HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. '
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Serving the Newport-Me~a community since 190,7
'( FEBRUARY l, 2004
'She's almost an icon, if you will, on the island. Everywhere we went, she was recognized by the
Fijian people. They would walk up co us and say, ':Wheelchairs, Susan."'
Cal Wadsworth. of Salt lake.City, on Susan Shaw, who brought wheelchairs to disabled people in fiti
Going the extra ·
tho·usands of-miles
Victim suffers wound to
the leg in area·s 'third
alleged gang-r.ela ted
shooting in four months.
Newport Beach woman
says wheelchairs taken
to Fiji are like "a miracle
under a mango tree" to
the poo r and disabled
livi ng on its islands.
Deirdre Newman
F or 2\.S years. two boys from
Prem Kumar's village in Fiji
would cany him every
morning from his bed to a
neaJby bench under a
mango tree. And for two years. every
evening. the two boys would cany the
paralyzed man back from the bench to
his bed
And so it went, day after day-until
earlier this month, when Susan Shaw
and her team ofvolunteers got lost
and ended up in front of his house.
They were in Fiji to deliver
wheelchairs ttfiough the Pree
Wheelchair MiMlon. Kumar wasn't on
their list. but because of the wrong
tum. they discovered he could use one.
"We changed his life just like that,"
Shaw said. ~It was a miracle under a
mango tree."
This is Shaw's seventh trip to Fiji.
Lolita Harper
Darly Prlot
COSTA MF.SA Another 111y~ll'nt1u
::.hooting shook a WcMsiJ e 1wi~hbo1 ·
hood rriday night lt'aving :i :l I ·yt'0.1r old
Costa Mc~ man rn the hospilaJ wnh a
gun shot wound to tlw leg. police '\a1d
The victim. who was not identified by
police, was -;randing 0 11 the sidew;1lk in
the 600 block of 1 lamihon ~trt·t•I at
around 9 p.m. Friday night when thn.>l'
men, in 1hc1r early 20s. approadw<I
him. l.t. rorn Cur1b .. aid.
,.One of the su:-.pccts i.aid somcthmg w
the victim and then removed a ham.I ·
gun. Cunis !>aid. ·n 1c <!I ·year·old 'tarted
to run and wru. shot in the leg. he \Jid
The suspects 1ook off a11d the victim
was ta.ken to Wc1>1ern Medical Cenlt'r in
Santa Ana. where he remain~ for treat
men\. No arrests have been made. Cur-
tis said.
George Salai., 18, and Eddie than a. I ~I.
'Were skateboarding al Rea Elemt•111ary
School Saturday afternoon -in the
same bloclt of the shooting. Bolh men
grew up and live within walkinR db·
tance o r the crime and said ii they had
"heard about ir" from friends.
Some have been for bus.mess with her
company, Oivegear, which specializes
in dothing for the scuba diving
industry; the rest have been to deliver
wheelchairs. She was inspired to
volunteer with the mission in 200 l
after seeing one of the wheelchairs
outside of her church
The wheelchairs are designed with
the minimalist attitude that a simple
chair on wheels thal can be made for
S40 or less is all thal's needed. All it
took was a patio chair with mountain
bike tires.
Newport Beach's Susan Shaw has raised money to buy wheelcheirs and give them to people living on the Pacific
islands of Fiji. The cllairs cost about $40 each, including shipping, and are designed for use on rough terrain.
SaJas said the shooting happened
righ1 outside of his friend'!i house. I le
said that word on the stm:I -.a}'l> 1lw
shootings were gang rela1ed. de'ipi1e po·
lices reluctance to painl ii as such 1u'1
yet. The two men :.aid that sud) '' r ri111c
is always surprising to hear ahout but
then again, ii ls somewhat expected.
"It's preuy rare but then again, we live
In the ghello. so what do you expect?"
Ibarra said. "We gel violence from our
own people."
The Newport Coast resident found
her calling as a volunteer, deciding she
wanted to help Don Schoendorfer,
founder and president of the Free
Wheelchair ~ion. ln his effons. She
wanted to start helping the disabled
poor in an area of the world she was
familiar with through her business
travels -Fiji.
Her goal is to make sure that
everyone who needs a wheelchair in
Hji has one. She estimates 10,000
people on the vari~ Islands of Fiji
need them. So far, she has rrused funds
for about 1.100 wheelchairs.
Shaw brings containers of 550
wheelchairs to the country. Before
containers are shipped. Shaw usually
has to raise $22.000. For this trip. she
had on)y raised half of that amount
before she left.
Shaw left Orange County on Jan. 12
To help Susan Shaw raise money for
wheelchairs for Fijians, call (949)
644-4930 or e·mail her at
info@DivegearUSA.com. For general
information about the Free
Wheelchair Mission, log onto
http://www. freewheelchsir
for a week in Fiji. lhlveling with her
was Cal Wadsworth of SaJt Lake City
and his daughter, Kalie, who is in
college in Oregon. Schoendorfer
connected Wadsworth wilh Shaw after
Wadsworth expressed lnlerest in
he.lplng out with the mis.sion. He
contnbuted SJ0.000 to the effort and
then decided he wanted to help
distribute the wheelchairs himself.
Wadsworth sald he was impressed
by Shaw'.§ energetic commiunent to
the people of Fiji.
Sff MILES, Pace M
Susan Shaw,
shown with a
Fiji man and
his new
says she
estimates that
people on the
islands need
for mobility.
This is the third shooting in four
monihs in which a group of 1hrce or
fpur young men walked up to one or
more victims. iniliuted conversation
and fired a gun. \
The first was on <k t. I I. 2003, and re-
sulted in the Jeath of 20·year-old Ferdi·
nand Eugenio 7.amudio·Saucedo, who
was sho1 in th£' t ht'St while !!landing in
an alley near 1he corner of Placentia Av-
enue and Wibon Street.
Gosta Mc!>a polirc were searching for
Ismael Rosolio Martinez. :11 . of Coi.ta
Mc:.a. in connection wilh 7.arpudio·
Saucedo's death. whirh invc .. 1iga1ors
det.>med nol 10 be gang related.
The second wru. aJso an alley .,hooiing
on Nov. 26 in the :moo block of Coolidge
Avenue, which lef1 a man and a woman
wounded. Sixty officers from lhc Cosla
Mesa. Newpqrt Bearh and Santa Ana
police departments. n~ well as officials
from the Orange County distric1 a llor·
New database tracks sex offenders
Ready for todev'• big game
between the Panthers a nd
the Patriots 7 So la
Wlngnuts' Oeve Marsha l,
and he shares hit tlpt for
putting on a "Super" party.
----Commet1C1 & ~
Peter Buffa ia
Biof• hendt Venguerd lta
second IOM of the ... eon.
86-88, In women'• hoopt. ... ,....,
Passage of Megan's Law bill will enable
residents to stay informed, authorities say.
DHpa Bharattl
Daily Pilot
operated by the California De·
partment of Justice, the public
could get Information about
NEWPORT BEACH -Local where sex offenders live, work.
authorities believe that the volunteer o r s tudy and even
passase of an Assembly bill details about what cars they
thJs week. which would make · drive. However, obtaining any·
the Megan's Law sex offender thing more than the basic ln·
database available over the In· formation on the website
temet, will greatly benefit the would call for a judge's order.
communJty. Sex offenders who are' not
The bill, app roved 72·2, considered high-risk could pe·
would post onllne Information tltion a1udge to have their ad-
about more than 83,000 sexual dresses and other information
offenders Including their removed from the database.
photographs, offenses and, for High·risk offenden are those
the Orat time, their home ad· who have committed at least
dresses. The bill still hu to be one serious sexuaJ offenae,
approved by the Senate. such u rape or ohild molest•·
Through this webslte, to be don, and are considered to be
likely to commit more su ch of·
Without accessibility to the
website, Californians can only
access limited data about sex
offenders either by personally
vlsltlng local police d epart·
ments or making a SJO phone
call to the Department of Jus-
tice's 900 number.
Every state has adopted
some ~erslon of Megan's Law,
named after Megan Kanka. a
New Jersey' girl raped and
killed by a chUd molester on
parole who lived ln her nelgh·
borhood. Under California's
law, cities receive monthly up·
dated lists of registered sex of·
fenders from the state Depart·
m eot of Juatlce .
Craig Brown, who runs Oill·
dren Alert, a company hued in
West Newport that provides
free e -mail notifications and
informalion to customers
about sex offenders in their
neighborhoods. said he Is
happy aboul 1he passage of the
"It's about time California
caught up with other states
and pulling the da1abase on
the Internet." he said. "This
state has been a safe haven for
sex offenders because this-In·
formation was not easUy avall·
able to the public. Now. it'll be
different. -
Putting the database onllne
would make it more conven·
lent for the public as well as
police departments, Brown
said. His company will also try
to work whh the Department
of Justice to con tinue to pro·
......................................................................................... . ,
I ,,
' I • $
.. "l, •
AZ. St#lday. f ebruaty I, 2004
Parents voice concern about
Newport Heights principal
Nearly I 00 angry parents vented
their concern~ to district officials on
·n1ursday morning about Newport
I leiJ;ht1t Elementary School Principal
Juchrh Olamben.. lne hcared meeting
cnme un the heels uf"J\Jesday night's
:.thool board meeting. where parents
rnmplalned ,1hout a "divis,ive"
at1110,phere at the school and a lack or
h•adl•r,hip. Jn rel>ponw. djstrkt
olnnal' !tl'hl•dufod rhe Thursday
Oll't'l11% whNl' part•nt1> 'hart>d thdr
• l'wporl Mes.i Unlflcd School
I )i,1 ru t 'c-hool nurw Merry Gras...ka
wo11 llw Ora11.:e County School Nurse
ol lhl' Yl•.ir JWard 011 W('<lneM.lay.
< ,ra"ka, 1111r.<· .11 Ilea Elementary
Sdwul .111d for thl' district'1t heaJth
< l1111c, h.1' \\orkcd at vanoul> school!> in
tlw c.Ji,ll ll't lo1 the p..t'I 14 years. Shl' is
now l'l•Klhlt· lor tht· Nun.e of the Year
award i11 rhe Southc•rn California
rt•g111n ,111d niuld go on 10 'talc anc.J
n.11io11al rom pt•t 11 ioni..
• Adt't.lli.tll' Ye.irly Pruiues' Phase Ill
lt'porl' r.111w o ut I hur,Jay. 'howing
1h,1t Lhl' di:-.lnrt a.' a whole met iti.
pl•rfor111a11n· tari.;1•1' :_ healing o ut thr
Altl·r JtlJ11,1ed da1a a11d appeal,,
Ne•\\ porl Ml''•' had Ir 'rhools 1h.i1 did
rlOI llll'l'I '>lJtl' or lt'c.lt·ml l(Oals. 'llll'
1t•por1' cm·11111pa" tlw /\rademi1·
1'1•rforni.11wt· lndl:'X ~l orl'' 1hat t·aml'
Olll l."t 'lllllllll'r, l11gh 'd111ul
gr;11Ju.11111q rah'' .1111l 1h1· Annual
~fra'lur.1hlt• ( >h11·l flVl', whirh ,.., a p.1rt
111 ltw (1•tlt•r ,1I No ( luld 1.dt lkhmd /\ct.
Mnrisu ()'Neil
Rape ~u~rcct frcctl after
D.A. fai ls lo file charges
1 ·•Pl' 'l"Pl'Ct w,1, rd1.·.i..,ed on
l\ll"•Uay .1lll'r till'< >ran~l' C:1111nty
d1,tr1ll ,111orney 1JiiJ not lile r haq;c·' in
J 111mpl.1int filt•d h~ a young< nsta
M1•\J w11111a11 1111 J,111. ~4
I ht' woman rcpnrtt·d 10 police that
,111· wa' rapt·d early ~1turday morning
hy •• man \~ho l'itllll' In ,1 party at her
h11111c· 111 1h1· 4(HI hlork or ..-au Driw.
ofllnal' 'aid l'ohn· um•,ted the nuu1
ri~ht awJy 1w.1r lhl• 111ter<;ec111111 Adam~
/\veonm· .11111 Alhatn"" l>nVl'.
nlc ,11,pl•ll Wt'lll to Ctlllrl I H1
1111•,day. hut wa~ rdc·aM·d hl'('au't' tht'
dl'itnct attorney didn't file chJrges and
'tent rht• cas« hatk to thl' < A°>sta Ml:''a
l'ohn• lk par111w111 for further
I Jt't'f"' lll111mtl1
Reprcscnlutivc th reaten for
stance on imm igration care
Rl•p. I >.1m1 lt11hr;1hat:h1•r wa1t the
tar)tct of .1h1111t 110 abu~iw ph1111t:' ralb
111dudlng a dt•alh thrt•af on rt1l"•day
.1ftcr a N1.·w fork mdiu -;tation
d!Sl'ul>S('J l~1,la11un ht' propo~et.l that
would limit lwalth rare 10 illel(al
irn111igra111,. 1"111· LC'1ng~:-..,inan·s
I h1111 ini;ton Beach office rei:l'ived
.u1i.:ry rnll' .1hout till' hill, which would
req11in• h11,pil,1I' I hat gl'l redl'raJ
funding to gather 111formatio11 about
illL•gal immigrants weklng trc,1tmcnt.
Hohrahacher sale.I the United States
'pends million.<. on h ealth care for
peoJ>le who art' in the country illegalty.
He said he take the threats st:riously
but he won·1 hc1ck. dm\in from his
-Alicin Uol1mso11
. Cirque du Soleil rehires
HIV-inf ectcd trapeze catcher
Cirque du Soleil. whirh i.:amc under ·
a barrage of criticism for firing a
performer whn discloi.rd he was 11 IV
Snow Day at Wh11tier L:Jementary School offered more
photo opportunities than I could i.hoot. Ifs all abour finding
moment in rhe mayhem in such siruations. When I saw three
chilc.J~c11 worlOng as a team makirig a snowman's head, I
ltm·w thrrc. would he a picture.
squeeze in someone sliding down the hill if the timing would
cooper..ite. A little patience paid off and I got Brenda
Montano ready to launch down a snow hill. And getting the
volunteer Juan Mesta with his funny hat was perfect ll came
together great. It was just a matter of wait. watch, and sh oot
r,){)kmg through the lt>ni.. I noticed I mule.I manage tu -Don leach
Family. friend s remember
Ritz restaurateur Prager
/\ nuwd of 700 friends. employees
and busint'&., ;issodates gathered al
tJ\e Four Sca,ons I lotel to hid
farewell to restaurateur I lans
Prnger, who died on Ja11. 17, at age
74. following a heart attack ru1d
Uom in Germany, Prager started
his restaurant career i11 the kitchen
afwr corning to Arl1erica. I le worked
for year~ in the Newport Beach
culinary community. opening the
hi~hly ~ucce<>sful Ritz resraurant at
thl' Newport Pier in 1977 and later
moving it to Fu,hion bland. 1hose
who km•w Prager remembered hi"
dedication 10 his work and h b
grnero~ity in giving to charity.
• Residents who want to sound
off at C11y Council meetings on
con<>ent calendar items will s till
hav(' five minutes to do so. Council
inemht>r" on Tuesday voted down a
plan tu limit these talks ro three
minutes, hut they vc1ted tu
rcarranRc lhe order of agenda items.
• Ocl).'Y and community
llll'mb.er\ who give invocalioni-at
council ml'clini.:' will be ask not to
pn'1tiw, will uffer to reinstate him.
company oflkiall> a nnounced
Tl111rsday. Cirque du Soleil fired
Matthew Cusick because they were
afraid hi' condition posed a danger to
fellow perfomlCrs.
•A E,'Tuup of residents dissatisfied
with the ci1y·s approvaJ of a modified
ver..ion of the original 1901 Newpo_n
Blvd. project -which Is still double
Charlene Prager talks with attendees of a memorial reception for her
husband, restaurateur Hans Prager. at the Ritz Restaurant and Garden.
use Jesus' name or o ther language horse manure out of waterways.
that constitutes "sectarian prayer." Members of the Back Bay
The council voted to change its Equ'estrians will work on a proposal
policy on invocations aftet the tate to step up their Adopt-A-Trail
Supreme Court decUned to hear an program to provide regular cleaning
appeal of a Burbank case in which a of the trails. In return, cily officials
prayer in Jesus' name was naled may decide to take down warning
unconslitulional. signs that some equestrians say are
• Horse owners and city officials olTr nsive.
will work together on wayl> to keep -June Ca.tllgraruie
the amount of density allowed in the
general plan -starting circulating
petitions this week for a referendum on
the issue. If they get enough ignatures,
the group will de mand the coundl
repeaJ its approval o( the project or put
It out for a public referendum on the
November ballot.
Also dissatisfied With the city's
handling of the 190 I Newport project,
resident Mike Berry said lhe council's
decision was the catalyst for deciding
to run for an open council seat this fall.
Berry is a member of the Westside
Improvem ent Assn. and the Westside
Revi1ali7,ation Oversight Committee,
which oversees recommendations
made by the Community
Redevelopment Action Committee.
-Deirdre Newnum
Daily Piiot
"/twas a.teaming
procedure, and 1ve're gving
!O k£f>p lalming. We am't
be experts in euerythi11g.
11iere's a reason for
everytll I 11g. 111 is is une
cnw, a11d I ctu1 guamntee
it's the last case on the
Menard. spokesman for
Cirque du Soleil, which
last week reinstated a
• performer who was fired
13* spring after he
disclosed that he was
"I low it. I believe tluit
an invocntion nt a
community event should
refkct tile brorlllest
consensm of tllnl
community. Any sectarim1
referena in mul of itself
marginalizes people who
do rwt ascribe to tlmt
partiClllar faith"
-Rabbi Mark Miller,
of Temple Bal Yahm, on a
Newport Beach Ci ty
Council decision to
remove references to
specific deities rrom
'711J'w liaw been. in tile
last two to three years, a
dozen major issues that
seriously aff ect«l O>sta
Mesa -nn ewry one of
' them, the rouncil llns
ooted against tile /JeOple."
-Mike' Berry, Costa
Mesa activist, who
announced plans to run
for City Cow1cil this fall.
'Would poopk like to see
mR go away? Yes. But UN're
the people, arul we lllWe a
rigl 11 w be lwa rd. ··
-Jim Hildmh, a
Balboa Island resident and
frequent speak.er during
Newport Beach City
Council meetings. after
the counciJ decided to
move to the end of its
mt.'Clings public comment
on routine calendar item-..
"I'm not going t.o be
intimidnted arui back
down from my legislatio11,
but I am gving to t.ake it
seriously and take
precautiollS. We shn111d11'1
be spending milliom of
dollars 011 people 1ulw
come here illqplly wli.en it
takes aimy from tile health
cnre of our oum dtizens."
-Dana Rohrabacher.
Costa Mesa's
repre8en1ative, after
receiving a death threat
and other h~ing phon·e
calls related to· a bill he
proposed to limit health
care for illegal immlgrants.
Daily A Pilot
AlcM Aotlifieon POSTMASTER: Send 1tddres1 SURF AND SUN Polit.a, butlneee and environment dlanges to The NewPort reporter, 1949) 7&M330 Beadl/Cost& Meaa Dally Pilot, P.O. 11ficla.robil1fl0nfi!latimec.oom Box 1560, Coste Mesa, CA 92626. U.Me Copyright: rilo news 1torie1, WEATHER FORECAST BOATING FORECAST News euiltant. 1949) 574-4298 lllu11ratlon1, editorial matter or 11111.pena@l«i~.oom &dvertisements herem can be Today may be the calm For the inner waters, expect VOL.'98, NO. 32 PHOT'OORAPHERS reproduced without written before tM storm, a1 a few variable winds at 10 less with
THoMAS H. JOHNSON s.w~ Martt c. Dus11n. 0on leactl. permission of copyright owner. ctot.tdl paint the sky after wave1 at 2 feet on a western Pubhsher Ptloto Edttor, l<eflt T replow morning fog bum• away. •well of 2 to 4 feet. Out farther, TONYDOOERO (949) 764-4358 HOW TO R£Aat US
Editor lflMI l1'IOCrl9lltt latimes.com READERS HOTLINE Chuledon High1 from 62 to 87. Winds will as a storm aJ)proachel, winds
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A<Mlrtl~r Art Director I N9ws Desk Chief, Record your comments about the (800) 252-91• 1 inthe40a. from the northwest increa1lng LANA 1949157'"'22• Deity Pilot or ,_ tips. Adveltllllit A strong winter Ito"" late. Waves from 2 to 4 feet on Promotio~ Diroctor /oH.untotl<lllatimes.com Addlee9 a 11t111ec1 C949l642,5678 approacNng from the a western ewell of 4 to 6 feet. Neiws&las Our eddreu II 330 w. Bay St., Co.ta '*'*'(9491642-4321 EomNOSTAff Gins Alexander. Lori Andef'aon, M .... CA 92627. Office hours are ~ northwest will likely bring rein
S.J.C-.. Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitowltz, Monday • Fri<My, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. News and thundef'ltonns Monday SURF Managirig Editor, Deniel Stevens CotleeekM• (!Ml) 842-6880 lftemoon Into Tuesdey. Cold
(949) 57~233 NEWISTAW It 11 the Piiot's policy to promptly ...... (!Ml) 67"-"223. unmble .. , aloft could ca.. West-f8dng break.a will ... 1./.cahndl 14tlmn.com 0.....--oorT9C1 all 8"WI 9f eubetanoe. News,_ (IM9) ~170 thunder'lt0f1"1 wtth hail •nd dlest-high aurf. Wave action o-.e.. OcMllec PINN call (!M9) 7&M32•. 8porta ,.. (9491 9&0-0170 City Edftor, Crime and coum reportM, W8terlpOUtl along the coMt. should lnaene late Monday.
1949f 7&M32• 1949167~ E......a: dill/vpilot•i.tlme..com Pl'eliminery reinfell tocats from .... = dllneflfl,goul«•~oom deepe.~fl,.,lmes.corn FY1 MMtOlloe tot.enters are Mtfmat9d at www . .u · .org ........ °""" The Newport BMd\/Coeta M9N ........ Otlloe 1949) 842-4321 about 1 to 2 lnc:hee In .,,.. Spotb Edhol', Jw.C •"'* Deity Pik>t (USf>S..144-800) it ...._,.. (949) 631-7126
,...,5~ Newport 9Md\ ~. publittled deity. In Newport Beech Pubtllhed by Times Community Newport~. TIDES
rlt:Nrd.dunlt•"""-.com M l 57-Mm ( end Coeta Mesa. tubecrtptlol'll .,. New9, a dMslon o( the Loe Angelel IEACH NNflOlf'( l1IM ......... j..,rle.C#e(ll•ldl•""""-.oom evalWM onty by eubecriblng to The Tlmea. The Natlonel W..tMr Height
"\ ~QvfdllDr .• DlllM ........ Tlmea Orenge County {IOOI 11\u s.Mce~ an ecMeory 5:44a.m. 51-t high
(Ml51'MZl8 C.. Mell "'POf*, {M l PM221 252·11' 1. In .,.... OUClkle of for strong rt~ currents at the 1:30p.m. -0.0lflllthigh ,,.._....,,,.,.,,,_com '*"'h.newrn.n•,.,,_,com Newpott 8Mdl and Coeta Meea. bNdw wtdt dangwoue l'.27p.m . 3.31 fMt high Lollll ...... IUbacriptlone IO the Delly ftllot Ire
Forum = edleof. c:olumnllc.
MIMIO'Nll IY8Uabte onty ~dale rnaH for swimming condttkMlt Sunday
I IPM.2'71 Ectuc.tion "'POf*, (Ml~ S30 per month. Plotoea lnctude 111 C2004 T1nw CH. All rlght9 end high IUrf end stfong rtp W~TER TEMPERATURE lolfla,.,,,,,.,_,,.,.,_.oom • fl'llllW..OMll•""""-«Jtn ~--tndloc.itaw.) ~. cun'9nt outtoob ttwough
iu..t.y. 51degtMs
1 ' ' v
Daily Piiot
A law school of varying colors
Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa is well
respected for tapping into a racially rich
pool when drawing law s~hool applicants.
Shawbon1 Fok
Special to the Daily Pilot
W a1k along one of the
hallways of Whittier Law
School in Costa Mesa and you
will see a row of wood-framed
picrures, listing its gradoates, year
I _ -I by year in chronologicaJ order.
~ At the end of the row, there is
the 2003 graduating c~ frame,
in which you see names like
Robina AM. Man 1lli Nguyen.
I loracio De Lll Vt'l,'U. Bradford
• . Connany Beckell and Jameika
• Williams.
Such diversi1y underscon..-"S the
recent change in the 1~1.1 ·
prof1!$ion, historically the
bastion of white males, according
to Roben Wylie. a.'>-'>OCiale dean of
Whittier Law Sd1ool The change
is perhaps best cxempUfied by
Whittier I .aw School, the second
most diverse American Bar
Msn.-approvc.'<l law school -
there arc I 87 of them -
according to a Q'Cent survey by
U.S. News and World Report.
Whinier taw School\ student
body today includes a 21% Asian.
7% black. I% Native American
and 13% Latino population.
Being inunersed in a diverse
learning climate i:. critical for law
studtmlS if they want to
understand tJ1e multiple
perspectives inherent in legal
issuc.'S, Wylie said. n 1e study and
practice of law e111aib lhat one
look at such i~ues in subtle
grays, not clear blacks and white!'>,
he added.
The nuances in legal issues are
further complicated when
practicing law in djverse climat1..-s
like Southern California. where
more than 8Q% of Whittier I.aw
School alumni n.~'\le.
~Different pcn.pective. are
important when one practices
law in gjobal megalopolises like
Los Angeles. whert:' an anomey
encounters various cultural and
ethnic groups." said Courtney
Adolph. a Los Augcles-based
The racially diverse·aunosphcre
al Whittier Law School stems
from lhe confluence of three
histori<;a) fon:es: the Jaw school's
open-minded. open-door poUcy,
implemented in 1966. when the
law school was founded by
Beverly Ruebens; the changjng
racial makeup of the Los Angeles
metropolis over the past scver.U
decades; and, in the years past,
relatively low Law School
Admissions Test scores by its
It was Ruebe~ open
philosophy that enticed
attendance from women and
minorities more so than many
other law schools in the na1io11,
WyUe said. al a lime when mo~t
law s1udents were white mules. In
1975. the law school merge<l witJ;
and sr.irted to get influence from
Whittier College. founded by tJ1e
Quakers in 1887. Whittier
CoUege's philosophy 1..-omes from
lhc Quakers. which is one of
openness and tolerance for ull
people. Wytie said. ·rncreforc,
affinnative action w-c1s
implementC'd in ttll' admissions
I .c>S Angck'S was essentially an
Anglo metropolis in 1960, when
more than 80% of its population
was while, according 10 the
Census Bureau. But it would
OC"'<-Ollle the most racially diverse
metropolii. in the world in 2000.
with a population of 10.4% N.ian,
40.:1% Latino, 0.9% Native
American, 7.6% black, and :19%
Whittier I .aw School laq;cly
lapi-i1110 that raci;,dly rich p<Kll
when drawing law school
appUcan ts for admis.sion:..
Ml imagine that if we were in
Vermont or Wisconsin, it wo11ld
· be hard to achieve the level of
diver:.ily that wc have.~ Wylie
I ils1orically. Whirtier Luw
School ha<> drawn ~•udenti. who
collectively had among the lowest
Law School Admissions 1l.>sl
score; in comparison with those
in other An¥!rican Rar
Assn.-approved law sd11K1b,
according to the U.S. Newi. and
World Hepon. The 2002 entering
class had an average score of 150.
in the 47th percentile. Mlower
I SAT scores broadens the ethnk
dJversity, • Wylie said
Still, a diverse law school helps
the legal communJty. some ·
lawyers say. •
"lb have a diven;e law M:hool
helps to diversify the legal
profes.-.ion. • said Stewart Kwoh. a
MacArthur fellow and an
executive diret·tor of 01e t\sian
Pacific American Leg'".t.I Center.
"Having a diverse law school
provides more legal accc.'S-5 and
assistance for minorities and
ultimately pn~des more social
Whittier I .aw School has one of
the nation's highest perccmagt>S
ofViemamese·American Jaw
students. Many of these tudcnt~.
once they graduate, return to
Uttle Saigon, the epicenter of the
largest Vit.>tnamesc community 111
the world outside of Vietnam •
itself, Kwoh said.
• • PHOTO COURTESY or Wltl n 1rn I AW SCliOOl
Whitier law School's open-door policy was implemented when
Beverly Ruebens founded the law school in 1966.
ult is important to increase
lawyers in communitiL's like I j11Je
Saigon because there i~ a ·
i.hortagc of attumeys in
Southeast Asian communities,"
Kwoh said.
Others disagree that having-u
·diverse law school hd ps.
•t>iversily is ovei;r:.1ted," said
Ethan Pham. a student at Whittier
Law School. "I have not ret:ciw<l
any bcncfir from ~ining next 10 an
11ndcrreprt'5et1ted minority. I
would liuve foll lwt11·r if I wa:.
sitting next to the nll)M quulifil'tl
academically 011 111c ba'i!> of I SAT
and GP~. ·111c~ is a st€'rt'otypt•
that just bet-au!.C you JR' a
certain r.tcc lhu1 you art• going 10
!)ave a certain 1wrspt•t·ti~. l'eoplt•
should be judgt-<l by 1lw m 111e111
of their charaell·r ...
GRANO OPENING Saturday, April 1 7'" from 12-Spm
I 000 Bristol St. North. Suite 1-8
Newport .Beach. CA 9 2 660
fNt. tf I ""I\/
Sunday, f ebruary I, 2004 A3
ByDavt Woni
11 ·, very citdlintt ..... 11..-n you'ix
am.mush> '4:11 }OOr home, 10 get
a call from your ~al estate
profc:-sional 'laying that two or
mJ yhe even three p;i.n it:s "'ant to
m:U.c :m offer on your home. w
all offer; will be pix,'<'nll·d 111 your
e.irhe:-t l·\ltWClllCl\('C
I h1~ can. mdccd. mean 1lm1
.y11u ·11 gel an even heller pncc
v.11h lxncr 1cnns for ~our home
1hJ11 you npech:d. Rul 11 cru1
,,1,0 mean 1roubk ot the w11rs1
What h.1ppcn' 11. u' often u~d 10
Ix• lilt 1:a."'. you -.end the agents
of the !xi) e" h.id. tu their d1cnts
v.1th a rnumcr-offcr that !\aY'
y11u 'It acC:·cpl a ~pen lie higher
pm·c from v. hocvt"r " fin;1 back
v.1th a ~tg1wd coumcr·offer We
Ol'Cd to lool. deeper al the legal
rl·al111es nf counlcr·Offi.'"
hir no"'. the obv1ou' potnl '' that
'"' o people.could wall. b;u I.
thrl1ugh thl' door with ~igncd
olll'r' Jl the \:tme moment
t'fl'!lltng :i pos,ibk k~al hanh:
11ver v.1,mm you have obligated
)OUrM'lf to 1o<:ll )Our hou-.c 10
J1mnkfully, your re JI esl;ite
1m1(e:.~ionJI work' 11o•11h a
l Jrcfully dc\lgn.-d coon1.-r offer
l11m1 1ha1 ~u111c1pa11:' mo~I
l'lu"ililc lcgal han~ up' ;u1d
111.iiC.\ \Ure the .... hole PfOll'.\\ or
rct:c1ving and rc'pondtng to
multiple ol'fers goc.~ l·qui1uhly and
'moolhly For help JU'I c .ill me at
949 ~.U-I 200 or Vl\11 my
wd1,i1c~ at davcv.ong4 t.:0111 m
01td(lrdro.1d com 11-4 Hun or
u11dordroud rom
IJ01•r l\'i'o11g /i11s brr11 srllmg
hontrs 111 Nrwrofl Brodi 1mrr
I Wi9 ,,,,d II 11111'1 Co11J1 Nrll'pon
l'roprmrJ/<.uM111rll 1Jrmkrr.
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Dally Pilot
iie spUn tales that entertained
Dttpa Bharath
C li.fJ Dobbins could Le1l a
• story.
They were more than
stories. They weai strange. ~
delectable tales. from his da)is
In the Korean War and Wortd
War II. (He never talked about
About how he and feUow
marines in Korea put a deer's
carcass on the top of their jeep
and It was frozen solid by the
t(me they got back lo camp. It
W'dS. after alJ. 50 dtgrees helow
And th.e tales he spun were
not just about the war. I te told
CMord DoMMne
"11l1t.nee: Coata Mesa. 46~
y .. rs.
8om Oft: Mey 26, 1926
Died Oft: Jen. 26, 2004
SuNlved by. Wife Paule
Dobbins; daughter Oeboreh
McGhee, aon·ln·lew John
McGh.e end three
grendchlldntn. •
ServlcM: Hetd on Frldey et El
Toro Memorial Pert In Lake
walking. His feet were still sore
from walking with the marines
for 25 years. He retired from the ~
Marine C.Orps in 1967 . ..,
He took the job with the ~
the 5lme year. our was never., . •
the one to be chained to a desk.
He had to move aro)JJld. He _.. ·
had to be bµ&side.
Ql1J also enjoyed.his tra~ls
dlµ'ing his days u a marine.
H_e'd been to Japan and
Vietnam . .But the country that
captured bis hean .was New
But no one cared about the Zealand He e\len had. the
fabrication or exapradon. words "New Zealand" tanooed
Every tale ma~e .them laugh. on hls leg. ·. ·
Every anecdote was He had always wanted 10 go
memorable. Who cared if tt was back there, 'but never got the
fac1 or fiction? It was great opportunity to do so. Ql1J often
. eager.listeners about.how he
once caut~ht a fish that was 15
r~t long. About how he could
clriw to Vegn.s in rwo hours and
how he -and only he -could
get 60 miles to a gallon.
Olff loved the job he had for ·spoke about New l.ealand's .
23 years with the city of Cost.a rolling green hills, the sheep
Mesa as stre~t maintenance and the sheer, natUGll beauty of
supervisor."He drove around in the landscape.
his while truck all day cheddng He retired from his job al the
out storm drains and pothotes. city in 1990. But he continued •
I lis devoted spectators
lnpped up the stories: TI1ey
probably knew he made some>
or that scuff up. Of course. the
!\tory chanRCd every time they
heard it. Ewry tale went
through a metamorphosis. It
got polished and.just a linJe bit
embellished every time ii was
• Ad9ma .,..,_: Grand theft
was reported In the 1600 blodc
at 5:03 p.m. Thursday.
• Bristol StrMt: A C9ffimen:ial
burglary was reparted In lhe
3300 blodc al 9:20 p.m.
• Helbor Boutewrd Md Meu
v.rde Drive East Vandalism
was reparted at 4:39 p.m.
• s.rwt.e Ane Awenue: An auto
theft was reported in the 2500
blodc a1 6:32 p.m. Thursday.
• Shallmer Drive: Annoying
phone calls were reported in
the 700blodc at 6:15 p.m .
• w.t 20th S1rMt Md
Placentia.,..,_: A
hit-and-run felony was
reported '14:52 p.m. Thursday .
• a..tie: An auto theft was
reported In the 2100 blodc at
11:57 p.m. Thursday.
• w.t eo.t 116gh""9y.
Vandalism was reparted in the
2900 blodc at 4:61 p.m.
• w.t OcMn Front: Vandalism
was reparted in the 1700 blodc
at 8:09 a.m. Friday.
• Plecertde Aw9nue: A garage
burglary was reported in the
1500 blodc at 6:56 a.m. Friday.
• Ith S1rMt Grand theft was
reported In the 100 blodc at
10:11 p.m. Thursday.
No one in hii ~ knew to go to the cit)"s maintenance ·
exactly what he did In his job. yard for 13 years after that, just
All they knew was he ~wheeled 10 hang out with the guys.
and dealed all day.~ IJ someone Cliff had a wild sense of
wanled scimething, he.would humor, and often pulled
find a way to get It to them. H . pranks. One time, before a trip
someone needed help. he 10 the desert. Ol1J bought a
Would be the one to heJp them. bullet packed with extra
-OUT Ll.keCI tha1 he could move powder that he loaded in his
abou1 in a 1ruclt. He never liked brother's gun. '
Continued from Al
. "She's, almost an icon, if you
will, on the Island,· Wadsworth
said. "Everywhere we went. she
was recognized by the Fijian~
people. Theywould walk up 10 us
and say. "Wheelchairs. Susan'."
The day the volunteers lapded
in Viti l.evu, the main i.51.and, they
were whisked to a press
conference put on by the Satya
Sai Organization. which hdped
store, assemble and distribute the
chairs. ll'1ere WclS already a
waiting list of 250 recipients and
the press conference enabled her
lo spread the word quiddy to the
l!ntire country that the
wheelchairs were available.
Po1ential recipients had to go
through a detailed p~ to get
one. They filled oul a card with
their name. age. disability and
ronfirmation that they couldn't
afford to buy a wheelchair. One of
Shaw's friends. who owns a
business in Fiji. set up a database
to Ira.cit every potential recipient
When the Satya Sai Organization
receives the fonm. they go out
into the villages and do
a.sses.vnertlS lO make sure the
need is Yd.lid, Shaw said.
lhese aren\ ju.st chairs thal are
indisdiminately given out,· Shaw
Shaw and her team try 10 visit
the more remote outlying and
interior areas becawe that's
where the need1rthe greatest.
she said.
M er the press conference. the
volun1eers headed lo the remote
Interior of Viii Levu to c&ttibute a
wheeJchair to FJenoa. 63, who is
paraJyl..ed.. Th.e elderty Fijian
woman was sitting on a mat in
the doorway of her shack. waiting
~Sh& crawled to (the
wheelchair!,~ Shaw said lhen
she started rolling herself. She
WclS SO excited.•
Most of the people who are
paralyzed or disabled in Fiji
depeqd on relatJves and
neighbors to cany them
everywhere they go. 'The
wheelchairsJJberate them and
enable many to access people
and places they'Ye never seen.
even if they'~ just a stone's throw
One of the next recipients they
visited, also sitt:iltg in her doorstep
waiting. ·was lifted into the chair
~-~~the graM lo her
~~_h~ II was the first
time she had ever made the short
trip. Shaw said.
"It ju.'il changes Lives in so
many ways that might seem small
10 us but are so huge lo them,·
Shaw said .
Another day. the volunteers
wmt to Sabeto Nadi 10 deliver a
wheelchair to Babita Dutt, an
18-year-old with cerebral palsy.
1he tops of her feet were
blackened with calluses from
crawling for years.
"She won't haYe I the calluses)
next year." Shaw said "She's just
1he saddest situation occurred
when the volunteeB visited a
woman in one of the poorer
villages. 1hey wd.lked up the hill
to deliver a wheelchair to a
woman who had been loclted
Inside a small room by her son
when he went into town. The
only way to communk:ate with
the woman was through a small
screen window.
"'Ne left the wheelchair al her
door,· Shaw said. "She was crying
and said, 'God bless you' In
The people or Fiji are incredibly
·generous and the volunteers were
corutandy touched by their
Since the group was staying in
the city of Nandi. they.had to get
to l.Jllob every day to ~r the
wheelchairs. On one of their fust
few days. they hired a driver and
every day after that. he would stay
and build wheek:ha.irs on his own
"The people want to find other
people to help." Shaw said
'ibar's the nature of their
kindness and that's why I'm
taking them there first"
Now that she's back in Newport
. " Clifford Dobbins wrth one of his three grandchildren.
The bullet blew I.he top of the . his way or showing Paula 1ha1
handgun off. Everyone had a he loved her very much. .
good laugh and OifT mountoo 'OlC~ spent ~I years 1~gethcr.
the mangled gun on a plaque Bui OilJ left w11.hout saymg
and hung ii in h~ hallway. goodbye. Paula found he had
He adored hjs wife. Paula. quietly passed away from a
Every Friday. he brought her sudden heart artack I.he
flowers and candy from the old morning of Jan. 25, a Sunday,
See's Cancties store in Harbor whco she had just come back
Cen1er. And every time she told from church.
hin1: "Why do you do this? You Oilf lived a full life. I le was
know I don'r need all this.· 78. 13ul I.hose who knew him
Bui QjfT never said anything. best already miss him. They
He jJJSI continued 10 bring her miss his stories.
1he no~el'll and candy. II wa' I le lefl Lhcrn wanting more.
Wheelchairs grven to the disabled in Fiji. including this man who
suffered an amputated leg below the knee, are specially designed
for rough terrain and cost about $40 eacti to make and ship.
Coast. Shaw is hopmg to rai-.c the
rcs1 of I.he funds for 1hc .
~lchaim she just detivcrr.'<1. "'
stie can start rai!>mg funds fur tJ1e
neXt container. She intend~ to
accompany every coma.iner she
lakes 10 see the grateful look. on
I.he faces or people who an•
transfonned by the gift or
mobili1y. she said.
Her fervent dedication to
enhancing the hves of Fijians is
Inspiring, Wadsworth· said.
"She appears to be 100%
cornmit11..'tl w seeing I.hat every
person in Fiji who has a need ~els
It fulfilled ... he said. "She'!>
high·encrJ,'Y· pas.sio na1e. very
out.spoken. I think shes a pre11y
good leader in this endeavor -a
leader nol by ~ng out orders
teO ing people what 10 do, but
more by example, hy her aclions "
• DER>AE NEWMAN covers Costa
Mesa. She may be readied at (949)
574-4221 or bye.mail at
cleirdre.newman<a. fatimes.com.
Continued from Al
vide e-mail alerts to custom-
ers .
The bill Is expected to meet
with opposition from ~nate
The Costa Mesa Police De-
partment will still have 1he
database open to the pubUc,'
said Lt .. John Flt:zPatrlck..
Continued from Al
ney's office and 1he Probation
Department, served search war-
rants in co nnection to I.he shoot-
ing and arrested four men and
two boys.
borhood and are not afraid 10
walk down the streets. In foci,
I.he violence has gotten better
since "back in the days." the
men said.
.,\\a rr1 oft.
"We do It for free anyway,•
he said. "It's a service we'd like
to continue.·
The Attorney GeneraJ is still
looking at what the state as-
sembly approved, said Hallye
Jordan, a spokeswoman ror
the Attorney GeneraJ's office
ln Sacramento.
•Tho Aasembly made some
last-rolnute changes to the bill
and we're still analyzing those
changes,• she said. •tt also
needs senate approval.·
. r
:.Because there are people
who don't have lntemel ac·
cess," he said.
The cihange wouJd probably
~uce the number of people
coming ln to look at the data·
hue, FlttPatrlclc saJd.
•&ut we're fortunate in this
city that we don't have a huge
number of people coming In
anyway to look at It," he said:
•Putting It onllne would mean
far fewer people coming in.•
Curtis said Friday's shooting
was "possibtyr gang related and
that Sgt. Jack Archer, who was
not available for comment,
wouJd further investigate it Cur-
tis said he couJd not release fur.·
ther de1aiJs abou1 the incidenl
because ii was still under investi·
Salas and lbarra said I.hey still
feel comfortable in their neigh-
• Send AROUND TOWN ltema to
the oa:z:lot. 330 Vf. Bay St.,
Colta • CA 92627; by Hnell
to 1u; .. ,,.,,_ tllatl,,,...com; by fax
to (949) ~ 170; or by C?fllllng
(941) 674-4298. Include tt;e time,
defe end loc8tiof'I of the ewnt. ..
w.it .. a contact phone number.
...... Opdona. ...........
~women. their femlll"
' ..
"It used 10 be a lot worse.· Sa·
las said.
Mothers with babies in strolJ-
er8 walked by and chUdren
played basketbaO on the school
grounds. A young couple wallced
along I lamillon, sharing a
smoothie and a family held a
yard sale. lbarra and Salas said
llfe simply goes on. ·or course it bothers me but
what are you going 10 do aboul
it?" he said. "You just mind your
own business and prolcct your
own life ...
and the community break the
cyde of domestic vlotel'l()9, will
hotd its MICC>nd Super Bowt Golf
Tournament at 8:15 e.m. at
Pel~n Hilla Goff Course, 22661
'911can Hill Road, Newport Coast.
end •Super Bowt Party at Tommy
Bahama's. 864 Avocado Ave,
Newport Beacti. Information 8nd
reMf'Vetiona: (949) 581~01.
The ~Ould.en
auxiliary chapter of Ot1ve Crest
' S..TOWN.P .. eA5
Dally PllOt Sunday, February 1, 2004 A5
Have an epistolary experience
A re you looking for
somelhing different to
read? Did you love "F.lla
M.tnhow Pa." "The Color
Purple'' ¥td "Bridget Jonen
Diary"? All of thcsr hooks are
quite d ifferent. yet all tl1ree st\are
a common element -they are
novel told in erii.tolary, or diary.
Popular in the laucr pan of
tJ1e 18th century in Europe witl1
such books as Samud
Richardson's NPamela." the
novel in journal or lcuer format
has made a recent l'Ol11eback.
With its intimate point of view
a11d immediate involvement of
the narrator in Lhe l 'VCnts, the
journal format makes for an
in volving readin~ experiem:e.
Young adult author1> have
embracpd this format as well
and books of this type can also
be found in the teen and
ch ildren's area. •
Alice Walker's "The Color
Purple'' teQs tJ1e story of rwo
sisters. one living in the South
and one ,, mi~'1onary in Africa in
Continued from A4
Homes and Services for Abused '
Children. will hold its third annual
Super Bowl Extravaganza at 1 :30
p.m . at the Newport Dunes, 1131,
Backbay Drive. Newport Beach.
The Laker Girls will make a
special appearance at a pregame
tailgate party, and the band Sugar
Ray will perform at the after-party.
Tickets cost $1 25. Information;
Ho99 Hospital w ill host
#Cancer Legal Resource Center;
with speaker Barbara Schwerin,
from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Hoag
Cancer Center's radiation
oncology library. Information and
reservations: (949) 760·5542.
Volunteers for Clari<, • political
organization supporting the
presidential campaign of
Democrat Wesley Clark.. will host
a meet-up at 7 p.m. at
M argaritaville. 2332 W. Coast
Highway, NewpOrt Beach.
info @volunteersforclark.com,
http://www. meet up.com ..
Ho99 Hospit•I will present •
com munity education class on
#Heart Attack: Signals and
ActionsH by Dr. Leo Carter at 6
p.m . at 1he Hoag Hospital
Conference Center in Newport
Beacti. Information and
reservations: (800) 514-4624.
Ho~ Hospital will present a
community education class on
"Stroke: The Warning Signs" by
Dr. Subbarao Myla at 6 p.m. at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
in Newpon Beacti. Information
and reservations: (800) 514-4624,
Coastline Community College
instructor Diane Ryan will host a
History of Orange County class
once a week from 1 to 3 p.m.
Thursdays through May 27 at the
Oasis Senior Center, BOO
M arguerite Ave., Corona del Mar.
Information: (949) 644·3244, (714)
South Coast Plua will
present •The Fascination of
Orchids" show and sale, whicti is
sponsored by the Orange
Cou nty Brandl Cymbidium
Society of America, beginning
today during mall hours in the
Crate and Barrel and Macy's
Hom e Store W ing Information:
(800) 782-8888,
The Newport Bead! Public
Library Foundation will present
"The Cure for Your Relationship #
with Maxine Cohen at 7 p.m . in
the Friends Meeting Room at the
Central Library. 1000 Avocado
Ave .• Newport Beacti.
Information: (949) 71 7·3870,
h ttp:llwww.newportbeach
th e 1920s. Their sup1.>0rt for each
other Is recorded throughout the
novel. which went on to win the
JlulilY.er Vri7.e in 1963 in addition
to being nominated for 11
Academy A~ards in Stc..>ven
Spielberg's 1985 film ada()'ation.
NF.Ila Minnow Pea," by Mad
Dunn. has the inLri~ng
subtitle, "A Progras1Ye1y
Upogrammadc Epistolary
Fable.'' A lipogram is a piece of
w riting that eliminates tJ1e use of
on(· letter of lhe alphabet.
Ounn's book is a progressive
Hpggram that teUs the story of
the dictatorial council on the
island of NoUop (named for the
oriwnatur of the familiar
pangr..tm "the quick hmwn fox
jumped over the lttl.y dug .. ) who
misinterpret a "sign" Imm
Nollop and gradunlly begin
hanning leuers one by one (A
pan~rnm is a sentl'ncc that uses
all the letters of tJ1e alphabet).
111e "epistles" between f<ui1ily
members and their cohons in
brinwn~ down tJ1is nonsense are
hilarioui. and give .1 plct ure of
The Friends of the Newport
Beach Library will host a preview
for members only of its used
book sale from 1 to 5 p.m. m the
Friends meeting room at 1000
Avocado Ave. Hardbacks will be
priced at two for S 1, and
paperbacks will be six for $1.
Information: (949) 759·9667. ....
South Coast Plaza will
present HThe Fascination of
Orchids" show and salo, which is
sponsored by the Orange County
Branch Cymbidium Society of
America. during m all hours in the
Crate and Barrel and Macy's
Home Store Wing. Information:
(800) 782 8888.
The Friends of the Newport
Beach library will host a used
book sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in
the Friends Meeting room at 1000
Avocado Ave. All books will be
priced at $1 a bag. Information:
(949) 759-9667.
South Co•st Plaza will
present •The Fascination of
OrctiidsH show and sale, which is
sponsored by the Orange County
Branch Cymbidium Society of
America, during mall hours in the
Crate and Barrel and Macy's
Home Store Wing. Information:
(800) 782-8888.
South Coast Plan will
present HThe Fascination of
Ordllds" show and sale, wh1cti is
sponsored by the Orange County
Brandl Cymbidium Society of
America, during mall hours in the
Crate and Barrel and Macy's
Home Store Wing. Information:
(800) 782·8888,
FEB. 9
The American Cancer Society
will host "Look Good .. Feet
Better" classes, which will teacti
cancer patients makeup. wig and
turban tips to help hide the effects
of radiation and d1emotherapy
from 10 a.m. to noon at Hoag
Hospital. Information and
registration: (949) 261-9446. (BOO)
The Orange County Slefn
Singles m onthly meeting will be
held at 6:30 p.m. at tho Costa
Mesa Community Center, 1845
Partt Ave. The featured slide
presentation will be #Around the
Wo rld in 80 Slides." The cost is $4
for dinner. Bring your own eating
utensils and beve1age.
Information: (714) 505-2404.
FEB. 10
Hoag Hospital will present •
community education class on
HWhat is Arrhythmia" by Dr.
Brian Chesnie at 6 p.m . at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
in Newport Beacti. Information
and reservations: (BOO) 6 14-4624,
http:/!Www. hoaghospital. org.
The Newport Bead! Chamber of
Pe11t11ri11x A Liv~ Trib11u To
Frank Sinatra
Every Mo""4y 0-T11a"4y 6-9pm
Sf*akl • 5afood 9 Cocktlill •••q..licy ~•n
... ~ghdy l!atettalama~··
/,., .',', ' , If• '' I ,//
(')t'l)(t t<• .• ,,,
It•' t ' I 1 \ ''I• \· ' I • I ' \ 1. ' '
. totnlitariunl'lm at its most
.. Bridget Jones's Diary" by .
1 lelen Piclding describes the life
of a JO-something British
woman in journal format. She is
convinced her life would be
wonderful if she could just stop
'\moking. lose weight and
develop "inner poise.· Ulce "1be
Color Purple," it went on to
becom e a pcipular motion
picture and its sequel, "Bridget
lonm Dlary: The Edge or
· Reason" will be coming out as a
feature mm shortly.
M'fV developed a line of
l.!ut1ing-t.'l1ge books for young
adults. and the 5econd novel
they published, "1be Perb or
Being a Wallftower," by Stephen
<libosky. rl'lates tlle story of its
narrator. lharlie, through a
:.cric!> uf letters to an unknown
friend. Touching and funny. th.i6
novel cap1ures the angst of a
fn!shrnan encountering tllc
!>truggJe, of high school witll the
intimate feelings of a diary.
0 1her title!> for teens include
Commerce will present the
Business at the Beach Business
Exposition from 5 to 8 p.m. at the
Newport Beacti Marriott Hotel &
Tennis Club, 900 Newport Center
Drive. There will be networking
opportunities, appetizers, a
no·ho~ bar and door prizes.
Information: (949) 729-4400.
Hoag Hospital will preMnt •
community oducation class on
"Drug·El1lng Stent: Setting a New
Standard" by Dr. Richard Haskell
al 6 p.m. at the Hoag Hospital
Conference Center in Newport
Beacti. tnform.ation and
reservations: (800) 514-4624,
Ho~ Hospital will present a
commumty education class on
-imaging for Lung Cancer" by Dr.
Jason Cohen from 6:30 to 8 p.m .
Jt the Hoag Cancer Center,
Conference room A in Newport
Beacti. Information and
reservations: (949) 760-5542.
The UC Irvine Arbont1Um
will present HThe Romance of
Orchids~ at tis annual Winter
Orchid Show, from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m . on the UCI North Campus.
The cost 1s $2; children younger
than 12 get in for free. (949)
Ho99 Hospital will present a
community education class on
"Setting the Pace: The Latest
Pacemakers and DevioesH by Or.
Neala Hunter at 6 p.m. at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
in Newport Beacti. tnforma1ion
and reservations: (800) 514-4624,
Book Soup South Co•st Plaza
will start its new book club "We
Want F1ct1onH at 7 p.m. at 3333
Bristol St., Suite 7400. The first
book for discussion w ill be "The
Gre<>t Fire~ by Shirley Hauard.
Information and reservations~
(714) 689-2665.
FEB. 19
Speak Up Newport will
present its 23rd annual Mayor's
Dinner with keynote speaker
John M . W. Moorfacti at 6 p.m. at
the Newport Beacti Marriott, 900
Newport Center Drive. Newport
Mayor Tod Ridgeway will give the
state of the city address. The cost
is $60 per person. $600 for a table
for 10. Information: (949)
The Newport Beach •nd Irvine
chambers of commerce will host
a candidates' forum at 7:30 a.m.
at the Sutton Place Hotel, 4500
MacArthur Blvd. Candidates from
the 70th Assembly District and
the 35th state Senate District
races will receive invitations to
participate. The cost Is from $25
to $30. Information: (949)
The Newport Beach Public
Library Foundation will present
Lo'ri Wallacti. director ofthe
Public Citizen's Global Trade
.. ~ Thonp.and
Pull-Frontal Snogtng" by
l .ouise Rennlson and its many
sequels. ill.e "8(tdget Jonen
Diary," its British slang and
humor make it an enjoyable
read for girls. "l'ruth or Dairy"
by Catherine (.]rut, the "Goulp
Glrt" series by Cecily Von
Zeigesar and John Ma.rsdcn's
''Letters from the Inside'' are
other popular book.s, which can
be found in the Teen Center.
In Beverly (]eary's "Dear Mr.
He~w,'' 10-year-old Leigh
reveals his problems with his
parents' dlvorce, being tlle new
boy in school and finding hi,<;
place in the. world through a
·series ofletters. Paula Danziger
has written "P.S. Longer letter
Later" anc.J iLS sequel. "Snail
Mall Nd More," featuring two
be t friends who no longer live
in the sam e city but conLinue
their friendship via e-mail~te
Klise's "Regarding the Fountain:
A Tale in Leners, or Uars and
l.eab" is a humorous account of
a fifth-blJ"ade clW»' attempt to
Watdi. as part of the
Distinguished Speakers Lecture
Series at 7 p.m. in the Friends
Meeting Room at the Central •
library, 1000 Avocado Ave.
Newport Beacti. There will be live
music and a buffet dinner. Tidcets
cost $5§. Information:
The Panot Education •nd
Adoption Center. a nonprofit
organization, will have a seminar
on feather-destructive behavior
from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Balearic
Community Center, 1975 Balearic
Drive, Costa Mesa. The cost is $15
for nonmembers. Information:
(949) 631-3606,
The Newport Beach Public
Library Foundation will present
Lori Wallach, director of the
Public Citizen's Global Trade
Watcti, as part of the
Distinguished Speakers Lecture
Series at 2 p.m. in the Friends
Meeting Room at the Central
Library. 1000 Avocado Ave.
Newport Beacti. Refreshments
will be served. Tidtets cost $18.
Information: (866)301-4902.
FEB. 24
Hoag Hospital wlH present •
community education class on
HThe New Guidelines on
Hypertension" by Dr. Richard
Blankenbaker at the Hoag
Hospital Conference Center in
Newport Beacti. Information and
reservations: (800) 5 14-4624,
The Newport Beach Public
Library Foundation w ill present
Dr. Leonard Shlain w ho will speak
about his now book #Sex, Time
and Power# as pan of the
manuscript literary lecture series
from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Friends
Meeting Room at the Central
Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .•
Newport Beacti. Tidtets cost from
SS to $10. Information: (949)
FEB. 25
Ho99 Ho~I will present•
community education class on
#Heart Healthy Cooking# by Hoag
chef Richard Reilly at 6 p.m. at the
Hoag Hospital Conference Center
in Newport Beacti. Information
and reservat ions: (800) 514-4624,
FEB. 26
The Founden Guild of ea ..
Teresa invites the public to attend
a play, ·The Subject was Roses~
as a fundraiser Feb. 26 and 27 81
the Newport Theatre. 2501 Cliff
Drive. Newport Beacti. All the
proceeds from ticket sales will be
donated to Gasa Teresa and
Hannah's House. Tldtets cost $66
per person. All the proceeds will
be donated to Casa Teresa and
Hannah's House. Information:
(949) 858-5385. (714) 538-4860.
435 N Coast Highway
Laguna Beach
P\c:k -• IWwty F ... ~s....
• ......,.... ,,...,. • l-3 Colon°' '"°"'
• Fol • F.mboellne • Ful Color
..... v.llmw • Cad PloCtlng
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£ffHlll ,,our "°' /Ila to ut of ,..,,..,.,.~,,,.t,Mf
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·~·~·Cutting ·...,.· ..... Color CopMa .s~
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•l•cl llO't" Holklat1 C.rde onllnc ol .•.
-•.ltolldovc-rd ..... ,..eonv' ........ ,,,.,"'
buy a new drinking fountuin for
its school.
Like a journal, this type or
book can be read by any age.
-Next time you're at the library,
pick one up and try your first
epistolary novel.
• CHECK IT OUT is written by the
staff of the Newport Beach P\Jbllc
Library. This week's column Is by
Andrea Jason. Alt titles may be
reserved from home or office
computers by accessing the catalog
at hrtp:llwww.newport
beachlibrary.org For more
1<1formation on the Central Library
uf any of the branch locations,
µlease contact tho Newport Beach
Public library at 1949) 717-3800,
option 2.
3300 Newport Boulevard
·Spray an your tan
insec ndsl
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I Expires 03/05/04 1 .. ___________ .,
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27 44 Eut <:out Highway, 17 ..... aoor·
c.an.a def Mar, CA 92625
Al Sundlly. february I 2004
HOW TO GET POIUSHED -&Aa8rt: Mill to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper et lhe Oalty Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., CON Meu, CA 92627 • ......,_ Hotllne: Call (949) 642-«186 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170
&m•ll:Send to daltypllot@latimH.com •All cOtTeapondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for veriflc::adon purpoees). The Piiot reHf'Vel the right to edit all aubmlaaiont for cf1rity •nd length.
Newport sQouldn't
be di~couraged by
Wilson's remark
W ilh alJ due respect
to Supervisor Tom
Wilson. the o ld
Yogi Berra saying
seems an apt
rq1lv w tht• question of whether
01 11ot Nt•wport Bench should
• p111,1w 111> ic.Jca of co11Lrolling or at
k~"t hnvi ntit u 'WlY in the co ntrol of
lnho \ avne Airport.
"It ain't over ~ii iti. over."
Wibon threw a bit of cold water
011 the idea of Newpon Ueach
t.1L1ni.; ronirol of the airport Lhis
\\t'l'k :h he told ii reporter, "my
wlk.1K11es and I fed like having it
111.111.1gl'd hy more o( a rvgional, .
wob<ll J\lthority i' better than a
~1w<.1fk ciry." ·
·"-..._ Yt•t, of the othcr
t:ounty <'11ntrol11·tl entities that Lhe
.cttv 1s inll'l-estcd in talking about.
lht• I larhor ~11101. the Coyote
C•inyo11 landfill and pans of Sama
An.1 I !eight~. Wil'>Ol1
acknowledged tllO~c wert'
lt·~1tirnate item~ of d iscussion.
11·-. just che nirporc tha t's off 1he
13ul why i th111?
Wilwn. of ro11N'. has ht-en pan
of lht> anti· El Tom nirpon
n1alltion for <oomc time. He has
1l'r11ained steadf1m in that stam:e
tl11uuKh Lhick and thin. 'lllrough it
.tll. there was no -.mall amow1t of
hutl blood genP1 atcd by Wilson's
~uth Counry consJituents toward
tlw people of Newport Beach.
who \.\.Ne largely in favor of an
airpon. .
So now. despite any merit the
John Wayne idea -o r any idea
for that matter -may have. South
County forces are determined to
say no to Newport Beach .
Wilson. who is running for a
sta te Assembly seat, m ost Ukety
recognizes that and will probably
do nothing that would anger or
rai e suspicions among his
anti-Newport, South County
constitue nts.
Because logic tells you that if
Newpon has a legitimate case to
state in having control of the
Harbor Patrol, Coyote Canyon and
Santa Ana Heights because of
their effec1s on Newport's sphere
of influence. Lhen the ca.~e for
John Wayne Airport is stronger
nor weaker.
Newpon Beach is the m ost
directly affected city in the county
when it comes to lohn Wayne
noise, poll ution and traffic.
Newport Beach has spent millions
0 11 airpon -related issues and has
devoted thousands of man -ho ui:s
to senlemeni agreements and
noise abatement. something oo
other city can claim either. ·
Maybe in the end of the day, Uie
evidence will make it clear Uiat
Lhe county should continue its
con trol of John Wayne. But that
decision should be based on
neutral facts and lengthy
tli!>e:usc;ion'>, not at Lhe political
whims of Newport's enemie ....
City gets shorted in
1. 901 Newport deal
L e1 ·-. slow dmvn n minute
~fon· rhe CoMa Mt....a
City Council hands OVl!r
$1 .5 111iUion and iL<o bl~ing to
Rttttl'r Dtwluprnem for ii!.
, proposaj I 00 I Newport Blvd
project we h;wc to stop and ask.
l.;1.~1 wc't'k thr council, acting as
tlw Rto<lt'Vt!lopment Agency. OKd a
modific"<J proposal for lhe ile Uiat
'' ,tightly less dense than Lhe
ori¢nal plans -which wa ... twice
what Lhe city's general plan allows
for. In exchange for th b lower
dcnllity Lhe city ha agret.'Cl to pay
Lhc developer $I .5 millio n. .
We're wondering how 1hL<t is best
answer. Its more t11e \VOl!>t of both
Now, perhaps the city has
hocome a bh lawsuit shy after
l"CC<'nt troubles. but is handing Ovt?r
this amount of taxpayer money the
The city might be bener off going
with another developer. ·
Runcr appears to have little
regard for Costa Mesa. apparently
satisfied asking tl..>sidents to help
pay for their projC<'t ou1 of their
own pockets.
Wht•n planning the Home Ranch
project. the Segerstrom family
offered $2 million to Costa Mesa
schools and fronted miUions in
roadwork projects not required by
city development o rdinances. They
bent over backward to get their
. projects approved, but did so in a
manner that made Lheir respect for
Lhe ciry evident.
The Segerstroms' attention to
forming a symbiotic relationship
wilh the city is absent wilh Rutter
Development The 1901 Newport
project Itself is far from a
slam-d unk. as evidenced by the
throng of residents coming out
against it a t councll meetings. A
Sl.5-~ subsidy is a lot to
throw at a developer for a project
that residents don't approve of even
after modifications. and especially
when the developers are ta.Icing
such an unneighborly, litigious
a pproach.
We'll likely find out this week.
after 1901 Newpons second
reading. whether the modified
p roject is a go. Lawsuits are
expensive. especially when you
lo~. but making a $1 .5 million deal
at Uils stage sounds Uke 100 high of
a µrice.
Turning all to jelly
W e must be mJsslng
something. People are
actually excited about
thousands of Jellyfish Ooating
around ln the wttters by Cannery
Village? They're showing up by the
docks and the restaurants.
camcrcLS ln hand. to catch a
. glimpse of the translucenr.
bobbing Clftlllres7
Perhaps it's aU the time we've
spent ln the ocean, bur we don't
abide by cneiures like JeUyflsh -
me most common of wh.lch
bdong to the dass Scyphozoan -
ln these pans. ~'V@ felt the
lashing sting of 8 sea jrlJy as 0
Ooated past. And we knew that,
d espite all "scientific" evidence to
the contrary. these creatures are at
the mercy of the tlde and currents
-dRstardty sea monsters .
We could almost hear its laugh
a~ our howls of pain.
But now these evil beasts are
getting a warm welcome ln
Newport Harbor. If it's aomehow
part of a plan to gather them all
together and cart them off -
gentty and safety. of coune. we're
not about to lower ourtelYeS to
their ~ ...:_then we're aD for It.
Where exac1ly did Che Gnnd
( .anal ducb end upf
Condominiums could spark
re.Vitalization of the Westside
AT ISSU E: A condominium project planned
for ~901 Newport Plaza, on the corner of ·
West 19th Street and Newpon Boulevard.
Do the clti7.cns of Costa Mesa
need a referendum on the 190 I
Newport Pla7.a development?.
No, Cos1a Mesans do, not need to
vote on 1901 Newpon Pla7.a because
our elected council members have
aJready careful ly considered all
aspects of the project and voted' to
approve a scaJed·down version. To
engage in land-use decisions by mob
nile or popularity contes t, rather
than on the basis of careful study
and negodatiOI) within the existing
rules of p ublic decision -making. is a
bad idea fo r our ci ty.
A8 residents of · downtown tt Costa
Mesa, my neighbors and I enjoy
walking from our homes to
palroniz,e the stores and restaurd.nls
shows that 1901 NeWJlort will not .
.. i.:nifi can tly contribute to this
Yes, a majoriiy of our City Counci1
has already made the righf deCision
for th'e majority of Costa Mesans by
approving lhe compromise
development plan for 1901 Newport,
which was p roposed by Costa Mesa
Citizens.for Responsible Growth. It
was a smart dedslon from wtuch we
will all benefit as our downtown ls
revitalized. And it will show pnce
again thal land·ui.c decisions should
not be handled by ~imple popularity
Costa Mesa
in Triangle Square, the Courtyards Regarding 1he planned
and those along West 19th Street. So development at l~J Newpon Plaza:
I am extremely disappointed by Lhe I support allowing 145 condo units
shortsightedness of the 1901 at J901 Newport. Here's the short
Newport Blvd. opponents, many of version of why I support lhe project
wh om live etsewhere. This project In this form.
offers unique design and urban First, I believe It will bring a
village benefits similar to other critical mass of people with
successful new condominium disposable incomes right into the an
projects in desirable neighborhoods area of the ciry lhat needs to be
like Playa Vista. harbor-front Long revitalized.
Beach and downtown Brea, These And secondly, its loca1lon is
projects attract bol!i young distinguishable from various other
professionals and older couples, all locations in the city by the fact lhat .
wanting to be close to shopping and it is a parking lot behind an office
entertainment opportunities that building. across the stiee t from an
real downtowns can offer. auto dealer, and is bordered with
Downtown Costa Mesa has long high traffic streets. In other words,
been a lagging commercial area -this isn't a'location in the middle of
along South Harbor Boulevard. at single family homes with a depsity
l\iangle Square and along West 19th ratio of eight homes per acre that i.s
Street. The condominiums at )901 suddenly faced with a massive, out
Newport wUJ create 145 "new urban" of character project next door. If It
homeowners. eager to support Lheir were. l'd oppose It.
neighborhood shops, restaurants Here's the longer version of why I .
and theaters. and who will be support this project.
delighted to do so on foot. Their I believe that Costa Mesa needs to
presence will be a needed be improved -most of our vital
shot-in-the-arm for my statistics are down in the dumps. I
neighborhood. Better yet. aJJ Costa believe we can only truly improve
Mesans will enjoy our revitalized our city by improving our
downtown Costa Me8a and the demographics. To Improve
slgnlficant long·term flnanclal demographics we need more quality
beneftts to our city. homes to attract upwardly mobile
This project will tum a big ugly professionals back to the city: At lhe
parking lot. between a Toyota present time, Costa Mesa ls
dealenhip and a freeway, Into a new unbalanced. We have too few owner
community of homeowners, proud occupied homes. We have 100 many
of their neighborhood and lheir new rental properties. We ha~ too many
homes. It will also bring the lndustriaJ propertJes. We have too·
opportunity to buy a new home In many office and retail properties.
Costa Mesa at prices fh4t are Lest anyone get the Incorrect
slgnifk:andy beJow the median price lmptessJon that I'm for runaway
of ow expensive lingSe-famity dense development ln the city, 1
homes. These more adordable prices hi.aten to say that a few years agq. I
will attract the lcfnd of young was one or the first arid one of tbe
families and young professionab most constanl voices to call for the
who have always called Costa M~ then proposed -and now built -
home but cannot now afford to buy Mesa Verde Collection at Harbor
heM. Boulevard and Adams Avenue to be
Some bemoan the level of traftlc reduced In density. My rnaoning
In the~•. but Ignore the fact that ' wu that at that pantcular locadon,
·this traffic alre11dy exi l$ and studies lower density. higher priced homes
would help improve the area. I, and ·
others who argued in a i.imilar vein.
haVl! been proved rtgh1 by' an
increase in demographics in 1.hat
area. A8 a sligh1 digression. I'm now
arguing that homes should be built
next to Mesa Verde Center. where
lhe former lee rink was located. The
Segerstrom Co .. by contrast.
apparently wants to put in more
retail uses. ·
Also a few years ago. I helped
circulate petitions against the Home
Ranch project. My arguments in lhat
case were somewhat different than
those ol many others who W'ere
circulating petitions. Most people -
seemed to be against lhe entire
project. I simply wanted 10 see fewer
induslrial and commercial
components and more-single-family
homes be part of the project.
Again, r believe Cos1a Mesa needs
more homes that will attract and
hold an upwardly mobile, urbane.
professional class. which we are now
losing to other cities.
I've listened 10 all the arguments
pro and con on 190 I Newport Plaza.
Mos1 of the con arguments cite
density and traffic as Lhe reasons for
the oppo~ilion .. Now. when many
people say they are opposed
because of lhe density, they often
stop their argument 0Lhere and don't
go on to say "because ...• ln ract. it
appears that some of the people
who say they are against the density.
don't really know why they're against
it. It just sounds nice.
Others will say that they are
against the density because it
increases automobile traffic. So, their
ultimate argument isn't really against
derlfolty bu1 against automobile
Lraffic. Fair enough. There really is .
too much automobile traffic in· (h at
immediate area. J'he problem ,
however, is that much of that traffic
is pass through traffic from Inland,
cities goiog 10 Newport Beach. l'he
correct way to stop that traffi1.:
nightmare isn't to leave the area
around l\iangje Sq~ ln a state of
decline. but to solve the.real
problem of traffic.
' To solve the real traffic problem
may require that tJ\e Costa Mesa
Freeway ditch be conlinued down to
15th ~t and then come up to
grade for the run to the beach. Then,
the ditch can·be capped and used
for other uses. or course. money is
the problem. But without such a
ditch ft ls hard to envtalon any plan
that wW cure the traffic problem.
What will 145 Condosat 1901
Newport brirlg to the area? A couple
of hundred people wtlh disposable
lncomes who wW shop In the local
stores and whoee ~ p~ce will
make West 19th Street more
attractive to quality merchants. This
could stan the revttallzaUon of West
19th Street and, hopefully, other
parts of the Wettade.
C.ost.a Mesa
' .
Dally Piiot
Name: Dave Marshal
FO R U M Sunday, February I. 2004 A7
No_. winging it
for the .big game
S uper Bowl Sunday may
not be a nationaJly
recognized holiday, but
for many it might as weU
._ be. The showdown
between the Carolina Panthers and
1he New En gland Pa1rio1s NfL
teams today wilJ be the main focus
of many Newport-Mesa parties
a nd ge t-toge thers.
Daw Marshal. the general
manager a l Wingnuts restaurant,
knows alJ about big game parties,
as his restaurant will be jusl one of
the local eateries broadcasting the
hig game. For those who won't be
rimnching on Wingnuts chicken,
chili. ribs or potato chips while
watching the big game, Marshal
had· some helpful tips for making
great finger food for your own
footbaJI func tion.
Columnist Lollta Harper sat
down with him to get the low
d own on wiRing it on Super Bowl
We do marimue our wings bu1 I ca11'1
tell you with what. We marinutc them
·fo r 24 hours in a -its not even a 4'aur1•,
It Is more of a i.oluiion -and lhal helps
a lot wilh lhe Oavor. As far as the
sauce, we apply lhe sauce jus1 before
them going to lhe table, so they arc
not sitting in sauce for a lung periods
of time.
I lhink a IOI of folk.., 1J11nk we have
.these bins lin the kitcheol lilll·d 11p
wilh medium buffalo win~s and
teriyak:i, or whatever. and when 1 h~ir
order comes in. we jus1 take them out
of those bins. But that\ not it.
1-:verythi11~ here "rnokc·J frN>h 10
Is there a pn:ferred o~ for frylng
We U~(· ra11ola oil hl'rc. they !\aY it i~
a little l':9'1cr on tlw bully. At home,
you can u-.c JU"I ahoul a ny type of
frying oil. l'ea11u1. canold or vegetable
r ltle: General manager of Wlngnuts
restaurant in Costa Mesi) How long have you been with
So If liOmeone were doing II at
home. we'Vt! got marination before
hand, then we bake or fry the wings.
What about lhe sauce?
City of 1'9sidenc.: San Clemente
Family: wife and two dogs
Hobbies: Golf. mov1e-watftling and
swing dancing
We opened in r:cb. 20, 2002, .;o Wl'
arc jul>I gettinR r(•aJy to cdeb ra1t• our
The sauce got•s on aftC'r. We put till'
wings in a large metal bowl. dri1.1Je tlw
l>auce over them. toss them and tlwn
pu1 1hcm 011 a plate.
What would one sene with this
feast? What kind or drinks and what
MAl~K C OUSllN/OAJlYPILOT kind ofsldedlshesf
'Well, you ha ve to
have plenty of
lihc1tions -p lenty to
drink. And the food
that makes it
necessary is spicy-typ e
... econd anniversary. I have bec11
affilia1cd with 1he rnnip<ll,!.Y that mvi1:.
Wingnuts lor over 20 ye\jrS. The owner
ofWingnu1~ -also the presidl'lll -is
the founder or this concept. II wal> a
few ye;1rs in the malcinR on paper and
trial and testing different sauce-;,
di1Terc111 types of ribs. diffcrl'nl
providcrl> of WlnJ;!> and ribs Unlll he
fo und the product that he deemed wa-.
goin~g lo he the best prl'SPnlation for
1hc gucMs. So. ii has hel'n two years
hcrl' bu1 he has more 1h,111 2!l years in
the rl':.l;iurant industry.
What are you doing for Super Bowl
WorkinK. I will be here taking care of
you folks.
Whal consthutes a good Super
Rowl partyt
From Wingnuts' DJve M.ushal,...,-
1 Start with fresh chicken wings
2. Marinate for at lflc1st an hour,
with your concoc11on of cho1c.e
Popular choices 1nclucfc
Worches1or sauce. 011, sail,
pepper and garlic.
3. Bake or fry, unlll tlonf'
according to last ~
4. Toss with favor11e sauce.
usually thmned w11h a httle
butter or margarine or doctored
with additional ch1lo pow1fcr
11·1111111 garlit .111d ... oy gi11gt•r -:-.11 wt•
haw iJ lot of t11\141tl'. difft·rcnt k.inth of
11..ivor ... 1lrn1 you \voultJ11'1 normiilly
f1111l. l'hl· i.:rl'al thing ahuut them 1~
I hat tht• flavors t'all he crn ... ..,t·J ovn
Hllu 1111' 1th'> il' wdl Wt> do lhret'
difft•tt'•ll kind~ of rih~ a..., wd l; St. IA1u1~.
h;1hy harl and bed rib~.
Nuw, without giving owny trade
secreL~ lf someone were 10 host thelr
own party, what ls an easy recipe 10
du a l home?
< 1tl 11u1 and buy om· of our sauces ...
Nu, rl•ally. d lot of sm1ce!>, especially the
Bullalo !l.1uces.s1an wi th a hot sauce.
ltk1· ;i t:rank\ I lot Sauce or hasicaJly
any raycnne pepper sauce. 11\en you
ran thin ii 001 with huller 111
maq~arim'. which 111nes it down a ltttJt•
l11t Or you rnn lw.11 it UJl w11lt
h.1hanvrn powdl'r or d1ill' powdtr.
wlt,llt'Vl'r d11fl'ri't1I fYPl'" or chilcs lhal
vou likr lht• llav111' of you can 'lllc:t'
11 up 1ha1 w.iy
Well ..CH.la goes· wcut with wi11g .... if
you arc trying t'1 have a ~arc and :.a Ill'
Super Bowl. I al..,o hearJ a rt:porl on
the radio !'.aying thal if you ure
'erving <tlrnlwlir hcvl'ragl's th.11 you
~hould '>erve -.1ar.chy foods. and food'
high i11 protein 10 help ahi;orh th1·
alcohol in your :.y:.1en1. So, I gu1•.,.,
~hal is ... c1rt uf a ..,afety ltp. Of n1t1N\
we want everybody tu have a .,,1f1·
Super llnwl. Sodas <tnd hl'l'r t11t•
probably the he.,t fo r 1ha1 typl' nl
fi nger fom..I. •
The carrots and the celery and the
blue cheese dressing~ tradltJonal
with Buffalo winp, right?
5. Serve hot. with side of carrots,
celery and blue cheese or cole
'Carolina. Caro lin a
hy 3, with a field goal
late in the gan1e ....
So at least I will be
able to justify the
Gelling together wilh KOod fnends
and hopefully a good game. n1osc
have been hard 10 comt· by 1hc last few
years. They arc usually a hlow outs but
if you have a good clu!>t! game it makc'i
a lot ul excuemenl for the pariy. Ami,
of l'Ullrl>C, great (nod.
Along the llne5 of great food, as a
host what Is the secTel 10 hosting a
good Super Bowi party?
Well, you haw lo haw plenty of
11ha1i1111.., -plen1y lo d rink. Ami the
food 1Jiat makl'!> 11 lll'l'l">!.ary i-.
111 tlw ~;111rl'. \11 1lwv .ir1· w1111g 0111
'lct1r11i11g h111 rrn111 1h1· lr\1'1 111 your
1.nhh'. "11h 11w -.;11111· 1111 11w111
What is lht• 1110.,1 populnr lyJW of
l'h.111' .1 11111~:h q111·,11t111 \\1' h.1\1' IO
fl.tVlll ' 'II, 11tl1·p1·111l..,1111 \'1111
ptl'fl'ft'IH'l' 'I"'\' or not 'I'"\ V\1·
hUVl' llH' l1.1d1l11111,1l 1 h,lffl'cl 1\111,l.1•\
harl>l'l llf' \\ltll h ,111 t'I\ \l'I \ ~111111
1111the1r.ul1111111.tl h.11111'1 llt' \1ul 1111•11
Wt• 'PH I' 11 11p .1 llll \\tth 1 l11poth• Ill
'"'''l't :111d "Hll l>.11ht•t111· ,,llh 1· Bulh
Of th()<,(' h.IVI' ,1 htfll• llllf' 1111 lh1•111 ;111(1
vt.'ry. vt'ry g1111d 11.1\ 111
Al rlw llrtRinal A11d111r kar. m
B11llalo. Nt·w Y111 k wlwrt· lhl' hullalo
w111g originated 1lwy would take
1lim1'.w1ng., .111d rhrow lhl•tn in a fryer
.11ul Jll'>t frlt'cl th1·n1 up un11l 1hcy w1·rc·
'1 u11rlty. J\1111tht!t !'\1w11plt• nut th1·rt·
1h.11 .ir1· look111g lor that. So. dt'pl:'mhng
1111how1 1111u hy you w.111t tlwm.., how
h111g you would w.t111 to lry thC'm.
Yes. With our Buffalo and our hot
wings. we serve that. All of our 01her~
rnmc with a blue cheese colc slaw.
which i~ also a good side for this 1yp1• or rood.
Does any speclftc t~ or beer go
befit with winpf Pale or dark? Or are
people just going lo be thirsty for
It rNtlly doesn't ma11~r. /\gain, there
,llf' SO lnally dtfTrrenl 0avors of Wiii~'•
11!.tl any lll'l'r c1t11 cornpli111cn1 them.
We haVl' I fl tap' that go .inywhert·
Imm a '>Upcr·t.l:11k Cuin11c~' 111 ""'light
a!'. a C:1111rs l jghl ht'C'r'i.
f Plzila delphiaj Eagles
losing if Carolina
w ins.
... pky·ty pc food .... Sotnl' 1:hili, lil <' wt·
;_1rt' '>erving hcrl', and Wl' h;iw .Ill
diffCfl'l11 types of chickl•n wi11g-. lhal
WC' seive. We will aJso have harhcrnl'
ribs and potalo chips. wluch we makl'
hrre al tht' rl•.,1.iurant. We ltl>e three
different type:. of potal<•l'' and l'ook
them frcllh.
11111 \.\t' h.1l1• them to make sur1• llrnl
tlwn· i.., tlmroughnc·c,, in tlll' cookin~
prnn•'\<.. II i-. abo a ri111t·~<wing pron·~-.
hu II'> to hak1· I hem. So wt· hake them
WOO is your pick for the big game?
'7ele1ti.,wn: (Jwwi11g gum fur
ti 1e l!J('S. "
M ost prinl joumallc;t I
know don\ have much
regard for television
reponers or television news in
general. And I have to say. I'm in
their camp for the most part.
Sure there are some exceptions
in my mind. like local 1V reponei
v.lerte ~at C.Omcast
Olannel 3 In Coabl Mesa and
rno,,1 every hard news report.er at qm.
•And then there is the most rare or the 1V newsman breed -
StOSllel is an ABC News
l~dve repon er who hM
uneanhed 9CafllS and debunked
nlyt.hs a.~ CO·anchoT of the
~rk'll ·2012(r news maga7.lne
wtch hit lig7\ature •(Jive Me a ·
Rrealc," tertes o( stories.
< .arn>i11.t C:.1rnli11.1 hy ·1. wi 1h ,1 lidd
~nal lall' 111 till' i-ranw.
What Is lhe secret to good wings?
Our secret hl•re i!> that we slar1 wilh
fresh wing~ -our wingi. arc never.
frozen. We havl' a ve ry ~11<1t.l qualily
product and then we hake 1hem for t1
period. Then Wl' Oa'ih fry them for
roughly a minult' and 1he11 toss Lhem
I 111 tlu• nol "' 'Pit\ w1· (l,1v1· tl11•
ll•nyaki wing,, wl111 h h\ till'''""" Ill\
wi ll· '<uy:. :ttl' hl''l 111 tlw l.111tl
And she Is not hl~<ied, righl?
Wl'll. no . ..,ht• 1.., :1 lf'rty.1k1 t.111 .11111 'Ill'
likt·' our:. thl' h1·<.t. ~tlllH' 11111q111· w111g'
thal wt• offer _.lri• g;11 Iii 1'.111111·'·'"·
1 .111d hcllcl I hem m th.11 uvt'n, so thc.n 11\
111~1 a 411Kk flash fry to get lhem 111 thl'
1,1hll' nwt way you don't have 10 watt
th.11 :W 111111utei. of cookin~ time for 11
111 ~1·1 oul 10 the 1abll'.
\11, thl'rt•\ tht· ..,auce and the huller
1>111 wh,1t do you 111urinatt' them with
.ind fo r how long'?
Really, are you a sucker for the
underdog or are you a Panther fan1
Neither, they are the learn that tool
out my team. So at least I will be ;ihlt·
lo Justify the 1Phih:idelph1al EagJ1:.,
losln~ if Carolina wins
Watching a bit of muckraking
columnist. U1e
late M.lb
Royko, who
was equally
disdainful or
the left as he
was the right.
matter who
you were 10
Royk.o,he took
his literary knife out and stabbed
you deep If )'OU deeerved IL
Sc099el has a similar quality to
So. when I was invited to hear
St<>.Wll speak at the Orange
C.Ounty Forum thJB last
Wednesday at the Hyatt Regency
In Irvine, how could I say no?
Rjght from the Stan o( lhe talk,
however, Stos.'lel probably
disappointed a number of
listeners in the packed house hy
assuring them Uuit wbllC' he's not
a member of lhe so-railed
•tiberal media.· he's no
conservative either as his critic.<.
have charged. He's a IJhertarian
who believes gays shouJd be able
to do as they wish, prostitution
should be legal and so should
"Real conservatives should lw
Insulted,· Stossel said of the
right-wing labeJ his critics give him. .
Stossel said his belief In frne
martets and Ubertarianism
caused him to shlft lhe foetL'i of
his reporting from largely going
after big business to now guing
after big government. which M
said makes up 40% of lhe U.S.
1h11M' days. and I w1111 Iii F1mny
/\wnnJs." hi' "'-"d
l11en 1 .11n<' till' 'h1fl 111 his
lt'IH>rtin~ th.II r.1111.lt·tl 111~
mllcng111·~ In llw nwdia. hr
........... r1 ...
"I don'! wm 1lw111 a11y111orC'." he
suJd of the t;rnmys.
Stossel said hi.<. mrun tari.:cts
alo11g wi1h big government an·
luwyers, whom lw l~llcd. "the
real scammers.. ff 'They attark
instJtutions that we need mo..,1
Ii.kc hospilals, he said, and lhcy
talc:c way too much money wl1en
ii comes to civil awards.
Hui he al.'lO had some harsh
words for hl' [ticn<ls in the
med in.
WI Uy 10 rnlk to them nho111 bias
and its li.kc talking to a fish about
water,· he smd. ··n1l'y say, 'Water.
wlmt water?'"
Stossel does have his detractors
in lhe media M Well.
TI1e main criticism is 1ha1 he
plays fa-.t and loose with the fal'ts
and ignores lnfonnadon that may
hurt his preconceived premises.
TI1erc's no space in this column
to rehru.h all of the criticisms hut
for those of you interes1ed. the
web site is al l1ttp:llwww.fair.
Whatever you think of Sto...,'ICI,
he dellnltely provides a service on
lclevislon that is rare. I le
questions society's mytru and
social morays and makes us
think. That's what good
joumalism can and should do.
It seems to me we need more
John Stossels on television and in
print to keep government.
politicians. lawyefs, big busines.'l
and yes even lhe media itself
PScase forgive me for taking a
small bit of space to recognize a
couple bUthd8ys.
TONY DOOERO is the edi1or.
He welcomes your
comments on news·
coverage, photography or
other newspaper-related
issues. If you have a
message or a letter to the
editor, call his direct line al
(941) 5~ or the
send h by e-mail to
or dailypllot@latimes.com.
or send it by mail to 330 W.
Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA.
Dunn, the son or Daily Pilot
Sports Editor Rieb Dunn. Uttle
Nolan, M Rich calls him. also
turns 3 on Monday.
Finally. Wedne:Sday l~ the third
birthday of the Daily Pilot's
Sunday edldon.
Unlike ocher teleYWorl
~I mlmire St-8 q a
modem dJY muckraker. He
remJndl me ol my favorite
And when I heard the topic
was going to be his new book.
·QM Me a Break How I P;xposed
Hucb(ers, a-ta. and Scam
ArtilU and Became the Scowse
of the Ubel'll Media.• well. then I
knew. hill talk would be perfect
.. fodder~ this colwM.
His big business anaCks pined
him oodles or notodety over lhe
~ ancf he became the dartlng
o( tboee who beat the dntms for
more regulation.
"They M1e proud of rne In
< )n the web site of lhe media
watchdog group. Fa1rntm and
Accuracy ln Media. there is a
whole section of the webeJte
dedlcaied to debunking Stossel
and his rcJlOMlng.
First Is my )'OWW!llt dauetiter
~who turns 3 on Monday.
Punny t.h1ng ls, Kristen lhares a
birthdey with ltk:Mnl Nolm
I can\ belle\te h's .an.cty been
tMe )'MI'S for ... dlele ~ kid8. but I have to say dle)' ID are
well worth It.
Happy birthday. .. ,
Al 54xiday, F eb<U¥Y l, 2004
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"Teams belier sneak in and get
a win now because those girls
are going to be dominating
for the next few years."
Ruta Dn, Van&uard women's
basketball coach
Dally Piiot Sports Eclliot RlcMnl Dunn: 19491574-4223 • lpons Fu: 19491650-0170
Cox growls for Vanguard
Lions' designated hitter
provides groundball that
leads to game-winning
run against former team.
Steve Vlr1en
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -For the past few
months, Brandon Cox had a date circled
on his caiendar. He was looking forward
to Saturday when he would be the des-
ignated hitter for Vanguard University's
baseball team. .
a grounOball toward third base
where Concordia's Steve Hub·
bell fumbled the ball, allowing
plnc.h-runner Adam Yoder to
score the game-winning run.
wl've had this day circled on
my calendar for a long time."
Cox &ald. "When I found out I would be
(the designated hitter! I was very happy
I would have the opportunity to play
against my old team. This feels good (to
winl. I would rather the ball I hit be
solid, but that's what it came down to
and the most imponant thing was 10
win the game."
up Cox's anticlimactic at-bat
Hudgins, the Uons' second
baseman and leadoff hitter. was
3 for 4 with the walk and also
had two RBI. Cox went 2 for 4
with two singles.
WI just knew It was golng to
come down to a mistake like that,· Van-
gnard Coach Kevin Kasper said. "It was
kind of sad that it had to end on that (r-
ror. but we know that's the way the
game goes 8ometimes. •
Kasper also said the Lions' pitching
was key in the nonconference victory.
The teams are in the Golden State Ath-
letic Conference, but the game was a
nonconference contest because it was
scheduled prior to Feb. 1, which falls
under NAIA rules, Kasper said.
• Daily~Piklt •
s,artl Hiii tlfllme
Ulr~lho ..........
Feb. 2 honoree
Sunday; February 1, 2004 11
Cox. who was cut from Concordia in
the faJI, put the ball in play, which
brought in the game·wiWling run, as
the Uons defeated Cox's fonner team.
3-2. in 10 innin~ to open the season at
In the bottom of the 10th inning. with
the bases loaded and two out, Cox sent
Vanguard's Scott Manin was ~"'alked
to begin the bottom of the 10th , and
Yoder entered for him. Jason Brunett
followed with a sacrifice bunt to move
Yoder over to second. Travis Westerfeld's
groundout got Yoder to third.
With two out, Isaac Salazar was hit by
the pitch. Then the Eagles intentionally
walked freshman David Hudgins to set
Vanguard senior right-hander Marcus
Harris started and went seven innings.
He recorded six scoreless innings. allow-
Vanguard starter Marcus Harris, a senior, worked seven innings in Saturday's
season opener and received a n<><le~ion. The Lions edged Concordia, 3-2, in
10 innings as Vanguard reliever Brent Erickson kept the Eagles in check.
Bio la
Vanguard, which defeated Biola by.
52 points on Dec. 2, is handed
85 -66 setback against Eagles.
Steve Vlreen
Daily Pilot
'. .
-COSTA MESA -There were several reasons Van-
guard University was stunned by Biota in a Golden
State Athletic Conference women's basketbaU game
Saturday. But Lions freshman KelJy Schrriidt pointed
Ill the one that she thought was most important after
Vanguard, ranked No. 4 in the NAIA,
lost to visiting Biota, 85-66.
The Lions defeated Biola, 89-37,
Dec. 2, but the Eagles were different
this time. And, apparently so was
"It didn't feel like us," said
Schmidt, who scored 13 points, nine
lc:-.s than her season average, which leads the GSAC.
"It wasn't our 1empo. That wasn't us. This will wake
us up. We'll learn from it."
Schmidt was 2 for 13 from the field (15.3%). She,
just as the Lions (17-2. 9-2 in conference), could
never get on track. However, the Eagles (11 ·9, 5-6)
wen: red hot In the second half and received a boost
from international transfer Linda Ogugua, a 6-foot-6
center who is originally from Nigeria. She was cleared
by the NAIA and played in her flrst game Jan. 17.
Ogugua competed ln an amateur league in France
two years ago. Biota sports information director Ken
Qulson said. The NAIA decided she was eligible for
play, but she lost two years and transferred ln as a
junior. She scored 18 points and grabbed 17 re-
bounds. H!!r inside presence also freed up her team-
mates, including Sarah Baird, who scored a game-
SM LIONS, Pase Bl Vanguard's Rachel Be sse looks for r~om to shoot over Biola's Lindsey Richelli Saturday at The Pit.
Former Sailors cross country and track coach
glad he took the chance of living in Lima, Peru.
Bryce Alderton
Daily Pilot · T rips to China and Thailand in the
summer of 200 I got Dim Barry
thinking, "What would It be like
to live in another pan of the world?"
Nearly three years later, the former
Newport Harbor High boys Cl'Oll
country and track and 8ekt coach can
answer that question.
Barry, who gukled Newport to Its
only state dde in ~ crosa country in
1992 and spent 12 )"l8l'I coaching at the
IChool-his Jut coming in 2002 -wlD
condude his eecond year 11 athledc
and activities director at CoDegfo
Franklin Delano Rooeevelt. a K-12
school in Uma. Peru's capital, thls
spring. wnus has been and continues to be'a.
growing experience. .. said Barry, 40,
who lMs lo a condomfnh.m in a
high-rise~ atbrt 10 minutes
from the school ·
Barry teaches three pbylal
education dlllel to a student
population that la 8t1'll Peruvian and
~ other nadonaltdes. AD clMlel are
taught in ~ but a majority of
... IMRY,hpU
it a losing
Road loss to struggling
Idaho drops 'Eaters
below .500 in conference for first time since 2000.
Bury Faulkner
Daily Pilot
, MOSCOW. Idaho -
A team rebounding
from the deepest
depths of its season
sent the UC Irvine men's basketball
team into a sim11ar abyss Saturday, as
host Idaho hung on for a 57 -52 Big West
Conference win ever UC Irvine. before
2,037 at the Cowan Spectrum.
UCI (9-9, 4-5 in the Big West) slipped
below .500 in conference for the first
time since 2000 and extended its losing
streak to three. despite a powerful per·
formance by 7-foot senior Adam Para-
Parada had 14 of his season-high 26
points in the first half and added a
game·high 11 rebounds and three ·
blocked shots.
See UCI, Pase B2
He's a real
Dutch treat
D ave Holland has always been
one to slick to a schedule.
He weighs his options, then
His decision to go for it even before
his Corona del Mar
High football team
had completed its
second touchdown
march to narrow
the deficit to 14-13
agaimt highJy
favored Newport
Harbor ln a Sea
View League finale
ln 1985 is a good
case in polnt
·There was no
doubt,· recalled
Holland, "we're
going to score henraod go for two.
Some people thou&bt I w.. takinc oar
kids" out of a tie. but It was one of
those thing!. we were in a r.one and,
OK. we're doing It·
His Sea Kings. just 4-6 overall and
coming off a 41-21 loss to seven-time
loser Laguna Beach, connected for the
two-pointer with abo\,\t a minute left.
then barely held the Sailors off in the
6naJ second for the ahoddng IS• 14
victory at Orange Coast College.
Newport, under Coach Mike
Giddinp, was 8-1 going ln. ranked No.
I ln Its dMaion, and WU the dear-art
choke for the No. 1 berth in the
• ..
82 Sunday, februal'y 1, 2004
Stagg, Reed
influenced lrwin
T WO decilcated men rendeted lbe .......
inJluentW lm.,.ct on the life of Albert lrwln
c1own :=.,me~ &om..._, ecbool ·
Tbe~one.A-.~-.-·-. spod ... JID,.24 II tbe ...... ollllii .. .... . ..,. _ _.. •• ,...... !loltbe .......... . ................ . .
. .... .. ... the a.te Ralph llial llflil; Hubor ..... mddedc cMrector. .._. __ _
from 19IOID 1112, ~ _i lnwtn .__. tpOnllDllDltUp and pride hm aom
Staa, who ltwd IO be l~ wet 11D Al-~ II
Vale In 180. and .tvaaced to omda bldMll at OUcaio Unhsllcy IDd lben Colllt ollblt flldlc ..
many yean. Hew llnawct u um at die b• II I .. •
fat hen ot foott.IL In ...,.Ion, he wu a IUMd
Ovkdan.. -
Reed, bom SepJ. s. ·-~ m,na. °"°" ....... fraaa ObldlD Calllt ID a.., .... ,..,.. .. _ ..
._..,. ....... USC."' Md
wwd he,_ •• prtlldpel ll
Daily Pilot
two hltlh ~wlawfwd oae
,.., .. l'Jnltlor ...........
Vanguard's Will Noble (12) celebrates with !eammates Brandon Cox(~) and .Ja~on Searle ~ft er scoring ~e Lions_' first run Satu~day in the
season qper:ier in Costa Mesa, where the Lions came out on top , 3-2, m 10 1nrnngs. VU reliever Brent Erickson picked up the wm.
Sept. 22, 1930 wllb 171 ltUdents
enrolled. Another mid-westerner,
Sidney' O.vidaon, bom Feb. 23,
1886, In Wadena. Minn., Wiii the . DON lint prtnci.,.i and hired Reecl ..
CANTRELL the first faculty member. . .
• Reed, co-•ulhor of a coeching
. book ln the early thirties, was the school's ftrat
r,otball w.ch, serving trom 1931 to 1937. He bad two
winning teams, the '35 team (4-3-1) capllJ.ned by Al
Irwin, a 212·pi>und fullback. md the '37 team (6-2· l),
pued by Stan RoUo McOellan. a fullback. uad Cleon
0. Thompeon. a ql.Wteiblck.
After coaching football, Reed turned hil att.endoo
to simply tutoring basketball and tnck. Hia teema
earned many championsh.ISM OYer the yean Ill bocb
sports. . •
Newpon had en1ered the amaJ1 Orange L.eaaue bf
1933 and then turned to the newly-formed SUlllft
League by 1937.
Irwin, who earned 15 vandty leners in four,,_,. .a
Harbor, once Wet. "I wouldn't be where I am loday II
ii hadn't been for Ralph King Reed.• Reed welcomed
him back lo coach al Newport in 1948 .tler ,be hid
coached al Antioch and Vanda high Khooll
following his World Wu II service ln the Navy.
Other one·time Newport coaches often epob .
Wgbly of Reed. including &he late Okk Spauldm& lbe
l 938-39 gird coach, KCOrdlng to hil ~ 1beLna.
Continued from Bl
ing eight hib and l>uilring out.two.
Junior Brent Erick.son came on in' .
relief and faced the minin'1wn in
his three innings. He had two
stri.keouti. and C:oUected the win.
Kasper had hoped he would get
solid pitching since the game was
at VW1guard.
"Our take on playing at home is
that i~ pretty tough to hit on this
field.· he said. "It's also just rough
to hit under these conditions
lwindyt. You hit a ball oo a line
and all or a sudden it becomes a
Vanguard had five hits, while
Concordia finished with eight.
The Lions led, 1-0, after three
innings. In the bottom of the
third, Westerfeld, who was hit by
the pitch to reach base. scored on
Hudgins' bloop single that landed
in right-center field.
But the f.agles answered with
two runs in the fifth inning when
Justin Bird and Greg Conover
Vanguard University's Mike
Sparks, above. is ready for
contact. At right, Concordia's
Greg Conover slides under the
tag of Vanguard catcher Travis
Westerfeld in the fifth inning. VU
won in 10 innings. 3-2, in the
season opener. ,And lrwin would~ all 9endmentl yan lllter by
st.ling that Reed ·was Mr. Newport Harbor HIP
Scbool" Irwin claimed a 55-yeer friendehip wtlb
lled• fawrite times in later ~ara feetwed a
weekly bnUfast meeting wtth former Newpon
coaches Uld happily barging into the home ol hia
M)O, '9ck.
opened the frame with doubles. I the score in the bottom of the
C:<mover's double to left brought fifth. when Salazar crossed the
in Bird, and Conover later scored, plate on Hudgins' base hit, which
sliding under the tag on Nick Len· brought in SaJazar from second.
tine's sacrifice Oy. Salazar was walked and advanced
Hia familiar joviality wi&h his IOn WU mdenced
even u he departed from his final vWt in laae April,
1985. He arose.to quip. "Well Skipper, I can't wute
my time around here all day. I haw thinp b> do.•
Vanguard came right bad 10 tie to second on an error that came
The tragic news of a car crash ln Santa Ana came.
hours la1er. Ralph Reed was dead.
Although grief·stricken. Jack Reed sensed m
urgenl need 10 block an undesired overflow ot callen.
I le lnstJUcted his wile. Nancy. to allow oo om into
!Mhowe. .
But two hours later, there wu a gentle knock oo
the door. Nlll)cy hesitated after viewing the allr,
then turned 10 her husband at a distance and tlkl.
"But It's Al Irwin:
Jack Reed quickly exclaimed, "Let him in."
And hearts ached for the days that would newr
come again. •
Continued from Bl
~v 7.wak. UCl's 6-11 sen-
ior forward. added 13 points and
six_ rebounds, but the Anteaters got
just 13 from the rest of the staners
and none from the m.crves.
Halfway through conference
play. ua is tied for fourth place
with Long Beach State. two games
behind thild·place UCSB and be· Y?nd sniffing range of Big West·
~~I ~L-..L..~-'---JDn~'---'-,.r~~b(j-+-h=:=f =-+--+-ri'=-+-j~=+-+r i=-+-j"+-+ ............... ·+--+-,,1, f=-+---!T·h+-+-1.:=:-I =+-111
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l t
leading Utah State (17-1, 9-0) and
second·place:university of the 'Pa-
cific (13-7, 8-1).
Until sophomore point guard Jeff
Gloger sank a layup just more than
three minutes into the St.'COnd half,
no one other than Pclrada or 7.uzak
had scored from the fieJd for the
"We did a good job of getting the
ball inslde, but their guards Olli·
played us." UCI Coach Pat Ooug-
la."-S said. "We had no guard play.·
Despite this fact. Parada puUed
his team even with a layin with
14:47 left 10 conclude a 12-5
Anteater run after intennis-
~n. 1he visitors remained
within striking distance until
the final 32 seconds, when
five Idaho free throws all but
cut the cable on the ua Big
West title hopes.
"Wanning league is a tar
stretch. but we're going to
keep competing." Parada
said. ·1 think this is a team
that can get better down the
road. We've just got to stick it
Stick it out is exactJy what
the Vandals did for 48 hours,
after letting a late lead slip
away in a demoralWng 64-
60 loss to visiting Long
Beach State Thursday that
ended the 49ers' NCAA·
worst 2l ·game road losing
• 1 told the guys, rm. as
proud of them as I've ever
been and I love them to
death.. said Idaho c:oach
Leonard Pmy, who was
somewhat less Oanering fol-
lowing the Long Beach Seate
·1 questioned their tough-
ness. absolutely,. said Pmy.
who WU quoted.ln'the local
Statesman Review news-
paper after Thursday's kJu
that "there were tlmeahe felt
alone going to war.•
"Even ~ aD I can thAnk
about Is Long ee.d'I s.e.
becaWle I know what ~
capable ol doing 00 d1ll
Door.. Perry -'d. "Bui b>
belt a teem I've news
beaten is a great reeling.·
kWlO had loet llM!D
straigtlt md 10 of 13 b> the
Anteaten md entered s.ur-
day In • dne-Wll)' de for ....
piece In Ile .-.w..
•t told our auys we hid to t. ...,,_and t. more de-... --.. . . ; ·-
on his steal attempl.
SaJazar also came up big on a
crucial defensive play to end the
top of the sixth. With two out and
Bird on first, Conover bt!lted an·
other double. The ball bounced
just before the center field fence,
hit the top of it and Salazar
grabbed it before ii could go over.
Sala7.ar then made the throw to
the relay, shortstop Mike Spark..,,
who threw out a sliding Bird, as
Westerfeld the catcher made the
1em1ined rhan Irvin~ amt that'!>
what they.dfd," Perry said.
"(Perry\ Thursday critici.<.m) hit
home with me and, I think. every·
one in our locker room," Idaho
senior standout l}'rone 1 layes said.
~We all knew we had to come out
tonight and be aggressive." llayei.
hit the ua defense hard all eve·
rung. connecting on 8 of 12 field-
goal attempts and all four of h.i..,
free throws to post a team-high 20
points. Hayes was 5 for 6 from Lhe
fleld after halftime.
"We didn't do a good job on de-
fense again'>t llayes," Dougla.,.,
sald. "I-le dominatt .. >d the game ... Af.
ter Irvine's early second·half surge
erased Idahos 26-19 intennission
edge. the Vandals regained the ad·
vantage. 45-39, with 8:09 left in the
Five Parada points in a 7-2 UCI
run drew the 'Eaters within 47-46
with 4:48 left. but a three-pointer
by Idaho senior Dwayne Williams.
who was 1 for 13 from the field over
the weekend to that point, lifted
the hosts 10 a four-point advantage
with 3:58 lefl.
From there. lrvine. which heJd its
last lead at 5-3, never got closer
than three. -
"That (Wt.lliams thn..--e·pointerl
was huge, a big shot." noted Perry,
who told Wtlliams to keep shooting
after an ().for-6 effon against the
Perry praised P'".trada and Zuzak.
especially the 7-footer, who put
two VandaJ post defenders In foul
trouble and connected on 10 of 14
field·goal attempts.
"That's the thild time I've seen
Parada come in here and look like
ICareeol Abdul-Jabbar." Perry said,
in third M!UOll al the Idaho helm.
In order to combat a seYeTe size
adwntap lns6de -the VandaJs
pls)"l(I only one player. 6-9 80pho·
more D9Yld RadloYlc. taller than
6-8 -Jmho Implemented a zone
defeme In the eecond t.lf.
"1bllt's the ftnc time we've gone
zoned )Wt.• Perry-'d.
The zone made it more diftk:ult
to reed P9rada Md Zurak In the
IM*o but ua u.o ICnlgk!d ..-...
the bolu' lDUl·to-man. ua com·
mined 13 of Its 18 fUl1lCMn in the
tint half.
By cootnllt, Idaho kept woning
for qulllty lhota, molt often ftnd·
-. ...,... who did 1D01t m his
damlp ., ~the bd al
the bJI line. Idaho made jult five
h.maw!ll to help OVftcOme ft>ot-q a snodelt 33~ from the tleld ........
The Eagles left five runners
strdn<.k>d. induding two in the fifth
and seventh innings.
V.ngu•rd 3, ~ 2 (10 Innings)
ScOf'9 bv 1nnin9s Concordia 000 m 000 0 2 8 2
Vanguard 001 010 ooo 1 l 6 o
Duhamel, Avila (4), Larson (6). Fu1ii (9)
and Hendricks; Harris, Erickson (8) and
Westerfeld. W -Erick$on L -Fujii. 2B -
Conover (Cl 2. Bird (C), Hudgins (VI
(1901 57).
UCI wru, 2 1 of 44 from the field
(47.7%). bur j11~1 2of 1 2 from three-
point range. 'l11e Anteaters missal
their first eight auempts from
threcdorn, i;iving them 16 straight
mU.firt'S fmm beyond the arc, dat·
ing blick to ·111ursday's loss al Utah
·n1c lack of bench production.
wa . ., also a factor on Lhe road trip,
when UCI wru. outscored. J I ·4, by
"I don't know what IO say,"
Douglass said when asked about
the lack of production off the
bench. ·n1ere are no trades in col-
lege basketball, so we have to go
with what we've got."
UCls starting badcourt of Milce
ffevber9a and Gloger combined
for eigflt points, 15 below their
combined average. and five turn-
ZOTS -UC Irvine will learn Monday
whdl team it w.11 play in lhe Feb 21 Bracbl
Bustllf Saturday event IN!unng mid-major
programs. UO win be on the roed whom
ever 11 f8CCS ... In addition to producing a
se~low 48 points in Thursdey'a loss Ill
Utah Slate -It's lewest in 58 Q11nOS lir>Oe 11
50-47 loss Ill C.I Poly Sen Luit Obispo in
Jan of 2002 -UCl had just one double-
digil ICOl'Or (,... ~ wilh 14 pointsl
fonhe first llme aN MMOn .• UCI wn O for 8
from three-pOtnt r9"g41. 1n the leOOlld hlllf
against Utah Stale, with six difterenl players
conttibuling m1nec. UCI followed 11181 up
by mlaong ilS five t~nt ~ In the
first helf Safurdav.end ott firwt eighl against
Idaho. The 'Eetert have now had four halts
thil M1110n without a thrM-pointer (lndud
1ng 0 for 14 al the University of the Plcific
end 0 for 5 81 home ageinM Cal Poly SLO,
both after helftlmel ... With one thfee.point· er Seturday, UCI IW!lor ....., l.lailll
~'""two lhfee ~to read1 100 for hit atrMr. He r1"dl 19 ttwM bllls to
turpMt .'-ry 0.-. end ,... Hood (tied et
1161 end move into the No. 61po1 In ldlool
annell '" s..,;or MM! ,... completed
$alufdr(I geme with 722 ~ '9bounds. 'No ..... lime 81 00 ... ~ guard
,,.. .... did nol get ...... fol' the 181>
onc1 llrlllght geme ~but n1e no c:.-,_ _. In 47 ~ put him No. 5 In
ldlOOI ~ --. Gtov-r1"dl Jutt 14
...... IO move Into the No. 2 IPC>t -· Next up
for U0 .... 8ig Wllal Collflei•IOI home ~ agelnet UOf' (Thuf'9d9y • 1m p.m.)
end Cal St8le Nomlrldge (Salufd9v .. 7:36 p.m:t
..... CtlkWWWW
-~------------...... --------lllllliiil--illlllil _________________ ~~
.. Daily Piiot Sunday, February l, 2004 . IS
Vanguard ·men upset Biola
Vanguard University's Lisa Faulkner dribbles past Btola's Sarah
Baird in Saturday's Golden State Athletic Conference action.
Continued from Bl
hti;:h 28 polllh. and ll,tl·hel Dulin
117 po111tc;). who knocked t.luw11
hve ~hret··pointers. .
"Wt• ju'l didn't play very
wl'll... V;rnguard Coach Rui.!.
l>avil> '>ttid. "You haw to give
tllt'tn a lot of rredil. Wt' gut ou1-
1i11 ... tlt'tl, IHll worked Jnd out
111a1 hell \Ve Jtt' a young team
uml 111 1111~ one we -.howetl our
~11L1tl1. 11111 I wo11ltl11'1 trndl·
llrl'lll lor .111yb11tly rl·.1111 ... 1w111•1
'llt'.tk 111 <llld get a \VIII now hl'-
l JllW 11111.,e girls Ml' go111g 10 be
d11111ina1ing fM the next few
yt .. 1r .... "
Davie; 'ltttd he IOltl ht' player'
tlll'y lu'>l their pu"e and 1hey
wt·re beat in everv facet. Biol a
11t1frehoumkd Var1Kuard. 5 1 34.
I he F<t!M'> ''"'' 16 or 27 lrom the
fielt.I in the econd half 159.31.
while the I fon-; were 10 or 34 tn
the final .20 minutes (2~.4%).
Vanguard shot J 1.3% fur the
game anti 18.2% from three·
poiJH range.
Freshman reserw cen1cr Ra-
chel Hesse led the Lion!> with IU
points and 11 rebounds.
The Lions entered the game
with a 13·g~e w111ning !-.(rl·ak.
In their niJ1e conference wi ns.
Vo.m~uard ha' defealt'd oppo·
nenh hy a 29 b average margin
uf v11:tury.
Golden State Athletic Conf9'ence
Blo la 85, Vanguard 66
Biol• -Duhn 17, Baird 28, Matthows
10, Rlchelh 4. Ogugua 18, Hill 8
3 pt. goals Duhn 5, Ba1rd 3.
Matthews 1
V1ngu1rd -Mills 12. Burns 9,
Faulkner 11, Joselsson 0, Scl1m1dl 13,
Besse 18. D•ttenbir 2, McClellan 1
3 pt goats -Mills 4
Halftime B1ola. 36 32
Vanguard University's men's
basketball team had Its five start·
ers score in double figures as the
Lions upset Biola, 80· 70. in a
Golden State Athletic Conference
game Saturday.
Biola. ranked No. 19 in the
NAIA. dropped to 15·5. 6·4 in
Brian Kim led the Lions (10-I I,
3 · 7) with 18 points, while Leon
Ho borough and Josh Pierson
added 14 pomts each. Horace
Wom1ely and Tim Burneue con·
tributed 11 and 10 points. re ·
lne Eagle opent-d 1lw game
Wlth a 20·8 lead in the first 13
mmutes. hut the·Liuns la ter an·
swered with a 20· 7 run 10 clo~e
out Lhe half and led, :I 1-30. at
TI1e Lions shot 5 I .q% from 1he
field (27 of 52), including 57.1%
in the se~ond half ( 16 of 28).
Golden Stat• Athletic Conf«WIC8
Vanguard 80, Biota 70
Biota -Arnold 15, Leser 19. Ec:ltle 20.
New~irk 0, Craig 4. Swain 6, Rose 6.
3·pt. goals -Arnold 3
V1ngu1rd -Wormely 11, Burnam! 10,
Pierson 14, Rosborough 14, Kim 18.
Dalaru 8, Wa1son 5
J·pt. goals -Kim J. Pierson 3, Dalafu
2, Rosborough I, Wormely 1
Halhime -VU, 31 30.
VU sweeps doubleheader
•SOFTBALL: Vanguard Uni·
vcr!.ity opened its ,uflhall sea·
!!Oil w11h a pair of victorte'> over
vi,i11ng Pallen in a n11nr11nter-
l'l1Ce doubleheader Saturday.
The Llo111> opened 1he day
with a 9· I victory and ended it
Wilh an 8·0 win. that included a
five -inning nn-hiller by fre.;h-
man Jennifer Rynda.
Vanguard collected 12 luts in
1he first win. a!> l.md'l'Y Dye1
Tenn la
College men -Hawaii ai UC
lrvlne, noon
led the way with a 4 -for-4 iwr-
formance that caml' with three
runs scored. Catherin Buttrey
hammered out a three-run
home run In tht: :.ernnd inninH.
I lolly Marrinez. Judy Uell Jnd
Heth Hurchell earned two RHI
each, leading Lhe I.ion!> to the
vic1ory in the nightcap.
First same
Vanguud 9, Petten 1
Score by Innings
Patten 100 oll • 3 J
Vanguard 150 11 • 11 1
Trokey, Aruther (5) 11nd Gedde~.
Willis, Kellner (5) and Rolle, Bell W
-Willis. L -Trokey HR -Bunrey 28
-Bell !Pl Martinez (Vt 2
Second 11me
Vanguard 8, Patten 0
Score by Innings
Panen ooo 00 o o /
Vanguard JIJ 01 H 12 o
Sabbat1n1. N1ohotson 151 .inrt
Geddes, Martimch. Rynoa and Rolle,
Bell W Rynda L Sahba11m 28
Martinet IV) 2. Bell IVI
Tars dominate TrojJn~
•WATER POLO: I he Nt•w·
purl I larhor I hgh girb WJlt't
polo team ea!>ily c.lclcated Vl!!ll ·
mg Uniwr,ity. I .I :!, in a 11011
league game ~a1urd:1y.
Senior Jc'is1ra Ball MtHed
four goal-. tu leJd the ~atlor'
( 16·2). MPlissa Wlwcler. Kally
Lucas and l.cah llolll'rt,on
added 1wo goal.., l'.1l·h. whtlt• 1'.1-
tie l:rit.k!.1111, At1 1ll' Bl'lt.ll'rl and
Jennifer Beech contributed one
Ball. Belden dlld Lucd:. pro-
vided two assists each. and Hall,
Wheeler and 1.ucas recorded
three tea.ls each.
Goalies Thnn Cottam (six
saws) and Kun I lousepian
(twu) anchored the defen~c.
Newport'l> j111iiur varsity team
also won. 11 ·I , Clnd the frosh-·
soph squad earned a 9·0 victory
over the"l'rojan~.
Nontu1ue ---Newport Harbor 13, University 2
Score by Quarters University ~ J J 2 13
Newport o o I 1 2
Newport Ball 4, Wheeler 2, Lucas
2, Robertson 2 Erickson 1. Belden 1
Beech 1 Saves -Conam 6.
Housepian 2.
University -Spe11a 2. Saves -W1gal
2. Sussman 1
UC I sweeps UCSD
LJ(. Irvine .;wept UC San Diego
al the Ante<11cr Aquattl '> Lom·
plcx on Sa1urday with lhl' Anl-
l'aler women winnini.:. 175-125,
and lllL'l1. I R0-120
On 1he women\ ''de. frhh-
man A'lhley I >el'aul broke her
own ~drnol record by winning
the I uu-mctl·r buuernv in
5ti. I ti
I Ill lht• ULI llH'11, St'l1101 Phil
< .<irn.1 won llll' ;mo li-l'estyle
I l.·12.112). tht' 50 fret (21 04) and
the 100 lrcl' (•lh.0111 . ·
1 lw i\nteJter-. will ho ... 1 their
final home n1l'L'I of lht• 'l'a!.on
reh. 7 a1 I p.tn. ,1g.iin'lt the Cal
Pol)' Mustang'>
Idaho handles 'Eaters
•BASKETBALL: Emily Faur·
holl of 1he llnrver'lity of Id aho
'cort•d 26 points and 1he vi-;it·
ing Vandals shot 74% from the
field 111 the second haJf (17 of
23) as Idaho de1eated UC lr·
vine. 68·49. in a Big West Con·
ference women's hoops game
Saturday night.
Guard Kristen Green sparked
UCI (3· 14. 2· 7 in the llig West)
with 19 points, six rebounds.
four assists and three steals,
while Lauren Yadon came off
the bench to score 11 points
and 11tlded two s1eab for Lhe
Anteaters. who trailt'd at ·half-
time. 23-17.
Idaho, ah.o led by I leather
rhoelke's 14 poinh. improved
10 14·4, 6·3.
811 West Conference
Idaho 68, UC Irvine 49
Idaho -Faurholl ?6. Thoelke 14,
Bonson 4, M11chell 9, Felton 4, Goetz
7, Summerhays 2. Dukes 2
3 pt goals -Faurhoh 3. M11cllell 1
UC Irvine -Ned 4, Callaway 2,
Usher 2. Ferguson 5, Green 19,
Siantev 0. Bi~gins 2, Urban 4, Yadon
3 pl goats Green 3, Ferguson 1
Technicals Team
Hntft1rne -Idaho. 23 17
Kaake leads UCI women
•WATER POLO: The No. 15
UC: Irvine Anteaters {2·1)
opened 1hl'ir season Saturday
at 1he UC ~1<1n1a Barbara mini
tournament with victories over
Cal Stall' Northridge, 6-2, and
Cal Stall' San Bernqrdino. 8-5.
in the sea,on opener. The Ant·
t'<lll'rs lml to 11th-ranked
11<.SB, 5·.I, in the c;ccond of
three game'>.
lll I fre,J11nan Robyn Kaake
l nn1in11ed her hot pace in the
third game against Nonhridge
a~ -.he scoretl four times to give
her 10 goal' in her fir~! three
g.1mt'' a' an Anteater.
r EASY CoryeU \V-d' alwayc; try to leave your
kid!> with some1hing.'' said I lolland ... A
t:ouple of umes I've caught my!>elf
thinking. 'If ever I get a chance to tin .
thdl (run ii up)' ... hut then all you're
doing I'> hurting tl1eir kids. The kids on
the other team, you have 10 leave
tl1em with ~omethinK. too. It'!> not a
war. I've always felt if you get to 35 you
can starting shutting down.''
Win-lo~' faccor. he Will bt• tough to
a· place
BARRY "I rt.1h1l'<I hnw 1mrd1 I mi'1>eO the
k11h." Uarry :.mtl. "I al'>t1 m1~ the
c11ad1inH a lot bcca11M.' that was
per1.onally and professionally Continued from 81
pl;1y110\ hefure 1he up et turned
l'Wryth111g upside down in what is
1•;hily the all-time ups~t in Lhl• Batlle
or llll' Ila}' 'lerit',,
Morl' date-. have hccn cirdcd cm h"
r.tlendar: lne first is in July whl·n he
makes a return 10 Coast as an a~i,tan1
coach for the South All-Stars in the
<umuaJ display of Orange Counry
Continued from B 1
-.1ude11t' 'lwak. 111 <;pJ111!i.h -the
lOWllry\ offimtl lanKtiage -111 casual
rewarding I wa' able to teach life i.kilb
within Lht• arena of athJetic' to kids. I do
mii.'> Nt.'wpon I larhor, but !Peru! is
heau1iful. I slill have a home lin Costa
Mt:,al Ml who knows. I don'! know when
I will be hack here permanently."
Over a course of '5 year; I lolla.nd
has rx1wrre11r.:ed a lot of great "I memories. hut 1ha1 one. alrmg wtth J
memornhle 12· 7 win over the
defending Ur 0iV1sion 3-A champion:. ' I of Edbo11 in 1971, pe rhaps epitomizes I 1 lolland ar. the coach who could turn
hi-. Sra Kings 11110 want killerc;. Fdison.
111 11' third )Car uf ex1stem:e. had
l'lllt"red w11h a 20·game winning
lioUand often findi. himself in Lhe
company of Coryell at various
functionc; and never tires of crediting
the Collt.'gt.' footbalJ 1 lall of ramer for
"changing hb life." Also one or
I le's been the head coach ol 1he
~outh All ·!>tars twke. and tllb 11111e
he'll be Lhe offensive line coach for the
Soulh. a role he said he relishe,, Tile
announcement of !he head couch fot
the South "soon 10 be relea-.cd.
In recent yeari. It <1ecms, and Lhi' is
jul>t an opinion based on wha1 I've
heard. 1he gan1e hao;o been more of a
<,huwca.,c than a 'howdown. B111
"I took. (;erma11 111 hi>lf! ">chuol. but
Irving tn ~uthern C:aJifom1a. I \\18'
expo:-.ed to ISpani,hl 10 wnw degree:·
ll:trry !-aid. "Just hf'ing in a difforent
'\chool. 110110 mention a different
country. leamin~ how the !tchool work.'
and how to live in the ci1y . .
t'Vt'rything wdsbrand new th<! firlll year.
But this year, thiJlK' arc much easier."
Barry i., glad ht• expanded his
boundaries after those trips to lluilland
and 01ina in 200 I.
"I thought to myself, 'What is keeping
me here?' On my n:lurn ffighl I was
'iii ting 11ex1 to a man who was going to
War'Hlw. Jloland. 10 teach at an
tntemaunnal school.'' Aarry said. "He
de,cribed wha1 tlw lifestyle i!. as an
internahonal school teacher.
.... treak.
I lolland's coaches wac; NFL I lall ol
Farner George Allen .
"Coryell had a way of m.OOng guys
• play ahove their heads. 10 ovcr..1chieve
I le was a coaching clinic-every day."
-,ajd I lolland.
I lolland promises hi!l chargl!-. up front
will haVl' ju~I one thtnf.: on their mind:
Vic tory.
Barry thought abu111 coachmg the
track team, but l>::t1d his enel').,iiel> and
tunl' are bet1er spent "making !lure
l'Vf'rylhing is runrnng ~moothly'' in tl1e
"I w·..1n1cd to li.w in a big r11y. With the
l'Xccplion of rhy 1i1111:: at USC !where he
majored in busine~,1. I had never lived
in a hig dry and had never traveled
out-;ide (the U.S.!. with the exception of
Mexico. until 1he 'lummer of 200 I.
I lnlland would \t•rve rwo 1erm" J'>
thC' ~1·.1 KillK'; lO.Kh over .i u1ur'ie nl
LO y!'a t,, guide two teams to Lii
f)ivi.,io11 VI championship' (I 9WI <1nt.I
'UVJ .ind produce !>uch a1hlc1e<. :1o; Nrl
't.1.11do111 ll'frllmtna'>on, UC Berkeley\ ' I h'rroll Willard. 1he 1>.a1ovsich hrother-..
I believe Holland's bc<,t ac;se1 a-. a
lllgh school coach i!> lhat ability lo
hring out the bes1 in Iris playcro;. I le
always in'\bted I had u habit of
underrallng his playertfs.
The m0'-1 no1ahlc d es circlet! on
the calendar this mon . were Jan. 4-7
when more honorc; were be:.towed
upon lhe one-lime Whittier \,ollegc
J..'llard and linebacker. !Wice a CIF
Division VI Coach of 1he Year and tlll'
'tate's prep Coadt of the Year in l!-190.
lw wa'> recogni7.t'd al the Ame rican
"I don't know what lht• nrle<> are
now," s;tid Holland. "bu1 before we
could do whatever Wl' wantctl
dcfen'iively. It wasn't a fun-and-1-:ame-.
thing. We wanted IO wm."
I le ha:. a couple more date-. c in:lcd
One of the mam dilferC'tH'l'' be1wel'n
the tw11 l.'11u01rie1> li<"i in the role '\pon-.
play a11cJ how much time player-. and
t:O<.ll'ht''I dtvo1e to their cl10.,en
"Sport' play a much smaller role m
life here." Barry ~1id. "Prawr.:c' arc 1111
longer chan two hour. .md 1110 ... 1 ~pon-.
meet only tw1r.:e dlld, somellmc-., three
timer. a week. lnerl' i'i not a daily
commltment .• wherl' at Newpnrt. m11'1
'>porti. ho.we at lt'J.'>I a
Of Peni\ W.4 million inhabitants.
H.27 million live in Uma.
I !odd and John. and llw orii.:111dl hl11e
rh1p. Anh l·erraro. umun~ many
J\ lir-.t da~' wt-1gh1 fadltty on tilt'
CtlM GUllpU!> WOl!> named alll'r lrim in
1 lw n11d -~o-;.
I toll.111cJ ldt the prep '>C'l'lll' Im lour
~1·.11-. ,\ml rl•ali1c·d lw wa.' hut a li'h
Olll uf \V.llL'I, 1(1 Mid\ <Ill t'Xlcnt he
.111·1·p1t•tl tlw p<J'>l at Laguna lleadi
I hgh. ~\hl·n· thl' diallcngl''> fur footlMll
'Ulll'~<, 111 tL'm" nf win' and lo-.c;t·-.
1 .111 lt•ad Olll' to tJlll''tlon any l u:11:h0!>
\ell4'l' or l'Ca,-.Clll.
Neverthelc.''· I lulland wa., hack rn
the arena where hc helongl'd. and for
eight year' 111ok his underdo!(!I into the
fray. '"Ille kids ;11 l.ai:,•una lk ach arc d:.
tough a5 any." he'll tell you, h111 he
Jdmi1,. "there'!> jmt not a lot of them."
His laM 1wu years produced a 11-10
-record and a berth In the ployuffs
l>efore deciding he had enough thi.<;
pa'I faJJ. The highltght of his
eigh1-year run was a 14-7 viltory over
Los1a Mc!>-1 in 2002.
"11wy had been hammering us.
50·0." recalled I lolland.
I lolland's 20 teams at Corona del
Mar scored ai; many as 50 points just
"Some ol the things I learned under
I ootball Coadll''> Jhsociation'!> recent
gathl'ring for hi'\ ~15 years or !>Crvice to
the organi1..ation at the Marriott World
U111wnlion Center in Orlando, Fla.
"It wru. really 1::xci1ing. • s.'tid I loll<1nd.
"All the major players in college
football usually show up for these
things and it's something I had been
looking forward to,"
Some 5.000 coaches are involved in
the program ond the banquet drew a
gathering of 5ume 2.500 where Pete
(A1rroll of USC received Coach of the
Year laurels.
I wa' -;urprised tn see Holland's tour
at Laguna Beach end, because I know
what he 1s: A gym-rat with cleats. But
I lolland c;aid he had planned 10 leave
I .aguna after lhe 2002 season, only to
slick around for one more year (and a
berth in the playoffs! because of a
series or personnel I ransitions and
some financial problems at Laguna.
which wouJd have left the school in an
awkward ltuation. Uegardle~ of the
111Augu'il. .
First arc 1hc wcddtng plJ1h of Im
daughter. Nicole.
11ien hh .Htl'ntiu11 will n·turn 10 tilt'
game he love-..
Admiltt·dly "tired.'' righ1 now.
I lolland jc; well .1ware of the fall calling
which he "drawn to. J!. if 1h1· f11u1ball
field i~ a gin111 magne1.
·111e moM logiml 1:h111n• woulu he a'
.111 a ... -.il>lant to c;ahr 1 ligh <..ouch (ireg
Marshall. Mar-.hall w11' an ass1Man1 in
I lolland'i. prowam at Corona del Mar,
J11cl was the athletic director for
... everal years at I .al(Una Beach. They
work well tugcther anti Marshall's
.1h!\encl' al I ai:,runa Beach may have
become the foundation for I lulland's
dedsinn lu pack it in.
A Co ta Mei.a residt•n1. he" also
mulling <Ncr a coupll' or 111.her po~'iiblt•
By the time ~ptcmber con1t•., he
concedes. "Yeah. it'll be hack 10
busine s."
And high sch11ol fnothall will he the
better for it.
Hey! Sec you next ~uni.lay!
• ROGER CARLSON 1s the former sports
editor for the Daily Pilot His column
appears on Sundays
Monday-through rnday 1f 11ot a
Monday-1hrough Salurddy type 11f
comm11mt•111. i\lso. mo<>t or our cunte'l'
take place hef11re b p.m., M> there are
n<>I a 101 111 srcc1;11or;.
"Foul hall, or 'lll'tl·r. ''very popular.
hut WC' might offer 11111re things than
tven al Ncwporl. Our big c;pon.!> arc
'111-ccr. basketball and volleyball and we
IMVt' nrgby, softball. hru.ehall. rolJeF
hockey. wall climbing, swimming and
track and field. We have approx.imately
!75 c;1udcnts at the high .,chool and
many are doing at least one spon."
T1te school doe~ no1 ofTc•r cross
Barry's Newport nos.'i country teams
won at lca.'>t a share o( five str..Ugh1 Sea
View League titles while his r.rock ruid
field teams garnered at least a share of
three sr:raight league crown'I upon his
departure from lhe school.
Harry graduated from Newpon in
1981 and took hi:. Orsi coaching and
teaching job at the.school.
When In town last week he stopped
hy to watch track: practice Monday.
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After ~umc research and a11ending
recruiting fairs. Barry suhmitted
re!>umes and letter., of
recommemJalion. initially focusmg on
"·hool' in A<>ia.
"I knew I coultl hvt• tlierc." Harry said.
.. n1cn I ... 1aned gelling !>()Ille recruiting
tllll'rt''>l horn school!> in Soutl·1 America.
likl· l'eru and Bra;dl. Schooll> contacted
me through e-mail and I went to a
cn111l're1u:c in C.annd. I had two good
1111l'rvi1·w-. My two hcst prospects were
I< .olll'gio FDHI und the AmeriC8J1
<;chnol of l'aris."
Ilic "1pcrin1c11dc11t at \..olleg10 FDR
chl'Ckt•d Barrys references and called
him 1>hortly 1hereaflcr.
"I wa\ very impre~<>ed with the
lhoroughness and the pmrl>:.'lionalism
1ha11::xis1cd," Barry ..aid of the
applkat~m prot'l'i>i.. "It n1med 11110
trying h) o;dl me on tlw school and on
Peru as tht• country 10 live in.
It worked. -
"I did11'1 wa111 tu grow old 1101 having
pushed myself and lived my whole life
within my comfort wne," B<lrry !.aid. "I
can look b<.tck on ii and say I have bt.>en
immersed in anotht'r culture that is in a
much different spo1 developmentally
than wt are in the states. It puts a
r different perspective on what is truly
BllE-IWll••I ~-~ • 6:30AM • 7.JXMA Satur~ • 8:00AM • 4:00PM . Cloled On Sundays
\ , ,.
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II •"•"'•..,•r-·· .-•• 1 Mt-720·M22 nt.103
Ht.,...L...t Apt.dtn
study, Fplc • micro, dick
81 r.IO/-. no ""'· llO E Zllt .,_,,.._.me
r ... CflanllMt colt•
,,.,._. ""· -llltch. ~~·•/d lncl.
........... -rMoM "-~ .... _ ... ., ........ =:-.. '1l~"'d
Mlflofl Oevfff On«t
h ope. U.IOO+Sf' on ,_...._ u 1 Ac••· as.eoo.ooo ._,
Cell Aat. JHt Cet!e" 1t , ...... , ..... MM _.,_ FOUl'llllll
ValleJ; 1200 to 1100
''"'" fH t. Tt"811l l11!ff9"111eft1•. t:OOefll $,'Qm .,..,. ,CIOO, m. nMllD ... ._... • ...... Wf, .. M R1mce11 ... II...,•• .... •u• bf b e,.... ...., to llw• 4llr llM. Ne w cerpett , ,.,,, f':."~ ~';;zi'~
lllHSIO m ..... 750
YHlll AaCH H Y
l l home. 4br • offte• .
Jf/>b•. J 700sf. 11n111
story, cu•rd 1&11d, w•fk
to b.,ch. No smli,/pets
$6000mo The11u McV•y
Broker • 949.Sl) .. 4409,
... ~HOMIS IU ..... Y llAUOllS
Studio with full kitchen
lo a•r•I•· $900/mo. no
•mil/pet 949-673·0~
UDO tsll STUOto
Lara• closet & betll.
•unny u posure, $1000m
Act. 949-675·6161
Completely remodeled
l\1ttht n lo bl th, p!iYlte
paho $1250/mo yH 1fy
A.ct 949·67~·3663
" OClAM VMW " I Br. completely r1mod·
eled, brand new kitchen
lo b1th Yearly Sl550/mo Aft. ••t-tJJ.J tU
-, ...... ,_ prM;rpt.
2·mr ••· t.dlywd. 1/2
bb:* lo ocewl, must -SlfillVmo 9&VS.7n cal ~ 9'm-5fm <rif. ._. c..,... 2~ , ...
$1 700 month lo month
Art 515WutB1y
Jlw JIM C....., quiet
..... newly refu1bl1htd
2 c11 111, wd hltup1. S2l00/mo 949· 75f.Ol74 ..... .... """" ... w/IMk ley VI.-, ~~
ftrC• 2br 2b• VIiia
Bilbo• oce•n view,
tennl1, . p oof, c•h sv«cMct, S2*l0/mo day.
•Z»-1567 -'1!>-1913
leyfNl!f llw ...._ vlt•
dteh dt n Iott lblll• to
bch, dock •viii. dbl ,.,
$2495 ~ M9-642-IM6
Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week
Only $32 pei: week ( 4week minimum)
Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245
p.,;ietule JM, n •.
upsnlt, sips to bch. ocn
vu, 2/c 1••. w/d hhps. •at S3800 949.293.4630
s~•-J~ 2.si.. In 811 C•nyon. La master.
1unhn tub, vaulted ctil. Alt S4500m 949-293-4630
4~ • offtee Incl 2 mstr
I UllU, 2 C llf. wd, frt& .
l'SOO/mo. PtlS Ok Av1ll
3·1 •at9'9·09·7773
W. I.DO .. ·~ -.4y remod WI, ,_
tlfl)IC. r:r1V11it dcd. AVlll
now. SI0,000/mo lot1
,,.,,.,. l level. a•ttd
comm 2br 2b•, 2 c aer.
yrly S3250/mo Cont
l>1opertlu ot C1llt l.aUfle
Stunnlna C•ul• OcH n
ht lchh with h.,bor
views St>r l c t1ndt n
t•r. epprox 4600 sf lots
tot ot uparadu
o..tRentlll 7915
tfalm 5'rrcstfalm Oes«t
Conbct lkhael Anter
760-Jl3. 7117
Pit'* Tllartng -
Mary de Ptsc•le. M.M
Newport BHch. COM
NeW11o<t Cout
Leu on In the home
Rtala In .. ciomn.riity
pec ad real utl tt
propertr m1mt co on
l•fbo1 l'enfn. Mutt
fltvt 1fnl or1111fu ·
tlon•I & 'omputer
1hllf• & bt • ulf
st., lt r. lit Ible to
mullf·lu h. """" ).~
1f' ••P. M or hWllF --~.., & bll-'llL ,.. 19 tll
Uldlly ~~n21
Server f0t busy ft1ffen
dtnner house. 2 yrs op
nrust be 21 fu r11um1
to 949-642·0674 or •ppfy
In p•r•on 1lttr 4:30pm
VIII• Non 3131 W t ou t
Hwy NPB no phone cells.
ORM.A 0.. A COL in
iust 'l-h W91ks! Tuillott l'ticn No Cteclt Chldla. Aase> ,._. t aJ)iritnced OTR
drivers. SOO· 78 l ·2778
war .. n@CRST CO M
lmmed11te need for a
p11t·tlm• mech•nlc to r..ep South .CoHt Pf1u
in top.notch condition
Mutt ht111 1t ffHt '°"' r 11r s e iptrlt nct in
pfumbfna. electrlu l.
p1lnlln1. eeneral buildlna
rep•lts. holld1y decor
lmUllallOn/bf ealldown &
set·U4> IOI ~la! eve11ts,
~oalmltlly JOhrstw..r.
SIJOO/hr. Ple114 send
resume: South Co111
Pt.za. Humtn resources,
lJJ3 Bristol. Coste ~
92626 714·435-BS~tu
" ........ tr..W• ..... 2~·30lirt wk for fl111nci11
fem. Rellted up desired.
Good lypinL •ClefiCll &
orpnlntionll ....._ f IShiotl
ni 9&~lvmsc
IS lootUNO fOl MOii
GOOD 'IOl'll
nation's u lt 1tor1a•
lt•der. Is SH klne rtSI·
dent and non-resldtnl
m1n111ment t11ms n
well n 1tfltl m1na1en
bp lo customer Hrvict
end some PC literacy
required Posftiol\s P•Y S8.50 $9.50 hr. plus monthly bonuses. 0 1ys
only with wukend
hoursf Full •nd.p•rt·ltmt
positions 1v1ll1bl1.
Or11t compensehon and
beneflh If you •••
dyn1mlc ind sttll Im·
medlett employment.
please •·m•lf your
resume to:
or drop by on• of the
lolfowln1 focttlons:
2200 Mcf edden Ave
Senti An•
207~ Newport Blvd
Coat1 M111 949-646·~82
U<IPtlCMMT Eap'd PT for RHI bttte offlc• (n
Mawpor\ &Mell, Plil•M fn 1•ume M9-720·7301
WOw:al Ir
Tuml, Inc .. th• 111dtr in
hlch·•nd ruu.,• •nd
OCCntOffu, "" open• l11p •t our Souttl CoH I ,,.,, locatloft. We 111
... 1t1n1 m•n•ment. u
well " fi;li·llme 1n4 pa1Mlme ..... tHOCl·
1tes with 1elttt4 11t.11
.,pefhlf"•· 1ood "'" 11< ... ntatlon end 1tronc
cuslomw 1enl(1 ttlNls,
IMW '"' 521 Ea· cellent cooel. white/tan.
prem plClhte. all eatras
$20.000 949-51 !i.-0782
,__. 7 5 Jell GT/4 --,
str.i.rrt ' °""'"''· us model, ~Iba< Int 3511
mi. SIS S 714 751-2464
r e r 4 '0 1 Mvtt•"J
Conv. spor t pka. 36k mi.
metallic areen/ a1ey lthr
CO. pwr sh. hke new
Sl3.99S V582412 Bil< to-s ... 1111 ... _ .. ...., .. ,_
J...-'t 7 IUt L l lvt /
c1ey fthr, co. •Int boi/y
lo mtch1n1c1f cond
$9,995 v95B21 t Bkr
t4t·Sl t ·llll w-... ~l.c-
,...,_ 't4 XJ6 ltw ,.,,
melalflc silver blue, tin
lthr. suntoot. CO. superb
cond S5995 v•897241
Sr oh er 949-586· 1888 ___ .....,,,,_
J..,_, 't4 l JS c...,,.
6 cyl, 2•2. 1>lack/bf1ck
c1ome wheels. CO.
tebulous cond. $1 3.995
vJS712 Bkr 949·~·1888
www.~.c-1....., 'ts XJS c.,..
6 cyl. 5•k mt. l -owner.
brltlsh r1c1na areen,
t •ct ptlonafly cln n
$}4,000 (949) 640°0401
J....., '02 lltl Cenv
22fi mi. full fectory wlfr,
uphlre blue/c<um Ith•,
111vl1•lfon. sport pk1. as new, hua e u111n1s.
1'7.995 #897241 Bkr.
t4t·Sl t -1111 ___ .....,,_,_
Llncofn '02 LS VS. 9k
ectu1I m1. fut! factory
wau•nty, Champ1ane/
tan llhr. mnr f. CO,
chrome wheels. fanltst1c
1n1np S25.995 vl87241
Bk 949·586· IB88
Merce4e1 '00 C2SO
Compreuor 5'>or1 Sllve
beauty 40k mi. chromes .
IUIO SlS.750 714-751·2464
Mtrc ... 11 •t t MU20
44k m1. bllCk/blll. mnrt
fully ,oadtd, superb
tond thr ouahout
v878012 118.995 Bkr
••t-516-1111 -......... ,_
Mw~• 'tt MU20
U k ml, blll/cha1co1I
lth1 . mnrf. hn ted seats.
n ntw SIB.995 vl5728lS
Bili 949·S86·1888 www . ...-1.c-
Mercedes '96 320 Sl
Coupe white/l•n llhr.
h•rd/sott top must see
to appremte ....012496
S21,995 Bkr 949·581H 88B
Merce4ee 'II HO Sl
Wh1l•/t•n. lmmec in/oul
runs 11rut, new soft lop.
rm rur Jl2J!il n4~l..2'164
MerGU')' Gt and M:ltrQUI$ '98 VS. 5611. m1, wMe. fun
P"'. fmmx. must SH, pvt
party S7'D> 1I4-545-7506
SA.Al 'tt t .SSI S ... _
46li mi. dirk 111y/tan
lhh mnd. CO, hbufous
condlllPn. $13.995 089252
Bllr 949·586·1888 www.ecp•~f.ctM
YOVOTA 't7 Av.-XL •
belae ne.,.. tlrts, well
mainterned. under 40!'.
m1 Sl0,750 949-650 0125
l•y•t• 'ti MU 2
se1te1 sporl,..ur Well
malnt•httd. I owner
S3SOO obo 949·6'2·216!\
Tty .. • st ... ,,. '02 Cl
20ll m1, lady owned.
\llYtr. CO, rur 111. full
fact warr. buut ftkt n.w
cond 117.995 •014296
Bhr 949·~ 1888 --·•cpMl.c-
Toyet• '0 2 SI-(
21h ml, lull ftctory w1rr.
silver. rnr t lr . superb
lilt• new cond S 17995 v5892A 1 Blir 949-586-18118 ___ .....,,,,_
V.tve '00 SIO Tt 39"
"Ii; meltlllc 1llv11 blue/
01tmH I llhr. mnrt, CO,
bH utlful Ilk• new 'ond. s1a.m v4572SI Bl\J •••. s ... 1 .. 1
t••• t u.ion1 1711 Cfuak •!tot W/THk/ Hon, dee\. vernlthtd "* lltW, -cOdl· .....='•'Ml co-. ~
..... 11ft ....,.
lOfftt Mlle MWf 11avy IMll. ltll 11111 CMl'I .. lll .000 ... ~.._.,.
_ ..
GIU~•:D IS A 'l'F.JlklHU: VICI'.
Nontl..SOUth vu~. South deals.
NORTH •OJ76Jl ·-J 96
• 109 • Vokl i:>A42 'K Q875J
C> J o K 10 96
• A K Q J 65 J • 10 4 2
SOl1TH •AK 85 4
: 10
· AQ J85 '•98
Tht bidd1n1.: SOUTH ·wr.~
•• 1• 5• ~ .... ,_
Opening lwd: ~of
About a half-ccutury ago. S.J.
and ~ ~ up IJ trid.~
Simon's IOl'lpe-1n-chcd: comment:
"If West did not inleod ltldlQi OM of
his eca. he hid no sound re~ (Ill' doubliJI& seven no trwnp!" This was brou&ht IO mind b)t. thl~
deal from the 2002 European
Championship. When 1hc
Nclherhtnd11 held the Notth-SOuth
cll(ds. they reached si,( ~Jlll'ks dou·
bled on the competiuve auction
sbowa. W~t tlected lO lead tbc MO•
gltton diamond in an auempc tu gJtn a rut:Y -DOI a clever i&a without
tromp 00ntrol. For docl11rer thJN wa'
aan unexpected bit of genero.ilty. AOcr
wiMilli with tbc jack. two rou111h 01
trumps ~ <hwn with the ICC' rmJ
JllCL The Jiumond finc)M: W U} Ui~en,
Ilic ace was cashl.-d 11/ld a diwnon<I
was ruffed in dummy to 'lt't up a long
card In hand •. Dedl!M returnal h• hand w11h the king of ~. d1,.
carded dummy's club on the IOllg dia-
mond and claunctl 12 Irick,. corn.'t'Cl-
ing II helln.
D&lfftf El•ctrlc Bo•t• Co.
2001 W. Pllclflc Coast Hwy
949 645-6812
Simon wruu.· a bridj!C ~'Ulu11m in
Which We~t. 00 leiKI :ti~Mt :K"\Cn no
trump '"h1ch he had douhled h<llding
lwo ace~. was OOI s,atisficd with down
two and d«'lcd to lead founh-be"
from hi., long ~uiL Declarer won and
ran 11 tnck.. 111 the two ~•b in whkh w..,.1 held no guanl. Fon.'etl tu come
.down IO one a.·e. a thoroughly r.ittlcd
West cho~ m keep the wrontt one
West should ccn:unly have led llll
ace. and the ace of he..n... the $honer
~uit. would be the narural choice!.
East can account for at lens1 11 he.arb
(six in twld. three in dummy wld W~t prohobly has ut ICU.\I a double-
too for the k-ad). so should pby the
lowest heart to discourage conllllua·
tion and deny diamond intert\t A
club $Wilch liCl\ the slam one trick.
1 /2 ,. •••• u, avail on
lido Isle up lo 5011 boat
111 return tor lew n1~hh
slay on boat duron& lhe week for 3 months Call
Steve 8!>8·829· 2969
New Oec·k• fr•• ., ...
tor 3 Dully elect 2111
Incl msurdnce. maonl &
share Landin& Into
Penny 714 557-5100 il2
It's the solu·
lion you 're
searching/ or·
you 're seeking
home, apart·
new ,,...
• • • • • • • • • • •
Thr Ltgal Drpartmrm at thr Daily Pilot is pltasrd to announa a rmu sm1rr
now availab!t to nrw buiinrsm.
Wt will now SEARCH thr namt for you at no rxtra chargr. and uwt you rhr
timr and thr trip to thr Court Howe in Santa Ana. Thrn, of roum, after thr
srarrh is comp!tud we will fi!t your fictitious businm namr ttattmmt with rhr
County Cltrlt, pubfuh oner a wrrlt for four wtrh as rrquirrd by law and thm flit
your proof of publiration with rhr County Cltrlt.
_P!tasr uop by to fi!t your firtitious businm nam1 statnnmt at the Dai& Pi/Qr,
330 W Bay Sr, Costa Mrsa. If you rannot rrop by. pltasr raU us at (949) 6424321
and wr will makr arrangnntntJ for you to hanJk this proadurr by mail
If you sho11ld havr any forthrr qumiom, p!tast-<.ulf w and wr will br morr than
glad to assiJt you. Good luck in you1 11r111 b11.siness!
Daily 1-Pilot
a 2
Sunday, Febfuaty l, 2004 85
1 St..,-n
8 Adresa -Hatctw
10 Chowdaf Ingredient
14 LlcorioeWle fleYO(lng
, 9 SpNk frankly
(2 wd1.~
21 A Walton daughtef
22 San wear8f
23 Cloeeby
24 Beoome food of
25 Df1IWI otJt
29 Plccad1lly statue
30 DC figure
32 Cheerful color
35 Auto mishap
38 Roadmap abbr.
3T MelanohOly
38 Popcotn nuisances
40 Las Vegas rival
42 Stadium otieef
43 Btg Oii 14.!pplle<
44 Exam time, maybe
48 Lib<aty patron
5 t Augo<
52 Urt>en problem
54 Pelto and marinara
58 Former teen
59 Cactua habitat
6, Llf• stories
63 Combat zone
6" Green mineral
65 WXY phone buttons
66 Batt~sae
68 Poetic oontr8Cll<>n
70 Jane Austen novel
71 •How --doing?'
72 Insulation pieces
73 Cable channel
7'4 Betw88fl ports
(2 Wds)
76 Wire gauge
77 Fruit pastries
79 Traveler's need
81 Dream up
83 Subject
M Nature's Band-Aid
86 Shangri-ta
87 --bopc>ef
86 Exubefant 1houl
91 Piece Of wood
92 Cuaius Clay
95 Teachers' Otg
96 Has m19111v1ngs
98 2001 to Ovid
101 Fishtall
103 Elepnant's home
104 Nine-digit 10
105 Thlclc &lloes
106 FloWer vi&llOl'll
107 Town near Phoenix
109 Begrudge
111 On terra hrma
113 New&papef edition
114 Say posttlvety
l-16 Encircle
118 -·Aid (drink mix)
I 19Te0der
t 20 Lamb ·s pen name
122 More tnuy
1 24 Wishes undone
t 25 M ajOl' connlct
128 Staly spou1er
130 Beach toys
131 Steeple leature
132 Montreal's piov
135 Faoe sketc;tler's start
137 Bath powder
140 Recipe amt.
141 Anlla'a horde
14 2 Dot<> act1vrty
144 Feb 2 consultant
14 7 PC messages
t 49 Hombre's address
150 Novehsl Jean -
151 Expert
152 Shaggy flower
153 Fir and spruce
154 "Rabbi Ben -·
155 B11tish school
156 Ouarter-pound6t
1 Citizen
2 Not liOgethe<
4 Teller's stack
5 Wheel track
6 Conlall abode
1 Hill the wrong key
6 lpenema's d ty
9 &rglar
1 o Places ot origin
11 Resinous depoa1t
12 Diligent insect•
13 Cheapskate
15 Mon&teyr's refusal
16 Treated a sprain
17 Coupon clipper
t8 "Mana -·
20 Cottonwood
26 Bank on
28 Last degree
31 Panlyhose ruiner
34 Sushi fish
37 Wntei -Harte
38 Coriceals
39 Ballroom number
4 t Noiway·s patron
43 Out ot worll
44 Malone of the NBA
45 "Vive le -r
47 Decoy
48 H1~u royalty
49 Pany-1ray cheese
50 Conccn venues
5 1 Stooped down
55 Ed!Ct
56 An1agonism
57 Musty
59 Some telegraph
60 Zingy 1as1e
62 Fsmale rel
67 Ms l ansbury
69 Zones
72 Thofn
73 Havana natrvss
74 Mature
75 Regions
78 Showeiy mo.
N CirCUlt
80 Commerciall
82 Poet's eternity
84 South Seas atbre
88 -tuegol
90 ·s tormy Weather'
91 Movte P49
94 "The Gold Bug"
96 Knock lor a loop
97 Nobleman
99 Restaurant otfenng
t 00 Skye or Wight
102 Fe ncer s blade
104 Wattle topping
105 Brake parts
106 Large containers
108 Gardner of mystery
t to · 01<1· London theatre
t 12 Wimer reson
(2 wds)
t 13 Have Vibes
115 G1991eS
1 f7 B1am Stoker novel
119 Swigged down
121 RN's Ol'g
123 W11det>ees1 Chaser
t 24 Home. bt1elly
125 Sttr-fry vessel
126Sk1pper's shout
127 Mors unusual
t 29 Seaweed
131 Atr ntle (2 wds )
132 Comforter
133 P1tch·black
t 34 Term paper
t36 Rushe road
t38 Vera -MexlcO
140 Bull, 1n Barcelona
14 t Laugh (hyph )
145 Above to poets
146 Rough shellt1r
t 48 Atlas page
1:1 r (; 17 Ill
-------------::::::::~----------------·------------------------Aoonnalfllt Hanllyml!V Hcllll Qanlng Ntnlntflrlonl Cart Pllnllng
"NOT 0 R(ADfR ·
Cahlornla law re
qmr~ that contr at
lor5 takin& robs th•I
total S!IOO or mOfo
(labor or matenals)
be llcen~rd by lhe
Contractor~ State
license Board Stale law also requires that
con tr aclo1 s 1nclud"e
lhe11 license number on all adverl1sine You
can check the status of your ltcensod
con t ra c t or a l
www.cslb.ca &ov or
800-32 1 CSLB Unh
censed contractors
talnn& 1obi. lhal
total lus than $500 must state 1n their
•dvertlsemenh that
lhey 11 e not licensed by lhe Contnctors
St•le LICt nH Board "
,,..... ....................
JO years eaperoence
Quidl8ooks Spec1ahsl
Call Jtm 949·278-9129
Al••A Rlmof•llnt
fM1"Mle9 DMUIPMPfT ~
f ll'ttlln1dtvelopm1nt. com
'5llB15 V$iM: ~
'=~ (ompetllivt RalM
Convttlltntly locoted. on lht ~
401JhtSl ............. ...
lnslall. relftte cabmeh
~~ ~ Dou& 714 546-7258
c-... ~ MJldr'C. cablnetTy. doors. lutdwn,
rtn'CXllC. ~ U6i!!iXD
BSC·Brtan 949-515·9699
HR f1 r,111 • l"-r ir,111
I 11 ' I,. ' •
(;arptl cleanlnO Sl*All
J rooms & hallway•·•
1ncJUdeS preoooortton1no
lltYl• 71'-329-3142
c.,.e Rlpllr,talll
Budael C.,pel whole
prrces, lnsl•ll. rep•irs.
reslretcluna, prompt
serv1te •71<1 926-410!>
o CAl,.To CA1,no
Rep•irs, P1tchln1. lnstell Courteous 1ny slit jobs
Wholtstltl 949·<192·0205
HELP! ................. .. ,. ....... •lie•• ·~ ·-F'llll~·· ·~~ •Olct~
·lllMS~"'-... UC~-. 1ov,.c_....1 . ..,.
714-61 -2786
Concrttl • Maonry
trick l lMk St-Tiie
Conaete, P•ho, Orivew•y
F lr11>lc. BBQ. Refs 25Y" (1p. Terry 714.557.7594
c-e-~ w.ti
Cenwlt. ero. Sble. r•. ~ etc IWilblt. No
job loo .,,.. 71"15-!n>Z
Touch of Klass
European E.itpen in
House Clearuna
20 years in BusincM
Llcenicd cl Bonded
Profcmonal teams
to Your Home
Sprinll Cleanlna .
C•ll •plumber.
P•int1<. h•ndyman.
oc any ol lhe 11real
services listed here 1n
our Hr vice directory!
All phau s sm/tr& 1obs CUANI 20yrs, fttt, free
est. l«IXm 714~1447
SMAU JOI IXPllT Loc1I, Quick Response
Home, Y.,d' Ooclt Elect
Z> y~ Exp lllJnctm ~
llfZJ5f10 ~1042
1 .1.C. llectrlc L-price
toe.I contrKtor, no job loo
smel, no job too b4e. Rets
l4IOll request. l#Cl().8)()11B
No job too am M __,
Rep•lr. rtrnc>lMI. fana,
spa, new ave ~-3fil!6
lml•b lion. s'-te. aumc. marble. stone hMt 1t7S
l ll612044 Jett 714-612·9961
a.-a-.,.. Stonoi.11• Cleanrc. Pollltq. s.lirlC. ~ Yrs. CA Free Ol!mo
[ddieco Inc 98B!-&l0
LIMY sa.-.. Rf'l)M'ed
Rearoultn & ln\lallalton
TILE OCAN 949 67J.806~
114-846-~ 714 883 2031 =
~n! TIWSIMcts
U.. I $pr* hllllllrJ\
T.ArM'f""IMJ ~
()w.gt~ Otll..,.
0.. l.llq •
TrH S-lce, 'l'ard
Cleanup. M•1ntenance,
Sprinkler Rep .. r. Haullna
(Mt) 650-1 711
111 •, l<illl • Iii p,,11'
'-Ill \HlllJ I l>jl.
............ $4"
t4t.Ml.17M 11111111
All wOfk 1u.,•nteed
P\ml:q. E~ Doon, Flnilll carp a:.~
fix U, Sf>echht. All ty~ of repairs. Electrl cal, ~ doors, wm
huten. tlfe & more.
24/7 days 714·366-1881
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Wkly/Bl wkly/Monthly Ahce. '"yQIJf home. E•P & P11ntme lnVe•t. HouW~ Ref's. Grul r•lesl lnieldA Rel, Gteat Penonality. Qualtly job! Free esltmale
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The' C•hf Public
Utlhtlts Commlnlon
requires Jh•I all uHd
household 1 oods
movers rrlnt their
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limos and chauffeurs print their T.C.P.
number In all 1dv1<·
tiwmenh. II you h.ve
"'Y ~•lions abo41t
Ille 11111111 ot t
mo vu, 111110 or cllautt.ur, cell:
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Prorl, clean, quality WOfk
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l•703468949·400·1054 ,...,.. .. , .... , ....
Top Qo1l~t • Com~h1tve
lnle11or al L'648228 Call J1y 949·650·!1<166
Quality -•. low ratAI. c.. for fr• ntlrnttl.
ll 791542 114-876-Slt I
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Rob llbell • Owner
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(949) 846-3006
C.ll 9"t-887-1480
ec •dlvtalonor Ml!rJ llangert
F11endly Service
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Repalrt' i.1modelln1 FREE ESTIMATE. L'617398 714·969·1090
Will Cowtrinp
THI STll,,llU
Spec1ah11n2 in
W•llpapr Removal
L•!>88?41 949 360 121 I
• ~. Flbfulry l, 2004
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LAGUNA MACH : ..-..........
. .
\ ..
LIDO l SLE 949.723.8800 .
N EWPORT BEACH 949.644.1 600 l
N EWPORT BEACH 949.644.9060
N EWPOR.J COAST 949.718.170 0 •
BAL BOA ISLAN D 949.673.8700