HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,, • • Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 1\JESDAY, NO~MBER 12, 2002 Tentple height could drop 10 feet Newport Beach Councilman Steve Bromberg plans to unveil the latest compromise with the Mormon Church, which reduces the steeple height to 90 feet. During the Planning Commission ap- proval process, it was revealed that the ·steeple height of the existing stale cen- ter was 68 feet. instead of the 86 feet noted ln planning documents. Olurch "We've really needed a healing proc-officials have said that the temple stee-June Casa1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Hoping to cre- ate harmony out of the city's most con- tentious project this year, Councilman Steve Bromberg said be plans to make a motion at tonight's Oty Council meet- ing to reduce the height of a proposed Mormon temple steeple to 90 feet. a height the church bas agreed to. POLITICS . ess," Bromberg said. "Now things have ple must be more prominent than that taken such a good tone. I think people of the stake center steeple to fulfill its are going to walk out of this meeting objective as a holy site where marriages shaking hands." and other ce~monies are performed. Bromberg, whose council district in-A church official and a church archi- cludes the temple site, met with church tect conceded that they had been aware representatives earlier this month to . of the dJscrepancy but did not point it convey some opponents' feelings that out the church was not negotiating in good Olwch leaders had already agreed to faith. tone down the coJor of the building. to Cox plans death of death tax ·Newport Beach congressman looks forward to January, when the Republican-led Senate can help him finally eliminate the levy on esta tes. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Rep. Ouis Cox de· dared victory Monday in his decade-long battle lo permanently wipe out the estate laX. which has sapped the inheritances of weU-to-do families since the Civil War_ Cox. who introduced his first blU to elimi- nate the tax in 1993. predicted that new faces in Congress -many of whom are RepubUcan - should put the repeal over the top. reduce the hours and intensity or the lighting and to reduce the steeple's height from 124 feet to just under I 00 feet. In hopes of soothing bruised feel · ings and pleasing neighbors. church leaders have agreed to take down their steeple another 10 feet. "We're hoping that we can aJI be united in this as a bJessing to our neigh- borhood," said Weatherfont Oayton, president of the Olurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Newport Beach stake. HOur belief is that everyone will be able to support this as a beautiful ad- dition to our neighborhood." The Planning Commission last month QUESTION ? What do you think of the latest Mannon temple steeple height propoul7 • Call oor Readers Hotline 81 (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell yoor name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. approved the temple with a steeple low- ered to 99 feet 9 inches. A group of resi- dents. angry about the discrei;>ancy, ap- See TEMPlE. Pae• M -Now that President Bush has a working ma· jority in the U.S. Senate, that will make a great deal of difference,~ Cox said Monday. -As a result, you can count on enactment of permanent death tax PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I OM. Y PILOT Veterans stand for the playing of Taps during a Veterans Day ceremony at St. John the Baptist Catholic School on Monday. Chns Cox repeal during the first six months of 2003 and probably in the first quarter. - Bush's landmark. tax-cut legislation. passed in 200 I , will raise the current exemption steadily untll 2010, when ii would return to 2001 levels. Up untll lhe end of2001, families could collect up to $675,000 from relatives who die without paying a dime in taxes. In 2002 and 2003, that ceiling would be $1 mil- lion. Steady increases will raise the exemption to $3.5 million in 2009, but lawmakers can bring it back to $675,000 for 2011. For estates valued above the exemption level, the financial penalties can often be harsh. ' An estate valued at between $3 million and $5 million today would be levied about $1 million in taxes. Heirs are often stunned and angered when they reallze they owe . uch a huge tax bill. Newport Beach financial planner Dennis Renter said. •it's called the death tax because It's ugly; said Renter, a planner with Associated Secu- Daily Pilot ATAGlANCE ONntEWEB: • www.~com WEATHER S.. COX, P .. e M W.'H enlov • r.ther W9f"m d8y for NcMtmber. S.hpA2 · SPORTS It's their day Richard Mendez, left. Bud Toel<es and Bl Richards pay tribute. Students at St. John the Baptist Catholic School host an afternoon salute to veterans on Monday Lolita Harper Daily Pilot D avid Alexander sat on The stage at St John the Baptist Catholic School on Monday afternoon dressed in a perfectly pressed unJfonn. with hls many Marine Corps medals gleaming in contrast to the dart wool Alexander sat in bis chair with a serious look on his face as he look.ed over the audience. He stood fo rcefuDy. with the rigid discipline or a soldier, when it came rune to honor the nation's veterans. His hardened exterior melted when a first-grader delivered a single white carnation to thank him for his service to the country. A wide amUe broke across his faoe u be 1CCepte4 SMOAY,PlPM THE VERDICT &tif ers had to follow the rules On Ml average day, • FC>d ride ..... lbout dme leCOndl. and with my surf, an lmmemerip dewlap&. So why ... .. thele bodyMllfen ~ autd*'1f ....... ,.., ... W•onWl•-- ln Carom dll M& .............. lb91Ja190nlll ............. _ ..... ".'*'• Aa ... •:ft\ •t•-:-Y_•hs• -•P* ................... . aldllil ,,., .............. . , . Al TUlldly, Nowneer 12, 2002 KIDS· TALK BACK New games and gift makes for happy kids The Daily Pilot · stopped by Wilson Elementary School last week to ask 'What are you happy about today?' '"Cause l ordered somethJng from a catalog and ft came in the mail today. It wusny brotben birthday present" KATY MENDEZ, 10 Costa Mesa "I got anew game on the 64 Nintendo." ISAEl. VIJ.NONA, 12 Costa Mesa . "'Todaywe have a spedaJ computer class and we play games.• FERNANDO VALDEZ.10 ColtaMaa "Yesterday my dad bought me.a new game for my com.potl!r., and when I get borne, I cim play It as long as l want" NIA A1ENEZ. 10 Costa Mesa ... got two new video games and today we get out early." ALEX CORDERO, 10 Costa Mesa -lnlNllleuls and photos compiled by QmJl Wilson • IN THE CLASSROOM KUANG tMN4G I DAILY Pl.OT Joseph Bryson, right, shares a joke with classmates Eizabeth Wheeler, left, and Robin Gautschi. Bryson and Wheeler were working on a CD holder for the woodshop class in Ensign Int~ School. The class may be canceled if teacher John Koch retires at the end of the school year. Crafting independence Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot H as the proliferation of the Internet changed the way kids.perceive fun? Not if you walk.into John Koch's woodwoctlng class at Ensign lntennediaae School There aie no computers in sight - just students working at various stages of woodwodd.ng-a tableau that could have easily existed in the 19th or 20th century. And yet the modem, tech-savvy kids in JCochj class a.re qWck to admit how mucll they enjoy the daM. "It's really fun because you get to . make your own stuff," said Nicole Macias, 12, who bad just used a drill press to insert a hole into her soon-to-be pen holder. Koch has been teaching Young woodworkers in John Koch's Ensign Intermediate classes !earn how to use machines to shape wood, but they also learn how do things for themselves. woodwotkingmtheschoolfor 30 yean. l.mbu.ing his students with bask: skiDs such as sawing. sanding and finishing. On a more subtle level. one that they might not even milize until they are older, he ls culdvating their independence. "They can do things later in life on their own instead of paying someone to do it.• Koch said. "Jt teaclles them to think. act on their own and work safely." Koch mainly teaclles seventh- graders and one eighth-grade advanced clas& The course is only half a semester long. Students leapt to use a drill p ress to make boles, a router to shape the wood's edges and a jigsaw to cut the wood into various shapes. On a receot Monday morning. the room was abuzz wilh activity. In one section, a student carefully sanded his creation while in another, a student wearing a special eye guard routed his wood as chips went flying. And the creations they spawn range from the practical to the entertaining. "It's really cool because we make a cheese cuner and a tic-tac·toe board. And I made a cllessboard, • said Elizabeth Wheeler, 12. But lhe woodshop class could be in limbo if Koch decides to re~ at the end of the school year. he said. He thinks it would be dlfflcult for the school to find a replacement Aod he thinks I~ a travesty that Newport Halbor ffigb School -the school that Ensign feeds into -has discontinued Its woodworking classes. ·1 think it's important to have at the high school le\lel ~not everyone is going to go to college.· Koch said • IN THE ClASSROOM is a weekly feature in wtlk::h Daily Pilot ~ writer Deirdre Newman visits • cempua in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. DaiI:xAPjlot QwladneC.... News M8itltant. (948) 57~ dlri«JM.CfWrillo.llflm#.oom flttC1TOQfWIHER Seen Hiller, Kuang HMng, Don Leech. Kent Ti'eptOw SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Wh8t• dlffe~. f9W ~ malle. Juat three deya after the ground WU eoeldng wet. w.'ll enjoy higt18 In the mid-70l In COlta Mele and the uppw eo. end loww 70l In Newpon BMdl. tt will be windy, though. OYwNght Iowa, will atilt drop to .. mid-80a. The IWefl will bedt down~ evening. READIRS ttonME (948)842~ Aeoord your comments about the o.lly Pilot or new. tis-. • Addi.- Our addteM le 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta MeN. CA 92827. Office hqu1'9 are Mond9V • Fridey, 8!30 a.m .• 5 p.m. C.eulb,... It .. .,_ PlkJt't policy'° PfOMPdY OOfT9Ct .. 9"0fl of ............ PIM9e cell (M) 574-4288. ""' be • bit cool9r °" Wedi~. but.,_,... of the weelt loolla ,.,,..,,, and Wilm\ • ........... n: WWW.l'Mlt.noN.flOV SURF "'••= ........ .......... 1.8 ... ... UI ... .. ........ . -.--....... --....-·-·--·----4t...... ' ~ ...... ~ .. Tuesday, NoYember 12, 2002 Al COSTA M.ESA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA into six separate parcels with one common pasking lot need to be added. WHAT TO EXPECT FY1 FAREWELL CANON The owner of the Olnon Business Machines industrial property on Redhill Avenue will ask the Planning Commission to subdivide the soon-to-be-vacant lot into six pUcels. According to a staff report. the proposed parcel lines coincide wtth the existing buildings and no coNtruction la being requested at thia time. When the property ls rented out to new tenants, however, there may be a need fur remodeling, the report read& Planning commlssloners are dpected to approve the parcel division as long as the owner agrees to stringent parking requirements. District Is trying to buy property along the Gisler Storm Channel - bordered by South Coast Drive, Harbor Boulevard and Fairview Road -from Caltrans for future Oood controllli1g methods, a staff report states. •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Comml.~ion meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.ro. Tuesday • WHERE: Cl1y Hall, n Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714)754-5245 GISLER CHANNEL County officials are also requesting property from parts of the Home Ranch parcel, along the Ikea portion ef the development, to get vehicles down to the flood channel. Omon Business Machines, at 3193 RedhiD Ava., houses six buildings on four lots, with a mix of industrial and office uses. The company is leaving the site, and owner Craig McClellan is proposing the parcel IDaP. be divided Because the lot Is already built out and parking is at a maximum, dty planners recommend that any physical alt4!llllfona only be approved by the P_lanning Co~ if the owner c8n show that no parking will NEWPORT BEACH · CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING SCHEDULE : Hoping to avoid a repeat of Planning Commission meetings that lasted into the wee hours, City Council members have deared their agenda ohll but the most urgent items and set a special time to consider a t.jormon temple matter. Al 7:30 p.m., council members will consider an appeal.of the PJ,anning Commission's approval o( the Church.of Jesus Christ of Uitter-day Saints. ~TTOEXPECT ·.A group of residents had filed Cf.le appeal after the COl1ll1li.<ision approwd the~ with a 99. 75-foot steeple, who6e height was reduced from 124 feet It's po6Sible that the churchS latest plan to take the steeple down to 90 ieet could make for a ~ that's anoother than originally expected. FY1 •WHAT: Newport Beach City Cou ncil m eeting • WHEN: 7 p.m.; study session begins at 4 p.m. • WHERE: City Council Chamben1 at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: (949) 644-3000; complete-agendas and staff reports are available online at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. space instead. WHAT TO EXPECT The city has shown plenty of suppon for the theater, especially when considering to buy the property. And, because this item is on the consent calendar, chances are that at the end of the night, the long-awaited Balboa Theater will be one small step closer to a reality. -C,ompiled by June Casagrande Qultydlidale are~ to buy land ~ dle..Gislfr Chamel and DH!t dfm their plans wilh the Plan:q Canrr&on ~to em.me tbe9' plans ml In line \Wt\ the city\~ plan The Orange County Flood Control According to law, the flood control district must clear its plans with Costa Mesa officials because it falls within city borders. wm c1ea1 wtth an o1 ihe pruyiliona. 1be boatd will also talk about die 'expamion ·of its preschool program. WHAT TO EXPECT The board will listen to the presentation. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AWARDS·-EXPENDJrURE PLANS The school district wfl1 consider approving expenditure plans for schools eligible for the Governo(s Performance Award Program based·ob their Academic Per:formancelndex growtb target achievement. The schools cannot WHAT TO EXPECT The approval is really a furmallty the county must go through to make sure their plans are in line with Costa Mesa's general plan. -'C.Ompiled by Lolita Harper spend their awmd anoaer until 1be board llllPftMlilm plaDI. wtW'lO'ECPICT It ... beeJl recommended d.t the board approve the apendltun pf.tuJS. I -Owrtpllal,,,. Dfttrbw~ FULL BAR COCKTAILS If council members approve tbe project, this could be the ~ chapter in this long-running dispute. Omrch officials had said they hope to begin work as soon as possible on their new temple, to be built ~ 2300 Bonita Canyon Drive. MEXICAN RESTAURANT NEWPORT COAS.T SLOPES : In hopes of clearing up some gray areas in the city's agreement with Newport Coast residents, council members ~their stu~ session will . look at the issue of slope maintenance in Newport Coast. 1be slopes are called "fuel modification woes" because owergrowth there poses a fire hlazard to nearby homes. WHAT TO EXPECT '. Because this is just a study eeuion item, no action will be taken at tonight's meeting. But, because they will be considering whether to change their pre-annaadon agreement with Newport Coast. there's no telling whether the matter will become oontentious. BALBOA THEATER SPACE A quest to create a Balboa JISforming Arts Theater on Main Sbeet continues as council members consider a plan to lease lp8Ce at lll Main St., commonly c8Ded the Orange Juliw building. 1be city hoped to buy the building to provide rehearsal lp9Ce. dressing rooms and ftlltIOOms for a renovated Balboa 'lbellter. but the owners turned dawn the city's offer of $1.4 mOllon. Now, ~ugb, ~a p>d chance that it can lease the BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS t !8!5 ~ Mattress Outlet Store BRAM) NEW · COSME71CALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best tor Leal ,_... 31 65 Harbor Blvd. ..., Costa Mesa • One liocll 5outll ~ ~5 f'Wy ill (714) 545-7 168 WHY STAY HOME Sunset Dinners ~ 9lamma gina Monday-Friday: 4:30-6:15 Complhnmtary Buffet in our loun&e $5.0Q Martini's From J-7pmeMoo-Fri www.••••egina.com C94?2f~3-9500 251 Eut <AUt Higlawa1 • rt Bada AMo ia Nm Daat at Floraw:e Italy • HMIOWOOO • LW1IS •CARPET • CSIAllC 11.E • WM'l ROOAIJI • MM>OW aw&M •!1111@& i@iif'li5i SOLARIAN: •ALAB' NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949 -645·7626 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members \ • Semi-Private for Men & Women ·• Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Ttme Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Par1dng • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • M r-.. -...., 12, 2002 OBITUARY PUeuc · SAFETY POLICE F:ILES COITAIEIA Anne Spinn embodied the Pilot's 'heart and soul' aon Made w a Mar bMkeCbd ~ fonner ~ BdiuJr s-e dmlOUliy pumped life into the best friend. . Ir Tony Dodero OlityPilot player' .. Corona del Mar ffl8b Malt*, "1odl ~.. wodr,ed pllce. She WM llw&)9 remJndjng "I thou&f1l ~ was ~ like • Ad91M ....... An ..... w NpOftld In ... 1200 bloc:t et 11 :61 a.m. Sundey. •~I A ml.me: P9ay theft waa rwpof't9d In the 300 bloct at 1 :01 p.m. Su~. .• ,.,,,,._, Roed: An auto theft W8I reported In the 2700bloctet2:41 p.m. Sunday. SchOOI. Wbb her b'.,.,..., wae -sdeoed w al our bllic roots.• ~ Earth k! aD of ~ around Ame ~ a b:mer Dally Pi-A bmer ecbool ~ Mn. to hear' olMra. spn.a deld1. Piiot Publlher Tum JohnsOD ·here. she said. Sf wu ~ a""' lot libruian and history coh.unniat ~ u1IWmJd ao ad in the Ody -she wm a aecaod mom to *> Md Cood memortes of Mrs. ~ ~ felt pr'ivOe8'Jd ~ ~i:.,~ S::~ was=::.:=.~ ~ ~-~ ~ · ~we were gang through Mer m1dng In~ 1996, Mn. and its readers. bas died.ISbe waa hulbmd said. "Any joumalst who wotked tt:wn tough times. she was someone Spinn and her husband fT\OYed to 71. . In later years. Ml& Spinn and quid:ty learned tbaf etie' MS the who helped bold ttli.1 pJace to-her hometDWn of Sommerville, Mm Sp4tn, who reQred from her family wem hit by .01tpd)4~ int!lfeeot and well-reed ~" )oho9on said. S.C. where she was IMng when the newspaper In 1996, died after two of her children. Manhall ~ penon tn the place.'" Former ooDeaguel Bob Baiter, a she d.lecL •Giller~ Grand theft WU ntpOf'tect In the 1400. bloct at 6:~ p.m. Sunday. adtedng &om heart failure Pliday Pri8dJ1a. died In eady adultbQod. Marble bad llmDar words of longtime Daily Piiot teRO~ ~ Cierry Spinn said services were nlgtl(. said Geay Spinn. her m. . Mrs. Spinn wodc:ed Cor the Ody pnPee. • 'Bea Andenlon. a former copy edl· privale and that. in lieu of Oowers, · band of 47 jean. Pilot for 14 Yean u the ~ "She was .one of the kindest. tor at the piq>er. bad similar the family Is aath>.gJhat donations .• twtlor Boua..d and MMtrnac W9y: A traflk: oollilk>n Involving Injuries wu reported at 11:02 a.m. Sunday. 4(Sbe was a very loving, caMg, paper's Jibradan. She. allo wrote ~ most dedbaid ~ 1 memories of Mrs. Sl>inn .. be made In ties: name to .the Girt belpcul person with everyone she the paper's weekly Lo9ldn8 Bad ~-Marble said. "1b me, the "She was always full or fun. Soo~ or America. 88 a (1lbute to knew," Gerry Spinn said. oolumn. wbldi duonkied ·New-came to represent the bean and Baitet" said "We always had their late daughter Prisdl.1a. who Dom on May 27, 1931, in At~ port-Mesa blsto~ and for years soul of the Ody Piiot more than something to laugh about with was on~ named Orange C.ounty Janra, Mrs. Spinn, her husband was the anooymoua author d the &D)'ODe. AMe. She did the good work Gilt Scout d the~ • ..... eon~ A vehicle burglary wat "9p<Mted In the 2700 blcxt at 9:33 a.m. Sunday. and family moYed to Corona del snappy and bright weather blurb8 "She camd about the people without any anger. She was truly a She ts SU1'Yived by husband Mar tn the late .1970s. The family that ran on die papen front paee. who WOf:bd there,• he said. "She great penon." Gerty; and two sons. Mark of Aliso 1iYed Chere fDr 18 years, and her Fonner POot FAitor BID lobdeD bad pa8Siorl for her job and con· Anderson said she lw lost her Viejo and Michael ofThmpa. f-1a. • Vldorie S1Net: Vandalism waa' reported In the 300 block at 8:08 a.m. Sunday. • East 11th StrNt and "'9wport Bou•awnt: A traffic collision lnvoMng In~ wa1 reported at 2:43 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • w..t Bey Avenue: A burglary was reported In the 800 blodc at 6:43 p.m. Sunday. • lnrine Awnue: Battery was reported in the 2300 blodt at 6:32 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Bouleverd: A hit-and-run was reported in the 3000 blcxt at 4:49 a.m. Sunday. • Newport CenW Drive East: A vehicfe burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 1 :55 p.m. Sunday. • w.t ~Front: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2300 block at 2:37 p.m. Sunday. TEMPLE Continued from Al pealed the matter to the City Council Ken Wong. who filed the ap- peal. could not be reached Mon- day afternoon. When he filed the appeal earlier this month. Wong said that the group of homeown- ers in the appeal did not have a specific height limit in mind. Steven Brombal, president of the Bonita Canyon Homeowners Assn., said he would wait until cox Continued from Al riries Corp. ~Most people t:hinJc it's repulsive and rude for the government to take one more taJt (upon a person's dealhl in addJ· lion to all the others.~ • Vie Udo Soud: A vehicle burglary wa1 reported In the 300 blodc at 8:25 a.m. Sunday. Heirs must fill out the Internal Revenue Service's labyrinthine Ponn 706, which requires a se- . ries of appraisals of the value of '------------J all the assets that can't be quickly sold to raise cash . SABATINO'S 1: ,1 II 'I ' '' .\ I I .. I· If ' JI d '-.1 11-l~t ( " •Dinner • Sunday Brunch 251 Shipyard Way • Newport Beach -Please al for hooo. directions & "5e!VatlOl'ls • (949) 723-0621 ~ Christmas <!J~ at FLORAL" GIFTS s ummerhill II~ ooU.,J;o,, lo J..lp 'I°" ~U..~oju. .. ,, Ornaments • CanJ/a • Cards • H<J'11U Accessories Wmtths • Topiaries • Garlmul.s 369 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa, Mon-Fri t0:00am-6:00pm, Sat&: Sun 10:00am-5:00pm Phooe(949)646-6745 ,,.._ dUchn broth, dNnb "'chlchn bttaft. ricc~wfth avcado. dlanuo mdlme. after tonight's proceedinp to take a position on the temple. Though the homeowners' asso- ciation was not part of the ap- peal, 9rombal bas been vocal in trying to secure a compromise be believes is fair to residents. "Ninety feet is definitely better than 124: BrombaJ said "Is 90 feet the best we can do? At this point, It probably is." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covens Newport Baacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail et june.casagr11ndfl@l11timt1S.com. Cox's persistent efforts to re- move the tax may pay dividends now that Republicans control the White House, Senate and House, be said. It would be a victory nearly 150 years in the making. The fed· eral government instituted the taJt at the end or the Civil War to pay off war debt by taxing wid· awfl Inheritances.. It bas sub- sequently been raised several times, mostly after wartime. In the meantime, Renter rec~ ommends people draw up a liv- ing will and trust to help ad.min· ister their assets. • Ml.IL CUNTON covers the environment end politics. He m-v be reedled et (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail et paul.clinton@latimes.com. Steaks • Safood • c.odrtllls --Quality Seni«*** _.Ni Encauia.mc:ar-•• DAY . Continued from Al the simple, yet significant gift. "Being up on stage brings home the point of what we're J'lere to defend." Alexander saJd after the Veterans Day service at St John the Baptist "It's the men and women and young boys and girls that you are swom tO' protect." Alexander shared the stage with about 40 other veterans of various ages and branches of the armed forces. Each took their honored position in front of the church while a gfudent body of 600 and other members of the community paid tribute. The mood of the service varied. from a solemn playing of Tups -remembering those who gave their~ in service -to VERDICT Continued from Al Putting ihe towel down oo the sand and lying on top or it was definitely bad fonn. Everyone settled directJy on the sand. Now this might seem a little quixotic, but there was a very practical reason behind iL Evei'yone always stayed out in the water as long as they could Help Your Children Succeed In School At r.i TUToRING -CLUB Offerine lndlviduallzed ln&truction • Phonlce Readln~ • Math -Algebra - P~rsm Geometry • Reading • Wrtun9 -Study Skllle Comprehem;lon • Homework Aeeletance CALL TODAY . 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' STRUT• Co8TA MnA (con-. of wr. ..wit.) "Owr SO y,.,., of Fbtt Qulity" All Typa of Window Treatmeatl lively, upbeat traditional wartime jazz played by The Air National Guard Band of the Southwesl Bach class showed its admiration for lhe servicemen and women wilh homages of patriotic tunes they had been perfecting since September. Gina Galassi, 13, said all the hours of practice were wen worth it. "This is very important because they saved our country," Gina said. Veteran Kathryn Van Hook. who served in the Marines during WOrid War 11. certainly appreciated the ceremony. "I've been to a lot of Veterans Day programs. but this one came rrom those children's hearts, and I can't get over it," Van Hook said. Alexander and his family certainly took heart in the -meaning until lhey were blue from the cold -and there is no faster way of getting warm than stretching.out in the hot sand .• With the sand toasting you from below and the sun from above, In only minutes they met in the middle with a little ping. and you were warm again. To rud conversation. we usually spread out in a circle. beads at the center. From the bluff above. it mwt have looked like a series of wagon wheels. When Oeary first showed up. he was viewed with all the disdain usually reserved for Oatlanders. but he hWlg around, service. His rueces. who both attend the private Catholic school. also thanked Alexander by crushing him in a grateful embrace. This time, the restraint ingrained in him from IO year~ of military service was gone. and a large grin replaced it. The girls will only be able to see their uncle brteRy, as he will return to the Marine base in Hawali In two month& After that, it is anyone's gues.5. "You never know," Alexander said when asked lf he was in danger of being sent to lhe Middle East. "No one is immune. When they caJJ you UJI to go. they don't give you a choice." • LOUTA HARPff' covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached et (9491 574-4275 or by e-mail et lolita.harper latimn.com becoming a decent bodysurfrr. and was eventually accepted a. ... a regular. Later. he moved to lbpanga. where he wrote "Surf Guide." which led to "Surf Guide" magazine and a role as guru to the burgeoning surf culture. . However, it's my understanding that in lhose lalN years. he was often seen sitting on a towel or even in a beach chair. so maybe he wasn't such J Little Corona regular after all • ROBERT GAADHEA 11 a Corona def Mar resident and a former 1udge. His column runs Tuesdays AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUN> TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 'J30 W. Bay St, Coste Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. lndude the lime, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A compfete listing is available at www.dailypilot.oom. TODAY A Mmlner on strea management for women will be held from 9· a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wyndham Garden Hotel In Costa Mesa. The teminar will focus on how to beat tension, frustration and fatigue cauMd by atreu. The hotel is at 3360 Avenue of the Arts.. $39 per person, S34 for groups of five or more from the ume org9nizatk>n. For more lnfonnation, call (800) 556-3009 or visit www.carMrtrack..com. Aluldlng.,.._~ worbhop will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Public Library. The worbhop Is hosted by the Newport Bead\ Chamber of Commen:e and the Newport Beech Public Library. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. ffe&. For mote lnfomlatJon, cell (949) 72tM400 Of visit www.~btMch.com. Hoeg"°"*" wll ho9t ........ on the MCteta to overall W.-bM19 It 8:30 p.m . In the Hoeg Conte.-.. a c.nter In· Ntwp0t1 a..dl.. The temlnar will ~ mlftV,Mpects of w.•-. IUCh .. nutrition, ....a..,eexuafity,honnonea end eldn CM-.. Thie ternlnw i. part ofHoeg4a new..,.. of da-. tlllloNd to women ln-Chefr so. end~ f'.or nlillMldons, caM CIOO> I~ or (M) ~o. ....................... holit •..,...,on me time It ..... '°be .. from 9:30 to l:ao p.m. ec m. PMk> C8M Jn Cotta MeM. The ... It 226 6. 171h ..... Free.( .. )..,,...,..,. 1845 Part Ave. $20. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 588-2429 or visit www.wiseinvtntors.org. WEDNESDAY The N9wpot't Buc:t1 Cherne-of Commerce will host a networtcing lund'leon at noon at the Radisson Hotel In Newport Bead\. During the luncheon, buslneSI lawyer Chris Sexton will give a presentation on the 10 most common legal mistakes in business. The hotel Is at 4645 MacArthur Blvd. $20 for members with a reservation, $25 for potential members st the door. For mo'l' Information, call (9491 729-4400 or vlsit \lnllW.ll9WPOftbHdl.C:om. A Mmlner on ..... rtght whle on the run will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. It the Pl1Jo ~ In Costa Mae. The eemlner it sp<>n90red by Mothet"a Martet & Kitchen. The~ Is at 225 E. 17th St Free. (949) 831-47'1. Hoeg tto.pitel wlCh hoet. seminar on sMeplng disorders at 6:30 p.m. in the Hoeg Conference Center in Newport Beach. The seminar will focus on ~ng, Insomnia and exceaaive sleepiness and the symptoms and treatment. for Nd\. The center 11 at 1 t-to.Q onw. Aw. for more Information. cell (800) 614-o462.4 or (M9) 7*MiM6. Hoeg C..C.C....wll hoet. lung cancer tupport oroup mfftlng from e:30 to I p.m. on how tung c:.ncer ~Its treatment •tr.ct tung function. FrM. The C.nter la at 1 tto.Q Drive Building 41. frtle. For more lnfo""-'lon. c.11 (9'9) 780-6642. • - -~ .. ~-~ ... ---· .. .....-... --...... JI-... . .. , ..... ._._........._..... ---·"~ . . ... ' I Dlilv Pilot Tuesday, Nollember 12, 2002 M FORUM . HOW 10 G,E'T PU8USHED -C...-.: Maff to Editorial Page Editor Jamee Meler et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 921l27 •AH den Hot1ne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mell:Send to dailypilot@fatlme..com •All cornepondenoe must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. STUDENT OUTLO()K ·An angel who'll never forget M y 83-year·old grandfather recently visited California for the first time in six year& He lives just outside of Pittsburgh. andi'm not able to see him as often as J'd like. But In the time J did gee to spend talking with him, we would talk about how school was going. how amazing it was that the Angels finally woo the World Series and, mostly. about my grandmother. My grandmother's name was Millie. She was born In 1919 in a small town ln western Pennsylvania. She loved sewing. traveling. bowling. going to church. and setting a good 11.a-rr example for the rest of ""'.:;. us. In 1979, she was GUESMAN diagnosed with breast cancer. After a very . long figh t. with numerous recoveries and relapses, she left us on May 18. It seems like she's been gone for much longer. though. My grandmother also had Alzheimer's disease. The horrors of this disease are unexplainable 10 anyone who has not experienced losing someone 10 It My grandmother went from a completely self-sufficient woman 10 a shadow of herself and spent her last days in a nursing home. My grandma was one of the finest people who ever lived on this P.arth. When she came into a room, her quiet presence just seemed 10 envelope you. making you feel more loved than you did before. She always had a smile on her face, a aong on her lips and a prayer in her heart. She alwa)'S wied to teU me. "You're the greatest." But she was. I'm blessed ro have memories of my grandma before she had Alzheimer's, although. being the youngest grandchUd. I have the fewest. My earliest memories are the fondest. She lowJd to sing. When my~ aunt Jan.le would come in from New Yolk a~ the two of them would entertain me with I.heir delightful harmooles. She IOYed ruler coasters. She always med to smile the whole way through. Once. when I asked her why. she Slid it was to make sure her teeth didn't faJJ out. She loved her pudchild.ren. She dktdt think we could do any wrong and. whflo we did. the .aw.,. b:ft we would tum out all rigbL When &he pueed away, I didn't j\ISt lose a grandmother, I lo r a role model for llfe. In this day and age. there are so few adults thar my generation can truJy admire. My grandma appreciated eYef'f day of her life. even days when she was ill from chemotherapy treatment or upeet because she coyJdnl mnember how to make cotfee anymore. She lived every day and WM thankful for being there. The last time I saw my grandma. even though ahe couldn't remember my name. she knew that she .IOYed me. She was so ' ftaJJ, ao confused. l am ashamed to say that I didn't spend as much time with her as I abould have. Jt was too bard for me to see her like thaL No one sbouJd baYe to see 90l'OeOOe they km lib that I prefer to remember my grandma as she used to be. She would tell me stories about her dilldhood: wotting In bet f'alher's store. sJnglng with her brothers and ailters. going to 9Cbool. JMtJ towanF , the end of her life. abe was ~o remember tbe9e stories, and r'l<Mld to ,beu' them over-and OYU. ..../ / / My grandmother left me a few~/ r: 1 when She died. and I wlD llwayll treMt.ae them. But the thing I wiU treuure the molt ii the m::ellent aunple lbe -for me. I wW always attempt to enn.Ule her geode pedellCe. berwmtn ~ lllld ber\DV ..... Wtb. I mA11 her,~ I mow lhe M ..,_,. wllb me. When I pdllMe bWtwtlbol. 1 know ibd be with me. Wbea ... my ... Job. I blow ...... be wllb me. Wbln ... .....W.1 lmowlhe'I be with ..... And ,. when my dm8 on HI P.Mdl II up. I lmow D11bewltbme: .......... ...,..,... ..... ...................... , ....... .............................. ...................... 1111.-..; :, ............ I I . MAILBAG f ll( PHO TO I 0AJL Y PIL 0 T Looking east on 19th Street near Pomona Avenue. Some see Allan Mansoor's Costa Mesa City Council election as a win for Westside improvement. Mansoor aims to improve all of Costa Mesa, not just Westside This is in response to the recent election and Geoff West's surprise that anolher unknown, underfunded improvement candidate go1 elec1ed (Mailbag. ·nme to ge1 down to business on Westside,· Friday). How could it happen? Again? Addressing his advice to Westsiders. West suggested they "tighten their focus and make some real progress on !hose issues they feel are critical to the improvement of their part of town.· In case there is anyone left in Cos1a Mesa who has not noticed, we have been trying to do just that for some time. The addition of Allan M.ansoor to the Costa Mesa O ty Council will no1 change that focus. As a group. we have had 10 concentrate on our own particular potholes due the fact that we find ounetw. bumping along on them daily. If you follow City Council meetings. and read any of the letters to the editor in the Pilot, I thinJc that you will find that we Westaiders are interested in a myriad of city '91ues, from El Toro airpon to the arts. However, I would lib: to emphasize why I and otbera I mow chose to vote for Mansoor. became he is for lmprovtag all of Costa Mesa. That's it KATHLEEN ERIC Westside Newport hasn't handled Monnon temple's steeple height well 1ltla la a response to letters from J. C):>nald Turner (Letter to the Editor. "Temple decision was well done," Nov. 3) and Richard A. Fulle r (Mailbag, •Planning Comndssion did right by Monnon remple: Nov. 3). Obviously, Turner's powers of observation are somewhat impaired, or else he was no1 present at the Oct. 3 Planning Commission meeting. It ls beyond me just how be can question Councilman Steve Bromberg's statemenr thal the approval process of the Mormon temple wu •taintecr when. in fact. two of the planning commiasloners stated essentially the same thing during the meeting. He raJaes another interesting point that the lower-tban-1ta1ed height of the s taJte cenrer steeple, wb.lcb I first determined. was •not 1lgniflcant as It pertained to the project. -At the Oct. 3 meeting, a dty staff member did state that the height of the stake center steeple was not llgnlficant In determining the height recommended for the temple steeple. ID the staff report to the Planning CommtMion on Sept. 5, It said that l<MWing the height of the project will reduce its vis.ibWty and visual impact, but lowering it below 86 feet, in staff's opinion. is questionable, as the structure would be lower lhan the adjacent stake cenler. which is a subo rdinate building within the religious practices of lhe Oaurch of Jesus Oarist of Laner-day Saints. This is very interesting, since tht> same s1aff member wrote the repon for the Sept. 5 meeting. 11 is also in1eresting ro note from June Casagrande's article on the real height of the stake center steeple the comment from Assislant Ci ty Manager Sharon Wood ("Heigh! of Mormo n steeple conLradicted," Oct. 2). Wood said that. in light of the new information. staff may change ils recommendation to an even lower h eigh I. Obviously. we have beard nothing but "double talk" out of City Hall. Just how Fuller can compliment Oaairman Steven Kiser and the Planning Commission for taking the time lo lislen to all of the 1estimony is beyond me. Kiser 1erminated testjmony before all those wishing to speak were heard and the n he had the audacity to read a stalement thal he had obvio usly written before the meeting. The whole Planning Commission meeting on Oct. 3 was a sham. Fuller's letter is nothing more rhan cronyis m and public back-patting, since he is a fonner m ember of the Planning Commission. Anyone who thinks there are no railroads in Newport Beach obviously has nol listened 10 the train whistles in Ci~. The way the city handJed this whole issue of the temple is nothing m ore than a political , game. The undercurrent is lhar they didn't want to be too harsh on the Mormons because several politically prominent people are involved with the plans for Our Lady Queen of Angels to try to gel permission to build a 110-foot dome in Eastbluff. It really doesn't maner if ir Is St Andrews with the 97-foot cros..,, St. Matthews with the approved 75-fool steeple and c ross. the Monnon temple with a sleeple approved to be 99 feet 9 inches, or Our Lady Queen of Angels with a t l 0-foot dome; it is nothing more than a game. Here we have a bunch of churches in town getting Into a mlne's bigger or taller than yours competition. Quite Crank.ly, I find this whole competition thoroughly disgusting. ALLEN K. llUMAY Newport Beach State bond victories will lead to tax increases ... No duh I find it astounding that despite the recession, and groaning under a huge deficit. California voters, seemingly oblivious to that dismal state LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR of affairs, and apparen tly gripped in a toncliuon of lunacy, approved ilJ-advised i.latewide ballot measures that can only add 10 Californja's budget woes. If queried, !hose same voters would no doubt answer a resounding no if asked whelher they would like 10 pay m ore truces. Exactly what is 11 thal causes voters to take leave of their sensei> when considering bond issuei.? Do they not know lha1 bonds Doaled by the state incur debt and must be pa.id bade:? Who exactly do they imagine pays back thal deb1? Some of those voters, o f course, Pet¥Jittle or no taxes anyway, so maybe they do know who pa ys back the debt Look for upcoming tax increase and a rollback on vehicle license fees reduction. There now. aren't you glad those bond issues sailed easily to victory? !LA.JOHNSON Costa Meo;.1 Enforce laws to deal with housing problems, don't add new laws I think. wbal sh ould be do ne about the substandard housing i<>. we should enforce lhe codes that already exist for lhe city of Costa Mesa and the laws that exist for the <>late o f California regarding h ousing (~Politics at play a'> planners debate rental ho using program.· Oct 30). We have the authority and the power 10 d o thar. 1 have lived in Costa Mesa for 30-plus yean.. and my husband and I have been property owners in the city of Costa Mesa fo r m ore lhan 30 years. The idea of modeling Costa Mesa after Santa Ana is absurd. We don't have the same kinds of problems. We don't want 10 be like Santa Ana. I think tha1 the idea of a citywide ordinance certainly penalizes landlords who are pride-of-ownership landlords and does not target 1he slumlords.. I'm completely agamsl a citywide ordinance. It doesn't address the issues properly. Resurface 17th Street, fill in potholes, for safety's sake Costa Mesa The roads on F.a3l 17th Street requift resurfacing. The safety ol ~rs and passengers are at risk when potholes and crevices must be avoided. This hould be attended to. Teaching a ~hoice, not a consolatio_n QU01E OF TIE DAY • Jt'J always fun to ptay (the Panthers), and when we beat them it's great." M Tuesday, NcMm>er 12, 2002 HIGH SCHOOL . FOOTBALL . PLAYERS OF .THE WEEK WEEK9 BnttVla 6-0, 210 Jr. Atwo-way. standout at lnsJde 'bedcer and guard, he was a defensive force and also bl~edwell. HeNahedfor 284yerds. lndudlng toucMowr1 ,,,.,. of 34. 76 •nd~yerdl, on23cama Friday night. <DRONA DEL MAR ~~ Blodlng from hla tight end position, he provided a bright spot in the trenches fortheSea ~JllHllEI• Kings Friday. 0 9 8 K..C. Rawlins 5-9, 175 Sr. The safety waa a punishing laat line of run defense and alao had aome big hits on ~-· receivers. ESTANCIA Etll AnderMn 6-1, 115 Sr. The defen9fve end aper1ded egieinst the run end provided COMimnt INderahlp for theEeg._ Thureday. Brad YOWll 6-1, 185 Jr. He completed nlnepeaaesfor 116 yardl and one TO In whet coach celled hlamost polMd perfonnance. NEWPORT HARBOR Chrtt Bedonk M , 290 Sr. A..,...., pr111nce.t rtght 1-dde, he -•dominent bloc*« to help Sellon'off9rlae ..,,..., ptOduclltw. EYEOPENER ~~~ ....,_~ RotwClr1son • (949)574-4223 • ""'9fu:<9491650-0170 MARC MAATIV OM..Y Pl.OT Corona del Mar High's 1993 girls volleyball team c~lebrates on the floor at Cal State Fullerton following CIF State DMsion I championship aver Newport Harbor. Lookin_g back on CdM's back-to-back championships It's Qeen I 0 years since the first of two unforgettable titles; the second was capped with a thriller over Back Bay rival Newport Harbor in the '93 state final. Rlcherd Dunn Dally Pilot A t the time, it seemed almost surreal that the girls volleyball champlonshlp of the entire state of California was played between two schools from the same city-separated only by a small body of water in the Back Bay as Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor high schools squared off in an unforgettable Division I battle. The spoils that eady December night in 1993 inside a steamy Cal State Fullerton gymnash.un went to Corona del Mar, which completed an ama7lng stretch of bade-to-back myrhlcaJ natioQa) cbampionsb.lpa under C.oach Lance Stewart. arguably the peatest span of volleyball acbievement the Uk.es have ever seen in the Newport-Mesa community-long considered a voUeyball hotbed. In the autumna of 1992 and '93, no team was hotter. Tun years ago thls fall CdM players poured on top of each other in celebration foDowing the Sea K.lnp' five-game victory over Laguna Beach in the OF State Division I title match, the first of what would become two straight championship seasons with the same core of players who grew up together at the club level and later won an unprecedented back-to-back ClF ~uthern Section, OF State Division I and national championships. The players didn't stop there, however, as each became a star at their respective colleges, even paving the way for women's volleyball at their schools. Now, they're all grown up. Some are married and working in the real world. But they will never forget those two championship years. The unbeaten '92 Sea Kings claimed the national championship with a 34-0 record, won 93 out of 101 games in the campaign and claimed the Sea View League title, before a magical poetseason. •Jbose were such exciting times, those years, and that team WU 80 close, .. said Jennifer Stroffe. CdM'• standout outskle hitter in 1992 and '93. • 1 \le never experienced anything like that since then. chemistry-wise." Stroffe, a ~year varsity starter and two-time All-CIF Southern Section Division I eelectlon. pointed to the 1992 Divers National Tournament in 01.lcago as a hlghlisbt that ldck-started the Sea Kings' run. In that presdslous midleason to~t. the Sea Kings MMC ~/DALY Pl.OT CdM's Kin Coleman (14) hugs CaiUil Pickart. Jemifer Stroffe shouts for joy and, right. Megan Upham grabs a hug as team celebrates CIF State Division I title. "looked like underdogs" with their "baggy shorts," but they played Oawlessly and woo the townament. opening the eyes q(jzpOaters at the USA Today, which Usua ~na del Mar No. 1 in the country for the first time on Oct. 14 of that year. The Sea Kings remained at the top through season's end. "I can't 1mqlne there's a team we can't beat." Stewart aa1d after h1a squad swept defending tournament champion • Mother McAuJey of OUcago. 15-8, 15-10. ~beatable, but when we're playing our game, we'll beat anybody." Stroffe waa named tournament MVP lo 01.lcago and the Sea K'inp. who captured the Diviaion I tide at the Onnge County ClMunpiomblpe In September '92, wmi Wea on theu-way to a bi& aeuon. JunJor setter Kim Coleman, who would later star at HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL · Gamebusters LAST WEEK'S,_. ICHOOL FOOTMU. PLAYS OF IO YMDI OR MORE GAMES10Pl'DS Lut ~big cle6mtw plays • OOSTAMBSA-Unebtac:ker Olrit .... bu one fumb&e rec:ave1 y; one caueed fumble, one eolo tKkJe .,, Poeey ii the i.d men OD ...... a 1weep b a 6-yudio. ··· Comat.:ka. .... cktw.an allt .,.. md maa. the tlldde ror a 2-JUd ao.. ... w..y Wlll'm Jim P+hhManw-~'-bll brelJdncupapw ... ~.._.-st .... nma1-,.ntm.mc1-._.a~ot111C1111a1 ooa2..,...sm ... s.a..._ • ....._-~ tor am IDd two lbared c.c:klel for ........ IDlide llneff+ •• -VIII IWCCMD. tumbla ... Noeesswd .. dllltPwllJdlmlt-t• ..... lpl OCQl•ahine to mp a run b a 2-JMl lcm ..• l!ad <w. Mau• -*-a runas for a 4-,..S lam IDdjalM wllb Reed to ................. ..,... ...... aww.. ,._...111e.-.....ona~.-,wblle .._a 111 wt Reed._. 111e ,..,.. .. a. a'S-,.nl m ... ...__.._. ... anaba2-ymd._ ···~..._.. ....... .;;-._ .. Olda ... ... .... --~~ ••• MJ ....... . en...... a..• a1roaaJ.,.. ............ •----Qa .. ..,... ... ... llDdlllC...,_pwnllll ...... I 5'J11P • on alocJlllde s--in lbetDd ...e·:·: .... ...... ....... qlMNlt.ctdown~-.......... . 2-,...Sloa •mAIB.MM-IDdlltm-,_a =.t•..-.. ::t .. .....,u.n1 .. ...,.. ..... ••••Ll'll•;llttonCMrllt ........................... ftllllbll ••. ,......_..,. .... ssma._... ... l'lllCs I ............... 7.,..lllill .. . ......., ....... Cllinls ..... ,~ ..... . -........... . • .... ,..--.. -~-~ -·----..... -----··- SPORTS Tuesday, NoYember 12 2002 A7 RECRUITING Peirsol bound for Auburn Newport Harbor senior verbally commits to Tigers after weekend visit. Auburn University, she said Monday. Peirsol, second in the 500· yard freestyle at last sprfng's ClP Southern Section Divi- sion I Finals after finishing third in the same evenr as a sophomore, said she chose Auburn over Ariwna. UC Be~eley, Florida and USC. that event, and is a freshman this fall at Texas. ·The team atmosphere wu, like, crazy, and everyone gets along really well. The area is really pretty. It's . different from (Southern California}, but I think that will be a good change for me.• N'ewport Harbor High sen- ior Hayley Peirsol, who fin. lshed second in the 800-me- ter freestyle and fifth in the 400 individual medley at the PhilUps 66 National" SWim- ming Championships in August, has verbally commit· ted to continue her athletic and academic career at ·1 committed while r was there last weekend," said Peirsol. whose older brother Aaron won a silver medal in the 200-meter backstroke at the 2000 Olympics, is the rei.gning world champion in Peirsol said she has not yet decided on a major, but looks forward to ,helping the Tiger:s try to do last year's No. 2 national ranking one bet- ter. -by Barry Faulkner MARC MARTIN I OAJLY PILOT From left, Caitlin Pickart, Kathyrn Rice, Kim Coleman. and Andrea Susson celebrate their State Volleyball Championship win. CDM Continued from A6 UCLA, merited all -tournament honors in Oticago. Most of CdM's Sea View League matches that season were quick. Opponents didn't score much and three-game sweeps were usually over in one hour. •They're so good, it 's almost boring. They never make a mistake,· quipped then·F.sl.81lcia Coach Tom Pestolesi, after his team lost to the undefeated Sea Kings in the opening round of the CIF Division I Playoffs. CdM continued to roU in the playolfs, beating traditional powerhouse Mira Costa in the quarterfinals and Santa Barbara in the semifinals in four games, before sweeping Laguna Beach. 15·1, 15·13, 15·12,intheCIF Finals at Cerritos College. It was the scliool's fourth CIF title in girls voUeyball. In the state tournament, Corona del Mar opened with University HJgh of West Los Angeles and allowed only 12 points in a three-game sweep, as Lori Newcomer led the way with 10 lcills. The top-seeded Sea Kings beat Thrrance in the second round in a four-game thriller, 15·10, 6-15, 16·14, 17-15, and swept St. Mary's of Stockton in three in the semifinab -setting up a rematch with Laguna Beach for the state championship. On Dec. 5, 1992, CdM won the state title with a 15· 7, l 5-5, 11 ·15, 2-15, 15-4 win over Laguna Beach at Cal State Fullerton before 1,686 customers. It was only the aecond time the Sea Kings had been pushed to Ove games. In a Sea View League match. croMtown rtval Newport Hatbor once mended the Sea 'Kinp to five~ the Sea Klnp with 17 killl ln the title match. followed by Newcomer (13), ColemlD (elgtlt), Caitlin Plcbrt (MMD) aod Alllloo ~t (he). Newcomer'l 35 dip led CdM on defeme, wblle Strotr. _. 20 and Coleman 18. Bntl ... adcMd three IOlo bioC:D. ft ... the ddrd ltate dtle .. QIM, lollowtnl 198<& IUSIERS CoRlllllld tam M Dllil.............. . .. esu • -WM and '90. because we'd lost to Newport Newcomer (Alabama) and I larbor twice m league. Peop1e Englebrecht (Portland) earned didn't expect us to get to the CIF volleyball scholarships. but Finals and win, and then to go were the only players not 10 state and win state . that's coming back for the ·93 always the be!>t feeling. when campaign. you're not picked to win ... ·1 doo·t remember a single CdM entered the CIF Division difference in those two years. I tjtle match with a 22-2 record except losing Lori Newcomer and ranJted No. 2 in the nation, (and Englebrecht), and giggling while Newport Harbor (28-I) a lot and eating a lot at those was ranked No. I . tournaments. And both teams •If Newport and Corona were equally as fun," said aren't the two best high school Coleman, the versatile 6-footer volleyball teams in the country. who would set, hit and block then there ain't no dogs in with equal prowess. Georgia," Ste wart quipped Coleman, who later before the firM serve at Cerritos established UCLA and Pac-10 College, where his Sea Kings assist records, was a two-time defeated the Sailors. I 0-15. Mizuno All-American and 15·3. 17·15. 15-8, for a second earned CIF Southern Section • sjJaighr CIF title. Division J Co-Player of the Year In the third riveti ng meeting honors in '92. of the '93 season between the Setter Kristen Campbell, a '-~le Bay rivals. the Sea Kings three-year varsity starter, was ed out the victory. despite also among CdM's elite. The May's 33 kills. Seniors Andrea future Duke star worked well Susson, Hilleary Kehrla. Krista with Coleman on the Ooor. "She Wooten. Megan Upham, Tori and r played together so well,· Hartling and Noelle Resare. Campbell said. "Kim's such a juniors Wrenna Johnson and AU phenomenal player all around Havrilulc and sophomores Kelly with her hitting. blocking and Campbell and Kathryn Rke also everything. It was fun to be able contributed for the Sc-a Kings to set We ran a 6·2 (offense). their title run. Kelly Campbell but really to be able to use and Rice replaced Newcomer (Coleman) a lot offensively was and Englebrecht in the starting a lot of fun. It wasn't a lineup. traditional 6-2 and it wasn't a In the state tournament, traditional 5-1. It just worked Newport Harbor made it out We'd played with each interestJng with tough road other for so long.• victories at North Bakersfield, Campbell will be honored Poway and St. Mary's of next spring as one of the top IO Stockton at the University of the women's volleyball players in Pacific, whUe CdM enjoyed the history of the Atlandc Coast home wins over Los Angeles Conference, which celebrates Roosevelt. Laguna Beach and Its 50th anniversary with the Los Altos of the Central Coast best players in each sport Section. during the first 50 yars. "Both teams play great In the 1993 Sea View Leque defense, hammer the ball from campaign, however, the Sea the oul41de. and serve tough." it Kings and their stars were twice read in a magarlne preview of defeated by Newport Harbor. the CdM·Newport state final. which wu led by jwtlor "The team whlcb passes well All-American Misty May. enouch to run lta offense will "It wu an amazing probably win the city, state and accomplishment. coming from oatiooal champJonshlps. Fans, behind our senioT year," Stro1fe enjoy th.la one; It bu the aUd. "When we'd loat the leque po~tial to be one or the great dtle to Newport Harbor, then b.lgb school matches ever ended up playtnc them qatn ln ~ ln the U.S." · the OP Floall and ate ftnala It wu, Indeed, one or the and beadng them. tt can't pt ~t bilh. acbool matcbet ever much better tban that. played In the U.S. • the Sea Bverybody thoullht that we IClnp earned a ftw..p.me wen deftaill!ly not the better victory. 16-1,, 15-8, 16-18, t-15. teem. They didn't n:pect ua to 15·10, delptte a awe·MVP pt that far In thl pa.yo&, performance by Mly. llllillllll'lliiMd .. *, WWW -~to blll a tJUrtb.dom ""' llillll'af*llil ......... •ummJ.-•' sfwt&i ......... (& ....... ..,... ........ =·"'* ... ...,.. ..... .. ........... .., .... \ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WATER POLO CdM, Newport seeded second, fourth in .Division I League champions will open CIF Playoffs Thursday at home with big hopes. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot W S AlAMITOS -Back Bay high school boys water polo teams Corona del Mar and New- port Harbor are seeded second and fourth, respectively, in the CIF Southern Section Division I Playoffs, the section office an· nounced Monday. CdM's Sea Kings (19 -7), the Pacific Coast League champions, will host Long Beach Poly (8· 17) in the first round Thursday at 3:15 p.m .. while Newpon Har· bor's Sea View League champ1· ons will host Nonhwood ( 13-6) in lhe·opening round. Newpon Harbor is 18-9. No nhwood was third in the Pacific Coast League. Corona del Mar, wruch has captured the last three CIF Divi- sion fl titles, is led by John Mann, Artie Dorr, John Money, Ali Kar- lan and goalle Beau Stockstill. The Sea Kings could face Sea View runner-up FoothiJJ (1 4-11 ) in Saturday's quanerfinals. SEAN Hill l R OAIL V Pll. 0 T Newport Harbor's Clay Jortti (9) finds a hole in Foothill's defense Wedne sday at Tustin High, where Sailors claimed Sea View trtJe. Long Beach Wilson (26-0J is seeded first and could square off against Newpon Harbor in the semifinals in both teams ad· vancc. Harvard-Westlake (20-4) is seeded third. Newport I !arbor defeated FoothiJJ, 8· 7, for lhe Sea View championship last Wednesday, after trailing by two goals in the fourth quarter. What makes it interesting for the Sailo~ is a possible quaner- final showdown with South Coast League champion El Toro ( 18·5). Newpon Harbor. which lost to Long Beach WaJson in the season opener, Jlas played £J Toro three times and defeated lhe Oiargers twice. The Sailors, led by sophomore goalie Michael Robinson, driver.. floss Sinclair, Jay Thompson, Na- than Weiner and Brent Arm- sl!ong and two-meter man Mi- chael Bury. beat FJ loro in lhe Soulh Coas1 Tournament, 11 -6. lost to the Olarger; in a non- league game at home. 10-7, and edged El Toro by one goal in lhe Nonhem California Tournament UC Irvine Athletics Men's Soccer UC Irvine vs. UC Riverside Newport I Iarbor Coach J<™>n Lynch '>aid Momldy that tus team\ offense I'> playing ~o weU at the moment that "even 1f team~ know what Wt'0re doing. if we're executing clo),e to perfet·- 11on, 11 -.houh.l ... 1111 work. .. Nl'wport 1 l:i rbor and 1-1 loro both ()lay firl>I round home game<., c;o a min flip will decide the home team in Lht• quarter- finah . ( oronJ dt:I Mar and Foothill are holh .. u home in the fi.r..t round. which rneam a l·oin 01p wtll cJetenmm• \aturday·~ quarterfinal hcht 1f both teams get pa'>t thl' fir..t rou11d < Vled~,Nov.13,7p.m. Antc-.r Stadium Women's Volleyball UC Irvine vs. Long Beach State Frlcllly, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. CrllWford .,. ....... Msn's Basketball UC Irvine vs. M r..-. NMnUr l2, 2002 SPORTS Sea~gs seeded third in Division 1· Newport Harb~r also in Division I mix, while Costa Mesa, Estancia and Sage Y-ill will battle in CIF Division V Playoffs Thursday. RlchMdDttnn Daly Pilot NIGH SCHOOl GIRLS TENNIS COLLEGE BRIEFS Ochoa's hat trick leads Orange Coast Pirates defeat Fullerton, 6-2, on. the road Monday in Orange Empire Conference game. FUU.ERTON -Freshman for- ward . Mipel Ochoa or Orange Coast CoDege scored three goals and teammate Dante l.ena added two as the visiting Pirates defeated Fullerton, 6-2, in an Orange Empire Conference meo's soccer game Monday. It was Ochoa's first career hat Irick. Tue Pirates (15-3-t, 8-1-4 in the 0.EC) built a 3-0 halftime lead u Ochoa scored bis team's flr8t two goals and Zena scored late in the first half. Fullerton feU to &.11-3, 4·7-1. wtn this ewent since 1989,• Oadt said Morton and Endtikat won three matches in the tourna- ment. which began Wednesday but was shortened by rain. MEN'S SOCCU: OCI toP9..,.... The UC Irvine men's aoceer team defeated host UC River- side, 2-1, Monday in a Blg West Conttirence pme u UCI'a An- thony Vlr.caml scored at the 22:31 mark of the flrst half and Scott Bowman added a goal at the 62: 17 mai:k of the second half. The Anteaters lrnproved to 8-7·3, 3-3-2 lo Big West play. The Highlanders fell to 3-11-3, l~. WOMEJn GOlf: '&e9n ........ The UC Irvine women's golf team is tied for dgbtb place after the first round of the thf:ee.-day Las Vegas Collegiate Showdown at the Anthem Comitry Oub in Henderson. Nev. LOS ALAMITOS -The Co- rona del Mac High girls tennis team, which opened the cam- pai8n rated No. I in the South- land and has captured two straight CIF Southern Section Division IV cbampionshJps. re- ceived the third seed in the CIF Divialon I Playoffs and will host Notre Darq,e of Shennan Oalcs in the flrst round Thursday at 2 p.m., the section office an· nounced Monday. SEAN HLLER I ~y PILOT Hilary Havens is Costa Mesa High's No. 1 singles player and Golden West League champion. Ochoa scored in the game's fourth minute, then again in the 18th minute, after Wes Watld.os played the ball to Juan Cervan- tes, whose cross set up Ochoa. 7.ena scored on a penalty kick early in the second half to give OCC a 4-0 lead. Ochoa scored bis third goal in the 56tb minute on a pass from l.ena. OCCs Muluwa Manda added bis team's smh goal in the 73rd minute on a Joel Sotolongo assist. Host UNU' leads after the opening day· at 303, three shots ahead of New Mexico. UCI and San Diego State are ded foe eighth at 319 in the 15-achool field. Coach Andy Stewart's Sea Kings (15..J), who won t.tle Pa- cific Coast League, would face the Oaremont-Aliso Niguel win- ner if they get past the Knights. Corona del Mar would face Peninsula (15-2) in the quarter- finals if both teams advance. PCL runner-up Laguna Beach is seeded fourth in the upper half of the bracket. Newpon Harbor (13-6), which finished second in the Sea View League to Woodbridge (16-3), will host Santa Margari~ (l 1-7), the third-place team from the Sena League, in the first round of the Division I playoffs Thurs- day at 2 p.m. Beverly Hills (l 7-0) is seeded first, followed by Calabasas (17-2). If Newpon Harbor ad- vances to the second round, it would most likely face South Coast League champion Dana Hills (14-3). In Division V, Golden West League champion Costa Mesa ~11-5) will open the playoffs at home Thursday againsc a wild- card winner between Montclair and host Covina today. Estancia (9-7), which finished second In the Golden West behind Mesa, will travel to Academy League runner-up Sage Hill (13-3) in Thursday's first round. •oana Hills and Laguna Beach would be an interesting matchup (possibly in the quarterfinals)," Stewart said of the Division I outlook. •Laguna's good. That means the three and four seeds are in the same league, and University's no slouch. either. "J'd ~ther be seeded first in- stead of third, so we wouldn't have to play Peninsula (in the quarterfinals). But we lost three times this year, so I can't get nit- piclcy. Three's about right" CdM lost to Dana Hills thjs year in a nonJeague match with- out Stanford-bound senior Anne Yelsey, but defeated Peninsula, 10-8, on the road without her. "Any time you play Peninsula. it's always tough. but I don't think (the Panthers) this year are what they used to be, and my girls are -getting healthy." said Stewart, who was without Yelsey most of the season, while junior singles standout Brittany Holland has been battling a groin injury. "It's always fun to play (Penin- sula's PantheTS), and when we beat them it's great. We have a winning streak againsc them now (of two straight) .. . we're going for three in a row. It would be nice to win this thing. lf we can beat Peninsula, Calabasas (in the presumed semifinals) and Beverly Hills (in the finals), it would be fun. I think: we can do it -to show who's the best team in Southern California." 1n addition to Yelsey and Hol- land, Corona del Mar is led by senior Taylynn Snyder, the ceam's No. l singles player. Yel· sey, who missed the season's first half with a scrained right knee, has been playing doubles with her freshman sister, Ra- .......... "-S...... RdltlM ...... M.eS...... on 11/1/02 2002 .. 22SM The follow1n1 persons are doona business as Amerosource lend on& Alliance, Inc .. 1200 Quall St.. I 170, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Amerosource Lendona Alflance. Inc (CA). 1200 Quail SI . f 170, Hew port Buch. CA 92660 The followone persons ., e doine business as Powtrs Tutoron1. 728& 9th Street. Apt ti I, Buena Park. CA 90621 Jonathan Powers. 7285 9th Street. Apt 111, Buena Perk. CA 9062 l JesslCll Powen. 718!> 9th Street. Apt. illl l. Buena Park. CA 90621 rhe followon1 persons are do1n1 busontss as: A.) Catie Amooe. B) Calle Amoore. 1 Mojo Ct . Newpor I Beach. CA 92663 C1n1 Bolitndo, 7 Moio Ct .. Newport Beach , CA 92663 Th" business os con· dueled by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you st.arted doona business yet? Ho Da1l1. Pilot Nov S, 12. 19, 26, 2002 T883 fkftM ..... ... s...... The lollowln1 peraons ere doln& bus.iness u . TriTunnel Elpress, One Corporate Petk, Suite 101, lrvln•. CA 92606 Roc·Llnh, Inc. (CA), One Corporate Park, Suite lOl, Irvine. CA 92606 This business Is con dueled by. 1 corporal10n Hne you started doina busoneu yet? No AmenM>urce l endtn1 Alliance. Inc Stacie Bond, President This statement WH flied with the County Clerk ot Oun1• County on 11/1/02 200269225'1 D11ly P•IOt Nov 5. 12, 19.26. 2002 T893 I, This busineu os con duded by. husband and wofe Have you started doon1 business yet' Yes, 8/29/02 Jonathan S. Powers This statement was loled with the County Cieri< of Oun1e County on 10/18/02 20026920901 Oaoly Pilot Oct. 22, 29 Nov. 5. 12, 2002 T867 Gift• Bolando This statement was toled wolh tile County C .. rk of Oran1e County on ll/1/02 20026922569 Daoly Pilot Nov S. 12. 19 26. ?002 1886 .......... M.eS...... lhe follow1n1 persons are doln1 buslnen H Drane• County Loan Oroalnaton, 207 Kon• Ave., Santa Ana. CA 92704 Jamn M. Orem, 207 Kon1 Ave . Santa Ana. CA 92704 Thh bvsmess " con dueled by. en 1nd1v1du11l Have you started doon1 bllslnus yet? No Jemes M. Orem This statement wu loled woth the County Clerk ol Oranu County Thos business Is con· ducted by:• corporation Have you started doin1 business yet? Yes. 10/10/2002 Roe Link, Inc. B T Vardoolls, President Thos statement wn hied with the County Clerk ol Ounre County on 10/17/02 2002 .. 20707 Dally Piiot Oct. 22. 29, Nov. S, 12, 2002 T870 Re-.. ..... ... s...... The lollowln1 persons are doln1 business n : FMMS. 445 Tustin Ave •• New port Buch, CA 92663 Roo.rr Ainsworth. 445 Tustin Ave . Newport Beach. CA 92663 This buslneu Is con· ducted by. 10 indlvldu1I Have you started dolcw bysme11 nU yn.~ cbel. Holland and Snyder teamed to win the PCL doubles titJe, beating the Yelsey sisters, and are aiming for a ClF doubles championship this year, after reaching the finals ln 2001. Last year, CdM defeated Palm Desert. 13-5, in the Division IV finals and topped Calabasas rwo ~ars ago for the Division IV Orange Coast will play again in the Southern c.alifomJa Regional Playoffs Nov. 19. The site, time and opponent will be deter- mined later this week.. MEN'S TENNIS: UCI duo ed¥ance ua sophomore Stella Lee ls ded for ninth at 76 and freshman Sara Huber is in 26th place after shooting a 79. Anteater sopho· more Shelly Raworth is 40th at 81, with junior Otannlng Lowjoy and freshman Angela Won tied for 52nd at 83. The tournament runs through Wednesday. crown. . . ·we're going to make a run at it," Stewart said of the Division I title. •1 thinJc we're close to 100% healthy and Holland has been really playing well. And Taytynn has been playing fantastic." UC Irvine tennJs standouts Brian Morton and Jonathan En· drikat defeated the UCLA tan· dem oflbbias Oemens and umi Ketola, 7-6, 7-5, to win the men's doubles tide at the Southern California lntercollegiates Mon- day at the Los Angeles Tennis Center. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~== Newpon Harbor ls led by jun- ior Vanessa Dunlap in singles, while A.J. Olson and Diana Khoury have been a force at No. 1 doubles for the Thrs. I 1 I I i I TODAY Sage Hill, which starts seven freshman. is led in singles by· Katie MclGtterick. Kellie Am- merman and Paige Fullmer. Golden West singles champion Hilary Havens leads Mesa. Monon and Endrlkat are ranked 23rd nationally, but are now expected to move into the top 15 when the next ranJcings are released later this month. ua Coach Steve aart said. "We've had some phenomenal doubles teams here, but this is the first cucn doubles team to 23 -Matthew Rudesill Costa Meaa 02 Robert Ainsworth This statement wes filed woth lhe County Clerk of Oren1e County ~/1/02 2 6922$74 ti)' Pilot Nov 5, 11. l 9, 26, 2002 T885 .......... ....... The followlna persona are dolne business 11· Ma1 Pools, SI II l/2 Seashore Of • Newport Beach, CA 92663 Charles C. Closser, Sll I 1/2 Seashore Or .. New port Beacll, CA 92663 Th11 business os con· ducted by •n 1ndivodu1I Have you started doina businns yet? yes, 10/ 24/02 Charles Closser Thi$ statement was filed with the County CIMk of CX•n1• Cou"ty on 11/1/02 20026HH61 Ollty PHot Nov 5, 12, 19. 26. 2002 T882 flcllell ..... ... s...... The foltowln1 peuons '" doine business as: Grop9 Motoraporu. 2873 Harbor Blvd.. 1685, Costa IMu, CA 92626 Annie l. Burn1. 6282 Pesatlempo Dr , Yorba Linda, CA 92.886 ThtS bvslness is con· ducted by· •n Individual Have you sltrted doinc business 1•11 Yes. 9/1/ 02 AnnleL Burm This slttement was filed with the County Clerk of Orenae County on lt/l/02 20026922167 Dilly Pilot Nov. S, 12, 19, 26, 2002 TIM ........... ......... The fol10wln1 ...,_ are dolfll buslMU It! lm-aH (Of life 1000 Quall St, 1190. Hewp«t Beect'I, CA 92860 O«olhy Votfl, 445 Stn B•ll•dlno Ave., fhw· s-t Beach CA 91t63 This bvtiMJt Is con· dlid.H lly • an ln4l•idll•I Have yov aterted doif'I ~ ,.n Yes. NI)' or O«otl'lyVopl fMs atetement wn flted wlttl tflt COllnty Ctefll of Oranp Cou11ty Oii ll/1!02 JIU"'1'7t Deily f'llet Nov. 5, 12, 11.29.2002 19 ........ ......... Clerk of Or•nae County on l l/01/02 20026922.tH Oally Pilot Nov S, 12, 19, 26, 2002 T896 Nolie• rs hereby 11ven pur suiinl to uctoons 3071 and XJ72 of the Civil Code ot the State of California the under- 111ned. HARBOR TOW· INC, will sell al pubtic auction. at 1022 E. CHESTNUT. SANTA ANA, CALIF. 92701 •I ~00 am on Nov. 26. 02 the followin1 described property. lo wit· Year: 2001, Make. SATURN, VINl1G8JU52fl 1Y576179 Saod safe I• fOf the purpose of satlstyine !ten of the underslcned for towina and 1tora1e IOl•ther with costs of 1dverllsln1 end u - pensu of sale. Oeted UltS 6th day of f'tov 2002 I•/ Jeen Noutary Published Newport Bt1ch·Cosb Mes • Oally Pilot November 12. 2002 T899 ,.... ..... ... s...... The tollo"Wln1 peraons are doln1 business n : A-Plus Contrtctors, 101 l l Phelan D<lve, Villa Ptrk. CA 9216t Stephan Craia Pnh, 10111 Phelan Drive, VIiia Park. CA 92861 This buslneu Is con· ducted by: 1n Individual Have you alerted doiftc buslnfls yet? Yn. JO/ 21197 Stephen C. PNlo.e "11s stetement was lii.d with the County Clef II of Ou°" Coullty on 11/1/02 MHHtHst D1111Y Pilot Nov. s. 12, It, 2'. 2002 T892 ........... ......... ...... ......... J ........... ,.,._ ...... _..... .. 011De111111fMer hi 1111, MIW .... AZ,C..U ..... CAa.u7 MM M lrftlll, W Tlle ~,.,_ ........ Al.C....••= -._.,CA..V A.) y~ Na ................... , .... ;..., ~~;n&;.: =!:! "--. .... ,.... .,,...t II :i fhts buMnen rs con· ducted by. a corpofltlofl Have you sta<ted dolnl busonen yet? Yu, 10/ Z8/97 Boat City Yachts. In~. Do ld H Crosse. Presl· dent This statement wH toled with lh• County Clerk of Or~n10 County on l l/1./02 20026922551 Dally Piiot "'ov. S, 12, 19. 26, 2002 T888 .......... "-S...... The followln1 persons ere doln1 business H : Wut Cont Builders, 3132 Trinity Dr., Costa Mau. CA 92626 C•a•d N. Letourneau. Jr.. 3132 Trinity Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This bllslneu Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started doln1 business yell No Gerard N. letournHu, ,, This atate.,,.nt wH tiled woth the County Cltrll of <Xance County on 10/18'02 200HH090S Daily Pilot Oct. 22. 29, Nov. 5. 12, 2002 18119 ............ ......... The followln1 persons er1 doln1 business u : ldt•I f inancial Solutions, 327 E. 18th SL, 1£, Coste Meu , CA 92627 ftobert Earl Rlglns, m E. lltll St., ~. Costa MesaCA9Z6V This buaineu Is con· dvct1d by: 1n Individual Hltve you 1t1Wted dolnl bvslneu rn No Robett . Rlains This abl-l was hied with ttle COvnty CleOI ot Ortttp County on ll/1/02 200J .. t2S7S Olfly l'tlot "°"· 5. 12. lt. ll. ~ , • .,_ Trad(, '98 , II.an lfACI arta.IMmi\ 5'llMY ................. ~---wt,.. ..... ,,.mi ll<OIWllATllJIP.A. ,. ...... CURR[Nl BUSINESS NEWPORT COAST ruu MOOIFICATION PRO CRAM OROINAHCES FOR ADOPTION PLANNING DEPARl • MENT FEE SCHEDULE UPDATE. PUBLIC HEARINGS UNDERCROUNOINO UTILITICS IN PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86 (PENINSULA POINT) ALLEY BOON0£D BY: 0C£AN 800t.EVARD ANO EAST OCEAN FRONT BCTW'EEN •c• STIIUT AHO CHANHll ROAD ANO [)(SIGHATION OF THIS AREA AS AH UNDERGROUND UTlll· TIES DISTRICT. APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMM IS- SIOl'f'S APPROVAL Of THE CHURCH Of JUUS CHRIST OF LATIER DAY SAINTS {LOS) NEWPORT 8fACH tEMPLE (to be hdtd at 7.30 p.m.) = l'ilot NOYember ~ art•llWNJllACI I01ICllMml95 SUlecl bids ma1 be rec.lved at llM offiGe ot the City Ciet11, 3300 Newpon Boulevwd, l'.O. Bo• 1761, Newport Beach. CA 92658·8915 until 11 :00 1.m. on tM 27tll dey of Novemb« 2002, •t which thN audl lltds •• be opened and reed fOf: MIWNITIMll-VMD/IALIOA MU-LIVAllD ..WAY & ITOIUIHMt .....na'nCNt 1""41Jl .. lt c...er-t .... uu ........... . .., .. ,. ........ r.r-=. OIE Goal for tM1 ~·· "':::~ -~Mt of llW ___,. ... et• cou of ll0.00 •t .... .,-. of .. f'l!Me .... 0. ......... 0»"""'1 lo11lnH!i.._'!••P•rt IMdlCA~ c .. ~ttct•r Uce11 .. Cl•HlfiH llOll(t} ,. • ~ for tNt jlfejlct •A• , ......... . ............ TM, ,.,. ... .. ...... , .. )M4·*0. ':&a""'~,,. ...... ,.11' .......... ......... The followlna peraons are do1n1 business u · Motivation In The Arts, 27662 Ali.o Crttll Rd .. •2216, Allso Cr..t. CA 92656 Motl .. tlon In The Att.s (CA). 17662 Aliso Creek Rd., •2216, Aliso Viele>, CA92656 This business is con dueled by: • cCHpoutlon Have you alatted doinc bUMMU pt1 Ho Moti .. tion In The Arts Callie Mu Bordle y, hecutl .. Director This statement was filed with the County Cl•ll of Oranr• County on J l/1/02 200269225" Oaity Pilot Nov. S, 12. 19, 26. 2002 T891 ............ ... ...... The followln1 pe<SOM are doln1 business q : Morpn Propwtla, 2904 Chestn11t Ave.. Costa Mesa, C.Utornla 92$26 Paul Edwatd MM1an, 2904 Chestnut An., Costa Mtu, C.llfornla 92626 This buslnen h con· dueled by: .,.. lndlviduel Heve yov atart.d doinc buslftns yet? Ho l'avl [dlnrd Mcwlllft Tl'lls ltlt•me"t WH filed with the County Clerk of Onnp County on 10/09./02 Mefftt .... Oallr. Not Nov. 5, 12, 111. 26, 2002 Tl'97 .......... ........ The folow~::"M .,. ...... •: l"Mlips Auto. 1220 w. co .. t H'!r. _ _Newport leech, CA 92'6J i11W', i.e. (CA). 1.220 W. Coast Hwy., ,....,_, a.adl. CA l2tl3 1'1ws ............ c-duc..S~:·-..r-­ Hive YIMI •t•IM =---,wtt v-. .... Altte.I*. Melc-4111 It, f'llll .... , ~ TMI at.et•Mellt •• ........ ~ c~ '' 0r ... c..ty Olll0/1&182 ........ .., .,.., ..... o.t. tt, Jt ..... 5. ll. -1111 l.1111..... .. ...... .... .... ..-11 Y •WllOft •fmf-.Y CA1al2M11S To d beln. l>fltefi. eteri... crH!tofa, con· t~ cr"1tou, •nd persOM wllo may oth· _... be lllttt11ted In the will « ntete. or bOtll, ot: JOHN POR1>Y THOIUY A PETJTlOH FOR PRO- BATE hes bffn 1111<11 by MICHAli lONC In tti. SUf)etlor Court of Call· lotni'I, County of OR· ANCE. THE PETITION FOR PR08ATt JIQUHll that MICHAEL lOfllG be •P· pointed u personal rlj)HMnbtlve lo •d· mlnist« tllo ntate of theclu.ctent. THE PEtmON req_ueata th• Hc•clont'a Win and codlclls, If any. be acll!Mtted to probete. Tho Will end enr codicib are .,,.,.... '°' ... m1n. tion In t11o 111e ktt>t br the CCMWI, THE PETITION requo1ta 1uthority to admlnishlf the estate undef the lnd1pand1nt Admlnl1· lration of Ettetes Acl. (This A..ltllorlty wilt allow Iha i>etMIMI 11i1re-.n tat1ve to teko many acltons wlthovt obtain Ina COIHt llPPIOUI Before tall1n1 certain vttr important acUon1, howev.,, the personal representative will b• requlrtd lo al•• notice to interested petSons unless they have •Hived nohce or conuinted to the pcoposed act.on ) The Independent ad minis tr at1on aulho11ty •ill bo ar•nted unless an Interested p11 son files an objechon to the petJhon Ind shows IOOd cause why the •court should not arant the authority. • A HEARING on the petition will be held on .. l.1111 .... IW. l\epl by dlll cowt. H you •• • ,., "°" In· lernled In Ille "tate, you mar tile .ntn the court • RfquHI for SIHICl•I Notice (form OE· lS4) of th• fllln1 of an lnventorr and apptalaal of 11tat1 nMLI or or any pet1Uon or account es provided In Prob•t• Code se<tlorl 1250 A Request for Sptc11I Notice form Is av•ll•blo from the court ci.tlt. . ......, .. ,....._.. Uww4 .......... , Clwtlf ....... t.._ IUIY & IATISTA IJ.&') ttol N~ ........ •272-1 c-a .... CA •2•21 Published Newport Budl-Costll MhJI DA1ly Pilot Hovembor S. 11, J2. 2002 TM878 IS( 12461 .Una Of PmJIOI TO ADULIR ESTAYI Oft IYIYH.llUl•M -·· as1au1•1 - To ell heir•, beneli cwlts. crtditora, cen ti111ent credltora, and peraona who m1y otll· erwlse be lnt118't1d In the wm or eallto. or both, of: CVE.L YN N. MILLEA -«• EYE MILLEA A #'£ TIT10N fOft f'fl0- llAT£ hJls *n f!Md by WELLS f ARGO BANK In UM SUperior c-t of Calitornia , County of OIWroE. THE PETITION fOA PROBATE requests that WE.LLS FARGO BANll be eppotnted H Pl"Onal repreunh1hve lo ad· mlmst1t the 9'lale ol the decedent THE PETITION requests the decedent's Wiii end c:odocils, If any be admitted to probate The Will and iny cod1c1h are available lor n am ma llon in the' Me kepi by the court. THE PEllTION requests iuthonty to •dm1niste1 the .. tat• unOw the lndependen.t Admlnli tc1tlon of Estates Act (Thb Authority w1H ellow the personal reprtMn tallve to lake many actions without obtein Ina c ourt epproval Before \alt.Ina t erlA1n vtty importa nt aclloos. howevlf, the ~rsonal r9j)fnenlatrve wlll u requited to 11ve oolrce lo 1nteruted person' unless they have weoved notice or con11oted lo the proposed 1chon ) The independent ad ministration 1uthorily wm be aranted uni&\\ an 1nlaruted per\on files an objection lu the petition and show' aood caUH why the court should not a• anl the iuthor1ty. A HEARINC on the petition will be h4'1d on DECEMBER 5. ?002 el I.JO p.m 111 Dept L73 loc.ted at J.41 Tho Clly Orrve South. Oran&•. CA 9?.868 ... IF YOCJ 08.l:CT lo tho arantln& ot the petJllOfl. you llwMlld a~ at the hoa<lllJ •nd 1t1te your ob)KtM>nS or hlo Wfllltn objechont with the ~ourt before the hurln& Your appear a nee may bo in person or by •our attorney If YOU ARC A CREDI TOA or c onllnaent credrtor of the d«ultd. you must hie yOtU cl11m with th• court and mall a copy to the Ptf aoo•i reprnentahvo appointed by lht cour I within lour months from lh• date of the first •n uance of letters o provided tn Probille Code \ection 9100 The ltme for ltl1n11 claims will not Up!<e before lour months fr om tt>e hear1nt dale noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINl the lite lrept by the court II you are a peuon 1n feruled in the estate, you may Ille with the court a Requeat for Tuesday, November 12, Z002 At 2MI l.11111..... 2MI .......... ~111 Notice (form OE 154) of tho lllrnt of •n inventory 111d lt>Of •IMI of Hllte -11 or ot any ~lltlon oc .c:cotint as provided 10 Prob11t1 Code section 12!JO A Request for Specl•i Notice fotm II 1111ilabl4r from the court ci.tl\ Anw-yt.r,~ .. , ,,.... ...... ~saw1a2ut l""--4 & .. di. u d i..w Offtc.e, UC. 101 I. 0..,-Awe., o.-_,., CA t2 ... Publl\hed Newpor I Buch-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot November S, II, 12. 2002 fM877 ._CMJOf WO.. COlllTY Of OIAll5I ,.., Ill 01Y Ml POSTOfflQ IOI 14170, OIAIGE, CALfCmll .... ,~ llSICICll'lll NlaOI ---IGIC.-CI- .. 11 .. <MlllGI C.-Cl- Wl-A21stJS TO ALL INTERC STCO PE~ l PelitloMf l OIS MAE SIE Cf R1C.O hi.cl • pelJ- Uon wt th lhll COut I lor a decree chana1n1 oames U follow5 LOIS MAE Sl£CfRl£0 to STACY MARI( SIEcrRIEO 2 THE COURI ORDERS tlult all perw n• inlet· ested '" th•• mallet lhJlll 11ppeet before lh•s court at th« hu11n1 rndfcated below lo :Lhow cause 1f any, why the pehllon tor chanae of name should not be ar anted NOTICC Of HCAAI NC Date. 12/17/02 lime· 2·00 p m Dept l 13 The •ddress of the 'ourt 1s ume as noted above 3 A coet• of U11a Ofdw to Sllow cause lllall be published al least 1>1\ee each week for tour sUCteHlvt W .... $ prior to th• date "' foe he1<ln1 on the ~ition tn tho lollow1n1 news PICNW of aenenl circu lal>Oll, prrr1ted in th~ co1H1ly Thi O..iy Pr6ot DATli OCT 2', 2002 •AIJOlll lAllO CMTn. JUHi Of , .. SWlltlCMCOUllT Lerett• J. a-.. ,_ 1Sff32, Lew Offk .. •• .....ett. J. a-... 575 bt-llw<ll. W te 1000, C..te •-CA tH,. Pubh•htd Newport 8each Colla Mesa Daily Pilot Novembet !>. 12. 19.26,2002 T895 . SEU Policy How to Place A· ,...----Deadlines--........ Rates and deadlines are subject lo ~ change without notice. 'The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified actvertisemcnt. Please repon any ,crro.r that may be in your classified ad immodiatcly. 'The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for-any . error in an advertisement for wruch it may be responsible ucept for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNCDAENTS & MISC. CLASSIFIEIAD By Fax (949) 631-t.594 IJ'\u1c 1odudr your nanir end phone numbtt lfld "''t.11 wl )00 bcl with a pn<;c quote I Telephone 8:JO-.un-5:00pm Monday-Friday --~~­' . . '--. .. - By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours Ind ex By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Me\a. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wall. In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday 7402-7466 Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Frida y .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm GAUGE SAll · . .J.1. . I • L11dcr the Sen ice Directory Ba nner IUSINESS & FllWKW. 230S-2490 soos-saso 1510 Cab 3&11 lall/Aaatl ,_. Vllw ~ -,o-u_N_o_s_•:-:-:o-o~l~O •Adapt• wtntiar l<lttmm. Wllllld MINSUN 1-4 3205 ANNI c1•cu WAU TOllACH H r 2.Sla TOWNNOMI S42t,OOO •• Cywttrle Prem Panoramic loc ~ T-lot 213. ..-/IBaB S11.,500aa 080 ...... 7U1-8Jll.&3 IOTIWILDl•/MASTlff clb.. dQp r., a. V... -S-0--CO-LO_R_A_O_O __ l _O_C ,.W.Y, V1nc1ty 19th SI •n•y Sat-Sun 12 4'>nl cebrn 40 ac $89.900 & Placent1• Blac k/ f~ Is Anmal Nltwortl Out ta d R • Mt blown 949 759 5086 Into 9rt9-6U 2279 s n ina oc... n v~ws from the deck ol leave messes• or free lo -~tr... thll 1>uut1ful lot cabin. Cll'lle 111! ........ good hom4! JO °'1 W!!t> llm'"C 4 dQp c 1oH to 1.000' s of BL M 11• 6'nlrll Amcuen rwded rec land. Enioy rural --------v hv1na unbelievable p<lc .. . ..,..... ........... ,..,.,.,, .. '°"$$ 4 llCOM>S o c AlwlCllllCltnWD 1610 • •SHAal YOCJI lO [ es. Call RCR toll free I .Im. Qmic. Ek. !l1l &. 8)r. at fhanh1N1na with • 8 6 6 . 6 g 6 s 2 6 3 94'-SS 1-3 111 Ill NI#;,"'*• ~....,. u....,,,_n-..,.,_ Ped1ereed Cf A Per"~'" Mille 949' 64S 750S •....,,-1 ·~ _. llillen Blacks. Crumllo. (CAL •scAl'I) ---OfMIMlf All real estale ~· hMnt in llvl nowspape< •s subject to Ille r eder •I F"' Housina Act of 1968 •s amerided which meku It 111•&•1 to advwllse "eny prefer ence. lim1l•tion or d1SC1lmtnation based on race, cotof, rellalon. se•. handicap. f•mikal status or national on1:in. Of en Intention to mal\e •ny such prel111nce, ltrml• tton « discnmln1 t ion • Tho newspeper wrll not l\nowinlfy accept eny edverhsemel\t for rut estate which Is In vlol•tion of the lew Ollf re•d•rs are hereby lnt«med that all dwell- inp advertised In this ftl'#SC>8P1' are a111tt.ble on en equal 09PCWtunlty besb.. To compl•in of di.· a iminttlon, c .. HUD toll- fr• at l-80CM24-~. 1411 ow. Slwle Fw""- PWtOS i C~hl ·~· ........... ............... ~,..,,,.._. .. CA8MMID .. _,.. __ _ •...Vl8TATD .......... ......, ....... ,._ There •e OW!I IOO,ax> l or loin Shells fled ~.c'sFOA" .,.., .,. c!*te1 II lhe US..... unn I Sh ,....,,.,... ~ tor a homa. .-. •-.._ T abbys .....,.,. A I ob oc.i.NUN~A ,ltclo.4 -• i.1• A"""lNew S1,22t,ooo brolhln &. ~-;;..,., Call Now! 949-r151 2025 ORANGE S400 fl~ a.,-......,~ ~I &UCN~ COUNTY .... ~I0/19 ~ 6.1»7~ SOS. ...::DN..IAMDISf ""-"*" Blvd. '141 ~ ..... 49-72J-1120 S-.. A.. ...... A~ch Style 38t 2ba home LI lot. low lraffw: stceet Cru1 polenl11I $5?!>,000 8""'1 R E 949 497 S 111 714-5l7-ID> B2$.6CJ HEALTH SBMaS 2535 WCTIK WHlllCMAa; Jeuy n. USED once pft(f $5600 bost otter ilM -714'54&-!171 __. .. S1* 3'10 ....... 4Yw~Vrv' ~ IOA·Sp. Conslrnmenls Wobllnl I 9'9-648-4123 bt.t• s.M. Blocll Front Conrenor Winthrop Desi! with Class Bootl· ,.... 1920 Of 1930. $1000. t4t-U .. llH ......... ....... FREE DIRECTV SYSTEM 1nclud1n1 lnstaHatoonl 3 months free Showtlrne unhm1ted. Access 225+ channels' Ot11tal·qual1ty picture &. sound Pact\ llff from $31 99/mo l1mrted hrne. I ·800-l60·· 4039 (CAL• SCAl'I) Want to Sell your home? Ask about our SAT, SUN Real Estate Edltloft Cal UsaRlvera 949 574-t252 orAnnW.y 949 574-4249 •• 4.He 8')pf01 3269 af. honM on • COfn« lot S9ectKulat OCNI\ HACMCOlONY GIANT 4+ DIH $Ht,ts0 AGT.t4t-723...a120 w...-2b z.si. lwrhn. 2 story, wd, MW ... 2 ( "", polio, -. pool Sllftl awl 12-10 ~3636 MISCEUMEOUS RBfTALS Balboa Ponln/I bl avail In 3bt house on 29th St. steps to und S685/mo no pets. 949 929 4087 NI/~ View rooms. OcHnfront/22nd pvt rm, unfurn. s hare ba. ulls pd, n/smlla. l\ltch- enette. lndry. I block to NIWi>OJt Pief 1695/mo Call S.m at 949 778 7905 fbotw•n 9a·5p> AESIOelTIAl.RENT ALS COSTA MUA WT 191 views, wonderful "yrd, ,...... Ml5 l 29 Cebfitlo St., OffKI Ira . courmet l\llehen ---~-:---:--:: WACl, l60 st. 11Hl loc U .445.000. lilt, Otllre .....,.. & ..._. .._, Marcie M9-M2-5l7l Beraer 310·316·8464 ORM6E 7• COlllTf ..... w/4 c:Mlrs, Antique a348 31().«l().tUll (ult) .... 11111111 ~~-~.a:: V......_' • llM'11M • ..._ ..tt •I 3/4 be a sota ... tbts, footed t.• I. 1'• ... c.&. SPYaAIS ml dllpMa, MW CMept Ind --~totls. •lltt ...., • ._... F.._OceatlYlew, shit'• pr. r.Uo, wd, =.. ..... ~~-;.,.oe; ...... ss..fls J,.~5 i£.~ci0o '2l00/mo7l llf..2469 .....,,.,_ ~-eel -............ 3llr Ube. •• rv.. todfefS, $200. t ~1t-SS7a Wd, ,,,,., llO ..... .. ~~· .. •tr ... ~..! 1 ftNWW • -·-• NO!f•l5 ""-1111111 Mii -td/r/tltM ..,. ... WI.....,... _,._ • er==•--1;9 ~ 8llO 2 WYe&»t lml .... I :: •ector C ... I/ L ... Ill F.W-CkW!Vft, .... , a Ill ~ ... 111nvt _. ., _, a• 2.,tot_,, .. --· • .. ...... ... -~·7'k OfttlM;'J!;77'·000 sleo1 AMlOfM IES'T INICMft, _., • llw 1"1nh1aul1. S tps to :a -•• . uuoo. t4f".11ws1a ~:tiir8~ lerws State l••-· ..,___."--~ ar O ...... ti6 It hotlf•I r111ell 111 2lila. r,_ f M,---,... CllMlll, hn a a.. fp, ~ .... ,.,. _ ... & ... c.... ... ~ ..... 1941). c::c~:;· ...::=. -Ila ..... Itel MMIMIUClll wltws. ~ffordlMI fl· _. ... __..,,. ...... •. th. ---..•z1.u.m-az. ...WI.Ml -1~v...-. uu. • ..... , ...... ~··--(CMotCM) ........ ,,,...........-.- llEW IDCO .,.,... M!ni.rai!P ~ ... & *'-TAm • I• lie Otillj ...._... _,, llliCL W.1>, frta. t ....... .., ..... -... ,. .. "''". •• ·--..... .,.. ........... ..,.. a;;a ma• ;.'~~..................... .........c . .... ..... *':.:: =· ·=--,,-:.1 ........ soc ........................... -....... ... lft-., _,,__, ··~--·· C;P I.,.._. .. ~·-:.r...... _......,. ..... ~w ......... ~ ... ::.1 ......... :::...-=::: lASTSIOl Locg• llr, S95Clmo ne.-balhroom & kolclv!n, par~ h~e \ell1ne no pets 949 631 84V • ""' ,,_ sa1s1-• 21r'•, $1100/- on lovely 1t•led <Omm near Irr Squat r It 'I c•r storaar Klern Mnel 877 704-8649 • 9700 lASTSIDl 21r, llo, 2036 Fuller Ion Ave •B no dop Sl200/mo (t49) SS2·H4'2 IASTSIOl 78r hsr ln(d yard. WID ht.up\ OW built rn 1 •n&r/oven. I c atrd 1•• w~ter/trnh paid (7) Avail $1400/ mo $500 dep S7!>0 pel deposit 714 ~s 0442 r.w. SrR. r~. 2bt lba. b;d housie, ,_ apt pan. M & be l l 7 l 4!ltti 18 .... $1515 96378$6 ., ........ , ........... 31r 2.Sle, Fp, 2 ~ ,.......-.-.s1to0/ -· t4t-721-0Ut 3 161.S-MhalNf 41r 210 house. com plete ••model, w/d hit.ups . cl'tami< tile fin , nerw ca1 pet/fenced yd S220()in 949 646 6463 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 "E L " mp oyee. "Empleado. ·· .. Arbeitnehmer. ·· "E lo ~" mp ye. NOllATIBI HOW YMI SAY IT, Cl.AlllB CAI Fm IT. STARTING • • • • • • • • • • Dtli.1'-'l'f · ~ i.t... ~'--:---~~-~ ..... ________________ _... .......................... ________ -.-----------------!'",""'~ \ ' r •Yu.alY* LIASU lllU CRUNOY REAL fORS t4t-67S-61•1 '-' , .. ~ ., Viii PoH. w/d. le pr, S1450ln. ,,,.... now.. aet. 949-31(), <M5oZ. ~11XX> 1101 W TAS 1.-tlfvf 21r 21• in the Heut of NB. Near Ocean, Hu11e floor plan, All New Appllances Pels Welcome Only Sl490! Call Baywood Apartments Today. ltl-2Sl-20S3 TO Californi• llW re quires that conb ac tors lal\in& jobs th1t total $500 or more (labor or mat .. ials) b9 licensed by the Con tr actors Shit• license Board State law 1tw requores that contracton include their license number on 1111 adY«tninc. You an cr-k lhe st•lus of your licensed cont ractor 1l www.cslb ca.10• or SOC)..321 CSLB Unh censed contrecton takln1 lobs lhet total less than "°° mnt state tn their advertisements lh•I th•J are not hcensed by the Contraclors St.le license Bo.,d ........ .......... A YO I llAMDYllM .::~~ rnal!I: m~72!11 1wr unwanted It-UwoUC91 cluslfled ... DlrldDry D&W CwfMf Cl•-"'9 ~ .... ~ 7 days a weell n c, $20 ~ -. ,_.. nMr.. IMn& room, SIS bedrooms 1a!t reiporm. ~ 949"275 1924 949-Z78-0154 Cer llfied 949·697 ·ZZ41 ttCAUIT'CTCAIPfT tr Rep111~ Patchin&. lnslall Courteous any size 1obs Wholesale! 949 492-0205 Olild ClrtAJclnled WTOI PllSOIOOl Oaycare/IUncter1arten readiness •aes 2 5 Rud1n1. crafts, mu-oc, coollin&. &1Hdenln1 & more lnclosed yard & playroom full time M f Masten dee leacher Rers Lie. hrst 11d/CPR Cllft 714-376-3552 Concrete' Malmy trick It.di St"'• Tiie Concrete, Patio, Orffl!way Flre.,tc, BBQ. Ref's. 25Yrs Exp Tetry 714-557 7594 n.. c ..... "1 •-Cementwork, Brick, Tole & More Reliable No tob too small 949-615·906Z n,. Cea • ....... Beth· rooms. Kitchens, R4modats A Z Home lrrclroW!mlnts !M9-24M018 Udl813410 ~ Pllllilting TO GfN YOU.HOME IMl'1tOVUHNT PaOJICTl Call • plumber, patnter, handyman. or any of the sreat services listed her• In our service dlf.c:toryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEO!lLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI ................ Newsletters ~ B'cards Instruction Material Guides • Di-eel Mall PndJcl Dalasheels Ce1-...12-aaa Bridge WEST • 172 <:>1763.2 OH5 •I 7 1be biddina: CAUICDIEM holdina.,.. lllioft oldie~ (Of mm., IO all Nol1h •icccoded Ill dalaa w• to pllCe lbe coenct iD 1eoolr'dY Md. wbell ~ ~ lhe. diNag, 1101 eveo a alilbl ~ from West Oii opeoiJI$ fUd WM erlOQlh IO J'lt'I bome. Wlcb a pGC!t li\'0-Clld suit and no semblance ot .. eouy. West would have done beaer to lead one al lhe ltwe.card luits -cit.her would have (XII the deftn.Se I tempo ahead. Declarer played loW from dummy on lhe heart lead and Ea.u, rductanl IO swmider canm>I of the suit, inscncd the nine. NORTH lt.U'T SOUTH WEST ~ club WI$ led ,to lhe nirie lo dummy. and .Past again followed low, Now dee~ oould ltave made the' contnlC( by cootinulnf with clubs Crom dummy but, convinced lba1 lhe club queen was onside, declarer I• .... 2NT .... ..,.,... ........ .... It is almost imJJC*able IO rcoover from I bidditll en'Of'. Nonh ptid I ::: price for tha1 lasoll oa. IOday's elected IO return IO hand wilh lhe queen of spades to lead a club to the ten. 'The timing bad now rcvcncd to &be defendeB. EMl woo with lhe queen of clubs and mQll1led a IPlde. Declam won on lhe lllble and forced 001 the ece of club&, but Easl exited with lllOCher sPlde IO sec up a JooJ card in the suiL Occ!aiu hid only ll1DC tricks IOd the 10th would have to come from hearts. When Saum tried to sec up the fulfilling tric:t.. East p'8bbcd lhe ICC and casfted the Iona spade f« down one. Wlcb a belanced 17 poi.n11. we can find oc) reason for Norih optn.iea one club nlber lhan ooc no crump. When South jumped IO two no~· Nonh decided to C0lf190Und lhe Initial emir by inviting slam wilh a jump nise IO four no aump. 1bef'c wu no poinc IO tlW. Since Soulh's bid showed a mu.lmum of 1.5 points. lhe combined 2tor 1119, newly remod· tied, le ,., , incds lrl&, w/d, walk to Gelsons, $1500/mo 714 624-2667 ........... front._ 2br/lb9. fp. I& pitlo, wd ~ avail now. 1715 Clift D-. 1111 $1675. 9"9-378.fll99 T~-· • 2'/ ... popular floorplan, up· stel" sinale level, •et $3000mo. 949-293·4630 Pdic ~ ()-datra join lhe annu•t fund c.mpao&n team. Gr .. t ~ eon..-paid daily. Base + comm -· $1(),~ C;il ,.. 714-816-2398 ll l2D 0<.-tr_, ............ 48r 28a, yea(ly rent•I. new carpet. p•lnt. aat. 21r/lla, ll&ht & bro&ht, S3800mo. 949·293·4630 upper with view, 2 belc, l e ear. $1750/mo. 2031/J 28th St. 949 645·9913 Wmwte4 N-, NewpO<"t Coast family pr·efer llve· in. Child Care, Cooklna & Cleanin& 949-640·8841 rlO~llTY M.AHAGll needed for R.E. office in NB. Mon 5 yrs Retail and office mnet exp. Must have up. w/bud1ets/ CAM recs/lea son& w/prohc1ency tn Word/ [ 1cel req Fa• or email res w/salary history 949 757-7788 or email rl@wattsonbreev..sl com 2\r/1\o, 2\r/2\a yearly renlals on the Balboa Pem11 a&I $1500· $1800m 949.293.4630 1 ........ 21r, 21 •• + ..... 1520sf, 2 C6' '"· on creen~lt community w/pool Avail now $1900-n Sm pets welcome Will show be'-1 S..~:Kl M f 714-434 UH ...... 2br 2bt 1-. tnwm. Ip, l.iwd ~.pr, yd S2ZJ(l 2br lbl apt "· -remod. $Ill!() ~ S488 YlAalY llNTAlS • B1yfront lBr. $2500 • IBr, $1100 + IBr Oceanfront $1250 • 3Br 2.58a, $2,400 ASSOCJA TIO HM TY t4t-473-366S .. er.. 4br ~Ila. w8'I to beadl. coown ~ Naw~l\-.:mlsf 2< .... sax> 949-722-6146 ••r•-• 31, 21. lower umt, patio, aauae, w/d hk·ups, •at S2750/mo 949.293 4630 o._,,_, yearly lease 3br w/patlo, oo und, furn/unfurn, $2800/m. aaVowner 949-673-3777 EJeclrtcll SeMces s.....11 M liq>+rtl Duncan Eleclnc 'lJ11rs llp Loc.VQuocll Response S«vtcl/Remodels L # 275870 949-650 7041 fall ESTIMATES #I lnd1ller In 0 C alClSSID UGHTING 6 Rl'cessed h&hh •nd dimmer installed for $550 714-3'0~0.49 Uc:•6'» 150 Ins VS/MC UCINSID CONTaACTOI Ho JOb too srn. M ~ R19air, remodel, fans, spe, ,_ SVC ~Jlll6 Alewood GalA T ftHWOOD T9'11hc Hardwood M,. 112 Cord $95, ruu S185 Cal ctwi. ~Wood Aocnll'flll CUSTOM OIAlM TU bWalion, .... ~. ,,,..,.., stona. .... J 975 U613)44 ..... 71"61181 UMY .......... Repencl Rearoutln & Installation DEAN TllE 949·673·8065 71~ 71.4-88J.2D31 +IAYSHOltlS+ G•t•4 •-lty. 3Br J8a hol'le w/bey vtew. S4500/mo. 949·466-7460 Newport Cqal 1.-tlM Hlh14a VIiia 3br, 3ba, upper lam ocean view, $3250/mo (714) 544-6'27 VM:ATION RENTALS AllDnativl -II COOL TRAVEL JOB Entry ---lewel positions. 18+. no VICltionftmll 7920 upenence neceuary, 2 weeks paid lra1n1na. LAJll AltllOWHU.D transportahon, lod&tn& ,.., _..1r.-t .. t provided S500 s111non1 '14efwebs tt-• bonus to start. TOLL , .. -lalte View FREE 1-877 -646 !>050 C .. Fw latH (CAL "SCAN) 909-337-&a22 • • -AubnObiles - DRIVERS/STU DE N TS NHOEO 1mmed1ately. COL t1 alnon& I hr ouch USTOS In R111to, CA. Flnanclna, tr anspor II· lion. housln11. and tuilfon reimbursement avallble Call Russ at 1·866·466· 3546 for details (CAL •SCAN) -IMW '94 32Sls c_,.. 89k full books & records Blk/tan, sunroof CO. superb on& cond, S9.~ v#7SZ196 Birt 949-586-1888. MIUll'S HAJIDWOODS ....... ,. '-""I 0.--. ~~ Svc. Residential/Com 25 Yrs, lrfetime wananty metcoal OC 23Yrs, Ref's l'763144 714·501-4933 949-54&00i4 ~-4113 '-'le.ti• .. lllp*s Cerpenlry • Plumbln1 Orywall • Stucco Palntln&, Tiie & more 2G+ Years hperience! JI 7t4-t .. -S776 GlNllAl CONTUCTOI Loe/bond, carpentry, full svc remodel & repa11s MSM Const 714 96Z 2436 ....._._llol::Jp• Sw. No Job too b11 M too sm l()yn up r- ~ & 714-501-6466 Hllll•• GINEUl IEPAll 'IWNDXWCE * Wlrnlill • Ccmnndll o Job 1'bo S""'11 o. ............. 949-1224292 H.we C'-1"1 • hp'd W-ly/81·wllly/Monlhly/. Refs, Great rates! Imelda 949-548-4285 9/278-0l17 MEJIA'S Housecleaning Servk• for Your House Apartment or Vacancy Quality Work :J)\f, Oii 3"Ct a...rq rree Estimate References Avail.tile 10 Yun Eaper~ C .. I On• Mell• 714-821-7~3 Cell 114·225-17 I 4 g..-.y ...... a...., Own equif> + s114>Plln. Total tnnl &. fair retes. C.11 t49-423-74M ~ .. iffiLfMATEl _4.~on ~Youns ,,,_ U-'"•" Awllobl;I 714!432-7873 ..... ..,J&f , 3 • t 11 as wec .. ....., '99"'"*ClvlcU ...to,-otf.cd. MlllM>W" 4lVltte SSU,llO '00 l oyole c_, LE 3Clli111l,....,-pOM o-, 8Uto, eel. hdlpoww 4MP86S4 112.950 '01 FOfd bp4orw Sc»Oft ?wd 2211111, lean., cd, 4.5 V6, full powtt 4HK8860 Sl5,88S '02 fOfd Must•n11 Convertible ahowroorn fresh, auto, "•thtr, cd, fuH p~wer 136267 $16,985 '00 Lincoln LS 3611 rnl, altarp one pwner, ed. elplne 4HQU910 Jl7,9a '02 Maida Tribune £SV6 l7k ml. showroom lresh, leather, cd, full Ml7'194pow« $181850 '99 F Of d Exp.dltlon XLT 2WO aa ""· show whit• wl'e•ltMlr, cd, re•r · •I<, custom wllffls, sharp 809804 $19,975 '01 Mercury Moun· talnfff ZWD 17k ml, top of the line le•ther. moonrool, cd, sh11p JI0252 • $19,975 '01 Lincoln Town Car Oepend1blt lu•ury at an afford1ble fiaure 4SSM714 S21 ,985 '02 Mercury Mountaineer 2WD 12k mi, hke new with rear air, 3rd seat, full power 4RC2478 $21.950 '01 Chevrolet Tahoe LSZWO 5.3 VS, showroom fresh. rear 111, ed. tow pcka. sh11p. 4PGl889 $25,950 ·02 Lincoln Blackwood SK Ml. Nn icallon Sy~tem. moonroof. loaded J01915 S35,900 COSTAMISA UNCout MllCUllY 114:540-suo -BMW 7351 '88 tan rehable, 14811 m1, needs ........ "' WINte Oft •• ., ..... tMl lllWlot, Hto, -1111 full P• 11op 11 ..... 1u .... ...... u e cyt blac:~ Oii cile• tan Jdir, 5Q 1111 tllb II 1bdlltyl t1 .... lla,MO ................ SHm lledrwMT•Ulir. ...,.7" .... •111(1 110.tto ...... >111 Sedan One o-au· to 1unroof, fun power 111S441 $U,9ao •••. ,, .... c- lmmacul•t• convert• •bit w/onl~ 4511 mi #18568 $18,980 Luw '91 11soo This is 1 GREAT buyl Fully loaded! t185S5 Sl6,980 Mll'HMLS20 SpGf t Utll sliver w/sr•Y IUar 4811 1111 118490 $23,980 MSZC210'fS Sedan, wtlitt W/lfl'/ lthr, 6 cyl. 72k ml fl8582 $14,980 p.,..dtaf11 Tw .. Cpe'IO This is a YW't rare flndt Nice -11 mllnt •181146 $17.980 IMWUst'OO~ Auto, lthf, cd plyr moOMoof. #18517 $24,980 '•41aplererXl '91 Llhr, cd playllf lull pwr, 2 whl dr 118436 $14,980 , ............ , ..... . ,...,,, .. llodrw/t-lttv, S 1114652.,. $1',HO PHl1'S AUTO '49·574-7177 ......., ... 041 -f.,ii fKtOfJ WW'f, .,.,/ -------- ... lttw, co, pt-..4. non $1Nl, litlt MW COftd, f111mlk vetue, v7t665J 121.995 finenc:liw •VIII 8kr. '49-$116-11111 -... '96 XJ6, ltb MW, Topet/Oe~al, CO Al.rm, Must s .. 1 $17,8819'9-650-5860 www.perlafmanceltd.com Ja9var •ts XJ6 2 ownets, boolls, records, 8111/l•n lthr. CO, chfom• whls, beautiful. Ofl1ln1I cond. v1796241 $6995 Bkr 949·586·1888. la1t" •99 IS >90 17k fuM fact werr, met1lllc buraundy, ll1ht 1111, moonrt>of, CO, chrome whls, beaut orlt cond v87Z419 S20,995 lln avall Bllr 949-586-8888 lellw '9• IS>OO Pearl, Teopto A,,.._ 'H IU 4lll "''· bt.ck/~meal Jtlv, 111nrf. C0.1old ~ chr-Whls, beaut Of cond, $13,995 v42964 fln1ncln1 6 werranty nail Bkr, 949-586-18111 T.,. ... •91 c~ ll ~ ml, white/cr•y int, euto, Cataaed, n/1mkr, buvtl(ul cond lhrouaht v•27~ $8795 firm Bk1 949-586-1888 Tayeta '01 C-.-y LE 2711 mi, s ilver CO. full fact w.,r, beaut like new cond . v67524l f 12.795 firm. Bkr 949-586-888 AUT--.s, llSCEU.AEUS leather, CO, moonroof, Wlllllll M sreal COClCfltlon, Ul.900 --------Pt> 714-IJ .... US4 la-'ff LS 409 4311 ml, ful factory wwren· ty, sparklna bll, o.tlnffl IUW, CO. chr-wllls, buutiful orl1 cond, v5986.42 $29,995 fin ev.11 Bkr 949-586·1888. Lalrws'fl LX 470 Black/tan, one o-. boolls. 1mmec. 53k ml, $34,900 !Mt-lS0-5202 &.1tw '00 400 Platillum Series SOK ml, tact warr, whlle/.11a tmnl lthr, chrome whls. beaut like new cond vt59664 l $29,99!> hnancma avail, Bkr 949-586·1888 u..c• c-o ........ •ts, xi..t ,...... wt.ft•, P"Y lthr. 6 c4, t":.~e, dw-we...h .... $7500. 949-673-47H Mer< ......... 280 Sll '72 (4.5 ) O..slc, xlnt ltllr. lla4y, ••tltoe. berytlll1t9 w..ils, .. racer4s, I 6all'. •I, $6900 949-673-5605 .......... 320ew..-•tt 29k m1, new l11es/ CASH fOlt CAllS We nMd your CM, paid for or not. Phlltips Auto ~ fOf llblcolm 949-574-nn BOATS 9615 AllamollVI ... brakes, 6 disk cllan1er. --------$37,500. 949-646-1162 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE ,...,._ ·o I De VIie 3911 m1. lull I act w1rr. whole, lthr. CO, chrome whls, fabulous lih new cond ttw~ vM29674 S22.995 r1r1anaoc avail 8lu 949-5116-1888. Clwy11+r v-'t6 Tewn a. C.ountry LXI llhr, whtte/ crey, ommac cond. CD, drovn hlle new, books $7,950949 ~ 5202 ........ 320. w..-•tt 29tl mo, new tores/ bral<es, 6 disk chanaer, $37.500. 949 646 1162 Mltwi>l.W 't5M..,-. sa IOOk m1, V6, auto 4wd, wt11te, mooorf, luHy loaded. crey lthf . beaut °''l cond, v459271 ~ Bkr 949-586· 1888 minor r epa11. loul PP '02 ClSOO SI< ml, 8 yr $3500/obo 949-759 3031 w,rrenty, 811lh•nt S1lve< ,_,_ ·u 6000 2.a V6, 89k m1, leisure World owned, fabulOus cond thtou&tio;it, fully loaded new rea•strahon & Semo&, temflc value Sl,49!> llrm vlf267974 Bkr 9"19·586· 1888 WITH A GARAGE SALE! CALL 949-642-5678 CAD llDOIADO 'fl Northstar V8 chrome ~. lux I*&. sec I*& x...t oond I owrw Sis.<ml oho. pp 94&644.t966 • 118.lUU Persona( He/p.r, Personal Asst .• S•f• Transporlal10n, ShcQW" ~lOllO'lf:s. M•al Prap•1al1on, Raspite Care. elc .. •o-u5-1211 H 714-651-1991 MMll&Sblfl llST MOVlllS $St/ffr servm1 an cities Insured Int, courteous, cat'tlul. Tl63844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C1lif l'ubllc Utlhlles commluton requires that alt used household 1oods mowers print their P.U.C. Cal l number; llmos and ch1utteurs print their T .C I' number In ell adver· Uuments. If you h•v• any questions about the 1e11llty of • mover, llmo o f chauffeur, c8": PU8· UC UTILITI&S COM· MISSION 714·558· 4151 Rob llbel -0-W Co.ta MM&, Ca (949) 84&-3008 Cell SMe-8117-1.0 $94,500 Need Mountatn Cat 949· 720· 1721 D .... e '97 2500 V-. Conversion, 1reen, cap· li1ns seats, reer folding •eab , TV/VHS, superb mach1nacal & body cond, v•500667 S4995 hrm Bkr 949 586-1888. IANCH IOVll 'H •S..low l<ey Blue 8oolo • 11ut shape-British Greet• leather. mOOf'lt'oof, arill euMds, p<emJum wheels, a II the &oodles. $5850 949-760-2614 0.-.'e ...... Utrs flllP l.,._n Drala 0.-laf Gteaf Price! Gu1unteect Plumbonc repairs, ove1 work. free nt Lf375602 2Syrs up. All work .-: 714 5J8.. IS34 7·l90-2945 ~ 5'9ve 71~ CUSTOM PAINTING &fAUX Oev1d Sloane Painters Ll 358528 949-645·9967 lll'S CUSTOM PMf'f'IHG Prof!, clean, quahty work lntertllf/ot and docks L•703468 949·631·4610 IAINIOW aKll MMff P11ntin&-tit/e•l ~ ()Ii~! Free estimate L 7 714-636-8888 PllltlltnllAlcco PIMtw/S19<ce Potdi Senln& ~ c.lbm lat 25 yeats. Ll326864 24 Hours (7 l 4 7 554-7831 ........ MONIST & IUASONAlll PLUMBER Lf506586. l'ree E.s11m1lel Small repairs (714) 235-9150 ...................... Fiii ISTIMAns Ex~I 1n 111 home repair. low r1tH . 35 years 11per in all types of plumbm&. •519449 714·493-3676 f'tlOSIPWMl!Ne Rep•trs & Rernodelonc FRU ESTIMATE L'687398114·99-1090 Pool Slrvlcl IWl PACJfK POOU Construclt0n Remodln • Repairs Service Llcl796148 Hf S67-971D Rl*"8•11 ....._ ,_ for f)ftchc• conversation. wr1tff11 & readmc Italian 1anau1p SJO/tv Call 949 41 3-2323 Tvter Spin h L•n111111e. Cred1s 8· 12 ~--9&631-7431 ~l~ '