HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-23 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JANUARY ~3, 2003 Two foundations for the price of Home Ranch Costa Mesa leaders take schools. INSIDE July. but took pamMaking measure to explore V-d(IOU'> opuons that delayed the d15bur'>emen1. QUESTION Segerstroms ' advi ce in deciding how $2 million to benefit three city schools will be handled . The Seger>trom dynasty offered the $2 million years ago to sweeten the deal ..,. for its massive project, slated for the property bordered by the San Diego Freeway, klirview Road. I larbor Boule vard and Sunflower Avenue. For more on the Costa Mesa City Council meeting, see Page A3 that city offi cials would have estab - lished After '>IX month'> of anuc1pat10n, C..O<,ta Me..a I llgh School parent Bonnie Saryan '>aid '>he Wa5 thnlled the wa.11 wa'> over Saryan lauded the council's deu.,1011 a'> the one that gJVes parents the mO'>l wntrol over lhe foundaoom pun.e '>lnng'>, Ate the two foundations the bett wwy to handle the Home Ranch school money? Call our Readers Hotline at (9491 642-6086 or ? • send e-marl to da1/yp1/ot a./at1mes com Please spell your name and include yoUt hometown and phone number, for verrficatron purposes only Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -lWo fo undation.-. are bener than one. That's the philosophy the CoMa Mesa City Council adopted in deciding how to channel lhe $2 million it received as part of lhe Home Ranch developmen1 agreement for three Costa Mesa On Tuesday. the C11y Council ap proved the Segerstrom propo..al for two school foundatJ om on a 3-1 vote, with Allan-.Mansoor di<>M!nting and Mayor Karen Robin'>on abi.ent One founda- tion will focu5 on CoMa M~ I ligh School, the o ther on fatancia I ligh School and TeWinkle Middle School. Each foundation will get $1 million. rhe cwo foundauon fonnat is the best way to en~ure the schoo ls' individ- uaJ needs are met, Councilman Gary Monahan said . "It became preuy obvious to m e, after tallung to the peo pte involved and look· ing at other foundations, that the two schools needed their own mdividuaJ foundation!., and this is the best way to get there," Monahan said. "It gJ\c' the parents (and lhe teacher'>! hand .. on participation," Sa- ryan ~id "And lthe '>penctingJ can be rnordinatt·d ea\rl'r because there are !.CJ many cnt1lle'> that dcaJ with money at the !>t'hool<, " Segerstrom) '>clet ted '>t·ven m1uaJ dtrec· tors for the C O'>t.t !\itt">a High School foundauon and five ongmal dJrectoi:s for the l::btan cia/'I eWinkle foundation last year. The other two option'> under consid· eration each involved one foundation The city received lhe $2 million in l11e found1:111on .. will each lllclude be- tween fiw and I ') board members. The See TWO, Pac• M PHOTOS BYST[V[ McCRANI< DAllYPILOl Michelle Brown plays the Venetian Gondola Song during a recital by high school music students at the Inn at the Park in Irvine. Playing heartstrings -. Laura Wong, from Corona del Mar High School, takes time after the recital to cHatwith Inn at the Park resident Sally Becker. THE BELL CURVE Mu sic students from the Port Streets area team to demonstrate their talent to seni ors. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1fot T he melodious sound of Bach and Mozart 6lled the eJegant lounge at the Inn at the Parle nursing home In Irvine on Saturday afternoon as residents were treated to a piano recital by a group of Newport Beach students. A5 sunlight stteamed through the windows. residents luxuriated in couches and armchairs while members of the Music Students' Service League passionately pounded out a variety of classical music selections. The league. a grass-roots organization fonned in the Port Streets neighborhood in 1995. is based on the premise that music See PLAYING, Pqe M 30 years later, wondering about Jane Roes alter ego Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: ~.~can A bortioo rights have been very much lo the oewa this week. The growth of embryonic research bas offered new legal arguments to abortion opponents. anniversary Wednesday of Roe vs. Wade, the landmark dedslon that legalJzed a woman~ right to choose. And that. tn tum, set me to thinking that 30 years i also bow long I've known Norma Mceorvey, whose aJter Speculation on how new appointments mf&ht a«tct the a,.Jance cit the Supreme JOSEPH • was. and ldendty llnaDy became. Jane • Roe. It also aet me to Court on lhil 1tauc ts N. BELL wondering why she -~ But moedy d\Clc matten ha¥e been rramed tn the 30th -,. hUn'l ~In any of the ~~ I met Nonna when J was sent to Dall bJ a national magazine to profile the two youns women attorneys who argued ber cue all the way to the Supreme Court. It quicldy became clear to me that the atory couldn't be done properly without meedoa laM Roe. who then ~ed on ~mainina anonymous. Jt took • lot ot doUlg lndudlns a dandeldne meedng in a bar ao abe cOuld meek me out. But I ~ bllpedion, and ... CUIM.'lllieM WEATHER It'll M another eunny dev aft« the morning fog burnt off. En;ov the 8'.ln end Mgha inthe&Oa. S..PapA2. DATE BOOK UC lMM ,,,_. 1t1 two new sMvl on ctmpUI tl'Nlt tllke on women\_,_ ........ ,. SPORTS NEWPORT BEACH City may get legal on assessment district Attorneys mi ght be un leashed in an investiga tion into as much as $50 mill ion in missin g Newport Coast taxes. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NE\\'PO fH Bl:.J\( II -If d Newpon Coa5t resident waiw, to take adVaJ'ltage of lhe Li brary he helped pay for. he must pay a roU to use lhe San Joaquin 1 ltlls toU road (which he paid to help huiJd in the fil"it place) Then he muc;t dme about rune mtle-. to the Al™> Vi- ejo branch of lhe Orange County Pubhc LI brary -lh.ret> lime<. ru. far ru. the mam branch of lhe Newpon Beat h lJbrary That's not OK wilh Jun Mc{,ee. ·1 can't !.ay this wilh JOO<lf, ccrtamty, but I'm as sure as I can be that no Newpon Coast resident has ever U5~'Cl that library.· said McGe~. a Newport Coas1 resident leader who serves on the citiz.em advi'><>ry corrurunee to the city of Newpon Beach. The cnply absurd scenano 1s 1u'>t pan of a complex web of confu.,1on about how the county spent mill.Jons of doUars lhat Ne'IN· pon Coast ho meownen. will continue paytng o ff for more than 20 year; On Tuesday, the Newpon Beach Ory CounoJ will vote Thee.day on whether to ~ to anom eys to launch an mqult)' mto up to S50 mtllion m assessm ent dJstnct taxes that are unaccounted for by the county The plan to hire counsel at the city's expense &S ~­ quired by the oty's pre-annexation agitt· ment with Newport Coast residents. "The purpose of the review is to determfbe whether funds were adrrumstered properly and in accordance with the law, because we .have great concerns that they we~ not.• McGee said In the 1980s and ·~. the county assessed Newport Coast homeowners abou t $170 mD· lion to help develop the area. About $420,000 of that money was earmarlced to provide li- brary services to the residents.of what was then unincorporated O~ County. But in- stead of building a new branch library o r Im- I A2 Thursday, January 23, 2003 . ,. .. • POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FILE PHOTO I DAILY P1LOT Tttrs week, Chns Cox was feted for his support of the Upper Newport Bay Restoration Pro1ect and hired a new legislative analyst. . ~teeling themselves for the future l.oUta Harper and S.J. Cahn Daily P1101 : Fla~h fonvard to 1lw )'l'aI 2004 Lo.,ta ~t">c1 Mayor Otri' St~l 1-. at the helm ul the ~If CounctJ. and d1.1t1' lw, eruptt>d c.11 C 11}. 1-tJl . : Uh ~rut. tha1 \\'1'-~londa\ ~~eel. \\hO tQO~ 11\l'r 1<1r llUTt'nt ~ld}OI ~en Robinson t.h111ng the fir">t pubht ~ng at tlie Cit\ ( w 111ul mectmg. gm .1 H feel of what 11 \h.1., ~01ng to takt• to nm ttr.1>ften unruh c n>\\(I'> .11 C.11} I !all vice ma} or, \\hll I'> tradiuonal. I} next for the mavor \hip. tried ht~ be\t to e all the prot t>dur.il fo rmallUt'!>, 'uch ~mg p11hl11 c ornmPnt befurt• t a.lling for t 9 e. hnuung the 'JW.1kmg Umt' of aUdttnce memhcr~ .mt! mganvmg motum., cidlLey make !>t:'nst• : Steel took an mdJ,·idua..I app1oach to the JejWcrship pu!>llton, ciffcring an ~recedented amount ol rebuual ume to ~-1dent Lance Jenh v.ho ''as vehcmentl) <tf>i?t>c;etl 10 a r,eet •nd .. torv addioon on ~dMt) About iO 1wople had alreact)' ~en on 1hc i"'>Ul' mdudmg Jenlu, -who ~the <w1rne rc,ulu11 \\ho rnnvmccd Steel "peal tht remodel prniect in the lir'>I Place ~..Although rhe p-.-.u< ll"•·ll 'cl' un'l.I, 1lw h~ng h.itl .Jre.itlv I.hit d t\\o hnu" .md ~porterc; out1111111lwwd 11pr11ncni.. 1wo to qa~ "it eel demi ·d '' "' 1•m1fl1n11,iJ k11Jc., nfidcd 11111~ 11111 • 111,J..1 1la·"><11111 ~m1·1ll ~~ilo ... i.:mu j ... Jl Jr~' aprrnddll'tl 1ht• ~urn and nl p 1~ar11 Steven Dewan lelt 11. ~.m t·>.tt: 1cJ, I 1 lt,11111111 h1' mo\1 ~lfemt:nt id •·r~ I\ ,,, .1 polne ~c~1 u11· , '!ll}ing. '\\1 ta.' 11r•\t•r 11wt belon• : '8nk' .h • li.11111 111<1 c;tarlr't! . _,, POLITICAL CALENDAR , .. ,~ ... ~EBRUARY .I ~rona del Mar Callfornra Republican 1Ssembly will h ost a special meeting at 50 P,il'.I· at Hof's Hut in lrvrne. The guest speaker ~be Dean Gotcher. 1714) 637·3019 or (94S) ~341 r6 VOL. 97, NO. 23 THOMAS H JOHNSON mumbhng wmething about a burned·d0\\11 hou\c lne two men stood off to the !>1de of the podium. conferring abour!)omething. fhe ht tie pow wow went on for about three minute'> before S1eel c;topped it. Laughter ripplt:d through the audlt'l1ce, and Dewan waJl..cd away from Jenks ,,,th a puuJed look on tuc, I.tee A' ll'nk.-, repeated tu~ tirade, the fnmruted crowd lwgan 10 <,houl at him. Again. Steel rappl·d thl' ga\el and called for ord er l4.1U~r 111 lhe rnecung. after a lillJe more rnnfu-.1on. Councilman Gary Monahan r,ununed up the e'ent perfectly. Welcome to running a meeting," he sa1d to \teel. QUITE A DAY AT THE BACK BAY nw. wecl.. ~ leung of Rep. oms Cox for ge tung lundmg fo r the Upper '\;ewpon Bay Restorauon Project .ind the San Diego Creek Natural 1Tea1ment Sy-.1em Wf\'i a who\ who of lol al poh11q, Of 1 our..e. thdl., to be l'Xpected when you ge1 a congr~man together \\1th onr of '.\cwpon " most n.·verl'll assets. I .eaJ1ng the h))t -,1t lca\t, as far a., Pilot c,talTef'> could -.ec -were member<, ol the :\ewpon Heach C..1t} c .ouncil· ~fayor Steve Bromberg and { .ounc 1lmen Don Webb. Dick Nichols and Gary Adams Al'>o on hand \\a\ the nty·., \\dter guru. A.-.,1 < H\· \ latlrlge1 Dave KJff '\ot to bt' over'>h.rrlowt·d. Nev.'Pon·, ta' in b<>lh Ht at h aml c o.i\IJ t\\.o county 'upen1 .. 1ir-. Jim SUva and Tom Wilson could .11 .. 0 he found rrnlhng abou1 tht• rrct pllon Plu,, there wert' rt.'IHt'\entauve-. from lrvuw, [U'>lin, lake I !lfl'\t and nght ncxl donr m Lo~ta Me-.a. 1101 to memion the lrvnll H.in<:h \\ater fJMntl. the \.t:\\ pcm l Z. Orange County Young Republicans w ill host a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Tonto on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa. For more rnformatron, visit www.ocyr.org 17 Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will host a general m eeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd .• Costa Mesa. (714) 556·8555 17: Republican Party of Orange County will Bay :'\atural1s1' and f-nenru. ltalcing rune oul from wTiung about the proposed boardwalk along the Back Bay). Orange County Coaslkceper. the U.S. Dept. of Fish and Game and, last but far from least. the Irvine Co. AJI In all qwte a turnout for Newpon's favorite '>On (at lea.!)t on Monday). A NEW MASTER OF POLICY Good news: While Rep. Ouis Cox IS out among h1l> people, \Wmmg awards and making speeches. there I!> renewed proof that his office doC'.n't c;leep On l\JC!.day. word came from Cox\ Capttol I fill office thdt the Ho~ Policy chrurman had hJied a new legislative ~tstant, Howard Plenberg. to handJe energy. science and the environment. among other i.s!.ue!>. "I am pleased to announce Mr. Fienberg's appolntroent to r,erve in this imponant capacity." Cox said in the statement. "1-lis exte~ive cxpenence in policy research will l>erve him well in the halls of the U.S. Congress l-'1enberg has worked as a freelance coltunn1st. editor and analyst in Northern Virgmia I lie; work ha' apreared m the am .. uan Science \1on11or. the Oucago Tnbunt:. the Philadelphm Inquirer, the San fmnc1'>rn fhromtll· and the Detroit News. I le al.,o worked a-. a c;emor analyst wnh tht• 'ittlti<.tilal A.c;c,e'>'>lllcnt Service. a nonprofit re..earch orx.ml/.atmn dedicated 10 puhhc 11nder.1a11dmg of soenufic and soo<tl n• .. •:an:h F-tenherg ah11 'tud1cd 1n Ru-..s1a. which \l10ulcl give tum and Cox -\'\1th h1' own ba<:kl{round drahng v.11h that count ry m tts prl">cnt anti f..ornmun"t fom1'> -ample topJt'> lor rnnver-.auon. host its HAnnual Presidents Day Cherry Pie Reception" at A ntonello Ristorante at South Coast Village. (714) 556-8555 MARCH 12: Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m . at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard in Costa Mesa. For more rnformat1on, visit www.ocyr.org. PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller: Don Leach. 92626 Copyright No new• stories, 1llu11ra11ona, editorial matter or adven 1semen11 herein can be reproduced without written perm1ss1on of copyright owner Newt Edltora Kenl Treptow READERS HOTLINE (9491642 6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips Add,.ss HOW TO REACH US Circulation Publl1her TONVOODERO Editor JUDY OETTING AdVerttsrng Director LANA JOHNSON Promo11nn1 D1H1c.tor Gina Alexander, Lorr Anderson. Paul Saitowrtz. Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF DeepeBhlmh Our address ia 330 W Bey St .• Coate Mesa, CA 92627 Office hours are Monday Friday, 8:30 a m · 6 p m CotTeetlon1 It 11 the P1lot'1 policy to promptly correct all errors of substance. Please call 19491 674-4288. The Tim11 Orange County 18001 262 91.tl Advertising Claulfled (9491842 5678 911play (94916'2 .... 321 !DfTING STAF'.F S.J Cahn, Manag11~ Editor (9'9)67~33 ' j ctlltn fatitMS com Jamee Meler, Chy Editor 194917644324 IM"#,,_., iatllf'* com Aogeredon, Spo"9 Editor '9'8)67......uJ ,.r: °""°" l.rim#COfTI '· Joee J ...,., • Ar\ Olreaor I Newt Doak Chief ~ tlolll 67• •224 !~ }OUMNt» tat .com .... ~ Photo StlJ*'ltlOf (1491~- IO'! phOro u.11,,,...com Crime and courts repo"er. (9491574-4226 dHpa bhar•rh lst1mflS_COm June CaNgrende NewJ)Oft e.acn reporter. 19'91 57'""232 JUM.CMaQran<J.•i.tim ... com hulCNnton Politic:. end anvlronmeflt r9porter, l!Mtl 7&M330 r»lll.cllnton · l•rlm. c:om LolltaHlfl* Coate Mete r.porter, (IM9} 67..,.27!5 /()/lta.hf,,,.r l•tit'n#.COm DMdre Newman (dUQtlon '9porttr, (9'49) 57~21 d irdre (llt!M"(t•fl latlrrw com CMftJM C.nino News• altotani. llM8l 57~ dlr1$t1nt.Q1m/lo i.11,,.com FYI The Newpon Beach1Co1t1 Me11 Deily Pilot IUSPS·1"'..SOOI 11 pubtiahed dilly In Newport 8e1ch and Cotta Me11, 1ubecriptlon1 are avallable only by 1ub9crlblng to The Time1 Ortnge County (8001 262·91' 1 In aru1 out•~ of Newpon Buch and Co&I• M..,, subecripllona to the Dally Pilot ire 1111llable only by flr1t clu1 mall for S30 pet month. (Prlc" Include all 1pptlcable suite end local w ... ) POSTMASTl!A: Send 1ddr11t cheno•• to The Newpon Bueh/Co1t1 Meta Deily Piiot, P.O. Box 1r,eo. Coat• Me ... CA Editorial Newt (9491842 5680 SporU (949) 674-4223 Newt filx t949J 646-4170 $porU Fex (IM9) 650..()170 E·rpetl: d•flypllot l•t1,,,...com M.ln Offtc. Butln ... Offtc. (949) 842~321 BullMM '-• (949) 831·7128 Publl1hed by Tlmet Community Newt.• dlvllfon of tht Lot Angella Tlmu 1"2002 Tlma CN. All rlghtl rtlMl'lled. POLITICS ASIDE Mulling a Boxer rebellion F irst thing's ~otlong after last week's column came out. I received an e-mail from . Assemb}ynwl Km Maddmwho infonned me that more than $40,000 to California Republicans vying for positions such as Cnsurance commissioner and controller." his campaign Web HN site can be found S.J. CA The anicle also suggests that the now temporary comminee Is likely to become permanent at kenmaddox.ML He also notes that, so far. it hasn't been updated yet for his state Senate campaign. But it will be. MONEY FOR NOTlilNG1 AND YOUR COMMITTEES FOR FREE An interesting version of how congressmen and senators get their corrurunee as.signments can be gleaned via the (.enter for Responsive Pohtics. The nonpartisan group. which tracks political money, has focused an article in Its recent newsletter on the House Government Reform Comminee. Rep. om. Cox was one of the names being mentioned as a possible new chairman, along with Connecticut Rep. Cllristophtt Slwya. Instead. the job went to Rep. 1bm Davis. whld\ was a surprise because Shays is the comminee's senior Republican. But. according to the center. money may have been more important than seniority. That body raised $180 million in soft and hard money during the 2002 election, while Davis was the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Cocruninee. And Davis contributed $575.000 to the comminee, plus $90,000 to other Republican House candidates. along with putting together a political action committee, the Federal Victory Fund, that contributed almost S250.000 to House Republican candidates. Shays, meanwhile, was authoring the main campaign finance refonn bill. He contributed just SS0,000 to the Naoonal Republican Congres.sional Committee and not even $7,000 of his own money to feUow candidates. The center's article doesn't exhibit too much surprise that Cox didn't nail down the reform commlnee, noting that he ended up as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. Why that prime post1 According to the center, Cox gave $275,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, added more than $100,000 to House and Senate hopefuls and "ts such a party loyalist that he gave RUN, CHRIS, RUN Last Friday. I met with Cox's two presswomen, Washington·based ICaJe Whitman and Newport ·based Amy lnaM Preyder'. Both are smart and certainly seem to have plenty of poUdcal savvy. Whitman just finished helping Craig Benson win the New Hampshire governor's seat and comes from a family that knows politics: ber mother is Ouistie Whianan. former New Jersey governor and current head or the f.Jlvlrorunental Protection Agency. I've suggested that their ~should quiet any rumor that Cox wiD be leaving his office for a JUdgeship or similar appoint~tion. But he clrtainly seems to be posiooning himself strongly for something. especialJy when his chaumanship of the Homeland Security Committee is added lO his spot at the top of the Ho\Ue Pobcy Comrrunee. But what? But of COW'Se. In 2004. a year Prsldent Bush will theoretically be drawing Republicans on his coattails as he seeks reelection, California Sen. But.ra 8all!r is up for reelection The same Boxer be1ped quash Cox's nominadon to a federal bench nearly two years ago. Cox. of course. bas almost run for Senate before. But one hurdle always ln his way was that betng a congressman does not prcMde much name recognidon beyond (or sometimes within) one's district Cox. as well as he might be known in Orange County, isn't on everyone's longues in Ventura. Humboldt, Kem, Napa or Yuba counties. · But, perhaps after leading . the Homes hearing on anti-terrorism. he will be. Or will be a lot closer. And that little boost could be what It takes to move Cox to the other side 6'f C,apitol Hill. • 8.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He can be rNCNd at (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail et s.j.cahntli.tima..com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be mostly cloudy again thl• morning, but we'll clear up vet again for another sunny dty. Highs will hover In the mkM!Os in Newport Beach ind near 70 In Costa M .... Lowa will drop Into tt)e lower 60a overnight tnfonna1ton: www.nws.noaa.QOV BOATING FORECAST The westerly winds wlll blow 10 to 16 knots In the Inner watera, with 2·foot wwee Ind •west of 6 to I feet. The wlndt wlll~~thll evening end will blow 10 to 20 knotl, with 1· to 3-foot wtVM end • wwt awtU of e to a fMl Out farther, the windt will bfow 10to16 kno1', wfth 2..foot W9Vet end a'"" ew.11of7 to 10 feet. Thia tvtnlng. tht wtndt wHI blow lllohtfy ltr0t19tt, wfth 1· to S.foot W'IVM. W9lt ..,, of 10 to 13 feet. SURF We'll ... a alight drop tod1y. but we'll atlll enjoy some head-highs. Friday'a l~ng reel nice to fer. The letest not1hwwt l\Wll should brlng our west·tedng brute.a tome overheads. Som• will nearthe 10.foot m1rk. Saturday will drop. lid, but should ltlll be allghtty overhead. Sunday should be almller. though we'll ... t.wtr ovtme.dt. v.....-v: www . .urlrlt#r.org TIDES Time 6:321.m. 11:281.m. 8:19p.m. 1:G3e.m. ........ 1.93fMt~ l .OlfMt high .(), 11 fMt low U1fMthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE &ldegrw . .,..---.,..·-- • Dally Pilot • I , Series continues to be distinguished COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP Newport Beach Public Library is preparing for the sixth year of its speaker series, which offer~ "a little above just entertainme nt." June Casa1rande journaJist David Halberstam, Daily Pilot former food and Drug Adminis· Nl·WPOtn Ill.ALI I -fjluar· 1e., ~hould be plan·-. thut noumh the nund 'lliat icka ~uidcs the Nt\wport lkach Puhhr Ubrary's 1>1.,1111gui-.lwd Spt•<1kt•1-. I cc1un• ~t.'rll'S Now 111 11-. -.ixth yt•ar, lh<' lee ~ure '>t'rlt:'> l 01111nue., 10 pur\ue 1t., ~oal 111 hrin~111g I hought pro vokmg dl'>l'll'>'>llHI'> h111m• "We lry tu ru1">t' 1lw lldr a htlle ab<>H' JU\l l'llll'rt.Ullllll'lll. .. <>aid Ml'l..,.,a 1\da111.,, rummunity wrv1n·., umrcl111;1tor for thl· c11y I he hhrary .., tht• c uhural, edu l Jllllll.ll cllld 111to1111.1t11111.1I h('an of 'lt•wport tit·;u h .• mtl 1lm c,e rit:'> rt•all} ""JIPllrl'> th;rt " f nw lour lw .. Jhm·r-. lor lhl'> y1-c1r., wm'" .irt· ,1111h111 florl'rny ll1fl111 1'11l11,1·r l'r1't' winnmg tration Comm~ioner David Kessler an d TV and mdio news correspondent Ray Suarez. Rilldn, author of 16 books on technology's influence on mod em life and current. president of the Foundation on Economic rrends, will give a talk titled "Pe· troleum, PoLitiel) and the I lydro· gen Economy.· The lecture, talc· ing place on Feb. 21 and again Feb 22, wiU look a t the future of the oil-based world economy on the wane 1 lalber'>tam b author of ·I he Hest and the Rri~hte<;t," "War In A I 1me of Pean~ Hu~h. Clinton, dnd the (,enerah • and "Hre how.l'." I lw Puht1.t'r "'1111wr will d1-. l 11" "New <.lmllengt'' 111 a I 111w ol Uncertainty," a broad ba\t•d David Halberstam . _1 David Kessler per'ipectlve on the ~"Urrent global climate, on March 21 and 22. Kessler .., best known for Im longtime fight again-.t the to bacco induo,try. horn tlw broader perc,pcc11v1· of public health. Keo,-;ler wiU talk about the role of tht• Food and Drug Adminl'>tra11on in \nwrican-. t•vt•ryday l•H''> from h111 gt•netitally modified food' 111 11utntional lalwhng 11.., l<llk will 1akt· plan.• April .l5 .tnd ,u; ''lim I ehrer New,1 lour 'e111or corri:-.pondl'nl Hay \uart•, will rnndud<' the -.erit·' "''th a 1m·, Jeremy Rrfkm Ray Suarez 1·111ation 11tl(·d "C >11 1ht• l\111d1 ·1 \n· We Still a r-.11>1t111g 1'111 ' I 11 .... lalk un 1mmigr,1111111 !'>'>lit''. b111 der potrol and 11;1111111al 1•11tr1t\- pol1ul''> will lakl' pl.1t 1· ~l.1\ 111 and 17 l.<1t h talk li1k1•-, pl.11 t• .117p111 1111 a I ntl;i\ 1·v1•11i11g ,111d 1' n· pt'all·d at .! p 111 1h1• rll'\I ..... 11111 da\ L1lt1·rn111111 I 11 ~. i... lllf I'\ 1· lllllg t'Vt'lll' olfl' $'i5 illlll 1111 l1til1• d111nt'r. I irk1·1' 1111 1lw ..... 1111111.1\ .1ftern11on 1.iJt., .111· Siii .11ccl 111 t h1tlt: ligh1 rdrt·,hn11 "'' ll1t111 lll'11Hll1 I'> <l\olll thll• 01111111• .11 11•11•w11n1 •1mrt/)(•fll l1/thran 1m• 11r by calling I Hhh) .IO I ' 111 INSIDE · CITY HALL 1 lt"re are a ft•\.., deli'>io11<. tom mg out of I ut·sday·~ < o\ta Me\a L11y Low1nl llll'l'llng. · I NEWPORT ~OULEVARO IMPROVEMENT PROJECT I 1hh\ < nw;m pulled 1h1'> 111·111 lro11 11lw c1mwn1 l .tl1·11d.tr \\hen II \'. OUld ""' 1· I w1·11 .1u111111Jt1t all\I .1pp1•1H·d \"lhoul cJi,1 lh'>lllll, lll"I llll'l' ... tll' \\ ,111 I t·tf 111 fttl U., llHlft'. l)ll c w.11111g .1 Jll'd1·-.111.111 lrlt'ntlh I he \tudy "''11 t·xpllm ttdd111g dll t'lClra l.1111· 111 Newport Bo11lt·v.1rd 11urthbow1d 111 tht "-t'\ .... ptJrt l{o ulevard II Ylh <.,11 1•1•1 Jrt·a WHAT WAS SAID: M l'he grant d1w-. 1101 ohhgate u-. tu 11111-.lr\IC 1 an l'XlfJ l<tlll', ( lllllll lllllilll C.hn., -;1t•t•I wid "I l11·r1•\ no harm 111 dud -,tuth BOULEVARD BANNERS 1111' I IJUJll'll J1·1 1clt d to P"''PlllW ,~-lt·11111g .i h.u 1 1•r d"'ll-:11 l11r 1t·mporan -.111·1•1 li,11111er-. to lw 11i...1allt·d .1l1111g ;\;1•1Np1irt llflUle\ Ltfd IWt '1 ll'I' Hoh11i..1J11 \,,,., ,,1i .... ·n1 from thi-. 1>Jrt ul lht• nw1·1111~ WHAT rT MEANS: ·Looking to bridge the 'digital divide' I'll\ llCllllllt'lll Ill lhl0 '\1•\\lll•tl Hr1ult>vard IYLl1 '-tlll'l'I .irt·a <.,ht' '>ugge'>led df'lav111g d \IJtc on the uem 1111111 .i lat1 t•r day hul her 111llt-.1g11t·., rt'J<'ctt·d that 1101111n I Ill' l'll\ 1ronmen1al '11111\ ;tml dt·-.1gn ol 1111p111\1•111ent'> for Newpon ll1111h·";11d pt1-.wd 3 to 2 nH• dt•t hllll I\ ill lt'lllrll to thl' tuu11t 1I 111 1lw hJlurt' In tlw 1111·.i1111m1 c 11w<111 dm•t tt•d \l;iff Ill l1111k 111111 wh<'llwr tlw 111rnln11.i1111n uf tht' 'tn·t·t h.inrwr., .rnd tht: bamw" th.11 ,..,111 lw lfl'>talh·cl 111flln•·111 lUlllllll'fJlOIJll' lht l lly\ 'lOth an nl\ l'r,,1n ll'll'brdllllll \\Ill I •ll"t' 1110 mill h 1 lu111·r Former Cl inton administration ad visor Larry Irving, in a lec ture at UCJ, w ill discuss how <,o m c have not kept up with technology. ,tl.,o have Jn opportunity 10 • .-.k Irving 4ul''lllm<, pnl 11w111 111 the <hgi till I'" ll' ''1'111 rc·ally l1111k111g 101 w,11 <.l 10 h<1v1ng him lll'rt'.00 ... aitl 11.1rh.irn < .ohen. dean of 1 he ..,l hool of I luma111t1l''" I lum.mt lt•t h. "I It''> a vi:ry dyndllll< -.pe;tkt•r and h1· l1t1'> Lh<' KJft of gc1h .. Christine Carrilld Daily P1lo1 11< 111\ I 'I; I 1111· "lurl of h•t h1111l11~ h.i.. rJp1dh ,1lrt:lt•r atc•tl OH'r lht• yt•.u .... .,, uop1ng up cl '>lg111fi1 illll llllllllll'r or pt'r..on ... 111 "" pJth md lt•J\-lllg otht•r<, '>t'e111111glv more h<'h111d -or al lt•d\l, th.ti., tht• dl'llilll' lo d1\l U.,., th1• ..,,111· of a po., \1blt• d1gitJl d1v1dt'. I Ill' <.,l hool of I luma11111t•' I lumani lt•t h and lht· I lurnarullt'\ C l'lll1•r ,11 lJC I hJ\ l' 1011wd fon l'' Ill \pon'or a ll't 1un• wne-. th.u lwg111' 1mfay lhl• rn,in who ha' h1·1•n w1dl'ly trt•d1IC'<.I for 10111111g 1lw lt•rrn "cl1g11al d ivide" will g1\'C' 1he 'l' rw..,. prmiary lt•t tun· Larry Irving, <I f11111wr prt'" <l1:11t1JI advl'>or who ha-, workl•d .11 developing pohq 111 the ll!ll' communication'> and mforma 11011 1echnology 1ndu.,trn."> on 11u11ona.l a11d 1ntematwnal len·I-. tor more than two dt•fade-.. will -.peak from 7 10 8:30 pm 1od,1y in rnnm I 00 in the llumamlll''> 1n.,1ruc11nnal bu1ldmg on tam PU' · ~1}' goal .., not lo pohlll 1'l' tlw dt:hate hut to tell pt·opll' thl' 1ru1h and let tlwm figllrt' 1lung., out for 1lwm-.l'IH''>." he -.,ud 111 a telepl11u1l' convl'r'a I Hiil Ilic leuure. open lo till' pub he will he more Ill tht> form of a comfortable 4ue-.11on and-an •.wer '>e"-swn modera1ed hy John Smith. direclor of thl' n·ntt'r, rather than a furmaJ '>PCl't:h .11 a podium Aud1ent:e member' will llw goal of Irving. tt' \'di J'> tht• -.pon,or-. of tilt' e\l·11t 1' 111 t dut illl' thl' puhh1 Ltbout tht· -.urge• of tht• d1w1al ag1· \, tlw u-.C' of lntl'rrtt•t and 1111t11w ... en. ll l'' int n·.1't''>. ln1ng .11111 tllll'l' \\.ho haVl' "'11m•..,,ed 'thl' d1gi1.1I d1v1d<'~ h.i\·t· lound 1ht11 u·n,1111 1 0111m11n111t•\ n.urwh m1111ir 1111 '· "'-lllllt'll .ind rw.il \nwn litll'> havl' n111 lwen ''"'Pl up \\Ith tht• agl' .1 ... thl'y -.tumid h.n 1· lll't'll "Wt· pav ,1 lr1t ol hp 'l'n.1t1· 10 1111-. "'lll', .. Irving 'aid. adding th.it tlw ft·deral gowrnllll'lll flt' glt·t 11:d 111 addrt:" tlw "'Ill' wlwn 1t roul<l'w h1·1·n mo...i ef BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Center board dcch two ne-w member!'! 11w C >ranl(e C ounty Pt•rform mg Art\ C t'lltt•r Hoard of D1ret tor' C'a.rhcr Lhl'i month "'elc)iimt•d m•w rn1•rnher.., I >t>brd I. Ht•<'d and Sall)' C rrn. kt•ll llt:t'd " pn· ... 1dt'nl .md rhll'f fi n.mC'lal offiter of '-t'mpra I lll''h'Y llllhlll'"· tht• umhn·lla for \Jn D1 ~o ba!ted ">cmpra I nt·ri.'Y\ rl'j.,'11 l.11ed h11<;10l''-" 11r11t-. c mckett own-. Nt.>wport lkat h ht1'>l'tl 111 ll'nor dl'~iKO firn1 ( rot kc.It ( on tt:ph. I he womt•n will wrve thrl'e ~year tl'rnh Reed hecaml' prt•<,1<Jl'n1 of San Di~o (,a., & Hrt:tnc m luly 2000 and then prr,idt•n1 ul <.,c1u1hcm Cal.tfur111a c;a., < 11. in J,11111.1ry 2002 Rmh rnmp.1111t'' .m! ... uh W'f \X' \\ r To BE YorR nut ( hoiu ... Rabbin Insurance Agency AlTf(> • HOMHJWN .. R.\ • IU-.AITH \UlltJ111 \1n. t , .,~ ~ td ~S r"J--' ,. , 949-631 -77 40 .._.I Old Newpon Bhd. • Newpon 8cadi (Hal Hoag Hot-phal) ''diarie'> of \ernpra I ne'h'Y \he o ngmally 1oined !)oulhl'rn c .. 1h fom1a (,a.., Lo. in I ens. <1.nd h,1., <,en.eel as VlCt' pre-.1dent of hu man """1uru ..... and adm 1ru-.1 rn llVt' 'en.-1tt><; and mdnager of t•n \<1ronmenlal engineenn~ ttnd pe,....onnl'I reldtton-.. \he -.t•nt•d •l'> \C'mor vit e pre-.1de11t of 1lw t umpan) Im lhe yl'ar. b{>gtn11111g m l~'l and then hecailll' pre" dent of 1-.nergy 1>i..,1nbu11on ~rv ice-.. the company\ OjWr.ttion'> for re'iidt'nllal .... mall rnmmerti.11 and 1ndu~triaJ l'U'>lomer-.. Al the 23rd annual tribute• 10 Women and lndu-.try u1 r-.1.1y ..!002, Reed rrce1ved an award Imm the YWl A ol 'i<111 l>1<·go County. She hac; aJc;o receivetl tlw I .e-ague of Women Vol er. (;fa" Ceiling Award. She rt>te1\ed lwr hadwlor' 111 l IVll t·n~n<'f.'ring lr11m lN . C rill kt·ll l harrt-d J he \ount.1 ol \IU'>I< ( h .tplN ol Ttlt' ( •lllftJ, 11f the• <>range l mmt\. Perfomung \n, m1<1 11-. ann11.1I fund·raN.'r lnr 1~0 '1-t•,1r. <.,ht• .mcl hN hu' hand h.t"l' ht lpftl undt·m ntl' I he < •·lllt•r\ annual < <tndlelight <.on11·n < rm kc·lt 01wnecl < rock1•11 < w1u·pi... 111 I ~H-1 .inti h.1, u>111 plt•11·d pro11·t ''in Mu h1g;111. :'l.1•\\ MPXll 11, ~1111.i Harb.rr.1 I .a C)u1111.1 and Nt'Wport C oa ... 1 '-tht• gradualt'd trum lhl' ll111 Vt'r'1t\' of l\orth ( .arohna .tl l h.1pd I 1111'> .ind ha' h\l'd 111 Nt•wport l oa't for more than thn•t• y1•.1r.. I or rnort• 111form.111on on the < l'ntt•r. t .111 1714 l 556 All l'<i .OOo/o Yu•ld On Pt me ipal of Your 12 Mo CD FDI INSURED FIDELITY I NS U H I· {) I >I P 0 .\ I 1 .\ (949) 588 -5711 "' \UAI(' ... 1.f t zn'M•.. .~ .... , f11• f".41fl\ ••O•lr .. -. n .... ~ • ' '4 "''' .,, ,, .. ' I •flm1r ''"I )11<1 1 n \c':ll ~Witt.._, \HUtll I 1n"1 : *'"' .\ftnu .. 1 l""'f'fltA" '111 '°' ''" •It "'L' '"'"• t 1 llt lowcnl t I• l"t.,,~ I .Jrl•I"" f ... ~ t'•~ftrlll .\1 t,.cp.,•• 01ht1 \u ,u111dliltr~I I 11cklt1\ m1I1 I' I 1rAtl\ I "" 1llf' ln .. ur..n-..r '":,....K~-(I h.•K ~~VI '-t .. Mf'mb:n 1•f l c-fi..·r•J I lit-p•1f tn...1t-il1'.t I 1-r-llf•lh .. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE FiM H1w Mtniil/Jillfl. A"tif'M do c.JJmjMIJ. Tr.Jiruul 11 ~ Gifo """ GMt1nt r>«-r. ru• Lill -DtliW? c;.,w. Cf# c,,,w,, p.r;. ow., ""'°!11' -'fran. ~ Tni nJ ti# &tr-,.,, C'.A.FE I/OURS: M--.S.. ,....1,. 011etlla Ill Ch..M/Un, Usd d- RArt Booh. CtUtom Pidrlrt p,,,,,,;,," f,,,.,,;,,,IY Rato~ uJ "'""" lllUl't ! • ROW HOURS: Tw.s.t 10-.-5,.,. IJO FAST 17'9 ST. • COSTA MESA Ar,..,_,#,., 1r ~ (949) •' \ l'et 1iw '"Wt• ll,1tl 1111' ,,,,111·1 11111 11111 till' ..... 111. 1111\, \\I li.1\1 1111' \\ill. h11t 1101 1111' v .. 1111·1 lr\/lllg \\ lfl ,tl...c1 dt\f H" h11\\ lhf' dlgtldl tl!\ldt• I .tfl Ill' 'l't'll otfl .i local. n.1111111.tl .11111 gl11h.1l l1•\1•I "I L11111k pl'opll' \\Ill h,1\1• .1 lw1 1t·1 u11dn",1111l111g 111 ""·" 1h1· Jrgllal di\ 1dt· 1' c 11h1•11 ,,ml I 1l11nk 1h1•\ II 1111111· •ull 111 11 11 .ti l/lllg lhl'rt'\ 111111<' Ill ii lh,111 Iii<'\ th•1ught tlwn· \\,1' \\.hill' 1111' 1111'.11111111 11·1 lllfl' , .. 10 prt>,l'lll Ill• 1"111" l,111111• .1 J1g11al .igt· tllt' 'P"lh••r' 111 11 •' C'\Clll hJ\l' .t 'l1ghlh 1111111 1111 m.1n 1111 u' 111 111111d 'I .Jdl \l'.lf \\I' I h1Jfl"' ol \t'f\ 'p1•ufit "'Pt't I 111 \\ h.11 11 1111·.111'> Ill ht• hu111o111 111 ,1 d1g11.il .1~·1•. "hl' .... ud 11·1 li1111l11g\ "''" 111111 It ,1 pt1rt ul 11111 c uh1111· \\lt.11 p.1n doe' h11111o11111v pf.1\ '· [!]~Dunn-Well Carpet and Upho/Slert' Cl&1nH'17 ,s._,,.,IC8$ Robert Dunn \\ 11 II t 11wan and \favor i.....rl·n Hob111-.11n ciJ'>..enllng . WHAT rT MEANS: I Ill' t II} V.111 ll'l' .i Willll .1pprm l'd tor tlw t•m1ron1111·n1aJ 'ilUd\ and 1.111 l 1·1·p ll" t ooperc1t1\l' .1gr1•1 11 u·111 "'11 h C .alt ran-. r 111t1111lnl Ill I >t•11tlr1 \'nnrum ~2t,r SUPE RBOWLJ!!E: 12-dose) AT ~~ Margarita Ml CASA lr: S~~ MEXICAN RESTAURANT & BAR · 296 E. 17th Strfft • Costa Mua (949) 64S-7626 f', I ,.;. M Thursday, January 23, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Rape victim could not have consented A 16-year-old girl who ac- cused three teens of~ gang raping her when she was unconscious could not have consented to sex as she now claims, a Newport Beach Police detective testi- ' fied in court Wednesday. Greg Haid!, 17 -son of Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haid! -Kyle Nachremer and Keith Spann. both 18, face 21 felonies for the July 6 attack that allegedly happened at Don HaidJ's Corona deJ Mar home. Wednesday's heartng was to determine if the teens should stand trial. Last week, Orange County Su- perior Court Everett Dickey ruled that the teens must be tried as adults. A police detective testi- fied Wednesday that the victim admitted she volun- tarily had sex with two of the suspects in the days lead.ing up to the alleged at- tack. and one of those liai- sons was also captured on videotape. Newport Beach Police Detective Teri Fischer also said the victim has told POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anaheim Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 1900 block at 2:37 a.m. Tuesday. • Bristol Street A commercial burglary was reported In the 3100 blod< at 8:19 a.m. Tuesday. • El Camino Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 900 blod< at 10:07 a.m. Tuesday. • Elden Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2400 blod< at 9:29 a.m. Tuesday. • Fair Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 400 blod< at 8:07 a.m. Tuesday. • Hamilton Street and Harbor Boutev.rd: Possession of drugs was reported at 2:16 a.m. Tuesday. • Pinecreetc Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 blod< at 6:58 a.m. Tuesday. PLAYING Continued from Al bas a healing effect ~It's really a great thing and re- warding when you talk. to resi- dents after the performance, and they tell you how much they en- joy it," said Andrew Wood, who has performed several duties for the league in addition to playing the piano. The league started with three piano students performing in re· tirement homes and assisted liv· ing facilities in South County. Jt recently expanded to include a Practice Assistance Program, which helps yo~ters learning the piano in their homes. One of those students is a fifth-grader with Down Syndrome who is learning to read music. Seventh-grader Lauren Zeiner, who lives in the Port Streets area. helps Gin.a Lorenzi, who lives a block away. "This area we live in is a very 6iendly community, and we serve each other.· gaJd 'IhJdy An- shuu., piano teacher to Lauren and Gina "We're good neighbors to each other, That's why [the league) has blossomed in this ..oommunity, because everybody is wanting to help everyone else.· Since the league began helping CITY Continued from Al proving services at a nearer branch. their money wu used to lmptOVe the Aliso Viejo branch nine Oliles away. 111.IJ la just one or a series of apencUruret over which resl-n~c. have been flCrltchJng ~ bMdL Mo~ ouriou.e la that the reskkntl we.re only .. ,Pild lhoUt s.• udWon when the load llaMpOrt8tion authority tool po111lll Dr of a attetcb of tbl 1ol rMd tbll the residenu had p.ld lbout $1S mil.lion to build. • . w. CJ1t M•nr Dave m .. _.._on ·1'ltldav .. ,... ... ~ wl*ll llli beClt ... her repeatedly that she wishes prosecutors would not go forward with the case. Defense lawyers said the revelations back up their contention that the victim also consented to the July 6 sex. Authorities say the videotape clearly shows the suspects raping and sextl- ally assaulting the girl. Fischer said the videotape was so disturbing that it made her vomit. HaidJ, 17, Nacbremer, 18, and Keith Spann, 18, were arrested a(ter a friend gave police a video camera that conta.ined images of the July 6 incident with the 16- year-old girl. The tape de- picts !he young men having sex with the girl and at one point sexually assaulting her with a pool cue, author- ities said. The charges carry a maxi.mum punishment of more than 190 years in prison. Fischer testified that the girl told her she drove to the Ha.idJ home the night of July 5 after her shift as a waitress at a San Bemaroino County restaurant The girl also said that she remembers drink- ing a beer and a · mixed drink, but that she does not remember much else about the night, Fischer said. -Deepa Bharach • 16th Place: An auto theft was reported in the 200 blod< at 10:20 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Edgewater Avenue: A burglary was reported in the 400 blod< at 9:22 a.m . Tuesday. •Irvine Avenue: An assault was reported in the 1100 blod< at 6:10 a.m. Tuesday. • Superior Avenue: A vehicle theft was reported in the 1400 blod< at 8:53 p.m. Tuesday. • Via Udo Drive: Trespassing was reported in the 3~00 blod< at 9:58 p.m. Tuesday. • Vista Suerte: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blod< at 10:19 a.m. Tuesday. •28th and l.aflly.U. streets: A hit-and-run was reported a14:03 p.m. Tuesday. • 38th Street and Part< une: A hit-and-run was reported at 6:36 a.m. Tuesday. • 43rd Street: Vandalism was reported in the 100 blod< at 1:39 a.m. Tuesday. FYI The league will host a bake sale at Saddleback College on March 23 to raise money for its recitals and for a small scholarship fund it has started for graduating seniors. her, Gina has composed her own piano piece and performed it at the Music Teachers' Assn. of Cali- fornia convention in Riverside in June. Andrew has been so inspired by his involvement in the league that he founded MThe Brighton Gardens' Perfonners• at St Mar· garet's in San Juan Capistrano, where he attends school. He and other student musicians perform at the Brighton Gardens Assisted living Facility across the street from the school each month. The league bas grown so much that 26 students performed at the Inn at the Park on Saturday. The residents there said they were impressed with the students' mu- sical ability and generous spirits. •1 thought it was great." Eliza- beth Bardsley $1lid. "I was on my way to the library and just got de- toured." • DfR>RE NEWMAN mey be readied at (949) 574-4221 Of by~ .mall at deirdre.nBWm•n f'111timt14.oom. fn the worts for about a year. be- fore the council. Tf the council- men vote to hi.re the attorneys, they will an the county q~ tions about where the money went -quesdona that lhe counry has not yet 81lSW1!red to re$ldents' sa.tWac.tion. "We'ro b.opcful that the council wtll approve the resoludon and that we can set started .rlgba away becauae we feel that the more we del«y ln lnYettipdng these tsaues. the a.. likely it la that 'We're ping to be abAe fD ~ the i:nlormadon and ~ that we need," McGee aid. ·~~oawtl , ... '"" .... John~ Altpoft. .. """ be f'llllMd • , ... PMm --HMlll IC ,._.H l;I ltldl ........ CIOm. , OBlifUARY Two-time Pulitzer-winning cartoonist dies Bill Mauldin, the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist who gave newspaper readers at borne a sardonic view of World War II, died Wednesday at a Newport Beach nursing heme. He was 81. Mr. Mauldin died of complica- tions from Alzheimer's disease, said Diana Schilling. an admin- istrator at the nursing home. "We don't know what the exact cause' of death was, bu( we be- lieve it was respiratory failure,• she said. Mr. Mauldin, an Army ri.Oe- man during World War II, cap- tured the hearts of readers with his portrayal of Willy and Joe - two unshaven, slovenly soldiers who survived the war while malting sarcastic remarks about · . . their orders to their equipment This ca~oon honoring Bill Maul~in was drawn by f ?rmer Daily .P~lot and even their allies. The car-cartoonist John Sherffius, who 1s now the cartoonist at Mauldm s toons were published µt Stars former newspaper, the St. Louis Post Dispatch. and Stripes and other military journals. One of his famous car- toons in the Olicago Sun-Tames showed a grieving Abraham Un- coin slumped, with his hands lWO Continued from Al Forrest Werner, one of the original members of the F.stan- cia/TeWt.nkle foundation, said these groups will have to take stoclc and see if all their mem- bers still want to serve. since the disbursement of the $2 million was significantly delayed. ~No one has met since Oa~t summer!, when the City Council kind of poured cold water on the whole prospect," Werner said. MSo we have to go back to square one, regroup, find out if the folks who were interested are still in· terested and reconstitute our boards and look for some fresh blood." The council diligently went step by step over the aspects of the Segerstrom proposal, ap- CURVE Continued from Al after f agreed not to reveal her identity, I spent several days talking with Norma and her partner, a dark-haired. outspoken woman named Connie Gonzalez who was strongly protective of Norma and not given to small talk. Although she preserved her anonymity for l O years, Norma kept in touch with me by letter and phone. She broke her public silence in I 983 to work for the pro -choice cause. Since then, she bas been patronized, vilified and even shot at, driving her to periods of depression, alcoholism and attempted suicide. She has also been the subject of a major 1V movie, sought after for public appearances, and invited to hobnob with public figures - on their terms. As so often happens with the attempt to resolve sweeping public i~ues, Norma was an unlikely catalyst. As she described them to me, her formative years consisted largely of trying to avoid school - where she felt she was put down -and the violent. drunken arguments at home. She dropped out of school at 16 aft.er her parents divorced, and when her stepfather told her to go to work, she left home with a battered psyche that reOected the lack of love .in b.er life. • She was worlcing as a drive-in • WHAT"S AR.OAT Is published perfodlcally. If you are plannlng a nautical event aubmlt the Information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mall to d11/l}'pl/ottll11times.com SAILING Ct.ASSES OrMgt Coest College Is~ new a.dit end nonertdit Nlllng c1 ..... this apring. Most cl1uea ere five weokt In length, and boatt renge from Lido 14 dlngt11ea to large oceen recers, even keetbolU. CNlalng temlnera ere 1Jto being taught. Thi OCC S.lflng Centw' It at 1801 W. Pec:iflc Coest Hlghw.y, Newport Bead\. {949) 646-.9412 or ¥fth OCICMlllng.com. covering his face, at the Lincoln Memorial after President Ken- nedy's assassmation. . Mr. Mauldin was born Oct. 29. proving some as suggested and tweaking others. The council restricted the use of the principal of the grant funds to $50,000 for each foun· dation in the first year. Werner said the intent of the original board members was to use the majority of that money to hire an executive director to oversee fund-raismg so both founda- tions can build their monetary base. The foundations won't be able to use any of the funds on ath- letic facilities or equipment and can't use more than 25% on non- revenue generadng a thletic ac- tivities, such as afteMchool sports. The foundations will not have to adhere to the strict Rrown Act rules governing meetings that the City Council does. but their meeting.s will have to be open to the public and publicized at the car hop when she met and quickly married a man who took her to Los Angeles, then abandoned her when she gor pregnant. She came home to have her baby and was ordered out of the house after she signed her daughter over to her mother. She drifted from job to job, and was working as a ticket taker in a transient carnival when she was raped. That's what Nonna told the Dallas doctor from whom she requested an abortion. that's what s he told the attorneys who argued her case-and thar's what she told me. I still have a ~aphic account of that rape on tape. Problem was, it never happened. When she first told that story to shore up her abortion request, she had no idea it would one day find its way to the United States Supreme Court. When it did. she was terrified of exposure. So she protected her identity for more than a decade until. ru. she told me. ·1 decided to pitch in and help the people on the front lines taking all this heat for providJng a perfectly legal service to women. I lied because that's what women in the 1960s h.ad to do in order to gel an abortion." That's when a group of pro-choice activists took Nonna in hand and cast her as an unlikely icon In the escalat.ing war between the anti-and pro-abortion forces. But her sponsors treated her gingerly - and sometimes almost 1921, near Santa Fe, N.M .. and spent much of hi~ life in the West. l.n 1945. at age 23, his se·, ries "Up Front With Mauldin." schools. Meetings regarding le- gal issues and fund-raism g can be held in d osed session, though, council members said. Saryan, who is poi~d to 'be the president of the Costa Mesa High School Foundation, said she can't wail for the !>Chool to start reaping the financial ben· efits of the Segersr.roms' gener- osity. "'OUs is our first f foundalionJ and something we've needed for many, many years,· said Sa.ryan. whose twins are in eighth-grade at the school. M Now we have the seed money to go out and rdise funds and make it happen. This will benefit the kids that are in kindergarten right now when they get to (Costa Mesa I ugh School!." F.stancia Pnncipal Tom Antal said the major advantage of the &tancia/TeWt.nkle foundation il> 1.hat it can devote itself fully to rontemptuously -uncertain whether she was an aMet or a liability. She was taken on by an organi1.ation that booked speakers, but tha t gig ended abruptJy at the University of Pennsylvania whe n she was asked to debate various aspects of abortion with two college professors and deal with questions from students designed to embarrass her. She ended the evening -and her speaking career -by telling her audience. MI had a ninth-grade education and would have given anylh.ing in the world to have the k:nowl«!dge your parents are paying for you to get today." Norma drifted for a period that included almost a year in Orange County before she returned to Dallas and Connie Gonzalez.. That's where I found 'her when I was sent there lo do a 20th anniversary story. We tallced in their living room. where shotgun pellets had jw.t been removed and the wall repainted. But the front door was still pocked and scarred from the pellets fired by three men in a pick-up truck who have never been caught. They drove past the house twice, sending a second volley through the front windows that probably would have killed Norma had Connie not tackled her when she came running out of the bedroom. Nonna told me on that visit: ·h seemed like every time I tried to better myself in life. I always WHArs AFLOAT School of Seiling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to woft( with the on-board instructor on different aalling technlquea white they get advice on how to perform well In butineas. No tailing experience necessary. One-day cl~ses oost from $100 to S12S. (949) 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS wtth Mama WltWSportt at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautJcal experionc.t ranging from mlld to wild. Teke a tetf.gul~ tour of the bay in your dlobt of power and aall ~lump the oceanawella In• Set-doo Jetboe1. put yQOr tpCHt·ftthlng tldllt to~ tMt ln • fully equipped Botton Whet.r or eoar abov9 it all on a peruall flight 11ong 1he Newpott Coen ComplffNntefY Ice Ind ~ lnck.tdedwtdl ltl '6ictrtc bottt rental•. (Me) 873-33?2. ...................... ""'°" on lht-In rn.tV _,..with *9tlnd .... ~~ ..... ,~ ........ ... boats and runabouts for offshore use or crulalng the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holdt two-hour scavenger hums aboard tho electrie bay boata, providing group &ctivity for COfPOratlons. birthdav-, nonprofit organization• and group outings. The hum pacbgea lnclUde boa1S. trivia questions. m&J>8, Polaroid cameras and auppllos. The coat of o hunt begins at $225 per bolt and catering 11 avellabae at an addltlonal ntto. For hunt reMrvatlona, call (949) 873-7200. Elecblc boet,..,.. .,. 8WlaMe by the hour at Duffy Electrtc Boats, 2001 W. Coatt Hlghwly, Newport 8"c:tl. All boett ere 9(1Ulpped With wfnctow enclosu,... and CO p4eytn. Ice and CUPI Ire~. R ... rvriont ere IUQOMtec1 Ni hourrent.151 S7'6. (Mt) MMl12. ........... ~ ...... boclr boefdl, ... lntt.t.ble f'lfta, QUlmerene, ~ ~.,..~ ~ ... av....._ for r-.ttlt ~ V4tw 8potta .. Nw.,>on OUnet.. <'!> 121-neo. featuring Willie and Joe. wo him the first of his two l>ullll,e for editorlal cartooning. Th second priz.e came in 1959 while he was at the St Loui Post· Dispatch, for depicting So· viet novelist Boris Pastern sa>ing to another gulag· pris- oner, "f won the Nobel Prize for literature. What was ' crime?" After the war, Mr. Mauldin briefly freelanced. He jofned the Post-Dispatch in 1958 and moved to the Sun-Times in 1962. He also acted in two movies, onr of them John Huston's 1951 pro- duction of MThe Red Badge or Courage." He received several letters of support from veteran~. widows and others at the nurs. inghome. Mr. Mauldin is survived by ex· wives Jean Mauldin and Oui!i t.ine Lund; and seven so~. Fu· neral arrangements were incom plete, but a burial is planned a1 the Arlington National Cem etery. kids on the Westside. ·By having (up tol15 people. we can include enough peopl~ from TeWmkJe and &tam.,a lo really get issues and have input and vision that you don't grr with six or seven people trying to share two schools,• Antal ~d "There will be a lot of people in· votved and those disru~1011' should be pretty dam nch I would think with TeWinkle and fstancia. we will focus on lhe transition from sixth gradr though 12th and try to mal e d seamless education.· Tom Wood, the acting lity a: torney, will now start d.raft:ng .in agreement between the city and the two foundations ba!.ed 1111 the council's approval • DER>AE NEWMAN may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com failed. Nursing school. cosmetology school. relationships. I've got a rerrihlt• temper, and I've never been ablt- to keep it down. The only successful thing in my lifo w;u. Roe vs. Wade -and now it'~ in deep trouble with the Suprem1· Court.• She had a hopeful run wi th an organi7.ation called the Jane ~oe Women's Center, but the last word 1 had about her came from news stqries l11at she had decided to throw in wtth an anti·abortion group called Operation Rescue. She was quoted as saying: •They genuinely love me. I felt lih th1· pro-choice people only cared about wh.at I could do for them. not what they could do for me • Which was probably true. But I wonder if she's forgonen that it was the anti-abortion activists who frequently littere-d her front lawn with baby cloth~ and vilified her as a murderer Maybe that's not important anymore, because now they art· offering her love -the one commodity Norma has alwa~ sought and been denied. We'll see. Meanwhile. I wish her well. Norma is one of tho~ accidental celebrities, totally ill-prepared to deal with the public exposure she has received. But Norma is a survivor. So, I hope. Is the cau.~ for wblch she served so long as a national icon. • JOSEPH N. BELL 11 a realdent of Santa Ana Helghta. Hit column appears Thursday-. Gondolai tourl .......... by~ Gondola Co. of ~ft. 3otOO Via Oporto, Sulte 102-8. The $76 eoat lndudee a batket of bnMld, d'wteae, Miami, ice, gl ...... 8 blan'clt, music and • Polaroid picture. Wine it etto avellable. (949) 676-1212. OondcM~ 3101 W. Coast H6ghwly, offera ~and two-hour gondola CtUI .... A one-hour tour with ~mpegne la $70. A two-hour tour wtttt dfnner and dWnpeGM la $180. Mup 11 evaileble at ~'"~(9'9) f176-4984,, .... CGellt a.... In u.to Merfna VIilage °""'9 ~, el.ctJ1c bollt c:rulMrl wMf\ • QOUnMt dlnner • .$1., for twO pereone. (M} l7M10&. . 0on ............. ..,, '°""of Nlwpan ..... during 1unctt n dlnnlif. c.1 c• 87M730. The .... gooutfA lido M1ttn1-., MOO VII Opom. H9WPOft.... .. a t Dally Pilot ---.. Thursdcty, Janua<y ?3 2003 M FORUM E-mait· =trod G_ET ~BU~ED -l..u.rs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor James Meier .t the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ HoUine: Call 19491 642-6066 Fax. Send to (9491 646-4170 • 0 ailypilot@lst1mes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions for clanty and length. EDITORIAL, . A lot of thillgs ·:can happen :·before summer T ucsday's deadJy earthquake i'n Mexico may just be a , chillingly timed reminder that all is not welJ at Newport Harbor High School. As part of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District's bond-funded facility , improvement program,~ . general assessment of the . district's building completed last month. It found that Harbor High's ' Robins HaU and Loats Theater, which are connected and house 15 classrooms, alJ of the administrative offices, the library and food services. would not s1and up under a ~vere earthquake. A week ago, <listrict officials approved plan!> to start preparing the vacation of the buildings. The Lroubhng part is that relocation will not happen unul the summer. Officials say there is no place to move the students and other school officials before then. Given the possible danger. ·no" is not an acceptable answer. Berter would be a rush to find a solution, a driv.e among district and campus officials to consider any ideas, wild or nearly impossible. about how 10 get students out as soon as possible. Can they be moved to temporary buil<lings? ls there room at Corona del Mar High? Perhaps space at an intermediate school? What about empty classrooms at UC Irvine? Is there another library they can use? Can food be brought in from another campus? Perhaps none of these would work. Almost certainly money, given the state's budget crisis. will be difficult to find. But with life literally at stake. these obstacles are ones that Newport-Mesa can overcome. Certainly there is a solution out there. and one that can have the school's students, teachers. workers and administrators out of harm's way well before summer. While the possibility of a severe earthquake hitting us before summer is hardJy predictable, it is also conversely unpredictable. With that in mind, we believe it is in everyone's best interest, and their safety. to find a solution sooner rather than Later. LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR Boardwalk not needed around Back Bay MAILBAG I E '"' JA.i 1 P!l.01 From left, Sharon Turner, her daughter, Annie, Mary O'Bnell-Prrtchard and Mane Blash at ttie Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. A reader writes ttiat ttie city of Newport Beach should be recognized for its support People read the Pilot, and then they volunteer The weU -wntten artfcle m the Daily Pilot about the Susan G. Kamen Foundation here in our area wa<> very informative and helpful. I volunteer there weekly. and severaJ inquires came in a~ a result, thus proVJdmg help and information to women here in Orange County. But you could have mentioned that among the many sponsors or the Race for the Cure is the city of Newport Beach. The in-bnd help or the city's police department and paramedics. as welJ as a team every calJed ·cNB4ROZ." including many city staff members. 1s a wonderful help to the Kamen Foundation. In surveys of the participants. there are many from other areas who put as a reason for Lihng the race here in Newport Beaah that whole families come for the weekend to help set up for the race, but In addition, nientioo that the shopping. beaches, restaurants and hotels are a favorite destination. This certainly would have pleased Rosalind Williams John. my late daughter-in-law, who for a number of years was the director of the Newport Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau and an active participant in the race before she lost her brave battle with breast cancer. and for whom the city of Newport Beach has named its annual team. JANIE ARNOLD Costa Mesa Boardwalk won't protect plants from real problem The Back Bay proposal would be another waste of public funds. Will a boardwalk contain the coyotes, their cubs and other animals that rightfully exist in the Back Bay. and keep them on the designated paths? My husband and I reside on University Drive, directly across from the Newport Bay Nature Preserve. Several times we have witnessed scenes of coyotes tramplJng through newly planted vegetation, uprooting and chomping on the cactus and foraging through other plan~s. animals and birds ln their search for prey. These are the real culprits. Justifiably. they are ~having "naturally" within thelr own domain and so be It. 0on·1 spend $8 mil11cm on a boardwalk. Instead, why not spend a small portion of those rund-. on provtding rec;trooms. p1cn1c table-. and more trash con tamer'> for publil use? JOLYN WAYNE-YAMADA Newport Beach Keeping folk off Back Bay trails a good idea Please add my opinion 10 the otheri.. The ramp~ (on the Back Bayt are a good idea because they are planned in order to protect the Back Bay from erosion from foot traffic I tend to like to leave it as I!>. but feel that it is not enough to '>lop the damage that i<> occumnK. So I say yes 10 the ramp'> or bndges that are planned LYNN FRJEOMAN Newport BeaLh Limit to foot traffic would help the Back Bay As much a~ we would like to be able 10 roam wherever we can, I think the boardwalk is necessary because of all the djfferent ruts and things that are bemg caU';ed out on the bay where we aU just walk where we want 10. I think that II would be a great addiuon once it's buLlt. We have been to places m other c111ei. where they have put these in and you are kept off of the acrual ground. but you get to view the whole area very well. and I think II would be an addition to our area lo have that boardwalk at the Back Bay. LARAE PARRY Costa Me.-.a Enough construction already along Back Bay I absolutely am against the boardwalk project for the folJowmg reasons: I. We have put up with years of construction for the envtronmentaJ center and parking lot. Also aU the trails that were done along with the fences and viewing spots. 2. It has been wonderful to enjoy the Back Bay with these projects finally completed , and I think alJ of us are more aware of the paths that should be used, veTSUs the paths that sbouJd not be used. READERS RESPOND J I haq• hi·en go111g to the Halk Bav for It; Ve.Jr' now. dfld wlule I have al""ttY'> chemht•d 11 and 1n:a1ed 11 with t.ire I nullle th.ti no\/\ many or her' art' '>hO\' mg more cared'> well -ca~e in point, tht• prnvt-.1on for dog refU'>l' bags on the cntranct' by (,aJaxy hJ' made a hugf' different(> 4 11H:·n· 1' l OO'>t rut 11on ~omg on no\/\ all alonK lrv1nt:' lnr '>ewagc• pipe'> I think all nf tht· rnn'>trucuor1 over tht• 1.1.,1 five 'ear.. ha., done nothmg to protect rlw v.1ldl1fe It\ lime wt' ll'11 11 alone and let the wildlife ha"e what l111le peace and quiet I'> pO'>'>lble around here CHRIS DECK '\ewport Bl'alh Cour~e~. community program deserve support It's 100 bad (Orange toast ( ollege c;hut down the commumry education performing arts program. Wouldn't 11 be a good 1ded to partial!)' '>hare the -.wap meet revenue and rai'>e tht• pnre of the 11ckets7 JACK TAYLOR l\ewport Rl'ach OCC made right call focusing on students OCCs decision l<> mo\.e mom•v tn cover the for credit da'>ses 1i. the best call berause that 1s their fir'>t obligation. l.ommun11v education " opuonaJ for many people. so lhe commumty can choo<it' other outlets, but the kid.5 who are going to school have to move on LU BAKER Newport Beach Costa Me a does need leader hip to be tro!lg I was profoundJy moved by the lucid article rn the forum on l\Jesday. written by Geoff West ("A start at seeing tht' real tSSUes m Costa Mesa") He 1s so nght that leadership lS crucial to progre mg to a strong, healthy. diverse. successful city that we are in the process of becoming Where was West at the ell!ct1 wish be had been on the ballot! would ha~ vot~ for hun. ELEANOR KLEIN Costa Mesa Weekend was made for selling St.! noflhoswap I think. QIEQ ICtlWJBU ~ .... J -.. I ,. llUsday, January 23, 2003 SOLl E IY Dally Piiot THE CROWD Doing their part to find a cure. for Parkinson's . AlSO IN THE CRQWD T he Cure Parkin.son's f>roject (CPP), inspired and spearheaded by sports marketing pioneer and Newport Beach resident Jim Warsaw and his Foundation to Cure Parkinson's .--~----=,..-----. Diseaseatthe Giving Back Fund, hosted a historic conference at the Omni Hotel in Chicago. The conference brought 8. W. COOK together 50 -.iorld·renowned Parkinson's •archers, scientists. advocates JiGd funders discussing methods tAiincrease collaboration and 4¢celerate a cure for Parkinson's iHsease. which affects more than ~on Americans. • "The Giving Back Fund is so P.oud to have played a role in bfinging this group together,· tiid Marc Polllck. president and ~under of The Giving Back Fund. "We look forward to seeing big things come out of the m eeting.· Conference Q\airs Ors. James Fallon (UC Irvine), Curt freed (University of Colorado) and l>eter Lansbury (I larvard :Medical School) were galvanized into action after befriending Warsaw, who was diagnosed ~ Parldnson's in December J~3 at the age of 45. 'Warsaw has an international reputation established during a ;2S·year career in the sports marketing industry. He served as president of Sports Specialties, the leading international licensed sports headwear cprporation that was eventually ,quired by Nike. ... He also endowed the James H. ... Parkinson's is clos~ly a!iglled with other degenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease, ~lzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. It is predicted that a cure for one w ill lead to a cure for the others. Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the Lundquist College of Business at University of Oregon. Established in .(\pril 1993, this was the first sports marketing program housed in a business school in the United States. Warsaw is also on the University of Oregon's Board of Trustees. Warsaw is applying his business expertise to finding a cure for this debilitating disease. long-term plans for the Cure Parlcinson's Project include a public/private partrlership that combines the best in scientific inquiry with the speed and power of mart.et-driven product development. Parlcinson's is closely aligned with other degenercuive diseases such as Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. It is predicted that a cure for one will lead to a cure for the others. For more information about the conference or project, contact Marc Pollick. president and founder, at (6 I 7) 45 I ·9393 or Stephanie Sandler, senior vice-president at (3 1 OJ 649·5222, both of the Giving Back Fund. Three young women and their families from the Newport-Mesa area were honored at the Las Madnnas Ball supporting Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Left to right are Kathenne Jean Duggan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Ryan Duggan, Courtney Elizabeth Kern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Kern; and Kathenne Patricia Watson. daughter of Mr and Mrs Wiiham Gardner Watson. · •THE CROWD runs both Thursday and Saturday . ; Thurs, fri , & Sat January 30th • February 1st A Fine Affair 721-9044 B.Magness 644-4477 The Basket Case 720-7088 Baskin Robbins 644-1331 Blockbuster Video /59-9404 Cathay Newport Restau1 ant /59-3388 Champagnes Market & ueh 640-5011 Chevron USA 760-8678 Couture New York 759-1791 Happy Nails & Spa 759 -8686 Labels 640-11 33 Mag's Donuts & Bake1 y /60-9278 Mailboxes Newport 644-6480 Master Tailoring 720-1041 Marco Polo Italian Eatery /21 ·0801 Newport North Cleaners 644-0435 Newport North Optometric 720-0204 Dr. Michael Shack One Hour Moto Photo 644-6533 Petco 759-9520 Royal Jewelers 644-7804 Salon Belcourt 644-9980 Tully's Coffee 759-8246 The Video Editor 720-2080 "all phone numbers 949 area code RTH CENTER This Week • r Jan 23 Feb . 1 Ord111a d. UCL H1,\ 1111, l h.11k' \h,, h1l.11 II' li.11tll hl'l\\l'l"ll lhl '\l"' ,, I' 111 I h11 dJY Ir 111.1~ 2 & X p 111 -. .• turd.I\ \\111111nl I., 111th ll.111 'I 'ii- Jan. 24 1 ••• \ud111111 t11l, "".I, .111 ~nl.i. '• '• UCI l iln1 :>0<1t!ty I >1111"11t1•1u1 •'I I >11,·ll~J I>\ Id .. ktt•4m IW11 ~110111 7l'i'lp.111,(1\,l,il ~~~~~~~~~~~~--' P e e. t t1 Jan. 29 Jan 24 llJllo Martin Luther King Jr. Sympo$1um. l'rt1yn, l'rdfrst 1111.I }', 1H t' A I 1"111/n ~ I n:11t 1 for fotl111 Lecture b} • AACP t ·h.1irn1 Jn Juli.111 U11ml. 7 p.m .• 100 l lunMnit1e' ln,trm.t1on.1I Bu1ldin11-. I n:c Jan. 28 Discover the Physic.al Sciences. '.11/lop111g < ,/nnrt> and G1•nchrm1rnl H11rkt•h. \\'11h Pr11ll'''°' WilliJm Rc..-cburgh. 7:30 a.m .• L1n1\.w,1t) { luh. I-rec · IHF Distinguished lecture. Op111tes, Rrowmrs, 51".\ 111111 c <>rnme \t'N..in~ the Rrnm S1g11nt11re ft1r Vt's1u. With Anna Rmc C.h1IJfl ''· L lllH'r\ltV u( l'cnn\ylvaniJ. 7:30 p m ., UJ rclay Tht:Jtrc. f~cc . Athletics Jan.23 Women's 8Hketball V). Pacifu:. 7 p.m., Bren Event\ Center. $3-$5 Jan. 25 Men's & Women's Swimming v.s. Gd St11fr Nortl1ridg~. I p.m .• Aqu.itics C'.omplex. free Information: 949.UCl.WEEK (949.124.tJJS) www. today.ucl.«Juldp • SrlttilNk fllbjtl"t ,., "-flt. Phw rMI '° ~· "1rli"' fart m~"'" nntCJ ,, n · DA i t.BOOK DINING REVIEW Go fishing in Costa Mesa Lollta Harper the prepared ..aisa. which Daily Pilot created a tangy, creamy topping that absolutely madl' m y meal. F d ed fish and Co4>ta Mesa All three tacos, plu.' the rice. still have a delicious wa5 plenty of meal, and 1f t relationship thanks to the hadn't been so hungry. I would delicious eats at the Santa have taken home leftover'> for Monica Seafood Co. · only $5.95 The large gray buildmg. wh1cb C,ity Editor Jame'> Meier dined boldly stands o ut in its 17th on Ille Hbhermen\ Platter Street location, is not only a (complete with tli\.o hreaded fish retailer offering 30 varieties or fiUei... severd.I good '>llA!d fried fresh seafood. It also providh an '>hrunp and more than a couple extensive dining m e nu. Prepared handfuls of fril">). which he meals range from 'iteaming hot t alled "the pcrfect lum:h." chowder and salads to "It may not haw hcen the ..andwic!hes and seafood sur healthfost, but it wa .. defirutcly fries. l.t'>ller than ld'>t food It can aho The Baja fish taco'>, !>erved rnme with rnle slaw 1r you're up with rice and salsa, wraps threl' for that.'' Ml'1er said. "C >therw1\e, golden -fried piece'> Of f15h Ill tompletl' the unhealthy theme hearty com to rtillal> with JU'>l by pounc.hng down lht' meal enough fresh cabbage and with a Col e It's d efinitely worth grated cheese to anentua te lhl' tht• price 1$7.!151.K <,0uth-of-the-border ta.\te. J or I he enu n· menu L'> availahll' thoM! who have a high thre.,hold fur take out, hut a nll'.iJ m the for 11ng, the mode<-t dining arc.i t h.irnung walood .,tort-is ilho offers three vaneUt"> or ~con h1ng plt'a\Urdble \.inta 'Imm a ..aJ-.as. I, of cour;e, dou\Cd mml' 'X'.ifood prom.It'\ lll\ldt· dnd Wlth all three and 1111xed it w11h ouh1de dmmg, quick '>t'rviLt' Jnd T01F.!#lr&U N DUI DEFENSE A TIORNEY' FYI •WHAT: Santa Monica Seafood •WHERE: 154 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa •WHEN: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday; 10 a.m. to 7 pm. Sunday •PHONE: (7141754-4737 a spotless atmosphefe. Although there was qui~ a lunchtime crowd, our growling \tomach.s were not forced to wait long before bemg filled with Lamali7fog meals. Orders are placed at the counter, as t.lili. i'> nu1 ii re!>taurdnt atm<>'>phere, but thl' ')ervice b JU'>I a-. friendly and 1lw food h. ju .. 1 ~good -o r hettt'r A snulmg La'ih1er pen') your o rder on an old-fa!.hioned tab and hand!> it off to the coo~. who perfect your chok e or \eafood. I or a prompt and appelvmg me;ll thal will keep your '>tom.ich happy and your wallet fuJJ, Santa Monica ~afood L'i the perll'ct 'POI. MYLESL Coatlmplrlry Dlllp .. by Oecdreca Rich. D.D.\. TifE TOOTii CN I ,~~.~ DF.flCrF1:'CY ----. ' "' ~ --- ---'"=~n1·1 .... 88994 ··~· 1111 lullty lud ......... ---... -~ •. , .... 81199$:~]· naat am tan.111p ma Qlaa .. .. • .. • • (l.1'111.1') .... S3899 $ihU c.ry C~ar~c-JtCe ~ti~ · 10-00$ O/{~tttlf D INING ROOM • I IVING ROOM • lU LJS LAMPS • FABRICS • FLORALS • ACCLS~ORIF.S • • • • How best to take care of a work of art? A Rtlle' hmer1ect> 15 truly a mal"\ l'I of pl'rfonnance and enduram't' In fl"'-' year& (l l rontinuou., 11nwkl-t>pmg, tt!'> balance wheel traveb the equh t\lcnt of Z'\,.1'\1 mtll'" Ttw1 kind nf performana! dl'f;ervl" pmper cal\' .and period ic maanten.mce. and Rolex recommends ltlal lhc>tr ll ml'Pll\.l"I bt.> d eant>d and 01led approio1TU11l'ly 1.:Vt ry five vt•ar. If you'\e 111,,~ted in • Roll'"< you've mode an J.Stutt• dl"Ci'ilon Pmtoo th.lt 1nveslm<'1'tt by showing the 1ame sound judgment when it rom to the mainten&~ of your timqll«'l' As 11n Offio.il Role"' }f'Wcler ~ m dedicat@d to the lntl~nty o( gt'nuiJw Rolo tlmepk' • p.rts and ~n .. l'I visit our .tiore whcm you .,. ready to di~ the c.ire and rvlcP ur your ~. t RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. {iji: JEW&ERS . ... I • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St., CoSla Mesa CA 92627 by fax to (949) 646 41 /0, o r by calling (949) 5744298 Include the time, da1e and location of the event, as w ell as a contact phone number A complete listing is available at www.da1/ypilot com. TODAY Mother's Marttet llr Kitchen will host a semmar on how to S1rengthen your 1mmunt! ,yste m from 6 30 to 8 p rn di the Patio Cafe Ill CO!>ld MtJSd The cafe 1s at 22!.> E I 7th 51 Free. Fo r more 111formdt1011 call (949) 631-4741 Body Wise Fitness Center 1s celebrating its oµt1nmg with drawings for free pe rsonal training sess1om. and BodyW1se nutrit1011dl AROUND TOWN products at 2901 W Coast Highway, No 110, Newport Bt1ach for more 1nformattor1 call (9491 650 1660 FRIDAY UC Irvine wttl host rts 19th 1mnual Marten Luther King J r symposium. "Pr dyer. Pro test and Peactt A Leader s Legacy fo r Today from 7 to 8.30 p m rhe symposium's keynote speaker will be Jul1dn Bond IJCJard chairman o f the NAACP c1nd pro fossor ot history ill the Un111ers1ty of Virgtn1d The s ym µos1um will be held in the Human1t1es Instructional Bu1ld1ng, room 100 at the UCI campus Free For mort: 111formdt1on, Cdll 9491 824 1215 OCC's Armchair Adventures Series hosts Inside 5w1tlerl<md" presentt!d by Chnt Denn, an actor, wmer. photographer and filmmaker Tht1 film will began di 7 µ m m Ordnge Coast College·s Robert B Moore Theater Admission 1s S8 m advance and $10 at thi; door 54>ruor c1t1zens dre elig ible for a S1 advance discount For more info rmation, cdll 1714 431 5880 SATUROAY A semm' r on long·tenn care pl11nning I lt.1dmg legal. estdte and Medi-Cal issues. will be held from 10 a m to 11 n di the Jrdnge Coa st U111Ldrtan Church tn Costa Mt:S<J The seminar 1s s~onsored IJy tht: Alihe1mer s Assn I Ordng<.: County a nd tlte Ordnyc County CC1reg1ver Ht•source {.enter The church 1s at 1259 1/1ctc..na St For more 11 formation Cdll 17141 ~78 8670 BEABER SPECIAL •-CO.llOIUOo6• loOONl N11.C:" LAMINATE SPECIAL ev w911.1., 1966 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa M-F HPM, Sat 9-SPM. Sun Closed •,-, 949-650·0000 . . Hard , ''' , . . S1s\A1 ,. CARPET 1,:\rr11 \ l\1 L wood TI LE L11111111uc & \Ilg!-Sf·.A<.RASS The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Th p.a\ . pay for ch m.'id\c in no lime Hurry! They will II OUI. ign up this aturday, 10 a.m.·2 p.m. Dµffy Rental Office 200 l t iupway. Newport 8cada Rekrvc your I* bf caDJdi (949) 64S~12, Ert 110 •No Insurance Costs .,.. •No Maintenance Costs • No SUp Fees, NoHassks • Gretll for bu.sine , Jam I(~~ f rlends a nd sotll cn'lslng. • 1c1ke t1tltiantage of the Ull(mdnfuJ fleet of D111fy Boats • Comttmle11t locatton. fa11tastfc a~ul ~ llusday, Mlaly 23. 2003 DATE BOOK '. REEL CRITICS ·Heat-packi"ng 'Narc' a worthwhile 'thriller; don't miss '25th Hour' 'Narc' not the typical buddy cop film A definite cut above the average crime drama. "Narc" is a dark. gripping and complex story of two trbubled cops chaslng down the truth behind the brutal murder ofa fellow ~-----. officer. Ray Uotta and Jason Patric give Oscar-quality performances as the two cops obsessed with ......._......_.._... their mission . JOHN DE PKO and already in trouble with their Internal Affairs Unit They bring intense energy to highly charged roles and leave you believing they have become their characters. 'Busta Rhymes is among "everal lesser known actors who bnng compelling realism to their roles as the drug dealers, use~ and losers of the big city ghetto. Set on the meanest streets of Detroit's worst neighborhoods. every scene is a bleak perpetual gray matching the grim task racing the cops. The great camera work. with several hand-held shots. gives a docume~ look and feel to the raw action on the screen. : me sparse musical score adds to the tension and complements ·director Joe Caroahan's . alternating moments of quiet apprehension and heart-pounding suspense. With Tom Cruise and Ray Liotta putting up their own rvoney to produce the film. you know the script must be something special, and it is. As the mystery unfolds on i.creen, we see the critical murder scene played in flashback a dozen different ways. •as each witness adds a new clue ' to the puzzle. Irony and poetic justice weave in and out of the unforgiving story. While this screenplay contains some obligatory elements of the COMING SOON • Caitlin (Emma Caulfield) and Michael (Lee Cormie) are hiding from the terrifying Matilda Dixon in Revolution Studios' MDarkness Falls," a Columbia Pictures release . police thriller. don'1 look for any funny one-liners found in the typical buddy cop movie. There is no sunshine and absolutely no humor in this tough and gritty film. It is violent, profane and hard to \V(ltch, even as you appreciate the twists and turns of the intricate and intelligent plot It's worth seeing 1f you can handle the heat. •JOHN DEPKO, 48, 1s a Costa Mesa 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa resident and a-senior 1nvest1gator for the Orange County pubhc defender's office '25th Hour' is weJI cast and well done D irty cops, thieves, drug dealers, hookers and all the other dregs of society: wha1 is the only thing that can make a person sympathi7.e and even relate to these people? Film. Th~t quality has amazed me from the moment I began to study fi.lm. Spike Lee's ·The 25th Hour" is a perfect example of how film can make one feel sorry for the drug deaJer who has one day left to enjoy freedom before serving lime. Monty Brogan's {Ed Norton) lifestyle has finally caught up ~~ R es t a u ra nt ---EstabftShed tn 1962 -....---.. FREE C..lttet Tops• Showert • Cer1Mic • Or11it1 • w.J Wax Reft1i1h • Clea1h•9 Carpet & Upholmry • Palltl..;:_l•terior & ErteriOr Costa Mesa (949) 850-7876 1241. 17th •:..mt-S SATUROAYS & SUHAVI t0-4 • lrvlne (948) 81&-G 17777 Main with him. After five years of living the high life off the addictions of others, Monty is ~-----busted by 1he . DEANDRA RICH DEA and sen1enced to a seven-year jail term. With i4 hours left of freedom, he has gathered two of his boyhood chums and the love of his life for one last night to party. As the evening unfolds, Monty faces the harsh reaJity of how he got himself into this predicament, while his friends and lover are forced 10 reexamine exactly how they each played a pan in his downfall. This film ,., so well put together. I {ind it hard to criticize. Each element from cast to director to writer came together to make this film a great work of art. Norton shines in his ability to develop a role so subtle. Every emotion Is 1111ore than believable, causing e11ch member of the ensemble to play off thjs subtleness and fully reaJi1,e their characters. David BenJoff successfulJy took his novel from narrative to script. and Lee finalized the brilliance on screen by combining a unique directing c;tyle with a weJJ-bred cast. ·The 25th Hour" will no1 give you a spectacular display of guns and car chases. but it will remind you of how precious life really is and how each decision we make matters. If you want 1he latter. don't miss thJs one on 1he big screen. • DEANDRA RICH lives m Costa Mesa and 1s an avid moviegoer Ftnd 11 f~t tfl your hometown newspaper 0 [ OUR TIME IS A UXURV ... Make The Most •of Every Moment! FREE large Cookie With any 1iirchase of a JOO of bread Lunn I pa CUSfomc:r CXP.· 01/}l/O' wnh coupon oiilr . ••• (~ T-a & tr.iM Aft.) (949) 646-1440 • • Submit AFnR HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete hst 1s available at www.dailypilot.com. SPECIAL AU-AMERICAN BOYS CHORUS The All-American Boys Chorus will be conducting individual auditions for boys ages 8 to 10 throughout January. There will be a second audition held in September. The audition, sdieduled to last about 30 minutes, will focus on an ear test in which staff members strike various notes on piano and ask the boys to sing them badt. (714) 708-1670. MUSIC StlVERCmEs Silvercities, formerly known as Silversmith, wrth bnng their sultry sounds of country-tinged swaggering to Detroit Bar on today at 9 p.m. Tidtets are $5. 843 W. 19th St.(949) 642-0600. SPECIAL CLASSICS: RHAPSODY IN BLUE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will present rts annual Amencan Composers Festival at 7 p.m. Tuesday It features Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blues, hot 1azz and blues and new works by celebrated Amencan composers Bernstein, Wilham Bolcom, Derek Bermel and more. Tidtets are $45 and $35. Irvine Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Dnve, Irvine (949) 854-4646. SONGS Of INNOCENCE ANO EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Carl St. Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Prize winner William Bolcom, "Songs of Innocence and of Experience:' The show will take place Feb. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Dnve T1dtets range from $19 to $59 (714) 556-2122. CLAUDIA ACUNA Cludia Acuna with special guest Billy Childs will perform at Founders Hall on Rib 7 and 8 at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m Tidtets range from $46 to $49 600 Town Center Dnve (714) 556 2122. ANNE MURRAY Four-time Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will perform at SegerS1rom Hall at 8 p.m. ~b. 7 and 8 Tidtets WHE AFTER HOURS cost from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. WESLA WHfTFIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at the Founders Hall from Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tidtets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2.122. MUSIC AT THE TE£ ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Esdiete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Padt every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 540-9550 .JAZl.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacn presents a 1azz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . M onday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Ca fe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" mus1c1ans include guitar players, bass players, singers, drurpmers, keyboardists and others at 100 M ain St .. Newport Beach Free (949) 675-7760 MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live mu5'c Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. N1dt P.eper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Parle Drive, Newport Besen. Free. (949) 675-3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12·30 a.m Fnday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free (949) 642-3431 WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant m Newport Beach ARE ER - " DATE BOOK l'iorY.ldy J,,1 ;dr • ' 200"i A9 presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's RistoFante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del M ar. Solo g\Jitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B . Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach Free (949) 476-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguente Ave., Corona del Mar. S4. (949) 644-3244. STAGE 'PROOF' •Proof;' the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb. 9. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how mucn genius and insanity she has inherited from her bnlhant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7 30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555. 'THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO' Opera Pacific will present Mozart's delightful and cnarming corned" under the direction conductor of Jane Glover. The cast includes Jan Gnssom, Shawn Mathey and Kurt Link. Performances will be on Tuesday and Thursday through Sunday at the Performing Arts Center, Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. Tidtets cost $20 to $125 with performances at 7:30 nightly, except for the Sunday showing at 2 p.m (714) 556-ARTS. 'urn.E SHOP Of HORRORS' The Sage Hill High Sctiool Theatre Department will offer See HOURS, Pa1e AlO &OCIREER CERTIHCITE .PROlllMS 111151 TlllSRI 11118 THEATER Women's issues take stage in two UC/ plays By Tom Titus W omen. cUld the ovcrru .. hng tS'>Ul''> Lha1 aJfo<:I tht'U h1t~. wilJ take ct·nter '>tagl' <it IJ< lrvint' Lhilt Wt:ekt'nd tUld IH.'\t 111 bacl-to batk play.., lmu'>mg on the femalt· of the '>Pt't.ll'" -1irw m a comK ve111, tht' oLlll'r a more !.eriou., 1..•xt•rt l'>l'. Tonight. \JC lr1t1t1l' '"'1ll opc11 a two-weckt•nd t•ngagl'nlt'nt ot ''Big Low:· a tomedy hv Cl1.ull·.., Mee with II'> root"> Ill tht' wn1111g.., of the anri<•11t < .r<.'l'k.'> Nl'x1 Thursday will Wl' wo nwn\ i~ue'> explon·c.J 1n J mort' frighlen111g -Jylt•, 11 tlw t11lt• 111 Amy Bridge'>' plcl) I" illl\ mdit auon 11\ I he I lJ\ Maggie Blew Iler I ll•ad < >II · "Big Love • 1hrt•cwd ll\ \111111' Low 1, de'>t nh1..·d ..t'> ,u1 audaciou'> upc.Ja u ng of Aes<:h\ lu..,· llw \UJ)pli.int Maiden .. :· 111 wlm.h '»O 1u11\11l111g bridt·s tlct• tht•ir pn• ,m,111g1 tl mani:1gt· to 'iO 101i...1 11' .d1l111u,.11 the I J( I < ,1,t 11u111lw" 11nl~ I •1 finding "><llH tu.er, 111 .1 '"'"\' ltah. n \'lll<t A ...ah· h.1H•n lm\\t'\1•r, ,., h.uJ to C11n1l' h\. ·" tht• pr1"p1·111\1 h'TOlJIT'"> JrriH• 111 hot p111,111• Htll murdu. not m 1m.igi-, 1 tlw gtullt' pl.111 ol •lw 111~111\t fem.i.11·'> llu· 1111p1i.il .w <leradt·d bv 1 <1rn.1g1·. 111<1vlwm ant! lhfog 1w dtl111g' .11...1• nit plcl} t Ollt.lllllllg '-IPl!lg lan~u 1ge c111d 11uthl\ '' t11llt-d a'> a h1lam11I"> b,ltlll' ol tlu '>t'\t''- an tl prollli'>I'' tO OIJt•r thratl"l)\Ot'r' .1 tu114111· t'XJlt'rll'lll t Put a bug in someone's ear Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 · "I like• pl.ly ... tJMt .1r1 not '"', nc·at. too hni,hcd . too prt"•t:ntabko, • playv. n~ht M1·1 ha.., lw1·11 quot1•d a-, '>.tymg \I\ plav' Jrt' 111 oken 1aggl'd fill1•d \\llh ... 1t.irp 1•tlg1· ... "Big I mi·" 1\1111>1• 'tagl'd .11 H r rn. I hu1-,d.1\..., .111d I ml.n., .111d ,11 .!. .111d H p 111 "'-tt urdJ\' 1lirouvh 1 .. h I 11 1111: \\1n1trt·d C.,1111th I lall 011 tlw I I< .I l amp11-... lkwr. .111011' .m· lwmg tdlt'n 11! 11!1• ho\ 11lli1 t' c ~•II 11111 11.!4 .!71\i ·· 1 lw 1>,1\ \1 1ggw Blew I lt·r I It 1d (HI 1·,lflH'd pl.1vwnglll l<mJg1·-, 1lw l'l'J, I d\' • .ird \lt..-1· l'l.1\ I .1b \\\,lid Ill It'> IOlllJI prod111 """ 11 ... tJ, ... u .1 ... c1 .1 .i hi ,11•r111g dJr~ 1 •Jllll'lh ol .1 \111111g \\•1111,111, 1.11.J -,tr 1ggl1· \\ t1h \\t tght .md 111\\ wfl 1'..,lt•t 11 lrl\t'fl II; 'tH lt'I\ ' ... ~l'\\l'l.i '' 111tf.wh lor 1fw tdt· I \ 1 rl lloll I 1 llt llll''-'>JP i-. • l ,lf 1\ 1111111, 1111111i.w I•• •ru~lt li:t' It I It I ,,1 'J•11•1() ">,11rJ • ( J [ 1 1111 urr 1 ontr.idu r... 11.,.·lt, .i11d 1111• f.ill1Jut ,.., 1rag11 'ht' tt'JI h 1JU1 \ 111111g 1(1rb w wa1 Ii ltJr 1111 · .t.11' h111 \\t' d11 not g1H· thl'rll tlw 10111 ... ttJ find 1l11·ir \o\d'< IJwR llw dlldw111 t'. f'1111d J">'t'rl"> \\Ill ~•t ,,, hoth \\ltnt·'>-. .md flltl~·.•· .11•Ii··111al 111 '.1dAAJl', 11h· \\,1'> ... tit' -...ror1g 11r ,,d..., '>ht· n~11 • ,., • 11ltur.1l r•'Pll'"''lllJll\t'' 111 ""Ir'!\ ,ti Otlth i.\lth 11..,dl ,1, Ill h11\\ ''"11w11 .,1111uld lw I 1111'11111 ll·d \\h1•1t• tlri H•ll "l.!fl .1111! lll•>ft' llll~lllrl<111tl\, .... 11 ..... ''" \l•IJ l,111dl" '1111' I I.I\ \ lo1~~11• Bit·"" I it'r I It• 1d < Jll' 11p1 11' .1 \\l'f·~ lrom I Hll~,ht 111 11( I' '>111<!111 1 lll'all'l. \\lllr !•t•!I lflllJlltt"> .1111p11• I h11r ... tl I\' <1!1tl I rtdJ1., .illd di ... 1 d II p 11 mud 1 ., 1hr1111gl1 , , I ti u...... I II "' \\ 111db•i111 I lllllt• I •TOM TITUS •1·~ """"!. 11...., lh• etl"' Make Those Patios '1 Entries Beautiful Jim Jennings CUSTOM·MAS01''RY I /\I 'E:-t 7tb St •• Suite 2l'O C06ta Mesa (949) 645-8512 '"Ut I"~-•)Y.!-\.; )1111 J1.·11 ru11~ ... •I· I I• • I ' II •i.: I t I ' I \\ t ' h l ·I • ., Wh.., tu.I.£ u l h.uncc and ~ J 1,uf1pomud? Call the rnmpali) rlwl hw \UUs/i.:d I 000\ of l Wt<mU'T'~ ftrr QHT 34 )COTS AlO Thtnday, January 23, 2003 DAJ'EBOOK HOURS • Continued from A9 .''little Shop of Horrors" from ;Feb. 7 though 9. The play, -directed by Jay Louden, will be performed at 7:30 p.m . Feb. 7 and 18, and matinees will be offered at 12 p.m. Feb. 8 and 9. Tidcets are $5, 3443 Pacific View Drive, (949) 219--0900. ~FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' "Forbidden Broadway;• a satirical 'delight that serves up 31 witty and ruthless parodies of Broadway shows in 97 minutes. ,will be staged at Orange.Coast College on Feb. 9 at 4 p.m .. 2701 l=airview Road. Tidcets are $29 )dvance and $35 at the door. ~714) 432-5726. ART 'ZINE SCENE' •zme Sc.ene." an exh1b1t of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery. South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Zines ere publications -like magazines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p .m . Monday through Friday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 7~9--1122. JANE HILL "Local Scenes," art by Jane Hiii, will be on display at the Newport Beacfl Public Library through Feb. ·28. A reception for the artist will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beacfl. Free. (949) 717-3801. 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' A two-artist exhibit featuring the The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery* ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~$ . works of M icflael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Baysjde Drive, Newport Beacfl, through Maren 1. (949) 851-918, www.atudiogallery.net. STUDYING IDENTITY •10/entity: Portraits in the 21st Century" will run through Sunday, at UC Irvine's Beall Center for A{1 and Technology. A reception for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m . TI:ie Beall Center is open from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p.m. on Tht.trsday. free. (949) 824-6206. 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spiritus Gallery will present an exhibit of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled "'Through the G,reen Fuse" thro ugh Jan. 31 at 3929 Birch St., Newport Beach. (949) 474-4321. Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE . REUPHOLSTERY • Custo m-Made Fu rniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Drape ries. Shades. & Bedspreads BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 16 at tt)e Onfhge County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive. Newport Beach. The w orks will be shown concurrently with "The Spirit of M exico; an exhibit exploring M exico through the eyes of m odem photographers including Henri Cartier-Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are•11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sund;:iy. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors end students, and free for members and chlldren younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 't 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's work deals with issues of shelter. poverty and displacement. Museum hours are 11 a.m to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, S4 for seniors and students. and free fo r members and children younger than 16 (949) 759-1122 DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of America's most celebrated dance companies. the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform lit Segerstrom Hall Feb 1f to 16. Performances w1ll l>e given at 8 p m each dav. and special matinee showings will be given at 2 p.m Feb 15 and 16 Tidcets range from $20 to $65 600 Town Center Drive (7 14) 556 2122. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 pm to 12:30 am on the first Saturday of eacfl month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntodc Way, Costa Mesa (714) S-41 ·8688 KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old arc invited to participate in sonys and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.rn Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave (949) 646-8845. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time 1s presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central library. 1000 Avocado Ave Children may wear pa1amas to the evening sessions. Free (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A cflildren's story time 1s held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe. 901 -B South Coast Drive. Costa Mesa (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St., Cost.t M esa. Free. (71 4) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING 'SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. M onday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10 $16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. S8-$15 (949) 642 3431 TWlLIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu. featuring d1shr'> such as d11dcen parm1g1ana anr1 calamari picante at reduced prices. 1s off Pr<'d from 5 to 6 p m. wAekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m Sundays at Villa Nova Restaura111. 3131 W Coast Highway, Newpor1 Beadi. (949) 642 7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Tune Wine Cellars offers wme tastings from 4'.30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650·8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday l>rund1 featuring miernat1onal seafooll aod salad buffers. roasts tarved to order and breakfast favorites 1s held from 10 30 a rn to 2 µ m. at Sunon Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Beach $30, $40 with champagne (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8 30 p.m Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St , Newport Beach (949) 675 0233 ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music 1s presented daily at the Atrium's A1rporter Club. 18700 MacArthur Blvd , Irvine (949) 833 2770. BISTRO 201 Jazz rs playl'd at 8 p.m Fndays and Sa turdays and at 11 a m Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach (949) 631 1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p m . Thursdays, and pop and rode 1s presented after 9 p m . Fridays and Saturdays at Om Om at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa (949) 645 5550 DURTY NELLY'S Live music is performed at 9 pm Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave. Costa Mesa (714) 957 1951. Daily Pilot FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music la performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (9@) 769-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music 11 performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport ' Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music ls performed Thursdays through Saturdays at: the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesd ays through Saturdays • at Barmicfleel's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beacfl. (949) 261-6270. ' UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at• Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, • Surte D, Newpoct Beach. (949) 723 0595 MARGARrTAVILLE Live music 1s performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) • 631-8220. , MARRAKESH ! Authentic Moroccan cuisine and ! belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. • daily at Marrakesh. 1976 Newpor1 Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music 1s performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'$ Muldoon's 1s an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island. Newport Beacfl. (949{ 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rode acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing. 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday , between 6 and 9 p.m . at 3100 lrvrne Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night 1s held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thursdays at Totally • Coffee. 1525 M esa Verde Drive East. Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. VILLANOVA Rich Fauno pl1ys at the piano bar at 9 p.m Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece 1azz and blues band Misbehavin' ' plays at 9 p.m. Thursdays , through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coast Highway. ' Newport Beach. (9491 642-7880. PLUG IN ptug into the Piiot Qasslf ied sernon to find seMCes from electrorna and plumbers. to landscapers and paint~ .Daily Pilot (I l\l f , d ( •l11• • ' '• ~ • , Re Painting? If you're looking to paint or repaint, rebuild it, replace it or restore it, look in the Pilot Classifieds to find the service best fitting your needs Daily Pilot ot l ' ! . I ' . ' • . t: • . . s • • 1t1 • I I • j : ' r • l)• or 3 ' .. -· . ·-::e ... 3 ----~...,....,,,~~------------~ ON VACATION Tnor~y. January 23 2003 Al 1 Debbie and Ken James of Balboa Island celebrate Nev. Year's m The McMahan family, Mike. Kerry, Joan, Marilyn and Cory, went to Ken and Scotty Ryder attended the Rose Bowl Parade 1n Times Square. which was on their "top l 00 things to do" hst. Mont-Saint-Michel in France. Pasadena on New Year's Day Signature Store to ~ Open in Southern California • Chicago Tttle Cordially invites you to attend the 3rd Annual #South Orange County Economic Forecast for 2003" Presented by Esmael Adibi, Ph.D. Director ol the A. Gary Anderson Center lor Economic Research, Chapman University Dote: January 28th, 2003 Time: 8:00 am Place: Edwards Westpork 8 13755 Alton Parkway, Irvine) RESERVATION AND TICKET REQUIRED FOR AmNDANCE RSVP to Nicole at 1949) 376-3170 SPACE IS VERY UMmD • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINn FLOORING •!!'!!~ t .i,,,fol •. :,:.J SOI ARIAN ~;\LAPE SOUDEXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER 3/4" s5~~ -$14'1~ Travertine 18" x 18" ...................................................... '4.29 IQt Ceramic Tile ...................................................... lllStalledflctn '4.99 111" L..atninate 'Nood. ......... ........... .... .... ... .. .. .. .... .. . "*' *""' '4.99 IQ t 'Cwltf!WWM1~61SMI 11Uf """'~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Frab cbkken broth, cbu.nh of chicken breut, rice prnlabed with avoc.do, cilantro and lime. COMPLETE AU10 REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Se n.ices Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • lnjecuon '°)ervice Carburetor Reb uild ing • Gros\ Polluter Repairs Acae1co Motorcran Same Owner Sinu 1965 Bendix Jr -.:l 38 Yean In Costa Mesa llrlkea CT 1 \ TIE CARBDBnDR SHOP llC. ~,~J:: 294 5 Randolph Ave IBmwl ~ Baku («' 1 --fi 949.642.8286 e 714.556.2181 ~ I-, ~ E-mail: carbpans@'checarbshop.com ~ ~~ "' ~ ---Sa l~ Starts Now-- 369 E. 17th St #21 , Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 ' Ff'A1R ,..,,,,._. £-WiMt~ omwr,a--1- MJ.OwrS., lllfiiKOCE _,,., A12 Thursday, January 23, 2003 ON VA C ATION Taylor Allee of Costa Mesa Boy Scout Troup No. 106 enjoyed a tnp to Irving, Texas to visit the newly opened National Scouting Museum. Newport Beach cousins Nick, Ben, Scott, Eric, Grant and Allyson Frazier celebrated Thanksgiving in Mammoth Lakes. Oran.ge Coast College invites you to •.• Bring your dreams! We'll do everything we can to help you realize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that ace has a program to get you there. We11 get you to a university-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We11 prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure. Tuition for California residents is just S 11 per unit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 ,, orangecoastcollege.com • ORANGE COAST COLLEGE e 714438-4898 Daily Piiot I Kimberly Long with grandmother Nancy Long in Cape Cod, Mass. • Kimberly 1s attending Brandeis University rn Boston. ONGOING EVENTS • Send AROUND TOWN rtems to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St • Costa M esa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is avai1ab4e at www dailypilot.com. THns .,. invited to drop by the city of Cosla Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p m . Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities The Center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Ave For more information, call (714) 327 7560 The Newport Beach City Hall ls displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons. Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through M arch 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information. call (949) 717-3870. The Assn. of Business Services hosts networking meeting that deal with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa For more mformatron. call (949) 805-0011 The Newport Beach Pubfic Library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for ctuldren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays The library is at 420 M angold Ave For more inforf11ation, call (949) 717 3800 Free tours of the o,.nge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, to the performer's lounge. backstage and on stage. The tours are given every Wednesday and Saturday al 10:30 a.m. at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month Ttle orgahiza1ion is open to all female residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For m ore Information. call (949) 645~9922, or visit newcomers·newport.besch.org. Im.rt.Ith couples with one Jewish partner ere invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish FamUy Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dearing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions Is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. Th• offioe is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older c.ah join a discutsion group coordinated by Jewish Family Servioes to addreas lsaues such as amdety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the agency offlC8S, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Meae. Preregil1ratlon required. (714) 445-<495(). ~ofthe ..... .,,, hech Public Library Used Book Stof'9 are asking for patrons to donlte booka to replenish mt dwindling stod(. Boob may be left et any of the three branch librtrfee - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona def Mer -or If\ boolc doMt nex1 to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave.1 Newport Beach. ' All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The B,.iti. Institute~ free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguente Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821 -5000. A spiritual care class me.ts at 7·15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beadl. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1402. The Costa M esa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Costa M esa Country Club. The cost 1s $13. The club i~at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A bnlin tumor support group meets the first and third ThurS<fays of eadl month from 7 10 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Cen1er at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574--6232. S~Andrew'sf>rffbyterianChurch hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays m Dierenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road. Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish fwnily 8..-vic• of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Th• Jewish Famlty S«Vlc:e of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents leam strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office It 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety end peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 44f>.4950. The Costa Mesi! Senior Cent9r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewteh F.mlty s.mc. of~ County sponson en ongoing healing IUpport group for the chronically ill. The pul"pOM is to provide perticlpants with emotional end spiritual aupport to manage Illness and Its coneequenc... The group meet.a et 7 p.m. Thuradays et the Jewtlh Femily SeMoe office et 250 E. : a... Sl, Co.ta M.e. Attendance I is free, but registration is required. ; (714) 448 4960. ....... a.. No.JIG_ from 6 to 10 p.m. Thurect.ys et ~rt Boob, Muilc •CAM et South ~ Plaze, 3333 a.Ir St. In Costa MeN.$3. ~~ .,. 'ltl'tloome. (M) 206-1122. I . -_ ... ________ --, ........ -.•. ·-- QUOTE OF THE DAY "/think we're starting to gel." ~It Oou1laa1, UCI hoops coach Dally Pilot COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL First-place 'Eaters put it on the line on the road UCI begins a two-gam e road-trip with Pacific tonight, starting at 5:35. • TV: FOX SPORTS WEST 2 • RADIO: KUCr/88.9 FM Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot STOCKTON -Per- haps, the most c;urpris· ing aspect of the UC Ir- vine men's basketball team being 111 first place m the Big West Confer· ence is found in Coach Pat DoughlSS' following statement "We're as cohesive and as excited as we've been at any time during this sea- ..on, • Douglass said after Tuesday's prac- uce. "I tlunlt we're starting to gel· UU 110-4, 4·1 in the Big West), which has now started to show its chemistry, will race host University of the Pacific 18-6. 3-2) 111 a key Big West game tonight at 5:35 (rox West Spons 2). UCI Utah SL UCSB Pacific fullerton Cal Poty R1vers1de ldeho N'ridge LB St. The Anteaters had high hopes en- tering the season w L with four returning : ; starters. But It was 4 2 only until last week 3 2 that Douglass no- 3 2 ticed those four 3 3 players started ful. 2 J filling their roles. 2 4 and that has been 2 4 important in UCI 1 5 discovering its chemisuy. Senior Mike I lood moved back into the starting lmeup agamst Utah State after corning off the bench the previous seven games. Hood, who earned Bag West Co-Player of the Week honors, scored 17 points, in- cludmg the game-winning shot to lead the Anteaters to a 75· 73 ovenime win over the Aggies Jan. 15. UCI junior Sta· nislav Zu.z.alc led all scorers with 20 points. while junior center Adam Parada contributed 13 points. UCI senior Jordan Harris scored a game-high 19 points in a 88-45 win over Idaho Saturday. "Everyone has been accepting their roles,· Douglass said. "I don't think they knew exactly what to do without Jerry (Green) here. The four returning starters (Hood, Harris. 7,.uzak and Parada) sm.ag- gled to learn their identity. But now they have learned to rely on one another. Even last year. we relied on Adam to score. And this year, if he doesn't we have others who can step up.· UCJ Junior forward Matt Okoro stepped up against Idaho. scoring a ca- reer-high 14 points on 6-for-6 shooting from the field. The Anteaters also re- .... See UCI, P11e 8 3 Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu : 19491650-0170 HIGH. SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO )EA~, '11LLER DA l• f'!_O' Mesa's Katie Thorsness (left), who scored seven goals. battles with Estanc1a's Britta P1tt1 for posses sion Wednesday. Costa Mesa an easy wi nner in the Estancia pool, 2 l -4. Ro1er Carlson Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Considered one of the bener kept secre~ for the first -half of the season. the Costa Mesa High Mustangs put on a how at Estancia High with offensive firepower and a Sil· fling defense to deal the host Eagles a 21-4 lesson In Golden West League girl~ water polo Wednesday. Coach Tim Postiff's Mustangs broke ou t of a l -1 tie in the early going and ran off seven straight counters. then fin · ished the second quarter with a five- goal run en route to the convincing vic- tory. "I thought we had an overall unselfi h game with everyone participating in the offense,· ~d Postiff, who watched his t~ improve to 9-3. 3-0 in the Golden West League. Katie Thorsness ruled the seas in the early going with four of her seven goals coming In the first period. Her fourth goal of the quarter was the signature moment as she shook off some very strong defensive pressure by Carolina Barnes. spun and drove 11 home A senior, Thorsness now hru. 43 goals on the season. Po!>UIT said he was sur posed hJ.s 1eam was able 10 burst out to such an advan- tage, t.alcmg a 13-2 lead by halfume. Estancia's potential really never surfaced until the third quarter when the Eagles. I· 7. 0-4). although falling further behind. ap- Mesa Estancia peared to be gening !>Lronger ru. the game wore on. "We're getting better." said an upbeat F.staticia Coach Bob Bandaruk. HMo~t (14 or 23) of our kids have only been in- volved in water polo smce rnid-Novem- ber. "They've been working thear buns oil and they're getting bener every day. Hit takes time to build. but we have a lot of young kids and they're excited about it" On Wednesday. however. the buu was coming from the Costa Mesa fans. who watched Olristine lWohig. Jessica Bunnell and Allyson Harris each score three goals. and Allison GraVlS and Je<; sica Steenhard each connect IWlce to complement the Thorsness factor. Also with a goal for the Mw.tang.\. ~ho had 110 subsututt"i. wa.., Perla Maraqurn ~ith one goal Loal1e M1cheUe Payne had JO '>dVe\ b;tancra"; fonunes rested on two goals by \ianlyn Reach and a '>core by Laura Monon. a.., well as a half coun sho1 bv goalie Kaue Mahan '.\1th sec-- ond., remaining. 21 4 Po-,ufT. rn hrs first vear at to ... 1a Mesa after coach111g <,tint<; at La Serna and Mark Keppel hrgh schoolc;, ob\.iously had rew conccrni. on Wednesday. "I thouWit we played weU." he said 1 li<i team will host C.arden Grove on rriday rn a nonleague game, then re- turns to league play on Wednesday. ho'>ting Westnumter. Estanc1a's next '>tan in Wedne<iday when the Eagles travel to Or.ingc. ln a Sea View I .eague game \"fednes- day: • Newpon I !arbor H1gh's Sailors un - proved to 11 ·2, 2 0 m the Sea View with a 14-4 victory over VlSrting Irvine A I 0-0 halfume lead sealed the victory and the SatJor.. coasted rn the !>eeond half See POLO, Pace 82 EYE OPENER ~ C>tUly~Pak>t I I~ pona HaD of fwne ....... ~ 11:.~ ... Ttiursddy, Jdludry ?3, 7003 Bl GOLF 'Gentle Ben' hasn 't alway s been gentle Ben Crenshaw, this year's keynote speaker at Toshiba breakfast. is a noted golf historian who has endured myriad emotions. T here hdw ~n <ionw Lia.!»1c i,peaker. m pc.L'>I yea!'>. Ww Gary Pldyer. lorn V.dMn d!ld C.ary Mc.<.ord, bu1 "( rt:nlk Ren" could be the tx--.1 ew r A!:> offictal.'> gear up for the nmth annual lostuba ~ruor 0<1.!>!>Jl March 17-23 al Newpon Beach Country Club. there'c; a mu.'>I r,ee t.'Vent on tht' agt'nda - and that'~ two Umt' "'1a.'>tt'r. <.:hampron Ben Cren<,hav.. who v.1ll be UU!'> vea.r's kevnote '>peaker dt the lo'>tubd '*"'or Cla.,,..,tt CommunH) Hreak.fa.-,1 pn-wnted ~ fJelorlll lit louthe nu· brt"akta<,l wtuch !eat~ a top I)( ... .\ Olampron., lour pla\er each \eat. L'> Tue<>da\ :-.larch 18 at -; 30 d.m dt the ;\;ewpon Beath \lamon rn I ii.'>hlon Lsland Ticket., cln' $I 00 per per.on. RICHARD DUNN Cren<Jlav.. who won I q umes on the PGA Tour. mdudmK the 1984 dfld l lj'JS Master.. will abo compete m the fo<Jubd Seruor c.las..,rc. In 1999. Creru.ha~ captaJ.ned the U.S. Ryder Cup team to lhe greatt'\t comeback m event hLc;tory I le L'> also one of golf\ noted lw.to~ "With Ben Cren.-.ha~ a.'> our brealcfa.st speaker. we contl!lue our tradiuon of mvtnng PG.A 'iUper<>tar'> who have dramaucalty impacted the modem golf era to our Cornmurutv Brealcfa'>t. ~d Hank Adler, Toshiba t,eruor Oa!.SJ( Co-Owrman. "Berwt.'t'n tu,., ".ta ... ter. vtctont"\ and tu. .. rernarbble leaderJup of the 1999 Ryder Lup team \tr C..reru.hav. has endeared tum.self 10 golf fans everywhere I le has qwte c1 '>IOr) to teU.' Cren.•.h.m made tu. .. debut on the PL.A lhamprort'o lour formeri)-the ~ruor PGA rourJ la.'>t year and play-. '\t>\'\:pon Bea.ch regular!). He ha., dauned Dana Pomt as a second home for more t.hdn 14 year;. along \\1th tw. Ausun. lexa-.. residence But an emouonal (Jl•n.,haw ha<i. at nm~ been anythmg but gentJe m tu,., career. I le\ been known to loi.e tus cool mis.,.,mg puru.. I le'!> thrown clu.,.,, broken shafts and. accorchng to hl!> calculaoo~. squandered at lca'>I -.even ma)OI'\. I lie; ardent devotee.. however. l<M." tum. and all they'd prefer to remember~ the i.mage or Cren'ihaw coUapsmg to tu.c; knees an tear. after the last pun at the 1995 Mastel"\ -not because hed won. but becaUS(' he wa-. gnt."Wlg the death tha1 weeJc of his hfelong l!IStruC1or Harvey Peruek. After the ·95 Master>. Crenshaw struggled on the PGA rour the next sa )'t'.al'!.. playmg a hmned 'iChedule. t:Jut h.is S..GOlF, P11e85 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK E UESTRIAN Danny Krikorian Costa Mesa veteran excels in outside shooting, whether in front of the house or beyond the arc. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot T he moniker. lib his game. is slmple. basic and to the poi.Ill For while Danny~ bas made a name for hlmse.lf as ' fOW"yeaf varsity player at Costa Mesa l Ugh. tboee around hJs netgbborhood know him u •the BasletbaD Guy. .. ·r\ie always been one of tho9e guyt who my mom had to cd in for dlnnet five or Ill tim1J1. becau8e I'm outside~ forever." llid ~ whothCMs the tub ol hil drMwlj libor eilch dme the ~lib the JloOt. "A mian who m<Md in two houiel down about a .. ·-______ .,........ _______ _ ..... • • .. • • • .. 't t -, i 82 Thursday, Jai"llai'y 23, 2003 SPORTS . HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Tars set up showdown COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL CdM loses track meet Melum Qiapman bound at University U 11 iversity pressures CdM throughout and hands the Sea Kings their second PCL loss. Bryce Alderton l>atly Pilot IHVINI IJttJe did Lorona del t.1ar I hgh boys ba'>ketball coach ltyan Curry know his team would ht• involved in a· crack meet Wt'C.lncsday night against host l lruwr-ity in a !>Jcific Coast 1 ... ~J#:Ue hattJe. l11e nujan.'> ( 12-6. :1-0 in league) 'h<JWt'tl tht· Sea Kings (8-11. 1-2) nn nit>n)', suffocating the visitors from '>tan 10 finish using an elfec- uve full coun pre.s at IJJnes to run < .dM out of t.he building, 76-55. ( .dM til'd rhe lhJjan<; at 4-4 and h ti, but llt.'Vl'r let.I. "I n•ally didn't think the press would l<tll'>I.' a . ., many problems as 11 did, and that is a rnachs blun- JN." Curry said. "Till'Y swarmed ll">. t">pt•t:mlly m rly on. ~o! ahead by I ~J ;md 11 w.L' too Little too late CtJM 55 Un1verst1y 76 for w.." lWo Tro- 1an~ would double- team a Co- rond ball handler in the comer upon a Sea King in- bow1ds pa~'>. often resulting in lob to mid- rnurt that w,L., eitJwr imercepted or flew our of hounds. LdM turned the ball over 18 • t1111t·~ to Uni.., l 0, and wa .. \ outre- l10undt'<.l hy the hosts, 36-20. All fiVl' of IJni'~ two-point baskets in thr ~econd pcnod came on layups or follow.. of mi!..<;ed shots. Uni's U1arles Valentine \COl"l.>d 13 of his l.J point-. coming ofT the bench in the .. econd quaner while grabbmg three rchow1ds in that span. The lruJan<; huih a 32 1.3 lead with 4 ~l2 ll'ft in the half after leading at Liil' tmd of one 4uaner, 16-9. "Vale11tuw .11e us up on the lx1.rnl.,,'' '>it.Id Lurry uf the 6-foot -3 JUlliur forw·clfd ~·•hum Uni Coach r-.ttke l.>mnt'f.•n < ho-.e to not 'iart • 1lo11g wit.h 6 I. 1un111r Al Musk~ h('t<tU..e of a · co.1ch\ d(•nc;ron. - \1111<,ku.., gr-cJhbC'd a team lead- 111~ C'tght rebound-. and tallied 12 1><11111!> on 6-of 12 shoot.iJ1g. "If a 1,ruy was '>honer, I jus1 tried tn up Ult' hall back to rny-.elf," said V.1l1•11lJ11t• lll">l1 thing Im. rebow1d .. lrJtt'h'Y Both 1 oacht><i asqred Uni con· trolh..'tl Lhc tempo or tJ1e game. "We try to l t•t.•p tht.> pace of the • game up if we can." Dinneen said. 'Our prt-...,ure W..t.'> pretty much ef- l1>t llvt' al llmt"i CdM\ offense plityt'J well in tJ1e thud quaner • :.uuJ then we j')Ut !the full-court ·pno-..'>) hat k on them in the fourth tp1:nod)" trailing. 17 21, at halflime, the ~.'a Kmgs C..'ltl the Trojan lead 10 rune wuh an H II run tn begin the third. Adam I reede hit a tum- amund '>IX footer followed by a ' ~1.'Vi11 Manollas' lhree pointer off ~ .1 Brett M.ilc;('n a . .,.,i.,t. Pancho Sea· • horn tJw11 t <mvertcd a layup on a 1 ~v1• and go while drawing a foul '4 .u1d mdcfo the ~u~:oquent free 'tluow. llll' ~·a K111w. would hit fuur nirJrc lield goah i11 th<' period and ftni-.lt U fur 16 as llnivcn.ity built a : ~I 40 lead at tJ1c e"d of three • 4wu1crs. : It tuok. CdM almost four min· : , 111 t><, to collect i t'l first fourth-quar - : tl'r Geld goal -Matsen's second of • thrL'f? t..reyS to rut the 'Trojan ; leJtl lo fl.'l-45 with 4:21 left. Mat· •: ~n lt-d Ole Sea Kin~ with 15 p11111l'> on 6 of-10 shooting as L<lM 'ihOt J7 .5% (21 or fJ6). It was die slXlh time in the !Mt seven "'~·~Matsen has scored in dou· weaknesst'S an~ got ii down to a five-point • lead at haJftime. • Newport Harbor will visit Woodbridge Friday in a battle for Sea View supremacy. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot 3-l tn league after be- ing upset. 73-64, at Foothill Wednesday), ranked No. 6 in Orange County and ClF Southern Section DM- sion Cl-M, wbere the Sailors (12-7, '4-0) also reside? • But the visitors missed thelr first 13 fleld·goal attempts af· ter intennission. before ~r Gurneys layup with 41 seconds left in "We're going to be Leguna Hills watching film all night Newport 40 the period awrted the 57 eight-minute shutout. NEWPORT BEACH -Wednes- day night was all about looking ahead for Newport Harbor High boys basketball coach Larry Hirst There was a time and a place. for it, but only after hiS Sailors dis- patched Sea View League visitor U1guna J-fills. 57-40, 10 set up Fri· day's first-place showdown at \\bod bridge. "We remember back to Laguna Hills here la.st year. so we didn't want to be looking ahead to- night." Hirst said, referencing the I fawk.s' 49·45 upset of the Sailors last season that forced the Tuts Lo defeat Woodbridge in the league finale to claim the program's first outright title since 1985. "Any team on any given night can beat you in this league. We wanted to be 4-0 (in league) head- ing into the Woodbridge game." And what of the WdJTiors (14·5, POLO Continued from B 1 Anne Belden and Annie Wight each scored tJvee goaJs and Jenna Murphy and Raelyn Ritchie scored twice. while Jessica Ball, Paige Lansing, Carolyn Conway and Ashley Parole each scored once. Belden had three ~ists and two steals. Kaue Erickson had two as.sists. •Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings were 16-8 winners at La - guna Beach in a Sea View League match. to try and find some answers,.. Hirst said "They start 6-foot-10, 6-9 and 6-6, so we'r&golng to have to come up with something. ~·re going to have to get a double order of smoke and minoIS." Wednesday's win, however, was far more fundamental. "I thought we did a great job on defense. tonight," Hirst saki. "There were a couple slip-ups, but those are going to happen" Newport Harbor's defense tight- ened significantly after securing a 27·22 halftime lead, holding the Hawks (7-10, 2-2) to jwt two points in the third period. after which the hosts led. 38-24. "I thought we had a chance in the second quarter LO blow the game open,· Hirst said "But, to Laguna Hills' credit, it found some Gotdell Welt Leap Costa Mesa 21. Estancia 4 Sco"9 bv Ouarten Mesa ll 1 .. .. . 21 Estancia 1 1 1 1 -4 Cotta Mesa -Thorsness 7. Harris 3. Twohig 3, Bunnell 3, Gravis 2. Steenhard 2, Maraquin 1. Saves - Payne 10 Estancia Retch 2, M orton l , Mahan 1 Saves -Mahan, 3 s.. View Laque Newport 14, &Aguna Hilts 4 Scorabvau..... Lag Hills b o 2 2 . ' Newport s s 2 2 -1' Laguna Hila -Parola 2, Sciarani 1, Rattee 1 Saves -Dai, 7 DanieUe Carlson had six goals and four as.sises, Duis· tine Hewko had four goals and two assists and a steal. Carlson scored the first three goaJs of t.he game to set the trend. Newport Harbor -Belden 3, Wight 3, Murphy , Ritcttie 2. Ball 1, Lansing 1, Conway 1, Parole 1. Saves Cottam 7. Murphy 2 Paclllc Coast Laque CdM 16, Laguna Beach 8 Scorabyau..... CdM ' s ' 3 • 16 Lag. Beach o ' 1 3 · a Corona del Mar, 2-0 in league, improved to 12·2. lne CdM frosh-soph wc1.S a 6-5 winner in sudden death overtime. CdM -Carlson 6, Chr. Hewko 4, Harlcms 1, OiGlacomo 1, Bowlus 1, Ca Hewko 1. Saves -Fullen 9. Laguna a..cti -Nelson 2, Doud 2, Preble 2, Moore 1, Rooklidge 1 Sav88 -Moore 9. With Newport hawking perimeter shooters and shutting down the lane, Laguna Hills missed 15 of its 6rst 16 shots after intermission. en route to a dismal 7-of-30 second-half show· ing (233%). Laguna Hills finished 17 of 64 from the field (26.6%) and com· mined 15 of the game's 25 tum· overs. Brod Tillotson. a 6-6 junior, scored 14 first-half points for the Hawks. before .Hirst adjusted de- fensive assignments, helping limit him to just 2-of· ll shooting from the field in the final 16 minutes. "We set the matchups and we may have made a mistake." Hirst said of TIJlotson's lirst·balf effi· ciency, when he surpassed his· season average of 13.4 points per game. BOYS BASKETBALL Tuny Metum. a lhree-year boys ba.skec.ball standout at Newport Harbor High wOO be- gan dli.9 season at Colorado School of Mines. lw left the · school and plam to rontinue his college career at Cllapman uru- versity. he said Tuesday. The 6-f'oot-6 Meh.un sconl<i eight points in four ~ at Mines, before leaving school at the conclusion of the fhl1 semes· Karter Stone and Richie Aron· son, averaging a combined 26 points coming in. had twO apiece through three quarters. Stone fin . ished with four points and only two three-pointers in the final minutes a1lowOO Aronson 10 hit double digits with 10. Newport on the other hand. shared the scoring load betwet:n nine pl.ayers. Nedim Pajevic, a 6-8 senior center, led the way with 14 . points, 14 rebounds and three blocks, while junior Andre Pine- sett continued his impressive league campaign with nine points. seven rebounds and four assists. Estanc1a's Britta P1ttt(4) blocks a shot by Costa Mesa's Kabe Thorsness m Wednesday's game-at Estancia. , Below, Costa Mesagoahe Michelle Payne shuts down the Eagles m the fourth quarter. The visiting Mustangs scored early and often en route to a 21-4 Golden West League victory to remain unbeaten m three league starts. SlANHllllfR/ DAii.VP. OT Mesa upset hopes denied at Santa Ana "bit: figures. Steve Vlr1 en Coach Bob SeMm quarter,· SeJver1 said. very disappointed with the way nut Moskus !ICOred eight of his Daity Pilot said ·v.re were (14 of 9CCRBCW1> •an previous games) we stmted. Costa Mesa does 8 • 12 poinl., in the next.2:13-two 52 for 27%) from lhe wewaeable tocontrol goodjobwlththeirr.one.· , on as.siw1 frum Jon Asnon -who SANTA ANA -For the am 6eld. 6 of 15 from the liOOring runs If we The Saints missed their fin1 10 ~ allsxc<I hb potnts·pet·~ av-eight minutes. the Costa Mesa free.dww line (od) IJowed down the game shots. while c.osta Mesa earned a • ; enigc (22.9) with a garne--high 24. Hlgb boys ba.sketbaII team had and with two politll in or controlled the 7-0 ~ tn the first quarter. fresh. : Sc.tbon1 and Nortluidge joined ; the maldngs of an Upset over the second quarter. tempo.· man Scutt Knox got the Ml.l'5tlllgs : C Mol"l'.n 111 doul>lc·figures with 13 Golden West ~ hoo Santa that adds up to nor be-11142 Sllints oontrolled going with a three-pointer. Knox -wtcJ 11 points, n~vdy. Sea· Ana \o\l>dnesday. 1be Mustangf (S. Ing able lo win over a the tempo for the most finished with a team·hlgb 15 • 00111 5'.'lured nine In the third JJ, I"" 1n league) bunt a 7-0 lead good te:vn like Santa MMe 39 part in the second and points. Sophomore JefJ Waldron • 111wter and Northr1dgr jUmped 10 bl the game~ opening 4:13, they Ma." Santa Ana 54 third quarte~ The and jun.lot-Marko Stankovic com- 11111 • fiAl .balf points bcfon! he hr.Id a 9--5 ect,e after one quarter Mc.<iee, who sooted Mw.~ opened the bined for27 rebounds. wd.'> hcld whhuut u 6cld ptJ tn and it appeared their 1.one de· a game-h.lgh 19 points. nd half with a 5-0 The Saints ~ al* to earn · th ~CJnd bll( fmse skJMd doWli lhr S•ints' of. wall 3 for 3 Cn>m behind dle mn that lndudfd a three-pointer their bJ8gest lead of the game, '49- Yklcl1 lild d>c Seu ~ with feose. lhftie.polnt line in the second by lellior Danny Krikorian (9e\"ell 23, wtth 3:55 mnaining. Rut Costa ~ ribcJUnds ruld talkd liowt.'Wr. Col&I Mola ~ qumur. He ICUn!d u p<>.l.nts in the poinra) and cut the dclk:lt to 23-MeA came btd wkh a 7-0 run, aa ,,, two polnu wt Nottl dge led ~ two poenta In the leCOOd .eaJOd pMod. lbe MU8W9 te. But Sin~ Ml INWl:ttd wtth • Mojina arid frelhman 1bny Jed. h! lmf1 wtlb bit ~ While s.m. AnA 01 ·7, ~ 0 for II tom Che ftdd In lbe If.() nin CM'I the~ 4:27. koitail calllCd tumcMn, and .: Rubi* •~ ded a n l)lgtl 4-1), tn perdcu&lr acnior Brandon nd quaner. Mell also IUUg· s.nca Mil shot 8 ~ 30 ln the ·IC.nox c.onw:ned wilh a duee- with dne p06a While M Mc.'Gtt. F' beck oo md and Pd bocaUlle IQ '"'""8n ltardnl fine hal and 11riii1tm :n (20 for pointer, a layup and then he made i# W. ~ ro ftw, and pined a 23-11 halftime ie.d. The point p.wd. 8riari Moliri8. ~ 52) from ~ fteld. t'#O of his three tee chlowl. ..-lihed Wllb blf pcin. Saints malnWned tbr.tr' momen· up hll lhkd Coul 4:17 btfoct MW· ·1 wu a bh ~about thl'ir The c.o.t.a MeA Juii1of ~ : ~ .... blldect hanJ the tum and acorech 54·39 vlctoty. dme. JOM." Sinca Aria Colch Adr1an te1m ~ s.. Am. S&-54. : .._.. 0a1y lllid. "UN· "ll'• the_,,, tllOf'I tor Uli ow ~ bmd poor Man!lnell of COlila: likl "We !hawed that we JeMc Luna led Che~ wkh ter, due to academic difficulties. He also averaged rwo rebounds and reoo«ded rwo -.ists and one blocked shot for the ~ gers. Melum said he will be el4Pble for the start of lhe season oexi year at ChapnlWl, where Im for- mer Newport Harbor teammate. CJreg Peaine. is ~ as a freshman guard for the Panthers. -by Beny Rlub!r Senior guards Chad Rorden (seven points and four as.siw.) and awe Cameron (six poin~ three rebounds. two steals and rwu ~ ~) a1so did their share. Sophomore forward Bren Pt:r rine had all seven of his pom~ ui the first quarter to help the liir.. sei..t.e a 17 • 7 lead They led. 20-13, at the end of one period. A post J1lOlle and a putbad.. t,., P'djevic, as well as a pair of thn>t- pointm by Pinesett. who abo added a foul shot. gave Harl>or the first 11 points of the third period Ulgu.na Hills cut the defit1t to 42-32 with 3:03 remaining, but a 6-0 Sailor run restored order. BASKETBALL SUMMARIES JC MEN Onntl• En.,n Coi.._1-ce occ 80, Golden West 68 ~West -Graham 19. Whiltuo 8. Lang 3, Roquemore 4, Ivory 21 Blount 8. Gner 0, Brown S 3 pt goals Lang 1. Roquemore 1 Ivory 1. Brown I Fouled out none Onnge Coat A Boblk 20, B BoM 2. Seales 18, Peppers 2, Garey 17. James 3, Brown 12, Aleunder I W1lhams 2, Hatctl 3. 3-pt goals A Boblk 4, Garey 4. James 1 Fouled out A. Bobek, B Bobek Hallume OCC. 43 31 JC WOMEN Or.nae En.,n ~ occ 19, Gold9r'I West 40 Gotdef'I w..t -Levele 2, c.fdou 5 Tisdale 9, Cruz 6. Orozco 5. Jensen 11, Kaumbang 0, Caron 0, Jones 2 Hano 3 Pl goals -Tt~le I, Orozco I F<>Yled out -none • Onnge Coest Murray 10, Mend< . ..t l 4 Carrillo 8, Hatsush1 11, Gaieuo 11 Marshall 0, Hauetet 1, Gemtc:a O Quiroz 2. Shaw 8, \Ion Tungetn 6. Estreda 2 3 pt. goal$ Galuso 5. Hat'U1h1 2 . Shaw2 F<>Ylecl out • none Halfume -OCC, 41 11 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SNVlewlMCUI Newport 57. ~ ... 40 Laguna H1~ ~ 9 2 111 Newport 20 1 11 19 •I Laguna Hiiia Stone 4, Foahe1m O Tillotson 18. Aronson 10, Wilharns 4 Gurney 4 3 pt goals Aroneon 2, Tillotson I Fouled out none Tecnnrcals none Newport Harb« -P1MMtt 9, Pemne 7. Pajevic 14, Rorden 7. Cameron 6 T Lowenthal 5, B Lowenthal 4, Hunter 3, Hernandez 2, Gtuaic 0 3 pt goals -Ptnesett 2, Rorden I, T Lownethat 1, Hunter 1 F<>Yled out -none Tedlnrcats -none P1ldlk Coat LNpa Univwlity 71, CdM !i5 Scora bv Ouartln CdM • 12 19 15 56 Umversrty 111 21 ,. 2!> 1' CdM-Matsen 15, Freede 4. Seaborn 13, Man<:1llh 5, Northrldge 11, Luce 3. IC. Cooper 2, We1ctt 2, M. Cooper 0, McDonald 0, Watanabe 0. 3-pt goals -Matsen 3, Nolthrldge 1. Mancillas 1. F<>Yled out -none. Tac:tinlcala -none. Uni -Whelihan 7. Alnon 24, Rohanl 2. Guyette 2, Fulford 6, ValentJne 23, Moskua 12, Amiri O. Barley O. Paulick O. SmlthO. 3-pt. goats -Aanon 4, Fulford 1. Fc>Yled out none. Tecnnlatle-none. PdkC.... ....... S.ma Ana 54. ea.ta Meell l9 lecM9bvau.... Costa Mela • :z • It • Senta Ana II 11 11 13 -5" Coeu Mela -W.ldron e, Striovic 4, Knox 15, D. Knke>Nn 7. Mo11n11 5, P9Pic 2, t Knkorian O, Abedf1lbo 0, M1llwardO. ~pt. goals -D. Knltorian 2, ICnoJI 2. Molina 1. Fouled out -none. SMt9 Al.. -McGee 14, fripP ... Alee 13, Alejandro 8, Silva 3, Flof91 l 3-pt, goall -McGee 3, Fior. 1. Fouled out -none. FRIDAY'S SCHEIU! ... *" ....... Newpott ...... ~ AJllO Niguel ft L...guna Hll .. Foothill ft lrv1ne a..-.. ...... !-. -"OcNn "'9w ~.c.... ..... Senta Ana .. Orenge w.tmfnettr 1t M* Del (non· !Mouel J ,..c....a.- ~~-NonhWood ~~-~o .., ~ • p ct*m ii Dot ~-,.._ whlft ~, In the .and --. .mned from the .-i. • -15 puina --------~------~~----------------~~--------\'""-----------------------------....;f;--~----------~-------1•-:m n d e ,. n ~ i, 0 e 0 a 5 15 .. Dady Pilot S P ORTS Thl#'sday, January 23. 2003 83 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER Mustangs fall on Day's return, 1-0 COMMUNITY COLLEGE BASKETBALL Pirates sweep past the Rustlers, twice Orange Coast men put Golden West away, 80-68; Pirates' women routGWC, 69-40, after holding 41 -11 halftime lead. COSTA MESA Sophomore guard Jason Garey set a school record witb his 8lst three-point field goal of the sea- son on the way to 17 points to lead the Orange Coast C.01- lege men' OOW?tbalJ team lo an 80·68 MEN GWC occ GWC occ Orange Ernplre C.Onference vic- tory over visiting Golden West Wednesday night The Pirates. 14·7, 3-2 In the OEC held the Rustlm off after the latter cul the gap to 59-56 wtth 7:49 to play. Sophomore guard Stephon Seales ecored rwo of his 18 points. an ln the fmaJ hall. to ttem the tide at 61 ·56 on the oat pouess1on. The Rustlers stayed dOIO at 65 61 With 4:31 left. but Guey put tbf! game away ~th h.la ftnal three polnter on the ensuing pc 1nssk>n and the ie.ct P'W from there. Girty llolltwd with l 7 poln ..... MrOI\ ~ (20), t.anfer ....... (12) and s.lel epear· 68 80 headed the offen!>e. BobiJc added eight re- bounds, ix assists and five steals and a stand out effort. •Orange Coast's wome n had the verdict locked early as Nancy Hatsush i nettt.'<i 1 I poin!S and a career- high 10 assists to pace the C.oasters. who Im- proved to 20-3, 5-0 in the OEC: Leading. 9-5, after 5:30, the Bucs h eld lhe Ru tiers scoreless aver the next nine niinutes as Hatsushi led the Pi- rates to a 17-0 run. The Bucs then used a 15-4 spurt that consumed the next 4:43 to go up. 41 ·9. Undsey Galasso broke ou t or recent shooting slump and hit 5 of8 from three-point range, con - necting on four tra.lght attempts ln the first half, to lead the Pi· rates with 17 points as they ex- 1ended their winning treak to 15 games. Lauren Murray added 10 pints and ft\'e rebounds as every Coast player saw the court. A,,bley knten posted l l poln~ and Io rebOunu to lead th Rw.· tlen, who fell to 9· 101 O·S. Orange Cout hadJ south to M.is&k>n Viejo on ~ for a crtidaJ ~ce doublehetittt lllllnat Seddlebeck. The men tip •at 5:30 p.m., and the woUlcn follow at 7~ p.rn. UCI Continued from B 1 1 c1vt'd ~CV rontnbuuons from c.ophomore forward c,reg Et.lung· ton and 1un1or guard Aras Ba\· latt-.ka.!. to lead 10 the win over the Vandals lJCI true freshman Milce Hevberha 1~ also capable of sconng n1ough he has gone <,eorele<,,c, in the past three games. he -.cored 54 in the pn.'Vious five I It' played only three minutes in each of lasr Wl.>elc's wins over Utah ~tatt' and Idaho fJght different players have led UCI in scoring over the 14 games thjs -;ea.son. Harris has led the HONORS UCI's Anton Co-Big West Athlete of the Week ANTEATER AQUA11C5 COM· Pl.EX -Freshman Anto n Slo- bow10v has been named Big West C.0-AthJete of the ~le for his performance at tie UCLA Diving lnvitadonnls. Slobounov came in third place In th three-meter competition with 427.85 point$ and fourth in th one-me ter competition with 530.35 points. The Anteaters will face Cal ate Northridge on tutday ot 1 p.m. at the Anteater Aquati Complex. The Antt'ater smiors will be honottd prior to the m t with thl beh'c I borne m t of the ym.r. The Anteatera will host the PreMo ~at women\ teem and the UC SM 06eao men's t on ~·tp.m. Above . Costa Mesa's Steve Correa boots the ball past m1d-f1eld into scoring posrt1on Left, Coach Eugene Day returns to the sidelines for Costa Mesa after controversial suspension. PHOT s B· oo~. lE.A·.t1 DAU PtlOl warn in '>O>ring in four ~amt''>. 111cludmg two of the la<,t thrt.'t' In addJuon. redshin frc><.hnMn point ~ard Jeff Glogl'r ha' ht.'t'n a com1c,ten1 fem.I.' on defenc,c and h<l!> pm"ided the proper tt>mpo whtle ~11dmg tlw offen...e \int e CJoger tool m·cr .i.c, <;tarting po1111 guard rhe Anteater. are 10 2. and 6-0 at the Bren fvent~ Center Gloger remains third In steals 111 the nation He average<; 3.4.J 'teal"> per wime "(Pumt guard) \o\><l.'> the mam replacement for u~ with Jerry gone, -Douglass 'ia!d ·Jeff tS a different ball-player. I le is more defensive oriented. I le i'> in more in the role of a point guard." .. Mesa drops narrow decision to Santa Ana in coach 's first game since being suspended by Costa Mesa High Dec. 6. SANTA ANA -The return of Eugene Day to the soccer field wasn't enough to help the Costa Mel><t High Mustang\' boys soccer team win i~ first game of the se~n Wedn~ay. Mesa (0-14-1, 0-7-0 in the (,olden West League) fell to hoM Santa Ana, 1-0, on a goal by Rene Candelas in the 20th minute off a free Icicle of about 25 yards. The Sam~ win spotlt'd Day~ re tum 10 the ~idelin~ foUoWlllg a 40-day hiatus Costa Mesa High officials reluctantly c;u)pendt'<i the wach Dec. 6 for 40 days for violating Cl t-ruJe 24 2411 , wh.Jl)l Mates: "No member of a school's athleuc '>laff \hall "orgarw..e. spon ~or or coach a soccer team ou~1de the ">eaMln of wccer. dur mg the school year. m which '>tuqem., wi1h remammg elJgibLI· 11y al that school are paruc1patmg." Day 1s the father of ~ruor 5haron Day and fre.,hman las· nun Day, who are both on the \tu.slangc, wrl'> ...occer ted1ll. Ille '>ISterc, have been members of the (,old C.oa.c,t bctreme ~teer Oub. coached by their father "It w~ OK:· said Day of his return Wedn~ay "We need to do c,pme more passing. We weren't getung !the baJIJ to the open player 75% of the time.· Sweeper Benjamin Elia.o; held 5anta Ana 10 IU':ll one goal with c,trong defense and Willml'r I lemande; made <>even ..ave:. in goal .. Individually I can see wme growth,"' <Mild Day when .i..Xed 1f he\ noticed any changes in the learn dunng ht'> absence. "It come'> down 10; playing 1ogether and we don't undef">land that pan yet. We -,hould win a few game., by the end of the -.ea'>on. There's defiru1ely a lot of 1aJent." Co<;ta Me...a ho!>!!> Sadd.Jebatk t-nday at j pm Corona del Mar rout University. 5-0 IRVlNI -The Corona del \far l11gh boy., '>oner team '>tayed perfect in the Paufit < oa ... t League trounung hr>'>t Un1ver'>1ty, 5·0, Wednec,dav 10 extend It'> winning streal 10 four game'>. Co.ich Pat Callaghan\ \ea Kmg .. (10-4 l :IO O in lc:ague1 had goal" from 1umor ... )emu Thayer Danny Whualcer, Julien ( erutll and Dominic Rubino. as well as c,ophomore A1av \ahm Sophomore Brandon Barrett con1nbuted two a<;c,1w, for the winners, who as .. umed a 2 0 halfume lead then pourt."d 1t un in the finaJ 40 mmutec, "We played a real good St'cond half: "3Jd C .allaghan who wanred IO !>mgle ou1 hi., top defender<, for 1he1r c,terhng pt."r formance. ·Blake Dillion and Shane Colhn'>. both center dt'fender-., did a great job getting us w1tled and JU'>t really c,eemed 10 be the two guys who kept things going,·· < .illaghan '>aid .. And they've been doing 11 aJI sea<,on." l.roahe Phil Stemler had three save<, to rerord the '>hutou1. including a diving slop of a half-vollev d1ret ted JU\t 1nc,1de one goalpoM. Callaghan said. ( allaghan also credited the midfield play of I hayer par 11cularly his defense. 1 he ~a Kmg'> -..1sit Calvary Olapel Friddy. before com plctmg the fir..1 round of league play aga1mt fello~ PC I 11tle contender :--:orthwood, Jan 29 at Cd\t Tars . Haw~ deadlock in Sea Vie"" duel Nl\VPORl BEACH -The Newport I !arbor I hgh bo)°' '>occer team took a lead into the second haJf \\edne .. da1. night against Sea Vie\<\ League vi~itor Laguna Hille,, but ~d~ forced to settle for a 1-1 ue Junior Joel Walker put the hosts on top \'\-1th the lone Nt>W ron goaJ. but the Haw~ found the net after llllt'mll'iMOn 'l.:ewpon dominated play. but could not capture the vie tory. The '>ailors return to league acuon I nday. when the) v1.,i1 Woodbridge a1 Alton Park. Gloger and I food will have their hands full against Pacific's '>teady backcoun led by 5-foot -10 ..emor guard Oemetnus Jaclc!.on. who I"> averaging 14.9 pmnt.s per )(ame Miah r>a1.1s (9.9 ppg). a 6-0 guard. aJ~ figures la~el) on the defensive side. C<ldch Bob Thoma.sons Tigers al-.o feature 6-9 freshman for· ward Omsuan Mara.Ker. who av- erages I .l.2 polf,llS per game and has been named Big West Player of the Week twice this season. Pa· cific opened Rig West play with three straight home wins. but lost twice on the road last week. The Tigers are 7-1 at the Spanos Cen· ter tht!> -.ea'>On and .2Y· i m the butldmg over the pa.'>1 three liea ..on'>. Paofic lead., the ..ene-.. 28 27 but the Anteaters have won fivt> of the past seven ml'l'tln~ The teams spht last ..ea.'>On. with UC:I ~inrung 62-58 at the Rren Center and the Tigers clamung a 73-61 victory at Stockton • fhey have quickness al the guard po 1oon. • Douglass scud of the rigers. "Maraker IS an up and-com.mg 6 9 forward m lbe league. They also play e:xceDent defense. We know they're gomg 10 come ou t 6ery on thetr home Ooor and ready to make a state ment." BABY BACKS ... AND LOTS OF OTHER GOOD STUFF! SUPglg&.8YfD~IW.. Plett~ 0 l&d8t Off~ PakJ lPHrt i>cb?•n I tkJtJr 9ock ltllL llO'd CNdlll\. IOIAllcno Hal~ and51ad ..... , ... ~~ llad .... rrdX7 CCl""Plod n Honlf 11"'9 All _...,... 111*1 __, Party~ Pig Pak Hog Pak 59:~ 4~i '------------------........ ---.-...-----·~ ........ ~--~----'·--.----.-....__-............. ---~__.~...__.--..-:...~------""----... ---...-.::..--...;;; ...... --... ........ _.... ....... _ -------- ~Thl.rsday, January 23, 2003 S P O R TS DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT td .1es.1 High standout Danny Krikorian is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. DANNY :.int1nued fr om BI I lhl l' 'tJh fl'H 'JJ lOn<,l,tllll ~ 11 11 Im tum. fueled b~ atcurncv ,•h111J tht• thrt·e-point lint Ile ... fl"'ll'd more than hall ol 1 ,, .!'I I po111h lrorn l>t'vond lhe .tt' dr.unmg 'l.! thn·e pointer. "ft I UI ,tttl'lllJ>h (:i8'',,). ·1ag111g lh.h point' pl't ~ .111w lw" 11rt·d J < Jrl'Cr-h1Wl 111 ludmg "" 11111·1• prnntt•r., in l mlay\ -)~ lt•aj.,'lll' \\Ill owr viMtmg \\,,rr1111Nt•r I le .. hared ~wm· I ugh honor. with 14 ind IJI! I l lu-. .. at ITO'>-'>I0\\11 nval I .,1,1m 1.1 1 lw I >atlv Pilot Athlete ul the '.t'l'l hJd h"<f' 1.he Mu.,tang'> m .. , 11nng 111 I :I of th err fir'> I I 8 ,.,,111w,, \\hilt• al'>o dveragi.ng lour n l'<•lllld'> 1 lt•ading into \' l'dm">dJ~., g•une al Santa Ana, I w v. "' )IJ of()() from the I ·1•-thn"' hrw 18..1.3%). "I It· hac, playt'd real solid," "•'f\t'll '"1id "I le'!. kind of like a 111.11:h on tlw court and it's t">pt't 1aJly big Lo have somel:)()dy h~e lum when you'n.• ,LaJting two tn-,hmt·n and a :.ophomore. He ha.' gullen ht.•tter every year and "" 1111rnber, have gone up every \l'af ')er\.t.'11 lx-g.in emphasizing 'nmng v.llh ht!> three-year starter 1m1m·diately dfter la!>t c..e~n. in DANNY KRIKORIAN Born: Nov. 17, 1984 Hometown: Costa Mesa Height: 6-foot· 1 Wefght 170 Sport Basketball ros: Guard Coach: Bo b Serven Favorite food: Lasagna Favorite movie: •oumb and Dumber• lest athMtic momeit: "Winning the CPacffic Coast League boys basietbatl) tltJe my sophomore year (the first and only ln the prognms •12 varsity~.• High school Athrete of the Week I~ He scored a cweer-hlgh '1:1 ·ms. including six ~en. rn!. Golden We5t League win over Westminster Friday, aft~ sharing game-h!Qh honon with 14 points ~&tancla Jan. 15 Dally Pb . Coll«tof sports ard ~ie 03-S which Krikorian Wd!> the tllirc.J option behind seruors David Conte and Oiad VakjlJ. And while Krikorian •~ happy to promote the intere-.1., of thl:' team. he said 1t has been a !>truggle to bafance taking more shots with ~ pas.s-6.f"il mental11y. "(Serveo) I!> constantly reminding me I need to '>hoot the ball," Krikonan said. WI know I'm expected to !>Core, rebound and be the leader. I thjnJc I'm starung to get more comfonable in that role. But I still Wd.llt to look for the best .,hot for our team, whether I'm the one '>he>otmg or BRIEFLY not" 1~ w1lh mollt shooters. his comfort level varies when it comes to rhythm WFor some reason, there are games you feel bener than other:.," he said. "I remember a game m the i.ummer when I had 11 three-pointer!> against a team from Alaska. I was happy to hit 6 of9 (three-pointers) against Westminster, because I wu!> a little upset about my <;hooting agamst Estanaa (2 for 12 fro m threedom). I felt like if I had hit another couple of i.hot!., the outcome (a 40-35 Lagles' wm) may have been differen1 I went home that rught and 'ihot outside on my tourt fur a couple hours. I felt good tha1 I w ell) able 10 gel back on t.rack (agami.t WC'>tmanster). • Krikorian's track toward coUegt> mcludes ba!.ketball and he is upumjstic: ..tbout opportunities to play at Chapman Univer.ity, as weU the lJ.~. Merchant Marine Academy in Kin~ Point, N.Y. He "did he may also anempt to walJc on at UC.. Santa Barbara or UC San Diego. But until then. those who live near Krikorian can expect to hear uw farruliar thwdck of a ba!>ketbaJI bouncing on ravcment And. if they listen real do!>ely, perhapc; even the swish produced by ~ pure penmeter 1umper. Hood Big West Co-player of the Week • C Ol.LEC,F MEN'S HOOPS: lJC lnim.• -.eruor ·lilt llood <;hared H1g We'>l C..onforenct:' Player of 1111' \\1•t•k honor'> ahl'r ledding the Anteater-. men\ 1111 l lhJll tt.'.1111 tu a pair of wins la...i week.. Hood, .i h foot·4 ).,'\Jard whu :.hared the weekly ,.,~rd \\1th IH \ant,1 Barbara\ Rr.indumn hillove, 1111 • .111 ull h;tlance 'l •mp 'hot m the lane> at the 11111/t'r llJ ddl.11 lltah ">tale in 1.r.ertime. 75 71, Jan. , I I•· 111·11111 ... o.,('a..,on high with 17 point,, ranmng t n11 ••I 1h111 p<lllllt·r.. Jnd going 1 lor-4 lrom tht• t It \\J'i llit· wu 1nd ">tfJtgh1 game-wmnl'r for I '"'"l. '' h1, 1111 tlw i,:u .ihead hurkt•l 1n a win at IJC '\ 1 J1 . 11111 11 • < Ol 1 Hi!~ Ml-.N'S HOOP~: UC. lrvmc\ Ara' 1~.1~L1 11,~d~ 1 1t1111or J_ruard 1111 the Anteawr ... ml'n., loa..k~ lhitll tCJlll. fl'l.l'l\l'd J $1.(J()() Wil.lll for gradu '" -,tudll'. 1111111 tht• \oullwrn c .1hforn1.1 ~port' 11111 It.It d'>tl'I '\ ~.1 ~.111'~·'" \\IH1 h,,, aln·adv t•.1rnt•d 111' bach 1· '"-; d1·> 11 ,.111ph1,_,.,ophy,1'> ,1 gr.1duate '>tudent tn h1h1rtt">'> dtlr111111 ir 11Hm .tt llC I I fl 1' tn hrc, lounh • tr \\I h th• \1111•.111·1 pr11~:r.1111 alt1 •r 1<·d">htrt111i.: 111 I •• I • I 1(1(1 l ~tanna High hrirls <,occer team 13-6 4, 2-3-1 in the Gulden We'>t 1.eagtwl 10 a 1 I win over Orange in league play I ue<tday Paula Arona made four ..aves and Arwyn Knott addt.'d one \lop in go.ti for tlw vtclonoui. l:.agles. • FROSH-SOPH GIRLS WATER POLO: Newport I !arbor I !Jgh\ froi.h i.oph girl'> wa1er polo team re- majned umlefeated v.11h a 17 -I ';ea View League \iCtol) \\ed1w'>Clay afternoon aga1n<1t the Vl<;tung lrviM Vaquero'> ll1c ~or. (I 0-0. 2 0 in h•ague1 were led by J~ Wornhle'<. four goah and three player; that tallied three goaJc, l'ach including. lA!ah Hobcruon, Cali Mandt·nno and Kendal Nelson '1,el.,on made <,even '><!Yeo., in goal d.nd Eli7.abeth l.dyton addt.'d three ... 1opo., in the cage fo r the Sail- or'>. • llELP WANTED: ( orona dcl Mar MiddJe <x·hool ,., '>t•elung a <,t•vc·nth and eighth-grade soc- cer t oarh. C)ualttit:"d applicant'> '>hould contact 1\Lhli·t11 C 1111rd111ator I .1111.i Mayb<'rry at (949) 515- h<H I • H1'1H ~ .llOOI GIRi.\ SOU :t-.R; two gnah •DEEP SEA: 1 11rt1 ~lar111a t\hdul ,dong ~1lh o,m.:k '>l'Oft''> from Iod.1y ... rnunl!>: Newport LandJng -I boat, 21 l1 s • ( .irroll .111t1 HJ<hd \k\.1.t,tt•r. !>pum·d tht· anglt"r,. 41 ,,md bao.,,, I05 '>Clllpin. P ELICAN HILL O AK C R!:.E K \ • I I 1 I I II ENJOY s PPC IAL GOLF PRI VILEG ES ON 54 To M F Azro-DEs 10 NED Hous The Players C lub Privileges: ' I • Pelican HiD Goff Ooh Oak Creek Goff OW • I : •Weekday Grttn Ftt. S t3S (M-Th) ·Weekday Creen Fu-S69 (M,Fn) ! :-iundhd Ra1r '111(M Th) Soncbrd !Ucl" ~CM 1\) : • Wttkend Grttn Fee-s150 (Fri-un) • Weebnd Gtten Fee-S99 (Sat-Sun) I "14nd.ird R.att "lSO (f r1 Sun) ncS.J R,,1, tm (1-n.Sw\) Additional Beocftts •OM Cunt at Tht' filayrn Oub R.att • 'l~ Off Coif Shop M«~tit'• • l~ Off ~ Ballt • Spetal Proft!CKtofU -1 fvt11u Initiation Fee $500 ~..:.---~--f---------- ~OUTH SPORTS Double th~ goals • AYSO 97 SOCXJm: The Newport boys under-J.4 Gold All-Sw soccer team from A'/SO Region 97 secured a 4-3 victory over the South Irvine Ferins Saturday on two goals each from Sergio Rodrtgua and Nick Normandin. Rodriguez scored once off a throw· in from Dillon Gledt and then on an assist (rom Sebastian Crtvello. Rodriguez also assisted on one of Normandin's two goals. Goalkeeper Tummy Olaon made double-wgit saves llnd received help from defenders Sean Manhall, JeTemy Lewis, Brandon Parole and Phil Garrett. Preston Davey played strong at both ends of the 6eld as Andrew ICaban, Ben Swift and Tobin Olson controlled the midfield. Rex Nebon and David Garrett rounded out the offense for Newport, who lost its second game. l -0 to the Sou~~ Beza. ln boys -Silver All-Star action: •Newport 4, South 1rvtne 1 The Newport boys under-12 Silver-All Sta.rs scored three unanswered goals to triumph over South l.rvine. Jacbon Carmack scored rwo goals and left forward SJmon Hedrick and Scotty Pantoskey each tallied one goal In the win. Carmack got Newport up. I ·O, with a goal following pasc,es by Bobby OIMst and Pantoskey. South 1.rvine tied the score on a penaJty kick in the first half. Pressure by forwards Justin Cemato and Cory Qell·Wheelans helped to overcome l.rvine' defense in the final quarter. · Midfield play by Cameron Conway. Justin McLaren, John ~r and Jordan Mclaren created numerous scoring chance!>. J.P. Muller. DanJel Netzer and Nathan Dickey combined to thwart South Irvine advanct.~ Hyder and I ledrick corralled shots in goal. In girls under-IO Gold AIJ-Sta.r pla)" • Newport I, Costa Mesa I Newport'i. Blakeley Plcenec found the left .. 1de of the net off a pass from Lauren Grupe to lie Costa Mesa. of AYSO Region 120, with two minutes remaining and l'hat is lhe way it o;tayed. Newport. of Region 97, received st.rang goalkeeping from Hannah Macl..eod and Callea Eisenberg while Gwen Gaytord, Sadye Busby and Beth Barnard led the defense Tori Sarris, Natalie Swift. Amy Kanotz and Mary Yeager each worked hard at midfield and forward to create ~oring chances. Tustin beat Newport, 4-0, earlier in the day. Gyulay paces the Gold with four goah •AYSO REGION 97: The Newport Beach boy' u nder-10 Gold All-Star team from AYSO Region 97 goes into the next weekend of play undefeated and ranked No. 1. Colton Gyulay !>Cored four goab in wms over Costa Mesa (2-1) and Tusun (4-0). He scored two goals in the win agajnst Costa Mesa. Stevie MUler, Timmy Root, OuistJan Ochoa and Ivan Becerra each had close :.hots on goaJ with John Barton, Scott RJdgeway and Misha Pakva.sa providing midfield protection Taylor WUdman, D~ Diller and Sean Regan helped goalkeeper Logan Neweu wi th defense and Gyulay again scored in the fourth quarter Gyulay agai n scored in the fi.r:.t two minutes against Tustin and Barton added a goal in the second period. Gyulay scored on a breakaway and Miller added another goal 1n the fourth quarter against TuMrn. Goalkeeper Logan Newett made eight save'> 111 earnmg the shutout. Phil Miller and Tom GyuJay coach the team 1ha1 won lls first game agaim1 CdM 1-0. hefo~ beating Yorba Linda. 7-1. A hutout party fo r CdM gold girls • YOUTH SOCCER: The Corona del Mar E,rirl'> under-12 Gold All -Sta.r soccer team contmued its undefeated season with three shutouh. CdM won its first three games over Tustin (4·0), Newport {3-0) and Yorba Linda 13-0). MJcheUe Zucker, Renee Mycom and Amy Youngman all played in goal and are versatile at other positions. Abby Carrier, Lauren Belove, Olesea Giger and Kaytee Padilla exhibited tenacious defense and Laura Kopel Jed an offe nse that scored 10 unanswered goals. F & F tie and win in All-Star action • AYSO REGION 12&. The Fast & Furious girls under-12 all star soccer team from AYSO Region 120 defeated North lrvine. l ·O, and then tied Tustin, 1-1, In games Saturday. ln the North Irvine game. Karen Villalba scored her first goal of the season on passes from halfback Cory Patelald and rorwij!d Daisy Martinez. Fullbacks Cori Olapln, Teresa Po~ and Alo Payzant provided strong defense. ln the second game, Fast & Furious fell behind, J ·O. before halfback Kendra Plsher fed the ball to Martinez, who round the back of the net. Forward Carlee Toppan and haltback Abby Scheaffer both played well. Staunch defense not quite enough • YOtrlll SOCCER: Both North Irvine and South Irvine boys under· 12 soccer teams defeated the Newport Beach Gold All-Stars, 1-0. in games played Saturday. Hayden Navarro and nm Barela each played strong ln goal and Jeff Newman, Jusdn Faber made some weU-timed back tackJes with Tom e.dum beating Irvine players to the ball. ICJ'e Bwm. Grady Kough. Joel Beconte and Bric HoOancl ancho~ the midfield. Newp~rt'e forwaJd Une of Sean Thompson, Jay Ordaz and Adrian Rodr11Ue2: penetrated trvine's goal area. aut.tian Scott tole the ball often with 8-ton Gaedt a.nd Denk Boler ea.ch makt.ng some ltt'Ong def eoslvt t.actl CdM boy under-12 team goes 2-0 • AYSO llEGrON 67: Led by c.u.clen Nkboleo.,.. {ow goall ln a 4· I come-from·behlnd victory ewer Cotta Mesa. the COrona def Mar boya under-I 2 toee:M all· wa frOm AYSO ~ 57 ~ IWO toumamtnt games last weekend. CdM defeated South Irvine, 2·0, in the first game on goals by John Doering and Connor Bannan. Assists came from Bannan and Nicholson. • With the two wins, CdM took sole possession of first place. Steady defense was provided by goalkeeper Kendall Pick. fullbacks James Cunningham, Mat Cohen and M.Uce McKeona along with sweepers Wes Baker, Bannan and stopper Bunk Hooper. CdM 's midfielders Hunter Adler, Ori Tabak, Cory Donovan a nd Tommy Bangert all controlled their positions. Head coach Rick Nlcbolton said the win over Costa Mesa was the team's best game of the season. CdM Blues Clues play blank-out • YOUTH SOCCER: The Corona del Mar Blue., Oue!>. a girl'> under l 2 Silver AIJ -Sta.r soccer team. deft..-ated South Irvine, 3-0, and Costa Mesa, l ·O, improving lo 4-0 on the season. CdM had three goals from Oa.lre Schm.Jdt againc;t lm ne and one from Megan Otterbein to defeat previously-unbeaten Costa Mesa. 1 he defeme wa-. led by goalkeeper McKenna Caskey and defenders LeUa Pozln, Taytor Rhodes, Layne J(eUey. AJexa Cohen and RyUe Levasseur. , I lelp on offense came fr9m Klmberty CondJno. Kelsey Davis, Valerie Avila, Rebecca Beyer. Kathryn ~oner and Amanda Johnson. Final spring signups Saturday • PONY MSEBALL: Representattvei. from Co.,ta Me<,a l'ony Ha.,eball will hold a fina.I spring re~1..,trat1on \a1urd.iy from CJ to 11 am al the Loo.,1<1 Me"a I ll~h gym I he Porn D1w.lon 1s for playns ages I I 14 Reg1..,trat1on tfJ'>I'> S 1 l O per player. Team., from Newport I larhor and C..orona del Mar Pony pla} in the '>dmc rnnfercnce . t or mort' 1nforma11 on call 1714) 1 18-3482 Hornets in 68-58 victory over Bulb • YOUTll HOOPS: The Hornet~ improved to fi-0 in the> .. ea!>on with a 68 58 wi n over the Bull' m a \iewpon·Mt:''>a National Jumor Basket)'>all seventh and eighth grade boy'> Division 1 gam" fhey were led on offen:.e by Olue Plnesett (I 'I poin ts. eight rebounds and one ~teal) and Eric Rask (18 point•., four rebounds, three assists and four steal'i). Thomas OlaJynas ( 14 pmnts, !>LX rebounds. two a'isists and one steal), J.P. Gormly (six points. five reboundi. and one assist) also rnntributed offensively. Defenc;1ve help wa'> provtded by Timothy Regan (one a<,'>iSl), Kevtn Ruk ('even point'>. two rebound' and 1wo ~s1sts) and Andy Rovzar (four point'>, lwo rebound'>. three cl5sists and two <>teat..1 Lacros!)e team on the horizon • CWe LACROSSE: CoJch Mall Bond 1s s1an111g a boy'> high sc hool aged lacrosse team In Corona del Mar Boy'> agec, 9 12 M'l' welcome tu tryout for the team and l c1n con tau Bond al ylmbond(aJearthJin~.net or Angela Gratzrnger at geandl'~cox.net or ('1491 464-0716. fhe <,ea'>tm will run from Ma.rch I 0 to May J 7 with pract1ct10, beginning Feb. I. Ow re a.re currently 20 lacrosse teams compmed ol high 'l hool aged players in Oran~r County and more than a quarter of a mi111on compete tn lac ros'>e aero~ the Unt ted "tale' Newport best~ Laguna Hill s. 5-2 • ewe ROLLER HOCKEY: Three third period goab broke a 2-2 tie and catapulted the Newport I !arbor roller hockey team to a 5-2 vi ctory over Laguna I liUi. at the Gretzky Ice Center in Irvine Monday Kevin Wong, AJn CrouM and Collln Insley each found the net in the third period. Vincent Mungo added two assists m the peri od to go with two more 1n the first quarter when Newport built a 2-0 lead. Cory Adler took the puck on a breakaway and slipped It into the corner of the net and Kyle Matthews-folJowed with a hard shot for a goal. Calvin Anderson, Olue Kelly and Praton Kelly denied Laguna Hills any scoring until Michael McVe rry sent a direct shot past Newport goalie FJJJot Thacker. Adam Brown tied the score from the point. Olsserl y puts up four in Newport win • FROSH-SOPH ROU..ER HOCKEY: Four goals from Grant Cuattty led the way for the Newport Harbor frosh-soph roller hockey team as it defeated Mater Oei, 9· 1, for Its ninth victory in as many games.. Newport remains ln first place with the win. Rory Ce.mpbeU chipped In with two goals and rwo assists while Kyte Pfeiffer dished five assists. Rhett Palmer collected one goal and three assists. Newport's defense held Mater Del to just ix shots on goal. Sailors swamp University. 17-1 • GlRlS FR.OSH-SOPH WATER POLO: Newport I !arbor I Ugh's &osh-soph glrt.s water polo team remained undefeated with a 17·1 Sea . View League vtctory Wednesday agalnat visiting J.rv1ne. Tbt Sailors (10~0, 2-0 In leaguo) were led by ,._.Womb.In four goals and three playen that tallied three goa.1& each lncluding, l.-b ~ Od,t Mandettno and Jt..w 11111-. • Nellon made MVi n &aves in goal and EltuNtb layton added three stopt 1n the cqe (or the Sailon. • N wport'• Junior vanity team defeated UnJvctiity, 12·3, Saturday. Sc:ort.na laden for Newpon included 9111111 llifi r.-(three goalt) wltb S... llltltt and "*' • 1'liJlor a.ch coOecl1nc two..,... for thi ~ _ .............. ~-----.- m er to ... ~. . .... .. . . SPORTS r11ur~v. JlnJ.dfY 23, 2003 e GOLF E UESTRIAN SCHEDULE ConUnued from B 1 new lease on life came last year as 11 rookie on the senior circuit. the m1d· l980s, wrote a highly suc:ces.Uul book c:alled "A Fee1 for the Game,• which reached No. 25 on the New York Tunes bat·aeller list In 2001. He has been appointed to the President's Commission On White House Fellowships by President George W BUSb. Th:keta ~ available at Roger Dunn Golf Shope in Orange Qnmty, or l7,' cail1ng the tournament at (949) 660-1001. ¥kek·long grounds badp!I to the Tush.Iba are $50 and eeason clubhouse badges (good for access to the tournament and the clubhouse) are $100. Schroeder sparkles TODAY laeketb1tl Coll~e men UCI at Un1v111111y o f thu Pacific, s JS p m "It's funny, as a golf er, at least In my case. you start out on the! tour and you're totally ooe-dlmeosional. N Creru.haw '>.11d during last year's Toshiba St-ruor Classic. "You just st.an tournament golf and }'UU .:o ;1..<, for and hard as you can to try to make adjusunents and experiment wit.h thing:.. lhl'rC! .ut• lria1s and tribulation~. thl'rc an· lost tournaments and occru.umdl wins ... then between thl' ai.:r ol 42 and 50, you ju.st ~tart wondering whal you'l"t' go111g II> do with the rest of your hit· " ThJ.s is one speaking engagemeni you won~ want to Olil>'>. ... Fans who purchase single-day tickets for the 2003 Toshlba Senior <Jas..,ic between now and 1oumament week will save SS off .1dmis.sion-gate price& Advance purchru.e "good-any-one-day" lickct.s for the event are once agam $15-a S"i dJo,count off rt'glJJar tournament-gate pnc:~ of $20 ~ atways have one of the ~~on the Olampiom Tout• tournament director Jeff Purser srud. ·0ne of the R!aSOm is Orange County golf fans see what a value it l.S to pay $15 to walCh players like Hale llwin. Tum Watson. Oli Oli Rodrigue'L. 1bm Klte and Pur~ Zoeller.· ••• The To&hiba Senior Classic's Web site has a new design. 'fake a look at 1uuw.truhibasenwrclassu:.rom. Cd.M junior captures overall championship. Corona del Mar High junior Anne Schroeder was awarded the overall championship of the Pacific Coast Horse Shows Association's work.Ing hunter A ilivislon <ages 14· I 7) at the re· cent awards dinner in San Francisco. Schroeder and her horse. Ra- fik.i, accurnuJated points at 2002 equestrian shows in Indio, Del Mar, Hunungton Beach and San Juan Capistrano. She began riding m 1997 and began competing stx month~ later. She and Rafiki began their wi nning way<, by da1mmg !>ev eraJ t:ha111p1omh1p'> at the Orange County llo r'e ')ho~., A~!>Ociation. Schroeder a.l!>o compete-. for CdM in the lntcr'>l·hola'>ll< Equestrian 1.eagul'. !>he tram!> a t Windsong Farm. · llu-. i..' thl' ..econd '>lraighl ye.i.r a rider fmm Wmd'>Ong kum 11<1-, won the 1~acifk C .oa.\t as.socaat1Un\ worhng hunter A di\/l'>lon 14 17 u Ue. 01e 2001 dldll1p101\ \VcL<, \\hit ney Hoy. alo,c, ..i -,tudent J t C,&.1 Coll~e women Un1ver11ty ol tt.. P11<:1flc tt UCI. I p m High echool g1111 Coron• del Mer 11 Calvery Chapel. 7 p m , Santa An• 1t Coate Mesa. 7 p m NewPor1 Herbor at Woodbridge 7 p m Wreetling High 5ct\ool Costci M esd 111 Sa nti Anet 6 " m Laguna Hills 81 Newport HerllOr 6 pm Northwood dnd Cdlv11ry Ch11pel 111 Corona d e l M11 6 p m Soccer Ht!Jh school girl~ Corcm& dsl Ma• .it C11lvdry.0111p<1I 31§ pm Newpart Harbor a1 Woodbndg11 ~ p m Siinta An.i 81 Costa Mt"•" ) p m Tenn It Crenshaw, who fought w11m1n~ battles against Gravt.".'> dN'cL-.t' 111 Collegt. women SacramPnlO S1111ti 111 UC lrv11•1• 1 JO[) rn ISC 12611 llOlKl Of PfTJOOll TO AOlllSTB lSTATt Of: DOMll UWIS IOtlDltJ WIMO.A21712J l o •II hetn ben't u .. t.e'l. u e:dtlOt"i 'n 1 1tn1ent credtluf\ ·""J pe1son~ who m.tv ••~ f t WIU b f!' U\ft!'f t!'\l"d Ill tllt wttl or ulatr • < l>Olh of DONAi 0 I f WI\ BOURDIEU A PE flTION FOk Pl<lt BA f[ hn be rn ltl•d by RCJ81 Rl 80UROll U m Ille Supr.1101 Cnw I of Celtlornl~ Counlv "' ORAfojC:[ !HE PE 1 TION f Of< PROB A Tl 1rqu._1 11101 R08rRT 80UROICU '" •ppo111led .t• Pt'""" •I tfpte\Pnt•l•v,. tn tJ m1nt'\lt!t ltlf" f'\t.tt,. •I llltdl'U!dt"ll! THC PHlllUN 1 •Qu 1 ..tulhcM'tly tu .,drThfll t r tM t\1.tlr und•< lh• lndeprnd•nl Adn111• t1.tl111n •>I I l•I~ A • (Thi\ Auth011ly will d ll"w Ille penon.tl 1tpr•'~" tohvt lo la~e no.;ny .u tuJni without ohtJ 111 1na COUf t ~"~)f O'W AI titfor~ t•tung r ,.,f•itt ""'Y 1mport•nt Ill t1uu., t'Mlwf'vtr. tht' c:w t \11n ti 1tp1oenl•l1ve ""'I "" TS Ho O!Sl ~ ~ • 131'367 Ni*:e al Tu :.u s. 'l'tal ... fl O!taA ...a. i 0.0 al T 1\111 Dalei:I I '2&'200' 1.-ss ylal la! lid!a' ll lllClllCl 'fOI~ lrr~lJ" ldd II I piillc Ye f yQ.o reed.,~ al L"e "*' al .. ~ .... ~ ylal sllOIAd~t a laily. A Pl.tilr: ILCtOI ll Ml "' ,..,. bdller b' ~ • *""'' °** ~ by • t* OI .-N Ori.. a Cl-* chllll1 Oy a sia " ~ crtdf ~ OI i d'4IO. lnW' Oy a SIU OI ledlwol ~ " .., lllOO*" ~""5 ~.Ol~biW'll ...., " secaOll s ·02 al h FtwW ca If'(! Uoll~ IO do bl.dress fl hS ~ W" bl Nici Oy hi oJy ~°' MM lll ""°"" t>9ow d _. tq'I.. *· ltld """"' CXlt'IWJytld 10 If'(! f10W -ea Oy "' 111.e* " !'le N/f~fl omalleO ptqielly "4IJ roO plll.lril ID a oelld 10 ~ Ol!llCltlell *"' ~ $ale be ,..... bJ ~ coven¥f or ~~or ,.,,...,, ~ -paaessic:r. OI e'OJ'Varc:a ID PIY ,_ l9TllfWl9 ~ llUTI ol h rW(Sl MO.nd ~ ~ OMS o1 TM:. Wiii tterel rid i. ctwves N10n as plUVldeO Ill fWl nolel,SI act¥ftes. ll'der h ltm\$ d Ile 0.0 ol l lldl. itte ~ r.rean. -~ ..., tJl**S ol flt ~ b' Ile ldll annn (M r. _,.... d h nM ~olhnota ol .. , llaSCJNtlly ~ ll be .. lorll i.,. n. NOTICE Of TRUS. T£FS SALE TS No 02· 11731 Doc 10 I00019300792005H nae °"* No. 017028375 lnw1- 10fllnsurw No 001930079 APN No 425-452-15 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED Of TRUST. DATED 03rl7!2002. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SAl.E. If YOU NEED AH EXPt.ANA-TlOH Of THE HATIJRE Of THE PROCEEDING A<WNST YOU, YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A LAWYER.• Nola It ~ gtwn th.II CTC :-' =:-= ""'* punUlnt to "" Deed of TNlt ~ l:lf ~HEATIO D. WAT· ~ AH UNMARRIED ~Ind~ C«dld 04IOM)'.2, • ....,...,.,. No. toalOll7"1, In 8ootl . P9 , of OfftoW ... cardll '" .. ofb of .. ~of ~-~·'= on 01 • t.OOPM, AT THE NORTH FAOHT a.- TRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURT· HOUll 1'10 avlC <%~ DRIVE WEST1 IAHf A ANA. CA • P'MO .~ to .. ,...........,.taeh or oMdl • dll9Cttbld .... , ........ Intuit .. ... ii• -.. ligtl4, .................. ._IDmdnowlllld .,, ....... o.ic1 ~r"'~ ............. .., ....... "' .. ........... dDillt of TMl,.. ...... .._ ...... _,,,,,. ............ ...,. qfl ........ .......... , .. flCM9t ITMST, cmrA mM, CA; .... ,.. ...... -,..... .. ......... -hi ·--" 2640 Legal Notices •~11u111 ti I ,.,.,. 11<1lote '1100 The lime 101 hllnw "' '''''''" ll·d fH''''"''» ddtrT1\ w1tl nnt f·-pup uult ''· fttty h.J.,.t w,uvP1I h .. t°'"' fou1 ntunth' h um "tttl•,. •I 1111 ,.n1f'rt to th,.. h,..uu·~ '1Aft1 oot1, rd th IH ,,,.,( .. ,t u ''"" .ttJov' r1.. 1111t•P•ll•h "' •d YUIJ M,."I I llAMJN[ lhe "' n 1' ''" 1 t ''''"'"'I '•It'. 1ii .-r11 ht lht-'vurl It w l•t-tr r-.r .. ,1 11111+ ·.~ fOtJ Jrt 1 pt;t ;.,on m .-u 11lt-ttt\tr11 1 r1 un l~rt ~C ... d 111 ttit t)f.•t.-: t,f.-\ ''' t ,et I ttll I tin 1u~ m.ty 1,1... #•lh ttu 1 ... t1tu111 '"'' '\h .,. K f n11 t t H.-qur \t tor .tJt ti1rlt tti• wtt ;pt.tAI N,h<e(humllf '\h t11U IHJI , I .-If t u r •,.4, of It. t1l1n1 of Art tuU1ur 1t1 n'trrttof f nn\1 "PJI' .dll\.;I A tt( ARl~l, 1 1 Ito I ul ~ t ''" t \1 h 1t 1JI 1Jrf1l1v1t "''' t;1 r1 I 1n any ,.-. fttt•.11f '" Ati ouul I I ht<llill"' 1 l •(l( '' .\< ,,. .. .,llerl "' l'rol)al~ I ill 1 11 "' 11•111 l / l I t.oor '"t 1.nn 1?'10 A I 11 ~I• I •I 111 q,. Loly llf'rluHI lur Speu•I 011v.. •' 1IH1 t 11 Miii:• ( ~ f'o4uln f" fnrffl 1• ~Y;Hl thl~ '*!"'·''~ froft1 lh•· tour t t. h·r" ti Ytl 1 111 ti C I '" "" Altorney for Petitioner: ~· t 't'"l': I It" I" t1I • •• Kath I e • n Hf n t • n ; u I•• 111 ·~·11• H 1t ttlr Brooten h• '"'I • I I ,,.,. I " low om... of ICCJ1h 11t IP r r ' r.1 .. wr ,, .. ,. teen H1nt0fll·lrooteft •I Jt• 11 1 .,,, '' 11, .. uu,• 5020 Compu' Dt • l •I t • lt • t • ,,.,,,, " "' New port leach. CA ti I r~t •U t ff .t'( It ,, 0 2660 l't"' I w •• 11 f ulil f1 N,...ir'-1ur I I 1t Ill. t•f t ,,,;,t f 11 f•11 li11 t,f'rt P·ll.i lllU\I tilt J'llUI l.t!f t w1H1 tt, lotirl tflll 111.ul ~,,.~~gse<cr.~ 1;;1f t; ~ T•§>"V H01tW I Hr.er. a !T41"«1 '"J-iS H~~• tt f' r 1 Mt l (J.uly l'1l•1t l tfllfltf'( ~. ,.., l \ 'l••l IMJ/14 Stat..ttf Abcr.cl. .. 11 of Use of fl<fitlM IN!ess ,._ I ti,. 111 fuw111~ ,t .. l \H'I t t .. b trHf Hl .. IJ fh,_ If' .. f thr-t t t1l 1111 H 1•1 I ~ '". A, fhl Tt11n• ·h•"' H ltufl~ • I\ t.. / ltJ ~ J ,,. , h ... , ~ul~ 1r~, Oi ·n~· A tf.l'J.., lt•P-I It lit 011 lh ~ tr "IS~\t!C*•'tl~~ {Uy Hrfl~ fjl>f•tfrd to ~'' •" CO'>"" titC! Tr.a~ Pre""_, ... \; 1ij ... 1 ,,, 01 .01.:• :JeliiJ1 ~ r.: I ""'' y '" CH fl I tl 'llCOIO!!:l I '3"i'200I as r .1 r NCJ 1t•11"'1'18 I 4'i h3•bAf . r11H\un I .. ~'111"«\t No 20010057363 n w 1 l•t. h•r "'"" 1 o• DOOi! PilOt (j °"1efa Aeall05 Or ln~• I A 'ii~'> I' fie~ r:J hi Aea>tdlJ Ci Amdll'1d I , '"" //', W 0r~ Ccu1cy c~ '•~1· ,,. , .,.,,.. 11J', Oalf Ci S. I '»2003 at Or •nrr CA '1ll l!t> •ooo NA~ o1 ~ 1r rit Th1 ~·•\•O•" ., ~ rj fl!' '~ ~ ~ 11 l>tJ by A ~·IO•I I ~ "" area IO Ile r "' ••• ·.h '' ~CIYIC~«01~·1 fl "'"' 1,,,, ... ., I P-,. 1k ltn1t1•I #t\ f ~;rl ~V! Plac8lra ltl• d ''"" Ill• l:nunly CA Ar'o.ri r:J .rc>m ~t r-~ t Or~"~' I uunh .-4 rlNI ~ .,r 17 lo Ol 1€9' ~5' ~ St'ee! 200U926lS6 AOlrtsl 01 ~ COIT"l'VI U"ly f'•lht t.u I If deSqliiWl rJ IS ~ 'I lO '001 11>111'~1 , 1 s..c r~ New!>Ot' flditiM IWntu Bat CA 92$60 AP N 9J6. Neat S!GtlllWll 4&039 The ~ r r.J,\~ <l5Ct.ilTa r, •.a 'lfV "' II"/ ff'COl!\1Crl85I rJ Ille Slttd adl>'ess ()I (Ille( ~ OWl'JH¥' ~ ~ lh:lw'l ~ I ro ~Ill' .anss '1 ~ ~ ~,, S/'IOll'I 0 \Q<71S IO ~ kuicr' ol fie lll ~ r.-41 tie ceur.i o., wdngi ... 1~10h Derl(."~ wt1r1 I 0 CllV' Ci N•olMsi ~m 111 ~e rJ S. Dale m.y 06 2003 P'elem!d ~~lrc3920 Bi'tll 511!11 Su•@ 102 Newpot1 8-t; ~ fh,. fotl•tww.· p• ''"".., df .. t1C1Hl¥ lJlhl'\f"\' .t•, Aro1 M1 lo•• I J 40 Pn111~rll1.t l ' "" 11•1 M,., CA ~lf1lS Art'• ' 1"'l1f":11 •• I "., ... , Ot '"'" (tH(U ' 1 .. 1 M . rA 97'>/'> hu\ t•11,n1t-'\ ~ l. m Ju~ trd b1 .-r H1\S1y1Ju.-I HAVt y11u _, •• , •• t d:>m;; t1U\•"" ytl'" Y1 \ 4 1 I 'lll6 Ann C nwrtfllon ltu' \tJtf"'m'""' '#1111~ l1if'd with lh1 t.ounlv Clerk •11 Or 1ni:1 !.uunty on 1 14 01 20036929'60 ~ IM~7&-7086 ~ U•oly Potol l•n lh l VOMI kit S. lllfOllNtOll 30 f ~b b 100 I l~Cl8t1 CaJ 7!f 57).1966 PIM195 ', I 16 01 '23'200) legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces 2640 legal Notices ~---------S tttt..t .t FktltiM.._ .. ....,"""" 11me s......., fldltiM llalMss -lhe lolklwuiR per\on Ila\ •bandoned 1rn-u'e ut lh~ I 1cllt1ou\ Bu\1 n r' \ Na "' e CC & 1.ompanv Oe\1an• 1601 ll~1•de•r hrr1ce t;., run• del M.ar CA 92625 Tht f 1Cl1l1ous Bu•mes• nAmt! 1eler1ed to •buve w l lit•d 1n 01 •nae lounly on 041 I J 98 f lL£ NO 19'l867S>429 r.u..il• S Skoro. 1601 Bayader~ letract, Cu r Olld Oel Mar. CA 9262!> Cuurlney r.tul 26:U r,,~tv'""' Nr wp1HI fl•~th C:A 9266J I hi~ bu\lne\s " ton d1H lr d by Cu i••' IO'!r,. C .tlOI~ S S~or o fll1\ -.Lalf!ment w•,. li••d w•lh lh~ County ( l~r~ ol Or •nR~ County <•• 01 II 03 20036930 I IS •• 1lv 1'1101 J.tn I J IU f •b b I l, /OCH Tlt l04 Fldlttaus w..u MGlleS!llt-.t l hr tollnwing pPr,on' ar' clmnR bu~'""~' I\ A 1 ll•t rr unk Show 8 1 A Jrunk Show 1767 llr An~· A•• Su•I• H 101 '''I• Me\• ~-A 'ilfi.'/ H • t.,., 1 I 1 Jl\on I /&/ flrJr·~~ Avt •8 107 (,o\ld M~~· CA mu "1'1• l)lJ'\tOt'~.\ I'\ lOO 11 l~d by •n rnd1vtdu1t ti••• you \lllltd doon~ hu\1n.-• yel > Y"s 9 I U) B•llidr.1 lrulson Th• ,1.1ement wa~ lol~•I "''h lht County • l•rk ul Or~nge Counlv '" 17 10 Ol 20026t2US7 "''' t'olo>t Jdn 9 II, ll 11 lOOJ lh07<J fldi!Mn INieu Mmes........ I lo~ f<, low•n~ pel\On\ ,., ,. do•"& bu\1nt» •s. '.IH I nl'<l•rnm•nl 107 t R•ndolf Co\13 Mu.t I A\}i.'f>/b fl•rrrlt '1~1du\CO ~ I 1 >n~ Lanvon Rd S•nt• f<-"• CA 9!>404 L•lh~rone Ve• du~cu. ,~XJ rrane C Jnynn Rd , 1111• Ro\• CA 9':!404 f fll~ bU\lll@-,'\ I\ f On '"" 1 .. t t•y ~u\b•nd nd w1f; tt tV,. j •I ,f,tff,.d •°'11lt0~ t•w t .,.,. 1r.t1 Nt lJa,,Pll V,.tdU' f1 ( lthennP l/~rdu~< o ft\1' ''•l ... meont Wt\~ llll'd ... 111 lh~ r .. unty Cit!~ •JI Or•n&t County vn 12 I J 01 20026926772 O•oty P1tot 1311 CJ 16. l3 JO 200J Th0/8 fiditMus w.ss Mmes...., lht lo1tow1n11 per5ons .,,., do1n1 bu\tne's u Computer P artners I '>2 J1 Sp11naddle St llunt1n1t11n Beach CA 9?649 O•nny f dw•id Ph1lhps I !>237 Sp11n1d1le SI Huntonclrtn Be .. eh. CA 9~9 Cynlhoo K Pholl1p~ 15231 S1111nad•le St llunt•nrlon But h CA 97649 lh1s bus1nns ts con dueled by husband •nd wtle Have you nMled Doing bu.,nu\ yet> Yu Dec 1991 Cynllloa K Phtllop\ 1111\ \\ltemenl wa s l1l1"d with th,. County <;,.,,. ol On nat County on I 14 03 20036929S97 O~·lv Polol J•n I & 23 Ill f I b 6 .!003 Th097 RdftlM a.i.ss ..... s ...... I ht lollowlng persons d•~ d<tona bu\ln~u n Nat1on1I Red1t Group, 18410 W.ard Street I .. unl •tn V1ll~y CA 'JJ/08 lite Smith Cuode Inc II Ai 18 4 10 W •rd Sh•rl I ounl•on ll•lley (;A'J7/08 I ht\ bustnt" " con 1111 l~<I by .a t.irpur.ahon H•vt yuu \IM led dolnt bu·.111~\\ yel >Ho rho Smith Guide Inc Jame• I Sm1lh Prn1 ll•nt lht• ~hlemenl was l•l~d wolh lhe County Cl~'' ol Orance County on 01 17/03 20016930120 011ly 1'1101 J10 71 JO I tb 6 11 ?003 lh l08 Nnll(t " he<eby &"'en tt,at the unde.'5.11ned wtll be snld al publt<. AU{. ttOO un Jin 30 2003 Sl••V•"I SchOlar·s Minr Stor•ll' 1957 Newport Alvd Cn• I J Mt MI C• 9'1611 l':M9) 631 3379 •?0 18 C h 11s t1n e Wur1h1m llouuhold 1hm 1\ •'6 Tr e n t T•yl or. Household tl'ms I J ndlotd rewrv~' lilt 1 t&hl to bod al u le Cu h only Sall" 1s \ub1ec I to c•n< •II.a hon tn th«' event ''' '~lllemenl between l.andlord and ooh11ted ll••ty Sl~ivlfll ~hnldl , M1n1 .Sic•• llQt Publ"hr d Newp ort But'1 Co1ta Mua Daily Polol l•nu1r y 16. 2J i.'OtH TH098 Fldf""5 ..... "-*-" The lollowma persons lhe follow1n1 pel\an' are dome busmen n Munroe & Ano<talt\ Attorn~y\ al l •w 4 1'> l edrool l n l a1un1 Bealll CA 926SI Pat11c1a Munroe Cwm ens 4 l'i Led101t l n La1uo• Be•ch. CA 926!> l Thts bu"ness .. run dueled by 1n unmtor p orated H \Ot••l•on othe1 than a p•rlne1U.1p Hive you started d<>tnt bu~ineu yet? Ye~ 111 I 02 Pah 1c1a Munrut r1~ mens '"" \lalent~nt wu hied with lhe Cuunly Cle1k of Or a nae < ounly on I 14 03 2003'929S7S D•1ly Pilot Ja n lb 11 JO f eb 6 .?001 JhOCJl RdltiM~ ..... Stattllllilf fhr lollow1n2 ll•• son'. .,~ do•ne bu•.in,, •• , "' or Slim Secre1' .llS lrd !.l1 u l Suote H Hur lonatrJn 8 f'•Lh l ,. 9;>~ I 1\.t ko;ie<'. n& I '>I~ Slre~I •4 Hunl•nRI"" Be•ch CA 92648 This bu~ltlt"\\ ·~ tun dull•d by "' 1ndt•1duol H.tvr you ''••l•d dotnl' busrnes\ veP No • l t\• Rog~r lhi< 'latemenl Wd'. l1led wolh the Cvunt t Cl~rk ,,1 Or.rote f'.ounty <in 12 10 02 20026926218 Oa1ly Ptl'll lao 'l 16 7l :iCl 7003 lhOXt fht!' tullv•1n., P"'~o·•!t ~trt diJtng bu'!t. 'llf''!!•· '"" A / C.111\loptd •m 8 G1lhl"ll•• 104k •I I ""*"~ A-.e Nt Np11tl B•~t h (A 'JLWJ Thr lullow1na pt r \lln\ ( .,n1 •d l "" M<1t •d•; "'' doona busmo~ d\ I Z& P•r• Cre\I l n New 011ltr T1·cl>notu11"' Nr wp•H 1 C•Ja~I t A 18011 filth A•~ Irvine, q;>6'>1 Ca 9?614 !ho< bu•onr\'. '" ton l dn2t01 d Drlanu Mfn d1i< trd by An md.,•du 11 llf'!o.. 2398 [Idell •8 Havt Y"u Id• IPd don•~ Coslll M"'" Cd 'JlbZl bu\lnes\ yet> N 1 [hi\ bu\ln•\\ 1' LOn Lon• dd l Ut\ Md< ~d" dueled by an ondm dual I !hrs \lalemenl w•• Han yt>U \la1ted dc>1n loled woth thr C<oo.nly bu~1nts\ ytt> No Clerk ol Onnge C.o>unty t .-n1tln1<1 Df'l•nn MP" "" I 14 03 lln 20016929599 lhos \l1lemenl w.a\ D•tly Prlol J,in lb lJ hied woth th• Lounly j() r eb 6 2001 lhlJY.4 Cletk ol Ou n11t (;(lunly on I ? ?&10? 2002H27US Daily 1'1101 Jan Z J lO Feb 6. IJ. 200J lh l 11 Fidtt.'5 INIHs ... s..-e 1 he lollow1n1 P•• .on\ are dotnC bu\ln~s\ •S Jolie ~h1\on 90!> ( Avalon Ave S•nla A11a CA 92106 Bllan Boult~r 90'> ( Awaloo Ave S•nU Ma CA 92706 flits bU\IM\\ IS ton du<:led by a11 1nt11vtdu•I Have ytJu ''••t•d do•nc bU'!M 'lS yet> Nn 811•n 80111te1 lh1s \t1lemftnl WI\ fried w1lh the Cuunly Cle1k ol 01•n1e County onOl 17 03 200H930122 011ly Pilot Jen ?3 JO Ft>• 6 13.1003 lhlO/ AdflM...-.U ... s..... lhe follow1na pe1\ons ar ~ do1n1 businu' n ABC Dulle! 41/0 £ Bluew1te1 CH An•h~rm H1Us, CA 92807 Robert le~ Nel\on 4370 £ Bluew•lrr Ctr Anaheim Hilk CA 9?807 1111\ busmeu " u>n ducted by •n 1nd1v1d ual Have you s t" ted di.line busmen 1et> Nu The lollowma p<-r "''" ,lf,. domg btn,mp~_.c. A'\ Pd1fll L<1<d1. ?I Wood •w111llow l'"' "lt\11 \lrr1" C.A 9lf>S6 Sl'~n M Con.,•lly ll Wo.>d\wallow ldn~ Ar,.,., \lor JU CA 926!.b Th" bu'\t0e!ts. • '-t1f1 duclfd by ~" md1vtdu•l Have you st•• l~d d'l•~V busonf'ss y•I' No Sr.n M Cunntlly Thi\ sta trmcnt •• lilf'd with lhr Counly (;tMk ol Oraoa• Cnuntv on 01 13 ·03 20016929502 Oa1ly Pilot l•n I b II lO f eb 6 l00.3 T hll9CJ Thf' folfowm1 P"' 'o''' .,,. dcJln& bU\JMP~\, A\ A 1 R•Wor~~ Ptu\ II I !\ld1Pd~ 311 Son B••n I .i~una "•eu~I CA <J'lf.7' O r on" Anl h o•v Plo>,.den )8 So" B·•" L •1uno1 N1au1:I CA 92671 Thos bus1nr\S •\ con dulled br •n m.S••1du•I Havt you stir led <10111~ busones' yel' N" O t "nt\ AnlllPll Y Plowd~n legal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces ----Adltiws lvWss hllS""-11 11 .. loollowong r,.,. . tU,. dt11ov buo,inP"' ,.. L.t<ltflJ l •i•I Mrdu" f)I A10·.tin1 lrvtr1.. r• '17614 I r "'~ (, H I• b I Al" ·11110 ,.,,,_ l A9i'f)14 ... lf.tV, , I~ t,. f u'J''', btntn,. •..• 'I ' ~ c1 .. ,1ii, ,,, Uf tClll~ .. t11u11tv KitlhyNdAltl ~ un (JI I.lb 03 lh1• 1 ''""" t 200369 286SO ''" I " II r t• t • 0,,111 JJ1fnt l.tfl h l ~ It,,. • ,f 111 .,. ... f i() l~t· f, »oti 1111r111 I 4 11 flditlM .... " Mmes.... lh,. tn 1 .. ..,11•i Pt-r n'!i. Ut 1 •f•( bt,'-•f'f' .. ~ t• It ..tn1 « .. P •• Jo.4 11R 18A~ f I •f.t [)r H1tl.i-.1 I uuJ.• CA 'J?ljgf, H.111 'I ' .... w .. 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Tl1il<lfl 20036929 57 I IJlt•lv Pilot I• 1 JU I •I• Ii ,'C~I r~· ·• lh,, fntln••f'I,· s t't~nrt\ Jf• d fl i. l1tt\1f r\ JS,. CrlOnl1"r fud•Y I M• iJt hh "h '*"" C" A 'Jib Ill l1r"nott1y G.uv ""'( ... h.,,, I! l "' \fw md .\h\ v •J c A -.1b')fi fh1~ bu•,,,,.,... cu" ,j,H trd by '" tnd•vtttual H.fYr! vuu \ldf .... , d«Jtfl~ b11c.1,lfl>!I.\ yfl'f l N11 l 1tnothv ll.tr y Ku,,'• t>u1 1 f hi~ ~fAf~nu•11f w 1• l1le t with, tht· l ot1r1h r ....... ut Ot '"~'" ( IJ\H!lV •n I 09 OJ 2003'•2•134 f hi\ b•J\flt .. \ l'!Ut frd hv ill UHh\'1thMI •• l/ ... l'r,lJ I fAI hf(t t1lll'1\ t1U!..f"~' 't'f*'' .,.., 4 Ii Cm•f Ito , J 1ul .... I '• unt lh• fnllQwmi prt \lln\ ;11e: dam& hu111nP\., 4\ l\~C1 01\t11bul•'" ltiO'.JO Shnh SI I nunU 1n 'l•lley f A 9170ft Th~ lull.>Wlllll peown\ •r• 11<nne bu\10<'\I 4\ Sludoo 48b 41141 Old Nf'•P"' I Rlvd N•wpn<I 8• i < h CA 9166 l I l'..tp Corp<><•hon 1C AI JO'> Hrd St N~wporl Bu di CA 92663 '"' do1n1 business u . I\ I On D\10 8 ) On CO. 1!>?37 Spttnld.tle St Hun11n11on e .. c h CA 91649 Cynth•• K Ph1lhps 15237 Spfinadale St . Hunltn)ltoo Beach. CA 97649 Ro•erl lee Nel\on This st1temtnt wn hied w1tl'I thr Cnunly Cletll of Ot ange County 00 12/17/02 2002600927097 Thi\ ~t•t~m~nl w 1· Med w•th th~ County Cle1k ol Or •natr Cnunty 00 0 1 11 03 20036930133 0 •1ly Pilot Ian /3 JO Oo Y '"'°' .an lh 7' f r b 6 ll 2003 lhl06 .lO frb 6 'OOJ TllOI!/ fh \ '\1Ah·ntc11t ,,,,.d 'f/lti tt tt'it (Jf'r .. ,f Ur'"'•"' '"OJ It 20036930 1 11~ D•·lr r •• f plJ & I I ;·ic • J( hl(IJ K.ay lllen C1uu' h 160!>0 Shash SI f .. unt•on \lallry CA 97108 I hf\ bU\IOft\\ " t(llf dulled by ·'" onll1V1d11•I ttave you \larltd l1111nc bU\lnn' yet? Nn K•1 E lien Crouch Hus \l•lem~nl wo\ hh!d wotlt tilt t:nunty Ct~•• of 0.•nat Cc•unly "" l 14 01 2003H2ts9S D11ly Pilot J•n I& lJ lO F tb 6 2003 T1'1088 Thrs busmen 1s lOn duded by • corpou loon !lave vou sla1 led dome l>U\tO•\\ yet> Ye\ 1 I!> CJ9 l Cap Corpo,.hon LAu l • Cappelldl1 P11>\1dnet '"" sblemenl wn hied w<lh Ill~ Cnuntv Cl•rk of Ou nee County on I 14103 2003H2'S7' D•tly P1kll l•n 16 13 lO r rb 6 2003 llt09'l I h1, bu1tn1tU 11 con- <1uc led by •n tndlvklual H1v• you sla£ted dotn& bu\tnen yet? Yn. Dec. 2 1998 Cindy PMltps lhl\ st•tement was 111 .. d w1lh the County Cleik ol Ou n1e County on lt t 4/03 200JH2Ht6 Oatly 1'1lot .I.In 16 23 JO r e b & 1003 fh096 Om1ge County Tu~ SALU 1372 NOTICE OF PUIUC AUCTIOH ON FEBRUARY 6, 2001 Daily Pilot Ian 16 2J JO. Feb 6 2003 Thl02 SELL your stuff through classified! OF TAX DEFAULTED PROP£RTY FOR DEUNQU£NT TAXES .. On f!rt1w 22. 2!!Q1 I Jahn MW ~a..,. Ccu1ly t-To-Oollldar. _.._ID oorGd I,..-... ..._ MSIOn ... "' .. 9ollll ol s.c--s cl CJrwol Ccu11y. c.tb'* Thi ........ ~ .... ---........ . r .. Qiled:w'I Pww o1Siiirid,_.,_..IPCfllll'lldbl1111 lly NIGMIUI _.~it amz al .. Cl-. CNllJ Ian ·~ Thi 1t111 .... mnMald1110-00 &111 Oii f*l«l S, DD It 10 Clii4' 0.-............ al .............. bl! $.-~ CA• 1 Pldt lldllft ID .. ""'*'--lllf Clllfl Ill MiM fVWY d .. u.I ............ ,.,.. ltlr llOC •'*',._till•"-.,,...,... •no111111 ... ,..,..,.,_.,..., ..... ~~- STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • Legal Notices Flc1i1ious IMns "-S..... ' H WI 11 t .. I f I ot&t"'1tl 't 1•:1 !1111; ... ,,,. ( . ' ?003~9101 11 7003692'399 . . ~ ,,, t I .. , .. , It, '. .. •• I ' 2003&930118 ,1., I r11 "' 111•, ., ,, ' ... I I I< Sell your unwanted items the easy wayl Place o Classified ad today! (949) 642-5678 !Hlndll1...-npiD~ID....._~.._. ""~.,...,.... .. -Oii ---....... ZSllZ It·~, .... cbt .......... """"'!IOI ,.....,.. .. betdll ll1~•nal-"8~ol,..........MMl•IDIW.._of ...... llllllllla.-• p!IOllD .............. Tht Lt:tJl Drpmmmt 111 tht D111~ Pilot iJ pltastd to 11mwuntt 11 ntW smitt MW ttvlli/abft IQ l'ttW fnuinnstS . ... ~ndl.jllltllld .... •tlahdil~AMIMll'll ...... Oaalt~4'7a.-. .. fVlllO .. I IMl!I • .. OOUt1iY b tiff_ .--II tOfll ..... Ela9 procsedtft .. _..f// ....... llllf ii_ fl .. lent.,. cmil al ....... ""*" .... "°"' ...... ,... .............. ., .... ,_,....111 .... -,.._._.hnl .. .. ,... ....... OOllllCI .. Ta.Cdlldlr It t2 c.c:... ..... -..;.a. ........ Clil (1\4) ~ lllf- ~ ..-. .. ,_.. a.dtOll PMCI\ NI EW lfll9111'\MA110et TN__.• ..... ~ ~ ................................ fie,,,._..,.._._ .. _,,.., .. ~ .... ,,...., ..... } .......... ~ ................. A,.. ...... -. ..... ..... ~...,_._ ...... -..n~--.,-· ........................ n.__.._ ....... ._.. ........... ,.. .............. ~-.e.---.Ollcllm UCJtiDC:..,_-.. 1~i191i1Mf.M Tlw~N• ...... alliltdela• ..... ltl~°"""'~-----·- 1.Ql;&lDl = --=-.,.,_aadilllii ,_......., ..... ,...,.,~ ............... ... ttl ..... ....... o..pc..r,___•~ ,..... •O.,..Clmitllt.• 0........ "·-,.... .......... a.. ............ . .. ,,.. .... Wt will now SF.ARCH tht """"for you Ill no am rhtuft, 11rul J4vt J01I. tht timt 41111 tht trip to tht Cmm Howt in Sanlll Ana. Thml of courst, ll{ttr tht StArrh is amrpltttJ r« will fill Jn' fictitiaus busi'!'Jl Ntmt st4tmlnlt M.ti.th tht CA¥111J am. PMhlish ontt I wttk for favr rums m "'f"irtd"' '4uJ 11111 thnt fiJt rr P""f ef ~n with tht UutJ CJM. Plust 1#1 ., ,, jilt Jn' fiaitjltu hsilttJS 1111tmt111 .s tht D.u~ Pilot. 130 &] St. Gnu Ma.. If"" (11flfOI Mp"" plwt uJJ ia" (949) 641411 I aJ. R wiJJ""" ~for"" tD h4"'1t this procrJMtt ., rl4il. If J'M MU htnJt "J farthtr ~ru. p"4st all ia aJ" uiill be mm ~ """ csist,,.. (MJ will J'SI llttll ~ ' Pilot .• -How to Place A __ Deadlines--f Policy t Rates and deadlines are subject to ~ change without notice. The publisher I reserves the right to censor, reclassify, ; revise or reject any classified VISA • CLASSIFIEIAD -iii] Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 tl'least-meludc your name and phone! number llDd we'll call you bid with 1 prfo~ quote I By Phone (949) 642·5678 Hours By. Mail/In Person: 330 Wes1 Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dally Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertJon. Telephone 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30am-'i:OOpm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5 :00pm ' .. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 ... ,. GARAGE SAU -BUSINESS & FINANCIAL soos-saso 230S·2490 3 bunel plots, 2 are ed1acent P1c1f1c Vtew perferred view meadow r ~wn So Loe. $7850, obo 805 927 8078 Collectibles/ Memorabllla 1160 TOI' $$ 4 IUCC>aOS £TC • .Ila.~ EL 50s & 00s Ill Abe. Spkr. 11.tJe iW1"1'5 • Mike 949 64S 7SOS '. EQUAL HOUSll6 OPPOmmY All rul estate adver- -\1s1na In this newspaper Is subject to the Fedefal F.,, Hous1n11 Act of l 968 as amended which maku 11 1lleaa1 ~o advertise ·any prefer· ence, llm1t at1on or d1sc11m1n1hon besed on l'ltce, color, rellaion. sex. liandlcap, famlh•I status or national or1e1n, or an intention to make any •uch preference, llm1I•· hon or d1scnm1n1t1on • -• This newspaper will • not know1na1y accept J any 1dvert1:utmenl for r real estate which 1s 1n f v1olahon of the law Our 1 readers are hereby I informed that •II dwell· • mes adver t151d 1n this • aewspaper are 1v11lable : on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of dis c11m1nation, call HUD toll- free at I 800 424-8590, _ Audlons 1483 WANTED S ANTIQUES • • Older Style Furnitvre .. Pl.ANOS .. Collectiblei to ·---·-: . .:...~·or~~ • $$ CASH PAID $$ • .,...plll[ltor....,.~ • ~ 22t2k ... 9t. ..... AM.CAt2707 -~L~..>o'* 1489 ANAHCWJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Penonalloans 2490 IMMEDIATE CASHlll US Pension F undine pays cash now for 8 years of your future p ension payments Call 800-586· 1325 for 1 FREE. no· oblle111on 1st1"1ate. www~mm (CM. -scAN) 2 MANYIOU's CONSOLIDATE BILLS from $51< TO $150I< Pllf1iOllal LCW.S _, _.,.. Call now' F n t results! No Fee L1c/R11 Lenders I 877 S23·4136 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous Services 2605 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. 40'\ 80"4 SAVINGS off of most pr~scriptions Guaranteed or 1t is free• C•ll our loll free num· ber. I 800 S45 -6972 (CAL•SCAN) LEGAi. SERVICES Adoption& Fostefcare Services 2650 V......_.,..414 ,,.,,_fkst._ c •• ThSe .. awl 100,IXXl chllchn ., the us wMlrW tor • homl. .., '-!> cider br~ & vstln ~­ Tr--. & f'irWlalll ~ ~ ,.,..,. JAN 21 6:00-7 ~ 50 s. Mllwn BMl 1241. Anlllmn n 4-517 t900 81B-25S-«i43 APPUAHCES 3050 GI Frie, 1lde-.. y-slcle, 26.7cu It, Ilk• new, $250 obo (949) 642 2165 eves LOTS/ACREAGE l.all/Aaage Wanlecl 4740 SO COLORADO LOG cabin with well 40 ac · $89,900 Outstandme Rocky Min views from the deck of this beautrtul loa c 1b1n, close to I ,OOO's of BLM rec. land Enioy runl hv1ne unbe· hevable prices Call RCR toll-free I 866 696-S263 (CAL•SCAN) HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balbla lsJand SO. IAYRtOHT HOMI w/De«.. Owr-Slud lot. ,..~....,,.., t49'"67S-S714 Corona del Mar Ol'IN HOUSI SAT & SUN 1-4 Sl ,H5,000 307 M-i,ou Stunn1n1 Jbr, 2.Sba 1mm1c home I blk from ocn Hand sleeted er an· 1te & marble, antique wind. curved st11rcase, morel 3 car a•r Kathleen McNamee Bkr 949 887 SSS • ltAllTIFUl • Dramatic 59yelns Hill uecut1Ve home. No upense WIS $!>•red Fabulous Ocu n View 4Br Ottered at $1 .695,000 Seller boueht another home. Must Sell Jv~tlelor,lb 949-S76-5S76 • llAllTIAll. • Dramatic 59y1lass Hill uecutrve home No u pense was spared. Fa bulous OcH n Vtew, 4Br Offered at $1,695,000 Seller bouaht another home. Must Sell J...ty•...,,lltr 94t....J76-SS76 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumllurt Ol'IN SAT 1-5 SOT I /2 l'.a-.nle 3br 2ba condo, 3 bib to bch lmm1c 2 Ir newly rnurlac•d decks. New •u<K ut paint/carpet Up· -rraded kite closets, Ip. -.-.-"'-'"-1-s-.1-.-1 -0-,-,,-c• Motrveted Seller. $706I< furniture. stack wastw/ Presented by Sterlln1 RE ~.LR Mt, Oft Mt, bed, Cynthlii Rem 9&Vf>.122D best off• 714-~ A C..-.......,. _... O... & '2 jl:ft ...., """"""-e 4.sBa. ~ Corrc*tiorl ml Slrol ID Bl& Corona mid LoalUlul Pl Offared et $2,950,000 ~ltUPY JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS FAIUlOUS HACH COTlAGISI FilUlOUS NEWPC>al HACH UUSTYU II N•w 2-St«y Sir 2a. .,,,_ ... (176AC U1f5A/11') $150,000. lt_..,elecl21r2a. (U 140XU/XX) $0 ,ooO. Wllfenrlew 21r 2a. w/fWeploc.e (S2005S) $91,000 llASIO LANO c.ut ... .,...,..,._, o.AlaAt ltlysWe v-... (949) 6)S-U.S1 A MANUfACTlO NOMI COMMUNrrY Ol'lN SAT 1-4 New llsttn1 Updated on ereenbell. Jbr 2.!>b• customized $569,000 Ol'IN SUN t 1-2 I Story Villa on 1011 couru, I br Iba frke new. a•ted comm. pool, workout rm, wall. lo B•lboa Is /shops Aat $362,500 r ee 949 632 6489 ONI JOltO ltOAO 4br, 3 Sba + Office Richard Marshel hdwd Ills. upcr•dtsl Stalnleu Sub Zero fna Granite BBq & bar spa W/•alet"flll $1,699,000 Owner/Arent 949 224 0260 •201 949 644-1992 eves A Svperii Cwte. H-e In NeWj)Of'I liaict'rts 4/SBr IS finished wrth custom lu luru throuahout located on 1 corr• lot. Wondwful p .nc! 51Hcase & entry _ S l ,6SO,OOO COASlUNI IULTT 949°759~177 WATaMONT IEJUCED S2o4k ON n£ BAY s;!i!S,IXXl Mal* home, best loc. no '*" ~tor the neat 23 yrs e.i must -. 2!Jr 2ba. .,... t*'!m nwbl! fp, beitlw'mi. IYufl more Ownf'1e~ ._... o...le• 4 doors to the SMld Brlltrt 48< + llk unrt, totally bn'd and ready to eo can Rochelle, qt for this ••elusive kst1111 94~ 720-0236 IAYSHOUS OPIN SAT & SUN 1-4 285 I IAYSHOllf Oil. $1,299,000 AOT. SUI THOMAS 94t-7SS-22t4 , tM I ..... 1972 Ro.lwy C..at C.t" N_. Plac. FRI. SAT, SUH !H Old Colnsl Oold, silver, . ,.._,H-0177 TltHHOUSI SIClUDIO UTillAT AMADNO l'tKI &eT. t4t-7p-•no l'ltlMI HTATIS l'ATtKl TINOll NATIONW1DI USA ~ ctum ~ .... ~-jmwelry, w1tdles. tntlques ,... cdlG. ~ collectibles 949-642·9448 949-H6-t70S www.patrlckteflOft.c.om ' ..._s.-Movtns Sale! 3610 lrvtnl O<IAN .. ONT~ NOT Fe>a THI fAIN1 Of HIAllf AOT.t4t-72s-1120 Friday Sat & super I !uild9y ~ _,,. day. No ~ !Wdl. SIS Pleya, Newport Buc:h. J• E~ Or. to Vista I l&4 Oro to Vista dll PrlldL t '~ must eoJ bn. r =:-i crystal, books and ~ ...... w. CdM Sat J.2. I furniture, apph1ncu , II art, cloltllftt. Too rn&ICll 11 to 115tl No AA*I 2721 5th !a Av:<j\> Golclenfod, CdM. : ....., 1510 . '--~~~~~~ I f..-1 I/It eM< <• I key w/f'ernot• Joell. on : lllsttn Awa., Eut Cost. llitH1. Cl1fm at CM : =:rertmenl ~IDllRU-1111 WHY ,AY MTM.7 n• '"' from S~!.t.,990. ~ ,,._ ~.995. l.n ""' 141.995 ....,, • Mt. lop Q 11ttr 011arenl1ed. ...... _.:ic. UI ,...,_ Ml (CM. •SCM) f -~~~~--~~~~~~- DATA ENTRY GfHt Pey. Fl•••blt ho11ra Hom• Cotnp11t1r 6 Mode'" requwed FrM trlllnlnc. ... dicet Biii.ts Nttwortl l 800 382-4282 ht. 34. (CAI.. •SCAif) .... "-- COSTA MIU 1500sf, ptOf~·· Offi<;e Ol'I E 17th at. Ample parldn" ............. ,. ~Coat Of'IN SAT 1-S s TetT••• A touch of Italy Jbr + bonus IPPfOX 2700+ sf. mart>lt I many custom feltUIH. $1,llS,000 Of'Ut SAT 1·S HACH <OTIAM 1 S V .. V_a .. 117 VIA 190U • 4bt • 4 5ba flbf •Y + bo· 2br 11/• 81 2·c pr, bch n11s room S 1 ,stS,000 • & ten club 35' lot CWIN SAT 1-S By owntr $880,000 obo 24 C1tellln1 949<644·2330 A touch of Italy 4bt ..__. lndt 2.50•, Slrt.s. homl ......... $1,729,000 fAIUl.OUS PUTIMNI .... ms llAOI <OTIAMSI Stefanie Meww rMUl.OUS M!J..715-3156 NIWPOltT llAOI UflSnu II .. I W •l.t9e ....... A Mq•tt• ,._ N-2-Stowy H, 2h (,••t c .. t-"-• w/r.'m .._ ... C..,.. lillil (ITtA< II JA/I P) ::.:... V:W..,. ~ t IS0,000. ._ ..... ..,,...... t1• 1•1t••21r 2h aMnllilll llMTY (Ul44XD/Dl .... ,,...," . ......... - ,...nT&m Wetw ...._ 21t lie PATll<lt T8IOlll w~M=~lh 11 llATICNI ... WU ........ ., .. .... rt'"**'-e..eoM c..ttw..,I' 0 0 .............. CM9' .,,_, 111 AB mv:m ... CSP if ........... 9r/lh up,ow COfMf ..... 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J-• r• •• h t• • 'Ii I "44 0 Ii' 31f' ?8o hcwne, f p "'._, ,11 t .... ••rt• '" .:•·~·t· tw 1l.1t 1it-,u., I 'fJ tJj I ~ ,.,,, .~ t.1 1 I I 1 ' I J~ S.."111 , Newport Ceatt t' 1 ~ It J• I ,, t JOBS WANTED Employmenl Wanted 8200 CPA ~' l•1/Alwu111J11;1 work Very .. pd 1n < nmputtr ,kills & .e t.u e\ IA Oly:I 909-7Q) ff» Employment . 8500 UklVUl~ OWN[ R OP I HAllll<. Uro1caled r ~·"''' "''' ,, t11111t1t•. out .t "'" o-••dnd CA a .. ~ l.ftfif !Hit-£ l l.,.llf'nt "'P' u ,.11 .. n A"" 9S • I 1 • f 1111h I tll tr f ti '.f -f f I I)( l\t • ' '"~I W ..... In.., '-ne ~Ii> 1. J.Jt If ,,, i ~ ., ....+: I Side 2tJr llM o4A u•••~ •tnOS. dl!li. ~ '-J c lou $l l9S 111 • II• ltioddli!salr •I 9"J ~I'> M~ I• i t1 ~ • ~I , 111• ' , S. ""(h SHH.ha · Jilh tir M I ,.....l~ ,·.,arM/ '/',J kilt Olfue/Admln Au lu b UN CJllll ~ 1 IA dlHK hon'll> ... ( Jr}; , •• ~ pr lanl. yd Q.lNft SlfR> • -Yll W ~' Sl 8lw ~ '111 I nw. ... 2.5tw '~ h. .1t1 pr szmn 'l'tv ~. ~ nr 8" k H.1y lw~ J 949 W WIX llr ta. ~ondo .. "''"'' view p vl p•llo '"'I'"'' walll m dowt. Pt'I wd It~ ind Sl21Xltn 949 'l67 l I ti ..... c..n.. a. ,., ... l c 1ar. tol•I rem•·d•I *ch &. lennt\ 1 lub S2800/mo 949 644 '/ I IO J 'U'J ,, M'l 11 <l> ~WWltOMIS •• Jt '""' ·-.. ,, f\ _., , ... ,, t~t ·h ·' ~ ~ .~ '-ffl *~ ;. . Newport Upper Bock l oy 2Sl7 Vlo Motino It!< 'I • I I' 11 I ,1t IJ•, .t1,.. I Y," "1t 1'd ... , II!. t"'\."'M'i ·v ...... w.,, ~ti I N ""j... 1f t tf , (I,_ fMOf l'lill 'JlfJlll t--\IU1 fl" t1 'ii': "• u11v~•t.111n • J1,11 '~ t 1 f "'' "'-'''''f w MN OH ti ti(f V"' 1 ol '" , ~·:•puht «'' c;.u11p11f .. 1 \;,.. • ,, s;••o •• '. 1.1 i-;•·'V'* , .,1 , ,.eu· 1 '" ...,.ll.wliort M. .. ,,.,..,.1 J4'j t,\' 1//1 • l.11 '..i'I 111 UJI~ ,. • .,.,.. '"1'll.4'' l/H, (......, 38t 2Sa '-ne, Ir, Recepllonls1/S1ude11I h.'lliltttd..._ .... 11J11 t.-... Offke .,..:.;lptN,tr it••·' •rttt·t ,...,, • .,,.,."'"'"'.J .,..,. "... 111tt• -d ._..,..,'"'" 111 ,,. • .., $.(/111 n-.,, ... 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Entrap ,, G1UO'tliit<: :i. OICI l&!t1 J7 ~"' 1 ~ tiOlcSa t 'l<Mntle 13 ...,,.. p•l!y ,, .,..'-~ J,lll'Ot1,.N1 1fl f,,., OOt:IUrl 4() T :c4rip...,. '12 v•9e aloflg 24 Like 3 stm, llOot 2!> .,... lUWt l'6 A.tJ fTYJV " ~ • • ')7 8ft&tle -!'I " 2! Gra,.. CllOICH •tN~~{. 4J Oor-.A In<>!. 4~ ~. "tt"4' 29 Oovs 'hlvt II 47~tet'd ~.Auna1 Autom __ ottve_· __ 9004_ AlJTOMOBIL£S. Old•moblt. '99 Auroro MISCEUAHEOUS t9~ m1 '1.1mp•Jl''~ t :tn Ith• ,,. rl C(l '"" wnl• I •• "'"' •'>r!8241 Wanted 9045 S 11 4<f" lor ~ .. '" avdl 1:1 » C)4 9 S86 111815 www.ocpat.l.com P or1che '99 loat er r ""' 1lk m '>\li<l whit• t• •v lthr lull I lC I 'lit•'' •'•'° ~~ed nttrl 'mkr hk• nrw v 1 l66'l'· VS 'Hi Bk1 ~9 <;&, 181!1! www .ocpobl.com Rong• Ronr '99 '4 ,0 11£ 2811 mo full ldd •an bl"~ l•n llhr hl•rk p1pm2 buut "''II t•1nd S27 99'> v424?l8 lrn •~•11 Blo.1 949 SI!&-1888 www.ocpabl.cOfft ~ Oper.-1 °"""" ,,.,.., ....... ,...~ """' .... , A W':l"t f .. &JI•_,.. t ti .,.. 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BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES I eOAnsUPS1 MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUI'S A. V A.JLAIU Nt-..,., "'' ~I ~ ~•u"'t 'l f"fo'I,,. ~ 111"" •hoJ111h "4'1 &7' 484 7 SELL your stuff through cla~s1f 1ed ! Concrete , Masonry I Electrical SeMces l rlck l ledo St ... • Tiie Sm .. Jet. h,ertl t.;onuet• Pabo Drrvnuy lh1oi •ll I lo ""}\)Yr\ I •I HandymatV Home Repair 1 -~-UN-l•_ing_TO-lH_l_O_U_M_,_11_1 I ~::!~!v:t/H• I =w mm llMfT 'H ( H-A-N D_Y_M_A H 7)4 968 1881 \~Yftl& 111 llhei fnsuttad Pa.nt,,.......,~ .. l ~Ape PHCISI PlU•l'"G Rrp11n & Atm• •"nt rRH I SflMA 1r We G.i. ~hould l\4nr ll)f'el,.., Strip n&ll t'1! r •t .-11 _,..~ IO thr ~""'t •IBJ:'fi ~~ ~NOT 0 AlAlllRS Caltlorn•• law rt quwes lflat contac ton l_.1n1 l()bs that tot.ti S500 or n><•11 (t..bor °' mal~n~h) be lteen"d by th;i Conltec tors Sl•lt L~nw 8011 d Stile law elso flQl.llf~' that contnctors mdude their lk:enH n11m~1 on all advt!fl!Slf11 You can dlec:k the ltatu, of your 11cennd con t r a c t or a l www cslb ce 1ov or IOO 321 CSUI Unll cenHd contrecton hkln1 1oh thet to lel l•n then SSOO must stete 1n lflelr advwt1Hmtnts lh•I tht1 •r• not hcensd by tht Conlr1cto11 St.le lec.nw 8oatd Q.a • ,,., lu , el W1W4 ,~ec .. , .... .,_ eftk• w ..... ..... 1.....021 "•• •• . A1 1f1ln1 ..... ln-..s Ml::tWt I 811111 I A11nocW Miiia ~n.arn ams vs,41: 9866CJZ ...... A fO Z HANDYMAN l111tall. telace cablnlll~ ~ ltlltil! !)?:s 1104& 7258 Carpel Repalr/1ales o CAU1To CAIPflil- Aepa1u Patchrn1 Install Courteou\ 1ny sin iobs Wholesale! 949 492 0205 CamlM*rSWca r trrpk BRQ Rtl \ l':JYr l •• ill Qo.. k 11,.....,,,..,. I •p lruy 714 !1!17 1'>94 Ser ... ,. R"n11"1rl D""'ld Y-.. (MO«ele I •/r:,g70 'Jil~ b50 llM? & M....wy R,..rdl'nlr•I £1.ctrlcel Service• N•., 8111-k Slone tlkKll lM HrnH•d~I ' R~p '" ' ... lr<•74/448 714 96!> lll74 I \llm•I~ IO Y•~" I 111 New Cetutructlen & R .......... AITr,~ rr r~timAle'S 30 Yea" I P. l#JJ7169 949 631 214 Deslltop Pllbllshlng TIMI 0 GIN YOUtt NOMI IM,aOVIMINT PROJECT? t;all a plumbl'r pa1nlH handyman, or •ny ol the err~• M!IWtcH !Isled httt 1n OUf \etV>ee dlltdOtyl I Hl SC l OCAl SVC PCOf>LE CAN HllP YOU TODAY! 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