HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... Serving the Newport-Mt;s a community since 1907 WED~ESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2003 .. More state taxes vs. financial woes A proposal to increase California's vehicle license fee could save Newport Beach and Costa Mesa millions over the next two years. June Ca111r1nde and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NF.WPORT-MESA -A pro~ posal by a state assemblyman to raise vehicle License fees couJd help Newport Beach and Costa Mesa plug anticipated million- doUar financial holes caused by Gov. Gray Davis' proposed state budget. The proposal by Assembly Speaker Herb We&Son (D-Culver City) wouJd raise the average ve- hicle license fee by $103 10 com- pensate for a sub!>lantial reduc- tioi:i in state funding to ciues. "It would be KOOd news for cit- 1ei., but bad new. for individuals registenng their cars,·· Newport Beach Admtnt'>Lrauw Services Dtrector Denmi. Danner said. To help overcome an approXJ· mate $34 billion deficu. Davie.. h~ propo1>ed ehnunat111g the "back.fiJI" 1t ha!. paid to c111es since 1998 when Davi' '>la'>hed vehicle Liceme fee<.. hy rwo- tturds. Kecaui.e tht!M' revenues are i:.upposed to go IO the cuies. the '>late has been making up the difference. thereby givmg car owners a little more cash without hurting cities. But smce the salad days for the stare budget have wilted, Daw, has proposed not pitching an the two-thirds difference Thc11 would cost Newport Beach SI 7 million for fiscal year 2003-4 and Costa Mesa could lo~ about S2 6 million good-bye. For the next fiscal year, those number'> chmb even higher. Since the "back.fill' goes into the city's generaJ fw1d.,, 11 would affect services like po- lice and fire. QUESTION ? AN tMr9 other w.v- Marc Puckett. C..osta Mesas d1 rector of finance, said the origi- nal intent when the fees were re· duced dunng robust econonuc umes was that they would be m- crecc.ed when state budget cof- fer<.. wen:! '>Ubstantially durun- 1'ihed for Newport BMdl or Costa Meu to • evert • budg9t en.is besides (l9Cdng lnOf'e whide lio9nse II our Reederi H ine l 642-6086 orlBi,q dailW}iJot<f!latimes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only Smee Davis did not propose that a'> part of he. budget, some-. See TAXES, Pa1e A4 .I Council OKs home addition Costa Mesa leaders grant Eastside homeowner nod to turn his Broadway abode into a rwo-story home. Lolita Harper and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO~TA Mf.5A Welcome 10 the Easts1de story: an epic taJe of harmony and compatibility and the possible mte· graoon of two-story home remodels with more modest, single-story ranch houses. rhe Mory had a happy ending Monday for one resident a!> he overcame oppos1- oon and convinced lhe ma1onty of the City CounctJ that remodeb can be com patible with their single-story neighbors. r..ounctJ member; voted 4 to 0. With \layor Karen Robinson absent. to allow See HOME, Pace M PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAil Y PILOT Deanna Sclar, left, a spokesperson for MoveOn, delivers the group's anti-war message to P. Alberto Sandoval. NEWPORT BEACH 2 arrested after sea lions shot Delivering a message National anti-war group includes local offices of Cox, Rohrabacher in de monstration against possible U.S. attack on Iraq. June C1111r1nde and Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -An anti- war group's nationwide blitz hit home Tuesday lJS members of MoveOn delivered petitions and pleas to the local offices of U.S. Reps. Ouis Cox and Dana Rohra- bacher. Protester-. touting an anti-war message showed up at Rohra bacher's locaJ office at noon 10 urge the hawkish congressman to back off support for military force against Iraqi leader Saddam Hus- sein. "The main focus is wanting to put on the brakes Ion military ac- tion against Husseini." group spokesman Dayve Hind said shortly before the protest. "That' the central focus today." About 30 members of the group delivered what they said were pe- •Nobody wants war unless It's the option of last resort," said Roslyn ManJey, a local organizer for the event. "This is not just the voice of a loud few. This is the ma- jority." See MESSAGE, Paie A4 Teddi Atves holds a sign protesting the push for war in Iraq. Friends, family r~member 'gentle giant' Former Corona del Mar High student Sean Fenton excelled not onJy in sports and the classroom, but also as a person. Christin• C1rrlllo Daily Pilot resident certainly made a long-tasting mark In the cl room. on the field and In the hearts o( almost everyon e he met. CORONA OHL MAR -· Sean Fenton Sean Fenton loved key lime pies. Fenton was known in the Newport·Mesa com- mu.nfty for his atbJetJc prowess and intelligence and carried those tralta with him to Yale Uniwr· shy, where the junior computer science n\tjor More than that, he IOW'd to make them and gtve Chem to people w!'<> would ap~· clac. his bUini effort. . While the folmet footblD player ind track and fteld ater II Corona del Mar High Scbool W11 noc wen known for hla skills ln &be ldtc:hen. che 20-year·okl Newport 8ted\ played for two yeara on the rootbell team *I le was a gentle giant and h never took hJs atr.e for pant~" said sean·. father, Robert Fenton. ·Sean bridgfod the pp be- tween athAtta and non-athlft " On Friday momin& f'f!\ton WU killed after the sports utility vehide he was driving struck a flatbed tractor-trailer that lo t control and ~ed on lnlerstate-95 in Connecticut Fenton, who was acting as the d gnated driver for eight of his fellow frattmlt.y brothers, was one or the four young men killed in the crash that left 6Vf! others injured. •Sean Fenton wu an outstandin8 hu· man being in every way," said Jame. Tum- lin. bis ronner advanced placement U.S. history t~cher at Corona del Mar High. •He wu as at home with adultt as he wu with hb peers ••• He WU lhe kind of lndl· \'ldual tho wor1d can leut afford co lose." WhUe the Newport Beach communby made la. matt on Fenton. be allo Md an undeniable on lhe community • Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ONntEWEB: ww.~can WEATHER Harbor Patrol officials say the men lured the animals to their boat and then shot pellet guns at them. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -1Wo So4fb County men face local. tate and federal criminaJ charges of animal auelty and discharging a firearm after allegedly shooting sea Uons off the~ Tuesday monung. county sheriff's officials said. Timothy Heighlkemptr, 56, of San Oe- mente, and Hal WlllJams, 67, or Dana Point, were detained on suspicion or lur- ing sea Uons with bait and then lhooting them with pt'Uet gum' near the Newport SM SHOT, PllC• M SPORTS Ywt ...,., lt'W be foggy Mr1y In the rnonq end 8UnnV .., lntt. ~ ......... be ln1heloW-1091n N9' ~Man. ... ,.Al - A2 Wednesday, January 22, 2003 LOCALS o ·NLY NEIGHBORS John Laing Homes of Newport Beach named Daniel Flynn director of land acquisition for the South Coast Division of the company. Flynn, a veteran of the residential real estate market in Southern c.alifomia. will be responsible for site acquisition, due diligence investigation, financial Daniel Flynn analysis and entitlement approvals for the division, which designs and builds homes in Orange and San Diego counties. t-lynn last worlted for Western Pacific Housing. a homebuilder that also designs and builds homes throughout the stall! .... Among those on Tuft University's Dean's List for the Fall 2002 semester was Craig A. Levine of Newport Beach. Levine joined the list after earning at least a 3.4 grade-point average during the semester. 1\lfts has three locations in Massachusens. including Medford/Somerville -where Levine anends -and one in Talloires, France .... A Costa Mesa High School srudent was chosen as a semilinahst in the Music Center 2003 Spotlight Award Visual Arts Semifinalists for her exceptional photography. Senior 1lffani Larson, a Costa Mesa 1 ligh senior, was one of 88 high school artists and photographers honored. The Music Center Spotlight Awards program is a nationally acclaimed recognition and DUI ARRESTS The following people have been arrested recently on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a cnme and, as with all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Monday Tolenti Sandalio-Vargas. 33 Daniel Eric Riffel, 32 Daniel Dia2. 35 Sunday Mu::hael Louis Garduno, 19 Saturday Lawrence Ramire2. 39 Bridge Eileen Balme, 20 M aria Elena Mokay, 42 Anthony Blaise Adia, 32 Jeffrey Dean Sutton, 37 Friday Jeffrey Smith M om s, 2/. M anuel Argueta, 48 Jose Lorenzo Torres. 30 Brian M atthew Martlll, 43 PET OF THE WEEK Chloe scholarship competition for Southern California high school performing and visual artists. Semifinalists anend master classes and museum tours, and then the field is narrowed to seven in each category. Wmners receive $1,500, runners-up get $1,000, and five honorable mentions get $25 .... Costa Mesa resident Rob Glo.ter ls spending bis winter break observing the ni~t sky as pan of a special class at Dana College in Blair. Neb. The class introduces srudents to the world of asuonomy. included in the class is a planetarium show and a project involving a model, oral presentation and written report. The class ends on Friday. Gloster, a sophomore majoring in communications, is the son of Robert and Meredith Gloster of Costa Mesa. I le's also a 1999 Costa Mesa High graduate. Dana College is a private, liberal arts institution with 600 students on 150 acres .... The Murucipal Water District of Orange Counry Board of Directors last week elected Costa Mesa res ident Joan C: Finnegan to serve a one-year term as board president this year. 11innegan represents Division 4 on the board, which includes portions of Newport-Mesa and 1 luntington Beach. She was elected to the Coastal Municipal Water District Board of Directors in 1983 and kept her seat there unoJ the district consolidated with the Municipal Water Distnct in 2000. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information 10 Coral Wilson via fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral.wilson alatimes com Thursday William Christopher M oore, 41 Curt Allen Frillier, 46 Wednesday Wiley Joseph Omson, 18 Tuesday Sabreana M ana Beard. 32 NEWPORT BEACH Monday Lila Rene Jenkins, 46. Garden Grove Sunday Brian Patrick Blythe, 25, Irvine Gary M ichael Moreau, 28, Costa M esa Renato Rosato, 45, Costa Mesa Saturday Casandra Ricca Anson. 41, Laguna Niguel Friday David Robert Lund, 29. Newport Beach Marte Jarrett Chiarello, 28, Newport Beach Wednesday Pahc1a Lorance W1lhams, 33, Houston m households,'' ~he 'Mild. "01il drcn can be rough, loud and ~ tht: famil y pets, causing lcincns and calb 10 hide or urinate to i.huw their unhappme~ and dogs may bite. causing permanent emotional and phyi>ical sea.rs.· Olloe is a 2-year-old declawed Pregnant cats are being found and spayed female Calico. She'!> on the street more and more, unhappy in her living situation f>faff-Martin said. Bui don't feed among other cats and young chi!-stray anim~ she said. "without dren, said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, trapping them and getting them founder of the Community Ani-spayed. Call us 10 get a trap.· ma! Network in Newport Beach. The network is now accepting "We see many animals that are donations for the new spring pro· 11~ by a children under age 5 gram ~spay a Stray.· It Is I~ Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 22 ™<>MASH. JOHNSON, News Editors Publisher TONY OODEAO, Editor JUOV OETTING, AdVertl1lng Director LANA JOtWSON, Proft'lotiona Director Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF O...,.BMmh Crime and courta reporter, (9491 674-4226 d#pa bharethtll•tlrna com June CaMgnnde Newport a..dl repotter, (9491 57«232 /une.cnag,.ndo•,.tlrnet com PN Clln\ofl Politic=-and environment repai"ler, (949) ?&M330 paul.clinton latlmea.com LolltaHefl)8f' Colt• M ... r19011ar, (9411) 574 4275 loJIU.MfP*./at1ma oom Oeirdrw NewmM Education 1'9POrt*', C949157«221 d#llrdre.fWIWrf'IMl•i.11,,.,...com • ~Cenillo News Allaunt, (~1 574-4298 dln.tint1.<»rr1l/o 14tJmn com FOR A GOOD CAUSE F'HOTOS B'I' SHVE McCRANI< /DM.Y Plt O' Nathahe Goldstein, center. has been volunteer teaching the game Mah Jong at the Oasis Senror Center 1n Corona del Mar. She's only just begun Corona def Mar res ident has her own view of how fast tifne passes. And she's rnaking the most of it. June Casa&r ande Daily Pilot W lwn you ask NJthahe <, >ld!>tetn how long she\ boen a voluntl'er at the Oasis Seruor (,enter, \hl' '·'Y"> blithely: "Oh. not long fu,1 I IJ vears.' She has a )Unilarly 1i,.;11 hearted answer to the qu~tion of how long she ha~ been married lO Irving: "Oh, I've only been married for 6 1 years 10 the same man." FYI The Friends of OASIS support group 1s actively seelung vo lunteers For mformat1on call (949) 718-1800 For general tnformauon about OASIS, call (949) 644-3244 mynad other acuviaes that ~he !MlY~ make her life fuJJ and fun. And when she's not the teacher or the helper, she's a student M a member o( Oasis, (,olilitetn likes to takt part m many of the program' offered at the center. Time Oieo; when }'ou'rc having fun. An d fo r <..old'item, the fun didn't ... 1up \\hen '>he retired lH \t'Jr'-.1go from htr 1ob a.'> an oOin• m.111ager c ln the contrnr\ till' lu11 wa' 1u ... 1 beginning Mah Jong game pieces lay scattered about ready to be played at the Oasis Semor Center m Corona del Mar "Let\ see On Mondays. \\'ed1w..OJV'> Jnd Fndayi> r ta.kt• l'>.l·n .-.t• cla-.,~ On l11ur,c.JJ}" I do yoga I'm lht' ~nd 111 f>l'r">on that hl.e!> to keep bll'>} It kt>ep'> you gou1~ And 11\ wry rt-warding Ol'ldlht' 0.L'>I'> ,., iusl '>Ur h a wonderful platl' There\, '>omcth111~ fur ewryt:>0d} Nobod, t.in "l) there\ nothmg to do • nw -.uper .lltl\'l' lO tt·ach Ull'lll ahou1 a g..une that ha' llllrth'lll'd ht.'r for mo'>I of lwr hie 83-year nld 11.1' bt't•n teurlung Mah long al the tt't lll'r for abou1 ell(hl }l'ilr' Onct' or twice a \\l'l'k '>ht•'"' down with '>mall ~roup' ol '>t'n1or"> · 1 u'>ec..I to lt.'ac h large group'> of 25 or'><>. hut that WU'> loo hard Now J kl't.'p 11 down to four or five." the Cormia <.lei ~far rt''>ldl·nt '><lid. "It \ J fa..,cin a11ng wuTie costly tlMpa} an J111111.1l 1 han pay lor all the killt·11 lormula 10 reuse abandonec.J k.Jttt'tl'> that .ire found In bU!.he<., ~hl' ac.Jdl•d r JlW CO'il c;pay/nt:uter dmu' drl' only $25. Call the net\'\orl.. for n.-lcrral num- bers. See other arnrn.us av..ulahle for adoption at U'li'Wtminuilnet work.org or stop by Ru~'>OS pcl store at Fashlon Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. In- formation: (949) 759-3646, or write to the C.Ommunity Arumal Network at P.O. Box 8H62. New- port Beach, CA 926.58. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leacti Kent Troptbw RU,OERS HOTLINE (949) 642-ro86 Record your comments about tho Daily Pilot or news tips Addreu Our address is 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Office hours aro Monday Friday, 8 30 a.m 5 p.m ConKtions It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of 1ub,tance Please call (9491 574~286 FYI 92626 Copyright No news stones. illu11rat1on1, edltorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without w ritten perm1111on or copyright owner HOW TO REACH US Cln:uletlon The Times Orange County (800) 2&2·9141 Advertlslng Ctasslfled (9491642 5678 Display (949) 642 4321 Edltoriel N-1 (949) 642-6&80 Sporte UM9157"-"223 News Ftuc (9491 546-4170 Spotts Fax (9491650 0170 E-mefl: Chl/fypllor letlmn com MaJnomc. &wanea Office (949) 842 4321 Butln"' Fe• (949) 831 7126 The Newport BeechJC01t• MeH Daily Pilot IUSPS-144 800111 published dally. In Newport Beaeh end Co111 MeH, 1ub1cript1on1 are evailable only by 1ubscr1blng to The Tlmee Orenge County (8001 252·9141. In ereaa outt1de of Newport Beach 1nd Costa Mase, sublc:rlptiOf'll to the Daily Piiot ere eve1l1ble only by first clHs mell for S30 pet month (Prices Include 111 1ppUcable 1U1t• and locel UIXH I POSTMASTER· Send 1ddr111 c:h1ng11 to The Newport B11dl/Co111 M e11 Delly Pilot, P.O Box IHO, Cotta MHa. CA • Publiahed by Tim Community NMI, • d1vl Ion df the Lot Ang '" • Tlmee C'2002 TlmH CN. All rigtnt f9M(Ved. le~min~ thr lllt•'>, leam111g the h<utth It tall"> about lhl' wet•k . ., lo learn 11 11 y1111 c.Jo 11 onn· a Wt>l•k .. Hut that\ not the onJv U1111g she doe~ al C )J'>I'> '-,ht at..o help'> nin 1ht• gift <,hop. M>rb w11h memlwf">h1p .. 1gn up.,, \'\Orlt' 11> llll' ~11 lwn and GETIING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED 'tuns periodically in the Daily Pilot on • rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list, calf (949) 674-4298. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needa a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. WYLAND FOUNDATION The Wyland Foundation. whk:h enoou'8g• greeter awareneas of ocun conaervation, la .-Jng volunteers for c:i.ric:al and computer help afl4 grant wntlng. (949) 497~23. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Fog will greet us, but it'll make way for a sunny day. Hlgha will top out in the lower 70s In Costa Mesa and the mid- to upper 60s along the coast. Lowa wlll stay just above 60. lnfonnaUon: www.nws.noaa.(JOV BOATING FORECAST The aouthwestetly winds will biow 10 to 15 knots in the Inner wate,.. this eftemoon. with 2-foot WWM and a weat swefl of 6 to 8 feet. Tho winds will blow 10 to 15 knots, with a wett swell of 4 to 6 feet. Out farther, the aouthetly wlnda will blow 10 to 15 knota, with 1-to 2·foot waves and 1 west IW!" of 7 to 10 feet. Leier, windl will blow slightly lighter, wt1h 2·foot W8VOI SURF The latest nonhwut swell I nses t<><!ay, bringing us into the heado-h1gh range, with the occasional overhead. Double-overheads can be found further touth down San Diego way. We'll see a slight drop on Thursday, but it should still be near head-high. On Friday, the next swetl anives With enough energy to provide ua tome more overhe~. We should be •bQo1 3 feet overhead while standout spots will Mt double-overheads. w.w quality. www.surfrlder.org TIDES nm. 5:32a m. 11 :26e m. 8:19p.m • 1:031.m . Height 1.93 feet low 5.09 fMt high .() .11 flMt low 4A1 fMthtgh WATER TEMPERATURE 68degreot ' ~----------..._ ........ .._ _______________ .._ ____________ . .::;..:~;;:;;:;;:::;;:::;::~;:;::;:::::::;;:::.--;::::::::::::==:;:::::::::::::::~'!!11!!11'!!!91!!!!!1!!!!,. ........................................... 111!111 .................. . ?003 Al Freeway car crash kills Newport Beach man UCI A Jeep strikes Leonard Kapla n, 72, shortly after he crashes into the median of the Costa Mesa Freeway in Santa Ana. Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -A Newport Beach 'enior citizen died on the Costa Mesa 1-reeway on Monday night after being '>truck by a South County woman sus- UC I hos ts 19th Marti n Luther King Jr. Symposium UC Irvi ne, through Friday. is host- ing ii'> J<~th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Sympo'>ium that will feature Jul ian Hond, chairman of the Na- tional A..,.~11. lor the Advancement of Colored People. a!> tht> keynote '>p eaker. Hund, an active participant in the movement for civil right<;. etonomic Jll!>litc and peat<' for more than four d£>uides, founded an o rganization that led nonviolent anti·'>egregation prult'~ts and eventually won integra· lion of Atlanta\ m ovie ttwater~. lunch countf'r'> and parks. Hond\ keynote addre~., i~ part of the four-day -.ym po,ium that will fo. ell'> un prJyer. prnie~t and pt'ace and will be• given lrom 7 to R:30 p.rn. Fri· day at till' "tudt>nt Center\ ~:rystal f ovc Auditoraum. I he .,ympo.,ium, co'\pon.,ort'd by the l ro-;, l ulHiral <.enter and thP Of· SCHOOL LIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Act.ms K~5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 Andersen K-6 1900 Port Seaboume, Newport Beach Mary Manos, (949) 515-6935 Califomle K-5 3232 California St., Costa Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College Parfc K -3 2380 Notre Oame Road. Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 08Vis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 peeled of drunk.en driving. Leonard Kaplan, 72. died after the Jeep hjt him near the 17th St reet exit on the Costa Mesa Freeway at about 11 p.m. Monday, said Cullen Ellinburgh. supervising deputy at the county coro· ner's otnce. Autopsy reports are not complete, but all preliminary informa· lion shows that accident-related inju· ries killed Kaplan, Ellinburgh said. Officer Joann O'Hair, spokeswoman for the California I lighway Patrol in Santa Ana, said Kaplan had crashed his Daewoo into th e center divider of the freeway and got out of his car, whk~ faced south in the carpool lane. Kaplan probably stayed close to the d river's side area, where he was struck, she said. Kaplan was allegedly hit by Shanna Kelley, a 23-year-old Mission Viejo resi- dent, wh o did not notice the stalled ve- hicle in time to avoid It, O'J lair said. Kelley veered to the left and crashed into the driver'& side door and Kaplan, O'Hair said. . The 72-year-old man was found crushed against the center divider, <>he said. Officers said Kelley exited the freeway at Fourth Street in Tustin and Lal led the authorities. She was nut 1111uted. but was arrested on su~p1tiun of drunken driving and felony manslaughte1. U 'Hair said. She is being held in Central Jajj in Santa Ana. O 'Hair said officers could not deter- mine what caused Kaplan tu m111ally crash into the center divider. Tire mark..-. showed he made a sharp tum into the median, but there wa& no eVJdence of debris on the road. O'Hafr ~d. "We don't know if he gut cut off or if he woke up suddenJy; we juM don't know.· O'Hair said. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS fice of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, will include facult y and stu- dent panel discussions in addition to different lectures an d rallies. C.osta Mesa to host cleanup, beauti fication event April 26 ·1 he c t1y of Co~ta Mesa. the Orange County fairgrounds and the Volunteer Cen1er of Orange County have joined force!> to organize the spring "Neigh· bors for Neighbors" program on April 26. The 9-year-old program, injtiated by the city. wa., created to help low-in· come re'iideuts with the beautifica tion of their home'> and assi'lt in commu· nity deanup. Officials said the pro gram~ s park volunteer 'pirit through· out the city. ' Program leader<; are calling for vol- unteers and donors co continue the -;ucces,ful event. About 200 volunteers are needed for the cleanup, and the EHtbluft K-6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Charlene Metoyer, (949) 515--5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona det Mar Mellissia Christensen, (949) 515-6940 Keiser 3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Daryle Palm er, (949) 515-6950 Killybrooke K-5 3155 Killybrooke lane, Costa Mesa Kathy Sanchez, (714) 424-7945 Uncofn K-6 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Barbara Hadd~ (949) 51~5 M..tnenK-6 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beac::ti park can accommodate 500 persons. The day starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at noon. entry featured tngredienl'> and flavor& of the Pacific flim The cornpc1111on, held at the Southern CaJifornia ~(·hool of Culinary Arts in Pasadena, -.howcased studen.t teams throughout the '>late. and <JU . took the gold medal People are aJso encouraged to do- nate money, supplies, materiaJ<. and food for the event. All volunteers are fed. Those interested in donating. paint- ing or cleaning up can call the MNeigh· bors for Neighbor-," hotline at (7 14 ) 754-4892. For more information, caJI Jacqueline Reeves at (714 ) 754-4870. The team will advanct tu the West ern Regional ( ompl'lt1ion in March m Portland. OU fini'>hed third in the re gional compellllon last year. and '>et- ond place the prevwu-. two year' OCC c ulin ary arts students Newport, Red Cros~ wi ll win state championship host blood drive Jan . 31 1 Local tommunity coUege culinary Newport BeaLh i'> hn'>t111g a blood con noisseur'> have continued their drive rn partner<,hip with the Ameri- winning ways by bringing home the can Red Croo;i; More than 1.000 unit'> bacon in a state food competitfon . of blood are u'ed 1n ~outht'rn Cali for· Orange \.oast Colkge culinary artc; nia every day. People are elig1hle tu .. tudenl'> are the state champiom for · giw blood every 'i6 day~. The dnve the fourth year in a row after winning take'> plate fr om I tµ 7 p rn f-ndav. the California State I lo t rood Team Jan. 31 at the :'\Jewpnrt Beach I ibrary, competition rn f>a '>adena. The college 1000 Avocado Ave. Pam Coughlin, (949) 515-6960 RN4-6 601 Hamihon St, Costa Mesa Newport Cout K-6 Ken Killian, (949) 515-6905 6655 Ridge Park Road, Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroedc. (949) Sonora K-3 515-6975 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Christine Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Newport Bementary K-6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Victoria K-5 Newport Beach 1025 Victoria St., Costa Mesa Denise Knutsen, (949) 515-6965 Judy Laakso, (949) 515-6985 Newport Heights K-6 Whittier K-3 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beach 1800 N. Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa J udith Chambers, (949) 515-6970 Sharon Blakely, (949) 515--6990 Paularfno K-3 Wilson K-5 1060 Paularino Ave.., Costa Mesa 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa Patricia Insley, (714) 424-7950 Candy Sperling, (949) 515-6995 Pomona K-3 Woodland K-2 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa 2025 Garden Lane, Costa Mesa Julie MeCorrnlct, (949) 515-6980 Kathryn Hofer, (949) 515-6945 scien ce~ hone in <)fl . Costa Me sa Program to b1111~ 'college '>ci<'n< ,. professor~ to t lw city's high '>rhool-. will begin corngl 11. Chr ist ine Carrillo Daily Pilot (()0..,(,\\11',\ l'11i. ... lro111 thl:' wntld 111 "1•·11 • will he rt'c1d11ng u111 t• gl't1l:'rat11111 ol ww.11< I 1 IJ( ln.ull' \( hwil 1.! I \uem<·-. hold• I! .1111 enc:.t.• la11 111 t1o111 \1 1 r •)' n two!..o-.ra \l1 -..1 l111-:l1 ·I 1111 day and I L'I> i. . nie "A,.,~ ,, :-.111' r.,. "ri.:111 :!003" progr.rn1 111 .... 1 1 1 I 11 I four y1:ar., c1go ,11 1 ' 1 I hgh Sthnol g1\"" 111 d '>tudent'> an upp111 tu111 '\ one-on-one ~11h ,, 1t 1 1 dJfTerent field.., ot 1111h ''lt''> very pc1\v1·rt11 they hnng m thl' I• , •· the '>c.ho"I." .... ud l 11 d • 1 (O'>ta J\lf',,t 1 figJi ' pr I• 11 a powerful t111>I ti• ,1,, " I 1 tlenl'> II' ,.,, 11 1 ~ ft'~\IUllah ).:1\1' lf1t I' IPtH h thl:' 'ot\ltlt•fl l' , .. !fo .. llw tnlort11,1l • '1111 li1.,h1·c.J h) '>1 lic1 11 11, 111 \ut.·nll''> I >1-.111 '>11~.11 1-. &med .11 t>nt 1111r,1~.11.~ tlt:fl('," lllll'fl ''ot !ti '>I 11'[1 ' I ' crea.,1ng ··11101111 ·1 1i1 r -.chrnil... fl\ 1111d1 p,. 1 ~· dt:lll' . I Ill'\ \\\'fl ..,, hofll-. lin .11 ... 1 und1•r.,t'n.·1·c.J 11 ' ' lid<h. ,,11d I 111 \l,1 tht llltltl',ll h I <H>tdtf IJC I. ··rill' grntl 10., tt> 1,. 11 tlev!:'lop tho'•' l w ld1, lJ\att• them t" 11.1\1 In 'Lll'rH t' lht• Ill I 'l It Ill I l.111 aho ,.., plannmg '1"1' i. l<igirai -.nt·rn ,..., "' I 11 • I tone' for -.tud1·111 11 1 'llldt:nL'> ' I he l'\ c•nt 1• •':>.( ' c 1o trac1 ;.iho111 l!tl P• lw twld ltom 1 1 \le..a 11iw1 11J111i.:111 H p.m. on I t•I h 11 I '-I 11 ~chool ~~ H t's l a ura nl ~~ READING Help At [ OUR TIME IS A UXUR" ... Make The Most •of Every Moment! Freth chicken broth, chunkt of chicken brust, rice pm!Jhed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. t .... Great To-Go ... ~ ,.I 1· . ...., .. CostaYaa MZ-llG Corona dd Mar ~DCO N~ch I ' • ' I : ' . ' ~ • ' , ' ~ 1• I I l' I h • • •• . • •• • ' . . . . . . . Mattress Outlet Store 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa How best to take care of a work of art? A Rolex timepiece is truly a mnrvel of ~rform.inu• and l-ndurance. ln five years of continuous timekeeping. its balance wheel travels the equivalent of 23,333 mil~. This kind of perfonnance deserves propeT care and periodic maintenance, and Role): recommends that 1he1r timi.>piec~ be cleaned and C1iled approximately every five yea.rs. U you've invested In a Rolex you've made an astute deas1on Protect that investment by 11howin,g the same !IOund judgment when 11 comes to tht• maint4?J'0nce of your timepiece As an Official Rolex Jeweln we are dedicated ~ ~ integrity of genuine Rolex i' timepie<'t.'S, parts and a«essories Please vi.sit our st<>n! when you are ready to discu the care and let'Vice or yoor Rolex. ROLEX BLACKMAN LTD. ~:Eh~~ JEWELERS . . ... la--1 Vio Opario, Newport ~ 949-673-9334 TuToRING C UB •Reading Vocabulary •Reading Comprehension • Phonics lnstrudion RESULTS GUARANTEED! Your child will imP.fOVe at lta5t one full grade lev1· wffhin 32 hours of inrlruction or ff is FREE until he/she does! CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' STREET • COSTA M ESA ~l)li~ (comer of lrvme Ave.) • @JUlllDIRAiuJJ • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessom s For Your Homr Country French End Table (Black 1 •••••••••••••• $150'"' Burgundy Plaid Sora ...................................... ~t 75• ISS- Custom Pine Armoire .....•.• .,...:.,,,.._...t" ............. . ,., only a. ' ··°'""-'-"'"---------~-'----=--~-------------------·---- \ M Wdlesday, ~ 22, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Balcer StrMt: Vandalism wa1reportedlnthe1200 blodc at 11:06 a.m . Mon~ay. • w..t....., S1rMt: Petty theft was reported in the 1000 blodc at 8:19 a.m. Monday. • lktstDI StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3100 blodc at 6:08 a.m . Monday. • Harbot Boulewitd: Auto theft was reported in the 2700 blodc at 1 :30 p.m. Monday. • Halt>or Boulevard: Vandalism was reported in the 1900 blodc at 3:12 a.m. Monday. • PiMcrMk Oriw: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 8:52 a.m. TAXES Continued from Al thing should be done to com· pensate foe the loss. Puckett said. "llbe state) should not bal- ance [its) budget on the backs of cities," Puckett said. "We've been responsible in managing our budgets. and we should not have to bear the brunt of problems at the state level in terms of baJ· ancing the state budget." Danner said that Newport Beach officials have not yet dis- cussed which programs or proj· ects would feel the pinch of the loss of funding. Several other items in Davis' proposed budget could take smaUer bites out of Newport Beach's budget. State traffic-con- Monday. • Thwtn ~A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk In public In the 2000blodcat12:40 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • 43ld S1rMt: Vandalism was reported In the 100 blodc at 1:39 a.m. Tuesday. • East Edg1Wllt9f """9: Burglary was reported In the 400 blodc at 9:22 a.m. Tuesday. • PoinHttia Avenue: Assault wttn a deadly weapon was reported In the 500 blodc at 6:01 p.m. Monday . • Aubv Avenue: Residential burglary was reported In the 200 blodc at 6:28 p.m. Monday. • Vbtlt &u.rt9: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 10:19 a.m. Tuesday. gestion relief funds on the chop- ping block could mean a loss of roughly $100,000 to Newport Beach. The proposed suspen· sion of reimbursements by the state to cities for costs of some state-mandated programs would cost Newport Beach about $250,000. For Costa Mesa, Davis' budget proposal would also enable the state to take about $94,000 or the city's property taxes that it col· lects for its redevelopment agency. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead! and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bv e-mail at june.casagrande@lstimn.com. DEJRDRE NEWMAN covers education. She may be readied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmsn@lstimes.com. .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12MoCD FDIC INSURED FIDELITY INSURED DEPOSITS (949) 588-5711 "''"'""' .u 111 I l/2~~1 f\o,.•h> "" «orly "'•ll>drw• llanl. f-c« Lwkl Reclucc &monp Not ()ffef 1 o Sell S...U'!lon SI0.000 I 1m11 11111'\ Annual~ Y1tld un a 8anl' '°""'FDIC lnlUftd CU Plu• h<k-111~ \...,, 1'1t)ment A• l""'f'.Jl.lo"' 4)lhrf "'"""""'OfY<ml hdrhl) and frP. hnul) '-1........,. .,.,.,. .. 11 .. MiC!I04111....,. "'4cmb<n .,( FedrnJ Orpoo• i.--~ FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949 ·64S·7626 •• HOME Continued from Al Steven Dewan, who owns the Broadway home ln question, to refashion the existing 1.200· square-foot. single-story house lnto a 2,143-square-Coot. two· story home, to accommodate his growing family. The decision represents a vic- tory Cor property owners' rights, and for other young families who will be considering ex· panding their homes ln the fu- ture. "I have twins and will want a bigger house too," said neighbor Jeff Zahed.i. "What Dewan has done is foUow every rule you've MESSAGE Continued from Al dtions with signatures of about 700 local residents who do not support military force against Hussein. The group staged simi- lar protests at the offices of about 400 of the nation's con· gressionaJ representatives.. Rohrabacher was traveling and wasn't at his downtown Huntington Beach office to re- ceive the group. but a press deputy for the congressman said Rohrabacher's door is always open to constituents. SHOT Continued from Al Pier, said Orange County Sher- iff's Harbor Patrol Sgt. John WhJtman. A city lifeguard lieutenant and an animal control officer at lifeguard headquarters spot· ted the two men in a 30-foot boat about 1,300 feet offshore, Lifeguard Capt. Eric Bauer said. The two saw people pointing what appeared to be a handgun at the marine animals through binoculars. he said. •1t raised enough concern that we asked Harbor Patrol to respond,• Bauer said. GIANT Continued from Al well "We've just aU been lci.nd of heartbroken," said Bill Sumner, Fenton's former track and field coach. "He was just a special ldd You get a kid like that every 10 years." Proving to be a gifted scholar, talented athlete and reliable friend, Fenton's life touched nearly everyone that crossed his path, a fact that his unexpected death illuminated t tCoastlinc's Access Program ii very convenient for me. I will fmish my AA here and transfer to Cal State Fullerton to become an elementary school teacher.'' -9 + Success Ahead at Coastline. 114'ee>W...A*"'9 Fountain Vd9y, CA 92'708-S7 (714) 438-4839 Spring cle1w blgln February 3:. ' - (the city) given him. and you've made him jump through boo~ unnecesaarlly." Dewan brought his gang of Basla!de property ownent who overwhelmingly supported his pla.o.s and lmplored the council to approve the project. The sec- ond-story posse said the re- model maJntalned the character of the neighborhood and served as an improvement to the area. ·This modest addition would be ln character with the street, and would be a gift to the com· munity, • said EmJe Doyle. Opponents fought vigorously to convince city leaden that the Oewans' home was much too large for the bumble nelgbbor- hood. "We have to put ~stop to these "Our office maintains an open-door policy for anybody who wishes to stop by and offer their views,• said Aaron lewis. Rohrabacher's spokesman. However, Lewis said the group would be granted a meeting with Rohrabachet when the congressman could free up time ln his schedule. ln Newport Beach, a contin- gent of 17 citizen representatives of the anti-war group delivered a petition with nearly 1,200 signa- tures of Cox constituents to lhe congr~man·s district office. "We're trying to get aaoss the idea that they should let the in- spectors do their job," Manley Deputies got the call at about 10:50 a.m. Tuesday and immediately responded, Whit- man said. Upon arriving, authorities recovered two pel· let guns allegedly belonging to Height.kemper and Williams, he said. The two men were de· tained, but have not yet been charged because their alleged crimes span a variety of juris· dictions. ·A situation like this involves city. state and possibly federal charges so we are golng to complete a criminal repon and transfer it to the !Orange County) District Attorney's Of- fice for consideration of crimi· nal filing.• Whitman said. Dennis Kelly, a veteran pro- As their home has fi.lled with reOectioos of the community's pain, the Fenton family -Sean's father Robert. mother Janice and younger brother Avery -strug- gles to deal with the con.se- quences of an event they view as unpreventable. ·He could see the good ln peo- ple and he looked past the idio- syncrasies we all have,· Robert said. •He was a gem and he saw through the triviality of thln~ at a very early age.· Not one to let stereotypes die· tate his direction or detennine his fate, Sean Fenton was known for putting his every effort into everything he did. "There was always a wort ethic he had of worldng ahead of WHATS AFLOAT . r • WHArs ~ 11 publl•hed periodically. If you ere ~anning a nautical event. submit the information to the 0.ity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Coeta Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)~170;or bye-mail to dalfypilottllatimes.com. SAIUNG CLASSES °""lie CoMt College .. oflMtng new ctedit end nonaedit uillng cf....,. thla spring. Moct dauea ere five weeb In length. and boats range from Udo 14 dinghies to l1rge ocean racers, even lceelboats. Crultlng Mmlnara ere eleo being tAtught The OCC Sailing Center 11et1801 W. Pec:ffic Coast Hlghw8y, Newport Beach. (949) 8'6-9412 Of vilh occulllng.com. °'919 County~ cen bring th4tlr employeee out to Newport Beech on weekdeyl to enjoy a day of Millng court-v of Orange Co11t College. The School of Selling •nd S..menthlp now offef'I •chine» for groupa to wortc wfth the on-boerd lnltNCtor on different ulllng ted'tnlquM while they get edvicl on how to perfonn ~I In bullnw. No ..Ulng e>epeMnoe necMllfY. ~ dMMe coct from S100 to $126. (948) 84&-9412. . BOAT RENTALS ....., ................. w. by the hour et Duffy El.c:trtc eo.t., 2001 W. eo..t Hlghwly, Newport had\. All boeta .,. equipp.d wtlt't wtndow 9ndoeYree end CO~ IC9 end cupe •re provided. R111rwtlont lf'e~. ht hOur rentaf le m. (941) ..... 12. 1expansionsJ," said Lance Bna- Uah.. "1bele are basta.rdizadoos not QWlSionizatiOlll, it looks like a two-story mobile home." 0ewan's initial remodel re· quest had been denJed by dty 1.oning Adminlatrator Perry Ya· landne. Thal dmi.aJ was ap- pealed by Councilman Gary Monahan and glven to the Plan· ning CoounJssion to rule on Dec. 30. Planning commission· en gave a glowing recommen· datlon to the desJgns during the special meeting held during the hoUday break. But Steel appealed that ded- sJon, bringing the frequent dash between two·story and one· story homes before the council again. Councilwoman Libby Cowan. said. The organization, which launched a teJevision campaign last week in 13 major markets In· eluding Los Angeles, opposes the Bush admini.sttation's push to impose a February deadline on finishing weapons inspections.. Cox has come out in support of President George Bush's plan to possibly use war as a way to disarm lraqi President Saddam Hussein. MoveOn is an anti-war group that was fonned in 1998 to pro- test President Ointon's impeach· menL Group leaders said they hoped to p~ure President Bush to avoid war with Iraq and, fessor or marine biology at Orange Coast CoUege. said he hopes the men incur the most severe penalties. "That is reprehensible apd highly illegal,· Kelly said. KeUy was Involved in a simi- lar case in Los Angeles. where a sea Lion's head was literally blown off, and pressed the area district attorney to file federal charges. The men in that inci· dent were convicted and served jail time, he said. Gunshots from even a small· caliber firearm such as a pellet gun can cause life-threatening injuries, he said. If the bullet does not kill the animaJ, 1t could die from an infection or become so impaired thal It is time,· said Dick F~man. Lhe football coach at Corona del Mar Hlgh. "He put a lot effon to reach his goals and would go above and beyond that· While Sean worted hard at achieving his goals and bettering himself. he never seemed to have forgotten where he came rrom or who he learned rrom. Taking time .out of his vacation to visit his fonner coaches and help out training other athletes at the high school, Fenton could still be found. even years after his said the approval was not easy ded&ion. but her •truggle WU fadlitated by the knowledge that a suggested z.oning change. that would make uniform aU the second-story addlJions In that housing tract. II being COnsid. ered in the near funue. •That's an opportwuty to continue the conversation,• eo. wan said. "Th18 whole neighbor. hood ha.a 1ttugled ,with com. patibbity since the beginning of time." • LOUTA HAfl'f.R mey be r•.ated et (9491 67.....uni or by ..m1il 11 lol~.h•rr»r81atlmn.com. DEJRDRE NEWMAN mey be reectled 1t (949) 67'""'221 or by e-mell et <Hlrdre.MWm•nOlatlmn.com. instead, allow U.N. weapons in- spectors to complete their work. A message on the group's Web she (www.mowon.o'X) assens that ·some element& of lhe Bush Administration are ati1l dead set on war. even if the inspections are working.· • JUNE CASAORANOE COV•fl Newport Beedl end Jot\n Wwyne Airport. She may be f'MChed 1t (9'9) 57~232 or by Hnail It jurwJ.caugra00.8Jilimn.com IWJl. aJNTON OOYef'I the environment. ~nea end pollt1C1. He mey be ruc:n.d et (9'91 7~ or by e-meil et paul.clintontllati,.,,...com. eaten by a shark:. Kelly said Lht sea lions would die a ·slow and lingering death.· The shooting of sea Lion~ •~ c1 crime that happens all too often, he continued, becau\e of thoughtless and incons1der ate people who view animal cruelty as a sport. ·niey are targets becau~e they are offshore in an area where there are not 8 lot or people,· said Kelly, who Ilk· ened the act to someont shooting dogs in the street ·There is just too much of 1h1s going on.· • LOUTA HARPER may be readleo at (949) 574-4275 or by •·m11l 1t lollta.harper@latlm.•.com graduation. in the weight room. And that's predsdy where hL~ family plans to honor him Services for Fenton will be held at 1 p.m Satwday ouc.;ide the field house at C.orona def Mar High. The family request.s tha1 at· tendees wear casual attire. M that's how they beli~ he would have wanted iL • CHRIS11NE CN'" I 0 mey be relKtled et 19'91 5744268 or bv ..mall.c dlnftirwJ.carrillo llti,,,...oom. ' l .. --Daily Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNCS.ra Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send 10 (949) 646-4170 E-mail· Send to dailyp1/ot a!/stimes.com •All correspondence must inctude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edtt all subrmss1ons for otanty and length MAILBAG to the editor, "Boardwalk out of bird~. We do. They will go and ~tep with community, what a loss, the Blue f lerons, t•nvironment, ~ Fnday). The the Pelicans. the Avocets, ducb Boardwalk on Back Bay building of a boardwalk along and many more. a needed addition the Back Bay would be another 1 attended a meeting of the intruloion on the natural habitat Coastal Commission to protest 1 .un writing 10 voke my and bird sanctuary. Three years the enlargement of the hotel op1 111on ah1111t tlw work that ,., ago I was walking the path and next to us. The Rest Western ~c11ng on at llp1wr f\.c•wport encountered a big truck with a chain wanted to turn a duplex 11.ty I lie• l\t•\-,,pon nay mon'iter ho~e m ovmg among wuh two parking spaces-into a l\aturah'h .me.I I rtf:'ruh ''a clump'> of Pan1pa3 Grass. I five-plex with two parlcing group ol dt>c..111 .ued volunteer'> a'>ked what was being done and <>paces. They had already built 1ha1 trn•, to t•dll(ate thl' public the driver said he was the five units. They would grow .thout llHl'>t'n-awm. poi~oning the plants as they are hlce a cancer. l>rl''>N"\·J1ton <1nd h.tbttah at thl' not nauve to the area. Now Th«: developers are lying Hat.._ B.i\-< .or"truttion of a there are huge mounds of dead when they say traffic will not be lootbndgl' 1' <1 ~ooc.l 1h1ng Pampa!>, a fire ha7.a.rd. and I affected. Would they drop their hl'l«1u,1• 1110,t ol the puhht !>uspect nothing will grow there chems in by helicopter? And dot.•, 11111 rt·.1l11t· ho~ human fur ~ome time to come. I have their maid<>. etc. swim in 1111p.iu alft·c '' \o\tldhle and tlw wonder tf that poison ha!> from the harbor? t•11v1ronnwn1 l'c·ople do 11111 gollen 10 our ground water. My vi.,1on 1i> to have a follow '>lJ.:n' to \l;1y on pi.Ith'> Abo I had enjoyed watching community center wllh no11ust and \'\alk llll'ir dog' w11h thl' fim:hes noclcing in tu the a "wmdow" to the harbor; a lt•a<,he., I ht· p11hl1t t tlll'>l''> Pampa'> to feed on the '>Ct'd' in place for the residents who pay harm wht•n tht•) 111trudt• onto the hloom~. I've !.een Pampa'> the taxe.s, not for the benefit of llw rt•,cr111· 111 J 11 Gra~s 111 Southern California for the developers. A place where lllllllJll<lgl'<I hit• lllil tlnt'r more than 70 years. How old kids could learn <>aihng or have I lwrl'fort" thing-. ltk1· path' to rnu't it be 10 be native? ballet cla&Se~. Musician!>, \'\,tlli. on .m· nt•rt•"ary to '>how I add my no to a boardwallc perhap!> a '>Irin g quartet, could pt•11pll-~lu•r•· tlll'y 1-.111 and in the Rack Ray practice. Local arti'>t'> '>uch as I ,tn 't go EVELYN MOO.PEY Lorraine. my neighbor could I 1111d1·r...1.111tl 1lw1 th1•n· Wit'> Newport Beach di'>play her work, !>entor'> could .111 t1r11< It· 111 till' 1>.11ly l'llol th.11 get thetr nu \hot~. Oothe'> pc•rt el\ t'' l ht• 11·,torit 111111 work could be rnllected for humele!>s ht·1ng tl1111t .11 tht• I lppt•t Marinapark hotel would and re'>1dents would have a :'\t•\\ port lit'IH h ICJ lw be terrible addition meeting place tlt•lfllllt'lll 11lo1111' Keep the beach open Don I t'll\lrillllllt'lll 111 l.tl l llll' We It\ e next to the proposed pave Parad1~e And plea\e keep :'\at111alt''' ..,,. 1 rn111mJ.11l\ hotel al \lannapark Mobile the beach acce'>'>lble to \\or..,tng •in rt• \1·~1·1.won I lome,. Already we ha\e right everyone and not JU'>t tho<,f:' pr1111·1 h tr1 n·..,111n· the bJv 111 II'> in back of u., the Re't \\e'item who can afford SSOO a day 11.1111r.1I .1,111• .111<1 to corrt'll the 1 lutel. the world's la.rge'>l hotel PATRICIA FROSTHOLM t1.1111Jg1•., th.11 hurna1i.. haH' t·hain I-rum many }'ear.. Balboa Peninsular d111w 111 rlw l>J'l In do1ng '"· expenence we tan tell you 1h1'> lilt'\ llHl'l t'lllt r 'l'll,lltVl' .trt'd'. relamely ,ma.JI hotel" mo'>t hut th1·"· p1·11plt• .trt• 1r,11nt·d tu c.letrimental to the peace .md OCCs priority needs to lw 1 .irt·ful. 1 h 11,...e .1ppropna1e quiet of thl'> re.,.denual be its~tudenb llllllllJ.: ,lftfltltd llt.''>llllJ: '('J\011 neighborhood • 111cJ 1h1•\ .,:1·111111wly c-.11c• Jbout We now have car alJml'>, very rhe Datly Ptlot arude the 1·11\ 1rnnn11•111 no•'>Y racker from dump-.1er.., outlining Orange C.oa'>t SYLVIA MARSON drunk.' '>laggering beside our College\ los'> of state funding ( O'>td l\k'a home 10 the ~afid where they 1llu!.tra1ed how 'enou<; our urinate We havt• had IQ call the .,late budget deficit really is and police about thi~. Now multiply how 11 will effect many people No more intru~i on" th1c; hy 110 rooms and you will 111 our community n~cdcu into habitat 'ee how th1., will affell the !"Community da~e.,· funding lovely bay. 10 be cut, Saturday). Is OCC'i l>rl'\\ l .. mlt•r ,., nght 11 l'lter No one speak\ for the <,hore decision to move money to cover for-credit clas~e., the be'tt call? That'!. a tough question to answer. CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES At first I thought it might 1101 be the best deoision. 11len I thought it over and the morf:' I CrTY OF COSTA MESA STAT£ SENATE thought it over the more I Costa Mesa Ctty Hall, n Fair Ross Johnson (R), 35,th realized that OCCs primary Onve, Costa Mesa, CA 01stnct, 18552 MacArthur responsibility is tu educate 92626, (714) 754-5223 Blvd . Suite 395, Irvine, CA about 28,000 students. I think Mayor Karen Robmson 92715, 1949) 833-0180; fax they !>end more students to Council Libby Cowan, Allan (949)833-0696.Press fom year colleges and Mansoor, Gary Monahan Secretary Pat Joyce. (9161 universities than any other and Chns Steel 323-1200 community college The lo!>'> ol state funding for educauon ll> CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH STAT£ ASSEMBLY going to effect every level of Newport Beach City Hall. •John Campbell IR) 70th education and when you think 3300 Newport Blvd .. 01stnct. State Capnol about the impact it will have 11 Newport Beach. CA 92663. Sacramento CA 95814 1916) is devastating. occ~ 10!>'> of (949) 644-3309 319-2070 swap meet revenue for eight Mayor Steve Bromberg E-mail months didn't help matter'> any Council: Gary Adams. John d1stnctlO a assembly ca gov Heffernan, Didt Ntdlols, A~ grown-up citizens. (I hate to Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway • Ken Maddox IR) 68th use the word senior 1n my and Don Webb 01stnct, State Caprtol case). we need to do everything Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) possible to dampen the blow NEWPORT-MESA UNIFlED (916) 319 2068, Let's hope OCC can find SCHOOL DISTRICT Or local office at 12865 Mam funding to restore some of the D1stnct Office. 2985-A Bear St., Suite 100, Garden Grove community based program<:. it St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, 92840, (714) 638 1393. f has offered to lucaJ re ... dent' (714) 424-5000 Fax· (714) 638-1496 ~oon . Superintendent: Robert E-mail: WILLIAM PEZZULLO Barbot d1strict68 a. assembly ca gov C O'>ta Me'>i.I Board President Martha Fluor. Vice President Dana GOVERNOR • EDITOR'S NOTE· W111tam Bladt, Clerk Serene Stokes Gray Davis (0 1 State Peuullo 1s a vendor at the OCC David Brooks Tom Egan Capttol. Sacramento. CA swap meet Judy Franco and Linda 95814, (9161 445 2841, fa.1< Sneen (916) 4454633 COSTA MESA SANITARY PRESIDENT Conflict law should he comprchensi vc DISTRICT George W Bush RI White PO Box 1200. Costa Mesa. House, 1600 Pennsylvania C111es should have tonnir1 of CA 92628-1200, 1714) Ave., Washington DC 754.5043 20500 inrerest rule' In addition to Board President Arlene Hotline 16 a m to 2 p m 1 those mentioned tn the Jrltc It· Schafer. Jim Ferryman. Art t 202) 456-1111 l"Connrct lackmg 111 earl\. talb Perry, Greg Woodside and E-mail on campaign rules." h1di.1}'I Dan Worthington president a wh1tehouse go11 they ~houJd include c.recnl1gh1, Fax: (2021456-2461 representative govemmt•nt. ORANGE COUNTY BOARD property nghl'>. 1.ontnK. gt•m•ral OF EDUCATION V1CE PRESIDENT . plan and growth, to name i.I 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box Didt Cheney (RI. Capitol few. Lvery aspect of "t0n01r1 .. • 9050, Costa Mesa, CA Building, Suite 212, '>hould be considered 92628-9050, (7141 966-4000 Washington. 0.C 20500 Abo reference Mayor ~teve Eltzabeth D. Parker, member, E-mail: v1ce.pres1dent a Bromberg's recent letter to the Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, wh1tehouse.gov OaJly Ptlot ("Bell Curve m1s'>ed Newport Beach Fax. (202) 456-2461 wllh swing agam'>I Lounctl"J PAULSAlATA Newport Beach Be a part of Costa Mesa 's 50TH AHHIUERSARY ADVERTISE DURING THE Costa Mesa Your Name Here As part of the CostaMazing 50th Anniversary Celebration the City of Costa Mesa 1s seeking Costa Mesa businesses, organizations or individuals interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of the most highly traveled streets in our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along with your name (left). Depending on the number of interested businesses, organizations and individuals, the banner will be displayed for a period of four (4) to twelve (12) months starting in June 2003. After the CostaMazing Celebration banner is removed, It will be given to you/ \ The cost of the banner is $200 (regardless of I time displayed). This opportunity is LIMITED I and available to the first 250 respondents. I It you are interested, please complete the infOOTiation below and return by February 21,-2003 to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMazing Coordinator City of Costa Mesa n Fair Orfve P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 754-5085 Business/Organization/Individual Name:. __________ _ Contact Name: Title: __________ _ Address: Tulephone Number:~~~~- Number of Banners you are interested in:. _________ _ S.1• lmpttnt le ••lltM to 2 lrMe of tut only, no logoe. 15 ctw.c_.. per lnL Do NOT Include~ --------------~--------~-~------ a; M ~ . .JantlM) 22, 2003 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUNO TOWN items to the Daily Pilot 330 W. 8dy St Costa Mfil!, CA 92627, by fa,. 10 (949) 646--4170, Ot by calling (949) 574-4298. Include I.he time. date and locauon of the event, as well aa a contact phone number. A complete hsnng 1s available at www.dailyp1lot.com. TODAY Th• AJzheimer's Assn. of o,.nge County will hold two workshops today at S1lverado Senior L1vmg Newport Mes.a. The first woruhop, from 10:30 a.m . to noon. and will focus on memory 105a. The second wortcshop from · 1 l o 2 30 p.m ., and will discuss how to create a partntirship with your physician Silverado Senior Living 1s at 350 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa Reservations required. For more information, call (949) 631·2212 Th• Newport Hills Garden Club 1m11te anyone interested to 1oin their monthly garden walk. meeting at 10 a.m. at the UCI Arboretum. For more mformauon. call (949) /l0.15!>2. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commer~ will hold ns 1nonthly business after hours mixer from 5:30 tu 7 30 µ.m al Skosh Monahon's. The r~staurant 1s at 2000 Newport Blvd. Free for members, $10 tu r potential member:.. For more information, call (714) 885-9090. THURSDAY Mother's Marttet Sr Kitchen will host a seminar on how to strengthen your immune system from 6:30 to 8 p.m at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free For more informa11on, call (949) 631-4741. Body Wise F'rtness Center is celebrating its opening with drawings for free personal training sessions and BodyWise nutritional products at 2901 W Coast Highway, No 110. Newport Beach. For m ore information. call (949) 650-1660. FRIDAY UC Irvine will hoS1 its 19th annu•I Martin Luther King Jr. symposium, "Prayer, Protest. and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Today,# from 7 to 8:30 p.m . The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the Uni versity of Virginia. The symposium will be held in the Human111es Instructional Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free. For more information, cal! (949) 824-7215. OCc's Annchair Adventures Series hosts •tns1de Switzerland• presented by Clint Denn. an actor wnter. photographer and filmmaker l h~ him w ill begin at 7 p.m in Orange Coast College's Robert B. M oore Theater Admission 1s $8 in advance and $10 at the door Senior citizens 1tre eligible for a $1 advance discount. For more information. call (714) 432-5880. SATURDAY A Mminer on tong-tenn ca,. planning, including legal, estate and M edi-Cal issues. Wiit be held from 10 a rn to noon al the Orangt: lvo!>• lk11tane:1n Church tn Costa Me!.8. I hr seminar is sponsored by th, Allheimer's Assn. of Ore:1nµe County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The church 1s at 1259 Victoria St. f-or more information, call (714) 578-8670. n.. UPP« N9wport Bey Ngh1 Hike guides families on an edu~tional tnp through the nature preserve from 7 to &30 p m Fee is $3 per peraon, children under fi"e are flee. For r8$8Natk>ns and meeting place. call (949) 923-2296. MONDAY A GtNt o.dsions di9cu1aion of ·Multilateralism V5. Unilateralism• is the first of an eight4 week series on U.S. foreign pohcy topics. The disoossions will be led by Bob Green from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mart Presbytenan Church et 2100 Mer Vista, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 700-1691. TM lung Cancer Support Gn>up is sponsoring a class, ·Radiation Therapy for lung Cancer;" providing an overview of rddiation therapy for patients with lung cancer and offering suggestions for coping witl'I side effects. The event is at 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference room A Free. For more information, call (949) 7-CANCER. •Memories in the Making: Alt Program Training for Professionals Wof19ng wrlh Dementia Patients;" is sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. It will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at Assured Horizons, 151 Kalmus. Drive, Suite B150, Costa Mesa: For information and reservations, call (714) 283-1984, ext. 242. TUESDAY All are invit9d to a ~n for artist Jane Hill, whose exhibition ·Local Scenes;" which depicts Newport Beacti w atery vistas and familiar sqines, is on display through Feb. 28. The reception is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information. call (949) 717-3801. JAN. 29 The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Partt and Community Center in Costa Mesa. Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet othe' stay-at-home m oms. The center is at 1975 Balearic Drive. For more information, call (714) 964-5934. Mother's M•rket a. Kitchen will host a seminar on digestion and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. Preschool Time, •What Animals Live Herer is story-time and hands-on fun for parent and child at the Upper Newpon Bay Nature Preserve. Cost is $3 per child, appropriate for children ages 3 and 4. Will be held at The Peter and M ary M uth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. For reservations, call 1949) 923-2295. JAN. 30 Mother's Marbt a. Kitchen wil host a wortshop and book signing with Author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p .m . at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more mformatJon, call (949) 631-4741. ONGOING Teens ere invibld to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327·7560. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A • HAROWOOO • LAAMA1ES •CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• VINYL R.OORJNG •!~!!!~ t .f,,,@J.iiilj SOLAllAN ~ALAE.2!.t' SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER 3/4" '5~! -*1 411, -Travertine 1s· x 1s· .......................................................... '4.11 111, Ceramic fite ...................................................... ilMlld tllm ..... IQ l l..af1'd.te ~ .............•................................. t.-.tlara u ~l ·r--- BEST BET FU PHO rO I DAllYPILOl The 20th annual Lucy and Leigh Sternberg Spmt Run will be held March 9 at F ash1on Island. The funckaiser for Newport Beach elementary schools will include 5K and 1 OK events, as J well as a stroller 5K, a SK family walk and a 25-year toddler trot. For more information or to register. call (949) 451-4848. .. The Assn. of Business Setvic:es host networting meeting that deal with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every m onth at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa. For more information, call 1949) SOS.OOH. The Newport Beech Public Library will host an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del M ar branch from 3 to 4 p.m . Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717-3800. Free tours of the O,.nge County Performing Arts Center led take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, badlstage and on-stage. E"ery Wednesday and Satu{day at 10:30 a.m . at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport B.ac:h Newcomen Oub holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open to all female residents in Newport Beach who hove h"ed 111 the area fewer than five years. Fpr more information, call (949) 645 9922, or visit 06WCCf118rS·newporrbeac:h.org. lrrtaffaith couples with one Jewish partner are inv11ed to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service o f Orange County office f he grouµ is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children. observing holidays, symbols in the home and relat1onsh1pi. wtth extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration 1s requtred Call lo schedule date and time. The office is al 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. 1714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older can Join • disoussion g roup coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety. depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 ·30 a.m Mondays at the ctgency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Prert1g1stration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodc. Books may be left a1 any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, M ariners, or Corona del Mar -or in lhe book closet next to the Friends Boole Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. All hardcover and paperback T~G~'UN DUI DEFENSE AffORNEY' MYLES donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759-9667. The Bnille lnstnut. offws free computer ciasses to people with fading v1s1o n who have cfrfficutty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care dass meets et 7:15 p .m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chambet of Commerce hosts networting luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $13. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa M esa. (714) 885-9090 A bnl1n tumof support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232 St. Andrew'1 Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays m Oierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for aduh children and their parents from 6 to 1 p.m . two Tu8$days a month al the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suit e G, Costa M esa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 44s..l95o. The Jewish Femily S«viee of - Orange County has a weekfy parenting support group. Parents leam strategies for suocessful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service offioe at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experienoe. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa s.nior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Cost.a Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish foemfty s.mc. of Orange County sponson an ongoing healing support group for the ctlronically Ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support 10 manage lllnea and IU consequenoea. The group mfftS at 7 p.m. Thuradayt at the Jewish Family Service office et 250 E. Baker St, Costa M esa. Attendance Is freo, but registration Is required. (714) 4'M950. knibble aub No. -...... • from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursday• et 8ordera Bookl, Music a Cafe at South Coeat Plaia, 3333 Bear St. In Co1t1 MeH. $3. New pC1yara ere welcome. (949) 208-9822. fheColnMd ...... a.. ...... from t to 3 p.m. ~-Cho 0... Senior Center. New nwnben In~ In trtding, buying and ltHfng stampe and ~ .,.. l*ng aought to join ...... informal mMdngt.11*9 .. no 1-'9QUlttd OM9) ..... ,, .... Jewish Femily Service off9ra ongoing bereavemenl_support groups for adults a1 all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with gnef. receive support and team ways to cope with sadness and loss One group meets at 7 pm. Tuesdays at Belh Jacob in Irvine The second group meets at 10 a.m Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the E.zra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advance registration 1s requtred (714) 44&-4950 Jewish Femity Service of Ora099 County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9.30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. Advance registration 1s required (714) 4454950 • Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Dnve, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for Califom 1a Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bav Naturalists and Friends members. (800) 585-0747. A yoga and danu ~ss is held from 4 30 to 5.45 pm Tuesdays at the Center for Spmtual Discovery. 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Rydunan IMds a discussion group using the book ·eonversallons with God-from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spmlual Otsc.overy, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111. Costa"Mesa. Bnng a lunch (714) 754· 7399. Marshall'• T•• Kwon Do in Coste M esa offers frff self-defense classes to air11ne pilots arid flight attenda':'!f · Classes are taught by three-tune U S National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's Is at 333 E. 17th St • Suite 13. Cost e Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dedng wtltt Divorce support group is offered by Jewish fdm1ty Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and mffts at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (7'14) 445-4950. The S.. Scouts' ship Del Mer 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) 642~1 or(949)551-8591. Ouls Senior c.nw .... ongoing asalatance, counseling and referral aervlcos for sonlora. (949) 644-3244. ' The ea.ta Mee.. &.nior ~ Square and Round Dence Club seeb experienGed dancers to join IU group ~om 9 to 11 a.m. Thurtdeya at tho Cotta Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avtnue, Costa Mou. (714) 646--6069. Althftdl Foundldon ln.wctor Hiiiery Stone 1-.d• an exer'-IH ct ... et 11 •.m. Thurac:lay.1 " the Jewtah s.n1or c.nt.r, 250 e Bater St., Cocta MOM. (7141 513-6841. l1M Nwfport lee&lh .......... ~ Cub rnMll et 10 a.m . the third ~of Ndl month. The 09n&tatJon It e>pen tu .ill woo .en reeldenbl of Newport Beed\ who h8W lived In the •rM for tvww than flY1 vura. For rncn 1n•,,,,-n,. "n r·" 1Mt: S46-8M2 01 VI If the Y/ttb aitt1 ~era-newportbeach.org Th• Thured.y McNNna Women's Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, ll> 1.cek.lng 1.ew members. The c.lub, whith lnctu~s goff, bridgfl, we:1lklng and gourmet sect1orn •• meets 8l 11 a.m. on the aecond Thursday of every month at thtl Radisson Hotel m Newport Beadi rhtt luncheon IS $23 dnd includes entertainment The hotel is at 4b45 Mac.Arthur Blvd (714) 842 5863 The Newport 8..c::h Walktng Club meets a1 9 d.m . and 7 p.m . Monday through Saturday, 11nd di 7 p.m Sunday Walkers should m8flt at the mt.-rsection of Hospital Road and Supenor Avenue Freti. (949) 650-1332 Th• American Legion m.ets at 7 p m the third Tuesday of every m onth. The mfftings, which deal with veteran issues and community i.ervice, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard The national guard 1s at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. M ary Holler, (/14) 54&-27n; or Bill M1m1aga, (949) 650-0894. Ntght!y meetings for those who want 10 ovttrcome nicotine add1c11on dre offered in Cost.a Mtti.o ctnd Newport Beach. (714) I 74-9106 or (800) 642-0666 The Newport Sports Museum, • nonprofit organization, OPtiratos a free museum at 100 Newpan Center Ortve, Newport Beach The museum whtdl hdS one of the world's ldrgttSt collection& ol sports memorabilia, 1& open fron1 9 a m to 6 p m weekdays ctnd 10 a m to 3 p m 011 Saturddy (949) 721 9333 or www. newportsµom, museum.org The Estancia HfVh School Parent Teacher Student Assn hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday fr<Jrn 9 d rn. 10 noon 1n thtt sdlool's northwest partcmg 101, on the c.omer of Estancia North and P1e:1cen11a Newspaµtirs that cHe bound. loo!>t: or bagged artt OGt.tiPled Cordbodrd and bound rnatenal su<ft as phone books dnd th1dt maga.Ltnes are not Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month AJI funds raised go to the assoc1a11on Free The sdlool 1s at 2323 Plttcenua Ave Costa M esa (9491515 6500 Oasis SenHX <Anter ort.n a daily telephone contact program f0< seniors w ho have a ltmned toe.al suµport system. Tht:y also offer ongomg computer c..lasses that rectdl thci baSK:S of W04d, Ouidcen, Print Shop dnd Internet usage. (949) 644-3244 The Cost.I Mesa Communk:aton Tud!>ltndi.ters Club m 1....;ts from noon 10 1 p m WedneMiays al lhe 0 1011\lc <..vunty Ot:~drtmenl ut EdUCdt1on 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa Mesa Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her pubhc speaking skills (7141 444-8783. The Newport BMch D1st1ngulshed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from I 10 9 p rn. Tuesdays 1n Sgt. Pepperoni's m~11ng 1oom, 2300 Bnstol St., Newport Beach. Call to make rest1rva1tons. (949) ~ 1274 The Jewish F.mily Senne. of Orang11 t ounty holds grv up meetings for younger women to discus:. ltfe passages dnd changes, body imagfS&, family, relauonships, commun1cati0<1, intimacy and sexuality. anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays et the agency office The office is at 250 E Baker St Sutte G, Costa Mesa Preregistration is required M arcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The Me.a,....,..,. Toastmuters Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church. 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. ( 714) 540-4446. The ••A.me~ Club 2717 meets at 7 a.m . W9dnesdaya at the Village Farmer. South Coast Plaza Village. 1661 Sunflower Ave •• Costa M esa. The meeting is free for first-time visitors. 1949) 855-4308. The Newport Cent1N Toaatmastera Oub 231 meeta from 7 10 8;30 o,m. Mondays at the !Nine Co., 810 NMpOrt Center Drive, N9wpoft Bead\. (949) 766-1025. TM Herbotttt. Toutmn1.n Club rne•t• •• 7 a.m. Thurtd•YI 1t Coco's B•kery Ruuurant, 3448 E. Coast Hlghway, Cor°"' del Mar. (949) 293-4630. UdoW.~"'"' hom 8:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays et F1atcher Jones Motorc.ra, 3300 Jambo,..• Ro1d, N.wport 8ud'I (714) 964-5314. n.o..ts ...... c...... ..... .._...'° .... "*' ... '° ..,...., .... #1d grocery ltqJplt1g. The .... ., .... ,,. ..... toh~.C.-ta,.... ... eppolt•1•c. c-. ... ™ ' . • 7 • f SEEKM;J~QFIND f INU I HE-SE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE BELOW ..... NH\ DAIRY MJUCRV Ill N \ l'AJRV .. H.A IKlE ( \t•n LAM\' HAJltV .. KIMARV C lll~UKV 1.IDRAMV SC:AKV PICTURE ... _ ..... _ 0 ,,.llC: x *x * OIE 0 ~~-~-~ItJl~r., -~-----~ What do you need to make a n e le phant float? I ? lnf24f 1uI11 I 2~~ 6f--tuh I , I 26124 t 1-+-I hot ~ h-41 ~+ hof-, t -b4~9 I 1 l2ol 1f11I THE WOR08 READ Uf: DOWN AND ACROSS M p A H s D F M T y ·r R y A u I F E 0 p c· A p I L L A R y c· R I E R Q u I R R H B R A y s D R y A E E I J H y G y F M R R E B u R y K L I R R N c L I B R A R y y s s c A R y w p H C' A p I D L L A R y ~ Join The Fun '"~ 'U in November ~ Call Arutle Willey to Advertise in the Kids Page (949) 57 4-4249 Introduce Your Child to the JOY OF MUSIC ' Lessons In Your Home Mary dePascale, M.M. Pianist I Teacher of Piano (949)673-2174 (949)8 13-2246 ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL . ~~ln"66 PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL OF COSTA MESA Kind.-gatden ttwough middle school p L H 16 • A 14 12 • • • • • 24 2b • • 2:£ :£~ a ~1 L +lrt,rkn1/r f5.rrtJ/~nrti • ~1 • '>LJ •. . .. : . . .. -. . . . Pril dpat Suzanne l.amoltd_ M.A. Ed. READINGll.AHGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHAStZING PHONICS STRUCTURE.D FOA HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO-YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. Visit Our Web-site EXTENDED CURRICULUM TEAOtERS FOR: ~1 '-7(jfV,JlfVI? 7/1!/£ ~rtt/I? ~t(~.; •Computer Education • ~ish • Swif!1ming (pool on premises) • P.E. • kt • Muste Internet Connection in ~ Lab and Oaurooms. Oauroom computers & computer lob on premises. Reader, Refet enc. & Audio V&SUOI ~on premises. Credentialed teochen. Smal \ingle-grode classes. Sibling discountl. Care Before & After School. 6:30AM-6 Non-Acodemic Summer Comp 261 Monte Vista Ave~ Colta ~ CA 92627 ,_,...., ..... ,:: ... ,._,_ 949 5171 www.PaitcPn.otw.com PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 • ~tal and Earty Childhood E Proarams For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K • ·~~~~~rten •Potty~A~ Ful n.-. & u---. Half-ftftu Sessions M~ ..;;'fr'kl;y 6:~6:00pm Director. Allene Shapiro (714) 540-1919 .... Ucmw9. M06007" 795 PaularWlo Ave. • Costa Mesa located Between Bristol & Bear St. Alllic:Rd with Park Private 5Chool • FuU"Time •Part Time 7:00 am to 6:00 pm AMI AflUiated Ages 2 to 8 Bnck Bziy Monte~~ori 398 University Dr.• Costa Mesa (949) 548-3771 Christian Montessori Schools ancl Academy We Accept Children 18 Month to 12 Years 1130=Aw. 7000~Rd. 1S39c:'vt':Ave. 71 4·7 ... 1578 948-653·1091 71"31 749 ----II( I Mii aw.•1111 •wlA .... ,._ ___ _ ' .. QUOTE OF THE DAV. "/hope I never have another game like thi.s one the rest of my career. If ido, I'm going to.have gray hair by the time I'm 30." JMMS Bftelow, CdM girts hoops coach I A8 Wednesday, January 22, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL . GIRLS BASKETBALL . Monster conquest forCdM Heeschen one of many heroes in triple-overtime triumph at PC L rival Uni. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot IRVlNE -Kate I leeschen is 5-foot-3 and ·barely 100 pounds. But Godzilla , couJd not have loomed larger for the • Corona del Mar High girls basketball ' team Tuesday night. ' The junior guard scored four of the : Sea Kings' iinaJ five points, including a • breakaway layin after coUecting a steaJ. that sealed a 5 1 ·48 tnple-ovetime vic- tory over Pacific Coast League host Uni· versity. II ~ the sec· ond steaJ of the SCOREBOARD third overtime pe- riod for Heeschen, whom CdM Coach terms the team's Energizer Bunny. With University trying to erase a 49-48 deficit, Hees- CdM 51 chen anticipated a University 48 Trojan pass from the wing to the top of the key and de- flected the ball toward midcoun. She chased down the loose ball and beat a defender to the basJcet for the clinching field goal with seven seconds left. Heeschen, who dived to the Door to make a steal that led to a cruciaJ layin by teammate Lauren Snell giving the visi- tors a 39-36 lead with l :59 left in regula- tion. tied Jaclcie McCoy with a team- . rugh six steals. She finished with nine points and, after accepting the post- game congratulations of her team- mates. had enough in reserve to sprint across the gym to give her grandfather. PauJ, a big celebratory hug. · "I'm small. but I pride myself on my hustle." I leeschen said. "Since I've been here." said first-year CdM Coach Jame Bark.aJow, "I've tried to get our guls to be more aggressive. Even the volleyball players I have are h~itant to dive on the Door for a loose ball. But Kate has never been afraid. She loves to play so much, she'll do anything ~t lakes to get the ball for our team. If that means going through the biggest ~out there, she's going to do it.~ Heeschen, however, wasn't the only player to come up big for CdM (8-9, 3-0 ih league), which protected its perch aJone atop the PCL standings. Madison Otterbein, a 5-11 senior. had a team-high 14 points, including an off- balance underhanded layup she banked in over her head with three seconds left in the first overtime, and a free throw ~ with 54 ticks left in the fmal extra ses- sion to put CdM up, 49-48. She also ~a team-leading 14 rebounds. · ,N • seven coming in overtime, and also f : con tributed In five blocked shots and ; three steals. McCoy, another senfor, had the Sea • Kings' first bucket of overtime and pro- : duced five of her 11 rebounds, as weU as • half of her six steals, after regulation to help the visitors overcome 18.5% field- ' goal shooting (5 of 27) in overtime. · CdM senior Kelllann Klein had 13 points, st. ~bounds and five steals, while Snell, a Junior, came off the bench to chip in six points and was on the 6oor fo r all of overtime. Spirited defense at both ends, typi- oaJJy man-to-man by CdM and a wne for Unl, helped create woeful shooting qights for both teams. lJnJ sank just 19 al 73 field-goal tries (269'), while CdM 1 finished 21 of 80 from the fieJd (26.39'). 1 t1nl bad 30 turnovers to CdM& 18. 1 1 Uni, however, found a hot hand in 5-8 : Jlmior Amanda Sutter, who acored 14 of 1 l:1er game-high 18 polnts after the mid-! "flY point of the fourth quartet She hit : 'X of 8 field -goal tries, mostly from just ! .fbsjde the foul line, during her red-hot • .yetch, before cooling oft' in the 6.nal : two overtime perioda (1 for 5). : Cdll. up, 2&-J s; at halftime, led the : entire 1eCOnd half. before Sutter drained I a 12-footer with three seconds left In reguladon to make It 40-40 and force CMrtiroe. • Uni led rwk:e In the flrst overtlme. al· l ~ leldlng lfnce 3~2, but CdM per· ' Mocher 9'lner 12-footer with 1 :03 left ~ lo tbl iecond cMIUme. pulled lhe hosu : IVWl IO torte I Chbd Of, • l •COM.hceAI .. EYEOPENER January 2 7 honotee ART GALVAN Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu : (9491650-0170 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /OAJtY Pit.OT UCl's Spencer Bemus goes up high to drrve the ball past Cal Baptist blockers Ivan Tochiysky, left, and Artur Kusio for a pomt m the Anteaters' sweep. Red-hot Anteaters continue to roll No. 2-ranked UC Irvine sweeps past Cal Ba ptist to remain unbeaten after seven nonconference starts. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot CRAWFORD I WJ. -As a '>ample of how weU the UC Irvine men'!> vol- leyball team played ·ruesday night, Anteaters Coach John Speraw offered this insight after his team's 34 32. 30- 22, 30-16 nonconfercnce victory over highly regarded Cal Baptist. Cal Baptis1 o Anteaters 3 •we played better tonight than we did against UCLA (last Friday at Pauley Pavil- ion)." Speraw said. referring to the Anteaters' five-game Moun- tain Pacific Sporb f-edera- tion win over the Bruins. their sec- ond straight victory over UClA. fol- lowing a five-game triumph in the Santa Barbara Tournament Jan. 11. UC Irvine. ranked No. 2 in the na- tion for the first time in the program's history. rode the momentum of Its UClA wins to defeat the I .ancers, who feature five foreign players and a 6-foot-JO opposite from North Caro- lina. "They are loaded," Speraw said of the NAlA Lancers (3-3). "But they also have no scholarship restrictions. They can give out seven full scholar- 'lhips, whereas we only have 4lh. For- eigner'> are usually very talented, be· cause they start at a very young age and volleyball is very big in their country. They start them early. then they come over here. (The Lancers) really can do some damage if you're not paying attention.· ln addition to 6-10 Shaun Dyk, the Lancers had 6-11 Artur Kusio from Warsaw, Poland, in the middle. They also had starters from Bulgaria, Ven- ezuela and Guam. while 6-8 middle blocker Sergio Rose. from Brazil. came off the bench. Bui while the Lancers might have had the height and cultural advan- tage, the Anteaters, playing their home opener, improved to 7 -0 -the best start in the program's history. "Tonight. we really did play some good volleyball,• said Speraw, whose team will host UC San Diego on Fri- day and No. 6 Long Beach State on Saturday in preparation for what could be a showdown between the nation's top two teams Jan. 31 when UCI hosts No. l Hawaii at the Bren UCl's Nie Vislay makes quick work of an overset, putting the ball away. Events Center. UC Irvine's Jim my Pel7~. who re- corded a career-high In kills the last two matches. contributed eight lcills and a career-high five service aces. Monte Tucker had a team-high 10 lciJls for UC Irvine. Pcl7~1 and TucJcer each had five digs. Spencer Bemus See ANTEATERS, Pqe AlO HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Lansdell lands Calvary Chapel football post Former Corona del Mar · offensive coordinator will coach against the Sea Kings in the PCL wars. Calvary finlshed 4-6 last ~n \9"1der Jay Johnson. including a 2·3 marlt In Its inaugural season in the Pacific Coast League. lansdell's new role wUJ Include coaching against CdM, also a member of the PCL He was the Sea Klnp' ofJen- Lyle Lansdell, an assistant varslty slve coordinator his final seven seasons football coach a t Corona del Mar High with the program. for eight seasons Crom 1994 to 2001, wu CdM defeated tho P..agt. • 50·8, last hired u the head coach ·at c.a1vary fall. Owpel Tueeday, be u.kl. . ·1'm golng In with no e:xpectadona; LamdeU. who left CdM to become the LanJddl ia1<l "I plan to bring a foa.i. on quarterl:>atb COICh lut year at AlllO NJ. bloddng and tackling and uy to 1t\'.9 our guel. where hit eon wu a junior ~ kids every advantage in order to com- cdvtt, llAd he loOb forward to the cbal-p&. • lenP of leedirw the s.nta Ana·bued puodUIJ IChool: . ' •• BASKETBALL SUMMARIES CiiUC Clw.1 .. M ... 111L ~ ..... D ~ ...... -~neon16, Gl'lflln 20, Knluee •.lbdlhew 2. Cr.in 8. Dunc.n 0, ~ 22, Drtmll o. FeloM 2. Goniai. 1, S.19dwMdef '°· Johneon 10, ~ 0. . ).pt. aoell -Gritllln 6, Roger. 5, s.i1cheHru 4, Roblneon 2. Foua.ct out -none. T«n.-..-none. \W•=d-Moreeu 16, HalVNn 12, ......,., 22. Adama.K 9, BYmeae 12, &.mey 0, ~ne 4, eott.r 8, Enns 2, Egkan9. • p ).pt. gotla -Plenlon 6, Moreau 3. Fouled out -none. 'TecfttDAI -none. Hatftirne ·-ChristU!n Heritage, 6:M3. GMC ,..,·-r~ CMltlM ...... 47 awtiilrM -!Wthmann r !Wpft 8. Zunlc 14, Klmzev 11, W.11 3. G-'IMt 0, LeBaron 0, Ard 0, JohanMn 4. ).pt. go.a. -!Wph 2. Zumc 2, R.lthmenn 1. Fouled out -none TedWc:all -none. ...,.....-J. Lendemlen 0, Mills 6, Wiicox 10, C.ndeterie 8 Dittenblr 17. .Joeef9eon 3, lee 6. C. l..andermen 0, Seeman 14, MctCJnney 0. ).pt. goels -Seeman 4, Mills 2. Wltc:OX 2. lee 2. JoMfNon 1 Fouled out -none. Technic:ell -none H8tftime -Vanguard, 37-27 tlGH SCHOOl. GIA1.S ~ .... LNcue Ettwdi 50,9'Mve 21 .__by au.tlirs e>r.nge ' 12 ' a 21 &twtde • 12 11 11 50 Or-..-Thai 6, Eepfrza 2, Mora 2. Curren 6, Resenda 9, Kilroy 4. ).pt. gotla-Cuinn 1, Reeendiz 1. Fouled out -Aelendl.t. Ted\nk:els -none. &arm -Garcie 2, Maldonado 0, c..tro 16, Grr, 14, Beoein 4, Byfield 7. Mino 2. Fb'9I 0, Pena 5, Wit.on 0 ).pt. goela -Byfield 1, Pena 1. Fouled out -none Technic9ts -none. • Cield9ll w..e LNpe WwL••·-IZ. eo.ta Me.a 54 8cof9 bot Ouer1len Co.ta Mesa 1} 1• 7 11 ~ ~rwt11f 11 17 14 IS 12 <:-.Me. -Brid: 8, Naff 8, Reeves 10, S.ndMrz 14, Llndaros 0, Kibin 2, ~ 1, Tru11llo 11 3-9(. goela-S.nchez 4, Tru1illo 3. Fouled out -none. Tec:hnlc:all -9COrebooll t Wllllli .... -Par90l'I 7. Villalobos 3. Argende T1. &trade 4, Martell 10, COl.a.na n 3-9(. goals-Par-eon 1, Vtlleloboe 1 Fouled out -not'8 Technicals -none Plldlc COMt lallpe CdM 51, Uulw1 tltt 41 l-.by'9rioda CdM 12 " I a • ' l -51 U~ S l014 11 4 4 0 -41 C.O.. d9t Mir -Klein 13, McCoy 4. C>ailft>ein 14. l'1uct.1 9, C. Metts 3. 5'*1 6. Dimes 2. Stam 0, SUiia 0 3-9(. goels-IOetn 1, Onert>etn 1. Fout.cl out -none. TedlnlQls -none. °""**t-Sutt.er 18, Garey 6, Howt9a 5, Newllome 11, Kleinamith 6, Elloc 2. Hashlzu 1 3-9(. goe*I -Garey 2. Newtome 1. Fouled out -none. Tec:l'lnicell -none. S.YWLNpe Uguna ... ~~37 Laguna H~ ~ " 13 14 -41 N.Wport • 13 • 12 -71 U.-... -cf~ndro 16, WhJtrNn 0, Ander9on 4, Tiberi 10, '<A:>n POhlman 14'. lmbef 6. 3-9(. goel8 -d'Alteaandro t Fouled out -Tiberi. Nt urpclft -Swigert 10, Whitfield 6, Miiiet 10, Vmque:z 0, 'ltbller 10, Campbell 2, Stodi 0, Eddington O. l.lned9y0. ~ got1a -Swigert 1, Miiier 1. Fouled out -none. Tedltik:a-none conquest Costa Mesa extends Westminster, but cold third quarter seals Mustangs' fate . Estancia High's girls ~ team maintained its stranglehold on the Golden West league with its fifth win in five stans after putting visiting Orange away. 51- 2.8, behind the two-pronsed attack of Nancy Catto and 1lsha Gray. Cutro scored a ~-high 16 points and had nine rebowlds and two steals. while Gray netted 14 points, nine rebounds. (OW' assists and three steak ~ Imelda Pena netted five points in a three-minute span as the Eagles. with an unusual start- ing five. improved to l 0-8, 5-0 . Elsewhere in high school girls basketball Tuesday night • Wl;.,.mhwte 62, eo.ta Mme 54: The visiting Costa Mesa Mus- ~ held a 36-33 halftime lead over the Lions. but could not keep pace in the third quarter. Stacee Sanchez scored 14 points, with four lhree-poinrers, and ~ 1iujillo had l l points, with three three-pointers. Rick.eO Reeves had 10 points and eight rebounds. and Rhondi Na.JI, held to eight points, had five cwists. "Vile played hard. and well. and we had our chances.· said Costa Mesa O>ach Jim Wedc.s. "but we had that cold third quarta. Biava Arganda led ~ I 0-9, 4-l, with r7 points. • Upma Hiia 48, Newport Harbor 37: Newport Harbor did not help its case from the free. throw line as the host Sailors struPd with their foul shoes ( 11 of 23) in their Sea View league en- counter with Laguna Hills. Three Sailors -jwl.lor Victoria Swigart. sophomore Vanessa Miller and 6-foot senior Lindsey ~ -scored I 0 points each 'M>De:I-led the way underneath with l 0 rebow'lCls. "When you lose by 11 points, you can' help but look at those (nmsed) free throws.. Newport Harbor Coach Jen Thompson said ·cThe Hawb) went 10 of 12 on free throws in the fourth quarter.. Newport Haibor fell to 11-10, 1-3 in league. while Laguna Hills imprtJYed to 14-6, 3-l. The Sailors travel to 'M>odbridge on Thwsday at 7 p.m. COM Continued from N3 ·0ur girls played their hearts out,· BaB.alow, 26, said. ·u we'd have woWld up on the other side of this one, I would have said the same thing. But I hope I nevtt have another game LIJce this one the rest of my career. lf I do. I'm going to have gray hair by the time I'm 30: The win keeps the Sea~ one game ahead of both c.aJvary Olapel and Northwood, both of which won Tuesday to emerge from a four-way de for second. CdM visits c.aJvary Thursday, then hosts Northwood Jan. 28. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK SAILING S P O R TS w~. JlllJrJ 22. 2003 Ill HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER .. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH/ DAil Y Pl.OT Corona del Mar's Alivia Muzura, left, battles a University defender as she tries to maneuver the ball mto scoring position t' CdM belts University, 5-1 Sea Kings run up five goals in the first -half and coast to Pacific Coast League victory. Corona del Mar Hlgt1s girls soccer team scored five times in the first half and never looked back en route to a 5'· l Pacific Coast League victory at University HJgb Tuesday afternoon. AlJvi.a Mazura stood out with two goals and two assists as Corona del Mar im- proved to 6-3-1. 3-0-0 in the PCL It took but six minutes for CdM to get on the boards with a Rachel Yelsey score off an assist from Paige Janes. and two ru..'>IM5. \entor Sharon Day dddl·d one goal and three ru.51bL'> and '' 1ph11 more Jenny ',par~ thipped m two gocih and two ru.-Sl'it'> for the winner'> Rachel Ron4ui1Jo hdd a goal and c1J1 d'> SISt. while lo~Jua Bryant, Devin Denmc1J1 and Vera C1ale aU had single goah for the Mu'> tangs. Valerie < .ome1 and ~tacy Kn.konan added ass1!.t'> for the V1'>1tor<., who po.-,1t:'d their fourth '>hutuut. Goalies Kan lrn C it'n Lling and Kindra Railey two ..ave!>) 'PIH ume to ~eep tht I Jon., 12·8·2 I ·41 off the swreboard • Newpon Harbor 4, Laguna Hills I: Mazura scored five minutes later off an assist from Elisha Morgan, and in the 19th minute, Lauren Loe was credited with a goal when University tried to kick out from deep in its territory and the ball landed in the net. Corona del Mar's Elisha Morgan, right, gets the be st of Uml foe on a fast break. The Sailors improved to l.· I 1 tn the ~a View League a." lht•y 1uned up for Thurs day's 5 p.m m.mh at Woodbndge Tuesday: Mazura scored in the 34th minute off an assist from her sister, Jessica. and in the 37th minute, Alivia Mazura's comer kick set up Paige Janes' score. Goaltender Tanisha Senaratne was relatively stranded. but did come up with two saves. • Costa Mesa 9, Westmlnster O: Costa Mesa. ranked No. 2 in CJF Soµthem Sec· lion Division lll. continued its victory tour through the Golden West League with a 9-0 triumph a t Wesuninster. Amy Klippen opened the sconng when her cross wa\ kickt:'d tnto the l..agund I hlls goal, and T neta Orth tool d t:ro'-'> Crom Stephame Lambarlo-'> and l cm nected Wlth 21 :41 )pent. Kate Yuun((love got the next two ~lkih. one off a Khppen as'>ist. and the final un ru.sisted from outside CdM is at Calvary Chapel Thursday. Elsewhere in h.igh school girls soccer The Mustan~ (12-1·2, 6-0 in league! have now outscored Golden West foes, 47·3 The Sailor;. 4.7.5 overall. out<>hot La guna Hills, B· I Kara UeMille and Lt.11a AddemcUl <.hared goaltendmg duties Freshman Jasm in Day had two goah -----' HAPPY BIRTHDAY CeJebralrlg the Dalt Pilot's Athlete of1he Week series MEN'S SOCCER 'UCI' wins Donnely Cup SCHEDULE TODAY 8-Utbel Community college men Golden \Nest al Orange Coast, 5 JO pm Community college women -Golden West at Orange Coast, 7 JO p.m lOOAY 20-Jeremy Valdee &tlncla WT-.tllng, '01 The Callfom1a South State Amateur AM<>ciation team. which fearures eight UC Irvine players and is coached by UCI head coach George Kuntz and assist.ant coach Oui.s Volle. won the national championship at the Donnely Cup in Ft Uiuder· dale. Aa. The California South Sta te Amateur Association team won the national championship by beating Nebraska 6-0 and Con- ----.} COLLEGE BASKETBALL Lions' women roar Vanguard women win by 20, but the men fall by 22 to Christian Heritage. Vanguard University's women'• buketbalJ team. ranked No. 19 in the NAIA. enhanced its reputation with a 64-47 Golden State Athledc Confemlce victory OYtt visiting Chdsdan Heritage Tuesday night at The Pit Robbln Dtttenblr, the school~ Uon of the Week. notched her sixth double-double or the season with a team-high 17 polnts and 10 reboWlds. and had aeven Ulilta. Paulette Seaman chlpped ln with 14 pointl and Jennl(er WUcol acored 10 point.I for the I.Jons. 14-7, 9-1 ln the Gs.AC. te.cUnc by only three points with 3:23 left in the haJ£ s-man aa.ok her ftnt of four thft:e.pointen. and by halftime the spread wu 37-27. tbe Uons opened up me eeconct half wtth a 12""3 run. keyed by I Dfttenblr bunt, and It WU 49·32 wttb 14:.56 to go. • ~~ mml tam w.m\ u fonunate u Clutldu:l ttertaige bit io o115 rrom three-pcm• nmee lo the nnt bd to tab • 20-poW halftime a..t and roDed to a US-9.1 G..W:: ~ w Cbrildan Hertuee cooled olt to 55.~ from the Wd md so.. from lbree·point .... ln the .:ood ~ bul MhlU:hed the flP to .. mmJJ .. 36 polDll bdan the I.Joni pc a 22-1 nm to llnllb the pme 22 ~ olftbe.-.. r..m SIJr 1w'der ol ClwtldM Heduip led • ~ .. wllb '° polna. ~ 11 ol 15 frOft'I the Wd.. OridlD Hiirlll9I 1mplHld to 11-1. s-2 w. t1>1 G.W:. ~Wto5-13.1·7. A I neticut 3·0. II is the first u me m nine year. that California ha<, won the na tionaJ champion<.hip on the men's side. Jason Thompson. uu·s 2002 team Most VaJuable Player, was named the US Nauonal Amatu er Tournament 2003 Most Valuable Player selected by the national amatuer team coach. che coaches. and national adrrums- trators. High ldlool bovs -Coron• del Mer in University, 7 p m LlguN Hilla lJt Newport Harbor, 7 p m , Coste M-. 11 Senta Ana. 7 pm Soc:c:. High s.c:nool boys CoroN del Mar ., Um-.rtv 3 15 pm , Coste Mese at Senui Ana, 2.JO p.m .. Llgune Hills in Newport Harbor, 5 p.m W..po&o High IChool girts -Cosui Meee 11 Emnc1o1. 3·1S pm .• Irvine et Newpo<1 Harbor. ~ m . Corona del Mir in Laguna , 3 '5 p m Wed., Jan. 22, 6:30-9pm Thurs., Jan. 30, 6:30-9pm Wed., Feb. 5, 6:30-9pm Mariners 5ranc;h Library , 2005 Dover Drive, Newport 5eac;h Muet be youf16er th•n 19, and at lo.a t 4Y, 1'y t\ug 1, 2002 ,_~~i. $65160 ~mfrtg Chfld!Sit111ng ()f' I AlO WeO\esday, ~ 22, 2003 S P O R TS ANTEATERS Contmued from ft8 (nine kills) and Nie Vtslay (seven) al o led hvtne. c.aJ Bapti t pushed UCJ early. (n racr. the Anteaters rallle<l from l0·6 and 16· 12 deficits In the opening game. Irvine out· scored the Lancers. 12-5, during a spurt that ftatured three kills and a :.ervice ace by Bemus. An- other Bemm. serve went off the fingertips of both hands of Cal Baptists Shaun Juan. CaJ Baptist pulled to withjn 22-21, then a kill by UC Irvine's Kyle Weichert and subsequent solo block by Weichert on Dy._ forced the Lancers to call time- out. Lrvinc built its lead to 27-24. but the Lancers came back with four straight points to take the lead. The An1eaier ~. who stavt'<.I ufr three game points in the ftr!>I ~ame. earned two point-; in J row on kills by l\1ck1·r anti lk mw., but a long se1 ve by the "Tonight, w e really did play some good volleyball." Joh(\ Speraw, Anteaters Coach Zots tied the game, 32·32. Be- mus and Welchert combined ou n block on Dyk to give the hosts a one-point lead and Bemus capped lhe first-game win with a solo block on Miguel Montero- la. Pelzel, a 6-6 junior outside hilter, erased a 5-2 deficit for his team in the second game, serving five straight points, in- cluding two aces on jump serves. The Lancers had an answer each time the Anteaters took a lead in the second game -until the end, that is. when Pelzel served out the game with seven straight points, including an ace and game-ending service win· ner. ~The reaJ difference in the match was when Jimmy Pelzel went back and scored all those points for us wt th his serve," Speraw said. ~n1at took the wlnd o ut of their sa.IJs at the end of the secood game. That put the match out of reach and de- Oated m m. Up to th t point, they lelt they were ln the match." In the third game. the Ant- eaters recorded six: blocks, built an early 6-1 lead and were never threatened. Dyk led Cal Baptist with 12 kills, whlJe Jvan Tupchiysky added 11 and Kuslo nine. Speraw, a former UCLA a&tj,st- ant coach for seven years before coming to UC Irvine. said dut- ing hls span with the Bruins that anytime they'd losa·to an oppo- nent and play them again, they woµJd no doubt come back witb a victory. And that's why the Anteaters' coach is still tallcing about i t "I don't think these guys real- ize what an incredible accom- plishment it really is," Speraw said of the back-to-back wins over the Brujns. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT UCl's Kyle We1chert,Jeft, and Monte Tucker team up and roof California Baptist hitter Shaun Dyk. Legal Notices 2648 Legal Notices 2648 Legal Notices 2648 Legal Notices Lepl Notices 2l40 Legal Notices 2l40 LeGal Notices 2648 Legal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces 2640 lepl Notices ISC 12687 llOTJCI Of rnmotl TO ADIRSTfl ESTATI Of: JOsmt ST. CIWW, _., JOSIPff WASZTY\ CASI MO. A2171SS Tu all he tr s bt1nef1 t1cH1es. <.red•tor!I.. ~on tingeol uedllor~. and persons who ni•y oth erw1\e be mternttd in !hf will or uutt or ooth. ol IOSt PH S l CHARLES tllf JOSlPfl WASZ1YL A PUITION fOR PRO BATE hn been filed by LINDA HARTSON 111 the \upe11or Cour I of C•ll rorma County of OR ANCE THE PETITION rDR PROBATE requnh that LINDA HART SON be appointed a' pe!'on•I repre~enlat1vt lo ad m1m~le1 lh~ e'talo of the duedent THC PETITION requnh i1ulh0<1ty to adm1n1ster II.VO.. 1E110C&T" ~ CA'¥1£ll n-e ~rel Mtle-d lanlea> be r.niJl9:I 6"9. T~ ~ $.ttE 1£91 & Ylt£. ~llG ~ t..c:ne N.ltW 41 'JlSlJ '°" IS.UO tJ te IJ8'IUS kX3e:l it SN.E 1l'e tllt sM in! r.nl!J d Udc~~S)Mte r'1¥.8l ., be ~ .. tw> Ula! d l'£W ST AA [SCR)Y;rd,...~91 <S*is 24 FtBam Pe ~ '"7' fl ~:r r arro:*1I "'1 h? S*' J ,.,. runs nt r.roo-<J,... ~ ",.., srna $ '17 WJ CJ.I "'U)'q tWV/ ~ " ~ z.<X)JOO l'htl orusr. 1 ,. ~ ocsrr .. 1rJ11~JJr CASH si; • J.J 1 I "'1S ~ """1.; •twOOl tt ~~iV'···· ,.d tt ~Ill'.'•/ 1t ~ll~I as ltµ'll . Cl , to' &Hi""' J•, ~· .. It I htf'P01r.o·~··' • r o•)t •• tftbs'f-· ..... ., .... ' ' ~ en, ~' ,. tm• •>.< l:J".tJl~Jl~h •l•IT•Tl a~ &¥.r.a vnr.1 ~ 14.W12Wl Ill'~ TII IV ;.:IJ ff AW/ •l)JfFN 5'w.•.iUJf"1> t• ' ~rJ'MNlH/t~l~IM atpls~~ ;,._SI Pers LXmlll t{W-:lll llUD10..6fA M: ~ rw v Pl.Qr Z') .WP111 the estate under the you must Ille your claim Independent Admlnos with the court and mtll trallon of Estain Acl. a copy to the personal CTh~ Author tty will allow re.presentallvt 1ppointed the person1I rtpnM!n by the court 11r1thln lour tat1ve to take many months from tt>e date ol u tions wtlhout obtain the hnt Issuance ol 1n1 court approval. letters as provided in Before takina cert11n Probate Code wct10n very 1mport1nt actions 9 100. The time 11» Mina however. the personal claims will not expire repre5entat1ve will be before four months from requ11ed to 11•• notice the hearma date noticed to interuttd • persons above unless they havt wo11ved YOU MAY EXAMINE the notice or consented to hie kept by tht court. II the proposed 1tt10n) yoy are a persen in lhe 111dependent ad te<ested 1n the estate. m1n1sl11hon autho11ty you may hie with the will be eranled unless court a Requesl for an 1nhresltd person Spec11I Notice (form OE files an ob1ect1on lo !ht 154) ot the t11tn1 ol an petition llnd shows aood inventory and dppra1sal cause why the Lourt of estate as~eh or of should not 111nt the any pet1t1on or aceounl autho11ty as provided 1n Probate A HEARING on the Code section J250 A petition will be htld on Request lor Special flBRUARY 20. 2003 at Not1ee form os available I .JO pm in Dept L73 from the co>Jrt cler ... located at J.41 Tht City An-y fw Petltt...n 011ve South, 0t1n1e, CA lethleen Hlntert· 92868. ,,_,_ If YOU OBJCCT lo the Low Office• ef lld- gr .int1n1 of the pet1t1on leett Hlnton-lreotett you should appear at the 5020 <•"'""• Or., hu11ne and \tale your Newport laech, CA ob1e<:t1ons or hit wtltten 92660 ob,ections w1lh the court Pubhshed Ntwport before th• htarina Your Buch Coit• Mne Daily appearance may be 1n Piiot Janua•y 16. 22, 23. person or by your 2003 Th084 attorney __ _ Ir YOU AR( A CREDI l OR or cont ina.,nt ISC 12687 creditor ol lhe de< H••d MOTICI Of rnmotl TO you musl flit your tla1m with the court and mall AOMllSTB(STATlOf: a copy to the personal JOsmt ST. CHAIUS .. represent•hvr appotnltd by the court within lour JOSIPtl WASZTYl month• from the datt ol CAS(M0.A2171SS :~t~er~"s:, ·~;~::~~"d ~~ To all he11• beneh Probale Code snt1on t1ar1e~. ued1l0<s con 9100 Tl" time for him hneent <1td<lu1s. and claims will nut exp11: persons who m•y oth belore lou1 months fr11m •rw"e b• interuted '" lh• hn11n& date nollled 11'* will .,, ntahi, O• ;abo•e both. ol JOStPH ST YOU MAY EXAMINE th CHARL(S aka JOSCPll " WASZlYL ~~: .. ~~ b! t~~r~:~rl .~· A PETITION roR PRO '"'es ltd in the t•l•le BA TE has been filed by vou m•y lile with th LINDA HARTSON 1n the lUUlt • RtQUf'\I lo~ Supe110< Court ol c .. 1. Speual Nollet (lorm OE lornia. C.ounty of OR ANGE 154 I of the flhne ot an 1 HE Pl 111 ION r OR onventory .111d appraisal PROBAH rtQue\ls that nl t\late nuts or ol L INOA HAH I \ON be •ny pet•hon or att(lunt a' Prov•ded in P1ob.tte appointed a• pel\onal Cod• ,~thon l?!>O A r1<preunl•t•v• to td Reriu•st loo '>ptttiitl minister the tst•I• uf Nultcr lorm 1s •va1labl• the d!!te~nt hnm lh• COUii clerk TH{ P(TlllON reQu"t• An.,....y for Petitioner: • .ut11011ty lu adm1n"ler Scott A. lounlefal• the nlate undei the hq. (CS.. 105496)• Independent Admtnl\ 2060 N. Till ti" Ave. tr alton ot [stale\ All Santo Ane, CA 9770 5' (Thi\ Auth..,1ty will allow 71 27 lhe perso11•I rtpre\f'n l•l1ve lo ta~• manv .ir t1un\ w1l h•111t obtain 1ne r(ltJll •pprov.tl Before l~l\1n1 tert.ton very important acltOM. Published Newport l:lulh Cust• Mr\• Oa111 Pilot Jlnudry 17 ;>II l') 700.l WIOI~ ISC 17'18 however. the pr"onal ""'OO Of llnft\l\AI TO rt1ir.-entat1ve "''" be "" n111"'" 1e4u1red tu 11iv1 nnl1<e ADMNSTER fSUTl Of ''' 111ter nted Ptr\on' unl"\S lh•y have waived OONAl.D UWIS IOURDtru '"''" r or , ,,,, .... nttd to CAUNO.A117 123 lhr Jl'OIJ"'"d a11ton I , ~II hrit 1,.1111 1 lit• 111de11•ndent .td .. , ,... , , ... it.Ii 1 , 1,,, 1 m1n1•.tt at ton .. uthonly tmt• 1tt t tt·d·•u••. Jr1l1 witl he erantfd unles\ f ,.,. .,..111 '"'t 01-. t' 1nter~\ted ptr\>on "' ,.,.,. 11~ in•Prt •r-tt 111 ffl,..• "tt obtflt t1on to the ft t' A ti 111 ... f •!.-i II i1f-t ftHf' and '\hOW\ 100d 1. ,,, ,11 IHJN/\l IJ It WI, 1 '" why the tour! t<llllf't•illJ .Jtuuld not er 1nr th~ fl l'l llllllN r OH PRll tuthoroty 1<'1 ll ""' 1Jp~11 filpd I.Iv A Hf ARING on the RUBERT BOIJROILU m peltt1on will be held un the SuPf'nor Courl ol fE BRUARY ?O 1003 at Calllorn1,., County <•I I JO p.m In Dept L73 CSl2 t2'l2Qlte r;ll(JU3 .-ciY•~ " , tyr(lef!'t IJllANCC located at J.41 lti. City CA2·1232 A p I~ Ill»~' °""C ua.... t'111!'(1l 1 THE P£rlllON r OH Onve South. Ou nce. CA :~.u N!Aa ol h... S O.•.q..-i:u ' ,. illOW!l f'HU8All r'QUMh lh•I 92868 J'C•1 Ol«I ()' TMt Yi.. Pll'<~ ~· Olli:rnl!l 111 tr4 l(fJBlHl l:IOUROILU be IF YOU, OBl£CT to Ille oe1.-""°'"';; Oc.«I OI oroi.~ r..o .. , ~ u" appmnted a\ pe"onal 11rant1n1 ol the pet1t1on, ~ CWtcl Octobt< 2 :>001 cti1QZIClr MC\JI~ Oy the 1 •prese"t11lv• to ad you ~hould <1ppe11 •1 the ~,, you Wt .-:liot1 IO Pll:(>ltfl'f k1 t•· ~ ttYiJ m1111dt1 the nlal• nt hea11n1 ~nd s tate your r •• ...;! yro< ptOplll1y 11 mllf be •MIONllie ~ll!tlillfolf (~It. the der.edent Obre<:tions Ill lilt written :.;.~ 01 ~ p.illlc ~ " yw es~ n ;ia,,;inces lll Ile lHf P£TITION iequesh objections w1lh th• court 1 ~ a-1 ~ ol fll ~ ot.,.. nlWI f)IU~4'!0n ol authority 10 administer btlor t the hearina Your ,,., e ol .,,. ~ '"' nok~ d ~ IS the estate under the "PPf'•ra"tt may be In ~'(IN yw~OOIUC1 S•llgo\27 in"*qilOcafl lnd•p~ndent Adm1n1S person or b y your ..... -w -1 Halton of £stat•s Ad attorney I IMyer Noke IS '*"'r H ·-'" --..-• IF YOU ARE A CREDI ~ NI Ccui:y Alcorm t¥1"4's t:llclti; drlWfl on I 11111, AuthOl•ty w1111now TOR or cont1n1ent ~. Tll.Slet ()v...ort • <;uw or ~ 8-'*, a !ht ~sonal 11presen TNlllt, 01 Sutee~ Trus Ch!O. ~ t1y I S~ CJ l111lw" lo take many cudltor olftlti. dec:ea1sed. F--ai "·!!di Union DI a ad1on\ w1tho11t obtain you must 1 ' Y0°' c aim Or ~.ed Tllillee ...., "' with the couol end m11I p.. ....iaril lo ttl8 Deed OI TMI Cl«lt. dr~ t1y 1 Siii" DI "'I cour 1 a ppr oval a copv to the .n.sonal tUllll"" Rortlld L Cl\ll\cll'. Ffder.11 S1Y1nQS aro loWI Belor11 ta .. 11111, c.f!rUon , ,,~ I' .,, • Aalor:a*"1 SfVlflllll .. ~, Y important action~. rtprnentallvt appointed 111 llVl'llll'ltd mM ttCO!'Ocd on · .,_ ,........ hflWtvtf. th~ per-wnal by the c.011rt within four l~c.'2001 • lrelnmenl No NaotSallorl DI ~ ... -· months from tti. date ol 200107M12011bocll pagtt al ~111 secta1SI02CllN repreuntatlvt wtll be the hrsl 1nu1nce of OllCllfl flCiOl'ltl 111 r. ollce Cll F\wQI Codi llld ~ rtQUlled to a•vt notice letters as provided In .. ColftrAlcordlrCll~ todo.,.._in,_Sllle tn to lnteusted penons Probate C* section ClllorM. 111 _. lrdlr alw tlllll unltt' they have w•lved 9100 The time lat 111101 =-to ,. lblCf ~ cllfl II ~ b lr\lllll notic:e or consenttd to claims ••M not uplrt Dllaj n __. to Ml '"'1 'llilh*:I b ....-C. ol the PtOJ>Osed · ac.tlOft > befOl't four lllOlltha ltom '*"'*......., tl2112«1l N TWWI 09ld 111111 lllrm The Independent ad the liurlnc dat• notleed br mt IMlllli!lt ION~ m1n111ut1on e11thM1tr above. In boc* ~ • 1111""'*" Ot ~ I\ 1 llllllM ot will be 1nnled unlen YOU MAY ()(AMIN( tht Ho ~· al lllO ,._ ., .... '8lt Will tit md an tnt•ruted 11tnon CllcW rwcordt, ..... on 'V" _, • hies an objection 10 the file kept by the t.01111 II --,. .....,. fl r. 1M MhcilA ~ or yOll are • penon In .,~_... II In -~. ~ 01 ~ petition ind lhnw, fOOd teresttd In the Uleh1, _.lllltll*ldY .. --• uu~ why tti. court .J0111 '***' ()lie C.... ,.__.,. ,..._, Of thould not iunl th• you may Ille with tti. ,.1_.lt f o.priwi M nutO'lral ID '*Y b •uthouty court a R•Quest for ....... CA II 1tfll NA II _ __,_ llQftd bJ Ud A HCAlllHC ori the ~,.I Hotk e (form I)( =-.. ,. -Died. ~ ...,.., petition will be lttld on 154) ol the 1111111 of en == ---..:"!':: -.... • ...... •[8DUADY 13 200J t lnvtnlOly end appfltsal ,.._...,._ .... ~ rod tw ~ r " " • • ol ast•I• auelt O< of co•1111111Mmnyal I JO pm In 0.01. l.13 ~ ~ lllWU ot fltt nalt 11,. ,,,,11 •I l4l The c11, any petition 01 account f I.Wiid .._, 9ICll9d bJ M o.I W Ollvt South, Otal\,., CA H provided 1n Probate "".-.. It fllllftll Niian • l'"lf"1dad ., q18611 Code Mellon 12SO A 4 ,..,. 111111., I "* Md ---~ .., It YOU Oi.(CT lo the Request for Spetl•I ~ OI TA.ti " .. ~ .,.._ ot r. ~Md,. I' 111ttn1 of tti. petition. Hot~ f«m It awall.llltle ....., .... CUllr W NIB mlllll = °'9d OI you Wlvld ..,.,.. at tllt ltOfll tilt~ t ci.tli _ .... _..,,. 0Tlllll c..r. ~ h .. r1.,. end atat• ,,.,.. ~ ,_ ,......._. -"r ~ Ill M ~ AllMlldl • _, .,. r.c-· S.Clltt A. ._....._, .. Tut lllie -•-Tl'-........._ _.. obpeclloM OI' f~ writttfl ~CMI le.J4••) • ""'-"' •-·-....._. -obtedlont wtftl tM c-1 .._ ...... _.... ...... ~ 1105 kfore the hfff'llla. y-•• Twtta A ... ...... I lllf. ~ .. ffll • ~ 111121. CA, -.e ~·u11r.e ll'llf bt In S.... a-. CA UTeS ,...., ..... *'4 I l,... .. Ult 1114) 17). ptrHll ., ., yovr ,utlllahtd "ewporl • • '8 Alil9 1• tr ~ S De eltorney 8ee<h Coil• MtH 0.ily Olllil CA_., ONllf Alcal'lll ~ If YOO Allt A CHl Ol Pltot JanUMy 22, 2t, ~ .... T,... OW '18141' \115 JO,_ or co11tln1111l 200J Wfv-a • nt!Z!llllU.!.f.1111 .... ...ia. f MUCleOna ieona Of AYWlllTY Of.WllPOIT Pursuant to Section 6104(d) of tile Internal Revenue Code. notice 1s hettby riven thet the annu1I report for the calendar ytlr 2002 of the HICH BLOOD PRES· SURE FOUNDATION, a pr1ute foundation. 1s avail•ble at the foun· dat1on·s p11n1.1pal otftc:e for 1nspechon d>Jrtne resular bUSlnt U hours from 9 00 • m lo 5 00 p.m. by any citizen who requests 11 within 180 day\ alter the date ot publlcat1on. The found1t1on's p11nc1 pal olf"e 1s loealtd at 21680 Ounrobin Way, Yorba Linda. CA 92887 The 1><mc1p;at manaaer of the foundat ion 1s Miehael A Weber. M 0 Billi[ RICCI. Secy Tr us ot the r ounda lion. 21680 • Ounrobtn Way, YOI ba Linda, CA 92887 Publ1~hed Ne wpoll Bu-ch Co•ta Mua Daily Pilot hnuuv 22, 2003 W039 --s...... .. -- ,... 1•.tUSttf Fictltitls IMns .... The followma person has ab•ndontd the use ot the F1ctthou• Bus• ness Name Tum Aj)ea '41>to. 946 West 17th St.. Cl>sta Mn•. CA 92627 The f1<:lll10us Business name rtlorred to •boo w•s hied 1n Or a nee Coonty on I 17 01. rllf NO 200l69JOll 7 R.andall Waech. 20291 Kime D11ve. Sant<1 Ana He11h)s, CA 92701 R1d11rd Count\. 20291 l\lme 011ve. Sant.a Ana Heiehh. CA 97107 T111s business 1s ton ducted by • eenf'I al partnershlj) Rich.lid Counl' This st•tement 11r_,n hied with lht County Clerk of Ounee County on 01/21/0J 20036930297 Daily Pilot l•n l2, 29. Feb 5. 17, ZOOJ W041 FlditiM~s ..... s ...... The lollowins per sons are dmne bu\fnu• n Ortven T4'chnoloa1•s. lnl , 610 South ~flerson M Suite A. Pl1<ent1a. CA 92870 Aer osp~re 011vtn Technol11e1e\. Int (CA). 610 South Jellerson St Suite A Plat~nlt•. t.A 92870 1 hi' bu"""' t\ ton ducted by • 1 orpout1on Have you \ttrted doont bus1nen yet? No Aerospace Orl~t lechnolo&•t\. Inc Kathleen r I 1eem1n, CFO This statement wH hied with th• County Cieri\ ol Oranee County on 01/17/03 200l 6U Ol21 Daily Pilot Jan 22, l9. feb. 5. 12. lOOl W031 Rttitlws lvlinns ,._s..,...... The followlnf per\ons are doine business n Prelerrtd Properly Bro lie• s. 2"°2 MichelM>n Or •230. lrvme. CA 92612 Banker., Preltrred Morteaet. Inc <CA). 2402 M1chehon Or . "230. Irvine, CA 92612 Thi' business I\ con· ducted by· • corporation Have you st., ted dotna busmen yet? Yu, f eb. 84 Banlltr$ Preltrrtd Motte•&•, In< Otborah Wil .. 1nson, President This staltmtnt wu hied with th• County Cter-k ol Oranae County on l/l/03 200HUH02 Delly Pilot J•n. 8, IS, 22, 29. 200J WOOl Re-.. ..... .......... The follow1111 pe1 aoM er• doln1 buJlneu es: SoluUon AdvlMlft, 2775 Men Verclt O.tve Ent AI04, Costa Me••. CA 92626 Altundlf H Htftlllt, 2ns Mes• Vtrdt Drive [Ht Al04, CO\ta Mor~. CA92628 fl11t lluslneu Is ton diKted by en tndMdual Havt 1o.i '1 tfled do'n& bUSlnen yet? Ho AMunO.. H. Hawfllnt, k . Tilla at1le111ent wu flltd with tht County Clefll of Or•111• County on 1/1/0l ...... 2t711 Ody Ptlot Jan I. I~. U.29,200J WOl7 ......... ......... Th• fotttw1n1 p.ttOllS lltt dolnt bllMMD H . A.) Scot Nar•I Wood· "'°'"· I.) IHI ....... C11penll1 A C141ta111 Woodwork. 1924 E. Edinaer Ave • S1nt1 Ana, CA 92705 Scot 1\011 N111111. 2136 Montair Avt., Loni Buch. CA 90815 This buitneu Is con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you 'tllrted do1na business yet1 Ve\. 11/l / 02 Scot Koll Na11k1 Thi~ ~tatement was hied with the County Clerll of Oranee County on l/06/03 20036921631 Daily Pilot Jan 8. 15. 22. 29. 2003 W018 S""-'tf AMiii HI Jofl)wtf FidltiM lusilllSs -The followme person ha' ab•ndonad the us.. ot the r Ktlhou\ Bu\I ness Name Ferr 111 of Ot anc• County Challenae r .. m. JOO Dalt Way Costa Mna. CA 97626 The f1ct1t1ou' BuS1nen name relerred 10 above wa~ toled in Oranee County un 11/22/02. me NO 20026924644 Kerry At•p1ou, 14 70 Dale W•y Costa Me .... CA92626 s ..... .,, Ah I ttf Uwtf FldhiM w.s,- Tht followmc ptrson hes abandoned the use of the f 1ct11tou' Busi neu Name NAILS TlK. 410 17th Street. Hun t1n1ton Beach. CA 92648 The f 1chhous Bus'"ess name referred to above was tiled in Oranae County on I/I l/02, fll[ HO. 20026888495 Atbecc1 Oo J4562 C11n Aoed Weslmtnslff. CA 92683 This bu\lneu IS con ducted by an tnd1v1dual Rebelta Oo ThlS st1tement was flied with the County Clerk ol Oran11• County on 12/17/02 2002600926999 Daily P1lul Jan I!> 22. 29. feb 5 2003 W027 RctltlwslwsillU "-S"'-1 Th• lollowin11 persons are do1n1 bu\lneu u JRA P1omol1011s. 120 23rd St •O, t.osla Mew. CA 9?6'11 Jolin Re1~s Advtrh\lnll & lnterad1ve Inc. (CA J 120 23rd St •D Co•I• Tht\ bu"n•s• 1~ ~on Mna CA 92621 ducted by an mdmdual This bu"""' " <on Kerry Aaapiou ducted by 1 turporalton Thi\ st1lemen1 wa\ Uave you \l.t•led dome hied with lti• County busineH Yf p 'l'u Cieri. ol Oranee County Oecembor I. 1002 on 1/3/03 20036921,9 3 John Rl'l\S Advtrt1sme Oa11v Piiot Jan 8 J 5. & lnler •t lt•t, Inc ' Jolin Ret\\. Pr•\ldent 22, 29. 2003 W005 Thi' slalrment wu Rdltle. a...s tiled wtlh the County ""-t~ Clerll ol Onnce County --on 12,?7 07 Th• lolluw1n1 P•"ons 200269 271 51 a1 e do1n1 busmen I\ O•lly Pilot Ian I. 8 I 5. Scott Carmon Company. 21. 200J W9'.M 3220 No1 tit Iowa Street, -RdltiM '4nNu Costa Mes., C.A 92626 St..otl Cer mon Company ..... S........i LLC <CA>. 3210 North The lotluwtn& per,;on\ Iowa Str•rl Co\I• M•s• are dome bu\1ne\\ H CA 926lf. Marum' C•P•l•I 2411 Th!i bu\me\\ 1\ con W Cua• r ttwy . •?~. dutled by lrn11ted Ntwp .. rt Beach, C L1ab1ltty lu 9266 l UavP you \larl•d do1ne MarmM• Caµ1lal 24Jl bu'>lnU~ yeP Nt1 W (.u~•t Hwy •/ft'; Stolt C<1rm11n l.om Nrwp"rt llr•oll ~A pany,llC 92663 Sc.otl C"rmnn Prt \ldPnl lht~ bu·.111,·•,\ t' 'u11 Ttu· t1h:mtnt WI~ duc.t~d by a 1otpor~h11n l1lrd with lhP l uwly lta•r ynu •f.irtr•I dnfll& l.lf'l k vi Otan~t l .. untv bu\inn' ytl V. 11 l conOI I!> Ol OI 200J6t29712 Mariner C•11•'-' 0111ly Pilot J11n 22 l'J M1thHI ••me\ M•lht\I "" rett 5 ll }0()1 wow lh" \htem•nt wn n.....t....-•.-1......., M<1d w101 lhP County r"m-~. Clerk ot Uran~r County Neat StattllMlll on 1/3/0l I he lollnwone per \O~\ ar f!-dmoe bu\lnt\\ •s lhe Vu¥•1 I 1m1ly 163 Ohl New1>•>1I floulevard. Ntwp<trl Huth CA 92f>6J J.1;,nna Vu~•I ~ S<.uth l>unk1st l>t Anaheim. CA 9Z806 Ht< h"' d V•J~el '"'4 ~nu th Sunk1\I l>I A11ohr1no. CA 92806 Th•• b•J\lo•··' 1s ~on duded by hu\b<1nd and wife • It ave yuu •tar tttd doine bu\one\\ yet' Yn. 1987 Ri.h•td Vueei k>a11n~ V1111~1 lh1•. •t.olemf'nl was hied with th• C.ountv Cl•rk ol 01 •nee County on I 2J'l1 /()2 20026927902 Daily Pilot Jan I. 8. 15. 22. 2003 W997 RdllM ..... "-S........ The tollowm1 per r.ons art do1ne buslnns as Allstate f und1ne Subprlme, 5 Corporate Park Ste. 110. Irvine. CA 92606 Prudent•~• lendm1. Inc .. (CA), 5 Corpor1te P1rk Sit 110. lrnne. CA 92606 This bus1neu " con ductetd by e corporallun Have you started do1n1 bU$1nHI yet? Yts, 11/ 26/0? Prudent 111 lend1n1, Inc , Jell er y Smith. f>rt~ldent Ttus sltlement was filed with the County Clerk ol Or•nc• County on 01/17/0l 20016H0140 Daily Pilot Jan. 22. 29, Fab.S, 12,2003 WOJS Adll6M ..... s "-S...... Tiit lollow1n1 pt1t•on' ,,. dofns b111IMH It'. Ouellty Qt.us and Stone Care. 3017 Cooltd•• te. Cott• Mtia, CA 91626 .lllrry Oawwn, JOll Coot1d1e •c. cntt Mesa, CA 91828 f\lel11111 Kl111. 180 Broollllne, Co1t1 Mua, CA926M Thl9 llu1lnot Is con dllCtecl lty co pt(tnen lftv. yov aC.tM clolnc bllliMU y.tf v ... 1 01 OJ J«JyDe-on lhla 1t1tem.nl we fn.4 •1lf1 tn. County Cltrll of Ore"le County Oft Ol/17/0J tMJ .. MllJ DaQ;-Piiot Jtrt n, 29. F.0.&,12,100J W03) 200H t2a404 Daily P1lo1 J,rn 8. 15. 22. 29. 2001 w<ffl RdiflM lllniltsJ ..... s ...... The foll11w1111 pe"O"' "" dnma bu"M" ., A l Am•rn an Allvan taar R~•llY 8 I AA Really 1'1/~I Broo~hur~t s11ut #104, Wu I min• t.r, f.A 92683 Dune Hoane Mai, I 5942 Mount Malt•r horn St fountain VAiiey CA 92708 This bus1nr\s " con dulled by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you \lar !rd dotne bu\lne\\ yet' No Dune Hoana Mao This ~t1temen1 wu hied with th~ County Cieri! of Orenc• County on 12/30/02 20026927914 Daily Pilot Jen 22 29. Feb 5, 12. 2003 W043 Rdlti. ..... •s...... Tht totlowlna persons are dotna bu~lnen as. Tht Utltmatt II.Ids C.ipo. 14~1 Quall St . "201. ~ort Buch CA Churm Pub111hin1, (Cf<), 1451 Quall St . •2'>1. Newpor t Buch, CA 92660 This busineu '" con ducted by· • corporation Have you 1tartad dolna business yet? Ho Churm PubllJhln1 Brien O'Htlll. ConlJ'ollet Thi• 1tat1m1nt wes hied wtlh the Co>Jnty Cletll of Onnp County 011 l/l/OJ toOIHIU9J Diiiy Piiot Jan a, I~. 22, 21. 2003_ ~ ,.... .... ........ TIMI lollowln1 penon'!. are c1o1n1 busln"' n . HerlltJe r 1nanc1 tl Group, MO C1llt Vicent•. Sa" Clemente. CA 92673 Sidney l Bucllhaw, 630 Cellt Vicente, S •n Clemente, CA 92673 Donna J. Bredshew. 630 Calle Vletnh; Sen Clemente. CA 928 .) rhl• bualneu I c:on ducted by husbend and wile Htvt '°" sltfled dolfll bu''""' l'tl No SldMj Br11Cb111w lhlt 1t1tament wn fllacl 11r1tll Ille COl•nl y Clark of O..anp Courit1 on 1/J/03 2001ttl14tl D•llt P110t '9n I, I~. 22. 21. 2001 W002 fktltMus~ "-S..... The followln¥ persons are do'"I bu"ness n Afttrmarktt PreCl51on Produl.h. 28742 Vista Sanuaeo Rolld, Tr abuco Canyon Cahlo1 noa 92639 Steven Michael Wll banks. 2814 2 Vt\la S1ntia11n Road. Tr abuco Canyon, C1llforn1a 9?679 Thi~ bu\lnns •~ con· ducted by •n mdmdual Have you 'tarted doina bu\me•~ yet1 No Strven M W1lbtn .. \ Thi\ 't•temtnl ••\ hied with the County Cler~ ol Ur 11111e County on 12/09/02 200269UOll 011ly Pilot Ian 8, 15. 22. 29. 2001 WOl6 Rdit!M~ ... s ....... The lnllowmc prr \On., are do1nt bu .. ine~' a' NAILS Ill\ 410 l/tll Stre•t llunt1naton Buth. t.A 'llb4R Phuona Minh Ou lfl(JI 1 S Srtund Sire.I roun111n Vdlley CA 92708 I h1•. l>u"n,.\\ 1• c.on ducttd by .on 1nd•v1du•I Hue yflu ·.111 lrd dt1me bu~•nu' y•t' Nu Phuon.: M1nt1 Oo fh" \talemr nt w•' tiled wtlh th~ ~.uunly Clerk ,,, Oune• l,;nunty on 17/11102 2002600927000 Daily Pilot l•n I !i 22, ?9 teb 5 2001 W026 fiditlM ltnilns "-S...... lhe loll1>w1na perwn' •re dntnt bu\mns n M••~et•ne Str .. t f'r111t 1nl[, SJ 7 Superior /Iv~ New1•orl B•Hh. fA 926&J Adam Nielun Ovu str,,..1 1946 Meyer Pl r.,\11 Moa CA 92621 Hw. bU\lllU' I\ lflr'I d~ted bv 1n 1nd1vidual °lf••e you •l•rted dntnc buw••-' yttl Nu Ad•nt Uvrr•.lrorl I h" -.Uttm•nt ... , llled with Ill• (.uunly Clt•k ol Or.on11• Cuunty on I.' 71 01 20026927153 Oa1tv Pilot l1n I 8 I'> 22 2001 W996 RditlM htinns .... s ..... Th• fnllnwine per nn' .tr• dome bu\tnPS'\ •~ P~t111111d•1. 118 Jn Sapphir~ N"wpnrt Bulh r A 9?662 K1lhl~@n Ann r 1111 h. 1111 I 1} Sa11ph11e_ Ntwpo•t eu,h CA 97662 1111\ b>J"n"'' " ton dudrd by •fl 1ndmdu•I HA•• you ·.t.oll•ll tl<Hne bu·'""'' veP y,., Aj)1tl 88 KAthlrrn Ann I ln<h Thi< \latemttll w•' hied w1111 th• t.ounty Cler~ ot 011n1tt County on 01/l!i/OJ 20036929749 Oe1lv Pilot /an '22. l9 ftb ') l? 200J WOl8 ftdttlcM~- .... s ..... 1 ht tollow1n1 per\ons a1 e do11111 bu.,1111\\ d' Tum l\pu Molo, 946 Wtsl 17th St , Co\la Mell. CA 9i 627 R11hard Counh. 20291 l\hne 011ve S•nla Ana He1chts, CA 92707 This buJ1ntn '" con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you $tarted dome bu\lness yet? Yu, Dec 17, 2002 Richard Count• This statemerit wn filed with the County Clerll of Orence County on 01/21/03 200'600291 Oeily Pilot Jan 22. 29, hb .5. 12, 200J W0l7 AdltlM ..... - "-S...... Tilt tonow1n11 P•"•or" .,. dolna bullnen n. Stone W0tki. ~II tn 35th StrHt1._Newport Beech, CA 921J'>J Lisa Lauren Kowell, 511 tn J5ttl stieet. ~I Beach, CA 92663 Th•• builner.• I c:on ducted by. an Individual H•v• you 1l11tttd c1o1n1 bustnen yet? No t I•• I •utt" Howell This •l•temenl wn Oltd with lht County Clltrk of Or an1e County on l/l/OJ 200HHl•Ot Oa1t1. Pilot i.11 II. 15, 22. 29, 200J WOl 1 ,.... .... "-S...... the follnw1111 perwns ate doln1 business es· SplM•llat lnfoun•llon Sy1te111t, l 13 MMthy1I, lhwpott I o ctl, CA 92842 Ctoll H•dler. 113 ~thy1t An , fMW1*1 8ekh.CA9~ fhlt buslneu Is con• dueled lly tn ill44wldu•I Hen 1ou •1¥t•d dolnc buslneu r•tf No CevenHHlf1 n..i.. -"'*" ' fllecJ with lh• County Clerk or Orana• County Ult 11)/QJ 200J 692140S D•oly P1lol Jan 8. 15, 22 29. 2003 W009 -FldiltM a...ss .... s ...... The lollowme perwns are dotr1e bu~"'en as JJI Holdm&'· 1913 E 17th St '2J9, Santa Ana. CA 9270!> Walttf Bu1a1\ .. 1, 1913 E 17th St •219. S•nta Ana CA 92/0!i 1 hi\ bus1nt\S '' con duct.Id by an 1ndmdual H•ve you \t11ttd dome bu\1neu vet' Yo. I 21 15/02 w.11 ... r v Buaars .. 1 th" ~•atement wu hied with the County l.l•r~ ol Or•na• County on I J,0) 20036921 >94 O••ly Pilot Ian 8. 15. 2? ;_l<J JOO) W007 FklifiM w.ss lfcntS"'-1 I h, lollow1ne perSt111• are d1>1n1[ bu\tnf'U u I Photu 1145 l ttit•n ,_v• •tr. f<••t• Mau C.A 926l6 .konnil" 'itullb• IR l ). 2221 Canyurt Ot •B I, Costa M•~• CA 9l6'11 rh.. b11s1ne\\ " con due led by •II 1nd1vidual It••• y11u ,1arted dome bu~inn~ yeP Ye'>. 06 06 200:1 Jtnn•f•• R l Slubbs This \latemenl wu ftled with lht County Cltr~ ol Of an1e County on 01 17 OJ 200JH30130 O•tly P110t Jan 22. 29. r ,b .,, 12. lOOJ wol2 fldi"-~ Mmes._.. I he lollowm1 r>enon• ale dotnl bU\IMl'U as ';3odr a l ynn ' Home r ur mshtnll\ Oe.•an ~ Ro• bu• y Rd Coront det M•t I A 976~ S•ndl • l vnn luf'b~e 460f, Ho1bury Rd I mon• tltl Mar CA 9761'> I ht\ b11-.1110\ 1~ •on dud•d hy '" 111rt1v1du•I H•~· yuu •IMt•d dome bu .. n•··' yer' No '"""' ' l l tlf'bkf' 1 '"' \t•1rmf'nt ••' 1t1~r1 w1lh Ille County r le1k uf Oune• (.1,unty on 01 11 Ol 200369JOIU 0d1ly 1'11111 b11 l2. 29. f •b .... 11, lOOl W034 fldft!M l4nims Mmes....., rtu h1tluw1n1 pf"f'-00\ a!P dl>tlll bu\lnt'\\ n l1tl•ri•••v Cummun•C• I ton'. & r undr <ll\1n1 Co1"11ll•nl\ I 110!> All"n lil\1111 CA ')?/82 0 ... 011 Oouehtrty. 1170!> Allen. I V\lln CA 92782 lhl\ hu"flP\S 1\ con du<ted by an 111d1vldual Have you ,,., tad dome bustnen yet> Yu, 1987 Doon Oouthtrh th" \lltement wn liltod with the County Cl•tk ul 01an1e County o" 12121 02 20026927164 Daily Pilot Ian I. 8, 1 S, 22 2003 W990 Mtt.t.iltss "-S...... The lollo11r1n1 per sons •r • do1n1 buSlneu .as r1t1ht Crew Contreclors. 6J8 A~oc•do A.-enue. Corona del Mtt. CA 92625 Judith 0 Olson. 6J8 Avocado Avenue, Corona d.t M1t. CA 92625 l hl\ bU$1ntU la con· duct•d by an 1nd1V1du1t Have you st• led dolna bu\intSs yet? No Judith O Olson Thi\ stetement wn filed with lht Count1 Cl•rk ol Ouna• Count1 on 12127/02 20026927161 Dally. Ptlot Jan 1, 8, IS, 22, 2003 W993 ~ ..... ... s...... The followin1 peno111 If t '<11111 bvslneu es; ClCWOftfH CONSULT ING. 223 COUON ST , HCWl'OftT BCACH. CA 82663 ROGER WILLIAM CLE.WORTH, W COi.TON ST., NCWl'O«T ~. CA92"3 Thi• butlnns 11 con ducted by en lndtvlch11I Ha" you at•ted doHla bullM'I• yetf NO lt()(l(R CLCWOfnl4 t'hb ltaltmt nl WH fllff with Ult County Cieri! of Or•nse C111111ty on 12/J0/01 IMHHI071 O•llr Pllol Jan I, I , le>, 22, 200.J W99I Rcmlll .... ... -.. The folto••nc ,__, •• doln& 1111\lnen n Me<u ( lllerl'fla••· 1800 £. ICilh St , IHJ IO, ";:Jort I n ch, CA 16th St t HJIO. Newport Buch, CA 92663 This b>Jslnus •s ton ducted by 1n 1nd1¥1dual Have you started dome busm•U yet' Ho Abdul Alltayah Thi\ statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Onn1e County on 12/27/02 20026927159 Daily Pilot Ian I 8. IS. 22.2003 W991 FktlllM-...U ... s....... Th• lollow1n1 penons •rt donlf business •• 1320 Man111m1nt. 277 Rocliesttr St., Co\h Mesa. CA 92627 Steven C r arwell. 177 RochHltr SI , Costa Men CA 92627 lhl'.I bu\1~s ~ 'on due ltd by •n 1nd1v1dual Htvt you \tarted do1111 busmen ytt? Yes. June 02 Slt•en G fa1 well fh1~ \l•lement wu llled with lht Co1inty Clerk ol Or •n&t County on I J /Ol 20036921409 O•tly Pilot l•n 8 15 11 29 200 J W006 Rctitilll --.U "-S....... The lollow1n1 per\on• ire do1n11 buslneu n BBCubu. 163A2 Vernon. f uunl11n V•lley C.A 92708 l\etly Mecan Brown 667 Ohio. lone Beach. CA 90814 This bu\1nen os con dueled b; an 1nd1v1du•I Ha .. you sta<ted do•nc bu\lnn\ yet? No Keely Brown Hu~ st1tement wu filed with the Coutlh Cleril ot Or f net County on l/3/0) 2003 6921407 O.a1ty Pilot Jan 8, 15 22 29, 200.l-WO IO Fidltitsllllllm ..... s........ The tulluw1n1 persons •re do1n11 bu\1ness u 01111n., Conuph. 169 0 2ht Ave . Costa Meu CA 9'lb2 / Shanon hnHl>I Buu• 169 0 ?hi Ave . Cu~t• Mesa. CA 9"1627 fh" bu\lnus is ton du<ted by an ind1v1du•I 11eve you •tar ttd dome bu"""" yet I No Sh•nnon I •nnlla Buue lhl\ \l•l•n•ent wu filed with (h~ County C:ltr .. ol Or an11 County onOI 17/0J 200J6taOIU 0<11ly Pilot )an 22. 29, r eb s 12 2003 W999 Ac11t1M ..... "-S..... !he followlna person\ •re doina buslnen u . MLM Interiors. 2.3861 lnvtr"9" Place. Lasuna N11uel. CA 92677 M111y lo>J Moor11 .. d. 28 Whitewater. Corona del Mar. CA 92625 lh•s bu'lnen 1s con ducted by an lnd1v1duat Have you started doina business yet? Yes. 6/78 Mary Lou MCICKhHd Th11 statement was flied with tht County Clerk of Oun1• County on 01/21/03 tOOSHMUS Daily Pilot Jen. 22, ~' Feb. 5, 12, 2003 W042 Mlm ..... ... s..... The lollo•tna 114Usons art do•na l>USlnt.U H Cetun $p1Ct CO 81ton <fl~ LA. 5262 Royale, Irvine, CA 92604 8111 Brown. 5252 Roy- al•, lfv1nt, CA 92604 Tll11 business is con ell.le ltd by. en lndlviduel Hav• YOll Jterttd clolnc buslnns ytt1 Yn, 12 ~ 81H Brown Thlt 1t1terne11t wu ltle4 wltll In. Covnty Ci.rtt ol Orance County on Ol/\7/0J 2001HM1•1 Dalt~ P1tot Jen. 22, 29, feb 5.12.2003 W036 Re-.. ..... .......... TIM fo11ow1nc 11trsons lft dolfll bUllntH n ; Ootl COfllfM(Clal llt ll Estate, 24 Corp«tl• Plate, Suite 100, New· port Be.U,, CA 92MO Mt. Lynn Mlcll ... Oort. 2• Cot~ont• Plaza. Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA t2MO Tlllt bualneu ft con- ducted 11, an lndMclllal ..... '°" ltltt ....... buslnet.t ,.u Ho L,1141 ftllKhMI Oot1 Thia st.i.-t wu f!W wttll "" C-.ty Cltf1I •f °'""' Count) on l/l(OJ MHffJ1410 ~It."~~··~ • ' Poli(·v . How to Place A ___ Deadlines ----. Rates and dcadlme!I an.· '>UhJell to change without noucc ·1 he publt!'.>hcr reserves the right to lcn"1r. rt·da.,.,1fy, revise or reject any l la'>sihcd advertisement. Plcu-.. e ri:port cu1y error that may he tn your da\\11icd all 11nmediately. The Daily P1l<>1 accept\ no hab1hty for any error an an advertisement tor \\-hllh 11 ma:r he rcspon~1ble CXlcpt for the lO\I ol the space actually 1x:cup1l·d h} the error Credit can only he allo"'cd tor tht: fir,t insert ion. "' CLASSIFrnAD -Mond..iy .. ..... . . . . l·mb\ S,OOpm Tue~dtty ............. 'V1011d.1y S 'l)(lpm '.\ By Fax ·~ By Phone (949) 642-5678 By l\1ail/ln Pt.·rson: Wedne,day ............ Tuc,Jay S OOpm (949) 631 6594 d'l<J..: 111duJc ~'"'' rw11< wl<I I~""". 11u1nt..:1 and v.c II <•II \UU llJll Yiillh ~ prhf'"'U•HC I "\ "10 Wr,t R.ty ~Ired Co\la Me,.i. C A 92627 Al Ncwpc1n Blvd & HJ\ \t Thur.day FnJa~ Thur...<la~ 5 OOpm I lours '>aturdJ\ h11l.1 ~ \ OUpm h·lcphont' !! \Oam 5 OOpm Monday fnday Wall-In 8 mdm 'I OOpm Monday·f-nd.t)I I n<la) 5 OOpm Ind ex ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010.1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL I• 1489 $ 2305·2490 Legal Notices 2640 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 fh• fu 1.1'W1 t._ J•f"F U I\ 11tr dv•na b' .. lnhm.etr Ob'''-"' 187Sl M•• ;;ur11tr I ••, •II M· '"'n V·•I'' I A ':12'697 Ga You112 l11t HA 1 kJ s 81141 Rt· r Ir An•htm1 I A l.J/Xlll\ fhl1 bU~lllt'\ I\ lf It dut l•d by ,. cot pt•f tlhnn H•vtt yvu \IAtt•d t .. ,,, bu\mt! \ ,.,, , N1 '''* ¥uun.i; 111• S•mut'!I t\rn1 t! t • 1 -.1 , fht\, titf,. I ,..II, It t hied .. 1th II>• I '" I 1 f':IC!lk tit u, •. , ... t ,, I • ., on llt lb 111 200200'12690S TOf' SS 4 RI CORDS ITC 1"1t1.r• Ill JI"'< .fi,l Ar.... , ... ' ' M •t 1.1'1 hA ~L'' ENTERT AINMEHT Calendar of Events 1310 MERCHANDISE ~ FOR SAU 3010-3940 ., REAL ESTATE ~):j:[ f()R SALE -SOOS·S8SO Auctions 1483 LEGAL SE.RVlCES Adoption& WANTED MISCEUANEOUS ME.RCHANDISE ANTIQUES 0 d.., S·1. Fu''"'"" foster Care Se Mees Miscellaneous 265a Merchandise 3855 P A"'OS & C.e><•~ctoblot SS CASH PAID SS WE BUY ESTATES -Wl PAY M()R( S fASTOr • ~6494922~ SOl'Tll cgAsT AL'(TI N 2202 So M&I• 54 S.llU Ana. CA 91701 voMit .. n ~ A4aptioM/mi. c.. 0.e •• • •d 100.CXX> ..i.aen •• lh• Lt> w~ ..... hml>" ~· Milip <*lw lirr.lhtf". & 'L,IJn ~ ,,,..\:,. Jn-.ntal ·~1 ~rt.• rr--. JAH 2a I h m 1 •• .,,. ~ s. Ai"'1Ml• 1*.d ,,..l41, Arw-n I 714 Sil l'U> R~ APPLIANCES 3050 GI frig, tide-by aide, 't. h u ft l•kc new $7!>0 .. b. (94':1) ~l 211>~ ~·h HOME FURNISHINGS WANTED l~? Huhd .. y C.el~br alum IUlll 949 574 4747 Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises ATrrNMN MOJHERS & OTHLll' Worliin11 from •'"Y '"l4tll•n l•rn up to Sl500•P I S~~ p~r llHl wofkmK ( T f ft!t! booklet fult tr.a1n1na I 811 988. WORI\ <96151 W#W I orA~uudl1fe com ((..Al '!>CANJ__ AAJt VlHDING ROUTE lb ~ IJnth, l'rrut b- .... i. • .,... Slflj) nv.:si 20'-. ~· """ fl)). .l:Jb. 9311 ~ 'lliil 7402·7466 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 LOTS/ACREAGE A Supub (.,atom Homo 1 N• "'l>'•I lk; • 4 '>fir fWtr'f.flr•t N•t' I '" lfl'•IUr r •t11 'il'• Jt .fltr"d , ' • !1111,.f k'I LOtl/Aueage Wa!Rd 4740 w~ ......... ,,, ~"' 1 ·'41 ~ .. t. .,,,,, S' h'> I 'J NEW MEXICO MOUN <OASTUNl RWTY TAJNS 14-0 AC Only 949 759 0 117 $49 'JOO Gnr~r~ '" loodt ~" 4 do•• 1, ii usl•nd\ m•lur• Ir t• 11., ~"" Ht ,1 1 4b•. ~· U>We< &300 It tlrw•hon 1\11 1 ,11 1 '"'" d •'l<l Mounl•in V1t'#·· Yf"itllf 't'"..t<1,· tu ~o l•• I Hoc:Pl~tifo ruund ro•d"i ctu<t ~f.el. ·~ t111 th f't J J$.iw,. II!< p., ... • tor llOO• l«.hn 14. 7:'U Ul" lower\ A<11ar• 1t I• __ ,.._ ____ _ n•tt0n• ,,,,.,, c nellent I Newport Coast l111 .. ncin11 l •11 lod.;1' Thi\ wont '•''' SW Ol'IN SAT 1 S propel!•~' ul NM In• I S h rro10 8 8 8 2 9 2 9 J l I A loud ol It 111 Hu • (CAL "iCAN) b"n'" •l•P' • 'llK•· I HOMES 1-{.ifi ;,1<.1 l ORANGE 5400 COUNTY I Balboa Island tnd'b'+ & " tt f tt l1•n fr•tu,. S 1, llS,000 OPlN SAT 1 S 1 S Via Vono&la 4tir 4 '>11.; hl11 •fY • I• nu•. rnum S l,SI S,000 24 (atolllna A tuUlh 1t 1t.wty 4or so. UYFltONT HOMl ''>b• 'ilr•d• tu"" w/Dack. Ovw sa...i Lot S 1,729,000 Newport Beach Newport Beach BAYFRONT C ommunity Harbor V1e11.<, hec..utP.e 18R. IBA, 51900 ' Spaoous 28R. 28A $2350 l.a'1lf "'9lt! l'IClos • 'T1led bafes • ~ Wood Bltlll.ac Fft9llca • Pm.m ka4 & Mattu • Sparklllc swtmaiq Ptol • lM\ Tropkal LaDdsapljl& • Sec.oods to Bal~ 1'iud. S.Jlllde Shoppinc Center, ..a.toe w.ct & ~ del Mat Newport Mertna Apa. Homes '19 BaYtlfde DrM. Ncnirport 8eec.la (949) 76CH>919 IAYJRONT UN I Ill• f E NIN!>ULA NIW 21r 2Bo (OTTAGlS nam rOwn com Fumltllre 3435 Moving Salo I 011•< r • . l'LATIHUM l'ltOl'lllTllS Real Estate ~,4~.t,"s...~ 'itti ...... M~u.., Wanted 4255 949 II!> II'>'> t f "'1tt-' ... , p .} • J • ' ~; .. t ANAHCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERV1CES I 11t Uft l;tc,,a-, W41'.Jlt'f lllt • lR -.ti Off \.01 t>.d "' ' ,11 .. 114 JbO 0100 ------Corona del Mar lh1\ bu c ,. • t ' dU<l~cl h> O I I I • dll• H•vr Jm• '\t~, tc-d d 1.11• hu\tnt'~ .,.-.1' ~1 W•ck Sc.h ,.r,.J..,, n1 fh1\ 1f.wl@•l1r.111 .... flif'd #•th th ... < .. nt., Cle:rlil of Ut ,.,... '''' on I l '11 07 20026927140 Deily P•lol 1•11 I I'. l '> 22 2001 Vf'rll your unwanl~d ll~OUih tl•'s1l1td Garage/ Yard Sales Personal Loans 2490 2 MANY IOU'1 l'<'i<JL•OAll 1111 , '" rr \'>~ 10 SI <,()I> P .. •M lllANS <it'• ,,.,.,_ t J 00¥rl f t!.I f ~\U t\I No f ,., l '• Rel? l •r1llt<r • 1489 I I fll7 'ill 41 lh SELL your stuff through classified! 3460 JEWEL.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS (oect Coln Hood1 Old Coin•' C:o•d ~1lv0! ,.. .... y .... ,, n.... •nliqun •>llr< hbf~~ 949 642 <}448 3610 • MJIJI • Ww1ll'.f Miera. I t.ro.. ~ r.., or .,,...,. PVl:IV Sel Sun l? ..,Ill I dWln I\ Anmill ~ lnlu 949 644 ?279 -~11211"~ , J) day Wl"ll ~ 4 <ir¥> ~ ...... 1-*"d WAHTlD-4 l'llX IN C.M. UI' TO $900,000. PRUKONLY AGlNT 94'-720-1721 Oftlc:es b lae 45«1 COSTA MlSA l!>OOst p101n,>0nitl ottrce on [ I I 71h '' Ample p.,li1n11 949-64'-UlO •CJA/~a. 1Ja16~f. 1 SOO Wedi ef N_.,..n llY4., 949-619-SSSJ o-......... _lac. I ACll IAY CINTClt 2&S l 11 v,,,e A•• 11011 VIAW. I ll•tl •nd of '"" IVlll 714 573 778fJ Hl'I OfflCI SPA.Cl 8D ()oys [) , 14 Groo.rnd f\:n •cntecb office. ar• 54)al» 62Qit ~5475 Dead/int Ftb. 12th • Valmtint Mtssagts Appearing Ftb. 14th llint 2hna 4111~ 20 Characters per line You may use all 4 lines for larger ads. call an advertising rep today! Wive m4Jk it ~IUJ or Nil FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name:...· _______________ .PhOne No._· ___ _ S~natu~~· ------------------- Bill my: Vl~saL--__ _.MC • A/E _____ Discover __ _ Credit Card#'-------------EXJ>..,.. Date_· ---- _........, .-.. ~ St111 ., .,. ,,,.;J (4 ti# D4ilj Pi#t •ffet Ill: 330 W. B.ty erect, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or Gill (949) 642-5678 Ol'lH SAT 1-4 $1,19S,OOO 301 M•lfOld Stunn1n11 Jbr 2 !>b• 1mm•c hum~ I bl\ from ocn. H•nd slut•d 2ran1te & marble •nhqur wind curved sl•irt ~'~ more• 3 c.a1 II~' K.athleen MtN•m•• Bkr 949 887 sc;s o 11.AUTIFUL • Oram1trc Spyrtns Hrll ea.c:utive hom~ No upen" w1ts sp•red Fabulous Ocon View 481 Olf&red at Sl,695000 Seller bou11ht .tnolher home Musi Sell Judy l(of..,.. l ltr 949-376-5576 • IUUTIFUl • 011mahc Spnless Hill .. ecullve home Nn open$<! wu "()ared F ebulous Ocean View 48r Offered •I Sl695,000 Seller boucht another home Must Sell ,....., • .w.11t.r 949-376-5516 Tilll HOUSI SICWOlD 1mu T AMAIINGNKI AGT. 949-1234120 Irvine MIN SAT 1 ·4130 TIMTU IOCll l'OtNTl ,._. Fil . '""' ~ :IJr home~­IW'lb, lob al slo'1ll& Pool, ,.,.. llndllclpe * f<aoc mJIJ:Jlmo ~ :=...CWW" ~1·130 Udolsle HACH con.of 117VIAUOU 2br 11/• Be 2·c 111. bch & ten club 35' lot By own« S8IO,OOO otio 9'9-644-2330 OHM SAT 1-4 Mew141tlnc Updated Ofl lfMnlMtt. 3i>r 2.Sbe C\ISIOfTllJH 1569.000 °"11 SUM 11 ·2 1 Story Volta o" Cofl COIKM, I bf I be I•• new , 1•ted comm, pool, wot'llOllt rm, ••• t• h fbOI l&./11\0f)S Alt IJIZ.SOOFM MM32-..a9 90' ... "' .... 90T .. Tf9JMl'T OfMMT Ml.Mt·1twt• 61r lhA •2.S ........ • -..,,wfk-l'elk .. CtOlf (u1tom H•"'• h1vto w+tt. C....,., ..... Oc-Vlowa, Maida 0---. & W1-c.lar. ~ at SS,100.000 COASTUHl UAI. TY 949-159-4177 South Coast Metro 21r /21a 11>(1~1 "'"" un11 UPi• •d~d I ., '""i htht & b11(1tlt Show\ hk~ • modPI •ii l\alhenn~ 'M9 SSO 121. u f J h ' t :J H" 1 •• ,, .. nt t..t .. b ·'. fj •I • A•••IJb 7 10 UDO l'Ult DR. ~4 bl ( M'llJ I 94'.I 'j S8ll' * YlAIUY * llASl S t!ll l I.~ NOY kn.1 '{>RS • 949 •7S 6161 ~,..,. .. ~~-ttf "nirt.-1.....i -• Id 116' ... ,~ ~· sa5Cl ll' 94~ Mblltt> 2lr Ila 411 N"l'I t~ ~ ,_ • .. .,., .-v ..,,.., ,..... I MISCELLANEOUS I kit hi <•v-.kd<~ 1WIOI tAI ,,.., s l l.... ... 1l4<i ~4'.Jlll .RENTALS I Veraalll.. ,'b• lbJ I --------' pr-11fhi1u ,. O• 11 •ifW\ JOBS WANTED Rental To Share 6030 l>•I ully vrnm pool l•n ~l(l ~t IUO '14':1 613 7800 -------• HI Shau Nowor l lr SWA.ttl S 1.99~ ~ I Employment huu\e prrvat~ room balh MBR ~urte-. Penthousl! 'Wanted 8200 S!>50 mo • I 1 u111, I l./l'"'t "" Niew lnt"IOI'' ---_ lem pref 'M'I 887 14/Z wtl'<l l· mm A I Cym CPA • ...,;,, h• Au .. wntltli? --Nnltu Hole~ ACT w •r k ll••v HP cl Ill I N' °" lt1e btli '" •~ 949-646-6770 umputer 1k1lls & II • ._ plllti.,~w...,.,, -"""' '""'" ct1t. &Oii 1u1 1p 1an1. 11vff. ,_. 1u. z a.. •••@s C:w'2" ~~=:ro gel SIB> 96® 1113 170Ckt ~ ., ~·· "' Employment 8500 -J·•I 'k Si:'ll!>mu • de11 RE l((W•A; Pf •1 vu• ,, ..... '149 ~ DE!> GE Jar 2Sa i;;;;;, fl .., ... , ORAN 7400 ,..., .. VOIO--2CM i•• COUNTY h•i&.DI< ,It., I '20 OJ """'""' ... 9"9 79}. Jn& Balboa tsltnd IALIOA ISlAND Homes & Apt ' lor rent Shor I lone or va.:1l>0n term~ Veceti-In l'••4hol ,.,,, 949 675 4822 Bllboa Peninsula STll'S TO llACM 21r 11 •• lewer u .. 1t. W/0, fP, $1750/Mo. Y.-iy 949·S1'·S4 IS Slw2..AeS...., .... l/2 bll bey/W\ "'"' wd. 2 c "' l!Qi w &rl>oe 8MS S2«XI 714-811!99 Corona dtl Mar "t '-tt s.~ '"" Hewpert c-~1 7br Jb• ~i .. n o•t• b11 on. , mm "°'' & soi 'l • i•• Ip wd hl111p' .. .:1 SX.00 mo 949 193 46.«l HAmOll WW HOMIS- .b 2b.""" J1L II r&J lh. urp.1*11. be;t ~ ' pins S2llrO 9&58t I 'io2D ( Jar 2llo ...... ~& b«lly•d .. lllC= ..... ...... Cll-' ~ like -~~ ..... ..., 11~ ~!!!'&~ WHtdlff f..,;jfy MMe 8uut1tu1 rrmoO•led l• 2 •nd ell newl W1~ Ii> -ChOul/p#~ U&SOn• oncludn ~lllldenf!f a. OSI. Wllll Use !M9 233-498& ar 1"' upper w~. utls incd, I c f4> ... pl. Prtvate Tutoring 7990 •'111111 l/l~ ~ SltriOm 949-222 ~175 a25? lwo Or..vllte •"I I stOfy detech 3br Zbe, 2c 1••, &•led comm pool, 'P8 Sl600mo I 2mo lse Q'll1t 562-G«lll aMI ColtlMlll tit'• •/aw. SI09.S mo & 1W• tfOfl'I SIS5'mo 1n lovely c•ted com"' MM Trt·Sqwwe, fr14Ct, lnd1 fecllrty Kle•n Mnat en 104 .,., , 9200 ......... e<re•• "'• ..,.... 2llr I §Ba. ... ,,. pet.. Sll95/mo I arw. -•l 121).9Ql :Ill Iba ............ lllH&"°""'-'*'~ .... ...... ,.il Cl.WI! IU +dlp.tUWQI St.•~.U 1• •11e ~ W/lllf*I ... ,~ ,., .. , °"*'· -•Ina.lo ,....... •tlDlt 2111 U.1111 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching tor-whether you're seeking a home, apartrnen~ pet or new occupation! ORt\I[ II 01 R di ••' f~f I bti,M.ttf ply hf',. ilri. \ ""fO> •uh ot m f:S. 1" "" \l•lt ot •'I rQlllJ'mt' 11 f •t:tllt-n• b•n•' lot; RtQU.... lOL A W•ll> H•IM•I 800 SM bl!'>S! '#WW 4pt•\\dr1ver~ ,....,n\ (CAi ·scAN) Homt bu~'"''' °""'' impfO'llt• yO&.H fan"I .. , tnan-... 1111\n p 'f1 f ... nln full t111n1 ~1 www.4-.... ..-~2191 COV£RNMCNT ~ h11•11a f.-.. W11dhl•lf'Mt1l f 1rehchters Polle• 01 fic•r~ $.(()II. yU! f'1'CI I• ••n1111 Mon r I 9Am IOpm ul I 800 41>4 8991 ... i'l ~C.AL •SCAN( Weril "-i.... J!O> Sl!!IDm Pl J.5 hr -. s:zo>S!Dl)fti 20+ ,. .... ~r-8ramn BT! !Ill RUi Office/ A..U• Ault I. lc><..al pl'1¥1t• 'IChoOI ""' rrnmecl opetq for ul1Lt •""'5t WOrd Pt~ ••P i-. Word be-.... hnuwl•dC• ol olf1t • ,...,,._ ~ 1110Wlla• wonr orprrimlONI reqcl. r.,...,.., -~ cOft11'11• or ~· •ciha e•p • ~ C.. 949 64!i 1773 01 ••• ·-~111l ••••p•l-•••/S••'-' --...... Pl"' •• u:t.oal ,.... irf.-1 Ol*WW '" studoml olf1u Duhn W ludit pllc)nft. '"!WI ~-1\J .,,..... _. mft MIMy '° ...,. , ... w • .,,.. ...... IDoilll et cll•I*•" e MUST ~ "---. pm. c.a ~•m • ... ,__ ~!112 USTAUU"1 hp•~. OMlntlf Mone ~M Mii .......,.,_ .......... ...,.,.,... ...... ........ ~ l'tilUll'S AUTO Ac~o HSI Targa '00 ~ ... ,. 4 ,,. •IW l ,., rmh· •l'lil ).. Shi 4X lt I MW llSll (oupo CIS H I• .. .ti.If '''" llt'\ •11!' K S 111() IJU IMW 7401 Sodan '91 W It w ..-" "t "'f"" t ~ ... ti ,.,, I td BMW ~~ n •r 11117](1 s •Ml l(\ I MW IS 2007 ....,~tr I• I ry I um wr,. ls<l,O S4 l .lf!()OO U AWU Conwff11Mo •• h•d .. ,,,,.., •• u •'• bl.a ~ lllv !> ••II I• 111771) I Jl1 '«!00 ,..,., h:,..4rtlon '99 k>•dtod "' ~ ••mi•y SUV wf\1te 11 1t11lo\ '"187'<4) S II tilO 00 loawtlS400 h.&..-.1 VII lu•vry S.den lull ~1_.,., ~•IMr" t • 18;4ll l SI'.! 980 00 __ _., ... . «Jo s .... ·oo Ill•< k O~••I w Mil Ith• I a1 I warr ty b.•ut>lul 1•ISQ6t1 $4698000 ......... 9•• c • ..,..·99 lrplrunk whilt lull '-"' ...,., ktw m.,.,, I • I Mll'i ) $46 980 00 l'ondto 991 c.•/ l lptr..tc '91 Wlltl• .. Nor tttv & Mitt 1 c•p Ol>O O•llef t•l90l7C)"2.•00 ...,_..,Mt'O) '•C• CJt'"' •l~Mt. lutt>e. :.:"'-.. <•l'l&IO) SSUIOOO J....-US ( _ _.... . ., Br~l~l!Kille""­ • f-lec;l Cteme , lNlh4t,Wlr lftl ~>lll.'JIOOO -~ ... ILSOO....._'H •Sil ... w I'• &.NNnt l..ttl• • .. "' '~' e .... t't 1t1•1t w• .......... ... ta!( ... •fC.t etM ......... (f l Onft, 110,tlO 00 ·~AlffO ) Wednesda Januar 22 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE B • d AMllln'1llM • AllDnMllM • AUTOMOKO r1 ge -... --,,-.-,-_...---u-...... "".,. ·•1 4.6 111CBiiiiiUs AUTOMOTNE PARTS/ ACCESSORESI SERVICES _!r,_C_HAR---l=E;..S_G_O_R_E_N_______________ 'GO ~•l.IY lthr, .. un's. Hst, SOii ml. met•lfic t .. o•••A SHARIF chrome w11ee1s, °"' owi .. , dark areen, oatmea111t1r, Wllllld M " """' n/Vr/M. 115.Slli IMl<M<D 18'' whls, labulous car and TANNAH HIRSCH PP 7L4-9J9.6335 fabulous cond, s18,995 olthlMl)n; •tt A-• firm Vlf2651Z4 tln/wlt(r J9t. ml, ch1mpqne/tan av•ll Bkr. 949-586·1888 ACAOS$ 68 Wu I 0owy., R\000 melodf amatic a Silo~· eo Beoo1Na 10 ..... briitly popular 12 WOI.) 14 Rdrne'a 6& H H Munro -Blake 68 Rocke! Jon tS Wdng name eon -18 FltlWlg spot 47 Pedro .. pel 17 P\A on 111*!1 68 Later on 18 H~ dNi)..cenlllf 69 Undo 19 Thunder god 70 Earlh 20 Freiglll hauler of 11 Chirped yore (2 wda.) 72 Ice floe 22 Op1n IUnel '73 Toddler pe<ches 23 Ur1he111lng 2-f Eully mied DOWN 26 Wat> addr. 1 Smile bmll!lly 29 !~ 2 CQfkor • .ero1n. 3 F~m Olreclo< 31 "Vive le!..•· -Fefrara 32 WOlll It'll lllll 4 E!fOUJjlU on 33 Flri . board . 3' OrchatO 11ut 5 Parl<lf 38 l.ongell wm bone fumllfl1n1111 40 Aec8de 8 Reel (2 wda ) 42 Bulle couein 7 Eurasian range 43 Went towards 8 Cloudbursts 48 Ooca in the Seu\O 9 Pad<llfs· org 49 P!ity 10 Large- 1>1.Wnpet<ltfl ~~ 50 Juice-based 11 Bwana In lnd18 drink 12 ·ao"oms up1· 51 OecO<ated 13 Condenseo llnware 21 Rajan s oon!IOl1 52 Cau1le a bllsler 22 Felipe or Mally 53 Many TV dk1llllfs 25 Moon poabcs~y ST Grean1SM>1ue 26 Nope (hyph 1 -----~ ........... 3 ..... ~4~.5~ ,, , 7 . PREVIOUS PUZZl.l SOLVED 27 Prupw l\JllcilUll <'II 'S•ormv Woorhat' s1nge1 30 l.edgeMNltrv 35 Morisleur 1n Berlin Jll Relldllafl H li<Jfl 37 G«i•e per!iOf 39 GcttJng usco 10 41 Palling ory 44 Pop singer AObm& 45 Ruby or Saodrn 47 Nov event 6 !I 48 N•vy IMlhC()IJler SJ F1188 llflO ents 54 Piel~ rrltle 55 KBBP11<1ke 56 A811!JO or eJClent 5fl Oo<J 61 Deder11 62 You• riignncss 63 ~Hara 64 Looks sit<epy tlb Pcnito0n 1? IJ RJ!:A1) Tlll!:M ANO WlN Neither vulnei:ible. E.bt IJc:al~. NORTII •8543 Al 942 • K6.l2 WK"il' t-.:AS'f • K K 10 64 Q7653 "'J IO 4 • 10 9 6 QJ985 J •AQ75 SOUTH •AQJ72 7:\ AK 108 • 4J8 Ilic bi<.l<lmg t:AST S<JUllf WE.'>'T ~" I• Pass Pas:. 3 PiW> r........ ~· ~. .......... Opcrung lead Jad nf • NORTH 2• J· r.s.s I l\lcn 111 the b1ddrng amJ follow the pla, carefully Declarer applied the rnfercn.:c, ubtruned from ~ auc- tfon ,111.t pli1y tu hnng home a ,htly" gJ1nc. S•>Uth \three J1amonJ; "''1!o u help- ,ull gunk' ti). Ahhough che hvldrng 111 that \Ult "'.i; the wur-.t flO\\rhlc, l\onh tkcu.leJ thlll tht-1wo pnme 1-.sr..I,, a ruffin1t valiK and four-lard 'PW.h: wpp<m wa.' enough 10 \hnw a 11 .. an .:onu-ol in re~pono,e. 1 hal wa.\ .111 lhc L'ncouragement South needed 1u kap 111 gJnJC Automotive 9004 Automotive Al one table, the jock of clu~ was led and Easl overtook the oonti1w11- tioo wi1h lhc q1,1CCn to shin to the jilCk of diamonds. taken with the acc. Declarer crossed lo 1hc ace of heans to try thc spade finesse. Wb t woo with lhe Icing aod gave pa111l« a dia- mond ruff. A heart lO thc king and 11110lher diamond ruff comrleted the ruul -down three. At lhc other lable the play 10 the lirst three tricks was identical. Declarer paw.ed to coni.ider what could be deduced about the holdings. With the king and queen of hearb. West would probably have led the k.ing rather tfuw tile juck of clubi. . l'hal marked East with a heart h<mor. the jack of diwnonds and~·-ueen of dubl.. With the krng of s as well, East might havr ope the bid· ding. In uddmon. the jock of diwnondi. could easily be a ~ingleton. l>C> 10 take a 11\lmp lineSi>C that ruled lO have lit- tle chance would surely be fatal to any ~light chance there wa.' of male· mg the conltnCt. So at tnd. four <kclarer cashed the oo .. of 'padcl., dropping the king' Now 11 WU..\ an ea.o.y matlCr to dr.iw 11\lm~. Ca!.h the krng ol diamond~ and COIK.ede a dia- mond 1nck to the queen, 'ittbng up the ten 111 hund ror a hean di~·ard trom the table. Dedarer 10\t only 1wo dub trid., and a diamond. A very line result. indeed, \ince an early heart play by rither defender would lutve !,!•Ven declarer no chaocc at all' 9004 Automotive 9004 BMW '95 5401 IOOll mo. black/blk. b~autrful original 1 cind fonancrn& & warr avail v#249762 Sl0.995 Bkr 949 586· 1888 BMW '95 74011 sllver, rmmawlate 78k mr. eat warr. non ~rnkr ~21.000 oho <949) 642 l'l65 evt!s Chry~lor '98 Sot.ring JX Corw 37k a~tual ""· books. records. melall.c rl'e gr~en/grev rnt, am Im. blk lop beaut orrg cond. S8.995 v752412 Bk• 94 9 586 1888 L .. .,. '00 IS 300 2211 rrrr. sliver/grev lthr. mnrf, CD. full factory warr. loke new v•525721 S22.995 f111an(1ng avarl B1oker 949 586 1888 w-.oc.pohl.com OWY MOHll CARl.O 1IO 11()1 miles. r'ginal owner, rie.u • ~ i!Jeal cond S.l'.XXJ 949~777 www.ocpobl.com Chrysler Van '96 Town & Counlry LXI while/ grey lthr rmrn.it cond CO. drove' like new. bOo11s S7200 949-350-'>202 Lo1u11'98 LX 470 Immaculate Black/tan llhr. alt ot1&. books. S33, 900 949 350 5202 M o&da ~9 M lot o Conv 34k m1. dUlo. red/ black ml & top beautrful 01111 cond . v597 24 I SIO 995 Jrn & warr avall B kr 949 586 1888 w-.ocpat.l.com W edd in g E xpe rifs Dodge '00 Rom f •lrd Cdb. 118. 80k mr. h1t1h hit wlli1e fully looded. v972498 $9995 frn avarl Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com ford ' 93 hcort LX Whole 791\ n11 auto orig owner great tond S2700 Chrrs 949 515 2794 Mazd.t 96 M1ata while/ blk mt CO. alloy whts. lady owned, beaut orrg unmarked cond must see l o appre.rat~ $5 995 lrn/werr avarl llkr SHOWE SE A IF (949) 574-4249 Ford ~ ..... '99 Btacll w i:rev 11~0 c,.,.,, condolJ<MI \/ety Cbln Wet marntM"llld Power lodl. WWldo..., ro p1aycr ~.<XXJ 949 JY.>-1561 FORD RANGER XL T '99 I •Ira Cab AulCI CD 691< mt . \/6 berllln~r P11v .. 1e Parrv S7500 949-642-5620 Jo9uor '96 l06, hke new. loprl( !Jdlmeal CD Alarm Musi See' $1 5.800949 650 S860 www pt:<f0<manceltd com Jaguar '9 9 XJ8 \/andeo Plas l4k mt sparkling blk/tan llhr, CD. chrm whl• lull fact warr. 111\e new $29.995 v842614 lrn avail Bkr 949 S86 1888 -W.ocpobl.com Land Rover 'ff D>SCnv~ry ~rie• II. Uk m1 full fMI warr black I oat meal lthr duJI mnrl. reM 311 . 1ump s~ats CD is· < h11n wllls. like r•~w vJ l20'l!I $2l 995 lrn dV.tll Bk• 949 ';86 1888 www.ocpobl.com 949-586-1888 www.ocpabl.com Morcedu '96 C280 beautiful blacl\/cream lullv loaded. showroom. rvrut. SI I SK 714 751 2"64 Mercedes '96 (320 71k mr. white 'oatmeal lthr snrt CO beautllul lll'll tond. v459621 $18.995 Bkr 9 49 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com Mer-'" Sl 500 '98 lmmawlate. mamlarned. bl.Id;. ~ mt new w~ $42.CXXl 714-6.lJ.3519 Mercedos 500Sl '00 Plallnum. e•aee kept, xlnt cood. M'G Sj)Ol1 pacllap. fuN warr & fr oe sv~ transfei able J:J( miles S52. CXXl ea• 949-642 3407 E m.i~ becksba@aoj com Merced., '88 560 SL white tan. rmma< n1ll. nn. iJ1H. new id! bi. mmws. S15,lXD n 4 75J ~ M~ Dian-ti LS '00 lux~y lthr all extra chr ~ heel>.. 0<ii owner n ·vn1o SIS.995 #41\mktli Pl> 714 919-6.!35 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ .... ~ St!rvlce Directory Accounting UHOTICE TO REAOCRS Calrfornra law re quires that co11lrac lots taking 1obs that total S500 °' morP (tabor or m01erral\) be lic.ensed bv the Conlraclors Stalt. lrcense Board. State law also requlfes that con Ir ad ors rnclud~ their lt<.enY number on all advet hs1n11 You un check the statu' of your lrceosrd contrac t or di www cslb ca gov or 800 321 CSLB Unlr cen~ed contractors takrn11 1obs lhd't total less than $500 must 1tate m lhetr edverltsaonenls that they are nol licensed by lhe Contractors State Lic.enu Board · IMnaltO INTllll90"5 Kllthen I Bath I R.moclel ~kh.Bu'S.IXJll ~~~ ERVICE Carpentry A TO l HANDYMAN lnsl.tll If I ho• c tlruwl• K~uien ball1'1b•'> ww•h"" nlflldlnr, lb1t1 714 1)46 J,.-,ii Carpet Repair/Sales Concrete & Masonry 8rlclc Bloclc Stone Tile c '"" ff-'h Pdftl) 0flYt'WdV I 11 eph lllitJ R~I · /'jy" r ,., Jt.111 111 .,.,, 7'>94 David Venl;;ro Concrete & Mcnonry RP\ldPnlrJI Brt<~ ';t•1111 Bl"' k ftle l1t•l4/448 714 91>5 2824 CARPET CARPH C nstructn/Confn:trs RPfl~". r.,1t1ring.1n .. 1"11 _o ______ _ CourleOU\ any SI/~ rob~ New Construction & Wholesale' 949 49? 070'; A-.odol. All !rad~!>. fret> l • lon1dlP~ 30 Year\ l •p ComputerSeMces 1 •m1s9 949 531 2345 :::.puc.,r \OltJ Tue or ~ 11 .... ..,ng • t ''"'.._ • ( AJ'flfUlftnJ ~""I I ~ (Ja,tJlll..J ,., ~ ,,,...., " '" • I •llllltw ... ·IQ.-111911 CllllW•_,•CWE (949) 548-9595 COMPUTER HELP! '""'*·~,.... •• ,_ llollt. olllCI •.C•• ·~ • \111(1 PIQt !IWa'cl •Ill ·~i.t.,.,, n(llal~ • ~ w,.,. A.,.., l.'JW. •l!Mo\S~~ ... UC~Or-•, tOY,.~bp 714-612-2.786 Desktop Publislllng TIMl TO HGIN YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT? CAii i plumber. 11a1nt~r 11.1nllvman "' ·lllY ril th~ 111 eel '~'vice\ h~t~c1 here In nur •.t-rvrre dn ectorv• 1111 SL LOCA~ SVC l'f OPLf CAN HfLP YOU fODAY! Drywall Services WfnHOEn DltYWAU All phiise~ sm/lr& 1obs CLlANI ;?()yrs. feir. frtt esl L 4IXlO I) 714-639 1447 Elect1cal Services ~{ t ' I I ,, I • I ' ' 949-722· 7ol76 SEll your 11nwilnltd ll•m• through cln~IHtd Electrical Services Small Job bpertl IJurn:.111 [ trctrK" 20Yrs l •p I o<.•• ·0111<.k Reo;pcm>e Set v• e/llemnclet' I #l/5810 94!1 ~ /()<12 llectrl<al Servl<H New. RPmoth>I & Repair rree hllnrate. 30 Y~a•~ l xp t •lHl69 949 631 2345 LICENSED CONTRACTOR No ylb too Mn M sernces! Reparr. remodel. fan~. if", new ';vt; 949-645 3XJ6 Aoortnw'Jlle CUSTOM CJtfATM TU tml.lftatWln slilte < l'ramtt, marble, slooe ~ 1975 I #612044 Jett 714 612 9961 LIMY st-... R'-Piired Rearoulrn & lnslallalron Tll ( DEAN 949 673 8065 #604325 714 883 2031 GatdenlnW landscaplng • DHlgn, P'-t, Pot • Propaeahon Prunina & Buildln2 Sm~ll Proiecl4 $15 $20/hr 949 515-8824 D"1yW .- Storm Ci.an~. Tree PrunkJ&. Maintenance, lnsl•btiom., lrrtpllon. l roobleshoolirl&. Rcc>atrr. & llller adct. 71'-71!>-2828 ltsvJI us do vnor f»ty Wor# Lou TorrH LanClac,.. ~ """''t. tree 1r.,...,.. & lnstellaltun ZS Yrs exp I lc/rn\urod 949 5-48 063 Tro• Sorvl<o, Yerd Clu11up, Malnlenjnet, ~prtnkl<tr R"fOlr, H•ulina (t49). -8711 s.lywr ...Wit ... tlie eay nyl Plete 1 OmlWt4tMlyl (Ht}M2-S671 Handyma!V Home Repair THI H AND YM AN I mern2y Servrce Ok' Plu~ £1ecir1C11I. Caraae Doors etc. 949 439 7~54 20 Yoon of o-llty Craftsm-shlp UCJll674183 (949) 6S0-9S25 Mark GFNFJlAL IF.PAii '~ .. Rt:.idtntial • Canmmi3I No Job Too Small Dave ll.amllton 949·32 2·8292 C.ustomer ~ atisfoction -- Hauling JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 714-968-1882 AVAILABLE TDOAYI 949-673 5566 Health & Beauty l-o Up To 2011n pwmonth l Trip le your ener&y o..ly $38.ts Call lrsa 949-645-6677 House Cleaning Thoma• Cloo11ing SON. ~le home & ofc free esl Serv •U 0 C. 714-542 3473 714 785 1101 Tom'• (wr...-H-s• OIB'.& f otll rust. _., ~ /11 IOCllk cme by OWll!r fat rMes 91!M2'2-7434 Misc Services WINECBW RERUGERATION ......... .... 1-166-946-3257 TOllfm lth1, , mnrl, CO, chrm whls, Ilk• new v598242 Sll,995 Im & wur •v•ll Bkr. 949·586·1888 -w.o..,Wl.c- '•ncho '9t a oxtor Conv. Zlk ml, 5spd. whlte/erey llhr, full fact warr. eera&ed, non/ smkr, like new vl26695 $28.995 Bkr 949-!)86. 1888 w-.oc,..t.1.colft T,_,..totlerl Cor Olds· mobile Ror-te '81 lint en&. eopd br~. dam-aed body, $61XVobo. 949-642-27:.> CASH fotl CAU We need your car. paid for or not. Phllnps Auto M ir. for Malcolm 949.574. 7777 SMUGTlf noo XTRA CAB, TOYOTA 1m, PAI> $IXI MN'.£ OFF£R Wl1. Sfll Ctfll 714-37'"879.l Motorcyd11 MOO lt01190 ltover '9 t 4.0 HE. 281! ml, full fact warr, black/tan lthr, black pipina. beaut orla cond. S27.995 v424238 fin • vaij Bkr 949-586-l888 Call Classified Today 949 642-5678 IMW 'ti 75011 l39t. ml, xlnt mechaniul & body cond, bl1ck/erey llhr, CD, v729542 $5500 Bkr 9 49-586·1888 --.0~1.c- w-.ocpet.1.cOfll "Employee." "Empleado, ,. ' . I NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. "'A rbeit.nehmer. ,,. '.'Employe." (·1 .,~ I ( ,., -f -, • • (l.'\."il. "'' • ) --·> ) ',. STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?f. . . . . . ~ . . . . . Thr lq,11/ /Jrpartmmt 111 thr Dady f>1iot 11 plrtl.ud to announcr a nrw senna now ava1/ablr to nrw bwinrssrs. Wr wt!/ nou1 Sl-ARcH thr namr for you /JI 1I0°rx1Ta chargr. and sa1•r you thr nmr and thr trip to thr Court Hou.sr in San1,1 Ana. Thrn. of counr. afirr thr se11rrh LS cumplrrrd u•r 111ill fik your ficrr11ot1.S businm namr statnnrnt with rht County Ckrk. pub/uh oner a wait for four wrrltJ as rrqumd by law 11nd thrn filr your proof of publuatton u.111h thr County Ckrk. f>lrase 11up by 10 filr your fimrious bwmm sratrmrnr 111 thr Dady P1/o1, 330 W Bay ~t. Costa Mesa. If you cannot rtop by. plr11Je call us at (949) 642-4321 and wr wiLI malu arrangmunn for _'IOU to handk rhu proadurr by mail IJ you should have a1~y forthrr que111ons, plr1llt call us and uv u•ill br morr than glad to 11.JJISI you. Good luck m your nrw bwmm! Moving & Storage Painting llSl MOVlltS $59 /Hr llAJNIOW at<ll MMfT servrna •II crties Insured ParntrneWexl. Houw/Apt fast, courteous, careful Quahly rc>b' free eslrrnale Tl63844 800·246·2378 l•569897 714 636 8888 PUBLIC NOTICE fhe Callf Public Ullhlre& commrssron requires that all used '1ousehold goods movtr s pr mt lherr P.U.C. Cal f numb~; limo~ and ch11uffeurs print lherf r c p . number In all 11dver · lisemenls. II you have 1ny questions about the leealil)' of a mover. Irmo of chauffeur, call· PUB LIC UTILITIES COM· MI SSION 7 l4·558- 4151 WANTED MOVINGJOIS Small of Laree 24 How Movlft9 Svc C•ITl89442/lnsured 949-71~ 0691 714-686· 1300 Open 7 0eye LowRat• • 6 tot11Q9 Specl.i. Since 1t81 949-645-4545 Plumbing TeLoc PUftl W iJOM~ol M&T J 8anget1 PIPE LOCATING ELECTRONIC SLAB LCAK DETECTION Fnendly Service 949-67 5 -9 3 04 www.~oom L S2A!J7 ln•url'd 1"9Ntig#)borltood Pfumbtr! OMIN a Sl"WQ ;m:: Cl.UiMIG wtaAUST lWEEOY Pl.UMllNG 949-645-2352 -.. Pak*ng I Plumbing lapert Dra t" Cle-l1t9 Plumbrn11 rtparrs, ove1 25vr5 tap All woth ei- antued. Sb:ve 714-5682911 HONEST & lllASONMU PlUMB[R l l506586 r rllll Estl Sm r..-s. OCTf CU Disc.. 714-Zl>-9l~ PlllCISE PLUMllNG Repairs & Remodehn& fREE ESTIMATE Ll687398 714-969 1090 RooflngAjatlerl Wall Covertngs We Gal• should h1na toiiether Sb Ip, mt.11 lnV Cd 1JiW1C adYa ID lhll avy #TBJ"/6 !m-QJJ-6664 TH( 5Tlll,,lltl Spec11lltlne rn Wallpepr Removal Lt588241949 360·1211 Window Cleaning Udo Wl,..._w C&-lft9 Resadlntial Mid. ~ a. ~ Lncal res l5 yn1' n4-9'J9.B15 9'9-JM-37.t'B Mamer . Window Care R-AC- • Window Ocaning • Mini Blind Wash • Scrttn fit & Repair 949 723-4123 ClASSlfllD It's thesolution you' re searching for-whether you1 re see~ing a The home, apartmen~ Rooftng t 8e!!!~!~ta pe or new S00.939-8M6 occupation! L:::.;;.Y1;;:;:.::r......~~ ....... ==::.i '' ............ .. ·I