HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-09 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotTHE BELL CURVE Coming home to loose ends I was pleased to learn when I got home from Colorado last week that we had resolved two aggravating c pro ems w u e was gone: c assurance of a new cap at John Wayne Airport for the next IO year' and the matter of fraudulent JOSEPH N. BELL campaigning for the Newpon Beach City Council. I lowever, it occurs to me that there are some odds and ends that still need tidying up. Let's look a t the Newport Beach City Council first. The cause for optimism appear. to be the public a11now1cement by Councilman Gary Adam!> that he would introduce a meru.ure to require campaign phone message'> to be clt'art'd through Lhe city clerk's office before they are used. thu!> conioining him with an earlier • propo'>a.1 of CounciJman John I lclfernan'c; that would prevent cantl11Jat~ from misrepresenting their political party affiliations and endorsements. TI1ere's a considerable risk here that th~ most imponant portion of the I lelft>man proposal might get lmt 111 the cheerleading. The second half of 1 lelTeman's measure is dt.">1gned to dig out. eliminate and -1f necc'iSal)' -punish conflicts of mtcr~t in the governing of Newport lkach. II ~tll h an ordinance had been in effect before the last election. five members of the Newport Beach City Council would have had to absent them~lves from approving a S3.7-m1llion graJll of city money to the Airport Working Group for ~uppon of an fJ Toro airport that was gomg to enrich their personal polmcaJ campaign manager, Dave rlhs. by $458.000. rr there was any concern among See BEU, Paee A4 • a1 -------- Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2003, .------~-------~~-~~~--~~--~ - WAVE WATCHER S(AN HILL(R /O~LY PILOT A seagull has a bird's eye view of the waves as a surf er exits the water m West Newport. -/ Grass Use leads to Newport turf battle Youth group!> blame the city'!> use of certain grasses for delaying the opening of Bonita Canyon Sports Park. !'\l·\\POHI m .\C II -A 4u1·.,111111 of ~)wn (Jiik 1-t'agut: te.tnh l Jn pl.t\ di H11111tJ t ..ip v~r1 \pcm-. Par~ l)a'> 1·\111\t'd 11110 .t llll r.1l 111rf ba1tl1· lhl' <II\' f'.ir~-... B1 .i1 h1·, .md H1·1 w.1111111 ( 0111Jlll\'\Hln llt'\I ITICJlllli will Ir\ h1 , ••. , 111 !lw roc11 uf dn 1<,\ttt· Jh11ut gri:L'-'> at tht: nt·w -.p11r I'> to1npll''I(. \t tlwu I t·bruary meeting , •11111111' '11in1·r., ,.,111wvw,..,1ht·, 1ty\ dt·l1'>11111l'I11,1 .1 bl!'nc.l of thn·1: gr.""'' rh~r cntll'> ..... ,.tr• 1111 lll'l l'''·mh dl'lav1 ng openmg the pc.1r~ .., It• h 1-.. Ht•pre-..t'll!Jll\t'' of "'ewport &•.u Ii I 1111t 1.t.'Jh'Ul' rt•.qut>.,tt·tl thl· re ... 1e.,.. ltw-.d.1\ 1111'.ltt FYI The comm1ssron wtll next meet at 7 p m Feb 4 tn City Counctl Chambers at C1tv Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd For more dun11g tlw <111111111., \lllll\ dl'tll.,.,IClll llll t'Xl end mg l11111r., 111 hghung JI "'WI.ti rit\ park., &lth Olfl\1 ' II '-lllt d1ret tf\ !111111 ,111 t'H'r WOWUlg f'IOh ll'm of too 111.111 \ tnforma11on v1s1t the ">pon., lt:' .. 1111' 111d 11111 city's Web srte at t:nou~h lidd' •111 www.c1ty newport beach ca us. or call (949) 644-3000 wh1Lh to pfc.1\ ( untrnuor dt'' • I op111g tht ~ 11111111111 Bomia < -•11 • "" '>pon., ('·ark ' 1\ 1 h.t1 the type., of gr.t'"' pl.1.111N:f tlwre llt"'d 1111111 .,ummer to tJ.k.t' mot I Jllle I .t><1gt1t h•.1d1•r' .... , thl'1r tt'..tm'> '>houltJ111 haH• to w.itt tli.11 l1111g t<1 pl.1\ ( .on'>ultmg tlw1r '''"'11 turf e\(lt'rt.,, ''"'~ 111 repre.,entatlW'> '><!~ chm ~amng lur tlit.' gr.1-.., to full) take root befort• lt•tting lf'Jlll' pl.1'. rhc•rt· '""n·1 malt•""' d11Tert'nu· In 1iur view. tht"; pl.inted thl' ..... rong gr.1-.., for -..port' pla\, .,,ml lohn Dt"lla ( ,ru11.i ,1 boJrd member for tJ1t• lt•ague who -..1111 tla.11 till' lt''>lUe lif'd" mtxt><l tn w11h fkrmud.t gr.1" .. ti lhl' nt•w p.u-l I'> nol lCHldUU\l' to l>.1.,1 h.tlf ht·l JU~t' of 11., Joni'( blddt•, "V..t: hehr H· lht'\ '''II have to do rem(•dt .. tl work thrrt· '"' 111 .. 1ttc r \\ ll.lt " A Coco's goes bye-bye after 40 years Hut nrv offictal' .. 1aml hy thl'tr c <111trJl '"'' l hmce., i unher. tht·v po111i nut. W'd" r-.11 t till' 11nly rea">on that c,pon ... tedm'> Ml' 11111 "' 11 lowed to play there l11e cit) hao, lllll WI t.i~1 ·n ll'gaJ po~~1on of tht' park from the t11111r.tc tor: thw. CllY official<. don't yet haw tlw 11>(111 Ill make the field<, av-atlable. they -.av The WestcJiff Drive restaurant in Newport Beach, one af the cha in's original sites, shuts down as its lease expires. Employees will keep their jobs. Hart said. "Seventeemh Strl'el didn't even get developed until the '6(};, .. '>he said. "I wa<; not big on the pies. Hut I loved their cookies, especially the oa1me.tl onec;. Bre<tk(ast was my favoritt'. hut I'd go fm1"'unch, too, c;ometime'i.. n wy had a good chicken Ca~ saJad." natetJ. The Snack Shop wac. owne<l by John Mcintosh. who bought 11 within two weeks of starting work there I le expanded tus business and changed the name to Coco's in 1948 "We srrnpath.v.e Wllh the youth .,pon., group<,. We know the} need plate<\ to pl.1y lllat\ one of the rea.!>nn!> we e~ten<lt:d tht' hghung, • ..aid Mane Knight of the uty\ J>.arh and Sentor ServtCT<. Department -n wrl'\ "' mu<h that goe' into mandgement of 1urf and we want to make !>Ure we pre!>erve the cit}., mve.,tment.· But there are more lssut~ than rust grass." Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -One of the city's oldest restaurcu.Hs served its last steak dinners and cream pies on Wednesday night Coco's Restaurant and Bakery on Westcliff Drive closed after 40 years of operation after its lease ran out. "That's simply the only reason we had to shut down that particular res- taurant," spokesman Eric Schellhorn said. "But no jobs will be lost.• City Council frustrated by :planning -~ppeal glut Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA ~ -Frustrations about the amblgulty or the city's planning codes are mounting as the Oty Council faces more project ap- peals -the latest 8Jed Tueeday by Cound.lma(l Chris Steel AaJavadon pew evident in coun- cil memben' comments Monday u they revlewed two home mnodds- ... APPIAU~ hp Al The 28 employees wilJ join staff at two other Newport Beach locations -~ristol Street and Fashion Island. "The one on Westcliff is one of our oldest restaurants.: Schellhorn said. Old-timers remember the restau- rant as one of the first in the city. Forme r Mayor Evelyn I !art said she used to have many of her subcom· mittee meetings at Coco's. "I just loved to go there for break· fast," she said. Back ir~the 1960s. there weren't too many restaurants in Newport Beach. .... Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE oNTHEWEB: www.~:c001 WEATHER Longtime Newport Beach resident Otarles Roman said he was disap· pointed to hear the news of the res- taurnnt's closure. "It's too bad." he said. "I've be('ll going there for years and year!) with my friends.· Roman remembers ~oing to l11e Snack Shop on Pacific Coast l l~gl1· way. a littJe restaurant in Corona· del Mar where the Coco's chain origi- Rein 7 Maybe tonight Enjoy the 60s. SeePqeA2. SWAP MEET OCC Swep Meet rehnring rejected. SeehaeA3 SPORTS "I liked it then: I like it no~ ... Ro man '>aid. "I love the people there. the waiters and waitresses. They were the be'>I." Roman, too. enjoyed the re.,tau· ran1·~ breakfast m enu, he said. "But I'm glad they're stiU going to he in Fashion Island, which is closer 10 my home.· Roman added. • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsrath til/st1mes.com Parks comml.'>.Sionen. on rueMta) approve'<.! the request of two ~ports group" to extend hghtmg at four parh. ughung hour.. at lm· coin Athletic Center's field:. I and 2 wtll be ex· tended to 9:45 p.m Frida}"> between h•h 7 and June 22. and to 7 p.m Saturdayo; from Feb. 15 through Aprtl 5. The Newport H1puJe PUBLIC SAFETY Police say Megan's Law is working State may have lost track of 33,000 sex offenders, but local officials have kept tabs on their share. 0Hpa8hard officials say. DINING ChMMJcwera love Ml Cue. S.,.._All UCI men._ buketbtll gtts 1 ~ tt Cel State Fulterton In Big WMt Cont.rence play u hom win in OYertime, 66-86. Dally Pilot NEWPORT·MESA -The dt· ' po\k.'e ~ntl hl\le had (ew pn>b&enlt beplnc hCk of comirted .a o«eodew1 reqUlftd to .... "'!* ~i ~ That Is In tart contnst to an Associated Pres,, investigation Wednesday that reve.akd that more than 33,000 offenders baw fallen off the radar, a number larger than the state' previous estimate that the wbereabOu of a thU:d of Celifomia'a lex crtmt- nals not bJOWT\. . ~ hu ldopted some \'etlloo Ol ~'t Law. whk:b nanwd after MePf\ K.ulb. a New Jeney pt Who WU l'lpid S..P1P8l ._LM,,.._M • • ~ POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT In his first week back in the House, Rep. Chris Cox (center) has seen several rules that he proposed after Sept. 11 put in P!ace. A busy week in Congress S.J. Cahn and Lolita Harper Daily Pilot Whether it's because it's the start the of the 108th Congress or because Rep. Ouis Cox has a new presswoman. the news has ~n flying fast and furious from his office this week. ~Rep. Cox Bill Is Centerpiece ofBush Economic Growth Plan. Ending the Double Tux on Dividends is 25-Year Cox c.ampaign" was the topper of the most eye-opening, , which was sent on Wednesday. Apparently. in 19n, Cox wrote a thesis at Harvard advocating the repeal of the double tax on divtdends, which of course is a piece of the President Bush economic plan released this week. And in 1992. he introduced a bill to do that. "By ending the confiscatpry do.uble LaX on dividends, President Bush's economic plan wtll promote invesonent. encourage consumer spending and create jobs for Amencans, ·Cox said in the release. "It will help protect Amencans' savin~ during stock market declines. Every person who pays taxes. invests in the stoclc marker. saves for retirement. lives on a fixed income, or is looking for a job will benefit from the president's plan. Congress will put its full support behind the president's plan to get the American economy bad on track." But that isn't all. On Tuesday. Cox:S new presswoman, ICate Whitman, sent out a release: "On Opening Day, Rep. Cox Has Long 'To Do' List for 108th Congress." That list includes the repeal of the estate tax (referred to in the release by the popular "death i.ax" monicure); the "Otlld Support Enforcement Act.· which Cox sar.i will permit a divorced pa.rent to deduct unpaid child support from a delinquent former spouse's paycheck; and a bill to repeal the "luxury tax" on beer, which, according to the release, is "the last of the 1990 luxury POLITICAL CALENDAR JANUARY 11: Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the El Tonto Grill on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa. Special guest• will be former taxes on cars. planes. Jewelry and furs. By doubling the federal beer exa.se, the tax has hun farmers, producers and conswners, and oven.axed beer in comparison with other alcoholic beverages.· Finally, there was a release tilled "Cox. Wyden lncroduce Bill to Permanently Ban Unfair lntemet.lfaxes Bipartisan Legislation Protects the Tech Economy." Cox hab long pressed for lntemet tax reUef. "By ending this unfair practice once and for all, we can protect lnteme1 user., from WUlecessary and burdensome taxes," Cox said. "This will encourage spend.mg. promote investment, expand business and create new jobs." · And ifs JUSt the first few da)"' of Congress. PROMISES, PROMISES Campaign promises are not somethmg to be taken lightly. Costa Mesa Councilman ill.an Mamoors was the lone vote Monday for tndepende01 study of a I 9th Street bridge. which he admits is a desolate political po 1tion to take. "Will 11 revitalize the Westside? I am not convinced," Mansoor ~d about the contentious plan to build a bridge over the Santa Ana River to connect the uty lo Huntington Beach. "Whether it wa.~ smart or not, I said during the campaign tJ1at I would suppon a study and l will :.tand hy my word." Speaking of keeping your prom1St."-, Costa Mesa Counolman Ouis Steel ha.., shown a renewed effon to taclde the "magnets" he vowed to bring down cJunng his 2000 campaign. ' His efforts to reduce the numbt>r of charities and illegal al.lens tn the c1 ty and shrink the Job Center have faltered m the first half of his four-year 1erm. but Sted addressed the issues with vtgor again Monday. Assemblyman Bill Campbell and Alan Peterson of the International Republican Institute. For more information. visit www.ocyr.org. 20: Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee hosts a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Dunng talks on the decrepit Husaoft House, Steel suggested tha1 $250,000 given 10 the city by the Segetatroms during Home Ranch negotiations be used to battle his infamous ·magnets.~ The money was originally designated to move the arguably historic craftsman house to Fairview Parle.. but another suitable use must be found since the council has scrapped those plans. Steel has big plans for it. · "Give the remaining bulk toward getting nd of the magnets and reroing in on these busmt'!.ses and their so-called hJring proc~ Let's clean up and go after these slums." He iterated his ambition later in the evening when he told the Community Redevelopment Action Committee - lovingly nicknamed CRAC -to focus on the real issues that plague the city. "Get craclong and start getting nd of these magnets that cause our Westside to be m the condition it is in the first place." Steel said. MORBID PlANS PUT IN Pl.ACE Olris Cox wasn't all about death taxes .md dividends dunng Congress' first week. I le abo saw a few ruJes he'd proposed after the Sept 11 anacks put Ill place The rules include allowing the spealcer to adju!>t the nwnbcrs in the House so that, given a mass loss of House members, the bod) could cominue meeung and voting until .,pedal elections filled the empty \Cal'. They al!.o provtde for the spealcer to pu1 togetJ1er a list of who would act as temporary spealcer if the spealcer wa .. killed m a terrorist attack. Finally. the ruJes allow the speaker to ddjoum the House at any point tf there appears 10 be an imminent threat to the ..afety of 1t.s members. Those are some heavy changes. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555 FEBRUARY 12: Orange County Young Republicans will host its general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa. For more information, visit www.ocyr.org. Daily A Pilot Christine Cerrillo News e11istan1, (9491 574-4298 chrisrina. carrillo (@/srimas.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leedi, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Co111 MeH, CA 926~6 Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or a<Nertieementt herein ~n be reproduced Without written perm1111on of oqpyright owner VOL.97,N0.9 ll40MAS H. JOHNSON, Publllher TONY DOO£RO, Editor JtJDV OEmNQ, Advertlalng Olntetor LANA JOHNSON. Promotlone Director fDIT1NQ ITAf' S.J.c.M, Managing Editor (IMS) 674-4233 1 j.cahn• l•tlma.com ~Meler. ChyEdltot <Mll&M324 ~~c::iom "°-"~ 5p>ftt EdlllOt (M)~ rtJQl9",..,.,,,.,.,..c:iom .... KMMM, ~Edllof , .. ~ ~.mtN/-~CIOln JoMJ,s.mo., Art Director I News Deek Chief (9491574-4224 jou.unta.el•rlmet..com ,....,. McCfattk. PhOto Supervleor (949) 764-4358 rcn.phototll•tim#.com N.wl~ Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, ,....,, ~ Oel'lel Steven• NIWISTA~ 0...,. lhemh Crime and couru reporter, (949) 574-4226 ~.bha,.rh•l•tfmee.com June~ Newport ~rter, (949) 574-4232 /un..cauoref1Mtl,.tlme..com """' cantoft Polltlce end environ"*'t report9f, (949)~ p11Ul.dlntOf'l•~tlmMcom lolU ..... Cotta~ reportet. (Ml) 674-427$ lollU~•IMlmMoom 0.W..MIWIMR E~ "P04'*, (Ml 574-4.211 ~MWmlln·~ READERS HOTUNE (949) 842-6088 Record your comments &bout the Dally Pilot or newt tlpt Addrea Our 1ddreu i1 330 W Bey St , Cotta Mna, CA 92827 Office houre ire Mond•v Frid1y, 8:30 1.m • 5 p.m. Conectk>nt It 11 the P1lot'1 policy to promptly correct 1ll error1 of t0blt11nce PleeM call (949) 574-4286 FYI The Newport Be1ch/Colta M ... Delly Pilot (USPS-1'4-800) It plJbll1hed dilly. In Newport Beed\ end Co1te Meta, aubeeriptloM are evallebl• only by tublcrlblng to The Tlmea Orenge County (8001 252-9141 In.,..., outalde of Newport BM<it end Coate M .... tubect'lptlona to the O.lly Piiot ere ev1ll1ble onl<fbv flm clW mall for l30 ptr month (Prlote lnoludt 111 eppllclble 1t_.• end locll tax .. I POSTMASTER· s.nct ed<het c:Nno-to~ Newport 8e.tcNCotta M ... Deily Ptloe. PO. HOW TO REACH US CirculetJon The Times Or.nge County (800) 252-9141 Adwftfatng ca-Hied (949) 642-5678 DilpAay (949) 642-4321 Edftoriei llMws (949) 842-6680 S9ot1a 1949) 674-4223 11Mws Fu (IMS) 8'6-4170 ~Fu (!MS) 660-0170 e.m.11: dM/ypllotOl•tlme..com Mel"C>Moe ..... Otftce (949) 842-4321 ..... Fu (949) 631-7128 Publl&Md by Tlmee Community Newl, • divielon of the Loe Angel-. Tlmet. C2002 Tltne1 CN All rlgMa ~ POLITICS ASIDE MoV.ing the chess pieces He had plenty I ~:fcfuiess of available over a money and a possible ' number of early Republican endorsements, throw-down for which together Rep. Cllrls ears kept challengers seat. were he to out of the race. get an even more h--~H)r:m. ite, stable v~ ..... appoinonent doesn't appear elsewher ..... e. ~1 ·~_..,Si.....: J,._, CAHN thaWt..will be-- glossed over the such a smooth fact that state Sen. Ross sail. unless there is Johnlon is facing t,errn behind-closed-door deals limits. in which the political So let the race begin. chess pieces get moved to And it did last week, most everyone's liking. whh both of · And that should prove Newport-Mesa's to be to voters' benefits, Assemblymen, John for -short of a Campbell and Ken Hollywood-type miracle Maddm, announcing their -the Republican in this intentions and talcing race wtlJ win the seat So ample opponunity to the real bartle will be in deliver some early po!Jucal the pnmary, with the punches \o each other. :":ovember election lye-.. You could feel the almO'>l two years away> a delight among the wnte~ mere formality And. as 1t as they filed their repons Will be GOPl'r vers~ Campbell has a few GOPer. the IS.Sues they apparent advantag~ th1., debate wtlJ likely be one\ early on, as he's already of more m1ere<1t 10 the secured a few notable ma1onty of voter.. endorsements: Johnson's le is wonh hoping that and Senate Minon()' the inioal war of words Leader Jim Brulte's. \\111 be augmen1ed by But Campbell and c,ubstanual discu~ion!> on Maddox are remark.ably meanmgful top1n. dose in what promises to or course. this new:. be another factor in ~ means more polittcal fun race: money. •• According to records at the California Secretary of State's office. ~of Oct. 19 (the last avatlable numbers), Campbt>U had $175,000 in hl5 campaign coffers, having raised $278,000 in 2002. Maddox tr.Wed not far behind with S l SJ.000, having ral.5ed SI 50.000 during the year. CampbeU. who has his own personal wealth to draw on. probabl} has the upper hand when 11 comes 10 future fund-raising (and he clearly raised more for hie, reelecuon than Maddux did). Bui at this poinl, the • Marting line seems preny even. A third potential candidate. Assemblywoman Pat Bates, 1s funher behmd m lhe money race She had r.µsed $33,000 by Oct. 19, and had nearly $47,000 in cash. S~at:ion has it that the race could cost the winner as much as SI million. Campbelfs early announcement was much akin to how he handled his first run for the Assembly. way back in 1999. Then, he got in early when former Assemblywoman Marilyn B~ was being termed out, as Johnson is now. lhan just who will replace Johnson. Keep m mind that tf Campbell i<o nmnmg for higher offiu'. that operu. up tus seat tn the As.sembly. And \.faddox is termed out of hi'> !>pol. so there wtlJ be a new face m :-.;ewpon-Mesa\ n£'\-\.e\t district lthanl.s to reaUgnment Given Campbell . ., c;trategy Ja..,t ume around. 11 might no1 be long before nam~ for thoSt' sea1' pop up C..os1a Me!>a Cary tounctlman Gary Monahan, who remains a bright star for the Republican Party m the aty. sa.Jd he has no interest in going to Sacramento. A hener po<osibility for CampbeU'~ ~eat would be Irvine counctl member;, includmg Ovtstina Shea. who was among tho!le scared off by Campbell'~ early endor..ements in 1999. Or. tmagine Irvine Mayor Larry Agran m tha1 pot. actually represennng Newpon Beach So political 1unk.ies. delight We seem destined for a couple of interesung races. at least • S.J. CAHN is the managrng echtor. He can be reed'led at (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail at s J.Cllhn q larlmes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Where did that rain come from ? Well; wherever it was. It's may provide some more this evening. There's a 20% chance enyway. We'll be partly sunny today, with highs in the lower to mlcf.«>e In N9Wp0rt-Mesa. Lowa will be in the mid-40s.. We may find more showers Frid1y morning, but the weekend'e ltlll looting nice. lnfonnatlon: www.nws.noaa.gov We'll atlll see aome head-highs today ea we continue to slip Into the under head renge. By Frldey, we'll reacti the bottom of this week's surf, with moatly w1 i1t-to ctieat-hlgha. Our next northweat awell on~ e>epected Saturdey will teke its time In and end up he,.. Sundey. Once It arrtvH. though, it'll be well worth the wait ea overhead• dominate. BOATING FORECAST The IOUtherly winds wm blow their typicel 10 to 16 knoi. In the Inner waten thl• morning, whh 2.foot wavn •nd • welt ewttl of 4 to 7 feet. Law, the wtndl wlll beco~ eouthwetterty. Out f•rthet, the 80Ulherty wlndt wtN ltto bk>w 10 to 1 S knoea, ~ 2.foot wev.. •nd • nofthvJelt IW'lll of. to 10 - Weter qualty: www.aurfrl~r.OrtJ TIDES nm. 8:42e.m. 1:38 p.m. 8:13p.m 3:28e.m. tWtht 2.51*tlow 3.31 *-Noh t32fMtlow 4.2efMCNQh WATER TEMPERATURE 57deg,... ) _.__.........,....,. __ .:........;..._-... -...:.....:-:...-.;.· ...:--------~ -=· ...... •a I t1U1 Y.tty, J<llllM!fy 4J. lOO 3 A3 COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL OCC SWAP MEET City leaders denied a rehearing of the Orange Coast College swap meet's business' license Monday, ~ saying there was no new compelling evidence to reopen the ~"\Je. _ . Although many residents ex.presl)Md concerns about the legitimacy or the college shopping venue, City Council members said they were legally limi1ed to rule on whether any new proof had been presented to warrant further scrutiny of the License. Many residents argued that the ~wap meet tJjd nol benefit Costa Me~ residents but rather BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS J_WA holiday passenger traffic posts 2 I % gain Pas.senger traffic jumped a whoppmg 21.6% at John Wayne AIIJ>On in December, airpon of- ficials reponed Wednesday. Jhe 695,284-passenger mark in December reprel.ented an in- crease of more than 100,000 pru. ..enger.. over Dctember 2001. CommeroaJ carrier air taxi op· erauom aJ50 '>howed a sharp in· crea...e -up 101 % over the same period m 2001 Commercial ear- ner lligh1 operntiom slightly in· vendors and shoppers from outside the city limits. People also charged that many vendors were underreporting applicable taxes and taking business away from the "brick and mortar" stores. Mayor Karen Robinson, who is also a lawyer, reminded the audience of the counclJ member's limitations, i.aying ii was their respon9tbility to foUow the letter or the law. WHAT IT MEANS: The OCC swap meet will be allowed to operate on Saturdays and Sundays and will be reviewed by the City Council in sax m onths. WHAT WAS SAID -"I am not in disagreement with the comments, but I am creased -4.4%. willing to let it play out for i.ix months and give the coUege. the vendors and everyone the benefit of the doubt," Councilman Chris Steel said. REZONING THE BLUFFS Council members h~ded a city committee recommendauon ~ to study lhe possibmty of #'FRO'lfl) rezoning the city'i> bluffs and said they wanted concrete doa.unenu\tion of the anticipated effe<."tS of '>uch a bold move. A debate has long brewed about the financial benefits of turning much of the industrial pon1on of the Westside, the closei.t ocean propeny 111 the bra ting the teddy bear\ I OOth binhday -w one local chamy in each major market it i.erve!>. Fifteen years ago. Q1ildhelp USA was licensed by California to OJ?erate two six-bed group Costa esa cnarity ----:-homes In Orange County LO receives $ l 2,000 serve severely abu'>Cd boy'> and Notably, there were actually fewer flights in December than in December 200 I . There were 28.520. down 73 -or 0.3%. girls age" 6 to 12. A third home Robinsons-May announced was licensed in 1999 '>pec1fi Tuesday that 11 will award more cally to i.crve siblings for '>hon than S 12,000 10 01ildhelp USA 1erm diagnostic treatrne111. Orange County Group Homes By providing a safl:', '>tahlt· of Costa· Mesa as part o f its home environment and a vari llohday Bear Campaign ety of nurturing thcrapcu11c Through its parent company. program-., these children are fhe May Department Stores slowly able to he.ii their C.o .. Robinsons-May i'> donating' wound'>, find their way back to a percentage of the proceeds new families and return w '>On from the purchase of the Cen· ety as functionin g adolc'>tl'rtl'> tennial Holiday Beari. -cele-"01iJdhelp USA extend!'! our ANTIQUE Row &: GARDEN CAFE r11U Howu hmruh'"fl• Anfll[wt & ulkmbln, Tr&ti1houl "' CArutr Gifts """ G11n/.ni Dtror. Wish Lut """ °'"wry G11rtlnt Ufi (,11rtinr Pano Di11int 11n1111: Brr"'if 111i. l.MMh, Tt11 11NI aJt f.spmJo &tr CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sim 9am-4pm CanJ/rs to ChaniklinT, U1td & RArt Books, C"stom Piaurt Framini, Furniturt Rntoration arul m~h mort ! ROW HOURS: Tiu-54.t JOam 5pm 130 EAST 17"' ST. • COSTA M f.SA At .Vnupon d-I.JUI , ..... 'ltrttt (949) 722-1 177 ' :,.. ,..._. ,...,.. t) • • ....... ..._ (') 0 ~ \$\ I'/ /' '> s ·e Ci (J ~ t eoastline's Access Program is very convenient for me. I will finish my AA here and tr.msfcr to Cal State Fullerton to become an elementary school teacher.'' -9+ Success Ahead at Coastline. 114IO Wlmlf Awnue Foune11n ~. CA 92706-2597 (714) 438-4839 cuy. to re<,1de11llal 1oni.ng to attract high end home builder'> Bui.inc-.'> owners oppose the idea be<:au!.e ii would pha.~ out the commercial distncl Cow1dJwoman Libby Cowart said she Wdllled lO know why hou.'i.ing developers haven't bet:11 attracted to the area ~ there L'> an underiytng residential wne t.Ji.11 would pemlJl horn~ in 1he dl'CCl She al\o warned that re/Onlllg wouJd be a difficult deci!tion 10 make, as II would perwnalJy aflec1 many (..o!>t& Me~a bu~meS!. ow,nen.. If 11 were ca'>y. it would have been done long ago, ~he ..aid. WHAT rT MEANS: lne dty will look f<Jr consullctnl'> to '>ludy the ht•ndil'> and dctnnll'nt'> of the zoning t hange '>lnlt'fl' ,1pprt•t1al1lH1 lO Hob111 '>On'> May tor their thuuKhtlul contcrn lor 1hc li\e~ and wtll be111g ur abu~ed thildrt'll, .. ,,11d John l oll1m, dirl'Ltor of um1 rnunlly program' in a µn''' n• lea'>t' "llw1r nrntnbut1on \\.ilf help lhl· < .roup llome t htlda·n ob1J1n a 111on· p11.,.lt\ e per-.pt.·t ll\e .1hm11 hit•, lmc and rt' la11011 .. 111 P' .. rhl• lhfl'l' rnllt•t t1bfe "t t•nl t'll nial" tt·<ld\< lw.tr" -dt·.,.gned bv '1.w and prndlll t·<l h')' < 1111HI n•pn·,t·nt l'W:!. !•Fil and LOO:! I ht· 1mg111al tedd} bt'ar ""·" n.trm·tl for l'rc'>1de111 rh1·0 Jore -r t·dtl ~" Holf'>C\'t:h WHAT WAS SAID "I dill not ~ 1mv111lt:d 1ha1 thl' 111du1>1naJ area I\ b.ld or 1<, pulling down property vaJue'>. but I cenamly WdJll to M!c," Cowan~1d . ANIMAL HOSPITAL Newport I !arbor Ammal I lo'>pllaJ gaml·d unanimou~ ( 11> Council endurwmt'nt tu expaud de'>plle !>hK}ll v-c.1r1.111t l''> from rt'j{Uhu parking ~ -.4uo1t-nwn". K1•11 Millian, th1· ho'>1u1..J uv.ner. \\..illl\ Ill build a 11,00() '>ljUJH' 10111 add11wn w1th11111 .tll tlw rl·qu1 rt•d parkmg \pat, . ., d1·.,.~11.ited b) c11y rndt'. ~11lh.m llil'> propo'>t•d JY park.mg "P•H t''· <111d tht:' nty rl:'quire'> 1h. Jl t ord111g to .i '>t.111 NEXT MEETING •WHAT. Costa Mesa City Council meeting •WHEN. 630 pm Jan 20 • WHERE: City Hall. 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION (71 4) 754-5223 II' port I lw h1>'>p1tal 011 Mt·..a l>nve \\.'1'> luutt'd by audil•m t nwmlwr' to tw a v.omJerlul and lo\lrlK lauhty thal l<mk '>p<.>ctal lllft' of 11:> d.1111Tlah Planrung tomm1<,.•noner~ rt't urnmendt'd tha1 till' pm,ect he t1ppwwd WHAT rT MEANS: \lilhiln will ht· allu....,t·tl IO t'\IMlld 111' .1111mal h•,.,pllaJ < 11m111l1•tl /11 I 11/1tu I forper ·--•' . ,,\~~ cm@•m@tti• NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9•9·64S·7626 """'---) / WHALE OF \ft 1·/ lh1 / ,·1j1.71dun; ,./ , A TALE Children ·s Bookstore 94g.ss4-s2ss A b<>oi-.. rortt fCJ1 /..1c.J<: of olf nges 4 I 99 Cwnp tJ'> Or Sw11• A lrvmo. CA 9 'I. I,• MARU:F. MA nJ"'. rJ,.,11 " 111 ,. '>h•· \\ii' 1•1~lttl-{0n 1111111111, olcl w1111 llw 1 •1x1, \1 .11J1·111\ ,.\\\,1rcl .tnrl c., 11clt-I l<1l1t· \w,ird f11r B1·,1 \1 Ir"'' lor h1•r r11h 111 < l11/dn·11 11 11 ''"'" {,,,,,, ''II' "''" ,,,., 11om111.11t·cl lnr I 111ni\ ""'•1r<h for l11•r J>t'rf11r11i.11u ,., 111 'w111f..Jd /'11111'1 Tlw Pru• II• • Marlee Matlin \ullior .tnd \L<Jdcmv \ward \\inn in~ Actresi. 1T11r1xiu tilt/ "Deaf Child. Crossing" S<iturday, January 11 , 11:00 a.m. l'r,..,.·nt..st 11 lk ~111· dt I 11"'• m a ' M Thursday, Janoaty 9, 2003 Chicago 1itle Cordially invites you to olttN1d the 3rd Annual #South Orange County Economic Forecast lor 2003" PreMnted by E•moel Adibi, Ph.D. Director ol tfte A. Gory Ander1on Center lor Economic ReHOrch, Chapmon Univ•f'llty Date: January 14th, 2003 Time: . 8:00 arn Place: Edwards Ocean Ranch 7 (lnterSection of Golden lotltem and Camion del Avion in Laguna Niguel) RESERVATION AND TICKET REQUIRED FOR AmNDANCE RSVP to Nicole at (949) 376-3170 SPACE IS VERY UMnED GRASS Continued from Al youth sports o~tion will be aaed for longer lighting hours for its upcoming Paclflc Girls Fast Pitch Softball niple Crown Tournament Ughts will stay on unbl 9 p.m. Feb. 8 and until 8 LAW Continued from A 1 and lcilled by a child molester on ·parole who lived in her neigh- borhood. Under California's law, every month cities get a disc from the Department of Justice with a complete list of registered offenders. in Costa Mesa, where 137 con- victed sex offenders are now reg- istered. detectives who investi- gate sex crimes trade the offenders, Det Sgt. Jack Archer said. "What we do is check our mas- ter Ust of registered offenders," he said. "They are required to register with.in five days of their birthday. So we keep uack of p.m. Feb. 9 at Bonita Creek. Ar- royo and Grant Howald parks. The Newport Harbor Baseball Assn.'s request for portable llgbts at Mariners Park was J>O'tpOned to give association members time to meet with neighbors of the park. Commissioners will coMJder whether to allow port- able lights there until 9 p.m. on various days between Feb. 10 W e know none of them have fallen off the radar because we've constantly verified their addresses.' Set-Steve Shulman Newport.Beach Police officer to register,· Archer said. Newpon Beach has less of a problem because it has very few offenders living in the city - about 26 registered sex crimi- nals, said Sgt. Steve Shulman. and June 15. Commissioners will consider that and the Bonita Qutyon Sporu Park matter at their next meeting. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers NewPort Beactt and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactted •t (949) 67~232 or by e-mail II june.ca•llfl'ancn /11t1mes.com. view" with the police ~epart · ment before they leave the city. ~If they leave without doing that and we don~ know where they are. we file a case with the district anomey.· Archer saJd. "When they leave the city and we know where they're going. we notify the police agency in the city they're moving to." Two groups who do pose ma- JOr challenges are people . who fail to register and transients. who are required to register ev- ery 60 days. he said. ad~g that sometimes there are discrepan· aes between the state's and city's numbers. "Sometimes, we get the infor· mation before they do, and lt takes a while for them to update it,· he said. "It's not a perfect sys- tem, but it's a good system.· etr btrttfdays, andUsomeone hasn't come in, one of our de· tectives knocks on their door to findoutwhathappened." ·we know none of them have fallen off the radar because we've constantly verified their ad- dresses,· he said ·or course, the s1 uat:loniSconstantlychanging. But we take a proactive ap-• DEEPA BHARATH covers public proach by maJd.ng routine safety and oourts She may be checks.· readled at (9491574-4226 or by In most cases. "they're either defiant or have simply forgotten All registered offenders must e-ma11 at also go through an "ex.it inter· . deepa.bharath f3l/at1mes.com Fresh chicken broth, chunks of chic ken breasc, rice garnished with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go Costa Mesa 642-1142 Corona del Mar 644-TACO Newport Beach 675-6855 For 32 Yeais. Family Owned Family Operaied. Family L. JVed • ( r ',J _;,, l.'.:ir • N~Wf'llrl B~.1;h • L0ng Bc.ich • Cc·~fJ 11.rsi! • rluntingwn Pa rk •Lake For~st •Santa Ana ~ ~ 7 Oo~ F1on&ls. Trus, 12 IJ 14 Cl~ All "' 20 21 I OCMed. 8_ q Grttncry 25~ 3 am.n-7~0ff 10 Off !7 Off " BELL Continued from Al council members other than Heffernan -who cast the only negative vote -about que uonable ethics or the appearance of conflict of 1meres1.. it dldn't surface. Adams' call for campaign reform and belated rejection of the weU-known tacncs of Ellis .• who served as tus campaign manager in 2002, don't lay a glove on the conflict of interest issue. It has been charged that Ellis used the same dlshonest tacncs that helped elect Adams m managing the election of our mayor, Steve Bromberg. two years earlier. There IS no question that Ellis' influence is deeply embedded in Newport Beach poliUC6, or that the tacncs he has used to get there makes this a legitimate inaner for investigation by the district attorney. At nsk is our entire elective process. and no amount of everybody-does-It can change that fact or the steadily shnnbng turnout of disenchanted voters at our local elections. The one crinca.J element still nus.sing in tlus dismal picture b the rejection of Ellis and hl.s tactics by the other City Council members who have profited from his services. The longer they WcUt, the harder tt .. w.i be for them to remove their feet from the fire Ellis st.aned, which is still bwning fiercely. if letters on the Pilot Forum page are an mchcator. These council members will be unable 10 avoid declaring them~lves when Heffeman's ordinance comes to a vote in a few weeks. UnnJ then, Heffernan is keeping a low profile. going over the legaJ details of hIS measure with the city attorney and not hurrying the p~ Ooxd l..amfK &nd 211 2<f JO Cham • 25~ Off JI f/Jou; @._ang/a4 I. cftoreOJide ~I Fine Furniture at Designer Price~ 01n1ng ~ • Ln11ng Room • Umps • AL<nvw1n • I kllin S:-J.,;,w1001~ ~ture -.a' 4ce,~t;oru~ Out1'4t 2925 Ai~. Sullc /\. ~ ~ Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 * (714) 979-6679 • [ ~ .d ::; : . ~ -Saturday IOOOam -4.30pm • .--.. 30 to 75°/o Off ---Sale Starts Now --- 369 E. 17th St f21, Costa Meu (949) 642-5459 (comer of Tustin & 17th -behind lack-1n-the-BoxJ No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you to ••• Bring your dreams! We'll do everything we can to help you realize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We1l get you to a university-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are steond-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts 'enter is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure. Tuition for Califumta residents is just S1 l per unit. Go onUne or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 o.rangecoastcollege. com 1111• COUT COLlial C 714 t• t• , . r "My only interest.· he sa~. "IS getting something done. That's why I wdn'1 make this a campaign issue. I d on't want 1t to be a political football. I need allies, so this has to be done carefully.· Meanwhile. back at the aupon. the Federal Avianon Admuuscranon has apparently approved the final plan negotiated to extend the caps on John Wayne Airpon until 2015. Because the FM letter is lengthy and detailed. it reqwres ~ew by lawyers represenung all airport negotiaung groups before it is submitted to a federal Judge for approval. That, finally, will be the end of the ltne At least unnJ 2015. Before I left for Colorado, I met with Newpon Beach City Atty Bob Burnham and City Manager Homer Bludau Lo chscuss a column I wd on the City Council meeting in which the new airpon cap was passed unanimously and several council member; explained from the dais that there wouldn't be any more noa..e -maybe even less -for us clVihans on the ground, even though the number of fl1gtm would be appreoably mcreased. I found that absurd and said~. Bwnham addre~ ~ u;.sue with a long and complex enVU'OrunentaJ repon that he obviously felt proved the ca.<,e for less noise. I got lost in iL but since I respect h1s profesfilonalism, I'll concede the point with one maior ca'>il. His proof is all on paper. The test wbi come in my baclc yard But one useful revelation grew out of our lengthy conve™LUon that started on a mildly hosble note and ~nded, 1 would hope. m mutual respect. It hit me clearly that we were approaching tlus issue from very different places. which made communication difficult because we both felt our positions strongly. Bwnham and tus associates had spent many days and weeks and months negotiating the cap agreement Because they regarded it as a considerable achievement in the public Interest, they deeply resented what they considered unfair crltid.sm. Their view was that. " under exceedingly difficult circumstances. they had pulled off a real coup for the residents of Newport Beach. My view -and one that the Pilot Forum page letters would suggest ls widely shared -Is that the only viable long-tenn solution to the steady and continuing expansion of John Wayne Airport was -and is - an airport at El Thro. The Oty Cound.l abandoned this solution to begin working on TWA caps when El Thro wu still firmly within reach. Had they kept their focus and put their cap-negotiating zeal into Fl Thro, Instead, we might have an airport there instead of a mythJca1 Great Park. Prom that place, It'• hard to wotk up enthusiasm OYer new caps and · more flights. even lf the noile really doesrit lnaeue. ManwbDe. peuage of the Heffernan conOict of Interest meuurt would help clear the ~tal air in Newpon Bad\. And wb1le they ponder their poetdon on this matter -.nd on Da\'e EDia. Oty c.ounco memben might want to check out tome beck 1-.tet ol the Pllot'l leaen to the editor. • JOl8ltt N. EL It 1 ~of Senta Ant Htighlii. Hie column tppNn~ PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fire breaks out in construction site Costa Mesa fireflghters Wednesday morning snulled out a small fire that broke out In the Ikea buildlng still undel con- strucdon at Home ~ch. officials wd. The fire was triggered when welding sparks came into contact with a piece of loose Insulation blown into a pit by the -wind, Costa Mesa flre Capt. Randy Croll said. No one was hurt, and none of the strueture'! were mvolved, he wd POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 8:22 a.m Monday. • Coll9 Avenue: Petty theft wes reported In the 2100 blodc at 1 :04 p.m. Monday. • H•mitton Strwt: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodc at 10:13 am Monday. • Harbor Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 blade at 12·40 p.m Monday • N.wport Bout.vard and &st Wilson S1rWt: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 11 :30 a.m. Monday. • Ptacentla Awnue: Vandaliam wa1 reported In the 2300 blodc at 1 11 p.m.Monday • Red Hllt Awnue: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 2900 blodc at 8:18 a.m. Monday. • Souttl Cout Drive· Grand theft was reported in the 1400 blade at 8:28 a.m Monday • VictoN Straet: A home burglary was reported in the 700 blade at 8:42 a m Monday NEWPORT BEACH • Elst Balbo• 1*119wtd. A home burglary waa reported in the 200 bl<><* at 12·54 p.m Tuesday. • Broed Straet: A vehicle btJrglary was reported in the 2800 bl<>dt at 7:31 am. Tuesday. • C..mpus Ottve: Annoying calls were reported in the 4100 bl<><* at 3:04 p.m. Tuesday. • East Coast Hlghw.y: Battery was reported in the 3500 blade at 9'08 p.m. Tuesday. • Newpo11 c.trter Ottve East Petty theft waa reported in the 200 blodc 8t 8:40 p.m. Tue.day. • ~ Av.nue and Hospltal RMCl:A hit-and-run w11 reported at 2:03 p.m. Tuesday. • Jasmine Cf"Mk Ottw: A home burglary wa1 reported in the 100 blodc at 11 :28 a.m. Tueaday. • w..tdifr Ottw: Grand theft waa reported In the 1600 blade at 11:07 a.m. Tuelday. OBITUARY CecilLynch • . ,, \ Daily Pilot APPEALS Conbnued from Al about the number of bedrooms planned for Hernandez's larger home, saying the renovated home could easily be convened to rental housing. one on 19th Street and the Mesa Verde resident Robin other on flower Street -in· I.effier, who came into the po- volving second-story addltions litical spotlight when she fought ~at h ad been previously de-a massive home remodel proJ· med and then appeaJed to the ect rwo doors down Crom her on council. Samoa Place in 1999, said sh e Councilwoman Ubby Cowan opposed Hernandez's project, said the Planning Department calling it a "poorly balanced d;- should handle some projects. stgn with severe m~g." • "Quate frankly, I am frus· She provided a de'lfilled pres· Lrated, • Cowan sald about the entation, using Hernandez's West 19th Street home. "I don't own blueP.rints on where walls understand why in the world could be constructed and ~e are having to see this or why kitcheas could be added to 1t was even denied.~ make comple'te and separate The same comments were .. living areas. evident when the councU re-Steel had the same concerns Vlf!Wed the l-1owcr Street home and questioned -for lhe sec- and had subdued a little an the ond time that evening -Her- later hours when city leaders nandez's purpose for remodel· were asked to scrutini7,e the ang . city's current design review "What are your intentio ns?" guidelines. Steel asked pointedly. Overall, council members To which Hernandez bluntly said they would like to o;ee more answered: ·This is an invest· concrete gu1dehne\ for home ment, and I am ma.ximi.1.mg the remodeling. especially for' sec square footage. Why am I build- ond-story addition\, to give ang it this big'? Because I can." reo;idents more confidence an Cowan wondered why others upgrading their propertae!>. were even concerned with lhe "These architect\ palm-number of bedrooms when at as -takingfy -adhere to atJ aar cny rror w1thtrr Ure---ctty's" legal codes, but when it comes to the authority to regulate that. design review process .. it's a ·we hear a lot about this at crap<,hoot, • Councilman Gary too ntany h'earings, • Cowan Monahan said. sa.id. Mil can't become three Monahan, who tnllially ap· apanments because this is a pealed the denials of both '>ec-[low reo;identiaJJ zone .... rught ond-story rro1ects before them now. !homeowners) have the that everung, said homeowners nght to rent out rooms. That is such as Alex I lernandez on 19th the law.· Street \hould not be '>Ubjectcd To quell some of the conten to the type of <,cruuny he re-tious issues that have sur- ceaved from the Planning Com-rounded home remodels, coun m1s\1on and Caty C.ouncal. cil m embers voted C 11) le.ider\ wt.>re concerned unanamou'>ly to review the city's FREE Large Cookie With any fjUrchaae of u loo of bral.d um11I1~rCUlll:""lCIC\P. OJ /)1/0\ •• 427 E. 17"' St co.m MESA, 926rJ ·tlktwttn T....U. le "'-inc A..,.I (949) 646-1440 'Aoo 1-n ·.ooAM-6PM • S.1 ~.ooAM-~PM (1-ci~ current design tandards, which have been the reason moM projects were 1mt1a1Jy denied. Council members agreed that the requaremems needed to be scaled back. to give people a better understanding of what is acceptable. Stricter guidelines would leave le~ room for guessing and create less contro· versy. officials said. Scrutiny of the guideline'> will start at lhe Planning Commas· sion level, where two publac hearin gs will talc.e place. A rec- ommendauon will lhen be sent to the Chy Council for action. rn tl}e meantime, councJl members will listen to and ruJe on controversial remodels, as long as they keep getting ap· peaJed and re-appealed and re· appealed. Steel was unava1Jab for • Send AROUND lOWN 1tem1 to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St .. Co~ Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646-4170. or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com · TODAY The lntemationel Coech Federation. Orange County . Chapter will host a business solutions worbhop at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Costa Mesa. The first part of the workshop will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. and will focus on contracts for coacnes The second part will deal with powerful questioning and will be held from 6:30 to 8·30 p m The hotel is at 3550 Avenue of the Arts. For more information, call Elaine Arons at (949) 457-6190, or YISlt www.icforangecounty.com AROUND TOWN TM Newport 8Ndt c.ntral Library will host the first Mother-Daughter Book Club meeting of 2003 at 7 p.m at the library The book club ta for girts in fifth through seventh grades and their moms o r favorite female grown-ups Book club members meet monthly to share fr1endsh1ps, fun and book talks at the discussion group. The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3801 or visrt www newportbeach/1brary org FRIDAY The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will host a special battle reenactment from 4 to 7 p m in Newpon Harbor Refreshments will be served after ttie sail The museum 1s at 151 E Coast Highway Reservations required The fee 1s $50 for adults and S20 for cn1ldren under the age of 12 For more information call (949) 673 7863 more information, call 1949) 786-8878 AuditioN fof th• Schoof of Amencan Ballet's 2003 Summer Course will be held at the DeFore Dance Center in Costa Mesa Aud1t1ons are open to intermediate and advanced students only and will be held from 1 to 2 30 p m for 13-year-olds. from 2 30 to 4 p.m. for 15-year-olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 16-to 18-year-olds. Students must register one hour in advance For more information. call (2 12) 769-0600 or (714) 241 -9908 SUNDAY The latest appeal is of .a de· nial of a second -story addition to an Eastside home by lhe city's zoning administrator lhat lhe Planning Commission lhen overturned. Obviously, discon- tent with the plans for the Broadway home has b~o ht the final planning d ecision o the Ciry Council. comment Wedne<,day. Muy and Darwin Boblet will SATURDAY Monahan is not amused. I present a slide lecture about The Newport Bay Naturalists The Azzoni Sist9n and vocaliat Brenda von Gremp will perform works for voice violin and piano at 3 p m at the Newpon Beacn Centrlll Library Christine Azzom Dow plays the piano and her sister Sandra Azzon1 Wood plays the violin The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave Free For more information call (949) 717 3801 "Why are-we even putttnrf ~ee-year satltny & Fnends w1ll-hosu·gu1ded homeowne,t'i through 'iO many adventure with their two walking tour of the Upper or v1s1t W'tlll'W-RewfJOltOtNKilltbrary org hoops and so much negativity young sons at 7 pm at the Newport Bay Ecological MONDAY when all they want to do 15 raise Newport Beacn Central Library Reserve with groups leaving Orange County S1em1 Singlfl · The presentation 1s part of the every 15 minutes between 9 will hold a meeting from 6 30 a family and increase their library's armcnair travelers and 10.15 a m. Peogle 1oining to 9·30 p.m at the Costa Mesa property values?" Monahan series. The Boblet family left the tours are encouraged to Neighborhood Community asked. "I fhank Clm'> Steel ha., from San Francisco Bay and wear comfortable shoes. a hat Center The meeting will his ,Pri~riries all wrong. I traveled to Mexico, Hawa11. (1f it's sunny) and to bring a include an urban searcn and don t thank he under'>tando; pn Samoa, Fi11 and New Zealand bird book and b.1noculars to rescue slide program, ltve vale proper~nght'> aJ..aU..'' ~~.:.!.t .... r;;>.-:.~~~~.-,.i:...;~~iiO~iii"...., ... .,._TnU!fit1lrRhi'ffetidti fTI-t;-· -~~<Ni·~ • LOLITA HARPER cover& Costa Mesa She may be reacned a11949' 574-4275 or bye mail at lol1ta.harper o lat1mes com Ave. Free For more w1ldltfe The tours will begin at center 1s at 1845 Pa(l( Ave S4 information call (9491 the corner of East Bluff Drive For more informauon, call 717-3801 and Badt Bay Road Free For 714J 893-2986 _, COMPLETE AUTe REPAIR lmporcs & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services rram Flush-Coolanc Flush • In jection ~en. IC.C Carbureror Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs --Same Oumn Since J 965 ../£:__ 38 ~an In Costa Mesa TBE CIBBUIETOI IBOP llC. 294 S Randolph Ave IBmtol & B.1kw 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 F-mail: carbpart@rhecarbshop.com ThisWeek@UCI Athletics Jan. 9 Women's Basketball vs. < al~"''" 1-u/lmon. 7 p.m .. Brt'n l-vt'nt~ C.~ntcr S '·SS Jan. 11 Women's Basketball vs. UC.. RivC'TS1th. 7 pm . Brt'n Fvtnts ~ter. SJ-SS / Jan. 15 Men's Basketball vs. Utah '>tart. 7:0S p.m. Brt'n l:.vents Cmtn-. SS·Sl2 Arts .. Through Jan. 28 Presentations Jan. 15 Beall Center fOf Art end Technot09y. ID/entity: Portraits m tltt 2/Jt ( '11111ry. An uhibition focu~d on t«hnology's dl't'lt on tM natutt of identity and the convt'ntions of portraiturt'. Noon-5 p.m ·n1nday '>uncfay, Thursday until 8 p.m., &-all ( entC'r. f rtt Jan. 10 F11m Sodety. G1mmt Shdtrr. This 1970 film by the Maysle:s brothcn a pturu ·chc night thr 60a ~ • 7 & 9 p.m., Crystal Covc Auditorium. Studmt untu. "·SS Clttlc.el Th90l'Y Institute. A Companion Sp«ia Manifesto. A talk ind dltcUUion aploring cro11·1pcda relationships .in hi.Jtori· cal and tOCial contttu. with Donna H.ar1way. pn)feat0r of the hl•tory o( C10nsciousnaa. UC Sa.nu CruL 3 p.m., 135 Humanitia lnttruc· tlonal Building. Frtt ANNOUNCING THE NEW YEAR FASHION SALE. 12 months, no int erest*, no paymen ts Now you can enjoy huge savings on ~rastan bttwe.cn Dtctmba 26 and Febtwrv 3. mdudmg all Kara.st.an Anso styles. And you makt no paymtn~ With no mtcrest for 12 mond~ So ~ advant.age of our Ncw Year fashion Sale And get tht year off to a great ~rt JOHN BWESER CARPET ONE 2'27 S INcol Sum. Cotta Mcu (714) 751-2324 www.bloescrarpctonc.com erg~- -.-...... ····~·· ..... .... _ ......... Instant In-Store REBATE s3 yd. __ ,,,. .......... U>-"11)••._.__,.. --~ .. ~,._, '~~...--·c_,,.;_ ______ ..... ________ -'"....:----~------~-----------------~..-.:"-----------...---..---......·~ M Thursday, Jniary 9, 2003 FORUM · 11(9491642~ Fu; Send to 1949) 646-4170 HOW lO GET PUBLISHED -a...n.rs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotline: Ca . it all submissions for clarity and length E-mail: Send to dailypilot<!llatimes.com •All correspondence mu~ incfude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the ngl'lt toed EDITORIAL All should be in agre.ement about JWA . agreement M uch has been made of Lhe newly inked extension of Oight restrictions at John Wayne Airport until 2015, which became a done ctea1 011 New Year's Eve when c1ry leaders announced Lhey had received the blessings of 1he Pederal Aviation Administration. Some bemoan the expansion that was allowed, namely a jump from 8.4-miJJion passengers a year to 10.5 million, an increase in the number of noisy Oights from Ti to 85 and the increase 111 open gates a1 Ull' rurport lrom 14 10 20. It '>Ounds hke a lot of conn•ss1ons, and tn many ways. it is. But in truth, Newport Beach re.,idents really have a lot of thanking to do, namely to the uty '>ta IT and Ciry Atty. Bob Bumham. And here's why. Burnham. ciry council members -especially Norma Glover, Gary Proctor and Dennis O'Neil -and many others, have worked night and day to craft a sctrlement that would be to Lhe liking of all parties, Lhe city. Lhe county, Stop PoUuting Our Newport, the Airport Working Group and the FM, all the onginal signatories on lhe landmark agreement of 1985 About two year, ago, when llle pu.,h to extend the curfew'> and flight cape, heyon<.J the 2005 deadhnt· lwga11. thNl' wrre '>everal thing., '>ltllng in Newport'~ way. hrst and fort·most was the ugly and contentious battle to huilcl an airport at the closed Fl loro Marine base and South Counry\ threats 10 thwart any JWA '>et!lement extension, however hollow tho<;e th1cats were. There was also great skepticism that llle FM or the airlines wouJd not challenge the JWA restrictions, the toughest in the United States, e-;pecially m light o f the 1990 Airport N01se and Capaciry Act that was passed five years after Lhe initial landmark JWA agreement. That 1990 law put up tough guidelines for communities rrying to curb airport noise and expansion and gave grea er powers o Ute "FAA and airlines. Finci..uy. there were llle resources and diplomacy needed to bring together such a consensus-. Newport leaders had for years devoted most of Lhat energy to El Toro. A tactical decision had to be made to shift Lhat course and devote the energy to John Wayne. It was, and thank goodness for that. Sure. Lhat move has brought consternation from many in the pro-El Toro camp, and maybe they are right that more could have been done to put up a united front against South County and push for Lhe opening of El Toro as an airport. But first and fo~emost, Newport leaders needed to worry about their own back yard. They should really be credited for seeing how the policicaJ winds were blowing and acting quick to make the extensions happen. Proof of their fores ight came last March, when Measure W passed and rezoned the airport as a park. pro-airport supervisor Cynthia Coad was ousted by anti-ajrpon challenger Olris Norby, and Lhe Navy announced it would parcel off the land and sell It to the highest bidder. El Toro was a dream no longer. And !hanks to Lhe aforementioned city leaders, it didn't matter so much for John Wayne, as the wheels were already spinning fast on e-xtension of the light caps and curfews. With this FAA agreement now securely in place, residents and ciry leaders can rest assured that they have the best deal possible. Still, there 1s no time like Lhe present to look for other options to meet the sure-to-be-expanding aviation needs of Orange County for 2015 and beyond. MAILBAG . r I r.-1¥ Tl DAl'tf Some re sidents don't like a proposal to keep hghts on later at Newport parks, and to use portable ones at Manners. above No Light at Grant Howald Field would be just right I would Like to object to the extended Lighting hour of the Grant Howald field ("League!> try to light up the night," Tuesday). We pay good money for our view here of the Back Bay and the harbor and the ocean, and the lights obliterate that view when they're on, so we request that that extension not be granted. DAVTDRYAN Corona del Mar Is !)Omething funny about trees? I)) they amuse you? You obviously are humored by the fracas over the Balboa Island ficus treec; a., your "The Last Word:' column r,howed. not understandmg, nor canng that the 11legaJiry of the action and totaJ d1'\regard for due process doesn't just disappear because it is no Jonger on the editorial page (HFarewell to the ficus fraca'>," Dec 22). The fact that the city is moving the la~I remaining tree (completely brown and parched with no leaves). to b e ~tored at the city yard is the real death !>entence for the las t tree. Not only will 1he tree likely die due to the shock of bPing dug up at its age. but it will be out of public sight. ~o those of us who are willing to stand up and remind people of the lowly actions of the city will be quieted -for the- moment. One does not have to live or own a business on Main Street to appreciate the beauty, shade and toxic filter those tr~es provided. Having been through this very same process at my own complex, it 1s extremely rare and very expensive for trees to be replanted. Out of sight, they assume out of mind. The city hopec, ·we will JU'>t go away.· Don't count on 1t ROSEANNE EICHENBAUM Co.,ta Mesa Not in support of a 19th Street bridge, but of common scn~e Re: My comrnt:nls in the Pilo1 on Jan. 8 about the 19th Street bridge I was not in support of a formal \IUd) of the 19th Street bridge a'i '>eem' w bl' indicated in Lhe Pilot on Wcdnc!>day ("Council bum'> 19th Street bridge notion"). Su ch a study might CO'>I a\ much a.s S 150.000, and I belt eve that this would be waste of tax payer fund'>. Instead, I ugge'lted that tlw < lly Council take the common-'>en..,e and pracucal '>tep of 'icndmg out Jctters 10 developers and other profe.,'>ionals who are knowledgeable about 'hopping centers and asl. them what II m1gh1 1.1l.t· for them to build a much needed, col'nmun11y revttalumg shopping center on the We'itMdt• Would ll requ1rl' a bndgt:1 If '>O, whyl TI1en the City C..ouncil mighl be able to mue an informed de('l\IOn on lht' !>Ubject. I also told the City Courml 1hat I know of at least one supcrmarkt'I t.:ha1n that has indicated it is intcrer,ted in building a major, modern supermarl.el on the Westside without .i brid~e .. md that this chain would even prt'IN 10 1101 have a bridge. MARTIN MIUARD ( O'>IJ Mt•\a 19th Street bridge would be a boon to Westc;ide I do believe a bridge at 191h '>trt'et I'> needed. I think it would be a pht'> in many way'> and improve the 1magc of lhl' \\'t·,h1tfr An me ~ea..e m trarfil would he c1 myth I trdve l Vu t<m.t JI differen1 hour., c111d havt• found m1n1111.il traffil CARA FRYE Lo'>ta Ml''J 19th Street bridge will help reduce traffic on other street" Yt·'· I 1hml. we• '>hould co1111nut• .1 'tudy 1111 lht' hndge at I •Ith Mreet I tlt'n: '"\~a} 111 rnut h tralfh on V1t tuna anti Wll'>Oll lJ rt''>ltlt•fltl<ll Slrt'el) going .ind roming from l O\tJ Mt''>J and I lunt111gto11 Healh. Al .. o 0 11 Adam.,, thl'rl' I'> mmh lraffil I .im IJll.mg mainly ahout 1hc l·..irl~ morning trnrtit .md t'\emng traffil I hJ\l' al"'aY'> ht't'n a prnponenr o f tht• hndgt' RUTH WILSON < O'>la Mr .. a Yechc" ca~ \how\ city need-.. to do more to prevent abuse I do not VJt•w lht• I rt•n1011 Mkhac•I Ve1 hl''> t a'>c l.iw.,u1t a!) a ·.,hamele'>'> grab· into llw n ty\ det•p po< ket'>. Wh.11 lhe d1y 11111\t do to be '>afr in the futurt• I'> lo 1 011duc1 mut h more Lnmprt'ht'll\IVl' law cnforn•rnt•n t · t ypt· bad.~rouml dll'lk.-. 011 aJl lho'c applv1ng lor po.,itwn' 111volv111g conla< I w11h 1 h1ldren 1Jndt'r'>t.111d.1bly. !hi\ prott''°' will ht· rnort· 1111w n111'un1111~ .ind expcn~tw. but unul this ot l ur'> the nty will lOntmu1 10 lt•avr 11.,elf open to r,1m1lar JaW\lllt" KENT S. MOORE Corona del Mat •EDITOR'S NOTE Moors 1s a contracted background invei;119ator LETTER TO THE EDITOR HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Def en se of school, union misses Wliat is really 'scary ' A fter reading the Mailbag on Jan. I, I felt the need to respond to teacher Joe nobinson, but am not quite sure where to begin. I believe his initial intent was to defend his union, (defend probably isn't the word to use since he called them the •fet>blest of orgaruzation.s"; maybe explain IS a better word) but tJ1en he writes to assure the reader that all I weU with tudent behavior and motivation. He alo;o takes issue with the phrase "dumbing down· of education used in a previous letter and shares .statistics about Advanced Placement classes being off crcd and used at Ncwpon Harbor I Ugh School. I re th n goes on a lengtJ\y and quJte detailed d riptJon about th atrodti tbat have been t.ommtncd through the cenruri an the name of ~U310~ And how our fo\Uldlng fathers~ that there wo\Jld Jtevtr be a 1tate relJgk>n In Nneria. Then l(s back to aPIMltnc lhe ratk>n&W of why cha Urilon rett compdled to help ,..,_.....___.~~--------f ( rid the school board of the member with the "scary Ideas." He feels that his union is feeble and powerless. I see a union that is strong and powerful with political and social goals that are not in the best interest of students or teachers.. The wortd is not "better behaved today than It was 35 years ago," and the students of today are a reOectlon of that fact. Cmon. take off your rose-colored ~· Or at least go visit a school in another district, say, Lo Angeles Unified There .is no question that ln hl'l attempt to connect with God, man has done some terrible acts of inhumanity. Why Is tha\ need so strong to have a relationship with God that we continue to do the same even today? The Rlble says that God put thar d Ire ill our .hearts. Docs man's failed attempu change or dbcredil who God ls or what He wants for or Crom us? Did the chance of bavfng a Oui.sdln voice on tho ICbool board continue realty c:auae teachers to "shudder in horror"? Prom the historical documents and writings that I have read, I don't think it was the intent of our founding fathers to relegate God to a ceremonial throne with no power to affect societal affairs. ln Communist countries. God has no power because he doesn't exist ln America he exists, but he has no power. Which is worse? How Is an individual silent prayer sponsoring a state reUglon? How Is displaying a historical document sponsoring a state religion? And how would Including a d Jgn theory be ·changing our science classes to match her" (Wendy l.eece) particular reUgfon? I dJdn't lcnow a belief ln creation was exclusive roOuisdan ln the Declaration or independence, Thomu •· Jeffe:r10n wrote l.be"phrasea ·a.11 men areauted equa1· and "endowed by their ~ator. • Hope t.bls •ac:ery Id " dJdn't mab you •atiudder ln honor: llCHEUEROE eo.c. Mela CfTY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan, Di<* Nichols, 0el}f'lis O'Neil, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST Co.1UNfTY COUEGE DtSTlUCT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chancellor. William M. Vega Boant. President Peul Berv-r. Vice President Annando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Watter G. Howald; student trustee Deretc Shelly NEWPORT..MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Of'llct: 2985-A Bear St., Cotta Meaa, CA 92626, (714) 424-6000 8'apeetl1'9ndent Robert Barbot Boerd: Prelldent Marttla Auor, Vice President Dana Blite*. Clertt Serene Stoic .. , David Brooka, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Uncle Sneen MESA CONSOLl>ATED WATER otSTRICT 1• Ptaotntte Av.., Co1t11 Meea, CA e2en <949l 831-1200 loefd: Preeldent Jim Altdn.on, Vice Pr9lident Mllce ~. Tructv Ohffg.Helt, Fnld BodcrniO., endPtutE.~ COSTA .U SNITMY DllJMCT P.O. b 1200, CoN ...._,CA 92828-1200, (714) ]· iU! 754-5043 Board: President Ar1ene Schafer, Jim Ferryman. Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parter, member, Trustee Area t;, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center PISZ9, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mae, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 •Thomas Wilson, 5th Distric;t (Newpoft Coast), (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Dnve, Costa MMa, CA 92626 (714) 708-FAIR • Board: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez. Randy Smith, Emlly Sanford, Peggy Haldl, James Barid>, Deborah Carona, lulie A. Ray and Frank Barbtiro STATE SENATE Roat Johnson (R), 36th District. 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92716, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0698; ,,..._ Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSE-.Y John cam~I (R), 70th Diltrict, Stat Clpffol. Secrameoto, CA 95814, (916) 319-2010 e..m.Jt: distrlcf10•Dt«nbly.ce.f10V Ken Maddox (R), l8ttt Oistrict. StN c.pHot. Secramtoto, CA 815114, (918) (918) 31t-20e8; ~ 0r IOC9I oMc. et 12195 Mein St., SuM 100. I ~ Gtvw 82840; (714) 838-1SS; f E-meit: *1"8.NNmblyot.flOV .. • .--~'F!"~~"""';:"'------~------------- Diiiy Ptlot SOCIETY ThurS<lay January 9, 2003 A7 THE CROWD Charity league Unveils 2? young women to society T he Newport 1. hapter or National Cllarity League Inc. celebrated it~ 42nd annual charity ball, introducing 27 accompli!>hed young ladies to local l>Ocie ty. The National Olarity l eague motto I!., "We '>earch for charuy Within our!.elvc<, and '>trive for the granow.ne'>'> 8. W. COOK w '>hare 11 \\ ith other., • To celebrate th10, commun11\ spirit, more than 500 gue'>t'> converged upon the llya11 Regency Hotel m lrv1m• to pa> tribute to the !.C>Clal deliveram t• of local daughter'>. 'l'>ll'r'> ,and friends of the Na11on.1l Chant} League. Over the yt.>ar,, tht· ern ph.i'" on the debutantc pre'>t'lllC1t1011 . while still formal and o,1et•1wd in tradi11on. hac, 1. h,111gt'd Today. there 15 a IMgt'r \ll'\\, encompa'>'>mg the teat hmg of leadership <1lill'>. t ornn1111111) 1nvolvement and the importance of volunteerism in American society. In years and decades past, the emphasis on a young woman making her social debut was directly related to finding a husba.nd within a particular social and economical echelon within the commumty. Times have 1.hanged. lhe 27 young women making their social debut for the National Olarity League may mdeed be privileged. rnmmg from families of meam. However. this social bow I!. about academic, athletic .rnd commumty ach1evemenl!.. It\ about young women lumhmg '>IX years of local tomrnunity !.ervtce and hnash1ng high school with plan'> to attend college'> and umver.,1t1e!> of every dl'.,crapuon. Indeed. it is a nte of pa-.~age and a coming of <1ge. and with deference to the l111ancial privilege attached 10 the dehutante bow. thic; 1s an CJlta'>IOn that many famihe!> trea-,ure for a lifetime. The 42nd Na11onal Oianty I t•ague Debutante Ball was ~~ H c • ..., l a u r· a n t Established 1n 1962 --- luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Mo ... 1 of Every Momeni ' VOLUME SELECTION• OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED • • irr1rhw11'r Y.rr11/lnu·I' .k1 .'Ytu,,Jlft/lj/ 71/d ~l'l//lj' <£tf'l'.J Full Time • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm \~II Affiliated \gr~ 2 to 8 llzack nzav monte~~ori 398 University Or. • Cosca Mesa (949) 548-3771 punctuated by tears of JOY~ James Roberts, the presenter for the evening, mtroduced the young women and their escorts to Newport society. Roberts was joined by Mary Pat Lucas, president of the Newport chapter of the National Clarity League. and JennJ Porteous, 2002 debutante activities committee director. m welcommg the 27 exquisite young ladies gliding mto the ballroom m their personally o;elected noor-length white gown!> with their arms <:0vered by long white gloves. In the trad11ion of the National Oianty League. each debutante wore the gold and pearl medallion around her neck The elegant affair was planned by Porteous. supported by a dedicated comm11lee or mothers and friends who helped to transform the Hyatt Regency Ballroom 1nLo a spectacular '>etting of green and white illuminated by h1.1_r:idred!> of white candles Andrew Cromack, of (.oc,ta Me'>a\ 2002 National Charity League debutantes: (front row, left to right) Margaret Anderson Alexandra Head, Laura Claster, Victoria Quinlan, Nicole Shute, Stephanie P1zzorn1, Kimberley KeWey. (center row, left to right) Elizabeth Anderson. Lauren Foster, Heather McKay, Lauren Cole. Krystalle Glosser, Alhson Lauer. Mehssa Lally (top row, left to right) Kathryn Anderson. Hayley Sheetz Katherine Watson, Alison Pnns, Lindsay Hill, Taylor Burnham. Megan Hawkms Rebecca Corbett. Courtn ey Coons. Courtney Kern, Katherine Duggan, Jenna Lorenz, Kathleen Sandland Couture Flowtrc, directed the design actiVtC) to the delight of the crowd. Frum the firc,t dance to the final goodbye'>. 11 wac, an evening of celebrauon for very _proud local farntlie'>. ~ending a very strong me<,c,age to their children about both trad111on and re!>pons1bality • e-w COOK's column appears every Thursddy and Satur<lay .00% Yield On Pr111c 1pul of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSlJ RED FIDELITY I NS l 1 Rf U lJ I. f' < J ) I f .) (949) 588 -5711 "I. Al.I.le:"' •1 :..o.;ir., t' CAI '"ft' • \c'I \n.ur1t.r \ 0 11 ml1. •,ot; '\ ~ ~· J ltl f\ ( ,,; ... i1 \I lt-.c,l(t If f ldlC' \, 'cf'111 I l'llli ,,_.,' '1<·1'h"""-lfC"'• llr'f' OPEN TO THE PUBLIC A merica~ Most R e nowned F u rniture Mciker ' FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE SALE Over 14 Tr<tiler Lott<ls ($2,.500,000) (}j. lle11re<l<>11 f "'11r11il11rt' Will Be Sold .11 BELOW DEALER COST OUTSTANDING SELECTION AND VALUES ON THE MOST POPULAR COLLECTIONS Living Room , Bedroom , Dining Room .. phol te ry .. Leather Chair , Occa ional Piece " And Much More Limited To Stock On Hand -Everyth ing Is First-Come, First -Served! Sale Includes Overstock, Highpoint Showroom Samples And Discontinued Items EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD! STARTS TOMORROW, FR\DAY, JAN. 10 AT 12:00 NOON B1'c..111'>P Of 11W Speu,11 <,.w1nq'> Be1nq Qfter('d. l \wt,. A•" No Spt-c.1,11 01 d"'' Hold'-01 L.1y.1w.1v '' SAVE ¥~75% On 1 OOs Of Exotic Hand-Made Rugs From Persia, Turkey, India, China & Nepal This Unique Event Is Held For A Limited Time At One California Location Only ... SALE HOURS: Mon . ..fri -10:00 AM -800 ,,M Saturday -10:00 AM • 6:00 ,M suncs.y -11 :00 A.M • 6·00 , M IRVINE: 83 Technol~y Drive (E.ut of 1-5 at Motl Plirlntey next lO The ~' lncJOors) Al Thursday. January 9. 2003 DATEBOOK PMslYTEIUAN ·CHU9'CH OF THE COVENANT 2850 FAIAVIEW ROAD COSTA MriA 714 557~•0 PASTOA 1)M McCALMONT . -·~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~---- "The best time to make friends is before you need them!" And t:he{out:h program at Presbyterian Church c;> the Covenant . in Costa Mesa is one of the friendliest places in town. Almost every night of the we~k there's something going on there bringing young peQple together for dinner, games, and meaningful discussions on life issues imi;>0rtant to today's youth. Patrick Thompson, Eric H arvey and Teri Yuen leading th~ youth mirustrics and have great plans for 2003. • Sunday, Janw.ry 12, will ~ Youth Sunday and the launchin~ of a new Puppet Ministry for the younger kids. February 7 and March 22 the Senior High groups will host an Italian Dinner and a Country Jamboree co help raise money for their Easter break Mission P~. They will once ~n travel together to Tijuana and build two homes for local families who h2ve no place co live. .. If the goin' is gertin_g easier -then you ain't climbing! Make new friends, make the right decisions, make a difference in chis world through faith, courage and determination and make the Bible yo4f guidebook for the journey! Oim6 ~board and cake the challenge. , UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Every Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. · _ January 12th -Youth Sunday ~Ui Sunday ~tarlight Evening Worship January 26th -6:30 p :m. ~~~· • s ·-s. Tuesdays at 5:30 Senior High Dinner, Games and Discussions Thursday's at 6:00 rlUG IN "COOC' (Children of Our Lord) K-6th Grade "Crossroads" Gathering Ur. High) Games, Candle/Prayer lime -February 7 Italian Dinner hosted by Senior High Febnuuy 20 -23 Sr. High Wmter Camp March 22 . Country Jamboree hosted by Senior High April 13 -18 Easter break Mission Project/Tijuana ~ug into your community Find out what's gomg on 1n your aty, Daily Pilot parks, churches, schools, entertainment and sports. Read the ... How to reach us 1 Call the Daily Pilot at 642-4321 THEATER . J 'SCR does the math on · prize-winning 'proof' By Tom Titus Auburn the 2001 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award in its original B ack when South Coast Broadway production. The SCR Repertory was in Its rendition is being directed by . infancy, Richard Doyle Michael Bloom with Emily Berg), was among the young, dynamic Otrlstina Haag and Ja·mes company of actars that exuded Waterston joining DoY!e in the artistic energy by the bushel. cast FY1 •Proof" continues dally, with the exception of Mondays. through Feb. 9 on SCA'• Segemrom Stage, 666 Town Center Drive, Coata Mesa. Ticket Information is available at (714) 708-5555. Today, nearly 40 years later. Doyle,had little trouble Doyle remains one of the relating his character's situation makes It very interesting, and linchpins ofSCR's acting troupe, to hls own. even though the director Michael Bloom has but now he specializes in parts actor'S' artistic vitality remains as made the process fun,• Doyle written for more mature vibrant as ever. declared. "And with Emily Berg! performers, such as the "There are resonances with and Christina Haag as my ~thematical genius tlining their relationship and mine with daughters -both of whom I've with senility in David Auburn's my daughter. Sarah. who is worked with before --we fit "Proof,· which opens on the interested in the arts," he together as a family really well Segerstrom Stage this weekend. observed. And James Waterston is a great Doyle will be seen as Roben. a "I remember recently telling addition to the group." brilliant theorist until the age of someone how I wanted to stay Bergl will be remembered by 25 who now suffers spells of active and dynamic so I could SCR patrons as the captive bride· imennittent derangement. help her," he noted. "I think in Moliere's "The School for alternating with moments of that's some of Robert's sincere WtveS," while Haag was featured stunning lucidity. His condition wishes. lt's selfless. but he wants in HAmy's View." Waterston is prompts his daughter to drop to work with her gifts and, at the making his debut with the Costa out of college to care for him. same time, he wants to be Mesa company. and director Hit's an interest:ing matrix to charged with that original Bloom staged SCR's productions put a story that's (for mel about excitement he used to feel and of •s i-ghrtfnseen H and "Let's Play the love of a father for his that his younger srudents feel ~o." daughter in juxtaposition with now." As for Doyle, his resum6 at the artifice ofa play that is about Jn HProof,'' the conflict arises SCR from 1965 on would fill _ . ~ : ~~)b~)z~r;F~rr~#s~~~'if~glf~~:.gn~,e,_. -·~· is copmg with the loss at an (Haag). Waterston portrays a "Candida." "The Tavern, H early age of original, creative former ~rudent who visits the HMixed Singles. H "BAFOH and a ~ought as he tries to still inspire family home and uncovers a brilliant tum in "Playland." hls daughter to her own level of breakthrough mathematical Movie fans watched him talk creat:ivity. H proof among Robert's papers. Hamson Ford to safety in "Air "Proor earned playwright .. me literature of the piece Force One.· ~011: £-F.JMn~ Discowry Ch.nMI - M"'1it Over Stttry mu/KOC£ Mmlit1n th# Ali ""'Rlaiw" 1096 di.sanmt °" " """ Oii. •TOM TTTUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. H11 reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. BRIEFLY IN ENTERTAINMENT Ionesco plays featured in college produ ction "An Evening of Ionesco" will feature several hon plays by ab- surdist playwrigltt Eugene Io- nesco. staged by the Orang• Coast College Repertory Theatre Co. The producuon will take place Feb. 15. 16. 22 and 23 ln the Drama Uib Studio at the col- lege. 2701 Fa.lmew Road .. Ionesco. a Romaruan-bom playwright. wrote hls first play at age 38 after Paris was liberated from the Naus. He went on to write dozens of plays, including "Rhinoceros." "The Ou1J.rs· and "The Lesson." which helped de- fine him as a humorous observer of the meanlngle5sness of mod- em existence. Advance tickets of S6 can be reserved by calling (714) 432· 5640. ext. 1. Door tickets are $7. 'Six Measures' tells biblical story in 1920s Big band music, a 1920s set· ting, period costumes and dancing are some of the un· Likely elements that will be used to teU the biblical story ·six Measures," an original work de- veloped by Vanguard Univer- sity's theater depanment. "Six Measures· ls based on the Book of Ruth and tells the srory of four women who leave their small-town comforts to move to the big city. The show is at 8 p.m. Jan. 23. 24 and 25. with a 2 p.m. mad- . nee on Jan. 25, ln the Lyceum Theater, 55 Pair Drive, Costa . Mesa. Tickets cost S8 for gen· eral admission, $5 for Vanguard Family members. Tickets can be purchased ln advance by calling (71 4) 668-6145 and wW also be available at the door. Gallery exhibit will feature 2 artists' works An exhibit wU1 fi!ature the works of Michael Pern'and Klr: sten Prosser at the BaysJde GaJ1 lery Restaurant, 900 Baystde Drive, Newport Beach. Titled "ln the Eye of the Beholder,• ~ show curated by Studio Gallery will continue through March l. Perez la a pop artiat knOWI\ for dynamic work emphuWna sharply conuudng colors and shapes. Betides owntn1 b1I OW1l gallery in Southampton, N.Y.r be hu created set displays foo 'IV shows, lncludi~ "Sabrina; the Teenage Witch, "Frtendl" and "Melrol'e Place." • Prosaer, a fonner [ubJon de! signer and Denmark native, ttudied wttb Newport artlst Ot· ana Youngblood. In edectlc and colorful styles, her palntlnp contalri subJecu such u •till · llfe, dty scenery and ethil.lt pottraita. . For moN lnlormadon. c.Jl Studio Gellery at <949) '51·9~~~ or vtalt ..........,_~,.,,_, .. ONGOING · EVENTS TNAun. of Bualneta Setv&c.e host networtcing meetings that deal with education connections from 8 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of fNery month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 806-0011. The Newport BMch Pubflc Library will host an hour of stories and crafts for ctiildren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branctl fro m 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Jan. 14. The library Is 81 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717·3800. Th• Newport BMch Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organiuttion is open to all female residents in Newport Beacti who have lived m the area fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.orp. lntlfflllth couplff with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with 1asues between interfaith couples, sucti as raismg children. observing holidays, symbols 1n the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required t all to sdledute date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Meaa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and oldef can join 1 discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as amuety, depression, relat1onsh1ps. loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 ·30 a m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Surte G, Costa Mesa. Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950. Friends of the N9Wp0rt BNch Public Library Used Book Store are asking customers to donate books to replenish the dwmdhng stodc. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Manners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Fnends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible 1949) 759-9667. The Brain. IMtftute off9n fT'M computer classes to people wrth fading vision who have difficulty seeing the compUler &ereen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguente Ave., Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000 A apbttuat care dus meeb 1t 7:15 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Surte 114, Newport 8eacti. Call to reserve a seat (949) 263-1462. The Com Mesa Ch1mb« of Commerce hosts networtcmg luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m . 10 1 p.m. at the Costa Meu Country Club. The cost is $13. The club is at 1701 Gotf Course Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A~ 1Umof eupport group meets the first and third Thursdays of eacti month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. !='98. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and coi)e with the n1nea. (949) 674-6232. St. Anchw's Prelbytllrian Churdl rio.ts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Sunda'(1 in Oiarenfletd Hall C at eoo St. Andrews Road, Newport Beactt. (949) 674-2236. The Jewleh fwonily SeMce of Orar\ge County apont<>rt 1 discuqlon group for adult ctilldren ind their pa""tl fropi 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuetd8'(1 I month at the Jewbh Family Servl<:e 9ffice at 260 E. Biker St., Suite G, Costa M .... $10 per person, per '-aJon. Preregistration required. (714) 44M960. The J9wtlh Femly SeMce of Orange County has a weetdY f>erentlng tuppot1 group. Plrents team atrategt.I for succee8ful parenting 1nd for dealing wfth the feellnge ind beh1vlor of their Ghlldf90. The group mMta from 10 to t1:30 a.m. ~It the Jewlah Femity SeNk:e offlcl at 250 E. Biker St., Suite G, Cotta M .... The group will cowr mtnagtng 1nger. 1ruclety ind peer preaure chfldren ~ Pr'9199lttration ~Nd. (714) 446-4860. +...c....-....-c...... -b9lkoom dendng wfth Aw (nu.le""' the COltAI Meel .... Mlbf'lfrom 7:30to10:30 ~-..,.., Tueedly night at• w.,.. It., c... Mete ..... , ... ~ ..... ' Jewlah Family Ser.lie. of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the ctironlcally ill. The putpose Is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its consequences. The group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office al 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Sc:rabble Ctub No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at • DATFBOOK fhof5day, Janoaty 9, 2003 AJ Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St m Costa Mesa $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln •nd Stamp Club meeta from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested In tradmg, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join . these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Famlly S...Vic:e o«.ra ongoing bereavement support /-'> I I ... I . /I"".: groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and leam ways to cope with sadness and toss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea m Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service of Or11nge County provides a support and di1cun1on group for persons recovenng from childhood or teenage sexual ebuse The group meets from 8 to 9 '.30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St .. Cotta Mesa. Advance reg11tration is required. (714 J 446-4950 Two-hour kayak toura with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from ttfe Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort 1s at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Frrends members. (800) 68&-0747. A yoga and~ da99 6a he6d from 4.30 to 5·46 p.m Tuesda'(1 at the Center for Spmtoal Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Cotta Mesa. (714) 754-7399 The Rev. Connie Rydtman IMdl a discuu1on group using the boo« "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday• at the Center for Spiritual DiSGOVery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Su11e 111 . Costa Mesa Bring a lunc:.h (714) 754-7399 Come celebrate the build.ng o~ •re 1 ooth Habitat for Humanity home in Orange County. As the sponsor of the 1 ooth horre The Home Depot is proud to hove been port or he1ping 100 fa milies realize their dream of home ownership and looks for\lvord o beirig port of the next 100 builds. Saturday, January 11 Ground Breaking Ceremony at 8 a.m. 1925 Pomona, Costa Mesa ORANGE COUNTY For more information on how you con help build stronger communit'es, please visit th e Habitat for Huma nity Orange County site: www. ho bi to toe. org . A nationwide supporter of a ffordable housing, The Home Depot hos bu il t hundreds of homes for hundreds of fami li es with Habita t for Humanity affiliates across the country through its volunteer force, Team Depot. Annually, Team Depot associates donate more thansix million hours of their time to help the communities in which they work and live. - . . AlO Tlusday, January 9, 2003 OATEBOOK REEL CRITICS It's all 'About Schmidt;' ~Oiicago' razzle-dazzles Nicholson subtle, yet powerful in 'Schmidt' W hen I walked into the local Cineplex over the weekend, I brought with m~ a dose of skepticis01 RYAN GILMORE about the film that I was about to watch. After all, how couJd a movie about a retired insurance actuary making a cross-countty tour in his W1nnebago be the stuff of Golden Globe nominations and Oscar buzz? But only a short while into ~About Schmidt,· I was a believer. Jad Nicholsoq and Kathy Bale!> have done it again. Nicholson, who plays Warren Schmidt, delivers a subtle, yet powerful performance as a man who looks back at a lifetime of playing it safe and reahzes that he has never done anything of any value. Schmidt decides that he must truce up a cause and eventually sets out in his 35-foot Winnebago Adventurer 10 save his only daughter. Jeannie (Hope Davi'>), from marrying a mullet·haired waterhed sale!>man and pyramid scheme promoter named Randall (Dermot Mulroney). Along the way, Schmidt writes leners to a 6-year-old Thnzanian orphan named Ndugu, whom he "adopted" for $22 a month after seeing an ad on television. Schmidt doesn't pull-any punches as he fills little Ndugu in on his thoughts about the young punk who took his position at the insurance company, the life he can't stand anymore and the good for nothing "nincompoop• that his daughter is about to marry. The tragic comedy of Schmidt's life is presented to the audience and Ndugu throughout the film in these letters. After several hilarious misadventures in the RV parks, small towns and kooky tourist attractions across America's heartland, Schmidt finds his w.ty to the home of Roberta, the mother of the groom-to-be played by Kathy Bates. Bates. who has made a career out of playing quirlcy characters, outdoes herself in this role. She even goes as far as a nude scene in which her character tries to seduce a horrified Schmidt in her Jacuzzi. I won't tell you how the wedding rums out for !he same reason that I have purposely left out the comic twists encountered throughout the film. .. About Schmidt" is a film fiUed witl1 rich characters who cannot be done justice and great dark hwnor that wouJd only be '>poiled by such a cursory review. Go see "About Schmidt• for creen SV.!!!!f!!! Stop the RED PLAGUE! Dump Those Poinsettias, Buy Orchids Orchid Sale $500 &Up EVERY SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Newport Beach's only Orchid Nurse --~~---~~~~ yourself and see what all the buzz is about ' •RYAN GI.MORE is a Costa Mesa resident and movie fan. Gere shines iri the offstage '01.icago' Stage director/ choreographer Rob Marshall's adaptation of Bob Fosse's critically acclaimed -----~ 1975 Broadway musicaJ, .. Cllicago. • is part Hollywood. part Broadway, but all s bow , NOW PLAYING ' .......,;:::....::;....&j-.4Jusiness and then some. JULIE LOWRANCE The film's glitz and glamour entice you to enter a world of sex. showmanship and deceit The film's satirical view on celebrity, along with Bill Condon's fast-paced. edit-filled screenplay and Marshall's choreography and creative casting. makes it easy to stay for a while. The rivalry between drumline leader Sean (Leonard Roberts. left) and fledgling drummer Devon (Nick Cannon) threatens both their careers m "Drumline. • Accused of murdering her lover, wannabe cabaret singer Roxie I fart (Ren~e Zellwe~er) is incarcerated on Murderess Row in Cook County Jail. Other .. he-had-it-coming" cellmates. including her idol, the vaudevillian star Velma Kelly (Catherine Zeta-Jone~). surround her. Roxie and Velma becom e rivaJs. jockeying for the attention of the press and the silver-tongued, sleazy, but charming Billy Flynn (Richard Gere). who constantly brags he's never lost a case for his female clients. Once vulnerable and impressionable, Roxie quickJy learns that to win her case, she • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL. FLOORING ·~-~!~ 1.1,,,m:.:,:.i SOLARIAN ::Al~ sclJD BRAZILIAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Chenye1 $5~! 10V.Slanflde$1 !.9* Pecan Firish kd V.. GunW nulld di p.i Travertine 18" x 18° ........................... : .............................. '3.99 .qa. Ceramic Tile ...................................................... lftftliled 1rom '4.99 lq a. Laminate Wood ................................................ nst*11iom '4.99 .qa. .,. __ ,,,_6751111 must first win over the pres'> and woo public sentiment. It\ not difficult with Flynn's exploitation, as stylishly re~aJed in the show-steaJing press conference number in which the reporters, supported by puppet strings, question Roxie as FJynn'!> ventriloqu1r,t"., dummy. Although everyone in the movie is corrupt, we still Hice them. Above all, the audience needs to root for Roxie's relea.,c even if she's guilty as sin. Zellweger's portrayaJ is mag1t:al. She transforms Roxie from a bewildered, naj·ve victtm into a shrewd do-whatever-it-take'> con anist. We view the scintillating theatrical world through Roxll'\ eyes. as the film cut'i back and forth in the middle of rnusicaJ numbers to events unfold mg off-stage in the dreary reaJ1ry ol 1920s Cllicago. With conventional stage blocking and choreography. the music JI numbers are filmed in a style reminiscent of earlier Hollywood musicals. allowini.: the audience to experience live theater. In view of Maro;haJl's theatrical background, one might expect him to cast actoro; well mown for their theatricaJ work. There are no stand-ins: each actor performs his or bcr own song and dance ~outine. Even though Zellweger and Zeta-Jones give brilliant [!]~Dunn-Well 1820 ~ Avt COila Mell CA 112627 Cwpea&~ 7f: &a, °'=::!r · Robert Dunn ......,CllwnlQe~ TM! M9.648.9373 CtrJlllf ~ 71~ ...... o..w ••o.. , .. performJnte'>, it 's Gere's campy musical numbers that stand out. Endrded by burlesque women. he !>arcastically croons, '"All I Care About is Love,· while. off stage. he's bemg fitted for an expensive hand-tailored '>Uit. I le convinces hi.s clients that the way to get away with murder is to .. Razz.le Oa?.zle" the jury. Gere not onJy perform'> an 11npre~ive tap dance hoth on stage and in the coUTlroom, hut he even gives u., a finale with a c;urpn!>ing plot twist. Supporting character. aJ~o v1e for the '>pothght· Queen Latif ah. a'> the pnson warden. belt:. out .. When You·re (,ood to Momma." John <.. Reilly. as Roxie"!> meek a11d stupefied husband. wail<, "Mr. Cellophane " I haven't .,een "011cago" on Broadway or even m I .os Angele!> wlwn the tourmg tompany vhited the left coast. So, with no knowledge of the • Lharacters or plot, what 1s my Judgment of this stage·to-.,creen interpreta11on of "Oucago?" I was ra7.zle-danJcd, of cour$C If you can"t make it to Broadway th1~ weekend. head to .. 011ca1<0" -the next best thing • JULIE LOWRANCE. 40, IS 8 Cost.- Mesa resident who works at a Newport Beactt overnight aircraft advertising agency Tdi~Q~O N DUI DEFENSEAITORNEY' MYLF.S L { Dally Piiot DATEBOOK Thursday. January 9. 2003 Al 1 f DINING REVIEW WhatS the secret of Mi Casa 's suc~ess? It's the cheese ... By Kathy Mader E verybody say cheese' No, this U. not a famiJy photo, but the battJe c:ry of M1 Casa Mexican restaurant on lhe comer of 17th Street and Sama Ana Avenue in Costa Mesa. For some, MJ Casa i.'> a guilty pleasure '--a place where nothing. and r mean notlpng except for the prices, has changed in 30 years. For lhe crowd of · regulars who jealou.,Jy guard ~U c.asa. it can be the1r one and only source of true "MeJOcan' food But no maner hO'N you look at M1 c.asa. it is a local favonte and 'lhere is alway.. a crowd My family hao, been goUlg lO Mi Casa for all :lO year'> of II'> emtence and. '>IOCl' I am onl) 28. that shouJd tell you 'SOmetlung My huc,band and I figured out that there .trt' emir three tables at which \\l' ha\l'nt sat. When I say nothm.: h<t'> changed Lil 30 yt>at'>, I truh mean 11. It stilJ ha ... the \\agon wheel light fucturcc, and the tables of the oriKJnal '>lt'akhou'l' lhat once occupn~tJ Lhl' plaLt' Just think ranchero, and caballeros. And it IS suU a mt'mber of the Moore fam1Jy. be 11 B..trnl'. Rid .. Dennis or grand<,<m Ryan, ''ho may greet you. Why fix 111111 ain't broke? The wait cm th€.' \H•ekend.,, !.Omeume., more than om: hour. tells you that quilt' a 101 of people agrt'e w11h that hrw of thinlmg OU' onl\ 1h111~ ;h.11 I can teU has actually changed'1s the newly renovated center where Mi Casa is located and lhat you can now buy a Mi Casa T-shirt in navy or white for $12. That's news. At Mi Casa, you always know what you are going to get. Alwayi.. There are no surprises here. You know going in that the place is dark. lighted onJy by Olmtmas light·like stril!lds of ch1ltes and the aforementioned wagon wheels. . The dark red booths and the tablel> are packed m for efficiency, and much to the c:.bagnn of lhoc,e Wlth lhe hour w;u1, lhe !>t'rvers must walk through lhe lobby \\1th scalding hot plates loaded Wllh food and la\'a·l1ke refned beans 10 get to the1r destinauon Maybe this 1s b) de.,1gn The hungry get hungner, the careless get burned ~lo-.1 re-,tauranL'> do lhing<; by thl' pmch or the dash M1 Cru.a doe'> It by the pound; a S·pound IO'>tada. 6-pound bumto and 21 ·IOn combo plate, but the heft '" really m the chee'>e. They have k.ilogram"> of grated chee.,e in the back. At ~11 ~a. it''> all about the Lhee .. e, and tf you don't 'hare the .,ame p~IOn or "(C lactose mlOlerant, thl'> I'> not'the plcill' for you Bowl'> of ch1pc;, '>Omeume'> fre'>h. o,ometimes not. are .,lapped dov.n lht> !>econd you are '>e<Hed. '>ened \\1th a mild .rnd La.'>t\ ..al'i<t that ,., somellmE."> 'h"hed on the table a'> \\eU The mother of all customer service is the full pitcher of ice water on every table. Keeps you from asking; keeps them from running. Everybody's happy. I lhink most people-, especially the regulars, will agree that MJ Casa is the standard bearer for the fried taco. be it shredded beef, chicken or pork ($3.65 a la cane. $7.25 with rice and beans). Your choice of meat is packed into a tonilla. deep Cried, driz7Jed with, salsa and then absolutely smothered with handfuls of l~tuce and cheese. I really like lheir tostadas ($8.25), too. These are served in a 1umbo fried tonilla bowl. with layers of rice, beans -cheese, of course -the meat of your choice and lettuce and topped Wlth a wallop -not a dollop - of guacamole and another of '>Our cream. Pounds of fun. All the traditional favorites - traditional in that Mi Casa set the tradioon -are available. from enchiladas,.d1.1Je reUenos. tamales. tacos. taquitos, burritos ahd any combination thereof. If you want to go down hard, order the chips and cheese appetizer ($6.75) -one pound of chips c.overed in two pounds of cheese c,erved with three pounds of guacamole: worth every penny. At Mi Casa. a couple of items are great, most of the~ go~d. but the food IS always conststent and always covered in cheei.e. • KATHY MADER'• dining reviews appear every other Thursday Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members The Original MIKE'I • Semi-Private for Men & Women • lots of Equipment/Free Weights • P1lates Studto & Mat Classes SPINNING Theater-l icensed 16 Full Time Personal Trainers Child Care Sam· noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch classes Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skm Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Chn1c CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CUR RE NTL Y MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 'S ~ESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies, Shades. & 6edspreads FYI •WHAT: M1 Casa •WHERE: 296 E 17th St., Coata Mesa • COST: Moderate • HOURS: Open every day al 11 a.m. •CALL: (949) 645-7626 HAPPY NEW YEAR I 1111 .. lo lltl'/f'/I' )11111 /11,11111//1 ( Rabbirr Insurance Ageng. ALTO • H0"4E.OW'.l~ • Hf.AlTH \I.It SEAN H LLER 'CA:L.l' PIL'.) • Jose Perez ,left . chef of 30 years at M1 Casa. and third-generation family member Ryan Moore in the lobby of the restaurant. A stJ_, , i 949-631-77 40 441 Old~ Bhd.. ~ Badi t -.:Or Hoag Hotpow The Coast Community College District Needs You! Volunteers Needed to Serve on the Measure C Bond Oversight Committee llw < \""1 C ommurltl} College D1,tm:1 " rec.ru1tmg qualified communll) mc:nth.:r' I" ,._.,.l. "" 11, hond o\e"•!?hl cQmmllh:e. a' required b) the pa.~!>age of \.k.burc C The t o.i'l C'ornmunll\ (\11lqic ~1'tnct ~"e' dll or part of the commun111e' ol • C'u,1.1 \lc:'a • \ie>A pon Be.ich • hnmt.t111 \.iJJc, • Sc:.:tl Bc:..ch • C j,infc:n <.im' c: • Sun,c:r Beach • llun11ngwn AcJlh • \l\e~1mm,1.:r • \1ttj"J) C1I\ C11111n111tec rnemher' •C:f'\e a' un,c1mp.:n,.11c:<l \l•luntecr' tor l'AO·~c;.ir 1em1' 1101 c\<.c:cdrnc 1 .. 111.on,t'1.Ul1\e 1c:m1' \ppl •, .1IH•n• ,lfc: -11u~h1 trom rc:prc,c:ntatt\ c:' ot the.> lolio>A mg l!TOU!h ~1u.knt .:nrullcll ,\; .idl\C: 111 J ,ollc:~c 'uppon iroup L<"-.tl hu1111c:" {ommunll\ • '~""'' 1-111/C:li'. •J'j.!J.111/.tlll'll f<.:1.• t.:nl/c:J l.l\fl.l)C:l 0 ' .t"l~IJllOll to ll·ge ti1und.11111n 11r 11her 'uppon organ11.111on \kinher' mu,1 ti..-.11 lc.1,1 I '.'I \t'Jf' oltl To appl> pka..,e 'ut>rru1Jletter 1>1 ,md 11\t' "11h1n th.: [)1,lrtll, tntere'r b) Jdllu.tn 'I ~(JU' h• l><•und.1m·. \pplt .tnh 111.1) "0 I I>.: ernplll)C:C' (Ollll.i.ll•I , .. 11,uh.1111, IH 'endur' "' 1hc, •lki:c c.ll\lml Coa~• Communt1) Coll<"~c lJ1,1n,1 Ofiile of the Chan,cllor 1 '\70 A.daim A\C:llUc: Costa l\te..a. CA ll~6~1i 17 1414 '\8-~)(J Coastline Community Coflege•Gofden West Coll99e•or~nge Coast Coll99e"KOCE-TV ,I -----. ~ ... A12 Thursday, January 9, 2003 DATEBOOK Daily Piiot I AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mase, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4268. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. SPECIAL Chaser: Thelonlua Monk" on Jan. 17 and .. Downtown 81 " on Jan 24. The UCI campus is at Campus and University drives, Irvine. $3 UC1 students, $4 UCI faculty/staff and other students. $5 general. (949) 824-5588. BILL COSBY Comedian 8111 Cosby will perform at 6 and 9 p.m . Saturday In Segeratrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 'GIMME SHELnR' 600 Town Center Drive, Costa "Gimme Shetter." the Maysles Mesa. The &hows are part of the brothers' 1970 film of a Rolling Center's new Spotlight Series. Stones tour. will be shown at 7 $35 to $60. (714) 656-2787. and 9 p.m . Friday at the UC Irvine - Student Center Crystal Cove MUSIC Auditorium. The film Is part of a · series tided #Funk, Punk and Monk: Music on Film.• Upcoming . movies include •Straight, No JArZ. ORCHESTRA Dee Dee Bridgewater and the Clayton Hamilton Jau Orchestra will join together at 8 p.m. Friday to bring big band Jazz to Segeratrom Hall, Orange County Performing Arta Center, 600 Town Center Drive. $16 to $46. (714) 556-2787. EMERSON STRING QUARTET At 7:30 p.m . Saturday, the Emerson String Quartet will retum to Founders Hall In the Orange County Performing Alta Center Jor the fourtt\ season. A preview talk by Herbert Glau will be held at 6:45 p.m. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive, Coat.a Mesa. $52. (~14) 556-2787. LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC The Los Angeles Philharmonic, under the baton of Zul-\f n Mehta, will perform at 3 p.m. Jan. 12 In Segerstrom Hall, Orange County John Jennifer Gus Brenda ELia..m a.m C!JflJaJWfl !!I ~ ~=4, ~ ~ ~a::=:t ~ ~ Carpet ~ ~ Ceramic ~ ~ $}99 ~ ~ $}99 ~ Performing Arte Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. The program, whtch will Include Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto In E minor, la preunted by the Phllt\armonlc Society of Orange County. $19 to $59. (714) 556-2787. pianist Max Levlnaon at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16 for a concert atthe Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Coate Mesa. Pieoea by Brahms and Haydn are on the program. A preview talk will be given by Herbert Glass at 6:45 p.m. $49. (714) 740-7878. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zlne Scene; an exhibit of zlnea organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on dlaplay Saturday through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery. South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. lines are publications - llkemagazines -created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. 10 a.m. to 7.-p.m . Saturday and 11 a.m. to'6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759·1122. SULLIVAN SHOW Singer Anna Marie Alberghettl will join with comedian John Byner, the Amazing Platters and ventriloquist Todd Oliver to offer "A Tribute to Ed Sullivan" at 4 p.m. Jan 12. The show will take place In Orange Coast College's RobartB. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. $37 advance discount or $43 at the door. (714) 432~5880. TOKYO STRlf«i QUARTET The Tokyo String Quartet will join HABIB KOrTE African musician Habib Koite and his band, Bamada, will perform at 8 p.m . at the Irvine Barclay 1 Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Koite comes from Mall and blends jazz and blues with his West African beats. $24 to $28. (949) 854-4646. MUSIC AT THE nE aooM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Aon Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PA'CK MONDAYS Maggiano's little Italy pays · tribute to the Ra1 Pack every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. fl (714) 546-9550. JAZZ TRIO ~Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. JANE HILL .. Local Sce.ne.s; art by Jane. Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public library through Feb. 28. A reception for the artist will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 717-3801. 'LIGHT SCREENS' The Orange County Museum of Art will present #light Screens: The Leaded Glass of Frank Uoyd Wright" through Sunday at 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Museum hours are 1l a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. STUDYING IDENTITY MIO/entity: Portraits in the 21st Century# will open Wednesday and close. Jan 26 at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. A reception for the ~~c~ J'60;;7.; r-.. "'1"~ t::::t.::.-~~~~~~~~:r;tp:;i;.:;;+.~. ~~..1:::%~-l'.Jil·~- Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 Tuesday at the Center, which is in p.m . every week. #Wanted# the Claire Trevor School of the musicians include guitar players. Arts on the UCI campus, comer of bass players. singers. drummers. Campus and University drives. keyboardists and others at 100 The Beall Center is open from Main St., Newport Beach. Free. noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through (949) 675-7760. Sunday and until 8 p.m. on MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rock. R&B and swing at 8:.30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&.B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Park Drive, Newpo rt Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jau and classic rock tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP, ROCK AND FLAMENCO • Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATIJRDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the.Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&.B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. $4. (949) 644-3244. STAGE 'SEUSSICAL TliE MUSICAL' The Cat in the Hat slinks through the Orange County Performing Arts Center today with "Seusaical th~Musical" starring Cathy RiQby. "Seussical': explores the w0rld of Or. Seuaa, from th&-land of the Whoa to the Jungle of Nool. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances are at 1 and 8 p.m. today. $22 to $57. (714) 656-2787. 'PROOF' Thursday. Free. (949) 824-6206. HAWAII GONE DIGITAL "Digital Art of the Hawaiian Islands" will be on display through Jan. 13 at the Robert Mondavi Wine and Food Center. 1570 Scenic Ave .• Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 327-8300. 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spiritus Gallery will pre99nt an exhibit of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled "Through the Green Fuse# through Jan. 31 at 3929 Birch St., Newport Beach. (949) 474-4321. BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer M anuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive. Newport Beach. The works will be shown concurrently with "The Spirit of Mexico,H an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographers including Henri Cartier-Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's work deals with issues of shelter, poverty and displacement. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. DANCE SOCIAL DANCING Social dancing takes place the fourth Sunday of each month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Jimmie DeFore Dance Center. 151 Kalmus Drive, Ste. G-3, Costa Mesa. The dances raise funds for the center's building program. Donations accepted. (714) 241-9908. • SENIOR BALLROOM Ballroom dancing to the music of the Costa Mesa Music Makers ia offered from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . Tuesdays at Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St. $4. (949) 543-3884. -ARGE~O Tango dancing la offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Dan.cene Studio, 2980 MoCllntoc:k Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. . IUL SERVICE : 011 ITOP llOP C..mr T opt • Shwtn • C.11111t • 8111itt • WM4 Wax . Refi11lsh • Cl1111l119 c.,,.t & Uphellflry • Pellft111-lattrlor & Exterior "Proof: the Tony Award-winning play by David Aubum, Is open for previews through today at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 660 Town Center Drive, Costa Meu. The play, which wUI open itl regular run on Ft1day and clo1e Feb. 9, tell• the story of a young women who loolca to discover how much of the genlua 1nd the lntenlty IM . has Inherited from her brilllant father. Parform1ncee wtll bt It 8 p.m . Tutedly through Friday; et 2:30 and 8 p.m. Slturdev: end at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Prwvlewt S1t to'"· reguler run S27 to ... (71•) 70Maea. KIDS Costa Mesa lrvlne (841) 850-7878 (Ml) 818..ot41 1241. 17th 17777 ... In ·a" ...... ,_, fUU.,Mf ..... tAtuum a tH•m I0-4 WH••"• 1mL...,. ca.oa1tn•tm&"°"Mft .. MAGINATlON-IN-MOTION' Mime, modem dance, comedy and vaudeville wlll combine Jin. 17 to 18 when the Orange County Performing Arta Center, 800 Town Center Orlvt In Cotta M ... , preMnts "lmeglnatlon-l~otlon· 11 part of Its Founders Family Fun Mrlet . Performancee wlll bt 7 p.m. Jen. 17 •net 11 1.m. and 1 p.m. Jan. 18. •• (714) 661-2781 . . .,.. QUOTE OF TIE DAY "It was our best effort of the year." Pat C11t1ah1n, Corona del Mar High boys soccer coach Dady Pilot BOYS SOCCER Sea Kings are ringing victory bell Corona del Mar earns 3-1 nonleague boys soccer win over Newport Harbor in Battle of the Bell. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot Nl:WPORT BLACJI -In the annual AattJe of the Bell for the Bad Bay boys soccer t.eatm. a screw came loose and the beD fell off the perpetual trophy when Co- rona del Mar 1 ligli's Danny Whitaker 'i(.'OOpcd it up from the Newport Hrubor ~deline and sprinted away"with it lO cele- brate with tus Vlctoriow teammates. however, the Sea ~ had all their nuts and bolts together as they defeated h~ Newport Harbor. 3-1. to conclude the nonleague portion of the season for SCOR£BOAAD bOth schools. It was Whitaker, .lfter all. who for good measure kicked home the fi. rla.l goal for CdM \l · 4·2) to cap a two· 1-'0a.I second half CdM 3 and break a 1·1 Newport 1 halftime tie. "That ended the game,· CdM Coadl 1~d1 Callaghan said of Whitaker's goal in the 75th rrunute on a perfect ~ from Oms ltin~trom. who never made Whi· taker lose ~ l>tride -even at the end when the laner hustled over lO pid: up the Rt>U trophy the instant he heard the final whl.'>tle. ·11 wa5 our best effort of the year." added Callaghan. whose team took the lead on jurnor lerrin lhayer's rebound header in the 6.Sth minute, finishing a free k.itl by junior forward Julien Cerutti from JS yards OUL Cerutti. who 5COred Corona def Mar's fir>t goal in the 18th minute to give the \1..'iltors a 1-0 edge. booted a rocket on the moe k:Jd. but Newport 1 lart>or goalie Mart Spean> (four saves) lcnocked it away before lnayer converted with his head ''We cra'ihed the goal on that play,· said <.allaghan. wh~ -<;qu~opens ·Paofic C,oast League pla~ at l.a- guna Beach. wit was an incredible goal by Jullen on that first goal (from 25 yards out on a pass in the middle from lhaycr). It ~ a great strike.· Newport Hrubor (2-4-2), which had cap- tured the la.st two banies and proudly dis- played the Befl trophy on its side ~­ oot the early everung oontest. tied the game. 1-1, in the 23rd minute on JUIUOr Joel Wdlker's goal after junior Will Gu:anan set him up beautifuJ)y with a tap on an in- direct. kid. Walker fired a rock.et from 22 yanb our past CdM goalie Jay 7.immer • man. who had no dlance to stop IL ~Instead of shorter passes. we were go- mg for the kill.· Newport Harbor Coach Martyn Hansford said "We're trying to rut comers and you ju.st can\ do that· s .. SOCCER, Paa• 84 Sports Editor Roger Catlson • (949) 5 744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-01 70 tOLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL KENT TREPTOW OMH1LQI UC Irvine forward Jordan Hams fights through the defense of Fullerton's Derick Andrew, left, and Ralphy Holmes during the first half of Wednesday's game. The Anteaters got a rude wake-i.lp call m overtime loss UCI denied in ar Anteaters overcome 10-point defi cit in final 1 :29 of regulation, but succumb to Ralphy Holmes' wild shot and game-ending free throw. Steve Vlraen Dally Pilot FULl.ERTON -They crawted out of a hole. climbed up the pro- verbiaJ mounlain, yet in less than one second the SCOAEBOMD UC Irvine Anteaters came crashing down at the hands of Ralphy 1 lolmes. Holmes threw in a wild, somewhat desperate bank· shot just inside the free- throw line, while being fouled by UCI freshman Anteaters 65 Milce Efevberha with three-Fullerton 66 tenths of a second remain mg in overtime that tied the score. 65-65 Holmes then made the subse- quent free throw fo r the wmning margin. 66-65, for a Big West Conference men's basketball victory over the Anteaters at J-uller ton's Titan Gym Wednesday. With 5.7 seconds left, Efevberha made the front eod of a one- and-one foul shooting opportu nity, for a 65 See 'EATERS, Pase Bl HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO EYEOPENER Daily.tPiht ~ I lalJ ol fa.mr .. ~y l jt; "'fl<t MATT BROESAMLE GOLF Recallling The Rake If it's Toshiba time, there's always a guy named Irwin to con'.>1d er at Newport Beac h. W 11.h an mboll .,ldd.:t't.l pl'l·lly high foUowu1g a caret'r first h1>hUay vatdllllll 1/il liN urdN ol hU'>IIlt~'> hkL• Ult' begmrun>; of t'H 'I) Ot'\\ "c:ar ,., tlu· · planrung r>f C )mn>;t' < .J 1u11t\ ... 1111h IO·!>Ca.'>011 proft,'>IUlldl goU ltJUfll.U11l'nt -tht' fl.l'tlubd ~ruor <.lJ"'" al :\1'\\pon Beach Country <)uh We lovt' otir. -.pt>e1aJ -.e1111>11, 1mnmd here N, Cxpt't tt-d, IHll' u[ tht• b~t.._1 'lont .... headmg tnlO llll'> '<t'.it' l!J.Juha I l cN>lt will be dt'ft>ndm~ t h.ul1pum II alt• If\\ 111 and hie, qut..,t 111 m J.}.t' :\.-\,Jl<in Bt·arb Ills per,ona.1 ''"gt· agam. Ye5. lrv-111 \\<fill lcL'>I year with ;1 tOumamt'nl '>lonng record !1 7·Wldt r )':)6 • a \.1UOI"\ thdl elevated hun to tht' top of the mom,_ 11.-.t on the <.hampmn ... Tour (fom1erly tJ1e Senior PC.JI\ four! dtld he never mml.'d from RICHARD tw. J>OSJOOn on hL'> DUNN way to a career·fll"'>l S3 · rrullion '>t' ce,on lrwm m1gt11 be the uni} plJH'r 111 ~111 the loshiba Oa-.'>it t~1Ll' int ludmK shooong a cour.e·rt."t:ord hl 111 tht• t111al round to wm m 1 ~. but Ill\. career-13.'>ung 1mpr~1u11 ol lm111 playmg !\ewpon ~111 al\'\a\"' ht• llll' l<.U.t Technol~ m toda\.., gull t-qu1pr:w11t make.. the un~ \'\tutt' golf hdll 1rau·I farther and '>pm quic~er hu1 1111 ro1. k1·1 saenuM or nudmght labor.itof\. 111.1dm.t.11 could cook up tht> kunoLC> R.tkt• lJ\ lrwm . It Will> the year IJ\'\o'ln ht•t.<m11· 1111· all-rune leading mom-.. .... 1nn1 r 1n profes.StonaJ golf c,mte 'UfJm-.~-<l ti\ Ttger Woodl> . dlld the 10.Jub.1 t )J."''l propelled lrwm to anotht.>r Pl.1w1 r,1 rJie Year Award. followmg ht<, fir-.t 111 llfll; in wh1ch the thfl:'('·llm<· U '> Opt•n champion became golf., flf'r • ' r111l111111 man for a ... mgle ..ea..on At a rune A I.~ liefore ligl·r . lrv.111 dunbed atop the grand ~dmt·, t'\ 1J11onuc pantheon in ·4R 10 prm1de tht "'wkl with one fin.i.I \'l'terru1 on 1lw ni.ttqut>t· d.; the nche<.1 player on the COW'>(' The ~t player on thi: 'x·n1or lour didn't need any breal.c,. bu1 gm on thl' par·3 17 as hi.'> tee shot ..,wt!'<l rollini oil the green and ptded up '>peed dc.M n tht> steep rough. head.mg '>lralght tor the water But bunker rake caught the bcill cleanly and '>topped 11 from gt·tung wei lrwm, in tum, got up and U<1" n for pM and birdied 18 for the cou.rw rewrd What a firush.. Can't wait for ~ yearc, rc>'>h.ill.1 (la\,.'>I{ Man:h 21 23 Details; (9491 f16(). I 00 I ... The Newport Beach t.ounlJ) Club See GOLF, Pa1e 85 Still .No. 1 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF TH E WEEK Foothill beats CdM a second time to maintain its top ranking. · Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot The Sea Kin~ ranked No. 2 by the Tunes, went 2·for· 12 01\ the player-advantage while the Knights went l -for-4. •We would make one bad pass on the six-on-five and lt would take us 10 seconds to get the ball back in.. O\aney said. "We didn~ conven but Foothill e gtw a lot a( credit lO their de· OORONA DEL MAR -CdM 3 Cense. They would foul one Undefeated and adll the penon and move back to aeaJ team to beat u Foothill off any openinp. You only get High'I Lady lCnlghts rule the seas ln high that operung for one KCODd.. school water polo. Three oC CdM .. 12 pla)'ef-advantage That's how It ii foUowing Footh.lll11 6-3 nations ocaured in the third period ;ion.league vk:tory over c.orooa del Mar u Foothill made 1topt in the defmatW for the tee0od time this &ea.SOO. end a.rid scored on the counterattack. The Knights (9-0) maintained their Prelbman ,Grace Reynolds It'()~ the top ranking ~eaday ln the CdM • third of her three goals on a pua from pool. The Lady knights beat CdM (7·2) , Gabble Ooman1c to put Foolb1U up. 5·2, 10-7, ln the .emlflrWs of the Newport u the third ~ ended. Hamor-Corona del Mar Holiday Claulc CdM 90Pbomore goalie Brinany'Ful· })ec. 28. . . }en 11lllde I pme·hJttl 11 eaves. ttne •1 want to play them .,am.· lidd eomiog In the lnal Period to keep CdM CdM eo.ch Aan>n Olaney. •PootbW within 1ttfkina dileanC4. PWlen'I molt doee eo well to counw and they ba\'e a tmpn!llM ..w came.on a penalty lhot l"*l goalie. Our puang and them-on· · 8vet hurt 1& • ... POLO."-M Michael Fitzhu.gh ·By shifting positions, Sage Hill sJar might have created a point of order for Lightning. through MJchael. but 11\"e ~ stalling before ~~ could ~ It to him.· Keath aakl. "We needed to put the ball in his hand '° we fJMMd OUI primary IC:IOftT to the point. 1~ probably not the molt ef!k:ient way to pl&y. but we fed ftta a bett way for It' not too often you haw )OUr best poet pa.yet playinc the point ... Kdm said Ut:ilitini FJtzh.' ball.--bandling ' athleticism. court talR and unit 11 polna cuud. pe his teun a beuer dWlCe at IUIXell u lt opeN Aademy eeuon ~ •t-1n Ill> CJUblal\dlnc In IO many ' . ..p:n"ZHUQH. ...... ,· SPORTS YOUTH SPORTS .. Pacific Soccer Club under~ 1 l gii;ls :win title The Corona del Mar-based Pacific Soc- cer Oub girls under-11 team won the I 9tb annual Anaheim Canyon Hills Holi- day Tuurnament ln Yo.rba Linda Saturday and Sunday. The brorue-level team defeated the Sil· ver Elite So c.aJ Blues, 1--0, along with the Extreme, 3-1, and the ~ Quest Freeze, 2-l. Its only I~ came to the Placentia \.\blves, 2 • l. . Jadde Dion. Kelty Matthews and Piiie Slgband led the team in scoring with four, two and one goal(s), respectively, while Brynn Johia>n. MeBlla Hancock and Az.adeb Nm.eml andlored the de- fense with goalkeeper Con!y c..io. MidfieldeB Oidre F.adtngton. Lmrm Smits, Sarah Mull. A ... n•.tra em.di and Shelby \Wlbu:m controlled the ac- tion throughout the tournament with ac- curate passing. -fhe girls are really starting to gel as we prepare for play in the California State Cup Tournament early next month.• said C.oach Gemwe P.adlngtoJi. "Their excep- tional camaraderie and worlc ethic has quickly shaped them into a very cornpeti- uve team since being formed last JWle." Lori Manz. a member of the U.S. adult women's national-champion So c.aJ Blues team, along with UC Irvine women's head coach Marine Cano, help train the girls. - The team will try for back-to-back tides when competition begim in the Fury Cup at Ali'>O Viejo Jan 18-19. Players interested in the team can con- tact F..adington at (949) 854-5000. Two for two for Region 97 The AYSO Region 97 boys under-10 soccer team won i~ second tournament in as many chances this season Dec. 28-29 al the Costa Mesa Oa.ssic. 'On Saturday the team defeated North Irvine, 7 · l , and ued Santa Margarita, 4-4, then beat San Juan Capistrano, 2· I, and evened Tustin, 3-3. Sunday. The team is coached by Phil MllJer and Tom Gyulay. CdM girls under-12 champs The Corona del Mar girls under-12 Silver All-Star soccer team won four consecutive games lo win FLight 3 of the Costa Mesa Soccer Oassic. The Blues Oues defeated Laguna Niguel, 2-0, Tustin, 3-~. Newport Beach, 2· I and Santa Margarita, 2· I, in the titJe game. Forwards Claire Sch.mldt (five), Amanda Johnson (two), Kathryn Conner (one) and midfielder Rebecca Beyer (one) all scored goals in the tournament. Strong midfield and defensive play was provided by Kimberly ~ndlno. Taylor Rhodes, and McK.enna Caskey with additional support from Kelsey Davis and VaJerte Avila. Amanda Garrett at sweeper and defenders Blake Gardner and Tasha Greenberg helped in the victories. Gold good for second The Corona del Mar Gold All-Star boys under-I 0 soccer team went 3-1 en route to finishing second in the Anaheim Canyon Hills Holiday a~sic. CdM defeated the Woodland Hills Rampage, 3 I. Newport Gold, 4-0 and Canyon PSA, I ·O, before losing to the San Diego MA aJI stars in the finals. Connor GaaJ led the team in scoring wHh five goals over the two day tournament while Muon Cue (three), Jack Gorab (two) and Hector Marino along with Blake Thomsen each with one score apiece. KjeU Walker, Jack McBan and Brent Lawson provided assists. The defense was Jed by Brennan Anderson. Brent Gray and Garrett Lanon. Costa Mesa claims title The Costa Mesa girls under· 14 all-star soccer team defeated Aliso Viejo, 2· I, to win the Costa Mesa Soccer Oasslc. A breakaway goal by Lucey l..o:r.ano proved the dJfference in the championship game for Cost.a Mesa. fiylor ~nter scored Mesa's first goal, in the third period, on a comer k.ick by Bmlly Leece. Aliso scored with four minutes to play and lcept the pressure on, but Co ta Mesa's defense tightened up to hold off the come-back attempt. Costa Mesa outshot Its opponents, 12· l, Lr\ the four game tournament, defeating Newport Beach and Tustin, 5--0 in each game, and tying Huntington Beach, O·O. Stellar defense wu provided by Leece, t~e Johntton, Diana Rodrtpez. Adriana Trlana and Kally Carlch, whUe tough defense was given by bchel Dlnlclale, Brooke WObum, Carpenter and Taylor Brown. . The AYSo Region 97 boys under-10 team won its second straight tournament, claiming the Costa Mesa Classic title. Back row, from left: Sean Regan, Drew Diller, Christian Ochoa, Scott Ridgeway, Logan Newett and John Barton. Front row, from left: Ivan Becerra, Steven Miller, Cotton Gyulay, Misha Pakvasa and Taylor Wildman. • Champions of the Costa Mesa Classic's girls under-14 division: Back row, from left: Jacqueline Johnston, Lucey Lozano, Annel Alvarez, Adriana Tnana, Emily Leece, Elyse Levin, Brooke Wilburn, Rachel Dinsdale, Kaily Carich, Diana Rodriguez and Carina Merida. Front row, from left: Noelle Esqure, Taylor Brown, Tayk>r Carpenter. Corona del Mar's under-12 Silver champions at ttie Costa Mesa Classic: Front row, from left: Kimberly Condino, Claire Schmidt, Blake Gardner, Valene Avila, Rebecca Beyer. Top row, from left: Amanda Johnson, Tasha Greenberg, Amanda Garrett. McKenna Caskey, Taylor Rhodes, Kelsey Davis, Kathryn Conner. Coaches: Jim Conner and. Bill Caskey. Champions of the fourth-and fifth.grade roller hockey le~ Boys and Girls club. From left, Ian Sequeira, Rusty Sary,. Brandon Booth, Hunter Gray, Bridget Lyons, Logan and Jake Palanjran, and Coach Colby Newett. Forwarda Cattna Mertct.. Lozano, m.,.. IAVln. and Annel Ahua kept contJnuout pressure. ~the Red BulJ at the Gret7.Jcy Center ln The Storm toot the teed two Kourussel, Iverson and l-lw again, lrvine. -.. minutea taler when 91..-~ dJd the trick. The Red Bulla drew flnt blood ln the aco~ on a breakaway, t;>ut It was 3-3 Great puslng and trong def f'os1ve second period With a sbon·handed after two pertOda. play came from ll&ake ICdy, CJ. Pb., The Scorm wned lta fOw1b straight pl. a,...1 .. 1ws aNWC~ with a That'• When Tbe Scorm went to _.~and~ l.-lo. Mite Club ....... ( 10·.nd·under) wmt shot th•t caUght the top left work with fhe MnWal chlnl·pertOd Goaltender A..J. Allli wa. aolid In the The Stonn rules, again · Golden Hawks on a roll ..Bille NadaJ led the Golden Hawks to a 31 ·20 victory over the Lakers ln NJB girls third· and fourth-grade · basketball with a double-double, scoring 17 points and getting 10 rebounds. · Oiebea Ba.rt.b had even points and Kelaey Woo collected 12 rebounds. The takers were paced by ICebey c.arrldo, who had seven points. and FJJ.ka Fateri, with six points. • In another ~ame, the Magic edged the Sparlt.s. 16-15. Laura Martinez led the Magic with seven points and Allie MoskovtU handled the point position and contributed si.x oints. A.lexlt Pickering and Duran Sbup led the Sparks with four points each. NH frosh7soph unbeaten Newpon I !arbor High's frosh-soph club roller hockey team extended its record to 7·0·0 with a 5-3 victory over Esperanza Sunday njght. Newpon was led by Je.m Sotew (two goals and an assist), and Grant Casserly (one goal and three assists). AJso with big contribut'.Jons were Rory Campbell (three assists) and Linsay Taylor and Zack Botton, each with an assist. N~wport Harbor rolls Newport Harbor I flgh's club roller hockey varsity was a 9· l wtnner over foothill Tuesday Collln Insley got the first goal for Newport on a short wrist shot, assisted by Vincent Mungo and Preston KeUy. Kelly followed up with a goal off a Oiase KeUy assist. Foothill's Jacob Prlmroee broke up the Newport barrage, temporarily. with a goal off an assist from Shea Perraro. Mungo added two mo re goals and Kevin WOf18 and Kyle Malhew9 found 1he net to finish their scoring barrage Cory Adler turned away a number of scoring attempts by Foothill. and Ales. Crouse and Brett Robtn.on played a big part in holding off the Foothill offense. Elliot Thacker stood out in goal Region 57 girls sparkJe The AYSO Corona del Mar under· 10 gJrls golf All-Star team started their season an great fashJon this past weekend by 1akmg second place at the Canyon Hills Soccer Association Tournament The explosive forward lineup wa.s composed ofOaire Ham (one goal). Anna Venturini four goals), Sa.rah CraJg (one goal) and Val Martin (one goal). Midfielders Kebey Kac:una.rek (one goal) and Megan Grtftln proved to be solid in the middle and a rock solid defense, consisting of Bllaabetta lmpagllau.o, Kayla SchmJtt, Erln Almaraz and Dana DeM.l.raftda. gave up just three goaJs and were the pillars of the ream. AJso notable was the soUd goal-tending of Dana DeMlranda and Erin Almaraz.. who made key saves throughout the tournament. The CdM All-Stars showed great spint, as well, when they rallied from a 2·0 deficit in the la.st game to produce the needed tie to earn second place m the tournament CdM gold team finishes third The Corona del Mar Gold Team finished third at the Costa Mesa Oassic ln late December. Kaylee O'Connor scored twice to pace a 2 -0 victory ln the opener over South Irvine. Also with strong play were sweeper Kellie Langwell and goalie Allie Prles. CdM and Rancho Santa Margarita played to a coreless tie in the next game, with Pries, Taryn GremW..S, Katelyn Baker, Samantha Gall and Aabley Swnten standing out. Aftel"a 3-0 lo to La Mirada. CdM came back with a 2· l victory over Mission Viejo In a consolation game. Amanda 8-den and Mepn Kim scored second-half goals, and strong defense by BmOy Romano, Greenberg, Baker, LangweU and O'Connor keyed the victory. Region 57 registration The first in-person regjsttatJon for AYSO 57 aoccer wtll be Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon In the multi· purpose room at Uncoln Elementary School. AYSO Region 57 ls cornprlled of the communftlea of Corona deJ Mar. Newport Beach east of the bay, and NewponCout. The spring program It open to all chJl<Jren between the agea ot5 to 16 and It lncludea ~creatJonaJ and compelltlve townament levet.. fteP.gtntJon .. seo per Child. All pla~ who dJd not p&.y In lellon 57 du:rlng the fall 2002 MMon need to P~t proof of btnb date. ' AddJtJollal lrilormadoft 61 aftlllble It WWMl"}1057.otJ. c:bll11111lllolMblp wkb u l·Z Yktory over comer ol the Red 8ulll net. tioM-Ma Meet m-;. Qaaawa ~ net. •topping 22 of 25 lhota on goal. ----.:.0....--...-t.-----......... ----------~----------------~·--------------~-----------.;._.:------1.~-------..--._. __ .....,: ____________ _..~~ HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS HOOPS The Sailors are seeking breakthrough Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot Last year, 11 W.t.'> all the New- port I !arbor I ligh girl" basketball team could llo to l>nap a 20-- game Sea Vtt•w league lol>ing '>lreak on the way to a J. 7 league firn-;h llli'> year. the l.)ailorc; (9-6), who haw alrc>ady doubled last ~ear\ win total Hour), are bid- ding to earn one uf lhl' league's three guar;inteed berthl> 1mo the C II Southt•m Sc.•ction Playoffl>. llw laf'>, who h.ive not heen to the < fl Playoff'> '>Incl' 1999. be~n their quc'>I tonight at 7 agam'>t \.1'>11lng I oothill, a new t nml'r to thl' \ca View I .cague lht'> '>ea-.cm "\\.oodhnllgl' hJ., lwen \'lill· rung lht• Wd Vu.•w, h111 I 1lunk. 11 \<\1ll ht• 11111n· 1 ompetili\lc thi~ yl'ar, with a lot of team .. making a run." 'L'L und yl'ar Nt·wport 11.irhor c Odl h ll'n lnomp.,on '><lid Woodhndgt• t'J-1), ranked Nu. IO 111 Oran gt• < oulll y. " Jgam lht• < lt•Jr tut favontt· But t11omp.,on lwhe\l''> tlw \.J1lor, tan t'merge Imm J t h,Lw p.1t k that fihrurec. to mdudt' I ..th'lllla I hll<., I ooth11l .1nJ t\Ji,o '-:t).,'Ul'I lnint• i... t•x Jll'l It'd 111 I.ill It> tht• hnltom of 1lw '>l.1111J1ng' tnurnp'>on\ prt''>t'a'>IHl pit k.'> hiJd I uothtll w< ond, bur the t\111)Q1h ha\l' Jlre<1dy lt,...t tu l...i l<(UnJ I fill,, IH I'>, I >t'l. I. I llll' \.ulur-. "1111 lo'>t tht•ir final lour lt•ag\tt· g.11111•., .tfll'r a 4h -11 home ,,,n ovt r \It.,.> l'ndt•d tht·ir "''J Vit•w futtltl\ in tht• ;.!()()(}., are h·d b) 'i 10111 7 1un1or hlh.mne \\l111fil'ld. J n•turning fir.t team .ill lt•ug\ll' pt•rfonnt'r JVl'r.lging 12 1 prnm'> Ill ht'r third v;.ir..,lly "'""011 'i<·ntur A1ht•11t1 Va..,qtwt (5 I p111nh 1wr g<mw). wa'> a '>t'lond 11•.1111 ,11l lt'Jh'Ul' pid. IJ'>I '>l't.l..,on. "'hilt· '> h '>Ophmnore Vant.''>.'kl ~f1llt·r 1; l ppK). r; 7 1unior V1cto n 1 •w.t~t·rt h l ppgj and b O '>t'n 1w I Jnd"t') \\nlll'r (c; I ppg) arl' .1dd111011al n•t urn er. off a I I arbor 'lllldd 111.11 ""' IU'>I one player IO l(l'ildl1all1111 \\ 1111fi .. IJ ,md \\oiler an· both .1H·r Jg111g fiH· rebound., per g.um ·1..i ... t 'rt'Jr. I tlunk Wl' \\t'rt' h.1pp' 111 ""' '>unw g.1me-. and ~1·1 J lt·.i>,'llt v1rtory t110mp.,on .... ml "nu, WJI. I thmk. our lid'> \'.J.Jlf (()~()Ill UI • •\flt'r opt•nmg \\ilh l 11oth1ll. then pla)1n.: J nonlt•agut• honw &Jmt• agilln'>l Laguna Beach <;a1 urday. thl' ',;ulul"> fau: Alr'>o Nt hrut·I ( l Ul'-.dJy) ant.I '>trugWing Ir VIJll' f Jan. lfi) l11ey flll't'I l.ah'lm.t I hlh (Jan 21 l and Woodhndge r Jan 2.1) to llo'>e ou1 the fir'>t round uf h•ah'Ut.' play lhornp'><>n, who<;e lt•am e11 ter<; league ha\1ng lo'>I four of II'> la-;1 fiw. "'1td '>tartinl( l>lowly in game'> ha., het•n Ull' Tar\' b1ggc-.1 M•akne'>'> thu'> far ·we nt'<.>d 10 rnmt' out <,Lrong and be a threat.· '>he '>Clad SURFING Newport Harbor, Dana Hill s tie SAl.J' CREEK -Newport I far· bor 1 llgh's club surfing team and host Dana I lilJs finished in a 63·63 draw In a nonleague match In San Oemente Tuesday morning where a strong off shore wind and nJ ce sets off 6-8·foot swells prevailed. The standoff gives Newport Harbor a 10-1-1 record as It prepares for the state champi· on h.lp 'meet Feb. 22-23 at Oceanside. Geoff Rill, Joey I fead and Alex Knost were hort board beat winners. Tommy flolbrook and Bron· son Hovnanian were second In lhelr heats; David Nelra was thlrd ln a beat; Brett C..tron and Brtgbtton Brandenburger were tourth ln their heats; Nathan Sloneman was fifth In a heat, and Matt Doheny, Tyle.r Ho el- nJ and Reagan Ritchie were ai.tlb In heats. Leadlnt Newpon In the body board wu Dan KtttKhmar wttb a ftrtt-place effon. and JUldn ~t and Daniel Mathews went3-&. ~ott wu teeond In the long board, with Catron fourth and O\Ue Smith alxth. lri the pta dM1lon. Amy LaWry WU eec:ond, RObtn Se· nour ftftb and U.. Evant abth. Nnpon and Ediloo haw a noNeecue meet eel for Jan, 9 II 5eth St. It 6:15 a.m. S P O R TS A UC Irvine's Mike Efevberha puts up a soft shot over CSU Fullerton's Bron Groomes during the first half Wednesday night Efevberha scored nme points in the Big West Conference duel at Fullerton 'EATERS Conbnued from Bl h J lead. but m1o;,.,ed the '>t:umd frc>t' throw IU g1\ e I ullt•non 111H lii'>I '>hot. After Hulme'> druH· th1• length ol 1 hl' tour! and lur tilt' thnllmg hank '>hol. ht• ra._ 1oward fan~ an the '>land., ;111d ..,Jappl'J hand., w11h '>l'\l'r<ll ol them. I ullerton wun 11-. '>t'UHld ~tr;ught uvrnime ganw, a., till' I 1tat1'> .tl'>O t.lefeatt•d UC '>a11IJ Harbara m 0 I \alurJay UU (7·4, 1-1 m the Btg \\l'.,1 1. whtch O\crcamt' a 10 pomt dl'fiu t 1n Lhl' final I .!'1 of regu la11on. wa'> leh \-.11h J I fall \1ary~type pa'>'> that , .. a., 11ppt•d and 11me ran u ut hefun: Adam Parada lOuld catch Jnd qu1dl) -;hoot Parada \\hll '>tarwd at t t•ntt•r for the fir-.1 111ne '>lflll' l>t•t I q ,1 lour gamt' ... pan), h·d IH I \'Ith 1.5 p1>1nh. IHI H ol l 0 .,hooti ng. to go \/\Ith 11 n• bou11J, "II \H'> d1'>a ppo1111111g. I JC I < oach Pat DougJ • ...,., ,,ml. \\ot· '>hould have won tn owrttmt· Wt• made a good ronwhJl ~ hut 1hey pre1rv muth nuthu'>tlt'd u ... nn loo.,e ball'\. \\l• Jll'I didn't take l art' nf bu.,ine.,, " fhe seemanglv UL'pktt•d It tam (4 fl. 2 I ), Jtlllally. 1 Jtnl' do-.e 111 not <.1k.111g ca re of bu<;1ne'>'>. Playing w11huu1 "" '>lartang tenter Pape ~m .. and three other player.,, I 111lt•1 tcrn led. 54·4·1. "'1th I lH rema1111ng after llolmt':. drm l' 111 for an ea'>y ba!>ket on an 1sola11on play. I lolme'> fini-.heJ \o\lllh J tt•am· high 23 porn!'>. I lowe\er UU oui..rort•d h1l lerton. 13 J. down the 'tn'td1. as Hevberha hit two three pointers and fre~hman HO'>'i Schraeder, who <;cored 14 points off 'the bench, nailed one. With 3.4 seconds remain- ing. UCI senior forward Jordan Ila rm h11 J I 0 fool pull up '>hot from till' nght l'lhow that t1t·d the <,tore. 57 -,-; and .,t·nt the gJml' into ovt'rtirnt• a.. i'.c1lt•e ~m1th\ half 1:mirt hl'ave at 1 lw hunl'r only drt•w l·ht• back hu.ird for the r. tan'>. 'We \\l'rl' lrl con· Ek& West YI Poly Pac1f1c Ful lertoo UCI Idaho UCSB Utah St LB St N'ndge R1vers1dc trol (of 1ht· gJme). tht•rl' wa'> no qlll''>t1on." l·uflerton Coach Donny l>an1c•J., '>aid "Aul we lll'>l got J lt111t: 11gh1 We didn't make our lrrt• throw'> and they wt· re h1t1111g lhree'> • . 'i.11d I lolmt''> ·1 wa'> JU!>I try ing to m.1lt• a play. and I wa., trymg lO gt•l '>Ornl' body con- tact. I lhe \\Ill) I'> big. real big f ullerton h11 J of i from the frt•r thro\\ lmt• 111 tht' final 51 '>nond.,, opl'nlllg the door for the Antt'alt'r'> I ht•n, m lhl' owr11me llU \Wfll ahc•ad 64 bl, Wlth I 4 3 re - m.im111g ah er ';t:hracder ~noclt•d down a three pointer. I}( I fn•-.hm.in Jl'ff (,Joger drih· hl1• 1wne1ra1t•d and then pa.,<;ed out 10 <Ill open ',thraeder I ht• lt'Jlll'> tr.1Jt'd pol>'>'>e'>· <,1011 ... .inJ 1 lwn w11h li.H '>t'COnds ldt I ullt•rwn\ Anthony Holton dn•"' a foul I Ir ml'>'>l'd 1he first frt•t• thrn"' of a douhll'·bonu'> 'lluallon. hut rnJde thl' '>econd to pull the dt.>f1ct1, 64 6J \\11h 5 7 '>l'tond'> left. I fe v- hl'rhJ \'.a'> louted after t.ilrhing .1 lough 1nhnunll'> pac,., from St hr ,tl'der "I ft•ll thJI I '>hould have 111.il.ll' tho.,r frl'e thro""· ~aid llt'"ht·rha, who !>Cored mne po1111., ·1 wa-; look.mg for 11 lolmt·., after the rehoundl. but tht•rt' wa<, (l11'>Commumcauon I !>hould have been paying better a11ent1on • Gloger. who scored six points and had four assists, said UCl's loss '>igmfied the competitive play in the Big West. PELICAN HI LL OAK CREEK 1n t t ' w 2 2 2 L 0 0 1 ·11\ ii lc.,.,on for U'> thal Wl' tan I ll'I IC.tm'> go off on u., l·.irly 1r1 tht· garnl'." (,Jogt•r "Jid II "'a"' .t grcal < nnwh.tL k. hut Wt' 'hould hd\l' ne\er bl'cn 111 1ha1 1 '>llUallOll 1 UC I .,hot l)'I(. m tlw o 1 fi r,t hall .inJ trailed, l:i O 2 20. .11 halftime l ht• o 2 1\n1t·a 1t•r-. .tl,o l'\pt·n emed a '>toring drought in the fir-.t h.ilf. gomg i . .iO w11hou1 a pmnt. u1111I Mall Okoro brokl' tht' .,Jump w11h .i putball off hi-. own mi...,, yl'I U( I wa., <,tall behind. ll IH In the -.econd half. till' ·\nt eater' fell bl'hmd. JJ lb. \\tlh five minute'> remamang I low ever 1-ullert on .m '>\o\ICred \o\lith ii 13·0 run mer the nell.t 4 .H building a 46 J4 lead wtth 8.08 left ZOTS -UCI 1un1or cente1 Pape Sow who was suspended for the team after being arrested will await word on his late aher an appeal meeting wllh school off1r.1als Wednesday The Fullerton Athletic department said school officials will sP.nd a lener to Sow w ith the decision between now and Mondd\I Schraeder hi! what was thought to be a three pointer with 2 02 lt>ft 1n regulat1on but off1c1als reviewed the play on TV and saw !hot Schraeder·s toe was on llw line Ek& West Confef'enCt Fullerton 66, UC ln1ine 65 UCI Gloger 6 Harns 2. E:le"bNha 9 Okoro 6, Parada 25 Zuiak 0 Scttraeder 14 Hood 3 Baskaus~as 0. E1hmg1on 0 3 pt goals -ScttraOfler 4, Elr.vbi rha 2. Hood 1 Fouled out -nontJ Tectinicals none Futsenon Smith S Andrf'w 6 Holmes 23. Ford\eney 6 Groom~ 4. Bolton 9 Holm Hadull.1h 5 Bar-Netzer 8 3-pt g~ -Holmes 1, Bolton l , Holm.-Hadullah 1 Fouled out -none Tec:tinicals -none Halftime -Fullerton. 25 20 Regulation -57 57 ENJOY SPECIAL ooLr ruv1uozs ON 54 Tow FA210-DES10NED H ous The Players Club Privileges: Pelican H.iU Cd Ob Oak Crttk GoM ~ • Wttkday Grun Fee ·~ l3S (M-Tb) •Weekday Gf'ffft Ftt-Sfi9 (M·ftt) SondAtd Rate •t75 (M·Th) ~ R.ik "'(Ml\) •Weekend Grttn Fee-S tSO (f n un) •Weekend Grttt1 fee -599 (S.t-Sun) (~) --· <iwndatd R.t1~ 92'° (Fri ) ~ Rare •us (Prl· ) Addtdonal &a.efitt ·One Cotti •• The Pie~ O ub Ritt • l~ Off ... R.lk • ~ Off Golf Stiop Mm~nJ1w• l PromotloflJ ..... ~It 949 76(}-0107 -~m HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles survive a scare, 65-49 Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot 111 .,1111111 aga111 1'111111 '>c.lll~ I ht• hr'>! J'> '>Orllt' '>P<-'l IJl<H., hrokt• UllO laughlt·r owr tht. re pc.itl•tl owr.,1gl11 "lot only w,t, lill' frt't' thrtl\.\ .11l11W(·d Ill .,li.1111.J, J'111t11 Wii.'> (,()SIA Ml'.M Bolh school" and their fam; took away · a funny !>tory from Wednesday'<, Gulden Wt':.t League League hoy-. ba..,k.etbdll game betwet'n SaJdlebat k lligh and ho<>t 1.'>tan Sdddlebac:k E51anc1c1 49 f'.S h.1111.Jt-d tht• 1>.ill lor a 'tl'l llflll Jllt•11rpt, "'h11 la v ... 1~ 11ull1lll'd oa But lhe f .agle.. and coach Chn., Sortl'. t'amt'd the added benefir ol d \1t fol) .. rallying from J h.Jfume dcfiL11 w dairn a 65·49 verdict fhe Lagft...., 12 4, 2-0 111 league . led 18·6. l8 lh and ~2· 22. the Jailer wllh 4 4 ! remaining 111 tht' opening half Hut ~ddlt'had. ;-a, o 2 fin 1-.hed the hall with d I ·1-:l run 10 tlaun a <,urpn'>mg ih -H ad\aJI· li.lgl' l·.'>ldlltlJ '><'nlOr /..dd, \;O\uk dnllt'd a thrt·e pointer and .i 1Jyup to mgger a 7 0 run lo open the third quarter and. by the 11nw \.Jddlt'batk had ll'> fir,1 field goal ot thl' tlurd quarter, with I 15 rernammg. tht> Lagle!> hau. ontl' agam, pu.,hed the leaJ hat k to doubll' uig1t' I lw t oml'd} roulllll' L.1mt• \\Ith 'l. 10 rt'mammg. \\hen ">.tddlt'llJl k \'a'> railed fur a I oul 111 tlw ba1 kt ourt I ul"\\.ard < ..irlc" Pmt11, not )..'\lard \fa1t < .Jt holJ \'>ho had lwen fouled went 111 till' hnt• for the higle-. Pmru '>dnk lht• ltr-.1 of .1 double-honu~ \llU.1 111111 hut rt'fc>ree-.. contt•tltng !ht•\ h.1d till' \Hong 'hoo1er. 'H tlen·d thl' p111nt takt'n off Lht' '>tort:bo.trd Bui ln'>lead ol re· planng P111111 \<\llh < ..dt:hola. ant.I dt•'>pitt· the i.houlcd prote--1'> ol \.11.ldltobal k <.oath Jim \tC'ol'fl huner, Lht· offiuah allowed l'm1c1 l)fll' 11lh1 1a1 rwrh.1p'> '" HW Ill 1111t1g.1h· tht' tlttntiigl' t.tllnl ,, I.till' \'lt1la11on IHI 1111' I ·•Wl'' 1111' frl'I' tlllll\\ 11111 \'.ti ... ii:1111J" to th~ I .1glt·' 111 1Jw 1111.ll l>t'nod, \l\lwn lhl0\ 111,ul1• 1•1 111 L t <11 tc>mph J11rd.111 '>tr11111,m' l,1v111 \'1th lhrt•1· '' c 1111d' dt "'a' llll' h11-.1' l11n1· h111r1!t •jlli!fll'I fll'IJ g11;1l. b111 1lw lt11.1dr1m111•r.., I"'' .I ol .!H fr1Jm tlw lwltl 111 lhl· ,t·tonJ halt J IJ -,. , 111•\1 ·1 got 1 Jn,1·r llldll tl\ I' 1'111111 111.111 lwd ,,,v;v f1J1 learn high 'l 11m1g honor' \'>llh I I \<\llllt· fiw\ I 111d11111'1 .Hided 11 .tr1d < . ..i1 h11l,1 111d I\ lc•1 I l11H n1<111 1·J1 h 1 l11pp1·d 111 111111 lor tlw \\llllll'r \A.hit lt•1111 I•• 111.u11 ~~··!·---'~ ~'"')l.~7..,.~~ IL·ad \\ht•n thP\ 1 11-.t '-1111.1 \nJ I ml.1.\ 11 7 p 111 Golden West L11•eue Estanci• 65 Saddlebaclt 49 ScoN' by Oual'1.er~ :> l I lld > E • --. r l Estanaa P n• tJ ·~ va• , L ' 1 uJ I 'l Ca t I ~1 +,~ ... ,, ~ Str ni.ir1f> S1n•1.,.i t.ri<ll•.!>t:• 3 J,.lt goi:lls M ,tf111ctr ' '\ ... H ~oul•• I ou• L • rl l'• • ...,..,_.lJHi d ~ f\r r f JC BASKHB'ALL Orange COast swee ps Don s Pirate · men throttle Santa Ana in OEC opener; women roll from start to finish. 'io\,TA A.'..\ -fhe Orcmge < OJ.'>l ( ollegt' men\ and \\Omen., ba'>kelball team ... had their wa .. a1 'lantd Ana C .ollegc· \\edne.,da}. pulling the r:>cm., .1wa~ on the men ., lt'vel. H9 HO. .tnd firmh1ng off Lhl' \'>Oml'n 75 l'I Both were Ornn~t l.mptrl' ( onfert>ncl' opener' '>tephon '>caJe., pa<ed loa..,1 11 l 5, I -0 1n lhe OH "'tlh I h po111h. and Lalllrr Brown 141, B Boh1t:k. ( 14 l .tnd Alfon!>o Jame' 1 11 l Wl'rt' al-.o tn double figure'> \Jnta Ana It'll 10 11 8, O· I In Lht' women., game. \lt..a < .1rnllo had 15 potntl> and W\.cn rebound' for thl' P1rat~ 4 I fi~ ~J. who aho got I.! points apiece from lu \lt'ndo1A. 12 boardi. and live a.,.,..,,,,, '1.;ann Hat<iU'>ht '>Ill a'>'>l'•b and IJndsey < .alas.c.,o "ianta \na fell to 2-8 · .... IO ,...., OEC Men OCC 89 Santa An.i 80 Oninge Cont A !k-o • lj R i:; > •4 Sf. alt>~ 1t .V• , • ~ 7 Gar • 9 Jdme5 1· B•own IJ P, ti~' • Alf'.-.a™'• r O ..., '' t r Ga"• OEC Womefl OCC 75. Santa Ana 39 o,.nge Coast M1 " I • I J 2 Carr1llri IS H.;t· u~h· 1. (,., '!'>!. 12 Mar!.hitll £ Ha1wt»r Garn1k.i 0 Shaw ti Von Tung• n 1 (SI' 11ln 7 3 pl QC1111S. HIJIStJ~I • CJ d5S Shaw t Foult d O<J' n nc Tf'Chn•c:als on• Santa Ma "'•<l'IOIS a '>Cl u•• • -I JonPs 4 LOI'<.!! O CtiallfJ 1., Ruc:t<er 6 Ramo~ 4 B• r 3 pt goafs ~ cno15 i Cria-. •""" Fouled out norM Tectintc:als nontJ Halftime OCC 39 18 J 84 Ttusday, January 9, 2003 . SP 0 RT S. SEAN HlllER/DAJlY Pit OT CdM's Camille Hewko,nght, and Foothill's Brittany Hayes duel in Wednesday's showdown at Corona del Mar. Below, CdM's Christina Hewko (left), and Foothill's Gabbie Domanic vie for possession. Foothill remained unbeaten with 6-3 nonleague victory over CdM. POLO Continued from B 1 on Brittany I !ayes seconds into the second period. Hayes added lo her team-leading goal total with rwo mo re Wednesday to give her 34 on the season. Oianey was impressed with his defense, especially that of Fullen. "That's the best game she's had aH year," he said. Stanford-bound CdM senior Ouistina Hewko, who scored once on five shots and added an assist. also drew two ejections. ·we had so many opportu- nities, but we didn't pul our shots away,· Hewko said. ·w e had trouble moving our offense and getting the ball up quickly. We could have played 100% bet- ter." CdM senior Danielle Carlson gave the hosts th~r only lead a t 1-0 with 6:20 remaining in the second period before the Knights outscored the Sea Kings, 3-I, to close out the half and lead, 3-2. Jessica Harkins, swimming just to the left of the net, took a pass from Hewko and fired the balJ into the goal to ti e the score, 2-2, with 2:34 left in the half. back and presses." Corona del Mar was an 8·3 winner in the frosh-soph game. paced by Ka lie Kubas' three goals. In the junior varsity game. Co- rona del Mar prevailed, 5 -4, led by Jordan Anae's rwo goals. Foothill Reynolds 3. Hayes 2, Domanic l. Saves -Feher 8 CdM Carlson 1, Harkins 1, Christina Hewko 1 Saves Fullen 11 In a Golden West League game Wednesday: •The 1::.stancia 1 ligh girls water polo team opened Golden West League competition with a 25·2 loss to Westmmster, which some consider the league's leading title The Sea J(Jngs had their chances. Trailing. 5-2, with a six- on-five situation with 5:06 in the final period, Carlson found her- self open at four meters with no one within three meters of her but a late entry pass allowed the defense to get back and goalie Emily Feher made the point- blanksave. ·1 can't say our offense hurt us, we had a lot of kick-outs," Cha- ney said. ·(Foothill) fouls. drops Non!Ncue Foothill 6. CdM 3 Scof'9 bv Quarters Foothill b 3 2 1 CdM o 2 o 1 6 contender. at Golden West Col- 3 lege. PHOTOS BY' STEVE McCAANK/OAILV PILOT Newport Harbor'sJoel Walker (9) and Corona del Mar's Parker Ferguson (17) get tangled as they duel for the ball during first hatf action of Wednesday nighf s game at Newport Harbor. SOCCER Contiooed from Bl Corona del Mar also ~ twtce late in the first half on shot lda'npCI by Cerutti and Thayer. 1be Sea JC1r9 ou:l.Shot Newport ~ 4-1, in the first half: Seniors Brandon Zarian and nistan Hanis. junior Parlett Fergu- son and sophomores Shane C.ol- lins and Grant Almquist abo played instrumental roles for the winners. In a Golden West League boys game \Akdnesday: • Estancia H.igb's Bagtes dropped a 2-1 d~n to visiting Saddleback. falling lO 3-5· I I 0.-2· I . in league. Luis Mendoza had &tandas score. In a nqoJeegue boys dash Semor Marilyn Reich scored both F.stancta goali. in the foun h qu arter. while i.enior goalie Laura Mon on had four !K!Vt'\ for the Eaglei. (0·5) Westminster led, 20-0, after three period<>. Gold.n West LHcue Westminst. 25, Estancia 2 Scof'9 bv Ouartef'S Estancia b o o 1 2 Westminster 9 o; 6 s is Estancia Reich 2. Saves Morton 4 Westminster Retano 8. Sabrowsll1 5, Lee 2. Barron 4, Morgan 3. Coune 2, Ernst l Saves Morgan 4 •1 ahougbt we dominated the flnt b9lt" Callaghan saJd. • (The SIQon) came out strong but we held otl. thlt fint waw cl lnt~ty. Wt dkkl' give any spec:e and we pll,eddd." • Serdot BIKe Dillon controUed ~ Dady Piiot HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL FbrtKnox at - Costa Mesa Fl'e$bman guard Scott Knox. who scored a career-high 19 points In a near-upset of Ocean View on Monday. led the way again Wednesday as Costa Mesa's Mustangs pulled out a 54- 46 nonJeague victory over visit- ing Calvary Chapel of Santa Ana Knox scored 18 points, includ- ing three three-pointers, and was backed up by the play of Jeff Wal- dron (10 points and 15 re- bounds). 7Jad Pepic (IJ points) and Danny Krikorian (four as- ists). Mesa improved to 5-11. Elsewhere in nonJeague boyl> basketball Wednesday: • F.spera.nza 38, Cd.M 37 -Co· rona del Mar nearly pulled out a huge upset b'ehind the the play of Bretl Matsen (16 points) and Adam Freede (10 poin~. eight re· bounds), but was unable to get off a potential game-Winning shot in the final 10 seconds in theCdM gym. CdM falls to 6·9. Esperanza improves to I 0·6. • &fiaon 53, Newport Harbor 50 · In a dose game from i.tart to finish. Edison High\ host Charg· er\ outlal>ted Newpon I !arbor The Charger; (13-21 out~cored the Sailors (8-7) in the third quaner. 17-10, to er~ a two point halftime deficit. Nedim Pa1evic led Newpon Harbor with 14 poinu. and 12 re· bounds. while ..enior guard (]lase Cameron scored 12. • Sage Hill 52, Fairmont 51 - Fainnont's 11-0 run to Man the third quaner forced the light mng to r.illy, then held on for the nonleague win. Senio r Michael Fit7.hugh col lccted a game-high 20 poinb and also led the vii.itor; {S·HJ with 13 rebounds and six a'>ltl'-t'-. Junior Kevin Joyce chipped in 15 point!> fo r the wmners. who open Academy League play 1-n - day when they host Brethren Om.<.tian. Fairmont\ Jim Higgi. hat five three-pomters to lead the host'>, who saw a would-be game-wm· rung 15-foot runner carom off the front of the rim as ume ex- pired. In girls basl..etbalJ Tuesday mNorthwood 52, Sage Hill 35 Sage I IW dropped its first game of the se~n. rhc Ughtmng (8-1) managed no more than six poin ti. in the first three quaners before tally· ing 17 in the final eight minutes. Carrie Oark and I laywood Wright paced the Ughu1ing with 10 poinl!t apiece. Wright grabbed 15 rebounds a nd had 11 block...,, setting a career-high in the proc- e'>.'>. "It was a huge difference play- mg for the first lime in a couple of week.s," i.a1d Sage Hill Coach Shanna Renki.n. "We gave them a hard Lime on defense but all their !>hots were falling which made the difference." SUMMARIES H1GH SCHOOL BOYS Nonie..,. Mesa 54, eatvarv Ch•pet 46 Scof'9 by Quarters Calvary 11 14 n 9 Costa Mesa 18 12 14 12 Calvety Ctwtpel King 3, Beeler 4, Jones 16. Cook 13. Hurst 8, Moor1&ct1 2 3 pt goals King 1 Fouled out none Technicals none CosU Mesa Knox 18, 0 Knkonan 8. Abedrabo 0, Waldron 10, Stankovic 4 Pepic 11, T Knkonan 3 3 pt goals Knox 3, Pep1<: J, T Knkonan 1 Fouled out none Techntcali. none Esperanza 38, CdM 37 Score bv Ouarten Esperanza II 12 8 10 CdM 10 12 11 4 E~nza Aurelio 7. Channin J, Lovin 12. Lawlor 1. Davis 6.H1lls 9 3 pt goals Aurelio 1 Fouled out none Technicals none Pl )' Corona del Mar Northndge 3. Seaborn J. Matsen 16, Me1nctllas 5. Shendt Odom 4 Fraede 10, Welcti 0, LuceO 3 pt goals Matsen J, Seaborn 1 Northndge 1, Mancillas 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -none Nonleap Edison 53. Newport 50 Scof'9 by Quarw. Newport ll 11 IO 1~ '-4 Edison u 11 11 13 '.J Newport Cameron 12. Rorden 8, Pemne 8. B Lowenthal 2 Patovic 14 P1ne5titt 6, Glass1c 0 3 pt goal~ ·Cameron 2 Pemne 2 Foulod out none Technicals non!' Edison Fangup0 6, Huff 8, Grady 6 Cornen 8. Snowden 13. Braun 12 3 pt goals Fangup0 2 Huff 2 Fouled out none Tectimcals none Nonleap Sage Hill 52.. Feinnont 51 5cof-e bv OUlll1MI Sage Hill 1) 11 16 11 ')J Fairmont 17 13 1 19 ~' Sage Htfl Loper 6, Joyce 15, Fitzhugh 20 Cho 7. Brewer 4 Wilkins 0 Samel 0 Lefler-0 3 pt goals Joyce 3. Fiuhugh 2. Loper 1 Fouled out none Techn1cal5 none Fairmont Ezak1 9 Lynn 7 Seregon 11 Nawaz 5. H1go1 15. Kang 4 3 pt goals Higgs 5 Ezak1 3 Fouled out none TechntC<Jls none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Nonleacue (Tuesday's~! North;::t ~~ii 35 Sage .W-~ e 6 11 :w. Northwood 16 10 11 6 ~' Sage Hiii Came Clark 10. Carley Clark 2. Gutierrez 4. Wnght 10, Pv1shys 7. Yoder Loo. GotUalez O 3 pt goals none Fouled out none Technicals non4f Northwood -Edmondson 6. Nathle 2. Kurtz 2, Monroe 3. Macias 6. Miles 14, Smith 7. Albaugh 11 Huang 6 Cra1yO 3 pt goals Miles 2. Monroe 1, Albaugh 1 Fouled out none Technicals none the b.t for cbe sea ~ and ·cld .... job d ~ the dl6lllile h UI," c.allgharl said. 'Tm~ ha .... MY to end ..... '1 •• --" The whoje WI ...a....-t lri>cleJ ..... 7~ ( • Laguna Beed> HWt scored three pis in t.8dl baf IO daim I 6..() nonleague win at Sase Hill. ~ the ~ to ~2-1. )Jnior .Ethan nnney had 17 ~ for the J..Wtttiilg Corona def MYS .Jenitt Thayer16) lftd .Mief1 Cerutti (5) cetebrate Cerotti's goal llainst Newport Harbor in the fnt hll. ~ • ,. .. . .. 9 . 5 0 ... Datj Pilot S PORT S ltiurr.O<ty Ja'Wary g 200~ 85 Michael frtzhugh of Sage Hill School is the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week. FITZHUGH Continued from BI facets of the game. we leh hke we needed to exploit tu .. strengths a., much d'> we could,'' Keim 'did "I le '" me pm that pnck.. .. the bubble. Havtng him bnng the ball up IJle court ~\Uth J pressure relea.!>e for~ \<1 many team'> ha"e pre~~rea u'>. double teamed and trapped But if you do th#it agar mt Mike he's big and '>lrong enou.;i to handle 11. I le abo trust'> thdt 11 he giVeS Ule balJ Up, ht''> l(otng 10 get it back.. I le doe., a nice 1ob of belllg our ~o to gu} without forung 11 Fitzhugh, .,.,110'>1.' powertuJ 205-pou.nd frame and swprio.mg qu1ck.ne.-.., help lum create a.nd finish <,hots on amid inside traffic, ackn owledge'> he must carry a large share of the load to help h1~ tedJ11 win. Rut he is abo WIM' enough to realve a pomt guard's role r1;.-qu1re., keeping h1' teammate'> uwolvt>d. The Datly Pi.Jot Athlete of the Week '>Cored 21 of h1'> team., fir.t 23 pomls to help "iaKe tale command 111 the '><.'rnnd 4uaner en route to a 70 Ji nonleague WU1 over Vl!>IUn~ Rio l onllguo Fnday He added t.'lf.-;-11 potnl~ m the third quaner to fi.n.t)h ,.,1th a game-tugh l9. whlfe aJ'>o coUecung I J rebound,, five a'51sts and three blot ke<l 'lhof\ MICHAEL FITZHUGH Born: Jan. 20, 1985 Hometown: Costa Mesa ~6-foot-3 ~205 Sport: Basketball PosftkM1:1: All Coad\: Stew ~1th FftOfttll food: Sushi f8VOl'b movie: •Forrest Gump• ............... It: •Playlng baske1ball Wl1tl my littSe nephew\ Alex~~ who are 2-ye•~ twv'5.. Hlgh ~Alhlet9of1tww.llrlt: He amassed 29 poinb, 13 ~ fM assists ~ 1hree blodted shots. smring 21 of tlis tMm'S Mt 23 points to propel u. UgmNng to a 1G-n nonlelgue win Oltef Rio Contiguo. W,Pflll Coll«tor spoltJ CMd f«'le QJ.S I le made 9 of hi'> final 12 field-goal at1emp1.s to finish IL of 20 from the field and netted 5 of 6 free throw'>. I le '>cored 35 pomt!\ in a victory over 11 Montt• the game before R1u <.onuguo and he al'>o ha') a 34-pomt _1(ilrnl' thi" sea'>on. "When yuu c;1an 1h111k111g you ne.ed to ha\'e the he\I game ol }'Our life. IJlat"s when you put pre'>'>Ure on your<;elf and you don't perform. hvhugh ~•d -1 m d '>lrong behe\er 111 team chem1suy and the bc'>I wa} for me to relate lO my teammate.-. and make u.-. a bener ba-.l etball team is to get them the ball f'iu.hugh 'aid he rcli'>he., the l·ha.nce to play the pomt. a role he h~ performed at variou .. ume during h1., lengthy ba.,ketb.tll raret:r, which include'> playing for a trawling dub team "I love ba!>ketbal.I and Id be happy to play any po'>tUon 1n order to help tht• team." hU.hugh '>aJd "But I en1n\ pomt l{Uard IJle mo,l, becaw.e I ran.create more behe"e tt leh me hCJ\e a bigger mnut:ntl' both In creaung my 0\\11 '>hOt'i and .,hoh tor rn} tedmmatl'' • I leddUIJ.: mto 1-nd.t}-., lec:tgt1e opener agam!>t Vbtl.mg Brethren Olmuan. F1vJlUgh ~ averaging 22.6 point .. and 9 9 rebound~. I le ha.. led the l.Jghtning 14·8) m '>Wn.ng in eight of the 11 game.. he ha!> played lnough forn~ed on cducauon and in1eres1ed in pur!.wng a raret-r 1n the field of p.-.ychologv. I 1vhugh 'illd bd'>ketball 1!> the b1gge'>t 1h111g in hie; Ille. "M) \l11m1okes dbout 11 that f'w ht•en pldymg bd!>ketball '>tnce 1 wuld waJk." l-1v.hugh \aid Some or my l'drUe<>t memone'> Jre of playing ba<tketball a.nd 11 h~ alv.a\' been a pa.'>."011 or mme An\ t1mt' 1 \.\a'> fru-.1ra1ed 1 d pla\ ba.,ketb.111 and 11 v.ould mail' me happy II '>t'emed to be a med1cauon tor me I m IJlankful that I II ha'e thdt all m}' hfe.· HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHEDULE CelebratJng the Daily P,Jors Athlete of me Week series I' TOO AV 20 -Joanna Danner Eltanc11 Softball 98. '99 19 -Oa111d Conte CostaMeu BHll9tbllll ·02 TODAY Bubtb•ll College women Fullerton di UC Ir""" 7 pm High schoot l>ov~ -Corono1 l..lel Mdr 111 Canyon 6 30 p m High school girls Esta,,c1" c1t Saddlebadc. 7 pm Foo1h1ll at fllewPOr1 Harbor. 7 pm Wttlstting High school -Saddl~l>aci a1 E std"fod 6 pm ~ Htgh scnool gu1s Foothill ar NPwpon Harbor. 5 p.m Esar-oit ar $adrtebrt. 3 pm FRIDAY Basketball Community college men R1ver11clfo el Orenge Coast 7 30 pm Community collf'ge women -R1ver~1df! 111 Orange Caul 5 JO p m Htgh sdiool boys Sant• Ana Ill Orange County Tu.COn.ctOf sAW1ln NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTIOH ON FEBRUARY 5, 2003 OF TAX DEFAULTED PROPERTY FOR DEUHQUENT TAXES E Sl8r>eta 7 p m Costa M"Sd ell Orenge 7 pm Foothill e11 Newrion Hdrhor 7v pm Br,.thr"n Chr11t11n at St!ge Holl 7 30 pm High ,ctlool qorls Brethren Chrost111n at Sagu Holl 6p m Soccet High !ldlool boy\ Orange"' Costa Me'l! 2 30 p m Sdnta Ana at E st11n1.1" 3 f• m, 81Pth11•n Chr s11an at Sage Hill 3 15 pm Hogt, \d\oot girls Santa Margarora a l Co1ona del M•r, 3 15 pm S.;gto Holl at Brethren ChroMlll'I 3 15 pm Wl18rpo6o Htgh ldlool g1<ls trv1n& at Co10.,a det Mar 4 JO p m Santa Mctrgante at Newuon Harbor 4 p m Wr.ctllng High adlool -E stanc••. Co•tll Mes.a "' NorthwOod Tournerrn1nt 2 p m VoUeybell College men UC Irvine at UC Sanla Berbara Tourl\ilment On 'k*"* 22. 21112, I John M w ~. °"""' CGt.flly r,..... Tu~. -dncled b ooncM;t. Pl'* "1d lnletnll IUCllOll .. by h 8oMI ol ~ ol °"'1llt ~. catb1'il The latt-411..._, PIOI*'* -..S belilW n Ujld h ID Ta Cotlldg;'s ,._ d S. end ,_ '-l llJPl'O'l'ld IDr Ule ~"'°'*"timid 0cWw Z2 1002 ol N °"'1llt CtAirtf &erd d~ Tiiie • ... ~ 11 10-00 I.JI\ on hl!nm 5. 21:113 • 10 CMc c.. ....,_ in ,,. 8oet1I o1 ~ """"9 Room Sen• Ma, CA. • I p!A* lldotl 10 1111 ~ llilMlr ID1 Cltlll II """" money d h UMtd StllM Ot ,...... PliP" !or llOC .... 11W1 h-1*1 •.,_on hi Ide*. I no 11111 ft,_.... on I~ • mmy II N .. oolllailr) dllo'tllon. be .......... "**-PllCI ............... ~ Wiiing • r11e,.,..",..... .. -°"...,,.... E*4n" m" s~ P• 11"' -o1 ..._ w ""°""'" 110C ,....... .. lie loll! I 1pMlll•11111 Mid.~ ol ~,__Ip ID ... dllae ol IMNll al flt ... llldtnMI 9f .-111 .. ,..,........ J ... ,...... ...... ,.,...o1 ........ -...c... ......... n T_...,COll Sectail~ -.. .. ~ID· 1c:11rw11191 .. ~tar,,,,_..,._. lftll'I.... E.-ploc.dl ft N lll'CU'lol rw h!f.'111lllll11 -tlflt ....... " ..... 9'llCfl ...... •""'9 ...... Ill_.... io...-111--......... ., .. , _ ~_,.._ .. . ,_..... ..... lfwdl cianltlQ .. Tea C.. Ii. 12 CMc C... Pim. lbllll Ga. S.. Nie 01ral(714)134-6101 lor "'°"' ~,... ...... lldlln ,NICIJ. ~ IYITDI 01'\NCATION .. The~ PMlll..,..,~ "'*' llled IO~~ lllN ...... ID .. ~-.!NIP~ r. .__, ... lwllll'*Ofl .. .,..,.,,~~ .................. "' ................ ,.,..IUllW ·•--"OM- .,... _.. _ .. 64" .. ~ ......... aa 1.,..•~-~S ....... llllR Tiit,._,.. ........... IJllllllllllll;., ..... ~ .................. ~.c.. .. 12 Oot!CC...fltllll ltm. 1'2111 ..... ,,., T'llt'""""'"" ........... tlllil Nib .......... 0...,. ~ c.lbllltl IPd .. ..,.... ~ om LGC&Im t.6lllZ&. LAil -~ .... Ill 1) 42 a 107 • tumJV°UD, CNllUH IMllW>. MOWl. FPNHOU. GMO m T[~CNl.QI 1.-, .--l "'* ...,....,..,,,,. ............. It M •911d 11/JGMMW..._.. o.,.c...r...-t.ei... r......•a...C..-. tll~fl.m. ,......._...,_~_.,....cm "' tllllll VlttJID"" tma> Q4,IOOOO 111,1\1000 UT.10000 L1UOOOO ... . COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL PREVIEW The Speraw Fia begins with two wins UCI men's voll eyball team has started the season, 2-0, mainly beca u se of its motivation to s u cceed this season. Steve Vireen Daily Pilot LRA\'v'HJRD I lAIJ UC Ir \1.ne men., rnUeyba.11 lir.t yeJI coach John Sperdlh \o'<-d, a bit skepural when he bec.imc tht head man of IJle Anteater. m July Though lhi~ wa.-. hl'> dream 1oh, he expected It \\.Ould I~ t hal.leng mg right off me h.i1 UCI had JU'>l fiiw,hed the '>eu son ll-17, 6 16 in the ~1ountau1 Pacifit Spom I eder.111011. In ddd1 non, c,1x senior. graduated from mat j\nteater .. quad that didn'l qualify for thl' playoff'>. "I didn't know whal I wa.' go111g to get when I fir.t walked 111 the gym to be qwte hone'>!.' ..aid '>pernlh, who had '>l'rvt-d a.., a lull ome d..\'>l'>fant coach yt UC IA the pa-.1 four year.,, mtludtnK the .!000 '>t'd.'>On when thl' 8n1111' captured me :\(.AA di.unpwn· ,J11p I \\"'a.'>n l t•xpt't llnK .t \'l<holt lot bac;('d on thl' n•o,ulh from 1.i.'>l Vl'df llo\H'' er ~pt·rc.1w 4u1d.:l\ rt·c.1.I lled he inhenlt'd CJ mature group wtuch ro"e"''>t'd a '1.r<in~ moll\<.1 11011 to 1mpr0\ e "Tht'} re ""'"' mull\i<.1te<l • '>pe ra\o\ ..aJd Vi far I tlun~ Ult') are much bener IJlaJ1 \\hat people~- THE ANTEATERS 1 Spencer Bemus. 6-5 Jr 2 Jimmy Pelzel 6-6. Jr 3 Nie V1slay 6-4 Fr 4 Jaren Jensen 6-5. Sr 5 Oavcd Kniffin 6-2 Jr 6 Greg Ford 6-2 Jr 7 M onte Tuc:ker 6 3 Sr 8 M ike Garcia 6-3. Jr 9 Paul Spittle 6-1 Fr 12 BJ Fell. 6-4 Jr 14 Jerome Gem1se-Fareau 6-2. Sr 16 Kyle We1c:hert EP. Jr 21 Erik Smtih 5-11. Jr 33 Russ Marc:hewka. 6-6 Jr Matt Daniels, 6-3, Fr Coach John Speraw Assistant Coaches. John Hawks, M ike Rupp J[Ve I IJlmk peoplt' are gumg 111 bt.• '>Urpmed " '><> far lhe Anlt""ater'> J.ft' Ji\ mg up to 1lu-1r t<Jalh' \\.Orth 1 IU, led bv 1unior lumm I '•·I 1t'I'' I.! k.Jll~ and 'emur \l11111r IUlker' 11 k.Jlf, '\\t'pl f't'p[Wf dme \fonda\ 111lifi1 tu cldlI11 Llll \l1llil' & ',e\eNHl loumarnl'llt u l.lt· di 1-tre'>tune f-teldhou'>t' 111 \lo IJhlJ lhl• .\ntearer. aho '''ep1 Id \t'ml:' <ind -\rvona' dub tl"'i.Ull lll tht toumamem ~mu: me An 1ona matrh did not count tuward their ret:ord. the f.ater<. are .!-0 on WRESTLING lheWi:IMHI IJ< I wlll uimpt-ll Ul the UC.. ~nta Harbar<1 lnV1tt1llu11al rnday d!ld '>aturddy 111 \JJ11<1 Barbarn fhe An1e;1ter'> !ale \t.i11lord Ill ~ · fir.,1 rn.cth.h l·rnl<1\ nigl 11 .il i (10 '>pt•ra.,., '>clld ht· hlt' lwen un pn·-."4.·t.l ""llh tu-. plt1)''" matunty lhl' Anlt·atl'f' lt•.ttUfl"> 1111\t' JUll UJr\ ,1111J t11rt-1· -..·1111 ,r, 1m ludmJ.: hit ~l·r. Jan·tt ft'11,•·n :111tl It-tome (,t'nll,l' I C11ca11 'I ht'\ art ct \l'I) lll'1111H' W°llllp 111 ~u\' :-ip1•r.t\I\ ... ud I lhmk lilt•\ ,1f1' .1J..u III •I p<hlllCJll WtWrt' th·~ ''l'ft' t.l1-..1pp1J11llt·tl ,, 11.h 11.,,, 1.h1•\ hn"hl'<I l.i'>I '>•·n-..111 I ltunk tht•\ h·h tht•\ und1·rat.l 11t·' l'll in 'ornt· wa,·-. .uul h.it.l l11g.ht·r e>.p<"< tallOlh from 1\ht•n-lht.'\ actual!~ t•ndt-d 11p \1 ,.i I Ll1111) uwy .ir1· re,Jh r1•,J11\ l11 lit '>lll l l''"ful thl' \l'.1r I ht•\ fl ''''r~111g hkt' Ull'Y ',\,Ull (IJ \\Ill "P•·r,l\\ --.ittl ht• ''·lllh ht'> "<.JU.id .,,,ht• dl'lt•ll'1\t'h '"llllll till' "4.'il · '011 lud1·1 \\•Hild ht •Hll of the lt:atfrr'> or1 dl'fl'l1'•' I Ii., blodung '>lrlJ., ,!rt ll'li.1)1\ 'lr•111g 1·111HlWl to t.1~1· on oppo111·n1 ... ht"! lllttl'r I n·alh \\'otllt 111 .... 1.1hlt'h uur r1-.u11 .1r; lw1t1g ,1 g1111c.l dt lt'tl\t\.e hl11d ... 1ng rt:alll \ptr ·'" -..ml MU \IJI) )(Ill~ d( lltt• 'II-Ill' \\f\llh olrt' th• mo't 1r11p1ina111 111 lx.•111g 'Ill L 1.,,,!11) 111 llll 11' \Ollt \ ll tJI hJr.d; 1ng ,., prnh.thl\ n~ht tip tlwr•· 11 .. lughh lt't lln"al \h 111.un frx ll' lun11g dw I.ill \\a'> 1•1 in ru im prmr r.ur hl11tku1g ''"lt'lll'> \nil I n·.ilh '' mtnl 111 1•.ir11 Ill• re .il'l 111 Ll11· ~,,.,,.., It ,,,1, .1 g110 J l'\fll!tll'l t•· Jor mt lu gt·I lei ~ 11u\\ l11t•111 •L' \H·ll .i' tor th•·m to gt> 10 1'11•.11' ffil' Newport Harbor thumps Orange ;'llr\·'vl'<JHT ALA< 11 '\t•wpon llarbor llt.:h'> wre,UlllK ll•.1m wa.., d 5o-l4 wrnni:'r ll\C'r non league foe Orct.nge \\.t:dne.,day night. the fiN dual mt:et \1Cllll) on the ~ulor'> mah in lhe pd.Ill four year., '.att: Geier pa\ ed lhe wa\ with c.1 ptn tn I 08 to 1mpro.,.t' to I.! I Other '"mnN' for the "-ultH'> GOLF Continued from Bl lad1e-. dub L' nam111g .t p1.•rpe1u.ll plaque for "" mo-.t 1mprovtd plarer after Dt•t.• Dec \\lute. who-.e 17 career dub tJllt"> 1\ Ull' 010'>t ... Glenn Deck. D1rect0 r II r l~truCllon at Pebtan I lt.IJ C .oil Oub. ha'> been named to (,olf !\1agazine'c; bst ofTop IOO Teacher.. At cording to me publicauon the Top HXl le.icher. Program ha<. become I.he mo'>t sought-after award 10 golf tnstrucuon Golf ~lag.a7.Jnt• rt'Vl'>t"'> lb b.st or lop 100 leacher. f:'V('f'V fev. yt>ar. to 1denufy me be-.t golr \H'rt' i...1m I Jm .it 11.!. .,.,1th a ted1 lllldl I.ill 16-0•. Jun Rol'h~tm JI lLS \\llh a Piil 111 \ m lony 1'1· non \\.1th a techrucal ta.U 18 ~ .tt 152 ll'f'l Landa \\1th a ptn 111 I ~h ctl lh(J Brad R.ilne \'\lUl a tall 1n .!.:\O dt I~! Jon l no.-.o \\1th a pm 111 I 4.! at IH'l and hea\"\We11.~h1 l'hll (,er..i.rd wa' <i I~ I ma1or de l"l"On \1UOJ 1n., Lru<.1 or. 111 111 c g.um: 111" \ t: dr h undrech of c..md1dalt." "ere recommended b\ Pt;,\ and I Jl( .,-\ rt'gJOnal '>t'C uorb. mdu'>tr) leat.lf'r-.. d.lld C,olf ~ldganne reade"' lor .l\\.ard cun.,1derauon Ot-ck' kt·en w1der.Ulfldmg of the golf w.mg and eJCCellent .,lalJ, tn rnmmumcanng hi'> k.nowledgr It'd hm1 10 bt.· mcluded in lhl!. elite group (,oil Magaz111t• leanm:'' ti!> nt'\\ IN of fop l(J(l le.ichef"> m IJle f-ebrudl) .!<XH L'-'>Ue no.... available on new-.'>Land"- 1 love teadung the Jrame ol golf, and to be recogruzed b\ (,off \ 1cq.,ranne as one of the top in'tructor. ~ a true career highltght. Deel. s.rud "Pellc-an Hill ha.s grven me me opporturul\ to work lhlUl golfers at one of me mo'>t p1cture'>Que locauon.., in lhe o\l...i1 \\Ill; \\lllnt•r., • 11 d1•11111), \\<l'ft' I(, It• < odt•\ ,11 1..i '' 11!1 \\ 111 0\ 111rft·tt. and ( ,, oll ht t 11 .~ \\hCJ \\Cir\ lll'C.t\l't' I Id d 'q11.1hll l.tlllJO llw '11lur-. .tr• I \t•r.111 "' till'; h><J~ 11)\\afd 111"1 \f'I·~ ... ,, J \ ll'\\ j t'•l~'l.ll' l>Jll II• I .~~·1111"1 11\11111~ r\h~11 '\1).!Ut I l hu,...clu\ 111).!lU IJ11111-<l "t.ta-.. 1.m1 'l'n til.lf1lJ11 lw that \1 1'1·lt«m I fill I >c·1 l \v.rl' ,,,tJ 'tudt·rJh 1n cl1•\1·l11p111~ .. ou111I lwul.1nll'nlcih and 1111 urpor.11c.., thc proper '>t'\jU1·ri11· nl r11nt1011 lU get tht' t lull on p.11h ltJJ cmN~ll'tll 'hot m.tl-lflK I It· appro;il"ht" hi' 1n .. tn 111111n \\1th Ml u11dt•,....1amhn~ th.ii t'11•r\ ~olft•r " dtllel'\'nt 111 ph\ 'It 11 har.u. tt·m.Ul' JJ1c.l l .1jMh1l1111 .uid 1h.11then•1' n111 •Ill' pt·r1t'I t l!Ull W'1111! I fl, ~1i.tl 1-. I• I dt'\Ntlf' J.11 mdt\ idual ""1fl~ for t•ad1 ).(Olll'r .ind to 1t•.1d1 \\ I\' tu kl\\t'r -.con·' •in tht' .frill c.iur"'· llw nl"\' duhh<. ll<.t lcl\ 1hl\ .ll \ ll"d \"t'nfo l oumrv t.:l11h "111 pmtMhl\ upt?n 111 tht• lir>i \wd.. ol Ft'bruar\ :;:: H ~U(sday, Janu11x 9, 2003 Legal Maticts 2MI I ...... ..... 2MO Llpl NaltCll ;;;;H;;:OTICE;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiOfiiiiiiiiiiiiTRiiiiiiii0$.iiii.l.;;itiii;;;;;;WWW;;;;iiiiiii;iiiim;:::;;;;;;;;;;iiii:naiiiii an Of com llSl TEE'S SALE TS No. 02· oOIW common _,.. OUl&lCOlnl, , f13f Doc IC> nMkln. • .,..,, Mown CAllCI* to0019300792005N ~ The .,.... -na-_ Tltle Ordtt No. ~ °' .,. unPlld -.. ,II--~ Ono21375 ~ ~ Wlfl lnlillffft NOTICE IS HEREBY tofllnsuref No ~ °' O. oblge.-GMN tn•t sHled pro 001930019 APH No. lion l9C\nd by h posals fOf tum13hKI& all 425-452·15 YOU ARE IH ~ '° be edd lab«. materials, equip DEFAULT UHOE'A A ~ ~ ..ti-menl, 1timsportallo11 and DEED Of TRUST mn.d COS-. expenen Juen olhef f.tc11tlles IS DATED OY27f'l00i. end ~ el h may be rtqu111d tor U '""S YOU TAKE time of h ln!Uel DUtlll-UPLAUMINt ANt To PR CT Cllt&on of the Nodoe of MOOlftU TION Of fHl ~~~PROP£~ ff Salel1a16,etU:t.ftle H.Y.A.<. SYSTlM AT MAY BE SOlD At A OOM!ble lhM at Iha Jal STAtlON NO 2, PUBLIC SALE. If YOU tJme of .... the ..,. aoo IAKll STIHT • NEED AN EXPLAAA· Ing bid :::J be leas NOTICE OF TION OF ntE NAT\JAE =:. In .:;;::::; PET1T10N TO OF ntE PROCEEDING caah th9 Tn.11• Wiii ADMINISTER AGAINST _!_~ YOU ac:cePt calftler'i ESTATE OF: SHOULD t,,VNTACT A hacb -' AMY D. KAHN LAWYER.• Notlca 11 c dnwn on 1 CASE NO. A218863 llM'eby glwn that CTC ltal9 °' NIC1onal bank. To all heirs, R I Servlcff, a c:haCtl drawn by • ta Eatafll IOOOlni.d llltll or f9danlt credit beneficiaries. credllofS. :Si..~ua~n the union, or 1 chadl ~ ~·::: OMd ol Trust ancut.d dmm by 1 ltl'9 Of othetWiso be 11'1efested ~ HEATHER D WAT· f9deral u vlngs and 1n the will or estate, or . loen -..oci•tlon, NY-......... ,.,, & .,.., 0 ., & UN AS, AH UNMARRIED Ing• 11sociatlon, Of A'"' PETrTION""" FQR WOMAN, dated uvfngs bin!{ 1pectfted PROBATE hu been 03fl1/200'l Ind ,. In Section 5102 of thl filed by STEPHEN ~--04.'0M)2, !! Flnanc:lal Codi end JOSEPH KAHN Ill the "'" ..,,..,.. .-. IUlhorlzed to do bull-Supenor COUit ol 20020297631, In BOOk. neu In thl9 ltllll. Said caldomla. ~ o1 Page , of Officlal R~ U1e will be madl, In an ORANGE cords In thl otflc9 of "AS IS" condition but THE PETITION FOA the County ~dtr ol Without cownani ot PROBATE requests 11111 ~ange County, Siiia --nty .,,,...,, or STEPHEN JOSEPH of California. will Mii _.... ' -.-.- 01 ............... lmplled, f90*dlng llUe, KAHN be appointed as on ,.,..,.._, •I po6Mtalon Of t ncum-pef'SO(lill representalM! 2; OOPM, AT THE tnnces, to satisfy the to adn'Wllstet the estate NOAnt FRONT EN-lndlb1tdneU MCUl'ld ol ltle decedent TRANCE TO THE by a.aid Deed of Trust, THE PETITION requests COUNTY COURT· ldvlnces ttw,.undef, the deeedefll's Wlll and HOUSE, 700 CIVIC w1th Interest 11 pro-COdtell$. rf any. be CENTER DRIVE WEST, videcf, and lhl unpaid ~::'and10~...,=~ SANTA AH/.. CA It pfinclpel of lilt Note -·• pubttc auction, to the MCU'9d by .aid OMd are available tor highest blddlr for c11h of Tru11 with Interest eKamtnatlOn in the file heck di 1btd l'.epl by the COUit or c .. ICr thereon .. proYkltd In THE PETITION requests below, payable In full at 111d Nola, plus fHs, aulhonty to admHYSlllf llmt of Ille, 111 right, charge• and npenses the estate undef the tJtlo, end lnt1rett con-of thl Trustee and of independent veyed to ind now held the l1\llll creai.ct by AdnMlstrat:Jon of Estates by 11 under said Oetd of 11ld Datd of Trust Act (This authonty Wiii Trust, In the property DATED: 01/DW2003 aflow the personal •ltu•tld In 111d County CTC Real Estate Stf· represeotanve to take ind Slit. and 11 more vices 5898 CONDOR many aC!IOOS Without fully described In the DRIVE, MP-88 MOOR· obtalfllng court apptov.I Jbove referenced OMd PAAK, CA 93021 Before taking certain 01 Trust The 1traot Phone· (800) 281 8219, very 1111pOrtant actiOns. ''-1rHs and other Site tnform1tlon (805) however. the personal c "'Iman du'9natlon, If 57~18 By: Trusl98'1 representative Wiii be A of the rul pr~ Sate Officer CTC Real required IO give OOllCe to er11 described above 11 Estate Services la 1 inte<esled persons pu= to bt: 119 dtbl collector 1ttompt· unless iney nave warved rL WER STREET, Ing to collect I debt. :;::e ~~ COSTA MESA, CA, Any lnfOfmltlon ot>-The t1depeudent m21 The under· talned will be uaed for s.gntd Trustee dis-thlt purpoce. adminlSlrabOn autromy cl11m1 1ny ll1bllrty lor ASAPS14352 01/09, WIN be granted unless an 11nw lncotTICtntH of 01/16, 01n3 lfllerested i>e'500 Illes 1 an obfedlOll lo ltle --------r Jllectlbles/ t.1emorabllla 1160 !OP SS 4 RICOtlDS n c 'I (.l.r.o;a. (It cos ' €0\ U Mt< ScJiu lubto ..nv. M1~~ 949 645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 EQUAi. HOUSllG Of'POITillTY 1111 ••<>I e ,t•lt ~dv., fJ rlf In th11!. 0"W".tpilper I\ • 11h11rt I In th• f edl'r al r or Ht>u\•nt '" t ol 1%8 » ifmtndfld whu h nt1 ~•\ It 111~1!~1 tu •Ut._ .. rt1\f •iitny pref~r fl1•t11 ltmtt1tion or d1 111m1n1tt0n b•,td f)n '•'Cr cnfr.il tth1t•1n Stt• h rn•h< •11 I 1m1tr~I \l~tu., ,,, r• thf\n11I 11r1&in ''' .tn mt•·11tu111 lu m•9'fl .tny • 111 h prf'ffi'r('nlit hm1td 11• t1 or '11'!..t ttmindhon 1111\ n~W\P~P" will '" I knnw1n11ty •• • rpt "y ~dv'<h\tm~nt Im r • 11 "'l•IP whu h I\ 1n v1•>l.1hnn of lht law Our I» 11fr r ~ a1c h~rl'h)' rnlorm•d that •II dw,11 1112' .1dv•rh,td IR lhl\ n~w·.r•PM Mt AVlll•hll' "" .in ~qual opportunity h l'·I\ r o < 11mpt11m ol d1\ "1m1111hon LAii ltUO loll 11•1 .11 I l!OO 4?4 8590 Auctions 1'483 .. CAIHPAJO .. .... ,... ....... ,.,. ft BUY ESTATU ._.......~ ........ Almr I ~~NS1~~~1ENTS1 I • ' " ' I 1• Lost ..._ s-d. Jew.ery bag SlCJ tOnlainrna numt'r"""' l)ll'<f'S of rwei'Y I °"' ., vo.wi~y ot Weo;t Qft l'l.v~ Jn H St Ltber al Rew.,d(949):?1il (HI) Found 1510 f OU NO RING leave dl'ld1lrd dt\crtpltron mu\I 1nr I n•me phnn• , • ntm & 1111& \ll•. ~tyle •11d '#ht•" fn\I C•ll\ will unty hi' rl'lurn•d by the> t lta•ine dl'tailed rnlt1 'M9 llO 1127 2 Mele c1.,. fnund on I 1 rn r ountain Valley aru (all 714 964 8677 General Amouncements 1610 UNLI MITC 0 PHO NC CAL llNC1 No morl' rate pPf minutr• C11t any whrro 1n ·ht~ a11d n1lmnw1dr1 R•\ldtnhal .1nd bU\111"" S39 9!i lo 159 C)<}I .A\k us iboul our u111tm1ted plan\ lor trl,markrt1ne a11d •ulod••l•r\ • WWW rlalRalJ!l~c.om IC8661202 0193 CCf\l~M> AOVl R llS[ to over !J molllon C1llfo1n111ns with a 'talew1de clan1fted ad In 191 new~papers $4SO fnr 2'!> word' Rea1ons a .. 111ble f RH 111lor m1 t 1on p1ca.1ae (9t6)288 6010, (916)288 6019 www cal ,;can com (CAt •scAN) I OS£ UP TO 8 pounds tn 3 day'' Increase ener1y and feel ttre•I All n1t11rat no stlmu lints Ultra Nulttfion Shek t S J9 99 -~OI _,..._. (8)311361. s- nn~ -m* csmi. (CM. HOMF MOATCACC LOANS lowt1I Int.test r1to All credit ty~• No Pf• payment penal ltn 8nt 11e1vtu In the •late C11if0fnl111 DRl [mpyrHn rundlna Cell n11w 800 no ~9 c \01 (CA1 •SCAN) ····--..... ... It .... _., l ef IOAmellunute cutr•l" ttrtd m9rttt """ ... ._. ,...., IJ Cll CM4 t '*"'-~ tor lnfo pelltion and snows good cause Wily Ille oourt APPUANCES 3050 Gl frlfj •lde-t.y-•ld•, 26 7cu I. hilt new, $2!>0 obo <949~ 642 2165 eves JEWH.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coast Cain Need• Old Coms1 Cold silver. trwelry. watches. anltque.\ collec!Jbln 949 642 9448 cats 3610 • ~· Wlr1W KltlMs. ~ ~ r;asi OI ""1t. tvery Sal Sun 12 4pm F .r.hon b Anm11 Network Info 949 6U 2279 www..at•r"*ietwal<.ora 11-tt J) ~ Wet> llllllt • ~ Re<ic.uerl 1-ied •••••••• AITUI N1W YIAAS IUTTIN SALi-PIJtSIANS ~ Tortme Shelts. Red l abbys. Only SD> "' Sl10h geg.45) i!J2S •••••••• NMd mint"-• 2 ftl!il wft, 2 yr & 6 -··I ••dawe4 $2Seci 949-541· U 11 Dogs 3615 MAU : GruMAN SHIPHllD u,,Yl•efttt.s, 714-194-1919 s~ll {;'."'' C11' In C •i.fl~d I CITY ,.OJICl NO. 02- 20, wllt be received by th• City of Coat1 MMa et lht Offtct of the City Cleta, 77 F•lf Omt, Costa Meu Cahl«nte, unlrl the hour of 10.00 .. ...,, .... .My,J_., 21, 200J, •t wttldl II~ they wlll be opened publk:ly •nd read .tloud 1n the Council Cha111bet~ Se•led propouls shell bear the htlt of th• wC>fk •nd name of the bidder but no oilier d1111n1u1sh1n1 marlos should not grant the autllOnlY A HEARING on the petltion WIN be held on .01/ZW3 at t.30PM in Otot l·73 located at 341 THE CITY DRIVE, ORANGE. CA 92868 IF YOU 06.JECT to tne oraoting o1 lhl petJtt0n, )Oil s'1ovld appear II the hearing and at.ate 'PJI E °' lilt wonen Wlll1 the court neanng Your app8i118t'IC:e "l.ty be in pertOO ()( by yotif ~~OU AAE A .GREotfOA or a dJntlngent creditor ol the deoaaSed you must lite your dl1m With the oourt and ma~ a copy to lllfl personal representa!IVe ~oted by 1t1e ooun Wl1hn tour moncN lrom the data ol hrst tUUanoe cl lefters as l>fovtded An Probate Code sedlOfl 9100 The bme 1or hhng dallns Wiii not e icpire belore rour months l10m lllll hearing daf• notlc»d above YOU W..Y EXAMINE tile Ille •ept by tile court II you are a person lnterer.teo 1n the estate. )Oil may ftle with the court a Request tor Special Nol!Ce (10011 OE· 154) ot the hhng Of an Inventory and IPPt'Btsal °' &state assets or ol arry pet1b0n or account as proYiOed rn Probate COO. SectlOfl 12~ A Request lor Special NOllOI torm IS avallable lrom the court otert. Attomey lor Pelltlorlef WILLIAM J FLANAGAN ESO • OUAAN & F~AGAN 11350 E VALLEY BLVD •100 EL MONTE, CA 91731 01IOMl3 01 /09.1)J 0111~ CN$-41474 .. HEWPOfff BEAC~ST A MESA DAil Y PILOT • My bid reeelvtd eft" llM 1chtduled clo1ln1 time tOf the receipt ol bids i/lell be returned to btckltr unopeMd It "1 .. 1 be ttle ao .. responsibility ol the blddll' to -that hts bid rs received in ptoper time A set of Bid Oocu rntnls may bt obtained et the OttlCe of tht City EnlinMf. 77 r11r Orlve, Cosh Meu. C1lrforn11, upon ..... ,. .......... . ,.~ ... $10.00. All ............ dMw .... SJ.00 must b• included ii handled by mail. Btd Oocumenh and other contract documents mey elso be eumlned •l the Office ot the City Clerk of the City of Costa Meo. Bid Oocumenh will not b1r malled unless the •dd11to11al SJ .OD ch•ra• Is lnclttded with payment Cllch bid shall be made on the Propoul form. sheets P I throueh p.9., provided 1n the contract documents. and shall be accompanied b\I , cer tilled or cuh1er's ~di or a bid bond for not Ins that 10'1. ol the amount of the11 btd. made payable to the City ol Costa Mesa No proposal shall be con- sidered unless accom pan1ed by such cnh1er 's check cash or bidder s bo11d No bid shall be con ~•dered unless II 1s made on a blank propos al lorm furnished by the City of Costa Mna and rs made 1n 1ccordance with the prov1s1on of th't Proposal requiremenls ( ach bidder must have 1 Clan ·c 20· license (Haatrn11. Vent1tat1on J11d f\11 Condll1onrn& Con· hactor) and .rlso be prequ;i1tf1ed as required by law A Co11tr ador usrng a c• all or clns1lrcat1on not \how n on the General Preva1l1ne Waae· DI" I er mrnallons m.ry be 1equ11ed IO pay the waee r ale ol lh•I er aft or dass1f1c1!1on most clo'tly related to 11 n shown on the General D•lt•mrnat1ons effectrve al the lime ot the tall lor bid' lhe Conlractur shall <Omply with the PfOVI s1on\ ol Sec1to11 1710 to I 780 rndus1ve. ol the Caltfornra Labat Code the Pf evaittn1 'elt trld .ea.. of w111es utab llt/led by !tie City ol Costa Mes•. which .,. on fl.. with the City Cler~ ol tn. City of Costa Mer.a, ind snaU forfeit penalties prt scribed lhtr ttn for noncompliance of uid Code. Tiit City Council of th• J:tly of Coste Meu rewrves the rf&llt to reiect any tnd/o• tit bids JUUlfOlCla, D....,ty City o...ti City ef c .. 1. Meao Oaled· December JO, 2002 Nete1 M~19" •••-ti.r-·i. h re~ ..,_,, ... •t•rt191 et City Nol i..t.lty, .,. '""" •• ~ 14, 2003, et 'Ot0011.-. Newport Buch·Costa Mes.a Daily Piiot J1nu1ry 9, 16, 2003 • fH073 an Of COSTA llSA OIAleG( (OUln'f, ~ ll011CI IM'lll& llS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed pro posats f« furn1sh1n1 all labor materials, equip ment. transportallon •nd such other facthhes u mar be requtred lor nlCTitKAL IWSIW>U/ MODIFICATIONS ON 'fHl 3rd nooa ruc- HtCAl SYSTlM AT CITY HAU. 77 fAllt DRIYf • CITY PIOJlCT NO. OJ-0 1, will be received by the Ci ty ol Costa Mesa al the Olltce of the City Clerk. 77 fatr Drive, Costa Mesa. Catrlornra. unlll the hour of 10:00 a.m., M•"-day, Jonuwy 27, 200J, at whoch lime they w111 br opened publrdy and read dloud in th~ Council Chamber\ Sealed pro posals shall bear the title ol the work l!Rd name of lht bidcter but "° ol'ller d"t1neu1$h1n& ma• ll$ Any bid received 1fle1 the 'cheduled ctos1ne trme for thr receipt of bids ~hall be returned t o bidder uno1J1!ned It shall be the !>Ole respon"brhty of the b1ddt!f to see that hi\ bid IS r ecetvtd 1n Pf OIJ1!f t•m~ A !ltl of Bid Oocu me11ts may be obtained •I the Offtce ot the City [ na1neer. 77 f a11 0. rye. Cost• ~.. Cellfornle, upon 11e11refw11•11etle ,.,_. .. $10.00. All MMtt....i .......... $1.00 must be 1ncludtd If hendttd by mell Bid Document& end otlltf co11trect documents mey elso ff uern1ned et the OHie• of the City Clefll of t,,. City of Cost. Meu Bid Documents will not be "I.tiled um.s th• 1dditlon•I $3 00 chtrU Is l11cludtd with payment Each bid shall be mid• on the Propoul IOt'm. sheets P I thf<>Ulh P-9• provided In the contract documenta. end shall be accompenled by a cer • titled or cuhler's check ot • bid bond for not Ins th1t 10-. of the •mount of t'1ek bid, medt payab .. f6 the City of Cost• Mesa. No ptop°"I shall be con . s1dered unlen accom pented by such cuhltr's check, cnh, 01 bldde•'s bond No btd sh•ll b• COii sldered unlns It ts m•de on a blfll'll proposal IC>fm fu1 ~•shed by the City ol Costa Mesa and rs made 1n eccor dance with the provmon of the Proposal tequtrerMnh (ach bidder must have a Ct1ss ·c I 0-hcense El1ct11cal Conlracto1 and 1lso bt prequalthtd H rtquwed by l1w A ConlractC>f usrna • cralf Of clau1frc1tkln not shown on the Centnl Pre .. 1l1na Wa ee Oetermm1llon\ m•y bp 1equ11ed to pay the waae rate ol that u alt or class1f1cahon mo~t closely related to 11 '' shown in the Ge11et1I Oettrmmallon' tffMl1ve at the time ol the call for bids. fht Contr.1do1 '\hall lomply with the prov1 \Ions ot Sed1on 1770 to 1180. inclusive. of the Cahlot n1a labor Code, the 'prell1111ne rate and sulr of wagM rstab hshed by the City nl Costa Mes• whrch 1re on hie with the City Cler~ of the Coty of CO\l.t Mt\• .1nd shall forfeit penall 10 prt \Cllbl'd lh~1 ~"' lnr nonlomph1n• ' nt u1d Code Tht City COUl'lllf ol the City uf Co\lol Mau te',tl Vt!' lhl' ll&hl lo 1t1ett •ny and or all How to Place A CLASSIFIE AD 8) Fax 1Q.lll 1 till MQ.I l'lrw fair ..... """' ..Jpt...~...i >t ~t.lh"""-' •di• By Phone 19-i9t M2-5678 By Mail/In l'er!-'on: 3:10 Wc\I B •) S~(I cn•ip• MISCELLANEOUS RetallStom MERCHANDISE tor lease 4545 -For Sult-LeaH P11me Miscellaneous Cm.ta ~ reta~ loc1lt0n on 17th SI ID>sl. I~ Merchandise 3855 rem:n111n1 on lta-.e S20ll per mo 949 764 9446, WANTlD 949 79S 1999 2007 Holiday C•lebralton IAllll LOTS/ACREAGE 949 ~74 4247 Lotl/Autage SUIFIOAID .. ch r 611, Calvdnr shaped <tUIO Wanted 4740 araph Geoff Moy\tt 13~ 949-290-'609 ARIZONA BEST BARCAJN. Business 36 BUI!\ $24,900 Border\ Stale Land OppOftllnitla Beeut1lul ranch In Businesses and W1lh1ms/f tacstall 1rn perfect 6 100 d1mate fflndl!ses 3905 Spectacular mountain HOM( INSPECllON vtrws Allor d.tble " Busineu w/ Amer1C1n 111nc1n1 AllR I 817 282 ln\lltute nf tnspe<IOt\ 5763 Profeut0n~I Credenltats ICAl •SCANI Jorn this 1row1n1 pro len1on belo•e 11•1e H[W MEXICO MOUN 1tc~ns1n& laws chanee TAINS 140 AC Only Trainrna/com~lele ti.I'' $49,900 Corceou' nns under S ,!JOO 800 &rnstands, mature tree 347 245') (CAL •SCAN) covlf. 6300 ft elevatt0n Olcesb~ Mountain Views, year 4540 1ound road\, and elec •CM/.z:•lL 1.S.lkf, Irie Perfect for hone lovers Adjacent t o 1SOO efN~ llv4., t49-61t-S SJ nahooal fC>fest E acellent 0.-_..A-Lee. f1n1nclne Call today! Tiits won't tut! SW proj)i!rltes of NM. Inc I· IACIC IAY CINTfll 2651 lrvlne Avt, 11011 888 292 9 7 I I v1fw. retail on \tie 714-(CAL •SCAN) 57J-7710 NPI 0"1(( SPACl I, .. (94•) ••2-5671 I Im Dow I) , 14 Qatnl Pt1f11feww•4• floor. •chtl!lcts ~"" tew..-tit.rv..,, llJllCe621>;f~ ("~ \~(A9~tin At \c"'J'Ol1 RhJ &. BA~ \1 Hours: lckphonc K \CIJ.111 ~ C(lpm \1und.o I nJJ\ Wall. In ~ fo.1/1\ ~ itirm \lood.i} fnd.i) . HOMES FOR 5ALf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Anaheim Hills Perafta .. one oJVe s.eduded luMurtOUS ~late Stir 5ba 2 ta!llSh most• suites, poo4, spa. ~ &11< Sl.59S,OOO Trldfof Re.ii E sut:e 949 .xl6 2526 949 641).8841 Balboa ,_ c.........,. Lab °"' °'4*!• llflCI I ~ lamly "°""' Sl.310.IXXI LOCltUd ... one ol u.. mc;esl ~hoods 11'1 8dJoil r Mt.astJt ()ppOr'tLnty for l'1WSlmMt Of dew*Jpmenl. ............ ...... ~R-"Y 949-67 94 ,_~!-.Ont D.c*• a,_.~ horre. Sl.310.CIXl localed .. one ol the nic:al 1..,b::wtioodl " Bable. rll1lastlc ~ for IM!Slment or drwllap11ttll Jeff .llalbs, Belloe ~ R:illy ~ Corona def Mir • llAUTlfUL • Oramaltc SpyalHi Hiii oecutlve liollle No n penst was tpared r abulous Ocun View. 4Br. Offered •I Sl.695.000 SellH bou&ht another home Muat Sell ,...., .......... t4t-J76-SS76 'fRH HOUSl SlClUDID HTlllAT AMAZING PRICl AGT.949·72l -1120 CmtaMesa f'llMl lSTAUS PATRKIC TlNOlll NATIONWIDl USl 949-156·970 5 www getntkteno1e co111 lmne Lido Isle llACH COTIAGI 117 VIA HOU 2b1 I' • Ba 2 c 1••. bch & le11 club 3S lot By owner $880.000 obo 949 644 23JO Mlaion Viejo iNIWf'OIT HllOHTS S74'.000 2!ir/\bl. homl w/l fp's.. hmll cir\ t h "" ,,.,. Sl1do ~ .., 'Ii• F ah _,. laC Cll tar llPPI. Dole an 96 71&-l!m or MMJ&.19!1eo .,,.,..... 4~ t.Jh home '"tll IOll• ~t 111~1 11 P•tlo end y1rd, ion COIHU tlld tunut view' $949,SOO. AndlOf Pr ot>tffle• 949 720 3900 ..... llSTAflS f'ATRtcll totOal llAJJOMWIOI USA .4 ........ .,., w-pi1trk1\l•OOf• rnm 11Aueanau1 PMOIAMK Y1fW S.Ut,.MO a.t.t4•·JIJ .. 1IO ..... "° ........ ,..r OfMMt MT.M•·7H.atte ....... I .... M:llMAlftBYIM ~-= bids. JUUlfOl( ... o_,.., Oty Cl...ta (ftyef( ........ O•led. Jinuw1 S, 2003 ....... .....,~ w•·~ ls, ... ...... ...., ...... c ........ City .... ~. 77 ,. °Dfhr•. .. , ... ~. ~ 21 , ~ ... 10!00 -Newpo1t Be.ell•Costa Me .. Oail1 Piiot .llnu1t)' 9. 16,2003 TH075 ll01KI Of .-ec llAmG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lbet a pubhc hor1ne will be held by the Cost• M•H Ctty Council on Janu1ry 21, 2003, at 6:30 p.m .. In the Council Ch1mbers of City Hall, :17 F" 111 Ot1ve, on ·the follow1n1 Item: APPLICATION fr om Mayor Pro Tem Ctms Steal •Pi>Ullna the Plann1n1 Comm1n1on's decision of Min« Oes•an Review ZA·02 73 for Steven and Susan Dewan, to construct • second lloor add1lton on • s1nele lam1ty residence and to eaempl the Pfol>eftY from current park1n1 requireme11ts due to inadequate a• r aae depth (20' requ11ed 19'•• ea1s1tn1) louted •I 439 Bro.tdway 1n a11 RI zone f 11v11onmentat Oetnmonatlon Eiempt Ir THE AFOREMEN TIONEO ACTION IS CHALLCNClO IN COURT. the thallenee mil)' be l1mrted to only those 1nues r111\ed al the· pubhc heanne de"11bed rn the notice. or 111 wntten corrupondence dehverPd to the City Council at. or prior to, the pubh~ hea11ne NOltC[ IS FURTHER GIVEN Iha! at the above lime and place, all rnlernted per\On' may •ppnr •nd be heard by the City Council on the aboye item JUUl FOlCIK, Dep11ty C lty Clerk Oarly Pilot J11nu1ry 9 1003 1)'076 Rditlm..-.U "-S...... I he follo wma pr1 sons are dorne bu\rnen n ftrree McCarthy & P11ce 2700 N Ma111 Strtet. Suite 337 Sltnta Ana CA 9270!> Junette S McC.ttthy, 2700 N Marn Strffl. Suit• 337. Santa Ana, CA92705 C Rtellard ferrM. 2700 H. Ma111 Strffl, Sult• 337, S.tnta Ana, CA 92705 This bus111tss ~ con dueled by • 1eneraJ p.trtnen/llp Ha•• you st.tr t.O dolnc business yet? No Junette McCarthy ThtS statement WH hied With th• County Cletlo of Or.tn&e County on 12/17/02 20026009270'8 Oatly Piiot Dec I 9. 26, 2002 hn 2. 9 , 2003 Th067 s ........ ..... I tlfU..tf flctlllM...., _ The fOllOWlnJ per SOii has abendoned the u'• of the f 1ct1t1ous Busi ness Name A ) .The Trunk Show, B I Trunk Show, 725 W fletcher. Suite ID!>. Oranee. CA 92865 .The f tcllllOus Busmus name reterred to •bove w1s filed 1n Or •na• County on 04/03 02 nu NO 20026898149 B1rbara lrulson 725 W fletche•. Suite 105. Oranee Cf\ 92865 Amanda Jones 72S W fletc her. Suite IOS Orange CA 92186 This bus1nen rs lOn ducted by • aentr al par tnersh1p Barbara Trulson lhl\ statement wn !tied with the County Cieri>. of Oranee County on 12/1010? 2002692056 . Daily Pilot Ian 9. 16 23. 30 2001 lh080 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 Daily Pilot Re-.. ..... ......... Th• foHowinc per~n• llft dolfll bUSIMH H Photn1• fundlnl, 3 Hutton Ctnl1t Of • 810. S•nt• A11a, CA 92707 r11st CUMtnty nna1K1.tt Co1po11llon (CA), J Hutton Centre DI . •150. Santa Ana, CA 92707 This b11S1~u " con dueled b7 • corpofahon H•v• you stertld doin1 business yet? Yu, 6/1!1/ 02 rlt•I Cu11 enty f 1nan c1at Corp0t1Uon Oari.ne S W.trd, VP lh1a 1tatemenl wu filed with th• Couoty C.lt1lo of Orana• County on 12/17/02 2002600927003 011ly Pilot Dec 19. 26. 2002 Jan 2, 9 . 2003 Th066 ~ ...... ... s...... The follow1na person~ are doina businus "' la~tt rab 679 South Stale Colleae. Suite fl f ullerton CA 92831 Robtft Cu1e11 Weimar Ir 821 rowne St C01t• Mtu CA92627 fht\ bulfn•H IS COii dueled by an 1nd1vtdull H.tve you started dome bu11nen yet? No Robert [ Weimar Jr Thts statement wn hied with the Cou11ty Cler~ of Or•n11e County on 12117/()2 20026009270 22 Daily Piiot Ott 19 26 200? J.n 'l 9 2003 lh06'> Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In ClASSIFllD (949) 642-S678 -----Policv ----- Ratc~ and dcadJ1ncs arc subject lo change without nOllCC' ~ publisher reserves the ngh110 ccn-.or. recla'"'>· rcv1\C or rCJCCl dlly cla~\llicd advertisement. Plea.-.c rC'port M.) error that ma) be m your cl~"fied ad 1mmed1atcly ll\c Datl) Pilot alccpt\ no hab1hty for any error m an advertl\cmcn1 for whteh tt may be respoos1ble exccpc for the rn~t of the ~pace actual!} tx:~upicd by the error Crcdtt can only be aJlo'A-l'd for the fiN tn'ICnlon ...----Deadlines---- \1onJa) l ut"'<.i.i~ '-'t:Jnc.-.. d.1\ lliu""b' I rt.L\ ~ OClpm \fonJ.n ~ ftlpm T lk~u;r ' tlllpm \\ •·JIK"'><LI ~ ' llOpm '"~' \•lurJ;i, 'o;urkt.., OPlN SAT 1-5 24 Cetelllt>a A touch ol llaly 4br 7 ~ba. Sir 1da home Sl,729,000 PLATINUM PIOPlUllS Stel•nie M~urer Balboa Peninsula '23 "'-de 5 Ooor s "Uf11 b~y! lower ul\ll Lt patio 2br Iba, olf St !>Bnc SI &n rn 1' ty 9tC}. 548 11D1 2tlr 3' 2c RW pat.i. W(d d/W 1-crpt pawi[. to-unrt 12.1'1: 20tJ1 St ThuNb) \ IW)f•111 r nJJ, ~ llllJ>rtl I n.L' ' llClpm Huntington Beach .............. pvl !Mlbo. p ...._..,.. prJOI And rtUNo WIO ~ watlr lruh 1ncld Pet OK SI~ f 714Wl mJ Lldobfe 949 715 31!'>6 U850mo 949 72J 11& .__. c..n..p a. 1•1.i.. ? t a•r total ternodel !H'uh & ~"" club S2800fmo 949 644 23.lO PRIMl lSTATlS PATIKK TlNORl NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-970 5 www pat11ckten0te coT RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAlf Pel• D•••rt Pel• V•ll•y C,, 2br 2b• Londo cated vaul cerls, cour tyd, 2 c 1a1. Superb condl Close to pool/club hse Own/•ct S272.000 ~ , _ 9632'1-0!JJ:Z Oelt Pr~" Sates & winter rentals Palm Spr1nas. P1lm Oeser t At'o Wuhinflon Wa ltr lr on t Refer rals. Michael Anter Becke" & Becht RE 800-550-352.3 MISCEllMEOUS RENTALS Newport Harbot town hm. on watw , It br, pvt b•. J*int-w11k 1n ckt. IOllf tut. fp. l.tund, 1ated comm, fl'l() ~71.ZJ NI/Ck-View rooms. 0cHnfront/22nd pvt rrn, unfurn. U.are ba, ulls pd, nitll*a. flltch enette, lnd!1. l blocll lo Ne"por I Pttr $695/mo Calf S1111 •t 949-278 1905 c11etween ~·lf> AESIO£NTW RENTALS ORAi& 1• COUNTY Jbr 2 Sba 3 \lor y condo 112 b•y,bLh turn wd 2 c gar 1906 W B1lboa Blvd $2400 714 86S 11199 31, 21•. 1,.,,, 11.,ne areot dtd• and new lndry clo~ lo buLh S?SOOmo 949 715 3513 ConmdelMat Mar9u•rlt• Jlr /21a IU\Ury relurb home SJ!i(X)n A9. i.111 r-2Br 18", ,_ C.tl'pel & i-11 SI Jinn 9f} n 5-3513 .. 2..Ae Brand .... klJ T wnhrn. l 9505I, 21: pr I blodl from P~ ~mo ~ 943 1<111 Rora Gret>vllle 'nll st0ty del.tch Jbr 2ba, 2c aar. sated comm. pool, spa SJ600mo t 2mo lse Ctant 561~ ll3ll Owlet l.W. 2• tl/r8e. twnflrn style epl Remocl. wellHn-....""""" 1125Qon 'I' .. •m-OM!I Mr le4 ley, 111 remod 28t 1.51• condo, 2c pr. fp, wd-hluipi, no pets 11375/mo. 949 S4& IS84 I'••• SO. completely remodeled, 2br l ba, beck hM.1. MW crpVp.tnV kftA•. l'l7 I: 20th 18 tJl $1575 949-371·8"9 Jk l.J"9 ............. 2 c ,., , fp, wd flkup, fOfmll dlnJd. maid ·r i l7M>/mo ~9-293-463 c:.e. 2Jlr 2libe ~ ,_.,,. ~ patio, ~. lc .,,,a:inm ~ -$J~~l ...... Lil.,..-. Jp. .. ............. !rt Jd.~2'1 ..... -.. StlllOIN. te.1\NJ51 IA f OH ON llOO PfNINSULA Nrw 2tr 21• COTIAGU P11vate Bui II Poot 1nd Sp• W1tlo. to Otun Shop\ and Rnl•uranh lute 6 mo 2 yr • Boat Shp Anolablt 710UDOPA .. OI. 949 673 60JO Ot 949 71) 5830 * YlAllY flt llASU Bill CRUNOV REAL TORS t4t ... 7S ... 161 y ...... ainO;> lbr. ,_ ~'*Holos.•• lot Re50r't M-c A"" now lllOOlmo 714-536-1564 NPl/CM •mall 2b• Iba house, C11 •J•. Patio No P•h SI 1!i01mo By ~11ll•tl !o62"4315'B> STUOIOS Two very l1t1e atudlos avail Hew P•lnl & carpet, Sl200/mo etch C.tll !M9 71!1 3513 1..,..,1ew c..,,, 2br 21>1, eat, pool, IJOOsf. I bfll from back bey No pet be ll~~ Y-tt1•tlle1 2br 2b1 penthouse, ocn views, b1lcon1 •. comm pooVttn •II $1800 949 673 7100 YlillY RotTAU nt•• tlltbeach, ?br, Iba 2bf 2-a •ct 11500 SUI~ 949-293 4631) hewttfvl 3fu 2 5ba townhome. c«ner 11n1t, fp,2csltf,wd ~t 11850/mo 949 &73 7IOO .... ...,, ........ 31,. 11/!et, Ille floor. tplc, w/d hlu.ip $190llmo t4•-7H .. J77 'I Dalty Pilot TODAY'S CRQSSWORp PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH .. ~AUTO IMWJlll~'9S BIKll w.r1l!Kk lnt..IOr low~ •l!lml SH.MOO NPI 4bf 3b1 condn nr pool. 7 C 8'1 J P•l tU\ new paint/carpel, S2750 I yr lse 949 650 8U ~ ~WWHOMB b 2119 ,_ JllC II nu lh. carp. rut lo ~ pn SV!ltrrm 985111 1520 ll4-Isle Imm~ 3Br , 28a be•"' ce11's r p, p1ho 2 Cll 1•r .,, S2900 mo 949 61 J 7390 , ........ ~Sui 112 .lln S. 5001 ~ Ave 414bh.pluldlao: .. ,_ ttrrod llu <lllt s.Jan.·rm ..,..._7931 "'NOTICE RENXRS C-1ifornra law re quwea that conll ac tort lMl•nc fobs that total ~ or more (labor or mat If lab) bt licensed by the Contrac tors Stet• llceow Boll'd. State law llso requil'H that contrecton include U-loceftse numl>ef on • edltw1U,. You CMt ~ lhe status of tour licenud co11tr1ctor e.t -w.cstb ca 1ov or 800·"21-CSlB Unll· ctnsed con tr octors t1kl111 Jobs that total ''" then $500 must slat• In their edvt<llsemtnta thel thtr ••• not lk1n1ed b1 the Conlr eclon State l..keMe B-d " Al• 11 R•1•1 ... 53 r tCt10na1 ~~;:: 55,.,... 56 PIUV!Oe caprtlll 57 MWS'H" ec:D 58 e.rr. cl DUelleO S9 Stepped oo the 62 f!!. inan one 12 13 M<:ll TRICK IN ITS TL\U Neither 'ulnerable South dew~ NOJrrn • Q7 Z A'JJ QJ 10. • 10 64 WFST •965 3 75 8742 •KQ7 1!.A..llT •A I04 K6Z K 65 3 cn:d by the lflk't'n '>1n..c Wc\t I\ hardly hl.C'I)' 111 ht urwkrleadm& .in ~c on thh "~lmn lhcrc " no point tu l:.&M ' co•cnng flit, dcducuon •~ 1mmcdl.'ll<'ly n:wvd.-J "'hen de.:later "''n\ "'".h thr ... , ohv1~ly a \In l(lCIOO ro c:tJ.ibh'h unJ u...: Ole d1amcio<l~. 1.kd111cr •Je<'d\ '"'" cn1ne-. 10 the tdblc Suum l.n11"'' 1h1\. and "° ..O.t0ld f:.il..\I When '>ooth now run\ lhr qun:n of hto111', 11 "'Ullld be llUIJ tur Ea..i lu wm lhc 11.U. the rune ol 11\JlllJ>' be<.'OnlC' lhc lotletmd tnlty lk•cto1rer \WlldK'\ 111 the lung of '\l)JJL .... .mJ t>114:c .;~.im East rnu .. 1 rctu..c tu "'111 10 prt·•enl lhc queen of \p.kic' tn>m be..ommg an cllll) • 9 5 2 'OUTll • K J 8 QJU184 A • AJ SJ ~b1dd111g .. OlrrH w._ .. I NORTH t.A. .. , To hrlp pannrr \k, 1\k ""hat w do 1r \11uth per.c >Cl\"' "'Ith \piltlc\, ~C!!.I mu.\I \l.trl 10 give wunt by pl11y111g lhr "~ on thJ' lnd .and "'hr n South <:onllnoc\ "'ilh the Jot< l. Wc<>t com plctc" lhc aho b) t111lov.111g "''th lhc three tn •ht•v. "" .:•~n number of <:dl'th In the \Ult. rtlllklllg II C<b y for W,•,t Ill .... 11hhold the: .11.c one more time. I "-2 1•-4 .._PllSI> l>u. Operuog woo Tv.v nl On many lwnd,, ded..ri:r ' pl.in of rnmfldJgn " obY1ou' Inc Jcfcn\C' mu.-.1 do everything (lCl'!\IMe w thw~rt IL l.Jcdill"Cr '"II h"' •>Oc arrow 111 die 4u1•cr Lu linJ \\c,1 "'1th the kmg ol h.:.;n, Bui v.hcn .i lu"" r.rump Ul lhr n1n.: 1 .. ...,, tu 1h.: k111g, u.,1 t·•n oJnll lu" duh o1nJ, 111 the fullne>' vi wn.: Jcdurer mu'>I lt""4.' two dub trld,, th.: I.mg ur hr.in' and ace ul '~ Cur a one tml. \Cl ~pile Ille Oat ill\lrthutwn "'onh'' r&J~ tu two heart.\ " pr('kr Jhlc 10 re-.pundmg unc no 1n11np the lomier " cnc.:t1'm1g11111 1'-hll .. th.:- IJttcr " anyth1n~ but. 'iuddcnl) South\ hanJ revalue> UJ II< 19 pi11nt' .lJld the JUOlp to gmic I\ JU\Ufic:J W~ led !hr '"'"of 111.i.moncJ.,, ~.,,. looklleeper, PT Reill ... ,~•~· M1m1 .. C<M~v 1n Newport Beat.h Fu IHUme949 64() 7146 ORt'l[RS/CDI. (A) Cele br•hn& 40 yur1 SOLOS up lo 39 cents lums to 41 etnh 010 \ to 87 cents SIOK bonus Condos EOC 800 925 '>!156 or KllM com (CAL •SCAN) lftvM-... Offlce/f'T S.uetory-llec•ptlo1ol1t phones, f1hna. mall. del!Ywm & MS Office Lido ~ WU ha r~ to 9&6JS.818S rlRE YOUR eoss• Kw1k Ktrb Busrne.• t •y•nR 'nnt1nunu\ 11u11 '"'" •u1b1ne l 11uq.1111rn l lra1nma. m.,k.111111 with hlll k up and <upP-Or t Oun t w•1t \>tin,.. df e•s \hll •••1t•bl# I 111>6 ~ SJ7? WW# ~wrhirb com (CAI 0 SC.AN1 o.c,.,..,, Office As...,_ Sm t.dW~I offiu .. West lrVllll' 2".> J) "" """ [ tp 'tcJI" fld c..11 949 25(M I 36 h;1 hto1e Office rT, $1'> Sl7 hour 9am Si>m. .tu41s. I.b111~ .. 4olll r1U1ne. Ktner •I oHKe F•a rKUftte _,., t49-1'0-04SO Attn loAnn• N11wpor I Bue h Real l~lalt Otf1<1!. near f 1sh1on htand .. ceptl..,l•t F /T Tu•.- Sot. Bul; phonn MS Ofh<e •nd phone 'k'll' Rut1u11nt op •• r aa reu1me to 949 f>O 0674 ur tdll 642 /880 1 •• 1.,,. S ltn'--t-tt.Kt/ff• fr>< M; llMan dlno-r IJouy "" NB Busy~· wm putu eip n~l r •• ·~lo 9'19-W0>74 Of , •• 1}49 w 788l .... , .. , • .., MAl<f XTRA SSS (,ARV' M~n \, l11tl11n11 tilft• tot tit r "'h h I\. • urrPnllr t:•r '"'.,, l tt~tut"r\ Mi1.l t.t: adlfl t 1 .-..Mt-• 'I .. v... ., ,, & Aut b·1 9000 ~un' ,, ,,. ••• • 11i R ·bti I omo I es f.141b .. 1111· '}4'1 /')~ If>?/ I Al/ON ( ntr .. IJ, I n.t;; Automotive 9004 w•nlrd Mu\t L1 '"""'ll -t , ,. .~ ,.,. • .,._~, Y"U Audi '99 A4 2.1 t9ti w .. nl bf" fOUf t••n ho~ " ,,Hath< ~te~n &r4'y •n•I ~"l"Y •Jnlim1t~c! ·thr I U nonrf full; '"' nmic\ l • 1 • td t~ lr.•d••l hh• nrN .tb/4'>11 C888 >9 4 ' 4 0 111 Sl49'J-.1in&w•rrav•1I 1 CAI •SCAN I B hr 'J 4 9 ~ 8 6 I 8 8 8 www.ocpot.l.com FT SAlll ri lV~ 1"'1'1 IMW '9S S401 IOOI. ~~~~~P~~Y!::~·~·,h:~ "" i.1~ h t ·h bmllful ~JUSC-. 21'2'95 Bt10$h Racine ar- wlth Cfeme lealhl!I Low t.Wt&! e.uty1 •18955C SIU90 00 ,.,,._,. C....-'tt '16 LI, !>·ll)elld, a/c. CD playet full po-. 1 ll!iEO $9.!8> 00 ~IUSC....,.'at Vwy Rwe Vl2-low Mitts' lmm.culat. C«lpel #18472 $9,980 00 P....._tllT..,. c....-·eo Thas ll a r • e find' Nice, Well mamtaned 911 Coupe!! #18646 Sl6,98l.OO MalJOOCI C....'92 White w/trey l eattw Thrs IS one rw e MBZ 4 Cf>l4)el A Be~• •18771 $14.980 00 IMW 740t S.-. '98 lrncNwa.i. white w/crey Luthe Beaulltul • l8730 S29,980 00 Le.-lS400 S.....'97 TlMs rs a Cleat Lu•Ufy Sedan Pr iced to sel FAST •183431 S21.98000 .__....._ <D0~'02 BIKk 8-rtyl Huo-ry '°' !hrs one Wwunty • 18869 S22.980 00 MalU20~'96 Perfect White w/lulhet low Miies' •18606 Sl9.91rl 00 IMWU ...... _ ... Shriey Red w/Bladl peat c:onver'IJl>le' Mini i.ee• ,18770 SIJ 9lrl 00 IMWMOO c .... ·9s r~ I\., .... nit' tar~ BMW (;c•vlJO' low mile->' • 18867 $29 91[) 00 ~Wr ... '99 Rtd.,. l •n lnlero 6 yl 5 ~ •1893.'.IC. Sil.BOO 949-574-7777 °' ta• rt'l.Umr '/";) 8719 GOVfRNMf NT >OBS W1ldlll~ and Po-.1•1 481<.+ P'1 fe" f 1111 benefits Pard lra1nm1 No P•IJt rien< P necen"' y r or apphcahon ~nd t • dm tell toll ltee I 888 778 4?66 a850(C.Al0 SCAN) Motel Clerti [ ~p'd l<tsy IOb for r eh"d ~non ~ oo Site' ""9fy (Q.l 118 11th SI tti 714 206 lJ08 le o ,-t ef tlte mla. Prelt:rr,.d M11b1I' Mu>1c Inc c .,11forn1• \ f.o\l•ll d0'\11£11 & \tit S•llly "'"' '"'(." •1 vnd lrn•nC1n8 bontt\ & med 949-4'1>4'>4! &. ,...,, •1wl ••149762 r .... '96 bptonr Sport IOIN OUR rr AM '"~ Stci 'ff, fikr 949-'>86 1888 Al. mnrf cc purl blk .Udo Isle 'b• jh~ • d•n PAllll f p h &·" rt•W fll>4'1\ & jMHll lJ('(JO ""' yrly '··~ 94'1 67' ll4'1 ....,._ 38r, .... ._, ... lot w/1 .f>l1 t1I watwh1"1I 3Shnt I00~1de Gr•n1t~ lOOlllS \ '-' "A>lt·ln<"" roollap do'<~ \Vi0n1 11 dock ...... <;e9 171 144() s.1,.., ... wtt4 ltltlS lilt.., wtyl rt«e • Oaslf!.4 14 t.Myl ('4f)6U-S'11 AcCOUNTS--.miVAIU Cllltl( Pr •••te Coll Club l ull l1m' 8JO'>OO W~dnesday lhui Sunday M~d ... .il 1n~u1 •n<.e •nd benefit\ Apphcalmr" now bt•n& accepted Santa An• Country Club 20381 N~wp111I Blvd Santi An• to~ta Mrs• -----81nk1n1 ,.._,.. , ... 1-i.bol NAllon.ol !Mnll Ne#purt &Ji Gr e.tl boone'f~ 6 Mu \ e>po<rl('fl<r p<11fer1Pd la1 ,,.....,lf! '" ·~ 949.()61 267b D1 I nt '·•• " look1ne for 1 •l~nled people t o \v• pvt pat ht-• s< hw·I~ .,.,.d dcnr• .t r ru11 < n\ 8ecnmf' t Ot 1t 100 "ntu)' tnlJ\I( Of 11,.f 110 fht mu:rophon~ 1t you hctv,. P~• \un•hly lu I••< om~ .t11 MC' N, ••P n11t Wte~d.o;/we'k"nd P T "'" now •ud•ll•Jnm; Call HOO~ 6'100 •nd be ulme 1 PJll ol th11 mia• A\k lor 81 andon Bruwn oma HW' '/T PM'llM I malulP pet$On w t umputtf Mlrl Pf" \On <tblr · k1ll\, must be (If RdlOllf'd and <f•mfO< I ~blf' .,rth ""' f)Ubli<. I 00<1 .tn.l WIM 1nh•fC"'>I YelY 11<-lplul C.I 949 881 l319 tr tk•" dillPrrnr~ In th~ IMW '9 S 74011 sllv•r, i'Y lthr Sf>.445 1452136 1 ~tih.rn•• ""''f N ,1, 1, ,1 •mrna1 ul•lr 781< m1 ..,I c.:zta Mi!!ll ~ 'l664f>7822 ( "'•" non \mkr S21 000 •UM d you ~'"' ~· t L ':1491 t.42 116'> evn rTIOftt:"f tor tOllf'if' dfH1 <'1•er lr•1nm11 t •II I IMW 740! 7..---wtwte 800 GO GUAllO hl.o<h k•J<led &.)I"" (CAl 0 SCAN) r.r<. lh1um~ whul$ leteom•rkPl'r~ 1111 "" S281XJJ ''°" 949-760-0898 (cb..Nwl Co J) lw'l.',.. Codllloc 'I I IW.._. ~ •• SIO.,_. ?$\:Im M f 1ook' & drivn nice ~ t·..i Yb C.IU<l S ... Sl47S ob •754896 fJ:O 417 4.Ji2 r' t 1)J '· 1 CcN.. "'5o r• 9604Et '18ZJ r 111 " • I \ I d I t ' n K Chevrolet '96 Comoro (a>\l!lllll.eatM!nb•......... c w 8 •th 6t yl ---ln•c!ttl Sb44.S •95J?"8 Cltu.rifed IS l.A.)';U MN c. ~ 1S2 (0.W£V/£'7 a.VY MOHTt CM.O 'IO I 4()< "'*" t)(pW ,_ wllttJiu JOU rt ,..,. , 1.nM: 1Jeal Ulnd buJint. stUiAt. mx> 949....o-an1 • 1--L' Q.,yo;ier '97 CJma 8eMJ1 or fMSI ww.Ulf, 1or,.., & ~.._. nrce Ar cltzssifw.d ltas A.I". 11 rw J44h,;m wMlyou nttd! vQl'lfi ™ £> ~18'2 Cl.ASSfF/£0 a;;:yslar y.,. ''6 Town &. ( •'untr y l XI whit' (9"9) 641-5678 .irrv llh1 1mm•t tond CO 1.,.,., like o~w 1ioo •, snoo 'M9 J50. S201 ,., .. '94 Mint919 red V6 S~pd \upe< ctun $3995 v'21'>489 Cost• Mesa Otr 949 646 7822 fo.D 0.. NEW 4 ~ white saleS Iola ' lrcense pwd S5(XXl obo 8 IS.952 S250 fMd '96 Whtdator Cl 1 pU\ r•d AC. lull; loaded nn. & tocas aood S4775 ••:>31587 Cosu Mesa 0. ~7822 ~ "s o...I Che'~ l TD 414 V8 ..t1Vtan 111Y S7'"JOltooo ISl4fal r.Ol1a Mesa ~ 96646-7822. Lt.ii ..... 'UO '*--Y Ser1es If 2& m1. lull fact warr \river rre; tthr dual mnrf. rear sf'als, CO, 111\e new v49l471 S23 99S fin ••a~ 8111 www ocpabo com .... ,..., ... HOME, HEALTH AND BuSINESS ,. ..... SI ~ ERVICE . c....-r .... Softw.-e.. O CAltPITo CilPlT"" H11dwate 1nst1flat1on R1tpa1u Patthinc lnstetl =. ~~ Courteous any size jObs Wholtulel 949 492 0205 Cona'ltl I Masonry . ,.,,,,, o.J"' 3IJ .., AuToMoMI Sima ...,. _ 0...--Sllwf ... n..W-SHOP (949) 645-4641 4ftt II ... ,.._,, .... COMPt.rrER HELP! . ......... ..... ... ,.. .... ... •fie•• lridl It.di St-Tiie Concute. Pabo. Dnvewlly fwtplc, BBQ Refs 25Yri EJ p T '"l 114 557 759ot ttM<-·•-Cemenlworll. Bf'id. Tit. a. Mort Rel11ble No job too smell 714 615-9062 u..._ Plllllilllill 0 ..... YOUllHOMI IMHOVIMINT HOJl<n Call • plumbtf. painter, handyman or enr of the crNI senicu lilted '"" 1n out senlc• dwectoryl THESC LOCAL SVC P£0f'LC CAN HELP YOU TOOAYl Electrical Semca s....it J~ liqtet'fl OuncMI [ tectflC 20\'rs [ 1p Loul'Quot:k R~ Senlce/Remodels t •275870 94H60 7042 UClNSIO CONTU<TOl No ,all too $111. M ww:iesl RllC>P remodel. IMS, !" -WC 94&6tS J656 Aoa1tnwm1 Htallh & Bauty Los• ...... ,., .... l-T-res L.ochc.... M•nt .. , Ir 1ple yout Welllly ~Ira trmnq ener1y 09ly SJ&. ts & rn1ta1Utl00 15 VrJ exp Co1ll l1n 949 645 6677 llc:/ins11red 949 548 4363 House Cleaning TrH $entice, hrd Cleenup, Maintenance. 5t>f'lflkltf Rep.it. H1uhf\I <•tt> uo-e111 20T-.ef QMlltyCr~ Uall674113 (9tt)6SO-tS2S Mork ,._,_ a.-.. s-. Core*~ home & ok free est. Strv al 0 C m ~ 3473 714-~1101 ,_ .... ....-....... ~ Toal NI&. °""" SM! ,. wrdl cb1tl ~ _ ...... 984Zl1<M MIMl'l•Slarlll HST MOVOS $5'/'*' ~°"'"I 11t ctlln. h1su1ed lest, court1ou1, c1reful Tl638-U 800·246 2378 Hcnl 111 ....... - Mowlat•a.. PUBLIC NOTICE The Callf Pubhc Ut1hti.1 commru1on requN'es that all ustd household 1 oods monu print lhelf P U C C1I T numb«f, lrmos and cllautfeurs p11nl tllelr T C P number In ell ·~ · b-nb If yOll have any questions •bout the te11llty of a mover . limo ol dl1ufftw. can PU8- UC llTIUT.:S COM· MISSION 7U·5SI 4151 l.tZ::J ~t.:' ~ frft •t. l•l7Se02 714-531-1534 7 •.JI0..2945 ....... ... &.eJl ..... lX 470 tmmacut.ale lltacV\an tttw, •ff oric, boolls 133.900 949 350 5202 ......... •···· Conv 3411 m1, auto, red/ bladl ant & loe>, llMl.llifut 0111 cond. v59724 I $10.995 hn & w.,t aviul Bkr 9 49 586 1888 ___ ........ _ Meue"•• •••• •to JOO( 2 6 Btac:ll/tan ttnr. llnrf, noca U/ SS22'S ... 234013 Co1ta Mew Dir !M9-646 78'l2 .__....,._J2 .. Gor 119'MA· blldVbli lllw '19.~ ~l254 C051.i Meu ow 949 646 181:1 ... ,....._ ,,.. ·a2 sao Sll llj)dated options, rntored 1n & out. mtnt cond SD 714-222 Z'ElO ••re•"" 't7 c2ao C0<1N<Js 72t. mt, 1 owner . fully loaded books/records. mnrf SIS,225 vl215485 Costa Meu 011 949 646 7822 •-c ..... 'ttC2JO Komptessor 62'\ m1 nOf'l/sintu.fu"uy loaded $16,995 vf521332 Cosl1 Mesa Otr 949 646 7822 Me«edes 'SS I 90l 2.3 AT. AC. snr I super clean new !Ires . nee ur $2495 vct628173 Cosll Mesa ()lo-~ 7822 ... , ..... ·u soo1 J .2 bladi., ppous. sn<I, lttw. be•utJful S899S llS21325 Com Mela [)o ~ 782'l Mercedes 't6 (320 71k m1 wh1lelo•lme.I lthr. snrl, CD. buut1lul orie cond, "451.1621 Sl8,995 B kr 949 586 1888 www.•cpolll.ee"' ............. JOOSl Go<eeous Blue 'blue lthr S49'Y.> •215215 Cost• Men Dir 949 646 7822 Thursday, January 9, 2003 17 ....... -Atrl'OIDUS, ........... S.J210lW8 ~ 2811 ml full fact ••rr black/blli, CO chrume Wlfllld whl' 11r•1ed n 'mkr ltk• naw v8':176'11 S31 99':> fin .. ail l:lkr 9 49 586 11188 -AC.pOllll.c- Nl1-'tJ Aht-Gill au~. clean, lookS/drtve\ pert S398!i 111846!>48 Co•ta Mm Dt 9'Mi4& 182'l Nia.., 'a7 St•:a• GJll 1 auto llJGo3 & ,.,,,. ""'' N:. PW POL • Mldn .. ' t11 $2oWI ¥1'215489 vhla Mesa Dir 949.646 782'/ OU...t.lle ••s Aw .. • ....., ~ 0..... '""' 40 !"I ••11' ... ~; • -1 ......... "" 'f'JU ""' v. • "'° .-... or '"" U °"-' Rt-, (Ql Tom;1tu Au1<1 ~ Jl4 4J1 l\UI cw 114 s.'8 ~ CASH Fott C.US Wt o•w-J ,, ut •' ,, 4• j f(M' (JI • of f.t1 •. .., It. A>• too Mo~ ,.111 'i41l "'" 11 I I WAMTIO '18 lmm<tt. fully lotded l0Cl7 Holld•y t-l•L< ''' 1 llht 84K m1 S'>2?5 lil81l vt 1434720 Coua Me!>4 I ....... t;.· .• 1.4 .4.?4·7--Dlt 949 646 7822 ..... --·· 't7 4 6 11SE, 60k m• metallic BOATS 9515 clark 111•en oatmeal lthr 18" wilts fabulou\ c)r fabuloul cond. $18 99'> firm ••265124 Im .,,.,r 1va11 Bkr 949 !)86 11188 :ffi lft .-Duffy If' N iwna ............ ., ,, m.ilrnt .. ,,.,.tl t._11 .. ~1M1 It-.• R•v•r 't7 4 6 SIO.OOJ le9M(l4iJf HSE 60li m• met.tlhc dark amn o•tme.l Ith• BOAT REPAIRS/ 18 whls f1bukiu\ < •• fabulou> tond Siii 'HS SERVICES firm v•lf>Sl24 tm "''" I IVlll Sllr 949 ')86 18811 SAAi '91 900S f<rd BOATS SUPS/ tt•y llhr Al A C MOORINGS/ petlec t cond l•>P m<.J 14995 ••21~!) eo.u LAUNCHING/ Mu a Dtr 949 646 71l/2 STORAGE Sonwn •ts U2 f<ed !I $pd, •m tm 1 .is-4dr SZ250 v'21S4'l8 (..u-.tJ Meu Dir 949 646 1s·11 IOAl Sl1' 7~11 I H ~/I l:l~.t I S .. .... tf ',, SOft OOCll 9680 ,. V•e 'l2 240 Tur ... lntefloolu l ?OI. "' sunroof tint run· . .iood $900 949 640 IWJ i,.•Af t 1J' h lo~~,'I •II 141) ~ 14 I Xlft '•I> 1 • ''' $J I SUPS AVAIUlll Nf"W' r ~ ff Plug into the Pil ot Classified sed1on to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Classified Community Marketplace your stUff th'cqh classified! .. , ' 20030PTIMA DOWN -. ~-----..__~~~~__..;..._;.._ _____ --'-______ ....._. ___ ._ ........ ___ 2 ..... ~•--..... _..-. .. -.. ...... aMt.-.. ..... s•r•n•a~sc~ewa•n~·aa~sa~s~s~,•••s~s~,~•_.allill.I