HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. • .. ·-.. ..- • . a1 Serving the NfWport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2003 IN BUSINESS Holi_day sales leave a mixed bag of res~lts While some say the season was on tra~-<>thers say consumption was well below what they expected. Murphy said, adding that he was pecting to be up moderately,' \aid Jen-INSIDE ·nng final sales nwnbers. "But we're nifer Heiger, a spokeswoman with 1-a'>h disappointed about the learlyl results.• ion Island-owner The Irvine Co "Wlule .. For more business news. see Page A2 Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot . NEWPORT-MESA -Local retailers struggled to hit their sales forecasts for the holiday shopping season. early indi- cators show, but at the same time, Costa ~·s powerhouse center, South Coast Jllau. seems to have bucked the some- "Wb.at soft retail atmosphere. officials said. At Newpon Beach's Fasruon lsland. More sales for November and December increased thls year at BloomingdaJe's. but managen. of the high-end chain saJd they hoped sales would be stron- ger. Bloomingdale's is owned by Feder- ated Department Stores Inc.. a public company. "We're optimistic,· General Manager early November, a repon from De-it's still a little early to say for cenam. the e & Touche's Costa Mesa office fore-anecdotal evidence 1s telling U'> that 1Ne ted a 3% to 5% increase dunng what -were on the right lrack. • the best two montru. for most retail-fa.rly indicator.. a1l>O point to a heallhy Spokeswomen al both ra.<,h.ion Island, in N,ewport Beach, and South Coast Plaza declined to provide numbers. but said sales were at least in-line with ex- pectations. "We went into the holiday '>e~n ex- M:aM>n at South Coast Plaza. spokt'S- woman Debra Gunn Oowrung '>3Jd. YI.Si tors to the center increased I 11!', du.ring the holidays, Downing said "We had a very '>trong holiday '>t'a son,· c;he said. "We were very happy· At Sea.rs, in the ~hopping center. . I manager<, '>Clld a rt·l •'111 renoV'dllOn helped bnng ~newt•d 1n1ere-.1 to thetr -.1ore th1., hohda} '>•'.t''Jfl "\\t• fl' very ple.a .. ed w ll h lhe re<, uh-. or Chrt'>lllld.' <.ale'>," Op..r.111on~ Manager l{Jtk l'eler.on ~rn.l "\\1· don't have any hard number<i., but ,Lil indKa1ton'> are lhdt \"(' \,111 exrttd our t'\pt'l liiUOn'> • See SALES, Pa&e M Weekend swap meet challenged yet agaill Costa Mesa resident who previously que .... rioned the ex.istence of Q(.(,'.., flea market asks the couFKil to reconsider its approval. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO'> fA M f '>A -P..tul Wilbur "1Y'> hr 1., not agam'>t I.he '>1Ndp rnPel at I Jrdlll(l' Coast lo1Jl1:e But, for the '>t'1..ond 111m• ne 4ue-.11on' the <1uthunty of a Cit\. ht1<.h 111 appro .. 1· the two day Wt'ek.end markt'lpl.t1 l h•·<..tlN' ht' ~d he dot><;n't behe\l proper P.rot t>dun· wa'> followed llw fir;t ume. he appt-alt·tl tht> Pldnnmg Comm1<,s1on., appm' al ol the (\11,0·da' swap meet bet:aUSt' no public heMln~ wa. .. conducted After tw. t1ppeal. lhl· C 11' Council unarumou-, <1pproved the wnue SE.AN HltLER I DAll.Y PILOT Newport Beach res!dent Robert Schilling helps teachers educate children in Chile through the foundation he created in his retirement. 1\uw. Wilbur will a..,k on \1onda~ for a reheanng becau.'>t' he "''lJd thr d1n-ctor of finance did not w nduct .m 1me<i.11gauon into the meet's revenue 1>r ubtatn a repon from the ~tate Board of I qucllv.auon Teaching Chile WLlbur said hr I'> l llm l.'med th.ti lht· c1ry'r, reponed takP of lht 'wap meet n-\. enue for the last fiscal Vl'd! IS rl!ll t'llOUWI to 1usllfy the meet., ex1.,wnce The <'II\ re· poned receiving S2'l uoo in salt.., tax lci<.l year. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot R obert Sclulling i.s not the kind of guy who viewed retirement as a time to downshift into first gear and focus primarily on himself. Au cootraire. At first. the Newport Beach resident's wanderlust insp ired him to roam the globe wortcing on environmental projects for Ea.rthwatch. an institute that organiz.es environmental expeditions to help researchers with their scientific studies. But the former Spanish teacher and high school administrator soon returned to his pa.Mion of Newport Be.ach resident Robert Schilling uses his retirem ent to d evelop education in the South American nation. developing curriculum and created a foundation to help teachers in impoverished areas of Africa and Latin America. The Schilling Foundation now focuses exclusivety on Oille. It leads worbhops based on spedfic teacher needs in a country where the sharing of ideas among teachers is not COIT)J'1lOn, Schilling said. -we're the only one that provides training for teachers and brings them together to discuss stUJf that's important 10 them, - Schilling said Schilling began teaclung Spanish in the La Puente School District in 1946, then warted his way up to assistant superintendent f le retired in 1981 on his 60th blnhday. ln tra.eling the globe with EartfJwatch, Schilling srud he FROM THE NEWSROOM FYI For more information or to donate to t he Schilling Foundation. call (949} 673-1364 realized that countries that needed educationil help the most were the ones with the worst educational systems. I le created the Schilling Foundation with the philosophy that just throwing money at a problem without taking action would not be successful, The foundation also mclude!i Newpon Beach residents Steve Morris, who h elps out with See Cta.E, Pase M "It's not even goinR w bid lo fn cwo'pot holes.~ Wilbur opmt'd. ·where are INt' ewr going to rt"<."Oup the u.<;t> of our mfra5truc rure to accommodate this 11 the vendol"\ don't even make S 13 a day?" But Don Lamm. deputy dry manager. ..aid the ciry had all the ne<"~'>ary mfor mauon. followed au the proper <;tep .. cllld there 1s no n~ tnfonnauon presented by WLlbur that would warrant a reheanng WLlbur. however, ..aid the burdm of proof to present new ev1dence ~ts on the dire<:tor or finance. "I'm saymg the C11y Counal w-c1.s not able 10 comply wtth the la-w by not haVlflg that report,· Wtlbur said -nu., council 1s a fine council that wants to do t:he right thtng. lf they would have a staff that had honest}. integrity and concern for the wel- fare or its Inhabitants.. wt> would have t.lu tnformanon and would be generating rev See SWAP, Paa• M T_ime to check our predications for 2002 Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB; VNIW.~com I doubt there is a quieter time in a newsroom t.ba.o the two weeb between . · .Qirlatnw and New Year. Many city oftldala are out of town or out of commlulon. !"!"~la out of .-On. tpON ln a case filed by local kelp grower ~ ~thatthe California Coastal Commission wasunoonstitutional. That's right; the coastal commission itself wu declared null and void. : • teiama are ln perpetual timeout :'°-,iqd even the bed guys It~ ~ ·cake holidays off' from trlrile. -.....;;...;..~ • we had a couple big atodee breek during this time. flnt the Pederal Aviation Admlniltratlon ~on' on So lor once we had some pretty bfi news to digest along with our tuJ:key during the holidays -and thal doesn't evtD lodude the whole HUIC'J'Oft HOUM Mgll. ln whk:h TONY · DODERO the .....-nent to extend fttsht ~ and 'CUd!wt It John Wayne Airport and then came abe ~report tblt an iW"MI COW1 Upheld 11'1 eediel' rulinl. the dty it offering to PIY ~000 to haw the o1d Crabmln-IC)'te bunlaloW mcMld from 'hWlnkJe Parle to Che But even with those big tories, the pickings are slim ror our reporters these dayi. lb.at\ ~ this time of yee.r Is pedect for doing~ of the year mtews of aD the big news stories and aD tboee who made big news and all tboee who Uled to mike bfg news but hive~ puled~ And there's another~ to the end of 1be year doldn.um, "ttle annual What to W&tdl Ceetute. a prediction of future new. .torles and Mldllnes for the a>minl')'ML Last Y'*· I took 1 loolt beck at our ~(Of 2001 and found that M bad a ;>iet1y remarkable tteord for '°,..... ... the furuft. IO M1W I decided to dolt 11ain and puDed up our What to Watch feature from January of 2002. What I found was that we predicted tome easy ones. missed tome obvious ones and went out a limb on eome thinp and lost. Here goes: NEWPORT PERS GET A SECOM> WINO The S2. 7 million eq,.Moo and upgrading or lbe p1as did ao otr a planned, matlnc dW ooe of the Mllea ~M'Oevw PMK UP .. M Mt Al V011NQ Di\Y MllVlS That~headllne~ ._ .. .,._,...M .- WEATHER Tod41ywfU be IUnny end U11•• ooty wlndV S.PlpA2 SPORTS long 8eed\ 5-.... the,., i•••rt. ..... In women'a._...,.., S."-M ' c • .Anwy 6, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ~ .E.AO· :.Jv~• P. o· IAatthew Popejoy stands in a booth at Sun Mist Tanning Salon wtuch uses 1et PQWered fog mist for a safe and effective tan Tan without fear By Oeepa Bharath Da1ty Pilot A brom.e tan without getting into 11 tanning bed or s1rung in the .. un7 • I '>ound~ almost undoable. Bui apparen~ 11 1s poss191e "4lthew Popejoy dJd not hear about Liu: 5wtles!. Exprf.>'>s Spray Spa unnJ one fine <Ltr wi1en ht.'> wife. Tracy. visned a taruung '>alon m Yorba lmda that offered ii machine tha1 <.pray'> on a tan. :,P PfJ~ d£-.1ded IO malc.e II his bu.,fnes.._ tour month!, ago. he opened ')ur#.ii<,t, a tanrung '>P3 111 Corona del Mar. tha( qffors tans -.am the ultra-VK>let rar.- that an-'>Clld to haw harmful effects on slon. ·n 1e machine ba!>1call\ look.s like a phQne booth un c;1ero1ds:· he said with a l.w~ The booth har, -.everaJ Jets that "Pr v nn the iannmg ~luuon to one's ho ) 11<.M E"\ er. the '>Oluuon does not ma l' you tan right away, but tak~ about '>lX t(1 eight hour<. to work. "Y11u dcJ lo<Jk tanned when ) ou leave thP '>pa but that I'> not beca~ you've dtlUallv tanrwd." Popejoy explamed. • 1t's bt·d.iuw \\.t· ttdd a brorv..er to the spray 10 BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Co'ita Me~a-based Cerady ne gel' hefty holiday order <~li""'a Mesa ba.~ Ceradyne, Inc. an- nounced on Dt.'(; 19 the receipt of a S9-mil- bnn order for 1t'> Small Arms Protecuve ln- -.ert LiW"!tweight ceramic annor system from the11Jmted States Defense Logistlcs Agency. t.eradyne. wtuch develops. manufac- ture<> and markets advanced technical ce- ramil 'i for mduslrial, electronic, defense New method sprays solution on skin that gives those that coveted bronzed appearance give our customer the psychological satis(fiction that it is worbng. • But even the so-called bronzer IS made from natural mgredient5 such as walnut husks. he said "Of course. it does st.an worlong and }'OU get a beautiful tan within a few hows.· Popejoy said. He said he has Oied to dlspel some of the fecm and hesitadons normally associated with tanning salons. "I did up the interior like a spa ~ e"Ven a \Oewpon Beach macron in her 50s will be comfonable commg m, ~ Popejoy said When a customer comes in they are provided with a spa robe, shown an mstrucnonal video about the high-tech machine and shown mto the plasuc tanning booth that IS located in a pnvate and consumer apphcanons. has scheduled slupment.s will begin m February and be completed dwing second-quarter 2003 The company is also planrung a 40.000 square-foot expansion into lrvme 10 allow them to meet the surge m armor re~re­ ments chat has recently occurred Newport real estate firm sell c; a $1.35-million property Marcus & Milllchap m Newpon Beach announced the recent sale of an apartment building in Garden Grove to a private inves- tor In Huntington Beach for $1 .35 million. The property is a 16-unit apartment FYI SunMist is at 2744 E. Coast Highway, Suite 7 in Corona del Mar. Information. Call (949) 719-2896. room. An automated voice walks the customer through the actual proces.s. which lasts about a minute. he said. The tan from the soluoon sprayed with 10 rrustingjets lasts about a week. Pope)cy said ·Also, because it is sprayed on you ge1 an even appllcatiorl that is not patchy,· he scud "This is very high technology that even has a self-c:lisinfecnng. cleaning and draining mechanism.· Stngle tans cost $30 a .session. Four-session packages are available for SIOO Popejoy. who clauns Sun~1ist IS the only spa m ~ewpon Beach that oflef\ th1., tannmg method. says the response ha. .. been great "My clients have usually known someone with melanoma in thetr families,· be said. "So they figure tJu, as d good way to get what they want v.ithout exposing themselves to danger • complex about 19.221 square feet on Palma Vista Avenue. \.farcus & \ftllichap is one of the larg- est commercial real estate brokerage firms in the nation and foCU!i~ exclu- savely on real estate investments The firm has 34 offices nation~1de and ex- perienced sales 1n excess of S6.4 billion last year. It was established an {971 and its employees have continually worked on perfectmg a system for marketing properties by combining product spe- cialization, local market experuse. re- !>earch and analysis capabilities, tech- nology and established relationships with investors. Daily A Pilot Christine Carrillo News aulstant. (9'91574-4298 chnnfne camllo<illatlmn com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..Ndl, Ken1 Treotow Bo• 1seo. Cosla Mesa. CA 92626 Copyright. No news ctories. 1llustr.tJons. ed1tonal matter or advertiNmenta herein c:en be ref)fOduced without written permiulon of c:opynght owner VOL. 97, NO. 6 THOMAS H JOHNSON, Publi1her TONY DOO£AO. Editor JIJU'( OETTIHG. Advert111ng Director LANA JOHNSON, Promotiona Director ... EDt'TlHG STAFf l.J c.nn. ,t.llaNglng Edrtor • • (949)674-4233 • • I c.hn 1 111rlmn c:om .,.,,,.. Melief. Cl1V Editor 19'91~24 }.lmM,,...., ,.,,,.,,.. com R09I' c.taon. ~£.d40t READE.RS HOTUHE (9'8) 642-6086 Record voor comments about the Deily Pilot or news t11>9 ~ Our eddreu 11 330 W e.y St , Costa M_,, CA 92627 Office houri are Monday Friday, 8 3011 m 5 p.m COfNCtionl h IS ltl• Pi lot'• pol Icy to promptly conwct all errora of 1ub1Unco. pt..._ ull (9491 57'""286 FYI HOW lO REACH VS Ck'culetion The Timn Orange County 18001 252-9141 Ad¥enillng a11111ed (9'91 642-5878 ~ (9'91642"321 Edftlotfal News (9'91842-5680 ~ 1949) 574-4223 • News Fu (9'91 ~170 Spof1a fd 1949) 65&-e170 EofNI: dalfypllor•i.tim. com M*C>Moe ........ ()Moe ("9) 642-4321 ......... Fu (IM9) 631·7126 BEST Bl)YS Yves-Delorme 1 is the place-for fuchsia bedding Y voes Delorme has a nf'\' lme of tmens and ctcces~nes m both neutrals and beaunful colors I espec1a1l) love ,_ the raspbeIT) bad.w-ound ll!>ed l1l The Pagode Bed l.IIlens that are a combmauon of ch1001sene and stnpt'"'> also with ecru and ..and The GREER WYLDER past 10 years 11's offered shpcove~ and custom reupholster with an amazingly quick turn around Since its factory 1'i m downtown Los Angele' 11 only takes a week to IO days for all orderc; Thousands of fabric'> are available Lncludmg Ralph Lauren. Schumacher,.Kravet B~ics and Roben coUecuon includes Oat and fitted .. treet'>. du' et CO\ers. ~ham.,, and d matelasse. For a rnmplete Pagode look. there are coordmallilg acce~nes that mclude tQ\<\e)c; ro~ pillows throws. lmen box 1ewel box and candle m Limoge<. box. \fallnes I'> a ne"\\ ma.sculme lme that uses pai'>lt'\ in red or gra~ \iahne has flat and fitted sheet\. du\ el cover. and 'hams Fuch<,1a l"> uhra-ferrunme bedding and acce.sone.. The lmeru. are made of 310-thread-couni sateen w1th fuctl>1a bloom'> set on whJte or ecru. There are Oat and fitted <,heets duvet covers. sharm and a matela~e. Fuchsia comes with a matching rughtshm. kimono and robe, and porcelain bath ac<.essories. My favorites are the neutral lmens m white or ecru Those include Etoile with half-111ch hemsutdung; Plaza made of 500-thread-count f'.gypuan combed cotton. and 5cl\1oe with a 406 thread count. hand finished French knot embroider') and wide-toothed he~otdung Yve~ Delonne LS at South Coast Plaza. l..e\ el 2 Crate & Barrel w1ng .. 14 549-7872 u•wuJ.yvesde/Qrmf' rom ONE FOR All At first glance the bold, extra-wide <:artJer Tank Divan, introduced in November, looks ltke 11 s designed for men onl~. but the style as for women too -,o far the ~e~ have been outc,tand1ng. m fact 492 people dcross the counlrv are on a waiung h<st It., 3\'ruJable m '1eel. gold and there\ a diamond \er<.ion as well fhe Divan has a s1Jwr-gramed dial Mlh Roman numerals. glaJ\e hand'> made of blue steel. steel faceted crcwm. sapphire cabochon A '>leel Divan ha5 a mane black alligator 5trap or a '>hany blad. alligator strap. It sells for S3.900 The 18~ yellow gold Divan comes w1th a matte chocolate alligator strap or a shtny red alhgator map. It sells for sa.soo All of Cartier's designs are timeless. and make great heirlooms Level 2, at South Coast Plaza. 1714) 540-6231 NICE PLACE TO SIT Corona del Mar's Sofaa Etc. 1s a good place to find custom quality sofas and chairs. For the Allen, or you can bring m your O\.'.TI fabnc. Upholstered !>Ofa'> start at S790 and chain start di S490. Custom pillows too Highest quality goose down " the only feather fill used, never le'>s desirable d1,1ck down. or syntheucs of your choice Open 10 am. 10 5 p.m Monda) through Sarurday: noon to 5 p.m Sunda)'. 2900 f Coast H1gh\.'.ay in Corona del Mar '49 721-8866 FOR THE FEET AND FOR LESS Foot Solutions ts haV'IIlg a "ew Year's clearance sale Select stYles for men and women are reduced 50% to 70'w.. Open I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday tluough Saturday. 1835 Newport Blvd 111 Costa Mesa. (949) 734 -2020 HIGH FASHION AT A DISCOUNT Gary'• Pu Donna is havmti: d semi-armual sale that include~ shoes, handbags and accessories reduced up to 60% Top name brands on sale include Cole Haan. Oaud1a C1ut1 Stuart Weitzman. Materia Pnma. Cordam, Calvin Klein habelJa Fiore, Vera Wang and • F1eramosca Gary Per Donnel " at Fashion Island m Newport Beach. 19491 721-5730 MORE SHOES AT A DISCOUNT Another shoe sale 1s happemng at Sliver Peet at South Coast Plaza. H1gh -end de-,1gner brands for men and \.\'Omen are reduced up to 50% The selection 1r.cludes Barbara Bui. Marc Jacobs. Yves Sa.mt Laurent. Prada. miu mtu. Prada Spon, lo~1ume National and hmmv Choo Level I, at South Coast Plan {il4J 979-2800 HOLIDAY GOODS Sur La Table has holiday 11ems reduced 401lli. On sale are holiday kitchen towels. Santa plates. berry wreaths. gingerbread house kits, poanserua napkins. poinsetua glass plauer and plate , harleqwn gl~ ware and more Sur I.a Table 1s at Corona del Mar Plaza in Newport Beach. (949) 640-0200 • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwy/der a yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax at ($491 &46-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Today will be very windy and sunny. There will be northeast winds of 30 to 40 mph with gusts over 55 mph possibly decreuing to 20 to 30 mph later in the day. Highs will be In the mid-70I to lower 80s. dropping to lows in the 50s at night Tonight will c001inue to be windy and mostly de.r. lnfonnadon: !Nwwnws.no.a.gov BOATING FORECAST Wind will be OUI Of the northeU1 today 11 16 to 30 knots with locally higher OU81a. Wind wava wm be 3 to Meet with • west SW911 of 6 to 7-ffft et 14 MCOndl. 11 feet dunng the afternoon. SURF The northwest we .. w blow in Sunday wUI peak dunng the pre dawn houra. By daybreak most west feeing bruks .,.. looking It 3 to 4-foot. welst to d\est high sets wtth t.lr conditions, but with • decreasing trend throughout the day. Some arua mey experience wtnd problem• from •n Incoming and lmpreaatve S.n\I Ana. W..qualtty: www . .ul'fri<»r.Of'(I TIDES (:949) 67oMU3 ~"""°" ,,,,,.,,.. CIClm ........ KMIMI. ~Edltot The Newport BNc:fVCottl Meu Dally Pilot IUSPS-144-800) la 1>'1bh1hed dally In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, aut:i.cnptiOna are avell1ble only by 1ubtcnblng to The Tlma Orange County (800) 2152-81'1 In arMt out.Ilda of Newport Beedl and Coltl M_,, tubec:riptlone to the Ot1ly Pilot er1 91'1 1-b&e onty by flrlc cteA men for SlO per month. (Prlc:411 lndlll.M tll ..,.,.1Qble l1aM end locel tane.I POSTMASTER: Send .&sr .. cNngM to The NMpott ~ M4IN Oetly Pdol. PO PubUthed bv'Tlmee Community NMI. •~of tht Loe Angelel T\mel. On the outer wet.ere. noMeast ~nd• WllJ blow at 15 to 26 knc:!ta· alto with toe.tty stronger Quit&. Wind wtvee ~II be 2 to 51-et with I nOf'thwtlt IW'lfl of 11 to 14-fMt at 17 MCOndt aubliding to 9 to nm. 12:16a.m . 4:52t.m. 10:601.m. 8:10p m • 19'11 QM292 """'* .trilll-' IMimaeotn -' C2002 TI,,,_ CN. All right• ~ WATER TEMPERATURE Upper 50a to low etlil , J ... i-WG I • Dally Pllot GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING lNVOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilotoo a rotating l>Mla. For Information on adding your organization to this list call (949) 674-4298. ACADEMtC YEAR tN AMERICA Costa Mesa famllles can h<at a German student and earn up to Sl,000 toward a number of tra11el-abroad programs. Danlelle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. Al.S ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps Individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (71 4) 375-1922. AUHEIMER'S ASSN. Of ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are a11ailable. (800) 660-1993 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The SOCtety also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E CoaSl Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m to 5 pm Monday through Saturday at the same locatron. (949) 640-47n AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment is a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or sromer,ti!C8nct,,.org. The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers for rts Speakers Bureau program, which offers /J fr98 service to communities, schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will tram all interested volunteers at a speoal session on Dec. 1 from 8 30 a.m. to" 1 :30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpark Drive in Fullerton. For reservations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22 AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The Amencan Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perfonn various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALJH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospi<:e Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to tenninally ill patients and their families in the greater Orange Coonty area. Training Is provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in di.aster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK Of ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon anival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 759-3646or www.animalnetworlc.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE • Of NEWPORT·MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with its goal of helping children in the community. (949) 645-6929. ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreach community service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed (714) 540-5803. 96198, Microsoft Word and a willingness to lnrn the adaptive equipment used by its students to participate in variou1 activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will Mor legally blind adult students using computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821 -6000, ext. 2113 COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to h~lp control the rising population of wild cats In local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them bade to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, backstage work, mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. BEST BUDDIES COSTA MESA The nonprofit organ12ation 1s HISTORICAL SOCIETY looking for voluAteers 18 and The society preserves and older to provide companionship promotes the history of Costa for adults with developmental Mesa and the harbor area. disabilities. As a #Citizen Buddy,H Volunteers are needed for the volunteers will visit with a buddy archives, library, museum, docent twice a month and call or e-mail and public outreach programs. COSTA MESA CITY ·COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA HUSCROFT HOUSE The.cicy's pub!Jc' servtct'!. dtrector will advise the City Council 10 tJaruJfer ownership of the l luM:rofi House to 126 Properties, IJ.L and pay the company $30,000. The company's owner, John Morehart, !>aid he intends to move 1he dilapidated hou'lt' to a Westbide propeny he own'> a1 548 Bernard St. • This would spare the house from demobllon, which was due -.met:.> the c11y had fow1d no buyer~ rot the 1915 Craftsman style ho~ If 01e agreement is approved Monday, 11 would serve ru. a preliminary '>tep for the transfer. Morehart would sull have to <,eek Planning Commis.s1on approval, though. WHAT TO EXPECT: The council is cxpcttl'll IC> approve 1he trcu1c;ft:.>r <tnd payml'nl. REQUEST FOR SWAP MEET REHEARING Paul WI.lbw, who appealed the Planrung CommtSS1on's de<.1!>100 to extend the ~wap meet at Orange Coas1 CoUt>~ to ~turday and "iunday. hru. now ru.ked for a rehearing tx>caW.e he '>Sid he believe~ the director of finance did not rnnJuct an invesugauun or noufy che ~late Board or hqultlizauon for u repon on the swap meet'-; revenue WHAT TO EXPECT: l11e lOUilUl l'> t'>.pt'tlcd IO rl'Jt:ct the reht'drU1g un the ·ground., t11a1 t11t·re I'> no nt:.'W. rt:.>levant t'Vldt'nct' 111 warrant ,t reht•anng WESTSIDE COMMITIEE SUGGESTIONS : ihc rnu11c1I will <:01h1der a reljUt'.,I lrom the <.0111mu111ty Rt•dcvclopmenl At lion < ornrn1ttl'l' for a FY1 • WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION· (714) 754-5285 substanuve an,aJyst!> of the Bluff!, Genernl Plan Amend.men 1/ Rn.one. The council will ail)() 1<oru.1der a Wer,t 19th Street Bndge srudy. The srudy will anaJY7e bo01 the potenuaJ economic 1mpdtl\ or a bridge extenr,1on and • quabty or life" 1~.,ues and Ullpat l!. on the W~ts1de WHAT TO EXPECT: The wunnl t'> expected 10 approve the pmpo'ial for the bluffs amendment and re1one proiec, and approve the 'itudy or Wt"'.>l I !Ith <;treet bridge 1mpal L!> -rnmpiU>.d fly l.>e1rdre Newman them?n~aweek.The (949)631-5918. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS organizatron also has an e-Buddie~q;g~11m thtt!orro~ ~ ~OV4.'11ESA-._.__ '1 ')' ~-~-~ -..m-tr 1f )J. ~ ,L.,.......,,,_ r-L., w ~ "*' ~ , . ....__ ... -t-. .,_ . . . friendshipsiiiffi'Tef'Y5ver1he"" i!tn;ffA'CV't~i!' -~ICR sen Iron ~ wash up ~rn'df r°t'Trr1·r in f ..;Jguna rt'lea'>t•d nark into the wild in Internet. Volunteers for that The Costa Mesa Literacy Center . . Ht'dl h about a month. I lunter said. prqgram must be at least 12 years needs volunteer tutors to teach m Newport, Huntington Wh1ll' hoth '>l'<t lwns are fhl· other ..ea lion, whose re- old, (714) 546-1826 or English as a second language. lWo c;1ck '>ea uom wC!.'>ht-d up undergomK .,mule.If 1re<1tm ent al covery .,,,u be much longer. was www.bestbuddies.org. People who want to learn English on the beach ')unday inormng, the tt:.'ntt-r, tht>1r pret 1.,t' recovery only 6 months old and 38 BIG BROTMERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter 1s looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived m Orange County for at least six months and have been on the JOb for a1 least three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes (714) 544-7773. as a second language are also one al the 'lit>wpon Beach pier will be unknown for the next 48 pound<. and will require re-nour- encouraged to call Call to the other al I lunungton Beath hou,..... '\d.Jd \t1dwlll· 1 lunter. di· t!>hmt'nt through a feeding tube register (714) 435-3310 or (714) Pier reuor or opernuon'> at the lt'n-after rehydrauon 545-3445 rhe sea Irons, who both ap lt'f !\e11her sea llom have shown BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opponunities for the Orange County Council include fund-raising, program development and training to existing troops and packs. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & G4RLS CLUBS Of NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAJUE INSTTTUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers with a basic knowledge of Windows COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multlple Sclerosis Society has staned a new self·help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both The group meets at 11 a m the first Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answenng phones. bicycle registration, fingerpnnting, data entry and assisting with other c11yWide pro1ects Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an application. Fred Gaedtler. (714) 754-5208. $UBS Pcilne\Xkbber. The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. Denise M. Moglello First Vice-President-Investments Financial Advisor "For a Fru Complim~ntary Portfolio Revi~w, Pl~ase Call" 949-467-6034 800-854-1 222 1888 San Clemente. Newport Beach, CA 92660 www.ubspw.com/team/e1Chgroup • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of EQl!ipmenVfree Weights Pilates StOOlo & Mat Classes SPINNING Theater-Uoensed • 16 Full Tlme Personal Trainers Child Care Sam· noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch classes Step, Power Pump. Cardlo • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up Shape Up Hair Care ~~ureWellnesaCllruc l pear~d to be highl} dchydr.ucd llw '>t'a hon lound 111 "ewpon '>lgrt'> of '>•cknes.s due to disease and malnounshed. Wl're 1rn Beach, tht' older ilnd heaVJer of or mft>cuon and the exact cause mediately uansponed to tht> the l\\o, ,., ahou1 I year·old and of their dehydration 1i> unknown, Fnends of the Sea I.Jon M arint' ')ff pound'> and \'.111 hopefully be I lunter '>3.Jd FULL BAR ·coCICTAILS MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRI P TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·645·7616 CAREERS BEGIN ... 1-i -z • Ill . ... II. &OCIREER --- 1 CERTIRCITE PlllRaS ~·.­~ .- CllSSES TllTRT YOlllllY SCI Ell LE • QUALITY EIUCITIOI 111151 .... ~ CllilEI. P~ni-NCJ~11f cpP"~ olde11 West-L§llege .• • HUNTINGTON 8 ACH www.gwc.lnfo I 895-8187 ' M Mondly, .Jafluary 6, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Woman in critical condition after fall A 30-year-olct woman sustained major head inju- ries when she fell out of a second story window in Newport Beach earty Sun- day morning, police said. While visiting friends in th.e 2000 block of Walnut Street, the woman, whose name was not released, was POLICE FILES Cl>STA MESA • Briatol StrMt: A woman was arrested on suspicion of petty \heft with a prior arre~t in the 3300 blodc at 11 ·05 p.m. Saturday. •East 17th Street:.lndecent exposure was reported in the 100 block at 5:51 pm. ~ur9day. •Elden Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2300 block at 8:07 a.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: Prostitution was reported in the 3200 blod< at 6:24 p.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: An automobile theft was reported in the 2400 block at 1:57 a.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of grand the'1 in the 2300 block at 11:25 a.m. Friday. • Ptacentia Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance in the 1800 block at 8:30 p.m. Friday. •Welt Baker Street and Loren lane: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of possession of a controlled SALES Continued from Al Both South Coast Plaza anq Fashion Island benefit from their locations in the heart of wealthy communities. Officials from both centers also stage a string of holiday events, including tree ligh~, Santa Oaus visits and other· events to enhance the holi- day atmosphere. As another way to increaM" foot traffic. many retailers also offered deep discounts on mer- chandise to anract customers, especially in the week following Ouisrmas Day, said Tony Oler- balc, Deloitte & Touche's Costa Mesa·bil5ed retail specialist. "By all accounts. it was an ex- ceptionally promotional year." Olerbak said. "There was a mad rush at the end (to move mer- chandise)."' The push to move merch.tn· SWAP Continued from A 1 enue." WUbur swd he is not Slllgling out the swap meet, but would also like to see a report from the State Board Of Equallzauon re- garding revenue from It. The swap meet, which grew to double its permitted size over the past 20 years. was cut believed to have been bouncing and ~pinnlllg on a bed 'near a window. The woman. who officials say may have been Intoxicated, was propelled out the adja- cent window due to her momentum and sustained major head injuries, said Sgt. Rob Morton of the Newport Beach Police De- partment The woman was tran.'>· ported to Mission Hospira! In Mission Viejo where she underwent surgery and re· mains in critical condition. substance at 8: 15 a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bade Bay Drive: A vehicle theft was reported in the 1100 bled< at 6:53 p.m. Saturday. • Back Bay Drive: A hit and run involving a parked vehicle was reported in the 1100 blodc at 4:52 p.m. Saturday. • Bison Avenue: Vandalism wasreportedinthe1200 blodc at 10:17 a.m. Sunday • Coa.i Highway West and Newport Boulevard: A non-injury traffic collision was reported at 10:21 p.m Sal'U'day. • Harbor Crest Circle: A burglary was reported in the 1600 block at 9:48 a.m. Sunday. • Macarthur Boulevard and Bonita Canyon Drive: Vandalism to city property was reported at 8:16 a.re. Sunday • Newport Boulevard: A misdemeanor assault was reported in the 3100 blodc at 1 ·14 a.m. Sunday. • Santiago Drive: A :rtructure fire was reported in the 1800 bled< at 12:50 a.m. Sunday , d1'>e coincided with Oaggmg of consumer cqpfidence. On Tuesday, the conference board said its tndex lipped 4.4% to a nine-year low. Consumers are still worried about a tight JOQ market. high unemployment and a possible war with Iraq, the re- pon ~d. F.arly forecasts that discount retailers like Target. Kmart and WaJ -Mart would benefit from a spending slow-down also didn't materialize. Target. which runs the Costa Mesa Greatland Target at 3030 Harbor Blvd., an nounced earlier this week it would fall "well below" its goal of an at-leru.t 3% increase m De- cember sales The company booked a 1 % increa.'ie for No- vember. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be reached at 1949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul clmton a /at1mes.com in half in May after city officials re'>earched traffic complaints on fairview Road. The Oea mar- ket-type shopping venue had been operating at half its nor- mal capacity for seven months before the City Council ap- proved the ruu. rwo-day meet in December. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers education. She may be reached at (949) 6744221 or by e·ma1I at deirdre.newman1ii'fatimes.com ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOO •LAMINATES • CARPET • • CERAMIC 11LE • VINYL FLOORING . ·~!'1!!_ i •f.Ji§!..i.:.) SOI ARIAN ~AIA9 SOLID BRAZIUAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Cherry~ s5~! 10:.Slafl,Fds 1 e.1• Pecall Firish Ard Wis G.snee :-0.-i. Tnwier1ile 18~ x 1s• .......................................................... \It*"' Cenrnic Tlle,.,..w,.,..,.,,,.,.,..,. .. ,,..,.,,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,.~ *'" ...... Ill'- Laminate Yk>od ................................................ ,..~ '4.H ... ',.,. ~ ........ 615 ... I , CHILE Continued from Al adtnin.lstradon,andOuis Bakewell. wbo lends his teaching expertise. After sending lenem out to Latin American countries Inquiring if chey needed some help with curriculum development, Schilling heard back from a school in Ollie that wanted to establish an oral English language program, In 1991, Schilling Bew to Otlle to lmplement the program he devised. opened a tilgh school and SchlWng coordinated a program to Integrate the math and science programs there. Through the years, teachers who reoeMd guJdance from the Schilling Foundadon have helped the organization train other teachers. Schilling touts the fact that his programs are approved by Oille's Ministry oC Education · "We want teachers to feel they are lmportant people," Schilling said. "Our programs are offered · so that they can go back to their classrooms and lmpletnent them the next day.· Moms said the foundation's attitude1 of Oillean educators. •OUJe Is a little bit dilTerent than the u .S. ln the ~ense that when you have something good golng for you, they don't like to share u: Manis safd. ·eut the e people bave turned that around and have been so successful that It Is attracting attention." Three years later, an ~tural school in Clli.le • work ls-SO successful dlat it ls slowly changing tht insular The foundation also worked with schools in Africa until it got too expensive, Schilling said. While he regrets pulling out of the continent. he Is heartened by the fact that there are a, lot of other agencies there that continue to donate ~oney and resources. wbfch ls not the erase in Latin America. he saJd. "Who gives anything to Latin NEWSROOM Continued from Al the impending Measure W vote on building a Great Park at El Toro was about as wimpy as it gets. We all know the outcome of that. though. Measure W passed, changing the zoning at the closed Marine base and now El Toro is about as likely to become an airport as it is to become a Great Park. COSTA MESA COUNCIL SEATS UP FOR GRABS Another no-bralner headline. But what we said afterward was that it was going to be an exciting election With lots or candidates, includJpg former council members Heather Somers and Jay Humphreys and some guys named Joel Faris and Allan Mansoor from the Westside. Only one of those fo ur actually ran and we all ~ow the outcome of that. NEWPORT BEACH EYEING OTHER POTENTIAL ANNEXATIONS With Newport Coast under its heh, we correctly predicted that the city would set its sites on Santa Ana Height.I> and Bav l<nolls. Just how big can Newport get? COUNCILMAN'S TRIAL FALLS THROUGH We got this one sort of right. We said that Ouis Steel's trial on felony signature forging would get tossed out of court. That didn't e"8ctly happen, but Steel was able to ger the charges reduced to a misdemeanor and a mmor slap on the hand. FlNANCIAL, REALISTIC WOES SLOW BALBOA THEATER Enough said. SOME STILL UNHAPPY ABOUT BOAT PARADE CHANGES Actually, thar's probably true AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 5744298. Include the time. date and location of the event as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY The Alzhefmer's Aun. of Orange' County will host a support group for caregivers from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Angels In Newport Beactt. The ctturctt is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Free. For reservations, call (949) 640-1750. TUESDAY The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will hold Its monthly board of directors meeting at 7:15 a.m. In the cttamber office. The office I!> at 2855 E. Coast Hlgh~y. Suite 101. For more informatlon, call (949) 673-4050. WEDNESDAY Newport Beach Community Services wlll host e new drawing and painting worbhop aeriot on Wednesdaya from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m .. todey through Feb. 26. The worbhop will Include lndlvldual instruction for beginner through advanced students In mixed media. The worklhop wlll be held in the Vince JorgenMn Center adjacont to Mariners Ubrary .t 2006 Dover Drive. ~ for realdenta, $71 for nonresidents. For more Information. call (949) 644-3161. THURSDAY The~Coed\ ~n. Orange County Chapter will host • bu al nest eotution• worklhop at the Wyndham Garden Hoi.l In Cost. Meu. The flf1t pert of the worbhop wlll f>t held from 6 toe. p.m. 1nd wilt focus on contl"tCU for colCMI. The tecond part will deal wfth powetfUI queetionlng and will be held from 8:30 to 8:30 p.m. The hotel l11t3660Avenue Of the Atta. For more lnform1tlon, cell Ela1,,. Aront It (949) but this year's parade sure seemed to go off without a hitch or a complaint. ... NEWPORT OFF1CIALS STILL TRYING TO EXTEND FLIGHT CAPS They were, until just last week when it all came to a nice conclusion. the long-dead idea of buildlllg a bridge across 19th Street to connect Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. The fact that the only thing it could muster after an entire year was to propose that silly idea ai. a way to fix the Westside just proves the committee. made up at one time of some 80 FOUR NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL SEATS UP FOR GRABS members, is way too big and ----.eYmbersome to effect any change. Now that was a bold statement. If we couJd have onJy predicted a Dick Nichols victory, then I'd be at Santa Anita race track right now. CITY PONDERS MORMON TEMPLE AMID COMPLAINTS Sure did. But it did much more than that. It smoothed out the controversy over the steeple and hghung and will now be the only place in Orange County to house a Mormon temple. MARINAPARK PAOJEeT PUSHES FORWARD, NEARS GREENUGHT VOTE Beeeeeeeeeeeeep. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Marinapark 1s Mill a mobile home park and the residents are still situng on city-owned land and the hotel by Sutherland Talia was hardly a bhp in the news last year NEW DUNES OWNERS PlAN A 275-ROOM HOTEL Wrong again New owners. but no hotel. TRIANGLE SQUARE REINVENTS rTSELF TO STAY ALIVE A new paint job maybe. and the possibility of a new nightclub there, but nothing real tangible to say that the center has a new lease on Life. RESIDENT COMMITTEE ENCOURAGES CHANGES TO WESTSIDE The only change the committee encouraged was to resurrect the past and bnng up 457-6190, or VISlt www.icforangBCOunty.com. Mary and Darwin Bobi.t will present a slide lecture about their three-year sailing adventure with their two young sons at 1 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The presentation ia part of the library's armc:hair travelers series. The Bobte1 family left from the San Francisoo Bay and traveled to Mexico, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more information, call (949) 717-3801. JAN.11 Audltiona for the School of American' Ballet's 2003 Summer . Court~e wilt be held at the OeFore Dance Center in Costa Mau . Auditions are open to Intermediate and advanced students only and will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for 1~ear-olds, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. for 15-year-olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 16-to 18-yeaPOlda. Students must register one hour In edvance. For more Information, call (212)"169-6600 or (714) 241-9908. JAH.12 The Anonl Si.t.n end VOC91l11 Brenda von Gremp will peffomi wor1cs for voice. violin and piano st 3 p.m. st the Newport 8eac:tl Central Ubntry. Owi'1ian AzzlJfW plays the piano and her sister, Sendra Azzopl 'M>od. plays the violin. The llbnlry le at 1000 Avocedo Ave. Free. For ffiOl'9 information, cell (949) 717""3801 °' vWt www. newpoffblUch/ib,.ry.orr;. JAN.16 UC tMne Medlcel ~wit host a .. mi04r on Medicare benefltt It 10 a.m. In the Unlvemty Club at the UCI campue. The eemln1r will foc:ua on the~ chino-In Medici,. beliefhl and·~ l~OOYereg.. ttwm not COV9f Medbre HMO.. Tht dub "-et Loe~ end EMt ~Drive."-for mor9 Jnfonnldon, Clft (In) ua-OOCS, orvlefl www.uclhNldt.~lo& I NEWPORT FlSH CO. . NEIGHBORS SAY SILENCE IS GOLDEN Judging by a lack of any real headlines on this one. I'd say that's true for the most part BUSINESS OWNERS REQUEST HELP TO ABIDE BY WATER RULES So far. I.he new rules governing runoff and polluuon have brought little outcry But I suspect that could chanRe 1( restrictions tighten up. STATE BUOGET CUTS STRIKE NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOLS The cuts really have not been seen yet. But there's no doubt that local schools and city services are going 10 feel tht' pa.in of the statewide budgt.>t crisi!">. LEECE URGES DISTRICT TO DROP TRUSTEE ZONES Doesn't really matter no\)1- because what we !>houJd have been able to predict was that Tom Egan wouJdJ:>e s1ttmg in I.he school board '>eat that former Trustee Wendy Leece used to hold. FERRYMAN POSTPONES DUI HEARINGS IN HOPES OF REELECTION That was wrong and an illustration of our sometime cynical view of poht1c1an' Former school board 1rustet' Jlm Ferryman took the high road, pleaded guilty to the charge of driving under tht.> mOuence of alcohol and JAN.17 The Newport Beac:h Chamber of Commerce will hos1 the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Season' Hotel. The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a llve and silent alJC11on, dinner and much more The hotel is at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tidcets are $75 per person. $900 for a table of 12. For more information. call (949) 729-4400. UC Irvine Medical Center will h09t a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center. The seminar will have discussions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center la at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Free. For more lnformawn. call (Sn) UCl-OOCS, orvl11t www.ucihealth.com/events. JAN.21 The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly networking luncheon at 11 :30 a.~ the Five Crowns Re rant. Reservations are required. The restaurant ia at 3801 E. CoartHighway. For more Information, call (949) 673--4050. JAN.24 UC lrvlne wffl hoet 1ta 19th annue1 Mertln Luther King Jr. Symposium, •Preyer, Protest, and Peace -A Leeder's l.egac:y for Today," from 7 to 8:30 p_m. The sympoalum11 lctynote •PMker will be Julian Bond, board ctt1lrm1n of the NAACP and profellQr of tilatory at the University of Virginia. The symposium will be hetd In the Humanltl" lnstNCtk>nel Building, room 100 at the UCt C.mpue. F'". For mo,. lnformetlon, call (Ml) 814-7216. JM.21 The MOMI C... ol C:O. M ... ·N041h la holtfno an °'*' houM It 101.m. at lelurtc hrt Ind Community c.nter In 0.. Mw. WOmen are •ncou~ to brtng their children Ind wtll Ntw .... dwQ tD meet~ ' 'We want teachers to feel they are important people.' RoWt~ America? Nobody.# SchJW.ng said. Schilling said the foundation's continued involvement in Latin America is very reWa.rding. "The people are SQ [dam! grateful," Schilling said. ~It makes you feel so humble. They treat you like a king." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers education. She may be readied at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at dtlirdre.newmanOlati~.com declined to run for reelecuon RESIDENTS ANTICIPATE QUIETIR PACIFlC AMPHITHEATRE Well they sure did because d\ far as I know, there wasn't om· peep that could be heard from that shell of a former concert ground. But changes and a remaking of the venue are •mil in the cards. FUTURE OF HUSCROFT HOUSE CONTINUES TO TEETER Last but not least. It didt1 1 . happen m 2002, t;?ut in 200J 11 looks ltk:e this house that m<1.n\ say is a historic piece of Cmld Mesa history will find a ne"' home in the Bernard Street neighborhood on the Wes1~1dt So that's the rundown from ''"' big n~ of 2002, or least wha1 we thought would be big nt'\\' Oleck: back agam next ye<11 1, we see how our 2003 predictions hold up ... I'd hke to ta.Ice a minute tlt'ri to say goodbye to our feature' ed11or Jennifer Mahal, who ha) quJI the newspaper to lake ii 1ob Ln the advert1smg industr\ Mahal has been a valued member of the Daily Pilot ti>.1111 and I will miss her 1mmemel\ Many of you may know her as I.he editor of our ans and enienainment, religion and society pages. but she wa .. ahn a maior player in the relaunch of our Sunday edition back m rebruary of 200 I. She's been the editor of th.11 Sunday paper ever since. putting together the ma.in features and the Life and Leisure pages. Good luck Jen, hope you cnwy your new career. • TONY DODERO 11 the editor Ht can be reached vu1 e-mail at tonv dodt1ro '4 /atimtts.com or phone at 949-574-4258 or leavtt 11 message for him on our Reader~ Hotline at 949-646·5086 stay-at-home moms The center 1s at 1975 Balearic Drive. For more Information, call (714) 964-5934 ONGOING The Newport Beach N.wcomers Club holds 1 general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all Newport Beactt residents who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org Interfaith coupt .. with one Jew11h partner are invited to participate in a discussion group a1 the Jewish Family Se"'ice of Oran~e County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between lnterfai1h couples, suctt as raising cttildren, observing holiday1, symbols In the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three seulons is $45 per couple. Preregletration le ~ulred. Call · to schedule date end time. The office is at ~50 Et Balter St., Suite G. Costa Me ... (71 4) ~50. Wom.n 50 eftd older can foln • discuaalon group coordinated by Jewleh Family S.rvTcee to addtffl lsaue• aucti H anxiety, deprMlfon, rel.UOnlhlpe, lonellMM and family. The group m"ta from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. Monday• et the a~ o~. 260 E, Bater St., Suite G, eo.te Meta. Prertglstr.tlon required. (714) 44M960. "**of the'= IWlh Pubflc Ubrlry u Boot Stort are eeklng for patron• to donatl boob to replenlah the dwfndllng stoci. Boob may be left et •nv of the th,.. brtndt llbnriu -Belbot, ~or Cor~ cMe Mar -or In the boot doeet next to the Friendl loO* Stof*, et 1000 AYOCldo /we., Newport 8Mich. Alf hatdoa\lef' •nd P'!~rbec:t donatlotw,...,, h ftcepdon of meouw. Ind a.w boon, wtft be ecoepted 9"d art ta ct.duc:dble. {NI) .,.. ... 1 I ,. ' .. ..i QUOTE OF THE DAY "If To mmy Lasorda b[eeds blue for the D odgers, then I bleed blue for Corona de/ Mar." Brent 01den, CdM alumnus, coach EYE OPENER Ill DailyAPi~. po111 Hall cl Fame I"' ht •• lit:' tt "" ' Mh January 13 honortt MATT BROESAMLE Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 Monday, January 6. 2003 AS COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASJ<ETBALL ~ • • UC ll'Vlne's Lauren Yadon (24) puts up a shot over Long Beach States Glory Johnson en route to career-high 21 points Second-half collapse UCI, down by one at halftim e, drops Big Wec;t Con ference opener to visiting Long Beach State. BREN E\/l:NTS C £ :-... ff-R -lJ( Imm: freshman Lau ren Yadon had nearl) half the Antealer-.' fit'ld goals en route 10 a rJreer-h1gh 21 points, bu1 ii wa.,n'I enough to prC\enl a 64-50 lo~s to V1S1ttng Long Reach State m the Big West Confer· ence women·~ baske1baJI opener for both 11.'am~ Sw1day. Yadon, a 6-foot-3 forward, made 8 of 19 field-goal at· tempts (42.1%), Including I of 2 three pointers, and also netted 4 of 5 foul hots as the Anteaters' primary ofTen· slve option. But the rest of UCl's squad was just 9 of36 from thr field (2591.) and the hosts made just 7 of 27 shots from the 6eld in the second half, when they were outscored, 34·21. UCl's shooting percentage of 30.9 was a season low and It's work from the foul line didn't .help, either. The Anteaters connected on just 13 of 23 free throws (56.59'), whUe Long Beach nailed 10 ,r 12 (83.3CJll.). lt was the ninth t.raight loss to the • 49ers (4-8) for the Anteaters (7·5), who have now lost baclc-to-baclc gam for the first time this season. UO, which opened 6-2, haa now lost three of Its la.st four and four or Its last six. UO has also lost five ttaight regular-season confer· ence games, dating back to last 90n. UCI, which uailed. '°*29· et halftime, was eYeD whh the 49ers with 14:04 left in the game. But a 20·5 run by the vtai· 'ton over the next 10 minutes aecured "'Yk:tory in a RIJlle that featured elght \ -.. Anteaters' Christina Callaway (44) dnves around Long Beach defender Lauren Bull dunng 49ers' Big West Conference-opening road victory Sunday afternoon. lead changes and three ties. Long Beach State dominated In the rebounding department, collecting 47 to the Anteaters' 28. Yadon added five rebounds, while teammate Oui.st.ioa Callaway, a 6·0 jun· lor forward. collected a game-hJgh 11 rebounds and a career·htgh ix steals to go with her five points. Kristen Green, a 5·8 jvruor guard, chipped In 12 points for the hosts. who return to action Thursday when they host cal Sta te Fullerton ln another Big West clash at 7 p.m.. &eluding Yadon. UO 's tarters made Just 7 or 33 flrld·goaJ attemptS (212'). agiln.st a Long Beach State squad that came In leading Big~ contingents tn 1COrtng defense. Glory JohNOn ltd Long Beach State With 20 points and clgbt rebound& She knocked down 8 of 13 ·neld goal at- tempts (61.591.l to help the 49ers fini h at 42.4CJL from the field (25 of 59). UCl's 50 point were Its second-few- est of the season, behind a 47-poinl oul· put in a three·point lo~ al Loyola Mary· mount Dtc:. 28. LlOM leech St. M, ua 50 . l'"'9 leedl llnt-Johrwon 20, Ruth•. Wilton 8, Baker 6, Me<:k 2rGOPChalk 11, 818'/lnt 6, Bull 5, Stout 2 3-pt goell -Goac:Nlk 3, Bull 1 foui.d out Ruth Ted'lnicelt -none. UC !Ntfte-Yadon 21, ~ 5. Foeutkner 0, Gabb9 I, GrMn 12. fergUIOn 4, Biggins 2, Ulher t. • 3 pt go.-... Ylldon 1, G.t>be 1, Green 1 Fouled out -none. • ~nai.-"°"'' . Hatftlme"' I.Ong Beed\ St. 30 29 III Daily A Pilot III SpOrts Hall of Fame CPlPbrating thP n1iJ1Pnniun1 BRENT 1 I' \ ·;.OGDEN Corona de] Mar , Sea Kings ' iongtime walk-on vo lunteer coach began his devotion to Sea Kings as a player. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot E arlv 111 h1.., cJrecr a'> a v-.alk -on a..,.,...,tdnt football coach at C ornnJ del \1ar I hgh \\111111ng came '>O frequent!} Lhac Brent Ogden\ true football di'>cernment might have hel'll J little d1stor1ed ! >gdl·n JS do~e J' ;myone to m\ning the label "\tr ( orona del \l.ir \\1th ht!> upbringing and 111\11IH·ment in Cd\I athlellc'>. .... 1.1r11·d c <Mrhing loocball m 1986 \\ 11 h Bill < ool on the fre-.hman It•\ t-1. then moved up to cht.- ..,opho1nore team and .i year later 1.imlt·d on the var!>lt) under l1:gt•11d.tr\ tormer L<.1~1 Coach U.tH' I lolland I ht• "l'a King., d1dn t lo.,e much 111 tlw'e \ears The\ had plaver' 111 tht· prc>gram ltl..e Dannv (}':'\ell. Jell Jari....,on \\'arren John,on. \\e.,tclll Johnson Bna.n luca'>. Jerrott \\'1llard. Bobb~ I lall. John Katovs1ch and lodd Ka1m-,ich In Ogden!> fir!>t \ear a.," l Odeh. the l.d\I frt·,hman team en10\'l'd an undl'1l'.1ted campaign lhl'n tl1l' 'ophomore tl'dl!l Wt'nl unbeaten. tht•n tlw var'>ll~ l.ip1un•d a l111lt.' c1tf tune, of cour.,e But I tan '>Ill~ 11 Perhap'> Ogden·s greatest contr1bu11on to the program came 111 the manner of hi'> bu.,111e'>'> .\ builder and dewloper ''1th about 100 shopping center'> m '>outhNn < ahforn1a co his m m pan\., credit. Ogden and a few other motivated Cd\1 dads - among 1hern John WaJ7. Oa\1d Grubb., and Gordie Oemen'> - built the v. eight fac1hl) and foo1ball complex on campu'> and named 11 aher Holland "\\e \'ent drJ\\'Tl to \1annt• ;'l;atton.s.l Ban~ \\here we h.id .s. relat1on\h1p. and borrowed $350.000 and JU!>t built che facility and donJted 11. ·Ogden !>aid "It has reall\. helped Lhe football pro~ram get the maximum potenuaJ out of every kid ,.,ho come., through the program, becau'>e \\1th a '>mall ~lhool, you need to get the most out of 11 And this fanluv gives them the woh '>ll the} can all ~un1\l' \\lth a c;mall ro~tt'r It h.is '' orked out real ~ell and paid dl\1dend'> bat~-to back. CIF \outht'rn \ec11on DI\ hlOn \ I l'hiHllJ>IOll'hlp'> Brent Ogden Ogden. who de.,1gned the bu1ldmg, and Grubb' v.anted 10 implement the plan \Ooner. buc It wac;n't un11J \\'alz and tha1 group " came along Lhat Lhe bluepnnt reaLhed fru111on 111 the m1d -1990s. I thought, I le~. .invhmh can coach tht., ~arne. " said Ogden. who 'Pt'nt three\ ear' rnarhing Junior \II \11wman football. but ha' olhl'f\\ l'>e been attached to the ( d~I program .. ince '86 and touchl·<l many h\e'> v.1th hi'> po'>lll\ e .1111tude "II\ fun I love being a poo,111ve mfluem. e 1 o ( 1he player'>)," added Ogden, a longtime member of 1he Board of Director-; for Newpon \lesa Junior All American 1-oocball Ogden has coached manv athlete!. 111 th11> vear\ CdM sophomore cla.Ss m foo1baJI. soccer and baseball. through the you1h team' of hi' ~on. Brent Ill Ogden' dad . Brent played quarterback al Cal. while chis week's Da1Jv Pilot ',pow. Hall of Fame honoree played fullback and middle hnebacl..er at< dM 1n the early 1970s. then continued hi~ career at San Diego late "Lorona del Mar's home for me It., a pec1al place: Ogden aid ·r ve donated a lot of time and effort over the years. llut I just love the kids. The chool has a great adm1n1strauon a great coaching staff and to me a great enV1ronment. lfTommy Lasorda blee~ blue for the Dodgers, then l blt'ed blue for Corona del Mar. "I'm probably the only one who can sing the alma matrr -albeit .. ~ I 2 1 II Hlgh .. -..:1 2 -· We11rta.-.1~0.-.--· COlllll ...... 7 p..M: ...... ,__,,... "It took ume to get 11 through the i'<ewport-Mesa school board. because they were co'ncerned '>Omelhing was behind 11 But there "ac;n'1 We JUSI wanted 10 build the fa'c1hry and dpnace 11 he ~aid. In terms of h1ghhght., for Ogden, the c;econd CIF D1vt~1on VI champ1onsh1p m 1989 would top the hst as a coach. becau~e Lhac year, n obody Lhought the Sea Kmg would repeat. mcludmg themsehec; "We thought we'd have 10 gel lucky to even get into the playoffc;, • Ogden said. As a p layer. Ogden said "always beaung Edison" was a htghitght. In the autumn of 1973, Ogden earned s~ond-team All·lrvme League honors as a hnebaci.er and al o lrd the Sea IGngs· offense m rushing, wh1ch included a 139-yard effort and two touchdowns on 18 carries against Magnolia m the season finale Ogden. whose company was recently awarded the contract by the county for the redevelopment of Dana Point Harbor, lives In Corona del Mar with his wife, Katie. and three children -twtns Breanne and Brent m and e.artyn. 11. Ogden could also be spotted last fall behind the miaopbone at CdM girls volleyball match ' , I M Moncfa>t, January 6, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL FROM THE SIDELINES , Mesa, Eagles open tonight Former OCC · coach Rosso Mustangs, Estancia begin Golden West League schedule with a busy week. B•rry F•ulkner Daily Pilot Coaching an Estancia High boys basket· ball team that followed a nine-game winning streak with a three-game losing skein, OUis Soru blows a little something about rhythm But that knowledge, he believes, is nullified by a whimsical schedule that goes along with competing in d!e Golden West League, which tips off tonigl'tt. Estancia (10-4), plays the first of its three league games in five days tonight at 7 at Westmlnster. The Eagles then take the next 14 days to play their next three league games, concluding the first round Jan. 24 at league title favorite Ocean View. ·1 haven't played a game In It yet, but I'm not a fan," Sorce said of the seven-team for- mat, in wt\ich one team endures a bye each nigl'tt the other six league teams square off against one anoJher. ·11's so funky. I just don't see any rhythm to it. The only positive 1 see in a seven-team league is that the top four teams go to the playoffs (one more than those .who automatically advance from six- team circuits)." The Eagles a.re projected to be one of those four automatic qualifiers, expected to finish anywhere from second to fourth. Ocean View, which visits Costa Mesa in the Mustangs' Golden West debut tonight at 7, Is the clear-cut favorite. The Seahawks (11 -3) are ranked No. 4 in Orange County, though they have not played since Dec. 21 . Estancia. Santa Ana and Orange, not nec- essarily in that order, are expected to lead the chase pack. with Costa Mesa. Saddlebad and Westminster hoping to surprise and break Into the upper echelon. Costa Mesa (4-9) hopes playing tough pre- league slate has helped its young lineup get a varsity crash course. Estancia did catch a break from the sched- ule maker in opening with Westminster. coached by former CdM High girls head man Flben Davis, and Saddleback (Wednesday). before hosting Santa Ana Friday. The Eagles figure to be 2-0, beading into Friday's early crucial STEVE MtCRANK I DAILV PILOT Jordan Stroman (23) has been a catalyst off the bench for Estancia's Eagles this season. , The Eagles are led by 6-foot-8 senior cen- ter Joey Lindquist and 6-4 !><>phomore for- ward Carlos Pinto. along with ..enior guards Zack Novak and Matt Cachola. Novak (7.1 ppg) is also a cat~ Costa Mesahas been keYerl by senior Danny Krikorian. The fourth-year varsity performer is aver- aging 17.3 points and 41 three-pointer~ MWe're excited to get into league." i.aid Sorce, who hopes his F.agles don't get ahead of themselves and forget to bring their peak performance to the first two games this week. Lindquist i'> avernging 12.9 pomts and around I 0 rebounds, while Pinto, a two-year varsity veteran. b avcraging 13.9 ppg. Me~'& talented youngsters include fresh- man point guard Brian Molina (5.8 ppg), freshman Scon Knox (5.2 ppg) and sopho- more Jeff Waldron (4.0 ppg). Marko Stankov- ic, a 6-6 junior, chips in 5.9 ppg. Cachola. who along with Lindquist was an all-tournament performer in the post-Christ- mas Coast Oassic.chips in 7.5 ppg. while Shadow lands Looking back. 5 years ago this week.: The Newport Harbor Hlgh girls water polo team trounces visiting Woodbridge, 5 17-0, to open up Sea View League play. Harbor's leading scorer, Katherine Gregg. notches four goals while Alden Moore nets three scores before Coach Brian Kreutzkamp puts her back in at goaJie in the third period. She makes one save The offense receives a boost from Jocelyn Manderlno. Kyndra Cox and Diana Day, who each score two goals while Autumn MlllJhn and Heather Pappas tally one apiece. Senior goalkeeper Erin Kennedy records four saves in the first half. Estancia High football coach John Uebengood resign~ after 12 seasons. He says. "I sat down over Olristmas vacation and considered the pluses and minuses and came to the decision that the time was right for me to move on." Uebengood remains at Fstancia as a full-time teacher. ln his 12 seasons Uebengood amasses a 53-67-3 record. including a 10-win Sea View League championship sea.MJn in 1989 and three trips to the ClF Playoffs. He is Fstancia's winnlngest football coach in the 33-year history of the varsity program. Newport I larbor High's girls basketball team completes a 35-32 nonleague triumph over Costa Mesa in the Sailors' first home game of the season. I ~arbor sophomore April Ross amasses a career-high 17 points with 15 rebel.Inds and four blocked shots. Both teams win two quarters and Mesa has a 30-26 lead before Newport's Kristen Urban drills a three-pointer with 3:19 left to begjn a rally that puts Newpon up, 35-30, with l :05 to go. Newpon junior Md1ssa Holllster contributes 10 rebounds while~ Powerw (13 points), Julie Collett (lo rebounds and five points) and Nancy Hat:sushl (six points and five boards) pace the visitors. Southern California College (now Vanguard University) thumps visiting Dominican, 95-31, ln a nonleague women's college basketball game. The Vanguards (12-4) take a 9-0 lead with help from a three-pointer by Alana Kempton and two treys by Amee Pina. The Vanguards hlt 10of18 from behind • I' IM> • nM> • lf9kT DlnMNlt •.II. • .11.T • ..... <'» • ~ C.. ·~ ·~ ... , .... •Aliff 'k •I..- ' , the arc with added help from Marissa Emde and Amber Cllaney. Pina nets 19 points. including 5 of 7 from behind the arr Lookm g back. IO years ago this week: nu.• Estancia High boy<> basketball team defeats Pacific Coa .. 1 League nv-cl.I Co.,rn M esa. 76-59. in the circuit's opener. f-_c;tancia (l'HJ) take<> rontrol or the game in the third quarter. doubling the Mu~tangs' output of 12 poinu. m the penod. Jim Faulkner goe., 5 for 5 from the fi eld in the second half and finishes with a game-high 24 point.<,. I le converts all 13 of his free-throw attempt'>. Estancia 10 goes on a 9-0 run after being ued. 40-40, as Zade Rk:hardaon hits a three-pointer to stretch the margin to 47-40. Costa Mesa High's girls basketball team routs Estancia. 64-22, m the PCL opener. Mesa's OIMa OICamJllJ finishes with a game-high 17 points in lirruted action as the Mustangs jump out to a 27-6 lead with 3:55 left in the second quarter. The Mu stangs hold the Eagles to no more than six points in any quarter. Heat.her Robbuon tallies 15 points for Mesa (11-4) while Karla Dominguez and Laura Czlngu1a each score six points for the f:agles (8-5). 1lm Mang succeeds Gary Sala?.ar as the Corona del Mar I ligh tennis coach. Newport I !arbor I ligh's boys b'"ketball team opens Sea View League play with a 64-51 victory over Saddlebad. The Sailors (8-51 outscore the Roadrunners. 17-4, in the first six and a half minutes of the third period to forge a 47-30 lead. Saddlebad closes to within 48·45, with 4:SO left In the game after a 13-0 run, but Newpon prevalls. JunJor guard Bric Vallely scores a game-high 26 poinb and grabs a career-high 14 rebounds.· Junior center Ramy Shouby adds 16 polnts, 13 rebounds and three blocked shots. TI1ree-year varsity starter Mutt Mc:Anlla returns to the floor from a knee injury and scores six points on two three-pointers. The Tars limit Saddleback to 17 of 45 Crom. the field (37.7%). -compiled by Bryce Alderton reflects back Though he treasures memories of time leading Pirates, he wishes he could have given even more. He added, •1t wu such a great atmosphere lo work in. 'That la why I feel I should ha~ been able to stay with that work ethic . with more intensity; by being more aggressive in recruiting and being more Intense and selfish about the football 0 n the Oow of a bright program.· new year, one-time Rosso said, MBut you know all Orange Coast College those points become marginal football coach Ray when you meet SO years later. Rosso has chosen to rellect back ·Now. I only hope I was able to with treasured feelings for all the give the best opportunity for the players who followed his aspirations of any and all who direction through seven years of had the need tu want to play tutoring the Pirate gridders. , football I further hope that I Rosso. 86, who made his first was able, In some small way, to . sterling mark as a junior college help them in thelr later lives - coacnwhen he led now-that-is really- Olaffey CoUege to the lmponant. • Junior Rose Bowt and a The one-time victory over Cameron champion coach said. Okla. in the rnid-I 940s. "Yes, I would do some came to the new OCC things differently, but. in 1948 and coached you see, I had to learn the grid fortunes by experience as well. through the 1955 The bonom line is, I season. could have done more. During that time, Having said that. I Rosso led OCC to an realize that my Eastern Conference DON coaching career was championship in 1951 CANTRELL because ofa high and to a triumphant school coacl) who cared season in 1949, when the Pircttes for me as a boy with a need and established an 8·2 record and a desire. and he represented a drew a bowl Invitation, which wonderful way to a future life for they declined due to injuries. me. ln a small way, I hope those One of his major highlights in early OCC years allowed me to recent years came In Noven'ilier: help In the same way." 1991, when his 1951 team came Rosso, who also taught golf, together for a SO-year reunion. tenrus and sailing for years at thanks to the energized efforts of OCC has. at umes. struggled in two '51 leaders: tackle F.d Mayer, recent years crying to stay in the a Newpon Harbor High grad, best of health. and guard Fred Owens, a Marine Yet, he has remained veteran. It was staged on the consistently posiuve. OCC campus during the He said, ·rm rid of the cane Fullerton game and. afterward. and I had an innovative in a social center. shoemaker put together a new Asked about one particular supponive sole that has resulted team tribute, Rosso wd. "Well, in an almost normal walldng to me. any reminder of the grut. It encouraged me so ibucb players makes it so Lmponant that I ventured out to the desert for them in these later years. and climbed my old f'amiliar traO Nostalgia and memories at this in the Santa Rosa Mountains. time of year become very dear. plus some hill bicycling. I feel "Having saJd that, and ready for SO more years. recognizing that l'U be 87 In "Acrually, I'm just happy to be March, I also reevaluate the past able to walk. to see, to talk. to with more feeling. For example, t.hinJc and especially to the SO-year reunion brought me remember.· in closer touch with the Ro~. born in Turin, Italy, individual personalities of each grew up in the Oakland area and player. seeing them in their 60s became a top-ranldng guard at and 70s. I really became UC Bert.eley under Coach Stub impressed with how mu'h Allison. responsibtlity I had in that phase of their lives. And. in this respect. I reflect I could have done so much more by being more closely involved with ~ach HAPPY BIRTiiDAY ·one." Rosso. a Navy fighter piJot during World War ll. said. "Football ls so demanding of coaches. players. their families, friends. the community and the college, that it requires all of one's efforts to give the best one can to some awesome responsibilities. Sadly. I could have done more. Yes. I did have other interests and needs that would have given more return to the players, as well as all the other facets of the supporting groups." He continued, ·As it was, I was fortunate to have Wendell Pickens, who helped us get underway. Then. a wonderful, small campus feeling of adventure. plus Che excitement of being the first in anything." Coast launched its first football team in 1948. Rosso said, •pacilltles were minimal, equlpment was second-hand, and needs were awesome In the beginningr But. never for a day was there any doubt about wanting to move a.head. •AT • tJ/ldle a.er ... JQ ...... • .... DfD~~ ( CelebratJn the Daily Pilot's Athlete o~ Week series TODAY 19 -Jecquellne Bedter Corona def Mar Girts volleyball, 2001 21 -Lou CalTlllCO Jr. Of'enge C:O.st Golf, 2001 11 -Oline Rosete Estancia Croaa country, 2001, '02 21 -VtCtor Lopez OrengeCoeat Tredt and field, 2001, '02 21-Nicolas OomlnelU Of'ange CoU1 Football, 2002 •' , I .I •. '· . .. .. ¥ Poli(·,· . ... I low to t>lact• A <:LASSIFrn AD -'ii ___ Ut•adli1w !'i ----. Monda\- \1ur1d.1) '\-1IC1p111 ' I Rates and Jcadlrncl> an· \UhJtll h,. change without nut Ile ·1 hl' puhfr,hcr reserves the n ght to ll'O\ur, rl·d.t'>'lly, re.vise or rCJCCI any d i1..,,1ficJ advertiSt:mcnl. Plt:a'>c rcpon .111\ l'ITOr that may be m yuur dJ"1llcJ .td• 1mmt:d1atc ly. The Dall} P1h11 .1tll'(ll\ no liability lur all) l'I mr 111 ,111 advertisement for "h11.h 11 111J\ tx· rcsponi.1blc c.:xLcpt tor thl· tct\I 111 th.: space actually occup1l·d hy thl· error Credit can 011ly ht: ,1ll111Au j lor till' l1N m~rtion. By Fa.x Tuc,d.1\. c; !Mlp111 ·.i ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110- (1J41)) ft l 1 O'i'J.J fl'lt ' ... me lull\ 'rl•UJ 11J11H· .md pl., 1k· 1 Hllh,·r 1od ~t 11 h•ll \ tut•.-\. ~ 111 A J'fh.•: '41J It' f Hy Plaontj t1J491 f'W ! 'ih7X II ours lclcphom: 8 10,1111 'I <)(~1111 '\1onday f'ndJ) · -' MEICHIHDfSE FOtSALE I nclt·x Bv ~1 ai 1/1 n Pt·r~o n : 'lO Wc,r R.iy ..,lrcct Cm1.i Me,.i, t A 11"!.on Al Newport Blvd I!.. ll<t) 'It W.ilk In X lOam 'i OOpm \fond.i\' l·mlJy \.11 urd.1y I r 1d.1~ 1 llUpr11 I I 111.1 \ " li<lp111 GARAGE SAlE 1489 7402-7466 UU'lOYMINT . ~ I OPPOl1UlllTIES aoos-as 1 o _, Under the Service Directo ry Banner Reach 80,000 Homes ·Each Weck BUSINESS_l_ FINANCIAL 2305-2490 ..... For Only $32 pe r week (4\.\cck m in~mum) ~ ... -=r=cair1.arrame;tfl'f~1 ·s1if-if'Ln -~ ~-~~ - • ~~====~~~~======-:-=======:-=======-7-:--~~~====~-:-~~-.-~~--::=======~ Lepl Notices 2640 1 Collectibles/ 1 Found 1510 I Cats 3610 I NAWN\rt Be en I '-,..., .. , 11i. / ~~ '· Laguna Beach studio Af>t ... vlARt v RlNTAls Newport Coast M ~. vn .. v a t1011I llfHt tpt ..... rm kll 11t1kt .... I 111 ,,.... ,. • ' Rrtili.I t.silft' emorabiha 1160 fOUND •llfh·•• >ti•••·· ~rt,-;;-"NEWPORT ICACH7 '" ,,. ...... i '""'"I "' .... lARGl 28drm~ den 1, Pt.l<i ,. I .I.' I ,, r I ' I I( t •• 4S. l~· ._ S.._. TOf' SS 4 lllCOllDS ITC 8ASSlTT HOUND ~If 1t \ • '"' • ..t•• HOMlSlllllS..f tn•I ol "''' 7 I• 11•• l• ~ • "'" v.rw • , " 1 , •..V."' • tit 1 1• '' lr~ 11 ;r '·''' .., 1 H••f.11 ,.,. I."' f 'un ll-1-t-•m Wh.1tt,.,_.t .. .,•downtri-. rot ,..t tll• 1 t .. t ~ S tUO t1•t ~4• r hr tollnwrn~ p .. , \1111 .u • do1ni bU\Hlf'I'~· •· ~flt lllOBvlllr l'tl'l l f~I lln• i•• 1 • '"' ~I Ito PIAI• I Ill f'lf I rl•••• ~ "'"'"~ ,.._,..,,k tr,...l ...,okt In.' fr,...1..JJllO I "" J,°'ff1 "• 'f' .. 1•..4 IOl4 ""''' .,~11,1 ,10, 949 S I S 7040 '"'" 'H't t.44 ;1/<1l '"''""f'd'"'"'·"~ah<J11• I ;f\J 11' ~tl//I !P ill Nf'8/Clll , .. .IWtt*U\ ~ (" 4H~l1tl I 't'"t•d<J ( dOy1 ":1 1' t "'• '116/b H1cha1d L..-.... 1 .. w,•11j• II 19191 I IWll "' ~ l..•nvon ~•lvt"r tit· f t 1 t l'•R { •l1f01 "" 'l/I /I (I•• l t(J1~n1 • r.11111,. l'll'll l•w•~no• I "'"" .,,1tvt"r •du t.tn1t•n f ·•'• 1.,rn1~ 97671\ rh1' bU\10t" I\ ( II du• l""d bt A r~m·, ti P••tnuship HtitY'fl yuu ~l .. ttl• I f""'• bu\1nfl\". yttt 1 Nt. f I~• (,11m~~-• fh1· \l-tt .. m,. '' .,.;,.• Mrd With th,.. ( O '' It I U~rk uf Or.rn~~ I ''V"' • •11 01/02/0J 20036928344 ·'"I ClAtly Pilot l•n h I i <, ~• lO 71 lO()j Mtji(I Fktltills t.siness '-S"'-t lOUAl HOUSING oml«T\JtlTY General l ,._ "'"°' ... , .... ~ .,. ".. oi.-· antt "" ••"' "'·'""'. Costa Mesa I Newport Beach • f l.tt Wt<f1 Ir t., 4 r1rl:" f ,~ R"'C Uf lt-d Mt.>-.. ~ti.f" .. YlARLY .. I .ii•" 1 ·~ Announcements 1610 ~ ... , , .. ~I I R/7 i.i<i Ill 4 f) •.J141 I & 28 r't I i• 1'111./m UASl S . . . ,.~,.. 11<11 I Ml~ • •• I t l A Ir t ft 11~• 11 • ' •• 1 A t-l f "• 111 I 11 •t' tkJtlt,HAtS 1 It' • • t It I Ac • 1 A"i FINANCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES •••••••• Anut NlW YlAIK ICITTlN SAU f'UISIANS p ..... , • t"' ., • ..., ' •• y ... 't<• Ill l•" >1'14'>1 ~~' . . . . "" . . . Dogs 3615 MAll GlllMAN SHlf'HlRD f'Uf'f'Y 8 month•, 114 894 1919 Personal Loans 2490 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 f'RIMl lSTAHS f'ATRICIC TlNOlll NATIONWIDl USA 949 SH 970S ,..,,.,,. v•t ._., .. , rt>• ,,. llACH IUTRlAT PANORAMIC VllW $439,000 AGT.949 723 8120 OClANfRONT FIXlll NOT fOll THI fAINT Of HIART AGT 949 723-81 20 Giant Oceonfront '•Ph• W Alt t1T· Y •1' ~· J,\•• I ,.,., 949 ~77 8322 ... IWfTS 8AllGAIH i..r, ~ W ./. I 'flllf'••f r1t• t f'lllMl (~TATIS f'A TRICll HNORl NATIO NWIDl US A 949 &Sft 9 70 S .. t • ........ Irr l ll t,~u~ hi A T • "" 1 ' ,.,,,, lnll~• 949 '17S '11'11 I ~,, •t • '•'' "1 .. 111 Mn~t I ~'I l'M "' 1•1 , <;/()II ........,.~'•lb. •1"'' "'' 11..«iO • SH'll I t.1• w '''" , ... , ""' r...-t! ···~·~· W• '.14 'l'Fll I ("Ide Sfll. n•v ~t ly ,.. '1 .. 1 .. t /hr }t 41 t ' " h ... ,., ..,,, "'"'' Pdllll I ~•I I 1 II I /lllh •H ,,.1S1 /', 'M'l l7R l!<f'l'I lbr 2 Sbo lewnh-•e, " 11 •d h~UIJ f • 111 vJ OMltJ t"f II/ 1 ""WI l91 41dl C...... 1c •1J.<t •h.;owth•r...,.. ~ JI !\ lJ11tl•• ~•f"fY • v •••11 pru1 ._., t ti/«••" '+1'1;>'H4'dl ('""° h If~, '""" 11 I• >• • ,. I, ... 4"' t , , t• • ff ~A__..,. ,N.• lllfH,. .,-, ll'o H I BAYFRONT Community t he Be-;1 Location Waterfront IBR. IBA. $2500 2BR, 2BA With Water View $2)50 Ask About Our Wlnter Spedal . tarp Pl1ftW Patio6 • Tiied Entries • Cilllft Wood~~~n~·PrM~~& Madae • Spir\llfll S11r1mminc Peal • lash Tropical L.udlaptq • Se<Ollek to II.I~ I~ li9yllde Slltl'PWI Cetiter. ,.,.. ltMll 'Con>• tW Mir N..,.., Mart• Apt. Homes 919 8e,.ede Dfhor. N-..wt a.di t949) 760-0919 8eoufllul ' .. '• · 11 .. "' ,\' 111; i ><. . . ...... .. .-. I ••' Newport (oo~t " >. ' ,.1 , .. i ... " . ' h. •1 I ~f Ocean & bay vt•• • t. , ,,. • ,, i. •• 1 1f,01 11~ •• lido .... c t "'. .. . .. \ .. . , 94<J 646 70 I .· "• ' CLEAN OUl YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAG[ SALE! CAU (949) 642-5678 , D YES, SELL MY CAR STARTING ANEwr BUSINESS ff. • • • • • • • • • • • The ~al Department al the Daily Pi/,o1 is pkased to announre 11 new srrviu nour111N11~bk 10 11n1.1 businesses. ~ wiU now S EARCH tl~e name for you at n o extm charge, and sa w you tlH" time and the trip to the Court House in Sat1ta Amt. Then, ofco"ru, ofter the St'll1'¥'h is rompkud tw will file your ficN'tiow business name statement rutth the Cbuffty Clnlt, publish oner 11 "'"""far four t~elu as rrquirrd by law 11t1d thnr fl/, !""' prHf of publit-arion u,j1h the County Clf"lt Pktue sU>p ~ "' fik your fictitious businm sl4mnnu at the D111/y Ptlot. _fO W. &y St. Costa M t'Ut. If you rannot stop ~ p/,as, t44U w at (949) 642 4321 and u¥' wiU 11'ulltt 11n:an~t'mm1J far you to htitndk this proaJurr by mail . Jf rv shtndJ h11w an)'fort/Jn' IJUf'ShOnJ, pkase ral/ UJ 1tnd ~ will H morY than ~to AS.SI." >ot1. Good lu61t in )IOUT '"'W bwinl'ssl · Pilot Name I Run your. ad in the Newport Beach- Cost~ Mesa Daily Pilot and the I City Huntington Beach Independent to I Zip I I I I reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with Y<]Ur credit I card # or maif with a I check today! 1 Run for a week! If 1 your car .does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20 •.. ' I L I Cl9llt Canis D MC D 'l1SA 0 AM X Ya---Maki-----MocW ----- D•~ a....... a--. ~ O v.-0 ...._ ....... O T...,0.-rHw ----- 0 ~"'-0 ..... -~· 10 wi...~ 0 •--0 ............ 0 .......... ,. a ._.. a ~ ..... o .. -..-c .. Ccz -= o o-~ o,.,, ...... D"-""....., C er... a~,-­or .. ,.._, a .._...~ a ...... ~ ------. Pilot l ------- • TODAY'S CRQSSWO_RD PUZZLE "Employee." "Empleado." "Arbeitneh mer." ' 50 Europ111n 51 ~.lee. 52 Fore&! unll S3 lnda'a continent 55 SQ.ft swar<J 581..AX~ 51 l<in<I 01 ranch 59 Four qta. 80 Qojj peg 11 ·i 13 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • As Soulh, vulneniblc, you The biddlna has orocceded: hold: WEST NORTI( EAST SOtmt '"' ~ .... ., • AQJ763 o Q o KJ 1096' • ~ Wba1 do you bid now? The biddin11 has orocceded: SOlTfH \VF;S1' NORTH .EAST I •· "-INT 1'1111 20 ~ 3• ..... ' ~ do you bid now? A • Forget about polnt ccunt and North'~ initial weak response -you bave a slam lf panner bas the right controls. Stan cue-bidding wilh four c lubs and, if panner shows a Rid ace, you arc well on the way. Q 2 • Neither vulnel"llble, yqu hold: • J 7 4 <' 10 9 8 3 " AK 7 • A llJ Your left-hB11d opponem·~ one-spil(je opening bid geL~ pas-i round 10 you. What action do you lake? A· Obviou~ly partner has 11 fair hand bu1 could DOI ac1 because of strcnath or length in spades. Bid one oo munp. In the balancing ~al lhal shows 11-1 S points and no1 necessar- ily more in spade~ than what you have. Q 3 · Both vulnerable. you hold· •87632 .., 1072 0 83 •87J Partner open' one no trump. \Vhat do you ~pond? A • Playing at no trump. you are not going to produce a single trick for partner. Experience ~how:. that 11 t~ berter to play tn your suit. M> bid 1wo lpades, br uun~fcr into spades if 1hose arc yoor method~. Your hand should deliver at least a couple of tricb at a spade cootract. Q 4 · Neither vulnerable. a~ South you hold. •9764 \'old AKJUJ2 •Al sm Y•'-tlw.ufi dmifled NOMAMR A • Partner's bid is a minor-sun take· out ~ilb spades, panncr would have doubled. Wllh at most eight po1nlS io the minors, partner sUR:ly must have firs1-!Wn<f spade control. So don't J>IUSyfoot arounCI -.biJ seven dialUClllds I Q 5 • Both vulnerable. as South you hold: • K Q 6 4 •;;i J 10 9 5 J 2 ' 8 4 • 7 The bidding has ~ecded. NOR11J EMIT. SOUTH W~T I• ,._.. I . l'au l o Paw ? Wha1 do you bid now? A • 111CSt days. opener's rever..e 1s forcing to two no trump or lhree of opener's su11. II 1s tempting to rebid 1wo no trump wilh such a SCCUR: stopper in the unbid ~un. However. it , 1s more imponan1 IO tell partner lbat you have long hearu. Ml we opt for two heans and await developments. Q 6 ·East-West vulnerable, as South you hold: • 8 •. A K 9 S4 9 S .. K J 8 54 Dx biddmca' nroceed,.,f NORTH ~"'J' SOUTH WEST I• "-I P- l • ~ ? What do you bid nov.? A • If you play that a JUtnp to 1hree clubs 1• forcing. hy all means lake that route. If noc. you must io through I.be l'ourth-su1 t forcing rou · tine. Bid 1wo diamon<h. wluch >&)'• nolhing aboul IM suit but create~ a forcing >ituation. When you suppon dubs ut your next 1um, the partntr· ~ip will be wdl placw 10 ..elect the heM game. Employment 8500 HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. ACCOUNTS ltlCllVAILE CU ltK Pmate Goll Club rull Time 8 30·5 00 Wednesday thru Sunday Medical 1nsur a nee and benefits Apphtatlons now be1ne accepted Santa Ana Country Club 20382 Newport Blvd , Santa Ana/Costa Meu l ookJtoopor, PT. Real [state Memt Company on Newport Beach r u re~ume 949 640 7146 GOVERNMENT JOBS Now hmne tor W1ldlole/Post11/ F iref111hters/Pohte Of foct.r\ S40K/year Paid tra1n1n" Mon fro 9am !Opm/esl 1 800 464· 8991 t<I 23 (CAL ·scAN ) "E mploye. " (.'/u ."\.-..~fi11tl • 6 / 2 -.)6 7Jl Service Dlndory T REAOERS· California law re· QUlfU tn.t contrac· tors tffina jobs thet total $500 or more (labor or matenals) be licensed by the Contractors State Llunse Board. State law also requ11es lh•t contractors 1ncfude their license number on •II •dvertisine You cen check the status of your licensed contractor 11 WWW.Glib.ca 80V or 800·32l·CSLB. Unll· cansed contractors taklna jobs that total ten than SSOO must stat• In their advertisements that they art not Ucensed by th• Contr1ctors Stala license Board." ..... .-s W*1 / Blllh I Ra11odll Milb'& lltH••bw:on I "91175 "98669325 C.,s., A TO I MMtDVMAM IHtall, ;tfect c:eblnets. ~ ~ DulC 7~7258 carpet Repair/Sales Q-CA1t,n~CA1t,n-cr Repeirs. P•tchin11. Install Courteous. any size 1obs. Wholesale! 949·492·0205 Computer Semen Computer Services c..,... ...... Softwn/ Hardware instalh1t1on, trouble srootrc. l\NllC,<fC. rMUlllbl! rllla 714647..!JZI> Concme & Masorry l rld1 llock Stone Tllo Concrete, Patio, Driveway F trepk:, BBQ Refs. 25'1'rs Exp Terry 714·557-7594 T11o C*"'ont M- Cementwork. Brock. Tiie lo More. Relf1ble No Job too small 714·615·9062 Dt*°P Publishing M N VOUltHOMI IM,ltOVIMlNf PllOJICT? Call 1 plumber, painter, handyman. or eny of the ereet service& listed tiere In our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAY! Drywall Services WITTHOln DltYWAll All phases sm/lra jobs. CUANI 20yrs. f11r free est.. L«XXm 714-639-1447 Electrlcal Semen Smoll J.it b~I Ounc•n Electric 'lfr(rs E•P LocaVQuick Response Senl~emodels U'275fl0 949-650-7042 UCENSID CONlllACTOll No JOO too srn. Alt wvioesl Repair. remodel. fans, spa• MW SVC 94!Mi45-l!lJ6 AOOltnWJlle CUSTOM <JtlATM TU tnstaltlltJoo, slllta. ceramic. marble. stone. &.-197 s L#6~ llrlf 714-6l2·9961 tu.KY Sh;;; Repered Re11out1n lo Installation TILE 0£AN 949-673,8065 '604325 714-SIB-2031 •D•• .... "-t,,et • Propqallon, Prunlna lo Bulld1na Small Projects SlS.$20/ht 949·515·8824 ~ Gardenlna/ landscaplng l«MI TorrH l-cls«>po ~ m<W1I. Ir• tnmrrq & installation. 25 Yrs exp lie/Insured 949·548-4363 Tree Service, Yard Cleanup, Maintenence, Sprinkler Repair, Haulln11 (949) 6504711 H1ndyman/ Home Rep1lr 20 v-•• of Quollty Creft•_.hlp Ud67'1U (t49) H0-9525 Ma,ti Handymll\I Home Repair l . Handyman/ Home Repair GENERAL IEPJUll 'MAINTENANCE * Rtsadential * Coounemal No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 94~322-8292 Wood Decl<.s • Fences Electrical • [)ywall Carpentry • Tiie • Etc '714.111.aiei tt.llftg ' JUNK TO THI DllM,,11 714·968·1882 AVAIL.ABLE lOOAYI 949-6; J.5566 L•H "" •• 2011.. ,.. 11H nth, triple your enero Only $J.,ts C•ll Lisa 9•9·U5·6677 House Clnntng T _. • ._.,.._ "-• 0.W-. Tdll 1M1. °""' .,..,,woll .... ~ -,.. ,.... 941M'll-1~ Mowlrllllblll H ST MOVllUst/Nt> SM-vlna all clltts. Lnturlld fasl, cOl.ltteous, etttful, T163M4 800-246·2378 LIMX not ••• pwt ............... -~ • .._.....,_ -··~-Pref11red Mobllt Mu$lc, ........... -,...,._.,. -·~- Inc .. California's lasttst iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1...-'tt XJI 1411 •I, ~ erowlna DJ Ent Svc, Is ,.....,, AUTO full fact w1rr, white/ ~-------looklna for talented 01tm .. 11t1v, CO, clvome Wlnlld .. people to ave pvt MW 1111 ~ 'tS whls, like new, amtlls parties, schools. wed· Bltck w/Slel;k lnt«lor· new vr.152871 $35,995 dlnaa, a r1unlon1. Low Miles! In 11111. 8llr -.ocalll.c:iam Become 1 OJ if you•tnjoy 1l8Xl61 SU,980.00 t .49·S"· 1 HI music or . aet on t~t mlcropho11e if you have J..-xn c-. ..... ...... "00 ~ personality to be<:omt J+2 ''5 Strlu II, 28k ml, full an MCI NO up nee. British Ratlftc Green fact warr, sliver /arey Wukday/wetktnd f>/T wtth Creme LNlhtf. lltir, dual mnrf, rear pos now audltlonlna. Call Low Mhsl 8:'~1 seals. C01. like new, 800·468-6900 and bl· ll8955C $1 .00 v•92'7 l d3~99 n coma a part of the mlxl 1vlll 8llr www. ,com Ask for Brandon Brown. font•--.. t4t~ 1 ltool latoto Office PT, Coupe'9t Murdo 't9 M l•t• $15·$17 hour. 9am·Spm, V6 Lt, 5-speed. a/c. CO Co11v. 3411 mi. auto, red/ Tues· Thurs. cold calhne, ~er·full power. black int lo top, beautiful aeneral office. 11 $9,980.00 oria cond, v597241 foa , .. _ onlv .....,_ XJS c..-'19 $10.995 fin & w1rr nail t4'-760·0U b Attn: VeryRereVl2·Low Bk r 949-586·1888 JoAnna Newport Beacti Miles! Immaculate -w.ocpo~l.c- Rul Estate Office, near Caupet MorcodH 't6 (320 f asluon Island · #18472 $9,980.00 7111 inl. white/oatmeal 11 .. ._._. ...... , ... for lthr, snrf. co.· beautiful busy Italian dftlel' house 111 'ondte tl 1 fcsp Of11 eond, v45962l $19.995 NB. Busy phones, tom· ~ ·ao-Bk r 949· 586·1888 puter exp nee. Fu This is a rate flndl www .ocpoltl.co• resume to 949-642-0674 or Nice, WeU maintained call before 5. ~-781ll 911 Coupe!I Menedn '99 5320 lWI 11~ $16,980.00 28k ml, full fact warr. Quick l ook• Pro, Eacol, black/blk, CO, chrome oH WMd '•oceHlng. Mil JOOCI. whts. aaraeed, n/smkr. Vavr .fflca. or "''"°· c '92 I Ike new, v85262 I 949-760-1023 White w~y Leather. $31.995 fin avall Bkr. Th1S IS one rate MBZ 4 9 4 9 · 5 8 6 • l 8 8 8 Coupe! A Beautyt -.oc,.oiil.co"' 118771 $14,980.00 ftong• llovor '97 4.6 IMW 740! Sedan '91 HSE, 60k m1. metallic Immaculate White dark a•een, oatmeal lthr, w/crey Leather 18" whls. fabulous cat Beautiful fabulous cond, $18,m #18730 $29,980.00 firm v'265124 fin/warr avail Bkt. 949·586· 1888 l.eaut lS400 Seclon '97 Tl11s IS a Great Lu•u•y Sedan. Pr iced to sell f'AST •183431 $21,!8>.00 lto"tl• ltovor '97 4 6 HSE, 6<>11 m•. metallic dark ereen. oatmeal lthr. 18" whls, fabulous car fabulous cond, $18.995 form vt 265124 fin/warr avail Bkr. 949·586 1888 .... ~ho* Ow ~ Y'91I txpl .. fWJ • ._y ,.. price lot 'fGI '*'" VIII Of b'ld. plkf fol or not. Cal ~ ~ @ Tomato Alllo -._ 71J. ~7-1931 01 714"3f.8.3228 CASH fOfl CMS We ntedlour car, p1ld for or no . Phlltlps Auto Asll for Malcolm 94g..57,.7777 BOATS 9515 5•ft Sllftdoncor, 2001, Vertually new, 52 hrs, poulble Newport Beach slip. open house ~t Jan 4, 11 :00·3 Contact M1cllael. 909·227·8344 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Place your ad today! (949) 641-5618 Mer...S..lom C2SO Sedan '02 Blad! Beauty! Hutry for this one-Warranty 118869 $22.980.00 MII U20 Sedan 't6 Perfect White w/\.eather Low Mtlesl •18606 $19.!8>00 I MWZl ltoocktor '96 Sh111ey Red w/8tack erea~onvertlbte! PLUG· Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Aucll '99 U 2.8 991. mo. metallic erun/arey lthr, CD mnd, fully loaded. hke new v624521 $15,995 l1n & warr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.co"' I MW '95 5401 IOOll m1 black/blk beautiful or1111nar cond l1nancone & warr avail v#249762 SI0,995 Bk• 949-586 1888 I MW '99 7401 6911 "''· 3 yr warr avail, solver/ er~y lthr. co. beaut oroe cond, $26.995, Im avail Bkr 9 49 586 J888 w-.ocpobl.co"' fORD TlftffK NEW. 4 passaneer, while. sales la• & lic:ense ~Kl S5CXX>/obo ~2·5250 Jogvor '00 S typo 3.0 18k m1. metalioc blue/ arey lthr mnrf. CO, chrm whls. lull factor y warr v272512 $27.995 fin avail Bkr 949·586 1888 -.ocpobl.co"' Misc Services I REAL ESTATE I ~~:ung N"" /..JsrhlNJ Aw1/luble' 7 J 4-432-7873 www mnyounft!alU>r,com WINECEUAR RERUGERATION .......... ..... , .... 946-3257 TOUFIEE Maxing & Storage PUBLIC NOTICE Tht Calli Public Utilities commission 11qulrts that all ustd household aoods movers prfnt their P U.C Ctl T number: limos and ch1uflturs print their T .C P • number In all •d~er­ ti.aements. If you have any questions ebout the l•a•llly ol • mover, llmo o f ch1uffeur, catt· PUB· LIC UTU .. ITIES COM· MISSION 714·558· 4151 SEU rour unw1nted 1t11111 throuall cl•••U"d Must see• "8770 $13,!8>00 IMWUOCI Coupo '95 This IS one nice rare BMW Coupe-low mlla! •18867 $29,98000 Joop Wr~'99 Red w/T an lnteoor 6 cyl 5 S4)eed -18933C $13.!8>00 949-57•·7777 Pt&UPSAUTO com Sell your unwanted items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 949 642-5678 IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NhYPC?"'" 9.fA 1oo1 • A "-'I !.lo Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 Music JIMw ic Class~; Jjfor Childrenl. Fun Mus ..... I Upmm« for aga 4·8 Sing. d.an«. lmtn & learn. Thunday af1miooru Winter KUK>n mm Jan 9th For info all 714 549-9301 Painting 1"'N~hbotftood Pfuiitbtrl DMINasawa= QINlllG SNCIALST TWUDY P\.UMllNG 949-645-.2352 -.. ~ Wiii CcMrtnp THI STlltPPHI Speclahzlnc In W1llpapr Removal L1588241 949•360-l211 We G;G should hana toeethlr. Strip, hW. rie.r Eat pelnt 1CMce to h tr'!J "1:&116 ~.-.. Se your unwanted Items the easywayl !lace a Clal 1lflecl ad t~ayl 642-5671 -. -------.... _ ·--~ -. .,.... ,.. -· ----· - .r -... - .. ---- -: . ~ . --, ..... •--'-----'--~· ---------·-~--'~-C-....------. ...... __ . _____ ~ ~- " • ., • • 1 .o Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin<.:e 1907 TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2008 l .Council KENT TR(PT 1/1 DA 1 I' A shredded billboard flails in the wind as worker s try to d1s~antle 1t on Monday. The billboard, off of Newport Boulevard near Industrial Way, was destroyed by ·strong Santa Ana winds. The gusts are expected to continue through this afternoon. Winds wreak havoc Santa Anas roll through Newport-Mesa on Monday, knocking out power, downing trees and creating messes. Winds will continue today. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot I t was !>O windy that trees dropped down with a thud. power line., coUap"sed and some didn't have to tum off the liKht switch before going to bed. It was -;o windy that makeshift stop signs at blacked-out traffic lights blew away and street signs ~napped off the beams and hung on one bolt like an action movie victim waiting to be rescued. It was so windy that boats slipped off their . . rnoonngs. It wa.<> so wmdy in Newport Me'><! on lue-.- day that the I !arbor Patrol'!> win<.l-mea'>uring device broke. · Santa Ana wind~ winnowed through 1he street~ like a fiery vandal Sunday night and Monday morning. littering the streets. tearing down Lree branches and memlessly '>lapping outages on hundreds of home~. · Both Costa Mesa and Newport Beach suf~ fered from an array of effects. Oeanup crew; worked through the day "We had at least 20 larger tree'> a., well a'> u-ee limb'> go down,~ said BdJ Moms. Costa Mesa's director of public ~ervice~. "Mo'> I of the trees and limb-. took the power lines with them, and we had people working from 6 a.m. almost until 5 p.m: Southern California Edbon officiaJ<; said ~veral hundred customers 111 the Newport- Me!>a art'a were without power Monday morn- ing. N. uf Monday evening, 90 cm.tomef'> were in the dark in < O'il!I Mesa and 200 in Newport FYJ A few tips for power outages from Southern California Edison: • If you see downed lines. call the police and fire departments right away. •Turn off or unplug unnecessary electrical ·equipment, especially sensitive electronic equipment. • Make sure you have battery-operated radios and flashlights. Do not rely on candles because they pose a significant fire hazard. • Do not cook indoors with charcoal or other fossil fuels. They can cause deadly fumes 1f used indoors. • Edison customers affected by the outages may call (800) 611 -1911 or the telephone number onJheir bill for information. ... Beach ~ome areru. may remam without power until latl' 1lw; mommg. offitiab said. See WINDS, Page A4 Art museum.names new executive director leadership position at a time when the county is emerging as a cultural center. "Orange County is really com ing Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach taps New York art museum director after yearlong search to replace Naomi Vine. into its own, with a progressive ruJ . current gig, Szalcacs heads program tural scene that's developing inde- d evelopment. the planning of a new pendent of traditional structures and building and museum management. definitions, and against the grain of officials said. preconceptions about the region." Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Orange County Museum of Art officials ended their exhaustive hunt for a new ex- ecutive director Monday. Dennis S:za.k:acs, now the deputy di- rector of the New Museum of Con - temporary An in New York. will re- place Naomi Vine, who died of cancer a little more than a year ago. In his He will begin at the Orange County S1.ak.acs said in the statement. Museum of the Arts in April. He also expressed a ready willing- Sz.alcacs was in New York on Mon-ness to foUow Vine's successful lead day and was unavailable for a tele-and build upon the venue's intema- phone interview. tionaJ reputation while "reaching In a pcepared statement from mu-&!deeper into Orange County's diverse seum officials. Szalcacs said he was community."- "lhrilled and honored" to assume the Vine, who~ admired as an arts THE VERDlCT professional who helped form the museum, died Dec. 27. 2001. after a battle with cancer. She was 52. The yearlong search for a new dt· rector drew upon the talents of many dedicated people, said Darrel Ander son, chainnan of the museum's board of directors. Anderson said he was grateful for the m useum'!> commit· ment to finding the best in the midst of such trying times. ·And. as it will soon be clear. it \.WS well worth the effort." he said. • lDUTA HARPER covers Costa· Mesa. She mey be reac:tied at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper ~lat1mes com The name has root~ and continues to provide Daily ~ilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~COOl garden as soon as we moved, and I've always had one since. WEATHER -members overrule planners Costa Me~a council narro~y approve~ secon d -~tory ~ addition that Planning Commission denied. Lolita Harper Da1lyJ1lot CO\ I A \11 \:\ I ht' <.m C 011nol ap- pruvetl ,, lt1rgL ·runotlehng pmJt'U on the We-.t'>IUl' \!1111<.l.t~ rnght "'1Y111g 11 wa!> a hcautilulh t.lt--.1gru-d h1m11· that \\!Hlld i.m f'lrO\t• a t11 ... 11m tlH•h 1r11lt'd .trl'a C.uunrtl r111·r11IH'r-. r1·\1•r ... 1·d rlw f'lanmng Uin1m1~ ... 11>11 tit•r11.U h\ a 1 10 .! \lllt'. with Lounulrne11 \llJn 'lan..,w11 <m<l < lm.., Steel dr'>'>t'rll111g l>1·cau'>t' rlwv -.aid rlw hou'-t' was 1<10 ma-.. ... 1\ t.' "Tht. lormer t ra11-.111011al /fine ,., where 1h1-. property ".md hu-.tnt''-'>t'' were perm.it- ll'U lhere unul \\t' changt'd 11 re<.ently: l\layor J.....tren Roh111.,on '>a1<.l "rha1 make<. tht'> prow< t \<'11' d10tren1 lrorn \lf..'-.a north or C .nlleg1· Par~ or otlwr lr<1<.l111011al llo\\ den-.11y rt''>ldt'nllal Ot"t~hborhood' in thJ., lll} .. I l1m1eo\\nl'r \lt•x I lt•rna1HJe/ prnpo<,ed a 'l'tund -.101"\ ,1d<.l1111111 111 lu-. V'w-.h1dt.· home. '"h1Lh • ., une of Ill lwmL'" on l<lth \tree1 lhat 1~ aJlm,l·d to ho11 ... 1· a hu ... 1111 .. ,.., .1rrurtl111g to See overrule, Page A4 NEWPORT BEACH Leagues try to light up the night Several groups ask Newport Beach parks commissioners to extend lighting hours at five playing fields. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NF\.\IPORl REACI I -In the n~er-endrng '>lTUggle to help kid'.> find plan·-. to play spon.s, city qaff members are recommend- mg that I.he Park.o;. Beaches and Recrearion Cornm1o;sion approve a request 10 ex1end the hours of lighting at five area playmg fields Newpon Beac b L.11tll· l.l'ague ha!> asked that lrghting hour-ht• extended until 9:45 p.m. at Uncoln Athleuc Center'i. fields I and 2 on Friday evenmg ... lw~een reb 7 and lune U. and unW 7 p.rn '-'aturda~ from Feb. 15 through ApriJ S The Newport Riputle youth '>pon.s organi- 1..ation has a!>ked for longer ltghung hours for it'> upcoming Pantie Girls fast Pitch Soft- hall Triple Crown lournamenl. It is asking for lights until 9 p.m Feb. H and until 8 p.m. Feb. 9 at Bonita Creek. Arroyo and Grant Ho- wald parks. See LIGHTS, Pace M b A s'Tamily legend has it, centuries ago, our ancestors were dwelling ln Scotland during a f'amine. The locaJ peasantry was starving in the countryside, while the local lord was cozy in his castle. With the help of his lcnlghts. he had taken whatever food there was from the peasants. ln addition, he had a substantial garden within the castle wa11s; &o'he and his were eat.log well. The peasants would bave been wiped out if It wasn't for one person within the castle walls -the lord's gardener. that the lord didn't become suspicious; otherwise, he would have lost his head, and our family wouldn't have come into being since he is our ancestor and Why we bear the name Gardner. There's a certain challenge lo gardening in this area -namely the adobe soU. I've lived in my house more than 50 years, amended the sou every year and. every year, It's like breaking up concrete when I first get started. I should state that when I say garden. I mean vegetable garden. I've never had any lnterest ln Oowers. I know pe0p1e who are passioiuue abOut orchids or roses. and I . admire tht"lr enthusiasm, but for me. J l!U to be able to eat the lhlngs I grow. The winds haven't left vet but they will Expect highs In the mld-70. to lower 80I. SeePaaeA2 Every nlght he would go to the castle garden and harvest what he could and to It ~the Wills to the peasants out.tide. ObYtously, he left enough in the garden so ROBERT GARDNER I don't mow if it's something in the gen but l have always enjoyed gardcnlng. I never tried it until we mOved to Corona dd Mar &lnce It wu l.mpoillble to grow anything In the aand or the 1'aJboa Penlns~ but I plantt.-d a SPORTS I have ~mented with various aoi» SM VEIDCT, hp M _, . I Al Moncl!Y. January b, ltm TOD~Y'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE -HO VER OH ARA I ccs AO ORE MA NOR ART T .E t. l'l E AR II( I N RA E I( E ~ A•i=vr ~ i:: v. F E I <> • a ~ L AL LUO HA S GI l L AG A I N EV I L •O INT .Q~i.§ 0 ,Q ~EEN N T E L L -e NS • I' L A I' A" A M BRA S T Y 31 Do I CPA'l.Job 32 Adorn 33 Plavwrloh1 -~loe- 35 HI-A records 39~and Go<• 40 lnlluenced 42 White..flCe<I « Pty1oll dedUCliOn 46Cn.ls'- 47 Won' obty 49 Chubby .. N Kl .. ii Ill N RH T s I !!() European 61 ~tlec. 52 For•uM 53 ln<ia'a continent :; N .. T 55 Scl·ft IWlld 66LAX~ 57 IC1nd of ranch 59 Fwrqia. 60 Goll Ptl9 ''E l '' mp oyee. "E l d " mp ea o. "A rbeitnehmer." ''E mploye. " "NOTICE TO READERS: California law re quites ttlat contrac· tors taltina i<>bs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) M IH:ensed by the Contractors State License Bo1rd. State law also requires that contractors Include their license number on all adverusina. Yoo een clleck the status of your licenud contractor at www.calb.ca.11ov or 800·32l·CSLB Unll· censed contractors takina jobs t hat total less than $500 must state In their advertlsemanh lhat they are not licenstd by th• Contractors Stat• Llunsa Board.• AJ•••• A1•d11,.. ........ ws MIMI I Wt I Remocllil Mlb-. ......... bMD11 8815 '4!f 919HS!Blll, -· tJ AteJIWIOYMMl tMtall, r.tece ceblnata.. . =:::..~.=.-= Clrptt Repalr&lts ~CAR,n,:r CA11,no Repairs, Patchin&, Install Courteous any size jobs. Wholeule! 949-492·0205 Computer Semces ~! .... r ~ '1'11 .. r ~ T ....... •a.-• c..-ldng n.t&ttl._,... °""""' ,._.,,, ... ~ .Wllw._.,_.t0..Sl9 Clll ... _,.~ (848J 54N585 Blltlooms Computer Services c.-,uw A.pair' Softw.el Hardware Installation, troubla ~ r.w;..f'C. .._..... r1*s n "5C7-9ZJ; Concrete&Masonry lrldl llKk Stono Tllo Cooa ete, PallO, Onveway f1replc, BBQ Refs. 25Yrs Exp. Terry 714·5S7· 7594 Tho Cotnont Mon Cementwork, Brn:k, Tile & More. Reflable No tob too small 714 615·9062 Deslllop Publllhlng I GIN YOU•HOME IMnOVIMEHT 'ROJIClt C•ll 1 plumber. painter, h1ndyman, or any of the areal servlcet fisted here In our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU lODAYI Computers.... COMPlTfER HELP! ........ ~ ... .. ,.. ....... •.C•• ·~ -.. ~·· ·~Mildllll ·Olct~ ·-~1'1111111."'* ·-=t.c,'=: fOYlll~-714-612-2786 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q 1 • A.t South. vulner8ble. you bold: • AQJ7o3 ~Q o KJ1096• • "*! The blddirut has orocceded: S0UTlt WF.S't NORTH EAST I• IW INT "-l e Put l • ,_ ? What do you bid now? A • Forger about p()int count and Nonh 's initial weak rcsporu;t" -ypu have a slam if partner has the right control~. Sta.rt cue-bidding with four clubs W. if partner 5hows a red ate. you are well on the way Q 2 • Neither vulnerable, you hold: 10 9 8 3 O A K 7 • A 8 3 Your left-hand opponent'~ one-~pade • operung bid gets passed round to you. What action do you lllkc" A • Obviously partner has 11 fair hand bw could OOl llCl bccau<;e of sll'Cnglh or length 1n spade<> Bid <'lOe no trump. In the balancing seat !hat shows 11 • I 5 points and not nece:s1J11· ily more in spade' than what you have. Q J • Both vulnerable, you hold. • 8 7 6 J 2 .• 10 7 2 8 3 • 8 7 J Partner opens one no trump. What do you rc~pond'! NOMAnER Ttie blddin& has procecic!ed: WEST NORTh EAST S01.11'R •1:1 fNT r.. ' What do you bid now? A· Partner's bid is a minor-sulr Uike- oul -w1lh spades, partner would have doubled'. With al lllO.'ll etght points in I.be m111on. partner sun:ly m11$1 have rmn-round spade control. So don't pussyfooc arowid -bid seVCD diamonds! Q 5 • Boch vulnerable, as Sooth you hold· - • K Q 6' e> J 10 95 32 84 •1 The bidding has nrocccded: NO.RTU EASlr SOUTH I• PllS!i I l e Pa.55 What do you bid now'' A • 'These days, opcner'h n::vcn.e is forcing 10 two no trump or three of opener's su1L It 1b tempting to rebid rwo no ll\lmp with such a secure ~topper in lhc unbid su1L However, it is more important 10 tell partner tbal you have long heart.<, so we opt for two hearts and 11w11.1t dcv_dopmenu.. Q 6 • Ea.\1-Wc~nulnerohlc, 3" South you hold: The bidding hd.\ proceeded NORTH EAST socrnr I• Pu> I I• "-~ What do you bid nov. ·1 Employment 8500 HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. ACCOUNTS ltlCflVAIU CURI( Priv1te Goll Club full Time 8 30·5 00 W~dnesd1y thr u Sunday Medical •nsurancr and benefits Appltcat1ons now beina accepted Sanl1 Ana Country Club 20382 Newport Blvd Santa Ana. Cl>$ta Mesa · lookkeopff, PT Rul Estate Mamt Company In Newport Beach f u rewme 949·~· 71'6 GOVERNMENT JOBS Now h111na for W1ldhfe/Postal/ r 11el1alllers1Pohc t Of· flcf'r~ S401Vyear Paid lra1n1ng Mon Fri 9am IOpm/est I 800 464 Drywall Semces Garden Int' Landscaping 8991 e.t 23 (CAl •SCAN) Handyman/ Home Repair w1nH01n ORYWAU Alf phases sm/lra jobs CUANI 20~rs, fair, free est L 4CXXDl 714-639-1447 EltdrtCll Services Lov T ... roa l-.lsto,O ~ roam. Ir• trrnmq & 111stallatlon. 25 Yrs up Lie/insured 949-548-4363 GIM.IA.L lmll Ir MAINTENANCE ... Rtsidmtial • CommcrtW Stnoll J• bportl Ounun Electric 'J!J'(rs Exp Local/Q\iick RtSpOnse Set vice/Remodels LIZ75870 949-650-7042 UCINSEO CONTUCTOll No jDb too sm. Al ser'llCeSl Repair, remodel, fans, spa• MW SVC 9&64S-36(i6 Floorln,'111• QISTOM CJllATM TU lnstMt.llon. sllte. c:eramc., nw111e. atone.~ 1915 l.#6121)M )elf 714-612 9961 LIMY $liGIW;; Repwacl Reeroutln a. lnstallatlon TllE DEAN 94g.673·8065 ll004325 11.a.m.2031 . .,......, ,....,, ,., . Propaa•lion, Prunlna & Bulldlna Smell Projects $15..i20jhr 949-515-882.4 ftftCllt1)ecb T roo Sorvlco, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance. Sprinkler Repair, Hau Una (949) 650-1711 H1nclymafV Home Repair 20Yoonof OYOllty Creh•"'-dol' Lld6741U ('49) 650-9525 Marti ...., Home Repair 2 ustomer S.atisfodion Al Phases of conslrVdton home "'*"~'°° smal. z 949-137-5642 o Job Too Small Wood Oeclc9 • Fences Elec:trical • Drywall Catpen1ry •Tile • Etc ~ l.oaljlW\ 714.811.Ha Hauling JUNI TO THl OUM,111 714·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673·5566 lHo up to 20•• 9'« •••th, triple your •n••JY O..ty ua.ts Call Lisa 9•9 &45·6677. HoullClunlng ,_ .. , ........... a..q Tobi NII. own ~ H wOOI done ~ -... ,.... 9&f22-7at Movtlllllblge llST MOVUUS9 /Hr -~Ina all cltlu. lnsurld t .. t, court.ous, c•raful T1'3844 800 ~44 U78 •• • ,.... of .... .... •• Prafetrtd Mobile Music, Inc., C1Ufornl1'1 t1stut erowlna DI Ent Svc, Is fookln1 for talented people to ave pvt paflles. schools. wed· dln11, & reunions. Decomo a DI If you•enjoy music or 11t on the microphone If you h&11e personality to become •n MCI No up nee. Weakday/welkend P/T pos now 1udtt10nln1. Call S00.'611-6900 end be· come a part of the mlxl Ask for Brandon Brown. lleol btato Off I co ,, , $15·$17 hour, 9am·5pm. Tues· Thurs, cold calhna. aeneral office. ,.., .. __ Iv 949-760-0Ub Attn: JoA11na Newport Beach Real (state Office, near Fashion Island ................ t/oH f()f' busy Italian diner house in NB Busy ~. com· puter up nee ru resume to 94!Mi42-067 4 Of' cal betore 5. 949-642·71B> Quick loolia Pro, beef, an Word '••<•••ln9. Y ..,, offfco or IWlno. 949-760-&023 2.1 99k m1, metallic areen/arey llhr. CO mnrf, fu lly loaded, hke new v62.t521 $15.995 Im & warr av11I Bkr 9 49 586 1888 •-·••pa.bl.com IMW '9S 5401 IOOI< mi. black/blk, beautiful orr11inal cond frnancma & war r avail ••249762 $10,995 Bkr 949.586-1888 IMW '99 7'01 6911 ml, 3 yr warr avail silver I arey llhr. CO. beaul O"C conct. S26.995, fm avail Bkr 9 49 ·586 1888 -w.0<pabl.COft'I FOltO THINK NfW. 4 passaneer whtb!, sale$ la• & license paid $5(Q)/obo 118-952-5250 J~uar '00 S typo l .O 181< m1, metallic blue/ crey lthr mnrl, CO. chrm whls lull factory warr v272512 $27,995 fin avail Bkr 949-586 1888 -.ocpobl.cotn " . MlscSemcas I REAL ESTATE I ~~~ung Nr" J..utln,..1 A.1'01/ubl"' 714-432-7873 ___ .,_ mnynun1realttt «Wn Moving a StDl'lge PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Uttllllas commission rtQuires that 111 used household aoods movers rrlnt their f:U.0. Ce T number; limos and chauffeurs print their T .C.P. number In all advtr• hsemenu. If you have any quettlona about tho la11lity of • m o ver. limo o l chauffeur, Qll· PUB· LIC UTILITl£S COM· MISSION 7 1•·558 •151 SEU. rour onw1nt1d 1111111 thfoucti cluslhpd UMX r19t ii--·-·-iiiiii~--... ~ XJ• ·= ~ •uTo 1111T tact w•rr. whit•/ ,HAWS.. o•tmeal lthr, CD, clvoma IMW it at s.4.! 'H whla, Ilk• new, smells SIM* \Ill/Black lntwiol'· new vl952871 $35,995 Low Miies! In Mil lllt -.oCllllmm WIMlll .. '-Ir~ .... ~':,= °"" _, ,..s •llPI .. pay ~ 1187051 $11.980JXl 949-SH-IHI uc.-'-'._.,._~ ,..,_ • Serles II, 28k ml, full Britbh';!:: Graen fact warr, sliver /arey with Creme L.Mttw. lthr, dual mnrf, rear Low Mila! BNUtyl 111t1. CD. Ilk• new. fl8965C $18,890.00 v'92•71 $23,995 fin •viii 81\r www .ocpabl.com ................ 949-516-1 ... Caupo'99 Meado '99 Mlota V6 Lt, 5-i;peed. ale. CO Conv. 3411 mi. auto. red/ player-full po-. bUll:11 Int & top, beautiful #18560 S9.9fKl.OO or ia cond, v59724 I ,....-9111.., Caupo'.o This is a rl!fe find! Nice, WeU malnlllned 911 Coupe!! • 1.8646 s I 6,9fKI 00 Mil JOOCl. ( '92 Whtt• wT.y Leath« This ts one rare MBZ 4 Coupe! A Beauty! •lBnl Sl4,9fKI 00 IMW 7'40I Sod. '91 Immaculate whrte w/&rey Leather. Beautsful # 18730 $29.9fl0 00 U.xw lS400 Sodon '97 Thts ts a Great luxury Sediln Pnced to sell FAST #183431 $21,980 00 Mortodnlena (230 Sod. '02 Bliek Beauty! Hurry for this one-Warranty • 18869 $22, 980.00 MIZ 1320 Sodon '96 Perfect White w/leather. Low Miles! 1118606 $19,980 00 $10.995 fin & warr anti Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.oq•1.c- Morcodu ''6 U20 7lk ml, white/oatmol lthr, snrf, CO, beautiful cq cond. "459621 Sl 9.9915 Bkr 949-586 · 1888 w-.ocjH1bl.coa1 M~ '99 U20 lWI 28k mi, full fact warr, black/blk, CO, chrome whls, 1ara1ed, n/smkr, like new, v852621 S31.995 fin avail Bkr 9 4 9 -586 -1888 •-·•c,abl.com •-10 ••vor '97 4.6 HSE, 60t>. m1, metallic dlfk creen. oatmeal lthr. 18" whls. fabulous cu fabulous cond, Sl8,995 firm v#265124 f1n/warr avail Bkr 949 586-1888 ltoneo ltovor '97 4 6 HSE, 601I m1. metallic dark creen, oatmul llhr. 18'. whls, fabulous car f1bulous cond, $18,995 firm v#265124 fin/warr anrl B~r 949 586 1888 I Yel"f fw price iof 'fO'I .. cat. V... OI tt\dl pllll far • "' not Cal Didi Rily @ Toma1D AlllD S.. 7~ 437·1931 OI n4.J2B.l22B <AIM fOll CAllS We nead your car, p1ld for or not. Phtllips Auto Ask for Malcolm 949.574.7777 BOATS 9515 54ft Sun"-cor, 2001, Ver-tually new. 52 hrs. possible Newport Buc;h slip, open house Sat Ian 4, 11 ·00·3. Contact Miehul, 909-227-8344 Tell Us About YOUR GWGESALE! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Place your 11d today! ( '149)' 642·56'71t - -IMWU Roodstff '96 ·s,,~~~~~· PLUG -- area~onverllblel Musi see• • 10no s 1J.9lll oo IMW8400 Coupe '95 Thos is one 111c;e rare BMW Coope·low miles! # 18867 $29,980 00 J.op Wrond« '99 Red w/hn lntet IOI 6 cyl !> \l)eed •1893JC $13,980 00 949-574-7777 l'H&1WS AllTO - Sell your unwanted items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. .......................... ~ ~· - .. {~-T !!{t. ~' ':;S'A W.:,.\ Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a p~ of it, place your ~d today! (949) ~2-5678 Music Mu.sic Cla.uesJ ~forCbIJ~ Fun Mwical &pmcna for aga 4-8. Si~ d.wx. Imm lk lam. Thuncby .aftcrnooru Winca taMon 11am Jan 9th. h>r info all 714 549-9301 Palrtlng Chut19'• ........ 1Nrl Ufl Great Price! Guar1nlaed work. Frff esL Ll375602 71 f-538-ISJ.4 7 .39(). 2945 lll"S OJSTOM 'AINTING Prof'!, clean. quahty work Interior/ext end docks. L'703468 949 631·'610 u11ii1ow Cidi w Paintl11f1..ant/e•t. Houlia/Apt QuaUty job! F ru estimate Ll569897 71•·636·8888 tiOiiiii & llUsoMAili PLUMBER l t1506586 Free Estimattl Small repairs (71i 235·9150 l"fllciH P MIUtO Repairs & Remodellna FREE ESTIMATE L#687398 7lf-969·1090 Wall CCMrtnp THI Sllt...,HI Spec1alllln1 In W1llp1pr Removal L'5882•1 949·360·1211 Wo Gilh should h•nt tocethti. Str Ip, i'ISbl. W lat ....,. adva to h CJ1llY '7B16 90Mi81 ... • Se your unwonted Items the ea1ywayl !lac•• Classlflecl ad t-ayl 642..5671 I :E· . ---- --. - - - ---- ·-· ..