HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-24 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotSteel rethinks stance on remodel Planning Commission will review Costa Mesa's design standards. Steel explains his about-fa ce on second-story appeal. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 1-.ASTSIDl:-Earlier this montJ1, Costa Me~ Councilman 01ris Steel said he op· po.,ed a 'iecond-s1ory home remodel on Hroadway becau..,e the expansion wa'> too hig for the area. But at Tue<,day's City Council mceung, he '>aid he was not againM the l>econd- '>tory addition and had no probleml> with the proposal. When ilie vote camt'. he 1oined the iliree oilier council member~ prC'>l'nt lo approve the expansion 4-0. What happened to change hi-; mind and cause the abrupt about -face? ··Maybe Lhrh ha'> -;een the light," joked wlleague Cary Monahan, who h<e> -;up- portcd the home remodel all along. "lee! -.aid hb appeal of Steven Oewan'l> exr<msion, which received unanimous See DEBATE, Paee A4 PARKS New plans for Crystal Cove made Millions of doll ars in improvements for state park are part of proposal by Laguna group that go es agai nst st.ate's vision . Mary A. Castillo Da1lyP1lot CRYSTAL COVE -Two com petin g p)am> that affect ilie future of El Morro Vtl - lage. its mobile home residents and pos- sible improvements to Crystal Cove State Park emerged iliis week. One by the state calls for modest changes to its vision for ilie park. and one backed hy high-profile Laguna Beach leaders would hike me rents at the village and extend leases to homeowners in ex- change for millions of dollars of improve- rnents to Crystal Cove and me creation of affordable housing. The Califo rnia Department of Parks and Recreation cited public input as me rea- son for making its changes to me conver- sion project. The state is subtly changing compo- See COVE, P•a• M .. : • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2003 - ---------~ f H l "S BYKE N P RE PTOW (JAIL t ~ 'T Third-grader Christian Ball tries to pin a nose on a face while playing "Fukuwara1," a Japanese game s1m1lar to "Pm the Tail on the Donkey: East teaches West Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot 0 .,hogat!tu -"1l'"" Year·, -served <!!> me ideal template for sharing Japanel>e cuJture wim second and mird-grade student'> at ~tbluff Elementary School on Thursdav. ilianks to me aid of t\.\o represen.tallve.. from the Japane.,t· ConsuJate in Los Angele'>. During two pre<;entat1on~. con ... ulate representative ... Julian t-Jy and K.vuh110 F.ndo '>howed the '>tudent' me cultural parallel<, between me their counll)' and the United States while h1ghlightmg the 1dio'>yntra'>ie~ within edt h one. !.chool official-, hope to Y.1uen '>tudenl under'>Landmg Jhuu1 l.hff eren t culttJ.rt". "Were 1ry111g 10 develop Jll under-.tanding of d1fTerent culture'>," ..aid Kalhy "m1ili. one of the third-grade teacher... involved. "We dewlor our under<.tanding of u11Terent culture'> when we're young .. When tallong w11h ... 1uden1., from about i w tJ veaf'> old. con'>ulaie offinal•:ha\e found J!'. 1he} have developed the uutn·al h program iliat comparing American trad111on;, to thO'>t' m Japan mtrt•aw., .,tmknt-. under ... tandmg Kazuhiro Endo, a representative of the Japanese Consulate m Los Angeles, reacts to an Eastbluff student's question By sharing mform<1t1un about lapan and its people through '>Uth presentation .... consulate and lhing une of Japan·., mo.,t 1mpunant huhd;1y-. a., a fOl u" hci., allowed mem to tap mto 'ipt'CtJk See EAST. Pace A4 Bird shows at Fairgrounds in jeopardy Avian disease spreading across Southern California may force the elimination of competitions and exhibits, including at the Orange County Fair. On Thursday. me fair board will vote on ilie state's recommendation to cancel any shows and 'exhibits involv- ing poultry or birds for ilie 2003 fair season_ Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -One of me most heartwarming pleasures of me Orange County Fair is the chance to hold a baby chick in your hands. This rare opportunity may be elimi- nated, alongwiili poultry shows. com- petitions and bird exhibits because of Since these events provide a signifl- Exotic Newcastle disease. which is cant educational component for ~tu­ running rampant through Souiliem dents in 4-H and Future Farmers of California. America, officials said mey will ex- All of me chiclcens, quails, ducks plore oilier ways of accommodating and peacoclcs that call me Cairgrowids mese students. home have already been quarantined They will also integrate Newcastle to prevent t;hem from catching m e vi-d.isea~ arid its ramificatiom into me rus. · educational program. "The one mmg abou1 agnculrure ts. 1t 1s all about life. and !>Omet1mes iliere are diseases and sometimes mere are mings we have to do mat don·1 malce for me best educational experience and we have to deal witl1 it, and we'll make that part of our learning for yoWlg people,· said 8eclcy Ba.Uey-Finc:Dey, general man- ager of me fair. Exotic Newcastle first hit Soumem California in October. Gov. Gray Davis See BIRD, Pace M REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Recalling love of a game 72 HOURS ~ A quick guide to the weekend Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntE.a: www.~cma little grainy, and we bad to constandy adjust the antenna to get decent tra.asmi8slon. None of that mattered. Dinner . happened by the way. It WU way past I was 8 years old when I watched my first tennis match. ll was bade home in India The year was 1980. My family -tnY parents, my grandmother, my younger brotl1er and i:nyself -sat in front or a 19-lnch black-and-whJte TY. It was the first week or JUiy and extremely hot•· DE EPA BHARATH bedtime. But we watched meemerbled • for three h<M.n and 57 mJnutea u BJom Borg, the broad..thouldered, ll)d humid. So we didn't want to watch 1V in the li\ling room and crowded our parents' bedroom. which wv-aic conditioned. Th.e picture on that tv was a mild-mannerechupentar from Sweden, and John McEnroe. a young, bot-headed American SMNOIUOCM,hleM REMEa.ERING KING 1 UC Irvine will host ita 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr. symposium, "Prayer, Protest. and Peace - A luder'a Legacy for Today;' today from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The aymposium'a apeatcer witl be Julian Bond, boerd ~lnnan of the NAACP end profeaor of hlttory .t the Univeratty of Virginia. The sympoaium will be hetd In the Humanftiee lnstrucdonet Bulldlng, room 100 ec the ua cempu1. Free. Fof mcH'9 infonMtion, Clift (949) ~7215. A TOUR OF 1lt£ BACK BAY 2 The Upper Newport Bay Night Hike guides . families on an educational trip through the nature preserve from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The fee la $S per person, dliklren younger than 6 hike fort.....Forreservadonaand meeting placa, call (949) 923-2296. SUPER SUNDAY ON 1lt£ l.11($ 3 '"Super Bowf Golf Tournament and Party;" on Super8owt Sunday Includes • round of golf and on-course contest• at Pelican Hill Golf Course. then Tommy Bahama will host • party with big...cnen televlaiont. Open to the pubtlc. but ,....-v.tiona ... reqUlred. Gotf playing epota $400 pet' peraon, ~ cen get In fOr $46. Fot more infom\etion, c:.11 (949) m-sw, ext 211. WEATHER Cloudy, then wincty, thin cte1r. A typcal Winter day, in ottwrwords. SMPlipA2 SPORTS . UC Irvine'• men's bllbdMllt teln'l, ** ..... '"the Big Welt Coctfllifela, M'lll on the roedwltt\~~ of the Univtnlly of tt'9 ...-c. ... ..... A2. Fr'My~ January 24, 2003 .. ~ ON THE PHOTO COURTESY Of THE SHERMAN GARDEN'S RESEARCH LIBRARY Here, the flying bridge and part of the pilot house of the tuna clipper Kingfisher are about to be washed overboard. Before salvage people could pull the Kingfisher out of the surf, the mast and all of the deck house were torn loose and washed ashore. The crash of the Kingfisher By John Blaich Special to the Daily Pilot .,- a n a foggy Sarurday night, Sept. 21. 1938, the heavily laden runa clipper Kingfisher ran aground at 10th Street on the Balboa Peninsula She was returning from a fishing trip in Mexican waters with three tons of froun runa in her hold. The catch was destined for a fish canner at fish harbor on Terminal Island. There was a full moon !harvest moon) that night I was studying in my parent~ upstairs apartment at 1319 E. BaJboa Blvd. The dense fog rolled in over a very shon period. I looked up from my book and could not see across the street. This same dense fog bank must have engulfed the Kingfisher and confused the man at the wheel. Also, I 6.rmJy believe that there is a strong in-shore current between 9th and 12th streets that pulls vessels ashore. There have been several shipwrecks at this location. When there is a shipwreck. the word seems to travel fast. We got the word Sunday morning at about I 0 a.m. and drove up to see the shipwreck. A shipwreck is a sad thing to view. Medium to heavy ground swells were running. The force of the waves hitting the broad side of the Kingfisher was frightening. as the vessel rolled back and forth in the heavy surf. All WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the lnfonnation to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimss.com. l<AYAKfNG/CANOEfNG/SCUBA Beginning ... lulyatdng, rolling dlnics •nd private lessons are offered at Peddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., BalbOa. Kayak and sea Tuna clipper ran aground on Balboa Pe ninsula in a dense fog ready portions of the deck house had been torn off. Parts of the deck house and other Oot.sam were strewn along the beach. Sunday afternoon, the C.oast Guard cutter Hennes WclS anchored off shore from the shipwreck. They were watching the activily, but taking no action. Always the adventuresome young fellow, I put my ocean-going kayak on top of the car, took it to the shipwreck and launched st in the surf. I paddled out to the Hennes. The officer of the deck was sitting in a canvas director's chair facing the shipwreck. After some discussion, I was invited on board and given a tour of the ship. I especially remember the engine room, where all of the copper piping and brass piping was polished to the hilt Late Sw1day afternoon, a tug boat and derrick barge anived from San Pedro. Large anchors were placed off the stem of the derrick barge. A line was sent into the beach. Spectator volunteers on the beach manned this line, and a steel cable from the winch on the derrick barge was pulled ashore by these hearty volunteers. An employee of the salvage company waded or swam out to the bow of the ski rentals also are available. (949) 675-1215. Two-hour lc.ey8k tours b9gln •t 10 •.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The cost is $20 for adults end $15 for children. Kayak rentals and classes also are available. (949) 729-1150. Single kay•k rentals 1$10 per hour) •nd doubles ($15 per hoor) are available at Balboa Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 673-7200. Paddle Power also provides kayak, surf ski and canoe rentals. (949) 67S-1215. Kingfisher. The end of the steel cable was passed out to him. With great difficulty, he hung on for dear life as waves washed over the bow of the Ooundering Kingfisher. Between waves, the man was able to shackle the end of the steel cable to a strong eyebolt that was pan of the ancho1 winch. This task took more than an hour. When the man came ashore. his boM gave him 11 pint bonJe of whiskey, from which he promptly took a long swig to warm him u . The spectators cheered and clapped. The .Kingfisher, as a result of rolling ba• 1c and forth in the surf, became pretty mucl embedded in the sand. They were unablt to pull her off at high tide on Sunday nigl .. I lowever, by digging sand away from the hull at low tide on Monday, they were ab to get her off the beach. That the fish hold was completely seal d off because of refrigeration helped to ket ' . her aOoaL The Kingfisher, with her deer awash, was towed with the derrick bargl· back to San Pedro. 1 believe that the Lhl'f tons of frozen fish were saved and unloaded at the fish cannery at &h harl 1 on Terminal Island. • JOHN 81..AJCH 1s a Corona del Mar residen1 and volun1eer at the Newport Harbor Nautica Museum. About once a month, he writes histories of Interesting boats that graced Newport Harbor. The Uppe1 Newport Br( Ecological "-"• offers Bade Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays from Shellmaker Island, whicti Is off Badt Bay Drive in Newport Beach. (949) 640-6746. TM Uppet N.wport 8-.y Ecological Reserve and Nature Preserve hosts two-hour kayak tours of the Bedt Bay at 10 a.m. every Sunday at the Newport Du nes on Badt Bay Drive. Newport Bead\. $20. Kayaks made available through Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. Cell for reservation&. (800) 585-0747 or (949) 729--1150. DciilyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626. Copyright: No new1 Sean Hiller, Don l.eactl, storlee, llluatretlon1, edl,orlel Kent Treptow matter or advertl1ementa herein ean be reproduced without READERS HOTUNE written perml11lon of copyright (9491642~ owner. VOL 97, NO. 24 Record your comments abOut ~ Dally Pilot or newt tlpe. HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Addr.-CJrc:ui.tlon Newa&:Dton Our edd'"9 11 330 W. Bay St., Cocte The Tlmea Orenge County Publisher Gina Alexender, Lori Anderton, TONY DOOEAO, M .... CA 92627. Office houra ant (800) 252·9141 Editor Peul Saitowltz, Daniel Strlens Monday -Friday, 8:30 e.m. -5 p.m. ~ .. J4JC1t OETIWG, NEWSSTAFf CofNdlcM• Clwlfted (949) 842-5678 Adwft~ O...,.lhemtl It ii the Pilot'• policy to promptly Dttpley (949) 842-4321 LANA • Crime and coulU reporter, corTed all ~of 1ubatlnoa. EdholW Promotlont Director (949)57~ P1MM call (9'91 57oM286. ..... EOmNOSTAff d#pll.bha,.thtllatlm..com (949) 842-5680 FYI IPofU (949) 574-4223 S.J.c.hn, JuneC•e.-• Th• Newport BNdVCoaLI M ... N9wa .... (949) e.te-4H O MeMQlng EdltM Newport Beect1 1'9pe>rter, Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) la ..,.._ ,... (949) 950-0170 (IM.9) 574-4233 (949) 57""'232 E""'9I: a 11yp11o1•1att1N&com 1.J.cahn• IMfma.oom ju,,..~nd9•'-tl,,,_com pub11-hed daily In Newport Beectt MelnOllM ............ ,.,.Clnton and Coat• Mete, 1ubac:rlptlona era .......... OM.. (949) 842..:U1 City Editor Pohtlca and environment repotter, avellable only by 1ubac:nblng to ..,,,~,.. (949) 831-712t (~)7'&M32A ~·IMWnac:om (949)7&M330 The Tlmee Orenge County (800) "°"' c.teon. P1Wl.dinwn•1at1,,,_com 2!52·9141. In erN a outtlde of lit.! ~Edltof Lolta...,., Newport Beach •nd Coet• ~. (9411 !S7<M223 eo.ca MtM repql19r, (141) 574-4271 tubecriptlont to the Dally Piiot are ~AMf«Jn·~ loHU.,_,,.,.,..,,.,,.oom evalleble onfy by flrtt c1 ... l'Nil for Jo98J ....... Alt OINCeor I Newt Deelt Chi.I ~JMwmen S30 per moMh. (Prbe lnc:lude •II (Ml) 174-4224 Educdon ~.!Met f74-4221 ..,PlciebM ... .net local tax.ee.) Pubti.Md by Tlmee Community ~•,.._oom o.#rdr&MWrr>Ml.IMir1* oom POSTMASTER: Send eddreu ....... dlvt.ion of the Lot Ange ... ..... llllC IL ~c.... chengea to Th• Newport Tlmet. ,,..,.., ""* \lfecN NewaMalawnt. (948) 11.....-. a .. Ch/Co1ta MH• Dallv l'llot, OllOa"Jm.CN.Altrigtm' , .. ,,,.. ... chriitlft9.t»trlllo•,.,,,,,_,oom P.O. Box 1Nf, Cotta Mffa, CA .,,, p1ro1o•,,,.,._oottt ~ • -- THE HARBOR COLUMN Chambers marine committee sets sail again A hoy. --~----, Marine.brought the retail store operations of BoatU.S. West Marine is the largest boating retail supplier. with 320 stores after acquidng the 62 BoatU .S. retail stores. It Is not This afternoon I will be on my way to Ensenada. Mexico to board a Regal 4260 and skipper the boat back (0 Marina dd Rey through what is predicted to be 4-to 6-foot or 7-to 8-foot ~ from the west. MIKE simply a retail store WHITEHEAD buy-out. though, as the two I hope that I do not have to cancel the voyage after arriving in Ensenada. or at least be able to work the boat up to San Diego as a safe harbor. This boat mJi.ses at 30 knots. and I will le1 you know next week what speed I had was able to maintain so that we were not pounding off the tops of the swells. The marine committee of the Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce is setting their cowse for 2003 and once again holding monthly mee~ in addition to the quanerty speaker's forum and marine networking events. The meetings are scheduled every fourth Tuesday of the month, starting next week at 7:30 a.m. in the chamber's conference room. Mart Silvey has taken the •conn· of the committee, and his meeting agenda is of interest to anyone in the marine communlty and those who provide marine services or products. If you would lilte to receive an ·agenda in advance, e-mail Silvey at ~Lcom I will see you at the meenng. Also, the marine committee is aIUlOWlC:ing its next guest speaker forum and marine networking ror the evening of Feb. 27. This eventisopentoeveryonein the marine community, and you will have the opportunity to meet three nautical book authors, including me. I will be introducing my newly revised book "VHF Marine Radio Handbook." Joining me will be John Guest. with his book .Scuttlebutt -Seafaring History & Lore"; and People Magazine staff writer Ron Arias, with his book "Frve Against the Sea -A lhse Story of Courage & Survival." The~ books are published by Bristol Fashion Publications. which Is the world's largest nautical publishing house. and you can read excerpts about the boob on Internet at WWUtOfpboolcs.com. Write this date on your calendar, and I will have more details about the book signing in a February column West Marine is sponsoring the event. and as I mentioned ln last Friday's column. West organizations have fonned an alliance that Is a benefit for boaters. BoatU.S. has more than half a million members, who will now be able to acaue frequent buyer points at the coast-to-coast stores. BoatU.S. will now concentrate on what they do best, which Is marine insurance. boat financing. member magaz.ine. consumer advocacy and government representation based in Washington, O.C and Tuwboat. a vessel tow service. West Marine is also committed to boater representation and through this partnership can contribute to BoatU.S.' established services. West Marine will keep the name of Boat U.S. on the marine center stores. one of wtuch is the newty opened BoatU.S. store in Newport Beach at ~ <:oast Highway and Bayside Drive. llp of the week is watch out for the winter stonns changing the swell direction to 'trom the south. This is especially imponant with harbors that have a south-facing, enrranc.e and vessels berthed there that may be affected by the south swells.. South-facing entrances can be affected in a couple of ways. like Mono Bay's sand bar, which creates breaking seas at the jetty entrance that close the entrance. and Avalon Bay, where mooring lines can snap. washing the boats into shore. I have seen waves breaking that you can surf at the Harbor Department beach and I know a few who have surfed the inside of the east jeny. Newport does have a sand bar building at the jetty entrance, so with a southerly. you will notice bigger building swells at the enttance, swells coming down the channel and some boats being relocated further inside the bart>oL The boats at the Balboa Yacht Oub and further toward the Balboa Island Bridge will feel a su.rge. so check your dock lines. Safe Voyages. • "9CE wtlTEHEAD ii the Pilot'a boetlng and h8fbof columni&t. Seod HNll to MlltetlBoathou• TY.com°' visit Boathouse TY.com.. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST &Well will be 10 to 13 t.t. with wind• wave. •t 2 to 4 feet. Another partjy doudy day la in store. Temperetu,.. will start SURF In the low 60s and barely edge Into the 70. at about 2 p.m. Another notttTwest IW9lt E>epect • few hours of guaty at.arts hitting thia morning. but winds In the 1ftemoon. ThoM will probably my In the winda will blow IWIY the hMd-high range In Nwipoft. A douda, ~ng • dur, but poet~ tide IMlion might coot, Friday night. Vield eome tun W9Wlf In the ~: UllJeltpOts. www.nws.no...QOV The aurf will st-v ~the ...,,. through the W'Mtend, BOATING FORECAST whktt mMnl CfOWdl. of ooune. ,,,.... will be light wlndl .... .-ley: throughout mo.t of ttM div on ~.tutfrfdw.org the lnntr MtWa, reecHng no ~then 15 b10tl In the TIDES demoOlt. The Mii w4ll be llb'Ong. lhough, It 8 to ..... l1'M ...... end. lllle 1he wind, from the t:n 1.m. t• .... low wtlt. 1:39 p.m. 3.A3 .... hlgh Wind Ind Mel wtl be 7':Z7p.m. 1.11 .... low ~-on 1he OU'9r...,... 2=43e.m. ...... ~ ..... ~ ... bie from the • ......... ,,..,.llnoti, .. ...,.. ...... nonhMltl °' .. Nicolea Wend. The • pat~ Pilot BEST BUYS On a wing and a bowl W lngnuta is an Ideal restaurant from which , to pick up food for • Super Bowl parties. There are 30 : varieties of win~. including : sweet and sour barbecue, lemon • garlic, cheesy cheddar and, of : course, buffaJo style. and JO : Oavors of spare, beef and baby • back ribs, from Santa Fe to : chipotJe style. Prices range from : $6.95 for a "taster" of 10 win~ to : ~9.95 for the "party" slze of 100 pie<:es; ribs are priced at $13.95 : (spare and beef ribs) and S 14.95 • for the baby backs ribs. ' Wingnuts is·at the Target GreatJand Shopping Center at 3030 I !arbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa (7 14) 434-noo. MORE SUNDAY OPTIONS La Salsa is offering Super Bowl party trays at its Costa Mesa and Newport Beach locations. The trays can be prepared witn I~ than 30 minutes notice. la Salsa's Grande Trays are available in three combinations: a Taquito Grande Tray with 12 all-white meat chicken taquitos for S 19.95; a Taco Grande Tray with eight chicken or sirloin steak facos la Salsa served with either black or pinto beans for $24.95; and the Burrito Grande Tray featuring four Original Gourmet burritos stuffed with charbroiled chicken or sirloin steak and sliced in halves for $34.95. Each of the group-si7..ed platters serves up to eight and is accompanied with gene row. poruon."I of I.Ji Salsa's Caesar salad, nee, beans, fresh ctups and sal'3. La Salsa is in the Atrium Court at Fashion Island (949) 640-4289. or at 279 E 17th St in Costa M~. (949) 574-1315. CATERING STARTS JUST IN TIME ldeaJ for Superbowl parues. Tacone in F~hion ~land'i; Atrium C..o u.rt now has catenng !>ervice& For $9.95 per person, the new car~ offers any wrapped '>31ldwich, a Caesar salad, side di"lh, chips. saJsa and a cookie. A nominal delivery charge is added 10 orders, and orders can be placed with al> UttJe .tS rwo-hour nolice. (941.J) 760-0500. Abo in Atrium Court a1 Fashion Island, Oak tree Market offers catenng and h..:. a variety Put a bug in someone's GREER , WYLDER of sandwiches, salads, specialty foods, wine and more that are perfect for a Superbowl party. Oak Tree Market also has a great selection of hostess gifts. (949) 760-0403. For beer, wine or other spirits, check out Beverages & More! also in Fashion Island's Atrium Court. For Superbowt parties, the store features more than 500 brands of beer and specialty brews. and kegs are available for 150 of the brands. Beverages & More! also carries specialty foods, including fresh cheese, chocolates and snacks, bar and wine accessories, party supplies and lop-name cigars. (949) 640-1080. ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (OR THIS ONE) For those of us who couldn't care less about Super Bowl · Sunday, there is a sale going on at The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop in Corona del Mar from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Manager Gloria Godfrey is planning a Karaoke contes1, refreshments and prizes. The Discovery Shop carries a littJe bit of everything. including furniture, accessories and designer clothing. at bargain prices. 2600 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (949} 640-4m. A BRJGKT ADDfTION TO THE CLOSET Sunshine in Newport, a <:al>uaJ INDEPENDENT LAND ROVER SERVICE • PARTS "weekend weat" clothing boutique for women and children, is having a 30% to 70% off sale through February. Diacounted fashions include the fall line of Fresh Produce (brightly colored casual clothes) and the winter coUection of pants and jackets, including the popular washable suede. Sunshine in Newport is the exclusive retailer at Fashion Island for Fresh Produce Sponswear. It speciallz.es in women's and children's clothing. jewelry. accessories, gifts and shoes. A nice selection of conon and linen dresses. shirts, shorts and sweatshirts in bright colors, indu~g numerous matching mother-and-daughter outfits, as well as clothing for infants. Labels include Michael Simon, Mod-0 -Doc and Cut Loose. Sunshine in Newport is across from Barnes & Noble in Fashion Island. (94~) 644-9440. ANALLY, SOMETHING TO RELAX WITH Jody Rowlanc;I Simon is offering a special price of $25 on professional manicures and pedicures for the New Year. Simon is at the new Patricia Di Gioia Nail Studio in Newport Beach. The studio speciali7.es an all nail care and waxing. It also has many gifts, jewelry and accessories. The nail studio is in the Cannery Village at 3109 Villa Way, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9763. •BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fndays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder alyahoo com, at 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by lax at (949) 646-4170. 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TQIANGLE SQUARE WWW. PERFORMANCELTD.COM ~~ R es taura nt ---Established rn 1962 --- •••Quality Setvice•- • ._.Ni &tutai.nmcnt" .. t t eoastline's Access Program is very convenient for me. I will fmish my M here and transfer to Cal State Fullerton to become'an elcmtntary school teacher.'' -9.+ S uccess Ahead at Coas tli ne. I I f I I I I I I I I I I . ' I I I J 11480 Wlrnlr A..,... ~Yll9y. CA~7 (714) >l~-48~9 --:> • • Q. c: Spr"-..d•111~~L frtddy Jdnudry 24, 2003 Al Greenlight adds to its team Slow-growth movement expands its leadership, adding youRger members and one of its faJl City Council candidates. 'This is our new geheration, who bring new ideas and will ca rry Greenlight into the future.' June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT 81:.ACI I -Ille Greenlight Committee on Wednesday announced fuur additions to its steering com mittee: Rick Taylor, Tom Bil lings, laurel Mann and Joe Gleason. Taylor is vice president of Lhe Airpon Working Group ru1d was Greenlight's cand1da1c for 1 Lhe City Councd seal won by incumbenl (,ary Adams in 1he las1 elecuon. Mann, a Newpon Coast resident, is a fi nanu: professional new to the c,n•en light group. Billings IS an OUI spoken critic of city govern· ment who oppo...es building a luxury reson al Mannap.irk. Gleason 1s a manner. "This is our new gt>11era11on. who bring new tdca.' and v. 111 carry Greenlighl into thl· fu ture, • said Phil Ar'>I. '>pol l'' man for the comm111el' Arst said Lhat thJ'> 111fu.,w11 of young blood should tounll'r critics' claims that (,fl•l'nhgh t 1' composed mainly ol rl'llrt'l'' ·more set in their way' .111d n· sistant 10 change than thl• 111a jority of the city "That's never bcl'fl trul'. hut should be c.leart'r th.111 1·wr now," Arst said Tfle four ne\' t 111111111tlt.'l' members will w rH' CJl11ng,1dl' continuing commllll•t· 111t·m bers Jean Wall , I \d~11 I l.1rt, Tom Hyans. Allan Heel.. I J.rnw Lmhoff, Jeanne Pncl' \1iltlrt•d !Jlke and Ar'>t After a coum ti election m which only one of four Gri:en light candidates won seals, the commillee is foruo;mg on the general plan update process, boh1ering the city\ co11flict-of- 111tt're"lt rules and ~crutinl/Jng the ci1y budget fur ineffilie11ue ... fhe group wiU continue to up- po e 10 high-ri"e office develop- ment in 1ht.• city when and if 'lud1 pro1ecl'> oome up m the fu- ltirt:'. 11mugh (.reenhgh t ha., nor 1alcc•n a pu'>1t1on on 1.he resort dc•wlop111en1 propo-.ed fur Ma rinapark, 1 lyans and Htlhng" ha\e takl'n public pu.,111011., ag.un"I the pro1ec1 <. 11v Cuunnlman lod H1dge way. who ha\ openly ur,p11,<'d \Ollll' of ( .rcenhghl\ ohjeLll\1·'· 0,01d that he thmb the group\ mil' 111 local pohttc'> continue.. to lw a tau't for umcern "What tomenu. me I.!> the po Phil Arst, committee spokesman larvA.1tion tht:y trt'alt•d and thal tlwy ('f(•Jl(•d Ill tlw lc!SI Cit'I" tJqn," Rill1i:eway 'la1ll " I heir une counl'il member who W'd.S cletted, IJ1cl.. N1t hob. is sup porting plactnl( two ba\eball fi eld'> 111 our Bade Hay reg10nal p<trk 1, thar wha1 (,rcenhght '>laud'> lor7" \oml' (,rl't:nhght l nU t'> ft'ar tJ1al the group \\ltrll'> to under min£> tht gerlt'rCJI plan up<latc JHfltt">-. 1111w umlerway Hut c,rc·t·nltght lt'a1frr'> lwhevt: lhJI t ht' pn>1 e"' .., '>k1·\\.1·d 1n favor of dt•\ 1·l1Jpt•r-. I m 11111 l11r 1111 growth. I m fur '>mart growrh: U1lhng'> \a.id I n:al11t 1h,11 l't w1111111c Krowth '' 1mpnr1an1 " ~2~eit SU PE RBOWL FREE (2-~ AT ~.!..8&!!:r M n.7 Mu&utta M·I CASA n · S~ MEXICAH RESTAURANT & BAR 296 E. 17th Strtet • Costa Mesa (949) 645-7626 .OOo/o Ytcld On Pnnc 1pal oj Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INS U RED FIDELI 'l 'Y !VC.:.l'l<I /_)/J I /'()\// C.:. (949) 588 -57 11 .. .. \ M Friday, January 24, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES NEWPORT BEACH • BayllcM Dttw: An ituto theft was reported in ttle 900 blodt COSTA MESA st 6:67 p.m. Wedneeday. • Briltof Street: An auto theft • w..t Coat Highw.y: was reported in the 200 Vandalism was reported in blod< at 10:46 p.m. Tuesday. the 6400 blodc at 2:13 p.m. • Bm Avenue: A robbery Wednesday. was reported In the 14000 • Conlc:a DIM: A vehicle block at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. burglary was reported In the • F81r Drive: A hit-and-run 100 blodc st 10:12 a.m. was reported in the first Wednesday. blodc at 10:57 p.m. Tuesday. • JemborM Roed: An •uto • Jolnn Street: A vehicle theft was reported In the burglary was reported In the 1600 block at 12:44 p.m . 500 blodc st 9:4 1 a.m. Wednesday. Tuesday. • Momn9 Star Lane: •Mesi Verde Drive Ent Vandalism was reported in Vandalism was reported in the 400 block at 2:24 p.m. the 2900 blcxt at 9:23 a.m. Wednesday. Tuesday. • West Oc:Mn Front: A home • Newport Boulevard: burglary was reported in the Possession of narcotics was 3200 blodc at 3:27 p.m. reported in. the 2600 block at Wednesday. 4:23 p.m. Tuesday. •Tustin A"9nUe: A • West Wilson StrMt commercial burglary was Graffiti was reported in the reported in the 100 blodc at 1000 blodc at 11 a.m. • 5:34 a.m. Wednesday. Tuesday. • 33rd StrMt A traffic • West 19th StrMt Forgery accident involving injuries was reported in the 500 was reported in the 100 block blodc at 11:28 a.m. Tuesday. at 3:04 p.m. Wednesday. @!~ F1oral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) DEBATE Continued from Al ~ Co~on approval after it was denied by the dtj"s zoning admlnistrator. was meant to send a message to his fellow council members that clearer guidelines are needed In the fu. ture for residen ts planning sec- ond-story remodels. But council members have aJ. ready gotten that m essage loud and clear. Al their last meeting in early January, the council unani- mously_, approved reviewing the city's design standards. That review comes after a year- and-a-half. during whlcfl every second-story addition has bad to pass muster on its compatibility and hannony with the neighbor- hood, even if ll met all of the standards. EAST Continued from Al aspects of Japanese culture without overloading students with too much information. It also allows them to give the students a broad sense of the countty and an opportunity to answer their questions.. "It's a great vehicle for taUdng about Japanese culture,· said Ely, an outreach program coordinator for the consulate. "[It's the consulates! job to make sure the relations of our two countries wort ... and its part of our job to share information about Japanese culture." After picking the New Year's holiday as their teaching vehicle, consulate worhrs needed to find its American counterpart - Thanksgiving. Both ttadidonally involve family gathe~ and preparing and eating special food, primarily served on that holiday. "We want to focus on the similarity of the cuJtures. • Endo said. "It's easier for them to understand.· As a result. the students learn to relate to the similarities and appreciate the differences. "Our wodd is so diverse and il's so interesting 10 understand the diversity," said Janet Nitao, who teaches third grade. "lt brin~ everything they've learned to life.· • QiRISTINE CARAl..LO may be reactled at (9491574-4268 or by Presenting a New Production of the Tony Award-Winning Musical This stylish, updated Equity production, directed by television writer/producer Valerie Mayhew, uniquely reflects Southern California in 2003 and features a professional cast and musicians performing such memorable favorites as "Try to Remember (The Kind of September)," "Soon It's Gonna Rain," and "They Were You." The original show captivated audiences during its phenomenal 42-year, Off-Broadway run. Don't miss .this timeless morality tale of "boy and girl meet, fall in love, part to see the big wide world, and realize that home is where the heart is." ONE WEEKEND ONLYI Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 1at8 p.m. Sunday, February 2 at 3 p.m. St. Marie Preebyterian Church 2100 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach (Corner of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff/Ford Road on the bluff side) Call (949) 644-1M1, Ext. 22 For Tioket lnfonnation Suggested donations: $25 for adults, $10 for students age 8 and older (the mature themes of this production are more appropriate for older children and adults). Free parking. For more details, visit www.fanta stlcks.info. Net proceeds benefit the non-deriomlnational Newport Community Counselirig Center (NCCC), which each year serves hundreds of individuals who are victlm6 of/Involved In domestfo abuee. t ~~!~:.!resbyterian Church "Now you can conform to ev- ery code and design tandard, then ran Into a subjective design compatibility discussJon, • Mona- han said. "Beauty is In the eye of the beholder.· The solution, Monahan sug- gested, ls to require projects onty to go through the design review if they don't conform to the stand- ards. The zoning department is aJso suggesting more specific and stringent standards to make deci· sioas more objective, said Perry Valantine, zoning admin1st.ralor. "The [current! standards re- quire this discretionary review, notice to neighbors and finding of compa.libility and harmony and those are subjective stand- arcis, as evidenced by the fact we don't all agree,· Valantine said. That disagreement has mani· fested itself In a flurry of appeals to the COWlcil and Planning Commission over Valantlne's de· nlals of second-story addidons- the Dewans' being the latest Valantine said he denied the Dewans' request because he Im· posed an additional crit~ of harmony and compabbillty based on considerable com- ments from residents In the area that the design of the seco!1d· Mory addition wasn't compauble with their back yards. f th Dack yards in this area o e Eastslde are unw.-ual because ihey are in berween the house and the gar.ige, 001 in the ~ck of the property. The Dewans ~­ ond story would mo t1y be buJJt over the brcezew11y bt:rween ~elr house ru1d their garage, atrecnng the back yards of neighbo~ Steel said he ulumaiely changed his mind and approved the family's remodel because he was imp~ by the nwn~r of letters in support of the pro1ect DO NOTE TER Pl nt IC Ill> CO t),OTJC c1 osro Jo r r •·vis•' "i.r °'~WC."" ' . , .. ,, .. , ,,. .. " \\I \•II I U\'I \ HI I 1111 t\0111 ,, "11••1•'4•1 ,, Ill\\ 111111~• '' .\.oi 1 •-' ........ , '~" " ... fhe council's ultimate ap- proval was the ninth time a city body has overturned Valantine's denials. Monahan sald th.is track record seuds a message to the 1.0nlng staff -that although "hannony and compatibility" are open to Interpretation. they should 001 be so restrictive. "l chink there's a message tha1 people still have the right to build, and unless It's way out or whack and not ln the code, we don't want to be denying 1t. • Monahan said. The review of the design Slct.ntl an:ls is tentar:lvely scheduled tor its first public hearing hy lht· Planning Commission 111 l<1tl rcbruary. . • DEIRDRE NEWMAN may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by a·ma1l at ~ird~.newman@/st1mes.com DON LEACH DAil) I l A sign warns visitors near the hen and rooster cages at the fairgrounds of Newcastle disease The animals at the f atr are not infected, but need to be kept from other poultry for their own safety / BIRD Conbnued from Al declared a state of emergency in the 6ght agami.t the ili'K'J.,e in early January. Wtule Newta,tle do~ nol pw.e d LhJcdl lu hu COVE Continued from A 1 nenll> of the current propu"11 to address concerns about beach access and the prox111111y of a campground to El Morro El- ementary School. The other plan, pitched by lhe El Morro VIllage Commumty Assn ., is a massive departure from the stated goal of 'tale parks officials to remove the group of re'iidcnts and tJ1 e1r mo bile homes from the beach en· clave that s1raddJes the border of Laguna Beach and Newport Coas1. State officials \Jtd 1heir changes are the resuJt ol re,pon- ses received from the public af· ter the state 6Jed the final envi· ronmentaJ impact report in August 2002 .. The El Morro con- version project is part of the larger Crystal Cove Slale Park plan. ·Those conunents have given us valuable suggestions· for how to improve the plan, and we felt It was time to present an update to let people know we are listen- ing and making improvements: Orange Coast District Supt. Mike Tope sald In statement released Wednesday. 'Ille state's changes to the ex- isting plan at El Morro are: hift the campsites farther from FJ Morro Elementary School; in· crease the height of the concrete boundary to improve tJ1e sepa- ration between park. and school activities; remove the pedestrian crossing and intersection signal lights at Pacific Coast I Ughway near El Moro Creek; improve beach access through the El Moro Creek. tunnel under Pacific Coast Highway by improving ramps and wallcing surfaces to and from El Morro beach; and develop an El Morro Camp- ground Operations Plan that will OBITUARY mans, 11 i' easily sprt'ad by peo- ple who have bl-en dmund aru mah wuh the dr.o,ea\t' ~) rar, none or tJw vuJnerable a111mal' al the fa11),'TOUnds have been affectrd . Allhough they are prolt'l led behsnd extrJ fem:mg. thl'V an• -.ull un dl\play m their 11011 ndl \1l \\ 111g .Ul'd..' 'We are completely opposed to what they are doing. They are trying to steal a public park .' Susan Smwtt Calrtorn1a St.ate Parks Foundanoo president include ~idelinei. for re-,tric11ng campliw' durin>: nonnaJ ,Lhool how' In re\ponsc 10 tlw 'tatt''> an noum ernent, memh1:r .. ot the I I Morro Village Communll)' A.<.sn. took 1lw opportw111y to rdea-,e a plan of"" own. -I hl' 198.! l';tatel plan " outdated llw change.. outlined yesterday fail to ad dres .. many out\tand1ng que<, 1ion1'.: Jeanelle Miller. chair of the El Morro Villal(e C.ommuni1y Assn . said in a wn11en !>late ment "For examplL-. are there ~Lill plans for a \ea wall at I I Morro Beach? Is there a plan to restore the (Cry,1al C.-0veJ cot· tages before they c:omplerely fall apart?" The a'iSOc1at1on\ propo<,al wouJd eliminate the flV camp next 10 FJ Morro 1-Jementary School and replace it wilh a va- ca1ion ho'>tel, rcl<t.in 222 mobile home'i and build 50 low-co\t .ipartmenl'> for Laguna Beach ThJs plan, like the \tale's, aho calls for the removal of the beach·side home\. The plan hingec; on lhe stale'!> acceptance of a JO year lease ex tension for inJand fJ Morro res1· dents to pay higher ren ts to pro· vide SI 0 million to be used for Crystal Cove State Park improve- ments, Including refurbishing the historic cottages on the beach. The plan will also provide SJ million each year to be di- vided equally between the CalJ. fomia Stale Parks Foundation and the Laguna Greenbel1 lnc., Ille board will also con-.id1·1 eliminating the poultry and b rd \how<i from the Youth Expo thL\ '>pnng. &dey-FandJey said • DEIRDRE NEWMAN may bl.I 1 c1t.J11, I .it 194:J) !>144221 or hv P mail at <lulfUfL newtndll " lat1mes COl'TI 'aid Denny 1-rcidenrkh. 'P"~''" man for tJ1e a ~1ation. In 11 wn1tt:n stctt~rnt:nl. 1hr ,1a1e rna111tdlned tha1 the bud..:1 t 1 n"' hJ., nu bearing on tilt' 1011 \ n\lon bt'c 11uw funding "·'' ..U localed under ProposilJm1 I ' tht• "itah· l',ifb Bond Acl I ht' 'tare "-.pu1d111~ Sl I nulll1111 011 prelin1111ary pl.mn111g. dl1d .i larl(t part of that ~ earmJrl1·J lor the annexauon to the 1111 .ti .,ewer distnct J.nd sewer con111·1 uon costs It the pro)ft 1 ,., hJ.ltl'd, though. ~tale parb ~pCJk.esman Roy !>teams srud tht' \tale will lo<>e large poruon-. "' tht' funds. fhe as'>Oc1atmn·b plan "J.' met wtth outrage from the < .1h fom1a ~late Parks t-oundauon HWe a.re completely oppo,t'd to wha1 they arc doing. -Pn..,, den1 !:>usan Smam said. • J11l'~ are uymg to swal a publk park lhe Caltfomm ~e Parl' 1-oundation i.s an indepeodt'lll. nonprofit membership organv.t· DOn that pl'OVldes financial rud Ill improvement projects at Ca11for· rua\ 273 state parlcs. H l"..very time we tum around, the people in the trailer paB ha\e ct.nother proposal.· Smartt ~. 1-reidenrich maimained 1ha\ the foundation and Laguna Crcenbelt Inc. were not con 'uhcd in the development o( the plan. fhe association distribu1ed the proposal to Laguna Beach City Council members on Thursday afternoon. "Our hope Is that we will go before the City Council in the nex1 30 to 60 days," Freidennch said. ·111e association also plans to talce Its proposal to th e CaUfor· nla CoastaJ Commission and the state. • MARY A. CASTIUO is • news a11istant tor Tlme1 Community Nows. --·-----~--~~------------------------------- / \ Dally Paot Tech companies signal good news •' Emulex in Costa Mesa and Conexant in Newport Beach release positive financial reports on Thursday as stocks rise. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Quar- terly earnings reports released Thursday from two local tech- nology companies pointed to a brighter future ahead. second-quarter profits soared more than 50% over a year ago. Net income for the three months ending Dec. 29 came in at $16.8 million, or W cents per share, compared with $10.8 million. or 13 cents per share, for the same period a yeclr ago. Data storage company EmuJex Corp., based in Costa Mesa. and semiconductor producer Conexant Systems lnc., in Newport Beach, re- leased upbeat reports after the market close Thursday. ln a fairly cheery mood, EmuJex, which has seen its stock price drop more than : : 40% over the past year. said Emulex Olairman and CEO Paul Folino said the revenue growth was driven by increas- ing demand for the company's host bus adapters, which are storage networking devices. "Revenue growth in the De- cember quarter was broadly distributed across our ... cus- tomer base," Folino said . . . -. NOTEBOOK Continued from A 1 kid, battJed it out for the championship on the well-worn grass of Wunbledon's Centre C.Ourt. I was probably too young to feel anything profound at the time. But I remember I sensed a l[ttle something when Borg eventually won the marathon game, one for the history books. l)le final score: l-6. 7-5. 6-3. 6-7 Ct6-18}, 8-6. The Swede. almost cMi iceberg in action until that (¥>int. seemed to melt suddenly <t9 he sank to his knees. lifted his hands skyward and rolled on hts back. The feisty McEnroe, notorious for his on-court antics and tantrums, froze on the other side of the net in a show of stoic acceptance. It's a scene that will forever remain embossed in my memory. I remember I rooted for McEnroe, while the rest of my family wanted Borg to win his fifth Wimbledon crown. They got what they wanted. Rut in a way, I did too. It was the beginning of my love for a sport I would continue to follow for the rest of my life. I watched several Wunbledons after that, many more Grand Slams. I saw !'?-year-old Borls Becker do a 11ttJe jig when he became the y<>ungest ever to win a Wimbledon title. I picture Steffi Graf's smile as sire lifted up the coveted trophy. lh the last 22 years. I've seen legends come and go. championships won and lost ·n,e game has given me many exciting moments. I even had th'e chance to watch a U.S. Open Women's Final live at flushing Meadows in New York City. ' But it wasn't until Wednesday that the 8-year-old in me got that sensation of pure joy again. What brought it all back was an Australian Open quaner final match between Andy Roddick of the United States and Moroccan Younes El Aynaoui (last name pronounced a-ya-na-wee). After about three hours, the men had won two sets each. The stage was set for a dramatic fifth set in which there would be no de breaker and the players would continue until one of them won with a two-game difference. Neither yielded. Games rolled out like wee on a Wtekend in Atlantic Qty. Each Had chances to break the other, but both came roaring back with bbsterlng forehands, backhands a,nd oh-so·fine touch shots and 11fflllant volleys. Roddick and El Aynaoui '1layed 30 games in that one set It ended when '1le American wt>n 21-19. The match, the 16ngest ever and one of the best ever played in Grand Slam history, ended five hours after starting time. The players, both i.(l top physical condition, hObbled over to the net and hugged each other. It was a show of respect, appreciadon and sportsmanship. In the backdrop were thousands of people who gave the players a standing ovation for several mlomes. Some of them were in tears. I think I was amiling. Because. although I wu sltting on the couch in my apartment in Orange County, Calif., I felt like I was in that small air-conditioned bedroom in lndJa. As the crowd roared and applauded. I felt the same rush as I dJd 22 years ago, and I felt like that 8-year-old who was hypnotized by two strong men ~ whacking a fuzzy yellow ball. But in my opinion, tennis is not all about who can hit that fuzzy. yellow ball harder or better. Well, who am I kidding? It's mostly about that for the players -and taking home truck.loads of money. But on Wednesday. watching Roddick and E.l Aynaoui talk after the match, it seemed as if this match was a little more than that for them. IL was probably special, something they would remember with awe and humility when they look back at their careers years for now. As for the average tennis fan like me, it was a rare experience. an unsurpassable feeling I thought I'd already had 2'2 years ago. • DEE.PA SHA.RATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath(S,/at1mes.com. Emulex, which trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ELX. saw its shares rise 7.4% to $21.37 Thursday, leading in to the an- nouncement of the report. More than 4.3-million shares changed hands. In Newpon Beach, chip maker Conexant, which trades in the Nasdaq exchange under the symbol CNXT, stemmed its bleeding by cunlng its losses by about 75% from last year. The company reported a net loss of $52.2 million, or 20 cents a share, for the quaner ending Dec. 27. A year ago. the company lost $204.5 million, or 80 cents a share. Conexant grew revenue 4% from the prior quaner, the company said in a filing with the Securi- 'Revenue growth in the December quarter was broadly distributed across our ... customer base.' Paul Folino Emulex chairman and CEO ti~:. and Exchange Commis- sion. Conexant shares, which have lost more than 87% over the past year, rose 4.8% in Thursday trading to close at $1.74. More than 5.3 million shares were traded. Conexant's chips can be found in most of the world'c; fax machines. --~ Mattress Outlet Store BRAND NEW -COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best tor Less! aJlj 3165 Harbor Blvd. e Costa Jllesa I _If I D • OM Blocll SouUI of •05 ""'>' c a 1• d (714) 545·7168 f'nday. January 24. 2003 A5 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa names acting city attorney The Costa Mesa City Coundl named Tom Wood as acting city attorney this week because of the prolonged absence of Ciry Atty. Jerry Scheer •. who is out on medJcal leave. Wood has been the assistant ciry attorney since March 1999. He also served as assistant city attorney and ciry attorney for 12 years ending in l 989 Scheer's medical leave stems from stress incurred when the Ciry Council-Ve>ted m early Sep- tember to' place him ·and Wood on paid administrative leave a... a result of their general perform- ance evaluations. During that same session, council members also voted to halt all business with an outs1de legal firm. audit the city anomey's office a11d cre- ate a subcomminee to review the performance of the city's top two attorneys. A week later. council members unanimously voted to reinstate Wood. On Oct. 4, the council narrowly reinstated Scheer by a 3-2 vote. Scheer returned to~ office on a· part ~ume ba.sLS on Oct 7, despite cla.uns from ht:. anorney that he had developed serious medJcal condJtions ru. a result of stress and was on heavy medJca - tion.. On Oct. 17, the aty's o ut, !tide legal counsel gave Scheer the option of resigning Scheer's anomey. Greg Peter- c;en. was not available for com rnenl Thul'$day. -Veirdre Newman FURNISHINGS • ARTWORK • GLASS • RUGS • CLOCKS 1/UfQWI;~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fresh ch.ickeo broth, Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go Corona del Mar 644-TACO Newport Beach 67S-6855 f.. )f 32 Yea~. family O.vnt-d . F<'JTlily Operated. Family Loved t • • .:.· '.' .· • ~-'"--"1.~4 ,, :. •• 4 ;. t ~ ""'~ 3-?.! ...... • ( "·!J f~i?Sd • ~ ~. ~q .. ~ 1... t ; : r ~ • :... ~ ~ , ~ ·, , • • S: '."1! .1 Ar. ~ How best to take care of a work of art? A Rolelll ttmepi~ is truly a m.anel of performAnce and endurana. ln five )'eaJ"!i of ronbnuou bmekt't!pmg. ii!. balal'I('(' wheel tr1vels the equivalent of 23,333 mil~ Thi!> l..md of performance deservn proper care md periodic mamtenance. and Roleit tttommends that their u~ t>. cleaned and oiled approximotel\I evtty five yean. If you'n uwat*1 1n • Ratex you've m.ilde •n astute ded5l.on-Pmttoct that IO\latmmt by showing the 6&me 10µnd judgment w~ 1t rome5 tn thr malnlieNna! ol your t:imc!'picn M an Official RoJec Jewele> we are d.ed1c•~ to the in~ty uf pnwiw Ro~~ timepieces, parts and ~ \'\sit QUI . . . . . . ROLEX 3408-1 V.a C>pcft>, ~ ~ 9~~ llwl: ,_.°""'..._..I '%': ....... 0.. ....... -•---- --__ ................... ________ ......... ~-~----------"-~-----..;;...,,,~-• • MS f"nday, January 24, 2003 Daity "*>t FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotfme; Call (9491 642~ Fax: ~~ ~o (94S) ~ 170 E-mail: Send to dailypilot@latlmes.com •All corTespondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (tor verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for ctanty and length MAILBAG rvtayorrnakesstrong points about service I read Mayor Steve Broml>erg's 1.etter with great interest reeu Cun;e missed with swing against council. H Jan. 16). He is right on . A'> n•sidents of Newport Bl:'ad1, we must remember our Cily Council members are \olun1eers. They attend countle'>S meetings both in and for thl' city. They walk our neighborhood, they answer our phone calls. Don't crilicize them for others' mis take!>. It is just plain mean-spirited 10 try and tar L11ese hones1 and honorable people with the never-used m eL110d someone found at an old voiccmail box belonging to a paid consultant. Unless you, the Daily Pilot, or the disgruntled whose letters you like to print can find some evidence that our City Council members endorse the mi<>lcading methods, Lllen '>top L11e guilt by associauon. Unless you can prove they did soml'thing wrong, leti. move on. DEBRA ALLAN something where we couJd launch small boats from the beach again at 18th Street. GARY DEVINE Santa Ana Heights ' Sad story had a touch of beauty, too I would like 10 compliment you on the beautiful, beautifuJ, although sad, contenl of the article Jan. 15 on the dealll of this wonderful dog, Rebar. It was sad because of his unlimely death, but it was beaulifully written and · every1hing was sajd in such a short amount of space lhat you couldn't help but read it ahd feel a very warm loving feeling about the whole si1uation. And I think it was a great plug for the City Council of Newport Beach that was brought in to the fact that they acted in such a positive way. I think Deirdre Newman is a fantastic writer, and I look forward to more of her articles in the Daily Pilo1. . RUTH GARSTONE Balboa Corona del Mar Article on war protests A plan to help launch boats from beach again I'd like to see the pos t at 18th Street tha1 prevenls the launching of '>mall sailboats from the beach. such as I lobie Cats, removed. It used to he, a number of years ago, thal you used to be able to watch I lobie Cats and other small boal'> from the beach there. 18th Street, and it was a beautiful sight to see all the multi-colored sails of tht' Hobie-; sailing off 1he beach, and they all used to be lined up. and it was a really pretty 1-ight. and I'd like to ~ee ju t part of larger story We were very encouraged to read the Daily Pilot'> account of the anti-war demonstrations in Congressmen Chris Cox and Dana Rohrabacher's offices. It shows many in Orange County are joining in the wave of protec,ts that is sweeping our country. We feel so strongly that this proposed war does not in any way meet the requirements for a ju<;t war and would cause indefensible death and destruction that we participated in the demon<;tration in San Francisco last Saturday. As we were flying up the coast, we began to ask ourselves if we were crazy, thin.ldng we could make much of a difference. When we assembled at the Embarcadero and realized that Marie.et Street, as wide as it is, was packed with at least 100.000 people (probably a conservative estimate, because the march started at 11 :30 a.m. and two teacher friends of ours from Hunlington Beach and Westminster. who were at the end of the solid mass, didn'1 reach City 1 lall Plaza until 3 p.m.); when we met and talked to scores of couples with small children. students, religious people, seniors likes us -all who came to be counted -we knew we were in the right place. It became obvious to us that the vast majority of the people there had come on their own - not as a special interest group or radical fringe, but as people who are so concerned about wha1 their government is doing 1hat they came from all over the country to say. "Not in my name.H Some around us were from Portland, Seattle. Sacramento. San Diego and as far away as Colorado. There were three busloads of protesters from Orange County. One sign said ~surfers for Peace;" another sign held by men in suits and ties said, "People with Portfolios Against the War." There were many banners thal read HNo blood for oil," but most of them merely said. HNo War in Iraq." LEITER TO THE EDITOR Thanks · to Community Animal N etwork for its work . L ast year in the Daily Pilot, we began reading the pleas for help from Dianna Pfaff-Martin, who runs and manages the Community AnimaJ Network. I, beingan animal lover since childhood, have taught my children the value of respecting and caring for animals. We, as a famiJy, decided to get involved and help, and what a great experience we have had. We have volunteered to become foster parents to cats and kittens needing homes until a permanent home can be found, and we have helped at pet adoptions at Russo's Pets in Fashion Island on weekends. Most of these cab and kittens wouJd have faced euthanasia at shelters or been killed on the streeb tf pfalf-Martin would nol have slepped in. llle !Jlel1er. alrno!>I alwclys euthanize pregnant cats and sick animals. My oldest daughter put in her n.>quired community <,ervice hours for school at the wt.oekcnd pet adopuon'> and shl' !.till volunteer. for fun on weckenili. Hu..,sos Pe1s and 1-ashmn bland are to be commended and patronized for volun1eering Lilt> .,pan• to the Community Ammdl Ne1work to Jind quality honH''> for L11esc animal'> that would otherw1'>e face emme111 death and a 1ernble qual11 y of hfo unttl dealll I hl' Dalfy Pilot al'>O 1s lo be pra1..ed fur publishing and '>llpponrng thb very worL11whtll' rhanty. l~t year, tlw C ornmumry Anunal Networl platl'<.I hOO pet'> m permanenl quality horm.'1> lllese placemenis would not have been po~1ble without involvement from these (and some olller) fine businesses and a group of the concerned communi1y 1-ven if some readers are not ammaJ lovers. the Community AnlmaJ Network help' you, too, by trapping and pick.ing up fer.ti cats when possjble, animals Lila! some irresponsible previow, pet owner failed 10 spay or neuter or simply left behind when Liley moved. lhank you again w the D.uly Pilot for getting word out 10 the public of the need tn tlw. charity and many other charities m need of help rrus volunteering family stepped up to help. be<. au-.e of you. · KRISTY NEUBO Newpon Bt'alh HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall. 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor Gary Monahan and Chris Steel Mayor: Sieve Bromberg Council· Gary Adams, John Heffernan. Did< N1cti0I Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb PRESIDENT We can only hope that our leaders listen before it's too late and rei'Jize that we show our patriotism and love for our country when we tell her when <>he's wrong. FRANK AND JEAN FORBATH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Costa Mesa Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 George W Bush (R), White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, O.C. 20500 Hotline (6 a.m to 2 p.m ) (202) 456-1111 E-mail· president awfl1tehouse.gov • EDITOR'S NOTE: Jean Forbath 1s the founder of Share Our Selves. Fax: (202) 456-2461 Real Estate A U C T I Q N Ord9fed by US 8on~ruprcy COU!I Commercial Property Laguna Beach 9,000+ d Re.taurant on .52 Acres • I SO ~.on1oge on S. ( ooo H ... f • F'r"m• cor,.., locat•on ,,..~, Suri a Sand Hotel, Seocl:ft Morel & los 8rl>es • ..., •• ' 2 '4'd ( loco telO to<iSJ ... U OF\d <O">,,,erclol u1l' • ful" ,.qJpped ltlde• w !t •P1dgerollon e qu•pmer • Auction: Tues, February 11th Preview: Jon 28th • 9:30 • l I :30 • 4t ')po<• porl ng or • Bu Id r.g •s currem1y •0<1iM ono 1 eody lo• ••model tranr'on Coll for terms or see our website www.tranzon.com Mike Waite" 888-314-1314 BABY BACKS ... AND LOTS OF OTHER GOOD STUFF! SUPE~~.11..1.J::XU.LU~:..J... M-up a Bucket or~ Pak! I PNny001KJ1q I Baby 8cJrt ~ !JV'Jd 0-.0:... ~ Hee SoJ509I' ond \jo(E>J II< ..... 11"" •.tocm~ llO'detar... and.iaea.t1l'OO T>d~...,, Al-141CM•~ Party Poks Pig Pak Hog Pak tfeeds l>-81 !feeds 9-121 s599s s74's (. CALL EARLY TO ONE ••• TWO ..• OR THREE• '• PRIVATEBANQUF.T 2196 Har r Blvd., Costa Mesa · ~:= (949). 631-2110 =~;:, www nbcompanv com Sot & Sun 12-00 • J . tot.e-ru 10 OOom Support O~r Schools Shop Harbor Blvd. of Cars - [)aify Piiot AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay St • Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the limo. dale and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete hstmg 1s available ill www.ds1/yp1/ot.com TODAY UC Irvine will host its 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr symposium, #Prayer. Protest, and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for '.'foday.H from 7 to 8:i30 p.m. The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bol'ld, board chairman of the NMCP and professor of l11story at the University of Virgirna The symposium will be held m the Humanities Instructional Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free. For more information. call (9491824 72 15 OCC's Annchair Advenl\.lres Series hosts ·1ns1de Switzerland'' presented by Clint Denn, an actor, writer, photographer and filmmaker The film will begin ot 7 ,. p.m. in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater. Admission is $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Senior citizens are ehg1ble for a $1 advance discount For more information, call (714) 432-5880. SATURDAY A semlna.r on lonv·tenn care planning, induding legal, estate and Medi-Cal issues. will be held from 10 a.m. to noon a1 the Orange Coast Unitarian Churdl m Costa Mesa. The seminar is sponsored by the Alzheim er's Assn. of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The church is at 1259 Victoria St. For more mlormat1on. call (7 14) 578-8670. The Upper NeWs>ort Bay N~ht Hike guides families on an educallonal trip through the nature preserve from 7 to 8:30 p m . Fee is $3 per person, children under five are free. For reservations and meeting place. call (949) 923-2295 SUNDAY ·super Bowl Golf Tournament and PartyH on Super Bowl Sunday includes a round of golf Live a more colorf u·t Ii fe ! · WorlO C1ass Color1s1 Missy Judy Is OHermo PREE HIGHLIGHTS l h•s is yo•11 th<t11<:~ 10 '"~lf·11P•11. .. l11Qhllgrits from a top colonst Missy Judy has e1te11• •v,. f"JW•r11•r l " 1111 If N·111g w1tn Vidal Sassoon t Los Angeles) Tom & Guy llJ,11.1. f ,uJI Mii '"'II S,m 01ego1 L Orea! (New York) iust to name a ff!w t ltH l•M: trnrq1ws J',.. gPntle d•ld always leave your hair strong healthy <md full of <,l11r1t< Ii~~· ,lfh tntago ot oocom1ng one of Missy Judy s first C.'1ents 1n ll·P Npwpon flb11.t. .irP 1 Valued at $1 00 00 Space is 1tm1ted 0 P;irt~!19t 9'' , • 8'.; ~· .._. n..,., • a.Av~t ••« IM '"-' Missy Judy 1s exclusively at Salon Gregorles Newport Beach 949.295.2546 • 0oM '101 onc:IUde Iv tii<>W OJI • c;o..ec:we .;()1()1 ""' ·nc.luOed .... IP' agc,,ec,~t.i and on-course oontests at Pelican Hill Golf Course. Afterward, Tommy Bahama will host a party with big·screen televisions. Open to public but reservations are required. Golf playing spots are $400 per person. and non-golfers can got in for $45. For more information, call (949) 737·5242. ext 211. MONDAY A GrNt Decisions ditcunk>n of #Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism" Is the first of an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussions will ~e led by Bob Green from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church at 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more infocmation, call (949) 760-1691. The Lunv Cancer Support Group 1s sponsoring a class, #Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer; providing an overview of radiation therapy for patients with lung cancer and offering suggestions for coping with side effects. The event is at 2 to 3:30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center. Conference room A. Free. For more information, call (949) 7CANCER '"Memon.s In the Making: Art Program Training for Professionals Wo~ng with Dementia Patients; is sponsored by the Alzheimer'• Assn It will takei)lace from 9 a.m . to noon at Assured Horizons. 151 Kalmus Dnve, Suite B150, Costa Mesa For information and reservations, call (714) 283· 1984, ext 242 TUESDAY All are invited to a reception for artist Jane Hill, whose exhibition ~Local Scenes; w hich depicts Newport Beach watery vistas and familiar scenes. is on display through Feb. 28. The reception 1s from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717 3801. WEDNESDAY The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Baleanc Park and Community Center m Costa M esa. Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay·at·home morns The center is at 1975 Balearic Dnve For more information, call (714) 964.6934 Mother's M arttet & Kitchen will • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING •MMt•:ICilCN .• .. ···lfij"llii...,llil:'llil'llliild.,·i SOI .. R'""" ': .. ~ ) I •, • '"'"'"". tlooe.t -....... .. SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER 3/4" s5~~ iii s1 4;o~ Travertme 18" x 18" ....... ... .. ...................... '4.29 ic• Ceramte Tile .. . ............................. ~Iv! 14.99 .Ill. laminate Wood .. .... .. ... . .. .. . .. ........................ .flSfaled "°'" '4.99 ta• . (..,..,,., rwtnr ,,_ 673 leel 1374 L~n lve.!Suite F COSTA MESA (888) ~u. 777 n2> lE MON.·FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • SAT. 10 AM lo 2 PM • CLOSEDSUNDAY 1111 host a seminar on d1gest1on and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe m Coua Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more mformatJon, call (949) 631-4741 Pt'MChoof Tune~ •wturt Animals Live Herer 1s story-time and hands-on fun tor parent and child at the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve The cost 1s $3 per child.° The act111rty, whtdl 1s appropriate for children ages 3 and 4, will be held at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 • University Drive, Newpqrt Beach. For reservations, 081•(949) 923 2295. THURSDAY M other's Malbt & Kitchen will host a wort.shop and book signing with author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p.m at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information. call (949) 631-4741 Friday, January 24, 2003 -7 JM.31 The city°' Newport Beed1, In partnership With the Amencan Red Cross. 1s hosting • ~ood dnve from 10 a.m to 4 p .m at t • Newport Beadl Library on 1()0') Avocado Ave. To $Chodule an appointment. c.11 (949) 644-31 7 • FEB. l Crouroads of the West Gun Show Wiii be held at the Orang • County Fair and Expos1t1ons Center from 9 a m . to 5 p m . today and from 9 a m to 4 p rri Sunday For more mformauon call (801) 544-9125 FEB.4 A Feng Shui Seminar to unprovc health. relationships and prospenty will be held at 7 p O• a• Visions and Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa Fr•• Reservations are requ1rad For more information, call (626) 288-1669 or VISlt www fengshuradvantage com ., @JumnwAJuJL • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessuriel f ur >'uur Hom e Round Drexel Heritage Coffee Table ........... $125 .. Sofa .................................................................. $175• . . Child'\ Desk "/Hutch .................................... \225 .. Round Ped estal Table 1White1 ...................... s175• Pine Buffet ...................................................... $350" Chessboard Game Table w '2 C hair, ............ ~25 .. Cu~tom '1ade "lsland St~ le" Recliner ......... $500"' 1905 Australian Pine Hutch ......................... $900'"' Consignments accepted by appointment only um111d to swd: on hand 369 E. 17th Street # l 0, Costa Me~a. Lot.11cd bt:hmd Plum ' Pa110 Phone(949)764-1746 Hool'\ Mon-rn IO'OOam-'i ~· Sai JOIJ)am-5 CX!pn. Sun IO l•~ mpm The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! THE M EANING OF NUMBER. ONE. W E H AVE A f[W REM A INING AZURE SERIES PRC)DUCED AT CR.EWE • WHEN O NLY THE FINEST M OTORCARS IN THE WORLD WILL CXI. AVAILAAU. 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD 81 \C K/ Iii \C k (Xt'7"1M) 200'2 CORNIOtE Iii \C K ~ \PPlllRI-/ MJ\CNOlJ.I\ ()(Wl12d) PLEASECAU -f0~AN "-PPOINTMENT MIKE BURCE" M~'/l,ER 2001 AZUllE MUWNER ARll A/CQISW()(J )(X63f«>) 2002AZUfE sn.VFR f>f.ARl /St"RAI OIDIOIOt 2002 AZl.IRE PEACOCK/MACN()( .IA~ 2111CX1 ARNA CE R 81.ACK/Bl .AC'K (XOOM) PREOW NED 1"8A21JR6 Bl.ACK/PARO U.U:N'I o.!11• 2IDllO ARHAC BLACIC./001 \lOlD ( Get yours now, limited supply! These iwscs piy for thctmdvcs ln no time. ff utn'l Thcy WW sd1 out Stgn up thJs Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Duny Rental Office ll901 Wat CoMt Jllabwsj, ~poft ibcli' - &ctea ve your .,... by ca•u,. (949) 645-6812, Ext. 110 • • No Insurance Costs •No Maint.enance QJsts •No Sllp Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, f amll)~ friends and soul cnllsfng. • Take adt'tlntage of tbe wonderful jket of Duffy Boots • Convenient location. fantastic ammllf e ~,,,,. """"""" ........... OUl'y fJt'clriC loll 0...., www~•com QUOTE OF THE DAY "That's a nice birthday present," Pat 0oucta11, UCI men's basketbaJl coach Al Friday, January 24, 2003 Sporta Editor Roger Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-0170 ' COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL EYE OPENER . . 111 Daily~POOt • SporU Hal of Fame !~Ibo-millo'Ndulll .. . • WwWY 27 honOfff, . ART GALVAN ; • Dady Pilot ~ 'Happy birthday, -coach,' 66.:.62 ·; Mike Hood (2 0 points) hits key three-pointer with 20 seconds left, Jordan Harris (18) nails two free throws with 2.2 seconds for road win over Pacific Thursday night. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot STOCKTON -UC Irvine seniors Mike Hood and Jordan Harris decided singing "Happy Birthday" to their coach wasn't enough. instead, they delivered the ultimate gift for UCJ Coach Pat Douglass' 53rd birthday. Hood and Harris led the Ant· eaters to a 66.62 Big West Conference HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Mustangs put Santa Ana away Naff scores 26 points to pace Costa Mesa girls. COSTA MESA -Rhondi Naff scored 26 points, hitting 8 of 15 from the field and 10 of I 2 at the line, to pace Costa Mesa Hlgh's girls basketball team to a SantaAna 46 Mesa 56 56-46 victory over visiting Santa Ana in Golden West League play at Costa Mesa Thurs- day night. ·we really • played a solid game,· said Costa Mesa Coach Jim Weeks. ·we played Westminster tough on Tuesday and we played weU to- night. And we have a tough game com- ing up on Monday against Saddle- back." Costa Mesa was in control from the start with Naff adding seven rebounds and three assists. RickeU Reeves added 11 rebounds to Costa Mesa's game. The Mustangs are now 11-8, 3-2 In league. while Santa Ana falls co 8-9, 1-4. Warriors roll past the Sailors IRVINE -Newport Harbor Hlgh's girls basketball team didn't have a quar- ter where it scored in double figures and host Woodbridge High ran the Sailors out of the gym Thursday night, 69-25, in a Sea View League game. ~Our girls were afraid of that red and gold, they just weren't ready to play (Thursday)," sald Newport assistant MJke Kilkenny. ·(Woodbridge) is very good at running the Ooor and they got a lot of second, thJrd and fourth shots on an offensive set" The Warriors (4-1 in league) out- scored the Sailors (11-11, l-4 in ICOREBOMD league), 23-4. in the first quarter. • Newport had 25 turnovers to Wood- bridge's 12. Lauren Stepanski paced the Waniors with 19 pointS as every =. ! Wan1or who -played scond. Vanessa Miller led Newport with nJM points and Jlllianne Whitfield chipped In ftW ~ts wfth nine re· boundl IUld three • both team biP Undlly W>Get j'abbed ave re- bowlck. ' ~ which bu lolt four or lla .... 8'e. hoeci fOtKhlD 1UMday. "'WI have to pt blC:k to WOl'k and th afllfll can6denm beck.. kJlbnny Mid. men's basketball win over Pacific, Douglass' alma mater. in front of 3,203 at the Spanos Center Thurs- day. UCI dealt Pacific its sec- ond home loss this season, and its first Big West set- back at the Spanos Center. The Tigers scored with 3.4 seconds left after a Demetrius Jackson baseline jumper, but Harris, who scored 18 points, nailed two free throws with 2.2 seconds remaining to seal the win. They shot 59.1% (26 of 44), includ- ing 66. 7% (I 4 of 21) in the second half. Hood, who scored five of the 'Eaters' final seven points, hit 4 of 5 from be· hind lhe three-point line. Harris shot 7 for 12 from the field, while Gloger was perfect, 3 of 3 for six points. Gloger also recorded two steals. "That's a nice birthday present," said Douglass, whose team remained in Anteaters 66 Pacific 62 "We found out (about Douglass' birthday) before the game." said Harris, who grabbed a game-high eight re- "I can't explain it," Hood said of his shooting performlll}ce. "I was just hit- ting shots, just feellhg good." first place in the Big West Hood. who scored a season-high 20 points, drained a three-point basket with 20 seconds left to give the Ant- eaters a 64-60 lead. With the shot clock at 10, UCI freshman point guard Jeff Gloget received a pick near half court from Harris. Gloger penetrated to the basket and dished out a pass to his left to Hood. bounds. "We were at a restau- rant and we sang. 'Happy Birthday' to him. One of the coaches surprised him and they brought out a birthday cake and we ~g. Then, right after the game we were all telling him 'happy birthday.' " The Anteaters (1 1-4, 5-1 in the Big West), led by Hood's 8-for-10 shooting from the field. completed their best shooting performance of the season. Hood has been feeling good the past three games. especially in crunch time. The 6-foot-4 sc;nior guard scored the game-winner in a 75-73 overtime victory over Utah State, and he scored four key points down the stretch In an 81 -77 y iumph at UC Riverside. "It's uncanny." Douglass said of Hood's ability to score in the clutch. Hood started his third str.Ught game Thursday. Before that he had been COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL PHOTOS BY OOH LEACH /OM..Y PILOT Anteaters' Kristin Green, left, moves the ball up court as Pacific's Nancy Dinges pokes the ball free under the basket. Below, UCl's Ashley Biggins goes up and under toward the basket as Andrea Nederostek fouls her. UCI topples Pacific Gabbe's 22 points pace Big West Conference victory at the Bren. BREN EVENTS CENTER -Behind Wendy Gabbe's 22 points. the UC Ir- vine women's basketball team de- feated the UnJvers.ity of Pacific, 67-59 Thursday in a Big West Conference game on the Anteaters' campus. After UCJ led 32-26 at halftime, Pa- cific came out of the locker room on a 13-3 run to jump ahead 39-35 with 14:06 remalnlng. The lead 01p- Oopped baclc and forth with neither team leading by more than six. be- fore the Anteaters went on a l6-6'run that built the lead to 12 (66-54) with just l :09 to play. Gabbe was 8-I 9 from the field. hitting two three-pointers, playing aU 40 minutes. Sopho- more guard Usa Faulkner also played 40 minutes, recording 12 points and four assists. Lauren Yadon had her first career dou- ble-double with 11 points and 10 rebounds. Ouistina Callaway added elght points and etgbt re- bounds in 25 minutes of .action. Nancy Dinges led UOP with 12 points, including knocking down 4-4 from three·point range. Gillian d 'Hondt totaled I I SCOREBOMD points in the loss. The Tigers shot 60.5 percent (23-38), but took 32 fewer shots than UCJ and turned lhe ball over 26 times. UCJ hit just 34.3 (24-70) Pacific 59 from the floor. Anteaters 67 The Anteaters dominated the glim, out-rebound- ing the Tigers 42-30. UCI will return to action Saturday, hosting Cal State Northrldge at 7 p.m. in the Bren C.enter. coming off the bench for seven, straight games. "My confidence was down." Hood said. "But, right now it's good and l'U be fine for the rest of the season." Said Douglass:· Our two seniors really stepped up. Mike Hood and Jor- dan Harris really had big ballgames• and played good defense as well. (As- sociate) coach (Todd) .Lee did a goo<t job of preparing our guys with whab Pacific was going to run. He watched ~ - lot of tape. He really had the guye: ready to go. "This is one of our bener ballgames of the year," Douglass continued. ·we pla9ed weU on both· ends of the court. We fought through adversity. They hit some big buckets and we didn't quit. We don't quit." See UCI, P11• AlO HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL CdMgoes. ice cold at': Calvary Chapel Very linle goes right in for: Corona del Mar in 65-35 Pacific Coast League loss. · Richard Dunn Dally Pilot SANTA ANA -BiUed as the Pacifit Coast League season's inaugural 6rst-1 place showdown, the Corona del Mar' High girls basket. baU team would prefer not to ad- vertise its shoot- ing percentage Thursday night. while host Calvary Olapel the league newcomer, an- nounced its arrival with a 65-35 win. The Eagles (12-8, 3-1 in • • CdM Calvery 35 66 league), whose .• throwbaclc 3-2 z.one defense was in-• stilled to shut down CdM senior sharp-; shooter Kelliann Kleln. kept most of the Sea Kings (8-10, 3-1) on their heels as' the visitors shot 13 of 46 from the field (28.2%) in their 6rst league setback. "We shot so bad against University the other nlght, I didn't think there was: any way we could shoot any wone ... I; guess It finally caught up wfth us," CdM ' Coach James Barblow said. ~ Calvary CllapeL wbk:h bas a history or: CIF Southern Section Division IV sue-' ' cess with two finals appearances since' 1999, mounted an early lead, 17-6,~ whJch was insurmountable for the Sea' Klnp by first quartet's end. The Eagles outscored the Sea Kings in every quar-' ter, including 19-8 In the founh period. ' "The whole game, we didn't play de- fense and we shot horrible," Barblow. said. "We missed I'd say eight layups:; and we missed them at crucial times.) ju,,t when (the Eagles) would be In the'.: ='"s:::. ~ run. It takes the wind out or~ Cd.M's defensive mission was to stop: Calvary Chapel point guard RocbeDe: Qawford from going nuts on the IOO~ ' board. And. while the Sea Kln8I wete • succesaful ln holding the P.agtes' le.adlns: soorer to only atx potnr.s. the had no an-\ swer for alashlna glWd Dani Bacon.~ who dropped in. ~-high 21 ~ .. , with a 9-of-14 perfonnan<:e from:jtbe 8eld. - "Th.ls ls a big win ror ua; Chapel Coach Bob Moore Mid. "We' played well tonight." ~ Calvary Chapel, which reached a sea-~ eon-hJgh polnt total aplna1 the· s.; Klnp' deleme, lbot 27 of 62 from the' Goor (43.5") -13of31 In the ftnc bait. and l 4 ot 31 In the eecond. : The &it* opened with • 7-0 '-1,. then lifter IC.leln (telm· ....... poinll)' • HONORS Dittenbir Lion of the Week· If you were to base choosing Uon of the Week on picking an athlete with a tremendous work ethic, attitude, and spirit. it would be hard to find a better choice than Robbin Dittenbir. The senior guard from Dinu- ba is In her fourth and finaJ sea- son· with the Lions and is the heart and souJ of the women's basketbaJl team at Vanguard University. If you go by production on the court, she is having the best sea- son of her ca- reer statisti- caJly and is one of the main reasons the Lions are off to an 8-1 start in Golden State Robbin Dittenbir Athletic Con- ference play .. Therefore, ·Robb Oogg~. as her teammates call her. is the perfect choice for Vanguard's Lion of the Week. Vanguard is coming off two crucial GSAC wins last week. Dittenbir was instrumentaJ in both wins as she took her game to the next level and provided just what the team needed. What the team needed was 25 points, 19 rebounds. six steaJ'>, and nine assists. not to mention an aggressive. never-give-in at- titude that she spread'> throughout the team. Robbin produced her fifth double-double of the season in the 67-56 win over No. 22 Point Loma as the Lions pulled off the difficult win on the road. Robb Oogg burned rhe nets for 14 points, picked up five steaJs. grabbed 11 rebounds. and dished out a season -high seven assists to help the Lions main- tain first place over the second- place Crusader'>. Di1tenbir's 10th rebound of the night was the 600th of her Vanguard ca reer. Four nights later Dillenb11 propelled the Uons to victory over Azusa Pacific University at the Pit on the Vanguard cam- pus. One can hear her voice over the crowd at the Pit as Oir- tenbir pushed herself and her teammates to finish the job of breaking a six-game losing streak against the Cougars. Aside from her leadership ef- forts and defensive skills. Dir- tenbir contributed 11 points. eight rebou,nds, and two as5ists to the 58-55 Vanguard victory. CurrentJy the Llons are 13-7. 8-1 in the GSAC. 0 ••• , •••• so SPORTS Friday, ~ 24, 2003 Al HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING CdM's Isaac Inouye (left) pin s Norttiwood's Omar Kurd1. Right, CdM's Dane Robie takes down Northwood opponent foe on the way to a victory by pm 1n 2 4/ CdM wrestlers sparkle amid stars With famed Calvary Chapel involved in three-way m eet , Sea Kings assert · · themselves against Northwood. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DfJ. MAR -Glee beamed from the face of Co- rona del Mar I Ugh wrestling coach Gary Almqwst as he scoured the traming room pick- ing up scattered potato chip bags and crumpled napkins. Almquist helped clean the floor but the host Sea Kings also did 'iOme shining of their own on the mats in a 51 · 21 Pacific Coast I .eague victory over Nonhwood.. "It's not ~ a good win for us, it's a great wm for us..· Alm- quist said "I didn't expect a win like thaL I thought I would have to say we lost to both David and Goliath and we would bring all the rods next ~r. • Before the tn meet featuring CdM (5· I I. 2-2 m league). Nonhwood and Calvary Olapel of Santa Ana -ranked No. 1 in CJF Southern Section Division I and winners of two of the last three state titles -Almquist compared his team's match with the Eagles. a 64-12 los.s in the Sea ~· fuial league match later fhur'iday nighr (CdM and Northwood faced-off first), with the Biblical story of David and Goliath ln the story. David fights against Goliath. a behemoth of a 'iOldier in the in- vading Philistine army. David needs only one rock. shot from a sling. 10 knock down Goliath and eventually stabs the solider. PHOTOS BV STEVE McCRANK DAil v PILOT CdM's Taylor Alston dominated Norttlwood's J.D. Janescu at 103 pounds. Alston won 19-3. lcilling tum. and sending the in vadmg army retreaung. Davtd eventually becomes a Icing fol lowing the death of Saul. ~ Northwood llluNiay. two Sea King freshmc"!'l: F'-tcm Greub (112 pounds) and Max UK· ropina (135). both took the crowru. for their fir;t v.m.uy· mau:h Vlctones after wrest1mg ar the lower levels prior tlus ~ Greub won by deasion after three periods leading. 11-6, which gave CdM a 9--0 cushion, and Uk ropi.na scored three poml!t for he. team Wlth a 7-5 decision. ·That's huge," said Alm qu1st about wms by Greub and Ukropma Greuh and Robbie Rltcrue (heavyweight) won CdM's only rwo matches agamst Calvary Chlpe~ both by forfeit Ulcropina took the spot nor- mally occupied by freshman 1im Sullivan, who Almquist said w·dS injured but did not specify further. Three CdM wrestJer.; won by pins. rnptunng a totaJ of 12 points (six points per pin) Sophomore Bnan Feeley (1191 used his right arm to hold hLS opponents head down on the mat and pinned in 48 seconds. Fellow sophomore Isaac In ouye fought back from a 5-0 deficit in the second round to BASKETBALL SUMMARIES record the fall on Omar Wrdi in J .14. With both player; Sla.11d· ing. Inouye reached for hL'> op- ponent's legs and latched on. I le evenrually worked tu~ arms upwards m a bear hug o;tyle hold and Hipped Kurdi onto tus back for the wm. CdM"s final pm came at 189 from Junior Dane Rob1e m 2:47 The fall gave <...dM a 51 12 lead with the 215 and heavyweight matches le~ hoth won by Northwood. Sophomore faylor Al'>lon -.cored a ma1or den<Jon victory I 19-31 wonh five point!. tu begm tht' match. Alston had the up· per hand throughout. wrappmg lu.'> ann., dfuund ht., opp<inent"• che.1 d.'> both wn.--,tler. lowll Sophomore Mdll l.ot.'b I L5J firu\hed wir11 an 18-b vit10 I"\ for four po111L'> and Dan ( .u~hue (l 521 ..et1Jrt'<I tiw po111b .v11h a ma1or·dt'CL"on win !~I bJ owr a Nonhwood upponl 11t Cam Po'>pl.'>11 11.iu .mo Hyan ShOCL"> 1160 both ~un by fur fe1t. notchrng SI). poml'> ap1eq~ for the Sea King!>. ~ruor Jeff 8raJ.£.oe, one of Nonhwood"~ stronger wresder;, according to Ttmberwolf Coach Scon Akins. wa.<, .,IC k and d.tdn"t compt·te Thur.eta~ :-..:ick Annendra7 wre<.tJed ill 145 m place of <,0pho more Jon Dean, and perfonned vah.mtJy accordmg to Almqut'>I lot.' tJunder II i' I J and Alex I .>taz !heavyweight) both foughr hard before bcmg pinned m thetr matchec.. ·~re t-XaM where "-t' net'd LO ht>." AJmqwSI '><lid of ( .d\.1'. state of rrund heading mm tht' Ul.guna I !ill~ loumamenr -.:uur day wtth league final., of the ho ri:l..on Feh 8. "We're o;1arung to gel ctnd pracuces arr grnn~ well ... • r-.ewpon Harbor H.1¢1"' \.ul or. were embroiled m rwu '>ea Vi~ League marcht'.'. lut.....da~ and Thlll"'>day. On Tuesday. at Lrvme m ii 'li' 12 lo-.<,, Kid lim was c1 w1ruwr m 3:28 at 112 pounds 10 run hL'> re cord to 17-6 Nale (.e1er abo won b\ pm m U 4 ar I \r; pound<,. TI1ur.ddv. m a 62-12 '°'-" to Vl~Ung I .cl6'Wlil Hill'>. Geier wa.'> a wmner by pin over M"-ln McKa-. in 5:28 to run hi!. n'Cord to 19·5 Geier rolled up J I \ 1 edge bdore pinning his nval Tht• "iaJIOI"". 4-5. I.]. m the ~'a \'it'\\ are al Woodbnd~ n~t Thur.eta\ COLLEGE BASEBALL Vanguard rallies for a 6-3 triumph COUEGE WOMEN 811 Wnt Conference UC lnrlne 67. Padflc 59 P9dfic -Johnson 4, d'Hondt 11, Smith 0, Wong 4. Dinges 12,Feely 2. Tarstuk 0, Ewing 6. Nederostek 4. Clark 9, Dupont 5. Gibbard 2 J..pt goals -Dinges 4 Fouled out -none Tedlmcala -none Goldefl Wnt l.N&W Costa Mesa 56, Santa Ana 46 Score by Ou•rtef's Santa Ana 1~ 10 • 19 .a Costa Mesa 11 1 s 10 13 !16 Santa Ana -Sosa o. Rincon 1, Chavez 12, Garcia 8. love 1, Palacios 19, Ro1as 2. Jimenez 3 3-pt. goals -none Fouled out -Rincon. J1menei Tectimcala -none COLLEGE WOMEN 'S TENN IS Anteaters win , 4-3 ANTE.ATI:R ITNNlS STADIUM -The UL lrvme Anteater. opened the 2003 ..eason with a 4-3 nonconference victory over the Sacramento 5tate Homer~ 'fllursday on the 'Eaters campus. pion with a 20-3 record la..\1 \ea· son, so rm very hapP) Wlth the way things turned our." ..aid UCI Coach Mike Edles. "I m glad to have ltuc; one under our belt.· ( Lions strike back with four-run ~ixth to capture season opener. COSTA MESA -Vall'- guard University's baseball team opened the 2003 sea- son with a sllrrlng four- run sixth inning to lift the Uons to a 6-3 nonconfer· ence victory over visiting California Baptist Thurs- day on the winner's dia- mond. Kaleo Lopez, who came on In the slxth Inning. went four Innings and al- lowed one hit and one run to get the victory. Vanguard had found It- self In a 3-l deficit through 5\ililnlngs. but It all turned around In the sb:tb when Jason Searle was hit by a pitch and Joe Carna- han walked. A one-out mi cue and a wild pitch followed and Scott Martin drew a walk. then a paaaed ball emued and finally catchtt Jon a- than Bower delivered the blow of the game. a twO· nm double The Uo had opened up with 1 tc0re ln the ftnt lnnlna when Matt 11.t· thammer •inlled and scored on a passed ball. CaJ Bap· tist re- sponded with a twO· run home run by Steve Ferreira in the third inning, and added another run in the fourth on Matt Price's RBI dou- ble. Vanguard's other score came In the third Inning when des ignated hitter Ja- son Searle drove In a run with a base hit. Cal Baptist trimmed the deficit 'to 6·4 in the elg.hth inning when Matt Price connected for a solo home run. Marcus Harris pitched five solid innings for the Uons, giving up three runs oo teVen hits and striking ~ out two batters. The Uons. 1-0, will play the Vanguard alumnl on , Saturday at 1 p.m . "-'--•ic. ~ •• C.. leptltt .. ca ~n~ .... u vu 1010040011 -tlO Hurd, Orote0 (I), L.aMa (81, Johneon (II end Ctoucih. Henit, t.opei Ill WI lower. W -Lopez, 1-0.. L-Oroloo, 0. 1. 28 -Price (Cl), lower (VUI. HR-'"91ra (Cl ), Price (Cl), 00-Yadon 11, Callaway 8, Faulkner 12, Gabbe 212, Green 7, Biggins 5, Sturgeon 0, Ferguson 2. Usher 0 3-pt. goals -Yadon 2, Faulkner 2, Gabbe 2, Green 1. Fouled out -none. Tec:hmcala -none Halfhme -UCI. 32·26 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS s.. View LMcue Woodbfldge ·o.~ 25 Scot-i by Newpoft • I e • ~ Woodbndge 23 ti 11 12 • Newpol't -C.mpbell 1, Swigart 4, Whitfield 5, Vuquez o. V'A>Her o, Stoltz 0, Miller 9, Eddington 2, Ulllday 4, f\iloe 0. 3-pt goela -Miller 1. Fouled out-none. Tec:hnicalt -none. Woodbrtdge -Corbin 11, Eridclon 12. Doyle 3, Jacbon 2. Stepenatu 19. Albed 2, Moeller 2, Nidlols I, AeV917. W.U.6. 3-pt. goet. -Wea. 2, Cort>ln 1, Doyte 1, Rev-1, Stepenald 1. Fouled out -none. Ted'lnk:ala -none Costa Me91-Bndt 5, Landeros 0, Naff 26, Reeves 7, Sand'lez 6, l<:1b1n 5. Trujillo 4, Vergara 3. Cluff 0, Kelly 0, Langmos O. Montoya o. Navarrette O. WagnerO. 3-pt. goals -Bndt 1 Fouled out -none Tec:hmcals -none DEEP SEA THURSDAY'S COUNTS N9wpoft landlnO -1 boat. 7 anglers. 15 sand bass. 1 halibut. 35 eculpin, 1 sheephead. cum LACROSSE The Hornets grabbed an early 1-0 lead after winning two of the three doubles matches. but jun- ior Ttffany Olang. !.<>phomore Anna Bent:7.er and ..ophomore Knstina Boss aJJ won their sm- gles matches to give UCI a 3-I lead. Senior Amy Tranclono clinched the victory with her 7-5, 4-6, 6-I win over Christina Ri- viecdo. "We expected this to be a tough match. Sacramento State is the defending Big Slcy cham· CDM Continued from A8 scored to cut their lead to 11-6. they scored sh unanswered points to cap the first period. "We switched our defmsc around lo a 3-2 so we could fol- low ()Qein), ~ Moore said. '"IOe:in's an awesome shooter and we de- cided to keep her out on the pe- rimeter with a band In bet face and I think that frustnled her. ln two of the last ftve pmes. &be has bid Ow ttuft--poJnters In tbcl8r games.. 1CJrin WU 0 of 4 from three- polm coun~ wblle the Sea ~ ftoiabed 0 ol6. CdM aeuior' Jid:le McCoV coaaibueed ~ pom.., reboundl. four ...... and one ...._ wbMe MecMenn ()Habelu bid fow reboUndil ind two bb'iad lbocl and l.auren ~-....... bCdM. CIMry QMpll. "'1hidl ID' II The Anteaters are at lJ\)( to- day. staning at I :30 p.m NOliCOilaMIW ua 4, s.cnwn.nto St. 3 Slngtes l<amaulchov1 ISi def Bowman. 7~. 6-1 Chang IUCll def Rosllnd. 6-3 4-2 ret. Ben1let CUO} def ~o. 6-2, 6-2. Abr.n.m ISi def Posner. Hi 7.5 Ill 9), Bou (UC1) oef Kashef, 6-1. 6-3. Tranduno (001 def R1viecct0. 7-S,4-6, 6-1 ~ -l<am1ukhova-Rosland (SI oef Bowman~ang, S.S; Bentl9r-l..eow 1001 def. f911ento..Kasllef ISi. M Rlvtecao-Abraham ISi def Boa Posner 9-7 least one steal from six dlffemu players. was led by Crawford's seven ~ row rebounds and tlutt teals. In the second quarter, C.dM pulled to within J 7 • I l, but Bacon scored three stnigtlt basUts -a la)'Up. a three-pointer and &n· otlu!r layup with 3.34 left on a pass trom Crawford -and Mo- nique Wat90n added a Jumpa- Wlth 2.'43 to play in ~ first half to crown an • 9--0 run. They ltd ll halftime. 3 J -16. Mer 8aam and Cnwbd scored two q f4 t Cat- vuy ~ to open the l«OOd halt It pve the hOltS a polnt '-1 (35) .,...rer than rwkt lht IJntp(. IOOU• C'AMJy Oulpel 7.0 tpUrt. ln wbidl cr.tal Pf'llnCh ICOftd after ..... -.-hm Owwbd to alP .... f\.U\ me Ell* ""'°'" a 42"21 ...... wllb ~ to .., In 1btd*d ...... AlO Friday, Januafy 24, 2003 lrVine Women's Basketball ~Irvine •Alumni Night"-.., ......... of the UC Irvine A..._11 Aslodlldon .. re.cche two free dd&m UC Irvine Men's Volleyball UC Irvine vs. San Djeg Friday, Jan.14, 7 p.m. UC Irvine vs. Long Beach .Saturday, Jan.15, 7 p.m. All Matches Played .. Crftford Gymnasium . For llHN'C lnfonuttlon, cell (t49) UCl-WINS or www.81111allcs.ud.edu -. SP ORT S SCHEDULE TODAY ........... Community college-OCC men at Saddlebed<. .15:30 p.m.; OCC women at Saddlel>edl. 7:30 p.m. High 9Chool boys -CdM at C.IVary Chapel. 7 p.m.; Newport at · V'A>odbridge, 7 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View, 7 p.m.; s.ddlebedt at Coste Mesa. 7. p.m.; Whitney et Sage Hill, 7:30 p.m. High echool gir11-Whitney It Sage Hltt,6 p.m. Soc:cw High edlool boys• Newport Harbor at Woodbridge. 5 p.m.; Corona del Mar et Calvary Chapei 3: 15 p.m.; Saddlebadc at Costa Mesa, 2:30 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View, 2:30 p.m.; Whitney at&tge Hill. 3:15 p.m. High school girls -Sage Hill at Whitney. 3:15 p.m. ~ College men -UC San Diego at UC Irvine, 7 p.m. Tennis College men -Brigham Young at UC Irvine, 1 p.m. College womGn -UC Irvine at USC. 1 :30 p.m.; Vanguard University at U. of Redlands Tournament. Waterpok> High scttool girls -Garden Grove at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m.; Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor at Santa . ) ' 4 I' STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Barbara Toumament at UC Santa . \ STEVE McCRANK /lJAllYPllOT Barbara. First round. Newport Harbor vs. University (San Otego) at Rec. Pool, 12:20 p.m .• Corona del Mar vs. Car1sbad. at Rec. Pool, 2:60 p.m.; second round: Newport Harbor-University winner vs. LS Wilson-El Toro winner. 8 p m .• at campus pool; CdM..cartabad winner vs. Los Alamitos-Canyon winner, 5:30 p.m. a t campus pool. SATURDAY BaaUtbal College men -UC Irvine at Cal State Northridge, 7·05 p.m.; Vanguard Universrty at Chapman Universrty. 7:30p.m. College women -Cal State Northridge at \JC Irvine, 7 p.m. w.terpolo High school girls -Corona def Mar and Newport Harbor at Santa Barbara Tournament, at UC Santa Barbara, semifinals at 1:16 p.m. and 3:15 p.m .; th1rd plaoe at 4:15 p.m.; championship at 5 30 p.m. Volleybell touege men -Long Beach State at UC Irvine, 7 p m WNsting High school -Corona def Mar at Laguna Hills Tournament. 9 a.m. Swimming College men and women -Cal State Northridge at UC Irvine, 1 p m Softba• College -Vanguard Universrty alumni game, 10 a m Baseball College-Vanguard Uruvu1srty alumni game. 7 p.m UCI Continued from Af!J UCI SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Major happenings Among today's schedule 1s a Sea View League boys basketball showdown at Woodbridge High where the Newport Harbor Sai~ ors, including Chad Rorden (above) invade for a midseason showdown. Tipoff tonight is set for 7 p.m. In girls water polo at UC Santa Barbar a. Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor put thetr reputatioos oo the hne at the Tournament of ChamptOOs. Among the competitors are Newport Harbor's Annie Wight (at left. top) and Corooa del Mar's Daruelle Carlsoo (at left, bottom). Newport Harbor opens tne two-day event against the Unrversrty High of San Diego at 12:20 p.m. at the Recreaboo Center pool, and Co- rooa del Mar 1s at the same site against Carlsbad at 2:50 p.m. Victories m today's first-and second rounds would prt Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar against one m the semifinals oo Sat- urday. etCi WEST d three-pointer, which gave the Ant- t:dtcr:. their bigge!>l w l lcc1d . L8 14. UCI grabbed it:. first lead of the game, 11 -9, after Hood hit a three- pointer with 14:19 left in the first half. From that point on, the Ant- eaters wouJd never lose their lead. It ap- peared, UC I had put the game away after Utah St. UCSB Fullerton 5 1 Hut Pacific clo!>ed ! ~ out the half with a 3 3 13 l run, and pulled 3 3 the deficit to 30-27. 3 3 The 1 igers hit 11 of 3 4 their 12 free throws 2 4 in the first half to 2 4 \lay within ~Lnking 1 5 d1-.1ancc, while the Parada i.cored '>tx points and grabbed five rebound.s in ~ minutes, the least playing tlm\'. among the Marters. He picked up his fourth foul with 5:57 left: Thl' Anteaters will return 19 action Saturday at Cal Sta.tf Northndgc at 7:05 p.m . Pacific Cal Poly Idaho Riwrs.ide N'ndge LBSt.. I larris put in two foul shots with I :44 left to give the 'Eaters a 59-54 lead. But Pacific (8·7. 3-3) came right back with a three-pointer by Jackson (team- high 17 points) with I :21 left. Hood answered with a long jump shot near the top of the key with I :05 remaining to push the lead back up to 61 -57. Then, with 48 seconds left, Pacific for- ward Man Kemper swished in a three-pointer, but Hood and Harris led UCI to the win down the stretch. Kemper played at Irvine Valley College two years ago and was a roommate of UCJ junior guard Aras Baskauskas. Baskauskas played a key role in the first half, guiding UCI to its biggest lead. He dished out two assists that led to three pointers. He broke Paufic':. full- court press and found Hood ·open for a three-pointer that gave UCI a 25-12 lead wilh 7:19 left. Then Baskauskas fed d pass to freshman Mike Efevberha for Anteater'> did not have a free-throw attempt 1n the fir-.1 20 m111utes. Pacific l>lruKKlcd in the firM .half, enduring a scoring drought that la:.ted 6:26. That's when UC! took advantage and built a 22-10 lead. as freshman Ross Schraeder came off the bench to knock down two three-pointers and I lood. who scored 11 in the half, added an- other to aid 1n the 'Eaters' scor- ing spurt. Pacific Coach Rob Thomason had plenty to say about !food after the game. "Mike flood was the differ- ence." said Thomason, who was Douglass' backcourt teammate at Pacifk in the early 1970s. "I thought with our quickness we would be able to bother him. The two shots he made at the end absolutt:ly saved them. UCI has big guys down low, but with Hood hitting his shots and scoring so much, he's made. that team :.u much better." ULI 7 O junior center Adam ZOTS -Thomason and Oougleu were teammates and roommates at Pacific In the early '70s "Tell Pat that was his b1nhday present." Thomason said after the game • But I actually • think Hood gave him a present more than I did Harris said UC1 thrived on taking the crowd out of the game in the frrst half. After th~ game, Harris and Efevbeftta 1umpod in the air and bumps chests in celebration. "At the beginning we were killing them,·. Hams said "But we really didn't shut them up until those free throws at the end It's a brg win. I don't think any of the other Big Wes1 teams are going to win in here: ... The Anteaters left for a flight to Burbank this morning and will practice at Northridge today. Bia Welt Confwence UC IJVlne 66, P8dfic 62 UC llvine -Zuzak 2. Harris 18, Parada 6, Gloger 6, Hood 20, Schraeder 6, Baskauskas 0, Efevberha 3. Okoro 3, Ethington 2 3 pt. goals -Hood 4, Schraeder 2, Efevberha 1 Fouled out none Technicals none Padftc -Maraker 11. Coc*Je 6. .. Johnson 4, Jadtaon 17, Davis 8, 1 Korajlcic 5, Bowden O. Kemper 11. 1 3 pt. goals -Maraker 3, Kemper 2, 1 ,Jadtson 2, Codde 1. ~ Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime -UCI, 30-27. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER I CdM, Costa Mesa blank foes J Corona del Mar tunes up for Tuesday's duel with North~ood with 2-0 PCL victory over Calvary Chapel. Shutouts were the name ot tlie game Thursday afternoon in Wgh school girts soccer as Co· rooa dcl Mar handled Calvary Chapel in Pacific Coast Lffgue play, 2-0, and Co ta Mesa con- tinued Its domlnadon of the Golden West League with a 7..0 apanking or visiting Santa Ana. Corona del Mar, whkb hosts Northwood on Tuaday in a PCI. ehowdown. lmproYed to 7-3· l . 4..0-0 in league with a domlnat- '"8 dlsplay. forctns talvary O\lpel's goalie into I / saves. while CdM's goal was not at- tacked, at all. Tuylor FJ.l lon scored the first goaJ m the 44th m111ute when she took .t comer kick from AJl- via Mazw.i and headed the ball in- Later a cro from Fallon set up Raebel Yel.sey and the latter booted the ball home from 15 yard o ut. •Costa Mesa's victory im- proved the Mustangs' record to 13-1-2, 7·0 in the Golden West ~ Sharon Day had three goals and two as.Vsts, and her 51.ster, freshman ,Jumin Day, had two goals and an Toshia Bryant had a goal. Jen ny Sparb had a goal and an a»l.,t, Nllani l>u ne had an u - lst and RAlchcl Hughes had an t ass isl. . , • Kendra Balley had two saves. 1 Sanla Ana. 5-7-3, 1-4-l . en league, gave the MustanS' • ~lrong effort, but was unable to solve Mesa's defense. Santa An.i goalkeeper Anna Barrera bad 20 saves. •Newport Harbor High's ~ ors lost a 2-1 heartbreaker at Woodbridge u the hosts ca.rPf up with a score off a free kick. up by a penalty. which hit 0.. ciossba.r, only to be beaded tn. , ~ Krystal Wright, with an aSl&I from Ta.ryn Flam.son. acored la the 58tb minute to tie the ~ View l.ngue encounter at 1-J. Newport goalkeeper Kara ~ Mille WU Cftdited with hf MveL I • The Salk>n feO to 4·&-5, 2.·2 it'l lngue play. .. a ,.. Daly Piiot SPORTS Friday, January 24, 2003 All r SPORTS, AND OTHER THINGS I I I I I ! leM8e1Hltling Odes from fourth-graders I Clltdl, I throw, I hit I ("Un as fast aa tha shot of a 9'1" I ttive, I thrive 1,m the pitdler, I ,m the outfielder I pm the infielder ~row as fast 118 a beam I m the whole team. y: Nat Johnaon : BasUtbaill Sprintinfl ci>wncouJt I ali-oop, I slam-dunk, I shoot t/J6 ball up over a player's head, I play defense and offense, head to head dtter the game, I fef!l like I'm dead. By:'Zadc Scott Buketball Islam-dunk ftom New Yort all the way to Los Angeles, I dribble like I am Kobe Bryant, I shoot like I am mini M idlael Jordan, I slam like I am Shaqwlle O'Neal, I might just have All theso players Qnmy team, II they can ram I might just be the Chicago Bulls By Brice Vilofla 8Ha.tbatl I shoot /dribble I do a ~ossovtJr I Run as fast as I can I'm thtJ point guard I set up thtJ plays My taam Ls losing by two I shoot a three It's in it's in we win! By Tommy Pidcett Baabtbell Shooting From the three point line I run, I shoot I score; I jump to whirring sound an inch above the ground; I'm the player and the ref. I'm the shooter and the passer I'm the one and only Shooter, scorer, and passer. By: Anel Kusby 0.ncing Twirling A wooden floor I leap, I jump, I sway I dance to the sound piano I move like I'm in a cloud I twirl two times before I stop I'm thtJ one and one dancer. By: Riley Mathies ptaying I hit, I catch, I punt I hit the ball over the base and across the street; I'm the player and the batter, runner, I'm the baseman and rm the hitter and the catdler Outfielder, I'm the I'm the one and only single One and only baseball engine human player. player. By.Asa Lohr By: Ashley Er1<*son The Basketbell ptay.r Sutfing Shooting /surf I dribble, I jump, and I block; On a gold a sea I jump to slam 3 feet above I turn, I glide, I jump, The ground; I'm the Ptlot I fly above the ground, and the lane, I'm the surfer and the I'm the surfer and the Board, surfboard, I glide across the sea, I'm the one and only smgle I'm the only one wing Surfing the wave. human auto plane By: Mac Mdcelvey BY; Zach Eddy The Dashing Dancer The Beautiful Dancer Dancing Spinning on on the stage A dance floor I spin, I twirl, I sway, I leap, I sway, I spin, I dance to the music I turn to the graceful music I'm the dancer and I'm the dancer and the The dance dance, I'm the beautiful music that I I'm the D.J. and the music; dance to I'm the one and only I'm the only single human dancing machine dancing machine 1 By: Sara Braun By: Carolyn Kmnear The Baseball Hitter The Dirt Bike Rider Hlttmg across the field R1d1ng through dirt and mud I slide. I catch, I bat I turn, I 1ump, I fall; I run to the base I jump seven feet above To get the .batter out and the ground Put the batter in their bunk I 1ump twelve feet away I'm the catcher and the from the 1ump I'm the driver and the I am the only on11 The Soccer.....,., throttle the mobile man. Scoring rm the only fast ndtJr By: MaK Van Bergh In a btQ white goal on the trade. I sf)Hd. I walk. I slup, By: Dawson K1rdlner I run a mile m 20 seconds The~K.ld flat Th•Gymnast Skimming I am the best and that is that Running He grrnds, blrnds, and flies I express myself by running A trampoline ground He skims at the sPHCJ of fast I flip, I spin, and I st1dc, sound * So what if sometimes I am I cartwheel to chanting I bet you won't even see htm last sounds I doubt you 'II even hear him By Heather Kipp Way above the hairy He is the one and the only ground. Skateboard kid: TheSwimm.r I'm the ribbon and the bow By: Montana Johnson I'm the sewer and the sow Swimming In an OP'Jn pool,/ I'm the best gymnast Th• Skateboerd Miract. splash, I turn, I ICJ'*. On the ground. There 1s a race today I am the only car and wheel, By: Camille De/brook lhopelwini I am the only boat and sail, Ready I am the only human boat The Music ptav-r Set go and Blowing the flute Everyone 1s off. Wheel I twist I push, I 1ump, I swerve. I curve. I sway By Masha Lepire To running to covenng a I speed to a roaring sound hole an Inch I win, I win, I win. The Tripping Teacher Above the trombone By HunttJr Howard Teacher I'm the trom and the bone you slip, you fly, and you I'm the tuba and the mouth The Soccer ptayer talk piece Running out loud m the sky I'm the one'and only one on a soccer field you tell me all that you can whos dnving a they pass, I k1dc, I score when you slip you sltde and One seater too I'm fast and swearing tons of youtnp By Weston Mitchell screams so 1ust get up and do what An inch away from me you havt! The Skate Men I'm the scorer and the goal todoagam Skat mg I'm the one and only single so tell me all that you can the world; I slide, I gnnd, I 1ump human but try not to slip, slide or the worlds end, Runner of a/JI tnp again The man that never stops By: Bndget Lyons By· Nicholas Mccann l.!plNotica 2640 j lepl Notices 2MO Legal Notices 2MO leoal Notices 2MO legal N«lces M leoal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2MO legal Notices ;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;NO~TI~C~E~O~F;;;;;;;; .... ,;;;Wll~l:;;;;6e;;;;gr;;;;;al\l8d;;;;;;:;;p;:;J1!4U~._an PUIUC llOOO PETTTlON TO interested pef10l'l hies lkt Ptnllit lf200l-OO I ADMINISTER an obJeC1>on IO the · ,. ) ESTATE OF: petition and showS good 1• AlOOUOl ELIZABETH a. cause wfly the court Nollet I'!> hereby &•vtn STODDARD AXA should noc grant 1t11! th•I an .appllutton nn ElJZABETH auttlon!y Men wbm1tleO by ONBY HANCOCK GIBBON A HEARING on Ile [nterprn.u Inc . lo STODOARD pelltJOn Wlll tie toeto on ulabhsh an utina and CASE NO. A217199 02J2(W3 al 1 30PM ltl Oflnktn& fac1hly within To all hen. Depc L·73 located at the Bluffs Commetctal ~ creditcn 341 T'HE CITY DRIVE. Stioppon1 Center. The .,.,...,.canes, · ORANGE, CA g2863 new shopp1ne <tnte1 '' ~ ~.ll\lllt'tdy IF YOU OBJECT to !tie cutrtntly under con ,.....__ ... ., struction al lhe c0<nt1 oet..-b9 tnterMted granting ot ll1e peOllOn, of Ma'-'rthu• Boulaverd tn f1e Wiii Of IS&ale, or you should~ it Ile a nd 8 t$On Ave nu' both ol EUZA8Eni G heanng and 11* 'f"'J' Adequate par1un& 10< the STOOOAAD AKA ~Of file wnttln re\taurant t'!> pt•nnC'O EUZABETH HANCOO< ~IS llllth lhe OOUl1 The eslabh\hmenl will GIB80N STOOOAAD betOfe Ille l'eanng Y0411 occupy I 408 sQu11e A PETITION FOA appearance may b9 tn lee! of the 19.694 PA00ATI: has been penon Of by your SQUtft feet prevrou,ly ftle<I by A08EAT A attomey •uih0<1zed by UP2002 STOOOAAD. AIQ1AR.O IF :«xJ ARE A 020 The opa1a11on of G STOOOAAO ANO CREOOOA or a the lat1hty ooo not JAMES C STOOD~ OOllClligent c::redlU>r ol fle tntlud• the nl• u• tf1 !tie SiJPeflOr CCJ6r1 of -decUSed; you must hie Ur VIC e b I 1 I c oh ll Ii t ~ County al your daim With the OOUf1 benocH. The l1c1hty OAANGE and tna' a CXlP'f to h will not p10•1de •ny THE PETITION FOA personal ~IMI uclusin ootOoo< Cl1ntn1 PROBATE iequealS that appoll1led by the CCUf1 The Pf09UIY 1\ touted RQSERT A W1t1W1 bJr montns 1rom 1n the PC cSub a1u •5 STOOOAAD. RICHARD ttie dale ot 1n1 issuance of the Bonita Canyon <; STOOOAAO ANO ot letters as pn::Mdld 111 Planned Community) p Code 1i11Ct10f1 0 IS lrtc I JAMES C STOOOARD robate Prop,rty to"tad ,, be IPPOlf1led as ~IOO The lime tor liklg U ti 11 .... Av- --.i ~ darns will nol el!pn Th I h b IOI""'.::;::_.., --~.. betQre lolM' monfll frOfTI IS PfOJtC H ten -·--•• .,...., 1eviewed, and 11 hn ol II-. dlc:edef1t. thl '-1vlO dale nobCed been determ1neO 11111 ti Tl1E PETITION r9CJ.lflSb IDo¥e t 11 t --s -• ..... YOU MAY EXAMNE fie '' ca •1«1ca Y •••'"P ~ ... ...,._,. -...... und« the requ1umenh COltals, II at"fY. b9 Ne kepi by Ille OOUtl1 H ol the Cahforma (nvt admitted IO probate you are a per900 ronmenlal Quaht; Act The ..,.. and any codlClls lnteresled In trle eSQte, under Clns 1. E 11stona are avaiablie tor you may Ille wllt1 the r ac•llhes. examlnallon n the file OOUl1 a Request 1or u.. ,.,.,.tt Uf't003- kecic by Ille OOUl1 Soecial NotlC9 (lorm DE 001 " KheOuled f0t THE PETITION~ 154) ol ltle filing at an ra•tew by th• Pl1nn1111 IUlhonty IO ~ rftte<*Xy and ~ Otpart1t1ent ol Iha City 1'11 estale undef the ol estate aSleU or ol any ot NewPQft Buch 911 af" lndlpeocw tt pellllOn or acx:ounl u .tt .. T~. ,..,,_ Adrnnllrabon ol EatalM provided tf1 Problte ary 4, 2003. W11llen M;t (Ti. autnonly ,,... Code Section l 250 A comm a n Is o 1 Input aOow the per-.onal ~ tor Soecial related to the p1019ct ~tlVe lo take NotiOI lofm 11 available $hould be submitted to many ICIJot"e wt1houl lrOfTI the OOUl1 deffl the Plann1n1 Otp11 tmont otQinlng OOUl1 approval AlllOmey lor PebliOnel by Mond~y. ••iw--t 3, Before ta1dr9 Cllf1UI WIU.IAM 0 HERZ 2003, 1n 0<de1 to be very ~Ill ~. BARTCH, KLUGMAN & conMOered In the Plan llOW9Ytf ltle personal OETTING Ll.P nine Olfect0< s O.cmon ,~ 111111 bl 333 S GRANO AVE , If aP91oved al th• hme ...,.v--·· '3700 of ro .. w. Iha 111>91al ~::::Sled'° QJ¥9 ~ LOS ANGELES. CA peuod of 14 days will ---9007, '599 betin from that date, ur1leSa tt-.y hive WllYed -01127~ du11n1 whtch time any notice at oonaenlld IO :~=· tnterntad patty or thew tNt P'~ .aiatl) CNs. 4'"23f authomed ~a•nt ac The ind1p1nd1nl HtWPQRT BEACtM:OSTA pleved of lhal dec1ston ~ !UlhOrily MgADAILYPLOT may hi. a nottCe of appeal lo tlM f'lann1n1 Comm1ss1on w1lh t lihnir '" ol S776 00 to O.lray Iha cod of .lti. appeal PfOCedUfe fha appltc•llon end O.velopmenl plans of tilt proe>OWd cwolac:t are ave1tabl• for public review and lnse>ectlon al the Plannin1 01pe1 I· men1, City ot fllewpo1t Beach, 3300 NtWl>Of'I Boulevard, Newp ort Buch, Calrlwnta. 92659 176&. for further 1nfor matton contact tlle Newpon 84ach Plann•nt o.p.iment at (9'9) 644- 3200 NOTh The ••penu ol this notice Is paid fr om a f~int IH coll«.ted f~om tM eppllcant. Pubflahed Newport leach.COSta Mna Delly l'llot January 24 , 2003 rJ9!1 PUIUCATIOM Publtc hurtnlf\ wtll bt helO b; the Co\t• Mau Plannone Comm1nion 11 {;tty Hall. 77 f Air Ot1ve Co\la Meu Cahtorn1a at 6 JO p m 01 ., -.oon a\ ~\1ble lhereAfhr on ............ ··~ 10. 2003, 1eaa1d1n11 lhe follow•na: •PPh~"llnn\ I Re .. ew •n0/01 Mo01f1cat1on ol Condi t1onal U~ Permit PA 96 19 anO PA9824 f0< T11n1ty Cht1\llan Center foe t•1e"'t't"UYn &lfod1~''on "'' een•nQ •nd ITlf'elln& llleU "nc•dent1I 1tla1 aA4 -me01a1,on .,,._ lo<aled •l 31~ B~•• Street 1n •n AP zont Env1ronment1I deter m1 nation· eompl 2 Ptannma Af>9hcahon PA 02 47 10< SCI Com pantn. to con\luc:I a clttacheO 9 unit 2 '!>tOfy 'mall lot 1 n den11al common inttresl davel Qpmenl. localed at 2':111 ind 257S S1nta Ana Avenue tn ~n R2 MO zone. En•11011mental Oeterminallon. exempt 3 Muter Pl•n PA 02 $4 IOf limn A 01•t1tl "1ch11.Kh l>r•nlf •U tllort.leO •1•nl fnt S'olt Burnham USA lqu1t1e~ inc . to tonslruct • 2.250 sq It one •lnrv commercial burlOrne. located al 199 £ 11th Street In a Cl S ton• £nv11onrnen1al Oele1m1 nation. uempl II any of tti. pr,.teOma Kttons are challen&ed on court. llHI cllallenc• m1p be hm1teO lo only lllow IUutt $0maont 1 at\.I~ al the public hea11n1 ck\tlli><!d 1n lht\ noltce 01 1n •rttten co11e ~denca delivered to the Ptannine Comn1rn1on •I. Qt poor to, the publtt hraartnf f °' lurthn infn11t1a tron on lh11 •bo~e apphcatlOn\. lek'phone ( 114) 7~ S24S or v•MI ltl• otfte• ol the Plan nine 01•ision. Room 200 71 Fait ix.... Costa Me~. C•hf0<n1a Oa1ty Pilot lanutfy 24, 2003 f 193 Slftll)I CUT Of I CAlRllU, ccom Of 01A11G1 l4I111 an DIM POSTOfRCJIOI 14171, OIAllG(. <A tmS-1571 IAIOmUX JIS'OOCBnB mmolOf ~,... .. ,..,,, •• w.1 .. .. ... ,.., .... ... FOi 0.-Of IWll Olla TO SllOW CMSl FOi CUIMOflWll Wl-AJ15* TO Al l l"T(RESTCD P£RSONS l Petitioner (than F •«• and fOfrey Ohns on behalf ol Rah Marcus F ettw Ottn\, • minor f,..d • petition with this 'OUf f fllf I ct.ere• cha111in1 namn as follows Rafe Mwcus fallw Ollns to R•I• Marcus Olllls f tfflf Z. THE COU«T OfnXftS that ell penom Int• n ttd 11'1 this 111attw Wtl appe1r kfort thh court at die M4ili"I llldlc:•tad below to show uuM If any, lfllfly tllt pettlloft lot cllanp of name hcwld n()t be r •ntacl NOflC OF Ht ARINO Date: 2 11 OS n-. 2~ p.m Owpl l7l The Mitra. el the c-t Is """ " noted aMff. .1. A t°" of ttria Otdlw to Show C.UH lftall lie puttltlftff at ...... Oftet a1c11 week for four succ.wltte ..,., p;Mir to Ille ll&tt Mt fOf "-'llW Oii tM petttlo11 111 tM folloWtnl MW.· ,.-of ,_... clrcu ~. ""''" Ill tNt C4MIMy Tiit Delly ..... Mfte90'tlt,Rn --•. NAiii. ~---'* •••<~ ,.,1t.1ia• ... ..,.,, --·~·· .... Delf ..... ..__, 010~. t41 '.1 ,..,_.,,BU 1 i .. l'UIUCATION 1 ht Co•ta Mna Zonmw Pubhr h_,11n11• will bt" SlateMl!t tf Ab. 11 • Int tf lkt tf FlditiM lusilns "-Adm1n1\lr•I"' will 1endt1 h•ltl hy th• l:t>\I• Muo • det.1'\ton 10 Thvr•dtty, l'l.Hlnin~ l.timrYH'\\mn .tt fa"'-ty •. 2003, <>t I tly 11••1 11 I"'' Clttn Tit~ loll• w nc pn..o~ a\ soon 1• po•\1bl• I"''" M•<.a Callft rn11 ho abaoOoneO the U\«' the1uher l 11 lhe fol •I 6 30 pm ()( •• ,,...,,, ol the r ll 111 .. u.. Bu>1 lowtn& 1trm ...-. pO\'>ble lh~1ulte1 un no s N•n,. IHO lnltt I Moo•>< Lund11tonal Mon.toy, h •rv•ry 24. national 61 4 Ott hrd U•• Perrr••l lA 01 91 l0t 20 03, re&•rd1n~ tht Avenue C•ortln• dtl Mar Rand• Bet k T e1< he!\ loll<>w11111 •ppltt•l1on\ I CA 9262!> Retrromenl !.y\lrm or I Mo•l•r l'l•n Thef1t11t•(IU\8U\tnt\\ lllmot\. lo d••••h· h om Am•ndment f'A Ol 06 name lffrrrtO to above shared P••k•n1. •• QUiit •<td !'tanned !.1&11111& •n l1leO '" Oran&• menh to allow lht Voe• PtOit•m Amt11dmt•1l U. c;ounly on 10 18 :roo2. Pl.act lo t•pand 1nl<i •n Ol 08 tor T ••I and fill NO 200?&9?0883 adiac;ent 6!>0 \Q fl \u•I• Anoualn •ulhortteO Attr~d C Mu•n•t 614 101 a Pilate\ rpe•wn•I ·~enl IOf C J Scee• Utth•O Avenu.. ...:.rona l1a1nm11) StudlO ••Itel trom •nd ~On\ lo Otl Mar CA 926~ •I 183S Newp,•rl Buu tltmOh\ll •PPltJ"maltly Tht\ bu'"'•" ''· ton 1 .. urO. •A208 '" ~ POf o/.i 4!>6 '4""' IHt of ducted by •n 1nd1v10u•I tone. lnvuu11m1nt.tl butldon& drU and ton Allred C. Mutnu dttermtnahon e •empt ~true! an appt•>Um•ltly Tiu~ \tat~mMI wn 2 Mino< Oe<itkn Review 95.839 \Quart fool rel••I ltlrO with th• County IA 07 96 l0t (;len V•n butlOtnfl CKohl' Otp•ll Clerk ot Ot•na:t County C •Pt lie f0< a ""onO n·tnt St or• 1 with a on 01 08 OJ <.lory add1t0Qn tn 111 M1no1 C.on<11tounal Uu 20036•29034 e•l't•nc ""~'• fan1•ly I Pt1m1t to ~v.ale lrom Daily Polo! Jan 10. 11 ''"°"""' w•I~ •n e• \harrd park nfl t•Qu·•• )4 31 2003 f 182 ompllor· l1 n•11 1eQu1nd menh lot Mo• Ve1Clr parlllnl du• I 1 tn•d• I •nltr 1 ... •ltd ii 2101 quatt 1,.11.it .. 1tlth 120 Ho1tb<•t Bouteu10 •n a ~lt&ileu requ11td. 18 ut\llna• Cl S .no C2 '""' I ._S....... 104ated al t61S N,w lrm1onmentAI dett1m1 The lollowmc perwn$ H•mc>~h11e On~• 1n ilrl nation Nt11•t1•• Oetl• .,,. dotn buwie\\ ,., RI lOn• £nv1rnnmenl1I ··••on l1't 111 <•t••l1A Th '1 c a detnmin•lu>n ••empt locallon 1\ nnl 11\ltd n ci!y (~l~,~~t$::u~I~ 3 Pbnntd S11nin1 • h•zardolU\ wnlr ~te I Call• de Pa$tO. Lake Procnm A,.,.nd,...nl ZA The environmtnl•I doc f 0,.,.1• CA 926)() 02 IOI fur Sltvtn u,,,.nt ·~ a•alablt 101 Albort Yanu 21094 Lan11lord A1th1letl\ pubhc tn~w •nO c"m C•ll" de P.~;0 L.i.t •uthoroaO •I'"' ltJt mont lrom I 11Muuy S f ornl CA 92610 • Mike Paz C l Stae1 2003 to f tbrua<y l4 Th" bu"n•'>·· ,, con ltrOm\ ' Son\. It• allow 2003 al the follo•1ng I 0 led b •n tndivtdual ~ tool ht&h l!llft\ IOI localJOn$ I a) Publ<t ~ave y:u \l.,ted oome Ct"m Jump~• kJC.aled Cou"'er. Pt•nn1na 01v1 bu$tnns ti' No at 3333 611'>tol Slleel. "on. Coty H•ll. 11 f •H Albefl v'anel Suite •~78 on 1 f'OC IX1ve. lb) Men Vero.. l!us \t•lemtnl wn zone (nvuonrt•ent•I L1b111 y 1969 Me\ll ltleO wilh lht Ctlunly dtte<m1na1ron t •empt Ve•O• Ori•• (nl It I Cieri< ol Ol•nae (ounly 4 Mino< O.soen Revoew Oranat County Pubhc on Jn'OJ lA 02 102 101 ToOO Library IP.,li Avenue 2003692l 721 Andr•w Harton 10< • Bt•Mhl 18SS p.,i. Daily p1101 Jan 10 11 \etOfld <.lory •dO•hon lo AvtnU* 24 JI 2003 t 180 an U1$ltni \In&~ lam1ty If any of the Pft'Ueltnl re'>tel•m<" w1t11 an ,. 1cr1on\ o11t chatteneed 1n emption from t•Quwed court, the challen&e may pa1k1na dut tu 1n.11le be hm1ted tu only lhoW! Quale &•r•&• Wtdlh (;;>() IUUe\ someone rlJ'!.41!\ oll •eQu11ed 19"6" tAl'>llnt) ll'le publ1< hear rna and Ot1veway tenalh (19 dtscribod tn lht\ noltu reQ1111td 18" t"<tm11, or •n w11t1en <Ollt located al 2~ Holl Place Sl>'lnelence deh••••d lo HI an RI 1one £ n•• the Plann1n1 CommMoon ronmenlal dtlumrna al or Pf"" to the pubh tlOf' uampl 1"tur1111 S M1nM ConOthun•I For lutlhtH 1nlo1m1 UH Permit lA O.l 001 t1on on l he abo•t for Xeno Mullet, 1utho •PPhClllOM. telepl1one ttzed a1enl for Cluno1 (714) 7~ ~24~. or •!lit f1she1. to deviate from th• olf1ca ot the Plan ih•t•d puk1n1 11quire nine 01v1S1on Room 2'00. ments l0t an 1ndoo1 71 f a11 Drive Cost• 1ow1n1 •tud10 0He11n1 Mesa. Cahfo1n11 techn1<.al and f1lnen Oatly Pilot January 24 ll•mmc. locateO al UO 2003 F 194 [. I 7th St1eet 1n a CZ zone. E n•lronmental d•t.,m1n1tton uempt aTY Of llWPOIT IUOI If any ol the Pf«.•dtnl llOOOIMlllG.S Tl'le lottowm1 penon~ are dotna buMnns n A ) House Counsel Rut [•l~le B I Ho1n1 Counsel Real [\l•le Ser•icn. 2043 Wulcltff Ort.e Suoltt 200. l'lew porl BHch. CA 92660 House Counsel. Inc rCA), 2043 Wntcltll l.mve. Su•t• 200 How port Buch. CA 92660 Th1$ bu\lneu " con ducted by a cor poralton Ha .. you \latltd dotnc buMnen yet? fllo Ho~ Counsal. Inc Rober1 t Conn CC 0 Thi• itatemenl was hied ••th the County Clerk of Of ana• County on 1/17/03 200HU0111 Daily Piiot Jan 24 31. r eb 7 14, 2003 f198 S dl yo•r Co.r bl C1-1ljtltl I fidi1Mls...., 16..S..._,. Th~ lollow1ne P«'•son• .. ,. d<i•na bus•ntK\ n CllWORTH CONSULT ING. 221 COL TON Sl • N[WPORT BtACH C..A 92661 RO CC R WILLIAM CL( WORTH, 223 Cot ION Sl .. NEWPORT 8(ACtl CA 92663 This bu~tnl!U ·~ 'on Ouct~o by an 1nOmoua1 Ha•• you \tart•d d<l•n~ bu\1neu yet' NO ROC.CR Cl(WORlH Tho~ i lalemtnl •• t1•ed with Ille (ounly Cler~ Qt Ouna• Ct.tun!; on 12 30/02 2002HH071 Daily Pilot Jan I. 8. 15. 24 2003 r 199 1 h~ lollc.w1n1 ptt son" .,, do•nl bU\•nn~ " Bronze Ocean Enter prl'.\e\. 3700 Newport Bl•d 1210 Newport Buch. CA 92663 Marvin l Cr~&°' y. 2121 West Wiiham\ Street, •J. Lont Bea,h, CA 90810 Thi\ bu~nen •s con ducted by an tnd1vldual Hne you sllfl•CI doone bu<intu yet7 Yu I I OJ "4arv1n Crre"'Y This ilatemrnt ••s ftltO with lht Couf\l'y Clul<. ol Or•ni• County on 117/03 20036921720 Oaoly Polol Jan l 4 31 2003 10. 11 f111 s......" Ai t 111.f lkt" Rditim t.illls .... The lollow1na pttson 1>11 abandoned the u\e ol th• r 1ct1to0us Bu\I nn\ N•me C09y Cit.lb. ZJOO Hai bof BlvO Sutle L 2. Costa Mer.a C.A 92626 The f Kltltotn 8tn11>11n name ttlened lo abovt wu lol•O 1n Orance County on 04m/2000. FIL[ NO 20006826917 PRN Assoc1•lts. Inc (CA}. 128 H Willow SPf 1np Road Or anc•. CA 92869 Tiit\ bU\tM\S I\ CO'\ ducted by a corpatatoon PRN Assoc1atn Inc Reed V Ro1'tn1. P1n1 dent Thts \tatemant wu ftted w1tl'I the County Cl•• II ot OI anae County on 1/22/03 200.MUOH4 Oallr f'1tot Ian 24 JI. Feb 7, 14.200) Fl97 Fic:lttletls w.n ... s ...... lht fr,110,. na pet'>'Jn\ ~' ~ domv ou,.10-\i. 1 s. Ml RC l 11tt1 P"'~'• 111 v •• R•·~nn• NtWl)(>ll But II. <.A 9266J Rneer O•.i~ 111 l/o;o R.1vf'nn1 N~•Ptlt t 6otr CA 91661 £,,,. D••"· 11 / "'• R••ton• Htw1101 l Be•th, CA 9266J Th~or, bu'\tn~'"I •'-lOn ducted by f\u\06nd an<I wile Havt you 1ta•ltO ck>tn& b,1•.mr~\ yet> Nu Roan D•v•· T ~'' \l•lemtol ••\ f1leO wrtll the Count, Clerk ol 01 •n11~ County on 1n 03 20036921711 Daily Pilot Jan JO 17 24 11. 2003 fl 76 Rdlti. "'8im .... s...... !ht lollow1nc pt1son\ •re do1n1 buS•Olf\' 4t!», A Act ol Awnuma Lo•• 8502 [ Ch.apman "264 OI ant•. C•hlor n1• 92869 Volk Mort1at1e. Int 617 fll 811mblo Way Olane• Calrlo1n1• 92869 This bustne\\ s con ducted by • c0<por 1100" tt.o you \ltr leO ck>tn1 bu\ine~\ ~el' Ho Volk Mortc•ce. In< T1molhJ P llolk Pres Clent Tl'l1~ ~l•lement wu f1t.d with the Cnunly Clerk or 01 an11t CounlJ on 01 I S10l 200S6929 774 O•~Y Ptlol Jan I J 24 31 r eb /. 2003 rt81 Rdtlimlllillm ... s...... The lollowtn& per'°"' i11e dotn& bustnt\\ •\ Haute Bath, 606 I '2 691on1a A•• . C0tona det Mar CA926~ M•hna Brooke Con away 606 I '2 Beaon11 Ave . Coron• del Mat CA~ Thts busineu " con ducted by an tnCI vrduel Han YOU \tlftad °"'I'll bu""~"" yet> 'in. 11 I 02 Maltua 81oob Con away Thrs \l•temenl was ltled with the County Ciel\ ot O! •nee County on 1 7/03 20036921708 Dally Ptlol jan I 0 17 24. 31 2003 f 179 1ctioM life chaltenced m court, the challenae may ba 11m1ted 10 only llloH '"UH '" Wlllten COiie spondenca dahvered lo the Zon•n1 Admlnrstrator poor to, the above date Fo1 further 1nlo1mahon on th• above applka hons. t~ne (714) 1~ 52~. 01 visit the olhce ol the Pl•nnlnc OIYlslon. Room 200. 71 Fall !>five, Cotti Mou. Cahfornl1. Sealed bids may be 1tce1ved el the olf•u ol the City Clerk. l300 Nowporl Boulevard Newport Buch. CA 92663 untrl 11 • m on ttle 12th d•y of r ebr u ary. 2003 1t whK h llrrM 1uch bid\ ,hall be opened and rud fM IAllOA ISUND PAVlMflU llCONSTau<noN rtlASI I STARTING l'ublished Newpott Beach Co,ta Me-.. 011ly Piiot Jlnulfy 24. 2003 r192 The loltowlna pe1~on, are dolnt buslnen H . S 'R Valet , 19191 Lawrence Can,on, Sii vwado Can~11. CaNIOt n a92676 ltid\wd l .. lawrene• II, ltltl Lawrence Canyon, Sh.ado Can '(Oii. CahlOt nla 92'1t Sohteb Afra\lt~1 . *81 StJatlMd, MtsMoll Vltlo. Caltfor ma 92'92 Thl1 'll'.llne» It con Mted by a 1eneral ~ .._ '°"' U.Wtad doifll ~ratfHo lhtllaf d l.awrance Thia at1lt!Mftt was f1i.I w~ Ille COlllltJ Cler+. of Ot•ntt e-1, on 11./JOfW ntle .. f'nfM1 (.-..ct ..... ~SSS $ 17 7,000.00 .........,.h,....,. ~...Mw /s/s.e.a-a . ..._ ~w .... ~ Pro1pectlve blddtn may obta111 one r.et of bid documenta al • coll of $10 00 from llM office ol UM Publle WorllJ Dec>arttntnt noo .... pott 90\lttvlfd. lttwport e ... ch, CA '2tll Con II utor License Cla 111f1ut1011(a) ,.. 41411rtd tor th•• project· •A• For lurt!Mf tnforma Uon <•" Slapheft Luy, ,>;oleet Mtn•a•r •t (M0)644 WO "•~11,hed "••port ~Colla ...... Dair , ... , Je"811ff 14.1003 ,.. SBl MOMH7 .. ! Oaltr "*" i.... l7,i4,2003 ,OW VllWlllted l 10, .u-tlW.,.. llaulftad fl74 ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • Pilot t AdhlM lfAnHs --~ Tilt ft>llO"'"V I•~• on' ..,t doma L J'•h•\\ •\ t.Op t' tit ?300 Harbor 8tv0 \u '• L 2 Ct>'li Mf\.l CA '12f>2f> PRN A\.,.•Clalt In• CCA1 178 N W•llow Spnnir~ Ru•tl Un~~· CA 92869 Thi\ bu\t'tt"• • 1• 1. rJn ducted by .l c 0tV•Jt•t1un H4wif you t..-tt"d dtHttf bU')•"•l\ yetl fit. PRN A\\<KtA•n '"' Re .. o V Rn~I ne. Pte\ Oen• ft; U•ff'm.,,,,• ••~ lilt:d w1U1 tt'"' (1,unt1 Cler~ ol Ol•n~• 1 11un!y C>n 01 n Oj 200H U OSIS Daily Ptl<tl l•n 74 31, f eb 7 14 :?003 I l'lb RdililllS l.si!ns "-S....... lht: • II -~ (\ .. l\.IJ(t' art Oi11nrr. b1o. ., ... ' ~-- W • &~ n t 1.,11 3 Mc.ntr,.t I' n• l>r Ntwpol I to •~•. (A 92657 lt1a P.r•dolln l Monltrt1 Pin• I>• Newport '01"1 {A 926!>7 H11• bu''~'~ •' con duc. trd Ot an nld•vtdu•I H•" you \1'"1t~ oo•-..i bu\•ne\\ yet '°" Ltr• P•nOolf· lhis •llltm•nt w1· ltlO!d wolf\ lh• <.uu11t1 Cler~ of OI 1ngt C.ounty on I 1 03 200Ht2171' Oatly Pilot Ian I 0 17 24 JI 2001 f 178 At-.ltllilm ... w... Tilt tollow1n ~son\ au do•ne bu,tM" H THE DANCE STORE 27'*> H•bor tllvd Su•lt 201 Cost• Meu CA q?f)~ Ch•ldnn AS\l\lanct St<••Cn <NV! J.i So Ottalu1 B'wO HC,O Lu Veen NV lt9101 Thr bU'\fllf'\\ •~ c,;()fl Oucltd t>y a ""'l'<>tal'°" Ka•• you \I., ttd rkHnc lluionen v•t ' N<i Children , A'l.\r.tanca S"'vocn. M ... 11 .. 1 l'l1~Y •n. Corp lrea\o••r This •tattmelll wn hied ••tll the County Clerk of Orane• (o••nty on 01/14 01 200l69ttS74 Daily Plklt Ian 11 2'. 31. feb 1 2003 r , .. SELL your stuff through classified! .. ..... " Policy How to Place A ---Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines arc <,ubject to change without notice. The publisher rc~ervcs the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified adveniscment. Pl ease report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an adveni~mcnt for which II may be responsible except for the co:.t of the 'pace actually occupied by the e rror. Credit can only be allowed for the first m~crt1on. CLASSIFIEJAD -Mooday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00ptn By Fax (949) 63t-6594 ,~..., uicludc your 011mt and JlbCn' numbtt and "'e'll call )Oii blll:k with a pnce q\IOle.J By. Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednes¥y 5:00pqt Friday ................ -.. Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMINTS N & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL • holttel 111•·1 'l dlt .ul1 •~ 'n\ P ii 1fu Vlf:w I" 1 f1•rr1·1J v1 .. w nit'acJow I twrt !-.ro I'" $7850 .1 .. 110~ 4'/7 80/8 [~ 1489 r {] 2305-2490 ANANCIAU PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Personalloans 2490 Collectibles/ Memorabllia 2 MANY IOU'• 1160 CUNSOlll>AI( BILLS TOP SS 4 RlCOllDS ITC from S~K TO Sl!>OK '• (\1-<i rt. 'D< & ros l't'fo;onal l ()AN') ~ a'<l1ble Iii Aft• ~1 ntt dlllP'> I all nowt r <l' t I ~suits' Moh '149 1,4~ 750'5 I No f ~I' I tt..1R•r. l ende" EOUAl HOOSltG OPPOITUNITY /Ill r.dl "'toll' adver t 1 111~ ir1 th1•. nrw5tpapfi'r 1~ -.uh11' I tu the federal I '" lioou"nK /Ill 111 1968 .1 ~m•ndPd whtr h 111.1h 11 1lle~al to "''""''' • 'Any prefer flttc" linuldt1on or d1•,.\ '10l10dhun bdS-rd nn t t•' t olm rrl1g1on -:e" tt.1nd•cd1J fanu~al statu' ''' n.tltr,,1c1I nr11en or "n 1nh ntlt.n lo ma"l" ctny • 111 h vr~f~rt-nC:t" hm1ta t1on ur dl'!.C rtnunatton .. 1110• nrwwaper will uot .._11nwingt y atcept .1ny ~dv•r ltst'ment fnr rt ti ,..,1,1te wh11 h t• m v111l.tt1Q11 111 tt1r litw Our ft ·tdl ,. '",_. ht-tt•by 111fur nu•d th,tt .ill ctwetl "'"' .ulv1·r lt'••I 111 th" ft•• W'\J).tp•~I ,fl ft .t'Vdllo1blr ,.,. tn ~q11.1I •pvur tumty tJ14· I'\ I I I fl ., till 11f d1\ '"' • n.11· "' all llllll 1011 frt ti I MOO 414 8'>90 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectibles •A4:11..-•··~""' 'I'" .... ,...". J'l-tt '"' ...... $$ CASH PAID SS rwt( • , • • ._ Wf BUY £STATES ~6494922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22021o .... St. S.....A..CAt2707 ' .... Garaoe/ · Yard hies 1489 CM E .W., 19"1? R!l'.emary Pt;u FRI SAT SUN !P furn. 0-um ltlcess. h'" nr 1181'~ tkJlllo!!o k-t1-Ke Supor-S..-Mnv1n1o1 Sate' f riday Sat & •uper Sunddy 9am ~ '""' y dity No l•ty Bwds 515 Play~ Nf!wvott B~adl Tlil<e [~lbfuff OI to VISLl dt4 Oro to Vab dPf Prada C-vttq lt'll6t ao' furn. c:htna cr~.t ~s and mor''' I 811 ~i'l 41J6 LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& Foster Care Services 2650 VoMi!HfS flM4tcl Aclopttons /fosttr c •• !her• • e nver I 00 (XX) • f""* ro fl th" US w;wbr~ ••• d "'"'• ~~ kerip <*ltr I.or~ & ww~ tO&"lhff h.~ & f"'1111tJ.i1 'A4JPOl'I lr!lor meeq JAH 28 6ID7.A>m50S ~ Blvd #241 An.Ylern 11451/ l!Ul888~ HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 Pt-...... 0.-~ [Jo;tll4t l'lluw1o 'IJ 11 bo• w flttt .. p"11o 'NJ<;l/Uf bin ~ •JA •I , ..... ta W Wdrl "'"'°'' ,, ... 1111 <\auN " f-; 949 903-5350 Moving Solo I llffll e lu1111tu11 ~l.i<~ w•\11"1 dJ Y"' IR "'' 00 ...,l. becl !>Mt offer 114 960 OlX> 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•I Coln Moods Utd tn111\i t.nld, ~•Iver f"WPky w~trh<-o. anl•QU"" colle< ltble~ 949 642 9448 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos 3510 YAMAHA U3 Uprl9ht Plono. LAI• -...lcll-tlon, Gloss lfo<lo , S2c6SO. 949-SS2-S021 Cats 3610 • Adr..,c • Winter Ktlera, c.::h ~ r llll1 DI slwlf!, evf'fy Sat Sun 12 4pm r w.in h 1vwNA Networti lnfn 9 4 9 6 44 2279 -"''"""''_..ors ittt .J) d;iy Wr!b tr;irc 4 qi. ~needed MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlscellaneous Merthandlse Stool l14t1 Yr. W llowowtl i'4x?8 was $6,800 ult S3 390. 40,43 wa' Sl4 600 !lelt $5,860 501110 ,.., $26.900 ''" St:?.980 I c-Dolfvorl Welt too Jt2-7I03 WANUD JAPANISl SWORDS AND lU.ATID ltlMS 94t-494'-17Jl 3010-3940 LESTATE m R SALE soos-saso Olfices b Lease 4540 COSTA MlSA 1500\f profes~1onal office on C 17th st Ample parli.mg, 949-646-4330 • CM/"f'fWOX. IJ• I 6.t, I SOO blOdi of Nowpot1 11,,d., 949-689-SSS3 0-.andA __ ..__ IACIC UY ClNTER 2651 Ir v•ne Ave aotf view retail and of ''" ..... 1714 '573 7780 ,URCHASl or llASl Orange '-" Offko ....... 949-417-3 171 -~~wn NPI OIFICE SPACE 833 Dowr Or •14 Grotnl floor. archrtects olfa. iJeal = 62051 ~5475 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa lsland SO. IAYRIONT HOM! w/Dod&. 0.--Sb.od i..t. Age. c-.. tWv.y t49-67S-S714 Corona del Mar OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1-4 Sl,195,000 307 Marigold S tunntnR 3br ? 5ba. ommac home I blli. from 1.cn Hand <l~tt•d 1r1n 1te & marbl~ antique wind curved <la11ca~ more• 3 tar aar K.tlhlren M<Nam~t !lto.r 949 887 '5~5 • llAUTllUl • Dr .. mat•c Spyala55 H•ll t •ecultvr home No expense was \pared F abutous Ocean View 4Br Offered at Sl.695,000 Seller bouaht another hllme Must Stll Judy Kolar, lkr 949-376-SS76 0'lN SAT 1-4 Nt w hsttna Updated on veenbell Jbr 2 5ba c11stom11ed $569.000 O,lN SUN 11-2 I Story Vtlla on golf cou1se. lbr Iba 111\e new, eated comm, pool workout rn• walll to Balboa Is /shops Agt SJ62 500 Fee 949 632 6489 A S .. •rl> Cftt...., H-o '" Newport ~ts 4!56r rs finrshed with custom fe.ttures throuahout located un • comer lol Wonde.-lul cu and slAwuse & entry Sl,6'50,000 COASTUHE ltlALTY 949-759-0177 WATDlfllOHT RfDUCfD $24" ON Tit: BA y $265,0CO MOO* tnnr. best loc no rent inaease lor the neat Z3 ~ Beau must !« 2br 2!lil ~..,...., ctnm marl* Ip bah ms much mare °""Viet 9'M)73.58b IAYSHORlS OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4 ?IS 1 IAYSHORI DR. S l ,299,000 AGT. SUHHOMAS 949-735-2294 PRIMl ESTATES PATRICK TlNORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-856-9705 www patricktenore '""' OClAHfRONT llXH NOT FOR THl fAINT Of HLUT AGT. 949-72~ I 20 Newport Cont OPEN SAT l ·S S T•rro•o A touch of ltdly 3br • bonus approx 2700• sf mdrble & many custom features S 1, 1 IS,000 OPEN SAT 1-S ISVtoV-da 4br 4 '5ba ltb1ary + bo nu' room S 1,sas,000 • ICAUllfUl • OPEN SAT 1-S Dr amatte Spyctau Hill 24 Catell1n1 uftCutrve home No A touch of Italy 4br txpense was spared 'l 5ba Strada home r 1bulous Oc;un View, ,LATl~~~2:.:0an1S 4Br Offered at SI .695,000 Stefanie Meurer Seller boueht anoth" 949 715 3156 home Musi Sell 6lr 1 hrl +2.Slo ......._ Judy Kolar, lkr A Moplflc..t p..._, 949 376·SS76 CrHt Cuetom Homo OPEN SAT 1-S l-wtt1t Canyeoo ..... S07 1 /2 PolnHttlo Oc-VI•-. Molek 3br 2ba ct>ndo, 3 blli.s lo au.ten & Wino Cols. bch. lmmac 2 ta newly Offwo4 ot SS..700,000 resurfaced dccli.5 New COASTUNl ftlAlTY u t pa1nVcarpet Up 949-759-4177 v aded kite clo'th Ip Moltv•ted Seiter S706K ,._IMtlSTATlS Presented by Sterhns RC 'ATRKIC TlNOll Cynlla Ross 9&21!>-1121> NATIONWIDE USA A C.uu:a... c..n-949 ... 56-9705 Locdlato ..,... Ge.. & www p1tr:cktenore com J.tty vi.-. e 458a. "_...,.,...._..._.... Ccln1*borl 2003 Slrol to ____ ,\IUllM __ -_v __ Ilia Corona and l oolloul Pt. Ottered et $2,950,000 COo\STUNE lllAl TY M9-7ff..01n TRHHOUSl SEClUDlD RETREAT AMAZING 'lKI AGT.949-721-.1120 lmnr 21r /21o upper corner unit. Uparaded floorma, ll~ht & briaht. Shows like 1 model. a1t. Katherine 949·650 1212 Tustin Randi BEACH COTIAOI 117VIA HOU 2br I'/• 81 2-t: aar. bch & ten club 35' lot By owner $880,000 obo 949.644.2330 .... w. Cdli4 Sit 8 2. r urniturt. appltances. *• *"()ll~ fl~Ai*oM* ** Ml clotllina Too much to ltsU Ho Juntil 2n1 5th Awe @ Oolde<lfod, ~ * UQUIM110N * fAIUlOUS llACH conAOHI fAIUlCMIS NIWPCMtT BEACH l.9HfYllll LOii *• E' *• &.-s...... T....., "' SAL Newport Buell nur F .n1110n IL House art. blue * • * =::?"..:..:,~ ! CLOSINGAFTER ! ~ ,1 .. uc tar* JOYr£n.r * ~., w/ttmol• lock on ~ •u tin ... • r .. t cost• *• Wi1·ker R<<lttan Searinn, •* M•u Cletm et CM '-' 'O ,. ... o.g:.1-• Lamp , Table ..... * c nd Mu h More! * 11m1• 1111 *2f>40 Avon 1. 1 wpoo ecarn* fLW. * Off IU\H'l1cr.' Paclfk' U>IN ltwy *• .............. * ™9-642-2255 **************** i •-1-s~se.11. (17UC/TjirjA/IP) SlS0,000. •••••••••Hr He (U1'4'llU/XX) so,eoo. w...,,,._ aw n. •i:M'~i>' SM.-0 LIAMDIMO (el fw .,, 1111 .. I"' ~.~~ &~-­C-.1'" Index ONl fOaD ROAD 4br 3 5ba _.Office R1d1d1d Milsh•I hdwd llr \ up111.1de<1 StalnlHs Sub Zero Irie C1an1t! BB11 & bar spa w/waterfall s 1,699,000 Owner /Aeent 949 224 0260 •201 949 b44 1992 eves leoch ~· 4 door~ to the 'Mind 8111?11t 4&• 38' unrt lotdy h.wn'd and re.tdy to ec> Cal Roc.helle •ii for tho!. tacluvtt 1tst3 9ot9 720 02 l6 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Moontaln Property 5965 Snlvded loo<lo froflf Cdm IQI W/PVI Ue\S lo lliOft bth fr ont1ae Oen vu from e11e1y 1m $8.000.000 ledilC¥hwM....-'Y On ?5 llC adl 'fOl1ll!1 "" natae pt~ 5br 55N 5. 400 oJ rn <ii bayslOe traog accn\ from b1t kyd SJ,5000Cll View photo\ a t -tult!L"t!l.com then cal ~ ., 714--649 n:,7 c. email t.m'i(a>cxu.nf!I MISCELLANEOUS ROOALS Rental To Share 6030 NI Cendo noor ecoan. S800/m<> • ultls Pool gym, spa male f ret. (949) '42-642 NI Sloaro Nowor 31r houu w 1vale room/bath S550/mo • 1/3 ut1ts lem pref 949 887 1472 ... rOOITI ...,,,, 11 U '*- ltr.t..r c-. 8adi bay w. ~ Own ba aai;ird pted S!Dllmo 949-9Jl.lm Iii' on "' bd\ ~. towmn. II br pvt be. ~ .._ fl dst. IJlll.s "A. Ip lanl. e S&li 9"!Mllb-71ZJ Rooms tor RM 6040 I'... CM Twrotwne, pvt rfT1/ba. ~ cleai, p . w/d, n/petJ/MTllla. rem pref'd. Avail 3/1/2003 S72!im+'/lulh ~ RfSIOENTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Jlr, 71e, 1-wr p , 3 doou from So 81yfront, upper unit, sm b1lcony Sl550/mo 310 556 5475 IAllOA ISLAND Homes & Apl's for rent Short. Iona. or vec•llon terms. Vecotlott lt1 PerlNllHI A.gent 949 675 4822 Bllbol Plnnlll JZJ .,... 5 docn flom ba;I l -1#111, ., petio, 2llf lbl, off A pr1u1s StSXVm YflY 949-!4-71D 2lllOfl To Om.L '-' SM/ Si.fl I.. JZB E. 8elloe 2& 181. fp, w/d,.cvrd c:wpo:1 S1750n ~ ~13 nr ~ 2c pr, patio, w/d, 4/'11, MW crpt, l*nt, loww unit. 'mh 20th Sl s I 795rno 949--713-1186 • 2..srt. J .-y .... 112 bl bly.i1Jct\. """ wd, 2 c =ia w a-. IM ~714&-181i9 c.. .... ~ .. -~ IJIP'O~ 500lf, 2 blill lo bell, ,,, • w/d """' """* ~ !M9-72)-<&16 S.. 9f ttwy lmm1cul1te Zbf, ~. Iris. w/d, pet;o, l cer 11ra11, 11950/mo wattr Incl 949 278 1003, ,_.. o~-aa., •lewt !er 2Ba, upper, ~·. le •n•ld ltf IJ?OQ,lmo 714 998 O!MI ......... ,.,,n; t11111ry tef11rb home ~·-··f­ar ta.. -arPll • ,.... S1"'°9 •n~u aere •nil· ''°'' '9Utll • 211 •• 2c: ·-· l.=::"'fll· ..... ... .12,.. ... Gnrtt GGZll dDI 7402-7466 I lint 21111a 4 hna U ndcr the Scn·ice Di rectory Ba 11 ncr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) (aU Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Wedding ~ac£4., ~aderJ in ~mporl :JJ~ac~ Gorona ·<fef !!Kar, xmvporl Gotul, Ckta La. 7Jon 'I miss oul on !his chance lo promole y fXperlise_1n I.his fief cf! ANNIE 9) 574-4249 . ..--------------------------------· ~ -----------------------· Deadline Ftb. 12th • Va/mtint Messages Appearing Ftb. 14th 20 Charactera per line. You may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep today! WIH .MU it' "11 FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name._· ---------------1Phone No.·----- S~narura·--------------------- Biii my: Visa..__ ___ Mc. _____ A/E ____ Olaoover __ -'-- Credlt card# Exp. Date,._· ___ _ ·~~ .. ~~I ...... ·--~•'· Stop ,,, "',,,.;J to ti# IMu, Pilot~ 1111 330 W. Bay Suect, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or call (949) 642-5678 ' • • ,Oaily Pilot ~ ..... Alt'• w/1:11, $1095/mo a 11k'• fro111 $&55/mo. " pi lonly placl comm fN' Tri SQUN•, frldca. Md)' facillt)'. Klein Mn1t. • 171-704 8649 l 9200 ~ H•l9'i•• Baell oust w/pv{ ant a , 18r, IBa. Sll7Sm MCI.Wit)' 714·290·8058. ~-.. .... ~ 2Br l.58a, ... no .-.ts. $1195/mo. 1665 nh Aw •3 9$nD-9422 I Sldt 2br lba llpl. CXJlf1JI rwnod. cllf1W I CJAilt. '-ti close. $1395/mo 165 ~•t 9&5~3)«) ., u. ~ Wllbdt ca. --=home. No~ • "'. ...... yd. CWNl SlfB5 + dip, 913 w 3llh St. • !M&li45-9913 f'9't » 2..5i>e TM1ma, •fc ltl pr, szm.n ~ be: ~fl'llD Bey. ,,,,,. 3 966t2-«l48 '""" llr 1 .. Condo w/opan wlew, pvt p1t10, carport. walk·ln do5lt, pat. ~ ind 113Xlm 9'&262·21l2 Uclollle .... C...,,..:lirP/._ 2-c 1:t1. total remodel, beach & tennis club. $2800/mo 949 644 2330 Nnpoftladl IAY .. OM~ ON LIOO PE NINSULA •IW21r 21• conAGIS Private Buch, Pool and Sp1. W•I• to Ocaan, Shops and Restaurants Luse 6/mo 2yr + Boat Shp Au1lebl• 710UOO, ... DL 949·673 6030 or 949 723 e;&JO * YlAltlY * U.UIS Bill CRUNOY REAi. TORS Ht-675-616t .._ Apt. w/lutdlenetle, utilitl9s 1)9id.f~ ncld. no ~ SlriO/mo. 949- UOO ISU Sunny lbr apt. lu•n. micro. relnr. lob ol 'tor11t \!)Ke 1895/mo 949 673 1201 v ...... c:onoo lbf, r9W ~,.Ho.c.ru loc. "'-" hrc ,..,. now Jl~mo 71~1564 <•/•I $1150/mo sm 2br I~ house. Cara No ~ts. By ~ ......., Q.t Hou!la 562 964.QMl Pr> .. 1 .. --.....,. ~ ~. S'/. MftlY, ,_ lut/bl. -loob pool, Cllt '*.$11~~ v .... 111.. lbr 2ba 11enthouu. ocn views. balcony, comm pooVt•n •rt $1700 949 673 7800 21r, 11• C-'a. Gated commu111ty. p00I, upp« w/balcony, no pets, Sl995/mo 949 675 7200 Executiv "HO RS: Caltlornl• law rt· quires that contrac· ton tallmJ jobs that tot.I $500 or more (labor or malar i.ts) be 11Car1541d by llM Contractors Stet• LkMM Bo11d. St.t• lew alto raquns that contrecton lnclud8 their i.c.nw numb« on all ad\ttrtislnc, You can chtdl t~ status of JOUr licensed cont r a ctor at -w.csllt c1.1ov or I00-321 CSLB Unll· censad cantu ctors tellln1 joh that tot•I less thin 1500 must state In their 1d..,tr11stmenll that they ire not lktns•d by the Contuc;tors Sbrt• llctnst ao.d.· Chkti ............ heel, .. ·~ Pnc ... .... y_ ............. . 94t-7~1J MC111I A1m1f1l' I~, I' /.a., att IN, 1\/1, P•I olr., w/d hlr.ue>, ~ w/d hkup, A/C, /mo 949-859 7973 OOt & IAY WW lb 21. aw-*> tably r91110d. C..own ~ 1r.-. *'-rzm 949-7'&).a> '"°'"' CtNl4e 38r !1.h6a 1700sl, 2 car a•r, n0 peV&rnt. S2J75mo + dee>. )'ear IHse 949-644 OJ35 ~ ....... Spiicb,s 3Br Shutters, neutral decor quiet locallon, S25~mo 949·464 0710 Maw~ C-.t 2br lb• den, P•lio, balcony, comn1 pool a s.oa, 2 c car, Ip, wd hkups •at $2600/mo 949-293 4630 HMIOa WW 1tOM8 h 2119 i.. llC. II nu W ~11,belt~& osb S2&J() 9'&581-1520 N•w,.rt u,..... I.cir. 1.., 25 12 Vie Merl-. 38r 2.56a. rR. LR, rP. OR, ~ pod, wt de Meo YllCallt. $2900/mo Cold welBri«~ 949 733fi074 ....... ., n. ._., ~. blodly•d w/'flt:;, cul dlt-sac, lll*t ""'1lborllood. lt.e ,_ SJZOOlmo+ sec. AVlll. l/l !i(Ul 949-956-'Sl'l l'lluff ~on1te ram1ly 48r 28• home COUMf lot. KrO~' from park '3400/ mo 949-759 3337 W-.tdlff f-lly H-• Beaullful remodeled 3+ 2 ind all new• Walt. lo schooV..V~ S3450r11 lllCludH &•denet & OSl wtth laa1e 949-2J3.4986 Private TlllDrtng 7990 • D.IAIU ,.,,,, ""-',,,JO - Auro9olu SavKI ~-.... -s....w TUNE 1ftSHoP (949) 64s-4641 .... Ill• II • .... 1) CMl'tt 1)<.AJIPfT 1) Rep11n, Patchin&, Instill Courtaoui any size jobs. WholtHltl 94~ 0205 ~Sentca COMPUTER HELP! ...... or. ..... .. ,. ....... •.C•• ·~ .,.. ....... . •••CB.Ollllt~ ..... ~ •IJlilllllllllrtm.""'-llUlc .,..,OJ!11#~"-UC......, Ot--. "'"~-714-612-1786 'nae c .......... ..._ ~·0-·~ .w ..... ~ ~ ....... -""" ...... ............. ···-·--IMIJ .. •• SIU ,.~ ........ JOISWANTED Bridge -~==;N ~~,....A-..-.s--T-a..t-~---and TANNAH HIRSCH work. Ver)' up'd In computer skllls & II tiixa. e::;n 9&100-39911 ~ -:r=.:=-~~ 8-'VCosta Miu. ~ pr.rd ~ hlndV nwi eXP 2Br~lncuW 31°"58&-9195 bl 2m OI r ax -.-310<5ll!Mil95 Hlrl•t f•r Ceak•, Cuhlen & Oaflvary ,..._. Awl1 11 B11 Belly 0th 6310 W CoHt Hw)'., Newport Beach W..ti "-._. m>- Sl5mno PT 3 5 tw/Wll... S2500-Sllmno 20+-trM free 8roctve tr/7·951-'lDt HSTAUIAMT lap'fl. Dinner Hous.e ~ P/f Coa11s and ~ ~ lmnwl- .tely lit ""'-Is ~ ~ ~34:25 n w.. -..... tor ...,..~1'ittlD JrrCXna 81 Sit •16 ~ anw ot &.1111 9eai34DI n :sT YOOR PLAY Neutier vu tncrable. South lieab NORTH WEST • 654 17.3 1094 • 1176 5 • J 10 10965 J87 •AKQ9 SOUTH •A8'7J2 AKQ2 AKQ •l EAST •K Q9 H I 65 J 2 • J 10 4 1 NORTH l 3• 3• .... and two diamonds " a w111111g IC!>pOl'l'ie Aflcr South \llOW\ ~~,. lhrce clubs I), by il!Jl:elllCOI. the true nepti vc. Thcn:aflcr the aUC11on I\ natural. with Soulh i.tk1n8 1 Wlc>I 11 pme after Nor1h \ corrc..1J(in lO lhrce qMldes West ~ the lin~ ul dub. fol lowed by the ace. Ho"" du >""' pro. c«d? F'lfM. U\Jmp; mi»t breal ' 2 \() that )'OU Ulll hu)d )'OOT IO\\C\ 10 IWO · uump trid.lo i.nd a 1..lub Yoot prob- lem fs IO like ~ of a poo.s1ble hean '°"' If lhc ~WI breah ). '· thrrr IS no problem au1 thc odili fnOf a We>rie dutnbu11011 Cnn y<>u circum- vent lhat'? _Automotlvl ______ 9004__ Opcrunr kaJ Kmg ot • Y~. 1ffou can dnlw 11fC4..l~ly rwu roo~ o 1run1~ bcft.>n' Uiekhng the ht:atU. Tllitt cllll be ITlalUsgcd Ruff the second club and leaJ a kl.,.. 1rump from hand The defcfldtr\ Win and play a.nodlcr club. fon:mF >1MJ 10 Nfl Now CL-.h the ace of 'PJik' .inti, k.i• mg the m&.\tcr trump IMJl\landmg. play hbiru from the top /\ defender llllghl be able to ruff uoc of your tugb ~\. bul that wiJI bc With the libl oubtanding lrump and )IMJ w1U '>llll get to rvn your founh hc..n m dumm)' t11hcr way. )OU lo...: 11nly two trump inc ks and Q club Alltll 'tt A4 2.1 ttk ml, metamc 111e•n/erey lthr. CO, mnrf, fully loaded, 111\e new v624521 $14,995 fin & warr avail Bll r 949 586 1888 _A<,_.,_,_ IMW n.. ~7 dlril bbl tan. fUly Dldld. 6 cM ed. r-. tr~ 7'511 mi. t<D. ml w11r Perfectt $19,Dl 949-ZJS."421 IMW 'tt 3231 (..., 5'4>d, U m1. silv., blue/ crey lthr, huted H•tS, full tact werr. auperb, $22, 995 v36242 l fin avail Bkr 949·586 1888 www.eqteltl.c- IMW '9S 5401 lOOk mo blacll/blk, beautrlul or111nal cond f1nancina & werr avail v•249762 SI 0,9915 811.r 9ot9 S86 1888 (etlllloc '0 2 D•Vllle 2411 mo, lull fact warr. wh1te/oatmnl lthr. CO, OnStar system, chrm wllls. v427519 0.9'X>. seve S2Cll 811.r ~ 11111 -.ac,.a.1.c-. Chrysler '91 S9"r .... JX Conv 37k •clual mr. booh, records, met•lhc 1c11 areen/1rey lnl, am Im, blll top beaut oroa ~ond S8 995 v/S2412 Bkr 9 49 586 1888 -.aqoeiltf.c- D..... '00 R-l "" Cab, VS. 80t. m1. h•&h lilt, whole, lully loaded, ¥972498 $9995 l1n nail Blr.r 949 586 1888 __ ...,... .. <_ Fwfl't3a., .... u White. 7911 mo, auto. or 11 owner. veat cond $2700 Chrts 949 515 2794 Foal> lS<oaT SO>AH '91 Jtk rYll. orw -· s ~ maoual. •"" cond $4.290. v .. 9&246-8131 fa.~ SPOIT ""ea.ii wir., ntwu Creal cond1tion Well ~ ,._ llO. ~(l)~S9.oo> 949 l'.l>-1561 YOO MUST SU TieS CM. VUY CUAH. FotD ltAHGl• XlT 'tt E•tta C•b. Auto. CO 69K m1.. V6. bedhner. Prtvate Party $7500 H9-642-5'20 ,..,... '96 XJ•. lrke new, T09az/OalmHI, CO Alarm, Must See• $15,800949 650 5860 www pc!rformance1td com ,..,. 't4 ~ .. ~ 8lk "' periK1 an1 ~ '6.!m. ....... 626 I 75il. psi an1 fUly lmdlic:I S3450 obo 949 394 4272 Coner*' Malanry lfidi It.ck s,_ , .. Concrete. Patio, ~ ri.-ep1c, BBQ. R•rs 25Yrs hp llff)' 714-557 7S94 v ...... c-.... a ._., Rnldentlll Bnck, Stone, Block, Tile. llc1747..a 714·96S-2824 c-••-cementwork. Br lcll, Tll• & Mora. R•ll•blt No job too small 949-5"'1-6746 New <-trwctl-& ._... NI Tradn, Free [Jtimttes. 30 YHn Elp. l '337169 949-631·2345 ............. 0 YO.NOal IMPIOYIMlllT PttOJl<TT C." a pluml>ef, ·painter. hendyman, or en1 of tt'8 trHt IM'YICllS Ill led her• In our Mr"'4:t 411ftctoryl THESE LOCAl SVC PEOf>LE CAN HELi' YOUTOOAYI Cmer the Ea.'1 and Wc,1 cur1h w11h your lhumll\ Now decide how yuu woold pli.y four ,p00e-. .iftcr the: lead u( the l..inJJ ol dub!>. lollov.cd by lhc JC(' l~o du~ " aruf1C1a.l and foruog Alltomottve 9004 Automotive _C_OO_P_E_R _____ ;t,; ~~-c WAIT NO MORE! • GREAT SElECTION! 'O'Z & '03 MN COOPER's &COOP£R'S' L£TS MOTOR! lfS~ ............. 55 fRUWAY @ £ll«lR SMTA AM N.llO IW1 ~ ... lUlt 461&J111, luff fact warr, Brlttsh rac1n1 I' ••n oatmeal llhr, CO chr m whls b•aut. hh new co11d vU96721 $29.99!> Ion anti Bkr 949 586 1888 -.eqo.t.Lc- J...-'tt lUI Vanden Plu .J.41. m1 sparilllnc bill/tan llhr CO. chrm whls, lull f1c:t warr. loll• new $29.9¥.> vM2614 fin avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.eqteltl.c- Lu..t ..... .,., o.:.cov.,. S•on • 27~ mo. full fact warr, blac-/oatme11 Ith• dual mntl rur air 1ump suh CO. 18' chr m whla. lrke ne•, v332099 S22 995 Ion avail Bllr. 949 586 1888 --........ 1 .. - Electltcll Slnlca UCINHO CONTUCTOI Mo~tnosm.MliSvlclsl R9Plllr. remodel, llflS. !pa. NW S'1C ~31lifi iutt.., <bl moon roofs.. rear """ seats, 6 CD ctw.,.r • I/bided. i-1-t orw cond. ON-t 5811 n Sl5,9!J!i 9&8117 9107 l..... ·oo n 300 221i ml, ~•lver/arey lthr. mnrf. CO. full lutory warr. llke new v'5257?1 S22.995 ltnarw.1n1 n•~ Broller 949 586 1888 --~·(-UXUS 300 IS '97 Oyst. PurVTan. luKy loaded. 6 dbk ed. perlect condition. 7511 ""· un. "" .,., . SIS.500 96-~I le•'" '00 lX470 YI, auto, A/C. lfhr, full pwr am Im un cc, \nrf <:ltm, S38 51( 9o&640-5311 lle<alot '01 Nervltof;; 21k m1, full fact warr black/l'•Y lthr CO, OVO 20' chrm whls as new •262!>12 $2'9,995 IHI avaol Bkr 9•9 586 1888 __ .......,_ ...... '9t ••••• Conv 341( mo. aulo. red/ blad1 mt & top. beautiful 01111 c ond •597241 SI0,500 fin & wart ava1I Bkr 949 586 1888 -·~'-c- Mazda 96 Mu1ta while blk onl. CO. alloy whl\ l•dY owned. be•ul Ort& unmatked cond, mu\t \te lo apprecoalt ~ 995 ltn/warr avail 8kr '49-514-llU -. ...-r.c- Mercadu 't6 U20 7ti. m1. wh1te/oatmnl lthr, snrl, CO, buuhful ore c:ond. "459621 SIS.~ Bllr 9 49 586 1888 www.-pe .. l.ca• ._....stsoo..,. Immaculate. mamaoned blO. 9 "' -Ire. S42.IXD 71~3519 ._....SLSOO .... Immaculate, malnlainacl, btldl. ~ "' ,_ Ire. $42.1'.m 714-633-3519 Mercefleo SOCK&. '00 f'latlnum. &JUllt Mpt. alnl uni. NK:. sport pact..ap. ful ... & .... 'l'iC hmfwllllle, D< mites. $!12.l'.m Call ~ 3401 E malt bdsba@aol com THI HAMOYMA• Emarnty Service Oki ~ E*ttal. c.-. Doors etc.. 949-439 7554 20v_..;f G-'tty <1eft1 ••at.Ip uai.741U (t4t)HO-tS2S Mwk 9004 Mltstti• ....... u '00 lux ..ry lllw. .. •• b'a. dwome heels. or• o-. rV5n*r, SlS,9!J!i ~ pp 714-m-&llS ........... .,..,..,.. u '00 lu•irt lltw, el ntn·,._ c.lwome ...tieels. orie -. ,YSITW, $15,!HJ "4llM(:a; PP714-~ ot ......... 11.·tt•-· 3911 m1. champa1ne/lan tthr, mnrf CO, chrm whls. hk• new v598242 SI 1,995 Ion & -.arr .. .,1 Bkr 949 586 1888 -. ...,... .. ,_ f'eudoe 'tt le•t•r ,Conv 21k mo 5'4>d. whrte/cuy lthf lull l1cl w•rr. 1araced, 11on/ smkr. hke new vllii695 S28.995 8"1 9ot9 w. 1888 -.eq.4*1.ceM ·~ ...... '99 4.0 HE 2811 mo full facl "•". black Ian lthr blac.., pip1n1 beaut Of •a cond. $27,995 v424238 fHI ewAlf Blu 949 58£> 1888 •-·•qoolll.<•"' .......... '97 4 6 HS£. 60k m1 metallic dark ereen oatmul llhr. ur whl'.\ labulous car l.tbulou~ cond $18.995 lirm ••265124 ltn/warr llVatl Bkr 949 ')86 1888 l• ......... , ..... c.. Otds- moblle Royai. 111 •Int 91&. aood twos. cM&~ body. $fi00,'obo 949 642 VYJ To azq Mloot C-~ mot.a RQYW '81 •lnl ~ aood I.HS. OaJNi9d body. S600/obo 949 642 V'Jl AUTOMOBUS, MISC8.l.ANEOUS ...., o,.-.1 ~ 0.... «> ~ up! _. pey • -v fw pra lor you Cit. Van °' 11'\0 s-1* or not. Coll Odl Rrt @ T~ Au10 S-. 711- 437 1931 ,. 7l4-32Sl2'28 CASH roe c.us We need your CIH paid for °' not Phtlhps Auto Ask for Malcolm 949.574 7777 Hllll111 NM• TO THI OUM" 11 71•·968 1882 \AVAILABLC TOOAYI ~949-673 5566 lesaU,Ta20fltt ,__..., Triple )'out •Mfl)' Owty$U.U Calllu.a • Rt!ldmdal. OmmlnJll ••t-645-647 7 ........... , ... Pt~lllon. l'r~ • luildltlc Small Proltels 115-$20/llr 949>5lr.-882.4 ...;rw; ... ',. - o Job 1bo Small Dan ll.amlltoa Home.,__ 949-322-8292 f'MIWl"S AUTO A4we•U Tw .. '00 Sr>Hd V'ellow-1211 miles (•19005) 163,980,00 IMWHSh C..,.'tS Blacll auto lo-. miles (•185181)112.9IO.OO ••w ''°' s.-. .,. While w/perlect er eme 1 .. ther Ctl'll hed BMW !>4k m1lu (18730) S27.980.00 IMWIS 2002 White hctory Pr•m•um Wh .. la (18920) $42,980 00 IMWU '-'ttH'tlM•'H R .. d w/lmmaculate bl•dl lthr 5 '99ed (•18770) $12.98000 fwfl brflttl-'tt loaded 11ice lamlly SUV, whlte·lo mlln (118794) $18,980,00 l••wU400 s..,_,,, V8 luaury Sedan. full Power, le•thtrl <•t834JI) $19.980 00 f'eradte 996 c • ..,..·02 Sn Grev·Only lOll mile, r act War rt CH9020) $69.980 00 f'wuhe9t6 , ....... OcHn Blue only 451\ m1lnl f1ptron1cl (• 17835) $43,980 00 IMW S2al Sfl«1 Se4-'00 (;osmos Black w/Blat k r ull fotctory w•rrtyt low miles' (•l89'J9C1S12.980 00 Hv .. uwer H2 '03 HI~ 1run w/whut lulher 3k moles 1•190401 S!>9 980.00 J.,,-XJs ,...,,., ..... •ts Brtsltsh Rac1n1 Green w1perfec I Creme leather, 5611 mo <•18955C)S18.980 00 Metcafl•• la«t SlSOO R-<htar '9t C,mQlle Solver w P•rchmenf lellh er Both l1>1>s• Buuty (•18967) S38.980 00 S_.900S'91 Melalll( Red w Creme lnleflO< Onlt }Sil mrln 1•190111 SIO 980 00 fertl M'"10119e ,...,.. ... V6 II ~ speed ate CO Player r ull Powet (•18~1 $9.980 00 t0-574-7777 ,HIWl'S AUTO 1111 _.. __ AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES • Accessones 9200 SMJC l(f TIOOXTRACM. TOYOTA TROCX. p Ml $8)) MNI£ OffER WU SEU Ct£N> 714-37 4-8793 MowlnQ&~ HST MOYRS$St/tt. s«v1111 a11 c1hn. Insured fast, courteo1n, carafvl Tl6384A 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Ca lif Public UtlllUu comml551on rtquirH that all usad household aoods mover\ print thel1 P U C Cal 1 number. hmos and chavtfeuu pr int the11 T .C P number In •II ad..,.,. hMmtnb. If you hfw• any questions about th• l•11lit)' of a mower , l11no of chautte111. calt: l'UB· LIC unurw:s COM· MISSION 71• 551· 4151 FrldJy, Janu11y 24, 2003 A 11 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE IMW '91 1son I J'311 mo alnt mechan1<1I & body cone!, bl•ck 11ey 11111 . CO, v7~l.I S!>~ Bk r 949-586 1888 -.:cp:t•.c- BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUPS AVAUlll Newport Harbof buutrlul loc, many sites Ho ltve •boalds 949 67'> 4847 Sell your unwanted Items the easywayl Plaua Classified ad today I 642-5678 37 AU-~-~" N Stlild81r- 41 Etritlodrnclnls 43 Cost lerlOftl 46 Pnroe 48 Mro la~ ~'~ f;> w<lti I ~Tffl'lt­ SS P""'f s W!Ctei.'y ~7~cr, ~R..000- dlio9tling !>llF~l9bel e1 P~lol 82 ~ Aanwl "*' 113 .,_ 64 &.hnd un • &6~ot "8ddhe ff7F~ ordng Re-Man ufa.ctuttd Vint.age Duffy 18 C.,uri:rou\ S1unn1ng. BIJ~k Hull Brwd N""' Mu~• '-<-C' ~23,995 '93 Duffy 18 W'h11c I lull !':f\X' ""l•\-( »iupy, Mlhoi:.in\ WhC'el f ~<dli-nt (..-0nd111nn $13.250 .,~.,~ '93 Duffy 18 \X'htt<' Hull :-..; ... , < ~nor\ T.,p :-._ f\1( Sc~l\ \X"dl C ~rnl Fur $13,250 •>-14211 '93 Duffy 21 \X'h11r hull 'E~ c.rrrn 1 ~n·•J>' \ml. Cooler&. l'mll<' hc~J ~<'~. 'u~r Clean $21,495 • 111 }8 Dtll'fy Electric Bo•t• Co. 2001 W. Pacfflc Coast Hwy 949 645-6812 Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 1'-NMH»olrftoodl Pbnb.rl _, .... - ~ 9'IOAl.lll TWEEDY~ 949-6-45-2352 -.. llff'"10rW0...... Plumb•nc repaws, o..., ZSyn up All wor11 .-:· .,.-.,.. n._56-1291 w ..... should hant tote"* Stnp . ......_"IV Eat pm'll 81M:1t II) .. crrtrf 117516 ....... TltlS1'9PUI Spec1a1CJ11111n Wallpap R•mowal llSll2•1 ,,. .. .)60 1211 • ............ 1111111111111191\1""91_9111 ...... 1!9'1llllWI .... ~ ...... -......... -~~-~------..-~· ... --. •• .,.. • __ ._._.,_..___. ___ .........,.. ........... ......,._...,.. ___ _. _ _.,,......_,or__..._.__._,, _____ , AH Ff'idaY, JanoafY 24, 2003 LINCOLN M .ERCU'RY • . . Ul!U OF SPBC1AL O.M f'l'NAHC1NO 1 At This Net Cost 16428'7>.IMS7S I) 1622286) USED CARS '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mile Auto, Full Power 4-JTU454 '99 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 DOOR Low Miles, Auto, Moon Roof, Full Power 804131 '01 MERCURY SABLE LS 25K Mile. Full power. Xlnt Condition, (4PVX724) •to ••• '99 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Line, 24k Mlle, Moon Roof. CD, Loaded (4GOG395) •t• ••• '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Leather, Full Power, Best Buy (4VIJ869) •t• •••. '00 LINCOLN LS 36K Mlle, CD, Full Power, Affordable Luxury (788844) •tT 488 '02 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 4K Mile, Sharp One Owner With Moon Roof. CD, Spoiler, Like New (453122) ••o ••o '01 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Dependable Luxury At An Affordable Figure (4SSM7t4) ••t 800 '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Showroom Fresh, Peart White, Certified (4RCY079) •aa,eoo '02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC <•VRCt38> ••••••• '02 LINCOLN LS-VS SPORT Top Of The line With Moon Roof, Chromes, CO. Phone, Loaded (627272) ••••••• ..... -.... :-........ -~-~--~~--..... --.._---.. -· -.... ---· .: ~ • • ' • t , • ~ .. .. -• .. • .. • 41 r -----------------... -·-~---·----~---··---~~-~ .. ----.-.-~--'--"~-.----~~-----~~-__.. ________ ......._.__ __ .'.&-_ _---.__._..-..... __ .-_ ___ ~~~ • 82 Friday, January 24, 2003 Does the shoe fit? That is the questi.on. BJ~IUA/k11 A n ancient mu.im by rhc Mt cenrury Il.Ronun plul0$0phcr Pubiliw Syrw &a.id, "You cannoc puc the same shoe on every fooc.• Truer words have never been spo~n. Aocording to Hal HoUistcr, manager of the New Balance score in Corona dcl Mar Plaz.a, wearing a poorly firring shoe thac is not designed for the accivi~ you uc undertaking can lead co a host o( problems induding heel pam. blisters, black nails, loose nails, soreness and ctamps. Hollister sa.id there arc cwo issues ~h ich must be addressed when rclcaing an athlecic shoe -the activity you wtU be involved in and proper fit. Many people arc of the belief that one pail of athlecic shoes a n be illCd mulu-functionaUy. However, athlcuc shoes arc designed spccifica.Uy for d1fferem activiacs. Choosing a shoe that m;uchcs your movement 1s cruical to ensuring .1 hca.lchful workout Cross tra.mers have leather uppers and support lateral movcmcm so 1hcy .uc idea.I for aerobic workouts. Running 5hocs arc bu1h IO prevent inward 1urnmg of the foo1 and prpv1de a completely differem type of support than th.11 of a cross 1r;uner Once you have determined wh;a1 type of shoe you wall need, you mus1 makt> sure· that your shoe fiu properly. Hollis1t>r explained 1h:u a brann1k a universal measuring device -should be used IO measure length and width. I le u 1d 1he biggest mistakt> most people make IS nor leaving enough roe room To combat thu, the )land.1rd rult> is 10 add one-half of a siu 10 your . mo.sured leng1h for insunce. 1f you arc measured for a s1u-7 shoe, you would nt>ed IO buy a 7 112. Once you have done 1ha1, a 1ramed salesperson a n help you determine the proper width. Athleuc shoes arc a w1~ investmem and prices VM)' A good p;ur of cross-rraint>rs falls 1nm 1hc range of $65 -$110. Running shoes can con bctwt>en $80 • SI 50 for wumen and $80 -S 180 for men • ; '! ' ... • Fitness trends change, but the goal is ti.meless Physical llmcss ii nor a new amccpc. Cro Magnon man got a healthy, albeit iruldvcncnc c:ardio workout dodging a woolly mammoth. In n6 B.C .. exercise took a more dc!Jberace approach with a foot rac.c ac the sacred site of Olympia -what we rccognizc roday as the first Olympic games. In lacer yea.rs, Greek physician Hippocmes (460-370 B.C.) noted, Mlf we could give every individual the right amount of nourtshmcnt and exercise. nor roo litde and nor 100 much, wt> would have found the safest way to health. - Whlle the nocio~ of regular curcisc as a critical clement in maintaining physical fitness is rooted in ancient philosophy, rrcnds and practices have changed over me years. Today, mammoth-dodging has gjvcn way to a more sclf- educ.11ed approach 10 fitness with an emphasis on cross 1r.umng. Rohen Burns, owner of Shape-Up Fitness Ccnm m Corona dcl Mar, aplained the changes tak.mg place in 1hc firncss culrurc. According 10 Burns, Hippocrates had a good poin1. People arc rejecting the principle of focusing on one ~pccific regime and realizing that 1he key 10 fitness IS a balanced program. He recommends .i good program involves a mix of strength, endurance and cardio; core muscle training from Palam and yoga; and neuromusculu u;uning from Tai Chi or similar pracuccs. At Shape-Up Fitness Center, while mcy haven't ICC.n a dnstic enrollment dcdinc Ul the uaditiorul favorite aaobia a.nd ncp aerobia classes, they haven't seen an incrCaJc in new enrollment either. However, enrollment fo yoga and Pilaccs classes has increased so subscancially that they now offer seven classes a week. Burns ci1cs the inctca.sc in flttibiliry and range of l'flOtion, as jusc cwo of the many c!emenu drawing people to the benefits of this core muscle training. Bunu also shares lha1 Powtr Pump -a group exercise involving wtighc.s, bars and dumbbells -has become phenomenally popular wilh standing room only capacity across the nauon Spinning -an in1tnsc cxerc&SC done on a stacionary b~ -has. also m~mamed a vt>ry high level of populariry Bums also points out the merging of indusuics is a new 1rcnd on 1hc firncss horn.on. Spcafically, the mcdJcal industry is realizing thc benefits of having a pariem comply with thcar post-surgical, injury or illness physical therapy rou tine. Currcndy, many dubs arc employing full-time, licensed physical tht>rapists to help clicnu maintain their physical hcalch post-rrauma. For cumplc, the flttibility and muscle comrol gained through Tai Chi and yoga has been cspcciaUy' beneficial 10 older ind1v1duals who arc at a ruk of scnow compliarions from iniury swcained dunng faUs Cold weather exercise tips far optimal results Admmcdly, Sou1hem CaJ1fom1:ms don't suffrr from the bonC'-ch1lling cold wcawr tha1 plagues our neighbors m 1he northern stales. I lowever, when the mercury docs drop enough w warran1 an ad1us1mt>nt in ou1door exercise routines, tht>re are s1eps you cm take IO ensure thac your workou1 produces op1imal results whjlc pro1ecting yourself from the clements. Before beginning any program, consuh your physician. Ccnain medical conditions such as asthma may prcdudt> you from taking pan in srrcnuous cxc:rcisc: during tht> winier months. Spend addmonal umc srrctchmg and w.irming up. Ir's 1mporum 10 kt>ep muscles warm .ind flexible 10 figh1 1he t:on1raa ing t>ffccu of 1hC' m id The run scu earlier, so excrc1S1ng during 1hc d.a)' may not be possible. If you cxtrclSC a1 nighr, \lllk w a wdl-lagh1ed and unobs1ructed p.ath Reg.irdle..s of the 1imt> of day, always wcar rcfltcuve gear Fog can hamper visibility a1 any hour and pu1 you .ar nsk for accidents with ca.rs, b1cycle5 or 01hcr people. Use lo1ion and lip baJm w pro1cc.t your )km from chapping. The risk of slcm d.amagc from 1he sun docs nor d1m1nuh in lhc colder momhs, so sunscreen is esscnuaJ. Wear shoes with good traction. Heavy marine a . The fimcss and the day spa indwmcs h.ive also begun a gradual merge wnh hcalrh clubs 10 offer full ao1heuc .ind spa sc:rvaco Fimcss movemcnu, lake rrcnds an l.uh1on or music. will continue IO evolve I lowcvcr. the goal of <1ch1n·mg and m.11n1.11mng opumum font>SS ;and he.ihh rcm .. uns 11mde~ As Romin philosopher < orncl1w Cclsw ( \. 64 AD.) ).lid.· lake cxeru~ for wtuls1 m.at11un wrueru Lhe hody, work \trcng1hens 11; the former bnng1 on prcma1ure old age. the I.mer prolon~ you1h." l.avn Jnd r.1111 ~.m HC'Jlc \IRk \Uri.au·\ Drcs.s an 1hrcc 't.an·r\ of dothing for 11p11m4J ~.um1h .ind uamfon I he hrn I.ayer k«p' perspir.a11on .&WJ\ from 1hC' body thC' '>C<.und I .. " r rr.aps hc.a1 .md the 1h11d IJycr prott>t.I\ you frum wind .and r;im A w m1drr.ahle .amou111 of hoJ~ hear C'~ape\ 1hroui$ vuur he.1d, ..c> WC'.&r .a light hll If vuur finger. .arc mid. m111cm wall u .ap name warm1h thJn glove\ Ludy drank plcp'ty uf fluid\ co .av111d dch)'dr.a1111n ( old. wm1n .iu as JU)! .u 1.Uinl( un .a 1->ud} .i.s hm. \ummcr .a ir W'nh .1 l111lc pl.inmng .and .1Jhercncc IO "1n1c b.l..\ll ,.;iltn· gu1dclanC'S.. )our worlwu1 ~houlJ he 1u\t .u en1ov.1ble an J.anwr)' .u 11 1$ in July W hat is a CT Health Screen? The Health Screen is a unique. set of FULL BODY SCAN INCWDtNG CONSULTATION 865000 Reg $750 00 Expires 2/28/03 West Coast Radiology Center TOLL FREE 866-599-5669 1100-A North Tu.tin Aw. S.nta Ana •ei:@·t·lii·'d·Ai> PCH you'll fit ri With every shoe purch<lse Free Estee Lau der cosmetic q1ft h ~l q S35 value• Athletlc shoes • llfesfyle .apparel • performance flt . r come to the new balancesm ......... . ----..... ·-·-------·-........ -------------__ .,. M advertismg suppl~nt to the Datly Ptlot Body conditioning try yoga and Pi/ates By IGmr Alln1 As ~erc15e trends take a londer, gentler 1urn, the rngn of h1gh-1m~ workoulJ as the preferred method of body cond1uomng u on 1he dcclme. A nauonal trend shows that cnr0Umcn1 in yoga and Pila1cs (pronounced puh-LAJ 1-tCC7.) classes has mcrca.sed submnually as people cmbrac.c the phystcal and mental bcndiu or thae proven methods of condi11on111g. Whtie yog.i and 1'1la1cs scud1os arc almost as abund.in1 u ' coffee house dlams, and he:ihh dubs arc adding d.iucs 10 their rosier in rcspo~ 10 1hc demand, many people .ire unclear about the differences between the rwo, w11h good reason. Both arc c0ndi1ioning p~ogr~.s 1h.11 ;iddr~ phy~raJ and mental wellness I lowt'Vcr, 1hc:-re Mc subtle differences. The pr.1<.11<.e of yoga 011gma1ed in Indra more 1han 'i.000 ye.in .ago. While currem styles arc diverse: in their me1hodology. yog.i universally cncompUSC$ phys1al postures, fcx.used hre.uhmg and mcduauon J('nn1fer 1'.ilcrmo of • mmn Yoga wd mojl ins1runors 1~.1.m w11h .i yog.i m.u1cr for \CVcral years before LVung students of 1hc1r own H.1.IC<'m.1 ~ood, oflicc nun.ager and yog;i ms1ruc1or a1 Clearing your mind is good for the soul The v.ord rncd11.1.11on h.u .i mysuul qualny nuluni: images of .an cxouc, mountain1up loa.lc ~ornplc1c "'uh .1 truth \Cele.er perched ;uop ll I rue, rhc pr.icule of mcd11.a11on wa.s born of E.utem ph1lmophv I luwcvcr. since II\ in1rodua1on rnto Western so<.1crv. mcd11a11on has 1t2incd favor .u a via.bk method of rcl.u:auon .md s1reu relief Tht'rc .ire numcrow 1rchmqucs and obfccUvcs .bSc.>e1.11cd wuh mcd11a11on Regardless ol 1he method vou lhooo,c, rhe ~o.U is ltl .1l.h1cv<' a s1.i1e of focused rd.u.mon In other words, ro become so relaxed 1ha1 y11u .1ch1cvc .in aw.ircncss of, yet detachment from. uc1ern.U \llmul1 rh(' Ul of mcdll.lllC111 l.UCCS Sc.>mc prac11ce. bu1 rh('re .ire b.u1c gu1dd1nes you <..in lollow .u you hegin 1hc process hm. find a 1.1u1e1 spot where vou can he fr« from d1}tr.J(llOns 1urn ofl tdcvmons, radios, phones and clcuromc dt'Vtccs A<l1us1 the lagh11ng in your .uea 1f low light 1s rnndu,1ve 10 rclu;111on tor Full S~rum Y~ in Ncwpon Bac:h explains rha1 most Western pracuuoners uac the Hatha Olt'thod Tht' word 'hatha' w mcs from Sanslm1 meaning "sun and moon.• In 1u appl1cauon to yogic exercise:, 'h<11ha' denotes physical, menw, emouonal and sp1nrual baLu1cc. Ha1h2 U$C$ posrures, also a.lied .li:ln.u vid conrrollcd, yogic breaching a.lied pran•yvna. There arc <Lfrerem srylo 1ha1 fall under 1hc I la1ha m('rhod, each differi ng in interu1ry. pos1urc.s, tech111ques wd methods of healing. These rec.hniqucs include Ashtanga, "' vigorous workout tha1 links p1mures 1oge1her; lycng.ir, a Hyle th;u intphas11.c~ precise body alignment; Viniyoga • .i gentle method using as.bl~. praruyama, medm111on and chanung, directed coward increasing mcmal growth and awarcncu; ~aryananda, a 1radmonal form of yoga th.a1 includes u;anas, pranayama, 1.anmc, cleansing and mind-tocusing pr.acuccs; B1knm (hot yoga). a sc:ncs of 26 po~ performed in a he:11cd room :md d~1gned co sm:ngrhcn muscles. improve babncc and increase: fla1b1li ry; .and Kundalm1, whKh involves brea1hing-focusdl excrCISC$, dttp rcl:uauon, mcd11a11on .and 1he chanung of m.anu;u at 1he beginning .rnd end of each scs.s10n According co Sood . 1he bcndiu dcnvcd from yoga :uc whar 1hc puu111oner wanu 1h<'m co be In add111on 10 incr~ing sm:ngth and fle11b1lary. 1us1 a few of the .idvantagcs of pr.icucing yoga include improved \lccp and pcmure, incre.ued 1mmun11y, enh.rnc.eJ management nl phys1u.l p.iin. 1mrea~d enc:-rgy and .i dccr('.isc in Hr~ .md anxu:ry The guidelines for pr.ic11ung yog.i arc simple dun 1 eat 1wo 10 three hour\ hefor(' a da5s, wear wmfun.ible cloth('S Lh:u .tllow movement ;,1nd strerchmg and don 1 worry .1bou1 5h11c\ bcuUS(' yog~ 1s prau1ud m your bare feet M.iny ~1ud111~ .ind gyms prov1dt' .i yoga mJt, but rhey l.an he purch.ucd for .iround S25 )'UU, hur Joni turn II"' low th.it you .ire: .ipr co I.ill .ulttp Next .usumt' .i (omforuhle po\llmn Tht' mmr 1mport.1m rule of thumb 1s to keep your sp!nc .1l1~ncd Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE'S A Hea1thful retreatfea1JJring Massage, Skincare, Body Wraps & Scrubs, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Manicure, Pedicure, Mothlr·to-be services, Stearn Rooms, Spa Cuisine, Quiet Room, and more ... Spa Gregorie's Hours Monday 11 am-9pm, Tuesday-Sunday 9am-9pm 200 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Newport Beach, California 92660 -· ----·-......,.___ -..... ... ------------.. --.... -...... --............................. . G>mp.ircd w the 5, 000-yt· .ir -uld praa ice of yo&.&. Pilnes u .i rd.a11vc ncw1.omcr on 1ht' fimess block, ye1 equal 10 yog.i in popubnry Developed in the 1920s by ph}"1a.I 1rama Joseph H. P1l~1a, the P1b1a Method 1s .i ~ries of conirollcd movernenu 1ha1 m;. focused on improving flt:x1h1l11 y .ind strength w11hou1 building bulk Dc)1gned w improve core: strength r1l.1te\ C:S.'.Kn11ally keeps the: small muscles m U'K wh1k the 1.iri:cr mu.s..lc.') Jf< worked P1l.11cs l.ln Ix pcrlnrrnt'd •>II J m.11 l1t1>Hduc.I the: must d1tlu;ult mt'thod. v.11h J h.1.ll or"" 'I'<'< ulh dc:s1gned .1pp.ir.11u\ .md 'upc:ntsnl h\ Jll 111\lllllfl•I r1latcs IS lc)(t»cd "'111· \.lnlfl~ lc.·\ch uf llllCll\l!I ( I~ .ire \mall. wul .1 prdc:rrcJ 111.1\111111111 "' I.! penpk to .1 m<il d.1\s, ~hh.,u1~h '"nit ,111J1 .. , lint "' m;im• a:. 211 p.imupJlll\ pc. r d,h\ R.ind1 Bn.k. uwnn .. t Yu1:J l'l.11< 111 ( "''·' \1 '" 'J1.! Pilate\ lollL'>I:\ more on 1ht· po.,.c.rl11111" 11111"1" .. 1., bu11odc.\ and luv.cr hJ(k "' "l'P'""t '" rhc. ,.,, .. 1 '""h workuu1 of yo~J. P1IJ1c.·, Jlhl \"IP t "111pl< lll<'lll «J.d1 other heau'><: f'ilJlt'\ work, 111 \lft·111;1liu1 d1t l>mh c.orc: mw.<.li:s whale vu~J. 'trr11v,tl1< 11~ n "'ell .1 1111pr•1\t' flex1b1l11y. lulJnu· .tnd rJI\~( ul 111 .. 11u11 hlJlt:' <Jn Jlw he .1..n dlc:c llH rt·h.1hil11Jt1\l• .111d rh: r .1p< \Ille l \<re"' A\ with vo~.i. l'il,ue' "'l'llll' 111u1t ii lulu' \'l11d1 .ind \our lwJv h.il.inuJ P1lltr n \t\ll\ .1..11el P' 1 l•« pr~nbe d11tc:r1:111 l'"'"'"m 11 .1111 11 1he11 \llfl• 111 ""l!'° l )nc <omnwn I'"''""'' " l •II 011 • p1ll11" '" your h. .. h "\l1~hdv clc.1.i1nl < '"'\1111: '"U' le~ 'llh vour l..ntn h~h1h r 11111~ 011 11 < i:ru1111d plJ,(' \'<1Ur ""'""'"'" lun.I pJln '!' huld11 l the uthtr h.111,) "hilt '"II' 1/1u111h .1rc ltghrl1 1oud1111i: a11d l11rn1tn)? Jll o\JI \>.uh 1·11ur ptl\l Uf< .il1,.:11ul \ uur fi, ><h """ l11rn11 .i P' r.1m1d ,hJp< I ho 1\ Ill" 011< < \.11111 I '' .l m.-d11.1l1C•P f'<l\llJrt I~\ up l" \>Ill l• d<tt·rn1111<: "t1J1 I"''"'"" ""'"" lomlortJhk I \.Ill)! .J""'" 1' ""' .1d\'l"d .tut ro tht· prurx·m11v r. I di ,1,ln f 'X'hilc hul.l1n!: n1ur I""'"' rt I." \"lir b<.J, .i.~ l.C•mpl«rch ·"I"" 1hl I" ""nt slu"' Jhdon11n.il lirc.1tlh "'I 11< \ • •U rd'' vuur mu...:ln tr.1111 rop 10 lk•ll .. 111 ~""' 1hJ1 vour hc.J, "r fJ,.-J 11' 111111 1u ,1,h1.:'c th< uhintJlc ):"JI 111 mcJ11J11.i11 clcJr111g 1our rn111d c.1111" u111' 1hu11~h1 \ I 11 fnddy, JdfllJary 24, 2003 83 prc..Jun' mt••pli"1<..1I ... , "''"'" phHu .. .il rnulh ·\ f'".J ru tr .. 11tcr I) ll<•lfOlllC'fldlJ l"r f'1l.tlt'1 Jlo111! ... l •fllf.,r! .. 0 Ill fl I ' I illlllf Loul Roour<.a fur Yoga a.nd Pibra • I • r 1 ~ f• "'""~ ) ~ / /, \f ' 1 I -pi .. ' ~ ..... _ I .. , ... frlllll )11fJ ., I I .,., l '1(, ·' i\ v. t 1Jhpt" lrtHlt\ttt!,.I C••fl • iul!J (•f.,t •11•1 •.i.:' -11111 IP ( q\(J \11• J •j l'I 1· 'i<; 111 L1i;u11.1 K.. 1 h """'"' '~"I "' •m • ·~ krJll • )', •1'.1 ( ullei:c .. 1 I 11d1.1 • 1 t 1.!" •1110 ""''-" \'\ t11kr..Hh\.lf~.&.tttht·'-..1fnp 1._urra • I lit 'II\ • I C "'1.1 \fr,.t -1 I ~.! -~ .•<, • J lu II\ Ill 't'Wfl'irl fk.1.J1 'I t'I Id\ ~I<; l fqr l•'l'.t ·11 'i-111.\d lur I'd.in' • fl1k1 Ill i· CJ I .11.!UllJ B ... h ., 11 1-,, It \Ai.\\"A h1~ r 111 \t 'L!.Jl 1cunJ "nn1 c I " Hf'<Jl 1 1 ' i~t red tor 1p1111 u11 rc,uhs v. .! I hr.1.\4. 11 Jlllr,. pr Her cor 11h1t"CI 111 •' d'l\!01111; lhJ: "'111 lt-..J (ll Jll .< ''"u1' rdu • f 1l 1 u~h1 hu n.impk th• nJrut ul J Ir Hd 1 "fl< f'< ; It< prclrr ••count lrorn I l• fll ~• I h,, .1.:.i1• 1 , J plvJ•< ,u .. h "'"ohm \ \II. hc.i II' Ill I C:"<ptlllll<tJ l11d C•lllllorr~hk \ I I h, 1, <I !l'h~ I ,I! "U Jlt .if.le Ill l n.:<i~t Ill 11 ..f1'Jl1t I .lf,\'Atll;( Jt •O\'tllfll.: \I hi•''' 1 1 1110111u11h uwd t .. r rd1d lrurn \Ir ' 11 d .11 '' ' •I ' I l\ Jll Jppr".1 .. h I" 111Jr1.J!!lllt! ph'"'Ji f'J111 '"rnt 'tc mtd11 .. 11"11 I' .Ill "pport11111f\ 111 '""I'll tlll"\ the lulini: ol "-'''""II l>rin~' fhi:HJI"' ol \HUI f<.)\ofl 101 t.tk1111; JJ,.int.l~l ul fl tdllJll•lf lhl l'll•, r '' 1J nuh1• """"" 1.oul Resourca for C.u1ded Med.1uit1on • I ,JI "I'<'"' in '"i:J . .'II f .~ 1)uJ1I '-1·v.1• f\c.1. h 'I ~·1 c1c;:, I 1111') ww" tull,pei;irumvn!!J .. in • I he .in 111 l •I .1 \1n.J eilkn 111'1ru.c11•11 in -...11 I hp110'" rhr .. uch 1h Pul Jnd Rc:ue;111on I >tp1rtlllC:nl -, I \~--<\'.,!') Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater· Uoensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Barn-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Part(ing • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch ciuaes • Step, Power Pump, CardiO • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care •Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness CUnic ; M Friday, ~ 24, 2003 Homemade facial scrubs and masks T ry daae a:nib. and amki J"OU an make. ai home. Each ~ Im mnacal bmc:6a to~ and rehab ,.,..,., 9in:. Tbac taubt/nwkl me oaanaJ. comma.I aAd almood co a:foliare. bdpuig ptomoc.e bealthy lllCW .m growth. Egg w+Uia an med for a og:btnung dfa:i. lemon. an aJUinrimt and coruc. pun6a the akin. • Make a ~ from a lut:k owneal and wua. Add honey for a molSWl1Zlnl eff'ca. Appfy to faa and allo. to dry. ~ wipe off with a damp -'> doth. •Two u.blapoons of c.ommcl nuud with mougb watu to make a ma pa.RC rna.ka a.great 1napensive f.acW mask. Gendy apply co faa and wuh off •Grind I tabiapoon almonds into a fine ma.I in a blender or food proca.or. Mis almond meal wgaher w:itb I ubkspoon. honey and· I egg wture. Apply to fau and la sa for about J 5 rruoura. Gcndy wi~ off with a damp wash doth. •Mu I 1/2 tca1poons honey, the jWc.c &om 112 of a lemon. and I small a.non of pbin yogun. Sw tn I whipped egg whuc. Appfy to f;aa and In ICt a.bout I 5 mmutcs. Gcndy wipe off wnh a damp wuh cloth Cucwnben have ;a c.ooLng. sooth.mg dFea and also can be wed as an an11-1nlbm.<t1ory Yogun ad honey att perfect momun:un RJch in alptu hydroxy ac>d..s, strawberries and apncou arc wcd 10 improve the look and c.ondmon of slun, rumubung ewucuy and lllCTQSlng cdJ re~ •Crush a han<iful of miwbcrries and ma ..,-dJ with I ta.spoon honey Apply to f;aa and kt sn for about 15 minutes. Gcndy wipe off with a damp wash cloth. • In a food proc.c:uor or blender, combme 1/2 cucumber, I ubkspoon yogun. a few mawbemcs, and I ccaspooo of honey. Apply to faa and allow co dry. Gently wipe off wirh a damp wa.sh cloth. • Sou I cup dried apncou 1n wa.ter un1tl softened. Purce in bknder or food procusor with 2 uhlapooru slum milk powder. Apply to fau and let set a.bout 15 minutes. ~ntly wipe off w11h ;a damp wa.sh cloth. •Pu~ 1/2 peeled, sliced cucumber ID a blender or food pr0CCS50r and add I u.blapoon yogun Apply w fau and let set about 20 minutes. Gendy wipe off with a damp wash cloth r or pore clcarumg and 10 loosen bW.:khcads, combine equal pans ba.long \Od<t and watcr m your hand and rub gcndy on your slun for 2 to 3 mmurcs. RJruc with warm water Homemade facials and rtt1pa provided by Rachel Puton. copynght 2001 www uc:a11vehorncrnalong com ·Daily .skin care using natural ingredients A haltby complcaoo c:'.omcs from a I1..dc:an &cc. To maintain <t ~ g&ow. oounsh your Wu chily wich produca conWni.og Oatural ~ts. lalic W' lllll, body ca.re nwugocr at Modicc's MvUt Ill Hunungton Beach, suggeas c:bnsing rwloc .. <by. (~ by a toner and moUtunz.er. Be sun to choose produ.cu specific to your slon rypc. A gentle cleanser removes nuke-up 2Jld grc;uc that have accumub1cd during the <by For 01h, ~nc prone skm. Winn recommends a ckoiniing gd Look fo r producu w11h tn irc:c 011 for 1u .inu.scpuc. anubulenal wd anti-fungal bmdia. Dry 5kin will bmdJt &om a dean.Slng milk OI acamy deanstL f.cK nonm1 skin, 1JJ a mi.Id dean<o.ng g.d. FolJow dcaming with a lOOC'l' lO ~the pH in yow Wl\ and ~all ~of nuke-up and dcbru. Tea tttt oJ or Ln'COdcr will ~ oily tho, ~bile aloe orTOK based producu will Ud dry skin uoubLcs. Laveodcr and ~ ~ products att a refufhjng creauncm for normal dcin. kttp 11 smooth and supple. Applying a momuru.cc will help don ret<110 IU 0<1ruraJ mo1srure. According 10 Winn, shc:a buner u perfect for allcvwmg dsy slun Also 1ry a nununng oil like cvcnrng primrose. borage tor 1u cooling, soothing effects .111d rose 011 which u rKh in viwnm f For otlv wn. Wt' 011-fr«. gds and producu wnh :--/.lPCA for iu moururc reuuung dfccu. For PC>mW ikin rypcs. ellellwJ oJa att bat -Joiol» H a iurunJ rT)OU(Ufba rh.Jt U closest lO our own natunl oJ.s and abiorbs qwdcJy into the dUn. lavender uld almond otla att alto populu all pwpoK moutunun. Many producu QO the rrurktt tocby oonwn ingrccbenu dut can 1rriu1c skin or haV< no bendit at all. Winn ad~ to avoid JO.apt uld dearuers coow ning JOdium laureth su.l&tc (Sl.S) that will strip skm of csscmW narunl oils and can 1rnu1e .Cnsmvc skin. M'1ncral 011 tS found in mam rnoutunun, bu1 because II docs DOI penetrate the skin 11 lus no rnoisrunung bendits Synthetic fngranca nuy be pleuvit on the SCn\C' but not alw.t}'l 10 vour don. Look for producu wnh C'\SCnu.J oils they have .i natural. fngr:uiu .inJ nu.ny ah1lmcs 10 tone.~. de.in~ and mo1srunu. They arc aho wed 10 rew an.d 1nv1gome through a.ronuthcrapy. For add1t1onal ure .1nd p.1mper1nf for your don. scrubs and maslu .ire bt'nefic1al ID m<tny wiys. You c.an cu1ly rruh your own a1 home win~ narural 1Dgrt<Lcnu from the don c.arc md produu dcpartmt'nU xrub~ hnr 211 c-xfoluung effect ~d nd your f.iu· of dead slun cell~. k<iving vou f~linl?. rencv.ed .1nd refreshed M.ulo ~•n have ~ dc:cp dans1ng and mo1S1ur11mg dleCl Ort-~Ufa .~. u,,-- ()psltfa-. -..-oJ SWa Ymw .W. • &fthoJU- 1'-MMt s..,, • ,.,.,. 0,.-SiJ.c Tttfa Fiav Mt.a • Fea-SaJ.wlto ~oJCN.~ GET A JUMPSTART ON YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS ' ' Hoon: in Business ..... - "-MMt ~ • Fta Fm &afrri N. Monday~ Tuaday 8 a.ai. -6 p.m. Weclaacby dana Friday s .... -a p.m.. s.wday I UL -• p.a. a-d Sa.adayi 9556 Hamilton Avenue Huntington Beach, California (7 14) 887-641 1 ORGANIC C-.-0..~ fTDdiaic paOOdct.. ~ or diaiial. CWc do -._MSG ia -.. '-1) TaopicA SpA G RAND O PENING One Hour S tone M assage Special s Req. $75 lake on additional $100f f 9 -1 lam or 7-IOpm Mo...f" ~ ~nlmrol OnliJ Nt•w Clit•nls R~ccive A Free T-Shirl With ~tone M.t,,,1gt.•! • wJish Mossoqe • SilLtJ ~;" • ~p Tissue Mossoqe 9i} Catific111a Re;wenofi:i .nJ 9f/t 'BoWli uqo, f\I pedoltlJ Mouoqe fnc:laM • It crub • 'P1:Pf. gt} wropplng • f ociols • PreqnonctJ Monoqe • Woxinq PVices TllOpica SpA. '1'fie Stone <Thera py Specialists 207f N1Wpon Blwd., 1101 • CosTA Miu (949) t.48,Jl 49 ..... .-..... r-----.... ~--~ ~-----.... ----- •High Tech Card10 Equipment •Strength Training 'Free Weights •Certrl1ed Personal Trainers .-. .. -~ •Nvtnt1onal Supplements ~.--~ Personal Training , 1~ t : ~ Specials Available ). ., S 100 mit1at1on Fee Waived with Auto Debrt Program SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tail inset: nds! t 50% OFF I I I 1 s t Session $15 Valu e Expires 3/31/03. ~----------~~--~-CJl t~ 111.-.i. '°"" .,.,,,.. ... (949) 71 27+6 &It '-All•~ BIKRAM'S YOGA COLLEGE OF INDIA C 0 ST A "Nourish your body & soul/" • Coll'Vtnintt Class Sdted11/es • All Ages ~levels of Al>i/i!J • 90 Ni111111 Program Desiptd to Dtliwr Total Htoltlt • /Ud11a Stress and l ncrtase Mmtol Clarity •All Ttadtm Bilrom Ctrtifitd • Yoga Mats 0111'1 Bools May BtPMrdlasttlatSl'l«lio • AJllpk Frtt Parliflg . • Fm ToMr of Sf'l«lio I Located IC ~ li1JP T ... C8'W Z9J 7 Briatoi St. Sui•A-200 Co.aMaa ------~ M advertJ5111g supplement to the Dady Piiot What's in a color? A cc.ordmg to thr nrwly I\rctea.scd book, THE COLOR COf)E • A Rnoi.m,"? &tint P/1111 for O,ti11111111 H«.b/,, whrn you 1hmk "hwth. • clunk colorful fru1U .ind vcgn.iblt"S ;u thr key tu lungcv1ty The boolc explains the h•:ncfiu u( mwrpor.iung d1fT<'rc111 UJlorn.I pr.Klulc 1mo your d;uly consµmp11un By 1111x1ng th<' culors. vou ~111 th<' most frum th<."ir dts<'.isr fighung compound~ (many v.hKh exm 111 rh<' pigment\ ihc:msd vc\.) ( .on~1d<'r RED m tum.it()('\ to help w;ud off «.llltcr ORANt.f 111 <-If run IO promote h~ri 1 .. .tlth n IJ ow m liJnoiru.s w reducr hypcrten\lon I , llf I· N m \pmat.h to pr~rvc: ryn1ght, BLUE 1n hlud1C'mc& w pr1111101c hr.un funwon1ng. PURl'LI 111 tggplan1 10 rt'du<.e \k111 wrrnklmg, md ( RIM \ON 111 wur d1cmc:\ 111 ~llrv1.11<." .irthnm 111 .1Jd111un IU pigment\ pl.1.nt\ ,um.im u1111pt1und\ wlln.1 phv1e1<.hrmK.1l\, whKh .ire 111.1nul.i.:1urt'd 10 pmtclt 1hem from .i hm1 of 111, tlinc Jefrndc1', .1u11rJ1ng to the rt'l<.iflh, ...in pru1.-c1 pcopk .I.\ v.dl '-<>. 1hr 1111111: 1.•>lor\ you un ~nplc c.1d1 d.i) .ind 111duJ<' 1i1 )UUr diet, the llt:tttr The hook div1JC$ frum JnJ vegctdbfe\ 1nw lour hro.id w lur uiegonc\ rt'd. or.inge ydlow, green .rnJ bluC"-purplc: . .Uong wuli the lop I 0 lru1t' .ind 'egn.1.ble\ m ·.tdr ,11lur ~111up 1nu1111~ 1hC"1r .1.n11oxiJ111ng ~·nclit, 1 ht g11.1l 1\ tot.it luc...l\ Imm e.i,h of tlit·M• i:roup\ , . ..,.en J.1\, .ilung Y..llh gr Jiii\ fi,fi, nut\, lcgumn, lgrt·en ht-.in\, ,h1<.k p.."J\, lcnuf,, pt.1\ .in.I hl~,k ~JO\) .1.nJ \kllllc\\ rouhn tu ... h1c•1" .I t.JfJmcJ 1111;ikc -\nJ 1hc-gooJ lll"W\ "· v. hn1 \till 1nuirpurJ1c the\C ht.ifth) 1111.<l, 111 v•1u1 J1ct, you "fill up" and arcn 1 huni:rv fur tht dr.ib fi>O<.h that pruvrJc few pro1c1m. carbohydrates, vttmuns a,11d minerals, as well as 100 many caloncs and fat. Ok.ay, all this M>unds great, but how do I incorporate mnr 10 10 se~ of "this stuff~ every day? Thr answer is: You probably already uc remember serving UZC$ aren't char b.rgc The book prOVIJQ a gcnrra.I guide for fru11 S<'rvmp: b.r~ (run suc.h as canwoupe ..ind pmc.ipple, one cup. medium frun (apples. bananas and urangcs) ell one; small fnm \uch a.s plums, luw1~ or dcmenun~, c.il twu, berries: one cup, and dncd fru11, \uch ..Jl apnwu or figs. a quarter cup Wi1h vcgeubb, one-half cup IS sugg("Jied. wuh lc-.ify grccm, a whole cup chopp<'.d. AnJ where 11 makes M:n}C, ca1 the p<'.el f111 addmonal fiber; and ooruumt' vcgcu .blt"S raw or 5tcamcd An .iddn.I bonw to \Urt 1h, New Yc:.ar uff nght. follov. I 111 \OI OR CODE c-.iung pl.in and you c.1.11 lose wc1gh1 .ind mm fat. h 1r bcvc:r.ig<' 1:ho1ce\ put w.atcr .11 1ht" wp nl 1hc 11'1 (four, r1gh1 uum,e gl.u~' .i J..iy), five to r1ghr ounlel ol Vt'get.iblc hro1h or dcc..ifft"1n;i1cJ tc.i, one or rwu glas'>t"'> of fruu .ind vegct.ible JUltn C.avmJ tht· h1Vi \Ug:&r· tllln.I fruit dnnk.\), sov .md \k1m miff.. .and \p.irmglv, rcJ wme hn voung\lef\. wliu nuy hate the thought of hnxrnli h.1.vc them help you p1Lk OUI pruduLc .11 the l(rt1<.ery \turt' or .i farmer\ markt"t fhtre Jrt J v.incry nl th<llll"' 111 c.11.h 111 1hc 1.ulur i:ruup~ '" 11 thn d1'1Lke unc, tinJ urht:f\ 1hn tnJo~· ( ut up fruit 111 lmc· \11cd p1t·u;\ lur 1hcir lun,h.-, '>crw 1hc111 bcrr• \muorl11t·\ f11r .in .1.ltcr 'M..lwol \n.11.k ( ;l"I UedllVt' With fru11 "' vcgt"t.ihlc J l\hC:\ th.11 re\Cmhlc pcupl<' or .amm.J, lncrc Jrc iv.11 .iJJcJ h<.mulo<'\ 1hc hook prm 1dC"i oi \<"Ven da) menu 111 gc1 1uu \l.artcJ tmdudmg he4l1hv \n.ilk\J .i11J .i "'l"•hh 111 Jd1.11111\ r<"upe' '><• 1mte.1J of \t•rlllll' oil !OO \ Y..llh one ul tho'M.' "f.1J d1t1' rh.;ir nnc:r ~<'Ill tu l.i.\I hcl.IU\C rht"v re \<I un~t1\fy111g. <'llJOV the spcllrulll of lolur prm 1Jcd hv n.ilurc\ houmr II\ \tHTIUl1111~ ~ooJ )'OU <..lll do tor V<lUt'l<·lt .ind vuur f.1m1h· t'Vtf\ J.i\ Tiii (()/UR ((JDf A Rr1'tllu11on.ir; hmnt. l'Lm fur Up11 mum Htal1h. u·mrm b) /.1mt1 A Juupl N /) lJanul A N11duu ,\f /) .ind Annr l 'ndtru ood, 1 opyns,l•rrd 2002 Tl•t f'111/1p I uj ( 1roup Inc , 1• .i1.iil.ibk .If rhr ....._~~--'""'----~~~--~~-~---' • ~ NnL'fOrt 8r.i1), f'ub/11 I 1brary. Spend a day at the Hyatt's Pacific mtters Spa S<.hedulcd to open JoinuJ.Ty 11), lOCJ ~ 111 1hc bcauoful, new lly.m RLgen'y Hwaiogwn B~cli Resort & '>p.l m1 Pi.c1fic Coa51 Highway, 1hc 20,000 sq~·foot oa.su lx-<l<on' R.cn11111i.te111 111 a rum-of thc-<-Cn~ry \p.1.111,h c•t.i1c:. P.1C1fic Wu<"n h;u l n:..u.-J l 1 trc.urnc111 rooms wl[h lw:unom .1mC'n11tC\ 111du.!111r dry saun.l \t~roum, men\ .111.I ""omen~ lounge' v.uh pnv.it<.' whirlpool~ w.;i1<'ri.ill ,JioY..tr\, prtvatc: uurJour rtl~o111un .lrt'J\, .i prc:m1t·r d.i:.s fitnes\ <.cmt·r .lnd rhc rcnowu,·J c.cr.irJ Al('x.tndrt Salon I lcrt' J l.lmplm~ o( thclf t"Xlt"l1li1Ve lnt:llU tif '>t"fVIC.C" Musagcs Light I\ r·-' ul lllli.5.lg<"i lJJI ht- cn1oyn.I 1111 1hc uu1Joor M.1.\'1.tg< I t•rr JlC 1i1 u11c ul rlw pnvJlt: llt.,ll ml·nt room I r11rn P;iuflc Rim .. Vat.ii rorlC Asian \>l.1..\\.1.!(C 111 \y..c:J1>t. l>rcp Ttssur/Spon\ 111J \1:.i O.,tu111 '>un.it;i h1 •! ,wnt Ir d Ju,t lltt· T" u of I \ CouplC'S M.1\\.1.1(<' 111 r • d1 r I IH· Pacific W;uc:r' \11Vl.a1ur<' \1J"'1):;< <U)t11m11e<I h:i.<ocJ n " ur I " .J M.i"•.i.{(c ~\JUO\ .1rc l'i SO or l!O n11~u1,.., l'ntc~ r.in~c from S5S 10 $130: lur wuplcs, tht lll\t t\ h.ucJ on ~lccoon. Facials 8c Skin Treatments I rorn light <tnd deep cJc;uwog w gycotic Ml u ·free r:ailiu.I 4nJ ;i Succet.5 Men's l.iu.il • ho\I of ~kin thcrap1n unpmv<' ,i..111\ cl.1.mtny, hyJr.icc .ind ro11.iJ11, In 1ht" umq~ C.1v1.ir '>ouffit ""lllt h mhuo deep '>("J pt•.1r( l.1.Vj,lf lk'.iJ, t11 .1.ugme111 tf1c 111111\lllfVJO~ prou:-» .incl the < rcna I> C uwmht-r H.ind & f ool r mer\1on to r<"· c:nug11.t: oH,......orkcd h.inJ\ mJ feel w~ I ht Sp1<.e Isl.ind \HJP\ you 111 "'.l.flll 111111\I \heel\ tu dt1ox1tv .ind hydr .uc "l11lt: 1111p.irung • l I 11111111( g111gtr·\rll(' ~<'I 11" ( .rccn Tc.a Bfxlv Muqur w1u1 "f'"'' 11 .11111 "' .J ,, l .. ·11d II\ \I.Ir!\" 1d1 , " 1111 \ 1d1, \liu" tr 1,,11. ,v. rJ h\ .in 11 h,~001 • • ~l<'lll IC'J dn \Xr.ap~.irt" , tlll r _ r C,11 111111111t• 1'11,( r.a•it:t tn1m '1'i t• ... ., 8ulL 8c Scrube f"h<" P<Wlic Waten 8otaopl Frui1 Body Buff C"Xluluu~ by wrapping rhc bodv with wum gr.tpdru11 or pmC'.ipplc· lU<.unut b..Jm A Vit.hv dlvwer and .!S mmu1e m~gc: ISO mmuces. $1l'i Trop.W Body~ af1J1.i1c:s v.1d1 v.imll.i or.lll~c l.ivC"nJcr gr.apcfruu, 01.r;.i11 '""· llM.OllUI \,m1ILt or ginger >Pl<C J<'.t1l)C'r\ A \ 1d1v rm~ .mJ P .iufi, \X .... r- '>1gn.11urt 1011011 m•H\CUrt~ l'i 01111111<~ s-ic; &un1ul 8lm Body ~uh '' .11 111v1gor.i11n~ 1·xlol1.u1un wnh • hll"nd 111 olive ,,.1 ,mJ l.ivcndc:r 111 " ~ .. ~I h.i.-..: A V1c.hv nn"<' .md P.iuh<. \X'.i1n '>•~• .11111.-. luuon n11mturun !'i mmurc S-i5 ThaJa.no Hydrother.apy !wt l1vJ11 b41h· \outh ~ r li.i1.u~ .!'> nunuu .. ~ ~11 f,,, ,, ~'> r IV.•j .a11J 111 Arom.mt llul.t.MO ..!.., Ill I UI~' S \fl 1•11 1>r1c ><,(1 lor """ C 11111 .. ,t d1t 'f' .. '"' " • n1l'lnc-la-rrnf 111 'M.'r\l<t°' I lttr. t\ •'·"'<'"•I I"'"" l.ih..-1 \j..111 'HI' fH"dllLt\ •\.Jll.1l•l1 H lh• l'.iLlfj, \X JIU\ '>pJ l\11u11qut I,,,, o.erllh<..olt\ •' 11l.1l1lt l\Jnj1. U.i:,., 'f'·' JI r• r /1, .. 11 !<,.,_,., • l/u111111'(_t"'· H"" 1 fir• r: \; , I (}(/ 1~1. 1/11 r ud l I '1~1 1< ol) /fi. •Ill, ff• • Hr.1 1 -/I 'I 1 \l\-1 Knee Pain? Feet Hurt? ~~A BackAche?~ Hip Discomfort? \VE HAVE A SOL UTIO N! \lill1P1 1-. 1 I prupk '>llflrr w1th hmer JOl nt pam ~1m ph heLau..,e Pl 1mproP,t:rh lme<l ~hoes and insert~ I 00 r 501 l 110'.S '>J1l'll.1:1:L .... II It 11)(\\t:Jr Jnd LU:::tl0111 llnhullc;, Ill h\ ""'•·kc. pn1!L""1 •n.th IL1r tht: harc.lot-!o·lll lut And \.l.t: doll wnh st:k D1.1h.i11' ''" \lnf1tJrr mJ\ h.:, h1:1hl, f.•1 '"'", .111.I "'" "' u11ol11 1h1 I h, '·'I" 11111 ... 1 ... i;,11 < .111 .• , ''''I' 111 1 •• , ,t. 1,111, r-----$10 Off Athltuc Shoe Pure~ Min~· Body & Spirit Einally, The Doctor You Have Been Looking For! 1A Doctor Who Spends Time To Listen. Robin Ann Eckert, M.D. &ard Certified Family Physician Integrative Medicine Medical Acupuncture Minti-B,oJ1 Medicine ·----.-. ft·~ --·-a • Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility ... .-..·- Grand Opening Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two Free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a $100 Value!) Offer Ends 5/1/03 You ore corchoUy invited to attend our Grand Opening Saturday, February 8th, 2003 2:00pm ... 7:00pm Artistic cuisine serwd compli~ of •Oisti un• Fitness Oemonstrmons • LN! Enttrtiinrrient • R.fftes Prizes Win Free Airline frlets, Dinners ind Mort! Back aay Center 2675 Irvine Ave. #A 949.631.5587 conbet@8'ct8'yfrtntss.com llcklirfltness,M . -.. 1Je Friday, January 24, 2003 Working out the stress '!-t lo~al sp(IS From hor stone therapy. invigoraung sroocs for a rdu.mg and rnmng m~. body polishes and d«oxifying body One and one-quarter houn, $110. wraps to the healing powers of seawa1tr in Sac Marie'• Day Spa. Ugwia Bead, thaLwochcrapy, here's a rundown of 10me (9'9) 494-SMDS (7637) of 1lte spa services whett you can work ou1 www.sucmuicsda)'lpa.com rh<' lunks in pampering sryle -they go LaSrone Hot Rock beyond basic mu.sage, faoa.I and Therapy wuh wum ltnsion-rcl1C"Vmg ma.5$lgc with warm, polished bas.i.11 s1onn Work.mg as in eXtt'ns1on of the 1henp1S1°S hand\, the wumth and weight of 1he smoo1h ~tones permm deep work while 1hc hca1 further opens 1hc mwcln. WHERE TO FIND IT: The Grccohou.sc Spa &. Sa.Ion, Ncwpon Beach (949) 644-4677 www.1hcgr«nhouse\pa.com Men·~ Spa fac.1pc rc:v11ali..us wich a quick fut faci.U for clc.i1ning and t'xfoliating. Nex1 a Swed1)h m.i~\.lgr fur dt'-)lr<'ssmg and relax.mg, wuh .in upgr;iJc 10 the Aroma Stone Therapy Ma~ge One hour, 4'i mmu1c~. SI 95 Jolie SaJoo and pa, Laguna Beach (949) 376-9950 www 1ul1c!>.llon\pa com oilJ and ho1 rocks.One and one-half hours. Cos1: $125. To accompany a 50 minute massage ($75) add hot or cold rocks a la cane for $10. Total Body Catt, Co.ta Maa (9'9) S74-MOO Their spa services include an a I.a cane menu with a hoc stone blend. Cost: $20. Tropic& Spa. Costa Mesa (9-t9) 548-3149 Spcc1a.lms m I for Stone Therapy. the Signarurc Stone Therapy LS a customu..cd mliS:l{;<' ca1cnng to each ct.em's nce<h. One hour, $75: 90 mmucc~. S95. Yvonne Ma.rcicoa Retreat Day Spa, Laguna Beach (949) 248.()()64 www.lagunabcach.com/~p.i/ kHor Stoncn mal>~ge wht'rc hc.i1ed and cooled vok.intc. s1oncs ire .ippl1cd 10 rht' ch2kr.u of the body .Uong wi1h a massage. One ;md on<"-half hour\, $1 '\5. Morhcr E.i.nh's Cradling t) .i ho1 roc.k ma.ss.igc, arom.ath<"r;apy s;auna and a Shtrodhara m.us.igc (wum oil is gently Jnppcd onto rhc middle of 1hc forehe.id) combining .mc1cn1 w.i.ys. C.,rc-.u SlrCS\ reliever' f"hr('(: hou11.S315 ind rejuvenates, leaving skin silky and glowing. WHERE IO FIND II: Amadew Spa, Corona dd Mar (949) 718-9588 www.amadc~pa.com Kona Loofah Glow polishes tht' body wuh hydr.aring balm .ind woching w.i1('r) of 1hc Vichy shower. 30 mmures, $75 Maui Sah Glow reaps 1hc bcnefiu of mineral ~lrs. rinsing under 1hc Vi<;hy \howt'r 30 minutes. $80. A}'\Jrvcdit Rebalancing (ba.scd on rhc 5000-vt".ir-old hca.lmg science of India 10 rc~tort' vnal1ry and youthfulness) cxfolt:ucs wirh tl:lll1uon.i.I yoga mung bcvi under 1hr \'1Lhy ~howcr, heated ~s.unc 011 and h<"rbs hlenJ rogcchcr for a pm1cular dosh.1. (body rypc) AvurvcJ1L m.rn.ge .ind 11.inqu1l 1<"a <.ompl<'re tht' cicperirncc One hour wd 15 llllnUIO S 130 The Greenhouse Spa&. Sa.loo, Ncwpon Bcacb_(949) 644-4677 .. your skin is lightly brushed and stimulated by ~ir Signantrc Body Brushing. Then mineral-rich aca sala and cuential oils ~ used ro findy polish and hydrate. 50 minutes, $85. Pcvonia Body Polish is designed for 1ensilivc sk.in and is applied from ncdc ro toes co ttmovc dull .suifu:c skin cells. The body is polished with In gram bath gclJ and loofahs; a rich .ipplication of Pcvonia Body Milk c.omplcces the 1reatmcn1. 50 minuu:s, $85. Spa G:regorie., Newpon Bc:ach (949)~72 www.spagrcgorics.com Body polishes include their signarurc lavendcr/rangcrinc/honcy body polish, c:xf6tfating/hydming pineapple/papaya body scrub and Epicurcn deluxe body facial. Prices range from $85-$105. There's also a buff, slough and bronze mcorpoming the SunMm pa1co1ed fine-mist Wlntl)g spray. rcsulung 1n silky soft slon without the UV tanning rays, $85. Spa Pacifica a1 Marrion'• Ncwpon Cout Villas, Ncwpon Coasl (949) 464-6110 This new spa wnh panor.am1c ocean v1<'WS offers three scrubs: c.momilc Body Scrub. a gentle scrub for scnmivc or delicate slun, Thermal Mineral Scrub, a mildly mv1gora11ng scrub chat nourishes; and Turk1~h S.ah Scrub. an mvigoraiing scrub 1ha1 soo1he5 the skm. 60 m1nu1cs nandard, S95; deluxe, $105 (Vichy room). The I lcrbal Pac1fiq trea1men1 u a genclc scrub w11h ca.mom1lc, which cleans and prepares 1he ~kin for and herb;iJ bach. finally. 011 IS mass;igcd into the slun 90 minutes, $175. Sue Marie's Day Spa, lagu.oa Bea.ch (949) 494-SMDS (7637) www sucm;mcsd.i)'\pa .com Toal Body CA.re. Cotta M- (9'9) S74-2400 Full body mineral sah rub. $85; wuh take home k.ir, $110. Tropica Spa. Cotta M-. (949) S48-31-t9 The Es.foliating Sugar Scrub, 25 minutes, $-45. The ~1uvcnaung Salt Scrub, 25 minutes, $-45 . YwJ10c Marciena R.ctrcat Day Spa. Laguna Bach (949) ~ www.lagunabcach.com/ spa/ Aromatherapy Body Polish is designed 10 cxfolial<', polish and rniualiic skin. ~mmended for the spa emhwiast before a massage or with a facial. 40 mmu1cs, $45. Bod WTa s Wnps arc not only purifying, they arc an ac.dlem trea1mcnt for detoufymg and rehydra11ng They nounsh. rebalance and remmcral1u while 1on~ng .llld finning. WH£RE IO FIND IL Amadew Spa, Corona cid Mat (949) 718-9588 WW\\ amadcwspa wm He.ucd '>wnc Hc:.aling "·h~~t' w11h arom.11ht'r.ipy 80 minute~. S 120 The ~l.iuuon Padu.gc includes \U.lp trcarm<'nl, ~1n Vdours facial to gencly cxfol1.i1c .ind hydme .ind Hca1ed Stone He.ilmg Mu\.igc lncludc11 spJ cwsm<' lunch Two and on<'· h.i.11 houo. S20.., ~liii~~~·~·1t www.1hcgrcenholUCSp2.com Exouc Lime and Gmg<'r '>alt Glo~ . .\f1cr a light body brushing, w.irm 011 1\ dnppcd all over the ~ ~ \alt t.low Ah.i Body Polish from \hould<'n 10 1ocs 1s finished wuh .1roma1huapy replenishing louon One hour. S75 Mango Scrub. one hour, S75. Im full body irc.11mcn1 ts ;a body dry brwh .inJ one hour mas.sage; one .ind one-h;i.Jf houo. S 175 Win<' & Ro5t'S is a luxunow full bodv scruh wuh Napa Valley Grape \Ct'<l.1 followed wuh .a Bulg.anan Rose Oil bo<ly m.u~gc. Hc.avcnly ar S 175. The Ammun Bc..uty 1s a peppermint (red) boJv ~rub treatment followed by collagen (whnrl hydmmg faci;iJ w11h .i lavender <blue) paraffin h.ind & foo1 bath and mass.ige Very paino1ic for $200. For th<' ul11ma1<' m luxury. experience Cleopatra. Qu<'en For a Day. an aromatherapy m.i~ge. Anucnr Egypuan fac1.i.I, AHA body poluh. man1lUrc, pedicure and a spa lun(.h TI11s 1rea1mcn1 l~ts approx.1maccly \IX hour\ and <.OSl.S s mo Perfect for V;ilenllll<'S Day' Roman Body Wrap. remmcralwng wuh aronmhcrap) wd a rcl.ucmg sc.alp m~c. one hour and 15 mmurt's, S 130, bsc:n11aJ Honey Dip and soothing Aloe Vera salp massage, one hour .ind I 5 mmutn. SI iO. 1. M.Uo Sc.iwced Body Masques gently wrap you 1n w.arm seaweed and a thcrrilal sp.i bl.inkc1 There arr dccoxmg. contounng and supreme irci1mrnu, 45 mmu1cs co onr hour, SIOO Sl 50 The Spa and fitness Club (714) 8 5()...()()50 www.tht')p.1.1ndll1nc<>\Club.lom South ( o.u1 I lot Sron<' Therapy .... ., mmulc), $130. Spa Gregorics, Ncwpon Beach (949) 644-66 72 wwv..spagrcgoncs.com The warmth of nv<'r rocks mehs the nro.s ou1 of your musc.lC1 111 the Soothing Sioncs 1h<"rapy. lncorporatC1 ;ancient Wl<'rn modal111cs w1th the use ol warm smooth A pol111h or Krub (product) I) pu1 on the body and removed 1n ;a wet room (opt for 1hc 1he Vichy overht'ad ram bar )bower n's 1ransfon111ng') This 1rc.itmt'nt cxfoltatt"i and introducing •••••••••• studi8~o ,. CO-ED SPINNING AND PILATES 2036 a.al St ......... l1adt 949-852-1655 . body bdor<' th<' sal1 glow I) applied rint~h up wuh Exo11c Island flower B<xh· Balm. 45 minul<'S. S60 Jolie Salon and Spa, Laguna Bea.ch (949) 376-9950 www.1ol1csa.lonsp;i.com Gomnug<' M.irm, an 111v1aor.wng wr glow lako 45 m111u1cs, S65. The Spa and Fitncas O ub (714) 850-0050 www.thespundficncssclub.com PC"Vonia Aromathcr2py Salt (,low, where The Gruo.bowc Spa&. s..Joo, Newpon Beach (949) 6«-4677 www.thcgrttnhowcspa.com f-caturing 1hc1r c:xclus1vr Elemu Sp;a- llierapy ~men, they arc the only day spa MARY ·J. KC>TOB, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Specialist in gyn ecology and gyn surgery. Focused On Personalized Compassionate care. Services iridude HRT/alterndWil; m • UlCS, -d lO :fort' S4S )5 only •g. . an 11 ring 1ing and nh age u.J p 0, nng one 'sr .. An adveftlsing 50PPlemeot to the Daily Pilot in tne u .:>. to Ollt"r mu lint" ot tk111 JntJ body a rt" produc.u. lixo11c Cownut Rub and Milk Ri1ua.J Wr.ip i~ biU<'d 011 ui<' uadi1ioiul &Jmnc recipe of '°'"onu1, mung bean, spices and bvendt"r 10 pola)h tht" )km Aw.um milk b.ith tS poured over 1hc enure body and you .are cocooned 1n a wmforung foil wrap. Pul't' )Cmualny .1nd 1.1111.al111ng, 4 S nunutcs, $85. Other detox and wr .. p 1rc.a1rncnu include Cdlu1ox AromJ 'Ip .. Oct"an Wr.ip, one hou1 Jnd J'i llllllUIC~. s1>'i. Mu~ll.a\C . Arum .. 'lp.i • Olc .. n \Xr.ip U\lnj( .. hf'JleJ \CJWeCJ bod) Ill.I\!.. .111d pine and ro~mary ~nlldl 011\. onr hour and IS minute>, $ 13'i .. rnd lomtl11·rn11r Algae Detox ·1 re.a1mrm. an ellt"< 11\l' nun inv.u1vc w.ay 10 rt>duce lellulm·. 11111c 1h<' body and smomh 1he 'km R1d1 111 Jl):Jl'. kelp. ivy and w.arm n.11ur.il dJ~ 111fu,nl wilh algae, II I) followed lw an .appl11d11un of cooling body lo11on ont" hour .ind I 'i minute), $I iS Jolie Salon and Spa, Laguna Beach (949) 376-995~ www.1ol1e).llorap.a wm S1lhoue11e Dt>tox herbal wrJp f11r 'i minu1e5, $70 f t The Spa and Fitness Club ("'14) 850 OOSO www.1hesp.undti1116\(lub ~•1111 Pevom;a Sc-.awet'<l .Bpd1 'I>. rJp ntnlutn ''' cltmmacc dull ~url~le ~km ,dk tull11v.nl h1 an appl1ca11on of .a I rc111h \t"J.v..-cd ni.1\k laced wnh C\.'t"11l1al 011 ol \.lnd.1lv.u11<I tu nourish ;rnd dC't0~1h all v.r.appnl up 111 ,1 u1crm.11 bl;an1ect )V mmutcs, )~) a•evonia N;uural Moor Mud Body Wr.ip rcn11ner.il11.e) .i.nd hydr.ucs )km wnh natural orgarn' mud, rcviLalizing urcd, Kh1ng 1oinu <ind m~le). lnuudes ;a face and scalp rn~gr. SO m111u1~. $95. Prvoma Amt· Sue)~ Aromoithcrapy Body Wrap deeply rcl.uc\ wnh pul't' esscnual oils of l;ivender .i.nd peugr;im wl11le 1he body I\ wrapped in .i.rom.111(, w.irm lmens. ·n1cre is also a sea.Ip 111.li~((e .and .a 2'i or SO mmuce maMage, 50 llllllUIC\, $1)0, 80 nllOUI('), $125 Dewufy111K Hoc Hrrbal Wrap wnh M;us.ige (,m Jnurnt I ~'YJ•llw 1rca1menc) rel~ and dccu•1lin. wlult" being wrapped 10 hot mU1l111 linen\ seeped in .i.rom.Ull herbs. A 2'i or ')() m111ut<' massage, SO minutes. $90; 80 0111111td, $ ll'i. [~luxe Ayurv<'d1, I lcrb.il l~ody I hcrapy wraps you 111 hot herb.ii \OJ.kcd Imes 10 cnhanl.e the dTec.ts of 'J'Clldl A1·urved1l hrrbs .md 01b lry one of tht"11 \pcu.il p.alk.lgeS >uch ;u cht> •1told Mv < .ill;," chc ( 1-0 Recrcat 1ndudes .i Souch t Od.\I \1gn.iturr M.i~'><lge, Pcvun1.i N.11ur.il Moor Mud Body Wrap and l'evomd L-\o<lv Poll\h I hrcc hour., S U'i. Spa C~nes, Nnvpon Beach (949) 644-6672 www 'PJ~rcgone;, l.Om f>t'IOX 'leJweed Wr.ip. ont' rnd one h.ilf hmm, S ICH>: lht' Ul11m.11c 'llmnk Wr .ip. one .inc.I one: half hour., S 11 'i, Hydr.i <iucnd1 Bodi' Wrap. one Jnd one lull hmm SI \II Spa Pacifiu al Marrion's Nnvpon Coast Villu, Ncwpon Coast (949) 464-61 10 I hrcc "''·'P' Jr<' J.Yd1bble ~lour Mud Rodv \X'rJp. 'lp11ul111J £\0J1 \X rJp .111d I \\t"Jlt1JI ( )11 Hf><lY \X'rJp I .1d1 1ndudc, .i I "i J"•llH J< uprc:s urc IJl.IJI C'~t"fl l\t' .ind .... .ilr lllJ\\J~l' < >nc hour S'l"i > Sue Marie's Day Spa, Lagwu Beach (949) 494 5 MDS (7637) """" \Ul'l11Jr1t·..dJy,p.1.lom I U\ uri.1t111K b11dy wr.ip\ arc J\ .i.l.ihle 1 halassotherapy Tlus u the comb111ed wc of all the benefici.11 ;upe<.t~ of the SN t"JlVlfllllrnenc, mdudmg the d1ma1e, \Cawatt'r .wd w.nuu' rypes of \Ca mud, \t'Jwccd. \and rnd ocher \C<I rnh\1.111<.o. lncorp<Hdt111g chc ht'.1l111g aspeu\ of t".ach ol che\t" crc.11mt'J11\ \.in aim rcl.a.x .and \11mulJ1t" wh1lt" rr noumh111g chc \km. \1111t'r.1I \.Ill\ .and h.t\ll dcmcnt\ \ulh .u 1od111c, \ultur. lJluurn .111d nugnl'\111111 .ire dbwrbl'd In the 'k111. rt'\ulung 111 v11.il11v 1h.11 Ill.I) l.1\I up 10 \t~ month' I hl·\c lumponcll!) pcnc.-11.uc th( \k1n "'hen thl' ccmpcr.&turt' rc.1d1e' { <lci:rce\ ( · 111 .a. .:!O 1111nu1c h.uh -\lchuuf.:h du\ tht'r.1p1 11 f<Jd1h pr.1<11,<J in the l\.1t'd11err.1nc.1n, 1hrnui:h11ut I .uru~ tpJru,ulJrh I r.111'.t'l .ind \utllh 111 thc l>urd1•r "hrr1 111 1·t, trill' lorrn \t .1\\-Jlcr " <l1rt"c1h r•t'<'d Ill Imm 1hc lllC.111 to che \p.1. lo1.1lh 'llU < 111 lt'Jp tlic l><:nt'hh tn J tht"IJ(><·u111 h.11h. through \dllll\ Jnd ho<h 'IHJf' WllJ.Rl fOYJ D II: Amadeus Spa, Corona dd Ma.r (949) 7 18-9588 V. WV. .1111.ldCU\\fld.llllll f h< Rc1uven.1mr 'P<I I'"' k.lf!l' 111dudc1 .I cut.ah p1u1 \tc.a.m to rd.I\ 1ou fur J 1111t" hour 111.&\\.lft" f>c111x1h .ind rt'bJIJnu· 11t chc h1d1t1tht'r.1pv cub lillt'd "'"" ( >l1i:umcr \\t,1\\t't'd) '>t'.lWJtcr Jnd 1hrn C'll)CI\ J \l.llp 1reJ1mc111 w~ch n\cn11.al 11111 111 lllllJ:lll Jlt' .111d dccp dt'.amc nc:~le11nl ""II' I hrn hour trcJ1111cr11 ( "'' ~~II(> Spa Grcgoril:j, Nnvpon Beach (949) 644-66 72 v. """ ,p.1i.:rci:1111c.-\ <nm rl1e11 nlCll\IVC lllUlU 111 \('l\'l<l'\ 111dudn I >t·w\1h 1111: I h.11.i~othcr 1p1 1111, \(Hrulm.1- mh f1J1h "dt",dupeJ from Jli:.1c hJnc,tt'<l oil 1h1· ,u.1\1 of I r.1111e .ind 111111.tm' t">\Cn11.1I m1nt'r JI, .i.nd nutnt'IH 10 r~111rc chc bc.,J1' n.11ur.il lu.lan1c and v.dl hcmg N.11ur.1ll> drt<a1h 111~. ch" '() 111111u1c b.&ch de<in\l'' .and rc\l'le' J dc:-plt"tc:'d W\lern ( oq sso 3pa 1-acinca a1 Mamon• Newpon \.PUt VU.Ju, Newpon Cout (9'69) 4~-6110 l"he hcndiu of 1haJ.11~ochcr.ipy .irt' dd1vr1cd in ~rr.il w.ays. The '>p.i Paufil.1 Suprcm.a c~oom you 111 )p11ulm.1 .a.lg;ir then immerses you 111 a sea , .. le b.11h M~ge follow~ wnh mmer.11 crcrnc <ind lavender 011 W11h the Arom.i P.K1f1u, you rc<.e1vc .i ~I and nsen11.1I ml c1dol1.111on, thcn .I -o<11hmi: or 1nv1gur.1rmi: h.11h your 1h<11Lt' 0111\ 1nwn1hnl 111 .ihn ,\11nt•r.1I l'.111l1l.1 lxwm w11h J \lour Mud Hod1 Wr..ip. rhw d1t 111 .. h " lnlllltr\<'J 11\" h.11h IJdcn "'"h chnrnJI ll•IOC'rJI <n,1.1h frum the '>Jn.1r 'lprtn~' 111 I luni:.111 \um· h .. 11 h11ur lllJ\\.t):c ,, 11h lllllll'f .11 Ht:llll' llll~t·d V.11 ft ltnnd l .. Hmlu .111.I i:r Jf>t·lru11 C\\t·1111JI 111" t11ll11w\ l..icli 1, "t" Jn.I one h.111 l11'u" ')I ""i Yvonne Marcieoa R<1rcat O;iy Sp;i, Laguna Beach (949) 248 0064 WWW IJj.:llnJhc:Jdt lOJlli\p.tl I l1JIJ\\11.Jcr111u· ft'Jttllt:\ 111 .111.11 111 Ulllllut· crcJlllll'lll 1!1.11 \lent 110111 uhr .. purl .., .. .,.,, ... J11J .1lh1c "' Br111.1rn '1• ,J1tftr ·11 \I~ .. (' n ... h \\ 11p 1re.11r11t111\ i•ri "'k ,1, .. uldu 111 111(' thtrJp1 I l1l'\ ~•Jrt '-' Hh u. .1lg1t .... ruh lnllu"'"l l>1 1 ,fi.,..,tr J11<I 1hu1 •h·· l<')ll'lt 11.111<111 "''I' 1111 ~II 111111111<' ''111 ·\11 Jlj:Jl "'ruh .1l11m " \)fl \ 'I..:• 1.•I p.t,k .. i:c. I he I ..agun.1 Bl"' m1luJn .i I rcn1h I l1Jl.i"'11hcr.tp1 B,,tJ, \1rul1 .inJ 111ur l hfllll' 111 J I IUll h l{.1<.h \\ r.1p I 1110 ( IJ\\I< I J,1,11 I \111nu 1rc.11111t'J11 .1 1111t h1111r 111.a,,.ii,:r ,. 'P.1 lunl h 111J i:ood1C' loJt: I lircl .1nJ one h .. 11 h111J1\ S ~1111 I ./11ur I ,\~,u r i·r Jr~r ,, r• .// t/.r r If',/ f'rt•t I.ft 111111/,/f ltMl1hful lunrfi11 n,, d1/frrn1c I' "' ''""' 1J.r 1r1-.11 •rto11 ,ur prrfu.-m ,/, U /1 It U/1/~(' etlt j-, fJ'.1 11 It .. m•/"' ,,,,,/ mrm<ir11bll' I ll'('' •f'·' m.J> 111<orrur.11r J fimr anur 1 t'n,d/rr ;,,ure 111t1rt1;llf' 11nr '"''> l•.ll t .. 11/Ulfl """" whrrr """ '""' rrlu.~ hrfu" ,111,/ a/trr 1rr,11mrn1 rl •k .1huut /111 lur rrmmi ,11ul thr 11 ,. uf • u.1 m '" :;., 11J I J.rrr .irr •P" /'''' >-.itr u /,,, /, ro1ril•rnr J 1,1r1t'r, 11/ lfrr '' r1 \J.im 1p.1 i. 11/ < u to"ll.:.f '''"fur tl•r II r1U111t, I >.n riud. tif thr bruit ,r;ruum .i11d 1J.rir i. ,.dd111r, p.1rn l/.ry ,i{.,, .i11 ummod.ur b.i l•t'lurfltr rartlf• lnq11trr .1b11u1 holrda~ irru.11.J. tuu l-nJll;r >0ur spa n:prnmui and pamprr .)ourirlj ojtm - Why compromise? Your ideal partner is waiting for you. To locate your equipment soulmate, visit the Star Trac factory showroom in Orange County, or visit us on line at www.startrac.com. Star Trac-the .same equipment used by ~hampionship athletes, elite instructors and millions of fitness and health club members worldwide-at factory-direct pricing. www.•tartrac.com • Bl Friday, ~ 24, 2003 --------.-----~-_......,._ --- Body bronzing healthfully 'T"'ltis is Southern California, but in cbe middle of J. wincer so many of us yearn for tbr lun-lcissed look. To avoid the damagmg rays of cbc sun by heading south of the border or to Hawaii, how do you brighten up the paUor wnh a healthy, bronud glow? There arc klf tanners on the marker that wodt by wing a skin-safe dye called DHA. a temporary tint for the outer layers of your dun. But for a seamless ran, opt for a body bronzing treatment at a 'Pa or a spray-on application. Both work without the dercrioraung, aging effects of lN rays that cause wrinkling and pcnerme 10 rhe dcc:pc&t a:llular lcvds. Btuly BrollD"t 'liY•mtmb •t J.«,J SpiU You realm the radiant rcsulu within 2 -3 houn. 60 minutes, Sl35; series of six, $675. Jolie Salon and Spa. Laguna Beach (9-49) 376-9950. www.johcsa.lonspa.com Indulge in the Fl.ash Soleil/Sun KW, their k if tanning u~aunent. 45 minutes, S65. Spa Gregoria, Ncwpon Beach (949) 644-6672, www.spagrcgorics.com Buff. Slough and Bronu. The easiest, safest and fastest way 10 a perfect 1an. Spa Grcgorics and SunMist agdC$S tanning combine 10 provide an instant golden glow. Sun with a pineapple/papaya fuU body exfolia1ion to rid all dead skin from he:ad ro roe. Nelll, is the SunMin's patented fine mist tanning spray. In a few hours, your )kin wiU be silky smooth and beautifully bro01.ed. S85 mdudo a S20 coupon for SunMis1 Ageless Tan in Corona dd Mar. WHERE TO FIND rn Amadcu1 Spa. Corona del Mar (949) 7 18-9588, www.amadeusspa.com Solar Bronung from neck to toe, buffs and dcanSC$ you sariny smooth to prcpvc for the light ma.uage application of the bronung louon. An even and flawlCS$ can! The rest of the bottle is packaged for you 10 take home so you can m.untain your new healthy glow. Rcappl1ca11on with Body Loohh or without, you mwt bnng you own bronzer. Phytomcr, 4 S minutes, S 125. The Grttnhowc Spa & Salon, Ncwpon Beach (949) 644-4(,77, www thcgreenhowcspa com Yvonne Marcierui Retreat Day Spa, Laguna Beach (949) 248-0064. www.lagunabnch.com/)pa/ Gentle cxfolm1on wnh a dry br1Uh and an applicauon of sclf-unning gel over the enure body. 50 minutes, $85 S1mlu1 r,,,,.,.;,,t Booth Spny1 Total (,low ~If lanning Treatment where your )km is prepared by cxfol1aung wnh their E.xouc Lime and Glllgcr Salt Glow. f hcn chc1r cxdw1ve lo1al Glow Self Tanning Cream is luxunously applied fur a natural, broru.cd culor. In a private iannmg booth, 1eu deliver the tanning ffil)I wl11ch is sugar water-b.ucd, containing aloe, mmsturil..crs, bronufl and DH.A It •~ ~fc wuh no harmful 111grcd1ml.\ .and h.u .a unique san1. The c:nurc S(;~ion 1ake~ abo111 15 menut~ w include prep *MONTH ·OF PERSONAL TRAINING Only $280 The ALL NEW Body Wise ITNESS CENTER 2901 W. COAST HWY. #UO P.C.H. @ Riweui4t NHt t• the Chart Heuu Newpert Bitch, CA 949-650-1660 Drink your tea w.1cthcr hot or iced, th1\ un1vcr)al drink C<llled by . nJmc.-s )Uth u 11.";l, di.a ind ch.11. has a varu:ry of hc.-.Uthful benefiu I l1gh in v11Jm1n ( . 1ca c.a.n .11d in d1gemon. It abo lOnL:.tll1' v11amin) BI. B2, K .u1d r. u well .l\ mangJne~. pot.1.M1um. ntaCln .inJ foltc auJ. When th" pla111 ' leave..,. Jr< lne,..c...l and >1ppcd. m.m~ cl.aim 11 hdp> to rt"'>IOl't' b.il.ance anJ tranqu1l11} R.:ccntly. roc-.uchers ;a1 Purdue Cnivcr~t"' have concluded thar gr«n tea , inh1b11> tht growth ol wm.er cdk W11hou1 mall.. )Ugar or honc.-y. 1ca ha.-. nu wlonc~. If you h.;ive a ~nl111v11y w c:iffcinc, <.:hum<' herh.iJ infusiom (made Imm flowe" .and herb>J and the nc·w red tcli. Ulerp11:d from Prrmus1on to Nap - Ta/tint T1mr to Rrsw" }our Spmt by Jill Murphy Long, 5ourceboolu Inc, 2002. .... ·""--··· ·--~ .. \ rime, undressing. applying a nrucralwng lot1on, shower cap (p00rioned at cbe hafrtine) and roweling. The actual wuling $C$$10n is less man one minuce. The neu_cralw'ng lotion procccu hands and curicia/' from any aceu solution. An auromared voia: in ~ booth will guide you through the application pn>CCS$. How much you notia: the can directly after the session depends on your skin rone. GcncJy wipe ofT any a.c:css solution with the towel. h usually takes four co six hours ro tan, and the color wiU continue 10 gt'I darker for up to 24 hours. Much liicc a natural Wt, ir graduaUy f.adcs, but lasu about a week and is ntcak free. h is recommended prior to your session ihar you afoliate and moiscuTizc, and shave the day before. Wear loose fitting dark doihing; if a small amounr of broru.cr gets on your doihcs, it will wash oik Td extend the tan after your treatment, don't take a bath or shower, swim or c:xcrcise vigorously, 01 wear tight clothing and hosiery for approximately six hours. The fK"qucncy of use depends on your skin rypc. WHERE ro FIND II: B-Tao, Laguna Beach (io the Bcbvi building) (949) 295-BTAN (2826) Smgk session: $30. $cs$ion p2Cbges: S for $135, 8 for S200, I 2 for S240 and 15 for S300. SUNMIST Agdcsa Tanning. <:ororui dd Mar (949) 719-2896 Single: SJO a session Four-week p<Kk.age, S 100. Yvonne Marcicna Retreat Day Spa, Laguna Beach (949) 248-0064, www.lagunabeach.com/spa./ IS minutes. S40. A new you! Feel your best! Call today.for a FREE c.onsultation! Bculv Skin Cm· '.'\n I,/ B.1d, • Breast Augmentation • Liposuction •Tummy Tucks • AbdominaJ Plasty • Face Lift/Neck Lift • Eyelid Surgery • Otoplasty • Botox •Collagen • Chemical Peels • Cellulite Reduction Eliminate neck & back pain. A new and highly effective treatment is now available for chronic back and neck Robert Skverskv, MD, can show you how co lose weight -and keep it off forever. • No more expensive exercise equipment • No more faJ diets • No ""'" up-and-tkJwn weight fluctuations sa..akY is a fully licensed medical doccor helping •..uh '.WCight management problems since 1992 . ...... [~11.1111!191••••physicim~pllnhlt --• · ._., •• he can help yautnol ~ • 'f4 ;\,I > ~ .·.·I\ . f,1• • : ~ ' -... ._ ROBERT SKVERSKY, MD, DIRECTOR MO: Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA, 1970 RESIDENCY: Hoag Memorial Hospital, Newport Beach, CA DIPLOMATE: American Board of Family Practice, 1974 MEMBER: American Medical Association, American Society of Barlatrlc Physicians. Orange County Medical Association ~~xx WEIGHT NO MORE {,..~ ......... ..,,,, . ( ....... VISlt us onlrne at. www.W01Qhtnomore.com Alloflnd bliNU ONI "'4tk1 avol"1bk flt o lorr• a.uo,,,_,., <1{1tyk1, colon wtd patt•nu to odd tM/UtUl"1tl to 11111 ltolrv.. vJ.~'/f BLOESER CARPET & OW COVERING CENTE~ ..=:~ 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa -:=: (714) 751-2324 r4il . ,._.... www.bloescrcarpeconc.com ~ CAUlll19a AlJO IN: '-f ,_. (}Q) 4Jf..7j0/ ilJ JMAltftl-(2/j) '174T.JI n. .. ,.;... n. .......... n.a.w.-. n.a.s.-•1\t .. MtS.."'9• n. .......... I i t ' I I I I 1 I I . :-;-~~~~~-~~--:-~':'!"!~ ...... ~ ..... ~~~~--":"""'!---"'.7-:"W•~·_..~ ...... ~~~~~·~· ............... ~ .... ,11110"9! ......... , ... ,1111 .. •s ... u•tJ11110 .. s~a .. 111&110 .......... s .. 1111; I 1411 ICMftls#l& St.IC>Plemeot to the Dady Pilot Hot stone therapy and body polish at Tropica Spa llJ L61lll H Johnson Age music I 've read about stone tht'r.1.py for .awhile:, and dco<icd I h.id io c11pcncrxc: 11 first ~ to find out wh.u All the hw w45 a.bout. My lo""cr b.adc w45 cxpcric:n'°ing acruc:ming pam fur lour d.an, .and I nccd.ed JOmc rel icf My m;w;igc thcrap1~1 Rt:bdu.h BndJord, wu ""llU!ly fn<'ndly ~truly commmtd to rmlung my cxpcrlC'nc<' .1. mcmor.1.bk wd .1.11d unu J.nd the palms of my hM!ds, .adding hot otl. Long strokes down my arms were antcrsPfrsed with cm:ula.r Swecfuh rmnapubuon, both With the rocb and wuh reJuven.aung one . hci hMids I booUd in .appo1n1n1c111 .u Tropics Spe. right around the: rnrner lrum 1he D.aaly Pilot. SpcoalJtmg in mmc 1ha.apv. 1hcy opened their S2lon .u 1hc: end ol l..L\1 yc.ir What I rcttrvcd w.u OOI u11ly .i cunomhcd stone: thcupy 1re.11mC'n1. hu1 .m addiciona.I $urpnsc ol .a Silky ~u~.ar \~rub. Wlulc ly111g on my b.i'°k on 1hc: p<ldded m.uuge t•ble l.idcn WHh Jc-.an IOWd). Br.adlord pulled out rodu lrom~ro.u1cr ovc.-n tilled Wtth ho1 W<UCr ~he ll5C'\ l.ugc: roclu first, roughly 1hc: s1u ot iwo fou, rn began mdung h1g mu~le·group~ l 'hcy WC:r(' p(.llcJ Oil towels under my shouldc~. on 1hc 11ppcr 1h1gh~. on 1hc ahdomC'n .and .ibove 1ht· When my neck rowdes were awsaged. I was ·hooked.! My Jbdomcn wa.s scruiuvc: to the hea1ed nvcr rocks, so she: used smaller ones th.at ttum less hea1 . pc:rfcc1. Next Wa$ the kgs. After rcmovmg the nny scones from bcfween my toes, she: pc:rfonncd rcflaology on my fee1. Heaven on canh! From the momc:n1,you w.alk 11110 lrupK.i Spa. the aun is $00lhm~. rdu111~ .111d uplifting. Owner Altce t-..Jw.1.rd) 0w.irn1lv welcomes you to the 1111inutc )UrmunJ111p. filled with lovely .aronm, undlC$ .anJ Nev. ht';i.n B) us111g 1he 1.irgn rudu fi"' to wum lert.1111 .ire.u, dll"\ "'pn·r· cJ< h .ire.i pnur lo 111.U).lgc N..-\1 ,he pl.ll l"J "'er rollu (h~t \lunnl 111 1hc \llHI\ .irt·.a, .a11J mcr my C')'C'S .inJ 1t·mpln 1111\ \lll<><Hh swnn were pbuJ hc.·1 .... t·1·11 rm .. ,.., lkt.iu~ Ill)' \k111 ".I' 'l<:l1\ll1H tu tht ht.at, ~he u~ w .... c:b ..._, .1 hJrritr, 1111 p<'uplt who t;in "1.akc 1ht' he.it,-,hcJ pl.au 1h1, s1unn J1rn..d) un 1hc skm I rurned over on my s1omach wnh my head tn the face cndk and imdkd tnccs of bvcndcr. "<nr probkm uca.s you would like me 10 work on she: asks> My lower b.ac:k .. plca.sc 'lhe pf.1,cd .i l.i_rge rock on each supuli hhuulJer bl.ide). one m the center ol my lu<k unc un the lower ti.ck ind .a 111.lngul.ir sh.lpcd swnc o n 1hc buuoc:ks Ok .. n·. 1 m rt·.iJ\ 111 hc. p.ampt"rcJ 'lh<' \I.ins lll.U'>.1~111~ thl' I Ju· rllU\\. It' kith a '>wc:Jhh tnhn1yuc 1h.1t \lllllUIJIC°' '::it.ul.iuun, rd1r'" lt'll\IWI .inJ \fHl!hn 1h1· rllll-". le:~ Nnr ,he mmnl 1u Ill\ 'hnulJu, \\ h1lc working cwo "knoncd \pou below Ill\ shoulder bl.adcs with wc:d1sh long mukc)I .and deep us.sue m.1.\S.olgc lpcncu.wng) she (Ontmucs 10 .uk 11 the pr~'urc u too much It ""a.sn1 h feh Wt•nJatul w h.ive spcctfic piru sumul.atc:d m11rc '1g11ruw.lr th.tn others I .ould fed h .. r ""rkm~ out 1hc ;irca.s. th~· 1w.t g.ive 1; Ancient Asian ·healing therapies arrive at modern day sp as Coumcrac11ng \treM .anJ 1h .. frcncuc p.a« of d.uly life \r.i' .u a font of rt'bA!.lntt' .ind rcnc-w.al arc mcorporaung tr.ad111on.il 'u1.111 hcahng therapies into 1hcn -.Cl'\1tn Ac Spa GRgorica .1 prcn1111 J.i\ lp.a 111 Ncwpon lk.ad1 dc:d1<.11t'J 111 whole-body h..umurn .ind nourl$hmcm .1dd111g ( hmc \( haltng 1her;ap1e\ tu 1he11 I< f""rt1111< was .a n.arurAI fu Thes< thc:r.1ptcs lwh1,h r~ul.i1e .l.nd ratorc: the h.amummu' cnergctK b.1.bnt.e ol 1hC' 1-Mxh .111J JctoXJfy) indude .itupunuurt. hc:rinl med&l lllC', rnox1bu~1u111 (hcared herbs .arc .1ppl1c:d tupt<.tlh 10 gam glJ.ndul.ir .inJ c11gJn1< resporuc:s), cupp1ni: l.t Qu Xue 1.tt 1\ anached to the \km sud.ill" , .. u,ing suction which w.arm\ 1ht· ~Ion "hilt drawing 1mpun110 nut ol 1ht· blood) and 1ur1culmhC'r.tp) (scunubung «n.1.1n e.ar p.11m' 10 tngg\"I thcnpcum cffC<.I\ 1111 r.art\ of the body) According to Aniccl.i C un...,11gh1 . owner or ')p.i (,r~urtc:", her IKC'll'C:J .llllJIUn<IUll>I "111.l I IJn, I\ J 1h11J ~t nt r.•llon .. , upunctUrt\I .mJ .. 11.tll\t "' 1ht" ru .. ..l\I 'lht lJll re<.ommcnd one ur '>C'cr ,if rnnJ.alm<"' 1h.it bc:\I lllC'ct J die nt' nccJ, ( nnJ111111h 1re.a1c:d 111,luJ1 p.1111 he.id.i<.hc\. n11gr .a1nc \tr<'' .an'lel't .and Jeprcsrnm, ""• •ght lo" \llllllung ,~,.mun ollld .alln 1.11111g 1hc ttlC<.t\ ol m<'nop.tu'><.'. .\ nc:v. 1-....L\l('rn m.a».1gt: th.it' lx..:n .iJJc:d ~Thai Ma.nag~ 1 h1' ulum.11c \!IC'>\ rd1t-vcr I\ J unl· JnJ 11nt··hJlt hour 1re.11men1 1hJ1 1n.,gur;11n m111d .tnJ ll<1th thrnu~h .a \.&rtC't\· ol yug;a p.»1urc:\ .1<.urr~ure. 5upportc:d \trl'llhc:". rdlcxulugy .lnd rh)'thmt< 111.U\A!(e movements Once rC'SCrvcJ onl) for I h11 rov.altY. 1h1s "lny m.lrn n1g.1 hd~ .tl1gn the body") cncr~ me11J1.an•. brmgmg hurnun\ 1u n11nJ 1 .... J, .a11J 'r1r11 '""r.t111i: '" ( urt .... rt~hl rhc. u Ill\" IJ\Olll< 111.h\..lgc.-h pull> toxaru 1nJ l.t<I•• ,., ,J 11111 ol 1h<' muscles. \X'hen I l..-.1' 1· 1h,· 1.ahl, I don t feel likt I " ll<, n llC".t1u1 up I .im rd.1\nl Jlld .. J.,., '"111l'lc1ch lll\1!(111.ttlJ 111.11 nu""I:< < 'J"-n l.1.nitc \ "·" h 11J1111 J th< 'p.i < .rqtortcs 1 c .a rn b.i,eJ upu11 liu H Jr\ ul l \p<:llC.-llH Ill lht JI I• I I hC'.aJmg "rt ... t11,h lJJt<.,. hJ,k .''illO \C:U~ I"' 'l'J \(1\1011 "' It .II Ill.IS~(' I\ J'Ul.1rrnc-d 1111 J u.idmon.al m.u.s.agc: 1 .. l.k "'1th tht· ,1,~n1 tulh duthcd m loo" llltlll!! ~.lllllCIH\ rhcr.tpms .:u11h i:u1d, 1h1· h<.J\ through "' \l"I II\ ol \llt I< hn anJ Yll~J ro)IUIO, • 111\111~ till 11111\<.lt-\ l<t rdc.i~ 1l111111i:h rh\ rl11111, r<"-k111l! 11111\<111<1\t\ l'rm1J111~ huli,1ic ll< "' 111, 1n.l11J1n.: p.ain rd1c:f, 11n1-.< It-'tr< 11~1ht'nin11,. incrc.uc:d tkuhilm JnJ 1mrruvnl a rrulauon, 11 I\ hc11di, 1.11 lor men .md women ,ulfn111g lrnna 'hrnnt~ he.idxhcs, Jrth1111' .111d .... uu,..a .onung oihc!l our So~. YOUR ORANGE CouNTY's PREMIERE COMFORT SHOE STORE FOR MEN AND WOMEN FREE GIFT VALUED AT 535.00 Proudly Featuring TARYN ROSE ----MEPH1S1CJM ................... ~ ... Portan 1a 949-644-5939 • Corona del Mar Plaza I 836 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach I Near Bristol Farms F rlday, January 24, 2003 • • Nc:n, my lower bxlt and glues She: apWncd beaus< I WU flaJbk w worked me to a scwnd kvd ol movement, wtucb indudcd mttdung of the kp I h.ad my cho1...c of one ot r-o ICJ'Ub.. I mosc ~ Tropiul S1gsurun Sc.enc rcm1nuun1 of the 1ropio wuh the-kellt of brown sugu (smdh ircat!). Lying IKC down on J UNrcled .uca ~ve th<' rub Rdxluh WC5 S...edish nroka. wonung tht sc:rub all ~'Cr the body (cs..cpt 1ht-hod and fa.I) h only ulta .about onc~u.arccr of .i cup of .uu.b for th<' cnutt bod\ When 11 becomes Ydcy 10 the iouc.h, \he .idch .i l1111c water and conunun m~ng II Ill I cum on my btl .1.11d Lhc ),lffi(' proudure a.s pcrfurmcd. She rums on ~ Vichr shower, an overhead ram b.ar •. md wann m'l".l.IJU of ~(Cl from Sllt OYCrhe.w:f ICb gt-ndv rllll\'t b.ack .and torch Ol<C'r mv body. while the _produce is reln-Oyed I 1urn 1.1<.c J'!wn 'Pl" the shower LS 1umed on .J.g<llll .1.11J .1.ll th< scrub LS taken off h s i.o w.arm and comlomng I ...n led her h.m.h on nn It~\ .1.11d mv slun doon t IC'CI re.al' 'ruur ,kin t\ soft .1.11~"'1~ .1.11d \uu \rndl l.ahulou' l hroughou1 the m.us.agc. you'tt reminded to brc.achc. w oxygen can rclc~ IOXIO\ .lnd l.tltl( KIJ built up m your ~f'\\.ard, dnnlc lou of water "'tl"' rh.u m\ mu.scles .ll'l' warmed .1.11d n~cd I m t.aken w .i wet room to n:pcnc:n'C' the 'lug.ar 'luub This tracment wmb111n rqu\.cn.aung \lun ther.1pv with the 1her.ipcuu, pr<"rnre of c.uudmg wJter from 1ht' cl\crhe.id \'1,h1· shower Tltt .,,,,.;..,,,, \1K'l'lt"rr \r..,,., I rn-.Jf'l t:OJtJ .s-5 J Y() '""'"" rfWJJ.J(f I $115 Ttot Exfolwnnf. S"('" \<,,.t /.i..;r -'5 "llr.;,lr Jnd <IJJrJ J-J 5 { ''t?'I' II u/.'41 J /(rf"l"''Llfl~~ '>J/t )..TUb for !~ mm"t< jll• .('~ /• '!''"' 'l'J ais<J wl/J 11 /0 """'' ;pJ .ir ,..,..,, '"' .. ' '" • ,;., trt.zrmmr 11>.zr ,.,,, "'~ft "' •Jf'f'<. Trop1< 'ip.i tJ.r \tonr I »rr.z:-1 :,pt 1J.1 : 1 li><awti .it !O-i \n.-p..rr H.td r /11/ (., r.: /view Appummrrm JTf •t<Jw1.,f I .1, NY 54d·J/-IY Wlllt to Relax More 11is Yim'? We'll teach you how to relax at w1//, anytime. anywhere. let us show you how you can qu1ekly gain greater health. happiness. peace of mind ... and have a surplus of energv Because Yoga Center teachers were trained by a yoga master. our classes offer Hatha Yoga stretching exerc1~es taught in an easy. natural way as well as deep med1tat1on and other simple techniques for "holding onto' the peace and relaxation you get from Hatha Yoga for one low monthly fee . you may attend as many cl~sses per week as you like. Come JOin us at the only Yoga Center ---)>* Y~a Center serving Orange County for over 31 years Ca!l (~49) 646 -8281 FREE DEMONSTRATIONS - WM., ~. 5 • 10 • I 7:30 ,_ Clas~ this month focus on rela.ubon and 1ncreas1ng your energy level «SE.17th SL, Costa~ Loc.attd 1n !ht AtlontK Stmo Plaza bttwttn Tustin and lmnt Al'tnues. 3 blocb tost of Mothtrs Marter &-Krtc#ttn \ ll\\ I ll!{ \lll ' 11..._I '" llllllR ft •••• - - - H E A L So~h Coast Medical Center is proud to South Coast offers American Heart announce the opming of their new $2.1 Association CPR cnri/ication clas#s million cardiac catheterizatioo laboratory. monthly: The lab offert state-of-art diagnostic care for many heart related conditions, includ- ing coronary heart disease. Pacemaker insertions are performed in the lab as well as interventional renal, aortic and upper/lower extremity peripheral angiographic.'S. • $25 per person • Heartsaver class {formerly CPR ln..J AIB) • Healthcare provider dass (formerly , CPR kwlC) • Pediatric Basic Life Support class {femterly CPR level DJ South OJast Medical Umter ~­...... Ca/1949-499-7202 for classes & information www.SouthCoastMedCenter.com • 3 1872 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach .. The. l'1~Utl ~Clc.h Ce.rt;\ ;e,J F t\~M E~S' Mt\~( El S/\"T\J~~/\YS Z-l'l We Have: l>f-ud•. ore.hid•. or91"" Pf"oduu. "'-1. oir-. ~-fl.ti. pbnt•. hul!MK. ioociM, orat\9". •tnwbt.mM. ··-fruit ac'4 --.. With a comprehensive examination '-"9'TU> T-. 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