouunber
of O>mmerce staffer.
~Jodi has always been a petSOn
with integrity and honesty and
good the girls were,M said Adrian
Lopez. a novice surfer who
watched the daytong final events
with friends. ~They're different
than the guys, but they're cool.·
Competing in one of the two
main events -the WQS
Women's Finals -Julia Ouistian
and Kyla Langen of Carlsbad
agreed that women's style of
surfing differs from the men's,
but said they believe it's not as
willing to talce rWG like that. M Jim
de Boom said. "While a lot of
people would jwt stand by and
let it pass. Jodi is the type who
gets involved·
"Sometimes more than we'd
like her to." said her mom.
Still, while they wish she'd take
I~ rislcs. they are very proud of
both Jodi and Stacy, who is a
Newport ·Mesa teacher.
"We've been blessed," Jim said.
As for Jodi. who unfortunately
The Alzheimer's Aun. ol Orange
County will host a support group
for caregivers from 7 to 8:30
p.m. at Our Lady Queen of
Angels in Newport Beach. Free.
The church is et 2046 Mar Vista
Drive. For reservations, call (949)
The Aldtelmer'a AW'I. ol O.W.
County wtll host two worbhop9
at Our Udy of Mount Carmel
Church In Newpott Beach. The
first WOC'bhop, whktt wtll run
from 11 a.m. to noon, wtll deal
with memory Iott and lta signs,
atagee end symptoms. The
second worbhop wtn run from 1
to 2:3o p.m . and will focus on
how to develop pertnenhl~ with
treating physicians.. Free. The
c:hurdt Is at 1441 W. Balboa Blvd.
For raervatlona, call {714)
infonnation, call (714) 935-9720 or
(714) 806-2037.
IU part ol lta annual funckWing,
the Costa Meu Senior Center
will host a Monte Car1o night
with the Bob Whtt Trio (fonnerly
of the Platters) from 7 to 11 p.m .
at the center. The evening will
Include gaming, bladt;act. cn1pa,
poker, a silent end live auction,
and a gourmet Chinese dinner.
The center la et 695 W. 19th St.
Cati for reservations. (949)
Blom Aptn, an Austral'-n band
that drenH and aounda llke
ABBA. will perform at the
Orange Coalt College'• Robert B.
Moore Theatre a1 8 p.m . The
band "wortd famou1 and has
glltte...Cltden Swedish charm. For
tlcht lnform.Uon, a11t (714)
OCT. 21
An elght-weet& cou,.. prowtdlnt
an ln-Oep\h look et aut>st.noe
abute among athlete1 wHI be
held Mondaya ind Wedneedaya
from 11 e.m. to 1:10 p.m. st
Orange Cont eoti.oe; The
oou,.., which begln1 toidey, wlef
be Hated •• Heelth Eduelltlon 131
In OCC~ ~-$11 per untt .
TM~ 19 et 2701 FelM.w
ROed, COet.e MeM. For
~ .. prop••' ... llOl .....
bUI m.y ... ~ ...... IDd
daal la to ·aec our dMte ud inake1Ul8MWW._..UW
s*I*. uw.a m .,.Ddlld boUMI unltl.' llWD eakt
He wOI gtadty Combat the
proNeal lo wbat9"r ·.'!'!Y city
leaded dJnsct blin to. Altbougb
be II not an elected otndal,
Brown bu bee.Ii around
enough to. leam bow to give a
poUdcaUy correct comment.
•niey have the.Ir job to do
and their agendas, and we are
all working with them on those
toward a co.mmon goal for the
reaidenr.," Brown Mid. ·we
give the moat reliable, expert
input and then look to our
elected otlldall to make the fi-
nal determtnad'on."
• LDtnA HARPER covers eo ...
Mesa. StM tnay be rNChed at
(949) 674-4276 or by e-mail at
much about aklll as it ii about
"The styles are dllferent -we
have a lot more flneae than the
men." saJd 20-yea.r-old Christian,
who bas been surfing for eight
years. "lbere's a lot more
support for the women ... and
that's good to see."
The Op event. which began
Wednesday, catered to an array
of people with dMslona that
inchlded: an alrsh~
compedtion; elementary, middle
and high school surfer
competitions; men and women
amateur and professional
competitions; and classic '70s
surfboard competitions.
"It's so cool to see something
like this. especially in a venue
like this where people can see.·
said 20-year-old Langen. who
bas been surfing for aew!D years.
"It was super to see such
progressive surfing ... and I'm
stoked to be competing w;th
such good girls.·
As the event provided good
competition for the surfers and
entertairunent for the spectators,
Op managed to present an event
of mew appeal.
"Op has a rich heritage in
Southern California surfing. and
it basically is Op's
recommitment to Southern
California surfmg. • Mazer said.
#It's not exclusionary. it's just
pure, unadulterated surfing for
surfers of all abWties. •
• EDfTOA'S NOTE: Results were not
available by press time.
• ctiRtSTINE CAAAa.1.0 is the news
assistant. She mey be reachad .,
19491574-4298 Of' bye-mall at
christine carrillo~latimes.com
was paid back three~ later
when her cell phone was stolen.
she has these thougtlts for the
robber. who netted $105 tn the
"Hopefully he'D realize how
ridiculous that was,. she said.
Especially if someone Like Jodi
is nearby.
• TONY DODERO la the editor. He can
be reached at (949) 674-4258 or via
e-mail at tony.dodero@latimetJ.com.
Jultice at McGeorge Sdlool of
Law and Whittier Law Sdlool.
Free. The achool 11 et 3333
Harbor Blvd. For reMrvetlona,
call (714) 558-4404.
The Costa Meaa Chamber ol
Commerce will hotd a bu11n ...
after houra mixer at the Country
Inn by Ayre1 from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. Free for membere, $10 for
potential membera. The Country
Inn 11 et 326 Bristol St.. Coate
Meu. For more lnfonna11on. cell
(714) 886-9090.
4 .
" ' I ' I
" • • • • " ii
• '
* . •
Anyone can take
up needlepoint
constantly navels
throughout California
to meet with wine
makers to select the
best wines. Wines that
are of good value,
bard-to-find and
unique are its specialty.
His favorite wines are
from Barnett Vineyard,
J ebba Needlepoint
Dalgn has loyal
customers from all
over the country. RosJe
Greer shops here and
they sell his famous
needlepoint book.
"Rosie Greer's
Needlepoint For Men."
Owner Diana U says
that more men are
getting interested in
needlepoint, and
although it's an
GREER Ham.ell Vineyard and
Peter Michael The WYLDER majority of wines are
expensive hobby, it's becoming
popular with children. Private
classes are offered by
appointment on Saturdays and
group classes can be arranged.
The walls are covered with
designs. or custom pieces are
made by local artist Esther Wells.
Finished pieces can be made
into footstools. chairs, pillows,
Ouistmas stockings and more.
From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays
through Fridays and from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Saturdays. 2628 E.
Coast Highway. Corona del Mac.
(949) 644-7904.
European hardware is J.
Nla>lal'I speciaJty. Custom
home builders can chose from
hinges, knobs, door handles and
lighting suitable for an EngliVl
country home to a castle.
Custom finishes are available in
pewter, black antique. brass
nickel and gold. Also. Nicolas
offers custom lighting. If you
bring in a photograph of a
chandelier or sconce. they'll try
their best to match It From 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through
Fridays and from I to 4 p.m.
Saturdays. 2640 E. Coast
Highway, Corona del Mar. (949)
644·5543. www.jnicolas.com.
Ever since tht! owner's home
of Cott.ge Corona del Mar was
featured on the cover of the fall
2002 issue of Country
Decorating Ideas magazine
people from all over the country
have sought out this store for
country furnishings. There's a
big selection of distressed white
antique and new furruture and
accessories. The store Is so
popular that merchandise just
about rues out the door. Prices
are low, and merchandise arrives
daily. Owner Melinda Kent also
does custom Ooor and wall art
work. From JO am. to 5 p.m.
Tuesdays through Saturdays and
from 11 a.rn. to 5 p.m. Sundays.
2411 E. <:oast Highway, Suite
200, Corona del Mar. (949)
The Wine Gallery has a
relaxed Old \\\>rid atmosphere,
and despite }ts upscale location
It's not a snobby shop.
Perwonalized service is
important to co-owner Jeff
Schroeder, who makes sure that
when you pwchase wines here
you're buying from an owner.
Schroeder uya he'a tasted
everything in the store and
from small production
wineries in California. yet there
are wines from all over the
world A wine tasting bar Is
upstairs, and large groups go
downstairs. From 11 a.m. to 8
p.m. Mondays through
Saturdays and from noon to 6
p.m. Sundays. 2411 E. Coast
Highway, Suite 250, Corona del
Mar. www.cdnuvi~com.
Owner fill Markowicz of
liompe l!OeU CoGnedquee
says that when she became a
makeup artist 22 years ago, she
decided that rather than mahng
celebrities look better, she
wanted to help regular women
look good everyday. Markowicz
opened her tiny studio in 1995,
and since then she's become
admired for her talents and for
her high quality makeup line.
Eyelash tinting and eyebrow
shaping and tinting are very
popular here: other services
offered are: make-up lessons,
maJce·up applications, new
colors with chart, maJce-up color
consultations. eyebrow waxing,
lip waxing, facial waxing and
gtycolic peels. From 9 am. to 5
p.m. Tuesdays through
Saturdays. 700 Carnation Ave.,
Corona del Mar. (949) 675-2024.
A grand opening sale is
happening at CM Designer
Outlet in Costa Mesa. The store
advertises that it carries men's
and women's designer clothing
at 50% to 80% off department
store prices. It has popular
designers: DKNY, CIC. Tommy
Hilfiger, Polo, Guess, U.z
Oaibome. Jones New York and
INC From 11 am. to 7 p.m.
Mondays through Fridays and
from noon to 6 p.m. Sundays.
3831 S. Bristol St.. Costa Mesa.
(714) 429-0202.
Mlt M Colorworb Is the latest
addition at California Candy
Creations in the Atrium Court at
Fashion Island More than 2
million color combinations can
be made at this M&M display
that features 21 different colors.
Some of the unique colors are
pink. purple and turquoise.
Custom mW!s make great gifts,
party favors and can coordinate
with boUday themes. (949)
• BEST BUVB eppeart Mondays
end Frld•V9· Send Information to
Greer Wylder at
gl'HfWYlc»r•'(llhoo.oom or 330 W
Bey St., Com Mesa, CA 92827. or-
vlti f.x et (IMS) fM&.4170.
-. -.YOUR
The Daily Pilot's weekly report on local businesses Monday, Septent>ef 30, 2002 A5
Providing an
intimate tou.ch
Newport Beach resident Joan Mazzei has been sharing her
makeup talents with customers since the late 1970s and
has her own line that can be found at Salon Belcourt
Christine Carrillo
Daily Pilot
T wenty-five years ago, Joan
Mazzei had a vision.
From it, the single mother
of three transitioned her
hair-styling career into a boommg
cosmetic business. It was a
somewhat selfish response to the
numerous inquiries she had received
about her cosmetic talents.
Longing for a more creative outlet.
Mazzei, who has an educationaJ
background in art, decided to take a
chance. She went to cosmetology
school and has been reservedly
sharing her taJents ever since.
With a strong desire to stay near
her children in Newport Beach,
Mazzei has been pleased with the
one-on-one business she has
established and has never really had
a desire for more. Turning down
offers to work as a makeup artists for
studios in Hollywood. she
established a more intimate
"I custom blend makeup for Lhc
face and I blend for texture and for
coverage.· she said. "I have a good
background of colors and contour
and I see the face as my canvas."
Focusing on making mature
women look younger and teaching
clients the an of makeup application,
Mazzei developed her own line of
cosmetics and sit.in care.
Creating a professional makeup
line consisting of 200 colors and 150
lipstick colors, aJong with a number
of other products, Mazzei used
herself and her arustry as her creative
With crayons in hand, she started
blending colors, sending them to the
lab and waiting for her vision to
become a reality. And although she
has learned. primarily from the first
skin·care line she created. that
aJways using herself as a guide for
what works d~n·1 aJways work. she
has learned a lot about her business.
"There's nobody down here bener
in the business ... she's usually
ahead of her time,· said Joan Moiola.
who bas been a client of Mazzei's
since the beginning. ·As. your skin
changes and your looks change, she
changes with you.·
Being able to change with skin
types has served as a profitable talent
for Mazzei, who gets the majority of
her clientele from referrals by plastic
After having their slcin or (acial
features aJtered via laser or surgery,
many of the men and women don't
know how to work wtth the end
results. Mau.el has given them an
answer. By hiding scars. covering raw
Joan Mazzei has made people tool< youthful since the late 1970s and has
own hne of beauty products at Salon Belcourt in Newport Beach
~kin or teachlng her cbents how
apply their makeup correctly, Ma7.1.e1
has increased her business demand.
Now in her late 60s, at a time in her
life when she would have expected 10
be winding down her business. she's
iust beginning to expand it. While
developing a catalog to seU her
cosmetic and skin care lines, she b
also looking Into opening a second
For the time being. Ma.7.21ei is
happy with the shght expansion
within her current location. A panial
owner of the Salon Belcourt in
Newport Beach for the last 10 years.
she has added a facial room to her
makeup application comer. allowing
her to p the skin a furtheT jolt of
·1 would think the main thing is
that most ~ryone wants to look
younger,· she sa.ld "You can be
attracttve at any age.·
A little piece of heaven
Et Chin~ i. et NOW. 18th St.. ID, In
Room & Board opens
its first California
location at South Coast
Plaza Village this week
Photo counesy of Solltl'I Coast Piiz•
Bottega Veneta's slouchy leather boots and handbags, seen here,
can provide an elegant edge.
ChrlltlM Ca"lllo
Daity Pilot
0 pertlng its dOOl'S for the first
time In California, Room &
Board, which serves more than
7,000 custome~ throughout the
state, alms to broaden its reach with Its
new location at South Coast Pl.am Village.
'The SfftlfJ~ of Fall ' is
at South Coast Plaza After the store's grand opening on
Satwday, Orange C.Ounty residents and
cwreot Room & Board cu.sto"mem will no
longer have to rely on the accuracy of
photographs of home fumishingsin the
catalog or on the Web site. Instead. they
will be able to peruse the
47,000-square-foot home ~tore to get a
feel for the products and displays.
R omantic frocks. sexy
sophisticatiop. textured
fabrics and glamour,
glamour. glamour are key for fall.
Romance is reruming full
force with subtly colored blouses
in fragile, sheer fabrics
embellished with lace and
delicate embroidery. Slinky
bias-cut slip dresses and lively
Happer-style dresses are aJso
reappearing to give a bit of
Hollywood glamour from
decades past. The style Is
reminiscent of Jean Harlow's
heyday on the silver saeen.
Gucci has charmeu.se slip
dresses destined to become
modem clasaics while Chanel is
offering Jaxz Age swingy~
adorned with fringe and attitude.
On the runway. globetrotting
looks are bringing color and
luxury into the collections.
Rather than sticking with
Bohemian, the styles are
expanding tO highlight other
areas of the world. D&G Dolce &
Cabbana created a "Swiss mlssh
loo~ with richly embroidered
skirts and coats. An
uncomplicated way to wear
ethnic is in the ever-present
peasant look. which has staying
power through f.all updated with
more tailoring in blouses and
skirts. Sheer fal:zrlcs abound but
are also expanding into knits and
richer textures. The embroidery
will include florals as well as a
more homespun, almost folkloric
Sophistication ts rampant in
sexy shoes and accessories. Shon
Architectural group
opens Newport office
ICICE Architects, Inc., one of
the top 30 architectural firms
in the country, announced this
month that it will open a New-
port Beach office to expand its
reach to the West C.Oast.
The 34-year-old company
decided to open a Newport
Beach location to better meet
the needs of its clients while
also expanding its architectural
services and Industry exper-
While the new office marks
the firm's first presence on the
West Coast. the company Is
confident that its extensive ex-
perience with such retail cli-
ents u Kohl's and Target, in ad-
dJdon to its experience in
skirts with high heels might
sound very '80s, but it's aJso very
2002. Prada's two-tone stiletto
pumps and knee-high shiny
black calfskin boot are hits from
the fashion runway. Boots simply
refuse to go out of style. Whether
paired with short skirts or with
long. they are the season's most
effortless Item. Bottega VenetaS---
slouchy leather boot and
band~..add an elegant edge. Ridi. sensual fabrics are
always welcome in the fashion
wodd and this season is ad<ting a
bit of drama to the mix. There is
no other suitable description for
Louis Vuitton's Inuit-inspired
luxury coat in beige felted wool
and cashmere with fur edging.
There was also a sultty side to
the fall collections with <lwlel's
belted fur jackets, as well as
Otristian Dior's and Yves Saint
Laurent's nod to the Forties with
fur chubbles.
Adhering to the notion that home store
purchases tend to be significant decisions
for their customers to mate. John
Gabben. the store's founder, said that by
--~gfunUn.&ttandlmnishingia.in a _
room-like setting and employing
knowledgeable staff. the store will ease
rustomers' minds when they debate
whether to make a purchase.
Luxury Is also taking over the
sporty chic set. with
sports-inspired pieces covering
the fall runways. Juicy C.Outure is
upping the ante with cashmere
jogging suits available at Traffic
and Emporio Annani has a sleek
boxing-inspired option of white
silk pants under black silk shorts
for a fashionable athletic vibe.
Adding a little 8'aJnour and
luxury makes It simple to update
~..-ran.,.Tbia MMOll's
rich ~make Chposlng the
only tough part of the job.
• Article provided by South Coast
Plaza officials
"Our people are there to help you do
the room." he said. •[The di.splays! are
just to help them get an idea of what goes
By focusing on thoroughly planned
displays of their funUture, furnishings
and accessories. all of which are available
for purchase, customers can also get a
feel for how the items would actually look
in their homes.
"I've been In their store and I live with
enough of their products ... (making
catalog purchases! wasn't a problem for
me." said Jocelyn Bratter, a Newport
Coast resident who has been shopping
Room & Board since 1993. •n was a
lifestyle. It was enticing and I wanted my
home to look. llk.e that•
Since the late 1980s, shortly after the
company was founded, Room & Board
pulled away from the industry norm of
trend-driven furniture design and began
to establish relationships with small.
famOy-owned furniture manufacturers..
Gabbert. whose family was in the
traditional Currtfture business, felt that by
working with smaller manufacturers. he
could improve the quality and styles of
the furniture.
"We know we get quality and we have a
John Gabbert is the founder and president of Room & Board, a furniture store
slated to hold its grand opening Saturday at the South Coast Plaza Village.
quality point of view," Gabbert said. "We
believe that a good classic design will last
a Jong period of time. w
In 1998 he found another way to give
his customers the furniture and
fwnishings they were looking for. He
founded Retrospect. which wW open
jointly with Room & Board. While Room
& Boan:f will provide customers with
20th· and 21st-century styles, Retrospect
will offer items characteristic of the 18th
and 19th centuries. to cater to various
Gabbert believes that the presence of
the other home stores nearby will benefit
his business.
"We like the idea that we're near other
home stores.~ he said "We think in a
hard decision for people to make,
especially buying furniture. It's a big
decision to make .... This way people
can look around."
hospitaUty, senior Jiving, edu-
cation and housing environ-
ments, will enable the firm to
be s uccessful.
The firm plans to continue
focusing on its ability to con-
nect with and expand upon the
vision of each cHent and pro-
vide its customers with archi-
tectunJ, urban planning, in-
terior design and consulting
The new office is at 20321
S. W. Birch St.
Boat business opens
Newport marine center
BoatU.S .• the world's Jargest
association of boat owners,
opened its Newport Beach
store on Sept. 14, marking its
sixth marfne center in Callfor-
The Newport Beach location
will provide customers with a
state-of-the-art resource cen -
ter with free boating informa-
tion and onllne access allowing
them to find product informa-
tion and see demos of new
navigational software. The
store also has a special engine
parts department and one of
the largest retail displays of
boating equipment nation-
·we're going to have the best
assortment, the best price ....
Every department we have is
stellar," said Sal Carrera, dis-
trict manager. "We have cus-
tomer-driven employees that
live, work and breathe this in-
BoatU.S. offers marine lnsw-
ance, o n-the-water towing and
discounts on marina fuel, re-
pairs and overnight slips in ad·
dition to its exten~ve retail se·
lection. Customers will also be
able to join the BoatU.S. mem-
bership at the Newport Beach
store, which will provide them
with added benefits like legis-
lative representation.
The new location is at 377 E.
Coast Highway.
Newport builder creates
HomeAid playhouse
With the hopes of giving back
to the community, John Laing
Homes, the premier home-
building company in Newport
Beach, built a playhouse for
HomeAJd Orange County's
Project Playhouse that can now
be found at Fashion Island.
2003 Lexus Models The
TUSTIN AUTO aNTH · f11 4) 544--4'00 • Mttnlexue.com
The company was one of 12
builders to participate in the
event established to benefit
homeless famiUes in Orange
As a longtime sponsor of
HomeAJd, John Laing Homes
officials said they felt that their
participation would show the
community that they are dedi-
cated to improving the lives of
people in the area and are, in
fact, working to make a differ-
Recognized by National Sur-
vey Systems for excellence in
quality, customer service and
referrals, John Laing Homes has
continued to maintain its focus
on building innovative commu-
nities and offering exceptional
customer service.
-Orristine Carrillo
2fi46 Senta Ana Ave ••
19" Pomona Aw ., $312.000
2874 OrMge Ave., $330.000
420 8emerd St., $316,000
4°' Brighton Springs 23.
2430 S.nta Ana Ave ..
$368,000 ..
357 W Wlleon St., $2A7,000
302 E 16Ch St.; $446000
100 Pinon Tree Lene,
$218,600 '
2219 Avlllon St.. 1342,500
2A18 lelpMT9 Wey,
2203 Puent. Ave.;, '3221000
6M Hemitton St, $208.000
"I'd like to have a better
rtcord, but if l have to lose one
now to win one later in league,
, so be ii."
08" ~. Costa Mesa football coach
Sports Ecllor Roger Cattson • (94915744223 • Sports Fax; (949) 650-0170
Sailors rally without halftime rant
• ' Newport Harbor had Sea
Kings right where it
wanted them after
scoreless first half Friday.
Bury Faulkner
Daily Pilot
NEWPORT BP.ACH -ln a sport fa -
mous for halftime pep talks, what re-
mains unsaid between the second and
third quarters in the Newport Harbor
High football locker room typically
proves m ore inspirational than more
classically composed, vein-bulging ver-
So. whether lied, ahead or even be-
hind, composure overrules the roar tha1
pervades most halftime confabs, as ad-
justments usurp adjectives
and determination drowns
out decibels.
~Our coaches aren't a
bunch of yellers and scream·
ers like you see a lot of times
on T\I, or in the movies." Sail-
ors Coach Jeff Brinkley said. ~1
think our players understand the im-
portance of third-quarter momentum.
A lot of people can get fired up for the
beginning of the game, bu1 whoever es-
tablishes the momentum to st.art the
third quarter is usually going to be most
successfuJ (on the scoreboard)."
This thinking. once again, proved out
for the Sailors. who, after playing a
scoreless half against Back Bay rival Co-
rona del Mar, domina1ed the final 24
minutes to come away with a 17-0 lri·
umph Friday before an estimated over-
Oow crowd of 6,000 at New-
port Harbor.
For the second sa:aight
game. the Sailors came out
clicking after intermission.
They scored on their first
possession ( a 24-yard Brian
Campos field goal) after a
nine-play procession that began on
their own 33-yard line. They then domi-
nated on defense, including a fumble
recovery that led to the game's first
touchdown, scored on the first play of
the fourth quarter.
The Sailors (2-1), who had gained
only 163 rushing yards their flfSt two
games, unleashed 142 second-half rush-
ing yards on a stout Sea King defense,
including 106 by senior tailback Dartan-·
gan Johnson.
Senior quarterback Michael McDon-
Newport Harbor receiver Spencer Link dashes through Corona del Mar defense on a rever se in Friday's Battle of the Bay.
aid also threw for 64 of his 94 passing
yards after halftime, with senior receiver
Mike Toole hauling in second-half aer-
ials for gains of 26 and 34 yards.
With tackles A.J. Slater and Chris Ba-
dorek. guards Eric 0.1rtis and Niclc. Wat·
kins, center Jack Skahen, tight end Tay-
lor Young and fuJJbaclc. Rhett Hartsfield
leading the way. Newport's offense
cashed In Mac Posey's aforementioned
fumble recovery with a seven-play. 31-
yard march capped when Hartsfield
plunged over the pile at the goal line 10
help create a I 0-0 lead with 11 :58 left in
the game.
After I !arbor's ">ubsequent possession
ended with an intercept.ion at the CdM
I, the Tars went 61 yards on six plays to
mle out all comeback bids.
See NEWPORT, Paee A9
Sea Kings battling disappointment
Freeman stresses need to
move on after CdM drops
Battle of the Bay
showdown with Sailors.
OCTOBER 7 hollOf' ..
Monday, Septeni>er 30, 2002 A7
Color the
Mustan gs
Costa Mesa downcast
after 1-2 start, but Perkins
believes_they're ready for
Golden West League wars.
Barry Faulkner
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -\\-ell. -.u mut h tur
those lucky while pant-.
The Col.ta Me-.a I li~h loo1baJI tl'dJll
for the first time in al lt-,1..,1 J dtu.t•n wa
sons. has all but ehmin.11l'd black fro111
Its uniforms. Bui lht• -.h1rnmcnnK wl111t·
pants th.at worlced '" well in lht.> \1u'
tangs' 27-24 road \\.tn over (han1111.uk
SepL 20, brought nu '>Uch good for1Ulll'
in Thursday's 1-1 I nonJe~e '°""
against vi!.1ong l..i!{llna Beach at \/l-w
port Harbor High
"'We wore all "hue (ll'N.'Y' Jnd panl'I
on the road agam~1 Chctm111.1dc. -.o "e
went with (the white pani..l ,1gam wnh
our green 1erwy<. fJga1m.1 Laguna .
Mustangs Coach Oave Perk.111'> '><llll
Wardrobe, of cour<.c had le<-' 10 du
with the outcome than Laguna Bc<1d1
quarterback Alex W1bon. a.., wt.>11 a.'
some self-destruc
live behavior by
the Mu!. tang-..
who fumbled five
snaps, commjtted
two turnover; and
were penali1.ed I 0
times for 76 yards.
"The disap-
pointing thmg wdS that we were movmg
the football.· Perkin-. '>Clld. "We had
more than 300 yards m shing (30.l), and
17 first downs to their 16 We con1r0Ue<l
the football game. but we didn't t ontrol
the scoreboard •
Perkins credited l~na Beach for
pulling off its first wm over the Mus·
tangs in 13 sea.sons and 1mprovmg to
3-0. He dispensed '>pedal plaudits to
Wilson. a junior firc;t -year c;tarter who
completed 13 of 20 ~ for 217 yards.
including touchdown tosse<> of JS and
26 yards to senior receiver Fd I lanke
"I thought we did a good job of hold
ing down (senior tailback Donnellel
Darling (80 yards on 18 cames). but Wil
son did a,,grear-;qt> throwing the foot
ball. And those linemen were big I
think they may even doWT\play the -;11e-.
of those guys in their program We
couldn't get around them to get to the
quarterback and they dest"rve a lot or
"It's a very good football team that I
thinJc can challenge somewhert' an the
Pacific Coast League. If anybody goes to
aAeep against them. they're going to get
Senior Borocba Pov. a 315 ·pound
nc>eeglWd. wu among those who stood
out oo defeme for Mesa.
~ who9e (1-2) begin
Mr 6nt tea0a ID the Golden W5t
~Friday ....... ()mm View (1-2)
at Welbnlnster HW\.-'d Lip\& Beach
ii one ol tt.. did ...a. lbat ha'V9
~ i. .,_. .....,. a a.cue
~ .. lblnk. M need to ICXDe
....... but I tbb* Wl'I be fine.· PWr·
kini lilid. -wt'.e tabn IGIDe lt)OCI lltpl
lO be • p&ayu« ...n 1n chi Golden
~ Wi\ie pli,ec! tome Pl teame ._,...,,..,.. ... Cltfeiw tooka Ind
.... ¥SJ jood J*1en. l"d .. IO bllYI .......................... .., ..... ................. =•tillL.
AIDGlll lllle pciAd••.. " ••• ..... , .. ,, ....... ., ..... ..... ~~·,~=== ·~ _ .. ,,,., ..... ... _....,. __
UC Irvine midfielder Julie Scheppele (22), drives around USC defender Kaittyn Pruitt during the second half of Sunday's game at UCI.
USC rallies past Anteaters
UCI scores first,
but 18th-ranked
visitors come back
for a 2-1 triumph .
freshman midfielder Lindsay
Duke opened the scoring for host
UC Irvine, but USC ranked No.
18. rallied for a 2-1 nonconference
women's soccer decision Sunday.
Senior defender Sara Hender-
son recorded the as&st on Dulce's
goal in the seventh minute. It was
Duke's third goal of the weekend
She scored a pair in the Anteaters'
3-1 triwnph over Nevada Satur-
But Jessica Edwards. on an as-
sist by Kelly Blais. tied the game in
the l 0th minute and Amanda
Roach netted the winning goal on
a free kick in the 27th minute to
help the Women of Troy improve
to 4-3-Z.
Coach Marine Canos Anteaters
fell to 3-5-0, despite seven saves
from sophomore goalie Chelsea
l}wte~ ua with two
shots. while senior defender Ro-
byn Piotrowski, junior midfielder
Caroline Kabe and sophomore
midfielder Julie Scheppele also
posted shots for the hosts.
The Anteaters return to action
· Friday when they visit Idaho at 3
p.m to open Big~ Conference
P~Y. •
Blais and Jocelyn Leche bad
three shots each to pace use
which finished with 15 shots as a
team. UC Irvine midfielder Llxtsay Duke (15), center, shoots and scores the Anteaters' onty goal despite
Julie Peterson had two saves for the efforts of USC def Meler Amanda Roach durin~ first haft of Sunday's nonconference game at UCI.
the visitors.
Newport Harbor
standout was
Athlete of the
Year at Newport
Harbpr and
Orange Coast.
S tored safely at
home, Gary Green
still has his Dodger
rookie team
baseball uniform from the
summer of 1958. when he
played for the traveling
squad after his freshman
year at Orange Coast
~ "I wish I could
still get into that
unilonn," Green
Birmingham High his
freshman year.
•The smog was so bad in
those days (in the San
Fernando Valley), they
wouldn't let us practice
basketball, because you
couldn't breathe. Your lungs
would just be on fire,"
Green said "So going from
there to Newport Beach
was like going to heaven.,.
Meeting new friends in
the middle of his
sophomore year was a lot
tougher than ma.king
botmoe passes on the
hardwood or spinning
curveballs in the spring.
"The hardest
thing to get used
to was the fact
that it's such a rich
area." Green said
"The kids drove
better cars than
• my (parents). The
A basketball and
baseball star at
Newport Harbor
High and OCC.
Green grew up
sort of like a .
minor leaguer,
bowidng around Gary Green
whole thing was
totally new to me.
I'd never been in
that Jcind of
abnosphere. It
was kind of harJI from town to town
and station to station.
·1 never went to the same
school two years in a row,
until my last two years at
Newport Harbor, from
kindergarten on.'' said
Green (Oass of 1957), the
son of a salesman "who
changed jobs like we
change our sheet&"
A 6-foot. 185-pound
right-handed pitcher,
Green had the stuff that
earned him a baseball
scholarship to use after
meriting Eastern
Conference Player of the
Year honors for C.oach
Wendell Pickens' Pirates in
ln '59, Green was given
the team's Most Valuable
Player Aw.ud, the first time
the Orange C.oast baseball
program featured such a
tribute. Green was also
named OCCs Athlete of the
Year in '59.
Green was also Newport
Harbor's Athlete of the Year
in 1957, when he Jed Coach
Jules Gage's basketball team
to the Suns'et League
championship and a 19-6
mark. It was Newport
Harbor's second straight
Sunset title in hoops. On
the dJamond. Green posted
a 9~3 reconl on the mound
and earned AD-Sunset
League honors for the
·second consecutive season.
But it wasn't always
Clllby for Gteeil at Newport
Harbor. the new kl.don the
block at a beach acboo1 tn
an afftuent area u a
sophomore, after coming
from rather humble
"It was tough to come in
as the new kid." AJd Green,
born In Ogden, Utah, and
raised mosdy In Nebraska.
before bis family moYed to
California, where he
attended _Yan Nuys
to flt in, but it was not too
bani once sports started
'That was a great
introduction to meedng
people. It wasn't that bad.
We lived in Costa Mesa oft'
Harbor poulevanl in an old
house with a dirt street"
A two-time All-Sunset
League basketball and
baaeball player, Green was
reportedly onoe named to
Gage's all-time Newport
Harbor hoops team
(195.1-62 era) -alorlg with
Paul Neumann, Denny
Fitzpatrick, F.d Pope and
Bob Wetzel.
Green said he "couldn't
jump,,. but could shoot
from outside and play
tenaciqus defense. "My
bands were my biggest
asset," said Green, who
always guarded the
opponent's best, and
sometimes tallest, player.
When Green's basketball
career continued at OCC.
he helped first-year cage
coach Alan Sawyer's Pirates
win the F.astem Conference
championship in 1957-58,
finishing with a 20-8 record,
and was the team captain
the following season when
they ended 24-7. He was an
all-conference selection
both campaigns.
in baseball at Orange
Coast, Green was a highly
sought-after pitcher, but
also played third base and
batted A 11 his sophomore
year in '59.
At use Green's baseball
career came to an end. after
he "saewed up" and
"didn't stick it out,.
Green, the latest honoree
in the Dally Pilot Sports
Hall of Pame, lives in the
Bay area with bis wife,
Vicky, and two
stepchildren. Green has •
wolbd in the janitorial
business ror over 30 years..
--------• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --:
COf1liwd from A7
eild)' __.. defemM lmprove-
DMIDt before Che pme, was eYe11
more lmpttMd after the Sailors
produced their fiISt shutout of
the aeaeon. the aeventh blanking
of CdM to the rivalry's 41 games.
.It's just the cmctpline they
ba¥e,. Preemari saJd when
lllbd about the secret of the
Sl8on' defensive success. "It's
bard to giet them out of position
and their 1inemeo use up our of-
fensive linemen. so It's hard to
giet anyone on their middle line-
bacbr (Fernando c.astorena),
who was reaDy filllng well all
~ saw some positives
from his squad. foremost being
the play of senior safety K.C
Rawlins. The 5-fooi-9, 175-
pounder. who was in on 19 tad·
Jes in last year's 47-7 loss 10 Har·
bor, was ln on 16 Friday, indud·
Ing eight solo stops. He also had
one pass deftection. despile
playing with a groin pull that
eventually sent him to the side·
"He was injured most of the
game and it eventually got too
10re for him to play." Freeman
sak1. "But K.C has been getting
to the football like that every
week. If he were 20 pounds
heavier. he would be an alJ.
eYer}'thing linebacker."
Preeman said film review in·
dicated the Sea Kings were
inches away from breaking sev·
eral long runs.
¥If we follow a bloclc and have
a little more faith in our offen·
!live line .... " he said
Freeman also said his deferu.e
played well. other than New·
port's late six-play. 61 -yard
touchdown drive tha1 capped
the scoring with 2:08 left.
"We had some guys going
both ways. who were a lin:le
tired and, after not scoring on
our next-to-last drive (a punt
from their own 27-yard line), we
may have been a little deOated.
lake away those 61 yards on
that last drive, and a couple of
long passes, and our defense did
a very good job against their of-
Freeman said Rawlins' status
for Friday's nonJeague home
game against Cyp~ Is yet to
be determined. He also said
senior linebacker·fu.llback Matt
C.OOper spntined an anlcle
against Newport, but should be
OK for this week.
Costa Mesa High running back Keota Asuega gets ready to change direction on Laguna Beach defender Thursday.
Continued from A 7
V-M'>1ty career and did not
appear, against the Break-
ers. to be i.lowed by myriad
leg ailments that have
plag1mJ him Lhroughou1
his cart•t•r.
Asuega also caught three
passes for 44 yards, mclud·
ing a 27 yarder from ~enior
quancrhaclc nm Iller.
Junior Omar RuiY supple-
mented Ac;uega's work be-
hind and offensive hne of
tacklei. Paul Manin and Ro -
drigo Gutierrez. guards An·
drew Carich and Bren Via,
as well as center Luke Sa-
polu. Rut7 carried 13 times
for 76 yards, a 6-yard aver·
The ground attack
helped the Mustangs '>Iring
rogetherdrivesof 11, 13. II
and 10 plays. but the afore-
mentioned miscues pre-
vented any of those proces·
'lioni. from ending in
The Mustangs' lone TO
came after comerback Luis
Gom.alez ren1rned an inter
cept1on 14 yards Lo the La-
guna Beach 29 and a face-
masking penalty on the
play moved it to the 14
Asuega scored four plays
later on a 2-yard run.
Mesa convenl'd once in
four fourth-down s11ua11ons
and a miS!.ed 32-yard field
goal allowed Laguna
Beach's defense to up the
team·s nonleague winning
streak. to eight games.
"We went for it on
fourth-and-one from our
own 27-yard line. which
shows you the lund of con
fidence we have in our
kids." Perkins said. UWe
think •hat's the kind of of-
fense we have."
Perkins said his players
were disappointed with
their performance and,
upon arriving back at
school Thursday 01gh1, held
an impromptu team meet·
"They talked about per-
sonal responsibility and
what s1eps everyone would
need to take to get bet1er
and make us a hetter
team," Pl'rkinc; said. "They
1mmed1ately changed the
focus from Laguna Beach
to Ocean View, which was
good. We had a good film
session and we think we're
heading 1n10 league with a
real positive situation ...
Another positive wa'> the
lack of i.erious 1n1unes
again<;t Laguna Beach.
Junior Epenesa left the
game, first with what ap
peared to bt' a .. houlder in
jury, then later with a pam
ful cramp in his calf.
Asuega also was side
lined briefly. but quickly rl'
turned to the game.
Perkins said both A!>ue~a
and Epene\a -.hould be fint-
lhis week.
In addition, 1umor 1Jan1el
Oieesboro 1i. expE'Cled to
make his deh111 this week,
after sitting out the firc;t
three games.
Perkins said transn1pt'>
have been difficult to ob
tam for Clleeseboro. who
attended Eisenhower in the
fall <;cmester and Martin
Luther King in the spnn.:
<>cmester last year.
Perkins scud he would be
extra cautious and not let
Cheeseboro to play. until
h1<i eligibility could nor be
~. Seotll•lbet 30, 2002 •
Continued from A7
lohnson opened the series
with a 19'-yard burst of'! left
tadde, then added gains of 14,
7 and 7, before capping lhe
drlve with an 8-yard touch-
down sprint up the middle
with 2:08 left.
It capped a breakthrough
performance for Johnson, who
came into lhe game averaging
just 3.2 yards on 25 carries this
fall, after averaging exactly
double that on 330 attempts
his first two varsity seasons.
Newport Harbo~ defunse
was, perhaps. more impressive
that its offense, especially after
halftime. CdM managed just 12
second-half yards, including
minus-I on the ground.
Second-half sacks by senior
noseguard Austin Nieto. who
missed most of the fm1 half
with a nagging back injury.
junior outside linebacker Peter
I loyt and Posey. helped keep
CdM's ground game in nega-
tive numbers after intennis-
Mon. Senior middle linebacker
Ptrnando Castorena also made
1wo of his three tack.Jes for
losses in the final two quarters.
IJnemen Shahan Moura-
dyan (a first half fumble recov-
ery). (hase Brawner and AJfre·
do Cruz. oul'>tde 'backer Matt
Fncmias. comerbackl. Bryce
Sawyt>r and Ren So1.a. as well
ru. safeties Warren Junowich
and JohnM>n aho helped se·
cure the shu10u1, Lhe Sailors
fir;i again<;t CdM since 1991.
Bnnk.ley '><Ud 1he defen.,1ve
unit, which rciurned only cwo
c;1aners from la.st season, has
benefited great!~ from its early
... eason expencnre
"I think lho-.e gll}"> )UM
needed some game experi-
ence... Brinkley '>aid. ..We al-
way.. teU playe~ football ,., the
ultimate team <;port and the
more they play together a-. .i
unit, get a feel for one another
and d evelop their own per.on
ality as a defen!>e. the ht'ltl'r
they are gmng 10 be. rha1-. an
exciting thing 10 '>hut .. onwcrne
The shutout wao; pt•rv-u ... l\•e
for the Sailors. who defeated
the CdM junior vaNI), 26-0.
and won the fre<,hman Rattk of
the Bay. 6-0.
Newport has a .,hon Wet'k nf
preparaoon before hof.11n~
Dana Hills (I 2 in a nnnle.i).,'llt'
game Thursda~ at 7 p.m
Bradshaw's shoulder injury shakes up Estancia depth chart
Versatile senior
likely out at least
another week as
Eagles prepare to
enter league season.
Berry Feulkner
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -Lewis Brad-
shaw may not be the F..stancia
Htgh football team's most in·
dispensable player. but he is,
argua.bty. Its best. So. when the
6-foot-3, 183-pound senior
punler was sidelined with a
ahou1der injury while covering
the opening kickoff Friday
against Katella. It's fair to say
C.oach Jay Noonan's game plan
also suffered a severe disloca-
Dtsk>cadon may be too se-
~ a word to describe the
trauma sustained by Noonan's
shoulder when he was. Noonan
said. •nudge blockecr just sec-
onds into the Eagles' 34-0 non·
league Joss to the Knights.
But while omcial medical
word wiD require a thorough
aamination, expected to be
COlllpietl!d today. Bnldsbaw ls
expected to miss
at least the Golden
West League
opener. scheduled
Saturday at 7 p.m.
against Westmin·
Noonan praised
the work of junior Brad Young
and senior Louis Valdes Jr ..
who filJed in for Bradshaw at
quarterback and free !tafety, re·
specllvely. And sophomore Geo
Macias spark.led as the im-
promptu punter, averaging
41 .5 yards on two attempts.
But Bradshaw·s presence as
the trigger man on the F.agles'
spUt-batl veer offense, as welJ
as his other roles. was some-
thing Estanaa (I 2) could have
used against the powerful Em-
pire League represenladve.
Young completed 9 of 21
passes for 60 yards and the Es·
tanda ground game produced
a meager 16 yards.
Valdes intercepted a pus to
tie Bradshaw for the team lead
this season. but Katella steam·
rolled the f.a81es for 233 rush-
ing yards, including 179 ~
and three touchdowns by sen-
ior Mike Vega.
Noon.an deferred to medlcal
penonnel on specifics of Brad·
shaw's injury. but said
the fact that Bradshaw
was not even knocked
to the ground on the
play could be encour-
·He is the safety on
our kickoff team and,
as he is running down the field,
a guy bumps into him," Noo-
nan said. "It didn't look like a
severe hit and Lewis did not
land on his shoulder. It was just
a freaky Ut lie thing, a fluke."
Bradshaw's absence fore~
Noonan to press Young. whQ
had shared time at quarterback
the first cwo games. inro a full.
time role on offense. It was par·
ticularly unfortunate, Noonan
said, because Young, who had
not practiced all week after
¥getting his bell rung.· in last
week's loss to Century, was not
expected to play against Ka·
"Young came in and did a
great job. especially after not
having had any repetitions in
practice," Noonan said.
Noonan. however. said one
player, even one as versatile
and valuable as Bradshaw,
would not have m ade much of
a difference against KateUa.
where be wortced as defensive
Estancia's Mike Cahill (48) puts a hit on Kat~la quarterback Tony Savala io the first hatf Friday
CObrdlnator in 1997 and '98 un-
der CWTent coach Dominik Un-
"This is probabty the best
team KateUa has had since my
first year there,• Noonan said.
• 1 believe Katella would win the
Golden West League without
much competition. and that's
no ~pect to the schools in
our league. (The Knighcs. now
3--0) are physical. strong. fast
and they don't make mistakes.
It's just a better football team
than we are right now.·
Noonan said his offense
moved the ball at times.
though he acblowtedged that
statistics don't reftect It. and
was pleased with Young's pa.s.'>-
ing performance.
Shadow lands
# ,~..._s,_., ... "* ..... '""Hllbor ... ~ llid 0... dill
......... aaM~--.t.biell
.... CdM\ .. bell Newpolt ...... ~
bUt 11-. Newoport l~AldaW bit ..... wl&h•= 17:42. l :ll at..t af9land~ CdMliliaa•...-.,
0 ' ... CdM *"" C)*liiD iMm third owsaD with an lft.S.. Newport
Hllbor 90phomore Olllte A. rum a
paona1-besl 19:00 ror b1l1h while rre.ihman
Mlbs SliM.n 09:27) pu9e1 .two nmnen tn the
lase stretch for the Sailors, ranked No. 3 In CF
Southern Section DMsion m.
On the boys side. Newport~ ranked
No. 2 in aF SS Dlvbioo m. tops CdM, 21-37, as
Newport Harbor senior a.do Curb~
Con>naS MMt Dmikl~ wtlh MO meters left.
eventually passing him to finish 6rst with a
15:39. Senior co-captain ~--.. (l~).
junior~ Jamn (16.'()8) senior~
Mddnlty (16:14} and veteran a.t Haberts
(16:29) SCOn! (or the Sailors~ the Sea
~ ranked No. 6 ln ClF SS Division Iv. •
• O>sta Mesa High goes 4--0 for the first time
in the schools 38-year history as the ~
trounce Gabrielino, 38-0. Mesa bolds the F.agles.
ranked No. 4 in ClF SS Division X. to just one
first down. Mesa produoes 262 rushing ya.rm as
SteYe Herzog (I 00 yards on 19 carries), Vince
Hamade. Jhnm)' HenJog and em Ms all
score on touchdown runs. Sophomore out.side
linebacker David Weir returm a third-quarter
interception 32 yards fur a 1D as Outs Shanley
recovers a fumble caused by .Nmn Klm'a second
i;ack to set up Matt Pan 34-yard field goal
•I lost CdM beats Peninsula. U-7. in a
nonlcague matchup of the top two schools in
CIF SS Division I. CdM's No. 2 doubles team of
JUnlO~ c.owtney Tuoereli and Ruchlka
Dudhraja sweep all three or their sets. coming
back to win two sets. 7-5, after being down, 3-5.
Sophomore sensalion ~ le!ille sets the
tone for the match when she defeaw Peninsula's
No. I c;angles player. Hanna Mlk, 7-6 (7-3) to
gTve the Sea ~ the lead. 4-2, and sweeps al
No. I sing1es while senior Ntna Vaugban sweeps
No. 2 singies and sister N8dJa Vaughan wins
twict-at No. 3 singles for the Sea Kings. ranked
No I in Orange C.ounty and No. 2 behind
Penin...Wa in OF SS Division I entering their
Just three days following Cd.Ms impres.5ive
win tM.'r Peninsula. Nina Vaughan commits lo
play tennis at N6tre Dame Vaughan. a two-time
semifinalist in CIF SS individual championships.
will sign with the Irish in November.
• Newport J larbot's girls tennis team d~
the visjting Mater Dei Mo~ 10-8. The
Sailors (6-2) are led by Audra Adams and
Kristen Cale at No. l doubles, the only Sailor
tandem to sweep. Sophomores f.rika Palm and
Amanda Collopy win two of three sets at No. 2
doubles for the Sailors over the Monarchs.
ranked No. 6 in Orange County and No. 3 in CIF
SS Di~ion a.
• ~ai.m, lO)WI :r. e. we*
•'DlitQM ... •• D'Wl.uNllPI tlD
... 2 ·-~.._ • ., ... _ ..... aP-pQ•• , ....... ti'!" =.~ .. .:...": ::!1
•CdM now!Ml*Uldllln-~llld tqa ...... poloon lhe mne• bodl._.
dwll NeWpon Herta. CCllona ~ 7-5, ID
... polo.~ •3-0 leld wtlb N8wpc.xt _...II doee as 4-3 at hllftlrne and 6-S In tie "
lilll cPrtm. The Sea ICqls {M, 2-0In1he s.
View l.eltgue)r 9!t two .. apiece tom ..... <W 0.-,Gna& and ..... Mt:lll I., ..
who gtYes CdM needed~ wffh 2:48 left
in the matd\ to malae it, M. and ooe pl from
'nlm Nanon. ky goal counts• the Sdxs
(5-3, 1-1 Jn the Sea View League) make ft
inraesdng with Gibe Wjwlt ~ Nlllbm
Andel-* pus to slice CdM~ lead to 6-5. .
Newport's Bdlll ~ acores twice•._
MtAmlelr and Ede Sherwin each san one
MeanwbBe, the CdM p:ts YOlle)iJaD team
pauttas b top ranking in the state. oumcodng a
srubbom Newport Harbor team. 15-2, 16-~8,
14-16, 15-9. 15-5, to go to 6--0. The Sailors shlp
CdM's 27-pme winning~ mdng to an 8-1
lead tn game two just to have CdM llCOJe 13 m
the next 14 points for a 14-9 lead. but the Sailors
rebound behind the strong amvtng of Jmny
Hedaer and kQB from Miity Mia)'. Newport's
S... Wril•**••• serves the next two points to even the match fur CdM. who is inN 4-0 in
league. Newport's best chance to complete the
upset comes in the fourth game when they
jump out to a 5-1 lead before seeing it vanWi
before going ahead 9-7. But Corona pl'OlleS too
strong as CdM kill leader Jennder SCrc6 (25
kiDs) makes two kiDs to make it 12-9 CdM and
Alllllon f.ncW>cecht (13 kills) blocks a ball as
Hmmry ~doses out the game and evens
the ma1dl with an unrerumed serve. CdM~
Lod Newmmll!r (16 kills) and Newport's Melllla
Schutz and Dani A>le)t (I 4 kills each) tum in
solid pedormances.
• Heavy underdog Orange Coa.$t College (3-I)
upsets the defending co-nadonal champions
from Palomar CoDege. who go into the football
game ranked No. 7 in the nation by JC gJid-wire
and No. 2 in the South~ Poll. 42-7, in a
Mission Conference game.
Pirate quarterback 1bdd MMher ties a school
record with f<rur touchdowm while rushing for
199 yards on 15 carries in the most productive
game for an cxx; quarterback «>-date. ThilbacX
Eric \\Wdngton cruries 21 times for 187 yards
and one m. But the Bucs' defense steps up in
this one. with 6-foot-5, 230·pound linebad:er
Israel lhny leading a defense that intercepts
four passes and applies heavy pressure. Pirate
comerback Kftdl Bwb. right tackle Rob
Senatore and comerbacks Antbool Dllvll and
Quoc Pham intercept passes while Senatore
and outside linebadcer Noa Pua record sacks.
Pham returns a fuse-quart.er inten:eption 51
yards to set up OCCs first m.
.......... .... s...... ll011CI Of TIAl5RI To the best knowledce
of the Transferee.
lr1nslt10f has not used
a bu,,nen name or
addfeu olhe< than that
whlc:h Is stated above
durHl& the IHI three
The follow1n1 persons
are dome business as
Soulhw<'st Blue Booll. 1830 Porl Krmberly
Place. Newp0rl Buch.
Gloria Serr y Duthie. t830 Port Kimberly
Place. Newport Beach.
Tl'us bustneSS IS COft•
ducted by an 1ndiv1dual
H~n YDU \lart11d
doona bus1nns yet' Yes.
Gloria Berry Duthie
This statement was
ltled wHh the County
Clerk of 0<1•nae County
on 08/15!0'
Delly Pilot Sept 9, 16.
23, JO, 2002 MS23
your unwanted
1tenn throol!h class1hed
To Credrton of NEW
You are M<eby notr
fted that the Transfer°'
INC rs about lo make a
tunsfer of pre>p«ty lo
the undenl&Md Trans·
feree. That tha business
address of the Trensf· erOf end the locaUon of
the property Is 100
B•yvlew Clrde, Suite 500. City of Newpott
Beach, County of Or·
•nae. State of California,
and prior to thi~ 1ddttss wes Four Patll Plaza,
Suite 450, Irvine, CA
92614, and the business
address of Transferee Is
27432 Calle Asroyo. City of ~n Juen C1pist11no,
County of Onnce. State
of California
Property lo be trans
ferred Includes cartam
furniture, plants and
The transle1 " to be
made on or atter Sep
tember 27. 2002, at 100
Bayview Circle. Sult•
SOO, Newport Buch
California 92660.
lyt/e/ lfe•e1 Mltcliell M. ..........
Tl"-1 CMef b ecvttve Offkw
o.te1 Seftt__..r 27,
Publuhed Newport
BHcil·Cosla Men Dally
Pilot September 30,
2002 M535
NO place like home
for the '50s Tqrs
A specla:l blend of Bluejackets:
T he 1950 NewpOrt HiibOr HIP i>Ott.11
team tpaJtied wtth ample promlle ...
Che • 49 grid teUOll that found the 1Va
winning eietit. lollQs one aid acortng
Wiiii nine oubtanc:Uoa Ml\lor 1ettennen
returning. CoadlAl Irwin felt the outlook wu
conatdenbly hrilbt wttb a atrong line and bacb
llte ~ McMuten, Mel &naUey, Dlck Jones,
Wayne \\Wt)' and Bob Scotland.
Three key injuriee alowed the
operation at points, including the '49
JodhJ8 scorer, Smalley, and Andrew
Knox. and senior quarterback Scotland.
In fact, Irwin bad to call on sophomore
quarterback Rolly Pu1aalci to step
forward and sene u a quick backup for
1bit 'Jara c:une blCt to Ufe u Omanl came to
'Ylllt DeVldaon Aeld. Jona jpdn&ed 94 yards for
one tollcbdown while McMutel"I carrted t•
dmel for 136 yard&.
Puluki teamed up with Gri.lllth for a SS.yard
to'ucbdown pua play. Newport won, 2o-6.
The injured Scotland iecovered and returned
for the claah at Long Beach agalnlt St. Anthony.
Scolland ran two boodep for 17 and SS yards.
That spelled two touchdowns and a 13~0 lead. A
72-yard ID nm by Jonea WU nulll8ed. The
Sailors came back ln the second half to
win, 15-13.
lt was followed by a 33-0 loss to
Fullerton, which was woeful, but the
Tars came back to win their four final
conference games.
Santa Ana arrived in Newport and lost
its first game on Davidson Field. The
Ta.rs won, 19-2.
Puluki was a long distance punter
and also bad excepdonal talent as a
rusher and passer, but still needed more
experience. It would deftnltely show in
'52 when be earned third-team All-ClF
honors after dau.l.ing breakaway runs
that season.
Repeating the '49 show, Newport
rambled past visiting Anaheim, 35-13.
Against Orange. Scotland scooped up a
fumble and raced 45 yarda to pay dirt,
which gave the Tars a 7-6 victory after
the conversion. The final was a breeze
Outstanding players chaLked up by the Sunset
League at season's end included end Glen
Griffith and guard Bill Wittman, first team; guard
Bob Burdick and tackle Bob Woodhouse, second
team, and halfbacks Smalley and Welty,
honorable mention.
1\vo other outstanding linemen were junior
Gino Boero, guard, and sophomore Jim Pascoe,
guard. Three fine ends were Bill Schmidt, Knox.
Ted McMasters and Jack Meeks.
Guard Wittman said, ·The '50 team was a
good. solid running team and finished second to
the perenniaJ power during those years,
Fullerton, which went all the way to the large
schools ClF final against Compton."
He added. •1f we had had a good passing game
(the percentage was only .270), who knows what
we 'might have done.·
There were numerous highlights for the team.
Fullback McMasters would cart the ball I 5
times for 120 yards and score rwice as the Tars
defeated RJverside, 26-0.
The second contest at Excelsior failed to pay
off after a key fumble and pass interception. The
Pilots won 7 -0.
as the Tars slipptid by Huntington Beach, 26-7.
It is fair to note that the '50 Sailors never lost a
game on their home field.
Smalley scored 104 points on the '49 team, but
could only tally 30 points with the '50 outfit after
struggling with an injury. He also made the
first-team All-Sunset League team as a junior. He
would later advance to Orange Coast College and
help lead the Pirates to a '51 championship
along with Woodhouse and Meeks.
Fullback McMasters was exceptional in his
senior year and won the league scoring title with
36 points.
1\vo other outstanding juniors were fullback
Don Aarvold and halfback Billy Kindell.
Other stout linemen included Bill Gannon,
Roger Pfister, Lewis Abbott. Bob Eggen and Jack
Schmidt and Wittman would later advance to
Pomona College and earn all-conference honors.
One of the Pomona teams became an
undefeated outfit, one of only two in the school's
Fullback McMasters was named most valuable
player while Smalley was voted captain and
unsung tackle Pfister was named most improved.
High school boys -Sage Hill at
Aliso Niguel, 4 p.m.
N.wport l.arMlng -4 boats, n
anglers. 3 yellowtall, 126
albacore, 123 blue fin tuna, 1
barracuda, 29 calico baas, 6 sand
beaa. 1 halibut, 3 aculpin, 8
sheephead. 21 whitefish, 1 blue
perch. 4 bonito, 1 tree fish. 1 bladt
sea ba• (released).
High 8dlOOI girts -Capistrano Valley
Owistian et Sage Hill, 5:30 p.m.
Community oollege women -
Orange Coast vs. Santiago
Canyon, at El Prado. 11 a.m.
High school girts -Sage Hill at
High school girts -Randlo
Alamitos at Sage Hill, 3:15 p.m.
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"*""*' Rooms 6010
Special $20 all ..., ....
a1 ~ pmwll .. Ad. a.
""" & ~ Sllu*d on~ linta fr'ck F£A. 1\.RS.Lllttr~~
£ o.c. pool. £ JIC. Ci.e!f In! cbe ID ~ ,,., hm oc .......... Ilda. ool9.
e w1nler renlal 2br 2b1
$1600/mo e vrly rental
2br Iba I c 1ar
$1500 e vrly rental 2br
lb• +-sunroom V1rw of
b"y 12000 loo a Vance
Reallon 949·673 4062
Li! llr 2 .. , hie & brtle
fp. LR. DR. root 109
sundeck. lull k1I 111
$2300/mo. 949 376 9042
Balioa Peninllla
Besl localion. 3Br 28a.
newly upgraded. park1n1.
reduced lo S2800/mo
I 4 00-247-a!ot
w/poer, bay & ocn v1ew\I
4br 5ba, den. fp, formal
donr m S8000/mohra y.,ce Rt' 949-673 4062
Corona del Mar
3br 2ba house. new firs
wd. patio. cal/"m doe
ot. S2150mo 437 Oahha
Ave Kevon 949 851 0424
~'-......... l+2 Ilse, 2c p , Ii Or!dl.
dtrve by 524 Sviw111d Rd
Key acceu lo p..t bea<;h
Lse S24ron. 9'9-673-9336
U nd cr the Service Di rectory Banner
Reach 86,ooo Homes Each Week
For Only $32 per week (4week minimum)
Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245
l r-d New-Cnmplelton
Oct 4Br 38~. 2 sle><y
Jc I"'· approa 7000sf lol Jtm Jhompson •ii
S679.000 Cont NewJK"I
Pr op er I 1es Coldwell
B~nlle1 949 71 7 4/4J
Newport Beach
* YlillY * UASfS
NIAJI UDO ktl,hentllt
$995/mo 949 675 4'>'8
Cvte Hr si..reo 7b1 ?b•
yrly 1 ent al Ip dw wd
hkup' ? t dl l.HIOfHll pkg
A&I S 1650 949 ?<JI 46.30
Hr 1 lo, uppr• nwne"
un1t/I01\ ol 1ntt 11111
up11 ~de•. Rdr I& de1 h
W/0 IM. lllU\l Ht
$1700/mn 714 9l4 9514
(cntllvff 21r, 21•, ~
den. I '>?<>->I 2 L ar irar
in 1r rtnbell communoh
w/pool Avail now S19'l(lm
Sm pet\ wrltome Will
show be1_, 8 2 Xl M F
7 14-4l4-44416
llr 21a c-... Tho ....... ,.. ... ,, .....
nl<• potl•, S?OOO/M•.
ogt. ut-•so-0~2•
l l r 210 .......... Ster•
to buch fp ?r ear I
ye1r lt .. \l' nn prl<
S1100·mo 616 l!iq 45 1':1
lootllufT Townhou .. , Vocati I t'......_I..,
ll>r 2 /•ba 1mrnaruldl• ona o>WlllNt.,
nn grttn ti.,11 no IJ"I\ y1 Colleges 7965
Iv SJ'.iOOlnu 949 23> l'H>
lbr lba •Ondo lull 1 0.
vie w vool Jiu u111
ltnn1' RY"' S?900 "'" l~d~~ or ,,..,.'>t oJ..,'-'''
C~ll Ceoll <)49 640 D/46
UOVAH ~'>hd
l>"Polar fir pldn u~
. tdlf \ \tnil" ·~'ltt ·h'l
SJtJOO '-14'1 ?91 4& 10
leoutlf;Jly rtmodPled
41i1 and of her ( 111 '> 1!1 >
jfla hnniP Grtdl open
llnn1 plan w .. 1h lo
\1 ho.-1t; ,,hop• re:stau
r,wh l•n111\ & puot and
t n111y thf" 1u t-.tn bfrcit-'
l he ll~\I ul N~wpurl
Av.;1i8ble al SJ,?00 a
month Cdll d~I Sally
Ph1lltps al 949 7.-,9 17 35
co...o;;J9li~A=eal .. 1 l/4 ...... gar. ,..._~SlSOO+
ht & ...._ M 9-370-l019
• ,._, Str-t Home•
4b J 'iliit .. 1olt °"" atile ...,.,,, •nl ~> ,. poc4'
iJnbdl AvM 11 I SJlrolmo e!!.' ....... -444-73S3
oc-tronf ••n lhe s•nd
4b1 l bam yrly renlal
nf:w Citr~t ,n~w paint
•Ill 53800 949 ?'ll 4630
HOUSE llDOISil 281 •
den 381 l Story fr
P•lo0 RJrdl'~ S.1900 m• 94' 673-1914
• IAYSHOltl •
... honi~ r asl umqur
nt'W ddUll pr <>i i anl
Acu •d1 led Ch11st1an
"hool la1lurr proof
11u.uanteg ftH! bro
hurr I 800 869 3997 ••I 15\CAt•SCAN)
Private Tutllftng 7t90
lt'.l<.h~r oi Piano
Mary dehsalei MM.
L5ons In Yow Hen
Employment 8500
Up ID Sl.21J}.tl.5Cnlmo
PT or ~.ll»-18..IDllmo n No Eap Neadecl
Wllf ...... FJIEE
RflC.Oldfd lrllo 24 In
877 747 2863
Office S....,l<n r d'-1 e• .,. .. nil Ir vine
based Ir •n< h1,.e comp1
ny •etk• P~"on•ble 1rllculhlt and h•&h
ener RY 1nd1v to h•ndle
1t s lronl 0111 r ne..ct~
1nclud1n11. manaeemenl of
tranr h1s e bu\lne\'
(.ummun1r itt1o n ilnd
op•Mton mdn•eemf"nl
ol olh<.e tqu1pm1 nt and
1ntrrl&cl! w1lh 1 uslomer
Call f tin~ 949 47!> Olt6
OFFICl ASST Non prolrt
nraan Pl 10 l2h1 per
wk M f CINIClll dala
enlry SID S12ht 00£
tu re\ lo 949 642 8855
hp ... s ............... .
fl Pl for 1.tp$C1le ch1I
(lf f'n\ \IOrf' IO NB
II .-f'nln(I\ 949 64.., IJ'>!>
r .nt 11 o wtng Irvine
based frant h"e LOmp•
ny 'e~"' ptr son1ble
h1&h en"' RY per son tn
work ? i days a wetk
W fie' h11Uf 'So hi"ndllng bastC bo .. llttp1n& nerd\. s.1.. ....... , ••• 1 .. ,,
QuotkbOOt.!> up req d \upporl •n1m1I resoe
Call ftanlo. 949 47'> 0146 'ons11nmtnl on ltnr on-,_.._...,---~•lr>•lwO<~
l1t1pector nspect o" •S. ....... ;Cr<rftL"';l tt.i.
.-cl lor l)t'ftOdt< posf w-··" ,.. c ...... -
.1 ..... -.111 ho•"""R 11amaar I "•of•ct. I •r• H,. Most U\e"l\(llef\I d,.•nt HMA know how I J oper•le ~''"' Add.-d """""" '""1ng m1<h1nr S8 hr
'"' thv~ ... "'" .cllO'd ~· 949 673 2160 ................
WE 8UY !STATES . .,...........,......,_ .. Hv,.l•r Gree• lthr WIST MARINE CfMTia
•••vtl roder recliner 1000 ,._. C.-Mwy
boo1ht 1t S700 s•• al 1290 ... fl Stt40 ... SJ50 t /SlS 9177 '49-574-1117
le•clt C ett•9•,
S4S,000(, .... · 2Br 28a across rom pool &
clubhouse ton1 term
lease thru X>26 Priority
boat •hps Mary Wood. eat 949 584 5811
7D1 Hirtn-llhd
Ami Tolhn &03I
Afot. lovely 1ated comm
near T11 Sqr IBr 1111
1ar/stonce ,$855/mo•
SSOO/sec Klflm Mnrt
877· 704-86<19. 9200
I SIOIE 2br Iba ear. yd
laundry. 169 W•lnul
SIOSO/mo Ma11sela 714
662·3111 714 540 3666
I H .. ~I& be"u
l1ful •PICIOU~ J81 781
lndry 11ar S2J00m yrly
•2t Jim 949 67'> SOfi'l
2br 2.SN i.-•t"'<
condo nn goll cour't 'l
< 1ar w d 1~1111 11o<ll
wa Nu pel •mk $74'>0
"'" yo ly 909 780 R387
Gatecl •-muftlty, 3141
JB• horn.. w b.ty view
$4800/mo 949 466 7460 "f!<KONI JOI>< t• rf'twl'<I fOUa GUfDlS/DltfVlltS
l •P "'<l t0 hou"nl! I I r 1 ••••l~blr Clean , omtr tr 1~ on~ OMV and rtS4>0ns1ble
hons H l ••JPl•~I ·• (949) 722 70>0
amwooo PlAY sn,
SwutG, SUDl, S 100.
t4t ... 40-71ll
JEWELRY/ 3460 ;i...--DIAMONDS/ ~OuTHCOASN~T PREOOUSMETALS ~· c ... tc•"'"-• 2m la. .. a Old Coins I Gold, solver. ..... AM. CA Intl jeWelry, wal.chn. llfttiqun
-•'-CAll'IM collectlbles 949 642 9448
t..t 'It"'-e ... tor •nc-. Sllof't h.atr, F •
male. neer llhr lnen
P::?, NJ. 949-515 7089
Fllllf 1511
"9,IMSAAPSO, '-"& ...... ~ .... c..1 .. ...... ...... ,,..... ....
I m• 1111
....... .., ••• k ...
lAUaA. ('1.ost In tllN
and pl.ace"} 29, IJlll.
bruMtta, aim. merrl•se
ttter.pbt from N 8 We
met In CMc .. o 1/23, el
• convention. Shared
lllwttle bus, cashews &
plaa. Cetl Paul In Ft
l•..Wlll•le 954-563·9954 pjD07 @btllaouth.nat ··---\OiOO-cHMITYI Donate
yow w.lllcle dhctly to the orlslnal, MUonaJty
acdallMlll Chwlty Cars. '°" Ch«~not • UM4I c• ltvnd· , ... 1 tWtlTY (1· t 00-?42-7419)
•Adopt• Wf1ls Kltllns.
cab. -·-IJI w.. every Sat Sun 12 4pm F.,_, II Arwnll ~
Info 9 49 644 2279 _ ...... ~, .....
~ lily Wiii ....... clap ~lmdld
BaltlOl Island
Want to Sell
your home?
Ask about our
Real Estate
Usa RJvera
or Ann Wiiey
Newpert Crnt C-4e
281 2Ba• loft, .. Ira 11
1a1. comm pool. 2 tannos
courts. walk lo beach
S.389,000 >oan Allison.
Bt.r 949-646 2011
COM share 2br 2ba Ilse. IASTSIDl 0.-.. .... 1 Ir
w/d. pvt b•.1••. pet ok house. fenced yrd
$'300 + ohl 949-39<l-eardener & w•ler paid
2133 S1195/mo 949 548 3959
AlTlZZA 2ar, .._, n.t
cende, c;.ft~t~uf~., ocean
b•y 'ilt """ fl' d!.SOl
,,nirn1l1r' SJ600 mn
~9497 5 111
I ~lNI profl"'>\l(llldl '"e.is I I ~,,, more 111ln ta• I 8'17 Aulonlobtles 9000
"65 <Xl'J'l £ OC M T ltJ V
AUTO DnAlllNG AlllllmmMt
...... <•"••·· 2Br 28a. quiet comm on
1rnt IPC, enioy Mar ma
and Prlval• Beach
$1 29.500/obo Mary
Wood, •rt. 949-S84·5811
,.., ...._. lo sh11e on
C M , all •me11lles. must
be clean & cool $550/
mo 714-549-llDI
I u .. tt i.h 2br. Iba
Eastslde total remodel.
4plt• avail 1mmed1ately,
Sl39S/mo • dep 165
Rochester 949 515·2040
Airt1All 0~1a11tn11. ro
~eek $ [ •Perttnr e d
Work1n11. Su1>rr vl\ur
Man•r•r 2y" d•l•1hnt
......... A6 o-....
4 lk mo \!Iver sand
moon1 oof CO. fabulious
'one lll1oughl S21,000
hnancon1 & warr ev.11
v4'429817 8kr 949-5116-1888
Community e1p/req [•lnl PIY
btneflh far re•ume
7l 4 '">56 4023 ph 800
244 0576 e•I ?01
Coreglveu lo Sanlou~
Rewardme pn"11on!> lo
prnv1dt on home com
pan1on,l11p toomem1k
ll'lfl. err and!> F It 1 PT h"
or 24 hr \hrfh. Car ·~q di 714 444-4881
l'AraJCI{ TINOlll
-w patrlcktenor• com
AGT. t4'-72J4120
11ru. ...... n.. .............. , . .,.,
......... $445.-0
.... t4t-6SO .. U4
"'" Upeteln S1145mo Bakony, BBQ. laundry,
clean, no pets, lease
Call B11en 310 466 7'160
a..,. StvM. w1lh L1 loft
bedfoom Bracht & 11ry.
w/d on unit SlJOOm
rv'pm. --1 now Dll'h
o.n-ct Ave 9& 723-12'l2
Li! luaurl'"" 281 Twn
hm, So. Coast Melro.
2car r••· SISOO/mo •II
949-642 6438 Pac1IL
Coasl Realty Group
• 21r ti• rear un1I
total remodeled, 11 yd
2211/t 23td St S1595mo
949-6'0-3632 l1nduy
• lAST SIOI • Sode 3br
Jba triple•. alra 11, 2
story, 2 kitchen·s. dee)..
yd. wd. 2 c.,. attach ear
$2000/mo 800-2711 18117
CM .....,... 421 Camlw9
C11 3br. 2ba pool yard . 2f p S2flDn .,... ......
boluMd ... 96«iO 1.151
your stuff
(949) 642-5671
'Cfihe Ne'-"POrt Beach/Costa Mesa
Dally Pilot presents you with a .great opportunity to promote antiques
&. colleCtfbles. Perfect for shops, dealers, auctions, booksellers,
decorators, retlnishers, art galleries -develop your business with us!
A Special Pi1blicadon -)uSt for YOUI
Pabllsbes: ()Ct 23, 2002
Space~ copy Deacllble: oct 16th -spm
Release DeldUne: Fri.', Od t8st -Noon
'1Iall tnbau!
949-574-4249 or faX your ad
4 1
·= ..... . ,~·-.. ~ .... ==-·-..oM . .._ ... ee,._.noue
ff1 Medlcllwt emount
1 &wedlil:h pop
3 Director -Kazan 4 Mlamltoam
5 Tral behind e Near (2 wde.,
7 Remov-enow 8 t.ett.r encl.
9 PSTminus3
10 TQmOffOW
11 Outtleldef -Slaughler
12 Ftenett I Y«b
13 Playthings
HJ A.et<
21 Hunt and pedc
25 Ba.lhroom
29 Hardeet
27 More frosty
28 Not anvt>odv
(2 wcls.)
29 Jolnathe
6 7
020Ge~ ...... ~ ..... lnc
c:horus 49 Saunter along
30 G« tt'9 drftt 50 Halrt ..
31 -Dame, Ind. 51 Sherttf Taylor's
32 Shoue n1.man kid 33 Tube trophiea 52 lnliugurata
35 Sorority lattal' 63 Late ~
39 Needle hate 2 ~tt ..... pref\)( 40 Injured an anl<te ~ vu , ...
42 Mountaineer's 57 Plum variety retrmn 59 Frequentty .w Growing eo Mach 1 medium exceeder
48 Renter 47 Rower pal1S
8 " 12 13
Everyday is a great day
in Classified!
Be a part of it,
place your ad today!
(949) 642-5678
Set'vtce Dlrldary r_,,_ SeMces =====,-· .... -Aocmwme
In an Ptlort to offer the
bnt 'ervtte poulble lo
out ruders and 1dver
t1ser~. we will requ11e
Contractors who edver
t1se 1n the Service
Owutory to include thew
Conlr•ctors l•cense
number 1n thetf adver
t1stment Your co
opt'relton 1s areetly wut.c1.
FAln19eG lffllllOaS
Kitdwl I a.fl I Remodel
Aldii& ...... bs.am
"'9.'.815 V$tC M6«i9325
20YRS UPI l•1674183
ear,.t ... /11111
Rtc>•lra, Pelchlnc. lnitall
Courteous eny •lze jobs
wnot.saltl 949-492-0205
c--..n•r A11kt-@your pace @ your
home or OrflCT lnd1
viduel co1ch1n1. internet
set up, M>llWare. trou·
bleshoohna web des11n
' rnn. o.n. -~ IT SHOOLD If nJNI
c...-.... SoftwlnV Herdwere 1natelletlon.
IJOIAlle !hdr1I. MlCA'C ,_......,.., i14-9-18111
Conan' Masonry
lrldi Ii.di St-Tlk
Conatte. Patio, Dl'-y
flreplc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs
Eap lerry 714-~7 7594
c---..y fplce.
BBQ. hie. stone, lend
scepe, reteln1n1 walls,
L667547 !M9 254-1048
~ .......
IM ... OVIMIMT ,.OJl<n
C1ll • plumbef.
p11nter, h1ndyman,
or 1ny of the arut
ser v1eea llsted he1 • tn
our service dwe<toryl
All phases sm/1r11 jobi
CUANI 20yrs. flrir. tree
est. L«XXl:I> 714-6."B-1A47
s.-1 Jett l...,-tl
Duncan Electr 11: '1t!Yn hp
locaVQuick Responw
Serva/Rl'mOClm l •275WJO 9C!Mi5(). 7042
,, .. '-'"'""" •I llltsteller ... O.C.
• Recessed llahllna
• c.111n1 F •n•
•landscape L11htin1
•Trouble Shootlna 714-SS ...... 75
Uc16t3150 Ins VSfMC
No ;:it> too 9'I\. ,. ..w.i
R91N•. remodle, f-.
,,.. MW S'll: ~
llMY sa-..,.. RIJIW'ed
Rearoutln & hutallahon
OEM TilE 949-673-8065
f119'1 I Clbllllt
WI flX .......-ruu
40 Veers S«vtc:e of
C1n1na. Rush, Reed &
Wk:lle1 WO<'ll
510 Old Newport Blvd
New tBeach
Commercial & Estate
Meinttnance. Clean U~.
Tr" S-vlce & lmcatlon Uoseda, R~irs.
714 715-2828 1nd have
us do yo11r Dirt)' W'dl w,.. ....... ... ... ..,..,. ... ..
••11W11J ........
Tiie ~baa DrOCeeded: sotlnl' lrD'f·NOlrnf I+ ,_ 10
' WllAI do )'00 bid now7
A· A po-1ld hmd. mldc ~ btt-
ICC by plltlla'i ~·but"*" is
DO &ood,..., to dea'ritie It. AP.amp
to twO ... tho ..... diltriblltionll baod. two no trwnp cannoc be con-eideted wlth nothinJl in diamondt
Ind don't even 1.1\lni abollt •jump in beuU wlth ontr thnle-card IUppOft. By a procas pr elimination, one sl)llde Is the only choice, but plan 10
&how your power by jumping in
hearts at yow nut tum.
Q 2 • Both vulnc:n.ble.as Sooth )'Oii
Pinner opeiu the biddin& with ooe "f*le. Whal do you respoiid?
• K 0 It 74 0 A It 4 32 •ti 7 J A • Noc only do you have a au.it that
can play oppo1ite a lingldon. but
you have support fc. opener's suit u
well. Noc to make a stton&jump
shift to lhn1e hcans wou Id do the
hand a grave injustice.
The bidding has orocccded:
WE&'T NORTlf t:AST SOUTH ·~ l• .... ! Whal 11<.1.ion do you take?
A -You could well have a betttr spol
ut • minor. bu1 there is no sensible
way to &ct there now without the
Q 6 • Both vulnerable, u South you
nslc of gettioa ovcrbootd. Pus.. You
may be able 10 bade into the auclJOO
.. lot 7 J 0 Q 9 8 7 • Q .. 7' 2.
Tbe bldd111g has proceecicd:
Q J · NellheT v11lnerable, you hold:
•• 6 3 '7 5 J ~ Q 10 ' 5 4 • "
Panner opens the bidding with one no
1rump. What act.ion do you take?
I• Obi "-1"' ..... 1NT ,_ 1
What action do you &eke?
A • Since an overcall of oae no uump 6bows a baJIJIQCd I 6-18.
Nonh must have 19-20 points. possi-
bly 21. Thal mates 81lfllC borderline:, but you do have two sources or
trid:s in the minors, and piutner
know' where rnosl of the hi41? cenh
are located Al this wlocrab1Utl' we would choose the more aggressive
coune ol shooting for pmc. Raise
10 tbta no 1tump
A • h might seem right to p;w. but
!hould 11n opponcnl start a club
aaialnst one no lnlmp, the rest of
your hllOO might prove worthless lO
pannec U1e a Slayman 1wo clubs to
probe fc. 1 four-c.vd major. intend-
ing to pas any response by partner.
A two·levcl suhoontract.evco wnh
• 4-3 ~pade <K S-2 diamond fit must
ml, one lady owner.
booh. recOfds. blk/btll,
JO dtse CO. Chrome whl.
11er•aed, 11/smN Ille ,_
cond $13,9915 fin wan ltYllll
v• 596141 949-586-1888
c_., •94 u 4c;4, 90U
moonroof, alloy whls,
beeuhlul orla cond, new
smoa/bruks, S3895
""254456 Bkt 9&58S-1888
DMte 'f7 2500 v-
Conversron. e••en. Clip·
t11ns seeh. rear fokllna
seat~. TV/VHS. superb
mechrnecal ' body
cond, ¥1500667 $6995
Bkr 949 586 1888.
10.0 lxrioa11 •97
XlT 44r, 414, ful ,wr,
~ tttw, 671( "'''"· .... ,_ ... $10,950
,,, f4f-4t4-0011
foio lll'lOH• '" XL T VS. white w/be111e
ltr. fully loaded. 37K m1, $15,fOO pp 949-310-04i52
,...., fUO 'f4, 4•4
Blacll, 851. mr, alnt cond,
runs areet. vwy cun.
bed secu11ty boa,
$8,150 714·271 1215
JU90( TO THI DUM,111
MEJIA'S ............
For YolH' House
Apertment or Vecaney
QuelllyWork 25'f. Ofl fht a..q
Refwenca AvlMblt
10 YlltB E.,,_lene*
Ceil 0.Ulf .....
714411-7UI C .. 714-HS-1714
fer<I 'ff T.ww lX 3311
mi. Whlle/crey Int.
aarapd non/smkr trke
new cond, ¥621541
$7495 Bkr 949 586-1888
J...,_ '00 XJa VI,
Auto. I.IC. IHthtr. lull
powe.. cc, surrrf. allol'•·
$36.900 562·965-6644
Le111tS 't9 lS 400 5661
mi. fectory warr, llilvtf/
erey Ith<. CO. chrome
whts. ltlle new, $29,995
hnancmc n11t v'614261
Blu 949-586 1888
SI A•stl,., l••"•" ,...... .... t.1.-.y
949-673-4042 u.
Charc blk, loaded, lo mt
xlnt cond. $8,500 PP
MHCll>IS 'f4Sl •OO
Black on Bl1dl, 5211,
STUNNING! 2000 Wheels
S38.000. 949 720 1721
MltMltlil '95 JOOO
GT5l Red, fully lo1ded,
auto. CO. cltan S7500
obo 949-290 9925
llST MOVlllS SH/Hr
servrnc ell cities Insur ad
fu t. cowteous, certful.
T 163844 800 246·2371
Slnoe 11181
:d ..... Ron ~Young
U$t/n1f$ l4\VAlubltrl
714-432-7873 .,..,...o.ro-y ..... .ei:.
s.tww 'U SC2 c_,..
5spd. 0111 owner. full
boob & records, red/
crey int, 111ra1ed, non/
smkr. like new cond.
v'457261, S2995 Bkr 949-5 .. -1111
Set11n1 '00 Sl 2 40t. m1,
1uto. silver, ar•Y mt, 1m Im, 11ra1ed, non/smkr
!Ille new ¥972851 $6995
Ftn warranty •••II. Blu ('4f)Sl ... l ...
fey ... 'ftA...a-XlS
SOit m1, wtlite/01tme.el
tth.r. moonroof. CO 1lloy
wheels, like new cond.
¥1721841. $14.995 "
oltnclna ' warrenty
ave 11. Bkr 949· 586. l888
T•yet11 'ti c-y U
40k mi. wh1te/1rey int,
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