HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' ------------------------------------ ---~-------- • a1 Serving the Newport-M_esa co1nn1111!i1y since 1907 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3_, 2004 !3VOTE 2004 Returns fav.or Campbell \ A t3 PRELIMINARY RESULTS As uf press 111nt• Tuesrtav U.S. PRESIDENT DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY 51 6", o( µrenncrs re1'•>n111g John Keny 64 9'~o John Edw c1r•1s 1Y.2°h Dcnnrs Kuc1n1U1 4 6°;, At Sharpton. 1 6"., U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 46TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 119' ,,( l'l<'!l"CIS lf'/lPllrllg Dena Rohrabacher I RJ 85 4°, BotJ 01trnc1n IAI 14 9"•,, Jim Brandt !Do .50 2.0., Tarr N~11ye11 101 30 7°. Pttul W1lkir1~ Of t9 1" STA'l:E SENATOR 35TH SENATE DISTRICT O", of µ1ec111c1s reµonmy John Campbell I RI 617° Ku11M,J1fr10~1R1 29 1° Joe Snyrler 1R1 !l 2". Rita B. Siebert 0 1 100°. . - STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER 68TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT lJ",. ~( proc1nc1~ repotrmg • Mark Lcyes IRi 38 6"., Van Tran IA) 61 d"·o Al Snook /01 . 100• .. 70TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT O",. of prectn<'ts rPpo11111g Cnst1 Cnst1ct1 •R1 275"1 Chuck Devore IA 48 1"c .Chun<:l•ol Gupta 1R1 0 8" long Pham rR1 3 1·, Don Wagner 1R1 12 5•; Ma11anne Z1pp1 1 R 8 0", Cari Mariz IOI 100·· STATEWIDE MEASURES PROPOSITION 55 5 16". of precincts reponmg A S12 3 h1ll1on bone! issue for public school 1mprovcmc111s Yes 50 6', "No 49 4°1, PROPOSITION 56 515•,, ul pre1·111crs re11011111g · T)1r.• p1oµos1t10n lownrs tnrJ fpy1slat1ve nJa1onty •1ecded to pass bu1tyHt ,.,,,,tax issues fr om lWO ftWdS to 55" · cJnrl le91sl11tors antJ 1111-: yovernor w •li forfeit compens .. 111un each day thP hudyet IS ltttP. Yes 35 9"·o No 64 1"o PROPOSITIONS 57 AND 58 51 6°• of precincts reponing Gov Arnold Schwar?enegger's S15-b1llton bond plan ro pay off tne state's deficit and a companion measure that requires a balanced budge! and ra1nv d11y reserve funrl PROPOSITIONS 57 V.s ..... No , .. . ............ 61.5~. .. 38 5% PROPOSITIONS 58 - V.1 No ... .. 70.4% . ...... 29.6% ' DOUlll II' l iMMlf(MAN OAll > Pil (JI A~semblyman John Campbell , right. waits with supporters for results .• as he watches Cahforn1a Gov. Ar~old Schwarzenegger give a !>peech on a big screen during a campaign celebrat10Q party at Skosh Monahan's on Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa. ~ohrabach~r, Brandt look -like winners . ' Libe rtarian Keit h Gann and Green Pa rty's · Tom Lash will also be 011 November ballot. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot :'\E\Vl'f'>l{I BEAU I -Hep. Dana llohrah<icher ;ippearelJ, to ha\'l' <.,1·1tlt•d <VI old ~rnrt' .It thf;' poll!. l"lll·,~l;iy a~ of ~"IO p.m .. k'ading torrnl'r Hf'p. Hobert K. l)om;111 l~· a wi<le nwrgin in the Hl'publin1n rnre for lhl' -16th ( 011gre,..,io11;tl Dt<;lrin 'eat. n~ ... p1tl· the ... mall pt·rrcntaw: nl prl'nm·h rl'pnrling. Hohrn- hucher n1n,i1kred him,elf vie'· 111riu11' w11 h !l!l% of tlw V<ll<' w11h L.1% ot: till' IHl't met\ in. "I think thi' \\'ii' d virtorv IOI tkpuhlil".111~ who lwlit·vt· thl'ir party ..,1in11ld lie a po,itivt• I ~I -I .. rat wr I 1ar1 lll').!<tl 1v1· orcl' 111 See WINNERS, Pa&e AS 111'1 (A<ll 0.All"l'I State Congressman Ed Royce speaks at Or dnge County Republican headquarters with support from his wife . Marie THINKING ALLOWED Republicans· as far-as the eye c·an see I will alway~ rt'111crnber my lirst time. It wa!'\ a balmy · Tuc~day night at lhe Sutton Place I lo1el. I wa!> curious. I didn't know what to expect. I wa~ excited -and a litlle 'cared. Ah ye'>. my first Orange < .ounty Hepublic;in party. Oh, tlw memories. A live hand played some tunes and a giant flag hung from the back wall. The dance floor wa-. cmp1y, bul people were !'1illing about. I must have looked lonely, bemuse Ronnie Guyer, of Oiino Hills, graciously agreed 10 keep me LOLITA HARPER Legisla1ure. co111pa11y. C luyer wa~ rooting for Van fran who. an:ording to polls. was un his way If! becoming ilw firs! Vietnamew Ameri rnn 10 reach the State A Garden-Grove native. Guyer, was a ve terafi of the Vietnam war and wore a cap PUBLIC SAFETY thal <.Olllflll't11orall0d thl' la Drang V<illey b.tllll' ot I ~115. I It• was proud lO ~ee Tran rL'ilCh '>Ud1 a distinguished level. When he lived in< ;<mleri Grove, Guyer supported ii movemenl to 1nc1ke the Vietnamese flag 1he official llag of lhe city. he said. ., .. rhe Vie111a111e~e haw such 11 luvc for freedom and I love to 'ee that because I fought for freedom lo be returned lO their homeland," he said. Guyer was sweel. He shook rny hand and had God hle.ss me a few limes and then he was off. I 't'iltl i ll'd 1h1• flHllll IOI pl'oplt• I l'i!t1ld J..wk it with you know. my k1ml of uowtJ. t'hl'rl'.Wt'rt• pt•c1pk in cornt•r, and al lahlt•!.. t\11 ~\'l'ari~1g I heir "I \'ot l'd " ... ticker' and drinking - lhf'ir beverage ot choirl'. lloh111 h1h1i...1m and llritanny r>oh,011. both ~I . were 'ipping d1ardn1111.iy' .111tl l'lljoyilig tlll' paciy. l'ht· two wo11a·11 \\'t•11· abo t1r~t ·linll'r~. t lu•y ,,tid llwy were having lu11 .. "I came to 'upport tlw Republican party." ... aid Johnson, who worb tor the See ALLOWED. Pa&e A4 N ewp9rt woman dies after being hit by pickup· truck Beverly Smith was crossing Cliff Drive in rainy conditions when the accident occurred. Steve Shul- man said Smith was hit at about 6:50 Lolita Harper Daily Pilot - NEWPORT BEACH -The sun had just set over the ridge of Oiff Drive Monday night when a truck hit a 74·year-old New- port Beach woman. who later died a1 Hoag Hospital. efficials said. Beverly Smith, who was very p.m. by a active and routinely stroUed the black, Ford neighborhood, was walking her F-150 pickup dog. Magic, that rainy evening, truck traveling said her son. Douglas Smith. east on Oiff She was crossing Oiff Drive just Beverly Smith Drive. outside her front door In the Her injuries 400 block to get to a view park · were treated at the scene by just across the road, ffi! said. Newport Beach paramedics Newport Beach PoUce Sgt. and she was then transported 10 Hoag Hospilal where she died, Shulman said. The driver, a. 39-year-old Dove Canyon man, was not injured in the ac- cident and was not cited or taken into custody, he ~id. A white cross was spray painted on the road, at the scene of the crime. And candles and a large bouquet of flowers adorned the front walk of th~ Smith home. The dog. Magic. was trans- ported to a county emergency " medical center but the family decided to put her down be- cause of the seriousness of her injuries, the famUy said. Beverly Smith's sons Brad and Douglas and his wife Mar- la. were at her house Tuesday evening, going through her things and rem~mbering hap· pier times. The home, with floor-length windows that of- fered a view of th~ ocean, had a See SMITH, Pase A4 . ..-.~~..-.--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~-.:..-.~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- John Campbell was leading Ken 'Ma ddox l>y about 33% in the · Republican race for the 35th Sena te sea.t. Ali cia Robinson IJ,11ly Pilot Wl11k i\).'-t:'rnhlvman Kl'n ,\Jaddm \\llllldn't concede dt•- lt•.il 111 t\~~emblynian John ( ;1111phdl .11 1he p()lls Tuesday, .11 prl'"' 1 inw l.ampbell loukt>d llfll' 'tt·p d11wr 111 the 3!'ith l)j-,. 1111·1 '>t•natt· 'l'ill. t .1111phl'll wa!--le;,1ding M.1d - d1" b)' ah11t11 ]:\% and Joe Sny- dl'I hy S:\'t;, at 11 :]() p.tn. in tlll' 1llrt'l' \Va\' llepuhlic<tn ral'C lo rt·pl.1l'1' lt'rrnt·d·out Sen. Ho.,,_ loh1bol1. '.'If this margin holds up~ I will tw honorttd ill what would be ;111 oVl'rwhclnung vote ot' cu11li - de11n· from the people of thi' di>.tricl and I will not let lhl'lll' down." Campbell said. "I llkl· to think that in 111y . nl'arly tour year~ in offkc that I haw ... erved 1hc voters 111 lite.· tli~1rin .mc..l in 1ht-stale wt'll. w1d pe11pil' rerng111zed 1ha1 ... tl111 go\'emnr'>. endorsement did u't httn any ci1her." • 11111 Maddox said he w;is cx- 1wrti11g a 'trong fini~h . "Jn 1~1c1.1. 1lw fir,! time I t•ver ran tor C .1t y ( .1111ncil. I wc111 tu lwd .1 wi1111t:r and I woke up ii · lowr.'' i\ 1.tc)dox :-aid. "I don't put a 1111 ot ... 111rk in early re1urns.'' La.mphl'll, -t H, n( Irvine, is n fnrmer an ountant and auto dcaltor~hip operator who ha~ held tht• 10th Di~1ricl i\ssemhly 't'al sinn· ;woo. See RETURNS, Page A4 Prop . 55 draws a ·mixed response Propositio n s 57 and 58 had received 61 % and 70A% of the vote, respective ly. as of press time. Marisa O'Neil Dail y Pilot :-.:1.\\IJ'l )I( I t-.ll'SA -Voters \wrt· .,pli1 11enrly down the mid- tlli-1111 \~he1her schools should gi•t millions from the state for fa- c:11lti<'' repair .... wil h the yes votes creeping up '>lowly as ballots canw 111. < .allfornia voters were nar- rowly pas'iing Proposition 55. which will provide $12.3 billion to Californta !.choo1' to improve facihtil',, al press lime 'f\Jesday nigh!. Cov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's bond measure 10 bail out the •natl' received much more over- See MIXED. Pa&e A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.dail'yp~ot.com WEATHER ~ It should be partly cloudy. SeeP•a•A2. SPORTS Newpol1 Harbor defeated Foothill, 1<>-8, to win the CIF Division I girls water polo title. 5ff Pa1eA6 ... ----........... A2 Wednesday. M.Ych 3. 2004 i,J,1•) I 101 LOCALS ONLY • --'------------------ NEIGHBORS R)'Wl Pauk-y . .i WO I >!nld11.1ll' of Or ;m~t' Cou~t < .olll~ who ,\ho rt•1c·t·ivt'<l a h.1r hdur\ dt·g~l'l' frum UC lkrl l'lt•\ l<h1 ~IJy. ha' fl't·~·111h ft'llll lied Ill ex< w "on.. 11.trl 111111· 111 ,.11 .. , Im t Ill' R;liul Pauley ,t\llknt p.1pt•r till' ( 11.1 .. 1 lkpo n \\'halt• .11 < X l . 1•.1ul1•\ '>t'r'\'t•d .... t'thllll pf thl' ,.-1111111 papt·r . . Air I 111u · t\1nn.111 Jessw E. Adams. 'm1 ut Robt-rt Adams of l'l.1c1•1111.1 ,111J ~nnJft'r Campk>n ol l 1hl;1 ~h-,,1, n.•r1·111ly gr.1du.1t1·d frnm 11.1,11 milll.tr} 11.1111111g .11 I .1t l l.11 1.t ·\1r I \Ill t' l\.tM' Ill '111 :\llllllTilt, kx.h I >11nr;g 1h1· ''' \\t'l'~' 111 1r.1i11111g. h1· 'lmhn l tli1· .ur ton t' llll~'ll>ll. Ol)(.1111/.lllllll, 1111111.ll\ l ll'llllll' a11d u llll lt''I\''· 1w1tn 111w J J11ll .111d u·n.·mom 111.1rd1t·'· pJi,,11.d 11.1111111~. nil" 111.11 ~ .. 111.111 .. lup l11•ld 11,wu11g 1•\cr11'•"• .111J 'Pt'11.il 1r.1111111g 111 liu111.rn 11'1.1111111' \d.1111, 1, .1 ..'Oil.I g1.1d 11.111• 111 J .,1.11111.1 1 lrgh '\d 11111 l Cartn n Skam· ~taJk> J. Stanchfield. sinTn ~t. ~Imm. Jamrs I>. Swttnt")' J<-fTl"t'y R Tht>rrll'n. C.:.ttht'rlllC' M. llwmas. St-011 I. lllk>n. O,tt>\'\'n K l ochlkubo Gloria<.:. Torres, Loe Vlnh 'Iran, Nancy A. Trola. nu.o Ttuong..Nortko Tsubata. Artt'mJo Q. Valdez. 1oaW C Van Ottt'rio. Rocht-lll' Varona. AndrTw T. Vk1aU11Tla. Georgt' f. Walsh. Shlhon~ Wang, Erica R.. WlllTt"fl, Vlortca Wlntrrman. Mary L Wolf. Mldort Yamasaki . .ind Slt'phen M. Yln \\ t'r1· 11c1.me<l tu thl' Orru1~t' t u~t Collegt· honor~ h:.t for 1ht· faJI 'l'llll'Stt•r of .'00.1. ·nit· 'tlldt'lll!'> Wt'rt' .1h l1· tu 1n.11111a111 a ~rad1• lltllllt .1\l·rn~e uf3. 75 IO 4 \) Sandy f.'lnrstont'. Sally Molnar. OpaJ KJu~r .md ~Coombt> ul °'''"port Bt'.ll h \\l'rt' 't'lt•\ tt'd lit 't'r\ t' tlll tilt' ..!004 ,ll ... tll l ' lo..11mt'11 I u111 lwn11 .111J i..1 .. 1110 11 \h11\\ Sally Molnar Sandy F1nestone <t111111u11t·1· Sally Coombe FOR ·A GOOD CAUSE " Diane Kelrg1an , left and Karen Hinton are co-chairing the Neptune's Black and White Ball at thf r.\ irriort Hotel PET OF THE WEEK They're having a ball Marisa O'Neil Dari; Pilot 111·111~. I lmton .. ail). Ille romputt>r ... 11t•\\ l11d .t'r-. o n-... 11e coun~elor ... ,rnd l t>l'ping J rHu'e on r.impu' tour dJ~' .1 \\\'l'l rc1tht'r th.111 thl' 0 111· d.I\ 1u1m1Jll~ hudgeted FYI Ru:-.t\· Hll,I\ '11\\111·1 ti,,, d11·d h'.I\ 111g 111111 lo II\" .tit .dorw 111 .1 I Olld11 \\I' ,111• ft1lpt'tlll th,11 , .. 1111·11111· \'111 l tlllll' fllf\\ .ird Jlld f:l\1' !Ill' I; \1•.11 11hl I .11 .1 111'\\ ht 111 lt' ( tllllllllll\11\ \111111.il 't'l\\111l ,111.I tli1• 11.-1111I" 1111nl\1•d .11" JHll1t 1Jhllt\ l\01111d 111 ol p 111 q11.d1l\ hit• ll)l"l•lll Hll .. I\ I' \l'I\ ,;,, !.d ,111.f \\,,, '111111~ llJ1111 frn111 111 hr-.1dn11t1• •11 ,11, I\' 1.1~1· 111hh111>-: ,,g.1111,1 llw "·'" .111.I J'lt'opl1•' lln>:t'f'-Hu-t\ h.\d J i;1•nJ1n1 hl1i. -.J 'l n"t'rnn>: tllul 1i11111d .1 tn ;•,., tll\ 1.11d r••mhtuir1 1h.11 I' 111 1t.il•k 1\ 1th d.u" 111t'\l11.111.i11 I h,• ""' .ii tu, 1111 d11 Ill! \\di h1 f'I "\ hh'\l .Uld t .. rnnu11:1t\ \111111.d '"'"••rk \\tll 'lll'l'rnl t!i,• 11"1 n t '' .1rh hi'"" \\••I~ Ill ll\<>fl1l1tl 1!1' 111· ilth GETTING INVOLVED \\t• n'all\ \\Jill <.(\nll"\ll)t' hi , 01111• forwan.I .rnd ht'lp thi-... 11 \\t' Jll u a1w rnJm 111.1\ bt• ·t'lun .. m t ~ J ll'<' 111 1h1• lt•Jr 1 •t ''" 111~ ..omt'thm~ ,u1d tht'n t'\lll'rlt'm mg 111 .... IHll \\t' .1,~ \tllJ tu fo<.:ll' on \lllll Jlnlm t• P H' life \\1th ~i1m Im t' ALZHOER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY T tw 1d1•.1 ,1,111eJ \\llh l\\u 111011. h .. 11!111>( 111 tlw hlear ht•r' \\Jtd u ng their 'on' plJ~ h.1,t'h.tll. It J.:H'\\ 11110 tlllt' 111 the Ol~t''>I lt111dra1,er' Jt t llrtlllJ del ~far I ll~h 'rhunl -tilt' 111.il l .u1J \\ l 111e Ball. "h1d 1 r .ii,,'tl S 1 tlO,(~)(l for .1r.id1•r111r' 111 H' lir'I \t',ll '\\t•d ''' llil'rt 1r1 th1• hl<'.11 lwr-. tur h1111r' \\ 1111Jt'l Ill~\\ h\ \\l' t.11d11 1 h .t\ l' 'l•llll'th1n~ hl 1 1h1-"' l h.ur )wren l llllttlll ,11.! 'lw .llld , • , !1.au I h .. mc lo..c;'h).!1.111 .dl'n dt'\l tn ' r~..1n11t' th1· J11Hll'r J.111.t• 1.L.•1 H'.u '" 11..ir pH· 1h1· l ,,r11n .1 dt·l .\l.u l-ound.::1 .. 11 hud~t·t .a !>,,. "1 \11111<'\ r..t1 ..... ·J 0.. 1lw 1n11nJ.1i~"11 till' 1n th< .:.1;i. ll'ft bduad I•\ ·11111 ,•dlfl ,lll•ttl l\111.!ti'>: frPt1l ;ht ,[,Ill' I !It' l11und.it11111 j\Jh ; r tit~ l'l): lh ~t't 1 llt'ir nt'\I goJI I'> IO bui!J .i n l'" 'l tt'lll l' ldh. \\hirh ~elig1.i11 e .. 11mJ1t'' \\ 111 CIJ'>I S250.000. I ho'l' l'Xtr.b funded bv mt' tuu11da11on. thl'v .,.llJ. help the ,fiw111 11 1Jin1.11n rh h igh JcJdemtr ,1,111d.JJJ, In IJ,t \'t'dI' gr.iJUJlln~ d ........ nf ..':-U. Jn on.ltn~ 1n 1Jw f11 u 1it!anor" \H•h-.11e. ~ti.I .irt• .ltlt•rtd111g rullt').:t'. Jnd .' t \\t'fe '" l <'PleJ .it I\~ I t:J)...'llt' u111\ t•r,1ttt'' lh1'" Jll t'\<.·eUent l.i•ilrl\ f...t ll)?lJll '>did nl tht' ,l·hr•nl ·1 ht•,e .ire lll't tllln)!" 1H ' nt't'J to m .0.1' our 'l l111tll lWttt•r .\ -1lt'nt J.nJ h\t· <1.ll<. llon "111 J) ... 1. ~ r..trt <>I the d 1nrwr JJOl t' l11•1ll, J• •11.1' 1·J ,o 1.H 1 n1 Jud .. .t ll•''' l }Jt'\Tllot'l f'• l l1p lr1.I\ \... f.tlt' <.,lf •WHAT Neptune s Blad' drtd ~\ h1 te Ball. benefrtmg the Corona del M.,r High School l=ourdat1on •WHERE. The M arrion H-.tt:I <It Fashion lslano •WHEN. M aret> : ) •COST. $100 per u et • INFORMATION /'lrt{) W\\\\ .:u-P"sf~ul'C.:1tron .. om or call l<aren Y1l'L ~ .:· ~9 644 7422 dn,:ni: !l·""' : rid" ·i. .1 \\•Hid \\.11 II .:1rp!..1!1l: • ,: · •" , "' :id 't"' 111 k..11ll r \I -,.:• 111'1 r 1~. :-. -: ;• ;•uL11 1l1•111 ... 1.,,1 tl .~· •\\_":I 0 : ••• ,_~r \ lt!J~l1\f JI:;,, ~\1!lfh .. •, •. t • ·1.t 1!1•1 \f..i1 l t .. a !lt ... ,\. '""t '\ ... !. \\ltt ·: •.. :""• . f d1i11 ! • ,, ' 1 1·.~ \t_' I tnc..il ,,. • o •' 1"1tn .. j d1 \L.l" ,11 ~u1 r .. \ ..• ,, .. , :'i' n' .-.. I r1°\t'i\~·J ~. t1t.:·4 r ....... !, j lht ----------- Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . Monday through Saturday at the same location. (9491 ~7n programs. sud't as the homeless sanctuary. Votunteers are needed. ( 714) S40-580l. program that forms f11endsh1ps entirely O'ler the Internet (7141 546-1826. BIG BROTHERS . BIG SISTERS • GET.TING INVOUfED runs PE.'11odically in the 0111y Pilot on a rotatinQ basis ~ infonnatioo on• adding voor otganization to this list call l~l 5744298 Suppott group leeden. f.mty reeouroe conlUftants. speci9I event volunteers and office votunteers are needed. Volunteef'S may wort on one-time projects Of ongoing programs. Training seak>ns are evallabte. 1800) 660-1993. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteef'S to give emotional support to tenninalty ill patients and their families in the greater Orange County area. Training is provided. ( 714) ~Of (8001 540-2545. BA&.809' ISLAND MUSEUM MD tlSTORICN.. SOCETY The Balboa Island Museum and Historicat Society, a nonprofit organization, 1$ seeking memorabilia sud\ n photograph$ and stories for the museum's coUectioo. Volunlee<s are needed u docents and 10 help with displa~. The museum. at 502 S . Bayiront. Suite A. is C>pef1 from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. (949) 675-3952. The local chapter 1s lool.;1ng for m en and women older than 18 who have hved in Orange County for at least one month and have been employed for at least one month to serve as big brothers or bog sisters for c:t11ldren ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes !714 J 544-n13 ACADDIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can hoS1 a German student and eam up to $1 .000 toward a number of travel-1broad programs. Danielle Carpino. !8001 322-HOSI AMERICAN CANCER SOCETY The Orenge County Region of the American Cancer Society Mets oflioe votunmers.. The society atso aeeb' volunteers 10 WlSW9f c:en1 for the unit's Helpfine Info c.ent.. (9it9) 261-9446. AIEttCAN CANCER ASSISTANCE LEAGUE . OF NEWPORT•SA BEST~ ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amvotroph1<: L.a,.,._. Sc:Mrosis Aun .. wNcti hefps peoPe who have the diSOfdef that is abo known as Lou Gehrig'$ chease. needs Y01unteef$. (714137!>-1922. SOCIETY OISCOWRY SHOP The American Cancer Society ~.Shopneedl~nQ. tumitufe. ;.wetrv. e<<•90NC. ~end~ to fund the ~ '1111rc:h. education and pMient wW:es progr~ The goods may be dr~ qf 9t 2800 E. Coat Volunteers looking for varymg levels of involvement are needed to hefp the organization with Its goal of helping ctiitdren in the community. (949) ~29. The nonprofit organi:zatiofl is looking forw&unteers to provide ~ip for adults wrth ~elopmental diubilme... A. a BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fundra1stng, pn>gram development and tra1~mg to existing troops and pac*s 1714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS Daily A Pilot VOL 98. NO. 63 ™<>MASH~ ~1bl•sne1 TOHYOOOERO Ed t<>• MARKEY OAHlElS A~ts1ng Ma"~ LANA JOHNSON P.Of"Ot <' ns 0. rectO< E001NG STAff SJ C.. """"'19+"9 Ect11or. . 1949) 57'-4133 s / c.hn ii l.rf\mt!!$ ccm Oelwtll~ Cit't' E~ 19;&91 ~• ~ g<AJJ«!lc.~com NdwdO.- SC>Ofts E dttor t9'9l 574--'223 1~rd c1t1nn fil.,(rm(!$ com ... S.•teOn ~ C1'V Editor 1"9>~ mot-.,_,.,..,~.,,.,. tom Lollll ..... F'onim 1»99 ecMror c:olumnoll (9tt91 S7~ ~~~~(l(lll'r' ~1!t~'"l.9~.-om JoeeJ. Sena ~ °" !'llCtO' ~ °"5k Ouef 9'191 s 74"'21• ~--:OS d lotfw'ries C'C'"' ..... fdlot'I ..;.na ~....on ~ ~ liunt Pa..• Sa<towTU Dar>-e1 s~~ NEWSSTAff o.....--Crwne end courts l'tlQOtt9" l9'91S7~ ~ ~"._,,,_'°""' JuNC 1•• ~9Nd'I~ t9t91 ~ ~~ !i..,,,,_.oom o........_ Cosu Me$a ~ 19t91 574"221 ~~f!~rom MrllllleOWll E<M:80on ~ tM91 SJ4..Q&8 ~~-~ ASSN. REfWSSMCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group lpOnSOn and supp00s outructt community seMc:e • atu.. Buddy; YOtunteers wiH visit with • buddy twice • month end calt Of e-mail them once a weet.. The Of~ Mio has an &-8udchs The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts wortcshop teacf'len . Call for locations. 1949) 642-2245. ... ~ Poiftlc:S ovsmes:s ""Cl ~ ·c.., --er· ~ 94.9 7'£,4.-0X """°" robtnson """"~ .-c-U. PWie ~ ~nl 949 ~7.1..!.."95 -<J<S PfY\d _. l.t1> """5 :tl"T' PHOTOGAAl"HERS Iota" C CAsstin Oo'> ~ ic:cr1 T l"l'Otov. ~HOTUNE ·9'9•642~ Record "'°"' corimenu "oo ... : ~'! Oa•ty ~t or ,_°' l•OS ~ Our eoorus '' 330 W 8.1\ St Costa Mt!S1 CA 92627 ~ "'<>v•s ••e Monday · Md.av 8 30 a,,.. Sc~ COf'I ..... It tS the Pllot'S OOhC't' 10 CYO"""C COfTect •U ~of S<Jbsta~,, P\eese ~I 19'91 764"'324 FYI The ~ BMd\Cosu "'es. O.•tv Pl'<>t lUSP'S-l"'-«>01 15 i>ubtlStl«l da•lv In Newl;iott 8Mct' and Cosu Mes. tubecOpclo,.. .... ..,.,~only by subscnbi"Q to The r'"'-5 0renge CovMV ,9001 252·9141 '".,_~of ~ 8Mdl 'tnd Cosu ...... tubecnpb()tlt to~~ P1aot -..-.~only bv ~~ t'-n ~I tot S30 per monct\ (Pnoet inc:tuOe .,, ~~ ..,_ e"'d loaf tvft I QQS-\• AS-E;i. Si>~~ lO<lre-1;5 ::r !"lid IC Tl'>e '-to-pc"I Se""-..., C.,sta \'es<i Da •, " ::t ".:; So' 1 S60 CoMa \leu CA 9?626 COC'Y'"ll"' 'io ~ stones '•ust•ahons eotto'WI "'<!tie· c• .taYe'1•Ml~lS l'>efe<r. Celt" OE 'eotO<luCi!O "" thcut "'"'!!8" oerm;s,s,,,r of co~ ... ;""': ~-e' HOW TO A£A04 US ~ T"'8 Times Or.I "Ye C-0 u n r-. 800 ~2-91•• Adwe ..... Ch .. ..., 9'9 64.2.se·a ~ 19',9> 642-432' ~ ..... •9'9' 642·5680 ~·9'91 57.&.-'213 ..... Fu (9'9• ~ 170 ~Fu 19'9l 660-0170 f-tNil; O..typlol !!! ~n,.__ com Mi16110lb ..... Ola !9'91642-'321 ..... Fu 19'91631.5902 Put>t..,_, bv r.,._ eom""'M'f ,...,,_., • 0 •"'5>0t\' of ~ Lo. ~ n,,,.. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It W111 be partly d oucty with highs from 61.to 66 degrees wrtti northeast W1nds around 15 mph WTth guS1s up to 30 mph near the foothills becoming west in the afternoon Tonight will be partJy doucty witti loW$ from 41 to 46 witti light winds tnlonnation: www.nws.no.a.gov BOATING FORECAST Winds will be out of the northwest at 10 knots becoming w.st at 10 to 15 knots in the aft.emooo with <Mnd W9:WS of 2 feet Of less on a~ swell of J to 5 feet. Tonight winds will be out of Che W9St at 10 to 20 knots wrth wind W8'¥W of 1 to 3 f9et on 1 wesi twel of 2 to 4 feet. F9'ther out. winds will be out of !he notthw.t .. 10 to 20 lcnocs~~~of1to3 feet, on a npnhwest lwet9 of 6 to 8 leet. Tonight ..-.inds w ill be out ct the north,vesl at 15 to 25 knots on combined seas of 7 to 9 feet SURF The s..-.efl hits with a 10'\, increase from today. and a toud'I of southwest hngers along the coasl as wetl. '¥\est-fac1ng breaks will be chest high and peaky with south-facing spots waist high and sltghtfy t>ener conditions W...qullity: www surlrider.org TIDES nm. 12:49a.m. 6:47 a.m . 1·59p.m. 8:32p.m Height 2.3l feet high 5.28 feet high • -0.59 feet high 8,32 feet high WAlER TEMPERATURE 57degrees KINl lR[PIOW OAllVPll (ll From left, Newport Harbor High School's Venecia Delgado, Michael'Srlverstem and Juan Rosales work qutckly to finish a three-cour se meal while practicing for the California Restaurant Assn. Culinary Compet1t1on at Cal Poly Pomona. Cooking up a trip to nationals Team from Newpo rt H arbor I ligh School takes first place at culinary competition. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWl'Oll'I llEJ\CI I Siu· dents in Newport I larlmr I ligh School'-. ( :11li11;11 y t\rnd(·my atlvann·tl to a 11a1 ional cor11 petition alh·r taking top ..,tall' honor!> over lht' Wl'd.entl. I '.adJ 111L'mbl'r of thL• 10111 per,on team all.o w1111 .u 1 $H.OOO 'rholar,hip to <Jlll'lld culinary school. l'l1l' tl'a111 cooked up a llHl'l"t·our,1• rnt•al ill liO 111inull''>. heating out 14 other 'lutlenl tt·a111~ al the ProStart Stu<ll·nt lnvita tinnal Sa111rday al C.11 Poly l'o n1una. "Everyho<ly that rnmpl'tcd did an lncn·dihlt· jnh," lt•adw r Janet Duke~ ... a.1tl. 'Tm 1•\ 1n·11tl'1) pro11d ol 1111· 11111\' th1·y pul 111 .111d llwir th·d11<111 011.11 ·, ;11n,1~111g lo 't't' how 11 1111'11 lht''l' k.1tl~ h.1ve grown." 111 till' wed ,, l1·ad111g up 10 till" ,t,l11• I llllllll'lilltlll, lht• ll'ar11 p111 111 t\\tr;1 ho11r' :dlt•r l.rhrn1I to pr.in 1< ,. g1·11111g l'VNVl'11t1g fll'I nghl l'rolt•,. '1011al t ltt't .. 11'11 1<1gg' Imm 1111· l'ar ifi(' (Jul>""" 111111 < 1111 .1 11 from I .1g1111::i ( 1d111.11y 1\11' lwlp1•tl lhl' .. 1111lt•111' 1h'\'l'l11p lhl'it 1111°1111 .111d tm111 l•.H the hlg ti.iv. li..,1111 1111•111!11·" Vt•111·t 1a I Jt'lg,ulo. ~l iL It.id \ilvt•1,rl·1n. h 1.111 1111,.tlt·l. and l'h11111a' l\t.1rt111 had 111 111ak1• llw 1•1111n· nwal ol w<1rm ra1a11111rlh· 'al:1d with bal-;a111il' gla:tt'. p11at ltt•d rrlll,'il'l'i a11d praw11\ wi1h l1111t• !-..ilho11 r 1n• .111tl l'll'PY h<vl'I · 11111 IOWl'r' wuh 1 hocolatt· 111all ... ;nrrt· .inti t'ft'lllt' fraidll' 11\111g 1111 l'lt•t'lric1ty anti only lwo h111a1w htmll'r,. Thl'y hrut1ghl lhl'ir (IWr:I lllt'll'tb .rntl i11gredit·n1'. lur rlw 111eab. h1dge' kept a ... harp t•yt• on all t lw H·ar1is. I >ukc!> 'aid. gr.1di11i.; 1he111 1111 la~lt', pre'l'll l<1ti1111, 'anil;tlio11 and lt•ch· lllqllt'. l·vt·11 a 1hurnllpn111 t111 a pl;!I(' would 111t.•a11 pt1111i... tit· dt11'tt·d. "l'ht·y wen• ~11 prt'pan•d," ,ht· 'aid. "I hl'V wt·n· ready for 11 1 lwy·Vl' prartin·<l w1lh the t·111 in · t la~~ w;11r hing lhl'lll a11d ldwrs l<iggl. anti C:urranl haw alway' hl't'll then•. 'o 1lwy did11'1 kel in1i111ida1ed," h1;111, 17. kq>t hil. cool. ..,au lL'ing w gt·iahlt·s, ,tirring chol'olall' ~un• and answer· ing q1w,ll<m' tor tlw )lit.lg<'~'" lltt• -..11111' llllll'. ... 111' .... 1111 1 lw 111•x1 \ll'P wrll hi• lo go 111 1lw Na11011al l'ro:-01;111 :--111 tlt•111 I 11v11a111111al 111 ( >rh111do, Fla • 111 ·\p1 ii A!-. 1111• 'till<' w111 rwr,, all 1·xp1·11~1·, tor tilt' trip will lw paitl. Vl•11t•n;1 aml Mid1.lt'I ;11t· "' ritiu)>ly u111,1dcr111g att~·11d1111-: nrlinary ... r hool, 1·,1wnallv af' lt •r gl't ling tilt' '!>11,1100 'd111la r ..,111p. l>ukt'' ,,ml. ltran. who work' .1!'. .1 rook al l'rd: l lp \luc i11 Nl'wporl lk;wh. pl.111' lo t.1kt· lull .1<1\.1111.11~t· ol tl11· ... 1'11111.ir~hi p. 1'1111111.11', 11 .. 1 ra11l1at·k :inti 111itltllv l111t'l>Ht'kl'f who'!-. cap tai11 111 1111· l1101liall 11·.1111. 'aid hl''ll kt•1•p 1111' \t'holar),hip 111 mind "II dq11•11d!-. 1111 how l111111>all g11t''·" Ill' ,;ml. "II I d1111·1 gl'I .i i'rtlt· 111 a ,1·1111111 •Ill .i ll1111th;1lll M·holarl.hip. I 'II 111• g11111g 11110 culin:try .1rh ·· COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP I !ere are a few nl the i~ue~ tht· rnu11cil ronsi<ll'rl•d MorHl<iy WESTSIDE IMPROVEMENTS The council tlirrc1ctl stall members to cxplon· '>Otnl' incentives su~e~lt'tl hy Cound lrna11 t\11;111 Man~oor, I hal hl' hop1·' will spur greater economit h'fowth and revitalization 1111 the Wc!>tside. Some of his proposed linant ial llH"\'111 ivf'' are: fee retlucl ions for developers, lot comhi11ati1111' and identifying and improving the entry points to lht• WL•stl.itlt• WHAT HAPPENED 1l1e council approved ~•uIT'o; Li me Lo work on llc~hing out Mansoor·s ideas. Staff 111e111her~ will work with the Wei;l~idL· Hedevefopmen1 Oversight Committee and 1l1e Planning Commission to hash out the spedlic detail'\ ancJ lani..rtragc nf the incentive~ Ml tl~l')' rn11 hl• AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item's to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92617; by e-mail to luis.pena@latimes.com ;by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. THURSDAY The Wllldoff School of Orenge County will present a "Walk Through the Grades; at which parents can visit four classrooms from grades one through eight hr 1111ghl hal'k 111 1111•1·111111n l lot rnnl.1111·1;r1 io n. WHAT WAS SAID ·'I'm ju'I .1ppr('( 1.1t1vt· nt 1hl' lrnll· iii.ti slall p111 i1110 ii 1l11•y put a lt•I or work i11111 i1:· Mari..111ir ,;ud. ··rm t·ag1•r 10 .. 1.1r1 .1111J i111pll'mt•111 'omt· ol the"' i11re111iv1·'· 1\11d I also know rhal Planning< .11111111i,.'lorwr 1 .. rn ll1•w r is al'o rnll'fl'~le<I in working 1111 tht•,t• ill·rn,, '11 I'm hopt'111I thi.., will 1•mr...t· a '>Jiarl.. 111 improvt'l11t 'lll 1111 lhl' W1·..., ... itll' ... PRIORITIZATION OF PROGRAMS I-in.inn• d1·pan1111·111 and ad1rn111,rration '-lall ml'l1lher' looi..!'d 10 1ht· c1111ncil tor din•ctlon 011 addrt•,sing lo11g-lt•r111lurtlg1•1;try1.'0llt't'rrl!>. Slratl'gll'' to he considl'rPd i11d11tlt• il\TllS~·t ht• hoard t'UIS, rt·duclinn~ in program-. and ,,·rvin•, anti 1ww n·w ntrt' \Ollffl'S. WHAT HAPPENED lntlivitl11al t•rnuwil nwmbl·rs and ask a class teacher Questios. The event is from 8:45 to 10:45 a.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa. The event is for adults only. Information: (949) 574-7732. Hoeg Hospital will present• community education class on #Considering a Colonoscopy" at 6 p.m. in the Hoag Conference Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Information and reservation: (BOO) 5144624. FRIDAY The North Costa Mesa chapter of Moms Offering Moms Support, a 'd t•c1ed lht• p1ogra111~ lhl'Y would Irk(· lo t•x,1111irw htr1IH·r to lw 11111tl11it•tl rn dhl'1111t1nut•d lo dn-.t• lht• h1rdgt•l;iry 'JH'!Hling g.rp. Sn far. 1lwy .. d(•rl!·d ilhOUI 40 prograrn!'.. When (,111111cilw11111a11 l.ihhy l .owan n·111rrb . whrd1 i~ a111irip.11t·d 10 lw <ti the Marl'h l!i nw ering, ... tw will ;tl'io have illl oppor11111i1y It! :1dd programs ,f11· b 1ntt·n·~1t·d 111 t•xplorrng. 1'111·11 lhe n1unnl will vott· t111 e,1ch program to 'l'L' if 11 wa11h10 pur,111· an i11·tlt·p1h 'tudy ol 1hal prog1;1111_ WHAT WAS SAID "l'lll' r. .... 11l1111g w<··rl' looking 11 1~ prugr.tlll' and "t·rvin' tu "t'l' how WL' ran rnakt· tl11•111 lllOrt' streaml11wtl and dfownt." l\fayor ( ;ary Monahan ~a11l. MOMENT OF SOLEMN EXPRESSION The l'lllllll'il took <.ourn:1lr11a11 Allan Ma11~oor\ n ·1 ·11rn nwndat ion ;111tl agrl'etl In ... wilr h from mi ll1Vlll'itl11H1 Iii a nationwide organization for Slay-at-home mothers and their children, will have its monthly social at 10 a.m. at 1620 S.· Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa. lnfon;natioo: (~9) 548-8847. • The ExChange Club of Newport Harbor will pre6ent its annual "Search for 'Talent" contest. The contest is for children ages B to 18, and trophies will be awarded to winners in three different age groups. The contest will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center auditorium. 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 673-8701. NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 6:30 p.m., March 15 •WHERE: City Hall. 17 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754 5221 "11111111t•111 ol ..,llll'll1ll 1'XPl'l'"!>1011" 11111·11111vt· 1111· r•1111wrl lr on1 1i.1l11lity. I ht• 11111111~·111 r' It·~-. 1t•,l1 rrt1v1• 1h.111 .i prayt•r ll('l'<lllM' Iii(' 111111t·111 .ind lor111a1 arl' t·11111plt·1t·ly 11p 1111lw 'lll'ilkl'r. l\111t11t'lll' of ..,oh•11111 1·xpn·.,.,i1111 1 an lw 111 any form 11. ltkt• ;1 'pt•t•1·h n1 .1 pol•rn; 1'11111ai11 "nv kind ol 'l, ular or rdigiou~ n 111lt•r11, irn h1tli11~ rd1·n·111"t'S 111 f•''ll'>, illHI 111' ~l\'t•11 hy ;1 rd1gi011~ nllici.11 or .1 l;1yp1'f"tlll. WHAT HAPPENED 1111' 1·11111u·1l .1pprowd tilt' dia11g1· l\tor11t·11h 111 ... 1111·11111 l'Xpr t'-'s1011 will .. 1.irt 111 lw l'Xllll'"'t'd ,11 1)11' llt'.ICt t tltllH'tl llH'l'li11g. WHAT THEY SAID "llt•..,pi11· lht• rourr\ :rllt•rnpt to kllJ rl. fr1•t• ~p<•t·rh i' alivl' um! wt•ll 1n C .U!-.lil l\tt•,a," l\ta11soor ... 1id, The Environmental Nature Cen'er ~ill present a walk under the lull moon at 6:30 p.m. at the center, 1601 16th St., Newport·Beaeh. The cost is $2 for adults and .SJ. for Children. Info rmation: (949) 645-8489. . SATURDAY NordS1rOm's South Coast ptaza will host Gordon Thompson, executive vice president and creative director for Cole Haan from 1 to 4 p.m. at Nordstrom's South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Gordon will meet and greet customers. Information: (714) 549-8300'ex1. 1690. Former city attorney signs, gets $750,000 A second settle ment agreement be tween Je rry Scheer and the city of Costa Mesa e nds three-year s uit. Deirdre Newman 1Ja1ly Pilot CC 1:-.11\ M 1 .. :-./\ l·orrnt:r Cir v Ally. Jt·rry Sl'ht•t•r has !>il{llt'tl .1 'l'CO!ld ,t•ll lt•111t•111 agrL'l'llll'lll hetWl't·11 hi111,l'll. till' city anti tivt' <ll'ft·nd1111 b , rulmina1i11g ii lt·11gtlry t11lor1 111 ~t·ttll' hb law \Uil. '\dwt•r Wa!-. tht· la~I uf 1lw par th'' 111 ~1g11 tilt' agn•t•rm•nl, wl11d1 l«ll I'll'' a pavout ·111 hr111 111 $i'"•O.OOO. 111 addi111111 to till' ('ily. ti ll' tlt-ft·111la11b .1n· l11rnlt'r ( 01111 cilw11111e11 I 1111la I lrxt!,11 and t>:arn1 llohin,1111. ~1;1y111 (,;uy l\lun:tl1<111, ( ·w11h'rlwu111.1n I Jhh~· ( :11wan .1ml St•111111 lkpuly <.ii ~' \11v l\lariunrll' l\lilli~:ar1. l'lw la~,,1111 d 1.1rgnl <Ill' d1· h·nd 111h wrlh lit t 0111pl,tl11b 111 t lt1tli1tg ~l;111d1•1, dt•l;1111;1111111, It ' 1alia111111 .111tl \'it1l.i1i"11 111 1111' Brown i\1·1 < lp1·11 l\k1·1111g l.1w. I lw law,1111 wa' h;1M•d 1111 .1 "' I tl'' ril t'Vl'lll~ ... 1:11t111g111 Julv :!11111 wlwn l\t ill1ga11. 1111'11 k1111w11 "' M;11i111111e lll'~t·1. 111atlt• a w11llt•r1 111111pl.11111 agai11,t \l'ht'l'I l't 111 1.ii11111g .1 1111111111·1 11! .11 1 tl'.1111111~. St hl'l 'l wa~ dl'atl'd 111 11111,t• allt• ga11011' by .m indl'1w11tl1•11t t't11111 'l'I a11d 111vn11ga1111. 11111 hr' llt1ll hie ... wi rlt lhe l'it y p1•r,,...1t•tl. 111 ~1·ptl'111lwr 111 :!110:!. ht• \'"" p111 1111 ad111111h tr.111v1· k .l\'t•. pt•1uJing .111 inw ... 11galit111 I h' wa' ft'lll,1.llt•d Ill.ii Ot'I Olll'r .111d n· 11irr11·tl 111 wor~ l111l t111rldr11 hrllill hr' 11•,11111 1 .... !11111iL'' '111n· lw wa,,11·1 .ihlt· 10 log 01110 hi.. 1 0111 p111lT .• 11'nirdi11g tt1 11\l' law,11i1. I Ii• rho"' 111 lal..t• "l'k lt·av1· 1111 No 111,1tt .. 1 w11.il y1 111 r" dt1111q, VnW liOITll'IOWfl rlf'W~p,11 11·1 FITS IN ... Daily Pilot <k t. :.!I. 111• lil1•u hi ' l.iw-.1111 11 ~l·p1t·ml wr. I\ l1111ahan ... aid 111' \\i" rd1~·Vl·d tltt• "'lllt•rnl'11t h;1d l111ally ht•1•11 agn·1·d 10 hy all part It:'!'.. . ··1t \ ju~t 11k t• t11 gt·I 11 liri.1lly lwhintl 11~ ... 1\h111ak\11 'aid. "Wt! 1·a11 11111w 1111 with th•· 1111p11rtant hu .. 1111·'' 111 r t111ni11g 1111' c11y." -;rltt•t•r rd11,t•d l11 t1111111lt'rll, a' lit• h;1s tl11111• 'inn · ht• nlt•tl llw l.1w,11i1 I'" allllrtll')'. I >an Stdrn1!'r. t'1111ld 11111 ht• it•:tdtt•d ltll l'tllll 1111•111 l't·1t·r l11t>w11. an .illnml'Y n•pn·~t·nl inf.: llll' nly. "titl ~dwt·r ,1g111·d lht· ,1gn•t•1111•111 111 h ·hn r <11-Y, I Ill' agrt•('lllt'lll j, 1111w r1111 1111g1•111 1111 tht· \V11rk1·1 ' (.wnpt·11 ,,1111111 1\ppt•al' H11ard .1ppmvlng .1 d11n11111·111 1.1llt·d ,1 "t .0111p ni t11i,1· and Hd1·t,.,1•.'' wh11 hr' fla,1· n.slly .1 wo rl..t·...,· t'1111q11·11,,tl11111 wt1lt•11w111 .1git•t•1111·111. ll1t1w11 l.<tld. I h· l'\lll'l'l.Wd ('t111lidl'fl('t• lh.tt rlll'rt' \Vtlllldrr'I lw ,111\' llltHT 111;11IJ1l1wk ... 111 ll11• prrn t'"' ··1\1 1111, p111111 . i1\ prc·1tv 111nrl1 jlhl ).:11111).: rl111111~h 1111' 111'1111111 .... " llHll\'11 \,1111 "I tlo11 I 1'\Jll'I t .11 11 p1 ohl(•111 ... \\'Ith <Ill' 1·1•111,1111i11g pr11t nfi11 .1I ,1(·11,.'' I ht• ..i•11 111tl "'lllt•1111·111 agr1·t· 1111·11( \\d' 111'1·1· ...... 11 > 111·1 :111...i• 1111' li1'1 •11 1(' lit./ll'd wlh·ll l\hllig.111 11•l11"•tl 111 '1)~1 1 II. -;Ill' 'ilid tl11111g ..it \\'Ollltl h,l\'t• plt'\'1'111\'tl lif'I ln1111 lifi11g d.1i111' .1ga111'I lht• 111\' 111 St lwt•r 111 lht· f1111 tr1·. \d ·1 n •lilt·tl hi~ t 11111pl.1i111 ag.111 1'1 tlu· dl'lt'IHl.111t ... Ill 111id I l1'1'l'll)l>1•1. lh1 l11ri'1111 .11rd 1>1,111 1 d11f11'1 h;1Vl' Ill ").:11 t'illlt't .1gl\'t'll1l'lll hnatr"'' 111 ;in .1 11.i1t):l'll ll'•1l w11rl..t•tl 0111 h\' llniwn .111tl S1111111 1•r i11 :'\Jm'l't1lh1•t. l'lm dt•:tl • ' 11111\'nl 1111' l\\'tl ln1111t·r ( •111111 ii 1\1111 11•11 ·" tlt•lt•111l.111h ln1111 1111' t.11v,u1t 111 1•\d1;111g1• 1111' lt•ttt•r' limn th1·111 waiv1111: 1lwir d.11111' aga11"1 \t l11·t·1. ~4-~~ft { B c·s l a 111·a 11I ----EstabllSh E'd 1n 1%2 Wed11esd11_y! I J111111·1 \l1t111• 6:00 H:OOpm ·I I 11·1· lnlmt1· 111 !t111_1• llt-11111·11 1111dji·ir11d<. U1i11g yo111 /111•oritr rrq11t'H.<.1 DON'T FORGEr EVERY MONDAY & TUESDAY 6-9PM! A LIVE TRIBUTE TO FRANK SINATRA Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails "•<.iuality ~noicC!'" "'Nightly EntC!"ainmC!nt"' fatra l.ttm LAMB SHANKS CORNED $ 3~~ 11. BEEF "A Rt.At TASTt' Eyr ol Round 11r OP IRfl.AND" Fl.it ( :111 Umk1·1 ~HANNON'\ t111\ll ~ODA RIU.All ,, ,.,.., ,,,., "l+.1 #t'ftl!f, "-1.-t s3~ .. c~9)64t7~ · l69S lniftr Aft'., c....a Mc• fli•-t.'"""'toloe·kl,,,.~••a.t.-arl•tll I/I' ).2 ')') -t ,1 lh. '. "'"'' , ... ,. RUSSET · I.om/ Sull'rt POTATOES STRAWBERRIES 59ct lh. $22~ "·'· I I ~ I I I I I ' ii I I } . . . . . . I lj /1 I I I 'I I I 11/ 1 --- M Wednesday, Maren 3. 2004 RETURNS Continued from Al !\laddox. :i8. is bt'tng termed 111H of t~t' 68th District Assembly ~eat he has held since 1998. The Dana Point rt'!>t<leni has served d~ an ufficl·r in the Army :-.la · uunal Guard, a <leµuty ~herift .111<l a poli1 e otlirer Snyder. 5~. • ul Lap1:.tra110 fleal'h, \\'a!> a hehnipter pilot 111 the Manne Corp-; '"'hu now run!> d roni.ulting hu!>inl'!>!> and ~en•p, .1s mayor of Dana Point. If tht• number~ hold up. Campbell will face Democrnt !Uta B. Siebt'rt, a leg<1l secretHry from Fountatn Vallt'}'. and l.iher tanan l 1motll\' Johnson, a fuun- t.11n Valley hu.,inl'~~man, in No- \'l'mlwr, hut in tlw, "safe " lkpuhliL.111 dbtrict. the !>l'at is t·xpcctl'U to go to tlw c;op pri- 111;iry w11u11·r \Vlult• "nytlt•r ran a ~rus~· roOI\ l •HllJMign, < .Jmphell .ind ~lad dux J11u~ht l'Hdl other in tlw 111adh11x .111d the media. Camp hell ;it1 ack.1•d ~laddox for ht·tn..: '11pp1lflt•d hy organi1.l'd labor, wh1h• \l.11h.lux i.:hargcd that < ,1111plH'll hadn't takl'ol o1 !inn ,t,111i;1• 1111 illegal 1111111igratw11. Hoth ,1.,,t·mhlymt·n mar.,halt•d 1111pr1•.,.,.,.,. 11.,,., 11t rrn.lvr"' 1111•111,, with :"-.lat.ld!I\ hackt·d ll\' 1 u111111\ I.II\ t·11J.i1rrt·1 11e11t lll~itnl 1.1111111, .11111 L1n1plll'll ~u ppurll'd ll\' fol111 ,011 and < ""'· Arnotd "t'IJ\\ ,It /l'lll').(J.:t'I I ht· :"Oth ·h.,1·mhlv I 1i,1r11 t 1.11 t• Ill rq1l.11 t• lt1ht1 (.a111pht•ll • hJd f1IH' ol till' lll~l"•t lic•ld' Cll 1 dnd1d,ttt'' '1' lkpuhhra11' - dllll 11111• 11! tht• l.trgl''l priet• loll.:'· \\'Ith ;\1·"·p1>1t Be:11 h h11.,in1·-.-.. \\11111,ltl ( ri'll ( fl't il h \'()\\'lllJ.: ti I 'p1•11d ~I 11111111111 ( 11\IH h I~. ,111d ll\'llH' cit• kn'e 1 111hult.J11t c lit it~ I )\·\'on·. ·I I . Wt'fl' tilt' 11}()'1 v1,ihll· .rnd \'It 11olit ol tlw 1{11111p, whu h ,11,o 1111 tudc·(I I JI Jrvm1• <'11J.:llll'l'r\'1J.: 't11d1·111 ( lllll1l l1t1l l 1llpt.1. ,!(), :'\t'\\ p ill I llt'.tl h Cltll lt•.ir t'llg• 11t•1•1 I 011g l'lr.1111 , i I 1rv111t· .11 ALLOWED Continued fr om A I I 111ri1l11 < Juh ol c h<111g1· < lllllll\ "It \ 11111 l1H tfw mtht pan. I x1h<.on addt•tl. "II "1·1·rtallll\' 111tl'rt•,ti11g .. ff1hn,1111. who hu~ futur1· pul1tit .ti a~puoition,, .,;ml !111' par I\ \\,t'-,, gn•at pl.wt· 111 111'1 \\'fll~ ,111J llll'l'l lll'llpk 111 11\1• l<t-puhl1 t .111 Jl•lrl\. 1 ldt 1111·111 111 1111·11 1111ngl111g .111d 11111\l·d 1111 I h1· h.111d ht•gan Ill pl.I\' .I \ 11\'t•r 111 th1· '1111g "J 1111 . Hid1·1 ... 111 \\'<11. \lm1. I 11.1,ge1111w ltllo II I .,1,111nl t11l1oh111\ lw,111 ,1llJi1111gli 111\' I h\ !'1111 \\,I' MIXED Continued from Al 1d 1t·lr11111g 'upp11rt. \\'Ith l'ropn ,1111111 ·); 1lt1· Sl'i lt1ll11111 lio11d pl,111 Ill p,1\ 1dt llJl' 'l<ill'' tit-Ill It. g.11111·r111g hi " .. .it pit'"' 111111• ,llld It' I tlllljl:tlll!)ll 111\',l'illl', l'111pm111011 ·111, \1l11d1\\t>ttld1 1· qu111· ,1 h.d.1m 1· lwdgl't .111d I.Ill\\ d.t\ lt''t'l\'I' lt111tl g.trlll'I 111g i ll I ' 1 lw P·'"·•)-:1' ol l'n 1pt>,1t11J11 ·,. '"Hdtl 11w.111 s:;o 11111111111 111 111.111 l1111g lullll' IOI' th1• :'\t•\\ p111 I \h-,,1 I l111ti1·d ~l IHJol I 11, 111• I IOI till' 1111Jlt1 'I hllol :O.ka '\Ill' i\ '1 1111111 11111110\'1'1111'111 p n q 1 •( I · 1 m limll<·d." 'aid 'chool h11.ud nw111hc1 :"-.lm tha H11111 111 SMITH Continued from A I liwd in loll~, with .1 htJok ot 111u '>IC OJll'lt Oil thl' JllllllO and 1111, lll hook!. out 1m tahlt-tops. Hl'Vcrly Smith. who workt d a' a 'e11ior systems analyst, <;till had al leai.t 10 strong year" left. llnu~la' };mull said. as tear\ w~llc·<I up Ill ht~ t•yc·'· "She was a tnily n•111arkahle wo11u111, .. Marla Smith ~111d. "She always had a smile on her facr," Douglas Smith <;aid. Hrad Smith. who wa" the 111<1'>! WHATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the Information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfax1o (949)646-4170;or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com SPECIAL EVENT The Newport Harbor Neutal Museum will have an exhibit for NHooked: The lure and lore of Sport Fishing; at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, through fi}b. 29. The muMum la ac 151 E ~---.. --~--·-----....._.._. ·~ • DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I OAILY PILOT Assemblyman John Campbell looks for election results on the Internet during his campaign celebration at Skosh Monahan's in Costa Mes a. The results were m his favor as of midnight. tlll'llt'\ l.>rn1 WaRncr, .tL; .tnd N1·11'Jlllft lll'ach bus1nl'"woman ~l<irtillllll' i'ipp1. 59. At prt''>' lime, fk\lun· wa' l1•,1d111J.( ( ri~tkh by :! I '~• with ..'.'i% ot tht· prl'nllrt" rl'p<>rt1·tl. \\'<1gr11:1 11 11.," tf1,t<111t third "I th111k IV1'0\'l' 1\1111, I )t'\'llrt' ,;ittf ""11.tll'>tically, 11 \\oult.I Jw h;ird 111 havl' a111· crilwr 1 onrlu "or1. 1 Jtu1'1 1t11nk >'011 hd\'t.· to \\'Orry .11>0111 .t 'I k\ll'\' d1.f1•ut' rrn111;111' ltt•adhm .... rill' (,(II' \1'111111'1 \\'Ill 1.1( 1' l\\'\I llllllll lioli l h.dl1·11gt'I' Ill ·"m't'lll ht·1 · I l1·111rn rat < .arl :"-.!arr~. ;i rt' lm·d 1 lil'lllll'al f'll!-(llll't'r from lr- \'lllt'. .tnd l.1lwrcanan "'1.irk ll.tldw111, .111 lrv1nt' .,alt·.,111.111 Ill I l'il'l'Ulll 11 <ll I ll('LI t lllll'-t'lJI II lllllt'lll .. I lit· 1>1~1·.,t t h,dl1·11gt· 1, go lllJ.( Ill ht• to drn t' llJl hll lltllll ii' lllllf'lt ;II\ Jlll'>'lhlt• to 1'11,LHI' th<tt thrill\ 11 llll .t hlllt• hy tlll' l1u111g1'-hh· ,tylc• I 11 .1, ,1111 h'T1>ov111 t<) tlw 1111w' "hl'11 I r.111 11110 l>av1d t)11a111 lrn111 I 1111~ lica('lt <)ua111 \\'a' .1 1 nlortul rh,1rnt h'1 11 llh d 'l'fll'' 111 lh hutll11" prnd.11111111g 1h111g' '111 It ,t, ' !'ht' rt1.1d Ill lwll 1' P•" 1•tl \\'Ith lrhl'raf-.'' ,11111 "111 lwll \\Ith 11.iq. lt•t '1 l>11111lt I l11llv111HHI ' \\'II\\ I '"l..l'd l)Lr.1111 ht' dl'lir111t1111 11I .t lth1·111l ,111d lw tuld 1111 · 1111, "\ lil>t·r.1f 1, 1l11• 11pp11"1t' 111 1•\'1•ryll1111g 1\111<0ri1 .t "'" h.iwd iill thl' ll1hlc. till' ( 1 •11,t1tut1t111 .111d pr1\.1t1· p1u1w1 I\' rr~IH' l l1t·v .-111· .11111-1rad111n11al ;111tl tlw ll'<l\1111 l\I' oll l' gn111g (fl hl'll lht• p reli111111,1ry rt·.,ulh .. "I he tlltllll'Y will gu to hc11t•fi 1 the ,111d1•11t' 111 our tl1stnct and Wt' will Ill' .tl1k· 10 rompll'll' Mea ~ml'/\ 1111 11n1l' I ht•y 11w1· u' S:iO 11rlll11111·a11d I'm 111hnl'111 gl'I 111y 1 '11°< ~ fro111 tlw ,1 ,11d " '\t·11 port :O.k,,1 v11ll'" m 1•r \\ht•l111111 ~1\ fhl''-!'tl \Ill' ;\lt-,1- ,111 1· .•\ h r111d 111 £()(1fl . \\llll'll .il- l11\1l'd 1l1t· d1,tr11 t 111 w ll ~110 11111111111 111 h111Hf., to ll111d 1lw 1 tlll,11 llt111111 jllllfl'll Hiid .rpply IHI d11· .1dd1111111.il 111<111 ll111g llllld' 1111111 llw .,latt• ( 01\,ll'llt llllll 1111 \:t•WJHlrl \!1•-.,t 'l lu .. 11' \.\truld t'llfll111lll' 111th 111 \\ 11IH1111 tht· p.1".1g1· of l'11lp1i\ll 1!111 i!i, b11I lh~· tll\trlCI \\t11rld h.t\t' h,1d 111 h111r1111· tlw 1111llll'\' .111d l.t1'l' llllt'fl''' rl\ll'' It' pa~~ag1• would abo mran S 100 1111111011 1111 \JI . Irvine for qt1ll't ol till' trio. finally pipl'd in d11ru 1g a 'tory about surfing trips 1lw l.un1ly would takt• wtwn they lt\c•tl 111 "un lfrrnardmo. rtwir 1nothl'r 1\11t1W dri\'c them and tlicrr lrll'nd., to l>ohrny Beach am.I -;tu<ly hrr romputt·r pro gr.unming honk!> in tht· l'ar while they .surfed, l>ouwa~ Smith t'll· plaint'd. "l11a1 wa' my f.1\'orllt'." Brad ~mith )>aitl, I Ii' 111otlwr\ untinwly dt'ollh 'parkl·d a rr1ll'wed passion fnr some sort of traffic enfon·l'ment along that partinilar ~tretrh of UifT Drive . ..aid Douglas Smith, who l~ also a Newport lle,1rh Coast Highway, Newport Beactl. tnformation: (949) 673-7863, http://\Nww.nhnm.org. The Newport Beach tautical Museum will host "Night of Winners." whictl will honor the 2003 perpetual trophy winners of the Tommy Bahama Newport to Ensenada Yactlt Race. The event will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Marctl 13 at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 151 East Coast Hwy. Tidtets cost $20 to S25. Information (949) 673-7863. e>et. 350. SAILING CLASSES SaMing fetcinatlon ofJ9n detMI In boating safety and sailing year-round for person1 with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Ball ftrne' b our nl'xt U.S. sena· 1111 and In t•murl' tha1 President 1111,h w111s <.ahfornia.". De\lore 'did. LJndidate~ began volleying 'hot ~ at each other 111 ea rly 2003 . • 1hno,1 a, '-0011 as Campbell an- 11111111u ·d h1· would lt:a\lt' hb seal 111 11111 lor .,cm1tl'. DeVOfc has-01- 1,11 ~l'd < .ristidi lur her l!-l% en- d111 "·1111·111 of forml'r-President 11111 t ]11111111. and he fikd <1n t'th- ll, c11111pta1111 again~• hl'r \Vlth 1h1· lkpul1ht .in p.irty that wa~ l.tll'f dhm1~,l'd. < .ni,11ch'~ cam· p.11g11 h,1, 't•111 llll'r'> alleging l>c· \ (lfl' ,1u epit·d 111u11ey from l11- d1.i11 tribe" promoting Cal'oinos. I w11 t'ollt'0tg11e~ nn tltl' ( ;artlen I .rm•t• Liiv l:uunl'rl. \'an Tra n .111d ~I.irk-I eye~. !<Hight for thl' hllth l>i,trlrt wat Wi1h ju't 1% ot llw pn•rinrh ha1·111g ht'en re- \ \11\\ t >h. 1'111 'orr.'." \Jt1:1111 'aid. ")•rn'rl· prnh.1hl\ "hlwr..11." "\\'h.tt n1akt'' }'IHI 1h111k 1ha1'1" I '"~t·d ")• •t1 r~· .i rq11ir11·r. trn· onl' ... tw ,,11d "\'t111 rc a young w11man anti 1·rn 1111 11111 m:imt•tl. \Vl'll , at lcaiit I do111 ,1·r .1 ring nn y1J1.ir linger - ll•1t th.rt I 11.1~ h1<1king lor a ri ng." \\'(I\\' I h.i11 kt11lh . 1t '"'-' t1tt1l' l11r tht· k,11\ lllt'' Ill ht'h'l ll. I ht•11· Wd'> .J 11.1J1111111,d \'ll'tll.lllll''l' p1•rlo11p.1111·1• w11h d.tnu'I' in dtag<111 ,111t.l l1011 co~twnc-. .md 'p1·1·t l11·, h) 1111 .11 .ind llJIH11lal llt•1u1l>li1 ,u1 111lit'lat.... Forml'r < 1m. l'eol<' \\'tl,011 l'\'t•n addrt'""t'd till' .111d11·1111· '\hhough l<l'puhltc;111' ->" - Ill'\\ '()l'l,il '1 ll'tl(I' <llld h1ol11).(l I .rl 'I 11'111'1' l>11ild111g., 1111• hkl'ly p.1.,.,agl' ol Jll llPO'I 11011'> 17 ,u1d 511. Wl'rt' ,11,0 good Ill'\\'' l11r '1 ho11I' a., tht'\' wo11lt.I cl1"11 llH' "U\' for < ;11\', Arnold "ldlllarl'.t'nf'ggt·r\ proposrd b11tlgl•t . wh1rh -.pare-. 'ch1111J, lr11111 d t•t•p l'llh , "ll'rop<hitit111,I 57 ,md 511 pu1 ll'> 1111 1he nghc trurk tu gi·t 11i. 0 01 ol lh" m e-;s," Fluor '<till ol tlll' '\t<lll' hu<lgl't cri-.i,, "But it\ not tl11· (·11d, it\ ju~t tht• 'tan 111 1.11 kit• 'pending prnhl1·m.,," I 1wal l'itll'' will hrl'athc a 1t1- tl t: 1:a.,1er. too. with tht• pa,.;ag1· ul l'rt1po~ition 57 "II rnean' Wt' can n111v1• tur- \\'<tl'tl i11 pla11ni11g uur budget!>, .. Nl'wport Ht .. 1d1 C.1ty Manugl'f llom!'r Bluda11 o;;iid. "le bring'> a lntll' certa111ty lo our hudgrt n•,itle•nt. Spt•l't.I h1111t ~1gn' real.I :!~ mph hut dt•,pitl' tht' rl'rnm· mt·1Hled hl\.\' 'llt't·cb . many driv- 1·r' rac1' .1lo11g thl' wi111.lir'lg road. llw Smith' '-<tid tht·y hop1· llt>Vl'rly'' p.1,~i11g won't ht· in vain and that d tv 11nirials will finally take defi11it iw action rt>garding tilt' ')Weding problem. "In urdl'r fur the neighhorhond to haw 'ciml' '-Ort of emotional !waling. or ~nrne kind of cl11~11rc. they nerd 111 111stall a t:rosswalk, a -.pct'd hump. a -.top )ign - 'omt.·thin..:." Marla Smith said. Drspitt• tht• tragic drrnm· stani.:e' "IUrroun<ling hi!> mother·~ death, Dnugla,, Smith said hr Or11nge County emptoyen uin bring their employees out to Newport·Beactl on weei.tays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast Colle~e. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a ctlance for groups to wort with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necesaary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. °'8nge Coeat College'a IChool of sailing and seamanship will offer a beginning aailing claas from 1 to 5 p.m. Feb. 20 and 27 and Maren 5 at OCC's Sailing Center in Newport Be~. The cost is S325. poned, Tran was ahead (i I% hl 39%. 1.eyei.. 45. b a 'JwtiaJ pro1er1., consullanc lor 60th Dt!>trict A':>· semblyman Hoh Pacheco and hw. hel'n on the Garden Grove City Council 'iillrt' 1.990 . Tran, :!9. is ;111 attorney and has bren a cuunl'llman '111Ct' WOO. The winner wiU run again':>t I kmocrat .tnd < iardt•n c;rn\'(' hu.,inrssman Al Snook in the general elerti•>n. though in lhi'> lwuvily Hepuhlit an <li,trirt l>1•111ocrah <trcn't cxpcl'tt•d 111 make much of a showing. •ALICIA ROBINSON covers business. pol1t1cs and the erw•rnnrnent She rnay be reactied at t9491 764-4330 or by e mai l at al1c1a rob1nson n lat11nes com \\'l'rt' l)a11li11g each other in till' pm11arie!>, .;pe<iker., called for tht• partv to unify brhind the w111ner-of r11c~day's l'll'rtion a11d kl'l'P the GOP strong. _ l'l'opll' hooted and holll'rt'<l. dapfwd aml 1 hencd. I rnulJ tdl it wa' about tu g1•t g1111d. Ala)>, it \\'<I' dl'at.llim· and I had to lt>ave. I \v<b hummed to mi,., ,di thl' go11d 'luft , but I'll alw:1y' h11 vt• tilt' 1111•11wr11:' ol my li"t II Ill(' • LOLITA HARPER 1~ the community rorum editor She also wr11es columns Wednesdays and frirlays She may be leached al 19491574 4275 or by e·rna.t a t lo/1/11 hi'rpe1 "lat1mes com pl.111n111 g pr<il'l''>'-." (.11,ta i\le'ia ll'allt•" Wl'rt' l'q11a lly reht'\'l't.I io "l't' 1he 1111111 · ber-.. "1 lw l'rty 1"111 ltorcfully 111llv11 forward wilh our budgel Olll l' \W know 1lw <,tatt' will hark off." C .11,la Mt•.,a ~1 ayor Ga ry Mona - ha11 .,,Jid. Prnpt>'ltion 56. which would 11111·1• lowered tht• lcg1i.latiw 111a111rr ty tll'l'tled to p;"i. hudgl'I anti tax 1~i.ue' and cut i.:0111pe11 · -.at ion 10 thl' l.c~i.,latun.• and ' govrrnor tor every day thl' lwd- gt't '' latl', wa-. far hd1i11d 111 rht• poll" at pre" tltnt' l\'llh {i'I 1% vo ting ag.1i11i-1 ii at. •MARISA O'NEIL covers education She rna v be reached at 19491 574-4268 or by e-mail at mat1sa one!/ n lat1mes com doc., not hold ill-will toward ihc driver -Jll:.t fru:.1ra11u n toward 1lw unfortunate '11''" of t'Vt:nl:. that lt•d to the "hardc•'-t day of hi' life." "I am not allb'l)'. 1'111 not mad." Douglas Smith said. "I'm !>Url' that drivt'r fceli. as awful about it as we do." llw acdtll'nt i~ .;till under in- W!tligation· hy Nrv.iport Hearh Polin·, Shulman o;aid. • LOUTA HARPER is the community forum editor. She also wntes columns Wednesdays and Fridays She may be reactied al (9491 574-427 Information: (949) 645·9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina W.terSportt at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a ulf·guided tour of the bay in your ctloloe of power and tail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat. put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Beverages are included. ,.., boeta. Mectric boeta, boogie boards, kayaks. inflatable rafts, catamarans. beach furniture and wetsuits are available felt rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. 1949) 729· 1150. PUBLIC SAFETY Wanted man evades police Shawn Jeremy Friedma n drove on the wrong s ide of road to escape Newport police. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot being chased by police. No shots were fired by 'either the detect- ives or Friedman, Shawn Shu.Iman Friedman reported. CUSTA Ml"~ --A 35-Fried- year-ultl wantt.>J 111 l.o!-An -man i~ described as 6-foot, g~ll'S and Oklahoma evat.letl 180 pow1d~. blond hair. blue Newport Bt>•ll'h pulin• de-eyes and a fair complexion. teclive... I ue~tlay aftt·n11l1111 I le has tattoos on both arms by unv111g down the wr(lng and was last seen wearing a side of t11l-road after being t.lark-colored baseball cap ronfronted at g1111poin1. po-and a b'Tay sweatshirt. lin• s<tid. • I le \.vas driving a maroon 'ihawn Jcr'l'lll\' l·riedrnan. 2001 Toyota two-passenger al,11 known J..'-· f'roy hil·d-pic:k-up lnKk. license plate rn<u1. wall wa111t•d for a nu-number 6T80190, according hail anl''t warrdnt 1n Loi. to police. The rear of the Angele' for po..._c-.:.ion of tnit:k was damaged as a re- nan-111ic' .iml an $80,000 ~ult of hitting the light pole. warrant oul of Okla.l1orna for rriedman was also known m1rrntir traffitkmg. uc:rnr<l-to work as a·painter, police • mg to :'\t·11 port lil'ach l'uhcl' i,ald. ~gt, 'Ill'\(' "hulman. Custa Me~'3 l'<>lice Cpl. Nt•wport dt'll'rti\'l''> took t.arth Wilson said their to tht' ,tn:et., 111 tltl' rwigh-Ncwpon colleagues had in- bonng city .iml ~pollt•d formed them they would be l'nt•dman' tnlt'k 111 front or 011 lheir turf but <lid not ask .111 .1part11w111 111111plt·:>. 111 ftlr a.<>.,btance. I le srut.1 lliey 1lw •100 hlork ol i\lt'rnmat· were 111, there wa' a scuffie I )11\'l' 111 < 11't.1 Mt>,a. When and they were out. tll'tt•c1i1·l'' .1pproached Newp ort Beach police are hieclm<Jn .it gunpoint hl' a~king anynne wflh any in- put hi' n1r in rever'>l' and fo rmation regarding Fried- 1,lan)lnrtl 11110 ,, light poll'. man\ whereabouts should pulirl' '>aJd I rrL•dman Lhcn call lht• department at (949) .1llegt•tlly l.11r1vt· 1111 thl' ~4 -:!7!:1<) or dispatch at wrong .;,1d1• 111 tlw road wl11l1• (~MY} f>44-'..17 I 7. POLICE FILE S NEWPORT BEACH • Re sidencia: Ari animal noise was reported 111 the 9100 block at 6:03 p.m. Tuesday •Port Renwick Place: llleyal peddling was reported in the 1500 block at 6:02 p.m luesday. •Sapphire Avenue. A burglary in progress was reported in the 200 l.Jlock at 5.34 p.m. Tuesday • San Miguel Drive: Fo rgery wc1s reµor~ed 1n the 2600 block at 12:49 µ m Tuesday • East Coast Highway and Newport Coast Drive: A vehicle theft in progress was reported at 11 :36 a.m. Tuesday. •Tremont Lane: An abandoned vehicle was reported in the 4500 block at 11 :34 a.m. Tuesday. • Hospital Road: A suspicious subject was reported in the 300 block at 9·16 a.m. Tuesday. • Patrice Road: Indecent exposure was reported in the 4200 block at 8:43 a.m. Tuesday. • East Balboa Boulevard: A hi t-and-run was reported in the 300 block at 7:08 a.m. Tuesday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS No major accidents as a result of rain Thl' r;1111 th.rt p1111rnwlt•d thl• art'a \lo11d,1v ,111d I Lll'.,dll\ droppnl .. \0 .;1 .111 111d1 111 ,._.l'w'. port B1•ad1 ;111d 11 .ti f11h11 \Vay1w Airport fw 1hc .!4 -how period l'nding .it •I p.111. l\1t'-.d.1y, 'IUltl :"-.111,'l1l'l l\l1ll1•1, hm·(',1,1t•r with tht: National Weather Service. llie California I lighway l'atrol did not report any accidents for the Nl'wpon-Mesa area as of 5:30 p.m. ruei.day. Thl' furl'Cast for today is partly rlnudy skies with templ'ratures warming up slightly. Highs are l'Xpected to be in the low· tu 111id-h()-._ VIRGINIA W. BROWN Virginia W. Brown. long-time l'esident of Newport Beach and, most recently ol Irvine, died in San Diego on Wednesday, February 18, 2004. She was 88 years old. She was born on April 7, 1915 in Los Angeles. She attended Eagle Rock High School. College of the Pacific In Stockton (now University of the Pacific) and Pomona College. In 1937 she married W. Don Brown, a seminarian of the Episcopal church. They had met in the summer of 1932 on Balboa Island, where their respective parents had summer cottages. Their first home was In Berkeley, CA where he finished graduate school. Mrs. Brown had the first taste of her role as the rector's wife at· All Saints, Oxnard, their first parish. In 1942 the Browns moved to Los Angeles to Trinity Church on Berendo Avenue. They lived in Los Angeles untO .1952, when they moved to Coronado, in San Diego County. The Rev. Mr. Brown served as the rector of Christ Church I. Coronado until 1967, whef\ he retired and the couple moved to Newport Beach. The Browns had maintained a summer home in Newport Beach since 1947. where they retired. Both the Browns remained active Jn the life of the local parish, St., James. The Rev. Dr. Brown died In 1979. In the ensuing years, Mrs. Brown served on the vestry of St. James. was the wedding dlrectress at the church, and wrote for the parish newstetter. She traveled widely and enjoyed a lively social life with her family and many friends to whom she was deepfy devoted. She will be rememb8'9d by them ... u a woman of great dignity and generosity, easy charm and a quick wtt. • Mrs. Bro~ is survived by her stater, Mat1orle Plotkin of Play del Rey, two daughters, Susan Brown Chaffee of Oavta, CA and Cuyutlan, Collma, Mexico and Victoria Brown Strane of San Diego; Uaree granddaughters, Alexandra Watkins Jordan of long Beach, Caltll" Chaffee Davta of Sacramento, and t<.a.y Strana DeGouraey of Guilford, CT; and two grMt· children, Andrew Jordan and Eml~ Jordan of Long A memorial aeMce will be held on Thul'8day, May 20 2004 at 10:00 AM at St. James Eptscopat Church, 3209 Via Udo, Newport Beach, CA. The famHy requeeta that In hu of flowera, donations be made In Vlrat"'8 BroWn'a MfM to Shllrp Hoeploe Care, PO Box 3739, La M"'esa, CA 91944-3738. · -~~~~~~------------.......................................................................................... -.. ....................... ~.-...~~~~--~--------- Daily Pilot Wednesday. March 3, 2004 A5 Primary of tough choices Some voters like the idea of holding elected officials accountable, but don't want tax hikes. June C1111rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Vmers faced some hard choice:. at the ballot box on Tuesday: Many locals were focused on trying to discern the best way to fix the state mess. But, in keeping with a fiscally conser· vative community, anti·tax sentiments seemed to prevail. At one polling place, Liberty Baptist OlUrch ir~ Newport. Beach, Brad Smith said he op~ poses school bonds because they unfairly make homeown· ers pay for the children of renters. DON L£ACH I DAILY PILOl Republi can Bill Jones. competing for a California Senate seat, speaks at Republican Party headquarters at the Sutton Place Hotel, while his daughter. Andrea. left. and wife Maurine look on. WINNERS Continued from A 1 ct'mber. Oorna.n made good on a l ~9 l threat 10 run against Rohra- hacher. a fellow Republican and :i I loui.e member since 1988. Hr'Jndt. 53, is a former Marine Corps pilo.t who has worked in the computer software business since 1978. He lives in Carson. "I shouldn't ha\'e to pay for everybody else's kids," ...said Smith, who said he voted against state Proposition 55, the education bond act. PHOTOS av DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT ' Voter Dorothy Hardy, who was unable to physically Yote inside her polling place, was able to vote in her automobile thanks to a touch-screen voting machine provided by a poll worker. our society," Rohrabacher "aid from his Washington. D.C.. of· lice. "The Hepublican voters sim- ply said, 'We want somebody who takes a tough s tance on is· sues but is nice rather than a mean hatemonger.'" In the three-way Democrat ir primary for Rohrabacher's !>Cat, lim Brandt led Tan U. Nguyen by <! l % and Paul C Wilkins by :1!1% at pre-;s time. Nb'U ycn, 28, i!> a fi nancial advi· sor and former restaurant owner who liws in San Marcos. Wilkins, 45, is a Long Beach rowing coach ;_md businessman. But in a testament to the complex.ity of the state's fiscal situation and especially its so· lution:., Smith said ht' -.up· ported Propo-.ition 57 -liov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's $15· billion bond act -as the only way to dig tu California out of its fiscal cri~is. "If we go hroke, everybody lose<.," he said. The issue that sl'emed to m ol>I inflame locab' pas .. ion, however, was Proposition 5ti, the initiative In pass a slalt: constitutional wnendment and statute govcrnin~ tax ap· propriations bills. The goal of the bill wa., to reduce the number of votes needed to pass a budget and to increa~t> taxes from a . majority in t lw state Legisla1urc to a 55% ma· jority. fhe ini11a1ivl' abo con· tained languagl' that legisla- tors and the governor forfeit their pay every day 1hey arl' late passing the budget. Voters enter a polling place at the Newport Shores Community Assn. on Canal Street m West Newport Beach. Wl'ITietf 10 re,onate Wllh 3 (ol 11f voter,. But the itk<t of mak· 111g it l«tsier to rai..c· taXl'' did 11111. The ideu of getting tough on leaders in Saaarntnto for failing to pass ;1 budget "~ly mai11 goal lt1day was to 'ti1p 5(1 from going through ... ~aid Houla Vi111ki'>. a <.t1~1a ~lt•'a rt•'\idenl \\'ho l'<J!-.I hl'r ballot at the polling place at The Crossing 01Urch. "I have a problem with the ·1v ads for Sli. They neglect to say what it will do: rnake it easier to raise taxe!>." On the other end of the 'pectrum were volt>rs who felt " . :\REAS OF (:fl{< :l 'f ,..\Tl<f\: l ~C I ,l .DE: DAILY PILOT Publ1sh1ng· Wednesday, March 24. 2004 :\l.'.wport lkach ~Corona dcl ·Mar :\c.:wport ( :oast •Costa l\lcsa HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT Publishing · Thursday, March 25. 2004 I lu ntin~ron Bi:ach • I l11 ntington Harbour · Sun,'\ct Bcat:h COASTLINE PILOT Publishing: Friday, March 26. 2004 I .aguna Beach TOTAL CIRCULATION -78.000 For adve rti sing information, call : t I I !° " ~ INDEPENDENT Daily A Pilot COASTLINE Pl LOT 949-642-4321 949-642 -43 2 t 949-642 -4321 tht' in:tiative contained vital t'lemem s tu gl'I lhl' ~•ate hack on track. "I'm afraid 56 b11'1 going to pass ;111d I think that':. a shame. said Patricia Nattrass. The Costa 1\lesa re~1dcnt -.aid she belit•ved that negative campaign i.ids distorted the disadvantages of the proposi· tion. In this Hepublican strong· hold. the majority of voter!> did not parlicipate in the Democratic primary. The Democratic and R(•publican parties both allow unaffiliated or "declined to state" voters to cast ballots in their primaries. But voters registered with either party are not wt•lconll' to vote in the other party's pri· mary. Overall. voterl> throughout Newport-Mesa SCl'll)ed tu have done an exceptional amount of h omework. Many showed up Wl'll·inforrm·d wirh a solid grasp of 1he pru., and cons of eac:h issue. "In a community like this. Wl' pay attl'ntion," Smith ,,1id. While complete ~esults wl'rl'n't il\'aiJ;,ible at press time, Brandt was positive about the 11u111ht•1' coming in. 'Tm feding rt>alJy confidl011t about it. l>O I'm already putting together a schedule for thl' g<'n · eral election," he said. Hohrabachcr and 111 a11d1 would vie with Green Party can· d1da1e and microbiologist liim I .a,h as well as I .ihertana11 microelectronics product 111an· ager Kl'i rh Gann on the Novem· ber hallo1. Hohrabacher, 56, is a lornwr journalist and White 1 lousl' speechwriter under Ronald Ilea· gan. I le has com e out strongly agaiusl illegal immigration and in favor of promoting t\mcrii:a·~ !>pace exploration. With a past that 1ndudc' :m yt•ari. in Congress and career' a~ ;111 artor and radio talk: ~how hu~t. Doman. 70, has lw~·n ,1 controversial figure known for hb staunc h ron:-.ervatii;m and hb colorful'-and ~omelltlll'' off·col<Jr -remark.'\. Jn early I k ·111e biggest downside of this L'ampaii.:n was having to raise and 'pend nHHlt'Y· llohrabacher 'ilid, "In till' P·"t I've always been wry frugal a nd spent Jiu.le 111011ey, hut I wa~ up against a 111a11 with a hi,tury ot ~lash-and· burn ca111p<1igni. <md a history of m·gative attacks and I had 10 rai~e money to defend m yst:•lf." While Dornan has a hi!-.IOry of raising big mont•y from small do- nation~ -in 1997 ·98 election)) he raised $3.7 million -but ai. of two week..; ago the hulk of hi~ funding had come from hi~ nw11 pockt•t. By contrast. Rohraharher gen· t'rally ra1i.ed between $J00.0()() and $400.000 per c·lection, but a rt•cent campaign tinann• rt•pon -.hmwt.1 he rahed mort· than S4~J5.000 thi.~ time. l"l11rn;111\ son and rampaign 111;111ager, '-lark Dorn;1n. !>aid hi!> fatlwr had done whal he'd !.el lllll Ill do. "I his C'ampaign wu~ (lt'Vl'r ahout w11111111g, ii wa!> about lthl'I 1111·..;-.;1gl' and it. wa~ about shock· ing Hohrabadll'r out 1)f his cozy lri•·ml-.hip' wi th radical l\luslim ~rollth." !\lark Dornan ..,aid. TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC The biggest -golf tournament in Orange County is coming! Advertise in the Toshiba Senior Classic special edition of the Dally Pilot on Friday. March 12. 2004. Call· (949) 642-4321 • ~-- ---~-------~---~~\-~-~~~~· ~-~--~~ QUOTE OF THE DAY "Fantastic. Every CIF /final/ victory is an awesome exp~rience." 8111 811rnett. Newport Harbor girls water polo coach --~-_,_~~~ ...... ..,._ __ .. ---· -·-. -------;;;.-......__ .-:_-- --• ...... . ·. Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 GIRLS .WATER POLO Sailors dethrone Knights Newport Barbor reli es on teamwork to power past four .. time d efending Division I champions. 'Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot BH~ION"I ~llOHE -A!-. the '>l't"- omh 11rkl·d away dU!-.N to Nl·wpurt 11;.irhm I l1Kh'!> fir,1 CIF Southern Sl·c- tm11 i-:11·1, watt'r polo titll' sim·e I ~199, t 0.11 h Hil I Barnl'l t lwt:a111l' l'l''>tatil'. I h' 'tuod up from hb ch,11r and be· g.m Ill p11111p "" li'>I. And wlw11 the g;1111t· t·11dl'd and thl' Sailor'> t•arned an l'lt1(1t11111;d lfl II v1ctun over four-tune J!'lt:11d1ni-: hiothdl. hf' joyously 1111111wd 1111 1 tht• \\,llt•r. l..lll'r, lw held 't'\'t•1.il 1.t Ill, pla\'1•r, t1gh1lv. "I ,1111.i,111 ... 11,;111l'\t 'aid-of the Sail 111< \\Ill th.ct t .1111t• 111 lr<rrll of about I ,HOO .1t llt•l 1110111 l'la1.1 °l lll'!>d,1y night "r\1·1~ t II 1111;11 1 \'11.111rv " till ilWC· "11111· 1·x1><·r1t·11n· .'\1'\\IHll'I I l.11bor t~7 ll. till' 1)1\'1'>1011 I :\u I '1'<'d, '1•1•111l'd to u11111.• up with a '' r1111g1·1 dd1•11,1· th.111 Foothtll. whirh '' !..nm' 11 lor 11' .cgi.:rt·,~t\'t'nl''!> on de- 11·11,l-. I hl' 'i.rrlu" al'o rc rcived 'tt'llar p1·rlor111,1111· •. , lrom '<'11ior Carolyn t 1111\,,1\. \\h11. dt''P'll' a l>ruist•d no.,e. 'I 0 11·tl .1 g.11111· !ugh live goab. and '"111111 "'"11 .1 II.ell, who added fo ur g11,d•'h 11.tll ,tl,o 11·u1rdl'd thrt•e ~tt'a),, con- 11 1h11tnl 11lll' ·"'1'1 a11d drew two t:jCC· t1111" '>111· .cl,o prnvi dt•d the Sailors 1\itlt 1•\1r.111rd111ar} kadl'r\hip. "lt'"ll ii \\,1, the· hc't lt'adcr I havt' 1•\ 1•1 Ji.111. huy' or girk" ~a1tl llarnl'll , I\ ho '' 111 .lllth w;,...0 11 roarh111g at :\l'wp1111 "l'l Ill' Sailur,.,I worked ex · trt·111l'lv hard. rtwy rt'ally de,erved lu \\ 111 I h" II." lwe11 rn1t· of the nirt'!>I g1•111 1h I h.1v1.• wnrl..t·d \\'Ith. I'd lik t: to , tl'ci11 that B.il l." Ball wa' primaril y dt'· ll'ml111g h1111 l111l 'ta11d1111t Jillia11 Krau,.,, a 111111111 11<1t1011al ll'ttlll pl;1yl'r. through - 11111 tl11· g.cr nt• lt 1ll. hound for the Uni· \1·1,ll\ 111 \l1d11g,111. r ned tt:ar., of JOY .1111·1 \\.Ud "ft\ p1•!11•1 ·1," Hall 'aid ol cml111g the J..:111gh1' 11·1g11 of C IF Divi-,11111 I. "It\ an ,11i, .. 1111<·h .11n.111ng gre.11 ll'l'h11g. It ''"'" h'.Jlll\\'lllk. '"ll'ly ll'illll\\llfk. Ill \\ 111 \\1• 1 11pld11't il,1\'1• \\1111 lhl' gilfnt• \\1th11111 hl'tllg u111t(·1L " Ii.ill.'"' wl'll u~ 111111111 \11111· l!t-1(.kll ,1ml <.n11war were -MARK c DUSTIN DAILV PILOT 1111111.111h 1n p1111,ihl1· for the sailors· Newport Harbor's Katie Erickson embraces head coach Bill Barnett as she pulls him into the pool at the end of Tuesday 11\ 11 ,111111 111111 tit ·q11ar11•r 1wrtorma11cl'. night's CIF D1v1sion I final against. Foothill at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach, where the Tars dethroned the Knights. '\1•\\ p111 t It-ti . 7-fi .• tltl·r thn·e quartt•r.... hell 111111.. 11' li1gg1·q k·ad' of the i.:amC'. '' 111111g l\\11 1111'11hwen·d goab 111 le.•,.,, 1h.m 11'" 11111111tl'' to lwgm the fourth. JI.di ·""'tt•d Belden. whn just beat th1• ,11111 drn I.. and !>cored on an out- 'id1· ,(mt I hl'n. ,IJortly after a Melis~a \\'lw1·lt·1 '11-.11, M'lllor Sarah Mull fed < .011wa\' .11 two llll'ter~ and Conway l"1·d hl'r po\\'t'r to fi11d tht' hack of the 1.1gt'. g11111g 1h1· \;11lnr' a tJ-6 lead. ll11t I 1111111111 p11lll'd to within. 9-ll. when Krn11' 'cored I 0 'ieconcf, after C .onway\ goal and ~ebey I lol~hou~er made guud on a six -on-five ·opportu- nity with 80 ~econds left in the gamP. Prom there. Newport Harbor stalled and ran out tht' shot clock. giving Foothill l26-4l the ball back with 45 ... econCJs rernaimng. The Knights worked the hall into Kraus. a ju11ior natton;il team playl'r who got ll !>hot off from four metl'r'> wit h 21 ... econds left. hut -.t•nior goalie Term Cottam rame when the play~r!> seemingly emptied up with the save. all the ir ener'h"'Y-Conway. who began ' ··Thi!> is what every high school wa -the game wearing a protective mask ter polo player look!. forward to." but went without it the last three quar- <"'.ottam said of winning. "We accom --ters. overcame even more pain late in plished it." With fi ve seconds left . the fourth quarter. Foo1h ill committed a fo ur-meter foul With 2:22 remaining. she took an el- and Rall put away tlw 'ub~equent pen-bow fro m Kraus. Kraus was ejected for alty shol. the foul. During the referee timeout. The Divi-.ion I final wa!> intense and thl' climax l'ame at it~ fourth q11ar1 cr See WATER POLO, Pace AS PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE AND CIF DIVISION II CHAMPIONS MARI< .DUSTIN /DAILYP1LOT Corona del Mar High's girls water polo Pacific Coast League and CIF Division II champions. Front row, left to right: t<attin Kut>R, Chetsea Lyman. Second row, from left: Brittany Fullen. Sarah Hutchison, Holly Van Hiel, Katie lndvik, Cari Levine and Amy Strack. Third row, from left; Katie Lemmerman, Natalie Wayte, Lauren McAdams, Taytor Hart<ins, Camille Hewko, Leilani Livingston. Back row, from left, Jordan Anae, Madison Jackson, Vivian Liao, Tracy Kubas, Kelsey McCormick and Katya Eadirigton. The Sea Kings won ttie CIF Division II title Monday with a 13-3 win over Peninsula at Belmont Plaza. , EYE OPENER • Daily .IPilot Ill Sports llall ol FU1lfl h I till ,!1li, luht' 111\1!1 March 8 nonoree ANTHONY CURCI DailyP1lot MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Pelzel earns honors Senior standout will be presented with distinguished award by UCI AJumni Association. UC Irvine senior All-American Jimmy Pelzel has been named Lauds & Laurels Outstanding Studt-nl-Athlt>te of the Year. · The award recognizes a student-ath- lete who has parlicipated in and made significanl contributions 10 their sport and team and exhibited outstanding _sportsmanship. Pelzel will be recog- nized at a banquet May 27 at The West- in South Coast Plaza. Over the past. 3.3 years, the UCI Alum· ni Association has presented the 1.Jiuds & Laurels Awards to honor and cele· hrate the accomplishmen1s of alumni, students. faculty. staff and community friends of UC Irvine. Pelzel is currently ranked sixth na· tionally in kills (4.87) and eighth in points (5.54). I-le leads the Mountain Pa· cific Sports Federation in kills (5. I 4) and is third in point-; (5.63). The outside hit- ter shares the team lead in service aces v.~th 14 and is just six shy of breaking the school record for career sel'vice aces whir h is 93 held by Erick Helenihi ( 1999-02) and Donnie Rafter (1996-99). faulier this season. Pel1.el broke the school record for career kills (1,467) and career atrnck attempts (3. I 22). BOYS SOCCER Sea Kings stumble against Lancers Top-seeded Thousand Oaks ends CdM's season with 4-1 Division II semifinal win. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MOORPARK -The goals came in flurries. quick strikes that shook the Corona del • Mar High boys soccer team off its magi· cal CIF playoff run. CdM held strong the first 30 mlnutes, but lop-seeded Thousand Oaks scored twice before halftime to take control and didn't look back in reaching its first CIF section final with a 4· l Southern Section Division II semifinal victory Tuesday at Moorpark College. The Sea Kings (15-4-6), winners of six straight coming in, had allowed just four S.. SOCCER, P .. 1 Al ... --~-~~--------~----·----------- Dady Pilot Eagles aimi11g higher in 2004 With eight returners and coaching stability, Estancia is thinking playoffs. B.,ry F1ulkner Daily Pilot Now that the =~pla~~e know what to ex- pect from sec· ond·year coach Jon Green, Green is asking them to expect more from themselves. "La.st year was a get-ac- quainted year, where I got a THE EAGLES 1JeMeH.tt 1 E"en V9n GNm 8.JeremvHllUMr 9 Mike McDenW. 10 Clfft Chembert 11 Trevor McOoMld 13 Bred Sd'9fllette 16 Bred Young 18 Matt Ronquillo 23 Eric Schaefer 33Taytor McC1enehen 35 Ryen Gleuon 44 JON Jauregui 45 CuUen Crom ~:Jon Green (second year) Jr. So. Sr. So. Sr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Sr. chance to show the kids who I whose .313 batting average last : am and for them to show me season leads all returners. had 21 • who they were," Green said of hits and seven RBis last season. : 2003 campaign. in which the He is projected to bat in the No. 2 : F.agles finished 3·20, 1-11 in their spot. : inaugural year in the Golden Senior Eric Schaefer has dis- West League. played defensive consistency at "I wanted to establish some second base. Entering his third consistency, so the kids know varsity season. he may have the what was expected of them dur· team's highest baseball IQ. S P O RT S HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Wednesday, March 3, 2004 A7 ing practice and during the sum-Green likes the speed. strength mer. This year, I'm kind of raising and athleticism of senior center the bar and challenging them a fielder Matt Ronquillo and Green little bit." believes Gleason has developed a FILE PHOTO I DAILY Pll\Jl Costa Mesa High senior pitcher Justin Peterson, one of two lefties m Coach Doug Deats' rotation, was 5·4 with a 2.57 ERA last year. Oearing the bar would mean a great deal as a pitcher over Lhe trip to the CIF Southern Section offseason. playoffs, where Estancia has not "Gleason's fastball has unbe- been since 1994. And Green be· lievable movement, so he's just lieves such an accomplishment is hard to hit," Green said. ''I've within th.ls team's reach. never seen a team just rip into "We have eight returning play· him." ers and a very senior-heavy McDaniels started a half-do1,en group,· he said. "We have the games on the bwnp last year and kids who threw 80 or 90% of our started for the basketball team as innings and the heart of the order a sophomore, so he won't be in· is back. Our plan Is to outwork timidated by varsity competition. and outclass everyone we play." The left-hander should pitch and A 14·player roster. big by recent play first base. program standards, includes Senior Jose Jauregui is sched- elght seniors, two juniors. two uled to start at first base when the sophomores and two freshmen. Eagles open their season Friday Among the rerumers is senior at 3 p.m. against host Garden Jeremy Hauser, who is slated to Grove in the first round of the hit leadoff, play shonstop and Newpon Elks tournament. join senior Brad Young, junior Sophomore Evan Van Geem, Ryan Gleason and sophomore who got some varsity seasoning a Mike McDaniels as the primary year ago. is penciled In at third pitchers. · base, while junior Jesse Hart Is "Jeremy is going to be asked to battling· for time in the outfield. be a catalyst for US," Green said. Senior Oiff Olambers Is an· "He's switch·hitter and he'll be other outfield candidate, while the backbone of our defense at senior Brad Scheffiette adds short." depth at first base. Hauser had I 0 RBis and tlve Freshman Taylor McOanahan stolen bases last season, the latter could also help out in the outfield a team best. and freshman Trevor McDonald Young. the football team's provides another option at shon · quarterback laat fall , could be the stop. STE. \1£ Mc CRANK I OAILV PILOT Costa Mesa junior shortstop Alex Pis~rski, diving on a fake wild throw, batted .350 last season and was a second-team al~eague pick. ace of the staff, Green said. He Green believes Westminster. was 0·6 last spring. but Green which shattd the league title with said his ERA was around 3.50 and Ocean View last season, is the he often pitched In tough luck. clear Golden West · frontrunner. ' "He had a 52-pltch game He said Ocean View should also against Westminster that we lost. contend for a playoff benh, but J ·O," Green said. ''He throws hard an opportunity exists for the re· and locates his fastball well." maining five teams to crack the Mustangs boast left-handed complement Young also leads all returners rop three. with 12 RBis in 2003 and is slated "We were I· JI last year (in to bat cleanup. He had the team's league!. but there's no reason only two home runs last year. why we can't got the playoffs this Senior catcher Cullen Crom, year," Green said. Costa Mesa hopes to ride southpaw pitchers into CIF playoffs this season. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot BOYS GOLF Unlike some other sports at Costa Mesa High. the Mustang basebaJI found its first season in 1he Golden Wes1 League to he less than rewarding las1 spring. Lightning ready to strike on par But. with a lefty-ri t h pitching rotation, anchored by senior All- Newport·Mesa returner Justin Peterson, Coach Doug Deats' -;quad Is expected to better its 7 · 14 record of a year ago. that in· eluded a 3·9 mark against league Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot School boys Sage Hill • golf coach Ertle Gnagy said he hu his stron- gest team In three years at the helm and thinks they can make a run at a CIF playoff spot The UghtnJng feature five re· turners, Including rour-year var· atty member Alex Cochran. He Is joined by juniors Jeff Cruttenden and John Neff along with sopho· mores Josh Olen and Ryan Schweitzer. Olen led the Ughtnlng with a 41 average for nine holes a year ego. Freshmen Geoffrey Grant and Ryan Babulh. along with senJor tranafer Rob Greenfield, gtve the Ughtninl added firepower. Gnagy was particularly Im· preseed Grant and Olen's play during tryouta and preseaaon practices, held at Strawbeny Farms Golf Oub in Irvine, the Ughtning's home course. "They might battle for the one and two 1po1&," Gnagy sald. "They are both good bell strlkera. Joah has a good short pme." Gnagy expecta St Margaret's to ' take the top apot ln the Academy Leque with S.. Hill and Fair· mont battling for aecond. • THE LIGHTNING foes. The Mustangs, who formerly competed In the Pacific Coast League, have missed the playoffs the last two years and three of the last four. But Peterson, who was 5·4 with a 2.57 ERA and struck out 77 In 65Yi Innings as a junior, will have something to say about ending the postseason drovght. "Justin looks good right now " Deats said of last year's seconJ- team all-league honoree. 'Tm Just hoping he picks up where he left off last year." "I t.hlnlc we will contend for a Deats would wish the same for CIF (playofl) apot." Gnagy said. junior Alex Pisarski, 'Yho hJt .350 Players have honed their (28 for 80) with seven doubles swings during practice by using a and eight RBis as a sophomore resistance-training device, one shonstop. He was also second- made of surgical tubing that re· team all-league last ~ason. aembles a golf club. • Pisarski is recovering from sur· "It haa a golf grip on It You gery on his right (throwing) place ll under the foot, get Into hand, Injured in an offseason the golf stance and make the golf automobile accident. But Deats swing," Gnagy said. "It promotes believes he could return to laat good fonn." yea.r's form. • Gnagy uled the training device "He has been going through with the girls team In the fall. rehab and has really made rapid Players have given it aatisfac-progreaa. • sald Deats, who added tory ttViews, he said. Pisarski may be cleared in time Sap Hill opened lta aeuon to play in Friday's season opener. with a nonJeague match Monday The Mustangs visit Orange Lu· against Irvine at Strawberry theran et 3 p.m. in the ftrst round Parma. of the Newport Elks tournament. "I am excited about the sea· Senior left-hander Daniel aon," Gnagy said. "If they dedl· Cooper la eqer to put an inJury- cate themaeMs to meeting that plagued Junior season behind goal, they can ftniah In the ,top him, when tendinJtJa UmJted him three In leapt." to 24 lnnlnp on the mound. He · wa.'i I ·3 with a ball. 4.95 ERA in 2003, but Deats be· lleves both he and Peterson have potential to play college base· "UC San Diego and Olapman (University] are looking at Coop- er," said Deats, who terms the 6- foot·S hurler a fastball-slider guy with the best velocity on the staff. Senior Gary Gonzalez, who hit . 349 last season and leads all re· turners with 13 RBis and one home run, is the third left-han· ded pitching option. I le was 0·4 in IR-11 Innings last spring. but Deats admires hlJ competitive· ness. / "He takes a football mentaUty out there." Deats said of the for· mer linebacker. Gon7.ale7., the team's fastest player according to Deats. will play left field when not pitching. He figures to share the outfield with Peterson in center and Cooper In right. Junior Ryan Szwast Is also ex· pected to contribute In the out· field and Pisarski may see duty thert', as well. Junior Jeff Waldron the New- pon ·Mesa Most Valuable Player in football and one of Orange County's top rebounders on the basketball team, brings his su· preme worit ethic to his second varsity season. He hit .277 with IO RBis in 36 varsity at-bats la.st year, after being summoned from the junior varsity during league play. "He's probably better ln foot· ball and basketball than base· ball, but I'd take nlne guys like him and go to battle," Deats said or his projected starting third bueman. Junior Andrew Sanford, the junior vanity MVP last season, Is the starter at flnt base, while junior Kyle Benson Is expected to open the season behind the plate. Szwut could nail dawn the second base job, while junior Dylan Hunter ls expected to open the year et shonarop. Hunter ls ~ed to lead off, THE MUSTANGS 1 Ryan Szwelt Jr. 2 Andrew Sanford Jr 4 Qylen Hunter Jr. 6 Gery Gonzelez Sr. 6 Ju1tln Petereon Sr. 8 Jeff Waldron Jr. 9 Oenlel Cooper Sr. 16 Alex Piearlkl Jr. 21 Kyle Beneon Jr. 24Chri~ Sr. 2l Rldt eworth Jr. 28 Alex Dom nguez So. 29 Alex Munoz Jr . 32 bch Morton Jr. c:o.ch: Doug o..tt (•beth y11r) followed in the order, at least tentatJvely. by Peterson. Pisarski and Gon1.alez. Deats said Wal· dron and Cooper could ftll the . Nos. 5 and 6 spots, with Sanford, Szwast and Benson rounding out the order. Senior Olris Loy, sophomore Alex Domingue7., as well as jun· lors Rick Wedgeworth, Nick Smith, Alex Munoz and Zach Morton will add depth. Deats expects defending co· champion Westminster to lead the race for the league title, fol- lowed by Orange, Ocean View and Santa Ana, Deats, however, believes his three left-handed starters give the Mustangs a unique dimen· sion as they anempt to earn a playoff berth. •All things being equal. the left -hander usually has more success In high school baseball." Deats said. "I don~ know what it is, but that Is usually the way 11 is.~ Mesa alumni game set Mustangs to host inaugural game for former players. The inaugural Costa Mesa High alumni baseball game is scheduled March 20 on the Mwtanp' varsity diamond. A home run derby and lunch will begin at noon, with the game to follow at 2 p.m. All fonner varsity players are invited. The cost to par· dcipate is 515, which includes lunch and a commemorative T-shirt. Registration forms can he picked up at the school's ath· ledcoffice. Those interested may also phone LuAnne Pisarski at (949) 673-4084 or Coach Doug Deats at (714) 424·8700 to have a form faxed or malled to them. Registration Is requested by March 13. ln the event of a ralnout. a makeup date would be March 27. Yoatll laccer Tryouts Bays· •d llrll Sunday March 7 at Estancia Hi1h School Under 9, 10 and 11 @) 1 :00 PM until 3 :00 PM Under 12, 13 and 14 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM For info www.ocusoccer.com or call 949/675·1061 • t .. I ' • I I I I j I t' I ... t S I' 0 I( T S Daily Pilot BRIEFLY Eagles win in four llighly regarded Es tancia to p s l.os Ala mitos in b oys vo lleyball season opener. lam:ia lligh hoy., gulf ll'am to a n arrow 228·229 nonlt·ague v1c:- 1ory ovN l.011g Beach Millikan 111 opt·11 the wa..un al lhc par :m Mee.a Vc·rlle t.ounlry U uh lm•,llay. Austin ~rr 11h111 45 wl11ll• lrrt•>: Lt''> and N1rk l.111il'ri each cardc·d· 47s. Ja11111l l.1•11 1>oho1 '19 for lhl' l-..1gleo;. l'lw 1. .. 111111·1u I llKh hoy-i vulll'y- hull """"did ii' ht· .. 1 to live uil to II~ No I ranktnK in Cl I' ~tullwrn ,.,·11011 1>1v1,11111 Ill w11h a l.':-t-'1.2. ~o-is. '1.5 19. Lr. z 1 ~l'"''"' 'tPl'" Lion~ trip Westmont 111~ vil'1t1f)' uwr vi,1ti11g I 01> Al.1 •TENNIS: l'lll' Vanguard uiilu,, 1.t11kl'cl Nu. 'I i11 IJ1v1sio11 I. llr11ver,i1y 111e11\ k nnii. teJn1 Jl..,h K11rtll'gay ll•d thl' l:Ui.th•o; rermdm·cl perfect w11h an H· I \"lilt 1!'1 k1I". whilt· Km llartwdl Goldt•n 'irate A1hle11c Confl·r· .11lt.ll'd I 'I. kill'> Jlld llr.1d 14.lr,l'n eon• lnumph at Wl'!.tmunl procJurt'tl 16 <'fig~ a11d \IX kJll,. Mund<iy in lianlJ Barba.rd. '-lr1111 ~111kt·y abo had '>i'< ktlJ,,, f'he victory. 11 makeup ol a ,111d 'I rt•vor Hnlmc,'> a111J~Scd :J7 ma1c.:h prt'viously raint'd out. JSSl~ll>. improved the Nu. 17 ·ra11ked Li· .. l'hut wu-'> a .:nod 1ca111 for u' o m to 7 0. 111 lwa1, .. baanna Com·h l'ntl't'Y 1>1e1er Weislmaicr, A11dcrs I k1111i. '<lie.I. "I Ilic l:aglel>I pulll'd lfakanswn, f ~r~ l>aJ1lherg, Carl througl1 .tnJ 1lwy hand lt•d tht' llu lmgrc·n. Phillip Mardh and prl'\.,ure." Thoma:. f'roxler all earned sin - 1-...iJnrra will lac>'I ~·rvlle l\1c~.. glei. v1r111ries for Vantcuard. day .11 4: 1(1 p.111. 1 lakan'>~un and Dahlberg. as C<lM edges Brentwood •TENNIS: J11nio1 ~IH'IH'l'I l<t·111 tldt'.tWll Urt·ntwood 111.-11\ :-.;u I 'inglt•' playt·r. Dan I ••·1·111.111. h ·I. 111 1lw l."1 matrh ul .1 .:1111•linK 111 H 11Un lc·aKue '11lt1ry 111 lllt' wa,un UJWlll'r for 1 lw 'h1t111~ (.1111111.1 d1 ·I Mai 1111)' 11·11111' lto;1111 l\1c·,day. Ht•l11 .11111 \\c•,lt·y "l1llc·r swq>1 111 '111Klt·' for ( tlM tla t· dc'frnd· 111~ l II '-10111 her 11 St•c 111111 l>rv1- ,1011 I t hanip11111. wl11rh l(OI two key vi1·tone~ from double•' pan · m·r' Bre11na11 H11hcrt' Jnd llyan • ' lllll(hrt'n Partner' Alt'X N.:uyen and '\1c l l 11n,.;oltl, nlun~ with Jo11a- 1h.111 Kruopf dlld Dan lJt. l'ar h . wn11 one double" \t'I fur Cd M, which played wl1hc1ut 1unior <.ar,1c•n Ball. who j\ rcwvering lro111 lnod pot'iOlltn>;. <.oerh I 11n M.1nl( .. u1d. NonlHllHI Corona del Mar 10, Brentwood I Singlet Miller ICdMI def F11tttrnen, I) 2 del Normington, 6 2 def Ka•5h I) I Ae111 ICCIMI won. 6 4 . 11 4 6 7 Ph11") ICdMI loll 0 6 0 6 llUIJ Duu 11e ICdMI 1051, 0 6 Ph1m OoublH 111\juy&n-Gtngpld lCdMI 1011 to A111rdor1 Hui;nyardl, 4 6. duf (Ison l luyd b 2. h11t tu PHii.iv S111111narcJ 4 6 H(lh••rh lnuyhrun ICC1MI won. 6 3. 10~1 1 Ii well• b 4 Kroo1Jf T111 ICtlM) lo&t .i II ) t> ....,un 6 3 Mustang'" in opener • VOi l.f"t'HAl.I.: < irant \\'<ti 1l1t•r' .111tl IC\.111 B,11-'\\'l'll col lc•1 1l·d 11 ,111tl 10 l..111,, rt''Pl'l 1iH·h 111 lt'.1d 111 .. l n.,1,1 Ml'\a I lii.:h ho\' \• dlt·\ h.tll ll'atn lo a ,r, lh. 17 .!; .!i .!../., :l!i 17 non k.11{11t• '" 1111\ 11\'l'r ,.,,l!tn~ l.o' .i\11111(1" 111 1h1· \h1\t;11l~,· \l'a\11n lllll'Clt'I \\t•cl111·,lf,1)' i\11d11•\\ :\1 II l'I ('Olllrlhlllt'd :rn ·'''"'' 1 11.11 h l>Jw Sorrells '·''" '"(\li111Hort• rnttldlt• hlockrr Hv.111 l'r1•111 h mad<· 'omc im - 1"''""'' pl.ty' I ht• ""''·"'~' rerurn 10 at · 111111 I111!.1~· JI l .1IVUI)' <lrnrwl 11f ..,,1111,1 1\11.1 .11 ·1 10 p.m E.'\tanc:1a wins opener • (;01.r : \1.1r.·11, '-lo,tuk 'ho1 a 111111 11v1·1 p.ir 10 10 earn medal- ''' 111111•11' 111 1c .. 111 tlw ho~t b · . Leoal Motica well a. .. Wci,lmaier and Ch ris· toph Schramm alsu comhined for duuhles wins for 1he l.ioni.. Vanguard sweeps Hope •TENNIS: Ul..:a 1 tlu .. hc.:han ta. ~ilinJ Yohnl'r, Sara Bradley am.I Alt'na Votavova did11't loi.e a ga11w i11 swcep111g all lht•1r 11in - l(Jc, 111atchr .. 10 lead the visilitlg Vanguard llnivl'rsily · women'i. lcm 1111 1eam IU a 'f·O victory over I lope lnterna1h111JI Tues- day. r hl' I.tons improve lo 8·0. (4-0 In 1he (;olden State A1hlt'1k Conft'n·m•t>J. Estancia opens with win •SWIMMING: 01ad Kunert. Paul Collier and Anthony Her· mann C'ach won 1wo evcnt11 lo lead lhl' host fatanna High boy'> swim learn 10 a 7tl·48 n on - league victory over Holsa Grande Tuesday IO bel(in the sea. .. 0 11. Kunert took lhe 200· a11d 500- yard frel'style race~ in 2:03.0!l and 5:25.29. re!tpectively, wh ile Hermann claimed the 200 Indi- vidual medley (2:43.11 ) dnd 1l1e I 00 brPaststroke (I : 16.03). Col- lier won the 100 free (57·02) a nd 1he 50 free (25: 12). Sean Good · man won the 100 butterfly (I :Of; 2H) Trojans shut out UC I • BASEBALL: U~C. s1ar1e r lu'h Hummondi. and two rt'ltt•v l'I' t 11111b1nt'd o n a five hit 'huwut M sday night d.S the rru1ans defeatt'd host ur. lr- Villl'. 2 0. in nom·onferenn~ hlll>l'hall artion Hum111nnds. I I, allowed four hlli. in 'lX inni11gl>, lht'n Rret Hu1ler and Ian Kennedy kcpt 1lw 'hulout i111ac1. 1 he An! ealt'f\ ('f :I I) losl for 1he first 1i mt' 1n 11ine game' llCI leaduff hlllt'r Hrl'tt Oah un had two l111i. U. L 1mpruved tu 4-7 OCC downs Santa Ana •TENNIS: fill' Orange Coast t.ollt'ge womt'n°l> 1ennls learn dropped 1u!tl on e match in sin- l(le~ ancJ dt•feated hos1 Sanla Ana. 5· I. in an Orange Empire Conference match thal had ib doubll•s port1011 railll'd lllll Wt>dne~day. Sah rina Ta11amal, Darlena Trun, Kai Muriyam.i cruised lo vklory in sin.:lcs. while Thau I lo and J1a· Wl't Yuh rcc.:l'1ved Wlllll by dt:faufl OrM11a lmpira Conference Ofanve Coa11s. Senta Ana 1 Slnglet Bedter"lt>CC) lo•I 10 Esqu1vu1. 0 6, 5 7 Tanarnal IOCCJ def Gorban 6 0, b'7, Tran IOCCJ del fhu111pi.on. b I, 6 0. Murya111a IOCC) dul luvl1111u. 6 0. 6 0, Ho !OCCI w u 11 Uy r1u!Jult; Vul1 !OCC I wo11 Uy dufuull. Double• rntned uut Lasers tame Pirates •TENNIS: lie raid l'ankh kul dalm ed tht' ln11 e victory for thl' Ornnt:l' Coast ~ollcge men\ 1en11i'i team in a rain -shortt'ned O riingc' Empire Conferl'llt:C' rnalch againM visiting lrvrnl:' Vullt'y l \Jesday. l'anic'hkul swepl hi' si11t:lc' m.11ch for 0 0., ( 1-5. I 2 in the OH :1. Mikt' lloevel and Scoll ~iclder w~re leading 1heir dou- _blt·s malch , 7-5. bur the ma1ch wa' called early due 10 rain. OC .(. Coar h Mike Mayne 'uid Tlw Pirales ho'>I Saddlcbal k al 2 p 111. Thur.,day Oranae Empita Conference -Irvine Valley 7, Orange CoHt 1 Slngln T Pau (IVC ) dtll Hoevel IOCC), 3 6. 6 J. 6 J, A Moudy llVCI del· FlelCle•. 6 O 6 4, J Mousel llVCI def Manus, 6 1. 6 1, A Vivar (IVC) def Truong, 7 5, 6 l . IOCCI. Pantchkul IOCCI Clef J Voung, ti 2, 6·4, C Pearce (IVCI del Nguyen IOCCI, 6-2, 6 3. Doubles -Malvo-Vlvar 11vc1 def Manus Nguyen. ti 3, Vonu Paree (IVC) def Troung P11n1ctikul, 8 4 VU falls at Point Loma • MSEM.lli I fost Point Lom a defeated Vanguard. I 0·2. 111 Golden State Athletic Confer ence baseball action Tucsday. VU starting pltl'.her Brem Enl'k.son held the Sea Lions (JS 3. 5-J In rhe GSAC) ~rore· les1>o in the fourth and fifth in · nl11gs after l(lving up fi vt' earned runs in the firs t three in- n111g1>o. Vanguard fell 10 4·9. O·S. The !Joni. host Indiana Wes· leyun 011 Friday al 2:30 p.m. Sage's Olen sparkles •GOLF: SaKe I fill School ~ophomore Josh C.ltert shared nw dahst honori. Monday.' hu1 thl' l.igh1ning droppl'd 1ht'ir buys l(Olf season opl'ner to vi..11 Ill~ lrvtne. 2:m 2:13. al ~lraw­ herry Fam111 (,olfCluh. <lll·n shot '.'; over· par 40 111 slwre Hip lncl1v1dual honors w11 h f rvtnt''s Ju 11 011:11 ( IHJ 1 da- 1 i(111) SCHEDULE - Too.\Y Golf High IChool boya -Sege Hill II Teeoto at Coto de Cam. ....... Community college- Onange Coast .. Cypreea. 3 p.m. .... Ct>ffege women -FUrm.n et UC lrvlne, 1:30 p.m. --------- ISCHOO. llOTKI Of PmTIOI TO ADlllSTll man Of: uolt \~ th,.y h•vt •••vcd nutu " itf (.tHt\Cltlll'd tu the '""''°"-•d ,.1 lt0n I I llr 1111l•11•ndenl ~d R~quBI lut Spel ••I Nul1ce tot m 1\ .n••l•bltt lt11m lhe co111 I clet~ A"•MY f., Petlt'-eri DANlll HODHIU ttMASTHC91. fOUNlAlte VAUIY, U •21oe lh• n l•lt 11ndt1 lhv lndtlJ~ndt•ll Ad11l1tll\ II Allon ul I''•'"' A1 I I I h•• ~uth11111v ,.,11 •llCtw ~l)U MAY U<AMINL lhe t.IL lirpl by lh• wurt II 1HU •'" " lJCf\u l! m l~tr\lt!il 111 lht ••tall! you rnay tilt' w1lh lf\f" • 11111 t • Htque~t fot SjJefl•I Nolt• e ( 1111111 DI IOlmLMATfm •• IOlllT LO MATfm .,,.,.,unm WI llO. A22JU7 f 11 All ht If\ l1tHt"fl I f,H ,,., I I .. ~tlflH' I 011 lfnli( .. HI • , .. ,fllw ' 111ut 11.,f\un•. wilM llMV nth t ,.,..., ' h• .,., .. ,~,11ltl "' fht YWtll ti r \.l.tlt flt 11o1111 .1 R!lflt HI I 111111 11 f it .,~ • l<lllll HI 111 1111111110 •~• nu1111v 11A l1 11111 A l'I 111 lllN I (IH f'l(l) llA II "'" l1rr11 ltlort 111 I lftllA I 111\ 11 11 l 0 "' lh• '"V'-I·~" ' uut t ,,, r ... , lo'""" I mu1l'f ut ON AN1.1 1111 f'I llllllN I OR PROHA If IC<IU••I' I IN OA I ltll 11 If t II II• •J)J>f11Ut.,•I A\ ltfif\IH\1'1 repr~,,.nt•lt•• to '"' n1111"'"' Iii,. r\t•I" of lhf' (lf'C"d•ul 1111 l'I llllllN te1111""1\ lhll' tirt rdrl11 ' Will Alld l Odtlll\ ti Ally , bl! ~tlr'mlled lo p1 ob•le lhe Will .•nit ~"Y I""" ,,, Al~ •v••l•lll• IOt n•rmn• lmn Ill th• !tit hpl by lhlf COUii ltll l'I lllllJN '"''"'"" A1tlha.1ly 111 •tlm1111,le1 Ille e~l•le unllf'• lh• lf9rle11•1ul~11I Admtnl\ lrAllltn 111 I ''"''"' Ad (Th" l\11rh1111ly Wiii Allow tho llf"""'' 11µ1 .. en l•ltYll hi I•~~ m•llV .chon' w1lhoul ubl•m 11111 cci ut I 1pprovAI llelcv.~ 1 .. ~1111 ce1 l11n very 1mpo1t1nl "~tlnn' llOWUtl , the fWtl •Clnlll icii•t1j•t1hllve will bl reQu111d lo Qiv• nol1rt1 to 1nlt1 o lcd µe,.11111 """"'' Al1on ftutho' 1t v ¥rr•ll bt -'' 1111trd 1101~,.., .... 1nt•1 C':\ted Vt• \no tilt"\. •n uhtff• hu11 to lhti ''""""" •111! •how\ enod .. .,,,. why lh~ «•ut I 'h ot1h1 t\Ot Ill iUll thl •t1th1o1 1ty II Ill llHINr. nu lh• 1J<ltllo11 wtll b• ll•ld 011 MARCl1 I If /004 •t I 4~ I' n1 111 llt11 t I / 1 lot al•fl •t \.41 lh• r 111 h11ve l\otJtll 01~n1t• I" 9)868 II YOll Olll{ Cl In th• 1t••11l1119 111 the 11~111tun. Y"" •l111ulrl •PPftilt •t th~ htt•llllR Mid •l•lr y11l11 •'hJf"t tum\ m Ill~ w11tteo oh;.,.-tun1' with th~ -.OtHt bt Iott tht hc.111111 Y11111 .tVVf"•t •t1u1 ttlAlf ht'! IU ,,.,., \un or b• you• Attrnn,.1 If YOU llNI A CRI Ill I OH "' 1 11n l1 1111e11t 11•ct1ln1 ol th~ decu\e(I, yn11 m11\I Irle rout flAllH w1lt1 the ~uull And tnAtl • t upy tu !hf l)l'f\t•n•I '"'""'tnl1!1¥e Apj)o1nled by lht tour I w1th111 111111 n1onth\ lrom the d•t• 111 the fu •I 1nu1nce of leller\ ., "''""'"' 111 Probale Code ~••Ito" 9100 fhe ltme '°' lllln1 cl1tmt will nol uplr• belMe lout month~ !tom the l\eartn~ d•le nollud above YOU MAY O AMIHC lhe lite ~epl by lht cuurl If f UU wre • P•H\on 10 tMolad In lhP P~l•I~. you may lilt with the tn111 I • NaQut\I lut se>ec1al Hottee (Int m 0( 1 t,.t) of the hlint ol "" lflVtnlOfy IM •Pt>tal•al nl Hl•I• llMh Of of •ny petlllon Of 1c:cnunt a. provided In Prob•lt !:ode MICllO~~ A Pubh~h•d Newph• r 8•Hh/Cu•I• ~ .. ll•tly P11111 I eb•u•• y 16 M111 h "I 4 ?OOl lhWlll/ IS( 14'11 ll>llCI Of"""°" TOUll nti manot: ........ , ... ..... J., ... .... o ... UT-.•.Y-. WllO.UU711 lu AH hew>. b"""" '1.-ne~ ctttdttOf\. ton 1111c1t•t n•d•ton •11d P•f\OM wh11 may nth "'wise be 111tw1 u ted '" th" will n1 t•t•I•. 01 holh, 111 D.v1d l.r11 .. Youna D .. 1d I Youn&. 0Avtll Ynunic II I Y(lttlll. O Youne, II l'I II llON I OR 1'1111· BA 11 hu betn l1led by !l•n<tr• I 8l1c~wood 111 I ht Supe1 lor CuUt I u I C1lll11rnl11, County of 011n1t. llll Pl 111 ION f OR PROllAH rtqYt\h S•ndt• l Blee-wood be Alll>Olnled •• 11•1 '""'' reju .. enl•l•ve In ad n11111•let !ht fJ\IAle ul ll1e clecedenl IHI Pl llllON ••IJUt\h th• dtcwd<lnt'~ Will 1nd cod1c1I•. 11 1nv b• 1dm!tltd to poobal• Ille wtll ind any codtclh If• n1l41blt for 111m1n•· llOll In the f~ hpt hy 11141 rourt !Ht P£TlllON rtQUHh •11!!!9!!11 f" ~'l!ttf!{ fhflr "'" UutAI , .. ,)I r\~n IAfl_,,. t'J ld"C lllAllY tit t1uu~ •tthuul ulJl1un 1na l UU l t •VPtOtl,., 8t ft11e l•~'"R ltrl•m ver., tntauu t.-ut ·~ hOtts huw~""' tf1' pf't ,onlll •epte\Onldlt•• will b• requ11_,d to "'"" 11ott( t tu rnler "'l•d 11e1 \Oil• uolw\\ thry h•Yc VW•Uvt• noht.1t or ' Ut1\••''"t1 tn the pt upo\Od •r hon ) I he mdep•nd~nt •d nun"1tal1ofl •uthorUy ""II bt Ill Afllod Ullle~\ •n 1otete•l•d pe1son ftle• •n oblfJ• !ton Iv lhe 1t•lil1tltt And \hOW~ auud C AU\• why th~ I 0111 I \hOUld nol &r Mnt lhe •ulho11ly A HLARINC VII lht pel11ton will b• h~ld 011 J:l8/04 •I l 4!> 11 rn tn Dept I 1 J 101 .itecf •t J4 I 1 he City 01 ,~., !>011th, U••nae. t:A 9?61:1 II YOU ORll t i In the 1• •nltnft ol lhe p'ltlton you shoukl avpur •I lh• h••11n1 and sl•I• ynur flhl't• IHtns Ill .... wrtlten obf'!(loon• wtth lh• court btl0t1 lht he1u1n1 Yo111 ...,vuranre 1n•y ht •n p••,011 or by your •lt0tney. If YOU ARC A CR{OI IOR or conl1n1•nl er eO.IOt ol Ille deceased, you rnusl ltle your claim with lh• coutl And mill 1 copy lo Iii• peuon1I r11pJ11enlat10 ~lnled by 11111 court within four month~ trom lhe d•I• of ttle hnt 1uuanu ol "11•n •~ 11<n•ido'd 1n '1ob1I• Code i.ecflon 9100 the tlfnt '°' 111 ... , cl11m' will not up11e belOle foll! monlh• trnm th• hHfln1 11•1• notle"f *"' I ~4 J ol th~ ltlrnr ul •n tn¥1'!11t0f y And •PPt •t\.al OI "''"'" ~,,_.h (U f\f iotn., p"t1t1tln or •• '-ounl ., ltlOYtded '" Prnll,te Cude \ed1011 1 7~ A Rr1tue\I lut S11elial No1l1ce lorm ·~ .... 111ble ltl)nt th~ •Ourl Cieri. A..._, ... , .... ,_, .... ~, ......... ~. (Ull 04J2M), law Office ef N•h•t 91. '""'· AP<, 6DI N. Per"•••••• Dr.. Ste. IOI, S•le AIM, CA t270S-U4J Publt~hed Ne ... pnr I B•.t<h/Cu•I• Me•• O•lly P1kll r ebt V~I y 2f> M•r<h l 4. <'004 lhWl86 IS< 14'12 ll01ICI Of """°" TO'llU IM ISTAftOf: ...... W1•.Am7S1 In ,11 heui. hMell <••nu. "editor., 11111 lm&enl credllo"· 111!1 petsnns who m1y oth erwlse bl' mltre\ltd 1n the Wiii 01 esl•I•. Of bulh, ot PAUllNE Wll SON A PC TITION f Oft PRO BAIC hu been llled by CUNN DISMANG 1n lhe Sup<11t0• Court ol C•h tor n11. Cni111ly ol 0. ..... fH( PC TITION fOR f'ROllAI C r•qu .. h Ill I HH DISMAftG be •pt>Oinltd ll Pll \01111 11proentallve lo •fl mlnld" lh• esl41e of lh~ ~"'""!! - PHOTOS BV MARK c DUSllN/ DAil y Pit or Newport Harbor's Anne Belden, left, prepares to unleash a shot on goal against the defense of f ooth1ll's Kelsey Holshouser, right , and Lauren Miller, bottom, in the CIF Division I title game. WATER POLO Continued from A6 Ncwpon fani. chanted. "Caro· lyn ... as she recovered and swam har k to her 1eammale.i.. "[My nose and facel is h urting. bul I'll worry about that later," ..aid Conway. who sho1 5 for 8. "·n1ere's no heller feeling than 1hi~. This I' amazing. We not onJy bmlte 1ht:ir f49-game win - nmg streak!. hul we abo ended their I.IF run [of four straight I. We t'lldt'd tlwir Yl'ar. ·111al's all I huve 10 •my." The Knight!I led twkl' durin~ the game, a t 2-1. and. J-2. But C:1mway scored on a had:hand '>ho1 with three min - utes left in the serortd quarter for U1e 3·3 tie. And, ttall scored at four meters on an assist Crom Belden witl1 J9 seconds" lefl be· fore halftime. giving Neto;pon a lead ii would nor lose. Conway 'icored twice and Ball added a KOal in the third and up to that point, Conway and BalJ had ac- counted for all seven of New- port'l'I goals. The arm of Newport Harbor H1gh's Carolyn Conway (9) hits the head of r oothill's Kelsey Holshouser after a shot attempt. CIFOMllonl Anal Newport Harbor 10, Foothlll 8 Scof'e by OuarWn Newport 1 1 1 J 10 Foothill 2 • l 2 8 "You can't say enough about chem," Barnell said of Conway and Ball. "f also thought one of the keys for us was Melissa Wheeler. We stuck her on (Grace Reynolds I and sh e did great." Newport was I for 11 the las1 time the teams met wh~n Foot- pill defeated the Sailors. 7-6. The Tars went of J for 7 on power plays. while .the Knights were I for 3. Newport -Conway 5, Ball 4, Belden 1 Saves · Houaepien 5, Conarn 2. Foothill · Kreu1 3. Miller 2, Holahouaer 2. Reynolds 1. Saves · Krumphol1 7. > .. SOCCER inside the ·J8-yard box -headed in a free kick fro m Pedro Gon7.a- le1. to give Thousand~ a 2:0 lead in the .361h miRu\L'. a.min- u1e after Miguel Morales scored the game's first goal. Moral~ al- most ran into the left posl, bur got h~ foot on a one-timed pass from Jason Leopoldo (three as- sists) to ~neaJc the ball inside the net. secood1 goal would have been 11use~· Callagttan said. "Rut, ob- viously, the first goal of the sec-Continued from A6 ond half killfd us.· • Paul Lupanow took a pass from Leopoldo and fired the ball inside the near post to give the Lancers a 3-0 lead ifl the 49th minute. l(oals m three prior playoff games. bu1 the speedy Lancers (26·3-3) were a step quicker and more opportunistic. tralts CdM Coach Pat C.allaghan had grown acm stomed lo seeing out of his learn of late. "We did no1 deserve 10 win to · ·day." Callaghan said 1'We played hard, but weren't as aggressive as I would have liked. l111e Lancer'il rnntrolled and pre!>Sured toward the ball." 'Ilte Sea Kingi. opened the sec- ond haJf with a Ourry of activity. but had litlle-to show for it. Callaghan moved three mid· fielders up in the second t\alf to increase the pressure· and it re· ~ulted in 10 shots. Jeriu Thayer took four shoes whi.le Parker f er- guson's header was slopped by Thousand Oah goalkeeper Kenny Negron. who made five saves. CdM goallceeper Jay 7jm. merman made one save. Aboul BO C...dM funs -s pread along the 11ideline -made the nl'arly 1wo-hour commute lo watch a gam e played on a la11:e 1ield -110 feet long by 75 fee l wide -and in cold conditions. A hnsk eaM -to·\W'll wind during tlw fin,1 half wi1h u slight drinJe accompanying it. . Senior Cory Av.alino came across thl' six-yard box 10 get a foot on a 40-yard free kick by Dominic Rubino. bul the shot sailed over the goal in the 46th minute. Danny Marin ·Finn lobbed a ball inside the 18-yard box. but rould11'1 4uite connect with a teammate. · Several passes intended for Sea King forwards were gobbled up and quickly cleared by Thou· sand Oaks defenders covering the wid1h of the field. Thousand Oaks Mark Tietjen. in his 11th season at the school. said his team worked for 45 min· ules in the rain Monday on sel plays including free and corner kicks. The practice paid off as 1he Lancers scored rwice off free kicks. f'he St'a Kings went againsl 1he wind in the first half and lllU\tt'red JUM 1wo s hots to the l.anc·er.;' seven . "We were against the elements in a tough situation," Callai.;han ..aid "I would have fell fine cJnw11, I ·O. heading into halftime • hu1 2 0 i\ a different story with tht' p..yche." ·• The Lancers took a 4-0 lead bt'fore CdM ~nior Olris Ring- s lrom scored his 23rd goal of the season. Ge1ting a !lcreen by sen- ior forward Oanny Whitaker. RJngstrom patiently moved across 1he hox 10 d'eflect a 40- yard free kick fro m Rubino inside '"Jltey didn't let up. They put 1he nail in the coffin.· Tietjen said. Despite the loss. Callaghan re- m ain ed proud of his team's ef- fo rt. again st what he said was the best team the Sea Kings. the Pa- cific Coast League champions, have faced this year. • the near p<l\I. · "I feel good aboul the year." ( h.mct' Myer' -standing jusl "To n:hound after the firs• or Callaghan said. I ltl P( II !ION "ll""''' 111~ II•• •den I' Will Jnit <UdH ti\, ii Ally bt •~1111!1•/l lo 111•1h•I• lhe Wiii ttnd Mly i utt11 If\ Al" •v••l .. bff' 'I to1 t1 • .-.min a ''"" Ill lh• hi~ ~.pt by lh• l•JUll 1111 l'I lllUIN •••1uoh t111thm tfy In -11dntulf\te t lh• "'•I• uno.i ,,.., l11depf'nth•ot Artm1nl\ tr •t•nn of I \l•I~' All ( lhi\ •11ll1u11ly Wiii •llOw tllft "~' \01t;tl 'tJ)f r•en ,,,.,,..,,. to tAt..e mi:•ny •1 ltnn\ w1thn111 nlll••ll 1n1t • n111 I •PPI 0¥11 Relort: l•~'"R '"' l•in vr1 y •mpu1 l•nl ~•tlOfl\, l1CJw1·v~r , ttw P"' \un•I 1<111•\olll31tvr will bt: ff.ICIUlfrd tu iit•Vl' rtOt lU! tn 1nt .. O\l~d p•r\Ofl\ 11111•\• lhey h•ve waived 00 111 ~ ot t.on,enred to Iii. 1>111po,ed At hon ) I hr tnd•p•ndenl •d ll11n"lt •hon 1ulhu11ly will he ar •nle11 •1111los •n rnlore•led UU\on Ille\ ~n nblf!• '""' In tho pel11tn11 ~nd \how\ 1ood 1 ""'~ why lhe COllfl •hould not 11 '"' Ille •ulhfHtly A 111 llHINC on the 1••lll1on ••II be held on l/1:>/0. •I I 4!> p m 1n Dop l L 73 toul1d •I Joi I rhe City Ortve Soulh. 0. •nae. CA 92613 If YOU OB ICC T lo lho It• an1tn1 of lh• Pflhhon. ynu \hould •PIM!•• al the hu11n1 •nd \late yout Ob .. Cllt1n) Of Ille '" 1llen ub~tiOn\ Wilh the COtJfl before IM hutlna. Your •PlM•t •n~• m1y b• In pe"nn 111 by you• •llo<ney If YOU AAI A ClllDI IDR "' co nlln11n1 •• tdtl0t of lhe dtee•Md. YOll musl Ille your clalm wlltl lh• COUtl llld m.,i • copy to the penoyt ••!>f•Mnt~·~.!!!_ed 2148 l1Pltlalcll by the lOul I w1lh1n lour m11nlh• lrom lhe dale ol lh< 111 \I "\UlllCC Of lelle" A\ 11rov1d.,d 1n Pr<1b!ltf' Code sert1un 9100 The t11ne lor ltlm& clam" "''II not uptrt belore lout mnnlh~ lrum thr heartn(I d•le nnhud Above YOU MAY l XllMINI the ftlf hpl by lhe courl If you er~ a "''" "'" •n· '''"'led 111 the •~l•le, yuu m•y l1le with lhe 1 oud • Req11e\I lot Speo•I Nnltce (tot m 01 1 !>4 > ot th• flhna nl an mvenlor y •nd •1J1'• •1ul ul estate out\ or ol auy 11•t1l1on or .ccounl n vrow1ded in PttJbale Code •ed111n 12!>0. A Rt(lutsl 101 Special Nollce tor m " •••1lable lrom lhe <Our I ~le•• A"--Y ... , ... ,..._, PAlltKI 91. MC KIMI•. ISO., 15411 CA80f H ., •101, LAOUllA NlllS,CAHHI Publllht d Ntwpoit Buch/Coi.la Mtiu Oa1ly Ptlol r1bru1oy 26. M.,ch 3, 4, 2()(M ThWl88 fl&llM ..... "-*-' I he lollow1111 peno"' •111 doifll bUSlfMH a\' B·Boy Productions, 1412 Huntfn1to11 Slrftl itl, H. B , CA 926U Bn 1n Bounuslnl. 14t7 Hununalon SttHI #J, It 8 , CA 9?648 I his busln•n I\ con· ducl•d by an 1nd1v1duel Have you llMled 11otn1 bu~•nns yet1 No Buen B011neui1111 Tiiis \lal111Mnt wH fried w1tti Ille ~unty ClerlL of °''" .. Counly on 01/14/04 ...... ,, ... Otll1 Pllol F.O. 11, Ill, 2!1. Mer .l, ~ W324 bcrtw k: CO-ISMS-U llOTICI TO ClllfTOIS Of IWWI 15fCU 105, '10511.C.<.) Nolie• " hereby 1•••n In u ed•lll" of lhe w1th1n n•nicd \eller lh1I A bult. \ale " •bout lo bo m•d• ol the •"•h do.crtbod belnw I"" OAll'•e• and bu•I ne-. addreuo of thtl Selle• are Bareh &. Son\7 Inc . 1934 NewpOtl Rn\•ltot d Cos I• Me.e, CA 92627 lh@ toc•lton 1n Call Tor n111 of the ch11I ueculiv• ntt1ce nl the sellec 1>. Same as abuve A• listed by the ieller. •II olher bu•lnus n•mes and addrtssa~ used by the Sell•• w1lh1n tllru yurs before Iha dale such ltSI wu sent nt deh•er od lo the buyer .ue none Th• namu end b11S1 neu add< t'lts ol the buy., •••. Sh•tn Cmum1no. t6 Pl1etnh1 Ave , Cosl• ~""· CA 92627 the asseh lo be sold are descr lbed 1n 11ne11I H All fU RNITURE , flXIURCS, CQUtPMCNT. fRAOC NAME. GOOO· Will AHO l[ASC and •r• loc aled al 1934 Newpotl Bouleurd. Cotta Meu. CA 92671 !ht business ntme 11\ed by lhe •eller •I th1I location 1s: Ad· ••need Aulo C1t• The anltclpeled d•t• uf lh• \al•/lrtnsfer " Match ..,9, 2()(M 1t thll office ot WHI Co~I escrow, ?121 C CoHI Hwy 11208. C0ton1 Def Mar. CA 112tlZ5 Thi-b11I~ u le Is tubjtcl to Calllofnl• Un II or m Commtr c1el Code Seclton 6106 7 II so ~uhlf!cl, lhe n•me and •ddre\s ol lh e 11e•son w1lh whnm claims may be hied ts Liu M [van~. West Coot h ,row. 21:?1 E Con l Hwy •1208, Corona lhl Mar . CA 9167!> .>nd lht llSI dlle lot 1t11na cl••m' shall be M•rch 18. 7004 which ;, the b11s1nt" day b•fore the ule dale wecll1ed •bo•c Sll 11 R llareh &. Son~ ln1. . 8y /S/ M1n1ueh B•tel\ Prt\tdenl BUYER. /S/ Sl•ven Cusumano Published Newpor I Beach/Cosh Mesa Daily Pilot M1rch 3 2004 CNS ~9 W~I NlrWuf u-1,,..,.,, Nollet II hereby &IYen lhal Ille underslaned will 11 pubhc 1uclt0n 11ur '"'"' lo chapl•r 10. diwlst0n 8 commenc1n1 with se~llOn ?1100 of the bus1nen 1r10 ''o ftu1on1 code or .ectmn 1988 of lht cMI code ol The Sl•le of C•lllur "'a and pursuent lo com mefctal code, n ctlon 1?10 (2) th• fotlowlna m•K•llaneou' hou.ehold •nd penon1I property lo wtl 1denllfled by n•""" •nd •loua• unil ""m bef\. Ou .. 1 Lon. Loi ' 11000. B.J I arrtll, lot I ( 1001, lony Wt1lll, I ot I WIOO?. lol1I ol 3 loh , slot ed 11 Two Brolhtrs Mowln • & Slcwe,e. al l04t W. llllh St. Suit• Al02, Costa MeH , C., 92621, (949) 6'!>·0 4!'>. o •• ,,,. County. rhfs "" wt41 .0. cOfllj)tlltln blddlna on IOU1 of MMch. ~. •t 12 00 noon al South Coul Auclmn. 2202 South M11n Slret.t, Sant a AM Ca 97107, (114) %/ 8133, on n 1d pr•mr.e\, County of Or •n&e. Stalt ol Cah for nta Biiiy S Humphr1e:'. auc.tt0ne~r ltcenn number 784. will condull ule al 7701 Soulh Ma in Slreel, Sant• An~. C1ltlorn1A Sales '' •uld with hmil and rneive. lhe l•ndlord r e'4!rvo lhe 1111ht lo b•d .>t lhe ·sale Pvr chaus musl be P"d lot al limo ul purchue\. All put chn•d 1ood\ •re •old. ·,. 1s·. ind musl be removed by Saturday M11 ch IJ, 2004 by !>PM l h,. ule '' \ubtecl lo pr111r canc1llalt0n In lhe event of selllemenl belween Two 81olht" Mow1n1 a. Storaee and obh&•led par ly Publiihrd Newport 8uch/Cn.t1 Mesa 011ly Pilot f ehruary ?!>. M1tch 3. ?004 W339 fktlllll ..... "-*-' The followlna person• 11 e do ma business as Gossamer Dulin. 15/ Stepplna Stone. lrvlnt, Calll0t "'" 9?603 Rebecc a Carm•n Musi•• d. I !>7 Sltpplnt Slone. lrw1ne, Ct1hfn<n•• 92603 I hi• b11\lneu " con duclwd by· an 1"dlvklu•I 11.v• you \tatt•d do•"& buslneu yet' Y ... lt/Ot/03 Rebecca Mutt•1 d This •late-nl wu ftled with Ill@ County Cler-of Orat11a County on 01/27/04 I0046t71Ht Dall1 f'llot hb. 2S, Mtr. 3. JO. 17. 2004 WJll Daily Pilot Wednesday, March 3, 2u04 A9 --------llgll Natica -Lip! Nallca MOllCI Of NIK WI 2MO ~INatica 2MO l1g1I Notlcts 2MO Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices NOTICE IS HERlBY CIVE N THAT THE PER SONAL PROPERTY OE SCRIBED BELOW Will Bf SOLO TO ENFORCE A lllN IMPOSED ON SAIO PROPERTY BY PUBLIC AUCTION, PUR· SUANI TO SECTIONS 2170<J.21716 INCLUSIVE, Of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS & PROI £SSIONS CODE. sec !ION 2328. SECTION ~J~. or OF THE PE NAl CODE AND PROVISIONS or TH[ CIVIL CODE. TO llf HELD AT JI"()() AM 1lN MARCH 8, 2004, A I All SPACE • HUNllNC- 10N Bf ACH, 8564 llAMIL ION AVE NUE, ~WNTINCTON BEACH. 1.,A 92646, WHERE PROPERTY HAS BEEN "1.()R£0 BY KE AUC- llON SERVIClS BONO •llJ 41 19. PHONE 909. l89 9192 UNIT• NAME INVENTORY fOJ5 RADER. ROBERT. CLO THES, SLEEPING BAG l AWN CHAIR I 06/ CO NOON, ROBER I ('HAIR FAN, HEATER, 1URfBOARD, STEREO ~[I BOAT MAST 1;02 1 ltEDCE PETH, 1 t IZ ABE lH, COUCH , !JICYCL£. BAR STOOL. IHO fRAME . CLASS IAUlf C084 ANTONGIORGI. JULI( ASSOR TED BOXES H060 MORALES , 1:t1RIS llNf . DRESS! H tlUXCS , CIOTHES. ~OOLlR, 2-TELEPHONES 11082 SKINN. MONNlf MIRROR, roar STOOL CLOTHES. BED FRAME DRESSER Publ1\h•d Newport Buch/Cu~la Me~• Daily Pilot f ~b•u•r y 25, March l. 28Ql W3l? llOOO IM1llG TO 11 'IOJlCT TITU1 Tr afire Srenal Antonio Parkway and Covent ant l •dei a R11nch, I 1 act 15987 MASTEi DlVllOf'll1 RMV Realty, Int 'I.ANS & Sf'lCS1 Avail able on or about f tb ruuy 3. 2004 at the Moote Group, 1~38 Brookhollow Suite S/ Santa Ana, CA 92705 Tel <7141 751 5557 raa (7141 751 4552 d non•refundablc p~ym•11l Of $2!> P•r ~ct add1ltor1•I SIO lor ma11tng llQUlllMlNTS: P1 e va111na Wage Cer ht1e<l Puyroll llD SCHlDUU1 lhb Due March 4 ?004 al the Moole C1 oup. I !>J8 Br oo~hnllow S111t e 5 J Sanla AnJ. CA 92705: Tel (714) 751 5557 INGINlll'S lSTIMATl1 $160 000 Published Newport Buen/Costa M .. a Daily Piiot I ebr uar y 23. 74, 25, 26. 27, 28. Mar<h I, 2. 3, 4, 2004 M929 SEU Polir,· Rate~ and deadlines are subjet.:t to change without notice._ The publisher rc,ervc~ thc right to censor. recla~sify. revise or reject any classified adwni)>ement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dally Pilot acci:pb no liability fur any error in an advcniscmcnt for which 11 may rn: responsible except for the cost of the ~pace actu ally occup11!d by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir~I in)>enion. ll011CE IMTll& TO II 'IOJl<T TITU: CF O Storm Drain•&• OWNE11 Diocese of OIJfl&• f'l.ANS & sr1CS1 Avail abl~ 011 01 about r eb ru11 y 24. 7004 al the. Moot,; Crou11 1538 B101>khnllow Suite 57 San!• An•. CA 92705, hi (/14) 751 5557, fa• <71 4J /51·4552 a 11011-relunibbl• p~yment ot $?';) P•• \et. ddd1tional $1 5 lni ma11in11. Alln I a1 • lohn>un llQUlllMINTS: Pre va1hn11 Wa~• Ctrt1t1ed Payroll llD SCMIDUU1 Iida D11e MMlh 4 7004 @ 2 00 p 111 Pre-lld r eb1 uar y 26, 2004 @ 10 00 a 111 lNGINllfl'S lSTIMATlt $190.000 Publl\hed N•w11 01 t Be•( h 'Cos I• Mes• Daily P1lu1 F ebr uJr y 23. 24 25 26. 27. 28. Ma11.h 1 L .I. 4 2004 M930 Jktltlws lusiMss Mmes""-' The follow ma µer'°"' +ue do1n2 bu"1n~~s as Shop Au!.11011 Cl11-.1 360 S•n Miguel S111tu 207. Newpo1 1 fll'dlll CA 92660 Shelley El.rm lbO ~''" Mrgu,1, $11110 .'01 . N@wpor I 13 • ., II C /\ 92660 92660 fh1s bu~1ness is con· ducted by co p.,tnors Have yl)U •I•• led <1u11111. bu1lneu y•t? Yes Olt20;2004 Sh•lley Elam Kelly Stewart fh11 statement was filed with the County Cler k ol Oranee County on 02/24/04 2004't7to22 D11ly Pilot Mar l. 10. 11, 24, 2004 W343° s ......... M I 1 •efU..tf fictltlM .......... The follow1n11 per so11 h~> Abandoned the U•e of the I 1cllt1011s BuM ness Nam• Cahforn1~ l',101 tK•K• Cdpltol, 1700 E Carr r Sit 215. Santa Ana. Calltorn1~ 92705 lhe I 1cltlt1111~ Business name rel•11 ed to •bove wa> fried 111 Or a11ge t:ounty on 11 l 'l/2003. F 11 l NO 7.0036965000 Jetfrtly Mo11" Cl.,\s, 1700 l CMry SI• l l5 Sau ta Ana, C:,llfl\f r11J1 9710~ l h1.s bu"i1ne'i~ 11 ton ducted h\I a hm1t•O tJrHln~t\llllJ l•H1 •V M GI•~> flrr> stal-ment w'" hied w1t11 tilt Cvunty Cl•rk ul 01.11•g• Cuuntv on 07'0~•04 20046'73173 D•rly P1M F cb 75 ll,1~1 J 10. 17. 2004 WlJO PUite ll011Cl llOTIClOfSAU Nulice ,. h1H•bv 111vo11 pur~OdHt to ~tH turn.;, 3011. and 30/1 nl th• CIVIi <"1de uf the S!Jle nl Cahfolill• Ille under >i~o•d SANIA ANA TOWING w•ll ••II •I public au~t•vn. •I 2550 S GARNl>EV ST SANTA ANA C~t ti 97107 ,,1 9 00 am on MARCH It. 2004 Ill• loll uw111~ de>~llb•d plOp•I ty IO wit Vcdl 2003 Md~c T O~OI A . VIN • I NXBR.m / l/04116? bu"1n"s' yd' Yf'\ 7 l 04 I ••1td\ldtJto I 11l .•l•1t" U C Ar1Cl11"" ~II JtoS Mc111bcr ltH~ I ~l1ttcnH1t1t Wl'f'• l1k11 ,..,11, lire l 01111ly Ct~1 ~ ul u, J11gu l.1111111 v '"' 07 2~ 04 2004.,7 .. 29 D••ly Pllul M"' J IU l/ 24 1004 W14!> Htc rulluwu•~ µ~1 ~u1t·• M t'l dOltlir.: OU\.111~\.\ d \ A' Snm,1 MHH\fl 1"' ti) I hr W111d. 4l01 l'•t•", fld N•'"'ll11rl Bo.,111 CA !ll66,s W11111 Mu'" 111<, (CA), 42U/ P•l111 e Rd New ptJr I 8t'Ch CA !12663 I htS ll1f4':11le~' l\ , ''" NOTICl Of APPLICATION ducted l1y '' 11•11101.11nrn fAA ,l.IUl"t .. OWMt .. l.lf ltd VO Yllll '1•11 ted 1ft11tl~ ""'~'" """'"' bU\llleS~ Vt*I f Yt:\ Of AlCOHOUC 10 u u 1 W111d Mu''' Ill< M.,~ llVW&l UCEMSl I M1 Allll\ 1'1 e\ldcrll S•td ,,,le •• 1111 lire Datt tf filllt Afiplicatlon: I 111• ,1,110111enl W•" pwpu•• ot •all\fvrn~ lien f.l..._ 2712004 hi•~ w•I~ lh~ ( <11111ly tlt the u11dtit\t~ne11 f111 ..,.._, C letlil ol 0t'111jl., L.11uolv tow1nR ·•hd \t nf d~'-" h \ Wh-11t1 ItM...av l1111~,,.,,. rn1 02 'I.' 04 lu1t•tlie1 with 1.,,h ,11 lllRMO'JI LC1 IUAN llAMON 200097'516 •dverll\rn~ ,1110 e• Ill flMr J'ill t ll l'l IHlli l).111v 1'11 .. 1 M•11 I Ill U•"""' 111 s•I• HAMlkl I 11 14 ;004 w·t4 i Oa te(f Un\ ;5~u1 (J,ty o l I Jh~ Na111f'f\; 1\f H•t· f ob /OU4 A1•1Jli• ,111tt" 1•. '" ,. 11-11 W s J•1111 No11t•1 y l'!flt ·;1 1 osr11 Ml!.A l'uhlo>hdl N1•w1l1•r 11 I.A \l,,,;•7 B~JtlltCO\I,, Me'1d Oiulv flw .1pplli .utt\ lt•.1,,0 I h•· t11ll11lfo'tng ,lt1f .. 11H•·. Pil~ll MMlh J 100" 11la1wt• Ui• ·•tx~l-ym,1 f11 tt••• •• 1, ,1111i1r tm~u1,..,., ,1• WJ41!1i.,,.,1111>•·111 I lll1•lll••lr1 1 lr.111l111l•11R .. 11v lt1 -l~ttYt•t11~1· (ditH1•f fn •.,11 11•.IH llt1t'+ I I .,.1Hlt11J.1, fkttffouslwsi"'n .1IP •h11li• •••'¥•''''~'"· ,, 41 Juli' w, .1m n 1\t1, llN · 1\1 I IH f I< ANI' 11., "'"' ••/II t 1:.11 ,,, . ., NaiMStat.nent l w1Nf fA11N1.r•11111 1:, .. VI ,,,1,1 .. 111•·•".'Ml 111~ 'ollowut~ JHH'~'"' ly11t· 111 "';\fl 1r•t-.l l1 ,H11111,.,1 Ht1.1ltv ,11t<1 JI~ dOlflli' bullltn~v. ·'" 1 ··~),)ln•(1 ''" a I PN :\Al I I I "'-1111)~ 101 ((.A I la<lih<.•P•· lo<.rl uf\ llllR /\Nil WINI lfdlNc. l1>I 1: W"'""'""l1·1 2J58t 61111..Jhmv. MH·"'"" PLA1'£ . A .... 1w11 ~ •o t c:.11 <h'" V1~1u1 CA ~i'LlJ? f"11 lil1,du.•tf N1. w11ur t (,1 •'fc i 11l1t11HH•t \U84 i litn<hcdµl' lu1.t1 lll '-flt•(lih t~1t"ll1i Mt."··· n.11lv I '"'"' l011"t•1•\• .. 1·, '''" Ll t: (CA) !3!>82 f11,1cl Pli,,lll,l,11.t1 t 'OI~ Wjl\/ 1111· to•11l,r '""'1'"1,111"" bury M1~'"'i11Hl v1 .. 1n t A,---- -II.IV•'"( II ·.1.11 , .. ,1 \h1111Y q769.' . S(ll I 1111\llt••'. vr•r' Y. llH\ lw.,IHr\•, 1•. I 111\ 1 0 ( 0 I IM rt111 l•tl hv I rm11c1J ltJIJthly Lo U.we yutJ '>l.H l td Uttll!;! I lo"· to Pla<"t" A lhi-. st41t1rn1tmt wa\ filed with the t:ounty C:leuk or' Ordll)>!r ft)uflly un OJ 01 10d 20046976624 • 0,11ly f'1lvl M•t J 10. t I Z4 l004 W ,4t, flctftiM..._s it..s...._. lhe lolluw1111i µ~r•o1rs •" 1 durna l;u\1nf!\\ 4\ .11 lflltllUdSl,11 S•~IC1'. h) P•hhl-.toll• D·~~1n2 t l f'•hhr•'""" I /800 I 17111 St I 4r .i I u•l1n, (''"""II •I ':Jl /1$0 l111t kurp, 1t:A1 17800 I l/lh <;t •J 4 6J. h"'"'· t a1t1111111.1 921RO I 1!1\ h11s111tt\~ is 1·011 tflh ,,.,1 hy ... 'Ml om .·tt l(\I\ li.ve vou >l,11 lo!I dvmg h11 '>11lt'J>'!a vet 1 N,• l11t \. h UI p Iii!! IC.~ l:fm1m P1 tt"n~111 1111' .,,f,,t.,mrnt wa•, l1lr1I with th• ('t,unty r1t·1k uf ll11rnar:c Cuuuly ''" O! 19 04 2004697S438 ll,11ly Piil•! f •b :S. M•r J IO 17 2004 WJJ/ Can't rum to gtt tu all thosr rtpairjubs around thf housr? CLAss1 FrnAD •• lil lh: Fax (t}~•ii b.11 659-1 • l'lt•1t'-' im ltuk '''"' u.t11h' .1th! plh•lh.' 1111mh\'1 .11hl "'' II 111 \Hll h ,U ~ \-'\Uh ,I J'lh\ •J~:, + f lh Phorw 11i.;'IJ 6~.! 'ih7X I lours lh· "ail/In Pt·r~on: 1 Ill \\c,1 B.I\ "itrl'<'I ( 1"1.1 \h·,,1. ( ,, 1)~(.~7 \{ '·'" p1111 1111 d ,\: ll.1~ \1 rl'll'phom: ~-10.1111 'i l)llp111 '.\fonday-h 1d,1: \\.ti~ In I\ to.111 1 \ tlllp•H M11nt1." I 11d.1~ lndt•x lillll The fullowrnK P•f •011• I he loll11w111~ µ.r "'"' tUt doin~ UuihU~\\ cl'; Me (J11il\K hll";i(h·'·' ,,, lNI Su .. 11111111trn11 ~?I 1'1111111 11,,1,1 lei h '14'1 N l .. vllttJ: ta t•dbr ... CA J(111rtv t 11 l o .... c ... 1.i.·,,1 906Jl Cd1il.1r111.1 91bl11 RanJall lhu1np>o11 5~1 01 •"" ~l•nk "' N. Colla•. La lf~b•• CA Jl4, Korry t 11 I ,,,,, 90631 M•>• C.1lilu111i.1 'J!• 'II Tfus bU~lltt!.\ IS C..011 ftll"-bUSlfl~~ .. 1· .. • qjl dLH. ted by an 1ndwult1dl dt•llt'd bv .m 111rt1\o1d1MI Have you st.trted dorn~ llavt: V•H• \l.o ttttt llui11w 1>us111eu r•t' No bu'"'"'' :101' "I•• R•ndall lhorn p"111 01,•~J1 St•llku~11 Tll1S s t4lemtnl Wd~ • rt .. ~ ~tdknwnt w''" tlled with U1t Cuunl~ t1ll•tl w1t11 tl1c C.c,1111lv (.;le•~ nf 01a11ge (;nu11ly \;ler~ 111 Ur•111t• i •1111lv 011 0?;03104 u 07 10 04 20046973511 20046974481 Daily 1'1101 I •h 11 18 l1111fy 1'1101 I •b IR ;•, 25 Mar J 2004 WJ 26 M,,. J 10 :'004 IV l/1! fktltiM ltnlnns MmeSllltllMI lht tollt•wrnR per\vn' ar ~ doing hu~int\~ d~ V~thllech 17ti0 Mo11 r ()Vtd Ave #Al S, Cu•I• Mt!la CalllO• 111a 9?fil I Ali Kh•dern• 16; Montav1'\h,1 •A f\-•'ftt:t Me>a, C.ihlurn•• 9i62/ l hl) bll'SIU~\~ "I\ l!lll dul kd by ~II 11Hhv1t1u•I H~ve yo11 •t•r led Ou111g b11!.1ne~~ vel'1 YO\, 041?8. 1988 All t'.hade1111 Jt11:. \t~lclHtHt vVJ', l1l•d with the l.••ulllv Clt1k uf 01J11be r1111111, llll o~ 09104 20046974192 lldtly Prlot f •I• 11 Ill 2!>. Mdr 3 ?004 W l~~ fktltlM IWness -·StotenMnt f h~ fullUlt'rlt\1( ~Jl't '''"'' '°''" ctoin.e t111~111t'\.' 1" 0~)1g11 h11111\l~•l111n• 2)•, 2'llh S(lrel \111!. I NcWlloJrt lfr.tc h I .111 ltt1 111.19~bbl t '"'' M,11 "' l II 1ml.w 1' .'lh .''llll ~1 !l111r I N'"Wll'" 1 H~.u t1 • ·"' fu,fll+t 1Jil-,f)J l ltl\ l•l1-.i10•''.I' t• ftfl tl1u l\ltl Ii~ ,.,, 111(t1v ch1.1I lt~1V,. VOii \llHhHI 1tn111~: hu•.111""•.-. y~t' N1 I 1~11 c !),,,,.,.,., ... lhl\ ~t.ll•llifl\I W•I' f+l .. d Wtfh th.-t 111111(~ f'lt•t"-,~j Ur .111~,t-l lllllV ,,,,Ill It 04 20046914835 IJ.111v 1'111•1 I •11 M~t 3 10 7004 Mone.la~ .................... f·rnfay 5 :00p111 Tul''l.Jay .......... , ..... Mnnd,t~ 5 :0011111 Wec.lne~c.lay .............. Tue-;da~ .'\:(l()pm Thur-,J;1y ............ Wedm:,Ja) ):Ollp1n Friday ............... ,. .. Thur:-da~ ~·()(1p111 Sa1urduy ..................... Friday ':OOpnt Sunday ....................... Fnda) 'i,t10p111 ANNOUNCEMENTS N J & MISC. ~ 1010-u10 ~ lllOIANDISE WE ~ 3010-3940 IWESTAn llll'WS '• . 7402-7466 1• GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1419 [I] 2305-2490 IEAL ESTATE fOR SALE Collectibles/ Estate Sala 1486 MUSICAL Me_mora_bl_ll• __ n _60 MOVING SALE INSTRUMENTS r f!ll!lll!t.' fil!1 SOOS·S~SO IMOYMENT oifolnlnnES AUrOM011VE & l90llA110N -~ aoos-as10 ,~'!) ~ 9oo0·97SO Real Estate Services Storage/Garage 4250 Space For Rent Newport Beach 6060 YIARL Y UASES ~===~~ N,I 74hr "''°'X" 41~1 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck ·For Only $32 per week (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 UDO ISL£ STUDIO I 11; • '""•'t 1.. 11.ith Ul•H1••1 ·,1j1,~ \Jl)00!1 fl, I 'I I •1f'1 •ol Id . . l 78R I.SIA Townhm boy VII 111f, V•ll II W(I tlk11p I >'•ti I 11,1l""'i ' \Ht•I A 1.111 ,,. " I ~·1 4 Ill l jJ l I ----- ----. NlWf'ORT lfACH I "" I '"'"' 1. "''" I'"'"' UH ,>h,• '¥• ,Ulf 11 ,1 11 rn Ai 1 • 1lflt• f tp I • t111.-u ... ,,..fl11h1"11 .. 1t t ,•.u • 11 ii 1 't->1t,11 , '"" , 'ilJI i1000 11111 ~·11 ·-· 1, II I A l'l'H A11.lfl ~ IH TOP SS 4 llCOIDS ITC fall. Chw.:. Etc. ~s & OOs SL Altoc, Spl<r tube amos M1k• 949 645 750S Mid modern furniture. designer Haw2111a11 \hirh nee~. ltes. 'ho•~ belh Ct1flccl1ble w•IC hes. Meis.sen, Dres<len Ster hnk Pianos 3510 · ~TEVEN 'fl'HHO\\' t)(X)sl uruh f>t•rfr, I l1u flHf NEWPORT HOMfS • Bill GRUNDY RlAl TORS 949 67S 616t 'Ground Floor lbr W.11' 7bd, 2ba, ,_ NI Pier, ' t • 1 I ''k w •" p•·I 1111 pt1! , q1t h .. , '"""' .J~•'!U < •11111 8 ti SO I 0091 l.'.",11 llH 'WI 11411 '111) , lbf, 2bcJ, ,., ~IM'f 111 11 fll-f,tf t t('ltl UHi 1$ft,t1 II 1 1,.,~,.. 1t••• k• Nt•w • ,,,,,.,, <JJ:J Bf, s;.-:w .,,., .. ,, 111;,1 I Blotk lo b•o<h I• II•• ~h;I h ~ t 1:.n 'I"' ENTERTAINMENT Special Evtnll 1310 (QUM HOUSltG omwm 1111 r~al estate advert•\• •Ilk on th.-newspaper 15 'o11h1et1 lo the f ederal f au Hou\1ng Al t of 1968 d \ •menc;led wh11.h ffidk~' 11 illegal to .u1vertl\t! ~Any "ref.,, .,nt..e l1m1t,111t10f1 (lt <lt\c11mtndt1on b••~d on r.h.e tolor rel1g1on1 \eA1 lrn11dicap, fam1hal \lalus nr national origin o• tu1 rntent1on to make any \trfh prelerence. hm1ta· t1on or d1scnmmat1on " Thi~ new5pap~r will not ~11ow'1n11ly accept any ddverhsement for real •state wfH~h 1s 1n v1nrat1on of the law Our rt•aders are hereby 1nlo1 med I hat all dwell 11111• adve1't1sed in this newspaper Are available on an equal opportunrty h•SIS r o tomplain of dts· n1m1nat1on, call HUI> toll· free at I 800 424·8590. Hl3 Old., Style Furnltlft PIANOS i Colledilllet '•"°Pf"""'~ • \-1 .. ttQt .. ~. <>"""• '""'"""'""" .. CMH~AID .. OfW ~ O' ...... ,. "-'- WlaUYUTATH • l'M!edttlt• 1r .. M1y-· I CONSIGNMf NTS ~ I ' I I ' w,....w ... ... ..,..,."" .. a.IW .. ~ (Mt) Mt-5671 .. ....................... , Vt-Im.It:·, low ,,,,,,. ',ill [,11.,ly11 lf.l'f Hh I I !'~I N•wpO<"I Udo Sondl, ~b, ""'' 949-650-6357 C~ HotM lhrus·I rr Sal 161 7 lradew1nd' ln . Ir vino Ave to I!~ ycresl laby Grand f'lano "rt1t" ~.I/" ){IO\'> blt.lt k Clr•ly lmn" raid, IOy1 w.:1rr,u1tv IHf)VIO~ '"U\t ...,.;r1fu S4/'il 114-~ I .ISTI~(; Sl'l·:CI \I.! 1.49 'Yc, dril I I If ,1tf •'•II lllp.-1 12 • 12 • 28 s101clge I 1... "" ,,, 1 .. 1· "" (tmlv • j(t.11 .1tt1• S~'1t) rn11 uu 1111J ,,,,, 1Mlt 'J,11 Jhll" Utt IJ111v••1 .. 11ty l>11v• t:r"l,1 M"'·' \Wt li4h I f!>'I HEAL TH SERVICES Medical Services 2565 I I"' I I", Ill I II I I O\l\ll ... ~111\ I ltl I lllM~r I I 1111 11!11\ •>4'>-8» 7-4820 \._ fu· ,, .. _ ~ ORANGE COUNTY 7400 HEALTHCARE FOR EN TIRE r amilv S89 95 monthly No •&• r ~ ,1r1c t1on\. include• OFFICE FURNITURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Olces for llal9 4540 Balboa Peninsula Office Fumlture 3580 laecuttve Offt<• Spa<• $!>00 $100 JJ'r monlh <All CANNlllY RINTAlS d•nl•I, V1\1on pre e••s t•nR t ond1t1tins accepl•d. unlimited 1nage, ~00.000 dr1ctors, 800 807 9769 l1m1ted time oflor (CAL ~SCANJ Weltom• Shoppent Cnnlorettr ~ J ,,hlo S3Cl0 & up S•d,. Cllau ' S7'> & 11µ 949 830 8288 Cits 3610 .atS<Ul 911 I t i~ ' 71111 BrMol Co•.t• M•'"' 7 l4-SS6 -9111 Prime Offl<e Suite Apprn< 681,1, i'Otih l & 1223\t "t S I 8U SI 981\g ne•r Newport Cenler Ava1labl~ 213 746 liJOO tw ycMly 1f)11t,1llo ••lttr1111r, ,,f \J9'J UIH 4'tudHl"'I 18! ?Ar )ijr & 41lr .. 11 •lVollf rt11W 8()() 74/ jjJ(}q "' 'l4'l f>/'l 4606 AISOWfllY NO COST ,. .,...11 New Puwer Wheel chan. Scooters, heavily d1Kouoted pre1C1iptions Can toll free t -tD>-843· 9199 24 hours a day to see rf you qoalrfy U11ce1U111l 1~' tlappcn1 r--------- Vwy It 21~ 2™. Cl••,.,..111. \l.eJr_, to bt.h, I tl)l(.t ,.YI'•'• $1500m yrly IS~4 Mtrd (CAI. "SCAN) HO• FURNISHINGS HJfh-lllM ltt•t• S .. • Newp.rt IHch. French Veruce couch. love seats, Ir br a. ~r Tommy B ~ham1 furnitu re , bronzes. T1tf1ny tamps, hlhos, marble dinette. 37 011 painllnas. wine ub1net etc 114·751·8040 Pet Ow110" N~•cl H•lp Wtll Malln~r•d Adult Cat\ & Older Ollfl\ n&ed 11ew homes Adopt Adult l\111ma1s ""' Xmas' 30 d3y r~tur n 'l>ohcy www.an1malnetwo1k 0111 ~ lllnlNS & CATS ~ F<d & 1-Wld r dl!Cd In an'1I ~ :ll ~-,..., .... l*xld ~ •eAl!rlld, It'd!.. cilwmned. ..., ~. lnnvf' ll'ID1 I& v.Mfrt, nit a ~ l2 ~ 96644 'l1J9 WWW an1m4lnetwo1k OrV -Afford9ble Queen double lO<Al VINDING aoun ~wtop top matt set 60 v1ndln11 m~chrnu New In pltstlc w/Wrlr Sl«l with n ctllent loc1hons ~ deliwt' 9& :f6.SllJ7 .. for SI0.995 S'X).2;)4,6982 A111t19ue1, 11 moire, round tbl, chtn1 ublnet, sm ches t w/cameo, mnors etc. 949-644-5985 lHther Sola C. lovtsHt brand new in lh1 crate Mutt Sell C1n deliver. 1795 949-J!'>S-8097 CHIUYSUIOMllD Sold wuod, br ll1d MW ln bol ,,... -· War1lt --$250 9&Ba87 c-•c.... ..... Old Colnal Cold, silver. jewelry. wetc:ll.-. tfltiquft co~tlblts 949·&42·9448 .... CWortunlty 11Mce1 mo llCIUlNT WlllllY INCOME m1lhrla promo· tlonel lttten for our nutritional company. Realkttc t11n1ne paten· tiaf. Wor~ 100.. from hocM No .... r.t..M or ~ stullq teaml. Call 708-231-7400 (24 holn)-~oom {CAL~) SELL your stuff through classified! New,.n IHch fltt1te nlM Dr 949 675 13511 appro~ I 200~t Medri'.al 01 office space newly deco• ated 949.~74. /368 RltlllStom for' Lene 2400sl P11111e L 'auna Htll\ loc, 11e.o.t to H•eh Sth/ Pfll• Hut, tons ol owty rent ne11 714·!>46·4<i01 Ntwportlelch NlW,OIT HllOHTS w/or.ean views Principals only Sl.350.000 frrm Paul/A11t 949 219 2445 NIWf'OIT MllGMTS w/ocean V1ews. 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Sbo, t mlll'•' I 11 • t ,u r~11 1 n''"'i p11nf p1i1I p.1t1< t11v • t.1·..-t •• 111•t1 'S.'14.11 WI "H41\f) J\ntiquts Oinlltrft A special advertising supplement featuring antiques & collectibles - perfect for shops, dealers, auctions, booksellers, decorators, reflnishers and art galleries. Reach 42,000 ·readers in Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Costa Mesa. Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Eighth Page $700 $375 $250 $135 2 col x 3.5 inch $85 Publication Date Wednesday, March t 7, 2004 Space & Copy Deadline: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Advertorial Deadline: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Daily A Pilot Call today! Ann Gendrolisilt 949~s·7 4-4249 or Fax your ad to 949-631-6594 e-mail to. ann.gendrotqi@lattmes.com . . -........... ~ .. - NEWPO H Community Beautiful 2BR. 28A with Harbor View .- Was $2600 Now $2450 O&litl IMllklf Loudon, C.rijlt lndudtd Urfl PriVMI Pltlol • llltd (""1fi • G ..... Wood lunil .. ~ • PrMl.tlucll £ MillM • Splr\N hlmmlac Me 1..-11 troplul ulHHc•plilC • Se<otldl • lllboa l6IAM. _...,.,, .. ca-. r..-...-.c.o.. .. ..., New_. ....... Hoca• ... ..,........._ ....... ..... (94,) 7t0--091• •• .... r9w. llw, 2h, ........ Vw .. Ort!,. • t't•I I . ,,,, .... , J °'9"°d h'*" C.-.l • \,... ti ~hi ' I at"•Jltr, A.v,11( Av4 ""'~' •,1•1 rr'l ll04 • r1 ,r, (•• '""'"' ifh 1u .. •,lftf.tl.. ''"' i ,,,., 11 h"lt h111t1t I.; t1 11 Ii., ~.1111 l'• t t1io. ~"t' ti I llltll! : ~ ~tH i t•,qo '"'' 1•i1'J 1il\t1 ~hU~ DRMR E •Gellet11 Lene Putch•"" Prot11 aml low Monthly P•yments Ow'* Ope• atof\ Solos •nd I um• •lso "eeded1 T111n1nt Piotr •n• tor p.., lllCI Of Ir "'"d CRS T bl 242 6918 (CAI. •SCAN! ORMR E><..ite,,1 l.,,..- PunhA~ Pruc•am' low Monthly l'•Y'""nts n,.,.... CJpo• 1!•11 • Sulu\ •nd 1 ~"m' al\u n•ut.lecj' fr"'""''~ Pu•&' .tm tvr V•Htn ... f ~,, Ir.end CRSl !OJ 7b7 t.918 H JiL •c;c°'N) (IRIVlR llJMPANY IL~ '"'SI 11 O C.r••I B•n«hhl 1 ~k Mo&r I 1/fl'IJf'l<rf\11 '"••I M·le'' I •II I O•V\ • Wt-e"' r •n1+ly o iNtwd ftfHJ 'll>t't iillt'l.11 NAVAJO I , v• o~ 80U &011 1440 ll "1"SlAN 1 Okrvrn Lid" A c.OO. "' '"'t I N~'' lrnt•lft "••11 I';., t '"'Ill 11°" ~' AN• ht•11t P*V'"""'"'"" ulH 011,., • 110(1 IN l ~ llM \llt'"'L' tt(u.. I It\ r I ll M H Al •'3J'AN1 ~lits 9000 lwh li '7 l loSol>re . ---.... ,.• . .• - Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TJ\NNAH HIRSCH . ,, llll'h. ttHlllU \Il l t'I \\ \\ .. ·"I . "" 1 s .I 10 II!' l • 101>~ ! '> . .. ~' .,111 111 • 7 ,, " •111 4 ! \h~ .a \I\ H I"'" l1hli.,t;I~ b\'I -.tll 111 \\I 'I t• IU1t 1'11"""' '• .... ,... . ..... "' ..... .,,.. J ···"""' ........ ,1111111 :. 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I \\ 1'11f1 1111 .1,11.11u\+uil 1ull 9004 I Automotive l•otOft loy il•r .••,hit f1ttu"\r l'ttl 11~1111 ' ll·•' t• 11· t t .. ,,, h •· ul 4 I \4 fl• 1 ;, '11 I I,/ I Uflll ORMk C•·--4 I()\ II ~t l .._,...,,• fuo11" .. 1 p~ ,....,. t •1ij;f ''"""\.•, ""'' ,, .. 'K ~ .......... "" 111i. dt•Vff' M.twount .-.;Y .'l ll.U 11<1 1118 11 Al •v AN• 4•,.,.,.,.,, 1 •.• tt .. 11 ,,. ,.11 Land Rover ''' Dk<-ovwy 1t1.t1lll ,,h .. t "' t ,., ,, " '·f I,,.,,. llll Uh t ''" 1l1fti land ._.. '99 OIMO¥..y s,otlov• 11.. 2. Sl>o •II Ht.: f .. I ~ I. '" ,. t•·• .u11 .. t•11 lul• W'JOtltt•ol 1t11 l'•·~o .,,, /14 1m ·.ttt4 ti. .. t.•1 ''"' '· ~• ,, ., l\j:I \A'ilJ ~II •j<\'J ."l I I\!, I) Newport Coast ...... , ... ltldp .~ c .. , ... , ,...-".. 1,,ttlf'ld 't.1 *'•..., '"""''°" • I I • • V.--:0 " .... '-..,' PUTAfEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 CAD fuolode '2000 M .. ttor l..., Olflte11 Vihtl~ 4•4 l ""'""' Seft ft)('lflvAh•ct 1 f"IAI ~,t,•t .. 1 hx ·~uo m• D\111 "r .1 .. 01 hi ... nv-tt lh11ht*'•t 1111111111• 1'1' \,»/ 'KMJ /14 1'1/ ll>V \Hltt lMtd t 001~11 I H'• I lltr Motlll;I~ ljo\'J b~ IHlll UIS flOM S SOOI 'T worli -'"-•• & loffMR I~" [Ot 1"'" '" 111 P111•1 '"'"' .... w .. o •• I (ht\\tbl~ c;;,,, ttU ... 0 111 ~ lfU~HIUl)dllo f •.U t ''1tni • I 800 ll9 H/.hd 1101'1 ,.,.t Vlllt,,._\, fuit•4' 111mt>•f'ly7l4bl7 4R/t,, ------ l'MI' 1'4oo I 1"1'i I l"'h (hevrofet '•4 IM,olo A;,t nlll't->!fO•l)l'lrll"'f•rrt fllW .... (s .......... k'ltll~ ~\ f}J >ttt ~••ll(H• -'"''/ l •Y..-.· M.,....t'Ufll '•.•' .'I , .,·._. .. ~ tir r"1d ~k.-,1r1vm,~I & If 1n w-. till '4'tl l>!I '//'d!l.N. ••<(.AN1 ...... .-, .,. .. trttr1 11 ,,,..,. I l l'l ~Otl IJJ /'1\ /41}4 IHlf lHAtf.,. •UttlLt lf.1 'ljtf" -- 11..... l!l(M 1(1 •·• INAI I 1 1 N•"' m .. H·~·o ... 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Job Quallflcatlons: Retail experience desired, but not necessary. Must be customer-service oriented. Candidate must possess people skills and be detail oriented . Job Description: Responsible for ringing up cash and credit card sales Will greet all customers and direct as requested. Candidate will handle incoming calls and direct them to the appropriate personnel. Call or send resume or apply in person to: Vickie Rubino • Mar Vac Electronics 2001 Harbor Boulevard · Costa Mesa. CA 92627 949·645·6448 x21 & fax 949·850· 7044 or emall: vlckler@manac.com This is an EQual Employment Opportunity • fl ht '" ... ,, 11\•l"fi 4 111! "" ......... 11 \1H '11'1 ,!j/'•1 l fl•1 949·S86 19u 'iollf 1111"'-·'nh-t ,,. ,, .. ,, 1wt.tlh+ 11tl'°' l1l1u u 1t 1••• H ltlu ;r t lt fnom .. fll h"'•·I' ht,111t1tul ·t 1•'ll1 11 ,_,p:1 ~1itr111 '11'1i'd1iC ~.. 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'89 S60 SU I Mercury 'O I Grond Motqul• GS •R• "" I rl'fl"lndl o i,tWl1(.•f I hAflllM!illlt\ gnkl m,11t h111.: • h1lh int J ruriy '' "1l ... d h~,.ufltul hi> ii" new t 11mt ""''' , .. ,. t. itllfH r\htlt• S.J 1 'j4'J ,4~Nl8 8~1 'Wl 'X<I• 1111<8 www .ocpobl.com HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ........ _ Tllo'• lur~eon Autoltout '971MW 740# t u.ul1•<1 l••,tlht!t lt1w M1h!""i Nii t·<'.u 11 411<1'1'11 \l\J91Xl '01 IMW X·S ,.0 StlvH Nd~•~tthnn Pt "'f• ·,.nun11 f'h11nt 1M6J! llJI SI'> 900 .,, ""•"•"•• (. J20 Sedot. 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BluNvul Pt1lt' I) 7:t56J I Si!9 8A8 949-650·2'22'2 Tito's. luropeo" Autel.ou• t1l0Ld'~ com TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZ.ZLE ACAOSS 1 Tramp •lonQ 5 Auel heroine 9 ~.c· 14 gem-.nt t!> Navy0tw.,....- 16 StallO up t 1 E111111 OOU$n 18 Oven pan 19 T Ot11Ka sn11tk 20 Realty ilkes l2~) ?2 Nome r"'°8nl 24 l arge a111eiope 26 Crtr\ls COOle< 27 Force tnrougn JO Bu<sls 35 Am4lnds 36 Rounci voogoes 37 Malle l1n<1f 18 Help 39 "IOI <1800 4? Mi<Jeas1 DOl&n1a1a 43 GoasslanOs 4 5 Car\al OI '°"IJ 46 Al11<1wn 48 AtCllC boVtnK 50 Warm greet "llS 51 E.,SI 5:? 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