HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-18 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-.. -·-.... .... . .. -.. ""-•• .... :: .... .. • 10 Serving th e Newp ort-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2003 • Community classes' funding to be cut Facing a state budget shortfall, OCC officials are diverting swap meet revenues to save about 150 classes that offer transfe r credit. Deirdre Newman QUESTION Is OCC's decision to move money to cover for-credit classes the best call? Call our Readers l ? lor the an~ '>erie'> for 2003-04 beLau'>e of a lo'>'> of S4 l~.ooo in <,wap meet re\'enue for 2002 . · Daily Pilot The college is expecting the staggering loss if Gov. Gray Da- vis' .state budget proposal, un- veiled Jan. I 0, is adopted by the legislature this summer. The prospect of such a large loss m eans classes in all depart- ments are vulnerable to cuts. lows the college to Maunch some of the bloodlet1ing. The market is expected to generate $500,000 in 2003, which will fund about 150 clasi.es fur 3,500 students, '>aid lim Carnett, college spokesman. Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1/ot :sflatimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. ans '>erte'>, which brings per- formers such as Debbie Reyn olds to campus, and commu· nity education, which includes noncredit courses and the lee.- lure '>eries. fhe meet"> ability to produle revenue was '>ignificantl~ ham strung when it wa!> redut ed from two days to one da\ tor eight months starling 111 \ld~ because of complaint., abou1 traffic and littering. !he C.11) L11unul dpprwed rewrn111g the <,wap meet to two dan' '>tarting l-eb I fhe rnllege ha' d.lreadv made S2 H m1llwn 1n rp1d·year budger reductt1m'> to to\er the o;hm- ming Slate budget OCC CAM PUS -An ex- pected los'> of $6 million for Lhe 2003-04 school year has prompted Orange Coast Col- lege officials to redirect swap m eet revenue from community education 10 for-credit courses. Swapping the swap meet rev- enue to for-credit classes al-· "Our No. I responsihtlity b to our students and to our credit students, and we know. as we look ahead, there're go- ing to have to be cute, made and we want to do whatever we can to reduce the impau of the cuts," Carnett said The swap meet ha'> tradi11011- allv funded the profe.,s1011aJ In \iovell\ber. college otfiuJ.h decided to el1rntna1e funding • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers education She ma' be reached at •949 574 4221 or bye mall al dPtrdre newman a lat1mes com OON LEAC~ I OAJL Y PILOT Alice Kunze greets Willi, an old racing greyhound, at Silverado Senior Uvmg, his new home after being adopted as a companion for residents. 'Tail of happiness' Willi t he greyh ound, a retired racing dog, ta kes it easy among reside nts of the Silverado Senior Living home, and his tail is always wa gging. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Silverado Senior Living home )las acquired its own happy ending. It Is at the attractive Costa Mesa senior community where the "tail of happiness" lives, which is what resi- dents have dubbed the ever-wag- ging appendage on their new dog. Willi. The lustrous greyhound was adopted from a rescue center after he was retired from the racing cir- cuit. Although the former track star's claim to fame was his strikmg speed. -it is his meUow demeanor that keeps him a popular favorite at Silverado. This week, Willi could be found in a typical spot: relaxing on a special pillow in the foyer of the main lobby, lapping up the anention l'rom the loving residents. His tail was, of course, wagging, but the rest of him FAMILY TIME was peac:eful as he lay on ht'> pad- ded lhrone. Resident Velma Scott had raken painstaking efforts to look beautiful for her visit with Willi. Each hair was m its perfect place and a striking shade of red lined her lips. Despite her lovely appearance. she sui.- pected she would not be the center of attention. "Everybody will be looking at you and they won't look at me," Scott said while nUZ1ling Willi's head. "Ah, nice doggie." The majority of lhe patients at Sil· verado Senior Living home suffer from dementJa and Alzheimer's dis- ease, director MicheUe Egerber said. Willi has been at lhe home about three weeks and 1s blending in per- fenly, she added. Patti Struthers, lhe family ambas- sador at Silverado, said Willi has been a wonderful addition to the home. His presence livens up lhe atmosphere and fosters relation- '>htps between the residents. "He breaks lhe ice." Struthers !>aid. "When two people are petting him lhey get to talking. and the whole place is more sociable." It certainly seemed to be lhe case Wednesday morning. The main lobby of the home was bubbling See TAIL, Pae• A4 The good, slow life on the diamond Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllfE WEB: www.~COOl seconds is torture, we uffer the One of the slices of No sure thing among • • comm1ss1on applicants Names of aspiring-planner<; released. Former school trustee \Vendy Leece up for parks commission. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot U>Sl:\ \11:-.'>:\ ->\ Cl)lll'Ltl\e '>tgh 111 re Itel lollowed bv a cloud ol cuno..,11\ over came C llY I lall 1n ... 1der" th1 ... ,.,·eek \\1th the highly antictpd'{ed relea-.e of th!:' name" of ,1ppltcant .. tor th~ PlanmnR C .omm:'>!>lon fhe number ol apphcanl'o -17 -,.., high compared tu year .. pac,1 and no one I~ wiJlmg to Lall dn\ dpphCdllt J '>Ufl' th111g except veteran Planmng C omm1<. c;IQner \\ah Davenport. \\ho hd'> <oened on the group for more than .?..' year'> Rut e\ en Oavenport '>atd tt., a 111<,-.up "ome offic1ah hlJme the large numher See PLANNING. Page A4 CiJ>' takes step toward redistricting Goal is to even out council distri cts without breaking u p Corona del Mar. June Casa'grande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A plan to redraw Ctty Council d1-.1nci.. could prove even more controver-ial than la.st vear's plan not to do 11 At issue is how to balance the very lop- c;1ded council distnct.-. wilhoul brea.long up Co~na de! Mar. .. Thank God for computers.· Mayor Steve Bromberg scud. City staff will use technqlogy to generate numerous scenarios for redrawmg cow1cil See DISTRICTS. Paee A4 W e are moving Caster and faster all the time. lf you need any proof. drive through many fast food joints. and you'll find a cloclc measuring not how Jong It takes to reach t.1¥ rlgfit quality of your food. but how qwcldy It can be served to you. information on my coml>uter at home without having to travel to the lib~ But far too often, speedhu become the measure of what ls good or suoo~ful. consequences. Americana that has resisted the One of those consequ ences ls move toward a speedy WEATHER & We have brand names such as SpeedPus. On the Run, OataQulck, QuJckServe and In 'N Out. Our photos are now delivered in aeconds and the Internet takes us halfwlly around the world ln moments.· Some of this ls OK. I don't mind not waiting days for my pictures or being able to access .... STEVE SMITH When we teach our kids that faster ts bettet when we teach them that just doln~ nothhlg ls bad or that looking et one imqe (or moll' than~ the sharp rise in attention destruction is baseball. Baseball deficit hyperactivity disorder. Is slow. tr• good because It's Although I do n't have any slow, and I love it because it's scientific evidence,.1 believe slow. there is a connection t>etweeo Unfortunately. a lot of parents the sharp rise in Jclds with the and kids have decided this yw- dlsorder and our society's m ove that basebalJ is not wonh the towa.n:l a speedier life. Their eft'ort and that other sports. attention pans a.re bon on Wft;tt more action. are because we've taught them that better for their kids. That ls a faster is better and that sham because now moro than •muJd·taSkinS: is ta.ndard ever, kkts nttd baseball. operatinf procedure ln life. But · At the<:otta. Mesa NadonaJ often, this does not result ln Uttl teag\Je, reptradon I not doing things any betttr, ju.st tuter. SM FAm:/, P• M .. ~rfect to begin a weekend. SeePqeA2. NEW START Roel Harbor Church haa two new paston to start anew. S.Plc•M AVOIDING RERUNS. Sdlool tnl ..... aim for en Nl1• ilirdme In Newport. S.PIPA5 SPORTS ' ' .. J l I • ' • ' ,. ~ Sltufdfy, Jaooary 18, 2003 .. THE MORAL Of THE STORY Being a good listener "Prayeruanoo-uxzyronversanon~m God. It involves listening, attentiLle11eSS pnp.rommunion. It u actually enjoying the J1rlvi/,ege of God's presence." -OR. DEBORAH NEWMAN I was in a study group of women, and we talked about listening to other • people as well as to God We felt that a good listener has dear eye contact. shows concern and asks good questions. He or she d~'t intenupt, appear d.istracted or seem to be formulating responses before ~speaker finishes. GaOd listeners are notJlefensive or judginental. but exp~ thoughts or views if asked. We all thought that good listeners could be trusted to keep our coofidences. The CINDY group leader, Anne. TRANE had us talk about ways we try to listen CHRISTESON to God. She wrote the responses on a large white board and ran out of room before the room ran out of suggestions! The words .. discipline." ·quiet" and ·discernment~ were some of the first on the list Anne said that the definition of the l.atin word for discernment means to separate from. We discussed what we had to separate from. and what some obstacles are that keep us from hearing God more dearly. ~ agreed that ~ctions run the gamut from family and friends to phones. computers, cars and cooking. Selfishnes.s. fear and J.azi.n~ can keep us from J.istenlng to God, too. Another obstacle \WS.busyness. I chuckled to myself hecause the more I try to listen to God. d)e more I feel that he has told me to stop being so busy. One day. I bad a long list of ermnds and, as I drove off. I prayed that God\vould help me accomplish all of them : SOmething didn't feel right inside, d)ougb. and I sensed that God wanted ·me to drive back home. I turned around and drove back to my driveway. I sat there awhile being quiet. but then drove off slowly again. I tried to listen to God, and felt the need to go back home again, so I drove around the block. parked and went inside. I'm sure my neighbors were wondering whdt I was doing. When I went inside. I felt like I'd responded to God's prompting. I • on the couch, closed my eyes and feltGod asked me to just sit quietly with him. I opened my eyes and gazed at tall green trees swaying gently against a back.drop of blue skies dotted with white po}'<lder puff clouds. I thanked God for beilig so creative and for the beauty of the day. I sat a while longer and thanked him for who he is and for some of his character qualities. f told God I appreciated that he is alwa_ys the perfect listener, and it seemed ~:he thanked me for choosing to listen to liim that afternoon. ~d you can quote me on that • aNDf TRANE CtRSlUON la a Newport Beld'I resident who speaks frequently to pel\nting groups. She may be reached via ..meU at cindy@onthlJgrow.com or ltlrough the mail at P.O. Box 61~o. 505, Newport Beacti. CA 92668. t-- Daily Pilot FAITH Super Sunday expe.rience The Lighthouse Guild will hold ~ Super Bowl extravaganza to raise funds for Olive Crest Homes and Services. Suzie Harrtaon Daily Pilot When friends come together, It's wually to have fun and share with each other, but this particular group of friends wanted to share their resources for a good cause. Thus was born the Lighthouse Guild, an organization that serves as an auxiliary chapter of Olive Crest. which is dedJcated to improving the lives of abused and "ected children through a variety of fund-raising efforts. On Sunday. Jan. 26, the group will host its second Super Bowl Extravaganza at the Newport Beach Marriott. with proceeds going to Olive Crest Homes and Services. Marcy McKenna serves as president, and her hwband. David, co-chaired the event David is a successful screenwriter, with "American History X. H "Blow" and the upcoming "S.WAT." to his credit Debbie Painter is the director of events. She and the rest of the original group - the Mc.Kennas, Painter's husband. Roben, friend Shawn O'Neill and Olive Crest volwtteers Ken Kenny and "I thought, I have such an amazing group of friends in Newport," Debbie said "Ftrst, I thought of Marcy and Dave McJCenna. They were doing charity work and hadn't settled on one charlty." Debbie said. Marcy Mc.KeMa. too, thought that there was sometlrlng missing across the board with their generation helping out "We need to get people in our age group to get charitable ~ded," Marcy Mc.Kenna said "We wanted to do a fun event, thinking outside of the typical fund-raising box -to think of some type of event that our generation would be excited about" The Mc.Kennas got the idea after going to an over-the-top Sliper Bowl party in Las Vegas. "It was OD a grand scale. with entertainment and cheerleaders," Marcy said "There were all these high rollers, and it was so unfortunate that none of it was going to a good cause." They decided to take the concept and rake it up a few levels. They succeeded. Last yea.r's party netted more than $120,000 with 500 persons in attendadce. _ "It was such a small group to come together in such a short period of Tonya Brown- made it happen. 'We wanted to do time with no experience,. The Lighthouse Guild is now morethan40 membqs strong, including this year's chairs, Deanna Totten and Katie Heimarlc. a fun event, thmking outside of the typical Debbie said. "We called ourselves the little group that could.• fund-raising box -to think of some type of event that our This year, the event will be · hosted by actor Jetry O'Connell, star of the new comedy ·Kangaroo [t all started with Debbie Painter's desire to do more with her time. "I really wanted to find my passion," generation would be excited about.' Marcy McKenna, Lighthouse Guild fund-raiser Jade." O'Connell. most notable for his performance in Jerry McGuire, is Debbie Painter said "I was trying to find it and I came across Olive Crest I thought. 'This is it I found it' I worked for them about four years. H Still, she wanted to do more. "It was real They had a need for our generation to help," she said. It was when the dot-com company's were doing so well, · and she thought that she needed to get these people involved. on the NBC show "Crossing Jordan.· "Jerry is a friend of my husband an,d a really fun, great guy who immediately said he was in," Marcy said. The band Sugar Ray will be doing an exclwive performance at the after party. Baclc by popular demand are party favorites the Laker Girls. The members of Sugar Ray are all from the Newport Beach area and went to C.Orona de! Mar High School MICHAEL BUCKNER/OM..YPILOT Founder and director of the Lighthouse Guild Debbie Painter (left) and President Marcy McKenna organized the 2003 Super Bowl Extravaganza to raise money for abused kids. with Dave and Robert. "It took a few phone calls. and everyone was real excited," Marcy said "They all said, 'How can we m.ake this happen?'" Marqt and Debbie pointed out that last year. everyone enjoyed the football pools. This year, they have added a "powder puff' girls' pool .for the women. This pool includes pampering -Botox is available. as is an esteemed eyebrow specialist ln the opportunity pools, Instead of cash prizes, high-end items such as a BMW MINl-U>oper. an exotic ttip and other upscale valuables will be awarded Besides the Super Bowl fete. throughout the year, the Lighthouse Guild will be doing other charitable events for Olive Crest Members said that it's doing stuff for the kids that keeps them motivated to wort han:I at helping them in any way they can. Besides fund-raising. they enjoy spending a lot of time with the children. Debbie and Marcy said that the group came up with the name Lighthouse Guild as a signal -helping children find their way. They also said that 88 cents on the dollar ~ to the kids. which they believe IS rare in the charity world. "Olive Crest is like my second family.· Debbie said, "I really love them.~ The Super Bowl Extravaganza will be held at the Newport Beach Marriott A pre-game tailgate pa.rty- will stan at l :30 p.m. at the hotel The post-game party featuring Sugar Ray will be at the Hard Rock Cafe in Fashion Island Only attendees of the Super Bowl fete will be admitted to the concert. Tick.ets are S l 00 and can be purchased by calling (949) 737-0335 or at www.ocsuperbowl.rom Tickets will not be sold at the door. There's a 500-person limit FAITH CALENDAR Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 644-1341. annual on&-month Jewish Sctiolar in Residence under the auspicea of the Orange County Jewish Communrty 5(t)olar Program. The program will begin Jan. 20 at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. (949) 789-6122. brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locatlons. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. SPECIAL EVENTS MILLERSVILLE CHOIR St Mari< Presbyterian Church will host the Miiiersviiie State College Choir at 8 p.m. today for a concert. Buddy James, former c:tiolr director at St Merit, 1r director of the 42-volce g roup. The ctiolr will also sing et the 9:30 a.m. worship service. St. Merit is at 2100 Mar Vista PIANISTS DIETZ.EA ANO FOSTER A performance of dance music for duet piano will take place today at 5 p.m. at the Orange Coalt Uni$ian Unlversallst Church. Tldcets a re $12 for adults and $7 for students. The churcti is at 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. (949) 651-8493. NOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR Ptof. Shalom Paul, noted ac:tiolar and Blblk:al expert. Is coming from Jerusalem, Isreal to serve as Orange County's second WORKSHOPS BAHAI FlRESIDES Members of the Bah al faith hold informal public discuulons on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and 11:30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include ZEN 101 Tha Zen Center of Orange County offers a n Introduction to Zen Woricahop from 3 to 6 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Colta Mesa. $60. (949) 722-7818. Daily A Pilot PHOrOORAPHER8 92628. Copyright: No news SURF AND SUN Sean Hlll9f, Don Leactt. etoriee, illustrations, editorial Kent Treptaw matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced w ithout WEATHER FORECAST SURF READERS HO'TUNE written permiulon of copyright ,. (949) 642-6086 owner. Today will be decent, with We should enjoy another Record your comments ebout the ,, t"'. VOL 97, NO. 18 Diiiy Pilot or newe tlpt. HOW TO REACH US sunny day today, with highs chest-to shoulder-highs, but ntOMAI H. JOHNSON, News Edhlora ~ Clrculetlon topping ou t In the lower 70s in the waves should get slightly P\Jbliah« Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, Our addreu It 330 W. Bay St., Coste The Timaa Orange County Costa Mesa and the upper~ larger on Sund ay, when TONY DOOERO, Meu, CA 92827. Otflce hours are (800) 262-9141 In Newport Beach. Lowa will head-highs are expected in the Editor Paul Saltowitl, Da'nlel Steven• Mondlly-Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 6 p.m. AdWl1felt19 drop to the upper 40s. late momlog. . . J\K1'f OETTINO, NEWllTAFf CoMcltlonl Clatlfted (949) 642-5678 By Sunday afternoon, Adverti9~r 0...,. Bhllnrlh It la the Pilot'• policy to promptly =,(949) 642·4321 S unday's looking similar, bu1 though, waves will bade down ~ . Crime and cour1a reporter, correct all errors of 1ubltance. fog will roll in late in the yet again. Pl'omotlone Director (949) 574--4228 Pie ... call (949) 67U 286. New9 evening. Monday's looking to (949) 642-6680 be foggy eal1y, though clear in Monday's the day to surf. a>mNOSTAFF dH,,..bharathtllatlm#.com FYI 8pora (949) 674-4223 the aftemoon. We'll see more head-hJghs, S.J.Cehn, JuneCws9rude The Newport a .. ch/Co11a MHI News Fe• 1949) 646-4170 lnfonnadon: with standout apotl e.xpectlng , Maneglng Editor Newport Beach !'9')0fter, Deily Piiot (USPS-14'-800) 11 lporb,.. (949) 66().0170 O\lerheada. Tuetday proml19t , (949)57~ (949) 574--4232 f .ftMlll: t:Mflypllottl latlme ... com www.nww.noaa.gov waist-10 c:hut-hlgha. •J.~hn• IMl,,,...com /u,,..cnag,..ndll•tat1m«1.com published di lly. In Newport Beec;h MM\Otlloe W91IW quality: ,,.,,... .. PUClntDn. end Co.ta M .... 1ubecrlptlons .,. helneee ~ (949) 642-4321 BOATING FORECAST WWW • .Urfrf~r.Of'Q CltyEdllor Pt>lltic:8 end environment reponer, •ve lleble only by eubecrlblng to lwlrlW FU (IM9) 831-7126 ' (M8)?&M324 •• ~·~oom (948)~ The Tim" Orange Coun1)' (800) The wtndt Will blow right In TIDES • /MUI.Clinton •1-lfN&oom 262·9141. In 1ree1 outside of the lnner 1Nateratoday,1bout ' ROIW~ TIIM Spof1ll Editor .......... Newport 8NCh end Co.ta Mesi, 10 knots, With 1-to.t wave. •net ........ (949)~ Costa Mesi ....,o~. (948) 57<M2'7& subecriptlone to tht Delly "'°' •re 1 west ewell of 3 to 6 fMt. We'll 8:33a.m. 8A1 .... h lgh rtJtlM.t»Mon•""""-oom lollta.,,.,,,.,.Jlftff'MMJOm evell•~ o nly by nm d ... mell for He the aamt thl• evening. 3:63 p.m. -t23fMtlow ..... J. ........ DelfMNlwmeft S30 per month. (Pt1oee Include 111 Out ftrther, the 10:27 p.m. s .nfMthlgh • Art °'*'°' I NMW o..tt Chi.f , .. , 674-4224 EdUCMion NPC>fw. (NI) 574-4221 apt:>lloeble ~ and ioo.1 **·l ftubllatled eT. Tlt'Mt Community northWMttffy wtndt Will blow 2:68 a.m . 2.07fMttow ~·llltlrr>MCOM "-lrdr9.~•11111,,,_oom POSTMASTER: Stnd 1ddr111 News. 1 di slon of.the-Lot Angelel 10 to 15 knotl, With 2.foot ..... MtO•llc. ClwflldM c..-. ch1ng11 to Tht Newpo r1 Timee. wevea •nd • nonhwelt IWtll of WATER TEMPERATURE "'°"°~' Newt ... i.t.nt. IMI> ~ 8Hch/Co11e Mtlt Dally Piiot, 02002 Timet CN. All rlghft 4 to 7 k Not mud'! wtll , ... , ....... chrr.tfnt1.CM111o•,,,,,,,,_com '-0. lox 1MO, Co111 MM•. CA cNnge thlt evening. ttit.pholo•,.,,,_com ~. 68dtg,... " -' I, . . Harboring hOpe Proctor, 35, stepped in as interim lead pastor, but said he didn't ex- pect to be offered the lead posi- tion. Rock Harbor Church, which ran aground after the resignation of one of its founders, has two new pastors and positive thinking .. "It's not somelhlng I ever as- worship services. Mike Erre. the ' pired to,· Proctor !Ml.id. "ln the former college pastor at Mariners midst of the (recovery process). Ot lrdrt Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Rock. I !arbor Oiurch, which hit rock bottom m late 2001 when its founder and lead pastor resigned after admit· ting to an extramarital affair, is rising from the depths of betrayal and mistrust with' a. novel ap· proach Lo its leadership structure. 1\vo pastors are now leading the church, creating a partner· ship to share the responsibility and the pressure of a congrega· tJon that has mushroomed 10 about 2,000. Omn:h in Irvine, will be the new we began to recogniu that the teaching pastor. church is a lot b~er than one Both say their skills comple-guy. It ~s a team to lead a ment each other and will provide church, and I thmk God has al- the church with a more well-lowed me to be a great team rounded sense of leadershlp. leader." ~There's just a sense of we each Erre. 31, who worked with stu· get to operate out of our own gift-dents at Manners. said he is , edness," Erre said. "We each don't grateful for the opponuruty to carry for ourselves the pressure bring his energeuc attitude and for the whole thing.· teaching skills to the team. Erre Rock Harbor was founded five will be speaking on Sundays dur- years ago as an offshoot of Mari· Ing services and overseeing the ners Oiurch to reach out to youth children's and youth rmni!.try. by making worship more relevant "What I can bring w the to their lives. . church is just a deep apprectation ... 11irt:1ay Januo•y B 2003 ·u ~ Both pastors and their wives will also participate in marriage counseling, at the request of the church's governing board, 10 pre- vent succumbing to a temptation like the one that felled founder Keith Page. After remarkable growth and for the power of truth," Erre !>a.id. success, Page announced hls res-"I th.ink there'!> also a ~en!>e of sta· ignation in October 2001 after ad-bility. Now that the congregation mitting to having an extramarital and staff lcnow who's going 10 be affair with a female church mem-here, we can move forward " Rock Harbor Church's new lead pastor, Mike Erre. and new teaching pastor. Todd Proctor -• " Tudd Proctor. who co-founded the church with Page, as now the lead pastor and will ove'¥t' the I ber. And moving forward, the After stepping down, Page church will only be stronger be- woriced with the church leader-cause the focus has sluftl?d back. !>hip on tus own heal.mg proc~. to where it truly belongs, Proctor said ··Someume<. thtng<, have to bt: broken lO really become depen- denl on God agam and I thmk (,od hit.'> It'd u-. through a ri:itl 'K'a .. on of not dt>rwndmg on dil~ 'llll: pt:r.on but dt'pendmg on Ihm .t' our lt'<tdl·r.' • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers .! 100% OrpnJc OPl1MUM CERFALS Meets Weight Watmers & Heart AsstJdation Crill!ria • Slim -1 /l(lbrl ,_. ~ • Powa-BnHh«~ 3 llO!irb ,_-REG .... '4.75 14 02. ALEXIA &Iced not Fri£d Oven Fries ~ Madt With HawT Cold PtJta:IDa SERI'. • Riuoli Pobtoes with c.deri Hert> • OtiYe Oil & Rosenwy r.arlic I Heat .. I • Otiw Oil & $ SroeJ Sea Salt • Julienne REG '2.65 Nature's Answer YOU SAVE $19.00! CALCIUM ...... PWS Jt7th Vitamins, /tlJnerah and lpr/llaDone (Sag Iaollavone) • 1.emon-IJme flavor -No ArtlJlda1 Sweetners • Ma.l' Reduce the Risk of ·Olteoporusis* • Laboratory Tested to Insure Potency • ~ .... Calchun S• Afl07_1W SUGG.'29.99 &V~ 7-: FARM FRESH PRODUCE OMEGA BURGERS • Wild Salmon 8'n'ga--2 pO Recommendal "WrinAie Cure Diet" • Tuna Burger -2 points SKINNY CIDPS SUGG . .,3.50 ' • I GENISOY G•C>VANNI Bair Can Pa W9Cla 1FA 'hC£E SHAMPOO .. CONDll10NER BOMJSPACK lfelps alkRate dtY smlp. with s esSmliti/ olJ.s. A.,3.•VAUJE •Ou• ~I r r 1 rr a> tJE' .a r ':'(l &I 3.¢j 574422' or t / t' m d .,. ~ sOffte ~ //¥Jl\7P~~"' • 5 8-r & iegelJltbk • Garden ~~ • Wm & iegetable : =~e& Vf'f/dJlbl#w.• LmilI & • 1bmam Iii .. • SplJI Pwl C"1?fll •It.a/Jan M~ REG •1 69 15 01 SUGG. "20 79 BULK FOODS Whole CalhNs 93~. Routed Pfltachm~ Roasted.,.,..., SJ.~ I • M ~. Jlluart I , 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES ---•........ a...d --....... .. ,. ....... ...... Wl*11 f •· •ca..19 ... lk. 1 ....... _ ,,. ....... .,.PIM:. ..... ~. ........ , ,, ... ·~ .... _ ........... ................. ..,,. ...... . _ .............. ..... '21 I Pie Ill I r'a •cl ......... ICIOftlld•4 ..... ~. , ... IEM:M ·-c..t•fc.1 .,.,.., ___ ,.......inthe 2IOO blodl .. &:30 a..m. Thundsy .. •Dr J OJ s; v.idMm ... ·~in1tw100~al f1:A1 a.m. 1"huiwdJy: '•M 1& ... .,, Ill ~ •Pl: I I tDIMW..:A wHdetugllrywm NIPGfllJd In ... 200 ~ .. '°=21 Mn.. l11Und8V. • ...,." rl"'*wu l9IPOf'llld in 1he 6000 bled • 1:11 p..m. Thundly . .... '1 ... ~Pway of ... I J W NiiiCl*d in .. mGbb*•ft:21 ........... ..... C-~A ~-............ NIDO bled• 4:20 p..m. n..-,. •• I Ir II ,_,. .. 1_11: ,..y-.. w f'ePOl'9d In .... 1800 bloct. 1:Z1 p.m. Thutdy. •bllt711t .... ,.., --report9d In the 200 bled~ ,, :52 p.m. l'huredrf. lhel.w NpOCtlld In N 400 bkd. 8::22 a.m. ~-··--Jiar1 11 ....... 'J l: •r roeikA hit~was repotl9dat '12:27 p..m. Thunmy. •Tr .. stndtt.lin9: Yandalism was report9d tn &he 1900 bkd .. 1:35 ~m. Thur'lday. PLANNING CGnti'ued from Al ol applk•nts OD &be ckmise ol Cour·yev a;;ag:gaed t.enm. This IS &be fint blDe mKle the COUDCil chanpd the terms to two-year coinciding Lmures dw the m- litt comm!SW>l!l will be up for ttappomannu. The terms apire m Mart:b. AD fk"e of the cunmt commis.saon- en -Dawnpon. ~'Oman K.amoa Foley. Bill Perkins. Eleanor Epn and Bruce Ga.r:ticb -~ruppbed.. Garli.c.b said be IS certainJy anxiom and guesses his fellow commis.s«>ntts feel cJ.v same. • 1 think "''e are an anxious,. Garl.ich satd. • f think "~ all en· .JO) ow )Obs. tali n senousJy and "'Ork \'tt)' bard at lL But in the end. W'e ~r.-e at the pleasure of the Ciry <:ounaJ and ~-elJ ha\e to see "tw thm plea.sure 1S.. -~ The fh-e·m~ Plaruung ComnuSSJon has the Power to aCt upon or rttommend regula· uon of growth. de\"elopmenl and beautificaoon of the at\ The currmt ro~ioo his been e'en more acuve than m the p~t. as ll has tak.en an pro· acO\e stance on many t.SSUes and tnLToduced some new poli· 1 ~Presenting a New F'roduct'on of the Tony Award-Winning Musical ~ . z % ~ % ~ % ~ ~ ~ This stylish, updated Equity production, directed by ~ % ~levision writer/producer Valerie Mayhew, uniquely reflects ~ Southern California 1n 2003 and features a professional ~ cast and musicians performing such memorable favorites as ~ lry to Remember (-he K nd of September)," "Soon It's Gonna ~ Rain," and .. They Were You." ~he original show captivated audiences ;, during it6 phenomena l 42-year, Off-Broadway run. Don't miss this ~ t imeless morality tale of .. boy and girl meet, fall in love, part to see ~ the big wide world, and realize that home is where the heart is." ~ ~ ~ ONE WEEKEND ONLYI Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 1at8 p.m. Sunday, February 2 at 3 p.m. St. Marie Preei,ytertan Church I 2100 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beacb _ Corner of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff/Ford Road on the bluff side) • II (949) 644-1:341, Ext. 22 For Ticket lnfonnatlon : SuggesUd donations: $25 for adults, $10 for students age 8 and ; older (the mature themes of this production are more appropriate • for older children and adults). Free parking. For more details, visit www.fantasticks.info. Net proceeds benefit the non-denominational Newport Community CouneeJlng Center (NCCC), which each year serves hundreds of .1ndlvlduals who are victims of/involved In domestic abuse. .... ,; I ... , 'II _ ... , .... 'l. FYI . -~; .... 8f'.__....,ttie ' +.Mi••tat.thePlrn .... · · Cain I 5 r .o. ...... .., .....->: Louiia ICU\ Theodof9 CriMll 8-not EP' (c:unWll) MauhewMebn Bruce Gatfich Cc:urrentJ ~Beny frri MMCP ... w.,,_ Oevenport tcunwrt) Dennis OeMaio Thomas S1'nf.ed Joel Faris Michael Clifford Bill Pertina (current) James Fister Bill Turpit Jonathan Zien Katrina Fol9v (current) ...,.. .... MrnM ot 1he llSl~••b fol 1he .. arb end RecrMtion Commluion: K.im. Alan Pederson (current) Daniel OeBasaio Ill Leon Hoot KeUy Feldman (current) Mart Hams {current) Wendyl..eece aes -with the appf'0\'3.l of the council. o( course Many vt~· a plaruung com· m1SS10oer posioon as one of great amponanu. as those a.s· stgned ~t precedent on the s1z.t and mas.s1ng of propos.ed de"\-el· FAMILY Contrtued from Al "'"'bar I had expected after last October's World Senes WUl b\! the Anaheun Ang&. I was · certain after the senes that there would be a spike m regJStranons. but I was ~TOng. Today. I am urging all parents to consider regist.enng for the upcornmg basebail season. ~ is still wne, and enm tf your ho)· or gui LS Ul\'Otved tn all-star soccer pla)' or tn bask.etball or some other span. accommodaoons can often be made. And don't ""urry about tus or her le"\-el of skill. After ~-en years of coaching or rnanagmg, one of my favorite lads was not a superstar, but he lS a terrific kid, and if I ever get the chance to draft him agam, I will jump at it Every baseball team. just like every soccer, basket.ball and fool.ball team. has players at all levels of skill Why should you stgn yow kid up for baseball? Because it's !low and lr:ids need to sl°"' down We DISTRICTS Continued from Al district boundanes After Newpon Coast became pan or the aty on Jan. 1. 2002. council members considered several scenarios for council d.Js· mets. Ulomately, they decided simpty to add the 7,000 or so new residents to the 9.500 or so already ~ohn Heffernan·s dis· trict. making his the laJgest by far in a oty that tries to ensure council districts conwn roughly lhe same number of persons.. At the January 2002 council meeting, Heffernan and Gary Adams cast the two dwenting \.'Otes on the matter, pomong out that the plan would deny some TAIL Continued from Al with excitement as a handful of residents gathered around to spend time with their new pet Side conversations started up. and 500n the entire hall was bUZZing with excited stories about Willi and other topics of YOUR SCHOOLS El.EMENTARY SCHOOLS Ademe K-6 2850 Oubhoo .. Road, Com Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 AndefMn K~ 1900 Port Seeboume, Newpott Bead'I Mery Menoa, (949) 615-G36 Colege Plwtr l(.,J 2380 Notre Dame Road, Co.ta Meaa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 . o.vt.4-e 1060 Arlington Drive, Cot18 M ... °*YI Galloway, (71•) 42+7830 &.11>11•K.e 2827 Vitti def On>, Ntwpe>rt Beech Charlene~. (948) 61Ml20 ....._V...K-8 800 Ooldellf'Od,,,,... Con>ne .. ( ·~ . opmcut.L Since me appbcarloo period ck*d Jan. 8, City Hall imida's md arnng com.mP- 1.Xma'S haft bem on pins and netdJa about what the furu:re ~ bold for the comm.Wlon. A politicaDy charged a.anos- pb.ett ldl <Mr from the Navan· ber etecnon.s combined with the euabbsbed unpmitctabWry of the Costa Mesa City Coundl has many gues.smg who will reign ~-er aecond-story additions and coodnionaJ use permits. A group of restdenLS calling themseh-es improvers, who ba\-e proven their political ~ in the past rwo City C.ouncil elections. have strong represeoladon on the lbt. of ap- plicants. Michael Berry, James F"wer, M.ich.ael Oiftord and Jqel Faris have all been active in the vocal \\fe$tside group. and Fisler, Fans and Clifford have all waged unsuccessful bids for the City Counal. In general, the "improvers" Sttk upscale proJectS for the City that "-ould ~property iaxes and the overall image of the oty They ha~ targeted charities Ln the aty, a.swell as the city·spon· sored job center Stting as u ~ the "impnw· ers-who worked to elect Coun· olmen 01ris Steel m 2000 and Allan Mansoor in :-.:ovember. all need to slow down. We should all take a nap every dayt too. but thar's another column The Costa Mesa :-.;ational Little League is an all-volunteer army of parents. r\o one gets paid any money to do what they do. whether it's mamtaining the fields. runrung the snack bar or orgaruzmg the fund-ra.i.sers. Because u is run only by volunteers, the league charges about half of .,.'bat surroundmg l.Jttle Leagues charge. The dl.trerence 15 made up through fund·raistng and sponsorships. So my second appeal today~ for rndn1duaJs and businesses to step up to the plate to sponsor the league th.is year Any amount helps. What you will get in mum is a pack of grateful parents and kids who will be reminded of your generosity several times over. As a manager, I will a.sk the parent6 on our team to patron.iu a sponsor's place of business at every opporru.ruty. If you don't have a business. you will be remmded of your kind gesture with a plaque or a banner that will hang l1l the "l:ewpon Coast residents lhe op- ponurury to run for Cny Council for rwo years longer than they would have to wait if they were ~an of another dismct. But the majority of the council dtsagrttd. The pending annexa. oon of Santa Ana Heights. Bay Knolls and the possibility that Banning Ranch might be devel· oped reinforced their belief that it would be best to postp0ne re· dis trlcting. Now the time has come. and the task is looking no less com· plicated A council subcommit· tee on· redistricting is lcick:ing off the process. The first big chaJ. lenge IS how to carve an equi· tably sized district for Newpon Coast residents without drawing a line through the now· unified mterest Scott shared a comedic §Jory about her relationship with her husband, in which she illus· trated her wit and humor despite her debilitating disease. ·1 sure knew how to plc.k 'em when f was a girl.• she said. Resident Elmer Reynolds said Willi was •just beautiful." Reyn· olds sat in a chair in the foyer and stared lovingly at the sleek Mer Melllule Christensen, (949) 615-6940 KaleefU 2130 Santa Ane Ave .• Coate Mese Oeryte Palmer, (949) 61S-6950 KJlytM'oob K-5 3155 IOllybroob lane, Costa M ... Kathy Sanchez. (714) 424-7945 LincolnK~ 3101 Peclftc View Orlve, CoroN delMar Betbera Heddoc:t, (9'9) 61M955 ,...,..1(-8 2100 MarlMn Drive, Newport Beedl Pem Coughlin, (9'9) 615-6980 , ~C-..IC~ 8866 Ridge Pllrtt Road, Newpon Cont Monique v.nz..erotet. (Ml) S1M876 Niswpott .,.....,., K.e , ... ser.it lf'ld 8elbol ~.HIMporta..d\ ~~.C•ll1MMI - theUi. chances for the co -tton ittnge on finding vote. Another 'Westside acovtst _ though ol a decidedly d.ifferen1 sort -Is ruidmt BW 1\up1t, who is involved with the Lanno C.ommurury Network and La- tino Bu.si.nas C.ouncil Turptt al.so considered a run at ihe 2002 council, but decided agaJn.st it afkr Councilman Gary Monahan announced his intent to seek. reelection. Mona- han gained the ovtrwhelnung majority or the votes in Novem- ber. Vocal soccer dad Jonathan ZJcb has also thrown bis hat 111 the ring. ZJch has made his presenc~known at City Hall dwing'Con~noow battles over the shortage o( cry sporu fields. City of!ida15 rtteived su ap- plications for the parks and re· cruoon comminee, which I.) also very important. bu1 luston- cally not as polmcal. A Canuhar name on that l1st is Wend) ~e. the former Newpon Mesa Uru.fied Olstrict School Board trustee. who was ousted by Tom Egan Ln the fall election • l.OUTA HARP£1' covert Costa Mesa. She.may be reedled at 19491 574-4275 or by •mail et lollta h•rper l•r1me1 com outfield all season. Mike Molina will manage c1 Mmor ,A team tlus season Once agam. Mill and I will meet four or five omes th.IS season t1)1ng to beat each other on the dwnond But Mike a.Jread} h~ my re6pect, because one week ago he ga\'e me a sponsorship check for S250 from tus business. Care P1~. in Costa Mesa Mike's busmeM ts the pn\'ate labelmg of shn care produm If you are mterested rn 1grung up your son or daughter for baseball. call the league at ~ 1-i 966-2655 If you are mtert'!>ted 111 becoming a sponsor. call me directly at (7 141 i'51·4482 -1 WISh I had some catchy slogan or zippy dostng hne to get you to take some acuon But baseball ts differen1 -it d~n 1 msplre tha1 way. Maybe tha1'~ the best reason to pick up the phone. • STEV£ SMITH 11 e Coste Meu resident end freelance writer Readers may leave 1 mauge tor tum on the Deily Ptlot hothl'\e 1t (949) 642-6088 Corona del Mar because ~me the exJSUng dJstnct hnes will shift southeast "Corona deJ Mar is a \"t'IY co hesive community and tht'\ want to stay together.· said Bromberg. who i.s a member of the council redJ.stricung sub· comnunee. ·r~ asked our plan rung director to give me as many scenarios as they can to see if we can keep villages m the city to· gether as much as possible • The council is expected to look at the maner around rrud·Febru ary. •JUNE CASAGAANDE covert Newport Beadl 1nd John Wayne A1rpo1t. She may be reedled It 19491 574-4232 or by e-m11I et /UM cn.g,..nde •i.rlmft.com greyhound. while Willi enjoyed a treat for good behavior. Reynolds paned Willi on the head and of· rered another cracker for the dog to munch on. ...- "Sweet boy," Reynolds cooed. .. • l.OUTA HARPER COY9rt Cosu Meae. She mey be rud\ed et (9491 674-4276 or by •mall at lolita.h•rper•t•tlfTHte.oom. Newport tWghta K-6 300 E. 16th St, Newpon BNd\ Judith Chembera. (949) 616-6970 Pllulaitno K-3 1060 Peulerlno Ave., Co.ta Meea Petric:fa lnaley, (714) 424-7960 Pomone lC~ 2051 Pomona Ave., eo.ta Mela Julie Mc:Cormldc, (IM9) 51&a80 AM~ 601 Hamltton St., eo.ta Mee8 IC9n Kllllen, (949) 516-8806 Sonora 1<·3 968 Sonora, Cocte M"8 Chrittine Anderton, (714) 424-7955 Daily Piiot Trustees balk at network notion· WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHAT S AFlDAT 1s published periodically If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4l.70;or by e-mail to School board wants Jive fe ed to Newport, but isn't sold on networking district classrooms. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NI WPORT RfJ\C 11 The Newport Me~a Urnued '>Chool boilrd ''uuld hkc to boo\t II'> pre'>t'lll t' 111 1he cny ,,,th live hruadca\t'> of meel· mg•., but l\n't '>UR! 11 network 111g illl lhc \chuol' ,., m•ce!>· '>ary. On fut•.,day t hr botlrd em braced tmslet• lum I gan\ tdt'J to broadta'>t 1h meeting., h\e 111 \;e'"'Port Beal h Ille deu!>t0n t'lll miraged Sieve <.Iyer. dtrl'rtor ul educa uonal tethnolo1n w l ontmm• Y.orking \\1lh ul\ otlil 1ah to gain a dedll'alt>d ,1ltt''>' chan nel '\e\\ prirt Bt•.tth rl'wlent<. now '''"l 11 dar., to Wl' Lht· latl''>l ..,rhool board mt•t•ung. llw board wa .. not d' qu1tk to endor~e Lgan .. '11~r,11on WE WANT To BE YOCR First Choirt ... Rabbm ln suranu: Agency Al~ro • HOMI OWNFR.' • 111-AISH 'JJI l•'h '''· , / / ~-~ ~S r)__, ,.. , 949-631-7740 ~I Old Xtwpon 8hd. • ~n Beach 'I.cat Ho.o.g Ho•pn..J that all the ~chools be net· worked so srudents at one '>thool could watch '>tudenl'> from another suhool on their cl~'>room TY. l ru'>tees said they needed more time to explore the n1:ed and usefulne~'> of mak· ing such a large investment, '>UAA<''>llng a '>tudy .,ec,s1on in the luture. ·· flw board nct·d!> to wre.,. Lie \\1th, 'Where dre we go 111~r hecau!>e of dll the differ C'nt alternat1vt.''· · board l'rt''>ldent ~lanha 1 luor '>dld. I g.m '>aid he wa~ glad h1!> fcllm' board member'> were at lt•a.,t COn'>1den11g hi'> !>Ug· gl'\11011 ·Our kid.., artt ITilb'>lng out on '>Ollle real I~ effrt11\'l' wa}' of lt•arnmg. Lg.in 'aid lo ha\e cla.,.,room'> full of PC ' <111d video rnmera'> w11h· ou1 ,, mean., to hroadca'>t d,1,, proJCll\ tu other cla~.., room' throughout the d1<,tm I 1' .1bout a., <;tone Age al> writ· lllg .in e·matl, then hand-car· rylllg 11 lO all of the addre,., li..t lll\tcad of ll'>lllg the Inter IWI hl.''>ald da1/ypilot a>/at1mes.com SAJLJNG CLASSES Orange CoHt College is offering new credit and non-<:redlt sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. And there are cruising seminars. The OCC Sailing Center 1s at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 645-9412 or VISlt occsa1/ing.com. Sailing Fascination offers cl81ses in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with d1sabiht1es Free. (949) 640· 1678. Orange Co4PtJ employers cen bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enioy a day of sa1hng courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on hGW to perform well in business, No sailing experience i.~ ~~ Ht•-...tauraril Establlshed tn 1962 «) UP TO SO"-OFF Every item in our inventory will be greatly reduced and we are offering substantial savings on a select group of speciaforder 1nercha ndise from our most prestigious rnanufacturers .. Sinct ~ 1952 WFD FURNISHING Be INTERIORS ,. 18030 EUCLID ST., FOUNTAIN VALLEY TEL (714) 540-2275 FAX (714) 754-0762 • • EMAIL: Wf'D@WFOFURNITURE.COM WWW. WFDfURNITURE.COM necessary One-day classes cost from $100 to S125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Merine WeterSporU et the Balboa Fun Zone. you can en1oy naultcal eJCperiences ranging from mild to wild. Take a self·gu1ded tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, 1ump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo 1etboat, put your sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston Whaler or soar above 1t all on a parasa1I flight along the Newport Coast Complimentary ice and beverages included with all electric boat rentals 1949 673 3372 Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways· with single and double kay<1ks electric boats 14-holder sa1lbo~ts. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay Balboa J3oat Rentals also holds two hour scavenger hunts aboard the eledric bay boats. providing group act1v1ty for corporations b1rthdoys, nonprofit organ1zat1ons and group outings The hunt packages include boats. .... trivia questions mapa, Polaroid cameras and supplies The co~ of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catltting 1s available at an additional rate For hunt reser:vauons, call 1949) 673-7200 Electnc boet ,.ntala e,. eveilabt• by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested An hour rental 1s $75 (949) 645 6812. A-molOriud lo~nge ctieir may be rented at Resort Water Sport9 at Newport Dunes for $25 per hour Peddl boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rdftS, beach furniture and wetsuits also are available \9491 729 1150 Gondola tours are offered by-the Gondola Co of Newport 3400 V1d Oporto. Suite 102 B The $75 cos1 includes a basket of bredd che1>se, salami ice glasses a lildnl<et music and a Polaroid picture Wine 1s also available 1949 675 1212 5aturd.;y Jonudry 18, 2003 A5 Gondola Adventu,.,.Newport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one and two·hour gondola cruises A one hour tour wnh champagne 1s $70 A two-hour tollr with dinner and champagne 1s $180. P1dcup 1s available at waterfront restaurants 1949) 675-4984 • Irvine Coast Cherters in Udo Manna Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with d gourmet dinner $180 for two persons 19491675 4704 Gondola Romence offers deity tours of Newport Harbor during lundi.;md dinl'er Call {949) 675-4730 The tours go out of Lido Manna Village 3400 Via Oporto. Newport Beach CRUISES Electnc Boat Tours ofters 1wu hour roJ f !>->'Newport Harbor !S75 per cru1se1 Round-trip hotel or off·the·water restaurant shunl1. !>.:rv1ce 1s available Pict ui.. from res1aurcints with docks is also available Chartered and catered tour!> 949 291 1953 or www waNsonrtwharbor com s159 . -BERBER SPECIAL -CC)ojfl~ FUl()o.~ """(), $2 69 . LAMINATE SPECIAL 8V f4!9eld CERAMIC TILE ··..-~ • ••eOll~ . '"'° j\)'2.W~~,-~ CARPET & TILE I NC. 1966 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa M·f 9-6PM, Sat H PM, Sun Closed ·arr • '"' 949·650-0000 I l,ul..i , , ,. s1 ... ," CARPET n·\rt'11 \l\)I \.vood TILE Li11111111ilt & l\ltg:-SI \<.H ,,, • .\ -. , . \ ' . \ t - " A6 Saturday, January 18, 2003 ·FORUM I· HOW TO GET PU BUSHED -Letters: Mall to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNdert Hotline: Call (949) 642~ Fax: ~n~ to (r9)1~170 E·mell:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must lnclud~ full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions or c arity and length. S·Ome positive boardwalk banter AT ISSUE : Is a boardwalk along part of the Back Bay needed? .Hi. I'm James Shattuck {seen in your picture on the front page of the Daily Pilot on Tuesday with my wife. Sue Hart). We have been walking the beautiful Back Bay for years, always staying on the path. not wanting to disturb the natural habitat, and enjoying the birds. wildlife and wild flowers. I think an answer to the problem of keeping people on the trails is educating them about the endangered plants, birds and animaJs, and how going off the path causes erosion. which causes a chain rejlCtion which hurts all elements of the hf.>itat. Also restricting the paths to willcing {people and horses) and no bites. Enforce it by having a ranger on d~ry. and give out citations. if n8Cessary. ~e have been walking in the Back B<tY every day for years and rarely see aJ?YOne go off the trail. As it is now, it's very enjoyable to get out and walk in fr~sh air and get some exercise. I think b"ild.ing a boardwalk would ruin the · o~rall natural experience. not to ~ntion the time and all the money we wtuld spend. Why not use a portion of mat money to have the Back Bay p<ttrolled regularly by a ranger, add more signs to educate people why they need to stay on the path, and offer cl4sses at the nature center (if they dqn't already) about the habitat, wil.d 0CJW"ers, bird species m the area, goology, insects, etc.? Keep it as wild as p<issible. Set up a similar program as 1 Laguna Coast Wilderness Park • Conser¥ancy Program, offering docent-led tours which brings the attention to the forefront of how important it is to keep open space wild and to respect the natural habitat Sell T-shirts, mugs -"Keep it Wtld," "Save the Habitat," etc. Just a few ~uggestions. JAMES SHAITUCK Costa Mesa The Back Bay restoration proiec~ described in your article are both very worthy and necessary for prei.erviug this wonderful natural resource within our ciry. These projeccs are supported by all of the organizations, both public and private, that have a stake in the Ecological Reserve and Nature Preserve. We are fortunate to have the support of locaJ environmental orga'nizadons, such as the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends and local public officiaJs such as Asst Ciry Manager Dave Kiff to help preserve the bay. in addition, we are very lucky to haw the support and funding from the Communiry Conservancy International progra,m to heJp our local organizations. The boardwalk project will help provide better public accesi. to the bay, while helping to protect the delicate habitat it encompasses. !>O 11 is indeed necessary. We hope these projects will receive widespread communiry support to enhance our beau tiful Upper Newport Bay. JEAN AND GALE WHITAKER Newport Beach Earth Resource Foundation supports a well-designed network of boardwalks in the Back Bay. These boardwalks are needed to protect both Oora and faw1a in the Upper Newport Bay Reserve and READERS RESPOND DON LEACH I DAILY Ptl ' James Shattuck and wife Sue Hart have walked the Back Bay for years. He suggests having rangers patrol the preserve Pre:.erve. These areas include endangered :.pecies such as the Light-footed Oapper Rail. The areas in need of boardwalks are the s.ensidve habitat areas. Unfortunately, the picrure and front-page article in the Pilot convey the impression that the areas considered for the boardwalks are the on the bluffs. This is incorrect. lbe longest proposed boardwalk would be along the west i.ide of the Delhi channel outlet. continuing along the bottom of the bluffs, not the top. Other possible -sites for boardwalks might actually extend mto the marshland shore areas at selected places giving visitors wonderful views without the severe impact that accompanies random trails. Some would have the Back Bay closed to all, and others would have it totally unrestricted, but a balanced approach of allowing appropriate access to residents is far better. It is these people that need to see and experience the estuary to truly appreciate what a valuable asset it truly is. The construction of boardwalks is crucial, so that the access desired by '>O many can be accommodated without ruining the very thing that most have come to enjoy. DENNIS BAKER Board prei.ident, Earth Resource Foundation Costa Mesa Yes. a boardwalk reaily is needed for a variety of reasons. PAT DEL CAMPO Fountam \'alle\' Please. ~pport the restoration plam lor the Back Bay. It is an ecological gem. • hM' many estuaries do we have left? We wc1111 to be proud showcasing it and right OU\\, 11 i:. a disgrace. Big Canyon is the mam place moo people start fn>rn because there L' d parlcing lot The 'restroom facilioes are fnghtemng. and the displays. bridges and trails are in tenible disrepair. Let5 get mO\ing on 11 unmediately. I'm a longtimt' visitor and birdet LENA YEE HAYASHI Huntingto n Heath The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, limited supply! . Join the CLUB! These passes pay for themselves ln no time. Hurry1 They will sell out. To Sign Up, can (949) 64S-6812 Extension 110 • No Insurance Costs e No Maintenance Costs e No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, family, friends and soul crutstng. • Take advantage of the wonderful fleet of Duffy Boats • Convenient location, fantastic amenities TIJt lfrft 4"" ,,...., ht FMt1rlc 1kN111 SJ"'1t J 970 • • OufJy tl«'t.ric Boat c.ompany 800-64S-t044 www.chdfyboats.com Dally Pilot ON VACATION -.. , •• ,_ -.-•-rr-. ,.. , .. _ .. -.. -·-·-----...------------- Satutday, Jaoo.tfy 18 2003 A7 Newport Beach residents Don Ruston, Eileen Schuler, Gary Poelstra and fnends celebrate Joyce Ruston's birthday at the Hood Canal m Washington . Geoff and Lucie Moore took their boat. Godspeed, and a group of their fnends from Newport Beach to Catalina in early November to compete m the Catalina Trtathalon The friends were Larry McAdams. _/ Helen Bngho, Ten Gundlach. Nancy Fichtner Greg Brown, Reggie DelPonte. Bruce • Kendall and Trevor Phillips take the Daily Pilot to the beaches of Sydney, Australia . Nelson. Mitch Vance. Jon Gundlach and Ed Conte "STREET JAZZ BY HUGGY" Come Join Us in a fun NEW ADUII CARDIO WORKOtrr CLASS!! ages 16 Ile up) Thursday @ 6:30pm Also Offering "HIP HOP,. & "fuNK JAZZ" (agca 7 Ile up) Tuesdays & Thundays cJ g fl?rc,, ~ ~26 Quail SUUt ~ Nn¥J>On Beach 949.752.9400 CRYSTAL COVE PROMENADE WELCOMES NEW STORES :-.Jo matter tf you are looking for wanter sales or the latest 'pnng fashions, Crysul Cove Promenade has what vou need Located on Pacific Coast Highway at Crystal Hetghts Om e across from Crystal Cm. e ~late Beach, Crystal Cove Promenade is coastal Orange County's most popular new ~hopping destination Operung soon is La Diva. bnngmg cuttmg edge style and numerous exclusive Labels to Orange County. The boubque features contemporary clothing and accessones. including 1ewelry, belts, shoes, handbags and more. LA Diva will also has an in-store men's shop. Alex Blair, with hip fashions for today's trend-conscious man Shoppers will find popular labels such as Paper Derum and Cloth, Fever, Kenneth Cole, Senous, Parasuco, Buffalo jeans and Smashing Grandma. /m11 i/n Croll will also open soon. ofttring fine apparel for women including contempo- rary sportswear, suits, evening- wear a.nd accessorie5. Croll Sporl will adjoin the /ennifn Croll boutique, offering classic clothes for active men. Southern California's first Ully Pulitzer signature store, Pink Wu•bi, recently opened and carries the collection of Lilly clothes for men, women and children. The boutique has a collection of casual clothing ln a beautiful spring palette of putels, including cashmere sweaters, pants, aundreues, capris, shorts, sandals and bathing suit.. Por usual clothing and great accasories, Millie ls a muat-ehop boutique. Relaxed fashions that att ideal for the Southern Califom1a lihstyle are comblned with co~ P.J. s.tvage pa)aJJ\as, beaded ,ewel· ry and Other ~ For Valentine'• Day dfts, Tocca can· dlee and beauiiful silk .Uppers are popular. Millw hu popular Unet 1uch u Blue Dot. Red Unt, Three Dot, James Pene, Bautilul People and <>then. , Another great option for Valentint't Day gi.fb is C...U, which futures romantic European fashions, from ling9ie to lp(Jl'tSWH.r with • fom1rune edge \.10-.t 111 tht fa<,luons are from F-nmch and Italian dt-:.1gnerc; and ..,omt' 1ll the more popular hne.., mcludt• Ahaude Lingene. Tnna furl.., Von Dutch Denim and Lola C Lingene The women's boutique Novtcento Studio al!to has contemrrarv ..,porhwcu and cockta1 att;re. to t>\clU!>l\'C Italian shoe!> and acn•..,<,onec, such as leather totes, beaded ,ewelry and more The store cames fi.ne collection!> of its private label as well as European designer fa:.luons If you are looking for spnng wedding gifts or to update the look of your home. The Yellow Cottagt has everything you might need, from china and glassware to tabletop acces· sories and gifts. The store fea- tures luxury linens from France. fine Italian ceramics, custom 1mprintable stationery and home furnishings. In add1b0n, ~ Ytllow Cottage offers baby clothes and gifts. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC America,~ Most Renowned Fur11iture Maker FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE SALE Ouer 14 Tr<1iler Loc1ds ($2,.500,0()()) Of He11re<lo11 F1ir11it11rt' Will Be Soltl At BELOW DEALER COST J ·OUTSTANDING SELECTION AND VALUES ON THE MOST POPULAR COLLECTIONS ·Livin~ Room-,. Bt-droom~. Dining Room • Occasional Pie,·e~. Lt>a t her Ch airs; l phol~tt•r) •. \nd '.\1 uch More Limited To Stock On Hand - Everything Is First-Come, First-Served/ Visage Curio Tempered glass doors, three adjusubte glass shelves and bronze mirrored back panel. Interior tights. R~. $8;970 ea. NOW $2.499 eL Sale includes overstock, High Point showroom. samples and discontinued items. Because of the special savings being offered, there are no holds or special orders. .SAVE ~75% On 100s Of Exotic Hand-Made Rugs From Persia, 1Urby, India, Chin. a Nepal 4-Poster Queen Bed IR939 (Not Shown) Ralph Lauren poster bed with deep, rich finish. R~. $10,495 llOl/I $1,499 Dining Table Blowout -·.1.:• r1•,,, .:r $799 SALE HOUltS: Saturday -10:00 AM • 6:00 ,M, · Sun<My -11 '00 AM.· 6'()(HM. IRVINE: 81 -8 Technology Drive (Eat ol 1-S at Mon Alricway nect '° .,.,,. Glw*t lndoOIS} Oeflwry Available For Additional fff. Or Iring YoUr Truck Orv~ '"'6' .:__ _;;;; ~ :.._ • • t-I~ --IW'•··-· .... -...... ...., ..... .... COMMUNITY & CLUBS -4 fA free chance to help out 'Americas Service· Club ' I !your New Year's re olutions ;, Include getting more Involved ln the communJty, you might want to try the -:Exchange Oub's ~Stand Up for ertca • program. which offers :, free 90-day trial membership In a local club without further o~ligation. You only pay for your ' meals when you attend the ·meetings during the 90.-day ·period. .. · .. -Exchange is known as ·~erica's Service Oub, • with its -patriotic emphasis. upport of : police and fire deparonents and -promotion of patriotism in schools and public places. Men and women are invited to vislt the Exchange Oub Qf the Orange Coast, which meets ar noon on Wednesdays at the Bahia Corint.hlan Yacht Oub, 1601 Bayside Dnve in Corona del Mac. It's still a men-only group at the Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor. which meets at Ole Newport Harbor Nautical Museum on Thursdays at noon. For more information on Exchange. call Orange Coast president rom Keyes at (714) 342-1232 or Newport Harbor president Rick Harris at (949) JIM de BOOM 842-22479. REACHING OUT The Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub is reaching out to the corrununJty -those who own boats and those who don't, those who beTong to clubs and those who don~ -with a !Wice-monthly series of education programs. dub member William Long says. Jay Carson is coordinating the programs for the yacht club. Last. \.41eek. there were program~ on sailing and boa11ng information on Avalon Tim week's program, at 7 p.m Wednesday at the club, will provide an update on the Catalina Conservancy and what it means to visitors to the island. There is no charge to attend. The yacht club 1s at 160 I Ba~lde Drive, Corona del Mar. Mdre informauon can be obtained by • GEmNG INVOLVED runs adding your organization to this periodically in the Daily Pilot on a list, call (9491 574-4298. rotating basis. For information on • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING l!IMafte lG'ION l:·f111l.,i,,.:.) SOI Allt• 'I, ; 'l ~ &,...'lt .. 01. • tl..OUI \ -111 • 1 11 ., \a ....... SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER r s5~~ ... $141Q~ 3/4" Travertine 18" x 18" ................................ . 14.29 1a• Ceramic Tile ............ ...................... ······ ... ~•'4.99 1e• Laminate Wood ................... ... . .. ... ~~ 14.99 tall 'Cner""""V"~--~- 1374 L!)91n Ave.~Suite F COSTA MESA (888) ~u.777 °372) & MON..-FRI; 10AM to 5 PM • • SAT.10AM to2PM ~ CLOSED SUNDAY 11i11i1ia • calling Long at (949) 644-9530 or Sid Stokes. the group's pre tdent. Carson at (949) 515-8348. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg will be the guest UFOS FROM THE BLACK speaker. The Sister City Assn. Is VAULn responsible for Sister City The nonprofit MUFON of programs in Japan, France and Orange County will host the Mexico. entrepreneurial founder of the Dinner is $35 per person. Web site wThe Black Vault," John Reservadons. due by Jan. 24, can Greenewald Jr., this Wednesday. be made by calllng Salty Nockold He Is author of the reveaiing new at (949) 644-6 l 05. book "Beyond UFO Secrecy" and will share some of the most WORTH REPEATING dramacic discoveries he has From "Thought for the Day," made In his relentless pursuit of provided by Greg Kelley of the secret government documents Newpon Mesa Irvine lnterfa1th that demonstrate a connnuing Council: "Happiness, grief, 1oy, cover-up and the depth of the sadness, are by nature government's accumulated contagious. Bnng yoµr health knowledge of. and intense and your strength to the weak mterest in, the UFO and 'iick.ly. and so you will be of phenomenon. use to them. Gi-.e them, no1 your The talk will be at 7:30 p.m at weakne..s, bu1 your energy, so the commuruty renter at 1845 you will revive and hft them up. Park Avenue, Costa Mesa. Ufe alone Lan rekmdll' hfe." Information: (7 14) 520-4UFO -Henn-Fredenr Am1el ANNUAL SISTER CITY MEETING SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS The Newpon Beach SlSter City N.sn. will hold Its annual meeting. which includes the elecuon of officers and directors, on Thur'iday. Jan. 30, at the. Newport Beach Yacht Oub, 'iaid ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to Sl.000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino (8001 322-HOST. ALS ASSN .• ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotroph1c Lateral COMING WEEK MONDAY 6 p.m.: Ille Newport I !arbor Cosra Me~a l.Jon'> (Jub wall mee1 at Zubies Re'>tauranl. 11JESUi\Y Sclerosis Assn., which helps persons who have the disorder also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers (7141 375-1922 ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Suppon group leaders. V1s11mg Volunteers fdm1ly resource .'••SA FUl.l BAR !('l""~s cmr11m11;• -- NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 Tue~dan· Pasta \i ~ht~ ,.... ' I;"' , 811.9.) ; 1.i :r::t :;at1CJ 1 0 Corkage . \\'edne da,s I ~ 7:30 a.m.: The 40·m~rnber Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Ptve Crowns for a program by Jana Barbie! on "The arts in our community. 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Ne\~ort Harbor Lions Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WED~ll\Y . 7: 15 a.m.: me 20-member South Coast Merro Rotary CJub will meet at the'<:;ente.r Oub (www.southcoascmerro rotary.org); and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Urtivers1ry Athlecic Oub. Noon. The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear Len Wa}11e on -11umor in Your I lean • The 35-member Soropum1sr lntemattonal of 'iewpon Harbor meets at the San1a Ana Country Oub 6 p.m .. The 60-member Rotary CJub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Connthian Yacht CJub to hear Pam Jones. director of the Orange Coun1y Special Olympics TIIURSJl.\Y 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member >-- consultants and office volunteers are needed Volunteers may worl( on one time pro1ects or ongoing programs Training sessions are available (800 660-1993 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY "The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers The society also seel(s volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter (949 261-9446 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing. furntture, iewelry, accessories. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Volunteers are also needed from 10 a m. to 5 p m . Monday through Saturday at the same location (9491640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge The reqwred commitment is a few hours each wee~ or month Drivers must have a valtd driver s ltcense and insurance and be at least 25 Volunteers may use Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uon.s Oub will meet foraprogramontheCaliforrua Indian Center by Paula Starr. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa KiwanJs Oub will meet a1 the Holiday lnn ( www. ktwanls.orglclubl costamesa); the SO-member Newport Beach·Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub 10 hear Cathy Montaague of S1. Joseph Health System: the 80-member Exchange Oub ol Newport Harbor will meet a1 the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum to hear Karen Harrington of Share Our Sein~. and the 100-member Newpon -lrvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Lrvme Mamou II >tel for a program on the Newpon Beach Fire Oepanmem (tVU1w.nirocary.org) • COMMUNITY• CLUBS 1s published Saturday• In the Daily Piiot. Send your Hrvice club's meeting Information by fex to 949 660-8667; •mail to jdeboom ~aol.com or by m111I to 2082 S.E Bristol, Suite 201 . NewPort Beach, CA 92660, l 740 either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans (9491 261·9446 or scorner a cancer.org The American Cancer Soc1etv 1s also loolong for volunteer speakers for 1ts Speakers Burf!o u program, which offers a free service to communities schools and corporations by providing trained si>eakers to address cancer issues. The organ11dt1on will train all interested volunte"r~ at a special session on Dec 7 from 8 30 a m. to 1 30 p m di the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpar~ Drive in Fullerton. For reservauons, call Florence Dann at (949 ) 567-0604 by Nov 22 AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Hean Assn is looking for volu nteers to perforrr various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund·ra1s1ng events through Orange Countv No experience necessary Training will be provided (949 856-3555 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emottonal suppon to terminally 111 patients and their families in the greater Ora nge County area Training 1s provided (714) 550-0800 or (800 540-2545 AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media 1n disaster and emergency s11uat1ons. Lynn Howes, (7141 481 -5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon amval. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption (9491 759-3646 or www.ammalnerwork.org ASSISTAN~E LEAGUE OF NEWPOR'M1C~ Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are neede<l to help the organization wtth its goal of helping children in the community. (949) 645-6929. ASSN . RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mna group sponsors and supporta outreach community service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) . 540-5803. BEST BUDDIES 'The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental dlaabllltt ... ,_. e ·citizen Buddy; volunteert will visit with 1 buddy twice e month end cell or •mall them once 1 weett. The organization also has en •Buddl11 progrem that forms friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteer• for that program must be et lust 12 years old. (714) 646-1828 or www.bntbtlddlH.OfJ1. ING BROntEltS, BIG SISTERS The focal cNJ*r le looking for men enq worn.... otcMrthtn 20 who hew lived In Oning4t CoYntv for It INst ebc monthe end ~ been on tM Job for 11 ttMt th,... month• to MMt • l>fo bf'others or big alstv1 for c:Nkhn egee e to 18 from ~r.nt hQmel. (714) 544-7773. lot .I 1e u el J 'T n d rs y - Dally Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ltem1 to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Cotta Mesa. CA 92627; br, fax to (949) 646-4170; or by call ng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, dete and location of the event, aa well aa e contact phone number A comp19'e listing 11 evallable at www dailypilot.com. TODAY ·ea Your Own 8011" 11 a ••miner on how to start and manage your o~n business. It will be conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by the Service Corps of Retired Executives at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The $40 fee Includes materials. For more information, call (714)550-7369 A hand.-on lntamet lnstructloo class. ~web Walking 101 • will get participants up to speed in cyberspace. Begins at 10 a m at the Newport Beach Public Library. 1000 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beech. Registration requtred For more information. call (949) 717-3801. A workshop for men and women who have 1ust gonen divorced or St John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St Costa Mesa 949·548·2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Av& Sunday Services. 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9·45 Holy Euchanst at 7 00 am on Wednesday ~t Mic~ael & ~~ti r~ut., \ ,, •. \1.ir~ • Curun.. dcl \IJr • (! H I 11 I • , U!I SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A C--'fy Wert# I• t.n., .J S.n.r J.m Qrisf IJ L-' -Snilr' The Very R.,., Conon ;)avod Aro-'1()(1 Recior 3209 Vt0 Ldo ~BecKh 949/675·0210 7 30 o,., Trod111onol 9 Of' CooteMpQ<ory 9orn Church Schoo 11 om Chorismot•c and Wtdne~ Noof' are getting divorced wlll be held from 10 e.m. to 12·30 p.m. at Maxine 8. Cohen'1 office In Newport Beach. The office i1 at 180 Newport Center Drive. $40 For more Information, call (949) 644-6436. TUESDAY The Corona d~ Mer Ch1mber of Commerce will host Its monthly networking luncheon at 11'.30 a.m . at the Five Crowns Re1taurant. Reservation• ere required. The restaurant 1S' et 3801 E. Coast Highway. For more information, call (949) 673-4050. "Mother's Marbt & Kitchen wlll host a seminar on liver cleansing and body purification from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E 17th St. Free. For more information, call 1949) 631-4741 The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter will hold its first meeting of 2003 at 7 p.m. at M~gantaville in Newport Beach. The meeting will focus on local water issues, including how to help preserve the oceans. beacties and surf Tacos will be provided The restaurant 1s at 2332 W Coast Highway For more mformatton call 9491644-7443. Co~ta Mesa Fi rst tJnited ¢Methodist Church -C l' \\t•,1 l"'th "In \'I l h \,1 \ft I (949) 548-7727 Rt' \11 h 1l'I B in~hl .1d l',1,tnr .\Jult 1.,unda\ xhool ~ i :;am (hildrt'll., (hotr "1~ldm \\l•r ... h1p-& Chtldm1 ... ~unda\ 'xhool lllam 1 I· Pl~< l >PAI ""'"' ,. ,/ '""",,I." ... ' Wc'n • l"ll.i. itcJ. nur new d1urd1 i11 u pl'll .111J wc'J luvc lo 11,\Vl') 0 11 'i11i t ' tdlt'w'i. "'. Mmlu .... \ \ Churlh & Pn:,dl1)(1l ' ' ~ .. lradi1ion.J EpUcopaJ \unJ.n ""°'''" 11 I~ \ I 1 ~ •m \unJ.i• 'Kh• • ~ 'l 1 -.atmalahewMtc .l om :1~.1.r.1R. ... t , .... , •••• ~ ... h ,.,rnn t\;1r11u < Ju1\un ' f'f.eunc Rth f I-Rr• '•cpl•cn I 'I. Jr kn KC'\ 1 .. r Th• Zen c.nw of 0111nge Coun1V mor1 lnform111on, call (949) will hoat a 1erlt1 of program• on 631-2212. Zen today through March 9. Program• wlll be held the flrtt The Newport Hlll1 Garden Club and third Tuesday of eecfi month invite anyone lntere1ted to Join from 710 8:30 p.m. and every their monthly garden walk, Sunday from 5 to 7:16 p.m. The meeting at 10 e.m. at the UCI progrem1 will heve fe11on1 on Arboretum For more developing e regular practice, information, call (949) 720-1552 personal instruction and much more. Tha fee 11 $160, t1x The Co111 Meu Chamber of deductible The center i1 et 120 E Commerce will hold 1t1 monthly 18th St., Coata Meta For more bu1inesa after hours mixer from mform11tion, call (949) 722-7818 5.30 to 7.30 pm at Skosh or visit www zcoc org Monahan'• The restaurant 1s at 2000 Newport Blvd. Free for A worbhop on "Computerizing mempers, $10 for potential your Buslneu" will help with the members. For more information, bookkeeping from 9 a.m. to noon call (714) 885·9090 at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meas for a ,THURSDAY $25 fee for more information. M0ther'1 Marb1 Ir Kitchen will call (7141550-7369 host a seminar on how to strengthen your immune system WEDNESDAY from 6 30 to 8 p.m at the Patio The Alzheimer'• A11n. of Orange Cafe 1n Costa Mesa The cafe 1s at County will hold two workshops 225 E 17th St Free For more today at Silverado Senior Living Newport Mesa The first information, call (9491 631-4741 workshop, from 10:30 a.m . to Body Wl11 Fltn111 Center 11 noon, and will focus on memory celebrating its opening with loss. The s~d workshop from drawings for free personal 1 to 2·30 p.m , and will discuss training sessions and BodyW1se how to create a partnership with nutrmonal products at 2901 W your phys1c1an S1lverado Senior Living is at 350 W Bay St • Costa Mesa Reservations required For See TOWN. Paee AlO aith WORSHIP DIRECTORY tvH. l'I IOl>IST Costa Mesa MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m . C· P.r•a·~ G~ "' 714 979-8234 Chrisc Church By du~ Sea l I J \le1h<1lll\I 1400 \\ lt1l!--.. J l\h.! ~..,..pott l\c• h •1. \.., The Rrv. Dr. <.-~ R C ri1p. rutor 1949)6-J l80S I l . I I II IU '\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.L.C.A..) 798 Dover Dr. Newport Be•c:h Tradltlonal Lutheran Pastor David Mo"9• Worship S.rvlc• wtth Hoty Communion Sunday 8:15 am (949) 548-3631 Ncwpon Center Uojted Methodist Church Re' ( .lthlc:c:n <. 0111' P.l.'>ror '611 I ~ !Jrgucritc °'' c corner ot ~!Jrgucntc .ind °'1.1.n JodqU n H 1 f, RJ (949) 644--0745 H11m Q1m1 \'('1ml•1p \1'1'11a /0111>1 U:'tml11p .md ( '111/dro11 ~" ntlt> \c hoo/ }outh muting uw kl> <llRl\llY'\ Laughing In Church Y Expected Here Worihlp 10:00 A.M HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Ol1clpl11 ot Christ) 2401 lrvlnl Av1 Newport 811ell, CA (949) 645-578"1 PHI \B\ Tl HI\:\ CHllD CENTERED CllURCH Sunday Service IOam Bonita Crttk Park Ccntu, ST. MARK PRF.sBYTERIAN CHURCH OWHiE COUll'm FllBIDOOT maASOGUE l'IB8fTS A 4-WEEX COUISE Of ADUO EDUWIOM Uniwniry and LaVid.a St., NPB Rev. G.u l M1llrr Allx-rt uiJ ~ Stq>hcn L Alhcn \hm1tm enu1I p1lm11ltr'I~ a<klph1a net "Ope11 Anns and Open Mmds" JANUAIY 7,14,21, .M 21 '"'4ey ..;it. 7tSO PM. (949) 640-7343 P&Rnu and Childttn ~Wonhip God Together Chi/Jrm mrmut cf Worship 9:30 Topic TSORES-TROUILES" $30.00 ,., ... CMt'M rethn"9a ttl: (Mt)S4Wf00 : pal1'U'if'41t In tht Jnvi(f '1. + •A God-«nmal ~,h com muns~ iruuumd ht the Word of God A Ou r L;Jy"Q~~~f Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Monsignor Willwn P. Md..audilin f>..utor UTURGrf.5; Saturday. 5 p.ro . (Cantor), • Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Comrmporuy) 10:00 (Chou). 11:30 a.m (Cantor) and S.00 p.m. (Contan'POrary) 2401 llY!lll AVl. MlWPOIT too 1,,,,;;1;;..;i-..ili• FIRST q.JURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3303 ViaUdo Newport Beel:!\ 673·1340 or 673-0150 01wc:h 10 am• 5 pn ~~1oam ' Jfft SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIEN'I'lST J 100 Paatlc Or NewpcJt Bead\ 644-2617 or 675-4661 Owrd\ lOam SUndqy Sd'IOOl 10 am -..:lrfllllDT ~ 7 Pll ···~12-. :..n.. .. """ .... .., ........ "'.., ..... -.,._ I cw at(t9t) liatatllll MaMOld •ik Fll<WrlOril.Scillril • ..._ M• ._, The uni\ 'ho11 iiippnJ\td &. tnd11Nd b~ The l.ra~t of (alifom1a Homt0wnen Special Features Include:~ . .-,.,~,,~ • klld ttn Rrmhdrhni: • \\mdo,./Ucior l.lh1bltlon :: \"'\ ·Room \ddmun' • Rrm11drhn11 & r)«oralmK . sSS ~ • '°""nd 'l "" • '"' -.~1 .. ,ul.iir • • R~·lfoofina t \pt• • Outduur I 1•lnj! & (,ardtn• - • \\mdo,. t loc.r ( '"'"" •ht." lfomf I o .. n, ti. Rrn, ENTER TO WIN torm~!\00 GIVEAWAY ' • ·~..a:::~'°'7"' ,.., ',_ tr.r. :.t"!'I .., ..., '):r '1'7 :OG· 'J' ~ ~'1()11 Fram RSSA of Anaheim ? locil1ons lo SlrYt You 481 S Brookhursl. Anaheim CA 92804 122 W Broadway • Anaheim. CA 92804 714-535-"1181 AlO SIMday, Jaoo«y 18, 2003 TOWN Continued from A9 Coast Highway, No. 110, Newport Btec:ti. For more Information, call (949) 66()., 860. FU>AY UC lrwlne wilt host fte 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr. symposium, "Preyer, Protest, and ...Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Toc:t.y," from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The symposium'• keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virginia. The symposium will be held In the Humanities lnstructlonal Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free. For more information, call (949) 824-7215. OCC'a Armchair Adventuru Series hosts "Inside Switzerland" presented by Clint Denn, an actor, writer, photographer and filmmaker. The film will begin at 7 p.m . in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater. Ad{Tiisalon Is $8 In advance and $10'at the door. Senior citizens are eligible for a $1 advance discount. For more information, call (714) 432-6880. JAN.25 A Mmlnar on long-term care planning, Including legal, estate and Medi-Cal Issues, will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Orange Coast Unitarian Church In Costa Mesa. The aeminar is sponsored by the Alzheimer's A.en. of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The churdl I• at 1269 Victoria St Foi more Information, call (714) 578-8670. The Upper N.wpott Bey Mght Hike guides families on an educational trip through the nature preserve from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Fee is $3 per person, children under five are free. For reservations and meeting place, call (949) 923-2295. JAN.27 A Great Dedslons dllc:uulon of •Multllateraliam vs. Unilateralism" Is the first of an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussions will be led by Bob'Green from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Pfesbyterian Church at 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beac:h. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. The Lung Caneer Support Group is sponsoring a class, •Radiation Therapy for lung Cancer; providing an overview of radiation therapy for patients with lung cancer and offering suggestions for coping with elde effects. The event la at 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference room A. Free. For more information, call (949) 7-CANCER. "Memories in the Making: Art Program Training for Professionals Working with Dementia Patlenta" is sponsored by the Alzheimer'• Assn. It will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at Assured Horizons, 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite B160, Coste Mesa. ... . ... For Information end reservatlon1, call (714) 283-1984, ext 242. JAN.28 Al ... ~ to a reoeptJon for artist Jane Hill, whose exhibition "Local Scenes:' whld\ depict• Newpo11 Beach watery vista• •lld famlllar ecenes, la on displaythrough Feb. 28. The r8ceptlon is from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (9491 717-3801. JAN.29 Patio Caf6 In Costa Mesa. The caf6 fa at 226 E. 17th St. Free. For more Information, call (949) 631-4741. ONGOING TNN "8 lnvtt.d to drop by the'Cffy of Costa Meta Recreation Center from 2 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and ectivitin. The Center la at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7660. ,I Beach who have lived In the area fewer than flve yea re. For more lnformetlon, call (949) 646-9922, or visit nrNCOm•rs-n.wportbeac:h.org. 1"19ffalth eouplee wfth one Jewish partner are Invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County offlce. The group Is geared toward dealing with The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Park and Community Center In Costa M81'-Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay-at-home m oms. The center is at 1976 Balearic Drive. For more Information, call (714) 964-5934. Th• A.an. of Bum ... Servle• host networking m~lng that deal w ith education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m . on t.tle second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (9491,805--0011. r·, issues between Interfaith couples. such as raising ehlldren, observing holiday1, symbols In the home and relation1hips with extended famill8$. The cost for three sessions ls $45 per couple. Preregistration Is required. Call to scttedule date and time. The office Is at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Mother's Merbt It Kitchen wlll host a seminar on digestion and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at the Patio Cat6 In Costa Mesa. The caf6 l1 at 226.E. 17th St. Free. For more Information, call (949) 631-4741. Preschool Time, "What Animate Live Here?" ls story-time and hands-on fun for parent and child at the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. Coat is $3 per child, appropriate for children ages 3 and 4. Will be held at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. For reservations. call (949) 923-2295. JAN.30 Mother'• Market It Kitchen wlll host a workshop and book signing with Author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Th• N.wport S..ch Public Ubrarywlll host an hourof stories and crafts for children In klndergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mer branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717-3800. n... toure of the Orange County Performing Arts Center led take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, backstage and on stage. Every Wednesday and Saturday dt 10:30 a.m. at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more Information, call (7141 656-~RTS, ext.833. The Newport a..c:h Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wedneaday of every month. The organization Is open to all female residents in Newport fi-hUAf:J C~APAhC~ S'alt t5-50 % Off~tatf DINING ROOM • LIVING ROOM • BEDS LAMPS • FABRICS • FLORAlS • ACCESSORIES , Women 60 and older can Join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address l&aues sueh as an>elety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (7141445-4950. Frfend1 of the Newport e .. ch Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenl1h the dwindling stodc. Books may be left at any of 1he three branch libraries - Balboa, Marinere, or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperback donations, with the e><ception of ,magazines and law books, will be acoepted and are ta>< deductible. (9491 769-9667. The Braille Institute on.rs frN computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six . sessions. Call to sign up for claHes. (7141821-6000. Daily Plot A.........,_. ... tn..e.at 7:16 p.m. Wedneedeya at 3400 lrvlne Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve e eeat (949) 263-1.-e2. The ecm. Meea Chamber Of Commerce hoata networking luneheon meetings Wednesday• from 11 :46 a.m. to 1 p.m . at the Costa M6U Country C1ub. The oost is $13. The club la at 1701 Golf Cours• Drive, Costa Meta. (714) 885-9090. A breln tumor eupport group meet• the first and third Thursday.a of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hotpltal, 1 Hoag Drive, NttWPOrt ~· Free. Registration not required. The group re designed to help patient• and their families understand and cope with the illne&a. (949) 674-6232. St. Andrew'a Preebyterian Church host• a mental illneu eupport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Sundays In Olerenfleld Hall C at 600 St. Andr8W9 Road, Newport ~eac:h. (949) 674-2236. The Jewtah f'ilmlty 8ervte. of Orange County sponsors a dlscuHlon group for adult c:hlldren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at tne Jewish Family Service office 8t 260 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. S10 per peraon, per se11lon. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. The Jewish f'ilmlty S...W. of Orange County ha1 • weekly parenting support group. Parents learn atrateglea for succeuful parenting and for dealing with the feeling• and behavior of tMlr ehlldren. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondaya at the Jewish Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, an>elety and peer prenure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa M ... Senior Cent9r has ballroom dancing with live mu1ic from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewilh f'ilmlty Serva of <>rang. County aponaora an ongoing healing support group for the ehronically Ill. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration Is required. (7141 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 360 meets from 8 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Book.a, Muaic & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. elf Ewing & Lyleen Ewing SHOW AND SELL Rcahors arc often asked "What is the best way to show and sell a home?" Almost every Realtor can tell you a story about meeting with a prospective seller who bas just completed a lot of work to prepare their home for the market. It can be difficult for a Realtor to tell the seller that their renovations were not the most effective changes to ~et their home. -The best advice is to consult with your Realtor before you make any changes, if you are considering making any improvements prior to selling your home. An experieoQed Realtor can provide you with infonnation that can help you decide what kind of improvements will set the stage for a sale. Whether it is paint and wallpaper, remodeling the bathrooms, or updating the kitcben, your Realtor can guide you toward "oeutnl" choices which can assist the buyer'• imagination. Ly1ceo and Jeff have 30 consecutive yean of teal estate experience in Newport Belch. For prora11ona1 •mce or 1drice with Ill yoar real mte .. call tlM ~ It Coast Ntwport.COWwtll ...... (949) 75'-m6. Tht &tnge,,,,. com Ne~t ~ 11T.-n'°'2001 .......... ·~---------..... -----., ., ,,,.._, _.. .. Dally Pilot SdtUfd<ly, JdnUat)' 18 2003 All• 00 A compleX, yet danceable duet M'lou Dietzer and Pennie Foster w ill p erform piano duets at Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church tonight. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot 1Wo pian1s~ '>II at a I 'llO'> midsize ~lemway and try to meld their individual \Ounds into one. I hey calculatt.• l'very movement of their finger' w11h surgical predf.ion while one of them orchc'>lrate~ the pedal'>, ,o as to not Mcp on the other's toes These are tht.• rnmplel(1Ue' 111 a piano duet, which M'lnu Diever. who frequently perform., a'> a '>olo1M and • lhamber mul>1c1an, anti Penr11t.• I O'>ter, who i'i au accompan1.,1 for the Saddlehac ~ Ma-.tt'r 01oraJe and an orga111.,t -p1an1'>t for a Laguna Bca1..h church, h.ive ma-.tcred lhe Janrce Duo ha'> twcn performing duel'> w11h onc another for two year'> and haH• developcd an expert approach th.ii allow., them to <iun c~fully n·vcal one \OICt' Al 5 p.m today m the Orange ( Oii!>l Unitanan Un1ver<,ah'>I Churt.h 111 C O!>ta Mc!><l, they will perform a program of dance music for a piano duet. ··togisticalJy. we're often playing the very same pan of 1he piano," Diet;oer said. "We have to work out methods of playing the high and playrng the low because, when you play duct rnu<.1c, you do want 11 to '><>und like one per'>on playmg the in~1rument . 11\ a very difficult thing." I he performance i'> part of the church's V1ctona Cliamb<.'r Series, which began five ye<tr ... .igo to raise money to rebuild It'> S1cinway, and ha~ been continued becaul>e of 11'> 111111al ... utce., .... lhe piano duct FYI WH~T: Dance music piano duets WHEN: Today 5 p.m WHERE: OranQe Coast Unitarian Universalist Church Concert 1259 Victoria St. INFO: Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for students Free parking will be available (949) 651-8493 pcrformd:flce, which I'> one 111 a .,ene'> of !>i.x, wtJI mdude nHJ'>IC by Jjv1. Ravel and David Hurgc, the la')l of whom will be m <11tendance. "Im looking forward 111 heahng them perform and to See DUET, Paee Al6 PHOTOS BY DON LEAO• AJL 1 P 0: Michelle Bhattanayoo, Angela Suchey and Hayley Miller, left to right, enJOY a few •zmes· on a retro vinyl couch m the lounge of Orange County Museum of Art's South Coast Plaza location. Z1nes. short for fanzines, are pubhcat1ons by a person or small group usually about art, pohbcs or music. An exhibit to be. zine· The Orange County Museum of Art takes a look at the underground art of fanzines. Suzie Harrison Da1lyPllot I f yOu're in the <ieene, then you're down wtth the tJne, the hip underground world of pubU'ihing. With the new exhibit at the Orange County Museum of Art South Coast Plaza gallery. the realm of zines Is brought to life for those not so in the know, through ·nne Scene.· Though It hasn't made its way into Webster's yet. a zine is typicaDy defined as a modest publication by an individual or group. according to curator lrene Hofmann. Artists often l1'e zines to share their thoughts, work-and Ideas. "7Jnes are used to wodt out ideas. new ideas," Hofmann said "It's a stmnle way of doing that It's hbernting,-cheaP, and easy.• A zine can be as simple as a couple TODAY r;vt WHAT: ·zine Scene· WHERE: Orange County Museum of Art's South Coast Plaza Gallery at 3333 Bristol Street in Costa Mesa. INFO: The exhibit runs through April 23. (949) 759-1122. ext. 21 1. photocopied pages of something someone somewhere finds interesting. Its binding can be as creaci\'e as its inside, with pins, staples. rope, string or ribbon used The list of possible materials of the actual fine is endless. and so is the actual product. It can be ~pa.per, take the fonn of a Dip book, or even be a shrin.lcy-dink-like ver;ion of a OOYel "The term zine itself is a shortened version of far\2"Jne. which refers to A selection of modest •zines~ hang from a lne at the Orange County Museum s,e ZIHE, Paa• AH of Art South Coast Plaza locabon. The exhibit continues through April 23. FANTASTIC FIVE Pianists M'lou 01etzer and Pennie Foster will perform a duet show consisting of dance music THEATER From Ionesco to Sharkey in the spring The s pring theater schedule at OCC includes a famous name and a local name. By Tom Titus I hl' late ldll 'lharkt-\ "ho callcd 1:1 loco home. would haw· appn:ciatl·d hi'> po'>IUOO on Orange ( o.i_'>t College' '>pnng Lheatt·r 'l ht'dUlt• ~haring 1he : samt' lineup "-1Ul two pla~ by : f.ugene lone.,co Jnd a powerful • ne" dram.1 about a real hfe hate: cnme Sharlt•)'.., off tht·-wall opuc; - "<iherlocl I tolme'> and the Giant Rat of Suma1ra "ill arrne \1ay Mor a '"o weekend run m. <XC., Drama Lah Theater The prolific Sh.trl:e}. who wrote dozen .. or pla}"> under hl' own name dfld <,('Veral pseudonyms. JU!.1 rnntnbuted the mu'i1c and lrmi. for "(i1ant R.it. th playwnght I 1m.t-ell) <,Upplymg the hook.. fhe ab,urd1st playv.-nght 1s up : to hat fir.I a~ CX <"'> Repenory r ht•ater ( ornparl\ pre'>t'lll'> "An hen mg of lone<,c. o" Feb IS to I b and 22 to 23 in the Stud10 Tlwatt.'T. The play'> will be directed by ()C( '>tudenl'> An cven !>horter run I'> r,cheduJed for "C)olo Voices • a fesuval of monologues and one person play<;. aJso m the Studio Theater under the Rep Company\ auspice!>. These will also be ctirected by c;tudents .. "The Laranue Proi,ect. -a • fact-based d~ by-Moises i Kaufman, I scheduled March f 19 to 23 m the Drama Lab under the direction of John Fer7..acca.. nus play 1elJs the story of a 2 I year-old UmversHy of Wyoming c;rudent Mathew Shephard, who was kidnapped ~ and beaten to death in 1998 been~ he was gay Each pri.ng. OC..C drama department chooses a Tull length play selected by an advanced directing student for production Previous entries in .,,, th.is category ~-e been David ~ • .. See THEAlO, P1119 A · WEDNESDAY .. • •• v I f l Al2 Saturday, January 18, 2003 DATEBOOK Dally Piiot THE CROWD . . . J ·supporting the Art of Dining ENGAGEMENTS H arl>or Island's glamor.ous Debbie Simon wiU host the An of Dining XVI committee kick ·off tea on Jan. 21 at her landmarlc neoclassic French limestone mansion fronting NeWport Harbor. The aftemoon reception will bring in the -major supporters of the Orange County Muo;eum of Art, who are planning what is one of the most prestigious social occasions of the year on the California Riviera. 1n its 16-year history, Art of B.W. COOK Dining has raised millions for the museum and has gained a national reputation as a ~iree with purpose. The leading ladies and gentlemen in the community have fronted the affair, attracting luminaries In the art world. the business community and political and entertainment circles to the annual party. The food, d~cor, ambience and the entertairunent is always original and first class. 111e SW'Prises for Art of Dining XVI will no doubt be unveiled at Simon's AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list is available at 1 www.dailypilot.com. ' SPECIAL ALbAMERICAN BOYS CHORUS The All-American Boys Chorus will be conducting individual audilions for boys ages 8 to 10 throughout January. There will be a second audition held in September. The audition, scheduled to last about 30 minutes. will focus on an ear test in which staff members strike various notes on Riano and ask the boys to sing them iSack. (714) 708-1670. HUBERT ENSEMBLE OF LONDON Ille Philharmonic Society and the una Chamber Music Society will tea next week. Th support Art of Dining, call Lau:rte McG.hey at the Orange County ~usewn of Art. (949) 759-1122. BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS 1bn Strader Jr. has been named president of the Orange County chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Serving as a member of the board of directors since 1995, Strader has been instnqnental In ~Big Brothers/Big Sisters fuild-raising through work as executive committee vice president for a number of golf toum301ent fund-raisers. • "Tun has in<..-reased our golf matches from 185 In 1995 to over 700 this year,• said Pat WLlllams, Big . Brothe,rs/Big Sisters executive directot "He has also reauited very valuable board members to the organimtion. • Strader, the son of prominent local philanthropists Susan and 1bn Strader Sr., is a commercial real estaie executive and Newport Beach resident who believes "There are so , many children out there who are lacking the support of a caring adult and every child deserves a positive role model." Strader is married to Cam1De and is the father of two boys. Timothy m present the Shubert Ensemble at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The society has established an international reputation as Britain's leading exponent of chamber music for piano and strings. Tickets are $29, $25, $23. The Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. (949) 854-4640. SILVERcrTlES Silvercities. formerly known as Silversmith, with bring their suhry sounds of country tinged swaggering to Detroit Bar on Jan. 23 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $5. 843 W. 19th St(949) 642--0600. SPEaAL CLASSICS: RHAPSODY IN ~UE ' The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will present its annual American Composers Festlval at 7 p.m . Tuesday, Jan. 28. It features Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blues, hot jau and blues and new wortca by celebrated American composers Bernstein, William Bolcom, Derek Bermel and more. Tickets are $45 and $36. Irvine Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. (949) 854-4640. Join JLl's UPCOMING COURSE ON KAB.BALAH & JEWISH MYSTIOSM Tim Strader Jr .• president of Big Brothers/Big'Sisters, O.C. chapter. and.Andrew. PLANNED PARENTHOOD Friends For -Planned Parenthood will join forces Jan. 22 for a winter luncheon commemorating the 30th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. The Pacific Oub in Newport Beach will host the luncheon reception, called "Don't Let History Repeat Itself.~ Jon Dwm, president and CEO of SONGS OF INNOCE.NCE AND EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Carl St. Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Prize-winning William Bolcom. "Songs of Innocence and of Experience.# The show will take place Feb. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m . at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets range from $19 to $59. (714) 556-2122. ClAUDIA ACUNA Cludia Acuna with special guest Billy Childs will perform at Founders Hall on Fep. 7 and 8 at 7:SO and 9:30 p.m. Tic:Jcets range from $40 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556 2122. ANNE MURRAY Four-time Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will perfonn at Segerstrom Hall on Feb. 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. Tickets range froni $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. WESLA WHITFIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at the Eight 90 rrunute,lessons Begins Jan 23, at the Hyatt Newporter Fresh chicken broth, chunks of chicken breast, rice gami..~hed with To sign on, call (949) 721 9800 www.jlkenbaLcom avocado, cilantro and lime. Costa Mesa 642-1142 Corona del Mar 644-TACO Planned Parenthood, will discuss the challenges facing citizens concerning reproductive rights in America today. The featured $pee.ker will be 1my Altwelu on the subject of parents eommunlcating with children about sexual Issues. Friends for Planned Parenthood is led by a sceering committee that includes locals Jlldde Ba.Oard. Pat CmJloann I.anon. Phyllls Wallace and Sendra Wright For more information. please call I.Aura Loustaunau at (714) 633-6373. LOS AYUDANTES GOLF TOURNEY Los Ayudantes, in association with City 60, an auxiliary of the Children's Museum of Or;inge County celebrated their 30th annual gourmet dinner raising $40,000 for the o~tjoR:­ l.os Ayudantes is a group M men and women who have championed a number of charities and a variety of causes over three decades in Orange County. At the event were Newport-Mesa citizens Alex Parker, Oty 60 vice president, Bob Crbdano, Los Ayudantes president, and DlaM Tomei. <;:Jty 60 president •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. · Founders Hall from Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, perlorms at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756--01 21. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's little Italy pays tnbute to the Rat Padc every Monday with entertainer Chris Wiiiiams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beactt. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to fO p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. See HOURS, P•a• All Ted fmley and Cindi Cowan Cowan-Finley Joanne Cowan of Huntington Beach announces the engagement of her daughter, Cindi Cowan of Costa Mesa, to Ted Flnley of Tacoma. Wash. . .'f¥ bride-elect graduated from Hundn~n Beach High School and Cal ~t6'Fullerton. The fl.ture bridem6orn. son of Pat and Lemuel FlnJey of Sequim, Wash., graduated from Huntington Beach High and Golden West ~ College. A March 29 wedding in the garden of the bri'1e's home Is planned. Simmons-Hoppe Jean and Michael Simmons of Laguna Hills announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn LaW'8 Simmons or Newport Beach, to Brooks Arthur Hoppe of Newport Beach. The bride-elect graduated from E.l Toro High School and UCLA. The future Kathryn Simmons and Brooks Hoppe bridegroom. son of Carol and Richard Hoppe of Corona del Mar;, graduated from Corona ~el Mar High School and USC. A March 22 ~ding ls planned at ll}e Mountain of Olives Lutheran Cllurch in Mlasion Viejo and The Ritt Carlton in Laguna Niguel. •Wedding• and engagementa run Seturdavs. For a form. plea .. call C~rittine C.n"lllO at (949) 574-4298. The Pegasus School l!f1'\ A National Blue Ribbon ~ ~ School of Excellence ~ Newport Beach 675-6855 You Are Invited to Join Us for . Middle School lnformation Night Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:00 p.m. Kindergarten Information Night Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:00 p.m. Accepting Applications for Preschool-8th grade for 2003-2004 Campus tours are no~ being scheduled. Please call to reserve your personal tour time. For J2 Ye.~ Family O.vned. F. nnily Op,-r. dcd £.unity I• l\ nl The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington u.me, Huntington Beach. CA 92646 (714) 964-1224 • FAX (714) 962-6047 www.pegasus-scflool.net •Ci'~~.· ... : •. :.:··' ~~·'-'i"' rt EJ,··,·. • .. :,. • r ' '.·. • Hi; n I:·~ c.' : . : ,: r ~ • I ,: ~ .· : '. · • '. • · ,.·, H.J. Garrett Furniture Design n.tulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of ProvUiing Sm1ict and Value j~ ,, ~~ alulma 2215 Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Mesa (949) 646.0275 9J.xn Mon. diru Sat. 10 to 6, Su.n. 12 lo 5 . . . "qw lllJllilabk Quality Service Value ---" ., DATE BOOK SatiKddy, January 18 2003 AU HOURS Conpnued from Al 2 WEEKLY JAM. The Studio Cate present& MonditY Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . evtlry week. #Wanted" musicians ind~de guitar players, baa players, stngers. drummers keyboardists and others at 100 ' Main St, Newport Beach. ffee. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper end Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic r~B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12 30 a m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach. Free. 1949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant • In Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings an3Su day afternoons. The program f tures jazz and classic rock t r dining and dancing. Anthony's 1s at 151 E. Coast Highway (949) 673-342~ POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del M ar Solo gu1tanst Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7·30 pm Tuesdays and Sundays Free (9491675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays et Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Nevyport Beach. Free. (949) 47&-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar. $4. (949) 644-3244. STAGE 'PROOF' "Proof," the Tony Award-winning play by David Aubum, will play at Segerstrom Stage, Souttl Coast Repertory, 660 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb. 9. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $64. (714) 708-5555. THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO _ Opera Pacific will present Mozart's delightful and charming comedy under the direction conductor of Jane Glover. The cast includes Jan Grissom, Shawn Mathey and Kurt Link. Performances will be on Tuesday and Thursday through Sunday, Jan. 26. a\ the Performing Arts Center, Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Dnve Tickets are $20 to $125 with performances at 7:30 nightly, except for the Sunday showing at 2 p.m (714) 556-ARTS 'UTTlE SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department will offer #Lmle Shop of Horrors~ from Feb. 7 though 9. The play, directed by Jay Louden, will be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Feb 7 and 8. and matinees will be offered at 2 p m. on Feb. 8 and 9. Tickets are S~. 3443 Pac1f1c View Drive, (949) 219-0900. 'FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' "Forbidden Broadway,H a satirical delight that serves up 31 witty and ruthless parodies of Broadway shows in 97 minutes. will be staged at Orange Coast College on Feb. 9 at 4 p m .. 2701 Fairview Road. T1dcets are $29 advance and $35 at the door (714) 432-5725 ART 'ZINE SCENE' #Zine Scene; an exh1b11 of z1nes ORGANIC ART PLANTS & DESIGN Come See Our New Selection For 2003! The Vmes You'tAe Been Waiting For Are Here Perennials At Their Best Free Garden Design ConsulUition Distributor for Dave Fross 'Natit-ie Sons Plants' and Gary Hammer 'Desert to Jungle Plants' 269 N. <.,;la.ou!I. 0..0.,.... CA 9UW\ • -< < Opn.. Oail 9.5 , .. 7 J ... ~w.6222 ~·.~.com I can't believe ..... . It's My Hotne Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FI...OWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and disco~r the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer @JI~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP.I Lice~ No 308553 . SANTA ANA • 2800 N. Tumn Ave (7i4) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Brutol Ave. 714) 754-6661 TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer STARS OF MAGIC organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellne Gallery. South Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa Zmes are publica11ons -like magazines created by individuals or small groups Museum hours are 10 a m. to 9 p•m Monday through Friday, 10 ii m to 7 p.m Saturday and 11 a m to 6:30 p m Sunday Free (949) 759-1122 JANE HILL ., 'Lo"81 S"""· •rt by J•ne ~~ The spectacular Stars of Magic comedy, vanety and magic show will make its 13th annual v1s1t to Oraryge Coast College tonight The showw1ll feature top international mag1c1ans Greg and Lyuda Wilson. Dale Salwak. Jason Byrne and Rich Bloch. The show w1U begin at 8 pm mOCC's Robert B Moore Theatre,2701 F a1rv1ew Road Tickets for adults are $33. for children 12 and younger, $16 Information- ( 714) 432 5880 will be on display at the Newpo11 Beach Public Library through Feb 28. A reception for the artist w1I be held fro'l' 5:30 to 7 30 p.m on Jan 28 The hbrary 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave Newport Beacti Fr&e (949) 717·3801 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' A two artist exh1b1t featuring the works of Mictiael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant 900 Bayside Drive. Newport Beach through Mardi 1 94~1 851 918, wwwstud1ogallerynet ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE fou Hom' Fumishmg1 AntU,~s <f Co/J.,mbln Truuronal 10 Com'X' G1fa o1nJ Gardm Dtror \r"iJh I ut 11 rul [k/,,.,ry. Gartkn Cilj~ Garrlm /'a1111 Dmmi Jerttt'lf Brralifau, lunrh. /eo1 .inJ '"' Esprruo Bar C.AFE HOUR\ \.fon-Sun 9am-'lpm (andks 10 Chandtltm, Uud & Rlirr Books. Cusrom P1rtl4,., Frammg, Funuturt Rtttorallo11 , and murh morr ' ROWHOl'RS: Tur-!>at 10am-5pm 130 EAST l T" ST.• COSTA MESA Ar Vnoport 6 &rt i-Strm (949) 722-1177 ~~,~~~ MIKE'$ ~~~CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • l\io~ Ov .. ned & Operated b\. 'V\esa l.J pholstery • L aminate .Flo oring Featuring ALLOC No Clue /n<;tal/1at1on Wood Flooring Refinishing & New Texture-Plush Carpet \y..L"'~$2g§ a qft Installed Berber Carpet '"\1--0~ s 1 · es Jn .. talled sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates STUDYING IOENTTTY #10/entrty Portraits in the 21st Century" will run through Sunday, Jan 26, at UC Irvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. A reoept1on for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m I he Beall Center 1s apen from noon to 6 p.m. Tue5day through Sund11Y and until 8 p.m. on Thursday Free (949) 824-6206 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spmtus Gallery will present an exh1b1t of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled #°D'rough the Green Fuse# through Jan 31 at 3929 Birch St .. Newport Beach (949) 474-4321 BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on d1splay'(hrough Feb 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Dnve. Newport Beach The works will be shown concurrently with ·The Spmt of Mexico.· an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographers including Henn Cart1er-Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a m to 5 p m Tuesday through Sunday S5 for adults S4 for seniors and students. and free for members and children younger thar 16 949 759-1122 MARJETICA PORTC . An ll1Stallat1on by Slovenian artist Maqet1ca .Porte will be on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive Newport Beach Pones work deals with issues of shelter poverty and displacement Museum hours are 11 a.m to 5 pm Tuesdav through Sundav $5 for adults S4 for seniors and students and free for members and cti1ldren younger them 16 949 759-1122 DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of Americas most celebrated dance companie~. the Alvin A1lev Dance Theater will perform at Segerstrom Hall from Feb 11 through Feb 16 Performances will take place 111 8 p.m each da't' and special matinee showings will take place at 2 p.m on Feb 15 See HOURS. Pa&e Al S Ceramic ~\l-0~.A s 1 so • ft Vinyl Flooring 'fy..O~ •1 U a qft CALL NOW 642 -8400 'S1Jte44 ~ESIGN CENTER ~~For All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOUTERY •Custom-Made Furn iture •Slip Covers • Patio ~umiture Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads - VERY FAMOUS B --3119 ,..... ......................... , ... . PSC. SECTIONAL I SPECIAL PURCHASE I NOT THIS IS A STEAL! ~ COME & SEE OUR LARGE SELECTIO NS ~INING ROOM SETS, BEDROOMS SETS, LAMPS, DINETTES, BOMBAY CHEST, E D TABLES, COFFEE TABLES1 CURIO C Bl ETS, TREES, ENTERTAINMENT CENTE S, BARSTOO S, PAINTINGS, MIRRORS, . ' BUTCHE BLOCKS, LIFE-SIZE INDIANS & COWBOYS, BUN BEDS,· MATTRESS SETS, GRANDFATHER CLOCKS. l- HURRYIHURRYI la _.,;;;,.,_""-',_,,,..,'"""-"'._~~ -~-~~~~~.,; LARGE SEJ.ECTIONS OF GIA.IRS TO CH00sE FROM. 10008 OF DECORATOR ITEMS. ' ' -966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN .VALLEY SALE HOURS: (714) 848ii 1994 .. Mon.-Frj. 1 OAM-7PM Saturday 1 OAM·6PM Sunday 12PM·5PM ( Payment can be made by Cash, Check, Visa or ·Mastercard. Delivery may be arranged. f Behind Chevron Gas Station Corner Of Magnolia & Warner , ' Continued from ~13 t1'd 18. Tic:bta range from $20 to $86. 800 Town Center Drive. (714) 566-2122. SOCIAL DANCING $odatdencing taket place the fourth Sunday of each month from 4 to 6:30 p.m. et the Jimmie Defore Dence Center, 161 Kalmu1 Otlve, Ste. era. Costa Mesa. The dances ralae funds for the center'• bUlldlng program. Donations tooepted. (714) 241-9908. SENIOR BALLROOM Ballroom d1nclng to the music of th• Costa Mua Mu1ic Maker1 l1 offered from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays et Costa Mesa Senior Center, 895 w. 19th St. S4. (949) 648-3884. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month a1 Oantcene Studio. 2980 McC1intoc* way, eo.ta Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS 1MAGINATION·IN·MOTION' Mime, modern dance. comedy and vaudeville will combine S1turday, when the Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Me18, presents •1maginatlon-in-Motlon· as part of lta Founders Family Fun aeries. A performance will be at 1 p.m . Saturday. $9. (71 4) 656-2787. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are Invited to participate In' songs end finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library. 1855 Park Ave. (949) 846-8846. PJS AND BOOKS A children'• story time is presented at 7 p.m Mondays and at 10:30 a.m . Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pa1amas to the evening sassions Free. (949) 717-3801 WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children'• story time is held at 10:45 a.m. 'Nednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (7141444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5·15 pm. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. S10·S15. (9491642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach $8-$15 (949) 642-3431. RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center lruuranc• Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 IOSIY'S AUIOIOOY m 121 Industrial Way • ... Costa Mesa ; FREE Large C.ookie With auy ~of a loaf ofbread Lunn l per ~mer CP.-01/31103 M.di coupc>n only 427 E. 17"' St eo.m MESA, 926'1:7 (&.-T.d. lc lrriiH Aw.) (949) 646-1440 ~Pri 7.00AM,fiPM •Sat 7.00AM,SPM 0-4 Quality Furnishings &Accessories For Your Home Country French End Table (B lack) .............. $150- Burgundy Plaid Sofa ...................................... $175• Large Coffee: Table ......................................... $185• Iron Bakers Rac/'······ ..................................... $1SS- Children's Desk w/Hutcb .............................. $225• Custom Pine Armolre .................................... $9C)()I' Luse Table w/4 Chairs (Black) .................... $850" White Down-Filled Sora & Chair .............. $1315• I ConsipMlllll acc1ptcd by appoinan1nt only d.lw•IMl•ltal 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, l..QCllled belliod P!wn •• Patio Phone (949) 764-1746 \ DATEBO O K DANCE TROUPE TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as c:hid<en parmigiana and calaman picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach.: (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring One of America's most celebrated and successful dance companies, Alvin Ailey, has greatly enriched America's dance heritage and, rn · the process, had a major eff e<:t on how audiences view dance. The show, the dance company's Orange County Perf ormmg Arts Center debut, will run Feb. 11 to )6 m Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $20 to $65. Information: (800) 724-0353. international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast 0fa\iorites 1s held from 10:30 a.m . to 2 p.m at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArtl)ur Blvd , Newport Beach. S30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001 CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8.30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St., Newport Beach (949) 675-0233. . ~rnrkA11r 15.r/'ell;./lee ,};, .YC,,,nuviy- 71/d ~NUI? ~fit'·) Full Time • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Affiliated Ages 2 to 8 llzick llzty Montessori 398 Universicy Dr. • Cosu Mesa (949) 548-3 771 ATRIUM MARQUIS A v1r1ety of live music 11 preeented dally at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd , Irvine (949) 833 2770. BISTR0201 Jaµ la played at 8 p m Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631 -1651. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rod< is presented after 9 p m Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace 1773 Newport Blvd , Costa Mesa (949) 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Ltve music is performed at 9 p m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave Costa Mesa (714) 957-1951 FOUR SEASONS H'OTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, NewpCJrt Beach (949) 759-0808 HARD ROCK CAFE Live music 1s performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach. 1949) 640-8844 THE HARP INN ~ve music is performPd Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn. 130 E 17th St Costa Mesa (949) 646-8855 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music 1s performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach (949) 261 -6270 Saturdat. January 18, 2003 Al5 ' UDO CIGAR ROOM En1oy a smoke wrth your drrnk It Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite 0, Newport Beach (949) 723 0595 MARGARrTAVIUE Live music is performed at Margaritaville. 2332 W Coast Highway Newport Beach (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Morocean cuisine and belly dancing 1s offered at 5 p.m daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newpon Blvd , Costa Mesa 949) 645-8384 ' MARRIOTT HOTEL Live mustc 1s performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Bead1. 1949) 640-4000 MULOOON'S Muldoon s 1s an Irish pub.at 202 Newport Center Drive. Fashion Island, Newport Beach (949) 640·4110 OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Loc:a pop and light rock acts i:.ierform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landings Oyster Bar Loung~ i:lt the Balboa Ferry Landing 503 E Edgewater Ave 1949 675 2373 TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its 1wo·p1ece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 pm at 3100 Irvine Ave . Newport Beach 1949 756 01"21 TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night 1s held from 8.30 to 10.30 p m Thursdays at Totally Coffee 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East. Costa Mesa (7141 435-9367 MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES . I I .. All Sat\Wday, .Jaooary 18, 2003 DATE BOOK THEATER Continued from Al 1 dilierent student-directed short plays, ranging from the classics to student-written original pleces. Theatergoers Mamet's "Oleanna· and the ... can gamer more lnfonnatlon fantasy drama "References to about the colleee's spring Salvador Dall Mate Me Hot.... theater season by calling (714) This year's entry in this 432-564-0. category, as yet unannounced, Dt\NCB COliCER"t.. will be staged April 19 to 20 Costa Mesa's Vanguard and 26·to 27 in the StudJo UnJversity will present a ·Theater. dance concert next weekend After aU this serious titled "Six Measures," based business, director Alex Golson on the biblical Book of Ruth. will take on "Sherlock Holmes The college's 2003 dance and the Giant Rat of concert, an original work Sumatra.• The musical satire developed by alumni directors includes all of A. Conan Lehua Coley and Mandie Doyle's famous cbarac1ers -Carroll, will be staged by four Holmes, 0(. Watson. Vanguard student lnspector Lestrade.. Professor choreographers. "Six Moriarty and Mrs. Hudson -Measures," set ln the 1920s, and adds a few other traces the story of four notables, ~uch as Queen women who leave the comfort Victoria and Jack the Ripper, and security of their small to the mix. town to move to the big city. "Sherlock" will be "Six Measures" -which performed May 8 to IJ and 15 includes big band music and to 18 In the Orama Lab. It's a period costumes-will be pity that Sharkey couJdn't s1aged Thursday and Friday at have lived to see his epic 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 and 8 mystery-musical-comedy in the university's Lyceum produced. He was known for Thealer. Tickets, are $8 and anending local productions of SS, and may be reserved by his plays. calling the box office at (714) Oosing out the spring 668-6145. schedule will be OCCs annual one-act festival. These plays will be presenled May 21 to 25 in the ~tud.io Theater and include more than a dozen •TOM TTTUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. DUET Continued from Al 1 see what kind of an audJence there Is," he said. "It wW be a lot of fun. A composer naturally feels (the audJence reacdonl rather kee~ and one hopes that the performers will be projecting something of the idea that you had in mind and that the people are finding what they are hearing Lo be interesting." With that challenge before them, the two polished performers are excited about the program's debut · Dietzer, whose interest in music started with her· . mother, has been playing the piano by ear since she can remember and bas since turned that muskal inclination into a skill that she teaches to others. "'I always knew that I wanted to be a pianist," said Dietzer, who is a professor at Cal State Fullerton. "My mother was a pianist, and I wouJd go to the piano when I was tiny and cry to play. It's been my life's work." Foster, like Dietz.er, developed an ear for music because of her parents' passion for it and has also moved into the field of music education. Orange Coast College offers you ... Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer and career options. We1l get you to a university-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you. for an exclti.ng rareer-Our career programs are...second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure. Tuition for California residents is just.Sll per unit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 orangecoastcol lege. com "Being a teacher, Cor me, ls the same energy as b«!lng a studeot, • said Foster, who teaches at Saddleback College. "J don't think we'll ever stop learning. and that ls the very joy· filled part of this. That is part ofwhat'a creating the fun, because ... we're open to that excitement of learning." Just as Otetzer and Foster have managed 10 benefit as a performer from the relationship of their , additional role as teacher, Burge has also benefited from his additional role as composer. "J have always felt. and that feeling has onJy increased • over the decades, that learning something about composing, learning what the composers of your own time are doing, gives a great deal of insight ln to how to perform," Burge said. "Being able to play and bring out other people's music, whether lt be Beethoven or Bernstein, helps very much in the creative process." Tickets for the concert are $12 for aduJts and $7 for students. Free parlcing will be available directly adjacent ro the church. which is al 1259 Victoria St. For more information, caU (949) 651 -8493. ~ OUIGE COAST COLLEGE e 714-41Mm FULL SERVICE ONE STOP SIOP ~ lifetime ~ Warranty ~ Carpet $}99 Gus Brenda Counter Topt • Showten • C.ra11tlo • Gra11it1 • Woo4 Wa• Refhtlth • Cl .. 111"9 Carpet & Upholstery• Pah1tl19-l..tfritr & Exterior o a esa rvne _. (949)650-7876 (9'8)818 0141 124 1. 17th 17"7 Main ·r ZINE Continued from Al 1 pamphlets otiginadng from the fan dub scene," Hofmann said. Hofmann spoke of Its hlstory- tbat zines are part of the lineage of underground publishing and the alte(llate p~ mowment. Zines are by definition anli·estabJishment and noocommerdal.. llnes are made by zinesters or zine-makers. 'Ibey can be highbrow or · lowbrow After al.I. there are no rules to this often subversive phenomena. "A lot are totally in'everent. but It's kind of fun." Hofmann said"· Some acrually have another thing 8oing on. more feeling, unique." One piece on exhibit.had the cover of a steamy romance noveJ attached to a pa.Ir of jeans with expressive worm written all over the denim canvas. Another was a spoof of Spiegel catalogs. Then there were editions eight and nine of "Stupor. H "So many are so personal, they start to read Uke dlaries. It starts ta become that.· Hofmann said. "For lhe Love of Beef," for lhe American-made man. has a picture of a cowboy and accompanying verbiage - paclced like ground round with clear shrink-wrap and StyrOfoam tray. The onJy thing missing was the blood, though the paper used was red. I landwritten lext is the content of some. Other.. use art. pictures. IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Mo t of Every Moment ! DatlyPdot i drawings -anything. The context and the text can vary by techniqµe and design. "Zl.ne Scene" has transformed the gallery into an interact.ive :dne reading room wilh 71nes from around the country populating reading si)aces. "'Oearly people are having a lot of fun with lhls fonnat," Hofmann said. For the exhibit. there are retro vlnyt couches -perfect for reading a :rine. The gallery is also going to ha~e a :rine-making wortcshop. "It will be geared toward high school age,· Hofmann ~d. "We will have a photo copier. People can make p~oto copies in the spirit of it" Hofmann said tha1 th~ majonty of the zines included in this exhibition are submissions from students and alumni of the Cranbrook Academy of An, where "7.lne Scene" originated last year.• New submis.sions will make lheir way into the exhibit, as a steady Oow of new worics wiD be added. including new submi$lons from 1Jne rnak.el"'i on the West Coas1. fhe next generauon of the zine is the e-zine. which functions ~a Web site iru.tead of a paper pamphlet I lofmann srud. "Tme Scene· will be al Orangt.' County Musewn of An's South Coast Pl<va Gallery at 3333 Bri.'>IOI St., Costa Mesa. The exhibition runs through April 23. For mfonnarion, call (949) 759· 1122. exL 211. VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (714) 544-4800 • tustinlexus.com ..... £&~ Mattress Outlet Store ' 3165 Harbor Bltd. Costa Mesa COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Samt Ownn Si net I 965 38 Yt-an In Cotta Mtta Tll ClllUHTlll llDP Ill:. ~=im~ 294 5 Randolph Ave CBm1ol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbpans@checarb~hop.com Sn-vi111 the Commrmity for 30 J'lfr1 APPLE CINNAMON OLD FASHIONFD STIJFFED STUFFED PORK CHOPS CHICKEN BREAST $3 22 tb. $3221b . MARINATED CHICKEN HALVES lnMn or )mulic11n Ft.POr $23.2lb. HOT OR MILD ITALIAN SAUSAGE $3 221b. , o,,,FN<Js r .... &Jr, I ho•r 111 JSO' CHICKEN CoRDON BLEU $5 221b. &M' '-"" Jj()" Hor ROAST BEEF SANDWICH $322 1b. I , 't \I I 1 . . . . . . .......... _, ............. ~ ........ ,,. ........ ~ ... "·... . .... .,. ,. ..... _.,.~.,..._._.., ___ _ • •• £'4; ····"···· ..... -.......... QUOTE OF 1IE DAY "It wasn't like we were bombing from three-point land." Lany Hint, Newport Harbor High boys basketbaU coach Dally Pilot Sailors put on first-half lesson for Vaqueros Newport produces qne of its best offensive halves of the se~son en route to . third straight league win, 79-55, over Irvine Steve Vlreen Darty Pilot IRVJNE -To get their third straight Sea View League win, the N~ort Har· bor Hlgh Sailors completed ooe of their bener first·half performances of this boys basketball season. The Sailors (11-7,. 3-0) shot 20 of 23 from the field (87%) in the first half and built a 46-26 lead.'Newport's advantage proved to be insurmountable for the Va- queros (3-14. 0-3) and the Sailors coasted to a 79-55 Victory Friday night at Irvine. "Offensively. it has to be {one of our best first-half performances).· Newport Coach Larry Hirst said. "I think a lot of that has to do with the nature of the game. Obviously. their game plan was to press and trap and try to get as many SCQREBOMD opportunities that way. But if you do • that you're prob- ably going to give up some tranSttion baskets, and I thmk we 1ust capitalized on tho e transition Newport 79 basket\ It wasn't Irvine 55 like we were bombtng from three-pornt land." The Sailors' first half appeared to be without error They committed iust three turnovers. They hu their first five ,ho~ from the field. including a three- pornter by 6-foot-8 senior center Nedim Paievtc, who was perfect in the half. lie shot 6 for 6 from the field and scored 13 polllts. Newport Junior Bren Lowenthal also reached perfection in the first half, as he shot 4 of 4, scoring nine points. Lowenthal finished with 14 poinLc; again, matchmg his sea.son-high he achieved rn a 69-65 wm over Aliso N1· guel Wednesday. He hit tus firsr six shots and finished 6 of 8 from the field, and 3 for 3 from the foul line Senior Nick Gla.ssic came off the bench and scored a sea.son-high 11 points. Every Newport player who competed Friday nighr scored at leru.1 one poin1. "In the whole game. but m the firsr half espec1a1Jy. we were really unselfic;h," HU"St said "We 1ust threw the extra pass so many time ... We came ln at halftime and we were telling them we though! they passed 100 much." Pajevic. who scored a game-high 15 pomts on 7-of-8 shoonng. grabbed eight rebounds and dished out five assis~ I le dtd oot play the fourth quarter. ·He's had rwo years to pass to a lot of people." Hirst said of PaJeviC, who had a nice passa.ng touch. "He got to pass the ball a lot outside to either Aaron Yamal or Greg Pemne, or inside to Tony Me· !um. This year our focus has really been to get him the balJ. When that's your fo. See SAILORS, Pae• B4 ------.. ------· -~ .... -.. Sporb Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Spot1S Fu: (949) 650-0170 , HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL STtvt McCRANK I DAJ,f PILOT Estanc1a's Joey Lindquist (501 puts up shot over Orange's Justin Collins in Friday night's game at Orange High. Eagles peeled Panthers pick Estancia apart en route to 23-point drubbing. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot ORANG!::. -l:.stanc1a H1gh's mau- gural boys basketball tour through the Golden West League landed at venerable Orange High Fnday night, where the confines were cozy and the Panthen. were primed. ~Playmg a lot of schools rn tJu.s ledgue for the first ume. teams dun 1 knm' about how mvy our l rowd get!) " ~d Rick Rodabdugh. -.erv mg as Orang<; co coach with Dave Lem, '>llll:t' head .coach Andre '>n)Jth i'> '>Ide lined by a health coodi· Uon. "It's get-. nut<. in here and I think 11\ going to tan filling up more ' The Panlhen. (IO tt. l I in league) were filling 11 up E!>lancoa Or.mge Friday, parncularly m the fu-.1 halt. when 6-foot-4 !)en1or Juc;un Colhn-. 51 74 dramt.'d lour three-point t'r'> t'n roillt' rn 1-; point-. bc.>forc 111tcnm-.,1on < ollim had help a., tht• ho"t' opem·d up a 15 4 l ti..h1011 that eventu.tlh lwrnme .1 22 10 lead JI the ~nd ot tlw fir;t penod Orangt.' wh!lh mt't't' '>ant<.1 An 1 I nda\ m .i .:.in l' that could deodt which lt'alll IS ht•<,t equipped to challengl' See EAGLES, Pace 85 -----·--.....------ EYEOPENER Daily~ Sporta 1 lall ol Fame ... al llwJ.......,~il\Mli JllllllfY 20 hOnotte CARL KRAUSHAAR Saturddy, January 18, 2003 81 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters, atop the Big West, must avoid Vandalism After a dramatic 75-73 overtime win over Utah State, UCI must fend off the 'letdown' bug at the Bren tonight. at 7:05 TV: CABLE. COX3 RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM Steve Vireen Daily Pilot HHL:'\ E\ 1 ;\"f\ ns rT H -\\lwn UC ln1Ile '>t'nll>r ~ 11kt· I lood hn tht' gaml' \\UHH r to lt'ad the Antl·a11•r., tu a 7'>-; ! 1\·erurnt· \\ln mer Big \\e-.1 Lonferenc.l' n· \-al IJtah \tdll' \\ednt">C.f,l\' rught. 1t '-t'erned w ha\t' -.1grnfied a turrung poim in \Jet\ -.ea.,on l'ht:' Anteawr-.. who had bt't'n seem· mgh '*'arching for their 1denUt}, pla~ t.'(j th1·1r hest hd-.kl"lba11 throuW"iout their t'mot1ona1 \'1n r1vl'r Utah \tall' NCM UU \\111. '>how if \\t·dneo;day !ll~I' \ll.1n W-d.'> truh pivot.al J'he An teat tr-.. art' ued for fir'>t 111 lhe conft'rt•tKt' with I Jruvef'>ll\ <>f tht' P"dl 1fic and (:al UCI Pad Stalt f·ullenon. l"u "''r.n thdnl'> tn Lal l'ol\ .., Utah St /5 7:! \1Cl0'"' cr:•·r ' T ~ ~itl p,)Jy Pacific J'hur'><la\ ucsa rn¢it IJ( I 9 4 J in R1 >1er11de the 81g \\e-.t \\1U ~B St hO'll Idaho 1fi·H. N'n~e 2 3 tonight at i O'.> Idaho. a team that w l 3 1 3 , 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 , 3 • 3 0 4 ha., .,hown mconw;1en0 th1-. season. h cnmmg off a 59.55 los.-. at Long Beach ~t.ue J'huNla\ It was the 49cl'!> fin>t wm owr .m NL-\A I >1v1s1on I opponent th LS '>t.'ct<.cin I !owe'\ er la.-.1 week. the Idaho \'and th 'cored a 66·~ \1Cton over Cal Poly, v~h1ch L' tll'd for '>t'rnnd m the Big \\L..,t \'\1th Utah ~raw and lK Santa Bar barn ln leilR'IJl' ll \ I 8 b.lllgame-... UC I (.(Jae h Pat Ooulga." !)(!Jd (Idaho L., one of !fl ..o )OU bt•tter be ready to play. be· Lau-.e in this rnnferenct' anyone can wm on any given rnght. \\e kno'" the Van~ \\1ll bt• vel) t'.tgt'r to pla\ .1ftt r losing on the road to Long Beach \\('re defirute~ not taking lhem IJghtl) The \andalc, an: led bv n foot -4 for w·ard Tvrone lfa}'l"'. a JW110r trdllsfer who I' awrd.glng 14 points per !fdme in con terenc~ pla\ Idaho C.oach lronard ~ .tho boast-. 6-8 1wuor fom<ird Jon Tin non (9.9 PPF.i and fre-.hman guard Ron mt• Smith, who rerumed lru.t week after -.ening a team .,uspension Idaho wa~ p1ck.ed to ~ nrnth out of See 'EAT£RS, P•e• 86 Former CdM High star killed in auto ·accident DAILY PILOT ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Amy Burlingham Sean Fenton dies in an auto accident on Connecticut highway. Barrj Faulkner Daily Pilot Sean Fenton, a for· mer straight-A student. star football player, shot putter and discus thrower at Corona deJ Mar ffigb, who was a junior at Yale Unf'Ver· Sean Fenton sf ty. was lc1Ued Friday morning when a port utility vehicle he WU dtfvtng strUclt a Oad>ed tractor-trailer on 1·95 in Con- necticut, near the Bridgeport-PairtieJd town Une. He was 20. Aeported)y a'etum1ng from • Oeha iappa Epllloo ht~ noent in New ~ the nonhboUnd sw coma1nlna n.lne PeoPle ltnd the .... of • nonb· bOWid tnct.Or•niler, ICconlina to C.On- MCdalt Stace PoUce. The tnctor-tnler bid ao. comrol. jlidt;nlM. ~ crossed the center barrier and collided with two southbound vehicles. be- fore coming to rest In the path of the SUV. The acci- dent occurred shonJy af. ter 5 a.m. EST. Kyte Bumat. 19. a sophomore pitcher on the Yale baseball team, and Andrew Dwyer, 20, ~re al.so killed. Erle Wenzel, the MVP of the school's lacros.se team, was in cridcal con- dition Friday at Bridge- port Hospltal Nicholas Grass, a sophomore baseball player, and Brett Smith, a £rcshman quarterback, wert bospltallzed with • r1ous trijw1et. Three othen tn the S\N were botpltaliz.ed wtth non·W'e-:threat· entn& lrifurlet. }oUt Yelley, a CdM alwnnU. who runa for the Yale track and fteld temn. Aid the New HaWrl. Conn. oommunlt)' WU In lhock (Mil' the tnpdy whirl 1'11.ched by phOrie on campw Frida~ IMPUn'Cll; ..... ( Newport Harbor s~nior forward is leaving a lasting impression before moving on University of Texas. Steve Vlr1en speed in winning ~I • but Daily Pilot also an extraordinary qwckn wtth the ball. So. call Amy B., as in burst come from? Has lt S hes the girl people JUSI where don Amy Bs Burlingham. but the been developed? B could also tand ror "You can obviousty •bolt~ becau~ of her d~lop pttd, but to tell you the Ughtnlng·quick peed. ·~n truth I think 1 WU born wtth the Harbor High senior Amy pac , • Bu~m d. "My Burflngham has talc-nt t~at hu pattn were athlrtcs M> 1 think 1 made her a Par.ad All·Amtr'fc&n ln • bOm with It. \ou can dcvdop girl , WJJ that has earned tt, to a ceitalti f'nt. But you her a holarship to play at the btve lO ha\~ It.· Uruvel'llty ofle and Burlingham ceruln1y has it. And. pm ·breaklna ahWty that m If• what bu h ~ th Sailo nun 1* a Ove t In any match. their toUOn around I.a.st For all o( her ~tUt~ Bwtlnsh&m. the Dd)• Piiot Athlete ' BurUng):wn't fununes can be uat«l to her peed. lt'a not J t SM l#'f, Piie • ------ ·---·~ ---------·-, ' ' • . I \' u. J Pre .. Owned Pristine Vehicles _ _..__._ .~ .. -------·-.. -·------· _,.,.._.....,.. . .........,. -.. .. ;. •. DMW <"~ ltdded) 95 31 Bi SON ·6705· . H)1 >~.ow ~ $11 , 980 96 ~ ROADSTER ((JIN. r1&770 /M ~~Ullo~""' ~rt" $12, 980 95 325iS 1657&1 8lodl ~ l.eolhef. low~~ Al.fomor~ $12, 980 98 NJ (Qt#. 1~· 1'lWe Locd M Senes' ~ $ 22, 980 99 528 SON '&7'2 ~~T(ll-~ $23,980 97 540i SON ·a5.b 0rtt s·~ Mlf.s o.~ $ 25, 980 01 Z:J 1~· 8!oct ktomcttC. low .s $26, 980 99 323i SON 1&&&& Blodr.iron 6-(~ $ 28, 980 98 iKJ CONY. ll~7C, CosmosllM!klh J.JIO Cenifled' $28,980 98 7 40i SON m:xi 0rtt 5a: ~1 ~ lmTloaAare' $ 2 7, 980 95 8400 (])E 1&667 lowMilPslAJmBeo.tf $29,980 00528ispoRTSDN 1~ ~ .. ttd~~a' $32,980 00 528i SPORT SON ,~ 0trn ~ . $32,980 00 740i SON 1~ Fooocy ~ kMloa.bf' . '$39,980 01 BMW 7 50J ·<m1 lllocWlon tSK ~ hO'<Nrf w/Serf $ 55, 980 PORSCHE 80 911 TARGA '>()I,(, "'-'S'~i'M r-$15,980 02 DOXSTER •t!IQ ~ wr: SOOdlE> ~ 7• rNeS $3 7 980 99 996 CJlE 1<.«.o( ~ .. n ~ t.eio ~~ 0ne ~ INQUIRE! . 99 996 (])E "~~ 0-:eo" &ie •tptooic' 143, 980 99 996 (])E ·w~ •e ·ro .. n: 46, 980 99 996 CAB ·a~. ~ &.~ ... ~ 51 , 980 01 996 1UPJ30! • e ltwl1 ~ ltr' Foo CT. Aw!W $A VE! 01 996 C4 CAB ·rqx ~~~ imtHms INQUIRE! 97 911 CAB •O"..v __ rtu ~·~~Owner .JJWM INQUIRE! 02 996 (])E ·m:i re.~ 1QK s Focory\'~ $69,980 .. --------------,-----~-----------· ----· -------·-~----·---_.., ____ .....,...._.,....~..,....---.......--------,..------.,.....,. ....... -- DallyPllot S P 0 RT S . STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT Senior Parge Lansing (left), seen here blocking a shot attempt rn a victory over Long Beach Wilson earher thrs season, and her Newport Harbor Hrgh g1r1s water polo teammates are at Unrversrty Hrgh rn lrvrne for a nonle~gue matchup with the Trojans, starting at 10 a.m. TODAY Basketball College men -Idaho at UC Irvine, 7:05 p.m.; Azusa Pacific at Vanguard University, 7:30 p.m. College women -UC Irvine at Idaho. 7 p.m.; Azusa Pacific at Vanguard University, 5:30 p.m High school girls -Trabuco Hills at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m. Wrestfing High school -Newport Harbor, Estancia, Corona del Mar at San Clemente Tournament, 10 a.m. 'Nmrpolo High school girls -Newport Harbor at University, 10 e.m.; Santa Margarita at Corona del ·COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters tabbed for th!µi in Big West ANJr AJT.R BA.UPARK -lJ(. lrvme·~ baseball team ... \11th 22 lettenncn. mdudrng seven of rune position starters and four of five 1>t.arting pnchers returning. has been picked to finish thud in the Big West <:onference baseball chase bv the circuits coaches. Cal State Fullerton. ranked as high as No. 7 in the nation by <Al· l#giale BasebaJJ. is seen as the team to beat for the title. with de- fending champion Long Beach State rated No. 2. Leading the UO roster are Big West AIJ-<:onference selections Man Anderson and llJ. Brown and seniors Jon Ho.rwitt and Qui, Klemm. Anderson w!H be a sophomore first baseman, af:bwn a sopho- more utility player. Horwitz a sen· lor outfielder and J(]emm a senior outfielder. The Anteaters were a near· unanimous choice for a third· place finish after finishing the 2002 season 33,26 with a 14~10 Big \\St mark to tie for fourth . ._ place with Fullenon. Fullenon retum.s three All·Big \\est plarers who are preseason All-America choices by Cblkgia~ BasebaJJ and &seball Ameria.1 They are junior outfielder Shane Costa and junJor right, handed pitchers Wes Utdeton and Olad <:ordero. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and UC Santa Barbara are considered UO's nearest challengers. Cal Poly boasts the return of All· Big West choices Scott Anderson (shortstop and Kyte Wilson (catcher). Santa Barbara has three sopho- mores pecq the attacX In ri8tJt2 handed pitcher Eric Posthwnus. second baseman aw Malec and outfielder Matt WilJcerson AD three earned A'eshman AD-America hon· ors f.tom c.olltglale 8asrball. CGllChel poll: 1. Pullerton (5) 62; 2. long Bead1 St. (3), 59; 3. UC Irvine. 46; 4. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 33; 5. UC Santa 8a1bara. 31; 6. UC RiYerside. 25; 7. Cal State Northrldge, 21; 8. Padfic. 12. Mar, 12:45 p.m. Diving College men and women -UC Irvine at UCLA Invitational, 1 p.m. SUNDAY Diving College men and women -UC Irvine at UCLA Invitational, 1 p.m. COLLEGE SOCCER Donnely Cup awaits Anteater players, coaches Seven current or fonner UC lr· vine players as well as head coach George Kuntz and assist, ant coach Chris Volk are mem· bers of the California South State Amateur Association team that is one of the four finalists playing in the three-day Donnely Cup in Ft Lauderdale, Ra, starting to· day. I The team is composed of many of the top amateur players in the Far West Region including UC Irvine's Cameron Rossi, Jason Thompson, Ouis Ruiz, Anthony Vw:arra. Saul Wolf, Jon Spencer and Oliver Zlomislic. The team captured the West Regional OlampionshJp for the U.S. Amateur Associadon, beat- ing Oregon, Cal-North, Utah, and tying Washington to win the tide. The other regional flnallsts are <:onnecticut. NOr1h Thxas and Nebraska. ...... -*7 ..... 2 9 ti 9 .. ..,_ ... 2 w ~ • ·~ ··-•• --0 0 •••• ft • Satutelay, Jcinuary 18 2003 13 tt Ori ·~. ~ Satw-day, Jaooary 18, 2003 BASKETBALL SUMMARIES JCMIEH .. Ol"lnce ~ Conflt•ic. occ ., Cwr-a 41 eyp.o..-Booth 4, "Jonee 16, Grier 8. Kennef'90n 6, Cook '-Robinson 8, Austin 3. 3-pt. goals -Grier 2, Robinson 2. Fouled out -Booth. 11tchnical1 -none. Orange Coaft-A Boblk 14, B. Boblk 10, Seales 4. Peppers 3, Garey 9, James 5, Brown 7, Alexender 9, , Williams 2, Hatch 2, Shehelm O. 3-pt. goals -Garey 3, A Boblk 21 Peppers 1, Brown t. .. fouled oot -Hatch. technlcell -none. Halftlme -OCC, 38-20. JC WOMEN occ 45, Cvorea 42 Cyptea-Curtis 6, }jroctor 9, Teeter 8. Labuguen 8. Hicks 6, Spencer 1, Pulcher 4, Williams 0. 3-pt. goals -none. Fouled out -none. l9chnlcals -none. ~Coat-Murray 8, Mendoza 9, Carrillo 11, Hatsushi 7, Galasso 3, Quiroz 2, Shaw 2. Von Tungeln 3. 3-pt goals -Mendoza 2, Hatsush1 2, Galasso 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime -19-19. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS s.av .. Leacue Newport~ hvtne 55 Score bv uuarten Newport ii 23 18 15 -79 Irvine 14 12 11 18 -56 Newport -Pinesettc8, Perrine 5, f'ajev1c -15, Rorden 5, Cameron 4, B Lowenthal 16. Glassic 11. T. t.:>wenthal 6, Hernandez 5, Hunter 3, Hanley 1 3-pt goals -Pa1evic 1, Hunter 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Irvine -Glauch 18, Baker 4, Jeltema ~ Heider 14, Bradford 2, Vemll 7, :sampson 2, Robins 1. 3-pt goals -Heider 2, Glauch 1, Vemll l fouled out -none .. Technicals -none. Golden West Leap Coste Mee.I 87. Westminster 54 Score by Ouarten Westminster !I 18 a 19 54 Costa Mesa 19 24 19 25 -117 Westminster -Vargas 3, Degiacamo 3, Preciado 5, Carduna 4, Ruelas 0, Duong 3, Morse 8, Tune 6, Chavarria 7, Jones 3, Brooks 2, Ausman 2, An 8. 3-pt. goals -Tune 2, An 2, Jones 1, Vargas 1, Degiacamo 1, Duong 1 fouled out -none. 'rechnicals -none. · Colt. Mell -0. Krikorian 27, Waldron 8, Stankovic 10, Molina 10, ~>< 21, T. Krikorian 4, Abedrabo 3. !ward 2, Pepic 2. pt. goals -0. Krikorian 6, Knox 4, ~llna 2, T. Krikorian 1, Abedrabo 1. fouled out -none. :Technicals -none. Golden West Leacue ~ 0ra"98 74, Estancia 51 • Score bv Quart.rs Esta nc1a lb · 14 10 11 s 1 Orange 22 20 10 22 -74 &tanda -Pinto 13, Novak 2, Lindquist 9, Hoffman 10, Cachola 4, Stroman 9, Viramontes 3, Andersen 1, Stankey o, Escobedo O ~pt. goals -Hoffman 2, Pinto 1, Cachola 1, fouled out -Lindquist. Technicals -none. Or9nge-Sanders 17, Palomares 0, Collins 24, Gama 6, Ramirez 5, Parker 14, Reeves 5, Mangaya 3 3-pt goals -Collins 4. Fouled out -nooe Technicals -none. Peclftc Coast Leque Tnoro 48, CdM 45 Score by Ouarten Tesoro 11 10 12 15 48 CdM l 19 11 12 .-a T.Of'O --Marion 29, Keough 7, Cawthorne 3, Sherry 9. Keene 0. 3-pt. goals -Marion 3, Keough l fouled out -none. Technicals -Marion. CdM -Northridge 7, Manc1llH 9, Sherict-Odom 2. Matsen 3. Seaborn ~o. Freeda 8, Welch s. Luce o. ~pt. goals -Mancillas 3, Seaborn 2, Matsen 1, Northridge 1. ftouled out -none. ~nicals -none. • • ~ . • • .... Hiil 41, <:., Vahy Chr. 40 Score bv OUertlln ~Hill 1) 1 I 11 -• po Vty. Cht. t 1 1• 13 -40 .. -L.eftler 1, Loper 3, Joyce , Wllklna 2. Fhzhueh 23, Brew.r 0, met 0, Swltneon 0, Cho 0. goal1 -Joyce 2, Loper 1. uled out -none. n~ll -none. 911141trene> Ya~ Ctvtltlan -Ro11 n 8, Meyera 18, Ryan 2. lbeum 3, Reynold• 7. Mew.try ·L goalt -Mey.ra e. l:,19e1 Ollt -Sdllagel. fc:hnlcala -noM. SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sea Kings can't find the groove Tesoro defeats Corona del Mar, 48-45, in Pacific Coast League battle Friday night with a fourth -quarter ~ally. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot . CORONA DEL MAR -With its gym re-. verberating to the sounds or Friday night's hired entertain.tnent, Corona del Mar High lost Its rhytbm late in the fourth quarter as visiting Tesoro won its first league boys basketball game in school history, 48-45. wit's disappointing. because we have to defend our home court," CdM Coach Ryan Curry said, following h1s team's Pa- cific Coast League setback, after leading, 40 -34. early in the final eight minutes. "We had a lot of (students} coming out watch- ing us and things going on (during time- outs and between quaners}. The place is rocking and we've SCOREBOARD got to play .. . that's four or five games now we've missed a (pqtential) game- winner." CdM senior Kevif Mancillas, who drained a three-Tesoro 48 Pointer with 0:09 left CdM 45 10 cut Tesoro's lead to 46-45. hit the back of the rim on a three·point attempt at the buzzer and the ball caromed high in the air before landing on the other side of the backboard. Tesoro (7 -1 O. 1-1 in league) celebraLed after outscoring CdM, 15-5, in the game's final 6:!0. "I think we were grinding ii out, trying to do everything possible to win," Tesoro Coach Steve Garren said. "That'c; how we've played all year. It's just a ma'1er of putting it away. We'U play hard for four quaners. That'll be our trademark." Corona del Mar (8-10, 1-1}. which de- feated Laguna Beach in ovenime in the league lid-lifter, 59-56, mtSSed seven straight field-goitl attempts (including four threes) in the final three minutes of the fourth quaner. Mancillas finally bro'ke the drought with his three-pointer to bring the Sea Kings td within one point. But the hosts had already lost their mo- mentum. as weU as their six-point lead. The Sea Kings led, 42-36, after Adam Freede's 10-foot jumper foUowin11·a pen- etration dribble from the pomt with over five minutes remaining. A six-point lead seemed large in a game that featured seven lead changes and six ties. "I told our kids that we lost the game in the first quarter," said Curry, whose team fell behind, 11-3, after scoring the game's first three points. "When you're down 11-3, it takes a ton of energy to come back. We let that team believe it could come in here and beat us. We make the first bucket, then we let them go on an 11 -0 run." SEAN HILLER /DAILY Cd.M's Kevin Mancillas (21) reaches for a rebound in the last minute of the first half of Friday's game against Tesoro. the second quarter, after trailmg. 16·6. mg. including a three-pointer with 0·24 on the dock to square ma1ter.. 33-33 they got one. and we didn't get one when we needed one," Cuny said. The Sea Kings, who commilted five turnovers in the opening 4:24, r'nissed seven consecutive shots in the first quar- ter after Mancillru. hit a three-pointer to stan the game. ·rney rallied. however. in CdM. which travels to Unt~r.,llY on Wednesday. out.,cored Te<5oro. 16-3. dur- mg a second-quarter stretch that ..a~ the Sea Kings take the lead, 22-lY lnev held one-pomt m1crrn1)-<o1on lead There \'\ere several tie-. and lead changes in the t.lurd quarter. 111 which Pancho Seaborn (team·high 10 po111t.,l sc'ored seven of his rointc; on 3-of 4 '>hoot C ~~n. Brett Matsen nailed J three early in the founh quarter. foUO\.'fed by an elec- tnfymg reverse layup on the fast break by teammate Bart \\ekh and a '>teal and layup bv r-reede with 6.10 left to give the ho'>t!> a 40·34 edge. their b1g&Cl>I lead of the game. .. \\11en (the Titani.) needed a ba'>kcl. Pat Marion. one of four sorhomores In the starting hneup. along with 6·foot freshman center James r..awthome. led the Titans wllh 29 pomt'> on an 8-of-15 ef· fo n from the field . mdudmg 3 of 5 from • beyond the three-point hne. Marion was 10 of 12 from the free-throw I.me. while adding eight rebounds and three steals. Mesa pummels Westminster with a wire-to-wire attack Krikorian (27) and Knox (21) record career highs in points as Mustangs breeze to their first league win, 87-54. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COS't'. MESA -Former Lakers' broadcaster Otlck Hearn popularized the phrase "garbage time" to denote a point in the game where the victor was pretty much deter· mined and the players com- peted for persqo,aJ..prlde. Costa Mesa High boys basketball coach Bob Serven doesn't beUeve In the adage and wants his team to com- pete for all 32 minutes as lf a championship was at stake. The Mustangs executed their coach's philosophy as they blitzed the visiting West· minster Uons, 87·54, for Mesa's first Golden West League victory, which also snapped a two-game losing streak. "Garbage timo b a bad de· scrlption of a game." Serven said. "These guya executed well for 32 mlnutea." M"' &-12, 1·3 In leque, rook a tl-2 lead the ftm 4:14 and never lOobd beck. The Mustanp led tJy 33 tWlce ln the founh ptriOd before wtn· ning by the WM marpn. • ' . With 3:45 left in the game and Mesa up. 79·51. Serven called a timeout foUowing a WestJninster foul. SCOREBOARD <,pmler to the Uo11S offensive !lets, mak- ing 'itx steals while also handing out eight assists. six in the first half. • nus is the best team effort we've had all year," Kriltor- •1 don't want them to gee to 60 points," he said. Westmineter 54 1an Mlld. "No,body Cotta Mesa 87 was selfish. guys The defense dghtened up and the Westminster only got thret points after that. But the points came aplenty for Mesa. "Nobody was selfish, guys were giving each other the ball and we played four quarters of good basketball." were giving each other the ball and we played four quaners of good basketball.~ The closest the U- ons, 3-14, 0-4 in league, got following the openlng dp was al 15·9 foUowing a basket by Luis Pre· ciado with 2:03 left In the 8rst quarter. Mesa then went on e 13-0 run ln the next 4:07, a pan that saw the Mu tangs force ftve turnovers, ln- Senior Danny Krikorian led the Mustangs in cor· ing with a career- high 27 points and eight assists. the sixth time in 13 games he has tal· lied at least 20 points. Freshman Scott Knox also re- corded a career· h1gh 21 points on Oanny Krikorian eluding teals by Molina and Jeff WaJ- 7 -of-15 shooting. including hilting on 3 or 7 from behind the arc. Krikorian hit 6 of 9 three-point trte and flnishcd 9 of 14 from the field . Mesa hit 409f> (14 of 35) of Its th.ree·polntel'I and finJshed lhooting 30 of 55 CS.C.S~} from the fteld Startm Brla.n Mollna (freabman) and 6'foot·6 Jun· tor Muto tankovlc el.Ch re· corded JO pol.nta. Mollna played the role of "'I dron, who had eight points on 4·of·5 hooting. Westminster had 11 turn- overs ln the first half com· pared to Me '•five. "We gave them the outside ahot and they hit It on us," said tmln.ster uailtant coach Mike Hughes, who fi.U'ed ln tor head coach Elben OaviS. o.vtt had I family etnef· gency he had to attend to, Hupa.clded. • "We • wertn't patient Wtth the ball and our big men didn't get the opportunity to shoot on them," Hughes said. The Mustangs mixed up their defense throughout, showing zone at times while full -court pressing elsewhere. "The press was effective and we got a good start defen· sively in our 1.one." Serven said. No Westminster player scored in double figures. as Ja- '>On Mor e and Louis An each had eight points. Leading, 62-35. to begin the fourth quarter, Mesa scored on six of Its first seven posses- sions. taking advantage of a porous Uon defense to get layups or turnaround jumpers from mid-range. Stankovlc converted two layups on passes from· Krikorian and Waldron, who both stood at the top of the key. Danny's freshman brother, 'Iboy. scored hls four points in the same span on a three off an assist from h1I albUng and converted one of two free th.rows. The Mustangs h1t on 13 of 15 from the free·throw line. while Westmlnater drained only 2 or 6 from the •trtpe. Reserves Shart.C Abedrabo (three polnta) alone with 1Jad Ptplc and Qutia Millward (each with two polnta), got lnto the scortna column. 'Ibny hadtwo-- "'Jbe yoq IUY1 pl.ytd WltQ when they ... In there.. SerwnMld. SAILORS Continued from 81 cus most of the time. you forget how good of a passer he is. He sees the noor well. When he makei. good decisions it's lilce having a 6-8 guard out there." Pajevic led the Sailors to gain its big lead with his passing and ">Conng in the first half. The Va- queros hung with Newport in the game' first five minutes. trailing. I J-12. but the Sailors went on an 8-2 run to close out the first pe· riod. Then, the Sailors opened the second quarter with an 1 I -0 bUt:i that featured three assistS by Pa- jevic. who found his teammate~ in transition. Lowenthal capped the l I -0 run with a drive to the basket. whUe being. fouled. He converted the three-point play to put Newport up, 34-14 . The Sailors scored 23 points in each of the first two quaners and they closed out each period with buzzer-beaters. Lowenthal hit a mid-range Jumper with two sec- onas left in the first quarter and Pajevlc pw in a finger-roll layup with two seconds rema.inlng be- fore halftime. Hirst aaJd he was Impressed with the Sailors' defensive prea· sure. "We did a good job of defend- in.g their tc:orers: Hirst Mid. "We didn't allow their scorers to get off early and I think that just car- ried over." Newport maintained ltl lead • ln the aecood half, settlng up ltJ half-court olfenae and usually letdng the ahot-clock run dawn to 10 before looking for a ahot. Andre Plnesett. Newport .. burty 6--0 Junior. recorded two at.is and acored four of h&a eight poln In the third quaner. Newport' tan. erupted tn cbeera when Hiib Hana., lcoled hit llnc point of dwt .._. IOn, hiUU. the front end ot a one·and·one fiee·thruw oppor· tUnttywtth 1:16 left In the~ -.. - -_. ____ ,_._._._...,_ __ ------· --..... ._. ----------~-~----------... --... ______ _____.,. _ _,,, .......... .,........_..,..~_.,._, ............. _.,.., ....... _ ........ -.-c,._...._~-.......... ---· Diily Piiot SPORTS Saturday. JanuMy 18 2003 15 JC MEN'S BASKETBALL The ·Bobik brothers lead Pirates, 65-48 EAGLES Continued from Bl league-leading Ocean View, con· tinued to roll in the second quar· teL A pair of threes by Collins helped fuel a 13·2 run midway through the period to help push the lead to 39-18. ~fore three· pointers by Estancia'$ Matt Ca· chola and Carlos Pinto helped the Eagles pull to ~thin 42-24 at the break. Orange Coast men defeat Cypress for conference victory Friday night. COSTA MESA -Behind brothers Aaron and Brian Bo- bilc, the Orange Coast College men's basketball team snapped a two-game losing streak Friday night with a 65- 48 Orange Empire Conference victory over visiting Cypress. Aaron Bobik led the Pirates 03· 7, 2-2 in conference) with 14 pomts, eight rebounds and seven steals, while Brian Bo- bik added I 0 points, three as- . sists and three steals. OCCs JilSon Garey matched the sin- &rcess 48 65 gle-sea- son re· cord for thre-e- point field koals (80) with three against Cypress. Coast's full. court pressure helped cause 27 Cypress turnovers, which led to 34 points. The Pirates also took advantage of a shon bench for the Quugers, who had only two reserves avail- able. OCC will host Golden West· on . Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Plagued by foul troub'te and sub-par shooting. both from the field and at the free-throw line, the Eagles tried to mount a comeback in the third period. A Pinto layin, on a high-low feed from Jordan Stroman, and back-to-back buckets by 6-8 sen- ior cen ter Joey Lindquist, the lat· ter he turned into a three-point play, helped the Eagles (13-6, 3-2 in league) pull within 44-31 with 5:18 remaining. JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Mendoza's shot wins it for Coast But Orange's Patrick Sanders, an acrobatic 6-6 senior whom UC Irvine Coach Pat Douglass was on hand to watch, .hovered over the Estancia defenders in the lane, catching and converting an inbound lob to start a 6-0 run that helped the hosts regain con - trol. A 14-3-0range · run in the fourth quaner helped . increase the advantage to a game-high 30, before J.he Eagles ended the game on a 9-3 spun But the-23· point defeat was the Eagles' worst of the season. "As a staff, we were happy with our offensive execution," Estan- cia Coach Ouis Sorce said. "But we couldn't put the ball in the basket and, when we were fouled, we couldn't make our free throws." Pirates edge Cypress, 45 -42, on by virtue of a game-winning three-pointer with 0:34 left in conference action Friday night. COS1A MESA -Orange Coast ( .ollege·~ Ll.z Mendoza drained the game-winning three-pointer With 34 seconds left Friday night to propel .the state's fourth· ranked women's basketball team 1.o a 45-42 Orange Empire Con- fer~mce victory over visiting Cy- pres'>. Coll!>(, wluch extended its win- ning streak to 14 games. trailed, 36-28. with 9:19 to play. The Pi- rates, however, enjoyed a 14·2 Cypress occ 42 45 scoring run to take a four-point lead. Nancy Hatsushi, who fin· ished with five assists, found Meh· doza open on the left wing against the Cypref>S 1.one that had frustrated the Bucs o 9·.3, 4-0 in conference) throughout. Alisa Carrillo led Orange Coast with 11 points. while Lauren Murray added eight points and a team-leading IO rebounds. nine offensive. The Pirates host Golden West on Wednesday at 7:30 ~.m. BRIEFLY Estancia was 18 of 42 from the floor (42.8%) and just 11 of 25 from the line (44%). · Meanwhile. Orange hit 19 of 40 field-goal attempts through three quaners (47.5%), ~efore substi· tuting liberally to the delight of the home faithful in the final eight. minutes. Pinto finished with 13 points to_ pace the Eagles. who received I 0 points from Tyler Hoffman (including a pair of fourth-quar- ter three-pointers) and nine points each from Undqws t and Stroman Stroman provided a spark off the bench, hitting 3 of 4 field· The Comeback Kid Caylan Leslie sparkles in first a ppearance in 14 months. University of Notre Dame jun· 1or Caylan Lesli~. a product of Lorona del Mar High, pulled off an upset of Georgia's Tma Hoj- nik, ranked 60th in the nation in -,mgJes. in her first coUegiate match in 14 months on Friday in the Colleglate Tennis Kickoff Uassic at Las Vegas. Leslie fell in three sets in the second round of the event to 11th-ranked and third-seeded Kate Pinchbeck of North Caro· lina. 6-4, 2-6. 6· I. Leslie. who underwent shoul· der surgery after suffering an in· Jury late in the fall of 2001. de· feated Hojn.ik. l ·6, 6-4, 6-2. in the first round of the tourna- ment. She was playing her first collegiate match since Novem- ber of 2001 and her first collegi- ate singles contest since Oct. 19, 2001, when she dropped a three· set decision to Anita Loyola of USC at No. 2 singles in an exhibi- tion dual match . Ranked 82nd in the nation In singles heading into her fresh- man year, Leslie was ~·12 In singles. playing mostly at No. 4, and 13·3 in doubles in her first season of collegjate tennis. The win was the first of Lealle's career over a nationally-ranked opponent and it afforded her. a measure of revenge against her foe In the only previous meeting between theni. Hojntk handed Leslie her lone loss tn an 8-1 month of February in 2001, a 3-6, 6-3, 6-1 decision at No. 4. CdM wins. 2-1 •BOYS SOOCU: Corona del Mar High Junior Danny Whitak- er scored a game-winning goal ln the 56lh minute to lead the See Kf.np' boys soccer team to a 2·1 vtctory over Paciftc Gout League visitor Tetoro Friday. CdM Jun&or Jenttt Thayer scoi'id In .... l 7tb ........... but ,...... did ........ lbe ..c· ODd .......... Oii. ,.. ..., ldct. ....... .. ... ... Sil&W? 's ..... . ........... .,.. .... .., ON THE ROAD 4-2, 2-0-0 in league. Mesa falls , 2-0 •BOYS SOCCER: Costa Mesa High's boys are still looking for their first victory of the season following a 2-0 loss to visiting Westminster in Golden West League action. The Mustangs are 0-12·1. 0- 6-0 In league. They're at Santa Ana on Wednesday in league play, which marks the return of Coach ~ene Day. who has been suspended for the put al.I weeks because of a tecbnlcallty regarding coaching a gltla club team during the' seuon of sport of the boys high school season. Lightning falls, 4..() UC lrvme's Lauren Yadon (24), seen here battling : .. Creighton's Teresa Wessfing (43), is among 'Eaters' arsenal as they invade Idaho tonight. STEVE McCRANK/ DAILY PILOT Mesa girls romp, 9-2 • Glms WATER POLO: Six second-half goals by senior Ka- tie Thorsness led the Costa Mesa High girls water polo team to a 9-2 victory over visit· ing Northwood Friday. Mesa scored eight of its nine goals lo the second half after leading, l ·0, after two periods. Jessi ca Steenhard scored two goals and Sarah Bowman had one goal for the Mustangs (8-3, 3·0 In the Golden Weat League). Mesa goalkeeper Michelle Payne made aeven saves. The Mustan,p next face crou·town rival f.atanda at Meta Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. In Costa Mesa junior varslty action, the Mustangs defeated Nonhwood, 5·1. Goalie Quinn Nuygen had .even 11ves ln the final period and l2 atopt over- all. •GIRLS SoccBR: 1bt Sage Hill school gtrlJ aoccer team re· ce.tved a 1tandout effort from Na ' ws• goalie Ltura Gordon. but lht c:..ca ..... 1.._.ADod.t ~ loec. ..a, to Academy ,.....C...,.., o, "':'* ' . 2 i.-... *tor Cap6tlCnnO v.Jley. ea. 1 t • • -• OutldUa. ... ··•-CNoo 1. 1bn \ ..... -GonlOa rwconled 21 ..... for ......., ,, 8-... wbk:b drGPPed to 2~ ...... -n.. 0-1.. ••fin...... '~"fdl.ll .,, ... _ . JI. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Lightning strikes twice Sage Hill boys and girls victorious at Capistrano Valley Christian. Seruor Mi· chael F11:zhugh and Junior Kevin Joyce combm.ed for 43 of Sage Hill :.chools 49 • pomts, leadJng the Lightning boy-. baslcetbal.J team to a 49·40 Acad· emy League wm at Capistrano Valley Chru,tian. Joyce scored I 0 of his 20 pomts in the fourth period. while Fill· hugh scored eight points rn~e fi. nal eight minurt!'>, dl.Counun all the 1-Lghtrung''> pornts the S"EVE McCRANK I DAILY P1LOT Estancia's Carlos Pinto shoots over Orange defenders in Friday's game. Estancia trailed at the half, 42-24, and never recovered. goaJ attempts and adding three rebounds and two assists. Sorce said the junior Costa Mesa transfer likely earned more l'urure playing time with hjs per· formance against tl'fe athletic Panthers. Collins finished with a '>eason- hj_gh 24 points. while Sanders added 17 points, nme rebound11 and three blocked shots. Quentin Parker, a 6-5 semor, came off the bench to contribute 14 points and I 0 boards for the winners. Estancia, which gets the league bye Wednesday. has all week to prepare for its Friday rneeting at · Ocean View. . ..Orange definitely sliced us up a little bit. but they've got tal· ented player.,," Sorce 5aid. ··Now. we h~ve to get ready for (kt'il.ll View. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 19 -Brittany Renz Corona del Mar Tennis, '00 lru.t quaner Fi!Y.Jiugh abo grablkd 10 re· bound'> and di5h.ed out tour ..!!>· sisl!., 3.5 Sage Hill Lmproved lo 7 ~. 2· 1 III league. • ln the girls' game· Sagt.-Hill w-~ a 4i J7 Mnnt:r 10 110prove to 9-3. 1-l U1 the A<.ad emy League . 1-r~hman Debbie )bder-1.t•t- led ',age I liU\ all.dc.:k Mth d -.ea son-lugh lb p<Jl!lb. ~he abo had four '>teal11 and fivt:' rt'hound., lbe ">a:ond quaner prwt'd de· c~t\e 3.5 ~ge I till clauned a 14-4 edge Kaue Pubhy.. had 11 rebounds and I la}~OUJ \Vnght had -.t'\t'O block.-. · The Ughtnmg., deten .... 1w pre. '>ure on Lapa VaJJey\ leading ~orer wa.., dt'l.l'>IYe ... rrd.nl awr· age~ 24 point'> a game ... "'1!d Capo \'alley Coat.:h Shanna Reru.in · She can put 11 up over anvbo<h and "'e shut her duwn r 15 putnt., · DEEP SEA FRIDAY'S COUNTS Newport landing -1 boat, 8 anglers. 5 calico bass, 28 sand bass, 8 sculpin, 5 sheephead VOLLEYBALL LOOKING FOR A Sw1MITENN1s Cwe? UCI tops Bruins WES1WOOD -UC Irvine's men's voUeyball team did it again, denying host UCLA in five games Friday njght in a ~oun· tain Pacific Sports Federation victory before 1,013. The No. 3-ranked Anteate~. who put No. 3-ranked UCLA away in five at the recent UC Santa Barbara Tqumament. put the Bruins down. 30-26. 27-30. 21-30, 30-27, 16-14 to unprove to 6·0, l·O in the MPSF. .,,,.. UCLA dropped to 3·2. O· I with its second straight loss to the Anteaters. Jimmy Pelzel was the key fig· ure for UCI with 26 kills. Spencer Bemus (15). Monte. Tucker (12) and Kyle Weichen (10) were also in double figaures. In the middle was sener David K.oiffen, who had 50 assists. Adam Shrader was UClA's de· fenstve leader with 22 digs. while the Anteaters answered with Greg Ford (18 digs). Bemus (10 digs and Kniffen 00. digs). N C\\'~~t )rt })each Tc n 11 i s (~It 1 L) ON-SITE AMENITIES & PROGRAMS ••• · 19 Tenni~ l ourrs ·5 Pros \\'/(1rand ~lam L\p. · ~d.ilun ( ~)Oft \\' • Blc.1..:hcr-. rs embenh1ps • W u-c.lcs.s DSL Internet ~ · Om·ct T\' SportS Packages · Frtt NTN S.irel11te T nv1a Few N8'ft ... ~ .............. cal KllllJ. (M9) ... 0050...t .211. <• 0 I F (.I l & \ ENJOY SPIOlA L ot>u PIUVluoss ON 54-Tow FA-zio-D1sroN10 Hous The Playen Club PriVilcges: ~hao HiD Golf Gi> OU. Crttk Gel Cle . • Weekday Green Fec-•as (M-Tb) • Wttlclay Crea ftt-SfB (M.Fri) SQnd.ard !Wt • .,., <M·n> <;cancMI R. "'(M.1\) • Wttlmd G1eCG Fee-' 150 (Frt.Son) · • Wttketld Clftll ~ -199 (S.. ) ~ ~ 'UO(fii-Swt) SClfldlird ~ ., (.f4.s.> AclclidoOalBeazfJts . ·OM ~t 1t n.. Pla,.m 0.b a. · l°' OI COif Sliip ,..d t 1• •1°"0ff ..... lnebation Fee ''°° • I - -----·------. --. -----...---~~~· ~--~-.---~-~~~----·.=..·..__-~.~---·...--~ .......... ~--.a. ------------- I I I .. Satwdly, Jaooary 18. 2003 SPORTS DON LEACH I DM.Y PILOT 'EATERS· Continued from Bl the 10 teams In the Big West In the coachd' and media presea- son poll, but the Vandals' victory over C.al Poly displayed they are better than that prediction. ldaho bas also had its problems this ~n, mainly because the loss of so'phomore point gwud Tuno- rls Shepard. whose season ended when he tore the anterior crud- ate ligament in his left knee last month. SenJor Justin Logan has taken over the point guard posi· tion, and continues to gulde the Vandals' offense. Logan will most likely face one of the better defenders In the Big West in UCI freshman Jeff Gloter. who is third in the nation lri steals (3.5:8 steals per game). Gloger got into fouJ trouble Wednesday, while junior Aras Baskau.skas filled in and provided sound de- fense. Hood, who made his first start in seven games, scored 17 points, dished out four assists and re- Amy Burhngham is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. . corded three steals. UCI junJor forward Stanislav Zuzak scored a season-high and game-high 20 points. He also delivered his best defensive performance of the season, as he held Utah State standout Desmond Penigar to eight points and 3-of-12 shooting from the field. AMY Continued from B 1 of the Week, scored a hat trick to lead Newport to a 4-0 nonJeague win over Back Bay rival Corona del Mar. Coach Jason Sorrell called the victory the best game the sailors played this season. Two days later, Burlingham used her speed to score the goal in Newport's 1-0 win over Foothill Jan. 9. With the victory over Foothill, the Sailors had reeled off three straight \.vtns and Burlingham ~cored five of the six goals in that span. "She's really fast," Coach Sorrell Said. ·we haven't got anybody that can match her speed. She's extremely fit and extremely quick. It's a God·given gift~ There's people out there who think you can teach speed. but she just has the ability to be quick. She has the talent and the speed and she uses that to beat defenders." Bwlingham displayed her qualities to gwe Newport a 1-0 lead against CdM. She ran out on a breakaway and beat everyone to a lead pass by freshman Amy Oippert and Burlingham put it away. ln celebration, Burlingham pushed up the forefinger and small finger of each hand and raised them to the sky. It's called the hook 'em l4MY BURLINGHAM -.,, Jun• 24. 1985 1 Hotnetown: Costa Mesa =S-foot-8 .. 130 Sport: Soccer '-= Forward Coach: Jason Sorrell Favorite food: Frozen (~urt Favorite movie: •The • Mermaid• ... dlletk moment: •Def~ Corona del Mar (last week) scori~ pis HY:t.inst the Sea • 9dtoof Athlete of the WMll IU: The Newport Hafbof senior scored a hat tridt ~ 8.clt Bay rival CdM. leading to • 4-0 nof)-leagur win Jan. 7, wld she~ the = In a 1-0 win over Food11H two i.ter in Sea View l..ugue play. DlilJ* Coll@ctor sports ard ~ QJ-S horns sign seen mostly by the Longhorns at the University of Texao;. "ll was a spur of the moment kind of thjng." Burlingham Said of her cetebration, the first time .. he showed the horns I.hi!> !>eason. Burlingham said she enjoyed the recruiting process. She had the opportunity to travel to five !>Chools, including the University of Virginia. ·111ere was a time, Burlingham dreamed of playing for ¥>Ccer powerhouse North Carolina, but she realized she wouJd rather be at a djfferent university so to have the chance to beat the Tar l leels. She found the chance at Texas. However, inJlially she thought that wouJd not be the place for her. "To tell you the truth I didn't think I wouJd like it that much," Burlingham said. "But when I got there I fell in love with the team and the atmosphere of the school. "They bleed orange there. The University of Texas is huge. They have a great program and gr~at people. I fell in love with it, and I just knew that was the place for me." Burlingham's senior season, which included signing with th~ Longhorns. has been an example for her teammates, Sorrell said. Though Burlingham is a senior leader, who leads mostly with her play and her accolades. She is not too vocal, on the contrary rather ~hy. "I think a lot of the kids look up to her.• Sorrell said. "She's very recognizable. If she plays well, the kids look up to that, and hopefully they can play like her. "She's very shy, believe it or not," Sorrell continued. "She doesn't necessarily like all the attention. She's one of those girts who wouJd most like to just play. She wouJd rather just go home right aft er the game.· "I played a good game finally." Zuzak said Wednesday night "I felt it coming the last couple of games. It just felt good." UCI 7-0 junior center Adam Parada, the Anteaters' leading scorer, finished With 13 points Wednesday. Freshmaii Mike Flev- berha. who had been starting the past seven games. and fre!.hman FENTON Continued from B 1 Shock also swept the Corona del Mar campus. where rumor!> of an accident involving Fenton were confinned by the after· noon. Bill Sumner. • who coached Fenton on the track and field team at CdM, said Fenton was a special young man, who fre· quently stopped by campus to visit when he was home from school "He was a nice kid with a ton of talent. but more than his tal· ent. I remember the person.· Sumner said. "He~ a nice guy firSt. a student second and an athlete thlrd. On the scale of one to 10, he was a 9.5 as an athlete, so that tells you how good of a person and student he wa-; • CdM football coach Dick force man, for whom Fenton was a first-team All-Pacific Coast League and AJl-Newport·Mesa offensive tackle, at 6-foot-4, 255 pounds, during his senior '>Cason TH~ es + STEVE Mc CRANK I DM.Y PILOT Aras Baskauskas, right, is a key reserve in the Anteaters' game . Ross Schraeder. who has been one of the first players off the bench. logged just three, and six minutes, respectively against Utah State. "TI1e combination we had out there was doing fine." said Doug- las.s. who has utilirecl eight differ· ent starting lineups this season. ·1 thought (Wednesday) was a game for the veterans.· The Anteaters lead the Idaho series 8-J, as UO has won tl)e last five meeting£ Last season. UO claimed wins -Of 92-54 in Idaho, and 52-38 at the Bren Events m 1999, also spoke of Fenton's maturity and lus drive to suc· cecd. both in the classroom and on the field. NHe was a hard-working guy who was very inteUigent, • Free· man said. "I remember. as a freshman, he was saying he wanted to go to Harvard or Yale and he worked hard to make sure it happened. He took all the tough classt!s. the advanced placement clas.ses, and had a 4.0 GPA. He was always prepared for football and for school. I le was everything you'd ever want in a student-athlete." Yelsey. who grew up playing youth baseball with Fenton, said he learned he had been admit'ted to Yale when Fenton called rum from New I laven after checking With coaches two days before the admLSStons were announced NWe cro .... ..ed path!> every once in awhlle on campus and he W<l!> al ways someone worth stopping and tallung 10." Yelsey said. ·nie fraternity he was in was a very popular one here. It was the ..ame one (Prel>ident George W. ' Center. The 'Eaters have won 31 of their last 34 home games at the Bren Center, dating back to the end of the 1999-2000 season. UCI unyeiled Its Big West regl,t· lar-season championshjp ban· ners of 200 I and 2002 Wednesday .night in front of 3,205 fans at the Bren. Douglass saicl he~was a bu surprised of tho.. sk!ihpy turnout because the Utah State game usually fills up the arena I fow· ever, Dou~ explained the home game against Utah State usually takes place later m lhc season when more is at stake Bush and his father, fonner President George 11.W Bush. both YaJe alums) were m." Fenton was a redshtrt m the football program as a freshman at Yale, but was not listed on the roster the last two seil!>Ons. hee man said Fenton had told tum he gave up football to concen trate on academics. Fenton won the Pacific Coa'>t League tjtle in the discuo; hjs jun ior and senior year at CdM and was also the league shot put champion in 2000. I le was ru11tl1 in the shot put at the CIF Soul.hem Section Divtsion Ill Fi nals his senior season. Fenton's parents. Bob and Jan· ice. were rtportedly traveling to Connecticul Friday and could not be reached. In a pt~ rele~. JX>UCe ..atd the acadent remcum under "' vesugation. Pohce ..aid other ac cidents had occurrC'd on I 95. the main highway along tht> Connecticut shorelinl'. early ht day morning. There was .,now on the road at the time of 1he acc1 dent .. • I. ...... -.... ·--~--··-·-~· ... -............. __ UUll,,.., ______ _,,._._. ... _._ ...... ,...... .... _ _....P"'I .. -• ............ ___ ..-____ .,.,, __ --.---~----------.....--·--~ --..--_,.....,......._ ••• -- •• Polic\1 Ho\v to Place A Dt•ad Ii n t·~ . Rates and deadltne'> arc -,ub1ec.l to change without notice The pubh~her reserves the right to c.:cm or, recla!.i.ify. revise or reject aqy clall!.1fied advertisemcnr Pie~ rt·pon any error that may be m >our c.:la~'1 I1ed ad immediately. The Dari> P1 lo1 accept-, no bab1lJt)' for an> error in an advert1i.ement fur which 1t ma> ~ responsible excep1 for thl' ~ml of the space actually occupied h) the error Credit can only bt: allowed tor 1hc 1 m.t insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD -"v1on<l.i) Tuc'>dJ). I 11dJ~ " IJ( tpr 1 ~ 1undJ) "Oilpm Wcdnt:..,J." 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Thanks for your cooperation . Daily .4) Pilot LIQal Notices 2640 MOTICI Of Ml.IC HWlfG HtttltsPlm Legal Noticts 264D RctltiM aw.ss it.. Stvt...t (PA2007-172) Tht ln•low1n& por """ NOllCl IS H[REBY I are dn111a bu neu •• l ' 8 H.m & Buuly ~IV(N th•t tho City Suppl•~·· ?:>9ll C.•luy Council of ll!t City of I l•n• l•k• r .:trHt \;A Newport Buch will Mid 926 HJ • • public hurme on the l ut () 5,k•• a n~ 1 l •Pl>fo .. 1 by 1110 Pl1nn1na ca I•, y 1 • n, I • ~ ~ Comm1u1on ol th• fu<t\I CA926JO 1pphcatioo by Hettln l Brw1 J s~~til• U9H "lue for ........... .., C•I•, v l 1 11t I .. ~• te Uu ,..,,.It Ne. f orol CA 9lfiJfJ J•22 on pr~rty 10 Tho\ t.u\111~" ~ CUl1 •l td .ol 32S Old du ted by husband •11d New,ert levleyerd . .,,1, Iha property 1s lo~•t•d H.owc you •l.Ntod do•n~ '" the Of4 Newport bu\10•\\ v•t' Yn S 10 leulavwd Spedflc l>lon 02 (SP·t ) Dlatrlc1. 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(Tr! 4 I; b .. r 20026t2Stl 1 -' wl,.. fw --•1'• 011ly Pilot Jan 4 11 and •ff·• t• ••nHMp• I 18 25 2003 S1414 tlo1t et •ft aal1tln9 ···-· ,,_._, ,. ttM AlceMll< lavHor £00.U HOOSltG onoannm Al ru l e t•I• •d•" t \tn~ n In• n~w•P ll•tl ,, \Ubft C I In lh• f •rlrr•I f •tr Hnu\OOI> A1 I 111 l 9b8 ,._ .tmt"ndt"d .,tl,., h rn•i\U 11 lt&•I lo advut1\r "•nv ,,,,fer rn<.t l1m1t1t1••" or d1\crimrn•t•oo bd ~·J w\ 'il'-~ 'c'o' '"'·~·or• ,,. .. h4nd1c•P '•""•11•1 \t1lu• or n•t•on• f ~"' r .. ,,, 1ntr rttlOf1 t m •h" •"'¥ ~u(h prtlt ,t"fkf' llntlt.t t•on ., d1$U rf'Jndt on Th" n•..,,rJr.i ... 11 riot ~now1ni y .1-.u~pJ any Advert1'\t mt'nf fnr cul nt•t• whtc n ' 111 Y1olat1nn of lh• •w llut re•der' ate ,,e•,.b t 1nlormtd th1t all dw9lf '"i\ •dvert1ud in lh1\ I ~tw•paper lite ••••'•bit on an equ11 oppt>1tuo1ty bi\" 1 o compl••n of dt\ trtmmahoo c.tll HUD toll Ito at I 800 424 ~90 Collectiblet/ Ovttot 0.41-• (UO). Ttie .,,11cetlun 1 ... dv4e1 • r .. e eat te .. ,_.. tt.. ~ ef The fot1ow1nc P••~n~ Mtmorabllla 1160 are dome bus•n•n as eperetleft. Th•• project has been reviewed, and •I hu b11n determined thet 1t 11 cate10ftcally eumpt under Illa raqulrtmtnb of the Cal1lorn1a En•• roomeolal Qualtty Act under Clau I !Minor alteration of ex 1stin1 1tructu11s) NOTICI IS HllllY •UUHO GJVIN that H id public llunn1 wtll be held on the 21"' day of '-«y, 2001, el Illa holK ol 7.00 ,. .... 1n the Council Chamber ol the Newport Buch City Hall, 3300 Nawport Boulevard. Newpoft B11ch, Callfornla, al which time and place any and all persons lnl..-nltd ma)' appear and be hurd thereon. If you cllellans• till• pr ojKt In court, you may be ltmlted to raisins only tlloM luues you Of M>tne0M tlH fltMd al Iha public hurlnc daKflbtd In thl• "ot1e1 or In written COfll· S90fldenct deltvered to th• Cltr et, Of prior to, the public htlfin&. For lnfo,matlon c;all (949)644 3200. /a/l•Vonne M. Ha1klau l 1Vonne M. Hatllln1. City Clerk City of Newport l11clt l'ltwport 811cll·Co1ta Miu OaHy ,Dot Jeriu•t ll,2003 SA417 Cosm1h f 1toeu1 I~ TOf' S$ 4 HCe>aOS [TC Ouo1e A•enue. Costa .wz. ClllR;, [IC. 50s ' Sh Mesa CA 92627 Ill Altec:. Sp1v tube ~ Mindy Beth Wedlock Mike 949 645 7505 1564 Or•nc• Avenue Costa Mau CA 92627 Auctions 1483 This bu.,nnl ll con I dul led by ~n tnd1vtdu1I WANTED Have you started do•ne businan yetl No ANTll\UES M1ody Btlh Wedlock !{ fhtS atatamt nt was hied with the County Clark ol Oran1• County on IV27 02 2002H27H6 Dttly "•lot Dec 28. 2002 Jen 4 , II lB 2003 SA411 Rc-..llslliMs Mmes....... Th• followln& parson• are dolnJ business n ; OBSIDIAN TUN ENTER· PRISES. 3419 Vie lido #414. Nawpot1 Buch. CA9266l Jamn Cordon Cowan, 3419 Via lido Ml'. ;.;;:Jort Buch, CA This buslnesi It con ducted by en 1nd1vldual Hive you 1tMtad dolnc busln•u yet? Ho Jamu Cordon Cowan Tiiis at1tem1nt wn hied with th• County Clerk of Ofana• County onOl/03/03 200Htt1401 Di lly "'ot Jen 4, ll, 11. m. 2003 s.413 ......... ... s...... Older 5~ F11mlture PIANOS l Coll.niblfl ·~..Jt.·"• .......... $$ CASH PAID S$ wt BUY ESTATES ' ,..""'Id •t• ~ ..-v<• AITIJI" ~~~~~~~1 I -~ · •. ::;,~: : . . . .••. I I,.. ~• •• ".tl1., .ti •14 "" , ••• Ganoe/ Ylfdtlles 1411 c.M./kA ._ 291 ~"°' Pl1ca QU1llty ltam1. clottll&, hcluMh06d. '"* ·~ ......... ........ mAll WI SAT M, 11' VIII Ul1t _. Dale-tlothU • 12. F ttu1amo Siio.a, ~· 3010-3940 r;m1 I I ..___ aoos-as10 soos-saso IUTOMOTIVI& 1IMSPOITAJIOH Ai: ~ -9000-9750 •• • TAX ., •• • DIRECTORY Call .949-642-4321. •• •• THU~ L Hl:LKt.K (949) 646-8803 Offices lor Lease 4540 NPI OfflCl S,.ACE 833 Ouver Or • 14 C.mmd !toe. archtlert'. t1Hu. erc.1t :.pac;t' 6:!),f 94'~7'> 54 ~ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa T-~ Loh Un. ~· a'lCl. 11.· ,.....,., iv..-SIJIO!OO l•x.ttftl "' ~ uf 111.. ntc• t .. tihb<Jl'hood'. 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" Ip '<;<.-.a • t r µ1o1ri .t...OJ ,. \ft .Jnd .w E·~a ,...,_ • • L<t1 I t apo1 0uu,; V..• "4 1 1\~ l'IJJ ;,A ~1-6.f> ff OCEANFRONT FIXER NOT FOii THE JAINT Of HEART AGT. 949-723·1I20 Newport Coast OPEN SAT 1-S l S V•a V~net • 41 r 4 '·ba N ar, • lJ r '""' 51,SIS,000 24 Co1elllno At "'-..., 11 !•ly Abr • '>b• ~t •O• t mt Sl,129,000 PLATINUM ,..o,.umu ~tet 4n.e ~•ur ~' 949 71S 3156 San Juan Capistrano Cal~'ooo' ...... 1~1& lASTSIOE llr, llo, T 4 I > ~ to lJf '.t•,.. ,,, .,,, t ,. t ~ !17' •0•1 'f~ ">41' ~ NI Shore N•wer 31r u .. '' ...... , <t .. , 1'>'.U n • ( I t 1~1n p•' -14 j ~1 147~ "* ••1 ,,... t>t.n tu• to~ •• plll 1"I rt• .. ~ '""' • '~.• ii'"' ~n 'P 1"<il<I r·..i ~ ~~b'<) 712.l ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Op... SGl/S... I 41 l r • i;u Corona del Mar 21 r •• Airy 2br I.... v. ....... s .,. ..... "' "' :zt... a. •Mt•~ Sl«J"1 r. • ,.._ ~ • ;¢•-bl'>. U44 IALIOA ISL.AMO H ., •• ,IJi. A'* I ' .. t h 1rt I_ -t ~· •• , ..,~ Vocotlen tn ,.orodlH I At,• • 14 • I re 4Jl.!2 J(~ac.6 42,~ Rare Gron..,•lfe ,, • 4l 21r • 6' I I r • 'I Ne-Nport ocro•1 • ..._, ,,..., <'l\r '>!! .~ r ·' 'S ~ • , ~ t.. • ' :.t... "' ....... t> ~ ~ ... • """""""" ~ ........... jtl ~,. • av,. i,h-* .. lP1 • y.. • t:.. "io.1 .. ~A' ~ !.:R~ade.rs in 11mporl 2'leac.6, Gcrona def .l!&zr. ~llJporl Gxz.,t, Crula ~.Ja /)on 'I miss oul on I.his chance lo promole .Y'U¥" expertise in /his faeld/ and say9?¥/'£, q;~ --, I 9) 574r--4249 .... _ ... ___ ... .,....., ___ ................... -.... ,.... ... -...""."lr""""...,l'"J""~T'.""---~-----:-..... --..,..... .. ----------.... ---.. ----..... --..... --· ~ -.... ---------------~------------ .. II Saturday, January 18, 2003 Huntington Beach a ..., _. """· pvt pab.l, pt. 8S3;oc; pool and ~-WIO Nu1ps, W'dter tnsh lllCld Pet OK st!Rilno il§l 714 ~7 ·:BOO lrvtne 2Br b e< Luaury condo, troPiail 1es0ft·hke settlf1a. ~aled, water, tr ash, P1 µ.i1d Ho&h r •se. subterra ""an parking $1700/mo. agt 714-997 -3993 Lido Isle ~ con.ge • 1•/Joe 2 c gar total remodel, 1>e01ch & tennis club. S2800/mo 949-644-23.30 Newport Beach IAYfltONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NlW 21r 210 COTTAGU Pro\/ale Beach, Pool and Spa Wdlk to Ocean Shops and Restaurants leaH 6/mo-2 yr • Boat Shp Available 110 LIDO l'AJtK OR. 949·673·6030 or 949 723.S830 • YEAJtlY * LEASES lilll GRUNOY REAL TORS 949-615-6161 LIDO ISll Sunny I bl apt, furn m1c10 refri& lots of ~toraee space S895 ·mo 949·673 7201 v ...... a>ndo lbr ,_ ~t Nr HOile. llflllJI loc. Resort ~ A'fltA now Sll<XVrno 714-~1554 STUDIOS Two very taree studios avail New p11nt & carpet. $1200/mo each Call 949· 715 3513 2tr I la apt Nwpt ~. ID-•WIY. ll/IY. Mn'IY· ,_ kiflba. oWll'klol<s pool, c.t ok Sl.24S/mo. ~400> Servtce Dlrectary Additions & Remodeling Accounting fAltTMM INTUllOtlS iiiiiiii .. NOi!iiiiiiTliiiiCE!!ii!!iTO~R!!i!EAO!i!i!!iE!!i!Rii!iS• -KitchM I ~ I Remodel Calllornoa law re =~ quores that cuntr1c· tors takona JObs that Battlrooms total S500 01 more 11.ibor or matenal$ > llUr •..., 1W toe ltten\td by the ....,. ,... ... _, Conlradors State L•cense Board State ""'6'1f"- law alSo rPqu1ras that ~ COfltractors include tWMl!la'ib-.a thelr Ileen" number (NIJ2e3.f23e on All adverll'tnK You __ ...., u1n chtl~ the status l'ola=--, ,_ ... cof your licensed \lff-.......u con tr1 cto1 al www.calb ca 11ov 01 l!I00·32l CSLB Unll· nnsed contracton hk1nt jobs that total less then SSOO mu\t state 1n their •dverllumenh th1t they 11r1 not licensed 01 the Cont11ctoll St1t1 License Bo11 d." olA!dit fflis ,~ •• bc•I. oU w ... 4 Prec•Hlllf. v-•fflce .,. ,.., .... •4'·7.0·IOjJ A TO Z HANDYMAN Install, reface cablneh. ~~ mo!d:J!· Doug nA-546-7291 Clfpet Repalr"81a 1)-Ulll'IT ~CUPM'Q Repeira, P1tchin1. Instill Cou,UOU$. any .it• fob$, Wholenlel !M9·492-0205 Quiet leo<Oft lay Apt. ne11 beach 18r.-olflce/ I Ba, S 1275/mo includes ulllltte~ 949·675·0150 2llr 2be condo, p ' pool, fl>, laood-m. It~ ,_ carp. wall to bay, gated, no pets $1600/rno lse 949-644.a:ro Veroolllu 2br 2ba penthouse. ncn views, balcony. comm pool/te11 •&t $1700 949-673-7800 Twni;;;; 2IM-21/tho 2-car att pr. beac..h dose. av•~ 1/1, Sl950m, 868 H.lyard Ln 949 675·4885 Ron Cd~loday 194') 6'2·561t Computer Servtces COMPUTER HELP! ·--•Gl'tle'*tlt •• ,. .... o111c1 •.C•• ·~ • •fl'Ol9111"G•• ·~Mild9fl ·C..~ • Dlglll ~""*"lo\.: ·~~PUOwt-uc ~OrecMte. 10 y,. Compodw bp. 714-612-2786 CGnCl'lfl & Maonry lrlcll llecll Stett• Tli. Concrete, P1tio, Ol'iveway flr-i>lc;, BBQ. Refs. 25VI'$ Elle. Terry 714·S57-7S!M Oaldap PUbllslttnt YOUllHOMI IMl'ltOVIMINT PRO.llCTf C•ll e plumber. p1lnter. h1"d~m1n, or 1ny of 1111 Jreet Hl''flcel llJted here In our urvlce directory! TkC.SC LOCAL SVC C......., Sohn' PEOf>ltCANHElP Hardwere~taUaUon, YOU TOOAYI 11oub4it thooh. ~ ,..... .... 71460.es Dlywll ..... Bridge . By CHAALES GOREN wttti OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDCE 0UtZ Q l ·East· West wtnerable. you bold: 2• .... ' What do you bid now? • 1' .J6 Q A Q lt9 6 <' A 6 • A J J Your right-band opponenl opens the biddina with one diamond. What action do you 111ke? O 4 • Boch vulnerable. you hold: Q 2 • Both \'Ulnt'rable, u South you hold: • J l o Q 10 54 o A K 9 • J8 7J Purtncr opens the bidding with one no trump (15-17). Whut do you respond? • IC 2 'V J 9 4 3 o K J 6 J It 7 Ji Q S • Vulnerable. you hold: The biddinR has orocceded: NOR'llf 'IA.ST' SOUTH WFbl l• Dbl ? What do you bid now" • KQJ81S4l : 6 · K 1096 • Vmd Your nght-hand opponent opens the buldl.llg w1lb one hean. What 11euon do you take? · Q J • Both vulnerable, as South you Q 6 -Vulnerable. you hold: hold: • A II A 6 4 3 2 v J8 6 • K J 10 The bidding has prococdcd: •K6 ··Q10S AJ96SJ •AQ What i' your opening bid? Ltxik for an.swen 011 Mum/a). !'IORTU EAST SOt,TU WEST l• hu l <::t Pass SWAltE S 1 ,995. Ooub1t NBR SUitu. Pentllouse. Quiet. Al New lnletior$. G•led Conwn. A· l Gym. Ne• t to Hoa& Hospital. AGT 949~770 Blvffs nice 381. SIJil·level, areenbelt loc, earaae $1995/mo. Vacant •ct. Dou& Bulley 949-720-1704 lluff• twnhm, lse 3br I lbr entry l11vet. nr pool. shops, schools, 2 c &II S2l<XVmo Ail ~~ ~ Gated t...xwy $1)at100S noo.-pjaos IBr widen from $1%3. &. 28r ,from $2195 8n.SS7-am lllr, 21 /1Bo, i", pet ok, n/s. w/d hkup, stove, A/C. f pie, av11I now $2250/mo 949-859-7973 lmt Mu«, bk bey -2 rnaslJs br, z.soa. t~. rernod krtch, nt!W paint, rrmac. 2 car pr pvt end trit twmm SZfi) Pnde- ""'1< ,,.,,t 714 5.31·5456 Bluffs CM1de 3Br 2' h Ba. 1700sf, 2 car gar no peVsmk S2375mo ... dep. year lease 949-644·0335 38' 2lo '*-· Fp, iireat beck yarc>+ 2cat pap, available after 1/20/03. Ple;ise caN 949-~3726 to see. S2500/mo 2#>4 Vllo ...,.,,, SZ!'JOOmo. prime 11olf coorw lower unit. nu cri>Vpa1nt. alt &•. !()II & pool 949-715-3513 ~~'r~~= 2<.. ps. y,() !Neis, liflh. ~~00 Newport c-st 2br 3ba den. patio, balcony, comm pool & spa, 2 c ear. fp, wd hkups aet S2600/mo 949-293 4630 Boyvlew Terroce 3br 2.5b• 2 c ear. 11ated, no pets $2600/mo. 714 968·6282 eve 962-0806 Oceon & bay ¥1ew, 2br 2ba totally remod, new everythin11.. aramte kotch. $2600/mo 949-720-3980 KU90a VIEW HOMlS 3br 2.bi h5e jac. al "" f\ov carp{pllnt. blllot 5d1ool!t & plrlls $2fi6() 9&581-1~ l'lluff sinale family 4Br 281 home. corner lot across from park S3400/ mo 949· 759 3337 W••tdlff fomlly Ho111e Buut1ful remodeled 3•2 and all new• Walk to school/park/shops S3450m includes eardener & Ost with lease 949-233-41986 ~,__..View ~ level 412.SNa, neutral in1lnJI. ~ ~ d. vacant. S4llXllmo act 949-n8-15BB Beelrtcal Services· UCINSEO CONTIACTOlt ·soutt1 Coast Metro lomAtlul ~ 2br+ den, 2br w/d, trq, 2c ear. 1400s!. l·sty, pted aimm, pool, spa, Immaculate. samn agt. 714-640-1414 Rentals Wanted 7880 Roommate needed for ~ daytme WOITWI non sniv'<*-w.er. cµel. eat· out mostly, bdy. ~~ llomehold chores, reb. .lac.qu:e 949-7'11-J.ll) PtiYatl Tu1Drtng 7990 Employment 8500 8ankm11 fut.time Teler Hilfbor Natlonal Bani<. NewPOrt Bdl Cteat benefih 6 Mo's uper oeoce pl'efeu ed f u resume ID'~ 949-€61 2676. Wonted friendly & out11.01ne people helpinfi ~thool photographer 2 3 ddys a week Will lr'°n $80/day 714 545 1775 Call between 8 30·2 30 Woo1t tr._ ,__ $.'j(» Sl5<nno PT J.5 tf/Wk, 200-S8'.Xnno 20+ hr/wk Fr'1f! &octue "'7·9'1-RJCH Std/ your Car in Classlfi'd ! HandymalV Home Repair ~jObtoosm.All-! THI HANDYMAN Rep11r, remodel, tam\, Emerne~ Service Ok! tpl, MW SVC 949>04S-31i5S ~ Electncal, Ganl(le Oocn etc 949-439·75S4 ~-:;;. '·-..... -·~ 20 Yeer1 of QUttllty Cr.tt.1H1t•hfp Ooll67411J (949) U0-'52S Mork CENF.IAL IEPAll ·~ • ~·Canmtrcial l'nltlon ldeol for sup· plemental income. Place/ supervise mternat1onal e•ctianee students Tra1ntn11. compensation, internatlon1I travel mc1mt1ves 866·209 8569. Offlco/Adlftlft Atsl•t. Local private school hn ommed openin1 for oftlCe a$$1Sl Word Processtne up u:slnt Word, ba5'C knowled&e of office mach!Oe$ and procedures, stton& or11aonu:atlonal 'lllllls req'd F amtlwrty w;MN:. computer or compulef srapluos exp. a plus. CaQ 949·645-1773 or fa a resume ~3782. Port·TI-SlOlhr. I 4 halls per "" Between 2-Spn. Erranm. (bankine, etc .. ) OffQ wortt NI' Hts home. Rebr!w 949-646-9666 Re<•ptloitls t /Student Offke local prlVate sd1oot hu lmmed open11111 on student ott1ce Outon include, phonH, onte,. acbn& w/\tu<ients. parents and staff AIM~ty to multi tasll w/a smile and a love of children a MUST compule1 knowledge a plus ~u 94~1773 or lu resume 949-645 3782 Receptlo"lat f /T Tue.- Sot. Busv phones MS Offoce and phone skill• Rntaurant e~p a+ Fu resume to 949-642·0674 01call642-7880 before 5 RISTAUIAHT hp'd. Donner House Sen/In. P/f Cool<$ ¥111 Bus-~ needed mmoci ately 31 An1no<!v's Alwr'boat Reslalant. 949-673' 3425 Guest Se rvlc-ea Rep. for small Ocean Front Hotel exp preferred Call Beth 949-611-1030 HAltlOlt ltlSOUltCES SUl'lltVISOR $.4.0<l6 · $5.692/month Full·tome posoloon open with the City of Newport Beach Requires two fe11 s of uperoence with a harbor rftlated actMty, and a Bachelors degree 1n enamee11n11. ·liberal erh 01 busorius 01 public adm1n1strat1on See 1ob flyer for com- plete requiremenh App~ & Job flyers avatlable al City Hall. HR Dept . 3300 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach. 92663 Ap qj,w onlme at www.dty~ beilctl ca us 9'19-644.3JX) fq deaclft 5:00 pm. I· 31-0.3 Resi.mes not ac oepted 111 fleu ol C4y appltc•toon Fa1es 11ot ~EOC Hauling JUNK TO THE OUMl'lll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949·673·5566 Heahh & Beauty Le" Uit To 70ftl• per 111onthl Trlple your ener&y 0ftly$Ja.•S Call Lisa t4t ... 4S·H77 Aocrtnwme · No Job Too Small Dave Bamllton Home bnpnMment = • o. ..... "-it,, ... P1~allon, Pru11ln1 &. 9 utitflnt Slfl.ail Pro~ts 115-$20/tlf 949·51~~4 1Mi1yW.u; .. .., .... Storm Clull U!>t T rM P1\lf'llnc. M.lnltonlnc.e. IMUlallo!\S. lrrtption, T101.1bllehootlnJ, ftepth ' IJsllr Idle 714-715-282.8 •Jitv1 .... do yow t?w1y WOrll " c;; T~ro• [;••uipe ~ mllnt. --nmq & lnsl•ll•tlon 2! Yu u p lk/in\ur9CI 949·"'8-4363 f, .. s;n;k,, Ywd Cleanup. Mtlnl•n•nc1, Sprlnklef ftepalr, Haull111 (t4t) 6SCM71 t 949-322-8.292 T'-" .. Clfflrtl"t Serv. Cofrcilete home & Ole Free est. Serv el O.C. 714-542·3473 714-785-1101 T-'• lw~ H .... Clllrera Tobi \-1111. OIMI ~ ,. 'Mlftl ~ by OWlllr .. '* 9&422-7<M ...... .. AltDnlalWI -..,......,.......,,.~,~&4~-t.-.~9-.k- MI, m•t•lllc lfMn/tr•Y lthr. CO. mntf, fully loaded, llllt new v624521 11.,995 fltl Ii warr evall Bkr 949·586·1888 -. .,..w.c- IMW ''5 5401 lOOlc ml, bleck/blk. buutlful orl11in1J cqnd. t1n1ndn& & werr avall v•249762 SI0.995 Bkr 949-588·1888 IMW 'ts 740af JUver, ommacul•I•. 7811 ml, ut warrl non/5mkr, $21,000 obo 1949) 642· 2165 eves Codllloc '11 tllf.,.odo looks & drtves nice, Sl475/obo, #754891> C.asla MIA C»-~7822 Chevrolet '96 c .... oro Conv. Black, 6cyl, loaded, $6445 1953268 Ca.:ta Mllsa Ot' ~7822 OtlVY MOHTl liiiiO 'llO 4CI! miles, Of1irwil -• ,_ c1m1c, areat conc1 mx> 949-640-8177 o;y;a;; '97 am.. Buut looks & dnves noc.e, AT, M:, CC, PH $tWSldlo v321!BI CM I»-9'1964S-7Wl Cliry~r '91 S.brlnt JX Conv 37k 1ctual ml books. records. metallic tee 11reen/11rey int, am· Im, blk top beaut oro11 cond, SS.995 v752412 Bltr 949 586-1888 www.ocpobl.<om Chrysler Von '9 6 Tow"· & Country L)(I whole/ erey lthr, immac cond CD. droves like 11ew. books .snoo 949-J50.5202. Dodge '00 Ito• E •tr a Cab. V8, 80k mi, h1&h lift, white. tully loaded v972498 $9995 fiA avlll Bkr 949·586-1888 www.ocpobJ.com Ford '96 bploter Spot t Al. mnrf. cc. pearl blk ery lthr $6445 11452136 C.oida Miu Ot' 96646 71122 fOltO IAHGIR XU '99 Extra Cab. Auto, CO 691< mo , 116. bedt1ner P11vate Party S7500 9494 42-5620 Jo9uar '96 XJ6, like new, Topaz/Oatmeal, CO Alarm . Must See • SI 5.800 949 650 5860 w-per-fOfmancettd com Joguor '99 XJ& \/anden Plas 34k mi. sparkling blli1tan lthr, CO chrm whts. lull tact "'arr. like new $29.995 vfl.42614 fin na1l 8kr 949·586 1888 w-.~l.corn Jeep '9S ~ Cherollee L TO 4•4. V8, wilt/Ian lllT, S7500iobo 1115146SB ~ Mesa !»-9oll}6tf> 782'2. l-.1 It-. '99 Otscovery S<!ries ff 27k mo. lull tact warr black/oatmea l lthr du•I mnrf rur au 1ump ual\. CO 18 chrm wilts like ne .. v.332099 $22.995 Ion avilol Bkr . 949·586 1888 www.ocpoltl.com luus '00 lS JOO 22k m1, silver/grey lthr, mnrl, CO, lull ladory warr like new v•52572 I S22 ,99!> fon1ncon1t avail Broker 949·586·1888 www.oq>0ltl.corn luu1'9& LX 410 Immaculate Bt1ek/tan lthr. all oro11. books $33.900949·350 5202 Moado '99 M loto Co"v 34k mt, 1u10. r ~d ht1ck int & top buutolul 011& corid. v597241 SI0,99!> Im & w111 avail Skr 9 49 586 1888 -·O<fH!ltl.c- Moving & Storage HST MOVlltS 559/Hr \erv1na all cities Insured Int courteous. careful. Tl63844 800·246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calol Public Ut11illes comm1n1on requires U.at all uud household aoods movers print their P.U C Cal T number: limos and chauffeurs print their T C P. 11umber in 111 1dve1· tisemenls II you have 1nv questions about the le111lity of a mover, limo of chautfeur. call: PUB- LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714·558· 4151 WANTID MOVlNGJOIS Small of Laree 24 How MeYlftf he Ce1Tl89442/1nsured 949·716·0691 714·886-1300 .. ~AUTO AcwwMSX ,., .. ·oo Spud Y1llow l2k tnU.• (119005) S63,980,00 IMWUSI• c...-·u Bllcl1·1ulo0low miles (#185781)$12,980,00 IMW140IS• .... .,. Whitt w/pertect rireme lnther·cerll· fled 8MW·S4k miles ( 18730) $27,980.00 •MWXS2o02 Whlle·F aclory Premium Wheels. (18920) $.42,980.00 IMWU C011vert1i.1, '96 Red w/lm1m1cul1te black lthr·5 speed (118770) $12.980 00 ;.,d bpedltlOft.'99 loaded. nice family SUV, whttt·lo mllu. (t1118794) $18.980,00 Luu• LS400 Sedan '91 VS Luaury Sedan full power. leather! (#183431) $19.980.00 Merced•• Be11;r S430 Sedon '00 Black Opal w/Ash lthr fact warrty-beaut1ful (, 18961) $.46.980 00 Porache 996 Coupe '99 Toptronoc whtle·full power low m1l11s (•18885) 546.980.00 l'ffHhe 993 Colt/ Tlptronlc '91 White w/Navy lthr & soft Top-one owner C•l9037CJ$42.980 00 Hummer H2 'OJ' sage green w/whut leillher 3k mlles (#19040) SS9.980,00 Joguor XJS Convnllltle '9 S 811sl1sh Rauna Green w1pedect Creme Leather, 56k m1 (•18955C>Sl8 98() 00 Mercedes Bena SLSOO Roodsler '99 Smoke Silver w/Par~hmenl Leath er ·Both top•' Beauty <•18967\ S.38.980 00 Sool> 900S '91 Mttalloc Red w Cr~mP Inter 101 Only lSk mil'~ l•l90Jl1 SI0,98000 f ord Mustonge Coupe '99 \/6 It 5 ~pHd • c CD .,,layer F ult Pow•r (•18560) $9 980 00 949-S14-7777 l'HIWPSAUTO hllll souto.com Mazd• 96 M•al• whole blli onl CO alloy whls lady owned buut orog unmarked cond musl see t o appreco•le S5 99!> fin .. arr ~va1t Bkr 949-SH-11111 •-·•<pot.I.com Mer..dn '97 a... 320f CotifO'I' bl~~ lthr $19.996 v"521254 ~I" Mna Dir 949 646 7822 Mercedu '96 C210 beautiful black/Crum fully loaded show1 onm tr\.out. Sii~. 714-151-2464 Mercedes '96 U20 71k mo wh1te lo•tmeat lthr snot CO beautiful or.i ..ond. v45962l Sl8.99S 8 1.r 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com MercedH 'II 300Sl Cora~ou~ Blue/blu~ lthr i4995 •215215 Cnst• Mua 011 949-6-46-7822 Painting RAINBOW ca<U MMNT Pa1ntln11.int/ed. tbise/~ Quaht)' job' free 11$timllta l#569897 114·636-8888 c61un11'• ,... 'Ofrs or Great Price! Gu•11nteed work Free est L•~75602 714-538 1534 1 390 2945 """" Plumblns repein over 25111 up. All wo1ll.,. ~-.--. 71466'8291 NOiiff i iUfOii•I i PLUM8EA Lf506588. ff•Estt~,.. ... OClfCU OM:. 714-23&--9150 Mere...._• 'IB HO SL white/I•"· lmmec ~ N'I ,. rJM d ~ d~ Sl5CIX) 71A-'51-3164 .......,.,..._.. LS '00 II.IX~ lthr, d Hlrl, chrome hteG, n-. n/slr'N. $15.995. ~ pp714-~ OlthMollll• '99 Avrora 3911 ml, ch1mp1ene/t1n ltl'tr. mnrf, CO. chrm whls. like new v598242 Sl L,995 Im & warr l\/811 Bkr 949·58tH888 -.ecpoltl.com P1nche '99 B•xt•r Conv 2h m1, 5spd, wh1te/11rey lthr. full fact warr. e1r1aed, non/ smkr. hke new vl26695 $28,995 Bkr 949-586-11188 w-.ocpoltl.corn lton9• Rover ''' 4.0 HE, 28k mo, full fact warr blaclt/1111 lthr, bh1ck p1pm11. beaut orie cond $27,995 v424238 ion nail Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.oc.paltl.co111 ltC1119e ltover '9 7 4 6 HSE 60k m1 met1ll1c dnrk areen. oatmeal tthr. 18" whls, labulou~ car fabulous corid $18,995 ltrm v•265124 fm/warr avaol Bkr 949·586·1888 Traoapoo1wtlon Car Olds mobile Royele '81 xlnt q &ood Ins, dafNll9d bOdy. $600/obo. 949-642 27)) AUTOM081lfS1 MISCRWEOUS Wanted CASH fOlt CAllS We need your car paod for or not Phllhps Auto Ask for M•lcolm 949 574 7777 Dally Pilot sroiTll' TIOOXTRACAB, TOYOTA lllJQ(,•PAI) SO MME Of'FER MJ. ~ af>l 714-374-8193 - MOTORCYCLES BMW '91 75011 M m1, xlnt mech•olcal & body co11d, bleck/&r ey lthr. CO. vJ-29542 $5500 BIH 9 49·586·1888 w-.;z:e1.c- BOATS 9515 DUFFY IOAT WANTIO. PlllVATI PARTY. IMMIDIATI. 949-675-1222 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NlWPOltT BEACH sll, Up to 31ft. $10 ft .. wafer ind electric avail. Randy 949·675·6515 SUllS AVAtLAIU Newport H111ba( beautt1ut loc. many sizes No love aboard$ 949·675-4847 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classlf led ad today I 9 642-5678 '96 Duffy 21 Wdl M~mmnc<l, Popular N~vy Color $18,495 #L-5'>6 '93 Duffy 21 Sink. Cooler & Private Head Arca 5« mg t5 BcUcvi n g $19,500 #0393 '93 Duffy 18 Prr:v10U) Owner Shows Love: & Acte nmm $13,.lSO #D83'i8 93 Duffy 18 New St-au. Well Cued For $13,250 Olf'l'v Electric Boats Co. 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy 949 645-6812 Plumbing l'ltlCISI PLUMBING Repairs & Remodeltna FREE ESllMATE Lt687398 714 969 1090 1'1t Ntlghbotftood Pfumbtrl DMIN I SlWll ~ WAHllO Sl'ICIAUST TWEEDY PWMllNG 9•9-645-2352 -.. 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