HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-04 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2003 Dotiihue Schriber chair dies • Daniel Donahue, co-founder of the real estate investment firm , was credited with helping transform Fashion Island. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot said .• "He w.c. an extraordlJlary eraoon of unrelatt><l '>tore'> to a man. ?. styii!.h '>hoppmg de-.unation A!> chairman for 33 years of known worldwide Costa Meba-bac,cd Donahue In October 2002. lxmahue Schriber. Donahue oversaw the added to Ill'> long h'>t of bu!>ine~ company's development of more accolade!> llw CJ1amp1on of In- than IS-million '>quare feet of re-dustry A\A.ard of the California ta.ti space 1n Cahforrua, A.rUona Busme'>'i Propen1c'> '\'>Ml for two ye•H'>. he 1011wd John 'i Gnffith and I o. ''hen.• 111-. pro fe'>'>IOnal 1d0Ullll'>h1p \\Ith !:>chnbt'r culmm,11cd 111 lhl" p.ur renc1Jn111g the· lirm Uonahut beginning with the formation of his parmership with n1omru. Schriber in l967 and continuing through May 2002, when the men received a Lifeume Ach1eve- ment Awards from the UC lrvme Graduate School of Mdndge ment. Schriber in I 'IH ! ., NFWPORT Bl:ACI I -Oaruel Donahue, the co-founder of Donahue Schriber known for tm role in transforming Fash1on Is· land, died Tuesday from comph- t:allOl"l'> from heart surgery. I re Wd.'>60. Mln everything he did. he had a compassion and respect for lei· low human being'!I. Those princi- ples guided him in bu'>iness and in every part of lus ufe," Schriber and Nevada Bettt•r known proj-awarded for "1mpr0\emt'nt of the ects include the (,lendale Gal-commerc1cll, mdu'>tnal and reta.tl lena, Anaheim Jll.v.J and The real estate mdu'>try m Ca.hforrua ~1arket Plac.e, lorrnerly lu.,tin through the dl·velopment ol proi- Market Place eel!> that '>land out for theLr mno- ln Newpon Me..a. Donahue's vauon, attrarnon and ver..atillly · most famou'> lt•gacy '" Fru.h1on Is-Donahue. cl Lo., Angeles nauve. land. ln the n11<.t198CT'>. Donahue graduated from San fo!>e State m wru. part of the duo that trans-1966. After v..orkmg it'> a real t') formedll from-.L cold cOllg!om-... r~-~bf"'JcJ:t1-J~f-.l)l<l~~ &nker I med om·' u11d o.tdmm:r -...1\ the} \\Ill rt•irwrnl>er I Jonuh111· .i' not JU'l .i t>u-.u1t•-,,rn.m hut l1Jr h1' \\<Jr~ 'upp•irtlll).! th.mt.il~!e lall'>l"' 11111.ihh 111 ht'lpm~ 10 form cl t11i.111l 1.tl 'upport 111·\\\ .r~ tor ~1d\\C1r~'· <111 a.f11·r-'>d1ool pro~r<Ull 111 -...111ld r\11.i llir .il n-.~ ch1kln:n Donahue's statu~ as an icon of the Newpon-Mesa bu.,iness community spans three decade~., 1>011.iht11· " 'olll"\ I\ l"U b\ VI.lit· 1anPIDonahue of Donahue r , L·~· d1.:.rJ i JP~doy See DONAHUE, Page A7 ... ... 5EA,.. H I I, 1A • A male sea hon soaks up some sun after coming ashore at 54th Street 1n Newport Beach. Sick of the attention. he heads out to the surf Friday Just lion around 'Unlucky bachelor' sea lion fails to find mate a nd rests along the beaches in West Newport, where lifeguards warn onlookers to keep their distance. June Casaarande Daily Piiot WEST NEWPORT -A large ·un- lucky bacheror" sea !Jon parldng himself periodically on the beach since Tuesday has prompted life- guards to warn onlookers of the dan- gers of disturbing such a large ani- mal . "He's a big boy,\t said Lifeguard Lt. Mike Halphide, who estimated the sea mammal's weight at between 300 and 400 pounds. "People don't realv.e ~l's a safety hv,ard. They can bne and that would be like gettlilg bitten by a 300· or 400-pound dog.• ' The sea lion was first reported on the beach near 54th Street on Tuel>· day. Stpce then, he has been sponed on the beach on both sides of the jetty. "On any given day. there's one sit- ting on the shorellne somewhere. FAMILY TIME often funher dovvn the penmsula, 2ere there are fewer people. rh1'> one'-; been hanging out for a few days.· Halptude said. Though sometimes sick ammals will come up on the beach. this one 1s not sick-just lovesick. said Jayme Rogers. a spokeswoman for the New- port Beach Police Department's Am· mal Control division. Workers for a sea lion rescue organization exam- ined the sea lion and detemtined hes "as healthy as a horse," she said. Rogers explained that the sea lion is a younger male who's not yet big enough to compete for mates. While larger males this time of year are off at breeding ground<; around (..atah11<1 bland, those who weren't able to "111 mates Live in a son of exile. a''"" from the breeding ground-; \vhl'rl' they are not welcome. "He's just an unlud.,· bachelor. Rogers said. ~Think of htm ac; ltkt· J 16-or I 7-year-old guy who can l compete yet with the 21 ·year·old ln the meannme. local authonue'> are uying to get the word out that human contact Is a bad thing for the animals and particularly dangerous for humans. While onlookers tend to think of such arumals ·& beached See LION. P11• A7 Dr. Lllura· deserves a fair shake 0 ur daughter, 12. has been talcing acd.ng lessons Bl the South~ Repertory's YoWlg C.On.mvatory for aevera1 years. Scheer wrote about the death of Dr November, 1999, as the editor of her national magazine. the Perspective. I have nothing but wonderful memories of those days. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: ~.~.can One of the intete5dng t.bingl we've learned ls that nearly all kids~ rather perform in front of adults than they would other chlldren. eve11 their own &fends. That'• because when they make a ml&take. adults are fOJ:gMng In their respome while ki<ls are auel. JCJds ere often more cruel than adults ..... too. But that tbeOr)' WM blown to bha a few d11y11eo when tot . ~ 'l1mel oelUlnnllc Robert, •Laura Schles.singtt's mother on , Ouistmas eve. C.Orrection, ------~ he wrote STEVE SMITH about Dr. Laura and used her mother's deed\ u an m:lm to uy to dolttoy her. 8elore l continue. I have to 1ta1e Char I wocbd foi' Dt laura 1or.,,,,... mon.cN. rrom Apc11 to In case you havm't heard. Dr. l..awa's mother\W £oundin her Beverly Hills condomlniwn just before~ She bad bees'l dead for several weeks and although her ndgtlbon notnd her absence. not one ot them thought enough tQ blOd on her door to meet on her. Or. Laura and her mother Nd not had any a>ntact at aD for many • SMF--.Y.PllieM WEATHER h'll be another ntc:. one. Highs i" the 70t SeePa1eA2. FORUM Bridget for Costa Mesa lf8 diacuued. SMPIPM SPORTS Thre·e arrested after ~ar, foot chase '.'\'t>\\ port Ikat h Po lice offiet.•1..., undl·rLo\·er drug bu...,t ..,park." tt cha-.e thro gh \k~.i \ erdt· on Thurc,dm nrghr Deepa Bharath :,..., • F • \l'...,\\ll!lil ilf Lt r' .irrt 'lt•<I II r1•1 P• 1; t ir ... d.n 111p11 .iller I hri1•1 If p , , I • ll IU 1001 dl<l'l' 11Jlpt'd lllrlH.gh b.11 I\ • .ir " Ill I ,,.,, d1·1111.tl 111•1gllh11rl10ml 111111.1 .... ud I Ill' 1111 1d1•111 lwg.111 "'"ir th• 11. 't l IJ!lll ot 11.irhor B1rnl\•\ ,ird ,11 cl \ lt--...1 \ ' :• Jn\1• 111 l 11,l,1 \ll "' .11 .ihuut -.'.I ,111·11 1.nden O\l'I 1ll1u r' h · "" • "• • • • ... ucJ See CHASE Page A• Governor urges focus on lab work :'\ewport -~1e<>a trustre questions timing of science initiative ac, state budget cut~ threaten fun.ding. Deirdre Newman Daily P1I t '\f"W'PORI \IL'V\ -01w of the facet' nf J '!(.,t'nCt' 1111lldt1Vt' th;u C~l\ (1ra\ l>a\'b an nounced J-nda' urge-. .1 grt'dter f(ICU, on ...0 ence laborator) worl u1 pubhc o,chool ... The mmac1w pnmanly fOC1.1~ on boo<>t· mg 1Jfe--.;1vu1~ n"'4.>an.h and product devel· opmeht t.hroughout the '>late The increa...ed empha.~L'> on lab worl L'> des1gnt>d to help en'iure a ready c,-upplv of t.rruned and skilled See GOVERNOR. Pae• M A2 Satwday. Jaoo¥y 4, 2003 THE MORAL OF THE STORY A.nother year with 'resolute' resolutions loday change:s must cvme fast; and we must adjust our mental lwbics, so that we can tJCa?pt comfortably the idea of stopping one thing and begin11ing another owmight. We must assume that therP is probably a better way to do alf1WSt everything. We.must stop assuming that a thing, which has never been done beforP probably cannot be done at a/L • / -DONALDM. NELSON I was just ge1Ling used to writing the year 2002 and now it's time to learn 10 write a New Year aU over again. It's 2003. I teU myself. It's 2003. I'll be teUing myself that for quite som e ._._,...., ... ..,..,•I !:i::c;#:'?J" n: I •;)7'f:g=.-~~~~.f.:.1u"r~ It's also that Lime of year when people are making. breaking or at lt:ast tallcing about refJ.Olutions for the New Year. Resolurions art> certainly ea'iicr to maJce than 10 keep. depending of cour;e on the kind of resoluuon' one makes. I looked up tl1e definiuon of "resoluuon" in the "Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus" and read de~riplion't and phrases such a.s: "the act or result of r~olving CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON something. a thing t.le1cnnined upon; a decision as to future action and a resolute quality of mind. J11e word "resolute" means •fixed and firm in purpose; determined." I Like the word -re'>olute;" it sounds strong and purpo<.eful. I want lo be more resolute this year. Rather than lhink.tng about what I wanted to do, change or alter tl11s year. I thought it best to a'>k c,od what he want.!> for me. Several \pectfic lhinw. came through to me loud and dear I believe that God wan~ me to slow down my pace of life. spend more time w11h him. l.tsten carefully lo him and make some changes in my life. \.Vhile slowmg down and relaxing <,ounds appealmg to me in many wa)". 1t will be a chaUenge. It will be lilc.e rewnung a '>Cnpt l'ye worked hard on for year<>, or changing a weU-loved recipe by 'iubstituting some ingredients. I've actually been trymg hard to make o,ome of those changes already. and while it's hard to say "no" IO some of the people and activities I'd love to be involved with, there ha.o, also been r.omc freedom in doing tl1ing.i; differently. I've had lo rearrange my schedule and have even changed some things I thought were unchangeable in favor of taking a walk and talking with c;od. taking a bath or. on rare occa.,1on\, ta.long a nap. I'm praying for strength and support to be resolute in many chang~ and I'm thankfuJ for supportive family and friendc, to help me. Several friends have recommended some books to me tl1ey thought that would be helpful. as well a.s en1oyable, and I have a new book stack 10 attack this year. I'm looking forward to wnting about them in this coming year, wo. Yes, we are starting up another year and are guarantero 10 -.ce many changes around us. I'm going to pr.1y daily for God to help m e with those things I le wanb to change in me. And you can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport · Beach resident who speaks freQuently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at cindy@onrhegrow com or through the mall et P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newpart Beach, CA 92658. . FAITH ~nter for faith ' New Jewish cenfer working toward a comfortable traditional environment. Suzie Harrison Dally Pilot I t's only been at its new location for a few months but Rabbi Mendy Paltiel is excited about the response the Olabad Jewish Center of Central Ordllge Counry l'i receiving in Costa Mesa. ·we started off abou1 three months ago." PaJ1iel said. "At the time we knew only a handful of people -at thjs po1n1 we've reached out to many hundreds of people within the central Orange County area." • He said that people have taken to the center because it provides a ·f'niiln:.~.;;.a a'}oiirr.-u~.n:;,,imcr - people can feel comfonable in a nonjudgmental environment. ·0ur objective and goal is to reach out and make available the customs and traditions of our faith,· Paltiel said. ·we've implemented various programs that are geared for all age groups and for people of all background'>." The philosophy is that every Jewish person is entitled 10 be a part. to be included -though Rabbi Paltiel is Orthodox. the temple extends its welcomt! to all Jewish people. ·11•s the only Olabad synagogue in the city." Paltiel said. "After doing a little investigation there's a sizable number of Jewish families within this immedia1e area." FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS YOUNG PROFESSIONALS EVENT The Jewish Federation Yoong Business and Professionals will hold a tour of the Jewish Federation beneficiary agencies and a dessert reception from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. The reception will be held at a private home. For price and locat.ton, call (714) 75>5555, ext. 225 TWELFTH NIGHT St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church will hold a Twelfth Night Celebration at 5 p.m. Sunday in t~e church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Seasonal hymns will be performed on organ and other instruments. Free (949) 644-0463. MILLERSVILLE CHOIR St Mark Presbyterian Church will host the Millersville State College Choir st 8 p.m. Jan. 18 for a concert. Buddy James, former choir director at St Mark, 1s direct<>f'·of the 42-voice group. The choir will also sing at the 9:30 a.m . worship service. St. Mark is at 2100 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach.(949)644-1341 WORKSHOPS BAHAI FlRESIOES Members of the Bahai faith hold infonnal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and 11 :30 the last Sunday of the m onth. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Alao, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last • 1(£NT TR(PT 'JW I Ot\11. Y Pit O' Rabbi Mendy Paltlel sits in the new Chabad Jewish Center of Central Orange County on Thursday ' Jbe center celebrates the traditional hoUdays and cus toms and aJso offers services and classes. Friday's service is at 6:30 p m. and on Saturday there is a I 0 a.m. \ervice for the Sabbatli followed by a lunch. Every Monday at 7:30 p.m. there are weelcly adult classes that explore the Torah's teaching and discuss how its tea'chings are relevant for all tiQler .. For children there's Hebrew School from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Si.mday. Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Fnday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County often an Introduction to Zen Wol'ilshop from 3 to 6 p.m. on the first Sunday of f!Very month at 120 E 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. MA.5rtRMtND New Thought Community Church presents Master Mind, a group for those who want to "manifest good" in their daily lives, at 7 p.m. Fridays and 1 p.m:Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-3199. ZEN JUMPSTART The Zen Center of Orange County will offer a six-week ·zen Jumpstart• program from Jan. 21 through March 9. The program includes up to 12 ' sessions at the center with group and individual instruction, an all-day retreat, a sitting cushion and more. The center is at 120 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa. $150. (949) 722-7818. A &PfRnuAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled ·Journey to the Cross* is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Churd1. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newporl Beach. FTee. (949) 760-5444. [)JtEAMON The Adult Faith Formation at Our lady QueenofAngelsChurchinNewpor1 ·we have a cwo-and-a-half-hour period of action-filled actiV1ues and studies where the children are given le~ns in Hebrew. in Hebre\o\ reading. as weU as learning abou1 the holidays and the fesuvaJs. • Rabbi Paltiel said. Paltiel said chat the kids have been really receptive because they are taught in hands-on fun filled ways. Paltiel's wife Krein1e teach ei. Hebrew School as welJ as a class called ·Mommy and Me" for Beach holds a dream analysis group monthly from 1 to 4 p.m. &mdays at 2046 Mar Vista Onve, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A "lectk> cfivina" mec:frtat1on group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angills, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beadl. Lectio is a styte of meditat.ton that indudes using Scripture or a speaal reading as a stimulus. Free. The Christian Meditation Groop meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of eacn month at the center. The format includes two periods of mec:frtation with some instruction on how to medrtate, a talk and a discussion. (9491 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT GROUP FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a suppon group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each monttl at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Prerng1strat.ton required. (714) 44&4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Partway. The service is also forming a parenting support g roup to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish wonwn "ft\ an hour 0 1 fun muJu·sen .. ory. hand eyl' Jl'Wl\h act1V1t1es for develo pment,· Krcm11· ..aid. "It give~ the k.tds a chanu~ to grCJ\'\, develop, meN each other and SOCI al 11.t'. • The rabbi look.., forward lo Uw cenler growing and !>Omeday "111\10g lo ii!> own templt• me <llahad Jewhh Center of Central Orange Lou111y "'at 130.l I larhor Blvd .. No f:Z. lnfnnnalion. (7111 966-055J Federation Campus. 250 E Bake r St Surte G, Costa Mesa Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The jew,sh Family Serw:e of Orange County plans 10 ~t a dlscuS&1on group for parents of Jewtsh gays and lesbians rt enough people are interested (714) 4454950 MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The Mystical Spmtuallst Church of SOuth Orange County holds Sunday services every week st 10 a m . at 2482 Newpon Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3 A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m (949) 581 -2290 RE·MEMBERlNG GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membenng group at 6:15 pm every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Dnve. Newport Beacn Tho perish center IS at 2046 Mar Vista Onve, Newport Beacn (949) 548-3844 MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew 's Prlisbytenan Church meets from 1 to 8 a m Wednesdays in D1erenf1eld Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach All tn19n of the church and community are welcome to attend S2 50 at the door (949) 631-2880 • Is your church or place of worship planning a special event 111 so, send the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627. attention: Paul Sa1towitz, religion editor, fax to 1949) 646-4170 or e mail to dailyp1/ot n lat1mtJ11 com Daily A Pilot Chrfstlne Canflo Newt assistant. (949) 574-4298 dlrl1t1~.carrillo8/atirne. com PHOTOGAAPHERS Soan Hiller, Don Leadl, KentT~ Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright: No news ttorlet, illustrations, editorial metter or advertisements herein cen be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Just like on Friday, it won't be perfect today, but it'll be far from hombfe. Enjoy partly sunny Mies, with highs in the upper 60t In Newport to the mid-70s In Cost.a Mesa. Overnight lpwa will drop into the lower SO.. to 15 to 25 knots VOL 97, NO. 4 THOMAS H. JOHNSON. Pubhsher TONY DOOERO. Editor JlXY'f OETTINO, Advertia~r LANA .• Promot10nt Dltec:tor EOmNO flT'Aff a.J.cahn. Me~lng Editor (9'9) 57oM233 • J t:Mtn ~ t.tfmn com Jlmee Mel«. City Edttor (948179M32A JM'M&'"""" llftifrw oom ..... CMtloft. Spof9 Edlt0t • (M)m..c.m /Of111(...,,., Wtinw.oom ............ ,_,,.r.,, ~1'1'412 ,,,,...,,,.,,,,.,,..~ ' . READERS H01\JNE 1949) 6'2"6086 Record your commenu ebc>Yt the Deily Pilot or MWI tips. ~ Our eddrea 11 330 W. Bay St.. Costa M .... CA 92!27. otra hour1 ere Monday Fnday, 8'.30 a.m -5 p.m. Conectlooe It I• the Pilot'• policy to promptly oorrec:t all em>ra of eui:.t.nce Pleeae c.tll (949) 674-4286. FYI . The NfttJ>ort BeechlCottAI Meaa O.lly Pilot (USPS-144-800) le publlahed dally. In Newport Beadl and Cotta M41ta, aubectlptloM are 1V1Hable only by eublctlblng to The Tlmee Otange County (800) 252-8141. In.,.... outlfde of Newpor1 a..dl and Coif• MeN • tubecr'lpl.IOM tO the Delly Pilot lnl welllble only by flm ct.. mall for l30 P41' month ("1cle Include ell ~ aa~ and loclll 1.1 .... 1 l"OSTMASTEA: SMd ~ .,... to The Newpoft ~ Meu 09ily l'ilot. '-0. HOW TO REACH US ~ The Times Onlnge County (800) 252-9141 Achi9itllft 19 • Ot•lfted (949) 642-5678 OiePlrv (949) 642~21 Edftorial N9wl (949) 64.2-5680 8pcMu (949) 574-4223 N9wl Fu (949) 646-4170 8pcMu ftl• (949) 660-0170 E•mall: dJlflypilot latfmM oom M.inoMoe ..... OMce (9491642-4321 au-....,.. (9491631-7126 Publlahed by Tlmoe Community Newt, • dMston of m. Loe Angelel TitML 02002 nmee ~ ~1 rightt ~ Sunday, thoogh, ia looking even warmer. with P<*ibUitiea of rud\lng 80 Inland. lntonnetion: • www.nwa.,,oaa.(IOV BOATING FORECAST TM northeasterly wlnde wlll bfow 16 to 20 knott .. rty In the Inner waters. wfth 3-footwavea and • west IWlll of 2 to 4 feet. Wlnde wu1 .... 11tet, wtth 1-to 3-foot WWM wld •~of 6 to 7fMt. Outflnhlt'. tht ~ -. • blow 10 to 20 ltnota. wtttt 1-to J..foot ~end• notttlMSt Mel of. to 12 .... ~wtl pi«* up.,.~ ' \ SURF We'll encounter yet 1nother day of dles1-to head-high wavea. with overheads expected at standout spots. The next swell arrives Sonday, boosting us Into the overhead r1nge, With ltandouta ldotlng to bre&k Into the doubfe-overheed range. Moncs.y ahould bnlmllar, but don't forget the wetaults. lt4e frigid. w.-.. quality: WWW,ICJl'frid.r.Ol'(I TIDES nm. 3:171.m. 9:31 a.m. 4:63p.m. 11:32p.m. Hlllht 2.2Sfwtlow 8.35fwthagti •lt1 .... low l.15fW;jthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE 57~ ' • Daily Pilot Promoting safe use of the Web YOUR SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adema K-5 2850 Clubhouae Road. Cotta Mesa A Newport Beach class will advise parents how to monitor young Internet surfers. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot • NEWPO!!T BEACH -While the Internet houses a ' vast wealth or information, it is also a ~aven, for pornography and other content not suitable for children. To help parents monitor their children's Internet activity. an Internet Safety Oass for Parents will be offered on Tuesday. Newport Harbor I ligh PTA and the Newpon Beach Police De· parunent will sponsor the class. The class will discuss how to protect your family's privacy. ward off Internet predators and guard against negative chat rooms by using parental con· uols and Internet addre!.Stng. "This class is imponant since many parents don't know as much as their children do about the Internet,· said Lisa George, vice president or pro· grams for the school's PTA. "Parents whose children navi- gate the Information Super· highway need to understand and be able to teach the rules of the road .to their computer· savvy children." In addition to discu!>Sing risks to children, the class will also delve into ways kids can instigate trouble online. "Kids might be the ones who are commitung the crimes, whether it's downloading illegal i.oftware, harassing people themselves. as well as hacking," srud Andi Querry, crime preven- uon specialist with the Police Deparunent. "Kids might do that (hacking), but not realize the possible harm it could do.· The class will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Loats Theater at Newpon Harbor High School. 600 Irvine Ave. Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 ~ AnderNn K-6 1900 Port Seaboume, Newport Beacti Mary Manos, (949) 515--6935 C.lifomla K-5 3232 California St., Cotta Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College hril K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 Davis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa . Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 Eastbluff K-6 ' 2627 Vista del Oro. Newport Beacti Charlene Me.toyer, (949) 515-5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona def Mar MeJliss1a Christensen, (949) 515--6940 Mail Oldel9 1.(800) S95- 6CM7 - ()IOte) KalMtJ-0 2130 Santa Ana Ave .. Cotta Mesa Daryle Palmer. (949) 616-6950 KJl.lvbfoob K·6 · 3155 Kiltybrooke Lane, Costa Meta Kathy Sanctiel. (7141424-7945 Uncotn K-6 3101 Pecffic View Drive, Corona def Mar Barbara Haddock. (949) 515-6955 Ma.rtnen K-6 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beacti Pam Coughlin, (949) 516-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Park Road, Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroedc, (949) 515--6975 Newport EJementary K-6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beacti Denlae Knutsen, (949) 515--6965 N~rt Heights K-6 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beach Judith Chambers, (9491515--6970 hularino K·3 , 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa Patricia Insley, (714) 424-7950 Pomona K·3 2051 Pomona Ave • Costa Mesa Julie McConn1dt, (949) 515--6980 . Rea4-6 601 Hamllton St., Cotta Mesa Ken Killian, (949) 615-69Q5 Son0f9 K-3 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Christine Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Victoria K -5 1025 Victoria St, Costa Mesa Judy Laakso, (9491515--6985 Whittier K·3 1800 N. Whittler Ave .• Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely, 1949) 515--6990 Wilson K·6 801 Wilson St, Costa Mesa Candy Sperling, (949) 515-6995 FOR THE RECORD NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 9'9·64S·7616 Continental RICE Non-Daily NON-FAT Node DREAM Beverage u:rlh YOGURT Addqiril~ 1% Fat Enrlchted & Made 16 Flavon to CIJOO!lf! from Organic Ria -Sog /l)'W •Regular • Vanilla ·~ 91°' • Lactose REG. • Carob Free 99 G '2.29 32 az . Orgaillc Joseph's Milk Meets Weigh:t Waldaers & Heart AssOciation CriJma • Whole :=Cookies • Peanut Butt.er Sltgar Free FOOD BASED ~"l '=-1 • ..wit Qm Orwla • 811 .... ,, e C'lw.mlp«e fl-.t lklillr • Lw • <Jwrolet• Rn It 1 11 • aBh-ao e a.c I .. ·=.. • MENS BLEND A clal(y maltkltamln deeipd for mm • WOMENS BLEND A..., ma1tkltamin for women with optimal amwnll of follc KW_. 1,000 me of caldum. am:'2 ==-sis!! FARM FRESH PRODUCE • Slim • l polnJ ,_. M Ultfl • Powa-Ba1MDlt $4SOO = llO' REG. .& l4;_. '4.75 DR.ATKIN'S • 2% Low Fat • 1% Low Fat • Fat Free REG. '2.99 1fl Gal DR.ATKIN'S Tile ~ Low Cub Llfeatyle .r.:t:; Muffin Mix No Sugar Added $ SUGG. ''6.99 ~~-~ WlWEN'S HE4U'll ct NA1VRAL MFNJPAl.ASE SOW'llQVS . By Marrus U1ux N.P. - FREE Seminar/Booksigning . (CMPatio) • Chocolate ()Up • Cllocolate Walnut • Pecan Shortbread REG '419 ¥C::Geyser Spring Water BoaW"' the Soaroo4 =.::-~ - I . "' .. - PUBLIC SAFETY • SE»I HILLER I DAILY PILOT Marie. Fisher, Newport Beach traffic investigator, prepares to take measurements after a truclr struck a traffic signal at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Ford Road on Friday. Man mjured after ;- pickup crashes A 57-year-old Palmdale man was hospitalized Friday morning after he lost control of his pickup truck because of a possible medical condition. Newport Beach PoVce said. The man was ta.ken to Hoag lions th~Care. a wholly Hospital with broken legs. owned ARV subsidiary from chest injuries. several cuts 1996 to 1998. improperly and a concussion. Shulman charged costs on its Medicare said. cost reports from 1992 to MWe believe that the acci-1998, said Thom Mrozek, dent was caused because of spokesman fo r the U.S. Anor- his medical condition," he •ney's Office. Officials alleged said. GeriCare submitted bills for The man, whose name was not released because his family had not yet been noti- fi ed, was driving south on MacArthur Boulevard and was about to make a left turn at Bonita Canyon Drive at about 8 a.m. Friday when wit- nesses saw him slump over the wheel and drive through the intersection of Bonita Canyon Drive, said Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shul- man. No one else ,was i~jured in unallowa61e costs and re- the crash that left one lane on celved more r.eimbursement northbound MacArthur from Medicare than it should Boulevard closed for an hour. have. Former Bechler company settles The pickup truck then hit a ' median and wrapped around a traffic signal in the north- eastern comer of the intersec- tion, he said. ARV ~isted Living ln.c.. a Costa Mesa company once operated by Newpon Coast couple Eric and Pegye Be- chler. on Friday agreed to pay Sl.6 million to resolve allega- tions of Medicare fraud. offi- cials said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA West a.ic.r StJwt: An assauh was reported in the 800 blodc at 12:03 a.m. Wednesday. East Bay StJwt: Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodt at 4:33 a.m. Wednesday. Bri8tol Street: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 blodc at 11:35 a.m. Wednesday. Ha1tM>r Boulevard: Vandalism CHASE Continued from Al to have been an ounce of meth- amphet.amine from two men and a woman, said Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shul- man. "When they realized it was the police. the suspects got in their car and Oed. • he said They drove in a white 1996 Ford Mustang around the Mesa Verde area for about 10 minutes befo~ the driver lost control or the vehide and went off the road on Mesa Verde north of Adams Avenue, Shulman said Darnel l.ann.ing. 27, of Ana- heim and Olelsea Porter. 18, of The settJement reached Thursday stems from. allega- was reported in the 3200 blodc at 9:19 a.m. Wednesday. Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident-involving injuries was reported in the 1900 blodc at 10:47 a.m. Wednesday. West Wilson StJwt: A vehicle burglary waa reported in the 200 blodc at 7:04 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH Ima Loa Court An auto theft was reported in the 100 blodc at ~on Viejo were arrested a short distance from crash scene. But the search continued for the third man, James Lambert, 36. Shulman said he was unsure as to where Lambert lives. A foot chase ensued with help from Cost.a Mesa Police officers and the helicopter jointly oper- ated by Newport Beach and Costa Mesa police departments. Officers arrested Lambert at about 11 :45 p.m. -more than four hours later -after he was found hiding at a friend's house in the 2700 blodc of Peterson Plac.e in Cost.a Mesa, Shulman said. He said the pursuit reached speeds of 50 mph at times. No one was injured during the ind- Eric Bechler is currently serving a life i.entence in slate person after he was found guilty of murdering his wife in a h1&Ji -profile trial in January 2001 . Jurors believed Bechler took his wife on a boating trip. killed her and dumped her body in the ocean. The BechJeri. owned Geri- Care until 1996, when they sold the company to A.RV. The couple continued to operate GeriCare until ARV fired them in 1997. 9:39 a.m. Thursday. loggla: An auto theft was reported in the 2100 blodc at 9:46 a.m. Thursday. MecArthur Boulevard: A commercial burgtary was reported in the 3900 blodc at 6:51 a.m. Thursday. Newport c.nt.r Drive East Grand theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 1 :05 p.m, Thursday. East e>c.nfront: A burglary _ was reported in the 900 blodc at 2:12 p.m. Thursday. dents and no shots were fired. he sai"ti. No traffic collisions or acciden1-; were reported in con- nection with the chase. "We don't believe any of the suspectS were anned," Shulman said. . Bail for all three has been set at $25,000. Lanrung and Porter are being held in Orange County jail while Lambert Is in Newport Beach city jail. They have been charged with conspiring to sell ~ and evading police, Shulman said • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts She may be reached at 19491 574-4226 or by e-mail at doepa.bharath~lat1mes.com. Orange Coast College offers you •.• Countle11 Po11ib1Utie1! NQ matter what your goal is, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We ofter more than 200. different transfer and carttr options. We1l get you to a univenity-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. Well prepare you. for an exciting career-Our career progra ms are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospiuls and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model -OUr beautiful campus is.sect.ire. Tuttion for CaUfo~nia residents is just $11 per. unit. ·Go onlfne or call now :for registration information. We'll help you get there. . Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 ~ orangacoa1tcollag1.com Continued from Al workers. But some Newport-Mesa. offi- cials question how me go'mOOC can even consider asking them to do more in -any area when he al· ready proposed slashing $1.9 bil· lion from the state education budget in mid-year cuts. "It's interesting he • would be oontinuing to give us mandates while he's going to cut our budget mid-year," said trustee ,David Brooks. Since the initiative does not specify lq which science subjects laboratory woi:k should be In- creased. It leaves a lot of unan- swered questions. Brooks said But Brooks emphasized that the district already does consider sci· ence instruction a top priorit)t "Science is one of the areas we are very ooncemed with and one we ,have put a lot or time, money FAMILY Continued from Al 1bat was her mother's choice. a .fact that is not in dispute and for which I can personally vouch. But that wasn~ good enough for Scheer. He determined that because shi had no contact with her mother, she was not qualified to dlscuss the family affairs of the callers to her r.idlo program. Worse, he painted the picrure of Dr. Laura as a hypocrite. But Scheer conveniently failed to note that Dr. Laura has a sister, Cindy, who also had no relationship with her mother. al50 her mother's choi& Slmply put. Dr. Laura's mother did not wan1 . to have anytlung to do with either -of the dilldren she made and nothing that Laura or Cindy ttied could change that. It's hard to have a relationship with <;0meone when they refuse to acknowledge your enstence. Most of tus column was not about Dr. Laura's mother and her · strange behavior, but a recap' of much of the old Dr. Laura dirt that has ~n dredged up aver the ye(IJ'S. Scheer starts in again on Dr. Laura's qualification to the title "Dr." Schlessinger has a PhD in physiology. 'Thats no small feat and anyone who goes through the many yearao of '><:hooting it requires and jumps through all the hoops to achieve the goal earns the titJe. It's not up 10 Scheer to decide -it''> a fact that you get 10 call yourself" Dr." ~ though you don't perform surgery on the wrong leg or chspense pills that people don't need My brother. Michael is a psychologi.st. not a medical doctor. I le has a PhD having acquired it through yeal'5 of intense srudy at some of the nation's finest schools. He is "Dr. Smith" to his patients and anyone else outside his family. There's no escaping one name. however - mom still calls him "Mikey," even though he is 57. ff Dr. Laura had only that degree a<> her qualification to discuss personal mancrs with strangers. Scheer might have a small case. But he failed to acbiowledge that Dr. l.Bura IS also a licen'ied mamage and family therapist -and has been for a long, long time -and wu In a successful private practice before and during the start of her radJo career. And as if it had anything to do with anything else. Scheer dredged up Dr. Laura~ '· . Clll i CILlrDI (') 714 t• ~t-, i ... and effort lnlo, especially in the ways has • ready aupply of labs with the ~ teaehm.. and skilled wod:en In c.:alifnm ... 8roob said. Davis has ~ state comm Other componentS or the initia-colleges and universities co dw lndude: . ~ more clinJcal &dence • DaW is directing TechDOlogy. ~~~?' ~'--Ca1ifi nade and c.ornmen:eAgeney Sec· UQY.. IUO.U:: rewy Loo Hatamjya to coordi· man! ~ve In oate dforts with the Labor and with the federal ~ World'orce Oevek>pmeOl Agency. through the six Regional 1'chnol Depa11ment of Education and ogy Alliances and other p~ other agencies to review existing so that Callfomia companies can programs and resources that can tab Cull adwntage or the sevaaJ be redirected to support the life federal gJ81ll programs available sciences Industry; to fund life sciences research and • Davis 1.s also c:fuecting Hatami-commerdal dewk>pment ya to wodc closely with the Uni· "Each of these initiatives can versity or California's Office of the ·be accomplished wtthin the re- President, and the Tuchnology sources available to us even in 1\'ansfer offices of each UC cam-the current budget situation.· pus, to develop strategies that ac-Daw said in a pres.'I . release. celerate the tranSfer of teehnology "When it comes to creaung jobs. and its commercialization. stand-promoting business and makirlg ardize the licensing process for California prosperous. California the UC system and give the local will not waJt around for natJonaJ UC Technology nan.seer Offices or international conditions to more autonomy: change, but will take charge of ill> • To ensure that the industry al-own future.· three-year-Okftravails ~ homosexual activists. who resented some of her public comments a.bout their sexual preferences. Dr. Laura apologiz.ed publicly for her rerna.tb. earning my tough approval because she used the words "I am sorry." not the usual euphernisrm we hear such as "error in judgment" or "I was mistaken. " The mos1 important pan of Scheer's colwnn seems to be not what he wrote but what he consciously omitted. f'he truth is lha1 over the cour..e of her 20-plus yeais on the radio and through her best-selling book.<.. Dr. Laura Schlessinger hai. been responsible for the unprovement of countless· families and relationshJps acros'> the country. · Millions of parents have heeded her admonitions about spending more time with their lcids and getting their priorioes straight. I know becaw;e I read their leners and published many of them during my stint as her editor. I also know bec:aw.e I have been l~tening to her for 10 yt.'aN. Her in.-.ights were enough for ml' to make some very bold decisions in my life that have resulted m more happin~ than I ever dreamed ~e..~ ~ 11 1S ... I only hope Scheer iSne\Ter m tht' audience when my daughter is on stage. • STEVE SMrTH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance wnter Readers may leave a meuage for him on the Daily Pilot h0tl1ne at 1949 642-a>86 LARRY M. FELTS L..any M. Felts, 62, passed a way Christmas morning, Dec 25, 2002. Born in Washington, and raised In Arizona, Mr. Fetts was a long time resid ent of Oranpe County a nd most recently restded In Newport Beach, CA. Educated at ASU (85) and Cal State LA (MBA), his career -..-lr1Cluded working with Hughes Aircraft a nd retiring as a Vice Presid e nt with Avc o Flnancial Sefvlces In 1998. He held a d eep faith in God a nd was a ctive In various community and church activities including lef'Ving as an Elder and Sunday school teacher at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. He was committed to wor1(Jng with youth and volunteered as a Royal Famlly Kida Camp Counselor and tuto red at the Shalimar After School Program. In addition to adoring his grandc hildren he also ~joyed travel and was passionate about gotf and basketball. Mr. Felts touched many with his faith, friendship and kindness and those who new him join In cetebratJng his life. His wife, Dianne Felts, mother Nyda Felts, Daughtens Lori Rogers and Michelle Denls onde Fe lts, ste pson, Adam He arlson a nd his grandc hildren, Rebecca and Mellssa Roge rs, survive him. His stepson Chad Hear1son recentty passed away also. Memorial services and reception w111 be held Wednesday, January 8th, 11 :OOa.m. a t St. Andrews Pntsbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach, CA 92663. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations In his memory to : St. Andrews Decon Fund. . BARNES Steven J. Passed away at home on December 29 2002 from complications due to his diabetes. He was to tum 4" on January 1, 2003. Bom to Dr. David and Myrna Barnes. In Iowa Ctty, Iowa In 1959. He grew up in Corona def Mar, Calif. where he~ most of his life. He attended Mariners Elementary, uncotn Jr. High and Corona def Mar High School. Mhough he pCayed all sports very well, he will ~ remembered for hf9 excellence In track and field at Corona del Mar H.S. Gifted wHtt both elze and grace, he ran the more demanding of events -the 880 - whefe he held several H .S. records In the 880 tor the Coach Tomlin championship teams of the mid '70s. Aftor a couple of years of college and not particularly fond of achoot, he embatked on a lifelong jol.sney Qf entrepreneurship that gave him both extreme p1eu&ne and disappointments. Never to be easily dllcouraged, he woukt wOl1< relentlessty to come up ~ a new Idea °' product to aeH to the maaaea. He often traveled throughout the wortd in IMl'Ch of new opportuntttea. He wu wortc:lng on euch a product up to the day he died. In Newport Beach, Caltf., he manted JIU N•ueko in 1993. Together they formed the petfect t..n tor 17 yMf9. complementing each other in the dHfwent MpeC1a of the bu1kM1es w0f1d. Never having c~. s..w lcMd ~ adored his dogs. It ~n't be unuaual for '*" to ._ a nice, wann midday IWtm with his be6oved ~ .....,. a Queen.aand Healer. VVWt • He loved the bMct'I and OCW1 vwy much. obr\ ~ellrig to HawWt Alhlng alto gave '*" grMt .,...,,. bUt he .-,'t ..,.. to do It .. often In the lat ,.. YIWI-• He wit be remembered .. 1n lndepet~ ~ otwi9matlc ~ that neYW dtd lfyYthlng .. M)Ql9 ..... He 19 '9UMwd by Na loving wtfe Jtl• hltl .,.,.ma Olvtd ::::., ~-hta lfttle brother Mike Ind ,. wtte Md111; hltl _,; fatMr Ind mother In-law 1\lta lind 9f*'9y NMMMo; ~and .. irHl!w, John Ind &llM Aeu11fn; and four --and.~ .... Wll ...... lfr be mlMeCt by... . . ~ioM wtl bili ...... ~ J.n. .. .. 1 p.m. ... ~ betw•110a.rn • .nd1 p..m. .. ~ & 0.. Colo1M Mortutwy, Redondo 8-oh., Cllf. '31Cll m-1441 (84lt _,.. 2'71. In leU of ..... .,....~ ..... '° ... ~~of h U.S.. 2100 L ~ N.W. WMti11 ~ Ann: tQr.nd ........ 1-- z ON VACA I 1 0\oi km Lamb and Genevieve Kmney of Balboa at the Guaymas Airport Daily Pilot Columnist Jim de Boom and his w1f e Barbara with a ht Mexico during a recent tnp to visit Costa Mesa residents Al Chmese solider at the Great Wall while on a Chamber of ~OJOrquez and Arlene Halzle, who have a home m San Carlos. Commerce Tour m China -even 'and'tl'nri~Koffi~?DrNewp rt B'each m tron ot a monument to ttiP ShePIJ Do~ at Lal-'e Te~apo during 1'ecent trip to New Zealc.Jnd .. Wanda Bale and Tim Sandefer of Costa Mesa at Odeon's Platz while -.iacat1oning r rAunich Germany The sixth grade class from Mar.ners •:r1st1an Schoo11n Costa Mesa attending a Carrpus b~ res~:: ~·og•c:ir.> on Ca;a11~a sla~c ANTIQUE ROW & GARD EN CAFE 30 Years of Excellence • Design anJ In stallation ( "'111 Ir.mt• ( l111t' ·~ 949.640. 5806 J '' 011 •lf'I ~111111f11( u flh ,1 K••1:• 1 '/ 1, • .,._.n,·1 • Cl•352373 Quality Criltbm•n•hlp Oua111nteed 714-965·1876 • 800-433·2588 ; . . f,11,· lf11111e I um1cl1111gs. l111111ur .c I ,/Ir 1thU /t.idt11on..zf IU ( utT,1f.t (, It .111d (,.irdm f>uor U 1•/ / 1 / .1111/ /Jr/11 rr ~ ' (,,, d<11 ( 1/< l1111dm l'.111 [)111111~ 11' "'t. Hrr.1l·r.1 1 I u111 I• lr.1 '""' .111 I •f'Tt'SllJ H.11 I ( 111 f/Ol 'R\ ,\fun \1111 911m--1p111 ' ( t111dlrs t11 Cl1a11drlw , l'ud C' R.irr Bu11k (u,/1J111 />1crurr / 1,m1111x I u r111tu11 Rt•Jtorat1u11 , 11111111111.-h more ' ROll H(Jl R\ 7 ut \.u I O..zm )pm (949) 722-1177 Up to ·60% Off Shoes, Hand Bags & Accessories. ........... ...... -. .... ... - ... AS Saturday, January 4, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Lettera: Mail lo Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. CoS1a Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdera Hotline: CJJll (949) 642~ Fax: Sen~ to (949) ~17~ I ri h E·maU:Sand to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clantv. an e gt · Le~e 's religious values fell on deaf ears My lener is prompted by that of GeoffWes1 (Mailbag, WLeece played an important role in the community," Dec. 27). Unlike him, I urge you tp not con 1der for one moment, the inclusion of a column or anything other than a Lener to the Editor by Wendy Leece. Her supponers ;eem to think char conM"rvauves are disenfrandused now that Leece 1s no longer an elected official. To help them readju'>I their t.hinhng. l can thmk of no liberal represenung Orange Countiam m local or <,nte government There may be '>ome, but they do not com\' to mind Those poSJcioru. are filled to the bnm b} conM>rvauve:.. even "arch·comervaciw~" Lonsenauves are. as we all haw nouced, well m command of nauonal po!Jllcs as well. So. forgive me if I '>ugges1 a cessation of thought., of a column by Leece -~penal!\' tf you were thmking MAILBAG it would be one that might contribute significant new ~oughts or ideas. My sense of I..eece's tenure remains one of her as a person with an agenda that fell outside the purview of public school education. Reasonable suggestions or admonishments coming from Leece were overshadowed and even nullified by her strident and detennined effons 10 impose her true agenda -that of creationism and evangelical fundamentalism - on the Newpon·Mesa Unified school system. There is a majonty that V16WS that imposition as anathema to public educauon. lhis same ma1ority strongly suppons solid values but is determined co save unto themselves the imparting of those ethics and choic~ through their own methods and beliefs - cert.amly they will not allow them to be !>elected ~d legislated otherwise .. I repeab Leece's insi!>tence on ·raising issue!) ~nd th.e puNtew of the school tf ard was obstructionist and that is why whatever other value she might have brought to the board fell on deaf ears. The board found itself in the position of being inappropriately distracted by Leeces insistence on raising issues beyond the scope of the school board as she was determined to change the system to accommodate dogma of the evangelical, fundamentalist, conservative movement. Any discussion about religious theory and how best to honor values is so personal that rancor would probably be the only 1one possible. I haven't seen much reasonable philosophical discussion around th.is subject to suggest otherwise. ls this really 'iOmething You wan1 to open up rn the communi1y? CHARLOTTE ALEXANDER Eas~ide Newport theaters cc>M them elves customer~ Whal was Ldwards/ Regal ' Theatres thinking? In lhe midst of record. breaking movie atlendance, they closed both Big Newport and Island Theatres at 8:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve. Many patrons were walking up, reading the marquee that showed 9:55. 10:15 and 10:30 p.m. showing'> but were shocked to find a closed box office. Congratulations -1us1 one more step toward rentals or cable. JAN HARGRAVES Newport Beach Councilman spawns new political breed Regarding "The Ac1ion Figure" story (Wednesday's Daily Pilot from page) about Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor: an elected official who wiU not back down from his campaign pro~ises. Whal a concept. ILAJOHNSON Co'>lJ. M'e.,a READERS RESPOND ,. Unwelcome bridges, photos AT ISSUE: Some don't favor proposed Gisler Avenue bridge or 19th Street bridge backer photo. Westside bas done its share to speed people on tbelr way. Let's give Mesa Verde an opportunity to enjoy the trafllc, noise and dirt generated by traffic and, not incidentally, lower property values. DOLORES M. MtNERtCH Costa Mesa I have always wondered why Robert Graham has How depresslng to open been such an ardent the Daily Pilot on New supporter of a bridge on Ye Oay and see, llgliin. a. 19th Street and have just photo of Robert Graham • found out that he is a the man who seems resident of Mesa Verde obse sed with ruiQing our Gisler Avenue, which is neighborhood. What on aJso considered a earth 1s the point? No text, po.ssibility fpr a bridge. is just his p1crure, right where in · area!t)f course. he we walk every morning to doesn't want 11 In his Talbert park. which would • ~ackyard; put 1t th.., ours. " be des1royed If it were up f The talk about now this to tum. "' bridge is going to pu1 a lot HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES JACK REIDLING Co ta Mesa CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CITY OF f\4EWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, CA 92663. (949) 644·3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council Gary Adams, Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols. Dennis O'Neil, Gary Proctor. Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office; 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714\ 432·5898 Chancellor. William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice . President Armando Ruiz George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 424 5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clerk . Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Serene Stokes, David Brooks. Woodside and Dan Worthington Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT J 1965 Placenlia Ave Costa Mesa CA 92627 (949) 631-1200 Board. President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey Trudy Ohlig·Hall . Fred Bockm1ller and Paul E Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PO. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200 (714) 754 5043. Board· President Arlene Schafer 200 Kalmus Drive. P.O. Box 9050. Costa Mesa, CA 92£28·9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th District, 18552 MacArthur Blvd .. Suite 395 Irvine. CA 92715, (949) 833·0180, fax: (949l IP3·06~6. Press Secretary Pat Joyce. (91 61 323-1200 of money into.the WeMs1de is hooey. Th11> will become a i.peedway. li~e V1c1oria Street, pnmanly for commuters who wtll be m too much of a hurry to get 10 their destin.uion and. m tum, in a hurry to get home and do their shopping m farrul1ar haunts. And, let's remember. money isn't everything. I remember wha1 residents on Victoria went through when the ell) took over properties on that street and I would say the How many times ace you going to publish the picture of Bob Graham in the squat position on 19th Street {Mailbag. Wednesday)? I think three times in one month Is enpugh A nJce change of pace might be one of him mooning the camera on GISier Avenue, which would ex:pre~s his feelings about that bndge a well. STEPHEN KREISLE ·Costa Mesa PUBLICATION DATES: Friday, January 24, 2003 DEADLINES: Space & Copy: Wednesday, January 15 , 2003 Camera Ready: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 For more information contact your advertising representative at (949) 642-4-321 -.J -· Daily Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS An opportunity to tha nk boat paraders E njoy the Oirlstmas boat parade? If so, here is your chance to say thank you to the boat owners and homeowners who provided the free entertainment for you and your guests for live night!> in December. Hosts. hostesses and restaurants came off looking like heroes as 90 boater; s pent· five nights touring Newport Harbor during the three-hour-p arade. You can say thank you to both the homeowners and boat owners by a ttending the Christmas Boat Parade Award'> Dinner and Auc uon , presented by Traditional Jewele~ on Friday, Jan. 17, at the four Seasons I lotel, 690 Newpon Center Drive Feo;tiv11ie~ will begin at G p.m with a recepuon dinner at 7 p.m. and award'>, auction and dancmg to the E· Ticket until 11 p.m . The co.,t is 575 per pe~on and table'> of 11. are avrulable for $900 The Com modore) <Jub of t!.l' Newport Beach Cham ber of Commerce proudly pre-.ent'> the ;-.;ewpon I I arbor <l1mt.ma~ Hoat Parade A'<\ards Omner and Auction fhls annual event celebrate., the parade winn·ti"., and feature'> entC'naanment. .1 fabulous i,Llent and ll\'e aue11cm, a sumpt,uous d inner, a\\-ard Win ners from the <Jin.,tm.t.' GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs peri odically m the Dail~ Pilot on a rotating basis. For 1nfo rmat1on on adding your organization to this ltst. call 19491 574-4298 ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to reach reading skills, work .:m mailings and coordinate the adult group (714) 999-0118 between 9 am and3 p.m PACIAC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange Co.Jnty Pacific Symphony Orctieslra s Volunteers m Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist children ma variety of ha.,ds-on m uSfcal 11ctJv1t1es Vclunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the ch4dren (7141755-5788, e>Ct. 244 PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. which raises money to support ped1alnc cancer research needs reeds volunteers for a variety of dvt1es. (949) 859·6312 PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set. needs vollllteers for rts programs 19491 262-7300 PROJECT ACCESS Project Access 1s a nonprofit organization that links resident of low-income housing developments with benefietal social services usually th rough resource centers. Volunteers are needed to turor children, teach JIM de BOOM Boat Parade and Ring of l.Jghh and a great opportunity lo ~howcase you r busine~ thro ugh your conrribution of an au ction item(s) (.om mo- do rc Oub members MehdJ Efteluui and David Janes arc serv1ng as co-chairs of the dinner and note that your do11at1on of an aucuon 11em will includ~ recogm uon of }'Our donation in lhe auction program at the event, company or families name on the U1amber\ Web )Ile and in a spetial rt'cogniuon ad in the Daily Pilot. Auction 11c1w. dona1ed,to dak 1m lude Ornt'g.i lad~·., I HK yellm\ gold and i.teel ~Jtth ,aJucd at · $J,:;oo. luxunou., hotel )tays in Bo.,ton, PaJm Heath. (Jiirngo a~ ~l'IJ ci'> the '\c'''P<Jn lkath ac I our wason .. , I !}all and ~1.irno11 I loteb. gol! lour-.ome'> at HobiQson Ranch. Monanh BeJch and l.m < abo., dnd airfare aJl) \\here in the nauon that Auwncan A1rlim:' Ole'>. Proceed-. will ht·ncfit tlw craf1s and computer skills at the various centers Paul Shapiro 19491 253·3120 e.(t. 229 PROJECT CUDDLE Pro1ect Cuddle a nonprofit o rgan1zat1on, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and d rug exposed children In add111on to office help and once a month. 12·hour hotline sh1f1s, volunteers are needed for cin auxiliary group, fund-ra1s1ng comminees and to help distribute st1dcers to stop babies from being abandoned 1n trash bins The organization also needs donated 91ft items for 01others and babies 17141432-9681 PROJECT TOGETHER Pro1ect Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relauonshrp with children stressed from family problems and abuse This component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and superv1s1on for the program Many of the children are economically deprived. v1ct1ms of neglect or both 1714) 850-8444 READINGBY 9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten through the third grade In Costa Mesa· Pomona Elementary School. 19491 515 6980. Wh1tt1er Elementary School, (94915l5-6898~Wilson Elementary School. (949) 515-6995, and New Shalimar Learning Center. (9491 646-0396. need help for students 1n reading, HAPPY N EW YEAR Timr lo Ra1rw )our lwm111lfr Rabbin Insurance Agency Al ro . llO\ifOW'l.E.R!I • Ill-Al.TH ~~ ~C f')..J ../ ,. , 949-631-77 40 441 Old Newport Bhd. • Ncwpon Bach (Neai Ho.g Hotpii.l) COMPLETE AU'l8 REPAIR Impons & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services · Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • 1 njection Scrvic.c Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs , • L • I ' \ I" ' I l FREE SMOG WITH ANY MAJOR TUNE-UP s-. °"""" Sirtt'l 1965 • J8 y..,,,,, c.-Mn. .... .._... ........ 2~5 Randoiph Ave (&Nlol &c &keel M9.6'18286•11•.556.2181 E-mail: ~.com Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce a/Id the 2003 Omstmas Boat Parade. Deadline for in clusion in the event program 1s Friday. To reserve tickets or to donate an auction uem. call Karin Graves at (9491 729-4400 HARBOR MESA LIONS PLAY BINGO: I !arbor Mesa uon) will begm the new year With its "Lucy and I thyl'~ Bm1¥J Parlor" fund·rai!>er ctl us 6:30 p m Monday m eeung. <Jub memher!> Arlene Schafer and Carol Van Holt will conduct the game<,. Memhen. and gue.,L!. \.\/Ill pla> IO ""in donated pn1e.., after the meetm~ at the c..o .. ta Mesa C..011mry Uuh. fund<, raised will be given to local orgaruzauon'> 111 \pn.Lf-0r mformauon about th1'> e\.ent rall (714) ':162 -02fi'l SPEAK UP NEWPORT: At 1t'> Wcdne,Ja} rnee1111~. Speak Up Newport will hea r from Nl'WJJOrt Heath Pohu.• Capt. PauJ Henlsey and l t Bob Oakley about thl• \trborne I.a\\ I·.nforcemen1 ...,en ice ... provided by the NewpfJft Beach Police Departrnenl hcltcoplt'r team I he meet in).: e11 the '\ewport At.'ach ll•1rn1-. Ouh wH+Gt>gm w11h refn·~hmlnt'> at 5.'ifl p 111 writing and English Mentor · sessions may be scheduled from 8 30 to 11 30 a m and after sdlool from 3 10 6 p m Monday through Friday SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organ1zat1on is looking for volunteers to help create a posrllve alternative for people 12 to 23 Volunteers are needed to help rn areas such as boxing, sports. health. fitness aerobics and academic tutoring (949) 548 3255 SERVlCE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepren~urs online. Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership SENIOR MEALS 0AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens res1drng 1n Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them Vpluntcers a re asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period S ubstitute drivers are also needed to fill in fo r regular drivers. (7 14) 840·6611 or (7141 891-0804 and program at 6 p m I-or mcm:. information. call C94!U 224 2266 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SERVICE CLUBS: Jennifer Ham.on. v.ho 1011wd the Newport Beach ( urune1 Jel Mar K1wan1., Club WQRTH REPEATI NG: I mm "TI1oui.:h1 for the !Jay· provided by Greg Kelley ol the ~t'\.\ port \.1t".d ln.1nt' lnll'rfaJth C.ounul: "llw only twlv happy 111cli1•u/1m/ 1,·alwm' a JiKlllll1J!. 011111111~1. < Jpt1111"''' "" /1u/t>( not on/~ ulcrui-'nt Ina"'"' 'II! wl (f!.l/HJ/1\1.bi/t(V, \flt Ill/ lfl/Jlll}{t' llflt/ Oiljt'I I/I'll) " -\\. Beran WoUe SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS TH IS COMING WEEK T\JESDAY 710 a.m I hl' 40-mt•nilwr :\e'' pon BeU< h Sun mt H11tdl)' Club \\UI met·t ur f1H' < ro'"" 6 30 p.m tilt' Co-.ta \lt•.,a :-.:ewport Hiirb11r LHHl'> Club will meet at tht' < >'>IJ :-.te<,a ( ountf'\ < Jub tor e1 program on till" qrangc Count~ \\utl·r I >l'>lrtct WEDNESDAY DONAHUE Continued frorr A. \l1dwllc. Io y1•.ir Id d.1u l1H•1 K.<Hht•nm·. u.ud --u·.ir old l\\\fl du.ug!Ht'r'-Ill'\ 111 am! \l11rg.m \t•f\'lll'' \\Ill !.JI..\.' pl.Ht' .u (Jur I J<.h ()ueen ol \ngl'I' 111 :\l'\\ pun Bea<. h JI notJn \ londa\ I lw t..umh ha'> rl·qur.t•·U that 111 'lt'.111 qf flo~t•r., llHllirll~·N ma~ I' dor1t1tmn' 111 I >ondl1Ut'' lllt'lll!lr\ LION Cont:nued from Al am.I "' k thl· w.1 Ir 111 1 ... 1uualh \t'f\ m 1b1lc md .:111 lo 'P.111 .1 1.irgt: dl'>lcin<:t• Ill ct .,J 11n !lint' to lntt· d human ti ht' ,., ...a mcllnl'd, tl.J.lprude ~d IJft-guard., p<1,ted ct '>lgJl near the \t.>a llon 11ot1f\1ng linY cunous onlooker.. th.11 '>tate and federal law., proh1b11 d1 .. turbinR ~uch ani- mal'>. The 'l:d hon '"m ..,taoont'd rwar the " g11 l!ir :11 lf'ci'>I a few hour., I ml. ' l>l'lllrl' II lopt·d off 1ga1n into tilt· 11u.-an. Ile'> ', n h.1nJ~>flll'." Roger. ,,ud I r r urt• ht''U ha' e girl- f rwnd' IJtl'r 111 hie u • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers l\ewport B· a~ and John Wayne Airpart Sh.-may be readied at 9491 574-4232 or by 1• mail at unP CJSd9'<Jnde "larimes com Clearance Save u-p to 50% <i>ff ong1nal pnces on select fum1sh1ngs. 1nclud1ng floor models. View them at roomandboard.com. Quantrt1es are limited. 7 15 J m .. fhe .!O member C...outh < oa'I Metro Hutary Club \\ 111 meet at the ( l'llll'r Club . u•wu \flUtlta><utrrwtm ruwry.org), and till' '1,t'wpon I !arbor Klwam) Uub will ntl'et ill uw Unt\.er'>tl\ \thJt'Ul Club '\oon 1 hl"40 mcmber f.xchangc Uub ot tht Orangt· ( oa'>I ~111 meet JI thl' Balua Cor111th1.u1 )Jthl <Jub 6 pm fhe fiO llll'mher Hot.try < Juh ot '\e\'. port Hal boa '<\ 111 meet at thl' Hah1·1 < !Htnth1an Yacht < Juh 10 tw.1r Kirk l\1clnto!lh c11ret I 11 111 the l>J1I~ Ptlur < up ''ll t "r tr111rnJme111 THURSDAY 7 d m 11 t' _o plu~ ml'mh1 r ( o~l.i :O.lt•'J <Ir.in~··< .,,t.i H1c;i1Ja,t IJ1111• <Juli \\tll mt·1•1 ,11 \ 1Lm1., < de t , Jr lron Karen Sh epard C.rlm~, ,f '>o ti 1 ro C Jhfi 1rn1J I tlt,on '1,orm 1 lw >o 1111·111 ht•1 < .. .,1 1 \le.,a 1\1\\ am-. ( J11h \\II 1111 1 • 11 tht• H11l1l1.i, l11n th• 'iO·memllt'r :--:c" purl Heach < cirrma d1•l \far Jo. I\' .in1 .. ( lub , .. 111 ml'et .JI 1iw Hallld C onntl11,111 'adtl ( luh llll'li J..111 <1111\ (Jf~lc /11/1 U1)/nm1• 11 • tht• HCJ-11ll'mlw1 I \thangt· tJub ot '..t·\'f>Ort I IMbor \\Ill me1•t JI th ... \:t•\\IH1fl I l,trh11r '\,tlllll<ll \ tu~l·um to bl.'.11 .1uthor l ed to till' d1.irt1\ 111 lht:ir dtr111.t· lxin.il11w -. w1ber h.1, -.t:I 11 1 r•·1 onkd 111e"111•1· \\1th tnl<irn u !11111 JIHHll 'l'r\IU'" ul 71 l ·,~ I 1110 I \l ·,ill ln1111111.11101t 1'> ,1,•> I\ t1l11hll ill Ult• d lllp.!11\' \\I'! 'llL1 U I l tf11tl1.IJ ,.u''i( llfl/ r"'f& I! • JUNE CASAGRANDE ,_ ,..il~~·u N T O:J-=>-..,, .... ~ :~-----.....:~•- ou DEFE\ E ATTOR.\n 1 ~fYLES L. B MA.\ W~ntworth dt)rLJ!>S ·Build a Bl'ttcr '>pOU'>t' I rap·" and the 100.memher Newport Irvine Rotary Oub will meet di the ln1nt.-Mctmott I lott'l 111 ht·cir Mark Desmond cit lflgh Hope' I lt-dd lnJUf) Program · IC'Wlt mrullln org; • COMMUNITY & CLUBS is i;ut1l1sne<l Satur 1.1.tys r 1he 0drly P1to1 Sena fOur serv11 .... cl!Jb s mettting 1nforrnd1ton by fa,, to. 9491 660 Bt.67 .. moil IO 1d~tJoom "dO i:om or Oy mail to 2082 S E Br s1 Su1'F-io• NP.,., µon 81< dtti CA !'12660 1 74G Jeff El-'. 1n~ &. 1..vleen £.,..1111: \.\HE'.\ 'OCR HOCSE I ~ BF.l'\G SH O\.\ ~ \\ nJJ 'nouic ~ ou do "her J ki:Jll• r , mt•, Ii~ ) our h.ami:. • J,._ompJnti:J Ii~ J potcn11al DU) .:r' It 1, ~lier IN ~ CIU 1n go 11 r ,1 "Jlk or run an erranJ ,, hl'n : ur t111me '' h.:1ng ~ ',V1 t:.'" U 1.i;h \1U ~· \I. n r. Jh ut ' u· h u't th.Jn .in'. fl JrrJ 01J\ ~ .11r JIJ 1h 11 the J.'t' r "' 1 I .er ok ' 'i c·hin: 1m;:ion.i· ) ur rn:: .. i:n, l.' \\I I hJ\ t' .tn rnpJ. I or 1h, .1..::n1 , Jb1!11~ It "'"rk "1th tllJ\el' Pr pt'l;:l\c nu;cr>. need tc kd .. omhmablt: Jh<'UI .'I' r.~ lh!.' J;i:nt ki:dbJ.k Jt°lnu1 :11ur h1 n c tiu• lh1' d1JI i;ut ,.in bt: t.' £'11~ n· rruptt'J ) our pre,t·n. t· Junnt: J ..,ho" m~ mJ' m..i e \ Jrrear ar \IOU• ,t'I ;1\ 111~ 1he ou~t:r tnt: 1mpre,,1 )n ihat he 1...Jrt tiu: tl r mu, r. .:,, 1hJ" \ ur a,~1r1.. pr\.t ) Uf ffi ,• trrpOr!Jrrt ~~1ntnhu11nn '' 111 ~l'l'p ~ ur hon1c 10 rr1mt: 'h \\in. -.ondmon .)o lhJt the Ri:J I 1 orponumt: hJ"!.' •u ,on,,,u11't \1;J· real t''!Jll' l'\pt>ritll\.• 1n "'H \I. I' (I rt B t:J \. r For profe,.,10nal -.en ice or ad' ice ~ith aJI ~our real e'tall' need I call th e F"' in g~ at Coast \e~ port -Cold\\ ell Banker at 19-'91 '"59-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Prbi:ferty's •1 Team For 2001 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE • VIM. FLOORING •!'.!!!~ f .i,!,fo,.:,\.) SOLAAl~1' :Al"l!al] SOLID BRAZJUAN MOHAWl(DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET • Ctwrya s5~ 10-. Fa' 1 !.•· Pai f'rish kd•"-*' ........ Travertlle 18' x 18' ................................... -..................... 'lit .. , Cenrnic Tle,,.,,M, .. , .. ~ .... ffO-•H .. •HMU-•MU_,.,,......, ....... , ~~ ........................... " .................... ~-u .. '-. ,17$ .. . • A8 Saturday, January ·4, 2003 AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND lOWN it~s to the Daily Pilot, mW. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to f949) 64&4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. SUNDAY Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will host a Twelfth Night Celebration at 5 p.m. at the church In Corona del Mar. The event, Yhlioti will be the fourth concert in the 2002·2003 Friends of Music Serles, wUI include a festival of seasonal hymns. The church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Free. For more information, call 949-644-0463 or visit www.stmikescdm.org. The J.ewlsh F-ederation Young Business & Professionals will hold a special event and tour of the Jewish Federation beneficiary agencies and dessert reception from 7 to .9 p.m. at a private home in Newport Coast. The organization, which consists of singles and touples ages 25 to 45, Christ Church By the Sea L'n11ed Mc1hc.tl1\1 1400 W. BJlboa Blvd., Sc·wpurr Bt'J.11 8 4' ~m. Aduh '>un<h1 xh··~ R )IJ 6'. I 0 '-"' \I 1.nh1p ,nJ I hJdrtr" \w!J..• \.~• ,~ The !Uv. Dr. Geo~ R Crup, Pa.nor (949)67}-3805 Costa Mesa MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church Scho~ 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Dr. Richard Geor e 714 979-8234 Newpon Center Unitcc:I Methodist Church Rrv. Cathleen Coors. Pasror 1601 Margueme Ave. corner of M;trguerire and San Joaquin Hills Rd. ' (949) 644-0745 Bam Quin Worship Service JOam Worship and Ch1/dm1's Sunday Schnol Youth muting w~~kly Costa Mesa First United Methodist Chui:ch 420 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa (949) 548-7727 provides a connection and entry point into the Jewish community for single and married young adults and provides educational and social pr-0grams, spiritual enrichment and community involvement while building meaningful relationships. For more information, call Deborah Klein at (714) 755-5555, ext. 225. MONDAY The Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County wjll host a support group for caregivers from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Newport Beach. The church is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Free. For reservations, call (949) 640· t150. TUESDAY The Corona del M ar Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly board of directors meeting at 7:15 a.m. in the chamber office. The office is at 2855 E. Coast Highway. Suite 101. For more information. call (949) 673-4050. WEDNESDAY Newport Beach Community Services will host a new drawing and painting workshop series on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today through Feb. 26. The workshop will include St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949·548·2237 Corner of Bay & Orange Ave. • Sunday Services: 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9:45 Holy Euchw"fst at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Dr. Batbara Stewat1, Rector www. · hncm. . ~t~cfiaef ~~¥ Pacific Vi~ ar Margucri!t' Corona dd Mar • 644·046~ A (011grtgat1on of rht A11gl11an C.om11"<111u11 Bl/WING OCR FAITH WVISG l HRISI AND SER11NG OUR COMMUN/ff The Rcvd l'rm ll Havne1 Rmor \L'SDl\Y \lH~.bL'LE 8 am · Hol, 1'uchan11 CJ ~m Sundlv \chooll o\Julr Bible )rud' I 0 vn · Cboul Eocham1 \/ 'Rll/?1 <..ARf iWli.llll SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A ~ Wvtt4 to tl!iif 8' S.rilf WwS Grist OS""'-'~ The Very Rev. Canon David Anderson, Rector 3 209 V10 Lido Newport Beoch 949/6750210 7 30 om Trodilioool 9 om Coniemporo'Y. 9om Church SchoOI 1 I om Chari $ITIOlic and Wednesday Noon tthew's (f;J,,m1 .,.,1 fl'~ We're excited, our new churc h i• open and we'd love lo have you vi1il \. / St. Matthew's Church·& Pruchool • r.rloh ••I rh~ An1l1.an L•ili.•11, I liu1d1 Traditional Epiec:opaJ Su.oday Sctvica: 9:00 6'. 11 :00 am Sunday School:•9:00 am '"""~com lJOO Ford Rtw.d, Nc-wpon Beach (a>mct Bonni Canyon at Prairie Rd) Thr Rev. Stephen C. Sca<k«, Reuor individual inl1ruction for beginner through advanced students in mixed media. The workshop will be held in the Vince Jorgensen Cent~r adjacent to Mariners Library at 2005 Dover Drive. $66 for residents, $71 for nonresidents. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. THURSDAY The lntematlonel Coach Federation, Orang" County Chapter will host a business solutions workshop at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Costa Mesa. The first part of the workshop will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. and will focos on contracts • for coaches. The second part will deal with powerful questioning and will be held from 6:30 to 8:3~ p.m. The hotel is at 3550 Avenue of the Arts. For more information, call Elaine Arons at (949) 457·6190, or visit www.icforangecounty.com. Mary end Darwin Boblet will present a slide lecture about their three·year sailing adventure with their two young sons at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The presentation is part of the library's armchair travelers series. The Boblet family left from • the San Francisco Bay and traveled to Mexico, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Frejt. For more information, call (949) 717·3801. JAN.11 Auditions for the School of American Ballet's 2003 Summer Course will be held at thtt Defore Dance Center in Costa M8$8, Auditions are open to intermediate and advanced students only a~d will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for · 1J.year-olds, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. for 15-year.Olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 1& to 18-year-olds. Students must register one hour in advance. For more information, call (212) 769-6600 or (714) 241·9908. JAN.12 The Azzoni Sisters and vocalist Brenda von Gremp will perform works for voice, violin and piano at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Christian Azzoni plays the piano and her sister, Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the violin. The library is at 1000 • Avocado Ave. Free. For more information, call (949) 717-3801 or visit www.newportbeach library.org. -·WORSHIP DIRECTORY JAN.16 UC Irvin• Medical Center will host a seminar on Medicare benefits at 10 a.m. In the University Club at the UCJ campus. The seminar will focus on the latest changes In Medicare benefits and supplemental Insurance coverage. It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club Is at Los Trcincos and East Peltason Drive. Free. For more information, call (877) UCl·DOCS. or visit www.ucihealth.com/events. JAN. 17 The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event will feature parade win'ners and have entertainment, a live and silent auction, dinner and much more. The hotel is at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach Tickets are $75 per person. $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. UC Irvine Medical Centar will host a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center. The seminar will have discussions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Free. For more Information, call 1877) UCl-DOCS. or visit www.ucihealth.com/events. JAN.21 Dally Pilot participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group Is geared toward dealing with Issues between interfaith couples. such es raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Saker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as erixiety, depre95ion, relationships, · loneliness and family. The group meets-from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. ·Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. 1714) 4454950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Manners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beaeh All hardcover and·paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. !949) 759·9667 The Braille Institute ofte,.. free compJter classes to people with The Corona del Mar Chamber of fading vision who have difficulty Comme~ce will host its monthly seeing the computer screen. The networking luncheon at 11 :30 ~~rat soo M:;im"'""l!-° ·- a.m. at the Five\:"f5WrfS = »L " ve.. Q.0n:cf~r~ar: olfe~S's1f ~~i ........ Aest~urant. Reservations are sessions. Cell to sign up for required. The restaurant is at 3801 classes 1714) 821 5000 E. Coast Highway. For more information, call (949) 673-4050 JAN. 24 UC Irvine will host Its 19tt't annual Martin Luther King Jr Symposium, "Prayer, Protest. and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Today;· from 7 to 8:30 p.m . The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virginia The symposium will be held 1n the Humanities lnstruc11onal Building, room 100 at the UCI Campus. Free. For more information, call (949) 824 7215 JAN. 29 The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa·North is hosting an open A spintual care class meets at 7 15 µ m Wednesdays at 3400 lrvtnF> Ave Suite .114, Newport Beadl Call to reserv.e a seat (949) 263· 1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networlcmg luncneon meetings Wednesdays from 11 45 a ro !O 1 p m at the Costo Mesa Country Club. The cost 1s $13 Ttie'club 1s al 1701 Golf Course Drrve. Costa Mesa 1714) 885-9090 l'HI \B\' 11 RI.\\: • house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Park and Community Center in Costa Mesa. Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay-at-home moms The center is at 1975 Balearic Dnve. For more information, call (7 14) 964·5934. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8 30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag HC;Sp1tal. 1 Hoag Drive Newport Beach. Free. Reg1strat1on not rec+Jrred The group 1s designed tc help patients and their fariiltes understand and copew11h the illness. (949) 574.6232 St. Andrew's Presbytelian Churc:tl hosts a mental illness SJpport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St An?rews Road, l'.ewport Beach. 1949) 574-2236. c I Clml centered wo11h1pp1n9 r.ommuR11v 1eich1111 our m lnngcl1sm luture in• Servani Mm111n Wor\h1p JnJ hur rhi> pr•,11ual, ( hrl!l·l(fH<'rccJ, h1hli,al mc,••gt •LET COD I RANSFORM YOUR LJFF WITH THESE TWO VER~ES" (Psalm J 39:23·24 1 'AND~w_·s rsf \~t tt ti I l HI I Dr. John A Hurfman. Jr. Puarhml( Sarurda~. Janaary 4, 200l. ~:30 P.M. ~unday.januar) ~. 20<H, 8:'0 & 10:1~ A.M laaos• f'rom Newport Harbor Hi11h School at IN1nc and t ~th) 600 ~1. And~ws RoaJ, Nt>Wpon S..ach, C al1turn1~ '<11>1> l ~ H ~ f949) 6 l1-2RHO E·MAIL infoll51andrtw•prrs.org I I I I 11 I{ \ '\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (U .. C.A.) 788 Dover Dr. Newport Beach Tradltlonal Lutheran Pastor David Monge Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 am .,. ' ' f < l lHl\ll \'\. ~ • -,. ................ Y Bring Your Head as well as Your Heart Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTI.AN CHURCH (Olaclplts of Christ) 2401 lrvlne Ave. Newport Beacll, CA (949) 645-5781 ONGOING The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on ttie third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all Newport Beach residents who have hved in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call 1949) 645·9922 or visit ' newcomers·newportbeach.org Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to INDEPENDENT LAND ROVER SERVICE • PARTS The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their par13nts fr;>m 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a mCllth at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, r,er See TOWN, Paee A9 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SQUARE WWW. PERFORMANCELTD COM l'HI \H\ 11 HI\'\. CHllD CENTERED CHURCH Sanday Service 1 Oam Bonita Creek Parle Cater, Uniftnity and I.a VIda St., NPB Rev. Gail Miller Albert and Rev. Stephen L Albert Minincn tmail: g;ulmilltr4@ladclphia.nr1 ST. MARK-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ORANG£ COUIOY'S RIENDUEST SYNAGOGUE ,_BOOS A +WEB COURSE OF A.DUU EDUWlOIC "Open Arms and Open Minds'' JANUAIY 7,14,21, _. 21 '"'*' ..... 7:30 PM. (949) 640-7343 Puenu and Children WonhJp God Together 01i/Jm1 in~act 6 Worship 9:30 Topic TSORES.TROUIUS"' $30.00.., .... c-.. .............. ail: (t4t)S4Wf00 : partkiJHIU-in the mvict 'I + •A God-centered ~~~=edb~~:~=~ the Word of God A Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Visel Drive Newport Beach. California 92660 · (949)644--0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Mon.signor WUliam P. MclAughlin ~cor . . LJTURGlE.S: Strunhy, 5 p.m. (Canror). Sunday, 7:00 (Quitt), 8:30 (Contcmpomy) 10:00 (Choir), 11:301.tn. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (Contemporary) • FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vial.Jdo Newport lleach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Chwch JO am & 5 pm, SUnday School 10 am ~~1J0lll!I 24011MtlUV£., tclWPOIT IOOI SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3100 Poclf1c View Dr. Newport Bea:h 644-2617 OJ 675-4661 OlwdllOam Sonday School 10 am. ~ Mr1i11111G1t 1JO1211 r • Jlj ~ 12 lllXll = ':.."1:1:.8?1'~.;:~lez.'i,-=-~~:;':Ii~ . .,,.... ...... 19111,1t(tDI) • 8rwflct<lf~~ (Md!• lhr ITcOllldl "Orilt. SC. ................. I oailv Piiot TOWN Continued from Af3 session. Preregistration required· 1?14) 445-4950. The Jewish Famlty Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and far dealing with the feellngs and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover • managing anger. amuety and j:>eer pressure children experience. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with hve music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10.30 Pflr.-every Tuesday night at 695 w 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Famity Service of 0111nge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill The iwrpose 1s to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St.. Cos1a Mesa Anendance is free. but reg1strat1on is required 17141 445-4950. . ~-~~JC~~~Jg~~~L' trOm b tO . mttr:;u3VS <11 Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Be<H St in Costa Mesa $3 New players are w elcome 1949) 206 9822 The Coin and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3~.m Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center New members interested in trading buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings There are no fees required (9491 644-3244. Jewish Family Serva on.rs ongoing bereavement support groops for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with gnef, receive support and team ways to cope with sadneSs and loss. One groop meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine The seoond groop meets at 10 a.m Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free. but advance reg1strat1on 1s required (714) 445-4950. Jewi5h Family Service of Orange County provides a support and d1scuss1on group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from (f to 9:30 p.m Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St.. C.osta Mesa Advance registration is required (714) 445 4950 Two-hour kayak tours wi1h a trained naturahst guide are offered at 10 a m Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfronl Reson The reson 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive. Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for Callfornta Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members (800) 585 074 ~ A yoga and dance chrss 1s held from 4 30 to 5:45 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East. Surte 111 Costa Mesa 17141 754-7399 A Dealing with Divorce 1upport group is offered by Jewish Famil'i'>Seryice of Orange County. The group 1s led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, p1lot1ng, navigation and cruising Meetings are from 6 to 9 p m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 642-6301 or (9491551 8591 Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors (949) 644 3244 The Co1ta Mesa Senior Ci1izen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to 1oin Its group from 9 to 11 a m Thursdays at the Costa M esa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomo·na Avenue, Costa M esa (714) 545 5669 Arthritis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a m . Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E Baker St. Costa Mesa (7141 513-5641 The Newport Beach Newcomers The Rev Connie Ryckman leads Club meets at 10 a m the third d d1scuss1on grouµ using the Wednesday of each month book "Conversations with God· except July and December, ~I ~~AJ~~~~~s;~t~yar1Qf;t IC).(:sl,i~~....,~~ the Center for Spiritual social organization for peop le D1scov1·ry 2850 Mesa Verde who have lived in Newport Drive East Suite 111 Costa Beach for fewel'~an five ye;irs. M esd Brinq a lunc.h (714) meets for events act1v1t1es and 754 7399 field trips 19491 645 9922 Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa The Thu~ay Morning Women's M esa offers free !.l!ll defense cldS!il:!S to airlme µdots and fhght . anendants Classes ;ire taught by threl' time U S Ndt1onal " Champion Tom Marshall "- Ma.,.shdll's is ~3 E 17th St. Suite 13, Costa Mesa (9491 574 0122 Club, a 40-year-old fr1endsh1p club, Is seelung new members The club, whicti includes golf, bridge, waJklng and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a m. on the second Thursday of every ' month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is S23 and includes entertainment The hotel 1s at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at 9 a.m and 7 p m Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m Sunday Walkers should meet lt the inter section of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650 1332 The American legion meets at 7 p m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings. which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard 1s at 2651 Newport Blvd Free Mary Holler, (714) 546 2777. or 8111 M1miaga. (949) 650 0894 Nightly meetings for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa Mesa and Newpon Beach (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666 The Newport SpQrtS Museum. a nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newpon Center Drive. Newport Beach The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, 1s open from 9 a m to 6 p m weekdays and 10 a m to 3 p m on Saturday (949) 721 9333 or -.yww.newportsports museum.org The Estancia High School Parent *Teacher Student Assn hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's nonhwest parking \ lot, on the corner of EstanC1it North and Placenua Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and th1c;Jt magazines are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the m onth. All funds raised go to the assoc1at1on. Free· The school is at-2323 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa (949) 515 6500 Oasis Senior Center of'feri • daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a hm1ted local support system They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word.· Owcken, Print Shop and Internet usage (949) 644-3244 The Costa Mesa Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education. 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa M esa Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills (7141444 8783 The Newport Beach D1s11ngu1shed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 10 9 µ rn Tuesdays in Sgt Pepperonis • meeting room, 2300 Br1st0I St Newpon Beach Call to make reservations (949) 646 1274 The Jewish F.mily Service of Orange County holds group meetings for younger w omen to discuss fife passages and chan _s body images family relationships communication 1n1.1macy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays di the agency office The office 1s at 250 E Baker St Suite G. Costa Mesa Preregistration is reQu1rP.d Marcy Middler. 1714) 445 4950 .ei<t. )14 The Mesa MffMngen Toa1>tmasters Club 691 in Cost.a Me'a meets at 7 p.m Tueldeys di Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W Baker St , Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Blue Ram• Toastm•aten Club 2717 meets at 7 a.m Wednesdays at the Village Farmer. South Coast Plaza Village, 1651 Sunflower Ave . Costa Mesa. The meeting 1s free for first-tJme . VISllOrs. (949) 855-4308 The Newport Center Toastmas1ers Club 231 meets from 7 to 8 30 1:1 m M ondays at the Irvine Co . 610 Newpon Center Drive. Newport Beach (9491 756 1025 The Harbor1ite To•stmas19n Club meets at 7 a m Thursdays at Coco's Bakf'ry Restaurant. 3446 E Codst H1Qtiway Corona def Mar 1949 293-4630 Udo Isle Toastmasters meet from 6 30 10 8 p m Mondays at Fletcher Jor•f'S Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Rodd. New port Beadi 1714) 964 5314 The Oasis Senior Center offers d shunle to take members to dppointments and grooery shopping The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to ma1ce an apJ.>Otntment. (949) 644-3244 Tutoring is available for persona who could use help reading f nglish. Hourly rates.:tnd times are nego11able 9491851 1739. Essential Weight MM'la~ent otters interactive and proactive weight loss groups The cost 1s $20 G·roups meet from 6:30 to 8 p m w'edn~days and'" Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive. Suite 350 Newport Beach 1949, 718 9848 -MAZA'R.AN -SI 88. AMSTIRDAM-S41S. - la -SJlS. HONG KONG-SS07. Ill 'Ill -sJl7. BANGKOK -sSJJ. • ANNOUNCING THE NEW YEPtR FASHION SALE. ~~~~~~~~~~ -TOKlO -sJ8J. S9KiAPORE-S649 .• ROME -s40S. SYDNEY -S8 9S ... -MADRID -S41"f.--AStA PMS -S899. - COSTA RICA -s419. JO'BURG -S899. -#£. mlJlil!P-1.! - - Snv;nt tlN Olmm111tity for JO JllU'S PHILLY CHEESE • FAMOUS STEAK SANDWICH ITALIAN SUB Cit.in •/S.M s.lM •r Fmult Fnn $322 BROCCOLI CHWE SOUP lO 0£ Con"'iner BEEF S~ ExTRALEAN $v422 1b . BONELFSS BEEF CHUCK ROAST $3221b. . . 12 months, no int erest~. no pa yments Now you can enjoy huge savings on Karastan between December 26 and February 3, including all Karastan Anso styles. And yo u make no payments wnh no mtcre l for 12 months So take advantage of our New Year Fashion ale And get th e vear off to a great c;tart JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. BriHol trcet. Cotta Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloescrcarpetone.com " •, •• Instant In-Store REBATE $3 yd. 111.t an IMIA'nl S l pt! ~ yard () \ t C11l• .q r1 l olT 11J K.ifWll&lln Alloo Ollll''~ bnwttn Dntwiw 26, 2002 •'Id fdln.ry ) " ~~{ • • • •• A10 Satiirday, January 4, 2003 Olilf Pilot \ Playing that c·razy Pig band sound Dee Dee Bridgewater joins the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra at the Center Friday for a 'wild' concert. Jennifer K Mahal Daily Pilot J ohn Cayton walked into his first band class in junior high and saw an instrument that could be fun. "I said, 'Wow, could I play that,'" the co-fQ.under of the Cayton-Hamilton )32.Z Orchestra remembers. "The band teacher wrote down my name and wrote down 'tuba'" That would have been that. except that as.Oayton walk.ed out of the room, he saw four "gorgeous" instruments standjng on end. He asked if he could change his choice. "The band director said ·sure,' and he crossed out 'ruba' and wrore-ctown-bass,'" said Cayton. who grew up in Venice Beach. "I'm one of those believers that you don't choose the i.mlrument, it chooses you." Cayton will be found playing bass Friday with his orcllest:ra FYI •WHAT: Clayton·Hamilton Jazz Orchestra with Dee Qee Bridgewater • WHERE: Segerstrom Hall, · Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa •WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday •COST: $16 to $46 '--. _.t • CAU: (714) 556-2787 and guest star Dee Dec Bridgewater )ii the Ol"ange County Performing Art!. Center. "Lt's going to be wild," Gayton said. "lf you know Dee Dee, you'll understand why wild." Cayton ~d Bridegwater. with · whom he IS good friends, always claims that he challenges her too much, vocally. "She tries to give me the impression that I write dilticuh arrangements," said the former artistic director of jazz for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. "But she owns 1t after Qne rehearsal." Son of a church choir director, Cayton studied under bassist Ray Brown at UCIA at age 16. . "Ray stre-.~d the importance of how to play'the bass from top to bottom and everything in bet\\oecnt he !.aid of !>ludying with the ia.rJ master. At 19. Clayton became the b<™iist lor the I lcnry Manoni lV series "The Mancini Generation." I le graduated with a bachelor's in music in double bass in 1975. His career eventually took him on tour with Monty Alexander, where he met orchestra co.founder Jeff Hamilton. Jeff, they formed the orchestra. "My task was to write the music to keep the musicians coming back. my brother knew which musicians to call and Jeff [Hamilton) took care of the finances," John Oayton said. "After the first rehearsal. we immediately felt we had sontet.hing." Their paths diverged, as Oayron joined the Count Basie Orchestra and drummer I lamilton joined Woody Herman. But years later, after Cayton s~nt time lll Amsterdam as pnntipaJ bassist with their Philhannoruc Orchestra, fate led them both back to Los Angeles. where with John Oayton's saxophonist brother. Success did not come instantly for the musicians. The 19-member group's first performance was in a Hyatt hote.l lounge. where the orchestra's leaders convinced the manager that a big band See BAND, Pa1eA14 . ' THEATER New year's shows waiting in the wings By Tom Titus A nolher year brings another round of theater to the local scene. As w.ual, it's fairly evenJy divided between old favontes and productions making a first appearance in the Newpon-Mesa area. South Coast Repenory will stan the ball rolling next weekend wtth "Proof." wh.iCh earned playwright David Auburn a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award in 2001. It focuses on a young woman charged with the care of her Intermittently deranged father -and wondering just bow much of his madness, or genius, she has inherited. Directed by Michael Bloom, "Proof' opens Jan. 10 after a week of previews beginning Friday at SCR's Segerstrom Stage. c.a.n (714) 708-5555 for tick.et information. ,. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAil. Y PILOT No new anivah are on tap the next week. but two await the weekend of Jan. 23. starting that night with "Big Love" at UC Irvine's Wmifred Smith Hall. Annie Loui Is directing the play by Charles Mee, which will be Staged through Feb. l . Tic:kets may be ordered at (949) 824-2787. Robert, played by Richard Doyle, left, has a heated discussion wrth daughter Catherine, played by Emily Sergi, m ·Proor at South Coast Repertory. 'Proof' finds life at SCR Actress, director find David Auburn's Pulitzer-and Tony-winning play a challenge, with its plot about a woman dealing with madness and genius in her family. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot D avid Auburn's play "Proor has already proven to be a success on stage. but 6tarting Priday, director Michael Bloom and his ca.st. led by F.rniJy Bergl. must prove1hat they can continue the plays su~ without imitating Its award-winning predecessors. The Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning play will appear on the ~~m Stage at the South Coast Repertory through Feb. 6. It started in previews this past Friday. The play, which deals with the quirkiness of true genius and its effect on life. work and family. has challenged cast members to rise to a theatrical genius thafis expected to make the play come to life. A task that is easier said than done. FYI •WHAT: •Proof• •WHERE: Segerstrom Stage, Sou1h Coast Repertory, 655 Town Genter Drive, Costa Mesa •WHEN: In previews through Thursday. Play will run Friday through Feb. 6. Performance times are 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. • COST: Previews $19 fo $44, regular run $27 to $54 •CALL: (714) 708-5555. time." I iowever, that is where BJoom's talent Ues. Helping actors lchieve such a tasJc is one of his passions. ' "I'm primarily an acting coach as a director," he said. "Ym more interested in eliciting and shaping what the actors are capable of. and I enjoy that p~morc." While helping the actors find a connection to their roles, Bloom must also aid audience members "You have to find an lndlvidual. ldlosyncratic way of doing it." said the award-winning director. "There are always at lea.t two sides to a character, and an actor must keep all of the sides in play at the same in understanding the power of the play Itself. Emily Sergi and James Waterston share a light SUNDAY See PROOF. Pai• A14 moment during a re~earsal for ·Proof." FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY 3 A cozy~-lntrodiMie Idell to ....... A d\ildren'l ltorf dme I• preMnted et 7 p.m. AAondavs •nd et 10:30 1.m. s.tiHdlyt It ihe Ntwl>Of' e.ectt Centill uanry, 1000 ~ ""'-·~~..,.....,.to the wing ... 11111-. ,,_CM) 717-3801. TUESDAY ( Reginald Rose held 1950s 1V audiences in thrall with his jury room drama "1Wetve Angry Men," and it's been revived periodically on stages ever since. The latest lncamatlon opens Jan. 24 and plays through Feb. 23 at the Newpon Theater Arts <:enter. 2501 OiJJ Drive, Newpon Beach. c.au (949) 631-0288 to mierve tickets. "Contact." whlch swept the major awards on Broadway in 2001, comes to the Orange County Performing Arts Center Jan. 28 for a brief engagement through Feb. 2. Hailed as "positively revolutionary,· the three-story, three-act show centers on the universal need for hwnan connection. c.au (714) 556-2122 for ticket details. Probably the most attention-grabbing play title of the upcoming bunch is UCI's "The Day Maggie Blew Her Head Off." Teresa Pond will be directing this play by Amy 'Bridges. whJch runs from Jan. 30 through Feb. 8 ln the university's Studio Theater. SCR will be baclc ln action Jan. 28 with the West Coast premiere of Horton Foote's "The Carpetbagger's Olfld.ren." The play, by the author of last season's •Getting Frankie Married ... and Merwanis," deals with Southern family values. The show plays through Feb. 16 on the Julianne A'i)'IOS Stage. "God.spell" was one ofSCR's biggest hits SM SHOWS, Pace A14 1 -----------· II " Dady Piiot SOCIETY Satl.wday, JlllWfY 4, 2003 All THE CROWD Tennis classic gets a South coast kickoff T he Adoption Guild of Southern Ordnge County ldcked off the 200.1 Roy Emerson Tennis Oassic with a holiday party in conjunction with the grand opening or Puzzle 7.oo, a loy store in South Coast Plaza owned by Jay · Demkrlft. The event rai!K.'<1 funds for Holy Pcunily Services Adoption and Foi.ter Care. Chaired by the Adoption Guild President Susan BeaU, with suppon from Ou1sdne Shlvelyand Marlly Performing Arts Center is sel to presenl The Paul McNeff Singers on Jan. 16 at Symphony Hall at The Orange Counry High School of the Arts. The performan~ marks the thJrd event in the ongoing Celebrity Series preSented by The Crescendo Chapter. "Organizers are calling the show 'Uplifted With Song' because it reflects the educational outreach philosophy or presenting the power of music,· organizer Oaire Burt said. TI1e event \s open to the public, with tickets priced at 525 • at the door. For more information, call (7 14) 771 -467~. ~n. the MAKING A DIFFERENCE event It's not only the wealthy and 8. W. COOK welcomed the socially prominent communHy Newport -members who make a real Mesa communiry to Pw.7Je Zoo difference at holiday time for and a host of other shopping those less fonunate. The food destinations at South U>a..<,t ~rvers at Maggiano's LinJe Italy Pla7.a The Rainforest Caf~ Restaurant in Costa Mesa pooled provided food and libauonc; their tips for the final weeks of while local supponers or The the year and donated the money Adoption Guild and the to the Blind Children's Learning Emerson Tennu. loumament Cenrer in Tustin to help vtsually including Laurie Moran, €a.nie impaired chddren 4 to 6 years MacMllUan. Yvonne Shen, Wes old. and Carole Armand, AJ and Un • 1-..ach holiday season. we plan Auer, Kdly Wilson, Sh eUey an event for children with Carey. Debbie Lee, Harriet special need!.," said Marianne Se.Ina and Halina Groothuls Skinner. a food server at nungled and dJ'>CU!>.'>ed plans for Maggmno's who organized the the 2003 Emerson frnni'> t>vent. event -· -· < MCNEFF SINGERS CRESCENDO ,_ -l.llm-Morgan.-representative The (.~cendo Chapter or The Guilds oflne Orange County SILVER FEET or the Blind Oilldren's Leaming Center. was thrilled with the outcome or the gathering. "The celebration was not only fun. but it stimulated the children's 'lenses in so many wayi.. We-are so grateful.· Morgan l>ald. Maggiano·., organizers brought in snow, made a snowman with the children and invited Santa to come and meet the children so they could sit on his lap, reel his velvet suit and touch rus,long white beard to get a sense of what St. Nick acrually "looks Wc.e. ~ Maggiano's Restaurant. farget Department Stores, 'Il}e \.,omer Baltery and OrcUlge County Ice contributed to make the season bnght for the children. FOWES AUomoNS The indefaugable Glorla 1lgner announces that auditions are being held for CHOC Follies VII. It's hard to believe that six ~n!> of the Cl IOC Follies have passed, with Zigner and company returning to present ·As The Olannels Tum! . . A MusicaJ Romp Through IV Land." • Zigner tells us that the production, which benefits Qilldren's Hospital or Ordnge County and CHOC at Mi~ion will be presented at TI1e Grove or Anatu!imnnMarch 14 a.ml 15. Auditions for the show will take place at Newport's Sutton Place Hotel from JO a.rn. to noon Jan. I I .,and from 2 to 4 pm Jan 19. AlJ·talent mu'>! be at lea\t 21 years ofd . CalJ Lois AUJ.'U!.tint.' at (714) 532-8690 for more mfonnauon. •THE CROWO appears Thursdays and Saturdays Tu~"'day!-i ·No Pas ta if!hts Corkage Selected Items .... lul ,. """ lllrc ... Prada~ YSL CostMmi MatTonal Prada Choo South Coast Plara 714.979.2800 '""'" '~ .q/ ...,,,,,,, ·' ,,t;;., '" ·· 1 Wedne days $11.95 7 14 :J7:J .;:i->9 ---- All lllW11111an ID 1111' lllBt Hausa !bm!QIMlay, J ry 1 m, 1 p.a ... , llll•ldiltllln Nlwpart l:ml • Grades 9-12 • Extensive college preparatory curriculum • Outstanding programs in the arts. athletics and community service • Wide range of Advanced Placement courses • Knowledgeable, experienced and caring faculty hge Hill School 20402 Newport Coast Drive Newport Coast, California 92657 RSVP: (949) 219-0100 www.sagehlllschool.org final clearance! 40-70% OFF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 25-50% off entire boot selection New spring styles arriving dailyt stz.cs 4 to 12 in a giclt sclccdoo of widths, from supcr-eUm to wide. • Van PJj •Sato Meucci' • llangon.I 1. C0ro"" Del Mar Pllua • 964 AvotadO Avenue, (comer of MacAlthur and PCH) • 949-721· l 325 www.ma.rrn.lthocs.com Attending the Adoption Guild event to kick off the Roy Emerson Tennis Classic are Stephanie Hunt, Susan Beall, Kelly Wilson and Natalie Kelley. • Adoption Guild President Susan Beall. host Jay Dem1crrft, co-chair Manly Wil son, Sean Dem1crtft and co-chair Chnstme Shrvely together ~t the kickoff for the Roy Emerson Tennis .Classic . : 7;:.-t.~ ·~~ ~-~ ~ RosEY's AUIDBODY You have the right to .. choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Semce Collision ~ Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 I can't believe ..... . It's M)7 Horne IOSlY'S AUIOIODY!@l 121 Industrial Way ''111' Costa Meta LandH.<iping or re-landscaping is vour answer to a beautiful new look for your home. KAY MATSON, A.A C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer FLOWERDAI ~ can make your landsca~ dreams come true. and increase your home's value. too! Come in today and discover the people who c.tn make a difference to you and your garden. ~-:;/~ . Cf,~' NURSERIES, INC. COM PLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP. I Ken\<' No ~OR5'i \ . SANTA ANA • .!800 '...: limin Ave (714) 633-9200 ( OCiTA ME:.SA • 2700 Bnnol A'T (714) 754-6661 TERRY ME.IKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Daignu Where do you want your retirement investments to be inlOyears? 20years? '· h e secret to a successful reurement is planmng Yet n's somethmg many people avoid hke tlie plague As a CERTIFlED FINANCIAL Pl.ANNER .. (CFP'~ professional, I've spent 20 years helping my clients achieve peacc-Of-f!ltnd' and financial secunty And now I'm conducting a senes of seminars on the subject. If you're mterestcd m making a long-term cormmtment m your future , you can register on my website, or by calhng • 800-700-SCOT Ext. 220. Scumg is bmitcd, so do 1t today J .\ f\ lJ.ll ~ s I n1I11 l t ' ~ () 0 l I Sdl ttlmlCl ._ C.U tlaa '~ ttlmlCl .... ~ ltd tldl oiu•htnt ...., Or-ct ltdl ttirMa -c.u ..... Joa ~....., ~ llldt lk~ .\\ttkd,,yl f\ ,., pm -400 pm \\ftlmd loo r in -, p II\ 220 ' A12 Satirday, JanoatY 4, 2003 AFTER HOURS • Submit AfTfR HOURS Item. tQ the Dally Piiot 330 W. Bay St, Coste MeM, CA 92627; by fax to (949) ~170: or by calling (949) 57~. A c:ompi.te lltt Is available at www. d•ilypllotoom. • SPECIAL 'GIMME SHELJER' "Gimme Shelter," the Maysles brothera' 1970 film o~ a Rolling Stones tour, will be shown at 7 and 9 p.m. Friday at the UC lrvlne '6tudent Center Crystal Cove , Auditorium. The film Is part of a series titled •FtJnk, Punk and Monie Music on Film." Upcoming movies lndude "Straight, No Chaser: Thelonlus Monk" on Jan. 17 and "Downtown 81" on Jan 24. The UO campus Is at Campus and Unlve.aity drives, Irvine. $3 UC1 students, $4 UCI faculty/staff and other students, $5 general. (949) 824-5588. . BILL COSBY Comedian Bill Cosby will perform at 6 and 9 p.m. Saturday in Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M es.. he shows are part of the Centts1 1> new Spotlight Series. $35 to $60. (714) 556-2787. MU'Sl C JAZZ. ORCHESTRA Dee Dee Bridgewater will join the Oayton Hamilton Jazz Orchestra at 8 p.m. Friday to bring big band jazz to-5egen;trom Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. $16 to $46. (714) 556-2787. EMERSON STRING QUARTET At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, the Emerson String Quartet will return to Founders Hall in the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the fourth season. A preview talk by Herbert Glass will be held at 6:~5 p.m. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa ... , Mesa. $52. (714) 556-2787. LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC The Los Angeles Philharmonic, under the baton of Zubin J.1ehta, will perform ar3 p.m,.Jan. 12 In Segerstrom Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. The program, which will include Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor, is presented by the Philharmonic Society of Orange County. s19 to S59. (714) 556-2787. SUWVANSHOW Singer Anna Marie Alberghetti will join with comedian John Byner, the Amazing Platters and ventriloquist Todd Oliver to offer "A Tribute to Ed Sullivan" at 4 p.m. Jan 12. The show will take place in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. $37 advance discount or $43 at the door. (714) 432·5880. TOKYO STRING QUARTET The Tokyo String Quartet will join pianist Max Levinson at 7;30 p.m. DATE B OOK SENSATIONAL SARAH eftemoona. TIM progrem fNtu~ jazz end d euk rodt tunea for dining and dancing. Anthony'a la • at 161 E. Coest Highway. (949) 673-3426. POP-ROCK AHO FLAMENCO Tate 6, e funk. rode and Motown act, pertonm et 9 p.m. SaturdayS at Cannelo'• Rlltorente, 3520 E. , Coast Highwey, Corona del Mar. Solo gultariJt Ken Sandera perfonns Cfauf'cal flam enco tunes at 7:3(/ p.m. Tuesday• and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. ~TURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald lahlbaahl and the Stone • Bridge Band play rOdt end R&B flt 9 p.m. Saturday• at SUtton Place. Hotel'• Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., N8\yp()rl Beac:tt. Free. (949) 476-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seveo-plece group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senfor Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer. $4. (949) &W-32A4 . STAGE 'SEUSSICAL. THE MUSICAL.• The Cat in the Hat slink through the Orange County Perfonnlng Arts Center today with "Seuulcal the Musical" stamng Cathy Rigby. "SeusaJcal " explores the wortd of Or. Seuss. from the land ot the Whoa to the Jungle of Nool. The Center Is at 600 Town C~nter Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances are at 1 and 8 p.m. today. $22 to $57.•(714) 556-2787. 'PROOF' "Proof," the Tony Award·winning play by David Auburn, Is open for previews through Thursday at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. The play, whidl will begin its regular run on Friday and close Feb. 9, tells the story of a young woman who tries to discover how mucti · genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilflant fsther ~rformances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; at 2;30 Violinist Sarah Chang will 1om the Pacific Symphony Orchestra at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday for a concert in Seg~rstrom Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa .. $19 to $59. (714) 755-5799. and 8 p.m. Saturday; and at2:30 an-a 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Prevtewa • $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $64"*" (714) 708-5555. ART Jan. 16 for a concert at the 9renwi County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Pieces by Brahms and Haydn are on the program. A preview talk will be given by Herbel't Gia$$ at 6:45 p.tn $49. (714) 740-7878. HABIBKOlTE African musician Habib Korte and his band, Bamada, will perform at 8 p.m . at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Koite, who comes from Mali, blends jazz and blues with his West African beats. $24 to $28. (949) 8544646. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The M arte Davidson Trio, with Aon Eschete on guitar. performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121 6 to 10 p.m . M onday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM RAT PACK MONDAYS The Studio Cafe presents Magaian<?'s Little Italy pays Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 tribute io th'e'Aat'Padt every ' ... ·p:m. everyweek. "Wanted" Monday with entertainer Chris mus1C1ans include guitar players, Williams and his five-piece band bass players, singers, drummers, There will be complimentary hors keyboardists and others at 100 d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Mam St, Newpon Beach Free Reservations recommended. (949) 675-noo. (714) 546-9550. . JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1au trio Sunday through.Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p .m. Sunday and , MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Gnll offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, A&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fndays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and A&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Partc Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. 'ZJNE SCENE' "Zine Scene," an exhibit of zines organized by the Crenbroolt Art Museum, will be on display Saturday through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast MUSIC AT THE PELICAN Plaza, 3333 Bdstol St, Costa -r... Ru p 1 -• th Mesa. Zinea are publication• -• ~n& sty e ican uuers e. .... """ . ··-.:.::.1;,e. ·-·~..., --music of Common Ground from 1 & moV'"L' -"' Wednesday through Sunday. The individuals or amall groups. band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 Wednesday and Thursday, from p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunct.y. F-ree. Sunday. The rsstaurant is at 2735 (949) 759-1122. W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. JANEtlU. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Aivert>oat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Sat~rday evenings and Sunday ·Local Scenes; art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb. 28. A receptlon for the artist wU1 See HOURS, Paa•A13 · The · · · Pegasus School · ~A National Blue Ribbon~ ~ School of Excellence ~ . ' You Are Invited to Join Us for Middle School Information Night Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:00 p.m. • Kindergarten Information Night Wednesday,, January 29, 2003 7:00p.m. Acetptlni Applbtlona for Prachool-&h ,,... /Or 20(lJ.2004 Campus toura are now being scheduled. Please call to reterve your penon11I tour time. • ,,. . 0 0 eaoc caasca . .... , . . . . . . . ... ·- l)aily Pilot I DATE BOOK HOURS Continued from Al 2 be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. The library i• at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 717-3801 Marjetlca Porte will b&on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's wortt deals with iaauea of \ STARS OF MAGIC .. 'LIGHT SCREENS' TI1e Orange County Museum of Art will present ·ught Screens: Thtl Leaded Glass of Frank Lloyd Wright• through Sunday at 850 -San Clemente Drive. Newport Beach. ~useum hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m. Tuesday through S\jnday. $5 for adults, $4 for set1ibrs and students, and ftee for members and childcen younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. STUDYING IDENTITY ·101entity: Portraits in the 21st Century• will open Wednesday and close. Jan 26 at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. A reception for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Center, which 1s in the Claire Trevor Sctiool of the Arts on the UCI campys, comer of Campus and University drives. The Beall Center 1s open from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p m on Thursday. Free. (949) 824-6206 HAWAII GONE DIGITAL •D1g1tal Art of the Hawa11an Islands· will be on display through Jan. 13 at the Robert Mondavi Win~ and Food Center, 1570 Scenic Ave .• Costa Mesa Free 1714) 327-8300 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spmtus Gallery will present an exh1b1~of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled ·Through the Green Fuse· through Jan 31 at 3S29 Birch St • Newport Beach 1949) 474-4321 BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Dnve. Newport Beach The works will be shown concurtently with ·The Spint of Mexico-:" an e'<h1b1t exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographeh including Henn Cartier Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a m 10 5 p.m Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults. $4 for seniors and students. and free for members and ctuldren younger than 16. (949) 759-1122 MARJETICA PORTC An insteflattOfl by Slovenian artist sheher, poverty and • displacement Museum hours are 11 a.m . to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday.$5foradulta,$4for Jeniora ancl student., and"freo for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. DANCE SOClAl DANCING Social dancing takes 'place the fourth Sunday of each month from 4 to 5:30 p.m . at the Jimmie DeFore Dance Center, 151 Kalmus Drive, Ste. G-3. Costa Mesa. The dances raise funds for the center's boildin~ program Donations acx::epted. (714) 241-9908. SENIOR BALLROOM Ballroom dancing to the music of the Costa Mesa Music Makers is offered from 7:30 '° 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St. $4. (949) ~-. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m to 12;30 a.m on the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntodc Way, Costa Mesa (714) 641-8688. KIDS 'IMAGINATION-IN-MOTION' Mime, modem dance, comedy and vaudeville will combine Jan. 17 and 18 when the Orange County Perfonning Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive m CostA Mesa, present ·1maginet1on-in-Mot1on" as part. of 11s Founders Family Fun senes Performances will be 7 p.m Jan 17 and 11 a.m. and 1 pm. Jan.'18 $9 (7·14) 556-2787 STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 10 7 are mv1ted 10 partic1P.ate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855.Parll Ave 1949) 646-8845. ' P JS ANo·e6oKs '· A children's story time 1s presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a m Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave Children may wear pa1amas to the evening sessions Free (949) 717-3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A chtldren's.story time is h.eld 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes POETRY & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (7141444-0226. HE'S 'BETTIN' Poets Lee Mallory and Season STORY TIME Cole will read poetry at 8 p m. A ch1ldren·s story time 1s held at Tuesday m The Gypsy Den Cafe. 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 2930 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa Neil a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Miranda will provide the music Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Mallory will read from his new Bear St.. Costa Mesa. Free (714) book. "Benm· on the Come:" Free. 432-7854. -· -... 1 __ Qfil549-7012. PERFORMANCE POETRY Poets Lob and Jaimes Palacio will' perfonn poetry at an open reading a! B p.m. Wednesday tn Atta Coffee House. 506 31st St. Newport Beach Sign-ups for the open reading will begin at 7: 30 p m. Free. (949) 675-0233 Dale Salwak will bnng the ·sta~ of Magic" to Orange Coast College at 8 p.m Jan. 18 for a showwrth dazzle Among ttus year's performers are Greg and Lyuda Wilson . Jason Byrne and Rich Bloch. The perf orinance will be in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road. Costa Mesa. S 14 for children, $27 for students and seniors and $29 for the general public in • advance Tickets at the door wttl be $16 for J " children and $33 for the general pubhc (71 4) 432-5880. 4 -· ·wming Out the Stonn. Reading and Wntmg Your Way Through S&nous Illness or Injury; will present a mini-workshop based on her book at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Borders Boob, MuSIC & Cafe. South Coast Plaza 3333 Bear St.. Costa Mesa. Free (714) 432· 7854 'LAST MISSION' BOOKS WRmNGfTOUT ,. ·The Last M1ss1on; a book about Barbara Abercrombie, author of See HOURS, Pa&• Al4 H.J. Garrett Furniture Clean, Comfortable, Unctowded More Personal Attention to Our Members Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Fa1nr~ Tradition of Providing Servicr and Value. Consistent~ Good Priers Et•rryday. Full D esign Consulting Service ~_At?.k LEXI NG1\.0N. H I) M f II a A _, 0 \ 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. thru Sac. l 0 to 6, Sun. 12 co 5 \ Quality Service Value • Semi-Private for Meo & Women • Lots of Equ1pmenVFree Weights • Pilate~ Studio & ~at Classes • SPINNING Theater· Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Barn-noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tat Chi. Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Pennanent Make-Up • Shape Up Hair Care • Acupunture/Accopressure Wellness Clime W . t Watchers.ftif') sq Al4 Satwday, January 4, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 3 a failed World War II plot to prevent Emperor Hirohito's surrender of Japan, will be discussed and signed by Its author, Jim Smith, at 1 p.m. J~ 18 at Borders Books, Music a Caf6,South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St., Cotta Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DlNING/TA~TING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinnefs from 4 to 6:16 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (9491642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. SHOWS Continued from Al 0 Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch, featuring International seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites, Is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4600 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with f champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 606 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-02Ji3· ATRIUM MARQUIS _ A variety of live music1s presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jau is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201 . 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays and pop and rock is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NELLY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at rwo weekends of absurdlst !heater Feb. 15 to 23. The -double bill will be directed by OCC stud ents in the college's Studio Theater. c.aJJ (714) 432·5640 for information. back in the mid-1970-.. before the company moved uptown into the Sou1h C...oast fown Cenrer. The Coi.ta Mesa CiVlc Playhou!>e hru. the Bible-based musical by John-Michael Tebelak and Stephen Schwartz ucketed for performances from 1-'eb. 6 to March 2 under the -<.hrection of Megan l:.ndicoll. The 1.heater il> at 611 I lamihon Si. Tickets can be rei.erved at (949) 650-5269. Two plays from l~ugene Ionesco will provide Orange Coas1 College's Repertory Thearer with ammunition for ·Fiddler on the Roof' has become one of our most popular musicals. The'runeful story of Tevye and his five daughters striving for a . .meaningful life in a downtrodden l,lussian village ' will be presented by Costa Mesa's Vanguard Universiry, SS Fair Drive. from Feb. 20 to March· 2. Tu:kets may be ordered at (7 14) 668-6 I 45. Mounting a production of Shakespeare's "King Lear" for only four performances may MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES Momma John Jennifer ~ btkmg to the wor/J's largest flooring ·re:~~ bif::'r' fo>orint tie. iN/ivil.l""'1y owntJ ""' OJN'Jlud. 4,000 STORE BUYING. POWER lifetime NOBODY 11nywhn-t Warranty Laminate ""' but ""' ul«tion ~9 lnw l'!'Jint too · 1lfwh if.JI!" ir Mt ""7i"fftom us. DATEBOOK Nelly's, 2916 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 967-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live muJlc Is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the FoYr Se1aon1 Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 769-0808. • HARD ROCK CAFt Live m~slc 11 performed Sundays at Hard Rode Caf6, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live muslQ ia performed Thursdays throu'1h Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (9491 646-8866. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAVlUE Live music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.tlf."Ui:iiiy at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. seem like a good deal of woric . for little reward, bu1 !hat's what UCI has in store starting Feb. 27. The epic tragedy will play lhrough March I in lhe Oai.re Trevor Theater on campus. Another Shakespeare play, "lWo Gentlemen of Verona." will be offered by Soulh Coast Repertory staning Feb. 28 on lhe Segerstrom Stage. The comedy plays through-March 30: - "The La.ramie Project,·· a' dramatization of lhe murder of a gay sruden1 in Wyoming. will be pre ented at Orange Coast CoUege for an abbreviated March I 9 to 23 engagement SCR will m ount the Alan Ayckbourn comedy "Relatively MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music 11 performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'$ Muldoon'• is an lrlah pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Feahlon Island, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and llght rock acta perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-23n, TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night Is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. VlUANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m . Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Misbehavin' plays at 9 p.m . Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. Spealdng" March 21 through April 6. They'U be playing wilh "Funny Money" from March 28 to April 27 at lhe Newport Theater Ans Center. Coming in ApriJ will be ·Les Miserables" returning to lhe Performiilg Arts Center; "Ups Together. Teeth Apan" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse; ·Fools"· at Vanguard University; "Intimate Apparel" aL5CR; and "Lady Wmdermere'i. Fan" at UCJ. All in all. a richly varied · diet of !heater in COsta Mesa and Newpon Beach. •TOM TITUS writes about and reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. ~ R es t a urant Gus Brenda Miles 100% FREE lifetime No Qu=ons As ed Warranty Wood ~9 fUll SERVICE 011 ITOP SllOP Counter Topt •Showers• C.n11io • Onnit• • Wood Wu Refinish • Cleaning Carpet & Upholstety • Pelnth19 -l1tterior & Exterior · Costa Mesa (949)~7876 124 E. 17th ..,...,..f..j SATUUAVS 'su••• ..... trvlne (948) 818-4141 . 17777 Main -r f'UU~TMM WlHUtAY UNTIL l:eortl CLOat H .. AYS & •lltAYS Clayton Hamilton Jazz Orchestra leaders (clockwise from left) Jeff Clayton, drummer Jeff Hamilton and bassist John Clayton. BAND Continued from A 10 would sound great "Needless 10 say, he ~ willmg to experiment with us. but not willing 10 fork over money." Oayton :;aid of the orchestra's fin.I booking. "There were more people on L11e band'>tand than m lhe PROOF Continued from AlD -· "If J feel like Im going to teU the s1ory dearly, then T have to make myself personally into an audience member,·• Bloom said. ·11·~ more a ma11er of making sure thatJhe story is told... ' . For Sergi. the role means ... revealing the turmoil ~a young woman, Cathenne. who ponder; the po'>Sltliliry that she bd5 p._( mherit~ her falher'c; geniu ... or hi'> madnt"IS. By placing a ptt>ce of herself into her charac1er. l3ergl. whose h~ abo acted m televtS1on and moV1er.. L'> able to breathe hfe into ii "I think thi<, LC, one of the grea1es1 paru I'll ever really play. . One of the rea.soll'> I look the role was ~ause I was remtied of it," Rergl !>a.Id "It\ difik-u.JI 10 J)UI audience." Bw word got around and. after a while. the band pac}.;ed the place. "We never took no for an amwer," <Jayton '>atd. fhf' orche!>lra has Mnt:e performed 1t~ big band \Ound at the I lolJywood Bowl, wurlong • with ant'>!'> from Diana Krall to John f!ll2 .. 1relh. aml relt>a-.cd !>everaJ en .... }'011.-..elf out lht.•re. but I thm}.; that Ive learned. I rnnunue 10 learn h<J\.v vnat11 ''not IO ht· dlra1d of Tadurt' 8)' pw.hmg 1ha1 fear cc.1d1r Sergi wa!> able to t-mbract' tJw role and pu'>h herwlf ro ht·r luntt'> It\ hke .i marathon for whoeve play-.. tht'! p.m lnpre" such tu ., .tnt.l l~'l> ... 1mpfy the energy.rftjutred: '>he \did adding .. tha1 II'> 'IX'ing on '>lagt' he1gh1ens the experfonct· "II\ all t.1bou1 the · ~~.&Jt~~ ahotl™1a1 \>\ere mg to uo on .,1.lRl' ·• ,/ \\litn&ing \>\11a1\ bt•111g t!one on '>lage, Bloom c>x1wn .... will be a nt.le 111 H'>C'lf for .tud1cnL<."'. "I Llunk 11 '>about tnN. and that !>trike~ me a.-. \Cry penmen!." he '>3.Jd. ·• 1Aud1ent l''>I can expect a really mteU1gen1 t'\t.'ntng thcll h.as a 101 of deplh of reeling Bt>cause 11 " got all tlu">t' fat et'>. "" vl'ry emen;.urnn~ CElEBRATE THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW STORES AT NEWPORT COAST SHOPPING CENTER Newport Coast Shopping Ctnter 1s celebrahn~ the 'le\" Year with new stores and ser- vices Located at San Joaquin Hills Road and Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center offer., con\'e· nient stor~ and -.erv1ce~ a~ well as unique boubque .. perfect tor the Newport Coast ltfc!>tylc Marie's Boutique ,., a women'!> boutique offerU1g the I latest European fash10n<. from sportswear and ... uits to cocktail attire The boubque al~ cames contemporar) acce~nei., ieans by Paper Denim & Cloth and favorite dei.1gners such as Eastwood Ranch, and Italian labels favored br celebnhes includmg Pinko and Toy G lf a new puppy iomed the family tlus holiday 'ieason, or you have a furry fnend who lS already part of the house, be sure to visit Dogma at Newport Coast. Dogma is a bouhque for discriminating dogs, carrying pet f~, supplies and acces- sones. Oofllll at f#wpot1 Coat SllOpplllg CMder To plan ahead for yatentine's Day, visit Flore'• to order a beautiful flower -arrangement Opening ne~t week, Fiore'1 is a florut spectaUrlng in one-of-a- kind arrangements, custOm· ordcred flowers and gifts that can be delivered with the flower .t.rrangem nt, lnduding "mommy and me\bracelets To ttart the New Year off nght, but )'ourself to a tp• treatment or day of beauty at &ll•gio Sp• & Salo,.. &ll11flo C. a "1U«rvtct, Eutoptan-style pa thlt offm nwntfOUS lhaa· pNtic body ti·e.tments as wtll a .. ~r-.1Cl''> prm 1ded by ml'<llldl doctor" and rt.>g~tered nur..c ... Btllag10 1 .. ,11 ... 1 a full-~n1Ce hair -.alon with .1 profe;s1onal staff ol '>t\ hi.t.., .md .1d' anc1.'CI color ~pcc1a1i ... t., For b1rthda> parhe.!> or Valentine's Da> l l'lt.•br.11tons, ' LS1t Ccltbratio11s Plus, a gift shop and parn bnuhque that cJbo prm 1de., full-'>en ice malling and -,h1ppin~ .. 1.·n ice.., The .. tore alM> offer .. cu.,tomu.C'd part\ '"' 1tahon.. .md partv planning !>t'n 11.1.'' Also open at Newport Coast Shopping Center 1s Toy Boat, wluch IS kn(lwn tor its cla sic toys for girl., and boy' Toy Boat abo offers a ~lectmn of today's most popular toy<> and collectable... a .. well a<, free gift wrapping and free a!:>Sembl) of tnkei. and wagoru. Ntwport Ridgt Cltantrs is known for its cm minmentally safe method of dry cleaning called th(' GreenEarth Cleaning System Ntwport • Ridge Cleaners 1s among the first to offer thi.' newly patented P.rocess that uses a gentle, I odorless solution found to be friendly to the envtrorunent. You can also P.amper yourself in the New Year at Happy Nails Salon, a full-service salon offer- ing manicures and pedicures, facials and skin care, and pa treatments Pu"Beauty 1 also open at Newport Coast Shopping Center, offenng expert consuJ- tation, products, and services for hair, skin and body. The store features approximately 5,000 different products and licensed cosmetologists and esthetidans who specialize in hafr and skin care. Newport Co11t Shopplhg Cenltr is nchored by Pavilions, which includes conveniences such as • hot bakery, full-service dell, 5ervice seafood cue, an extensive ftnt wine aelectlon, and ·a full r- vice noral department. The tore also offers one-hour ph to ee.rvi~ well as a St11tft11cb. Por mort information on , Newport Coa t Shopplna C'«nter, caU (949) 790-9713 or visit wwwShOplhtlmneCompany(om. ~ and paid k<wr by Ma dl1 Df'U..,....Rt't•ul'ic'f"icet ' QUOTE OF THE DAY "Mediocre at best." BUI Barnett, Newport Harbor High girls wate~ polo coach --~--.........~··· EYE OPENER Daily~Pilot Sporu I IAll ol fat!MI ,~. lttr •• Jll'll.lary 6 ho'lorte BRENT OGDEN Daily Pilot Spot1I EAltor Roger Carlson • (~9) 574-4223 • Spottl Fax: (949) 650-0170 Saturday Janua•y 4 2003 Bl · COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL '(Eaters ready ·for 'new seaso n' • Coach Pat Douglass says lessons learned throughout the nonconference season could go a long way in Big West. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot the team in scoring along with senior forward Jordan Harris at 11 . 7 points per game. Gloger is nearly halfway to UCI's single- season record for steals. Gloger has 31 steals in nine games (3.4 average)' and the .Anteater re- hungry to prove them.wives. We UCI has had '>lX plJH'r' '>lUrt." in dou lcnOW it's going tO be a dogfight." ble figurer, In II!> pii'>I l\\f) \1t:l<Jrl~"> f11t' Long Beach State lS 1-8 on the Anteater!> have aho !Jd<l a '>Uh,rant1al season after dropping a 54 -49 reboundmg advantaKt' 111 h111h garn~ decision to visiung Ponland 43-35, again'>I 1 lonJ.i ~llo.1111Jl .1:1d -IB Monday. Coach Larry Reynolds in 27, over IPF\\', his first year Wlth the 49ers, However, Dougla" h.l, lwt'n \lre"ing ' LONG BEACH -The time has come. Thls is what the UC Irvine men's basketball team has been playing for. After a nonconference season that has included dilferem starting lineups, high c,coring. bad shooting. good shooting and a sh1fl toward the youth move- ment, the Anteaters have improved as they will open their Big West Confer- ence season tonight at 7:35 at Long Beach State. winning strealc and has won six of its past seven, ended its nonconference season on a high note. Mike Efevberha, the Anteaters' lon e true freshman, has been instrumental in UCl's run. He has scored 17, 13, and 14 points in the last rhree wins over Saint Mary's, lndiana- Purdue, Fon Wayne and Florida Atlan- tic. He is 7 of 13 from three-point range in the past three games .. cord is 66 in 28 games (2.4) by Scott Brooks during the 1986-87 season. whom have lost seven LO a row Long the difference in U1g \\1 ..,: ,n Uon .Ht: .................. . ucr (6-3), which is on a three-game Redshirt freshman Jeff Gloger has been ciEdited for guiding the offense and for providing ball-hawking defense, while Adam Parada. UCl's 1-foot junior center, has improved recenl.ly and leads ·we have emphasized it's a new ball- game; tt's a new season.· Douglass said. MWe've had preseason, and now it's league season. You have to learn valu- able leSl>On!> in preseason to hopefully get you ready for league play, especially for us staning out with rhree games on the road. That's always tough. We'll be facing Long Beach, which is struggling. obviously. But they're going to.be very HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER · Newport boUncies·. I ' . . . , r Monarchs- ·' • 'l Ta rs break into the wi n column with 1-0 victo ry over Mater De i. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NFWPORT BEACH -Seemmgly deprived of luck for a majority of the first 11 games, the New- port I larbor High girls soccer team finally got the brealc it was looking for and • M aterDe1 Newpon 0 1 made the most of it. After a Mater Dei player committed a hand ball within the 18-yard box. Parade Maga.ane All-American sen- ior Amy Burllilgham booted a ball thdt Monarch goalkeeper Tawny Por.gio got her hands on but couldn't stop from sneak.mg LOto the right side of the net Burhngham's goal came with 19 minutes gone in . the first half and was the only <>core in a I ·O nonleague win, Harbor's first of the c;eason. "We've been playmg really well and we're coming together as a team.· said Burlingham. bound for the University of Texas in the fall. "We've kept a pos1uve amrude each game and we're getting more and more confidence. There' no reason why we shouldn't be winning.· Newport (1-6-5) defeated a Monarch team (6-4) coached by former Sailors' ~ head man Matty West. West and six-year Newport Coach Jason Sor- rell both played at Irvine Valley ln the early 1990s. "(The first win) has been a long time coming." Beach State senior LemJ \4/UJiains, who . said h1c, playt'r-, hJ t· k<imt'Ll 1e~..,on' averaged 6.4 points and 3.6 rebounds throughout tht' nonu1111t•1• mt• ,t'a'>on per game LO e1gh1 game'>. ha!> lefl the "There "'ere lt'~'>llll'> \\llh tt c ma1ont) team citing personal relbons and IOJU· of our player'> IO lw <.:011'1,re:11 gdllle m ries. and game <1u1. "d>d l>ougld'>'>. la'>l Semor guard Tony Darden leadc, Long year'c, Big \\e't < flJlh 11 rhe Yt-ar Beach in scoring at 16.2 point per "There are lt''>\011' of ,\ dt \11u can be game, while junior forward KeVll1 Rob-accounted fur a., tur ,1, '>lllnbuuom ens, who scored a sea.!>on-h1gh 21 you can make on ii l ''"'"ll'nl haw•, points against Ponland, i!> averaging 12.3 points per game. See UCI. Pa&e 84 \' . DON LEACH I DAil Y PILOT Sailors I toqJ edo El Toro Seven players share in the scoring of 13-7 \r1ctory. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEAOi ~ A pa SCOREBOARD tient off ens1ve at ta.ck yielded plent\' ~ • of goab ro ~"' arotmd for tht> Newport Harbor High guts waier polo team agaJn'>l nonleague foe FJ E •o, Toro Fndav at ..,,.,.oo-· 3 ~'J>OO Hamor H1gh. Se\."en Satlol"\ taJhl.od ~al' tor ·,t·wpc1n (7-2) wtuch bee.tee! the <.~el" h 2 13-7, six dar-> foUowmg a drarrwoc b·; <ll' feat aJ. the hands of undefeare<l Foothill Senior dnver Jenna \1urphy led tht· Sailor. attack with t.hf"N.· gi kll'>. l\.\.t1 a.c..-.1'-t' and two steals wtult-four ~ewpon playero. scored two ~ Anne Belden. .\nrut> Wight C.arotyn C.Onv.<1\ and 1~1ca BaU each found the bad. ot tht· r~ t"1("{' \,,th Katie Eridcson and Pa!.,.e Ian~ ~ster­ ing single goals for tht• \ 1C1 nl" E\.'en Mth a """ !(o.J \\111 :\t'\,'J)Ort Coad! Bill Barnett ..aid lhl·n·' a lot of room for unprovemcnt tor h1' ..quad Sorrell said. "Our record doesn't show how well Tars' Stephanie Lambrakis ( 14) is hooked by Mater Oers Kristen Miller m a battle for possession. "Mediocre at be!.t" c.,aid Barnett a.bout Newport's play Friday "Our pa ...... mg weni poor. At times ~·d gc1 the ball Mld v.it.hm 10 we mreW 1t a\l\nv" See TARS, Paee 83 El Toro got~ second goal l7. iaking ad See POLO. Pase 83 DAILY PILOT ATHLETES OF THE WEEK y -~indqt1ist Jenna · Murphy Eagles' big man elevates his game to help Fstancia enter league season wi~ promise. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot W hen you're ~foo\-8 and playins against high school compeddon. the task of rtslng to the occasion Is typically associated with smaller · opponent& But for &tancia ffi8b senior Joey Undquist, being head and ahouldm taller than post defmdm has not always translated Into consistent buketball 1uc:.cesa. ·u Joey was playing again.It Sbaqullle O'Neal. he'd aeon 25 qalnst him." Estancia High Coldl Oui.I Sorce aa.ld. "But tf be wu playing ap1nJt me, he'd 1<10re ftve. •Joey UMa to be Cballenaed and he lltet to be puehed. The bWt the cballenge, the ·more he t1Mt to iL • Undquilt elevated hit kMI of play In four recent Cout a.Sc tournament~~ 15.5 pc)inta. ~ ... l.MDQUIST.,,.. .. ' She is determined pn making fina1 season a special one, and the results have shown. Steve Vlr1en Daily~'°" . , I . . .. I ~ ' BMW (Warcny lnduded) 95 318i SON (181051) ~ H~ >Spefd'~wMles $11,980 96Z3 PDADSTERCONV. (18710) ,..~x~ri-.s~Ge<ri(orv $13,980 95 J25i.5 (1M7&1 -.,.· ~ ~.., ~S1 ~ $14, 980 98 M3 SON (1~1) I\' local /II~· ~orf: $ 23, 980 99 528 SON (1.8712) 'W te w'Ton • ~ $ 24, 980 L PORSCHE 80 911 Taga 11\bdt M~di'e Trq •·o 01 BOXSTERSCONv. ·f!R·~ ~~ ... ,w· • ~ :x' 99 996 CPE 17&.;~ Oct: ' ~lie • C" 99 996 CAB 1e~. $16,980 $44,980 $45,980 $51 ,980 01 996 UIJ)O{ ·~ •trr" ~ 1.-.!Y 4 ::r A•~ • • $A VE! 96 740 SON c18nei VMew~lioddJtv LowM.ies1 $25,980 SUV's 97 54CJ SON (1Mlt>) ~51KMifs b-5pffd $25 980 CWarony lnd.Jded) 96 7 4QL (lm!) "! wrra' l1!w lDw ~· $ 25: 980 98 FORD EXPLORER 184J(), .,,,,1' • s $11, 980 99 323i SON 1aeee, Olock'Tor1, 6-(.yi. $28, 980 I 99 JEEP WRANGLER 18Q;}.)() 6C'f' ~d Nite $13, 980 98 M3 CONY. (1~ ec~--os r...'BOI trtw ~:.cc Cried . $ 28, 980 99 FORD EXPEDmON c 1&7Q4) W' e · .. -n· ~ $18, 980 98 7 40i SON 1187:1Jl CW.~~ ~s' V'll!e t'T""«Jote $ 29, 980 98 tJlf/.. 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"~ &KMlts $22,980 01 HQM)AS2CXX) c~ (le67JC) ~Sctlop Orjyml14ts $29,980 ! 98 f.320 SON c1am> Oiod( ~ Stcb\J ~ $25, 960 98 OlVY COO'ETIE CClfl. leo.9) P.ed. ~ $31 , 980 98 f.320 SON c1aa70> 0nt-ta1KM1ti1~ $28,980 01MDTTQ.WOOA'WCJt ,~~~._ 1ow~h~ $31,980 96 S500 SON ctata)) k ~Sedcr#O!tf5'K* $29,980 . 96 Sl.500 P,QAOS1"ER (1aa.9) WOpd. llofl Topsl. lnwnod $32, 960 99 JAGUAA XK8 CONV. (18673) .This Is 0 "'°' ~ $39, 980 00 £320 SON c1MJ1> ~Ltcbl.Qt/32UMts $36;980 01 LOIUSeiffJT c18QOOO ~w/Tonlltv·3KMlltsl $69,980 ______ .._ ___ ,,,_..__.... ___ . -------~~-------- ~· t __ • SPORTS 00~ LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Kate Younglove (2) heads the ball toward !-1ater De1 goal in the first half Friday. TARS Continued from B 1 we've played. We were lead~g Santa Margarila. 1-0. El Toro, 2· 1. and we've faced Capistrano VaJ. ley and bperarua. We got the lucky break today and other than ~me rrustakes late in the game we d1dn t give up any silly goals." l'ewport held the MonarchJ> to no '>hOL'> m the first half and three allempts in the final two quaner-.. rwo coming in the final 20 minute'> But aggressive de· feo.'>e pro\llded by senior Taryn Aainson along with sophomores Erin I lardy and Tayler Giilcoma- m kept Mater Dei at bay. New- pon '>tm1or goallceeper Kara De- Mtlle slid feet-first to smother a ball in front of a charging Kmten Miller ·1 tc1.Id\ and Giacomaro both playt•d ,their best games all year and Andi Sams. Stepharue Lam- brakJ., and Amanda Hollenberg POLO Continued from B 1 ventage of a slow Newport transl· bOO defense following a blown whi'>tle that the Sailors appeared to think mcllc.-ated it was actually the 0wge~· pos.session. Wight also aclcnowledged the SaDors were n.l..'>ty with their passes and couldn't explain why the team 6ttmed '))uggJSh at times. "We 1ned to play smart by not having an) e-.<LSy turTlCJVen. and no bad ~'*"' but that didn't v.'Ork coo well today." W'ight srud ·1 thmk we can defuutely unprove and get bad. on the nght track." Barnett said the team played better m its loSI> to Foothill last week.end in the finals of the New· pan Harbor-Corona del Mar Holl· day Cup. but w.l'> impressed with Newpons counteranadcs. Three of Newport's five second- penod goals came foDowing a steal in the def ensrve end. Bal.I. Murphy 19ld Erickson each collected assists on breaks m the second quarter as Newpon built a 9-4 halftime lead 1he dosest FJ Toro got was a 2-2 ~ following a goal by senior Katie Hedley, who led the Olargers with fow goals on eight shots and also notched two assists. Ball scored HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Dally ~s Athlete ofthe Weelc senes • • ' ~ I I jl I J j I did well when they were in there." Sorrell said. "It was a total team effort today." · Newport had its chances to in- crease the lead in the second half, but the UC Riverside-bound Poggio came up with key saves. Burlingham broke for the goal on a header by senior midfielder 1tisha Onh to kick a ball Poggio knocked away with her left ann. After Mater Dei sent rwo shots on DeMille at the other end, Burlingham led a rwo-on-one advantage alongside freshman forward Amy Klippert but Poggio again denied the shots. "Unlucky," said Burlingham .. the Sea View League Player of the Year last season and a 6rst- team AlJ-CIF Sout11em Secuon DIV1S1on ii selection, about her shots on breaks up field. "Some- runes It goes in and somenmes it doesn't. The more praetKe we get the more expenence we'U have to get more opponuruties. You just have to keep on shoot- her first goal on a six-on-five ad- vantage swimming on the left Side of the goal to ~ the Sailors the lead for good at 3-2 with 1:20 to go tn the first period. Murphy reached up with her left hand to de6ect a Charger centering pass ancf made an outlet throw to Belden. who scored from three meters with six seconds remairung in the first period to ~ the Sailors a 4-2 lead. Newport showed its ~ nes.s throughout the gaJrie. Wight drew six of the Chargers' eight ejec- uon.s and the Sailors capitalized on two of those man-advantage situa- oons. C.Onway showed her detemuna- bon by fighting off a defender draped around her at two meters and whipping around to score her first goal that made it. 7·3 New- pon. wtth 5:02 to go in the second quarter. Eric.kson assisted on the goal FJ Thro got as dose as 11-7 when Hedley tallied her final two goals in the remaining 21 seconds of the third period. Her third goal came following a steal by Pierson and the fourth score came when she heaved the ball from the far end of the pool as the bu12.er sounded "'M! just couldnl establish any consistency," Barnett said "'M! ing." . Klippert had two o( Newport's four first-half shots. one on a throw-in Qy senior forward Kate Younglove, who had a shot off a free Jcick. • " "(Klippert) is a workhorse," Sorrell said. "She always shows up for every game and ts a leader on the field " Being on the field was the ·only thing semor forward Nichelle McRorie wanted aher tnJuring her upper thigh following a colli- sion with a Monarch with 23 minutes gone in the fir&t half. McRorie limped off the field with assistance from the team's trainer favoring her right l~g. but came back out m the second half. ·1 wanted to '>Core.'' said McRone m pain followmg the game. ·we overplayed (Mater Dei). We alwa~ have the effort, we just needed to knock some shots away. It feel'> '>O nice to win." ··- would do one lhing nght and two thing'; wrong." Former Newpon water polo players Katherine Belden and F.nn Ball watched thelJ' SLSters. Anne and Jesska respecttve!y. play m Friday's game. Belden, a four-time All-OF se- lection and the Sailors' Girls Ath- lete of the Year foDowing last sea- son. will begin pracocing with UQ.A Monday for the 'upconung womens water polo ~n. Ball attends the Uruversnv of Michigan and will enter ·her sophomore season with the \~l­ vennes. She was a four·year starter as was Belden and garnered AD- QF third-team honon. m her sen- ior season in 200 I wtule earning AD-Sea View League accolades as well. Both Ball and Belden were members of Newpon's 1999 CIF Drvision I championship team "It's fun to watch them. they did good.· Belden &a1d Hoi l1111• Newpon 13. a bo 1 Sciot.. by au... El Toro ~ 2 3 o • 1 Newport ' ~ 2 2 13 EJ lOro -Hedley 4, f'1er1on 2. Palaaos 1. SeV8I -Scott. 7 Newpoft -Murphy 3, Ball 2, Belden 2, Conway 2., Wight 2. Eridalon 1, Lansing 1 Saves -Cott.am -2 SCHEDULE TODAY ~ Collage men -UC Irvine at Long Beadl State, 7:35 p.m.; Vangu1rd Unlvenity at Fremo Pllclflc, 4:30 p.m. Collage women -Vangu1rd Unlvertlty at ~ .. no Pacific, 2:30 p.m . Community collage women -Ortnge Coest at Southweltem, 3 p.m . High ectiool boVI -Los Alamitot at Newport Harbot. 7 p.m. High ld'lool glril -Corone del Mar It Santiago Tournament. c:tlamplonahlp, ~ El Modena. 8 p m - Soccer High ec:hool g1rt1 -Corona del Mar at Costa Mesa, 10 a.m W.....polo High ec:hool glrl1 -Car11bad at Newport Harbor, 10 1.m Wresdtng High ec:hool -Newport Harbor at &tancla Tournament. 10 1 m 9wtmmlnO College men and women -UC Irvine Invitational, 9 a.m. end 1 p .m • a>Oe • .U.T • n..,. . ...,.c. .... a. •A•••ndt .,...., . ft ft ------------,-.. •• -...... ....._ ........... __.. .... ~ ... ··--· .. •· -..~-........... -.....~ .. -----~· ..... -.. """7.:>il"'"':"I•..,.., ::""':"";,;'?1--if4 Sat1Mdd1. ~ 4, 2003 83 I ... ·.e,·e··ez - \ 84 Satwday, Jaouary 4, 2003 • ""' . SPORTS Dally Pilot SEAN HILLER I DAILY PU.OT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL . Sage Hill presses the issue Lightning, victimized by pressure defense all season, turns the tables on the Rio Contiguo Eagles. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPORT a:>ASf -Turn- about was a welcome relief for the 588e Hill School boys basket· ball team Friday, as SCOREBOMD the Ught- ning used so strong with the · ball. I le'~ suong everywhere." Fitzhugh created some of hi!. hots off the dribble and col lected mo t of his buckets insjdt- 10 feet. carrying the load untll his teammates joined in aftrr halftime. Fitzhugh had 14 of lhe Ughtning's 18 points lo the M!t ond period, to help overcome a scrappy Rio Contigtio uniL After Rio's Louis BeaJJey scored with 6: 12 le ft in the llurd quarter, pulling the Santa Aila based Eagles within 31 ~'23. 1h1· visitors went 9:41 without a field goal. with onJy one Cree throw 111 break the drought. Joey Lindquist of Estancia High claimed Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week honors. • the same full-court pressure that had been afilict · ing its early ST£VE McCRANK I DAILY Pit.OT Sage Hiii's Mich·ael Fitzhugh puts up a shot past Rio Contiguo's Jeff Kilsby( 12) m Friday night's home game. Kevin Joyce added 14 pou11' off che bench for the winner' who also received eight po1111, from Scott Cllo. Fitzhugh wa .. th1 only traditional staner to opt•n the ~e for the Lightning, d.' Keith said he sat the others after ~INDQUIST Continued from B 1 _ lO rebounds, 2.3 blocked shuts and shooting 66.7% from the field (26 of 39) to help tile Eagles finish fourth. In addition to all-tournament recognition, the second-year varsity performer is the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. ~we had a talk before ·the tournament and r basically told Joey we needed him to be a little more consistent." Sorce said. "M er making second-team all-league last year (when he averaged 11 .6 points and around 10 boards to help the Eagles reach·the CJF Southern Section Division IU-A Playoffs), we wert• loolc:ing for a brealcout year from him this year. r le gave us one teaser game with 25 point.. and 13 rebounds (in a 63-46 nonJeague win Dec. 17}. but Im scoring dropped off the next three games (20 combined points). He was up and down like the stock marlcet and I t1idn'1 want that.~ SaJd Undquist, "J think everyone is motivated by pep talks. I rally Wdllted to play hJrd, because we were trying to get ready for league. I want to make a name for myself and (playing well) is the best way to do that.·· Lindquist, averaging 12.9 points through 14 games thi'> season, followed the ; aforementioned three -game. 20-point stretch with 21 poim:. and 12 rebounds in a Coast JOEY LINDQUIST 8om: Oct. 20, 1984 Hometown: Costa -Mesa tWght: 6--foot-8 w.lglll: 225 Sport Basketball Posldon: Centet c.o.d\: Chris Sorce Favorite fOod: •Anything my mom makes.• ., Favottte ~: "Natural Born Killers• Belt dWtlc ....... tt: • Just~­ High ldtoOt AW..of h .... t The Estancia High senior~ 15.5 ~ 9.8 rebounds. 23 blocked shots and shot 66.7~ from the field (26 of 39) in fOUf Estancia Coast Classic tournament games. helping the Eagles to finish foatth among 16 ,teams. Diiiy roe. Coll«tor sports c.ard series 03-S Uas .. 1c-opcrnng 7fi 29 romp over Rancho Alall;l1to' f>t't. 26. I le made all t>tKhl field-goal attempts e n !ClllH' to 17 point'i i11 a 62-51 win over Anaheim Dec. 27. addi?.~!aur rebounds and two blocks w up the l..agles' winning strea.lc to 111ne games. lie had 15 Jlflllll\, 12 rebound-. 01nd three block-. 111 a 'iemiftnaJ lu<>'> to Traburn I lill'> Dec. 28, then posted nml' point!., 11 rebounds, four '>teal'> and two block.-. in a lo'>s to l·dio,on in the third place game I )e( 30. \orce prat'>ed I Jndquist's effort and prodm 11011, ad.ding it w~ espec1all} 1111tl•worthy since he wii!> battJmg a cold during the tournament. , "I le s1epped up," Sore~ said. "He was consistent offensively and I thought he did a good job witil his post defense, as well as contesting people on U1e perimeter." Sorce sald improvement shouJd continue. "\f you would have seen him as a freshman. then watch him play now, you wouJdn't thlnlc it was the same kid," Sorce said. "J don't think he played organized basketball before ~ crhoa l. "'?et ''"2:? behind a lot of players. But I think he's a late bloomer, who is only going to get belier. 1 think he's a sleeper for the next level and whichever school talces a chance on him is going to like him· IJndquist said he played in elementary school, but sat out during junior high, allowing his body to stabaJize after a 17-month span in which he~ wcw from 5-9 to 6-6. Sorce said coaches, his teammates. even officiab, enjoy IJndquist's fun-loving pe~onaJity. "I le's a unique individual, a free spirit," Sorce said. ·All the kids lilce him, the coaches enjoy him and the officials teU me he asks them a loc of provocative questions. Hes an intriguing individual.· Undquist said coaches at ()ark.son University in upstate New York and CaJ Lutheran have shown recruiting interest. Rio Contiguo 37 season to Sage Hill 70 run past Contiguo, 70-37. nonleague visitor Rio The hosts (4-7) trailed, 11 7. after one quarter and were ahead only 25-21 at halftime. But a 21-0 run in the third quarter. In which they outscored the Eagles, 27-3, helped them·establlsh con- ·~· o·vi :ore sh 0 f d lopsided victory in the program's two varsity seasons. The press, which forced eight third-quarter turnovers and 13 in the first 12 minutes of the sec- ond half, helped ignite Sage I till. The hosts, sh'owing signs of their 13-day layoff, had some early trouble witil the Eagles (I· 7). "We've been suffering from the press, so tonight was a tum around,"1Sage Hill Coach Steve Keith <;aid. _Sage HW commif!ed 39 tutn· overs in a 56-'.17 loss to S;iddle· 1he}1 showed up late. bad Dec. 19. Since then. the Only Sage ILW's 60-22 viuon Lightrung hru. won two 'itr.ught. over SaddJeback Valley Otri,ti.in with senior Michael Fit7.hugh la!,t M>ason surpassed l'nda) ' leading the way. victory margin. Fil7J1ugh, who &eored a cart•er TI1e ·1Jghtn111g visits l~oro high 35 points in the Dec. 21 vi< Monday for a nonleaguc da'h ;i1 tory over El Monte. scored 21 of 7 p.m. his team·-. fir.I 23 point'> I nday Justin Rhoa~ led the f.a~1· and finio;hcd the third quaner with 20 point... including li\1- ··1o ::=. ~~t'!:-jl';s'~~~lll!lS-~--·---~ .---4-.. foot-3 "point center~ al-;o .1ddt•d NonlNpe 13 rebounds, five a'>'>ist' and thre~locked shots. I le made Ii. of 20 ficld ·goal attempt" and 5 of 6 fouJ -.hot!> toc,up hh '><'t1,on scoring average ru 2J . I ~Even though we ha\e a lt•am that i'>n·t 3.!> halanced a\ we'd hke to be, Mu:hael really doe., a goo<l job of lcctinK the gatne rnmc 10 him,~ Keith said "lie had .. on11· nice as ... i\t'i for ~· which ic, why we've heen playing him .it tht• point tht• "la'it three ganw., ~It,.., Sage Hil 70, Rio Contiguo 37 Sciot-. by Quarters Rio Cont1guo 11 10 J 13 Sago Hiii 1 18 '1 18 Rio Contlguo Rhoad1 20, Beazley 7 K1lsby 6. John90n 2. Avalos 2 3 pt goar& Rhoads 5 Fouled out none Tecttnicals -none Sage Hill -Samel 3, W1lluns 2 F1uhugh 29. Lefler 7. Lo~r 4, Joye( 14, Cho 8, Swanson 2, Br~r 1 J pt goals Joyce 1. Lener 1 Fouled out none Tfldimcals -none ,. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL ... Sea King s advance to fi nals CdM breaks away from 3 1-31 tie and moves on to battle El Mode na tonight in the Cavalier Classic. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot GARDEN GROVE -TI1e Co- rona del Mar High girls ba~thall team won mainly because it wac, not in the zone . . . 7..0ne defen'>C. that IS. Witil 6:2 1 rema.ming and the Sea Kin~ down. 30-29, (..dM Coach James Barlca.low called a timeouL He told his players to switch into a man-to-man de- fense, rdther than the zone de· fen.se they were in. The Sea IGng!> outscored Rancho Alamit<>'>. 7-1. over the next 3: 10 and held on for a 41-39 victory that advanced them to the final of the C,avalier ~c at Santiago High. CdM (5· 7) will face FJ Modena in the championship game to- night 8. MWe were getting a littJe lazy in tile zone (defense).· Barlcalow said. Ml told the gjrls in the time- out that we were either going to lose or win with the man-to man. The girls stepped up and playc.-d CdM 41 R Alamitos 39 good dt• fen<.(' (.omna del Mar o;c.:on.'<1 l l pmnt" in thC' fir.t half. but camt' back With 29 potnl'> in the fi nal 16 mmute' CdM ..emnr Kclliarn1 Kk111 'iCOred 13 of her game-high 17 points m lhl' 'irtond half Junior Laureh ..,nelJ Jdded mne prnnr'- She hlockro a thrce-pomt shot at tempt by .1 Rancho Namrln'> player wi1h about five minutt"> tn play and sc:on.·d two pomt' tn CdM's 7-1 fourth quancr run Klem nailed two three pomtl'l"i m Lhe tlurd quaner. when < dM oven:ame a 15-12 halftime dt•tic11 Iler M.'l.ond three·pumt er, a ha.-.e line homb that hounced oil the side of thl' rim, h11 the hack.board and wt>nt m, K<!Vt' the Sea King<. a 20-19 lt'ad witJ1 4:00 lefl in the third Then, Corona outc;cored Ran cho Alarmtoc,, 6 2. to close out the period. Klem scol'l'd nine of the Sea Km~' 15 points in the quaner 'n1e Vaquproo; got baclc in the ~;ITT1c with three ron"f'\:Utl\1 three-pomtel"i that prompted ll11 'i.c-a King. to Jump thetr zone tk fense. Rancho Alamito.,· U.1ch Ni:,'lryen lcnocked down her '-t'I ond straight three-pointer l11.11 gave the VaqUt'ro a 30-29 led<l Rut tile St-'.! Ktng!i quickly n· c,ponded. CAM also tut 6 of 9 free thn.M' down the stre1ch, four from c,e111111 Jack:Jt" Mc\..oy and two from semor MadLSOn Otterbein. Rancho Al.t nuto.,· Arica Nmara.z swi.<.hed m .. bW7.er-bt>'.iung threfo-pomter hJ CUI the defiot, 41 39. "I hke llw way wt' didn't quit lkutalow 'iaJd VWe started out .Jow. We r,cored only three potnt\ in the second quaner. tllie V.1 que~) startt.>d to play better Hot my girb jw.t wouJdn' quiL • C"'1lllr a..lc CdM 41, RendM> 39 Soot. bv °'*'-Rancho !; e II 18 >• CdM SI l 1!> 14 c• Rancho Al8nVtol Almaraz 6, Whrtnnv 12, C Nguyen 8, P Nguyen 7. Sia 6 3-pt. goals -Almaraz 2. C Ngvyen 2, Whitney 1 fouled OUI -none Tectinteals -none COfOf1ll del Mer -MMb 2, Klem 17. McCoy 6. Ottorbetn 6. Snell 9. OtmM l )-pt goals Klem 2 Fouled out -none Toctm1C&ls -none KE.NT TREPTOW I DAILY PU.OT The Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week is Newport Harbor water pOlo player Jenna Murphy. UCI grabbed 14 rehounds and !>hot 65% from th{' noor in the .past two wine, mtensity. Ross Schraeder, a Ud redshirt freshman. l5 one of the best shooters on the team. He has hit at least one three· potnt shot in seven of the season's first nine games. He leads UO witil 14 treys. MURPHY Continued from B 1 for us for four years." ' Barnett also pointed out Murphy's consistency and how valuable It has been so Car this season. Murphy's consistency not only comes from the advantage of being left -handed, but the Newpon senior also maintains an extraordinary amount of effon wherever she ls . at Fittingly. Murphy is classified as a utility player. She's not just a left-banded player used In sp«.taJ sjtuations. • lbat became more clear in wt week's HoUday Cup title game -safnst FoolhiU. Murphy 1COred a team-high three goals and distributed two assists against Newport's nemesis, Foothill. Though the Sailors lo'it, &-7, Murphy and her teammates plned confidence and also showed they truly belonged among the ellte. Murphy alto ecored two goalc;, dilbed out ""'° ists and recordC'.d ~ steals to lead the S&Don p.at Santa Margarita. ICH; In the eemUinalL When s.nta Marprtta pulled th de6ck to, ~ in the fourth qu.-. MWptry~ the. win wllh a pll wtch I :55 mnainmg. Mi.spbJ IOelikd dfte pis Ln ..... ..., In twO bis wins Dec. 'rt, ..... Nlwpost OUlltOftil """ iii:• .... in lhe day of the tournament. MWe had a bumpy road witil CdM Oo Ing to the Sea KinS' the week before)," Murphy said. "We were ready to prove that we were a good tehm. We had 10 come back from not playing not •uch a good game. Now we know we have to wnrk harder. fbo wttk we had to wudt bd'oie the toumam nt, that heJped wi come toget_h, r." Aftet Newport uft"ered ill flrat of the lea*)n, a 8·5 Mtback to Bick ~ ctftl CdM Dec. 20, the Doti con~trated on l~ .. Murphy ·mpty reminded herself that this is her senior Coobnued from Bl year. She thought back to the decision she made in early December. That was when she chose to play for UCLA next year. which at times we didn't see. But I think in recent games we've seen lriiprovement as far as play· ers understanding their role. I think there's been a learning and growth curve here.· Douglass said Parada. who has struggled with fouJ trouble throughout tile season, has lm· proved recently. In the past three games, the second-team All-Big West returner has come off tile bench. He scored 27 polnts, Junior forward Man Okoro. who has staned the past three games, has pulled down 22 re- bounds. while jµnior forward Stanislav Zw.ak has scored 28 points in 1he last two games to lift his sea<,on average to 9.2 points per game Greg Ethington, a sophomore who served a two-year church mission, has also been key in UCl's improvement. He has been the starting center for the Anteaters. providing defensive Perhaps, I larris will be the hot man today against the 49ers. ln three meetings against Long Beach State last season, Harris averaged 24.7 polnts and 6.7 re· bounds while shooting 63% from the field. He scored a ca· reer high 30 points In a win over tile 49ers at the Bren E'vents Center l~t season. Ml thought It wouJd be easier to get it over with, so I wouJdn't have to worry about it during the season." said Murphy, the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. "I just wanted to focus on school It's my senior year, so I want it to be che best And, I know the 10 seniors o n this team want the same thing this year. I don't think It will be that difficu)L We have a lot of talent· Murphy is also confident In the Sailors because of the team chemistry. COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL USF squeaks p cls t Anteaters "We have a lot of team BRF.N lNENl'S CENTER -The spirit: Murphy saJd. "We all get University of San Francisco along with each other. We have women' basketbaJl team hJt 6w team dinners e.ach week. We're of ah free throws in the last min· always pendJng time wtth each ute of the game to clinch a 70-66 other. We have been playing victory OYer UC IMne tn a non- wtth each other for at least six .conferena: game Friday oJght. years. Wi know everything about n>e Antatea pulled to within each other." ~-63 with I ;43 remaln.lng, but ~ lion also know they can OSP't 'IOnJ Rutldl hit two. Ula depend on Murphy in crudal ~knocked down anocber tuadons. She pl'O\'ed such lut • hebe~ HolUnglworth dU>Ched ~ Ibo win with two free dvowl .. "She can do lull: Barnett 10. I &o go. On the everq lhe •kt "She can set. c:oun1aattlek. &Ady Done~ 21·216 6'om the She~ tpttt dckNe and NN dwtty llripe. our ah-on·~ She'1 aJWi1Ys UC1 led by 12 1ri dit h hlM' ~to pc.y tough. I know .,_..USP went on 1 1~5 N"I to th& 1 dole lht half doWn by one 5S-34. San Francisco built a seven-point lead with 10:08 in the KCOnd halt but UO went on a 9-3· streak 10 narrow the 1eore to one (54~53). The led bounced ~and fourth until the Don!I deddoo It on tho free throw tin~ ln the 6oa1 minute. USP'I Usa Whlleskl led all pla)'l'l'S with 19 poU\ tnd~ png ll • 16 from the line. Joy J k>J. l1og$wonh tldded 15 points, while Cany Utt had 12 potnta and Mary Jut Krutpr totaled 10 polnta. Ou1ldn8 c..a.wiy peceil ua Wtl.h 17 f)()lnts, I 0 canq lri the MCIOfld hll{. \ ~-.... boUndlL~ Glbbe ri Jstt. ten Green recorded 14 points. Lauren Yadon ndded 10 points . and six rebounds. ua falls to 7-4 c:weraJl, while USP is 5·9 on the leQOn. MMocz*azc I. •' ... __, __ .,. ~ .. -- " I' ... Policy Rates and deadlines are subject to change without no11ce. The publisher reserves the right to censor, recl~sify, revise or reject any classified advertii.ement. Pl ease rcpon any error that may be m your cl~!>1ficd ad immediately. The Daily P1lo1 ac<.:epts no liability for any error m an advertisement for wh1c.h 11 may be responsible except for the <.:o't of the ~pace actually occupied by the error CredJt can only be aJlo\\ed for the fir:>I insertion. AllHOUNctM£NTS [9-1 & MISC. 101CH770 ~ GARAGE SALE 1489 ..... _._. .-. 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REAL ESTATE FOR SALE soos-saso Index llAlESTATE ~ llNTAlS 7402-7466 . ~j EllPl.OYMINT OPPOITUllfflES aoos-as10 I ~ AUTOMOTIVI & 1UMSPOIW10N ....__ ___, 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H omes Each Weck - For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notiw 2640 Legal Notices lOlW HOUSING OPPOITinlTY lost 1505 "' . .. ,. Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 )•mr\ Gor<Jnn Cow•n )'lq Via l1du Ul4 Ntwporl Brach CA 9261>3 Th" bu\lnru r\ con due ltd by 1n 1nd1v1du1t Have you starttd dotn& bu\rnen ytt' Nn IAmU Cordon Cnwan Tho\ sllttmr nt w•s hied with tht County Cltrl< of Or aner C<lunty on 01 03 1>3 20036921401 Oa1ly Prlol l•n 4 11 18 25 200.l S•41 J 1160 TOP SS 4 RECORDS ITC .-a, <>mt. E It ~ & ID\ J8l Alt~. Sc>kt' tube Mr4>5 Mike 949 645 7505 Bn•wn Wecl. J.w-'ry bog SX3 to .... """ .... .-t. t ,,.,.,....., c; ~ • .. 11 t f ..,,,,... t r"" Pl.oz~ , I'll t _.,... •Pw• 'WI .~l I.Hr Found 1510 FOUND IASSOT HOUND, 1141 ;l R •t1Jkf ,_,JI ,. 1 I ~[ Hf'> HA[) f'llf F ' WANTED ANTIQUES Gartae/ Yard~la 1489 UM/SAT 7'30-12p <Ml~C-rinl4. (CorON ~~I sofas. antiques houuw•ru. Barb.es toys tlectroc ~oo•er~. !tamed MlwOI'' and modi more• CHIAl't fevntt1mYoK.y Sof\H"4oy 1 °'" ~ .. ylte..-..i.-i. •• vldHs, .,.....,., & men• d•thl"I -d lot• ..... 1 .. 111 11Sl7 C•ttottw-4 St. FIND 949 s ls '1040 2605 Un<l almed Mon•y J fl Amflt11 ar Jrf" 1J11 ... 1 t y owf rri •., tr ,.,, 10,..ndon ... l pt •Pt' t 1 111 Clo•d 9 lnlnl'l'I" Zf ~h741J3ln1 I JEWELRY I ~ 3400 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•I Coln Heed• {I t '" d >tPf I ""'¥¥fl-., lit ti t,... •nhqt1~• 11.,.,tol> H :!4< 1)4} ~ Cats 3610 •Adi"'• '""'" ~'"" .. .... 11•. ti. ..... ..., ,.. 'ilW1t ~w~r v .) •t ',un 12 4pm f<W>on "" 111 ..... ~ !llH..-or~ Inf J 94<1 l;.i4 ?"/7Q -~.,,~k ... '()day~ """"4 "'' ... ReY-uer\~ ........... Afl(lt HEW YlAJIS ICITTtH SAU ... PlltSIANS Blat k\ Tr><lnty Sht'll\ Red I abl>y~ Only UD M 9-.ots C)IC}.451 ~ ......... 3615 MAll GlltMAH SHlrHlltD l'Ul'l'Y I month., 114-194-1919 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneoui Merthandlse 3855 J ...... Gala low Bar \(OOI• $50 t• Anhque .,.,...,. ~ !bl lelOol doc hQus.e r llbblt hulc:h 611 Boa 949-67J.41li8 SUlflOAlD l edier 6ft Calv1n1 shaped, auto er aph Gtoll Moy\a 1395 949-290-6609 .. r.:m1Jlcn t'f'. ·-f,'mpleado. ·· t rlwi/fl('hmf'r. .. Em1J/u \~~ STAKI'ING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. lhe 11',t,•d !Jt'pJrtmou JI rl•I' l>adr f>ilot 1 pkasrd t11 .i•1n1•u" I',, •u·1, rr11u nou a1·a1/ahu '' •1r11 hu1mrsse1 Wt,,.,!/ 11ou \f.ARC /I 1hr nJmr for/Ou ar no rxtril ,11,Jrg< mJ s.11, tt•i. thr 11mr and rht mp ro rlrt ( ourr Horur in 5antu Ana Tl n1 n/ ,1111nr Jftr• rhr uarrh 11,·ompuud11 t u•1ff /ilr ~ur fimttow bwmns nJmr <t.i1tmf'nt 1. 1tl 11·, ( ounf'/ Cf,.rlt pubh h onrr .z u•ult for {our u-rrlu as rnp11rrd /,.. lw J• d :i•rrt hit' your proof of puh/11atton u ah the <A:lunry ckr/t f>lra.1r ltof' b., to fllr .,.our fimriow hwmrss 1tatrmmt .,, tl•r 1'.iilJ /•,[,,, ~JO U: &J St, ( 011J \f,.,,, If )'flu c.innot 1top h) pkau call us a1 l'I l'I) M_' I~~' I .md ,,.,. 11.•11/ malte Jrr.ingrmrnt.< for you ro ha.ruik rhu proudurr b., ,,,.,,/ lf.';Ou should ha1•r ,my fanrrr qunnons plrase caU u• and u e u ,/, l•r "" rr ti> 11 glad rn •lJSUt .you (,Miii ludr m your nru bu.smNS1 .. • ' e , Call (949) 642-567S ' .. .. .- 16 Saturday, January 4, 2003 -rooAY's· · j CROSSWORD PUZZLE _ Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Olcllblem 4540 UCll IAY ClNTla 26!1 lf_vJne Ave, 11011 ~'""·-''tall on site 114-S'S-77ao -Retail Stora bl.ase 4545 f•r 'Sull-t..oH Pt1mt Coste Mesa rel.Ill locllbon Newport Beach "NIW,OaT llACH" HOMlSlllHS--ftnd out What the hOme down the street 50ld for' Free com pulerlled 1111 ol illfea home sates and l.llfrtlnt list~ Freit Re<0<ded Mes.~ 1877Im0314 IO #~l • loy1lde VIiiot• on 17th St l~f. 16mo\ • A Tr~ P•adi<..e 28' ~ In. Ip, trench doors, rec.essl!d ll(itlq be 1Cteef'I Iv. 5C>&CIOUS krt Sl79.900/ obo Mary w"'*--at 949-~5811. 717 9816 rem.in1ne on INse S2000 ~ mo 949 764 9446, ~7915-1999 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ConndlllMlt . / nUHOUSI SICWDU UTHAT AMADMONtCI AGT.949-72J-.1120 C..Maa ........ TOWNHOMl. ...... C8'pl!I & !*'I. 2L lilt ..-. & bolM room lBr Ea Fp bmal OR cal friendly mol1wated lraa.. ,-Owner tor IR)l 714- PalMI ISTATIS PATalCll TlNORI MATIONWIOI USA 949-156-9705 -w.patnc~tenore 'om Service Directory NO TO RC Cahlorn11 law rt quires that cnntral tors tBklna 1ob\ \hell total S500 OI morl' (labor or m1ter1alsl be hcensed by th" Contr1crors State License Board State law also requ11e' that contractor\ 1ndudfl thetr license number on 111 •<htt ltsina Ynu can c..hecll the st1tus of your l1cenutl contrat t or a t www tslb ca 1ov ,., 800 321 CSLB Unit ctnaed contrac111n tak1n1 jobll thal tot al l•n thin S500 must state 1n their 1dnrtlsem•nh that tlley ,,. not ttctnsed by lltt Contrectott SUte LICeltM 8o1td - • Detlrollle Spod out double u111I Gr ut view of turnme bas-n •nd ttty •chis 481 4 58a. •ii MMy Lou Kelhe< 949 675- 2100 I 'alMI ESTATES ,ATIU<a TlNottE NATIONWIOI USA 949-H 6--'70S www P•trtclr.tenOf"e com llACH aEnEAT ,ANOUMIC VIEW $4J9,000 AGT.949-723 ... 120 OClANF•ONT flXla NOT fOa THE fAINT Of HtAaT AGT.949-723-1120 Glonl Oceonfronl ThP Pra W• ~ You' aet Mark 0 'imoo 949-172~22 IUJfTS IMGAIH la<ee & 2 56a ~ needs Int ule SUBMITI' $49.l!XXl ..it ~2192414 ' Carpet Repalri1ales CAll,IT»CAa,n ~ R"I"''' \ P •t,hma. Install Courtl'OU\ 11ny \lze 1obs Wholeulel 949 492 0205 Computer Services Tb~ a «'ompnf4•r 'ftlCor lwtonna • < 1-• c-.i.u.c II' .J [_. " Jt.-/-r.., ... ,..,.,.._ ~' r..,."""" lllllw._ ... ·I 11.-Slll c.. ... _,.a- (949) 548-9!595 bttroonll l. 12 Newport Coast IS Via Ven .. lo 4br 4 5ba library+ bo nusroom $1,SIS,000 24 Cot•lllno A touch of Italy 4br 2 Sba Strada home s 1,729,000 'lATINUM ,aOPEaTIES Stefanie Meurer 949-715-3156 ,RIME ESTATES ,.ATIKll TlNOU NATIONWl_Dl USA 949-856-9705 www patnc~tenore com RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE WEEKLY BlllDC! Q 1.Z Q I · As Swth. vulnerable. you hold· •AQJ76J Q ~KJI0964•~ The b11khn11 h4" orocecdcd. SOlTfH WFs't NORTH EAST I• Pl.sii INT p...., 2 Pa.... J• ,_ ' Whal do you bid now'' Q 2 • NMhcr vulnerable, you hold: • J 1 4 10 9 8 J A K 7 • A 8 J Yoor ldl hand opponent\ clllc. .. ,padc: opening bid iCl\ ~lot'<! mond lo }OU. Whal .icuon do you Ull.c" Q J · Bmh ~ulncrable. )OU hold • 8 7 6 J l 10 7 l 8 J .. 8 1 J P31tncr op.:n' t""-" no trump. What do )OU l'C\pond I Q 4 -/l.c1lher wlncrable. ~ South )-OU hold The biddin hM l)rOCeedcO• WFSr ~Rm' F.AST SOUTit 4~ 4NT Pa1iC1 1 What do you bid now? Q 5 • Both vulnerable, a_, South you hold; • • K Q 6 4 J 10 9 s J 2 8 4 • 7 fhc bi<ldmg ha.' proc«ded' NORTH EAST' SOUTH WFcST I• Pu. I Pti. 2 Pa'6 1 What do you bid now ·1 Q 6 • Elc.1-We;,1 •ulncrablc:, .L• South you hold •8 A KYS4 9 5 •KJ1154 &11SCBUNEOUS RENTALS ~ .....w.d 2lir lbll. YlAJtLY aENTALS iv•t sd1ool, Sl2!i0 • S8X) ne•r th~ beach, 2br 1 b• ~ water J*d. no pets. 2br 2b<1 aet SlSOO·S1850 f)lftq_ 96-574-(i(B) 949 293 4630 IH11tlful 3br 2 5ba townhome, corner unrt Ip, 2 c ear. wd Arent Sl850/mo 949--673-7800 TWfthm 2!w 21/lllO 2·CN att aar. beach clou. av11I Ill. S2000m. 868 Halyatd ln 949-631-5106 01114e Bluffs Condo 3br 2ba 1 story end unit. view, deck •• wd. 2 c attach ear. S2150/mo 949 852·9400 r..t llUf, bk bay w-ws. 2 mastw br. 2.!Jba, llJX>JI, remod "Act\ ,_ Pll1l. lllWIWC. 2 Cir pr pvt end Int hwml S2W> f'ricle. """ ~ 714-5.31-5456 Newport ,_,, 3br 2ba comm pool & sp• 2 c a•r Ip wd hllups •at S2600. mo 949·293 4630 O<ean & IHIY •lew, 2br 2ba totally rtmod. nfw t•erythrne run1te kllch. SZ600, mo 949 7 20-1593 HNllOJ WW ltOMlS :b 2ba h5e ,.::. al nu lhl cap ne ~ t to '!4lO'b p.wi. ~mo 949-581 1520 lido Isle lmmaculant 3Br 2ea beam cells F p, patro. 2 c11r eo1r1ae $2900 mo 949 673 7390 RentalToShlre I030 NI Sh11r. 41r 2'/• .. Townhouse w/l per&on, aare11e. w/d, S700m incl ullls Mike 949 233 8927 re X horn Hoa&, rm w/rNy ba. furn. cable. no smolie/ pet $625 + S75 util avMI now 9&64.2-.e-i6 RoomsforRent 60CO Nl/O<•an View rooms. Oceanlront/22nd pvt rm. unfurn 5hare b1. utl\ pd n1smka k1tch enette. llldry l block to Newport Prer $695 mo Calf Sam 11 949 278 7905 (belwMn 9.t 5p) RESIDE~ Jlli1 ORANGE COUtfTY Balboa Island 7400 3 HOUSES FROM WATER Laree 2br 2b1 •Pt trre l ols nf st or aae yrly l\e S1800mo 949 675 1779 31r 210 with bly vrew aaraae many upa11oes, pets ok $3300/mo Av11I 2/1 Call 949 723 0549 Balboa Peninsula l'sld• sn, completely remodeled. Zbr 1 b1. t>.ck hse new crpVp111nV luVba. 217 E 20th tB •ft $1575 949 378 8999 311r 2.Sllo t•wnheute, 2 t ear. Ip, wd hkup formal d1n, yd, maid ail Sl750/mo949-293 4631 . Cute 2br 2.Sba towmouse SWdih Ip, pallO, baltooy 1 c p comm pool/tPa. aet SI 750rno 9&293-4631 CM ......... 385 La Ptrle Pf apt B 'lpilC. 2br 2ba Ip pvt dec:IVyd. 2 c p cl9an quoe1 sum ~3773 E'.W. :& lS. l10u!te F p dbl dml pr w d l'N4ls. ... yd. ~ V6 ~ 'h>1a. SUfiOmo 96-719-21!11 Laguna Beach LAaGE :lid,.,... .ien, fp ocun vttws• eu.tae S2100/mo 1111 Lil 949 264 3014 Newport Beach * YfAalY • • UASJS Bill GRUNDY BEAL TDRS 949-675-6161 STl,S TO llch, remr11J, N'8/CM 2br Jba hou5e 2br l ba lower unit Ip. no pet I t Garaae bar. wd dw, t erport. Patio Sll!IO OPEN SAT $1850 yrly 949 376 5413 SUN II 5 !>62 964 6941 3br 2 Sba 3 story condo Vertolllet 2br 2ba 112 bay bch. turn wd penthouH. ocn v1ews 2 c au 1906 W Balboa balcony comm POOi/ten Blvd S2.00 714 865 1899 •et Sl800 949 673 7800 Corona del Mar I lili to bdi ~ Siil 12 2 .lln 5. 5001 RIWr Ave. ~ 46r :hi, ea-am t..c al new remod thur out SJ2001mo 949-446-79SI Newport Coast °"lfll-perfect coodo w/al amoo1tb 3br 2.5ba, pets nee S2850rno 0perr Sun 3 5 Cal 949 49C 42flZ "' s.sa.-office lomw model home In pr~ lili5led mmm S!i25()n cw SS~ w/1wn ~2D'i8 l rl9ht 21r la., [Ur MollDin Apt hip c:e11tn11s, ••I ....._.., 5965 now $1300/mo ~t Colo. _'_.;.. ,..,._._'.:....'----C-41 Lee 949 ~56.!J w.GHTWOOO SIU RmllAT OH 12.S ,.. COVlalO ACUS l'j, houri from Newport Bad!. This spaclCM 2 story mountain home tiM 3 bedrooms 2 baths 2700sq ft writ!> around ~ 6750 ft ~51 95'- of surround l1nd 1\ N4honat Foust Minut~ lrom MoontHi H48Jt Siu Sunnse. and downtown Wrifihtwood $i)Ktxulaf barpin al only $425,IXX) View phot•• 01 www~.then uM OWllef 1t 714>649-3367 or emaJI urns@coa net Computlr SerYlca ~ .... Softwwe/ Hardwue in$tallahon. trOUble sl'llCJlr'C. ~ ,__.. .. 7t4M7-!l:Zli Concme 6 Masonry lrlck Block St-• Tl!. Concrete. Patio. Ouveway Flrflllc, BBQ. Ref s. 25Yrs Exp Terry 714-557·7594 T1Mc-•M• Cementwork, Bnclt, Tiie & More Reliable. No job too small 7 I 4·615·9062 Daldap PvbJlltllng I 0 GIN YQUaHOMI IMNOYUHNl Ptoam C.U • plvmber. painter. "-ndymin, ()( eny ol the 11•tt stNKU l1$ttd lltfe in our ltfvice dw.cl«}I THE.SE LOCAL SVC 1'£0f'lE CAH Ht:LP YOU tOOAYI 8-rwnod JBr 'l 5a. te front unit llll. llv rm dell Ip, custom cablntry & •on worll 2 paho5 1 t pr lllnlf 3 1111~ to bch' No pd/vi* $2695 mo yr ke AVM. I 15 Zill 7~ 1001 Costa Mesa I & 21r'• hom S910mo tn lowely i~led comm near Tri·SquJre frrdce. e•r /stora11:c Klein Mn at 877 7°' 8649 x 9200 lbr del hovH, c·s1de, S875m utl~ paid, patio. fncd, quiet (orane•/ wllson) 949 400 5701 WITTHOln OaYWAU All pllnes sm/tre 1obs CLEAN! 20yrs, lair. free est L4CXXJJJ 714--639 1447 Eltdrtcal Services S-ll J.lt IJ141•r11 01lnc:an Electric 21)Yrs E •P LocaVQulck Response Servlce/Remodeb l #275870 949-660 7042 UCINsiO CoNTllACTO• No job too sm. Al -· R~•ir, remodel, fins sp:, NW SVC !lfJ.645 E'J6 Aoorf""'11t The Best Locatio Waterfrol\lrUMt lM. 2BR, 28,\ wttfl WJterVle·!M.'11191'11 A9la Aa..tOu WIMl!f'9'11~ l-T.,.n• Len4tc..,. WfitlN; m.wit, ITell ~ & lnstallalion 25 Yri up Lie/insured 949-548·4363 TrH Senrl<•, Yard Clunup, Maintenance, Sprinkler Repair. H1uhn11 (949} 650-8781 Handylnln/ Home Repair 2ov .. ,. .. , Quollty Creft-ahlp Ud6741U (94') U0-9525 M11rla Handyman/ Home Repair GF.NWL mm 'IWNIVlANCE .. RtQdential * <:omt:nerdll No Job 1bo sman Da•e llamllton 949-322-8292 V1bod Decks • Fencee Elecbical • Olywal Cwpentry • r111 • Et.c ~-l.OClllW\ 714.911.llU Halflng JUHi TO TMI DUM,111 714-968-11112 AVAILABLE TOOAYI MS-673--5566 &.... ,. .. !Olla,., •••tli, tr'lple your •~ro o..tY SH.ti C1ll i.lsa 949·645 6677 Hollla.Mlg Employmn - ACCOUNTS a1c1iVAILI CLHll Pnvate Golf Club full Time 8·30 5:00 Wednesday thru Sund1y Medlc•I Insurance and benefits Appllcatlons now bein1 1ccepttd S1nt11 Ana Counlty Club 20382 Newport Blvd .. Sant• Ana/Costa Mn11 l_kk..,.r, PT. RHI Estate M1mt Comp1ny m Newport Buch fa1 resume 949-640 7146 $1,.JIO. w...,, 0....-...... stuff ..,..._ Ill hornt FT,A>T Sl H in ~ flCCml b • $2.lllO tlltll paydledl Al !JJfltj Honest hornt ~ Send SAE. to S W PO Boa 3lilll PlfMr. 00 111134 I••,...., of th• Ml•. Preferred Mobile Music, Inc , C111forn11's lutes! erow1na DI Ent Svc, ts look1n11 for lllente d people to SYC pvt p1rt1es .chools, wed· dlnKS, & reunions Become 1 01 II you enj(ly music or eet on the microphone 11 you have personality to become an MCI No up nee Weekd1y/wetkend P/T POS now 1ud1hon1ns Cell 800 468 6900 and be· tome 1 part of the mlxt Ash for Brandon Brown ••el htoh Office PT, $15 S17 hour 9am Spm Tues Thurs. cold c1lhn1 1ener •I offtte .... ,.-~ . 949-760-0430 Attn JoAM• Newport Beech Real Estate Olftce. nur f uhron lslend OUTSIDI SAi.iS .. , If YOU HAVI • hr&h enerey level. out aornc pHson•hty. strona work ethic WEOffla •treat place to work. lerae bue salary • comm . prolected areu and the tr 11n1n1 to help you succeed Call 949 S95 7882 for mou into P'1one On c1ora Co (E<XJ Quid! IMlt• '••. bcel, oU W.rd ,roceuln9. Y-r •fflce N MtM , '49-760-eo2s ........... ...... , ..... 3257 TOllfllt .... , ... llST aoVUUst/Hr ••vifll a• cities Insured fast. court.ous, cereful. T163144 I00·248 2371 PUBLIC NOTICE Tiie Ctlll Pullllc Ulllttlet com1nt.Mc>11 requlfQ tll1t ell UMd houu hold 1ood1 movtra print t111lt PUC Ctl T nuflll>«, hm111 end c:heuffe11n print Ille Ir T c.,. numbtl' In 111 IHf•«· llMmtflt•. If you ll•v• eny civettlon• •bout th• l•1•11tr ol • mower. llmll o f C111utfM i call PUI· LIC UTIL TIU COM MISllOIC 714 551· •m 1111E111H11 --~AUTO ...... '-'-'tS 8lldl w,1Jlid tnt.rlor· low Mies.I l llJJOSl Sl 1.9110.00 1..-IUSC:-. ~t't.S 8'11..tl RKllll Gr-with Creme lMU-. Low Miltsl e.utyl f 18!165C $18.890.00 . ............ C..."ff V6 Lt, 5·~. 1/c. CO pt.yer·fllll po-. f 18560 $9,18> 00 .._,_ JUS c-.. '19 · 'lery !We Vl2·Low Mtlesl lmmeculltt• Coupe!. I 18472 S9.91K>.OO Pwadte9l1 T .... c_,.·eo This ts • rw• ~ Na. Wei mHl!arned 911 Coupert •18646 $16.18>.00 MIZ >OOCI C..,..'92 WMe w/Ctey Leather This IS ooe rwe MBZ 4 Coupe! A Beauty! •18771 $14,980 00 IMW 740IS-'-'91 lmmeculate wlltte w/oey Luthet Buubfut , 18730 S29,9l!O 00 t..xw LS400 ~'97 Thts ts ll CrNt lu~ury Sedan Priced to stlt f AST •183431 S21,9l!O 00 Mw<Hesl.a C2S0~'02 Bled\ Buutyl Hurry tor this one-Warranty •18869 S22.9l!O.OO MIZl3J0~''6 Perfect Wlvte w,A.uthe< low Miles' 118606 Sl9,9l!O 00 IMWU ...... _.,6 Stuoty Red w/81Mlk put convertll>te' Musi see• •18770 Sl3.980.00 IMWMOCI c_,.'ts Tilt$ IS -nlea, rwe BMW Coupe '°"" miles' • 18867 S29 9llO 00 JM,.W,...,__,. Red w/Tan lnterior 6 cyl S speed •1893JC Sl~OO 949-574-7777 l'ttmJJPS AAITO Classijid is CONVENIENT wlidMr JO# 'rr ~uyU.g, stiling, or }IUl lookilf g, dassijidlw """' ~IHltt4! CUSSIFIED (949) UZ-5678 1Mwic Classesi nfor ChilclRo}. Fun MUJOI E.rpmcna for ago 4-8. S.ng, da.na. llllm tic lam. Thunday lfttmooru. Winier tem0n QIU Jan. 9th. f.o< infu call 714 S49-9301 Palnllng . ,........ - Aof4i'ffA4 I .Ifft ml, metalllc 11Mfl/sr•r 1thr. et>, '""''· tu11r loeded. ,., M• Y«2ol52 ns.995 f111 a wtfr 111111 BIH 90·SH· 11181 -~.c-laW '95 J ... IOI* in!, blacl(/blll, bautiful orlclru1I cond fln111clnc 6 Wlfr evtll vt2•9762 Sl0,9915 8kr 9&586-l- 1aw '" T40I .," _., 3 yr warr evell, sllvtr/ arey lthr, CO. beaut orl1 cond. $26,995, Im ev.11 Bkr. 949-5 86 1888 --~·.<- Ja,.,ar 'DO S 'VII• S.0 1811 ml. metalllc blue/ .ar•r ltllr mnrf. CO. chrm whls. full f1ctory warr v272Sl 2 $27,995 fin avail Bkr 949 586·1888 -.~1.c- J,.._. ''9 XJ• 14k "''· lull l•ct wart, white/ oatmetl lthf CO. chl'orne whls ' hke new smells new v•952871 $35 995 "' _., llw -oaDLalm 949-SH-llH ..... ._'OOo.--y Serres II, 2811 m1. full fact warr. stlver /fray lttir. dual mnrl rur '*'ts. CO lrke new v492471 S23 995 fin lvH 8111 WWW oc:pabi.com ,4 •. s.._1 ... 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