HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-16 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot"" u •• 4 o a a c o a a •• Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,JANUARY16,2003 ·Extension of lease may be last oite Newport Beach City CounciJ approves one more year for residents of Marinapark, but w ill look at clos ing the mobile home park to make way for a proposed hote l. INSIDE FORUM: The latest plans for a hotel at Mannapark at least deserve a fair hearing_ See Page A5 NEWS: More from the Newport Beach City Council. See Page A6 take a clo-,er look 111 <111 upu1m111~ '>ludy <;t..._\io 11 at < lo'>lllK the 1110 btle home J>drli: to mJkl· W<tY tor a luxury re'><>n prnpo\4.-d w lw di· veloped at the \lie . Mir 's prohahly a ~ooc.J idea 111 put II into a .,lUd} '>t''>\IOn. ( .11}- Attomey Boh Burnham <wuc.J June Casa1rande Daily Pilot ClJS.'>ion tum'> toward ulLima1cly do'>ing the pait. !hough tht• re'>tdcnl., agrl't.' ment with the u1y mdudl"> a pro vision that they m1gh1 one day be med to leave. removing lhl'm could be legally lrit.lo.y In a rl'Vl'r saJ of their prl'VIOU'> po-.11mn. nty NFWl'Ol{I BIAU I -llie mu 1111e t•xtcn.,um of the le<JM• for Marinapark rc\1dt•nt., mav ht-a '>IWltfkant l11rni11g point a'> di.'>· Council members on Tue-.day voted unanimou~ly to extend for Olle·year the lease for resident-. of Sfi mobile homes al Lhe city owned site. It is l~-.enlially the ••• um: agreement lhe counlil reached a year ago. What L'> diJTerelll L., that, at the rt•qul~l of City Councilman Lary l'rollor, council member.. WlU KEW TREPTOW DA • P Darren Grant. a local interior designer, created the decor tor Josh Slocum's restaurant. which 1s reopening after being damaged in a fire last year. The look 1s said to be m hne with manager Dennis Rodman's tastes Rodman redux Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot T he new Josh Slocum's 1s what happen~ when Michelangelo goe<. 1 loUywood and Leonardo Da Vinci get'> hooked on ~tero1d ... A July 21 fire almost gutted Lhe co11trover..1al restaurant that former NBA star and W~t Newport party boy Dennie; Rodman runs It's back on its feet. this time with a look that would leave some awestruck. others amused and a few ..cared. I>-.rnen Grant. the Newport Beach arti'il and anterior designer who created the new look. said he has worked with Rodman for the last five months lo Oesh out a work of art that 6 months after a fire forced its closure, Josh Slocum's reopens with a decor more Like its manager would reflect "the soul of HodmanM to those who walk in. "It's Victorian on the outside and the rise and fall of Renai'>.'laJlCe architecture 011 the inside,· (,rant said. "This is no ordinary restaurant. h's an oil painting that ha.'! comt' to life. It's quite eccentric and M>rt of extreme." It's hard not to notice. rhe entrdilce 1s a mangle of wrought-iron frame' Wllh a pla-.Ul coatt.'d WlJ'l' me<;h canopy. \lep 1n-.1de. and you're loolong at three of (,ranh otl pamungs and ornate, gilded wooden molding-. on both '>Ide-. !he bar is built like a cavern wuh I loUywood-sryle faux '>tone fim.,h - actually tyrofoam -wuh claborall' carvings ancludmg several d1-.robt-d Madoranas.. The "cave" is lighted with ele<"tnc candles. Blue blown glass and wrought-iron light fixtures that add to the eerie ambience. The ceiling is painted blue hke Lhe sky with fluffy. white clouds. There\ an ornate fireplace. No part of the See REDUX, Pa1e A4 THE BELL CURVE There is church and then there is state I 'm very much m accord · with Forum lener writer Oluck Cassity, who suggested the other day lhal we put the whole Wendy Lcece election Issue behind us once and for all. -H vtng said that, I am now going to offer one po tsa1pt for two reasons: ftrst, the Oak Newport Halbor history teacher Joe Roblnaon h recentJy attracted ln the Pilot: and. eecond, because the reuone for the opposition to Leece haw not l:)een p med very ICCUl'lldy by her ~ For two years, I had the JOSEPH N. BELL privilege of ae:Mng a mentor in the Newport HarborHJgh School DaVinct Academy. in which junJor tudent enroll spend a year mtttlng wtlh local mentors working ln a field of pedal Interest to the student The program ii run by 1 dynamo~ Mary AnM Roblnaon with the ab&e support and~ o( her husband. Joe. I watched his rapport with students And hearo tnJ of the time and energy he puts in goin(lhe extra mile to help those t\ldenl8 who need and merit It -one or them an underachlevtng tudent with whom 1 ..-orked not ne.arly as succes6fully. In my view. Joe Robinson provfd a role model as a dedicated teacher, ind when he wrote a ~y and ij>irittd re.acdoo to atddlm of the local t chm' unSoft and an h.~ OYtmeW of lhfo tragic re..I of ttate-.,cl!IOrid religion fQr the Pilot Forum page. I called 10 thank him Then followed the Ollk. I can\ make his case any better than Roblru.on did. but I'd like to add I rew footnotes to what he 5ald In the Pilot Fllst or all, 1'11 astonished at the $Urprbe and const matlon being expressed because the teacherJ' uo on got lnw~ ln tht ~c tchool board elecdon. In beevtt1 name. · wby shouldn't lheyT The school bovd the poUdes that gcM1'T\ lhrir ~.When those pOUdCs te IMCUIM,P ... M ollinal\ cm h1t..,UJ\ tlentlt'<l ll1.11 lh t') \l.tm'1v.ntt·1111.tlw P"''1h1lil\ 111 rl'locatum .i-..,1-.t.1m t' l11r Ult rt•.,1dt•n1 ... t•\1•11 1hr11114h tht•\ '-1\ th.ti tht' rl''>1de11L'> '"t"rt· tompt·n· -..i1t'<l 111 Jt.harn t' lur lht'ir relo1,1 ll!m to.,i.. 111 1lw limn of rt-duted rent'> I >etJJb of whl'ther anti luw. to hl'lp JM\ f1Jr rt-lot a11011 n11gh1 ht-a lop1t ol thl' -.tud\ -.e<.-.1011 QUESTION 7 Are there any other changes the Mannaparil hotel • proposal needs7 r dll (JIJI RPddf'f') H )lltrlf i\nollwr hkch 1op11 tlw Jd1 t<lll' '>UhJl'< I ol \\ ht·fher 1h1• lauJ di 1949 f.4] f;Ofjf, or S• nd P-rna1I 10 1101/ypdot ' ldt1mt'!> com PIP.CISI' SJ.>llll your nJrne ;mo inc.lud~ ,our hr1rnetown dfld µhon~ nurntwr for venf1c;dt1011 purp<>:.t:s 0111~ See LEASE, Page A4 ·schools stand to lose $1.5 million State woe~ could cost Newport-Me'la Unified much of the exces" property tax funding it use~ for extra program':>. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 'I~\ POI< I \11 '>1\ '>t llllol ufl1l IJ.h .tn hJlll'!ltrig do" n the ha1ch1• ... in rrep<1ra uon tor lht' 1111p1·1Hlmg 111" tilt' dl'>tn ll t'\Jlt'< 1-. 10 -.utkr al the hamh ol lht• -.1a11· huJget JXt'' P·auJ Ht>t'll , a""1a111 -.up1·1 tnlcndenl l11r 1111 :'\t'\\ port \le..a IJ1111it·d 'u ho11I I )t..,lflt I '>Jld ht> a1111upalt'" 1l1t• t11 ... Im t\ lunJ111g \\Ill lw ... 1..-.lwd h\ .1hrn11 SI ; 11111111111 11 1lw -.1ate adopt.. (oil\ ( .r'.~!.:>·I\ 1~ propo-.,tl lor th• •oo I CH h ue.Igel. dr.11111 11p 111 rt· -.p111i...1• 10 .111 '''l"'tl•cl Sii COSTA MESA lulft(lrl 111 II 11 I k-.p111 1lt1• p11t11111.1I lur tw '< h1111l d.-.1r11 1... rt11ll11111 dnll,ir ,1i11r1l.dl l<1'1•d .. 1r1·,-.1•tl 1h.11 tlw 11111p11-..1I '' p1d1111i lhlfY 1 llt'r• .., ,,.f\ 1111:1 1111wr11 t•1111· ol 1 .. ti.11 tit• ):11\t•n1111 p111p11 ... 1·, 111 1.m11.11'\ .uul "h.11 1h1 '"''' I ··g1-.l.1111ri• [)•'"''' Ill llH' \ll!llllH"r ll1·1•d ... 11tl I ),1\I' ,, llflllll• 11111-d .1 ~1 L! . .! m11l11111 f•'<IU l11J11 111 rt•4111rt'd p111141.1m ... 1111 llh· 1•11 llH' 'lilh' 111 -.rJht'll 1111' hlov. or 1111 .... 1 l1ll ... I l.l\... 'll~t''\lt'tl I 1111 "1lnJ,11111g l11111lmg l11r 1h1• 1..t n·rn.11111111-: 1m1gr,1111' .111d rt• 11111\ 111g .all 111 llH' 'lnllJ!' JI 1.1c twtl 111 tht• tumlin~ 111 .ll f11rd dhtr111 ... 1111111• flt·x1h1hl\ 1)11, lllL'•lll' 1111 hurdt 11 1 .. 111 lw 1111 lot .ti '' h11111 h11.irtl-. tn d1·1 1d1· \\ ltu h prog1.1111' 111 'Mt\t' .111d "tin ti 111 .1h.111d1>r1 f<l'1°d 1111·111111111 d l\.,11 otht't See SCHOOLS. Pa1e A4 Steel aims for strength as chair Councilman rel uc tantly accept e lection to heatl of Redevelopment Agency, which focuses on the West ide. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot <.O~ TA Ml-'.\A -l'ropt'l1'. owne"" and city offic1ab art' hoping the ne~ ch.urnMn ol the Hedevelopment .\gency can hve up ln his nam<'. a., 1t i'> gomg 10 take a '>lt'Cly di-. Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.datrPfotcom WEATHER . The S.nt• ""' winds ere here, 80 hokf on. Enjoy highs In the lower to mid 70s. SeeP ... A2 COASTAL AGENCY po-.inon 10 d11'C't t the conten llou'> "'-ll<"-on tht group., doc lo.el M<'mht•r. 11f tht> city\ Re tlevelopml•nt AgenCY -or the < .O'>ta M<'-.a City C ounetl Wt>anng another hat See AIMS, Pq-e M ~ "* tttomey genetel aim en eppeal c:ouf1 to lecot llilldw the coutal commillion~ t.Qltimac:y. s.p._.A.1 SPORTS • UCtrvinepufl oot~73 oYen.1me w:tocy titl9t Big w..tnvall..lwh S.Plip81 Dally J>t>t • A2 Thursday, ~ 16, 2003 POLITICS • THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Bob Wynn, ffieet Bob Dole June CaH1rande, Lolita Har~er and S.J. Cahn Daily Pilot Remember how, during the l996 presidential election, Bob Dole fell off a stage during a campaign rally? And remember how his popularity rating went up immediately after the incident? Well, apparently local n~table Bob Wynn remembers, too. The former city manager and current rep~S.£~.~8[:~~:.-::=-=~~· the OlUrch ofJesus 01rist of Latter-day Saints, on Tuesday. attend ed a presentation in City Council chambers for Pieter Bourgea, who resuscitated Wynn after he collapsed at a local Ruby's restaurant. II was the first time Wynn made the news since the controversial Mormon Temple project was approved in the fall after a long and ugly battle over the height of its steeple. His tongue-in-cheek contribution to the proceedings: ·w.ch all the sympathy I'm getting here tonight, ls there any chance we could change the heig_ht of the steeple again?" Maddox gets a little more power Assemblyman Ken FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Maddox got a little more power last week when he was appointed Assistant Republican Leader by the Ken Maddox Assembly Bob Wynnstands near a pool at his Newport Beach office complex. Republican Caucus. ·1 went to Sacramento to fight for the families of my district. I am honored to help lead my colleagues into the upcoming budget oattle," Maddox said in a statement. that '>hould be done. ~teel was elected IO chair tl1e Redevelopment Agency. which was created to revltali1.e economic and physical conditions in a specific project area. '>Cores and prnperty value\ Although till' pos1t10n.., largely ceremonial, Steel will be charged w11h runninK rhc mee.tings. which arc ~uar:rnleed to heat up as the rity gets closer lo adding temtnneo; to ii'> rc•dt•vt:lopment pro1ect government even more ertic1ent, elTecuve and accountable to tl1e taxpayers." Hut ~t the same ti me, he also pledged "to continue to 111ee1 our obligations to the people of Orange County ... The Assemblyman, who now represents Costa Mesa and has announced his Intentions to fill Ross Johnson's state Senate seat in 2004, will be part of the party's strategy sessions and will work with new legislators to help them with their learning curve. Steel, who has served on the council since 2000, was put into office in large parr by re<;idents who have forcibly pusbed for the West'iide to be turned from an industrial eyesore to a paradise or high-end homes. Many or hi'> supporters have called for the city to rid 1hat area of town from the vanou'> charities, liquor stores and pawn shops that they claim lower property values. -area. Those obligations. no1ably. include high levels of public safety, clean beaches (Silva, whose district includes both Putting the metal to the pedal Councilman Ouis Steel is now leading the agency set up to revitalize the Westside. and boy does he have some ideas for how While at .the helm, Steel said he wants to target the so called "magnet<;" Lhar he said draw illegal immigrants to tlle city and lower test . DailyAPilot VOL 97, NO. 16 THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publi.hef TOHY OOOEAO, Edhor JtJC1f OETTWO, AcMlrtlelng Oir«:tor LANA JOJ4NION, Promotions OINC:tOr N.ws Editors Gma Alexander, Lon Anderson. Paul Sattowi1z, Danhll Stevens NEWS STAR' o..p. Bhamh Cnme and courts roponer, (949) 574-4228 deopa.l>Nrsthtillatlmescom June Ceugnlnde N49wpor1 ~ reporter, (9491574-'232 jur».CllNQl'8ndll•latlmn com """ Clnton Pollta and environment reponer. (949) 764-4330 paul c/lnton /at/mes.com LollaHatpw Costa Meu reporter, (849) 1574-4275 lo/lta hllf*'•/Mlma.com DelfdN NlwtnM Edue9tlon ~. (849) 1574-4221 dtllrdre.~n•latJ~ com awwtM~ N9wl ••lttent. (949) 57-M~ dlrilrlM.camllo lat/nw.oom Given h1., pl•nthant for letting p1>ople '>peak at will during rnuncil meellngs, look for redevelopment agency mee1ing'> 10 get longer U'> the i-;.,ues get more conu:n11ous. Pledging the tough fight for his people ln his swearing-in speech this month, Orange County Supervl'>or Jim SUva promi.,ed to continue to be tough on 1lw county's budget by malong "county I lunlington Beach and Newport. said: "Orange (,ounty 1s known for our beaches. It is part of who we are.") and creative traffic <;olutions. They did not, however, include a n airport at El Toro. two words absent from his speech. Not that that should be taken to mean the death of the airport, reports of which have cropped up in the media of late. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller. Don Leadi, Kent Treptow READERS HOTlJNE (949) 642 6086 Record your oommenl1' about the D11ly Pilot or news tips Addfeu Our eddraas is 330 W Bly St , Costa Mela, CA 92627 Office houra are Monday Friday, 8 30 a m 5 p m Conec:tlont It 11 the Pilot's pohcy to promptly oorrecs 111 orror11of1ub$tance. Please call (949) 574-4286. FYI Tho Newport Blach/Costa Mau. Daily Pilot (USPS-144-8001 11 published d11ty In Newpon BNch and Costa Mna, subscriptions ire 1v1ll1bl1 only by 1ublcr1bino to Tho TimH Orange Countv 18001 252-9141. In ereaa outside of Newp0rt B .. dl end Cotta Mose, aubleriptlona to the 0.ily P'llot .,. 1v1ll1ble only by f1rtt claaa rNil fOf 130 per month (~ lnc.lude 111 1PC>licabt9 llll and local tax ... I POSTMASTER· Send addreu ch1ng111 to The Newport 8H<1hlC01t1 Mtll Delly Piiot, P.O. Box 1580, Coata MHI, CA 92626 Copynght No news stories. illuatretions, edltorlal matter or advenlsementa herein cen be reproduced without written permi11ion of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwrttlfng Claaffled (949) 642·5878 0.sptay (949) 642-4321 Edltortal tffWI (949) 642-5680 Sporta (949) 574-4223 New• Fu (949) 64fM 170 SpcHta Fu (949) 650-0170 E-tnlM: dallypllot•l•tlmt».com MatwtOMca ~ OMca (948) 642-4321 ltusl,..... Fu UM91631-7128 Pvbll1"-d by Timet Commul\lty New1, a dlvl9'on of tM Loi AngelM T1mea C2002 Tlmft CN. Alt rlghtl r....-ved. POLITICS ASIDE Putting one rumor to rest A n issue, or better said, a rumor I keep hearing is that Rep. Chrla Cox is destined for bigger and bener things. And soon. It's a topic that com~ up unsolicited when talking local politics lately. with will crossover into tlle territory that a number of other committees aJso handle. "So to be Aild at first blush. ll makes sense. When C...Ox was being talked about ucces.sful, newly appointed chaJrman Ouis Cox CR-C.aJ1f J will have tm book and political smarts S. J . CAHN on which to rely." the for a judgeship two year; ago. Democrats in the Senate helped play a role in keeping him in 1he House. Now, the Republican'> are in control of Senate, ru. well ru. the Hotjse (albeit ju~t barely). Still, it's a topic tllat. according to follcs in Cox's office. dot">n'1 have any bearing m reality And -while we alJ know that any judgments in politic!> are doomed to be wrong -there certainly don't seem to be 1he usual signs of such movement. Recent events strongly o;uggc'>t that Newport Beach\ Congressman isn't going anywhere soon. The first is that there isn't any mention of Cox movmg in the Washington media, as there was right off when he was being mentioned as a possibility for judge. (He aJso doesn't ..eem to be mentioned whenever there·., rumor that President Bush ~ill dump Vice President Dick ~as his running mate in 2004.) The second is that, while Cox did not get the chairman-.h1p of the House Committee on Government Reform. he wa • ., named the head of the I louse·~ Homeland Secunty ~lec1 Comminee. That almost ~uredly will be a high-profile assignmen1. one that -as an aside -abo c,tands to be fairly chaJJengmg According to tlle 1 lill n~paper, which covers Cap11ol tWl, tlle assignment is being considered a ·plumb" one -ratller tllan a "plum· one -but one lha1 could prove tough to handle because the i<>'>Ut"> 11 will deal paper suggests. rhl' final reason to thln.k < m. will be staying in his office 1-. that he\ JUSI hired two new pres..,women, Kate Whlbnan 111 hi~ wa. .. hington office and Amy lnaba Preyder in his c.:a.liforn1a. offit.e Whit.man. as has bet•n reponed, came aboard J~., than a month ago, a strange movt• 1f ( ox I'> '>UddenJy going lo haH· nu ne<.'<.1 for p~ persons. But a'> I sa1d, any rush to 1udgment is probably dangerous. Chances are, Rw.h will announce Cox as hi'> i.pt"{ 1,11 l'nvoy to North Korea betwt•t•n our Wednesday night pr~ llmt' and tll1s morning. St.arting the Web rolling Also of note: Since he won hb Assembly seat, John CampbelJ'• campaign Web '>lit' ha<i remained up. with re .... updates. 'IJow that he's announced Im 1n1enuon to run for Roaa Johnson'• state Senate seal. there are changes on the '>Ill'. johncampbe/Lorg. It's offin.illy thr John CampbeU for Sendlt' \II(' \o far, though. it only indudes the press relea e from hi\ announcement earlier 1lw. month. And, after a quick search of the Internet, there does not appear to be a rival Web sttt· for Assemblyman Ken Maddox. who al'io announced hi'> intentions to replace John''"' • S.J. CAHN 1s the managing editor He can be reached 111 19491 574 4233 or by e-mail at s J Luhn a lat1mes com POLITICAL CALENDAR JANUARY Today: Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa Special guests will be former Assemblyman Bill Campbell and Alan Peterson of the International Republican Institute. For more information, visit www.ocyr.org 20: Republican Pany of Orange County Central Committee hosts a general meeting at 7 p m. at the South Coast Plaza,Weslin Hotel. 6116 An1on Blvd., C0618 Me&a. Mntssion Is free, and all Aepdcans 8"I ~ (714) !ifJ6.a666 FEBRUARY 12: Orange County Young Republicans will host a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa. For more mformahon. v11it wwwocyr.org. 17· Republican Pany of Orange County Central Committee will host a general meeting at 7 p m at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555 17: Republican Pany of Orange County will host its ·Annual Presidents Day Cheny Pie Reception• Immediately after the Central Committee Meetmg at Antonello Ristorante at South Coast Village. (714) 556-8555 MARCH 12: Orange Coonty Young Republicans will hold • general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Tonto on Anton Boulevard in Costa Mesa. For more information, visit www.ocyr.orp. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The Santa Ana winds return today, but won't be as fierce as they were last week. Higha will be in the mid-70a In Costa Mesa and the lower 70. along the coast. Overnight Iowa will dip Into the ml~ The Santa Anaa will Ill<* around until Friday afternoon. While the weekend'• looking nice, it will be mor. cloudy. Highs will still be In the 70s In Newport-Mesa. ~ www.nws.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST Tho northeactetty wlnd1 will blow 10 to 1& knots In the Inner W9tet9 toct.y, with 2-foot wevn end • wwt tw911 o( 3 to 5 fMt. Not much witl d\enge tN.wenlng. The same can tie expected this evening. SURF Waves continue to shrink today, with mostly waist-end chest·hlgha, though the 1.tter will be harder to find In tho afternoon. The next IW8ll arriv. Friday. but will only do u mucti u retum us Into ttte chest-high region. By $efUrdly, head-hight will be bee*, but It will bact down Sund4ry. --quelty: www.surfrlder.oro TIDES nm. 7:181.m. 2:45p.m. P:23p.m. 1:391.m. ....... 6.02fMehfgt\ .Q.8lfMC'°'* 3.58fMthlgh 2.29tMtloW Out ftfUl«, the Nlttfty ==:=:.o~5,1cnota. WATER TEMPERATURE ~lwtll9f4to?-. • • Dally Pilot ~~K!llll!!"!!'~CSA~·~"'"'i"'·~·...,....-=-;.--~ ...... -........ ---·~-~---.... ~• .... •~•-.u111111c•a.,.. ........ .,. ................................ 5 .. ~ Thorsddy, Johwtt I&, 2003 A3 I Coastal agency gets more support State attorney general files petition similar to California Coastal Corrunission's request for a rehearing on the constitutionality of its enforcement powers. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPOln Bl·ACI I l'he stale auomey general ha!> ~ked an appeal'> court that !>lnpped the Cahfornrn Coa..,t..al Comm1i. '>lbn of mu ... 1 of 1h power to re hear the ta ... e, thJrwng thJI the Judge:.' opinion rnntrad1t1., the intent of lhe ..iate ton .. 111u11on. Uill l.m kyer filed h" peuuon Wedne..d..ay on the heel'> of a s1rn1lar rcque'>t for a rdw.mng by the c.:omml'>-'>IOn In late I kn•mber. a '>Idle Court of Appcah dt·l·nu.:d that tht' n1m11w.-.1011\ -.1rut ture 'iu late., thl' -.epJrat1011 of power-. clau ... e 111 tht• t'Oll'>lltu11011 ht• cau'>c thl' vu1111g member ... of thl' comml'>'>IOll, ,u1 t'Xl'lllllve Jgem y, l .in lw ren111wd '".11 will" by thl' '>tall' l.cgi .. 1.11un• p..maior 11y of tlw 111t•mtwro., an· Jl.,o JP pointed h} tht• lq.~l'>IJIUrt'. 111 E f'HO 0 DAIL< PILOT Rodolphe Streichenberger stands on the Balboa Pier, where hts fight with the Cahforma Coastal Comm1ss1on began Hoth rt•quc'>I'> for a rdwanng buy till' l 01111111.,'>IClJl lllOtl' tlllll' to u1111111ut· C1J>l'r,11111g .11 lull p1:1wer .,111u.· tht· .1ppellc11t· wurt\ deu .. 1011 \o\rm't takt• l'fft•t t until the ld'>l' ha ... l>t'en fully n·.,ol\ll'd 111 the ll·g.LI '>Y'>lt.'rn I ()l kYl'I l llllll'lllh lhl' lllllrt\ tlt'u-.io11 I\ '' rc111g ht•t Jll.,l' till' UJll'>lllUllClll t•xpl1utly ,,.,.,1gii.. power-; ol appomtmenl and re 111oval to the legi~IJtutt> '' f11 C Ahforni.1, the power to .1ppmnt execull\c agl'lll y offi ( 1.tl.,, \<\Im h im lude., the mu tll'ntal pm,t'r to remu\e them, .., an 111herently ll'g1.,l.it1\t• fum tum <.on.,l·qut·11tl}. \\ht•11 the l.t•g1.,l..ature exl'rtl'>t.'' 1111-. powcr. tlwn· td111101 ht• a ,t•parauon of powt•r., '1olauon betJU'>t' till' I .eg1.,laturl' ,., only exerrn.mg the pow<.>r ac;s1gned to it 1n the firc;t 111,tanl('," the petition '>Idle'>. But Hon Zumbrun. the ong1 11,tl plaintiff\ .ittornl'y and ro founder of Patifit l ..eg<if J-ounda· tum. .,did l .<>lkH·r'i. pt'llllon mcrl'ly t.•thot'., prt'viOU'> '>talc ar· h'Umcnt'> I le mamta1n'> that al tho ugh tlw ll'gio,IJture .., lOll'>ll tu111111c1llv t.•ntrll'>tt•d \.\'1th thl' Feet Hurt? AA Back Ache? ~- Knee Pain? • I I Hip Discomfort? WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Milhorn. ol people ~uffcr wjth lower JOlntJain simply brcau~c of improperlv littcd shoe~ an in~crLs. FOOT SOLUTIONS spl'.c1alt:e~ m fotllv.tu Jnu rn~tl>m unhollL~. fit h} skilkd profc!>!>tonals for Lhc hardest-to-In kt:l An<l. ~e Jo ll v.1lh style r -----$10 Off Athlttic Shoe Purch.ast. 11••• lllWl Wllh tllk ... ...... w. ... - ---.. ----.J WHERE CAREERS BEGIN ... t--. -• = Ill , ... ~ .... .... • QtlAllTY EDUCATION &OCIREER CERTIHCITE PROGRAMS I CLASSES ! THITFIT IVEl51 TRlllFEI COURSES YlllllSY SCIEllU Pidc<JYlr H(/~ "I t/pptJ~ ~ ~olden W~ Q llqje HUNTINGTON 8EAC H www.gwc.lnfo 1895-8187 ) ) aulhonty lo deode who o.,houltl rnaJce appo1nunent'> to Ult: tom rnl!>l>tOn, 11 v1olatei. the '>eparn tion of power.. dau~ when 11 maJc.es lhe appotntmcnl'> 1l'>cll The ongmal pfam11U, Hu dolphe !>trt.'1chenberger, bet arm· embroiled in c.ontrover:.y ,,., a rt· 1.ult of his Mannt' J-c>rc'>h \<Ju ety. Ille Newport lkad1 111111 profit group explort''> ted1111qtw:-. and raii.e., fund<, 10 help ut.·are large i.calt• marint· fore'" "where '>e..awced ,1d 'IH'lll1'>h growing 011 '>andy h<>llom" wlll replace the 100.,1 11\Jruw hab1 ta~." H1' unu.,uaf appro..at h 111 eluded cxpennwnung w11h van ow. matenc1h to l'.,tahll-.h thl' foreM.!.. hum I 94J I 111 I Y1J41, 1111 ~dery u-.cd old ure., 111 uec1tt· more fi'>hmg gro1111t1 ... olf \.t>\\ ~ort Beach !>tre1chenbcrgt·r lilt-ti .1 1.w .... u11 agam'>t lhc comm .... .,1011 111 I ~Ii after it rcfu.,t'd 111111 d pt rmll to operate J mannc hah11.11 ahou1 300 yard'> off rlw Balboc1 Pll'r. lie v.on lw, lif',t m.i1or umrt '1clory agam'>t the l 0111r111-.'>!on in Apnl lOO I, \1;lwn .1 "41t ti1 nwnto '>Upcnor L ourt rudgt· dt• dared lht· <lgl'IH'Y lllll Oll'>lllll t11111aJ !he appc••tl-. court .1grt·t·d If Lhe court rcfu-.e .... 1 rt•h1·,1r 111g, tht' ( .oa_.,1al < 111111111'o'>IOll will ltn:-n a.,I,. for l IJnfu .1111111 11 rerm:dymg thl' · jt \\ tll fl,m I'> l'fl<>ugh 10 bt> dc•t•n11 d 1 111ht 1111 uonal. lhl' dJ>pl'lldlt' 11n111 hc1., u11t1I Jan .!Y 10 dt•tt•r rn1111· 11\llt'ther II \\Ill rll 011'>1dl·r thr• l .l'>l' 11 11 dl'l ldt:' 11111 111 till' lom1111-,.,.or1 , .. 111 .1pp1·,1I to tlw ',uprl'llll' < ourt • DEIRDRE NEWMAN • ,.,,.,~ education Sh,. n d'/ hf' ,,.<1cJ1CO 111 t9491574 4221 or bye "ma1I Cit de1rdrt' newnian 1 ldtirnt ~ cor11 Drug rehab center a ks to take in more clients Dove Cottage WIU)ts three more persons to join a hout>eJ>f ~ix. At least one Hall of Fame resident wi ll fight it. Lolita Har-per Daily Pilot < <J<.,f,\ Ml <.,i\ A rc·q11t· ... 1 111 1111 ""•"' 1ht 11urntwr •if L 11 1·111., al .111 .iii ohol ancJ dnig n· hab1ht.ttu111 n ·ntl'r k.nown a' tht' l>ow < 01tagl' " nut Oymg \\ llh ,1f('ol 11• .. 11Jt'1l1-. f lr111w<1\\l1•·ro., 111 tht' !Ian " I .111w m 1gJ1bo1 l11111cl ha\e 4llt l11l111'CI 111 11pp11.,1· .ill\ Jtlc111p1 "' 1111 r1'.l'-t' rhr allowahl1 p11pulat11H1 1111111 'olX (II IUJlt.: I l1·.1n11r \l,11111J11 hJ-. ~'>k1·tl 1111' !'I.ti 111111g { IJITlllll ...... 11)11 ltl t 1111,1dt·r .11111\\ lllg 1111\t' J't'I '>IJll., .11 lht• .. 111gl1· t..i.rrnh IHHI"' 1111. ( "'~ I.lilt' 111 JI 1 t1rtl.11111· """ 1hr \1111 m ·Jri-. \\llh I 11 .... 1h1li11t''> \ll. ,,ud ''•'fr\ \.tl.11111111 ,, ........ ,,1111 '11· \t•l11pnwn1 "t•I'\ 11 t'' dirr1 1111 for 1h1• 1 11 \ '\;l•lllwr. ~IJ1111111 nor h1·1 JI 111ri1t•\ \l.it1h1·\\ lc1vlor. u>uld . ht· fl'.tdwd tor l 111111111"111 \\1•cfn1·-.d,1v H1·.,1d1·nt l\t'lh <.,11111h ha' dl' .. tr1l11111•tl Owr ... · 10 hu llt'agh hrir., \\,lflllng 1h1·m o f \l,1 1111>11' l"lllll''>I .u1tl t'lllllllfit~' 111g 1111'111 1t1 g1•1 111\0l\l·d .uuf ... n t· tllll llt 1ghh•irho11tl \\1• h.I\ t' fu'>I golll'll mt 111 tJit• h.tll\\11\ hot1'l' IHI lht• .. m·1·tl ... ,111d1 hd' h1·t-n d lllJ jtlf 11111m>vt·11wnt Ill •111r rlt.'IWI borhood, ~n11U1 <:> Ou:r read~ • 11 ha'> dr.irni.lllC all) reduced tht' numbt'r of v<.>lml~ on our ... trt'l't and myr1dd problem., L'>'><>llc1ted with that d rentdt.' ~ VdlantHlf' '>dUJ tht· Dove C.ot 1agt· ha.' l>t•t:11 thl -.ourc.t' of 11u1)1t't1JU'> 1w1K11borhood tornpldmt.,, trll ludutK wo rn.iny vel11dl''>, 1woplt' l'Onll hK and gomg al odd 111n~ o f Ult' 111gh1 .till.I ullUt''>irable" ob Jt't '' lw1ng. f11und un nti1gh h1Jnng pr11p1·r Ill'' I It· 111uld 1101 l ornmt•nt on tlw <II\ ... n·1 r 1111nw11da11on on 1lw '11hw11 .md '><Jill tht' .,taff n-port \\11t1ltl lw .iv,ulable 111 I II\ 11.tll tli" 1111m11ng < .rr.up l11111w ... and "'bt·r h\'· 111g 11111111·., 111 g1•1wrjl haH' 111 1·11 1 0.,1;11· 'P''I l•1r lit\ offi· n.1lc; m u·r1·11! \t•.ir ... <.,1,111• l,111\ ,,., t•rd\ hm1i... tht· lll\' ft').(lll.1111111 ol wuup h111111· .. II .1 g11111p 11111111· di>t"> 11111 ••ll•·r rrwd11 .11 •""'-lillll t' or .111\ I\ flt' ol tl11•r,1p\ and h.t' '" or 11°\\t'I r1·'>1d1·111'> II .... l'X t'lllJll fC•llll 1111 .ii t IHl!flll ( .,..1,1 \lt-.... 1 Ii.ad lilt.rt' .ill 0 I 1t1I .111d drug rt•t c >wrv fill Ill Ill'' Iii.tit l'\t'I\ tllV Ill till' 111u11t) IHll \.1111.1 A11o1 wh1lh 11111\ h.1tl 11111 1111ir1· l11mw fCJr l'Jl h l1llt'g1JI\ otl t 11rd111g lo a I ~tt<i rn \ "'utlv I hl' rt·port .tJ.,11 l1111ml 1l1Jt J'> m.tm il'> .!ll of th1· gniup home·., 11p1•r<Jllng 111 ri·,11!1•1111,11 111•1g.l1horho111J.. h,1d hl·t·11 \ 111 l.!llllg 111\ 11rtf111,t11l t''> I ht· I ll1\I' ( OllJgt• \\," Ollt' < rl th<t't' .!II \ .1JJ11tllll' .... ud c It\ offiuaJ... haw ht•t·n ti'\ mii: ID t•nfor< c 1111,...t· ordm.mt "'' 1111 \ 1•.ir' • , - M Thursday, .Janu.vy 16, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w..t a.• StrMt: Grand theft was reported in the 1200 blodc at 8:23 a.m. Tuesday. • Menimac: W.,-. Grand theft was reported In the 400 blodt et 10:46 a.m. Tuesday. • M ... Verde onv. East: An euto theft was reported In the 1500 bfodc at 8 a.m. Tuesday. • ~n Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodt et 7:33 a.m. Tuesda·y. • Placentia Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 1900 blodc at 8:54 a.m. Tuesday. • Victoria Street: A treffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 500 blodc at 6:48 a.m. Tuesday. • East 171h StrMt Possession of narcotics was reported in the 300 blodc at 1 :54 a.m Tuesday. • West 19th StNet: An assault was reported in the 800 blodt at 9:44 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • ~ Boulewfd: A burglary was reported In the 3600 blodc at 5:52 p.m. Tuesday. • Baywood Driv9: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 11 :32 a.m. Tuesday. • C-eMY Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported ln the 300 blodc at 6:25 p.m. Tuesday. • Qay Street: Petty theft was reported in the 3200 block at 3:20 p.m. Tuesday. • Jamboree Road: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3600 blodc at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday. • Marsala Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 8:31 a.m. Tuesday. • Newport Coast Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 21000 blodc at 8:23 a.m. Tuesday . •West 18th Street A garage burglary was reported in the 800 blodc at 7:17 a.m. Tuesday. FULL BAR COCKTAl.LS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S ·7626 0 ~ 7 8 q 10 Off II OCMC>Cl floral.. Trees, Gnieac:ry 2S~ I:<! I~ 14 . ID 116 f7 Off 18 All So£u 2S~ 30 Off Fine Furniture at Designer Prices 01nln& 11.tvim • IMng Room • Llfr4>\ • Acc:~•n • floon :::Xow!v•n"' 'i'W-...i6're ~ t4cce"'or'U~ Outt'et 2925 Ai~. Suite A ~ I Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 'ti J ~ Iii ~~~ (714) 979-6679 ·1~0;;;;J ::t1 " Monday -Saturday IO:OOam · 4:30pm 1 ....,._ .. • • CURVE Continued from Al unacceptable woddng conditions, the result is chaos. lf you doubt that, just look down the road to the Orange Unllled School ~trict. where school board members made private agendas their first order of business and drove dozens of their best teachers out of the district Order was restored only by a new boald, elected at least partly with the acdve support of the·union. Uke Robinson. I question how potent that support is. Of course ii helps. But in Orange, as well as Newport-Mesa, school board changes came about because a majority of the electorate wanted them. The changes didn't requlre dishonest brochures or fraudulent phone calls. Just a clear airing of the i~ues. And I strongly suspect that no school board member in human history ever had her views ex:pres.sed in print as frequently or in as much detail as Wendy Leece. She was judged on those views, whlch is as it should be in an election. I Jcnow of no instance of a personal attack on Leece. More than any other election I can recall, Leece and ·LEASE Continued from Al qualifies as tidelands. The State Lands Commission designates some coastal areas as tidelands and regulates their use. Specifically. tidelands are not suppo~ to be the sire of private residencel>. But, as City Council- man Dick Nichols pointed out at Tuesday's council meeting. ex- ceptions exISt. notably the Balboa BayOub. City officials have been waiting for more than three yean; for the State Lands Commission to rule on whether all or pan of the Ma- rinapark. property is categorized as tjdelands. Staff members of the state commission have said that they believe tJ1e area is partly tide- lands. but it's unclear how or when commissioners wiU rule. Burnham said. A date for the study session item has not yet been set. City officials have an exclusive agreement with developer Sutherland Talia to build on the site a project that they believe would benefit the city. The com- pany on Monday formalJy fiJed its plans for a 110-room luxury re- son there. The city's deal with the devel· oper leaves it up to the city's dis- cretion if and when they would remove residents to make way for the reson. • JUNE CASAGRAN>E covers lllewport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by &-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. t tCoastline's Access Progmn is very convenient for me. I will finish my M here and tnuJBfer to Qll State Fullenon to become an elementary school teacher.'' -9+ Success Ahe'ad at Coastline. -- 11.eo Wwnlt Awnue Fountain Vally, CA 927'0&-2f587 (714) 4~-4839 &pmg cl11111 beglfl ~ 3. her opponent fought an issue-related contest. The principal merrlding !Mue was the separation of church and state. Robinson illustrated quite effectively what has happened historically when state religions hold power. I'd like to approach it in a slightly different way. One of the most often repeated arguments for tteating Ouistianlty as a state religion in the United States Is the assertion that the founders of this nation were models of fundamentalist Ouistianjty. This is s imply not true and badly oversimplifies a wide range of theological convicdons. There are"dozens of respected biographies by accredited historians that explore the complexities of the philosophical and spiritual thi.nking of the founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson. for example, was denotmced by his political opponents as ·antichrist, • and one noted churchman declared the issue an opposing Jefferson's run for the presidency was "national regard or disregard to lhe religion of Jesus Ouist," citing Jefferson's "Notes on Vtrgi.nia" as "ten thousand impieties and mischiefs. including disbelief in lhe deluge and the story of Adam and Eve.• And James SCHOOLS Continued from Al ways that district coffers couJd be adversely affected by Davis' proposal. Both would climinish the district's advantage or being a basic-aid district, which means it receives more in property taxe!'> than the amoun1 of funding per child that the state guarantees. The first is lhe recommenda· tion to elimjnate extra funding AIMS Continued from Al tmanimously elected "Council· man 01ris Steel to lead the agency in the coming year. Steel, who serves as mayor pro tern on the City Council. said he was reluctant to accept the posi· tion because of the various com - minees he serves on and muJtj· pie speaking engagements he has agreed to. He said he had hoped to devote most or his spare time to elevating the largely ceremonial mayor pro tern position by represenung the city at more functions than nor rnal. -1 clidn't seek it and was hop ing lo kind of avoid 1t, but I'm it. and you have IO step up to the plate sometime, H Steel said. Steel had initially nominated current chair Councilman Gary Monahan to resume the leader- ship position, but Monahan de· dined the nomlnation. saying his time at the helm was spent. "I have been in that position for two terms and I have accom- plistied what I set to do, which was to get the redevelopment REDUX Continued from Al wall is spared from Grant's art work. "It's what Dennis Willlted, • he sald. "I did what I did, and he just asked me to keep going till every square inch here is covered in detail" The project has given him sev- eral rare opportunities, he said. Grant, who has woriced on sev- eral restaurants and salons in Newpon Beach over the last five years, said this is one project that brought out his real passion and his own style or art. "This is the first time I've had complete artistic freedom,· he said. "Dennis' style is eccentric Gothic, and I used that to the fullest. It's a little out tl)crre, dif- ferent from what's nonnally done.• Of course, the furniture changes almost every week when Rodman snaps his fingera. "It changes constantly with the seasons and Dennis' moods,• Grant said. The restaurant unoffJclaDy opened last week. but It won't start advmising until ntsxt week, when Grant adds hll flnaJ touches. manqer Mlke Steppe said. "'Wdre loo.king fol'Wtud to ft," he saJd. "We have our head chef now, who had been away for eight month& ~'re going to have OJ dandng, muatc ~d ao Americanized menu wtth tradi- tional ateab and seafood.• 'tbe rt:Staunnt wu the source of quJte a bit Of contuJVmy when the dty IA.led~ SIOcwn'• to force compliance wtth dty &... .... iiili...,. _ _..._-:-"'.~1-:'.'"------------::-:--"""""':--....-'. · c:odel. Oftldalt Mid the rettau· s...__J Madison once wrote that •rellglous bondage shackles and debilitates the mind~ °!1618 it for ~ry noble entef'J>~· These snippets -adminedly out of context -a.re ofl'ered only because they demonstrat~ ~t regardless olthe complexiues and differences in their personal religious convictions. these often deeply spirirual and highly intelligent men agreed without reser\ladon that there must not be a state religion in this new • nation they were creating; and. further, that the wall between church and state should not be breached. How else could they think when 80 many of the early Americans were fleeing-the oppressive power of the Cllurch ofEng!and1 1 Leece's supporters aq,1\Je~ that her conservative point of vtew should be represented on the board But her opponent5 saw that point of view not as conservative but rather as embracing the meldjng or church and state that the fotmders of this country wdITled agains·t. . Take the posting of the fen Commandments m our <,choob. for example. She argued that this was not a reUgious but rather a secular moral issue. In Will Ouram·., mas5ive "Story of Civilization" can be given to bao;ic-a1d diltlncts from the state. The proposal 1eopard· i.7..e~ the $120 more per !'.ludenl the district rt'Ceives bet:auo;e of its basic·a1d stan.'1~. Reed ~id 1h1.., ~enano raise-; significant legal que\tiono;. Davis al~o suggt"ited the !>late lake 80% of the e.\ce<>~ property tax ba.">ic aid that dbtnct\ coUeq over their guaranteed amount' Reed said t.hJ!> approdch I!> tan· 1amoun110 poachmg "In concept. ll>dvt'> i" saying). "Although you can w1.UJ}• afford srudy rolling, -hl' "3.ld Tuesday "lt"s 11me for 'onwone el~ IO take owr." The agency wa~ created in 1972 a\ a ~para1e publu:• en my that may cxerciM: 11-. own gel\'· emmenta.l function'>. city offi c1aJ-; "<!1d fhC' C1ry Council serves as the board of director.. of the agency and 1s charged with revitaJ171ng the phr-1cal and economic rnndiuons Wlthtn the I 95·acrt' Redevt'lopmen1 l'roJeC1 Area. (.u<,tomanly. the may1ir pro tern serve' a~ the Redevelop· ment Agency chair m order to practice for the a-,sumt."d next step of being appointed mayor Following that trad1t1on, Steel was voted to lead the agency I le ha' his hand') full a' 1ht- commander of the Rt'develop ment Agenc.)' a.!> the my c.au- t1ously movei. closer IO a pohticaJ battle in trying 10 revitaJue the West.side. Costa Mesa I'> consid· ering adding temtory to i~ 1973 redevelopment project, which includes many industnal. com· mercial and re">idential proper- ties on the Wes1side. John Hawley. who owns Rail · makers Inc. on West I 8th Street. said he doesn~ blame Steel for rant was hosting hve music and dancing without the required permits. Rodman used to be a regular at the restaurant and gradually got involved with 11.s redesign and operation. Former owner P'aul Finegold at one point called the former rebounder for the Olicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers his "interior designer.· Rodman also reponedly lent money to Finegold. The restaurant is now owned· by a corporation with Pat Con· ners, a manager at the restaurant who Is listed as the principal, ac· cording to the city's Revenue Di· vision. Josh Slocum's has also been named in several civil lawsuits, f round (in ·0ur Oriental Heritage") a long and detailed account or the history and original intent of the commandment& Although It l11 much too long even to paraphra.5e here. Durant sununed it up succinctly when he wrote that the Jewish code from which the Ten Commandments wen! refined ·was the most thoroughgoing anempt in history to use reUgion as a basis of statesmanship, and as a regulator of every detail of life ... the tightest g'clmlent into which life was ever laced.· Opposing the posting or the Ten Commandments ln our schoo\s in no way implied an absence of spirirual faith. How much, for example, do you know about the religious conviction~ or the other Newpon-Mesa school board members, who don't introduce a personal religious agenda inlO matters of public education? nus was the most important issue in the Leece· Tom Egan contest. and the decislon ~ clearly in favor of maintaining the separation between church and state in our school community • JOSEPH N. BEU 11 a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appe~ursdays to suppon your school d1'itnct, we're going to take it awuy and give it to pruon~ and Med1·t.c1J.' Reed said. The distric.-1 will keep a clo..,l· watch on the·pro~ of Dam proposal until the legislaturt> adopts the final draft lh1., 'um mer. Reed ..aid. • DEIADRE NEWMAN covers educ.auon She may be reached at (9491574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre newman1~lat1mes com trymg to ... idestep the appom1 ment "Who could look forward w talung over an agency that "far ing a ma1or politicaJ battle w11h 1lS effon 10 finance itself through extendL-d ll'mtone~ and rt-dt:wl opmenl," 1 IJwley ~d. "II\ ~om~ 10 be d 1remendou~ fight and 11 " certamly going to take somt·onl' who is able to e~nd a lol of Lime on 11 and take the heal ~reel said he plans to .iddrh'> the Westside Ill an unconvcn uonal way. I le wan~ to targel lhl· ·magnets" -the Job Cenlt'r various chari11~ and other en Ullt"> that he daiim promott• lht lunng of illegal re.1denLs -1ha1 have put the area an such d1sn· pa.tr in tJ1e fir.t place, Steel '>aid < ouncdman AUan Mamoor who won ht\ t0unc1J bid U1 l~e part becau~ he prom1~ to 1m prove the city. was elected a' Vilt chairman of the Kedeveloprnent Agency "lust don't m~., with tht' W~t side property owners,· 1 law1{")' advised. • LOUTA HARPER covers Coata Mesa. She may be reecned at (9491 574-4275 or by &-mall al lolna harper "lat1~ com including one from an lrvt.ne man allegmg that he was hun hy a bouncer at the restaurant. and another from Finegold saying that Rodman owed him money The restaurant has yet to ob tain penruts for Uve music and dancing. Assistant City Atty. Dan Ohl said. "We're trying 10 resolve tho~ is1.ues. • he said. HI came up with an agreement and sent It aver to them. They are yet to respond. So the whole i ue Is now in limbo." •DEEM BHARATH covers publlc safety and courts. She may be readied et (9491574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath /atlrn..oom. • ------------~·---· --~...--------... --------·-----·------... ·------------... ~ Thufsddy, January 16, 2003 ~ FORUM E-mail· HOW TOG.ET PUBUSt:fED -l.etten: Mail to Editorial Page ~ditor JamM Meler at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Cos~ M~sa. CA 92627 •Readers Hottlne: Call (949) 642-6086 F.x: Send to (949) 646-4170 .Send 10 daifypllof@fat1mes.com •All C01T9SP<>ndence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venficauon purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL I Marina park plan deserves a fair hearing I t would be an unders tatement to say that developer Stephen Sutherland has not done more than could be expected to win support for his plan for a hotel at Marinapark. Ju~t this week, ~utherland .,ubmined a propoc;al that caJJs for a 110 rooms. down significantly from the 156 originally includ<.•d, and a baUroom of ju.,t ],600 .,quare feet, down from 7 ,600. And. finally, the plan includes three yview corridors·· where the harbor b visible from the <.tn•et. For the'>(' cff orts, Sutherland de~erves a fair hearing by th<• City Council and. tf 11 com e., to a vote under the Grc•enlight law, the city at large. That part of the Balboa Peninsula-Marinapark is on the harbor between 15th and 18th streets - certainly de-.erves more anention than 11 has had up to now. A classy. upscale addition, combined with the city spending millions 10 redevelop Main treet. would go a long way toward revitalizing the area. providing better jobc:. and simply improving the look of an aging part of Newport Beach. And at first glance. Sutherland's lalc'>t proposaJ appears promising. It is not too big, which wduccs traffic concerns. There is a good amount of open space on the land, as proposed. And 11 <,tilJ allows acce~ 10 the harbor, an importanl con.,ideration. Access, ultimately, may he the s ticking poinr for Lh1'> developmem. •\ccording to the original lease '>igned by the r(·~1dents of Marinapark. tht•y wouJd have to leave if tlw city turned th~ waterfront property into a puhlic park. City officials have since changed the wording of the lease to pNmit a private, for-profit venture there. It certainly is rea-.onable to assume that re .. idt'.Snts there would not have agreed 10 the lease if it had included development other than a park (which, given market force~. would be m uch more likely to happen. and therefore would reduce the odch o n their gamble that they would not be forc('Ci out). I hat change is !>Omething city leader<, ought to explain, and Marinapark residents deserve answers. l hat issue aside, however, the Marinapark ho1el proposal has come a long way from its earliest incarnation. 1 he council and residents shouJd recognize that. Re idents would also do well to remember that Sutherland 1s no cviJ outsider bent on developing Newport Beach and then moving along. READERS RESPOND f • E HC ~ ..,AJt • pt T Mannapark resident s Betty and Stewart Berkshire tn the hv1ng room of their mobile home, with a view of the bay. More on Marinapark AT ISSUE : How good for Newport Beach ho">p1taJ11y dt•n-lopl·r-. dre 1111.:t-hotel \Ve dnn 1 ht1\'t• would the proposed Marinapark hotel be? promoung 1-. grt·atl'r public. that man~ of them hen• in dClt~S\ and Opl·n '>Pdl(' :-.e~pon, at lea'>t h\ 1he where the bd\ I'>\ !\Ible \\1th water and I thml that ht• I'm live right he'>1de the lud1crou' And 1f anvone thl' street. Jll 111 rornphance hd' c.ome down in tht• proposed Marinapark, and believeo, that that's ~ot w1th the udel.ind dmount of room'> and "' for the residents, more going to innate traffic, I ve de.,1gnat1on uf that pmpern forth, that 11 would lw congestion and the more got '>Orne good '>Wamp land 1-rom an e1w1ronnwnt<1J definttely '>Omethmg 111n• commercial aspect of the m • londa and I've got th" l'>SUe. the r,ofJr tor the Cll} Balboa Pemnsula. 11\ big bndge around San 1nfrJ<.tnit1url' and urlldn MARGARET BUSH cenamly not a good idea, I Francl'.n>. the \an ~ranc1,co runoff from tlw rnoh1ll· '\e'' pore lie.it h don't care how much 1s Hay Bndt'. 1t\ t:alled huml' park will be rf'pa1red trimmed. For those that can Stephen \utherland keep'> I am conlidenl thl' \,tw por! I cJo thml that 11 would hl' make profit on this kmd of !>aying he\ gomg to knod.. Healh re!>1denh '"'II \ote m J \l'IY good 1dra a-. an thing. I'd say probably the on every door. Well. I 'w favor of the n:,urt under the 11nprnvemt>nt m that area 1n question is yes. The whole lived here I i year'> and I (,n:enlight 1111ti.t1n t \;eWlJOrt Reach concept of a hotel corning attended the first forum I PAT GREENBAUM ANITA SHERWOOD in, 110 room~ and all the have had no knock on m~ '-t'\' port Reach Newpon Beach !)Upporting people needed door to make the hotel LEROY GREEN I think thilt tht nt•\, plctn I'm Wf) much in fa, or M functional. to think that Newport Heach thctl \tephen ')utlwrland ha'> the Marmapark that's not gomg to mcrea-.e -.ubm11ted would ht' a KOOd PAULINE JOHNSTON traffic 1s absolutdy Wha1 the ~utherland · lalla on~ I thin._ Wl' rnuld U'>e a Newport Beach COMMUNITY COMMENTARY MAILBAG Newpon Reach Uty Council ultimately ceased its action due to a judge's ruling. and this ocxurred shonly before the fJ Toro is.sue came to a vote. Up to that point in time. the hon's share of the wodc had been ~mplished. and a vipt fight had been waged Al no time did the City Council ever drop Its guard. However, other than granting the funds to the Airport \\bating Group. there was vin:uaDy nothing we were allowed or permitted to do by law, other than to have lawyers review the groupS educational material; and I would suggest that even a cursory amount of n\:search would reflect that ro be accurate. The Newpon Beach City Council ls made up of seven good people. We strive to do the best ln thl1 city to not only maintain but ro enhance the quality ofllfe of what we all expect. We do a pretty good Job. and lf you believe that any or us a.re the acoundrel BeU wouJd have you beUeve we are. come down to a City Coundl meeting and Witch us. or view us on 1'I. or better ~t. call any or us for a one on one meeting. becau1e we a.re aviuable, ~ an out there and wt! 1etve you well. It ts not my lntJ ot to take • swipe at any person or orpnlr..atJon. My goal ls to be sure that you. the pubtk, at leut «Mn tb oppommlcy to heir lbe facu. not ju t coa,jec'NJ'e or pohtJc:aJ rhetoric. ·• tnW IROI l1IRQ \a th• mayor of ........... Public should be involved in debate Thank you for g1vmg a place to addres'i th1'> question regarding the propo!)ed boardwalk at the w11J not solve anythtng BEVEltLY R08ERTS Newport Beach OCC will need money from wap meet Bad. Bay. I wish you had I unde~tand that the t 1tv done It prior toll com mg l ounnl and the Plannmg before the City Council I am lomnus ion have a<iked absolutely opposed to any Orange Coast CoUege to make boardwalk without firs t some reasonable change m giving the public direction the operation of the swap on how to use this area meet to lessen the traffic and 1 responsibly. thmx we ought 10 g;ve the For many yuri;. I have college a chance to do that I waJked in this area almost understand they are daily. so I know It well comrnJned up to the next rJx Recently, some 1gns months to meet the appeared requesnng walkers expectations that have been to stay on ,egal trails -laJd out by the city. I know however, there Is no thu the budget that wu designation as to which trails reltased by the state on a.re •tegaJ" and which are · Friday ls devastating to not. This should be the first community colleges llkr order orbuslne . An Orange Coast College becau.e lnformadoo board with map there b going to be such a shouJd be set up at the lack or funds and the Income e ntrances wtth advfce about that ttie swap meet provfd whJcb trails are coo ldered to the college can help to fUl least harmful. I don't like the that pp and provide sentc: Idea or banning bicycles, but to atudents and the that ls where the most community that would damqe ts bf'lng done. But otherwile baw U> be again, with some educ:atfon. eliminated and I am noc In per ha.pa th kf d wouJd favor of letting a few oft.bl become mot<e thoughtful. oommunlcy dole Wtl allowed a huge parking down the meet JUii area and cent rat the becaUle dle)' don\ the UnJ ty ~ end. Surdy COior Of Che peope thm they that construction paiod o( then. T'b61 ls ....wrc al:moM two yM.ra Car more that II ID 8'MDClll to d ttuctfve to L ecology ty IDd 10 colep. tb.ai\ a ~lau ly amaD Ind qUit ~ I cha* numbtr of people who futt iJuFt to-.. ttm-. ..s tnjoy walkh,_ thent now u It • let the ....,. be tlllOMid. llvtMinc ._.. unouots of MT __ money at die 23rd Sli.et eOd Haxrpon ... > -. . -... -. ... M Thursday, January 16, 2003 A LIGHT TOUCH UP Vanguard kicks off semester with prayer and is dedicating 24 hour'i to unite as a body and worship God's wisdom, officialc; said. While most coUege '>tudents wouJd be praying for winter break to continue, scholars at Vanguard University are taldng a different approach. The day wiU begin with chapel at 9:30 a.m. today. when i.tu- dents, staff and faculty will pro- ceed with the walk of prayer around the parameter of the school and civic center. People wiU also be encouraged to sign up for prayer limes in 5-. 10-, 15 Vanguard University will host a community day of prayer today to kick ofT the sprmg ~mester, "STREET JAZZ BY HUGGY" Come join Us in a fun NEW Aourr CARDIO WORKO UT CLASS!! (ages 16 & up) Thursday @ 6:30pm Also Offering "HIP Hor" & "FUNK JAZZ." (ago 7 & up) Tuesdays & Thursdays -• -~' CJ O>tcs 8: ~ 2026 Quail Street' Newport Bcacb 949.752.9400 B~ue Spllititgs <hloMe JDUARY CLEARANCE SALE!~ . ~ House Inc. Up to 40o/o Off · includes duvets, quilts, pillow cases, Euro's and sheets. Baby House Inc. 30o/o off and up, bumpers, crib bedding, clothes and accessories * Norn Maternity-Up To 50°/o Off Of . M~ternity * Andrea Dem Paintings 40-50°/o Off * Fabric By The Yard * Antiques Ftmiture & Minors On Sa~ Al Sate• Final 319 E. 11th Street• Cotti Mesa, CA 92627 Mon. • Sil: 11> .... 4 pm SUn.: 12 pm • 4 pm (949) 642-3632 Not stopping for the red, Israel Prado spray paints the casing of a traffic signal at Pomona Avenue and 19th Street in Costa Mesa. SEAN HllltR I OAJLY P1L01 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS and ,m minute 1m;rcmen1c; to L'reaw a .. uhd day of prayer. Wor.,h1p '>Crvice~ will be held at vanou" lime" throughout the dc1y and night. and Needham Chapel wllJ be open the enure 24 hour-.. A "pecial se~1on our..ide the <.:hapel will conclude the day of prayer with t·ommunion. Ruby'!) lifesaver receives award P1cl<.'r Rourg<.'' wa., awarded the Newport Beach Fire Depart ment'i. Life Savi~ward at rlw City Council m~ting Tue'>day night. Bourges, a manager at Huhy\ Diner in Corona dcl Mar. s howed courage and pre..,elll l' of mind when he performt•d CPR on former city manager Robert Wynn. who c;uffrrrd a cardiac arrest while at the re' taurant, officials said. Bourges ~1d he did what ht• had to do and 1!> happy that , . ,,. , ~::1r~ ~~1Nnfr ~'±'-' ~rUZf{; Mattress Outlet Store BRAND NEW · COSMETICALLY IMPfRFECT Get the Best for uss! . ' . 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One 8'odL South of •05 l'\ry • (714) 545 .. 7168 .... • I • I Fot:nuwl on: E -Ftl.Shion ~ DUcvwry CJMnnJ - MA/tr Owr Swry ICN/ KOCE Mntt#tetb#AJ ..J~. 10%~1 °" • """' 0/11. . . . Oatly Pilot NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the decisions coming out of the Newport Beach City Council meeting on Tuesday. BIG CANYON RESTORATION PROJECT Woldl;fe hab;1o1 I 7 ·O I and water N'PllOYED quality coJ.Jld benefit from a council dec1s1on to gr11nt a $110,000 contract to an environmental firm to study and plan restoration at Big Canyon Creek Funded by a state grant for environmental restoration, the pro1ect will look at ways to reSlore the homes of wildlife damaged by human encwad1ment while at the same time prov11J111g non-intrusive access 10 people who en1oy the creek area and Big Canyon Nature Park WHA"( THEY SAID: · #My concern 1s thilt tlw; is 1ust one of many waterways that Newport Beach has yoing to the ocean and the Back Bay ~ I'm concerned that we're ··- semng a precedent here with such an extensive survey" . -Councilman D1c:k Nichols MARINERS LIBRARY Council members agreed to qrant a $472,867 contract to Thirtieth Strf>ct Architects Inc. to l>egm planning the 1om1 use Mdnn.,rs Library pro,ect The library once built, will serve as thP city's Mann!'IS Brn11d1 l1hrdry W}Jlll 'llr\l\t'cl \\~IHI ,\IHI Bourgt·' 11w1 tor tilt' 111,1 111111• afl<-r llH' llH 1d1•111 l11t·,d.i\ night ()CC lCUlll\ v. In national title' Ora11Kt' < o;i,t I 111lq~··' d.uu 1• .md 1 het'r tc•am ' 1 .1pl tm·J n.1 llOllJI 111lt·, 11\t'r 1h1 '"'''t'~o·nd .11 rlw lln1H r,,,1 < h1·1·rle.1d1·1., :\">n 'l.:a111111.il C h,1111p11111,h1p' hl•ltl 111 Orl.111d11. I l.1 In 1lw1r 1•1gh1h trip 111 tilt' 11.1 111m,1I < h.1mp11111,h1p,, tlll' t\\11 l'1r.itt• 'qu,uh b.1~t·d .1 'om bmcd II trn\\ 11' < >« Ii;" \\1111 dan<:t• 1111t·, 111 I 'J'l7. 1'14'1 . .!IXJO LOOI . LOO:! ;111d .!Oil.I Jlltl t IHTI lt•ading t li.1111p1ot1'>h1p' 111 I 1t'H1, FREE NEXT MEETING WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 28 WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available several days prior to each meeting at www city.nowport-co.us. For information. call (949) 644 3000. and also as the school library of Mariners Elementary Sdiool One of the most important tasks for the new architect is to design the library in a way t1 •t protects school children fr..,.n contact with the general public. Preliminary designs for the library already include ways to keep the two groups separate, but the architects must create the final detailed plans UTILITIES UNDERGROUNDING Yet another area ~o of the city may • see 1t<; unsightly N'f'ltOVED telephone polos removed from v1ows The council on Tuesday 11oted.t~-set aside $100,000 to l>egm the process of moving underground ullhlles Imes in the peninsula alley bordered hy McFadden Place, Balboa Boulevard, 14th Street and Urean Front West A contract •JI S55.000 with Hams and Associates was also appro11ell fpr the company to begin the prcxrss Residents in the area will pay for the work. the cost uJ which 1s not yet estimated through dn assessment d1s1111 1 that Hams ,md Associates will hPlp c.oordmate ( lllfl/Jllt•tl ,,.. '""' < .1L\llKft1111/1• t •1•1;". I •1•111, .!tJllO t111d .!00 l Nev. port Boat U.S. 'itore ha-.. nev.-ov. ner !111,1111 '> hJ' l'lllt'rl•d llllCI ,111 .1111.1111 •' \\1lli \\t''' Mar11w ,,11tl 111 h1· I Ill· ~ 11dJ., l.ug1•<,I bu.ti 1111 'upplio•r ll11Lll'r lhl• ,1grt'l'flll"llf \\1·'1 \l.1rtnl' ~ill prorn1111 H11.111l" 1111·mht'r,h1p amJ 11, 1111"111111·r ,t·rv1n·... wh1lt· ,u •1111r111g tlw HoJtlJ \ n·1.11I 1·qo1p1111•111 opna111111, 11H hut 1111: "' f,' u1.1r1111• 1 t'lllt•r' m.111 11rtl1·r .uul \.<!, h11lt•.,.1lt• n 1111p11 111'111' 1111,11 I J '> 'IOH'' ,H 4u1rt•d h\ \\1•'1 \l.111111· 1nd11dl' tht• :-..1•\\ port Ht'.11 h lo1.l11C111 ,11 J, I ' "·"I 111).!h\\,1) Large Cookie WitJt llll) purchu...c of a 11.U ofllf\wl 1111111 I 1 ''"''·Ill• 1 'I' Ul'\1111 "''" u "' '", nh 427 E. rr Sl: CoSTA MESA, 92627Rf1!iS-1fill•~ (lk'l•ttn rum.. & lnin.-"''"·' (949) 646-1440 Mon-1-n 7:00AM 6r'M ...... .,:OOAM-WM UotedSuod.. ... Quality Sc.rvi~·· • .... Ni d Enterta.inmcnt0 " COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Service Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs S.1M Ownn-Since 1965 38 Yun In Cost.a Mtu TB CllllUN1 111• 11c. 2945 Randolph Ave (Rristol & lWta) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 Ii-mail: carbpans@thearb hop.com AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a cont.act phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dallypilot.com. TODAY The Su .. n G. Komen.Breast Cancer Foundation will hold a volunteer orientation from 6 to 8 p.m . at the Orange County offices In Costa Mesa. Volunteer opportunities include Race for the Cure, Links to the Cure, Komen Spring Luncheon, BMW Ultimate Drive, Mammogram-a-thons, health fairs and other Komen-sponsored community events. The offices are at 3191-A Airport Loop Drive Reservations required. For more information, call (714) 957-9157, ext. 27. The Newport Beach Jaycees will host a workshop on the seven keys to success from 7 to 9 p m at the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce The chamber 1s at 1470 Jamboree Road. Free For more 1nforma11on. call (949) 735-1030. Toddler llme ·sneaky Snakes· 1s an educational playtime program for parent and child along with a park ranger The cost 1s $3 per child. From 9 to 9:45 a.m for 2· to 3 year olds and from 10 to 10'.45 a m. for 3-to 4 year-olds at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center. 2301 University Drive. Newport Bead1 To reg1S1er, call (949) 923 2295 THURSDAY The Newport Hills Garden Club will host the program VA Rose. 1s a Rose, 1s a Rose~ with rose specialist John Bishop The meeting will begin at 9 30 a rn at the Club House, 1900 Port Carlow 1n Harbor View. Newport Beach For more mformat1on. call (949) 720-1552 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly 90 mmute brealcfast boost from 7 10 8.45 a.m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The club 1s at t 701 Golf Course Drive. $12 11 pr{lpa1d, $17 at the door For more informa11on, call (714) 885 9090 UC Irvine Medical Center will hoS1 a semmar on Medicare benefits at 10 a m in the University Club on the UCI campus The seminar will focus on the lateS1 changes in Medicare benefrts and supplemental insurance coverage It will not cover Medicare HMOs The club is at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive Free. For more information. call (877) UCI DOCS. orv1s1t www ucthealth com events The Atz.heimer's Assn of Orange County will hold two support groups for caregivers in Costa Mesa. The first meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p m at Hoag Health Center, 1190 Baker St. The second meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Silverado Senior Living -Newport Mesa. 350 W. Bay St. Free. For more information about the first meetmg, call (7 14) 593-9630, and fot the second meeting, call (949) 631-2212. Leeming Tree Univenity will ofter a six-week class trtled "The Fearless Writer" for students wanting to produce polished, strong and honest fiction and nonfiction. The class is geared toward beginning and advanced writers. The class will be taught by an award-winning instructor wtth a maS1er's in creative writing who has been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and literary magazines. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 M cConnidc Ave., Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) · 427-0588 or visit /tuonllne.com. The Corom1 del M•r Residents Aun. wUI have their board meeting at 7:31J a.m. at the ~Beach Country Club, 1900 Pacific Coast Highway. F1tR>AY A'reception for ertist Ve-Ne C. Ct)en, will allow the public to meet the artist of a collection of Chinese brush paintings on display through March 21 at the UCI Student Center, E. Emerald B~. Irvine. The reception will be held from 7 to 9 p.m . For more information, cell (9491824-6588. A~~igand ~ting Show will feature elfllbltora, products and idHa frOm noon to 8 p~m. Friday, from 1() a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday and tr.m 10 1.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at t,. Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Felr Drive, Cott.a Meu. Buildinga 12 and 14. Adutu $5.76, $4nlort $3, Children free. For more lnfonnation. call (818) 657-2960. The Newpoft 8-d\ ChemW of ~wilt'*' the N9WJ)Of1 .... ft)or °'Mtma Bolt Plf'lde ~°"""'end Auction from 8 to 11 p.m. at IN Fo\lr SU90NI Hotel The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a live and silent auction, dinner and much more The hotel is at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tidcets are $75 per person, $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. UC Irvine Medial! c.nt.f will host a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center. The seminar will have d1scossions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. Free. For more information, call (877) UCl-DOCS, or visit www.uc1health.com/events ~ - The Hemlock Society 1s sponsonng a seminar on "How to Make Better End of l.Jfe , · Dec1s1ons," conducted by Or Faye J. Girsh. The meeting 1s at 2 p.m at 1259 Victoria St .. Costa Mesa Free. For more information, call (714) 871-7344 Temple Isaiah will celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the festival of trees (Jewish Arbor Day). at 7 30 p.m at 2401 Irvine Ave . Newport Beach For more information. call 1949) 548 6900 SATURDAY ·ee your own boss· is a seminar on how to start and manage your own business. It will be tonducted from 8:30 a m to 4 p m by the Service Corps of Retired Executives at Na11onal Universlly!";t390 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa The $40 fee includes materials For more information. call (7141550 7369 A hands-on Internet mS1ruct1on cldss "Web Walking 101 . will get pdrt1c1pan1s up to speed m <.ybcrspacf! Begins at 10 am at thP Newport Beach Public Library. 1000 Avocado Ave , Newport Bead1 Reg1strat1on required For more in(ormat1on. call !9491 /17 3801 A wortc.shop for men and women who have 1us1 gotten divorced or arf! gt•nmg d111orced will bf! hrld from 10 r1 m to 12 30 pm JI MaxmP B CohPn s offlcP m Newport Beach The office is -11 180 Newport Center Drive $40 for more 1nforma11on, uill 19491 644·6435. TUESDAY The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly networking luncheon at 11.30 a.m at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Reservations are required. The restaurant is at 3801 E. Coast High.way. For more information, call (949) 673-4050. Mother's Marbt a Kitchen will host a seminar on liver cleansmg and body purification from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa The cafe 1s at 225 E 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741 The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter will hold its firS1 meeting of 2003 at 7 p.m. at Margaritaville in Newport Beach. The meeting will focus on local water issues, including how to help preserve the oceans-. . beadles and surf. Tacos will be provided The restaurant 1s at 2332 W. Coast Highway. For more information. call (949) 644· 7443 The Zen Center of Ot"ange County will host a series of programs on Zen today through March 9 Programs will be held the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 5 to 7 15 pm The programs will have lessons on developing a regular practice, personal instruction and much more The fee 1s $150. tax deductible The center 1s at 120 E 18th St. Costa M esa For more information. call t949) 722 7818 or 111s11 www.zcoc org JAN.21 A wortcshop on "Computenzi.flg your Business" will hP.Iµ with the bookkeeping horn 9 a m to noon at National Uni11ers1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa for d $25 fef! For more mformdllon. call 17 141550 7369 JAN.22 The Alzheimer's Assn of Orange County will hold two workshops today at S1lverado Senior L111111g Newport Mesa The lust workshop, from 10 30 d m to noon and will focus on mPmory loss The second worllshop from 1 to 2 30 p m and will discuss how to create a partnership with your physician Silver 1do Senior Living 1s at 350 W Bay St Cl'sta Mesa Reservations requirNJ for more 1nforma11on. call (9491 63 1 2212 The Newport Hills Garden Club in1111e anyone interested to 101n their monthly garden walk. meeting at 10 a m at the UCI Arboretum For more ~--·--- mformation, call (949) 720 1552 The CostJI M.N Chambef of Commerce will hold its monthly busmess after hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Skosh Monahan's. The restaurant 1s at 2000 Newport Blvd Free for members. $10 for potential members. For more mforma11on, call (714) 885-9090 JAN.23 Mother's Marbt 8i Kitchen will host a seminar on how 10 strengthen your immune system from 6:30 10 8 p m at the Patio Cafe in CoS1a M esa. The cafe is at 225 E. 171h St. Free for more information, calL(949) 6314741 Body Wise Atness Cenw is celebrating its opening with drawings for free personal training sessions and BodyW1se nutritional products at 2901 W CoaS1 Highway, No 110, Newport Beach. For more mforma11on, call (949) 650-1660 JAN.24 UC Irvine will host its 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr symposium. "Prayer, Protest, and Peace A Leader's Legacy for Today; from 7 to 8:30 p m The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virginia. The symposium will be held in the Humanities Instructional Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free for more information, call (949) 824 7215 OCC's Armchair Adventures Series hoS1s "Inside Switzerland* presented by Clint Denn, an actor. wnter photographer and filmmaker The film w ill begin at 7 p m in Orange Coast College's Robert B Moore Theater Admission 1s $8 in advance and $10 at the door Senior c1t1zens are eligible for a $1 advance discount For more mformallon. call (714l 432 5880 JAN.25 A seminar on long-temi ~re planning including legal. estate and Medi.Cal issues will be held from 10 a.m to noon at the Orange Coast Unitarian Church m Costa Mesa The seminar 1s sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center The church 1s at 1259 Victoria St. For more information. call (71 4) 578-8670 The Upper N.wpott a.y Night Hike guides fam1hes on an educational tnp through the nature preserve from 7 to 8 30 p.m . Fee is $3 per person children under five are free 'for reservations and meeung place, call (949) 923 2295 JAN.27 A Great ~sions dtsc:ossion of • Mult1laterahsm vs Unilateralism" 1s the first of an e1ght·week series on US foreign pohcy topics The d1~uss1ons will be led by Bob Green from 7 10 8:30 p.m at St M ark Presbyterian Church at 2100 Mar Vista · Newport Beach For more lnformatJon, call (949) 760-1691 The Lung Cancef Support Group 1s sponsonng a class · Rad1a11on Therapy for Lung Cancer providing an overview of rad1at1on therdpy for patients with lung cancer and offenng suggestions for coping with side effects. The event 1s at 2 to 3 30 p.m at the Hoag Cancer Center Conference room A Free for more information call 19491 7-CANCER ·Memories in the Making Art Program Tram111g for Professionals Worllmg with Dementia Patients 1s sponsorPd by the Alzhe1mer·s Assn It will take place from 9 a rn to noon at Assured Horizons 151 Kalmus Onve, Suite B 150. Costa Mesa For information dnd reservations call (714) 283 1984. PXI 2421 JAN. 28 All are invited to a l"M:ept1on for artist Jane Hill whose e1<h1b111on "Locai Scenes dep1c1s Newport it'A1R M ne.,~I . :!l.94 Hair Qe!ign .. Weaving • Panelina • DiniB>nol Hair lolor • ComdiVe Hair Color • Up DU's • _Weddings • (71') U0-1877 lhtJISOOy January 16. i?003 A7 Beach wutery vistas and familiar scenes on display through Feb 28 Reception 1s from 5:30 to 7:30 p m at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information. ca ll (949) 717 3801 JAN 29 The MOMS Ckd> of Costa Mesa North will host an open house at 10 a m at Baleaf'lc Park and Community Center m CostcJ M esd Women ore encouraged to bring their ctuldren and will hdvP tho dldnce to meet other st~y dt home moms The centur 1s at 1975 Balt~aric Dnve For more informe111on call 1714) 964 5934 M other's Marbt 8i Kitchen wiU host d seminar on digestion and ellmmat1011 from 6 30 to 7·30 p m di the PallCJ C.afe in Costa Mesa The Cdfe 1~ at 225 E 17th St Fre; For more 1nformot1CJn call (9491 631 474 l Preschool Time, "What Animals Liv~ Ht>re 1 1s story time and hands on fun for parent and d11ltJ at the Upµer Nt-wport Bay Naturi Preserve Cost is $3 per child, c1i;propr1ate fCJr children ages 3 and 4 Will be held at The Peter ar11j Mary Muth Interpretive CentP.r 2301 University Drive N"'wpurt BeJch for reservat10• .. Call •949 923 :?:?95 • JAN 30 Mother's Martcet & Kitchen w ill ho~ a worllshop and book s1qrnnq with Author Geoffrey RosP from 6 30 to 8 p m at the Patio Cc1f Pm Costa Mesa The ca fr l'i ·ii .?25 E 17th St Free r (I mor(· 111forma11on call 19491 6Jr-474l _____ ...._._ ___ ........... SPRAY At Thursday, January 16, 2003 DATE BOOK THE CROWD Parents get together:for grads ALSO IN THE CROWD C ailing all parents of Newport Harbor High School students. The annual Grad Night Parent Party is set for Feb. 6 with the goal of raising funds for Grad Night 2003. The event is organiz.ed to bring together local families to enjoy an. evening of socializing and dining on spectacular , cuisine prepared by the Newport Harbor High Culinary Arts Academy. An array oflive and silent auction items will help to raise additional funds to undei;write the graduation night affair on campus, which was inaugurated many years ago to offer a sober and safe night to remember for graduating seniors. The parent Grad Night party. open to parents of all students, no matter the grade level, is a significant event with the purpose of bringing both people and the party for the kids together. Admission is just $10 per person, and the party will be held in the l.obby of Sterling BMW on Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Please call Suzi Anderson at (949) 650-8820 for reservations and information. B.W. COOK Political author Robert Caro graced the Newport literary scene this week, addressing the local crowd on his book "The Years Of Lyndon Johnson ... Master Of The Senate." The luncheon event, sponsored by Northern Trust of Newport Beach and organized in great part ~ Mary Cook. featl,J.res a wide range of authors on all sorts of topics bringing many points of view to the region. Cook said that plans are underway for a March luncheon welcoming Princess Michael of Kent. "The princess is in the United States for a national speaking tour with venues on the West Coast including our literary Society here in Newport Beach," she said. ''Her topi~ will be 'Seriou5 Pleasures: Celebrations In History ... That Oianged History.'" Khn Beaudette, president of The Queen of Hearts Foundation in Newport Beach. said that a . third annual fund-raising event will be held Feb. 1 at the Four Seasons Hotel. The Queen of Hearts Foundation Is dedicated to the research'of and early detection of ovarian cancer. Beaudette and her sisters started-the fowidation after the death of their moth{lr on Ouistmas Day 1999 from ovarian cancer. "Our mother was very courageous in her five-month fight," Beaudette said. "She provided so much warmth and love in our everyday lives that it compelled us to start the Queen of Hearts Foundation to raise funds to find an early detection blood test for ovarian' cancer. "There are 26,000 women in America diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year.~ she said. ''Statistics tell us that 14,000 will die." To maJce a difference. the committee is throwing a Queen of Hearts "Beach Blanket Boogie Party" calling for festive Hawaiian beach attire. The formal Four Seasons Ballroom will be transformed into a Uqle Pelican Hill Golf Club was the setting for a tea herd by Friends of Co~rt Appointed Special ·Advocates -a group dedicated to working with young persons. pnmanly abused and neglected teens who must deal with the legarsystem without advocacy. Local support for the group come~ from Ann Cooper, Carolyn Davenport. Tracy Gottlieb, ~irnberly Prado, Dina Solomon and Karley Brown. Pictured at the tea are Ellen Small, Susie Luer and Donna Hood. , bit of Honolulu. Locals involved include Lori Hunter, Shelley Brose, Maryann Huntsman, <Arlnne Morgenstern, Barbara Dove and Kathie Madden For more information, please contact Cathy GrelnJce at (7 14) . 997·3101. ext. 223. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturd8ys. THEATRE REVIEW 'Proof' makes math intriguing at South Coast Repertory By Tom Titus There are two types of people: in the world -word people and numbers people. As a fi.nnly ensconced member of the former group, I've always viewed those in the latter category as somewhat wiusual, to put it mildly. Weird or tilted might be a more accurate description. That the study of higher mathematics might make for intriguing theater never crossed my mind before viewing "Proof," David Auburn's 2001 Pulitter Prize and Tony Award winner now on South Coast Repertory's Segerstrom Stage. II must be conceded that there's arresting drama to be found in the world of numbers nerds. Auburn spins a compelling scenario -that genius and madness might be inherited, much like the ability to commit murder without feelings of guilt in Maxwell Anderson's "The Bad· Seed." And that if one quality Is attained, the other is destined to follow. At SCR, director Michael Bloom has stitched the play's intricate characters together into a stunning. thought-provoking production centering on the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,, • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• VINYL FLOORING ·~~!!!9!!. l.\,ifoh.i,\,j SOLARIAN' =AlAP..e!S SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE 314" s5~~ iiifl *14eq' Travertile 1s· x 1s· .......................................................... U 111t Cenrnic T"8 ...................................................... ~m '4.11 111t ~· \'«>00 ................................................. .......,..,,,, \I IQ character of a once-brilliant mathematical theorist whose genius peaked at the age of 25 and whose mind gradually crumbled afterward, interrupted by brief spells of lucidity ("the good year'') before his eventual death. These various stages are depicted in frequent flashbacks that bring the play's elements full circle. The focus here, however, is on the younger of his daughters, Catherine, who has just turned the quarter-century mark herself and fears she may be following her father's path into madness. The reason for her concern is thrust at the audience in the last tine of the first act fade-out. Emily Berg! delivers a highJy INDEPENDENT LAND ROVER SERVICE • PARTS charged performance as Catherine, who interrupted her own education to care for her prematurely senile father. The specter of madness that hanmi ~er the father seems to be creepiitgin on the daughter, and Berg! immerses herself beautifully in this aspect of her character. • SCR veteran Richard Doyle brilliantly plays the elder genius al various phases of his disintegration. During the .. good year," he's frisky and lucid, but in a later-life flashback.. Doyle adopts the physical degeneration to match his mental state, walking tentatively yet clinging doggedly to the concept that his research still has merit. in a 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SOUARE WWW. PERFORMANCELTD.COM 9JOUJ@~ku I: cfto'l&L!ide ~ l 30 to 75°/o Off ---Sale Starts Now--- 369 E. 17th St #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 r.JrJ-C" (corner of Tustin & 17th -behind Jack-in-the-Box) FYI WHAT: •proor WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Segerstrom Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, Cos.la Mesa WHEN: 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays; 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; and 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays until Feb. 9 COST: $27 to $54 PHONE: (714) 708-5555 richly layered performance. Entering the daughter's priv-dte world she still shares with her late father are her older sister. Oaire -whose practicality counterbalances Catherine's inteUecruality-and Hal, a onetime srudent of the father's who's seeking something of value in writings the old man left behind. Christina Haag lends a caring but condescending counterpoint as I.he older sister bent on seLUng the family house and moving Qltherine, like it or not, to New York with her. James Waterston skillfully plays the ex-student whose romanuc interlude with the vulnerable Catherine prompts the discovery on which Auburn's play rums. a breakthrough mathematical ~proof' whkh may or may not have been written by the late mathematician. The badcyard action plays out agamst an imposing two-story backdrop of I.he old Olicago hou-.e. beautifully designed by rhomas Buderwit7~ York Kennedy's lighting and Maggie Morgan'i. costum~ further enhance the play·s (ragile mood. Auburn's play will likely excite the ~numbers people" in the audience. but it's carefully scripted to draw in those who _ relish the well-chosen word. LlQ. "Galileo." which SCR also once : produced, "Proor is a powerful : intellectual drama. • TOM TIT\JS reviews local theater • for the Daily Pilot. His rev1ew5 appear Thursdavs and Saturdays. • . l6co~nu'e '5:r.~/1rf' • .i1 • ~""''~//?. 'JJ/;;'/A Vtw/ip l£1(rtJJ Full Time • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Affiliated Ages 2 to 8 nnck nziv Mont~~~Ol'i 398 University Dr. • C.Osta Mesa (949) 548-3771 11Uf (>U/I, ~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunks of chicken bruit, rice pmi.tbed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. . f.r· · Great To-Go \.1.., .. / Corona dd Mar 611-DCO I , r ! l I I r \.,,' t <i • 1 . . . . . . . ------~-----~- [)ally Pilot . DATEBOOK Tt)ur ~day. January 16. 200 3 At REEL CRITIC Caine's performance makes noise in 'Quiet American' B ased on the novel by Graham Greene, "The Quiet American" is a movie of intrigue and mystery, told ln flashback. film noir style. beginning with the discovery of a dead body floating face down tnSaigon tfarbor and then recounting bow it came to be there. Starring Michael Caine as Thomas Fowler, a cynical and uninvolved teteran British RICHARD BRUNETTE journalist covering the Vietnamese liberation war with the colonialist French in Indochina. the acuon takes place around 1952. JUSt before America's invol,ement in Vietnam - o r i5 the U.S. already involved? nus ~ a central theme or the movie. but the '>tory revolve<. around and foCUM."> on Fowler, who has a wife hack home in London, but aJso has a beau11ful young Vietnamese mjstn><;s, I lei Phuong (I laJ Yen Do). After being notified that he ii. to be recalled to .. .ngland. Fowler schemes to come up with a \tory that wtll convince h1<; ednor. to keep him in Vietnam. He then meet!> and befncnc.b a likahlc> and 1deaJiscic young Amenran. a qum Amencan. Alden Pyle (Arendan Frasier) Pyle I'> in Vietnam on a humanitarian medical missmn. Upon meeting Phuong. he fall'> hopele...sly in love w11h her fhu'> a love triangle I'> born; soon 11 will grow into a murder m)"ilt'ry. Though Frasier i<, good 3., Pyle. and the bt>auuful Hai Yen Do admirable as the childhxe and innocent Phuong. the film •~ carried by Caine. who will -1f the buzz prove.. correct -be nominated for an (hear for his performance. Kudos should alc;o go to director Philip Noyce and screenwriter Olristopher COMING SOON A lowly securrty guard, Earl Montgomery (Martin Lawrence). proves his mettle when he uncovers a soph1sbcated smuggling operation in "National Security." opening tomorrow in local theaters The movie also stars Steve Zahn as Lawrence's more stable s1dek1ck. Hampton -who al'>o wrolt' the ~recnplay for "Dangcrou.'> I .till'>O"'> • -a' they 'lowly and -;ubtly create a '><'n'>e of intngue surrounding l-ra-.1c•r\ characwr Pyle We -.ee contra.'>l'> and metaphor. throughout the mOVJe. but they are never blatantly obviou'l or crammed down our throat. a~ would happen m an mfenor film. We see the heaucy of Vietnam Juxtapo'>ed agrunst the carnage of the war; the aging, '>Oph1sucated. jaded Brit l>t't against the young. handsome. 1deaJ1st1c Amencan I really liked how throughout the film you can sense that they bolh re!>pect and likt• each other and that they try to remain friends. even amid lhe wor..t moments becween them. The film also -;omewhat mirror., the Amencan experience m Vietnam Lllce Pyle\ bel.Jef., about Phuong and her rela11om.h1p with hiwler. we may have idealistically gone to war to "..ave" the Vietname .. e people tfrnm commurusm . but we \.\.ent in blindly. believing nill\.l'l"v in our ideology and, ulumatef) n ot knowmg the pilln we would endure nor that wh1<.h we would cau~. Rated R for image<> of Violence and language. on the Brunene movie raung scale of "Pay Full Pnce." "Bargain Maunee .. \ 1deo Rt·ntaJ or "Watt for Lable I gl\ e The <)utet \mencan a mrel~ JQH'n and not often ..een rat mg of "Pav Full Pnce" • RtCHARO BRUNETTE 1s a 39 year-Old rer.ri>ation supervisor for the city of Costa Mesa The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Join the CLUB! These ~pay for tbcmJChu In DO time. Hurry! They wilJ sd1 out. To Sign Up, Call (949) 645-6812 Extension 110 • No Insurance Costs • No Maintenance Costs •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great f or business, family. friends and soul cruising. • Take advantage of the wonderful fleet of Duffy Boats • Convenient location, fantastic amenities Bil.ffrll alfll,..,, .. £l«lrlc ... SMar '' • Duft'111cdJic Boll C.oial*'Y ~S-:1°'" -.....,...,... com ' - .. AlO TIU'sday, Janiwy 16, 2003 OATEBOOK DINING REVIEW . Perfect pl~ces to .find the . . By Stephen Santacroce J anuary and February are often slow months in the restaurant business. Feeling guilty from the holiday excess at the table and the rnall, many diners opt to stay home to. manage their waistlines and th.eir budgets. The cooler winter weather also helps. There's sometimes nothing nicer than staying home in front of a fire. testing out the new coolcware that was a gift and opening a favorite bortJe of wine. The cooking pan of a May-at-home dinner is easy. at least when it comes to the grocery shopping, but what about finding that perfect 9ottJe of wine to augment the lock-it-up dinner from your new Emeril cookbook? 9 Lucidly. Newpon-Mesa rel>idents have a good l>election of wine purveyors to satisfy their search for just the right bottle. And if recent newi, stories are any indicationi., this could be the perfect time to stock your ceUar. ·1, i . Articles in m1rny lrifje magazines aQd even a · front-page story in the Loi, Angeles Times are heralding the end oflhe wine boom. Higher priced wines are sitting on shelves as consumer pocketbooks rencct the worsening economy. Wine prices, which became nd1cu.lously inOated during the late 1990s. are finally starting to approach something that can be considered reasonable. .. So this week. I'm going to take a break from restaurant reviews and talk about i,ome of the area's better wine merchants. Just about anyone living m Orange County wh o collects ( SEAN Hll.LfR/OALY PILOT Molly Pitassi fills glasses at Ht-nmes Cellars in Costa Mesa. The store has an honor bar for consumers to try wines out. wines knows that the granddaddy of all wine shop i. is lli-Times CeUars in Costa Mesa (250 Ogle St .. Costa Mesa, 19491 650·7463). Boasting the large'>t tempernture-controlled retail wine ceUar on the West Coast, I li -1 imes offers one of the largest selections of wines anywhere. WaJlcing into the large store,. set behind a 17th Street '>hopping rnaJI, ii, like walking into an adu.lt candy store. The first Ooor houst::S several high-end specialty Mores, including a chocolate shop and a c;moke shop featuring fine cigars stored in a walk-in humidor. Oicdrich's coffee got its i.tart here. I can i,till remember waJking•m and '>rneUing the enticmg aroma of fresh-roasting coffee beans. In addition to the specialty <>tores, the mam level houses a fuJI tiquor store wtth an extensive selecuon of spirits. including a large selection of single maJt scotche-.. small batch bourbons and rare cognac'> The real Fun at I Ii-Ti mes \tarts when you walk downstairs. Most of the basement Door is taken up by the store's vast wine cellar. Step through the gla.'>!> doors into the temperarure-and humidity-controlled room. and you'U be confronted by a multi.level array of wtnes from all over the world. The selection 1~ logically arranged by country and then by wine type. and 11 you L.111'1 find a panicular bottle here. you'll be hard pre .. scd to find 11 anywhere else. Locked cage' house bot Lies of older and r.trl' winei,. Hi-Timei,' colJection "a' impressive for 11:. vertu.:al ('>amc wines of different vintages) selections~ 11 is for its bread1h of labels. In addition to the comprehensive cellar. the basement floor also spons a wine bar that hosts do-it-Yourself tasungs !patrons pour tastes into marl..ed gla\ses and keep a talJy of their total), as weU as numerous special events. A sample of upcoming events includes a tasting of ports (today, $40) and a sampling of the 2000 Bordeaux (Jan. 23. $35). On the reverse end of the 1n11macy '>Cale i'> OvcrMreet Wme Merchant at the corner of Via IJdo and Via Op1erto on the Balboa Pen1mula (J400 Via IJdo, 19491566-9463). Compared to the almoi.t 'upcrmarkt-t atmo,phere of 111 I 1mei., wallong into Over'>trect 1!. like wallong in the library al a posh l:nglish country C'>tate I Ill' 'tore I'> anchored by the wine ta'>1tng bar. wliich is done in heavy oak.~ are the tables and chairs that surround the bar. Old I ngli'h funmhings and fom1l> <.:rel>t~ add to the comfon111g atmosphere. Overstreet, hke Hi-Time, features a temperature rnntroUed wine room that hou.,e-, a M>lectmn focusing on I uropean and Californian wines. Owner<; Oen 111s and Olris Overstreet opened their shop stx month'> ago. but have ">uccessfully run a similar store in Beverly I lills for 30 yean.. 1 .. • .. VlilO " Dennis Is passionate about his wines and wine drinking (he's written several books and nymerous articles on the subject) and loves nothing mo~ than sitting with customers for a discussion of the subject. Thd philosophy at Overstreet is that. tasting ls an integral part of the wine buying experience, and ; the wine bar is open until l l p.m. most evenings, offering patrons samples of the store'i collection. Special tasting• are held periodically and the store also offers for sale a selection of anesian cheeses and other specialty food items .• Another smaller shop tha t ~ specializes in smaller boutique• California wineries. as well as a growing selection of European wines. is the Wine Gal.lery in Corona Del Mar (24 l l E. Coast Highway, 19491 675-3'4 I 0). Owners Jeff Schroed er, Olris Olsen and James Huston opened the store in October 1999 to offer customers a selection of harder-to-find wines at reasonable prices. TI1e Wine GaUery expects to have i~ tasting license m a few months and will be building a lounge below the main store to host tasting events. Finally. 1f you're the last-minute shopper who grabs his or her wine along with the groceries for dinner, check out the wine department at Bristol l-arms (810 Avocado Ave .. Newpon Beach, (9491760-6514) The upscale grocer offer<; a fairly extensive selectton of wines from aJJ over the world at fairly reru>onable prices. thank.., to their corporate purchasing power. The managers of the wine department are knowiedgeable about the wm~ and can offer good choices m any price range 10 complement the eve111ng's dinner. I'm particularly 1mpresM:d by the ':>trong cro~·section of whites and sparkling wines that are kept chilled for a truJy last-minute purcha'>e. Bristol Farms also offers regular wine tast111g'>. c..aJI the sto re for the current c;cheduJc. True wine aficionados con<;ider their hobby almost as a way of life. Dennis Overstreet correctly noted that whUe you probably won't want to call your friends to tell them about the marti111 you had last night. you would almost certainly make sure to share your experience of a good bottle of wine. Any of the stores mentioned here will offer ample choices to stock a cellar, as weU as the opportunity to increase one's knowledge on the vast !iubject of wine. • STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S restaurant reviews appear every other Thursday. Send him your comments at sdsanta@oc-dining.com \\' 1 \ \. \ \ I I () BI \ ( II I· / 11 •I ( /,., 11 ' • Rabbitt lnsurahcc Agcno/. Alf'TO • HOMF.OWNERS • HfAll'H 5111/,ililJ S111« 1957. •?~_,:: 949-631-~~ . 441 Old Nmport Bhd.. Nmport ... : (Neu H .. H..,al) DATE B OOK ThurSday, .lanuciry 1 b, 2003 All AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to thf Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa MeH, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list 1s 1vailable at www.d11ilypilot com SPECIAL 'Gl~SHEmR' Tt\e "Funk, Punk and M onk: Music on Fiim• series is now playing at the UCI Student Center Crystal Cove Auditorium. Upcoming movies are ·straight, No Chaser· Thelonius Monk" on Friday and "Downtown 81 .. on Jan 24. The UCI campus is at Campus and University drives, Irvine $3 UCI st udents. $4 UCI faculty/staff and other students, $5 general (949) 824-5588. AFTER HOURS ART STARS OF MAGIC • Dale Salwak will bring the "Stars of M agic" to Orange Coast College at 8 p m Saturday. Among this year's performers are Greg and Lyuda Wilson, Jason Byrne and Rich Bloch. The performance will be 1n the Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Advance tickets are $14 for children, $27 for students and seniors and $29 for the general public Tickets at the door will be $16 for children and $33 for the general public (7141 432-5880. MUSIC PHILHARMONIC JAZ2 AND BLUES The Ph1lharmon1c Society and the Barclay Theatre, as part of their World Stages Serlea, will present Habib Kolle at 8 p.m. today. Kolte brings a blend of Jazz and blues rhythms w ith a unique guitar style and a contemporary Weat A frican beat. Tickets are $24 and $28. The Irvine Barclay' Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. (9491854-4646. TOKYO STRJNG QUARTET The Tokyo String Quartet will 1oin pianist Max Levinson at 7:30 p.m. today for a concert at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Pieces by Brahms and Haydn are on the progra(Tl A preview talk will be given by Herbert Glass at 6:45 p.m. $49. (714) 740-7878. SCHUBERT ENSEMBLE OF LONDON The Philharmonic Society and the Laguna Chamber Music Society will present the Schubert Ensemble at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The society has established an international reputation as Briiain's leading exponent of chamber music for piano and strings Tickets are $29, $25, $23 The Irvine Barclay Theatre 1s at 4242 Campus Dnve, Irvine (949) 854-4646 SPECIAL CLASSICS: RHAPSODY IN BLUE The Pac1f1c Symphony Orchestra will present its annual American Composers Festival at 7 p m Tuesday. Jan. 28 It features Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blues. hot 1a1z and blues and new works by celebrated American composers Bernstein, Wilham Bolcom. Derek Bermel and more Tickets are $45 and $35 lrvme Barclay Theatre 1s at 4242 Campus Drive. Irvine ~4.. .. a: I Jf '"d Ot f-i ' v'e-1 r ... ' e An ~tional 6aTlltar 8d blJ: ( 4'rt • )• ._, ~ rr l ~ fd!"H 'f '1 f1 hi • ? & .11 ,11 1 f" u ti,11'-.elor /I. author &Jnday, Jan. lS, ~-Spm Newport Hills Phne II Clubhouse ill Ill(\ Pnr• "' .... N:J' ... !jp,!(I ~l' rrP '•'Q• !('I Ill S/O JI !]le dl'J( I fi>r lllOf9 urfo & f991str111011 caH Slwor1 i/1w'I i• :;.t • r'>l 11r~ •:l!lJ or email her at svrss11r@m1rin1fsc~urch org The Origina I MIKE'I . CARPET$ • O VER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA ' Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s (949) 854-4646. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio. with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Pack every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550 JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant m Newport Beach presents a 1azz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents M onday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. ~wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players. singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newpott Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick f lw Grtlled Fla Cllk'kttt & Trt Tip Stw ~Mid C1.s1 O.O•llH>' c .. tio.. CoatM \ao1<"4 rull 610 West 17th SL, Costa M esa Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom -Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Pumiture • Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as M PG) perform classfc rock, R&B and swing at 8:39 p.m. Fridays. M arvin Gregory and MPG will p~rform classic rock, swing •nd R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is et 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach Free. (9491675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from2 to 6 pm. Sunday. The restaurant Hi at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Free (9491 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant 1n Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday ahernoons The progra m features jau and classic rock tunes for dining anj:f dancing Anthony's 1s at 151 E Coast Highway (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FtAMENCO Tate 5. a funk, rock and M otown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's R1storante, 3520 E Coast [!]~Dunn-Well I •' ' ' ' 1820 Monro'M Ave Cosla Mesa CA 92627 ~&~-::"~~ Robert Dunn Wllttw' °"'1l(;lll i'.Jr'l"'9 T .. : 949.648.9373 CWJl8f ~ 7 14.648.3434 ..,_. ... ~ #aO.. .»alNS Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7·30 p.m. Tuesdays end Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SAT\JRDAY NIGHT ft&B Gerald lshibe1hl and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B at 9 p m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1 ·Jo to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senior Center, 800 M arguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar $4 (949) 644-3244. STAGE 'PROOF' "Proof," the Tony Award·w 1nn1ng play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb. 9. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father Performances will be at 8 p.m Tuesday through Friday, at 2·30 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m Sunday Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54 ..... 1'cw.apun c l u r C' W o rl&• • 1·. , .. 1"1 fll ( .. 11,..t1 • '' '•" ! ' \,II\ \ 'I 1 'I ~:,I . I lfl'I (7 14) 708-5556 THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO Opera Paoif1c will preseht Mozart's deltghtful and charming comedy under the d1reC11on of conductor of Jane Glover The cast includes Jan Grissom, Shawn M athey and Kurt L1nlt. Performances will be on Tuesday and Jan 23 to 26 at the Performing Arts Center, Segerstrom Hall. 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $20 to S125 with performances at 7.30 nightly, except for the Sunday showing at 2 pm (714) 556-ARTS. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "line SceRe" an exh1b1t of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa Z1nes are publ1cat1ons like magazines -created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a m to 9 p m. M onday through Friday, 10 a m to 7 p.m Saturday and 11 a.m to 6:30 pm. Sunday Free 1949) 759 1122 See HOURS, Pa1e A12 ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE Fint Hamt Ft"'1ulmw. AntUfMn 6 Colkr11bl.ts, fouii11onal ro Cotta~t Gifts anti Gartin. Dtr•r W'uh I isr and Dt/11-rry. Gartin. Cafe Gartkn Pat10 D111111: ""'"'f. Bnaltfan, U.tUh, 7ta "Ni 1111 Espmso &r. CAFE HOURS· Mon -Sun 9am-4pm Candk1 to Chandr/Un, Ustti Cr R.arr Books:'J Cu11om Pimm Frammi. Funuturt Rrstoratwn and much morr ! ROW HOURS. Tur-Sat /Oam-5pm 130 F.AST IT" ST. • COSTA Mf..SA Ar N"'r"' & &ur / 7 !>urn (949) 722.1177 ThiSWeek@UCI Arts Jan. 17 Athletics Jan. 18 Men's Basketball i·s. Jc111l111. -·os p.m. Bren· Fvenh Center S"I SI: Jan. 21 Men's Volleyball i•s. < al Hupt1.st 7 r.m., LrJwford Hall. SJ si; Film Society. Strur!{ht, No Cha..wr: Thelonwus Mcml.. Directed by Charlotte Zwenn ( 1989) 7 & 9 p.m Crv-.tal Cove Audnunum, Student Center. SJ.s:. Through Jan. 26 Beall Center for Art and Technology. l/)/mtity: Portram m the 2 lst Century. An exhibition focu~ on te .. hnolo~\ effect on the nature of 1denllty and the rnnventtons of portraiture. Noon-5 p.m., Tucsday-5unday, Thursday until 8 p.m .. Beall Crnter. Frtt f • Presentations Jan. 22 University Club Forum. A ovrtf py ·'" tht FBI: Tht Robert Han.sm1 Cau. W1th Judge William Lawlns. Noon. Un1vt'rstty Club. $7.SO .Jan. 22 Oistingulsh@d f •cu tty lecturas .. 'ittond P/11/osophy by Profcssor Pcndopc Maddy; P«Sisrtnt Parodo.xu. Po/mcs.,hdog"t)' ''"" Po/1rics by Profes.sor Mark Pttracc.a: Hunttniton's Duusc A.pproaclw for Thmptn by Profi sor tcslic Thompson. 7 p.m., University 0'1b. Frtt ........................... lllJllml,... ......... -...... -..,..------~~---...... ---..-........ -:---...---.. ..-.. ---_, -------~ ......... ----~~..-.· A12 Thursday, January 16, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 1 JANE.HILL . "Local Scenes: art by J•ne Hiii, will be on display at thf Newport Beach Publlc Library through Feb. 28. A reception for the ertlst will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 28. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 71 7-3801. 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' A two artist exhibit fea turing the-works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through March 1. (949) 851i918, wwvy.studlogallery. net. STUDYING K>ENTTTY "ID/entity: Portrait• in tl)e 21St Century" will run through Jan. 26 at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. A • receptfon for the ahow will be · held from 6 to 8 p.m. The Beall Center is open from noon to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p.m. on Thursday. · Free. (949) 824-6206. , 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spiritua Gallery will present an exhibit of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled "Through the Green Fuse" through Jan. 31 at 3929 Birch St., Newport Be.sch. (949) 474-4321. D ·A T E B 0 0 K BRAVO PHbTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach:"The works will be shown concurrently with "The Spi rit of Mexico," an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographers Including Henri Cartier·Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum ·hour's are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. MARJETICA PORTC An Installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on display hrough March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, • 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's work deals with Issues of shelter, poverty and displacement. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults. $4 for seniors and students, and free f or members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. DANCE SOCIAL DANCING Social dancing takes place the fourth Sunday of each month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Jimmie DeFore Dance Center, 151 Kalmus Drive, Ste. G-3, .John Jennifer Gus Brenda RlllSERVla 011 STOP lllOP C..nter Tops• $hewers• C.n11lo • Gnnlte •WIN Wu Refinith • Cleanl119 C.rptt & Upholrtery • P1h•th•-lmrior & Ederior co a Mesa Irv ne (849) 650-787& (9'19) 8!8;.o141 124 E. 17th 17777 Main "I" --fltt-J SATUHAYS I SUHAYI I0-4 Costa Mesa. The dances raise funds for the center's building program. Donations accepted. (714) 241 -9908. SENIOR BAU.ROOM Ballroom dancing to the music of the Costa M esa Music Makers Is offered from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Costa Mes.a Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St. $4. (949) 548-3884. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancfng Is offere'd from 8. p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at DMscene Studio, 2980 M cCllntock Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641·8688.. KIDS 'IMAGINATION-IN-MOTION' Mime, modern dance, comedy and vaudeville will combine Friday and Saturday when the Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa, will present "Imagination-in-M otion• as part of its Founders Family Fun series. Performanc.es wrll be 7 p.m. Friday and 11 a.m. and 1 p:m. Saturday. $9. (714) 556-2787. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 are invited to p.articipate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa M esa library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646·8845. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m . Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901·B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. BOOKS 'LAST MISSION' ~The Last Mission; a book about;i failed World War II plot to prevent Emperor Hirohito's surrender of Japan, will be discussed and signed by its author, Jim Smith, at 1 p.m . Saturday at Borders Books, Music and Cafe, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners.from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431 . SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chictcen parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS HI-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch, featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites, is held from 10:30 a.m: t~!_~.m. a\ Su on Place HciteT,450b - MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS AJ:fA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 606 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter·Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 ---• Jazz is played at 8 p.m . Fridays· : and Saturdays and at 11 a.m . • Sundays at Bi.stro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays and pop and rode is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newp0rt Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. OURTY NEUY'S live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .. .Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport 'Beach: (949) 759·0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Aoctc Cate, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays" at the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St.~ Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. .. .. .. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S ' Live music is performed l Wednesdays through • Saturdays at Barmichael's, ~ 3950 Campus Drive, Newport ~ Beach. (949) 261-6270. " # , ' Enjoy a smoke with your drin~ at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via ' Udo. Suite D. Newport Beach.~ (949) 723-0595. : UDO CIGAR ROOM .. MARGARrTAVILLE ; live music is performed at ~ Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coaslj" Highway, Newport Beach. (94 631-8220. MARRAKESH ' Authentic Moroccan cuisine i and belly dancing is offered at , 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa M e.sa. ' (949) 645-8384. • : • MARRIOTT HOTEL • . Live music 1s performed ; Mondays through Saturdays 81( the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newpcf Center Drive, Newport Beach.~ (949) 640-4000 • MULOOON'S Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) • 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE • " • • Local pop and light rock acts • perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster ' Bar Lounge at the Balboa FerrY.: Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1625 M esa .. - Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. .- : (7 14) 436-9367. • ..• VILLANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece , jazz and blues band Mlsbehavin• plays at 9 p.m. Thursdays , , through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 31~1 W. Coast Highway, -• • Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. .. . ' SAVE MONEY~ SAVE TIME! wtththe Daily Pilot Q.ASSIR~DS CALL 642:5678 .QUOTE OF THE DAV -----~----~-----------~~~-------~--·-~·~--~·~~~•~•~~~s•s~s•_•1 •~-•~ EYE OPENER D<ul>4 Pikx Sporu I lall of Fanw "/think there's an opening for 'me in Las Vegas as a magician." Chris Sorce, Estancia boys basketball coach JCIOUc:I(~ 20 110001 ~~ CARL KRAUSHAAR Dally Ptlot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 Thursday Jdnuc1ry l tj ilOOJ Bl HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles rally past Mesa Pinto's eight-point spurt in the fourth quarter, and two technical free throws, help Estancia dodge theMustangs' upset bid. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -In a ~town rivalry game in.which neither side was willing to back down, it was who stepped up that decided the Golden West League boys basketball meeting between host Estancia lligh and Costa Mesa.Wednesday r\ight Sophomore Carlos Pinto. 0 for 8 from the fieJd ~d scoreless through three quarters, shrugged off any self doubt to score eight crucial points in the final pe· riod co help the Eagles rally for a 40·35 tri- umph. In addition, senior 7,.ack Novalc personi- fied fstancias willingness to embrace the mou,nting pressure. excitedly pleading and winning his case to shoot two technical foul shots that wowid up icing the victory with 32 secends left. "l think there's an opening for me in las Vegas as a magician,# Pstancia Coach Outs Sorce quipped afterward, citing .his teams recovery from a spirited Mustang performance that made a Mesa upset the ex- pected result for 15 minutes of action spanning the second and e for one field goal in the first 16 minutes, as the Eagles fin- ished the first half 3 of 18 from the fieJd (16.7%). The visitors (5-12, 0-3 in league), ,rallied from a 7-0 deficit to within 12-6 at the end of the first quarter then, after a Man Cachola three- pointer put the Eagles up, 15-8, with 6:51 left before Mustangs 35 Eagles 40 fourth quarters. "I asked my assi.stants at halftime if chey ha.d any miracle cures," Sorce said of crying to regroup after Mesa sei7,ed a 22- 15 lead by scoring the final 14 points be- fore inteimisslon. "We just weren't being aggressive and thats not us.· Sorce would agree much of his team's late first-half funk came courtesy of Mesa's actrve one-three-one wne de- fense. that virtually negated any Estancia inside game. Estancia frontcourt players combined half, made themselves at home before a spirited crowd that nearly filled both bleachers and scattered throughout the open end of the gym. Four different Mustangs, paced by sen- ior four-,year varsity peifonner Danny Krikorian, contributed to the scoring run to dose the half. Krikorian. who matched c.achola for game-high scoring honors with 14 points, hit the first of his two three-pointers and netted four free throws during the blitz, which freshman See EAGLES, Paee 82 ''• ' f. Estanc1a's (33) Scott Sankey maintains possession in.duel with Costa M'esa. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL STEVE McCRANI< I OAJLY PILOT UC Irvine's Adam Parada (55) puts up a shot over Utah State's Mike Puzey ( 11) to give Irvine the lead for the first time in the first half of 75-7 3 victory. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER Eagles belt Mesa,· 6-1 Estancia overpowers Mustangs in crosstown duel. Jlry~• AJttno.n ---~ --~­Daily Pilot "The first five minutes changed the outcome of that game," Salinas said. "We gave (Estancia) the midfield and they took ad· COSTA MESA -Where Costa Mesa High stumbled, host Estancia just kept on run- ning and blistered its way to a 6-1 win in a Golden West Muatang1 Eeglel , 6 ..YJUllagLOL.i.L.OUL.,.biggest_ weakness was not having the proper condlliooing to complete the game. There's a lot of training that we still need to work on tactic· League and city rivalry boys soccer game Wednesday. The Eagles, 4-6-1, 1-3· l in league, $00red three goala ln each half, cbutng down loose balls with emciency and moving the ball up field with precision. The wtn is F.stancia'• ftrat in three tries against Costa Mesa dating to January 2001, I span of three games. Mesa won both~ Wt MUOn. eo.ca Meta'• Lu.ii VUla Nueva end David Barnett, whOIO Muatanc Coach Antonio S&llnal mewoed up to m.idlleld for Che pme, belted two lhbt1 on P.lgt•' goalkeeper f.ddJe RubUcabt to the h IYe minute&. Rubak:abe ni.de the ... Ind the ~ tnaMged just t:bNe lhots after th&L wise." A4 Salinas thought bis team tired as the game wore oo, &tan- cia Coach Steve Clenshaw praised his squad's ~lveness for the entire 80 minutes. Qensbaw said the Eagles have ladced the "killer instinct" when they get ahead, but not Wednesday. "We put one ln the net fa.ltty early and stayed after it/ Crenshaw said.. "In the lut couple years .Wve lacked the desire to win. Three yeers ago on ow (OP Southern Sectiou Dtvlsion IV) dwnpioNhJp team tr we got ahead 3-0 we would go bade and try to ICOre an· other one. It's not time to &J1Ue but to relu and practice knocklna d\e baD around. knowtn3 the other team ls on s. socca.,... .. UCI wi n s in Senior Mike Hood makes thrilling buzzer-beater to lead 'Eaters to dramatic 75-73 win over Utah St. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS 'Cl::.NTER -Last year it was Jerry Green. This year it was Mike Hood. Hood. a UC Irvine senior who made hie; first start in seven games, hit a game-winning eight-foot one-handed sho t to beat the buzzer in overtime. Hood's finger-roll-type shot bo unced off the rim, backboard, back off the rim and then went LO, leading the Ant· eaters' basketball team to a 75-73 overtime win over Big West Confer- ence rival Utah State before 3,205 fans at the Bren Events Center Wednesday night The fans stormed the court and mobbed Hood, who scored 17 points for UCI (9-4. 3-1 in the Big West). It was redemption for Hood, who missed a potential game-winning shot in a 62-6 1 loss last year at the Bren Center. Last year, Green hit a game- winner to lead UCI to a 67-66 win in Logan. "I'm a senior and thar's one of my roles," Hood said of his late-game he- roics, which has led UCJ to its past two victories. •I'm supposed to lead the team. I just try to do a good job with that.. For the past six games, UCI fresh- man Mike Hevberha had been -.tarting 111 plan• of I lood, v.'ho ..cored 11 p01nts. tncluding a key bucket and two clutch free throws in an 81 ·77 win c11 UC Riverside Saturday. "I kept playing my game, try· ing to stay positive," I lood said of commg off the bench the past six games. "I told myself: 'The time will come and just to be positive.' " Hood'!> lime came LO dra- SCOREBOARD Utah St 73 Anteaters 75 "I told IJougl.i'"' ...i1d ...,l.tfli' la\ 1-. 11111 n-.tlh 11111t·d ht\ fnr hh Jd1·n ... 1· dill.I I thnuKht he \.\.1'-rPlll<lfi <1ble 111 ht-. .-lion 111 nigh l I tlunk. ht l! 111~ .1 ma1or .,cm.le in h1•11>r11 mg .t 1.:omplt·te pl.1\ t·r matic fashion. Utah State senior foraino Johnson (I Ii point!>) nailed a three-point shoe from myself: 'The IJU 7 loot 11mt< 1 center Ad.un l'arad J.l'IO ">COrt'<l tn douhlt· fi)..,'illt''>, LOntnhut111g I 1 point-. \~lult· Jt1111i r l\ra.s HJ,k....iU">k.,!'-pri 1 Vldt'<l dt'ft:n't.' "h1le lilt mg 111 l11r ln·-.hn .111 point ~Jrd Jt'fl ( ,log1 r who luuled 11111 \.\1111 \0 '>t't·1111d' left 111 lt'gul.i uon. the comer near he. bench wtth time w ill 10. l seconds left m the over· um e, thac l:led the score. 73-73. and set the ~tage for Hood. The Anteaters did not call a umeout and instead went to I lood in the game's closing mo- ments. Hood described the play, as. "nothmg. 1ust trying 10 come and just to be positive.'" "11Urd.i\ 111gl11' g.mw v.a., 11gh11\ 11111 le--ti·d l''Jll'U.ilh Ill tht• -.rt ond h,tlf Mike Hood get the last shot.· UCI Coach Pat Douglass' ex- planation of the play for liood7 "That was a realJy good play. wasn't it?" Douglass joked. "It was a nice way to fLOish it. We lost one like that in 1-ul · lerton.· ~ Douglass was impressed with 1uruor forward Stanislav 7..uzak. who scored a game-high 20 pointS and applied de- fensive pressure on Utah States star player, Desmond Penigar. Zuzak held Penigar, for the most part. to eight points and 3-of-12 shooting from the field. "Perugar is a strong inSJde player," Ille Anll'dll'r., rr,ulhl 'l 1-45. w11h 12 l2 le11 in regulatmn alter o\ggit"o 1un1or pomt guard M.ir~ Bm\A.n I ! pomL<il rnnwned d thrt't'-prnnt pla\ However from that pmnt on lh1 game wa.-. tight . .._., no tedm led h\ more than three .md there \'-l'ft' fout ues. The fLOaJ ue came when Rmvm convened on another thr~·pomt pla\ with 30 seconds remaining to male 11 63-63. Zuzak mt'i..Sed a Jump hool. from about 10 feet out with lhree 'K't:ond'> left and the ball wcnc out of bound~ to See UCI. Paee '83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Silvio Estrada ~~~~~~~=~~ustans:iS-oominant--8nough-.to.gW~points away, then doubles up by taking his opponents down. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week recogninon. ·1 usually have a good ~ for pk:lcing ... P potential and (P.wada) has a lot of narural abiltt)\. first-year Costa Mesa Coach Brett Sbai,nfdd said •• , think my~ for him may be ~than the ones he rea1iu:s for h1msclf. t Stt momcnt:i. or ~ ln hlm. but. ftl mind. he Is problbJy just out theft> wmstting." IStrldal lmpnMmcn1. wtD the fonunei of tho progml1l (now 12-3 ln dull matchCI and~ Co contend for a Go&dal W!st Leagut- d.de) has bciai doedy linlcrd ~ith the ~ untADA. , ..... ___ _.. ........... -~~---------.-----~--------------.,._,,.~-~--~---~ :::..-:1 .. ... .. ~:----.-_ .. ...-:· -.-:-: ....... • . ........ ........ ... -. -·· --. --~ -·. --. -· . . .. --. . . -. . .. -. . . l :1 _ .1 . -_ ... -~ I I . :..1 : -~. _ .. • t • • ........ ..... --..... -_.; --- -- . . , . j ' . .. -. . ~ -. -.· ---'--. . . ·-. -4..-... ,. --. -·· -· .. -· ·. -. - --- . -. . ;: : . : ·=· :. . . . ·:. :· • .. 4 .... .... . -... -. . .. . . . .: =· J :: . f :-. . ,-~ . I·. -.... -~ •14 .,. .... -··· ..... -1!' .... 82 Thursday, .lanuafy 16, 2003 I Newport holds off Aliso, 69-65 Defending league champion Sailors almost lose late nine-point lead, before winning, 69-65. Richard.Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFAQ-1 -When you look in the newspaper and see box scores. there are blowouts. close games and rou- tine victories. but they don~ always tell the story. c.ase in point lf you analyze host New- port Harbor High's 69-65 Sea View League. boys basketball win Wednesday night over Aliso Niguel. youCi figure it W4S tight the whole way with a few lead Changes SCOREBOARD and perhaps a cou- ple of ties. • And. while the games leads were relatively narrow. it certainly wasn't as . dose as the final score would indi- Aliso Niguel 65 ea.le. Sailors 69 1he defending league champion Sailors (10-7, 2-0 in league) enjoyed a nine-point adv-dl1tage af. ter senior Oiad Ron:len's layup with l :45 left, and, following Aliso Niguet's ensuing tu.mover, it appeared Newport Harbor could run out the cloclc until the Wolver- . ines were forced to foul. Bul Aliso Niguel (7-9, 0-2) rallied to make the final minute interesting. · After a Newport Harbor turnover, Aliso's Michael Roll (17 points) hit a three-pointer with l :04 remaining. the visitors' first three-point shot of the night. to cut the Sailors' lead to 66-60. Harbor's Chase Cameron made one of two free throws. then Aliso Niguels John Wise, a 6-foot -5 forward, hit home on a desperation three-pointer that kissed off the window. "Theres nothing we can do about that bank shot three-pointer," Newport Harbor Coach La.ny Hirst said After Newport's 16th and final tumover, Roll scored on a short jump shot with 0-24 on the dock. cutting the Sailors' lead to Ol • 65. Newport Harbor junior Andre Pinesett toed the free-throw line with 132 seconds remaining. I le missed the fuft. then swished the second. but the Wolverines found themselves trailing only by three points. And the way they were hitting threes at the end, most in the house prob- ably figured another one to tie it would be a distinct pos.gbility. But an Aliso Niguel player stepped on the inbound line while trying to inbound the ball, and, following the huge turnover, Pinesen was fouled again and sent to the line. I le sank one of two with I 0.4 seconds to go fo give Harbor its ~ of victory. "It was a ch~ game," Hirst said "We(! match their counter moves with our counter moves. Who knows what would have happened if it was a 48-minute game (like in the NBA)? It was just a good high school basket:ball game and we're fortu- nate the dock rdn out for us." Newport Harbor, which plays at Irvine Friday, was led by 6-8 senior center Ned.im Pajevic's 18 points, 10 rebounclci (four of- fensive). three blocked shots and one as- sist Rorden finished with 12 points, six re- boundci and two steals. while Pinesett had 11 points and four rebounds. Brett Lowen- thal, a 6-6 junior, came off the bench to provide 14 points for the Sailors. Aliso Niguel trailed by eight points late in the third quarter, but came back to tie the game, 49-49, after the fourth quarter's opening possession. II was the first · tle since I 0-IO. Aliso Niguel led in the first quarter, 6-3, but never led again after Har- bor rallied. Pajevic untied the game in the fourth quarter with his only three-pointer with 6:53 remaining. then Hrubol's Nick Glas9c scored on a pulbadc with 6:04 on the dock. later Lowenthal netted two straight baskets, the last coming at 3: IO as New- port built a 60-53 lead. Following Turence 'Green~ basket for Aliso, Newport scored two more field goals in a row -on a Lo- wenthal jumper and Cameron layup to finish a fast break -to give the Tu.rs a 64- 55 advantage. They led, 66-57, after Ror- dens layup with 1:45 to play. "I think (the Wolverines) overcompen- sated on (guarding) Nedlm Pajevic. ~ Hirst said "You have to either take away Nedim or take ;tWay the outside shooters. and they decided to (double-team) Nedim and take him away. It almost \Wrtced." After Newport I lrubor earned a 12-10 lead at first quarter's end. the Tu.rs contin- ued their momentum in the second quar· ter to build a 23· 16 edge, the biggest lead of lhe first half. Aliso changed to a zone defense and stOrmed back to within one point twioo, but I lrubor hekl a 31 ·28 half. time lead. S..YWLMpe N9wpc>ft. ~,.,... • ... ~au... Allto Niguet -16 18 19 1a 1111 ~rt 12 19 11 20 .. Mio ,.... .. G,..n 21, Gardner 4, Roll 17. TrotNr C), W..ler 2. Sdlwab 4, WIN 13, l41jed14. ~pta-Ao111,WIM1. fOuled out -Sd1web. ~-none. Niu port-c.m.ron 8, Aofden 12. Pljevic 18, ~ o. ~ 11, t L.owMthal 4, 8. Loweothel 14, twnendM O, GltMlc 2. 3111-.... -. "°""'12.. rOUlld OUI -"°""· M r tr -none. .... SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL SE.AN Hill.ER I DAILY PllOT Mesa's Marko Stankovic (45) and Estancia's Zack Novak (1 2) vie for the ball in Wednesday nighfs showdown. EAGLES Continued from 81 Brian Molina capped with a three from the top of the k.ey with 36 sec- onds left in the half. Krikorian opened the third-quarter scoring with a three-pointer to extend the lead to 25-15, before 'fyler I loff- man halted an &tancia scorel~ i.1realc of 8:48 by connecting from be- yond the arc to give the home crowd hope. After a Mesa free throw, Cachola had four points in a 7 -0 Eagle run that pulled the hosts (13·5, 3-1) to within 26-25. A Jeff Waldron layin off a Molina as- sist and a three-pointer by Ziad Pepic helped Mesa take a 31-25 edge into the fourth quarter. But Pinto wasn't about to let his team absorb a second straight home league loss. ''It was my time to step up," Pinto rsaid of the final eight minutes, which he opened with a nine-foot jumper and a three from the left comer to trim the deficit to 31-30. Pinto then fed Jordan Stroman for an eight-foot turnaround 10 give the Eagles the lead with 5:54 left. Krikorian and Waldron answered with two free throws apiece to put Mesa up, 35-32. but Novak. pared it to one with a pair of foul shots with 2:46 lel1. It stayed that way for 70 seconds. when Pinto beat the shot-clock buzzer by draining a three-pointer from the right wing for a 37.-35 edge wi th I :36 left. After both teams traded posses- sions, Mesa missed a layup and a fol- low shot after a steal, then officials stopped play on Pstancia's ensuing possession with 32 ticlcs remaining. At issue WdS the failure of the shot· clock operator to start the 35-second clock. Clf1 error Serven had tried to point out the p<>~ion before, just as his team stole the ball AJ1 emo- tional Serven shouted protests to the referees trying to bring attention to the error. but also directed his rant at the adult female clock operator. After voicing derisive comments a third time toward the clock operator, an of- ficial issued Serven a technical foul. "That Was bad officiating, giving me a technical in a two-point game when it was (the clock operator's) mistake," Serven said later. While Sorce planned for Cachola, the wrrent leader in tl1e team's on- going free-throw contest, to go to the line, Novak had another idea "Zack came over to me raising his hand, telling me he wanted to shoot. because he was hot and hadn't missed a free throw all night (in four previous tries)," Sorce said "I thought ii over for a second. then told Zack he was our guy. J told rum to prove us right and he did." After Novak convened from the strlpe to double the lead to 39-35, Mesa fouled to send Estancia to the line with 30 seconds left. The Mus- tangs rebounded a miss, but were un- able to convert olfenmvely and a Ca· chola free throw with Z4 seconds left finalized the scoring. c.osta Mesa, which was 10 of 35 from the Ooor through three quarters. did not make a field goal in nine at- tempts in the fowth and was scoreless the final 3:28. -:.You can't wi.n scoring three points in the fourth quarter," Serven la- mented. Golden Witt LNpe &tllnda 40, Costa MeM 35 • Scocw bv au.n.n Costa Mesa Ii 1& t 4 -l5 Estancia 12 3 10 1s ~ Costa Mea -0. Krikorian 14, Waldron 6, Stankovic 3. Molina 6, Knox 0, Pepic 6, T. Krikorian o. 3-pt. goals-0 . Krikorian 2, Molina 2. Pepic 2. Fouled out -Molina. Technicals -Coecti Serven 1. &t.encU -Pinto 8, Novak 6, Lindquist 5, Cachola 14, Hoffman 3, Stroman 2. Sankey 2, Andersen 0. 3-pt. goals -Cachola 2, Pinto 2. Hoffman 1. Fouled oot -none. Technicals -none. CdM weathers storm I Sea Kings win, 59-56, in overtime at Laguna Beach. points while grabbing six reboun9s. hit the extra period's otlly bask.et -a three- pointer on a cross-court pass from Brett Matsen. who le~ the victors with 17 Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot points. . Fitting Mancillas would hit a three to decide the outcome. CdM hit 11 from threedom while Laguna drained nine LAGUNA BEACH -ln and out. No from behind the arc. this is not a plug for the hamburger "We were fortunate to get the chance chain, but rather the description of the to redeem ourselves and we ~e out 30-foot shot from near midoourt put up on top," Mancillas said. "It would have by Laguna Beach High's Alex Norfleet been nice to win by 25 but we had to that could have pull it out" • Sea Kings 59 Lag. Be8dl 56 sent the game into At the start of the second half, it a second overtime. looked like CdM would win comfortably As ii was, the Co-when it took its biggest lead, 43-19, on a rona del Mar High Pancbo Seaborn-to-Mancillas three- boys basketball pointer od tile opening possession and team weathered a controlled the tempo for most of the stonn the si7..e of third period before the Breakers' on- Alaska coming 'laught in the fourth quarter. from the host CdM hit 1 of 6 field-goal attempts in Breakers to win 59-the fourth quarter, the only basket com· 56 in overtime in ing on a Bart Welch layup oft' an assist Mancillas, Seaborn and Matsen each hit three three-pointers with Nonhridge adding two in 29 total team attempts. CdM hit on 8-of-16 shooting from be- yond the arc in the first half as the of- fense set up on the perimeter with play- ers making several passes to find the open man . Laguna held a 29-20 edge in rebound- ing, grabbing 10 boards in the fourth . quarter. Seaborn though made hjs sixth and final rebound, reaching ,to grab Nor- fieet's failed anempt that caromed to the left side of the rim. Once ta.Icing pos- session he leaned over with ball in-hand as the buzzer sounded. CdM players shook their heads, hugged their mothers and fathers and gave each other high-fives. "We needed to win a close ball game so we can all believe In ourselves," CUrry said. the Pacific Coast from Jay Northtklge ro stake the visitors League ()pener for to a 56-41leadwith4~19 to go in regula-PKllcCoMlLAf!ut both teams. Ii.on. 'The Breakers went on a 15-0 run to CdM 5t, ~ 8eac:h 51 'lhliUng by 21 to start the founh quar· close out ~game, led by Hogan's nine CdM ~ u~ 2 3 111 ter, the Breakers (9·8, 0-1 in league) out· pointa, itYc coming on free duows. ~ne io a 14 2 o -se scored the Sea Kings, 23·2, in the final CdM didn't help 111ef with ftve tum--MttMn 17. Sherictt-Odom 2. Seebom eigtft minutes, culmirtating ln Norfleet's CM!l'S In dud ..-sL r :: ~ht,dge 8• Mancilla• 16• Wel<tl '· Freede sixth three·polnter tn JO attempts with ~played DOt to lole In chat fourth . 3-pt.~-thncillas3, Seab0m3, Mirben five seconds to go to tie It, 56-56. The quarus. it wu lidk:uJoul." Mk.I Mandi-3, Nonhtldge 2. Dreabr1 fonied a teal on the ensuing l111; who pbbed two kl!y delensiw re-~~ic!l:: =·ridge. possession and Laguna'a leading acorer bounds ln omtime ~t <?'M Coach LAIUM-Sendt 4. Hogan 23, s. Wlllholt o, ICyle Hogan (2.3 po1ntl) heaved a a.hot Ryan Cuny said were b\.lge. No""-t 18, AeNult e, Ct8t1c 3, Wheeler 2, t from mldCC>urt that hit the back of the •We held lhem ICOn'lea In overttme Wlllholt o, ~ o, Kot. O. rim u ti.me expittd in regulation. largely on the defenaiva boartla and we J..pt. pie-Nof1*lt e. AttnlNlt 2. Cltrt 1. ln ovettime, CdM (8·9, 1..0) regrouped go~ back 10 controllina tho tempo on of. ~~ .:-=.· and ICeWJ Mlbdllll. Who ~ 15 fer-.. a.my.... • ( ..... ...-. 0 • Dally ftilot GOLF . Senioritis • creepzng · ·up on tour? There will be some new, interesting rules, name, changes for 2003 Toshiba Senior Classic, which might look a little younger this year. • T he fo rmer Senior PGA Tour, now the PGA Oiampions Tour. is getting tougher on its playen. this year. They are now "encouraged~ to walk during official tournament events. instead of riding a golf cart. Oh, sure, players can still cruise along in cushy carts if they desire. but the tour is clearly trying to rid itself of "senior" connota1ions. Even the 60-and-over Georgia-Pacific Super Seniors has changed ils name to the Grand Oiampions. Wha t's next? Clanging the names of the tournament? After all, it's still the Toshiba Senior Oassic. And many other tour events have the name .. senior" in it:. title. The new rnn rules are particuJarly interesting and will RICHARD DUNN no doubt cause som e confusio.n along the way. Caddies are no longer permitted to ride in a cart at any time during an official round, and bags are also banned. Golf cart weather covers and heaters have also been axed. The 2003 Olampions Tour Golf Cart Rules and Guidelines stipula1e.., "a consistent no-cart provision io Olampions Tour Major O.ampionships and the Oiamplonl> Tow Olampionship. Players and caddies, however, are allowed to ride in carts during pro-am and practice rounds. Other •modifications-that will affect the Toshiba Senior Oasslc and every other tour event include a lottery for fans to become honorary observers inside the ropes. and al:.o a "Caddie of the Day" promotion, In which a few lucky fans are selected to serve as caddies in the pro-am. (I'd love to see a fan caddie for Don t January if he still played.) Last year, the tour tried to become more fan-friendly with a variety of experiments. including dropping the ropes behind the last group of players so fans could follow. Players were also miked up during rounds and gave interviews during rounds. There were on-Sile question and answer 'iessions between fans and players after rounds, an Idea that worked well for the Toshiba Senior Oassic la!>! year with Fuzzy Zoeller and Ola (Jli Rodriguez. Zoeller and 01i Chi had the fans buzzing. • •• The Toshiba Senior Oassic has been selected as one of 12 stops fbr the Grand Oiampions, an easy choice considering what happened last year. The Senior PGA Tour hoodwinked the Toshiba Senior Oassic last year and dropped the "super seniors" competition without telling anybody in the Toshiba camp. forcing tournament officials to scramble to fill pro-am spots, but all was forgiven and forgotten after another stellar event, in which Hale Irwin electrified Newport Beach Country Oub with a tournament scoring record and the managing operator raised $1 million-plus for charity for tbe third straight year . • •• Another noteworthy change op the tour this year is the increase from 78 players to 81. There's an additional sponsor's exemptJon . (now totaling 6ve) and two playets will be added through the l'GA Tour Career Victory Category. • •• The newly remodeled, 4,200-square foot clubhouse at Mesa Verde Country Oub Is expected to open to its members by the first weelc of February. Oub general manager Kim Porter said the clubhouse might be in operation r~r 11taffers by the middle of next wee lei When everybody's in the : clubhouse and two locker rooms. , Mesa Verde will begin watcblng ltl'I: new landscaping grow, while • reconstructing the driving range : and making It one level. The driv1~ range was rwo levels. Temporary bungalows have occupled the drMng range area eloce th.e j $7-mlllion clubhouse reconstruction prof tct began last year. A large chipping area wtll al q be added to the new drMnt range1 •we're looking forward to Jt;" : Porter aald or the clubhouse proJe<t completion. , 5 t a a Dally Piiot VOLLEYBALL UCim~ No. -2 in nation . Unbeaten Anteaters second only to Hawaii. CHAWFORD I LAU -The UC Irvine men's voUeyball team is ranked second in theseason's first USA Today/AVCA Men's ( ,oach~ Top 15 poll. the pro- ~·s highest ranking ever. The Anteaters' previous high was c,eventh during the 200 I -02 · sea!>on and at Lhe end of the 2000-01 . UCI, wl)o is 5-0 overall, wiU travel to No. J UCL A Priday for a 7:00 p.m. match in Pauley Pavil- ion. Top 15Poll No. Team. first-place votes, points, record 1 Hawa11 (14) 236 2-0 'J UC Irvine ( 1 I 207 5-0 3 UCLA 191 2· 1 4 Penn State ( 11 178 0-0 5.BYU15700 6. Cal State Northridge 144 3-1 7. Ball Staie 141 2·0 8. Pepperdine 131 2 1 9 Long Beadl State 120 4-1 10 UC Santa Barbara 95 1-2 11 Lewis 90 0-2 12 Stanford 87 2·2 13. Ohio State 42 1·0 14. Loyola Chicago 33 1-0 15. Pacific 26 1·3 Others IPFW. USC, Rutgers Newark. George Mason JC BASKETBALL OCC women in 71-46 win IRVINI -Orange Coast Col- lege\ worrien~ basketball team "a' J 71 4o winner 111 Orange l-mp1rC' < .onfercnce play \\.edne-.dJy night at Irvine Valley ( ollegl'. keyed by the -.coring of Lu Mendoza. who dropped in 20 pomt" a,., the P1rn1e-. went to 17-~. ~ 0 111 the OIL Int· meni. team wa..,n't a'> for lunate. dropping a 66-51 deu· '>IOn lO fall lo 12-7, 1-2. OEC Men --. Irvine Valley 66, OCC 51 Of11nge Coast -Brown 6. Peppers 2 A Bob•k 12. B Bobok 8. Hatdl 7, Afe>1anc1er 2 Vak1h O. Putnam 5, Garey 8. Shahe1m 1 3 pt goals -Brown 2. Garey 2. P\Jtnam 1 Fouled out -Peppers. A Bouo~. Garey B Bob1k. Hatch T001n1ccsls OCC oondl. Garey. A Bob1k Irvine Valley -DeCasas 3. Lambert 18, Scoggin 12, Broussard 4 K1ellbom 11, Rabb 2. Parmer 0. Lombard 16, Keahey 0, Rogers 0, BurgP.Ss 0 3 pt goals Scoggin 2, Lambert 1, Lobard 1 Fouled our none T~nrcals -K1ellbom Lombard Halftime Irvine Valley. 33 22 OECWomen OCC 71, Irvine Valley 46 O...nge eo.st -Hatsush1 11. Galasso 5. Murray 8, Mendoza 20. Camilo 7, Marshall 2, Haueter 1, Garnica O. Quiroz 2. Von Tungeln 11, Estrada 4 3 pt goals -Hatsush1 3, Mendoza 3, Galasso 1. Estrada 1 Fouled out -none Techn~ls -none Irvine Valley -Ch1dley 4, S1hvel10 7, Takata 9. Robles 6. Scllroeder 2. McGovern 11. Vindhurst 2, Castillo 1, · Anderson 0, McElroy 4. 3-pt. goals -Robles 2, S1fivelio 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime -OCC. 44 20. S P ORTS PHC TOS Bi SI[ IE Mcf.RAr--K vflll t P UC Irvine's Greg Ethington (42) battles with Utah State defenders for a rebound in Big West Conference overtime victory UCI Continued from S-1 Utah State (1 ~-4. 3 2) with une '><-'COnd left. It appeared an official had waved the end of regulation, but, after a brief dbcussion with the other referees. one -.c·cond wa." put back on the duck.. Brown heavetl a half-court 'hot that hit the backboard and the team., went into ovcr- tinit'. Bia West P<1c1ftc Fullerton UCI Utah St Cal Poly UCSB Idaho LB St R111ms1c1e N'ridge w l 3 0 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 , 3 0 3 "Mall Okoro, Greg Eth- ington and Arns Baskaus- kas gave U'> a b1g lift with about six minutes left 111 (r~rula­ tion)," Douglass said. " It lookt>d like, at limes. we had it won and. at times, they had 1t won. It wru. one of the back-and-forth gan1es." nie Anteaters Started slowly, falling behmd. 6-0. in the fin,t two minutes. But they came back and stayed within striJc. - ing di!itance. mainly be<:ause of Hood's three-point shoot- ing. Hood scored nine points in the fin.t half. hitting 2 of 3 from beyond the arc. UCJ 1ook its first lead with 2:28 left, after Parada made a five-foot hook shot off an in- bound pass from Hood. Utah State shot 48% from the field in the first half and took a 32- 30 lead into halftime. ZOTS -Memphis Gnzzlies' General Manager Jeny West was in attendance Saturday night. He said he wasn't watdlrng anyone in particular ·rm just here to eaten a good basketball game:· the former Laker great said at halftime .. It was a reunion of sorts for UCI senior forward Jordan Harris and Utah State's Martt Brown. The two played basketball on the same recreation league team during their dlildhood years 1n Arrzona Brown's cousin. Dee. is ••--::-• ....... _. '·:--"' Bi& West Confweoce UC Irvine 75, Utah St. 73 Utah State -Penigar 8, Johnson 18, Nelson 12, Rosso. Brown 13, Hams 13, Puzey 0. Butler 9. Evans 0 3-pt goals -Johnson 2. Nelson 1. Butler 1 Fouled out -Nelson. Technicals -none. UC Irvine -Zuzak 20, Harris 6. Parada 13, Gloger9. Hood 17. ScllraederO.Baskauskas 2.Efevberha 0, Okoro 4, Ethington 4. 3-pt. goals -Hood 3, Zuzak 1. Fouled out -Gloger. - Technicals -none. Halftime -Utah State, 32-30. Regulation -63-63. UC Irvine's Jeff Gloger ( 10) drNes the lane looking for an open teammate in Wednesday's game against Utah State Thursday, Janoafy 16. 2003 83 WATER POLO Newport, CdM, Mesa capture league victories The Newpon Harl:x>r High ~ Wdter polo team, the defending Sea View League champion. opened ltagt1e play with a domi- naung elfon that led Lo a 12-l win over v\siung AJJ.w Niguel We<ines-. day Newport '>O(>homore Anne Bel- den led the \a.ilor.. ( IO· 2> with three goal.s. while M!ruQr Jenna Murphy. and 1uruor, Katie Erick- !>On and Carolyn Conway added two goah t!a<..h. '.:leruor.. Ashley Pa- role. Peggy Beet>t' and fi.ffany Manderinu contnbuted one goal each Juruor J~tca liall recorded four -.teal'> for the Satlol"'>. while -.eruor Kl AdnoO and Manderino fml'>hed with three 'Ste-ells each. The '>atlor-. bwlt i:I I0-0 lead be- lort' halfome and ~oa.,ted 10 the v1t10ry allov.1ng JW>I o_ne goal in llw tlurd penud. I JM.-Where in high '>Chuo! gu1s \.\Jll'r polo Wedne-.c.ksy- •Lorona del Mar Wa!> a 13·5 wmner a1 Univer<.11) 10 Pacific ( .. oa.'>l I .t!aglle play. l'he <,ea Kmw; Wl're pact.'d hy_ Chnsnna I lewko and Karv-d l...tdingtun. cath with thrw goal'>. Daruelle < .artson '><:Ort•d tMce <..oruna del \;lar built d 5-l fif'>t-quarter lead and eased ~~'l_th_Lf2_~~~~~!.h a 4-l'i run. Corond del Mar. 9·l. 1-0 m the l'U~ hu'>~ Long Heach Wib<m to- da) at 4 in a nonleague match. •Costa ~te..a M.'ntor MUe lnor.m"' -.cored five goah to lead the \lw.1anw-t0 a I0-5 t.ulden We-,1 l.e-c.gue -..1t1orv over host Orange. ~phornure '>a.rah .'>Cored two goal.,, while c;eruor Alli- '>On C .raw .. · itlld -.ophomore Ally- '>on I lam<. added one goal each. C.r0a1Je M1chelll' Payne. who re- rnrded e1~t '><IVe~. · wa.'> credited \\1th one go.tl Mt"><! 1mpruved w -; J. 2 0 in league. • b1anc1a dropped an 11-3 < ,ulden We-.1 League den.,1011 to vNUng ~ma.Ana Juruor \.lanlyn Hc1ch. '>Opho- morc Hn11a P1ru and tre-.hman · C.uohna Hamt><. eaLh had ghal:s lor lhe l.a~e-. 1-6. 0-~I. ·who abo had nme savl-... trom '>t'ruor goalie Laura ~ lurtcm ~ 12. AJtSO Viet<> 1 Aliso Vie10 by~ Newport 4 ' • Aliso VlllfO RoQuer.1 1 Sa\11!5 Ma>1on6 Newport Halbof ~Ider> 3 Conway 2. End<son 2 M..irphy 2 Parolf' 1 Boone 1 Mandf>nno 1 Sav.-:r Cottam 1 Conwav 1 Pacific Coast LM&ue CdM 13. Uniwnity 5 Score bv Ouwun CdM 1> ' ' 4 Unoversrtv 1 2 2 o CdM -Chr Hewko 3. Eadongton 3 Car1son 2, 01Gracomo 1 Bowlus 1 Anae 1. Har1uns 1 Cam Hewllo 1 Saves -Fullen 8 UnlYenity -Sudelth 2 Busuird 2. Maver 1 Goki9rl w.. L..- Costa Mesa 10, Orwage s Scot.by au.... Costa Mesa 1 0 s 4 Orange 1 2 o 1 s Cost.I Mesll -Bowman 2. Thorsness 5, Gravis 1, Payne 1, Hams 1 Saves - Payne 8 °'"9nge -TreJO 5 Saves -1.4 Goki9rl w.. LMciie Santa Ana n , ~ Scot. btt au.ws Santa Ana 6 2 2 1 Estanaa 1 1 1 o Estmm-Fletch 1. Plttl 1. Barnes 1, Saves -Morton 9 COLLEGE MEN'S TENNIS HELP WANTED UCLA whips Anteaters, 7-0 Eagles s~eking 'jumps' coach LOS ANGELES -The UC Irvine Anteaters lost to the host UCIA Bruins 7 -0 in the season opener for both schools. Jwlior Jonathan EndriJau and sophomore Brian Morton lost in the No. 1 doubles spot to Rodrigo Grilli and Marcin MatkOwski 8-3. Senior Greg Blork- man lost to Alberto Francis 7-6, 7-6 in the No. 6 singjes spot for the closest matc-h of the afternoon. ·The Anteaters (0-l) will open their 2003 home schedule on Monday against Fresno State at the Ant- eater Tunnis Stadium at 11 am. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelelxatkJSl the Daily Pilors Athlete cfthe Week series I Ii i I 1 I • UCLA 7. UC Irvine 0 Singles -Tobias Clemens (UCLA) def. Jonathan Endrikat. 6-1. 6-1; Marcin ~ (UC1A) def. Zoran l<ofac, 6-3, 6-3; Erfan Djahangiri (UClA) def. Oontia Haynes, 6-3, ~2; Chris lam (UClA) def. Sean O'Cooner, 6-2. 6-2; latsi Ketola (UClAl def. Briari Morton. 6-2, 8-0; Alberto Fra(ICis (UCLA) def. Greg Blortcman. 7~. 7-6. Doubles -Rodrigo GrilliiMatkowski (UClA) def. EndriketiMorton. 8-3; Clemenst1<etola (lJO.AI def. Biol'kman/Havnea, 8-2; OjahangirVFrancit (UClA) def. Koreo'O'Conl'lGI'. M . Estancia High's athletic de- partment is searching for a track and field coach for boys and girls in the "jumps• cat- egory, h.igh jump, long jump and triple jump. Qualified candidates should contact Estancia Boys Athletic Director nm Parse) at (949) 515·6508. SCHEDULE lODAY BaUtba" High school girts-Estancia at Costa Mesa, 7 p.m .. ; Newport Harbor at Irvine, _7 p.m.; resoro at Corona del Mar, 7 p.m. v ....... High ed\ool -Costa Mesa at Estancia, 8 p.m.; Alito Niguel at Newport Harbor, 6 p.m. Soccer High Khool glrta-Estancia vs. CQsta Mell, at~ Fenn Com~ 6 p.m.; Newport Harbof at 1Mne,1i:15 p.m.; Teeoro at Cofona del Mar.~15p.m . ......... High IChoot girts-Estancia at SaMa Anl v.ftey, 3 p.m . . , .. PFLI C AN Hill OAK CREE~ I t I I ENJOY SPECIAL ooLP PRIVt LECES oN 54 ToM FAz10-Du10NED H ous The Players Club Privileges: Pelican Hill Golf Gm Oak Crttk GolOi> • Wttkday Grttn fee.SJ35 (M-Th) ..,un..brd Rate 1171 (M Th) ·Weekend Creeo Fec -siso (Fri-Sun) 'uncbrd Ra1c ~'°(r11 'iun) •Weekday Crttn Ftt-SfS (~Fri) c;und.lnl Rak '9'5 CM-Th) •Weekend Grttn Fee·~ ( -So..) ~Rate 1m (Fn Swl) • OM·C~1 11 Inc Pt.rm Cub lltt• • l~ Off Coif Shop ~nd.1 • • l°' Off Ra• &Ill • Sp«11I v_.._ lftd f""tft4 ln1 t1ation Fee ssoo .____.._~__.__.__ ___ ~~~.:.:.a..~~-~ .. ~ ... _ _._._~"··:.....;;.. ....... ..;;;..-....-....o...;;;-...,....._ __ ---------·------- ·. 84 Thorsday, January 16, 2003 SPORTS SOCCER Continued from B 1 its heelS." Cpsta Mesa was o n its heels following the Eagles' first goal, but still received strong defen- sjve play from Bacnen, Nelson Benavides and Willmer I leman· dez with offensive hustle coming from Villa Nueva and Alt onso Pineda. Six different Eagles scored sin· gle goals on 15 shots, nine in the first half as Estancia built a 3·0 lead at the intermission. Rodrigo , Duarte, who '>cored the team's sixtl1 ~al, kept the ball in the Mesa zone foUuwing a save by Mu<>tang goalkeeper Olristian Lopez and fed the ball to Ricardo Avila. who put the ball in the left side of the ne t for · a l ·O Eagle lead 25 minutes into the contest. A minute la ter Geo Macias booted a rc:ntering pass that Luis Mendo1,a knocked down with his i.tomach caui.ing a "thud." Mendoza promptly fired the ball from JO yards out to give the hosts a :.!·O lead. Duarte also assisted on Quiro· ga Campos' goal. shot from :10 yards out to give f~tancia a 3·0 lead .. f PHOTOS BYOON LE.ACH /DAILY PILOT Estancia's Aaron Van 'Geem (above. forefront) head s a ball toward the goal, JUst missing as Costa Mesa's Andy Garcia tries to fend him off. Below, Estanc1a's Jason Cassidy (8) and Costa Mesa's Garcia collide ma battle for possession. YOUTH SPORTS Chainpions corner Sterling efforts prevail in every directions for local youth. AYSO 120: Costa Mesa's boys-and girls under-12 soccer teams from AYSO Region 120 began lbe All·Star season with two victories apiece. The girls' team, niclalamed "Fast & furious," shut out both Newport Beach and Sou{h lrvi.ne, 2-0, Saturday. Daisy Martinez scored both ~as f-ast & ·Furious defeated South Irvine. Mid.fielders MaJ:iab Balley, Kendra Fisher, Abby Schaeffer and Alex Payl.ant controlled their part of the field. Forward Jenna Turner and halfback Cori Patelsld provided constant pres.'iure on Irvine's defense. Sweeper Cartee Tuppan. along with Fox. Olapin and Bailey, led the defense. In the team's first game, striker Alexa Aguilar switched the ball to Martinez at forward, who then passed to Stephanie Fox for the first goal in the 2-0 defeat of Newport. Halfback Cori Oiapin added another goal with a strong kick from the penalty area. Strong defense was played by Karen WUUams, Teresa Fox and Breanna Arellano. •In boys under-12 action, the Costa Mesa Scorpions posted wins of2-0 and 3·2. In the 2 -0 win, Joey faers drew the goalie out with a strong-side shot, leaving CaMn Tran open to tap it in for the first goal. rebounds and the stining defense was led by Taleen Sh.rlldan and Olivia Tharp. Brooke Lux led the Wi1.ards with seven p oints and Cassie Stratton added both strong defense and rebounding. In other act.ion: • Lakers 24, Sparks 17 Kelsey Carrldo led the Lakers with 11 pointi. with Ellka Fateri (seven points) and Valerie Martin (six) leading the scoring. Alex Aiello led the Sparks with fo ur points. •Newport Magic 16, Irvine Broncos 11 Laura Martlnez (nine points), NUd Zak (five points), Anna Scott and Taylor McLaughJln paced the Magic scoring. Sara SUverman and Emma Kaye led the Magic d efense. Newport Beach Breakers blank foes AYSO 97: rh e Newpo rt Beach Rreakers stormed to f\.vo straight shutout:. to open AYSO Regjon 97 girls under· I 0 soccer action. The silver all-star team defeated Tustin, 2-0. and its sister team from Newport Beach. 3-0. Shannon Boler scored both goals against Tustin al the Tustin Spurts Complex. Lauren Terry went the distance in goal, making fi ve saves. The Breakeri. had 12 shuts 0 11 goal and controlled posi.ec;sion fo r most of the game. Mesa m ade it 3-1 in the eighth minute of the 'lecond half Striker Aironso Pineda stole the ball -from an Es tancia defender but then received the same trecnment as the Mustang felJ· to the ground and lo'>t control. But · Pineda showed determination amr-rega'ined poss~ion after Mesa rnidfielders kept the hall in the zone a nd he sent a pac;s from to mid fielder Benjamin Fhas. who scored from 25 yard ., I In the fourth quarter. RJdcy Saldana trapped a ~---------------------~ ... pass apd ran all the way down the fil!ld against two Marla Swth, LexJ Jenkins and Kelly Rorden .-played strong defense alloWing the Breakers to keep possession in fro nt of the l \Jstin goal Swift scored two goah and Oalre Castillo added another goal in Newport's 3-0 win. Campos scored his second goal nine min utes later aft er passes from Mendoza and Ma- cias. Jason Cassidy also notched a goal to make it. 5· I. with 20 minutes remaining. Salinas gave credit to Men· doza. "Sometimes it takes just one person to m otivate a team ," said Salinas of Mendoza. Elsewhe re in high i;chool boys soccer Wednesday: • Newport Harbor l, Aliso Ni- guel 0 -Joel Walker's fi rst-half goal was all il took for the Sailor'i to improve to 4 -2-1. :.!-0 in the Sea View League. Sweeper Matt !'racy. h11lharks David Manchester and Jo'>e ~r­ pas. and Spencer IJnk. Cha.,e KeUy and Eric Nutt er all proved instrumental in the dominalll victo ry, which was highighted by roughly 17 -4 in terms of shots on goal. Goaltender Mark Spear!> got the shutout. •Corona del Mar 3, Laguna Beach 2 -The Sea Kings, who broke on top with una<>Sisted .. fir'>t -half goals by Grant Alm- quist and Julien Cen11t1, got tht• game-winner with c;ome 2U 111in- u1es lefl on a headc·r by Dominic Hubino. who took a cro.,_., from Cerutti and headed the hall in from the tar po'lt to ~nap a 2-2 standoff. Jay i'Jrnmennan wao; credited with eight c;aves as the S<·a Kings improved to H-4 2, I 0 in the Pa· ti fie Coa'it Leagm• SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High wrestler SiMo Estrada is the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week. ESTRADA Continued from B 1 arrival or Shainfeld. This has been particularly crucial for Estrada. with whom Shainfeld has shared the emphasis on takedowns he utilized as a competitor. "We butted heads, early, but I think after the first toumament, Silvio reall.1.ed the things I WdS asking him to do would work." Shainfeld said. "Rather than crying to pin hl.s opponent. he l.MleS his quickness and ~ness to take his opponent down. then let h1m II" earning~ points for the lak.edown and allowing one ~t for the escape. Its the IOUgher way to win 0 match." &crada said winAing was rough for hlm his first.two years kl the program. But. with the ~t of okm" brothl'r ~ RantUw. who Ula wrestled II Mell. 8'tt1lidi aaid the ~ requftd to suMw .-, on lbe pracdce ma.t. bas t . SILVIO ESTRADA lorn: Nov. 11, 1985 Hometown: Costa Mesa H•ftht: 5·foot-9 Weftht: 130 $port! WrHtllng W.lpt cleu: 130 CCNdt: Brett Sh•infeld F•wont. footl: Carne esade F•wot'ftit movie: •tord of the Atngs• ........ moment •Whenever I wrestle with my brother (20-year--old Julio l\aml,.i). He helps m. get better.• """' edlOOI ....... of the Weell Ill: Ht won four m1tch.s to ti.Im the 1JO.pound title •t 1 soume~nt tompt.t.d S.turdey. 1t Nonhwoocl High. The four wfni lmprowd hit recotd to 26-<C. .... CQll«tor .,am owd-'-OJ.S hdpc.'d !10Udlfy h~ IOVl' for Ow 11JlOt1. "It's rhe ht•rdest 11port In thf' achool." f!stmda snkl. "Jt grew on me and I Marted to have a lot more fun,~ Estrada. who has pinned 13 .. opponents and been pinned only once, admits winning is the most fun of anl a belief echoed hy ShaJnfeJd "Winning that tournament h«>lped his confidence level,· said Shainfeld, whom Estrada credits for not only helping him with his agt,'l"{";.'livenes.s and takedowns, but his dcfenw. "lie uses moi.1Jy single legs and high cmtcbes," Shainfeld said of r:.<1trada's favorile talccdown techniques. I le's very good 011 his rect, is very fast and has a preny good work ethic. l'tn trying to reach him to be 'ln·your-face' and to get after it for ix minutes (matches are broken into three two-minute periods)." F.strnda said he al'iC> gel" plenty of help and lnspir'cttion from his oldr r b"'th1>r, who artrndci most of ht~ motctw. nnd Is quick to en~ him In comhat at home. · "~wrestle in the how.e, • outside, anywhere.• Fstnda d. •Be helps fJiC-gt1 better: t defenders. Saldana shot from 25 yards out and the ball went off the goalie's fingers into th·e goal. ln Mesa's first game, Rafael Gomez scored two goals. one on an assist from Andrew Guerrero. and forward Jonathan Knauer added a single goal early in the first quarter. £rick Loera denied a potential game·tying shot and led the defenc;e along with Eggers. who stopped a shot in goal in the third period. Newport-Mesa wins, 44-23 YOUTH HOOPS: TI1e Newpo rl·Me'laAll·Nel seventh-grade boys basketbalJ team improved to 6-0 with a 44-23 victory over the Yorba Linda Stars. Jonathan Howse and R.J. D~Cruz picked up key re bounds in ho lding Yorba Linda to nine fi rst-half points. Jamie McGee led all scorers with 16 points while Robbie Boyer, Kyle Caldwell and Joe Eberhard each tallied six. All Meshkln had four points and Wlll Kelly. P.J. Slmpson and John Swift each had two to round out the scoring. In boys s iKth ·grade play: • Newport 40, Cypress 38 Michael Helfrich scored the game-winning 1hree-po int basket Lb lead Newport to its fourth consecutive win. . Andrew McDonald, Prank OeNoewer and J.B. Green also knocked down key three-pointe rc; down the stre tch . The defense was keyed by Danny Moskovlts, Cameron Holmes and Danny Miller while Joey Jones sh ot well from the outside. Sean Donovan led the rebounding and played tough defense while Nick Freeman helped the team at both ends of the Ooor. In boys fifth-grade play: • Newport Red RaJders 49, El Toro 31 The Red Raiders are now 4·0 and lead the All -Net South Division. Parker Stone ( 10 points) along with Fletcher Della Grotta and Dillon Campbell (each with eight points) led the -;coring while Austin Rios (seven) and Trevor Miles (six) took care .of the rebou nd s. Randall Nelson tallied 10 a-;shls a11d Collln Krahe had six steal!> fo r the victor'\. Wildman 's buzzer-beater YOUTH HOOPS: Taylor Wildman scored the winning basket as tim e expired to give the Costa Mesa Wizards' Boys O ub 4 b asketball team its third win . With 11 seconds to go Andrew Duhoux chased down a loose ball and tossed it to Wildman for the winning basket. The Wizards (3-1) trailed by 10 at halftime and tied the game with 30 seconds remaining in the contest. Wyeth RJetveld led the Wizards with 16 points and Wildman added 14 with Domlnlc Re contributing five points and six rebounds. Ouhoux led the team In rebounding with eight. Spencer Rautus had two blocked shots, two '!teals and chipped in three points while Cassidy Gatewood's rebounding enabled the Wizards to remain within striking distance. Golden Hawks prevail, 22-13 AYSO 120: The Golden Hawks beat the Wizards, 22 · 13, in the battle of undefeated teams In Newport· Mesa third· and fourth-grade girls National Junior Basketball aci-ion. Ellie Nadal led the Hawks with 11 points and several assists to her sl.x other teammates who c;cored. Kelsey Woo contributed four points and 12 Courtney Mcintosh. Josie Jogwe, MonJque Conant, Terry and Boler created !reveral '>conn~ chances with skillful dri bbling and pa ... sing. Jenkin s, Horden, Olrtsty Olhaver and Tempest Blaine led the defense. Hornets sting Kings. 50-38 YOUTH HOOPS: Eric Rask and Gus EUls t:'ach scored 15 points to lead the 1 lo m eh to a 50-JB victory over the Kingi. in Newpnrl ·Mesa National Junior. Basket hall action. , The Hornets, a seventh · and t•ighth -grade boys team , moved to 5-0 wuh the wrn. EILis grahbed 12 rebounds and had two a~i!>ls while Rask tallied two rebounds and fou r a.,.,i.,t'>. Also contributing on offense wt're Olase Pinesett (fou r points and four rebo unds). Thomas DiaJynas (five po ints. three rebounds and two '>teals) and J.P. Gormly !four points, six rebounds, one ac;si<.t and two "teals). Steady defen.,e wa-, provided by Andy Rovzar (four points. two asi.isti. and four '>teali.). Timothy Regan lone rc>ho11nd), Austin Apramlan (three rebounds) and Kevin Rask (three point<., and one assi-,l). CdM Gold All-Star boys win. 4-J YOlITH SOCCER: l\vo goals hy KjelJ Wolker k~ed a 4-1 win fo r the Lorona del Mar boy" gold All ·Star soccer team over Soul h Irvine. Connor Gaal headed·in a \hot for a gonJ off an assist fro m Mason Case to round out the scoring. Hector Marino took a rebound of a !>hot fro m CdM's Brent Gray to givt> thP victors a l ·O lead in the second quarter. Brent Lawson, Jack McBean and Brennan Anderson continued with offensive prec;'lure. The defense was led by Blake Thomsen, Gray. Garrett l..arson and goalie Oark CashJon. Newport Beach Gold drops two YOlITH SOCCER: Newport Beach\ gold team in the boys under-12 competition fought hard in los!>es 10 Costa Mei.a (4·0) and Tui.1in (5-0). Adrian Rodriguez. Jay Ordaz, Sean Thompson a.nd Grady .Kough all had shots 0 11 goal with help from Joel Betonte and Easton Gledt. Ouist lan Scott an d Derek Boler hustled along with midfielders Kyle Evans, Eric Holland and Jeff Newman. Defensively Tom Badum and Justin Faber worked alongside goalies Tlm Barela and Hayden Navarro to give possession back to Newport. . CdM boys under-J 2 All-Stars split AYSO 57: The Corona del Mar boys under-12 All-Star soccer team from AYSO Region 57 went 1-l in the first weekend of playoffs. CdM beat Tustin, 4-1 in the first game. John Doering led CdM in scoring with two goals with Ori Tabak and Camden Nicholson each taJlying single goals. In the second game, CdM tied North Irvine, 0-0. Bunk Hooper, Connor Bannan and Mike McKen.na showed accurate passing on offense with s trong ball-control at m1dfield led by Hunter Adler, Cory Donovan and Tom.my Bangert. The defense was led by stopper James Cunningham and defensive backs Wes Bakt=r, Matt Cohen and goalkeeper Kendall Pick. The CdM All -Stars are c urrently In second place. E UESTRIAN CdM club team rides off with titles SAN JUAN WISTRANO - Nicole Kim earned top indivtdual hono~ to lead the Corona del Mar H.igb varsity club team to the overall title.at separate lntencho· lnsdc F.quest:rlan League shows Saturday and SUnday at the Oaks/Blenheim RJding Pait. KJm won the vamlty indlvidual overall title Saturday and Su.ndfty, while c.dM teammate A.one Sd.uoeder was second overall ln Saturday\ &how. -t Other varsfcy rlden were f\ille Koetting and Whitney Roy. ished second In the overall team CdM also won the freshman standings. Jessica Janes and team title both days. led by Katie Laura Peck helped the c.dM Jones and McJCenna Forrest cause. Jones was second oVeqlll Satur-Tula OiSano. compettn3 tn day, while Forrest won the OYemll dressage, was first in the liainlQg title and the lEL Medal claM Sun· Level 4 class, second f.n the lhlin· ' day, the latter eam.lng her a spot ing I.eve! 3 cl 1md second <M'l'· in the )'1?8.r-end IFJ. Med31 ch3.m a.ll In Saturdays Ahow. Su.nct..y, pionship. Jones wu seeond over· she was nr.t.ln l.svcl 3 and aJl .lb tho Sunday show. ond In ll!Yel 4. Oesl>'&e competing without Kat1o Wade also competed for je.oi.t{lca Cardduod, due to ao In·· CdM lo the western n<Mcie dM- jwy, the Cd.M junior vanf()' ftn. ion. -----~ --_.... -------~"--....;;,,.....:...;.._.;_ _ _.;.. _________ .._ ____________ ....... ______ .._._....__ ___ _...._..c-~~~;;;..oc_-:.....~~------------~ " ....... Paily Pilot llplMallca 2'40 leplNodcn ~,;;,_~~~~~~ 2640 LIOll Naticel 2640 llpl Notica ......... "-S...... Iha lollow1n1 1101 son\ a•e do1111 busine\~ d\ Munroe & Auo~1ale• ~tto111eyi •l l•w. 415 l edto1I l n , l ~11u11a BHt h, CA 92651 · Pelrkla Munrne Cl111n •ns, •15 l tid!utl ln l 11un1 Buc;h CA 92651 This buslnns '' con duded by •n umnc-or po1<1led •\\OC1•t1on olhll than 11 Pd• lnt!f \hop H11v• you ,,.,led dotn~ bu,inn\ yet> y.,, 11 I 07 P.tlrHid Mumof' tt ... men~ lhl\ \t~l·m~nt w.i\ ltted with lhr r:o1111ty Cler~ of 01a11~~ r.nunly Ull 1/14/0.l 200S6929S7S Oaoly Pilot l•n 16 l3 30. f ~b 6. /OCH l hO'i I l he lt1lluw1n1 1111 \On\ .11.-duma bu'"'~" d• A ) GolMoptoi tom, II ) G1lh tup1•. 1048 #I I Ir vine, Avo N~w1•'>rl II""' h LA 97&t.0 Com ~d I uh Mau1do. 126 l'at~ lr~tl l11 New po1t Cu•\I CA 921:>5/ l ho$ bu\tnf'H " 1 un dU\ I Pd by .tn 1nd1v1du•I Uavt you \I.ti 1..0 dOJtnll bu .lfl~· •. ytt 1 Nn t Wit .ut I t11 M.tt t-do fh1 \t.th-m,.ot w •> lih·d with th~ ( nuuly Llrr k 111 II• .tnp• r t1unly on I 14•01 2003U29S99 O.uly Polul '"" I b /1 j(J I o•b ~ 100 I 1 hll')4 l he follow1n1 11•r~n• •• e do11111 bu\lnt'n o P 10111 Lord/ 71 WotJd sw.oflow lu1r Ah~o l/lw10. Cf< 9/6~ SPi'lfl M Conn~lly, ?I Woud\wallt>w l •ne, 1\11\n ""'° CA 92656 l htl bu\tnf'\\ t\ con du1 led by .on md1v1du•I H1vr you •l•l ll'd doma busint~-. v•t 1 Nu sr.10 M r1onntll7 lht~ ,1 .. 1rmPnl "'"' lol~d wolh It,. I nunty n~.~ ut 01.n.:c r.uurl17 onOI IJ 01 20036929502 llo11I~ Polul J,\n lb I J JO I eb b 7003 l hO'l9 IS( 12611 ll01KI Of Pfma TO ~mATIOf: OOUlO UWIS IOtlDIU CASUO.A217t1J I •J •II lletrs. benrft tlirtes ~1ed11!11 \ tun ttria~nt ued1tor s, •nd pel\Ons who may oth t fwt•• be 1nlc1esl•d 10 the will 01 nl.ole °' bu th of OONA! 0 l f WIS 80UROI! U A Pl llllON £OR PRU l:IA II h"' b•<'n t1l•d by HOHi fl I eouRDll u 111 th.. Supeftof COJurt u l ( ... hto1n14 tuunly uf IJRANC.t Htl Pl 111101>1 r oR f'ROHAll requt\h th .. t RUBI RI BllOROlfU h• 11>r1mnll'd d\ 11e1w11al •t111~\tlll~l•vf' lo ad I hP fqlftJWlni l•"I "'"' "11111\I•• th• ~\tdl• ,,, "e Jome bu·.on~\' .\, !ttt' dtudwnt lh~ l11lt>1w1111 11.r ""' /IHI 01111•1 4 HO I 1111 Pl TlllON 1eque\I\ 1tr· do1111 t •1,lflf"'' •' t:Uu~wah·r ftr An4ht"101 tutho11ly to Admfnn.tt-1 I""''''''"' f'.Hln·•~ H•ll• I A9/H01 th• ._lal<' und•r the lhe lollow1ng P•• .... l'ol 11 \1 t1111t'1•I" ~I Hob"ll l•• 1>11·1 "" lnd•11•ndtnt Adm1n1• ••• do1111 bu\ln•' .,. ltuoolutkl '" ll•Ao h r"A 4J10 I Hlurw""' t n lr~h•rn of [,t .. les Ari Ann M " h" •I i4 0 'Vt.4'1 An.•h,.1m li1ll (A '17HIJ/ r 1111\ Ao.tllonroly will dllnw Putn\~ttf.f rorou.. 1h·I Ottflll'f' I tl'N H•I •·t11llt11\ fht• bu""''"\\ •· un lht-pt-r"\on-.tl tt'pf~'.ert MAt (A. q76/'l I'll J/ ',lHtnytf.tf,.. '.t ·tu1 IP-d by .tfl 01thv1tlu.tl t .. ,,..,., to tdkt' many Ann Cowd.-n i'-1 l H.,/PI H1mt1nvt11H fh uh f f\ ti .. Vt" y1111 I u t,.d th1111~ t• t.un• without nbtA1n Ot1"P l.t1t1111 ~ d~I M.11 'Jlf,i\'i b11~1nt'\•, yrt' N1 111~ out t approvol (..A9/f;?tJ l yulhi. ""' l'ltillfl• R11t;.it lf'roN1l.uf1 ltd11rt-tdkln!i <.rtlctm fh1i; busint-' .~. • 111 l'll t/ 1J1t1u••1i tit• ~.t ltu-, ">I 1f,..,m~11' w.t• "t''V 1mpurtdnt ~lt111n duc.lt'tJ bv ''" 1nct1v1duAI H1111t1r1~•t11u lh .u ti I A f1lfld with th.. f ouuly tu1wf'v~r thfl" fH'''on.itl Ut1vfl' yoo •1t.nirtt dump 'J 't1"11I f lttr., ut f)1.-tn~·· ( fiUflfy ft"J,Jt••\t>Oft:1ft'ft: w•ll bt- hu\1rte".-\ yt.>t 1 Y•·· 4 1 I ht hu,011 • t\ •mt on 1 l l / 01 rt•t1,med lo Rl!ft no tu.- l'J86 ''"'lo 0• lov h11• lo.111•t inti 2002600927097 '" 111t•r~\ttrJ p•r .1°11 Ann ruwrto•n .... 1. (I Illy ,.,,,,, '"" Iii 11 '"'"" \ th~y h.lvP WdlV~•t lhl\ \ldl•noo nl "• It'" Y"" I HI•''''""'>' I IO I •I· ti ?001 fhllJI I nut" .. or ttJn,~nl,.d lo f1lt'd With fh.-( uuitlt t I l•lf v111 ft• nit . fh,. IJf'tJJU\.fJ aLthtfl • ll~•k nl lh•npo I uurolt 11 rt fiditiwslfsiitn 111' 1nd~11rnrl,.nt "d nn I 14 01 '•''""' ~ 1 loollop "-tStat-.. I""'" ti.tuu1 •ulhoroly 20036929660 lho 1 .. 1. lltrrol .,. o\ ,.oll u~ ir onl~d uni~·., O•••~ Pilot ldn I• /t ltlt"d tlw1U tfu f •l•10t1 ftu ,,,1J, WH1;' J•tf•on .irt mtf"'ft~t.-d Jlt't'i.on «'I f eb b ?OC.H ft-,,IJi.t. "'" •I 11, ''''' ' u11t1 " .. 11"'n' bu HU· ' ' t.t .. \ ·rn obt .. t t1on to tht- ft-t-tnllowtnp p,..P.110 .Ht" d1un~ t1w.in•·~" ., , Ski I nh•rl•onmtnl /It.' ·r· R4n1foll l°o Io Mo .. " l'A 97h/fo Uttu .. 11 Vrttht• 11t /(M)Ct ( f ~flf" ( HIY<lll ff,j 1 1111'4 flu~d f A 'l'o'lll~ f ••hr•mt 'l•·tttu \ff /CK)tJ t 1,u1 ... 1 u 4 11 r tut S •nt,. "'''" • 1 A•• ~1''4 1tu' f•ll\•tt• ,. • 1 tlut t~•t bv hu t ttt•S t n t wit .. "'" .. ., .... '!ihlt ... J hU'\.lfU \' , .. , , N·• u.ur1f1V.-r J11 I l Athr·rmt-V•·1ftw lh1 t.Jt• 111,.nt w 1 ,, I 14 f 01"' W rk\ •· ... intuir 11 .. t1l1nn .u'td c;how~ S?Oud 20036979591 '11 I lmu • A.r ltut· "" e why th~ , nuo I 11 .,1 ... f ''"' u J • , t t1fl~t1111 fi .. ,. h f A 4 Jfv1H •,hr.uld not i!' i:tnl lht' lfl t 't h 'I•• t lhll"Jf h trl..-· ( tnhw,f111i l t I •llfhonty I ht t11ll11-Nlll•' 111 I .Cljl ,,. 111111,1 t•\I II••· t H I I ..t. lk H11tf•110j' If,.. .. ,. I/\ f 'I (j1 jll. •flil1 •II ~.; •• Ill/Id lJi t •rlt Ir ~•rt• A I '1'11 ut N '' ""' " \)"; 1 t 11~ J1, 1 A'• •Art ff11 JU 1lt• I lih fp 1 f 'f .llf fj ,II J U I ",, 111"' t •II t Ufttf frnft) r •l\ttu 'I• I ' t-41, t' •tl1f N '' 11111• flu 11F• 111•·11t .,., f+lt-111 -Nlth ltu .11111 , I j,.,~ 11 It• "'•, I 11111•11 I hour., A"o· lluntonrtoon A 111 ARING II••''' -tll'l.'lo4X Oil lttt• 1ielol1t"' will b" hrld nn I I IJkllAHV 11. 100 f "' I lrJ t•"' on O"pt l n loo1 •l•<l .11 14 l Th• f oly f h1.. bu·.rn......... ,, ' CUI 1t11t h•tl h 'I tH lfli1tvHIU •I ,. Wt' y(•ll •Io lt•tl chrn1v htt\tut-ft t' Nt1 ch uh ~,t111 1110 ft11 '.I tlttn""llt w.•\. ftl1· 1 'llltr1h Ith ( 01111ly l11k I Ur in" t 0111tly '"I 14 I 20036929$1 I .... 'f ,,, t ••• •• I 1 .. 1 I, 'WI ll1f ... 1tH fi.tl Nill) pH 111 tnmy tiu•,1111 • ( .trh•n.t 1.-,.,.1 Mt-d11.1 ''""'" ,01101 q, Jn~_. f A 'llr.~.)j II YOll llBJI ( I lo th~ rrJulw .. : 11f lhf' pf">flllftO 1011 ,ti .. 11h1 ~,,, ... 0 ... , tht- tu Olfl~" 1tnl1 ~I tit' yum ·~'·•"" '''"'\ ,, t , .. ""''''~" ol•...-• 11 •11 ..,..1th th,.. f outt tut 11 .. ltt,.. h ... HlllJ' YtJur l~1i•..-H Hitt Ol-ty bl" UI '" t l•fl ,,, hy y 111p I '" l 11 111 " 1, 2001"929S9 4 t•O X ,, 111; t'1I t Jiu It fllff't W•ttt fh1 t •IWlf'f I 1~1 k ut (Jr .1n~·· 1 11111 v nn I/ fj It/ 200269267 7 '1 t1.,1y "''"' 1.' l J \U /('()I I rs No o· zm .Oilf ,. 1•310 67 NcK# ,, l•.n• .... Salt ~ ltf " Ot'a/' ~ ~ ~ OI Tlll!\t 0.:eo '"li:V' ~ yGll !al at;1p' I" P'*° yt\11 gr<IO"") • 11\l)' !!" ~al•IMM:WE ~'!OJ rl!!eO ., t"ljlliNO'Y' nl 11'(! ,,...,. d ~ !)fl'(eecYq llJil!lSl yoo rw ~ COii.let I lawyer A ~ dl.Cll<1' ·~ \di f'(' l""1'e5I ~ ll)r cdSI' I usi. S ctltic~ I) awr !)y l \lMIP 01 ~ ~ • ct--.> cu ... ,,,. • ~tZ ~ ""1f..'a; t•edC Sta"; Of • ct«• .,_. DI'.,,. 1:1 "'111"• ~ roe1io.imoc~ ~ asscc:moro Of ~ °"'* ~llsa:O<r')'CX:OIN ~ COOP .rel d'q.t<!IJ IO CIO busies t: Im s:alt ~ be'*"bl'"'~~ trl&llee a vown -11 IA ~ 9t11 u onte-~' coiv~ to •od ~ ~ bl ~ trus!ee " ~ 'l&'eoriille< tlCSCl1DeO ~· J'Oi!f ~ IU1llSll IO ~ ~ IO h.sl cecntJed '¥!l;>o , .... ~ ~ be meoo cu wo."Q.C ci:""'".;t'ol rt ~ ml'~ Cf ~ ·~ ··~ ~ a l'l"Cll"07<~ ., poly rie (~ f)R'('~ ""' d .... ,..,, ~I'd ~ r. DlfG Cl Tl\5' ,,,;eresa ft Ille ~ 1Mf'°'1 IS OIQ'f>dl!d "' l'W' NJl..\51 oirces 111dt~ rie ·~ " Wle OMS d IM! onie-es1 '*'°' tees ell¥~ ~ ~dtlelMlt>f'f(JlllW' WI lr!Qrd I• fie ltml' d ~ ,,... ~ d th! rotu ~ sale) ~ l!StirTQlfC IO be ~ belllW The f I d ' O!n I ht.,flt' -----cm Of COSTA MA OIAllGl cram, CAllOlllA NOTICI llMTllG IDS cm Of COSTA llSA OIDllUICI IO . .0 01MG1 coum, All 01D11ua Of n1 CAIJOlllA IOMD Of DiioOIS Of llOTICI llMl1IG IDS 111 COSTA IWA SAM'TAIY NOl lCC l'i HC Rt tH NOltCf IS tll Rfl3Y DtSTllCTQAllY"6ftOW CIVFN lhi!I H Jlnd pro Gii/EN th•t \tt•l~d pro pu.,al\ fl)r lurm1han11 .. 11 po\af\ tor lurm,hon1t .,11 TIIDISTllCTWIJ.,AYJOI tabuf maleroal\, equop IAbnr m1hm1I\. ~1111111 STAllOAlllGID T1ASM m~nt 1t~n1.1><11tahon •nd ""'"' 11 ans,pot1•t1o111 •nd C"""•-,_ llWlY \Uth uthrr h1ultlM!\ •S wd• othef f•11hltt •\ -•-HVll may b• requ11ed lor may bt feQUllf!tl IQ• DfYROftDPIOPllTt UlCH l<Al UPGllADfS/ '-lPLACfMINT AND Wh~tU\ th• Bo.trd, t M OOlflCA flONS ON MOOlflCATION Of THI fJt<~Llor •llP• '"" 111 THl Sul HOOa lUC H..V..A.C. SYSTIM AT ., "'I! ioubit< hf'•ilto T•ICAL SYSTEM AT ftal STATION NO 2. •" 1, ""' .,ell uP CITY HAll. 77 f AJa 800 IAKI• STIUlT ,.111 .,11 t\ wvll O•IVI CITY PaOJlCT CITY P•OJICT NO. 02 '"\lho 110 '"'". d•lu NO. 03 0 1, wtll "" 20, wtll be•• •i.•tl "' rnm•d llt·•' llo• 01~l11il rntl•~d l>y tlot f 1ty of lhP Coty "' f o 1 t Mo • »h••uln h>lvo trnd.ootl Lo\ta Mtu at th• Ollt< •· ,,, lllt Ott or• 111 lht r oly o/rrJ Ir• 1, 0 .,111.,11.,, ot th• Coty r.tu k. 11 f atr (.ferk 11 I"" 011v1 ,11111 Or IV• C '" t• Mu'd t.o,I• M~\J I •ltloo1n1.1 Wht o•d\ IJlllW~nl 111 l'.al1fmn1.t, unto! Ito• h•iuo unlll the hour ul 10·00 lh•I tlvlNmon~ttmo 1111 "t 10:00 o ...... M on o.m., T .. euloy. Jon...,ry lfo~nl 1 "•" t~d '"l!l•I• doy, '°""°'Y 21, 2003, 2 I, 2oos. At whot h '"'" too111 . ,,, r11,,p1~, 1 o 01 ~• whtt h 11111• lh"Y woll th"Y w tll 1,.. •t" '" ~ wfoo, h ll' .,vtd•d th JI l\roly bt-u.,wnf 0 puM1dy ~tld pubhdy tJnd n.td ,el1rnr1 t iW1...trdued t..nntJinf:t , .. ,..n Aloud 111 1hf'f toun<.11 1n th~ Cou111 11 t,tuntht·t\ ni.iy 1,~ u!i .. d An'1 tti •• rhdOtL,.,. St.,1 .. r1 pro Sedlt'd lJI OlJU\, ,, l1o11f '"'"°" t l•OI llflf't • •• u' ,, vu~ di' t,h411 bt• tf thf' hf"4r tht-tilt. ... ttu· t•t' ll'flllPf'd t • ., U1~ IJ1\ tttl,. uf tht-w .rk A11'1 work 11u1 fl tn1r ,,1 "'" hu I :.tut namr ot th .. t11dd,., but b•dd~t hut 11 11f1rr Wh .. r•d\ In,. hi no ulht-t d1\l1rtJ.!Ut!thtnK. d1\l10~111\h1n, n1 .,., 1 urLti.t ~,1 u10.,. ru.uk ""• tud tt-ft't'lfld Any bid fP1..F-1.,.1d •'It 1 .. 0 .. ,. "" '"'• •t t.-t lht• '\I h1•dulr11 tht-!t• t1 ... 1tuft1iJ ti• .in ih-v• ,,,,,,.d ..,, ,,H tly t·ul c lu\lltir: t1mr 1111 thP t1mt fot \ll .. ,,.., ,..,1,t ,t h.t\ dtttt-niu11 .. rt th,, nrw ,,.t f"lf}I nf Lid~ .lqll h~ hid\ \h.tll hf tf'hHrtt"'1111 rh v .. topt»t·HI ~.houM "•l' ret ur u.-cl to h•ddf"• tndt1f>r unr1pt•flf'd It .. h.111 ,, •"""" 1111-1 .uuJ th.ti onuiurnf'd It \h,•11 ht the ~Jf thr \Oltt r • •.µ1111• 1h1lth I "•·" , 11 t1, m.-1 •.. "'ill ')f•lt" '~\SJ11f1•,1t1thty -.t Ito ot ltH• htdd.-r 111 \11t th'' 11,.rt·dth•f th:'t'd In fH'I btdtl~r ti, \ttf' th.tt t11 '"' Lut , ... 11•1 1·1v•·t1 rn .,., ,, .. w 1 .. .-nt.trrt11 .. 1t tHdt t•·1•••v•·d1UtJr11'''"' pfu(1~rhmt' ,ulll•tlt,..t \ 1hiu1ivh hmf' A •I nt Hu1 fhu •• I Ot•.h 1 t tp .. , "' u'1 A ,.., i•I Huth u mt:tnh.mty t1f-1l1lHm•I 11,111''''' m1tnt~ nt4y ti .. ••hl.,m• ''I"' Utt-Clff1t • .1 ttu· C 1ty N •#f u1.,,,.t ,,. 11 , ..ti tttf' Otfn.-ot th .. f 1ly r H~lnt"t"I ,, fill IUtv• Ho.tr d 11 •• f .... ,.t' t llltlflf>,,.f , , r •• , Unv• f II t.t Mfr' 1 • .tht•u '"" llMflAl'4 • " lh ,,,,. Cu\ IA Mt .. ·• I 1l1t· rt1t 1 ulo)11fl n onretu"4'a ble S.t".t t Htn I th 1 upun nonrefundoble poymenl of S 10 00. An 10 !II r1•,7 ,. 1 .. 1 r 1 poym•nl of S 10.00. An oddltionol <l1orge of tlltl• tJ l(J tho 1 u , 1 M• • oddftlonol <harge of S3.00 m11 t 11.-m1 h11t ... t l_.. wtt~rv Ui .. trr._t f•JIP', S3.00 11ll1' I tJ• Ill h1dt-J f h trttH•·rt t, t m.411 f'.1•l h tn\ Cu•J"' I , '*"ti 1 1f rundlt11 l1v m 111 Bnt fl ur·,,,..,.t •11rt Hu tu 'JI O'"i/ Nt-..,. IJ• .,. 1 l>••' umnll• tnrJ .,,h .. , t rinlr~'t i11•~ umtol m •1 ,1,m•·••I Alt•, J um uv I rnnh,u t ttmumt:nt '"~V -tlt1IH•t-1.trnuu·1t:tlth;. lOOi 'il.nt' ,, fl•W'f <iil\.h h .. r•Jtnunrd 111 th., Offu .. .-ttf tht-I tty '1•·1).. rl ... v• I itu I 't'''P'., 1-t1 th ,t Ottu .. ,,, tht-r .. 1tv ', .. , ... 1;t lhf" I,,., uf '(I' It ,,..,,,, I m w ,. 11t1 , ..... o f tht r1tv nt f;o .. t.l Me'"(I. H1'1 IJ1111111w11I htll ,, •V Utt· 11111 ()1 tt11 t Mt' 1• Aut lluf lfff11"UI\ will n11t bf' 111.111• ti 111111 , I 11 Ut• I'"''·" ,ft/••d will "''t 1., m.111t·tt uoh tlu c1d1t111 .. n •I \ • ftlJ~ 1 tt , ut uri• 1 ufh th... .H1•t1ll1ll\,tl s. t Cj() I It lllt' I '"' 111 l1•1t ""''"' , .. •d I •• , ..,, '•I ( h ti.,,.. t• Ult lt1rt• 11 Nlfh Jlf 'I" t lJ -lf" ... ~ ... J. • l. 11,..'fm .. nt t 11 ~rn .. , ' I~ r u t1 trnt •h.•11 ... fHifJ... '" ... 1tt1 "th.-f·r ''''' 1! loin ,, 111 1in. th't-1\ f I Un uyti f' :f;) rn t '.t• "" t I 1111t11t11111 ot 111111, fr. .tl.tll f lllA!n it tlu fht lullowon1 II•''°"' 4t~ d111"w t>u·..... .... •\. A J IJn lJVlJ B I !Jn t; U I .,I Jl •jp11n~d41t •;1 ftuntlfo~ll!n llt<•• h l A 'JJb49 t ynth" I\ t•to1ll11>· I '>1 ll ·l'""ld•h ~I ltunl 1n11tun li•11• to l A 'Uf,.4\1 f ftt\ bU'tf""'\,\ I\ I ljfl hH lrft t1y ,.-n md1111dutl ti•v.-yuu \littft• 1t 1! 11fll( IJU,_tn~\~ yt'tJ "tt (Jt t 7 1'1'111 r 1orhf't•1ll111• fhl 'I 4f .. ttu·11t WI\ t1h•J with th1 i 1111nt 1 ~ tf'r~ ul IJt .enR• 1u1tth ufl 1¥ 14 U I 200S6929S96 u.uty t'tlul Jcttt m I rh 1, .,llfli th /I I hll4tJ lh .. t I 1-'flO~ ru·l'\,(IU\. I U 1rt1u t 11111 tJr , ....... A .. .-: I II ,,, Mt t A 'J/ftl/ ft11 Im 111 ... • \. 111 1Jui h•d ti, ,lfl unJntutu.•t H ,.,. if"" t 11t1·d 1t1111l• l1u 1tu •• t 'ft 'J J •1• 11.u ti" ""' " th1 f1if t w1fh Ito I I. I~ .t flf •p I '' 200269'163S7 I,'"' f 1 •• 1 ., ~ 'fl!) 11u f11ll11t1tm~· CHI "' ....... 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OUN! $191) • <"11 91.l w 2lllh Sl ~ 9'l!l <i4'> 'IJIJ lbr 2.Sba , • ...._;;;;; l • II., Ip wd hkup, lurm1I dm ~d m•od aat \ l/'l(), ""' 94'l ?'IJ 4631 <.-a.-~~~ ~ Ip p.+10), micon,'. L pt WTWn pool/spa, aet $ll'X),l0 'M9~1 I,,.,_ 9r 2'lbi Twtwne. 'le att ~ S'(tnn YI ty 11.o t\ lldt"'~ .. 8adl 8ly AVll4 l 98642~ Udo Isle ...... c..,,... 1•1• 2 • 1.a1, lot•I remodel buch a. tennt\ tlub $2800/mo 949 644 73JO Newport Beach . IAY •ON ON 1100 PC NINSUL A N(W 21r 21e COTTAGES Prr••lt 8u <h. Pool •nd Spa W•lk lo Oce.011 Shopi end Rnldur •nl\ l u\e 6/mo 7 yr • Boal S1111 A .. ll•ble 710 UDO PAU o•. 949 67 J (,()j() Of 9'9 n1 '>BJO * Y~lY * UASIS Ellll CkllNOY kl Al ltJRS 949 .,s 6161 UOO ISU Surtny lbr apt turr• mu ru rrlrie llll~ .1 ""'•lit •IJdl I $89'1 m ,,..4o4 'I I, I i /JO I y";Q.. •UO• II• ,_ t..Mp.:l i-11. 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Pl•~ "'' <>-SIL4!> r111 ljol'HA'>~ O;Jet leoc-loy Apo. ,.~., b~., h ll!r • ull• t 3lr 2a., l"rllr 1t .. n11 18• Sill'> nr '" ludu Motta de<~ •"•1 ~·• ul1hlof'" IJ4'l hi' Ol'>ll lndry clu)r 1 h• b• •·ti lbr llM ~ '-"" STU'S S7SOOmo 941 II'> •'>l JI TO SAHOI ,.... ••pi:1/ Corona del Mar ~' tp ulf 'b""1 .... ie _ Sl451}. 1~1 'JIVJ RrM Aw ~ .... w \rt<htlll"l1~ llC 81.t 949-64~"13 .lCJPO• ~ I !Al· 111 Versollle• 'hr lb.a bch. p w d otvJl!f n .,,.-., I Jl"nlh«u ~ 'M'Jf7j~ t.~lt .r11 ""'"'I" I l•n -...,. er..t. 1:1u o 1 Mi ....._ INoll .'flt• IJ0-<1 I Y'9 ~ •• .,_,,..., 'W"' Aersn1 'l4'+ Ill\ I~ 2llr , ..._, "W"' w M uta llCd. k 1'I •• 11·• •Vllll 11!> nc...t ~ Slll:6n 949 m •,1 r. al'>l •t•I SlllQO 94q bl I lflOO YfUlY UNTAl.S ~•~r lh• bu• h lbr I bA lbr ?ba 1~1Sl!illO 1111!>0 '*4':1 ,HjJ 46 IO l-;o ;tlf11I lbr '} ~. townhum• rur net umt IJl IL e•• wd "i,trnl Slll">O "'~ 9'9 611 lf'OO "'"• ,.,..., lu 3b#/ lbr entry l•v•I, nr pool, shops, schools. 2 c 1ar 12l~mo "&t 9&632~ ~ ..... W.wy 1l*lous floor plaM. 18r w/i:»n "om $1!el & 2& trom $21915. 817 M7.0011 llYfh <....a. 38r 2'Mb 1'100sf, 2 car 1..-. no pet/$11111 $2J75mo .. "9. yew 11111 949 644 0335 ,. 2111 '-· Fp, tllNt bad y11d+ 2aw P•· ava~able a1ter l/lOI03. Pleau ul 949 7~3726 ID WI $2500/mo Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH > TEST VOUIC ANAl.VllCAL SlCJl.I. Boch ~ulnmablc South dcah NOM11t •010 5 -=· ioJs WE.CIT 9872 .. 76 • 832 9742 AK Q65 •3 SOU'Jlt •A 764 A , VoNt EAST • KJ9 10863 J 1043 .. 85 6 AK QJ 1094 2 The b1Jd1ng SOU111 ~f' ... n 1'0RTH EA.'IT 2• ,._ l"'(I' .._ ~~th·, rrbtd aria Norm's P'J'IO~c rc ,ponw:-111 t.beu mcl11ocb Wit.\ cmcmely pnictk aJ l~idtntally, even rr you prtfer 111ong. rwlllnal lwu-btds. do OOI ui.e two no Lrump .IL• lhc: negative afier a tw<H.'.lub upc:nmg bid by p;utner. A~ to bid two dia mondi 1llSIClld, w thal lhc: ~llUOf lldl\d dcciarcl> if lhe WOU-«I hcloog\ m no trump. If )OU ruff lhe operun~ le.id low. draw trumps. cash lhc: ac.e of ~ unJ try to get ID dunvny by lc.iduig a lov. Tpiide and then pcs)ong whether Lo 111M:n lhe queen or ien. )OU v.c~ indulging 111 a fruitless ciu.•n:1'ie Boch rru.\tng hooon an: ufhrdc, Wl!J you will be defeated by • Ind Newport <-•• lbr l'ba -64 ...._ I'-,,_ Move.to the hc<lld of the lW. .. rr )OU ~lc\.Uld lhc: cigh1 or dub-.._, lhc: ind.. dal~r .:onccdcd Rull the opcrung cJr.iniond le.lid high 1thi' "~LJ.J 1r )OU v.ant IO l.uid lhr 'lillTI). dc.ir the .JU or hcaru. J.lld lhc:n k-.id • low trump Luward dumm)' Soocc the 7 6 .If( equab wuto I.he: 8, you lor<.c an entry w dummy Wld i:an t.11-..:11rcJ )Our k"rng \pade~ on 1hc wmnon~ heart .. on dummy Thi\ hoe ta1h 11111) rr a cJclcndcr hold' all lhrcc mr,\lng trump-. .md no more than thmt heMt.\. wh1,h " LOlhldcrabJ) "!!.UO\t lhc: cldcJ, comm pool a. 'l>•. 'l c car. Ip wd hkups •at Open mi le..d tung of $2600/mCl 949 293 4630 lcryvlew T •noce Jb1 2 .Sba, 2 ~ a.ir, gated no pets $2600/mu / 14 968 6l82 eve 962 0806 tW90a WW HOMS 3br 2ba IM I"' .... nu fh/ cap/pwrl. be5t \(.hoot, ' pa'M ~ 96 '181 1520 WMtdlff r-fly Home Beautiful remlldeled J•:l and all oewl Walk to St.hool/PMW'lllops SJ450m 1nc1u~ &<irdener & OSL wrtlo lea!>e 949 ?33 4966 .,..... ,__. "'- ~ ._. 4/2.5NI neulril llhro II Y¥d v.:M'll l4!1n-rno. st 949-7lS. I 5111 Rentals Wanllld 7880 R()Ommal• needed tor f ~.,..,cl d.lYtmt woman non uril.'liw!Mr. (Jlol!I. e.1t uul mtJ5lly lldy. ""~ lltllddlold """'.. rm a.qiroe 9&"" l.D> Employment ll.011hm~ ~ hlw HMbtll N<1lw>MI Bar• Newµ!" I ll<h G•llill ben.!ib fl fM\ r.Pl'f""", pre~rrod r •• ,........., to I-fl ~I tti7b Thi\ " a pi:n:nmal Ill ~ loon '" wioth(r South huJ und made ''' duh~. Our tjUC,loon " "mplc cnuu¥h Wluch 1rld. did Soolh I~! Then: mo&ht be •.omc 1nc1hnJ ot <ku:nnin1n11 v.l\eWr North l\.i., the C\.ll<.I .:lltll• South ~\ lor a ~.mJ ..Jam bu1 " bc)und our l cn \Ii'( lhonl. ....... C.-..k s...lo rn N B Now 1w 1111 Retall/ r rOld Col.tlltt t.\151 """" lJfllt customtr 'l8'llOll ... and be mAb ta<J.ed 2S :IV In e-...... 9'%4&11M Wonte4 frlen41y & out1101n1 people helpone 5ehool pholOfl'lpher 'l ) dll1$ a *Hk Wrll t11on $80/dey 714 S4S 177!> Call between 8 JO 2 JO w .... ._ ...... ssro. S150lmo PT J !> IT /Wk. S2500 $8Xnno a>. IT/Wk Free ~e U1 951 RICH HAVE A WONDERFUL hl)eftence! Host a HIJh Sc.hool E xchanee Stu dent arr r .. nc lh15 month -l ocal 1eprnenl1toves nuded to work wotll s t u de n t s/fam1l1es A I S E I 800 SIBLING. WWW 4'1\t t.:O m (CAL 0S~AN1 aecepllanllt/Stv4enl Offke loul pr 1111te ,;.hoof has wnmed ~ rn studenl 01111 e Outt~s 1nc;11Jde 1>11one\. mter acfJnc w/stuOenb parents Mid m ff Abiloly t<1 mulb I~ w.t• Vt* arad • love ol ~h1ldren • MUST <.ompu1er knowlede• a plus Cell 949-645-1 n3 OI fax resww 949-645 '5182. Automobiles 9000 O.evr.Mt 't6 Cerwore Conv. Bl.cl\. 6 c yl, loaded, 5644!> 11953268 Q:llla Mesa !»' 96646-7822. O.VV MOHfl CMO 'IO 0 mies. Olp-· -~ w• coni1. PXX> ............ 777 Clwyt6w .. , am. Beaut loob a. dnves n1Ce, AT. M'.. CC. M · ~ yJ2l.!Di ™ !»' 96*782'2 ChrysJw '91 Setw""9 JlC Conv 37k •ctual m1, books , records metelhc ice reen/cr•Y int. am- fm blk lop bHUI or1& cond $8.99!> •7!>241 2 Bllr 9 49 586 1888 --.ecpoAt1 .• - 0wysS.r Yon '96 Tewn & tuunlr y l ll.I white "'"Y llhr onorndl wnd CO t'Jc~ hh nrw b<>Ok.I. C)4<j J'iO ">i'O? D-'9-'00 • ..., l.a1•• C1b \If! 80!> mo h•&h hi! while fully loaded •972498 $'1}9', lrn avail Bkr 949 ">86 1888 -.eqoobl.<- Fant ~ Sp.rt '99 BUdo w ~f'Y 11hrn Greott ~ V~y Oiwi Wei ITlMll.......o p,,_ kO -m-CD pi.lyer S900:l 96ll> 1'>61 front Office P /T f'~r '"'I ''" • I •Ill•&• \ludenl or a r eltr ••' BUSY NPwpor I Be 1Ch Maron• ~nd M•nulac lu"d Hr.m~ Community OH1ce n•f'd\ • w•ek•nd countf'r per"'" Br o•d ••rtel y bl indoor •nd out de.or duloe\ one ludes snips adm1n1\lr1t1v1 work and di-Altro& wrth re\tdenl\ I AX roume IO 1949)671 4486 Of 1pply 1n petSon 10 OeAnu B•y\ld• Voll•&• JOO [ CoHI Hwy , Newport Buch CA 9'2tJIJO fwrl '9 6 h.plwer Sport A.,,,I '9t A4 2.8 991' AT mnrl u purl blh mt, mel.alh< arren 1rey &•Y llhr $644!> •4521.36 lthr CO rnnrl lully Costa ~!»' 96Mf>7822. lo1ded l•ht "'"' vf>?45l 1 $14 99S fon. & ... ,, •••11 Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.ec...,t.l.com ford 't4 Muateng COn•I 4/K mr 11ar1ged CO new CR I 7 tor's Sl I 908 949 613 ~24 M.,...,.,11. l l r /21• lua ur y rrl11rt ~ mr s:mJnl AAoe L"i' rr y 2Bf 184 ...... l .. irl ' p..i SIJ(X)n j11q 11'• l'>IJ BAYFRONT Offlce/A""I" Astlsl. lrx.al prnr•le vlw>ol M immf'd OQenllli IOI offlCAI ~I W"1fd Proc~ e,p ~ Word ha~ knowled1t Cll otfo\e INC.""-.-nd l)ICt<.edo.•11\ \lTOf'C OI &alfll.l.lbDNI !.Ari!. reqd f .,...rty wlMAC tomputrr '" computPr &I .. ' P•P • pkl\ <:.ti 949 645 171.f or ... lesunle 949-045 3782 •ecetttl-ltt f /T Tue.- Sert. Busy ph11n~' MS Ofl1ct .ind pl .. m• \kills Rnt•uranl r ip •• f aa rn ume lo 949 647 0674 or call &t7 7880 bel0tr !> IMW '99 3231 Comt S~pd 431. nu vlvH blue llt!Y llhr ht•led \r•IS full l•d ..,.,. wpe•b S27 99!. • J674/I Ion .avail 8hr 9'9 ">86 1888 fOllD TtwflC I«. W 4 ~ wt1M s'*5 la• " laur1st' ~ S!J(XXJ obo 818-9.)2 ~ •or• Gr .... 111. \llfl \IOl'y del•~h lbr lb• 7, g~r t •led comm puul \pl $3600mo I/mo IH C'nol 562 ·4l'J 0?81 • iUI CostaMm ~,. ... w.. [ ~ w1'p pvt''"'., .. ..,,... t ompir'. ..1 "111 ~ u'llb .. pnul lndr y .... ' • oUhldl! '!cf~ 141 M-lo '°' ld111! g.iq 6,... '>114 •iii 21r'• wta" \IO'f'> mu " I I <'• frnm SI!'>'> f11U on WY•ly t•ll'd \ •1n1n1 nu r 111 SQuArf• lr11l~I' Ind' li~•lrty Kll'm Mncl 817 704 8£>49 a ':IZOO RtAOf..RS C1hfornla la* re QU4fn th11 contr1< tors ta111n1 JOiis th•I toll! S!JOC> 01 men (labor or matentls) be lictn-by the Conlracto11 Stele lleenae 8011d Stet• llw aho rl!qlttrlS tlwll contractors lncludt lhefr license AIUmOet Oil ell lldveftislnl YOU can <chKll Ille sllltn of . your licuud coa t r e ctor 1t _,, cslb c1 1ov or 800 321 CSLB Unll cenHd contr•tlon to1111 foh lh•l tot•I len than isoo must 1t1tt I" their 1dverti~mtnls that lllty .,. not llctnHd by the Contnc t0t1 St.ti llCtnM 80lfd • ~Pre.lx<el. el W-4 "-cM ..... ,_ Ifft<• w ...... •••• , ..... 21 A-..1 R•1•1n t A TO l MMeYMMI hwtall. ttlllet ceblneh ·~ ' .... Dole 71~1251 Community www.ecfM6'1.ee"' IMW '9S 5401 IQOI. mo bldt~1 bl~ be .. uhlul OrlilOdl l Olld hn•n""' & WAii .. Vall Y•?49767 $109'¥1 ~I 949 ~ 11188 IMW 740I ..._ wll•tt blllCI< io.ded (,J. '"' CPS 'h' omt whnls S28 CXXblbo 949 7W al98 uo ,..,....,,. '"' n c . 69K mr. Bo\I .audio 12 CO playe1 Prrute PMIY $17 900 949 673 '>624 Foal TMMI llCW 4 ~ whltl' ~\ii• & loc.enw ~ S5CXXl,lot>o 81 a. !If>? ">?"lO ,....... '96 lU6, hh new Tnpa1 Oalmul CO Aldrm M u\I See• SI~ 11()() 94'.l b~ '>860 _., 11«formM1tf'ltd com J...,_ '99 XU \l.1ndtn Pl•\ )4k m1 .,p•r k.lm& bl>. l1n llhr CO •hrm whl\ full fad w•rr hk• new S29 995 ¥342614 ftn .tVdol likr 949 !>86 1888 w-.ocpe6.1.c..,. Coclllloc 'I I Urloro... Jeep 'tS c;....,.. CherllMe loo~$ C. dri•u n•c• l IO • • • \18 ~ lttr $147!) Obu 97'>4896 V:.OOullo lf')l4m8 C.aD W".tll ~ f> ~ 18Zl. ~ i:. 986618Zl.. HOME, HEALTH AND SUSINESS ........... Comll* Services COMPlJTER HELP! ....... "-...... .. ,.. ....... • llC•llC ....... ~ ........... .~ ...... ·~~ •DUW'rlllll.,._._... • JN!GO,.,.. 11'°91 ... ue.....,a.--. ,.y,.c......,r.,.. 714--612-2786 ...... ERVICE j f!:..,.t•r (rJifl ..... , ~t T ...... •a.-•C...... IWl.-1.,__,._ ,..,. ""'-"" ~ ~ .... ......... , .... c..t ... _,.~ (Ml)Ma-1515 C..I._., l rklltecJiSt.elMe Concnttl, Petio, ~ firtllk, 88Q Refs. 25Yrs he T•rr 714 557 7S94 ~,....- YOUIMO•I IMNOYl•l•f ,.OJfm can • elUITlbtf. pelnltl'. htndym•11 Of 111y of Ille ll'Hl 1«¥1C• ltlltd httt NI our str•K• dnc:totyl THE SC LOCAL SVC PEOf'l£ CM HUI' YOUTOOAYI Eledrical SeMces s-n '~ 1..,.nt Duncan llectnc 20Yrs E AP Lool/Qurck R~ Sef YICe/Remodels L •27!>870 949 650 7 2 UClMSID CON UCTOI NopbtoovnMwwel Rcparr remodel. fans spa, NW WC 9'!Mi6Jllit6 ............. , ... Prop1plion, Ptun~& 8utldint $men Pro b 115·~ 949 515 • • .,..e I 0 -Storm CIMoll Lipe. T1 • PrlllMI, Ml9!'--, ~In .... Tt......__.__. & IW.-714-71~2.la .,..... Ill ., '°"' Dir!) Mitt"' SDl . ... lM TenH i..tchu•• W..ly mwot. 17ee tnmq a. 111stall1tt0n 75 Yrs np LIC/tnsUfed 949 548 4363 T,.. Senrlc:e, Yard Cleanup. •1 .. 1ntenance. Sp<tnlllef Repu, H1uhn1 (t4t) 6$0.e78 ' QMJAL llWNmCANCE • Ram.I• Caamrail 0 Job 1bo lnlJ11 Da.e llamlltoa 949-3224292 ....!ustomer Latisfadion Al ...... ...... 1... -~­• z -..u.5642 THl HANDYMAN Cmernn Ser .. te Ok' ~ £1rJc1ncaj Caraee Door~ etc 949 439 755' 20Y • Q-'lty CNtt-dtlp Ud6741U ('4t) HO-tsU ••rti Hiiiing JUNl TO THI DWIPlll 714 968 1m ~\IAILA8l[ TOOAYI 949·673·5566 ...... . ....., t...U,Yet-. ._. ...... , Triple YO\# •-o Wy$H.tl C1ftl1t1 t4t ... 45-6'77 ----~---:"""'-~~--.-.· ....-....---"'!'""':""'·"::"'*'""'•"-"'"9"'• ---~· ,- Thursday, .bnuary 16, 2003 17 """"" AUTO .. WJtllS.-'tS 8Ydo w/9ladl lnt.rlOr l -Moln! TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE •1870!>1 Sll.98>00 ,.._llSC-• 2+2't5 BrllM ~lfll Cte.i wrth tteme l •ther LA>w ~' Beeuty! f 18955C $18.890 00 Fent..,.,... c...,.:_,. \16 LI !> iclMd l/c CD ~111' ful po-• 18560 S'9 .98> 00 ~IUSC...,. .. t Very RMe \112 Low MllMr lmnwcul.lte Coupe• • 1847? S'9.91J> 00 P....O..tll T•9" C...,.'IO Th6 Is • r we find' N11.e. Well mernl<toned 911~1 118&46 Sl6.98> 00 Mil 300CI C...,.'t2 White w/Crey l eather Tilts rs one r we MBZ 4 Coupel A Beauty• •18771 $14.!8> 00 IMW 740ts.4mt '91 Immaculate wtirte W/fllY le.olhef 8e~IJful •187~ S2998>00 ,_....,. LS400 Sedmt 't7 Thn t\ • Crul luaurv s.d<tn Pr iced to !>eU FAST •183431 $21 98) 00 .............. (2)0~'02 Bladl 8uuty• Hun y lot UV\ OM Wan 1nty f 18869 '22.!8> 00 •11u20~·9• Pwfect White w/l.eather low Mtlbl II~ $19!8>00 IMW U ......... ShiMy RNI w '81<1d if U I C.OO-llbio-' Mu51 wel • 18770 s ll 9(1) 00 IMW9400 ,...,.. '95 Thi~ t\ Otlt! me;.. '3U!' BMW Lou~ row m1~1 • 181167 S29 98) 00 J_,. W""'fl-'99 Red .. lAo lnll'fo 6 ' yt ~ 'l4>ttO •189S:.-Sil 9fJ> 00 949-S74-1177 ~AllTO ~- 1.-..1 ·--'99 ~0-y ~lf'S a 7H mo lull l1tl w•rr bl• k oatme•I lthr do.ct I mnr f t e~r •tr 1ums:i ~ ... h CO 18 chrm whl) like new •J320'l9 S22 99!> l1n •v11I Bkr 949 !>86 1888 w-.•cp•bl.c..,. luvt'tl LX 470 lmmacul•lt Bl•t k tan llhr all c.roa book~ SB 900949 350 ~702 Moa4e '9t M leto Conv 34h mo 1ulo red black tnl C. IOI> buutrful 011& cond •!°>9724 1 $ 10,99"1 ftO £ Wirt ll•aol Bk • q 49 S86 1888 www.~l.cono ~-.7 9-320( Cor~ ~bl> lttY $19995 vlS.71254 Cosu Mes.a Dir 9'9 r.46 1PJ'l •• ,...... .,. (280 b~•ut1ful bl~ck crum fully loaded showroom rvout. Sii ~ 114 7!>1 2464 Merce4H 't4 1320 llk mo whrtt.'oatmeal llhr snrl CO buuhlul OI'\\ oond. v4S9&'1 Sl.8.ff> Bkr 9 4 9 !>116 1888 www.oqoe~l.c- 14 17 9004 ....... " '88 300S( Gnrtl'OU~ Blur blue lthr SA99!> ~21Sll'l Co~t• Mr$a Olr '+49 641; 78'12 Merced-. 'II 560 Sl •hole tan ommac r\O.L "" IJW. ,_ .. qi. <hur'5. S1!iaD 714751 ~ ........... o......tl l5 '00 louury lthr 1111 U ITI clTomr i.-fJ<"C -" .,,.-., Sl">.'Y.1 ~ pp 114 9J<:+.6Jl) Olckm.-lle '•9 Aurw• .J9I.. m1 ch•mpacne tan llhr mnrl CO clum whl\ h~r nor v598.242 \11 99') Im ' .,.,, a.ail Bkr 949 S86 l888 -.eqoabl.t- Penche •99 lester Conv 21 k mo 5spd wh1I• 1crey llhr full lat I watr i " Jlft d non smkr. hke new v I /6695 $2.8 9!li Bllt 949 ~ 1888 -w.ecpeltl.c- ,_ .• 1__,_ "-"• 11n•ovussst/ttr a.--., Tol:ll Wit OIWl ~rv1n11N citin. Insured IQ.Cl. M wo1I ctne IJy last. courteous cereful -.. ,.... 91M22 70 Tl6.3844 800 246 2378 MbcSlftlca , ...... 3257 TIIU.flEI ........ PUBLIC NOTICE The Cellf Publlc Utl&lties comm1u1011 requhs lfl1t 111 uwd houuhold 1oods mo11en print their P ,U C Cal T rwmlMr: lllnOI •rid ch111ttwn tint tlltlf T C P lllHf\btf In •• Mwtf t1a-.11ts. If you Mve INiy ql!WllOl'I •'""'1 th• ltl•llly of • "'''". limo ot ll.t.lfftw, c.n.. "'8- UC UTlllTICS COM MISS•O" 714•!1511· 41Sl ---- -. . ,, ·. . . ': BOAlSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 C Everyda)' Is a great da> In Classified' Be a pan of h. place your ad roda': (949) 642-5678 • • ,, i· . . :· . '• . . . . . . . •. .. . . . :: :·