HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-13 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-M esa community since 1907 MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK ' Swapping out the swap meets Santa Ana's dumping of its fle a markets may provide a glimpse of one route Costa Mesa could go with the controversial OCC m arket. About a decade ago, Santa Ana city offidals took a hard-line stance and eanceled not one but two city swap meets because of parking problems, excess trash, traffic and congestions. city owned the stadium, it simply canceled the lease in the late 1980s. A year later, Santa Ana College opened a swap meet with the same devastating success. Traf. fie, trash and liner abounded and the city took legal action to get it removed. gan to spill onto the stteets," Ream sald. "That led to the can- cellation of both the city one and the college one." Sound familiar? Councilwoman Libby Cowan noticed the same kind of traffic congestion on Fairview Drive. and as a result the Orange Coast College swap meet was cut m half last May. After a lengthy ap- QUESTION ? Should Costa Mesa put en end to the OCC IWltp meet7 • Call our Readers Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -While some argue that Costa Mesa is becom- ing too much like Santa Ana in areas of crime, illegal immigrant population and property values, when it comes to handling un- ruly swap meets, the inland neighbor may just be a shining example of what to do. Santa Ana City Manager David Ream said the first swap meet at Santa Ana Stadium grew too large for the venue and cars spilled into the surro~· g resi- dential neighborhoo causing myriad difficulties. use the •· "The swap meets were popu- lar to the point where there was not enough parking to accom- modate all the cars and they be- PHOJOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT In the foreground, from left, Scouts Connor Garrett, Austin Pollard and Evan Ehrenberg, all 9, race last year's Pinewood Derby cars while fellow scout Andree Busto, 9, far left, works on this year's model with his mother. Adrianna Hallman. and den leader Nancy Pollard. Boy Scout Alex Tumey, 9, draws the outline for his Pinewood Derby car with a littfe help from his father, Duane. Derby designs Christine Carrlllo Dally Pilot N ine-year-old Andre~ Busto sketched his derby car outline on a graph before drawing it on the small p iece of pinewood that he hoped to eventually transform into a speed racer. Finally satisfied with the drawing, An~ took his No. 2 pencil and started drawing the outline on the yt00d He then erased the outline and drew It yet again, repeating the process until he got it just right Uke the other fourth-grade boys in his CUb Scout den, Andree wanted to fashion the most aerodynamic pinewood derby car possible because he wants to win the Pinewood Derby Grandl'fii on Jan. 28. The race, which is sponsored by Harbor View Elementary School in Corona del Mar, is expected to attract more than 100 people anxious to see the boys race their cars on a SO·foot traclc. On Sunday afternoon a group of Webelos from the Dragon Patrol den in Corona del Mar started working toward that goal. ~1 want mine to be aerodynamic so I did it long in the front." said 9-year-old Connor Garrett. who learned from the FROM THE NEWSROOM more creative yet less streamlined car he made the year before. 'Tm going ro paint it and put decals on iL" The boys, all of whom were dressed ln their official Cub Scout attire, were focusing on the initial carving and sanding of the wood and were reliant upon the adults for help. As the boys finished sketching their outlines on slabs of wood that were about 7 inches long and l % inches wide, they passed them on to the dads with the tools. As the boys gathered around See DERBY, Pa11 M See SWAP, Paee A4 Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@lat1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. A small victory for the residents Wendy's has withdrawn an application to stay open later after being unable to compromise with residents. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA ME.SA -There is no love lost be- tween Wendy's and Bob Small They are literally on opposite s1de5 of the fence on whether the popular fast food res- taurant should be allowed to stay open un- til nudrught as part of the cham·s "late night" carnpa..ign. See VICTORY. Paee M IN BUSINESS Cities expect a boost City offi cials and business owners in Newport-Mesa say the economic outlook for 2003 is better than 2002. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -A blockbuster re· tall-and-housing project set to open in Costa Mesa this summer has sparked opti- mism about that city's economy, while Newport Beach leaders say it will be business as usual in their city. SM BOOST, P111• M . . ... Even journalists fire before asking questions Dail y Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: -"1'~CGTI . . . · : : L ast week in this apace, I took a ·:: • shot at the dty of Costa Mesa's · Community Redevelopment Action Committee and lta members • • • for what I deemed wu their proposal · • .or a waste of ti.meb\llld.lng a bridge on . • • 19th Street to croaa the Santa Ana River and oonnect wtth Huntinston Beach. "The fact that \he only thing lt could mutter after an entire year wu to ptopoee that lilly idea u a way to fix the WestaJde Ju.at proYet the committee. made up at one dine o( aome 80 memben, lt way too bJa and cumbenome to effect any " I wrote from atop my ·lt..U TONY DODERO horse. ")Ne do that around here sometimes. Find an easy target and blam, blam, blam, double barrel bluts from our oomputer terminals, atopptna onty after the vtctim quits rnovt.rc. Sometiolea-. though~ we need to bold our ft.re until we pt a better vtew. In my deteme.1 wun't alone ln thlnJdna lh:at bridp WU a bed ldee to Clty Council members roundiy criticized and rejected the notion Monday, putting th e Issue to rest yet another time. But I got a 'C&ll Monday that surprised me. It wu from Eric Bever. a longtime Wesutde lmprovement activist and a member of the aforementioned committee. He told me l bad gotten plenty wrong ln that one paraaraph and cut I and the paper~ lf'Vtng the committee a bad rap to boot. 8e¥er told me that meny,memben of tl\e Qommltt• alto~ the bridp to be a bid Idea. and that wu ptldelly tbe point of tbeli \ recommendation. ' "We're charged with planning • future for thil area." be told me. "A& evidenced bfy Fountain Valley's reopening of the Glsler bridge tsaue. then1 ls a di.ltinct poajbWty tbla could be reopened in the fUture, a1ao. We want to mab sure we don't p&an JOmethins that could be torpedoed ti Hunttncton Beach ot Newport 8el.ch want to lhOYe thla bridge tbfoutib. We want to know \!What the nmUk:adOi\t are.• So that WU lt. They didn't reaQJ ad Cor a brtdp. Ju.at a ttudy to ... what .................. WEATHER Mo.dytunny wtd\ pn:tiy rnominu fog. S.PlpA2 SPORTS Mt.cU0'*91 ...... Gt.off*_. .. ..,...,. ' ... A2 Monday, Jafuwy 13, 2003 YOUR • . BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT OONLEACH/OAilYPli..OT Leslie McCarthy stands in her Newport Beach gallery where she displays art and practices her calltgraphy. Adding art to your walls Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot I n les5 than a year, Leslie McCarthy expanded her bw.mess twite'. McCarthy Fine~ and Conl>ulting was born m Marth with one d1en1 -Laguna artist AJlayn Stevem, who now lives in Newpon Coast • Within monthi., the Costa M~ re.sldent roped in 31 others from all over lhe world and got them to dLSplay their work in her Quail Street gallery m Newpon Beach She has. on display. an array of an from de'>1gner jewelry and Peruvian tapestrie!> to metal and fiber sculptures and painunbrs. And the wo~ come from all around the globe -Oiina, Korea, Germany, Peru, France. Switzerland and Canada. "People don't have time to look for art.~ M<..Carthy ..aid "I help them to BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Newport finn intrcxluces three new Jaw partners The full-service law firm lreU & Manella UP, which bas offices ln Los Angeles and Newport Beach. an-••-.ied die e&ection of three panners 10 the ftrm u of .Jan. 1. David C Q>dell, Roman Meln.Oc and Elizabeth .K.imberty Penfil were named to the positions. Q>deD, who Is a member of the liti- gation. appellate and lntellectuaJ prop- erty workgroups. focuses on entertain- ment, corutitutlonal and appellate _litigation. Melnik. a member of the ln- Costa Mesa resident Les lie McCarthy serves as a middle person between artists and art buyers at her Newport Beach gallery. find something for their homes -it could be d mansion or a one·hedroom condom1rnum. • What McCarthy offers 1s her ttme to vi-;11 her tustomers in theLC home .. and look at 1he1r art needs. "I look at what kind of art they want -a pamlin~ or a sculpture." .,he c;a1d. 'Then I go back, look in my collect1on and get back to them with option'>." McCanhy doe"> not charge her customers for this ~rvice The -.ale of the an. which she has on wm1gnruent teUectual propeny litigation and ap- pellate workgroups, focuses on patent and trade-secret litigation and related counseling. While Penfil, a member of the appellate, art law, inteUectuaJ property and litigation workgroups. fo- ~s on complex business litigation in state and federaJ courts with a focus on high technology and art-related mat- ters. The firm ls a commercial law partner- ship firm wtth a professional legal staff of 245 anomeys, which includes 88 part- ners. ll was recently named New Economy Leader by · "'The American Lawyer" magazine and has been recog- nized as one or the recipients or the top 15 defense verdicts in 1999 by "The Na- tional Law Journal. .. fro m the arust..s, 1s what pay<> her. She takes the money from the c U'>tomer and pays the artisl a percen1age of the sale price. . McCarthy also hosts wine ta!.tings every month at her galleC) The 1.400-square-foot space is open to private parties as well. l>he says. This entrepreneur is also a successful calligrapher with a large corporate clientele. includmg Sony. South C.oasl Plaza, Sprint PCS and Mikimoto pearls.. The anworics rarige m price from $60 to $20,000 a piece. Most of the artists ·came to me." she says. h was a lot of word-of.mouth that did the tnck for her busine~. McCarthy said She definitely plan!> to expand even further because there is obviously a demand for art in this area Ml'm very excited about th.., bu.c;uie~." she said "It wa.., an idea that c.ame to me overnight I 1us1 duJ not expett 1t to tdke off so soo11." FountainGlen Properties obtains new acreage Newport Beach-based founrainGlen Properties lP recently purdlased 92 net aaes in Los Angeles C.ounty for $6.95 mil- lion from Stevenson Ranch Venture. UC The company. which has nine senior apartment communities across the state, plans on beginning construction on the rental apartment community during the second quarter of 2003 and expects Its completion in the fall or 2004. Fountai:nGlen's portfolio and develop- ment properties repnsent 2,949 apart· meot units for active seniors that pro- vide resldents with an enVironment where they can experience physical ac- tivities along with social interaction. Daily A Pilot Christine Carrillo Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 News 11as1stant. (949) 574-4298 Copynght No news 51ories, d1r1s tme carrillo@lat1mes.com 1llustn1t1ona, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS adVertisemem. herein cen be Sean Hiller, Don Lead1, reproduced without written Korn Treptow permission of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 13 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H. JOtotNSON, Jose J. Santos, (949) 642 6086 ClrcWadon Pubhaher Ar1 Otrector I News Desk Chief Record your comments about the The TI mes Orange County TONY DOOERO, (9491574-4224 Oa1tv Pilot or news tips. 18001252·9141 Editor JOH.Uni<» l1111mn com AddrMa AdvertJslng JUOV OETTING, Stew McCl'9M. Our'eddres1 is 330 W ~v St, Cotta Cl111lfl4ld (9491642 5678 Adv•rt~rec:tor Photo Supet\'ltor Mesa. CA 92627. Office ours are Dltplay (9491642 4321 LANA SON, (949) 764-43~ Monday Friday, 8:30 a m. 5 p m Ed.ltorial Promotlont Director tcn.photot!'Jlatim-.com Comtedon1 rwwa New.Edfton h is. the Pllol'1 policy to promptlv (949) 642 6680 Gina Alexander, Lori ~n. correct ell arrOf"I of sub&tance. Sports (9491 574 4223 Paul S.itowltt, Daniel Stevens Ple&ae call (9491 574-4286. News FU (949) ~170 EDfTINO STAFF NEWSSTAFf= Sports Fu IM!ll 660-0170 l.J.Calwt, 0..,,. Bhanrtfl FYI E·mell dallypllot•/arlm..com Managing Editor Crime and ooultl rrrt:er, The Newpor1 ~Ill Mesa Main OfRce (9'91 57'-"233 (949) 57'-"22 Deity Pilot (USPS· 1~1 it Bu.in-Ofllce (9491642-4321 1/c.>m• latl,,.,...oom doflf».bharath lllff"* com publl1hed daily. In Nowpon Beach Bu..,_ Fell (9491831-7126 Jem.~. N~~rter, and Cotta Men. 1ubecrlptlont are OtyEditor (949)57U2 2 tv11l1ble only by eublcriblng to The mimes (949) 194-4324 Ju,,. cnag,.ndfl.latlmes.oom T11T1e1 Orengo Counrv (800) /ltt'f*.rrt.w•,_,,__oom flMlfelmon 252·11141. In areea ~utllde of Roe-c.t.on. Polltica end environment r.,,ortllf, N.wpoti 8eadl and Cotta Me.a, cclliiim ... Spoto Editor (!Mi)~ eubecriptione to the Oatly Pilot are PICJI cllntOfl•~tlfMll oom (1Mt)f7~ ......... r.11lta61e only by first des1 m.11 for PubllNd by Tin* Community '°""°"*°""...,.,.,_°"" Coate MeN rwporttr, (9'$) 674-4275 S30 per month (Pricee Include alt News, a diYlllon of IM Loa Anoe* JeMllrlCMINI, lo/IC. tr.('Pflr0 1atlm#.com • eppllcablo stet• end ioc.t t&xea I Tl,.,,. Fe9tuf't8 EdltlOf Oeir'lh NeMNn POSTMASTER: s.nd llddret1 ... dl•no• to The Newport C'J2002 T1mea CN All tlghtt CMlPM212 Education '9PC)tter, (9'9) 5744nr Jraitnilw.mllhM """"*com dlllf'd,... MWrNn •tatlm# oom BeechlColte Meu Daily Pilot, PO taMl'Wd .t.Li-... ,-----, Dady Pilot BEST BUYS Rejuvenation is fashionable this tim e of y ear N ow that the hecoc holiday.. are over. rashmn Island is offering rejuvenaong treatmenL'> to help res1ore you for the New Year At 1be Grttnbou.w Spa there are relaxing massages. spa treatment~ or you for S14 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday Lhrough 1-riday. 10 am. to 7 p.m Saturday. 11 a.m. to 6 p m. Sunday. TI1e Rody Shop. at 1-ai.hJon 1-;Jand 111 Newpon Beach (949 760·1040 RELAX WITH THIS ·can treat your<.elf to an entire day o[ beau!) with a package of treatmenti. and spa GREER WYLD ER The~U'eOay Spa is offenng specials on its servic~ A 30-rrunute relaxauon lunch The .. pa reatu~ 1-Jerru'> Aromapure. a lme of -.oothing products for a home spa experience. You can give yourself a new hairstyle at one of Fashion Island's three ..alons. including the renowned Cristopbe Salon, Pft'la Hair Studio ot Toni Ii Guy Halrdrastng. Fashion l.sland disc has stores thal carry high qualJry ~lcm and skin and bath produet\. t:Ott:ltane. a popular .-.hop in Paris. has its onJy Orange Counr~ store here and 1t ofTel"'i emolhent l>lancare: n\any of 1L<, product.s fearure Shea buner, d nch moisturiur from Afm-a; candle., and more. The Body Shop, Bath Ii Body Wolb, <:asweU-Mas.wy and Anth.ropologje al'>'> -.ell a variery of scented ...oap. louoru.. candles and othl'r produet5. All of the depanment stores at Fashion island also carry a wide selection of bath and skincare products as well as candles to c;oothe and rejuvenate. For more information on any of these swies or o;ervices, call the Fashion Island Contierge at (9491 72 1-2000 A BIG DEAL Of A DEAL Oon't m1~ A'~s winter ~e. Some of thC' hei.t in women's d~1grwr apparel and at c~.-.onb are rl'dun'<l :\0% to 5<R> Abo. there ~ thetr famou~ SI 0. S20. and S50 sale rac~ IO d m to 6 p m Monday through 1-nday. JU a.m to 5....IO p.m. C)aturday. 1649 We~tthff Dnve m Newpon Beach. (9491 b42-4423. PERSONAL YOGA CARE 1be Body Shop at I a.\h1on Island is mtmducmg a new line of personaJ ~dfC products designed for the pracuce of yoga on Thursday. The products can help soothe stretched muscles, refresh yoga mats and cleanse and exfoliate skin. All Yoga products have essential oils including wtute grapefruit, ginger vetiver, patchoult, orange flower, sandalwood and 111dian lemongrass. Products include Surya Mat Spray for S 16, Shakt.i lncense Ki t for $10.50. Shanti Massage Gel for $16, Ananda Cooling Mist for $18, Olalcra Shower Salts for S 16. Prana Temple Massage for $8.50. Uttana Muscle Rub for $12, Yoga Book for $17, Uttana Yoga Strap for $8.50 and Oumta Eye Pillow ma .. ..age and 30 minute 'Pa foClal ,., S69. a one· hour relaxation massage with deep back therapy and 45-minute '>pa facial is $95, and you 9lfl pre-pa} $289 for six relaxation ma'>~e., with deep back therapy. Tht- BodyCencre offers massage therapy from $35, skin can· froni $39-plus spa treaanents. duropracuc care. m1crodermabras1on and la....cr h.ur removal. It ha.-. cwo lo< a11on.., in< .osta Mesa. at 103 E. 17th !>t 'l-t91 645-4020, and al 660 Baker \t '>wte 101 (714) 668-9925 GET IN THE ZONE, AT HOME Dr Barry Sears. the creator of thl' / .. one Diet, is now otfenng /..ont• t uisine that can be dt'hvl'rt'd to your horn~. TI1e meat.. are offered by Suntan'. a home delivery company. If you "'Rfl up for a prepaid Zdne program before Feh 15 you LI re(e1ve a free box of~aZom• ba!'i, the 7..one's latei.t nutnllon bar.. CR66) Sun-fare or 111w11• ~u11/an>.n1m BREAK FROM THE ROtlTINE \top by the Antique Row for a rlllt' -.ell'(:uon of an114ue-. and Imme rum1shing..-.. lhc row of .. hop'> inc..lude trad111onal .i.nd rnttage furnishing-. '>tores, gardt•n atce~om~. U'>(..o<l and r.m· boob. cw.tom p1llure frarmng. furniture ('("\tomuon. .iml t handeller.. 111 J.m to 5 pm I ue<.day throu¢1 ';aturday I ~) I 17th St m c..o.,td Me<.a. 1~.i<J1 n;i.11n CLEARING HOUSE Room It Board, South (,oast Plcu.a ViUage's huge home fumbh111gs store, ..., having a clearance sale on select fumtshings and Ooor models reduced 50%. Examples of !>ale item~ are the contemporary-designed Theodore sofa reduced to 5699. from $1,199. 10 a.m. to 9 pm. Monday through Fnday, I 0 a m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. and 11 am. tu 6:30 p.m. Sunday. South (.oast Plaza Village is at 1661 W. Sunflower Ave. (714) 549-5995 or WWW roomandboard.rom. • BEST 8UVS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send Information lo Greer Wyldera1 QrtH1rwylderig,yahoo.com. at 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 64&-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST swell of 9 to 12•feet at 15 seconds. Today will be mostly sunny with patchy morning fog. SURF Visibility will be less than one quarter mlle in the morning. Surf should be about 3 to Highs today will be In the mid 4·feet, wti11 to chMt high end 60s to lower 70.. Tonight will fair condltiona. be mostly clear with patchy The northweat twtll th•t fog once again making came In over tho woekond will vislbillfy lesa than one quarter begin to be<* down todey, but mlle. Lowa Will be In the 40a. we'rt only expecting • 10% lnfonnadon: drop In alze. Size wlll continue www.n11W.no ... oov to drop off Tu ldey end Wednetd1y, BOATING FORECAST W.tet queltty; www.1urfrlder.or11 Wlnda will be llght on the Inner watera, with weaterly TIDES winds pl<*lng up to 10 knot• nm. ..... "' in the aftemoon. Witch for pt1tchy morning fog ind • 6:28a.m. 8 Offfthlgh west swell of 4 to e.fMt 1t 16 1:00 pm 0 4fffth gh HCOnda. Wind• will become 7:31 p.m 3.1 ffft high light ovtmlght. 11:34a.m 2.4 fffthlgh On th• OU1er w11or• wtnd• wlll be out of the nQf1hwect 1t WATER TEMPERATURE 6 to 16 knott wtth wtnd WIV .. of l feet 1.nd • nof1hwe1t loWIOI • Monday. JinUlfY 13. 2003 A3 ... COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW INSIDE SCOOP Web site's ON THE AGENDA PARKS MASTER PLAN comments and ~ggestions and review at City Hall and Costa Mesa FY1 apparent crash is not alarming created a Skateboard Park Planning libraries. Team to conduct more research on a The Planning Commission Invited •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commiulon meeting The Planning CommissJon will take a look at a final parks and recreation master plan tonight that lists a skate park as the No. I recrealional need In the city. skate park. resident's comments, as part of lhe • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Monday •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245 Planning commissioners will give a required 45-day review period. That similar review and provide their own period ended on Jan. 10, according to recommendations. • a staff repon. Planners say they Playing fields for children and adults, tot lots, playgrounds and tennis courts are also Issues that Costa Mesa residents reel strongly about, according to the prellmlnary recreation master plan released in October. • WHAT TO EXPECT Commissioners are expected to approve the report 1901 NEWPORT INPUT Planning commissioners will collect public input tonight about probable plans for 190 I Newpon - the stnking Spanish-style building In Lhe heart of downtown -including the effects of putting homes on the property. expect the official public hearings on the actual project to begin In February. WHAT TO EXPECT Expect some comments about the proposed multi-unit housing that has been suggested for the northwest portion of lhe building formerly known as Pacific Savi11gs Plaza exisung 16,625-square-foot 101 tnto one 10,605·square-foot lot -where Lhe newly renovated Old Pica House sits -and another 6,020-square-foot lot. Ware, who bought Lhe once-dilapidated house on the comer of Orange Avenue and Camellia Lane when ll ~ clo'>e 10 being declared a public nuisance. has decided to abandon his yearlong labor of love for another renovation proiect, he said. .R eports of n loro AJ.rport's derruse have been largely exaggera1ed A Dally Pilot reader dropped us a lme last w~k. alanned to report that a mam Web sne tor the EJ Toro fight !>t!emed to haw dJ~ppeared The A.lrpon Worlong Group c;ue www.eltoronow.com 1s down to tht' bare bone'>. with almost no 1ext at all except the words RJM Design Group Inc., based in San Juan c.apiscrano, released its breakdown of the various recreation 'needs in Costa Mesa compiled from hours or residents' Input, telephone surveys, interviews and analysis of recreaoon trends. demands and curreni facilities. SP.LIT OF PINK HOUSE LOT under coratrucoon. Parks and recreation co~ioners endorsed a recreation master plan. while adding their own A mandatory repon that gauges the effects of proposed developments on the neighborhood and environment -formally known as the Draft Environmental Impact Report -is now available for public Clad Ware, owner or I.he unusually large lot where the infamous Old Pink House once stood, is asking for the parcel to be divided SQ he can sell each one off. The Planning Commission will review Ware's request to diVlde the WHAT TO EXPECT Commissioners are expel ted to approve the parcel d1Vl'>Wn -Compiled IJy l .ultta Harper Amazrng what a little reporung can do A quick phone call to working group Vice Pt~1dent Rick Taylor revealed I.hat "Wlder construction· mean~ "under tOn!>truCUon. • GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs penodicalty m the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 5l4-4298. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned ctuldren. Volunteers wont one on one With a ctuld for three hours a week. (7l4) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization 1s seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and support to m1ured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide d1spatctt and office support. No expenence 11 necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERV1CES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreactt assistants are needed to help m a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for · ongoing clerical wor1t. programs for cttildren with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. ENV1RONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, whictt woncs toward providing youth and families with counseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring, after school activities and kinship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends In Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance m a variety of areas. (949) 64&-8050. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality cttildren's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branctl libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, whictt is ms1de the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to work one three-hour shift per month. (949) 75~9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scoots of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (714) 979-7900 GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enricttment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs suctt as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters. counsels and educates abused women and cttildren. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Pro1ect Caring, which provides socialization and cultural expenences, including Shabbat and holiday celebrations. to the JeW1sh residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background cttec*. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally Ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with cttronlc illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12MoCD FDIC INSURED FIDEL~Y I NSU RED DEPOSITS (949 ) 588-5711 .4~ Restaurant ---Establlshed In 1962 -----.,, • Semt-Prtvate for Men l Women • Lots of Equipment/Free We6gtt1S • Pilates Studio & Mat CUIM • SPINNING Theater· LlcenMd • 16 Full Thne Pet'IOnal Train.t"I • Chlld Care 8ama noon M • F • Ample & Conv9nlent Parldng • Yoga, Tai Chi, StrMch clUMI Step, Power Pump, Cardo • Showetl, Steam & Towels Skin Care • • Shape-Up PhylJcal Therlpv Center • Permanent ~Up • ~UpHUC.. AcupunctUrw~ w.llnMI Clinic Free Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteensm, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' home, (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staft and docents with hiker reg1strat1on and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI the front office, delivering meals, providing transponat1on and providing complimentary therapies suctt as massage, acupuncture and ctt1ropractic care. Lisa Togh1a, (949) 494-1446 ·we re J~l updaung it.· Taylor '>aid, noting that the groug is a little too shon on techrucal expernse to do maintenance while the silt°!> still up and runrung. But rruui tus words, neither the Web <;He nor the El foro fight t• even clo-.e to death. 'ttASA FULL BAR to\ ~·~CICTAILS Gb@l@tW©S• HO PASSPORT IS HEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645 ·7626 The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. Denise M. Moglello First Vice-Pres1dent-lnvestmenrs Financ1al Advisor Laguna ShantJ, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AJOS, is seeking canng volunteers to assist with running "For a Fru Compllm~ntary Portfolio Rmew, Pl~H Call" 94~H034 800-8S4-1222 1888 San Clemente. Newport Beach, CA 92660 www.ubspw com/tum/etChgroup ,;9~ p--· '. """'<« ...... "'V9'>"' C:lO()l Ill p-"" "" BRAND fEW · COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less/ ~ 3165 Harbor Blvd. .... Costa Mesa 0. Block 5-t.al ol .05 "'1 • (714) 545·7168 WHERE CAREERS BEGIN ... CllllEI TllTRT 1111•11 ·IClmllE 1--• •= • ... A. ... • QUALITY EllCITlll &OCIREER CEITIRCITE PllllllllS Pld°P<JYN' #~pf CJ~ M ~,olden W¢ 6llege HUN INGTON BEACH www.gwc.lnfo I 89A187 M Monday, January 13, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Accident claims one, driver arrested One man WM killed and another injured early Sun- day morning when their Olevrolet Camaro struclc a \tee on Newport Boulevard and Industrial Way in Costa Mesa. David Robison, 26. of Rancho Santa Margarita, was pronounced dead at the scene after the car. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Avalon Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of en out of area warrant, burglary, receiving stolen property, possession of paraphernalia and possession of a dangerous weapon in the 2200 blodt at 9:13 p.m. Saturday. • Brighton Springs Street and Coflege Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of tampering with a vehicle at 12:44 a.m. Sunday. • Bristol Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 3300 bl~ at 2:10 p .m. Saturday. •Monterey Avenue: A mao was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance in the 2800 block at 3:59 a m. Saturday. •West 19th Street and Anaheim Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public at 1:30 BOOST Continued from Al Bui.iness and civic.. leaders in Costa Mesa said they are espe· rially optimistic about their city's economic outJook due to the opening of the Home Hanch project at fonner lima·bean fields jus1 off the San Diego Freeway between Harbor Boule- vard and Fairview Road. "We're posilioned very nicely with llome Ranch," Council- man Gary Monahan -.aid. "We have a very strong retail pres· ence with South Coas1 Plaza having very strong holidays and !KEA coming in )as part of Home Ranchi." C,.J. Segerslrom & Son'> are in the midst of buiJdmg a large· scaJe project that includes housing, office space. a corpo- rate headquarters for tech bell- wether l:.muJex Lorp. and a flag- ship IKJ-..A store on 90 acref>. The IKF..A aJone will pump $5 million of saJes-tax revenue into the city's coffers in its first five yea.rs of existence, Segerslrom spokesman Paul Freeman said. There wilJ be many other eco- nomic benefits as well. u[The benefits! are substan tial," Freeman said. "They are in the form or sales tax. property tax and high-paying jobc;.~ Civic and business leaders are hoping to build off a year that, they say, bucked the broader, softer nation and state econo· mies. For the fiscaJ year ending June 30, the city saw increases in both overaJI sales and prop- erty tax revenue, the city's an- nuaJ report shows. Officials were projecting SJ4. I million in saJes tax rev- enue and $13.4 million in prop- erty taxes. When black ink was put to paper, the city exceeded those projections, pulling in $34.5 million in sales tax rev· enue and $13.9 million in prop- erty tax revenue. While those increases were modest, the city's tourism in- dustry disappointed expecta- tions, with a 6.67% drop in ex- pectaUon for hotrl bed-tax revenue. The city collected $3.87 millio n; it expected to coi- led $4.14 million. Sales uu revenue from the Home Depot, at 2300 I latbor Blvd., and the Greatland Turget. at 3030 I latbor .BJvd .. bolstered the city' retafl envlronment. of Clcials. 44Jd. Both or thos~ stores opeoed tn 2000. Quesdon s till remain about 1he revitaJizaUon of the trou- bled 'ltta.ngje Square t call cen- ter and a rise lrl ocdlpancy mtes in commerdaJ bulldlnp near the lntersecdon of Bristol Street and Red HllJ Avenue. but overall 2003 should bei • atrong )'NI for the city. d Ed Pawceu. lbe ex- ecutf~ dJft'Ctor of the C'lty' cham~ of commettt!. "We're coing to do peat .• Pawcett .akf, ·A& rar u Income from the private aector, Mire here and wt>'re atrong." C&U ng Triailgle Square a "whht ~··· i:.w.:ett Kid driven by 26-year·old Phil- lip Steyerman of Monterey Park. wenc off the road and struck a tree. Police suspect Steyennan was speeding as he drove northbound on Newport Boulevard at 1:15 a.m. caus- ing him co lose controJ of the car, said Sgt. Larry Hicks of the Costa Mesa Police Deparunent. Steyerman W'clS trans- ported co Western Medical Center in Santa Ana for a concussion and broken clavicle and was a.rresred on suspicion of driving under a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH •15th Street West: A physical fight was reported in the 800 block at 9:01 a.m. Sunday. • 31th Street: A hit and run involving a parked vehicle wasreportedinthe100 block at 9:59 p.m. Saturday. • Balboa Boulevard and 35th StrHt: A physical fight was reported at 10:29 a.m. Sunday. • Bayview Circle: A physical fight was "ported in the 500 block at 2:15 a.m. Sunday. • Baywood Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 block at 11 :38 a.m. Sunday. • Coast Highway East and Goldenrod Avenue: Reckless driving was reported eastbound on Coast Highway East at 12:14 p.m. Sunday. • Coast Highway West: A battery was reported in the 2600 block at 12:06 a.m. Sunday. 'I'm hopeful there will be so me new jobs here in the next few months and the customer will feel more comfortable spending money.' Newport Beach City Councilman Tod Rideeway he still had concerns about whether vacancies 1here can be filled. In neighboring Newport Bearh. no high-profile develop- men1 projects arc expected to be built. Officialc; expect the city's economy to grow about 3% Ill the first siJc mon1hs of lht' year and about 6% in the '>l'L· ond half. "We'll do better in 2003 lhan we did in 2002." '>aid Richard Luehrs, the president of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. "~ long as interest rates stay as they are, there would be indications that we'll do well." The city is home 10 many fi nancaaJ services companies, in- cluding many mortgage lend- ers. With interest rates at hi'itoric lows. companies like Downey Financial Corp .. WelJs Fargo & Co. -the No. I mort· gage lender in the city -and Bank of America wiJI conlinue to lend money fairly cheaply. That should keep the housing market robust and stimulate job growth, Luehrs said. Low rates, which economists say won't stay low for 100 much longer, should also benefit car dealers like Fletcher Jones Motorcars and others. City officials are also seeing early indications that the reaJ estate market is still very strong in town. During the final six months of 2002. the city came in 15% ahead of its projections for property tax revenue, pulling in $20.3 million, and I .8<Jf, ahead of Its projections for sales tax, collecting $7.1 million. city fi. nancial officer Dan Matusiewic:r. said. . The city is also 3% ahead in its bed-tax revenue. There are about 300.000 rooms in town. "I'm hopeful there Will be some new jobs here in the neict few months and the customer will feel more comfortable spending mon9 • afd CouncU· rrum Tud RJdgeway, who devel ops projects In other areas of the county and . tote ·1 see thb turning-point year. but for the S34·blllion deficit In SaCt'8· mento, which ls going to put more taxes on both the individ- ual and corporation . • On Friday, Gov. Gray 0 vis announced ht will 1t1elt $8.3 bll· lion In tax hilt to offset the deficit. • MUL CUNTON covert tM envlronmtnt bu1lnett end pOlitiet .... n'llV be ~ed et (949) 7'4'4330 or bv .mail 8' """' dJnton l•t1mn.c:om. ~~ ..... ~---,~ ,--------= SWAP Continued from Al plication process that took the rest of 2002, the OCC swap meet was allowed to recum to its two· day operation but was forced lo provide a better traffic and park- ing Oow and reduce its overall number of vendors. NOTQUITEENOUGHCHANGE Still. some Costa Mesa resi· dents say the restrictions just aren't enough and have urged the city to reevaluate its connec- tion with the OCC swap meet al- together. Many people contend fonner vendors and buyers from the Santa Ana swap meet have mi· grated to Costa Mesa and rurned the college venue from a reputed Oea-marlcel venue 10 "an out- door K-Mart." "Most of the people who use the lOCCI swap meet are Lalinos from Santa Ana." vocaJ resident Martin Millard told the City Council at last week's meeting. arguing the venue does not serve Costa Mesa residents. Mesa del Mar resident Michael Oilsisian echoed Millard's con- cerns. saying the shopping venue was "not a swap meet but a Third World bazaar.· I le ~id ii is nearly impossible to get out of his n eighborhood with all the traffic caused by nearby attrac· lions, including the Fann Sports compJex. the fairgrounds, the Marketplace and the OCC ~p meeL Dilsisian said he couldn't understand why Costa Mesa residents had to bear the brunt of a venue that largely catered to DERBY Continued from A I the table to work on their ~ketches, the men huddled around the power saw tu discuss the finer poinlb of carpentry, ,cuJpling and buildin~. MThe be!.t thing is that it's a way for the bo}'l> and their father's or guardians to get together," said Joe Garret, Connor's father and co-cub master. "It's exciting making it together .. its a family event and it ends up being a bonding event between the fa then. and the boys." Getting a head .stan on racing while they waited for their car'> VICTORY Continued from A I Small proved to be the victor -for now -as restaurant offi- cials withdrew their application for a permit to stay open late to capitali7,e on the crowd of mid· night snackers. "It certainly doesn't break my heart." Small said. "It just means I won't have to listen to an extra hour of their noise. I will still have to fish their CC1Jdboard french fry contamers out of my pool." Small was one of the residents who spoke loudly in opposi1ion to the city's previous approval of longer hours at the Wendy's res- taurant on East 17th Street The drive-through window stays open until 11 p.m., but the fast food chain asked for an exten- sion to I a.m. to draw business from late-night crowds. Zoning Administrator Perry Vala.mine authorired the midnight bench· mark as a compromise. Small, who lives directly be· hind the busy fast-food stop. ap· pealed Valantine's decision in October and prompted the Plan - ning Commission to scrutini7Ai the problems further. Commis- sioners ordered Wendy's to meet with property owners to fmd an agreeable proposal to come back to the city with. In the past four months, they have been unable to reach a con - sensus. restaurant officials re - port. Costa Mesa has various laws in place that address each of Small's complaints about noise and Illegal alcohol and drug use. but the players were unable to establbh n feasible strategy to enforce them. Marshall Wllldnson, a repre- 6elltative from ConsoUda1ed Re- raurants o( CA Inc .. which owns Wendy'~. satd his company bas been trying. with no avail, to reach a compromlse with all in· volved. Wendy's · not the only tenant on the property. which ts owned by the Benvenuti FamUy lhut Napa Valley Pin.a and Oledrlch's co«ce &hop ah.are the lot and the responsfbllity for the 001.tt, WiJ - tlnson aald. Coo Ions Crom the property owners and the retidents hawi betn few and far between. "You have uktd for p<>sJtlve tteilatlon ot the avenues lhat have beef\ taken to relONe lhe problem." WUJdnaon wrote DartJ Pilot • 'I am not in disagreement with the comments but I am willing to let it play out for the six months and give the college, the vendors and everyone the benefit of the doubt.' taxell are being adequatety dl11 persed. The college requires ve11 dors who seU more than twice J year to Ole wilh the board as a Costa Mesa business. That w11y the aJll6 tax reponed by that 1 buslness Is divided berwrcn Costa Me~ and the busines..,·~ home city. Costa Mesa City Councilman Chris Steel Santa Ana residents. "Ir they want their swap meet, they can have them in their own dry.· Dilsisian said. George Blanc, who oversees the swap meet as administrative dean of economic development at OCC. at first aclcnowledged the largest bullc of vendors is from Santa~a . _ But then he quiclcly corrected himself: "It's a tie between Costa Mesa and Santa IAnaJ." Some vendors may have mi· grated from the previous Sama Ana venues, Blanc said, but the OCC swap meet did not change drastically when they disap· peared. I le said patrons were probably attending both swap meets on a regular basis and therefore business remained steady. "There was not a big influx but some, because all of the 'iudden they didn't have any plan~ to go," Blanc said. The remaining vendor<; come from a variety of Orange County cities and ome, like Alane's fa- vorite produce vendor. come all the way from Bakerslielt.I. WHO'S BEING SERVED? When asked which cities tht> buyers at the OCC swap meet come from, Blanc said, "Lei's just say that 33% of Co!>ta Mc<MJ resi· dents are Hisp anic." People also come from Sanca Ana, Fountain Valley. Irvine and to be l'arved. the boy., u!>rtl old derby carf> on the concre1c drive\.vay and hoUert:'d and cheered as they sped, flipped and spun down the driveway and over a metaJ stnp a1 i•~ l>ce:.e. "They have a lot uf fun hut hopefully 1hey learn ahoul how to malce things and thcy'w learned too. about at:'rodynamic<>. • said Nam y Pollard, the den leader. "I Ilic competition isl good natured but th ey want to win . lhey are lmy ... : • CHRISTINE CARRILLO 1s the news assistant She may be reacned at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail a1 christme. cam/lo a, /a times com in a le11er to Ll1e city "tJnfonu nately. the neighbor' arc unwill- ing lo acknowledge 1hat Wendy'~ has made any effort Ill rc'>olvc the nmse problem." Small, a plain·!'>p<Jken 58 year old biker . ..aid he i!) aware that Wendy's officials think he i'> be· ing inflexible. Bur. he added, hc is too old to care about their opinions. "'I ruM i.nc: un thi'>, you haven't seen me be unnioperal ive." SmaJJ i.aid Small rnmplaint>d abou1 loud group~ who consistenlly di,turb him and his neighbor\ while they drive through to get food. Hut tho'le who don't just "drive-through" really raise SmaJJ\ ire Many patrons return to the parking lot directJy behind Small's house to hang out. he said. Many or them are drinking aJcohol -or have just left one of the many 17th Street bars - playing music, revving their car engines or just about anything 10 be annoying. he said. . -1 don't hold Wendy's nccount· able for the fact their clientele seems to be made up of ignorant white ~." Small said. "They can't control the people that come and go from their restaurant. but I certainJy don~ have to put up with it for an extra hour or two.~ Small's beef is not only with Wendy's but with the property owner;s. who he says have not been helpful in the process. HI wish I lcnew an answer for aJI ooncemed, but I don't, H Small said. "I think the blame in no small amount lies with the prop- erty owners themselves, who have not done anything whats<>· ever, and have no intention of bringing about any sort of Inter- vention." The semi-~tired owner of Dad As Productions. a Monrovia Av· enue comp ny tJiat makes Har- ley Davidson partii, said Wendy's latest cone ·ssion Is just a stitlling tactic. "They'll be back. ll~l's just the way It g , • SmalJ said. Sm3lJ d he plans to be at the Planning Comml on meeting Monday nJgbt to make ure the rescauranc 1Ctually wllhdl'8WJ Its appJlcarton. "Its not th.a! I don~ tru5t Wend)"a. it's just that I don' uust Wendy'a. You blow what J me.nr ~ saJd. • LOUTA KJUU a oown Coet4' ~ Stlemeybit ....... " (Mt) 174-4111 Of~ HMM" Jo/lta.,..,,,., /«lnw.com. even Newpon Bt>ac:h. he ~ad. I'he more affluent cu'>tomers are attracted to the Ot>n-mark.et s1yle of the venue. where one is likely tu find useful uems from a cleaned-out garage . "The majority are con:ung from Costa Mesa bu1 some are coming from all over Ult' county," Blanc said. 1 he coUege swap ml'«'I, which will re<>ume its S<J1urday opera tion on Feb. I, is encouragmg ap plkatinns for vemlur. of used merchandise tu bring back thr Oea marke1 feel. Blanc sa111. Robin Leffier. a ~IC'<>a Venll' rC'iident who sa11J .. he onre ..c1ld ware<> al •amilar .,wap meel venues, <;ajd she " 1 om erm'tJ the swap meet I'> '1111ply nut a good deal for u1e n•y I .cffier said Utt• twrll'lih of 1lw '>wap meet for Lo'>t.1 Mt•..;1 fl'" dent'> must riv.ii 11' 111·~.111\'l' 1•f ft•tts on the '>Urround1n~ am1 hut i<>n't. Por in<;taJll'.l'. I .t•ITIN ..aid '>ht• willll''>'t.'d w1lle,preJd gros'> u11 tier rl'ponang of 4-<th•' tax h\- ma11y nf her fellow v1•ndrH'> .ind prrtlu ll'd the '-'lflll' ell tio"' .11 OU: 'wap met•t "I he revenm• Wl' reu•1vt• dm•,11'1 even l>l'glll Ill maJ...i· up tor the 1111pat t<.." l.t'ffiN ... aatl FINDING OUT THE FUNDING Alan<" said !ht• rnllege w111b Vl'r y du .. cly w11 It 1111· "lt.111• Jlo.ird of I quali1.a1io11 to m.il..l· 'un· ColJege officials send monthly vendor status reports to the board and, a.6jde from the fonnaJ communication. the two agen ciei. phone each 0~1er at leCL)t twice a week. he srud. As far .t, the city gerung Its due share ol lhe sales Lax. Blanc said it Is ou1 ol his control. The vendors art re.,ponsible for reporpng their earning., and the-mt iS up tu tux officiaJs. "It's I.he Board of Equaluatmn 1ha1 determmes how much ea< h dty receives," Riane said. ( ouncal members sald th1·y are .1ware of the adverse op111 111m. abou• the outdoor shopptn>( .. enue but are not prepared to follow Santa Ana\ dramatic le<ul 111 the near future. The OU w.ap 111eet will agam be scrut1 ni1t·d by l llY officials an .,1x 111111llh' •n the council can evaJu Jll' whetht:'r Ull' changes ha"l lt''-'>t·ne<l 1he nt'gallve effech 011 1lw .. urround1ng commwuty. < ounrilrnan <hm Steel ...s11I lw ,, willing co wait and see. "I .11n not in disagreement \\uh thr t cnnmt:'nl~ but I am \\llhni.: to let 11 play out for the '>Ix munth5 and give the colJege. thi· wruhll' and eVl'ryCJne the bt.·n 1'111 ur thr doubt." he said • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Me~" She may be reacned at 19491 574 4275 01 bye mail al lul1r,1 harper ,, lat1mes com Kl Nr TkCPTOW /OM. Y Pl\ 01 Several Pine wood Derby cars. created for last year's race. lay on a table as this year's models take shape. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With th• Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 HUGHES Vera R. Hughes, Vera R., 96, of St. George, Utah and Newport Beach, Califo rnia, passed peacefully away January 9, 2003, in St. George, Utah surrounded by family. Born the oldest of four children on November 25, 1906, In Sugar City, Idaho to David F. Hodge and Ro wena Tanner Hodge. Raised In Lehi and Spanish Fork, Utah. Ma"led Alton Grant Hughes on September 28, 1926, in Fillmore, Utah. Secretary to the English Department, University of Chic~ while her husband attended Rush Medical School. Preceding the second w0f1d war, Vera worked as an eKecutive secreta.ry at the Federal Housing Administration. Refocated to Costa Mesa. California. where htr husband became medk:al director for the U.S. Arrrrt during the MCond wof1d war. Together they opened his office on Newport Boulevard In Coste Mesa, Califomla, on July 15, 1942. Active In cMo ~ bualneu affairs, Vera ralMd three '°"'Md UMd her~ knowle~ge of real eatate to btneflt her chlldf9n and grandchildren Who survive htr. Her home wu a w 1lcome epot for her family to come and vlalt. AU of her ~,.., benefited from tNa hotpbnty, enjoytng tti. beech. her counMI., generosity, and tht open a~ of htr hc>4'M, Vera received her LD.S .. endowmenta later In fH9 Md wu sealed to h4tr hua~. Alton, who P"'decM8ed tw In 1981. ::;.=~on, John P~ away In 1984 fn>m ~ She I• 1urvlv9d by her son, David (T~ of·Canebed Callfomla. and MlchMI O. HugM. of St. 0.0.V. uWt ~ with eleven Qr11ndch~ren and ftve QrMt .... hldrwa. Aleo euMvlng Vefa .,. a broth«, DJ. Frri tfodOe Of ~ Merytand Md a._, '--** CIW of~ Mll~Mt. Her :'~~ Klftdwn Of~ a-.. MtwylMd, ~ .. The 1-nfty 81itpt"9QM gmltucte to tw ~ ~ ~ Sherry <>ugh, Or. f.ufnend ApoMat of lvlni. uw.. wt the...., of'°""*" Ut#\ Home.......,,.·~· 8tW 91••Mid9 ....... at Vwa'e ......... be .......... P9Ctflo Vtew M9mcwW P8f1( Corona ......... --. ·- Moudlljrt Jmnulry 13, 2003. •' 11 Lfft. Ott Mllr, Clllls ,._ 9ft I . . •: Dally Pilot Monday. Janudrv 1 J 7003 A5 NEWSROOM Continued from Al th~ possibility of that bridge being buUt Is. sJnce iinas not been taken off the county's master plan just yet. If the Wesfside 1s going to someday become a p icturesque and vibrant center of town with pedestrian thoroughfares and quaint shops, it certainly wouldn't be a good idea to build that little mecca and then allow the county to make 19th Street the northern version of Coast Highway .. So yes, not only is the committee not arguing for a bridge, it may one day be arguing to pull the bridge off the master plan. Bever confirm ed. That wasn't all that Bever had a problem with. He pointed o ut that the committee had not been meeting an entire year as l intimated, but only about 'iix months, and that the J 9th Street Bridge issue wasn1 tht: only thing it had done since it-; inception, another assumption lhad made. The commiuee has ah o recommended that th e council study the ideci o f re1omr:ig the bluffs on the Westside. which are l argely inhabited by industrial building'i and auto repair shops. Many We!>lsidn!> b elieve 1h.11 by rezoning this area from industrial and commercial u.;c• tu residentiaJ, the c11y can create an affiue11t tommun11y of bluff top h om e'> in that prime piece of real t:'>ta1e As for the committee being "too b ig and l umher-;ome to effect ch angl'," Jkwr took m e to task on that d'> Wl'll. though I reminded him that wa<. ju<.t rny opinio n "The only way Wt' c<1n '>Olvt- this thing 1\ if all the viewpo1nh arc airl'd." ht:' :-.aul. "Findihg a rn11senc,u -. I!'> not .tll that difficult 11 you are presenting a rea .. onable idea The bridgl' wa.) a perfe..:1 example. Still. Wt' wert• ablt' 10 get a 70% LOn..,emu-.. What you will find i'> 1h1• fringt• w1ll lo..,e on certam i'>Sllt''> and J<>in thl' m ajority on other'>. But 1f ii wa.., a fuolbh l'ndeavor. I wouldn't he going to the rnt'ettng<• ·· I told h im I sllll thought it would be muth hl'llt'r 1f the committee were pured down to say. seven people. but I reo;p1·1 1 his opinion otherwt'>t'. Regardle'>'> of 1h,11. Bever\ p oint is well takt<n The commitree dt'servcc; a cham t' to do 11:. job and not hdVl' 10 worry about th e local newspaper qu P..,tmning II'> every move, or t•vPn ih wry existcnct·. Al lea!'tt for a whtll' "Whal I w ould like IO '>Ct' ,., 1he nw m ber'> of the comm11 tee formulate a viable and reasonable plan fo r improving that part of town." Btver con cluded. "There arc special interest~ on the committee who want to maJce sure nothing happen~. bu!>illt''>'> owner<, who like the status 4uo. Bu i we are aJI just people wh o want to o;ee something improve ALI the u ses can coex1..,t. but there may need to b e some re!>hufflmg. With any luck, we will reverse the downward <>piral and figure out how we can bring 1hi!> place up to the level of the rec;! of the city." •TONY DODERO is the editor He can be reached vca e-mail at tony.dodero~larimes.com or by phone at (949) 574-4258 or leave a message for him on our Readers Hotline at 949-642-6086. luXURY IS YOURS TOOAYI Make The Most of Every Moment! AROUND TOWN • Serd AROUND TOWN hems to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY Oranve County Siemt Slnvtes will hold a meeting from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhoo9 Community Center. The meeting will include an urban searc:hand rescue slide program, live music and a potludc. The center is at 1845 Park Ave. $4. For more information. call (714) 893-2986. been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and literary magazines. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 McCormidc Ave., Costa Mesa. For IJiore lnformatlon, call (714) 427-0588 or visit ltuonhne.com. FRIDAY The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor ChriS1mas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p m . at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a live and silent auction, dinner and much more. The hotel is at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tidce1s are $75 per person, $900 T\JESDAY for a table of 12. For more information, The Newport Beach Public: Library will ......-Call (949) 7294400. host two seminars on identity theft at the Central library branch. The first seminar, which is cosponsored by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, will begin at 5:30 p.m. It will focu s on building business e>Cpertise and include a networking mixer. The second seminar. which is cosponsored by the Newport Beach Police Department, will deal entirely with identity theft. It will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more information, call (949) 717·3801 o r visct www.newportbeadl/lbrary.org. Mother's Market 8r Kitchen will host a sernmar on how to protect yourself in the age of arthritis from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa M esa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. Fo r more information. call (949) 631-4741 WEDNESDAY The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will hold a volunteer orientation from 6 to 8 p m . at the Orange County offices In Costa Mesa. Volunteer opportunities include Race for the Cure, Lmlts to the Cure, Komen Spring Luncheon. BMW Ultimate Dnve, Mammogram·a·thons. health fairs and other Komen-sponsored com munity events. The offices are at 3191 ·A Airport Loop Dnve Reservations required. For more information. call (714) 957-9157. elCt 27 The Newport Beach Jaycees will host a workshop on the seven keys to success from 7 to 9 p m at the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce The chamber is at 1470 Jamboree Road Free. For more 1nformat1on, call (9491 735-1036 THURSDAY The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly 90·m tnute breakfast boost from 7 to 8:45 a m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Dnve. $1 2 if prepaid, $17 at the door For more information. call (714) 885-9090 UC Irvine Medk:•I Center will host a seminar on Medicare benefits at 10 a m tn the University Club on the UCI campus. The seminar will focus on the latest changes In Medicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage It will not cover Medicare HMOs The club is at Los Trancos and East Peltason Dnve. Free. For more mformation. call (877) UCl~DOCS. or visit www uc1health.com/events The Alzheimer 's Assn. of Orange County will ho ld two support groups for caregivers in Costa M esa. The first meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hoag Health Center. 1190 Baker St. The second meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . at Silver ado Senior livmg -New port M esa, 350 W. Bay St. Free For more mformat1on about the first meeting, call f714) 593-9630, and for the second meeting. call (949) 631 -2212.~ Leaming Tl"ff University will offer a si>C·week class titled ~The Fear1ess WriterH for students wanting to produce polished, strong and honest fiction and nonfiction. The class is geared toward beginning and advanced writers. The class will be taught by an award-winning instructor with a master's in creative writing who has UC Irvine Medical Center will host a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center. The sem inar will have discussion.s on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar Free. For more Information. ca ll (877) UCl-DOCS, or visit www.ucihealth.com/events SAT\JROAY A workshop for men and women who have just gotten divorced o r are gettmg divorced will be held from 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m . at M axine B. Cohen's office in Newporf'Beach.-The office is at 180 Newport Center D~. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. JAN.21 The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly networking luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. at the Five Crowns.Restaurant. Reservations are required. The restaurant is at 3801 E. Coast Highway. For more information, call (949) 673-4050. Mother's Manurt & Kitchen will host a seminar on ltver cleansing and body purification from 6:30 to 7·30 p m at the Patio Cate in Costa M esa The cafe is at 225 E 17th St. Free. For more 1nformatton, call (949) 631-4741 The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter w ill hold its first meeting of 2003 at 7 p .m . at Margantav1lle in Newport Beach. The meeting will focus on local water issues. 1nclud1ng how people can help preserve the oceans, beaches and surf. Tacos w ill be provided . The restaurant 1s at 2332 W Coast Highway. For more information. call (949) 644-7443. The Zen Center of Orange County will host a series of programs on Zen today through March 9. Programs will be held the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 5 to 7· 15 p.m. The programs will have lessons on developing a regular practice. personal instruction and much more. The fee is S 150, tax deductible. The center 1s at 120 E 18th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 722-7818 or vtStl www zcoc. org. JAN.22 The Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will hold two w orkshops today at Silverado Senior L1vcng New port M esa. The first w orkshop will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon and will focus on memory loss. The second workshop w ill be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and will discuss how to create a partnership with your physician Silverado Serno r Living is at 350 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. Reservations required For m ore information, call (9491631-2212 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold rts monthly business after hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m at Skosh Monahan's. The restaurant is at 2000 Newport Blvd. Free for members, $10 for potential members For m ore information, call (714) 885-9090. JAN. 23 Mother's Marbt & Kitchen will host a seminar on how to strengthen your immune system fr om 6·30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe In Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free. for more information, call (949) 631-4741 JAN.24 UC Irvine will host it. 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr sympo&Nm, ~Prayer, Prut<Jst, and Peace -A Leader's legacy for Today;· from 7 to 8'.30 p.m The symposium's keynote speaker will be Jultan Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virginia. The symposium will be held in [he Humanities Instructional Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free. For more information, call (949) 824-72 15 JAN.25 A seminar on long·tenn care planning, including legal, estate and Medi cal issues, will be held from 10 a.m . to noon at the Orange Coast Unitarian Church 1n Costa Mesa. The seminar 1s sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The church is at 1259 Victoria St. For more tnforrnalion, call (714) 578-8670 JAN.29 The MOMS Club of Cosu Mesa-North is hosting an open house at 10 a.m at Balearic Park and Community Center m Costa Mesa Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay·at·home moms. The center cs at 1975 Baleanc Dnve For murP 1niormat1on. call (7141 964.5934 Mother's Marilet & Kitchen will hoS1 a seminar un digQ5tion and eliminat10n from 6:30 to 7 10 p.rn at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mec;a The cafe 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free. r ~ir more 1nformat1on, call f949l 6314741 JAN. 30 Mother's Market & Kitchen will host a workshop and book signtng with Author Geoffrey Roe;!:' from 6 30 to B p m at the Patio Caf P 111 Costa M esa Th•· cafe 1s at 225 f 17th St r rN" For more 1nformdl10n r all (949) 631 4 741 ONGOING The Assn of Business~ervices host netwurkmy m .. Pt111y that deal wnh education cunnect1ons from 6 to 8·30 pm on the s•·• '""J Tuesrlav of every month at the Hultday Inn at 3131 Bnstol St. Costa Mesa For more tnformalton call (9491 BOS 0011 The Newport Beach Public Library will host an htiur of 5tl•nes and crafts for children 1n ktndPrgarten through the second grndP at the Corona del Mar branch frorn 3 to 4 pm Tuesdays begmntng Jan 14 The ltbrary is at 420 Marigold AvP ror more tnformat1on, call (949) 717 3800 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month The organczatwn 1s open to all female residents tn NewPort Beach who have ltved in the arPa fewer than five years For more information, call (949) 645 9922, or v1c;1'1 newcomers newponbeactt org. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are mv1ted to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group 1s geared toward dealmg with issues between interfaith couples. such as raising children observing holtdays, symbols en the home and rela11onsh1ps with e>CtendP.d familtes The cost for three sess10ns is $45 per couple Prereg1strat1on is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office 1s at 250 E. Baker St • Surte G, Costa M esa (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older can join a d1scusscon yroup coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as amoetv. depression. relationships. loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa Preregistrdt1on required. (714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are askmg for patrons to donate books to replentsh the dwcndltng Stock Books may be left at any of the three branch ltbranes - Balboa. M dnners. or Corona del M ar - or 1n the book closet nexl to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave • NewPQrt Beach All hardcover and paperbaci donations. With the exception of maga11nes and law books, will be accepted and are tax deducublti .(949) 759 9667 The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who hava difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center al 800 Marguerc1e Ave Corona del Mar offers sex sessions Call to scgn up for classes (714) 821 5000 A spintval care class meets at 7·15 p m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave Suite 114 Newport Beach Call to reserved seat 1949J 263 1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networl<111g luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 45 a m to 1 p m at 1he Costa Mesa Country Club The cost 1s $13 The club 1s ol 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa 1714 ) 885·9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8 30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital 1 Hoag Drive Newpon Beach Free Reg1stra11on not required The group is designed to help patients and their lam1ltes understand and cope with the illness 19491 574 6232 . St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church hosts d mental illness suµport yroup fron 6 30 to 8 i.• m Sundays 1n D1erenfield Hall C a1 600 St Andrews Road Newpon Beach 949J 574 2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sµonsors a d1i.cuss1on group for adult ch1l<Jren and their parents from 6 10 7 p ni' two Tuesdays a month a1 the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Balcer St . Suite G Costa Mesa $10 per person per session Preregistration required 17141445-4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting supµort group Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealmg with the feeltngs and behavior of their children The group meets from 10 to 11 .30 a m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Balter St Suite G, Costa M esa The group well cover managing anger onx1ety and pee1 pressure children Pirpenence Prereg1stratt0n req111red I 714) 445-4950 The Costa Mm Senior Center has ballroom dancing wnh l111e music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7·30 to 10·30 p m every Tuesday n1g11t at 695 W 19th St Costa Mesa $4 19491 S48 3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongo1nghealcng support group for the chrontcally 111 The purpose is 10 provide part1 c1pants with emo11onal and i,p1ntual support to m11nage illness and its consequences The group meets at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St Costa M esa Attendance 1s free bu1regcstrahon1s required (7141 445-4950 Scrabble Club No. 350 m..U from 6 to 10 p m. Thursdays at Borders Books Music & Cafe at South Coast Pta1a 3333 Bear St en Costa Mesa. $3 New players are welcome (949) 206·9822 The Coin and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Sentor Center. New members mterested in trading. buycng and selltng stamps and coins are bemg sought to JOm these mformal meetings There are no fees required (949) 644-3244 VOLUME SELECTION• OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE G~AT PRICES GUARANTEED 1/Uf(JWI,~ AVILA CHICKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunks of chkk~n br~ast, rk.e garnl~hed with avocado, cilantro a_nd lime. Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go • • • .. .. ••• • ' 4 I ' • 0 . . . SOLID 8RAZJUAN MOHAWK DENSE PUJSH HARDWOOD CAR~ET Chooy<l' P8C31 Fnsh s5~? IOV. r.-s1 !,9* /mW. ClnW ........ is Travef11le 1a· x 1a· ......................................... --···· .. ··-~'I.II .. , Ceramic Tit ........................... -·~ ....... _ ........ ",,....,.""" .. , l.anlinate ~ ............................................ -.. .....,.,.. u .. ~ .,.,,..,,, 111'1~ . .. ., QUOTE OF THE DAV "My m ost cherished stat is that J played in every single (Concordia University) baseball game in four years." Mitt BroeNmlt, Daily Pilot Sports Hall of F amer M Monday, January 13, 2003 -HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL CdMis • • aiming higher Sea Kings challenge for upper-division finish in revamped PCL, which tips off Tuesday night . Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Though Its roster includes eight return- ing players. the Co- .. • rona del Mar High girls basketball team enters the Pacific Coast League season with only sllghtly more knowledge of Its opposition than first-year coach James Barblow possesses. Estancia, which shared the league crown last season with University. is now a member of the Golden West League, as is Costa Mesa. which tied for third with Northwood last season. Furthermore, Tesoro, which played a junior varsity league schedule last sea- son, is making its varsity debut in the ......... -• µ • Sports Ecltor Roaer Canson • 194915744223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-0170 -. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL EVE OPENER Ill DaityAI Pilot Ill SpolU Hal olfame , ,....,, lli1141 cll" mllo 1Wlwl! .Jnl¥y 20 honofH CARL KRAUSHAAR = 1~ ~f.cou~~ =. Greg Ethington, a 6-foot-8 center, has been a valuable addition for UCI after missing the last two seasons while on a church m1ss1on. wood and Laguna Beach join CdM as \ ST!VE McCAANI< I OM.Y PILOT PCL holdovers. The virtual PCL makeover, which in- cludes the presence of only two return- ing all-league players (both second- team selections from Northwood), fig- ures to give the Sea Kin~ (5-9) a chance to improve upon their 2-8 league cam- paign of a year ago, when they missed tbe.,playoffs. And Barb.low is eager to Falling into place amplify such aspirations. ·rm optimistic about our PCL chances and I'm totally ecstatic about how the girls haw improved this sea- son.• Barb.low said before Saturday's 58-26 nonleague loss to El Toro. "I've scouted University, Laguna Beach and Tesoro, but I haven't seen Calvary Chapel or Northwood. But, from what I've been told by other coaches, (Calvary Greg Ethington, a starter in ucrs four-game winning streak, is enjoying the results of decisions made throughout his life. and Northwood) are the only teams we Steve Vlr1en should really haw trouble with." Dally Pilot Barblow's optimlsm centers arowtd a talented and experienced cast that in- cludes senior starters Kelliann Klein, Jackie McCoy and Madison Otterbein. Junior Lauren Snell is also a varsity vet- eran, as are senior Aryn Dimas and jwt- ior Colleen Marks, who haw, at various times, rounded out the starting unit. ·There's no substitute for experience and those four seniors haw been with the program four years," Barblow said. ·1 think they know what it will take to be successful.· Klein has had the most success, thus far. The 5-foot-8 sharpshooter leads the team with 12.9 points per game and she bas connected on a team-best 23 three- pointers. ·She can shoot it and she has the green Ught any time," Barblow said. "She shoots It from everywhere." The 5-8 McC.oy is aw~ 6.7 points, while the 5-11 Otterbein has chipped in 6.6 per cootesL McCoy missed the final 19 games of her junior season with an injury, a.ft.er earning first-team all-le°ague recogni- tion as a sophomore. Otterbein put together what Batblow T hree years ago, before Greg Ethington knew he would become a part of the UC Irvine • men's basketball team, he engaged in a bout against doubJ. Today, doubt is the least of Ethington's worries. Last month, Ethington, who had originally planned to play for Pepperdine three years ago, moved Into the starting lineup, mainly because his friend and one of bis roommates, Adam Parada. struggled with foul trouble and was in the disfavor of Coach Pat Douglass. Ethington's move into the starting lineup helped the Anteaters reel off a four-game winning streak. His defense and simply his playing time allowed the 7-foot Parada to stay away from foul trouble and motivated the junior center to improve his play. Parada, a second-team All-Big West selection last year. went back to the starting lineup Wednesday, displaying newfound energy that led to a game-high ZS points in a 66-65 overtime loss at Cal State Fullerton. Ethingtons' four straight starts might have caused friction berween he and Parada, but that was not the case. "I t.alJc to Adam quite a bit.· Ethington, a 6-8 sophomore forward. said before UC! started Big West Conference play Jan. 4. ·rm one of his roommates. It's pretti much the same between us from when I wasn't starting. He's been woricing a lot harder in practice and I think it's going to start showing up in the games. His focus Is getting a lot better. I'm pretty sure he's going to start coming arowtd and he's going to start playing the way we all expect him, the way he knows he can play.· . When Ethington received word of his first start Dec. 22 at Saint Mary's. that solidified ua was the place that was always meant for him Three years ago. that was not the case. Back then, Ethington wondered if a latter Day Saints mission was really his calling. He worried ifUCI would be the right place for him. And, who could blame him? ·Thin~ happen for a reason." Ethington says now. ·At first. I didn't know why.· Ethington had been planning to play for Pepperdine since his jwtior year at Gilbert High in Arizona. Gilbert Coach Tom Bennett had a son, Randy, who was an assistant coach at Pepperdine. Ethington would play there during the summer. As high school came to an end, Ethington decided to play for the Waves and for head coach Lorenzo Romar since he would allow Ethington to complete his two-year church mission amid his college years. But Romar took a job with Saint Louis and the new coach , Jan van Breda J<olff, didn't want to give a scholarship to a' player who would leave for two years. Ethington had to start over. "It was frustrating because I had this plan and everything started going haywire," Ethington said. "But, looking back. It seems like a lot of things did happen for a reason.· Randy Bennett spoke with his friend, Todd Lee. the associate head coach of UCI who worked with 'Bennett at the Unlverslty of San Diego, and Bennett also told Ethington to get in touch with the UCI assistant coach. Things started to happen for a reason. Ethington eventually chose to play for UC Irvine. He earned All-Freshman honors in the Big West, starting 22 games his first year with the Anteaters. There was excitement for the future. And then Ethington went to Canada. He learned to speak Cantonese. He would wake up at 6:30 a.m. study his new language, then, for the rest of the day, he would teach and spea.lc to others. He had but two brea.lcs, for lunch and dinner, throughout the day. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL He did tlus everyday. save for one preparauon day. which was for doing laundry and running other usual errands. Also. on Sundays. he would go to church. What do you think he learned throughout his worlc lll Canada? "That taught me how to be ctisdplined on my own.· Ethington safd. "I had a problem with that m high school. On my mission I had to constantly worlc on it. And now. coming back here and getting back into school. it's a lot easier.· Ethington came back home ln April and attempted to get back into basketball mode. He had been away . from the game for rwo years. Every so often in Canada. with rare extra time during a preparation day, he would play in a small basketball gym that had an undersized rim. However, Ethington was intent on everything happening for a reason. He used his newfound discipline to help him get back to the game. When Parad.J struggled with foul trouble, Ethington found a new role in Coach Douglass' scheme. "He's a pleasure to coach because he's team-oriented,· Douglass said of Ethington. "The only negative is that he is a perfectionisL He's too hard on him.self. When be doesn't play up to par, he's afraid of letting people down. He needs to remain positive and not beat himself up." tmJ.led the most complete game of the ( §$.5:..~E CdM hopes best yet to come at the Santiago Cavalier Classlc, ln • ... which CdM lost tom Modena. 57-C, in , • • the title game. SneD 1a contributing 5.9 points per Sea Kings appear to have !: !°~e!: ~:~= rebounded from PCL teams thiJ wm. December low point as CdM viaita perennial cellar dweller th 'fi Lfllma Beach Tuac1ay at 1 p.m.. then ey open Paci c Coast hom 1e1oro 1bunday at 1 p.m. League play Wednesday ter~~ ~ ~ :::!9 ~ at ·Laguna Beacl~. 2. u they vtllt Univmfty Jan. 21, then ..,. on the road lg1l.ln agalnst Calvary B1rry F 1ulkntr Q\apel. CdM completel the fl.nt round Daily Pilot of .... Jan. 28 ap1nat vtalting North- wood. . CMnry a..pel (S.7), mnked No. 2 lo CIP Soutbem Secdon DMllon fV-M. could be the euty PCL fawrlte. The _... .... 111-c:twnp'nna la the Otym· pk ....... lllt ..-oft IOd .... keyed by flU ..... illllftdoUta. Rochelle C'nw- lord. • 5'-7 .... (13.7 pip&', 5-7 pud Dlftt 11M:On (10.1 ppC), M p.ud Ruby ._CDM.hpM t CORONA DEL MAR -With just one Win ln 10 conteatJ last aea· aon. the Corona del Mar HJgti boys bMtetbaJl ltllUn landed IJ the bottom of Che Padftc Cout ~ ltlndJ.np. Th.la eeuon. however, tome bellew Colc.h Ryan Outy'a Sa KhlP bottomed out In December and with th1" wlril In tbMr lilt lour p.n-. n.y be r99df to cbilenle ror one of the league's three guaranteed spots ln the CIF Southern Section Playofra. The aforementioned low point came Dec. 26 when a I 0:30 a.m. game ln the ~Ct.a Coast Clas.sic ended in a sur- prislflg 43-41 loss to Anaheim, which entered the contest with a 1-10 record. The defeat, which began wtth a acore- less strak of 6:29, before CdM cut Into what was then a 10-0 Colonists' lead. capped a five-game losing skid. But It also aeemed to revitalize Cuny's vet- eran unJt, which returned all of the top seven p~rs fromithe team that fin- ished 5·22 in 2001~. Mer the Anaheim lou. the Sea K.lnp knocked off Rancho Alamttoa, La Quinta and Hoover of Glendale to Win the Coast O&Slic comoladon crown. They then followed 1 38·37 nonJeague Joa to always·tcqtl &penma with • 62·54 conquat of c.anyon in the ftnaJ tuneup before openlrig -.ue play Wedn4llday IJ 7 ~ at Lacuna Beech. Curry has praised his team's develop- ment from a year ago. particularly at the defensive end, where fill oft'aeason em- phasis has paid dividends. Through the flrst 16 games tut season (in which the Sea Kings were 3·13), CdM allowed op- ponents to average 65.9 points per game. After 16 games this seuon. the opposition ls ecoriog ju.It 54.6 points per game. The fewat points allowed by CdM in the tint 16 games last season was 53. ThJ.s season. Cun y'a crew has held opponents ln the 408 four times and in the 30s twice. Including • •lna'e· game low of 36 in the aforanendoned Cout Ousic Win over La Quinta. OfrtnlWely, CdM are led by Junior Pancho Seabom (12.9 polntJ per pme), thouah Mnlor Kevin MancWu. a eec- ood·team all'·\ague performer u • JUn· lor:. (10.5 ppg), Junior point suard Jay NortMd8t (1.8 pPI) arid ...-Brett Maaen (1.4 PPll bM Ille> helped the Sea Kii-. approech ofl'8nsM bWM& I All four have led the team in acoring II at least one game. In addition. J\UliW guard Adam Freede (four times). ~ Bart Welch (once) and senlor Brandain Sherick-Odom (once) have tc0red f) double figure& Defending champion Northwood (11-3), wbJch woo aU 10 league 8IJN!I last season, b the dear-cut favodte top this yw'a atandlnp. Coach ~ O'Brlen'a Tunberwolvea are led by df powerful senJor tandem of Drew ~ and Rob Selway. Ttny Iha.red league MVP honors wtth Cotta Meta'a David Conte (now at Cal State Loe ~ tut aeaaon. while Selway wu a a.. team All-PCI.. per(onner. 'lmy WU I ftrst·team all-league choice., a tophcl- more, when Selway colleaed ~ team recognition. The T·wolYes ~ are to VtWdbddae. Unaiiln of Sin~ and VWa Part; --:-C ... _....,,... SPORTS SCHEDULE T'OOAY Socc.r High sctiool girts Anaheim 81 Estancia, 3 15 pm. Watefpolo High Sdlool girls Sa99 Hill at ·Santa Ana Valley Tournament TUESDAY Basitftball College men Vanguard at Point Loma, 7·30 p.m College women Vanguard at ~mt Loma. 5:30 p.m . .IUQh sd'lool boys Sage Hill a t St. =riz,rgaret's, 7:30 p.m. ~h sd'lool girls Corona del er at Laguna Beach, 7 p.m.; 21lso Niguel at Newport Harbor, 7 · :D m .. Estancia at Santa Ana, 7 z m., Qrange at Costa Mesa, 7 •.m.; Sage Hill at St Margaret's, 6 :D.m. ~~ool boys Sage Hill at St :llargaret's. 3 15 pm ::Digh school girls -Orange at :!<>sta Mesa 3 15 p.m, Santa Ana .et Estancia 3 15 p.m , Ahso ~guel at Newport Harbor, 5 p m , rona del Mar at Laguna Beach. '""45 p m . St Margaret's at Sage •01, 3 15p m »'eter polo "igh school girls Sage Hill at ng Beach Jordan, 4 45 p m Wres1fing ,High school Santa And at Estancia 6 p m , Costa Mesa at Orange, 6 p.m X/EDNESOAY 4 asketball "'eo11eae men Utah State dl UC ------rvine, 7 05 pm. Commumty collPge men ,2rdnge Cods! at Irvine Valley, 5 30 I> m Community colleyP women Oranye Codst di lrvme Valley 7.30 IJ m High school boy!'> Aliso Niguel at Newport Harbor. 7 p m . Corona r1 .. 1 Mar dt ldgund Beacn 7 pm, osta Mesa at Estancia 7 pm SOClCer High scnool boyi. Corona del Mar ill Logund Bt:ach 6 p m . Costa Mesa ot Estdnnd 3 pm Water polo High school girls Umv<..rs1ty at r orund del Mar 3 p m , Altso r J1qu1•I di Newport Harbor, 3 p m . osta ME!Sa at-Orange. 3 15 pm . :.,antil And at Estancia. 3 pm Tennis lolleyc rnen UC Irvine at UCLA. 1 pm THURS DAV Baskstball tf1gh school girls Estancia at l osta Mesa 7 p m Newport Harbor at Irvine 7 µ m , Tesoro at Corona del Mar 1 p m COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL 'Eaters up set UCLA UCI rallies pa~c Bruin~ to win UCSB tou rnament titl e. ~AN IA IV\l!MH1\ I lw ll< II\ lnl' llll'll'> volll'~l>.ill ll•.1111 ur cl llC I A 21 Ill. \0 lh. .Ill I H. ·1r, Iii. I 7 I , \..tturday 111~ht to 1.1pllm• tlw IH \.1111.1 B.uhara/ I lt:phant Kar louni.11nt•nt tllll' 1 lw i\ntt·art•r., '>t'l'dt•d ~o 7. h.lll a 111atd1 po111t at .!'t LH in till' rounh g.mw hut \hitched tht: top·-.et'tle<l Bn1111., l omi.> h.1ck to fortl' .1 den'>l\t' lifth ~ame LJ( I Wil.\ led by b loot 6 1umor middle hlocker hmmy Pel/el. \'\ho pounded a '-areer !ugh 25 ~n1 .. Kyle We1chcrt. a 6 7 1unmr middle blodcr. added I b lulls for 1he wmner., who ali.o re· t e1ved 13 k.tlli. apiece from 6·3 ,enior outside hiller Monte l\Jcker and 6·5 junior outs ide luuer Spencer Bemu.i.. Nie Vii.- l.1y. a 6-4 freshman middle hlockcr. contributed I 0 kills. while Greg Ford, a 6-2 junior li- bero, led the Anteaters with 12 digs. .Anteater setter David Kniffm, .1 6 2 junior, amassed 70 ~ists, whtle Bemus fired five service .11 l'\ Ille \lllor} w.1, a 'lll't1.1I orw tor fir-.1 war I I< I < o.1l Ii John \pl'rJ\.,, "hu pl.1y1·d and l.11t•1 roa< lwd .t' an .i'''''Jnl 11nckr ll'genl.l.11'\ Ill l.1\ ht'.td m.111 Al \( Jll''>. II wa' lhl' \l'CtJnd um't'l 1111\<' tournament trown of lhl' young 't'a.,on for IJC I 15 O , whil h loppl'd the lidd 111 rlw \fllltl' & "everson luurname11t at l't•p ncrdtne that rnlm1n,1tcd f.tn ti IJ( I h11 409 111 tht• m.urh. hut Jll'>t I bl m the fifth game lJt I A h11 l.!2 to lose I heir lir.r malt h 111 three ounngs tlw, ,t•a-.on The Rru1n' were led b} ltm.t than Acosta and \1att Shub111. who each unloaded 14 kill' Adam !>t..hrader hall a march high 13 digs for UUA The Anteater.> advam cd tn thl' urle match with a 30-lJ. lB m. 30-27. 27·30. 15-7 triumph over the h!Jst Gauchos, while llCI A swept CaJ State Nonhridge, 30 25. 30-18, 30-2 1 tn the other .,emlfinal. Northridge, keyed by a match high 59 assist~ by junior l)' Trarnblie. a 6-0 junior seller out of Newpon Harbor 1 ligh, de· feated. UCSB, 30-26, 24 30, 14· 32. 3 1 ·29, in the third place match. .. • , flt£ PHOTO/DAll..Yf'ILOT Above, the Corona del Mar High girls water polo team gets a halftime pep talk during a recent game. CdM opens Pac1f1c Coast League play Wednesday ~!P.stll~ University at 3 p.m. At left, Sage Hill's Kevin Joyce (rightl puts heavy defensive pressure on a Rio Cont1guo opponent during a recent nonleague game. The Lightning continues Academy League boys basketball play Tuesday at unbeaten St. Margarers at 7·30 p.m. Fil£ ;,.. T LAIL• P T Shadow lands Looking back. IO years ago thi-; week: Ille Newport Harbor High Kirls basketball team (I 0-5}' remain'> unbeaten in five Sea Vtl'W League games by beating Back Bay rival Corona del Mar. 56-53. though the Sea Kings give the Sailors a scare. Hot 'ihooting by sophomore forward Mandy Oayton gives I.he Sailors 14 unanswered points to start the fourth penod after trailing by three at the end of three quarters. CdM fights back from an ll·point founh-quaner deficit to puU within 52-48 when ICart otetrlch scores with 2;21 left to cut Harbor's lead to 54-51. That's when reserve guard Sara AmoU Wes a three-poinler with 1:52 left. Newport forces five turnovers in the last eight minutes and shoots 58"' CJ of 12) from the field in the founh quarter after only st\ootin.g 28% 04 of 49) through three period f.<itanda High's boys baskerball team (10-8, 3--0 in the PCl...) extends its Winning tr-eak to four game. with a . 76-70 league win over favored Trabuc0 Hills (1 4-4, 2-1), ranked No. 3 in Orange Counry. The I:agjes shoot a sizzling 18 of 26 (69%) from the field in the first half. Five f.agles score in double figures, including Jim Paullmer (21 points, nlne rebounds and three steals). Oay Frau. hits a jumper with 3:20 remaining to give the Eagles a 72-63 lead and ends with 15 points foOawed by 0-S Kinoey and Joa Warrick with 14 and 13 points,~. Senior guard Mo1J Hint scores a season-high 36 points while NOdd Ricci collects a career-high 14 as the CdM girls bamtbalJ team defeats Tustin. 60-47. in a Sea View League con lest. The Sea Kings (9-1, 2-2) open with a 12--0 run and never trail...,... Km.e (15 rebounds) and IWt Dletrtda (ll) lead CdM underneath. Newport Hubor. gtving away 24 points on forfeiture.. tabs CdM to the limit before falliog, 43-27. In a Sea Vaew Leegue dull ~meet. \ Monddy JantJdry 13 t'OOJ A7 lllml Daily Pilot llflm Sports Hall of Fam Lf'lt•brali11)..{ LI 11· 111ill1·1111111111 Matt ~ Broesamle :. Costa Mesa One of Costa Mesa's best, he enJovt·d an All-GSAC pitching career at C .om ord1c1 Richard Dunn Daily Pilot T here were lime<> tn tugh -.chool when Mau Br<>e>affile could walk onto ii ~ball diamond with tu~ 6 foot. 260-pound Crame and perhap'> resemble a cenam left-handed '>Wingmg slugger from Lhl' pa...i who was al'>O a ~eat pitcher Not that anyone-. · companng Broe.samlt· 10 the Bambmo. but 1he former Co..,ta \1e'>CI High stando111 d~ apprec1.ill' the gan1e'<, no.,talgia ln fact tn Hroesamle\ final rnUeglatt' ~tart -ht: Wei.' (.oncordia·i. ace for 1hree \eat\ tn the Goll.lt'n .,tall' Athlellt l.onferente hl' p11C:hl"Cl the fir<.1 inrnng of tht> ballgdITie \-.1th his grandfather Rill\ llml'wom gJU\e urea I !MOl to honor tu., granl.lfather who pa"-.<K.'i.l awa\ thr lollowmg yt:ar "Weanng my gmndfather\ glove 111 that ti r,r mru n g, that wai. pretty memorable for me." "3.Jd Hrot">d!Tlle. a left ha.ndt'd tuner who ~ :.!f:i5 .. '>did Hrm..,.1111lt• mamf\ J f,1,11>.ill p11t lll'r Wllh go11d lol llJ\t'll 11 Ill Jtld tontrol fl \'\,I'>,( hll'''lllj.( l\hdll t p11< h 111\ tn ... hrnJn v1 .. 1r 111 ) 'f'1/ he ,1tfd1'1.J 'hl.'t JU'>t' m~ drTJI \'a''" lrt·-.h .t111·1 tl1a1 yt•ar <.onu1rcl1a rn.llh-1li1 :-.<AIA playolh 111 1 •11111 • l'I dfld .woo llw 1.1111·1 u11n111g 111 dram.1111 ta ... h1on aJ11•r 1h1· I ,igh·' \lanl·d I . 111 ti 11 c .~ \< and \Wt'pl \\l·,t1111111t 111 J duuhldwadl'r on L11t· I.ind! dd\ 111 dm1 II a l>'"''t ·1~1111 'pot ,rnd lap 1tw1r -.t•.1,•11 ll JllWh,11 I; \I\ Oltl\I dwn-.lll'd ''·'' 1, th.It I plJH-<l 1111•wn -.111gl1· h.t\dl<lll j.(iirth' in lour \l'ar-.. \.11tl Hrnt"><imlt· \\ho '"'uld plm rht-inlidd 111 till' ">t'<-ond gam1· 111 doublt'ht•i.11Jt>r, .1l11•r pill hing lht.· fiN g,11111' "\h ,mn .tl\•.,1\' !t-h lint' ht• .llldl'U , "\-. tlu \t'tlr'> \\l'lll h\, I \.\,L, JU\I lhr1111 .. 1llj.( ttH1 lllc.ll1\, 111111'' ,1mJ I 111111~ Ill\ JI 111 ~111 tm·d I \'lo.t'> 111\I thrll"lrlg 1111 hc.L-.l'h.tll ~.I\ too llllh h Bn •t'\.lt11l1 nghi handed Matt Broesamle BroesamJe. a \.\ hll't' la.-.th.ill I llllld ft'illh Ws mph tn rnll~t'. two ume Player of the Yedf on the All -:\ewpon·Mesa D1WKt Dream Team. helped put < O'>ta Me-.a bai.ebaJJ on the map rn 1995 and 96 under Loach Doug Deat5 with back-to-bad. appearance<; In the err ~uthem Secuon Orn.0,1011 Ill Playoff!> Bro~e didn't pitch hi!> fir.I year al Concordia. opung to play third and first baM!. I le did. however. run many miles with the Eagle pitchers dunng thetr morning woricou~ and Broesamle was able to '>ht'd 30 pound-; m three months. 1-urthermore. the year off from pitching allowed tus arm to recover and gamstrength.and,when Broesam.le rerumed to the mound tus ~phomore year at Concord.la. h'e was a new man. "I got around the weight tn tugh school, but I'm not sure how I did it,· he said. "I didn't have a choice m college.I hadtolose weight· Broesamle, a three-time All-GSAC pitcher, realiz.ed the biggest dHference in his weight 10&.'i in fielding his position on the mound *lt's a lot easier to move 215 pounds than .11tl·nl.l1·d a u>Uplt' ot pro h .. t'-t·hall tr'\11111' hut nt•\t'I '11.'llt'\I llw l.ill~t honort't' 111 lhe D<.111\ 1'1lut \pon-. I l.111 of I amt Hrot"'dllllt' 1-. 11111· of the mo'' t l'lt·hr.111'\.I plave'"' m 'It·"'-' hd-.t·b.i.11 ht'>tOI"\ ·\., d Jllllll>r 111 I ~5 he bam'tl \1H! \'\1th thn•t• horm• run-. . .!. I l!BI., ,md I'• run-. '>l:OreJ. '' lllll· 1)(1,1111g a 4 ..! ren1rd on 1h1 nwund with a 11m ro't 11p11 f H•\ ol I b6 I It' 'tnll ~out "' Ill S•t mrunJ.,">. ywld111g onh It tu~ I le It'll \1t"'1 In 1h most '>llCCt'\\fUI 'l'ihllfl Ill 14 yeilf'>. In Brc>t:<.amlt• .. "l'IWH vcar. hr hit .1 dl.'>tnct lead111g t:l.! \'lilt five bombs. ~~ RBI' .md ..! I run.-; ""-ored, \.'1ol11l1· go111g 7.3 on the mound \.\1th .1 3.55 ERA m 6q wrunw-157 '>tnkeouh Rroe:!>al1\le .!.4 '>pt·nr ont: ...ea...on a' an •\.'"''mt coach at Loncordad hut ha.i. rerume<l to ( O\tJ Me<>a and \'\1U .t.''"t I >t.'.11\ next spnn~ Today, ht'\ geann~ up for his sn1dent teachmi;: m the spnng sem~er nc Woodland E.lementary in Costa Mesa. which wiJI complete Ills teaching credential He plans to many Gina Harn..an on July 12. 2001 ., . ~ lo A8 Moooay, January 13, 2003 SPORTS COM Continued from A6 Vt.loria (8.5 ppg) and 5-11 for- ward Angel Hunter (5.3 ppg and a team-high 5.9 rebounds per game) have been leading I.he way for Coach Bob Moore. University (4-11) has been led by 5-6 sophomore Kristin Garey (ll.7 ppg with 28 three-pointers), 5-8 junior Amanda Sun er ( 11 7 pomts and eight rebounds per outing), 5-7 Jr. Mortique New- some (9.9 1>pg) and 6-0 freshman center Olerry Howlett {3.2 ppg and 9.1 'l'g)· Northwood (7-7) boasts the ort.ly two returning all-leaguers in 5-10 junior forward Holly Miles and 5-11 sophomore Lind- say Macias, both of whom were second-team honorees a year ago. Miles is averaging 10 ppg and 5.1 rpg. while Macias is contrib- uting 8.2 ppg. Stacy Edmonson, a 5-4 juruor guard. is averaging 8.1 ppg. YOUTH SOCCER CdM stafs ---4 win twice Blues Clues start o ut welJ in All-Star play. fhe girls under-12 !:>liver AlJ tars. playing as the CdM Blul''> Oue!>. earned two factorie!> in the first week of all-star compeu FILE PHOTO I DAIL v PILOT fLE PHOro DAILY PILOT · tion. Kathryn Conner and OaJre SchmJdt had goals to pace a 2-1 win over Tustin, which preceded a 7-0 crouncmg of Nonh lrvme Corona del Mar's Kevm Mancillas (21, at left), and Bart Welch (22 , at nght) are among the experienced weapons the Sea Kmgs bnng mto PCL play, starting Wednesday Schmidt's hat trick paced the allack against lrwle. while Amanda Johnson. Conner. Kel- sey Davis. and Alexa C:Ohen al-;o scored. SEA KINGS Continued from A6 in 21. l point'> and nine re- bounds per game Both were first-team all-league as sopho- more-.. ln add1tton. 6-3 1unior Megan ,Otterbein. Klmberty CondJno, Valerie Avila, Rebecca Beyer and Davis helped CdM control play. while the defense was led by goalie McKenna Cas- key. stopper Taylor Rhodes. Layne Kelly. Leila Pozin, RyUe Levasseur and Cohen. University (9-6) JU'>t m1gl11 give Northwood a run l-1\e of the Trojan'>· Jos!lefi have come by a combined 16 point!) and Coach Mike Otnneen'!> run·and- gun attack has two player'> aver- aging more than 20 point'> Jon Anson, a 6-2 1umor b'Uard, ,., a\· eraging 23 2 ppg. including .\9 three-pointers. A I \1o'>kU'>. a 6-2 junior fomard. h chipping Olarles Valentme ts conLribut- ing 13.8 ppg and 7.2 rpg for the frojans. Calvary Olapel <6-10)·~ run- ner-up to Orange Lutheran in the Olympic League last season, joins CdM. Tesoro and Laguna Beach in the chase pack. The Eagles, however. have already lost to CdM (72-68 in a Dec. 13 tournament game) and Tesoro Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ~~~~~~~~ SUPUtlOR COURT Of CA1JOIHIA, COUNTY Of OWIGE J.41 lM City Drive P.O.lo1 14170 14171 o---.Ca5ftnio 92613-IS70 WAOWUX JOSTICI CENTH PmTIOMOf GICA Allmll, • behalf of llinon -C.ter Stww, 1--- and lfidiolos SttvtM PERSONS I PPl1l1on~r GINA fOll CHANGE Of NAME Al Bl RllNI on b•ll•ll of OIDEITOSHOWCAUSlfOll m1nvr~ lil•d a P•lltion CHANGI Of NAME CASE I wolh tho~ <our t tor d d• '"" < hani'"K names NUMBER: A217093 a~ follow\ d 1 CARTER TO ALL NtlRlS.llO 1 C~RISTUPHErJ, STUART UHMMY Of CA1IORHIA, IVIU CAMM NOTICE llMTllG: COIKltlf, STRUCTURA1 mn. EUCTRICAl, PWMlltG, HVAC (W£T & ORY), AND MASONRY SUICOHTRACTOR PRlOUAIJflCA TlON STA TtMENTS FOR COHSTaUCTION Of UCI PUKING & TRAHSPOITATION IMPIOVlMOOS PaOGWA -STEP 6 PROJECT HO. 996S14, JANUARY 2003 ST[V[ NS lo CARTER CHRISTOPH( R ALB ER II NI b ) NICIWI AS MOR GAN DAVID S rE VE NS In NICOL AS £ UGl NC Al Bl R!INI 2 THE COURT ORDERS that all persons mter NOllCI IS HERE BY GIVEN tt .. ll Sut < nto;" I· ' f'requahl1caloon Stal•m•nt• Int Coner•!• Structural Ste•I £ le<lror•I Plumbcna HVAC IW•t & Ory1 and Ma,nnry Sut.c rH ,,, lnr~ wtll be r•r.ov•rl by lh• Un1v•r\1ty of Cahlnrn1a Irvine C1mpus. for qu11hltt -'•r•n In btd a< il ~ubo onlr., tnr ,. ~n~lrucltun Qt P11h1n111 & l11n•p rtatoon lmp•O•tm•nt'> Pro1ram Step 6 Pro1ecl No 996514 All Conu•te Structur•I Sle•I Ele<triu f'liJrnbtnE HVAC. !Viti & Orf! ~nd M•\onry Subcontractors who •re 1nte1uted 1n prequ•hfy1ne for this Pr 1• I 1n11 ""' ,t• to •bl••n tl1• Pr.,1u .. 1.J1c .. 1tun Pa<~•• may <llll either <949> 824 8117 or (949) 824 80).e SUIMITTAl DEADLINE AND PROCEDUllES: Subconlr•clor Prequahf1t11t<>n Si.t,m•nl mu\I t•• 1oce .. •d •I th• Oil• t )f 11, .1an & Construttoon Services by StOO ,.M., T11Htloy, Jonwory 28, 2003. l'ltA\~ "nrl ull• c.olta, tor P1~q11Ahl11 alton St•l•mPnh as follows Attentl-1 lr-tlo Dwenoa, Descan & Conslruclton Serv•tt-\ U111vtt\lty ol C•hlorn•a Irvine 5201 Caltf11rn•a Ave Suite 250 Irvine, Cahlornla 92697 2450 Subcontractor Prequahftcalton Slattm~nh \hall b• submtllf'd m ··••ltd ~nvelup~\ marked on the ouhtde. •suaCONTllACTOll 'llEQUAUFICATION STATEMl NT, (NAME Of TRAOE), Porklng & Tronaportotlon Improvements Protrom -Step 6.• MANDATOllY PllE-QUAllFICATIOH CO NFERENCE FOR CONCRETl, STllUCTUllAl STUl, UECTlllCAL, ,lUMllNG, HY.AC (WET & OllY), AND MASONRY SUICONTRACTORS: A m1ndatory Pre Qualil1cat1on ConlMMt • will be t onducted '1n Wedne\dly lanu1ry ?2 2003, bea1nn1na promp\ly at 10100 A.M. Only SubLontractor~ who pa11tc1patr 1n lh• Contere,.te en tls •nl11,ly will be allowed lo submit Prequahllcalton Document\ and ti quahtoc•tton " 1rh1ev1d will be tnclud•d 1n IM btd do• umtnls as approved Concrete Structural Steel, Electttcal PJumbon& HVAC (Wet & Ory) •nd Masonry Sub~ontra,tut\ of which •II bidders must use for the work Par1tc1pants must arttvt al or bdo•e 10 00 AM Ptrs'ln~ arrov1n& liter lh•n 10 05 AM will not be <1llowed to submit Prequ1hf1callon Oocumenh nor bod on th• Prn1ert a\ \ubcont,.ctors PMt•ctp•nts shall mul at Untv•r\lty of Caltfornoa Irvin• 0f's11n & Construclton Ser•Kes S201 Caltlorma Ave Suite 250. Irvine CA 9?697 24SO. Sulhvan & W111ht Conferenle Room\ <Corner ol Caltlorn1a An & 81son Ave ) r or further 1nlormaloon conlat t UntVPl\lty s R~prnentaltv~ Brenda Ou,na\ at 1949> 824 9!>86 DHCll.,TION OF THE PllOJlCTi The proposed protect oncludn <onstrucltun ot •n appro•1matelt ')80 000 ast parkcna ibucture which wtll be a 4 to 5 level f.cthly prov1d1na 1800 \paces lhe park1na structure woll b• 1 cemfntted concrete bu1ld1na with park on ramps Concrete block auardr11ls will t ie en a1ch1tecturally to ad1acent butlOrni.:' fhe structure will be either a shear wall structur1I system or 1 combined momenl framed sheer well system The parkma 'tructur;. Is de'lan•d as a Type II fire rated bullOma with an S 4 occupancy The!P 1s a er•de chenae betwren thp north and \Outh \ldn of the '-lte that ts rou1hly equivalent to two level$. lhos ch.!n2e is topocraRJ!y will be 1ccomrnodated throuah the uu of slopes and reta1n1n1 walls The structure will be venltlatcd naturally which will requ11e that al lust 50 pcrunt ol the ~lrnclure rematn open to the air. Vertical tr1nsporhllon well be provided by statrs and two elevators Primary veh1tul;ir ace.en lo the structure will be from Eest Pettason Ottve wtlh secondary acuss from the propo,ed'Soulhern Radial • The propo,ed pro1~ct site is localed 111 the southu~t Qlll!drll'lt .ol \he UCI Campus fhe site Is bounded by EHi Pel\non DrtY• tn the 5outh Park1na lot 180 to the north the Gateway lna1n.erme •nd £n11nunna lalxl11tory Bu1ldtnes to the wut Ind Modd~ E~rlh Houun1 lo the HSI The new strutlure will be built over portions of ltM u1shn1 Parkins Loi 18C and 180 An al\ernale to this PfOjl!ct 1s tht desten end tonstrucllon ol the cere •nd shf!ll for a 50.000 1sf "Office Bu1ld1n1• (also duraneo n a Type II ftte r•led \lructure wclh a B occupancy) which wtll bt \tructurally tree stand1n1 whether or not II abuts lo 01 is separeted from the 'oulhwesl corne• of the parkma structure This •ottcce Bu1ld1n1· will be a steel braced frame and r11nf0fced masonry structure founded on either spread foo1tn1s or drtlled poe" Vertical tranaporla\lon wlll bt PfOvtded by statts end tl•valor Plumb1n1 mech1nocal telecommun1c1llon< and •leclr1cal will be rou1hed Into each floor A second al\ernal• will be included for the des11n of ten1n1 cmprovemenh tor tht' fae1hty The complelton of tenant Improvements wtll be added by chanae Ofder 1fter awroval by the Un1vers1ty A third alternate to this pro11ct well be tht desien and construction ol a pedn\rcan b<•da• to connect the utsUna Social S;ciencts Parkma Structure with the ron1·mall "apoke" on th• south std• of thP Graduate School of M1n11emenl bulldcne The bride• shall consist of two spins of a pre· 1na1nHred steel structurt .. Ht on m1sonry abutments bear Ina on 'a combination df ._,, .. d foottnas end drtlled pieri Archltectural metalwork and l11hl1n1 are 1 part of t1111 project Aet1t1d roadway Improvements Include thf! dtstan and construcllon of a new lnterucllon on EHi PtllHon Drive to serve th• plflitna structure This ln\1ra1ctlon shall Include trtffoc ll&hl controls 1ctlv11ted b1 tn·pevement sen1011 The otstinc lnf1rsactlon i..tween East Pellason and Gabnellno wlll be mod11t1d Into • r lnteraactlon and the tralllc control atop 1l1ns will be removed 'wt&fnt Structure 4e•ll" ontl ~•tru«tl.,. cest Htl-te• SI 1 ,SS0,000.00 •Office aulltA3:""r .. _.. , .... , .......... Cfft H"-tet St,7SO;OOO.oo '""trle11 lrl ""Ir --' conatrvdlon cect 1tt1-ter S 1,S00,000.60 C NClllTI (OST ISTIMATl1$I2,0001000.00 s111uctU1tAL nan con 1STIMATl1 st1s,ooo.oo UlCTtiCAl COST ISTIMATli $1,250.t!!O·OO '"6MatNO con ISTIMAT11 $600,-.oo HVA( (WIT & D•Yl COST ISTIMATlt $600,000.00 MA\ONllY COST lSTIMATl1s1,uo,000.00 ' sue<OMllAClOll ,.1ouAtlfKAT10N ,11oc1Du1111. 1 Svt>eontuctor Pr1qu1hlicalton St1tem911ts wlll b1 anlltbl• M"4ey, '-v 11, 2001 at Ill• Olflu of Ouicn a coutruc;llOn s.tvicu, University ot Cttllfornla lrvlnt, 5201 C1hlornl1 Ave , Suite 250. lrvlne. C1llf0fnl1 92697 2450 The ,requ11tfic.ttlon P11det un be m••ltd to pro,ptthvt b1dd111 un1bi. to obtelfl them In person b1 calllnc (~9) 1124·8117 Of' (9ft)l24 I0)4 2 TN enluabon 11 aoltly ,.,, tht purPO•~ of delerminlll& whtcfl btdckrt 111 deemed qualtf1td for 1ueuuhll 111tfOl'm1nu ot IN trpe of •Ofk lncluct.d In tfllt proje<I 1n 1 timely rn1Mlf. TlleJ will be 1ncludtd Ill the bid *umtnb 11 apt>roved ICotlcrete, Str11<t11t1I Sl1tl Elecl11cef, Plumb1111. HVAC (Wtt £ Df1> •"41 M1 OllfJ Sukonlra<tora of whkh 111 bidden mual I .,.. fOf IM"°'" Tiii UftiYvMJ ,...,,. .. ttie 111111 •ll•t 1t11,.w1111 Ille Sub;;ontret.tor '"QU•hfiubo1t Stetamenu. lo rejt<t any end 111 $...._.,, to •-any infOfmahtJ 111 1"-1tlt19Mnla and to lt1Wlll ltlO\I quehfltd tubcontrKlotl to subMt\ l1tds to tlloaa 1 "!-C:.C~=·:. '::::. ~4t'1:1~~t1!~,~ :=:. ljlprOllfllltety lft f Ill!, 200J THC MOUfTIC>f THE. UMMllJITYOF CALIH>RNIA Jinuar,, 2003 ,~-te.ettlCMl1Mew D1llw,'4otJen ... nlJ 20 100l ' ~ ,' .... 1 (59-41 in a Dec JO tournament meeung>. CaJVaJ)' 1s led Tfy 5-10 c,emor guard Joey Jamee, C 12.4 ppg . while 6-2 senior David Mamelh (9.9 ppgl and 5 I 0 senior Jared Hurst (8.9 ppg) are add1uonaJ threats. Tesoro, in its fir<,! varsity sea- son, is led a trio of underclass- men. Pat Marton. a 6-I sopho more, is averaging 13.6 poim!>. followed by 6· I r,ophomore Brett Sherf) 19 8 ppgJ and 6-6 freshman James Ca\\ thnrnl' R R ppg) Shane Keough. the -.on of fornwr < orona Jcl Mar II 1gh ~landout and former ma1or league pitcher \!all Keough. '' <,conn~ i.!-J pp~ for the Titan.., Laguna lit-at h 'emur lo..\ It· Hogan. .i 1ramfer from \'11lu Park. make' the Breaker!> a dan gerou' 'poiler. I he 6·h I logan " averaging .!2 J potrHs and ~ I rehounc.t.... Adding punch for Loach Hob C ullman\ unit 1-. 'ien1or Alex 'orfll'et H I ppg and b 4 1un10r t l'nlN \penrf'r \\ tllhoil 7 H ppg,. After opl'ntng \\edm,,t.la~ JI l.<Jgun.i Ht•.ilh, < d~I hor,1' fe..,ri 10 If thl• \ea Ktng'> can emerge .!. o. 1lw\ would confirm their 't.itu' d' upper-dt\1'i1on con- te11Jt•r., .\her v1s1tmg Umvers1ry J,111 .!..!. < d\I finishes out the fir,1 round Jan 24 at Calvary <l1.ipel .tnd Jan 29 aga1m1 VlMl- tn~ \;orthwnod. I ht.> '>ea Kings opened league o "i l,1,1 't'cl'>On. before knocking otl fifth place Laguna Beach, thl•n do...ing \\ llh four r,tratght lt·a~ut• lo'i,t's. :--:onlm oud and lint -,quare uff htn 24 al '\orthwood and I l'll 11 .11 Um\ l'r'il) Legat Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices ~~~~~~~~ es led tn th" ma tier \hall fktitiM ~u appear belnr• th" tour! "-· S'-'-' at the h••""~ tndt< •lot1 l1lllM 1v1_,, bel~w tr• \how < • '" ti any why lhP p~lolrno '"' chanee I nam• 'tiuuld not be er anl~O NOTIC( l r H[ARl~li Dale M•r h II! ;>oo I Tome 7 00 " m D•t'I llJ The aOdren of lh• cotH I 1\ ume as noltd •bvvtt 3 A cop;r ·•I th•~ fJ• Je1 lo Show c au\" •hall b• publoshed •I le•~I """' each we•k for tour \UCCUStve w•~k\ prmr 10 lhP rl~I• \•I fnr hearon1: on lht pPltltun tn the lollow1nc ntw\ paper of &ener1I rttc u lahon p11nteO 1n th•\ county Newport Bu•h Cost• Mui Daily P1IC>1 330 W Bay St•••t Costa Meu CA 92627 DATE: JAN 01, 2003 JUDGE lllCHAllD O. FUZH, Sii., JUDGl Of THI SU,1111011 COUllT Published Newport Ouch Costa Meu D•lly Pilot January IJ. 20. 27 February 3 2003 M606 Fktttlovs hMietJ "-eS....... The lollow1n1 peraon• are do•na business " 0 G £qu1hn & Invest men\s Corp 669 V1sl• Bono\•. Newport Buch CA92660 0 G Cqu11tn & In veslmenls Corp (Clllol ) 669 VtUa Bon1t• Newport Buch CA 92660 This business ts con ducted by a corpor allon H•ve you started do1n1 buslneu yel 7 Y n 9· 20 2000 O.G EquihH &. In vestments, Corp .. David A Bond. President This st1tement wn hied wt\h lhe County Clerk of 011n1• County on 01/10/03 2003 .. 292U Daily Pelot Jan 13 20. 27. Feb J, 2003 M617 fkfflls ..... Mmes....... The followin1 persons are do•ns business u Peterson's Classlc Y1chtlna, 105!> Redd1n1 Ave . Costa Mua, CA 92626 Robert lellnd P1t11 son, 1055 Reddin& Ave Cost1 Mesa CA 92626 This busontst 11 con· ducted by 1n 1ndMdu1I Hnt yov sl¥ttd do1n1 bu""'" yet? Yu I I 03 Robert Leland Ptlet son This statement w11 flltd with lht County Cltrll of 0( 1n1• County on Ol/10/0J 200Htlt217 Dilly Piiot Jin l:J~J ~7. tell 3, 2003 ,_.,, SELL your stuff throuah classified! lht tufl~ •Wlfl~ ''I .,. ,1111111. b )''" .... ·'" Ao,. r .. au A ut f • th .-tn,.;"41' UR tl_.n, It ,, ''t•~r\a CA92t// An ... , An A .1tu f • .h~na:• Club 1( A1 l~/4• R.,. •1or\l lit"'-" Hutt tor•a;tc.n Be" n CA 'l. li4._ 1t11-. tHl'!l1f1~ ,q .JlJC fl'd Llr :, ', rJWr 1lthn tt_.y .. tOU \lart .. d 1Dlf1L bu\•OPS\ yet' v., l'i<lt Arnt fll .,,. Au tu r I d14nw~ Clu b lnu 8d~~· Pr ""d~nt Th1\ \t,tt,mtnt .,., ·~ ftl•d Wtlh lhf' I 11111ly \lerh of Or anr.e Lounly onOI 10 OJ 2003'929264 011ly Print 1•n I J 20 71 Feb l 2003 M61'l lht lotlow1nR P•• \ '"' I f'l11\,.fflt1H~ (, 1lt,,, I firo..,,,n rt t•. '' 't"m~nl wiJ• f1l1111J W•tt1 ft•.. ( 0 Atll f f '"' ~ 11 01 t1n~,. u unt 1 ll I ICt I • 2003692927$ 0 1•lt P1lol J•n 11 ~ > l •!Tl !01 M6tl ., ,. do.n& bU\tOPoC:.\ ' 1 hfl' frilluwtn& Pf rn!. Golden Ho11ion E.ntec 1 ••«' do111e bui1ne' . .- proU\ 670 Newport M~1Jhl\t•• Shu~' 1727 Center Ortve I lllt F 1110• WHtdttl Onvr N•wpl)r t N•wporl BtHh r A B••th rA9/&60 9;?660 I" Mo11a lnlffl'''''' Goldtn Hnt1111n R•Alty If A I 1171 W~•t<lo tl lnr <CA> 15760 Ventu•• {)11vr Newport Huch Blvd 7th F l!to• En• tnn CA !J/61>0 CA 91436 lhl\ b\I\•~·· I\ lUI ------~::!!!!!~-~-:=;;;::-.. ~-;-----... ~;;::-;=="-='::0"::';'. --.--;--------;::=c:::;::;:":=::--:_:; Dady Pilot lht foltow11111 Ptr•un' .,, do1n1 buslneu n A> ru•suR e , rAX•STARe, 245 fu clllf Ave C 4, ro,t• Mna.CA92627 Sf PE. INC (CA) 74!> f'lsc.het Ave • C 4 Cu,I • ·~1.CA 92627 Th•~ busines~ ·~ urn dllLted by a cotpor<1l11111 Have you started lluonll business yet' v~, Stpltmb~ 6. 1990 SEPE. INC PATTI KING. CORPORA II SECRETARY flus 'tatement .,~, toled with the County Cleok ol On1n1e Cuu11ty on 12/16/02 2640 legal Notica 2002'00926910 Uuoly Pilot 0~1 23 JO ?001 Jan b. IJ. 2()()j ' 4789/4 M~~ fldlliMlesiiitss "-*'-' lh• l1ollow111ii 111,,,,,11, .. ,f' dmn.:, bu'\111n~ tl\ lt•r I• ll1ownloe ' A.\Uf 111, lb'JI We\lt loll llr N•w11ur 1 ll•d• h I.A 92660 11•1 I• R111wnl•e ' A""' llll <l'A1 1f1<!1 Wo•\h loll Dr Newpur I fl~~· 11 I A '17b(,() flu l.iU\lht" •• I'\ t ritt 'h1t 1 .. rt t,y .t lilt V•1t Jltc..n tt•vt• y11u 'ltdf trd dot0.t lnl\lll .. \o'\ 'ft'-I f v ... , lj l'J86 lld1 Ir 81 uwnltP f\\~c.1 • In~ I ynn M•lchett, S"" li11 y of Corpo1 al ton lhls statement wo hl~d with the Cuunly C~r k ot Orinfl• County on 12/18/02 20026009271 Jt D•1ly Prlol Jan 13. 20. 11 I eb 3 2003 W603 I he tollowmi pe"""' "'" dome bu\lne\s ·~ Siii l 110 By £110. 19191 1 •w'""ll' C11nyun Sil 1'trddn Cdnyon ( •hlu1 Ill.I 91676 1(11 h•rd I tt' L.1w1en1, If 19191 l dWlf"tll' L.1nyon S1lvfl ddU c .. n yrJ11 <. al1lorn1• !l?blli lied ( 1 olerna G11111e' 19191 lo1rence Cany!.!!J. Pol i•·y . Srlveudo C.anyun C•h formo 92676 l his busmen Is con du<. led by • 11er1er 11 p11 tne1 $hip H•ve you sl<trted du1n1 buuneu yet' No [luGnmH lh1s statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or•n11:e t:ounty un 01/02/03 2003692U44 0doly Pilot Jan 6. I J, 20. 21 2003 M600 Rt.1ltiM ludiitss Mmes....., 111• lollowon& Pt• sons ••• dome busonus n OUC.CANS 7 INSTALLA ltON 1801 Wt11tl1e1 Ave • 12 CostJ Mesa CA 2161.l. l •n Ou1111n I BO I Wh11t1er Ave •II. Lusl• Mau CA926U This bus11111~s '' <on due led by •n 111d1v1duat tt.tve you slarll!d do111v. business ,.11 YH 17 u 02 l1'd Ouu•n lh1s sl<ilem•nl w1' tried with the «;ounty Clart. or Orani• County on 01/10/03 200369292S9 O,uly Pilot Jan I J ;>o n f eb 3 200J Mt.lo fidltiMt.siitss Mmes...... I lmer U lol•ntda, 341 f 16th SI l on& lie.t<h CA 9081 l fh1s busone\\ I\ cun due tvd by •n ond1Vtdu1I Have you '''"'led d<m•& IJ11\1n~'' y~I, Y~~ 1/61 ?003 r lmer 0 c.,, ..... d. fhl\ \l~l<inoenl W•' hied with lh• tr1unly Cleo!< of Oia11tt• Cuunly un 01/10/03 20036929272 Oa1ly f'olol 1.11 I l 10 ?1f~~~ .... Mmes...... Ho\v to Place A Jouph Allen (' hlld<11\ 46 Sandpiper l n Alosu Vietu CA 92656 This busrne" " <un ducted by •n 111d1v1du•I ll1ve yuu •I•• ltd d<1tn~ bu.,ness~yrt> V•\ 'I I'> 07 Jo\eph A Chold .. r\ lt11s ~t•lem•nl "'"' ltled wolh lht c.uunly Cte1k of Or 11111• C.<1unly un 01/10/0) 20036929261 D••ly P11u1 J111 I J IO n I eb J 200l Mt.Oii ---. fiditMus ..... Mmes...... l•m•r• w.11 /IOI I u!Wdl d l •n,. Nf'wµC>I I Bullo l.A 1J:lb60 ttw. bu,in•'•' '' , of1 du< led by .111 111d1v1du•I HI~,. yuu •l•I It'd d<i•Oil bus'""'' 1•1' V-. I I 19'1':1 l•m•r• W<11t fh1c.. \t4tf'""l'""' Wllt.f\ toled w1ltl lh" < uuuty I lerk ul IJr a1111.r C<1u11I y 111101/10 lH 20036929262 0doly Polo! l•ll I i /fl U hb 3 ?OOJ Mbll Monday January 13, 2003 At 26otO lApl tica Ir""'' W1ll1•m I hrhdtdt, J()I' ~""'" I 11t11'-Irvine t.;A 9/(,(){, fhl\. bU\lf\W\\ I\ t •JU du1 Ire.I lly llll •ll•hv1tl11<1I H"""' fuu \1..tf trd d1.1d•V. tJu\UIW~~ )"C'I 'I l'f'I\ l•U I t'OOl lrit¥t~ I t11tt~11U lh1· ·.t11bmt't1I ¥r•U hlf"d tllll'lfh ltH C ou1tf1 f.1 .. ,~ of tH .... , .. ( uunty unOl J(J 01 20036929 274 ----'Ub/1 S...11H1ctl Jo'•Ph U I ,_r ?4 j/ Or •nae A•• •U t.u•t• M .... (.A !lltil' I rtu~ f>.P.1nt1~1'. 1\ c; on dulled t.y •" 1nchv10u<tl tt• .. t<>U 'l•<tcd dut11tt Lu•tnr~\. 1•t" No S•muel "1\Pjlh II 1 u• Jtu' \t•l'"n'""' w•• f1lt"• With tt1t' f..,rnHtt 'f 4 ~rt~ of CJ,•"•" r uuuty on 01 /(I OJ 20036929270 O...,ly Pthtl 1~11 I l /() Ocl•IY f'llnl IAn 21 felt i /(JOI M61/ I/ I •IJ l '<IOI 11 /0 M611 FiditiM l4nilns Mmes....... I he lolluwinr II<' son\ .,.,. l•ut't t,u·.tne\.'!t O\, f.lfdl v ... M I'. Su~enontt l 4J/ Uo"nit• Avr ..!Q...1..oi!!_ Mt~.!.A SELL ___ l)f•a dlint•s --- Rale!> and d1:.itllinl'\ Jfl' \llhJt:(; 1 10 change WllhOUI lllllltl' rtw puhll\lll'I rc-.crvt"> 1hc rt)?lll 111 tl'll'or rl'dJ\\I t). r1:v1-.c ur rt'Jt:l l .in\ d.t"lftl·tl .itlvc:n1,cmcnt I'll J'l' rt:pon Jn~ l'rror th:ll may ht: 111 '11ur Ll.1"1l 11:tl 'Jtl 1mmed1atel) llw lJ.111\ 1'11111 JUl'PI' no liab1lil) tor .111~ l'rTnr in Jn t1dvc:n1!>c:mcn1 lor \\l11d1 11 m.1\ 111: rc:-.pum.1hle C\ll'pl 1111 lhl' uht ol ttw 'pau: auu.ilh 11Huptl·d h~ the l'mtr ( rl'<lll t.Jll onf\ hl' .1lh1.,..nl l11r lhl· lt"I 1n..en1on ,s CLASSIFm AD Mon<la\. \1nn<l.i~ S OClpm Bv Fax t 1l41i1 h H-b'i94 ftj, i • Ht! lu~k \UUf r1'il)\t• .md I 1111111 11u1tth1·r uk1 till II, 111 \'ii h.k~ "'th• l•IU.C: llid I th· l'honc- (c;.;ii, ~~ 'ih7!< II our~ By 'lai I/In l'Pr~on: J HJ W t:\I Hd) 1W t:t:l l O\la Mc,a, ( A 9'2627 Al .... t:wp<>n Blvd & H.i\ St hl<liJ\ .. 1 Ul',dJ \ S (I( lpr_n \.\.1.:dne ... tl.n " OOpm . fhur\<la~ S OOpm I t>lcphrnw ~ 10arn·5 OOpm \1n11J.iv '1 ndJ~ \\.JI~ In K J0dm-'i OOprn M onJ.iv-Fnda) ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1010-1710 1449 .$ 2305-2490 mCHANDISE FOi SALE 1({b 3010-3940 f!l!l!lt . .lii!l SOOS·SSSO Cot lectlbfes/ Memorabilia General Business Newport Beach 1160 Announcements 1610 Opportunities TOf' SS 4 RICOIOS nc WI U;a,o l 11: '1J• &. I Jl Ill Ait .. ~ ..... I,~, M ~r !149 1,4• /~II'> LA.UaUiP!SClS flSH l(•ldll s l()I~ ;,ell 11>1 s) 'j(J{ I •II 949 '>l'I! <1- ••"A"'"' ru~I Mt .. r••• ~UV. tt.nr •" t '' ,•oCJ 'OJI 111111""' Sii I S 'H Jf, h11u• I ttll t •·rt,. f,f .. p4ul h t•llfll~ ''" • ti1 • t t· .tf, A~ • ''""~ •I I 11, PIH '\.'14 111 ''' Iii ~ • A"; Businesses and f1'a nchlses Ill fl)UR llWl\j 1111' ( uuh t tPIH ti utr t f I I I S'\llll i4r,011 I ull ''·"'''Ir h , .. \,. .... t kf t ,,t ''' ,: , " I )(..kJ( J 1 I " ~ti ft " A > t I r ,.. t NlWPORT HllGHTS S749,000 ?b It... i...,,1: "' , p~ ··~f'l ..... 1 ., h "" 1•• .tU<ll> .. "~ ""'1 .t>.1 I •II• ,...,,_ ~ ~ ( •• I" ~<VI (} up I I.wk IW) Ill\ 1•m • 'Wlhf> 1'#11 l'RIMl £STATES 'ATllCll TlNOll NATIONWIDE USA 949-8S6-9 70S Incle\ mtOYllENT •f Ol11llTIS Corona del Mar r~ .lii!l '--7402·7466 ~I 9C'00-97SO U ndcr the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 pe r week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 llASlS p•nlhou'• u 11 .,.,.., b<ll.~ 1•0< ' 0:"' -t" * YlAILY * Vuulll .. ?br lb'7. Jar 2'lo .__, fp llJ"·'1 I ........_ er..t. ll'ud~i1":I Bll l C.kUN01 Hf Al IUH~ b.tl<or>y t •mff' p ol In Av6<1dlllt> an•J 1 ·~1).j ~ i.-1 2Br. Oen 9ut 949-67S _ 6161 '"' S 1800 949 f.>1 J llll:ll r..i1 949 "'YI 11 'I-r , .,... r,,,m p,...,... ~....., 'l\•fH 1 v__._ v .nc) lbr r..... YlAllY llNTALS ~fj ~ - A...m 949-11& l'i..,, •dpelp.ttnl No ~""''I "~"' lh• b~ .. <h lb• lb• 264 v. Point Si'"ltTln·• 11 --1-1-N 1 I ~· R.,..,11 IMr~ Av t4 n..w lb• 2ba Jit Sl<,00 S 18'>0 I """'" gol1 ,.,..,. ~ ...... 1 kot•~; •. 11 1,,;·,.,, ·i:~ .... ~ !_1100.rm 714'> .. f"> l"h4 I 949 '/<:1.l 4bJO . umt nu trplp.<1111 •It tl"' wd ultltn<I Jll'l'>m cl-STUOIOS Two•l'ryltr~t 8eoutlful lbr 7Sbc11Wd&~ 94'l 11~'1'lll t .. l•h VlcV· 'i>t9 7.,, 'ltll lu·1ou• d¥dll Nrw 1J 1ml luwn~om~ w 1Mr unit Newport Coo•! Jllf lb t ----& car""' SI JUO nu Ip 2 . &•r wet A~~rit .rnn. P• 1 & 'I'~ ,' • ~ ll>Q. 144,.. .. \..ii ~.i.h (;.ill 'J49 11!> i' I J SlllSO mo 949 611 181YJ it•• tp ,.J h~ • J~t ~•~ n<d 1' ~· •• ~· lllr lb.t '"""' l.nl STIPS Oc•-& IHry view, ]bt SlbOI rn '<4'f "93 4f JO (QlW HOUSltG ~ All r ..,,, r\f.ttr •·'••' t1 Uifi. 1n th1 ,. .. _,. , ..ti1rr I"~ \UhJft' t lo 1hfl' f • t1r' ti I "" 14•111\111~ A• t • I l'M ... -. \mttncf,.~t .... t11 ti Ill I ~ t \ 11 II• F. I I 1dvfff h~ll • Ulf ,,, • f, rnt, lt1n1t.t ltnn ut tl1'\(ttnun.-f1ori b.n,.d •O '•t e 1.1•k•t trlt~tun \• • 1'•ttdtl 4l 1.tttUh.el \f 11 I FINANCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES l • Al\j ltcrvel Co. 1n '•ti A ""'' f'll'( ,, ~ ,, .. ,.,.. .. 1• 1 IS 11 1'1 '""'° I TO SAHDI ,,..,._ ..wp.1. ll>il totally rom d M w Nl'I ~nr 1t.;ro;;1';-;;'; '"' Sltlrt'n ~ n 'l/r, ,.,.,,, ,,,,.flt tp ff \ob~ "'~ "-W-t'tyth•ni iirarltlt" "•tLh p I • ti ' P4hU\ Mor9uerite 38t/21o SI~ do!> 5a'3 ~A.,.. S?HS mu 949 PO 1'>9J nrw pa•nl ••P•I S::'100 .,,,.,,,,,. ,,.., ~t~nnrt BUCH llTllAT llTllR HUlllY UNDER SS00,000 AGT. 949-723 8120 Personal Loans (tf fl,•lf•Ul,11 Hf•i(U1 ftl .4,1 1l1 r J H~I rt1 ,.,. f ••tl•• .~ un '¥1'1f1Vblll 2490 I Real Estate Wanted 4255 WANTIO 4 l'UI IN C M UI' TO 5900,000 P'llNC.ONLY AGlNl 949-720 1721 mtt'nhon '' m.ekr •Ill' ...,. It It pp 1 , t-. h l 1 m OCUNFRONT fllll NOT FOR TH( rAINT ,.. Of HlAIT AGT 949 773 8120 Ol'lN SAT 1 S 24 Cotellfno w1h prrl~r•n• • hnut 1 ,1 Al •sc ANi tmtt of d11\c r muu .. lmft •CM/ 0 ._ t la l 6,1, A,''"" h nl ll•IY 41.tr I SOO be: of Newp«t I 7 '~\ ~;~d~m• lht~ MW'P"I>"° ,.,II nnl knu•matlY •· '• 1•t ANTIQUES •ny ac1~,., ft ,f'lfJ\""' fut llvcf., 949 689 SSSJ PLATINUM l'ROl'lRTllS ci.-...ct A--l0<. trl"'"" Mrur tr •••I ~•tAI• wtu<ll " " a....-b$a6e 3010 v1ol•hon ut lh .. ,.,.., Uu "~ •r•d•rs di• h•r•t.y P'otldle i.-ct 14h 1-1 tnlormrtl 11•~1 •II '"'" I p.il•• 1 1<)0d1hunSl'>OO lfllt\ <1dver lts"d 10 rt I .1, 1949) 119 194 l n"'wip .. rttr .,'° '" ... 1.tbff" nn "" flQUdl u""~lffun1ty IDOt 1.aucES 3050 t;,.·~•,. wrL11V1 lo tt1n1pl,un ol di\ t romon1IH1n t All HUD hill h rt 11 I 800 4;>4 8~'l0 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Gf frl9, 1lcf1-hy side, 11> 1, u It l•ke 11t'w S?'IO obo I ~9) 642 716~ f'Vf\ COMPUTERS FOR HOME USE Computer HardWare 3260 HI' Notel>oo6i, 11111 ol IACll IA Y CfNTll b!I I Ir vm• Avtt 11ull v1•w rol 1 n .11• 7 14 S73-77IO Nl'I OfnC( Sl'ACl IHI 0..-Or •14 GuUld f'u1 MdvlllC~ oflu; ~Ml e 6i'05f 949-6h 54,., RltallStom for lease J.. Svh-le~• P11m• l .... ,. Me\a r~I·~ tn..•t""1 "" lllh SI IXX>.1 l6mcl'\ r~m•tn"'l "" if'aY S2IXX> !H'' mo 949 164 'M46 949 795 1999 • ....... .. ......,. •()II' • lhf hnt. new u,mbt' HOMESFORSAI..( $$ CASH PAID $$ drrv• networi.111i ssoo on•u"E 5400 r11m 949 I S7-29U """" Wf BUY ESTAT£8 . ._...... .. ~ ..... 3460 COUNTY JEWMY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS FUTDI" .:~ SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N 2 ...._ ... fovnd on l/3 In fovnt11n V1llty .,.. Clll 114·964 an c-stCot .... _ ... Old Coins• Cold. sllveo ,ewelry wall.he\, anltquo collechl*t 949 642 9448 OFflCE FURNITURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT All ELECTRIC Wtt(El CHAIAS Hew No cotl to you ti el1&lbl11 Medicare a cltpltd Wheekhat" tnd Pow t1th1lrs (scoottt style) "We treat you rlchll" C1H 7 01yt (800)835 3155 (CAL•SCAN) 3110 FOUNO, lllNC luv• ·~· Wlnllrl,..Mtin. dtl•ll•d 4lnc1ipllon. • r-..' at "'" t incl 111m•. p11one • .,., S.t Sil!! l2~ •. c.olof & nna we, 1ty1t fllflon • Mmll ~ t11d Wfleft lotl C.ilt wilt lnro 949 144 2279 011ly be returned by --~ tw '"°'• ltllvktc clft111td 1> *" Wiii 4 dDo Info .. ~ 110 1171 • llMcun ,_..., a..111 . ;' 2 •••• 1111 ~ ~vumsc 10 -I .-c.eifof-wttll • •t•......,. clnaif4'd •d In ltl _..,..,, l450 .. 25 Wllldl. " ei<tllt ......... '"([ llllOf • 111•tit11 ,a ell t J..!I (911)29 tot~ (911)29 IOll .... ul KM! COlll (CN.•ICM) \ II 11111 I •r•t Fii - Balboa T-c.w::J' •• Leta Dnll °'4*• a wVe liVl111y home Sl.JIOW> l..uuitod on one ol the nl('MI ,..,.,rotuxh '" e-. r ~ oppor1tnty b wwlnw1t OI dl• .. !qJllMll left 9cabs. a.. ~ !W!!y ~ Balbol Island SO. IAYflONT HOM( W"HDOCll. AOl. CAJOl H.UVlY t4t-•7S-S714 • llAllTlfUl • Ortmahc Spydau Hill e11c:11llve hol!W' No u pense w•i tpartd r 1bulous Ocnn v,.w, 4Br Offe1ed1t Sl.695,000 S.ller bouaht 1nolht1 home M11st Sell ~l.&.r,lllr t4t-J7'-SS7' • flHHOVSI Sl(LUOIDlllTllAT AMAllMONKI AOT.f4t.na UIO cm.._ ,_llSTAUS PAflKltl9'0al MTMMIWtM USA ...... .._.,., ... e=ttrt••-· Nini I.Ml• tlACMCOTIAel 1'7 VIAllOU ht 1•1.a.2 , • .,.~ • ltll c~ JS lot •t--Sll0.000 °" 644·1 \ <:M9 71!"> Jl'Mi l'llMl lSTATIS l'AflltCll TlNOll NA TIONWIDl USA 949-8S6 9705 www pdlrtLkl~norr 1 nm RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSALf Desert Property 5960 Pol"' Deser t l'olm Volley CC, /br i'b11 1 nndo, &al~c1 vaul l••h rnudyd 7 l a•r SulJf'rb tnnd' Clo!.e to P<IUI club hie Own •&I S272 000 1'111 f llfTOW 96 Jl1-0'Jl? MISCEUANEOUS ROOALS Rentallo Share 60.10 NI S"°"• 48r 21/11• Townhou~ w/I penon 1ar11~ w/d. S700m incl utds Mo~~ 949 120 0809 Rooms tor Rini &OotO NI/<><•-VI-roomi Orunfrunt 22"d pvl t m. unfu<n, shart ba. 1111, pd n/5mk1, ~itch enelte. lndry, I block lo Newport Pier S69S/mo Celt S•m al 949 278 7905 (betwee2 9' ~el AESIOENTIAI. RENT AL.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY . l it, 28' 2-cw .-. I doon from So Batfronl, uppe1 umt, ~m bakony Sl700fmo 310 S56 547S a HOUSH flCNa WA· Ttl I & 2bt 2bt apt flll. lot\ of s.lor•ce. yily IH SlllOO/mo 949 675 t 779 .... ,.. .... ,. lu • ury r • t "'' n"'"" "' ea., 949-44S 9913 31r 2lo ....... r 11 17,._.1 I yr''~ 94':16~1144 l il'U)n Aho LWh't , • .., I I C rt 7b •t b k d-1 HNlltOa VfEW HOMES lt!i lll.t MW lMVf'I & 0 'f" •w ou 1 • ,. a<. YM <" ll·"•'li:t' ~·r poul I l<Xkl I hlk 1va.t.1ble aft.., I ?U"OJ b :Iba w ~" • r., ~ .. ~··• SllUlm 9'19 11'> l'>I l trom bJlk bay N·• ""'I f>lo,ds.f' ~"• 949 /';~ 37'& ,_.P ne•I '" .,.,.,. wrt. :stir 2..sM B< ao<1 ,...w lau ~ .. SI 100 mo <}ot9.E,44 Hill hr _. S2'lOO m" ~ mo ~~I IS.'() lMRlf lW.>.t /1 &"' t ----Udo hie ib' 'It~ .. ~ blur k ltum Pih Mthltk.t BAYFRQNT palt fp I ~·· r·~w U'ilXJ mr. '61 94 S 1()11 llo<>• & I> ""I SI '00 mu •••• Gro .. vllle \n~t Community rr•z •··"· 'M\I Ii,~ 11"'* Private Tutoring 7990 I JOBS WANTED • Employment ary dePasale, M.. Wanted ''"'¥ del•rh lb• 't .. 1 ll t1:~.u R•trd t omm ~·""' I l•• SJ600mo I ?mu 1,~ I l;,drll %2.4:5a'81 •201 41r 38o c-SM.-.. 8200 LJ., #4¥\1111. tiWfkt1•t-I T• "'""" w ,....,...,, v-. Pool "4)d wd 1N•n1Ained •nd upd•l~d n pets \mitt\ S71XXlm ~ 949 M 37'.IJ CostaMesa u~21r 11oc.... ( Side .. J p. pY1 y1rll .u .. smal cnmple• ol <tnly 4 IHllh w pool lndry IM: ' olltS!de \tO<~ 141 ~tdy Id~ '149 6~ ">114.aet 28t'• w ·ear SI095 mo & 1 I r'• from $85~ mo '" tovrlt cated comm n~•r lr• Squ•re h1d41• Indy fal!l1ly Klton Mnel P.71 704 8649 • 9200 ('1lcfe CM 18r llUt\t t0lt'1i:e pvt (lard~n 17 J I 1 Patme1 Av.ii 7 15 SI 150 m 949 6.!1 JIOO ......, .........., 2llr llw . &r<YI 'il:hool SlZlO • SID> ~ waar JM11. no ll'!tl.. ~ 9"9-574.5(8) ('11"9 Sfl. complettly rrmod~led 2br lb• bee~ hse, new crpt p11nt' k11/ba · 217 E 20th •B •at s 1575 949 378 8999 lbr I bd CJ.Rt. We!.tside ClA ~...: ~ ,., carM>lrt pr. Wnd. yd.. <UAHI sum ~9ll w 2Dtli Sl Biol 9913 Jltr 2.S ... tew""-••• 2 c ,.,. tp •d llll11p, formal d111. yd. maid •11 SI 750/mo 949 293 4631 c. 2llr Z.Sba ~ S\o4dtlh _,, f)lltlo. . l c ,.,.oonwn~ 181 SlMno 9&293 rsw. 9r 2.!ibl T'°"""' 2r 111 .. szm.n yrfy -~ ... em..= ,,,,,. 3 9864f Lmftrllt 1w ft.. , .......... Suf*' nice! New carp/ r1nt. patio. 16" ltufld 1495-+ .,.,, 191 "'" sf~d 81" 949 645 9913 ....... .._.c...,..ar1•/1M 2 c 1er. tot.I ,.,..... bud\ & ttM~ Pf' $2llOCl,'mo M9 "4 2 ....,... ..... -··---· OHllOOK~A .war.._ con MU ,....., ... ludl , ... "'-. w.-t• Ckun,5-sa...S ..... _ ... bl ... .,_ 2" •• INt~A,,......_ "' ...... "947.UOJOs ... 713-MJD . I lessorn In Yovr HOITM' lntroduct ~°"' rh41d to !ht jO) of nM™< (949) 673-2174 949 813·2246 FIND Wedding ~4. ~A ~ t• Ac.c uoho .,,, rlit. Vr'' l"•Vd 1mpul.r '~lll\ & .., lU.S. CW°'f' 'W) ~ ~ 8500 lAt •, Al\j 1 G.n.1111 Offke Aul.- ·ltlo.~ , w ..... 1 ., •• w • t ,., wt • it ·~"'1 c..t ~ ""-~•I ~ " ••• rl!"UTll' l':l P,7ol'I GOVE Rr.,.,.t ~ l JOO N • h111011: '"' W.t..11olr I <nl•I ~-1n~1n~ 1 , ~loaht••"' P 111.. ot ful-t"1w T.... llMhi• It• "' SAOI'. 1u1 I .0111 N •t••1t<1I RMlll Nrwpor1 '"'"'"l Mun I r • '••m tkh c .... a1 l~ Ii Mo' 101•m •\I I K04 •t.4 ''l"""'"'r pref,..rt"1 r •• 1 K'1'< l ••I J ........,.. ,,, Hl ~I ~Jf; CAt •sCANJ erfs ~aderJ in ~aJeach, Corona le/£, ~mporl G«UI, Go.ti a !l/Usa. · 7Jon 'I miss oul on this chdnce lo promole l!Xpglise in I/US fr~!JJ \ 29, 2()()3 9nnr> , .r.VfAJ . 20, 2003 " • A10 Monday, January 13, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS .1 Fllllliy ,...,_ :~~ 12 TV'Uillwi(e\le 13 Not CIO ' 14 OIKll lor fil (2WCll) 18 -& The GtnQ 11 s~ llOUt'Cll 19 ~'ti2wcts) 21 MN tra«lkS 22 Ore depoistt 2S PC allematlYea 25 Bruoe'aex 27 Alrpon -nl.S 31 Pouring •Id 35~0(8ruoe 3e. Upnghl . 38 AciJM -Dav" 39 Brea~..,.., 41~ 0 8riclg1t wtdol1 44 Ftom Hong Kong 4& ArisloCle's lellOher 48 Agl1l8r pil04 49 Toobuay 5 I Hardware ~ams 53 Sl<l 1111 (hyph.) 55 Stepped ort 11 56 Hindu pt1ncess 59 Aowaty monlll 8 ! ReclOIOl1ng e6 F111 ee Ina while 911 Ftelgtllef ha2aRls 70 Got latgcr 11 na 72 Sil down 73 Bllu!ul tpOl 7 4 Sigh ot COl'll8lll DOWN I Colnreeei-2 T-la .... s Dell meat 4 Bfiel not• (2wds) 5 (lfOIM1ded bird 8 Alll'lOllC. In 7~al't 8 Caahgiv. 9 Pecan oonleclilon• tOHunt~ 81f0f I 1 Audb'I 8houl 12 Alias t?>Bomaa 18 Col'W ridge 20 Keep 24 Go donnanl 26 Larve cup 27 Islamic deity 28 Be ltUgal 29 Oki kecpsalco 30 Snake covenng 32 Mol#ltaln 33~ 3" Bowing Bley 37 ~ car:i... 40Tr._ 42 R~(2Wda.) 45 Bird beak .. 7 Follow Olders so Hunlef'a wea1 52 Ukralnjan port s.. Mountain cnain 56 Joplin genre 57 From. Automobiles Automotive 9000 9004 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QU12. Q I · Vulnerable, you hold: •AKHJ ~AKQ54 o 7 •112 Your nght-hand opponent opcm the bidding with ooe club. What action do you take? A -If you have !lOme bid in your lll'Mlnal to <JeM;ril)e a powerful two- suitcd hand. by all means make iL 1f oot, ~imply ovcrcall one spade. plan- ning to show slrength by Jumping in hearts at your next rum. i necessary. Sl.oce ll\OOublf woo.Id suggest a three-suited .hllnd. YOll. will probab(y waste space uyioi to gat.both your suits intn che 11ucuoo IAtcr, so ig~ that option. Q 2 • Both vulnemble. as South you hold: • 10 ··• A K 9 5 4 ) 10 9 5 • AK J 8 The biddio11 has proceeded: SOlffll WFSI' NOR'm EAST I" · I• Pai l"-7 What l'lCUOn do you take'? A • Whether or not you play nega- tive double., you should take the '3Jl'le.' COllfl>;C by reopc11111g with a double. II !oeelll.'> ccnain that Nonh hlll> 'pode length but might nol have been able to double becnu~ the qualny wa.' not good enough. Whtie tht: douhle 1s. <~'ten~ihly, for u1k~'Ol.lt, you will he quite happy if panncr convert' to flenaltie' bcca~ of your c:Jcfen.'i vc IL'-'CL•. Q J · Ea\t· WcM vulnerable, M South you hold: • 6 l A K 8 2 Q J Ill 6 J • Q 10 lne biddrng has proct>.eded· mrm WEST NORTH EAST I I'll.-. I• f'as-. Wha1 do you hid now'? A -II rn1gh1 ~m that 11o1.o diamond\ '' 11hviou,, srnce the hand is not good enough to rc~cr.c into two hc.irt' I lt1we\cr. wr wgge\I you bid one no Lrump dc.,p11c holdrn!! only 3 \C:'011-\10pper in dub\ With \UCh a dead n11111mum. do nothin~ tn cntoumgr panncr by making .111> rebid that 'U!l8C'15 11 bcltcr· th..111 111111 1mum hand or J good \Uil Q 4 -A~ South. \ ulJlerJblc ;w hold: • t 5 ti A 7 61 (> 10 l t. A K 7 61 The bidding has Dt'OCCCded: WEb'T NOllTII KAST SOUT'H I• .._ 2• .... .... Dbl l'llilt 7 What do you bid now? A· Why didn't Nonh. who obviou.~­ ly has no grca1 •pade length, duuble on the first round'? The oovious 1111Swcr is thal North was not strong enough since you are looking at 11 prime polnl.S and I.he opponents should have a combmed 19 or 20. However, partner's double does promlse lleai:b, :.a take out to !bat suit al thie three-level. Do ooc even think of~ or bidding again on this aucuoo. Tbcrc arc just too many IO!iet'S foe the fonner and, should the opponcnu; compete with three spades, you have no safoty in bid- d'ing on Of any ceruinty of defeating the opponents to make 11 greedy dou· ble. Q S • Neither vulner.iblt, a.~ South you hold: • Q J ti K 8 6 5 ~ K 10 9 1 • Q 9 8 The biddin1t ha.s proceeded; NORTH • E.As1' SOUTH WEST I<>• ..... ~ What do you bid now'! A • If you J>lar tha1 the jump raise " invnauoruil. bid three heans. lf you play it II.\ forcing, you must tcmpr nu with u buJ uf 1wo iliamot'kh, prep.!mtory to nu~rnl! hc:an_, at your next tum. Q 6 • Boch vulnerable. a> South you hold· •8J A86Sl AK S •Q9J The bidding has pnx.-cedcd NORTH EAST SOUTH WFSf I • f>llss I f>asi. 4 ,_ ? What do yoo bid now' A • It t~ !l""Mblc, though C\U\'.nlCl)' unlikely, tha1 you have '"'" fw.1 ~pddc lo-.en. on the hand To 11:11 panncr you h:t~c 'lam intcrc'L l'UC bid Ii vc Wllffil>nth rather tbdll a.'k for ace~ -you would not I.now whut IO do ~hould partner announ..c one lll:C 111 rc<-pon..c 10 Blockv.nod GOVERNMENT JOBS Wildlife and Postal 48K • per year full bi;nel1ts Paid tram1n& No e.pe roence necessary For application and eum calf toll tree I ·888· 778 4266 •850 (CAL "SCAN) wort. ,,._ .__ '500- Sl5rono PT 3-5 IYM. S2500-Sllmno ~ IY/ ...... Free Brodue 'i!T1 951-RCH n SA&IS '" l.OS(:31e baby/ ch1ldrens store rn NPB Team player who h~e~ lo de!Mgn & sell Saldry plus boru'> & med ~1 EXPRESSWAY SlS SIOO sign on bunus1 Must have 2 yea1s Over lhe Road e~1>eroenle with a Clas• A COL 800 83~ 9471 (flatbed) 866 313 0478 (van) (CAL "SCAN) Audi •99 A4 2.a 99k Automotive 9004 Automotive mr metallic green/erey --------9004 Automotive frOflt Office P /T Per fee t f or a tollege student or a rein ee• BUSY N~wport Beach Marona and Manulac lured Home Community OH1ce needs a weekend tounlerpcrson Broad vanely of indoor and outdoor duties lncludl!s sales. admrnoslr alive wor~. and dealing with resrdenh FAX resume to (949)673 4486 or apply rn person to OeAnza Bayside Vollaae. 300 E Coast Hwy., Newpor1 Beach, CA 9'2660. Receptl-lat f /T Tue.- Sot. Bu$y phones. MS Office and phone skills Restaurant eip a• Fax resume lo 949-642-0674 or call 642 7880 b~lore 5 MAKE XTU SSS GARY's Meo s clottima store lot rn F nh Is Ii currently hrr for Pl cash1en. Must be able to work F rr eves, Sat's & Sun For rnlf"r Call Robb Cl•lborne 949· 759 I 622 Servtce DlredllfY ··NOT E TO AO£RS California law re· quwes that contrac.· tors takln& job~ that total S500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors Sble lttense Boa•d State law also requrres 1!111 contractors Include therr license numbe• on 11n adWtlrsrne You Cln check the status of you• licensed con t ra c l ot al www.cslb.ca gov or 800-321 CSL8. Unli cen.sed contractors taklnJ jobs that total fess than S500 must stale 1n their advertisements that they are nor hc;ensed by the Contratto" State l rc:ense Board " Qwldthellrs Pre, b cel, 411 W--4 Pre<"•'"t· v-..,,, ........... t4t·760--I02S M._I .......... ........... --5 ~ /Ml I Remodrll AdlllilN. •taw•oMD'n tlllll'!'ffr"? ~m C..•*' JOIN OUR TE AM and make a drfference In the Cahfor111a Army National Guard you can get money 101 college and career lra1n1ng Call I 800 CO CIJARO (CAL •SCAN) llhr, CO. mnrf. fully loaded. like new v624521 Sl4,995 Im & warr avail Bkr 949 ·586 · l888 w-.ocpat.l.com BMW '9S 5401 IOOk m1, black/blk. be .. ut1lul orremal cond lonanlm& & Wd,, avail v'249762 $10,995 Bkr 949 S86 1888 BMW '95 74011 allver, immaculate. 7811 mo, e•I Chrrl•r Von '96 Town & Country LXt white/ arey llhr, 1mmac cond CO. dr1ves like new. boolls snoo 949-350-~ ford bPorw Sf-1 "99 Bladl W/grey lnlEnJr Creal ~ Vt¥y Cleoo Wd marolained Power lock., WW1110w$. Cl> pla~ SlO~ 949-574-4241 war r non/smkr, 122.000 fo.-d '96 hplo.-er Sport obo (949) 642 2165 eves Al, mnrl cc. pearl blk/ BMW 740i '98 whole/ ery llhr 16445 #452136 bi.ck. loaded. 6311 m1, Costa Mesa °" 91961&782'2. GPS, Lhrome wheels $2.8.<XXl/Obo. 949 760-al98 ford '96 Mustang Convt 471i '"'· ea• ~ged. CAD Eldorodo '96 n c. CO, new CR 17" llfn 69ti m1, Bo:.e. audio. 12 $11.900 949 673 5624 CO player Provale Party $12.900 949-673 5614 fMd '94 Mustang red Codlllo< '8 I Eldorado V6. 5spd. su11er clean, $399!> v•2l 5489 Costa looks & drives nice, Me$a Dir 949 646-7822 $1475/obo #754896 Costa Mesil 13" 949-64&782'l. FoaD TH .. K NEW. 4 Chevrolet '96 CcamOt'o ~l&'l!f, whrte. sales tu Con v , 81 a c k 6c y I, & license paid S5<XX>/obo loaded $6445 •953268 818 952-5250 r.osta Mesa °" ~78'll CHEVY MONTI CM.O 1IO G milllls, o.-111"81 OWIW. nrar classlc, weat c.ond $.'llXl 949~777 CJrr.lw '97 OmlS Beaut loolo.s & drllleS 1111.e, Al. M:. . CC. PW S44h'lb> v3Zl!HI CM C. 91&64&'18:ll FORO THtHk NEW. 4 p.1\Sanger, wllrte sales ta• & lteense paid S5<XX>/ubo 818·952 5250 Fa.I> THINK NEW. 4 ~.white. '5oales t.u & lrcense paid. SS<XX>/obo 818952 5250 Ford '96 Wlndstor Cl 7 pass. red, AC. fully loaded, runs & lolii.s eP'Jd, S4775 vn31587 Costa Mesa 0-~7822. Jeep '95 Gr.,.f Cherok~ LTD 4x4, VS, wht/lan ~ S7!mlobo #51.wll Costa Mesa c. 949-64&782'l. leaus'98 lX 470 lrnrnaculate Black/tan llhr, all one. books, S33.900 949· 350-5202 M o&cla '99 M lato Conv 3'1k mr , auto, red/ black int & top beautiful orig cond, v597241 $10.995 fin & warr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.ocpob!.<om Mercedes Bena '90 300E 2 6 Bl.ck/Ian lllir. snrf. nlre car $5225 v'2340l J Costa Meu Dir 949 646-7822 Mercedes '97 9-320( Gotaeous. b4ack/bll lttv. $19.995 \1#521254 ea.ta Me~ Dir 949-646 7821 Merced" Ina '82 310 SH updated options te$lored 1n & oul, mmt cond $62(Xl 714-222-U.O MercedH '97 C280 Goreeous. 72k m•. I • owner, fullv loaded book$/records. mnrf. SIS 225 v#215485 Costa Mesa Dir 949 646-7822 . ~ERVICE Carpet Repalr~les Computer Servtces c....,... ........ Sollw.ire/ -nCARPETo CARPETu Hardware Installation, Repairs. Patcl11ne. Install ~e:::,~9=\4-~ Courteous. any size tobs Whole.ule! 949-492-0205 Concrete & MasoNY Computer Semces lrtdt llodi Stone Tile Conaete.. Patio, Driveway flr119k;, BBQ. Refs 25Yrs Eap Terry 714.557.7594 T'•C•.,...,tM- Cemcntwork, Brick, Tiie & More. Rthable. No 1ob too sm'll 714-615-9062 I 01 YOUIHOME IMPIOVEMENT ... OJICTl Call• plumbe•. painter, h1ndyman, or any of Ille arut servius listed here In our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI WlTIHOln DIYWAl.l All phHU slTl/111 lot>s CUANI 20yrs,ifalt. lr1t est L4CXXXli 7111~1447 eom,.is.ntca Bectrlcal SeMces Smoll Jot. E...-rtl Ounun Eleetnc 20Yrs hp Local/Quiet. Response S«Y!al/Remodeh L#275870 9$650 7042 UCENSlD CONTltACTOl No ~ too sm M servicesf Repau. remodel. flf1$, Sf!• MW SVC 949-645-3666 AoorlnWJ!le QJSTOM otlAlM TU lnstabbon, sltlt:t.. llllnllTMC, marble. stone. E.-197S U'612044 Jeff 714-612 ·9961 llAICY Sil9WWS Repend Rearoulm & Installation TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 llf604.l25 714-88>2031 .0 ...... ,, .... ,, ... Prop1e1lion. P1u111ni & Buiklrna Small Projects $15·'20/hr 949 515-8824 DlnyW~·wpe- Storm Clean ui-. Tree Prurnnc. Mekltenaoc.t. lnslalalions, lfrlptloo, Troub!eshootills. Repth & IJl>lredes 714-JIS-2828 I "Haw us do yoi.r 0:1}: Work- L-Terre• l-cf.cope ~.mwrt. tree tr1mrnrC & Installation. 25 Yrs up Llc/rnsured 949·s.c3·4363 Tree Service, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Sprinkler Reparr, Hauhn& (949) 650-1781 GF.NEIAL IFJIAll "IWN'llX\NCE • lltsiclcnlDI * CcmJm:ial No Job 1bo Small ( Dave Bamlltoa 949-322-8292 MercedH '99 C230 liompressor, 6?11 mr, non/$mkt, lutluy loaded, $16.995 v•521332 Costa Meu Olr 949 646 7822 Merced" ·as 1901 2.3 AT AC. 'nrl super Lledn. new tw~ . nrce C••. $2495,v•628173 Costa Mesa Olt 949-646 7822 Menedff '93 3001 l.2 blaGk. eoraeous. snrl. ttJw. 1>e1ut1ful S8995 11521325 Costa M5a tt 96646-78'l2. M•nedH '96 U20 7\k mo, whtle/oalm•al llhr, snrl, CO buutrlul oroe cood, v459621 $18,995 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.o<pobl.com Merced" '18 300Sl Go<aeous, Blue/blue llhr S4995 #215215 Costa Meu Dir 949 &46 782? Meratdes '99 S320 LWI 28k m1, full fact warr, black/blk, CD, chrome Whls. aa•a&td, n/smkr, lrke new , v852621 S31 ,995 fm .. va1I Bkr 949 586 1888 -.o<pot.l.<Ofn Nluan '93 Altlma GXE •ulo. clean. looks/drives pert $3985 v•846548 Costa Me!;a tt 911Mi46-1822 HandymalV Home Repair 20 Y-.-. ef 0-11.., cnrtts-.Jtlp Ud6741U (94') 650-9525 Mark Hauling JUNK TO THl DUM,111 714·968-1882 AVAILABLE lOOAYI 949-673-5566 Haiti & Beauty leH .. to 20•s pw M•fltlt, triple your eneray. Ottfy SH.95 Cati Lisa 949·645-6677. Halse Cleaning ~ Cleanl"I Serv. Coqillte home & ofc Fre& est Sent al OC. 714-542·3473 714-786-1101 t-·· ,_.,_ House 0..W. lotil Nil awn llJC>. ,, wet1I <b1I ~ -flt ,.. 9&C71-74.'M MMiolsa. HST MOVHS $St/Hr Mlfvina 111 clti.s In.sured last, courteous, cerefl.rl Tl63844 80().246·2378 Home-- PHILWS .AUTO IMWJlll~'tS B*k w/Black Interior· low Mllt:sl •l81a5l $11,98>.00 J..,_XISC-. 2+2-.s Bl itktt Reclnfl Gr"'1 with Creme l.Htl\er. Low Milbl~yl # Ul.96eC $18.890.00 Fent•...-.. C...,..''9 V6 Lt, 5.speec1. t/t, co plapr·M po-. #18560 $9;980.00 JofiuslUSC...,..'89 'Jery Rare V12-Low Miles! Immaculate Coupe! •184n ss.980.00 Penct..911T-.. C...,..'IO This Is 1 rant fuldl Nice, Well m91ntarned 911 Coope!I #18646 $16,980.00 Mll300CE Coupe '92 White w/Ctey l eather. This Is one rare WIZ 4 Coupe! A Beauty! #18771 Sl4,!8>.00 IMW 740I S.-. '91 Immaculate white w/vey Leather 8eautrful #18730 $29,911> 00 i.. .... LS400 S.cbt'97 Thrs Is a Creal luxury Sedan Pr!CA!d to se>U FAST #183431 $21,98000 Mere ..... lens C230 s.cbi '02 Bia<;k Beauty! Hurry for this Ofll!· Warranty •18869 S22.980.00 Mil U20 Mdao '96 Pm feet While w/leather. Lew Moles! •18600 $19,911>00 IMW Z3 R"°""'w '96 Shu1ey Red w/Blac.A weal ronvetllblet Mu•t-1 •18770 $l3.91Kl 00 BMWMOCI Coupe '9S !'hrs rs urie nl(.e, r a1 e BMW Coupe low m1lesl •1~7 S29.980.00 JeepWr .... '99 Red w/1 dn lntr:rlOI 6 cyl 5 'P'!td # l8933C $13.91Kl 00 949-574.7777 PHad'S AUTO .<- Dally Pilot -AllDlnatiVI . '* BOAT REPAIRS/ NI•-'17 St•aa OXI •ulo, loolll • ruM perf. N:.. PW. POL, ..,ctml'• CM, fl445 ""215489 Costa Mesa Dir 949·646·7822 CMtlNIMl'11e '95 Aw«• VS, lmmec, fully loaded ltl\r 84~ mi, 1522.S v#l434720 Costa Mese Dir 949-646· 7822 ....... ·-ff 't7 4.6 HSE, 60k ml, melallk: d•rk areen, oatmeal ltbr, 18" whls, fabulous nr f1bulou1 cond, Sl8,995 firm ••265124 fln/watr av1il Blr.r 949·586-1888 SAAi '91 900S Red/ crey lthr, AT, A/C, perfect cond, · top Incl, S4995 v•215845 Costa Me,_ Dir 949-6.46-7822. AND ~ s.tvf• 'tS SU Red, 5 OICDUll'C~ apd~_•m·fm cu.1, 4dr. IJl.ll•~ $22!KI v'215458 Costa •••••••••""':'' Mm Dir 949 ~-7822 BOATS SUPS/ ,, ............ c-Qkh.. mobiM Roy• '81 ~Int ..... MOORINGS/ ~::-~~ LAUNCHING/ vetv. ·u 140 Twt.. lntercoolet, 2.20k ml, sunroo!i ~Int, run.s 1ood $900 ~9°640-7660. CASH fOR CAaS We need your eer. paid tor or llot Phillips Auto Ast\ for Malcolm 949-574-7777 WANTID 2002 Holiday Celebratron IAllllE 949-574 ·4247 STORAGE · IOAf SUP for sub I .. , > J 75tt, Ftb·Ma~, NewpOft ~ • BHch, S23 per ft .. 11._ 1lectrk:ty. 9ot9-640-0SSl -· --------..·...._~'···- SELL your stuff through classified! STARTING ANEW BUSINESSrr • • • • • • • • • • • 17'< l.tgal Drpartmnrt at th< D111f] J>iltit u p!lllJtd 14 dnMt111ff " llfll' tm'lft now at1i2il4bli 14 lllU! bunMStS We wiU /IQW SF.ARCH tht 1111mt for JO" JJ IW txtra rJwit, anJ SIW yo11 iM 111111 anti tht trip 14 tht Cuurt Ho11Jt in Sanw AM. Thm, of <OllT!t. afitr tht 1t111rh u compltuti wt will Jilt your fat111ous bwmm llillflt narrmtnl u~ih tht C.ounlJ CM. pubhsh onu 1 Wttk for fqu.r wttks llJ rrq1J1rrti '1] l.iu• a"'1 thtn fik your proof of pub/1wwn with tht C.o1111ry CM. PltilSt stop b] ro jilt JO"' fatmuw bwtlltfS flllttmmt at rht DailJ /11/f)t 330 ~ Bay )1, Cana Mtw. If )Clfcannot stop by. pltllSl azll 11.1at 19-191642-13!1 ~Ult u•1U 1114lt ammgrmmo for .'fO" t.o N.nJlt 1h11 proadurr b] ""1ll /f10u ihoultJ luwt .iny forthn qumu11u. pftJSt caJl ui .zrui wr u1U IN morr than g'4J 14 llJSUI you ( JQ(I/} /Jilk tn )C"' llfll bwintU.1 Daily A Pilot ·'Employee.·· "Empleado. •· ''ArbeitnPh mer. .. Employe . ., . ......., ..... ...... 1-866-946-3257 TOUAIEE Moving I StDr'llf PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Pubhc Uhlities commission requires that all used household aoods move" print ltieir P.U.C Cal T number: limos end chauffeurs pron\ their T.C.P. number in 111 adver · tlsements. II you tiave 1ny questions 1bout th• f•aa lit y of a movu, tlmo o f cheuffeur, cell: PUB· LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714-558· 4151 Music ./'Music Class • !Jfor Children· run Mirna! Eipcriena for .iga 4-11. SirlJ. dana . llJ(ftl &I learn 'Jllunday afmnooru. Winier lnlron mm J;111 ?th. For '"fo aall 714 549.9301 Palltlng C"-t'• ~ 'llY'r$ e;a;p Great Price! Cuannteed work Free est 1.#375602 714 538 1534 7.390.2945 lll"S WSTOM PA.Wl'ING Prorl, clean, quaHty won. lnteilof/ut and docks. l•703468 949-631-4610 UINIOW ma.I MMfT Painllna-w.ta•l lbae/Aot Quality job! Free tslrmatt U569897 714·636~ HOUSi IU!.PAlN11NC a WOOD tlNISHJNC ~:,. 949 ( NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. We o.ls should h•na toaether. Strip, hsbil "IV Ed plint llMce lo the r:nit'/ 6'Bfl6 D Ql1 aJIS4 THISTinnHi Speclalizlna in W111p1pr Remool Ll58824l 949-360-12ll W!Mow~