HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-29 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 . -- THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2004 , Art helping to heal A student art show at Newport Harbor High will benefit CHOC's cancer center. Marisa O'Neil Daily Ptlot A Newport Harbor High School senior will celebrate "The Art of Youth" with a student art show on Friday benefiting a children's cancer center. More than 100 paintings. drawings. sculptures and photograph.c; will be displayed at the show organiud by 17-year-old Matthew Siemonsma. The event is the fir t put on by his nonprofit organization and school club, Community for a Cure. which he formed earlier last year to benefit the cancer center at Oiildren's Hospital of Orange County. "I feel Lhere's not enough community support in this area," Matthew said. "People don't think about what's happening outside their own lives." Seeing a 5-year-old family friend suffer the effects of leukemia, Matthew was moved to help other children with cancer. He decided to use hls passion for art to raise money for ttie cause. Newport-Mesa high school students, and a few from elementary schools. entered several works in the show, he said. As he geared up for the show, Matthews house filled with small. ceramic dinosaurs. colorful paintings and stacks of mounted black and white KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Artist Matthew Siemonsma, 17, sits with some of the works from various artists See ART, Paee A4 that will appear in the benefit showcase "The Art of Youth" at Newport Harbor High. Portrait of the artist as a young woman Alexandra Nechita was a famous artist when she was 10. Now she's 18 a nd enjoying the anonymous life of a college student. Jose J . Santos Daily Pilot I n coUege, mjssing class is missing class, period. said. "You can't do that here. lne professors teach thousands of kjds each week. They don't care what you do." Not the typical day off for a first -year art major, but there are many acypicaJ things about Nechila. The painter and prodigy has been in the <ipotlight of the art world since age I 0. Nechita will be making an appearance at Lhe Wentworth GaUery m Fashion Island today. promoting an exhibit of her work. THE JOY OF ANONYMITY The daughter of Romanian immigrants, Nechita burst into the national spotlight as a child and attracted enough media attention to be labeled "the petite Picasso." FYI Alexandra Nechita will appear at the Wentworth Gallery at Fashion Island today from 6 to 9 p.m. been exhibited everywhere from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to the Vatlcan; and she even has a performing arts center named after her at her aJma mater, Lutheran High School of Orange County in Orange. Right now, though. she is relishing her anonymity on the big campus. Man accused of rape freed The D.A. doesn't file charges against a man susp ected of sexually assaulting a Costa Mesa woman. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A rc:1pe !>US· pect was released Tu~day after the Orange County di!>trkt at· torney did not file charge!> in a complaint filed by a young woman over the weekend. TI1e woman reponed 10 Costa Mesa police tha1 !>Ill' was raped early Saturday morning after a party at her home. c.o ... ta Me!>a Pohcl' Det Jack Archer ..aid. The l>U'>pec1, whom police arrested 5hortly afler '>he caJlec..I the police, was relea.,t•d Tues- CITY HALL day after he went lo court and wa.'> no1 charged by the dblrict a11orney. J,a,t year. between J,inuary and September, 2R rape1. were reponed; the dis- 1rirt auomey filed t·harge'> in only four Ca'>l''· lwo or Lhe c,,,e., reporll'c..I were un- founded, and m a few others. the vicLiml> tht'm1telves tlid not want to go forward with the pro!>ecution, polire said. A group or young people came back to the victim's home in the 400 block of Fair Drive on rriday mght, Archer <i<iid. After a night of drinking and panying, the \'lCtim went to hl'd. he said. ... I he Sll!.pcct, who wa<, al the p.irty, went into her hcdrnom a11d <,tan ed 1,.,,.,mg hl'r:· he ,,ud. ..She re ... 1<,ted ii. but pJ,..,l'd oul !.hortly afteiwan.J. See RAPE, Pa&e A4 Budget cuts won't affect park fees A city commission rejects a staff recommendation to charge lo cal leagues to use city fie lds. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Ille Parle. and Recreation Comm1s<,1o n on Wedne1,day unanimomly shot down city ... taff member-,' sug- gestion to 1mpoo;e fees on local '>ports team<, and leah'lle'> for using the l lly'!> field' Repre!>enlatives from vanom local sport)> orga1111.11ion ... 'P1lke dgai11'1 the propo,ec..1 fee of $20 an hour. wh1d1 He· rrt•ation Department \tafl member!> -.aid would he a <,ourcc of revenue for Llw city witl1 'tate budge1 nili. loommg large . Local spom league!> aJrt•ady shell out ten~ of thou'><llld'> ol dollar-; to improve amJ t·n· h,mce the field<i thcv u~e. <;aid Amy 'itephen,. pre!>ident of thl' Cm ta l\fe<;a American I ill h· l.t•a h'll e. "Our hi~C!'>t com:ern " that wl•rc being turned into .1 '>Ource of revcnut" ·· '>he ~1d ( .mta Me~a resident John See PARK, Pa1e A4 When UCLA freshman Alexandra Nechita needed to skip one of her classes recently. the 18-year·old artist knew her professor probably wouldn't care whether her alarm clock didn't go off or her calendar was booked with a speaking engagem en t. An absence was sliJJ an absence. "You can't just say that you're going to Tennessee to give a lecture." Nechjta She has appeared on talk shows and is coUected by such HoUywood luminaries as Whoopi Goldberg. David Letterman and Oprah Winfrey; she has ·A lot of people remember me from when I was JO or 11 years old, so they can't put a face to my name now." Nechila said. "It's so much be1ter this way. I can walk into class like any other art student. That's exactly what I When she paints, Alexandra Nechita says, she is "immune to anything outside See PORTRAIT, Paie A4 the work." The 18-year-old will be at the Wentworth Gallery this evening. THE BELL CURVE c Hearing just a shout of frustration o I watched Howard Dean's concession performance after the Iowa caucus. Not the sound bytes repealed endlessly afterward. I'm tallclng about the whole Lhln g, beginning to end. The setting. The nature of the audlence. The emotional environment. The obvioU3 frustration. Dean had just been pushed Into the circumstances -thl.'n shrugged It off. third place in a popularity contest that he had been beavtly favored to win a rew days earlier. This jolt JOSEPH N. BELL came alter two weeks of relenUess acrimonious attacks on him from every position on the political spectrum. And ao in that overheated atmosphere, he hollered and p\lllched hi.a Ost ln the air and pointed his finger. I was britOy startled until I considered It wasn't until the next day that 1 was told by the media sound bytes, lhe talk show hosts, the stand-up comedians and some fevered editorials that Dean's performance was a sure sign or an unstable lndMdual and probably dJsqualified him as a serious presidential candidate. All this rhetoric clearly hurt Dean in New Hampshire last Tuesday. He was supposed to win that one, too. ( So as the primary circus moves on to South Carolina. l'd like to tip a glass In Dean' dtrecdon. The verdict or the voters in the S.. CURVE, Paa• M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.datWlot.com WEATHER It should be mostly sunny with light winds. Expect highs from 63 to 69 today. S..pa1eA2. SPORTS Costa Mua's glr1a water polo teem knodced off Ettancta, 17-2. to stay unbeaten In league. SM past Bl Speakers can have 5 minutes, but at the end City Council doesn't shave residents' time to speak on consent calendar items to three minutes each . June Caaa1r1nd• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -People who want to calk to the City Council about consent calendar Items can still talk for five min- utes. but they'll have to wait e lot longer to do so. The City Council on Tuesday unanimously rejected the idea of limiting 10 three minutes the time members of lhe public can speak about Items pulled off the consent calendar. "Three minutes is not ad- equate.· council regular Dolores Otting said. "This sends the wrong message to the city of Newport Beach, and the mes- sage is that you don't want to hear from us. You just want to rubber stamp things." Though just two weeks before. Mayor Tod RJdgeway and others had favored the Idea of horten· . See SPEAKERS, P11e AS 1 • POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FILE PHOTO I DAILY PlLOT Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger crossed paths in Huntington Beach during the California recall campaign. Arnold, Dana together again Allcla Robinson Da1lyP1lot In an effort 10 eni.ure thar Hep. Dana Rohrabacher\ congr~ional career L'>n·r terminated. c.ov Arnold Schwanenegger will nex hie; pohucaJ mu~clt'l> al a runtlrai .. er for the congre~man·~ campaign on Friday. l11e $1.000·per·person event will be held trom 5:30 10 7 run. at the Hyatt Hegency in I luntington Beach. "We thmk 11 \ going 10 be a hugely c;ucceMful event" Rohrabacher's wife. llhonda, sa1d. #We've had an overwhdmmg rei.poni;e." l'he surfing rongressman also hds a big event planned fur rebruary: a breakfast with Hou~ Speaker Dennis Hasrt>rt (R·fU.). Rohrabacher may need to pull out alJ the \tops to ra1c;e cash ~lnce he's facing former Congre-.~man Bob Doman, a fundrabm~ leviarhan. in rhe primary. Federal F.lec11on Commission reporh .. how Rohrabacher has consisrently rai"t'd about the '><lmc amount. banking clo~c to $317,000 for a l 99A electlon and $39J,O<Xl to keep his seat in 2002. Dur Dornan n.>corded nearly $3.8 million 111 donation<; 1n 1998. the la'tt lime he ran for office. It's worth noring. howevt.>r. that deep pocket<. didn't prevall rhdt year -Doman loc;t for the second time to Rep. Loretta Sanchez. A chance to vote early Reginning Tuesday. Orange County vc)ler'i can ca~I March ballots early at 16 location~ m111g the new electronic voting sy.,tem. rhe county Registrar ofVorers announced Wednesday. Jn Coi.ra Mec;a and Newport Beach, early voting will be availahle weekdays from R a.m. to 5 p.m. at Costa Mesa Cily Hall. 77 ra1r Drive. and weekdays from 8 a .m to 4 p.m. ar Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd. Vorers also can casr ballots at rhe Irvine Spectrum and Wesrmmster malls. the county RegiMrar of Voters office and several other locarions. Anyone who has moved or changed political parties or is not yet re~istered to vote mu't submit registration material by Feb. 17 to be eligible to vole. l:arly voting location' will offer registration materials. Early vo11ng will be offered through Feb. 22. Gimpbe ll , Maddox ge t high marks from tax payers' group The California Taxpayers A'>'in. gave high marks to 7Uth District A<;o;emblyman lohn Campbell and 68th o .... 1mt Assemblyman Ken Madd ox for their votes on 20 rax and spending bills in 2003. Each legislator received an A. with Maddox voting agalnsr tax and spending 95% of the time and Campbell earning a perfect score, according to the group's legislative report card. The bills covered topics such as property tax increases by local governments, repeal of agricultural tax exemptions and vehicle license fee increases. Maddox wrecked his perfect score by voling for a bill to modify how the Board of Equalization decides appeals from the Franchise Tax Board:somethlng the association recommended voting against. Thi s week's endorsement in Assembly race just a snowflake Republican 70th Assembly District candidate Crlsri Cristich announced this week her endorsemenr by rhe CaJirornia Young Republicans. The announcement, which proclaimed that Crislich will continue "her march toward victory" with the endorsement, was the week's single snowflake after the blizzard of endorsement announcements that have come in over the past several months. POLITICAL CALENDAR JANUARY TODAY! The Orange Cot.lnty Young Republicans will hold a January mi><er from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Shark Club in Costa Mesa. Information: sec/al ocyr.oro TODAY: Newport Co.st Repubflcen Women Federated wtn hold a generat meeting at 7 p.m. Election• for board members wilt be held. Information: 1949) 797-1293 SAT\IROAY: Van Tren for Aasembly wtll hold a precinct welk at noon at 1600 Adami Ave .• No. 200 In Coste M .... Information: (714) ~2 FEBRUARY ' 11: Van Tran for Assembly will hold a fundraialng luncheon at noon at the Pacific Club In Newport Beach. Information: (949) 753-0860 16: The Republk:an Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting et 1 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Meu. AdmlMlon 11 free, and all Republicans el'9 welcome. (714) 656-8565 16! The Republican Party of Orange County will hold ltl annual PTNldent't Dav Cherry Pie Rectpdon 11 AntoMllo Rl11or1nte In South Coast Village immediately after the central committee meeting. Information: (714) 556-8565 11: The laat day to register for the March 2 primary election MARCH 2: Primary election day 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committ" will ho4d a general m9dng at 7 p.m. at the South Co&1t Plaie Westin Hotel, et 886 Anton Blvd., Cotta M"8. Admi&sion la free. end a ll Repul>Mclna are welcome. (714) 55&-8566 Allele AoblMon POSTMASTER: Send address Daily Pilot Politics, bu1i.,.. end elllfironmen1 changes to The Newport reporter, 191764-4330 Beach/Costa Met1 Oallv Pilot, P.O. allcla.roblrwon llltim#.oom BoK 1560, Cotta Meu, CA 92626. i.u. .... Copyright: No news stories, New1 NtiNnl, (M l 57'-'298 illustretlona, editorial matter or luia.P«Wtlltltlmee.oom 'edvertlaementa hereln ctn be VOL 98, NO. 29 PHOTOGRAPH£RS reproduced without wntten THOMAS H. JOHNSON Mertt C. Dustin. Don I.Nett, permiuion of copyright owner. Stew Mc:Cf1inll Publl1her Photo Editor, Ketit Trepeow TONY 000£.RO (9491764-4358 READERS HOT\JNE Editor &trle.mccranlt~latl~.oom JUDY OETTING JoM J. Sen'°9 (94918'2-6086 Adv1rt11Jot Director Art Director I News DMk Chl8f, Record yo\ir commentl 1bout the LANA NSON (9'9157~4 Deily Pilot or newa lipt. Promotloo1 Director JO# umw "'""*'com Addw9ea N.wsEd!D'I Our edd,... le 330 W. Bev St.. Coeu E001NG STAFf Gloe Aleicandtf, Lori Anderton. ~.-CA 92527. Offic. hourt 1r1 S.J.Cem Oenlel Hunt Paul Seitowitt. Monday ·Hidey, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. M•n•f 1no Editor. Daniel Stevene Conwctlont (949 574-4233 NEWS STAFF It Is the Pilot'• policy to promptly •.f.cahn t.times.com correct ell errors of 111blt1noe. 0.Mttt~ o...---PINN Clll 1949) 76'-432•. City Editor, Crime end oourta r89(>rter, llM917&W31• (IM9)fi7~ d/lfWllNj,(l«llflf.latinw.crim ~t1har'llth•l«lnw..oom "'1 NcNtdD\IM The Newpoft a..dVCoN ~ Sportl Editor, JuneCu; •• Delly Pilot (USPS-1""8001 It UM9)57M 223 N9wpoft 8eect1 f9P0119t, publi.tied dellv. In NMJ>ort a..dl rldlllrd.dunn•l11tlmfHl.oom (949)57...n2 Ind Costa MMe, tublcrlptlON lte Mlill llMMon j1J,,."'9NQtWtde•1ttltnee.c0m av11t11M only by eubecriblng to The Alelltllnt City Editor, DlllM~ T1"* 0ninve eoumv 1eoo1 (949157~ eo.i. Meu rtp0ft9r, (M8) 574-t221 262..e141. In.,... out9lde of m~•~oom "-'~•llltlrrwacom N.wport hedl and Coatll MeN. Lole:I ..... ,...._mw au='= to tM Deity Piiot are Forum': edllior. columnltt. w all onlv "tint ct ... mell for I )574-4275 £clut.atlon NPOftlt. IM) 67 ..... $30 per~. ,.,,. lndude all C®CM Tlmee CN. All right.a ~M,,,.,./Mfm#.com m.ttW OM11•"1tlm#.oom ~ ... ~loealtl.J19t.) ~ ' -\ • POLITICS ASIDE It feels good to return money I n seeking to digest the news rhis week that two candidates in the crowded Republican primary for the 10th District Assembly seat may have to return loans in excess ofSI00,000, S.J. CAHN candidates are saying. it's pretty unconvincing to argue that having more than $100,000 effectively removed from their coffers won't hurt Cristich and DeVore (ansi doesn't the I choked on a singular piece of the puzzle: Both saw no problems. One even took a page out or Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's playbook and announced, "We're delighted with the ruling." Let's step back a few paces. lrvine's OlUck DeVore and Corona deJ Mar's Cristi Cristich both got caught in the wake of a Superior Court decision directed at Schwarzenegger. The governor, a judge decided in a preliminary ruling this week. violared campaign finance rules by taking out a S4.5-million bank. loan during his campa\gn this past fall. The laws, the judge said, should cap that loan amount at $100,000. It turned out that Cristich and DeVore had gone the same route, with Cristich getting a $250,000 loan and Devore one for $115,000. Now 't appears they -and the governor -will have to repay the Joan . with the money coming right out of their campaign coffers or poclcetboolcs. A b~ rut, right? Well. I'd think so, but then read what Schwarzenegger and Devore had to say: "This is great, this decision," Schwan,enegger told a group of journalists in Sacramenro on Tuesday. "H's fantastic. We never wanted 10 raise the money 10 pay it back .... It was a great decision for the judge. Exactly what we intended to do, and that's exactly the way the law ought 10 be.· Here's what DeVore told the Daily Pilot, echoing the governor nicely: "We were hopeful thar the judge would restore the letter and the spirir of Prop. 34 and would restore as a consequence the $100,000 cap that a candidate can loan their campaign. We're delighted with the ruling." If your head isn't spinning. it should be. One of Crlstich's campaign advisors told the Pilot that there would be no pain in her campai,gn: ul suspect thar it's nor going to have any big impact in her case because she's quite capable of turning that loan into a donation lf she needs to." WouJd thar we all were so lucky. Now. despile what these governor. even, have to hurt a little at the possibility of paying S4.5 million out of his pocket?). Perhaps both can just tap into their personal bank accounts. But maybe seeing the account head south will make at least one rethink the worth of running. The winner in this ruling would certainly seem to be 70th District GOP candidate Don Wagner of Irvine. who already appeared to be surging while running third in the money race. Wagner's biggest hurdle at this point is that he is fighting for a pool of conservative voters that also is the target of DeVore and Newport Beach resident Marianna Zippi. And that pool is not big enough 10 cut into three. especially given the size of the mlddle-of-the·road and somewhat conservative group of voters that is Cristich's base. Lf Wagner, DeVore and Zippi split the conservative vote evenly enough. Cristich wins the nomination. But if Wagner claims the vast majority of the conservative vole, the race is close. So any pain to DeVore helps him. Here's at least a hlnt as to why. In its 2001 survey of Orange Cou nty residents, UC Irvine found this political breakdown: 28% middle of the road; 28% somewhar conservative, 20% somewhar liberal, I 2% very conservative, 9% very liberal and 3% who didn't know. According to those numbers, Wagner, DeVore and 7Jppi's core base is only 12% of voters. Cristich. however, would appear to be the choice -in the most generic sense, of course -of al least 28% and as much as 56%. Now, the percentages in play, given the conservative nature of the 70th Disrnct, are probably closer than the UCl numbers make it. Bur can there\le much doubt that Cristich has support that she can afford lose and that Wagner, DeVore and Zippi need every ballot they can get? They can't win losing them to one another. • S.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He may be reacned at (949) 574-4233 or by e·mail at s.j .cahn@latimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST variable at 10 knots or lighter. The wavea will be 2 feet or Today will be mo11ly 1t1nny smaller on a west swell from 6 with hlgha from 63 to 68. to 7 feet. Winds will be light e><cept for local northea11 winds, which SURF will be up to 16 mph Inland. Tonight will be mo1tly clear Weit-facing breaks are with lows from 44 to 50. looking at waltt· to d'lest·hlgh lnfonnation: letl or better, and cleaner Mta www.nws.no.ta.gov than on Wedneaday. South facing b,..b can expect BOATING FORECAST wal11-hlgh Mta. On Frid•y. the northwest wlll Wlndt will be varl•bl• at 10 gain t1rength for better knot• or lighter on the Inner condition• thl1 weekend. watert, becoming WMtet1y at --qu8llty: 10 ~nots In the •bmoon. The www.1urlrl<J.r.oro W8"98 will be 2 feet or am•llef' on a WMt swell from 2 to 3 TIDES fNt.. Expect petd1y fog In Che Time HeitM morning. Tonight. Che west 3:03a.m. 4MfMthlgh aweU wfll be from 2 to 4 feet. 10:58•.m. 1.38fMtlow Farther out. wfndt wfll be out of the northwest ftom 10 to 6!20p.m. 2.58 fMt high 20 knots. The Wlwt will be 1 8;3'p.m. 2.38fMt low to 3 feet On. WMt twtll from 5 to 7 fMt. Tontght. wfnde wHf be out of the nof1hwtlt " 10 ltr'°'9 WATER TEMPERATURE In "'9 twnlng Ind wftl become 58degf9M i Dady Piiot Westside activist plans council run Mike Berry says 1901 Newport is among th e ma ny reasons he said he wants to be a candidate. Delrilre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Whether the <~ity Council's approval of a con - tentious housing project at 1901 Newport Blvd. will lead to law- suits or ballot measures is far fro m clear. At !he least. though, it is be· ginn ing to fill out the field of c.ouncil candidates. The decision so angered one activist. Mike Berry, that he said he·s been inspired to declare his candidacy, which he had been mulling over for a whiJe. The council's approval Is just the lat· est example of city leaders' ig- noring !he will of the people, he '>Wd . "There have been, in the last two to three years, a dozen ma· 1or issues that seriously affected Costa Mesa -on every one of them, the council has voted again!>! the people:· !he 58-year- old said. After months of delay. the council approved the condomin- ium plan with 145 units, 415 parking spaces and a subsidy of about $1.5 million. The original project proposed 161 un its and 115 parking space'>. Berry, a Westside activist. sup· ported Councilman AJlan Man- !>oor in his <;uccessful council campaign. He b a member of the Westside Improvement i\i..,n., which tackles what mem· bers consider to be !he deterio- rating quality of life in that part of town, and the Westside Revi - talit.ation Oversight Committee. which is overseeing the council's implementation of the recom· mendations made by the Corn· munity Redevelopment Action Committee. I le is a frequent speaker at City Council meeungs and re· cenlly persuaded the city to re- examine how it will replace a fence along the Joann Street bike trail. Another io;~Ul' that Berry thin~ city leaders handJed poorly is the decision of whether DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN /DAILY PILOT Mike Berry, a Costa Mesa resident who opposes rezoning 1901 Newport Blvd., is running for a seat on the City Council. He is already a member of two committees that work to improve the Westside. to add a 400-plus acre chunk to the downtown redevelopment zone. The council -acting as th e Redevelopment Agency - opted to redevelop a much srnaJJer portion of the commer- cial corridor along 19th Street berween Maple Street and Fed- eral Avenue, as weU as five par- cels to the south of the major thoroughfare. Berry accused city leaders of not adding a larger portion to the 1.0ne because they would rather spend redevelopment fo nds on the 1901 Newpon project. The agency offered Rut- ter a S 1.5-11\illion subsidy to lower the density ror the modi- fied project that was approved. .. Had they expanded the re· development area, they not only wouJd have received additional income, they would have spent additional income to redevelop," Berry said. "But they didn't want to do that. They wanted to spend it on this project." I le also doesn't think the city is trying hard enough to create homeownership op ponunities for residents. He was one of the vocaJ opponents against the city providing land at a cheap price to Habitat for Humanity for its development at 1925 Pomona Ave. "We had six new homes tha1 were built, and no one from Costa Mesa got one of thoi.e hom es." Berry said. I le said he would have liked to see the Redevelopment Agency make an effon to eni.ure the low-income unjts required for the 190 I Newport project be re· served for city residents. 'This il> the redevelopment agency, and they have different laws and different way:. they can set this property aside. and whether they can do it or not, they're not trying,.. Berry ~aid. "Because they·re not trying, we'll never know if they can." The city's handJing of Center Une is another issue lliat rile~ Berry. "No one that I have talked to wants this train running through !he city. but the City Counctl ap· proved 11," Berry said. "TI1ey did not have an agendized public hearing for the city of Co1>1<1 Mesa." AJI these examples illu<;tratc an unhcaJthy trend toward "un- controlled urbanization," Berry said. .. h\ happening in all of Soulhern (,aliforma-all thl' m - ies arl' going through the .. ame thing, but some of !he cities urc managing it better than otlll'r~." Herry -.aid. "My pcri.onal feding is that Co..,ta Mesa 1., alluwmg si1uauo1h tn otrur that fo..,ter this but art·n·t controlled:· Kathlel'n <llld lhnsti.111 I nc, who have worked with Berry on 11nproving the We-,t!>1dt'. &aid hi' background in fi nanct' .ind man· agement and dedica1ion would quaJify h1111 well lor the counrtl. "I am tJi.,appointed in the d1 rection that the current council 1s going in re<,pect tu 1~01 ew port and rnncur with M1kl' Berry's viewpoint 1ha1 Wt' need less den!>ily, It•..,... traffic and bt•t ter parking fur this project." KathJel'n Erir 'aid. "I think tlml he \viii !>lick to tht• 'Pirit ol tht' general pl,111 111 ,1 way that will give C..o!>t,1 l\lt•,,111, a higher qu.il ity of lift•. .. l\1ikc dol':O. 111.., rc-,carch ,111d homework and I' the kind of per'>Oll who a'>b the hard qut",. tion,," -.he ,;11d. "We need th.11 in a councilman to an1ve at the good anw•l'r.., " H~ My name is Lany, I'm a Du Addict You're not alone, Larry, and we can belp! Many people who get hooked on baycrufslng are finding there's a new ec1sy f ix-the All-New DUFFY PAKTNERSHIPS! Enjoy cruising the harbor at 113 the cost! Duffy can locate a slip, provide total Drlffy Care maintenance, and even provide flnancfng to make ownership e":f)'I Satisfy your cmvlng today and call to ask about tbe Duffy Partnership Program/ RENTALS • SALES • SERVICE 2001 W. Pad&: Coast Hlghvny • Newport Bead1 '9'9) ~5-6812 • www.clufrybolb.com Thursday, January 29, 2004 A3 SHOWCASE GALLERY PAYS TRIBUTE TO SEGERSTROM January 31, 2004 3 to 6 pm The Orange Counry Fine Am, which manage) the Show<.:ase G.tllery. established the gallery in 1986 wi1h 1hc help of Henry egemrom. Since then the gallery h.is hdd a working rdarionship w11h 1he Segermom f.1mily To show 1heir .ippreciarion the 5howc.isc: Gallery Commmee held Jn .in evenr a1 the original eger~trom family f.irmhou'e The evrnt, wh ach w.is open to all members of 1he OCf.A. wJs a weeklong event 1h.11 allowed 1he p.trt1C1pa1ing amst' tu Vl\1t 1he ground~ of the f..irmhouse and creJtc paintings, phoww.1ph), ere of 1t. • All panicipating artists will be present • O pen to the public flto{(X:a Je </a/leJf}I 385 1 S Bear St, Ste B-15, South Coast Plaza Village tA•rn'' Imm Bluc\\~trr (.,rill Rr,tJurant Jnd Jdu" lrum the Ruont & Bu.ndl G.ill<'r)' hour' m: Wednesd.1,· h1Ja} 11 am-)pm. Saturd.1~ I I .im -6 pm. anJ 5und:w I I .im-3 pm For more information call 714-540-0430. ()f!Jf 1'' ( ount-r f 1r~e Art<, · 1n(111 f!fr)f.t lirqrn11;-rit1 )1 www. ora ngeco u n tyf i n e ar ts . com Built by Fishennen for Fishennen With over forty yt:.lrll of providing fi~hing holidays in l\riush Lulumbia, 0Jk l\1ty Marine Croup 11.l~ become the Jargest sport-fishing operation in Nonh Amrnc.1 We know where tht: fish Jre We have the most expencnw.J guid~. the premiere resort lucauon~ and 1hc finDt equipment 1 ly-in to one of our remote locations for the fishing trip of ,1 hfl.'time. Call 1-800-663-7090 or visit www.obmg.com ~t\' Cl tAm (in 1 PmNl ·1 ~~ ,,v MARAl\111 tJtlll1'1olll\MIUlll l'l \"11P\ t11 1)1111 ... 111\1011111 I\ \""lh ~1 ~IV SAL.i\10,... SI I Kl R K1 (, SAL\ION Rt~ORI OU• l ' t H'\tUUtll l\I ,, .. , • 4 •t\t I\ liliil l 1 "' r' OAK BAY MAHlrJI GROUP llur /1,/1 ''"'""I"'"" lr111· M TllUrsdly, Jl'IMJMY 29, 2004 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Horne garage fire put out quickly A garage fire In a Costa Mesa home on 'J\lesday caused about 570,000 in damage. officials said. Flreflghtcrs saw smoke coming ou1 of the garugt: and altlc vents af1er receiv· POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol StNet: Petty theft was reported in the 2900 blodt at 2:55 p.m. Tuesday. • f91r Oriw: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 100 blodt at 3:37 p.m. Tuesday. • N9wport Bouleverd: Possession of drugs was reported in the 2100 blodc at 5:12 p.m. Tuesday. • Paularino Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 blade: at 10:08 a.m. Tuesday. • PIKitntia Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1800 blodt at 11 :27 a.m. Tuesday. • Velenda Street: Graffiti was reported In the 900 blodt al 12:17 p.m. Tuesday, NEWPORT BEACH • East B•lboa Boulevard: ART Continued from Al photographs. ~rm rt'ally into art." he said. "I think an fo~ of an are something we, as humans, can do to express our thoughts ... On Priday. he and memben. of the club will set up \he artwoO. for the show at Newporl I larhur High School. The SS entry and S:I adptission fee will go to Cl It>< •. Qub member Jacque Stit·w. 14. doesn't have any artwork entered, but is helping organi:t.c· the show. The freshman said that she joined the club because slw was looking for one lhat wac; more than just an excuse 10 socialize after school. •/\lot of clubs at school are more just fun to go and hang oul at: she said. Hliut this one actually does something and gives back to the commtlllity. Not many teenagers -especially RAPE Continued from A 1 When she woke up, she fotind lhe suspecl on top of her and rt·· allzed lhal he had penetrated her: Archer said there was no vio· • lent struggle between the tWCJ but that she was ~verbali7jn1( her feelings. The victim told lhe man to leave and called police at abuu1 5 a.m .• he said. Police arresh•d the man wilhin minutes nf'ar the intersection of Adams Av eoue and Albutrol>b Drive. 'flw man was booked on su~pkion of rape and rape with a foreign object, Archer said. It is pretty c11m1111m fo r lht.' dl&trkt attornt•y 10 send cases baclt to police departments for further investigation, he said. "Our requirement to make an arrest on the field may be differ· en t from what the prosecution needs to mak.e their case,· Archer sald. "We make our ar- rest based on probable cause:· The district attorney Is very agwesslve in prosecuting sex crimes. said Assistant Dist. Atty. Rosanne Froeberg, who over- sees the Sexual Assault UnlL Sexual as~ults and rapes present unique challenges to prosecutors becauae they hap· Ing the call at about 11 p.n1., officials s:.tld. 111e two rusl dcnui whv were home nl tl'll' time le(\ and did no1 suffer any injuri~. &ttoJion °''er ()l.l'btopher IUley said. 111e flre was put out in about IO rnlr1utt•S. <tnd II didn'1 !!pread 10 the hon-it· itself, he Said. Twl'nty liJ·l' fighters responded ta I.Ill! call. lnvestigatOt:i an: ~t 111 loolciJ1g into what Clll»ie<l the rtre. Grand theft was reported In tho 700 blodt at 6:32 p.m. Tuesday. • w.st S.lboa Boulevard: A burglary was reported in the 1100 blodt et 8:09 e.m . Tuesday. • Cape Woodbury: An auto theft waa reported in the 100 blade: at 10:59 p.m. Tuesday. • Ufeyetta Avenue: A boat burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 8:64 a.m. Tuesday. • Mattina Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodt at 11:58 a.m. Tuesday. • Opal Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 11:58 a.m. Tuesday. • Tradewind1 Lane and Santiago Drive: A hit·end-run was reported at 7:06 a.m. Tuesday. • Turtte S.y Drive: Vandalism wasreportedinthe100 blodt at 4:46 p,m. Tuesday. FYI •WHAT: Community for a Cure's #The An of Youlhn student art show • WHERE: Newpon Harbor High School, 600 Irvine Ave. •WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday • WHY: Proceeds go to the c-ancer center at Children's Hospital of Orange County •COST: Admission is S3 •INFORMATION: e-mail matthew a1arra3L.net ...enior!oo -want tu WVl' bade, to the rommunity." /\l\l•r Mallht'W, who ls c;1ptain of hi" rowing team, graduates this year. hi!. hro1her and i.ister -1wim. Brian and Taren -will makt> sure it continue5. Plans lrlclude making copit•s of ;_1nwor\ m brighten ranrt.>1 patient's l111'µital rnoms. • MARISA O'NBL covers education. She may be reached at (9491 5744268 or by o mail at maflsa.oneil«v/at1mas.com. pc..•11 b ehind dosed doors, she '>aid. "Wf often <lon'1 have t'yewlt· ne55es or any l'vidl'nct.• 10 cor- roborate the victim'., '>!Ory.• she said. "Somc11mel> the police of lkt>r will :.ay ht• hdit•ves the vic- tim. 8ut that'i. nor l'nough for u~. We have an cthital rode which tt·fll> us 1hal we can't charge i.omconc untll we have a reasonable lwlll'I 1ha1 there is a likelihood of rnnvktion. • l'hcn tllf're art> otlwr chai· knges, such as when a victim who has previously t>n~aged in consensual ~t'x with the suspect 'uddcnly s<1ys 'he has been ruped. "If there has hec11 previously co11sc11sunJ intercourse. that l'itM' is almost impossible to proVI'," she saJd. "For the same reason. date rapes are also diffi· cult.· Bui ln 21)(l:\, her department conducted 44 jury trials and se- cured 38 convictions. Frocbcrg s;.1\d. "We don'1 feel good when we know we have a victim and we cor\'t file charges." she said. HBut we need a lot more than prob- abl<' cause." • DEEPA BHARAnt covers public safety end courts. She may be reactled a1 !949) 574-4226 or by e-mail al deopa,bharath t" le11mes.com. OBITUARIES , Boy succumbs to brain cance An Orange County restaurant just held a fundrajser for the family of Tony Morrell, 10, who fought the disease for five months. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-A 10-year-old who had heen fighting brain cancer for five months died 'lu~day night. To''Y Morrell, who loved to PARK Continued from A 1 i'jck. a fmrner Parks and Re- creation com.missioner, agreed. "We're not a revenue stream." he said. "We're community· based nonprofit orga.niz.ations. ·111c benefits our programs pro· vldt! far exceed tl'le cost.· 01arging Costa Mesa residems monl.'y to use their city's fields would amoun1 to "double 1axa- 1h111, .. said OlrL<i Sarris, reglonal PORTRAIT Continued from Al wanted.~ It has been her llream since fiflh grade to allt!nd UCLA. Now that she's living It, she is ecstatic abom what ~he's learning and the "godly"' prufcssors she gets 111 work with. many of them working artists she ;admires. CONFESSIONS OF A 'SUPER, SUPER NERD' Nechita is ''looking forward to the transfonnation" she will undergo after her tenure at lhe university. Time will tell how much evolution her already famous technique undergoes -a distinctive s1yle that has generated critical attention, good and bad, for being a dead ringer for Pablo Picasso's cubism. for Plcas<10. the 1cchniqut• was years in the making -a consdous choice lo forge a new road and abandon tJ1e co11wn1ions uf hb stylism predt'l"t.'SSOrS For Nechua, 11 Wa!oo a matter of instinrt. As a child, people would ask Nechila why she painted the way .she did, going as far as asking her whether tl1ere wai. somelhing wmng with her eyesight. CURVE Continued from Al primarie!. still lo come will, of rnur ... e, finally decide who goeo; up against Bush in November. hut lhe once foregone conclusion that it would be Dean hal>"deteriora1ed considerahly. I low m uch this hns 10 do witl'l his post-election performance in Iowa, l have no idea. So I asked that question of Dr. Joseph Pursch, our friendly neighborhood shrink, who on·asionally breaks bread at our huusc. "The negative reaction to Dean's behavior after the loss in Iowa simply demonstrates that a large segment of tJ1e public doesn't tnist somebody whose self-control degenerates into behavior they arc capable of themselves -that under the pressure of campaigning. he turns out to be no beuer lhau they are," he said. "This isn't a problem with young people. who find Dean appealing because in many ways he acts like them by speaking the trulh Immediately without regard to consequences," Pursch said. •au1. generally. we are AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item• to ihe Daily Plloi. 330 W. Bay $1., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to Juis.pena@Jatlmn.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170: or by calllng (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well n a cootect phone number. TOOAY 1M UC..._ lntllmetioNI Centtr for Wrttlng end Tr11n.aatlon will a>cplore the varloua weya In wtlld"I Maori languege and cuhura mfft the worb of Shakeapeare with a aemlnar llt 4 p.m. In th• vet Humantti• lnttructlonal Sulldlng, room 135. A reading and film tcntenlng of "Maori Merchant of v.n~ will be et 7 p.m. In the UCt Humenftiet lnatruc:tlon.l BuUdtng, room 100. The ooet la $&. lnformltion: htfp:www.hn«.ud.eduAcwr. ,. play with his Xbox, wru; a fourth· grader 31 Kaiser Elementary School. Around Christmastime. Tony was given two to four weeks 10 live. J Ifs family toolt him 10 Tuxas to try an experimental drug. bu1 his cam:er was loo advanced commissioner of the American Youlh Soccer Organization. ·we pay trutes and truces pay for our fields." he said. The fees would also affect low· income families that participate in sports, resident Olivia Ramos said. "We charge fees per family now," she said. MWlth these fees. we'll have lo charge per person. And that's a lot for tl'lese families to pay." Commissioner Wendy Leecc said she believes tl'lere should be no fees imposed on local leab•ues "That used to rnake me mad,'" Nechi1a said . "I would just have to 1elJ people. ·1 don't feel as you may feel.' I don't know why I paint tl'lis w.iy, J don't know how I do it. Ifs somethlng Iha! just happens." Picrure an 8-year-old girl in a s1udio wilh her paints and a canvas. A self-described '"teacher's pet" and "super. super nerd~ locking herself away m a roum. needing to be alone with her work. "I lhough1 everyone should understand." Nechita said. Ml used to freak o ut when J was bolhered. Painting. it's such a sensual momen1, an am37Jng emotion. J become one with my medium, and there's nothjng else," J ler love for painting grew, and while olher artists her age are clamoring to be on M'IV or featured in the next teen Oick. Nechila h<Lc; found creative freedom working in a medjum that is hundreds of years old. "I still believe painting can capture delic:He, sensitive sentiments \hat no ocher medium can." Nech it a said. "TI1ere is a connection between the viewer and artwork lhat doesn't exist anywhere else." 'IDOL' CHAlTER Nechita has bel·n m the public eyl' for mos1 of her life and 1:recli1s her parent~. Niki and Viorica, for helping her develop unfof!.,riving of people seeking public office who behave as we do or show human weakness. Dean has to dig out of lhis place with humor, and he seemed 10 do that quite wclJ In New I lampshlre."' This leads me to wonder at lhe superficiality of lhe judgments we pass on our polhical candidates. I'm old enough to rem ember Sen. bdmund Muskie standing in a New Hampshire snowstorm and shedding a fn1strated tear over an outrageous 'ihot at his wife in a local righ1-wing newspaper. This public display of emotion probably cost him lhe I >emocratic nomination against Hichard Nixon in 1972. I find a special sort of irony in noting that while Dean was being pilloried in the medfa for his Iowa antics, the vice president of lhe Unite<l States was making speeches here and abroad hanging on doggedly to 1 he fan1asy of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. At the srune time. his own director of the search for those weapons was saying publicly -and emphatically-that the overwhelming weight of evidence Indicated that no such weapons existed. Oiclt Oieney's near-fanatical state of denial got FRIDAY The Orange County ch•pter of Childhelp USA and Cirque du Soleil will host e benefit performance of #Varekai" et 8 p.m. at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center. All proceeds will be donated to Childhelp USA by Cirque du Solell. There wlll be e post-.veni party hosted by South Coast Plaza at 3333 Bear St. Costa Mesa. Tlckett colt $100 to $120. Information and ticket•: (949) 548-4228. SATURDAY The l.Mgu.of Won.-~ of Orange Coast will preeent ·raking Government 8adt: lnitiltlw Rtf9ntndum end Recall Good or Bed1• from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Ntwp<>n 8tedl Central Ubrary, 1000 A\IOCldo Avt. Information: (949) &Q~102. SUNDAY ttumen Opdona. whk:tt ...... and he w·~ too weak for It to work. His parent.~. Carol Dugun aod BUl Morrell, wi.U not be corn· menting publicly for ut lenst a week. A memorial service has not bctn scheduJ1.4<l yet. I Us grandfather. Bob Dugan, said he and his wife spenl time with Tuny'ti parents on Tuesday night after looy die'L "We knew it was coming,• liob Dugan said. "(Tony) made com· and t~ams. "Costa Mesa kids should have the abmty to use the fields for free,· she said. "I think taxes pay for it.• Nonresidents should have to pay higher fees for using Costa Mesa's fields, not residents, Commissioner Byron de ArakaJ said. "I would never want to ask any uf lhe locnl teams to pay a ny kind of fee for using uur fields," he c;aiJ, rhc ciiy should "support our youth and their ac1ivi1ie&." Com lwr strong sense uf love and re!>pect. .. I know my parent .... would du anything for me ~md I would do anythiJ1g for lhem. 11 ·~ so imponant for parents to es1ablish a firm friendship w\th !heir chiJdren. That's what my parents have given me.'' Nechita's 9-yeat ·old brother. MaximHlian, whom she calls '"the love of my life,~ rounds out her family. She adores the boy - he·., lhe only person allowed in hN studio while she wor~ - and he serves as a means of escaping the collegiate pressures nf class work and paper deadlines. Maximiilian recentJy pulJed his big sisler aw-..ay Crom her studies to partake in his current ohsessiun, "American Idol." "I nearly thought I was going 10 die," Nechita said aboul her impromptu dose of realiry 1elevision . ··My motto is if you have a dream, do ii. I can honestly see myself in some of those rejected people trying to live out their dream. "But then again. these people can't sing," she said. GIVE ME TIME AND GIVE ME SPACE The man1rity of Nech11a's artwork and the success of her career can some1imes cause people to forget that she's still a teenager-a young woman who rocks out tu Coldplay and nowhere near the cowrage of Dean's hollering -perhaps because Olency delivered it in sof1, welJ-mudulatcd tones. In lhe primaries to come, Dernocratk voters may nm sel· De<.111 as 1hc strongest orponent to send ou1 against Bush. tf that's how it plays out, so be it. "n1ey m ay well be right, but I hope tl1at decision isn't based on incidcms that speak more to his humanity than his qualifications for the presidency. I'd much rather support a candidate rapable of shouting his fmi-tration to a group of youthful supponers lhan one who softly and calmly denies reality. No m acter what happens now to Howard Dean's candidacy. I feel I owe him a debt of grat..itude. He brought into 1he open a whole series of issues on whirh lhe Democratic opposition had been cowed inlO siJence by lhe fear of being judged unpatriotic. It took Dean to hreak lhrough lhis cowardice, put lrdq on the table and then speak out for the multitudes of Americans who opposed lhis war. both before it took place and after it turned lnto a quagmire of violence and chaos. While his opponents for the nomlnation were moving aggressively into tl'le new battered women. their families and the communily break the cycle of domestic violence, will hold Its second Super Bowl Golf Tournament at 8:16 a.m. at Pelican Hiiis Golf Courie, 22651 Pelican Hiii Road. Newpon Coast and a Super Bow1 Plrty et Tommy Bahama's, 864 Avocado Ave, Newpon Beed"\. Information and NJServations: (949) 581-6701. Th• Ughthou .. Oulld, en auxiliary d"laptpr of Oflve Crest Homea and Service• for Abuaed Children, will hold I~ third annual Super Bow1 Extravaganza at 1 :30 p.m. It the Newport Beedl Marriott, 900 Newport Center Ottvt. Tht l.lker Glrta will matt I ..,.cfal tc>PNrtnc. It a Pf'9Qlmt tallglltt party, t f'\d the b41nd Sug1r Ray wlll ~at thl efte'1>t"Y· Tkbta eott $126. Information: http:/lwww.ocllghtltou#.com. MONOAY Hoet...., wit'*' ·CttW»1 menl durin~ the dme he side und wondered why It Wjl$ him and (whyl things were goibg tJ1e way it was. ! "lie loved 10 fish." he added. "He and his dad used to go out in a boat. So we kind of think ;or hi111 n11 out there fishy1g. aAd one of tJ\cse days we'll go fishlng with him.w A ftlndru.iscr on Tuesday ew · nin~ a t the !led Robin in Orangt• raised $2.174 for Tony's family., rn1ss10ner James Fisler said. Commissioners Mirna Burciaga and Mnrk I larris agreed . 'J110se who t'ame to the meet· ing to oppose the proposed f~!oo ~aid they were happy w\lh the commission's decision. ' "Denying the refommendfl- tiou wa~ the right decision ." Zick suid. ··n1ey did the right thing.• • OEEPA BHARAnt covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at l949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bl1arath ·~ la11mes.com. ' nadiohead in her c.:ar. a "movie freak" with her Blockbuster card aJways ready to go, and someone who gets a good laugh out uf an episode of "The O.C." Most artists spend a lifetime trying to achieve what Nechita already has, yet ~he is still evolving. She's now experimt'nting with glass and sculpture. and plans to study in Europe regularly over the course of her college career. When talking about the various challenges she experiences in her everyday life and what may be ahead in her future, Nechita sounds wise beyond her years. "I have nothing to complain about. F.verything's wonderful. even if it's not. It's alJ about picking the pieces up and putting them back together - that's what strength is. walking around and being tough. That's what it 's all about." Then, she pauses. "I love waffles." Another pause, and tht•n a laugh. ··1 know, I'm very random." , Nol rundom, just energetic 1 and 18. •JOSE J . SANTOS is the art diredor and news Clesk chief. He can be reached al jose.santos\9 /atimes.com. For a review of the Alexandra Nectlita • show at 1he Wentwo11h Gallery. see Friday's Happenings section. . ' 1erri10ry Dean opened up for · lhem. they beat him up over ~: several statements too hones{•1 he politically expedient. The ' best example was his comment that we are no safer after 1hc ·.., capture of Saddam Hussein.~ best, thii. is a simple slatement:. of fact, a11d -at worst -a certainly arbri1ablt· position, • : given lhe evidence we M!l! to~. Some of his other t.tatement~ arc more difficult to defend-;• especially his floating of an • ' 11nsupponed rumor that Bush , was forewarned of the 9/ 11 attack. Dean should be ht.'ld • • accountahle for such assertio~~. but he '>hould also be allowed:• the same slac.:k given ocher • : candidates who tah· far fewer 1 risks. Maybe all of the candidates ~f all the parties shuuid have for : ready reference llrn. i.tatement }Jf Dwight EisenJ1ower: "I !ere in • America we are descended in• ; blood and in spirit from : revolutionists and rebels -m en and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse - hones1 dissen t with disloyal : subversion." ~ • JOSEPH N. BEU is a resident of; Santa Ana Heigh ls. His column ~ appears Thursdays. : I Legal Resource Center; with ' I speaker Barbara Sdiwerin, tro"l 6:30 to 9 p.m. et Hoag Cancer 1 Center'• radiation oncology : library. Information and 1'9servations: (949) 760-6542. . I VoklntMrs for a.ftl. • poftdcal ! organization supporting the presidential campaign of Democrat VVesley K. Cla'*. will I hott a meet-up at 7 p.m. at • Margarittville, 2332 w. Coast I I Highway. Nt wport Beach. • Information: I ' lnfo§volunteersforr:lark.com, I I http.:1..-WWW.moetup.com. , ..j .. • TUESDAY , Hoee Holpftel wtl ........ • , communtty ldUc9Uon et... on ' •HNrt Aatdc: Signal1 and ' Acttona• by Dr. lAe Ca11er et 6 p.m. at tti. Hoeg Hoepftal Confwance Center In Newport hech. lnfonnadon tnd • • ,....rvatlons: (800) 614-te24, • f ltttp;IANww.hollQhoep/r.l.olfl; • : .,,J ' Daily Pilot ~ataCOMltANY 2196 Horbor e.h.d, CM (9•91 631-21 10 1 •• ' ~T LANDING ~3. E. edg.wo..,,N8 •• ,(949) 675-2373 Triangle~. CM (9A9) 6 42 ·0090 '•uffet• SOU~l.ANTATION 1 555 Adam• Ave. CM (71 A) 556-1903 ·Chin••• ...--,.~cm-. NS (9 1·1222 , · ,...lo<Jront.com al~l8D t 9 1 00 VOi\ Korman A,..., trvlne (9A9) 752·5222 www.biP<Jng<> CCHn Hotel a HYATT IRVIN• t 7900 Jombor-Rd, Irvine (949) ~75· 1 234 HYAn MllWPOttnR 1107 Jo~ Rd, Ne. (949) 729· 1 2::i.. CMt Crilled Ft.._ Cltldl .. 6 Tl1 Tip Stuk Wol'1d Clua Cllo,..i..r• 6 C••bot. c;.,.,..,, S•oked Fbb SAaATINO'S 251 Ship)l'Ord Woy, NS (949) 723-0621 VILLANOVA 3131 W . Coa .. Hwy, NB (949) 6<12·7880 www.villono.ao I 'ao'f'Dnt CCHn Japa"'19 B•NIHANA 4250 Birch St, ... (9 4 9 ) 955-0eD NSWMMMI~ 1 969 Hotbcw lfw.d, CM (949) 6<15-9934 Mexican AVILA'S n. llAHCHrTO 2 10 1 f'tacent;o A.,., CM )949) 6<12· 1142 MAltOAlllTAVlu.9 2332 W . Coa.i Hwy, NB (949) 631-8220 MICASA 296 E. 17 .... St, CM (PA9 ) OA.F7626 p.qlan DAllYA 16 I 1 Sunflower Ave South Cooat Plo&o Villoge (71 A) 557·6600 rranean STRO 580 Anton 81vd, CM (71 .. , 556-6555 Moroccan Bistro Le Crillon Chc:f/Ownc:r Chanral Bc:non de Crillon, believes in sharing the elegance of Provencal cuisine with her cusrnmers. Soft lights. warm wood .llld trad11io naJ Provencal decor all add to this ttuaint Newpart Beach bistro. Signature djshcs such as Chicken Burgundy, Faisan, Venison, Casso~let, Pork, Filet Mignon and Rack of Lam~ & Pizzas from .a Wood Burr11ng Oven, a selection of fresh fish as Atlanuc Salmon, English Dover Sok and ea Bass, and the: Pastas such as the: Tondlini Gorgonzola, there 1s something fo r everyone -not forgetting the magnificent Chocolate [~ Souffie and Profiterolles." ~ 1 2523 Eastbluff Dr. Shopping Center, .'\t:. Newport Beach, CA (949) 640-8181 I 2003 ADVERTISEMENT ' ' t .,., • ~~ ~ • ~i1tn t~ C;it/Pn · Sl VAunuM 'J 7-};,"~ .. s~~, -:Fell>IW'!J 1~, :J.1)()4 ]'T Seating: 6:00 p.m. ~Seating: 8:00 p.m . .. . . ... ... ' '··"j ~ M • E • N • U · .. : '~ ' l • ""i"\' .. • Prier ptr perwon: $49.90 •) /" ,.........., '"""-' c-. ~ lnrludo-d ~I U5 ,, WWW ~tAOl.lCNJ.UN ~ ~SJJ &ul.Jfd twr1 • IJNo;,.X ~ l..11,ollO 5wM1 • No 5'vT OllotAS • No SualmuTION5 Thursday, January 29, 2004 A5 Lunch: Tuesday to Friday l 1:30am -2:00pm Dinner: Monday to Saturday 5:30 -lO:OOpm Visit us at www.bistrolccrillon.com ~;,1)~ e~~~ ~arr1ott. IRVINE Celebrate a Romantic Getaway I Your Experience includes: • 0-mght guest room on Sotvrdoy, Feb 14th • Wekome Chompogne del1ve<ed k> guest room • Dinner for 2 persons in ELEMENTS I 02 Restouronl • Breoklos1 lor 2 persons 1n ELEMENTS I 02 ReWuront MARlltAKllSH 1976 Newpott Blvd, CM (949) 645-838• Tea TWA A SYM~ATHY 369 E. 1 7t+. St • CM (949) 645·4860 Dine at Your Favorite L cal Restaurant! Find it in the DSelecttons of entrees include lilet Mignon, Souteed Colossal Shrimp ond Roosted free Range Ch.den q • Compl1mentory Valet Porlung ~ • late Check-Out 2 pm D~ Complete Package $169 ~r person (bosed on clOuble occupancy) NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WRY NOT TRY ••• Boanemade l•vloll's, Fresh Fish, Frnb Steaks, Vul ........ 8 More! BEST MUSSELS IN TOWN! YaaaadJDIUpnla are sar• ta •jay lids aufaad fanrlte far huacla or dblller! ltll llralild ,_, lalPma IDDrallt1Clutyl ·OCWlellly Laclllllftll ,.... ........... 7 OUfDOO•NTID .__,,_. ......... ..... rat. ................ . a.llllmull Cll.DUTUll •HUI IN HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Btvd., Suite K-1 Costa Mesa (949) 722-7566 Daily A Pilot To advertise on this page, please coll rJ_ v (excluding lox and groiu1tyl · ~( For Reservations, Please Coll: Wencly Schuck at 949-724-3662 49.574.4243 CJ" Ask for the Valentine's Doy package q ..,\\arnott 18000 Von Karman Avenue · Irvine, CA 92612 m11tu (949) 553-0100 Cornelius Herring Uve On The Piano Monday Evenings 6:30-10 PM $4 Martini Specials BABY BACJtS! ... A .... i..ts Of OdNr 0.-Stuff! We Have A Lot 0£ Competition, But Our Ribs Don't •.• and Never Will! Order Your Super bowl Party Pak• Now! Plek11P a Bucket or Partr Pak! Available after 1 Oam ~kit .. ~·d Otkn. lol.tsl.N tb Siu5lgt. Siad lltYd. CdeWw. 88Q"d Ben. (.om Bleld. 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I' ( ! ,,/11/11u (roly ./1/1/IO 4.Sr'/on -1;:S~1n /'m11r /~u111 with Smokul S11lmon $18.95 N11·11J1 ufU1idun Monaco $19.95 Ma/Ji Main $19.95 N1111St l'mnr Rib of /Juf $22. 95 R111w R11rk of Lamb $29.95 l.r1b11rr rhrnnaJQr $22.95 .\11rf and Turf$39.95 Above entrees includes vegetable, nee or potato and speC1al aessert MAl<E EAAl Y RESERVATIONS SPENO AN E'vENING ON THE RlvERBOAT! .\r1u111x from 7:30pm • Entrrtammmt from 8:00 p.m. DINING & DANCING • LIVE ENTEKl'AINMl!.NT FEATURING ~ ~ }>..o "~ ~,.,; •• '* ~ App~/1.er & Soup and Entree Choice of One: RoaJt Prime Rib of Buf I obstrr Tlurmador $]' h CLJ5 Surf and Tur{ ~./'!:"" Breast of Ch1clun Monaco Prr O,uplr :::~ Dt'SJtn -1iramisu WE EE YOUR NEED FOR LIFE IN SURANCE GROWING EVERY DAY. \X'f· I IVI. WHERE YOU LIVE. As your funily grows, so docs your need for protection. And nobody can help you provide that protection like me, your Sratc Farm agcm. Sec me today. Steven Hill l.ic. IOC80618 3~0 ~t 17th Strcc1. \u11c 211 Cost.a Mesa. C..A 9~9-646-93')3 ......... UKE A GOOD NEJGHBOR A STATF. PARM IS THERE."' t N•VI A•C\ 1111ttjilr,,, mm• ''"" llltM / 1/r ft11Nfo4thf (""'""If' (f'+/•f fttt"6Jrfl 'It \'J Ht \4 /J '·"' /Jr,., I 1/t' 11.,J A1rw/(#t ,iU#Nll.U ( OM/'«"' (I 11 r,..,J '" ,\'~ t1flfilll U'IJ ·~· • 1 y. '"'"' 11.-''>fir"• IJJJ>,,,..,"t' .... JU, •• ,, Dwt Plot Fewer freshmen have applied to UC schools The decline. the first in 10 years, comes as the UC president is asking campuses to admit fewer students. MarlH O'N•ll Dally Pilot UC IRVINE -University of California campuses received fewer applications Crom high school students for fall 2004 than last year, the first time the system has seen a drop ln to years. Freshman applications sys- temwiJe dropped by 4.1 % and dropped by J .4% al UC Irvine, according 10 a repon released by UC officials on 1\Jesday. Gov. Ar· nold Schwarzenegger's pro- posed state budget calls for UC campu&es to cut freshman en- roUment by 10%-a task made easier wirh a smaller pool of ap- plicants. "We never welcome a de · crease in applications.• UC spokaman Hanan EJsenman sakL •eut g;ven that we'R! being asked to decrease freshman en- rollment by 3,200 students next year, a slight reduct.ion (in appli· canons) may ease pressure on the system.· Schwarzenegger's budget also requires UC schools to increase fees by I~ for underwaduate and 40% for graduate students. Thal comes on top of other re- cent Increases. Overall. UC r.amp~ saw J .JCJL fewer applications than last year -a 3.8% drop since fall 2002. International students had the biggest drop at 37.SCJL over· all, 56CJL for transfer students. After the Sepl l I terrorist at· taclcs, the government tightened requirements on student visas. which may have contributed 10 (ewer intemationaJ applications. Eisenman said. ·we believe the decrease (ln applications! may be tied to modest growth in graduating high school students this year at less than 1% and UC Cee In· creases due 10 state budge1 cuts. .. Eisenman said. ·Another factor is the new federal immi· gratlon policies, which make it more difficult for International students.· The total number of transfer students applying. however, in· creased by 5.7% for aU campuses and by 139' for UCI. Students applying for their freshman year at UCJ are also getting smaner. The mean high school grade point average went 10 3.64 from 3.61 last year and SAT composite scores increased from 1152 IO 1164 out of a pos- sible 1600. The UC presidents office has instrucu . .; each campus to se1 freshman enrollment targets of 400 fewer students this year to meet Schwanenegger's require- ments, Eisenman said. Those who mee1 eljgi bili1y re- quirements but don't get ac· cepted may be selected 10 talce part in a transfer program, wh ich would guarantee their ac· ceplance after they fulfilled coLme requirements at a com- munlry college, he said. Another program is also planned that wouJd accept eligible students at the Riverside or new Merced campus even if they don't quali- fy for the transfer program. Merced. the UC system's 10th school, is scheduled to open in fall 2005. Orange Coasl College's enroll- ment, on the other band, in· creased by t 2% tltls spring, said Nancy Kidder. admin.islraltve dean of admissions and records. "We're seeing a steady in- crease for the last four years, predominantly In students un· der 21, • sh e said. "We anticipate an increase through at least 2010." Because or budget cuts, the school has cut course offerings by about 20%, but demand has nor slowed down, Kidder said. She estimates the school turned away 4.000 srudents las! fall be- cause students could not find the courses they needed. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL l lere are some decisions coming out of ·ruesday's City Council meeting. CITY ATTORNEY RECRUITING ll1e coum:iJ KOt a brief update on ihe elTorti. to replace City Atty. Bob Burnham, who plans to retire July I. Staff members reponed that an executive search firm had been hired 10 identify candidares.. WHAT rT MEANS It's not likely that the city will release the names of the candidates during the interview proces.'>. Often, applicants want their names kepi confidential, city officials said. State open-meeting laws perrrul city officials lo make hiring decisions in closed -door meetings. PLACING UTILITIES UNDERGROUND A plan IO remove light poles from Balboa BouJevard, Bay Avenue and Ocean Fronr between Adams and A streets failed Tuesday after propeny owners in the area voted against forming an assessment district. The council held a public heating on the maner while experts tabulated VOies or the residents and business owners in the area. Property owners would have paid anywhere from $965 to $53,626 over 15 years to pay back bonds used to finance the $1.305,761 in wort. Of the property owners In the proposed district, 54% voled againsr the plan. TI1e council did nol get an opportunity to vole on forming the assessment district because Ille property owners voted against it WHAT IT MEANS Mayor Tod Ridgeway said he believed that the decision would harm the plans 10 continue revitalizatlon of Balboa Village. WHAT THEY SAID: ·rm ashamed of the people who voted no.· Mayor Tod Ridgeway said. "If you didn't have I.be foresight to see that th.is was being done for your benefit. shame on you.· NEXT MEETING 7 p.m. Feb. 10, City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. Council agendas and staff reports are available online several days before each meeting at http://www.city.newport-besch.cs.us. For informalion by phone, call (949) 644-3000. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE It's officially a pany. The City Council has created a comminee to begjn planning fostivilles for the ciry's IOOth anniversary, which will Lake place in 2006. Councilmen Don Webb, Steve Bromberg and Gary Adams malce up the new commlnee. WHAT JT MEANS: The new commillee wiJl be charged wilh gerting citizens involved in the planning of centennial evenrs. TI1ey will also work on budgeling the cost to the city for the events and other commemorative items. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE THE includes language that gives students, faculty and staff at all NEXT MEET1NG DISTRICT rhe consequences for seniors school sites from one hour •WHEN: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10 who have violated the policy in before the beginning of the Here are some decisions corning out of1\1esday's Newport-Mesa Unified School Districr meeting. REVISION TO STUDENT CONDUCT POLICY The board considered changes 10 Policy 4210, which relates 10 general srudent cond uct. WHAT JT MEANS This policy relates to suspension. ~ •"Pulslon, involuntary transfer to continuati on school and exclusion. In a series of study sessions, rhe board has been reviewing the policy, which defines causes for studenr discipline. The revision SPEAKERS Continued from Al ing speaking times for consent calendar Items, hy the end of Tuesday's meeting, all the council members were swayed by about a half-dozen residents who shared OttJng's feeling.1. "1 thlnlc five minutes is the ap- propriate amOwlt of time,· Councilman John Heffernan said. The councilmen were less unJ. fled on whether 10 change the or· der of llems on the agenda. Wllh their lasl semester in school. Those students wouJd nor be able 10 participate in any school activitles, including graduation. NUTRITION RULES AND REGULATION The board hean:I a presentation about student nutrition from Director of Nutrition Services Richard Green e. WHAT JT MEANS To help combat childhood obesity, the district ~ lo~ a Nutrition Advisory Committee. The committee reconunended adoption or the nutrition policy they developed. which will: • Prohibit the sale of carbonated beverages to Ridgeway and Gary Adams dis· scoring, a majority voted to keep the consent calendar at the be- ginning of the evening's agenda but to push to the end of the night talks on any items pulled from the consent calendar. The idea, supporters said, ls that the people waiting to particl· pale in talks on non-coment cal· endar Items such as public hear· lngs won't haw to waJt an hour or two longer than they expected just because one person wanted a consent calendar item pulled oft' the agenda. Some said that city staff mem- Lookinr for the best dea on a used BMW, Mercedes, Porsche? Came ta TIL.0'5 &UFIOPllAN AUTOt--JAUS school day through one hour after the end of Ille school day. • Prohibit the use or candy by teachers as a behavioral reward for classroom achievement. • Prohibit depriving students to access to nutrition as a punishment • Link nutrition, physical and health education competencies in the curriculum as~ measures in the devel menr of a comprehensive nu rition policy. ADDITIONS TO HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY 1Wo new courses -college shop and life skills -were considered for addition to the high school curriculum. CoUege shop was added in a 7-0 vote. Ufe slcills will be reconsidered at the next meeting. bers make wrong choices about what items should be noncontro· versial enough 10 get on the con- sent calendar and what items re· quire public attention and discussion. Qty Manager Homer Bludau took responsibillry. ~It's hard to predict," Bludau said. ·ru try 10 do better in the future.· The Idea to change the pro- cedures was inspired largely by one man: Balboa Island resident Jim Hildreth. who usually pulls from the consent calendar the item to approve the minutes of • WHERE: Roderick H. MacMillian Board Meeting Room at the District Education Center, 2985-A Bear St .. Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: Agendas are available several days before each meeting at http://www. nmusd.k12.ca.us/deptslboe/. WHAT JT MEANS CoUege shop is designed 10 prepare students for higher education. It will teach nole talcing. study skills. test lalcing. SAT preparation. effective textbook reading, library research skills and spealcin g skills. Ufe skills is a home economics core class for freshmen. It would cover nutrition and health. chiJd development, food preparation and clothing construction. This class was puJJed for further review, the previous meeting so he can protest how they were recorded. Otting and other residents who spoke against the shonened comment period agreed that Hil- dreth could help by being more selective in his comment& MWouJd people like to see me go away1 Yes," Hildreth said. "But we're the people. and we haw a right to be hean:I." I I •JUNE CASAGRANDE oovers : Newport Beadi and John Wayne ' Airport. She may be reac:ned at (~I 574-4232 Of by &-n'\811 It I June.casagrandfl@latimes.com. : >t tJ t j , "'Daily Pilot Thursday, January 29. 2004 AJ ••• '· FORUM HOW TO~~ -lMliln: Mail to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St •• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ANders Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (9491 646-4170 ' E.fMl:Send to dai/ypifot@latimes.com •All comtspondenoe must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. ' . . . EDITORIAL :::.singling out :~speakers treads "..On shaky ground ··w e've all known • • • people who just talk too much. They go • on and on about nearly nothing, a habit that - after minutes, hours, days and years -can become extremely aggravating. Luckily enough, we always can wallc away from. hang up the phone on or just start avoiding these annoying personalities. Members of the Newport Beach City Council aren't that fortunate, however. Essentially paid volunteers, by running for office, they have chosen to listen to residents, developers. gadflies and assorted cranks talk: about whatever they see fit during the public speaker portions of council meetings. And so they were right on Tuesday when they decided against restricting speakers' time on certain agenda items to three minutes from five. Doing otherwise would have been a regulatory version of cutting off speakers who drone on and on every meeting. Instead, the council altered its procedures so that anyone wishing to talk about items on the "consent calendar" will have to wait until the end of the meeting. It is a fair compromise. one affecting items considered routine by city staff that often include second readings of ordinances, approvaJ of minutes and other minor acts of governing. But it still is one with a few potential problems. The most serious concern we have is that change was made with a few notable "offenders" in mind. The rationale for the change is understandable. however. Too often, it is all too 1 clear that people standing before the City Council are talldng about issues that are not important to them. Why they are up there vari es. Perhaps they like to hear themselves talk. Maybe they are trying to get under the collective sJcin of the City Council. And; yes. they often are the same people who stood up at lhe last meeting. probably ma.Icing the exact same point and making the meeting last just a little longer than needed. But as understandable as the reason is. city leaders aJso should realire that they appear to have made a change 10 city policy direc1ed at partiC\llar people who seem 10 abuse their right to speak. And any government that makes specific rules 10 corral specific people borders on abusive, if not totalitarian. That is a strong word, and while we are not applying it to City I laJI for thi-; decision, it is what Lies at the end of the line of such thinking. Ciry leaders should recognize that and perhaps reconsider if they are comfortahle with the change. Another concern lies in th e very nature of the consent calendar as routine. One person's idea of unexceptional can be a life-or-death matter for someone else. Forcing people who care deeply about an L'>Sue to wait hours to have their say. goes against ideals of public participation in government and talces power out of residents' hands and puL<; it 100 m uch into the hands of elected officials. This issue is not the fault of officials in City I lall, however. Anyone who has bee'n to or watched a Newport Beach City Council meeting (or, for the record, Costa Mesa City Council m eeting) knows there are a handful of people who abuse their right to speak. They are the ones responsible for creating an environment in which city leaders feel it necessary 10 put olJ public commenr until the end of the meeting. They are the ones who are to blame when a resident, who comes 10 the council wishing 10 talk about an item on the consent calendar, has 10 sit through an entire meeting to be heard. They should be ashame<l of themselves for o hijacking city meetings that such a change has become necessary in the eyes of city leaders. READERS RESPOND Allegations fly in race for state Senate .. AT ISSUE: John Campbell 's allegation of a questionable financial link between Ken Maddox and Assembly Democrats. , T his letter is in reference to a story printed about • '• Assemblyman Ken 1. Maddox on Saturday, titled 1r CampbeU accuses Maddox of ... ·secret deal' with Democrats." I have known Maddox since 1his first campaign for the •1.ca.u.romla State Assembly In 1. 1998. I know Maddox as a good. conservative Republican who ls passionate about serving I' his constituents. Any Republican who knows Maddox would 1-t:u....i..i strongly agree. I en mauuOX Having been I io Orange County I Republican poUlics for many I Years. Maddox has always been • supportive or RepublJcan I Edates and causes. He ds many an evmiog helping th« Republicans and serving a role model to the younger I ICtMw in our party. 1 Aa a RepubticaD. I feel I conldent knowing that Maddox 1 ltanda up for the llt!UeS I care l about and wW be there fllhdnc I for thoeo COOMMM vafua. I 1 am adted be II campaigning to mGll9 OD to the ttate Smite. ' JENtFU vntLA t Newport coue I~ 1 lhAnt me a0epdonl are YttY • serious and they effect my view of Ke n Maddox as a Republican candidate. John CampbeU ls now the only real Republican contender in my opinion. I'm glad this came out before the primary vote. JOHN HANNESSON Irvine Until I read it on the Internet, I dld not know that Ken Maddox was such a "Democratic" Republican. The list of his voting record was amazing. I, for one, will no longer support hJm. GORDON WAUJ(£R Anaheim Ken Maddox would have us believe that Democrats have pald the salary of his staff member without seeking a quid pro quo. A qulclt review of hJs voting record revu1a otherwise. For example. Maddox has consistently voted with Democrats to support legislation that benefits organ!z.ed labor. While It la debatable whether Maddox'• votet result in tlOWld pubUc: poticy. it II not aecllble for him to maintain that such vo• are not tnftuenced by his Democ:r:at benefactors. Why el9e would they do ltf l?Ye11 more to the point, does he expect his COl\ldtuenta lo r.u for such a llnef ~C.CRUZ S9e\ Oemente ' MAILBAG fll[ PHOJO /DAILYPILOI From left, Shannon Panicola, Heidi Hermreck, Katie Scheuerman and Kara Barnthouse beckon motorists to a car wash on Sunday benefiting ttieir friend and c<>worker Monique Donovan, who was injured in a car crash. Community's big heart shines through again On behalf of Monique Donovan, her friends and family would like to extend our enormous thanks to aJl of you who helped rclise money for her. To tJie Daily Pilot: Thank you so much ror bringing attention to Monique's plight. We told you the story of her accident and her need for help. and you responded. There is no doubt that your anicles helped generate the incred ible number of people who showed up for Sunday's car wash 10 donate to her cause. To Bandera Restaurant: A big thanks to all of Monique's coworicers and friends who willingly gave up their Sunday to come to Bandera and wash cars alJ day. Monique is truly blessed 10 have people like you m her life. Also, a huge thank you to the Bandera management team amt Houston'!> Corporate for stepping in without hesitation and providing the perfel1 location for tJu.• fundraiser - not lo mention the food, drinks and your time. You made IJlis car wash possible, and you will forever havC' our deepest gratitude and respect. Last but certainly not least. thanks to all the wonderful people who took time to come to Bandera and donate to Monique's cause. You are our heroes! Because of your overwhelming kindne!>.., and generosity, Monique can focus on her long an d difficult task of recovery instead of worrying about how she wilJ pay for her bills. You have helped heal her spirit; now, she can concentrate on hcalin~ her body. 11lanlc you so very much. REBECCA GOUIN Newport Reach • EDITOR'S NOTE: Rebecca Goulll ts writillg Oil behalf of all of Do!lovall's family and friends. Fine points of re instatement should be revealed It would be so very interesting to learn the real de tails of teacher Shannon Jay's prompt reinstatement at Newport Heights Elementary School amid charges of a "divisive atmosphere between school administrators, teachers and parents." But, of course, th is is one of those delicate "personnel issues." isn't it? You can bet thC' Newpon-Me!ta Unified School District folks didn't roll over on this matter unless some well-in formed parents had th eir backs up against the waJI. Parent Robert Shaw really says it all when he offers, "There has been a use of calculated misinformation to segregate parents, administration, teachers and th e board." 1'ry adding disinformation 10 the list, 100. Alter spending 'iome 30-plus years in the busines~. I can a ttest to the fact th at the well-honed practice of keeping aJI panics off balance and divided is -for the most part - standard district operating procedure, here and elsewhere. And it won't change soon. Synergistic leadership, collegiality and !.hared decision-making and governance? forget it. KENT S. MOORE Corona del Mar One teacher forgotten in elementary school gaffe nei.ponding tel your fron t page article Wednesday, concerning the return ofa first·grade teacher to her classroom at Newport Heights Elementary Schuol: The school d is1ric1 is typicaJly mum on the details of issu es such a!t 1h1s. Tile truth of the matter is that returning this teacher to h er classroom was the right thing to do . It's the brutal road leading up to this that I want to comm ent on. Lost in this quagmire of hurt feelings, upset parents and q ue11tionablc personnel issues is a story about an ambitious fi rst-time teacher, excited about the first clas'iroom she could call her own. I lired to replace Jay, after the fact, sh e spent the entire weeke nd setting up her room and preparing for her firs t-grad e class on Monday morning. Her first-day Jtlll'rs were calm e<..I by her entJlu!tiasm for the teaching profession and her organizational talents. She i11 a Cal Stale Long Beach graduate, on the President's List for a straight-A grade average and a product of the Newport·Mesa Unified School Dis1rict for her entire schooling. Sh e's had a pas11ion for teaching fo r most of her life. There to greet her on the weekend. and again on Monday morning. wa!. a group of well-meaning. upset parents who were adamant that Jay be reinstated to this classroom. I don't have to name names because you wiU all know If you were there or n ot. Ten p ercen t of you were kind and thoughtful. The balance of you fell into the dark side. These parents may have had good intentions, and heen lighting a juM cause, bur they chose to take their fnistrations out on the new, first-time teacher. Som e of you were downrighl rude to her. I lcr first three days in her first cla~sroom were frankly a living nightmare. Yo u should all he ao;,hamed of yourselves for setting a bad ex.ample for your own children. You may have won chi~ battle. but you are losing the war. I would like to commend 1he district for puttin~ Jay back where 'he belongs, and for pulling a fir'it-timer our of a very uncomfor1able situation and treating her fairly. I challenge thC' disuict w look deeper inlo the problems at Newport 1 leights l:lemcntary and fix thr real cau'>l' ol the problems there. which will continue to im pact the quality of 11111 child ren's education. Lastly. I would like to comment.I my d aughter, the "fir!-.1-limer." for h er strength in the fa ce of adversity and for maintaining her cnlhusiasrn for leaching th roughout this boondoggle She is destined for greatness in her chosen profession. All who come to know her will be richer for the encou nter. PATRICK AYRES Costa Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Council concedes def eat on condos ByGeotfW11t N ews flash! The Costa Mesa O ty Council wn.~ mugged! At least. that's how It felt as I watched the Qty Council do the dying coclanach again when faced with the threat of yet another lawsuit. M ero very long public hcartng whe.n the council - ~-dressing ln o joint session with the Redevelopment A&ency -reexamined the much maligned 190 I Newport Plar.a resklenrtal pmjed. It ftnaJJy ~ to capitulate-on a thin 3·2 wte -to the developer'a demand& rather than fur1her taqX>Se the d ty and a group of communky ~to a lawsuit. Coundlmen Allan Msmoor and Chris Steel. in an act of futility. held their ground Th.ls was a sad event for all of us. ~ it prows that bullying does, indeed, pay off. It has shown w. once again. that in this d ty. with this council, It I po6.Sible to get your way by filing a lawsuit and daring them to ftght This all could have been nvoided ii they bad not been asleep at the wheel as this project made Its way through the original approval process. Second. the entire downtown area of our city loees became this project wilJ dump 80 much trafBc into an aret which Is llreldy ~from almost perpetual grid.lock that tt wUI bt Wtudy lmpoellble to navlgate around~ Squft. So much for ~ tevltabr.ation" of the Westside. It's hard 10 revitali.7.e something when you can~ get to iL The council meeting at which the project was appf(M."<J had some amusing moments. though. as our erstwhile Q ty Council was referred to by one speaker at the podium as "commurust pinkos" and another compared them to Hitler. So bizarre was the evening that several council members actually found themselves acknowledgih~ agreement wfth longtime \'OCal crfdc. acdvlsc and p Martin Millard. We had yet Mother chance to watch our city "leaders" show their true colors. Mer presen°'* the moet logk:al. well·rmontd dialogue from the dais earlier, Councilwoman Ubby Cowan showed us who she really is. At the very end of the hearing. she held Ma)'Or Gary Monahan at virtual gunpoint by requiring 40 extra parting spaces or she would cast a "no· vote on the project - thereby forcing the developer's lawsuit to mqve forward. I believe her quote to the bele.aguered mayor was something like, "Without those paddng spaces. you've got no project." Once again. bullytng wfns. fMTl d~ the Qty Coundl election b atill many months away. I hope the dtit.enl of this city will not fotget thl' lnddent I I I ' I .. ' M Thursday, .January 29, 2004 Insurance company donates millions I : N ewport Beach-based I Paclflc Ufe Insurance • handed out more than $3 milllon in grants last week at • a reception held at Its Fashion I laland national headquarters. Representatives from 190 , nonprofit agencies In Orange : County converged upon the : Pacific Ufe buildlng. entering a • · white tent -t erected for , the coclctall • reception f and benefit. • Gifts • bestowed on local charities ranged , between I $2,500 and : B.W. COOK s100,ooo. : with $2.4 : million distributed to ; appreciative recipients at the 'party. ! "The balance of $600,000 will f be donated throughout 2004 to i additional recipients, including • the United Way," Pacific Life r representative John Soller said. , On hand for the occasion was : Bob Haskell. president of the : Pacific Life Foundation. r Addressing the crowd at sunset, • Halkell said, "Now more than : ever, nonprofit agencies need t sustained financial support and ! we are pleased to be able to do our share." • Founded in 1868, Pacific Life. , California's largest life : lnsuranclne compan.y, has made • an ongo g commitment to : serving the community. : "Pacific Ufe has maintained : our Foundation's funding levels • ln spite of tough economic ~ limes during the past few ; years," Haskell said. : Soller clarified the company • position on community service. • "The grants awarded are : designated In four major : categories: health and human services; arts and culture; : education; community and environment." The funding was divided as follows: $974,500 to health and human services, $374,500 to environmental agencies, $682,000 to educational services, $319,500 to artistic and cultural pursuits and $54,59() to civic agencies. In addition to funding established and traditional avenues of community assistance. the Pacific Ufe Foundation prides itself on reaching out to the lesser-known, less popular agencies ln need. This year, a major grant of $60,000 was gfven to the AIDS Services Foundation of Orange County. Another major gift of $87,000 was gfven to the Orange County Department of Education's Advancement Via Individual Determination Program. ~This unique program prepares underachieving middle and high school students for four-year coUege eligibility,~ Soller said. The Ocean Alliance received $115,000, completing a $500,000 pledge Crom Pacific Ufe to assist funding their Voyage of the Odyssey. The money will be used to help finance a five-year global Initiative studying concentrations of synthetic contaminants In the world's oceans. Others included in the granting process were the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, the Surftider Foundation, Wetlands and Wtldlife Center, Newpon·Mesa Schools Foundation, YMCA, Girls Incorporated, Corona del Mar School Foundation, KOCE Public Television, Orange County Performing Arts Center, Discovery Science Center and South Coast Repenory. Many others were given grants, making the Pacific Life gifts some of the most significant in the Newport-Mesa community. For more Information, caii Soller at (949) 219-3416. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. SOCIETY Daily Pilot THE CROWD From left, George Longyear of Friendly Center, Inc., Tom Sutton, from the Pacific Life Foundation, Cathy Seeling and Laura of Friendly Center Inc and Marianne Beaz of Institutional Products Division of Pacific Life pose at Pacific Life's benefits reception. Tom Sutton with his wife, Marilyn, at the reception where the Pacific Life Foundation gave $3 million in grants to nonprofit groups. illne11e1 raolve on their However, if your child • difticUlty bnwdaina CWlpplll'lvery ill, From left, Tom Sutton, the chairman and chief executive of the Pacific Life Foundation; William Habermehl, the Orange County superintendent of schools; and Bob Haskell, president of the Pacific Life Foundation, pose with the Walter B. Gerken Community Service Award, which was awarded during the event. Daily Pilot LIFE & L E I SURE Th\Jrsday, January 29, 2004 At BEST BUYS Gifts to wow your Valentine . S outhC.OUt • Plau's merchan~ offer great Valentine's Day gift ideas. Here's a list of what to buy for her: a1 Cartier there are ~0ianns de Canier." rose gold and while Georptte~r Salon has gtft cards and baskets; Gla.nn1 Venace has Landmark watches. available in stainless steel for him and her ($1.200). gold charms in the shape of a hean that can be engraved GREER WYLDER ($1,480). Dav\d Yurman carries mixed signa1ure heart\ charm bracele1s CSl,650). Dooney Ii Bourke hru. heart-shaped key rings, red handbags and wallet~. GodJva Olocolatler has the Valcntine"s Day collection of delicious Fashion Island merchants also offer great gifl ideas for Valentine·s Day. A few can be found at Roblnsona-May. It has oprions for everyone on . chocola1es. Laundry by SheUJ Segal has an ice pink terry hoodJe with matching 1erry bandeau. Mlldmoto has cuJtured Akoya pearls and a diamond angel pendant, set in 18-karat white or yellow gold. Orrefors/Kosta Boda has "My Heart C0Uec1ion," crystal heart vases, clocks or votives ($25 to $125). Paul Prank has a ··1.ove Triangle .. collection with handbags. waUets and planner-. in pink IWl.LI with silk-~creen ($HJ to $39), plus the ··converi:.alion hearts'' collection, a siring halter-top and brief bikini wirh matching fljp Oops. Smlth and Hawken has a True Love Wrealh. a brillianl red hue of tea tree blossoms woven into a heart shape ($391. Stuart Weltz.man has red patml-leather high lwc+., and a sexy matching bag. Wolford h~ limited edir ion Playboy tigh1s and ~tay-up!-.. celebrating 50 year~ of Playboy. Gifts that are ideal for him include: al Dooney & Bourkl•, a red leather wine carrier thac holds IWO boules ($220J; Plaz..a Cutlery ha1-collector knives. pocket knives and money chp..,; Wo lford carries lu.Xuriou~ sock!. in cotton or wool/corton blend-.. Gifts lhat appeal lo lum or her include: At Brookstone, a red heart-shaped Ftim pillow hil'> unique nylon and m icro bl'alh that provide unbelievable comfort ($39); Otrlstofle has au Amour gifrware set. a limi1ed edition se1 compri!-.ed of small silver vase, silver hean paperweight and small silver tray ($295); Crane & Co. Paper Makers ha~ heart-shaped gla'" paperweights ($28.50): AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295 SPECIAL EVENTS ART OF ALFRED HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hitchcock. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 pm. your Im: Mom, Dad, a favorite teacher, coworker or a best fnend. Gift experts say that "Mr. Wonderful'" lops the list of great gift ideas for 2004. This little guy b perfect for women who have had enough of men. "The cute doll spouts out endearing words that every woman wants to hear. One example, "I loney, don't go ..,hopping alone, lei me go with you. f"d love to carry your bags." I le\ only $14.99. lnitiaJ frames make greal gifts for family portrd.its ($l4.99), as do glass flower boxes tha1 are a permanenr boranical in a ,tJver-tone shadowbox frame ($19.99! or a Fossil watch, in the shape of a heart, packaged in a hearhhaped tin ($65). Other grt.'at finds can be found al Anthropologle. Olerl or Shabby Chic at Fa~hion Island. l2ch store has an eclectic mix of candles. decorative items and otht.'r special g1flc;. For exquisi1e \'alennne\ nay gifti., !>lop by TradJtJonaJ Jewelers for a diam ond necklace, platinum and diamond ring or stud t>arrings. O™it: timepieces also 111.tke memorable gifts. For romantic gifts. visit l:Ocdtane, the Body Shop and Bath & Body Works. which all have wonderful wle1:tion" of !>cented !>oaps. lotions, candle!>, mru.sage oils and more. For bookworms, find lhe latest bestsellers al Barnes & Noble Booksellers. For a romantic Valentines Day <ti home, pick up a bottle of fine wine or champagne al Beverage & Morel It can help you selec1 from california'i:. largest !-.t'lections of fine wine, beer, chamragne and spirits. An ideal Klfl for anyone 1s decadent chocolate., from Teuscher Olocolates & Caf~. Teuscher C hocolate5 are fre~hly made in !lwit7erland, wuh only the finest .md all-natural ingredients. Its hou:.e specialty, the champagne one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Ans Half 116. Admission isS6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. Information and tickets, call (714) 432-5880, hNp:llWWW. occtickets.com MUSIC JOHNNY MATHIS Johnny Mathis will perform some of his classics, suctt as "Misty# and #Chances Are;· et 8 p.m. Saturday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tickets cosl: $45 to $100. Those who purchased tickets for his canceled truflle with a cream center of Dom Perignon, makes a wonderful statemenL Glft certificates to Fashion Island's nearly 200 stores and restaurants always makes an appreciated gift. Call the Fa hion Island Concierge at (949) 721-2000 or visit J1ttp:llw111w. ShopFaslliorllsland.com. PREPARE TO GET HITCHED 'lbroughout lhe m onth of February, future brides can flnd the bt.-st resources for crea1ing an ideal wedding at Sou th Coast Plaz.a's wedding event. The center will showcru.e the besl in wedding fashions, beauty and i.pa services, jewelry, fine invitations and stationery. There are aJso re1ailers who proVlde home d~cor, table favors. a11endan1 gifts and registries. Pan.icipating retailers offer in-More events. complimentary makeovers. trunk and informal modeling shows and even provide champagne. You can also enler to win prizes. valued at more 1han $20.000 at lhe concierge dPsk.s, or al lhese shops: Black, Starr It Prost, Bodega Olocolates. Bvlgart. Cartier, Dooney & Bourke, Everything But Water, JudJlh Leiber, Loro Plana. Merle Norman, Mildmoco, A Niie on the Town. Papyrus, Saks Aflh Avenue, Scandia Down, lhe Spa al Sou th Coast Plaza. Stuart Weiv..man, Temple St. Oalr, Van Oeer & Arpela. and Wolford. Don't miss the speciaJ bridal display in the Jewel Court, in front of Macy·s between the Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue wings. For a complete hsung of events, visit l1ttp:llwwmsouthcoas1plauLcom or call (714) 435-2000. AND ... Atkinson's Men's Oolhlng Store is wrapping up its storewide clearance sale. Find good buys on tradilional men's apparel and accessoriec;. The store, at 3430 Via Udo 111 Newport Beach, is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call (949) 673-0653. • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send mformation to Greer Wvlder al greerwylder §'yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. performance on Dec. 6 have until Jan. 16 to exchange or receive a refund for them. Information: (714) 556-2787. ERICH MUNZNER Erich Munzner and his band Good Fortune will perform Feb. 5 at the Hard Rock Cafe in at the Fashion Island Shopping Center. Newport Beactt. Tickets cost $7 Information: (714) 5964337. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA The Mozart Classical Orchestra See HOURS, Pa&e AlO Dradlint Ftb. J 2th • Valmtint MtssagtS Appearing Feb. I 4th 11 ..... l t. .... L--J,.~~..+--4-~-+-t-+--lf--+-+-+--+-t--t---t--i---1--t--1 4 tu>n L-..L-ll-.....l-~-.!.--1..-L-...L.--1'---'---L-............. -'--~--.__...L.__._~~ 20 Characters per line. Yoo may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep todayl ~'v' mlllk it ~ . #II FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Signature .. _____________________ _ em my: vi,~sa..__ ___ Mc. ______ A/E _____ Olscover, __ _ Credit Card# Exp. Date·_---- Stop /Jy or ""'"to ti# IMiJ, PU.t ~ •t: 330 W. Bay Street, Cosca Mesa, CA 92~27 or C'ill (949) 642-5678 A orn youru ls Va Day 41 L'ZBV. Unique artistic j~ accaso- rla do om of a kind trt.osum by ntw artiuuu - l«aJ do from arowul the world. ~2!;1f 'r Hyatt Reptu:y Ruorl and Spa 21500 Padfic Coast Hwy HMllti"f'O" &tWt ph. 71'1-J1UQ42 Enjoy Valentines Day at. .. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • I Menu Includes: I " • Suak & Lobster Combo • Fik1 Mignon •New York Swdt • T-Bone Stealt • p,tite Fikt • Au.smdUzn LobJur Tail • A.Uuluin King Cr1tb lAgs •Shrimp (sc1t,,,pi styk) • H111ibut St,alt • Swor.Jfish Entertainment Nightly ij Prime Rib ~ on Fri.-Sat. Dinners include choice of SOUP. or salad, choice of bake(! potato( srutTcd b.iked pou.co or rice pi af and gdrlic brc-.id. • Meda/Jions of Beef with BordAJAise Sauce •Prime Rib Eye_ • Worf.di Biggest Shrimp CocltuiiJJ ~695 Irvine Ave., Costa M esa (949) 646-7944 Bar ia oeen at 4130 . Dinner ia Krved from 5:30 Mon-Sat. Th e Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERI • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture •Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads , I t I c.. · t ( l r r S ~ t 1 ( ' \\ · r ( '' ' 111 • · · · · ( 11111•1 I' I II • 1 ' • '\ 1 .!! l""I' \q..Jq ) (l-11-t~()() t - AlO Tlusday, January 29, 2004 L l f · & I.El URE NO PLACE LIKE HOME . Free yourself from the '9-to-5 grime ' :.". rio-rtnc Branc h e • ,,.""''"° "' Qulno• Double 8t.ock ~hvu111. 1~ .... ..i T"""1 llko•• .. Tulip• l lu,kvtt] (,,,,._,,,,. OertMr Dal.aye 1-..J ... ''""'"IJUI Spray Ro•e• Aft1W l:Jlt.~um ~,..,, .. Imported Ro-• "''fl' , h i• ,,.,, .... , Ut•tlllll lrrim $ 1 99 awl! $399 hufl4'h $ 1099 ltlllM h 99¢ M iit $699 """'" JO'W ebol« ot 99 ,A 2• •••-ear ..,.. """"' 8prtnc BlooDllo& Plante Hen Nowt U•eo yov ea.t.rooaeat wttll 6dorabJe p&aat. $299 TWJ{! IAl/Jodll. '"°" .. & ~· /tt"'l r•H h New Shipment Of Heart 8beped Topiary r,,,.. Here Now! Y our office and computer need more maintenance than emptying your PCs trash can periodically. If you use your computer with regularity. chances are you've built up nn eclectic collection of crumbs, dirt and germs - "!Ho-5 grime: The computer keyboard is a dirt magnet. and just like the rest of your office or house requires a thorough cleaning. Tum your computer off and start with the monitor. Wipe the screen with a clean, damp cloth. Oean the outside of the monitor with a mild solution. like a glass cleaner. but don't spray the cleaning solution dJrectJy on the com.puter. First, dampen a cloth with cleaner and then wipe the monitor. If your computer has a mouse with a roller ball, wtscrew the bonom of the mouse and remove the ball. Blow the dust from the mouse with a can of comp~ air KAREN WIGHT ()'OUCM find It at office uppJy stores). Wipe off the ball and the rollers that are inside the mouse with a couon swab dipped in rubbing alcohol -the alcohol breaks down body oil, lotion and buil1-up dJrt. Let the ball and mouse dry. then put H back together. Berore you clean the keyboard, disconnect it from the compu1er. Tum it upside down and gently shake loose the dirt. Use the compressed air to deep clean the crevices -clean the keyt. with a cotton i.wab amJ rubbing alcohol. Don'1 overlook the mouse pad. tr you eat at your desk. chances are you've u-.ed the pad as a coaster. a plate and a napkin. Scrub off the pad and let it dry before using. While you're on a cleaning spree. clean your phones. Again. never spray the cleaner directly onto the mechanism. Ui.e a doth dampened with cleaner or alcohol. Use an antibacterial wipe on the rnoulh and earple<:es. And don't forget the rest of your desk. Tuke everything off (don't cheat) and wipe off the entire desk. You'U be surprised how much dust you'll find. Shake out the stacks of papers (awdy from the area you're cleaning), your calendar and anytl1ing else that stays in one place. Put all the paperclips back in the m agnetic box and tear off the blank tail on the end of the roll of stamps. While you're at it, clean out the pencil drawer. Remove the lead and ink spots with rubbing alcohol and throw away those san'd parking token and coupons thal have expired <>r will never be used. When was the last lime you edJtt.'Cl your bulletin board? I thQught so. Talce everything off the board. Everything. Get rid the superOuous ilems and go lean and mean. It will get cluttered again, I promise. Ho the reaJ trabh can? Jclcy. sticky. . chunky. lumpy? A Utde soap an~ some elbow grease wiU solve problem. Have you watered the plan1s recentJy7 Cut off d1c dead ends and give them a fresh start. 111 give you oxygen -ii is the least - you can do. Carpet? Find the vacuum. j ' Aoor? Get the mop. Shelves? Edit and organize. Get rid or Lhar #9-lo·S" grim and give younelf a fre.h Man. ,1" • KAREN WlGHT is a Newport Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays ~·- Got &acaced? Our fabv.Jou bridal bowlueta ud un.acemaata at fabulou pdcca bu llUlde u the I l choice for o.er 20 yean. Call for a coualtatlon nowt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Our full Mrrice deelo department offen the ftneet 1n Olft AfTenCemeau. Party AfTenCemeau ua4 Jl'u.neral Dlepla,. at famouely low prtce. ... DellYery la aY&ilable OPIEl'I: MoodaJ • n.......,7 g,oo .. • o:oo ,.... htda,.. 8:00 ... e:oo ,.., .. , ...... ,. 9'30.., • •:OO - 1308 LOO.AN AVE. 22600 -A " LA.MBERT COSTA MESA l.AIDC 1"0REST ...... -...... ~, 714 15415-0310 949 1581-151566 699 With 11M1Ad 599 With lhisAd Make Those Patios '1 Entries Beautiful Let Jim Jrnninj:~ 10\t,1ll ,.111r l•t111plcrr ,wd l~nd...:apt·. • Exp.•rr hr11.k. 'tune, 1111· & ,l,11 w11rk • \ .in 11:1.nmm,•nd 4u<1l11, d1•,11(nn' ~ l:m,f..:,1pt·r, Pr.11n.1i:1· l"'~'ll·rm! Wt• "1lw 1 h1·ni • Wt IMVC 1h1• i.uoflt ' tor mmc .1nJ ~l.ut• Why taM u d1an.ct and br d.l.sappolnud! c.u die~ tlwu Ma ~ IOOO'J~r1131omm for OWf' JS ~Ul'3. HOURS Continued from A9 will perform M ozart's Lucio Sila Overture, the Flute and Harp Conoeno, and the #Prague· Symphony at 8 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Tidcets cost $24, $32 and $39. lnformauon: (949) 854-4646, http://mozsrtorchestra.org. JUILUARD STRING QUARTET The Juilliard String Ouanet will perform music by Haydn. Webern, and Beethoven at 8 p.m. Feb 10 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Tickets oost $26, $28 and $32. Information: (949) 854-4646, htt.p:llwww.juif/isrdstringqusrtel. ne~ 'HAPA: A CELEBRATION OF HAWAII' The concert HHapa: a Celebration of Hawaii• will be performed at 5 and 8:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Irvine Barclay T~atre. 4i42 Campus Drive. Irvine. Tidcets oost $32 and $38. Information: (949) 854-4646, http://www.hspa.com. PROLOGUE: 'CANDIDE' Opera Pacific will present Prologue: "Candide;' a lecture on Leonard Bernstein's opera, at 2 p.m . F-eb. 15 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. The cost is $25. Information: http://www.operapscific.org. CLASSICAL EDGE TRIO The Newport Beadl Public Library will present the Classical Edge Trio featuring Larry Greenfield, Susan Boettger and a special guest percussionist at 3 p.m . Feb. 15 in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Information: (949)717-3870, option 2. http://www.newport beac:illibrary.org. CABARET BY THE BAY Duke's Place w ill host Cabaret by the Bay to benefit local dlarities at 9 p.m. with a preshow dinner in the First Cabin restaurant at 7:30 p.m . Feb. 18, March 10, April 14, May 12 and June 16. The cost is $10 for the show and $37.50 for the dinner. Information and [!]~Dunn-Well BASTIDEAUX HOME INTERIORS • • Custom Furniture • Cisco Brothers Upholstery • Lamps • Accessories • Design Services Opm to the public• Discounts to the trade 2'15 1..a .. 11. s.ke 8103, C:O... M.a CA 92626 • ('714) 540-S9'9 .. On.N 1Uf.S.fll l~S • SlONEMlU D~IGN C!NTF.a c reservations: (949) 630-4145. MOSCOW STATE RADIO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Moscow State Radio Symphony Ordlestra will perform works by Sergei Radlmaninoff at 8 p.m. M ardl 2 and an all-Tdlaikovsky program at 8 ptm. M ardl 3 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. The ordlestra will be conducted by Pavel Sorokin. Tid<ets cost $44 and $59. Information: (949) 854-4646, http://www.c/assicalarchives. com/srtistslmoscow.html. SYMPHONIC BERNSTEIN Orange Coast College's Symphony Ordlestra will perform music from #Westside Story# and "CandideH at 6 p.m. Mardl 6 at OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. OCC's 100-voice choral will join the symphony in the evening performance. Information: (714) 432-5880. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newpo rt Beadl. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every w eek. #Wanted• musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St.. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-nso. DUKE'S PLACE Jazz and cod<1ails flow daily from noon to midnight Sundays lhrough Thursdays and from noon to 2 a.m . Fridays and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 645-5000. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg M organ, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and A&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . ro midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St .• Costa Mesa. No cover dlarge. (949) 646·5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents the Ride Sherman Duo featuring Rid< Sherman and Alan Remington on Friday nights. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone keyboards. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FlAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's RiS1orante, 3520 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATIJRDAY NIGKT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 M acArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 476-2001 STAGE 'ANTIGONE' "Antigone# by Sophocles. lhe story of Oedipus' daughter who sacrifices everything to bury her brother, will be performed at 2:30 p.m. through today on the South Coast Repertory Segerstrom Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Tidcets cost $19 to $55. Information: (714) 708-5554. 'JOURNEYS' H Joumeys,H the story of a young dancer who is struggling with her 1denlity as an artist. will be performed at 8 p.m . today through Saturday and at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Vanguard University's Lyceum Theater. 55 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. The guest director will be Deborah Marley. Tidcets cost $8. Information: (714) 668-6145, http://www.vsngusrd.edu/ theatresrts. 'TliE SUBJECT WAS ROSES' #The Subject Was Roses; a Pulitzer Prize.winning drama • • about a paper boy's return from I war, will be performed Friday through F-eb. 29 at the Newport Beach Theatre Ans Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beadl. Tid<ets cost $17 for opening nig and $13 for all other performances. Information: (949j! 631-0288. ~ 'GUYS & DOLLS' #Guys and Dolls# will be performed at 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday. at 7 p.m. Friday. Feb. and at 2 and 7 p.m . Saturday, Fe 7, at the Starlight Theatre Co .. 1125 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. ~ Tid<ets cost $10. Information: (949) 645-7827. 'TliE NIGHTINGALE' The Kennedy Center's Imagination Celebration will stage the Hans Christian Andersen classic tale "The Nightingale" at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6 ~ the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. Tidcets cost $11 for dlildren and $13 for adults. Information: (949) 854-4646, http://www.kennedy-center.org .: • 'SIDEWAYS STORIES FROM WAYSIDE SCttOOL' .. • .. "Sideways Stories from Ways1d~ School;' an adaptation by John ~ Olive from Louis Sadlar:S Wayside School novels, will be performed from F-eb. 13 to 22 1 the Julianne Argyros Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Tidcets cost $10 to $21. Information: (714) 708-5554. ART A.M. HOCH New York artist A.M . Hoch links images. sound and space to create "Mitosis: Formation of Daughter Cells;' whidl will run through Feb. 15 at UC Irvine's Beall Center. The exh1b1tion is open from 5 to 9 p.m. Information: (949) 824-4339. http://beallcenter.uc1.edu. ~. .. •1. ROBERT R. ECKER , The Newport Beadl Public Libra"! will present an an exhibit by ... Robert R. Edcer featuring 20 of hrt mezzotints in January and February at the Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beadl. Information: (949) .,.. 717-3870, http://www.newpor1 -. beachlibrsry. org. ·cmES OF PROMISE' #Cities of Promise: Imaging Urban California; an an exhibit ·'!.• on how artists in the 1930s to the •. - present hsve incorporated ~ skyscrapers, houses. bridges. freeways and automobiles into their works, will be at the Orange County Museum of An through April 25. The exhibition will also featu1e paintings commissioned as covers for Westways magazine by the Auto Club. Information: (949) 759-1122. r-----------------------------~: = (.a~LOlll IEAeH prtr.• '&' COi#, nAM' & «Jttlt:rlltll IXPO ora-'nG' 41tlt ....... , ....... Expo JA#. 29111-Fll. In, JOH ~ _.,.,. • ..,_....._.,.,_. , .. --.... ....,._ •. c ...... ~ OV•R 2.000 or n m WORLD'S TOP OfALUt.~ IN u .. ~. COIN R>RfllON & AN(1ENT COINS, qA,Ml'S, PAPLR MONFY. f'OSiC:AJlDS. ('l<lAR lA8U ART. Jt Wfll RY. rou [<'TIBI rs ... ANO MOHi l t>lJCJ\'flONAl Sl'MfNARS. MtlrMNOS, SPr.AKJlRS, AU<"'l ION 14. A< .. llV111ES Au UNUl:Jl ONt Roorl AuctlOn& By , I Daily Pilot LIFE & LE I SURE Thursday, January 29. 2004 Al 1 ON VACATION ' ., . . > / ' \ ., ,. ' . .. -,... -. . ,,A Nick Delotell and Daniel, Andrew and Claudia Noto of Newport Beach on holiday in Whistler, British Helen Evers of Costa Mesa visits "The Buckeye State," Ohio, with her Daily Pilot. Columbia. Karol Hicks with parents John and Katherine Dean of Newport Beach along with grandson Robinson Ken and Julie Hearlson of Costa Mesa vacation with family members at Donner Lake in Northern Hicks trek in Machu Pic!chu in the Andes Mountains of Peru. California. The Trider family of Newport Coast visit Monte Carlo as part of their European cruise. Margie Howe of Corona del Mar, Alice Dear of Balboa Island, with Diane and Colin Forkner of Corona del Mar, visit Machu Picchu in Peru . That moment of bliss .... SUJ~nJcd in lime by lht' Clali~T ltUllry of OUr wedding photography .. -~p~~ I Storewide Clearance 1 30 to 75 °/o Off ---Sale Starts Now --- 369 E. 17th St #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 Momma John 1Rr btllong to tbe worl4'6 klrpst flooring ,.,.. grou/I • co-op. D ,,,. tbe btggest jloorlng tkalers . lrtdtvldually owned and opemted Jennifer lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 '' lifetime Warranty Laminate $2'' • Gus lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 '' lifetime Warranty Wood $2'' Brenda ,100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day e.xcba1lge. If you don't like It, we u!IU replace it FULL SERVICE CtHter Tops • Sh1wer1 • Cer1•ie • SttH • Gr11 it1 • Wtt' Refi11is~ · I 1 ONE STOP SHOP Widew Coweri1 • • Cle11i• Car et & U ~tide • Ptilti• -l11terier & Exterior Co•ta .... lrvln• <8•9> 850•7878 (M9f 818•0,., t 2• •· t 7th , 'l'l'l'I Main ••• MOM-FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10-4 c D Al2 Thursday, JalluatY 29. 2004 lJS"TREET BEAUTY C ENTER 'Ifie Largest, 'fintst, f ritruflilst 'Buwty Supp{y & 'l uU Service Salmi Jn Orange County Open 7 Da~ • (949) 642-1717 B EST P RI CES • BEST S ERVI CE • BEST SELECTION ~~~a!. I lll&l CD SPECIALS 12 MONTH 24 MONTH 2.00o/o APY 2.50% APY 36 MONTH 3.25 % APY Call us at (800) 735-2465 or vi sit us at www.Calfirst.com CalFirst California First National Bank MEMBER FDIC rote ln\Urcd to SI00,000 per depositor. • APY~Annual percentage Yield, APY effecllvc ltS of 1n8iQ4. Rate\ sub)CCt 10 change. Minimum balance requn~d $5000. PcMhy may be assessed for early withdrawal. Please no financial insti1u11oos. ... L I F E & L E l S U R .E Dally Pilot I • TRAVEL TALES A scorching European vacation .. By Joel Furm•n It was a slzzllng. stilling and generally sticky summer ln southern Europe. When I th1nk back to m~ family's summer trip to England and France, the heat first comes 10 mind. 11 seems that we planned our ' Augu t trip to perfectly coincide with one of the wannest summers to ever grace Europe. TemperatureS frequented the century mark; add 10 this a healthy dose of hurnjdity and a lack of air conditioning. or even fans, and you probably see why this is what I most clearly remember about our experience. Despite the substantial amount of time we devoted to finding air-condirloned buildings and unmelted ice cream, we did manage lo see a Jot, and in fact had a great. albeit (I'll mention It one more time) hot, excursion 10 the other side of the pond. We spent most of our Lime in London, staying in a residential building called the Mansions. which tJ1ough adequate did not exactJy live up 10 its name. On our tourist hit list were all the usual spot!> and touristy things -the Tower of London, double-decker buses, Ha.rrods. I lyde Parle, Carnaby Street, Big Ben. tonehenge, you get the idea by now. One of the funniest incidences or our journey took place at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. which was actually cool. My brother Daniel found a good spot and stood fro1.en in place, as were the 30 or so celebrity mannequins strewn around the room. No worries that my brother is not a celebrity. does not look like a Daniel, Joel, Anna, Rachel, Leslie and Geoff Furman stand in front of Stonehenge. Geoff and Rachel Furman pass the London landmark Big Ben. celebrity and was not dressed in celebrity-suitable attire. His impression was convincing enough to get ~ome even more out-of-their-element visitors 10 stare at him for a good 20 seconds. believe that he really was fake, and go to take a picture with him. Their reaction~ when they discovered he was actually not really fake were priceless. At the Tower of London, we Leslie and Rachel stand outside the Palace of Versailles. watched an overgrown blackbird chase (if you can call it that, more like hop after) .a terrified woman up three Oights of stairs. And of course when my brother. dad and I, in search of a pub. stumbled into a gay bar that the next morning we saw was clearly demarcated by a huge rainbow banner. Being Harry Poller fans. we , found Platfonn 9¥ •. Unfortunately. I must speak the truth -it doesn't go to Hogwarts. In fact, it's just a wall that some tourist-pleasing official decided to label platform !m. but seeing it made us happy nonetheless. Our sub<;titute for the magical and exciting I logwarts train was the slightly le~ exciting and entirely nonmagical Olunnel. One moment we were In England. then poof. a few hours later we were in France. We Furman~ spent the lac;t three days of our adventure in Paris. We c;aw all the of -course spots and the whole Louvre Museum. which even though we raced through stiU took hours to conquer. Now after reading "The Da Vinci Code ... by Dan Brown, I wish we had spent more time in certain areas. Rut hey, what can you do when there are thousands of famous paintings, which you don't care anything about but stiU must see If you want to be a good vacationer. Overall. in spite of the already. exhaustingly mentioned conditions. I. and I'm pretty sure the rest of my family. had a really good trip. We went, we ~w. and, we saw some more. We had unique experiences. which we , probably won't forget, and experienced things we wish we could forget. But we did ii all as a family, and without too much bloodshed. Just because of that, I'd consider our trip a success. •JOEL FURMAN is a resident of Newport Beach o.~:9 ... lt&CK YOUR ~DECTORS" Rabbitt ln~urancc A2c.ncy Al1fO • HOMF.O'llrN!.IU • HMcrH ~/,;11,,d-111,,,,,,,SifNV 1957. ~ Id ~S r)_, , , 949-631 -7740 441 Old Ntwpott 8hd. • Newport 8-h (Ntat H H ital) Put a few words to work for you . Call the • t• QUOTE OF THE DAY "Jn the end, it's all about the team." Sarah BowmM\, Costa Mesa girls water polo standout Spotts Editor Richard Dunn: (94915744223 • Sports Fax! (9491650-01 70 BOYS BASKETBALL Laguna breaks Corona del Mar Sea Kings' late rally falls· short against Breakers in key PCL clash, 48-43. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot • those goals Wednesday in a Pacific C.oast League clash with visiting Ulguna Beach. The Breakers never oailed and held off a spirited last- minute rally by the Sea Kings -who had their top two scor- ers and their top rebounder foul out of the game -for a 48·43 win, their sec- ond over Corona del Mar thls season. CORONA DEL MAR -Ryan Curry. the Corona del Mar High boys basket· ball coach, has emphasized playing well and havlng fun throughout the 2003-04 season, but the Sea Kings weren~ able 10 accomplish either of "That's two games in a row they've done an excellent job of slowing us down, except at the end of the game.* Sea Kings Coach Ryan Curry said. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Jay Northridge drives for a layup between Laguna Beach see CdM, Paee 82 defenders Ivan Kovacevic, left, and Bobby MarQuette on Wednesday night. GIRLS WATER POLO :Mesa resembling champs Mustangs make easy )Vork of crosstown rival Estancia in quest for first outright league title. Steve Vlreen Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -For Costa Mesa High, Estancia was not really consid- ered a rival Wednesday, but rather another roadblock on the Mustangs' path to possibly their first outright league championship in girls water polo. · Mesa displayed its detennination and remained undefeated in the Gol- den West League with a 17-2 victory over visiting Estancia. Sarah Bowman typified the Mustangs' focus. The junior two-meter player battled tendinl· tis in her shoulder. but scored five goals to lead Costa Mesa (12·8, 4-0 in league). She has been suffer- ing from the tendinitis since last month. ·1 couldn't stop crying today !be- cause of the shoulder pain).· said Bow- man, a second-team All-CIF Southern Section Division IV and first -team all- league performer last year. "It goes through phases. But everyone is counting on Imel . In the end, it's all about the team." Mustang Coach Tim Postiff said Bowman, as well as the rest of his play- ers have been unselfish and that has been the main reason Mesa has been undefeated in league. Last year. the Mustangs were Lrl· champions, sharing the Golden West League title with Westminster and Saddlebaclc. Costa Mesa, which bear Saddleback DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High's Carly Millan ( 14) shoots and scores despite the defensive effort of Estancia's Melissa Buchmann. earlier in the month, I J -3, needs to re- cord wins over Wesrr'ninster (Feb. 4) and Santa Ana (Feb. I)) to earn its first undefeated league season and outright league title. Bowman has been the catalyst in the Mustangs· quest. ln Mesa's four league games, she has scored 20 goals, five in each contest. She scored the Mustangs' first two goals. breaking a scoreless affair that lasted two minutes, 18 seconds. ~she's a tough kid," Postiff said. "But It's not only her. We have a very unself- ish group. We're getting scoring from all of our girls and we're playing as a team. If we don't stutter step and if we come to play we have a decent shot of being undefeated in league and win· ning the Litle." The Mustangs certainly did not trip against the Eagles (IO· 7, 2-3). In addition to Bowman's five goals. sophomore Oiandra MaJapira and junior Oi.ristine lWohig also found the back of the cage with three goals each. Junior Allyson Hanis and senior Jes· sica Steenhard added two goals each, whlle Carley Millian and Patricia Sthuppert contributed one goal apiece. Goalie Quyen Nguyen, Mesa's onJy other senior along with Steenhard, stuffed nine shots. Estancia goalie Ka- tie Mahan had 10 saves. Sophomore Carollna Barnes scored one goal for Estancia, to open the first quaner, pulling the Eagles within, 5-1. See MUSTANGS, Pa1e 82 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Dominic Rubino CdM senior midfielder's goal is the game-winner against rival Northwood, keeping the Sea Kings undefeated this year in Pacific Coast League play. Patrick Laverty • "He's been a workhorse for Daily Pilot us." Callaghan sald "Hes real consistent out there.• F lghdng for first place in Combine his game-winning the Pacific C.OOSt goal with an ass1st in the Sea League, the Corona del Kings' easy 6-0 victory over Mar High boys soccer c.atvary Cl\apel last Wednesday teem got a key victory over rlval and It was enough 10 earn Rubino Daily Northwood when senior midfielder Pilot Athlete of the Week ho{lors. DomJnlc Rubino scored the lone goal of It's a Otting reward for a player who the game In a 1-0 win. . put in the hard wodc neces.wy ln the Lt was Rubina's firlt goal since the off-season to improve his own fortunes.. lllty ._.. ol the .-ori. but he~ After playing sparingty as a fwlior, been a ClOfll9tmt perbnier for the Sea Rubtno has become a key member QI a Klf18S, rep.rdJea. of his goal count. Sea Kinp squad that went into whk:b Corona del Mar Coach Pat Wednesday's contest against Laguna ~ aak1 d ranb leCODd on the team. S.. fUllNO, P• 82 EYEOPENER ·Dai~~ SporW Hall olPaM l .. -i>nO ,,.., ............ Ftb. 2 llonorH GEORGE NEWLAND Thursday, January 29, 2004 81 MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI targets Aggies' perch Anteaters, with two straight wins in Logan, face unbeaten Utah State. LOGAN. Utah -The UC lrvine men's basketball team will attempt to cool off Big West Conference-leading Utah State tonight. when the Anteaters open a two- game, three-day road trip that also in- cludes a stop at Idaho Saturday. Utah State (15-1, 7 -0 in conference) has won 12 in a row to post the best start in the program's 10 I ·season his- tory, but has lost the last two games agains t UCI (9-7, 4·3) in the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. Tipoff is 7:05 p.m. UCI, coming off a 77- 74 overtime loss at Long Beach State Satur- day, needs a victory to remain in contact with the Aggies. as well as second-place University of the Pacific (7-1 in the Big West and idle tonight). Coach Pat Douglass' Anteaters enter tonight's clash tied for third place with UC Santa Barbara. UCI is trying to im- prove its 1-4 road record this season in the confere nce's most hostile environ- ment, where Utah State has won nearly 92% of its games (78· 7) in Coach Stew Morrill's six seasons. The Aggies have three scorers averag- ing in double figures, paced by 6-foot-4 senior guard Cardell Butler (13.4 ppg). Spencer Nelson, a 6-8 junior forward (11.6 ppg) returns 10 the starling lineup after recovering from a broken nose. Nate Harris, a 6· 7 sophomore, returns to his reserve role aft er filling in prolifi· cally for Nelson. Harris (11.7 ppg) aver- aged 23.5 points and shot 76% from the field in rwo wins last week to earn Big West Conference Player of the Week lau- rels fo r the second straight week. The Aggies also feature senior point guard Marie Brown (7.6 ppg) and 6· 7 junior forward Jason Williams (7.1 ppg). UC! continues to feature balanced scoring, led by sophomore guard Mike Efevberha 03 ppg). Adam Parada, a 7 ·O senior center. is chipping in 12.3 points and 6.9 re· bounds per contest, while 6· 11 senior Stanislav Zuzak (1 2.1 ppg) and sopho· more point guard Jeff Gloger (10.5) are additional standouts. Gloger leads the team in rebounding (7.4 per game). as well as assists (4.8) and steals (2.2). ua has won four or the last seven against Utah State. The last five games in the serie-have been decided by a com· bined 12 points. including three one-point decisions and a two-point overtime verdict. Idaho (5· 11. 2-5) hosts Long Beach State tonight. -Barry Faulkner • 82 lhlJ .(Uy j llU4ff 29 2004 BRIEFLY Sailors win fifth straight Senior Matt I mt:y M,,'Ored Ulrt!e goals 10 lead the Newport Har- bor lligh boys ~JCccr rerun to a 4 ti vil IOI') JK••h"I hos I foolhUI W1•\11" d") 1111 -..11101 •-. ., h u h .1\t.' \.\cm hvc 111 ,1 1111' .ilh 1 iliuppu1g thc lc.1.gOl' 0111.:111:1 tu FuutJull. I~. I U, JI l1Jlh11111· bt'lurt' lrdl'Y JU(kd h" 1111.tl two go.tli. lu go w11h •>Ill· 'l urt• b> Jod Wallc1· 011 .111 J'"'I hy 1111dflt'lt.ler WUJ liuz· 111.111 hiu1h1l1'!) 1..ccpcr rnm c uut, 1>u1 WaH..t·r duppt'd the ball UVl'r hi\ hl'dd tro111 10 yant .. UUI IU 'lllll' Ill ti\\' ·l~1th 11\llllltt• I h ,11111J1. \\111 ltujUIU .u1d -.~yll'f t.iu~hc1 Jdded .t..'>.\ISb ,vl11h W,mc11 Junuwu.h .md '~''l'I"'' ( J1.t~· Kelly 1ne\l't1t1.-d tlw ll..111gl11, l-1 I I u1 IL.1gue) 1111111 gt 11111~ 11110 .u1y ollu~l\lt' I hytlllll I ht .... ulu1" 11 l 4, 5· I) lwve olll'>c..un·d uppu11t•111\, 15·J, in t)lt'lf l,1,t (I\ I .:•lllll''> Nt''"P"" I.tu''> hu't Alii.u Ni- .:ul'I .11 '• JI 111 h1d.1~ Sea King!'\ w111 easil y • Wl\'l tm J>OW: 1-ic.,hrna11 lc.1ylo1 ll.11 ~1m .rnd suph11111ure t.t11111ll1· I kw~o t·c.1t:h '>tured tour ~u.1b tu l1·.1d till' Corona dl'l M.t1 l ligl1 l(ll I' M iler pulo tl'.1111 '" •• I ·I J Vil lury UVl'I vhit Ill): N1111hw11t1d 111 .1 !Jddfil ( 0,1,1 I t·,1.:111· .:.11111• Wl'dlll'sdJy. I l.u~111' 'l IHt·d lwr fuv1 111 tlw '1't011d h.tll. .tlll'I l dM hJd h111ll ,, 7 'l h.11t11111l' li:dd, wh1ll' I k~~" 1.illrt·tl ht•t lour ~u.d., i11 llll' hr'>I t\\111 ljll.11 ll'I' Jonl.111 A11.1t• Jddi:d 1hn:1: i-:1i.1h whill· < .ir1 I 1•v1m., Uwl'>ea I) lllJll ,111J V1111u11 I tJO 1.Jd1 •t lHt'd um· KU.ti 1111 <.dM (I 0 7 11wrdlll KJllt' lnd111~ .111c.J I y111..i11 l't1t'h 111.u.Je 1h1l'c '>ll·ub wl11k H11t tdllY PUilen madl· 111111,· sc.1ve., in god!. <.dM'!1 JUniu1 \.t1..ity ti:<.1111 dc- lt•Jll'd Northwuotl, 14!-1. while till' ht>~hnwn 1t~u111 improvt'd lo I 0 I with .1 fj I t11 11111ph S...'l\ewt...,. Newport HMtMK 50, Foothll41 Sc:ore bY Quarur1 Nowpon 1& 12 9 1.; !IO f oo1h111 ~ ii u ~ <11 Newpon Mou1t1tlyon 8, Petr1n1J 21. Slater l, Het:n11n 6. Young 10, MacSeth 4, Onh O. 3 µt. goal• Pem ne 3, Mo uradya11 2 FoothUI Worrall 17. O'Tool 7, Spenoor 3, 8a11ga 18, AobllO 2. J pt. goals Sang• 5, Worr1111. O'Toolo 1. Spenar 1. Sai lors cruise past Vaqs •WATER POlO: The New !'Ori I larbo• HJgb giN water polo tewn built a 10-l h.alftlme lcJd en ioutt 10 a 14·3 Sea View IA'aguc vk tury over vtsit.l.og lr- vme Wcdnei.day. <..:awl) 11 Conway led the Sail- "rs (16·l , 3-0 in league) wiili fh t goaJi.. while Anne Beldeo added three and As.hJlng 'Iayto1 l\...u. Jcnmfor Beech, Kally Lu- t:.u.. Katie Ericksoo and Leah Hobert:.on conlribured one goal cat.:h , while goalies K.lm Hou~· pian (three saves) and Terln Cottam (twoJ anchornd the de· fcn:.e. Sea View Lea1ue ----Newport Harbor 14, lrvlne 3 Score by Quarters llVll\\l b 1 I I N1Jwpon 5 s 1 1 J I• Irvine Purola 3 Saves Dao 6 Newpo rt Conwuv S, 8elden J, fdyloo 2, St;ucn 1. Lucas 1, Erickson 1 Robenson 1 Sc1ves Hou6eµoan 3 Conam 2 &ahawks defeat Eagles • 8.\SKEl H.\1.L: Vt:.1 l111g Ot.:t'<UI View High girli. b..u.ket b 111 cam lllJtnlamed II!> µcrfCl.I t .. olt.len We:.t I ccJ~Ul' rclurd \\ith ..i 5!1 4.3 victor y Wcdnei.c..lay n 1gll t uvcr Estancia I he l::aglcb took a 13-11 lead 111 lhe lirs l quru ter, b ut sub:.c 4ucn1 foul u o uble involving th1ec starters aUowed the Sea hawlu. ( lti·2. 7-0 in league) lo gain 1he advantage. Pacific Coa.t Luau• Corona del Mat 14, No1thwood l Na.nl.y La.slro l~d lhc Eagle!. with L I r.wints --eight in UH fii :.t q u.ut..•r but picked 11p J hc1 lhtrd tuuJ a minUll' mtu tlu· t~ Scoro by Ouartera. N'Wovd 1 0 0 I CdM • I J • wuJ11d qu.utcr and h.iJ 10 ..ii N'Wood C.hlt.u ' H11t11c:l 1 !>dVt 1-i.llflb 1 CdM H.;1 kor1~ 4 Huwku 4 A11.i., J, L1.iu 1 Ly111Jn 1 l uv111" I Sc1vob f vll1;11 J Pt::rrinc doc~ 1t again • MSICllTBALL.: Nl·wpurl I l.1rhor I l1gh 1u111or Hrt·ll l'er n11c, wltu '>Ulrt·d a KJJlll' l11gJ1 ll pn111b, lOlllll'lh'd 1m a lad1: .1wa) 111 tht 11.11111 lrn111 about "" ft•et uut 111 hi:cJt the b u11cr. lc.idinl( llW v1.,11111K Sailor,· boy~ h.!'>k.1•11>.tll te,1111 to J 50 4H St>a Vww I l'J8Ul' Vll lory owr i:oul hill Wcd11l''>d.t). II WJ\ l1£-1a vu fut l'ern11l' whu al .. u lllJtk till' i-:umc -wlllning layup with eight i.et:ortd!> left for .i 47 45 win owr the Knighls Jan.~. "I d on't know whatever pre K•Hnc 111cal he ha~ against root· hill, b ut hl' need!> tu eat that mow ottr11." !>aid Newporl Loach Lurry I lin.1, whube team impmVl'd lu I .HJ. 4-2 in league. 'T m ju!>I rc.11 proud of the kid!>. 11·~ iough IO play 1hb week wuh findls. They rec11ly came out with a pur po!)e t1nJ a fol Ub." Newpo rt !>OJJhomore l)c11111 ... I leendn (:.lx points) drajued lwo free throw:. wi tJ1 29 !>Cl'Undi. left for u 48-45 lead. Bu i ~oothill i.enior Brandt Ban gs knocked down a three-poir11er to k.nol the score with 15 :.1.•t:onds left. The Sailor!\ were without a tlmeoul. Junior llJfael Mour.i - dyan {eight pulnl!>) m1~sc-d un a drivinK layup, .111d on thl' re bound l\:tylor Young tipped thc ball, which found its way to Perrin e, who fini!>hed with the game-winner. Young scored 10 points and grubbed 14 rebounds, whlle All•,. Orth played l>Olid de ft>nM: J tt he m..ii11ly gu.trdcd B..in~. wh o hJd 19 point!>. foolhill dropped to 4!·4 u1 leUKuc. tlw ll'ntainde1 ul the 1111.1 halJ ,,., Ou!.tll View built a 27 -19 edge JI i11t4'm1i:.l>ion. Th e Eaglel> (8 12. 5 l) t:0nui1j11ed nine fouli. tu th't> ~ca.hawks one in the firbl quarter. St>nior point guard Trisha W.t.">e taJJied nlne points, but JJIJyed a majority of the second h..Jf witl1 four foull>. as did Cas- tro. Go4den WMt~ Ocean vi-59, Estancia 43 Score bv Querten Ocoan View 1) 10 18 1• 59 Estancia 11 8 7 15 4l Ocean V'taw -Alderfer 8, ThomBS 4, Hunter 8. Williams 18, 8utler 16, Abufarie 1, Berry 4. 3 pt. goals -Alderfer 2, Williama 1. Estenda -Wase 9, Mino 2, Castro 21, Pons s. Maldonado 4, Neal o. Flores 0. Becerra 0. 3 pl. goals Wase 1, Pena 1 Foul11d 001 Pena, M ino Tochnocals Banch Mesa edges Saddleback • SOCCl:!R: l.il.min Oay!. goal 111 the :I.3rd minute prtJ\'l'<l 10 be lhl' ~me wilmc1, dl> lhc Costa M~ I tigh gub :.<X--cer ttlalll re 111.iinl'd undefe.1tt.-d in the Golden We-.t League wilh a I ·O victory OVt:f host SaddJeback Wednesday. Day connected on a header from a corner kick by Rachel Ronquillo. ·Jazzy made a very tough move on the ball for a very good '>t:0rc," i.aid Me:.a Coach Dan Juhn:.tu11, whui.c team im piovcd lo 11 ·5, 8·0 in league. II wc1:-. a ~ood game. SaddJeback always plays us tough: The Mustangs. who have won 20 stnught league games dating back. to la.st year, recorded their I 7th shutout ince. Goalie Kin- dra Bailey recorded three saves, inducing one. Spt..>Ctacular stop if! lhe' i.econdbalf, Joh re.ton said (fhe Muslirtgi. ·oulbhot the Roadrunners, 1~·6. Saddleback dropped to 6-6·4, 4-3-2. Mesa, the defending C1F Southern Section Division llJ co-cha.a11- pio11. rerum~ IO action Friday at 3: 15 p.ul .ti Ocean View. Cd.M blanks Breakers • SOC<;HR.: Senior mldfieldt:r Dom.luic Rubino i>corcd two goals while Jerritt Thayer added a goal and an asaist to lead the Corona de.I Mat High boys oc- cer team to a 3-0 Paci.fie Coast League soccer victory over visit· lng LagWla Beach Wednesday. Grant Altnquist booted a free kick from near mJdfield and Thayer headed it in to begjn the scoring in the sixth minute. CdM led, l ·0, at balftiine be- fore Rubino found the back of the net on ass.ista from Thayer and Brandon Barren. Callaghan praised the de- fense of Almquist and Shane Collins. Goalkeeper Jay Zim· merman made four saves. Zimmerman knocked the ball away on two Laguna break.away situations, Callaghan i>aid. CdM (9 -2·6, 4·0 -2 ln league) hru, outscored iii. last three op- pon1:1111>. I 0-0. Northwood ii. 5· I. Pepperdine spikes UCI • VOLLEYMLL: l'cppl!rdinc. the top 1.111kcd 111e11'i. vuUcybaJI 1catn in the country. knockC'd oft No IO UC lrvilw in 1111\.1.. KJ.1 llC!>, .10 l8 :10 l4 .10· 28. \.\>cdm•i.d.t) J I thl IJn ·n t.venli. Center. l'eppcrmde .co1aull d w1 dc· ft!ated (6·0, 2 U in Mi untc1Jn Pa· ctfil. !>port!) l-edcrat10n plciy. UU droµped lo 4-5. I 3 111 con· rcrcnce. Mall Webber had 14 kills and iunc digs to lead the Anteaters. Jimmy Pelzel added I l kill!) and fi~e dJg1.. O>sta Mesa downed • BASICBTMLL: The Costa Mesa High girli. basketbaU team did what they wanted to defen· sively, but u r old shooting night ljmitcd their oflcn.-,i: and ho:.I !>ac.ldlcback \\on the t.oldl·n West League game. 42-26, Wednei.da)• rtight. I lw Mu1.tn n~ shot 11 of 50 from the field (;l2%) and •:;ere lec..I by :,IJI; po1ms each Crom sis · terb lirillany cUld Bethany Ver- gara. Mc~ (6·11, 2-5 in league) got to with.In 27-23 with three minutes left in the third quarter be fore SaddJeback (14-5, 5·2) upped lts. lead for good. Senior Susy Trujillo (four points) guarded SaddJebaclc's star Tunisha Lewis and held her to 23 points. Lewis scored 30 poinll> in a 61 ·39 Saddlebaclt victory over Mesa to open league play earlier in the sea- son. 'fh.ijWo and Bethany Vergara each grabbed six rebounds for Mesa, whk h faces host Ocean View at 7 p.m. Friday. Golden West LHaue ---. Saddlebadt 42, Costa Mesa 26 Scot• by Quarters Costa M esa e 10 1 J is Soddlobac:k 15 10 10 1 41 Mesa Sridl 0. f1uj1llo 4, Sr. Verga1a 6, Bo Vorga1a 6, Kelly 4, Akansel 2, B111lland 2, Ene11 2, Cluff 0, Sanchez 0 3 pt goals 81 Verga1a 1 Fouled oul -81 Vergara SedcMebeck -L8w11 23. Late 8, Lomeli 2. Mcflroy S. Williams 4 3·pt. goals -Lew11 I, McEtroy l UCI drops opener •TENNIS: The visiting UC lr- vine women'b tennis team opened iti. seai.on with a 7-0 nonconference loss to sixth· ranked USC Wednesday. UC Irvine's Tiffan y Oiang provtded strong resistance, but USC:s Luana Magnanl, ranked 24th, prevailed, 7-5, 6-3, in No. l alngles. Clulstie Posner and Veronica Fermfo each won six games in singles for the 61 st· ranked Anteaters~ The froja.ns (3·0) allowed just four points ln double~. Free s 14es :~ Battery Test . change Servtc. lncludM up to ftve quarts of Vlaually Inspect and test battery using • MotonJtafte ott Ind new Motorol'afte on Rotunda Mlcro-490 tester. fttter. lnctudel hlzardoul waste dtaposal. Ott0< valid with coupon. Taxea utra. Expne 2n9n004 See SeMce AcMlof' for details. Ohr \lelld --coupon. T-Ulra. Oaity PllOt OONlEACH /DAILY PILOI Costa Mesa High's Chandra Malapira, right, scores a goal as Estancia's Carolina Barnes defends. MUSTANGS Continued from Bl Sophomore Oieslea Kaplan had Estancia's otJ1er ~oaJ witJ1 l:38 left . Even though Mesa delcalcd Esta ncia, 21 4, la..;t year. I he COM Continued from Bl Corona del Mar (ll-11, l -4 m league) trciik-d by U.'> many as nine point.!> midway through the fourth quaner. bu1 look. t.t1c gi:i.me d U\\-ll to the final :.clUnds by forcing the Break.er~ mlu mll>tak<.~ u1 lhe game's final minute.. After IWO free throws by Tyte1 Lance cut the deficit 10 44·38 with l~ remaining. lance s1ole I.he ball in the backcourt, leading to a foul on Adam F'reede, who made one of two free throws. 'fylers younger bro1J1er, Ryan, stole the ball in the backcourt on Laguna's next poss..-ssio11 anJ ly· ler Uu11 c' dished w Fre<.'<1l' for a layup, bringing th e !>Ca Kill~ to within 44·4 I with 53 seconru. re· maining. After trading free' throw\ to push Ute scoft' to 45-42, the Sea ~ nearly came up with a cru- cial steal near midcourt. bul a RUBINO Continued from B 1 Beach with an 8-2·6TeCord. 3-0-2 in league. With a slight ~ or bumout, but still holding a love for the sport of soccer. Rubino put in the necessary work to get back on the field this season, of1en working out by himself ove1 the summer. "It was my senior year, my last year playini:; soccer:· Rublno said. "I just wc1nted to g-t!t as much playing lime a.' I could MJ I workt.>d hard in the ~ummer." In he. 0W11 wurd:., Rubino Wdl>n\ phr.-icatly 61 enough to play in he. jwlior year. but he. 61Jl~ h&n't bt.'Cn .:t problem a.s Eagles have improved from la:.t sea.i.on, bul did not show it Wednesday. ~I ju.st don't think our effort wa:. there," Estancia Coach Bob Ba11daruk said. ·11 seemed like \o\>e let up and never rebowided. We were wi1.h t.t1em for the first few m.inulcs, but I dun'1 know. we jl.ll>t djdn't have it· loul w~ t:aUt.'<i 011 Fn!l'lle. It wai. Liu: :.ccond vital cJll to go agai11l>I Co1ona del Mar in the waning mi nut~ Earlier, Ulguna lkach's faylor Willhoil was not a.~ a ll>t:h· nical de.pile obvtou:.ly hanging on the rim One referee cvcn sig- naled for a teclln.ical foul. before the ::.t:rond official overruled him. I lad the Sea IGngs been given 1hc iwo free throws that co~pond with a technical foul. they tould have cut the lead lO four point' with 3:21 remaining. *lf we were playing better, thal doesn't bother me in the le<ll>t," Omy said. "When you're not playing well, you start looking for other things to blame." Laguna Beach held off the Sea Klngi. £mntic finish by making 12 of 20 free throws in the fourth quarter and 18 of 35 iii the game. Pru1cho Seaborn (10 points), Jay North.ridge (six point') and Tyler I ..ince (four pmnt.\. ~v. rl'lx1u11d-.1 all loulcd OU\. Corona del Mar was whistl1 ti GolcMll West l.ea&ue Costa Mesa 17, Estancia 2 Score by Ou1rten Estancia o 1 o 1 Costa Mesa 4 & J 1 11 Estancia -Barnes 1, Kaplan 1 Saves -I( Mehan 10. Costa Mesa -Bowman 5, Twohig 3, . Malapira 3, Steenhard 2. Hams 2. Millian 1, Sc:huppon l. Saves Nguyen 9 for 4!7 fouJi., C'OlllJl<Ul'd IO 16 llJI Lhl· Hrcilkl'r-. Hut whe11 till' Sea Kin~ did i;ct 111 the luul lint.', 1he) struggled. 'hooting ju!>t 12 ot 2l. "At 1.he end. 1 thoughl uur ellon w<I.!. ~ally good," Curry baid. "But the who first h.tlf, we ju.-.t had trouble ~euin~ anythin~ gouig They i.low~ ii dow11 w a waJkm~ pacc - Pacific Coast l.eatpie Laguna Beadl 48, Corona del Mar 43 Score bv au.rt.rs Laguna 13 7 9 19 CdM II 5 9 18 Laguna 8-d\ Kote 6, Martm 14, Sands 7. Kovacevic 13, Clurk S, S Willho1I o. Bednck o. T W1llhol1 3. Marquette 0, PlJync 0. 3-pt. goals Marlin 1. Clark 1 Fouled 001 Nona. Technical& Nonu. Coron• del Mar Nonhndye 6, Freeda 11. Seaborn 10, MacDonald 0, T Lance 4, Watanabe O, A. lance 10. Reynolds 0, Mohler 2, KabakhJ11 0. 3 pt goals Seaborn 1 Foul(.'Ci oul Sc.ihorn, Nunhrortiio. I W IK.l foct\1 11L.1I:. Nun~ being a ngh1 hander. 1 ome:. from hi.'> early work habits, whith in a w·dy. fon..'Shadowed his willi.ngne..i. 10 get re;1Jy tor hb :.cnior '><.'J.-.On. "A<. a kid, I JU.'>t tr.iined with my tcrt foot bec.:alN.' I lu1cw 11 would ht• au c.1dvJnlage," Rubino i.ai d. Able IO !>trike Lhc hall with hoth feel equally well, Rubino can pre>Cnt a pmhlem for opposing dt:lc11 . ..c1"1 fnm1 anywhere on the field. Kut hb No. I priori ty is bringing lhc ball up the i.idcllnc wid swinging ii in to the forwards. "l'rclly 111ud1 our gam e plan is to gel ii to the winw; um.I try to gel them tu cro:..' it in," Rubino said. Again.">t Northwood, Huhmo w..c. on lhe ret:c1vini; end uf :.uch a trOl'I.'>. he's rOcllllt.'<1 the i.idcline ~a left midfielder Lh.i!. year. "Hei. our sole left-footed player: Callaghan said "We rely on him a lot 10 work the lefl win and swing bitlls in from the left side." "Juilcn ICerutUI mJdl! a rncc move up the ~1ddi11c and ~ it 111," Rubino baid. "I just had to tap it in. It wa., a one-touch wi th my right fooL" Rubinos technical ability with his lef1 foot. despile And after all the hard work in IJ1e off·:.ea.scm 10 get to where he i.'> today. it was a mighty fine reward. *It felt good." Rubino said. ~y ......... College men -UC lrvlM et Utah Stete,7p.m. College women -UWi St• ft UC lnlt'ne, 7 p.m. Htth IClhOOf bovt-Ellende M V..Smlneter, ~.; OoN" W.W et Ca.ta , 7 p.m .; Brethren Chriati•n et Seee Hin, SCHEDULE 7:30p.m. High ldlool glrfe -Corona del . Mer 1tt Teeoro. 1 p.m.; Newport Hettlor at AU.O Niguel, 7 p.m.; llNlh""1 Christien et Sege Hiii, 6 c. ..,... edtool boyt-Ooeen View aiitC...Meu,3:15p.m.; E...a.1tt w..tmlnttet, 2:30 s391s: tnspect radiator tor leakl. Check hoeeS, clarnpe and belts. Presaunt test system tor leeks. Dnin and refffl radiator. lnctudel up to one gallon of cooln. Disposal fee extra. If ippllcable. Off« vallcf with coupon. Taxes extra. 2J29.l2004 . p.m.; Brethren Christian at Sage Hiii, 3:15 p.m. High echool girls -Newport Harbor et Allio Niguel, 3 p.m.; CorolUI det Mer et Tesoro, 3:15 p.m.; Sage Hill et Brethren Chrlatl•n, 3:15 p.rn. w...tllng High school -Laguna Hiii• at Newport Harbor, 5:30 p.m . ...... __ .... _____ Liiii..... -l.1111 ..... ~..... Nlllllmll cm•com• "-S...... IOQCIOf SMI GUmCMn, lll<I lollowln1 1)1dauru. Nol~• Is heteby l lVMI ~ ••• doint bws.11eu n pursuant 10 ~UOn• _.. - - Colden Sfah Appr•l-otl•. J07t ind 3012 ot the -·-----2043 Wotchfi 01111e, CMI Code of llM St.le NOTIC[ IS HEREBY Suite 703. Newpo1t ut Cahtornoa th• undt,. CIVCH 111•1 tUltd pro· Botch, CA 92660 •ltned, HUflll lNCTON pouls fOI f111111'ltlnt •II Jame. W Moo<e. l401 ~UTO SERVICl. wlll sell l1bof, mettflah. equlcl· l/2 Nurth B•.Y frunl. •t public &IKtlon, t t IMlll, tramportatM>n fftd Newpo1 t Such . CA 2550 S. GARNSEY ST., •UCll o!Mo IKllltie~ H 92G62 SANlA ANA, CAL. 92101 m•r t>e r1q.ihd for ttte Geor,11 S Moore, •I 'H>O un on FF8 10, IUMILOWH AVIMUI 1401 /2 No•th Bey 2004 t he follow1n1 ••• I.AHi •STAUA· r ronl, Newt>ot I BHCh, dn crlbtd ptoperty. to TIOM f'tlOJICT -(fTY C-~92662 wtl NOJfCT MO. 04-01, Tiii\ bU"lln• ll l Ull I !19/ I ORO , VI N will h<I 1e<e1ved by lhe ducltd bV hU~b•nd Ofld ... Mt Ul8l 7VI A044?.J Ctl y o l Cosl• Meu •I wife Said 'Slit is tor lhll th• Oltlc• of ll•• Cit~ ltave yuu •l••l•d d0on11 pur"°" ol utlsfylna lien Clerk. 77 Fair Orl11t, busmus yet' Yn. JO/ of the undeu11ned tor Costa Mtsa, C.hlOfn•a. 22/1985 · to w1n1 •tld s tor•te until the hour ol tOtOO Jamu W MOOlt to11ether wolh cO•ll of c.a., • ......,. '*v- Thos stet•m~nl wn ed•t•tlslne '"d ••· wy 9, !004, at whleh filed with 111• Count~ penns of flt• t1mt \hey wltl be o~ned Clerk of 01an11e County Dated this 16th day ot r,ublk:ly •nd read 1Joud on 01/20/04 Jin 2004 n \he CouMil Ch1mti.r• 2004H7l•IO It.I Jean Noutary S.aled ptOl>Os.tls shall Daily Pilot J•n 22. 29, Published N•wpor I bell lhe tot.le ol Ille Feb.!>. lZ. 2004 lh080 Beach Co•l• Mest Oally wo1k and name of the P ilo t hnuuy 29 . boddtr but no othe1 2004 fh090 d,.ton.u11h1nc marks Rdl6M ..... ... s...... The following 11e• 10"' ••e doina llus1nen n •> Spott of Newpo1t. b) C•hfornt• Yacht Chu tetS. 2901 Wu l P.collc Coast H11hway • 170, NewpCK\ Beach. C111t 92663 Robeo 1 H Byrns, 7901 Wo t P•cofle Cuhl H11hw4y 1170. Newport Be•1.h C•ltl 92663 C••Y A Byrn1. 2901 Weil p,,,111. CO.o•I H1ahw-y 11 l /0. Newpor I Beach Caht 9266.3 fh,. bu1111e1~ I\ CUii ducted by husb•111J .incl Wtte • H•YC you •ld1ted do•n.i husoness veH Yn. July 199l Cary A Burns lh1~ sl1femen1 wo filed with l h" Coonty Cle1k ul 0 1 aniie Cu11nty on 01/0?/04 20046969'22 Daily Po lot Jan 8 I !I 2?. 29 :>004 lh036 FktillM lllsiins .... s...... lhe lullow•nR persons di• d111n" busonen as Kong !>ote Rows, I bOO Du •~ SI s r. 4JO. N~wpor l Heoth CA 92660 Lynd.• J K1n11. 1600 Dove Streel Su•le 430 Newpud Be.ch. C" 92660 Kend•• Dove SI Newport 92660 111 obv 1600 Su11e 430 Be•ch, CA Thos b11)1nes' os con ducted by a goner •I pa1 I net ship Have you .tarted do•na bu.,ness yd 7 Yes. IZ I O.l Lynda J. KIOll Tiu• 1l•lement wn filed wolh lhe County Clerk of O•.oniie County onOl/02~ 70046969637 Daily Polo I )an 8 I~ 22. 29, 2004 lh031 Rc11ttMW.U -s....... lhe lollowong pu~ons MC d11111g bU\111~\s •• •) Solly I 111 b) I utuoe Al..S 180fl0 Be•ctt tllvd • l()';. Hu111on1itu11 H••<h CA 91!)~8 Nu11111t 11•1.. ltlOtlO Beach Bl~d • 10~ H11nt11r~lnn lieHch (;" 92648 I ho~ bu,ono\ os LOU dulled by ~ to1po111111n H.tve you •I•• led •lvlflll bu~1nt~\ ye\1 Ye ~ Septemllr• 8 ?OOJ N111ut1 l Int , l U•ll N NflUyrn M 0 Secre1.,1 y Thi\ ,1,;tente11I w"' foleol w1t11 ttte Cuunly Clerk ol Ooanat County On 0\/02/04 200096906 0~1ly Polo\ Jan 8 I 'i ?7. ?9 ?004 lhOJ? fldltlM lusilltu .... s ....... The lollow1n1 P•• \On\ Me dutn~ buwieu A\ Cotta11e Blue. 10 Rut ll1art1l1 Newpo11 lleddl LA9?660 Al~na M lledlt'y I 0 Rue BtJI "'' NewpOI I Be~a, CA 9?660 fh" bu\lllt!n ·~ '""' dueled hy an 111d1v1dUdl ~lavt you '\ailed 11011111 bu11ntu yet' No Aldml M Hedley fhl• 'lalem~lll WJ\ t.led with th~ County Cler~ ol (Jr111~· t.uunty onOl/10/04 2000971474 Oa1ly Pilot Jui 22. Z9. Feb 5, 12.2004 Th085 NOllCt IS htteby 8JVOl1 pursu1nt to sections 307 l and )()72 ot the Covrl Code ol the Stile of C•lrfo1n1a the under ll&ntd, HARBOR TOWING Tow111a will sell at pullhc auction, •l 2550 S . GAllNS(V ST.. SAMTA AHA, CALIF 92707 •I 9.00 1n1 on FEB 10. 2004 the lotlow1 na desu 1bed po ope1ty, to wtl' Vear 199!1 Makt1 C H [V V I NI ICIYY22P3S5114784 Saod ••le Is lot the 11u111use ul •~hsly111a lien of the und~rs1a11ed lor to wrne dnd s lo1 •1• IORelher with cash ot advuto11ne •nd '' pensn ot salet Dated th!' 201h ddy OI )ao .. ~ /s/tean Noutary Published Nt?wport Buch Cnsta Mes.i O~dy Ptlot Janua.y l9. 2004 lh()9il fhe lollow111v P•• •ons ""' d111na bu•1nns n lndd l rat11i Design G1oup. 111 W 17th SI •H 2, CosL! Mua, CA 92627 l 1 •vis Ull•••ISIOn\ Co1por•llOn. (CA). 71 I W I Ith St I H 2 Cnsl• Mesa CA 9262 / Thrs business Is con ducted by. a c0fpo1at1on Have you started do1n11 busrnen yel1 V11s, Ian Isl. 2004 111¥1s Ult11111s1ons llK • Jennifer It avts Se' I T1u su1e1 This statement wu filed with lhe County Cletll ot 01an1e County on 01/?//04 200 ... 972S30 Oaoly P1lnl Jan 'l'J. Feb 5. l?. 19.2004 lh096 Th• tulluw1n11 pet !>UllS a1e do111e bu•onesi. u Out Hou•" Morl~•h Jiii!> lht lllUdd 011•0 Cosl• Mt~ CA 926:>6 And•~• Huull1 Jt85 Any b•d recelYtd atte< \he tcheduted c.lostn& time lor the 1ece1pt ot bodt shill be tttu1ned lo btoder unopened II shall be the sore r"4)ot1Slblllly ol the bidder tu sff th•t hos bid 1.s 1 ece1ved In proptt time. A u l ot 8 1d Oocu menls mo b• obta1nell at the Dlfice ol lhe City [ ne1neer n ( ... °' .••. Cos.la Meu, Calrlornoa. upon tt••refv,.4tltle fleY-t •f $1 S.00. AA •.Ultl-.f ........ •• $4.00 must be mttudell of handled by mall Bod Oocun11nts ancl other contr.ct documents 111ay also be cum111ed at the Otllce Of the City Cleo ll of \he City of Collll Mn" 81d Oocumt nt• will nol be mailed unleu lh• 1dd1llonal $!> 00 chao &e rs. included wrH1 payment c .. cti bod 'hall be 1111de on \he Propos•I lurm, shuts P h throu~h P 9a l)IOVtded 1n ltte conlra1.I d~umenls. and $h"ll be ¥LCOnopanted by ' L•llllotd or cuhoer'~ che1.k 01 • bid bond for nol less lhdn 10" ol ttt" 8mou111 of their b1d. made p•yo bt11 10 the City of Cv•la Men No p1upo, .. 1 $hall b~ cun s1de•ecl unless •<.<om P•nl•d ~Y such collier s check, •Uh. or bidder'• bond. No bod shall be .on Stdeted unless 11 '' made on a blank P• oposal fo1m luo m)hed by the Coty ot Co\la Meu •nd 1s made 1n accoo clance Wllh lht plOV15IOll'> Of lh• P1opusal 1equlfe tnenb E •ch b1dde1 must have • Clan "A" (G•ner•t Conti •ctor I 01 'C 32' (Parkona and tt111hw1y lmprove111MI Conti •C tor) h<en•e. and also be p1equalll1ed n 1~qu111'\l by law A Conu .. ~101 11\tnl " 1.ralt or clau1l1ca11on nol ~how n 011 111., Genetti 1'1eu11tna W•ti~ Oeler on111atoon1 may b~ 1equ11ed tu pay Che w•il" lollt UI ltt.tl U•ll UI c.la1.s1t1eal 1\IC1 "'"'' ~Jo~tly •~l~l•d lu 1t "' shu.,n 111 Ille G•utldl Oete1m1111\1<111\ """' h•e Udn1vd .. lJ11vt. ~o;,lt1 Me••.C..A\Ubl b l t 8!> ol Ill• 11111• ot 11w 1.•ll C..u>I• lor hod• Joh11 Ruufh lie• 11111oa 011vt I ht Lunlt .. i.tur >h•ll Me"" CA 92626 J his bu~1nes• os 1 u11 ducted by husbdnd ••HI wile Have yull stJrled dume hus1nes' yet' Ye" Nonmbeo I 7002 An<tr•a Ruulh !hrs sl•l•111en1 w•s ltlcd wtlh lhe County Cl~•ll ut Or 411&t Cuuuly (U\ Ol/2J/04 200 .. 97 2191 Daily Polo\ Jan /9 I 1<b !>,I? 19 7004 ltt 109 !he lollowmv "'" "'"' are 11orne bus1110\ as Clur Magic , 18712 81 uo~hurst SI J nunh m Valley CA 97108 Rteh.,d Mallhew 11.leon JB7l2 B1ookhu1st !>I . fount.,n Va llrv CA 92108 1 hi\ buslnU\ IS 1.011 ducted by -n 1od1v1dual Have yr>u slao led ckun11 buslneH yell No RK.h•rd M•lthew l!.le1n Tilts •l•lement was llled woth th• County Clelk uf tll•nee Cuunly on 0 1/23/04 200 ... 972119 Daily Ptlvl .1 .. n 29 f eb !i, 12. 19. 2004 fhl07 ,..,,119(y wolh the "' uvr ~1011:1 of Secllofl 1110 to 1780. 111Llus1ve ol t he Ca1tlo1111i1 Labo1 Code. tho prcv~11t11a rate ancl sc•le of waers e)laO lrshed by lhe rny of Co•ta Mes•. wh1tn ••• on ltlt wolh lh" Coty Cieri\ ol the City of Cn~I• Meu. 111d sh•ll tod eol 11c111l11es Pl c •u1bed the1el11 101 nnncomph<1nce ol \aid Code fl1• Coty Cnum 11 of 11\e Ctly ot CIJ'l.\a Me'a 1.se1vn the r111hl lu lejeCI 40Y .trld/OI 111 bid> JtJUl fOlctlt Oel"'fy City Clefio , City .r c-.10 M••• Publoshtsd N<wl>OI I Be.och C-0•1• Me•• Daily Pilol lanu1ry 79. r eb 111a1y 'i,2004 Th091 fidltlM .... "-*'-" The 11.1llow1n1 pe1 ~on~ •11 doin11 business ., Wntsystems. 183!> Wh1lt1e 1 Ave •A 3. Cost• MeM, CA 92621 we,hyslem~ l L C (CA). 1835 Wh1ttoe1 Ave 'A·3, Costa Men , Cf! 92621 Thi\ busrnus 15 1.on d ue.l ed by t 1m1hd l taboloty Co 11••• yuu ~U.rled dolna bus1nen yelt No We•.by\tems. l l I. Oaun r ranll StalllnR'· Ptesollenl/Ct 0 Thts '''"'"""'nt wu filed with the County Clt1k ol 01anae Co1mty Clll 0 1/09/04 2004 .. 7CMI~ D11ly Pilot Jan 15. 22. 29,Feb 5,2004 Th069 i ..... Of w... a.TYOfGU151 MlllieCllJ..,._,.. .... l4111,ar.p. UtMIJ-1571 •MIA11110fMl'l- na10C....111 -Ofa.t...., .w. ...... ..... ~ 1101'C1 Of-TO ~PABT (COil Of CM PIOClllll SKDIV7) Wl ... U2160J TO Denny Hamllloo 1. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT Ch11lene 01.110111 on beh1ll of Kulynn 0 O'Agostlno hu hied a ~lltlOO lo c1u1n1e the name ot you1 child Of lhe n1mes of y11111 children 2 You n•~y reler to the loltd petolJon fOf l111lhe1 PUlKUl•rs (An ot the cue documents filed with Ille court ••• en1l1ble t0< 111umln• Hon m the can tole h pl by Ille COUii cletk ) l A hurlna on lh• petition will be held 111 Oepa1t111e11t 703 ol tht Oranat County Supe1101 Court, located •I 341 The C1t1 Olive. Ot•'\e• Cahloo m•. un f eb 11 2004 at 2 00 o'clock µ m. 4, II you tail to •tl1nd the hu11na and onlorm lhe Cuud why the ~llllon shnuld not be should not be a• ;inl•d, lht6 cuu1t m•y &I 1111 lh• pellllon OAlh ..... .,.,I. 2003 Cller'-G .. _., Pu bh,hed Newpoo t Buch~Cost• Me'<• Oa1ly P1lol l1nu•n I!>, U.. 29. febru41y !>. 2004 lh057 Rdt"---.U ... s ...... lhe lolluwona µet\Uns are do11111 busonu•s u . Posolo•e ll~bell1011. ?01!>2 ltaroor Isl" llunt1ne1011 6ULh CA 97646 Ronnie 8111n, l0152 Hai bor l\le. Hu1111n11tu11 B••~h. CA 92646 Kelly Bwn iO\'Jl ll•rbo• Isle. Hu11l111111on BHch Cl\ 91646 Tho" bus111ns " con dueled by husband and wife ll1ve you •Urled duma ou .. one\~ yet' Yes. I I/OJ Ron111e 811m This statement wo filed wllh the County Clerk ul 01ani:e Counly on 01/06/04 200469H•4S Oa1fy Pilot 1'n 8, 15, 22. 29. 2004 l h066 fiditlea .,._, "-S...... Th1: follow ma per sons are du1n11 buStnus o [ ZCompulerCooch •Om 183~ Newporl llnule vaod •AI09 ?61 Cnsl~ Mtt•.t <..A 9?6?/ Scott C.m-.1 on Uunn I 760 Pu111011• Ave •!> l. <.;..,,,. M•~• (;A 9'26l 1 I h•~ bu~rne!:..:. " <.vu du• ttd by .. n 1nd1vtdu.ol II••• you starte<I dum11 tiu.,11••• yet' •Yes lll/ 01/2004 Si.ult C•mc1 "" llu1111 lh1~ '>IJte111enl wo toled with lilt: C:ouuly t.l~rk nl O'"'K" t:;nuu\y 01101/?0~ 200 ... 971477 Daily f'olol Jan 21. l9. h b !i 12. 2004 ll!08J fidttlM~s "-S...... I he tollowtnK ""' ">"• are dotni bllSlllH\ as 0Csurll1~de1 202 lOth $1 •Ill C Ne..,11u1 t Aeac.h CA 9?663 l.hule1 l'al11•k v.,n liom. ;lo? 30th SI apl C. N~wpo1 l Bea1.h. l.A 9266J lh" bu"nl'Ss •~ <vn dueled hy an tndmdu•I Have you ~t•rled duon~ bus1nds y~l'I No • , Chol P V•n Ho111 Thts st.it.,n1e111 w•• loltd wolh the Cnunly Ue1ll of 01 •nae t;..,only 011 01/QS/04 700 .. 969818 Datly P1lol Ian 8 l'o 22. 79, ;>004 Jh040 fldliM~J -*-" I he lollowone """011• 1re 110in& bustne\\ u Blnche lnte11U(\ ~ Maanoh• S t • Co\la Mesa, CA 92621 Oen• Blase he Sn1 on. 205 M•enoha SI Custa Meu .CA926U I hrs busoness I) tu11 dueled by .in 111d1111dual Have you st~r h:d dutn11 buslnou yet? No Den• Bluche 881 un lh1~ sl•lemeol Wdi filed with lhe County Clerk ol 011n11e (;ounly vn 01/73/()4 2004H72l91 Daily Piiot Jan 29 f cb !>. 12, 19. 2004 Thi 12 M lllll..._ .......... ......... lh• lotlowllft pe11011) •1 • dollll bvtil\et.i H •) 14 S.ven S..tar. b) llto.tt Auclemy. 224\6 Ciunlnlto T .C•te. l t,(Urt• HlllJ. C.lllornlt 92'!)3 r artokh v o10 11111. 22416 Camtnlto Tee•l•, ~· 1111ts, Callforni. fhl• l>USllJH' IS ton· dueled by· au 1ndMdu1t H•v• you sl"'l•d dolna busonc)• yet? • v" 12120/l)j I .,, o~h Vosou11h tho) •l•l1manl wH tiled with Ill• County Cletll ot Oran11e County on 12131/03 200s.,.,s .. Carly Pilot Jan 29, r eb 5, 12. 19. 2004 fhlt 9 Re-. ..... ......... Th• followu1c per ~ns "" daln& buslnns u a) MarCU) Communto lion•. b) lnaen1ous Communte1toons 148 Baywoocl Duve. Newport 8etLh, CA 92660 Paul 8 Ma<(U\, 148 B11wood Od o , N~wjlort e .. ch, CA 9?660 Tht) bustneu •s 1.eun dUC\•11 Dy 4n 1nd1v1dut l H .. • you sla111d dotna bustnau yer' Yu 1983 0111 of state 1998 111 "tale P ... 1 e M•rcu• This sl•temenl ... ~ filed with the Cuunly Cle1ll ol O"nae Co1111fv cin Ol/12/04 2004 .. 70726 D11ly Prlol Un l!I U. 29.Feb.5,2004 lll013 flctlltM llllilMs -*'-' lhe lolluw1n11 puwns Oil' dQoue busontS> .os M•• luclo1r & Aswc.o alt!•. 2431 6a111b110 Sr • Ne wf)oo t Be•< h. CA 92660 l Mu w•ll l0<.k1" h 24 Jl thmboo St Newpo1 I Ut•<I• (.A 92660 Tht• burnoeu " -.011 du,ted by •11 111d1V10u•I H••• you sl•1 l•d du111i: busoneu yef? y ,, luly ?I I 9!12 l Mt 1well lo•lli., Ir 1111' ~l•lemtnl Wa\ loled with the Couuty Clotlt ol Or lln11e County on 01123/04 2004 .. 72172 Dally Pllul Jan. 19. I flb 5. 12. 19 2004 lhl04 fidlltM .... ... s...... The tollo..,tn& P"' sull) 11t duln& busineu .os Toppone I •enh. Inc 2950 R•ndolph Ave , Cost• Meu CA 92676 Toppin& Events. l11r (CA), 2%0 Randopll Ave . Cosla Mcu, CA 92626 lh1s bu•men •• con due.led by • corpora loon lta•• you starlecl doma bu\lnO~\ yet? Ye• October. 1997 Topl)rnl Events Inc. J•~on Oel•O President Th1• •lalement ., • ., foled with the Cou111y Cleok ut 01.rnae Cou11ty 011 0 1/lJ/04 2Q0 ... 972161 D4tly Pilot Jon l9 I eb '>. 17 19, l.'004 lhlOO fldltlMllllileu -s ....... lh" lollowont Pel•ot11. .re dOllllt bUSlll•\\ ., De>••' l1onwood~. 1!192 Mun111v1a Ave .. N•wporl Benh Ca 9266J Jantt M<leud 1!191 MufllOVI~ Ave N•w11011 81:a1.tt CA 9?66.! [hi\ hU\lll"S' fl •On ducted by "" 111d1•1du•I .... , yuv \ta1 led (lu111~ bu•111e•~ yet ' No l•11•I M1 I eod fh1<. \IJ lt:mt:11I #d\ hied with the t:ou111v c1.," of 01 e1111~ (.01111ly 011 01/2.1/04 2000972190 0<11lr P1to1 Ian 29 I cb ~19 2004 ltt108 fldffiM ...... "-eS...... 111~ lulluwollll pi:r•un\ •ft• du'Hi bu~m~s-. •-. Pu1.4dvl Posey, 6014 w~"'"' five. Hun1tnato11 IJHCh LA 9764/ D•vtd Cho• Choh I ••Ill! 1822 Sh•lle• Cr ,4 tlunl1111iton Beoth. <..A 926411 f his bu~IOt!'\~ I\. t.Ull due.ltd by an 1nej1v1d11•I llhe you \l.t•ted do11111 bu"n•\• y•t? Ito Dord Chia Chth lo•n& l his •tateme111 wn filed with ~ht County Cle•k 111 Oranjlf Co11nty on l/1<'106 2004 .. 70112 Daily Pilot l•n I'). U . 29. Fttb S. 2004 Th0!>9 AcWM-....U ... s....... lhe lcillow111a pe1~um. .eoe do1na buMno' n Cl111J F OO&c com. 180 Newpo• I Ctnle1 01 Ive •26!1 Newport Buch, CA9?660 /inc Solullon' In~ (l:A). 1110 Nt wpo1t c.nter o .. v. #165 Ne wpot I Beai.h CA 9Z64>() I Ill\ busones• is lOn ducted by a corpo1 tt1on llhe you sl•rl•d 1tum11 bu•111ess yet7 Nu Ztnl Solu1101u, In~ • Hm Z .. l•w. Pre .. dtttl Thi\ \htemenl wo toled with th• County Clerk ul O• •nlle County on 0 1/73/04 2004H72191 O"ly Pilot Jiin 29. I cb 5 17. 19. 2004 lhl II fldlllM ..... ... s....... the lollowlnfl persons •tt doona butmen H f lll\I h <hnoloty, 630 w Baktt SI Cot.I• Mui, CA 9?626 Mlkh•lt Spokoynyy, •4~~ t>ac1fo< CoHI Hwy 0 101 tou1nc• C1 ~ Jell~ l •plells, 13!14 llltetton Cir , Coih Meu , CA92626 lh~ bu,1neu I\ 'on ducted t>y • 11•-•I part neu.lllCI H•v• you 1t•rled dol1•t tn.rslness ytll No M1hit~oy11y1 Tllli 1t•l•m•nt we• fl!H with IN Co1111ty Clerk ot Orenp County OC\01/09/04 "°""0415 011tr l'llot .i.n \!J. 22. 29 Fab !I 20CW Tfl06.l ........... '-S..... lhe tollow1n1 pu~un• Mt Oul!tl bu»lrlt U •• G r o•n Ad .. rt,.1n11 l9\0 .lav1 Rd • CO•I• Mt .. ,CA9Z62.6 Omnlllc Advt rllttna. Inc. (CA), 2910 Jtva Rd., to.II M4Jw . CA 92626 Thi• t>uilnn~ 1s 40n ducttd by· a r;o•porahon Hive you U M'led dolna bush1tu yet7 Yes I I 2004 Omn1f1< AdvN 11\11111 Ill• h1h< CIJ•)' p,,,\I dent lllos •••terntoll w1s hied w1tJ1 lhe Cuunly Clerk ol 0.11111• Couuty on O 112 3/04 20044972171 011ly Polol l<ln 29 I eb 5. 12. 19, 2004 fhlOJ ~ ...... ... s....... lhe tollow11111 petsons ••• dolna bullnau <1s. •) Bellur Publlsh1na. b ) Bell,.,. '.>001 R,.tt St Apt It Newport Buth CA92663 Betleo I Lt. (WY) !>001 Rover St A11t A, Ntw port llHch. CA 9266J lh1s bustn.:n 1s cun du<.lcd lly limited ll•b1h11 Co llave yo" st•• tell Cluon& business yet{ No Belt•• ll C. Wllll•m £dw"1 d" P11M1p.ol ltus •l•lt>ment w .. hied wotll lh• County .Cl.,11 ol O••nae t.ounty 01101/09104 20046970411 O••ly P1lul J.in I!>, 22 29 ftb S L004 Th071 Re*'-....., -s...... Th. lullvwu1e PIHSOllS ••• 00111v buMneu n •) lhe Prutic;e ot love, b) h1>0 Pubhcallon~. 160!>2 Bu<.h Blvd Suite 214. ll1111t111&lon Buch. CA 9.1647 Brett R1dt•1d W1ll1•m•. 160!>1 Hc.il h Blvd • Suole 214 ttun1111a1on Bu1.h, CA91M / lh" bu.,ne~ "' tun clu<led by an 111d1V1du.at Hoc yuu slar led domg bu.,,,.,. v•P No ll1etl W1lh•11ls J111s sl~t~"'""' wa> hied with tne Couuty Cl•rll ul 01.on&• County onOl/15/04 2004H712St Oaoly Pilot Jan 2'J. 29. r •b ~. 12. 2004 lh074 .......... "-S...... l h• lolluwon& penons are dol111t bu,.lnn• •S: Medshfl Health••• e Solutton~. 30 Co• pot •l• Par~ Suole 201 l1•1ne CA 91606 Med Sl•ll. Inc (Of). 1All· Shelley K•ye). 6!>51 Pork ul Comnot!I c.e Blvd , Bon Ralon. fl 33487 I hos business •~ Lon dueled by a co1porat1on Hove you •llt•led doina bu$111es> yet? Nu Med Stdll 1111. . Suson E 8.111 Suet et11 y Th" •l•l•fl•enl wAs hied with th• Cvutll y C1e1k ol O• dnve t.ou11ly on 01/12/Q.\ 20046970629 (J.,11y l'olul J•n I!> lZ. 29.feb !> l004 lh0/1 ~a.u ... s....... "'" lollOWIOi µe•~U"' are do1111t bu$CROI,\ •\ a / Kenl (nl••IJll\e\ l>J Kroo well lluuse l) Ar b111 lfou.,,, 8/0 Ar b<11 SI , Co•ld Me\•, CA 92b27 Ca1ot II•"' HlO Ar bot SI CO\fd M"'d CA 92671 11.aren Aol.,m•n )04 t Ftdet"I Ava t."sld Me'• CA 9762 I lh1s busmn' t\ t on du~lttd by co pu1rie1~ 111¥• you ''ll• lell do1n1 lou~•Ms\ yet' v ... /003 K•• •n Abl•m•n Ttlt\ sla le111ent wns toled ,.,th the (,uunly Cletll of O••na~ f ounly on 01/?//04 20046972524 041ly Pilot Jdll l':J f tlJ 5, 12 19, l004 Thi 15 fktltlM~ "-S....... (II• lullnw1n11 per\Ot•s •re dvonv bu"""'' •• Mr:. Gruup. 668 Nooth Pa,1ltt Cunt H1ehway nos I "&un~ Ruch, t;A 926!>1 Stepl\11n J Whetlec 668 N Pa1.1h1 Cunt Hwy •?08 l•&una BEach. CA 92661 lhl~ busrn•n 1s cun dud•d by Ml 1nd1v1d111t H~v• you •larted dolfli bus1ne\s y~l1 No Stephen I Wheel~• Th" •latcmenl wu hied with lhe County Cle1k uf 01dnae County on 01/73/04 2004H71l92 01111 PolOI 14n l9 I ell 5.12. 19, 2004 Till 10 RctitlM ..... "-*-"' lhe tollow1n11 pe1son• •• e ilo1n1t business n Sonny Crawford l11ltal latton• ??20 811nd111. New1101 I Buch. CA 9?660 I amt•• I Ouujllu. 7710 ~llnd•'>•. Newport Buch, CA 92660 This bualnou 1s ton ducted by on 1nd1t11du1I HIVO yo11 Sl1! h•d d-011111 Du>lne" yet? No T4n1t1• Ooualo fhos •l•l••fl•lll wn lllt d wolll lhw Count y Clerk of 0111oae CounlV onOl/09/04 20044t7CM67 Daily Pilot l•n. 15 27. ~ !1,2004 lh066 fldlelM ..... "-S..... r11e lollowln1 penon1 ,,,. dolnt busln••• ••. SPAORA, 136 [ Com 1n11nwH lth Ave . r uller ton.CAWl32 N ChlOtto lto.st•u1ent~. Inc (CA) 136 E. Com monwolth Ave .. fuller tcin, Cf! 91332 I htl busln•n Ii con dtK.led b1· • corpor.thon Ht•• you atMted dolna buslnell yet7 Ho II Ohlolto Rut•ur•nh , Inc .. Oawld T. P•rllM. Vice Prtt Tiiie lllltmtn\ Wt\ 116e4 wltll tll<a Co11nt y ca.• of Or•l\ft Co11ntr 011 01/12/04 20046'70704 O•llW Piiot J•C\ ls. 22. 29 rt11 5. 2004 Th060 ------ .... ....... ...s....... Th e lul1C1wlnt1 11•• t.(Uo" ••e doina. bu'"""" u MAXWLLL . 1122 Mln~11 01 , co,.te MAI..,, CA 9'/616 tlnl'w1 Mnil -"'Ill\ owlch. 1122 Mls.ici11 01 , Costa Meu . CA 9Z62b WIH,.111 M4tlhew A• tukO•ICh, I I Z2 MIUIOn Or • Co,I• Mu •, Cl\ 92626 I h" bu~lnen 1• con Ou<leo.I bv • 11•n~1 <1I ""''"If, ·.hiµ II••~ you \IA• t.d dOlllltl busonen yeti Yu. 11/l!i/ OJ H••lheo Mud Attuk ovtch ThtS 'talenoenJ ..,., hl•d Wllh the Counl y Cieri! of Oran&• County on 01/02/04 2004 .. 6H26 D•1ly Pllol l.tn 8, JS. 22.29.2004 Th03J MllM ...... ... s....... rht followlu& P"~ons a1 e clo111a bus•nds ts Starwut Capilal. 3100 NeWPQrl Blvd .. Sle 303, Newpur I Boc h. CA 92663 Starwest C<tll•l.ol Int (01 ), 3700 New11olf Blvd , Ste JOJ. Newpor l B .. ch, CA 9'663 Thi\ b uslneu I• con duct ed by • co111or•t1on Hoe you U•t led Cluona bu•lnH\ rel! V.•01 10 04 Stai west C•Polal In, Robert I •lco. P1 es10•11t 1111• shlemenl w., toled wolh \ht C<iunlJ Clert.. ol Or.01111e County on 01/21/04 200 ... t72S26 Oa1rv Pilot Jan 29. f eh !i. 11. 19. 2004 l hll6 ~ .... ...s ....... 11111 lollow11111 v"r>ons ~• • duuia busmes\ •~ WMA St1 •"-•'> l:omp•llY J lllO 81\011 Av~ 89 ':>11. New pc•• I lh •ch t.A 92660 Wllll•m Malth~w "' tu~OVILh. 1280 81\\)11 Ave B9 "" • N•wllull Buch CA 926(,0 Th"' bur.tncl$ is llJll dueled by 111 1nd1111dual Hav• you \IJtkil dulllK bu5tnes\ yell Nu W1lloo11m Matlhew Al tukuvteh I his •l•ltnl~flt w1s flied with lhll Cuunty Clerk of Or:anv• 1:uu11ty 011 0 1/0?/04 200.696962! Daily P11o1 1411 8 I'>. n. 29. 2004 lh0.14 Adlti.-ltllittu ... s....... The tollnw1ne P••~On\ a1" doon11 busln•\l u B1sb•e's hcl>.I•. 3040 Cleveland Ave . Co,la Mo •. CA 9:.'62& T QUI uamenl P1 umo \ions. Int ICAI 1'19 W 16th St Ste B 10. Lusr .. Me•a. CA 97671 This bu\tn"~~ " con due.ltd by • LOI pur •lluu Ho c you •l•tl•d do1111t bu.,no\ yl!I' Nu 'OUI 11am~n• Pt UIUO tlOll', Jr11 , l'Al llllJ l:!r.b~• V1c.t l're"cl1111 1 h•~ ;to11tement Wd'. llled wolh lhe t.ounly Ci.tk of 01<1n1;• 1.. .. u11W Ull 01/2()/04 20046971413 11,11y 1•1101 Jill ?/. 19. I cb ) II l004 lhO/R ---~ .... -s....... !11c lulluwon11 µVl\Un• Me doing bur.one\\ ~· 01.1n11e County l •llu ll•e Netwnrk ?040 M.a111 SI &tit floor. l1vine l..A 92614 OCllll!tdh Mc.Mo tet ?!>!IA San )O•Qlllll H1lh Rll Coron• Ot l Mo111 t A 9?i>?!> I ho\ bu•111e~\ " 1.on duded by an 111d1vnludl H••e you \larlecl cJo•n.i bU\lnti\~ Y"t' Ve•. Ja11u11 y 9 /004 O•bOr•h McM••l~o 1111' sUtemenl wa\ hied wolh lh6 .i;ounty Cte1 "' of 01ang" Cuunlv om 0 I /20/04 2004697141& Oa1ly Polol Ian }'/ 19 l tb s. l?.2004 fh016 Fk-..~ ... s..... rhe to>llOWlll& llfl SOii~ ate doon11 buslno• ... JI P~lau l P 708;>0 PaS10 I' a nor a111a Yor 1>11 Londa CA 9788/ 2412 Je111lynn Huneycutt 20820 Pneo PantH~m •. Yorba I onda. CA 97881 ?O ? Joh11 11o11evcu1 I 70820 f'neo P•noo aond Yor b• I 1nd1, CA 97887 ?432 lh" bu.,ntu fl con dueled by • hm1ted pattne1shii> Have you stilled do1112 bu\oOt \\ yet / No Je111lynn Hullcyl ult Th" 'to11\emenl wa~ hied with the Counly Cle1k ot Or•n~11 County on 01/20/04 200 ... 97171' D1uly PtlOI J•n 22 ?9. I eb !>. 12, 2004 1h088 MllM ..... "-S....... 111• tollow•n1 pe1,.011s ~·• do1na buslnen n l nl tycoon S•loon, ?6701 Verdu1111 St S•n Ju•11 CapiJlldllU, CA 9267S San lu•n Dej){tt llC (CA). 26701 V-. dU&fl SI , San luan C1p"lr•M. CA 92675 ThlS busoneu h con ducted by wn 1ndm du•I Hawe you ''''led !Wlnc bu'"'"'" yet? Yo 8 I 03 S•n Juan Oepol, t ~C. kl<I Stlarr•. Mana1c1 Th,. ~t•t•menl WH filed wllh the County Cieri! ot Or•n&• County onOl/23/04 20044t7ttH 01Uy Piiot Jan 29, f t b s. 12, 19, 21»' Th\01 ......... ... -..... . l ht followl111 p"'1on, •rt dolnl bualnen t a: f'"' 8reutlte Comt>• nlu , 949 Soutlt Coa11 Or1'4t, $ult. l~. Coll• Mtu . CA 92'2$ Randal I """"'· 24132 Los C•los Or1we, l tp11a Hills, CA ~S3 ~~r f , 8re1u1te. !4U2 lot Cttot Ol'f'Ye, l t(Uflt Hll"-OA92'U Thi• b11~1tl8' Is tOl'I du<t-4 by, a 1"*-I ~trti-~~ lhursday, JMUafY 29. 2004 83 ------- -llpl.... -llpl..... -H••t you •ta1 t.ed dolna buslnen Y•ll Ye• 0 1/01/19% R•od"I J Btb~ttle th11 sl.tlement we~ filed •1th the Counry Clerk of 0.•1111e County on 01/20/0ot 10044971471 011ty Piiot Jan i'l. 29. Feb 5. 12, 2004 1h084 ......... "-S...... th" follo•1na Pf•~c111• 4'e d1111111 buslnn• 1s "'~'"' l•P•l1e~ Hu 1A1111r1t. 18035 Bu lh Blvd .. Hunllnvton Be.ch, CA 9i!G48 Mabutow Corpo1•l1<Jn • C•hfo1 nla Corpoutt0n (C1llfo1n t•). 1803!> Buch Blvd .• Hu11hnttun Beach, CA 92648 Thi~ business I~ con du~led by. a co•f)Ol•hon Hne you 1111 t~d doing bus1n.,~ yet1 Yes 9/211118 • Matsutow Co111Uiollon, Ma u 10,hl G Seto. President Thrs stalemenl wu. toled with lhe County Clerk ot Ot dn&e County on 01/23/04 20046972170 Oaoly Pilot J•n Z9, Feb. S 12 19 ZOOC Thl02 Rd!llM ..... "-S....... I he folluw1n~ lt•1'0ns are 001n1 bus11\n$ •s Southwest Rem•rkehnt1 Inc 3980 ( M11 t loina Av• • An•llelm, CA 9l806 Southwest Rernarllet 1n~ tn. (CAI 3980 l M11 alun11 Ave A11dlr•1111 CA91ll06 lhlS bu>onns rs •u11 clucted by • tor 1>01 .i1oun lla•e vou ~l•• tecJ oJ0111a bus1110• yet7 No Soulhwesl Rtnl•I ~el ona. Inc . Mui .. 1 SI••~ O•k•n, (Pro I Th.. Sl•l•m•nl WO hied will\ Ille l:uu11\y Clctll ... 1 O'""Ke 1: .. uoty onDl106M 20046969US D••lr P1lo1 Jan ti I~ 22. ?9, 2004 fhO~I ~~ "-S........ Th~ lolluwtn& P•"""' at c dtJH\~ bu~tllt\\ ..l\ o) J ~ S G•1den .,,, vie~. b) J & S Oe~1~11 and Conslluchon Ser YICll) l 78 Vu &onla Pl•Cl' Cost• Mn a. CA 92627 Jelltey H S1eve11•un l78 V11111111a Ploce. Co"I• Meu CA 9?627 I ht). bu!t.tne5~ I\ ((H1 dulled by •n 11ldtv1dual H•Vt you st••led cJn111i IHmOes~ ret1 Yu . 01/01/04 Jethey H Slutn•un ThtS •late111e111 w•s hied wolh lh~ County Cler II ol Or a nae County on 01/09/04 20046970410 Oaoly Pilot Jan. IS. 22 29. r eb !I, 2004 ltt-06!> llOlKl Of AIPWllMI TO S8l AlCOHOUC IMIAGU 'hlt.t .. ~ ,_, 26, 2004 In Whom II Mt1 Con, e1 n Ille N•111rb) of lh< l\ppltcanl(~) I~/ Jre S&A GENMI INl IN\: lhc ·•1t11l"•"h l"tt.J •l>v•< ·" c. ~1111ly1111o tu th< Urt.t•tlmenl ul Al<oh 1,ltL B••11 •11• Conlrul tu ><II .ih.ohnloc QeVto •1,e, Al ) j4A l COASI HWY. CURUNA or I MAH. CA 9lb)!> Ty11c uf ltc.en\~(SI Applo~d 101 4 / ON Sf\11 GI NI Rl\1 f l\llNG l'l ,.Cl Publl\h•O New1101\ lledth/l;u\I• Md" 0~1ty P1lut JdllU<I• y 2':J r eb I U<il vj. J2. 20()4 11109!; fldtliM..-.U .... s ..... f fh lollowrnit IJt.tl ~on-. dlt' \\\Jilli ~U\lllh\ •• S1lvt'1 llu <.he• l!>l9 \ 11Uelr111 l'la•to I' 11\U Me\4 ('A 9~6?6 luhe Ann f v>lt• l '>l'J J 1lllelun PlilP t ,1\1• Mo3 CA9262b Hut. bu,..111e~' I\ , u11 durled by dll u1d1v1r1u•I Hav~ yuu \\.lr\ed d111n2 busonn-. yet ' No Julle A11n I osier Tho\ st.temcr11 w." !tied woth tile t:ou11ly Cieri. of 011111l• County on 0 1/06/04 10046tH944 Daolr Pilot i.n. 8. IS 22.29.2004 lh045 fklllM ...... ... s...... - The follow1na peisons a•• do1n11 bU$111US A• Obera s H11rdwo11d floo11na, 136 2ht St •B. Costa Mua, CA 92621 C1eao1y M Obc•11. 136 2hl St. 118, Co$tl Mr1<1 CA 976'll flus bu,111ns •• con du<.led by an 1ndlllldu1I l1•vt vou slatltd dolnt busmtss yet1 No CtOi OIY M Obe1& Thi> statement wn toled wllh th• County (;lttk ol Or•nee County on Ot/06/()4 20046969914 Oa1ly Poklt J•n 8, 15 22. 29 2004 Th0'.>2 . Rdl6M ..... -----lhe lollowma p••80ns are doln11 business •s ·vollh Con s t1 uctlon Ser voth •• I 73 B101dw.iy •Al. Costa ~. CA 92627 William Brent Vo•lh J/3 R1 oildway •At Co•lt "'41H. CA 9?6:>7 fhls buslncu IJ cnn du,ted by •" lndMdu11 ll1v1 you started dolntt business yet? No. will :klllll l/l /04 Wllll•m Brelll Vollh l hrs 1l1temenl w•• l~ed with the Courily C~to. of Ouna• County on Ol/02/04 20044t .. •41 Delly Piiot Jan 8. l!J 22, ?9. 2004 !Mm ............ ... s...... . l'"' lollowln1 P• son• Mt dotnl bw.itleH H W«-fnl $pace UnMmlt ed. IW Otllu Piece Coata Meo, CA 92628 Leone la11rle , 15!>8 O•hu l'l•c•, Co.fa M$U, CA m26 Thia -~· b «Ml dUcted lly· an JlldlVWu•I HIVf )'Oii l tM'ted doll\I bu.tlnt U ytU No Lto11a t.a11tl1 '1llt!11411L "0 llltd w1U1 lhe Count, Cieri! ol 0 11na• County \)fl 01/20/04 20046t7141S D1tll)" Pilot Jan II, '/.'I r eb !>. IZ 2004 fh0/7 .._ ..... ...s...... The followons p.tsons .,. doln& busln.!t.• u Control Powe1 M~ne11• m111I, 826!> Serene !11d11• I An~ A11•hc1m CA '12808 Moth••' U :Oh11l~111 826'.) Sett11w kocl~c L.rnt Anehe1m. CA 92808 Thi\ bU)lold\) I) ~"" du~lnd l)y an 1nd1vldual ll•vt you sl•r led dOtll& bu•111en yet' No M11.hu l 0 Shufllon Tlut sl•lement W•& hied with lhu Co1111tv Cletl< ol Otlln&• Cuuuly on 01/02104 200-4 696 96 2 7 Daily Ptlol Ian II t S 22. 29, 2004 lh039 fidlMMW.O ... *'-' lhe lollow1n11 penon~ 111 C101n2 b1mne,, a~ MSl Co . 31?8 M11111~1ee D1 , Cu~t1 Moa CA 92626 Moch•el A11d1ew "eu1 l•r, 3128 M•llt\\tc Or CO\ta Meu, Cll 971i?6 I h" bU\Ule•~ " tnn du11ed by .,, 111C1••1dutl H•ve you sl~r ttd do•oa busoneu yel' Ye\ 11/ 011200J M1d1ael And11nN f\11u1 I•• (hr~ ~tdh~-mrll1 W•"> tiled wolh lht C:111111ly Cle1i. ot Ordrr~~ t.ounly on 01/02/04 2004696962 1 Oaoly P1h1I Ian II I'; ?? 29 l004 f hOJ/ RdiiM~ ... s ...... I he loll1•w111~ pcl\un~ Al\: d\llllil bu!>mt'n "' I I !'.l•ty I•• I nt~1t.t11' ~'· 41?:1 Mo111111~\t•1 D11vo. 11u1111111111111 lla.i 11 Cf\ 97649 S1 .. -.y Re11•r l~e 411/ Mur111n~sl.af UI Pit Hun\cn~tun B~•dt C..A !12649 HU!t UU':tlflf\\, " ' un dULl•d Dy a11 lllOIVldlJdl ll•V• YUll sl••led ilOllllt bUillttU yet' Nu Statr Lee Tho• 't.itcmonl w•• lll•d wolh lh• County Cler II vi 01 an11~ County on Ol/06104 200 ... 969950 D•tly Polul l1n 11. I!>. 21. 2'J 1004 ThOSO RdltiM~t -s....... I ne lollnwon1t pel\Ons 01 e di>ma busone" ..s Cr~.:' Custom C•binets ~••d Wuot.lwutktn~ 186 lrulellu l•ne Alsu \lottu. CA 976~ Gre1t01y I I 11110tlU"I 186 Trol~llu l•nr Ah\u V1e1u. CA 9l656 Th1> bu•u1c-. os 'u" du•l•o.I by •n 1nd1v1du•I H•ve yuu •ldl led dUlll& bu\on•'~ Y•t ' Nu flf~lloty J l u11c14u"t lhf\ -.tdtcnun1' w11s ltl•d w1ll1 lhr l,;o,unly Lier~ uf U1JUli,;'-l l1u11t1 Ull OJ O'J ()4 20046970474 lJ.11ty 1'1lut J.111 I'> II ?'J I 111 '• J004 lhO/U Rc1illM ltaN --.s ....... J h~ lotluw11111 11m •<In\ d'" i10111a bu"""~' •• p,.,fot Centta M 11nle 11.1111 t' 11'JJ Av.il"n SI 1·0,I• Me\a LA 97676 Leyvo V•l•11l1n 775'/ A••lon ~t . Co••" Me'''· C:A 9?67!i fh1\ bu~11~"~\ t\ 'on tludt(I by dll 111dl¥1dUdl llA•t yOll •''' 1~11 thllnl( bu\111~\\ yd t Ye' 111'.19 lidlCllllll l "YV• Jh1~ \tJle1H• Ill Wit\ hler1 with lh~ C<l1tllly t,;l.,rk 111 Ch anl(e Cuunty Ull 01 l/'04 20046972520 D.tlly 1'11111 l•n i!'I. I ~h ') 17 t•J /004 lht 14 ~---u .... s ........ I he tollnw111v ''"' uto\ .,, r do1111 bu\111"'' " .. Bu• '-'<f".t ..,. Aul~ ')•'Vit t. 2073 H•tbttr Rlvd •II Co~t• Mt\d, CA 9)f>J I 1111•110 S•lv~dor Hou eta&" 1118 N1·w H•tnP\hlle Or C u•l• MHa, CA 9262ti Th's bu!tmt'~'.). 1• rnu dueled by '"' 1111l1•1dual H•vc you \lJol•d d111n1t busrn~u yet' N•r 11111110 S•l•t1dur lltn 1.1aa1 Th" \tale~ruol wA\ Wed ... 11h t11~ Cuu11ly Clc•k ot Oranac Cnunty on 01/06/Q4 2004 ...... o 011ly Ptlut Ian 8 I 5 ?2. ?9. l'004 I ht14 9 Rdltlws ..... s -s...... The lollowm~ 11e1Mon\ 111~ doona bu\llt••' "' Sweel C:omf<>t l , 14 Oel1m1 '' w .. 1 1r v1111 CA 91bl0 Pat11coa .,.,,. 14 o,13tneu We\1, h VIOi', CA 92bl0 ThoJ bU•lllf\~ 1~ COii due.led by <tn 111d1v1dutl line yo..r •t•• 1•11 d<Hntt bU\lntu vtl > No P1trrc•• 'i••• Thol sl"l~no••ll .,,,.. 111.11 with th• c:ouut~ Clerk 111 ()1 •nil~ C:ounly on J?10910J 700J6967UO 0•••1. f'tlot •~11 8 15 22. zq, 1004 11104.l Adl!IM ...... -----Tll• lottowrnjt pe1 soni •re tloln& buatnt u n B2 Sorutloni. 10 O"' wood Wnt Suitt &68. lrvont CA~ Rebecca l l•rn4, 10 Oettwuod Wu t Suite 4&8. Jrv1n1, CA 9'604 1 hi\ bo,1,,.~~ k <.on ducltd bt an lnd1vldu•I Htve you 1lwltd 6oln1 buJlntn yell Yin 01/01/04 Rtb~u I-Z•roo Thi• stetenotnt wn filed wllll lhe County Cltrlt ot Of•nt• ~unt1 on 01/2)/04 10MH'21t7 D•ily ftllot J•n. 29. r 11> s lt lll. 2004 lhtOf:l ~ ..... •s....... lhe loth>w11111 pe"Oll> .,,. dotnc bu"n•u •s Cul111•ry Adveulur•'" l621 W4rw1c k l •11•. N1wport Buch. r.th lornl~ 92660 Jutll P P•llo1io11, 1621 W11w1ck l •no Newport Buch CAii lornla 9'6fiO 1111\ bu••fl•H •~ 'on due led by •n 111d1v1du•I H1i.e yo11 ~t~llMll 111111111 hu\1t1f\~ y~t' No luht P f't1Uf't-.11U tho\ •l~l•tl'lenl Wd\ hied w•lh 1n.. Cotonty r.teo k ot Orer•i:• Courtly Clll 01/0//04 2004 .. 70109 011ly Pilot Jan. I~ U . 29. I eb S. 2004 Th064 fktlllM ..... ...s....... The tollow1n& POI SOllS •re du111a bus111un u Con1t1cto" f111anc1al S111t1tH J '>46 Co11ander Dr •" Co•ta Mesa CA 92626 ll•rtn l Bycos 1~46 CUll•llder 01 IA, Cu~I~ Me''"• CA9l626 fht~ busmes1. '" co11 dutted by an 1nd1vldual Hive you sl••lecl d-Otna bu .. nosi yet? Nu K.1,,11 t Bycll 1111• •lalemenl w~~ lolen wolh t he Cou11ty Cieri. ol Or;anite County Oil Ot/06/04 20046969942 D••ly P1lol Jan 8. I 't. 22 29,?004 Th047 ,._-...u -s....... Tiie lullow1na IJtsl\on• drr du1111: bu~111e~\ as Sh<1u11 H•l~y ?l69 C\llumb•• Do Cu•I• M"sa CA 9l626 Sh•uu ll1l•y ?269 1:u111111b1• Or C.:osta Mc\.t. l:A 92626 1111~ busono" •> '"" lluc.led br •n md1v1du11I ll•ve you S14t lcd doon& bu"""" y@t' Y'"' ' ]O(l() StlJUll ll~l~y Th" •lalemtnt was ftled wolh lh~ t'nt1nly Cl~•k ul Oranjle Counly 1111 Ot/0?/04 20046969620 Oo11•ly l'1lol Jan 8. j ~. 22. 29 7004 lh038 ~ ....... ... s...... fll• lollowm11 pel\ons •• • dn1n1 bus•no\ n lmm111 a1ro11 Rcl41fd S•IVIU). (IRS>. 2130 Main Unit 210 Hun lrn&lon Beach CA 92648 M•dfld Nuouma nd. 3601 Vu mont •I I lone Buch, CA 90814 Thi> buStntn Is co11 dueled by an 1nd1v1du.1I Have you st•• l•d !1111n2 buslfle\S yet> Nn M•d11d N1rnurna11c1 ""' "'•lenltoll wJs toled with thr 'cuunty Clc1 k ol Ornn~e tounly Ull 01/10/04 70046971481 011ly P1lnt l•n ')) 79 I ob '.> II 2004 I 1108/ RctitlOllS ...... ... s........ I ho lollowrnv peo )00) lll o do1112 bU\ln~\\ A5 tl••l'lm I 111etp11se\. 41?:> Mu r "'"~''"' Do 1vc• lt1111t111elon Br•JLh c" 9&49 M•arou\ Nthk• Keehu'> 1 l?? Mor nm~'l •1 llll•e. ltunlinMll111 Br.•1 h, CA 9?649 ftw~ biJ\llU!••'. I\ 'Oil dm i.d IJy .,, tnd1vor1u•I Hetv• you ''•" h•d duUtR, blo>lll•S\ y~l 1 Nu M N1tkKt~h"' 1111, \la lem•nt Wd\ 111~11 wolh lllC' l.11unl y llrtk ot U1.111~" Cou11I• un 01 OIJ/().4 70046969949 O~tly J'olul IHtl H I 5. n 19 ?OOd t lc044 Rctlffttnt.siin• ... s ...... Ille t11llt1Wllll\ ti.l\Clll) HI" duutp tHl\fllf"'\ A<.. Iha• Hudy Wntk\ I /rb I I Suulh I u,t\I llwy L o.t~Ufl.t A1•.u .. h. CA VMtl'V•I PhHktr•yd, ?iOO r111r Cr••k I IOI t it\l'llt'W ~1 r n,te M• • I A '17676 l '11\ hO\IMfil\' I" C Uft tfuc ''"'' by ,,n uut1vul11"I H•••~ you >1111 trd d111n11 bU\10••\\ v~P No Vrrt 1·y.1 f'h~k••Y• 1111\ •l•l~m•nl "'"\ lilt<! wolh lht CC1unly C.lnl\ nt llrana• County "" 01 /09/04 70046970466 0•1ly Polol l•n I!>. U 79 I tb ~. ?004 lh06ll flcffMt$11u --.s..... fl•l t11llnw111v PN >On> .or-do1na b11\1ne')\ ~' ll•hll Motor\ 111 We•I 1701 SI Cn\111 Me•~. Cf\ 9?6?1 Oelu• Molnr 1111 (CAI 111 Wu l 11th ::.1 t.osla M"~ CA 9'Nt1/ lh•) bll\lne\s ,, con duded by o r or pnr nloon ltave you <la11ort dn111~ hu,ono> yeP No Och11 Mot<H In< I ony Sc11 dO Pre\od nl Thi\ slalt•ntnl WA\ hle<t wit h lh• County Clrrk ot C)una• C.ounty onoln l/04 2004 .. 72Sl4 Oaoly Pilot Ian :l'J. r eb !i. 11 19. 2004 Th097 ~...., ... s....... lhl' l(lllOw•n• pa"ons .,n do1n1 bu"''"'' •• Marlicthln&. 410 Poin ""'a A¥e CCKona Ml M11 CA '?6?!> Tami Mella f 41 0 Poinltlfll Avenut, Co ront llt l Mar , CA 9262!1 This bu'"'"' '' con ducted ll'y an lndl¥1thu1I Ila•• you st .. ted doi11a bUSln~'' rel? No T11ml M1ll•I Th•' ,,,,,11,.nl wu INed wllh the County Cle1l. of 0. •ns• County onOl /?OM ~91'•71 Oat11 P110t .lltn. ?2, 2?. r •h !I. '' l'004 rh086 SBl your unw1nlod lttn'" th•nueh t l1.1Mtled ... -, ...... .. Thlndlty, January 29. 2004 ........... --l.1111-..... -----Lliii .... ~ ..... ......... Tile lollowln• p411 son• •rt dollll buslne.u .u Clot1•'• M .. r ood, 131 W. 19111, Ccnta Mf'\•, CA m 21 Ramon M lunen ... 2264 ( .ioral Ave , Co,I• MtiA, CA 92f>27 Thi.. bu~h)llU I\ t un ducl1d bJ wn 111d1v1du•I tlave you stvted do111i bullnton yet? No Hemon M .Nmenu This t htemtnl wn llled with the County Cl~•" 111 OrAn&• Cuuotv on 01/00/0.C 20CMHH9U Detty f>llot 1,.n 8. I~. 2?,79 2004 lhO'>l fkttliMt.Meu ... s ....... fh• fnllnwmtt '-'"''°''' &r,. do1n1 bU\111~'~ '" 11~11 Stl Vl<H. 10411 h vt11e Av•11uc # U;iO. Nvwa>Uf t Bt1.uJ1 r ttll f111 n1~ 'l?f>f>CI M•IU11t• lt•ll tf YIOtt f\vf"OU .. Nttwau11 t u~ .• , h f111111A '176h() 111411 '11.0. I •h UH\ bU\IHf'\\ " l OH du1 led by <111 1ndmdu~I I lave ynu •I•• t~<I 111>111~ b111tnH' ynt 1 Nn M•l1110• lt•ll ftt1\ ''••hummt WJI\ lll1td with th• t:u11111y c;1,.,k nt Ut1n.:~ (.nunty on Ol/'11/04 200-46971121 ll•1ly l'1lut l~11 i>'I, I •b '>. II . 19, l004 11109'! fldtllM....., .... s ..... lhc h•lluw1nu l•N\"'" ,.,,. dwow bus111e-.11 ••) l •~Ahlnm A H,u, & Nitti\. ?'>7'> W l /th SI •I. ')ant~ llno 1:11 'l?/Ofi I 11>1 r •Piiaf l1H IC:Ai, MIO N I ullut 'it '>•llllA A11A I A 117/()j f hie, t)u,111.-,, I'\ 'on dut. frtft t1~ " 'nrpot ••t100 ll•v• yuu 't111 l•O d11111y bu\ml'' ymt' Yr\ IV/4,01 I U\I t •11•t••I 1111 ll0\11• ff ML Vil~ PP•\llJtitt U1" \lttt"""'nt w,,., f1l"d with Uw Cutmty rlr-itk of (h-tfl~• t ouuty "" 12/?910J 20036969319 D.11lv Pilot Jdn 12 29 Feb !'>, 12. 2004 Th0119 .......... ...s..... lhe fultvw•na ""'"'"' tte dome bu\lntn n SPV Worh, 8$9 Wnt t~th St • 17. Costa Mtu, CA 92611 Scoll Paul V.-t.1, 8!19 Wes I 190. St II 7. Co~l• Me~. CA 92627 Thll bus1neu Is con duc:ttd by: en lndlv1du1I H•v• you detttd dotn& but1nnt yet7 No Scott Paul V•\lal ""' 1t•l•m•11t w•s ftled w1t11 th11 County Clct k ul 01011110 County 01101107/04 2004'9691>40 D-111 1•1101 ldn t1 1:i. n ?9. i'004 ri.029 RctltlM ..... ...s...... lh" t11lluw111ii ",.""'" ~re. c1(1111.: IH,1\tn4t\\ ~s ~) I'•"'" I 1dehly Mot I $IAI• bl 11 .. 111on w~~, t .. 11111•1. /O.l Ith St N•w11111 I A••• h I.A \li'l>'il J,'"'n l'nw"ll i'O l /tit \t N•w.,o.t lleodt r l\ •l/hfil I hi\ hll\lllM'' I'\ I 011 11ud cll by •11 111d1Y1rl11•I ll•V• VUIJ ''''' ted dlllflt lw'111"\ .. vttt 1 N1J Jiu.no I' f't•w~ll lhl\ \t;iffllllt'flt Wit\ flft-rf Nlfk flh' f'.1t111tfy r 101k of Or.tn~--CtHIHh uit 01/U /04 20046972S23 DA1ly 1'11111 J.111 /<I I .. i, •, t? 19 n•l4 1110'J8 AditlMhsiltu M-.S""-t 111 .. followmii I'"'' 'o"' ~, ,. fto1nw bu\ln t-\\ •• , •,w •rt I .w11tt.: lPl/\ lb40 S111mt111 /\v r •I) r "'"' M"'·' I /\ "llf.'11 M.o vrn C 111\t'!' l\)i(lllll't p,40 S1t~ll'f 1ur Av", #1), c 11,t.1 Mr\,, l.A. 'Jl~1'/I flu' lrn•+11W\\ f\ • uri du( t,.d hy ,111 11H'f1vut11.•I IMVtt you •.t1H l1•rl (f1un.c lhl\lft("\' 'ft•f I y,.,, 01 t 0'Ml4 M,,, v11t Uh\t'' A.:111lm ftH\ ,l.11!'1111 ut W,t, tiled with Ille '"•uni ~ (.111~ .. f 01o111v." Luuuly 1111 01 •10;04 20046971475 Daily P1t.1t fo n ll. 79. ~~b !>, 12, 2004 Th081 Polky ,... ..... "-S...... The lollo•m11 P•••Qrt' ••• duln1 bu11nen •• Chemp1o n Depot 1 ... 1918 H.t1bor Blvd , t4>\ta Meu,CA92611 Jo•11• v.,.. 289 w Wiison Apt B. CQ,ta Mua. CA. 916:0 rhis bU!llneu IS tOfl· ductad b~. •o 1ndlv1duel tfave ~OU itarltd dOinll bu&lne~ yet? No lor11 Vtp Thi' 'l•lemenl •n ltllld with tho County Clerk ol Oun11a Cuu11ty VII 01/?J/04 20046972172 Oa1ly P1lnl l~n ~. f eb !>. 12, 19, ?004 ThlO!> .......... ... s....... lh• lolluw1n11 p~1 ~011• are dome bustnt\~ 4\ B•by Dub1. 63!> l f tnt Sf lf71 I l u\lllt. CA 1.mlfO Rt111•kol, ln1· , (NV) 74/ w K•t"ll~ AYIJ ' •Ill'>. lh~nee. CA 9~f!ti/ I h" b1t\lll~'' 1~ l!lll Jul led by A lUf POI •lion llAll~ yllll \loilftd dlllll~ tunuu~,, V•''' Vv1>. lollUJty l\t. 2003 1(111n kvl. In• Or-.mond MM tm. 1'1 o\lllont 1t11' \t,tt11111tSnl wa' f1ll'll w111t th• County t l.i k of Or "Ill~ County ''" 01/09104 2004697046$ O•tly Pilot J .. n 1!>. 22. ?9, I ~b ~. ?004 lh06/ Fktlllws INIKs ... s ....... fht'I lollOWlfltl lll'f'011\ "'" do ma hu\111,..,~ •t\ \l,,fllll~ Ow11r1 \ Srrvu I' !08 f'UI •I 1!11lfluH l\lund t.A 'l766i' l\~nn•th I Wdfl" lOll l,01 JI U•tb(•J l>l.rnd I II 9/1.>b~ fh1~. tJu"\mr-., " \.Oii d1u ted hy ... 11 ouhvutu.11 ll•V• y1111 \l~I te~ l!flllljl hU\lflf' \ yf'I I v,., }1'14 t<t11uu lft f Wt<oh fht', \f(lttHl1t•llt W~\ tol~d with 1111• t.:uunt y C:IN" ol (h~"~" Cnunly on 01/07 04 '20046969638 0Jtly P1lul l•n !I I~. 22, 29. 2004 1 hOJO RdlllM ..... ... s..... lht lollow11111 ptr)Un) •r• dom.11 bu\.lnn' n . Vo<.ulAO Dev1lH 11.141 r 0111<1~ I •1ttt, Huntlnaton fleaeh, CA 01649 l nuts St11411, If , 11341 t 01 ~s L tnt Huntlnaton Bud1, CA 91649 This bu\lllo' I> <Ofl du(lfd by. an 111d1vidual II••• you 1ta1 led d0411J bU\lllt5S yetf Yu. 1993 I OUll Setler lh1s statement WH lilrd w1lh ll1• Couuly <:I••" ul 01•11ev tu1111ty nn 01/0?/04 20046969646 Daily Piiot J•ll ti, I) n. n . 2004 111016 FldMIM~ ... s...... Tht lullowln& persuns •• • dCllng business »5 .. ) <:otor Shades, b) C~t111 0111ttnel,, c) Or~'' Say, 1000 tl•l~tol St North, S te. •11 3)0, N•wvurt B~h. CA 9?660 O•ks h• P•t"I, '>8.l Slanlo1d Court. lrvtne CA 9261? This bu•111~" ts 1 011 ducted by "" 111d1vtdu•I ll••e you >l•1 led d111111 bu\ines~ yet> Nu Oallsh3 I' dl~I lt11s • slM~menl wu flied with the County Llc1 k of 01 a111e County on 0 l/09/1)4 20046970473 D.111y Pilot Jan IS. 22. 29 r eb ">. 2004 Th061 RdltiM IW!itss ... s ....... Thr follo wing perwM ·"" rttu11a bus.me!.' as N•wprn I BMth Ca• tinw t.:n lt'l 3ht. NtWJJOrl BLh CA 92663 1 homn Mu\he&••n h l?I lht, New1101I l\1 h. Cll '1?661 l h1~ bU\fnf'\S I\ lOll durt•c1 by an indmdu~I tlavt vou •larlell dn11111 bu~1n.-s yet' No l •1111 Mu~heet.irt Jt I ht\i ,1,.1e11umt Wit., ltlo•li w1lh 1111' Couuly Cltuk nf Orl'fl•'" 1:mmty ni1 01109104 200469704 76 Daily P1lnl l•n l5. 22 29,f eb 5,2004 lh06l ~ ...... ... s....... I h• lullowtnt P""0"' ., ~ dolna bu•lnes' n . I In Stellon ll21 Cley St Ne.,..port 8..ich, CA 9?66.l P11ul St•nley Call•nt, 112 1 Clay St . NewpCHt Beach. CA 92663 Thi• bu•lntu I\ COii ducted by en indiv1du•I Ht•• you alerted do11111 bul1t1•n yef? No Peul Sl1nley Gellant lh1s slatemtnt wu fil•d w1tn th• County r.1r1 ~ ol 01 an11e County nn 0 I !i'O/fi4 20046971412 Daily l'1tot J•n l'I. 79, f •b ... ll' 7004 lh0/9 fkllllM ..... ... s..... Th~ tullowtna P"""'" 4<'1 <k1in11 bUStne\$ f\ Atr Conltol Mech•nllal. I /83 P~n1y Ctr Cosla Mb 11, CA 92626 Ke1111elh luhn Kut All05k1. J ?Ol Broad St IA, Nt wport Benlh. CA \ll'b63 lhi. b11u ne,s '' ron d11< ltd by an tnd1v11:tual llave you started dn1n11 hu>fnt!f>,) yef7 Yt•. 1/0 1/04 K•nMlh Kolanosk1 !hrs slaltmenl ,.., llled with the County Clerk of Ora111ole County on 01/06/04 20046969904 Daily Pilot Jan. 8, 15 22.29.2004 T~ AdltiMt.slllss ... s ....... Th• lollowlna pers<111• M~ dotn& bu•lnen n Ch1eh Matntenance , ?MO rullerton #18. Cv\la Me.a, CA 926;>7 Chi 1stopher Bu wen, l020 futlelfon •18. t:o,ta Me•d CA 9:?627 I hi~ bU\tneu IS COil dtJl led by an 1nd1v1d1111I llav• ynu •larled do1n11 bu>noe.-yet' No Chtt~t11pher Bowen Tllo> 'hten1ent wn ltlcll w1lh tile 1,ounly f l.,k nf t)I ange County "" Ottl0/04 20046971476 Daily Pilot Ian 22. 29, r eb !>, 12. 2004 Th082 ,... ..... ... s...... Ttt. follow 111 .,., ao11• •re doin1 bu\lnn' o Vt"blt Outrnch . • AndllH. lrvtno. Calllo1 flft92614 Krl1ll11 N Vellandl, 4 Andon•. Irvine. Cahfor nte 92614 This bus1nesl Is con ducted by; en lndlv1du1I ll•v• you star I.cl do•na bus1neu yet? No t<rlslln N Vttllndl lhts statement """ loled with the County Cle11l of 01 an~" Cuunty on 01/14/04 20046971094 l>atly Ptlot Jan. 27 29. l eb ~ 1?,:roo4 lh075 MltM ..... "-S..... I '19 follow1111 peo 'on• .tre do1na bus1neu n Wh•I A Joy Creal10111 •• 16872 H•fkneu Cr • Hunl1nwtun Buch, CA 92649 Al1u Lynn Ciaos. 16872 lfarkneu Cr liunhnglon B•arh, CA 92649 nu. bus111es• .. con ductl.'d by •n ind1v1dual If ave you ,1a1 tod dOtni hu\lne~s yr!1 No Alosa Lynn Claus lhl> staten1n11t was filed with the County Clerk ol Or •nee County on 01/27/04 2Q04H72U6 Daily Pilot Jan ?9, f eb !'> 12. 19. 2004 lh 118 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 I-low to Place A ,... ..... "-S....... Th• lollowlna per son' ''" dotna buslnou ., Denim Btu•. 17963 011cll Blvd .. Hunll11clo11 Bt1ch, CA 92647 I oul> W Kernkemp, IWIJI 'Y11cht ln .. Hun t1n1ton Buch. CA 92646 lhls buslntu 1, con duded by. an tndlvldu11I Have you aliarted do1na buslnes.> yet? No Louis W Kernkamp This stettment wn ltled •ith lhll County Clerk of Dunae County on 0 I /02./04 2004HH64S Daily Pilot l•n 8 15 22, 29. 2004 lh027 .... .... ... s...... lhe lollowma per.01" ••• do1111 bu1jneu u OmnlvilHr Pruducliun\, 8811 Belmont St • Cy prns, CA 90630 Shey Guacwy M•cy. 8812 Beln1011t St .. Cy pn1ss, CA 90630 This busJn•n 11 con· dueled by; •n lndlvidu1I Have you 1U1 led doll!i blllUltU yttl Vn01·16 04 Shey G1 •c0t y Macy flll5 $lattment WH filed with lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on 01/21/04 20046972S3 I Dntly Pilot .IJn 29. I eb 5, 12. 19. 2004 flt 117 ......... ... s..... Th• lollo•in1 personi. •• • docna busmoss es BINIPE.OPL[, 230 C.btlllo Street, Costa Men, CA 921.27 JulHI flint Qumn. 230 CabfiUo Stteet, CO$la Mew, CA 92627 Tilts bu.Wess Is con· ducted by; an 1ndMdual Have you sblrted dol111 business yet? Yes. l 2· I· 98 Julie Btni Quinn Tht~ s tatement WH filed with the County Clerll of Oranae County on 01/02/04 200-469H62J Dally Pilot J~n 8, IS. 22,29,2004 Th0J5 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Dllily Pilot Rc9'111 ..... ...s....... file follo•mr. 1>ctso1u •te doin& busmnu as: 4QUEST C011$utlanh, 140 W Mariposa, San Clemente. CA 92672 L1ura B1ldl, 140 W Matlj)ou, San Cl1mentn. Ce9~72 Tbl1 business II con ducted by; an Individual H.vt you started doing business yet? VuOl/20/04 laura Baldo Th" statement wa~ llled with the County Clerll of 01 a nae County on 01/23/04 20046972199 Daily Pilot Jan 29. r eb S. 12, 19, 2004 Thill The ugal Drpar~nt at the Daily /11wt it pkased tQ 111111011/1(( a MW srrvru naw availalll~ to neu1 bu.s111esus. W,. wiU 110111 SEARCH the rrnme far you 11t no exrm charge. and sa1tt' you the time and the rrip to the Court Houu in Santa Ana. 711m, of rouru. after thr st'arrh ir rompleud WI' will fik your firtitious bUJinm 111sme n111min1t wirh thr County Ckrlt. publi.Jh ona a wait for four werlu as required by /au1 and thrn fik your proof ofp11blrcati1111 with tht' 0Ju11ty Cl.alt. flkase stop by to file your fictitious b11sinrJs name ttamnnir at the Daily Pdot, JJO W. Bny S1, Coua Mesa. Jf you cannot uop by. pkase rail us at (949) 642-432 I and wr wiU malrr anrmgtmrnlJ for you lo handk thi1 proudurr by mil/L If yo11 should /!lwr any farther questions, pkasr call 111 and wt wdl be mo rt th1w gl11d to fll.!ilf Jiiii. c;ood lurlr in your llt'W bminrn! DailyL Pilot __ Deadlines __ Rate' and dcadlint'' arl' subjec t to change w11hou1 not1Cl'. The publtshct reserves the nghl to ccn:-.or, recla.,~i I y rcv1i.c or reject any clas,iftcd advertisement. Pka!ll: report any nror that may he in your cla~s1ltcd ad immediately. The Daily f>ilol ancpb no liability for any crrur tn an adverti:-.emcnt for which II 111:1) Ix· responsible CX\;cp1 tor lhl' co~I of 1hc :.pace actually occup1ec.J hy the c rr.1r Credit can only he allo\.\l'd fnr lhl' fir~t inscn1on. CLASSIFIEAD -ii Monday ...................... Friday 5 :OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm Bv Fax (949.) 611-6'\94 tf'k.&'1• H• hhk )•Mii 11.m1r .uwl ph•»k' llUtnl"'°' m1d \1\1' 11 t .Ill ~ 11U lt,tit ~ loo\ 1lt1 .1 lh 1u~ 1.1u1th; t Bv Phone (949) 642-5671! II o urs By M~il/ln P(•rson: 330 We~I Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Al Ncwpon Blvd & Buy SL Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00prn Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Tclcphllm: x :mam-5.<>0pm Ml111tlay· Pm.lay Walk-In R:30am-5:0(lpm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNaMINTS f~l ~ ~SE S010-S940 ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 Tor SS 4 lllCOllDS nc. WI C~1'.'5&.. Ur ·~ A. oo, Ill 11"8<. Splu ltJbe ,,...~ M1k• 949 645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Speclal Events 1310 (QUAllfOUSltG OPPOITUllTY All 1 ~at o.tAtn •d••• 11~ 111a In UM O•W'l'~l'ff I• •11h1•1.I In 1'1~ I t 11N ~I I •ir llntl\lfl& llrt nf 1!1611 a• .1 monJ~d wh11 h m•k~' 11 llleg4f to adver ll•e • •nv prefrr en~e l1m1tat11>n nr dtsc11m1nattnn haHO c>n 1Ufl, rotor. reha1on. •u. lt•ud"•ll. f~m•h•I <talus "' n8t1on•I or1a1n. 01 an Intention to m•ll• any •til h p1~l<'11•11~• hm1l3 hon o• dl\C111nrn~llo• • t htS neW\jlaper will not know111111y I i C~f)I AllV ~t1v••tl&•m•rtl Im r~•I ••IAlr whlrh I• 1n vlul•tlon of the law Our re•d•• • ••' hu•bv lnloimed that all dwell tnttl adYtr Used Ill lhll n11wsp3p111 •r• av1ll1l)l111 on an equal oppo1 tunlty bAt l\ To compl1ln ol di' t.,lmlt1•tlon, c11U HUO toll hee •I 1-800-424·8590 1419 I~ 2305-2490 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fumitvre PIANOS & Colle~blti • Aoipt.,_.., t f~ ·~".,.,...~·~r.,,..,..-._,,... $$ CASH PAID $$ ,,,..l."f"o•••..-.t~·~ WE BUY ESTATES .:64M922e soumcgAsT AUCTI N Z2t2 ........ ..... AM.CAt2l01 ~Owttll~<:.A •l"' l ESTATE R SALE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous Services 2605 IMMI DIA ff l';ASWI' US l'e11Mnn I 11111ftn2 pay, 1 nsh now lr11 II y•a" of your h1 tu1 e pen~ton llffYlllllllh. Ci.II 800 586 1 l?~ fo• a f RU nn obltit~lton •~l•mdl• www u•ptnslnnf11nd1ne ~nm (CAL "SCAN) APPLIANCES 3050 Alftenno Wa;her & Dryer Le capaslly l'h y•s old, ext warranty, ~ ~. llf'I ~ 9496.ll '1111 HOME FURNISHINGS Plrlonal Furn""'9 3435 Announcements 1600 ------c H11111v SUIG" llD Sold wood, brttl>d -fl box must mow. Wor1h SID) w ~ 9'$'Ht-tl111 A11t1.,e W•4tewee4 Uov9 ldlilll for lldloa ~m's.. cc:.:--·· m SOOS·SSSO cats 3610 U SCU( 911 l 1le" Unccrldintlr'fo ll•ppcnl f'pf t)w11e" Ne@d llelp Well Mtlnn,.red A~llll c"" & llldM Oo~\ Med 11~w 111111111~ Atlot>I Aflull A111m•I' "'" Xm•'' .lo dAy 1etu1111'11hcy www ani malnetwnrk 01 g -- WIN'l8I ICll1INS & CATS Boll*: fro 1. ~ nact n C3'f'CI tu..... J) !My hoi!9t illY. l*nl 11*1 mutrr"'1, 'Jim.~ l'Y ~ mrvf lldlm 15. v.lwrlS 11111 ti' !11.-.e 12~ ~7179 www.animel11etwo1k 0111 SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP ~ Equipment 3760 NOllDICTUCK PERFECT CONDITION S95 C"Ll 949 500 0652 MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE MllClll..an Mlrnldlse -WHY PAV RETAll? Sin &'u from $19 ,990 ovblts ff om 128.995 Triples from $48,995. Top ~11Altly Manufll( turtd tomes •t Guar· 1nletd Lowest Prices! Call 800·242·0060 (CAl •SCAl'O D••lffte• lelorln at 111icou11t ptkn Call fOf e complementary 1 l\ou1 ill home Cllll•Uftlllon. (t4t)1U-0106 Ind ex m 7402·7466 ~ IOOS·IS10 ~ 900CH7SO INDUSTRIAL Newport Beach PROPERTY FOR LWE 4402 DOllBt sttmllS gperl ... ,. 12 4 Dehehtlul 118Wfy remnd•led 3br hnme CoU1met ~llC w/viktnll 4800tf w{gated yard, Wesh1de block from I /th t. Newpo1 t Blvd Ma1 949 67~ 6700 eitl 24 stainless s teel a pp ls E ulusiv" hslln& Agl Sl.19.l.CXX> ~ ~C-&113 IAYSHOltlS Ofticesblem 4540 flX(ll/TIAll DOWN, tru~tee Sale. Ford Road CM office space 111 ~ ,_ p.Mk. 1001 w 17th Propertte' 949-759 7700 'f A'lll4 mtc1 re1> ICXXlsl 1400<1 .YiOOsf g.tS.(lj()-828] $425,000 ,. ••• '•lnte lacatl .... Newen-ltet. Prime Office Suite A.pprox 681>1. 1063sf g. 12?3•1 at SI 80-SI 98f\R neftr NPwport Center Av3ffable 213 146 6300 Newport leoc:h office ~pp•O• 1200sl. Medical or office S(lace newly derm&ted 949-574·7368. "•'· 949-21'·2559 NIW,OllT H£1G"TS w/ocean views Princ!f>nls only. Sl.200.000 ltrm. Paul/Ail 949 219 2445. 2br, 'l'/ A:oa Twnhme. !Wd w,.W °*tP & Dal 8'e&lllS. $425.000 949 646 0311 1 .. cutlve Offlcu 2787 l'rrqJMs Only, Nollb B111tol, CM $!>00-S700m onc:ludes ·~ of c~ 40fT IOAT DOCK room ~ff 114-!f.16.9188 36r. 21/181, Townhom• HOMCS FOR SAi...[ S939,000 Prrnc1pals Only Panl/Ait 949.n 9·244S ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Conn def Mir ~Coat .... 2000of. 2 ... SUltn, 2 j)ltios, clbtlSe w/tenls, on f:Hl\bell. SJ2D.OOO 71 $:s540 Net Yet °" ..... t Mn1111e Lot rtx4lfr;.••1 Down South o .. WY SlllCllma t4t+IS0·1414 ON CMll lOT l Duplex and l lilUe old home, 0( .. 11 view, not i•• on market 949·350·7 74. CCllll ... llr 11 /ti• .,_,,,../ twnhm. 8eautlful 2l" , co111m l)OOl/5P• $4 . ,000 Act.EM•• 949-466,7536 ..... ~ M•ISTAT1 Fin~ 11111f11 ,'- dl!olpd .. MIOd & .... ·~ b• ~ 3Jr w/del1cfled ••udto nn marww--.l..--•/t>Oflft ' ..... ,.,.,. •m• ..... ~ ~Dlwllq ZotftD fOI HOUIS Of'OI SAT ..SUW I •S 31152 "•"°Alto Pl•no lb< Jof spllt tnet loned fOf hOt* Multi mlllion I ntJ~ood ~ LlfJn John1on Keller W11t111nt !tt411ty ..... 218,18a5 Under the Service Directory Ba nn er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Stora~arage Space For Rert 6060 31r 21a, new captl & UDO ISlf STUDIO paint, no peh, 277 16th la12e closet & balh, Place #7 Sl700/mo sunny e~powre, SIOOOm 949·720·9422 ut 203 Agt 949·67S-6161 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE ,.. Mis.A 241• carport stor311". m«nd tl<'llb Jlr Sftllt level Apt, den Periert for ~ low ~tudy, fplc . m1uo. de.:" ratesC..olyn~l'.Bl $1750/mo, no pels. 180 E 2ht Sbeet 949-64S-7n6 -tr LAllGl STUDIO r.t Completely remodeled kitchen & bath, p11vate patio SI ?50/mo yHr ly latr-rdlnory htatel Ma11on Oevlei. Oese1 I E•cape 13,!IOCJ,..Sr on 2 77 Ace" i!>.600,000 Call Ael Joel Cohen at 760-567-8910 MISCBJ.ANEOUS RENTALS REStDENTIAl RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona def Mar 21r tlo, a..clt <ett.,.., w/d. tn11f needed, move· 1n Sl>f!rtal! $1500/mo 949. 644 Y.77 714·609 1607 COM cettor, 2&.r, Ibo, Renlll To Slta11 6030 Ip, w/d. 11, DI ? CBr &t1r:age Sl575 714 751 0853 11, "'"' 30'• .-le ...... similar to !.hare 4br hn. Each roomate fl•h 2t>t, le 2lir 2llo i.u.. ii 1 ba S950 94~675·6436 shordlh ~c,is to beach. new/pelnt/lloorlr& La rd UJ(X) Robert 949-Jro. I l!iO , ........ e ... ~2000sl. p•noumlc: ocean & b•y 1111•1. t1Sttlul decor 11100/mo. 9'9-400-6767 RoamltarRllll - Ml lert• hit• In buutlful 1u1rd pted comm w/kttchtfl•tt•. pv-t ent J bt1lh JKuw/pooV tennis $900/mo Intl ut111 Cloaa to Fuh bl & UC rw. ,,-;vi 9fH2Hi8lS Ml/Ot-Vlew •-Ocunftont/22nd1 Prival• room. unf111n, Ml11t1 ba, utlh peld, no/111nlt., lt.ilc:h&nettt. llldty, lbllt to NtWllOfl pjer, 1116111. Call Sam 941)..J1S.~ (bttWtM t.m·Sc>m). Sht41e Aftt., fum'd, nr Td Sq, rnr-y q111et n:l lb.I> ~··•1· I p. .,., 11/r•~ ll'.J~·· ,1 t1A2 2818 DUAl MASTllt 2+2 '" O« 811-fn r•nee/OW, Cov P1 ""I• w•tt1 /tu.ii pd, •v•ll now. <AU fOtl MOY(·IM SPICIAlS HARBOR Vlll.ACE H4tb0f fJlvd OJ) M1rrl111nc W•Y (7 f4) SU-4442 lhw,.rt ecreu the •tr-t 2br I 5ba no l)Clb SI 195/mo 1665 lnline A .. '3~721).9422 a203 I SIDI CHM.MINO, lllle "'"" 2br I 5ba town hovu style 2522 CIMll SU/ti/mo 949'642 MU WTSIDI ~br fant•d y1rd, rcT OIC, W/D •oolulps, OW, N1wly ,.~Ml U1IUnU ,. . 11~..., dip. $260 pet 1l4·5•5·0U2 • 4 l'olde Charmin& cottaee hardwd firs, new ktlch, 111 yard, 2 c ga1, w/d mcl, S2200m l'Ude completely redone home 3br Iba ... 11 tlllllAtices tnd, I& backyard S2500in 949-500-9nt. follaln Valley IDUl LOCA'noH Foont:aJn Velfey· 1200 lo 1600 'quare feet lenanl improvements. 9.00am 5~ 323-«>J. l(XXJ, J23. 33J..flllJ alter 6pm & wedlend\. 8$1175 2br 2b• poo• New carpets, yard, patio, l:aund, sar, 1•t1d ~-2221 nc.&2723 2br II» '*· 214 1/2 Onn ..... ~to bch Sm yd. nu arpcC,1te tam fa~ Sl2!ri 9&37&5288 CAMMUY VllLAel Studio with Mt lt.llchtn t pr1p, $900;mo no •11\1\/P<tt 949-673·~ I liir 1111• off·atrut P•fltlttC, coin laundf'r. Mar wellf. Ood1 111111. $1000/mo IM9·7U.9730 Aet 949·613·3663 • OCIA.N VIEW • I B•. completely remod· eled, brand new kitchen & bath Yearly $1550/mo "•'· 949-673-3663 .. , .. H5e, ._ ll"l/Ofll 2-car Pf'¥. badlysd, 1/2 bb:t\ In ocean, must see Sl611Vmo 949-278-J!ll; cal '*-' 91'.'wn-~ my 2W,. ... 2 .......... Twnltm Style, llplc, b.Kk bay view, .tssocletion, poof S laJO/mo 562-434-1470 s,-t_._ Oat "rtw Cabih vu COileio s-tfM, lbr. lbe, Ip, llltl /Wt, by Holl sum J23.'lf>.fm:i ~ "-' c:-6., "* 2b' 2.5ba loft, 8*: pltiD 17:1>51, dD5e to bc:h 2 c pr $2200 71•'"8:>1.axl? "' "•lph 2t>r 7ba fanvm. fop, hdwd th, pvt yiwd. See 2110 Carat AYtt. $22!lOlno 96642.f1488 saw Ja.. ..._., qu111 ••11. nt•IY relurbtthed 2 car 1ar, •cl hkups, S2JOO/mo 949·759-0874 2W, .. 4Wef Wiit w /led1 lcJY Vlewt, ~~~ ler1e 2br 1ba VIiia Balboa oct1n vlaw, tennh. pool, l•h auar ded, '2400/mo dltys •n>-JS57-415-1913 . -~~.:--~~~...:;..o ... 11111111ii .............................. 11111111 .............................................................................................. ~~.;,,,.:~:.;;;;::::.o.:·:.:..!•~·~-.!-·----·- Ne.,.n stMret W1 1e1fronl 48r 2.!>Bt. itreal r1eiehbothood. Lon11 l1m1, $3100/mo 949-673·3663 It ... .__. ., wdh ~ to i-:ii. ·-'~La yd $.ln> Robert 9'19-700 1750 4bt + office incl 2 msll ~u1les, 2 c: &If. wd, lua, $4500/mo. peb ok Av•ll 3 l •ct 949-439-7773 IMMACUtAn conAGI steps lo NP Hel1hts, 3 I& br's 2 ba, fp, ctMlck out our Vir lual lour www .c1pandtonl.com $804,900 949-451-1352 CAP &. TONI R(/MAX l'RlMIER 949-451·13!'1? Stunnine Cassis Ouan h~•&hts with harbor views 5br 3 c tanden it•". av11ro• 4600 ~f lots & lol o f up.:1 adu $?,tS39,000 VACATlON RENTM.S DesertRlntab 7915 YAClmtl IDfTAlS W!S&IOOAlS lflafmSpto~ahnl>MI Contact Michael M\i!! 7f1J lJ3.7ll7 gott~tvacations.com Prtme Tutoring 7990 r.-uf Pin Mary de Pai.cale. MM N•WINll Uod!.11. CUM Newport Co.isl l t'.'SWn 111 the hom~ ~ 11 11-e CIOlmUfl;y 949 .. 73-2174 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you1re searching !or·whether you're seeking a home, apartment. pet or new occupation! 0 Cahfornfa law ra· QIWIS th.ti contr~· tors lalllnt jOl>s lh•l IOl•I S500 or m0ta (l1bof or meterlats) be l~n~ by the Contractors Stele UctnM Bowel. State IHr tlso requhs !NI c:on1t1ctors 1nc:lutk lhelr llceflse number 04I .. lldwrtlsint YOU ctn cMc:k the stttus of your licensed contractor 11 www.cslb.c•.sov or 800·321 CSLB. Unll censed conl11cton hkh1c jobs that lol•I less than $500 must state In their lldvtrl111menls lh•t th•y lft not licensed by the Contr 1ctora Stale UctMa 80Md." r.. I I .......... 30 ~ operlence QuldlBooU Speclalrsl Clllt Jim 949·278·9129 l•&kt.~& 8uu-. CPA w/Jrt ~ •llP <:.-tor Promotions f(ot> 96.253-41~ ,..,..,..._., A-.••r~ l•~~.c:om lfllDP!I \'S.M: .,.,,,,, Adml11. A .. t for l11vlre fwm Hl Newpo.t IU-.odl Mature & ••PMierlU'!d Cofleee comm llf i & PC \l\llls. f IT w/benetits. Send rMUme lo K C. Inc, 1919 Sanla MoolC<l 81, #200, &lnta Monoca, CA, 904()4 How t\nngt f ff & p ff IM; Si 1 rw CJlll t..rq,.,..V '""'""~'"""' t..Nl\ll 11111• .................. 114~ 1116 S•I vet lur Uu•y 11.1,.111 dllllfl'F hOi_l\t I 'ff ~ l::."AJ,I fUO'..I I.Jr I I f .t • f t'\Uttlt lo !149 647 Ob/4 "' dlll!IY rn 1>•1 w rl •lier 4 .lOpnr Vtlld Nou JI ll W Co•'' Hwy NP6 11u \lhlltl~ 'dll' Medico! lt•<•ptlo,;;t °"'*' td.AAl Af.ot>ly •• 117~ 1Mi<l1 St St~ A I> CoMll M--.. M •r I 11 1H1 Sal 9-1 i;.,i /14 9199NI ClEAHOUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SAU! CAl1 (949) 642-5678 A· Z HANDYMAN Install. 1efllce obrnets kAl:h!rvt111tMbnt.•r~ mokllrw. Oouc 714 '>46 7Z8 c-... c...,...r, Mokq. ~. doors.. Ud91. nrmdttt. nuwu. IJlf.2m) BSC Brl•n 9'9 SIS-9699 Cit!* CllrilQ s4*ill 3 rooms & Nhay •·• llldUOt$~ W TONY· CWll TM KM 71Wlt-39a c.,........,,... ~CAU'OOCMr01'r Reparrs. Pttchj111, lnslall Courteous any Mle tobs Wholuale! 949-rt92 020!> rUlll(STQUM IS lOOIUNG 'Oil MOU Gooor1wu ruauc nou G1, th.! nation' ••II 'lor•a~ •u oar ·~ ""•kin& tesr dent •nd 11u11 1 e"de11t ma1111emen1 IHm~ as well IS irltof ni•nacen C l p If< ~u~lllmt!f -'#let •114 soma PC lllerecy 1 equ1red PoslllOO"' pay S8 50 S9 50 hr plus monthly bo11u111s. Oays only wrlh weekend IH.lursl full .tnd IJ•rl lime Pll\lt•on\ •••ilable C•e•t <omiienMhon ~nd be11e111, ti yuu ~' e dyn•mll dlld "eek 1m medl4t• tmpluymcnl, P'••>v • rn<1rl your t11"1Ume tu ,..,.....,.,@,..~9c.om, 01 111011 by on• ol the lolluwm1 lo••l101a. 2200 Mcf add•n AYa S111ta Ana 71 4 479 0051 2075 Newport Blvd Costa Mn" 949 646 1582 U ClrTIOHlfT f •p'd Pl '°' Rul Estate oflo 111 Newport Be.ch please , .. r.sume 949 no 7301 S4lU U SOCIAttS f /Pl. Gary\ Island Res.oil ware mens cloth1n& slore In fnhoon 1st.ind & """'e Spectrum. tint benef1tv ~altll 40111 C•ll Steve loucki 949·640 1311 or , .. 949-6rt2·27S2 Automobiles 9000 Automotive -I MW 1'91 S21 b cellent Lund wtrrle/lan. pr em p•<kaac •II • • h •S. $20,000 949 '>I!> 0187 ford 'O l Mu ato ng Conv. spoil pk&. J6k nrr, m~talllc are•n/ '""Y Ith• CO. pwr ih, lrke new $13.995 V582412 Bkr 949 516-1111 www.ocpobi.corn Joguor '97 XJ6 L Blue/ 11' ey llht Cl). •In\ b•tdy & 111"' tht11tlal t..ond. S9 YY~ v9~8ll 1 Bk1 949-516·1111 www.ocpobl.com Joguot '94 xi. low "''· met.tllu. "1vtl1 b1ut, tdn llhr \Ulrr1111f, (,I) '>Up•lb urno ~\>99\> v~8Y/l41 Hr uk~r 949 ~116 1888 www .ocpobl.tom Jo9vo1 94 XJS Conv. 6 cyl 1•7 bl.llk blatl. 1 rumt wlloeh. (;U, labulou'> roud S 13.9'¥.> 1118112 Bkr 949 58b 1888 www.ocpolll.~ C.....-Slnllll COMPUTER HELP! .............. .. ,.. ....... .C•• ·~ ·-"9a..v•• ·~MociMI ·Ollot~ • (Jr;lllj ,,_.A-."'* •'ION6Coi..-~Hljp UC ......,~ 10"'9~1-. 714-612~2786 lrldt l letk StM• flle Concrele, Patio, Orfvew1y fileplc, BBQ Ref's 25Yts £xp Terry 71'-!>!>7·7594 C.-. 9-y WM c.ne1t. ~ Slone, 11111. ~.&~ND ,.,., too.,,.. 71"'6~ a.11111 Tuucb of Klas.. Europe.an U...pc11 in House Cleaoioa 2() yc1111 In Busineu Licensed & Bonded Prnfe<\ilmal tl."lm) l&S" gt1C'd 10 Your I tome (949) 548-0097 Free lio<ttffil.llcs -----,...., .. , ... c..., 22' ml, h1U hKlor, WMt, s.aphut blue/CtlMn lttw, n1vl&-lH>n, Sj)O(l pl\ .. H new. 111•11• , ... 1n1•. s.47,9'¥.I •8972rt I B•r. t4t·Sl•·,HI ---~·- ..... 4 ..••• (210 8uohtul baJck/crHm fully lo1dt4, showroom In/out SQ25() 7l4-7'5Hi464 'OOSMW UJI P111m I'll&. AoJto, N1t.e CIN11Col (P/2/03) $19.900 'O 1 •MW X·S ,,0 Silver. N1v1&•t10n, P1em Souncl. Pl\one (M632.30) '36. 900 '01 C.Mw l•cJ.J. SUV Pewter. l oaded, Low Mtlu, Perte<:ll (122184) $39.900 '01 ,-ISO 8t.ck/Crey. •7 Lilt Ktl, •35 twes. •M morel (AIM9!'19) $22.900 '0, Hpor S-TYJH 4 0, V8. Black/81.ck, P1em Sound, only 1 lk ml (M51922) $37,900 'HM~C-UO 811'/8111, Sop« cM<&ed. Auto. 26t. m1 (322681). $22,900 .,,,,,., ....... o ~ Blac..11/B!Kk. &disk, Low m1. Super Fasll (861038) $36,900 '011'.ncl.C- Stlver. 6cl1sll. "Ill Whls. Only 25k ml. Perteet (620426) $54,900 'f l' l'ondte Ill I C-4 ,..,,.. Srlvtr, Only 35t. 1111, 601\11. Specral Car I (6248:>7) $47 .900 '00 ........ s-soo S""-Srlvrr /Ulac~. 6dl~k. I ow Mrle~ 11.ird to fmdl (Obi/46) $43,900 'OJ New l••"-Convt. Blue/Blk, Only IOk n111~,. mullt CD, Why tluy New' (J00070'>) S?O ~ 'O.f ,_,d f-I SO S..- ,..r C ... l'U Crey/Crty, Like New, "7 l1lled,'J5 tirn <A59703) $25,900 '99 lt-.ge Rover 4.0 Sf l:lur i/Sdnd. bdrsll, 1'1N11 Sound Chrome Whl• (417//1) $73.900 '00 Rong• Ro,,•r 4.lt HSE Ok Blue/Sand. h~n1 ~und. 6019., Low Mrle'> (444846) SJl.900 98 BMW 740ll Sed•n Silver /Cry. Navrti" Iron, I ow Mrles S\lOltS Whls (Ml /'19()) Sri 900 949-650-2222 Tllo'• l"1opeU11 Aut~u• t1loca1 s <com YGUaNO•E Ul"°VIMHH "°'let? C•ll 1 plum!Mtr. P•lnlM, h1ndym•n. or 1ny of the erut services lis ted here In our service dlrecloryl THESE: LOCAL SVC PtOPLl CAN H£lP YOU H>OAYI WITTNOln IHIYWAU All phuu $m/lra jobs. CLIAMI 20yrs. fair, lrtt est. L«XXOO 71~1M7 Batcll Servlcll SMAU JOe llPllT Local. Qulcl1 Response Home, Verd a Oock Clftct 31 = CM1cam Eltlctric .l! ~7042 1.1.c. 1t.c1nc L-pnces klCll CQlllrlldor. no jolt too ~ no fib llOo 1111. "-'' l4JQll ~ LICL().8JOl'al (7'4)142-1410 U<IN$1D CONTIACTOll Mo liiO \oo Slfl, M MMcnl Rllptlr, retnodel, fans, •• NW S1IC ~J!l!l6 Bridge ~CHARLES GOREN wlttt OMAR SHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH SUl'l't<:MV OOO.S Wt.:S'f • J 10 9 K J 108 -4 (}542 •If SOUlli •AK J ~ AQ9b.l Vo&d •AK IOJl TllC btddmg: SOUTH WFST 2• ,._ l ,._ ... ,._ ,.. .._ NORTH l J ~· . ._ Opi:ning lellll: Jock of • to w mbinc lhc belllt tirtl'Sl>e "ith findmg 1 4 J hurt divi3ioo 1f the ~ ... ~I<> (111 COIDbined ~ of about 116 pm:cnl. The other ln\IOI~ one of tv.o ruff"ing fines~'> -findinJl Bitj( with one of lhre twu 11ti~io& dl11mood h••Klf'. a 7S per l'l!Alt cf11111L~ However. ilk prn.'l:nl iljle~ en hcillU drup dramalk.illy wuh· out "" e\l.~O trump \pliL Bec.iu.-c 111 1h". bt-fon: comm11ttng h1111'4!lf 1k.'\:lare£ mu,1 lC\I tnJmP' Ille up.:rung i.paJc lc;.id v. J.\ 1<>1HI 111 twnJ .... 11h the 111:1: 11nd lwo n1t111<h ul lrum~ WCI\! d.rav.n with till• llCC Md queen, cndmg in dummy. When West J1sicardcd 11 diamond on the -.cc ond round of IJ\lfUP5, dcchucr llban- doocJ the line involving !he hi:w1 '1111 and llplcd 00 the OOubie fim..,_-.C IO diamonds lie led the pd ot J1J· lllOOdli f.n'lffi the table. EaM folk>.,..cJ low and dci:larer disclltded a hc:.&n from hand. In with the q~"ll ol diatl"lllfl<h. ''ObYIOUS" I\ noc IMX-eis&nly yn unymou~ 'iltlth ·~1" •tcrc.. lhc nhv1 ow l1lle for 12 trida at clubl u 10 play oa l'lcartb. BUI \S it the right way ID tackle the hruld'] WCM ~ven'1d to ~. d«lare1 ""IJllllll8 in bind. 'Jbr Wst !Ill mp Wlb lbwn with the k.irlg. duouny wa.' cnt.md wicb thc quttn of spades and the k.ini of ~ WM led fO&' I ~ ruffing flntsse. If •~~I ducked. declllrer wwld simply con· tmuc kadin11 diMmoods fn.nn lh<' Ulbk. M> East covcra.I Wk.I South ruffed 1llc: ace or hc:aro. .... a.. ,.11,hcd .inJ " hc<an ruff on the Utbk providc:J I.he entry for lb:bll'Ct to ~·111J hh lWU rell1lill1ing hel.m uo dummy\ 11oot1 d.tamund!. l~larer llhl only 1•ne di11mund Suulh 's !Wo-<:lub opo.:ning was llrtl· fiduJ 1111J fo'1:iug. North" two Ilia· moods were waiun~ 1111d the lt'~I of the 11uetion wa' ruuural. Sill dubs j\ an cuc1Jen1 coollllCt Wc.-1 led the JJCk uf >IM'k> 4llJ decl.uv Wb faced with IWO p<Mibk' line'>. Supcrfo.:111lly, •h~ unc lhUI offcioo ~ bri.1 pt'll'~11111ge pluy w11> CUSTOM mATM TU ~tion. •tt. ctnmlc, l1'lllrbll. stone ~ ,,,, U6121* .lell 714 612 9961 0.-a-... Slnr..vTlt 0-... P<*llq. ~ ~ Yr" Cal f rl!tl! Olmo [dlleCo Int !M9 396 2950 UMY sa--, Rl!Pllrftd Re1trout1n & Installation rill 0£AN 949·613 8065 11~ 114 883 2031 vs. !II>. •clual 1111. full factory wa11 •nty. Ch4flll>~cne/ Ian lthr , mnd. CO. chrome wheels. l1ntas11, savu1gs $25,99!'1 v 18n 4 I tlkr 949 'l86 1888 ~w.ocpobl~ Mtn.•4•• ••• MLS20 4411 mt. bluk/blk """I lully .oaded, •UP•• b cond th roughout v878012 $19,995 Bk1 949-516-.... -~~·••pobl.~­ Mercede• '99 Ml320 4~ m1, blk/charcu4I llht. mnrl, he.tltd seat•. u new $18,99'.> vl572818 8kr 949 586-1888 www,o< ..... I.<- Me.ce4H 't6 SL320 Conv. hard/soft top, wh1te/t•n ltllr. CO ch1ome wllul•. •uperb hlie new \Olld $21.995 Yl..268421 8N !M9-51l& 18111 -~-Mei cedu '96 320 SL Coupe white/Un lthr. hard/so It top, must see to appre;:rale ..012496 S22.995 8kr 949 586 1888 ,,,,_~ ..... M•rced•a '81 S60 Sl Wh1h:/tan. 1rr1111dc 111/oul '"'" ll'Hl. oew w ll tup, r01 c.w $17"1> !14-i'!>I·~ Mlrc:"y Ctand Malqu& 'g& VS. !i6I< n• white. lul II'"' 11Tv1wc. mu'>I """· pv1 p.irt y SJ!j(X) I 14 ~ 7!1X:> SAAi '99 9.SS( SedOll 46k ""· d•lk llldy/ldll lhh """I, co. labulUU'> w11d1t.ron, Sll,991;> 08!!2'>7 8k1 949 ~ l!lllH www.ocpolll.com Touru• '9S Gl 11nma• uldle, white. lu,ded. all oplroll'>, pw1 >eal'>. S27!>0 7 l 4·7S l • 2464 TOYOTA 't 7 Av-'-XL be1&ft new lffes wtll m3lnl1tned, under 40!< m1 SI0.750 949 650 01 Z!> ley•to ''9 Avolot1 XLS Sll11e1 /g1 •Y lthr. moonrf CD dlluy wherh b•••ll lrf11I or 1~rnal < u n<I ~lo/.>l'll Sll 99!> 8~1 949·S16-llll w ww.ocpabl.c.om Toyoru '91 MR<! I ~t'dltt . .,v, h l.fit Wt·H llldllll,tlUl:'d, l UWIWI u~ .. 1109491>47 11£h Teyolo SI•-'02 Cl 20lt. mr. l.irdy owned. sllvet. 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