HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-26 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa conununity since 1907 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 'Passion' opens to sold-out theaters Locals who found tickets to see the movie say they were wowed by its m essage and graphic images. out itle the Edwards Triangle ~quart' fl snacking on popcorn. ~What better day 10 conic !.ee it than Ash Wednei.da)17" REEL CRITICS Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot '"If I ca11 take lllm· out of my day to ~ee ·spider· Man.' I ran tukl· time off for the 1.ortl," .... ud I t•,lyt.·. \.\ h11 wouldn't ~ive ht•r la't llt1111t'. a' ~lw cntt.•red the l:cJwartl' I\ 1!•1 ro l'oi111(' Stadium I~ aero.,., from South C.11<1'1 Pl;v.;1. ft.l<111y of the showings \\l're nlready i.old out. disappointing woulcJ -be vil'w· rr-. like Kim Miller and ltcr hushaml Sloan of Costa Me~a. Film's intensity is palpable COSTA MFSA -"The l'a-:~io11 of lhe dui~t" has been ii.,•niting ro111 rnver-..y long before having hit th(• .,ilver \Crt'l.'11 on Wedncsda~1 -a dnv cdchmted by Uiristrans as Ash \VedneMlay. the '>l•Hl of Lent. Mel Grbsun·i. movie .1hout tlw la\t I.! hour' m the lile of Je,ul> Cl1m1 b h:N•d on n literal i111erprcrn1ion ul thc l;m, pcls. causing !>Ollle tu d1,1rge that it " Jn ti-Semitic in it~ portrayal of Jt'w'>. Many ol 1he movit•gol'r' were 01n-.- 1ian~ who took the dar oll work to 'llP· port a cinematic ll1ll'rp1t·ta11011 ol tht· tldining moment uf their n•hwon Other' tlod.rd 111 tht• 1lw.11er!> 10 '>llP port C ;rh-.on. \\ho h,1, ronw under in · ten'e 'iflllCl'lll 111 tht· ''l'l'"' lt•..idm~ up Ill (he 1110\ I('' rl'll',"l' rill' drrector '>Pt'nt Sl5 111ill11111 ol Im U\\ 11 money to mal...e thl' film. "With all tllt' wurk l\ll'I t .ib,on put 11111> Lhi!'. movit• and all tlw ntlii:ulc. I wanted to 'uppmt lhe dirt•ctur for 111.ll..· i11g an allt'lllpl to 'how 'Ol11t'tlti11g Ml ta· boo, 'o rt•,trit 11•d," :'l.t''"J>url Bl'at h re,i· dl'lll IJna.1 \11d11t•11t• \,tttl J' 'lw '<II t.:1111 Miller ~aicJ she is Oiri~tian and wanted to sec it hecause of ht•r rl'l1gio11-. brhef,. ·roan '>aid he is an ,1thci,1. h111 WJ'> nmou., Ill 'ee it brcau,t• ul tht• hullah<1loo -,urrounding llw mm u·. '' llll h he 1.,11\l'd "a calcuJa1t•d t1111t111· \'l'">"" hy ( ;,h ... 11n. "H II 111,1 lame out lil..1· a rt'h'lrl.ir ninv1t•. I probahly wuuld11'1 Ul' a' II lll•r 1·,ll'd." lw s.1id. "'But. my c;od. you ca11"t rni.,, it."' l'hcy had a good·na1un•tl dl'hatl' about whcllwr Gib5on\ i111t>rprciation See PASSION, Paee A4 ASH WEDNESDAY OBSERVED EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily P1l<>1 niov10 reviewers Juhn Dcpko and Ric Olsen prest>nl their 1hough1s dlter wa1d"ng thf' movie "The Passion ol lhe Ch11s1 wh11 h opened "' 1hea1ers Wrdnt~sday ·Pa ssion· c.fo .. pht) :-.. bc:-..t and worst of Gih:-..011 By John Depko F mrn tht· opt·111ng momt·rth 0 1 "1 lw Pa'i..\11111 nl tlw < ltr "'·" Md tiib\011 lrillhll<ll"h lhl• \ 1l'\\'l'I dtrt'tlly inrn tlH' .111111·11t wnrlJ ot oouctAS 11t.1Mt.Rt.cAN, r A11 v f'1111 Kathi Bledsoe of Newport Coast has ashes placed on her head by Father Paul Bradley during Ash Wednesday services at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church on Mar Vista Street in Newport Beach. The Christian holiday marks the start of Lent. the 40 days in preparation of Easter Newport leaning toward rehab regulations June Casagr ande Da1lyP1lot NEWPOH1 Hl;\C.11 -Admormh- ing operator\ of Narronon a' tn1d m•il(hbors. Ci ty Councrl mrmh1·" on Tue~day pushed forw;rrd a plan 10 rcg\llatt' dnig· and alrohol·n·covcry homes to the ex1r 1\l the law allow5. They calll'd upon the operators the rehahs tu do the re<;t. "You're not twing Vl''Y nrighborly when you hr ing :!7 pl'11plt· 111111 ,, rl',1- dential .irt-.1... < 111111nl111.rn SH'Vl' Bromberg told N.m 011011 'P<>kl',111.in Jerry M<tr'>h•1ll Mar,hall pledg!'d 111 l'n111in11e 10 work toward a '11lu11nn 111 neighbor,· complainh ol lllll'il'. ngarC'lll' 'in!Okt', pmfa1111y and l11gh 1wdt'\lria11 traffi c al the gm11p 11111111· ;11 11\10 S. OcPan- fronl nn tlte pe11i11,11la "We belwvl' w1· 1•.111 find a '>!1lu1ion that work' fur l'Vl'ry111w.'" Mar,hall THE BELL CURVE .. aid . .tdtlrng tlwt he would c·on'ilder finding u lll'W location fur at lea ... 1 ...i1me ul tl\C' 27 people in it' rco;itl<'n 1ial 1rca1111cnt facilit y in Newport Rench. ·1\1c-;day\ talk was the 'iecuncl .. tmlv sc•s.,inn on sliltt' and federal law~ tha·l pre -crnpt local authority to rcg111<1tt• group recovery homes. fhough the laws leave cities lilt.le elbow room, thl' l'.ity still hns <>ome options for regulat ing the homes. And it appear!. likdy New York is all in the names T oday, I'm going 10 drop ~ome names -without b'llill or embarrassment. Jr yo u were one of the uncool minority in thJs nation unaware of the crisis facing Carrie Bradshaw In the final episode ofHSex and the Oty~ last Sunday, then you might not want to read on. The crisis had to do with whether she would leave her luxurious digs and prestlgiou'I lover in Paris and return to her threr pals in New York. Four days before I SO locals. as reported in the Pilot, joined soul mates at the I lard Rock Cuf~ In Fashfor1 Island to learn Carrie's ' JOSEPH N. BELL derision. my wife and I ~pent two hours breathing the <tame air as the actress who portmyed Carrie. And so closely had Sarah le!>sica Pnricer become Carrie that seeing Parker In New York seemed a clear sign to me that Carrie would be returning to New York. too. Sherry and l were there doin~ 1lica1er. a costly habit we acquired ' many year!> ago and Indulge in now only occa'lionally since transportation, hotels and theater tickets add up to something like the ew York Yankees' payroll. But we regarded the drastic aJrfare reductions early thjs year as a direct communication from God that we should go. And o on Wednesday night, Feb. l8, at 8 o'clock. we were sining in the seventh row center of the Al 1llrschfcld111eatre walling for the start of "Wonderful Town" when Carrie put down in a seat about six foet awny. See CURVE, P .. 1 A5 1h1•y wrll l'\t•rciw 1h11,1· op1ro11' ( Olllll 11 llll'lllht•r... dm·1 lt•d 'l.tfl 111 hnng b.11 I.. ltl a rt-g11l.11 1:111111111 1111·1·1 mg a \Olt' un changc' 111 nt> 11111111g 1 nd1·•.. 1 ltc· d1ang1·' could h'l\'t' tlll' UI\ tlw puwer In tt•gulale g11111p ftoll1l'\ I Olll,lllling 11\0rl' lh,111 \IX fll'I) pit· or 111 ~c·1•p thrm Imm mm•1111{ 111 111 \llltW n·...ill<•ntial 1.0 1w .... l·l'dl'ral t.ur 111111,ing law~ dl'fim· ab See REHAB • Paee AS Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www. da1/ypllot. com WEATHER ~ t-leavy morning rain should ease up later on. SeePaaeA2 SPORTS The Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar girls' water polo teams advsnoe to title matcnes. SeePaaeBl Hom.111 -on 11p11·tl luul'a. lie t.lan•' 111 protl11Ll' the t·nt11 .. lili11 \\tlh acwr' 'pc;1king only the 1111~:111 ti I atin anti ArJllhllC with l:ngli'h -.11h111Je, I ht• t't'flt' '>Ollmltrad., .111tl 'tunmn~ nnl'rnatogr.1phy nea11· 1 -.upl'fn,lll11al an1hit>11n· that pl't \ 1111 .1111111~1 t•ver y ..i·t•nt'. I ht> ca,ting ,11111 .1c1111g .irt• ftr\l rail'. I hert• i~ O'L'.11 quality 111 nia11y •"lh'l'.h of tl11~ \ 1\ 1d tak ol ()111.,1\ ~11tf1•ri11g and cJ1·a1h 1111 tht· l 111 ..... lhrl thl' h1·,1 ,ind"'"''' ahili111·-. ••I See CRITICS. Page A 1 Fight for KO CE-TV moves to the courts Sayi ng the coll ege district violated state law, Duystar file s suit to ove rturn the televi ">io n <;talion's sa le. Marisa O'Neil Oa1lyP1lot ._,AN'I/\ \I\,·\ tJ1"'11.r11 hr11.id1 .t•I t l ),w,tar klt·vi...1011 Nttwor I.. likd ,, I.I\\ .rn1 \\it•dm·,d.t\' ;ag,1111'1 lilt' C 0.1\I ( 11111111111111 \ ( nllt•gl' I)""" I 1 l.1i111i11g lht• cl"lllt I .11.I 11111 I 11111ply \\Ith ... 1.1ll' I.ti\ 1\111•11 1111"\ .1gr<'t'd lo wll 1\1 ll I IV 10 "' fo1111d.1111111 111 ·' pit'" 11111lt•11•11c I' v\t'dllt•<.d,t\. I ).1\ .,,,ar, ,111011lt'\ .... ml tlt.11 lltt· d"11111 ,111111ld It.an• n.11111·d hr' du·111. 11111 lhl' 1\0<.I I\' I t1t1111l.1111111, ·" tlw h1ghl·'t n•,p1111,ihl• lmldl'f I lt1· C .iltlw 111:r l.d11r.1tio11 ( 11d• ,I.tit•\ that C OllllllllllllY l"lllll·gt' tfi,t I 11 I ma\ wll pmp1•n y • 1111 l .l\h" a111.l 11111'1 " ti 10 till' lt1glw,1 11·,p1111,1hlr· hiddn. 1lw •1111 ,,,1,., a 111i.Jgl' to nrll• th.JI llH' n rrrt•111 ,,al1 • '" tlw lound.1111111 "h111ild 'top 11111111'<11.111 11 .111d let IJa>'''·ll huy 11 for it' origin.ii hid • rl $:!~1. I rrnlf1ur1. "' 'l't 1111tl hid of $HI 1111' hon. '11h11111tcd .thl•r llll' lktolwr lk.1111111 '' • 1111 till' 1,1hlt•." ,,11d l>.t)''lar\ .111111111 1 H11 lt.11d I ll1\tl 'lh1·rrri.111 See KOCE, Page /\4 FAIRGROUNDS Swap meet's bid process to be chosen Thr derision on how to pick the co mpany tha t will run the O .C. Fairground'\' mark er will be m ad e toda\'. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 1-AIH< lllOllNl>!-i l'ht• 01.111gi· C 1111111\' i:air Board I!'. poi~(·tf. finnlly. to dendl' 111 tlay how it will d1oow who will 11111 lilt· fai~rmrnd~· high·t•nd \wap 1111'<'1 A dec1~ro11 011 how to h:Lndlc th1· hid ding prm·c" fo1 the IO·ycar k.1,1• h.1, dragged on '>incc July. whrn the tw11 wn1 panic~ compcting for the least' 11i.ull· .1 host of complattW• and allegations. In lulv. hoard member; decided to <;tart over fro111 the beginning, saying a choke at tlt,11 point would have ended up being 1 lt.11 lenged in court. On Feh. 6, the fair hoartl'~ cxt•i:uti\'l' commi11ec recommended the explomtion of all possible altrmativcs, including 111' gotiatinJ( solely ~\/ith Tel Phil EntcrprN''>, SH SWAP. P•se A4 • ' .. A2 Thursday, February 26, 2004 Dady Pilot POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE f'llf PHOTO/DAILY PtlOT 70th Assembly District candidate Marianne Ztpp1's cause ts helping the f am11tes of members of the military m San Otego County. Everything you ever wanted to know and were afraid to ask Aflcl• Robinson Da1lyP1lot In the cour'le "' i11tervll'wing rhe 16 candidates in th(• March 2 primary recenrly prufilt'<J in rht! Oa1ly Pilot a numher of 111tl'fl''rin~ 11db11 ... about the ~pmn.g pohtic1ans came tn light that didn~ end up llttinR into the final storie'I. 1 lere are soml' hlllt' L11own fact!. about the candidate-. who \\,mr to represent you 111 ~•ate and federal guvernmen1: In the 10th J\.,~emhly DiMrict race. Newpon Beach e11trepreneur CrtstJ Crlstkh enjO}"> '>flUn ~hoo1111g and know .. how to fly a pk1m·. 5hl• once wanted ro be thl' first wom an pilot for the U.S. Air 1-orce Thunderbirds and -.hl· m et her husband . John MU.ZZO. while getting her pilot's licm se at Joh n W.1ync Airport. Irvine defon1'c comultanr Oiuck OeVo~s military duties in the California Army National Guard have put him in the line of fire more than once. I le served as an intelligence officer in a tank unit at Martin Luth er King and Crenshaw boulevards d uring thr 1992 Los Angeles rioti< and he was 011ce carjacked at gunpoint while on d uty in Panama. UC Irvine engineering student <lM>nchol Gupta likes to .,cuha dive and has talcen diving trip' tu (;rt'nada and the Caribbean. Former nep. Bob Doman. who 1c; running for the 46th Di.Mrict Congre sional seat, once drove a hecr tn1ck for a Irving and broke Into an acting career through motorcycle stunt woit. Assemblyman John Campbell. w ek.ing the 35lh District Senate seat, knows how ro malce a Grand Mamicr ouffie and other gourmet di4'hes. which he enjoys with fine wines Crom hi~ 600-bottJe collection. Bur that assortment d~n't fill half his new 1.500-botlle wine cellar. In the rnce for the 68th DtStrlct N.sembly sent. (ia rdcn Grove City Council man Mark Leya and his wife are avid gardeners who have won blue ribbon!> at the Orange County Fair for their oranges. Their orchard also produces apples, limes, lciwis, guavas. figs and grapes. and they grow some flowers and vegetables. A cause for a political run In the often·criticaJ days before an election. it seems everyone has a cause. a nd a p rominent partner to work on 11. For 70th Assembly District candidate Mariann~ ZJppl, it's helping the fam ilies of members of the m iJltary In San Diego County with former USC star nanning back Anthony Davit . The two have team ed up to assist Military Outreach Ministries in collecting food, furniture. and children and baby items to be donated to mllitary fam iJies al Camp Pendleton. To make a d onation. call (9491 622-0009. Assemblyman ken MIMldox's latest push is a joint effort wtlh state Sen. Tom McOJntock 10 end in ·state tuition henefits for illegal immigrants. In 200 I. forme r Gov. Gray Davia signed into law a biU granting the tuition rate of California residents at state universities a nd comm unity coll eges to illegal immi8rants who have lived I~ th e 1>tate for 1hree years. The Maddox·McOintock. b ill. which would repeal that law, io; expected to be heard in the senate in March or April. Consumer cho ice In health care is rhe cau!>e celebr~ for Rep. Chrl1 Co'-. who announced Wedne d ay he's sponsorin g a biU to make out-of-pocket health care expenses I 00% tax deductible. The legislation is in tended to make it easier for Americans lo p urchase health care heyond the oflen limited choices offered by their e m ploye rs. Cox projects the bill would benefit nearly 35 million seniors. m ost of whom have to spend their own after-tax income to buy health care tu 1..upplement Medicare and Medicaid coverage. A poll that's made of straw lf the March 2 election were olely up to the n people "vho attended a Newport Heach Cllamber of Commerce candidate~· fo rum on Friday. Proposition 55, the public edu cation bond issue. and Proposition 56. which changes the legislature's required vote for budget and tax bills from rwo·thirds to 55%. wouJd have been i.oundly defeated. according to the evenr\ ex.It poll. The same group wouJd have passed Proposition 57. a Sl5-bi1Jion bond backed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. and Proposition 58. a baJanced budger req uirement, by a landslide. The same group of voters 'lhowed they favored Campbell in the th ree-way Republican race for rhe 35th Dis trict senate seat and Crislich over six contenders -including Democrat Carl Martz. who received one vo1e, and Hepublican Oionchol Gupta. who a~ a no·show couldn·t even vote fo r h imst'lf a nd received no votes -in rhe 701h Asse mbly District race. A last bit of bac kin g Candidate!>' t'ndorsement announcemenis have !>lowed 1 111u~r a trickle in the fi nal day~ beforl' the primary election. b ut they haven't entirely stopped coming. OeVort' w n1 o ut a s tatemen t about hi.s endor,cmcnt by Republican Sen. Dennis Hollingsworth, Leyes received the endorsement of the California O~ani1.ation of Police and Sheriffs. and Cristlch h as received support from the chairman of the Oavis Recall Commiuee, Ted Costa. Daily A Pilot Aldi~ . . Polhlca, bualneu end;~meni reportef, (9'91 7M-4330 al/cia.robln«>n{illatlmes.com Luaf'W\a N9WI .. i.tant. 19491 574-4298 lui1.,,.n.@llnimft.com JlttOTOOMPH£RS Martt C. Duatin, Don L.eedl, l(ent Ttepeow POSTMAS'riR: Send addross ·cnanges to The Newpon . 8eeoh/Co1ta Mesa·Daflv Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, edltorfal matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced whhoul wnnen permissoon of oopyright owner VOL 98, NO. 57 ™<>MAS H. JOHNSON ' Publlaher TONVOOO£AO Editor JUCNOETTINO Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotion• Olree1or • Nl'WSSTNf' o.,...-. Crime end OOU'1S repot19f, (949) 574-4226 deepe.~•i.tim..oom :JuMC 1m• Newport 8eld'I repom,r, (!Me) 574-4232 june.~nde•141flnw.com Deirdre,.....,. eo.c. Mele repc>ft9r, (9G) 6~21 ~MMmlln•IMlnw.com MlltlaO'Nll EdueatiOn 1'8POfW, fM I 57..._ MlllW.OMll•...,,_com MAOfM HOT1JN( (9'8) &42-«>86 f\ecord your oommenta ebout the Delly Pilot or newt tips. Addreel Our lddr ... la 330 W. Bay St., Coate Mesi, CA 92627. Offtee hours i re Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Con.,._ It Is the Pilora policy to promptly corntet 111 em>rs of substanoe Pl .... cell 1949) 764-4324. HOW TO REACH US Cltcutetlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9\41 AdvertWne Cl111lfled (9491 642·5678 Otap&ey (949) 642-4321 Edlforial News 19491 a..J-5680 ~ 1949) 574-4223 News ,.. (949) 646-4170 lpo41I Fu (949) 650-0\70 E-mel: daflypllotf!l1tlmt11.com FYI Meil'IOMoe ~ Newpon Beadl/COtla Mn• ....._ OMee (949) 6'2-4321 Delly Pilot (USPS· 144-80011• .......... '9Jc (949) 631-&902 publlahed ~fly. In Newp0rt S.adl Publiahed by Times Community end Coete Mesi, aubeeript\ont ere 1vallible only by 1Ubeerlbing 10 The News, • division of the Loa Angeln Times Or1nge County (800) -, Timea. 252·91'1. In ,,.... out1lde of Newport Bead1 1nd Coe11 M .... tubeerlptton1 to tht Di lly Pilot i re 1v1ll1ble only by flrtt clUI m•ll for $30 Plf month. (Pri~• include ell IC)C>flcable atttt end tocet texn.) liu C2004 Tlmet CN. All rlghtt reserved. POLITICS ASIDE Why all the talk about immigration? deficit, illegal imrrugration historicaJly becomes an important issue." But why take this particular route into budgetary issue)? L ast week. when writing about the horde of political literarure that has been Inundating Newpo n ·Mesa mailboxes. I noted that illegal immigration appears to be a cen1ral campaign issue. I also aired m y skepticism A comment fro m Wagner offers a possible rntionale: ''I've s pent five years S.J. CAHN on the Board uf tJ1at it really would be a driving fo rce fo r vpters come Tuesday. And then I attended a candidate forum Friday m orning. where the issue played front and cen ter in both the 35th state Senate and 70th Assembly races.. Perhaps, I thought. there is more to this debate than I think. So. I e-mailed a few of Lhe Msernbly candida1es to ask why they 1hought vo1ers would react to it. "The i'\:.ue of illegal 11111111gra11on has been al least as important to the voters a!'> the budget, 1udging from wha1 people sa)' to me when I'm walking the neighborhoods knocking on door . and from the questions we get at the various candidate for a," Irvine resident Don Wagner said . "I think thar the public sees in this issue much of what's wrong with state government." he added. "Too m uch n1oney is spent making the stare hospitable to iJJegal aliens al a time when the s1a1e jus1 doesn't have the money to spend. Taxpayers rightly resent their hard earned doUars going to those who break the law." One of his opponents and fellow Irvine resident, Oiuclt OeVore, said: "The issues I hear about most often are the narlonal security implications of illegal aliens, frustration over th o e here illegally getung social welfare benefits from the taxpayers and the complete lack of local and <;tale law enforcemenr Cl.'>'iistance 10 federaJ immigration authorities,· Devore said. "WhUe I.he federal government is in the driver's seat on immigration policy, we ought to do what we rnn to reduce the incentives for Illegal alien!> to come to California." Corona del Mar's Cristl CristJch sees budgetary reasons behind voters' concerns. "Illegal immigration i) a major i~sue thi~ year becau~e we are in a budger crisis and 10 rhe extenr that as slate legi"ila1ors we can impact this is~ue 11 is important fo r the voters to know where we 'itand. • she said. "lltegaJ immigration costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year from providing social services. to housing illegal alien felons in our prisons. Whel'\ the state is racing a rnultibillion dollar Trustee~ of rhe Sourh Orange County Com muniry College Distric1 and no single issue in that time -including the El Toro Airpo rt - generated as many complaints to me to do something about it than did the OaVls Administra tion'!. effort~ in its waning days lo providt' in·sta lc tuition and tuillon fee waiver' 10 illegal aliens." If hi!> 1111pre~ion I'> even m ildly in hne w11h how v1>H't~ in the di'trict .m: teclinK. perhap'> all tht: money ht'1ng '>pen1 1ou1in~ i:amJidOJre,· po ition'> on the i'>-.ue l'>n't just going down the drain ANOTHER ROUND OF MAJLINGS Since last week, there hd'i been a couple of inreresting developments to the m ailer campaign'>. The lir't i'> the appearance of the Nl•w Majon ty. a 1tocially m odera1e/ fiscally conservative w oup of Republicans. many from Newport Beach. It is .. it.ling with Cristich in mailers thar continue 10 imply tha1 the 70th Al.sembly race is a Cristich /DeVore contest. CDeVore is nor th eir choice. 111 other words, in theM? mailer' I The New Majority, aftt:r J (jtfuJ start to its politicaJ career -.everal year-. d.:o. scored a b1~ puht1caJ viCIOI') with the electio n of Arnold Schwarzenegger 1n 1he recall race. Its members '"ere stron~ly hehmd Schwar1enegger, mo.,t notably EmuJcx chief PauJ Folino Now. we Wiii M'e if 1hdr winning '>lreJk continues. The second development 1, the appearance or state Sen Tom McOJntod. om> of lhl' more conservative Repu blicanlt in Sacramento and a candida te in October for governor. He's maldn~ appearances on ma ilero; in ti ll' J51h 'itate "ienate race on hehalf of A,.,emhly111a11 Ken Maddox Mc<J1111nck >tam ered 119.504 VOil'\. or 15.J6%. HI lhp rt>lJll l'lec11011 hl•re 1n Oran~e County. Schwaoenegger. \\ho a-. supporting A'>'>emblyman John Campbell m the race. garnered 49:1,850 vole• .. or 6:1.49% of that VOIC. We'll ~e1· what thl'1r inOuem·e 1' on Tuc~dJ)'· • S.J. CAHN 1s the managing editor He may be readied at (949) 574-4233 or by e mail at s.j.cahn a lst1mes.com SURF ANO SUN WEATHER FORECAST • Expect heavy showers early that will diminish during the afternoon. Highs will be from 58 to 63 degree• with tight wind a. Tonight's conditions will be moatly cloudy wtth a 20% chance of rain. Lows will be from 42 to 47 wi1h light winds. tnfonnation: www.nws.~a.gov BOATING FORECAST On the Inner w.ters, winds will be out of the WMt at 10 to 20 knota wtth wtnd wavea of 1 to 3 feet on •west swell of 10 to 18feet. Tonight. wlnda will be out of the northwest et 10 to 20 knot• with wind wev• of 1 to 3 feet on w.tt twell of 10 to 18 feet. Farther out, wlnda will be outofthe~at 15to 25 knotl on combined ... , of 18 to 22 feetexcept16 to 18 feet ecrot1 the fer N ltem portion. Tonight. winds will be out ol the northwest al 10 to 20 knots with wind waves of 1 to 3 feel on a west swell 18 to 22 feet except 15 to 18 feet across the eastern portion. SURF The surf is looking very big and hazardous today along the coast A system from the Gulf of Alaslta Is poised 10 reach the California coaat with little to no decay. Have fun and be careful. W..quallty: www.surlrldar.org TIDES T1me 12:34a.m. 8:00a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:46p.m. Height 4.44 feet high 1.36 feet high 2.47 feet high 2.19 feet high WATER TEMPERATURE 57degrffa • .. '~. . ' I ( t ' ! ' l I ,. . • Oatly Piiot Council OKs creation of Newport Coast center Current plans for the community facility may need to be scaled back as they would put its cost a bout $3 million over budget. June Cuacrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -Dcspile staff worrie!> that not enough residents weighed in on a com· muniry center and a number of other concerns, the City Council .1pproved creating a $7 ·million community center. '"I question whether we reached the full community out there.· said Assistant City Man· Jger Dave KiJf. who had rccom· mended that the council con· !>ider conducting a mail ballot of 11eighborhoods to see how many households wouJd support building the center near New- port Coast Drive and San Joaquin l lills Road. KifT also suggested installing "!>tOry poles" at the proposed site to wve neighbors an idea of what will be built there and how tall ii wouJd be, but Mayor Tod Ridge- way said the details of the com- munity center mus t first be re· vised. The vision of some Ncwpor1 Coast community leaders for a !)Late-of-the-an community ccn· tcr to unify neighbor.-. of difTt'rt'lll gated communitie!> date., hark 10 1997, four years before Nc\\porl Coast was annexed tn the ell)'. In more rect>nt year,, that vhion ha~ taken l>hape in the form of a 22,000·square-fool center that would have a full-sized b'}'lnna· slum. a library, community meeting rooms and other amen - ities. But the estimated price of this dream center, wltich more than one official described 3!> "gor- geous,· is way over budget: The communjty has $7 million set :l.!>ide for the center: the project they came up with would rnsl abo ut $IO million. "This projec1 needs 10 be scaled down. Period. II ha., to be wit11in budget," Mayor Tod Hidgeway said. "h would he pre- mature in my estimation 10 put story poles in as il's cum•mly de- i.igned ." The money for the cen1 er wa." i.ct aside from $25 million the Ir- vine Ranch Water District paid for the right to continue provid· ing water to Newport Coast aOer annexation to Newport Reach . ·111e bulk of that money, $18 mil· lion, is being paid back to resi- dents on their tax hiUl> over the next !>eYeral years. The $7 mJllion wai. set ru.ide for a community center. if it was d etermined that tJie community wanted one. Al Willinger, a member of the Newpon Coa5t AdviM>ry Com - m111ee that has long advorntcd the community center, said that the commillce went 111 great lengths to seek community input on the idea: setting up tables outside a local grocery store, canvassing some neighborhoods, holding a town haU meeting. "We believe that aJJ but about 10% lo 15% of the community supports this 1.:enter," WiUb1ger said. But opinion cards collected at the town hall meeting showed that about half of the 100 or so people in attendan ce opposed the project, leading city staff to suggest a more thorough baU01- ing. In the end, however. council members took into account the tem1s of t11e city's agreement with the Newport Coast commit· tee, which its m embers interpret to mean that the City Council should support the commjuee's recommendation. '"The committee has done a very effective job of advocating that this center be huill." said Councilman John I leffcman. o nl' of two council members who !>erve on the Newport Coa.-.1 committee. I lctTeman objected 10 the fact 1Jwt the two w u111:il members on the cornmillce wen• 1101 allowed to vote on the com- munity center. "You 've had a pre11y determined po!>ition that thi~ thing is going tu be built. I'm going 10 say 10 the cormnilll't' that you can do what you want. hut it's your responl>ibility. • I lcfTernan's colleaE,'ltC11 agn•t•d. unanimously approving lht• community center ronct'pl. NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP I lere are some den•;ion\ t:oming 0111 of Tuel-day night ·l> C:ity c :1111ncil mel'ting. CITY MANAGER PAV City Manager 1 lomt'r nludau received a pay increase. Council nwmlwrs on 'l\tesday u nanimously a pproved a 4% raise 1hat will bring Bludau\ annual salary to $186,645. A thrcc-per~on council rornmittct• rcrommemled the raiw ba~ed on a survey uf other ciry manager\ ~alJrie~ throughout the region. The ra1\C will bring Bludau's pay IO I Jlh oul of 2:1 Orunge C:oun1y cities i.urveyed. up from 15th place. WHAT IT MEANS The raise i!> rclroartivc· to Jan . :I o l this year. I lowever. thi-; 1inw Bludau and City Council member'> agn'l't.l 011 a 1wo-year raise, which mC'an., that lw will 1101 he up for a rai!tt' until 2006 WHAT THEY SAID "We are rewarding our fine nly manager for work well done.· said Councilman John I leffernan, a member of 1hc ~ubcommi1tee that recom mt'ndcd the rai,c. PLAN CHECKERS Council mcmhers on Tut•,day ah.o approved a plan to hire two full time employee" to check huilding plans ant.I anothC'r part-time person to handle permit'\. The ~ovc i' de~igncd tu imprnvt• <,ervice while dcrre<L,ing 1he city\ reliance on more expen!>ive outside cuntrarlor,, WHAT IT MEANS While conslruclion artlvily 111 thl• c11y hal> steadily increased in rcc-cn t derndes. the Building Department ha!> nol hired any new plan checkers !>inc(• the 1971h. City o fficials NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p.m. March 9 • WHERE: City Council chambers at C11y Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Staff reports and agendas a re available online at http://www .city.newport-beach.ca.us. For information by phone, call (949) 644-3000. hupc the new people wilJ help plan cht•ch move thrnuKh lht' system faster a nd with a higher level o f scruti ny. WHAT THEV SAID "In my view. I think a case has been rnadc for adding these positions." said Councilman Gary Adams. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES A plan to move utilities undeq,~round on two Wt•'t Nt'wport ).trects failed after propeny owners in the area learned 1ha1 it woulc.J cu,1 more tha n $ I million to move ft'Wt'r than 20 pole!! undeJ1,TTOund. Ole average property owner in the distri ct would have paid ahoul $23.000 for the work. Property owner~ who had initially pushed for 1he project on Tuesday voted it down by a 55% rnargin . WHAT IT MEANS Council members. baffled by the high cost of 1he work. have asked staff to arrange a meeting with So uthern California f-.dbon executives to learn why that company':. co~I for moving underground utilities there i'> -.o high. If ci ty leaders fi nd a way to revive the project at a more reasonable cost, they could bring ii back 10 a later council meeting. WHAT THEY SAJD "Is ii possible there was some computational error here? Th is cost just seem !> so far o ut of wh ack." said Councilman Steve Bromberg. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS YOUR DENTAL HF..ALTii Sound of Silence Celebration Friday ·m e Orange (',aunty Perform ing Arts Center will hold i1s Sound of Silence Celct>ral ion 011 Friday to thank local residcnH,, businesses. hotels and other community members for their patience during construction of the new Renee and Henry Seger- blrom Concert l lall, Sarnueli llicater and education center. The event, to he held at 01e center's Phu.a Terrace from 4 to 5:30 p.m .. will feature free food and opportunities 10 win prl7.es and giO certificates. The center is located a t 600 Town Center Drive in Costa MeM. Information: (714) 556- 2121. Fe11turi11g A Live Tribuu To Frank Si~~ Every Mo""4y ff Tiu ' m Sfaks • Seafood • CodOalll ···Q9allcy~··· •••NJsbdy Eecauln...-c"""" J I\'• • , ,,, ' ' I ,., •• ,, hth -.• ,,. 1 I ' • I ' ' \ ' •. 'I \I, • by Deedna Rich, D.D.S. CAN a..ENCHING MYTF.Elli Rf.ALLY C.AUSE PROBl...EMSl Yes! If y1•u mlTrr from a pain(uJ . adling jaw; if your 11~c1h m: \Or\' ~nd scnsiuvc. 1( ynu awaken wilh a srilT n~. If you •ulfcr fwm frl.'(,\11tnt and rtcurring 1<·n~inn hcadachr, andlor morning hr•dach« 1hcn yuu mip,h1 find thii ntw\ a 10urcc of relief. Cknching your teeth while ail«P. and during chc-day i1 rhc rnuh of sornt of 1~ s1rongtS1 mu~ in )'\)Ur body rcnsing (up 10 6 to 20 llmfS more inu~n1dy than usual) and becoming painful, •nd chr foras gtnnatt'G caUK ~in to surrounding us.sues, join1J, and orhc-r mudcs. By rrducing the in1cn1ity of the clenching, )':'.OU dTcctivcly minimi7c the 5001'« or the pain -ufccn '" just • few daYJ-A cwr.om oral •pplian« c~n be made that dTcrnvcly 1upprl:Mft clenching, pr<Widc1 rdicf. and 1upporu surrounding 1iuuc1. For more informarion or fOr an evaluation appoin1mcn1 call Dr. Rich at (949) 640..~. We-arc loa1td a1 1441 A~do A~nut, Suilt ~08, ~n&x:h -~ .. Thursday, februatY 26. 2004 A3 Now Serving Brunch Saturday & Sunday 10 am-3 pm lodge Presents Piano & Vocals Mondays 6:30-10 PM $4 Martini Specials ' M fhurS<!Jy febtui11y 26, 2004 PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • ..._..,. SbMt: All asaault was reported In the 3000 blodc at 11 :56 a.m. Monday. • ,_.._ Roed: A burglary was reponed In the 2700 blodc at 1:45 p.m. Monday. • F9'Mew Roed and Sunfto ,.,., Awnue: Petty theft was reponed at n:oe p.m. Monday. • Hamlhon StrMt: A home burglary was reponed In the 700 blodc at 3: 14 p.m. Monday. • Harbor Boulevard: A traffic accident 1nvot11lng iojunes was reported in the 2 too bloa et 3:31 p.m. Monday. • Jamaiai Road: Forgery was reported m the 1800 hlodc 8112:12 p.m. Monday. • P9ulerino Avenue: A home burglary was reported In the 800 blodt at 5·51 p.m. Monday. • E•tt 11th Sttwt: Petty theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 5:07 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Coett Highway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3800 bloc:t at 9:26 a.m Tuesday • West Coast Highway; Battery was reported m rhe 2600 blodc at 1 ·37 a m Tuesday. • Dove Sm.et: Vandalism was reported 1r1 the 1100 blodt at t ·38 p.m. Tuesday. • Eestbluft Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2600 blodc ot 12:09 pm. Tuesday • Hetlotrope Avenue: A home burglary was ceported in the 400 bloc:t at 4 22 p m. Tuesday • Monrovia Avenue : An auto theh was reported in the lSOO blodt al 2·43 p.m Tuesday • Sun-ey Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 4800 blodc at 5· 17 p.m Tuesday. •Via lthau· Grand thefl was ceportod tn the 200 blodc at 10 17 ll m Tuesday. KOCE Continued from Al I le argtw<l th11t KOCE-lV Foundullon's original offer of $8 million In ca'ih and $24 million on a long-lcml note has changed ~o much it is essentially a new bid, submitted after the dead· line. Cum:ntJy. the 1emis call for lhl' foundation to pay $8 million down a.rut $17.5 million. interest frne, over 30 years.. That tr.ins· lures to a value of between S19 n11llion to sz:1 million in IJ1e rnr· rent market. Sherman said. "Once a b id is accepted there shouldn't bt> any renegotiation: he ..a.id. • rhat constjtutc<. a new hid .• l>;1y:.1ar':. cash ofl'n. he said. would pmvuie in~tanl relief to 11\C' c0Uc1-1e db1ric1':. campu:.t.'S, wt111'h arc Mniggling wirh s1a1e budget (·ut!.. Shennan 1>aid that hjs clll'nt h:is dis<:u'!~cd keeping a portion of the cun cnt pro~mmming. but did not know how inuc:h would n!main a11d how much would lw rcliKiou!t. l>ays1ar is 1he i.:oun1ry's wcond-latgt.">l religious bmad· cRmcs Continued from Al Mel Cih~on ttre on d1,play hcrc. I le use1> Ull' mo1>t graphic spl•cial effects po:.1>ihl1· to depk t till' ~ony inOkted on Je-;us in Ill'> final hour&. Ole dr.twi1 <1111 'l'er1c of< hrist being 'cour~t·d by ,,uJL\t11· Roman '11ld1l'r. '' "' l1mg, <.o hrutaJ and Ml hlo111J1hiN y tJ1at it border:. 1m tlw di~u:.ting. l.eatht'r whip:. wnh latgl' iron liuoL' np out lal)(e c:hunks 11f ll<''h in c.xlrt'llW close-up anti ,111w mo11on Ju. .. 1 when you thll\k tht.' !>OldH?n. art' finally fiui,h.t'tl. h;wint: 1·omplc1cly 'hrc.'<.I apan tJ1t• back of Je,u!>. lhl'Y nip h 1111 over and stan 111 l111y OJlt'll tltt' fro11 1 of his body We mu<tl endure anuther l'1'tt'nded ruund of lhr must l rul'I and rC'al~lll' rorrures ever w1·n on fiJm llur, homfic 'l°ene M.>-em<; ru g<1 on fort'vt•t, yl't 11\ only thl' ht.1,'lnnin~ c1f the to m1cnt:. that h(' :tht••11I l'i111, of hlood drain fr1111l 100 ~111111tb a.' Chri.-.1 wr1thl'' 111 .:mtt•..quc aJ(ony Wt· 111u s1 watch h" mother m11p11in~ up pool.; ofh1s blood \\llh wh11t• roweb. the rerrihlt· uow11i11J( of thorn,, the homli<. lw111it11(.' .11> he c:arrw:. the uo'-1> 111111 the ~1gh1 and ringing sound of hUHt: n.tih being pounde<l dtrt·l'lly into his tr<'tnhling h,1111.J<.. l )m.'>I loudly gu~le' h1' own ......... Style is not a size ... It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Styles for All Shapes & SQes of Beautiful Women . 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 17STREET BEAUTY CENTER Tftt J..aratst, 1inat, 'Jriouf&st 'Bt.auty Supply & !!uf!ServiaSalon In Orange County Opm 7 D.ays • (9'9) 64.2-1717 BEST PRICES • BEST S ERVICE • BEST SELECTION NEW AllJVAlS OF 1116'1' ... .. OJSfer. "The (act lb.at m y client does Alllglous programming should not be a factor lln lhe salel. • Sherman said. "That's religious dlscrimination. • Meg Waters. whose public re- lations finn Waters & Faubel ls also representing Daystar. said they would keep 25" of the air- time for college courses televised by KOCE·TV. The KOCE·lV Foundation has promised to preserve the format of the station. which is Orange Coumy's onty PBS affiliate. 111e suit against the district al110 names the KOCE·lV Foun· dation but none of the district trustees. though Sherman dk1 not rule tJ1at possibility out if the dli.rrict dnes nor comply. lASI wt:ek. the trustees announced they would stand by their ded· sion to seU to the foundation. They have until March IO to agree to tenru and come up with S I00.000. The foundation has until June 30 10 come up with the $8 million. Milford L>ah.I, auomey for the disrrk c. could not be reached for rnmmenr. but sald last week that they would me a t:ross·com · hluo<I throughout the enure bru1aJ movie. Though I was mised Catholic and 1 am a t.:11mbat veteran. these scenes were very hard to handle. I laving some mercy on I.he audience. Gibson occasionally rul.l> away from the endless VIOience to present short nushbacb of the minlsuy of JeMJS. The Last Supper, the St-rmon on tlle Mount and other reoichings are beautifully prl'sented vignettes of his life. rhe-.e ~cnes a.re welcome and wonderfuJ but taJce up only a few momen b in a Jong 6.lm devoted 10 'ome of the most deprdved c:ruchy ever presented on screen. l'h~ scenes have been depicted in many ocher films. hul th.is is rhe first time 11 has bct>n done with such ~•omach·chuming. s1:11e-of·thc·art spedaJ effects. f'he fact that the story may be rrur and the victim may be Jesus does noc make the horrors prt'SCnted any easier to watc:h or more worthy of being seen. Wa.Uowing in blood and gore aml a slow death, if lhe victim or thl"Se unspeakable tonures were d/l ordinary ma.n. this would be considered a snufJ mm completely out of tJ1e mam,t.ream As it b. 1h1s R·rated film ts definitely not for kid.; and 11> guaranteed not 10 give you any thoughts of joy or peace. It is no1 for the squeamish of any failh. • JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior mvesugator foe lhe Orange County public delender 's office Movie has violence hu t lacks reported gore By Ric Olsen I walked in expecting Freddy Krueger-styie gore from all the press I had heard about Mel c;ibson's "Th e Passion of the Ch rist ·So when the first blood wab drawn, I thought. "here we go," but the gore never happened . To be sure. there ls a lot of blood and violence. but there was never a lens focused on a spurt ing vein, or piece of Oesh. The periods o f violence and anger are interwoven with flashbacks from interpretive momenls in the life of Jesus. some happy, some painful. F.ach vignette taltes new meaning i11 the events of the crucifix.ion and clarifies the purpose of ii. There will probably be two basic responses to the movie. The firs t is excitement. The underdo~ wins in the end. That aJways feels good, but when he does it by knocking the ball our of the ballpark, you want to cheer. Thal is one response. Wh en I saw the rough cut of the movie In January. Mel Gibson told us that this was the re ponse at a film festJval in plaint asking for declaratory re· uer If Oaysw rol.lowed through with their threat to sue. Other parties. Including the Corporation for Public Broad· casting. have threatened 10 sue If the station's ronnat changes. "The board of trustees made the decision to sell KOCE to the KOCE Fowldation with the best Interest of the distrkt Its stu· dents and the communlly ln mind." board or trustees Presi· denl George Brown said in a written statement. "The dedsJon was based on the belief that the most responsible bidder was the one that would retain the license for public broadcasting and edu· cationaJ pwposes for the citiz.ens of Orange County and preserve the district's ability to use KOCE to educate Its students. We have at all times sougtlt to comply with the law and preserve KOCE as an asse1 for the communlry at large.. A judge is scheduled to hear the case March 26. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education. She may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e·mail 111 marisa.oneil /arimes.com. Texas. The second response Is stunned silence. As you travel with lesus through his lase 18 hours -people keep saying 12. but he was on the cross for six hours, so that ma.Ices 18 -the beatings and the torture seem unbearable. You are drawn into the agony and emotions of each face on the screen. not only those of Oirist. Jesus 'Omehow interacb personally with individuals along the journey co his dea1h. Maybe a dozen people have a private moment of c:onnecLiun with Jesus. By the end of each encounter, the individuals realiu the pity with which they had first looked upon Jesus was now lurned aroun d. He had pity. bu t more tha n that c:ompassion. on them. Thi:. grotesquely beaten, dying man looks into their eye~ and they are changed. Somehow, their peri.pective change~. That was my reaction. At the end of the movie, I felt as if h e had looked lnco my eyes and ins lantly changed my priorities. My life was Oashing before my eye:.. no1 the movie for weeks following the movie. my every thought and ace ion were colored by what I had experienced. Muc:b has been 1>aid about che anti-Semitic me~sage. fir,t, a1 every level, there are Jew~ supporting Jesus. Even in lhe firsl criaJ, severaJ leaders stand up and caJI the trial a travesty. men throughout the movie there are people on the 1ree1 and people in the crowds (heyond his disciples) chat voice support. II is dear that not all Jew<; were in support of his death. 1 can only assu me cha t it is from a lack of undcrscanding . The crucifi.xion of Jesus brings no more the guilt on the Jews than it does on the ltalian'i (descendanls of the Romans) who did the actual killing. Nor doei. any portrayal of history necessarily recast guilt on the descendants of the original perpetrators. We don't blame the current German state or iii. people for rhe I loloc:aust after seeing ·schindlcr'<. l.L<il." The most poignant :.cene in the movie for me was when Jcsu!t is lyi ng in che d irt next to the cross. nearly dead. and the soldiers yell a1 him 10 get on 1he CToss. We then watch . in agony. as Jesus struggled for what seemed like several moments to pull himself onto 1he cross. The movie stays true to th e Bible in making it clear that he c:hose to die. He chose to die for me. I am the one who is guilty. not the Jews, the Italians. the Romans. che Arabs -me. The begging question is: What difference does it ma.Ice? • RIC Ol.SEN Is a senior associate pastor at Harbor Trinity Church and e resident of Co11a Mesa OllTUARIES ~ .... IMn .,... ......... PASSION Continued from Al was the only way to depict who is responsible for Ouist's death. WhlJe Sloan said there are dlf. rerent ways of inc erpreting it, his wife disagreed. saying Gib· son's is the only way since it's based on the Bible. "I haven't researched what Mel Gibson did, but It has to have his interpretation in it be- cause no o ne is living from lbib· llcal limes) to teU him what happe ned: she said. After seeing the movie. most viewers said O.ey were pro· found.Jy affected by it. "Wow," was alJ that Saul Ha· mos of Costa Mesa could say. as he shook his he-dd groping for words. After a few minutes. he said ii was a different perspec· live than 1he storie:. he had heard about in the Bible. "I liked it." he !>aid . "l would watch it again." Ouis Kassuba of Ncwpon Beach said it was "very powerful in every sense.· • 1 think everyone ·houJd see ic, • Kassuba said. But Marty Koepsell of Cosca Mesa said it would be difficult for him to give it an enlhusiasLic endorsement. SWAP Contmued from Al rhe founder and 35-ycar opera· tor of the Orange County Markel Place. The rwo main competitor. ar<' Tel Ph.ii Enterprise~ J111J lkl.1 ware Nonh Cos. Wh1lr lht• fm · m er 1s urging the h11Jrd to re- negotiace ics leasC', the la11er is pulling for an open bidding process. Bue it's the opinion of the Stace Department of food and AgJ'i· culture. which has to approve the contract. that will probably carry the most weigh• with the fair boa.rd. The depanment is recommending an open bidding process. Jeff Flint. a consultalll for Delaware Nonh. lauded the de· panment's recommendation. "It's self-evident that putting public contracts out to bid is the righ1 public policy.· A in t ...UJ. ·Any question the hoard may have about the operation of lhc rnarketplace is answered through a competiuve bid_" S1uart Suchman. an attorney for Tel Phil, said either way Tel Ph.il'i, first·rate operation would prevail. "'rherc would be a lot of time and money saved if they sit down and talk with us and work out a fai r and equicable arrange· menr." Suchman said. "If chcy 'It's a little hard to sit through, but to me, it was an awesome event. It made me feel a little closer to what Christ went through. I'll never take communion in the same way.' EhMT1pp9 Costa Mesa resident "I have mixed emotions." Koe psell said. "l don't feel it W<l.) completely Scriptural ... .I thinlt it was extremely violent -more than In the Scriptures.· Others spoke of Ir as some- tlling to be endured to ac:hievc a closer connection to Christian· ity. "It's a little hard to !tit through. but to me, ii was an awesome event.~ said f!lisse Tappe of Costa Mesa. "It made me feel a little closer to what Qu ist went through. l'U never take communion in the same way." •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at \9491 574-4221 or by e·mall at deirdre.newman1g;/at1mes.com FYI The fair board will discuss and decide the bidding process at its meeting at 10 a.m. today at the fairgrounds. dedde 110 1 w. we're cunfidt-n t \\'t' will he awarded the bid. t>a-;l'll on the high qualicy of the opera tion and 1he support of the t.:om· rn1111i1y and the vendori. ... The department's writ1r11 opinion came at the requl'SI of Robert Bower. anolher of fel Phil's attorneys. who asked for clarification in early february. In a letter dared Feb. 13. Oepucy Secretary Kim Myrman said the department doesn't want to in terferc with the board's d ecision, buc since it was asked. it would encourage an open process. Myrrnan's letter aJ'io alluded to the state budget crisil> In re- gards to revenue·generatin~ contracts. "During this time of budget cri i'i. it is clearly the position or the new administration that wt· should maximiu all revenue op· port unities." the lener stales. Delaware North officials have asserted that tht.'Y would give thr fair hoard more revenue whill' not rai'>ing the swap meet ven- dors· rates. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa. She may be readied at (9491 574-422t or by e-mail at de!fdre.newmanta!/atimes.com Geraldean Mcclurkin Cowan Geraldean McClooun Cowan. most recently of California, passed away a t home, in the 1 presence of her famlty, on Feb. 23, 2004. She t was 82. Geraldean was born In her family's back yard In Sweetwater. Texas, on July 28, 1921 . Her father, Austin Hubbard McClur1dn, had died In April of that year. In 1927 hef mother, Esther Henderson McClur1dn, sent Geraldean and her older sisters to Cdfomia on the train. driving the tamlty c. herself along a wooden highway to begin a new life In Bufbank.. GefTY attended elementary school, John Bunoughs Junior High, and ~ Schoof In Burbank, Glendale Community College and the Urwersttv of Southern Callfomia. While living In Butbank she wonted In the accounting departments of the Waft Disney Company and the Lockheed Corl>ot'ation. In 1942, ahe met a young Manne officer from Camp Pendleton, Denis Cowan, who wu on his way to combat In the Pacific. He wooed her with song, wtth quotations from Russ£an novels, Pantdise Lost. and other great WOtks -then went off to war. The two wera wed In M81Ch of 1946 In Bond Chllpet at The Unlveratty of Chicago. The coupte mewed. In conjunction wtth Oenit' Pf0f"'6on as a musician, professor and cohge dean, from Chtc41go, where the coup'9'• IOn Ban1e WU born, to Emporia. Kansu, where Mar1ha Lynn and Elizabeth Ann Went bom. AfW a return to ~. for Denis to continue hi• doctoral study .t the Unlver'lfty of ChlcllQO and for the bWth of l*r ~ child, Katht'y'1 J.n, they moved back to Kansai and on to Nuh~. Tennessee, Mount Carroll, lll6nols, and Rochester and Bahtoh Spa. New Y~ The couple returned In 1978 t.o the 9'te ot th9r first date, Santa Monlea, Cafffomla., and liVed tt*9 for tweNe yMrl. Gerlltdean and Denis retired to Santa Ana In 1988. For the last several yeara they ~t time enjoying their fffe at home, llttending concerts and • travellng, Visiting flwNly and frtenda. and touting ptaces hlstortcal and petlOf\8J Interest rn the United Stai.. lf'fd abrolld. GeraldMn "ved llfe wt'1 con.ummetl gr8Ce. She WM a PNMf'Vationtst end ac:avtst. Al .,, ofllcer of the~ WofNn'I Cub ('Mt.Cenol, Hlnoittl, lhe petticfp9ted In the 1989 White HouM Commila6on on Youti and ChldNn. She WU mt avid bridge ~. and .. found ~ ~tdott and bMllty In'""*· She'ient gr.a Ind~ 8'.tppOtt tD tM "*'-ta and accomplltwnei• ol "" .....,.,.,, chlchn. .,..Mietlldrel,, and .,.....,..lddllcttwo. .. w · • loyll, ~ end deYNCI ~ Who took ~ In ~ mlnY ..... r'llatblllttlpe ... oawa. O..*-*~·-ln dild'I ~ her .....,. kdwvn Mcaelan and ~ Bien. boel\ of 8outhlm c.lfomla. She .. ~ .. ~a.. Conn. and,_ dlldlwt -a.me Cowwt Of~ FNndeoo. _.,,. ~ COMft d Loe Ang1t~ C-. Mm Councl~ ~CowtnlllCl:r&.~--~ ~d ShlluM~ ... endYlle~ NllaY., Loe Ar1Q1t11, and four .,... ~ ....... Me* Don9 -LIM'l Ind ow.t ~ ......... bl Med -~ ~ 21. Id , ... Community Ctud\. 18115 FlllM9W Aold. Co.ta Mlea. II 2.-GO p.m. In leu of ~ ...... ,..., bl,,.. tD ...... for~ 21• 8. Ontit ,,,._ ...... Ma, CA a10& or .. 8peolll ~ 1aa Ga, NW,.._ IDO DC 20005. • Dally Pilot Thursday, February 26. 2004 A5 •)• •• J 1 .Westside group eyes bluffs for homes <Jti.16J1J Cril!Pn · The redevelopment committee asks developers how sweet they could make the deaJ to businesses on the bluffs. Deirdre Ntwm1n Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Members of a group Involved with enhancing the Westside are exploring how much money it wouJd take to entice property owners on the bluffs to make way for homes. In dustrial property owners mainly occupy this prime real ~late for now. The city consld· ered adding a large chunk or the Westside. including the bluffs, to the downtown redevelopment zone, whk h would have opened up the possibility of eminent do- main. But they were rebuffed by the lands' owners. On Monday. members of the Westside Redevelopment Over- sight Comminee invited two residential developers 10 discuss how dense they would have to build homes on the bluffs to be able 10 offer industrial property owners a deal enticing enough for them to sell their properties. CURVE Continued from Al Some actors. seen In the flesh. don't look very much like their on-screen personas. Bui there was no mistaking Carrie. We've watched "Sex and the City" for most or its six years and have greatly admired its honesty. forthrightness and humor in taking an unvarnished look at the world of single women and the challenges they face and satisfactions they enjoy. Sure, it's a gossamer world in New York. but the adventures of these four very different women have touched chords that related to an enormous audience - including almost as man y men as women in my truncated research -that deeply regrets the passing of the show. The actress was accompanied to the theater by a man -not her real-life husband -who inauspiciously rode shotgun from his aisle seat. Bui there was li nJe need. She was noticed, or course. but allowed her privacy. I thought about telling her that we had spent t11e afternoon with her husband. but got no support from my wife. Parker is married Lo Matthew Broderick, who has returned -along with Nathan Lane -for a brief reprise with "The rroducers ... whkh had been tailing off steadily since its original stars left the show. The entire new run with Lane and Broderick was sold out REHAB Continued from Al stinenl alcoholics and addicts as handicapped and prohibit cities from passing any ordinances that amount to discrimination based on this handicap. Further, the state draws a line between homes of six or fewer people and those with more than six. The smaller groups constitute a sin- gle-farnUy unit, in the eyes of the :AROUND TOWN TODAY The Founden Gullet of C... Tereaa invitee the public to attend a play, "The Subject waa Roaes; aa a fundraiaer Feb. 26 and 27 at the Newport Theatre, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport Beec.ti. All the proceed• from tidurt aale1 will be donated to Caaa Tereaa and Hannah'• Houae. Ticbts coat $65 per person. All the proceed~ will . be donated to Casa Tereaa and Committee Olairman Ralph Ronquillo said this is only a theoretical situation and It wouJd ultimately be up to the in - dustrial property owners to de· cide if they wanted to sell their properties. "The reason why the lindus- Lrial property owners! are en - trenched is because there's a big difference of the city corning un- der the banner or redevelop- m ent and the developer corning with a big purse of money - then ifs the option of the prop· erty owner, not the city holding a gun to their head," Ronquillu said. The commiltt:e is focusing on revitalizing t11e 19th Street corri- dor and the surrounding areas. such as the bluffs. "All these things are intt!rrc- lated because the use on the bluffs has an impact 0 11 t11 e eco- nomic viability of commercial properties on 19th Stree1," sai<.l committee member Michael within a few hour~ of the announcement they were returning. and the rea:.on~ werl' very clear very quiclcly on t11e stage. Although I have not seen the Los Angeles production 111 "Tue Producers." it is almost impossible to imagine anyone else in these roles. In stx decade~ of going to the theater. I've never seen better chemistry onstagc. They were clearly having a wonderful time. and su wea· Wl' Such chemistry -and high professionalism -simply overrides modest to minimal music and the off· the-wall excesses of the book. We were enjoying "The Producers" from spectacular seats through the generosity of a good friend who is also a well-positioned New Yorker. Thal generosity led to another substantial surprise. Sherry and I were invited to a ~maJI dinner party where the other guest included architect Hichard Meier. who designed. among many internationally acclaimed structures, the Gclly Center in Los Angeles, and Carl Rernstcin, who orchestrated the exposure of Nixon's Watergate new at the Washin1:.rton Post and wrote "All the President's Men " with felJvw reponer Bob Woodward. It isn't often that a journalist has an accidentaJ ~hot across a dinner table with an obviour-. neWNmaker, so I waited about 15 seconds before I a.'>ked him who Ot!ep Tiuoat was. I tolt.l him I could promise a front page in the Pilot and then maybe we law, and therefore can't be regu- lated. The larger group humei. i.till enjoy protections from h ousing discrimination. For the smaller homes. the city can't im· pose special building, fire safety. fee or pem1it requirements - just as they couldn't with a fam- Uy. For the larger homes. how- ever, legal precedent could sup port the city if it chooi;es 10 impose such fees or require- ments. Mayor Tod Ridgeway pointed to a similar scuffie in Malihu that Hannah's House. Information: (949) 858-5385, (714) 638-4860. Sege HUI School wlll preaent Don Bartlettl, Los Angele• Times Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, as part of its community speaker series at 7 p.m. et Sage Hiii School, 20402 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coaat. Bartletti will 1peak about the atory "Enrique'• Journey," about an Immigrant cttild's treac.tierous journey to the United Statea to reunite with his mother . Harrison, who invited the devel- opers to address the committee. lf developers don't think it's economically feasible to build on the bluffs, then the commit- 1ee may encourage the city to In- tervene and offer some lncen- Llves, llke it offered Rutter Development to lower the den- sity on the 1901 Newport Boule· vard condominium project. Ron- quillo said. Only one of the invited devel- opers, Dan iel 1:1ynn of John Laing Homes, showed up on Tuesday. Flynn slid his company could build becween one and 40 units an acre and that an average 200.000-square-foot house on the northwest side or the bluffs area could sell for about $550.000. "I think that's a very realistic number -It may even be on the cunservalive side," flynn said. • 1 think that product would sell im- mediarely and very quickly." Harrison, who owns industrial propeny on the Westside, said ~eUing his property would be a purely economic decision. Some commillee members suggested that John l.aing llomes consider could pick up some heavy money from the National Inquirer. He just sighed and said uU that had happened 30 years ago. and he had moved on. I told him that was all the more reason 10 get this off h is chest, but there will be no newi. break from Hernstein for the Pilot. About all I could get out of him was that there really was a Deep Throat. and he and Woodward didn't make it up. Rut he did seem tnterested in my ~uggestion that he check out his treatment at the Nixon Museum before the feds dean it u p. Richard Meier was a gentle. -.oft -spoken man who seemed g~nuincly pleased al our l'nlhusiastic reaction 10 the (,cuy Center. which occupied 13 year1> of h is creative Life. Bernstein. meanwhile. is deep 111to a biography of Hillary llinton, whom he seemed reluctant to talk about. II was a fascinating ever1ing. We were ble&&ed all week with ideal weather. if taken in small doses. for tllb transplanted Midwesterner -cold. crisp. mostly sunny days with a bile to exposed ear... Only rctrely, any more. am I reminded so vividly of the winter mornings I had to walk across Chicago's Loop from the Union Station 10 the place I worked. And rarely is quite often enough. ·n1e only downside of our trip happened on .:eiaway day. I don't think I have ever traveled out of John Wayne Airport just after dawn on a has made headlines recenLly. ll1t're. residen ts have found themselvel> without recoun.e against a proliferation of recovery homes for six or fewer people. "Malibu's hands were tied." llidgew,,ay sald. ·Al this polnt in time. our hands are fairly well tied by preemption. too." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beach end John Wayne Airpon. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.cassgrsnde(iil/stimes.com. The cost is $5 to $1 2. Inform ation: (949) 219-1395. The Adoption Guild of Southem Orange County will host a high tea lunc.tieon with motivational speake r Pat Allen, a preaentation by Toni Bruner, faahions by Shadea of Red of Newport Beac.ti and music by Ron Levy at the piano and Carl Freedom on the violin. The event wlll be from 11 :30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club. 1221 w. Coeat Hlghwey Newport Beec.ti. (949) 675-8881. FYI The Wett1ide Redevelopment Overaight Committee meeting featuring the residential developer• will be March 18 at 6 p.m. at The Neighbo rhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. designing an artist-friendly envi- ronment, similar to that of La- guna Beach. "Part of the reason we're look- ing at It as an artists' colony is there are a great number or~­ pie already doing this son of wort. but unbeknownst to one another," committee member Quistian Eric said. Monday's meeting was a warm-up for the committee's meeting on March 18. when three developers. including John Laing Homes. will be asked 10 show that the market can sup- port residential development on the bluffs. "We don't see a wholesale change anti don't know if any change wiJI really wort until we hear what the developers say." Harrison said. weekday. so 1 suppose what we encountered was normal. II took us two hours to get our boarding passes. check our bags, make it tluough security and guJp a half-cup or cardboard coffee before boarding. In that process. the low point was being sniffed by a dog that seemed to be slavering and was restrained by two police officers. I understand these precautions and delays and approve or them while I despair at a world in which tlwy are necessary. And as both the crowd and discomfort grew, I had 10 resist a constant urge to mount a table and shout: "You people who voted against an airport at El Toro aren't welcome here. So clear 0111. .. Returning was different. No security problems in New York. We got home just in time 10 see the final episode of "Sex and the City," And damed if Carrie didn't decide 10 come bac:k 10 her pals after all. •JOSEPH N. BELL is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. PRIX FIXED 3 COURSE DINNER MENU from$ }6.95 Monday -Saturday • 5,JO • 10:00 p.m. Buy I btl. "Crillon • Red for $29.00 & Get I btl. FREE Monday • Thu~day NEW CD RATES 12 MONTH 24 MONTH 36 MONTH 2.00o/o APY 2.75 % APY 3.25 % APY Ca11 us at (800) 735-2465 or vi sit us at www.Calfirst.com CalFirst California First National Bank MEMBER FDIC FOi(' m\ured h> ~ 100.000 per depo\ltor • APY=Annual percrn1age Yield. APY effective a~ of 2/11~~ Ra1e' ~ub)l'ct 10 l hange. Mmmmm balance raiuircd ~~moo Pcn.1hy may Ill· .mc"1·J for early w11hdrnwal. Pkao;c no l11mnc1nl m~111u11110,, Attitude ~djustment by Buddy t was just one of those days. That obnoxious giant poodle next door whined all night inevitable mess that would soon follow. She eats the rose bushes, and I lose sleep. After a solid year of goodwill, the postman and I are at odds again. He disregards the patio entry etiquette, so I remind him 1n a firm, yet respectful tone of voice. I end up getting a maced face. Got a ticket on my dally walk for swimming in the ocean. It's a natural flea killer. I guess talking back to the officer didn't help our 'flea bargain'. My neighbor won't let his kids play with me. Sure, I work out and wear my hair long. bu1 I'm a pussycat on the inside. My new low-carb diet is making me edgy. If all this doesn't beat everything, I stepped in my own dog pooh. Yeah. it was just one of those days! • Disheveled and bewildered I reluctantly boarded our Duffy for my daily bay cruise. Finding it difficult to relax, I was unexpectedly greeted by my friend the seal. He looked at me, flipped a quick splash of water on my nose and said, ·1ook at this glorious day my friend. The sky is ever so blue, the water is crystal clear and the salty air fills our snouts. Could we have it any betterr I laid my head on the rail and let those thoughts soak in. This is a wonderful life! Sometimes you just need a little attitude adjustment. If Duffy could do this for me, think of what Duffy can do for you. In Loving Memory of 'Rufus' SwNney-A P•I for Ufe The First 0-Pinnt i" Elmric Bo.II Si..a 1970 2001 W. Coast Hwy. • Nnqport Bt"'h • (949) 645-6812 • s.lts • Rm111/s • Snoict A6 lhursday, February 26, 2004 SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEETING WRAP-UP ) !ere are som e dedi.ions coming out of 1\lesday night's Newpon-Mesa Unified School District meeting. TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING The district will no longer require 1ubercuJosis screenlng for all studenlb. kindergarten throuKh 12111 grode. WHAT IT MEANS The Or.mge County 11e.d1h <.are Agent)' ha.\ wilhdrawn 11s mamJa1e for screenin~ aU studcn1s new to Orange Couniy st·hools. II dc1ermined lhat the screenin~ ii. ineffoctlw in de1ecti11g or preventing lhe dhease. A1' of Aug. I. 2003 1ubcrculoi.il. S('reenlng ls only required for preschool enlry. The policy 10 screen was adopted i.n 1998. MARINE ADOPTION Ille board ltnanimou.sly agreed that 1ha1 the d1i.uict would "adopl'' the Isl Banalion. lsl Marines s1a1ioned at Camp Pendle1on. WHAT IT MEANS TI1e adoplion arrantcement encourages residents 10 send leners and gifts to the Mam wi.. In tum, lhey will serve as color guard at city functions when they return. The city of Newpon Beach has ..,,__, already ad opted the battalion, currently stationed ln the Iraq. 'llley may also participate ln readlng programs or speak al schools. NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p.m . Tuesday, March 9 •WHERE: Roderick H. MacMillian Board Meeting Room at the District Education Center. 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa •INFO: Agendas are available several days pnor to each mee11ng at http:ltwww.nmusd.tc 12.ca.usldttptslboel. PROPOSITIONS 55, 57 AND 58 The school board ttupported Propositions 55, 57 and 58, which will affect public M:hool budgets. WHAT IT MEANS Proposi1ion 55 provides s tate ma1chi11g funds ro sch ool 1..1Js1ric1s. lb passage would allow the state 10 sell $12.'.l billion in general obligation bondi. to fund school facilities improvemenl. Newpon -Mesa stands to get $50 million If 11 passes. Tlrnt m oney would go 10 the multischool Measure A facilities improvement program. Propoi.itlon 57 allows the state 10 issue a SIS billion bond to shore up lhe state's budget. Propos11ion 56 will require an annual balanced budget and adds more Slipulations to help k.ecp the state afloal financially. Together. propositions 57 and 58 would provide the foundation for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget. If they do not pa:.s. schools may face deeper budge1 cuti.. TI1c district will likdy adopt the resolutions supporting lhe lhrc•c propositions. ·---------------~--------~----------· ·---~-------------------------------· Home Furnishings • Antiques • Art • Books • Garden Cafe The Original MIKE'I CAIPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custo m-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads , I t1l f(lrr S ~h(,,,.,.tl(llll • · · I ,[ , ,1. fl•'. ii, ; 1 ' ' ' (q~q l (>..J2-~~~()() PHO TO COURTESY Of OON BARTLETII Los Angeles Times photographer Don Bartletti rides atop a freight train as it crosses a river near Medias Aguas, Oaxaca, Mexico. He rs speaking at Sage Hill School tonight. Pulitzer Prize winner shares his photographic journey M1rlH O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT CON>! - Pulitzer Pri7.e·winnlng pho1ographer Don Bartleui will bring his travel tales nnd pho1ographs 10 Sage 1 lill School today. Titled "Road 10 El None," 1he presentation chronicle!> his journey through Central America and Mexico with 1 londuran children traveling alone 10 find lheir molhel'l't in America. Bartletti, a photographer for lhe Los Angeles Times, won the Pullt1.er for the series "Enrique's Journey: TI1e Roy Left Behind.~ which he worked on witl1 Times reporter Sonia Nai.ario. "This Pulit7er is meaningful because ii shows one of the m os1 dramatic aspects of the migra1ory phenomenon on lhe plane!," Bartlet ti said.~, wam w \hare wilh t11e audience what i1 felt like to do theo;e pictures. What I'm trying 10 show is t.he ethics of hone!>I pholojournali.'>m and l t11lnk ii will be a grea1 adventure for the audience, ai. well." Bartletti said he first gol 1he idea for 1he a~signmcnr 15 years ago when he worked ai. a phowgrapher for the Times' !)311 Diego bureuu. In a homeless SCHOOL LIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS A.14-6 601 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa Principal: Ken Killian , Main phone: (949) 515-6905 Attendance: (9491515-6836 Sonora K-3 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Principal: Chris11ne Anderson Main phone. (714) 424-7955 V1Ctori1 K-5 1025 Victoria St .. Costa Mesa Principal: Judy Laakso Main phone: (949) 615-6985 Attendance: (949) 515-6985 Whtttier K-3 1800 N. Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Sharon Blakely Main phone: (949) 515-6990 WlllOn K-5 801 Wilson St. Costa Mesa Principal: Candy Sperling Main phone: 1949) 515-6995 Woodland K-2 2025 Garden Lane, Costa Mesa sheller !here, he m et a Honduran boy who had Lravelcd by himself 10 Amerira after h is mo lher came here for work. Many children make the harrowing trip each year, BanJe11i ),aid. I le rode the rails across the countryside with lhem, even climbing on top of moving freight trains to snap shots like 1he one showcased in the "Enrique's Journey" series. "It was definitely a struggle and a learning experience to safely gel o n trains and get off them and avoid the dangers," he said. In his 34 years as a photojournalist, 22 wilh lhe Times. RartJe1ti hac; !raveled lhe world. He recently covered the wars in Afghanislan and Iraq and jus1 returned from Vie1nam, Cambodia and Mexico City. 'Tm on staff fal 1he new'>paper/ and don't m ind doing daily deadline work." he said. "It's no insult. li's parl of 1he daily menu of a newspaper. Bui I have a repu1a1ion for being able 10 go 10 pl;1ce1> where there's news or ~erious 111vestiga1iw journall1>m and '>laying there and 'u rviving." Today':. presenlulion was a na1ural for Sage I till'<; lecture .. eries, ~aid Su1.annc McLaughlin. the '>Chnol\ Principal: Lauren Medve Main phone: (949) 515-6945 INTERMEotATE SCHOOLS Ensign lntennem.te 7-8 2000 Cliff Drive, Newpon Beach Principal: Edward Wong Main phone: (949) 515·6910 Attendance: (949) 515-3342 TeWinkle 6-8 3224 California St .. Costa Mesa Principal: Jeff Gall Main phone: (714) 424-7965 Attendance: 1714) 424·5692 HIGH SCHOOLS Con>na def Mer 7-12 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach Principals: Brooke Booth, 7-8; Sharon Fry, 9· ~; (949) 515--6000 Attendance: (949) 515-6005 Costa Meui 7-12 2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Principals: John Garcia, 7-8; Fred Navarro, 9·12 Main phone: (714) 424-8700 Attendance: (714) 424~8705 Estanda 9-12 2323 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa FY1 •WHAT: Los Angeles Times photographer and Pulitzer Prize winner Don Bartletti will make the present1ttion MAoad to El Norte," which features photographs taken while traveling with immigrant children in Central America and Mexico. •WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m. • WHERE: Sage Hill School, 20402 Newport Coast Dr. • HOW MUCH: $12 at the door. with proceeds going to a charitable organization of Bartletti's choice. • lnformetlon: call (949) 219-1395 director of development. Students in lhe junior class had already studied lhe newspaper series and are learnin g about immigration issues. "ll's a wonderfuJ and timely srnry and it tied in wilh what we're doing here." she said. ~we're trying to have spealo:ers who can shed light on important issues." linda Riehl, co-founder of 1he Amy Biehl Foundation, kicked olT 1he series in November. The foundation. which is named for h er dau~hter who was killed while doing humanitarian work in South Africa, seek.:. 10 promote democracy and peace in thr country. Principal: Tom Antal Main phone: (949) 515-6500 Attendance: (949) 515-6505 Middle College High Schoof 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa Principal: Aoben Nanney Main phone: (714) 432-5732 Newport Harbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach Principal: Michael Vossen Main phone: (949) 515-6300 Attendance: (949) 515-6305 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION CENTER Bede S.V Cont. High School Mont. Vllta High School 390 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Deborah Ludcer-Oavis Main phone: (949) 515-6900 Bade Bay attendance: (949) 515-3385 Monte Vista attendance: (949) 515-3382 ADULT EDUCATION Aduh School 425 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa Principal: Diana Carey Main phone: (949) 515-6996 Attendance: (949) 515-5345 ,, - O~Plk>t lllursday. February 26. 2004 A7 FORUM HOW TO GET~~...: lAailn: Mail.to Editorial Page Editor Lolita tUlrper at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Co11a Mesa. CA 92627 • Reeden Hottine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mai:Send to dal/ypilot@lat1mBS.com • All comtSp<>ndence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the righl to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL Looking toward the future of 1901 T he condominium complex. at 190 I Newport BouJevard is happening and it needs the full interest and awareness of the communiry -love it or hate it. The multistory, high-density project has been tested by environmental reports, Costa Mesa Planning Department evaluations, hours of public testimony, the Planning Commission and the City Council; and has survived ii all. Residents tried their hand al a referendum but the conclusion of the city's elected officials - who were put on the dais by the very people who circuJated those petitions -remains. On the rup side, the community has been itself tested by this project, especially when officials from Rutter Development sued both the city and the residential organi7.ation Cosca Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth. The condominium project was ultimately whittled down from 165 10 141 units: and 40 parlcing spaces were added for a total of 41 5. But none of these changes came without a price -most sigruficantJy the S 1.5 million in redevelopment funds the city has agreed to give Rutter Development fo r decreasing the density. Oearly. there are aspects of this development that do not sit well with members of the community, but those ill feelings cannot thwan due process. And those questionable portions of the project need close scrutiny from those on both sides of the fence. The fact is the project has passed muster and it will proceed, unless Rutter Development officials announce they are not able to build the amended project, in which case the city goes back to the drawing board -with a lawsuit on its hands. Either way, it is time for the city to come together on this issue. The condominium project sits in the heart of downtown Costa Mesa, on the comer of 19th Street and Newport Boulevard. It sits at the entrance to the Westside, which nobody can deny is in need of renovation, and will be highly visible to the many out·Of·towners who travel that thoroughfare. The residents of Costa Mesa cannot undo what has been done, but they must combine their energies to ensure that what is yet to come Lives up 10 their high expectations for the city. READERS RESPOND Same sex marriage is a matter of equal rights AT ISSUE: Lo lita Harper's column, 'A meaningful piece of paper,' on same sex marriages. L olita Harper, we just read your Feb. 20 column and found it to he Lhe most compelling presentation - logically and emotionally - regarding the issue of gay marriage yet to be offered for public discussion. Success and satisfaction within the life of our family has nothing to do with whether aduh couples, whose basic sexual orientation (hy no choice of their own) is opposite of ours, are allowed to estahlish equal sanction for the hlissful and responsible commitment or a lifetime of love. The fulfillment of America's promise, however, has much to do with the growing reali7.ation that here is another area where separate is not equal. When we sing our patriotic hymn. MArnerica the Beautiful," the phrase, ·America, America, God mend thine every naw," brings on the good feeling t1lat this wonderful country can keep on getting better. i anksforyourcogent i ts and celebration of life in th omrnunity. "1ART1 ANO GARY BARMORE l Costa Mesa ' t • • \ My daughter is currently in u gay marriage. They had a c.:eremony in New Jersey seven years ago and you have never !teen a more devoted, loving couple as my daughter and her partner (wife), Rachel. They just left after a vacation here. So many times, they are nut allowed 1hc same hcnefits aud privilettt'S as a "normal," heterosexual couple. They both have very good job!> with a major corporal ion. They are allowed 10 have partner benefi&i.; however. according to the law, they cannot file a dual tax return and they take quile a hit in taxes because of ii. TI1cy are not allowed Lheir full ci vil rights under the law because of lheir relationship and marriage and I think thjs needs 10 he changed. 'Ille perfect example is when one of them was in the hospital. in inte11sive care, and the oth er needed a power of attorney in order to visit. This is not necessary. A criminal who's in jail for murder can legally gel married but my children cannot, and I thinlt it's about time fo r this law to change. They speak of the sanctity of marriage; well these two are very much in love and they cannot have the run benefit of the law. A pop star can go to I.as Vegas and get married and get annulled in 24 hours; that Is not the sanctity of marriage. sANoRA BASMACIYAN Corona del Mar MAILBAG KE NI llll PIOW, IJAll 1I'll01 Tyrone Holbrook, 12, left. attempts a controlled crash while has friend Emil Davis, also 12. mamtams his line. Keep plans for the skate park rolling Last week, I attended a city-sponsored briefing on the starus of the proposed skate park at TeWinkle Park in Cos1a Mesa. To paraphrase Yogi Berra, "II was d~11'1 vu all over again." Along with 30 other people. I sa1 and watched the presentation by 1he design consultantS a.<, they showed two different versions of a skate park for the location at the corner or Arlington and Junipcro drives, near the Tennis Center and lhe Bark Park. I then Listened as many of 1hc ~ame people. who fought the park last year. ask the same questions tha1 were asked and answered many monLhs ago before t11e City Council finally agreed 1ha1 this Wa!t the lornlion for the skate park. falk ahou1 trying 10 beat a dead horse. The fact is the cily i'> going IO put a skate park at 1hat location. The project is funded fo r thi!> year lo the tune of SI million. Thl' coni.uhanb know what the heck tht:y arc doinK, having built 100 parks around 1lw world, with JO more in Ilic works right now. The skaters in allerHJaru:c liked what they saw. "I he oppo1wn1~ will never like wha1 1hcy sec. The dog park and tennis folk.' arc worried about the parkang and noise from the skaters. The Mesa del Mar folks don't like anylhillK ahou1 a ~kale park in their neck of Lht• woods and are looking for any way 10 slop ii. Ont resident even su~estrd do'>illH oil Junjpero Drive as it KOl'S into f\k 'a del Mar -to keep park users frorn spilling over into their neighborhoods. I'm with Councilman Mike Scheafer -let's jus1 get on with 1hb thing. It's going to take i-.ix w n~ne months to gel it built once the go-ahead is given, and I don't '>t't' 1ha1 happening until MllTICtime 1h1~ surnrncr. The way it's going, potent ial uscr1> of 1hi!> fo ciJily will have 111 lw careful not 10 catt:h their be;ml'> rn the wheels of their boards wht•n they finally have a chanCl' w use 11. GEOFF WEST C.usta Mesa Annexation ed itorial misses the point The Daily l'ilo1daim~111 scrvt• 1lw Newport Me:-.,1 community. l>ut I '>cc a hia!. toward Co~ta Mt•'>a if you read Sunday·~ rdiwrial, "Newport lite rally cro~~cs 1hc line." rtw Daily Pilol implit>s 1ha1 Co.,aa Mesa ha~ the right 10 annex the unincorporated areas and the resit.Jeni~ arc no1hinH rnore than the Oa111pclh, who hopt' Newport llracli will unleash tlll'ir Tex a~ lea. Calrfomia law allow~ re,idenll> of unintorpuralct.I an•a, of a cert:.iin ~il'.c lo protest an a111wxuti1111 proposal wilh tht: I .ocal /\gl·nt·y Forrna111111 Com111i,~io11. /\ smTt'"ful prnte'>I hlocb 1ha1 ar111l'xa1ion. l'ht• Ditily l'ilol implil'' thal Nt·wporl Hcad1 is a n ias'>IVt· la11t.l grahhl'r. In reality. N1•wpc111 llt'ach is exploring the annexation of 1hc unincorporated area~. and maybe two partcl!t 1ha1 fall within 1he city of Costa Mesa's boundaries. /\:-. I rl'mcrnber. lhc Newpurl Beach c:ity Coundl elcc1ed 10 include these parCl·b becau~e 1hey are almo .. 1 '>u rrounded by the unincorporated areas to be .mnt•xed. This would create crty bordt•r-; where thl'y lu.:icaJly be Ion.:. at the s1rt•1•1, and rw l at backyard~. I guess C:o~la Me.,a i., Vl'ry para1111it.l about a land grab. r .. pctially since ~orne nf 1 her r residents wa111 unused pnr1io11~ of ci ty land adjacent ltJ 1-=airvicw Park. The Daily Pilot implies 1ha1 1he rcsidt.'nh of 1lw unincorporated area~ lack I ht• 1uc1gmc111 lo have an up111i1111 (vott.') uhout 1lw future of lhl'ir neighht>rhtmd. It rl•minds me thul some critic'> felt thc 'amc· way of <.alclmnia\ prot:cs~ tu recall c;ov. DtlVi'>. Why ic; it'" hard for tlw Oaily l'llu1 and C:osl<r Mr"a to unt.lerstand that lhc rcside111~ prt·fcr to be anncxl·d by Nt'wporl Heach? I he law '\<lit.I Wl' have 1he righl 10 prute'>I llw C:o:.rn Mt·~a anru·xmion and we wl'rt' sutTt•ssful. Now, Ncwporl lk ad1 i:. ~larling the procc~'~ to annc·x our art·<1. Ii. lhi' so hart.I for Co~la Mt•sa to ncccpt that llll'y nrr willing 111 lhwarl llw dcmucralil' prul'css? /\s lor !he Daily l'il111, don't he 5urpriio;ct.I if' ii changes rli. 11rn,thead I<> "St•rving thl' Mt'"' Nt·wporl C:11111111uni1y 'incl' l 'l07 .. JOHN FAY HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES cnY Of COSTA MESA ~ Meu City Han, n Fair Drive. Costa Meu, CA 92826, (714) 754-5223 ~Gery Monahen C.unel: Ubby Cowen, Allan Mansoor, ._ ScNefilr end Chrta Steel cnY OF NEWPORT BEACH NMpoft BMcti City tUlll, 3300 Newport BW., Newport Bw:h, CA 92663, (949) ... ,. ~Tod Aldglwrf C.U.• Ge;y Adema, Steve Bromberg, John~. Dk* Nlddt, Steven Aoeen*y end Don W.t>b COUl'~COUIGE IMl11ICT o..tcll Oftlos 131DAdeme Avt., Ca.te Mlle. CAaae. (7M)•-M88 a..11111. Wiiiem M. v.ae ao.rd: President Paul Berger, VICle President Armando Ruiz. George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Welter G. Howald; student trustee Medellne Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNFED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superim.ndent. Robert Barbot Boerd: President Martha Auor. Vice President Dana Blec:i, Cleftc Serene Stokes, David Broob, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linde Sneen ORANGE COUNTY IOMD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9060, COtta Mesa, CA 92828-9060, (714) ~ Elizebeth D. Paricer, member, Trultff Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport BMcti COMMUNITY COMMENTARY ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd Dlatrlct (Costa M esa, Newport Beacti), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th Diatrict (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 GOVERNOR Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 44~ E·mall: governor@govemor.ca.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennaylvenia Ave .. Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 466-1111 E·mall; ptWJdMltt/lwhif-'Jou••·QOV· ' i Keeping in touch. with an important person in the 'village' 1 'l lendy Asper oan Dugan was the Balboa Branch children's Ubrarlan from 1968 to 1992, and If ft really does ·take a It was part of their duty to watch out for these chlldren. However. there wu arguably no one \t'ho loved the chlldttn more than Dugan. would never have been readers without her. She knew every child that had ever come lnto the llbruy by name and could find a book for enyone. Boys would find thole boob that they came to love and both boyt and glrla alJJce could be found ln her part of the library, altUnc In little chain, perusing their nest book. lhnott any dme of the day or niaht IJda, who for period• of time ln their UWll felt • little alone, would ftnd a bome where they could 1-.d or jUlt bana out wtth Dupn. ordered special books for teachers, and parents could always find a sympathetic ear and wise advice about books and anylhlng else. She became a little bit of a psychologist from time to time. She was a resource lilce no other -better than Google. She could find anylhlng. Because she was so Important to so many people, and conversely, they were so Important to her, Dugan wouJd love to hear from you. And, as always. would want to know what you are doing. how your chlldren are -If you have them -and most Importantly: what they are reading • to raise a child, then anyone wu around the Balboa Ubrary I her tenure knows that Dupn a strong part of that vtllap. • Ilona wt~otbm In the Balboe which l.riJuded the local barber e Mote -also 1cnown u ·Mr. " -the ftreft&hten, all the who worbd at the pharmacy "11o\ll netahbon and frlenda. felt ' Dupn not only had her famous story houn -and there wu no one better et telling a story than her -but the would welcome cluaet of children from Newport Elementuy teYeral times a week. Thete studenta would lit all around that wann and tnvtdng room and listen ln rapt attendon u lhe 1pun her Intricate web of 1torlea. Dupn la penonally reeponafble for maJdng readen out of chOdren who ' AduJta depended on her, too. She \ Dugan retired ln 1992 but still lives In Balboa. occasionally dJapellling her brand or wisdom. Laat year. around Ou1stmu, her beloved husband Bob Dugan. paaaed away, and Juat weeks ago. ahe feU and broke her hip. She la recuperating at home. If you would care to drop her a line, send an e-mail to mrsau.,nfhol.com or to P.O. Box 844. Balboa. CA 92661 . • IAMW AIPl1' 11 a Newpon hedl l'ffldent. Al Thor~y. Febfuary 26. 2004 SOC I ETY THE CROWD 'FOCIS on Dining' attracts famous guests M ore than 100 Newport-Mesa gut.>NIS attended a dlnnt'r al Five Crown!> ~taurant in Corona del Mar supponing the Friends of Orange C:Oasr Interfaith Sheller. American society. rise In real estate values. Host~ by Doug Mc:CrN. Orange Couniy director for Deutsche Bank • Private Wealth Management, the afternoon with Froehlich had attendees sitting on the edge of their seats as the speaker addressed the crowd. Organi:t.CD l·alled rhe event "FOCIS on Dining." the third in a 8. W. COOK Also honored at the evening aJfair was Newport dtit.en Georp Gnlpe. well known In the Newport· Mesa commwlity for his patriotic stance. Grupe was presented with the "Spirit of '76 Award" in recognldonofhlseffoltll 10 promole American patriotism. More than "We have always heard that the smart investor in the market ls looking for the long-term gain." Froehlich sald. "While this is certainly true, I also happen to lcnow tha1 most investors ask the question. 'How can I make money tomorrow?'" scri~ of five dinners helping to r.i.L-.e funds and awawncss In suppon of homelei.s rami.lie. living at the Ur.tnRt' Coa..s1 IJ1terfaith Sheller in Cosru Mt.'Sa. O\alring the Five Crowm dinner was SalJy PhlWpe with a..<,sLc;tancc from ~ Bloombag. Both women serve on lhc interfaith ~elter's board of dtrec·toN. J11c motto of the organization is "givinK homeless families a second rh11ncc." Working Iowan.I this goal ttH' dt-dlcsued locals Judy Cooper. who serves as president. along with a croi..-.·-.t'Cllon uf community ~uppon that indudes Loll Jacobs. Bernk:e MaDdn. Nalde Mende!, I larrtet &lelltein, Mimi Suaman, Suaan 8enhad and Myra Wiener. The Ol)(ani7.alion is planning' rwo more dinners. one at 01at Nmr on April 19. and P-ascal on l\tay 23 and 24 in suppon of local homl'lt>M nt.oeds. ro malce a rcservauon. mll (949) 64:!-4029. Nt-wport'~ dynamic Pegy Goldwater Oay teamed up with the i·q11ally charismatic Glorta O!lbrink and Betty Belden Palmer to ro-chair an evening award\ c.llnncr at the Sutton Placl' 11011•1111 Nl'W)>Ort Keach on hehaJf of thl' l·rccclom.c. founclauon at Valley rorge. ·n1c Oranl(c County chapter of 1h1· hccdo111-. Founda1fon held it' an nual even I. titled ·America .md JllCJ'>t.' \Vhu I AlVI' 1 ler." honoring Newport's exceptional rnmmun11y acrlVlSt Jan Landstrom, ulong with mternauonal Olympic star Rafer Johll80n and C.ol. Ralph Smith. prc~idl'nt of the fu.skegee Airmen Int. Smith. in as.<o0ciation with the aimlt'n, has dedicated him .. clf IO wor1cing with youth to 111 ... pirc lofty l(O<tJ~ of achievemerll and purpo..c.· in contemporary $30,000 was netted from the evening, which will support scholarships for both students and teachers to attend seminars at Valley Forge, Penn., whifh wW "foster awareness of American values and the American way of life: The Newpon Beach chapter of National Olariry League Juniors will present its 18th annual mother-daughter luncheon on Man:h 20 at the Balboa Bay O ub and Resort in Newport Beach. More than 500 mothers and daughters are expected to an end this early spring event that organi.zen are billing as "Celebrating Friendship.· Proceeds from the benefit luncheon, fashion show and massive silent auction effort will be divided between: the Harry arid Grace Steele Oilldren's Center at Orange Coast College. which provides child care for low income parents enrolled In the locaJ communiry school; the Pediatric Cancer Research 1-'oundation, which supports research in the field of children's cancer; and High Hopes. which is an organization that assists people who have suffered brain trauma. Friends of Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter joined forces for a dinner at the Five Crowns Restaurant in Corona del Mar. Pictured left to right are dinner chair Sally Phillips, Five Crowns Manager Margo Brask, chef Dennis Brask and interfaith shelter board member Lynne Bloomberg. South Coast Plaza will produce the fashion show segment of the event, which promises to be both glamorous and fun . Kathy Stuart serves as president of the National Owity League Juniors, with major suppon corning from Newport women Oma Andenon, Rebecca Aoo•h•hur, Cindy Beck, Liu Mc8-n and Holly Andenon. Others supporting the cause are Leonie Lumpkin, Dlane Connelly. Anne l<mt. M1cheOe Roth, Merrlna Jona. Kay om., Ellen Wheeler, QuWtne Dewrlarl. Whhney M.a and Plam <:onnrr. Kudos From left to right, Freedoms Foundation ce><hairs Peggy Goldwater Clay and Gloria Osbrink pose with honoree Jan Landstrom and Betty Belden Palmer, another ccxhair of the dinner. • General Fitness • Boxing • Sports Training also go to silent auction co -chairs Angl IMm and Su:mn Andenon for producing a mas..~ve effort that will raise significant funds for the charities. For more information and reservations. call Cindy Beck at (949) 642-4288. An interesting luncheon •Owner & Trainer. Adam Bresciani. MA. CSCS. ,_ "¥'' 15,years of experienee in tf1e field of health and lltflfCtS8 science •1st Session is FREE-NO Obligation! BUY 5 SESSIONS GET 2 FREE! C.11(949)244-4626 Yow FREE s..lonl reception at the Center O ub in Costa Mesa welcomed nationally renowned investment strategist Robert Proehllch, who addressed the community with his "financial diagnosis" for 2004. As men and women converged for the seminar. sponsored by Deutsche Asset Management Comedian and columnist Argus Hamilton has a laugh with honoree Rafer Johnson at the Freedoms Foundation's annual awards dinner. Americas, the midday conversation buv..ed through the Center Oub dining room. covering everything from American involvement in the MlddJe East, to corporate and personal tax brealts, to forecasting the stock market for the year ahead, to the amazfog Froehlich advised the crow<l,to invest in the "biggest of the bit ... large-cap stocks." Predicting that the U.S. dollar will remaili weak for another six months, the investment strategist also lnfonned the audience that between SS trillion and $7 trillion is sitting on the "sideUnes~ in American money marltet accounts earning negligible · re turns for investors. Calling . these fund'> "irrational money" because they're subject to taxation and inflation, Froehlich also labeled these funds ~nervous doUars" because they are funds in search of investment return. Based on the current economic situation, the speaker, who is often seen on national television, offered that three sectors of the economy should be watched as potential growth sectors in the coming year. They are financial services, technology and consumer discretionary services. Also notable in his address was advice w watch the growth of the economy in Japan. Luncheon and dinner gatherings focused on finance are becoming imponant . occasions on the Newport ·Mesa social calendar. IJldividuaJs, couples and families concerned about their financial future, seeking intelligent guidance as the marltet is affected by giobal activity, are more frequently combining business and social, agendas in search of information in an increasingly complicated environment. •THE a.<>WD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNf_RS • Hf.All'H ~1ab1bry 6 ln1rxr1rr !>,,,,, I YF ~ G-' ~Sr)__, r , 949-631-7740 441 Old Ntwpcw1 Bhd. • Ntwpcw1 Beadi (Near H H iw) THE ----~&..-----__.._.-. HUTC HINS C ONSORTI No Obligation • Full Menhthip . Mem.13 ......... Individual $.50 mo • Family $75 lllO. • ~ ·s,d .................. "It is cruel, you know, . that music Joe McNaJlcy, artistic dirutor a1urday. Fcbnwy 18 :at 8 p.m. • Stiai-Pri•olt for M11 l w .... • PriYDlt Pilt11s Stdio • 16 F1ll-ti11t1 Ptrso111f Tr1i1trs • C11•11i11I Perkl•t • St1,, Ptwtr r..,, Ctrdit • Oty s,. Alot of stuff for o linlt 949760·50 www.shope-up.com • www. 2101 Ecnt Pocific: Cocnl Hwy, ,. -···-· ......... should be so beautiful.'' -Benjamin Britten St Mark's Prcsbym ian Church Ja.mbortt & E:utbluff/Ford Road N~n Beach For rickeu. call (760) 632-osH l'tlOMMI Allan Vogel\ oboe ~ Concttto for o~ and Strings in E minor lllfTTlll Simple Symphony UllT E"Oqtion a la Chappelle Sininc llllfT1ll Peanut Vendor I ' Daily Pilot LI FE & LE I SU R E BEST BUYS Bakery opens discount outlet S unf1our Bakery has moved its bakery production from East I 7th Street to the old German Home Bakery location at 2950 Grace Lane (between Fairview and Bear. off Baker) in Costa Mesa. Since the second SunAour Bakery location is off the beaten path, owner Craig Oayton has GREER WYLDER convened it into a di.!>count bakery outlet. Many of its delicious breads and baked goods are reduced 50% to 75% off (The original East 17th St:reec location remains the sam e). Also, when SunAour Bakery adds shortening to some of its bakery ilems, ii now only uses "healthier, nonhydrogenated trans-rat free" shortening. The change was made in an effort to offer the best tasting and heaJthiesl products. The bakery is open 7:30 am. to 3:30 p.m . Monday to Friday. Call (714) 424-0176. SunAour's retail store is at 427 E. 17th St. unil B In C-Osta Mesa. Call (949) 646-1440. CLOTMES FOR KIDS Fashion Island will open a Hanna Andenlon store this spring. The quality P..uropean clothing company for children ruld adults is a familiar name to many custom ers from its a uaJog and Internet ~es. The store's new location will be in the paseo between Carou~I C,ourt and the Iris Fountain. I lanna Andersson's apparel features soft, brightly colored maccrials thac maintain color and shape after many washings. The m·w score will primarily carry children') clothin~. TI1c company based out of Portland. Ore., wa~ e-;rablis h('d in 19R.1. le'~ ~mwn into a $75·million o pcrntiun that now includes catalog. lncem et, retail and outlet stores. Hanna Andersson contributes 5% of its pret.ax profit to the Hasm a Andersson Oilldren's Foundation to Improve children's lives in the areas of health and education~ It also gives back to communities through its involvement with a variety or programs. littp:llwww. l1annaanders.sorLCom and l1ttp:llwww.llQllnafoWldation.org. PREMIER SHOE SALE Sole Comfort. a premier comfort shoe score for men and women, is having a winter sale. Some or winter's coolest shoes are reduced up to 70% from Taryn Rose, Mephisto, Dansko, Ecco. Arche, PauJ Green. Naot and more. The store is open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday. It's in tl1e Corona dcl Mar Pla7A in Newport Beach, I06 Avocado Ave. Call (949) 644-5939. 40% OFF ON 40TH Regal Beauty SuppUe. If Salon cums 40 this year and wiU celebrate by offering a 40%-ofT cou pon that's in Saturday'!> Daily Pilot. The owners want to thank the community and loyal l.-U.Stomers for its continued success. The store is open 9:30 am. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday. 9:30 a.m. 10 6 p.m. Sal"urday and noon 10 5 p.m. Sunday. It's at 269 E. 17th St. in Costa Mesa. Call (949) 642-4482. IMPROVED FITNESS The Athledc Oub for Women reopened under new ownership and has addc:d programs. lmprovemenu. al the facility have enhanced its a t1ractiveness and functions. WPilates Place" is its new slate-of-the-art Pilates studio, designed to combine traditional weight training 1echni4u~ and core strengthening. It also has a danrc scudio that offers body sculpting. ~tretch. circuit training and dance classes. Card.10 equipment available includes Stair Masters. PreCor elliptical cross tr.liners, Step Mills. Ufecycles. Stair Master recumbenl bikes and treadmills. and Life Pltness cross t:ralners. Certified fitnt.'SS professionals can assist with personali7.ed training programs. They're ccnified nationally and have backgrow1d~ 111 lcin esiology. physical therapy and spon!> medicine. n ae club is at 2036 Quail St. In Newport Beach. Call (949) 852-8655 or visit littp:llwww.atl1le1icclubforwo11u>11.co111. DESIGNS lltAT FLOAT Balloon expert 1ftb Helnlng creates amazing balloon designs al South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court Wednesdays through Sundays. His expertise started at 15, when he tied balloons at Disneyland. Since lhrn, hl''s developed balloon technique u-.e<l at major events, including the Lo~ Angele' Olympic<>. 15 Su per Bowl halftime shows, two presidential inauguraciom. a nd five Acud('my Awards shows. One of his moi.t unusual designs, the gla.'iS-house balloon. featun.>s a balloon inside a balloon. Ynu ran pick up a I leining balloon for $(; at the C:1rousel Court. WARM CLOTHES HALF OFF nae Bay Oub Collection. located in tl1e Aalboa Bay Oub & lk sort. 1-. having a sale feacuring ladies' fall and winter dothin~ at 50% off. The boutique offer. fine dt..>Signer clothing and gifts. It'~ open from 10 a.m. to fl p.m. dajjy. Valec parkmg is v;1lidated in the shop!>. The Halboa Bay Ouh & Hesort i:. ar 1221 WeM Coa.'t I lighway 111 Newport Beach Ii 1111://wwu~ I >ali1oahayd11 Ii.cum. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder n yahoo (.Om; al 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax ar 19491 6464170 AFTER HOURS Commission will present WEEKLY JAM DUKE'S PLACE Wednesday through Sunday. The Grammy Award-winning 1au Jazz and codctails flow daily from band performs from 7 lo 10 p.m . vocalist and professor of music at noon to midnight Sundays Wednesday and Thursday, from • Submit AFTER HOURS items to USC Carmen Bradford, in a through Thursdays and from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a .m . Friday and the Daily Pi lot, 330 W. Bay St, performance and Calk from 310 4 noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturday and from 2 lo 6 p.m. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to p.m. Saturday In the Friends Saturdays at lhe Balboa Bay Club Sunday. The restaurant Is al 2735 (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) Mealing Room al the Newport & Resort. at 1221 W. Coast W. Coast Highway, Newport 5744295. Beadi Central Library. 1000 Highway, Newport Beadi. Beadi. Free. (949) 642-3431. Avocado Ave., Newport Beadi. Information: (949) 645-5000. SPECIAL EVENTS Information: (949) 71 7-3870, MUSIC AT PlAYERS http://www.newportbeadllibrary. M.t.MMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Players restaurant is now offering ART OF ALFRED HITCHCOCK org. Walter Lakola and David Alcantar. hve music from 9 p.m. to the New Yortc Jazz Connection midn1ghl every Fnday and Orange Coast College is offering MOSCOW STATE RADIO Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 Saturday. Players is al 512 W. 19th a nine-part film hislory on Alfred SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA E. Coast Highway in Newport al 8 St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-5615. Hitdicodc. The series will be moderated by retired OCC The Moscow State Radio p.m. Fridays and Salurdays and professor H. Arthur Taussig. Eadi Symphony Ordiestra will at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays WEEKEND MUSIC session will be held al 6:30 p.m. perform wortcs by Sergei Diana Dicri joins the duo on Anthony's Riverboat Restauranl one Friday eadi month. The Radimaninoff al 8 p.m. Tuesday vocals on Mondays. It's free. in Newport Beadi presents the events will be held at OCC's Fine and an all-Tdiaikovsky program lnformalion: (949) 673·9500. Ride Sherman Duo featuring R1dl Arts Hall 116. Admission is S6 for at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Che Irvine Sherman and Alan Remington on adults and SS for seniors and Barclay Theatre. 4242 Campus FACULTY CONCERT Friday nights. The program OCC students. Information and Drive, Irvine. The ordiestra will Orange Coast College's music features all your favoriles on lhe lideets, call (714) 432-5880, be conducted by Pavel Sorokin. department will stage a faculty saxophone keyboards. Anthony's _ hrrp:/lwww.occtidcets.com. Tideets cost $44 and $59. concert in honor of associate is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) lnformalion: (949) 8544646. professor of music, John 673-3425. -YO-YO MA Orange County's Pacific SYMPHONIC BERNSTEIN Symphony League will host an Orange Coast College's exclusive lundieon and interview Symphony Ordiestra w ill with musician Yo-Yo Ma, who will perform music from "West Side speak about his career, goals, Scory" and "Candide• al 6 p.m . artistic drive and music creativity Mardi 6 at OCC's Robert B. Moore The event wrll begin at 11 a.m. Theatre. OCC's 100-voice choral Mardi 9 at the Balboa Bay Club will join the symphony in the and Resort's ballroom. 1221 W. evening performance. Coast Highway, Newport Beadi. lnformalion: (71 4) 432-5880. The event will benefit the gymphony's music education CABARET BY THE BAY program. Tidlets cost $150. Duke's Place will host Cabaret by Information: (714) 755-5788. the Bay to benefit local diarities NORMAN KLEIN at 9 p m. with a preshow dinner in the First Cabin restaurant at 7:30 There will be a reception and p.m . Mardi 10, April 14, May 12 book signing for the opening or and June 16. The cost is $10 for lhe retrospective on the wo rtcs of lhe show and $37.50 for the Los Angeles writer, media dinner. Information and historian, cultural crilic and new reservations: (949) 630-4145. . media maven Norman Klein. The , reception Is from 6 to 9 p.m. JAllTRIO . . Mardi 2 al UC Irvine's Beall Gulfscream Res1aurant in Center for Art and Tectinology at Newport Beadi presents a 1an UCI. Information: 1949) 82-4339 trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular enlertainmenl at 850 MUSIC Avocado Ave., Newport Beadi. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . S unday and CARMEN BRADFORD 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through The Newport Beadi City Arts Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. (KI CK. KICK) JUST A REM INDER WHY YOU GET LI FE INSU RANCE. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LI VE. Nunery. Gothe.. Ch«.k·ups. We undc:nund you can nrwr bt 100 prepared fur your lnby. Life inwranc.t u oftni the last thing on your tin. Maytx it should be !ht fun. (Kick. Kic.k.) Haft fM• A -"-\. UQ A C000 NIJQtlOI. mTIMllM ISntall"' Stnoen Hill Uc. IOOMJ6I11 350 u. 17th 5.,..,., ~ .. ~ 21 t ~Mat.CA 94"9.(;46..939 J --~ -l-rzf:';;t.';:!,,c;f, ~':";'.~_,_...._. '-" "°2J14 IOIC>l \ ' McEnary, who died last summer. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Saturday al OCC's student Genier Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa act. performs al 9 p.m. Saturdays Mesa. Performers will include: at Carmelo's Risloranle, 3520 E. pianists Brian Gould. Teresa Coasl Highway, Corona del Ma r. DeJong·Pombo and Emily Hung; Solo guitarist Ken Sanders guitarists Ridiard Glenn, David performs classical flamenco Murdy and Joseph Poshek; jazz tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and musicians Art Davis, Dana Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. Wheaton and Alan Remington; and vocalist Ricardo Soto. Tideets SATURDAY NIGHT Rl.B cosl S10 to S15. lnformat1on: (714) Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone 432-5880 Bridge Band play rode and A&B al MUSIC AT THE GRIU !Jp.m. Salurdays al S utton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 The Bluewaler Grill offers live MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadi. music Friday and Saturday Free. (949) 476-2001. nights. Greg Morgan. Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as STAGE MPG) perform classic rode, A&B and sw ing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. 'ANTIGONE' Marvin Gregory and MPG will ~Antigone" by Sophocles, the perform classic rode, swing and story of Oedipus' daughler who A&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The sacrifices everything 10 bury her restaurant is at 630 Lido Pane brother. will be performed al 2:30 Drive, Newport Beadi. Free. (949) p.m. through Sunday on the 675-3474. South Coast Repertory Segerstrom Slage, 655 Town MUSIC AT THE PELICAN Cente r Drive, Costa Mesa. Tideets The Rusty Pelican offers the cost $19 to $55. Information: (714) music of Common Ground from 708-5554. T. E.All\ \IL~,, >1(\1 1< Never worry about cleaning or maintaining your teak furniture again! I year Guarantee Call NOW for 20% "Pre-summer" discount before March I st 1.866.GOT. TEAK l hursday, February 26. 2004 M • ffie cpgaQm 2g CB1tac~et ™ Handcrafted with Sterling Silver and Swarovslcr Crystals OC'\f):ll<'d w htlp 10• 1r110. "''"'' 11111/ up11l1 thh p«>Wg<' oj 110/.1 \< 1ip1urr in )OMr dm/) /If<' \\'r hopt IMI t IJI h 11m1 ltPU """ ti, 1ou'fl rtjlr(I on (,od' Wttrd and the' h"p< 11 l'"'"J" I Im cn'f"IUll<ttW/ /11u1 fl" u rompmcd oj wo1d11Wllft/C '"""'"lrl , •Htub uNl '" tltnJ( ''"• 1 '"""d1n.<it t1UH 1 harm and I'""'' b.•t 1 hmm l\p1111•\l1tllllfh 1 "'/,".~tit""'' /1nhltr1l 1<1tlt u IOl(Jllr dU>fl \our hrwHltt '"" A11111 'llt< 1alt) df"i:ncJ bnu11ful i:•h h.1\ MtJ 111duJr, ,, • 11111pJ< I dl'C ft'.llllrrn>: .< "''''"""g·· ul 1111·.111111i: anJ h .. pr 1l r.1v.11 lrom 1h.-! hJ r....lm. I h" m c,'-1)!< fUf,t'llt.UIPU lh l'.t,hl1 I ••w• \t'nlrr ,,t ( U( J rJ14\U ),!.A I hr I' I I • II I rllu"''"I' "'n cJ J ' 1h1 1n,r 1r.Atht11 1 •• , I h~ l'-.;1(111 11 tlr,Hdt't "'''hr.ml "" 1111' 10•lllp.1u ti"' " t th, hnu tun).!. 1•t t't•n.al 1t·,t111ttt11\ ol $79.95 1t11· bt.H1l•t ' '''"lo:'"' I JUld "'~Ill• I . ,,u,., .... ,, .... t \wfht.H 1'11 , ,,,Jrr .111d v1•v. rnlor phoro' pkaw '"'' www.Psalm23Bracelet.com CHILDREN'S PORTRAIT SPECIAL •to50%•Jf J1Jz t:.u1 'P"'iflr. coe11 Ki1r.-, • c,...16' ,,_., c.n ntu1t11Joftn6(0,.pr.~.t,. ' AlO lhur!>ddy, February 2b, 2004 fLOWE:~ & PLANT EXCHANGE 99¢ Cut Flower Specials CbOOH from farm &esb &erber dalales, lf.ladlola, alatromerla, coffee bean, lrla, daffocl.Ua .. morel Tullpe Dealper Flowe~ Braocbee Imported lloeea $7" Bunch $199 Branch 75¢ eacb or 25 Stem• $1599 {WOW1) ~~-'::' /~~~.·~'l•lfl•'' llN '01t\t1.-rl tt'Ull '" '4&1'•-.. 1•1•'ftb ~999 ••••I •l'•"t"I' u•n:'f•._I •lo U..1fli11Mw 1.MttlftttL.Wll u•h u ,.,, Brides · oar coualtanu are anilable appointment to lhow rou tbe latest tn fabalou deaigu at our fa.moualy low prices! Call today. Do Your Own WeddlDC Cluaf 8atu.rda1. llarcb 13 10:00 am M Featured on KOCE Real OraDCel 1308 LOGAN AVE. COSTAMKaA (714) 545-0310 MlllORSlc ARTWORK 40~ 33600 -A -1...AMBJ!:RT l...AXE FORJt.ST •.•• .... ~ ..... f'WJ•.) (949) 581-5566 L I f' E & 1-:I SU R I::. Daily Pilot • NO PLACE LIKE HOME Who says the world isn'tflat? -' . \ ' - W hen it comes to tet:hnology, thin is in and the Oat·SCl'Ct!ll television is changing 1he entertainment norm at warp speeds. With Oat-screen televisions, aU you need is waJJ space, electrical and cable access - :md some cash. but even 1ha1 obi.tacle is changing on a daily basls. Driven by supply and demand. manufacturers a.re streamlining produclion and ure creating quaJily products at an increa,ingly lowr r KAREN WIGHT prit:c. In the pasl 1wo years, some munufa<..1urers have lowered producl costs tJy as much as 45%. Samsung i' the gu n1 in plasma na1-screen technolOb'Y· hut the industry in general is making quantum leaps. Plasma screens have become more-or-less affordable. hut Uw powers running the liquid-crystal-display world are gearing up to give plasma a run for its money . Companies that make products with LCD M:rcens (computers and phone,, for example) are ready 10 jump 11110 a new and profi1ablc market. That's good neWs for the con'>umer. 1l1111k of airfare wdrs, now think uf plas ma and l.I'.0. You get 1he picture(s). ·111c avera>;c home in America ha.'> 2.75 1ell'vbiuni.. Most of those a.re the bullcy V-Jrtcly. f.151year.650.000 na1-panl'I i.cn:ens were 1mportt•d to lhc United S1awi. wrsus 27 -111iJlion pkturc-tube televisions. lne Industry predicts that by 2007 flat -panel television!> will comprise more tha11 W% ol the market. Who CM argue with the 1k~imbili1y of J 'crcen tha1 can haJ1g vinually any'""herc, fit inside a frame if desired and produce a high quality pic1ure? And if you don'I want to look at your 42-i11ch beauly 24/7, tlfe furniture market '" frenetically scrambling to make upsrnJc entertammcnt units to hou'!e your tl'chnolob'Y Kem. En1cnainmt•n1 armoirt·s arl' morphing - flaH.creen 1clcvisions c:hangl' thl' rnnligurJliun rcquircmcnti.. rhe front-runners in thjs fumillHl' niche arc provitlin~ ">pace for a 42· or 50-inch screen: ;m area for 1he central channel; '>pcakers that face toward t11e audiencl'; amt a lowl'r c11111p,1rtrncnt for a subwoof1·r. ·m e speakcn. an· hidden behind well·cxc•cull'd rnc'>h or fohric, '>0 thl' look is clean. Of cour*. even though Llw '><'ret·n i!. fla1. all Lhe audio and DVD compom:11ti. are still somewhat hulky. at lea.o;t for nuw. You need SflJlC for your l>VD/VH~ player, t;.able box I PHOTO COURTESY Of KAREN WIGHT' Flat-screen televisions are changing home entertainment. A 42~nch screen is about 4 mches deep, ttun enough to hang and sleek enough to blend with any decor. and receiver. Add a fpw drawers IO store 1he DVDs and CDs. It's an imprcs'\ivc combination. If you don't have room for a hig piece of furniture anti you wan I your room to l1111ction a:, morl' than a 1J1cau:1, you're in luck. VisionAr1. a company based in Newpun Beach. !.pecialil.c!i in tuming flat -screen h:lc·vi~ions in10 work.' of art. ·111eir producl conceals 1hc flat !tcreen hchind a framed fine an printed canva'> that rctracti. when you turn the ·1v on. VisionArt offers a choice uf eight frame s1yles in 28 fini!.hes and more than 300 art c;mvases. You cru1 find them on the Web: /11tµ:lltuwtt.t11isi01wrtgalleries.m11t Redesigning your family room? Wan1 a 1devision in your bedroom that you don't have to look at all the time? Stay tuned. Solutions may be right around 1he corner. After all. tJ1e world is gelling fla1. • KARE.N WIGHT 1s a Newpart Beech resident. Her column runs Thursdays. Dally Pilot . . LIFE & LE I SURE Thursday, February 26, 2004 All I TRAVEL TALES VILLA NOV A Talcing a bite out of the Big Apple By terry Botros ' 'D ad, what's New Voit City like?" asked my 8-year-old son Ell when I returned after a business trip ln September. Business had talcQn me to New Voit City almbst a dozen times over the past year, and each time I returned Fli would ask that same que~tion (right after ·Did you bring presents?"). Happy Hour on the Wlter Live Music 5pm-7pm Monday thru Friday $5 Martinis & 112 Price Appetizers [949-642-7880 [ I 6gured the time was right for a fatfter-son visit to the Big ApJJ.le. We decided that the Columbus Day weekend was the time to go and with Eli's teacher's permission, I sprang him from school for an extra day, giving us a nice four-day weekend. Eli Botros outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 3131 W Coast Hwy., Newport Beach We Oew the red-eye out of John Wayne Airport, landing at JFK very early Friday morning. and' took a cab right to the hotel. I had arranged an early check-in, so we got our room and slept until mid-morning. Eli was really excited to sec the Statue of Uherty. so we made that our first de-.tination and took the subway <.lowntown to Banery Park, on 1hc southern tip of Manhattan. From there we had a terrific view of Liberty Island, as well as the rest of the harbor. After hearing and reading about this symbol of hope and freedom for ~o long. it was wonderful to see the look of amv.ement on Eli's face when he saw the statue. While in lower Manhattan. we also stopped at Ground 7.ero. It was very sobering for both of us 10 see the huge, empty space where the World ltade Center towers had stood. One of the things I wanted Eli to i.ee was a ''big-time" llroadway show. A friend told me about a website called pli1ybil/.com for show tickets, and it proved to be a great tip. 011 very shon notice, we got founh-row seats to "Beauty and the Beast." The show is held at the Lunt-Fontaine Tileatcr in the lwan of the theater dis trict. The Lunt-Fontaine is an old-time theater, very ornate on the inside, with wide aisles and big cushy seats. Even before the '>how started, I could tell Eli was impressed. Once the show started. he was )',pccchless. "Beauty and the Beast" is a great production. and tu he sitting that close to the :-.lage allowed him to be totally l·ngrossed in the perfonnance. I le was on the edge of his seat the whole lime and clapped wildly at the end. To top it off. when we walked out of the Lheater, we were right in the heart of Tames Square. I le just '>tnod looking around; he'd never !'tC'Cn anything like it Dorothy, we aren't in "The OC" anymore. A shon walk uptown took us to Rockefeller Center. where the famous ice rink was in full operation. Parents out there can relate to how kids are hard to impress nowadays. which is why his enthusiasm was realJy fun to see. On Saturday. we headed to Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum. The park is spotles.5 with a huge number of activities for families. There is horseback riding. bicycling. boating and several eating choices. We had a great Lime sailing the radio-controlled sailboats on Conservatory Water. It was interesting to learn that the park is managed under contract to tJ1e city by a priV'dtC nonprofit organization caJJed the Cen tral Parle Conservancy. The conservancy was founded in 1980 to restore the park and has since raised more than $300 million for operation of the park and its facilities. We spent a whole day in CentraJ Park but we'd definitely allow more lime See TRAVEL , Pa1e Al2 Built by Fishermen for Fishermen With ~ fony years of providing fishi~ holidays in British D>lumbia. Oak Bay Marine Group has b«ome the largot ~-fishing operation in North Amaic.a. Wt know where the fish are. We have the most experienced guides, the premiere "9oft locations and the finest equipment Ay-in to one of our tnnote locations for tilt fishing trip of a lifetime. , Call t-800-663-1090 or visit www.obmg.com MV MARABEU. OUW CllAILOTll; IMAllll$. I C. • MV CHARLOITT f>RJNCF.SS QUW U1Allon1 llWIDI. LC. KING SALMON RF.SOlrr llnll lllUT, ILC. MV SALMON Sl!EICER CMll.Onl ....... IC. 96t ~ !il!i~t ~ ~eeiat From Candle light Dinners to Candle Lit Rooms & Outdoor Illuminations Candle Sale Van Zandt Imports Manufactures of C:Ultdla • I 7111 .I llltll Cnmuy Doors Ciu1mr1 '""' WOl'b • & Morr AU~ SQUARE CANDLES 15 °/o OFF SE/ Et:TE/J ITEMS 20°/o OFF 30°/o OFF ALL HURRICANE CANDLES 1111 1lmerlcrm nm b11sl11ess sine.£• / 9'U Our f amily sen 1/111< )'l 1t1r Jmnl/y for 50 )'t'ars --- John 1ft? belong to tbe world's latpst flooring . retail group -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY a~ am ""'61 our Nl«#olt, prla1 or letflla. H>u're paytn1r too """* If you' .. not ,,,,,,,.. from II& Jennifer lifetime Warranty Carpet s 199 lifetime Warranty la•l••I• $299 ' Gus lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 lifetime Warranty Wood $299 n Brenda 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day e:xcbange. l/ you don*t IU. It, we will repkla It FULL SERVICE C.i1ter Ttp1 • S~twers • Cera•ic • Stt11 • OrHite • Wtt4 Refi1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wl14ew C"eri1 1 • Cl111i1 Car et & U ~elltt • P1i1tl1 -l1terier & fxterier c .. taM .. a 1rv1ne , ... , ••0·7•7• , ... , ••••• ,., t •• •• t 7th I 'l'l'l'I ••••••• •OM-FRI t-s •OM-FRI I0-6 • SATUltAY t0·4 SATUROAYI & SUNDAYS t0-4 CLOSH SUNDAY EYHIMtS IY APPOIMT•HT A12 Thursday, February 26, 2004 L I F E & LE I SU R E PHOTO COURTESY OF TERRY BOTROS Eh Botros at the New Jersey Meadowlands watching the New York Jets host the Buffalo Bills. Kt-vin Huang, 1..Ac .. llipl. AL .. Uipl. C.11. , .. ,..,,J"' ,,,, '"''""' • .., II-"' •I .tf,J,,.1} </w'1tt iuw'""" \I (.Al J.11 ("''Ii"' l>r. Jantt v~i. l'LD. \t..'k .. l.k. ''""~Jh ·~ ( """"""' '""'"' ~1 .~/Nl11 "' """''"' A IJll'M#U /Jot '"''"'",,,. \111r1t1•1t Acupuncture Herbe Nutrition &.tpplemente TRAVEL Continued from Al 1 there l\elCI Vil>ll. Another big h1ghlighl ol 11ur trip was a chance 10 go !>t'e the New York Jets play at Lhe Meadowlands. Don't U!t~ me how it happened. but Hi had become a big Jell> fan over thl' p~L couple of years. so I IJ1e1' he'd lw lhrillcd to see them play. NATURAL~ MEDICINE CENTER •Menopause Syndrome • Coh\ls & Crohn s 01sed~ •Hot flasllas & Niglll SY.t.11) • 11111able Bower Synorome UBS) • Menstrual Pa n & PMS • 01Qes1ive Disorder~ •Depression Anxiety & Pamt • Hepahl~ & Liver C111nos1s • Migrame Headilches • l1ve1 Disorders •Bod•"! AcllfS & f>a.ns •Sleep Orwr<lers & lnsomnra • F11>«>mya1Qii & CFIDS • Colo & f 111 Co09h •Bone OeQenerauon • Allerg1e!t Srnus1t1s & Asthma • Artllr1bs & Osteoartn111is • Bronchll1s & Pneumoni.i • Psof~s Lupus & AA • Weiont G.i1n & 00ts111 • D~t>etes & Hypoglycemia • U11nary Tract lntechQns •High Blood Pressure • Bla<lder lnlectrons • HIQh Cll01es1ero1 • Yeas1 rnle!laons •Hyper & H;POthy101d1sm • Prostdte Enlaroement FREE FOOD & DIET SEMINARS Come Join Uslll Every Sarurday: 12-1 pm < , \LL l . S f 71-') 979-979 I I 1 ·-., Ii 1 I , "1,. 1 "''.,. \ 1, • t I., 1 • \ 1, , 1 ' 1l 1l111111 , 1t .'c, .'<, I \ \ • , I 'I .. ,., .. ,II .\\ I 11'>1I1 \\\\\\ 11.1r11 1.1l111c d11 Jiii l< Through a friend'" contact in the Jets organizatioo. we were lucky enough 10 get two complimentary field-level seatl> 10 i,ee the Jets play lhe Ruffalo B1lb. Getting his face painted with Jets color!-, and doi ng the famow. 'J-E-T-S' cheer, Eli was a local fan in no time. To his dcliRht, and my ~urpri,c, the Ji't'> came through and regi .. 1cred their fir,I win of the 't'a .. nn. We woke up Monday cal(er to get home aJld ~cc the rc·'t of the f.imil)'· hut aJ~o wi'ihing \H' 1:ould .. 1,1y anr>1hl'r few d.1y~. ·1 hen· wa.., ju~t !'>O much more to ~ee. from many tnpi.. especially those with children, I have learned that ii'~ hest to not try and see or do everything at once. I lalf the run is slowing down. relaxing and soaking in the locaJ environment. Monday, like we did the other days. we 'pent ti me just walking around the city, eating still more !ttreet vendor hot dogs and prc11.els. taking o;ubway rides and checking out the huge FAO Schwtirz toy store. II was a perfect wind -down to a wonderful trip. Even with ils endless list of world-cla~s a11ractions1 the city itself remain-; the biggc't draw for us. Vibrant. urban, full oflife, nonMop at all hour~. it's ju t a terrific place to be. We can't wait for a rc·turn vi,it. next time w11h the whole family • TERRY BOTROS is a resident of Newpon Bead'l BASTIDEAUX HOME INTERIORS · Custom Furniture • Cisco Brothers Upholstery · Lamps • Accessories · Design Services Open to the pub/i(' • Discounts to the /Tade Stonemill Design Center 2915 Redhill, Suite 8103, Costa Mesa CA 92626 OPEN TUES-FRJ I 0-5 (714) 540-5959 ON VACATION PHOTO COURTESY OF LYNNE LANGJAHR Lynne Langjahr, Kathy Parks, Bobbie Daniel of Balboa :· Island and Connie McAllister of Palm Desert stand in front ; of the Acropolis in Athens Greece. • •• PHOTO COURTESY or THE rROME r AMILY The Frome family of Newport Heights stand at the base of Mount Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. . , If you're looking to paint or repaint. rebuild it, replace it or restore, it, look in the Pilot Classifieds to find the J· servKe best fitting your needs. Daily Pilot PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section t~• find seMCeS from electronics and plumbers, to .--.. landscapers and •• • painters. : ·~ '· QUOTE OF THE DAY "There's a way to play the game and theres a way not to.'' Jenica Ball, Newport Harbor girls water polo player Daily Piiot MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI-coach suspends Efevberha Anteater sophomore violates team rules, according to Douglass. UC Irvine men's basketball player Mike fievberha has been suspended in- definitely by Anteater head coach P-dt Douglass. ·At this time, I have suspended Mike indefinitely for violating team and de- INSIDE The UCI men's basketball team will begin its final push to move up In the standings beginning tonight against visiting Idaho. Pege82 partment rules." Doug- lass said ln a released statement. Efevberha, a sopho- more wing from Po- mona, is averaging 11.1 points and 2.6 re- bounds through 24 games tJ1is season. I le has started 21 contests and leads UCI wit1l 40 three-point baskets. Senior Matt Okoro is expected to move l.nto t1lat spot in lhe starting lineup Thursday. Oko- ro. who is averaging 4.5 points and 3.1 re- bounds. ded his season high with si.JC boards in las1 Saturdayi. game at New Mexico State. The Anteaters (10-14. 5-9 Rig West) host Idaho tonight at 7:05 p.m. and Utah State Saturday at 8:05 p.m. in con- ference games at the Bren Evenls Cen- ter. GIRLS SOCCER Mustangs ~knocked out l~f playoffs Norco snaps Mesa's I 3-game streak with 3-1 triumph in Divi sion Ill second-round game. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NORCX> -The smoo1h pa'i.c;i ng game that has keyed the success the Costa Mesa High girli; soccer ream has enjoyed t1li~ season was wilhoul one essential in- gredjent Wedm."Sday - • rh~h~. Cit Soulhem Section Division Ill sec- ond-round playoff game lhat lacked any flow from the OUl'iCl, host Norco derailed the Mustangs' attack and snapped a 13- game winning streak by lhe visitors with a 3-1 victory. The Mustangs (16-6). ranked sevent1l See MUSTANGS, Pas• 82 Sports~ Rldalrd Dunn: 194915744223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 GIRLS WATER POLO EYE OPENER 111 l)aity~ PikJt Ill Sporu llal flfune ttl-f•1W .:ti•• 1u..a. •ttt1Wt• March I honoree MIKE THORNTON Thursday, February 26. 2004 81 Newport knockout Sailors punch their ticket to the CIF Division I final with a 10-6 victory over Long Beach Wilson. • when the .Sailors won their only 1We. Newpon I !arbor (26-3). the Sea View League chan1pion and lhe ClF Division I top seed. will face four-time defending Divi- sion I champion Foothill in the Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NEWPORT BfACl-1 -If the CIF Southern Section Division I girls waler polo semilinaJ between Ncwpon 1 lar- bor I ligh and Long Beach Wil son was a heavyweight bout. t1len Wilson got in a few shots to lhe head , but the Sailors came away wit1l lhe knockout. MARK C. DUS TIN I DAil Y Pll 01 Newport Harbor's Anne Belden fires a shot on goal while Long Beach Wilson's Megan Nesland (8), swims in to try to defend her in Wednesday's victory. In a game t1lat featured a conlruver- siaJ play late in the third quarter, New· pon Harbor. which dominated the fin.I half, held off Wilson, 10-6. tu advance to ils first CIF Oivision I final sinn· 199~. GIRLS WATER POLO DON LEACH/ONLY PILOT CdM's Jordan Anae takes aim in front of the Canyon goal before scoring in tile secood half to extend the lead. CdM halts Canyon Sea Kings advance to Division II title game with a I 3-6 semifinal victory over Canyon of Anaheim Wednesday. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot CORONA OEl. MAR -Behind five goals from Katya Eadington and 14 saves from junior goalie Brittany Ful- len. the C.Orona del Mar HJgh girls wa- ter polo team had little trouble dispos- ing of Canyon of Anaheim. 13-6, in t1le CIF Southern Section Division U semi- final.'>. The Sea Kings (21-9) will a1- temp1 to win 1.heir lhird straight CIF championship on Monday at 8:15 p.m. againsl Peninsula (23-4) at Belmont Pla7...a ln Lo ng Beach. Penin- • sophomore C..amille I fl'wko st.ruclc for two goals, Katfo Ku bas added a score and Fullen came up with thrce 'W.IVl'' in t1le quaner. Fullen continued her dom1 sula defeated CdMs P'acitic Coa'il League foe, Laguna Beach. 4-2, in lhe other semifinal Wednesday. "I thought the girls did a grea1 job," C'.orona del Mar C.Oach Aaron Chancy said. "We came out a little dght on Sat- urday (in a second-round win over Vllla Plutj, but we had a couple of good practices I.his week." It showed as the Sea ~ opened up a 3-0 )el(f after one quarter as nan! play throughout tht• game. making three saves in lhe sec- ond quarter, five in lhe thinJ and tl11re in lhe fourth before being relieved in lhe game's final minutes. Uut Coron;i del Mar's goalie was quiclc to give m·d· ii to here teammates. ·1 thought we came out and played really weU as a team," Fullen said. "We were very consistent.'' See CdM, Pase 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK final on Tuesday at R: 15 p.m. at Belmont Pla'l.a. Wi Lh 2:20 remaining in lhe third qu<lrter and tJ1e Bruins appearing lo mount a comeback. a Wilson player hit Carolyn Conway's nose. Conway. a New- pon senior standout who ~cored three goals. bled profu~ly amt had to leave the game. The Wilson player w-~ caUed for bru- 1aJi1y, meaning ~he WdJ) ejected from t1le game and the Bruins had lo cumpcle witJ1 five playcn. lhc res! of 1he way. Wil - son had closed to within 7-4. but New- See NEWPORT. Pa1e 82 GIRLS BASKETBALL Sailors' dreams dashed Newport's best season under third -year coach Je n Thompson fini shes with loss to El Dorado. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NEWPorrr Al:ACI I -The bun from a thrilling victory Saturday cea..ecl for tJw Newport I !arbor I ligh hrirb basketball learn Wednc-,uay when visiti11g El f>o- radu came and, iL\ Sailor:. Coach k11 lllompson pul it. i.hoWt'tl why ii i~ tlw rounh-sccdl.o<l team in • Cl t SoutJu~m Sec" ·tion Di~~1on 11-M. 1:1 Dorado useJ a 19-0 lhirch1uarter run lo break open a game ii had already owned and went on to defeat Nt>w- pon Harbor. 65-29, in a second-round game of the CIF Division 11-M playoffs. ·n1e Sailors (14-13), who won their fin;t playoff game since 1997 on Saturday. scored lhe first four points of t11e t1lird quancr to puU wit1lin, 29-17. Junior Ciara Lawrence made a layup and junior Vanessa Miller hit two free !Jlfows within lhe lirs1 minute o f t1le second half. But the Golden I lawks (25-3) we111 on t1leir 19-0 run that included two timcouL'i by Newpon before El Dorado went up, 48-17. Junior Maaike Th>bman knocked down a t1lree-pointer to end lhe Sailors· droughL Newpon had gone six minutes and nine seconds without a field goal. Senior Victoria Swigart. wtio played despite a sore right knee, pul in a layup wilh 40 seconds left in the third quarter, but lhe Golden Hawlcl. answered with a See SAILORS, Pace 83 .. Jillianne Whit ield Senior point guard scores the winning bucket as time expires in Sailors' first postseason victory since 1997. Petrick Laverty • Whitfield said. Delly Pilot After a timeout, Whltfield dribbled the ball upcourt. drove I t's what )'OWl8 athletes dream into the lane, pu.mp·faked and of while practicing in the pivoted left around a double ~y. team and tossed In an eight-foot 'lbree, two, one ... a jump shot lut-te<:Ond shot ... it's good. and the Whitfield. the Daily Pilot AthJete of the aowd goes wild. Week. ftniahed with 10 points. but that For JilUanne Whltfteld. It's a dream 6nal bucht was eu1.1y the most come crue. lmportanc and most memorable or her Whtdleld, a seoJor poU1t guard for the four-year career. She was mobbed after Newport Harbor High girts bak.edJalJ the play. team. dnM the length of the Door and •11 wasn't an on-the-ground pile, but ICOl'ed the pine-winner tn the s.tlors' everyone went CJVf,~ Whitfield said, •My 48-46 CIP Southern Secdori DMdoo mom was aylng. She came up to me and D·M ftnt-round victory CM!f Unfwnlty Mid. 'Hug me, rm your mother.'~ S.rurday. '"That wu deftnltety ammr., • s.. WlllFIELD, Pll9 n .. 82 Thursday, February 26. 2004 MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters begin their final push Anteaters play host to Idaho a t 7:05 p.m . The UC. Irvine men':. ~tball team, j~r two games out of founh plact· In the Big West Con· fcrence, hol)l'!-10 make a final push m the 'tandu1~. beginninl( tonight al 7·05 p.m. against W.it· mg Idaho. nw Anlcalerl) (10· 14. 5.9 in the B1K Wt•stJ enter rhii. week's action t1L•d for !'\ixth plnre with Cal State follerton and IJC Rh•Nslde. (:ill Sl<He NorthmJgc (7-ti in 1 unfere11rc). and UC Santa lfar hara C7· ii are still within reach Idaho 112 I.I, fl· 7). has won six uf it~ la~t 'even conference gam~ 10 riM! w third place. behind co- lt·acler' Utah Stute and University of the Pm·1fir. horh 14· I ag-.unst lOnfrn·nn• fol"- to make them 8· I m their last nine games. with a 57·52 home win over UCI on Jan :i l UU ended a ~wn·~aJnc losing !>leak witl1 a win over Loni( Beach State Feb. 18, before extending its ruad losing streak to ~ven with a noncon.fcrence i.etback at New MeXJco State Sarurday. Ille Anteaters. i.Lill trying to se· cure one of the etght ~po~ in the rnnference tournament. are une game ahead of nint.h·plnce Lung Reach State. UCI Is led by 7·foo1 !!Cllior cen· ter Adam Parada, who 1s Jvcrng· uig I:.!. 7 poinlS. 6.6 rebound.' and 1>hooling 60.B"b from the field. Parada, who ~ored 2:J points Sat· urday. posted a season-high 26 in the first meeting with Idaho. Idaho is led by 6·4 senior for· ward 1}rrone Hayes (13.5 ppg). S P O R TS 01e VamJah ht•l(an their recent 'urge. which aho mdudes a non- 111nfert.·nt·t' 1\111 over Idaho State UCI hoi.ts Utah State Sarurday al R:OS p.m. in a game televised by MARK C. DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT -Barry Faulkner Newport Harbor's Kim Housep1an blocks a shot that gets by her teammates Jessica Ball (2), left. and Carolyn Conway in Wednesday afternoon's CIF playoff game against Long Beach Wilson. Newport Harbor advanced to the title game with a I 0-6 victory. F~'iPN::!. GOLF NEWPORT Trio will dazzle audience at Breakfast of Ch ampi ons Continued from B 1 pon scored cwo unanswered goab after the wild play to regain control of the game. "I thin.le it was intentional be· cause she doesn't like me very well," Conway said. "Ir was above wa ter and ii wai. a (punch(. 11 was prerty bad. 1 think (my nose is) broken: Fut.I\' i'.ul'lk·r. Cl11 (hi llodri KUt'l' <tnd tkll•ndmg champ11m Hudgcr Da\1, will be t.he ~l''I ,1.wake" fur till' losluba ~n1ur <Ja,.,1c·., Breilkf.L,I uf Ommp1on~. 'chL·dukd ~1Mch lh JI 7:30 a.m. .11 1h1: Newport llt'at'h Mamou Ill /·a .. hion hlancJ . Zoeller, ur){U11hly tlll' inu~I e11- tt•rt.U111ng playt•r 1111 tht' tl1ampi c•fh lour. fim,Jwd 111 UH' top 30 t."t )'1".11 .1ftL'r lJpturm~ the ~n· 1or I'< v\ cJ1ctmp1on;h1p in 111 .. rookJe 't'a,un Hodngue1. onr of tlie lk'Tl'flt11,1l l.u1 l.tvoritl'!>. ha~ 22 l h ,1111p11111' lour tillt'::. anJ wa • ., 1111l1H tl'd 11110 rht: Wurlcl (-;u)f I I.di 111 I .m w 111 11./'l:!. l)J\1•-. li111<.ht•d WHITFIELD Continued from BI I w Jll tht• n .v11w .. ., af1t·1 lhl• 'hill. II w,1\ il tl'::,\,Ullt'lll 111 \\'hufield hO\' t .Um 'ht rem,uiwd m llll' final WlOlld<.,. lo lwr. II \\3.<, JUI\( ,, pl.I\ .,1w had nin d nnllion 111111'' lwtorc 111 prncttct'. "I lom·,rly. l'w dont' that t" ... tl t move 'o 11M11y 111ne' 111 p1.1rtttl'. .. Wl111lidJ '-<llJ. "Ir \,,1, wry nawml It 1u<;t llJppt•ned " l'lav111g ha-.. ~t·lhaU 'mce th1· filth !-'TUtk. \\1111fit'ld ha., d1•\ l'lopl'd a lnvl' for the Ki.Hill'. But al N1•wport I l;irbor, whcrc <.hC' ha'> al'o t 11rnrw1t•d 111 fil•ld hockey and tr..itk Jnd fidd ..uid plam 10 pl.1\ l.1no,w du'> 'J>nng. h."k1•thall li<!'n't d~eloped a 1t·pu1ation ao; a powl'thow.e. 1 lw ~tilori. la .. 1 po~tSt:a.son \'H 111ry 111 Kirli. ba..,ketball prior to 'i.11mday wa~ 1u:.1 .,hortly after \\ l111fit•ld hcR,m playing the .:.11111._ in 1997. In her firl)t two \l'Jf'> 011 varsity. Whitfield and Jlw ~1110" won fUSI <;1x games. 11111 ,1 I.I win <;eason last year n·111rncd I !arbor to the playoffi. .md delipite Wednesday's 'l'a,on-encling loss to El Dorado, S.1turday\ victnry has Whitfield l1·avmg the progmm in much heller <;hape than when she • 1mwd Pnmarily a ... hooting guard in previou-; seasons. Whit.field took ovN the point !(\Jard role in her final '\Cason and allhough her .,coring average Is down, the Sailon< are guaranteed to finish lhe year with a winning record for the fll'St lime In her career. :!211d on Uic 200:! money list and wui. tlw (() p ·ranked putter on t11 e 01.1mp1<m., lour la"t )'Car licket., .tre SIOO per person (tWO·,edt minimum, with Lable:. 11( IO di S 1.000). which mdud~ brcakfa.,1 and a ticker to fue5· Uoy\ praCl.JrC-fOUlld l>C!'\l>iO ll at rht• Tn~hih<J Senior Ori.ssic. The toun1Jmt•nt will he held March I 'i·l I .11 Nt•wpon Beach Country t.Juh Inc pmet•t.•<.ls fmm the break· f,1,t \\Ill help pave lhe way for "hol.1"h1p., 111 the amount of $<!,!)00 • .mcl a ·1oshiba lnptop com- puter tu each Orange Counry Stu· c.lt•nr honored. "Al the beginning of the yc>ar I wa<. frustrated," Whitfield said of hl'r new role. "I felt Uke I wasn't rnntribuung a .. much a!> I could. I didn't realize my contributions were coming from other places. .. ThoM' contributionli have been apparent 10 others throughout the \£'a'i011, whether 11 l:x: the ... even rebounds she grabht..><l against University or 11lmply her noor lcadel'!>hip and her ability to ht• a coach on the floor. After helping Newpon I !arbor win a field hockey championship in the fa.II. Whitfield plans to continue If\ that spon in college .ind has narrowed her choices down to MichiRan. Virginia and Stanford. But the sport he loves the mol't, bask.etball, will rnntlnue to fmd a place in her life. "ll'U have to be intramural lx'Cause I can' leave it alone.· \Vhltfield said. Conway re -entered with 2: 19 remaining in the game. Newport Coach Bill Barnett said he wanted her back in because the Sailors had just lost junior Anne Belden. Conway was smiling and mo110111ng to t.he crowd that she wai. fine before she came back in. he fired off two shots, in- cludin~ one in the final five sec- onds tliat went over the c:1ge. Conway. bound for lnwana University, scored two goals in the fust quaner to help put New· port up. 3·0. Belden also scored in the first quarter and senior Jessica BalJ had two assists. The Sailors played one of their best halves of the season, New- port Coach BUJ Barnett said. "They were pwnped and ready to go." llamett said. "!They werel highly emotional." For in~p1ralion. the Newport girl-; and their coach went 10 the movie'> ruei1day night and watched "Miracle," the film hased on the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey 1e11m. And if that wasn't enough. the Sa.Hors were also de- MUSTANGS Continued from B 1 in Division Ill entering the play· off.s, and Cougars (I 7-5·5). en· dured a U1any of fouls that robbed the game of any continu· iry, much to Mesa Coach IJ.m Johnston's dismay. "I stopped marking after 34 fouls," Johnston said. "You can't get in a rhythm with that. Before their last goal, the ball didn't stop on the re.tan. It was the cheesiei.t game in the way it wa.s (called!. I would have preferred zero fou~ and just play the game: Johnston said the calls didn't favor one team. but the Mus· Langi., Division tll co-champions last year, remained at a disadw.n· tage . "That type of game favors a tall team," Johnston said. TWo Norco goals came on heade~ off of throw-ins. Erin Banks headed in a ball inside the near post to give Norco a 1-0 lead in the I 0th minute, while senior Dena OlyaJe broke a I ·I rie three minutes before halftime with a Free $14 95 :~;-ci Battery Test Service lncludeo up to flv• ~~":9 Visually Inspect and test batt8f'Y using Motorcra~ oil and new Motorcraft~ oil Rotunda Mlcro-490 tester. filter. Includes hazardous waste disposal. Otter valid with coupon. Taxes extra. Explrn 2/29/2004 -----·-~ . "'. .. See Sefvlce Advisor for details. Offer valid wfth coupon. Taxes extra. EiC 2/29l2004 • ' MARl<C OUSTIN/OAILYPILOT Newport Harbor's Sarah Mutt (8), gets off a shot as Long Beach Wilson's Amy Lamb defends in Wednesday's CIF playoff game. termined after losing in the CIF Division I semifinals last. year. "We really came into this game focused." said Ball. who scored one goal and delivered five as· sists. "We all came in really united. Carolyn Conway realty stepped it up. Ir was already a physical game and when she was hit tha1 turned on a switch. TI1ere's a way to play 1l1e game nearly-identical goal. The Cougars took advantage of their home field, which is nar- rower than 1l1e field Mesa is used to playing on. "They could do the long throws and get JO-yard runs going every time." Johnston l>Clid. "They beat us 10 the 50·50 balls. particularly the fin.1 20 minu1es. "We didn't take any balls on goal kicks, which gave (the Cou· gars! posse55ion~." Sophomore Ja,!,min Day tied the game in the 20th minute with her 16th sconng strike of the sea· son when she took a lofted pa..<>s from junior Jenny Sparks and sent the ball into the far side of the net from 15 yards out. Day's goal was the last shot Mesa got in the first half. Norco stacked players at mid· field, trying to take away Mesa's passing game. Sweeper Kristen long headed many balls out of the w ne, ending potential Mesa anadcs. "If we could rush !their for· wards!. wi th tl1e way this field is, we had a chance," Norco Coach Brad Miller said. The field was anytltlng but and there's a way not to. The whole game they were like that. We were all riled up. Thal just ticked us off more." BaJJ scored in set, just 21 sec· onds after she had recorded a steal, that put lhe Sailors up. 4-0, early in the second quarter. Then she dished out an assist to Con· way. who scored from fo ur me· ters out and gave Newpon a 5·0 smooth. A dirt patch 15 feel in di· ameter covered the midfield while mud puddles and clumps of grass dotted the surface. Mesa, which had shut out its last eight opponents. 52-0, had three golden scoring chances in tl1e second half, but came away em pry. An apparent goal by Day in the 48th minute was nullified by a foul. as Mesa supporters shouted in protest. Johnston turned his head towel.rd the bleachers and said. "You're not helping." Six minutes later, Nilani Duane's header off a Rachel Ron· quiUo corner kick sailed over the goal. The Mustangs had three com ers to Norco's one. Norco goalkeeper Kristen Ko- man knocked down two Ronquil· lo shots In the second haJf and finished with five saves. Norco put the finishing touch· es on Its eventual victory In the fi- nal minute. Anna Acuna's shot from the comer of the 18-yard box roUed toward the far post. only to find the foot of Banb. who delicately tapped the ball in as she ran into the net s399s=: Hrvlce Inspect radiator for leaks. Check holel, clamps and belts. Pressure test system for leaks. Drain and refill radiator. Includes up to one gaffon of coolant. Disposal fee ex1ra, If tpplicabte . Otter valid wlth coupon. Tax• extra. 2l:l9l2004 ······· a re .. . . .. .. lead with 3:25 left before half· time. Wilson (22· 7) answered with a goal shortly after coming out of a timeout, but senior Sarah Mutt gave the Sailors a 6-1 advantage with a goal on a six-on-five op· ponuniry. "Thal was an ugly game,'' Bar· nett said. "I thought we played well in the first half. We kind of got complacent. We made men- tal mistakes and let them back in the game a bit We were great in the first half. but then things got ugly: Wilson scored two goals in a 27 ·second span to close within 6-3, early in the third quarter, but junior Ashling Taylor put the Sailors back on track with a goal on an assist from Belden. Ca.'lie Mota, who led the Bru· ins with three goals, scored with just under four minutes left to make it 7-4, setting up the afore· mentioned dramatics lhal en· sued. CIF Southern Section Divi- sion I playoffs SemUlnaJ Newport Harbor I 0, Long Beach WU.On 6 Score by Quarters Wilson O I 4 J -6 Newport 3 3 3 I -I 0 Wilson -Mota 3. Silver 2, Pe· rez I. Saves -Lolis 4. Newport -Conway 3, Belden 2. Mun 2. Ball I. Erickson I. Tay· lor I. Save!> -I lousepian 6, Cottam 3. Mesa goalkeeper Kindra Bailey made four saves and was aided by the gutsy play of Kara Jenkins. Julie Nomura and Caitlin Duffy. All three weren't afrai d to bump into an opponent to gain po ses- sion. Unfortunately, the sound of a whistle often pierced the air soon after. Defenders Yareli Ortega and Sara Bryant each prevented an· other Norco goal minutes after Day's goal in the first half. Bailey had come out of the net and Or- tega slid across the goal line to knock away a shot Bryant then booted the ball out of the box. The game's physical nature suited Norco just fine. "II is different out here," Miller said. "We play a rougher game. If you hold onto the ball for three or fouc seconds, someone is gong to put a body on you." Norco, indeed played. its game on its field. "Except for the throw-in plays. they didn't mount any attacks," Johnston said. "But we didn't mount any attadcs either. We played their game and they are bener at their game than we are.· • * O P Daily Piiot SPO R TS rhursday, February 26. 2004 83 BOYS VOLLEYBALL SAILORS Estancia ranked No. 1 in preseason poll Continued from Bl basket with two seconds left for a 52-22 lead. Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor also earn spots in early CIF rankings. preseason coaches' polls rel~ Monday. Estancia advanced to the Division Ill semifinals last spring. eanung a share of its first league title since 1984 by eying Ocean View for the Golden West league champi· onsh.lp. Komegay was first-team AU-CIF. AU· Newport· Mesa and Golden West League Co-Most Valuable Player as a 6 -fool-4 jtm· ior opposite. 6-8 senior UCLA-bow1d middle blocker Ja- mie Diefenbach, who tore an ACL playing basketball. CcJM. 19·12 last season when it reached the < ;u: Division II quanerflna.ls. will be led hy 6· I jwtior outside hlu er Kevin WeJch, who was an AU-Newport-Mesa perfomier as a :.ophumore. MRebounding lwas a reason EJ Dorado got so far our ahead).~ lhompson said. "We weren't blocking out. We were also getting to the basket (on olfenseJ. but we weren't finishing in the first half." The F.stancia I Ugh boys voUeyba.U team will open the season with the lop ranking in ClF Southern Section Division Ill, while Newpon I larhor Ls No. 5 in Division I and Corona del Mar h. No. 6 in Divis ion II in f.agles Coach 1\"acey Heims returns five staners from last year's 29-11 M.juad. in- duding All·CIF perfonners Josh Ko rnegay and Kris Hartwell. I fanwell was second-team AU-cm AIJ- Newport-Mesa and first-team all·ll'ague as a 6·2 jwtior outside hiner. Newpon Harbor never led and lied the score just once, 2-2, when MiUer tlrove in for a layup early ln the gam e. EJ Dorado pressed after m ade baskets and the Sailors stru88led to ge l the ball past half coun. Wim 29 seconds left in the first quaner they did and Swigart put in an ea-.)' shot unde r the bas- ket. Newport I farl>or. 20-12 last season. ~ eliminated in the second round of tl1e Divi- sion I playuffs. The Sailors will be without Tiw boys voUcyhall *ason begins next week. CDM Continued from Bl After Canyon (19·11) :.cored i11> first goal. in a 6· on·S situation, the Sea Kings came back with three straight goals. including two by Eatlington a nd one from Kubas, Ill Ull rl'ase their lead to 6· l. The teams ua1.IL'<i goals in the fu1al minute of the first ha.If aml l :orona del Mar went into the break leading. 7-2. Canyon trirnmt.'<l the lead 10 four in the opening .;econds of the third quilrter when Courtney Math- ewson convcrte<l a four-meter opponunity. But the Kings. who focused more on dropping its defense instead of its tmditional pressure. limited Mathew- son to two goals by using double teams on the Co· manches' 'ltandout. "We wanted to double down on !Mathewson!." 01aney said. "She'-; a ~at player. You can't play her one-on-one." After C.m yon had an opportunity, with another ma11-advanfage !>ituation. to further shrink CdM's ll'".td bu1 laill-d to register a shot allt.'ITI[.lt before the !>hot clock expired. the Sea Kin~~ <;truck on the cow11rr Hllm'k. 1-;adin~11111 ,t·url'tl for the third time in the game off a pa-.. ... from V1V1an U;w with 5:40 remainin~ in the thin! quarwr to puloh tht' ~a King,· adv-.mtage 1t1 tt-:1. llw play w;is 'tm1t•d hy Fullm. who providc<l quality '>l0rvi1'1• 1111 11!1• c·oullll'r ;m ark 1lirn11ghou1 the 111atrh. With J1l'>t owr four 111in111c" rt·111aimng. Fullc11 took a ha ll that C.:.myon dumpet.111110 the comer as thC' .. hot dork WJ' 1"<piring and ftocf an ''JX'll Jordan An:w, who h.ul ~11111·11 h1•h111d lht• U 111yo11 defenM", fnr another Sea King, ... ~ore and a !:1·3 leau. "That''> what I th.ink is KOing to get her recruited by colleges.'' <..haney -.aid of follens passing ability. "Your goalie starts your offense. If you haw a goalie who can pass well. thafs everytlting. ~ Fullen added anotht·r assist with a qurck cmtlf'l pllSS to Hewko early i11 tJw fourth quarter for a goal that gaw the Sea Ki11gs a 13-5 at.lvdntagc ant.I Ola· ney enough confidence 10 allow his o;tarlcN 111 n·~t for the remainder uf the game. 1 lcwko and Kuba.' t•ad1 fini.,ht•t.I w11h 1hrc1· ~0.11' 10 romplt,nw nt l·.admgton and i\11at• adtll'd two. CF OMslon I Semitlnall Cof'Ooa del Mar 13, Canyon 6 Score by Ouaners Canyon o 7 :£ b CdM J 4 4 I 1J Canyon -Mathewson 2. C1cct11llo 2. Folcv 1. Allen 1 Saves Rocha 4, K Rodgers 2 Corona del Mar Eadony1on 5. K Kut>as 3. Hewk.o 3. Am1t.1 2 Savus Fullen 14 BRIEFLY f ICJN 11 Ar It lJAll Y PU 111 At left. Katya Eadmgton shoots lor one of her five goals. Above . Eadmgton lobs a pass over her opponent to the front of the net which led to a score tn hrst half lor Corona del Mar m the wm. 110\Vl'ver the Golden I lawks went on a 11-0 run lo gu up, 25-6 . Nl'WJ>Ort 1 larl>or outscored El Oo· mdo, 7-4 in the final five minutes befon.• halftime. Senior Allyson Stolu hit a three-pointer. junior Kristi Etldington pulled up for a mid-range jump shot and 14lW- rcnce Mi.' good from I 0 foe1 out near U1e baseline, bur Newport tm.ik-d. Z9· I :1, a t the break. Miller led the Sui.Ion. with 11 points. the onJy Newport playl'r in doubll' figun:.>s. Sophomore Ally Wat.le scored 22 point:. fur U1e Golden I lawk.s, while senior Me· lii....a Cc>0k added 19 pointlo. With 2:49 left in lht• ){UITIC, ·n10111p~111 rullet.l her !'otarters. as the c rowd applauded llludly for 1hem . "It wa,, 111re 111 s~ the :-;upport," ll1om1N 111 said. "We had a n•ally good '>t'a'>tlll. lt'I'> tJw lir'>I 1i111l' wtlh me tJ1a1 w1· haw had ,, w111 - n111g -.t•a.w11 11wy'rt• lt•arning whnl r111 all abo111. "It\ goinK Ill hl' '>lid hi ~Cl' tht· lour '>l.'11iors llilliiJr11w Whillil'ld, "ito lll', Swtgan anti Krhti l\0111JI go. Wl· were suppcN·tl 10 lw ...c> gt>ml la~t year. l>ut 1h" Yl'aJ. Uw. ll':llll h,ul ),(l much hcun .. Lions' Schmidt breaks scoring record, earns honors Whitfieltl llrov1· tlw h·11~'ll1 11f the l'Ollrl and n111111-. tt•tl 1111 .111 1·i~h1-lo111 -.hot 10 lwa1 tlw hunA'• f11r llll' Sailor•.' tlll·•Ui w111 11vt•r llniwn.ity in tlw CIF I livi..,.1111 II /\A fil").t ru1111tl Satu1d.1y. ~ht· did nut -.tore Wt•thw-.th1y, hut 11lc 11111NJll .... 11d 'ht• n·111a111l'tl proud 111 her ht'l'Olll'>I.'. .. ,ht' clit.I (llhl·r tlun~' likt• rd11111111I a11cl 11111111· 1lw ball I or 11-.." Vangllartl lln1v1·...,ity ln•.,h 111an forward Kdly Scl111111l1 wa~ namt•tl thl' l 11>ldl'll 'i1<111• At h leti1· ( .1111f1•11·1111• wom1·11·, ha~ketlMll pl.1y1·r ol lht• Wl't'I.. l11r the 'cn111J 1111\l' thi ... w,i...1111 .incl hml..I' tlw I 11111..,· 'inglf' c;ea ... on ... con11g n•c111d 111 a victory 11111'1 ( lui-.11.111 1 lt•rtta~l' llll'' day. Sd1111itl1 t•arnnl player of tht• \W1·I.. h1111or" hy a11eraJ::in g 111 puini... .111tl 'l.'i r1·h0t111th in v1t t11ril·'-r1v1•r 1'11111l I 11111a Nall.I rl'llt', ranl..t•tl I 71h 111 NAIA IJlv1 "on I .111d V;111g11.1rcl\ clo .. l':-1 l'Ot11pl'lll111 Ill c1111f1•rc111·1· play, a11cl I l111w l111t·r11;1tio11;1I Shl' ,., lhl' lf';.11Ji11i.; 'I url'f Ill tlil' l"Ollftr 1·nn· and filth l1•ad111g ~cun·r 111 NA ii\ Divt'>lllll I. Sd11111d1 ,,1..,11 h1•tanll' Va n guard\ 1t .. uJ1·r 111 'i11gle-.. caM11l 'coring with a :1~ p oi111 eflorl again'! < Jm,f i;111 I ln1t<1~e on lltt'Sd <ty. SchmiJI ha~ lornrt•d 5tl!) poinl~ lhi' w.1 ... 1111. h1caki11g Ela ine Whi111•11111rl'\ ma rl.. 111 5t1:1 ... er in llw I 'J'J/I !>t'a ... 1111. I lie I 11111' h.1v1· 1111t· rl'g11lar 'l'a~o11 g;11111· n•11ia111i11g helorl' the c;SA<. IOllrllllllll'lll. l'hcy ha\/t' alo,;11 q11alili1·d for th<· NfllA 11a1i1111al to11111a111e111 to lw held March 17-:n in lad'"lll. Tt•nn. OCC vollcyhall wins • VOLl.P.YBJ\1.1.: 'I ht• Orang1· I ott'>I ( .olll'j,:l' 1111·n\ volleyball 11·;1111 1111tdwd ii!'> fifth victory 111 thl' ... ea~un with a 111111<·11nfcr l'IH'L' 10ad ·wi11 OVl'r Los Angeles l'il·rn·. :\o.n. :w-:12. :10-21. :w-w. Kai111a11a K,1mala11i and l'oycr 1'111a each had l I kill, to lead the Pirntelo (S-11. l'ier~ ft-II to :1 2. VU still undefeated •TENNIS: Tht Vanguard llniw .. •r!>ily 111e11\ lcnni~ team 1111pmvt•tl 111 5-U with <• q 0 vk· wry over hui.t C:al f'oly f'omuna Wl'1h1e ... d ;1y. I .<er' l>ahllwrg and l'hlllip Mardh did11'1 loSl' et ga11w in !>Wt't'ping two :-.ingll"• Sl'I' 1•ad1 w hile Calll' I lo lmgrt·n dcft•alt•d I Jamd <11ang, fi-2. fl-2. < lui., Tetylor an d Thoma'< J'roxlcr teamed IO tlcfcat Bran t.1011 <Jingan ant.I St•lh Lewkow, II 2, in tluuhle~. Nonconference Vanguard 9, Cal Poly Pomona O Si ngles Wmslmaior (VU ) def Nguyen, 6 2, 6 3; Hakansson (VU) duf Wu1l1onleld, 6 I, 6 4, Dahlhery (VU) del. Lewkow. 6 0. 6 O: Schramm (VUI def A. Chang. 7 6. 6 2. Holmgren (VUI clef D. Chang, 6 2. 6 2. Mardh IVU) dol Cltnyan, fl 0, 6 0 Doubles Oahlhorg Haknnsson (VU) def Nguyen Weldenfelt1, 8 3, We1slma1er Holmgren (VUI def Delgado 0 . Chang, 8 3; Taylor Trow.lor (VU) del Clmgan Lew~ow. 8 2 Lions roll on at CLI Poly •TENN IS: Vanguard Uniw r- !>ily\ wonwn's 11·n11i... tt·arn swt·pt all threl'. t.louhlt•o; ina1d1 l'' 111 1emai11 untldeat1·d .1ftt•r ,1 ti l 11011c<mfcrenn· vil'tury 1111<·1 111 .... t Cal 1'11ly Po mo na Wt•dne' day. Oll{a l llush chanl .1, Sllina Y11l11wr and Amamfo t>1,y11fl'r eadt wo11 lhl'ir ""Kit'!> 111.11ch1·, for 1h1• l.w n-; (5-tll. Ale na Votavova a11d l'oyntl't dai111(•d an /I 2 d o ubll'' v1t·t11ry Nonconference Vanguard 6. Cal Poly Pomona 2 Singles lllushch.inka IVU I tlcll Holr11IJ1'<y, 6 0. 6 O. Brown IVUJ lost 10 Fotr1, 6 3, 6 2, Vo1a11ova IVU) lo~• tO Poq1111lo, 4 6, 6 3, 10 7, Yoh1rn• IVUI dllf 011kermc11j1an, 6 0, 7 6, Bracttcy (VU) a11ct Bu1vgra1 DNF Povnrnr (VU) dtJI. Li11, 6 4, 6 I Doubles Hlushc:hank,1 BrooN11 (VUI dof Foh1 Holmberg. 8 4. Yohner Bradley (VU I cJef Burggral Paqu1llo. 9 7, Vo1a1101111 Poynter (VUI •lt•t Takaman Dnkcrrnan11<l11 8 '} G rossmo nt heats Coast •SOFTRUl: t .oa'l < :ollcgt• drnppt·d two tl1111hl{·hl'ader ·1 he Ora11g1• ,urrhall tt'arn games of .1 to nonr unf1·r l'lll'I' Vi~ilor (;ro~Mlllllll W1•1lnt·MJay. l'lw l'lr:itt·~ fell, '1 l . in llw lir'>I ga11 w while lns ing, li-0, i11 I he 11ighlt:itf>. April Dixon had IWll HBI\ rur < .ua'>t (h 11 I In G;unc I while Kim Enc~y added two hits. Sophomore ·1co;s 1.int.lsay (Costa Mesa I li~h) allowed four rnnl> 1tt\ 10 h1h ill '>IX 11111111):' C.11<1~1 m.111a~nl jll<;t two hit' Ill lht• 1; Cl "'lha1·k (1rc,.....,.1111111\ I lca1h1·1 I 111 lwr ,1a111111t•d .1 IWll rllll liunlt· rllll. Nonconference C.me l Grossm ont 4, Oranpe Coast 2 Score by Innings G'rnon1 MO IJ7o n '' to o QCC 000 000 ' I " n Barroll ·IMI 5 1111111. l 1n<lsdy, D1.11 111 .md nsl'y W 6,111un L l11111~ .. v 28 BuJ1111r1 l<..il 0dvr~ IGI I 01 ,.,., IGI Game 2 Grossmont 6. Orange Const () Score by Innings G'rnonl O<I•! 1 u 11 • , 1 occ 1100 ouo 0 " l 4 Kru sti •lllrl "ih11111, 01.11 d•Hf P1111 :11111 W Kr us1• L 0111/ 70 Ou; 1ur1 tltl 3B S,u1111 ((,I HR t 11tlur1 1c,1 Slaoics posts vich >ry • SNOWHOJ\HUINC: N1·wp11r1 flt'o11 h 1t·'>1tl1·111 I l1a111'1lc-Sladk~ Wllll 1111' pro f,JIJ llllllJll'li!IOll :11111 1tlll\)ll'd WI 111111 Ill tht• ,J11p1•,1ylt-t'Vt'lll .11 till' 'l't'lllltl .i11n11al C)111'1'n 111 tilt' Mo11111 .1111 'n11wlm.1nli11g 111111p1·1111111l ~.11 l11tl.1y .11 Mn11111<11n I ligh 11•..,orl in Wrigh1w11111l. Fn1 lwr p111 1ail vwtrny, "ilad irlo w1111 a lrlp for two 111 I l:1wa1i and <'Vt•11t mga11111'" tlun.11nl $5,000 111 lwr 11.11111· 111 tlw Roardi11~ Im Hn·,"1 <.ant l'I F11111Hl.1t IClll ''1'111 ... 1olwd 1111 111y win ... 'ii.id 11 ' ,,11<1 111 .1 pre" 1l'11·a,t· ahol•I tlw t•v1•111 "1'111 lw111 Nt·wporr lk,H h .111d I 'lll I, "' f'll1 1ftof1 llllt•ly g11111g Iii gl'I "11111' WOIVl'' 111 I l.1w;11i .. I Jinn'i split with Olapman • SOl'l'IL-\1.1.: V;111g11ard lJ11i vt·1 ... 11y 'Plil if 111111n 111f1•rl'nt'I' d11uhl1•h1»1d1·1 w11h c l1ap111<111 W('(f1tt·'d,1y. wi11 11111g tlw 11pl·11 l'r, Ii I. ,111d f,1l1111g 111 tht' 't't'illlt.I 1~<1111!'. ~ II ll.11 lid ll11111gw1 1. l.111d'>ey I ly1•1 .111d ( .. 11 l111t111•y h.ul IWll ht1' l'oll Ii 1111 thl' f 1111" t7 ~II 111 1111' 11p1·111·1, wh1fto t..1 Y''·" l\l'1111 c•r .illowl'd 11111• 11111•a1 ll(•tf ru11 1111 111111 1111 ... Ill 1111' ( 11111pl1•11• g.11111• 1'111111. 111 th<· "'l'lllld g.11111•. <J1:.sp 111.111 r11·,l11n.1n l.1~11· W1 ldn Jlllt )11•d .1 1h11·1· 1111 ... 111110111 Nonconlerence G•me 1 Vanguard 6, Chapman 1 Score by lnnmgs Ch11pni,111 rinn •t01 1l 1 • 1 Vanq11.i111 101 oJn ;. t. ~ 1 Durin. B11c1•11,1 ISi mul Volis. Kell1wr illlf1 Roll<' W K1•11111•r 12 21 l 0111111 11 11 ?B Uo1111111•n lV). Oyu1 IVI Butlrr"v IV) 0111111 .1 IVI 38 Mauro tVI Game 2 Chapman 2, Vanguard 0 Score by Innings Chapmarr nio OIO 7 1 o Vonguarcl rlOtl uoo O ) 1 W1ldor ilnll C1pull.1. W1lh1>. Ol11t.1ra 171 an<I Rolle W W1ld1·r t2 11 l Withs 11 51 2B "i111111rl1n~ (CJ CF Soulhem Section OMtion II-AA~ Second round El Dorado 66. Newpott Harbor 29 Score by OuMten E.1 Dor J<1o 111 n n 11 h'I Newport & I '1 I 29 El Donldo HarlJ11dyc 10. Gn•1111ry d, Cook 19, Caso 4, Wutlll 'n, Cok1Jly 4. Lony 2. 3 pt yoals Waoo 1 Newport Whtlfielcl 0, Miller 11 S1oll7 3 Erfclrngton 2. Lawnmcn 4 Sw1!}1rt 6 Trohm.m 3, Koon 0 Mf'lo 0. O.•y,111 O Sloior O. C<.t11•k 0 J pt yo.Jl1> rr11l11111111 t. M1ll1·r 1 Stolt,o I SCHEDULE TOOAY Bultldlel College men -Idaho 111 UC lrvrne, 7 p m. College women -UC Irvine 111 Idaho. 7 p.m, s- High IChoo4 boys CIF Southern Section Oivilion I Quanortlnals. St F11na191 Coron. det Mer, 3 pm .. ~ Oeb at Newpoft H1tbof. 3p.m. ....... College -Chaprm1n 81 VenguMd, 2:30 p.m. Commullity college -Orange Co.et lit Dixie College toumement .. ,,..,... College men -evu a1 UC Irvine, 7 p.m . ... Communlty college men Orenoe Coell • Cyptea, 2 p.m. College women -c.i 5111111 ~at UC lrvroo. 1:30 pm Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2MO l99al Notices 2640 ltQal Notices 2640 legal Notica 2640 Legal Notices .......:C-------ISCl4006 IOOO Of PmTIOtl TOANllSTll ESTATtOf: IOlllT l HATfllJ) Gke IOlllT l& HATfllJ) ce IOllY HATJllD Wl IO. A2U'37 lo "" hf"tr \ hf"11rf1 t ,,.,,,.,. t tf'<f•tnr' 1 uo hnr1•nt '1 td•'"''' .uu.t vet \Oii\ who rn••Y ulh ~tWl)t" tu• 111ftHt"\lr~t 1n lhe Wiii UI Ol~l• UI bolh. nl flotll fl I I 111111 If I IJ ,1k" ROlll fl I llf tl.11 111110 •k·• BOBBY Ut\11II1 0 II Pf !ITION I OR Pfll) BA II has b~en l1lr1I tly I INOA I HAii iii 0 111 lhr <:up"' Htr Com I ol (;,,., lnr011t County ol OH l\NC:I 1111 Pl llllON t llR PROflll If "'ll'~~i. I IN 0 1\ I 111\lrlllll ht' 11ppo1nled ~• PM•nn•I 1e11r,.\enl•ltv• 111 Ml m111Me1 thr '''ft'• ol lhe dece<lllnl !Hf Pl flTION 1 t1111rsh lhe dntdtnl'~ Will •nd cod1 c1ls, •f 1ny. he •dmllled Ill l)lubale lh" Will •nd 11ny rntl•Lll• 11 ~ 1vai11bl• Im "• •n11n11 Iron In the Iii~ ktpl by the coort rnc PCTlllON re\11'"''' •nll1orlty I<> •tlmlnl\le• lh• ot•le unclt'r the lndependt'nl l\dmuu\ h•llOn of f•laltt Ari ( lh•~ Aulhor•IY will 11llow lfl<o pet •1!1111 ltl)l t'Hn '"""' lo lllh m•nv 11Cll(ln5 wrlho<rl obhin 111' cnur l 1pprnv11I ll•lll!.L ti I vr1 y 1mpmfattf Jt( tfUO\ htlWt"Vf'r th,. IJ.,_f '004'' , .. ,ue,enlAhV.. will bf ••·ouired lo Jt•V•' nottee tu 1nlN .. t.lt-fl 1.wt ,OU\ '"''~~' lhcy 11 ... e WAl•Ctl rwt1u: ur 1 0n"4ol'Olfld In 1111• jl!llfJU~elf ACllull ) I he md•11r111l•nl •HI 111101\.t1 .. t1on ,.othtu1tv will be K••inlcd unle"' • ., inlr• e\l~d 1ir1 ~on f1lh ''" llbt<'tt11111 to lhe ptlllll>ll fflld \hf)W\ CO'ld L•ll"~ why "'" COU• I •l11111ld nol t• '"'' lhr ot11fhm1ly f\ Ill l\RIN(: t)lt Uir p~l1t1011 will lw h11ltl on Ml\RCH 18. 7004 Al I 4!> p m 111 De11t I 13 loLatetl .<I l41 lh~ (;1ly 011ve So11t11 Oranar, Cl\ 92868 If YOU OR II Cl to \hi! a• •nlu1ii uf lh11 pehllon. fOU •hOuld •Pl""' •• lhe h11~11n11 ~nd \l•I• y11u1 ob~ctln11• 111 111' wr11ten ohr( """' wrll\ "'" cour I b~l•n' 1110 hu11na Vn111 APJH!M fflll • llt•Y be Ill llM \on or hy you1 .tllorney 11 YOU /IHI II t:llf 01 IOR n• , onl1ncent u~d.IOf ol lh• dhU\ed, ynu l!HISI "~ '""' cl11111 Wllh lhe COUI I <!nd m••• • copy 111 lh• penon•I ••111e~enl•hwt •fll>Olnl•d by the 1 our I w1tt11n lour month• trlHI• Ille d1te ot th• 111•1 "'"•nr• of lelte" "' pro•1~d In P1ob1t11 Code u chon 1)1()0 t II~ tim« IOI fllln& cl11m• wlM nut upl.e before lnuf 1110nlh\ from th• he.,1na tt•I• not1Ce(I 1bon YOU ~y £111\MIHC the tile loept by the COUit. II you are " P~"on rn t~re•led in lh~ "''''' yuu m3y 11'4! w1lh lhe cour I • Re11ue-I lot Spe•11I Noht..e (101tr1 Ol t!>41 ul the hl1n11 •11 "" rnv••t•lot v .-tnd ,...,..,, M!'!ittf ol c\lale u~•el•. m ul MIV ptlll1nn Ill 3\Ullllll a~ pto v1tltHI 10 f't ubatf" Code ~cc Iron 1250 A Re11uesl for Sp•C••I Nulllr form " na1l~blP from lhe court Llerk A"--Y let P9'1t'-n OANll\ llOOllKll tt60ASTllCI. fOUNU.IN VALllY, CA t27M l'ublls hcd Newpor I 8ea~h/Cos1• Mt u Oa1ly Pilot Feb• u•• y ?6. M•• ch 3. 4. XXM lhWl81 IS( 1•11 •na •"11'11D1 TOM• na mAnot: .......... , .... WJ.Y-., ..... , .... tJ.Y-..t.Y ... waawm to all hell,, benth clarle,, Cftcl•IOf'. con t1n1enl c1ed1ton. and f>t!UOn$ who mar olh erwlse be 1,,ternted In the will or eslale. Of both, ot. O•vld !•-s Younc. Oavld I Yount, Oevrd Youn1. 0 I Yovn1. o Youna A PCTITION rOft PRO 8A TE hn bHn !tiff t>y S.ndrt L 81•clowood In ''"' Supet ta. Ca"' t of Ctfllornla, County ol Or enc• till l'f rt llON I Uk rH08,t. II '"'l"•'I) Sani1r~ I 1lla1 kwnncl be Al>IJllllllCd A\ ve• \tlnJI Jepu~'""l,itt1v~ tu rut m1n1\lr1 Ill~ ••~IAh• nl the drvdN1I nil Pl lltlON 1 e4ue•h "'" rtN e1lenl'• Will An1I tudlt 11•· rl •ny, tie a dm1lled lu v10~11le lhr .. , .. Alld illlf t..Ulht..1h •It a;v•llAble tor .,., ~•m11u1 11on 111 th,. l1lr kefJt tty lhe 101111 I HI Pl 11 llllN 1 rque~h •lllhofllY In ndmuu\ler the e~lal• under the lnd~pendenl l\drrunls lr3twn of Etf•le\ llct. ll hi\ ~utho11ly will .11tnw lhe per\01111 reptuen l11hve In !Al.fl rnlfl1 .ullon\ w11ho11I 11hlMn tlli lOUI I "llP• \IYlll Before l•kma c.er l•ln •er y 1n1porlant 1Llrun,, howe•er. the person•I rep1e\entnllve will be reqrnrell lo a•vt nnlke to Interested per so11• unleu lhll~ h"Yc waived nullt.t UI LOrlSMl,d lo Ille P• 11pns11d •rhon.) I he tnc!~pendenl •d n11n1,11•tlon 1utho11ty will bt! 1.110nl1d un .. u an 1nle•e•led person Illes •n obiectlOn lo lhe pelilion and \hows aood uo~ why IM cn1111 should not •rant the •uthorlly II 11r llRIN!l on lht petition will be held on 3/\8/04 11 l .45 p m. In Ote>t l73 localed 11 341 TIHI City Or rvt South. Ot •nee. CA 92& 13 Ir YOU OflKCT to th• 11•ntln1 ol ''"' peltllon. '°" lllould llPPtllf ., the h91rln1 and stile ynu1 Ohf"' ""'" 01 111 .. w111te11 Olli"• hlln\ with the 1 11111 I bf!fote lhfl: h,.attnt Y1)111 -•pp~ttf ~UH• ftt.t~ bf"' HI i,>t•r'\ull \If b y 'fUUI Allmu~y II VOii AR( 11 t:Rf 01 I OR or ~ontln"r nl uert11or ol llrn der e•,el1 you uu"I fHr: yorn t•huni w1lh th•• rnt11 I •nd mn1I • c.opy lo th~ per Wndl sevre~tinl"lt•,. ttvpomlttd by !hf' COUI I w1thm l11u1 month~ lr('m the d~le of lhf' ftr\I '""''"r" nl lellet\ ~' prn••ded 111 P•ob•I" C11de "erho" 9100 lhe llmf' lor ltltna dA110> will flul e1pfre belo•e tnrn mnlllhs hnn1 the he~""R dale noticed above YOll MAY rlll\Mlh{ 111,. hie k~pl hy lhf' courl If you •re • per 'on 10 te111,ted In I~ esu t.,, you may Ille with lhe court • Request lo• Spec1•I Notice (IOtm DI. t S4) ot the fill111. nl "" Inventory ~1111 ~ppr 3i•al ot e\la le "'~eh or ot •ny 11ellliun or Ac1 ount n prov•C'lecl in Prob•le Code section 12!!0 II Re1111e~t 101 Special Nolle• form I' ••••l•ble fr om lhe C:OUI I Ck!1 lo Att.rMy '-P•""-1 ......,. .. '-'· ·~· ((Sii 00260), L- Offtc• ef lter'-'t I . 1-t, APC, 601 •. Pllt'ticNfff Dr., Ste, 101, S... AM, CA tt7H-HO Pul>ll•hed Ne•pOll 8uch/Cosl• Mew 011ty PrlOI r"btu11ty 2fi, Me<ch 3. 4, 2004 ThWl86 ISC HOil ieona Of PmT10t1 TO~ lSTATIOf: lidllll l IMrl'f •• ...,f ... 4Hwrty WUO.An3771 lo ttll h••tt\. hrtwf1 ll#tt tt•\. If f'\(htr11 \. t HU tma••nt 1tr..Hl•H"• ''"'' Pf!r\nr" who rurty oftl ~fWl\f• flp 1#\ll'tl'l'I"\ It\ the! w1tl Uf f~\t;tfto uf both, ol M11 h•rl I Hurray 1•~·' Mu 11•1•1 I dw11rd ll1111 .1v A Pr fl llON I OH 1'1111 Bll'rr h"' h•"" ltlMI hY r1t11cl• I lhll!~Y rn Ill• Su11t1101 l'ow I nt 1 .• 11 lnrrua. r.11unly ol Or ana(' lllL l'l llllllN 1 llR PRORAll 1~1111t•I< I'~ htC•ll I ll111u1y llt •ppolnlcd ii\ P"""""' re11r e\.nt~ll•~ lo 1•d m1nhte• th•• "''•'• 111 lhl.' dcctOenl THE PC 111 ION rrq111•\h the detf!dMI ' Will ~nd 'od"ll~. •I any, h« •dmlllitd to prob11I~ Thr will and l llY COdlCth •1• ••111l•hlo lot taunln• hon tn the "'" k«OI hy lh• court Tiff Pt llllON reque•I• •ulh1><1ty Ill Adn1hll\le1 lhe est•te 1md«• 111~ lndep11ndent l\dm1111l lr•tl<ln ul r'ilalo l\cl ( lhts tulhorlly wlll allow Ille pe!\On•I l~Hen tallwe to t .. h man, K l!On" wllhool nbl•m· Ina COUI' •PP' onl Befort l•~ifl• ce1 taln •ttY lrnpo.t•nt acltoni. howe11t1. the pet w nal • f ----,,.,,,,.,,. .. ,,.,, ... ,. ¥11'tfl h,. , .. Ht1t1,.,I ht ~t''f'" ,1"'" fl to m t• r••· lrtt p .. 11.tlft\ tint.~,, Utt·• h.tv• WA1vrtt no\"1 •U I llW.•·Olt•1t \u lht• ptopo"1cl 111 fm11) 1 h1• 1111h·&1~tul11ut .•ti ilOIU\h 1tt11111 ,1uthu11ty Wiii h1· Khtflf,•1f ltflfr ..... ••f1 •• ,,~, ft\h •tt ., .. , \011 f1t1•\ 1tll uh11•1 t111U to lhJ1 1wl1fu111 •Hid 'ol111w•. l(l•Od • 1111\•1 wf1y ltw <uutl '\hn11ltt out ,,,,wt tt1 .. ,rnfhurtty II 1111\HINI. "" lhr ,,,_t1hn11 Wtll )1 .. tfftflt 00 ll?'l/011 •I I d~ 11 "' '" 111•111 I I I ftu .1letl .11 I~ I lh1• r.11v n ... ,. s .... 11 •• nr . .nR•. c:fl 'i}h 1 I II YlllJ 1111111'1 I•• lh~ J(l itHlmR or fhP fH'ltftHfl, you \htmht l\J1\U •" 4~1 I lw h,.,,ltotl ,,11tt \t,tlt YOlll ufttr( lfol1~ Of ftft• Wt l tl1•0 ohl''' '"""with \ht•"""' b,.fut,. fhf' h.-.u 111g Yow AplJrtH f'fll~ mny t).-tf1 1•-• '"n 111 llv you1 ,.1101 n•v II YOU 11111 II l:fll DI 1 OR lit l1111ll11 ~Hll er rr'lttn! 111 11,,. 1lm ''"'"d· fOu mu•I 111,. ynur d•m• w1lh lh~ com I ~nd m•1I " C'.O\ly lei lht 11-1-onal r"fJ•~ .. ~nt ~ ..... "''''""""" by lht iou1 I w1lh111 lour ninnlh' h ""' !hr d~lt ot lh~ l1"t "'u•ui:., of lette" ~· pr(IYld~d 1n 1'1 oh•I• Coil~ \ICllun 9100 The Inn• 1111 flhnA d11lm' wlll nol uplre b"l0<0 I0111 111onlh• hom 11\e hH11na (1,1, nohrecl above 't()ll Ml\V f llAMIHf the file hpt by lt1t1 cntttl II r11t1 If e • f>('llon In l•l~\l"d In Iha U llll•, you m•y lite with the , ow t .1 U1tt111t •.I lur \v•)' •·•I Null• r ( 1<11111 Uf 1 '>4 > 11f Ito• flluw ot .1n """"rtlor v ,met 11111u .tl"utl ut 1 •.t ,,,. ,, •• ,.,. "' nl IUIY IH'ltlum HI ,.,, 1111!01 ~' prnvul11tf 111 fltolMIC Cn•h• '"' '""' l/110 II Req111·1ot '''' ~,.,,< 1.11 Nnfu ,. fm1tt 1•1 +t'l.ul.tfllf' h orn ttw, 0111• • h·t~ Atterney f., '•""-" J-• f . WllflelM. t.,.. (CSI • 0715), ,...,._ lerl, Tyl•r, w1.,.,.,, w111i.1... a w.1,.,.,. Ur, HOJ Moln St., Ste. IJOO, lrvl-, CA 92tl4 P11hl"h~1I Nrw1rnr I lie•• hfC.Ml11 Mt1\K OA1ly Ptllll I "h""'' v ?Ii M~n h 1,4,i'(llM lhWlfi9 To all h~h \, l.l~nnlt CIArte\, ~· ~d1to". con hn~ent oedllori. .. nd Pf'• ~nn' whn mAy Olll fttWt!ltf' b~ IOl~ta\tfHt IU the '*Ill 01 .. ,tAll!, Ot both or Pl\UllN[ Wll !lON A l'I 11 llON I OH ~'RD Bl\ tr ll•• hetn lll~d by CU~N OISMANC 1n tilt Super lur Cour I ol CAii l0tm•. C:o1111ly 111 Or •nc• . lHC PL TlllON f OR PROl\Atr ltQuu l' GU NN 01$Mll.... bt •Pt>Olnltd u l)f!nonat rtp1otnl1hv~ In ad mlftlstet llM u tal.. of tbt dsctdent 1111 Pl llllON '"''""'" lhe devd~111 " Will <111d tnd11 rls 11 .. ny. bt .1dr111ll1·d lo µr ob•le lhe Wiii Mlf.1 •nv 1.l>tlll•I~ Ar@ ••V<t•l·•bte 101 t>.dm1ntt lion 111 lh1· 1111' lluvl hy th'''mut flll l'I llllON ltllU~"'' .111lhn11ty to ~•1111111""'' lln• '"1•1" 1mdm lhe l11rte11e•Hle111 Admin1\ trAltOO !Jf (,!alto' 1\(1 (I ht~ Aulhnnly will .tllnw th~ c> .. r\on~I ,,.p'.-''" 1 .. 11ve to hke m~ny ~• lloo' w1lh1111t ubt•n• "'i •our t •O\" ov~• 8elore 1 .. k1111 c~1lain ~Ny lrn1101 l1111I •••llton,, hnw11v~1, the l'P' 11()1181 I ~11•t•~•1IRll•e Wiii he r~qul1~d to t• .. 110110 lu 11\le1 e''"'' l'""ons 111111''' they h•V• W&IYtd 11ohlt 0t con,tnled lo !he 1>rupo~•d •Lhon ) fh n 1nd"11endr11I e1I m1nl\l11t1011 'uthorily will h• ll• Anletl unlo\\ All 11•ler•1tet1 person Ille' '" objllcllon lo lhe 11clll1011 ... 111 \how• aooll <•••'f why llle 111111 1 •houkl not 11 Anl th11 i1ulho111, A Ill ARINC on lhe o•llhon will he h11ld on J/25/04 ,, 1.4~ p "' 1n Dept L 73 louled 4l 3A I lhe City 0.1•11 Soulh, Ounce. t:ll 92613 II Y(IU 0811 Cl to tlttl llr an I ult of lhtt petition. you 1hould eppe•r •I lh• hlt111l111 end ''•'• yo11• objecUont °' ltl• written obje(llOllJ with lht COUii btfOt • Ille t1e111n1 Yo11t •oPelr e11ca mey be •n ptnon or l>J your ellotney If' YOO ARE II CltE.Oi ' 1 OR 111 1 11111111~~111 t '"chtm nf lt1., t1t1t '"'-" .. d you mu~t 111,. volu , •••un w1fh UH• \ utu t 4'Utl rtfJll " u1v~ to llu uh 'u""' t eprc•.r1tl"'t111• ;1p1H1t11t••d by lhr ~uni I Wlllllll lu111 m o1'tl" h mn lht• <i"'t'· ot the fu<\f 1\,un111,. nt tt•tlf'I' ,,, IH fpJtff Ptl Ill 11t1)tM'I' r.u(t1• 61t'\ \H:U\ 910U lhr luur 101 hh111: da1nu wilt tuit • >11111 h"tOrf"i tum 1m>nth~ ti um th~ h"'" mp tf,•fr no tic ,.d •boy~ YOU M/\Y I '>.M~lNI th~ ltlr k•1•I hv Urn • ''"' 1 II yiou ._., r ~ pru •wu 111 le11-.lrd 111 lhr ~''"'"· vn11 "'"V hlr with th~ COUft ·' Ht'llUffl"'t fur Spec1~I Nnl11 • (lru "' Ill l~I 111 lhe 111111~ ul i1n HIVt'nfnr y Amt """' 'u'"' ol e~141l' A•~•h "' ol ""V j)ehhon 0< 111 n111n1 "' 111<1•1tlrll 111 Pr •lb•le Code 'fl' tHtn I :>'..0 A Requut to1 ~1•••·••1 Nohce ft11111 I• <1w~1lable tr om tho coutl c1,, II Att-y f., Petttl-. PAJIKll I . MC .... , •• ISO., UU I CAIOT ao.. • 1o1, u.•uMA MllU,CAtttU f'ubll'h•d N•wpotl 8eec:h/Cosl1 Me,. Ot•ly Pilot reblu8ry 6. M11ch J. 4.100' lhWl88 SELL your stuff through classified! M l'JuSCS.y, Fet>tu.y .26_._2004..._. __ _ lelll..... -........ -llpt ... ~~~~~~~~~ ....... .......... .......... ... ....... ......... ... i...... -......... lhl• b"•lneu " t ot1· dllt hd b1 l•mlled L11b1llly Ca IOllCI• .-X&mWI ............ , ........ ( .. '--21100-tt)07 ltnloc. •• llerelly 11v•n by ttw. 11ndw< ~cned that ~ pubhc l"n HI• ot Ille fullu.,.11111 lltH fllied v-• \Un•I llfOIHf ly wlN be 1w1r1 •I the hoor ot 11 o ckK~ A M on tht 4th ll•'I nl M••1oh, 20<M. fuur1ly or 0i •nt•. State ol C•hl()(no• !he l>'oV ••ly •~ >I Ortd b1 INUO•AGI <OUA MU A, llx•l•d •I 10U NIW,OU llVD., con• MIU, CAU- f0.NIA UU7. Tile f11llow11t1 jMtno"' .,, ~I 11.i\!Mu • McC«m•c• & f Mrow, 949 Soillh Coe•I 0. h••· S1>1t• 420, Co\la ... ~ •• CA91616 l<lrry M f au ow, 17!> w >un1c>e10. s.11 Cl•tti enle. CA 92672 •ble on 0t about r •b r11ao 24, 200f ,., the Moote C:1111111, 15J8 8roollhollo•. Sulla ')1 Santa Ana. CA 92/0!I, Tel. (114) 7SI 555/, FH ('714) 151 '55% .• llOtl refv..O.llle paytMnl of 1215 IM"' .. 1. adclfhOn•I Sl!t 101 ma1flnc Alm I••• Johnson llGU•l•INUr P•e •a11111c Wat• C.rhhed '•11011 I he loltowonc 11111 •On~ ., • dOfflll bullne•" n B101dw•1 Pl{t I llS, 210 Newport Cenler Of•ve. S11•t• 100, Ntw· ClOt I 8Hch CA 9?fi60 fh• tollowma 11•••0•" art Clo•ni bullnHt n Alt..,111 C•owth Mo1n •a•mcnt llC. 9571 C"'•Y Cllue Or .. ll11n· """°" 8uch, CA 92646 fl••• you >l••ted doma busintuJ.el' No J60 Cn .. once Spoth, UP, l\ewtn Htrbt•I. P.-1ne1 I~" >llltment wo. fried with the Coonly Cletli. ol Ot '"•e County on 02/06,/'04 !OM4t1H .. tlltd with the CcH.ont 'I Cltrli ol Otance County on 01/30/04 ,......,,.., Da1t1 Pilot I tb !I'. 12, 19, 26, 2004 Th135 Kenneth l Thompson, 18111 P.,,....ltH, Y1U. t'a••. CA 9166/ RruodWIJ P••C I. LP, (CA). 110 Newporl CA!nt•• O.rv•, SI.Ill• 100. :;e:gort 8••Ch , CA Alle&flt y Cro .. th M4tllle1111nl LL C IOelwa11). 957 I Chevy Ch•ao 0. , H\lnhnrtUtt !Inch. CA 92646 Oa1ty P1lol reb l 2. 19, 26, Met 4. 2004 fh 146 r ht lollowona penont •• c do111a b11tln..u H . Spart.tin& Clun. 27062 r a1t1na 1 ••I O•IWt. I acun• 11111,, CA 92653 Ill• 1tfm• tu be >Old ,,,, t••fl••ally d .. uibed •\ lolluw~ (;loll11n11. luflh •t1d 01 Ol htr hout•holll rlefl1> tlO•td by the loll1,1w1111t p.,1~11s ...... , .. (( .... •M'HM ... COM'f U10 McGOVUN, 11IOY Hff GOIDC • ...,.., IJIO GAJrMQ.-. ... ,~a.snNI ... HAAllMO.., MIMDOU. DIMr It 12U fOl n. mc>WID ( ... MNQY, MMOMl (121 CAlMOUM. 9Ctl I I IS tTMY~ MICMMl ltM W'lSl, MKMMl U.O ~llMY .,,, ~r.-v 1222 lHOM~N. MUNIT Clot thltlf I 7I10A ~11urd M.,,,...,,..,"' flt1\ not~ • I\ trven Ill ,., c md•O• f with '""' 11• llVl\•Un\ 01 'ltr hon /I I()() ,, U\I Of I~ ll1lllll\ .. ~ ~ f'I ule\\10n\ I od~ ot Ill~ St•I• of l'otklo<n•• 5t lH Wlll"l I 10 fl' lllf • Af1celltllon 111 lhv ftvrfll or ~•lltement 11<>twre11 OwM• .-ud Oblf~•l•d .. ~,,~ Newpu1 I 8u• h/C!»la Moiu Dall; P11<ll I ebt u MY 19 ?f>. ?()().t lhl!i~ .......... ... -.... l h• lulh1w111c P•"Oll\ ., f dom" bu'"'"'" '' Monlll•11 I entt• 11:; 710 Newpnr I C.enh1 ll11vo Su1I~ 100 N•w vu•I lju1 h I.A 91661) Monie ldn Cent cl ll I I CA I l/I) N1 w1rn1 I 1.~111., 011vt 0,11110 100 N~wpo1 t Bo •<.ti I.A •):?()!,() Tl~ I QU•ll•., II 11 C (i'A) 'l21'1 Wot \un••I Uo11l••••O Sutle liJ'l I u> "'1~rlr1\ CA 92(,(,() lnl\ l/U\llHt\\ t\. t()t'I rturt~d l>y I en•nh 111 l ... omnmn ll•v• yn11 \l•r 1111 0011111 hU\H\~'S ff'I I YI'\ U)/01 1;>00.t Mnult l•n C •111~1 111. 'nnll I R111011•ni Mot1•1tt1 f ht\. ~t•t,mrnt wa\ ltl•d with tit• Cvunty f'leo lt. ol 01•ucr Cuvnty 11u07?0/04 1000t1SSU IJd1fy 1'11111 I •h 7b. M., .t II 18 ?004 111211 ----- ...... " l r t1eclm•11. n Seulew Ori•• It • lloHlnt Hllh ( tlillH, CA 90274 c .... l l'llclj>•. 19426 Noit11 81th 0.1ve, Pe611a, AJ85382 lem.\ D Wade 2019'1 S•1t11mer l •ne. Hun hnaton Buch, CA 92646 Jellrey r McOermott. 111!1 Catn11o s . San Clemente. CA 92672 Kenn•tll M. Berlo• 31191 c,11., Bole<o, San Ju•n Capl\h ano , CA V2675 fh,. bU\lllU) ll con dut lcd by. • c•n•tal perln•t>h"' llo• you '''°'led do1n1 bu\lllH\ )'ell Yeo 1:1/01/19414 >erry M r lllOW 1111~ >latem111t wn hied with the County Cle•• or Ot 1n1• Cuunly on 0?/13/04 IOCM .. 74720 D•tly Ptlot f eb I 9 16. M•• 4, ll, 2004 Thl77 SlAlllafOf WIT*AWMllOI , .... OfBA•-AOITIOllS MES- ' h• loltow•n1 pet •On nu w1lltdr1wn f\ a tM•'41 P8• Iner from the 11•rlllef\h•P op et 1lll'C 11nll•• IK lotoous hu,rnn' neme ul McCut mact. & r •"ow at 949 South Cont Ot 10. Suite 420 Cost• Mou CA 926?6 Th• I •~hllou• llu'"''" Name reletted to •bo•t wo loltd 1n 01tnt1e County un I 1/09/(11 f olc NI> 200 llill8273~ I ull Name •ncl Addi ts\ nl tne l'toson With dr "w1na Stephen 0 II e•bel 746~1 t •l•lon11 l'u d e M1<s1<1n Vtcf(I (.1 <12691 Stephen U r teibel lh" 1t<1t•n1,nt w•\ llled with the rounty C1e1k or ll• •n4e County nu ~/I l/04 1000t74711 Cl•1ly Pliol Feb•u•• y 19 26 M11 4 11 7004 thl/2 llOOO IMm& TO• ,MUICT rnu. "•'"< S11n•I Antomo P•rk11uy •nd Covent1nt. l •<k•• R•nch. f1•ct 15987 MASJH Dl\lflO,H1 RMV R••llr. Inc ,LAMS & \Pl<Si Av111 •bl~ on m about I tb ..... y l ?004 ., lht Moute Group, 15311 6111o"•ollow Suite 57 'i•nl1 An•. CA 9?705. llO l<NIDUU1 II•• ... Mao ch 4. 2004 @ 2 00 p (!\ , ...... febfuary 26, 1004 @ 10.00e m l••Uta't UTIMAH1 Sl90,000 Publ1>hecl Nt •PCI' I Buch/Colla M•a D11ly Piiot I ebrn.,y 73. 24. ~. 1', 21. :>8. M"ch I 2. J, 4, 2004 ""930 ........... ... s...... fhe followl111 p.,aoui 11e do1n1 bl(•lfwtss H F V Ne•hllpe TIS. 210 Newp0tl Cenlet Oflo. Suite 100. l'hwport 8ut ll, CA 92660 IV Newho~ Ret11I. llC (CA). 210 NtwPOtt Ccnlet Ori••, Suite 100, ;~01 1 Buch, CA llS f quthH I. ll C (CA). 92l9 Wot SunHI BOt1loa1d. Suite 60? Lol Anaele), CA 92660 Thl5 bu~lnn\ ts con ducted by I enanh 1n Common 11-.e you lterted do1na b111ine n ytt7 Yts, 02/0lno<M FV Newhope Rel.ii, llC, Scot\ l Burnham, Men11., Thll ~l•lamanl we\ flt.d with lh• County C"uk ot Onna• County on 0?/t'0/04 20046t1SSO D••lr Ptlol Feb 26. Mtl 4. I . 18. 2004 Th21 I Alm. ..... ... ,....... r11a lollOWtflC PfJrMln> If• d1un1 bu"OU\ o OD,M. 25052 G11uom Road L •c11n• H1lh. C•lllu1 n1• 926!13 D111 Paul Duo Khlne•~u :>~? Gt1\\01n llot d l •c11n• Hill~. t:•hlo1 n1• 9?6S3 M•da•••n• 0111 Khhle\tU 20557 Gr "'0"' Rutd L1cun• Hill• C•l•l()l lllA 976~) 01noel lo•n Ou1 Rht n<llr u 70)!17 C11\\0m Ho111 I aau•u 1t1lh, C11itorn11 92653 H .. e 1ou •la• led dmna b1111no\ yet' Ye~. St01/200J D•n I' •ul Our Klllne\( 11 lhl\ \l•leonent .. o hied with the Cuunly Cle• k 111 011uae Cn11111 v on 02/2)/04 2004 .. TSIU 0•1ly Pilnl I eb 76, Mai • l l 18 ?004 lh700 Actl.W.. ... -..... r.1 (II•/ /)I ~!JS/. Th• lullow1nt1 ptt>on\ ,._...... '"' (/IA/ /~I•'>!>:>. • "" dO"'C t11n1neu o ... ~ n<>" ••lund•bl" p•ymMt •> Summ1. B> ~utnfn• -otS7'>Pft "'' •ttd1hot1•I Reau, 1n Int f \lo 111~ l11ll11w111-P•I ~on> SIO lut ni.11tnc iono. 'i•n C:llt1ncntt CA llS LQ1>11tn Ill 11 C (CA) 9?19 Wl\t SunMt Bourevord Suitt 602. LO\ Ancei. •. CA 92660 lhis bu\lnan •• con ducted by I tnA11 h 1n Commo11 llave you ''"''•d dome bu~ll\H_~ ret1 y,., OVOl/2004 B1u•dw1y Pt•c 1. lP 8y Burnhom USA [q U•ho. Im. , (CA C0tpl GP. lll••n• llot .. dt. Pte...O.nt fhll statement w•• 11 .. d with the County Cletk ol Ounae Co11nt1 on 02/20/04 ' 2004 .. 7SSJ7 D11ty Pttol r eb 26 Mai 4 11, 18. 2004 f1121l Re-. ..... ......... fh• lollow1n1t peuon• are duu111 busrneu as: N••POl I llt1tlol [ 1 ecu· hve Su11u . 1300 8ristot St1ee1 No.th, Suite 100. Ne•por l Beac h. CA 92660 t11lbart llmtol Pall· na"h1p, I LC (CA). 1300 Brl•lol Strul North. Sulle 190. Newpod Bo ch, CA 92660 Th1.s bullf\Us I• con dueled by limited I ••blhty Co If••• you •1-•ted d11111t bus111eu yet' Yes 111/ 04 H1lbe1I Bmtol P.111 nel\hlp l lC, Carla Mo 1 tl1tnd, Ce n et ti Mt nattr fh11 1t1tame111 wu filed with the County Cler~ ol Chante County o n 0 I /30/04 2004 .. 73011 O••ly P110t r eb :. I l. 19. 76 ?004 111119 ~ ...... ... s.... I he lollowmr prl\on' Mte doma bv\ln.-.,, a\ One I 0111.h llM•an l /7'XI lttwhol)" Sl •20J, r uunt .. n Volley CA 9l10ll ~r11ll I D•fle• ner, 11no N9whu1>• St •703 r oun'•"' Y•ller l.A 9:>108 I hi> hU\llteH I\ l (Ill due led by An 1odr••du•I 11 .. e you ,,., t•ll doma hu'",."' 'tot' Yo 10 I 199J '>cott o.u~rn•• lh1\ \l41emenl wn l1led w1t11 Ille Cnu111y Ct~•• ol 01 •nve t.uunty Url 02110/()4 2004'91SS14 f>11ly 1'11111 I ~II 76 M•• • 11 18 ?004 lh?CM •I• dome ti11\111•u u llQUl .. MINH1 Pre 9161? lh• ll•ntlil Atl•n< alt\ •••ltt1e W•ve Ctohhed Julto C M•nth~11u 127 lhe l11llow1ui l)ft1\0n• ' 't1111n1e 11111 I •ne Pa11oll Cut (\C•lon~s. ~ .. n •re dome IJU\ln~" "' I Ail•",. thll\ ("A 92i>'> l llD SCMlOUllr 9141 Clemente. CA 92677 8t1dR• Ca pit al f'"' P 'S•n O"'ll" A'""'"'" o-MorLI>. 7004 •I C h 1 1 ~I ,• n e B 1700 W Cuol llwy St" tm (t • .\I J'>'>O C•r111110 the Moot• Cioup 1538 M•ll<haao 1n I ut 215. Newpo11 Re•d• CA d•I HHl Nmtn ~Ult• i'O(, Brnu~hollow Suite SI, L u 1tnnn San Cl•m 9266J '>1111 ll"ll" t.11 9?IOI! s4ut• Ano, CA 91705, ante, CA 9:>61' I rberty r ulfOC••I lnr '"'' l1u\ln"' " rnn-Tel (714) 151 !1557 lh1• busine~\ ,. con (CAI 7100 W Coo t rtull•<I hy • lDPOf•hnn ING9NUl'S lSTIMATlr ducted lly llvsb•nd •nd Hwy •71'.> Newpotl ••••• you •l•rled <lutna 1160 000 wile Bur h CA 9?663 .... ,.nr<S yrtl l'11bll\hod H.wpo• t ll•vc you \IAll80 no1n1t fhl\ bu•m••• " <0'1 '"' 11•07 1•,.i., Bu<htCosl• Me•• D•tly bl"'""" yet' duded by A •011><1• .. t1un "~" O••Mn ll»Ot•"I•• •. Pilot I eblu••Y l3. 24, No It .. ., you •l••l~d tlnK•k 1111 ll.v11t N rot•l\4'1\ ?'; 1fl 77 78 M h t luho C M1n<h•iO bll\'""" vol' Yo l'r•\ld•lll I J 4 °1004 • 11~?9 Cllin1JM111 B MM11-ht;tu 114/04 ltll\ \l•l•ul-.11 "'"' fhl\ \lAleffiofll Wa\ l1bell1 f 111~!1<1•1 fUl ltlf'tl w1llr th• Cuunty IOOOIMm&TO• llltd '"'tltl th• l:ounly M1ch•el I Hunt~•lntc! r\rr ~ ut ll•,111e• t111111ty ,.OJICJ Jlfllr t:f O Ci.-tk ol Ofan~,. C1111uty Pon•d•nl 1111 117 01>1()11 Storm Duin•ll~ on~ fhl\ star~m•ul w.s 20046t1400 I OWN H r Orocc\t nl 2004697.00S hl•d •rlh lhe County 11 .. •ly P11111 I "h 17 19 O"nlt 0 •11• Pilot feb 17 19 Cl•rl< nt Chana• Cou11ty X. M•1 • :>o04 lhl'll ""' ' on O~n01CM l .... ..;;.;;;;;;;;;;;...L~PlAlt;;;;S;:;;;;;&;;:ll;l;(;i;1 ;A;•;•1;IJ.;<~v,M;;;;";;4;2004;;;;;';";'~~J 20046t7SSJJ '..ubti>CI tu cond1l1un\ p1oc11bed by lht Un1Wen11y ol Cal1to<n1a, Irvine •ul~d l>Hh Im • lunw '""' conh1d aie 1n~1led 101 the lollowme Wo1k fNG4NllJllNG lAIOblOllY fAOITY ~ STllONGWAU IWIMINTS NOJICT NO. " I UNIV{#ISIYY or CAllfOflNIA, IRYINE IRVIN( CAllfOllNIA DHCalPTION Of WO.•r Con•huct rtl11n1n1 w•ll• roncrel• p•f tnd \llOfl( sl•b 1d1uen1 to ~•1\11111 ~na1nec11111 l•boi.lo•y l•t 1hty Wo1k 111cl11do the demohhun ol ••l\l111r \hu~lv•••. K••d•na, uttlllln 1elm•111on ind cu11\huclln1 c1•I in pl.-1 ~ 1e1nlo<<ed lOnt••I• •tr uctut H woth \~Llhed 1nchot1n1 embedment f •l•n••l•d Ct1n\l1 UC hon Co•I $6!;0,000 00 11001• QUAllfKAllONS1 ,,,_ ...... , we.. 49 ,.., •••t 1tM ......... ~ .. t .......... (-ed o.c-.. ~ -~ ..... a.It ... ....... P1•-..................................... "-· -.... ,., ... p<Hf4e4 ~y Ill. lhtlvaolty .. • ~t te tlM 114 '-· ,.O<llHlllS: Blddinic d<H umouh woll be 011ltble •I 2.00 r.•., JHUISDAY, fllltUUY 26, 1004, •nd will be '"u•d ontr at IJt SICN & CllNS IRUC llON SlllVICl.S. Un••8tstly ol C1t1f0tn••. t•vme ~201 C•l1lorn1• A•tnue, S111le 2!><l, lo wine. CA 92ii97 21150 Phone Ho (949) 112• 6630 ttolhne (949) 814 811 7 t he<k> 101 • -·••......._ '" wtll ~ requited 111 lhe omouul of S:IS.00 11•• vi ot l!tdcl•ns Oocumtnb Ct•ec•' ••• tu be m•cJe 11•v•bl" to •tht R~a•t1h ul th• Un1vt•,•ly ol C•hl0tn11· ll1ddrna dnr nmonh will b• ••11t4blt 101 voe.,.1n1 •I tho lnllnwon~ plan ffllfftl lflUlto•n be~;~~ 7 00 PM, I hUISd•y. I ebr UAry 76. 7004 f.W. c....,..y(Mt0r-M•<-"-tl•) ll '.o South Towne Centre Place, Sutt• 100. Al>the1m, CA 92800 AllM1hon M\ 1<.wft C.bon l'tMll\ll I (114) 937-0831 F•~ 1 (114) 937 0017 ~o • .........., 11_. <-lntctleR .... , 1111 South Stale~ .. 8oulevtrd, Sutle 160. Anaheim CA 9?fl06 AnMtion M-. K"'''-Mcwi.omt Ptn. • (871) SIJ6.93/I I aa I (IVll 116 1001 0-....... , , ...... <...t .. -• .... ,, ... rl llte Vloll will 11~ conrh11 led nn ,., .. ...,, M•d1 t , t004, h•1rnnln1 ptomptly al IO:JO A.M. P•rhcfl)onl\ \htll meet •I Um•ef\•lv ol C1lilo1n11. trv1ne Onrkfl ' ContllUllK>n Serv1t o Sull1Wan & Wfl&hl Cont~renGe Room, 5201 C11i101n1~ AY•. Suite ?5-0 lrnnt. CA 9769/ ?•:><> (949) 1174 fifi.10 Only 1lultlo1> who P••tf('1pat1 rn IM Pro Bid Conl-renc" •nd Prn,..~t Sile Vhll, Ill th~11 •nllf•ly, •Ill be allowed lo bid on lhe 1'101«1 1•.,11c1p~nh mu1t """' •I or belortt IOrto A.II. Pe.,ons aor1vrna lolot lh•n IOriS AM wolf nut be ello,.e4 lo bid" p;ilfHI COl>hlCIOt\ on the Poo,et.I r or lu•tller 1nlo1m1hon. conlacl lh~nda Due11 u 11 (949) 824 953b. at 0•"1"' Con51!11rllnt1 S~twicn, Untve•\lly nf C•htoll'ua. h~1ne .... -·· ... r"_..., ... ..., ... 6H1 fto~. I ront Coul'I••. Dnlcn & Conslrnclton 54,.1(" Un1n1 "'Y n( Cohtorm1, l1vin1, !>701 C1hlt1•n11 Avenu1 Suite ~ trwln~. CA 9269/ 24!>0 Phon1 No (9'9) 824 fi630 ' 114h _, k r9Cef¥ .... • kf.,• 2.00 , .... WtMU•AY, •MCN 11, IOCM. .:"••I•~ .......... I.OS, .•. , WIDltHDAY, MAlt<N 11. to04, Un1ve,.1ty ol Caht0<"'•· Irvine, DHlf" & Con\l1~hlln Sen lCe\ !>?01 Cohl11tnla Avenu11. ~1111• ~. lmne, CA 9ff.91 ?4!>0 ll•c! S•c11rlly In th" •mounl of 10' ol lht lun>11 "'"' bna bid, • ·~1ool11c •lletn.tl9\, •hall Ktomp•ny n t h bid. Tht \llttly l\luln• the Bid 8011d thtll ba. on the bid dteclhnt. an admltttd \Uttly lnJurtt (n daloned In the Calltor n11 Codt of Ci.II Procedure Sect111n m I ?0) All ln•uranC• poltctH 1111u11ad to bt obl•m•d b; Cont1ect0t ~•II be 1ub111ct to t pp;ovel br Un•wat\rfy IOf '°"" end •ub•tance All pollcoes required hy Uniwe,,111 for Commtt(ltl f0tm Otneral llebllttr., 8u1ln•u At1tomoblle l ieb111ty, C•ct" lltblllty, and Prolntlontl L11bll ty ~aH bf Issued 111 comp•nle' '"'" a htl R•llnc ot A 0t 111Jlltw, and a financial cl•ulfkahllll ol VIII ot bittier (0t •n eQUhralenl "'"'I by Shnd111d tnd Poor'• or Mooclr '') AH pnhcln 1e1111••cl ~Y Un1wer111y toi WO'h "' Compet1ut1on •net f mployeu I ••bllily 11t1M be ""~ by comp1n1H (t) tllet h••• • 8t•I Mat1n1 of 11• 0t IMllltl, and • ff411111<11I cltulflcahon ol VIII or better (Ot 1n t1111lv11tnt relln• bJ SU1nd11d end 'OOt'• ()( Moody',), 0t (Ii) that ••e 1cc119t11* to lht Ulllvttally. All such pollclea t hall be w1 llltn for not ltu then 11141 at11011nt1 '91!(11ltd In the Blddl111 OoculMnh. TM •utcntful 6 kldt!r end lh tullcontra,tort will be ttcllllf't«I to folio• the nonclr1cr1m1nahon req11lttlfteftla s.I fOftlt In Ill• 81dd1n1 Doc11mtnh incl tn P•Y pttullln1 ••I' rttff et 11141 lontlOll ol tht Wor• Th• 1ucc1ufuf 81ddtf •Ill .,. requtled lo hot Ille lot1o .. 1111 C•llfornl• conf1ecl0t'• li«nN c11tr•nt •I tllt lllN of 11141 llcl °"4tnln1 UCMI OAH•KAncNtt UCIN COMa Gttlfnf 8ulldlnt Contuct0t 8 THI ltl Gf'NJS Of THI UfltlVfR~lY or CAllr04tNIA U111venlly of C.tifotnt•, ltwlnt, r 1blutt1 '°°4 Publtslttd l'Nwport 811,lt/Co'ta Meu Oeily '"°' I •"u"y 7', Me"ll • 200t l'JtlM D•1ly Prlol I eb 26 M•• 4, 1 I 18. 7004 Th216 ,__ ...... ... s...... th• follow ma per<ons •• t duroa busm~\s a\ (\LIOW D11etl, '!000 Buch St \I• lOO Nowpor t Ile•• h. C'.A 9?600 See way r "'""'••I. Int (CAI 'i()()() 811th SI Sit 300, Newpnr r Beach CA !176(,() 1 h" bu>1ne" " 1 on dut l•d by a 1 nr pnr •hon ll••t ~~" ''~''"' ~911111 bu\111e\~ yft > Nu 5•1\WAy ( 1n~n1 IAI, In' P•meld Sl~w11 I. fire" 'hrnt ftU\ \fAt'9tt1'tnf WI\ toled .,.,,,. lh• t.01111ty CIM ~ "' u. •fltl• County nn 0?/?0/04 2004 .. 1SS73 o.11y P1101 r eb 26. "'" 4 II. I fl 11)04 Th70':i ~ ..... ......... lht tollowina pel\on .. •• • dolna bu\1nn~ u II M SPORIS, 18:10 W 01 ~nr•wood Ste ?08. tlunae. CA 9?868 lfM USA. Inc . CCAl. 1810 W Ounaewood. Suite 208. Ounae, CA 928611 Th" bu11ntu '' con due teel hy • cor j)l)f allon II••• you )farted d01nt bu•lneu yel1 Yu . 12/6/ 02 If M USA. Inc . M•tk Oonnelly l'tt\ldenl Th,. dat1ment "'" filed with th• County Clet-ot O.anc• County on 02/13/04 ,... .. 7417S Oarly Pilot feb 19, 26. Mar 4. 11. ?004 lh 118 ........ ... ,....... lt1t lollow1n1 peo,ons 111e cloiflt bt1\lnns n l•mu W t 1nus111, Ir , CPA. CVA. CH . 7500 c '""*"I ttwy, S111te :>GI 252. Bru, CA 9Z821 l•h"I W l•ntHltr, k . 1920 Wooden Drive, f'l.ttfttlt, CA 92870 Thll huAlntn It con· clutlad by an tncllvldual Hl¥t you t\M led dllina bil•"'-" Jtll Yts, l 1·2004 larnu W ltl>C••I•, If Tltl~ tlatement w11 llftd with the Co1111t1 Cler• of Or•rtee Covnty on~ ,....., ... , 0.11, ,Hot , •b 12. 19. 2t, Mlf •. 2004 Thl52 Thi' bu\u1eu I\ con ducttd by 1 ltntl•d I 11b1llly Co 1141•• ruu ll•l1d do1t1C bu,lno• yat7 No Scott Jo'l'lpn luaru Sr , P1tlet I lt1• •t•lem•nl wo toted with the County Clerk of Oun1• County on02/0i/04 2004 .. 7Jff4 0•1ly Pilot feb 12, 19, 16. MAt 4, 2004 Thl4~ ........... ......... lh• lollow111~ patson• era dolflC bUSllWIU 4' Bleck C1b P11ll*s. 140 Newpotl Center Dr .. Ste, 100. NewpOtt BHch. CA 92660 Slaph1n H Motchall, 361 2Znd St • Costa Men. CA 92627 Rochard Mt•nt y. 2540 Ynl• B•y•. Na,.pott Baach, Cf. 92660 Th•l bu.ineu l.l ~on ducted by' 1 1ena11I p., lntllhop Have you ll.,lad dotnt bus1n1u yet? Ito Steph•n H Mllch•tl tn1& steltment ,.., fUtd with llM County Clerk of Oumn County on 02/20/04 2004'97U7S D"IY Pilot f eb 26, M11 4, I I, 18, 2004 lh703 ........... ... -..... lhe follow1n1 person• are dome t>usutes\ u C. F0<lunes Really. 6881 Ptt\ldfft 01 , Hunllnaton Buch. CA 92648 Joe N Wu , 688t Pr~s1d11> Or . Huntm11ton Buch. CA 92648 Sheil• C Wu 6881 Pie11d10 Or . Hunl111rton Beach CA 97648 l1t1s llu\lneu I\ con du <t~d by • 101nl Yt!illlUlt! Hlvt' yuu •l•l led 1101111 llu<1ntt\ y@I' v ... 9/1/96 IOI! N Wu She1t1 r. Wu lhos •IAlflment wn liled with Ille Cuuuty C:l~•k ol O••nee Couuly un 02/10/04 2004H7U .. O•tly P1l11t I eb I?. 19, ~ 4 200A Thl58 The lollowtn& P"' ""'' ~r • dorna b11>1nt'~ n S!ll I 'l.\•nh1l\ & Soni\ Il l ( Wtl\Un St I ) t,.n•ta Mto CA 92627 1<1h411n• R•lltetd, 131 'l'I Wilson St •l Costa Me-. C•9i6?1 flh t>r ltan. ?8188 Moulton Pkwy •?1 3. I •~ufl• N11uet CA 976// ""' bu\lnen I\ '"" d11cled by • a~ne1 al i;1flne•\h1p lla.e you 'l•ll•d do1nt 1)11~rneu yet> Nn lnanna R1lloeld ll11s sltlemenl wn Med wrlh the County Clerk of 01~n11e County on 02/ll/04 2004 .. 74717 Darty Pilot I eb 19. :>6 M11 4, II. 2004 Thl7; Tht lollow1n1 ptt 'On) .,., do1na bu$lnn' u R11S. A11t!>1,t0hwe Sile• U Aven1d1 Mettda. Stn Clemente, C•lifotnlf 92613 loh1m1n Bftley lho mas. 43 Aven1d1 Me11d•, S•11 Clemente, Cahlorm• 92613 Mlellael Jooeph f alt c1•nO, 14262 r ernbtOOk 01 . I u>lln. C1hl0< n11 92780 Th•' bul!neu '' con ducted by • 1•ner1l partnership Ill•• you llllled dllu11 bu•u•eu yet? Ito lohn,on Thomas Bradley V Or au, 27062 r allina Lui OL, l •aun• Hill>, CA 92653 Tr e nt Ktmttmen '/2062 I •ll•nc l .. I DI I •euna ltllts. CA 92653 l hit bus1neu '' con ducted by a a•ne• al porlneuhtp Have you st.i led do in& b11w1u $ yet? Yts No• OJ Br adlty V Ot •II• This st1temenl .,.u toled ••Ill the County Clerk ol Dr•trtlt Countt Ofl 02/06/04 20046t7HH 011ty P1lol f eb 12, 19. 26. M11 4, 2004 lhl61 Thll ilalemenl wu hied with the County Tht tollo••na P•tsons Cieri< ol Ouna• County 11e dotni b11sm~s ., onOl/28/04 Med1aMo•. 19152 2004•t12720 Cllandon l•nt, Hun· O•lly Pilot feb 26. Mar llncton Benh. CA 92648 4.11, 18,2004 Th217 CDanlel l Wood, 19152 hendon line. Hun ttnaton Buch, CA 92641 Kenneth M W1llelle. 19t!>2 Cbtndon l1oe. The followlna P•• sons Hunt1n11ton Beach. CA ate do•ne bu"n•u H 9~8 Cuotom Builders ol This business " con Newport Buch, 833 W ducted by a ~eneral 17th Sheel. Suite 6 pallnt"h•P Coit• Meu, tA 92621 H .. e you sl111.o do•nc Hnrpo•t Custom Home business yet! Ho Butlcler,, Inc . (CA), 833 D•l'1et 1 Wood W I Ith St • Suite 6 Kenneth W1Uetle Co5ll Mesa, CA 92627 This \l~tement was Thos bu-sines• ts con Med with the County ducted by.• cOrPoralion Cle•h of 01anae County ti•~• you $larfed doinc on 01/14/04 busrntu yet' Yo. 12/ I0046t11021 OJ/2003 .. 0•1ly Pttot l eb 12. 19, Newp0tt Custom Homa 26, Mar 4, 2004 lh162 BullderJ. In~ . lean l Caorere. CEO Thli ,utemenl ... n ~ ..... hied woth the County ... S...... Cle'" of 01 an1te County 1 he lollowma pe"on~ on 02/I0/04 11• do1nc bu~1nn\ as 2004 .. 1010 Daily Piiot Feb 12 19, 00 R 011ect. 11113 f yet Hd , Ste •405 26, M11 4, 2004 Th 160 Siu ta Au•, CA 921~ ~..... Tum B1omrl o t Soulhe• n Ca h lorn1a -S....., (CA). 181 3 L Dyer 140!>. I h• following per sot1' S1nl• A11a, CA 9? 10'> die doin& bu"nu> n This busmen is COt1· a) C'e•I Si Bon Bake1y dueled by a co11111rahon bl C nt Si llon Bou liao you s tarted doma l•n1e11~ c) C'ul So Bon bu,•neu yet> Brod W111e ' Chee•e. Ye\ 2 13 04 149 ll1vers1tJe Ave , I eam Bio met n l Hewpo1t Beoch. CA Southern Calllo11111. lom 92663 Newman. Presldtnl Runell & l(uhne Inc . Thts statement •as (C.thl ) 149 Rrvers1de t.led wrlh th• Countv love , N.,wp0t1 Beach. CA Clerk of 011nae County 92663 on 02/24/04 Thrs busmen 1s con 20046t7Sl91 duded by 1 corpo<ahon Oa11y Pilot feb 76, Mor H~•e you ••••led do•nc 4 11. 18. 7004 lhl92 bu>1neu yet? Yn , Oec 31, 1979 Ruuell & Kohne Inc P1ul Kohne, President lh" 'tatement wu The lollow1na µe1 sons filed with lht County •• t dnma buslnes\ "' Cle1k or Orance Counly a) IMltRAY COM, b) nn 02/20/04 ARTICULATOR COM. 2241 20046t7SSJI Donnie Rd.. Newport Daily Potot I ab 26. M•r Beach. CA 92660 4, ll.18.2004 lh?t• Otnlll Art1culllo1 COip , (CA). 224 l Ooon1e Rd . Ne.,.po1t Beoch CA 97660 lh1s bus1nns '' cnn-fhB tollowo na persnns ducted by a •01po1a11011 11re do11111 bustnen as Hue you started do•nic a> Su Po1n1 Capital, b) busineu yet> Yu, l/'J'J/ SHpo1ntt f 1na1m al, t) oo Su Po1nl f lt11nt11I. d ) Den tal Ar ttc ulalnr ~..... u~PQ•nle net e ) ~· Cn R C ._ pornte f1nanc11I ServlCet 00 1p •rhtrd 1 oin ~ Id P1t\ld@nt ... s...l es, 11821 11th Sire fh•s st•ltmcnl was lh~ l11llnw111a pe•son• •I~ l11shn CA 97780 lllt d with U1e County •• ~ Oo1n1 hus1ne's n Cr • 11 8 ° •' d m • n Cler lo. or Ot n C t Cr. t M. \andscapina 1782t 171h Street •t~. on02/IJ/04• ce ouny or•d M•ml"n•ce Strvw:e lu\lm, CA 92780 2004•974757 J(J') V1llot1• St Apt ( Tim bu.,ne\\ 11 t on D•1ly Prlot f eb 19, 26 C.o\ld MeH. CA 92677 dutted by •n •ndivodu•l Mai 4, 11. 2004 lhl70 l..Mln\ c Ce1ou 36~ rlave you sl••ted d111n11 Vortnt1a <;1 Aot c. Co•t• bu'"'"' veil Ye'. 1986 Meu. CA 9?6'l/ Cra•a Bo•• dman r I edf A Mora. 170 I h" \tatemenl WU. \11cto11• St .\pl B 2 loled with the County Co,11 Meu. CA 9?627 Clerk ot 011nce County Th.-bu~mo• 1' con "n Olt J0/04 dUlleO lly ~ Reneral 20046t7JOIO pa1tner~h11> Oa•lr Pilot r eb !J, 12 The lollowrna persOfl\ •• e do1na bus•neu n to t al Mobil~. 28<'5 1 Crown \t11lley Par~w1y. Suite f Laauna N1euel, Ca 92611 II awe you <la fled dotnR 19. 26, 2004 fh 130 bu\meu yet> Yes 08 09 99 c.110, C Ceron Th11 "•lement wn ftled with the Cou11ty Clrrk of Oranae Cout1ly lln 02/ 13/04 2004 .. 747S4 O•tly Polol r eb 19. 26 Mat 4, 11. 2004 Thl80 FklllM ..... ... -..... I"" to11ow1na penoM •• e tlolnt buw1ess n G•ea Clarke Con\ltu<. !tun. 208 Apolena Avt Newport Buc h, CA 91661 C•eao•y Clarke. 208 Apolena Ave • Newpuo I Buch, CA 92662 N•lHh• Clarke. 208 Apolena Ave , Newport llea•!h, CA 9766? lhl\ bu>ln•~• " con dut I td by huib•nd and Wile •t•v• vo11 \111 ted doina bU\one" v•fl Ye' llO? Nala~ltt CIMl!e lh•s slal•m•nt wes Med with th• County Cle1k ol Ot•OC• County on0V06/04 200Ut7Sff7 Daily Pilot r ~b I:>, 19 ?6. Mt1 4, ?004 lhl49 Re-. .... ... -..... rhe lollo•11n1 person' a1 t doll\C bUllMH •• Balbo• (1p1tu MHHlt c ent•• f AS. t505 w Btlbo1 Blwd • Nt"l)Ofl Buch, CA 92663 l1cquelln• Anne M .. 1, RydM, 216 22nd St . Co.it Mt1a, CA 92627 lhl\ bullMH Ii con d11cled by •n lndMduet Heve YOll \\Mled dol111 bU,IMS'\ yet? y" 1111 12, 2004 ltequtltnt AllM Mtrlt Ryt1<11 lht\ \latement wn llled with lllfl County Cletll. of Ot1n1• County on 0 I /lD/04 IOM .. 110H D1M1 l'llo\ Feb 5, 12. 19, 26. '°°" lhl J4 R.1119 ..... .......... The fOllo•lnl pa!lon• a1 • tlolftc bustMu n . 360 Cnd4af•nc• Sclorb. 2414 8on111t 8tff, S..nta An•. CA 97706 3SO (tl4'11rtnet ~I•, ll' (CA). 241• Bonnie 8rM. Stf'lll Ana, CA WQ& lolal Phone•, Inc (CA). 281!>1 Cto wn Valley P11kway Suite f La- fha lollowlna pe1 sons 1un1 N•euel CA 9?61 I "" dotna bnsin.ss n Thts buttness '' coo t•en.on A1 chllect1 dueled by • copoo1t10n 20280 SW Acoc•• Street Hawe ynu \lat led do•nR S utle 320, Newpor bu,meu y~n Beach CA 92660 Vn, 7 /03 Ivel son Arch1tecls r Oto I Phone\, Inc Int • (Caht ), 70280 SW Ronnie Ye\hd••m. P1u1 Acacia Street, !\utlt J?O. denl Newpo1t Buch, CA fh1s st.lemenl was 97660 ftled with the County Thll bu\IMU Is co11 Cler~ of Oran2e County du,led by 1 corporallon nn 02/06/04 11 .. e you sl11ted dO•nc 20046t74004 busmtl\ yell Yes 011ly Point Feb 17. 19. lverton Ar ch1tech 26,Mar.tl.2004 Tl\154 Int Marauel M lweoson Sec /C F 0 lh" 't3temenl was filed wrth the County Cler• ol Olante County 11n OU 13/04 2004 .. 147'9 Darly Piiot feb 19. 26~ M11. 4. II, 2004 Thl69 h• lollow•nc persons are do1na busuteu u SC L1m1tad, 2S8S Oranae Ave •B. Cost• MeH. CA 9%6?7 ~..... Stephan Alan Clttmenl. ...._ 1S8!J Oranae Avt •8, ... S...... COllta Me<a. CA 9?6?1 fhe lollo,..mc per snn Shannelle I 1s1 Cltm .,. doing bu"nen es enl, 2S8S 011n1e. Ave M11 t1nu. Sierra ' •B Cosh Meu. CA A•sodetes. 119 While 92621 Sands St., l••buco lhis business ts cnn· C1nyon. CA 9'619 ducted by hu•b.tnd ind Mllf.tno A Marl1ne1 .,.,,. 119 Whtie SAl'lh St Have yo11 i l1rted rtninll lrabuco Canyon. CA bustness yet1 92679 'Yes. 3 I 04 Cdc11 do A sie111, Stept>an Al•n Clement 1082 C Main St. •17. lh" •l&lemtnl wn fushn, CA 92111() filed wtth th• ~unly lhl\ bllslneS• os con• Ci.rti. ot Or•nae County ducted br· • i•ntfl on 02/24/0ll Plft11ershlp 20046t7Hto H••• YOll Slltlacl dolnt Dallr Piiot ftb 26, Mii. bullnn' Y•l1 Ho 4, I , 18, 2004 Thl95 Ed1arclo A. Sitt•• This stetament wn tikd •1th tllfl County Cre.k ot Oran1• County 011 02/20/04 I0046t7H70 D•lly Pllol f' ti>, 26, M11 , 4. II. 11,'°°4 Th207 ........... .......... file ro11owt111 perso11s Me dolnl lt11tlnfJ' U . 9b rteaotff'ct of Or 1n" County. 2!IOO l lflts*l•I Hwy . S t11lt 701 ~2. 81H,CA92121 Jllf!ltt W. l1nusltt. Jr .. 1920 Woodell Dll1te, f'ltct11U1 CA 921170 Thi• b111"'-n Is con dutlff by· •II llldMd111t Htll9 you st.,ttd doifll butlntnj~•ll Yes 1/1/2004 Je,,,.. W l et>Ce•IM, "· Tblt at•l•m111t '" .......... ......... Th• tollow1n1 P•• \On• •re 60Jtt1 b<tslfteu •~· V5 En1IMetltt1. Inc .. 310 R11 b1 Au • 8 1lbo1 Island, CA 92662· l 130 v~ [n,1neu1n1. Inc (CA), 3 0 ftully Awe. 811bo• l&l.tf'ld, CA 92662 1130 Tlt+t buslnn' la con ~11Clfd b1; • CopOrlllOn HIV• you a t•te6 6olnf butlM.u~t7 YU, 1•1•6'00& V5 £1111n-111c. Inc., Brie n C 8aruml1n, l'ttMdtnt Thlt t lllt ment wu filed with "" COi.iniy Cltfl of Or enn C6tlnty onot/06/04 ""6971999 0•111 ,.flot fM. 12, It. ze . ...., 4, ioo. ni 1!>0 ~ .... ... ,....... Tit• lollowlne pe•son• ., • doiltl l11.11lnt:u as A & A TRf.ftOS, ll202 Mu11 woods Court , rountttn Y•llty. CA 92/08 Sayoho lmura, 18202 M11" woods Co11r t. fo11nto111 V•llty, CA 92708 I his bu''"'" IS COii• ducted by' an lnd1v1duai Hoa ynu Jl•rled doln& bu,.ness yet! Yu, 2/1/ °' s.~ ..... o lmur• lhl\ ot1t1menl wu lrled with Iha County Clerk ot Ot•nae Cou111y on OVll/()11 2004tt147'S O•lly P•lot f eb. 19. 26, Mar 4, 11. 2004 Thl67 IOMOf AlfUCAa fGIW•"'8SIS• OfMCMIK .... UCllB( .. ............. ~lt,20M To Wham II May C1111 cetn fhe N1me(•I ol the Apphc111t(') t\/••e GAP INVESTMENTS tltC The .tpphunls \Is ed ibove •oe Appty1na to \he Oepa1 lmenl of Alcoholic Bev., ae• Conllol to sell •kohohc beve1aaes •I 7216 NCWPDRl Bl VO . COSIA MESA, CA 92627 Type o l lrcense(s) applied tor 41 DH· SAL£ 8£ER & WIN[ £A TING Pl AC( Publtshed Newi>ort BochfCosla Mu• 011ly P ilot februa• y 26 200'4 fh18~ Alm. ..... ... s...... The followma peuon• are doon& bus1neu u Abr •h•m G.11 drnrne. 1028 El C1m1no #A, Costa llleu. CA 97626 Abr1h1m B1hrna 1078 (I C&mmo #A Co I~ Mesa. CA 92626 Tl>t\ bu~'""' ts cun dulled by an 1nd1Y1dUfl llave vou 'ta• led dam!( bUMflf!\S y~I' Yt\ 2001 Ab••ham A~hMA ltus •l•lem~ul wio~ filed w1lh tht Counly Clerh ol Oran11r Coul'tv on 0;>/:10/04 2004 .. 7SS2t Daily Pilot f'eb ?6 Mar 4. 11. 1s. 2004 r1121s Re-. ..... ... -.... I he 10110 .. 11111 Pf!I !>On~ are dornR bu"n•W> e' v.,ion Strrlt.e 2437 Elden Ave.. Costa Men. CA 92614 Th" bulllll!I' b con du,l•d b1 •n 1ndlvld11•l Htvt you stMt«d llO•na buomen yell Ho Rtchel R Medi"• Thi' sl1t1n>enl wa' filed with tho County Cl•rll of O•••ll• County on 0?(14104 "°"""'°° D<11ly r1lot I eb ~. M•• 4, 11. 18. ?004 111193 Alm. ..... ... a... fhe toll11wm111erw ru a•• do1n1 b11.s1nen o S lff<llf l omou~•nes Unt1m1ted ll016 I •k~ I or.st Or Suite •Al!!/ l a1un1 Hills. CA 9'6S'l (v»n Martin M~dllll~I. 1206 W W•lnut SI . Saint.1 Ana, CA 92653 lh1s bu,.ineu Is Lon du~tcd by en tndlY•tJual Hawe yo~ star l~d dcnnc buttneu vet• Yes. 1996 £ un Mar lfn M1d1111r This st1l1ment wu hied wolh lhe Cuunly Cloth ol D1 a nae County on 01/30104 2004H1S07t D11ly Pok>t f tb 5 I 2. 19. 26. 2004 lit 127 RdllM ...... ... -..... I he lollowtna par snn~ a1 e dotna bus1nt~'.\ as lhe Thom'.\on Comp•ny. 163 Alberl Place. Costa Me$• CA 92627 • Oon1ld W11hom lhom SOii, 163 Alberl Pl••e. Costa Mesa. CA 926? I I his busmen os cun· ducted by an 1ndov1duJI H•ve you s l•• led douia busmen yet' Nu Donald W Thom~on 1hh ~latement .,.a'\ (1t..d with the County Cieri\ ul Otanae County on 02113/04 2004 .. 74714 Daoly Pilot r tb I 'J, 26. M11 • 11. 7004 1111 /!> ~ ..... ... -.... flit lulluwrne, person\ •rn doon& busrneu a~. St••••Ol College Stu df,.I\. 70!>91 Gnshawk l 11 ll11n1111111on ll~M h, CA 92646 R•ndal D1t\l11d, 10!>91 Co,l><1wk ln Uunttnalun Boac.h, CA 92646 lh" buUfltss " ~on due led by An in<hv1duat ll~ve you \I •• ted do•n11 11us1nes> yet' Ye~ I 29 ?004 R•ndal Oorslllel I his \lat~menl W••'· filed w1lh the (;111111ly Cle•k of Ot•nae l.nunty on 01/30/04 2004H73077 Darty Pilot f eb S I<' 19. 16. 2004 Jh I J1 92627 ~IL.....L.... Matk Stvr, 24)7 [Iden ~-- Ave . CoslA Me\a CA ... s....t 92677 Th~ tolluw1ng 1111r \o)n" lhl\ bu51,.n\ •5 con are do1n11 bUllf•<\• n ducted by •n 1nd1Y•du•I Essenlral E "•"l" 1600 Have you \larl~d do11111 Michelson D11•e. Sev busrneu yeP Yes. 1/'lfJ/ enteenth Ill'"' Irvine 04 CA 91612 Mar~ S~•• l 15h3 A llt>lle ?600 lhl\ s talemenl wa' Milhel~on 011•~. Se• filed w1tl> the County enteenlh I 1101 Ir vrnr CA Clerk ot o .. nee County 92612 - on 0 1/30/04 ""' bUSllte\S 15 I"" 20046t7JOtt durted by •n mdMdu~I 011ly Piiot feb 5. 11 ttoe 1ou 1ta• ted do1111t 19, 76. ?004 lhl31 bus1neu y•I' No l•~tia A 11nlle .._..... \h1.. shlemenl W>I\ ie-S...... lilted w1lh the County The 10110,..11111 pe,.on~ Clerk ot O••nKe tou11ty on 02/10/04 1111 dornc bustness as 20046,74362 NAME N f RAMI . 2311 1 ldeo Ave Ste 7' Oilrly Pilot feb 12 19 Costa Mesa. C" 97621 ' 26. lll~r 4, <'004 lh15'> Ronda t u lfeot1. 2JI I ~~ (Iden A"'. Ste 2L> ....__. Cos I~ Mc\a, C.\ 92627 -S...... !hrs bustnen " con lht lollowini.t llt"lln\ ducted hy an tnd•vtdu•I ~" do111g b11\111ess as ll•ve ynu stalled doing t ount3m ol J111ce, 11 ;I') buslneu yet1 Ves. 0?/ [ Bi lboa Bl, B•ll•"• CA 06/<>004 92661 Ronda lea Herl• M•chael I 1to2a11. 1 I ~!J This sl1temenl was I Balboa Bl H,11bl'I.,, r;11 hied wtlh the County 97613 Clerk of O.an11e County lhr\ busmes\ " 1.un· on 07/13/04 du~ted by M• 1nd.-1dual 2004•t74 760 Have you ''••led du11111 011ly P1lol feb 19. 26 busine-.s 1~t> No Mar 4, 11. 2004 Thl68 ~•d•acl 1 Houn Daily Pilot I"" rullow1111 per icml •II do1n11 lw~u•tu " Voer1 • ' Auoclftn. 2JI C Awoc•do SI • Cost• Meu. CA 9?62 / ROOftlll Wt1lle1 V1e1tt1, 231 C Av uudo Str~t Cn"• M"'" CA 92627 l ho\ Ou\lneu os con ducted by an rncl1v1du11 II••• you sl~1 lt'l do.na l>u>rneu yet> No Ron•ld W VoeuA lh" 'laltlll4!nl w.15 filed w•lh the County Cl~•k ot OrJu11e County on O?n 0/04 2004H7SSH Ot1l1 Pilot rob 16. M~o 4 . 11 IK, ?004 lhl'OR MttM..-. •S...... I ht lollow1nc per son' ai. t!Ollllt busonttU ~~ C~l•l u C•I,, 17871 Sh ypar k Cu cle Su•I• 8 Irvine, CA 9i 614 Roy lro.uol flom 204J Chdtlt St •C I Cn,t.i M~u. CA 9?6? I 1 his hu"nes' ·~ ~on ducted bv an 111div1du•I lint' yo11 \tarted 0011111 bu"nc'\ w•l1 Yfl>. 10/ O? Roy ln<11nl Kom lh" ~•at•mMI was t.lud woth th• l!ounlv Clerh ot 01•n~r Counly on 02/U, Oil 2004H74713 OA1ly 1'1101 I eb 19, 76. Mao 4 I 1 ?004 lhl/4 RctfflM~ ... s..... The tullow1na '"" suM •re do111R bu~'"'" ft\ Oel Vall• R .. allors l?/11 N•WJIOll A'it . S111lc C. fu5t111 , CA 92180 Coar Ori Valle 45 P,11at1ne Apt ,43 1 11 vtne. I.a 9161? I hi\ bu.,nes'> h c1m du• te11 by An 1nc1iv1dual Have yuu >la1h1t,1 d11111~ bu~lne~s yet, Ye' 12 19 19911 Ce•a• Del Vall~ I tu\ ,t.tttmf'nl w'" lrlrd with the I 0011ty Cle•" ul ll1dn~~ Cou11ty "" 02/20/04 200091SU 7 D••lv Print f ~h 7f> M.i1 4. 11 , Ill, 7004 lhl'.ll rtdltiM-...U ..... s....... I h~ lulluwing per \nn• a1,. dOJnv bu,me•.\ a~ 5111~11 1 m•~ Pr 11 '>hflp 1091 Old hvure Blvd '"~''"· r ahlorn1• 97/Rt> l'•hy lu<h• I olvd~. 1913 Hd• bot Blvd Co•t~ M•u C.ilolor n•• 97671; f hi\ fHl\tnt>..-.'i. i'; ( Ofl d111 led flV ~n 111dt111<111.ol I lavP V"U •1101 t .,I 11t1111R bu\111•" ytl' No l'•t~y l "'I• l 1tvi1~ 1twJI> ,, .. h•11u1"1 w.t\ ltl~d with the <:ou"t v Gl•rk 111 lhotn~~ l'ni•nly on 0710J/04 20046913S44 Oiuly Polut r •IJ 'i I Z 19 <'6. 211().1 lttliltl Ill•· lulluwma t)tl \on' .ue llo•n~ bu~'""~' • Clohdl t •<!Cl Su111 • 1 1'>6'> k M1 C:,1w A•• h Vtl\P. C: A 97(,14 ll•Lh l\\•otralP\ 1111 (f;At 1~6~ ti M1.t:•w Av" It v111r Cl\ 92614 Th1\ bU,HJ("\\ I\ • HI ductud by ,, lOrl/•1• ~l11m 11.ive yn11 ''A• trd do"' b1111111!S\ y,.I I Nn ""t tt A,,,., • .,..... IJH ll•d•Hcl rl1·lhuu•,•ye coo ltu' ,,,,,,,m,.nt wn lil•U with llw Cuunl Clc1 ~ ol CJ• dnge r uuul fin 0 1 JIJ 04 20046973097 0~1ly 1'1lut r eb 5, 12. l!I 76.1004 ThlJ/ This slal•m•nl "'~' ll1r lollow111g "~""" lrled with II•~ Co11nty ., ~ du1u11 ~U"llO\ • Clerk ot Ot•net Cuunly Body B•«uhlul ( un\1111 I he lollow1n1 persons on 02/24/04 •nl\ Mii t:luu <11 Pl .ire do1n1t bu11ness "' 20046t7St14 1..,nr l'A97F,()7 fhe Complete SAT Cln Daily Pilot rcb 76 Mai ll~nh !lmA) l1M1. 148 2141 Sanlt Ana Ave 4.11. 18, 2004 1hl96 l.llll•l h 1'1•1" hv111~ CA Costa Mrs•. CA 926U • ll7f"17 Anthony I leddre ~....... lt11' 1111\nlf'\\ I\ rnn ?141 Santa An• Ave ... S..... dut led by •11 111C11v111u•I Cosla Mes~. CA 92671 ti,1vr Y"" ''"'1~1l ll11111k This b11stncu os wn The lollowone Pc•s11n' b11\mPs~ vtt' N" dueled by .. n 1ndmdu .1 ue dorna busrne5' o lt•nh ti mat It •n Have you started doln& Kimono C•~•t•oni, 7101 r111~ •t'..rtmrnr w• bus1nes~ yel? No last l!>th •5. Newport Mno wrlh lh~ Cnunly Anthony I /eddies Beach. CA 92663 Clmk ul 01.111~t r.uunty lht\ •l•lemenl wu Yuko l 11ku11•11•. 2101 on 0.UI l /04 Med with lh• County Ent 15th •!'>. Newport 2004••74799 Cler• ol Oran1e County lln~h. CA 9?663 0•1ly P1h1l I tb l'I. 76 00 02/20/1)4 rh" busmen " cc>n Mei 4 11 ?004 tlrl66 20046t7SS72 d11cted by ~n 1nd1Y1d1111I Dally Pilot Feb 26, Mai lfave vnu •la1te<1 <101ng • 11 . 18, 2004 lh206 bu\inen yeP Ve\, Jin 28,?004 V11ko Tot.unaea I his slat•ment w•s Med .,.,lh the County fhe f9llowrna pefson• Cler" ol 01.tnae Cnunty A• e dome busrnes~ I\ on 0 I /30/1)4 Cods and Htto~. 37S £ 2004•'7H7S 18111 St •5, Costa Mu• O•lly Pilot r eh 5 1 :t, CA 92627 19, 26, 2004 fhl24 Alec Mtthael hnace JI~ l 18th SI 1!>.Cost1 ~sa. CA 926?7 fhts business is con ducted by an 1ndivld11at Hawe you sl••t•d do1n1 business yel? No Alec Mlclleel lenace lhos '.\latemtl'I wa. Med with the Count Cieri. of Ounae Count on02/20/04 2004•t1SS17 01111 Piiot f'eb 26, Mar 4. I I, 18,:1004 Th201 ......... ... s...... . Th• lollowina penon are do1n11 busmen n Notaryf'101Go com, 3400 Avt ol the Arh 14202 Cosla Mtu . CA 92626 Judy II Ballen, 3400 Avt ot lllt Alta H202 Costa Meu , CA 92626 T hit busoneu " con dueled by an incllvldoal Han you 'tatted doln1 bu,IMu yel7 No Jud1 II. Ballen Thi• atattmtnt wn hied with the County Ctt1k of Dunc• County on02/20/04 ,.....,u .. O•it) Piiot f' ell ~. Mat 4. U, II, 2004 Th210 R.1119 .... ......... tile lollowina perso1" .,, dofftl btnlntn •.t t nvum ConMl"lflt, 40 K11oll1lt'1. lrvlnt, CA 9814 lttchel R Medina, 40 Mol!lltn. 111101, ca lhe tollowlna pe,.on' 11 e doinc busines\ n Mocle1n V1ntaae lewelry, 375 fast 18th Strr.el, Cost• Mesa, CA 9?671 Mrehelle I yn B.:chler 375 Cul 1811> Street, Co•it Mesa CA 97671 lhos bu.,neu r\ con dueled by· tn 111d1Y1f1111I Hawe yo11 st111ted 11011111 buJ1neu yet? Ye<. 11 16 OJ Mlchelle Lyn Bechle. lh11 shltment wn tiled with the County Cler" ol 01a111e County unOl/06/04 ,... .. ,, .. s 0•111 Pilot feb 12, 19, 26. Mar 4, 2004 11!1'8 ......... ... s....... fht lollowlnt personi a1t doln& bus1neh 1H Klch Plumb1n1. 134 Ylctor11 f'l•ce, Costa Mesa, CA 926?1 D .. ld c L str 1<11. ?34 Ylc:to1l• Pt., Cod11 Meu . CA 92627 Th'' bu11nen ll con· duC'lltd by an lnd1vldu1l Have you \I., Itel d0tnR b\l•lllllU yet? No Onld C hll tda This sleltment wn filed w1lh tht County Cl4trll. ol Ortn1t County onOi'/OIM ,... . .,,", 0•11, ,.Hot reb 12. 19. 26. Mat. 4, 2004 Th I 4S ficttlM ...... •s........ I he lollnwintt 1rftl\On •• e dotnK bus'"en A\ ASP Consto uct1on Ser ~•er'. 14272 Hoove1 • 16 Wosrm1n\lff1, <:A 9<'683 r~r ol Evt-W•l"•n> 14?17 Ht1ove1 •1 6 W••t1111n•le1. Cf\ 97683 I hf\ butine<~ " •nn d111 l•d by "'" mdl¥tdu~ llA•' yuu ''""°''' do1n11 bU'lllr\\ yr•t' Ye\ 2 02 04 C••ol Iv" Wtl~tro\ lhl\ \tol•m•nl WO\ fll•d wolh the (!1rnnty Ct~rk nl Or ao11t County on 02/20/04 2004H7HH Ut•ly P1lnt I ~b i>6 M~r 4 11 18. ?(l(M lh190 ~ ..... ... --.. lhe loll11w111a pel\On• •• e doma bu~m"5 •s M• r octc1en Rull y, 6 Seeb11d Courl. N"wpod Buch. CA 92663 Rl(llarcl M.chacl Mc f 8llden. ft Se•h11 ti r.11111 I, Newport BeHh CA 91663 11111 bu\fnU\ I\ con ducted by· .,. 1,,d1vld11•I Hn• you ~lillfled dolna bu"""~ Y•l1 Ho Rlch11d Michael Mt r •ddtn lhll \l•lt1trltnl WH tiled woth tht County Clerk ol 011nae Cou"ty on 01/J0/04 2004 .. 1J0t4 O•llt Piiot ~ ~b S. 12. 19 16,2004 lhl?!I FID .. -:;~ _1.1111_ ...... ____ Llllt..... -UlllW. ........... ,... ...... ... *'-' ......... Th• fotlo•lna Ptl\on' The lolkl•lnf ptnons tr• do111~ buS1neu ., fft do1111 bu,tneu a. MMI Oe"l"'· 1824 W Independent Ctut••• 8alboa 81vd . Newport 160 Ceder W•y 1r ' 8ucll. CA 91663 l •cuna Buch CA 9Z6~i David Rldeth, 1824 ludov1c 8•1nvel l60 W 81lbo1 81vd .. New Cedar W•y •r l~run1 port e .. ch. CA 92663 Su ell, CA 926!>i This busineu 1, con This bullfleh " con INcltd by tn 1n<11vldutl ducted by .n 111d1viduil tlave you slafltd doln& Have yuu ,,_,led do1nr buslnus Y•l1 Yes, 1990 busi11eu yet1 Yes 01/ David R1ckelb 24/04 ' This st1lem1nt wo l udu•IC B11nv•I Med with Ille County This ~lotemenl wo Clerk of Or•n&t Cuu111y hied w11h the County on 02/13/()4 Clerk ol 0 11nre County 2004H74771 on 02/03/04 011ly Pilot f tb 19 , 26 2004H7 JS 11 Mar. 4, II, 2004 Thl73 Daily Pilot reb !>. 12. ,..._....._ 19. 26. 200-4 lh120 ... s........ The lollowine pel\ons are do1n11 busine~~ n Mesa latl0 1$, 2/90 tlarbor Bl •ID!>, Coste Mesa. CA 92626 Ant D11nat11n. 24101 t<alhy Ave , La~e Forest. CA 926.30 "'" bus1neu " con· ducted by an 111d1v1du~I Ha.e you st11 led doina bu$1nHs yet7 Yu 1/1/ 04 An1 D11nattan lll1s Sl•lemer>I wu fifed with ll1e County Clerk of Oran1e County un0\/30/04 20046t7.SO .. D411y Pilot Feb. 19, 26. 2004 lht lonowio& ptf\on• ar • doina bu•1nes. as Sell Pr OmOllon• I ~!>112 S B SI •A Tustin CA 92780 hma1 • Renee lmlkn IS582 South 8 Strut •A hi\ltn CA 92780 lhl\ busme•• •• con· dueled by •n mdMdu•I Have yo11 •I•• led do1nK bu'lntu yel' No lar11ilr<1 Renee J1v•d•n This \t1temen1 wn hied with lllt County Cieri\ of Otani!• Counly on02/10 04 2004H7SS76 Daily Pilot Feb ?6. Mo1r. 4, 11. 18. 2004 lh202 Policy Thi lollowrna person• 111 dotnl bu11neu u 8oolls llepl Clean, 17 Danlofth Avenue. L111u na N1c11•t. Ce 92677 AllysO<I Hu11l11 Con stanltno, 17 D1nlorth Avenue. l •&un1 N•auel, c. 92677 I hi\ busrneu " con· ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I Hllve you st.rled dom& business yet f No Allyson Const1nt1110 ll11• \Utemenl .,.,. hied With lht COullh Clerk ol D1 ans• Counly on 01/10/04 20CMH74H4 Daily Pilot f"t b 12 19. 26, Mar. 4, 2004 Th I !>6 The lollow1ne perso ns are do•n& bu\lneu 's Service F1•sl Capllal 1684 Whit lier Ave •41. Cost• Mn • CA 92627 W1lh~m l•mn Mills 1684 Wh1U1e1 Ave '41. Co\I~ Me\a, C'A 9?627 lhl\ bu\1neH •~ C01t· dueled by •n 1nd1v1d1,.1 II~•• vou \IAtl•d tlnina bu)lness y~P No W•lll•IH l•rnn Mill' lh1s Sl•lement was hied with lhe County Clerk ol 01•111111 County• Olt 02 24104 2004H7Sf04 Daily P1lol f eb 26, M~t 4, II. 18, 2004 Thl91 The lollow1n1 p11 sons 11e do1n1 bu11ntu u · D r ull11 Conu rucllon Services, 2201 Amtrte1n Ave •A. Cost• Men , CA 92627 Daniel E. fuller , 2201 An1e11c1n Av• •A, Cosu Mesa. CA 92627 l hll bu&iness •s con· dueled by an md1v1du1I Have yuu ''"ltd do1n11 bu"neu yet 1 ko D1n1el [ rullet lh" s l1l•rn•nl was hied with lhe County Clerk ol 011n11 County on 02/13/04 2004H747SI Oa11v Piiot Feb 19. 26. Mar 4. II. 2004 Thl79 ~ ...... .... s....... The lollowina pei son> are doing busmen n V11tu<JI Adrn1n 3114 Oublln Sir eel. Cos la Mesa, CA 92626 Che11ese ll1dd1e, JI t4 Oubltn St reet. Co•la Meu: CA 9:>626 I his busrness " con· dueled bv an 1ndmdual liave you sl•rted do•na business yel7 ko Che11es• II 1dd1e This •l•lemtnl wu hied with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 02110/04 20046t70U D11ly P1lol Feb 26. Mar. 4, 2004 lhe tollow1na peHons 11t dO•na bus.nu s o 8enchm11k Construe tton, 186 l rolello l ane. Aliso Viti(> CA 926!>6 C•e&o• y I Lundqul\I, 186 frolello line Ahso Vttio, CA 92656 This bu'inus ts con dueled bv· 1n tnd•vldual H1v1 you •111 ltd do1111 bu11nen ytt7 No Cfe&ory J. lundqu1SI Thi• sl1lemtnt wn hied with the County Cl" k of Or •n&e County on 01/l0/04 20046t7"ffS Dally Pilot ftb !'>. 12. 19. 26. 2004 Thl26 MllMllllllN .... s....... The lollow11t& person• aie dom& bu"nen n The U1b1n C1rc1tne1. 81~ W I ~lh SI ~A. N11wpo1 I Beach, CA 92663 ll•lhy Taylor 81!> W l51h St •!>A New1101 I Beach. CA 92663 I h" bu~mus ·~ con ducted by ~n 1nd1v1duol Han you •larleo do.n2 bus•neu vel 1 Yes. 2 16 2004 ll•thy T •rlor lhti \laltnlfnt Wb\ hied with lht <:ountv Cl.,rk ol 01 •nae County on 02124 04 2004't7SH2 Daily P1lol f eb 26. Mdf 4. 11, 18. 2004 Thl94 ~ .... .... s....... ll11t lollow•na per ~on• 111 • do•na buJ•neo u "'I r Illy Studio. S.H Concrus SI CO\I• Me~a. CA 92621 G•bflek L1tdlh. W C11n11eu SI , Cost• Meu ,CA92627 Th•~ bustnns " cun dueled by an 1rtdt••dual tlove you sttrled do11111 bu,lnus ytt7 Yes 01/01/04 G•br lwle Lltillhe lt11s sltlen1enl w•S Med w•lh Ill• County Cle1k of Orinlt County 011 Ol/J0/04 20CMH7SOH Daily Pilot f eb ~. 12 19. 26. 2004 lhlJ6 flctllM ...... "-*"-' The lollowma persons 1, e do1na bu\'"'"' •~ Ve• ••Ille Oes•an 360? S Ramon' Dt S~nl• AnA CA 9?707 l•r11u Lynn Woll .!601 S Ramona 01 s .. ntd Ana, CA 9?70 I I ri1s bU!:lllft\) I\ UHi dolled by ~n 1nd1v1d11~I IUve you slMted dn111g busrn•n yet' Nu J.,uce L W•ll lll•s •l~tement Wd> tiled w•lh the <:nunly Cle•~ of Or anae County 011 02/09104 2004H704U D•llY Pilot f eb Mar. 4. 11 2004 Ho\\' to Place A fldtllM ..... "-S....... l he tollowina per \On\ ar• do1n11 bu,meu as 1) Red I elf el ti) Red I trttl com 10?" Bay YltW Alie Ntwp1>1 t Befell CA 92660 P1 tr •~•• P1deeon. 2024' I B•yv11w Avenu•. Newpot I Bul h. CA 9?660 T111s busnltlll " con ducted by ~n 1nd1v1dual H••e vou st11 le\! d11111¥ bu>tllt \\ Y•I) No P•lr•tt• P1daeo11 lh15 Slfttotn•nt WU ltled with 11\e \;uuntv Cler~ ol 016nK• l'ounly on o? 1J104 2004'974176 0.111y P1lol f eb I 'I l li MM 4, 11 1004 Ill 1/6 Fk1111M ...... .... s ...... The lolluw1ne P•r \uni "'t dom~ bo\m"'' "" The I •a~~r Coll~<11n11 l.!6 0 1-.u N•wj)Orl tle•r h I .. 111111111• '176&0 ""'"" LU tr Al. Hb Olti o N""'llOll 0••.ch C•hlo1111• 9/1.t;O lt)1\. tnt\111"\'• I\ l0fl due l•d hv l •n11 t t>O h"1111tly I u Hdve you -,1.u h~tl ato11111 llU\ltl~·~ Yd I N .. lm•r.a Lll KJly lt:dkCY Pre\ld•1tl \tu~ ~\A\10\IU\ W1" 111•0 with th• founly Cl••k ol OrJnw• 1:nu1tly Ult 02/13/04 Ttusday, February 26, 2004 85 --------Lapl Malcll 2141 i..i Naticll - 2004H74172 Daily Pilot r tb 19, 26, Mar 4,11.2004 lhlll2 ~ ...... .... s...... Th• lollow1n1 person• '' • oorne busines. u Milts To Co 3180 M•d•tr• Ave Costa Me,e. CA 92626 Jonathan Scull Heb· bard, 3180 M•de1t" Ave Cost1 Mc\t CA 92626 lh" bus1nos " cuu due led by •n md1v1du1I H••• you i11r1ed do1na bosrneu yet> Yes t0tlf96 Jonathan Scott H•b bAtd Th" •t1temu11I w~• ltled wtlh the County Clerk ol Ura11g• Coonly Ori 07124/04 2004H7St02 Daily Pilot Feb, /6, M•r 4. 11. 18 2()()il Thl911 fktlliMllMIN .... s...... I h• lollow1na per •on• are 110111a bu"ne'' a' Cu>lom Wuud Shulltrs & Bl111dS 147 ,)I f I •nklln Av• Str I 1 tt\lttt, CA 97/80 Gd1 y ltlhn tJovrr I 06? St Ro1t1~ Pl SrotHJ An~ <..A9270!> flltd Wtlh th• County Clerk of Or &n¥• County 011 OZ/10/04 2004H74SH Oatl)' Pilot f eb 12 19, 26. M11 4 2004 lhl59 ,.... ...... .... s....... The lollow111a ptr5on' are do1n11 builnou o Cieri. (q~1pmenl Sui>· plte•. 1845 Anaheim Avonue • l!:IC Co\l a Meu, CA92627 Linda Mu Clorh 1845 An1ht1m Avenue •I 9C Cotti Mes,. CA 92627 Thi\ bu\lllt!n " con dut le(I by •n 1ndmdu•I H•ve you \I•• led d11111v busrneu yet' No l 1ndol Mu Cltrh I hi\ \lalellterll wn• filed with the Counly l:lflh ol D•anw• 1:uurlfy on 01106/04 2004H7Jtl4 D••ly Pilot r.b 17 19 26 Mar 4 ?004 lhl'4 ffdlliM...-.S1 -*'-' I he loll~wm~ P•"O"' "'~ du1nK llll\lflen •S S11111e L•~hl Stud1u, SU S AltOOfld l iui~ ,, YUi~ t..A 9?61} RoKrt D•I~ P;11lofl J1 5135 1\110011• l•ne hv111c I.A 9?617 T111s \l•ltmtnt wn tiled with the County Cleik ot o,.nae Cuunlv on 01/30/04 2004H7JOU D11lk Pilot Ftl> ~. 12. 19. -. 2eEM 111133 Re-. ...... "-S....... Th• tollowine persoM are du1t1e bu!lueu u Ktd• •I h .. 11. 600 E. Bay Newpo1 t lloth, CA 92661 Rl<"hArd R•vmond llo '•no'''· I 04 W••h1n.111on SI . Newpur I Buch CA 92661 Tnr~ llu•n•uS r\ con dut led by an 111<l1Y1dual Hav• yno \l•rled dnltti b"''""'' veP Nu R1dl•t d R1ymond 8dHtnuk·.1 This \lalemenl wo tiled w1lh tho Cou1111 Clerk 01 O"nae County 011 07,10,04 20046'7SSU Oa1ly P1101 I fb 26 Mar 4, 11. 18. 2004 1h199 Con 't sttlff to ittto oil thou rtpairjobs oro1md lh ltousr r Lt11'ltt Cllusifit' Stnirt Dirtctory lttlp 1011 find rtlioblt 'lttl . ~--Deadlines------.. Rates and deadlines are ~ubject 10 change wi1hou1 notice. The publ1i.her re serves the rrght 10 cen:.or. rccJa.,sify. revise or re1ect any clru.~1ficd advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your da:.!>ified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept~ no liability for any error 111 ;ui udvenisemcnt for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be aJlowcd lnr the liN insert ton. CLASSIFIEAD -ii M onday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tue~day ................... M onday 5:00pm AllNOUIKEM!NTS [~] & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Colllctillla/ Mlmarltlllla 1160 TOP ss 4 •lco•os nc .Ila. Clls9c. h :. ~\ & 00\ .Ill Allee. Splu. lube amps Mille 949·645 /50!'> Anlt'lu••. •r ino 11 e round lbl, china cabrnel. sm chest w/cameo. fTWron etc !M9 6'4 !1965 amRTAJNMENT s,edll EVlrlll 1310 IOUAl llOUSllG OPPOIMITY All 1ul e\lale &dverll~ 111i If> lh1$ OftW$pdp~1 IS sub1ecl lo the f edtr al f"a11 Housina Act ol 1968 •• amended whic h makes 11 1ll•a•I t o advertise ·any prefer ence l1m1lal1nr1 n• d1scr1nrtnal1on bord on race, color. 1eha1on, sei . handicap, lam1l1al slalus or nal1onal onaln. 01 an mlenlton to m•ke any such preference, hmtlt lt0n or d1scrnn1n1hnn • This newspaper will not know1nely acupl •ny ad•erl1semenl lor 1ul esta te which •~ "' v1olat10n of the l3w Our readers are hereby informed lh1I all dwell· inas advertised in lh" newspaper ., e av•llible on an equal oppo• tunlly blSIS To complain of d•" crlmrnation. uU HVO toll· tree at 1·800-424·8!>90 Ol6tf SWlt Fumlhn ~·~ ·~·~ .,..... ....... ()It~•'.,,,,,.,,. .. CMMPAIO .. Ol'le.-C-• ............ WI auv aTATU • jJNnfdlo!t 1'iencly -· coris1r,w.n ri rs ~ 1419 GI] 2305·2490 Estate Sales 1'86 ESTATE SAU Mid modern lurn1tu•• 40's 1allan prel.el cha11s IOOO eA Haw•114n shnls, nelh ltes •nd art Af>pt '49-U0-6JS7 Open llouse I rt Sal Sun 1617 Ir ftdewmd' l n Newpo• I Beat h lost 1~ lo•I Chow Chow .Mua Oel MM ?/14 !led/Gold, 45 It>•. N~me Ginaer Reward 114 !>49 8?~1 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Mlsctllaneous Semcll 2605 CASH I-OR S IRUCIORl 0 Sellleme111/An11111ly paymenls II'~ your money• C1•I LdSh now when you n .. d 11 most' Otclest/beSI 11 IM t..-~ SettlfmMt I'll~\ 1877fKHYK (CAI "SCAN} HOME FURNISHINGS ftmMln 3435 CMIHY SlUGM 110 Soltd wood, brll'CI ,_ ., bO. mus! ffiOllt Wot1I\ Rm SllC S2!iO 949 .Y6-lm7 leather Sob & Lovueat b• and new l1t the 1:1ale. Musi Sell C1n d1ll•tr S795 949.35~.8097 AllOldllill ~ dOullle pllowlop loP """ .. New fl pi.slJC w/'Mtl S 1«> (-'I ..... 9&.l'Jb.Sll7 881.Y/ 3411 DWDIOSI PRECIOUS METALS ,_,, ........ Old Cotnsl Cold. silv11. ,....-y. ••tchts, llnli(lllft cottecltblts 949·642·9448 Clll •11 HS<UI ttt Lite'• Ut1et1telnll" H1ppenl ,.,, Ownflt Nffd Htlp. Wtll Mtnne1etl At111ll Cats & Olclef Oop nMd "'"' llOmel Mocll Attult Anim1t1 fhll !Ima.I lO day 11turn Polley. •••·•nltntlMlwOfk.Ofl Bv Fax (1)49> 63 1-M94 •l'l<.1•~ 111llUl\< your nam( •ml rhrn•• ''""'""' """ ...... 11 •• 11 ) llU h ... ~ w11h ~ pnc• <lVOt• I By 1•hon~ 19491642·5fl7X llour!ii BY ,\lail/ln Pt~rson: \.\I) we,, Bay S trCl'I (\1'1,1 Mc,.1., ('A •J'!.ti!? At Nl·Wpt rrl l:ilvd & k.1y S1 Wedne,tJay .............. Tue~day 5:00pm ThuNJay ............ Wedne!lday 5:00pm Fnday .................... 111ltr~day S :OOpm Sa1urday ..................... Friday J:OOpm Telephone! lUOam-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Wall.. In X IOJ1t1 'i OOpm Mum.la) l·mlJy Sunday ....................... Friday 5:UOpm ~LESTATE fOR SALE cats 3610 ~ IOmN5 & C.ATS Bd!lo F!'O & lbld ,_, ~ care IO'res. J) O.V ,._. llJ.O'. llWl ll'5hl MAl:nd. 9YJb. ~rnrcl. tv ~ OU!Vf a:;hrln " v.tvor-ds r1111 a ~ 1241prn 9'%44-7119 www an1mAlnelwork org MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlsctllantous MeRflandlse 3855 OVf RS IOCK(D AIRllNC I ICKl TS. R/1. I••• with only S!>9 pu rChbH benef11111g the National Children• C•nce1 Soc1· ely H.tWdli C•rr1be1n Canlun flo11d•, New Yo•k • 78 other de\h nation\ 800 429 24?3 (CAL •SCAN} Bullnm Oppoltllnltles 8usineaa Ind Fnndltsa 3• WORK rROM tlOMl ' Great Income• PC ·~ qu11ed ltAlnfllQ ptf) Vtded r T /PT Sldt I ma~in11 money 866 462 782 7 loday' 160 1 CCAl*SCAN) 1.10>.Vendln/l 90 Mac.h•re-. 18.760 The Be~I lot.a ltOllS I 800 836 3464' 241 h•s. (CAL *SCAN) Raf&tlll Servtca 4250 ~fJI~~~ M,,..f t ... •••"' ..,.. .. ,.,, U STINC S P ECIAU 1.49%1 l.IS'Tl\C; IWVIC:t CO~\fl!4lOO' nm: \4111u1 •:i11 1 ~''°' 949-857-4820 ,.,..., ... .... u. .. Prl .. • om .. S.lt• A~Ol 61hl. 1063lf & I 311 al SI 80·Sl 9llfi1 nur Newpt)(t Center AV1i11blt 213·146·6JOO ,..._ tlrU. -~fl'tltllt l~Hih Joe. llt al to ....,. Sch/ Pill• Hut. tons of oppty rent nee 1\4-5ot6-460t ~ J010-J940 ~ SOOS·SISO LOTS/ACREAGE lotl/Acragl Wlllltd 4740 RUIOOSO Nl W Mlll!CO 140 AC Onlv $49 900 Ad1atenl 10 l'fat1ona1 f lk Forrsl. detr ~ntdll aame A~ullma Ranch Pr ~•tr vt 101 'dd~d permanent open \pac.~ Gru l Spo1t\11'~n a•u Absolulelt Beau l•lul .etttna And l1nd Rtmolt &. p11ul~ bul wtlh year round road •lle>s and sltll an El dflvt ·~ e•ciltng RutdO\O Best f 1nont1n11 ever 1888· 292·97 I 1 (CAI *SCAN) t IOMES F-OA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Conlnl del Mir O,.lHSAT-SUH 1-S l enn1\ Court [slate 6 OOOsl ~br 6be home 122 at 180' ut•llna h•• bo• & s unset ••ew" Sl .995.000 Vlflual lour www 1>•l11clo.ltnot t com New "''"'i Stunn•ne lownhse ""&le level. 2 mstr 1u1te\, \O of hwy BI John•on Prudenllal Sl.09!>.000 949·721·0132 ttn,cllt ..... STOP PAYING •INT. Own your o wn ?br doulbew•de MObllt home Walk l o lht ocean r 1m1ly Plfk $65,000 Call It)( det111s• Her"-' View H-• 96W· lll1 714-J93.MJ!I Le•.ty ,...,,. c~- "-5Br 51/rBt. 11th room above 1•111• wllh Pf rvalt e«eu 7 Un(lpOr1 Sl,975,000 Chudl R11hton 949-370-42!1() or Dan Tl1u•m1n 949 285·4888 St«q R..i lst1te Cr~ lHl llUHS 303 -'venlde Cerritos bctptlon1138r. 2'/>Ba, P~er "[" Phtn ~. M•rtn Sutton Finl THm ht1tts t4t·11t-ltJt ortMMT 12-2 U2MAUYMO 2bt. 2' /Iba 1 wnhme. Up11rd w/hl c=s & Oen 8rHH&, .000 949·646·0311 Prlnclpal1 Only, No•&" 21>r 2b• Club houtt, pool, b1y "''""' & ~vii• bu c h LU .000 MaryWM4~ •••·Sl4·H' Index . . . ' . . ' ' , . ., Newpor I l<l~nd baylt ont W/pyl boal dock new l151lnR Jbr ? ~b.• Upon S•I Sun I 4 4M J81h SI S2 400 000 DA Yid 1'11oce 114 81? '>668 COZY CAPI COO Bun11dlvw 2br 2b• en closed po''"· leasod land S?!>O 000 714-'24·13'2 lOT fO• SAU Newp1>1t But h 648 Vt• Lido Soud Sl.68!>.000 Cout Prnp er Ito ol Callt I <ltfflt I "2&10 <}4g.!:i()lj.892J Newport COllt HA .. O• VllWS CASSIS oc-••ew• ~bl ) car landen aar. 74 hi eu•rd aated comm 12.839.000 Stefanie Meurer Pl1tmum Propetl1e. 949 715 JI~ 2W, 21Mi ............ ""''· hrdwd Ill\, nu pnt comm pool, •ll• & Ill cntr alt Sl7!>0 949·613 1800 SlnllAnl H1ilo11t $Ania An& loft Plan 3 (10 e .•om st pc w/c1I y view\ P11ce mcl S3511 1n builder upar •des w/owr> pe1so11a1 el~o· tor 1599,000 Stel1n1e Meurer Platinum Prop 111111s 949·11!'>·31!)6 Tudn VllWCMATIAU l OSOl trlM l- Loc•ted 1n k l ushn Hills 1.5 •ere hlllt~ ts late 6br 7ba. $3,4 .000 Act John lo,1n 71"-731· 808 RESORT/ VACATION PROP£R1Y FOR SALE o..tPr""'1 -PAlM DISHT SOUTH SEVEN 2br 2b1 homes. No common walls, prl nlc 1•1ds & pttlos, pool, 2 tuptr 11111 R·3 loh W•lk 10 •hop• • Sl.~.000 1031 [J<h1nct?1 CtwB Hopper Realtor 760 346 ~ 949 697 8437 cell ,,_ TIM s .. Te TIM o .. Mit Aller 24 years ot Real E tl•t• In New· port Buch, now 1tllln11 Palm OtH1I, l• Q1111111 & lndl1n W1ll1I fllf al )'OUI Rl ""°' "" ci..i. Bur me is I er Coldwell 8ri4' 78). 21» J5l.1 ._. lltflMlll!Wll@dt !f com rmnJ 7402·74'6 ~ IOOS·ISIO MISCWMEOUS RENTALS Rooms tor Rent 6040 Mt/Oc._ View loom Oc.,anlront/22nd Pr1vale Hl(U'1 unfurn \hnr~ ba llltl• o ~•d nlf/\ntk k1tchen•ll• Ind• y, Hilk lu N~wpvfl 111e1. S1 I Sm Call ~•m 949 1/8 7!1US (bel..,t•n 9"m !>pml ------- U 11 de r the SL'!'\' i L'l' Di rectory Ba 1111 er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per wee k (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 CAST SIOl < h~1H11flK ffi. - lb., rl•I•• h hurne ) c NEWPOR HARBO •It•• h "•t 1;1 ... 1 h nnl & f('"' .... t •o o''"t Community by uni) /I~ V1r i:uM Pl VJ9~ K""" 11•11•1 A•••1 Beautiful 2BR. 2R.&. J ?I 949 no OIL? .t"'' NeW11ort Beach YlAlLY UASlS flHl H(Wf'<MIT HOMlS llU GllUNOY llAU~ t4t-67S-6161 with HarborVJtiw Was $2600 Now $2450 ~1Dn. CMagt\ncludtd ufll ....... ,._ e 111ecf ~ • '*"' WOCMI ..... ,..,._ • ,,....llKft & G1ound floe• tt.r Walh lo h.,ii, fl Nttw LAI pel t~tAm11 t1tp tit~ n~w .ipph•rll • ..,. "'"ht·r .t. Or ve1 111 .10, (n• •Pl ltr~ 1nt1$114'>71>1 $149'.> ... 60-2224 • OClAN VllW • lllr r ompl•t•lv '"'""d f"lt•d, Qr "nd 11fW ktlf ht"O & t1•ll1 Y•rtllV SI '>'>U '"" Ag1. 94t·673·lt63 •••t11 f•r rent CM, llOO ISU STUOIO ..JIMIM'• ~ htm11l11,... ...... 'froplal u.-.,.., • Sec.-dl ....... M,. HUGHTS )trr llM uppPI YIOW\ b•olUll re mud Ip <« 4 JO I• vine $16!>0 "'" 94'1 642 ~488 happy 1pat hme all ldrge rln~~I &. bAlh f)I~. \ohJre bath.~ •unnv u pMmP SIOOOm 714613 2999, 114 322 'lllR 111!1 949 bl~ 6161 Storagei1jlr1QI Space For Rent 6060 "" 24hr 1toraee. 400 60().t omh P~ I"<. I hw Ytllll.!f'\ l<JW r•le\ tall C,,rnryn 949 ffil I l'lO T2 JI 12. 21 s ...... (only 1 ~·· 4119 \2S01 mo 3~ l1111ven •ly 011v11 Co-.1• Mo~a 949 646 11~ RESl~NTIALRE:NIALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Bllbol Island Luu lbr/H.ft, I .... 5'anrle kti/bb1 Sl()\OC, l!!CW m!c:ro. W/d, Wl'-'ll Mwnd deck, Oil ~t~ pfk1ie, l'«J CR!>T n/\ll'lklJ)l!t\ $I &.iOI mo ..-....,. 949 6/J /8lll Yrty Unfurn 2t.r, 1 l>e 1ar•1• ~pt no g11r/ p .,k 1n11 no pet. f l660·dl!p ..... ,.._, ldNllPlninlull CA&.l CAHNl•Y •INT AU for yHrly rentals ~l&rhna •t S79S/mo Sludin•. IBr, 281, 381 & 4Br ell 1va1I now 800 247 8209 OI 949-6 /!°>· 4606 Meple Apo Cahd Comm. 111 Tri Sq. lb! lb• slor.,e S895 $960 llflotn MFrt 877·704-"649 19200 2tr2'/ .. , .......... , fp, 2 ctr 1t1. commu111ty !)001, 11vt pallO. fwy clO\& Sl600 Ac1949-673·7800 I.AST MOI TOWNHOMI 41>1 'l Sb• I amt m, hv1 m Ip, and 111111 Av11t l · I $2100/mo Mt-SIS-*D LA•Gl S TUOtO o Co1n pl•tely 1 ernod•lt d krlt h~n & h•lh pr 1vate fJ"I"' $I?!>() mo yurly "~' 9 49 613 3&63 i--.11(.we--c...., f, Cine ..... 2W. 2k. -.. "-· nu 1"11rU~ ''°'~ ~IP<'il ""d te\I. Iii l 't ltM. w/d ·•i.'IS 177'> 949 293 46lJ 2W, 2too, 2 ·-....... lwnhm Slylt l!plc b.tci- hay ...... A\-_ldtl()n pOOi SllOl,rno '167 434 14/0 J\ntiqu£s 0Io11£ch A special advertising supplement featuring antiques &. collectibles - perfect for shops, dealers, auctions. booksellers, decorators, reftnishers and art galleries. Reach 42,000 readers in Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Costa Mesa. Full Page $700 Half Page $375 Quarter Page $250 Eighth Page $135 2 col x 3.5 incb $85 Publication Date Wednesday, March 17, 2004 Space & Copy Deadline: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Advertortal Deadline: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Daily.A Pilot cau today! Ann Gendrolls at 949-574-4249 or Pax your ad to 949-63 t -6594 e-mail to ann.gendro)Js(llatlmes.com I' 16 Thursday, February 26, 2004 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE NlWl'OIT HACH Jb1 7b• yully lu~ hllAlly ff!lUthl\h•O I aa1 \l)l $200() mo jtrul (Ond 111-SO I 00t7 1111 I l '>b• Ir n h po1ml tlfl'Wf!f '-Aff)f"I lit ) ' 11ar ?47 C•d., u o" '' &2nd & Pnt A.•••' 1 10 SU '>O Ill.• 94~ M!> 9913 loyfr..,1 u,..., 7b1 • drn lh• ~·" p1i.112 v~•• IY $1'1';1~1 oo µrl '"'i. 11~1 11 .. 111 f'11nv 411'111111~ /14 111? ~ ....... 2200\fk ........ lllr I •lury S7 IOO mo 4SS Yhto le"'o ll\I ••• """' 1....,.. $24'.nn .. ,..,,.~ .. Ore f'lrv"4t •n l 1M11n flM "" '\•Hy \hoplrt P1udrnlr•I 1.~111 ~hlty 'MIJ 119 74 I 4 'NiHIC IU H ADI RS r,.-11tcH nm IAW 't <1uw .,, lh.tt '-vuh 11• '"" '·'~"'I r rl" lh•I lnl~I S'.00 rn lflu<t (IAhnr 111 rn•l•11ftl~) b• ht '""'<1 hy 11 ... Cnnl ••• tn" \l•lt I 1{rnv ll1t•r<1 Slate law •lw r eq1111 t\ lh•l 1..unh ,.dot\ "'" lud" thrw lottn•~ num~< nn 111 4dn • h\lng You t ~n ~h«k 111~ ,111111• o f your 111 •n5•<1 c o n l•••l n• a l www c.lb" aov or 800 J?t l'.Sl B Unit t ensed t 11nh 1r •or \ fa k1na '""' 1~1t tolal leu lh•n $!>00 m ull ''•'• 1n 111~11 1dwn1 ll~emenh lh1t tiler aie nol lru nHd by lht Conl••clois Slale llunse 8oa1cl • ....... " .............. 30 yu" UllOf .. nce Qu10Boolls Sc>ec••hsl C1ll Jim 949 U8 9129 MlmDMI ---·~ DIWlOHUNT ~ f.,tflit1Cdt~t com "1JllBI!> ~ ~ ....... lASTIWlf 233J V"I" Hu•• I• S2000 noo ""'• 11u•r 1 .. S7l00 4'>'> Vl\I• Roma S1'>90 7634 V1\I• ~I Otu S?'>~ 419 Chi.M.lit ()JM! GU> 2'n ~l't_UV.llDl Sally Shll)l~y Pruelo!nl,.I r.wt R .. rtv 94"1 119 2414 ... ~ Howtoer y., llnmt ( l'oll 'ti r ••I ) ~ ..... c-.a-- 10 XH & ,...,,,."'"" A.onA/ ,.. .... "4llO \)lfq fflKl)l 11 JO f,r •rt•tllt' J81 79., •mlcl~ \lo• 1 del•ched hnmf I~ h•< k Y"' d a.r•I Oi. i d I rd l Ufllfll } l i"' u~ "'" 949 ~6 t60'i l~cl11tlw• l •y•h••• "-· 71l1 7R• 7 I ~·r f'vl bud1~• A I f pl< SJ~ mn 114 '1'.18 l/!18 Hmtior .,._ ........... ?N ... pow\ """"' POOt •tr! uni \I Y•d A.'t114 l- lfl UD\.nY> 949 /ro'n;.c A · l HANDYMAN ln\1•11 ••'••• cabrneh ~dr:n~ ~ Ont4j 71~fl!:JJ 8udtel Car pet whole p11ce>, rni t•ll. 1 ep111 ~. r "" et ch1n1. p1ompl '"'•tee •/14 976 410!J nCAll;lll'l'CAal'lh~ llep111\, Palcll1n1, lnslall CourttOU\ 1ny sue tobs Who!Malet 949·49? 0205 ~Pr-~ Col!Qn ..... 57 Hunwsweo• 58 MMtl cout• !>II a-a:.19C! 62 auiou- •l•tOlllWt 11 12 y,_.. I M pied <t•nm ;lb 2bi. ~ p . " 2IOn r.o.tSI I'!~ of C..W l ,_IC lefal!U 949 'i09 8923 ....... .._ •• J.Je- 1 IMl"'°"1l' cc., IVll ...... C.tecl oonll1l Wld, frC, ~Aet'M9-~11?4 VACATION RENTALS Dtlllt Renlats 7915 Y ACA nD11 l8fT AlS WIS& lllfTAlS -~Im Spl1CSlf'ikn Desai Conlict Mtchatl Anler 7Q1 3J3.7JJ7 _tolf Oeser1YKJ!JOn1.Com _ Clauifw'& CONVENIENT wlwtlw JOf1 'rt b11~, st.UUti, "'jrut lootiat, cltasifW llCS wlttJI JOf1 lftd ! CLASSIFIED (949) Ul-5678 CGna'lll I Mllcny l rkli Ii.di st-na. Concrm . P•llO, Ouww•y Fu pk:, BBQ Rer~ 2SY1 ~ l ,!P limy 114·!>!>11!>94 C..0.-~ W..t. lMnrlnt. lltO. Sb-. I tit Or~ ~ R4oUI*. No toll loo _.. 71~1!> g)67 o.Ma,PuHa•I • YOUIMOMI tM,.OYIMINT rttOJICU Call a plumbe1. p1lnler. ll1ndyman. O• any of the 11ut UI YICU hsl1d h11 e In OUI service d11eclOt y! IH(S[ LOCAL SVC PCOPl£ CAN tl(lf' YOU IOOAYI WlTTMOtfT HYWAU All e>hnes •m/lra tobs CLIANI 20yr&, 111•. fr ee est L41DXJ> 714-6» I 44 f Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ONC!o: IS E.'IOUCH NORTH •J H A62 K<JI09~ •106 llc10hlc1un • ., 11 fCll-""1 nut lo upt•n one n•• lNntp wnJ'I 11 hanJ lhat mc.~L\ all 1~1 rcxt11im1~nl). 01 cour.c:. Nonh h.Jd oo problem rumng lO game. Wnt lcd the Jack ofhcarb. v.on in huntl wilh Lhc king. Wilh five tricks in the major ~uib. declurcr. Roger Ba1e1. or Mc~ Aru .. unmcduucly ran I.he <'lfhl or diamonds I li!d '~" woo this tnd. wilh lhc jack. cklclam would ha'c had dcill ~l111g Hov.c•c1. a V('I)' de\ IOUS bl3I allov.cd declarer lO holJ lJ'lc lftd, I WFST • Q97 I 109.0 HJ •AJ F:A~T • 116 3 2 7 AJ6 •911 SJ 2 ~otmt •AK If) KQIJ5 ll 2 • KQH Ille b1ddin1r Sotmf Wf~ .. ,. Nmrrn f.A.'T 1vr .._ J,., .._ Ptil ,._ Opcnon1t le.id Jad. ••I l'hl· 1hru~1 .m<l p.tll) uf a m.;lolcr 1cxhnll·111n anJ J 111p-n1j,ih1 llt.-ft"ntlt:r " 1hnlh111? h• v.:ru:h Sot11t'1111~' 1hc pl•y '-C<'lll\ l1lc -ccood heM. C'on\1drr th1' dt-<11 lllld Sou1h repc<1~d lhe finc-.w. lhe .:1Ntln1Cl would ha'c hoen delealed Occlarer v.ould ncod 1wo entnc> 10 ~•abli>h anJ run Lhc Ji:m1001h. and Lhelt w~ only Olk' 1N1 lhc table. Hnw,'vcr. ul tcr Ion~ thoudit SoU1h dliublc-croo.scd Wl by leading a Jia- montl 10 Lhc queen. complimcn1lng Ea\I on fine defl-n\c! 1 Nnw nolhinp c.'OOld defea1 Lhc rontr.icc ru. lhl· can!s IK' ~1ncc Lhc dJamood'> lOuld be run wlio:lhcr o< lllll Ease llN>k 1hi'> Ind 'lllc'l' Ju)" IKltJOd) l'lK1'1tlc!'. U lo" Wli:u if We_\I h11tl swncd wi1h four J1111Mllld~ 10 the Jlal=L. Ulld a '4lL'OOd fine~ Wlh the ooly w.ty co litnd chc COOll1J(.1'! Thi~ dt:al would ne\cr have ..._-en lhc light of day! I' /T Self St.....-r.atef 114'• wn 2 da~ ""' ,_,...,._ Rtl~ ca> t4t-•so -12u I •P h elpful w1ll l1atn Qr,.., llftM. R[ CIQNAI. I 0.... lhr Ro.cl li>b. ol ,,..... Cleat tmtpiWly ' beo'..tols WWW pr lfl)COflC Ulfll Ill> 711 6318 (CAI. •SCAN> D .. YflS l'AIT-TIMl Afte1noon Mon f 11 Otov@ RKf! •I" ' &el 1>a1d fo1 ol (dll Dan 949 862 7474 OllMR OONl'AHY. fCAMS and 0/0 C1u1 Oenehts! I •le Model r quipmentl Gnat Miles' CaN I D•Y$ a Wedi! F aflllly owned a nd operated! Navajo E•P•en 800 800 1440 (CAL•SCAN) OllM,R Clns A all tn lllSI ~/I ~! llllbon Paid! No Credit Chedu Also tw .. tx..,,,..,noed Olli dll~ers 800-/81 ·2778 wa1een@CRSI COM (CAI.·~ •.....-&-Offk.. Self molNlltad. 1NI estMa kemed ...,.._., c:ommis-"'°" ..-! Conlact "" E Ille Mor~ 949 650 6998. ~ ........... lfrmed ~ kt eo.pd $111& IJl,nQ'll. I \QI lr~ " \.ow' <UTlnftnl. wU:I w Eltte Re.C h lale 949 650 6998 HClPTIONIST l •p'd Pl 10< Real ( slale ollh.e m Nt!WPOf I Beach, pleine lu 1ew 111t 949 720 7301 s-tt. <•••• l'loa• " luok1nc 101 Set ut1ly Olht~•• tu 1u11• out tum• Shon& l U\IOmr1 •ktll\ a11d lluo bka• nd/ dnv1na: te,otd a mu\t I •U llenl ben•llh & 1ncPnt 1ve \t Apply 10 per \011 al SCP Set1mly Orpl JJJ3 6r,.111I SI Co\I• Mru <•4lll•t All-le 'It lwu lot>• 191. mi. very eood cond11ton '17.000 EOE I CAllS flOM SSOOI l'ohce Impounds 949·613-0763 ,Fl Child Care """' .............. ~­·#"··~ ...,,,_ •• #" ....... -._ .. __ '-" Y NOT?! Teachers/ Assistants K.1ndt!f'Qarten & school-aged child care Teachers (1<'-24 ECE units. 2 yn> eJtp) end I Mei•tanta (6 mo exp) needed for YMCA c enters on Centrol(Newport) & Sou th Orange Co AM/PM/Part Time available Must be 18 S8 50·$10/hr DOE I 'YMCA of Oran e County otters a great w orkrng env~ronment, co mpet1t1ve pay/benefits, free YMCA membership. , I paid time for training & many opportunities for career and pert1onal 9rowth! Positions throughout Central an So OC Send resume to recn.11lerOymcaoc net, tax 71 4 731 6480 , 13821 Newport Ave, Ste 200, Tustin. CA 92780. or apply onllne atj .._WWW y~a<>c-OI)!_ _ _ EltdrtcalSemca l .l .C. llectrlc low pra,.,.. 11-.c.1 Ulllll «lo.-00 fOb too ......,., no tob loo be. Rrf\ lClQO t~l I M;t().810,l(ll (7 t4)142 1410 lK lNSlD co•nunoa No tob loo \ITI M ~VU!\' Re111ur remodel. lani , ~ ,__~Jfb6 CUSTOM <MAlM ru ~istalllltlon, si.te cerlfllic. llWbll, S10r4 a... lt7S llll61~ ll!fl 714-611.<J.:161 UMY ...... Rel)ltecl Reroutln • lnst.tl•tlon tll OCAH 949 673 8065 714 ~ 714"1m-ZIDl 714-715-2121 ~nTrwS.­ ._,~~ r,..~~ ~Scal!N,(.WI~ ~--1..-0.la. °"' 1- ''"Service, Yetd Cleanup. M11nl1n1nce. Spronkler Rep1lf. H•uhn1 ('4t) 650 .... 71' Al l JClfl H ANDYMAN s £ nv1cr o • • I SELL your stuff through classified! r 0t l l\llnR\ I 800 319 3323 ul A02S C ... vrelet '•4 , ........ SS 127. 2d• coupe •try Off&•nal & clean. P•. hit. $11,500 /14-/!>I 7464 F....t '7S ~ »I CT/4 -v w....,.i & or!p\M US moclel ydkM,,.. I'll Jbt, ""· $18.5 714 7!>1 2464 fer4 'DI •••'•"I Con•. spo• I pi.a 361. mo. melalhc a•een/ &•ey llhr CQ. PWI \h , hh ll~W s 17 99!1 v!>824 I? Ukr '4t-SH-1UI ·-· r ... 4 T_,..,. '02 Sl 111rl.ilhc ROid m•l<hlllC c lolll ml fully lo•ded buuttful 11!.r nrw ('On dollon. S899!> v96174 l 8 111 94 9 586 1888 ·-·~·-·- Rf \TOii! • 11£1'.\IR & Rf W IO(ll>j(, ·~·~ 0 Job 1bo S"""1 ............. 9ff.J22-IJ92 -YO fMI DUMPlll 714---1112 AVAllAILE TOOAYI 949-67 s.!IW -~--_,,.. .. -r ·ara • c .......... Dally Pilot -•-..iiiii.-;ii; .. lt•iit ....... - ....... 't4 Clwk OX 4 cir, auto, •c. ps, •m·fm, CCO, loob & tuns &JHt, 1ecent sefVICt racorlb. $41!>0 obo 114·377-11~ /14 ?71-1904 cell ....,._ '00 lJt bur &undy/o•lmol llht, CO. 11n11at1on. lull lact0ty wart. beeutiful hlle new cond $28.99!> v481210 8 ~ r 9 49 ~86-1888 www ......... - J..-'00 l JI ,.,._, oafmul llhr. a•••&•d. n on/sm kr. hnhs tic cond lhrouahoul, supe<b value $23,99!> v89124 I e~. 949·!>86-1888 www . .c ..... I.•- J.,.._ 'tt lU c-. 24k actu•I mrles, white oatmeal lth1. Ian lop, CO, beaul!ful like new cond, S32K "'87242 Bk1 Ht-sa•-•au www • .,...w.c- JHP 'l•U7 I XCI l l£ NI CONOll lt>N $6500 949 4?1-66!>/ '-" .__ 't7 .,.._,_.., Sll low m1, melaHK d.itk lllu~ l~n 11111 mntl 10 1 .,, <;O, t hrome whl\, ~upt1 ll cond lh•oll&hout SI0.995 v872421 Bk• • '4t·H•·llU ..... ..,.-..<_ WMWUM s.tvtor /81k, Only 341< Ml.lo.did <BZJIS7) $22.900 '91 .. WX-J.l.O Sllvef. N1v111t1011. Prem Sound. 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ChlOllW' wheeli, beaulrlul 01111rn•I cond. $13.995 v')6)1JJ Bill 949 586 18811 ................ ,_ U..c.i.. ·o 1 Novltol•• 4wd ~ m1. full la,torv wa,,1n1y t hJmp•an• Ian ll/u. chromt whl' beauhlul ltkt n•W cond $28.995 v57l989 B•• Ht-s ... 1111 ___ .....,...,,,_ Merc•du '00 C2JO Conll)f~ Sonrl Sol""' buuty 40i 1111 dwon>n aulo Sl8150 714 /51 2464 Merc•4•• '9 S ll20 BIAck/bll. buul •II opl none n,._.,,-new ma'°' \vc SIO.~ /14 /!II ?464 ........... ,, U 20 Waeon. fwy mile\ s1lvt1 grey llhr mtltf CO heAled \eAI, s uperb co n d lh10111h o u t $19,99!> •815269 Bk• ut-s ... 1111 -............ ,_ lat pl1ce latlttworkl te.n.rtbe! c.11 ..., te Dttce '°"' 11111 etmlfletl "2-5171 Halling ,_.•·11-Aw.y .......... Ru 1dence Vau n,tes Tr nh Oeb11s Junk • 949 63/-381 7 • Open 7 Deya LowAatM St~ Sp9clela Sinc4t 1981 949-64~545 HST MOYlaS SS5/"'- Ser•ln11 All C1hei lnwred ~ ~ T163844 313 997-1193 haolp 323 6:.l 9971 ceH lrrlpbon, ~. Custom Qullrly Work~ 71 .... 2-4211 PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit Cahl Pubhc Ut1llllts Commrss1on req1mes that all used houullold a o ocls movers p11nl lherr P.U.C. Cal T number, limos and chauffeuri p11nt the11 I C P numbe1 1n all adver tlHments If you have any questions about the le1allty o l • mo ve•. limo 0 1 chauffeur. call. PUIUC UTIUTIH COMMtlSION 177 ..... 7 f Merc•4H 'tt U10 wa1on, fwy ml. stlvtf/ 11ey Ith•, mntf, CO, hid UllS. >UP•• b cond. $19,995. 8kr. Sl9.99S v457231 8lu 949-!illti-l888 --.-..-a-·- • .,.. ... '•7 JOOSI Cabrrolel 1 are clus1c, )UP"'' clean runs 111ut S28 5 (714) 86!> 2464 ~ ... 560 s.a llWllJIY loaded, "'lO&'!d & -viced In NeWf)UI I f7!>00 000 ~240-<Xm call ....... ,.... .,. JOOO C rt Spor h coup11 0111- 1n a I own •• books/ records, dul o, red(brt. 1lh1 111111 I, CD. hke new cono, mu~t u e lo app1eciJ1e SIO 995 ~42 ~ 949-!'186 1888 --....... <am 17 lmlllSlll llAil Black &•r•ttd, well ma1nla1ned, smo&&ed Jan 5 sp. CO, 391. miles. $4000 f IRM O~y 949 574· 4249 n u 949 !>I~ 0337 hncli• 'I• 9HS -'•· 83k m1. buoks/•ecords, \tl•er /bu1 aundy llhr. mnr I. ch• ome whls. lant••l1l 1.ond. SI0.995 v 129742 8111 949 586 1888 -•-•cpoltl.c•"' SAAi 'tt t .SSl S.4- 46k ""· dark g1ny/lan lhll mnrf. CO. hbulous condlttOO. Sl2,995 089252 Bkr 949 586 1888 .............. _ TOYOTA ~ 2002 s.lw< alnl cond, l!l 511 mr. 4!>mpg. a/c. ps, pw pl, 1111. u.. '>Ide aw ball$. am· Im ~II .• 1bs, doys, CO ~. new Illes. hCti l>lue Sl7.llO ~ $16.500 Iv ms& 949 675 8407 Teyoto Slenno '02 CE 20I. nu lady owned. \five• CO, rear •11. full fdl l Wdrt. bu ul ltke new cond Sl5.99!> v014796 Bkr 949-!>86 1888 w-.oc,.bl.co"' V.tn '9t SIO 2.t terqulose blue/ar•y llhr. CO, mnrf, chri>tnt whls. low "''· Irk• new cond Sl 3,995 v792548 a..._ t4t-H6-1aU -. ..-Le- Y.,_ '00 SIO T6 , ... nu, mel•lllc silver. blue/ oalmul lthr. mnrt. CO, bHul1ful hi.e new cond, Sl8,99S v-457281 Bkr t4t-SH-lau --.ecpea.i.<- Y.._ '00 V70 OU w11on Ch.,npaan•/O•I mul llh•. CO. mnrf. &upe• b cond lh1ou11houl Sl4,995 v296741 Blu •••-sa•-, ... -. ...w.c- AUTOS WANTLO -.-. •lffWll c. rd. To.dis. ~~Cidl.frm I~ Wt come '° ~ w/crtt Pay SJOOZlOO,SU:Xll.s:m> Ut-HS-1710 BOATS POWlr Bolls 11515 2 000 c us l o m I 711 CIHSIC eln t w/leak/ Holly deck vat noshed wood inlet, new cu)h ions. Surrey top & lull covet SJ500 9'&500-3:250 ClmijWil CONVENIENT wlltdttr JOf1 'rt b"Jiaf, 1tllilti, or }lu1 loolbtt, cJ.nifitJ ,,_ wlatit JOIHltd f CLASSIFIED (949) UZ-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot . Class1f 1ed Community M,1rketplJce Pllnting IU"S CUS TOM PAINTING P101'1, cit-an. qu•hty work lnle111K /u I and d<Kks. l •7034681149.400 1054 UtNIOW cao.l MMfT Pamlrne •141ul House/~ Quality IOb' free eslmate l •56989 7 71 4 636 8888 M aOMslOnOI M81J llan~ SI wt R J£ I llNO HI CIRONIC SLAB lCAI< Ol IECTION friendly Se••ice t4t-•7S -tJ04 -·~-.oom l•7~911n1urf'O Al 'f na ·.,....,. ac • ·~·<.:.o.-a.i (949) 548-0769 _,. ""'" ool.c..,., THISTllWUI Spec11h11n1 In W1llpap1 Removal l•!l88241949·360·1111 TMSlrM S.ll your stuff through classified! ..