HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-14 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 T\JESDAY,JANUARY14,2003 JO"' .. E'-'"' ;;,A { P o· A couple walk along the ridge of the Newport Back Bay, where the crty might build a boardwalk to keep people away from the protected habitat Trampled under foot City Council wiJl consider two environmental plans, one caJJing for a boardwalk through thP Back Bay. Big Canyon Creek is also targeted . June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Pedestn· ans who for years have blazed muls through the Back Bay have contributed to a problem that could cos! mill10ns to foe. The City Council today will con· sider rwo arnbitJous enVJronmental res1oration projects. In their study session, council members wiU h ear a presen!ation on a plan to restore the wildlife habitat m the of Back Bay and even create a boardwallc for pedestrians. Then, in their reguJar meeting. they will vote on whether to award a $110,000 con· tract. paid by a state grant, to Community C.on<>ervancy lnterna· tional to study and plan possible environmental remedies for Big Canyon Creek. "To m e, the great thmg about both projects is the combmation of good pubhc access with good hab1· tat restoration,· Assistant C1ry Manager Dave Ki ff said. The Back Bay work would help restore the habitat of the endan- gered least terns and o ther animals that have been nudged out by pe· QUESTION ? 11 • bo•rdwtllk •long the S.d< Bey nece1sary7 Call our • Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dsi/yp1/ot ,0>/st1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for venfication purposes only deslrtam. who use "illegal" trails created by foot traffic. The board· walk would take pedestnan~. b1cy· chsts and horseback riders off sen· siuve habttat and keep them on existing trails and the new board· walk. The elevated walkmg platform would be two miles long. stretch· mg from University Avenue to 23rd Street It would proVJde acces'> to the bluff tops. but not down to the shoreline. It could also have VJew· ing platforms. bird-Viewing blinds and 'l1gns with informauon about the local environment. Official!) say they can't yet e ... 11 mate the total cost of the three phJ~e pro1ect. but the first ph~e alone 1s estimated at near)\ S4 mil lio n. · If the c1ry moves ahead with the pro1ect, a portion of the monev could come from Orange Count) which got the funds as pan of the American Trader Oil Spill !>ettle· menl. Council members will de· c1de dunng their study session See TRAMPLED, Pa&e A4 New attorney says DNA points to Rodman as attacker $10-miJlion civil suit brought against former Los Angeles Laker by former actress goes to trial next inonth. D11pa Bharath Daily Pilot man of raping her could well belong to the former NBA superstar, her attorneys said Monday. Tma New, a fonner actress and aspir· ing model. filed a SlO·million civil law- suit against Rodman in August 2000. She claims that on the evening of Aug. 20, 1999, Rodman forcibly took her to his Seashore Drive home, where he drugged and raped her. she has said. Rodman h& not onty derued the alle· gation repeatedly, but has said under oath that he had never met New. "I'm going to state on the record tha! I don't know Tina New,· he had said dur· ing a deposition. ·I've never seen this woman ... The onty time I ever een this girl is on Tv. That's it.· New's clvU case is set to begin in Feb· ruary. Stephen Tornay, had a saliva sample taken from Rodman a few weeks aso. "The results show that there LS a one in 10,000 chance that 11 wasn't Rod· man.· said Traut, lead attorney on the case. "Which in simple terms. means there is a very, very good chance he did it." Traut said the final tests will stack up much more dramatic odds against Rod· man. District trying to boost TV presence School trustees will discuss how to get meetings and district information broadcast to Newport Beach homes ~ore effectively. Deirdre N'ewman Daily Pilot :'\F\\PORT-\IESA -Eleven dayc, Thdt., hov. long '\ewpon Beach re..1dent!. have to wan to c,ee a broadc~t of the la'>t ..chool board meeting. rhat\ because the d1'>tnct doe'> not have a dedicated edu cauonal pubhc access channel in thl' city, as It does m Costa \le~ Tonight tru.,tees wtl.I discus.s ho" to mere~ the d1stnct's T\ presence in '\ewpon Beach. To do '>0 ~teve Glyer. director of educauonal technology. will '>Ugge'>t obuumng a dedicated access channel fro m Adelphia Sy<>tem!> and Cox Commun1ca· lions. Currently. Newpon Beach l'> work.mg on a franchi!>e agree ment v.1th the rwo comparues. "With that acces!'>. we would be able to do real-rune broad· cast.s of board meeungs and '>hare educauoniiJ informauon w the communm as a whole C..lyer '>Clld :'l;e\" tr\l'>lee Tom ~an brought up the lad.. of alee~ m Newpon Beath dunng the last board meeting fo get the meet. mg., brocldca'>t m '\e"pon Beach no\' a d1..,1nn employee has to bnn.: a tape 10 \delph.ia m 'ianta See DISTRICT. Pace A4 QUESTION 7 How imporunt 11 it toh~• Newport-Mesa • school bo•rd mMti"9• bro•ckast live7 Call our Readers Hotfine at (949) 642 -6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1/01 a lst1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for venficat1on purposes only NEWPORT BF.ACH -Preliminary lab tests reveal that the DNA on the clothes of a woman who accused Dennis Rod· The Conner Chicago Bull and Los An· geles Laker grabbed her "by her hlps and legs, ripped (her) clothing off and began physically throwi.ng her around,· Rodman agreed to give New'<; attar· neys a DNA sample to carry out the testing. New's attorneys, Eric Traut and ~The person who is domg the testing fl.E Pt()TO I DM.Y PILOT See ONA. Pq1 M Tina New dunng the Enc Bechler tnal. THE VERDICT When Newport Beach was in the hands of a few T he hoopla over some election shenanigans reminds me of a time when city government was much lower ke}' M I have told a numbet of times. because of a dangerous aftuation in Green River, Wyo., my parents put me on the train at the age of9 or 10 and ahlpped me to Belboa to Uve with my liater Jaee and her husband, Dick WhfCJOn, • Mer that. I apent at least u mud\ time wlth them u with my folb, and I came to worthip Olck. a big. handlolne guy=waa kMd by eva,.._. He WMhinl IMdUnel a awt1'le for Vopl. and l I I swear. some people bought two Just because they liked Dick so much. ln those days. the dty was run by a amall group. If you belonged to the group. you were tn. which meant lfyou had a need for somethin& fJOm the ROBERT d ty, It WU panted. GARDNER ir you dkln't belona, you could appear . befotetMryClty Coundl ~ tntery edmin'9tntMt ~ 8ll out every paper given you. and you would get no place. The "boss• of the dty was Uoyd Claire. Uoyd was the head of the American Legton. He never be.Id an elected or appointed position in the d ty. but be krpt everything moving. every mom.Ing he'd amble into City Hall and check ln at each department. ending up at the city cleric's. Prank R1nebart wu the clerk. and be was the Ylafble man.Ui lion of Llo)'d Claln!'a lnvtstb&e bUt YftY re.I power. Whenewr I think of Pranlt. 1 mvltlon Owlet I>lc.Urw' Uriah Heep; He bad thb eoft. UDCtUOW manner and waa eJway. ~ .. hl.nda. ll )'OU wanted something done, you went to Frank. Fortunately for my career, Dick was pan of the in group. He was on the Oty Council. elected by the b plunllty in the history of the city. funher attestin8 to bis amazing populari~ Because of Dick. and a1ao because I had grown up in the dty and was vlewecJ u a local boy who made good. I WU appotnted dty JudiL made fbt IOme lnt«eldna tuadons. Evay eo often Fnnk Rlriehut woukt come to me in hll eoft. wxt\JoUI way. wrlngUl& hit hanck S.WRDICT ...... M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: ww.~con WEATHER ~ Foggy bottc)m. lndMd. S..PlpA2. SPORTS t -_______ ..,.. __________ ,. _________ ... _._ ....................................... _ ....... _ ----------.-----------J , U OU --------~ .J -.. A2 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 Kl>S TALK BACK Music to live by The Daily Pilot asked students at the Boys and Girls' Club after-school program at Rea Elementary School, 'What is your favorite type of music?' "Oldies.. IZAMAR TORRES,12 Costa Mesa "Roe.le 'n' roll." ASHLEE UPCRAFT, 12 Costa Mesa ·Rap.· ALEXA KLINE, 11 Costa Mesa "Rhythm and blues.· REJINE TORRES,13 Costa Mesa "Hjp-hop." JOHNNY GUERRA.12 Costa Mesa -lntuviews and phoros by Deirdre Newman ' ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM SEAN Hu.ER /OAl.Y PLOT Heidi Peschelt reacts to a spill caused when her team put lye into the fat while making soap in their chemisty class at Newport Hamor ~ School. -Cleaning up the lesson plan Newport Harbor High chemistry students find that making soap can be a messy business. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Wearing protective goggles and white lab coats, juniors in Matt Schutz's chemistry class at Newpon Harbor High School stood watch over their combustible concoctions. Some students mixed water and -lye as they heated them up. Others mixed various oils over the burner. 'It's fu.n and confusing, bur with all the different ingredients mixed together, you have to worry about the temperature. It 's someth ing different for a change.· Brttt.ny Early, 16 Newport Harbor High Schoof student The goal1 To combine the two mixtures to make soap. The experiment conducted during the last week of school before winter break was a culmination of everything the students had learned up to that point. Schutz said. StudenlS said the trickiest pan was heating the liqwds to their threshold without letting them get too hot "It's fun and confusing. but with all the different a.ngrediencs mix.ed together. you have to worry about the temperature,· Brinany Early. 16, said. "Ifs something different for a change.· Meaghan James and Kelly Boler had to redo their lye mixture because it began hardening during the cooling process. "We're learning what not to do.· Boler joked. While It took a few tries for some, many students said they SCHOOL LUNCH MENU ~·- relished the stress· free environment of trial and error. "I think It's helped us learn a lot.· Adam Schlesinger said. "Mr. Schutz is a good teacher. He lets us be experimental and make ml.stakes.• Schutz said the classes usually have about a 754Jl> success rate with making the soap. Those that don't had to make it at home over winter break "so they can mess up their own house.· Schutz said. After winter break. the students worked on packaging and advertising their soapy products for a mock trade show. • IN ntE ClASSAOOM II. weekty feature in whicti Daily Pilot education writer Deirdre Newman viait• 1 campu1 in the Newport-Meat aree and wntea about her experience. ( The Newpalt M111 Un"'9d SdlOal nlNW ~ freeh biked cootcle. ~of,.,.,. MONDAY • OlstJict ar.rw "*"' dlOlcel .... 9t MNl•y ldiooll. S..-.nwy choole a 'Ulllt&rlln .,,.,_If dalllid. The •••• ••• Wlf1-and "'9V ..... a uled, •lilllMdl or hot ...... ..... func:hel ... ...: ..... ....... ~----- ... . ~ Lundt S*iwlh fruit~ otaalllld CNlt peppt101ll or c:tw ....... gNen ....... rwld\ di 3 lg. llced.,..,., cl"*-at nA ·--MuncNbte LUndt Sated or two mini ........,.with ldllCe •nd ......._ ... of fruit.~ of mNk • Veget1rf1n health undwlch or turkey fryt, baby cerrot1 with ranch dip, Baked Nacho Chff•• Dorlto1, plneapple tldbtta, choice of milk ... ~Lunch Seled or two beef or wggle aoft teooa with a.auc.. 11111 and c:MliM, dMalce of 100W. fruit Juice, Merdn luthef KJng, Jr. 0..,-No SdM>OI • .,.,,. ~ Lundt SMad ~IO#«I~ fMtry ~~,,.,..,, ..... wdt•c:Nw.--......... Daily A Pilot PHOTOORAPHERS 92828. Copyright: No n1w1 SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don Leadl, 1torl11, lllu1tr1tlon1, 1dltorl1I K.ent Treptow matter or advertl1ement1 her.in READERS~ can b• reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST SURF written perml11lon of copyright (949) 842-«>88 owner. VOL 97, HO. 14 Record your oom"*1tl ebout the After eerfy morning fog, 1 Where did that swell go 1 Dtllv Piiot or newt tlpe. HOW TO REACH UI mostly cloudy day I• In store. Today, wtth what lltde energy 'OtOMA1 H. JOHNSON, H9w1Edlton Addf911 Cftuldon Temperaturea wlll begin In Newport once recefved now Publl1her Gina Aleunct.r, Lori Anderson, Our lddf'IM la 330 W. Bav St., Coli. The Tlmn Orange County the high 60e •nd then l'9ICh tiding, Wlwe wlll ~ty be TONY DOOEAO, M.,, CA 92827. Office houre ,,.. (800) 252-9141 neer 70 In the Mrfy lftemoon Editor Peul Saltow1tz. Dlnill Swvena Mondly · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 6 p.m. Adwl1tllnt wallt to t>ccelional lhouldet .JVOY OETTING, NEWllTAFF eon..tloM Chum.ct 19491842-5878 before dropping bldt Into the high. The high tlde'I coming 9t ~~~r O...,.lhlnth It 11th• Pilot'• policy to promptly Dfeptey (949) 842-4321 60lby7p.m. •bout 8 a.m. won't '*P tNnga, Crime end oourta reponer. correct all errors of 1uti.tanoe. EdttoMI Wlnda wlll stay llght either. Promotlone Olrec:tOr (948) 57<M226 ,,... .. c:.11 (949) 67~286. New'I throughout the day. If you jUlt h4rw to go, 11y to EDf11NO STNf "-1».bharsttt•1«1,,,...oom (949) 842•6680 lnfonnetlon: find 1 )9tlv to tit by, or .... you fY1 lpona(949)57<M223 l.J.c.tin. JuneC••l•lde The Newport Buch/Com M ... Neww fu (848) !Me-4170 www.nws.noa.(JCN might )Ult be lltdng. The l'9ll M•n~lng Editor N9wport hecti reporwr, lpoft8,... (948) 850-0170 of the weett Isn't looking much (848) 17<M233 (SMSI) 574-4232 Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) 11 E-mell: dallypltot•l•tlrna.com BOATING FORECAST better. 1.j.c.hn• l«l,,,_oom Ju~,.n<#•1-t:1rrw.oom publl1'*1 dally. In Newport lkld't MtMOMoe --~ ....... Melle. ..... Clntoft end ~ M .... 1ubecripdona are ..... ()Moe (848) 842-4321 Denee P*f'iv fog begins the WWW.tUtfrldw;Ot'fl QtyEdltor Polltk:e end ertYlronm9nt l'9portlf, 1v1llabi. only by aublcriblng to ............ (848) 831·712e <My. lAter on, tt.. wlll be light (148)7&MDt (848) 7&M330 The TlrMI Orange County (800) wlndl and~ throughout TIDES )llnw-.,,,.,."1tlrrw..oom ,,.ul.cllnton•1«1,,,...com 252-9141. In., ... OUtll(M of the'"'* ..... The IMll erM:t "°"' c.llon. ........... Newport~ •nd eo.u. Meat, WIV9I wtl b4 teght. Time ...... ~Edleor (Mtl74413 eo.u. ~ ,..,....,, (Ml) 17<MZ71 tublcrtptlone '° the 0.lty Piiot .,. Out9r W9tlf'8 wlll ..., h4rw 6:158a.m. 5A1,_Ngh ~~·""1macom lollr..hil,,_, • .,,__com ~•llable only by fl,_ ci... mall for fog Mrty, with *otlglf winds 1:33p.m. -0.17 .... tow .-.J ......... ~-MNft S30 pet month. (Prloef lncfu(M 111 frofn the not1hltwlt ...... the 8:09p.m . Ut,_hW\ Met,;: I Newt Deak Chief Educ.tlon reporter, (1411 174-4221 fog bufnt off, btowlng 10 to 20 12:12a.m. 2.A1felelow .. ,,7~ dMrrlr-..1....,,,,.,,•'-'I,,... com eppllcable ~and locel Uixea.) lcnotl. The twee! from the ...,,..,_,.,,.com ,OSTMASTE": Send 1ddr111 ..... ...,. .... Qufllt t C..-0 ch1~11 to The Newport "°""'' .. wtfbe 7to11-t. WATtR TtllPERATURE ""°'° .... ""°' Newt ... ,~ , .. , 174-4211 IH /Co1u M111 Delly "lot, Wlndl wtll drop Of*t llgtldy e2002 Timee CH. All rights ,..,*4311 dtl1ftlnu1Mrl#o•,.,,,,,_com P.O. Box 1 HO, Co1t1 Mtea, CA f9M4'Wd. ..., IUMlt. &ldegtw ton.pltolo.,.,.,.. oom ' r 1 I f ----------~-;---:-: :-~ -..... -,·---.. .. . . . -...... Datty Pilot NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE. AGENDA MARINERS LIBRARY Mariners Elementary School children. Council members will consider whether to grant a $472,867 contract to Thirtieth Street Architects Inc. to begin planning the joint-use Mariners Library project. MARINAPARK LEASES Council membera will consider whether, to renew for one year the city's lease with the residents of the Marlnapar1c mobile park on Balboa Peninsula. The one-year lease is actually an extension of a longer lease that expired in 2000. WHAT TO EXPfCT Now that the project has won..., more than $3 million In state funding, council members are eager to make the innovative library project a reality. The first step is to hire an architect, whose work officials hope will assuage the concerns of parents who have worried that the library puts the general public in too·close proximity to WHAf TO EXPECT The lease terms are basically the same as ones approved last year by the council, so there's not likely to be much controversy in the details. The larger Issue, however, cai.( cause contention at times. Residents want to keep elr BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC dance, cheer teams have titles to shout about Orange Coast College's dance and chc>er ceams caprured na- unnal utles this weekend at the UruwNll Cheerleaders Assn. Na- uon.tl Championships at Walt Dis- ney. World/MGM Resorts in Or- lando, Ha. nw, year'<; competition marlc.ed IX C<. eighth trip to the UCA Na- 11011als. l'he two Pirate squads IMw grabbed a combined 11 na· uonaJ crown!>. · To caprure 11 UCA dance and th~r nanonal titles in eight years 1' extremely gratifying." said Mike Rtynolds. <X.O:; cheer and dance advt~r. in a preM release. "We were t'°(lfemely pleased with our performance tlm past weekend in Orlando. The kids turned in out· 'land.mg effort~." oco. danc:e team ran its string if con..ecuti\le UCA national t ruwru, to five. !'he Pl.rate dancers \\(Hl I.he. open ctiV1Sion competi- uon th~ year, out-chstancing sec· ... Quality Sc:mtt .... • ••Ni d Enten:ainmenr--- ond-place UC Davis and th.ird- place Avila University of Kansas City. Both teams were· taped by fSPN and will be shown on the national sporu netwod. through- out 2003. Members of the dance team were: Sara Caeton, Nicole Dallou. Danae DiPilla, Kaysie Fischer, Counney Hirschar, Becky Holmes, Liz Kent. Michelle Macias, Jessie Noonan, Kelly Parra. Vanessa Var- gu Carissa Whitson and Crystal Wasik. Members of the cheer squad were: Daniel Aran. Carlos Bedolla. Nick Davis, Shaun Dennis. Justin Gllia. Kristian Goodman, Jesse Jones, Olris Labonte, Luls Lui, Alana Lynem, Alexa Miller, Ashley O'Brien. Kim Raasp, Rasheed Richardson, Sara Richardson. Ed· die Rios, Rudy Rodriguez. Chris Rowe, Lani Sipera. Monica Soto, Amanda Vanderpoole. Jimmy Wallace. Jonathan Weaver, Ben White and Swnrner Witty. Group plans guided tour of Fairview Park Costa Mesa's Fairview Friends Comm ittee will hold a . @]~ Floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon·F.ri 10·6 •Sat 10·5 •Sun ll-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) 11Uf (JUll, ~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunks of chkken breut, rice prniahed with avocado, cilantro and Lime. Mama's cure for the flu. "' ... Great To-Go . " . .I~,_/ hom,_, but city officials say they have the right to oust them to make way for a resort planned for the site that's In the planning and approval stage. FYI WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting WHEN: 7 p.m .. study aesalon will begin at 4 p.m. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS WHERE: ,City Council chambe~ at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. INFORMATION: (949) Council and Planning 644-3000; complete agendas Commission representativ(ts and staff reports are available to about 30 different cltjzens at www.city.newport-beach. advisory committees and other ca.us. bodies will be consiliered tonight as t~e co1,1ncil's last . WHAT TO EXPECY. item of bus mess: The Aviation Deciding committee Committee, t~e Orange County appointments can be a Coastal Coalition ~nd the time-consuming task. if for no Gener~I Plan Advisory reason other than that council Commntee are among the members and planning !Jroups wh?se members commissioners often have include a city coun~ll !'"ember pretty big demands on their or planning commissioner. time. free guided tour of Fairview Park beginning at 9:30 a.m . on Jan. 25. The seasonal tour, one of sev- eral held throughout the year. al· lows participants tQ view the park in different conditions. City officials said they hope the cours will help educate the public about the park's htStory and its master plan, which in· eludes eliminating nonnative plants, restoring vernal pools, protecting wildlife and establish- ing a series of hiking and biking rrails. The 1our will start at the south end of the main park parking lot. along the west side of Placentia Avenue. IL is ex- pec1ed lo take l t;, hours. For more information, check with the committee's Web site at www.CMFairuiewPark.org or caJJ the group's hotline at 17 14) 754-5698 or contact city staff Ii· luXURY aison Carol Proctor ac 17 14) 754-5688. C.Osta Mesa doctor named to state board Joseph F. Piccari of Costa Mesa was among those named Monday by Gov. Gray Davis to the state's Boards of Develop· mental Disabilities. He will serve on the area 11 board. The service is unpaid. .Piccari. 58. is a self-employed management consultant. Since 1976, he has been a ad- ministracive surveyor to CA.RF. a national accreditation organi· zation for groups serving dis- abled persons. The state boards are respon- sible for protecting and advocat· ing for the rights of all persons in the area with developmental dis· abilities. The area I I board serves Orange County. .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDI C INSUR E D FIDE_L_ITY INSUR ED DEPOSITS (9 49 ) 5 88-5 7 11 Aa:uraw a. •I I :."2\'IQ~ Pa\a1t~ tore.rt) 111r11.hJraw. 9.,,.,_ f-tt-. Could~ .. ...,,,.mp '-. C.)ffer t Sdl ""°""""' ~10.000 I"'"' J l!O'I ~nnual P<Tt~ \ ockl "'•BM!\•"''" H>tt ln......J <·o Pl•• FtJcu1• c...ii l'•)m<nl "'"''""''"' <llhc• '""".,,. llfrcft'd ~Ml<lfl) anJ FEP Fanni) f_...k tn...nn<~ ~""' •L><l()('"l4~1 '"' "lemtl<nOf ~ t}q>"• ,,,...,._..1·nrpunu·on " I.' I ' ' I t • t ~ ·, ' ·, '· I. "Over 50 Ytm of Fint QualityH All Types of Window Trtttments • Valance• & Co rnice Boxes • Roman Sbade1 • 81.inda • Verrical1 • Shutte.rt • Bedspread1 . 1n . .,,, TueSday, Janu¥y 14 l00.3 U Newport poised for pollution fight City leaders say they will continue to oppose any attempt to pump potentially poisonous chemicals into the watershed. June Ca111rande Daily Ptlot NEWPORT BFACH -City leaders are continuing the push to keep potentially poisonous levels of the element seleniwn out of local waters. The Coastal/Bay Water Quality Citizens Advisory Com- mit1ee la.st week heard a pres- entation on the agen1 and the ha7..ards it poses to tl:e local en- vironment. · "What we can do ii. continue to stress to the regional water quality board that if this water 1s pumped m10 the San Diego Creek. it will damage the hab1 - 1at of the bay. and they <.ihould consider other placeb to pump i1 -ltke mco a !>ewer hnt 'rather than the '>lorm wa1er ~y!>tem." Assistant City ~1anager Dave - FOR THE RECORD The headline on a Wednesday safety brief ("Police, fire wam of false solicitation") misstated the intent of Newport Beach Police and Fire officials. They wanted residents to know that they were not affiliated with the Assn. for Firefighters and Paramedics IC.iff said. . From tune to tune. reg10nal transportation authonue!> ru.k. the water board for perm1-. .. 1on to pump out certatn low-lymg areas in their 1unsd1u1on. Among these 1s ;m ar~ near the Tusun Air Brute formerly known as the Swamp of the Frog6. Expem haH~ found un- safe levels of beleruum tn the groundwaier thal acc.umulates there. Selenium 1s a naruralh •1t curnng elemem that in '>mall quantities 1s an esc,enuaJ nutn ent for lhh. bird ... animal' ci!ld humanb. In larger amount'> however, It 1!> toXJc Newpon Beach offinah ha>e an ongomg policy of lobhrn1g the watl>r board to t11rlmJ pumpmg the water in10 tht- c,torm dram S\'>tt'm. whtth eventually end~ up 1n the oc.ean and harbf1r And tlldl., an effort 1hey plan 111 kt'ep up uwe have 'ienou' cnm ern' about what wlenlUl'l\ can du 10 the local hab11a1 tf 1h1' Wiltt'r 1-. pumped mto the flood rnnLrol channel. letung large enou~ quanuue., to stt mlo tht t'll\1· ronment. Kilf '>~ Inc., but were not warning of false solicitation An obituary that ran Saturday did not include the location for memorial services for Dorothea Riedel. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Corona del Mar £@;~ Mattress Outlet Store READING Help At TUTORING CLUB •Reading Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension • Phonics lnstrudion RESULTS GUARANTEED! Your ct.Id wil impro.' vt at least OM full •ode level in RMcllng wffWI 32 Ito.rs of lllstrwtloa Of h Is FRIE .. tA IM/she do.st CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17'" STREET • COSTA MESA (comer of lrvrne Ave.J ~"t "" umm•mity for 30 ?•TJ APPLE CINNAMON OID FASHIONED S11JFFED STUFFED PORK CHOPS CHICKF.N BR.EAST $3 221b. $3 221b . ~ 1 ,,_, ,,, J5<r MARINATED CHICKEN HALVES Lnno11 or }lmutibm FLtvor $2.l21b . HO'f ORMILD ITALIAN SAUSAGE s3 221b . CHICKEN CORDON BLEU $5 221b . HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH $3 221b. ' . . . I I I I I ( •• I ' . . . I ~ M Tuesdaf. Janay l ~. 2003 \ .. FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURA NT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARI A TRIP TO MEXICO VERDICT ContJnued from Al · ·Bob.· he'd !oay. ·We've got a little maner coming ~fore you. fl s one of our fnend5.. • ·0ur fnencb • was the code. mean.mg um individual was pan of the group "'What i.s 1t )"OU want. Frank! I'd ask. ·wen.· he'd sigh. wringmg tus han~ ·a! ihi.s matter could jusr ht-dL...nis.sed . "'No, Frank.• I'd leO tum •1t has to go through the normal procedures. .. Fran.k ~r pressed. He "ould nod and shuftle out. but &0mehow die maner nevu reached the coun room. What happened. I didn't ask. but thinP ~ quietly resoh--ed behind lhe scenes. For all I loved Dick. '"''Ulg wuh hun waMl't easy. He drank a lot. and most rughts we would sit down ro dinner wUh tus ~.u emp cy Where he was. none of U'> knew . Despite this bhoncorrung. when Dick left the City Couur•I he was appointed eJectricaJ tospector for lhe c1cy. After all, he~ one of the group. and the gm up took care of· our mends" • ROBERT GAADN£A 1s a Corona def Mer resident and a former Judge H11 column runs Tuesdavt 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·6AS·7 6l 6 DISTRICT del Mar. ·Hearing il Uve seems to people to be mo~ current.· · for cable. • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL R.OORJNG I!~!!"?~ t '·wn· .:.J s~i"~'"' ';" ~ - SOLID BRAZILIAN MOHAWK OE.HSE PLUSH Contmued from Al Ana 'iix days after the mttting. It is sh<M-TI the next Sanuday. And a1 char pomt. 11 15n·1 ex- actly ·news· anymore. ""There's '><>mething abour re- runs that people say, 'It's old news," ~d trusree Serene Sroltes. \\ho represents Corona AROUND TOWN Srolces said broadcasting the meetingl> live \\o"Ould al.so w-e worbng parents more tiJii"e to plan 10 attend school-related ac- tJVitJ~. In addmon ro lobbymg for a publ.Jc ace~ channel. the di.s- trict is asbng thar broadband be installed at the rune fl:ewpon Beach ~hools that are nor wired Glyer will repr~nt the distm t al the Newpon Beach City (.mm cil meeong Thursday when offi ciaJs a.re expected to exarmne an 85-page repon on the franch1">t· agreement. he ...Ud. • OBRDRE NEWMAN covers educetton She may be re&dled at 19491574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.ne_,,11n a;lat1mes com busmess expert1se and mclude a TRAMPLED networlung mixer The second Conbnued from Al HARDWOOD CARPET • Send AROUND TOWN rtems to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298 Include the time-. date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. seminar, wh1dl 1s cosponsored by the Newport Beadl Police Depanment. w ill deal entirely \.\hether rhe\' \\anl 10 mmt• lor with 1dent1ty theft. It will be held \qrd with rhe plan b) pu111n~ 11 Cherr1oc s599 ·:·-~~$1 !9* a Pecan FltllSh w: • M:i 'Is ~ rsac: c * Travertine 18" x 18" ... ........ ... ................. . . ... .. '3.99 "· · A complete listing is available at www.dai/yp1/ot.com. CeralT1IC Tile. '. . .. . .. . .. .. ... .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. '1lllllllo "°"" '4.99 .: • Lamll\ate Wooo . .. .... tat.MIO~ 14.99 .(; · TODAY . . ........ ......... The New~rt Beach Public Lib,.ry Wiii ~fl~S~!"J£lats~ on identity theft at the Central Library branch The first seminar. whtdl 1s cosponsored by the Newpon Beadl Chamber of Commerce, will begin at 5:30 p.m. h will focus on building • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • P11a1es Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Lioensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers Ch•ld Care Sam-noon M · F -. Ample & Convement Par111ng • Yoga. Tai Chi Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump. Cardio • Showers Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • ActJponcturelAcupressure Wellness Clime \ \CoastJine's ~Program i! \ery conven ient for me. I wi ll finish my AA here and transfer to c.aJ Stale Fullenon to become an elementary school teacher.' '-9 + Success A h ead at Coastline. 11460 Warner Avenue Fountwi Yalley, CA 927()8.2597 (714) 438-4839 -- <D Q. t:: from 6 to 7 p.m The hb<ary is at up for a '>Ole at an up(1m1111g 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For council meeting more information. call (949) Big Canyon c reek \\Ork '" orw 717-3801 or viStt' step ahead of 1ht1 Bad. HJ\ www newportbeach/1brary.org projen becau~e it''> aJread\ on Mother's M arbt 6 Kitchen will rhe mum ii\ agenda h ho tect Big c.mvun Creek I'> a bud\ ol ost a seminar on w to pro warer lhJt Corm~ ii,':> runoff yourself in the age of arthntJs from 6:30 to 7:30,..P.rn..auh,e...: _ dram'> fr~m JJ\e 4J'U,..)J.lUOUilt.i:.. ·paif0 Dlfe In Costa M esa. The rng Big C,an)on < ountrv c Jub cafe 1s at 225 E 17th St Free For I he t reel rum through H1~ more mformat1on. call (9491 Lanvon 'a1ure l'arl.. hl'fml' 11111 631-47~1. matel) draining rnw rhe hJ\ WEDNESDAY The SuMn G. Kom en Breast Cancer Foundation will hold a volunleer on entat1on from 6 to 8 p.m. al the Orange County offices in Costa Mesa Volunteer opportunities include Race for the Cure. lmks to the Cure. Komen Sprmg Lundleon. BMW Ultimate Dnve. Mammogram-a-thons. health fairs and other Komen-sponsored community events The offices are at 3191-A Airpon Loop Drive. Reservations required. For more information, call (714) 957-9157, ext. 27. The Newport Beach Jaycees will host a workshop on the seven lteys to success from 7 to 9 p.m at the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce The dlamber 1s al 1470 Jamboree Road. Free. For more 1nformat1on, call (949 735-1036 THURSDAY The Costa M esa Chamber of Commerce will hold rts monthly 90-mmute breakfast boost from 7 to 8.45 a.m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Drive. $12 tf prepaid $17 at the door. For more mformatron call 1714) 885-9090 UC Irvine M9dical Center will host a seminar on Medicare benefits at 10 a m. m the University Club on the UCI campus The seminar will focus on the latest dlanges 1n Medicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club is at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive Free For more information, call (Sn) UCl-DOCS, or v1s1t www uc1health com/events The Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will hold two support groups for caregivers 1n CoSla Mesa The first meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hoag Health Center, 1190 Baker St. The second meeting will be held from 6:30 10 8:30 p.m. at Silverado Senior Living - Newport Mesa, 350 W. Bay St Free. For more infonnation about the first meeting. call (714) 593-9630, and for the second meeting, call (949) 631-2212. Leaming Tree UnMnity will offer a six-week class titted •m e Fearless Writer" for studems waming to produce polished. strong and honest fiction and nonfiction. The class is geared toward beginning and advanced writers. The class will be taught by an award-winning instructor with a m aster's In creative w riting who has been pubfished in the Lot Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and literary magazines. Claues will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 McCormidt Ave., Costa M .... For more Information, call (714) 427-0588 or visi1 ltuonllne.com. FRl>AY The N9wpoft 8Mdt Chamber°' Commerc. will host the Newport Harbor Chrittmu Bost Parade ~"'-Dinner and Auction from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seaons Hotel. The event Will feature parade wfnnera and have entett1lnmen 1 live and silent euct1on, dinner and m uch more. The hotel la at 890 Newport CentM Orfv., N9WP0rt Beach. c ommunll\ Lon,t'n .1111' lnternJtton..U, J nunprofi1 t;!" 1 rnnml'nlal organ11..c1t1on. ht1., propoi.ed re,tonng Wl'lland.., Jnd hah11a1~ for endangen·J "Pl'C"le.... addre'>'>ing pollu111111 from runoff. prond111g puhlu dl<t''>., 10 1he nature par~ .11111 other 1mprmemen1 ... ln111al "1ud1t"> "ould h1· tum.ll·tl b\ rhe :-,out.hem c ..ililor 111il \\erland .. l<l·c11\l'f) l'r111n t of 1he 'late ' oastal c 1111'1·1 \JllC) •JUNE CASAGRANDE co11ers Newpon Beadi and John Waynt< Airpon She mav be readied at 19491 574-4232 or bye mail at 1une caugrande a la rimes com DNA Conbnued from Al It'll'> me that he ha-. lll"\er '>t'f•n '.>Udt dec1 .. 1H· prel11n111m re ... uh ... change IJtl·r • he 'IJJd '\t•11her Ht>dm.in nor 111 .... 1ttor ney. John \1c Ka). were &nadt1hl1· for rnrnJm•nt \1onda\' . "lo cnm1ndl cha~f... \\l'fl' l'\l'f filt.'d ba.'>t-d ·o(l :-:ev. \ c•1mpl<11111 't>wpon fk>.irh pobte hdtl .. ,,ud ,1 10 da} dc:lay in repon.mg the .i.J legt"d t·nme made it 1mpO'>\lhll for pohce ro LOUect phy .. 1t cil e\'l den<.c Ir.wt ..aid he hop(". lo filr• Ult.' tC-.l rl.''>Ult\ w11h the OrJll).(t' < .ounty d1 ... tnt1 .iuomt'Y 10 ldl'lh tare J cnm111..U pro~utmn "II., unfortunate that 'l""'J>oll Beach police did not Jllctl\ /t tht' D:-..A 'wimple-. better -he "1Jtl ""l'\.\pon Heach police d1J &m ·in deprh 1me<.11ga11on 111111 'Jew·., rnmplamt. '-Rt '-tew \hul man '><Ud Monday ·sut a1 th1" point we de1111 know what was analy-1cd, huw 11 wa'> analyzed or ro what <.'Xtt'nt 11 w~ analy-l'~d." he ..aid. "\-\e nel'd 10 review se\eraJ repon ... beforr we can comment on th1!> mat rer • The c1vtl tnaJ come-. 111 the wake of Rodman's arr~t rnday on a domestic v10lence charge Police say the dL<,tnct attorney will Wi:ely charge Rodman with spousal abll..e for allegedly beat lng hi.s girlfriend. He w.is re leased Friday after ~tmg $25,000 bail. New's civil case will be heard at the Orange C.Ounry Supenor Court in Santa Ana on Feb 10. Rodman ~ nor appeared so far for any of the settJement confer- ences mandated by law. I le will be required to attend the heanng next month. A court-appointed arbitrator awarded New $225.000 in July 2001. but Rodman rejected that decislon, sending the l:ase to trial. Rodma.r)'s anom ey came up wilh a ~Le undi.<;dosed set tJement amount last February, bul New sa.id lhnt It was •tnsult- lng." New grabbed national head- lines the star wilnes.'i in the trial of Eric Bechler, the 34-year- old Newport I leights resident now fn prison for murdering his wtfe during • boa.ling Uip off the Newport Reach coast. New helped lr1Wstigators by wtarin a recording deviet and gc1dng a neta.r·confi non tape. aaJd she ls .lhrilled by the latnt ft.nd.inp. Sp1ng cl•••• beglt1 FebnMlry 1 • Tlc*• .,.. S7&.,., per.on. S900 for 1~of12. For more lnformat.IOf'I, C8f1 (tits) 72~. "Tb me. It' not at Ill about att· ting mo~ out of hiin." lbe eaJd Monctay; •t1ll abOut the f1C1 lhac he dkt IL and now It loob llke! I mty ICfUIDy haw ~f;" ~ -6 PUBLIC SAFETY Daily~· I POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Affpott Lo0P OrN. Vandalism was reported m the 3100 blodc at 9 58 am Sunday • Avocado StrMt: Graffiti was reported in the 300 blodt at 11 :52 am. Sunday. • Cassia Aafenuf : A traffic accident involvmy tnJUfle'S was reported 111 the 3000 b&odt at 1 23 p mrSunday • Church Street: Trespassing was reponed 1n the 1900 blodt at 1!.58 p m Sunday • Harbor Boulevard. A commercial burglary was reponed 1n the 2300 blodt at 5 38 p m Sunday • South Coast Drive Petty theft was repor1 e• 1 m the 900 blodt at 1 49 pm Sunday • W.llace Avenue Penv 1heft from a vehicle wai. reported m the 1900 blodt at 12·47 p m Sunday NEWPORT BEAa-t •East Balboa Boulevard· A loud part •• ~8S/e1X!.rt~e.;K)Q blodt at 10-11 p m Sunday • Baywood Onve A vehicle burglary was reponed rn the 500 blO!; at 11 38 a.m . Sunday • East Coast Highway and Goldenrod A"enue A reddess dnver wos reponed at 12 14 p m Sunday • McF.dden Pfau and West Ocean Front Vandahsm w<1s rer;.ortP I 11t 1 22 p m Sunder\< •Santa Barbara Onve t. h t ctnd run was reponed in the 800 bl< * JI 4 46 p m Sunday •31st Street and lafay9tte Avenue Vandahsm was reponi·· l Jt 9 40 p m Sunday OBITUARY Ruth Eli zabeth McAJ ary A. fWlera.I service will bt-held for Ruth Fli7.ca· bt'th . ~fcAla.ry. a 64 ) air (.a-. ta Me$3. n.>SJ • • • · dt:nt at Pacific Vi~ M£'monal Park. at 3500 l).d<.1fic View Dnve 111 Corona del Mar Mrs.. McAJary d1t."tl on Fnday of natum.l ca~ She was 87. She l) SlJJ'VTVed by her hu!.band, Jack. and ddughter, Martha. lt/1()11/11'1'/JIMIJ I PETERS Anita L. Services for Anita L Peters, a ~year Newport-Mesa resident, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. 3800 S. Fairview Road, Santa Ana. Mrs. Peters died Dec. 17 of cancer. She was 58. Sha Is aurvl"•d by husband Boyd PeteB; son Brian Peten; and brothers LNry and Don Pacini. WICKHAM Eleanor Allebrand Fox passed away Jan. 11. 2003. In Newport Beach. Bom In Penna)'lvanta, grew up In Glendale Calif., graduated from UCLA, member of AJpha Phi Soroffty, active In N ewport beach pH t president of Pan Hellenic, Hoag HoapftaJ volurit...-, etc. Survived by husband Eat1, g:u hter Helle• Parkin. John Hlnea, broth« eorge AUebrand tlnd other ~~ .. relatlve• and m•ny Service at Pacific Vtew . Mortuary Memottat Park. Sun. Jan, 19, 2003 •t 12:00Drn. In lieu of fiowere Hnd MemoirWe to Hoeig HOlptt* Cancer Center Newport ~c.-..... # OI ' ... Tuesday JoOIJ.if'f 14. 2003 AS -FORUM E·m•il· ~~ ~d G.~ '('8US~ED -Lett.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at ihe Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHden Hotline· Call (949) 642-6086 Fax. Send to (949) 646-4170 · n ° 81 YP1 ot ?llstimes com • All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Ptlot reserves 1he right to edit all submissions for clarity and length TEEN OUTLOOK Waiting for the answer W emet~t ~ummer am.id ptpper-spray induced rear., '>weal and hard work. We both were working for a common goal, 10 become £.xplon·r. ~he wanted 10 bt-d '>henfn, Explorer, and I wan1ed to be a Polite Explorer. To do thL'i, we had to anend a weeklnng intensive boot camp of DAVID SPENSER tike we were tallcing to a long los1 fnend. We really like each other. Al the end of that week. we graduated from the academy, finishing in the top 15%. We exchanged information. and over the next couple day<> communicated on the Internet and phone. We've dated 'iince and enjoy each other's company very much. sons. the Police bplorer Academy We found out that ...,,_. had M> much m corrunon. dedrcallon. per..t'Verance and the desire to tomple1e tl'us difficult wonhwlule expenence We mer and ~truck up a conversation on the last rugh1 al the acadrmy We found ll1a1 tht' more v.e 1alkl'd the more we ft'lt ------- !1us being her '>enior year. and hc1ving nOI been a.'>ked to a dance m a uruque v.ray, I want to change that. So tl'us being your senior year. Mel~ I wanted to know if you would go with me to Wmter kmnal? Love, DaVJd MAILBAG Teens will be teen~. no matter who\ in charge <.,eoff Wc'ir\ lettl'r de..cril:re'> hr'> recent encounter at a local fast-food re'>taurant with 1et-nc1ger'> who wrre loud and otmoxiou'> <M<1Jlbd~ Fndayt \\e-,r dltnbure' lht'> ro "une '>lded ll'c1lh111g h} dn edUldt11>n t">labh-.hment that arrnrdin~ w htm, pldLt'!> a "ltheraJ '>Pm on religion·., 1mpat t on h1!>10fV ·· Alll'nt1on. Some kid '> are rude no rna11er who I' on the .,chool hoard In h1!> lelll'r Adc1.m ~turra\ stretLhl'\ lol(lt I() '>uggec,t that alleged rnl'>wnduct rn the '>tatl' Depanrnent ol f ducauon mean-. a urnon·endor .. ed -.chool board member w1ll 1gnore "corrupuon in the <>)'!Item" (Mailbag. Sarurday) lne "Jewpon·Mt'><l Unrfied '>chool board need' to focm. on rl:.'bu1ld1ng our ')(hooh de1enora11ng fac1lJttl''> eqwppmg and 'upplymg cla55room .. on 1he We'>l!>1de of Co~ta Mc.,d JU'>I a..' well as da!>Sroom'> in Ntwport Coast. and reducing Lia:.' '>Ve at all · grade le\.el!> '>O that every studem get!> adequare anen11on frnm qual1fit..J teacher' -in dl1 era when '>late '>chool funding ., rapidly '>hnnhng If the teal her.' unron. endorse' a <.:and1date with tht'> agenda owr an incumbent who tne~ lo ban das...1c works or luerarure and tmpo'>e a parocular relJgiou' viewpoint. they've endor<ied the nght person. and he'> got my vote MIKE LINGLE Costa Me~ Seeing things in a sli ghtly different shade Re: ·swapping out the swap meets.· Daily Pilot, Monday. In an otherwi'>e excellent rolumn by Lolita I larper. I found the following error that ml'>charactem.ed what I said to 1he City Council recentJy: I larper wrolt! "'\ltost of the pt.:ople who u .. e the (OCCI swap 111eet are Latino'> from Santa .\na. \'Ocal re'>1dent Marun \llllard told the Cit} C.. ounc1l. Attually I told the counctl: · Re1.entl} d woman came before this Council and complained that some who are Jgamst the swap meet are aga.rnst it because it is mostly u~ed by Launos from '>anta l\na. She's nght The swap meet I'> mostl)' used by people from Sd.nta Ana: A small thing. maybe. but the '>hading ts different Also, if I larper keeps referring to me as vocal re~iden1 Marun Millard,· people are going to thrnk "vocal resident" 1s part of my name. MARTIN MILLARD Costa Mesa Poetry isn't all about life and lei ure fhanb much for your fine '>tory on Prof. I ee Mallory Jppeanng in Sunday\ Dally 1'1lot fhe article ahout Lee .. hould not have been pubh!>hed dm.·ctly below the header "Llfe and Lei!>ure." ho\4.oever Lee ha'> hi.id qu11e a ltfe. but httle ler'>ure. He remains always a\aJlable to talk to nedgltng poets. he im1tes well·knO\vn poets to gtve reading~ and he himself worki; day and night teaching and writing. It 's about time he received more public recognition of the '>Ort that you -;o kindly prOVJded your readers on Sunday DON PIERSTORF'F Costa ~fesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY An extreme form of marketing he A. has money, 8. is a celebrity. or C. a combination of the above. W hy did he wait so long? What was he thinking? How could he do this to me, to Newport Beach. to all his falth.ful fan and supporters not onJy here in Newport Beach but all over the world? But alas. all good things come to those who wait Patience Is a virtue! PAUL JAMES BALDWIN Yes! Newport Beach's outstandlng citizen of the year, the role model for our youth. Mr. Dennts Rodman ls back. I know there are many people like mysel! who have waited anxlous!y and with bated breath for the rttmergence of our tattooed and plm:ed model of civility and culture to once again hit the front page oft.be Daily POot. even ti h was for allegedly Personally. I don't get his getting off lightly for any of the above reasons. Do you? But I have to hand it to Radman. if for no other reason. he is a good marketer. Really. What better way to pubUc:iu the reopen.Ing of a restaurant you're hitting and ulting )'tt another woman. Yes, my hero. Mr. Den.nit Rodman beck. Mer you rad about Rodman'• known bruahel wtt.b the law, you hive to realize that what we haw here ii a penoa. wlllb you or me.= let ::;:mm: .. ~ l aftlliated with than get some publicity the day before the reoperung. Th.at will bring in the rype of people that we so dearly need. want and cherish here ln Newport Beach. A quality establishment Judging by the trafllc and attendance Saturday night at Josh Slocum' Roman's mark= trategy was hlgbJy Kudos to our famout realdent for bis uocaaful marketing strategies for him and tu. renaurant. And tha.nk you for once acaJn entenalnlng ua with )'OU fUn and lntpiri.na anticl. • MUL_..... WDOlllllt ~...,,~ READERS RESPOND Developer Stephen Sutherland, who went door to door last year co get residents to support h1!> plans 'or a hotel at Marinapark. has scaled back the proiect. cutting down the number of rooms and the size of ttiE> ballroom Marinapark musings AT ISSUE : Just how good a re the latest plans for Ma rinapark, which has been scaled back once again? Here we go again .\tannapark" another example of our hea\11\ stacked pro-development City Council 1gnonng the desire of the: residents of Newpon Beach to main1ain 1h1~ special area of thl• pemn'>ula free ol hotels and more traffic. h-.o key legal r55ues Me aho at stal..e here A. Prt•\iou .. ly. the re'>ldent., of the Manni.lpctrk rnobtle home park agreed ICJ leaVJng if the cit} turned the waterfront property into a puhhc park I .. aid pubhc park. no1 pm ate horel. '.'Jlle Ir\ counnl. but a hott'I i' forbidden ba-.ed on the on~rn.tl agreement B Ir the ( 1t) < .ounctl ~o badh want'> 10 put a hotf.'I there. thl'\ mu .. 1 pur ll out to bid. Why do tht•\ rnnunue to pander to JU'it orH.· bidder -developer !'>1ephen Sunderland? That's what we the public whom they repre!>ent would like to k.nov. The nght thing to do today I.!> to extend the lea.!te for the Mannapark resident., another year and h'iten to what BaJboa Pemnsula and Newporr Beach re'>rdenl$ have 10 'Kly abou1 11 I am one resident who grew up here that doe., not want to 'iee our c r~ covered "ith concrete and traffic 1ams And I know I am not aJone TOMBIUJNGS Newport Beach I am opposed to the Mannapcitk development plans and would veto the idea if given the vote. I do not understand why the city of Newport Beach feels compelled to turn over what little city-owned land It still has for more long-term private development. We already have one Balboa Bay Oub. do we really need another? The Balboa Bay Oub has just undergone a gigantic expansion This 'lhould provide Newport Beach with the high-cost luxury hotel rooms the area requires. The population of Orange County continues to grow at a rapid rate. and there will be an increasing need for public access to Newport Harbor in the years to come. The result of the new general plan focu groups indlcate the re idents of Newport Beach want to emphasize beach recreational and boating u es of Newport Harbor. I do not hear a call for another luxury hotel development that will block e<:c to the water. My vott for t.hiJ site and what I believe ls a benefit for the lll.f1 t number of re idents I~ that or a park wtth boating and beach recreational fadHtl the original intent I believe. A luxury hotel at tho Martnapark will only bertt'ftt the ~loper and a mall numbtt o! guest& Tbt jobs created u the Marinapllk hotel will prtmarUy be · low·mlniinum·wap hou.seke~ n1 and ground ... mrunicndlll t' pO'>lllOlh, \<.Im h ,,,JI bt hdc.J I)\ people who ll\e out\1de (Jf 1tw .irt·a The'>t' 1oh' Y.111 require \\Or~t.:r' \-\ho will have to commute 10 v.ork from d1lllalll hou'1n~ Jrta!> and \\ 111 11111 prov1dl' emplo\ me111 tor Im .ii resident'> Repea1t.'dl} during the pa't w.ir or !>O. the uty ol :'\ewpon Fkalh ha' indicated 11 nel'd" more low l c>'1 housing lhe Mannapark art'd rH1\\ hall low·CO'>l hnu...ing on 11 It '>t't·ni.. 10 me 1ha1 thr nt} I'""'' to ~t·i nd 111 the \el) thing II profe.,., 111 '"·ull more of hm ·l ,,.., hou,rnii: \ \ 111 nut rhe demand lor lo"· coo,t 111111"11~ 111 ~ewport Bt'drh onl} 1mrt.1't' \\llh rhe clo'>lng of the \li.innap<H~ tr.1111•1 park7 B~ 1he 11111e mfra!>lfUl curr· 1mprm•t·men1-. and 1.11' ... 1 n Ht'" .11 t• upgraded to '>Upport I.ht 111'\' \IJnnapark hotekl bt·1 th1· long·term henrtit-. to tht' 111\ 1111! the lommunll\ Jrt· far It''' thi.ln what" b<.'mg rrprtwnlt'd II\ th1· current propo,al.. The \-.hull· \IJrtn<1p.ir~ pr11po,,il make, no '>t'll'>t' 10 me l'\t t'Jlf .1 It'\\. '>land to ht•1wfi1 grt'atl\ a1 tlw expt'nw uf rhe man\ I hl' It'\' md1,1duah \\ho .tre figh11ng h.ml for therr hotel are do1nlo( -.o lwi:atM• they '>tdnd to personalh h1·rwl11 while the re-.1 of u'>.,.. ho h<1\l' It·" direct!} at <,takl' are at a di'tad\antage betau'e \H• \\.1!11101 lw able ro lohbv '>O hard tor our pO'ilUOn'> '\ince I am d re<,1dent ul l omn<1 Oel \ltar, I would probahl} not uw the Manna park beach fac1hue., vt r. often. bul 11 would make me feel good 10 know this area .., nearh} and available for use by tlie pubht a.s a whole LES WILEY Corona ~I \tar I think the changes arc fahulou' I have been in '>Upport o( the Marinapark hotel all along I think rt wouJd be a wonderful boosr to th" area in bringing m higher end clients. I don't thrnk 11 would affect traffic greatJy and I don't think that there's any down'i1de to 11 I onl> think that there·~ the upside potential and we need something lilc.e this on Balboa Peninsula. ROBIN CHESNtE Balboa Pcnin ula We are again t the Mannaparlt development KAREN VOIGT Co ta Mc'ia I think • hotel, particularly tht' plans of Sttphcn tberfand' hott-1. would M an excellent addition and pl'0\>1de a little class to our peninsula. CAROL DAVIS • Balboa lamd daet • Marlnap&I\ botel I think It's a VfJrf stup d Id I don't lib tht ttaftlc thou t, and lt ibould be I pub thin not a ho 1 · lt m the way It I dn\t: h\ th<lt ,rtt• c\er'\ ... 1ni.:l1 dJ\ and I \ t' lolh1'" d tilt.:" plan' lor 4Ulll' 'omt· 111m· 111d ll•r nit' and rn\ \'11e \\t' l ctn t \\all tor 1}11.., nt'\\ prO)t'Ct to open \\t 1htn._ rt.., going 111 be J ~rl'•ll for 1h1• u1mmun1t\ and Im -.orr. llldt tl ... lll\ lto:i.. ~'l\t'n tht' dt•H•loper -.o m.HI\ prnllli:rn ... I rn ... urprht'd he Ju't na-.n 1 ~!Jilt' 10 .11101hn tO\\tl hut lnnunatd\ tw hJ" n11t I look lon,drd l•i .:1·ttll'Jl 11 built I rt1 ,111 tor 11 JIM THOMPSON Balh•1d Ptmn,uld \\e nt·t•d '11111t 1h111~ l<•r t • the pt•nm-,ula JACQUELINE MERCER 'l'''P''rt tka• h I .till d1•l1111tt•h .1ga1n.,t 1ha1 Im J p1•n1n,ul.1 rt•-.1dcnt lur th1• pii..t Vi \t'.lf' .111d I lhin .. th.ti \\t' hJ\t' I 1• r ~ 1 h I l' tr .d II t d' 11 '' .m d 1 tu' \\IJUIJ 1u-.1.1dd10 •rJlt 1 11rrnng 011 10 tht:' p1•nin,uld 'w ii I \\t'rt' i.:n t•n .1\1111 11 \\f"lll J Jt 1111111.'I\ ht• llol\ DIANNE CAPIN H.ilh1 J l't·r11n .. ulJ \\t• kc•l thJt lhh could 1111\ ht an 1c.Jd111011 to tht' df('J ht'tl It \\011ld t.erlatnh ma e 11 a lnr mor1 all rat 11\t' 'pol \\t' ht1pt' II ii:ot''> through 11 '"lllld'> great MARTHA HENDERSON 'e'' port tteach I Jo not think ~lann.lpJrl I' a i.:ood place for a hotel The ho1el propo)ed b} \tephen Sutherland ,., completd) mappmpnate DOROTHY BEEK Balboa I thml 11 !>a great idea and I hope 11 pa'>'i('' MALINDA AU.EN Newpon ~ach I luve the Mannapart hotel plan lt' a plus for the city, surrounding rt>sident'> and general publJc Lt> traffic, improved access to public area<, and a beauufuJ nrw facility for a blighted are.i If this pro1ect doe not get .,tr<m~ suppon !Tom the L.reenhght leader hip, I will no longer suppon them STEVE LEACH Nt>wport ~ach I am In favor of tht' Marinapark hotel project. I wt"lcomt' tht> nt'W Manna Parl re~rt and I th.ink Stephen Sutherland's propow i • great improvement to the atta. Ifs good co upgrade. and that's what we nttd on the peninsula. KAY MOltTENSON Balboa Pcninsul~ We livt on the penum.tl We're concemed about the tra.ffJ We don'l un tand the dmiograp of tbt' thl and the l of the • tt'nnls a>WU that art wed by cvtl)'body 00 &he pmlnlWa ' know f. Th · no n for a hot J th rt, to my kn w. have snon It . . ' ... .. .. . .. ... . .. ... -"""" ..._ ~ .. ...... .-... .. -........ \, QUOTE OF THE DAY . "Our second half today was the best half we've played all year." . Nd ne R_,.., Estancia girls ·soccef coach A6 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 \ -- --------------------- Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 GOLF EYEOPENER 1DDcli1y~rux 111 Spona Hal ot Fame r~~>11.........,,11urn Ja~ 20 tionoree · CARL KRAUSHAAR Daily Pilot ·most ·.-curtain time Mesa Verde Country Club, with a long and interesting history, preparing to unveil its new clubhouse. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot Girls Championship ('93) and the Junior Girls America's Cup (2001). The course proved challenging for the I.PGA Thur players dwing the Kemper Open (1979-'81) and UnJden Invitational (1984-'86). ln the first Kemper Open. Joanne C.amer won a five-way playoff with an aggregate srore of 2-over- par. Despite having almost all of the top 30 money leaders compet- COSTA MESA -Among the ing each year, no pro broke par for most storied golf dubs in Orange the entire four-day tournament County, Mesa Verde Country Oub for any of the three Kemper is experiencing its greatest trans-Opens or the first Uniden lnvita- formation since opening in Janu-tional. In 1985 and '86, the lPGA ary 1959 -a new clubhouse facil-Tour increased par from 71 to 72, ity, complete with gourmet resulting in the first under-par biscros. locker rooms. card rooms, winners. pro shop and offices. But perhaps Mesa Verde's great Oub members and staffers unknown legacy is the land upon have been !1J1Xiously awaiting the which it was built by designer Billy unveiling of the anticipated, $7-Bell in 1958. The land' was once million clubhouse remodeling. inhabited by an ancient civiliz.a- From a distance. it looks like a lion of Indians and later became modem castle. Mesa Verde Gen-·part of the great Ranch~ Santiago era! Manager Kirn Porter said the de Santa Ana Father funipero clubhouse is expected to open the Sena visited the area. enjoying a first week of February. welcome retreat from his jour- "When the dubhouse is rebuilt. neys. The small adobe casita he it's going to be an absolutely primo occupied still stands on a lofty place to be," longtime Mesa Verde knoll a short distance away from member and six-time women'.s the golf course. club champion Natalie King once In more recent times, the said ult's already a primo place, but Schroeder family bought 147 acres with the new rlubhouse it should to Cann on the land in 1953, grow- be really great" ing sweet potatoes. lima beans The same architectural firm and paprika on the rich soil now (Marsh & Associates) that built the covered by the lush fairways and clubhouse at The Bridges at Ran-greens. One of the family farm- cho Santa Fe. an exclusive club houses was located on Gisler with reportedly a $250,000 initia-Street. near what is now the 12th tiori fee, is reconstructing the bole, and the club still uses its Mesa Verde clubhowe.. original weD. Mesa Verde has always reso-In 1956, the Schroeder's sold a nated as a picturesque coastal portion of their property lo Ad - Orange County country dub with olph Slecta, an investor who one of the most refreshing natural worked with two real estate devel- deptents in the history of ·man-opers. Their plans to build houses kfod -a cool ocean breere -but were thwarted by problems with i~ most renowned legacy comes terrain and utilities, leading Slecta from having hosted a county-to ftmd the construction of Mesa leading 12 professional golf tour-Verde Country Oub instead. rurments from the PGA Tour. Slecta later sold the dub to Ray Ownpions Tour (formerly the Wart Enterprises, a subsicliary of S@.ior PGA Tour) and LPGA Tour. Boise Cascade, who in tum sold it . The tree-lined, 6,726-yard golf to Japan Golf Promotions. Oub course with narrow fairways and members purchased the club p~ty of teeth has also played from the latter in October 1975 host to a U.S. Open Regional and it has been an equity-owned Qualifier (1973), the U.S. Junior club since. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Sign of the times-the $7 million reconstruction of the Mesa Verde Country Club clubhouse is nearly completed. Above, golfers making the turn Monday walk up the cart path next to the new facility, which will open the first week of February following a year~ong project. The golf course has remafned open to members and guests . Eagles control play to continue upswing DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT •s Ruth ChlverO tries to kick the ball toe teammate while battling Anaheim's Dalia Garcia. Estancia shows strong effort against Anaheim, but settles for 1-1 deadlock. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MF9. -At this stage of the Estancia High girls soccer re- bull~ project, one and one equal -too good to paM up. So it was that the F.agles reveled In their 1-1 nooleague tie with visiting Anaheim Monday, despite a handful of misbegotten second- half sroring chances that were enough to make the F.stancia faithful groan with regret. "A de is n9t a km," 6.rst-year coach Na· dine Rajabi Anaheim Eagles said cheerfully, after the Eagles' re- cotd went to 2-5,..., "We've already 8lllp6S9ed last year (when they were 3-19, including 0-10 in the Pacific Coast League) and ~ getting better and better.. Rajabi was ~ encouraged by the measure of her teami lm· proyernent from the first half to theeecond. . . "Our eec:ond halt today was the beet half we'w played all ~" llld Rafab', who along wtth ..... ant Subrtna ~ a former )'Otlth oadonll teun per:fonner ~ played colleglatel)' at Sin 06e&o Estancia's Rachel McMasters moves the ball into her team's offensive zone while Anaheim's Derlisse Aranda gives chase. Stlte. is credited by F.standa staff and parents with both 8tabWztng and energizing the program. "We finally started oonnecting (Offenstvely)," said Rajabi. who played at Cal Luthemn and Mater Del High. "Wf!ve been having problmu putting thU:lp together this)1W.. The P.agles put together several threats Naimt the Colonists (6- 2-2), who 1lL'e enjoYfng a turn- around~ their own under first· year MlcheDe MajewUd. Anaheim, coming off a 1·14-2 campaign in 2001-02, mended its unbeaten 8tl"e8k to tl'Ye games. But not without tome anxious ~ men ts. . Anaheim Opened the ICOftng In the 15th mlnule; when the re-- bound tom Panny Gut.ai h>t near the rWJt poet trtdded to ce.mmate Mm:IMI ..... poel· tioned directly in front of the open net Vega converted to up the Colonists' scoring lead owr oppo- nents this year to 20-8. The half ended 1·.ahat way. thOU8b &tanda earned a 7-6 ad- vantage ln shots before intermls· sl.on. fordog Anaheim keeper Patty Jadnto to make five of her six saves. F.stancia. I.Ike it had in the ft.rat 40 minutes, c:onlrolled play most of the aeoond halt as Maria San· c:bez. Raebel McMascen. FJiae c;.am>n and Marina Abdul meted or let up quality chaooes that were also instigated by Ruth O.V- ero and Kadeen Q.m!n. Sandla, • aenbt pmdua!d the equali1.er In the se.b mblute. ftn. blq a llronC run by Abdul. a frelhnwn. who ipf'.-d ,,.. tho ... MCID.PllllAI ~-~~~~~~-----------...---------------------..... __ ...... _. ________ ........................... -.. ..................... __ .....,; ....... .._ ___ ___. AW I P % P • -µa ~PORf~ TueSlidy J.,11ua11' J 4 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Costa Mesa fivals Collide for bell . Mustangs, Eagles attempt to gain early leg up on securing perpetual Bell Trophy. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot umptu. of 51 -20 and 50-33 l~t points m three games last wet.'k season, the former the most lop-to up his season average to 7 4 sided margin since the two ppg. schools began competing for the Estancia (12-5} mic;c,cd tht· Bell in 1991. chance for a.perfect three-game Fust-year coach Tami Rappa's stan m tts first week of Golden Estancia .squad (7·8. 2-0 in West League play, 9roppmg a 64- league), which defeated peren-62 decision against w;11111g nlaJ Golden West League charn-Santa Ana Friday after ope111ng pion Westminster Jan. 6 to es-with league triumphs over We'>t Labllsh itself as the team 10 beat minster and Saddleback, Jail. h An otherwise mundane week in leaguer is looking to hand and Wednesday, respectively. of league matchups for New-Coach Jim Weeks' Mesa squad Coach Chris Sorce\ '>Quad fe;1 pon-Mesa high '>chool basket-(9-6, 1-0} its fust defeat in rures offensive balance. led hv baJI teams will feature a pau of Golden West play The two sophomore forward Carlo'> Pmto crosstown showdowns 'between !>Chools competed the last 12 (13.6 ppgJ and 6-foot-8 '>eniur boys and girl!> squads from Costa '>easons in the Pacific Coast center Joey Lmdquist ( 12 H ppg Mesa and fatanc1a League. Senior guards Zack Nov.ik and The Mustang., anti Eagles will fatancia will be led by veteran Mau Cachola have al'>o hl•en !>Qua.re off on the boys sid e seniors XochitJ Byfield and Tisha stalwarts fo r the Eagle!.. Wednesday a1 7 p.m at fatanc1a. Gray, as well as junior Trisha The 1-stancia boy<> clO'>l' lhl' while the gut.. teamc; collide WaM?, an her third season as a week fnday al Orange, while ThllThday at 7 p.m at Costa varc;ity standout. Byfield is aver-Costa M<'~ hosh \Vc-.unimtt:r Mesa. aging 12.9 pomtc; per game, fol-Friday Estancia, wh1th ha., won the lowed by Wase ( 12.3) and Gray me Co-.ta l\le'Kl h'lrJ'> opt·n the perperuaJ Bell 'trophy thai goe<, C9.2). weelc Tue.,day ho<.llng Orange. to the annual '>eries winner the Co:.ta Mesa 1s keyed by .senior when 8.tancia \.1'>11'> ~ml.a Ana last two seasons. is favored to Rhondi Naff, who leads all New-in another Golden Wcc,t t _caKtJe make it three year., an a row port-Mesa scorer; at 18. I ppg. ~ game. agamst the l\1u.,tang girls. The \o\ell as semor guard Stacee San-The CdM boys 7·1.JI open )a Eagl~ ha"e bed ten Mesa th~,---d 1c"1 -1i<io:C1.l>Af77i:?1jirg:P. -~~~~~;g::;r· ==~~~·.;;;;:~~~~===~4>1;:Q:=;~;a~~~~~t.~~~-"' last fhe meelln~-.. including tn three-pointers} day at Laguna Beath Ull'n ho'>t WATER POLO Tars sweep F.ag le The :'\ewport Harbor High 1umor var...11) girl~ wa- ter polo tt•.im trounced Santa Margarita. 8-0, Friday and the Sailors froc;h-'><>ph earned an IH I tr;limph. Sabnna C ook and Ashlmg [aylor SlOrl'd two goaJ., apiece for the ~or.,· 1umor varsity The Ta!'>' fro'>h·'>Oph v1t · tory wa'> led by Leah Rob- enson Cah Manderino and Kalli Luca'>. who each scored four goal'> Costa Mesa has won four of Tesoro friday. the l~t SIX croc;stown boy<; me Newpon I larhor ho}'> clashes. after Estancia had built (9· 7, I -OJ host Sea \'1ew I eal,~e a 30-game winning streak over rival Albo Niguel \\ednc<,d.iv. the Mustangs from 1982 to 1999. then vim Irvine Friday night Loach Bob Serven's Mustangs The Sage Hill boy., •fl A. I o 111 (5 11 have owned the bell the the Academy Leagut-are .11 un- la.c,t two season'>, but are looking beaten St Margaret., tonight, to rebound from an 0·2 stan m before Vl'>lltng Cap1'>tr<1.no \aJlt·~ league Omsuan 1-nday Ill arHl!hl'r Me~ is fueled by senior league conte&i Danny Krikorian (15.8 ppg), The ( dM girl'> (5·4 tip oft whose streak of sinking at least league play tonight ill l..tgun.1 one three-pomter m every game Beach, rhen ho!>! 1e'>oro I h11r., th1-. .,eason came to an end 111 a day nonleague win Wednesday over "iewport Harbo('> girl., (I 0 i \.1'>llmg Calvary Chapel. Knkor-host All'>O Niguel ton1gh1 1n rhe 1an, who has drained 44 shots Sea View League. thl'n \1'11 Ir from threedom , started a new vine lhur~day. The \.ulor<. tlwn three· pointer streak with two m ho!.! Trabuco I Wis In a norr Friday's league los5 to Orange. league game Sanuda} night The Mustangs' offense has Sage Hill's girls 18-2, 0 I) aa• at been bolstered of late by fresh-SL Margaret's torught and ho\t man Bnan Knox. who scored 50 Capo VaJley Omsuan r ndav C Irvine Men's Basketball UC Irvine vs. Utah Stat• Wednesday, Jan. 15th at 7 p.m. Bren Events Cuter •uc1 lakctball .. gMta, sponsor.cl bJ Hade, to tlM tint J,000 ,.opae. kt your tickets early, capacity aowd Is apcctecll UC Irvine vs. Idaho Saturday, Jan. 18th et 7 p.m. Bren Events Center UC Irvine Baseball Bash A kicll-off to the 1003 Baseball season Friday, Jan. 17th at 6 p.m. Anteater Ballpark • ....... COieiia ... ,.., .. • ,,.. ua •••II• lllbtr to .... •, .. ,,, • "' ... ,... .................. Clllllt .. , ....................... . '\ . .,.. ........ .... ...... ..., .. . ,.,..., ........ d .. ,· 111111 -.................. Daily~Pilot PUBLICATION D ATES: ·corona oel Mars Kevin Mancillas ·2 ~ goes up to the basre< through Anaheim defenders Vincente Rodnguez left and uis Barrera (15) during Trursday s game at E stanc1a H1gt-School Sos ta Mesas Susana Tru11llo 1151 and battles a Santa Ana l/allet pla:yer for tre ball Sati..rday n1gi-1 r nor.league girls ac + °" at C.osta MP Sa Fridav, Januarv 24, 2003 DEADL INES: Space & Copv. \\'pdrH::.'".>da} Jt1 n uary l 3, 2003 lanuary 22 2003 Can1era Ret1d v:\\'eclnesda\, For more informati o n contact your ad vertising represe ntative, at 949.642.4321 1\ ( i i p it R D n ( i1 f1 a i1 t Al Tuesday, Jaaulty 14, 2003 .1 SPORTS Dady Piiot FROM THE SIDELINES Chief~ give former Tar gridder Mayer the royal treatment E d Ma~ a 1949 linebacker at Newport Harbor High who helped lead Orange C.oast College to a title in 1951, was recently is.sued an annual pass that would take him anywhere inside the Kansas City Chiefs' AITowhead Stadium. It was eai,;ty Deeember before the pro grtc( season was ending for the Chiefs. Mayer and his lovely wife, }ewe), got the royal salute from the KC staff and owner Lamar Hunt Mayer, an old friend of head coach Diclc Vermeil and his assistant.. Mike White, a former Harbor assistant coach to Jeff Brinkley and former coach at Cal and lllinois, welcomed the Ma~rs with the red carpet treatment Mayer was astonished later when he was welcomed into the big stadium box utilized by Hunt at all games. Said Mayer: "Both Hunt and his wife took the time during this one game to serve us all coffee and cookies. They are the most down-to-earth people." Added Mayer: "I later learned that Hunt has a four-bedroom home located above his stadium box. He stays there when he comes up from T~ to watch his team in action. The stadium home becomes his office when he's up from Texas." Mayer said he was impressed with the job Vermeil and White have done for the Chiefs. "The team really holds together in a sensjove and caring way." said Mayer. noting that he didn'1 observe that in a later visit to the San Francisco 49ers' loclc:er room while chatting with Bill Walsh. I le and Walsh were college teammates at San Jose State in 1953-54. "(The 49ersl were too individua)jstic from my HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 23 -Jon Pharris Newport Harbor Water polo, '97 _ 20 -Alicia Santiago Orange Coast Women soccer, '01 17 -Elizabeth Clayton Newport Harbor, '02 observation.· Vermeil once coached the Philadelphia Eagles and the St Louis Rams to Super Bowl victories. while Walsh did the same thing for the 49ers several times. White, a one-time Oakland Raider head coaC:h. still owns a home on Balboa Island ••• One Interesting thing to reflect baclc: on Is that two future All-American gridders ca.trte to play on Davidson Field against Newport Harbor in 1948. • · Another special surprise came Mayer's way from the Chiefs. "They delivered a handsome Chief jacket DON CANTRELL One was fullback Johnny Olszewski of St Anthony and the other was giant end Donn Moomaw of to me while I was there," he said Added Mayer: "Mike and I used to have some grand ti.mes attending Brinkley's Newport teams when football didn't have him tied down." Mayer once played football with the Orange County Rhinos. a semipro team, back in the mid-SOs. He recalls the team once beating the Seal Beach Navy. 69-0. and that former Harbor Htgh kicker Don Vaughn, a 6-fool-7 athlete, was ldclc:ing field goals for the Rhinos. "They're still around, you know,~ Mayer said. "I still seen mention of their games and scores in the paper." There was amusement when asked htiw much the Rhinos used to pay him for a game. "They paid me five buclc:s a game and we practiced al La Palma Stadium in Anaheim." Mayer said. "Well. the money helped pay for my gas to come down from Loe; Angeles to play" Mayer now lives in Irvine. The biggest holiday season surprise came Dec. 31. when one of his two daughters. Kelly. gave birth to twin boys, Logan and Grady O'Keefe. His other grandson is older brother Conner Edward. Santa Ana High. The St. Anthony ace went on to ~tar for the C.alifomia Bears, while Moomaw advanced to UClA The Saints barely edged Newport, 14-12, and came close to losing as the Turs led until the final four minutes of play and Santa Ana won, 14-0, with a much bigger team against the very young Sailors. It was Al lrwins first season as head coach. The St Anthony coach. Jacque Gremer, said "We were lucky to get out of Newport alive ... His team went on to tie for the CIF championship with Santa Barbara, 7-7. Anolher All-American~ on Davidson Field in d1e mid-I 940S. His name was Flroy (Crazy\egs) · Hirsch. once a star at Baldwin-Wallace. Newport coach Les Miller had invi1ed him and another star gridder. Bob Dove. over from the El Toro Marine Base lo help coach the Tars one afternoon. Added to that C. the remembrance of still another future All-Americ-cll1 who came to the local field one summer to practice. And that was a sterling quarterback named Bob Garrett from South Pasadena High. SCHEDULE TODAY Basketball College men -Vanguard at Point Loma, 7:30 p.m College women -Vanguard at Point Loma, 5:30 p.m High sctiool boys -Sage Hill at St Margaret's, 7 30 p m High school girls -Corona del Mar at Laguna Beach, 7 p m • Akso Niguel at Newport Harbor, 7 pm., Estancia at Santa Ana. 7 p.m .• Orange at Costa Mesa. 7 p.m.; Sage Hill at St Margaret's, 6 p m Soccer High school boys -Sage Hill at St Margaret's. 3:16 p.m. High school girls -Orange at Costa Mesa. 3: 15 p.m .. Santa Ana at Estancia, 3· 15 p.m .. Altso Niguel St Newport Harbor, 5 p m .. Corona del Mar at Laguna Beach. 4 45 p.m St Margaret's at Sage Hill, 3.15 p m Water polo High school girls -Sage Hill at Long Beach Jordan, 4:45 p m Wrestling High school -Santa Ana at Estancia. 6 p.m .. Costa Mesa at Orange, 6 pm DEEP SEA I MONDAY'S COUNTS Newport Landing -1 boat, 12 anglers. 5 calico bass. 15 sand bass. 70 blacksmith perch. 4 sheephead. 5 sculpin. "Employee. '' "Empleado. " ''Arbeitnehmer. '' "Employe. '' , ' .t r ( .. . PHC T05 Bl' DON LEACH DAIL v P 0' Estanc1a's Sandra Lopez, right, battles to keep Anaheim opponent from scoring position EAGLES Continued from A6 defeni.e and dribbled in toward the goalie who came out lo meet the play. A -;lading Jacinto failed to secure the ball and AbduJ re· gamed po~1on. then passed m front Sanchez .. <;tandmg all alone, flipped the b.tll 1n to tie the game. L'Ldl1<.:1a continued IO mount the attack. Carroll. malc:ing a run 111 the 6.lrd ·minute. managed to direu the b..tll around the charg- ing Jacinto and continue m as a defender retreated near the right post. Rut the hurried shot rut the sjde of the net A through ball by Chavero set up Abdul in lront. but her nght footed cro...srng attempt rolled jw.t wide of the left goal post Amanda Abbott. Melissa Willey. Dustina Lau and Alaina Sweeney JOined sweeper Chavero and sophomore goalie f>-auJa Arona (three saves) in helping the de- fen-.e maintain the deadlock. while Erika Phe1e-1 and Sandra Lo- pez also comribu1ed for the hosts. U!u left the game early with a nght knee LOJUI) 7 Estanc1a's Manna Abdul attempts to beat Anahe1m'5 Allysa Nunez to tne ball as a fast break develops for Estancia The tagles. compenng m the Golden West League lhts sea.son. won their first league game LO three years wtth ..i Jan. 7 tnumph over Westmins1er. They return to league play today al Sant.a Ana. before visiting crossLown m'al Cosca Me-.a ll1ur..d.ly at :; p.m di the I ann ~pons Complex. Rajabt !>aid another faC1or LO the Lagles' tmprmed play Monday wa' better filne..'>- "You guy-. have the <Jall. <Jll told her players in the po'>tgamt addle'>.,. •And the condluun111g •~ commg I think tho'>£• laJh (111 pmcuce) are making a dtfforeme .. nw .. (nonleague game) rnukl lu.1vt• boo~ted our confidt·rirt'. or 11 rnuld have hurt our rnnlidenn• Ha1ah1 ...atd "But I lhuU. \W mat.It· ..ome pm~- NO MATIER. HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. a 1 = •t 01Hy Piiot IOTICJTOC0111UCTOISCAUllGJOUIDS Tuesday, January IC, 2003 At Olfr~TC~ Dlttrict COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIQll Notlcta 2l40 Llpl Noelca 2840 Llgal Natlca 2MO t.epl NoUca 2l40 Lepl NoUCll 2MO Lepl Noaca 2l40 Legal Notlca 2840 I Leoti Nottca 2MO 1114 0..dlfne Febfua1y l3, 200Jat 2 oo pm llWfOIT IUOI ffdlllM...... ffdll...... fki11M...... ActlllM...... fkllll...... 9260 D••IJ ii' t De< 24 ll ftl•n of llld Receipt Ofttce of Doct°' of OTYCOtlklAaA 1111.-....s..... 1111.-....~.......____. Tll•• bu11n1u " con 2002 Jen 7 14 2003 '"!chUlftl,CoH tCommun1tyCollt1•D11lrt<t Bide ttlMllu--"-es....t ._s....t ._S.-. --d11 chd by L1m1t1d T~ •o , 1'70 Ad1m1 Avenue, Coale Mt1t _, The loflowlnc per,ons The lollow1n1 p111on1 The follow1n1 parson' The followlna per1on1 Tfle lollow1n1 p11,on' l 1tb111ty Co C:A92t2t ' &.a.......i1...i1..111 ........ 1rt do1n1 bualnau n are doln& bu1lnu1 u •rt doln1 bu1lnn1 11 ere dolna bullntu u are do1n1 bu11neu o H1¥1 you ltarted d01n1 I ftrojtct ldtntiflctllon Name Colden WHI Collt&t ""':"""':'S....i.;r9la..':':!""9 •• :00-::-Cer1ld, Lucero• Asso· The Smith Gulde. 18A30 A ) IDS, B ) lnternt tlonal HOUSE COUNSEL. 2CM3 t l S1ndstont Sllcktn, tiu•ineu yet' 'Vu r. .. --.. ~!"° .. RHlroom FaclHty, Bid i.o 18A5 ,_, _ r-cttlu LLC 19 K1w1n Wttd StrHt, Fountain Dulan S1rv1cu 11 Wastcllff Dm1 Su1t1 b ) Tw11ted Shck111 q 212000 Pltc• Bktt "' on Ille and t vt1l1bla at Oltiu J.sy 14 2003 Wey Ahao v .. jO. C111 Valley C11tlorn119270I Doheny L•1un1 N11u1t 200 Newport Buch St1ck1n by St ndatonr S1rid1ton1 Sita'""" of the Pll~ltctl F1cM1tles CQQ(dtn1lor Ardith Ritllt llUl\lllUIW "T,T:OO.PJl forn1192656 The Smith 0111d1 Inc CA 92677 56JS C1hfotn11 92660 d ) S1ndston1 5'81 "I LLC Scott Ortloe C:o11t Community Collect 01st11cl 1370 Adi~ ""'"""1'111" Gereld Lucero & As (CA) IUJO Wtrd Annette C 01nbur1 11 HOUSE COUNSH tl'fC Com,,..t•c11I Ortn Ste ,,.tnaai• AYI., Bide. ·o•, Cotti M111, CA (714) 438 4673 fOtllG(lAIMlflllG 1oc11tu LLC. (CA). 19 Street, f'ounh1n Vtllty Doheny Leauna N11u1I (CA) 2043 Wulcltll A Huntin(ton Buch CA I Thia ,teteme"t w,s~ Wtb eltt: ww.,.cccd.tdu/f~clllt1" CURRENT BUSINESS Kewen Wey, Allso \11110 Ctlllornl192708 CA 92677 ·5635 Onve Suite 200 New 9!649 filed with the County I NOTICE IS HEREBY GlvtN that tht t bove nemtd UPll>U NEWPORT BAV Ctllfornlt 92656 Th" bu11n11s 11 con 8l1lne R Ornbur1 11 port Buch CA 92660 S1ndS1one Sllki<ru n Cttr~ of Orina• Countt ScllOOI Dbtrlcl of Ore1111 County Ct lllornii •ct1na RE s T Cl RAT 1 0 N Ttlls bu1ln1u 11 con dueled by • corpo11tlon Doheny L11una N11utl Thit busintu " ton 1n1 lLC (CA) 5481 1 on ll/25.102 .. .,. ..... ____ .. by end lllroulh Ila CoY1rn1n1 8oerd "•reinifltr PROJECTS<• IOP M ) ducted by l1mt11d Ht¥t you ••••ted dotn1 CA92677 5635 ducted by • corpora t>on Commatc1al Oriv1 Ste 2002•92U2' ,.,.,,ed to .. "OfSTRtCr Wiii r1ct1v1 up to but REVIEW or AFFORD l 1•b•l1ty Co bUllRISS yett No Th11 bu11n1u IS con HtYI '/OU stut1d do1n1 .,A;:;;H;;un~t~m~n~e;o~B:u~c~h~C~A~========~:;:========:; not l1tllf then Ille •bOO·ll•ted lime ABll SENIOR HOUSING H1¥t you &tarted do1n1 The Smltll Gu1dt Inc ducted by • 11ntr1I bu11ness 1et' No ;: t1•ltd blda for lht tWlfd ol 1 conttacl lor lht 0 Ev El Op MEN T AT bu11nen y1t1 Vn , 12/ Jemn F Smith, PrUI· partnership HOUSE COUNSEL INC project dtacrlbtd H Construct new 688 \quart LOWER BAYVIEW LANO 12/02 • dent Heve you slert1d doona Robott l Conn CEO toot rHtroom ltclllty INC ANO Vt(W PARK Gertld Lucero ' As Thi• llalemanl WH buttntn y1t7 Yn 02/ Thll Ulttmenl WH Tllttt wlll bet fifty ($50) doll11 non ••fundtb•t OEVELOPMCNT AT UP 'oc11tu LlC Laun flltd w1tfl the County 01/2000 !tied w•th tht Countr p1yrnent requ~td for u ch sat of b•d oocuments PER BAYVIEW LANDING G111ld Pr111d1nt Cler~ of Oran111 County Annelle C Ornbura Cieri< ot Or •nae Count1 Ch1clu ahould b1 medt P•v..Ole lo Cout 15 00 p M > Thi' statement wH on 12/20/02 Thi\ ,11tement wn on 12 18 02 Community Coll111 Olslrlcl PUBLIC HEARINGS l1l1d with lhe County 2002692741 S fllt d with lhe County 120026009271 •7 81~ 1h1ll bt rtetlvt d 1n tht pl1ee •dentifieo REQUESl TO AMENO Cluk of Oranae County 011ly Pilot Dec 24 31. Clerk ol Or1n11e Count1 Oa11y Pilot Ot t 24 31 ebove, end lhost blda shell be opened •nd pubhcty THE r ASHION ISLAND on 12/13/02 2002 Ian 7, 14, 2003 on 12/12/02 2002 Jf o 7 14 rud t loud 11 lht abo~• sttltd time i nd piece PLANNED COMMUNITY 2002692 .. 7• TOOS 200Q692U61 2003 T996 In eccord•nce with the pro¥•t•ons of Cehlornoa (PC lS i DEVELOPMENT Ot11y P1tot Ott 24. 31. Dally Pilot Dec 24 31 n...w--•·-L- Publlc Conlrect Code Stchon 3300 the D1at,.ct PLAN ANO OIS'fRtCT 2002 Jen 7 14 2003 S ..... tf 2002 h n 7 14 nm.-- requlr11 tllet tht bidder PO"ns the lollow1na REGULATIONS PERTAIN TOOi %' r..itflkuf 2003 r998 McneSltttllel!I Cft11lflC1tlOn of contrtctor , httnu •I lht t1m1 INC TO SIC NACE TH[ FklftlM...... flctffiM luAltss The fouow•Mi person\ lhet tht contract" •werded Contr•ttor B licenu APPLICANT PROPOSES "-eStatti.nf fktttlMlwlilH1"-e McneStlttllent are do1n11 bu,1nen u PUBLISH J1nu1ry 7, 2003 t nd Jt nu uy 14 2003 MODIFIED SIG NAG[ DC The lollow1n1 person I Bravo Tr1n\lahon 2778 WALK THROUGH W1lt.throu1n tS REQUIRED Date \IELOPMENT REGULA The lollow1nc persons hu 1btndoned the use The follow1n1 persons Albatrou Or••e Co\la January 21. 2003 II 9 00 1 m Colden WHl Colltc• TIONS THAT WOUl 0 art do1n1 bu11nen H of the ftet1t1ous Bu" are do1n1 bus0nen I\ Meu w1.lo1not 92626 Malnltnanct and Op1r11ton, f1t1llly toultd oft ALLOW ADO TIONAL Haute Houu Cr utlOnl nan N1mt 0111tal Gabrial Romero 12332 Mau"c .1 A F&rnandez McF1ddtn Avenue belw .. n Colden Wnt •nd SHOPPING CE NTER 2702 W Juniper St •4 Audio 887 W 191h St Huter SI •A Garden 2778 A•b•l•on o ... , Cotlltrd StrH t1 Hunt1n1ton Buch CA 92646 C111 I IDENTIFICATION MONU Sant• An• CA 92704 Cost• Mesa CA 92627 I Gro¥e Ct l1lorn1• 92840 Colli Meu c .1.fo•n11 714-438-4646101 m1p MENT StCNS VEHICU Dean Sever1on 2702 The F•CllllOul Bu,1ness Gabr11I Romero. 12332 92626 810 DATE: F1bruery 13 2003 •t '100 pm LAR AND PEoESTRIAN W Juniper SI •4 Santo n1m1 referred to 1bove Huter St IA Gerden I This busonen is ~on· 1 BOARD DATE Merch ~ 2003 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS ANO An• CA 92704 wu l1l1d in Or1n11e Grove C1hforn1a 92840 ducted by 10 mdividuil No ptyffltnl 'halt bt m1de lor ,.0,~ or m1111,11 RE s TA URAN r MONU lhis t>u\lnn s " con County on 8 11 2000 This bu,ineu •s ~on H••• fOU \tarted ooone under the contrtcl un11n i nd un111 rn1 Re •·strar MENT SIGNS tPA2002 ducted bt tn 1nd1v1dual FIL[ NO 20006836876 clucted b1 •n •ncl1v1c1ua ousinns 1~1 No ol Contracton ver1f1u to the DISTRICT 192, AP Pl ICAN T Have you'''"'" do1na S1rr110 Mon1111no H.-e you sla•led clo•na Mau"" A Fernandez thl l Iha CONTRACTOR wu properly 11 r nuo al"I HOLL~ SANOLER REP business yet' Yu 121 1314 N Harbor 313 I bu11nus yet' Yts 11 I Thi\ uatement .,.0 the llm• lhe contrect wu 1W11 deo Any RESENTING TH( APPL! 14 01 S1nt1 Ant. CA 92703 '27 2002 l1lecl N1lh the County "Emp/o,Pe. ·· "£mp/Pado ... "A rb1•tlt1t>h mPf. '' ··tmplm!. ·· Dailf Pilot NO IUTTEI MOW YOU IA!.'!J cwtftD """ FIND n. t l11 "lji1·1I • ''I:.!-,-,,,-;:: CONTRACTOR nol 'o 1 c AN r TH l 1Rv'1 N £ Dun Seorson Sant1110 M1n10. 1314 i Gabr1el Romero Cterk ot Q11nee County hcenH d 11 1ub1ect to penalttu Jn0t• lilt 11., 11 ' COMPAl'fY This statement wu N Htrbor 313 Santi Ttus s tetemenl w•s I on 01 03 OJ , ~ d d , the hc1n11 cl1utf1ut1on sp1d.1d here•n•b ••• s RENTA AGREE MENT f1l1cl with Iha County An• CA 92703 fllecl w•th the Co 1nty 200269 21412 • th•t of • 'spec11l1ty contraclo•' u oet1nttt In w Ir H T [ NAN rs 0 r I Clerk OI Or1n1• County Thll bus1neu ,, con Cterh of Oranee C ... Jrty o. i p t '" 7 l• e I n g ~~~:!~~10:~d:'th~h:p.~1~!1ft~n~"''~~:;,~·.'!.,:~~ M~~~l~~HSK JOINT USE• ~~;li2~~s1 du;~~:.:~~~.:::~~··\ ~~;~:2~2:ua 21 28 ~-3 T014 th• Contract for lh1$ Work sh•ll lh•ll I on strut t LIBRARY APPROVAL or Dally Pilot Dec 24 31 I This ltatement WU Ot1ty Pilot Otc 31 2002 FlctltlOVI lullne1I 5 HO E t m1J011ly of the Wo•k 1n accurdinrt PROH SStONAL SERVIC 2002 Jan 7 14 2003 filed with the County Jan 7 14 21 2003 lOI I Ncne SIVtenltllt I with lht pro¥t11on' of Cal1lorn 1 Bulintu 1nc1 fS ACRHM£ Nl WITH T9S4 Clerk ot Oran&e Count/ rt......, ___ •·-'---1· i· p f C S 0 12 06 02 nm-IHlllllftJ T~~ tollow•nc Pt!S• n, ro tnlOns Odl ecl•on7 !19 THIRTCTH STRHT AR fklltl.sluslness on "'~s....__. art d'l"il !lulntu .. All Work muS! be comp tied ., tn·n 12Q CH1flCTS · 2002•92S974 -,..,_, con1tcull¥t dty• T1m1 s ol tnt euonc~ F • lur t 0111 P 1 1in1;My 14 Ncllle S~ 0111~ Pilot Oec 24 JI Tne to110 ... •n11 P'"'"' 1 T Env' nmtnta Con lo Compl.t. lh. Wor• '003 T f t 2002 Jan 7 14 2003 are doin~ bus•nt s. •\ \\Jlt•n~ Gt up 3400 1' -I" " c TOI~ ne o lo w1n1 persons 003 p RS B T A¥l nue I tnt Arts Su•lt ./\CuCD within lhe hme ut I or th net••" ., 11 ruult n the 1 •rt do•na bu""'" n r ' A EO IN E RN.A F 406 C "' 1 • M, u fTJ_ f'V" m I" r-I 1,.,,,. 1mpot1llon of ltquldllecl d1m111es tor u (h d•V o! --------Tustin Toyo\• 44 Auto TIONAL 23872 P1p1t Ci hforr"• 92626 1 Jw.adcn m ..1\441~ J.Jcacn, voronau«1 ../Juzr, delay. 1n tfle 1mount ut forth n tfle ·1nto1mit ~n SUPOIOI COi.iT Of Center Or •• Tustin CA fktftlous luslntu Courl I •11uri1 N•&ut l H•me~ Kho\rh 3400 rv:, ___ _, Goa,,/., Go,Ja La. for 81ddtrs • f &ltlNM& 92782 Mcne S"'-'t Calot.,r" • 92677 1319 AwenJt 1 I"• Arts S, 11 J~ e ..1'-flZl~I e Cech b"' must conform •"d b• rn..,vn• •• 1 ---Orernv• of luslln nc Ftrlll•d F••sadztelt" r,:; "]\ 1 / 1/ /' the cont11ct c1ocum1ntl Eun 01dcler '"'" \Ubrthl . COUNTYOfOlAMG( 1CA1 1377 Kette""I Tht lolow1n1 per\')nS 23782 P1p1t Co11rt ~:~~'"'::2~/E. M•sa t uon I mJJJ OU on lfJ/S cnance on lhe lorm furn"heo with the tontract documt nh O«AllGHOUNTYSUPOIOll loop Ont1"0 CA 917.61 i ••t clo•na l>usine\l u La11un• l'l111ut l Calolnrn•• / /. 1/ f. If/ • llst ol the proposed \UOconlt•clor> on th1\ I I Thll bus1ntn '" ton DORST -CORDELL 1537, 92677 1319 T~··d ~U\IM•S\ s ~0"1 • 10 promole .Y exper. i'se in IDIJ ,1e10. pro1•cl H ••Quired by tne >ubl•lt•n<· •'d COIJRT,PIOIATHOURT duded by • tOrporetion Monr ov•a Newport Fuhao Fer~•O clue e 1 an inO••• ua · • Buch C I lo 92''3 T.. b Have Y JU \l11ted clo1n11 Subconttaclln(I Fair Prtct• •• A·I G~·•rnrn•nl OPOATIOHS H•.e you•t••teddo•ne ,, •n•• "" "" U\lfle\\ t\ con bUl •nt •• (ti' fes II Cod1 SectJOn 41001lHQ OUSll'U\1e1'No B"•n Dorst 1537 du<led by • l•m·l•cl Eacll Bid shall b1 accompan••O Dr, cut t ea 0, l41TH(CJTYOllVI Oremor of ru\ltn inc Monrov.a Nt*PO•I Ptotntr\11•P OlH~.2o -~osrd• • .J11£{j culuer s cht ck or blcl bone! '" '" •m• uni nor It> POST OffKf IOX "'' hffO l Romero Bea' h C•·tlorni• 92663 Hhe Nu \ta•teo do•n11 Tn , Ulttment WI\ ~·~~a ll11n ltn perctnl ( 10' I ol tnt t •l•I b1CI pro•• PttStelent CEO This bul!ntss " <On bu\'"ess ytl' Yes JO t CJ Pt•1blt to the Ol\tr1ct " 1 ou•••nte• th•t t"..• I• 17 Ir ORAJtG(, CA lh•\ statement wes clulltel by • 11ener al 15 20()2 tote cl witll 1''' County 'f ' • ' " p t h f d d • f d Cl•r~ of Or1n11• r .unty 0( bidder, 11 1ts propou l '' n •l'ltd lht l pr 0,,.,pl•y 9261l-IS71 I.led w1lh tflt County '' ners IP ar\a ll e• ar\h• n II 2S 02 1ucut1 the A1re1ment furn••• 1 ut ,11,1 'Y '"""""Of '''~ I Or1n11e ~uun11 Hivt /~u sr.,tM d >•na f ••••du oer 20026924139 ofil F11thful P1dorm1nce Bone! •" ;e'T\cunl nnt ~u ""'"'" n 12 27 02 Dus1o>eu ytl' N Th,, \talt"'•'ll ,.,_ i>a , p 1 , 0, ,.4 JI ly then one hundred per.ent c l"f:1 • t tne 1 t• 1 d (W1fsltocley Cook 20026927914 ~ flu • Corer 1 eel "tn '"• ounly 2002 7 14 pr1ce furniih a Peyment Bond n an a,,..OuTi t no! "''"""'""'·•Of MU•( 011 1 P IOI De JI 2002 "' llalt,,..•nt "'1' Cir•• I Ora i• unly 2003 T'l9l • • .\"'~IE 9) 574-4.249 Ian than on• hundred percent 100\. 01 11 .. tot.al ""'~ """' l1n 1 14 21 2003 T008 hltcl with lhr County on 12 02 O? ' bid pric e 1ne1 turn"h cert1l•t1t" ,.:drnClni 1ti.1 OROEITOSHOWCAUSIFa. i n......., __ .......... __ 1 0Cn1•0•~1 °1 1, 00•3•ni• Countv 2002t192Sl13 ;:====================================; .. f tKnllWI -' Oa ly Polot O•c 31 2002 tnl rtQUlrecl 1n,ur•nu is •n ti ect n lh• •"• h (KAJIG(Of NAME 2003692946s 00 1 14 21 2003 T009 "' for th 1n lht 11nt• •I '"'""'' "' In ,~ .... I -Stlttllllllt D I p I 14 n o1flt•f11lure to tnter '"'" lht 1n11 • t Jncl • •• I• CASI llJMJ(l: '217073 1 ne foll<>w•ni persons n' { t b :1 ~·3 r~:• flctitltus IWnns 'O Al ~T[RE S TC" ••t clo•~a bu••nns as Ilene S"'-'1 requ1r1d document' 1uch fl d se.ur•l1 w1' O• P[RS0"1~ 81onc1 Ou111n 261 I 2 fort11ted The F ••lhlul Putorm•nco 8nnd •n•ll I P•r.t o•r Cufl•s S•nlo Thomn Costa rem11n 1n lull torce 1nd •lle<t thrOWih 11,. B•adl• r 1 " filed • Mru CA 92627 1u1,.ntee per1od o >Pt,.1f td tn tn• .:•"tr• P•f.t r "' Ir tnrs Duft l~rres larl B•f\thb•<" cond1tJOn• 1 r • II• ,.. , '"2 "i .?bl I 2 S•nto Tnomu Tht DISTRICT •ner••• I~• r ihl lu •r t tl •"t ••or.s H 1 II ~1 Cull\ Co•t• ~eH CA 91fi27 or all b•dl or to ••••o. •rt "•ilu 1111.n r Brao t1 C • t C• s Sonora Inez A1.,ancle• 1nlormel11tu 1n any bid\ or '" 1n1 b1clcl•ni? T• !on Con• 14702 Oel Obl\PO •70 As required by Section 1771 of the Cahfnrnr• 2 Ttil fOLlf'l ORDERS I O•nta Point CA 92629 Lt bor Code the Dorector ot lh• D•P•rtmtnl 11 that •II p•• son\ •nter lhf\ bu11nns is con lnduslflt l Relet on1 JI the Sitt• ot Callfo•n•• t •• ••1•:1 n this maflt• )hall du ltd by 101nl vtnturr cl1ttrm1ned the i•nerally r:i•e•I ""fl ••In of"'•'' •PP••• 001 ·~ ·~ s ,our! Haw• ftJu ""ltd do•nl lfl Ille lou hty •n whKh !ht W~r• '' I be pedu•rr•cl ti lt•e 1>ur "• nclic1lfcl ~u\ "'\S 1tt' No Cop1ts of theu '"•I• rate detern,,n.i1ons 1nM td t~I .. I sh .,. c •u\f 1t ·•m•~ [all B"so·bach PREVAILING WAC[ SCAL[ art m11nt•onrd di th• •n1 "'"Y •h• P•l>hon I tr I TIH\ \lltt mtnt "'" DISTRICT office louted ti 1370 Acl•"'s A•• tQ\I~ /lanft uf nart>t \h<Hlld f1ltO with tne C.ounty Men CA 92626 Phylicat r tc•lll1f' P11nn•ni •nd no• b• ~,.nlrd • lerk ol 011nr1 e r ounty .,. n11tablt to I lly nteroltel par tr upon r•Qu•\I NOTICE 01 H[ ARING on 01 13 03 The Cont11.to• sn1 posl I .;,py o lh•l clocufT't n! O.ie l lil 100) lupr 2 20036929467 •t 11ch 10b ••It rne C1>ntr ••tor ~"" •ny P,,. Dt r.t t 7 J 01 y p, "l le 14 21 1ubcontncto• ul'Ot r 11 'n1ll po n•ll lt n than the Th• aaorrS\ 11 '"• court 28 f eb 4 200J TOl 7 sptclhtd pre.a1hna rate• ol "'•Kn to 11 ""'~'" ''••me.," l•d 1b ,. n......_luslnes1 smployecl 1n tn1 e u cut1on of lhe 3 I\ t1>py ot thl\ Orel., "'"'- Conlrtcl to Show C1u•e Sh.fll be 111111 S ......... ~o bidder may N•tfldra.., any bid for • Pt•1ud oub• •htd •t •Ht onL1 rn, fnllow•fTI person' ol SIAly (60 dlrl 1lte• tn1 clalr set for lh• ti' n wn~ for ',ur ••• Ou•'IC bus•nns as ptn1n1 of b•d' SUUO\• ....... , pr ,, f .. , Phy\t(f Therapy A payment bond shell be rtqu•"'" P"O' to In the J•I• set lor J«'l Cotio Or •107 e•ecuhon ot the contract •ncl \flail bt 1n lh• form htdnna on !h• Ptt t11°n Huntmatoro Bui h CA set forth 1n tht contrecl documenh '" th• f!lllowm11 "'"' 92b48 Pursuant to St tllon 22300 ~I ll>f PubhL Conlld<I PdPtt nt a•11eral <l•tW (l•ino M F.vnr 7442 Code lht cont•ecl will • nhu1 pr •• \ •at, n pr•nle<I " lh•l Coho D• •107 .. un 1H•m1tlin& lllo succeufu D•Odtr to \ubSI !ult ~unty ll!r °'lt•POrl t1nalon B,. h CA 926'8 HCUflt11s for any monies w•ltllltlcl by II'• D·•t• I Bue~ •\II Mr\I 0 •• 1, ffl•s bus•n• I\ con to insure ptrl<Hmantt under lh• tonlracl P1101 ouclt!I b~ an •"d•v•dual Each bid 1ubm1tltcl in ru ponu to !fits NoliL• D.&Tli JAN 03 2003 fi~v• you •t•rted clo"'i shall cont11n n 1 b1d item 1d1quate 1neet1n11 RICHARD 0 . FllAZU, busineu yet' No sllor1n1 and brac1n1 or eQu1¥1ltnl melhoel for SR.. JUDGI Of THI [ 111ne M r •• ,, the protecllOn of hit ancl h,,..b on trencllt\ •nd SU'IRIOR COURT lh1\ \l•lemenl wu open u cn1hon wh•th lfltll cont ,,,.,, to •PP1tctb•• Publl~htel °'I t NP •1 1 l11td w•lh tnt County uf11y order' Bo.acn to•'• Mtu D•••y Citr• t O""il' County O•v•"'l"t ,_,., Pilot l1n11ar 1 7 14 ll ~n 12 10 0. ly w1n1-M. v .... 14. D •• Ch-c•ll•r, 28 2003 ro11 I 20026'2UH C-.t C-...V1tlty C.tl•t• Dl1trlct 011ly Pilot Oil 24 31. Published Newport Buch Costa Mtu 011ly Pilot 2002 l•n 7 14 Tht lollowm1 per \ORS ••• do•na bul"''" 1• D1a1lal Aucl•O 887 W 19th St Cosl• Mua CA 92627 Moauel Bust a rnant • 1234 S Baker St S•nta Ana C.A 92707 ln1\ bus1n~\\ '' con duClecl Dy '" 1nd•v1du•I H••• tOU sUr t•O dOl!li bu11neu ytt' '1H 11 lO 2002 M11ut l Bulltmante Thi\ statemtcl "" l1ltd #·lh lllr •unty Cl••~ ot Oren11 r)unt1 on 12 06 02 I 2002H2S976 Daily Pilot Oe< 24 l 1 2002 Ian 7 14 200J T002 T ht t •llow1n11 P•"ons Uf! doma bu\1ne'·' '~ B~'t iuth•nl Suppl es 101"1 s1 n1ero •Or ,, Hu'll l'QlDn Bu." Ca •o•r • ~2646 Cao•otl S•nlrl ,, 1010? Stonybroo• Dr .r Huntinaton B•dCh c.1. torn•• 9264; c.,,,,~" t::runt ...... .:i 8250 £\~a~ ta l tini. BtaCM c.1.fQ•f'•I lh l bU~"'~H •\ " due ltd by co P.,lntr\ Hi ve you started do•ne busonru ye! l'io Gabr et Sanlth<t 1 n,, uutmr "t ..,,~ 11 tcl w•lh l~t Cou~!y Cl•ri.. ol Or •"i.• Counl, on 12 19 02 2002600927357 Daily Pilot Ot 14 JI 2002 11n 7 14 /001 T 0. Eveeyday ~ a ~eat day in Cla~ified! Be a pan of it place )'Our ad tooa}~ (949) &i2·5678 Jenu11y 7, IC 2003 TOl 2 I 2003 , T999 llliiiiiillltiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Index How to Place A STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?ft • • • • • • • • • • Thr '-fK"I Drp.irrmrnt .ir rhf [Joni> f>1!or 11 pw.i rd tv 1111111•i.11.r .: 11n.. rri t•f noU' 111111l1bu to nru bu1mrssrs \Xr U'tll nou SEARCH thr nnmt for .~ou at no r<tr.i .J..irgr . .i•1d i.i1" )ou trr( nmr and thr trip to rl1r Court HouJ( 1n .°)ant.J A11t1 TJ.rn of, ounr .iftrr IN srard• LJ com pined u r u ill fi~ )OU• t7ainnu1 bu1mr11 'lu"lr t.itrmmt , ttt mr Count) ( krlt pubhsii ll'ltt .1 1urlt fOr 'our k u 1t:1 ol! •tq1,,•ta t, ..iu Jn/ tf•rn fi~ your prnoj of publmmon u•uh rhr I ounl) O.rr~ f>k.iJt uop b; to fik _)r1ur fimrw1<S buwws u .i1rmrnt 111 thr D.i1~l f't/<Jt lJO lf' &> \t ( oiw .\Ina If }OU anno111op bJ plr.zr ,.ill u.; .it •).;') 6-/_' • ..J.1_, J and 1u u ill m.ilu arr.ingrment1 for _tau. tfl l•,mdk th !'"' eaurr IT> m.Jtl lj JOU should hai't .tn_) funhrr qurmon< P~"-" .,z{/ u .irui u tu 1!1 hr n,rrrr t,.11,, glad to 1wut _-you Good Ludt m your nru buHnw Pilot CLASSIFIE AD Rates and deadline' arc \UbJeCI lO change 'NllhOUI notice The publisher re~rve~ the nght to censor. reclassify. rt'Vt~ or rc1ec1 any classified ;1dvent\Cment Plca.\C rt'pon an) error that ma) be tn your clas~1fied ad 1mmed111el> The Dad) Piloc accepc' no hab1l11y for an> error tn an adven1~ment for v.h.Jch 1t ma) be respon~1ble e11cept for the CO\t of the ~pace actually occupted by the error Credit can onl) be allowed for the ft~t m-.enion ,. ... OfPOln.tl All rt1l Hiit• t dvtt· tlst111 In tflls new-ciep« b subject to th• Ftcllfal F1lr Houaln& Act of 1961 11 1m1nd1d which maltH It lll11al to tclvertlte ·any Pftftr· t nce, llmltltlon or dlxrlmlnatlon bated on 1~1 colOtl rtll&fon. M•, ll1nalcap, 1ml1Tal 111tu1 Of natJonal orlcln, or en Intention to mike any MICll Pf•flf•nc•. hmlt•· tlon Of dtKrlmiMUo11." Til!t 111-..peper win not ltnowln&IY KClf>I 1ny advtftlttment for ,... "tilt wtllcll .. In vlolatloft of tltt l1w Our , .... ,. .,. "-:.::I lnf«mecl t111t Ill • ""' tdvlrtiM4 Ill ltlll lltWlf>t9tl' .,. av•"''" on 111 1qv1I Ofll)Oftunlty hall. • TI COflllllll11 of "" cr ...... ulHUO"°" :a:zr- • JSr 1W \ By Fax IQ49) 631 ~594 ""-~~ ....... ..., .. .BY Phone (94Cll 6oi2-~611i By Mail/In Person: 330 West Ba) Srnt "' """""• I 1510 1190 FOUNO RING lent -w.tO--U-,-,...,..SC-IS.,....,.n"'s..,.M~ d• t 111 ed d 11cr1pt 10 n Rt till SJOOO must tncl name. pllorlt Sell fOf Sl900 f , colot a. r1n1 11tt, style Call 949•500•5007 end where losl CaHs wlll only bt returned b; HIS thou ltnlnl ctelalltd Info. 949.720 1122 ,_ .. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERvtES 2600 Mllctllnoul ..... -UNLI MITED PHONE CALLIHCI No mort rate per m1nutel Ctn eny· •her• tn·1t1 t1 and N ,_....Hwy.... n1tlone•ld1I R1tldlntlal Clll """ Mii') 121-a and buslneta sn 95 lo 'lJ!R n.., w.4, llv P:n S59 951 'Atll ut about ln.Qlm "'°'"'P orly oul unlunlted ptln1 IOf --ttlt m1tk1t1n1 end 1 utodl 1 l 1r1 • -.flllftallT~ l(tlS)202·0ltJ IBMCES .~.~ ... > ..... ,....t.. -MT1QUES HOME MOIUGAOC LOANS low•al lnlttNl tit". All trtdtt t~ Ne pn·paymant ~nat tiel ... , WWk• In tfle 1 tat C111fer 1111 Oltt l,,.f_TMft '""411ftl C1U now IC» 720 •t dOl (CAl•SCAN) Milllatrllll .. COMPUTERS FOR HOME USE = "' lht~. lop of the hne, new combo dft'llt, Mtw0tl11nJ l800 form t4t-H -HU C ta 'lest. CA 9~6~· ~1 \e~ran Bhd &: B.t, 51 Hour: -Tclcphont 8.30am·~ OOpm \fonda) ·Fnda) \\alk In & 30tun.500pm \1oodl)·Fnda) MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE FREE 2 ROOM DIRECTV S~ltm w/ 1nst1ll1t10n' 3 months Frff Showt11M Unhm1t1d Acceu 22S+ clltnnelll 01111•1 qutltty ph:ttUft ' 10Ul'ld P1dl 11•• flllm Ill 99/mo Limited tn'M 1 800-360 4039 (CAL •SCAif) St--' I~ Yr. IM 11-.wtl Z4aZI wu Sl,100, ull U .HO. 40xQ wu Sl4.600. ull ss,Ho. ao.110 w11 Ut.900. MUlZ.• C....._.I w• .... lt2-7IOJ WAllttl 2002 Ko':~IWtllOft 174>'247 your stuff_ ttl'cqh classified! Soulhtfn Llv1n1 n'l•I• 1lne·s NEW PAR'N PLAN 111h home bued ton avlttntl Fun IMome Sl99 CaM Kay Toll-Fr11 I 866·296 5HZ VtSlt -~ athom• colt! k1ysutton CCIII.~) ,....,.. c.. Ml H8 Asslh ollly TlrfHla¥ • ~ • equ1,. pllonu, * ,,..dClllll~ A+ M 6 M MARS/MS· Tl.( v1n4ltn1 ,ou.h. Unique ill'1Ch1111 Glut oooortun1ty, pr""' lo· ClllOllS tO '4t new! £ lClllent "'""' "° tlal lnv11lfMllt ,._-14, I lDK •ml undw . l Oii ,,.. •• (I00>')7·144 .. (CN,.•9CA!lf) .------Deadline .. ..,onday T~~ay \\edncsda) Thunday Fnday ~ OOpm Fnday .Monda) ~·OOpm S11urdn TueW) ~ 00pm 5undla\ \\cdnc~~ .HlOpm -.at.. • latl/Aaatl IA(I( IAY CINTIR Wll'ltld '7• 2651 l•'f•l'e Avt aoff NE w ME JtlCO MOUN ,, ... 11t11l on 1111 714· TAtNS 140 AC O..ty 57J-77IO J49 900 Gor11ou' ThuNl.t) S OOpm Fnd4~ J 00pm Fnda~ S OOpm lfHSl1nd\ maturt tree Coroftl ... lllr COVtt. 6300 ft 1ltv•l10n Mounlt ln v .. ws reer rown• roed' end t llc tric Pert1<1 f0t llor .. lover 1 A•t•c•nl to llthon_. forest hctll•"I AtC111sma tar a... a.a l1n1nt1n1 C•tl todey! -lhlt wont lu ll SW -,_.--,-.. ...-..... ---,-,-,-,-.,,,.-propertlu of Iii,., It>( I c.i. .... mal~tlon 111 ·292 1111 ..-17~ St l:md, lllw (CAL• CAiif) TUI NCMISI HCWOCO UTUAT AMAIMee '11CI HT t4f .. ,U..-tl0 CGlll ... "'•111uns ,.faKll ftltOM HTMNl'W9tUU ............ ,., •-Pl1t10it1Aof1 c-~ Dll~ =: MOMESR>ASAL! tet-115-t• ORMGE -...,.. ...... COUNTY ihl1 UTATU ....... ..... AAilONA am IM(.AllC IS te11 • U4 IOO lot4lar1 Stet• l•lll~ lt11tllf11f ttllCll I• .. I~ .... .,.,... ,.,... l.lGO' dilllltit .,.,,. ,., ..... "'''" •O.•• Aff.,•11tle ff· AAJ!l-&n HTIKll meoM llA110lll ... VIA .... • •• J6..t,.J --------"::"".'~~-:---I --.. llCktlllOI'• (0111 ocu ,...., fllll ., ... ,Mn OflUIT ........ 1fMl!I ...... \ ·. • .... --. l10 Tuesday, Januafy 14, 2003 Dally Pilot TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge frtNlt Office '/' Pei fee t for a coll11• ttudtnl 01 • retiree! BUSY Newport Beech Manne and Manufac· tur11d tlome Community Olfrce needs a weekend counterperson. Broad va1 lety of Indoor and outdoor duties lnclud11 safes. admlniat11llve work, and daalln& with reslden\J. f AX resume to (949)673·44S8 or apply '" person lo OeAnu Bayside Vrll•&•· 300 E Cont Hwy .• Newport Beach. CA 92660. lecepllonl1t f /T Tue.· Sot. Bu$y phorles. MS Oflic11 and phone skill$ Restaurant .OP 1+ Fa• resume to 949 S42 0674 or c•ll 642 7880 before 5 AVON Ent1epr11neur waoted Must be wlllln& to work whenever you want, be your 011n bon. and enjoy unlimited earn1n11~ lei') talk (88S)9 4 2 4053 (CAL•SCAN) -AAdomallvt ACROSS i -1U 11111 0 POOrnel• 0 COU$.n .. dlCI 14 Tvo. cl NUl'llll'I 16 N'u11U1e 1& Gctswek 17 Attc:ndeo'I rewllld (2 WCI& ) 111 1111 20 Toll~ 1ormer1y 21 Poallcel camp;algo 22 Risky 23 Home willciufr? 26 Uly-•1Me 26 Jurigle !lllake 27 Pina toppers 30 Fragrant wood • S3 RIV'ici>ef f fooi-tr :J4 Cow's "9eoond 50 T oath 1ype 52 H\#f)tl1 S3No1-~ 54 lnillale 56 Goo1Hool(«1 67~v•M 58 LOI borrow 59 Throe-slc1ed IPM>rd 60 l<ntgt>t'a rnatJfll 111 Recruit J dinner 82 F!lel sor11 ol DOWN 1 Mi41111ry lllud.,•1 ~ Reeldllnce 3 ElCl!ator &toe> 4 Always, IO Poe 5 M~lots II Free ol 11'1l91 1 Steady~ a Belor• rhN c»urso· 36 Line QI roA11<>11 37 T r81t0tla sauc:e 38 Fleld 04 stud~ 39 'Who·• Who' 9 StrlllAI callCl'S 10 S<octie<'11 girl• 11 HUdson Bay lrlbe 12 Tax 30 Urbari lrllllll>Orl 31 Freeway ramp J? Oe!ligner label 33 Tam '48 P11111ium g~uoer 49 su;;;;ba"'' ... 50St~ entry <l-0 "Nonotctike • stat 41 ldlltlu!l llrld r8d1 42 S1Jeetcer 13 WNWopcx>elle 18 Abbots 35 German arllde 37 Mout 5 r Holl1bte DOG& 52 Elbow U11d1111H19 22 8ec.au~ ol w11sh8d-out 38 Mimics oppois11e }4 MonSiour'S wmmer (2wd$) 24 CEO aegreor. 25 ScrapboOk rtem n·1spfl!1111 40 Galheted Slowly 41 HumdoNn 54 Toy gun ammo 55 Olitch allltne S8 Above W a ~J Help OUI 44 P1cka bard 45 Borec:flr <ngredtenl 46 Credit C91d&, $1Mgjly 28 Ughrtllown 29 &ought ecuon 48 Lowly laborers ~ 7 Gray-brown MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RentalTo Share 6030 NP on the bch ltn tuw.hn lg br, pvl bJ, pk""" Wdl< 11 dst. grM kit. ffJ ldlllld gated S2li ~llJO 717.J RESIDHITIAL R[t 1· Al~ ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 28f 2Ba, 2c gJt ,,.,,,,, w/d. d/w. new trpl 11.i•1t. lower unrl 'l2J'/1 20th St SlSSO.OO 949 723 1186 3lir 2.sba 3 story <Ondo, 1/2 bl! bi!y/bdl, un wd. 2 ' p l'n> w 6"'-•ia Blvd $2400 714 8i5-1 lfl9 3Br 2Ba, larl(e hv1nv. area de< k .md ri•w lndry, rlo~e lo bea1 h S2500mo 94!! 715 i5U Corona del Mar .......... en..li 0J.Wd 1(•100 .... ~ 2flt• fJ<<i I ....,a lease IY ie4<;e Option l\gerl1 ~71& l'\21> 2tw Ibo,. ·~~ w ba~ utk nd le '4J 111 g"' •••~ Ill~ n/1.,ls·\ml<~ Slfi60rn 949 m 577S •/51 Marguerite 381 /2Ba fuiurv refurb home l"BXXr1 Also larl(t re.w l81 16a new '""'""'' & 11•.,tl ,170011 949 JI'> (')I l Rar• Gron1111le ~11111 sh1t y U»I •Ch lilt 7bo l< VAi gAletl , on1m poof p.t S3600m<• l lmCJ I\~ l; • .,.,1 'J6Z 4.~ ~I .201 Costa Mesa bealtl11e 28< I Bo Conda I .ode w 111 11v1 ~·•d ,tred mrtll • r1n1pi.-·1i 11f 11111~ 4 unrt" w VU' 11 l11d1 y I J1 & ouls.idP •l .. ¥P Ml Mo-klllv Ldne ~'I 61'> '>114 rr,t 28r's N 1:a1 $ l 095 mo & 1 Br·s fro111 Sll'\S/1110 m lovP'r g<-1t~d f omm fled• rri SttuMe lr1dp,P Indy faethty l\le1n Mngt 877 704 ~~ • 9200 E'd de CM l 8r RU•\I 'oll.ig• r•vl gdrd•ll 771 I l f'alm•• Avail ? I'> i1t50'm 949Glt31UO Newly remocWed b>t Iba """' 'ldlool $l 7'i0 • + ml dfv Wdlel paid nu pe1'i .,..-h11: ~574 'iaJ E'side SFR, '"111r1lf'tely '""'l•d•I•~ 7br Iha b" ~ 1,.,.. """' 1 rpt p.u11t kol b.t ll l f '10th #El "~' $157'> 'J4Y l/ll 8!199 -h lh .. ,,, .. , w.....i.'°"" wl !)> w l•rn"" Nu <Ap/pattl l:.>< IM•KI I'd CllAHI $1W'i .. °"" <jfj w i'Oth Sl Blu 949 645 <J.113 lbr 2 .Sbo townhou1e, 2 c 11•• Ip, wd hkup fur mal din yd, md•<l agt S 1750 •mo 949 293 4631 """ 2br 2 5ba townlla<.se SwtidM fp, j.klbO. balLony. I < §N r.oown pooV'il);t, ai.,1 $lffl110 ~29J-<1631 f'Sldt 38r 2 5ba I~. 7< .... &<" S2. ro,, yrty l!.e 11 pe\/..,..;.,g IY B<t<;il Bay AvdM 3 ~20018 Lake forest 2br 2bo townhouH. Super n1<f'' N~w ,,up. pautl. patoo. gar laund $1495 .. dep 76198 Hrll sfor d Bkr 949 645 9913 lido Isle 8eodt Cattag. 2lir PI .i.a 2 t gar. total remodel, heaLh & l•nrus dub. S2800/mo 949 644 2330 Newport Beach BAYFRONT UN LIOO PfNINSUl A NEW 2Br 2Ba COTTAGES Provdt• 6e.1r.h. Pool and Spa Walk to lh •~n Shop~ dlld Re~laurdnt\ Lea'e 6/nw 7 yr • Boal !.hp Av,ulable 7 10 LIDO PARK DR. 949 67 3 6030 or 949 723 5830 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH VOU BE THE JUDGE East-Wi!>I vulnmible lla.\1 tlcllh. with enough 10 llL1 oot no MlUlld wwr· n111ive. Jt wa' unforturnitc that Nmh·~ ucc of licani. wo\, to all intt:ob. a worthlC$~ C'.ird. Miike it onu of Lhc blook aces tnMcad 1.111d the C(lfl· tr.ict would be pracucally la~down WEST • 97 • ~863 NORTH • Q2 A JO 8 6 .\ .. Q 1094 •74 1-:AST •A IO S KJ!l7S 42 5 4 A 9 8 6 3 2 4 10 S Decl11tcr won the opcntng IClld with lhe ace of lk:ans and immediate· ly emb.11ked on drawrng llumps, MW1ing wrth th\J 11ucen from dummy. East j!r.lbbcd Ille ace and reverted to u tugll heart. declarer ruffing low and Wc.i overruffing wilh the nine. We'it tnc<.I ace of rlub.\ and another Dectu.rcr woo al\d drew tlUJ1'\p\. bur then hOO to cooocde 11 diamond tnd. -down one. SOUTH •KJ864J ":I Vold !) A J 7 2 • KQJ TilC.' brddln~· . EAST • sotrm WEST l .. l • ~ Pll....s 4. Pll'A ,.._.. Opening le&i. QuL-cn of Study the b1dd1ng llJld pl11~ ot thr~ deal W~ t!u~ 11 nornwl re~ult'1 If mll. wt1(1 errtd :ll1d how" ~l.m:r wa~ uulocky to find &t with a M:llCn<ard •Uit. Srill I.ht-~ wa~ one di•trlbuuon 11181 would have per· mmed the contrw.·1 to get home t'.a't had to hold ~!l'"clficaJJy &ee·th.ird of <ipade...,, At tncl two 5,)0th >hould hu' e led u lo-. •1)iKJe from dununy. u play lhat l'WtrlOI l°O'it If f:.a,t n~' with the ace lu revert to hciln,, dcdarer CilJl afflJf\l tu ruff htgh and draw tht: lllltnpl>. II f:.i\l follow\ low. declarer !!Cl\ to win "'ith the 1ad. ai1d pluy a ..ecund round or ~pudco, exhau\ttng Wc<.i \ rnunr' and so lo'i Ill!? only t>nc trict.. 111 cadt \Uil cxccpl heart' Suulh had a wwld ov<:n:all vt E.._,1·, wcult 1wc-,..11<-;1n npcmnf bid ( prudcm ut th•~ \'lllnt>rJbrhty l. und Nc>nh cunno1 Ill' fuultl-d for rw..,in~ * YlARl Y * HARBOR VIEW HOMES UASES 3br 2ba hse pc al nu ftr~ BILL GRUNDY RCAL lORS caip. nexl to '4JOflS parll 949-675-6161 $7795/mo 9$581 1520 v~ condo lbr. new catpeVP;wrt Nr HOag, (IJe.Jt loc Ri=rt llv~ AvaA now SJ 100/mo 714-53& l554 STUDIOS lwo very large studios avail New pa111t & cMpel $1 200/mo e.llh. Call 949 715 3513 lbr Iba I.IP!* unrt, STU'S TO SAHOI flllow c:.rpet/ Pilrnt Ip, ott 'tret:I plung $1450+ ~ 5023 RM!< Ave lfC 81.r 949-645-9913 Ver~ollle• 2br 2bd penthouse o<.n views. balcony, comm pool/len agt $1800 949 673 7800 YlAJtlY RENTALS near lhc beath. 2br. Iba 2br 2be a&I $1500 $1850 949 293 46JO 3Br 2B<1. ~W badyard w/1a<.. cul de "'1\. quiet ne11Jhborhood, hke new SJ:>OO/mu+ sec; Ava1t 4/1/03 949,955 2522 Wu tcllff Famlly Home Be<Jullful remodeled 3+2 and all new• W~lk to '>Chool/p..,Vshops $3450m rndude\ Jtdrdene1 & OSL wrth leau 949 233-4986. Spygim• p__. View ~ lev8 4/2.5Na. neotral int.nor I& yard. vacant $48XVmo ll§' 949-7l&.1588 Private Tutoring 7990 ary dePascale, MM ltssons In Your Home Introduce your thild lo the joy of musk n 11 upscale baby/ chlldrens \lore m NPB ha111 player who hku tu design & sell s,1ary plus bonus & med 949-4964541. 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