HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-15 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotINSIDE
Balboa Island has
gotten into the holiday
spirit with a'beach-y
Santa Claus, snowmen
galore and plenty of
twinkling lights.
Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907
DECEMBER 15, 2002
The Newport Harbor
High School Sailing
Team participated
Saturday in the annual
Anteater Regatta in
Newport Harbor.
Doug Wallace is famous in the genetics field for his groundbreaking studies on mitochondrial DNA. He recently moved from Atlanta, Ga., to take a position at UCI.
City Editor James
Meier has a word with
Newport Beach's new
mayor, Steve
Newport Harbor High's
boys betketbalt team
ceme up short in its bid
for a tournament titte.
Pushing· the
Doug Wallace and his Center for Molecular and
Mitochondrial Medicine and Genetics at UCI
are looking into what makes humans age
Deirdre Newman
Daily Pilot
W hy do we die?
1ltls question has
intrigued manlcind for
centuries. leading to
inquiries ranging from
the quixotic to the scientific.
In 1513, Juan Ponce De Leon searched
for the Fountain of Youth to no avail lo
what is now Aorida.
In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote "Brave
New World." which explored a society
where chemicals delay aging and prevent
In 1992, geneticist Doug Wallace
published his mitochondrlal theory of
aging, which suggests that mitochondria
-small cellular structures that create
energy -control the aging clod.
This l'alJ. UC lrvi:ne lured Wallace and
his Center for Molecular and
Mitochondrial Medicine and Genetics
away from f.lnory University, giving him
the prestigious title of Donald Bren
Professor of Biological Sciences and
Molecular Medicine.
The move will allow Wallace, a
member of the National Academy of
Science, to work on dru39 that intervene
in the aging process and poteotlally
See WAU.ACE, Pase M
COsta Mesa's winter wonderland
.Annual city celebration brings together
neighbors, snow and Santa on Saturday.
ABOVE: Jaewon Lee, 32, a
posMoctoral fellow at UC
Irvine w()ri(s in the
laboratory homogen1zmg
tissue in preparation for
UFJ: Oougtas uses fruit
flies il his experiments
because their short llf e span
changes in DNA.
It's all about
the tallest tree
~ ... ..,..
Al ..... Due• 11. 2002 ..
Coast college trustees
hold off on raises
The~ union of the Coast
Q>mmunMy Col9 Dlltdct preyded in
~ -board ollnllteel from 11mnadcaly po~ I 14CJfi fllle fur
lfMI) mp admlolltr8to('S ~
Unb:i Prelideot11na ~forced
the .. to be witbdmwn by arfiaaladng
~ aq:eDlll lhat It WU badly timed with the
aate'a budiet ailiHnd would violate the
public tnllt after a $370-milon 6tdltdN
.improYemmt bood WM pMlflCI last
Mm1ll& &or replaaJd Judy Franco.
acbool txmd pelideot 'n.day oigtll
after new truaes 1bm flln and Unda
Sneen toot their seats on the dais.
And a aiperior court judp ruled
1huaday lhat a property blX case could
be expanded to a dasa-adioo lawsuit.
wl*:ti could cost the achool distrlct max. ot dolars in the future. The
1awaUt 1motves the pracdce of
rec:apturtng. raising property assessment
abcM the 2CJfi Jimh mandated by
Propoaidco 13 after a home loses value
and then rebounds. The pmcdce was
found to be unconstitutional last
Deoember, and if the lawsuit survives
eJq>eded appeals, the county Would have
to i:eflmd miDioos of dollars to taxpayers
who wall aft'ected and would lose this
source ol revenue.
• D&URE NEWMAN covert education. shJ
may be reecNd at (949) 574-4221 or by
&-C'Nlil at deirdte.newnvn@latim6&com.
car hits Newport Harbor
student before school
A 14-year-old gb:1 suffered minor
injudes after' abe was bit by a car at the
com« of Tuldn Ave and 20th Street on
Wedneeday morning on her way to
school. The Newport Harbor H.lgb School
student was takm to~ Medical
Center in Santa Am. to make sure she did
not su&r internal iojwies.
Oftidals said the driver of the car.
39-year-okt Eric IClnnsch of c.osta Mesa.
did not eee the stop sign at the
intersecdon oc the teella8M aoesing the
street beallllt' bis windows were~
up. He was cited for failing to stop at a
stop sjgn and for driving at an unsafe
Kinnscb was tiavellng at 20 to 25 mph,
but it was comidered unsafe because of
the~ dr:hq condition
preaented by the £osged up wlDdows.
The gb:1 did not seem to have suffered
any broken bones or Internal injurles.
police saJd.
•DBM IHMRH COll9l'S public safety and
COUftl. She may be reedled • (949) 5744226
or by &-mail et dtlepa.bhwath01atim6&oom.
City Council asks for
OCC swap meet traffic fix
Oraogie c.out C.Ollege swap meet
supporters must exchange lnaeased
trdlc Gow for an added day of
opeumom to le<:W'e an endorsement of
the lhopping w:nue, council memben
reiter:ated last week.
The aty O>undl made It very dear
they would not support any inaeased
vending time at the coDege swap meet
unle8s 9Chool oftidaJs couJd provide a
detailed plan designed to stop the tramc
jams around the venue.
Mayor JCaren Robinson said it was
uoacceptable to expect coWldl members
to sign oil on a propoeal that did not
provide adequate evidence on bow
paddng problems would be aDeviatied.
Coundl members demanded a specific
ttaftlc ~t pJan before they
wuWd tM!I) consider allowing Saturday
sales to return.
' • • •
00Nl.£AOi/CWLYPl.OT •
Bill and Addy Fry are inaedible people. I have never ever
met a couple who love O>.rlstmas and other people more
than they do. They were so hospitable during my visit. it was
hard to say goodbye. Not only do they Jove the holidays, they
love everyone that comes into their home to enjoy what they
have done to It. 1be Ftys were so excited We were there drat
Addy Fry almost aied several times and bugged me a few
before I left. They truly appreciated and (elt It was an honor
we were there.
With busy schedules and so little time ln a fast-paced
world. it's nice to know there are people like the Frys who
make you feel special and important A rare treat ln a wodd
that can seem so impersonal as we bustle along.
Christmas Wal.le
Festival spreads
holiday cheer
C.Orooa deJ Mar's Chamber of
Commerce held its 24th annual
Ouistmas Walk Festival on
Sunday along C.Oast Highway.
Olildren and adults crowded the
sidewalks from Avocado Avenue
to Poppy Street. sampling food,
entertairuneot and shopping.
Among the groups to perform ·
at the festival were the C.Orona
del Mar High Schoo) Madrigal
Singers and the Laguna
Community C.Oncert Band.
• DAl..Y Pl.DT STAFF. To contact the
newsroom, call (949) 642·6680 or
bye-mail at
• LOUTA HARPER CCMlf'8 Costa Mesa. She
may be r88Ched Ill (949) 5744275 or by
..,,.. M Jolit&harper#llatimes.com.
One ficus tree survives
on Balboa Peninsula
One of the origlnal 25 ficus trees in
Balboa Village will remain, thanb to a
settlement reached by the city and the
Balboa Albor~
1be 6cus tree ln front of Balboa Inn
wiD scay. the one in front of the
pharmacy wlD be removed, aD the
stumps wlD. be taken out and the city wiD
mcm ahead with Its plans to renovate
the village on the Balboa Padnsula.
The city reached a settlement with the
The Corona del Mar High School Madrigal Singers lend their voices to a
Chrisbnas carol at the Christmas Walk Festival in Corona del Mar on Sunday.
Balboa Arbor Society late Tuesday that
includes concessions for both sides. The
arbor society won from officials a
promise that the dry wiD review Its tree
policy and consider drafting a tree
Balboa Island C.Oundlman Steve
Bromberg was named the dty's new
mayor on Tuesday, with former mayor
1bd Ridgeway taking one step badt to the
post of vice mayor. 1Wo new council
members, Don Webb and Dick Nichols.
took the oath or office before taking their
seats on the dai&
The city and the oounty both appltM!d
changes to the John Wayne Settlement
Agreement extension that they say will
secure flight caps through 2015. Though
some say the changes allow for too much
added noile, offida1s say the deal is well
A phony phone message that emerged
in the last City O>undJ election
apparently wasn't the first. Pai Beek. a
council candidate in 2000, said that
dmtng her campaign. someone WM
dn:ulating a recorded phone message
designed to confuse wters about who
the Greenlight candidate WM in that race.
A plan to make space for the Balboa
Theater at the building nen door was
fonnaDy abandoned after lease
negotiatiom for the Orange JuliLW
bulldlng fell tbrougb. Theater officials say
they wdi now tum their roa..., toward
fund-raising to bdp build a basement at
their cwrent site to accommodate
restrooms and rehe8rsaJ space.
•JUNE CMAOAAN>I COll9l'S Newport
Beech end John v.yne Airport. She mey be
reeched at (949) 57<M232 or by e-mail at
spoot.fd. ba.llltl on what happm«l In Olsm Maa. ..
Newport·Meu Unlled
School Dlatrict ttwtee. on
not assuming who the
new school board
prmlent would be lier
seeing wmi oc:anred.
the Costa Mela Qty
C.Oundl meedng eutler
'Tm nm that some of
my vota wtU dlspllwe
some of you SOfM of the
time. I tak.e comfort,
though. in ,,.. fact that it
ls /ogicaJJy lmposstble for
me to offen.d all of you all
-Tbm ..... oneof
two new Newport-Mesa
Unified School Dlstrlct
trustees, while
introducing bJmself to the
school community at
Tuesday's meeting
"If intkied Cna#rllM ts
going to be SUDl'JOl/W and
be bvlll, they QIMOC """" it without Q)saa Mall.
And it is esseratial that UAe
have the undergroundin&
studl«l in the p~Uminary
-Libby eaw.n. Costa
Mesa councilwoman. oo
her request that light rail
offidaJs consider putting
underground the part of
the line through the city
'71zis ts major.
C.Onsidering tM growth in
the oounty, the caps that
wUl be In place I think
wUl be wry. &Afr)'
comforting to tlw people
that Uve U1IMr the fli8ht pall&. ..
-JJm SIM. the
supervisor representing
Newport-Mesa, OD the
latest JWA aettlement
'7 think UAe all think
half the loaf ts betm than
no loaf. At lt'Jast 1IOU\ wt've
estabUshat a kgal
backbone and kgal
presence. It shows the
• people wtU stand up for
.. ~ the trees. •
-.... Vmdenlooto
vice president of the
Balboa Arbor Society, OD
a deal struck between the
group and the city of.
Newport Beach that saves
one of the 6aJs trees
spared when 23 others
were chopped down en
Main Street on the' Balboa
Daily A Pilot
awlllldne c...
News MS19tant. (949) 574"-4298
Seen .... ~ HMf'U, Don !Mc:I\, ic.... Trwpmw
Box 1680, eo.te Mele, CA 92928.
Copyright No newa storiee.
lltustredonl. editoriel maaer or
edwnlaementa heteln can be
reproduced Without wrta.n
permiaelon of copyright owner.
WEATHER FORECAST 17to21fiMtiamcpec&9d11*9
It.~ of eholiwn In the
Aeoord VOllf comments ebotrt tn.
Oeav ~or newa tips.
Our 9ddr.-II 330 W. Bey St., eo.t.
..._.,CA 12127. Offtce houra .,.
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Pl tll heel d91r. In N9wpoft ...... enc1c::..-. ............ ,,..
eiid1H1 •"V• II 1M••fte n...o...ec.uner-.
m.eMl ln.-...... ot
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The Tlmea ~County (800> 252-1141
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Morning lhowwa bring
winter now..... OK. not,....,,
but ttwc'a the onty bright "*'a
tt\lt can be aid llbout the,..
tt\lt le he9ded our w.v. bpec:t
the dlrv 10 be coot Md demp,
with highs In the middle IOI
and the Iowa In the lower 80&.
Wler•M:tl .... ............
1:11p.a ..
Newport Harbor High's
Justin law and Jamie
McKinnon, above, pilot their
·boat Saturday during the
2002 Anteater Regatta
Gold Fleet competition.
Newport Harbor and
Corona del Mar high
schools both participated in
the UC Irvine-sponsored
event, which is scheduled to
continue today in Newport
Supervisor nominated
for state coastal post
The county Board of Supervi·
son voted unanlr:noualy Tuesday
to nominate superyi8ors Jim
Silva (Newport Beach) and Tom
Willoo (Laguoa Beach) to the
state Senate Rules Committee to
be considered for the open.
elected-official seat on the c.ati-
fomia Coastal Commisaion.
Both supervisors'. dJ,stricts re-'
present Orange County's coast
Both have also been active in
restoration of beaches. protect·
Ing coastal resources and secur •
Ing th~ coastline's future.
Costa Mesa Freeway
connector reopened
The southbound·Costa Mesa
Freeway's connector to the
northbound San Diego Freeway
reopened to commuters early
Tuesday morning, officials said.
The connector was recoo·
structed to accommodate the
reconfigured Bristol Street off·
ramp, the future carpool con-
nector, the new Avenue of the
Arts offramp and the new An·
ton Boulevard onramp to the
northbound San Diego Free-
The Bristol and Avenue of the
Arts offramps are open now aQd
the Anton onramp is scheduled
to open in rnid-2003. '
Holiday festival at JWA
has mariachis, carolers
John Wayne Airport has an·
Plug into your communrty. Find out what's going on 1n your city, Daily Pilot
parks, churches, schools, entertainment and sports. Read the ...
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nounced Its 13th annual Holi-
day Festival featuring atroWng
carolen, batbenhop quarteu, a
mariachi band and piano play-
ers. The performances began
Friday and will continue
through Dec. 24. The perform-
ances will begin dally at 9 a.m.
and conclude 5 p.m.
Por the last five years, Yama-
ha Corp. baa donated a pair of
DisJcclavier digital pianos for
the festival.
A performance schedule may
be found on the airpoh's Web
site: www.ocalr.com.
Sheriff hosts cruise
for Make-A-Wish kids
Orange County .Sheriff Mi-
chael Carona hosted a hatbot-
cruise · Tuesday evening for
more than 100 Make-A-Wish
children, their siblings and par·
eots aboard the Destiny, 140·
Sunday. December 15, 2002 A3
foot charter veueL
Guests were tteated to a 2
lh·hour dinner crulae, glfb and
a surprise vi.sit from Santa on a
fire boat.
n, you want to be a
Secret Santa?
Parent Help USA, a local non·
profit that ai.ois to prevent child
abuse, is loo~g for volunteers
to make Secret Santa deliveries
and organize holiday parties for
disadvantaged children. Volun-
teers may either adopt a family,
a child or help deliver to par·
ents without transportation.
People interested in volun-
teering may sign up today at
noon or on Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Parent Help USA is located at
330 W. Bay Street, Suite 120 in
Costa Mesa. information: Call
(949) 650-3461 or (949) 675·
Floral & Gifts
50% OFF
Garlands & ArranKements -·-Christmas Home Decor • Gifts
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(Across from Ralphs)
Join us in supponing
Orangewood Children's Home.
Bring a Teddy Bear to lunch and
rtlUIN .JK off Ou lunch buff et nunu.
lo recognition of your suppoa,
~name wiH automatically be entered
into an Cl(Clusive priz.e drawing for a
Deluxe Weekend StllJ
and a Sunday Brunch /or two.
Your Teddy Bear will feel -al bolnC
aa it will be proudly added to the
"7th Annual Teddy Bear ViJlage" display.
On Christmas, the teddy bears will be
delivered to precious little ones at
Orangewood Children's Home.
Reservations: Accents Restaurant
(949) 476-2001, ext. 2195.
Seating subject to availability.
lllllllillilliti'on cannot be combined with other promotions.
Jlromotion can be discontinued ahnytimc
without prior notioe.
. -
...... ~15.2002
~ the fullowing
' I. Someone lw oHercd you a
substantial amounr of money for
your home.· The deal is very
appealing. However, they need
you to make up your mind
immediately because they have co
move co your area. they have
limit.cd rime to find and purchase
their new home, and if you don't
accept their offer, they ha~ two
other homes to malcc offers on.
2. The real estacc agents
representing four buyers arc
titting with you and your real
atate advisor at your dining
room table. Each of them lw
prcteorcd a reasonable and
anractivc offer, and your real
estate profasional runu to you
and asks, "How do you wish to
3. You arc one of the buyers
being represented in the above
offer presentation. Your real
c:state advisor rushes out to you
with a counceroffer saying that
you musr respond (read: accept)
the counrcroffcr's rernu quickly
or another buyu will get the
Pass chc Rolaids! Th~ arc nor
times ro wing it. The fact is, a
good real estate advisor wiU have
aJJced through thes< cvcntuA.lities
with you, along with a discussion
of the likdy market value of your
home and yow own pcnonal
n«ds regarding che sale of your
property. With a good advisor.
you will have a game plan. . . and
the sauna won't get too horl So,
call me at 949-533-1200 or visit
my websircs at davcwong4.com
or oncfordroadcom.
Daw Wong has bun uUing
ho11Us in Newpon &Mh sine~
1989 11nJ is with Coast Newport
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PASADENA 949.887.2037
I\ T THE fNmt.SECTION OF 1liE 134, 21 0 /\NO 110,
Continued from Al
Inert•• the bumlll Welpul by
S>'4 ID I°'*-rmcHns~
-• rDljor aJUp becm• k
er1hanca Che unlwnlty'I ,
ntputadon acro11 the country
and heneftb flladty Ind I
studmll. eaid TbomM Cesario.
dean of the coBep o( medicine.
"Flr9t of ID. his coming to the
un1wnity brings us a ftnt-dua
mJnd dm can interact with the
rest ol the ~ and It's a good
stimulldon for aD ol us and
brings out the best in everybody
to have people of that caliber,"
Cesario aaJd. "It's good for our
students beaulfM'l wt/re a
reaching institution and he's a
very charismatic teache(, so I
think he'll have a great impact ln
the dauroom as wells as in the
refe8rCb lab."
Al various times ln his
adendftc career, Wallace bas
been called "aazy," "insane" and
•radical." He can laugh at tbeee
monikers now that most or bis
rewludbnary theories have been
proven. Wallace'• eyes spu:kle
with electricity when he talks, his
mind spinning so fast that it
seems lib his speech Is just
trying to keep up. .
Like Aristotle and Darwin.
Wallace was intrigued by
questions surrounding the
human condition at an early age.
"Ever since I can remember, I
always wanted to know. 'Who am
I? Where did we all come from?
Why do WJ! always £eel so bad?'"
Wallace said. '1 never stopped
wondering about them and
sought many paths to get
reasonable answers."
Wallace explored psychology
and theology to address these
questions. but his insatiable
inO!Dectual appetite was satisfied
most by biology.
He graduated from Cornell
Uruversity in 1968 with a major
ln microbiology and a minor in
chemistry. After working in
public health for two years with
the army in Wasb.ington, Wallace
went to Yale to get a Ph.D. in
miaobiology. He was attracted to
Yale because it was one or the
first universities to apply
techniques of rniaoblology to
human genetics.
The double helix structure or
DNA, which exists in the nucleus
or cells and contains genetic
infonnadon. was discovered in
1953. But scieotists could not
manipulate DNA as they can
today because the tools were not
availablt. It wasn~ until the late
1960s that scientists developed a
process to grow human cells in a
culture. allowing them to apply
the same genetic tools to hwnan
oeUs as they bad to bacteria
In 1968, scientists discoYered a
different type of DNA outside the
nucleus -mitochondrial DNA
As a miaobiologist, Wallace
was attracted to this new form of
DNA because it appeared that
the mitochondria were a form of
bacteria that formed a symbiotic
relation.ship with the cells they
Since the mitochondria were
found to produce energy for the
cells, Wallace postulated that
they must play a significant role
ln the human body.
Wallace was one of the first to
argue that their DNA can cause
mutadons and therefore had the
capability of causing disease. He
and his coDeagues at Yale led the
vangwud of mitochondrial DNA
researdl, whk:b evolved Into the
field of mitochondrial genetics ln
the early '70s.
"It was an exddng time
because you're always trying
something new, but I.hat's
IClence In general You're always
pushing the envelope." Wallace
aakl. "lt was also acary because I
based my whole life on theee
three theories. But what tf I was
Th prOY'e dM!8e theories
required deftning the
cbanu:teriltica ol the mtDNA
bactertwn. wblcb took about 18
YNRt Wak:e said.
showing that mlDNA h8d a
ftmcdon. WllM:e cld ~ wltb
apetb•••lhM .. ••• ..... ===.:oould md>NA ID ..--eel.
IWPftMalmdlNAMda =,.::i ...... OUl ol\'We.
Butihtqa ........... ed
........ md>NAmuld QIUM
..... W'' ........ ID
dalmllm.M...._ .... ...
-Cl!Wflli' .... tD ... ...... Mir• 't'" '1...W tD
5 ' t •I d -'htj• .... , .......... Iii ; llillllfil ... .... ~
by the mother and the falher. But
mtDNA II oolytrao*red by the
,mocbel:, ~found. twa•UM'l
a lemlle ea contalna about
200,000 mtDNA and the tJS leet
the JDIDNA In the male apenn u
forelF and dellroyl It Throutli meosM worldwide
t1llfJllCh. dUI premJee led
Wallace ID bmuWe the
"Mitoc:bondria eve• theory,
which layl that Ill mtDNA Is
related by mutationl that can be
traced back to one woman who
existed about 200,000 years ago, '
around the time human life Is
~to have started.
Wallace discoYered another
Important dlfrereOce ~n
nuclear ONA and mtDNA as
well. In nuclear DNA. there are
only rour ways the chromosomes
ln each cell can tum out -two
. normal. two mutants or one or
each. But with mtONA. the
spectrum is much wider, Wallace
As a R!lult or bis resean:h.
Wallace disc:oYered that mtDNA
played a crucial role In each cell
cµld explained this In a way
anyone could understand He
likened the mtDNA to power
plants that provide energy to the
city (the cell), with the nucleus as
the City Council
"F.ach or the mtDNA is a
capacitor," Wallace said. "'You
charge them by eating and
In each mtDNA are a set or
blueprints for the power plants,
and a mutation produces the
same results u if the blueprints
are stolen. Stages of cen.aln
diseases are based on how many
mutations have occurred in the
mtDNA. Wallace discovered.
"So this idea that you could
have a continuous disease
progress f'rom nonexisting to
mild to severe based on the
number or something was
radical!" Wallace said "So here
comes Doug Wallace, who no
one's ever hear of, and proves this. ..
To prove It. Wallace headed
bade across the countty to
Emory Unlversity in Atlanta
because he wanted to find a
region of the countty where
ethnically diverse ramilies bad
lived for generations. The goaJ
was to monitor a disease that
had been passed down through
the generations. identify that it
was passed by the mother and
then find the mutation that
caused the disease.
Five years later, Wallace found
that a type of sudden-onset
blindness was one or these
diseases passed on by the
mother. Other more complicated
diseases ·were soon identified.
enabling Wallace to prove
definitively that severity or
certain diseases was related to
the percentage of mutated
"Now, a large nwnber of
complex disease processes have
been re-examined .• and at least
part ot all of lhem have been
related to mtDNA." Wallace said.
Wallace wasn't finished. More
questions were percolating in his
mind, so he turned his anention
to the aging proces&
Wallace discovered that
mtDNA were not just susceptible
to genetic mutations. They are
also vulnerable to damage by
free radicals that can pilrer the
mtDNA blueprints and thereby
deplete cells or energy. Organ
failure is essentially a l'eS\llt of
power outages in the mtDNA.
Wallace found. In 1992, Wallace
published his mitochondrial
theory or aging.
"That's why suddenly what
used to be a very arcane. obscure
6eld or science bas been thruQ
into the limelight." Wallace said
"SUddenJy what people
disrnlued as unimportant may
lo tact be ~ most important
part of adence. ..
Now he and bis coJ1eagues at ua are worldng on developing
drugs to resluce free.radical
But there is adD eYefl more to
the mltocbondria'a awaome
power, WdlGe beUevea. Last
year. he umounced yet anodier •tnsane" theory: lt'a the
mhodJondda that convert
enmgy derMd from food Into
chemical energy for wodt and
IMllll energy ror body
'rl::, "bwd aa ....,. ol mdlNA In Wldol.-
~ ll_lbie...,.
'Wlllce Md lmde eo PID'8 thlt
md>NA n .,....San bJ the
WlllC!lbmd ......... dw. In
llllDNA llld •114 al•• d tD .......................
m.illl ._ • u ass .... aa
lhiili'._..1111111 • ........... .....,.. ..... .. ,,, ...... a.-=·· 2 iiEi.I=-:. .......
to IMnc at the equator and pul
them in an arcdc dbnate, they
will nalUdlly cbanp tbe'1 eedng
babita and eet more fat and
carbohydrata Bui they won't be
atJie ID bll'n lbe ~calories
lib thole who pew up in an
arcdc-type dbnale, IO the fat Is
stored lnltelld. thereby aeedng
an incompdJGlay between their
diet and tbek l!Dfll that can
rault in~ diabetM and
cardlovucular dieeMe, waDace
That means that it II euendal
fora doctor to looi to a patient's
genetic pMt to uodenland the
dileale dill .. plaguinc thein in
the present-a far cry from bow
diseases are dlagiloeed now,
Wallace said.•
"Blomed.lcal science looks at
people today and aab, ~ you
side or not sick7' and the
paradigm la to look at the recent
past. But if you're living one
lifestyle instead of another, that
may be the problem," Wallace
Wallace started his Center for
Molecular and Mitochondrial
Medicine and Genetics at Emory
because the theories he pmYed
led to knowledge of how to
direcdy Intervene to treat certain
diseases and delay the agjng
proces.s. But most scieotise3
know how difficult it is to take
this knowledge and transform it
into a viable product. ua. however, understood that
Wallace needed to fully tap the
potency or the mtDNA Whereas
at Emory, Wallace only had a lab
and a clinic, UO also provided
space and support for a
company. called Medergy, and
for Mitomap, a central data
processing center that links the
four components of Wallace's
programs in evolutionary
If Wallace and his team are
successful in developing drugs to
delay aging and treat certain
diseases, UO is poised to reap
increased visibility and
significant financial benefits. said
Cesario. the College or Medicine
"When inventions are
developed by our own t'aculty.
the university does have the
posfilbility or licensing the
technology. and that hM the
potential of creating a royalty
stream,· Cesario said.
In the lab, researchers,
tncluding 12 who made the
cross-country trek from Allanta
with him. are diligently trying ID
identify new disease mutations.
develop bener ways of
diagnosing mtDNA-caused
diseases, prove that many of
common degenerative diseases
are driven by mtDNA mutations
and find more evidence that
mitochondrial decline is a
significant cause of aging.
Wallace said.
The researchers hope to
develop genetic and chemical
treatments for these diseases.
The lab is not fully functional
yet.. Eventually, there will be a
warm room for growing bacteria
cells and a tissue culture room to
experiment with human and
mouse cells..
About six weeks ago,
researchers started using the fruit
Oy room, which contains
approximately 30.000 or the tiny
insects with various mutations.
The scientists use the f'ruit flies to
develop mutations that can't be
achieved in mice because the
mutations will kill them. said
Nadja Dvortin, a biology grad
student and the lab coordinator.
Next year, the lab will be
moving to the Hewitt bulldl.ng.
enabling Wallace to recruit more
faculty and tripje the worbpace.
At the moment. he has seven
post-doctoral candidates and five
graduate students.
Pioar Coetln. a graduate
student in biologlc:al chemistry. ..
working on two project& One
deals with Alzheimer's dilaee
and aging in humans. The other
baa to do with .pig and
OJddadw tne. ln mk:e.
AboYe her wodclpace are a
recipe for gmotyplng-the
procell by whkh lhe Inda the
~ md a Dambto'a Pizza
lddr.er -. teMamenl lO the Ille
bola the llOll1ldimel ......
c.o.kirJ wouldn't bne .. my
odllf WllJ Hlr lntmllC ID why =r:w•ID
9HB_'l pat.. Colldn ............
Nilr bllplil aad blowleda• cbll Wblll,. .......... be ....... ~ ...... ..... Hlllllu1t111 ...... • Wllb ... -..,...o1
.11 ............. ~ ........... uc--. ..
jllld II• ts A Iii....._•
9lll ' I Ila 1 I -:-17" • ._ ........ ............... . ............. ..... :;;.---
" ' ' ,. ... _. ·#~ -...., ~ .
..... -· • .ti .• (
.. -."-t"~<~ ...... ~
Sooday, December 15, 2002 A5
.....-eisure . . .
Getting into
the holiday
When Ben and I became
engaged. his mother gave
me a recipe box filled with
his "favorite" foods. As I Oipped
through the cards I remember
tbinki"8 that I bad never heard him
talk about any of these "favorites."
Of course, with names like
"Wetback Stew" and "Lemon Jell-0
Oleesecake," I
....--~=-~~~ wasn1surprised
that he never
made a special
request for the
But just to
cut his mother
a little slack ...
he did grow up
with seven
brothers and
sisters. most of
them brothers.
1bey were all athletes and ate a
tremendous amount of food. hence
recipes with "volume."
Ben likes to tell our kids that every
moming he and his next oldest
brother would sit at the breakfast
table and go through an entire loaf of
toasted bread, complete with
condiments. Ugh.
Giant Santas and snowmen line a private dock as Joe Markow of Newport Beach and his Siberian husky, Kita, stroll along South Bayfront.
The thing that Mrs. Wight did very
well was bake. She really pulled out
all the sto~ at Christmas. She spent
days and days making cookies,
cheese straws. cakes and candies.
The best meal at the Wight House
was always around the holidays,
because there was sure to be an
abundance of treats.
Lighting up the holidays
My cookies of choice were her
nutmeg logs. These butter cookies
are shaped like little logs. frosted
striated with a fort and then dusted
with nutmeg. ~ chic for· the
woman who's meal-of-choice was
Texas Hash.
June Casa1rande
Daily Pilot Balboa Island is the place to go if you
want to see melting snowmen, surfer
Santas and lots of twinkling lights.
·we're a real friendly community. to it
My next pick was the Welsh cakes.
N o place takes its holiday
decorations more seriously
than Balboa Island. No
place. In a community
surrounded by competitors
in the Ring of lights home-decorating
contest of the annual Ouistmas Boat
Parade, Balboa Island continues to up
the ante for the entire city.
We're just like a little village. This area
has more of hometown touch about it,
so that's part of the reason why we go all
out here," said Joanie Cooper,
chairwoman of the Home Decorating
Comminee for the Balboa Island
Improvement Assn. "It's a way of life."
Dominating Pearson's front yard is a
JO-foot woody automobile driven by
elves. Riding atop is none other than
Santa himself The Beach Boys and
other surfer music play in the
background, seeming to emanate from
the plywood cutout figures of a surf-rock
band also on the lawn
With a name like Wight (as in Isle of
Wight), I knew these little treasures
would be good
At 802 S. Bayfront, a snowman on the
yard appears to melt, accompanied by
reindeer and a Santa Oaus. The home at
120 Opal Ave. is known as the Train
House because of a toy train that circles
the yard and runs into a tunnel through
the house. And that's just the beginning.
'The homes here are cl~ and so are
the neighbors. which hel~ make the
area even more pedestrian friendly.
People walk around enjoying the sites of
extravagantly decorated homes such as
John Pearson's.
Prom our Wight House to yours.
Makes s ·dozen
3cups flour
·r started doing it a couple years ago
because it's just fun," Pearson said. A
retired scientist. Pearson has lived on
Balboa Island for about eight years, but
his history with the island dates back to
the 1950s. when his parents first bought
a house here.
See HOME, Pa1e A9
Homeowners' styles here range from
the elegant to the abswd, but they share
the same commitment to creating
dazzling and unforgettabl.e effects.
At 300 Ruby Ave .. passersby get
treated to a trip to an era of Balboa
when even Christmas had a surfer feel "This surfer theme is lcind of like the
An anniversary trip back to Fnrope
Christine C•rrlllo
Daily Pilot
A fier 45 yeam of marriage,
Vickie and Bing Girling of
Balboa Island. celebrated
their wedding annlvel:sary in
October in one of the most
romantic cities in the world -
for nearly three yean; about 35
years ago.
Thlveling from Paris to a stop
off in Normandy and then a
finale in London, the 25·year
residents of Balboa worked in
traditional tourism tripe and
family visits to enhance their
journey, of which the most
powerful was their two-day stint
in Normandy.
countries ... and I was absolutely
taken aback realizing what
humans had done to achieve a
V1Siting cemeteries of French.
• American and Gennan soldiers.
the Girlingll had added to their
romantic journey a touching trip
through history.
cemeteries and monuments
moved them both deeply, it also
acted as a catalyst that brought
them closer togethec
"I just have an overwhelming
appreciation for what those
people did ... it was a very
moving experience." Bing said "I
think what I got from it was the
seme of appreciation for what
they did that gave me the chance
to live my life with wife and my
~ ..
old Balboa Island in the '50s," he said
"A lot of people now are going for a look
that's more formal, conservative. correct.
But what I'm going for is fun."
The island is so enthusiastic about its
holiday decorations that every year
there is a contest for the best-decorated
home in any of nine categories.
including traditional, most original and
best lighting. And the island is so proud
of its residents' efforts that many of its
dazzlingly decked houses are part of the
holiday borne tour.
• Christmas isn't the only time when
people go all out in adorning their
"Halloween is big here, too." Cooper
said "Huge."
But nothing outdoes the sights to be
enjoyed on Balboa lsland at
"People just really get in the holiday
spirit here." Pearson said.
Starting the trip oif with a
COlU1eSy uppade to first class oo
d'* 11·~ IWtt from l.o8 ~tbmbto their~
bllll, lhe GU:tlnp belded to Plids
to a.pi their re-acqmjntq visit tbrauF Burope. ~ dM!)' IMd
"I've been kind of a military
history buff," Aid Bing, who WU
in the military for 26 yem.. ~
always been awestnk::k by what"
conflict has done and baa not
done to our country and other
Mir's very moving," Vickie said
"There are so mar\y young kids
and so many left unknown. that's
what struck me. It was good for
both of m ... there's just an
appredation for all the men that
died for our cause.".
While their visits to the milkary
FoDowing their emotional visit
to Normandy, the couple spent Vickie and Bing Girting of Balboa Island visited the Lowe in Paris
See TRAVEL. p.,_ A9 during a trip to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary.
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~ogera, ~
'o ... i. ~ l'q_-
. g;)
Sandwich House
Inv ite you to come in and sh o p
for Chris tmas Orna m e nts & Giftsf
a lso
Book your Chris tmas tea
lunc heo n ... s l 4 qs p er person
130 E. 17th ·street
Open 7 days 9-4
(Cfo.sed cerla/n hohda_ys)
Tim and Liza Goodell and
Pastry Chef Shelly Register
The Village Bakery
2937 Bristo l Street, Costa Mesa
At the C amp next to Lodge Restaurant
Rustic Apple Croustade
Cranberry C heesecake
Shelly's Pumpkin Pie
Meyer Lemon Tart
Aubergine's Chocolate Souffle Cakes
ready to bake wi th instructions
Pignoli Cookies
C hocolate Espresso Cookies
Christmas Cookies
~~ Pl5a;y a£cfTlte 'PE~
Artisanal Sourdough Breads
onion walnut, kalmata olive, rosemary,
raisin fennel, seeded rye, ciabatta,
parmcsan foccacia, baguette
domestic artisanal chccsc ' pecan sticky buns
cranbcfTY scones
coffee, ~ft!!lllllD
M ~. ~ 15, 2002
Kids books add reason to the seaso.rt
1lie °'9rp Counf)' ~ al M ,,,....ll\Jlloj, Is lloadt,...,.. by .... ~ lflO"IO"SNp ~ ~
lb:iln & 8oord ond ~ Home Fvm&h~ ond
o.llo l<k Ones. Add'llionol wpport ltos bee<! ptcMded by
8etw ond Getold f. Buck. VisJonorln, Am and James
Mun)\ Harold ond Sandy Aiat, Md.otond 'hsquez
Elllflek & ~ f;ic., the H"'ISloricol ~
Council, ond lll(M T<llol Office d CA
T o add 18UOD to the
...... a.ding holiday
. fare loptber can be
among tbe beet pa11ent1 Mom
and o.d can 8lw the lcida.
Bwlrwonder bow one of the
k:ona of Clirlstmu fowid his
~Head for the picture
book eec:tkm of your Dearelt
Newport Beach Public Ubrary to
learn abOut the career path of
the jolly old
elfin ·11aw
Hll)ob.• Indus .
Stephen ICrenfky serves up a resum6 for the bearded
gift-bringer that explains h!JW
past experience prepared Santa
to perform his pmazing feats. --
looking back on bis stints as a
chimney sweep, postal worker,
short-order COQ.k and zookeeper,
the author of more than 50
children's books provides
amusing fodder for a discussion
Continued from Al
Fashion Island (112 feet), Miami
(110 feet. in a downtown paik)
and Los Angeles (100 feet. at The
Grove. a new retail center at ·
Fanner's Madret. The tree at
Fashion Island tree has held the
title, rightfully, for a number of
The Ouistmas party got a little
I!Jugh this year, though. when
Kansas City bestowed the tide of
tallest tree upon itself for a big,
big tree in its Crown <:enter mall
The city of Miami bad a major
shmoo. and immedlately declared
its 100-foot log the tallest in all the
land But the tree wars escalated
quic.kly when a newspaper called
The New York Times ran a
front-page story confirming
Miamis tree as the tallest of the
tall timber.
Within days. if not hours. the
dignified and stately New York
Tunes heard from many highly
agitated people In a faraway place
called Orange County. It was
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about San'8, job lkilla and · the Uef&b relne) into bAa own
careen. ~ &e ftgurel out bow to let
1be saga continues In "Haw fellow "naughd•" know that
s.ata I.Git I& Job,• Jn aqolher tbere'I an euy route to
slyly humorous take on the redemption.
profeeeional life of the btg guy in· "Ou1atmu Bve la over in a
red. downal.zin& threatena tbe second,"
North Pole u the elves pit 8anta Juhenta Anna
~ 8n automated, to her brother
preient-deliwry solution. Yet Heruy in ·
sometblng'8 milling in the · . Bjorn•
bl-tech approach, and the SOrtland'a
importance of tluman touch 'in "The Drmm
holiday rjtua!J becomes clear in F9dory."
tbe_end· Proving the Lawrence David questions . holiday
another doesn't have
seasonal to end so prematurely, Uncle
tradldon in Paul o!era them a present
"Peter am. wrapped in a riddle.
and the The two head up to the attic
Naughty to find it, only to be whisked
Ust." into a world of classic cinema.
Cllallenging where they ride in Ben Hu.r's
dhe fairness chariot, swing through the
of the jungle with Tarzan and join the
nice-naughty March Ha{e at an un-blrthday
list system; Santa's son Peter party. With abundant fantasy·
devises a plan to outwit the young children will enjoy. and
practice. Tuking matters (and motion picture lore for an older
quickly confinned that the
Fashion Island tree, at 112 feet.
was the tallest of the tall -no ifs,
ands or boughs about it Unable
to rebut the tale of the tape,
Miami retracted its claim.
Do you want to know how the
big-deal Ouistmas trees arowid
the country really rank1 You might
as well say yes, because you know
I'm going to tell you anywa)t If
we're t:alldng about "AmericaS ·
'free.• you'll find it at Fifth Avenue
and 50th Street in a place called
Rockefeller Center in the City of
New York. Yes, I'm from there. yes
I'm prejudiced, but that doesn't
make it any less true.
The first RockefeDer <:enter tree
went up in 1931, while the Center
was still being built at a time
when the Great Depression was at
its most depressing. With so
many Americans standing in
soup lines, the Rockefeller Center
worlc.ers were deeply grateful for
their jobs and wanted to do
something in return. The first tree
was brought in, put up and
decorated by them. on their own
On that Christma:s Eve, 193 l,
they received their paychecb
beneath the tree, which they said
was a reminder that America
would be back on its feet
someday. Every Ouistmas since
then, 70 to be exact. the ·
Roclcefeller Center tree bas
towered above the gilded statue of
Prometheus beneath it .
During World War 0. because
the blackout wouldn't allow
outdoor lights, three trees went
up instead of one and we're
decorated with red, white and
blue bows. Every night. carolers
from the USO and servicemen
and women visiting New York
would gather beneath the trees
and sing Christmas carols. always
finishing with "God Bless
If you're looking for "Most
Brealhtaking Performance by a nee io an Outdoor Setting..
Fash'ion Island is the deal that is
real Yes, It's the= in the land, but I think its is e\'ell more
stunning, as In ffect Year after
year. you stand lhere. head tilted
back and wonder if the thing is
audience. there's tometblng for
ewryone in this holiday
advm1W'l-Ouiltmll comee at tbe end fJl
the story in an updated; newly •
illustrated edidoo of Otto and "' PriadDa Pdedrtcb'l 1957 daalic, •
"1be !..-......,..,.. .
~"The perennial ....
favorite about a fnlltl'ltlld .....
bun.Dy wbo ftnda)wnaelf ...
deliwrtng eggs on Mott.'• Dlly:
the Fourth of July and
Halloween mabl It clear that •~
· even holiday lieroes can ~ ~:
mJstakes. And When Santa finds•
Bunny a job making toys and , •
bopping in and out of cbbnneys,
Wflre reminded of the true '0
reason for the holiday seuon. ..
• CHECK rT OUT is written by the .:
staff of the Newport Bead'I Public •
Library. This week's column Is by "
Melissa Adams, in collaboration ·
with Gina Moffitt. All titles may be
reserved from home or office
computers by accessing the
catalog at
real or not Your heart says It is, "
but your mind says it ~'t. Your ·
heart~~t '
In the "Ollisttnas 1ree as Art"
category, well, do I really need to
tell you? The "Great Fantasy nee"
at South Plaza West (fmmedy
Crystal Court If you've been
napping) is unreal. figurati\oely
and literally. No, It isn't real. and
it's not 150-feet tall. but It is a
work of~ art that
mesmerizes eveiyone who draws
near, year after year. No matter ~
how many times you've seen it
and how many hours you gaze at.
it, it always whispers something •
new to you.
There you have it lf others
want to prattle on about who bas.
the ta.Dest tree. let them. It Isn't the
number of feet in ~ Christmas~
· that matters. It's the number of
memories. Oh, and Miami -
we'll do the trees, you do the
Oamlngos. OK1 It's better that WR'/.
I gotta go. .
• PETER 8tJFFA is a former Costa •
Mesa mayor.He may be readled via :
e-mail at Prr64@aol.com. :
i&~SS! BABY BACKS ••• EE'l!l:EE'I~
nd lots of other Good Stuff.
ConlnJed from Al
c:nfta. entertalnmeni. music
eod an the fun-lovtng rowdi-
.,... that results with blgh en-
ergy children and lots or green .,.....
F.rtca. the 2-year-old, said
ber fawrite part of the winter
celebr:adon waa the hay rides.
Her aunt said she shrieked ex-
citedly as the horse-drawn
wagon bumped along Its
ooune. Erica also gave her
n~ of approval to the pop·
com In her hand that she was
eating by the fist full.
· Salazar said she was glad
she beard about the event this
year and·would be sure to re-
member It In the future.
"1bls is really fun," she said. ;we are going to come back
every year."
Best friends Nathan Brown
and Jeffrey Tumey couldn't be
bothered with sedentary ac-
tivities like snacking or draw·
ing; tl'ley were there to hjt the
slopes -literally.
Each bundled in truck win-
ter jackets, the two 7-year-old
boys gripped the handJes of
the toboggan as they careened
down the hillside. It was hard
to tell whether It was Nathan
or Jeffrey pulling at the sled -
or a combination of efforts -
that sent the two boys flying
but whatever the cause, the
duo landed sideways on the
snow with a thud.
The crowd of onlookers
gathered at the bottom of the
slope ga~ a collecdYe •Obi,•
which quickly turned Into a
hearty laugh as both boys
bounced up without a eaatch.
"We got good air on that
one.· Nathan turned and said
to Jeffrey as be ran back for
Nathan and Jeffrey said
"sledding" was their favorite
activity of the day. The long
line couldn't move fut
enough for them but it dfd
provide ample time to strat·
egize more creative "jumps,"
as they called them.
Fear of Injury is not an Issue
for either boy because it
doesn't hurt when you fall in
the snow, the·two explained. ·
"It was cold and fun.• Jeff-
rey said or his tumble.
Plus, the thrill of success-
fully landing a jump every
now and then is worth a little
roughing-up, they said.
Whether visitors enjoyed a
mellow afternoon under the
sun or a fast-paced f:rmen
ride, the Costa Mesa Wmter
Celebration was designed to
bring residents together to
celebrate the season.
The city-sponsored tradi·
tion was one that faced ex-
tinction because of the costs.
Parks and recreation commis-
sioners said they dug into city
coffers and garnered help
from private companies, such
as Torrell Realtors, because
Costa Mesa deserves commu-
nity building activities and it
Is just plain fun.
• In! · ~
Help keep
our city clean!
251 Shipyard Way• Newport Beach -. • (949) 723-0621 d
Continued from A5
1 '8 I lpoon nutmeg
, cup butter
r. cup sugar
1 egg
2 tenpoona vanill• extJ'8Ct
2 teelpoonl rum e>drect
~ (eee recipe below>
Pr9he8t the Oll'8fl to 360 degrees.
Combine Ingredients and shape
into long rolls approximately
1.Mnc:h thldt. Cut Into 3-lnc:h
lengtha. Piece on an ungreased
cootie sheet and bake for 12 to 15
minutes. Cool. Spread the frosting
on top of the logs. Then drag a
forte on top of the frosting to
resemble bark. Dust with nutmeg.
3TBS butter
Y1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. rum extract
Y1 cup powdered sugar
Continued from A5
seven days touring London and
visiting places they used 10 go.
"We love Paris but London is
our favorite city because we lived
there for three years," Viclcie said
"Our son traced !Bing's) family
back to the 1300s ... just visiting
them was very special."
Visiting family and rusloricai
sites gave the Girling:s plenty of
memories but. for both of them,
Mix ingredienell. add additional 2
cups powered sugar wttt'l 2..J TBS
Mak• 60 lo (JO
3 tealpOOna baking powder
~teaspoons salt
~ cups butl8r
1 Y, cups currents
Y, cui-sugar
Y. teaspoons nutmeg
3 to 4 tablespoQns milk or more
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut
butter into ftour. Add the dly
ingredients, then stir in egg and
milk.. Roll out to Vvinc:h thldcness
and cut Into rounds. Bake
approximately 12 minut~.
Sprinlde with powdered sugar.
Happy Holidays.
• KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beac:ti
resident Her column runs Sundays.
the most significant part of the
trip was just being t0gether.
"I thoroughly enjoyed it and I
was with my be.$t friend,· Bing
said "The highlight of m y trip
was just reliving the 45 years of
my life with my wife.·
• Have you, or someone you know.
gone on an interesting vacation
recently? Tell us your adventures.
Drop us a line to TRAVEL TALES. 330
W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;
e-mail jennifer.maha/1a> latimes.com;
or fax to (949164&4170.
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...,..s.nd *> cWypllof•,.,.,,_,oom •Al coneapondence mu.t ~full neme, hom9fown end phone number (for writlcation purpow). The Piiot ,..,,..,.. the tight to edit alt tubmiaiona for clarity and length. . .
Caps repres.ent '
·:best poSSible deal
T hough support for the
latest version of the
John Wayne
Settlement Agreement
is far from
unanimous, there should be no
disagreement that the intentions
of leaders in Newport Beach's
City Hall are to aid this
community as best they can.
The disagreement appears to
be about bow those living under
the Bight path of John Wayne
Airport can be served best.
Newport Beach leaders, who see
that a hoped-fur airport at El
Toro is not the route to pursue,
have rightly decided that the
s\ll'eSt way to serve their
constituents is to do whatever it
takes to keep John Wayne from
expan,ding unreasonably. And
tQ.at means agreeing to raise the
annual passenger allowance
from 9.8 million to 10.8 million
and the number of gates from 18
Those numbers are striking
fear into some, but ~no
mistake: Without a settlement
agreement palatable to the
FederalAviation Administration
and the airlines, ftigbts will .,.
multiply over Newport Beach
and Santa Ana Heights. By giving
what amounts to not too much,
Newport Beach has gotten a lot
HoW can 1 million passengen
be "not too much?" The simplest
answer is that otBdals hope and
expect that a great part of those
additional passengers will sit in
now-empty seats. Fuller planes
eqµal more passenge~ without
more takeoffs.
Quieter planes also should
reduce the pain of living near
the airport It is pain that, surely,
is not going to disappear
altogether. But, under this latest
agreement -which the airlines
have signed off on and the
Federal Aviation Administration
is expected to OK by the end of
the year -that pain will not
become intolerable.
Could a different alternative
have lessened the pain more?
Probably. But given the end of El
Toro as an alternative and the
lack of another option, this deal
appears to be the best possible.
Newport Beach leaders
deserve thanks for working
diligently to get the caps in
place. They will deserve a loud
round of applause when those
restrictions are set in stone.
Lib!ary supporters
open on a good page
N ~rt Beach was
among 13 jurisdictions·
statewide last week
that received state
grant money for a joint-use
project. The S3.2-million grant
will enable Newport residents
and students to eventually use a
state-of-the-an library on the
Mariners PJementary School site.
The project would not have
been possible without the efforts
of about 600 donors who
chipped in more than $1 million
toward the $5.l -million project.
Among the donors were John
and Donna Crean, who ensured
fund-raisers were successful by
donating about half the total
In addition to the obvious
generosity of the Creans, many
others spent countless hours
getting the word out that money
was needed to provide Mariners
srudents and nearby residents
the opportunity to boast a new
one-story, 14,000-square-foot
After raising the money, city
officials and residents could only
keep their fingers crossed that
the state would slice them a
piece of a $130-million joint-~
project pie. Of 60 entities that
applied for the money, Newport
was among 13 that received it.
which says something for the
W~re not entirely sure what it
says, but we'd like to think it says
what we think-that Newport
officials and residents did their
homeworlc. listened and
responded to criticisms, and put
together a very worthwhile
project of which the community
and state can be proud.
Many residents complained
over the spring that such a
joint-use effort between the
elementary schooJ and city
could prove dangerous for the
children using it by allowing
pedophiles in. Those concerns
may or may not have been
Iegjtimate, but city of6cials
studied and added various
securlty precautions to the
project. The added security
measures actually increased the
library's overall price tag. which
will now cost the dty another
But for the children and
everyone involved, the price is
worth it After aa reading-
we'd like to think -is priceless.
And so are thoee who have made
a-new Mariners library poesible.
The influence of the sphere
.· ..
I • ,
,. -
. .
. •
' '
. •
.. -.. . ' ~
' • ..
.. •
910 .69
PMldon: Newport Beach councilman
~November 2000
R' 1ldlctcr. Little Balboa since 1986
fMtly: Wife of 36 years Ronnie;
SOoaish Terriers Chiquita and Sammie
~ lawyer; divided between
employment law litlgat1on practice and
ait>ltration and mediation
Edt tdnx Doctorate and law degree
from the University of La Verne School
of law
ltolllliea: Bladt and white photography;
oo.ttng, though he 1u11 sold his boat, a
'People in Newport
Beach, contrary to
what a lot of other
folks say, take their
politics very seriously
and, for that reason, I
think that anyone on
the City Council,
although we 're the
ultimate amateur
politicians, better had
be very, very prepared
for what th ey're doing
because if we're not,
we're going to hear
about that.'
'We joke about the
duck issue, but it was
serious. It was a
health issue and it was
a water-quality issue,
in addition to a
quality-of-life·issue as
far as being able to
sleep. They were fed
at 3 or 4 in the
P 0 R U M SIMlday, Oec«f1>er 15, 2002 All
The ·City COuncil's
great mediator
A compromiser by trade, it should come as no surprise that new Newport Beach
Mayor St~ve Bromberg looks to build cohesiven~ss from the dais
Very much so.
Well, as you know, mayors in
Newport Beach and a lot of other cities
have (he tag of ceremonial. which is
true to a large degree. At the same time,
the mayo(s a spokesperson for the city,
its policies and so on.
l want to see, and I th.ink we're Just
about there. the airport is&Je dosed. I
think. we1J get our [Federal Aviation
Administration! letter soon. We're still
going to maintain a JWA settlement
committee. At least I'm going to do that
to make sure that this agreement is
shepherded through property. We're
going lo have good people on that
What I'm looking forward to this year.
keeping in mind that all council people
are on even footing. is a cohesiveness
on the City Council. We've had a pretty
good cohesiveness so far. We now have
two new members and I want lo make
sure that if there's anything that I can
do to be sure that we move forward as a
team. unified -and by that. very
dearly, I don\ mean that we all agree on
issues. But there's no absolutely rea.wn
we can't all work together as
A5 a team. I'm of the belief from what
I've seen that the Newport Beach Oty
QrundJ is a model People in Newport
Beach. contrary to what a lot of o ther
folks say, t.ake their politics very
seriously and. for that reason, I think
that anyone on the City C.Ouncil,
although we're the ultimate amateur
politician.s, better had be very, very
prepared for what they're doing
because if we're not. we're going to hear
about that. I know because before I was
on the council, I was one of tboee. I
come from civil activism on Balboa
Island. They t.ake it very seriously.
lntegdty is very important At the end
of the day, what do you have left. That's
part of the reason why r think I've had a
good mediation and arbitration practice
because as a neutral if you are
determined not to be fair and have no
integrity, you won't get any wor:t dotng
that So this Is part of my ttainiog also.
There are many other lallel I look
forward to seeing happening. The
bigest issue after the airport is ftn.lshed
is the gir:neraJ plan update prooess. I sit
on the (General Plan Update
Committee) and that wil be ooe of the
most important isMJel we have lo thb
city, next to water quality.
Water quality la always mentioned.
but I think sometimes It's Wldentat.ed
It's OW' backyard and lt'a one of the
most serious ill8ues IMng ... the,
Newport cout. or on the fllenhwJla or
Balboa Island. It's inCredlbly bnportant
And, lpln, we u a OOlllal city haw a
~If we don't take Che ad.
how c.n we m the Inland dCB tO
contlOl wban Md. And we an lllldrlg
the i.d-30lh ...... .,oct ,...., ..
A wry .... mt a•• ..... 11 lhe
COlllClll hY YMlrQl.llllJ 0 .......
wt*h ..t eo belhe Hllbor-..
QUiity~-A lilt fllWllllJUU
lee aJIDI .... ID lbe aJiuDdl GD
Mll!fmdawtlo;newal ..... camm
out fll 1Mt • .. ,.,_. I Ill an lbM wtlb
._,..wpt;: • ._ __ .-,..w .... umt
. '
accept tbaL I take people for face value.
Until they show me otherwise, I'm
going to believe what they say.
We'll see as time goes on. It's not easy
for someone corning on Oty Council
who bas not been involved in real
significant community activiml before.
But that's OK. That's what a citizen
politician is all about and that's what we
are. Anyone who think we're more than
that is mi.ssing the boat And there's a
responsibility that goes along with that
and I accept that You know. you get to
a certain level of politics above city.
whether It's county, state -the higher
you go, it becomes more political !e's
dltrerenL It becomes more political
than actually wanting to do good.
At a local level. It's dliferenL You don't
see people in Newport Beach for City
C.Oundl going to bigber office Thar's
not the direction. 1be only time I saw it
was when John Hedges ran for
supervisor and be didn't get iL People
get on the Oty C.OUOcil. in my opinion.
in Newport Beach to do good and make
a di.tfereoce. Rarely have I seen
someone get oo the council because
they want the accolades. Usually the
people who get on the council in this
city already have thaL They're
c:omlortable with themsetYes. There's
a1ways going to be m::eptions, but
generally, that's what I've seen.
Did )'OU aped tO be....,.... ...
100D In JU1S CDUDdl anerf
No. not at all. I didn't even expect t:o
be on the Oty Coundl until I dedded to
do it But I did not expect to be mayor
pro tern after a >"8l' and I didn't expect
to be mayor after two years. I'm
comfortable up there. I was on the CM1
Service Commfttee fur eight years. I
aerwd •chair twice. 'Ihen!a no
oompldloo tO that and the Oty c.ounco. but lbl comi>rtllble wtth lL
_..... ...... .,... ... ,....
I ...... ...., ..... ,.. ........ .
• =i...-:-rmaw;::::;!o: m;:=
bi.._ap ......
.::.1::c:J ...
people come up and vent and simply
say something that's not so. We've been
doing that on a limited basis and I
expect to implement that regularly. I'm
going to encourage the City C.Ouncil
members to do it regularly abo on the
sole condition that it be done
respons:ibly. This Is not to create a
debate with everyone who comes
before us. It's a serious job. I th.ink that
everyone up there. with the exception
of Don Webb. has a full-time job.
You really helped broka' the deal
between the Monnon dwn:h and the
community when It came to the
temple. Whal lp8l'bd you to make
that bappenf
I really believe in community in the
city. How many times have you heard
that Newport Beach is made up of a
bunch of communities and villages? It's
true. And what I saw happening here -
you were not privy to the 500 or 600
e-mails; you got some of them. but not
all of them. Some of them were pretty
ugty, on both sides. What I saw
happening, the is.sue of religion never
came up, but I felt it was only a step
I took th.is on as a major project
because. No. 1. with all of my
experieoc:e and bactgrowld in
mediation. it might help a bit. And
more importan~ there was no
question in my mind that if this steeple
came lo at 100-feet. just on pcindple.
there was goin8 to be such diMervdon
in dl06e ndgbborhoods for a k>ng time
to come. )bu would have soccer dacb
and moms on the same fields not
taDdng to each other. ft never got
mean-spirited. but my concern was If it
happened that way. it would at aome
poittt In time.
lbat's when Bob~ recognized
tbaL Bob is a very good pmoo. He
caled. He indb«ed that Salt Lab Qty
repreeencatiWll waOled lO meet with
me. 'Ibis happened aft&' it Wiii
appealed (to the coundll. 'Ibey ll!Ot two
~out md I.,.. .wydnct llld
very blunL ll w. not. dub-.
cmat meedns bJ..,., llnitCh cA lhe
'ml' ...... ltw.~ ~= .. .::.: leecb. bul ....,_ 111111 a 'w•-
dllll ID anr....., f II_._.. .. .., ..... _.., _.__ _ .............. ~-
....... ·--2 !""If. ..................... ....... _ ............. ..... ........ ._ ....... .
ca.M. • ..... ., ....... ... ,.. a lwdOlflle!I 01 .,..
... Pf!'. .............. .. 11)91i••--·--
40-rninute warm and fU2'zy meeting.
That was gJeaL I'm proud of that
WM It the ID09t kle9I outcome you
could~ rrmr-n
To me. it was the perfect-world
scenario. And I don't know if we'IJ ewr-
see anything like that again
Now }'OU Wllft allo beblnd the
dudc-leedlng ordinance. H9Ye the
ducb come beckt
No. We still have ducks. We bad an
excess of 60 ducks. We have 22 ducks
right now, but they're behaving
themselves. And it's not the ducks; it's
one person. I don't know if she's still
feeding the duclcs or not, but I've heard
from almost everybody who lives on
The Grand Canal that they can now
sleep, they can walk instead of walking
in 2 to 3 inches of duck stuff. So. yeah. it
was a good thing. And now there are 22
ducks and we're fine.
It was causing major problems over
the years. Even as we speak now. from
what was there before is embedded into
the concrete. We have power-washed 1t
and it hasn't come ouL We're going to
have 10 sand-blast it to get it ouL
So we joke about the duck issue. but
1t was serious. It was a health 1SSUe and
it was a water-quality is.sue. in addition
to a quality-of-life is.sue as far as being
able to sleep. They were fed at 3 or 4 in
the morning..
What brought about the .. of your
The last time I wa.'> on my boat -I
had my boat for 11 years -was June
2000, when I armounced I was going to
run for City C.Ouncil. The deal I have
with !wife] Ronnie is she ge~ me on
weekends. She is not an avid boater. I
am. So the boat had been sitting and
sitting and sitting. so we sold it about
two months ago. Sitting for two years -
it's the worst thing you can do to a boat
I just didn't have the time 10 use it. It
killed me to get rid of it because It was a
beaut They don't make LI anymore. But
she gets me on the weeken~ Thats
our deal and it works out very well
Do you plan to giet another 00..
once }'OW' c:oundl stint is dond
Most probably. Maybe even before.
We'll see. It's not up there on my list
right now.
You play a ~ne Cop In the
Balboa bl:md Parade eYa')' yar. Wm&
bwplftd you to become a K.eyslone
Every year for the last l O years. 1en
yeaIS ago, one of my neighbors -JC.en
Lindahl who's a police wtunteer -
came up with the Idea and It was a
great idea because lOyears ago iswhm
the fire station was built That's when
we had our fim parade. ao it was bis
idea to do this. Keystone C.Ops are the
really goofy guys. so he put it together
for the kids and the residents. And it's
beeo a tradition and we've been doing it
ever since.
It's interesting. When it aD started,
none of the four of us were imdYed in
anything prominent in the d~ but
what's fimoy, the four Keystone (.ops-
ooe is JCen UndahJ, a police volunteer;
you've got Ead McDaniel. who's.
planning oommi.aiooer; you've got
Mickey Dunlap. a cMl eerW:e board
oommilsloner; and me -mab up a
very oflicial group. ~ go CMS' to
Catalina every July 4 and we do their
parade. They invite us CMS. This Is the
fun sbJft
Any ..........
rm~ bwud. to tt I truty ma
Theft\ atw.ys a lot to do In New1JOft ee.dl""' by lhe""' MIUre ~the dlJ l's an tllbnt dlJ ID a am.rt~ IDd
cbe people bllie apea the bell. 'Ibey
don"l -lllallllll -Ind ,..i ol tiff jDb ii IO coadmit da
MIO, I bilpe .. ca .. t.c&cm
Wllb die la •• ., ..... ,,__ ....... ...... ...,_ .... '° .... ...... w .... ..-.... a.n--a~ ao•••=tl 4y cm clD illiM hi. I cilll clD _,... ........ ...., ............. -
-· t' .............. .. ............ ,, , .... ----m-·····,.. == ..... z.::-... ... ............. wllll
-...... r 1tnitT-•pa ,_-.m-.1 I -.,. ..... -..
"The end ruult wa that we
got a really te"ific win. n
Clwtl ..,_, Emncil Hiltl boys
basketbll coach
Eagles pull
out clutch . '
46-44 victory
Estancia comes back from
nine-point fourth-quarter
deficit and just slips past
Corona del Mar, 46-44.
Steve Vlr1•n
~ Daily Pilot
WPSfMINSTE.R -Estancia High
boys basketball coach Ouis Sorce
bugged his point guard Matt Cachola. In
the stands the Eagtes' supporters rev-
eled in the moment seconds after Co-
rona del Mar fans gasped because of a
thrilling finish.
lhlth be told,
SCQREBOMO this was a dramatic
46 44
game, an emo-
tional contest be-
tween Newport-
Mesa District
schools F.stancia
and CdM. If there
was ever a classic,
that label could be
put on Fstancia's
46.-4-4 come-from-
behind >Actory over
the Sea K.lngs ln the fifth -place final of
the La Quinta Aztec Qassic Saturday.
Estancia senior Joey Lindquist scored
inside the paint. after an assist by Ca-
chola, with 12 seconds left. giving the
Eagles the 46-44 advantage. their first
lead since late in the first quarter. CdM
quickly came back in transition and set
up ooe of Its players for a good look on
a three-point shot, a shot that appeared
straight. but hit the back of the rim as
lime expired.
Undquist Scored eight of his 10 points
in the final quarter. His last two points
came courtesy of Cachola's wild pass.
Cachola. who went 3 for 4 on three-
point attempts in the second half, drove
the baseline and as he was gliding out of
bounds he lobbed a pass to Lindquist.
who slightly fumbled it before gathering
himself and putting ln the easy basket.
"This was a batde royal.· Sorce said
afterward. ·1Wo teams that showed a lot
of clas& ..
SaJd CdM Coach Ryan Curry: "This
was a really weU-pJayed high school
basketball game. My kids did everything
I asked them to. I liked what I saw out
there. But what I don't Uk.e is the result·
Fstancia was led by sophomore Car-
los Pinto, who scored a game-high 16
points, grabbed 14 rebounds and
earned all-tournament team honors. Es-
tancia junior Scott Sankey contributed
eight points (six in the second half) and
I 0 rebounds, including two key defen-
sive boards down the stretch.. c:achola
J scored all nine of his points in the sec-
ond half. His three-pointers, along with
Pinto·and Zack Novak adding one trey
each. softened up CdMa defeme. which
had been clogging the middle in an at-
tempt to stop Undquist (6-foot-7) and
Sankey (6-5).
The F.agtes (2-1) did not connect on a
three-pointer in the first half. CdM (2-3)
broke away from a 9-9 first-quarter tie
and led, 18-13 at the half, mainly be-
cause of Its perimeter shooting. CdM
senior Kevto Mandllu, who led the Sea
Klop whh 14 points, hit two three-
pointers ln the first half. while Jay
Northrldge, who scored 12. nailed ooe
Nonhridge got hot in the eecood half,
a_, be blocked down three more three-
5porta E*or Roeer Car1son • (94915744223 • Sports F.x: (9491650-0170
Newport Harbor's Nick Glassic (40) shoots over El Toro defenders in tournament championship game Saturday.
Tars gored by El Toro
Newport Harbor has no
answer for Chargers'
late spurt in 57-44 loss.
Richard Dunn
Daily Pilot
COSTA MESA -A tribute can
mean more than victory. In the case
of Newport Harbor Hlgh boys
baslcetbaD coach Larry Hirst, it's the
journey that will last over the end re-
"We were willing to give away
home-court advantage for the ex-
perience of playing on this Ooor, •
Hirst said. refening to the hardwood
at Vanguard University, formerly
Southern c.alifomia CoDege, where
Hirst and El Toro Coach
Todd Dixon played their
collegiate ball.
In the championship fi.
nals of the Bill Reynolds
Tuumarnent. Dixon's Cllarg-
ers defeated Hirst's Sailors.
57-44, on neutral ground at vu. •
contested layup in the 6-
naJ second ended his
team's scoring drought of
nearly 2:45.
The Sailors. who led at
times in the first half,
trailed all of the second
half, but crept to within
44-40 when 6-foot-6 jun-
ior Brett Lowenthal
drained a short jump
With a big fourth quarter.
revved up FJ Toro (7 -0)
pulled away from Newport
El Toro
Harbor and banded the
designated hosts their first loss of the
season in five games.
The Cllargers outscored the Sail-
ors. 20-10, ln the last eight minutes.
including a 9-2 scodng run In the fi.
nal two minutes.. Newport Harbor
senior guard Oiase Cameron's un-
shot with 4:39 reroa.ining
on an assist by his
brother, freshman guard Todd Lo-
wenthal But FJ Toro pulled away and
the Sailors never got closer.
·11 was a hard-fought game be:-
tween two good Orange County high
See SAILORS, P-se B2
DKembtl 16 llonofM
Sooday, Oecembef' 15. 2002 Bl
Don 't learn it
the hard way
Star of the game became
the goat with a very tough
error on the field of p lay.
T his is one which comes from
a little beyond our territorial
limits, but it's one you've just
got to hear.
It's the sem.ifin.als of the
state playoffs. in Tacoma. Wash., and
Lynden Oui.stian is on its way to a
hard-fought. but well-deserved 19-14
upset victory over the Elma Eagles. the
ticket to the stale championship in the
2-A division at the Tacoma Dome last
week. Just seven
seconds remain,
Lynden Christian has
the ball at midfield
and it's fourth down.
Rather than punt,
rather than run a
dive into the line
and giving the ball
up with perhaps a
second or two left,
the quarterback
takes the snap and ROGER
runs so yards in the CARLSON
wrong direction with
the intent on giving up a rwo point
safety as time expires.
The Seattle Tun~· \tory d~ not
make it clear who made the call.
although the coach 1s d~nbt.>d as
defending ·his call.·
So the quarterback took the \nap.
turned around and ran 50 yanh with no
one in front of him, crossed his own
goal line and dropped the ball to the
turf, where it rolled around unul an
Elma defender, who had been trdJ.ling
all the way, picked the ball up.
The quarterback. his teammates and
all of the Lynden Ouistian fans,
believing victory was assured, began
celebrating, only to see the referee'
signal not a safety and two point.., fo r
Elma. but-am and six point\ for Elma
Elma wins, 20-I 9. and all the FJma
fans are delirious. too. simultaneously.
You see. the quarterback d1dn·l take a
knee to the turf. He just dropped the
ball to the ground and 11 was a still a
live ball and a fumble.
lf he had just turned and thrown the
ball in front of him. even from within
the end wne. it would have been a
forward pass and an incompletion,
giving Elma a first down at midfield.
assuming any time was left. If he tossed
the ball out of the end w ne it would
have been a safety. But he 1ust dropped
it in the end wne and 11 was a bve ball.
The defender's actions were
described as "just picking up the ball;
but later he said he lcnew the ball was
What a way to lose. And what a
burden the quarterback will carry with
him for most likely all of h~ life.
Some will tell you •it's only a game.·
but for those who have put their hearts
and souls into a common endeavor,
that statement is pretty hard to swallow.
Lyndet1 Olrlstian had dominated the
game. the quanerbaclc. had completed
two touchd<Mn passes and its fans
were celebrating.
1be jubilation and euphoria of the
upset victory was turned ins.ide out in a
matter or seconds and the shocked
football team eventually left the scene
wittiout comment.
Later the coach told the Bellingham
Herald his lcids "felt like they had won.·
The moral of the story is pretty
obvious: Whether you're a Lyne from
4'n<1en or a Sea King.from Corona dd
Mar. kl:)ow the rules.
·Bob Torribio
Newport grad in his first season
at helm of ttie Sailors' freshmen.
..... ~15,2002 SPORTS
Winners in all directions Co111i11d from Bl
ICboal bMkecblll teaml,. said
DQoD. ._mun did not com-
mtt • tumoVei' in the rourth
quarter. while abootlng 8 of 13
Mesa wips, 48~39
•'HOOPS= C.O.ta Mesa Higb's
Danny Krikorian caught fire
&om thn!e-polnt nl089, shoot-
ing 5 of 8 from behind the arc,
to help lead the Mustangs (3-2)
to a "8-39 vi~ry ~r V&lley
Ouisdan Saturday In Cerrit()!
for ftfth · place at the Valley
Ouistian Tournament.
Krikorian finished with a
• game•Wgh 25 pohits on 8 of 13
shooting (629'}. Mesa.(3-2) got
one three-point bas~et -each
from Scott Knox. Ziad Pepic
and Tony IC,rikorian to go 8 of 18
on three pointers.
Brian Molina added seven as-
sists to go with two steals while
Marko Stankevic grabl;>ed 10 re-
bounds. Danny Krikorian bad
five boards for the Mustangs.
Sage Hill a winner
•HOOPS: Sage Hill High was
an easy winner over Villanova
Prep in a consolation game of
the La Jolla Small Schools Tour-
. nament at La Jolla Country
Oub Day School Saturday.
The !.ightning (2-4) led by as
fflaDY as 25 in the third period
and began the game with a 10-0
run before eventually settling
for a 58-« victory.
Michael Fitzhugh led the
Ughtning with 24 points OD 12-
of-l 7 shooting while Erik Wil-
liams went 7 for 16 and finished
with IS points..
Scott Oio led the Lightning
with eight rebounds and Fitz-
hugh grabbed seven boards.
Williams made five steaJs.
NH girls win, 37-32
•HOOPS: Newport Harbor
High's girls basketball team
took 13th place with a 37-32
win over Don Lugo Saturday in
the South Coast Holiday Oassic
at University High in Irvine.
Harbor (3-2) hit 10 of 13 from
the foul line in the second half
to help seal the victory.
The Sailors' filliaDne Whit-
field, an all-tournament selec:
tion, led the Tars with nine
points with Ally Stoltz adding
· Lightning wins
tournament title
ANAQEIM-:-Lef;I by tour·
nament-Most Valuable
Player Haywood Wright and
all-tournament . aelecdon
Qmie Clu:k. the Sep Hiil
High girts bMbtbaD team
won the Ammont Small
Schooll Oalllc Sanuday.
The Ugbtning remained
undefeated (6-0), downing
Holy Martyrs. 42-39; on 15
points each &om 'Might
and Clark.
Wright also led Sage Hill
in the rebounding depart-
ment (12) and Katie Puisbys
bad 10 boards.
No team ever led by more
than 10, said Sage Hill
Coach Shanna Renkin, who
seven. Athena Vasquez and
Undsey Woller each chipped in
six points for the victors.
Woller, a 6-foot senior, played
solid defense against Don Lu-
go's leading-scorer, 6-foot-2
Carly FrondahJ, who scored 11
points, said Newport Coach Jen
Estancia wins
• HOOPS: Nancy Castro and
Xochitl Byfield each scored 15
points to lead the &tancia High
Eagles to a third-place finish
with a 55-45 victory over La-
guna Hills in girls basketball ac-
tion Saturday in the South
Coast Holiday Cassie at Univer-
sity High.
Estancia (4-1) shot 80% from
the foul line in the victory but
committed 17 fouls to only
three for Laguna Hills, said
pnlled her team'• character.
"(Sep HID) woJbd to
preu and zone on defense
and otfenle," Rmkin l8kL
"They' put all tbefr ~Into
Jt and tbat'I all I can uk. It
WU a battle all the way.•
Debbie Yoder-lee, who
scored nine points for ~
Ugbtnlng, made a steal and
followed with a layup to give
Sage Hill a lead. which
pleased Henkin.
Holy Martyrs was more
muscular than the tJght-
ning, but Sage Hill per-
severed, Renkin added
The Lightning hosts Con-
nelly at home Tuesday in a
nonleague matchup.
Eagles' Caocb nunette Rappa
CdM girls fifth
•HOOPS: The Corona del
Mar High girls basketball team
used full-.court pressure de-
fense to buU4 a 30-10 halftime
lead en route to a 60-32 fifth.
place victory over Orange in the
Western Tuumament. Saturday
in Anaheim.
CdM senior 1Ce1liann Kle~,
who scored a game-high 15
points, was named to the all-
tournament team, while team-
mate Lauren Snell came off the
bench and added 10 points to
help the Sea Kings improve to
2-3 on the season.
"The girls did a great job and
played a great defense," CdM
Coach James Barkalow said.
•Jeellian:n stepped up when
times got tough."
, --Gosta Mesa Senior Center
December 31, 2002 '
6:30 p.m·. -12tJO a.m.
695 West 19th St.
Costa Mesa
(949) 6'5.-2356
from the 8eld, led by tourna-
ment MVP Patrick Camey 05
M Ii points). ustangs sp t Newport Hamor, led· by all-
• SOCCER: The Coata Mesa tournament selection Cameron
HJgb gida soccer team won one (13 p(>lnta) and 6-8 center NecliIQ
and lost one pme at the Ocean Pajevic (11), rallied In the first
View Tourpament at Golden guarte£ to take a 17-14 lead, after
West c.onege Saturday. trailing, s.q.
The Mustanp {5-1-2} beat The 18n. who led by one point
MUma, 3-1, then tied Kennedy, u b qumter'a end, were tied
1-1. . wllb m 1bm al 23 In the second
Sitters Jumln and Sbaroti quarter after Pl!Jmc'a layup to
Day an:ct ~y ~ aU econd . complece ll fMl break with 3:09
one goal for Mesa aplmt Ma-left. But the CJMuwen went ahead
· rlna and Mesa go~r 'Kait-on 6-s forward Matt Claftin's·free
lyn Gendlng made three saves. throw and maintained an advan-
. The Muatanp trailed, 1-0 at tqe the! mt of the way.
balfttme, belore repining the , "I pe m Toro credit,': said
edp. Hirst, wboee tearQ struggled
Costa Mesa and Kennedy from the 6eld, (ICdng 15' of 40
went Into the half tied, 0-0, be-(37.51'). "We dkln't shoot the ball
fore Spark.a notched her second well and that's a testament to El
goal of ihe ·day and Gentling 'lbrt>'s pmslng defense.•
added seven saves. The Sailorsshot only 3 of 12
Geier wins title
Harbor's Todd Lowenthal (5)
takes the baN dOwn court .
from the field in the second
quarter as El Toro bWlt·a 29-25
intermission lead.
Oatlin. an all-tournament
choice, also led El Toro with 13
points, nine rebounds (five of.
tensive}, two blocbd shots and
two assists. Guard Jonathan
Johnson scored a game-high 16
points with a 7-of-9 shooting
.• WRBSTLING: ~ewport Jiar-
bor High's Nate Geter won the
135-pound weight class, going
3·0 in his wrestling matches
Saturday at the Andrew Pena
tournament at Irvine High
School .
Lions rally for 62-60 win
The Sailors (0-1) finished
with 45 points, good for 11th
Geier won by pin (2:52) over a
Centennial wrestler, by decision
(13-8) over Dos Pueblos and
then by major decision (13-1)
over Peninsula.
Corona del Mar Higb's .un-
seeded Dan Gushue took sec-
ond in the 152-pound weight
class on three pins with times
of 1: 17, 3:27 and 4:41 before los-
ing in lhe finals to a wrestler
from Dos Pueblos. Gushue im-
proves to 7-1 this season.
The Tu.rs' Tuny Pinon went
3-2 with two pins and one deci-
sion. He pinned a competitor
from Trabuco Hills in 2:28 and
one from ICatella in 4:28 while
scoring a 12-7 de(:ision against
Newport's Kid Utn went 2-2
in the 112-pound class. He
scored both wins on pins -in
5:24 over El Turo and in 1 :32
against Redondo Union.
Continued from Bl
where lbr.ribio graduated from
the ~th grade in 1991.
"(Hirst} tri"8 to keep it simple
and that Is the key." Torribio
said "The kids can't be thinking
too much."
lbnibio spent the summer
experimenting with coaching at
Harbor and realized be wanted
to follow through.
"I thought if the summer is
fun, the regular season bas to be
t fun too: lbrribio said. "I bad so
much fun and they are all good
kids." .
The Tu.rs' 2002-03 freshmen
have produced a 5-1 record as
of Fdday with a berth in the
semifinals of the Santa Ana
Tuumament The Sailors
finished second in the &tancia
His team bas shown poise,
like when Tony Yaghian was
fouled with one second left ahd
the Sailors down by one In a
game earlier this season.
Yagbian stepped to the line and
hit two free throws to give
Newport the~
"It was good to see a
freshman lcnock down two free
throws to give our team the
win," TorrbJo said
Jon Benzinger. who played
with Tombio on Newport's
ftesbman team, encouraged
him to punue the Newport job.
1be 'Iara went 20-3 ln 1991-92,
the moat aucceatul team
Turrlbio ~on at Harbor.
Thrrtblo learned the moat
durb:Js tdl frwhman JW'• when nm Panel <cumnt e.c.nda
High~ dlredar) coached
the s.oor. *-whb-.W.c
John v.Dely. tftMJ play,d for
..... ry UCA CoechJobn
\\Voden. .
Now 'nJrrll>io bopel .. have.
lbnilar ... NIDO' OD~ ymr'I
'JU fneluntn r.... whb I
~ pbODlopby-plmJ
"'!jC'_..,., =~ --~ ..... ::&?......,,..anc1~
... .-11 .... IDtfo ...
CARSON -Vanguard Univer-
sity's women's basketball team
(7-4), keyed by the double-dig
scoring of Courtney Mc.Kinney
(18), Paulette Seaman (11) and
Robbin Dittenbir (10), rallied
from a 19-point halftime deficit
to post a 62-60 nonconference
victory at Cal State Dominguez
Hills Saturday night
MclGnney was 8 for l O from
the field and had six rebounds.
Dittenbir bad seven boards.
v.ngu.d -Lenderman 9, M ills 5,
Seaman 11, McKinney 18, Dittenb1r
10, Josefsson 3, Lee 0, Wiicox 6.
Candelaria 0, Griffo 0.
J..pt. goals -Seaman 2. Lender·
man 1, Mills 1, Josefsson 1.
Fouled out -none.
Technicals -none.
Dominguez Hiia -Blue 10.
Cooper 11, Askew 5, Perkins 2.
Tease 17. Turner 3, Mendez 4, Al·
3-pt. goals -Blue 2, Cooper 2.
Fouled out -none.
Technicals -none.
Halftime -Dominguez Hills, 53·
• R.,_.. TCUMmlllt
B Toro 57. Newport 44 Sc:otw~ar-w. EIToro 1e 13 a 20 • 57
Newport 17 8 9 10 -44
Blbto-Johnson 16, Best 6, Carney
15, Brown 3, Claflin 13, Pentz 2,
3-pt. goalt -Carney 3, Johnson 2.
F<>oled out -none. Tedmlcals-none.
~ -Camemn 13, Rorden 4,
Pajevic 11, Glaalc 0, 8. Lowenthal 6.
PlneMtt 2, Perrine 5, T. LoWenthal 3,
3-pl goals-Cameron 3, Perrine 1.
Fouled out -none.
Tedlnicals -none.
L8 QtliMa Ame a.lie
F'tfttr1lleoe ftnel &t8nda 41, CCNOM dll Mar 44 Estancia 9 4 15 1s -46
Cofone del M• 9 9 18 10 -~ ~ -Sankey 8, Pinto 16, •
Lindquist 10, Novak 3, Cachola 9,
Hoffman 0, Andersen 0, Stroman 0.
3-pt. goals -Cac:hola 3, Pinto 1, Novak
F<>ofed out-none.
Corona dll Mar-Seaborn 5, Matsen
0, Mancillas 14, Sherick-Odom 4,
Northridge 12, Welch 7, Freede 2, Luce o. .
3-pt goals -Mancillas 4, Northridge
4,Seabom 1.
F<>oled out -none.
• Vally a.t.IM TCU'nlmelll
Costa Mesll 48, Vlllley Chrtsdan 39 s-.~au.w. Costa M818 18 1s 9 a . 46
Velley 20 s 8 s -39
Christian C-. Meu-Molina 2, Knox 3, 0.
Krikorian 25, Abedrabo 0, Peplc 5, T.
Krikorian 3, Aleson 0, Milward 0,
Waldron 0, Stlnkovlc 10.
3-pt goals -Knox 1, D. Krikorien 5,
Peplc 1, T. Krikorian 1.
F<>ofed out -none. Y119¥ 0........-Spurling 3, Parrish
7, Debie 0, Clarie 0, Poe 0, Lee 2,
Godelr 11, Telh 8, Brink 8.
3-pt. goals -$pur11ng 1, Parrish 1, Telh
2, Brink t
Fouled out -Brink.
Canllluld tram Bl
Fllllrmont Sm.ii Sdlooll ca...ic
~ Hll 42. Holy MMyn 39
Sc:otw BY Ouel1llr'S Sege Hill 16 7 4 111 o
Holy Martyrs 10 • 11 t -l<J Sage .. _ Go nzalez 0, Kawamura 0,
Carly Clarie 1, Carrie Clart 15, Mainero
0, Gutierrez 0, Wright 15, Puishys 2,
Yoder· Lee 9.
3-pt. goals -Carrie Clart 2. F<>oled out -P\Jishys.
Tectinicals -none.
~ M#tyTs-Tomasian 5, Aslanian
0, Berghoudian 0, Djlgarejiann 12.
Panossian O. Kurt.iran t1. Raphaliau
11, Voskeritchian 0.
3-pt. goals -Djigarejiann 1, Kurkiran
Fouled out -none.
5°'llh COMt Hold9y ClMlk:
Newport Hlwbor 37, Don Lugo 32
Sc:otw ~ a....wa Newport 11 4 n 11 n
Don Lugo e • 10 1 -32
Newport H.-bor -Beeson 6,
Campbell o. Swigart 2, Stoltz 7.
Whitfield 9, Miller 5, Vasquez 6,
Eddington O; Woller 2.
3-pt. goals -Stoltz 1. Whitf1eld 1.
F<>ofed out -Woller. Don Lugo-Frondahl 11, Harper 12.
HarTia 0, Pitts 4, Guillen o. Samuel 3.
Owen O. Miller 5.
3-pt goals -Harper 1. Fouled out-none.
......... Tounwnent
Orange Ii Ii 1e • -32 CdM 12 1e 13 11 -60 °'ante -Castro 2. O'Regan 2.
Eapana 4, Curren 3, Resendiz 14.
Kilroy 7.
3-pt. goals -Espana 1.
F<>oled out-none.
Corona dll Ms-McCoy 7, Ottert>ien
4, Dimas 4, Klein 15, C. Marks 8, Snell
10, A. Marts 6, tteuctlen 3. Stem 2,
Slcalla 1, Yardley 0. .
3-pt. goals-Klein 3, McCoy 1.
F<>oled out-hone.
Tedlnk:als -none.
• •
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wotmed, M C r..,stered,
hand racsed by priv•le ~ty ,..,. Dec 24th,
$400 949-7lHl683
w ..... & Ort• S7S/H,
Trundle bed SI~. ktna
rruitttess & boa S75
58pc china 5411 S250.
ciass d>nner wt plus
iioblea lor U75. deco-
rator cups & -.an Sllll
... and pt"9 1111 4 cn.-s
& more ~2345.
flmllln 3'35 • ..,T .......... r & ...
2 lA·Z·IOY white 4ryor tn excellent
IH th er ch airs Cos I Wlll'b1c oond P8'llo lcurwt
SlOOO.a. wtll 1el $J95ea ch11ts 714-337 2817
Uke new. 949 642 230)
FIND .. -,,;,~
lr1sllll. rtf•oe c:eblnets.
~~ mol!t Os 71464&-7251
CllJll ""*"""
$11" -<MT
SIHCE 1952 < .. •) 65'0-7676
81..t Owh -c-..
I 0 years old, loaded
w/llowen I0/1•1 ultt•
rwe S245 94g..750-1on
Concrete Colline,
Curb Holts. Haullnt., Concrete~ Wab. Plltio, f ootilltl.
F oondatlont.
.... JS2-0HO
1774'7 .. 7MI
n..c-•-Cemen~k. Br~ r 11e a More. "•liable. No job too,,.. ... 714-615-9062
n....,NR•I; ........ c.,w,....
f« l'flnt or web
Mlllletifll · Teclltlkal ,,..,...,. 949-541--0Vl
How to Place A -------Policy------..
Rates and deadlines aw subject to change w1thou1 llOliu. The
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By Fax
(949) 631-6594
(l'lcm ... )'OW-... ,._...,.,
By Phone
(949) 642-5678
By Mail/In Person:
3 JO We11 Bay Strctt
AWISOM1 raoms1i
Earn1n1 $450/day??
You could! Vendtni rte tn
Ounee County
l 800·551 5J3C 24hrs
72S M•k•ne Un•b
Only S96JO $0 down
w•c 800-2'53-8922 •
Wllllld 4255
ur To stoo.ooo.
AGENT 949-720-1721
SAl£ 4500
i...... ........ c.tphro!
~ IM for 511 11 r-" 111. ~ S2CO<•~ a:l::J SIOSK ~
(lbs tor~ 415«»
2651 lnme Ave. 900sf.
anil view, retail on-site
Catto Ma10 lndustrtal
Sublease 2 pvt ott1cu &
lobby m lront ol c•b1-
netry shop $645,000 rm/
mo ~ Siie's 9'&631 5<!i3
C.M./f rwy c_,,1_,
55 freeway al B11stol
JOO S f . P11vate Bath $425~ 949-646-9165
CM, 2411 Newport
llvtl Se.coast Vttt•ae
14005f, cathedral cetl~.
Sl.500/mo 949 646 7931
N'8 OFflC( Sr.ACE
&II Dows Or. Gro.nl floor.
•chrlects office, 1ealy a veat_ -space 62Dd _.,,
1/1.iW 9&515-4044
si.-. •fflce fr-....
461 Oki Newport Blvd .
NS, cloM to ocun S2IXlrn
rf!fs 'z;d 949-712.(>JJB
507 1 /2 '•"'"•"'• 3br 2ba condo, 3 blks to
bch lmmac 2 la newly
resurfaced decks New
u t pe1nl/carp1t. Up·
craded k1lc closet&, Ip
Motivated Seller. S706K
By Owner lock Box
....... _, rr...-rty
>"-os-oi..t. ss ... ooo
Udoldt llE.Ull Een.cr
2br I'/• Ba 2 c car. bch
& ten club 35' lot
By owner $880,000 obo
949-644 2330
lu1ury homt> built 2000
3 s.tory. 6br/Sba
lu•ury home built 2001
l story 4br 4ba
Ht&h Income p<operty
duplea ~ltd bide Medi·
terranean oceanfront
S l,590,000
J"Mo to ....,t
A Tropcal Par~ 2Br
wood fh. Ip, lrenc.h doors, ,._., ~ bw iaeetl
IV. ~ kit. Sl7'9.!nl,/
obo Mary Wood. .. ~
~5811. 717 9816
srAc1ous 2 1 4 ac
Ge0<c,.n Colon1<1 nto1te
UPl>ef NP Nature Pre
s.erve Such ble lor
hor~. $3,500,000 V1~w
•I www aurolact~ com
• Oulro .. lo Spocl"f'_.
double unit Creal voew of
tum1n1 basin and crty
lt&flts, 48r 4 581, all
~ loo K~ 949 675
2100 ~.Ft r1t.1ME LOT
IUILOl•'S s r1<1Al
.,r.7 lt-•1S·2064
llG mu•
Enn14ac .. t0Moso c-r Ont.rH Sek
c.11 Fln t
.... ,.,_723..-120
Cai.ta Mesa, CA 9".1!27
At Newport Blvd. & Bay S1
Telephone 8:30am-.5:00pn
Walk-Ill 8:30am·5~
Newport Coast
SVtoV-d o
4br. 4 Sba hbr ary + bo
nus room S 1 .515,000
24 Cotont-
A touch of lhly 4b1
2.Sba, Strada home
Stefame Meurer
949 715 3156
Balboa Penlnsull
sa..t ,_ sie.is to i-:11,
ba"n 2br 2llil cll*jlle Wf1do
2c p Ip, w/d. ti/~
;waolnow ~
YEAllY l l r Ila
RESORT/ Naw Corpet, S 1000...o
· 206Eo~tl ....... •S VM:ATION 09t. 949-619-4200
J l r 210, Gcwoga, FOR SAi.£ S 2SOO...o. ... t .. 949-689-4200
Desert Pnlpetty ~ Corona del Mar ----'---'---
Attontlmt °"°" t.v.t.. I would love to ~ you · mo ycu retnment home
or YoAJ1 2"'f • way property
Jlile v-wi..-. nv.>~~:vm~
Rental To Share 6030
share w/lem own bath
Ip, hd wd fir \, avail now
$800/rno 949 JOO 1207
~ newly remodetoo.
dPPt. 500'5!. S9(X)no,( nwl
6 mo) $8) utls lul lut
I mo dloi'.> 714-971104
2br 2bo ltw, huge m~tr
suit~ w Ip. • Ip m hvrm
w•lft. on clost " 1at tub
1 L car 949 7?1 5747
Febvlevs Studio, mint
tond•lton 11rut localton1
S87') mo include• water
& eltic yr ts.. 949-643 1321
Cul• 21r, taa, ru•
llou\e Sl4SO. no g•ra11e
f!lec./~. rd, av311 I/I~
c ail lee 949 640 5633
29r Ila old CdM c:harnq
frnnl ll'e Sl850/mo Call
CdMJMasl" Br 'Sa w t>ilbr• Meyrna 949 500 1999 or ~. I& lt<ont '-dVoJ/A O~bbte 949 11!>4 0929
lln I aDrro Jtl OO'IM'> S-rpm<Jd Er 2 58a Ill
I stlbsl 949-67'> ~ IT ont urut apt hll rm den
Shr "" ....... CdM hom4> lti yatd wa" In Balbo.1
bl lot\ of ~ SJ Mn
avail 2tl 949 759 07l 'i
BJ.,/youoc prof rNle S«t\s
same to llY 4llr IM e.i
r OOfllllte i-28t IBa. ••11
loc S9l!6no 9e9.m 6436
Rooms tor RIN 6040
Nl/Oc-View room\
Oceanlront 22nd pvt
rm, unlurn sh11e b•
ult!> pd n11mk1 k1tch
enette lndry I blo~~ In
Newport Pier S69!> mo
c.n S•m •t '49 l7tl
7905 (bet ween 91 Sp/
Space For Rent 6060
tp c U')lom ubonlty & won
wnrft. 1 pa00s I< Ir"' tln>\t 3 ~~ tu bt:h' No
Pt-l vn. 1269!'> mo .,, ISO< ?08 7'lft 1001
41r la.. C.-0 Sh0<H
home Pool. spa •K.eMI
VIPW\. n 1pet!lt '\nl"f~
S/0001 mo aft 949 7'FJ
I & 21r'• from S9t0mo
m lovely aated 'omm
ne" 1,. Squ111~ lndge
~.ar \Im •&e Kletn Mn1t
877 704 8649 • 9200
11< det <Ottoge. vaol
ce~ ston. IT1&. c:eot tan
mur~ IJJ l 16th St A>A
IOI Sj)lltl.litk1 949 548 2421
No doe\
I ft Oft f If -W1'SI)( :2Br l>olll ""'° yod l*LCJS.
lJW ~ •It p wate /11 ash !Mid DOG <* SI 400,trn
• Ml/ dloi'.> 714-545-0442.
.h1dlly ~:OOpm
Mooday '\:OOpm
.. Tue'<day '\.OOpm
. Wednc!.d.ly H XJpm
Sund.ty ..
fhor"4by 'i (l(ly>tn
l·rt<l.I) \ OOpm
1-mLn 'i IJ()pl11
CM .......... J!il5 la P91e Pl ilPI B "4)K. 2br l'lld Ip,
pvt dfdv'yd 2 l p , dean
1.-t sum ~~ml
Fr* :& 18d llOtN:. fp.
cl>I drt p . w/d ~ kg
vd. ti/pm, 776 Mlrlli! Vista
SI~ 9&7l~<D>l
...... c...,,... 1•1•
7 ~ 1ar be~h & tennis dub avl 1 I n ·smk. yr
tse Sl950rn 949 644 2330
Newpolt Beactl
NIW 21 r 210
Prtvate Buch, Pool
dnd Spa Walk to
Or on Shops and
RHlaurant$ Luse
Boat Slip Available
110 uoo ru• oa.
949 673 6030 Of
949 723 S8JO
•YEAJtlY •
'49-675-6 161
a I la .,i Nwt'4 >'els
...,. .. .,qy, '*"I ~·""· -lutlbii. ~lriok) pool. Clll
nl<Sl:Z-45.mo ~
J~ 2bo yaorly renlal,
nur the be.11 h bal<nn, HMtllOll VfEW HOM6
par1t.1n11 agl SlllOIJ b 21.a '""' ""-·• •••,. 949 -6 73-7800 LMll nr IMf~ _,.., ..... ___ $78/Jno1'M9'llll l'wl'I
near the bf'•< h ltH I b.<
2br 2t.il <1gt SI 500 1111'>0
949 2'I j 41> 10
48' llo t\.14,r.,.-1 ..... 11trt11f
'qfKJ .itlf rt~nh•""" t[I w t
l.l.V dbl: ji!M Av ttl n.11A
Sii..(.() n• ';44 l"NllHll f...,.lt,. 2iw 21/.,... /• w
"" ear be.I< 1o • ~ ,y .v 1~ 11 S2150m 11611 ll•lt •«I l l r 2 1 0 lo•tbl.,ff
ln 949 6ll ''Hlf>h~v~ It-• w•lh , .. ,., "•
--t,.jf ... 1.ffl1 "-eh • \ •••
llufft ,_ ... 11)1 II•• I I nl< I di 44q II> ,, I
s lotv ~od unit .. it>w
dtit.:k wd 7 t dt1d\tlr ,:_di l ti& to Wt • ~·11 ,.,~
S2t'>Otmu <14'1 II'> 141~1 I 1:1 1 ["" I'> 'O •I Hrvo•
NEWP0aT HOGffTS ,._,. Ir 'lb t "' • l.to••I
2br .2b.t hut.Y fn1m tp t., ,tf ,....._ '"'"""'' ""' ''J'
hdwd ~ &o• yA l1 S~.Lj "" .. " 646 7931
S22SQ,1ro 94'.I W ~
C ommunity
The Best Location
Waterfront IN. IBA. $2500
2BR, 2BA With Water View $2150
"911 Aa...t °"' Wlttter Spemil
Lqe,...,... .... • litd £Ml\ea . c:.., Wood ..... ~.,,,,..._.&
.....-• Spe.rUlit Swtm1111ac P9GI • Liiii
Tropical Lalldlcaplll( "" Sea.elf IO 8llboa lilud...,... ~c.er.
w/160 ft of shoreline
Hui e 30,000 sl C0<ona
IHI Mar lot w/pvt access
to secluded bc;h Oen vu
from every rm & 3rd
level $8,000,000 v,.w at
www aurol•cts.com
$409,000 Sl .... e ,_,.., "-· o---,._ ... _ H_,..,.._,
Att ••t·72J-l 120 2 Cor Gorawo IOf renl 1n [nhode CO\l• Me\A
29r tlo, v~ S1495m1
w1p w1d 1au,s •e yod .... ~. m • 2'.lo
C4ll Lind'\ay 9'19 64(). 3632
Quiet •-•-lloy ..... nur be 3th I Br •otfu:c .
IB• Sl )()()•mo 1nctudes
uhht1es 949 675 0150.
,. ......... ~~~
............... Homes ... ...,.,. .......... ,..~
7 1•-64t~S67 °' 1rru11I ums@coa..net
S•S•,OOO A8T. •4t-72J -l 120
• ...., • Ccarali
o Job Too S'""'1 ..... a.-u ...
Ace"" fr om all~y
1425/mo 949 717 I !JI
Lk.lbond. carpentry. full
svc remodel & repall's
MSM Const 714 962 2436
20Y_...t Q...etty (....._....,
(Ht) U~H25 Mwli .......
714·968 1882
949-673 ~
l'tl4a 5n. rompetely
I tmOd, 2br Iba. biU h5e
nrw apV~ Ava
II JS 217 £ 20tti -ii i!&l
Sl5'h 9$ J18.aHI
...... ......,. lront house
2br 11 IM II) -Pi'llo wd ,...lfll' """ ,.,., ins Cliff
() 11C1 Sl67.> 9&~
Chf'h -F-fty We
lnst•ll Christma.s lllflls UJNIOW CllQJ MMlfT
fully ~nsured, 8 Yrs up P•lntinc ~al lbM/Apt
81111-!iOHXl89 7li0-948-«XZ5 Quality iobl Free~ ...... & .. l•569897 714 636 8888
HST •ovw $5'/ltr HOUS£ R£PAJNTING
Hf'Vlfll •11 cit.res. IMl#ed a '\POOO flNlSHING.
last, courteous. careful
T163844 800·246-2378
The C•hf. Pu .. llc
Ut1WUt1 comm1ssffMI
roquw-es th11t ell owd
ho useh o ld a ooch
moveu print theif
P.U.C. C.I T numbcl;
lt1110a and cheulflhrs
print their T C P
noml>er in all adWt •
tll*l'!Ollts.. If you lll•t
any questions
the le1ahty of
mover, 11 .. 0 o
~. c.t P'UI·
MIS$10" 114·551
..,,, 7-.091,
TREE SVC. ~. Trunm1ng. Yard Cleanup.
Demo Worlr
• • . .. • FAMOUS RANDS ..
:'Neither vutDetlble. N<wth deals. . . • .. .. :M'S)'
•VoW 1;1 Q.4
o AK085
• K Q fO SJl EAST •9
. ...... -
Wl•Dlll -a... 'fO ....,._ U,
Sspd, sllvor/blk, f411 ml,
warr, $13,SOO must _.
Co. lr.nsfw 9&8'1'"4849
IMW 'ts S40f lOOll mi, blacll/btll, be•utlful
orlaln•I cood. fln•ncln1
& wur eveil vf249762
$10,995 Bllr 949-586-1888
'lho"'oom ffeah,
auto, tttw, cd, I/pow« ,,. .. , ~ _ ...... ............. ...........
ah.rp, ---, lollded
4A09US $17,tlS
."' .... 1Nrp-o-.cd,1lpine 4HQU910 $17,9115
IW9 '" 3ainlla,snow
white with ... th«. cd, , • ., .... 31-d ... t
809804 $19,975
11...-yM I ••
-tWD'91 l 711 mlln, top of "'9
lilt• i..thlf, moon· roof, cd, allarp
J102S2 $1t,t7S
u.c.a.T...C. .. 1
IMpolldablo luxury at
an offordablo filur•
ASSM714 $21,500
'01 • • A K 0 10 8 7 5 J :o 107 !
<:> K632
<>JIU 74
a psychic bid of rwo clubs and, instead of doubling for penalties,
Becker chose to rebid diamonds.
When Soudl bid two DO tJUmp, Nonb
realized Wesl was trying to pull a fast
one. aod bid what he thoughl he
could make -six clubs. Unfonunarely, bis partDC'f read this as
some ll()lt of super cue-bid. and made
lbe "obvious" bid of six 'f>ldu,
happy lO have found the right suit It last. BustrOS was too delighted with
lhls OOllU'llCI to even oomider dou-
bling. but 8ecUc pul1ed IO six no 1n1mp anyway.~ by West. who was~ bent over with laugbier as
he &laJ1Cd cashing spades. fle WU probably a bit unNqipy Iha! he could
00( run the suit. but two down dou-
bled wben the opponents could make
six clubs (c:ven a grand slam can be
made along double dummy lines)
WllS I good CDOUgb 5COl'e.
IMW 740! 'ff 6911 mi,
3 '"' werr 1v1U, silver/ crey IHlher, cd, buu·
tlful orialn•I cond, $26,995. Fin 1veil.
ocp•bi. 949-586· 1888.
showroom frosh, r.erl white, certlfi9cl
aCY07t $21,.SOO :•. SOlTfH .,,,2
0 A J911
0 32
The bidding:
·2? ,_
·~ .... .Q>(f Dbl : ....
• J96
:Opentng Iced· Queen of•
IMW 'ti 7SCI& 1• ml.black/arey lthr, CD,
chrome whls, boeutlful
or11 cond, v597241 Bllr •-·•cpeitl.c-t4t-SH -1 aal
Cetllllec 'It Seti•• .,.,,.. 4.5 va. blue/
blue Int, chrome whls.
fwy miles, supetb mo·
chenlcel & body cond,
v724598 $1895 8111
-.or:pmi.mn 988!S-1811B
lllfWtt QX4 '01
2611 miles. moonroof,
JOIStl S20Utl
~--...... 4i4'ff
42" ...... Wedi M..tv ........ 4NTSI 1 f $25,tlS
: EJtpcm have prodigious talent.. bu1
•they arc capable of disasters far
: wone lb.an the average player. This
•deal is from the World Open Pairs
• :iiome years ago. Sming Nonh-Soulh
: were B. Jay Becker and Dorothy
•Hayden or the United States, opposed
•by Henri Oali111 and Fadi 8 UStrOs of
:Lebanon. E1m WesL
The popular line ll six clubs Utcr
the lead or the aloe or SJ*ies by f.lsl
WIS, for declara IO ruff. cash the king
aod qUCC11 of clubs tbc:n lead the queco. of hearts. covered by the tina
and llk:en with the ICC. The Jack of
hearts was cashed and lbe OIJ1C was
led. Had East followed low. declarer
would hive discarded a diamood. but
wben Easl produced the ten. decbter
ruffed. drew lbe last tnimp with the .:e and discarded a diamond on the
eighL Al the end South conceded a
diamond. but easily came to 12
ci.r,w.r V• •u r ...
& Country UO ltlw, whit-1
croy, immac tond. CD,
drives like now, books $7.950 94g..350.5202
GMC '00 0..-. 4w4,
39k m1, silver /2 tone
cr•y. Pf•mlum sound,
runnlna bo•rds, chrome
whls, like now, v557241
Bkr www.ocp•bi.com
1111 miles, N...,lcation
Syat«n, moonroof.
J0191S $M,.US
L9KOUf MlllCUlrT 714-540-HM
Ua COW'I Silvw /Grey,
showroom condition end
mllH&•. $68,995. C1U 949-706-0640 • The fun suu1ctJ when Bustrus made • t4t-SH-IHI
~I .
. • ACROSS 78 Noted llmenok w~ DOWN 70 Nip()leon's pl.:e of
• 1 Henry -Lodge 77 .Olhelo. heavy 1 • -lhe Barbarian· •• • 6 Merry king of rhyme 78 Nourt91'1ment 2Soul 72 Home Of )aZZ • 10 End a COOl>Ulef 79 °*811 fronts 3 1nt>terant~ 73Scooodrell • -session (2 wets ) 80 ClmbS a rope 4 Ct1es Of dellght 7 4 o.btol'I' ,.,... -16Garden blAD 82 Neu1rallt.e 5 51.Jmp remover T7~nutrar" -21 Sn lngradleo1 83 Without any slack 8 Embers 78 Cellng nxu-.. . 22 Not closed 84 Musical gourds 7 V'Mfrey ot talk shows 79Sadls • . 23Scolcmg 87 Bone oonneacrs BOregs 80Doze . 24 Desensitize 89 Delivery 1M*8 9 Space Widths 81 Ashram dwell« -• 25 Unple11Mnt dretims 90 Rock-band bookklg9 10 tntenor 82Geeky . 27 Watts mactunes 91 Mou1hs, In bldogy 11 Ador warren -83 Town ,,.., santa Fe
(2wds) 92 Helm&man's dir. 12Majesty 84 Emcee's clevial .. 29 Mal« Hoople 93 Artrnx -of tennis 13 "SCenl --wom.n· 85 As - -(generaly) . .. 90 Melodramabc cry 94Execs 14 Sutic angriy 88Gritty . 31 Uncertain 95Ulf'gedeer 15 Thy jt.mpers 88 Mind-fNdw's let1ers • • 32 Per per90n 96Twtned 16Closely 89 S1llt d c.sats boast . 33 Aardvark snack 97 -St Vincent Millay 17 Prefix tor wrse 90 Flood 1he maltel --34 ·Mr Baskelball' 99 Dove a:iuslns 18 Type of eclipse 94 Gegar1n'a ooaJpatlon -Holman 101 tna funk 19 Dunne of tllms 96V.ve • • 35 Be quiet 1 02 Brandish 20 Noey nei~rs 96 RllC8horN parent . 36 F>tates l>lxy them 100 Construct (2 wd9.) 26 Purple-gray 96 Autobahn vehlde • . 38 Jonathan Swift 105 son drink brand 28 Orange Bowl org 100$1Q8 • pieces 106 Zoo berr1er 31 At the drop of --101 Jlalgle •Nik• ... 40 Acnln head 107 Pullover 35Keep 102A91t-... 41 Clock part 108Uldle 36 Small coin 104 loblt9r c:lllws --C2 Look sieepy 11o nes~ 37Classly 106 Pyiamid IMlcler --44 Elev. 111 ·Miser( co-star . 39 Uvy's road 1117 Fnity da9llt (h}'Slh.) -45 Ba!tmofe hitter 112 Sooner than anon 40 Hits the road 108Gcit~
46 Fender ml9hap 113 Confefenoe 41 Solldlles 1 11 BLrns sandalwood
49 BneblU's Yogi -1 17 Allbbftl 43 Bored Into 113°'*'91m
51 Aden's OOIM'tlry i 1 e Stong wind 46Volun'9er 11<4 Dodge -55 Goe • tide« 121 Sigh al oontent 46 Rodeo nooee 11 !5..,, ron:. -56ShPtup 124 Blvd. 47 Bright 116 Wide -570rdaln 12!5 Sow, as cream 46 Venetian mag!stTUt 118 Btlllt1oYen syn'11hony • -5e AMdy to llarwst 1 'ZJ Ricci al fashion 49 --c•n>lene 11'1 Green around 1he --eo albbtr and su.t 129 Pepper gmclef 50 W'lt9r -Ntn 120 IWiofl
• 61 Roos slowly 129 Skllluly 62 Amoeba 1llewers 121 Olllike vwy much
62 ...... dolle9 130 Music makers S3~weapont 122 Fllr8d.., (hylltl.)
IS~boys (2Wda.) . 5" HIS OOCllllon tor 123~ -ee Sc»o grade 133 Sdlols's grant 5e W'ttes CIOWn 1288md~ • • ee AMera Nnmer 135 l.awn tool 57 Adi' .. Allene -13'.Jllnble • tr1 -out (dtltrtW.) 1381l"ly 58 P\b!Wlklg execs 129 Ttnitr of llmdOm • • 88 Melly IOUnd (hyph ) ' 137 E16CJP88n capllal 61 Cetcal 131 Cnt~ choice • 89Sor•,•tMt 138 Oo penance 82 t..ueu *Pie 132 \Wei.ti .... • • 71 Pditlall oon¥11'1llOM 1311 Long 11' ... 84Cellar~ 133 Vlln ITM • 13 Lodt d Mir 140T~ 67 Swmp gaMS 134Cnimple..., • • 74' C>ael In the Seine 141 DilcrMI unmons 88 SCI-ti avtlfd • 78At --(~) 142 Chaltnged • Ute • paper towel ..
== V.J lir'i Vl!, l.w ........... ~ ., .. ,, "· .. ......... ..... ....... , ......
911 Coupe .............
•ZMIOCI C...,.'ft
Wiatt• w/fj•' loathll. A'RH 8tau'rl f11771 .. $1,,t ..
.. wr.01 's.IM'ff tinmawete wt11t9/ ,,a,~.°"" 541( .. .....
f11J'M llt,MO .................
Fu•y toedodl
tl87M $22,tM
,.,._:;..-:,. c-
ited Metallic wifh
perfect tan tutti«.
only 3311 mills.
111716 $14, ...
&.-..a-. .._., ..
wtlit• •/ll•t!Mf,
factOfJ WllO'Mly.
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TIN U,aJ lNplirtmmt tU the IMily Pilot is pkas,J U> an1U111nct 11 MW snvir'
IU)W ttwU./"'1/e to MW /nuinasa.
W'e will """' SEARCH the NZme for JOI' 41 no extr11 ~IM"K'· an4 1J1w JO" the
timi 11nd the trip to the Court HtnUe in 5111114 AnA. Thm. of t'OllN, llj'ter the
~•rrh is ettmpkkJ we will fik JOI'' fiailUJus lnuinn:s ~ mztnM111 wiJh tlN
County C/mt, p11b/i.sh 011« 11 W«lt for fnr W«lts as "'!"irrJ by /Aw 4ntl thm fik
your proof of puhlicAtion with the Cou"'J Ckrlt.
Please 1t0p by to fik JOI'' fiaitious lnmness stllt.mtrm 41 tlH D11ily PiilJt, 330 W.
&y St. Co1t11 MISll. If JO" CIUS"'" stop by. pktm atlJ us 111 (9'1!J) 642-432111rul ~
will 1Nllu """"fmtmts for JOI' to IMnJk thu proutl.urt by 1NtiL If JO" shouJJ h.w ""J forthw quatio11S, plu.sL atlJ au ll1U/ i« will be mart than
gWI to llSSist you. GooJ luck in Y"'" new lnmness!
Daily.A Pilot
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Lollllly combtaible home in • fine custom family
COfJY WAAD 949.759 .3724
UnM:Jue 45 foot kJt on Udo Ille. StrMt to ....-.
delQble ~ of tM 111.nd locrior'I, aimmunlty dodt.
DEBORAH WEJONER 949.6'4.9060
CINet Udo lootion. 45 ft. lot on comer, ne>d to ....
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Arwlt new 5 Bel 8 Ba. oce.nfroot. \..a~ lot. All
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808 BERG . · 949.717..4706