HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot! • l I . ' • 40 ¥U SCSUC • .a1 10 Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2003 0 0 Marinapark hotel tri0101ed again Develop er says changes were m ad e1n part to get a rea support. Al so, council will vote on re n ewing lease o f trailer park at the site. June Casa1rande posed. Developer Stephen through the propeny to the bay from the !>idewa.lk on Balboa Boulevard. It open.'> the propeny up a bit more." nounced a reducuon in rooms. "I expect tht'> to be the final plan," Sutherland -.aid. QUESTION Is the latest plan for the M1rin1paric hotel 1 good one7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e·ma1I to 7 • lea,.-lO permit a pnvate. for profii \{'nture on the .-.ne. Daily Pilot Sutherland has also reduced the NEWPORT BEACH -The de· veloper of a proposed h..1xury re- sort at Marinaparlc has trimmed the project one last time and will file plans with the city on Monday. size of the ballroom from 7,600 to 3,600 square feel The plan now also includes three "vtew com · dors.." areas· of open i.pace where the bay is visible from the ~I.reel Marinapalk L-. between I 5th and 18th street!> on the harl>or side of the Balboa Pcniru.ula Sutherland !>aid that the changes were made partly to win the suppon of neighbors. Some residents have opposed the proj- ect because they believe it threatens to change the character of the penin1>ula Supponers be- lieve it will give a needed boost to an area on the decline. ln the meantime, city officials will vote ·1 ue'>day on whether to renew for one year the leru.e for the resident., of the mobtle home park. Ld.'it year the t lly renewed for one year thl• rt.">1denl'>' nght to continue to Live on the uty-owned land ~1den1... un'>uccessfully pushed for a longer tcnn lease. da1/yp1/ot a lat1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for venf1cat1on purposes only lne at) -.ele<:ted ~theriand as ill> prefem>d developer for the '>lit' nw one-year exteru.1on for rnn-..dernuon · r ut"'ida) rught I!> '>unilar to tlw one-ye-.u exteru:.ion that W'd.'> J<:Tanted ta ... l year "\\e rwed to keep our option'> o pen reg.uding the u-.e ol that land, <.It'. \.fanager I lomer Blud;.iu '>did been underm11wd The Regent Newport Beach Re· sort, if built at the site of the Ma· rinapark mobile home park. will have 110 guel>1 rooms, down from the I 56 rooms originally pro- "It's smaller and It's better," Sutherland said "By reducing the number of rooms, I've created more open space on the site, I've created three large view corridors. so someone can see alJ the way The changei. rnalk the founh time that Sutherland has an- Though u1y oflic.:ial., point out that the re'>1dent'> agreed year1> ago that thc.•y might one day have to leave, residen1s claim lhal the ll'llll'> of their originaJ deal with the rny have Actorc.hng w their original lease, they would have had to leave if the C-11} had turned thC' waterfront property into a pub lie park < 11y 1 offi~ later changed tht• v..ordlng of tht· • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers N1>w1>ort Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at '.;4~ 5 74 4732 or by e mail at 1um· casogrande a lat1mes.com BATTLE RERUN DON LEACH I DAILY P!LOl The tall ships Lynx, left. and Hawaiian Chieftain, fire blank cannon shots at each other in a battle re-enactment outside Newport Harbor. For sale: spots at the swap meet · ~ . . OCC officials expect a la rge crowd o n Monday when they offer slots for $25. The market will return to two-da y o pe ra tio n s on Feb. 1. Loltta Harper Daily Pilot CX>STA MESA -Orange Coast Col- lege swap meet officials will start plec· ing back together their nonnal business routine Monday by inviting vendors to join the return of Saturday operations. The Orange Coast College swap meet will resume Saturday operation on Feb. 1 for the first time since May. when the city asked college officials to drastically scale back the swap meet to control some of the traffic problems. Last month. the Qty Council gave the swap meet the go-ahead to reopen on Saturdays. On Monday. college officip.ls will offer single-day swap meet sale slots for S25 in the OCC Community Education Building. A large crowd is expected and numbers will be passed out starting at 7 a.m., officials said The venue's overwhelming popular ity ultimately led to its downfall be cause it produced too much trdffir. crash and noise. CoUege officials said that this time will be different because they have come armed with a profes- sional naffic plan. a more organi7.ed configuration and fewer vendors.. a.c; was mandaled by the city. George Blanc. who oversees the swap meet as the coUege's administra· live dean of economic development and communication education. sald the swap meet will try to accommodate some of the requests of Costa Mesa residents. induding a desire to bring baclc the eclectic. "dean·out-your-ga· m~c" type nature of the ..tloppmg venue. Costa Mesa residents 1:-Ilc Bever and Don FJmore argue that the Oe~·market cype venue that once attracted treasure seekers of alJ economic clas..r,eo; has been replaced by an outdoor dlscounl shopping center. Gone are the rare tre~ures brought by familie. who are looking to make more ~pare m the at- tic, they say. only to have been replaced by wsles of cheaply made new mer- chandise. "We have enough new vendors on Sundays." Blanc sald. adding that he will no longer accept bid!. from new mt'ft'.handise vendors on that day. FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot Kids can put their guards up, too Af A GLANCE M ost parents know that a few hours. Du.ring that time. ONnEWEB: Nonnan vigilance Is standard recounted Danny managed to swallow a www.~com operating procedure. It bow one day few marbles while no one ~ WEATHER &> tarts from birth. when we her Utt.le looking. CUrtis found them watch babies to malte Rft they brother during the next diaper cbangie. are heal~ After a year. when showed up Parental race Is a lifetime The tu" can't make Jt today. they start to walk. we shadow wtthtwo occupation. any pa.rent and S..P111A2. them to make sure they don' black eyes. It's likely \hat even ~ they run or fall Into anything that Seems he are all grown UP, perhaps eva'I OCEAN STUDY can bann them. had not a parent tbemseMil. theft own It'• a fUll-time job, bUt once In gonentntoa partnts are still gfvlng them UCI studies OCNn grim.. a whlJe. we let our guards STEVE ft&ht but had .advtce, still watchlng out that SeehpA3 down. There ts no other~ to SMITH atl<Mda they don't fall down. SPORTS Clplaln bow. for example, Dr. ralsin~hb Parental~ more DATE BOOK ~ Kn.untM o( the Jlarboc noee. whk:h caueed the I.ban watdling out for~ • Newport~ High boyt' Pediatric Medical Group In blocbge that aftected hit eyes. objecu that mystedoualy GubtiM Htbib Koftt ~· *It ... wtnt ~ Newpon a.di reamtfy pulled And Oink Plcble told me appear tn 1he noee, een or pley the Ben:ley. CJl*'*,62-61 a ..a eruer out ot a Uttle about the dme he and bit wtfe mouth~ WI.,. snail. Aa S.PlpA12 .......... . boy. .... hid left their litdf eon ::i.. ' When iold Of~ Oier)'t with padmaaad ..... ... FNaY,hpM Schools dismayed at state budget cuts Fees would more than double at OCC, and summer classes might be eliminated entirely. Outlook grim for UCI. too. Deirdre Ne wman Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MUY\ -Local t>dueauon officials Friday rt.'acted with d1'imdy to Gov. Gray OaVl'i unveiling hi'> budget pro po.-.al for 200H>4. The recommendauons. released Fnda\ are part of a -.t>nes of proposed cub tu di t.ael a whopping .,tale budget deficll of S.14 6 b1l1Jon lney al..o mcluded chdnge., to h1~ rrud-year budget cut.s propo'>t'<l m December l>avt.c,' propo'><ll would devastate the community rnU~es. said Fnn Lohn ~pokeswoman for the Coast Community LoUege District. which mcludes Orange Co~t CoUege DaVIS sugge-.t., S60 million m nud vear reductions for community coUeg~ <,tate wide. in add1oon to the S2 I 4 milhon ht' has previous!) recommended That I'> bas 1 eally a I ()'1(, red ucu on 111 the dc.mn' budget over last year. Cohn said. And for 2003 04, Oavts proposei. a s1g ruficant mcrea1>e 111 the community ml lege enrollment fee. from S 11 per unit to S24 per unit Student funding would also be cut by about $700 under the p roposal. and economically dl"8dvaq,taged and di., abled students could expect a 43% cut m thetr suppon services. Cohn said . To combat the loss of funding. a reduc- tion m class offenngs during the school year and the summer would be tough :o avoid. Cohn said. "\\le1l be urpnsed if we see an}' sum mer school this year.· Cohn said ·nus lS going to ~ really tough for us and affect the way we wiU provide services. There isn't any way we can get around !cutting classes). We really can't expect to see the same kind of community colleges that we See BUDGET, Pqe A5 Rodman arrested . after attack Deepalharath Oaityf>ttot Nl'.WPORI' BF.ACH -fUmer N'S\ AOclnw\WMW• ~at .. Semhore Dme hmm mrt; Pridly mo1 naig on al!llpldon (I/ ~WOCIWI htwm ponedly ~Ilk!. Polilce o9an NlpOhdld IO a 911 <ii from the ..... • lbola 2 a.m. The~......., Wl!l1t OUl.., Che c-.. • ..,,.., PlillQl .... ,.. dlualtid • N!t'Pll' a.ta ~--Sbllll•• .... • • r • • ~ Saturday, Jaoowy 11, 2003 ... FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY rN THE SPIRIT Myst'erious ways of the editor Salnt Michael & All Angels HOf every four words I write, I strike out ,t#Jree. .. -Nkolas 8oOeau ( 1636-1711), French poet and aitic 'What 1 have crossed out I didn't Uke. Whal I haven't crossed out rm dissalisjil!d with." -C.edl e. de Mille (1881-1959) American film director I took the liberty of starting this column with two quotes because I like chem both and r can relate to them eq_uaDy well. 11 al.so interested me to read the great time span between the quotes. Obviously. editing has pained the crea~ types since ages past I began writing this oolumn with some sadness. because my editor Jennifer Mahal is Chu.rdl name: St MJchael & All Angels. A.ddre.: 3233 Pad.fie View Drive. C.Orona del Mar. Telephone: (949) 644-0463. ~mall; church@stmikessdmorg Pariah Web site: www.stmlkescdmorg Newsletter Web Jh,e: www.loueofmlke.net Denomtnadon: P.piscopal Year church established: 1959 Wonhtp ti.ma: On Sunday. Holy Eucharist iS celebrated at 8 and 10 a.m. The 10 a.m. worship is a Choral Eucharist At 9 a.m., Associate Pastor St~ Felder leads aduJt Bible srudy. Oilldren meet for Slmday school at 10 am. be.fore joining their families in church to receive Holy C.Ommunion. Morning prayer ls said each Tuesday at 7 am .. followed by a peace Mass and then a public prayer service for healing at noon. Evening prayer and remembrance is said each Frid!l): at 5:3Q.P..m. ~~~=~~"'~~-"'O'.~anbt],asmr.1ne:Very Rev.~ Canon Peter D. Haynes. Staff: Stephen Felder, associate for youth and aduJt education; nm no longer my editor. -ttwas-a:-bitterSWffi - thing for me to read her farewell letter in the paper last Friday. I've enjoyed working with Jennifer, and she has given me many great tips and pointers about writing and editing. I appreciate the times Jennifer called or e-mailed because of something confusing in my column. She and I have worked together to tighten many sentences. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON · Gett. minister of music; Teri C.Orbet, minister of religious education; Kelley Samuels. assistant for youth mi.nistry; Susan Beechner and DonOie Lewis, ministers of administration; Burton Ka.rson, organist -choirmaster emerirus; Cindy Evans Voorhees, intern student pastor. SE.AN Hl.LER /OAll.Y PtLOl The Very Rev. Canon Peter Haynes is a spiritual leader at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. Stze of congregation: Approximately 200 people attend Sunday worship. current events. Upcoming homily: On Sunday. Over the years. r have called Jennifer to ask if she thought I communicated my point dearly, and she and I have made some improvements over the phone. Jennifer's cheerful availability bas meant a great deal to me. Makeup of congrqpdlon: Members are of all age groups and come primarily from the C.Orona del Mar, Newpon Beach. Costa Mesa and lrvine areas. Jan. 12. the Frrst Sunday after the F.plphany and the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Ouist, Haynes will focus his homily on baptism: the baptism of Jesus and the baptism of believe~ into the church, as well as the baptismal covenant contained in the Boole of C.Ommon Prayer. I laynes will also tallc about baptismal fonts - the font the church now has and chat which is under consideration for a new font as part of an upcoming renovation and remodeling of the church's sanctuary. I enjoy writing chis column and I'm thankful i>r the different great editors I've had over the years. I pray before and while writing, and then I pray for those who do the editing. . Occasionally. some things came out differently than I intended. bu1 chat can happen in the writing world Fortunately, editors have rescued me from aome potential blunders. One year I submitted a column about admiring my father and used the word •gnarly" as a description. I asked around and found out that "gnarty" was a positive word. but only to the younger generation. I called my editor before the paper went to preM and told her my concern. She agreed and replaced it with the more fitting word wawesome ... Not only have r had editors at the newspaper, I have many different family and rtiends help to edit When I write about people. I ask them to read what I wrote before submitting it to make sure it communicates what he or she intended. I'm espedaDy grateful for my mother's and our daughters' wonderful and frequent.editing help. They've been incredible! I appreciate now why so many authors expres.s their gratitude to their editors in the forewords of their boolc.s. Thank you to all my past editors, be they family. friends or other professionals. Thank you and fareweU Lo you, Jennifer, and I do look forward to staying in touch and watching all the chin~ that God and the New Year have in store for you. I'm anxious to hear how you lilce to copywrile for a Web site. C.Ongratulations and welcome aboard to you, Paul Saitowicz. I'm excited to be wortcing with you now. 1han.lc you for your recent phone call and your helpruJ words. Thank you finally to God, the greatest author and editor of all And you can quote me on that • OllDf TRANE CHfETESON is a Newport 8eadl resident who speab freqoeotty to parenting groups. She may be reactl8d via &-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505. Newport Beach, CA 92668. Oilld care: Provided for all services and most other activities. 1yPe ofwonhlp: The worship is eucharistic. liad.itional and contemporary Episcopal books of C.Ommon Prayer are used in the worship, reflecting the rich liturgjcal heritage of the Anglican C.Ommunion. There ls music at the 8 am. Sunday worshjp several ti.mes a year. A full choir with organ or piano accompaniment or both provides hymns and anthems for the 10 am. choraJ Eucharist 1yPe of homDy: Homilies a.re teaching commentaries on contemporary challenges and are drawn on resources from Scripture, tradition, reason. experience and FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS YOUNG PROFESSIONALS EVENT The Jewish Federation Young Business and Professionals will hold a tour of the Jewish Federation beneficiary agencies and a dessert reception from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. The reception will be held at a private home. For price and location, call (71 4) 75f>.5555. ext. 225. TWELFTH NIGHT St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will hold a Twelfth Night Celebration at 5 p.m. Sunday In the church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona def Mar. Seasonal hymns will be performed on organ and other instruments. Free. (949) 644-0463. MILLERSVILLE CHOIR St. Marte Presbyterian Church will host WThe baptism of Jesus and our own su~uent baptism by water and the Spirit is the initial, seminal act in our consecration to God." Haynes said. "In baptism. we are intentionally dedicated to God by the community and we dedicate ourselves to God through the Body of Quist as our fundamental life orientation." He will draw on personal illustrations and humor to the Millersville State College Choir at 8 p.m. Jan. 18 for a concert. Buddy James. former dloir director at St Marl<. 1s director of the 42-voice group The dl-Oir will also sing at the 9:30 a m worship ~rv1ce. St. Mat1< is at 2100 Mar Vista Onve, Newpon Beach. (949) 644 1341 WORKSHOPS BAtW FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai f11th hold informal public discussions on sp1rrtual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Fnday and at 11:30 pm the last Sunday of the month The talks include brunch or dinner Also, interfaith devotional meetings are held the '1ast Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (9,49) 759·0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760 5360 for Sunday meeting. and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers Daily A Pilot CMstine Carrilo Bol< 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 News 8"1stant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright. No news stones, christlnt1.carrfllo lllatfmn. com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisemen\S herein can be Sean Hiller, Don Leadl. reproduced without written Kent Treptow permission of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 11 READERS HOTUN£ HOW TO REACH US lltOMAS H. JOHNSON. JoM J. ....... (949) 842-8086 CJrculation Publisher Art DllWdor I News Oest Chief Reclord your comments about the The Times Orange County TONY OOOEAO. 1948)57~ Daily Pilot or news tlpa. (800) 252·91<•1 Edit0< /oH.N11ae1«t,,,_com AddteM ~ .JUl1't OETTING. a..MoCnlntl. Our addreu is 330 W. Bay St, Costa Claaified (949) 842 6678 AdYertl~r Photo SuperMor M•a. CA 92627. Offlce hours are Display (9491642-4321 LANA • (949)~ Monday ... Friday, 8:30 a.m . • 5 pm Editorial PromotloM 011'9Ctor rcn.p11otoe111t1m-.oom Conec~ New. ,.... ....... It la the Plloe'1 pellcy to promptly (949) 642-5680 Gina~. Lori ~n. cofr9Ct all errora of substance. Sporta (949) 574-4223 mrrNI STAFF Paul Se1eoWt11, Daniel Stewna PIMM call (9491574-4288. ,._.Fu (949) 846-4170 .... ITJUIF Spotu Fu (949) 650-0170 Llcahn. Crime°.:r~. FV1 E-mail: tU/lypllOte l•ti"*-com Maoeglng Editor The Newport BMc:M:oeta M .. MeinOllce (Ml IJ?+.(233 (141) Dally Pilot (USPS-1'4-800111 ...... Ollce (949) 642...s21 aJ.ctlhn• '-1/n»&oom dHl».~•lltlf'Ml&.oom published dally. In NtlWJ)Ort Beach "'•lnw Fu (949) 831-7128 ,,..=twnM ....... Meler. and Cotti Meta, IUl>ecffptlonl 11'9 • N9Wp01t reponer, City Editor (948)57~232 avallable only by 1Ubtc:riblng to The ,...,~ }IJn..~C:...,.IMlmM.oom Tlmee Orange County (800) ~,_,_.com 252 .. 1'1. In ,,_. outllde of .....,c.e.on. flolitlc:I Ind l!Wtronment '9POft«, Newpott 8eadl Mid Cost. M9N, 5pottt Edllor (9481~ aublcriptlone to the Diiiy Piiot 1re l»CJl.dlmMe,.,,._com (9491PM2.23 ~ onty by flrat c1 .. mell fof Published by Tlmee Community convey his message. Wek:ome: lf visitors leave their names and addresses when they visit, a letter is sent to chem the following day, along with the current church newsJener, For the Love of Mike. If they leave their telephone nwnber, they wiJI also receive a phone call. A four-week !.Cries called ~Basic Ouistianity" is offered quarterly. Outreach programs: The congn.-gation supports numerous ministries, among chem Loav~ and Fishes, a food ministry chat ,., hased on the scripture from Luke 14:14, and I lope-in-Hollywood. a minastry of young persons that is based on the &eripture from Matthew 25·40. l>re58: Hayn~ said dress tends to be wcome·as·you·are. California eclectic.· He offers this guideline: "How would you dress to i,hare a meaJ with Jesus?" Oturch design: The congregation has completed the first phase of a project called ·Building Our Faith,~ an lntroductlon to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p m on the first Sunday of every month at 120 E 18th St. Costa M esa $50 (949) 722-7818 MASTERMIND New Thought Community Church presents Master Mind, a group for those. who want to #manifest good" In their daily lives, at 1 p.m Fridays and 1 p.m Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave, Costa Mesa (949) 646-3199. A SptRmJAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the ltfe of J1111us Chnst titled #Journey to the Cross; is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Churdl The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-&444 ZEN JUMPSTART The Zen Center of Orange County will which enlarged and modernized the pansh center and its faciliti~ The paruh is now looking forward 10 a second phase of the project 10 expand and renovate its sanctuary. Mbsk>n statement Our rrussion is to seek and spare Jesus Quist as spirirual food for Ufe's journey. Upcoming sped.al events: lWo weekend events in February will offer opponumties for spmtual renewal. The church will host "Walling A Sacred P"dch," a woruhop lead by the Rev. Lauren ArtresS, Feb. 7 through 9. Artress, the founder of the Labyrinth . Project, will lead worhhop anendee<> in lectures.. discussions and a labyrinth walk. All materials and lunch on Saturday are included rn the workshop. Space is lJmited. A donation ofS75 is suggested to help cover the CObts of the workshop. • MtcHELE MARR Is a freelance WT-rter She can be readled at mid>ele " soulfOOdfiles rom offer a Sll<·week #Zen Jumpstart" program from Jan 21 through Mardi 9 The program includes up to 12 sessions at the center with group and individual instruction. an all.Cay retreat, a sitting rush1on and more The center is at 120 E 18th St , Costa Mesa. $150 (949) 722 7818 DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Oueen of Angels Church 1n Newport Beacti holds a dream analysis group monthly from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach (949) 219 1408 • Is your dlurdl or place of worship planning e 1pec1al event? If '°· send the-- typed mformat1on at 184st two weeks before the event 10 the Daily Pilot. 330 w Bay SI, Costa Mesa. CA 92627. atten11on Paul Saitowitt. rehg1on edrtor.; fa>c to (949) 6464170 or e-mail to dailyptlot a>/atimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST 11 feet this evening. It'll be mostly cfoudy this SURF afternoon, with highs staying coot Coastal Newport Beach W.'11 be in the dlest· to will be in the lower 60I while shoulder-range most of the day, Costa Mesa experiencea the mid-60s.. Overnight Iowa will but may pldt up toward the evening as the next notthwelt drop into the lower 4'09, 10 keep 1W911 m<Nea in. By SUnday, we'll en extra blanket handy and set aee quite the booct ea we enter the automatic heater. the ovemead range, et eome Sunday lhould be sunnier andwttmer. points getting~ 1-t ~ ovwheed. Standout apotl lhould ... IOl"f'le www.nws.noaa.oov <b.I~ E>epeetthe aame Monct.y. , BOATING FORECAST --qyllty: WWW.*1t1Wdet;otp The wfnct. will blow 10 to 16 krlOtS In the Inner wttln thlt TIDES • eftemoon, with 2.foot W9Y9I end • west IWtlt of l toe fMt. nm. ........ The wlndl wlll -!Nr. wtd'I 4.:12.a.m. 4.ISO tMt high 1-toot W9vet and • Wlllt twill of 11~1.m. t51 ttlCloW 4to7fMt. a.a. ..... 6:25p.m, 2.7S1Mthlgh ~...,,,·~ eo.t. M..e repcHW, tMl 67""4275 S30 .,.. month. (Prtc::. tnclude .. , Newa. • division of the LM ~ Out ....... thtwlndl ~ ~1 p.m, 2.111MtloW ............... appbbte teate Ind looel t.IXM.I Tirr-lollta ,_,,..,.,,,,,_oom btow 10 to 15 lcnotl thlt ...... EcMor .,....,........ POSTMAS'TtA: ~ addfNe •"'"°°"1. with a.toot wewe .. .,.., tducMton ""'*"'· c• •~· cNf911 to The NMy)Of't 02002 Tlmea CN. All rlghta WATER TEMPERATURE .... '~ ,,,.,.,, delnh.,....,.,,.,,e,.,,_,oom 111 UOIU MMe o.lly lltllot. '-0. ~ . and • nolthow. _... °" e.., 1 • .... Th9IWlllW41buldto8to 57---. • •f ' •• - ,, Daily Ptlot UCI professor has new way to ID waste I BRIEFLY IN Systematic approach to checking polluted !>unilar 10 h<?"" a docwr diagno-THE NEWS • sci:. a pauent& aJlmen~ waters m Avalon 'Bay turns up human i-m.t. they t'>Olated the ph}'l>lcal sources. Approach could be used elsewhere. i,ource of the poUulion, th~n they an.aJyi.ed what the <iourre wa .. and then med IC> as.~., whether the !>Qun:e rep~nlt'C.l human Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot other areas of Southern Califor nia. since ocean pollution is a pesky problem up and down the lJO CAMPUS A lJC lrvme coast. profc.\.l,Cir il> part ol a research "My hope !S lt1a1 poople will team that ha' d<.'Velopcd a &)'S look at what we did at Avalon tematic approach lo tdentifyinK when 01ey are trying lo solve bacterial oc<.>an pollution. problems in their own back llnginCl!ring prof<."l>.'.or Stanley yard," Grant said. ~u is a ta...e Grant and two other researcher.. where through systematic an· conductt'C.I their work in Av-..tlon swering of a set of questions, we Bay off Catalina Island tu help of-got to a pdlnl where we could say fidab theft' detcmlillt: llw callM! definitively that we idenlified a of a water quality problem on number of fpoUurionJ sourcet. their beach. and we know what tho-.e ~urc~ An account of Ulctr research were. and ltle dty was able 10 fix• Wd'> po'>tc<l llHJ.Nlay on a Web them." '>lie for the journal of EnVlmn (,rant 1,v-..u. inviwd by the Av-a mentaJ ~cnce and Technology Ion officiah to help !>Olw their llw team\ ul11matc goal wa.'> water qualiry problem, along 10 dctermme whether tht· with Jed 1-uhnnan from the Uni soun:es of polluuun rcpresentt'<.l ver..ity of ~uthem Caltfom1a human fetal material 111.., and Alexandna Boehn1 from would be a 'lgJllfil.ant finding. Stanford Univeriity. ln the pa'>t. (,rant l>a.ld, 'itnc:c 1f the poUulmn (.rant ha-. It'd major -.tud1e<. on ~ tal™."d by humaJl battena, whether boa~ have been dump there is U'>ually an ea~ fix to the mg !>t."Wage into Nt>wpun I !arbor problem. . and an anaJ}"'>il> of \4.<etland<, a.., a I le addt:d that he would hkc IO t:ontributor lo ocean poUution. ..a-llw ll'illn\ lllrt't' uered ap· ( rnmt -..t.id the Av-alon ll'am proac:h ht• m1x.l1fied lo work in u~'<I a commnn-'>t'n"t' approach fecal matenal. lney abo lried to take into ac- count all the variable-. that tould affoc1 I.he Luncentrat1un ul bacte- ria. such as cxpo&urc to '>Unligh1 and the lid~ "'What hapJ>em frequently il> people say, 'l..et'11 just go out and take a bw1ch of !>ample., and you get '>ample. alTt>Cted by llw vdrtability and you don't ncces ..a.riJy undeNand the re-.ull'>, .. Gmnt~d Ow re:<,c:arch at 1\valon Bay tumc:d up muluplc '><Jllftl"> of human b<1llcna. 01w of lllose '>OUn:C.. Wei.'> lr.Kt'<i IO a leaky ~er trunk Lmc. ''tmh wa., eventu..tlly fixed, c.mn1 -.<ud Lany 1 lorwyboumc. llw rnwuy\ progr-Jm rhwf of \Valer quality, ..aid ltw '\\alon '>tudv will be an d."-.c.'t Ill the rnunty\ clfon' m larkhng ex t·•m polluuun "I think 11 wa-. an PXl ellcnt pU.'fe 111 work."' I luneyhouml' "1Jd. "'I think II hl'lp-. 010\t• U\ along m pu11111g morl' tool'> in what we call uur tool box. Habilal for Humanity breaks ground today nw. morning marb a new lw gmmng for MX low inc mm· lan11 lie-.. Offiuah lrom I lab11a1 for I lu manJty of Orange ( .ounty and lhe Orange County led1110h1gy Collecuve will brt>ak groun<l on a coUabora uvc projeu in Coc;ta MCl>a Lhat will provide affordable home owncf'>hip with l11l"rea-.ed acce~' to technolob'Y ll1e proiect will rchab11itatt' bligl~t aIXl.!Ln~ran.,furm t·x btin '>lruc1ure hat rnntJJn haz-r w,. ~ r lllJtl'rtal-. lllllJ 'IX '>dft' h<Hlll''> lllt''>l' home'> will lOml' u1111ple1t• with Lomputer equipment. lnlt'mt•t acCe<>'> <ind t:omputt·r -.t1fl\'l.art• t.lonated by lolal ll·lhnulugy- ba'>ed hu-.1nc-.5~., · I he fir-.i-ever f lab1tat It·< 1111111 OJ..'} Pro1ec1 wiJI aho prn .. uk handc,-1111 tra1111ng 11pporllir1111t•' 10 thl' rc.,1dent'> 1 hl· home' will ht• hu11l b) J lahit<1l voluntt•er-., tlw l..im1hl·' who will he II\ 111g Ill 1 lw Cit'\\ horm•., and '>I.ill ol tlw pniJt•11' '>Pllll'>flr',. ( .Clfl\lflll t11111 I' l'X pectetl 10 l<t'>l until 'wptt·mln·r l'rnll'l t offiuah art· luukint( tor more volunteer'> to help build f\Jl"'>day'> 1hrough '>aturdayi. 1 lw .:;roundbrt"aJung ll'r tmiony wtll take place al 8 a.m tu<lay at l~US Pomona Aw lo \lgn up a' a voluntttr butldl'r, t.iJJ M1<.h~lll:' '>~nu· at (7 141 fl4 bLOO Director named for new UC I research center UC Irvin!:" ha'> appo1111t·d .. o t 1al {"t uloizy prufto'>'>Or lo'>t'ph Di M ento dtret wr ol the newly -e~tabh'>lwtl Ne v.kirk. Lentt·r for 'ictPnlt' JrHJ Sol ic·ty 1>1Mc11111 " l barged with lul filling till' 1 t•ntcr\ rlll'>'\11111 111 mdkin~ '>l 1e1111f11 r1•-.f-ard1 rrwn· U'>l'ahh· and lwnl'lll 1al to I he· gl:'nt•ral puhl1t lJ1Me11tu I'> a prnlt:'>'>Or of law and '>Ul lt'ty. 111.ulagt:ment and urban planrllng at UCl Jfo, rnu'>I rt:l l'nl bool., • 1 he (,Jobcll l.nvmir1111c111 a11d lnrt>rnatwnal La\'.:· \.\Im h \'\. 111 be publt hed thh w1ntt:r. addfl•'>'>l''> the rela twmhtp Ul'tWC'l'll ~l U.'llllftc: tn lormJlion and thl:' malmg of 1111t:rna11onal law Int ludm~ glub..t.I d 1rnatt• l"h.111g1· I he l\t'wltrk C t•ntn, t''>Lah ll'>ht<d rn LOO I , promutt·.,· a ppro pnate uw-. of rt''>l'<IH h 1n rhe 11atuml .rnd '>011.tl \ttt'nLc' to l:'nha111 t' qual11, of hit> It find'> way'> tt) devl:'l11p .ind '>hdft' re '>l'dfl h k.nowlt•c1gt• wtrh the pub- lic <t11d polit" 111.1hro, "' they l a11 mdkr 1nlorr111·d dt•t 1'>1un'> rm \Ila! p11lit v l'>'>Ut'' on la'.'1., t:'dUt Jllllll l"ll\ lrllflnlt'rll. hl',1lllH Jf•", 1 r11111· .1111.l publu 111lri.1\lru1 1ur1· MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·6AS·7626 Fat Free ~ ~ • SBmn ct fcpU61r Soups Glaceau Fruit Wat~ ALEXIA &lcal not FrieJ Oven Fries MaM With t\krr Cold~ • Rissole Potatoes with Carden Herb • OIM Oil & Rosenmy Garlic I 'ltvl & I -~~& s Sem>! • Julienne REG '2.65 HERBAL EXTRACfS 21 BRAND NEW SELECTIONS OF nm mGHEST QUALflY LIQUID EXTRACTS AVAil.ABLE. YOU SAVE ! YOU SAVEi YOU SAVE! YOU SAVE• YOU SAVE! YOU SAVE! • Gir1'm f~ •Cont ct YcpU61r • Blac:k Bmn ct ~. LmJi/ ct . ...,.,s.w, • TOlnlltO...,... ~ • Split ,_ ct c-rot • /JaO.n Mlntttibww REG. '1.69 15 oz • 100% o,ga.Dc OPl1MUM CERFALS I Meets Weight Watchers & I ~earl Association Crill!ria • Slim -1 poinJ per~ • Power Brtalcfatt S1?;! 3 poinb per REG .erving '4 75 14 az.. OMEGA FOODS • Wild Sahnon Burger Rec:onv1-.ended "WrinMe Cure Di • Tuna Burger • Mahi Mahi Burger ~~$399 0a· 4padl/ ity-A'eeREG. '4.99 ~12 az. Coral Calcium Now C.oroJ 1000 MG Calcium is not '9!! ltalvt*d from :::.,: 100 caps Greek Peasant Olive Oil Soap ='= 3tor :-.:'SI!!- ~ Distilled -Fruil Essence 'W"utnent Enhanced Water • Watermelon 2 for ·~ny $ REG '1 39 Continental NON-FAT ''adt> UT/h YOGURT · ttvfitilu. 16 Flavors lo aioose •Regular • I .actose REG Free ggr SUGG. '12.95 Meals :;~ Crtat for Back Te School Collqc Kldll Cooks In 2 Minutes • Cbidam Dijoo • Salmon • Chidca> Gumbo with Veuia ·~ s499 ~"'""'A~~-14 s az Reo ~;'=-: • ,_. CiaD Cruoda • Stradea" • CJ.ocolete ~ Batts • i..... • 0.Coba RRam._,,.., ·~ ·~ Beta Carotene 25,000LU. Yea.st. Milt. K?amt& Glulm Pr'fJt SUGG 'e.50 Stllndanlizal Exlrod c Seed EKtrad ~ SUPPUES IASTI -60MG Ma1M.1 ···-- No~Addat • r ,,. .. .. . .. ,. .. • • • • • • • .. ... • • . • . • p . .. • • . • . • .. M Sabxday, January 11, 2003 .. PUBLIC OBITUARIES Corona del Mar residenJ Dorothea Riedel will be SAFETY held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Maurice 'Maury' Jan. 18. Ms. Riedel, who lived in Corona del Mor POLICE FILES Vend8119m WH repor18d •t ~s for former for 49 years, died 2:57 e.m. Thu~ .. Thursday. She was 87. COl1A..U NEWPORT EACtt Orange Coast College She ls survived by son • w.t ..... 8trMt: A • Dower Dftwe: Bettery WM tennis coach Maurice James A. Riedel; daughter v.hlde burglary waa reported In the 700 blade et "Maury" Gerard will be Janet Ray; nine · repotted in the 1300 blade 8:09e.m. Thursday. held at 2:15 p.m. today at grandchildren; and one 9t 9:3' •.m. Thursday. • .._...._: V.ndellam Pacific View Memorial great-grandchild. .... 811Mt:A WM rdported In the 400 Park in Corona del Mar. oommerdel butglery ~ blodc et 9:14 e.m. Mr. Gerard died William Robert reported in ttt. 3300 bloc* Thursday. Wednesday after a long 9t 9:26 e.m. Thurtdey. • htne AV9ftU« A loud bout with cancer. He was Kidder • ~ S1Net: Annoying party WU reported In the 91. Mr. Gerard is a Private services will be phone~ were reported 900 blodc 8t 12~46 e.m. member of the Dally Pilot held for longtime In the 300 blodc 9t 10:38 Thursday. a.m. Thundey. • lalbpur Awnue: An Sports Hall of Fame. Newpon Beach resident • Gleler AYenUe'end auto theft was reported in William WBill" Rohen . H8lbof 8ouMud: A traffic the 700 blodc et 8:18 a.m. Henry Crawford Kidder. Mr. Kidder died acddent invoMng Injuries Thursday. Wednesday. He was 90. r He is survived by his wife was reported et 7:38.a.m. • Nerdaus Avenue: A Private services will be Thur.&ry. vehicle burglary was held for 37-year Newport of 67 years Eloise; sons •MacArthur Boulftetd: An reported in the 500 blade at Beach resident Henry Wayne and Russell; and three grandchildren. auto tl\eft was reported in 8:47 a.m. Thursday. Crawford. Mr. Crawford the 1600 blade a15:67 a.m. • Orchid Avenue: A vehicle died Wednesday of Thursday. burglary was reported ll!lf natural causes. He was • The Dally Pilot welcomes • Plumer ~tnet the 600 blodt at 7:43 a.m. 93. He is survived by ~on obrtuanes for residents or Vandallsf" was reported in Thursday. Henry Crawford Jr.; former residents of Costa the 600 block a18:09 a.m. • San Miguel Drtve: Petty stepsons Jjm Wonhen Mesa and Newport Beach. If Thursday. theft was reported in the •Wm Wiison Street 2600 block at 6:63 a.m. and Neil Worthen; and you want-to have an Possession of drug• was Thursday: two grandchildren. obituary printed in the Pilot. ask your mortuary to fax us reported in the 700 blodc at • 15th StrMt: A garage the information at (949) 12:30 a.m. Thursday. burglary was reported In Dorothea Riedel 646-4170 or call the •East 20th S~ end . the 800 block at 7:53 a.m. newsroom at (949) ~llerton Avenu~ Thursday. Services for former 764-4324. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC America~ Most Renowned Furniture Maker FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE SALE ()1,er 1 //. Tr<tilt'r l~t>tttl.~ ( .S2 .,~}()(),()()()) Of' He11rt'<lo11 F11r11it11r1~ lVill flt' k-,,,/,/ .:11 BELOW DEALER COST OUTSTANDING SELECTION AND VALUES ON THE MOST POPULAR COLLECTIONS Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Dining Rooms, Upholstery, Leather Chairs, Occasional Pieces, And Much More Limited To Stock On Hand -Everything Is First-Come, First-Served! Sale Includes Overstock, Highpoint Showroom Samples And Discontinued Items SAVE~75% On 1 OOs Of Exotic Hand-Made Rugs From Persia, Turkey, India, China & Nepal This Unique Event Is Held For A Limited Time At One California Location Only ... SALf HOURS: Mon.-frl. -10:00 A.M. -8:00 PM. saturday-10:00 AM • 6:00 PM Sundey-11:00AM -6:00,M IRVINE: 83 Technology Drive (Eut of l..S at Alton Psrlcway next to The Great Indoors) •• - Flt.£ PHOTO I DAllY P1t0T Dennis Rodman was arreste.d Friday on susp1c1on of assault. RODMAN Continued from Al The woman. who was standlllg in a parking lol at the comer of Coast Highway and West Balboa Boulevard when police found her. claimed Rodman a.c;saulted her. he said. Officers then went to Rodman\ home and quesuoned him, ~well as others who were with him. Shulman said. "They detem1ined that he wa.'> the one who had given ,tht.• woman a cut upj,er lif>," he said Rodman could not be reached for comment. "the woman, whose name ~ not being revealed bccau.sc \he I'> al legedly a VJcnm of domestic \'lO lenee, also claimed Rodman hdd given her a bwnp on the head, Shulman said. "We don't know 1f the woman wa'> living with IRodmanl." lw said. "But clearly they were m some kind of daun.: relation.'>hlr>" Rodman also "had alcohol on his breath" when he W3.'> ~led, Shulman said. I le was booked a1 Newpon Beach my 1rul at ahout 2:30 a.rn. and then taken cu Orange County id.I.I I le po'>led a $25,000 bail and got out at ahout 10:30 a.m Police are -,till 111ve.ug.tting lht' tnddent and will me a ~rt with the Orange U>wity dto,lmt allor ney. who will then detemunt' whether to lilt' cha~l">. he 'Klld . Thi.'\ incident comt" JU.'>t week.-, before the heanng of a civil Law swt accusing Rodman of mpmg former a~'> fimt 'l.:ew al lte. West Nc.wpon homt' 'That ca'>C.' L'> ..choouled 10 be heard at lht· Omnge Councy ~upt>rior Loun in Santa Ana on Jan [i New, a '>tar witm~' in lht' tnal of Eric Bechler. till' 14 year-old Newpon He1ghL'> l\">lt.lt:nt nuw Ul pnson for rnurdenn.: wife Pet,'Ye during a boating cnp off the New pon Beach coa\t. filed the lawsuit against Rodman u1 August .:!CXXJ. acru.'>111g him of druggmg and raping her. She said m the IJw..u11 that ~he was taken ag-ctiru.t her wiU to llocl man'!. Seashore Drive home. that Rodman grabb<'<l ht'r "by her hip'> and legs. ripped f ht'rl clothing off and began physically lhrowmg her around " • DEEPA BHARATH covers pvbhc safety and courts She may be readied at (949) 574-4226 or bv e-mail at deepa.bharath a lat1mes com. FAMILY Continued from Al they get older, the chances of hann increase and vigilance becomes more imponant A few days ago. I took my son, 10, to the Borders bookstore on Newpon Boulevard. I le was itching to use a gift card he'd gotten for Ouisunas and wanted, among other thin~ 10 buy some packs of "Yu-Gi-Oh • trading cards that are now the rage for kids who have outgrown Pokemon cards. I lad It been entirely up to him, the entire S50 may have been spent on the cards. But we discussed it and agreed that two packs was a good number. Surprisingly, he d}d not spend all the money available to him. In fact. he spent only about half. One of the-items he bought was a CD soundtrack to~ovie, "Eight Crazy Nights," starring Adam Sandler. Before I get to the point of this column. pennlt me a few words about Adam Sandler. I wam to know who thinb this guy is funny and. why. He Is not funny and never bas been. Back to our story. ln the car. my son unwrapped the CD and &tuck it 1n the play.er. The first track was amusing, more to my son than to me, but It was harmless and that~ what I cared mo&t about. The next track he played was lllly and lt\.lpld-perfect ror a 10-year-old boy -until It got to tM ·e" word. Thl• word ts eJgbt letters long, &tan.I with ·e" and _,.wtth"r My ton looked 11 me lmrnedMiety to d*=k my • reec1loa.. But 11 dw 1111\e time, I FYI Rodmen'e bNthe9 wfth the s.w: Aug. 21, ,.-Amtst8d on suspicion of being ~runlt and creating a distur'bence at Woody's Wharf. He allegedly got drunk and started lntemk>nelly and repeatedly pounding his head into the bar's ceiling .. Police said he refused to leave when asl(ed. He was arrested and released. No c:hafgel were tiled. NcN I, 1999: A1rested along with ex-wife Carmen Electra at an upecale Miami Be&c.h hotet after the two were involved in a physical fight Electra rtpOf1edly had a cut on her lip and Rodman had sc:mdlea on his dlOSt- Charges were dropped against both. Dec. 22. 1~Atrested f()f driving under the inftuenoe of alcohol after leaving The Oubhouse restaurant in Costa Mesa. A blood test revealed htS blood alcohol level was .15, almost twice the legal limit. P'8aded guilty to the charge and got three years' Informal probation May 31. 2001: The Orenge County dlstrid attorney filed three criminel 11'1i*'8meanor cnarges against Rodman for VK>tating the city'• noise ordlnanoe after he blasted music on the public beech on the eve of his 40ttr birthday. He pleaded guilty on all three counts and paid the requisite fines. Aug. 4. 2001: Got. ticket from Harbor Patrol for going too fast on his apeedboat in Newport Harbor. Paid a fine. Aug. 29, 2001: WaGced Into Hooters restaUrent on Newport Boulevard with a fire extinguisher and randomly holed off a patron. Was I~ by the police and the Orange County Health Care~ for inepproprlat& use of a fire extinguisher. No cnarges were filed. Jen. s. 2002: Arrested at Josh Slocum's restaurant for allegedtv obstNcting • police investigation. Officen were looking into whether Rodman'I Mariner's Mile restaurant was serving alcohol after 2 a.m., wtiid'l is illegal. He p08t9d • $500 bail. "..t.'> chedcing hts and it wa.c, clear to me that hearing this word on th1c, CD made him uncomfortable. I let the CD play. figuring the damage had already been done ·But seconds later on the same track. Sa?'ldler said the ·A" word lllii> one is three leners long. Thts time. my son did not wait for my reaction. He leaned over and ejected the CD from the player. Then he said to m~. ·ean you take me back to Border.> tomorrow to return this?" I took him back the next day and waited outside with our dog, Olarlie. while he took care of busin~ Borders was accommodating and asked why he wanted to return the CD. My son replied, "It tlt.s bad words on it." To their aed.lt, the Borders salesperson said, •OhJ Thank you for telling us.· ln hindsight. I should have insisted on listening to the CD before Roy played it. But the rather Innocuous cover moved my guard down. I was not being vigilant. though I believe that this CO shoukl have had a warning label on It. My les.'°n learned ls to check everything ftrst The good news · that my son kntw it was wrong and did not hesitate to make It rtgb1. My failure to be vtgjlant allowed him to pau a major test. But the really happy ending to th.ls story that when he returned the CD, he used the money to buy a book -(or bis ltt. • ITEVllMYH ... eo.a -- ,...-. end freet1nce .-. ~nwva.w.am 1111pfor him on1he QalvPlot ~ • • 842..-. l Datly Pilot ~Bonding by the book • Newport Beach ·Public Library's reading group offers ·mothers a nd :daughters more than .. just words on a page. : Deirdre Newman .. Daily Pilot NEWPOHJ BIAUI -lwelve- ycar·old Katie li'>hcr ha' an in· '>allahle appetite for hoo~. llut her family members rarely read the <,ame book.,., '>he did, '>O Ka11e didn't have aJ1yonc to d1o;- cu~ her reaction with. lnat changed when Kauc and her mom, rmh, io111ed Lhe Mother-Daughter Book Oub at the Newpon Be.ich Public U brary las1 fall Now, they t'ach rt••1d lhl' '>dfllt' book t'very month .tnd thl'n get togetht'r with other molht·r' cmd daugh1er'> to talk .1hout 11. rhe dub alc,o allow-. molher'> and daughtl'r'> to '>pend quality 11me v.11h ead1 utht·r "'xi many al 1iv111e~ are done w11h 01ht•r lod!.," I mh h'>her -.aid. • Oll\ i., j11!>.I .inother opl ion to nunuru1g thl' rl'lation'>htp at homl'." STEVE McCRANK DAILY PILOT Michelle Schnepel and her daughter Katehanna discuss Amy Koss' book ·stolen Words· at the Newport Beach Pubhc Library. FYI The Mother-Daughter Book Club meets.en the second l"hursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information. call Melissa Adams at (949) 717·3816. of the lo<..s on her mother and her stolen diary. McLaren -.aid c,ht' makes an effon to t.>licit reaLUon from all membt'r'> of Lht' dub. MWhen I wa.'> growing up, I needed !>Omt'one to draw me out. c,o I make !lure everyone gets a chance to talk," McLaren said. Ten-year old Agathe Farrage, the youngt''>I duh member. ap· predate!> 1ht.' in1ima1e '>etting. BUDGET Continued from A 1 have had an Lhe pa'>t." lhe propo .... t.1 would tl-..1 deal the Uruwr'>llY of (.aJrfomia a \lg mficant blow, a cul ol ahoUJ $300 mt.lhon for tlw LOU:l 04 school year n1e plan doc.">. how ever, proVJdl' fund1n~ for '><·hoot' to tnnPa-.c.· 1.hc1r l'ftmll11w11t. 'Tm \Cry ( onLenlt'<.I .11 tht• lt!vt'I of Lht: cut!> .mcJ how wt• can m.1nage. IO takt• tlw 111 crea ... cd number ol .,t11cJt·11b, which wt• plan to do, with a budget which OVl'rttll '" c:o11.,icl t!rahly It'.'>'> thdn wt• m:t•<.I 10 <.lo it: said Roy Dornrn1c.•r. U< I\ v1c.c chanu.>l~ur of plan11111g and budget. M'I herl' will bt• more.• student'> 10 '>t'rw and pruhahly fewt'r people here to '>4.'rvt• lht'm. hef)one will be a'>l~ to work a littlt' harder· " "Ct''> h<t\il' aJready been in Ut'ii.'>ffi SI j5 per 4uar1er throughout tht' lJC sy">lt'm b<' g1nn111g th1' '>pnng. Under thl· J<OH'rnor., budJ<t'l propo'>d! mandatof\ '>Y'>temwidc fee."> would llll rt.'J'>t' by another S.lti'i per quaru·r Ill l003-04 for re,1 dent undt'rgraduate'> llw Hoard or £kgcnl\ \'-Ill dJ'>l ll'' hudg1·t and fl·t-• .,.,uc ... di ll '> '\fan h lllt'l'llllg It t'> not t'\ pt•rtl•t.I to l..ikl• Jtllon on LOO I 0·1 '>llldt-1ll l('.l' lt"\'l'I'> um1l l:\ll'! 111 tht• '>Jlrllll{ Otlwr '>lJ~l">t<:d 1111 ... to tltt· lJL '>Y\ll'J!I for LOO:, IJ I In< ludt· • atlrn1111<,tra111111 .111d hhr.ir It''> $ lh. 'i 11111111111 • rt''>t'<Hl h S.!H H r111ll11111 • \lUdt•rtl 'l'l'\llt' ... $..!'i ~ 11111 hon Sdturday Jdnuar; 11 , 2003 A5 I or 1't.>wport ~fr'><l, J )Jvti. has propowd ,1a,11111g S 122.l mil· lion an K I.!. program-. DaVl!> abo w~t">tt:<l nud >t'ar c.ut., of St! -htlhon up frorn SI 5 hU hon pmpo'>t·t.I 111 I>•~ t'rnber through a c umh111.111011 of fund ,1111tc,. nc.tturiil '>cl\l!lg<; and rt'· t.lut tl<HI'> l11t' l{IJOd llt'W'> I'> th.it IJ.tVl'> prop11,t•d 1111 n·.,.,111g pt•r puptl '>Jll'llUlltg for .!I.I() I IM hv I .ti%, lur J tot.11 ul "'41 71»i 1w1 ... 111lil'nt ))II' Jlllcf\t'•ll tlll ... Will ht• I IJll'itdt•ft•d fl\ ,1 "J>t'I 1aJ 'l''>\1011 of till .,t,1lr I q;i'l.tlllrt' IJl tht' nt·xt 111onth '" ... o 11)1' 2CXH 04 budg1·1 h," 111 I w .tpprovt•d by rlw l1·g..,l.1111r1· h \ June 10 . • DEIRDRE NEWMAN c.ov,.rs ,..due.at or Sht-r ~" b ... r~etdled al (94~ 574 4?21 or riv•· rna1I at a .. ,,n,,· 11t ,..,,,, ,,, z l.irlfne!> com rhe hook duh '>tarted '>IX year'> Jgu ,u1d meet., 111 a co1y room Ill the 1.:h1lc.lrcn\ '>t'Ctton It t'> opt·n to ·girl... 111 the fifth Lhrough wH•nrh gr.tdl:". Int' '>t'- lecuon of hook.\ '>pam genn.'' c,uch ,,, m~ \lt•ry. h1.,tonraJ fir· ll!m and horror late'> the discus:.ions by hitting 1he group with questions about characters. plot development, i.elting and other s1orytelling lechnique!>. "Bonnie !>hows '>Orne good 1n- .,,~h1 in asking question'> c,o 11 hl'lp'> fKatieJ make <>Orne tnfer c.•nce'>." Tn.sh Fisher said. "I feel more comfortable be- cause therl' art• not a'> many peop1e • 11~ur .. i.h-,,111'1 "tc:-;;;1ai'5'iSM1a;;,r---..M~l!!!R-..nn;;•;;:::--=;:o:"--;:I ;.,-::Y:::::r;:O~-u=:;K:;n=o=w--=:;;;.r=====:;::;;;;;;;;;;;:--~ !ichooll." Agathe '>atd. ....,__.,. U llo'>t Honme Md.an:n fanlr- , On Thursday. the group di•,. cus.,ed lhe book ·~tolen Word.," by Amy Koss. fhe book rs about an .I I -year-old girl <.lealtng with the death of her aunt, 1he affet t And Agathe\ mom, l.li'>abeth, xud '>he cn1oy' 1he rarnaradt>rie "That we are a full service nursery with qualified that has formed heiween dub California Certified "Jursery Professionals and landscape member!.. MYou get to know people. Pt.>o-designers. We can meet all of your gardening need) ~~a1:~e.~,~~1;1'.::1<.1up about their Come in today to t~ Nurseries and let U) show you how." final NURSERIES, INC.---• clearance! 40-70% OFF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 2c;.c;o0 0 off ~ntirc hoot ~election e·w ~pring My les Jrn\'lng daal} I \11c.·., 1 to 12 tn J Kft"JI '>C..'lt.'L11on of witlth., from '>UJX'r ... 1m1 to \\it.It· •Van t-11 • \t''>tll \1('llll 1 • R.1n~on1 • Corona Del A-I ar Plaza % 1 AYocJdo Avenue, (corner of MacAnhur and PCH) • 949-721-1.325 www. marmishoc~ com - Tomorrow will be here sooner than~ you think. * . I ./ A k anybody 'whos reured and they'll tell you it snuck up on them when they weren't lookmg Time has a way of catchmg us off guard But ll doesn't have to be that way I've spent over 20 years helpmg my clients n.o-c.Scoa solve their retirement dilemmas And now I'm conducung a senes of seminars on the subject If you're interested m ach1evmg financial secunty and peace-o f-mmd, you can register on my website, or by calling 800-700MSCOT Ext. 220. Seating is limited. though, so don't put tt off 'ul tomorrow. . J.rnu.11 y S1 1111n.11' 2 00 l I Seta ttllrittt Sns Cosu ttesa 16th tbniott Notti Ntwport ltadl lldl OMlttrtt Hott«. h'C' 2 '111 ftaniott Stitts Costi ttesa lOdl fbmott Hotel Ntwport ltd Hou~ \\ttk~ 6 4' p m ·9 00 p m \\ttk.md l oo p m -no pm S00-700.SCOT (n68) bl. 220 www. ttli.mnmt.stntqy.rom TitomMC.lcott air>C'5 C'A.t111 l-•8'710lt . J'°° """*8 Pw\wwr, S-.-220 • lrViDe, CA 9260!: 949 S$9 '100 hl 220 no..c~s-... ~ •• a 1 be(I(~,.,,.......,,.._. _II(: .... ~··b~ ..... willbt,_..... .... _ ............................. . Clea~ c lt'fJn •• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol <;1 (714) 754-6661 2800 r--. Tu!it•n Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE II 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery · CosU Mesa Master Nursery Professional 350 ~ M Satirday, Jarwty 11, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -t..tt.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642~ Fax: 58"? to 'rr9~:46"4:~ len E-mal:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com • All corTespondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the rl9ht to edit all submissions 0 rlty gth . f?ubli c needs watchdogs J?atrolling school di~tricts • Kudos to the Daily Pilot for ;41owing critics of our powerfuJ Jtublic school monopoly to \IOlce publicly some of their doncems. I have no way of li>iowing if the local teachers' ~nion used questionable methods lo remove one of their qitics, Wendy Leece, from her '1ewport-Mesa Unified school board position. but the facts ~rtainly indicate there is qorruption in the system , starting at the top. and few rhembers of the media and/or government officials are willing to inform the public of such abuses. ; ln her last month in office, qutgoing state Superintenden1 of Public Instruction Delaine 6astin and her Department of E:ducation were hit with a study of the '19th Street bridge. Historically, we've been through all of this before. The • reports have been done. The public hearings have been held. It was determined that a bridge, which would create a minor highway on 19th Street, would be detrimental to businesses. It was not a good option, and the city is taking. i think, the correct path on this. Rohen Graham bas been stumping for the 19th Street bridge for a long time. I ran into him several years ago in Canyon Park, talking to me about. MWouldn't it be nice for residents down here to have a straight shot to the beach." WeU, you know what, we have a straight shot 10 the beach. We have qukk access. We don't need to bear the brunt of that highway, minor highway on 19th Street, in order to get to the bridge. It's interesting that $4.5 U'illtrobjuttgment in a whistle-blower case. The jury fl>und that Eastin had retaliated agaimt longtime ~ucation departme.nt qnployee James Lindberg. [)uring the 1990s, Eastin's Department of Education was l(ccused of giving away million qr doUars in federal education money. .. Graham has always wanted th~ 19th Street bridge but he doesn't want the Gisler Bridge by his house to go through. ; Whistleblowers and qutspoken critics within the public school system are rare, and so we do not learn of the i~ternal problems. That alone is one reason to lament the d eparture of Leece and begs tlle question of whether her replacement, teachers' union mndidate Tom Egan, will prove ~ unbiased as he claims. ADAM MURRAY I Newport Beach $ridge idea collapsed, don't bring it back I 1 Re: Costa Mesa City Council deciding against authorizing a I I The logical thing that might happen then, if we have the 19th Street bridge and then the 19th Street build up on the Westside, is that there wouJd be an extension through the Eal>tc;ide neigh.borhood to Dover. The city has already taken a stance that they won't do that and put in the sidewalks. I think there's a need for a review of the history of ~ this in the paper, perhaps. I just really feel that the Eastside and Westside Costa Mesa neighborhoods should not bear the brunt of traffic so that the merchants on Mariner's Mile don't have to confront their need to develop parking alternatives. Costa Mesa shouJd not be a bypass from Coast Highway to serve Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. 1 really feel that the city • MAILBAG nu PHOTO I DAILY PILOT One reader hopes that new Newport-Mesa Unified school board member Tom Egan follows through oi:1 his promise to be unbiased. should not reconsider the bridge on 19th Street. SUSAN EMERSON Costa Mesa Why not just extend the freeway to Huntington? There is no need for the Costa Mesa City Council to reconsider a bridge at 19th ; Street. We deemed it out many. many years ago. Besides, all we have to do is have Caltrans extend the Costa Mesa Freeway along 19th Street, over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house in Huntington Beach, because that's what everybody wants. isn't it: access to the Costa Mesa Freeway. Then we won't have to worry about a bridge at 19th Street because Caltrans will have ta.ken cart' of it with the freeway carnusmg down 19th Street. I am being very fatt'lluus, but that's all 1 can '>f.'C. The whole idea of this nomeme of bridge'> from Costa Me..a to I luntington Beach -and I might add. the Gisler Rridge 10 J-ountatn Valley -is absolutely out of the quc..iion. JO-BLACK Costa Mesa EDITOR 'S NOTE A photo on Friday's Forum page concerning the proposed 19th Street bridge received a number of puzzled comments suggesting that 1t showed a comer on the Balboa Peninsula. There actually 1s a SJmilar comer at the~em edge of Costa Mesa. where a different -and far shorter and far smaller -B1lboa Boulevard meets 19th Street. Cl-n, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our M embers • Semi-Pri:iate for Men & Women Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes SPINNING Theater· Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers Child Care Sam· noon M • F • Ample & Convenient Parldng Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch c1aaMs • Step, Poo.ter Pump, Cardio Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care Shape-Up P~ Ther1py Center Permanent Make·Up • • Shape-Up Hair Can • AcupuncturelAc:upfMlure W..,_. Clinic 30 Years of Excellence • Design and Installation :oiaw Cine 0 949.640.JSOCS for i:wa ~ ~th o Ror'• Dutpn Cl..m , ! Daily Piiot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, 81 well as a contact phone number. A coml)lete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY The Newport Bay Natu,..lisu & Friends will host a guided walking toU< of the Upper Newport Bay Ecol~ical Aeserve, with groups leaving every 1~ minutes between 9 and 10:15 a.m. People Joining the tours are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes a hat (if it's sunny) and to bring a' bird book and binoculars to hels:i. observe the abundant wildlife. The tours will begin at the corner of East Bluff Drive and Back Bay Road Free. For more information, call (949) 786 8878. Auditions for th• School of American Ballet's 2003 Summer Course will be held at the Defore Dance Center in Costa Mesa. Auditions are open to intermediate and advanced students only and will be held from 1 to 2·30 p m. for 13-year-olds. from 2:30 to 4 pm. for 14-and 15-year olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 16 to 18·year·olds. Students must register one hour in advance. For more information. call (212) 769 6600 or (714) 241 ·9908. SUNDAY The Azzoni Sisters and vocalist Brenda von Gremp will perform worb for voice, violin and p1ano at 3 p.m at the Newport Beach Ceotral 1.Jbrary. Chnstme Al2oni Dow plays the p1ano, and her Sister, Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the 111ohn The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave Free: For more lnfomiat1on, call (949) 717·3801 or VISlt www nawportbeadlltbrary org MONDAY <Mnge CoYnty Sterr1 Singles will hold a meeting from 6.30 to 9 30 p.m at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center The meeting will include an urban searcn and rescue shde program, hve music and a potluck. The center is at 1845 Park Ave. $4. For more mformat1on, call (714) 893·2986. TIJESDAY The Newport BNch Public l.Jbrary will host two seminars on 1dentrty theft at the Central l.Jbrary brandl. The fim seminar. wt11cn 1s cosponsored by the Newport Bead\ Chamber of Commerce, will begin at 5:30 p m It Wltl focus on building business expertise end include a netwooong mixer The second seminar. wt11d\ 1s cosponsored by the Newport Beach Police HAPPY NE\X' YEAR /,,,,,. /,. R.·11.-11 ),,,,, /,,,,,,,,,,.,. Rabbitt Insurance Agency Alfl'O •HOMEOWNERS • Hf.Al.TH '>IMbi/117 \mu J ')~ ~ Be Ouonic .P.Un. Ouooic nrigue, fl>romyalgia FRE.E IN 2003 l'M l.ucst ~ duo•~ an ~' o( £augur w11h prn-maon vi.I dll1l1runoo of QU!ll';..-Dr ~1 INaiUIU(ldhic Ph~. (.h110pnlL'tK. Oma! Nucnuon bpm) pr<JYiJcs mdmduWicd incrgJaLcd long billing and pcmunm1 rdic£ IWandng 'fOt'I btoc\cmhuy. blomechmic ud ooaaplcu dcmr. Cllllhlnl honnoer rcpa.an-1 of the boJy R.rviwmng your iystcm c~ pmma 1h11 l'l'YCllu11on11oJ ipprmch 10 a 1uppia healthier l'IC'W you. looking faling yean younger You will Ix glad you did, CaU (Of an appoin11m111 now. 949.631.0200 or 800.837.8199 267S lrviM Au:. ~Ill.' 116 Cosu M~. CA 92627 T(M~N DUI D~EA1TORNEY• MYLES Department, will deal entlrely with identity theft. It will be held from 6 to 7 p.m . The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more information, call (949) 717 3801 or visit www.newportbeadllibrary.org. Mother"s Malilet & Kitchen will host a seminar on how to protect yourself 1n the age of arthritis from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patlo Cafe in Costa M esa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. WEDr«SDAY The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will hold a volunteer orientation from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Orange County offices in Costa Mesa. Volunteer opportunities include Race for the Cure, Links to the Cure, Komen Spring Lund\eon, BMW Ultimate Drive, Mammogram·a·thons, health fairs and other Komen .. ponsored community events. The offices are at 3191·A Alrport Loop Drive. Reservations required. For more information, ca!I (714) 957·9167. ext. 27. The Newport Beach Jaycees at the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. The d\amber 1s at 1470 Jamboree Road. Free:For more information, call (949) 735--1036. TlfURSOAY Th• Cost8 Meta Chamb9r of Commerce will hold its monthly 90-minute breakfast boost from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. $12 if prepaid, $17 at the door. For more information, call (714) 885-sosp. I. benefits at 10 a.m in the U(l1VerS1ty Club on the ua campus. The seminar will focos on the latest cnangea in M edicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage. It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club ts at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive. Free. For more information, call (877) ua-oocs. orvis1t www.uc1ha111th.com/avents Saturday. January 11, 2003 A7 Health Center, 1190 Baker St The seoond meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p. m at Silveredo Senior Living -Newport Mesa, 350 W. Blly St Free. For more information aboot the first meeting, call (714) 593-9630. and for the second meeting, call 1949) 631-2212 will host a wor1cshop on the seven UC Irvine Medical c.nter will TM Alzheimer's Assn. of 01"8nge County will hold two support groups for caregivers in Costa M esa. The first meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p.m at Hoag Leaming Tree Univwlity will offer a s1x-""'eelt class titled ·The Fearless Writer· for studenu wanting to pr~uce polished, strong and honest fiction and nonfiction. The class is geared keys to success from 1to9 p.m . host a seminar on Medicare See TOWN, Paa• M I C ome celebrate the building of the 1 ooth Habitat for Human ity home in O range County. A s the sponsor of the l ooth home I The Home Depot is proud to have ·been part of helping l 00 families realize their dream of home ownersh ip and looks forward to being part of th e next l 00 builds. Saturday, January 11 Ground Breaking Ceremony at 8 a.m. 1925 Pomona, Costa Mesa · ORANGE COUN TY For more information on how you can help build stronger communities, please visit the \ Habitat for Humanity Orange Counly site: .. www.habitatoc.org. A nationwide supporter of affordable housing, The Home Depot has built hundreds of homes for hundreds of fami lies with Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the country through its volunt~r force, · Team Depot. Annual~, Team Depot associates donate more thansix million hours of their time to help the commu nities in which they work and live. Al Satwday, January 11, 2003 TOWN Contiooed from A7 toward beginning and advanced writers. The class wfll be taught by an award-winning instructor with a master's In creative writing who has been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and literary magazines. Oasses will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 McCormick Ave .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 427-0588 or visit lruonlme.com. FRIDAY The Newport Beach Chamb9r of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the four Seasons Hotel. The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment. a live and silent auction, dinner and mvctt more. The hotel Is at 690 NeYlport Center Drive. Newport Beactt. Tidtets are $75 per person, $900 for a table of 12. For more Information. call (949) 729-4400. UC Irvine Medic.I Center will host a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m . at the Oasis Senior Center. The seminar will have d1scossions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center ls at 800 Marguerite A~e .• Corona del Mar. Free. For more Information, call (877) UCl-OOCS. or visit www.ucihealth.com/events. JAN.18 A workshop for men and women who have just gotten divorced or are getting divorced will be held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m . at Maxine B Cohen's office in Newport Beactt. The office is at 180 Newport Center Drive. $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. • • AF 4 ,.. JAN.21 The Coron. def Mar Chember of. Commerce will ho" its monthly networking lunctteon at 11:30 a.m. at the Ave Crowns Restaurant. Reservations are required. The restaurant ls at 3801 E. Coast Highway. For more infotmation. call (949) 673-4050. Mother's Market 8r Kitchen will host a seminar on liver cleansing and body purification from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beactt Chapter will hold its first meeting of 2003 at 7 p.m. at Margaritaville in Newport Beactt. The meeting will focus on local water issues, including how people can help preserve the oceans. beadles and surf. Tacos will be provided. The restaurant is at 2332 W. Coast Highway. For ilWPF R !IP 4 AJOj 0 $ more Information. call (949) 644-7443. (. Th• Zen Center of Orange County will host a series of programs on Zen today through Marett 9. Programs will be held the first and third Tuesday of eactt month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 5 to 7:15 p.m. The programs will have lessons on developing a regular practice. personal instruction and muctt more. The fee Is $1SO. tax · deductible. The center is at 120 E 18th St.. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 722-7818 or visit www.zcoc.orp. JAN. 22 The A12heimer'1 Assn. of Orange County will hold two workshops today at Silverado Senior Living Newport Mesa. The first workshop will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon and will focos on memory loss. The second workshop will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and will An A1Turica" ~ily Run Busi'1ess Sine~ 1.953. Our .fonlily serving your fionily for 49 ~ f Momma John we belong to the world's largest flooring retail grfJup -co-op. we are the biggest flooring tkalers individually owned and operated 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY 1mywhere can beat our selection l'Oure paying too much ifyoure not lmyingfrom us. Jennifer C!l ~'· C!l ·~ Lifetime ~ ~ Warranty i Carpet i $}99 i ~ ~ I~ ~ i ~ [!}~ C!l (!] [!}~ C!l [!} ~ Lifetime ,....., i Warranty ~ Laminate i ~99 ~ i 1-' ~ i ~ C!l~J C!l (!] Gus m..m_m_~ Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $}99 ~ ~ Lifetime Warranty Wood ~99 ~ C!l I~ i ~ ~ (!] (!] I~ ~ ~ ~ (!] Brenda Miles 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. If you dan't like it, we will replace it FREE RJll SERVICE Counter Tops • Showers • Ce ramic • Granite • Wood Wax ONE STOP SHOP Refi nish • Cleaning Carpet & Upholstery • Painting-Interior & Exterior 405 Costa Mesa <949>650-7676 124 E. 17th Irvine (949>838-0141 17777 Main "B" MON-FRI 9-S TUES-SAT 10-S SATURDAYS i SUNDAYS 10-4 WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8:00PM CLOSED SUNDAYS i MONDAYS E\1ENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Main St n. ~FINI'"' as l G1h ~· ::!!---i 3 ~ )( w tnsun;inon avaua~ ano minimum square toot.lQ.,e.a..,l>PI,_•~-·-•·---·-===i':::==:-=::::! \ ·discuss how to create a . • partnershJp with your phys1e1an. Silverado Senior Living is et~ W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. Reservations required. For more information, call (949) 631-2212. 1 Th• Costa M ... Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly business after hours mixer from 6:30 to 7·30 p.m. at Skosh Monahan's. The restaurant is at 2000 Newport Blvd. Free for members, $10 for potential members. For more information. call (714) 885-9090 JAN.23 Mother's Market 3t Kitchen wl!I host a seminitr on how tO strengthen your immune system from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa The cafe is at 225 E. 17th SL Free. For more information. call (949) 631-4741 JAN.24 UC Irvine will host Its 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr symposium. "Prayer, Protest, and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Today.H from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board cttairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virg1n1a The symposium will be held in the Humanities lnstruc11onal Building, room 100 at the UCI campus Free For more information, call 1949! 824 72 15, JAN.25 A seminar on long-term care planning, including legal. estate and M edi-cal issues. will be held from 10 a m lo noon at the OrAnge Coast Un11anan Church tn Costa Mesa The seminar-is OaJy Pilot t sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The church 1s 11 1259 Victoria St. For more information, call (714) 578-8670 JAN.29 The MOMS Qub of Cosu Mesa-North is hosting an open house at 10 a.m . at Balearic Park and Community Center in Costa Mesa. Women are encouraged to bring their cttildren and will have the cttance to meet other stay-at-home moms. The center is at 1975 Balearic Drive. For more • information._£811 (714)964-5934 Mother's Matbt 8r Kitchen will host a seminar on digestion a'nd elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p m at the Patio Cate in Costa Mesa The cate is et 225 E. 17th St Free For more Information, call (949) 631-4741. JAN. 30 Mot her's Marbt & Kitchen will host a workshop and book signing with AuthOf' Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe m Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 ~ 17th St Free. For more information. call (949) 631-4741 ONGOING The Assn. of Business Services host networking meeting that deal with education connect1C111~ from 6 to 8.30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every m r,r th at the Holiday Inn at 3131 811'>tol St .. Costa Mesa. For more informatton, call (949) 805 0011 The Newport Beach Publtc Library will host an hour of See TOWN, Pa&e AlO TH I S VALENTINE'S DAV Give a Special. Gift... Created just for Him (949 ) 675-3130 I \41111• \\\11 •tlllll) \"'I our ,.,1,.11t 11 """ /ohnblompho1og11f>h' com \~\~I J',.1l1<(cmt l 1 h .. 1~ (oron1dcl "4u ~s ·I LV EA; F E E T '· EXTRAORDINARY SALE 50% off Selected Item s 20% OFF wltlt tltl• coupon Not tt•lfd •ltlt MtF 9ll9er .,,_, ••o,.._..,.. a.re ,......, .... ~.,,-c-..t1t.,.. ""-"-. .. ~.,~,-.. --• FULL SERVICE SALOH • SEE US FOR All YOUR COLOR'OUESTIONS • SENIOR CfT1ZEN DISCOUNT ON SUNDAYS .,_~~ ~ ~ --r--r-.... .., ., •. ~' ___..__,-7~ "";t -...... ...__._ _, •-' • "':':" t. ---= ~--= ~ --. .... .. .. .. . . . . .... ~ ............ ~· ............ ...... -........ ·~-..,..,.. =~ ~ = . --- . #' _...__ ...... ._,~ -.. ~ ·----.. • 4 4 •• • ' t .. J " •. • . ---. • 1;:-' ... _....,... •9' • .,.... _.. .... ~-····.. • .. ~ .--.. ::-w..-....... Vo ..__ -" . . .. -- t .. ---, ~r -_........" • ..... ,--------~ . . . . - •• '.. _l • I .-• ' •__.. -· --: . I t ~. r::.~ • VERY FAMOUS BRAND L . ~ . NOT ..., ____ THIS IS A STEAL! TWIN SIZE • 2psc fo•....... $99 PULL SIZE • 2psc fo•...... $tJ9 OUEEN SIZE • 2psc fo• ••• $'189 KING SIZE • 2psc fo•...... $2t9 . SOLD IN SETS We custom mak your sofa, f ove seat or :sectionals ~ You stgn it and w& will .hav It mad for you I .. At off tho floor f)ricos. 1or 800 fabrics to ch os from. Slip cov r also v 1llable • ' . . nos IS A STEM. · HlJRRY la for bat aele<:d LARGE SELECTIONS OF CHAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM . 1 OOOs OF DECORATOR ITEMS. e e . . 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VAWY. SALE HOURS: · (714) 848~ 994 Mon.·Fri. 1 OAM·IPM Saturday 1 OAM:.6PM Sun~ 12PM·5PM \ · ·• Payment can be made by Cash, Check, Visa or Mastercard. i>etivery may be arranged. \ · Behind Chevron Gas Station Corner Of Magnolia & Warner AlO Slbl'dly, .lanulty 11, 2003 TOWN COf1tiooed from NI, llOfiM and crab for d'llldren In kindergarten through the MCOnd grede at ht Corone del Mar brand'! frorrl 3 to 4 p.m. Tueadays beginning Jan. 14. The library Is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717-3800. TM Newport a..d't N.wcomen Club holds a general "'eotlng Of' the third Wednesday of every month. The organization ,, open to all famale residents In Newport Beadl who have lived in the area fewer than five yeara. For mon. information, call (949) 645-9922, orviait MWCOmt,,.s-newportbeadl.org. the home •nd ~shlpe with extended famlll•. The C09t for three MMlona la $45 per couple. Preregistration la required. Call to echedule date and time. The oftlce la at 250 E. ea.car St., Suite G, Co.ta Meu. (714) 44&4960. Women IO end older cen ~ • discuaion group coordinated by J9with Family SeMces to addresa luues IUdl aa anxiety, depreaion, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.rn. Mondays at the agency offices, 260 E. B~ker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistratlon required. (714) 445-4950. Friends al the Newport 8NCh Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate lntllffllfth couptes with one books to replenish the dwindling Jewish partner are invited to . stock. Books m ay be left at any of participate In a dlacussion group. the three branch libraries - at the Jewish Family Service of Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del megazinee and law boob, wtll be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 7~9687. The .............. c6rs .... computer daaes to people with hiding vtsk>n who have difficutty seeing the computer ICJMf\. The Ouf• Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers abc seufons. Call to sign up for daau. (714) 821-6000. · A .pirftuel care due mMta at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport &each. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. 'The Costa Mesa Chamber al Commerce hoata networting" .. luncheon m eetirlgs Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $13. The dub Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Coste Mesa. (714) 885-9090. Orange County office. The group Mar -or in ttfe book closet next is geared toward dealing with • to-the Friends Book Store, at 1000 A brain tumor auppof1 group laues between interfaith Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. · meets the first and third couples, such as raising children, AU hardcover and paperback Thursdays of each month from 7 observing holidays, symbols in donations, with the exception of to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer • INtal.,.... • lllloco w.,..,.., Dllna91 • ...... ltllcieM •Mo,........ • Cunam-Flt to Yow "-9 • N1ll1 Rnhtlllt • lllMl'lc.-l lec:urftr • M•ln••~· b9J a....g I Quality Craftsmanship Guaranteed deal 714·9&5·187& • 800-433·2588 HOME 1MPt10vtMENT 19142 Beach Blvd. • Huntington Beach (Beach & Garfield) Uc. No. 8790680 lbn: Mon.. Wed. & ffl M • 1\m. l Thun. M •Sit. M • 911\. 12-4 ANNOUNCING THE NEW YEAR FASHION SALE. 12 months, no interest *, no payments Now you can enjoy huge savings on K.arast2n bctwten December 26 and February 3, Including all Karastan Anso styles. And you ouh no payments with no intmst for 12 months. So takc·advantage or our New Year Fash.ion Sale. And get the year off to a gnat st.an. JOHN BWESER CARPET ONE 2'27 S. lritcol Street. Cotta Ma1 (714) 751-2324 www.blocscrcarpcrone.com .__ ......... .. , ) Instant In-Store REBATE .$3 yd. 8t. Andlww's~audt hoeb a mem.l Alnese IUpport group from 8:3010 8 p.m. Sundeyt in DienNlfteld Hall C et 600 St Andrews Roed, Newport Beach. (949) 674-2238. The Jewl9h Femly 8ervtoe of Orange County 1POMOrs a discualon group for adult childntn and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesd"A,a month at lhe Jewish Famlly Service ofRce at 260 E. e.ker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per seufon. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. The Jewl9h Femly SeMce al Orange County has e weekly parenting IUppoft group. f>erenU learn atrategin for IUCC9Uful parenting and for dealing wtth the feelings and behevlor of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Cotta Meta. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure ctilldren experience. Prereglltration required. (714) 446-4950. The Costa Mela Senior c.nw has ballroom dancing wfth live music from the Cocta Mesa Musk: Makers from 7:30 to 10-.30 p.m. fNfKY Tuesd8y night at 696 W. 19th' St, Coste Mesa. $4. (949) 648-3884. Jewllb Femlly SeMce al Onnge County sponsors en ongoing haling support group for the c:hronlcelly Ill The purpoae 11 to provide participants with emodone& and eptrttual tupport to nwinege IAnea and Its ~The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdlys at the Jewish Famltv SeNtce office at 260 E. Beker St, Co.ta Meta. ~lsfree,but ~Is required. (714) "46-4960. laebble Club No. ISO mMtl from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Bofdera Boob, MusJc & Caf6 at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St In Cost9 Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln .net Stemp Qub mNts from 1 to 3 p.tn. Mondays at the Oa1ls Senior Center. New members Interested In trading, · buying end telling stamps end colnt ere being sought to join thele Informal meetings. There ere no fees required. (949) 644-3244. J.wllh femly SMttce ..... ongoing bereavement support groope for edults at all stages of Ion. Group members share experiences, hear how-others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadneu and Joa. One group meets at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursd8ya at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration Is required. (714) 445-4950. J.wllh Feni11y SMttce of o...nve County provide• a support and · dlacusslon group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 260 E. Baker St, Costa Meu. Advance registration 11 required. (714) 445-4950. 1Wo-hour ... tow9 wtd'I • trained naturellat guide are offered at 10 L'l'· Sundays from the Newport Ounee Waterfront Reaort. The reeof1 Is at 1131 ~ Bay Drive, Newport Beadl. ~ or S10Jor Callfomie Wildlife Y. Campaign and Newport Bey J!... Naturalists and Ff1ends members. (800) 585-0747. A yop end dance deM le held 'I from 4:30to 5:46 p.m. T= the Center for Spiritual ~ 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. ~ 111. Costa M6S8. (714) 754-7399.,0¥ . '-//; Th• Rev. Connie Rydlman a dl&cussion group using the .,,. ___ ...H.. .... with God# lwvft •Y \NllY"1-""''":.t.~ .. --··-1•,.,,. noon to 1 p.m. ,.._r-at the~ CentJtr for Spiritual Di~, Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite n , "1 Costa Mela. Bring a lunch. (114'f 1 1 754-7399. ~ I I~ Manh•tra Tae Kwon Do In~ Mesa offers free aetf~ :.1• j d8sses to alriine pilots and ftigt'ltl"' attendants.. a .... are taught ~A thre.time U.S. Nat!Onal °'8mplillll Tom Marshan. Marshall's ii at 3fD1 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Coste MM& ... (949) 574-0122.. I I ~ .. --·~ A Dealing with~ IU~t group ii offered by Jewish ~.;. Service of Orange County. The ,.J group is led by en experienoed , counselor and meets at 6 p.m. • Tuesdays at the Jewish~ campus, 250 E. Baker St. Suite G, j Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4960. I t ... \ Th• SN Scouts' ship Del Mer. ~~ 711 of Orange County offera a ,_. program for boys end young " • men ages 14 to 18 interested In ~ sailing, seamanship, piloting ... • ! navigation and cruising. ~ .. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.rn ... ..: Wednesdays at the Sea Scoutf, ! Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) , 642"6301 or (949) 55HJ591. H.J. Garrett Furniture '· · Fine Furniture Since 1960 , " A Family Tradition of Providing Service and Value ··., .. .. . . I• Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Quality- Servicc Value " • • ....... ........ O~n Mon. thru Sat. 10 ro 6, Sun. 12 to 5 ·e Cl~ t t <Aastline's Acceas Program is very convenient for me. I will f mi.sh my AA here and transfer to Cal State Fullenon to become an elementuy school teacher.'' -9+ S"'uccess Ahead at Coastline~ ' I I 11480 Wimer Avenue F.ountllln Vlley. CA 9'l708-2587 (714) 438-4839 C' ' Sprtog cla~ begin February 3., . ' ~turday, January 11, 2003 All COMMUNITY & CLUBS ime for students"t;o enter ·club competitions t's that time of the year when service clubs look for lgh school srudents to clpate in their speech and ell contests that lead tually to cash awards for 'finalists at the district level y Uons. Kiwanis, ange. Soroptimlst and clubs sponsor such o.iffpetltions be tween now and Local Rotary Oubs are the tones up looking for high l speech conteblants for ub competitions the first of February. Each a,tlclpallng club sends their ntestant lo lhe area said Roger McGonegaJ, rt1ldent of the Rotary Oub of ewport-Balboa. ll'i. al the strict finals. held in April, students can receive $500 couragement or lheir alents. he adds. Rotary vocal compelillon for bWl school studenll> in either cfjsical or musical theater will t>e held during late Fehruary at the club level. with the d1stric1 semifinals 10 be held Sa turday, March 22, at UCI C..011cert I !all, and the finals the nl•xt day. Sunday. March 23. Ealh contes tant singi; one selec11011 of no more than five m1nule'> 111 kngth. Competition is 1ou.:h. I ha~ anended the finali. on sey,eral occasion-; of the 15-yt•ar cdmpethlon. To find out more about e1tht'r compelilion or 10 enter a club petition, contact your lolal otary Oub coordtnator For students al Newport arbor, F.slancia and Sage high hools, call Nancy Raney ol e Newport-Balboa Oub at 949) 673-0326 for Corona del ar and University I ltgh chools. call Hugh Cl>rlstensen f Newpon-lrvine Club at 194<fJ 3-2815 or (760) 635-0312. tuaents from Balk Bay and osta Mesa high schools, call Lucas of Newport ~unri-.e ub al (949) 718-0168 And for sta Mesa 1 ligh School peech contestantc;, call Sheri or South Coast Metro al 949) 633-2324. We will keep ou posted on the other service lub competiuons as soon as JIM DE BOOM the information becomes available. WOMEN IN RELIGION: The Newport , -Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council will hold its monthly luncheon on Wednesday at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church and explore Women in Religion -Islam, with noted '>peaker Maha Hamwl of the l<;lamic Outreach Foundation. TI1e luncheon is open to congregation members and clergy of all faiths and intcres1ecJ community member<>. According to the Rev. Don Oliver. council president. elcttlon of officers and· director'> for 2003 will take place at the meeting, as well. me day will begm with a reception at 11 :45 a.m., lunch at noon and program at 12:30 p.m .. with adjournment by I :30 pm. Admission, which includes lunch, 1s S7.50 pc:r person w11h reservalions and $10 without reservations, and you may pay at the door. !>t. John the D1V1ne 1s at 183 I . Bay St .. Costa Mesa, one block ea~t of Newport Boulevard. Re'>crvattons are a mu'>t and can be made by ralhng (949) 660-8665, ext. 3, by 5 pm luesday. or e-mail 10 11mii11tnfaitl1@aol.rom. GREAT PROGRAM LINE UP: I mu'>I 'ay I am 1mprec;sed with the three-month program calendar that the Corona del Mar -Nl'wport Beach Kiwams Uub~enl this past week. It features former Angels p11cher Oyde Wright. develorwr Buck Johns. mo11vat1onal speaker Tom Bay. Concordia Uruverslty President Jack Preus. 2001 Bnll'>h Open Champion Ray Carruco and ::iherman Library and Garden director Wade Roberts, 10 name a few. h's a sohd program t irnrhn11r Krrf'/hwr~ .~1 . '7Cn,n1'9/ij' 11/d ~""//? ~,;,{',.; Full TI.me • Part Time 7:00 am to 6:00 pm AMl Affiliated Ages 2 to 8 llzick llny monte.,.,ori 398 University Dr. • Cosu Mesa (949) 54g .. 3771 • @JummRJluJJ CONSIGN • DESIGN Qualily Furnishings & Acctssories For Your Homt ·square Pine CotTee Table ... : .......................... $150" Black Shabby Round Dining Table .............. $17S- Wblte Shabby Book Case .............................. $200" Sora ................................................. -. .............. ·· $200" WCM>d Commode. .......•.......•..•..••....•...••..••...••.•. $l5r 1940's Secretaries Desk ................................. $450" Set of 6 "Hitchcock" Chairs ...................... $1,.200- TV ArJDOlre .................................................. $1,lSo- Down Fiiied Sofa & Chafr .... m .................... $1,JU- "Norman Rockwell" Signed Arti..t Proof .. $1,500" Col&Sif ua11"1 11«~ptd •1 qpollebMltl 0111] ' ""-"" .. ,,,. .. .. . 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, ~ bd"8d """., Piilo Phone (949) 764-1746 ' Houn: Mon·Pri IO:OOilim-SOOpm, Sii IO:OOlm...S:OOpm \ .. l . line up that holds memben. interest. HONE YOUR SPEAKING SKIUS: If you a.re one of those who has made the New Year'i. resolution to improve yo ur speaking skills for business or personal reasons, take a look a the help the Newport Center Toastmasters Oub can provide. The club meets from 7 10 8:30 a.m. on Mondays al the Irvine Co .• 6 10 Newport Center Drive. Guests are welcome. For more information, contact Moty Koppes. club vice preside nl of public relations at (949) 721 57J2. WORTii REPEATING: From MThought for the Daytt provided by Greg KeUey or the Newpon Mesa Irvine Interfaith t n11cJ \koh••J'" 111111 \>. li.Ul-x,. fil,J , ~'"l••n !\<•,h '.\ '""' "'' .... ii,,, .., fl \.~q~ r\l~4 .nJ01~ ~'¥. l'b~ Rev. Dr. Georgr R <..risp. Pastor (949J673-380S Costa Mesa MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a .m. Or AICllard Geof 714 979-8234 Newport Center United Mrthodist Church Rev uthlccn Coot\, Pascor 1601 Marguerite Ave corner of Marguc:mc 2nd lian Joaquin Hills Rd (949) 644-0745 &m Quw \'(.'orsh1p \n-i11u lOam Worship and Ch1/drrnj ,\unday School Youth muting u>ttlt/y Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church 420 West 19th SIT'l'et, Costa Mesa ev Michael Bankh<.'ad, Pastor Council: "If you are humble nothmg wiU 1ouch you, neither praii.e nor disgrace, because you know what you are.· -Mother Teresa SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS TiilS COMINGMEK T\JESDAY 7:30 a.m .: J'he 40-member Newport Beach Sunn se Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowni. for a program by David Blake on MBusine<>s after Enron " 6:30 p.m .. lhe Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor Lloni. Qub wiU m eet a1 the co ... ta Me!>a Country Oub for a program by C..ahrans. WEDNESDAY 7:15 a.m: The 20-membt>r South Coal>t Metro Rotary Uuh St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St . Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9:45 Holy Eucharist at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev 0r Bart>ant st-art. Rector ~t ~chad & Ml¥ PJc1nc V1t:W JI M~rgum1c Comna Jd M.u • 644-046.\ ~ ( "''t:'rf.121/on 11/ rlit A11~b,.zn ( 1J111ftlumon 81 /l.IJl\(, ()( R MJTll WI f\C, ( HRJST -4.\D \fRI I\(, 01 R ((Hf\41 \Jn Ilic Rn1! l'ncr r> H••nM Rr1.1or \l "l>-.\ '< H~nl 11 X •m I l.1!. ~u,hArl\I I •ITI ')oro.U1 "houl ~uh 1\1 •i< :OruJ\ (I ..rn < l1<>r..J ~udum1 .'./ f\JR> r W ~•411.Ullf SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A~~ lw l.Htlf alsm., -. Orist., t..-1 • ~ The Very ReY Canon David Allder$Ol1 Rector 3209Vt0Wo ~s-8<rnt 7 30 om Trod1h00ol 9 om CooternpororY. 9om Church Sc:hoOI 11 om Chommotic and Wednesday Noon ·~·""' "'/~.../ ' tthtw's We're exC'itt"J, our new c hurc h i1 o~n and wc'J love to have you vi1it St. MatthcW's 0.rch & P rt"Khool "1...by Snvica: 9:00 & I I ·00 am Sun.by !ichool 9:00 em -.tUDattbnnacic.a>m l.'\00 Fonl Roed. Nn.ron Boch (comer Ron11 .. Cinyon 6c Pnonr Rd) rhc il<"' ''"""<11 ( 'urkn. R«tor will meet at the (..enter Oub by MJchaJe Bare on ·Tue Effect ( www.southwas1me1ro of Internet on Lducauon·. the rotary.org?; and the Newport 50 member Newport I larbor Kiwanis Oub wiJI rnt'et Beath C..orona del Mar Kiwanis at the Univer'>llY Athle11t Club. Oub wiU meet al the Bahia Noon: r ht-40 member Corinthian Yacht O ub to hear bcchange Uub of the Orange Buck Johns d1scUSl> ·Trains in Coast will meet at the Hahia C..ahforniatt (www.bwanis.org/ Corinthian Yacht Oub. fhe d ublcostamesa); the JS.member ~oropum1st 80 member Exchange Oub o f International or Newpon Newpon I !arbo r will meet at I !arbor will meet at the c,anta the Newport I lcUbor Nauucal An a Country< Jub. Mu'>eum; and 1he JOO-me mber 6 p.m 1hP60-member Newpon-lrvine Rolary Oub Rotary Club o f Newport Balboa will meet at the lrvme Mamou will meet al the Hah1a l l111el ( www nirowry.org),. Corinthian Yal hi Uub 10 hear Klrk Mcintos h, director of the • COMMUNITY & CLUBS 11 Daily Pilot C up '>occer publii.hed Saturdays 1n the Daily tournament Pilot Send your service club's meeting 1nJormat1on by laic to THURSDAY 1949) ~-8667, email to Noon. The 50-member Lo'>td 1deboom a aor com or by mail to Me'a Kiwarnt., Uub will meet ctt 2082 S E Bristol Suite 201 , the I lohday 11111 for a program Newpon Beadi CA 92660 1740 WORSHIP DIRECTORY l'RI \BY 11 RIA'\ ·a Chns1-cen1eref. wors1111111n1 com11u111v reach1n1 oul in lva11e11sm Nurlure: and Sem11 Mm1strv ·· Adventure in Faith 2003 .. HOW TO BE AS SURE OF HEAVEN AS T HOUGH YOU WERE ALREADY 11-fERE" '"urJJ\, J•n1un 11 , !fl(ll, I Ill P.\i 'unJA\. jJnuu' I z. 21lCll \ 1(1 f\. I II H .\ \I I • • nontt '>cnn • Ill I' \\. \1>1>da). Jiltlu.u)' I~ • \l1J I ti• <\ l'rubkm for \o.;ocnt "°~• •ml \loJcrn l ummuo•n • \lund••. J•nuAr• 11 • r he T.-11mun\ ul • \l.or,h1r I c.oJcr 'I. h1 l>uuh1eJ \I. h•o lie \l.o,.hor<d" \fond~' jJnu1n I I ·11., .. tn l'ur ohc l'ulll< l·•~tthcr \1 hen1ht Poc.C\ llnn 1 ht" l ucid•• J•nu•n 14 "llo<• 'our 'I.or~ \l•tl.r \olu• h 111 ,,,,J • • Dr. HadJon Rnbin1on l're.i,htn>: '~NDB.t:W'S P• I P I • ' (. 11 •• It 1~rn11 from 'llt1'~pon lfarbor Ho~ "-h<IOI JI l~1nc •nd t \dil Mii• '' \nd«"• kn.1J. '""I" •t flc1,~Jl1111rn,. "!"'" 1 i1~1 ·'1-49 16\1 28 0 1-\t \II ml•"°"t;>rJrcv.1rr .. , '"l: \l Hi"'"'"' "•n.J,. .. ••rr~ •!fl: .. I l 11 H R \'\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC.A.) 798 Dover Or. Newport Beech Tradftlonal Lutheran Pastor David Monge • Worship S.nrtce wtth Holy Communion Sunday 8:15 am ( llHl .... 11\' . -. ~ ... ~_:....~·~ T WeHavea Healer Worsftlp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtsc.,,_ .t Cllrtit) 2401 IMNAw. Newpott leach, CA (949) 645-5711 llilllltlr. Of. Dllllll 8"' l'Hl ..,In 11 HI\' CHUD CENJ'EllEO OfURCH Sanda Seni" 1 Oam Bonita 6: Park C'.enter, U.u.cracy ucl laV'lda Sc., NPB R.tv. Gail MtUcr Alben and Rev. Sa:pbc:n L Allfert Miru.ucn em;ul: g;ulm11ltr4@laddph1a nn ST. MARK ~BYTERIAN CHURCH (949) 640-7343 Pumta ud Claild.rco Wonhip Goel Toguha Chillbm ;,,lmld cf Worship 9:30 : jNlrtkiptm in ~ tmlitt 1 + •A God~t=d pmsb community. iilstructcd ht chc Word ol'G.d and ~ by rht Sacn.mencs Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar V&SC2 Ori~ Ncwpon Beach, California 926(,() (949)644-0200 Fax ("9) 644-1349 lJOJVIOUdo Newpa118aactl 673-1340 er 673-6150 Chtch JOam&Spm. ~Sctm10om W.S-**t ~lllOPIJI OIAll5l COUlfl'f\ Fl&llm ~ Pll'SBm A 4-W&I COUISl Of AIWB>UWQI JmlAl't 7,14.11, ... ta ...,....,.,:JI ... T.,c TSOIEs-TIOUILES• SMMtw6e- , ....... _.CMf)M16 ... 24'1 .... M., llWl'OIJ IQOI SEC'OND CHURCH OF CHRJST, SCIENTIST 3100 Podac Yaw Dr. Nowpmt Bn:il 644-2617 a 675-4661 Qudl tO c:m ~tiled 10can ... 4...,.,.,. ,_. t ti '9tll Rn. Moosi&Oor waiwn P. Mc:LiU&hliQ Putor UTURC'IF.S: ~. S p.m. [Cantor). · .... ,. -• ... ....................... ftla.tla. Sunday. 7:00 (~). 8:30 (~) l 0:00 (C-OU). 11:30 t..m. (Clncof) and S:OO p.m. (~) 9 I • u Id , c I .- A12 Saturday, January 11, 2003 Dally Pilot 00 Music, culture meet the • movies Each Fri day this month, a music-related fi lm will play at UCI Student Center as part of the 'Funk, Punk & Monk: Music on Film' series. I luerta said. "It's a great seri es of films that showcase different types of music.·• FYI WHAT: "Funk, Punk & Monk: Music on Film" Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot A glimpse into the life of an influential jazz musician, the Rolling Stones in their prime, New York City's ex:plo.,1ve music and art scene of 1980 and 1981 and a look at the DJ phenomenon are all .. ewn together by the thread thal is usuaUy the beat of existence to most coUege students -music. Film Festival is bringing to the big screen this monlh with "Funle, Punk & Monk: Music on Film." Every Friday night lhil. month,.a different music related film will play, including "Gimme Shelter," "Straight, No Olaser· Thelonious Monk," "Downtown 81" and "Scratch." On Jan. 17, "Straight No Olai;er: Th~lonlous Monie" will play. The movie is a look into the life, musk and mind of maverick jazz pianist and composer Theloniow. Sphere Monie. This ponrait of the composer depicts Monie in the studio, on and off <,Lage and gets into hi5 personality and his playing slyle that make!> him a legend. II was i.hot in 1968 and produced by Oint F..astwood. WHEN: 7 and 9 p.m. Fridays through Jan. 21 WHERE: UCI Student Center Crystal Cove Auditorium on the campus of UCI COST: $3 students, $4 staff and non-UCI students and SS general admission INFO: (949) 824-5588 about Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-88), who starred in Lhe movie at age 19. It's about his Tegend as a painter, graffiti artist. poet and musician. It has been described as a Mlos1" film that vividly depicts 1he downtown New York art and music scene of 1980-8 l. The cast includes Deborah Harry, Kid Creole and the Coconuts, James White and the Rlaclcs, DNA. the Plastics and more. TI1e ftnaJ film , on Jan. 31 , is "Scratch," a 2001 film by Doug Pray. It teUs the In.le stories ol mu'i1cal artists who ui.e vinyl and turntable!> al> their instruments." It looks into the OJ scene spectrum, from breah, beat!., hip-hop and other '>Ubcultures in the scene. Ille lllat's what UCl Film•Society's " n1iS particular 'iCrteS of fihm, are films you wouldn't necessariJy be able to get at Blockbuster or i;ee anywhere else." fj!stival co-producer Jame!. Showing Jan. 24 is the 1989 film "Downtown 81" by Charlotte Zwerin. This movie is •Gimme Shelter,· a film following the Rolhng Stones. see MUSIC, Page A16 was screened Friday. -·--~------~~~:!!:::a.:~:::=::a=z~~~~t::t::::r: a ·ian niins tre comes to the Barclay Ha bib Ko ite, a renowned West African guitarist, has made a connection between Ma Ji an music and the blues. Christine Carrillo Da1lyP1lot T alcing his cue from his family, Habib Koite liberated lhe musicaJ talent laying do~ant within him and jumped into a world of popular rhythms that has since given him universal notoriety. Incorporating the musical sound<; of his Malian heritage Wlth musical influence<; he's acquired during his travels, Koite, accompanied by hi!> band Bamada, creates a distinctive sound that blends jan and blues rhyth.ms with a contemporary West African guitar styling that softly serenades audiences around the world. And on Thursday, the gultar 'I ca n get some influence ... from , everywhere in the w orld. My music can evolve when I do n't stay in the sa me place all the time.' Habib Koite, African guitarist virtuoso's beats will resonate withjn the wall'> at Irvine Barclay Theatre in J.rvi.ne, giving Orange County residents a chance to experience his infectious slyle. Koite, who has been referred to as one of the greatest new voices in African music and one of Mali's most exciting artists, will be performing in . various theaters, clubs and performing arts venues in the United States and across North American as part or his 2003 Lour. It is through such tours and travels that he has been able to create such an idiosyncmtic style. By combining the diverse musical traditions of his Malian homeland with his cosmopolitan life experiences, Koit~ has continued to embrace cultural sounds and incorporate ethnic beats into his music. "I can get some influence ... from everywhere in the world," he said. •My mu'lic can evolve when I don't Habib Kotte, an African guitarist who counts Bonnie Raitt as one of his fans, will perform at the Barclay Theatre. FYI WHAT: Habib Koite & Bamada WHEN: 8 p.m. Jan. 16 WHERE: Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campos Drive COST: $24 to $28 INFO: (949) 8544646, or visit www.thebarclay.org. stay in the same place aU the time.~ Some influences are a hllle more difficult to incorporate Koit~ has found that Latin rhythms were the easiest to work with. In his mo t recent album. ·Baro: Koit~ took tradilionaJ melodie'> and guitar styling and mixed th~m with Cuban inOuenced groove . SUNDAY Bui blending sounds of cultures aside from his own has been only one of the steps Koit6 has taken to place himself in a category all his own. Kolle, who has made fans of such artists as Ronnie Raitt, Joan Baez and Jackson Browne, has managed to create new rhythms within his own culture, as weU. J'ak.ing the traditional guitar styUngs of Mall, which are caUed danssa. and adding the word dnso to describe his new style. darwa doso, which incorporates Mali's popular rhythms witfl it's most powerful and ancient musical traditions. Now considered a world -class guitarist, Koit6 has revealed a connection between blues and Malian music that has mustered universal acclaim. ·it's a big honor for me. and I'm very happy to play everywhere in the world .... It's a big ~ft for me," Kolle said. ·11lke to play on stage for the people and now I play everywhere for the people. That ls so wonderful for me." Tickets for the performance, which is scheduled for 8 p.m .. a re $24 and $28. The theater is at 4242 Campus Drive in lrvine. For more Information, caU (949) 854·4646 or visit tuww.tliebarclay.org. FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY TUESDAY 2A ... ofl.A ..... Thtl.Oe -···· PNlhMnOnic. under tM ..... Oflubln ~.will 3 LM• .. 11111 .. LMrnuillcle ~ ... ,, .......... ..................... ' 4..., ........ ~ ...... ............... .. ....... ,,....., . =p.m. SUndeyln Hell. OrMge County. A"8 c.nw. eoo Town c.. OtM. Com .......... . f7MI llll-2m • Hot91 ......... C..°""9.. NMpott ....... .. . Mm• tnh,.,..._.art~C.. ............. , CHOC full of fun , the follies want volunteers By Tom Titu s S o you Vt' heen goang to the theater for a ~h1le. and have marveled at the loc.:al talent Oil '>tage, '>t.'CretJy wondenng if you rnuld t>Ver get up theft and '>mg. dance or J l t \\lt>U, here's your ch.mle The annual • CJ 10<.. I~ VI I will be holding audition., today and Jan. 19 m Nt'Wp(>rt Beach, and previou., theatncal experience ~ not nt'I: t><-..ary. The only reqUtremt>nt i.., that )llUH' paswd )iiur 21'>1 birthday "In the la\1 ..even )t',tr<,, the C I IC X k>lhec, has tapped illlo the imagmatmn and thra1ricaJ talenL'> of many Orange (..ounty b~me~s. cultural, !>C>Ctal and c1vjt leader.." "3ld pubho'>t (,fona /Jgner, onr of the Orgillll7.t'r. of the charity e\'t'rlt Prcx:ecds wiU benefit Children\ I lo<,ptt.al of. Orange< ,ounty. In Its firM '>I:( productions. the U l<X. FoUies raked Ill more than S 1.2 rmJJ1on for the Cl ICX f'oundat10n for < hildren while bringing lau~ler .md en1t'Yflll'nl to lhe ca.c,L<, an<t the aud1encet>. according to 7i~er The talent may be on the amateur '>kle. but thl· crealiw contmgent L\ all pm D1rec1or John Vaughan. choreographer Lee Maruno and mu.'i1c-dl director Dou!( Au~tin have helmed the past ... 1x -.how' and they're on board for the u1x.ommg ver;1on. ·As the 0 1•mnclc, Tum -a Mu.-.1cal Romp Thmu~ IV Land." TI1e '>how will be prec,ented for only. two performanl'.es, March 14 and 15, <'1 the C1rove Theater of Anaheim. Tryou~ are at Newpon Reach'<; Sutton Place llotel, 4500 MdcArthur'Blvd .. today fr0111 10 a.m . lo noon and Ian. 19 from 2 to~ p.m. "It's only neces.....ary 10 attend one audinon," 7.Jgner ...ud. adding that all • auditioners should wt'af comfortable • clothing. • Tho-;e wishing to try out for a solo : song or dance should bring their own mu.c;ic. A pianjst will be available. •• Reh~ mostly on Saturdays durt,lg the day, will be hekl in the fonner WelJt Fargo Bank building at Bristol Street wit Town Center Drive in Cost.a Mesa. 'Ille first all-cast meeting is 'iCheduled for l~ am Jan. 25 in the rehearsal hall. Mil's one of the most fun experiences you'U ever hcwe, • 7,;.gner promises. ·or ' course, you are required to sell a •, minimum of $500 worth of tickets or ~ sponsorships to the show." "'· Ote CHOC Follies offer participants a' chance to •get into the act• and help a'• worthy cause in the process. • For more information. contact 1lgnef at gzigner@pad>elLrn!L ! • • TOM TnUS reviews toe.I theater for the '•• Deily Piloc. His reviews eppear Thu.---• • ·-.,.,., end Saturdays. ""' !' ... Dally Pilot SO C IETY Saturddy, JdllUdfy 11, t003 A13 THE CROWD A Super Bowl party, society style ENGAGEMENT ~ I t's one of the great Super Bowl traditions in the Newport-Mesa communny. John and Donna Crean will open up their Back Bay e.tate once again for Super Bow1 XXXVll with all the trimminss to bt-11efit • theOmnKe ..----=,.....----. County Juvenile Conriect1on Progrdfll, '>p<>nM>rL'CI by Family ~'>men I Coun~ling and • t-..ducalJonJJ .•• ·Service~. ·. 8;W. COOK rickcl'> are SIOO per • person. wuh m.erved table.. of Io 4Vallable for food, football and plenty of fun to raise money w help prevent fanuJy violerKe through ~ment and referrcih coordinated with local \<.hool ... The t.-vent lJ ili. year will tcike place on Jan 26, with door. to the e<>tate to be o~ned at 2 p.m Organizer.> arc pmmi,in g J.11 lond' of door pro~ and auttion Hem,. N>r reservations c10d infonnation. please call (877) 422-JZZ:i ~.~Q AB,PlJ.T..IHE ~EAN ... SBDftoOmb i-. huw mviting the Newpon M<.><.a t ffM'tl to '>Uppon the Oc.t•an ln'>lllUll' JI an upcoming t"l/Crung of 1an· cind go unnet fart: JaT.l great Peter WhJte w1ll headhne a \pt'(."tantlar l'w11111g at the Ocean ln'>lltute\ Dari.t l'l)trll I !arbor 1 lt"adquarter. on JJ11 i I \'\'Ith suppon from lc1<.aJ committee membt-r.. mt ludmg event chairman nm McMahon of Grubb and Ellis. Bronnie Lee, ElJeen Clifton. Dennis EwrwoJe and Usa Met7. Corporate sponsors of the evening were Costa Mesa's Roben Mondavi Wine and Food Center, Newport's Northern 'Iha.st Bank. The Ritz Carlton and the St Regis Hotel& Additional support is coming from WASA Sushi and Omega Events. To support lbe Ocean Institute, please call (949) 496-2274. ext. 419. FILM BUFFS HEAD TO DESERT The local crowd will be in Palm Springl> this weekend supporting the 2003 Gala Aw-ctrds Presentation at the Nortel Networks International Film h:!stival. Torught. the Palm Sprin~ Convention Center will come alive at a party hosted by the very funny Uly Tomlin. The gala black-tie evening will be anended by a large contingent of the ct!lebnty crowd.. Produced by Rlc:bard lleSantb anQ,executive prbduceai;y-~ M~ Otlldeis. the evening ll welcome honoree!. 4'Jtn Redgrave. Pranco ZeftJrelll. Mace Neufeld, Mkhd Legrand. Conrad H.ail and Stephen Daldry. Ille gala committee will be led by Denise Du.Barry Hay and Earl Greenburg. Addmonal suppon for the resuvaJ dinner will come from Harold Maimer. Kevin Md.Afire. Unda Shlrvan1an and lol:s SchJechL • B W COOK's column runs Thursdays and Sal\Jrdays MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES "STREET JAZZ BY HUGGY" Comt Join Us 1n" fun NEW Ao uu CAR.O ro W ORKOITT CLAS.SI! (ages 16 lie upl Thunday @ 6:30pm Also Offering "HIP Hor" & "fUNK JAZZ" (;agci 7 lie upl Tuesdays & Thundays ~ C}'ahctf ~ ~026 Qu<tiJ Str«t -1' Ncwpon Beach 949.752.9400 Smli11t w °'''"'""'ilJ for 30 ~DI P HILLY CHEESE 0 FAMOUS STEAK SANDWICH ITALIAN SUB CJ,.itt ef Sitk s.w.,. fuNIJ /Tin $3~ 32 D£ 5'JJA 'I" BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP Bo~BEEF CHUCK ROASf .$322 1b. .. ORG ANIC ART PLANTS & DESIGN Come See Our New Selection Far 2003! Perennials At Their Best Free {Jarde7t Design °"1su1tatiorl Distributor far Dave Fross 'Native Sons Plants' and Gary Hammer 'Desert to Jungle Plants' ·'"' -Z69 '\/. Cjlu., .. ·U. Ono"'"· C \ 92~ r . O f'"' I >utb 9-S ... 71-1 .!1'<9.0.ll.Z ._ UA'U'·'WXWl.14 urtptunt.11.cunt At left, Patrick Munoz. accompanied by his wife, Raquel, recerved this yea(s Siracusa Award for his dedication to Hoag Hospital Foundation. Patrick and Raquel celebrated his honor at the foundation's annual meetmg and Women's Pavilion Capital Campaign Celebration . held at The Four Seasons. Above, SusM and Edouard Bartlett iomed 460 Hoag Hospital supporters at The Four Seasons m Newport Beach . Susan recerved the 2002 Vm Jorgensen award for her comm1tmen1 to Circle 1000 which supports Hoag Cancer Center luXURY FREE LargeCooki With any 1ilrchase of a 1oe.f of bread WJ\H I per ruaoma-OP. 01 JI ~I .. uh <OUpon orily Blake Bertea - and Jill Hamilton Kathy and John Hamilton of Corona del , Mar announce the engagement of their • daughter, JilJ Otristine Hamilton of Co rona del Mar, to Blake Cameron Bertea of z.· a del Mar. The bn e-eleu graduated from Gorona del Mar I lrgh School and the Univer:.1ty of Southern California. The furure bndegroom. 'ion of Hyla and lltchard Benea of corona del Mar, graduated from Corona del Mar I hgh School and the University of Colorado A May JO wedding I'> planned at tl1c Laguna Prei.byterian Church in Laguna Beach. •Weddings and engagements run Saturdays For a form, please call Christine Carrillo a1 949) 574 4298 • 427 E. 17" SI CO.sTA MF.SA. 91.627 ... li!;;iip;I~ 1Bttwun T.wiA & lniM Ave.I (949) 646-1440 l ----·--------------------·~--,--------~-------.-----------.. ------- A14 Saturday, January 11, 2003 AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax tQ (9491 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com SPECIAL 'GIMME SHELTER' The "Funk. Punk and Monk: Music on Film" series is now playing at the UCI Student Center Crystal Cove Auditorium. Upcoming movies include "Straight. No Chaser. Thelonius Monk" on Jan. 17 and "Downtown 81" on Jan24. The UCJ campus is at Campus and University drives, Irvine. S3 UCJ students. $4 ua faculty/staff and other students, $5 general. (9491 824-5588. BILL COSBY Comedian Bill Cosby will perform at 6 and 9 p.m. today in Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. The shows are part of the Center's new Spotlight Series $35 to $60. (7141556-2787. AFTER HOURS ART STARS OF MAGIC DATEBOOK GANG OF FOUR SUWVAH SHOW ,. • Singer Anna Marie Alberghe11f'• will join with comedian John• • Byner, the Amazing Platters and ventriloquist Todd Oliver to offer "A Tribute to Ed Sullivan" at 4( ; p.m. Jan 12. The show will tatli place In Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre, 270jc Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. trT advance discount or $43 al tl1A r••' door. (714) 432-5880. TOKYO S~ING QUARTET The Tokyo String Quartet wilf join pianist Max Levinson at 1.:3D p.m . Jan. 16 for a concert at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive:'. ., Costa Mesa. Pieces by Brahm$ and Haydn are on the program. A.preview talk will be given by' Herbert Glass at6:45 p.m . $49. (714) 740-7878. HABIB KOfTE African musician Habib Koite and his band, Bamada, will perform Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. at ttte ' Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Koite comes from Mali and blends fan and blues with his West African beats. $24 to $28. (9491 854-4646. SHUBERT ENSEMBLE OF LONDON Dale Salwak will bring the "Stars of Magic" to Orange Coast College at 8 p.m. Jan. 18 for a show with dazzle. Among this year's performers are Greg and Lyuda Wilson, Jason Byrne and Rich Bloch The performance will be in the Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. $14 for children, $27 for students and seniors and $29 for the general public in advance. Tidcets at the door will be S16 for children and $33 for the general public (714) 432-5880. The Emerson String Quartet, called "America's greatest quartet" by Time magazine, will return to the Orange County Perform mg Arts Center's Concert Series on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. ma performance of Smetana's String Quartet m E mmor. "From My Life," Shostakovich's Quartet No. 8 in C mmor, op. 110 and Schubert's Quartet in D minor, D. 810 .• ~oeath and the Maiden." Tickets are $52 and may be purchased at the Center box office , onhne at www.ocpac.org or by phone through T1cketmaster at (71 4) 740-7878. for more information, call (714) 556-2746. The Philharmonic Society and the Laguna Chamber Music Society will present the Shubert Ensemble on Jan. 22 at 8 p.m The society has established an international reputation as Britain's leading exponent of chamber music for piano and strings. T1dcets are $29, $25, $23 The Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Camptis Drive. Irvine. (949) 854 4646 MUSIC EMERSON STRING QUARTET At 7:30 p.m. today the Emerson String Quartet will return to Founders Hall in the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the fourth season. A preview talk by Herbert Glass will be held at 6:45 p.m. The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. $52. 0(7141556-2787. PHILHARMONIC JAZZ. ANO BLUES The Philhcfrmonic Society and the Pulo 'lRistorante .... ~ Chef Pao/0-4 FormNty of ~ '"·'Y NB AUTHENTIC -CUISINE Tuesdays Pasta N i~ht s ,,,. ,,, It.,,, ,,,,,,/ .\ 1.t:. '", No Corkage $11 . 9;) 1 \Vedoesd?y 71-t :J7:J .):J9 . ..:9~---- •· • 1 " ? ".2£ 0 , • ~ ~ "~ Tuttd•r 1hro1111ll Su"!!!.r 561 CENTER A VE, 1137 HUNTLNCR>N BEACH CA 926-47 J,,,c.11..v/ m OM II 1>rld I 11/1 u'( 1 du-. 405 Ii · • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING •MMflNGlON l ·lwfo:.:.:.J SOI :\RIA~ :-At ... ori1" '"" .. , .. ,,,. •u.oa. -•••••••••• -... 1111 .... SOLID BRAZJUAN HARDWOOD Cherry°' $5 gg Pecan F1rnsh sqa MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH CARPET 10YuStan.~n-$1 !a9* 1td V. Guirriie Rt*! W'4!I ~ Travertine 18" x 18" ......................................................... '3.99 tq~ Ceramic Tile ...................................................... lllSlalled 1rom 14.99 tq ~ Laminate Wood .................................... , ........... lflStalledlrom 14.99 111ft COURSE ON l<ABBALAH & JEWISH MYSTJOSM Eight 90 mrnute lessons Begms Jan 23. at the Hyatt Newporter To sign on, call (949) 721 9800 Barclay Theatre, as part of their World Stages Series. will present Habib Koite on Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. Koite brings a blend of jazz and blues rhythms with a unique guitar style and a contemporary West African beat. T1dcets are $24 and $28. The Irvine Barclay Theatre rs at 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine .. (949) 854-4646. LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC The Los Angeles Philharmonic, under the baton of Zubrn Mehta, will perform at 3 p.m Jan 12 in Segerstrom Hall, Orange County RosEY's AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service ~lision Center Insurance Approved Sho(> (949) 642-4522 ROSEY'S AUTOIOOYm··'· "" 121 Industrial Wery ' ... ~ Costa Meta The . Pegasus School · #I\ A National Blue Ribbon ti' ~ School of Excellence ~ You Are Invited to Join Us for Middle School Information Night Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:00 p.m. Kindergarten Information Night Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:00 p.m. Accepting Applications for Preschool-8th grade for 2003-2004 Campus tours are now being scheduled. Please call to reserve your personal tour time. The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (71 4) 964-1224 • FAX-(714) 962-6047 www .pegasus-sctiool.net creen SV.!~r!!!!!! Stop the RED PLAGUE! Dump Those Poinsettias, Buy Orchids Orchid Sale $500& Up EVERY SATURDAY 9·4 P.M. WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Newpof1 Beach's only Orchid Nurse ~~~...-..~~---~ &CASH t , _ _J SPECIAL CLASSICS: RHAPSODY IN BLUE Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. The program, which will include Pac1 f1c Symphony Orchestra will p resent its annual American Composers Festival on Tuesday. Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. It features Gershw in's Rhapsody in Blues, hot 1azz and blues and new works by celebrated American composers Bernstein. W1ll1am ' Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto rn E minor, rs presented by the Philharmonic Society of Orange County $19 to $59 (714) 556-2787 See HOURS. Pae• A,15 ~~ H Ps l e.1uru 11I Est:abllshed In 1962 11Uf~~ AVILA CHICKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunk., of chicken breast. rice garni,heJ ~ ith avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go t:i 4f> 7 lJ </ fO fl ao-t. Flo,.U. Trus, Gr«nuy lS'41 Off ~. ~ u m ~ " OO«d A1J Sllowroot1t SoC.. 25~ Off fY :zo 21 :a.a :a,, ;u OOMd L.mpe ud Anwodi ~ Off f fl~ Furniture at Designer Prtco Dining ~!I'll • IMl\g lb:ltll • ~ • l.«G'Ofln • f Slt•w~ ?""Ul"W~ 4IV( "4rc~ 0.NW 2925 Al~. Sutk A Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 (714) 979-6679 • ~·~~IOOOlm · .. ~ , --.. HOURS €ontinued from Al4 Bolcom end Derek Bermel. TJ4eu are $45 and $35. Irvine B•rc!ey Theatre is at 4242 carrpus Drive, lrvlne. (949) 854-4646· MUSIC AT'THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eechete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 !!Vine Ave., Newport Beach S1Qcover. (949) 756-0121 RAT PACK MONDAYS Magglano'• Little Italy pays tnpU1e to the Rat Padt every Monday' with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors .d'oeuvres and dancing No cover. Reservations recommended \714) 546-9550. JAZ2. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacn presents a 1au t110 Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainmer:it at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 pm. every week. ·wanted· musicians indude guitar players, bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardist$ and others at 100 Main St.. Newport Beach Free (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. N1dt Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rod<. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rod<, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m Saturdays The restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beach Free (949) 675-3474. MUSJC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday The band performs from 7 to 10 p m Wednesday and Thursday. from 8'.30 p.m. to 12:30 am Friday and Sa11Jrday and from 2 to 6 p m Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coast Highway~ Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431 WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features 1a22 and classic 'rock tunes for d,1n1ng and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E Coast Highway (949) 673-3425 POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act, perforn1s at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays Free. (949) 675-1922 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Tnanon Lounge, 4500 MacArihur Blvd .. Newport Beach Free 1949) 476-2001 SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven piece group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p. m Fridays at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Av,e .. Corona del Mar S4 949) 644-3244 STAGE 'PROOF' "Proof; the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn, will play ot Segerstrom Stage. South Coast Repertory 650 Town Center Onve Costa Mesa through Feb 9 It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her bnlhant father. Performances will be at 8 pm Tuesday through Friday. at 2·30 and 8 p m Saturday, and a l 2:30 and 7 30 pm Sunday Previews S19 to S44 regular run $27 to S54 (714) 708 5555 THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO Opera Pacific ll'.111 present Mozarfs delightful dnd cnarming comedy under the direction conductor of Jane Glover The cast includes Jan Grissom Shawn Mathey and Kurt link Performdnces w ill be on Jm 21. DATEBOOK . BROADWAY STAR One of Broadway's brightest stars, Tony Award winner and Emmy nominee Christine Ebersole. will come to the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the first time to perform in the Elvin and Maqorie Shane Klem Cabaret Series from Jan. 28 to Feb . l Shows will be nightly at 7:30 p.m. m Founders Hall. Tickets are $49 and on sale now at the Center or online at www.ocpac org1 For more information, call (71 4) 556 2746 23-26 at Orange County Performing Arts Center Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Drive. Tic:kets are $20 to S1 25 with performances at 7 30 nightly except for the Sunday showing at 2 p m 17141 556-ARTS ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene," an exh1b11 of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display Saturday through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery. South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa Zincs are publications - like magazines -created by 1nd1v1duals or small groups Museum hours are 10 a m to 9 p m Monday through Friday, 10 a.m to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 ANTIQUE ROW &: GARDEN CAFE Fint Ho11U furnuhintJ. Anril(un & CIJ/kmb/n, TrlUl1ho""1 to Cortat.t Gifts """ Gartkn Dtror. Wuh 1-ut anJ Dtbl>fr]. Candks to Chantklim, Uml & Rart Boolts, C u11om PitTUrt Framing, Funururt Rtstoration , mtJ m1'l'h mort .1 a.m. to 6·30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 769-1122 . JANE HILL "Local Scenes; art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb 28 A reception for the artist will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m on Jan. 28. The library is at 1000 · Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 717-3801 'LIGHT SCREENS' The Orange County Museum of Art will presertt-'• light Screens. The Leaded Glasll of Frank Lloyd Wright" through Sunday at 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beech. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p m Tuesday through Sunday S5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122 'IN THE EYE OF lliE BEHOLDER' A two artist exh1b11 featuring the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant. 900 Bayside Dnve. Newport Beacn through March 1 (949) 851 -918, www.stud1ogallery.ner. STUDYING IDENTITY ·101ent1ty· Portraits m the 21st Century• will run through Jan 26 at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology A reception for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m The Beall Center 1s open from noon to 5 p.m Tuesday through Sunday and unt1l 8 pm on Thursday Free 19491 824 6206 HAWAJI GONE DIGITAL "D1g1tal Art of the Hawa11an Islands· will be on display through Jan. 13 at the Robert Mondav1 Wine and Food Center, 1570 Scenic Ave . Costa Mesa Free (714) 327-8300 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spintus Gallery will present an exh1b1t of photographs by Robert Buelteman utled "Through the Green Fuse" through Jan 31 at 3929 Biren St.. Newport Beacn 1949 474-4321 BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Worh by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb 16 at the Orange County Gardm Cafe Gardm Paf/o Dmmt. stn1int Brra/ifASt, I unrh, Tt11 anJ an Espresso &r = CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm 130 EAST 17"' ST. • COSTA MESA At N""f"'rt 0-F,./Uf , .... Strut ROW HOURS: Tut-Sat /Oam 5pm Sato<<Sat, January 11, 2003 A15 Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive. Newport Beadl The work• will be shown concurrently with "The Spirrt of Mexico; an exhibit expfonng Mexico through the eyes of ,, modern photographers including Henn Cart1er·Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hour• are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Tuesday through Sunday $6 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16 (949) 759-1122 MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marietlca Porte will be on display through M arch 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Onve. Newport Beach Porte's wort deals With issues of shelter, poverty and displacement. Museum hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday $5 for adults. S4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16 (949) 759-1122 DANCE SOCIAL DANCING Social dancing takes place the fourth Sunday of eacn month from 4 to 5 30 p.m. at the J1mm1e DeFore Dance Center, 151 Kalmus Dnve. Ste G-3. Costa Mesa The dances raise funds for the centers building program Donations accepted (714) 241-9908 SENIOR BALLROOM Ballroom dancing to the music of the Costa Mesa Music Makers 1s offered from 7:30 to 10:30 pm Tuesdays at Costa Mesa Senior Center. 695 W 19th St $4 19491 548-3884 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p m to 12 30 a m on the first Saturday of eacn month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntoc:k Way Costa Mesa (7141641 8688 KIDS 'IMAGINATION-IN-MOTION' Mime modern dance. comedy and vaudeville will combine Jan 17 and 18 when the Orange County P4i1rformmg Arts Center 600 Town Center Onve 1n Costa See HOURS, Pa1e Al6 eff Ewm~ & Lyleen faun~ THREE MORE BIG CONSIDERATION There 1!> an old saymg about the three crucial factors m detemurung value m real eswe- -locaLIOfl., locabOO and locanon. Actually. there arc aJso lhrtt more factors-tmung, trmmg. timing! Real estate values tend to go in cycles. with property value reflccung what is going on in the community. If the local economy lS domg well. pnce lend lo mcreasc. Dunng an economic slowdown. pnces tend 10 stabilize or decrease. People who have done very well wtth real estllC O'iet the years have grea} instincts about when to buy and sell. They have ~ the art of buying when the nwtct is near the bottom or the cycle IDd selliQ& When it is om the top. without a Joe of concan abOat whether they made lbe be$I possibJc bargain in lhe lnnSICtion. They caDdentand thll investmc:n Ire Iona-term. IO it ~ fate yell'S ~or a rental propmy to turo a grear cash no... c. re. the equy to becolDe MhltlDtiaJ. la &be rear '** biaiaeu, timma is ...,,_IJ aac1ll. Lyleca md Jeff•~ JO ~~e ,_. Of raJ estaae experieece • Newport Bue•. "' ,.zr ,, .. _.. ..... .... ,.. ............ a1•1-..11c.... ~ ....... ..,,.. , .. ,, •' I I • I Alf Sab,fclay, Jaooaty 11, 2003 HOURS I Continued from Al 5 Mesa, .,;esents "lmagl{'ation-ln-Motton• as part of Its Founders Family Fun series. Performances will be at 7 p.m. Jan. 17 and at 11 a.m. end 1 p.m. • Jan. 18. $9. (714) 556-2797. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 ere invited to participate in songs and flnger~puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa·Mesa \· Library, 1855 Paric Ave. (949) I 646-8845, P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays end at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays et the Newport Beech Central library, 1000 Avocado-Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTE&.,l.ER A children's story time Is held at 10:45 a.m, Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 e.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY Poets Lob and Jaimes Palacio will perform poetry at an open reading at 8 p.m. Wednesday 1n Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. Sign-ups for the open reading will begin at 7· 30 p.m. Free (949) 675-0233. BOOKS 'LAST MISSION' NThe Lest Mission:· a book about a failed Wood War II plot to prevent Emperor Hirohito's su1Tender of Japan, will be discussed and signed by its author, Jim Smith. at 1 pm. Jan. 18 at Borders Books. Music and Cafe, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Beer St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$16. (94S) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as ch~en parmigiana and calamari plcante et reduced price$, ls offered from · 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. . WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch, featuring. lntemati(>nal seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites, is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays et Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. , ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 8J3.2no. BISTRO 201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays end Saturdays and at J1 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. {949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays end pop and rode: is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo TerTece, 1 n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. {949) 645-5550. DURTY NELLY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .. Costa Mesa. (714) 957·1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed ------~--·----~-----...... ------·--....... --- OATEBOOK Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 890 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 75!M>808. HARD ROCK cAft Uve music la performed Sundays at Hard Rode CaM, 451 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. JHEHARPINN Live music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 648-8865. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Uve music Is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael'a. 3960 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink et Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite 0 , Newport Beech. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAVILLE Live music is performed et Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered et 5 p.m. deity at Ma1T8kesh, 1976 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music Is performed Mondays through Saturdays et the Maniott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Dri\te, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon's is en Irish pub at 202 NewPQrt Center Drive. Fashion Island.' Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rock acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Ne)ll!port Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents rts two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. et 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTAUY COFFEE Open m ike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Meas Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. .· MUSIC Conbnued from Al 2 film spans its origins in the 70s in the South Bronx. New York to San Francisco today. "Scratch" features interviews and performances by Afrika Bambaataa. the Invisible Scratch Pickles, Yoga Frog. DJ Q·Bert, Mix Master Mike and other innovators of the music. The UCI Film Society is a student-run organization that started in 1978 to bring quality ON VACATION ' films to UCI for large-screen viewing. ·we got together titles that mainly appeal to the youth, which surfaces around coUege campuses.· said co-producer Doug Hodapp a graduat.I! student. "'Scratch' is about the current OJ culture and closely masks the i.tudent population.· The films on Jan. 17 and Jan. 31 -"Straight No Olaser. Thelonious Monk" and "Scratch.· respectivety-will be hown at the UCI Student Center Crystal Cove Auditorium. All You Can Eat Buffet! $(92 I I :JO""' -2:30 pm •Mon -Fri Newport Beach resident Lisa Clement and Peggy Cole horseback riding with Ranger Bill at Cuyamaca State Park m California. John and • Tracey • Burgess of. Newport Beach stuck in Coloma! Wiiiiamsburg, Va .. during their vacation. fhe Jan 24 film, "Downtown 81, • will be )hown in 1,he human1ues mstructional buildrng. Room 100. All showmgs are at 7 and 9 p.m . ·n ckets cost $3 for UO students, $4 for UCI faculty and non-UU stud~nts and $5 genercll admission. For information, call (949) 824-SSM or go online to wwmfilmsocurty. uci.edll,.,. In addition to Huena and Hodapp. Tom Feirner and Tun HoUand are co-producers of the UCI Film Society. Pia.a•S.W • Ribe or • CJMdiea •lff911aWa ~ 4 OOFamt .... ow.. '-.. i' \ \ ' I I I I I ') "'\ I ' ' • '\. I ' I I ( l I ) I ! : 1 f I 1 I " ( I 11 ' ' I I I ! ~ I. "-' , I 1 1 I • I ' \' • t ; ' 1 I' ! I' <il;;, MIKE'I ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery* Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet f~o •20 Featuring ALLOC No Glue lnstalliation Wood Flooring Refinishing & New aq ft Installed Berber Carpet 1(~0~ s1 ee Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic ~~0~s1 so sq ft Vlnyl Flooring 0~•1n ~~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S1/(ei,a -~ESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!'' fURNITURE REUPHOLSTERJ • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture ~ Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads " t. I QUOTE OF THE 1DAY uwe were jusl in a slump. It was like we were foul-tipping everything." Larry Hirst. ,Newp~ Harbor High boys baskefbalhoach EYEOPENER • Daily .. Pik>t • ~flail of Fame l,1' .. l"I j I• II Jaouary I 3 hon<l' ee MAIT BROESAMLE Dally Pdot St>orta Editor Roger Cartson • (949) 5 744223 • St>ortt Fax; (9491650-0170 Saturday January' 11 , 2003 81 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO ~ Sailors get it done Newport Harbor connects on 70% of its shots ir't 7-4 the· six-on-five advantages, both coming in the third ~ riod. win over Santa Margarita. ·1 c;Jefinitely knew it was go- ing to be a physical game but I like tough games," said New- port sophomore Anne Belden, who scored a goal and added Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BfACH -If there were an assist and one steal. • 4:53 left in the quarter. Jessica Ball and Paige Lan- sing. each an AU-U F second- team pick last season. both lobbed ball~ into Wight. swimming with her back 10 the opposing goal at two me· ters. Wight then rume<.I her body 90 degrees as the balb ever a "hard-earned" victory, the New-· Players battJed for position s. Margarita 4 lobbed 'in. swinging her right pon Harbor High girls water polo team at two meters, which made Newport got one Friday over visiting Santa Maiga-throwing entry passes danger- rita ous propositions at times. An In what Newpon coaches and players occasional jab to the face caused referees said was one of the more physical games to blow rheir whistles signaling an ejec- of the early season. the Sailors did all tion. . 7 hand al tl1e yellow sphere and M>nding hoth '>hots inw the . net "We pracuce that almost every day," said Wight of the six-on-five dffen~ive set ""those were really good p~" Ball. who scored once. led the Sailor<> with three ~ists while Jenna Murphy, an All-OF first-team !>election who will con~ S' v•"' c~,.N~ ,\I P1 Newport Harbor's Jenna Murphy (blue cap) tnes to fend off Santa Margarrta s Sarah Hamilton iil Friday's nonleague girls water polo game Newport won, 7-4 their scoring in the first and third periods "TI1ey grabbed a 101 inside, but you just co notch a 7-4 nonleague victory. New-have 10 give it bade," said Newport senior pert managed only 10 shots, but im· Annie Wight, an AJl-CJF Division I sec- proved to 9-2, winning its third consecu-ond-team member a year ago. Wight live game. scored two goals less than two minutes The Sailors drew 10 ej~ons to the apart in similar fashion to begin the third Eagles' s~l8A and capiwi?Mlon ~of-~~~~"c&~ ''"'i!d wi•h tinue her wa.ter polo career at UClA. led one goal, ~hooting the ball frurn 15 me-one pt"ncid went 1 old 111 tlw "t'umd -I Newport with foiJr steals and c;cored two tcr.. out to give Nt"\vpun a 3-0 lead with quani-r but tam1. dh\e alter hallumt- goals. Wight leads the learn with 26 goal-. -;even <;eeonds to go u1 the fir>t quarter . . ,p;.aA u .. ~~~~~~ms Jrunped to a-:r-~n filter~·~=-...-...--s-ee POLO-:"P'age1f3~-- HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Estancia clipped in final second Sailors stave off Foothill Mesa falls at Orange, 57-42 Eagles lose first league game, as Santa Ana's McGee scores 34, including game-winning three-pointer. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSfA MF.SA -It seemed the Estan- cia High boys basketball team responded to every run tha1 visiting Santa Ana put ... • together. But, in the : :------end, the Eagles had . . ... SantaAna 64 Estancia 62 no answer for Santa Ana senior guard Brandon McGee. McGee, who scored a game-high 34 points, nailed hil. eighth three- poin1er with l.7 seconds remaining, leading the Saints to an edge·of-your- seat 64-62 Golden -West League victory over host f.stancia • -Friday. "It's frustrating because we thought we had them at times." F.stancia Coach Ouis Sorce said "We just didn't go for the jugular. We knew (McGee) was their • 4 best player and we still let him beat us. We had two guys In his face (on McGee's • -final shot). We did everything we could to stop him." I I I I I McGee. who was 8 of 13 from three- point range. scored the Saints' final nine points on three-pointers. He scored 17 points in the fourth quaner and shot 5 of See EAGLES, P11e 84 Newport Harbor holds on, barely, to win Sea View League opener over visiting Knights. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Newport Harbor High boys basketball coach Larry Hirst used a baseball analogy to explain the three-game losing · streak the Sailors took into Friday's Sea View League opener against • Foothill Newport 51 62 visiting FoothiIJ . So, it may have been fit· ling that Hirst credited his re· lief corps, as well as the play of Newport"s only varsity baseball player. Andre Pineseu , for a thrilling 52-51 victory over the Knights that definitely found the Sailors' sweet spot. "'It's not like we've been playing poorly or doing things we needed to correct," Hirst said of consecutive losses to Marina. Los Alamitos and Edison. after returning from a post- Ouistmas tournament in Minne- sota. "We were just in a slump. It was like we were foul-tipping every- lhing.~ The defending Sea View cham- pion Sailors (9-7). lacked home-run punch against Foothill (9-8). which I I I I I I I I I COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL . ' I I : · UCI trying to bounce back i \at the expense of Riverside . . • • ' • . . . . I I I ' • • ~ Anteaters are on the road tonight, trying to pick up pieces from Wednesday . Steve Vlr1en DallYPilot RIVERSIDE Champions are some· times determined by how they respond to adversity. That's what they 11y in the sports world, and that's the challenge in &ont of 4 the UC lrvine men's basketball team, ... which Jost 66·65 in ovenlme to Cal State Fullerton after RaJphy Holmes completed a three·polnt play wtth three-tentbt of a eecond left 'Neclnll· day. The Anteeten will now face bott UC RfverJide ln a Big West Conference matchup toftisht •t 7. Though the ~den an 2·7, 1·2 ln the 811 Wat and la not elllA*t co compete ln the .. Well 'lbUmUDent. ua co.di Pat CbJP• .....-UCR to be ~-m.anty bet:ll ... of • RADIO: KUCI RADI0/88.9 FM, 7:05P.M. freshman sensation Nate carter. The Highlanders moved from NCAA Divi· sion 0 and were not permitted to com· pete in the conference tourney for rwo years. They wUl be eligible for the Big West Tournament next season. "He's one of the premier players in the conference, even as a freshman,· Oouglus said of Carter, a 6-foot-7 IWlngman who scored a game-high 25 points to lead the Highlanders to an- 73 win over visiting Long Beach State lbunday. Carter, who hu scored 55 point.a In UCR't put two ·pmea. ls averaging a team-blP 19.4 point.a per game. He ls to~ In the 8" West, thus far, with a 20.5 ppg. ·~lo conletence pm . He•• one of the neuoN for the HJah· landers' mttement lor the f\J.tw'e, u 1,711 r.... INMd up 8' the UC1t Stu· dent Rec:J'Mdon Center Thurillday. ,.Their BID and their tchool la el• .. ua. ....... • •• -• .. .. -~ .. -.. .. • __ _. -----•• -ft ... -• SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT Newport's Nedim Pajev1c (left) bnngs the ball inside for a pass to the outside under Foothill's Brett Bigler in Fnday's Sea View League opener. led most of the first half and opened the fourth quarter with a 6-0 spun 10 establish a lead it lost, then regained. then lost again in the final 70 sec- onds. Pinesett. a junior who equaled his career-high with I 0 points, to go with his seven rebounds, seven as- sists and four steals, sank two free throws to make 11 48-48 with l 45 left. Brett Perrine then banked in an inside feed from 6-foot-8 center Ne- dim Pajevic with 1: I 0 left to put the rars up for good Foothill. however. did not go down without opponu- See TARS, Pa1e 84 Host Panthers build 26-point lead in fourth quarter, before settling for 15-point winning margin. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot ORANGE -Before th~ Vt-Ill Costa Mesa High's junior varsity boys basketball team SCOREBOARD won an overtime thriller. 50-4/, against hoM Orange followed by elaborate pre- game lestivioes. which included the Pledge of Alle- giance. a color guard and the S1ar- Spangled Banner Mesa Orange 42 57 performed by an Orange 'itudent on her way to becoming the next Wlutne\ 1 louston. Unfortunately for Mesa Coach Bob Serven'!. varsity squad. there w&n't much of a song and dance on the coun for the Mustan~ as the Panther.. chalked up a 57-42 Golden We-;t League victory Friday rught. Costa Mesa (5-11, 0-2 m leagueJ. which scored 11 unan!.-wered points to end the game and cut into a 26·point deficit, struggled with its shooting and not once had the, lead. The Multan~ See MESA, Pie• B4 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Kelliann Klein ...... b - Corona del Mar senior an offensive threat from all angles, and is working on shoring up the defense • Steve VJr1en DaijyPilot 0 a·tct tto#Ott a m o ft . ---:~ -. DMW -PORSCHE ('Wcwww., hbied) f 80 911 TARGA (18646) M X'f this Trefl $15, 980 95 3181 SON c157m1> Bit H~.·S.~lowli!Je1' $11 ,980 02 DOXSTER cie991J ~WltlX>ddelKh! 7K'*5' $37,980 961J P..oADSTERCONV. <18770i '*'9~TtwsEJll'GOeoo~11 $12,980 99 996 CPEc1cmci MWllh~Aelo~~~ INQUIRE'! 95 325iS (185781) Bio<; w ~ ~ ~ ~ $12, 980 99 996 CPE (178.15) Oc!al lb T~ $43, 980 98 M.J SON <185~1, Vtte locd M ~IV-I $ 22, 980 99 996 CPE cie&M ""* r~ $46, 980 99 996 CAD (1MQ) SM! O.Spe@d A~' $ 51 , 980 99 528 SON (187121 \'1-ce WiJtl i<1' lleo.e)" $23, 980 01 996 lURBO! II~. ~!11 .. Wfoa ~(JI A~~ $AVE! 97540iSON 1185Jb1 0-ty 5iK Mies.o.~ $25,980 01 996 C4 CAD 1ciaoo Sea~ lol5 o1m1 INQUIRE'! 01 ~ 1~ lD\O $ 26, 980 99 323i SON ,eeea lb),,(r, M.y, $ 28, 980 98 M.J CONY. UP2X' Cmmos ~ li.'i ~o C~ $ 28, 980 98 740i SON c1873)) °"'Y~~"'" ~' $27,980 95 8400 CPE c1eet>1> law~A'ae~ $29,980 00 528i SPORT SON (I~~ ll 4 th h.f ~ 3~ $32, 980 00 5281 SPORT SON (leqy;(} ()oly27KMiles!~~ $32, 980 00 7 40i SON (18964) kxxty Wrmty. lnwnoc1Ac#1 $39, 980 MERCEDES (VmcM1Y hided) 95 C280 SON c1~> ""* smy~M.~' $13,980 00 Sl..500 SON (1~70NtwW,MlwS!y.e ~T~ INQUIRE! 96 E320 SON (1~) "'*' ft.jM~ $19,980 02 C230 CPE c1e&6Q) lodl. foocrf w~ e« i.w $ 21 , 980 98 E320 SON c1am> ~bU1ca4ASedln~ $25,98Q 98 E320 SON c1aa10> <W,.37KMlei~ .· ·$27,980 96 S500 SON c1&t00> St«uu.aStcbllcwrsa:~ 528,980 96 su;oo ROADSTER c1awn w Opal·.,.~ lmmod $29, 980 00 E320 SON c1&&.l1> .,, .. w.n... L1otiet cw,~· $34, 980 99 su;oo PtOADSlER (1erm} .. "6>dlll lbJ CWy '42, 980 SUV's ~~lrdJded) 98 FORD~ c1&4.'.l6> lllodl.t.owMRs' 99 JEEP WRANGLER c18QOX) ~~ P.ed·lb' 99 FORD EXPEDl110N c1a7Q4) .,,... . lft · looded!· $18, 980 00 LANDROVERDISCOVERY c1&&41>LR~ $19,980 98 Nlfl. Ml.320 (1~~..,. Uri ltWl lA71t ~ $ 22, 980 99 Ol.VYTAHOE LJ:c1&410>~..&rlh~~~ $22,980 01 BMW X5 3.0 LJ. (18917) SM!-~ Foc WOlltYtf $41, 980 02 BMW X5 3.0 LJ. c1111m>~ 16K~Sa¥tft $42,980 RARE FINDS/OTHERS '19 JAGUAR PSUCA CCJN. (1~) AU SHI~ $ 7, 980 89 JAGUAR XIS (16172) "-le, V-ll u.. Otcrtl $8, 980 Wr®~CPE c1~..,..._s.~~ $8,980 98FCJ»D·~CONv. (187.lb) CWy~lllWAl*ll()iy $13,980 't/VQ.VOOO<nN. (147820 <n~·fdMI $2.5,980 01 JO()AS2(XX)CQN. c1MnoPwf~J!ip.~mJMIH $28,980 98 OlVY caMJ1E CQN. (I~ ~il'd~ $'29, 980 Oi MDTTQWOOAWOE c'*Xl~t~ 1ar1.lad«1«~ $31,980 WJAGU6.RXK8cat/. c1&6"73> n.11or.ea~ $37,980 01 LOn!EHVT c1eQCXJO r.cJml*·31tMM · $68,980 • ~ ,. •' .· . . .-• • . ( . , . • SPORTS BRIEFLY .CCdM 6lai1ks Irvine l The Corona deJ Mar E" · In another gtrts water polo Wiler polo t~ ~ton do-game Friday: ~and ahut out n •Costa Mesa ffi8h seruor .ra- vlattor lrvtne, 10-0, Friday. tie Thorsness acored ftve goal$ to CdM (S.2) built a 6..() d In help the Mustangs rout viBitlng the ft.rat period and coasted to Pacifica. 15-3, in a nonleague the W:tory. CdM senior Brittney game. Bawta.-. bciund for UctA, &cored Sopboinore. Sarah Bowman, two goals in the opening quarter. senior Jessica BwmeQ, junior Al- Senior Danielle Carlson and J,un-Uson Gravis and sophomore ior Vivian Uao also 8nlsbed with , Allyaon Harris Scored two goals two aoals. while De.nfela DiGia-apiece for the hosts. Mesa goalie cora.o. Christina Hewko. Katya Michelle Payne. a sophomore, Badington and Natalie Wayte bad six saves. added Ungle tallies. Nont1...- Mesa.. .with only five minutes re- mal.nlng. Sage HDJ School's Cesar Aniaga scored the Ughtning's only goal and the hosts tied Brethren Ouistian, 1-1. Friday in both team's Academy League opener. Brethren Oui.stian (0·6-1, 0- 0-l In league) scored in the first minute on a kick from 35 yards out. Sage Hill (4-2-2, 0-0-1 in league) controlled the resl of the game, accordJng to Ughtning a,s.- sistant coach Chris Ellsasser. Amy Strack recorded three lleals for the Sea Kings. C&rlson, Uao and Bowtus contributed two atala each. Sophomore Brittany FuDen stopped eight shots. while eopbomore Jordan Anae had five saves. Co.ta Mesa 1S, P9clk:8 3 Scot'9 b'f au.tin Peciflce 1 1 0 1 to.ta Mesa 3 3 8 3 Ughtnlng goalkeeper Ethan Tunney made six saves. Julian 3 Smith-Newman in the midfield 15 and defender Jordan Salinger Corona's junior varsity squad dropped a 10-5 decision to Ir- vine. Sophomore Katie Kubas led wttb two goals. ......... CdM 10, llWM 0 Irvine Scot.~~ o o CdM 8112 -IO ...-.-S.....-0.11. cat -c.,teon 2. Lieo 2. Bowtu. 2, DIGiecomo 11 Ch. Hewko 1, &cllneton 1, w.yte 1. Seves -Fullen 8,AN.5. • P9cllca -Price 1, He. Jonee 1, Stal'9len 1. Seves -Ho. Jones 6. COlt9 Meee -Thors.-. 6, Bowman 2, Harris 2, Bunnell 2, Gravis 2. &we. -Peyne6. In high school boys soccer Fri - day: lilWo goals each in the 6rst and second halves were enough for host Orange High to pick. up a 4--0 Golden West League win over Costa Mesa The Mustangs (0-10-1, 0-4-0 in league) had three scoring chances in the second baJf but came up empty. David Barnett. Luis Villa Nueva and Benjamin Elias aU had shots in goal for WRESTLING Keligan, Diaz sparkle Corona del Mar H.igh's wrestling team, tuning up for itl ·showdown· with nation- aDy renowned Calvary Cllapel ln a 6 p.m. match at CdM on Jan. 23. had three winners In a 5 7-15 nonJeague loss 10 Tesoro Thursday night. Andrew Keligan was a 9-4 winner at 215 pounds. heavy- weighl Alex Diaz won by fall in 2:53, and Dan Gushue was a winner by forfeit. BASEBALL REGISTRATION Costa Mesa Pony today Cost.a Mesa's Pony League will hold spring reglstration today from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Cost.a Mesa Higb gym. The school is at 2650 Fa.IMew Rd. in Cosla Mesa. lbe Pony Divisioa Is for play-• ers ages 13-14. Teams from Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar will play in the coo/Prence. Registration is $120 per player. Call (714) 318-3482 for more information. gave strong efforts for Sage Hill Ellsasser said. In girls soccer: • Sage Hill School opened up Academy League play with a 2-0 victory over host Brethren Otris- tian Friday in Huntington Beach. Sara Beck.er assisted on both Sage Hill goals scored by Katie MclGtterlck and Laura Gordon. Both goals came in the second half. Gordon played in goal in the first hal(. and made six saves while VlSta Murphy took over in the second half and bad seven stops for the Ughtnlng (2-7. l·O in league). CLUB SURFING Newport rolls NEWPORT BEACH -Newport Harl>or High's club swfing team (11 -1-1) was a 68-58 nonleague wmner over F~n Thursday morning in shoulder high. 1-2 foot surf at 56th St. Freshman Brighnon Branden- burger was a short board heat winner, and Geoff Rill, Morgan I nD, Will Anderson and Alex Knost took &econd.<.. David Neira. Erica I losseini and Bren C.atron were tlurd. Tommy Holbrook: fourth. Man Doheny and Bronson Hov- nanian fifth and Joey Head sixth. Hosseini and Amy l..Owry went 1-2 in the girls long/short board. Knost. Cha!>e Smith and Catron went 1-3-5 in the long board. Michaej Beet. )JSdn ~and Dan KreC8chmar \'tee 2.+5 in the body boaJt1. The nexl nonleague meet. lead- ing up to the state dlampio~ Feb. 22-23, is Thursday against Dana Hills at 5&h St YOUTH BASKETBALL :\Melo paces Newport-Mesa The el8flth-grade girls Newport-Mesa All-Ne! be.sketba1I team defeated Yorba Unda. 31-23, at Orange Coast College, improving to 4-2. All players scored as Ivy Melo led wilh 14 points, six rebounds and sh steals. 'bylor Holden tallied six points, nine rebounds and five b&ocbd shou while Ou1sdne Dlik:fM!ndt added six points with am.. McCrm contributing seven rebounds. ADie Duei-uba--gea-added three poV"its and seven assists with Becca 1\uk rounding out the scoring with two points and playing solid defense. In seventh-grade boys action: • Newport 47, Riwnlde 33 Newport-Mesa moved to 5-0 with the win. A steady defense created several transition baskets as P.J. Slmploo led the offense with 14 points and 10 rebounds with Robbie 8oya' contributing 12 points and three assists. JCyle Caldwell tallied seven points stvenes,, Friday came in the final period when she sbo< up rut c:A the water to deflect a bei headed for the goal. Cottam swam to the left c:A the net where the landed. about bW meters away from the~ in front c:A. charging opponent. Hamilton eoored twice, but was heavily guarded by Raelyn Ritchie. In the first quarter Ritd:1le put up both arms and didn"t let the offen- sive player' pt doeer than ) 5 me- ters of the goal. causing a viola- tion of the 35-tecood shot clock. •(Rltchle) played wdl on bet" Aki Barnett. who WU encouraged by his team's effort. and eight reboun~ and Joe Eberhani finished with 6ve points and four :.teals. R.J. D'Cruz (four points) along with WDI Kelly, Jonathan Howse and John swtft, each with a basket apiece. added to the scoring. ln sixth-grade boys play: • Newport-Mesa 47, Aliso Nlguiel 23 The sixth-grade boys team won is third str.Ught game. Newport's tight defense forced numerous turnover.>. Newport beat Santa Margarita for the second time this season. The Sailors won an earlier matchup in the semifinals of the Newport Harbor-Corona deJ Mar Holiday Qip. 10-8. Niii .. .. ~t ..... ~4 ---~ s. Margarita 6 , 1 2 4 ~ , 0 4 0 7 ............... -Hamlllon 2. Anderton 1, E. Figge t S.....- O'<:onnot 4.. NIMpalt-Murphy 2. Wight 2. e.111, Selden 1, l.anllng 1. Swee -Coctln'l - 8. -..--~-· --··~ We a~u luwe lms of new. 2003 C240 Sedam wuh easy,w,lumdle payment.\. Bw only uh1lc suP1>l1e\ ~t. ~n hum We can do wluu others cnn 't Om 2003 ML po SlN's with All, Wheel I>rf.. ( rn 1 cdkt , 111 . i#iJough sand or snou1• And u 11'1 ,, ~mm'" • tlus Low. gom"' dff\U lu.H " ' ,, eas1C1 Hw 11111\ l J•I : L,__ __ ..:...,_ ___ • ___ ,__. ......... ________ ~-~-,._.-~-~----~----_..... ....... __ _.....__ ____ ....__...._..--., ______ ..-..,__._~,.___~ --------- - - - - - - -...... ·. - SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBAU. ~age Hill ~~~81 girls fall, boys win ·N~WPOHT COAST -Host Sage Hill School dropped its Academy League girls basketball opener to Brethren Oirlstian, 46· '30. P'riday. • TI1t! Ughtning (8·2), opened tltt! game with three returning all-league players on the bench ~ they were being disciplined for missing practice. TI1e Sage Hill slartlng lineup scored ju.o;t mne points, while Katie Puishys t.:ame off the bench to lead the ho!>ti. with 12 points. Brethren Ouistian. ranked No. 2 m CJ!" Southt!m Section Divi· ''on IV A. Jed, 11·7, after the first quarter. but Sage Hill outscored the Warriors, 8-6, in the second 1>enod. C::apllalulng on some poor outside shooting by Sage Hill, the Wamo~ ou~orcd the Lightning m each of the final two quarters finished 16 of65 from the DooL Orange's 6-foot-6 senior swingman Patrick Sanders domJ- nated the boards with 24 re- bounds (18 defensive), including l I in the opening quarter when the Panthers built a 13--6 lead, before senior Ziad Pepic drained a Duzzer-bealing .three-pointer for Costa Mesa. Freshman Scon Knox (scoring on a putback), Pepic (a three· pointer), Jeff Wahkon (on a backdoor pass from Brian Moli- na). Pepic again (on a backdoor pass from Danny Krikorian) and Waldron (on a putback) scored for Costa Mesa in the second quarter. The Mustangs trailed by five until the final minute ·or the first half, when backup Orange guard Marcus Ballestero canned a three-pointer and scored on a runner with 0:28 left. providing the hosts with their double-digit lnte~on Lead • Knox scored a team-high 13 points for Mesa, f oUowing efforu. this week of 19 against Ocean View and 18 against Calvary :~;~.ull away for the decisive vie· EAGLES It wa., the <;ectllld straight loss Continued from Bl lor Sagt· 1 lill. which opened with victorie~ in 1t~ first cigh1 coiilests. 5 from beyond the arc. Puhhy.. had 14 rebounds, Leading 62·61, the Eagles had r..:n.~~-;;:;;;;;;;;" ~tr,;;;e;?--r~-t)};e.·~;ut ii)~ Estancia sen· Wright. who battled foul trouble, ior Man Cachola slapped at colJccted 13 rebounds to go with McGee with 5.9 seconds left to set J1er five points. up the game's dramatic ending. Sa~e J till wiH w.it Brethren McGee. with two defende~ on (hm11an Jan. JO tn open the sec· him tightly, elevated for a jump ond round of league play. shot near the top of the key and • In the boy'> game Friday: i.wished in the three-pointer, S<lge I 1111 opened ii!> Academy leaving 1.7 seconds for the Eagl~ League ~ason with a victory Estancia (I 1-5. 1-1 in league) had over vl'>ltmg Brethren Christian, one chance to heave a pass to though details M~re not available half court. but it was tipped and a at p~'> ume desperation shot did not come Academy LNcue Gir1t close to hitting the rim. Brethren 46, Sage Hill 30 Scont by Quarters Brethren 11 s 1~ t• 46 Sage Hill 7 I 8 9 JO Bnrthntn Christi.in -McDonald 17. Ho 3, Lee 12. Wilson 10. Lavoie 4. 3-pl. goals Lee 4, Wilson 2, Ho 1 Fouled out none. Technicals none. Sage Hill -Kawamura O. Mainero 0. Wright 6. Guhel'Tez 2, Yoder Lee 2. Came Clark 3, Carley Clarie 6, Pu19hvs 12 3-pt 11oals none Fouled out none Technicals none "When I threw it up. I knew 1t was going in," McGee said. ·1 was feeling really good tonight. I felt like I was in the zone.~ Fstancia led by as many as I 0 (49-39) after Cachola made three strclight free throws foUowing a foul while shooting a three- pointer with 2:56 left in the third quarter. But the Saints (9-6, 2-0) came within. 49-43. scoring the four final points of the period. Then, McGee took over in the fourth. -CASO -$188. MADRID -S41 J . - 11111 LONDON -sJ48. HONGKDNG-.S49S. ~ .. FRANl<JURI' -SJ 48. BANGICDK -SSOS. Ill' -PARIS -SJS7. SMGAPORE -SSl4. ~ ROME -SJ68. JO'BURG -$869. Ill' -TOIOO -sJ89. SYDNEY -S87S. - AMSIEHDAM-SJ9S. ~·~£eS -$899. -#jmalall!.@ --- (,O ll ll lf\ Chapel. Waldron added 15 re- bounds. whil~ox grabbed six. Molina, a freshman, produced three steals ln the third quarter and parted Mesa with a layup to start the second halt but the Mustangs had no answer for Orange's ensuing 12·5 run. "We score the first basket of the second half and then we can't stop their run, .. said Serven. whose team shot 3 of 17 frotn the field ln each of the first and third quarters. Orange exploded earty in the fourth quarter with three straight baskets, including put:backs by Collins and Sanders, who was being scouted by UC lrvine coaches. Golden .. Laque ar.'?!!7. Com Mesa 42 Costa Mesa '1~14 42 Orange 13 17 12 IO • S7 COIUI Mna -Knox 13, D Knkonan 9, Stankovic 3, Waldron 7, Pepic 8, Molina 2. T Knkonan o, Abedrabo o. J..pt. goals -Knoic 2, 0 Knkorian 2, Pepic 2. Fouled out -none.•· Onlnge -Ramirez 2, Gama 4, Sanders 19, Palomares 0, Collins 19, Reeves 4, Ballestero 9. · 3 pt. goals -Collins 2, Ballertero 2. Fouled out -none fatancia had four players in double figures:-as · se'nior Zack Novak led the way with a career- high 18 points. F.stancia senior center Joey Lindquist scored 14 points, while Cachola added I 2 and sophomore Carlos Pinto contributed 10. Junior .Jordan Stroman came off the bench and grabbed a team-high eight re· bounds. and Pinto had seven boards. llle Eagles tra'.iled 8-0 after the lin.1 90 seconds, but came back to lead. I 7 -15, at the end of the first quarter. Novak scored eight points in the second period to lead the Eagles to a 36-28 haJf- time lead. Golden Welt Lupe Sanu Ana 64, Estancia 62 Scont by ClUNterl Sant.a Ana 1t. 13 15 19 -64 Estancia 11 19 13 13 82 Santa Ami -Silva 7. Alejandro 6. Ates 2. Tripp 10, McGee 34. Flores 5. 3-pt. goals" McGee 8, Silva 1. Flores 1 Fouled out -Ates. &unela-Caohola 12, Novak 18, Hoffman 3, Pinto 10. Lindquist 14. Stroman 5, Andersen 0. 3 pt. goals -Pinto 2. Novak 2, Cadiola 1, Hoffman 1 Fouled ou1 ~ none SCHEDULE TODAY ~ College men -UC Irvine at UC R1veuide. 7 05 p m., Vanguard University at Hope International, 8.30 pm College women -UC Riverside at UC lrvino, 7 p.m , Vanguard Un1vers11y at Hope ln1ernat10nal, 8 30 p.m High sctiool girts -El Toro at Corona del Ntar. 7 p m . Santa Ana Valley at Costa Mesa, 7 p.m .; Laguna Beacti at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m Wrntllng High school Estancia, Costa Mesa at Northwood Tournament, 9 a.m. Volievt>-11 College men UC Irvine at UC Sants Berbers Tournament. Swimming College men -UC San Diego at UC Irvine. noon College women Fresno State at UC Irvine, noon DEEP SEA Fftday'1 countl N.wport Lllndlng -1 boat, 19 angler1. 4 calico bass, 9 tand bass, 1 halibut, 1 sheephead, 1 black croaker. ENJOY SP&OIAL GOLF rarv1uoas ON 54 Tow FAz10-DntoNao Hous The Players Club Privileges: Pelican Hill Goll Oil Oek Crttk Cd Gi> • Wttkday Grttn Fee · s 135 (M-Th) ·Weekday Green Pee . S69 (M-Fri) ~unda~ R.tc '17S (M Th) ~ Riie ~ (M Th) ·W~ rttn fu.siso (Fri· un) •Weekend Grun Fec -S99 (S.t"Sun) 't11nd.1d IU1e •uo(Frl Sun) S!MldMd R.tcc-•1 H (fnSun) AcldJtiooef Beoefft1 . ·OM c~111 The Vl.tytn Ou-b R..Ct •lO,. OH Golf Ii~ MtrdlandJM• • W,. OH R.."lt &Us • SpecMI Pronlollont and llvcn11 Initiation Fee ssoo ··~·~-- t SfANHILLERi OM.YPllOT Corona del Mar baske1baH standout Kelhann Klem is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Weej(. KLEIN · Continued from 81 defense." J()ein's offensive game has worked well within fi.n.t-year coach James Barkalow 's gameplan so far this season. Actually, Klein's confidence artd willingness to take the open shot is what has opened up the Sea Kin~' offense and has allowed for other options to Oourish, as well. "Shes a shooter and she knows it.~ Barkalow said of his senior guard. "She knows she has the green light to take it up. She knows she has the-mo.st leeway to shoot from anywhere. There's times when I actually want her to shoot more because sometimes she'll look to ~. or pwnp fake a \hot and pas&" Last week. Klein had her game on. She scored 57 points in four games (14.1 points per game). leading the Sea Kings to a 3-1 output and a second-place finish in the Santiago Tuumament. · Klein scored in double figures in each of the games, knocked down JO three-pointers and earned all-tournament honon.. She KEUIANN KLEIN llot'n: July 23, 1985 HometoWft: Newport Buch =5-foot-8 130 Sport 8asbtb1ll Polftioft9: Guard ~ J•mtt 81rblow F•vot'tte food: caesar s.lad Fnorit. mcwtr. •catch Me If You can• lle9t ....._. MOnMnt: •Making• three-pointer at the bu.mr to send me game lnt.o owmme In a summer INgue ~ last year.· "'91h llChool A.,._ of the ... II: The CdM senior sc:Ofed 57 points In four pnes (14.1 points per giime). "ming all-toumtment honors. he!plng the team to a second-j)lace finish In the Santiago Tournament. Dllrflri c.ot~ .-U CMd .;a OJ.S capped her dynanuc performance in the tournament with Daily Pi.lot Athlete of the Week recognition. I lowevcr. offense isn' the only role for KJein on the Sea Kin~. ~e alc;o fulfiJb leaden.hip duties as one of four '>fniors on the ·squad. "Kelliann i!. probably the most vocal out of the ..enior;, who lead through their performances,· Bark.a.low said. "On the coun, Kelliann will probably play the most minutes or the second most. She has no problem!l with iL" One of the reasons J()ein is comfortable with playing several minutes is because she is intent on helping lead the Sea Kings to the CTF Playoffs. "It would be very nice to get into the playoffs because last year we didn't," J()ein said. There have been many changes for the Sea Kin~ this season. With their new coach came a new offenl>e and also an opportunity to start on a clean slate. so to speak. There was dtsappollltment after 1&1 year's sea...on. "I like our new coach.· Klem ..a.id "l~t year, our team wasn't together. We were all separate and there were clique-type stuff going on. But this year it's been the total opposite, and that helps on and ofT the court. We're woiting together and we're worldng hard on every point· Klein also said she 1s espectally working hard to improve on defense, which should as.suredly aid the Sea Kin~ as they prepare for Pacific <:oast League action. CONMNTY COUEGE BASKETBAU.. UCI OCC women win, 55-47 COSTA MESA -The Orange Coas1 College women's bask.et· ball team recorded HS 12th srraight win and second straigh1 Orange Empire Confor ence victory after a 55-47 tn umph over visiting R1ver'i1de City Friday. The Pirate'i (17-3, 2-0 in the OEC) built a 30 l 3 halftime lead, as they held lhe Tiger~ to a dismaJ 17.9% shooting from the field (5 of 28). Riverside out- scored OCC 34-25, in the sec ond half, but could not over- OECMan Rlvenide 90, occ 78 Riwnide -Strawberry 15, N1ctlol1 25, Camara 2, Reece 11, Bagwoll 16. Barber 2, Smedley 7. Lesana 12 J..pt. goals -Reece 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -Nichols Onlnge CoMt-A Boblk 10, B. Boblk 10,Seales 2, Wilhams o. Garey 16, James 10, Brown 10, Peppers 9, Alexander'· VikJh 0, Putnam 0, Hatctl 7. Shahe1m 0. J.-pt. goals " Garey 5, James 2, A Bobtk 2, Brown 1. Fouled out" B. Bobik. Technicals -A Bobik. Halftime -Riverside, 44-36. TARS Continued from B 1 nities. After sinking a free throw to pull within 50-49, Foothill junior guard Brandt Bangs dived on the rebound of a second m.Wed foul shot and, while on the Ooor. called timeout before being ded up. But. on the ensuing posses· sl.on, Pinesett deflected a FoothiJJ pass into the hands of teammate Oiase Cameron. who lhen found 01.ad Rorden for an up-and-un- der layin that made It 52·•9 with 27 seconds left Bangs. who led tbe KnJ.ght.1 with 18 points. nailed a 15-footcr with 21 seconds left lO cut lhe deficit to 52·51 and Newport missed an open leyup, then turned it ovcr on an Inbound pass to give Foothill poeeeeak)n under its own goat with one eec- ond left. Mer ti~ut.1 by each team, Foothdl rillMed an off-balance 18·foot blleltn. jumptt at the bwrz.s. aDowtnc Harbor to bold Mn9 ......... 1 llenl It hid beaten. 47~, ln a Die. 21 lCU· nunentpme. M drllDelk 11 lbe &illb tumid OUI. Hint ... lbii ... .... Pfl 11 liOI ol flM WW Nd: ) tome lh pour first -haJf '>hooting •In the men\ game. OCC fell to 1-1 in the OH. following a 90 7A defeat di the hands of vi'>iling lhverc;1de. lhe Pirate~ ( 12-6, 1-1 in the OEC) were outdone by a 13·0 run early in the '>el ond half. Stephon 'iealec; connected for hb only bal>ket wnh 17:30 to go to make it 46-41 but the Pirates mi'>'led their nex1 nine shots to fall behind. 59 41. with I I :39 re- maining. OECWomen OCC 55, Riverside 47 fUwrsicM -T Thomas 14. S Thomas 14, Walace 1. Haggerty 7. Moss 6. Moore O.Garc1a 0, Dyson 0, Tautala O Wh1te5 3 pc goals -none Fouled out none Tectinicals -none D.-.nge Coast -Mendola 16, Quiroz 2, Carrillo 10. Hatsush1 14, Galasso 7, Hauetflf 0, Murray 0, Shaw 0, Von Tungeln6 3 pt goals -Hatush1 3. Mendoza 2, Galaaso2 Fouled out -non6. Tedmicals -none. Halftime-OCC. J0.13 Glassic, Jair Hernandez and Bren Lowenthal in the second quarter. may have been the turning poinL -Those three guys are known more for their offensrve punch, but without their contribution on defense when we held (the Knights) to cight points in that second quarter (on 2-of-13 hooting), I'm not sure this one doesn't get away from us,• Hirst said Pajevtc had 20 points and 13 rebounds, hitting 9 of 13 ftdd. goal attanpts to help the Sailol"I overcome lo ing rhe turnover battl~. 21-6. Newpon Harbor ftnlshed 23 of 42 from the field (54,8'11), while Foothill shot 35.8'1't, hJtting 19 of 53. Continued from 81 cited about being in Division I basketball." Douglass S<Ud ·rm sure at the end of the season they reaJu.e that 1hey are no1 gomg to the Big West Touma ment. But, I thin.It everyone 1<, excited about what's coming next year" For UC Irvine (7·4, I · I J. Douglass sajd 7 -0 junior center Adam Parada was an offensive lhreat Thursday and will start again tonight. Parada, who '>Cored a game-high 25 points Thursday. had not started the previous four games. Parada leads the VCI in scoring and re bounding at 12.9 point!> and 5.5 re- bounds per game. lie Is shooung 67.1% from the field 10 lead the Big West and in the last three gamei. he has cored Paciftc UWtSt. C.I Poly UCS8 Fullerton ua Idaho Rt~ N'ridge lBSc. w L 2 0 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 1 1 1 2 t 2 0 2 0 2 50 point'i. lie is 20 of 26 (.792) from the field in the last three games. Douglass said Parada has not totally arrived as a complete player. though h e Is perhaps UCI's best player. •He had som e defensive lapses (Thursday}," DougJass said or Parada. HHe played well offensively. Defensively he needs to continue to improve.• Douglass saJd he was also Im· pressed with freshman Rosa Schraeder's performance Thursday. Schraeder scored 14 points off the bench, lndudlng a tblft·polnter with 1 :43 left ln overtime that pve ua. 64--62 lead. After Wednetday'1 pine. OougJase aatd he wu disap- pointed with hls vetttana' play. ·0ur veterans didn't step up,• said Douglau, who hu utWud ix different 1l&J1.i.ng Hneupe this sea.son . "11\ey need to atep up.• UCI freshman point guard Jeff Gloger la ftnt No. 1 In ateall ia the Big Weit wfdl 3.45 ltet.ll per game. JUnJor rol'WMI Matt Okoro, who hu 1tened Cbe ... ftve p.mee. hu ~ down 29 rebounds (5.8 Mn~) In tbal tp&n With • WIOa· !I -In the wtn «Mr Flortda .Jlmdc.,' Amons uca co.m Jalil a..i .... itafrll 1Dtll...,..,. ..... 00 ..... ....,..,. ...... Chia iemnd .... ...... econt 11 00. 11 ID bll ...... .... "'tb lhl nwb·1111. . ... - -----·-----...-~-.._,,_..._..._ ........ ,. .. ~··· .__..._ .......... , -.. -...... ..,,,.,.. ............. ,,_,...._, ................ orT"~ ... -.. ~-------.---.. ---.-~ .,..-----,-..--: . Poli cy By Fax (949) 631-6594 <Plu-.e 1nclud.. yO\lr nllllle .ulJ pl!<""-' numb.:r and ..,e·11 Ulll Y"U b.ti..k With ~ I'll~ <jUUIC I How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD By Phon(• (949) 642-5678 I lours Hy Mail/In Per~on : "\ "\() We\l Bay Street Co~la Me..a. C A 92627 At . ewpon Blvd & Ba y St ---Deadlines --- Monday ..................... Fm.lay 5.00pm TUe!\day ................. Monday S:Oopm Wedm:~day ......... 1 ub day 5:00pm Thur..day ........ W~dnl!..,day 5:00pm ~ Fnday .............. . Thur..,day 5:00pm Saturday... .... ... .. l·nda~ H XJpm Rates and deadlines. are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon ~y error that may be in your clai.sified ad immediately. 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Meyer This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/27/02 2002H27MS Daily Pilot [)e(:. 28. 2002. .i.n. 4.11. 18,2003 SMlO llOl1CI Of AMl(AlQI fOIWIOWmtr OfMCOIOUC llVllM(UCasl Date . of FHtn1 Appli· cation; January 2, 2003 To-Whom It May Con· cern: The Name(s) of tht Aot>Ucant(s) ls/ara· CHOI MIAE IOMSANGMUH The applicants listed abon ara applyln1 to th• O•p1rtm1nt of Alcol\ollc 8evtr,.1a Control to "" alcoholic bev.,......at: 369£ 17TH ST STE 17 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Type of licanH(s) lpj)ll.cl fOf: 41 -ON•SAl[ BEER ANO WINE • EA TING Pl.ACE Delly '!lot Janu•J 11. 2003 SM16 ~ 1419 230S·2490 L ESTATE R SALE 264{) Foond 1510 fktitlM lusiless "-tSttt..i lhe lollow1ng pe"ons "' t.' dorng bu$11te;"s, a\ OBSIDIAN llJN l NH R PRIS[ S 34 t \I V1• l 1d1J U l4 N•wpu1I Bnrh CA 92661 FOUND RI NG ltave dPt•1l•d deH11pl1on, mu"lot inti ndme phone ' color & 11n11 ,.,,. style and wheo e lo'I Calls will only bt return•d by lh•JSe leaving detailed 1nlu 949 720 112'1 3010.3940 ~ SOOS·S&SO HOMES FOOS.AU ORANGE COUNTY Anaheim Hills 5400 J.imt:\ Gordun r 1owan 341 9 V1• l 1du •414 2 male clogs found on Pwatlo ltm. ~ .tve o;ecluded ltJ a._. 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HOOSltG OPPOITUllTY All r~al _,i..te adver 11\IOll '" lh1s nl!WSjlap~r I\ ~ub1etl lu lhe F Pde< al F •" Hous1n11 At I nf I 'M>S a \ Ame nded which mahes ti 111~11al tn <1dn rll\e -any preler enre l1m1l•t1on or d1st11m1n11ton based on race color rehgton ~e•. hand1t•P. lam1hal st.atus or n<11ton1I u11gm. or .tn mtenlton lo make any wch prelerence. 1im1ta hon or discrimination • Thi\ newspape1 will nol llnow1n&IY atcepl any •dverltsemenl lor real estdtt which I\ tn v1olalton of the law Our re.tders are h ereby inl0<med that •II dwell 1n1s advertised in this newspapl!• are available on an equal opportunity bl SIS To compl11n ol dis c11mmat10n. ull HUD loll free al I 800 424 8590 Oldtr Style Furnlt\n PIANOS & Collectlblet ·~·-• 5'tnot .......... ()illtilc. ,~ $$ CASH PAID $$ 0"9,..C.Gr ........ WE BUY ESTAT'd • lmtMdlate lnerdy - I ~~~ " . ' •• o' I j =-· ..... We Slit .. 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"""' r+obUl Cir A1d1I I tb I l>dl~'°I! ~'114 '1£,(J $1800 mo 714 '>47 8718 R.;;;-Granville "'"' stur y d•ldt h lbr ?b.t h g,M ~dtt'd <. t•thm JJ1Jt1I ~P• S lbOOm" I :?mfl 1,~ Gt ant !Al 4 f}.M I •IO I 48' 38o ,_ ~" homt' w •.v.10 ......... p •• ~ \pd w•IJ md1nWm<'d and upd<1trd n 1wh ~m~r • --Ovl•t h ide 2Br I Fla lwnhm '.lyle apl Rtmod wdl> rn .t•~-n J.Jl"l> Sib!~ 'ff 1.<..., ';1917s11445 Nr Bocli Boy, ill remull 'Br 1 Slid 'undt1 lt,_ v,.ar f I' wd hl.uJl' n1, ~Wt\ SlV!> "" 949 ~ 1Si84 S7000m ag! 949 7'>9 Ji"il ('•icle Sflt, '11m11ltlely C-M r•mud••l•d /f.r lbd W40 esa I "~I ~ h~e n•w I pl P•tnl l'Md. l1~ "& ty,.,.,., Fp clll <lei ~ "' d hl<LC>'. •g 'Id r\ pet-. 7'/6 ~.b~ Vista S lf6mo 9<1'} 11~ ,{b I f;Md., 3lw 7%. twhm I ""'' 2L dlt gar S2.'.Urn '/fl'/ ke rtu P"t "'9\ii IY a...;. Bay 9'1'f04l W48 Me•o v .. de B~aultful remodel 4br /bd hoU\I' Ip hrdwd llr<. S?j()(), mu ~ (,.1(,) 6m 949 t46 8578 b-'v• 21lr IBo Condo 1<11 ti~ Ill I '0th •B l 5rdt: w 1 p 1,.1 yolftl •"'"·' d1,I SI 'ii'. '14'1 t7X R999 •.m.tll comv••" nf ""'' 4 •• 11 ... J..-t. W..-;t•Jdf UJI Huntington Beach 11mt' w µt•1I lrtdry 1.,. & tlP"":.ar home Nu ryµi...vit 28r .... encl ..nt, pvt tJUl~ slot&t" 141 l'ile~t<Jv ~--~lUfld yd Cl.EAHI pat. i'I" ~ pool dfld l.t"" '149 61'> 5114 ~1(1 1'.lfl • t~ 'II l W lOtti IUIJh<y W1) ~ WJtn 21r't ., ;::;;-SIU':I'> ""' SI E\lor 94'11oll~'J-ll ! --1 •ra~h mtltl Prt 01< & I B•'• ""111 S85'> 111' 3bt 2.Sbo townhouH, Sl'i'J)i.-. "st 714.~7 .J.l93 111 tnvely gated cumm , ~dr Ip wd hkup n~ • ., r,. Squa•~ 1"d~• lu1mdl din yd m••d ~gt lake forest Indy laul1I t KIP1n Mngl S 17'>0 ""' 949 ?9J 46 .11 877 704 864!1 • !UOO ------eu.. lilt 2 ~ t11wnhnuse c;,....Jt.11 tp p.ttJu baio.()fl'f I , p <0mm p. .. '4, "'3 .igt SI Moo 94'1.~I 2br 2bo townho111e. Sup"' 011 e1 New tarp paint p.ilt" gar laund Sl495• dep 26198 Hill slord B~r 949 645 9913 Udo Isle lead. C°""'!fe 2lw f' I .Do 2 c Jldf 'r•tdl ,~m 1dt•l tif"..tr h & ff"lllH"' tluL Slf!IJIJ mn 949 1;44 1 HIJ Newport Beach IAYFRONT UN LIOfJ P( NINSUl A NlW 28r 2Ba COTTAGfS l111>1d!~ 8each ftrjol •nd !>pd W°al~ tc• oc~dn ':.how-d0'1 Rf'\t•urtH1h lf6d\P (, mo 7 yr• BfJat Shp AYdllAble 7 I 0 LIDO PARK OR. 949 67J 60.JO {JI 949 723 SS~ *YEARLY* llASIS Hll 1,fll NI 1 flt A !1Jk 949 f>7S 6tf>l V~ •>!'.> Ill.,.... ld'~ paint ,.. ~Ml' ,.,~;JI 11._ Re-;.Jl't l+w\. A. .... ""w SI tro m /l4 ',}i 1'64 NPB/CM mdlf /br lb• I huu• .... t di' ..tit-P,..,111 N>i.•t' Sll':ilm.,Bv Aw-lll'llm'nl ·~ 4 jJ 'n:lJ STUDIOS l ,.n •P•V 14•2• quthu"'" dv .. ul N.-w vatnt & ' "11tt S l /fJO "'r' Hrt1 c.11 9411 71 '> 3" ll I I Ill-a;. IWtY Le1'l ST1PS TO SAN:>I New cA"Jlf'l, p;mt Ip '" .tr..et 1-""" Slffl.. ~ ~ H-A"" .C: 8"' 9•9-+4S-" tJ loyvlew Covrt lbr 'b3 t•r oonl I jU()• I I bl~ ft om llar~ b•y "I ~·t't ~Sl.IOOrt11.'....~ p~11tt1ou\,e ·~ n "'.,._,, I V.,•olll•• UH <b~ hatcon1 c. mm p 1101 tP"o --------I d81 Sl800 __ '149_1>_7J_7800_ moon ee DilllJI • e1oor 87 c.oi. cn.-1 DOWN 1 Colillllan 2 Vwdi'1 ll ~alOOI­ • FrtelcMlders Ii "MWI -Callcle. Cl Celn'• Ylc:IJm 1 T•lllH . 8 o.ct entry II Turne IO bone 10 Peon 11 ·oenong au-· gtoup 12 SIU hll (fl'tph ) 13 UM IOrM prol9. 21 Couwts mochet 23 9ltde '11 new IJlle 25 Mak• leugh 26 LMgcst IMfM'oll «><-& • 2br 2ba totally remod, new everylh•na. cnn1ll k1tch. $2375/mo 949 720 1593 e Ne...,....tH•ftM• e 38r, l'/t8a. Ille floor !pie:, w/d hkups Sl900ml) 949-722...0177 • 2h '-· r,., out badi y•d+ a. ..... illl~ aftw l/20IOJ Pluse cal 96 759-Pzt. to see S25(X)!mo ....... 2'/-2c.- itt pr. buch ~ .,,..~ /1 S2000m. 868 Hatywd n 949·631 51060ave ' 0 RE RS C11tforn1a law re quires that conltac Ion lak1n1 iobs lh•I tolll $500 °' more (labof °' m1ter11ls) be UcenMd by the Contractors Sl1te License Boud State law also requires that contrectol5 include theif license number on all lldvertnh11 You un cl'teck the status of your licensed contreetor at www cslb c1 1ov or IOO 321-CSLB Unli tensed contractors l1k1n1 jobs lhat total less than $500 must state In their edw.rt1sement1 ti.t lhey are not llc.-d ~Y tM nt.r•l1ora Stale LQ ~ .. ~ • 1-l'CAll'll(tCAJlf'(T(t Rep•irs, P1tch1nc. Install Courteous 1ny size iobs. wn,1eu1e1949 492 0205 eon.,ullr Serwtca COMPUTER HELP! .,....o. ....... ... ,. .... IMll •.C•lll ·~ ..... ~·· ·~Modll!I ·<»ill~ •Olllllll!dlJD.l'l'dclM& ·~=:,'::, 10'1' .. ~ll9. 714-612-2786 I I 0&m Bridge ~·~··~·~-~-~~~·~· ......... .. 11 12 13 Q l -·Vulneniblc. you hold: 1 ,U CJfJ O AK05' ~7 •U You ri&ht ·band e>pponeot ope1IS lhc bidclil)a wltb one ·club. What KdOCI do you lake? •'5 o A7'1 o lU •AIC.7U The biddiM bu lllOCCCdcd: WISJ' NOa'm MST SOUl1I •• ... l• ,._ ... Diii ,_ ' What do you bld now? Q 2 ·Both vulnerable, as South you hold· Q s . Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: • 10 v AK9!14 o IOJ5 •AKJI 1 QJ o K865 o K 1091•098 The bi<ldinll ha~ proce«lcd: SOU-I H W~T NORTH The bidd.irul bas procecded: NORTH ·~ SOUlll WE&'T I<" 11 ,_ ? What acuon do you W.e7 lo ,_ T What do you bid oow? 1 Q J • Ea.it-West vulnerable, 11.\ Sooth Q 6 • &th vulnerable. as South you hold: you hold· •· a ll)" A8652 v AKS •Q9) AK82 QJ 106) • Q 10 The biddina Ila\ proceeded: NORTH 2AS1' SOUTH I• ,_ I<: The bidding ~ orocecded SOlml WES1 NOR'Jlf f!Abl I Pus ~. i... 4 ~ .._ ? ? Whal do you bid DOW! What do )'OU bid now'> uxM: for IJllS't<U3 °" Mnndii~ Q 4 • As South. vulncnlble. you IK1kl ,,_, Office l'/T Pl!f· feet lor 1 colleee $tudenl Of • rehree! BUSY NB Manna and Manufactured Home Community Office needs a wHhend counterper· son. 8raod ..,.,1ety of Indoor and outdoor duhes includes sales, 1dmln1strah11• work. and de1hn1 with residents. FAX resume to (949)673· 4486 or ,.,ply 1n person t o OeAnu Bayside V1lla1e. 300 E. Coast Hwy .. newport Beach, CA 92660 HAUOa a1souacn SUl'OVISott $4,046 -SS.692/monlh F ull·llme positlCH'I open with the City of Newport Beach Requke$ two years of uperlence with a harbor-related 1ct1v1ty. and 11 Bachelor's decree 1n enclneertna. hberll •rts. or buslnen or pubhc adminlstralton See job Oyer for com plete requirements Apps & job flyers avai11ble a City Hall. HR Dept., 3300 Newport Blvd, Newp«t Buch, 9m3. ' Apply onhne 11 -.ciy.,_.,art· i-:11.ca.us ~ Fq dedne 51XI pm. 1 • 31.(ll ~ not -=· Cl!pllld In .. ol ~ appliclbon Faxes not [(I. 264 V. Point S2"JOOrno Employmelt pnme &Olf course io-W .._.. untt. nu crpt, paint. iltt pr lnusu 8200 oma NW' '/T pos1IJon for mature pe,.on w/computer and pers.on· able skills. must be orptnized and comfort· Ible wrth the publtc. food and W1ll8 Wlterest WtrJ h!lplul Cal~ 1319 • .,.,.....,., , /T T-.-s.... Busy phones. MS Offtee and phone slutls Rnt1ur1nt exp •• fax 1esume lo 949 642-0674 Of call 642 7880 befOf e 5 ...,.. __ -"-'/"• fur spa & pool 949 715 3513 -C7-.-~--,-T-,.-,-Accountinc--­ NeWpOrt ,_,, Jtu 2ba work Very up·d 1n comm pool & "'P" 2 c computer slulls & al car. Ip wd hkup' •at tues. Carolyn 9&7t6 P.l9 $2600/mo 949 293·4630 - Nl'I 4b1 Jb• condo nr Employment 8500 pool, 2 c ear 3 palto5, new pa1nt;carpel $2700 1 yr lse 949 650 8443 HNllOlt WW HOMU Jbr 2ba hse iac:. al nu ttv carp. next ID 5PQl'b Pat~ S2795/mo 949-581 I S20 .Uclo Isle 3br Jba• den. patio. Fp. 2c aar . new floors & paint S3?00/mo yrly lease 949 675 3149 ~ 31t-, 3llo, cornet lot w/135ft of wtterlronl 35frnt/100s1de C1 an11e cooolers. ss ~. rooftop decll S325IXrl L& dock avail !M9-723 7 440 Newport Coast OealP.,. perfect condo 3111 2.5lle,. ,.. • ~ ~m •-do• Mlon.con\I~ Prtvlll TlllDring 7990 Bank ma ,,._,._ ,... H.bor NatOONI Sri, ~ &h Cteal benl!ftts 6 Mc>'' uperient.e preferred Fu <t!Sl.rrot to !fl 911!Mi61 2676. llptcd. c-n.tk SMle ., N 8 Now lwlflfl Retail/ From Countei MJst '- i:reat ill5lor'tw ~ 5'llb and be miJb ~ 25-:lV tn ps week 9&646-1.JM lft91nMrlnt Offfce /rT Seaetory-l•cetttl-11 t phones. f1llnc. mail. dell--& MS Office Lido v....., •ea Fu resume to 949-675-81815 co..-...1 Offb ....._. Sm casual offiat "' West ll'W1e 25-:llllws Wk. Exp , ..... C.il 9&250-4136 or t.a r~ ~8749 Vt.ti .,_ ..... srm. Sl.!ilntto PT ).5 tw""' S25IDSlmlrno 20--hr/11141 fr• 81Gdua U1 !PJI AIOl Metel a..il £•Pd Easy !Ob !Of retJred petson, INe on w> ~ c@ llS 11th St te 714 206"3308 busy ~ dnr ho.de .. NB 8osy ~ com- puter eap nee F aa rt'Wmll to !M!Mi42-0674 or cal 949-642-7811> b8fore 5 MUIXTUSSS CARY's Men's cloth1n1 store loc tn rash Is IS currently htr lot PT ush1ers Must be able to work Fri eves. Sat's & Sun f 0t Inter Call Robb Cl11bol ne 949 759· 1622 n W.ES in ~ baby/ ch1ldrens st011 1n NP8 Team pl•Ylf who hkes to deslcn & Mtll Salary plus bcnft&nal~l T tll Us About YOUR GW&ESAll! ...... ... ... 2.1 .... m•. metallte crnn/lf•Y lthr. CO, mnrf fully loaded, hi.ti new v624521 $14.995 fin & wau avail 8t.r 9 49 586 1888 -·""""'·'-IMW '95 S401 IOOk mt, black/blll. beaullful «ic•nal cond f1n1ncm1 & w11r avail v•249762 Sl0,995 Bkr 949-58S-1888 MW 7• ... wMlt/ .......... 6311 .... Ol'S, chrome wl\Htt. $21.CDVobo. --~ <AD .......... nc. 691( ml. Bo ... ..,dlo, 12 co p_a.yer. Privett l'artw Sl2.900 !M!M73 56.24 <-"'-.. , .......... loob a •Ives nice. U475/obo, f 7548K ea. Miii i»' 9861S-11l'l. a..-.let ... c-. Conv. Blee ... 6cwl. lo1ded, $6445 1953268 Com ,... I»' 94964&-182'2. 04IYY ..,,. C-.0 .. G mi.,i. °'1fflll -· ,_ c:m.c. ...... cond. SDX>• .... 01777 o.y.a. '97 am.. e.ut looks & drive$ flQ, AT, AIC, d;. fW ~ llE!llB ("41»' ~711n Chry ... , v-'•• Tew" & C.ountry LXI white/ arey lthr. lmm1e cond, CO. drives like new, boob $7200 949-35().53)2. ~!1~·~0:: condibon Ytly a..n. Wll mainlMWCI Pow. lodl. wnlows. CD ~ SI0.500 9&574-Gl ,.,. .. '9t lapiWer Sport AT, mnrf, cc, pearl b"'I l'Y lthr $6445 1452136 Costa MllSll °" 91fMi46.182'2. ..... '96 Muat•11'1 Convl 47K m1, l"•C• CO new CR 11" hrts Sll.900 949 673·S624 ,.,.., '94 Mu••-. red V6, 5spd, super clun, $3995 111215489 Coste Mesa Olf 949 646 7822 fottl> T.-HEW, 4 ~. white, 511111 taa ' lanse paid S5CXX>/obo 818-952·5250 foal> ?..-NEW, 4 ~. wha. sales taa & tqnse paid. S5(XX)/obo. S18-~ 5250 FOllD n.. NEW, 4 ~. wflite, ules tu & license pul S5Cm/obo Sl&-952·5250 Ferd 't• Wln4at• GL 1 pan, red. AC. fully loaded n.m .. looll5 aooo. S4n5 vl231587 Costa Ma.a °" ~78l2. ,..,. '95 ~ o-oi- l TO 414 vs.~ !Ow V-im'obo 1514QIS ca.ta Mm °" 9lfMi46. 7822. l••vt'91 UI 470 lmm1culat1 8l1~tan llhr. 1N «11. books. $33,900 949 350 5202 ....... ,, •···· Conv 341' m1 auto re.di b!Ki. 1nl & loP be.autlful 0111 cond v!,97;>4 J SI0.995 l1n & warr 1011 Bkr 949 586 1888 -.~I.e..,. Merce4ea lefla •to 300E 2 6 ,8lath/t1n lth1 snrf, nice c11 $5225 vl234013 Costa ~ Otr 949-646 7822 • __... '97 ._ J20( Cor~. blad\/bll lthr. $19.900 ..s21Z,, Costa Maia°" 949 646 7822 MercedH Ins '12 JIO SEL updated optiot1s. re\tored m & out. mini cond '631> 71' 222 Zlll> Merce4H '97 C210 CCHaeou' 72k m1. I owner fully load!!d books/records mnr f $1~.125 v•21548S Co~I• ,.sa DI< ~9 646 7822 .... , ....... ,cuo Komprenor 62K m1 non '5mkr lulluy fo1ded Sl6.995 vt521332 Costa Miu Oh 949 646 7S22 M ... ce4et 'IS ltof 2.J A 1 AC. snrf super dun ~ tores . nou 1.<11 $2495 v•628113 Costa ~ Dir 949 646-7822 In ClASSIAED (949) 642-5678 IMW '95 740d altw ... , lmmeculale. 7811 "''· eat MeHlHle. '9J JOOI S.2 warr. non/smflr, S22.000 black aor~. snrf. llllr. obo (949) 642 2165 eves buutiful $8995 '52l.125 Costa Meu °" 9lfMi46. 7822. Computer Semces c....,... .... ~tl Hardw.,e 1nsl<1lla1ton. trouble~~ _...,. n~{ll)5 Concntl. Maonry lrkli lledl st-Tiie Concrete. Patio. 011veway Flreplc, BBQ Refs. 25Yrs Cap. Terry 714 557-7594 Thee_ ... , .... Cementworh, Brick, Tiie & More. Reh1ble. No job too small 714-615·9062 TIM OllG YOU.HOMI IMNOVIMINl P'tOJICl? C11ll 1 plumber, paint.,. l\1nctym1n, CH any of Ille 1rul SW¥lCU llsted htf'I tn our ser•te• dorectotyl THESE LOCAL SVC f'£0Pll CAN HUI' YOUTOOA'(f CUSTOM mAlM TU lr&blllttion, ... CS'-l ,,..., slOM r..i. 197~ U612044 Jeff 714-612·9961 UM'( ~td Re111oulin & Installation TIL£ DEAN 9'9-'73-8065 '60&325 n 4-MJ.-2031 t..Terr .. ~ w.ly llW'lt. tr. nmq & instdallofl. 25 Yrs np Llcftnsured 9'9·548.-063 f, .. s-tca, Y.,d CIHnup, M1lnten1nce, S9rfnlllef Repair. H1ulln1 {t4t} tS0-8711 ......,._, ........,.. GENt'Dl. IDlll AIMIN'mL\NCI .. Wl!mil .. r.omaadi 0 Job 1bo &Noll 0.we..nto11 94,..3224292 ... ..,, •• 1( HomlRlpalr 20YMnef G...thv Cr.tt•••aillp Udl6741U {949} U0-9S2S M•rtr. HllUnt JUNK TO THI OUMl'ltl 714·968·1882 AVAILA8L£ TOOAYl 949-673-5566 a.....,..e~ ..... •••Ill, triple your enerey. o.ty $JI.ts Call Liu 9'9·6'5-6677 HalllClmlsll n..-a-.. .. s-. Compll!te home & ate. Fr• est Serv el 0 C. n'-542·3C73 n'-51101 t-·· ·-···-...... 0.W. ToW Nt. -~,,~ .. by -.. fllll 9'Mi"l·JCM ...... , ..... IUT •ovm Sst/MJ a«Vlftl all cit-ln:.-wed fnt. c-1.ous. Uflful TI631144 800-246-2378 ........... McMneaa.. PUBLIC NOTICE Tiie Calif Public Uhhlies commlnion feqUlrH 11111 lb UHd household 1 ood1 movers print their PU C Cal T number, llmos 1nd cl\auffeurs prtnl their T C P numMr in 111 advlf• tlsementa If you have .ny questions 1bout th• lecallty of 1 m over. llmo of ch1uffe11r, call; PUB· LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714 55S 4151 • .,, ... 'tt lltO 7111 Ml, Wlllte/oetMNI ltllr,' lllff, CO, MautlfW ot• ~ .el621 Ul,.985 Hr U9 516-188' -·~'·'""' MtR..._ 'U MOH C«llOIB· Blue/lllW lthr, $4995 f 215215 Cosu • .. Dlf 949 646 7822. .......... SHOLM 2a mi. foll feet w1tr, blacll/111111, CO. ctwom• wtlls, 1•re1ed. n/smllr , llke new, v852i21 Ul.995 fin 1v1ll Bhr 9 4 9 . 5 8 6 . 1 8 SJI __ .,,..._,_ NI•-'H Ahl-Oll auto, clean, looks/drives perf $3985 vf846548 Costa Miii i>' 91Mi4&'812 Nia.-'17 s._ .. Gll 1 u to. loolls & runs perf. N:.. PW, POl, crllldnw's cs. S2445 vf21541B Costa Mesa Dir 949·646 7S22 ow ....... '95 ....... VS, lmmlC, fully loaded llhr S4K mi, S5225 vll434720 Costa Mesa Olf 949·646·7822. PKIUWSAUTO IMWSlll~'95 8&acll w~ lnt•IOf· Low~ tl~I Sll.98000 ,.._me-. 2+2 '9S Brttish ~Gr-. With C<eme l.Ntller Low Mdesl Beauty! t Ul955C $18,890 00 , ............ c...--.. V6 Lt, ~spMd. l/C. CO play• full power. 118560 S9.980.00 j...,_ XJS c.., ... V•y R11tt Vl2·Low M1l&sl Immaculate Coupel 118472 S9.!8>00 hndoe911T-.. C..,'IO This tS • r•e find! Nu. Wei ma1rttlllned 911 Coupell •18646 $16.98000 MIZJOOCI C..,'92 White w/C<ey lcaU. This" -r•e MBZ• Couc>t' A Beauty• •18771 Sl4.!8>.00 ..w 740I Se"-'91 lmmK&l~t wtute w/f1ey Leather Buublul 1187~ $29.!8>00 Lexus lS400 Moiwt '97 Thrs is 1 Ct.al luaury ~ Priced to sel FAST •183431 S21 .98000 Merc.e4eal.u C2JO Se"-'02 813di Beau1y1 Hurry IOI thn. one Wan •nty #18869 $22,98000 Ml? U20 M4an ... Per feet While w/leather Low '4e5I •lasai $19.911> 00 IMWU ..... ....... Shtney Red w'91K!. creat conllft'tlbla' Mustieel •18710 $13.98000 IMWMOO C..,.'9S Ttus" one ma. r•e BMW r •>UPI! low moles' •18867 $29.98000 J..,.W .... '99 Red w/lan lnt•iot 6cyt Ssc-c! •189lJC SJ398000 949-S76-7777 ~AUTO ~· 0.-.-• ...... 'lJVrs eMp Crea£ Price• CuaranlHd work Free ut ll375602 714 538-1534 7.390-2945 •'S CUSTOM PMfTlee Prorl, clean, qualrt)' wofk lnltrior/ul •nd docb U703468 949--631-4610 AU TAI llOllMi ·Ml. bJCTllONC,..._ ~w·:-~ .. ,~.~Lie .. 350 E. 17th Src., 11'7 COSTA MESA , CA 62627 OVER 30+ YEARS EXPERlENCE Tax Matters 2052 Newport Blvd.~ .. Coste MeM, CA -1140 u:M8.818.SIM •~Tu Returnl • Bec1n>nlc Alng • Get your refund In 1 to 3 d9p' 8odeMolter l Sbthls Open 5*dlrl c.-.i NllcAccoldlllll ~ ~-· 3Gnn-.,Mit1,. ~a.di l.Mlw.tofan.I~ ...... .,,., '97 46 HSE 6°" m1. metallic dark green 01l~al lth1, IS" whh . fabulous CM labulou5 cond, $18,995 firm v•265124 hn/warr 1va1I Bltr 949 586 1888 SAAi '91 900S Red/ arey lth1, AT. A/C . perfect cond. lop Incl, U 995 v'215845 Costa Mesa Dir 949-646 7S22 s.tvnt 'ts SU Red, & spd. am-Im cass. 4dr, $2150 v'215458 Costa Mtta Otr 949·646 7822 T1 4 I ks C. Old5 moWa Royall! '11 dnt ... p>d tir~ ~body. sra:>lobo 949-64:2· zn> Velva '12 240 Twit.. Infer cooler. 220i. ml sunroof. ltnt. runs 1ood S900 949 640 7660 AUTIIMJ8l.EJ, .sc:eJMEOUS Wftld 9045 CASH fott CUS We need your c•r PIHi IOf Of not Phillips Auto Ask IOI Malcolm 949 574 7777 ._ adMslonOf M8TJ~ PIP£ LOCATING ELECTRONIC SlA8 L£M DCT!CTION F rtetldff Setvlce 94t·• S -tJ04 iq:.Nt Plu111bin1 rep1ir1, over 2:Syrseap.Allwof11.., • ...... s-. 71 ... 5612911 iiOiiri & IWOiMii PlUM8ER Ll506586 Free Ell! Sm,.... OC'TfCO O.C. 71 ... ~91Sl fiiidil hliii ... Repairs & Remodllinl FRf£ ESTIMATE lf617391714-959'1090 Rlllnt'B I I I Ml.aet.11111 ............ WAJfTID 2002 Hol~~1Uon 949-574-4247 BOATS ,,.,.. Bolb 1515 '9' llh Mfy new hilt.rm & covw, protl m81ntalned. alnt cond $10,(XX) 9fi.6CMla) BOAT REPAIRS/ SERW8 IOAT SUP fOf sub tel 751t reb May, Newp«I BHch, $23 I* tt . • •lect:rldy 9'9 640 0552 50ft 00<.ll (2) 25f1 ~aces @ SIS/ft. <J > 20ft ~ @ $12/ft, Of take 11 alt 94J' 723 7440 SUPS AVUAIU Newport Harbof buutfful toe. many SiZn Ho live· •boards 949-6~7 . --~ . . .. . . 0 l 4 0 • 5 p NEW ·Zool • AU-Wheel Drive Handling & Safety,·0-60 in 5.4 Seconds (C&D) 227 hp Boxer Engine, Turbocharged, lntercooled -------- Riilly Blue WRX Sedan, 5-Speed, AWD, LTD Slip, ABS, AIC, 6 Disc, Side Airbags, and Much More. ''Ten Best" 2002 Automobile Magazine "Automobile of the Year" Come in for a Test Drive you won't believe, alid the Best Prices of the year on WRX! ··lllis Weekend. ONLYI • ' Buy Ooel men pa.ca, bolds more stuff' thlD Caary or Accord ... but doesn't COit much more. --·--.. --... Wrth A WO and 7 .3" of pound clearmlce , bat~laa crub protection. "Reco~nded" Outbeclc does almost anytbina SUV1 do, • but With none•of tile pa.aides by the !Op consumer pubhcauons. of owning a truck. Test Drive The loo) Outbru;k T~ay. SUBARU · Consumer Digest "Best Buy" _...,.,.~ The Beauty of AJJ-Wheel Drive• 165 HP Boxer, All Wheel Drive, 5-Speed, Hill-Holder, Air Cond., Cruise, Power Group, Keyless, Side Air Bags, Active Head l(estraints, ABS & More! NEW 2001 • 3 YEAR 36K SERVICE INCLUDED 3~0 .Six, AU Wheel Drive, Automatic, Air ColuL, Dillil Moon Roof, uather, CD I W•atur B"-"'1, Air Filtration, AU Weather Pack, a1Ul MueA Mon! I "" . -- Pete Selley 20 Year ASE Master Technician My recommended service is the much overl ooked INJECTIO N SERVICE. A dirty injection system can cause loss of power, "stumbling" & uneven acceleration, ro ugh idle, poor fuel economy & high emissions. To keep your engine running smoothly, have an injecti o n service. I perform a chemical deaning of your engine's injection tips, intake valves, throttle body, fuel tank ~nd gas lines. This cleans away mo isture from the fuel tank & lines and. removes carbon & gum buildup in your fu el system! • You will notice a tremendous difference in your vehicle performance! Nabers Mobile Auto Repair with Technician Keith Grube Nabers Mobile Auto Repair Provides Quality General Repairs at Your Home or Office • Air Conditioning Service •Brakes •Batteri es • Belts •Hoses •Shocks •Struts • Fuel Injector Service • Alternators • Cooling System •Fuel Pumps • Water Pumps • Ignition Switches • Computer Diagnostics • Power Steering • And Much More When You Need Quality General Repairs or Maintenance St11'icts and You Don't Have the lime to Bring Your Vehicle to us • Please Call 714-444-5200 A11d lie 'II Co111e to You! ----------------------------... -----I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I Any Electronic Component I A~cessory Ov.er $50.00 I I I I I I I 2002 Model Sales Erent llOW.lll l'BOSBEBBI 181'1 .,. '"' A ./ ,,., 6'8trrld S.fllce .,.,,,,,,,..,,. ./ t:outw.y Shuttle s.r111ce· ./ t:atomel' Lounge """" ,,.,,..,,,,,.,,,. I I \ I' I~~' I ~ I I I I ( I I " ./. ,,.,,., c.r. On $118 1 MILE. souril OF . Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 .. THE 405 FREEWAY www.nabersautomall.corµ SaJa·noun: CADILIAC • BUICK• PONTIAC• GMC Mon . .:S.t9am 'to9pm•Sun.10amto6pm 2600 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA p..u 6 8enlu Boan· -~~7amao6pm •Sat8amt~Spm (71.4) 444-5200 . •• pkl1 ~rnment fees and taxes, any fNnee charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission '~· on appr~ credit. No dealera or broker&, retail purchase onty NJ expires ~ hours after publication. ----..... ... .. • • ·t.""'