HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-05 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotltSl>E llEPl..OT The resolution to get into shape or lose a few pounds is not so easily kept. ALSO: Four women from Newport Beach . ~e an eye-opening experience on a trip to Thailand and Cambodia in this week's Travel Tales. SM Page AS • .. . SUNDAY EDITION • ~10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 • JANUARY 5, 2003 SUNDAY STORY J : t Greenlight Committee · spokesman Phil Arst talks with City editor James Meier about the performance of Greenlight candidates in the November election and tbe future of the committee and Newport Beach. S..PegeA7 • , ~TOS BY .DOthEACH I OAll.Y Pll.Ol: · . · · · • Above..Anibal del.a Cruz measures a line at Bud's Custom Tailor, whrttrhe-tookoverfronrtns'f~ther. When the 036-year Costa Mesa b~smess. fleeing a high rent mcrease,'moved almost unannounced from rts longtime location off 17th Street to Irvine Avenue, rts loyal customers followed. Below 1s a box of spools of thread. ' - Tai or-ma for this town SPORTS UC Irvine is off to the right start in the Big West Conference men's basketball race after Anteaters' 69-52 victory at Long Beach State. tt was close, for a while, but it's all over when the chips are down in the second half. S..Pege81 Despite the sudden death last year of patriarch Rafael de la Cruz, tailor shop continues its 36-year tradition, with son picking up his father's needle and thread. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T he holidays are a busy time at Bud's Custom Thilor in Costa Mesa. A button has popped off, a skirt needs a last-mlnute hem or a tuxedo just doesn~ fit as well as it did for the last New Year's Eve party. All patrons are equally frantic and all projects are equaJlY imponant to tailor Anibal de la Cruz. who took over the 36-year-business last year after his father's untimely passing. "My dad could never say no to anybody." de la Cruz said. '"He has people spoiled. We can do it. though. I just like TOP STORY teasing people ... And so. the 26-year-old works diligently t6 fill the last-minute orders. hem the routine pant leg. repair a small hole and take in an inch for a successful dieter. Each of his stitches does more than mend fabric, it holds together a family business that was frayed by a sudden death. Rafael de la Cruz started Buds Custom Tullor In 1966 in a back alley storefront off 17th Street in Coita Mesa. A master of design and custom suit making, Rafael de la Cruz left his J'Osltion at a Beverly Hills store and opened his own businesses in the budding coastal community. He pedal.ized in custom-made suits. making each inch of cloth fit its wearer penectJy. Back then. men had to come to a tailor 10 get precision-fit suits, and Rafael de la Cruz quickly became a trusted expert in the area. his son said. "f-le knew everything,· Arubal de la Cruz. said. MYou don't find people like that any more." As the ~ went by, mass producoon of men's suits became more popular, and demand for the craftsman talents of Rafael de la Cruz became less. He was still regarded as one of the best tailors in town, and the business changed to fit the dma Anibal de la Cruz would help tus parents, who worked relendess hows in the shop, and quickly learned his father's trade. 8ut he had had no intention of following in his father's footsteps until last year. Rafael de la Cruz suffered a massive heart attack a' the age of 55, and the rate of a 35-year-ofd Costa Mesa mainstay lay tn the hands of tus only child "Its not something I wanted to do. but I wanted to keep the business in the family,· saJd Anibal de la Cruz. 26, who left the real estate business to preserve his father's legacy. f lis father's dedicated sµUI -with some employees weU past their 20-year man -and a loyal customer ba.se convinced Anibal to keep the business. Besides, bl..Wness is good. he said. "It has been tough because it is a huge responsibility," Anibal de la Cruz said ·1 am not used to runrung the place. I'm used to being in the back or helpu:ia after dai:k." Three short months after lnheddng the business. Anibal de la Cruz faced another crl.sis. as rents at what is now caDed the 17th Street Promenade nearly doubled. ma.ld.og it eYe11 more cWlc:ult a lhe ,. . SMN:Oi'-l•M C~ty l~aders to get cable report COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES The kid must really like hi~ pizza Survey, workshop results show subscribers are interested in more local programming, such as broadcasts of school ~ports. June CH11r.ncte Dally PHot NEWPORT BEACH -The cable customers have apokal. 1bil month, dty leadera will get tbeJr ftnt chance to listen to what Cox and Adelphia cua- tomen are aaytog they want from their alble providers. 1be dty bu Just completed ID at"'8he seriel of ~ and wOrbbOpe to ... the c:lble Mlidi and wanta of tell· ... lild bU9t 111e1 A tele- &0inmittel, Coundlmen John Hetfeman and Gary Ad- ams, will take lts first look at the 85 pages of results on Jan. 16. Though oftlclala say they're waldnc undl abr that meeting to In~ IM results of the lurYeY' anit WOibhope, a few pojnta alreiady It.and ouL Semce .. formnoet ln pK>· 5*'t mloda. Mid Mar9ee Jack- IOO. the dty'I public lnforma· tion oftker. Local prOpunmlng ~t.., es·. pdorltJ ••• too~ ,.. ,. -Nelly .. up to .. .,.. ..... _ _.me~ 'It looks like broadcasting of school sports might. be something we see in the future.' MlrtMJKbon, ~$ pdc i1fonnation officet a few thlnp. • Jacbbn said. "For aunple, U loob like broadc..mlg ol am spona mi&ht be IOmet:hiDC W9 tee ift the future.. 'JboUlt> lut )"ll9r. the dty a · tended until Jan. 21 the deed· MM for NMWfnl the dty'a con- naa • • c:lillle~tt .................... be a« 11 HJ Al!//ttit b commll· A2 Sooday, JnJMy 5, 2003 EEK IN RI ~VIE PUBLIC SAFETY Newport police arrest 3 on drug charges after foot chase Newport Beach Police officers arrested three persons on Thursday night after a brief car pursuit and a foot Chase through back yards In a resldendal neighborhood that lasted several hours. The incident began near the Intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Mesa Verde Drive In Costa Mesa when undercover officers bought what was said to have been an owice of metbampbetamine from two men and a woman. When the susj:>eas realiz.ed they were dealing with the police, they fted in a car and drove around the Mesa Verde area for about 10 minutes before the driver lost control of the veb.ide and went Off the road on Mesa Verde north of~ Avenue. Daniel Uuming, 27, of Anaheim and 18-year-old Olelsea Porter of Mission Viejo were arrested near where the car crashed. James Lambert. 36. was found later hiding in a friend's house on Peterson P!ace. All three were charged with conspiring to sell ~ and evading police. A 57-year-old J>a\mdale man was hospitaliud Friday after he lost conbOl of his pickup truck. pos&bJy because of a · medical condition, Newport Beach Police said 1be man was driving south on MacArthur Boulevard and was about to make a left tum at Bonita Canyon Drive · at about 8 a.m. Friday when witnesses saw him slump C1llei the wheel and drive through the intersecdoo of 8ooita Canyon Drive, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said The pickup truck bit a median and wrapped around a traffic signal." he said The man was taken to Hoag ~ital with brok.en ~chest Injuries, several <.'tits and a con~n. Shulman said • ~ BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She m/fV be read\ed at (949) 5744226 or bot' e-mail at det1pa.bharath@llltlmes.com. COSTA MESA·-· Huscroft House, on its last legs, may land on its feet They couldn't sell il So now, they may give it away -with $30,000 thrown in to help move il Staff will advise the City C:Owidl on Monday to transfer ownership of the Huscroft House to 126 Properties. U.C. ~ company's owner, John Morehart. said he intends to lllOYe the dilapidated house to a Westside property he owns at 548 Bernard St. This would spare the house from demolition, which was due since the city had fowid no buyers for the 1915 C'.caftsman-style house. lf the agreement Is approved Morlday, Morehart would still have to seek Planning C:Ommission approval. The city would pay Morehart $30,000 -half of the cost of relocation and abatement of toxic materials such as lead-based paint and asbestos. It is roughly the amount it would cost to demolish the house, which may happen if the deal with Morehart falls through. ln 1996, officials pa.id $54,000 to move the donated house from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. to TeWmJde Park. The historic home was built in Santa Ana and moved to Costa Mesa in 1950. The city had intended to use $200,oOO from the Home Ranch development agreement to move the house to Fairview Parle and restore it as a museum Later, it put the house up for bid. but the two offm made for it fell through. Morehart said he intends to demolish one of two single-family homes on his Westside property and replace it with the Huscroft House. The dty Is also offering to wajve certain permits and fees. • l.OUTA HAfllER oovers Costa Mesa. She may be readled at (9491 5744275 or bot' e-mail at loliU.h11rper<1Jlatimes.com. PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'A SEA LION IN WINTER' SEAN HIUER I DALY Pl.OT Going down to the beach to check out a sea lion that had come asbore at 54th Street was a change of pace. It was kind of fun to see the big guy just hanging out on the beach ~up some sun. A spectatOr said to me that it looked like the sea lion was posing for the camera when be would swing his bead from left to right -I ~~ to strike the best pose. After he became tired of being such a spectacle, he just waddled off and swam At first. 1 thought he might be ill. like so many of the other sea creatures rhet wash ashore .throughout the. year. This was dif£erenl. This guy was healthy and let everyone know it with his loud baning and erratic pac,ing along the shoreline. away through the surf. \ Seeing him was the h.ighllght of my day, making me fed like a kid again. · NEWPORT BEACH Co-founder of developer ~nahue Schriber dies . , alleged that the city's h1ring of ,, airport lobbyists should have been decided in a public forum. A lovesick sea Uol\ scored some sympathy after he started appearing Newport-Mesa mourned a oo the beach in West Newport to beloved business leader after real sun hi.mseJf. Animal experts say the estate developer Daniel Donahue 300· to 400-pound male sea lion was died from complications from heart not sick. just an outcast during surgery on Tuesday. C:O-fowider of mating season because he was still Donahue Schriber, the 60-year-olds · too young and too small to win lifetime ach.ievements included mates and a place at sea lion helping tranSfonn Fashion Island ~reeding grounds. into a renowned retail mecca As a July I deadline nears for City leaders continue to wait for eeting tough new water-quality word on whether a complaint filed uirements. city leaders say they're in November 2001 is considered by optimistic that they can meet the the district anoflley'S office to be a rules of the water quality board. City violation of state open-meeting laws. staff is working to educate residents Greenlight leader Phil Arst charged and businesses about ways to keep that meetings in 2001 between the pollutants our of stonn drains. Koll C:O., C:Onexant and city officials should have been held in a public forum. A second Greenllght complain! was dismissed in October by the district attorney. That complaint EDUCATION <Jovernorencourages science in schools One of the facets of a science initiative that Gov. Gray Davis released Priday urges a greater focus on science laboratory work in the public schools. The initiative is primarily intended to boost life-saving researdl and product development in c.a.t.ifomia by ensuring a ready supply of trained. skilled workers. But some ~rt-Mesa officials say the district already considers science a top priority and would require more funding from the state to increaselab work. • DEIU>RE NEWMAN oovens education. She •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Be&cti and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@falimes.com. may be readled at (949) 5744221 or bot' e-mail at delrdre.newman@latimes.com. POLITICS Cunpbell and Maddox seek Johnson's state Senate post lWo Newport-Mesa Republican assemblymen announced Thursday that they will square off in the race to replace termed-out state Sen. Ross Johnson. who has represented long stretches of coa.st.al Orange County in the legislature's upper house since 1994. . Shortly after announcing Thursday that he would seek the 3Sth Senate District seat in the March 2004 primary, Assemblyman John Campbell answered charges from Assemblyman Ken Maddox -Sean Hiiier Dan Donahue, ce>-founder of real estate firm Donahue Schriber. that he was only Interested in the seat as a stepping stone to C:Ongress. "If the people elect me, rn pledge not to run for (Rep.I Ouis£ax's (oongres.sionaJJ seat." said Maddox. who represents Costa Mesa. "I'll take that pledge. I'm challenging John to do the same." Campbell said Maddox's pledge was hollow. since he doesn't live in Cox's district and couldn't run for that seat Johnson. who would be termed out in 2004 aft.er eight years, has backed Campbell for his job. Campbell was first elected to the 1Qth Assembly ~ in 2000 and reelected in NoYesnber. • AWl. a..wroN covers the environment. boslnesa and politlca. He may be read\ed at (949) 764-4330 or bot' e-mail at paul.dlnton O latitnfi.com, .. NOTABLE QUOTABlES "It has to be dontt die uact sanv UCJY t!I"!!] year. . Ifldid ~ngor lost any of th.ls, }my would be mad. He'd probably pwteh """ tn the ~. -Robert Bonkn. a Newport Coast resident who has exchanged the same C)irlstmas card every year for 52 )al'S wtth a friend in (.asper. Wyo. -rhe ICaJi/omiaJ Coastal Commission has made a gmJI injustfa to tht marine forest. This injusria has hem Jtopped. H -~ Stietcberi>a pa' a Newport Beach resident. on a state appellate eourt ruling that upholds his belief that the com.mission is unconstitutional ., think whal peop/I net:d to ranern«r is. '"' TmSon tHq CUJ Stt tJv IOOl6 from Corona d.d Mar lO Laguna &och is tht ·coastal commission. lbu go up and doum the coa.sc. an,d they forgrt that. • -Judy~.a Newpon Beach resident and original member of the coastal commis&on. on the rorrunjs.gon's benefits "If~~ rlt'Ct me, ru plitdgP no1 to run for {RqJ.J (]Iris Car's /congressional/ ..w. ru tt:lQ thaJ pledge rm chailmgin& John /Cam~/ to c/Q ~ same." -Km Mllddo:I. Costa Mesas a.ssembfym.an. on running for state Sen. Ross JohNoo's vacate seat in . March 2004 and suggesdng that Campbell is running for the posi as a stepping stone to Washington. o.c: "The feaing is. if wt~ ro spend thal much """">' an~ In's r« if sonwoM am ~ "'iN house, and i«lJ give them that amount of money to htlp ~"into somdhbt& thal SOl71#JOne cnn ocmpy and use." -wmlmn Monti, Costa Mesa5 director of public services. on the dty paying someone $30,000 -the same price as demolition -to tak2 the Huscroft House and m<J'.'e It to a lot on Bernard Street DailyAPilot Chrildne Centlo Box 1560, Co.ta Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Nawe Ulltl8nt, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news ttorlet. chri6tirH1.carrilJo•t-1ima.com illustrations, edltorial matter or ~ adlfeltiaementa herein ain be WEATHER FORECAST Seen Hiiier, Don l...eec:h. reproduced without~ northwest swei1 of t1 to 14 fHt. tc.1t Treptow permission of copyright owner. The wlnct. d\enge direction Sunday wlU be • day for sun. Into the evening, blowtng VOL.97,N0.5 READERS HOT1..M HOW TO REACH US AU thet sun Wtll wann the air to r\Of1h to northeut. The lltOMAS H. JOHNSON, Joee J. a.mo.. (949) 642-$)88 Clrwl!ldoft ehlghof80. northwest swell grow. by • Pu blither Art Director I ~ Desk Chief Record your comments about the The Times Orange County The evening 11 the start of e foot lOHY OOOEAO, (949) 57 .... 224 Daily Pilot or MWt ti~. (800) 252-9141 high.wind watdl. You'll feel Editor j<»e.-ntMe latlffW9.com ~. ,,,,,..., tiall 'U end hear the 30 to 40 mph SURF JUflf OETTlNO, 8-.Mcennk. Our lddreu le 330 W. Bey St, Coct• am.,_. (949) 642-5878 ~or Photo Supel'Vieor Meu, CA 92627. e>mce hoort ..-. Dlll*Y (949) 642-4321 wlnct. before you ... them, LANA • (949) 764-4358 Me>ncWi • Friday, 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. EdleofW though. TtfTlpe will fall to A~ northw9et 1We11 hhl Promotione Director tcn.photoe t.tlm-.com ~-NeWt •bout 80 degreea. today, rMUtdng In 11· to 14-foot Newaf:dleon It It the Pilot's policy to promptly (949) 642-6680 ThOM wlndl •re expect9d to Glrw Alexander, l..ort Anderson, correct .n errora of aobstlmce. Spotts (949) 574-<(223 go through Tueeday, •.,.the wavee. Sklpplne .u the fNth, Paul SaltowltJ, Daniel Stevene ,,..... c:.11 (949157 ....... Newt Fu (949) ~170 th.et mMnt owrhMde 9t mOtlt EDri1No STAff NEWISTAff lporta Fu (949) 660-0170 peeudo-cumnw t.empa. west-facing tneb, with Uc.hn. Crime '=9co~rter, FY1 E-mel: dllllypltot ti l•rf,,.,.._oom lnlonndon: doubte'OYeftleedt It standout M•naolno Editor The Newpon a..dVCoeu Meu MelnOllce www.nws.non.IJOV apots. Enjoy. (Ml) 574-4233 (949)57 o.ily Piiot IUSPS-1~) It ....... ()Moe (949) 642-4321 --quelty: ..,,.,,,,,.,.th fltltlm-.com 9-/.t»hn • ,.,,,,,_com ..... = ... pobllahed dally. In Ntwpo1t a..cn ..... Fa (IM91631-7126 BOATING FORECAST www . .url'rfdw.oiv ........... and Coeta Meee, ~are CltyEdltot NMpon twpol'tM, ev1ll•bl• onty bot' aobeoribfng to The A llgM. V111abte wind WIU (Ml) 574-4232 TIDES "''9M32A Ju,,..CllMlgllllH#•~oom TlmM 0r.,. County l~I pley ecroa the lnnerwec.n, ,.. ~~ ... ca... m..e141.1n.,... outaldt of ~ • WMt tW9ll ate toe 1-1.. ........ ...... ~ Polldca end Wl't'lronment ~. Newpoft leed'I and Coeta Mela, At ntght. 1 nof'lhwt M'MI wt11 4.'03e.m. 2.35t9'thlgh lM ) 7'M330 .. E*' l*Jldlnlot'l•IMlmaoom eub1cripdon1 to d"9 Deity PMot en1 blow 10 to 18 tnoea. wfth 2..too. 10:121.m. Ulf91thlgh -PMm . ............ 9Vel..,._ onty b'f fl,. NII m11ll for P\lbllahld b'f Timee Community W9\lll; the .... to rwneln 6:33p.m. -o••hlllh ,.........,,,.~ c.o.c. MMe ,..,,., , .. , 57""271 l30 per monch. (Pnoel lndude Ill Newl, a dlvtiton of dM Loe Mgelel ~ 12:17a.m.. U4f91thlgh ...... " ..... ~•Wlmacom ~ ..... end klC8I tmc-.1 • Timee. Fenher out. 1~ to~ ,.....llllOr ~,..at• POSTMAIT'Eft: Send eddr'.-~ hMdlltg nol1fl.-. WATU TEllPERA11ME MIJltGD Educ.eon l"IPOftlr, , .. , PMZ2' cNf'llll to The~ C2002 nm. CN. Alt r19htl nonh Md In ............ ~ MeN ()My '"°t. '-0. ~ ~ ,.,,_oom up 2 to 4 toot Wl'loW, ..... ~ a .. , .. ariuary 5 2003 AJ I LOOi<ING BACK He left hi~ mark, and his name BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Schafer heading ~arntary di!:ltrict board lJ.11 recydt' 1he11 greeung cardt by dropping ulf 1he front por· lion of the t .ud ... dt any or seven locauon'> The 1.:1t\ \ '>dnttauon d1s.trtct !>end., th~ lard fronts to St. June's Ranch for· Cluldren. a nonprofit home for abu!>ed and homeless children tn Boulder C.1ry. Nev. The chl.ldren glue the card front:, on new paper and '>ell them ~ore than a million card'> are collected t'iH h year Jennifer K Mahal Da1lyP1lot H " namt' ., ewrywhere '>egcr'>trom I laJI. \e1<er'>trom Stage and the up coming Segerstrom C.011c..cn llall . )'rom South Coa'>t l'lat<t to the Orange County Performing Art'> Center, it can he 'aid that Co'>ta Me<oa owes it'> 'oul to the V1\1on of I lenry 1 'legeNrom lie thulk-. into tht: future.' ,,11d Hob Wihon. who a<, mayor l ut the ribbon on \outh CCJa'>t 1'1.uJ Ill I 96b I ht: way he Lan put a team 1ugether tu make 11 '>Ullt'\\ful hl' kn ow'> whe0n t.1nd hov. tu u'e pt'ople fhe 'on ol Anton and Ruth \t'ger-.1rorn Henn \\a' born Into J f<11ll1h th.11 had made JI'> f1lf1Unt' a\ hma he,111 farml'r'> tit• grt•\\ up 111 Orange c ount\ ge111ng an t7du1.:a11011 111 llll' \Jnta Ana 'rhool 'Y'>tern hdort' 101mng tht' armed 'l'r\1ll'' in World War II A' an nffit t·r 111 tlw art1lll'f\', '>t·geNrom wa' il\\ardcd tht• J•urplt• I fean ff« '>pent two u·;ir, Ill 1he ho<,p11al rerovl'nng lrom a woundt'd arrn. '>t'J(t'l'>lrom Wl·nt tu \tanford 'fn1H0r'>lt~. t'arnt·d t'arnmg a dc..rgn·t' 111 bt1\lllt'" and-then •H'lll on 10 JOIOt•d 1ht· tam1ly\ 1gru ulltre bu"nc'' · A"t>vemmental land use pohq fhat came in handy m I 950, when C.J. Seger'>trom & Som applied and received indu-.tnal zoning on an 80-0 acre tratt, which was marke1ed d'> tht' Seger..trom Industrial Dl1>tnr t Henry Segerstrom, the firm'<; managing partner. led the family's transition from agriculture to retail I le lobb11·d the state to have tht' \an D1l'go hl'eway pass through Co'>li:l Me!>a and developec..I his fam1J~ann land into South Coa'>t Plaza. He per .. uadl-d retailer!> such a\ May ( o and Sear'> w come to Co-.ta .Me'>d offering them land for SI to gt't 1he1r busme!>!> in the center. '>outh Coa-,1 Pl<Ua !> tot.ii .,,tit·' I'> e<oumated to be do'e to J b1lhon doUar., J year In IYlJtt, Lo'i1a Me-;a made rnughl}-SH i million 1n !>ale' tax off till' propt-rty 111 1975, 5eger-.irom ... iarted h1'i c;econd major contribution tu Co!>!a Me'>a by donating an ant' of land, park.mg anti $50.000 to David 1-mmt•\ <11Hl Martin Bensun for South Cllil'>t Heprrtory. In I 97Y. the family dunated land and SI million 111 '>ldn the Orangt> Count\ Performing Art'>< enter \t:gt'Nrom and h1., farrnl}' commitment IO both organ11at1onc, ronflntlt'., 111 1h1.,, dav C .o...ta :-.fr>a SanitaI)· D1!>- tm 1 hoard member .c\rlene \c..httft'r ha.'> been appomtt'd JHl'\ldt'lll of tilt' bodrd ~chall'r \\a\ ... worn LO Del I~. along with nt-w VlCt' pre!>I dt>nt c.n·g \'voods1de and new '><'l're1ary }Im l·erryman. ';anitaf\ D1!>tnC:t board lllt't;llng~ · ,.t.rl' ht:ld the '>et.ond' l11urc,tl.iy ol en~ry month at I o-.1a \.It''><! ( 11y I fall 77 f-air l>n\t' f-11r !llore 111lormat1011 l <Lii the \iln 11 JI) d1!>t.nc1 at Iii II ;'}-l·50H7 Ebcr-,ole to ">ing caharel at che Center I Jll\ \,, dfd '' r rwr Jr I mm\ nominct' I Jirl\tmt" I hi:t~ole ,\.,ill µcrlrJ.rm 111 1l1t I h 111 .ind \l,1ri<Hlt' "nant· ~Jt•Jll ( c1bct1t't .... l'flt''> JI thl' I >r<111g<• c <1Ulll\ Perform mg \rh < 1·lltt'r '>h<>'" dft' .11 - pm 111ghll\ .fan ~H 111 I-di I 111 I 1111nd1·r, I I.ill I u l.t·h l "'' ~4'J Mld 11rt-rm ~.tic .11 lht• I 1•11t1•r ho\ CJll1u IJJlltllt ctl 1111.' /111/1111/lll! llfl-: b\ phrlllt' ll!n111gh ltl~t'I fllcl\lt·r 11 -;" 11 ;' 40· :'k-H or .! I I 11,-, l)IJtl Jnd ill ,J! I 1~t·111i.l\I•r11utlt'1' • Drop off hm'> .ire a1 the'>e lo- cat1om until }dn 'i I < uy Hall, IQ 1he lobby, 77 hur Drive; Co<,1a Me.,a ...,cnior < .t·rHer, 695 \;\> !Yth \1 Ham,J\ l~exall Drug'>. a 1b °"('\\ pcir1 Blvd.: \\h11e 1-ront l'h,1tm<11 y HOI ·a· Haker \t, C 11 ... 1 t Mt'.,d l:.m· plowe'> I edt·r;1I I 11·d11 Union. .!~O I ltt1rl>M Hl\'d \teven s Philrman 1 'i.!-, \fr'>d Verde f a,1 <.<11lt-g1· l'h.umdC) and '>urg1c.:,1I ...,upph I IU I <1lr Dnve I or 111 1rt' 11111 r111.1111iri call -1 I -·.i ·,11111 R1c.k:r-. ol thL' Purpk SJgr.: w plJ) .il < Ju._,1..., I lit· ht h·r' ol Ith l'.irplt '>age \\jl pl.t) ell 1111' Cl,t .. I \t'ntor « entL·r 111 '\t•\\port lk.1ch from .! IU I 1ft r Ill Id> I.! Tit ~el'> clrt' '!,-) ,111d Ill( ludt• 1 l11l1 Jlld fix lllg\ .tilt r till' 'IHI\\ I or rnon• 111f11rrn,11111n ta.II 11 l't ti 11 ~.! 11 I >.1'1' I\ ,11 HOO \J,irglll'fllt \\t' c .pror1J del \J,H -~ ~ -tc~ 'llm? J<._1.-~~'jjijjj===5iiii!ii2! ~n.:1.?t1n~ can.h ... ... Ht d r •, Jn lhe lalt• I Y-10, \t'gl'r,trorn Ill.uh· h '' fir't ni.s1or dt•JI lt•a,1ni.: 't'H·r.tl hu1ld111g' to in .!000 \egl'r,trom d<HMll·d S-IU m1ll1on and ... 1x <il rt'' of l.t11d to the C enter for till' Henr~ Seg~rstrom. v.ho is mentrored often in Costa Mesa I h.Jrhl' l't'.Jr\1111 \ ,\naht·tm lnH k <1nd lr.u1,ft•r < 11 I It• \\cnt 111 lo lt-.tw m<Ht' building' IO \\l•,11·rn T .Ulllt'f\ m \it•v.port H1•,1l h I hl• l<'a,111g proc.. <''>' hrouKhl tum 1n lront of th«.> « >ran)(t' < 'ount\ Hoard 111 ' 'lupen·1'of\, gt\ 1111< tlw farn1l} lh hf\I l'XPll'>tlrt In /Oiling .ind c.. on'>truc tum of a .! 0011 ... t·t.11 .umrert hall. ·1 he \egt'P.trom farm Iv and lounda11nn dlln.t1l'd do-.c 1 1 51million111 prurwn' .t11d fund-. for 1ht' ren·nr ...,< II t'Xpanswn and rt•no\Jllrrn I fl'> mfluenc<' 111 lht· are.1 ''I.tr from fim!>hed il'> 1 ho'l' • 1 11111g1ht ll111n1 11111111 pl • rl\l' Irr Ill tin: rrnt r I 1 111•,111 lll'ld .. 1111 ti t "an I >1ei•(\ I Jt'l'\\cl\ \\tll ~tllt''I • D ., , • • "" fa I• rs r p ar-e r • I ' ti I' 1• ~· rJt So h ~!Qr.Cd LOOK BACK ~ lot s .r w Conla t Seasoned Hardwoods: Oak• Almond Orange • Eucalyptus • Avocado old by the cord, 1 /4 cord a nd I I 2 cord , FREE DELIVERY! call949/ 842-2922 ' ' J/ ( .. ~~Coastline 's Acee s Progrnm i very convenient fot me. I wi ll finish my M here and transfer to Cal State Fullenon to become an elementary school teacher.'' -9 + Success Ahead at Coastline. .. I) I ''°. . ,,,,, ...... C\ 11 '60 Warner Avenue Fountain Vatt8y, CA 927()8.259~ (714) 438-483~ 0 ~ (I) --· Spring clM Ill begin Ftibnlery I; HEMPHILLS RUGS & CARPETS 230 Eosl ' 7th ')1 • c O\IO Me\O (949) 722-7 224 www '~S.0~ m~t<.a r _,r Monf11 I v6 . 5o• 1,,:; ,_. ~sA '" "' FULL BAR ~\~s tiO&.M•~lltM~'' ~ NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA· 949 ·6,S·7626 THE MEANING OF NUMBER. ONE. WHEN ONLY THE RNEST MOTOR.CAR c; IN THl \VOR.LD VVILL ['l 1 . A\ /\ILAP.Lf 2001 ERA PH, PARk WARD H \C "-. HI \~ I<.. \tl'.""iffl) 2002 CORMCHf HI \(I<..'-\Pl'l 11"11 \tA(.~)IJ \(Xll'21t!)) 11 WE HAVL A rEW REMAINING AZLIRl SERI~ rRl 1l1U -[D Af CR.EWE BENTLEY 2001 AZlJ RE ~\JU I "ER \RI!{ \ C'Ol...,WOfl>t\ 200:2 AZURE '-II HR Pl-\RI SIR \I(,, 200:2 AZURE PLEAS£ CALL. FOi\. AN APPOINTMENT MIKE~URGE~ SAllS MA AGER ~l\COC ... \t \C '-011 \(~112) 200.1 ARN AGER Bl \( K/KI \(I>. (Xfl'nM) PR.EOWNFD -1998AllJRl IJI \( K/fl\RC t l\ll ~·1 ( 111 2000 ARNA<.I' UI \( K/{'l)l..,\\(.}IJ>I 1 .. AZ\IRf Bl \(. /Bl \( t.. (XM -· :. .. M Sunday, January 5, 2003 J .. • DON LEACH DAILY PU OT Anibal Dela Cruz helps a longtime customer w1tti an order at Bud's Custom Tailor sbop. CONSIDER THE LITTLE THINGS By Dave Wo11g \ dtc:ni tut<l J ~IOC) ol Jm 111i; 111 thi~ Ht.I Ill look .H home\ ialk111i: \~llh hi\ '~"' 1Jh Jliour rht lrrrlt• ~umn1J'k•rt 1111" 1h1fll\' tl1J1 d1c1 J Irk< I• f111d 111 1h<c1r Ill'\\ hmm I ht 'l1r111 ~41d rl1,11, wl11lt \111111!! Ill our 11ff1ll' for , Intel tlllll Jiil! 11111< h h.n Ill!! .·xrn1t·nlt:J .1 11111111111~ 111 · """''' fi11111111~: did! lt:JJh h.ttJn I rttll!! rl1r11 hdf, n I. J llvn lor J hnmt ,1111111 kll tnlo Im .;.iii·' hrnJ, J' ,Jtr 1 .. 11 . .-.t 1hr1111i:h rh, P·'r''" hdml hn I ht• lh n \\ J' for J hlllh< d1J1 rt.ilh d1d11 t Iii rlu· Jt:,, npr11111\ thl'" I lit Ill~ h.Hf !!1\l II lhl'll rt•.U t:\!Jlt prt11l'"llH1JI I 1 J1Jn I llJVl' ,\.\ m.111\ lx<lrnutm .I.\ rhn th• 1u!!hr rhn 11.-nltd 1101 W.I\ II l11t.ll<:d in ·• n•·1g.l1horh110J thn·d , .. mr,f..rtd Hur '' nwtl rnr drt h.t 111d rl1c' f1u1kt J JI rJtl l.1111u 11 ,,..,1.; 1hc111 J \d11f, '" '' Jh1l rh" Ii II th< hn111c Jt4J Jl•1111\I ~II "" 111111111"''1.llll tl1t111'' tht•\ .i ,,.J~rJ 1hu111 1111 rhc 1\.11 '" rlwrr 1t.1I • r.itc I""'' \\11111,11 nffr" I h,1tdl111101• \\1111 pl•" .mil 111 11,. pro '' 11.11111"1 rhn h.1d111 •111111· l,.u, .Jn,r1h1111:t\J1th "''"' rltt I "' mtt·•l liu1 h.ultt I ht'< 11 •urt J.,.,..1,1.ft'o<.llh< 11 '"' ""' 1h111~ "'"' J dl\lllUllll:J tht llllJll•lf.tlltt t•f lht ·11111111pu11.1111 f1·.11t11t , M11r.1I 111 rlw ,11111· I v..:n ii 11 'l'l'fll\ ' \rtt tll lllJllt'I ~l\t \11111 """ r 111< 1Jv""' il11 lw11dl1 of Al I 11111 nu·d .111J Jll vnu ",,h lnr 111 111ur 11(.,.. home 111 tnJfl\' c...l'C:), tht rn 1lr\ l.lrt lit• m~~'' 11' Ju" , Jll Oil' JI ')•111.'i l l I ."'flll nr \'1\il 111\' wd""' \ JI dJl't"\~Hn!! I , •1111 or unt..·turdtuad ""'" I >il1,. tli111~ 11.t> ha11 r//111f. homt'J 111 1Vt'11 rort Bt.irJ. •ttut / •JH<) .iml u "'"" ("01111 \t11 /"'rt /'11•/•t'rllt'•I( iJklu·tlf 11.inlur A0\1£~11'fML•.J1 TAILOR Continued from Al mod~t family hu.,111e.,.., 10 'urvtve. Anibal dl' la C .nv lllllH'd the lailonng buo;inl.'.,_., Imm II!> hidden ~torefront IO a 11ny rnnwr rl'lail space on lrvllle Avt'lllll' Jll1>1 '>Outh of 17th Street on the 1.'Clge of Costa Me.,;t and Ncwporl Beach, and ~omehow Llil' 1.ustomer~ fnUow~d. "\l\t' didn't do any dm•rr mailings or advem!>ing. hut JX>Ople found ll\," ArnhaJ dc• la <.nu '><ltd. "\'\t· lo ... 1 a ft•\1 but .tll of our rt>gltlar. Jre ... ult \\1th 11' am.I ue p1t l..l'd up ...ium• gr1·;1I Ill'\>\ t·u.,tornt·r' m t:'r hl'n: " Longtime cu'>tonwr ;\l~an I lam!> <iald 'he wouh.ln 1 go illl}"' here else · 11.t. ... dad aJ1cn·d a.II of my prom drc"t>'· tl1e 1'.t•wport li.trbor I hgh \L lmol w.1d11c1t1· .... 111J I lam' dn\t:.., from lwr hnrm 111 lr>i11£' for tlw tll'111rt1 1.11l11r111,~ tlldt '>he J.,rrt·w up wllh J..h.tkl'>. Jt'Jll., .i11d drJ\o\'-lrr11g panl'> m· t .trll'd u1 lor e>.pl'rt m11dilit:allom. ~landing at ii mot.It•'>! '1 10111 3 1111 he:-., I fcun'> .,;1v.., ,flt' lmng<, a.11 lwr 11cw 1 lo1lw ... 111 \rnhal dP IJ < n11 hn .1u'>t ol her famtlv\ 12 vc .ir rl'lat1111 i.,h1p \\Ith Im faLlll'r We mowd. hut \W 'till wnw tlov.n here "'>ht' '<Lit.I And the trad1t1on tont111u1·' Bud\ (,u,tom ·1a1lor 'hop h." alrratf\ Jllt'rC'd .1 dn...,., l'tir 11 -mwllh·old \b1~Jtl I l.1rm, ... tw .... ud l'c·rhJP' \111hal d1• IJ 1 .nv \\Ill hJ\l' ,mulht I I ll'>IOllll'I Im life 11 " rt'glllar JMlron' i.11dt .1 ... 11.tm'> 1hat k1•t•p tht hu ... 1111''" thmmg and 1lw tit· la< nu f,11111h happy to M!rve the N~vport·Mesa area Ma1.narch f .lvira de la Cn.v~ who helped her hu1>band open tht' on~aJ shop on 17th Street, said the '>tore ha5 a wolldl'rful cltelltele. "Busm~ ts good, the <.:ll'>lomer> are good, and thl.' atmosphere is comfortable," .. he <;a1d in Sparui.h. Elvira de la Cruz worked . along'>tde her husband in l:h~ t:'arly year., until .. he became ill. Iler health prevented her from twndmg over '<.'Wing machine.,, thrl'admg rnuntJc~'> m•edlr:'> 0J1d '-lllrhmg n•pet1uvcly With ttre p.i-. ... 111~ ol lwr hu<,hand, .. he llJs H'tur 111.J to th(' darl) rigor ... of rlll' .tl11•ra111111 ... bu,tlll"-' I .11 ll 111 lwn• l'\.l'ryda). 'h111d,1\ 1hrouw1 \undd}. 1111rk111g on hull· rt•pJtr'> ·'>lit' .,;Ill.I. holding up a tll'lrrJll', '>hecr '11t'.tl1°r ,1, proof ot ti .. r dthgt'llt l' I ftor """rk "' IJ.1wlt· ...... '" ... 1w hJ. ... 111 po111t l\'>ll'l' 111 l\lll'rt• thl' holt• \\ .1 ... "ilH' h.11J :i thrl'l' rc·ar \,llilllOll from th1• 'hop. J' '>ht• wardwd llt'r h1,...haml am.I h1' ded11 all'tl 1 rt'\\ hwld rhe bu.,1111"' int<~ what 11 h now. l·lvira dt· la < .nv ''"d 'lht"' mor~ than happy ro lwlp kt>ep ht·r la11· hmh.1mJ', dn·.1111 Jhvc· i\111h.1I d(' l.t I .n11 .1i.,'T1'1·tl, '<lVlllg II I' J IJbor ol love. hut c,1111 a l<t'l lw .1dm1h lu m•c.·d<, ... orttt• help With Wi1h 11me, hc-wtll Ix.'< mm· mon• 1 omfonahlt• a-. J .. mall h1r.1m"' man, and he hop1•c, lw \\tll find rht• ... ame rypt· of dl'dltJlt•cl 1•111pl<J\ l't'' 111' f.ither d11J °"1 lhr ,Jiop 1\lll tonllllU(' Ill pro,p1·r \I> d.uJ lmc"tl tl11' plJu'. '4J ht> 1111 lid ... 1.1\ lwn· ,1JI tfo'lo .111d ,ill rug.hi." \111l>al dt• l.r < nv '>.1111 "Hut I 111·1·d lwlp .. • [ SUPiEMf iiARi-PACK 1 1 Value Prep • Supreme Point Service : U.V. Sunsaeen -•-=-•00~!:)1ow~ 24 9!~ I Al"'51 pim 1~ a1 flint of esiMe "-TY lmltd l'4l'lle offer• ----------------ftJll. RmfJCAJIS AVAii.QUi COSTA MESA 207 6 Placentia Ave. 949-548-3130 1t..t11 ........ IOllA!m ._ Niil \I'll•_. __ _ w,..i·---.......... . ..... ,w..n-.. ........... -.... -. ............ _ ....... Orange Coast College invites you to ... Bring your dreams! We'll do everyth ing we can to help you realize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We1l get you to a univenity-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations. high-tech firms, hotels. hospit'.als and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure.· Tuition for California residents is just S 11 pe r unit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there . Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 orangecoastcol lege .com BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA Costa Mesa shoe store robbed at knifepoint • West B.tbt Street Vandalism was reported In the 600 blod at 6:37 p.m. Wednesday. A male walked into a Costa Mesa shoe store Saturday afternoon with a knife and walked , out with cash and shoes, the police said. • Newport Boulevard: vandalism was reported in the 2100 bl<><* at 3:48 p.m. Wednesday. • Tultin Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 1500 bl<><* at 7:37 p.m. Wednesday. roUce received a call of a rob- bery at the Payless Shoe So~ on Harbor BouJC\r.ud and Baker Stree1 al 5:37 p.m .. Costa Mesa Police Lt. Tom Winter said. • West Wilson Street An auto theft was reported in the 200 bl<><* at 9:26 a.m. Wednesday. •West 19th Street Commercial burglary was reported in the 500 bl<><* at Witnesses said the male got into a late-m odel 4 door Mer· cede!>, m which a 'female was wailing, Winter ~d. The car, wtuch may have been gold m color,. s ped away, dnven by the female. he 'rud. 1: 19 p.m. Wednesday NEWPORT BEACH • Big Canyon Drive and Rayal Saint George Road: A traffic I COMMENTS Continued from Al hours on a city park or changing a textbook or upgrading J coinputer '>y<,tcm But you are really setting 111 mnlion a comphrmed, lnvil.ible marhine with a thou!>and moving parts. And you haw no idea whut llw m.ictu nt.' doe<. or how 11 work.\ Jh~ hegall the '><tgu of Aaron and the Am.vm g Prppt'roni Pv.za. Ont' d.iy 1101 lung .igo, ... omeone al tht• <,ch1111I lihtrin dl·ctdl'tl tl1t11 lhl pohq or makmg Olll.' da\: .i \\l't•I.. "l'tu.J Day \\J.' goot.1, 1>111 < ould ht.• l'Ven ht01tt'1. · I A.'l°\ mctl.c Pv.za l>a\ t'H-"' •llhl'r \Vl'el , the•\ mu-.ed · "1111 ... \'\it\, tilt' ltd ... \o\()ll I Kl'I brirt'tJ \\1lh 11. l)ll'~ 11 ht• ('Jllllg It·,.., f.11. <md lht•v 11 t omt· Ill app11·n.itt· 1111.1...i I ),1\ t'\l'll 111on·1• lib oh llw 1m1..,1hlt• 111o11 h111t· lwi;ull 111 hum. 111 lwwn "11h. 1ry111g to "1.1tth .1 raw ponerhou ... t:' lr(llll tlu~ mouth or a liugt.• I >ohcm11m " ,, heller it.lea than gt·ttmg h<.01\o\t't'll" kit.I and 111.., pv.1.a ~lw h l><'llt·r Kid.., behevt· that p1.1.1.a ,., .u1 111.i.lwnahlt• ngh1.14uaranll't0d hv the ( .on.,11tt1lttJ11 I >ut prt>C!:"-\ and pmtN.1mn ,1gJJn'>I unrl'.l.WllJblc• ... ear\ h <md 't'11urc Ml' line hut t.111 not. at ,111> lllnt'. tor an\ rea..,11n. 1 oud1 tlw p11.1.1 ft \\ J'>n·I JU'l lht 111'\\ 111 '"'t'IJ'lo pv.1..i pohC\ .it Ail.um. 'l hool that "'Ill \aron 11111> a 1<11l ... p111. hu1 lhJt 11 h.1d hl't'll dom "'m' dt'>t u .... 1011 ,tnd, w11h1111t nut ll l'. 'I \\,1.., l'nragl·d," !\,1ro11 '>did '"lhc·" tJ<JCPled 11 .md rl11ln'1 11•1 anyont" ktHl\o\ " I hu' Aaron lt-.1rnl'd rmt· c 1f hfl'\ 1mport.1111 lt''"'m' "Jewr trust any11m• over 20. Maylw thal., JO Thi· deed wa., dOll('. hut Aaron w:L'> nor .1hou1 10 ill' thert hke a l,1rg<• pt•p1wmn1. GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs penodically m the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For mrormat1on on adding your organization to this ltst, call (949) 574-4298 t'Xtra tht.'t">t.'. Canadian bacon. 110 ,Uldmvw'> and Jll'>t take 11. I le c:omultcd hi~ mother. Chru, who advbed hun 10 condurt a '>wvey at sc:hool to nwasure the 'upr>ort for tht' r reviOll' policy or getllng a ptt' Ill yo ur lact' twery' l11uNlay. <!!> thr h)ll11def'> 111lt'nded. vc·rsus every othrr I hur.-day, a<. tht')' did n111 Whrn .111 the thad.., wl'rl' punC'hl'd and Uie re'ull' wt·rt• tahul.iwd and th(' n.-co1111h \\t:'fl' dmw. you wuld havt' knno!.l'd t\.iron mer \o\ith a teatJwr "( >ut of IJl<I .. 111de111., ""ho pamnpJll'd. J7l \\~llllt'<l llw p11.1.1 h.1cl.. t'H'I) lhuNIJ\, \.iron -..i1d "lha1·, <f"i • , .. \,m11111rg,111ved h,... ll''ulh p.ill...i,.:c·d them "1Ui J lt·ltl'f, .111tl fOf\\atdt•d l'\C'r} lhlllg lfl thl' dl\lrtn ... dm·nor 111 food '>t'l'\1t 1..., llll' h,m.1 l 1rt·e1w -J 1 l'f\' • 1wn l'f>ll\t' ma;1 \1 ho n·1.11gi111t·d rlw pm, er of pv.t<i 1111111edi.ild} ()11 tlw llh ul I >t.·n·mlwr 200.!, I )lrt'l IOI ( ort't'lll' t'fllt'f),'t"tl fr11rn . fill' t.fl'>lnt I 111fi1 l'\ Oil f\t•Jr °'lll't'I Jrtd, ",11111g .1 '>lrt c· ol hdll .... 111...igt•. hall· mll'>hroom p1.1.1.<1 Jhov!' h" hc•ad for rflt~:I. .111no11nced that aero'" the land of' N1•wpon ~ 1t">(I, eITC'tUw 1m1m•d1a1ely. Pi1.1.a Day would onn· <tga111 ht· ,1 v.rd-l> Jllair. In d<L .... .,ro11m ... from Lonma dl'I \1ar IO nonh < .u"a ~1esJ.. 11 wa., p<1ndl·mo11111111. \'\ 11h 'lr<'arnrng and yelling and hu~ng and 1. ry111g illlU bool' ;md papt·r. hl'tng thrcM II lll llll' cllr -Jll th;ml' to ~1.1~ter I ut.lJm ... <i<><Hl. A.Iron \'\il' na1111n<1l 111"'' '" 1111' 'IOI) 111 tht' l'll.1.t lo..1u '>Prt'dd far and wid1 u1dut.ling an apJX'ar.tntt' on the forngh1 \htM v.11h la" Leno la'>I fnda\ night, \\IH'rl' \aron rnmltH 11·d l11111wlf \.t'I) \>\di, ind1·ed Hut till' ~.m· ol 111 ... t1ppo1111t·d J ') rn1nutt-.. of fam1 '' g<'lltng oltJ. fJ'>I 'Tm hiillrlg 11 <Url'Jd} bt.•tJU<,(' 1'111 ... o n of a pnvalt' pl'Nm Aaron ..aid. '){)why 1h~ h1g bua about J k.id and hi'> p11.141' \\/h.11 <,et•mc, to mlnh'lll' 1110,1 1111.l'l'\'ft'Wl'r ... 1., I.hat SHERMAN LIBRARY a. GARDENS You could assist with the garden wori< m the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for ctlildren and adults at Corona del Mar's botanical garden and h1stoncal research hbf'ary Stefanie Knstiansen, (949) 673-2261 SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners tn finance, accounting, law, mariceting, sales, human resources and other areas. (714) 432-5916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KrTCHEN Someone Ceres Soup Kitctien needs food servers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization Is at 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer M ors are needed to meet a greater demand for literacy and English as a second language classes. Students are taught English reading, writing and speaking slulla at their own level in small groups or one on one. There are centers all over Orange County. Once trained, ttrtors may d\0058 the center at whktt they want to teedt. Mary Rtzgerald, (949) 458-8664. soumCOAST REPERTORY TliEATER The South COllt RepenofV Theater r'IMde vo6unteerl to help with 'Ulhering ( ... pleys he) and o1her func:aona. (714) 708-!ri00. SPEAK UP ,.EWPORT -II COiii COLLEGE C 71M•n4• A nonprofit Otganlzation that promotes.IOdel weffar9 b'f ~ng the public end lmpnMng locel QOWmment In ~ Bwll hc>ld9 "*'*"" h wond Wedn4edly of~ month accident involving ln1unes was reported at 10:35 p.m. Thursday. ) • Hampehlre Court: Vandalism wae repoUed I~ the 100 blod at 11 :43 a:hl. Fnday. • w..t OcMnfront A garage burglary waa reported In the 700 blod et 7:27 a.m. Fnday. • Newport Center Ortw E.ast: A commercial burglary was reported In the 000 blodc at 6:48 a.m. Friday. • Priscilla Lane: A v~lcle burglary was reported in the 1500 bl<><* at 12:12 a.m. Friday • Promontory Drive Wert A burglary was reported In the • 500 blod at 12:01 p.m Thursday. •21st Pf.ce and W..t Oceanfront An auto theft was reported at 11·27 a m Thursday Aaron, wi th Uie i>age rnunM:I of ht' m11m. workt'CJ the '>)"tern. ~enl through t hanneL ... d1dn I w·r t.11\l·ouragt'<i and kept h.i'> cool f ft• didn't '>Ut' 3Jl¥One, he didnl play the vie um, he d1dn'1 a~l Ll11 A< I tJ for help. I le Jl.l.l>t ..,Lay1"<I foru~. '>lt1ycd t·alm, and kcp1 ht~ t•ye<. Oil the pre<. unlll hc gm what lit' wanted, for h1m'>ell a11tJ 111' pab. J'hat., a lug k~'>fHl for an 11 yt•ar old to tt'al h. 1\pp.uently, Aaron·., allerJ..'Y to p11l1hdty l'>n't ab'>C1IUH' 'It put' our '"·ho11l on th1· r.1tl.1r <,tTf•t•n." A.iron '-<lid -~fo.,. 111 tht· tHT1l'. our '>thool 1' ,.,11m·tl ... 11 ''' .1hou1 11m1· \\ot' gt•t .,,mu p11hhl II\ \\,.II < >t... then I lt•n•, d lttrll0 lt11 of .\dam' -.c lmol hL'>IUI) th.11 \aro11 tdll u..e 10 1mp re-..., h" lam1ly Jnd tm•nu ... JI Lhl' 1w\t pt/./j p.Ul'r 111 IYHI, (Jr,Ulgl' Lounl\ \>\,I, ' l11hbu1·d wrth a l<X> ~l'ar ,1un11 1 ourlt">\ of thar hide hml. I I \rrw llw onl~ rl'<'Ortll'CJ m,1,ui1 r of .m holll'"' IO I >oroth> torn.id•• Ill ( l,...tJ !\1l'"I loUlht.'CI dO\A.Tl oil nom· 01lwr th:m Adam<, 'Khool y,ml mg i>ut '-<Jme of the tn•t..., th.it 11111· 1ht• '>thoolyard hkt• .., .. Ill.In\ fdfTOI'> I h.ippt•n<.'<J lo he pulhn~ 1r1111 rhl.' ... , hool p.ulmg lot JU'>I <l' 11111 ol tlw trt'l"' W<L" rtpp<'d o ut ol th• ~round It fwd ahout I II leer -.1ra1~1 up. th~n ... lJ mmed dm'\1 on tlw Ad.inh "'hoolvard II 1 ... 1, n·r. llllJlrt""H' llu1 thdt wa.-, tlwn and th" " 1)1)\\ ( •IH'n lw. \U(( l'\.\ J I h" fir,1 11·11111n• 111 rht· puhlu tt'""' 1\utmrl \O.lld Ill' Jlll~)I J1U1'UI I t .ir1•1•r 111 pol1111 .... a.' .i 1 011gn...,.,rtl.Ul ur .1 ma\1H. 11 mm I dont l..HO\'\. l\.uon ISt•f\\l'l'n 'loOU .tnd me I'd 'Ill L \'\ llh till' p11.1 .. 1 I I\ l',L,tl'r Jlltl dlt'apt•r. Jnd fWllpll' don l I ,111 you 11amt.., I g1111a go • PETER BUFf'A 1s a former Cosld Mesci m8"0r His column runs Sundays He may be readied voa " mail di Prr84 "aol com at the Newport 8ea<j) Tennis Club A ~ptJon begins at 5:30 p.m .. and meettngs begin at 6 p.m Free Annual membership dues are S20 Send chedc to ·Speak Up Newport,• PO Box 2594, Newport Beacti 92663 (949) 673-1191 smcHES FROM THE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to k.nrt and crodlet, the nonpmfit corporation 1s looking for volunteers to knit and crodlet hats booties and blankets for premature babtes and babies in need. The rtems are donated to hospitals across the country. Patterns are available, and donated yam is appredated. Kathy Silverton, (310) . 472-6903 SWEET ADEUNES OF ORANGE COUNTY The singing group Invites women who hke to ling to join them Tuesday nlghta for four-pert harmony, or Barbershop-ctyle ilnging. (949) 496-5685. TEU..~A-FRIENO Orange County cancer groups Met volunteers to encourau-women to haw mammogrema. Partidpents will take part in a one-on-one program of education and encouragement spec.iftcally related to mammogram• and eartv bf9ast cancer detection. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. C714) 967·9167. UNDERGROUND The Underground progrtm, e function of Child'• Paclt. ~ . IOdal ect.lvttlea end lntefWCdon fOf ~ Votunt..raere needed In min'( ...... (949) 64MM9. VANTAGE FOUNDATION The Vllnt.lge Found.don~ ernploymtnt end community lraining for aduftl .... ~-dleMl-­"°""1tllerl .. needed. (M) &e&-7833 • - & ,Dally Pilot CHECK IT OUT Bethe best you can be in 2003 W tll 2~ bt.· 1lw year you fi11ally .. ti.1pt• up, tnm down and ft'i:I fabulou .. ·1 With gwdd.me fm111 dozen .. of diet and exerri.e gurm. yuu could mrh yuur "'av ever closer to thoc,c goab No matter wha1 your agt• or phy-,1t.1I condldon, you can 1mprow energy, ... 1a111111,1 and mood in just a day. Jay~ '><IV'> 1n "The 24-Hour Turnaround .. With .i mind body progrdffi '>lnictured around 1·1gl11 "total life change'>.· 1ht.• 1ramer tu llll' .,,,,,.,,JI her exclusive Mauna l..1111 Hl"!><m 111 I IJ\\i111 promise!> to help reacle" 1.~l' cha~t· ol rheir bodies and emotion .... Don't want to rad1rall~ change vour ltft..,tvlt• on the WdY to beLommg a wcltc nt"'' \ou' 01eck out Ed V'K:ton lbe Obvious Diet · Ba.~ed on the prem1\l' 1hat cH·nom• kncl\" what food!> they 'houkf <1vrnJ, thl'> h;1l.u1u·d approat:h to eating n"<.<~1111.t"" that nil1"" \'It' malce OUl"!>t'lvc<. an· tho'>t· \\c,.n· 1110,t ltl..d\ 111 foUCM1. Hather-than adoptmg .i ngid pl.111 Vit1or Jdvutelle. uJmhm111g dernt·111' lro111 di1Jert.'flt die~ 10 !>Ull JX'NJll.ll pn'll'fl'lll c--. Diel'> aren't the o,olu11011 tor \A.t'1gh1 '""'· pmd.urm nutn1111111 ... 1 Shari Uebennan m Oare to '>lJ pplernent& Lose PTornNng to lwlp re<1dt·r. gcl tlun lur hl1· 'ht uu1hrn ... J p~ctm dl,,..lgJll><l to r.U '>t' rn el ctboh" 11 l h mu gh !>ell'>lhlt• t•atmg. C'\l'fl'l'ot' relax.111w1 tl-chnit111t--. .mu CM.·r tl1t· c ountt·r \\t•1gl11 l"'I'' Dietary cho1Le<. tan \o\<tnl oil c-.dtlt:er. reduct' . hypenen'>1on, pre'>('l"V\' eye<.1ght dlld promole ht•an health dlld the bram, mamtrun the author. of Ille Color Code." Leam hlM Ill select foods witl1 ~ fighting prupt:nit"> 111 thi." new wort by James A. Joseph. Dan.Id A. Nadeau and Anne Undt:rwood Illere".., a '>lmilar cmph.t.'1' 011 too<I' 111.11 heal tn Rohen and Shelley Young·., ·11le pH Mlracle ... Hy foUowmg a tlw1 pnmanly 111 V\"getahk':'. with a '>JX"C"tn11n of '>upplt.:mt•nh. 11., po"-'lhll' to rever.e cane n. 1mprm e c.ltgt'\1111n and l<Ml'r cholt"iteml tht 'wungr, rnnll'nd "lt.'n..,1blt• l.'atmg .t.111nt• \>\Oil I lead w ulumatt· fiuw ... -.. C..omhtnl' 11 \o\11h "Pilates On the BaU" lor a ''"'n~ Ot"<iblt• bu<ly .md rrund \\nl(t·n 17\ renifil'd ptlate-. tmtm·r Col1ttn Craig, 1111'> 1ll1Nmll'<.I manual LOmhute-. lllll' ol tht' hom">t won.out'> of 1lw decade witl1 the tn•ndy "~'" t'Xen 1-.t• IMll lu1 J low-impact way to hu1lcJ1t'<m mu'>t:k'\ .mtl abdorrunal '>trength "Chedl It Out" 1s written by the staff of thP Newport Beadl Public Library TI11s weell's column 1s bv Mehssa Adams, 1n collaboration wrth An<lrea Jason All tnles may be reserved from home o• office computl!f"s by accessing the catalog at www newportbeach/lbrsry org ... NO PLACE LIKE HOME ~ren Wighfi column wm return next WMlt. ' ..... .. : .. .... uriddy Jonuaty 5, 2003 A9 • ezsure ' .. • Make· it and -keep it Every year , personal tra iners see a glut o f exerci sers armed with resolutions. Only their numbe rs thin . June Casaerande Daily Pilot ' 'T hi5 year, it\ go111g to be difft'rent. No excu'>e'> No !>laclung off. Th1o; year. rm going to get 111 5hape • Sound familiar? If thll> once-powerful pledge I'> beginning to sound like a li red refram. it's time to '>lop kidding your'>elf abou1 getung fit. If II didn't work la'>I year or lhl· yt'dr before ur thl' year before that, it\ t1mt• w do <,urnethtng difforenl rhat\ tht· only wav 10 make your 2003 '-t•w Ycdr c, re'>olu11on tht' unl' lh<JI linalt~ '>IJd.-, I vt'I) new year, per,onal tr.1111l'r' .. ee a fre.,h crop of n·<.,111!111• ht'alth buff'>, and every '1·.tr thl're follow' the '1eadv dl'dtnt 111 workout allendancl' lhJt '>t'parates lhl' one' who rt•ally mean hu!itm•,., from 1he one'> who were JU'>t kidding tht·m'>elve-; all along Personal tramer Paul Redman gu1des'Tem Cam through -3 bOKing drill d' .Pw~ rrt Wori•ou: Cam .... r.r made her New Years resolution to get 1n shape 'ate last year. promised hersPlf tr.rk-f>ep .vor~1'1g-0ut lhe key. pro'> .,ay. ,., tu he real .... 11c from the 'IMI "\\anung too mt1t h 1110 ... oon ,., probably one qf the b1~e'>t rl·a~om people fail tht'lr New Year\ re.,olulions I ha1\ probably the second b1ggec;1 rca'>on £he bigge'>t one'' 1u'>t flalmg out,· said Paul Hedman. J pcr!>OnJi tr<lllll'I \\hu ol11'n work\ at ;\,('\\port I 1t Ill" Redman who looJ.. .. at •'en new.year a .. Jll opportunil\ lor a frco;h <,tart. \Jld 1ha1 go.ti-. mu'>t he rea'>ori.1ble and l'\t'll more import.int thl'Y ... 110uld b1 vcn '>pec1fic "You need J \ 1•r. 'Pt't 1!11 pla11 lkdc11.cr1 Jtd · l h,t1 pl. 1 'h111Jld Int l1111l' '>l \ t r.tl "'lll,tll goJI\ th.11 l1111k IOYl.Hti ,1 h1g go,d I Iii\ ll)ll'•I\, I lit•ltt•\p lh,11 h1r111g" 1r.11111•r 1,1n ht , g1111d goal I ht•11 wr ''Hl"' pr,...111\1• fl'\\.!fd' \\ tw11 \<111:\, .111111·'1 J \Cllll g11,tl' "•'Tltl \11111'' 11 tit 'Jl•I 1111 c1·,ft<1pp111g -.pn··· ''" 11 1g\11 1111 ,~tCtl\•IL• t 1.r ,_:11,tl ..,, 1 11 nut t I "t ''c1gh· 11111 ! I WI ripp··d II• .,,11(1 hut Ill k1•l I ..ct"r t11d Ill lw.1ll t111·r I•"' 11111111 ft-1•!111~: i.:11ud 1 lw \\• 1gl11 111, \\11! 1 11m 111:ur 1lh I I I Ii I g g 11111 I \ I I ,... ti lh d111.111 -..ud TRAVEL TALES Eyes open on a trip to the Orient Christin• Carrillo Da1lyP1lot W 11h t1r1 1ntere'1 111 the Orient and 11me to c;pare. four women from Newport Beach joinl'd a rour group and headed off to fhailand and Cambodia for nearly three week.\ to learn about their culture'> and enioy '>Orne of lhetr customc;. From Vl'iiting one of the wonder<, of the Ea.stem World to ndtng elephant'> through the 1ungle. Sandy FarweU . Donna Ca.rd. Barbara I lert7berg and Grace Deut~ch were busy feeling their way through lhe two countries and gemng a real under>tandtng or the different worlds they had traveled so far to see. "I got much more of a sen5e of the culture than before I went." said I lert7bNg. \-\ho ha'> al\\,t\'' had an intere'>l 111 lhl' Orient "It\ JU<;I hoYI beautifully 1he) do 1l11ng-., how beaut 1fulh the\ '>l'r. t' their food, tht•1r do1hing. theLr '>Urround111gc;, Jnd 11 " c;omethmg thJt I ~ort uf grew up apprl'Ualing and hkrng ... After their tnp 111 ~ovember. I lertzberg·, uHerei.r 111 Oriental thing' 1111en~1fied J'> her J..nowledgt' of the two till' countne~ 1ncre~ed. c:.ee1ng one wkJlhng field" after another 111 tht' two countnes. renunding them of the Cambodian genocide. and after visiting one temple after anolher, the women began to belief .understand the importantc of the different historkal site:;. ·11 wa5 jusl fascinating what they could accomplish.· Hertzberg I Speak Up .,aid .ibo111 1hc1r tnr 10 Angl..or v. .. 11 111 C amhod1.i .• 1 "tonf' lt'rnpll• built hl'IWt't'll thl· 91h Jlld 11th l('lltlll H'' -\ D .. I "-'J" lll'-I op1•n 10 \'. hal \'l.l' \.I\'. bl'Cdl1'l' \ 1111 t.Jn 1 hl' d1,,1ppr11nwd 1! \oll don't ht1\it' .i prt'·lunr1·1\1•d notion of \o\ll.11 11 \\a'> gmng w ht· lile 11-.. fabulum IHI\\ neat1\.l' pl'ople r.in ht· Jnd hov. l rt•alJ\l' manlmd hJ' been for 'uch a lung lltnl' o\fter Vl'>lllfl~ .,onll' of till' mo't lwaultful Ruc.ldh1'1 lel)lplc' Jnd being pampert•d wllh tht• mo .. t exquii,Jll• 1 hat ma'<>a~l·'>. the women reh.,hed tlw idea of .1 vat a11on111g 111 tlw Onent with the girl'>. "Th1<; tnp wa_,; wry relaxmg 11 \\ d' .. o k.rck bJt l . • ( clfd ...aid addmg tha1 the highlight of the tnp for her wa~ the elephant rideo;. "We d1d11 t wear any make-up and dtdn t do our hair 11 wJ-. Newport __ Wednesday, Januarr 8, 2003 Sandy Fatwen Donna Card. Barbara Hertzberg and Grace Deutsch (from left) m front of the temples in Chiang Mai rn Northern Thailand dunng their trip rn November 'en rrl.1'<1ng. ;,ind n11rr11Jlh I dnn t gt•t 1h.1t \'I. hen I 1 raw I Ru1 '>llll l they traH•lt•d 10 l\o\O rountne<. with'" much Ill olft•r. the\ ah~a\"'> hdtl '>Omt•thing tn do "\\t• '~'''"on the gn •\end.1\ \\t• met mam ·wnndt•rtul pt'<Jpl1>." < ard '>atd ·1 Jll't knew it wa' gc1'nl( to he J fanta'\tll tnp I would du 11 a~ain Id recommend 11 to anvone • • HARDWOOD • l.AMINAlCS • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• WM. ROORING ·~.'.!~ t.1,!ifor=41 ~OL ~"~t. ¥-Ai!ipD~ SOLID BRAZIUAN MOHAWK DENSE PUJSH Monthly General Membership Meeting At Newport ~h Tennis Club 2601 Eastbluff Drive, Newpott Beach Refreshments: 5:30 p.m. Program: 6:00 p.m. HARDWOOD .CARPET ~ ,,,.,,,. rour ,..,,,,.ban •Ml friends. O....C. .,. •lwllys welcome lntw1natlon (N9J 2a4-2211 Join ua to ,.,,,.,, •bout AJlfHwne uw ... ,.,,...,., ....... provided ,,, tlle ~ ll••COSIW tunt. ~ PllUI HenlMy .oo l...llUttnlnt Bob~ win 1NKe • ~lbllloi1, to bi foloMd by.~ llf'ld lf\SWer ~. LMm Men about. Chenycr s5~9 tO•SW\Fas 1 f,9* Peca'l Fnsh ...., -~ lllllllldte• Tra"9rtn 1e· x 18" ..... -... -. .......... ...... ..-.. ---·ea.ti .. , Cenrnlc Tie ........ -.............................. " .. _,..,...., ...... "' l.anilate \\load .......... "_ ......................... -................ u .. , ·---i~-..• . Help keep our city clean! -The~ d ABU! •• Joint~ AQetq -The High tedt ~ Plllloll!IQ .... ...., 0\19' 046 dty • Thi I ... '¥11 .. CIPlll • H Ind muillP'e role8 . ·---~CJP9llllXll• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., - A6 Sunday, January 5, 2003 FORUM • • ... • . ... ... HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -L.tt.ra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNderl HoUine: Call (949) 642-0086 Fax: Send to (949) ~ 170 E-mait:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must lncfude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The.Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submiak>nt for cfanty and length. EDITORIALS Here's .to the rise of cjean Newport Beach campaigns E lection problems exist and have existed since elections began. But every linle thing officials can do to prevent them -c-.m go a long-way toward perfecting the system. Newport Beach C...ouncilmen John l lcffeman and Gary Adams have, oddly to some. teamed up to ensure that either misleading or phony phone messages are prevented or that those creating them are punished. The former would be pn'fcrable. those who spend a'> much time and money a.o, b needed on a Newport Beach City Council clt'C'tion '>hould at least be allO\ved to en1oy a clean campaign -as far ""those really go. At the local level, especially, clean campaigns should not only be waged, but be guaranteed as much a-. pO'>..'iible by city governments. At the '>late level. ru. was obvious in the governor·~ race in November, diny campaigning and name calling 1><.cur'>. 11·., despicable that it com~ down to -;uch chilillstuf&. ln the latl.">t NeWf>()n Beach C.1ty ( oundl election. a campaign c.on~ultant created a 1elephone mt.,....agt• 1ha1 misled voten. 8!> to who the Greenlight candidate was in District 4 -Adams' district. It was Adams' campaign manager, Dave Ellis, who created the message. What Adams proposes would require candidates Lo file the scripts of all recorded campaign messages wich the city cleric's office before they're used. Candidates' campaign literature already passes through the city cleric's office before it's maiJed. Heffeman's proposal. meanwhile. would forbid candidates from misrepresenting their political pany affiliations and endorsements on campaign literature. He also wants the City Council to create conllict-of-interest rules to forbid paid campaign consultants from receiving lucrative jobs that the city funds. Again, the laner would target 81is, whose Airport Working Group received about $458,000 of a $3.6-million city grant to promote an airport at the fonner El Toro Marine Base. It would behoove residents and council membt!n. to suppon Adams and Heffeman's proposal!> to ensure a clean election proces.-. in Newport Beach. L et justice be done in the criminal courts W e said chis all before, but it bears repeating now that the lawsuit ha5 been officially filed m the ca..e of former Newport Beach oty recreation coordinator I renton Veches. Vechcs ha'> bt.-en charged. though not conv:icted, of inappropriate lx>havior with young boys in hi'> c;upervision. He's been arrested and now '>ib in jail awaiting charges on 28 relony counts or lewd behavior with a minor and one mi'><femcanor charge of posses.sing child pornography. But even before a jury has been a-...emblcd, before the prosecution t>pen'i its arguments, before the rudge ha5 gaveled a courtroom to cm.Irr, parents of some of the boys allegedly touched by Vech(.'S have already clogged up the legal system with a law;uit aimed at the city- and the taxpayers who wiJJ have to foot the bill for such frivolousnes.c;. 'flle parents allege in the la~uil that the city was negligent in its luring and retention of Veches. High o n the list of the complaints is the idea that the city hould have been ~uc,picious or his e-mail address, purported to be wiiLJyouth@aoLcom , Fir.I thing's first If Vcches is convicted or these crimes. we are confident that justice wiJJ be meted our approp1iatety. We. like many in this community, were '>hocked when the n.cWs ofVechcs' alleged crimes came to Ught and were saddened for the children and parents who were victims of these acts. We believe anyone who violates the oust of a child, who preys on che innocent, ~hould be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent or the law. But we also believe thal the appropriate place Lo conclude this unfortunate case is in the criminal courts, not the civil courts. Ille city, which has already denied $4.5 million in claims filed in the Veches case. did indeed do a routine background and fingerprint check or Veches. who was formerly employed by the city of Tucson, and found no aiminal record and nothing Lo suggest he was a danger to children. So the Idea that somehow his e-maiJ address, which does not on its face suggest lewd behavior, hould have tipped off city officials is ludicrous. Indeed, if city officials denied him the job based on his e-mail address. they wouJd probably find themselves in serious violation or civil Uberties and personal privacy. As we've said before, Jhese lawsuits are nothing more than a• shameless grab into the deep . pockets of the city and the residents here. We urge those involved in these 1awsuits Lo cease and desist. Don~ bring more victims into this mess. and let the aim.i.naJ courts and prosecutors do their part in making sure justice is served. THE LAST WORD · Calling Sherlock Holmes I tli not quite a whodunit. but what happened to the 1ttlogy Playhouse? The sign remains hanp1g ln the Lab And-Mall nearly three years after lt first appeared. but there' nary a trace of che theater group chat once perl'OJlTl(..'(t In the 8IUlol &reet venue. It prMJed another theater choice In c:o.m Mell -a dty proud to hive heel dubbed tbe *Oty of lhe Art&" BUt ~ Wkhout word to thole tl cbe ..... cOrMlunl'ly OT chis vey DeWIPIP« 1he rurt.a1ns ldl on che dlrkt.t-1 IUIF-Alif*" caat In the-~-· December play got a Call before attending a rehearsal. He was told. HDon't bother comlng for reh.earsal. We're closed. The show's canceled." It's an odd departure for the playhouse, whJch started ln U!guna Niguel In 1993. Hverl once-helpful pb6ne lines to homes or those imdved haw been dboonnected. -nilosY Pllyb6tJle. It seam, has become mywcery theater. Whatever the nwon for the depanure. it would be pt lf not only another me.tee pip~ ln and .role the cunaln. but ff the mystery W.. ltM!IMd. SOUNDI NG .BOARD .Don't ·expect immediate effect of coastal ruling By Garry Brown C oastal protection 1s here to stay (·Newport won't assume coastal authority yet,• Wednesday). For those who are overcome with excitement at the thought or a much-weakened California Coastal Commission or even no commission at all, well, it is way too early lo crack the champagne bottle. The Pilot's recent arucles reporting Mo nday the California Court or Appeals' ruling the coastal commission unconstitutionaJ fuels the ·fire of jubilation for those whose hair stands up straight at the mere thought or the rna'>l,tl commission. Before anyone geh thl' impression we bave los1 t ua,tal planning and protection, I would like to clarify from our perspeet1vc• -the environmentaliM'> -what will most probably happen in the· near future. Hrst. there will be no 1mmcd1ate effect. The coastal comrn1s.,1on wtll moc;t hlcely receive a '>lay or the order and a ppeal the en11re issue to the California Supreme C ourt. Second, and most probable. there will be remfd1al legblauon introduced and supported by the state Legislature and the governor to o,upuJate fixed term'> on the comm1ss1011ers' appo1ntmenLs Taking away the ability of the ~embly speaker and the pre'>1dent pro tern of the ~nate to remove the majonty or comm1ss1o ners anyume they de'>1re would make the comm..,,ion constitutional. By doing ~o. 1t would ah o make the coastal cornm1s.,.on more independent than 11 1s now The Marine Forest Sonety ol Newport Beach brought the lawsu11 to evade a cease and d e'>ic;t order to remove an artificial reef l'Ornpo-.ed of 1,500 U'>ed Uies deposited 011 the Olean Ooor off the Newport l'll'r without a coastal comnus,1on permit. Ille Building Inau•.try A._.,n heavily contributed to the to'>I of the lawsuit, hoping for weaker coa.MaJ protection via less Mnngcnt regulations on coastal development. Enough .,aid for altruistic motivation. rhere i'i the polenl1al for a Kreal irony here. As a resuJt or lh<' lawsuit, California may '>OOn wind up with a more independent coastal commission, which is 1u-.1 the opposite of what the law\utt was seeking to accomplish. We have supponed mo re mdependence because the alternative is to tum the commission into a fund-raising tool for the gove rnor. Developers would be able to heavily contribute to a governor's campaign, receive a favor;Wle project approval from the governor-controUed commission, and the pubHc, who incidenlally r l[PHOTOIO~'YPl!OT Rodolphe Stretchenberger. who took on the state's coastal ce1mm1ss1on. ownc, lht> lwat he,, would h.ive no '>ay. In the unlikely event till' rcmed1aJ legislation 1., no t adoptt•d .• 111d the n1a'ital cornm1c,-.1on dm•, not appeaJ 1111'> ruhnK tu tilt' 'iupn·rnt· < ourt. real co.istal planrnng .iml protectwn wtiuJd bt• nom•it1\tent. I he voter'> of (...thforn1J will o n n• again expn.•.,., their ovef\\hclm1ng support for coa'>laJ protection. and there wtll be a new 1mt1<1t1ve on the California hallot calling fur greater protection of lht• roa,tal n·-.ource-. we have left. A'>k any '>!alt' pohlltaJ office holder. t'Oa.,lal prntt·c11on 1i. a hot bunon with C alirorn1a voter ... CaJifornia de.,perately need'> t·oru.tal protecuon. a'> there are fewer undeveloped roa.,tal area,. Illus. they become rnon• valuable. and the money al '>take I'> huK<'· Ille citil'kn'> of C..ahforn1.1 own the beaches and sho uld have lotal access 10 them. We do believe owners of coastaJ property ..,hould be allowed to ck>velop their property. but they do not have the right to pollute their neighbor\ property, the public's property or the ocean. There arc coastal areas and sensitive hab11ato; where 11 would be best to pre-,erve undevdoped for future generaliom 111 Lhe-.e case.,, the landowner ..,houJd expect to receive rea...,onablt• value for the property. These dec1.,1om need to be made by a .,tronK. 1ndept>ndcnt coa\taJ tomm1,..,1on and not by c111e'>. m o'>t of which arc unfortunately broke and de<.pcrate for any source or short -term rrvenue. A' one who tlo .. ely monitor'> the roa\tal commi,l>wn and has experienced the enutlemenl procc'>'> in applyin..: for a coa~tal developmcn1 p ermit merely to plant kelp on reef'> where kelp used to grow nalur.1.lly, suffice 11 to ~y. the proct'durc'>, pohc1e'i and the enllre en111lement process de.,perately need <.. improvement Under')tandably, the entitlem ent procc!>s Itself provides ample ammun111on for commission en tic!>. J fowever, for the citizens of California, our coastline would be a · conrrete 1ungle with private . beachc'i without strong coastal protection proVJded by the Cdlifomia Coastal Commission. •GARRY BROWN 1s the founder and executive director of Orange Cdunty Coast keeper • COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Newport will Continue to fight on environme~tal front ... BIO Age:73 Po91tion: Spokesman for Greenhghl Committee Occup91k>n: Retired manager and consultant In high-lee.ti industry ~n: U.S. Naval Academy; master's In business administration Aeeidencr. NewportBeacn for 25 years Femlty: Wife of 45 years, Margaret, two daughters lnvolwment: Besides Greenhgh1, served year as president of Newport-Irvine Rotary Club Hobblel: Plays with computers and scuba dives when less busy DUTY CALLS 'Now, I might say m y motto is "I'd rath er be home watching 'Jeopardy,"' and what's kept me going is that someone has to do it and take their turn in preserving the city.' FRIEND TO THE LITTLE GUY 'We, as Greenlight, support our local small businesses. They're hemmed in by lack of parking, poo r access, and I would hope to see parts of the city redeveloped rather than the city. becoming a high-rise, high-density business center.' aTY Of COSTA MESA <:-. Meaa aty Haft, n Felr Drive, Cocta Miu. CA 92828, (714) J64.6223 ~ K.w1 AobilllOn-c...-lfbbv C:OW.n, Allen Manl004'. Gery MonlNwl and Chris Steel aTY Qf NEWPORT 1EACH N~a.d\Oty ..... 3300~ BMS.. ~Beed\ CA 92983, (M) 8"-3308 -.: 5-YI Brombetg CouiMilt 0..V Adlln1I. Stwe 8rombetg,.. John I"""""" Dk* Nlddl. o.N O'N911, o.ry flnK*lf, Tod fUdg.-; Ind Oonw.bb COUT~ CXI I ... 1"MCf oe.tcilC-.1310~-.. COltl ~CA--(714>432 .... 0•11A1n..._M_ ... , 22 .......... ~ ""!PalA ......... ~ .,_., aalW b Q.I~ IP• ..... _a.. __ -;--··--... ----~-.·--r----~~-=-~~-----"!"'"'!-...... ..._-------------------------------------- FORUM Sonday, January 5, 2003 A7 akirtg. progress Phil Arst, spokesman for the Greenlight Com"}ittee in Newport Beach, has seen his group succeed since the law's incep tion in 2000. T he VJew of Newpon Harbor and the Balboa Pavilion from PhU Arst's home in Broadmoor Hills hasn't changed much since he moved in about 25 years ago. And, with any luck and the existence of the Greenhght law that sends voters to the ballot on large developments, it won't change. in the nex t 25 years. Arn and his fellow Greenlight Committee members set out to ensure that voters coUld -;econd-guess City Council "' dec1s1ons on large developments back in 2000. Since the n, one development. the expansion of Koll Center. failed at the polls. Other<; have decided against even trying. In the latest election, in November. Greenlight put up four candidates for the four open seats. One, Dick. Nichols, succeeded, joining feUow Greenlight Councilman John Heffernan. Much is unknown about the committee's future or whether 11 is even needed now that the Greenlight law is on the books. On Friday, City Editor James Meier visited Arst's Newpon home to discuss the group a nd his involvement in it, as weU as the future of Newpon Beach. GreenUght hu sua:eeded much slnce tu lnceptJon ln 2000. It hu obviousty alowed growth ln Newport Beach and, at ti.mes, dissuaded dnelopen from even trying. What'• next for the Q._reenllgbt CommJttee? We think. with one exception, the city's gJOwth is in a manageable state because the voters can decide. Greertlight's not no-gJowth, nor slow·gJOwth. It's. let the voters decide. The one excepuon 1s. the City Counctl is formulating a new general plan update now, and what we've seen so far. and our fear. 1s that 1t will wnte into thal new update the kindi. of pro1ects that voters ha rejected m the past. that we got st pped So will the commJtttt continue to fight development like ttiatl We think that's the mechanism to get these developments into the city. Understand, you talk about fighung development Greenlighr's goal and v1S1on 1s 10 preserve the quality of hfe of the residents and maunam the quality and beach I bay character of the city. Developments are JUM one aspect of that. That's where we started. bu1 hotels on the waterfront are a big concern because they take away our precious naruraJ resource. And the airport, of course So it's not ortly t.raffic Traffic 1s a metnc used to judge proiect<;. Were you dlsappolnted that only one of Greenllght's four candidates were elected ln the November City Coundl electlonr Well. yes. On the one hand. we doubled the number of IGreenhghtJ residents on the council. We feel a sleazy campaign was conducted and we, as amateurs, couldn't match the mpney and political spin that hit us. We think we got a respectable portion of the vote. so we were sull a factor on specific issues. WW you run more candidates ln 20041 The present plan is to do that. but it's wide o pen. We first have 10 find suitable candidates. And we have to see bow the present council people are behaving. WUl you ew:r run for City CouncU agalnf I bave in the past (1996). but have no thought'> for the future. What has kept you so lnvolvt.>d ln Greertllght slnce Its birth? Maybe I'm an'.)wenng 1his a httle bu · broadl~. but I thtnk. :'\ewpon Bt.>il rh I'> great becau'>e It~ residents have banded together to prese" e the quaJuy of the city. We would ha\I:~ t\'.O freeways b1.,ecting Ne.wport We would have the (Newport] Dunec, · hotel. The Back Bay would have developed tnto a resort. and our bluff views would be gone When we found 10 proJeCt'> on the drawmg board in 1999, 'Ae banded together agrun and formed C,reenhght to try to keep the quality of life up in the city. Now, I might say my motto ,., "I'd rather be home watchmg 'Jeopardy,"' and what's ke"pt me gomg is that someone has to do it and tall' their rum in preservmg the Cir\ \\'e have a number of ne'A recrum younger people. and \\,e hope the\' II be carrying on Rick Taylor. rom Billings, Joe Gleason. I should say that. while l 'm thr spokesman of Greenlight. it real!~ j, Jean Watt. Evelyn Hart. Tom Hyam and Allan Beek and myself These people have a background of over 20 and 30 years of working as volunteer~ to mamta.m the quahty of the Cit) None of us have financial mtere'>t~ in any city acllvtUel>. What will Newport Beach look like ln 20 yeara? UnJess the citizens band together, H will be a congested merropohtan business area. It will require a struggle like the freeway fight to keep the city healthy and livable and an environmentaJ treasure. Now, lf you had It your way, what would Newport look like ln 20 years? Much the ame. However. I would concentrate on redeveloping our lagging business districts. We. as Greenlight. support our locaJ 'imall . bu-.int·-. ... e-.. The) re hemmed in by lad.. ut parltng poor access. and I .... ""ould hope lO see part5 of the city redevt>loped rather ..than the c1ry becumtn~ J h1gh-nse. h1gh-denwy hu~tnt''" t t'nter WUJ your view of the harbor remain Intact? !\h \ ll'\\ I'> preserved beca~e uf rv•o rc•a.,on'> One my asi.oc1at1on '>trlctl) re~1Jates building and tree - height'> on pm-ate propert) Y.1th10 the a~soc1at1on Two. the c1cv' G· I Tree \1ain11•nance PohC'\ that our 3'>'>0l 1a11on' helped wriie give LI'> the pm, er to request that CHY tree.-. be trunmt>d in height 1f we pa}' for the labor A h1g rnnccrn in "1ey, area-, throughout the nry -Lorona del \far 1 lorhor \'ie"-. Eastbluff Dover ..,hure ... etc I'> that the newh cri:-atcd arbor sonet\ want<, to. prohibit am height reductions BJ) their W3\ tO "prese"•e" the trees T}u5 wi.JI be a huge controversy in the near future becau'ie homeowner-; are not going 10 give up their $300,000 to SS00.000 Vle'A'> to please the tree people ~ ba'>ic p01nt 1s that this 1s a beach ba} ocean community The arbor -,onl't'\ people want Newport to be "lree ( 1tv USA" That 1s appropriate for an irtland city, but not :-..:ewport This 1s not a Grl'enhght •~ue. '>0 th<> battle will be by assoc1a11on ... Y..1th ,,ew homes Any final thougbtsf I thml.. the residents and C:.1ty Council should be able to get along to worl.. together. Our concern is that we have not had representaove government, and 1t's forced volunteer, grass-root group like ourselves to question and even combat actions of the developer-dominated Ctty Council. I would ho~ to see representat\ft government restored and I would hope to go back to watchmg "Jeopardy" at night. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES NEWPORT-MESA UNIAEO SCHOOL otSTRtC'T Otatrict Oflioe: 2986-A Beer St. Costa Mesa, CA 92$28, (714) 424-6000 ........... ~ RoberiBarbot eo.ct Pnllident Marthe Ruor, Vice Preeldent Dena 8'adl. a.rte Serene Stokes, DrM Broob. Tom Egen, Jody fftnoo and UndaSneen MESACONSOUDATlD WATtR DCSTRICT 1986 Placer1de Ave., COltl Mele, CA 82S2l (948) 831-1200 loMt: ~ .. Jim Addnlon, Vb Fftlldlr'lt Mb HeMv. Trudy~.' Fred Bodrmk end""' E. StlC>ef~ COSTA MESA UMf#N O.ntlCT P.0.b,,1200,~~CA 92828-1200, (71'> 1M IOCt ........... It Mlr'9 Sctwfw, J6m ...... .,NI PWwy, Oreg Yttiottektt end Dln\WIN .... .... ....rt IDl'lmtlllDUCATDI • • 200 K.lmu9 Drive, P.O. Box 9060, Cocta ~.CA 92628-9060. (714) 96MOOO Elizabeeh 0. Parkei; member. TruatM Aree 6. eo.te Meal.~ Bead'! ORANGE cotM'Y 80AAD CW SUPERVISORS Helt of Adminlltnltion, 10 CMc Cent8r Plea. Senta Ana, CA 92701 • Jim SIM. 2nd Diltrict.(eo.ta Meu. Nwt1)()11 e.d\), (7W) 834-3220 • Thornie w..on. ... Olltr1ct (~ c.o.t), (714) l3W560 OUNQE cotM'Y FAIR • flllio 0rM. COMll Mela. CA 82S28. (7\4) 70t-Mlft .... ~ fUl9nA. $mRt\, \1ce Pl ntaint Pllrtdi 'hh 1 tfi-. A9ndv Smith. EmlV s.nbd, PIQgy Hllcl. Jllirn9 llftd\, Dlbor'lh c.on.. Lelle A. Rev Ind mt* a.Wo ITA1llBMll "°" ............ ~~ 182 .._,._...._ .... ~CA 11711.--~---~:::: Preas Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STAT£ ASSEW.Y John Campbell (A), 70Ct\ Oistrit1. State Capitol, Secnme11to, CA 96814, (916) 319-2070 . E-marl: ditltrla70.__,,,bly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (R), 88lh Oia11ic:t. SUtte Clipitol, Sacramento. CA 96814. (9161 (918) 319-2088: Or aoc.i ofllce l/t 12886 Main St.. Suftll 100. Gerd9n ~~ (714) 838-1393; f Fax: (714) .. ,. E-mail: '*'1icdfl f I I n!J/'Y..o&#N ~ Grwy~CD~ s...~ ....,......,_ CA~~---.an;tllc.,. .. em • Oms Cox (R), 47th C>lctt1d. 1 ~ Pteoe. Suit9 4.20. Newpott 8-fl, CA 92660. (949) 756-226' Of 2A02 R9yburn Building,~ D.C. 20615, (202) 225-6611; JD (9'9) 251-8309 <...-• most o~8eectl) E-rnait dt/~.ooKft~ • Dent Rohrlbecher (R), 4l5d'I Oillrtc.c, 101 Main St.. &Me 3C. HurllhlQl!Ott a..f\ CA 92648, (714) 8tl).6483; °' 2331 ~ BUildlng. WelitMlgb\, D.C. 20615. (202) 225-2'15; fmc (7,.» .. ,.. <Alli'-• COiia Mm and ...... ~-IPOR) E-mlil'dlN ~ U.S.sowt . .• 8erWI lc.w(Ol, t12 HlrtS.... 8Uilding..,... ,,z. \ ......... o.c. D10. (2112) m.-.'t or221D E. ""*'-' HW •rit Mlit &e. e Segundo. CA.._ <213a .. IOOO e-me1: ....... a... 2 .,,., ·O..W.~ '•Q.sttHlll•••· WMt•1'tcno'D.C;-. ..... •1; .,,,, .................... "°' •c 9 s.CAm.O.tM-JD ~-I .., I Pua I ... f..,..._•.._..,..,. MALIBU $3,250,000 ARcHrTECT: Kt• SHIMAIU BEL AIR $4,295,000 $10,950,000 DEL MAR . s 1,795,000 l:AGUNA BEACH $6,500,000 I AllcHrrECT. GtmNI • GMINI PASADENA $3,750,000 9 McHITECr. R09 SINCLAIR SHADY CANYON, IRVINE $3,895,000 ' BALBOA ISLAND 949.673.1700 DANA POINT 949.661 .9355 FULLERTON 714.179.3131 IRVINE 949.552.2000 LAGUNA BEACH NORTH 949.494.021 s LAGUNA eekH SOUTH LAGUNA NIGUEL 9'9.249.6611 UOOISLE MISSION VIEJO NEWPORT BEACH COAST NEWPORT TUSTIN YORIAUNDA MORTGAGE SERVICES 888.866.5350 CONCIERGE SERVICES ...... 800.500.4053 -~----· .. ·-·-~·---·---·------------....,-----------..-.-.---------· 1~· QUOTE OF THE DAY "For A dam to ~~ore 10 points in the first half when we were struggling is a blessing. If he plays like that he won 't have to come off the bench .... Pat Doual111, UCI hoops coach EYE OPENER Daily~ ;a111>ary 6 hOno•ee BRENT OGDEN Dally Pilot Sports Editor Roger C<Ylson • 194915 74-4223 • Sports f u : (9491650-0170 Sunday, January 5 2003 Bl ' COLL£GE MEN'S BASKETBALL. • and· running rr I[ \I RA•.~ A p Gloger sparks second-half burst, finishes wi th five steals and 17 points in 69-52 victory over the 49ers. Steve Vir1en Darly Pilot paini Gloger d1!.hed to '>tan~ld\ /uzak. who was fouJed .\fter Zuzak tut hJs fn.·e throws, Gloger natled a three-pointer 32 '>econd' ldter Thet!. 78 wcond' later Gloger found Jordan Ham'> LONG Br.ACli -Jeff Glog . er ,wa!>n't going w let Long Beach State '>teal UC Irvine\ Big West Conference opener Gloger. UC.I'!> redshirt fre..,h man guard, recorded a game-high five '>teals. '>Cored a team-high 17 point!> dnd tueled Lhe Anicater'> 17 ·O second-half run that led to a Anteaters 69 LB State 52 open m the comer and Harn!. knoclr.ed down a three·po1n1er for d 44 33 lead ,..,h1th prompted d 49er llmt-out wnh l ·i.58 69-52 victory over the ho'>t 49ers Sat urday. ''I'm deceptively quick." Gloger said, descnbmg hi!. mentahl) on de fen'>e I ha\e long arm'> cind I pld\- wnh 1ntensiry on delt:mc: I hh I'> 111\ fir'>t league gaine on the ro.uJ. but I'm not as nervou., a'> I \-\a'> wht'n I fir't '>tatted to get u'ed to the lcollegt' game· Cloger al.,o ,.ud he did not lake the halftime !.Cort:. L8·28. per .. ona11;. even though lJ( I \,a., tarnrt'd to \'-ln O\er l ·9 Long Beach ~tat!:' rhat ti::am and their td..lt-ht I'> not ind1came of their record.·· he '>aid. · fhe; Wl:'re loolung a1 th1, gamed\ a fre'>h \tart In a !'light ot up.,ets in the Big \.'¥e)t UU 7 i. I 0 111 1he Big \.\e'>tl avoided one b; coming out with an energetic '>econd hdlt 1 he Anteater'> won and began de feme of their Big \\e.,t regular-<,ea!.on title they '>hared \'-1th Utah !:>tate. which lost at Umvcrs11y of the Pacific, 57·55. in overume l.ong Beath State'!> Tom Darden connected on a 1ump shot wnh 3:35 spent m the '>econd half to put the 49ers up, 33·30. And. then the Anteaters responded \' ith their 17 0 run. Gloger produced a steal and d layup to give UCI It!> fir<;l lead of the remaining Zuzak. a iumor re'>ene torward. h11 one of hi., two free throw'> that gdve UCJ a 47-33 lt>ad v.ith I.! 15 remain· mg. to tdp tht· run "I wouldnt l1dvt.' tounted on trnn malung a three tonight." UU Coal h Pat Oougla<;'> '>aid or C,loger who en tered Saturdd~ night' gdJTle ha\1ng made one thrt-e-po11He1 m d!> mdO\ attempt'> through nmt' gamt-' Doug· la.s.s al!>o said Gloger'!> 1-point'> cdme unexpected!\ Lloger dhc hdd three d.!>SISt'> and l\.-\0 blotked '>hOt!> Dougla'>' went with a bigger hneup in the sernnd hair \-\h1ch included putung Hdrrn •. a 6-foot 5 forward on long Bea<. h !:>tau~' lead mg <,corer Tony Darden Dougla!>'i ...a.id tht- change helped produce uc..r ~ 17·0 run. ·we got a hft from '\dam and '>tan e!>pec1all} .\dam IB the fir!>I hair Dougla.!>'> ... ud For '\dam to ~core I 0 points 1n the fir"'t haH v.hen ""e were strugghnK l'i a ble'>smg If he plav., like that he won't have to comt-off the bench Parada came off the bench and scoced 12 points and grabbed 13 re- bounds in 27 minutes. Zuzak and Hanis al~o <;cored I~ points each Mike Hood another re.,ene \\ent 2 of 5 from beyond the arc and contnh uted eight points The -\.nteaters outrcbounded the UC !Nine's Mrke Efevberha (23) 1s htt hard by Cal State Long Beach's Alex Graham (44) as he goes up for a shot • '>econd half. 14 33 He recorded an other steal immediately after 1un1or center >\dam Parada <;cored m the See 'EATERS, Pa1e 82 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Corona del Mar settles for second p~ace Sea Kings' gi,ls fall in championship game with El Modena, 57-43. . Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot GARDEN GROVE -By the time the COrona del Mar High girls basketball team ranled off its most impressive run ol the game it was too late. .1l"ai.ling by as many as 20 points m the final period, CdM (5·8) went on a 1 ~--0 nm through 3:44 of the fourth quarter. spurred on by a pressing full-coun de- fense. But the sea Kings couJdn't keep up the m omentum and lost the charn· p1onsh1p game ot the Cavalier Cl.i..s'>I<. to 11 Modena. 57-43. at "ianuago I hgh \at urday rught CdM Coach Jame!. B.irkalow ~cond guessed hun<,elf after the game about the pressuring defense "I waited too long to run the full court defen!>fJ: Barlc.alov. ~d. · 1 told the girls to put it on and they played weJl·for a couple of minute'>. They didn't quit and they easily couJd have .. tarters Madison Otterbein: l...iuren Snell and Kelbann ~em anchored the offense in the Sea Kings' run. Klein scored eight of her 10 pointi. in the spun with Snell connecting on a put- back to score her founh point of the fi- nal period. Otterbein made a nice re· bound under tht:' bt1,ket dfld llip""ped the ball oH the gla'>'i Wlth her nght h,u1d while draWlng a foul to get Cd.M Wlthin 51 ·43 Wlth !. 28 left SCOREBOARD Norrelle Oiclc.'>On scored a game high 22 points and grabbed e1gh1 rebound'> for the \1Ctors. Then C..dM humed 'hot' m the final two mmutl's and went M:oreless. Tht 'lea Klllg<; managed a 7-for-14 dip from the field In the final quarter but managed only ll''I. (14 451 for the game El Modena ran an effiaent half coun offen'>e in wh.1th playe~ pa'>..ed the ball around the penrneter before looking ms1de to Dick.son or Meghan Maxwell. El Modena 57 CdM 43 Four of El Modena's even th.trd-quaner baskets came off layups a.s the Vanguard .. went on a 9·0 run to grab a 33· 16 lead with 4:4 I left in the period and the road was uphill for CdM from there. The Sea KJ.ngs led once. a 4-3 cushion with 4·54 left in the first period. followmg two 1-J Modena didn't tare much better from the field -19 for 57 (33%) -but made 14 of 21 foul shots ccunpared to CdM's 8-of-11 mark from the free·throw line Toumament-Mo!>t Valuable Player CATCHING UP WITH MctAJy free throw' Corona del Mar became c;lop17" Wlth the ball at runes. v.1th playe~ throwmg the hall over thelr teammate.<, heads or simply dropping the ball along the baseline "\.\e broke the P~" but became too eager · Bark.a.low said of the El Modena occ~1onal full-coun pre!.s defense. "(The turnovers) weren't a resuJt of them being overbeanng on us They were trying to make the pla}'5 and I can't CauJt them for that.· Lack of preparauon wasn't a factor. accord.mg to Otterbein ·~ knew what the; were doing. we See COM, Pace 83 ' Jeff Hopkins First-year CdM freshman basketball coach credits Sea King great Chris Quinn with getting him into the game. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot G rowing up in Corona · · d~ Mar and ewn · while in college. Jeff Hopkins knew and learned about Corona del Mar High. Now he'• in the midst of c:oach1ng a boys freshman boys bubtbaJ.l team there. The 6r5t·year CdM coach bu led bis team to an 8·5 ma.rt ln the early season. most recent))' W:ina third place ln the Fountain Valley TuU.mament. the ~ Klnp' chltd tournament thla a.uon. CclM lost In the comol uoo ftDab to Santa Maiprtta (H pkinl' alma.._., kt .bi P.atancfa Tournameo.• and took ftfth place at the Laguna Hills competition with a 3· l rKOrd. Hopkins took the job a mere ~before the teuon began and aa.ld lt wu a •no bm.nu • Kn~ the bJ.stow oLCAM . and the ucceu here I lhlnk the program is headed ln the right direcdOI'\ wttb (boys varsity toac:h Ryan Cuny),• Hoplina said. •1t' • program I wanted to be a part of." " WhUe antnd.lng Ua..A alter padua~ from Santa M.arprita in 1994 when Hoptma lteted fbr the PA&les' CIP boys btliketbal1 • champlonlhip teun. the t.qwia 8eKt> .mldent roomed wl1h fdow alum Ou1a Qu&na; who MamMt on the ....... ,... .. • .. -. • 1 .. 82 Sonday. Januaty 5, 2003 JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Bucs win 10th straight with 68-50 .. .conquest Host Southwestern unable to deal with Orange Coast in nonconference duel. CHUI.A VISTA -Freshman Alisa Carrillo scored a game-high 27 points to lead the Orange Coast Col- lege women's basketball team to its 10th straight win, a 68·50 vie· tory over non confer· ence host Southwest- ern Satur- day. 'EATERS Continued from B 1 49ers. 34-19. Darden led the 49ers with 18 points'. "Their depth hurt us." Long Beach State Coach Larry Reyn- olds said. "Their rebounding hurt us. We didn't take care of the ball and that allowed them to jump on us (in the second haJf)." Bia West w L Cal Poly 2 0 Pacific 2 0 UCI 1 0 Fullerton 1 Idaho 1 UCSB 1 Utah St. 1 LB St. 0 1 N'ridge 0 2 Riverside 0 2 Saturday Scores UCt 69, LB St. 52 Cat Poly 83, UCR 77 Full 57. UCSB 55 (ot) UOP 66. Utah St. 54 Idaho 73. N'ndge 66 Reynolds said the 49ers were able to stay with UCf In the.Jirst half because they played well defen· sively and they were not careless with the ball. The Anteaters struggled an 'the first half, as they did not hit a shot from the field until 5:22 had passed. UCI earned its first lead with 3: 13 left in the first half. a(rer Zuzak knocked down a three- pointer off an assist from Gloger for a 26-24 edge. UCJ is al Cal Stale Fullerton Wednesday at 7:05 p.m. Orange Coast (14 -3) blitzed . ZOTS -The Big West upsets Southwestern in the first half in~lu~ed._Cal St~te Fullerton db U 36 17 K~ -........ -£6.~~~~~"j "S an u t a · nm6"· · · Santa S-arbara. and the University Mendoza. an Orange C?ast of Pacific defeated v1s111ng Utah sophomore, added 18 points, State, 66 -44, in a battle of Big West while Kristen Von Tungeln came unbeatens. Idaho also shocked Cal off the bench to contribute eight State Northridge, 73-66 UCt points freshman Mike Efevbema · . . struggled Saturday, as he went 0 The Pirates wilJ open Orange for 3 and finished with one point in Empire Conference play 10 minutes of play .. The Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Santa Anteat~s shot 46.8%'from the Ana. field, while the 49ers were 39.5°'o Nonconference occ 68. Southwestern so OCC -Hatsush1 3, Murray 6, Men- doza 18, Camilo 27. Galasso 0, Von Tungeln 6, Shaw 4, Hauler 2, Quiroz 2. 3-pt. goals -Mendoza 2, Shaw 1. Fouled out -none Technicals -none. Southwestem -Jones 21 , Vance 5, Manglicmoc 4, Garcia 0, Johnson 0, Buckner 16, Kaiser 4. 3·pt goals -none Fouled out -Johnson. Technicals -none. Halftime -OCC, 36-17. Big West Conference UC Irvine 69, long Beach St 52 UC Irvine -Hams 12 Okoro 6. Ethington 1. Gloger 17. Efevberha 1 Zuzak 12. Schraeder 0. Hood 8, Baskausakas 0, Parada 12 3-pl goals -Hood 2. Hams 1 Gloger 1, Zuzak 1 Fouled out -none Tectinicals -Zuzak Long Beach St. -Jackson 2, Roberts 7. Lawhorn 10. Thompson 10, Darden 18. Hodges 3. Jackson O. Clark 2. Graham 0, Jenkins o 3·pt. goals -Darden 4, Thompson 1, Hodges 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -none Halftime -28-28. J AN UAR Y SPORTS "(~'of tk Jlrrs" COLLEGES Adams' squad ready for Big West UCI women's basketbaU team is gaining confidence as it enters Big West campa ign today. can achieve big things.· Junior forward Quistina Callaway leads the team In scoring. while j\,lnlor Kristen Green and sophomore point guard Usa Faulkner have provided Irey contributions. Callaway. Green and Faulkner. who were also on last year's 8·20 squad. have Intensified their efforts and improved their game over the past year. Now comes the hard part. The Anteaters. the same 0 ne word can desc~e the difJerence of this year's UC Irvine women's basketball 1eatn compared to last season's squad. .-------, Anteaters who were Confidence. picked tO finish SlXth IO the Big West Conference, must shO\\ their confidence and all-out effort in league play. "I haven't pald anendon to it.· Adam, This year. Coach Mark Adams' Anteaters believe. Last year's 'Eaters had little, if any. confid,ence. They won their first game, but then lost eight straight. lnduding three losses In overtime. Those close losses can do a ~-'---_.__...... said or the Big West lot of damage to a STEVE team. and it did. UCI VIRGEN suffered a 71-69 loss at , race, thus far. "I don't want to get too far ahead. But we do have-,, good thing going right Portland State last year. But this now." year. it's been a dift'erent story. • Heading into thelr game nie Anteaters defeated against Portland State. the ~~tn~ J!o"!1_8!_ld Sta~i; 8?·64, Mo.?day Anteaters had outscored ~o-;--.-ra--imau11fhovcoTb ~1'rrti1!~ ' • opponents, 317-254, In the (55) waits for se~on. Last year. ~t to~k the second half. the air tO clear enure season to wm eight • VO has a great chance io games. finlsh in the top three ln the Bti: of Cal State UCI 1s now 7 -4. after a 70-66 West. UC Santa Barbara owns Long Btach's lo s to the University of San the conference and should Marcel FranCtSco Friday repeat as champions. Big West Jackson (5) "ThtS group is mort' confident acuon begins this week.end. UC I underneath the m their abilities than last year.· wtuch will host Long Beach Swt1 basket in Adams aid after the victory. "We Sunday. ranks first in the Big Saturday had 20 assists. They're tmSelfish -West in scoring defense (60.6 night's game and that says a lot of what we've and second 1n scoring offense at the Pyramid been able 10 accomplish: (65 2}. UCI also leads the leagu. in Long Beach. One of the key plaYers in UCJ's in i.coring margin (~.7). assts1' '! turnaround season has been the (16 56) and turnover margin 1 At left. UCl's Anteaters' lone senior, Wendy (.3.89). • Jordan Hams Gabbe. who scored a career-high • UC Irvine's men's ba.slce1b.i.J ( 13) IS fouled 26 points against Portland State team. meanwhile. certainly go1 by Long Beach She hit 4 of 6 from beyond the off to the nght start on Saturda\ State's Kevtn arc. with its 69-52 vicJory at Long Roberts. "It'& ream chemistry, that's Beach State. PHOTOS BY STEV[ McCkAN~ DAILY PILOT what has gonen w. here," Gabbe The Anteater fans. especiall) !>aid. "We're just trying ro be the Completely Insane more consistent, and we're Anteaters, cheered. "GJoger playing hard. (The wins) have Glo-ger.· for Jeff Gloger who given us more confidence. We scored a team-high 17 pomt'i reali.7,ed if we play together we and recorded live steals. 2 003 1 700 A dams A ve ., Ste. 101. Costa Mesa. C A 92626 • ( 714) 885-9090 • fax ( 7 1 4) 885-9094 • www.costamesachamber.com NOVEMBER NEW MEMBERS NOVEMBER RENEWALS CALENDAR OF EVENTS , Weekender '• USA Wlngnuta 44 yf'arNI!!!! Geri ~eno Dave Marshall \.V1gnww ln'ur .inc t> <. omp.rn} 3216 Delaware Place 3030 Harbor Blvd , H j Costa Mesa CA 9262b Costa Mesa. CA 92626 '1 I years!!!!! 949/510-6503 vrnce 714/434-7700 voice t Jr,111~·· C "·''' 1\'"l{.1,11 on tit 1<1•.ihm' 949/437 -7 1 20 fall 71 41434-7707 lax 36 years!!!! IFIXM AllianceRoyale r I I ndort Rohirl' ford Steven Cusumano Jim Ferryman 1601 Placentia 2575 McCabe 31 yl'a~!!!! Costa Mesd, CA 92&27 Irvine. CA 92b 12 \l,11t 1 Hrotb1·r" ._1,11~t·b 1ur; 949/645-5592 voice 949/442-6630 \01ce \t 11t•r Hrolhl'1' \1.i1h·t~ #Vi 949/263-5090 ta' 26 yt>ar11!!! Nu View Optometric Center Boys & Girls Club-Harbor Art>a ( I \I ~t·r,tr• m1 ,'\ Son' Dr. Jack C Shea 2200 Harbor Blvd. #D-130 Dean Moore 18 years!! 21 31 Tustin A1.e Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Hilton I fott>I < '"tel Mt'\d 949/642-7882 voice 949/642-2245 voice 15 year11!! 949/642-7792 fax 949/642-8855' fax Harbor Vtll,1}!1' Ap.irtm1•nh ProjectCuddle California National Bank 13 years!! Dick Pyle, DDS Barbara Montano J Rt'\ldC'nc l' 11111 by M.irr1011 3222 Colorado Plaq.' 1 515 Weslcliff Drive Costa Mesa.CA 92626 Newport Beach, CA 92660 12 years!! 71 4/241 -1244 voice 949/515-5300 voice Copp<'rtrt•t• Bu~tn•''" P;irk 714/979-4705 fax 949/629-7550 fax (o,tume < onnPc.llon I PLEASE MEET .... CMIC'Wttl ....... ._ NuView Optometric Center Dr. Jack C Shea Dean Moore 2131 Tustin Avenue Costa MeSa, CA 92627 · 9-49/642·224°5 voice 949/642-8855 fax ldeanmoofe@aol .com www.boysngirlsclub.com 2200 Harbor Blvd .. Suite D-130 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/642-7882 voice <}49/042-7792 fax .. 657 Vlctorfa, ((jag• Prfvau School · Kristin Dickson P.O. Box '10909 . Com Mesa, CA 92627 9'49/51 s 1700 phon 9'49!6'2-0853 fax deu european safon Heidi Nelson 1835 Newp0'1 Blvd., Suite 25b C~a Mesa, CA 92627 949/6-45-0J 11 phollC! 949/645·8002 fax des.tsalon arthllnk.net WWW pagmchool .com kristin9pageschool .com • ' .!(l7h Platt.nl1a A .. c-nuc (oqil Mf>',1 CA 92627 'NQ/548 31 JO \IOice 949/548 J568 fax aekr.wefs@aol com ~~lg ..,. ( I lthrt Y QIU LO\C tc» l ,..~ In Geri Reno 3 21 b Otlaw;are PlnC't• Costa M ~a. CA 92626 114/-437-1120 uffic.e 714/4)7-7120 fax gr •noO.tttbl.com' www.... n<krw .com. 9 years! January '\Jev .. port Bt•,ith Pld/,1 7 years Wednesdavs Networkers Luncheon Le~s Group R.11nb1Jv-. \1iiRIWl1(' Int 11 45 am · 1 pm Costa Mesa Country Ciub ( •>llt·gt· I f1 "pit.ii 1701 Golf Course Dri~e 5 years Monday January 6 Education Committee -DARK •\ll->\mt•r1<.an Bu~' Cluiru' 1\ \'11r1~uott1 Pho1ogr.1phv Tuesday Jan1.1ary 7 Executive Committee 1 lemn~ton ¢. Co Int 7 30 a m -Chamber office • he<ull\<' M,lnilgenwnt T uesdav January 7 Legislative Committte C.on,orhum Noon -Chamber office 4 years Tuesday January 14 Ambassadors Convnittee l'.H <..roup 11 45 a m -Chamber office South Coa~I Comm<.'rc1c1I Bank Thursday January 16 Board of Dirtctol'1 luncheon 3 years 11 45 a m Holiday Inn. 3131 Bristol Street Ccnler lor Better Ht•a lth Thursday, January 16 ·90-Minute Br11kf1st Boost• Standard Pacifi c of Oran~e County 7 · 8.45 am. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Dnve 2yea r11 Wednesday, January 22 After Hours Businen Mixer 17th St1ee1 Promenadt>JWOHL laSalsa 1 7th Stret.>l l__ • 5 30 • 7 30 pm , Skosh Monahan's Orange County's Credit Union 2000 Newport Blvd The November Breakfast ~ showcased the Annual "State of the Chamber Report " Particrpal'lts included (from left) Emcee Dick Seaholm of Rich- Mar Shirts & Signs, Co-chairs of the Board of DlrectOf'S Jeff Teller of the Orange County Market Place and Ann Stawicki of Ho.ls Memonal Hospital, plus breakfast sponsors David Elliott ind Or. Andy Stenhouse o( Vanguard Uni~rslty. 90-Mmutc Brealcf,w Boost potllOI): W<>ddtll & /?f.'«i, Inc. (IU/ber1 & Sum~//), ChnsrLin S<~ Rtlflins Room. Oran County Perf0rm1ng AIU CMtcr, Ncwpott Rib Corn{»ny, C.ital1na PMsenger SelvlcP, <Jra CCMst Col Mter-Boun Bualneu lllxer Ligia and )Im Richter of Foot Solutions relax at the November Mixer held at Habana Restaurant located m The Lab Mall on 8ristol Street FUffle Prize Don.Jtions Habana, French's Bakery, Kasler Ventures, Waddell & Reed, Inc. (Barbera & Sumrall), Cata/ma P.usenger Semces, Orange County Performins t\rts C«iter Dally Ptlot SPOR I S Suo~v fonoary 5. 2003 II HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Mesa topples· CdM v GIRLS WATER POLO --- Sail ors wallop Carlsbad Balanced effort subdues Lancers with 13-3 blowout. < .Mulyn C.011W.iy, Abhlt-y Pa rolt• a11d lt-omlt-r ~ harft' Costa Mesa seniors beat CdM for first time Saturday, 2-1. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Finally. That's the feeling Costa Mesa High girls soccer coach Dan Johnston, in his 11th season at Mesa. had following his team's 2-1 triumph over Newport-Mesa District rival Corona del Mar on a CdM Mesa 1 2 warm sunny morning on the Mus· tangs' field. Saturday's victory marks the first time five ·Mus- tang seniors that include Sharon Day, Devin Den- man, Kris- ten Bagwell, Toshia Bryant. and Nelly Barrios. who didA't play Sat- urday, have beaten the Sea Kings. The two learns used to play each other twice each season when they both were a pari of the Pacific Coasf League. 11US seac;on Costa Mesa has moved to the Golden West League but the ri- valry hasn't lost much of its im- portance. In two games last season the teams battled to two ties. ~It's been a long time corning." Johnston said. ~we always have great games with {CdM) with few fouls. Everybody plays hard and there are bodies Oying every- where. (CdM) is a really good teant I'm glad our game was up to their level. Thji, is the best pre- i.eason we've ever had.~ Costa Mesa {8· 1-2) and CdM (3·2-IJ committed only 10 fouls and the referees didn't issue any c-ards. The Mustangs had IO shots while the Sea Kings had eight. Mesa goalkeepers Kindra Bailey and l(ajtJyn Gentling combined for 11 saves and CdM sophomore Hachel Waters made five stops. CDM Continued from B 1 JUSt need to show more inten- sity." Onerbein said. Snell picked up two fouls in the first quarter and Barlcalow sat her for the remainder of the half and into the third quarter when she came in and grabbed four of her six rebounds. Klein. Otterbein and Jaclcie McCoy. who led the Sea Kin~ with l L points, earned all-tour- nament honors for their efforts over the course of the tourney. Corona del Mar has some time off now, returning to the Ooor on Satwday when the Sea Kings will host El Toro in their final tuneup before the Pacific Coast League begins Jan. 14 at Laguna Beach. Cavlier C&Mlic El Moden• 57. CdM 43 Scotebyau... El Modena 12 12 19 1• • 57 CdM s 10 10 11 43 B Maden• -Maxwell 10, Walters 3, Didcson 22, B. Orand 6, Hurtado 6, A. Orand 4, Bieslada 6, Schlueter 0, Delgado 0. Dunn 0, Armendariz 0. J..pt. goals -Maxwell 2, Hurtado 2. Fouled out -none. Tedlnlcals -none. CdM-McCoy 11, Klein 10, Snell 6, Otterbein 9, C. Mar1cs 4, Dimas 0, A. Mar1cs 2, Heesdlen 1, 3-pt. goals -McCoy 1, Klein 1, J Otterbein 1. Fouled out -none. Tedlnicals -none. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 11 -C.J. Zuniga Cosi.M..a ~11.'99 SCHEDULE '1'0CMY Bui dlel College women -Long Beed'I State et UC Irvine, 2 p.m. 'Me,W CoMege IMfl-UC 11'\/tne •t . ,..,._dtt .. Toumarnent. .......... Cohot men~ women- UCIMM ~, 9 a.m.~1p.m. • NI \Vl'OH I Hl.Atll -In what '>Cl'lll"> to lie a tradt' mark. e If o rtio of ll w l'i t'wpu 11 I larbor I hKi1 girl"> water polo leam, U1e IHJ'>I \atlur!> 1111nped ltJ JJi 11 0 hatit1n1t lead d.Jtd llla'>t1·d lll d 1 ·i' l IHHllt:d){lU: VI\ 111ry O\er ~II Utt'go L11u111y 111{' < .arl-.IMd ">o.Jwrd<1y rnonung with c1 lldl· .ultl'd cllort 111 1111prov1· 111 H .!.. I 1·,11.lrn~ the Wd\> 111 tht" 'to nr1g colom11 1111 < <rn1 Ii Hill Bame11\ \dtlm' wa" Anne Heldt'n with loor go,11" Jenna '-Aurplty <\nrnt• \\> 1gh1 ' ~nd lt:~'>tt.J B..ill t'..td 1 '-<"red I II\ ll t ' "i111gle gr1,d, \\t-rt' .... ~ llTl'd I>\ Murµhy W1~t and l'a1ge Lammg ea< h had two c1..~1~~ and Heiden and Parolt-< had Ont' d'-'>hl ._.dC'f\ \'\1~1 lc>d tlw 11\<l)' dden- ''Vl'IV Yo.llli lour '>lt'ab and goalie lt•nn L.(11!<1111 had °'l'Vt.'11 ,,l\.t'' rhl· ~lor'> l1,w1 11111• fll()tt 11onle<.1gut· 1·11111r1 ho-,ting ~mlJ Marg.irrlJ 1m I ndav lwt11rt· 11pt·11111)! '>1·,1 Vtt.'11\ I t'ot).:llt' pl,1'r 1.111 I~, \.-.iw11 Ah - ..,o '\1)..'Ut•I \''"'''°' Nonleaaue Newport 1 3 Car1sbad 3 Score by Ouanen rtr l>d1 ' , • J1. 1.r •t.1r" Newpon fw 1~ .i M "rlJliv 2 N· 1n• l Bi I r, r w 1y 1 P,,rr,1 .. .,, t irf• c1 t•-:, • JftrJrT1 .... l .. ,, ! HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL . -sailors come up short SEAN Hll L~R DAL' '' Corona del Mar's Ahv1a Muzura (left) and Mesa's Rachel Ronquillo tangle tn Saturday's matchup again st Los Al, 46-39 ~he Sea Kingl. had four player., out, allowing for only one '>Ub'>tl· tute. Senior forward and three-time All-CIF performer Elisha Morgan sat out her third consecutive game as a precautionary mea- sure, said CdM Coach Bryan Middleton. Morgan brwsed her back in a collision with an Ocean View player in a CdM win ag-J.in.'>l the Seahawks ()e{:. 12. Middleton expect'> Morgan. along with PCI. Co-Mo~t Valuable Player la....1 !>ea\On Lauren \hep herd.son (Day wa., the other l .o MVP) to be back when Lhe !'>ea Kings vi!,it Back-Bay nval NeYo. port Harbor lue.,da) at ') p.m. Shepherdson wru. -.nowcd-111 at Sun Valley, Idaho, tollowing a va c-ation, Middleton ..a1<l. "We definitely had our -;coring chances at the end of the game," Middleton <;aid. "The field cond1 tions were not exactly ideal: t .o'>IU r-.le!>a play~ a long ball with a 4.L.11d.. counwmuack and takes adV'anlage of tJ1e field. There's a bouncing ball in the box and they put 1t away." Mesa's quick attack was re i.ponsible for the game-winning goal 'cored by sophomore Jenny ~parb off an assist from sopho· mure Hachcl Ronquillo with 23 mmut~ ela'psed in the first half. f"nllowing a save by Bailey, Hun4uillo took control around 1111c.ltiel<l and booted the ball ... 1ra1gh1 up field, to Sparks. The ::.pe1:dy torward kicked it 10 the left of Water-,, who had come out 'ilX yarc.I'> to try and deter the shoL "Honqutllo did a wonderful 1ob," lohn<.ton said. "She put a movt' on a dC"fender and made a nitt' lead pa.,., to Jenny (~parki.J i'> eOk1ent.' lnat i-. her trade- mark." L<lM had tied the Kame eight minutes before Sparks' goal on a COLLEGE SWIMMING Anteater standouts shine at swimfest , ANTE.ATER A()lJAllC~', COMPIJ.X -ll1e UC Lrvine Ant- eaters won the men's and women\ dis tance meet as part of the 23rd annual UC lrvinclDaktronics lrnvational Saturday. Cal Baptist swimmer 1-eltx \utanlo won four events, the I 00-yard backs1roke (50.~ I l the 200 individual medley {1:54.17). 100 b111terfly (51.JGI and the 200 back (1:51.57). Phil Garcia of UCI won the I 00 free (46.09) and the 5-0 free (21.45). Bomb Pat1anasinth in the 200 Oy (I :55.54) and junior Brian Kim ( in the 200 brea'>l~troke (2:08.~4) were also UCI winners. UCJ d1verl> rvan M11chell and Melissa Milmine were third and second, re~pectivcly. In the women\ competi11on Alyssa Chin of NeV'dda won four events for the Wolf Pat·J.... (hin won the 100 back (58.34). the 200 individual medley (2:07.52). the 100 free (52.88) anc.I the 200 back (2:05.42). UCl's Lara B1argarduttir won the 200 free (I :53.19). R'llforl'OO&m ·-· ,....,_ Pacific . Coast Glib centering pa~ . ., lroni '>elllor )1•1111\ 1.ong 111 lrnnl of tlw \lt·--.1 gi1.cl l.awen Loe ~nl t.lw bdll m gual while in the middle of '' crm'd of players for both te,1m'> Loe. '>enior All·< .II lurw,ml \II via Muzura and Imig led 1lw '>1.·.1 King· charge up front. I 01: centered to Mu1ura for a hl'.iJcr that went wide lefl early 111 the second half. Muzura then blasted a ball from 18 yard' out that <.en lling caught with her h.md!>. Day. who ">t:llrt'd ~k'><t '.:> fir..,t goal off a lhJO\\ u1 by lrl'">hmJn ~isrer Jru.mm to go up I 0 w11li nine minute., gone 111 thl' liN half, said the ~ lu'>l.mg~ plJ\ t•d better in the fir'>I h.1lf "In the o;eumd hall \\t' \\t'rt· slower but we ... till 1.hd well 111 moving the ball around." I lo\ said "\Ve ju,1 tm·J 111 J.:l'I pumped up and don't ll't < d\f1 See SOCCER, Page 84 Newpon O-tor-12 from Lhrec-puint terri tory. \;I\\ I'< JHI BL'\< II 't'WfHH I I l<1rbor I ltgh\ h<iy-. bJ'>J...t:thcLIJ ll'dll1 It'll \1(11111 '" ">Om1.· Ht'· cold ... 1i1111t ing lrnm 1h1 pennwll'r SCOREBOARD I ~•I' I ·•·-Aplft1 ,, and uroppt•d d .Jh i'I 1l111tkagu1 c.ll·1 i,11111 111 \1-.111ng I.,.., \lam110-. -;JIUrtlJ\ 111ght. 1ht• ~ulor,, who lravt·l 111 I d1 '>011 cm \\edne'>dtt\ tor tlw rr li11,cl \l:'a \It'\\ l.t·a>-,'lH' tuneup. V\t-rt· lt>d Ii\ '.'..l'd1m l'a1e\ lC. \\ho hat.I I'.!. potnt'> and I !J n:hounc.1-. "We 1u,1 couldn't put dm'n Ult" Cl Women's Basketball UC Irv ine vs . Long Beach State Today • t :OO p .m. · and don't forget about: UC Irvine Women's Basketball presents "Break· the Attendance Record" . . t "' 'j l• ~· \\ p ,, 1.1 :) I 'I I II l.irp;-l-'•r I \\1 hdd 1111 Ill f(I I J\ll I"'""' 111 Ille• f, 11111 I , r11 r ll 'I 111u I 'I l ~II.ti t11il \I I .td pit I 1, I f ipp11r·u1111 ,. '• \\p11r1 II 1ll11•r \\J'> ft:.,, IL lr11111 tllflf p• ri• r illgt .1ri.l f.ti!- lo I! I I Nonleague Los Alamrtos ~ Newport 39 Score by Ouarter<, ·A l'IJ, v..,( r Los Alamctos M "' •• •· , ' • , •• ,/ t~.._, /. I' l I . ,, . r H.,; f4l ' • T""ctir l ,,, Newport Harbor h •'11 r .. t; ,.J\. P f ~~n ~ Perr1N C ) 1.Jl \J ;JI~ I (11 I f'fJUIP11 0111 ,;t'l• r 1n T>rlln•Cd ~ n1J• , ,, . !:'• • Help the women's basketball program break dM all time attendance record. UC Irvine vs. UC Riverside Saturday, January 11• 7:00 p .m. at The Bren Events CctJtc Don .... • new book (for .,a 1t MCI MCI NCeM frte ...... Into .. ....... llroc ... Mnidll thc ......... Rad OrgMiuldon For •ore lllf:oa waadotl, cal (Mt) ..alt . ... ................. , Dail ~Pil6t Y. IM &may, January 5. 2003 SPORTS out.• HOPKINS Ptom 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Hopkim goes to his job in real estate but then it's to hardwood and the football the basketball court from 6 Continued from Bl Oeld for the Sea Kings. to 8 at night. Hopkins credits Quinn •1t keeps me sane/ with getting him into coach· Hopkins said. "We're Im· ing. At the time the two proving each game and my roomed together, Quinn job ta to te.ach these kids Uf e coached the freshman team lessons as they grow to be at Santa Monica ffigh and young adults and to have asked Hopkins to be the ~ucc.essful basketball careers team's assistant varsity at all level&. The kids are be· coach. Hopkins accepted ginning to believe in each and coached during his jun-other and are getting better." lor and senior yean at. Players coming on strong UCl..J\. for Hopkins include center Hopkins coached for one Sean Mohler, who played year at UC Riverside and quarterback on the football was an admin1strative assist· team this fall, guards Ryan ant to the men's basketball Lance, R.J. Duemberger and team at UCLA in 2000. Man Loyd, along with for- Then he got out of coach-wards Scott Slaughter and ing for cwo years to go worlc John Fairbanks (6-3}. In commercial real estate, Slaughter penetrated and which he still does for his converted two Jumpers in dad for the Hopkins Real F.s-the final quarter in a win late Group in Newport against Servite last month Beach. and Fairbanks provided a A newsp_aper advertise· vaJuable presence in the ment for the coaching open-post in that game. SOCCER Continued from 83 tab aver our game. Our team Is meshing te>glether wlill.. ~ne Is stepping up." Sophomore defender NllanJ ~ knocked several balls away from CdM attack.ms and Denman. a senior ftrat-team All- PCL selection last seGIOI\ along with junior ~ Jenkins, blod:ed incoming passes and abot.s ln the Mesa zone. Freshman 'Dlylor Fallon and Junior Paige Janes anchored the CdM defense. In the ftrat half Janes blocked two shots (Qne with her bead) seconds apart on attempts by Sharon Day. Sharon would be denied a sec- ond goal by Waters in the second half. Waters slid feet-first to corral a ball between her leg." in front of the Mustang. Day and Waters col· Uded on the play and the goalie. favoring her knee, sat out for a few minutes before returning, "Her knee is swollen and she's hobbling around," Middleton said. "'lie had a good game on a hot day in the girls' first game back (from winter break)." Randy Martine'z.. an assistant for the Cypress College Women's soccer team that went to the state YOUTH SOCCER Costa Mesa ,boys sweep Flight 1 dominated by Costa Mesa. In their final tournament of the sea.son the Co11ta Mesa APP boys Wlder-14 soccer team swept the field to win the Ftlgbt I dlamplonshlp at the Costa Mesa Oassic. Leading the defense was goal- keeper LuJs l.ayala. Backing l.ayala up were defenders Ben Abbott, Marco Soto, Luis Cou.a. Caleb BurgeM, Nick Straube! and Kenneth Zich. The cOsta Mesa offense was led by Trevor McDonald, Rigo Miranda. Blake Pir)to, Austin Evett, German H1gadera. Jose Perez, Adam Seagondollar and Jay Benny Quiroz. Costa Mesa met. Tustin in the first game of pool play and woo, 5-1. ·Miranda and Cozza struck first, and after Tustin scored to trail, 2-1, Evett. H1gadera and Seagondollar closed it out with goals. Costa Mesa defeated San Juan YOUTH SOCCER Capistrano, 5,0. Mirana scored four times and assisted with a pass to Evett for the fifth goal. ln the third pool game, against Rancho Santa Margarita. Costa Mesa was a 6-1 winner with goals by Miranda, Cozza (twice}, Lu1s l.alaya (twice) and Pere~. Miranda scored all. three goals in the 3-0 victory over Hawthorn eln the title game. The team closed out its sea· son with a record of 28 wins, 0 losses and one tie. Costa Mesa Pride repeats title Costa Me.sa girls allow just one goal en route to the title. ond least amount of goals throughout the regular season and playoffs. continued to stifle opponents, allowing -one goal in the tournament ing at Cd.M piqued his inter· "(Fairbanks) is improving est and h e called Quinn, every day," Hopkins said. who phoned Curry, and "(Loyd) is a solid defender pretty soon Hopkins was that plays hard and Slaugh· walking the sidelines. ter can shoot the ball weU. • "I got out of (coaching) Hopkins sees only bright because of the real world. things ahead for the Sea but then I realized I missed Kings. finals before losing to Long Beach The Costa Mesa girls under-12 this season, scouted players from APP team Pride went undefeated both teams Saturday. to repeat as champions of the Katie Finn was the starting goalkeeper. Brook Urmson and Natalie Plascencia were right and left wingbacks. Kristina Roche, Kris· ten Gilligan and Kerry Kiser took turns handling the middle of the defense. Outside defenders in the mid· die were Sarah Braunsdorf. Kayla McComb and Nushin 'Thsbihcbi, while Ayta Medina. Marina Lazos and Ellie P.d.Jes played key roles pressuring the middle. The team's strikers were Jenni- fer Thomas and Amy Gentling, One shot through the goalie's I~ for the go-ahead goal, while the other shot to the far post foe. the winner in the finale with La Mirada He said be was going to look at Costa Mesa Oassic. it.· Hopkins .s.µd. .t<Luclcily "It's been gre.at. we have a the opportunity worked good team,• he said. .. Sharon Day and Denman from It took a complete team effort Mesa and added that Satwday · to defeat a very fast and skilled was the first time he has seen La Mirada opponent, 2-1. The CdM play this season. defense, which allowed the sec- ""' - 1505 .,_ s.-. ~ "•• SXS conl11n1n1 l'UltnlA --of ~ lost " ~ of WllSt <*I PlazA I TOi St tiler al Rrwd(949}261.(l!OO FOIRd 1510 FCMIWD tanm HOUND, HPB DOVER SHORES. L()()t(S LIKE SHES HAO PIJf>f'ICS Ht-SI S-7040 , .... ~lows. Stoots $50/H . Antique __. ~ Woo doc house ~ h&lldl. 811 Boa. 9e.Q3..4868 W.flOAaD a.di-6ft, Calnn1 shaped, auto areph CeoH Moyu $39S Ht-290-6609 -VlNDING IOUTI Hottest Produc:h•Crt1t loutoon~ -BIGS $7~90 lnvesl 800 396 9311 Al>s.tufe A ,__. 4"1, 1tet e ....... • ••••• , ......... ..._ 114 .. De Y"' ..,. $2,000.00 e ·-" ~ .. , ..... ..-. ........... 1 .. y-. ----· 0$ ·-0..A.C. (91 ... -· T .. tr-• l~IS-7405 Olrmb't.. 4540 IACI IA T CINTlR 2651 lfvone Ave, 1011 view. reteol on site 714· J7S-77IO ............ HOMES~SAu: ..._ 2815 ORANGE 5400 ........... _v COUNTY I •f IOAmetiun .. ra <!-------C!.fftntly owed money CC1n1na .... "°"' lbtndoned Pf(l9«• ty CeH Clovd 9 ~ tall HOUSI QR 911M1!>-78 for Info. 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If you cannot swp by. pltllJt iali w at <).J<J) 611-4321 and u'i' will maltr arrungrmmts for you to handk thu procrdurr by mail I/ )nu ,hould ha1•r any fimhrr qumioni, pltaJr ,·all"' and u·t will br morr 1hari .(I.id tn 1u11 I you (1ood fu, k "'ycur nro• buJtntJJ1 Daily L Pilot ACROSS 1 On the other 5lde 7 SchOOl kid 12 Llke Rar>-bo 17 Snacks 21 YOOl'!N, "orrp 22 c are attrac1Jon 23 Oii 1he-cun 1 n~pn 1 24 Sllghtly (2 wets ) 25Theater 26 Pr1ckly plants 28Canter 29 UK par 30 Pvrposes 32Gunk 33 VIia 35 B·ougnt aCtJon 37 T Jpe ct r-eacacl"e 38Gun on S1age 39 B 10 lo perthou~tl 40 l eat of g1a~s 42 Goo formations 43 Ma11 trequen1et 440pposite 45Ways 41 Miio exp1ewe 48 So~ba11 teams 4S l<dl'QilrOO poocl1 5<' and OU1S 5.'3 F1;1m1nate ~ G0tn-toss woro ~5 Dump, so to speak 59 Goddess of w Sdo"' 61 Yllllow 1acxe!s 132 Feekng one·s - 63 Eerren• 54 64 C1ealure 65 Per person 66 Or 7 tvvago s O•I! 67 F11r1 spreade' 68 (,'leers 69 Monsieur s a1rpo11 "'0 Double-daters "2 B•sad need "'30st•o:;<i • r "'4 ~J'Tl "'5 l '"tartar 'f., '/.,r-.t., 1- 11 Tape '9COroer speeomeas 80 Make amends 82 Al - -(SIUIT'ptN) 83 L11a S1Je<:ess01 84 Wo•m ma jbe 85 P J'll< l\a 100 6/Cager sgo&I 88 Enormous 89Jmpeae 90 Beats deos1Wlly 91Like1 swamp 92 HOids tJD we 94 Pa lhenori site 9"' C'>lve•o; ni lieus 9€ F 8VO<S tl'P POOCO(n 91 • 'lO' s •a .. l'.!' ~l: .,.~ ~ Y'OIC:>nama SS Conoensahon IOCOerek& Tht! 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J J Brew tea ?7 Wading bird J • _,ses a stopwat-:" .)4 Tal'es 'lot ce :>' J6 '.:10u01 '38 Seti soJnos 39 Taxes ca·e of <I' Jepart ro t:J Stumble u :::og.e C..1c:fle( 45 :;erie• c lcthJr 47 c;lJ<1der r isr 4"1 "';~•s dose i:;; '3uf!a10 p~l'51"' :> .Jllo(~ as -- ~· V~,,;car cc~ :i3 !>uggest;ve • 54 5Qu1rre a·Na\' 55 ~ct ~1..t ·ea· J'l!'S 56 :>tar-ec 57 -A1a'."'IO' ·1 t.• 58 Y. ·e·s 'etlJ' 130 :oas1 Guarc J" ;· "'elly :>• ""'t' , ... ..,, ;3 V<?11C3 J:IC1U•P hy:>ti 155 ::Jasn·~ < ~,.. 'J ,an -· n. .., ~ 6! 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I ___ N_ee_d a_pa_int_er?_Ch_eck_out_~_e S_eM_·ce_Dir_ect_ory_in_~e_Cl_ass_ifieds_! _ .... r HOME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS ERVICE Service DlrldOly I carpet Repair/Sain --=-=-=-=-Drywall Servlcaa Gardtnlna/ landscaplng Aandyma!V Home Repair Misc Services Music Acula ndng 'NOTICE 0 II Cali for n11 raw re qulru th1t contrK to1s t1~1111 fobs that total S.500 Of ITIOf • (l•bol 01 mattrtais) be hcensed by the Cont11cton Slit• Lrc1nse Board Stile law 1tso requires that contracton1 inc lud• lhetr license number on 111 11C1vtrtnm1 Y <lU can check the 1t1tus o l your t1c1nud con lr ac t or 11 WWW cslb Cl l!OY or 800 321 CSLB Unll c1n11d contr1cto1s tali.'n& robs that total len thin SSOO must stat• In thtlr advtrtlsemtnb th1I lh•y are not Ucen11d by the Contractors State l~ Bo.rd • Addldol•I Rlnlodellng WSlD • WAltt ,_,,a..# fw JO .... AuTOMOIU SOVKI ___ ,._._r..w TUM~ (949) 64>:.4641 44'tS II It• .... RND Concrete&Mnoort lrldi ll•d1 St-Tiie Coner~ P100 llffleway F'r&plc:, BBQ 'Refs 2SYrs Exp Terry 7t4 557-7594 Th•C_..,, • .., Ctmentwork Brick. Tilt & More Reliable No )Ob loo sm1117t4 615·9062 0.-PllbllsNng I " YOU•HOMI u.raovtMlNT f'IOJICTl Call 1 plum0.1, ~itlltr, handyman, or wny of the 11u1 -llicts listed hfi• In our senice dlttcloryl TH£S£ LOCAL SVC P£0f'L£ CAN HUP YOU TOOAYI Wl"HOln ORYWAU All phnn sm 111 robs CUANI 20yrs t11r f,pe ~I Lccxxn> 714639 It"' Electrtcal smtCiS SfflOll J~ h~ertl OuncMI EIKtr11. NYrs E •P loc:-4 Quot+. R~ Sel"l1C1/R1modlm L#275870 949 650 70it? UdNSID CONTRACTOR No IOI> too 1111 M ,._1 Rep11r 1emodtl tins tpl new WC 9f9 ~ 3f66 Aoonng/1111 CUSTOM ClllATM TU lnr.talltion. $lit.a. C*'llTtlC, nwbll. s1or11. ..... 1t7S Ul6l21* aft 11«12 9961 UAICY ~ Rt•ovt•n & lnstellltlOn TllE DEAN 949 673 9065 "6()&325 714-81n ,2031 =. l-,.,, •• a.-ct. • .,. Welllly m.lt. tr~ tr....._ & ond1lt•tt0n ~Yr~ t 'I' LtC/l/Uured 949·S48·4J6l Tr•• S•rvlc•, Y., d Ci.1nup M11nten•nu Spttnkltr Repaor H1ul1n~ (tO}U0-1711 HandyrnlW HomtRepalr 2ov .... , O ... lty c,.tt.-.tilp Chnatlatl Handyman ~y~ '!YUi .,..,... Slc.<t.OM>~ ·~doon-•asa ._,. 4 PllOig s.--or~ F• ....... Clljt:#. 714~ -Od67411J (t4t)UO-tS2S Merl. I • ~·UmrneaJl No Job 1bo Small ' ' 1 1 • 1 Dave llamlltoa 949-U2-8292 ...!ustomer ~o~sfaction Alflhas.sof condNctton home r ... Moftiinl loo wall. z 949.a37·S642 I Haullng Heall a Btauty lH• up t• 20ftlt ,... .,..,.,h, tr lplt your •nerp Oftty SH.U C1ll Liu 949 645 6677 HoUll C""""9 I REAL ESTATE I .:~:ung "''""' LJ.st•"t.:' lh .... 11/111'/t 7 14-432-787 3 .......... ,_,,.,..,Cl .... ..... , .. PUBLIC NOTICE Tht Calll Public Utllihu comm1n1on requirn tlt1t t M uwcl houuhold 1oods movers print lh•tr PUC Cal T numbtt. Umoi and chauft.u11 prtnt their l C P numbet 1n an 1d••• · bM-nh II you It.ave anr q~1hon1 about lllt le&thly ol a moyer 11mo o l ch10lf1Ut ri1t1 PUS UC UTlllftCS COM ljll$SION 714·558 Ct51 .Music Classes. ·'"fur Children-' • i "r \t a hi" ~" • In· ~ ~ II ''"JI .&n.t. l1"m ~ learn l"hu...J.&• .tr ·mno!'I\ \\ 111rt1 ""t. ion ~""''"" ~ .... ~h .... 714 549-9301 PllM!ng ct.-•'• ~ 'l/Yr. up G1t1t Prtcet Gu. antncl wOfll frH est LIJ75602 7t4 5311-tS.l' 7 J90.2945 •rs CUSTOM f'Aln'ING. Prot'I. clun, quality W«k lnterlOt/ul 1114 doc:b l •703468 949 631 4610 a.AnclOW IUIN1' ....... t.,. ....... ~~ Qualoty )obi f '" e&tllMte lf569197 7\4 '36.ma PlUMll(A l~ r , .. E.atlf!lattl Smet repHS (714 ) ZJS.9150 PltlCtsl f'\U¥HfG R1111a111 a Rel'TIO<hllin1 f REE U mAA Tt l161739171' 969 l AR .PY . Trophy home. Fred Briggs architect. Awesome location and views .. ROD DALEY 949.759.3776 Brion Jeannette new bayfront 3 Bd. 3.5 Ba. large dock. Panoramic view. MARILYN READ & MARIE DEREMIAH 949.718.2733 ------~·----~-- Front row Tuscany Villa overlooking ocean and Peljcan golf course. BOB & MARY ELLEN WEGLARZ . 949.759.3768 Ca~ways Plan One 3 Bd. 2.5 Ba. 3 car garage. 949 .644. 9060 . .