HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. THINKING ALLOWED Throwing down with Steinberg T ·w~ the day before Super Bowl at the San D1~0 Zoo, And the an imal!> were vi'>1led by a celebration crew A red carpet was laid by the entmnte with care, In hopt.., that beau11ful people '>Oon would walk there. I ht• nrh in their diamond' and I in 111y take-. LOLITA HARPER Were gue'>t!> a1 the annual pany of a '>POrll> indu'>lry great Leigh Steinberg and partner had decided to ho,t, A legendary get-together for tho'tC who could boa'>t Good look..,, fa'>t '-peed. a pum.,hing tackle Or a 1.omt>dil rtllllllll' 111 mdke anyone cackle llw ma .. tcr of ceremon1e'> \.\.t'> dn·.,'>t'd to 1mpre'>5 And t•rwrge11caJly mmgled with all of ht'> gue'''· I lw \o\.l'ather wa' perfet t. tht· lot .111011 wa' great. llll'rt' \'1.J.'> even a man whu d1.,pl.1H'U a giant '>llakl' 11Ul">t'> of tht• 100 were hnt>d up al llw gate'>, I loping tu Lalth a ghmp'>e of '>port gn·ah ll1t're \.\ere athlett''> with m11.,de... and model'> with bont"> And very unportant people on n•llulc1r phont"\ I >nnb WE'rl' abundant. and 1·11nvl'l"-<lllon' were ltghl. I wanted autograph.,, hut 11 flhl wouldn't be nght. Hull• No I when rubbing t•lbow., With <,tar'> Make '>Urt' you act like you don·1 lr.110\'I. \'\ho tht•v are :-..ot a hard task for me a.' tt turn-. Olli, Ot"(cllJ'>t' I I >1dn't recognm.• tJ1c face'> of tho-.e who had clout ~w1nherg wru. the only celcb of whom I had kJlowledgc. l.xtepl for lwo football player'> that I had known in college. Chad Morton, a runmng back with the !\t•w York Jets, Who '" dangerous with every p unt return that he gets. And < ..J.r;on Palmer. the I le~man wmner who led USC to a bowl. And helped return the c;chool'c; program to an esteemed spot in the poll'> , I heard act.reSS Shannon f.11.7..abcth and Oakland Mayor Willie Brown Were there at the party JUSt hanging around Som e one said Sen. Boxer had al<;<> made he r en trance, Rut I failed to catch an mtel"Vlew o r even a glance. I -;hook the hands of many and was hugged by som e. But none of them divulged why they had been asked to come. Are you an actor, a model. I wanted to questio n. But instead waiting politely, hoping they would make mention. rt would have belped if they'd worn tags with their names, So I would not have had to guess at See AU.OWED, Pa1e M A NOTE TO THE READERS We have several new faces and several changes to announce. Tuday, we begin a new era at the Delly Pilot with the addition of our hew (ront·page columnist Lolita twper. Titled 'lblnldJll ABoMd. Harper's column will bring a fresh voice and perspective to our news pages with a purely local tinge, from the sandy beaches to the shops of South Coast Plaza. Her column will run Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on topics from schools to crlme. as weU ber old stomping grOunds at Costa Mesa Oty Hall. In addition. aht- WUI be the pape(s new culture beet ttporttt, CCMrlna such topka u ans. • Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2003 ,\ Alan Bradley, right. of Orlando. Fla • cheers the Tampa Bay Buccaneers wrth his son. Marcel. at the Newport Beach Marriott on Sunda) Bowl fans pay to party For attendees of the Lightho use Guild 's Supe r Bowl Ex travaganza, beer a nd girl s we re right up the re wit h the Raid ers-Bu ccaneers fa ce-off. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot I t Wd'> tlw finJI hour twlcm· till' battll• of lht• ~ear, but at lht• -.:ewport Hc.1ch ~lamott. 11 luol t'd more ltle one big party Ye-.1erday W<t<,n't fll'>I any ~unda)'. tlw l Jghthouse GwJd. ,., confident that the -.econd annuaJ Super Bowl l.xtr.wagan/.a will bnng in t'H'n mort' monev tht<; vear. benefiting C )ltH• ( rl.">t I lom~ and '>ervice' for Ahu'>ed Ouldren Bt-'tdU'>i' tlm year thl're were actor lerry () ( t.>nnell. the Laker (,irb. band \ugar Ray .ind a chance to win HMW\ new Au,1111 M INI Cooper By the beginning of the latlgaw pcirty. the event\ 500 trcket,, pnl'ed at SIOO each, had already '><>Id out. II wa., Supl·r Row! 'lunday. Ille Oak.land flaidt'r.. were playmg the rampa Ray Bucraneers, and the Ughthou'>e (iutld of Ohve ( re'>I was throwmg the party \"Jho ..a.rd foothall and ch.1rit) don t gu together? ltusmg more th'"1 S 120,000 la'>I year. l\.1art) \k~enna. prt>S1den1 ol "It Wa!> a lot of work. lltert' are JO to JS members. and everv '>lllgle member wa.<, instrumental 111 Actor Jerry O'Connell dances wrth the Laker Girls wtule hosting the See BOWl. Paee A4 Lighthouse Guild's second annual Super Bowl Extravaganza . A CLOSER LOOK Costa Mesa's Eastside grows, but into what? Development and remodeling in Costa Mesa area raises specter of Newport Heights for some. Others are conce rned it's not happening fast enough. and their neighbor... Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot COSfA MESA -The controve~ that plagued a second-story addition on Broadway in recent weeks illus· trated an increasing struggle for Eastside residen ts: How to mru ntain the charm of their neighborhood while accommodating the desire of growing families to expand their ho mes to meet their needs. On Tuesday. the ( lty Counetl ap- proved a second-story addition for the Dewan family, which involve<, rernod eling their 1,200 square foot home into a 2,143·square-foot, two story home. ·m e majority or the <;eeond "it Ory would be built over the bree7eway between the house and the garagt> The ·Oewans cleared numero~ ob stacles in thetr quest for the Second· tory addioon Approval seec;awed entertainment and religion. Harper, a graduate o f USCs Annenberg School of Joumali m . has been reporting on CA»ta Mesa issues for going on two years. Before that. she ~ the police reporter at our sister paper the Burbank Leader. Replacing Harper on the ~ta Mesa beat will be Delrdre Newman. Newman bu been our education beat reporter for more than a year and has won t0me nationwide awards for her feature wtfdng.. 8ef ore arriving here, Newman worked at the-San Mateo ~She a graduate of ComeU UnJveraity. Our new education ttp<>rter ts a. ...... Cerr9o c.amJJo has been our news Uld.~ant for the lase ieYefa1 monebs. Bdore that. she was the Intern at the r)ai}y Pilot She wtU bri1lfC a 61'lh pmpect.lYe to the 4!ducauon It also raised significant questions about the rights of property owners assignment. Raised in Costa Mesa 11I1d a graduate of Olapman University. she will write with that local feel that embodies our paper. Replacing Carrillo as news ass tant is Coral wu.on. Wilson bas held uch jobs as scuba diving instructor in the Caribbean. photojournalist ln Kenya and English te.acher in 1liwa.n.. She' a Laguna Beach native and hoJds a degree in anthropology/photography from W hington University in ~ Louis, Mo. and was recently the Oal.ly Pilot lntem. Replaong former feacures editor JmNfiw MMlil WW be News F..dttor 1'1111 Wk utts. Who will handle the orpntziilg, plannln& aild editing for all the ans and entertainment and life and lelsure A hopeful amt'flwriCer. SaitowiU: hU '°'18 hid an Jnttreat in aru and entelt&inment. He will also contribute stone and maybt> a cotumn or two. ln concen with these changes, we are also announcing that Managing Editor S.J. Cllhn has oflk ially tilin the title of Forum ~ editor at the Daily Pilot. Cahn wi.ll be in charge of edinng and planning those page.. wtuch Include Commuruty Commentary, letteq co the editor and alJ edito Fina.Dy. F.ditor Tony Dodero't f'rom the Newsroom will now appear on tht> SUnday Forum pages. We are \'ery excited &bout changes and bd.IM ~will go a I way toward stttngthming our paper aod our ICaft'. We hope you agrtie. and Woukl ~to hear~ fl CaD the P ten..,._ tt (t49) M2 II 11 or tend an e-mail lt> .,WU•,., e • ~ -nw lflilDn back and forth. making the cit) -.<>em sc.hu.ophrenil tn Its optruon or how homes ought to n-d<'Velop. Ullimately. the IX>wans' struggle '>ymbol17.ed tht· nl) ·., challenge as 1t wrestle!> with its future. ' ·1 think (.oc;ta M~ needs to refine its process. becau~ neighborhoods.are changing. with \maJJ homes that will invanably Ket larger: Sle'\--en ~ SM EASTSIDE, P•&• M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Ne'NJ>ol1-M ... it fr.iored With mOf'9 sun Chan doucta. S..PlpA2 SPORTS 0.Uy ~tot Spof1s Helt of Ftine c:efebnltes mllkaly hero M Gatvan S.PlpM N A2. Monday, January 27, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT From left, electric candle makers Alex Connelly, Bill Johns and Ryan Eberle. Friend Ian Donsh, nght, helps them out. Eternal flames Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot T his is a story of three friends who started off with copies of "Electrical Engineering fo r Dummies" and ended up with a pretty cool invention. Two words: Electric candles. The outer shell is wax as with regular candJes. but instead of a Oame bums a tiny 3-wan bulb. And yes, it will flicker and emit a vanilla. cucumber, fruity or OoraJ fragrance, too. All that is made possible by a sophis ticated, inconspicuou~ keypad at the bottom of the candle that let~ you tum it on or off, control the flickr r or se1 the "Oame" to an outdoor or indoor mode, ~ys Bill Johns, who with friends Ryan Eberle and Alex Connelly 5tarted his Costa Mesa-based business. Great Ide&, about six months ago. It all started when they set out to create a candJe that wouldn't be a fire ha7,ard, Johns said. "We've heard of. or read about all the BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Expanded Public Storage site begins leasing spaces Public Storage Inc. has begun leas- ing out space in its newly expanded fa . cility jusl off the Costa Mesa Freeway. Conslruct ion on the two-story facil- iry, which added 50% more space, was completed earlier this mon th. The Public Siorage. at 2075 Newport Blvd., now offers 940 spaces, abou1 300 more than the previous building, prop- erty manager Craig Brumbaugh said. The facility, one of four Public Stor- age operations in Newport-Mesa, opened in early January. Spaces rang- ing from 5-by-5 feet to IO-by-20 feel in si7,e are available for rent. Costa Mesa -based Great Ideas invented and now sells wax candles that last longer and don 1t melt. tragic fires cauM'd because of fires," he said. The three local entrepreneurs still make between 500 and 1.000 candJes a month by hand. even as the demand for them., is consistently increasing. "One candJe could !alee us 20 minutes or up to an hour 10 make," Eberle said. The trio Mans by buying wax blanJcs and inserting the elcclronics. The kind of circuitry depend~ on the lcind of candJe they're making. None of them have an engineering background. Johns !'Ml.id they came up with the producl with a lirtle help from their friends. As of Friday, the company has leased out 65% of i~ spaces, but only 15% so far in the new building, Brumbaugh said. Features on the new building in- clude lemperature-controlled air and alarms on each o;pace. The company I'> also applying to tJ1e Costa Mesa Planning Department 10 increase the number of permitted signs lo six. A decision is expected Thursday. Healthcare company's top customer fil es bankruptcy Nationwide Health Properties Inc. has announced that it<> largest cus- tomer has filed for Oiapter 11. The Newport Beach-based health- care real estate investm enl trust said lasr week that Alterra Corp. has com- menced the filing. Alterra accounted FYI For more information, visit www.great1deas.ws, or call (949) 631-5600. The candJes come in three different varieties: a night light candJe that i~ activated by a photo cell. a rechargeable model and a multi-bghl system that can be installed and programmed to go on and off. The candles are priced between $24.95 and S39.95 and come in a range of si7,es, coloN and fragrances. Custom candles could rost a lot more. The bu'line~ has not gone retail an d will probably slay lhat way. Johns said. ··we're supplying to retailers right now and doing sales onJine." he said. For a young business. they have an impr~ive Lisi of clients -Josh Slocum'i. re<,taurant tn Mariner'c; Mile. Studio 54. Newport Yach! Otarters and sever-di locaJ retailers, Johns says. ttwe think we have a great thing going here." Eberle said. for 14"<1 of Nationwide's annual rev- enue'> du rang 2002. ttl oday'o; largely pre-negoliated Olapter 11 filing by Al terra is some- thing we have anticipated and dis- cussed for over a year now," said R. Bruce Andrew~. Naiionwide's presi- dent and Cl:O. Na11onwide owns a master lease, wilh Alterra covering 52 !lenior as- sisted -living facilities and seven indi- vidual lea">es. A joint portfolio be· rwecn the two com panies also covers 49 olher p roperties. Nationwide invests in senior how..- ing and long-term care facilities. The com pany is in vested in 368 facilities in 38 stales. Nationwide trades o n the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NI IP. It closed Friday at $14.17. -Paul Qlnton f>tiOTOGRAPHERS 92626 Copyright: No new1 "' BEST BUYS Grant B oys have everyth ing for the outdoors T here isn't a store in Orange County that can compare to 1be Grant Boys. Since 1949, it has supplied the best in family camping gear. fishing equipment, guns and outdoor clothing. When I'm inside the store, I alwa)'S feel like I'm somewhere out in the boonies. I can't believe its in Costa Mesa! Fishing enthusiasts can purchase ------, New and used cameras. digital video cameras; quality photo finishing GREER WYLDER rum. books, frames, albwns and more. Cal's is up 10 speed with the digital age. It even ha.'> a new digital print Web site for proces.<>ing pnnts ewer the web. Order.. take three days. VISil wwuicalsavnems.roml inwgmg.htm for infonnacion. c.al' holds two large sale events each year: fresh and fnnen bail. liceru.e<> and fishing gear. i loathe guns, so I pass right through that section. There are handgun safety instructors on the • premises, who are required by the Department of Justice. and hunting licenses are avaflable. The store ha!> knives and binoculars, too. The camping section carries tents. hiking equipment cooking supplie... sleeping ba~ and more. The apparel department selli. Columbia. Woolrich, Levis and Wrangler. Popular ilems are Ugg Boois. tetson hats and OP shirts. Open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m Monday through Friday; from JO a m. 10 6 p.m. Saturday: and from 10 am. 10 5 p.m Sunday at 1750 Newport Blvd. Wonnation: (949) 645-3400 MURALIST FOR HIRE Brett 8ladanan IS a high-quality muralist who mostly painis in high-end residences, but he can work with all budget.s. Blackman travels from l..rn. Angeles to San Diego to pairil murab in clieni'i. homes, and has had big projeru. in Emerald Bay and Newport C.oa.\t. Blackman has painted all tu~ We. 1 li.'> degrees are in fumi1ure and pro1ect design. but he was drawn to mural' because it satisfied his expre.'>1ve and artistic needs. Blackman can creale decorative paintings. too. OienlS can e-mail Blackman, and he'll send examples of his wo~ lnforrnation: (949) 637-6981 or bblackmanfi!>integrity.rom. MORE THAN JUST LIGHTS Since 1968. Hodson Ughtlng ha'> offered some of the oo.t in traditional 10 contemporary flXtlare-.. The upscale siore IS cons1antly changing and impl'OVlllg its selection. There are more than I 00 vendors from all over the globe to choose from. Hodson Lighting also offers lighting consultation 'iCrvices and house plan M:hematics. Designers and contractors welcome. The store is very fnendJy and service orientated. They sell light bulb<> and do repairs. Open from 9 am. 10 5 P·lll-Tuesday through Fnday: and from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. Saturday al 15 IO Newport Blvd., CoMa Mesa Information: (949) 548-9341 EXTENSIVU:AMERA Cal's Camera opened here in 1962. Three generations are involved. Its original store opened in 1947 in Santa Ana It's well known for its depth of merchandise and for its knowledgeable sales staff. Amateurs and professionals know tha1 anything new and exciting in the industry cani:>e found here. Sn.tdents buy darkroom supplies and professionals buy studio equipment During the fml weekend in June and fLtSI weekend in December, manufacturers show their . 1 equipmen1, and there are always good deab. Open from 9 a.m to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday at I no Newport Blvd • f,osta Mesa. EVERYTHING JAPANESE Mloowa Mrutetplace combines a Japanese marlel. a food coun and department ston> men:handise under one roof. TI1e manet section of the '>lore 1s It.kc any other grocery '>lore. except thal m<>!il products are Japanese. tis produce department cam~ common fruil!. and vegetabll" and ... peoa1ty produce: boiled bamboo shoots. f-.Jlob and I lonshtmeJI mu~hroom\. K.abu and Satoamo lllere·., also rerufied Angus beef in the meat ..ectaon; SU'ihi-grade and frozen fuJl. Japane<>e desserts, a large p1ckled ~elllhle and fish c;('C'Oon, noodle<>, teas, kuchen\.'1131'e, medicine and more. The food court indud~ \W.tu, Italian food. noodles. cumes and bakery fast food stands. The n">t of the store has an odd mix of menhJJ1dJ~ and services. There arc video rent~ auto accessones, a hair o;a.lon. I leUo K.atty products. cookware. dJ.<Jiware. Jewelry. gifts. vnamm.'>. ~ado cosrnen~ and Shoh.m w1re1t...._.. phones. Open from 9 a.m. to fl p.m. daily a1 665 Paularino Ave., Costa Me.a lnformauon· (7 14155Hi699. BRIDAL SHOW The WbJte Oras 15 having a two-day bradaJ <;how on Friday and Saturdav Flv..ibeth Fillmore. a New York ba.,ed bndaJ designer. v.1ll bt-showing her latest colleclaon Also. Jayson Hanson w11l !>how has beautiful platinum and diamond new and vintage jewelry collect1on I lanson's jewelry wa'> worn by the actresses of"f-riends" at the recent Golden Globe'i award., '>how and by E! Entt'rlrunment's host Nancy O'Dell Featured hair piece~ and_ accessont'.'> are from Ec~ntrique and lrin Cole Thi." shop is at 2853 I:. Coast I lighway. Corona del Mar. lnfonnauon. (949) 723-0121 or IAll.lfUl.lhewhtti'drm,nrt SORRY, WRONG NUMBER A quick correction. The phone number or the new Patricia DI Gioia Nall Studio in Newport Beach is 1949) 673-1743. Jody Rowland Simon is offering a special on profesgonaJ manicures and pedicures. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays Send information lo Greer Wv'lder at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St, Costa M"8, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. Daily Pilot Sean Hillor, Don Lsac:h, stories, illu1tratlon1, editorial SURF AND SUN Kent Treptow maner or advart i1ement1 herein READERS HOTUNE can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST wrinen perm111lon of copyright SURF (9491 642-6086 owner. VOL 97, NO. 27 Record your comments about the Today will be mostly sunny The northwest awell tha1 Daily Pilot or news tips HOW TO REACH US with hlgh1 In the lower 70s to' THOMAS H. JOHNSON, News EdJtorw Address Cln:uletlon lower 80s. In the evening, gave us 10-to 12-foot surf on Publisher Gina A.le11ender. Lori Anderson, Ou r address it 330 W. Bay St., Costa The Times Orange County some patchy low clouds will Sunday tapers off today. The TONY OOOERO, Mesa, CA 92627. Office houri are (800) 262-9141 waves are bedt down to chest Editor Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stev1in1 Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. AdV9fttaing move in, but It will still be and head high 1t most JUDY 0£TI1NG, NEWS STAFF CoMCtJons a.uified (949) 642-se?B mostly clear. Only late at night west-facing bteau, though Adverti~irector O...,.Bhamh It i1 the Pilot'• policy to promptly Dfat>ley (949) 642-4321 wlll we get fog with visibility LANA SON, Crime and courts reporter, correct ell errors or 1ubstanc. EditofW leu than a quarter of a mile. there will still be some Promotions OirectOf' (949) 57 .... 226 Please call (9491 574-4288. News Lows will be In the mi<MOs to oveme.dt at certain tnalca at EDmNGSTAff dMJpe.bMrwthltt.rJm..oom (949) 642-5680 mid-50s. prime mld"'tlde houta. Mof9 s.J.Celv\, JuneCwrgrwlde FYI 5pofts(949)57"'-'223 lnbmetlon: western expoture means M1naglng Editor Newport Beacn '9PQfUlr, The Newport Be1Ch/Co1t1 Mesa News Fu (9'9) &4M170 www.nws.noe•.gov better waw.. A bend of (949) 574-4233 (949) 57 .... 232 Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 11 8pof'b Fu (949) 850-0170 n0fthw9st swell begfne t /.cahntl l•timett.com /uno.ca~•t•rlrrw.oom publlahed dilly. In Newport Beadl E-mait: dli/Ypltot•l•li,,,..,oom BOATING FORECAST Tuetday, but It wttl ~ lhott ,,..,._ Mei.. MMIC>Mce llved. Otyfdltor ,..,.Clmon and Costa Mesa, 1ul>Krlptlon1 are ...... 0Moe (M9)642~21 (9'9) 764-<432.4 Politics and erlllironment reponer, available only by 1ubecrlblng to ...... Fu (949) 831-7128 Near the coast. momlng V...quelty: . /af'Mlam.Wtllltlmt».com (949) 764-4330 The Times Orange County (800) light wt'nda will give way to WWW.turlridfr.OIV "°"' c.tlon, IJ#IUf. cllnton IJttlmu.com 262·9141. In areat outllde of WMt winds blowing et 10 TIDES Spott9 Ecfrtot l.otetaHatpef Newport Beech and Cotta M .... knota.-n,. w.11 aw.II wtll be 4 (949) 67wM223 Cotta Meta reponer, 19491 57 .... 275 1ublcriptjona to tM Delly Piiot ere to 8 fMt. The llght windt retum T1me ......... f'O(lfllf.t:l##oll•l«Jnw.oom lol1r..ti.,,,.,•1.etima.oom Jo98J. ...... DelrM Hewmen available only by flr11 ct ... m.ell for at night. 4:48a.m. 5..Qf..chlgh M Director I Newt DMt Chief Educetlon l'9PQltM, (9491 57~1 $30 ~month. (Prat Include ell Ftrther OUt. A northwett 12:2&p.m ..()..32 fNt loW (9'9157.M224 9"14kable .wt• end local wc ... 1 Published by Tlmtt Community wtnd wtll blow tt 16 lulota Of' 7:03p.m. }o#Unto. l#tln-..eotn delrdrw MWman•t.t1,,,.com P'OSTMAST!A: Send addtet1 NeM, a dlvleion of the Loe Angetee 3.21 ... ..., le&lwMclC'• .. Qwt.tiM~ chtnge1 to The NewPQrt Tlmee. eloww, wtth • W111t IWlll of 8 11~p.m. 2.31 ...... ~SoS*"l9or N9WI Mtdtaftt, (949157~ 8ttch/Co1•• Mera Dally P'llot, to' '"'-At night, the wind (9'9) 7&M3SI dlnjt/,,. CM111o t.tl,,,.. com P.O. Box 1 &80, Cotta Mera, CA ('!2002 Tlmee CH All t1ghtl pidca up to 20 ltnoca, PtOduc:ing WATER TEMPERATURE tc.n.phota•IM,,,,.._com ~. lflghtty a.ger wind WMI. The ,_, won't <henge. 58degr-.. Daily Ptfot Planners will consider enlarging Westside redevelopment area COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA unpr~u..tabll' how till' llJOlffit!>\IOrl WlU VOit· Costa Mesa Planning Commission will take up issue where it le ft o ff in November. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot lhl' redevclopmt•nt area would llllow the tily 10 seize • 1hrou~h eminent domain prupl'rtir, that are deemed hhghlt•d. COSTA 'MESA City plan· wiU consider lhe ll>'>UC Mon day as the first maior c,tcp 111 the Redevelopmen1 Plan Amendment proce:.i>. I he fir-,t public hearing on the• propo,cd amendment wa'> held i11 Novemher 2002. At th.11 lime .... cveral property owm•f'> and other~ with a VC\led llltt'rC\t In the addi- tional area vo1ted their con l·1•rn' rll'r!. art· recommending 1ha1 prt:lirninary houndarie'I be dr'>i~nated for a 4:14-acre <;ec- t11in of the We'>l'>ide to be added IO the downtown re- development area. The odd-shaped area 1' roughly bvrdered by 15th Street. Wti111ier Avt'nllt' and l:ast 19th Street. Another \et tion i.trt>tchcc, up to about Wilc;on St reel. I he Pl ... nntng Commis'lion 1111\t pmwd t hi.· i\SUt' lo allow I he l'hm111ng Comm1s~ion Adding 1he ... e '>CCtion' 111 GETIING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For information· on adding your organ1zat1on to this list, call (949) 574-4298 GIRL SCOllTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special commrnees and grve lectures, demonstratrons or classes (714) 979 7900 GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educauonal and ennchment opportunrlles for girls and boys 1949) 646 7181 HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Vo lunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families Volunteers would assist them with nonmed1cal needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running erTands. reading to the patients and weekly social v1s1ts. The organization 1s also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties Training 1s provided (714) 980-0900 HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters counsels and educates abused women and dlrldr Pn It is looking for volunteers (949) 737 5242, ext 24 JEWISH FAMILY SERVlCE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Protect Caring. which provides soc1ahzat1on and cultural experiences. including Shabbat and hohdav celebratlons. to the Jewish residents and others at Fa1rv1ew Developmental Center in Costa M~sa Volunteers ·adopt· a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally 111 and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish heahng support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Se~ce. 250 E Baker St • Suite G, Costa Mesa Free Prereg1strat1on required (71 4) 445-4950 JUNIOR LEAGUE Of ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women. committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities throu~h the wor1c and leadership of trained volunteers. is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAJSER PERMANENTE HOSPtCE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622·3805. LAGUNA GREENBEU INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wildemeu Par1c staft and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488--0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with per.ona with HIV or AIDS, Is seeking cer1ng volunteers to assist with running lhe front otrice. delivering meals. providing trantpOnation and providing complimentary therapies such 11 mauage, acupuncture end c:hlroprectlc care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-11M& LIFE1.ftE UYlfG CENTOS Mentally Ill edulb rely on the NMl)C)rt 8"dl center for ~tlal housing It needs profMlk>nal fund·rtlMl"t to wpport end maintain th11 reeourct. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, trd<etmg, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's hie. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber orchestra needs volunteers for trcketing, ushering, phones. ma1hng and help with receptions Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. 1949) 830-2950 NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeks volunteers (949) 548-9927 between 10 a m and 6 p.m , or Joy, 1949) 548·8754 NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve 1s looking for volunteers to assist w1tti naturalist led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration pro1ects The rnterpretrve center 1s at 2301 University Drive. Newport Beach (714) 973 6829 NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potenual v1s1tors Volunteers with eX1ens1ve knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722·1611 NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills Volunteers wrll be certified during training workshops the Central Library (949) 717-3874 NEWPORT BEACH PREMJERE CINEMA GUILD The Newp<>rt Beach Premiere Cinema Guild. which supports the Newport Beach Film Festival, 1s looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cultural hernage rn the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 253 2880. NEWPORT BEACH PUBpC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties. such as filing, organizing dnd stuffing envelopes, at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave (949) 717-3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to assist m fostering music apprec1at1on so classical music will rndure (949) 644 4208 NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design sewing, make up application. i.ct construction. technical help, pubhc11y. stage management and backstage supervision. (949) 759 1046.or LKSaf aaol com NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities tn the gr~ shop as docents or receptionists. with clerical work and with fund raising events Training 1s provided 1949) 675 2355 NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help (949) 642 9990 NEWPORT· MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation 1s looking for volunteers to help with fund raising efforts, speaking opportunities, public events and occasional office work (949) 631-4143 l#t .•Sft. FULL BAR it''""~~~ MEXICAN RESTAURANT MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 • HARDWOOO •LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TIE• V1NYl. FLOORING ·~.!!~ 1.;,,,;v..:m SOlAlllAN ;;,[Ae SOUDEXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER 3/4" s5~~ -$14~~ Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... U 111• ,• ~ 'Tle ............... u••tt•••tt••••••u••••••••U•••••••••un:tllllld• U tql l..anlilate Y«>od ................................................ ~~ '4-11 111l ' • Clr!llt r.wW!VI ---·-- FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Farr Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5223 more time for pubhc review. fwo community meeting~ that focused on the concerns of the indui.triaJ property owners were held in January. APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN REVIEW ·Jbe comm1~~1on wi" consider a '>t'<;ond·">tory uddiuon to a smgle·famtly residence that wru. dl'llted by lhe zoning ad.ministratur m October babed on com;ern' 1ha11t was incompatible Wlth 1>Urrounding -.tructurt''> WHAT TO EXPECT The way decisions 011 .-.econd 'itory addition., haw been going. it I'> very rnut h VIEW PRESERVATION lne C'OOlJTU~'>llJrl wiJI t·cm'>ldN way'> 10 lfltorµura11 vtew pn·M,rvalJon 11110 tht• nty'c; dl'vdopm1'1ll wv1t'Vv proce .. -.. WHAT TO EXPECT n1e Ctlfllflll'>.'>IUll Wiii pro\·1tJC' d1rt•1 tiu11 Ill '>I .tfl <.omp1Wby I )(>rrc/r1' '\wwnum I ICN resolves family feud The Costa Mesa pharmaceulical compa ny ends a battle with board o f subsidiary Ribapha rm by replacing the o ld guard. 'We recognize and appreciate the valuable contributio ns made by the management and board during this critica l period in the company's history.' Robert O'Leary Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA Alter qua5hing a boardroom rehel lion by it<. rogue '>Ub'>ldiilry. leader'> of ICN Pharmau~ut1 caJs appointed new managi: menl and ended J lrgaJ war with Rib;1pharrn la1e la'>t week 1 he l\:orth Co'>ta Me.'>a uun pame., made pean'. end111g a feud thal '>tarted b.itk m M<1y when IC N '>pun off .lO'l(, of H1 bapharm Int lo the puhllt, but aborted the offering art er a dl'>'>enling group won a rnaiur II) on the board On fhur'iday. IC...N ap pointed Kim D 1.amon to re place John.,on Y \.. Lau on lht· R1bapharm board I amon will take over ac., pn·c.,1de11t <ind chief execulive Lau and J group ol uther B1hapharm rnanagerc, 4u11 late Wedne'>day aft er a month'> long feud w11h ICN, whtch '>llll own' the re maming 80% of R1hapharm. The compame' an: l:xttthng over the right" to the proteeds of ribrvirin, a hot-'>cllmg drug U'>ed to treat pc1t1enh c.,uffonng from hepattli'> C. Ribtvinn 1<; rolled tn to a drug cock.1ail w11h No maner what you re domg. your hometown newspaper :: Daily Pilot • • an intt•rforon drug ,111tJ 'old h\ a markl'ting p<1rtr1l·r,h1p w11h S1. hen 11g l'luugh D<1niel Para1.:k<1, on fhur\dav wac., al'>o clectf.'d to the· H1h,; ph.irm hoard, taking nv1•r a' r hairrnan In Deu mbcr. l~1u u111111t·d the tolllpJny for hailing tht '>pinurr "IU\ nJmm11tt.'d p11hl11 Ir 111 '>Pin olf H1bapharn1 anJ. 1111 ht h.ill or all our \llltkholtkr.... \";' nt•t·d tu dctenmnc 11 II .:-. ha' nu~ changed that p11\lt1on, I ... tu wrott• 111 .in open ll'111·r 111 ll N at tht• 11m1· I.au and the board had g1\ 1•11 R1hapharm., h1glw\t ulfi1. er-, bonu<,t•'> 111 earl~ I >ec C'mber. l<.N re<;poml~·d 111 I.au' lettt'r hy announcing ll wrJ1Jld n·moH· fi\e of tht• <,1x H1h,1pharm lwJrtl member'>, mdud111g I au < >11 Wedner,da~. the nwmhcr.., '>avcd tlwir hnc.,w., the hl'd\'\ hfung · 111 add111on to I.au, four other d1retttH'> walked ou1 the door, indudmg Kim (A.1mplwll. Ar nold Kroll, llam I h1er'>te1n and John Vtc•rling. H1hapharm < l1ll'f I manual 01111 cr I hnma., -,t,111 k.OVll h <1nd C .eneraJ C 011n"d lfoger I oom1'> .tl'>o ll'f1 ICN's chairman and ch""f executive · \\1• wt 11gn1/1 ,111d .1pprcl 1 .111· tlw \J.IUJhl1· • 1111tnbuuonc., 111.1dt• h' tht m,111.w• 111l'11t and ho.ml du1111~ 1111 ... t r1111 al pC'- r111d 111 1111' l fllllJIJ.rl\., hht11f\: \,lid Hulwrt () I 1•.ir\ I<.~' rh.11rtth11l .1r11I I h11'1 !':\('( UllH' In J.dd1t11111 111 1-11111111 J. .!O \l'.tr \t•ln.m <ii ph.irni.1l L"lltttJ.I l ompanit''>, ,111d l'.ir.H .,_,1, I< N 11.Hnt'd thrt·t· 111lwr d1rt•t tor., l-11rnlt'r 1111Ju,tn t·x1·1 Ull'.f"> -..111t11 ( .,..,t.1, < .11·g11n l~uron .ind ,11t1111111,1n1 J.1111t' P1t'l lyn ,l1 1111111•d th« 1<1h.tphar111 ho it rd rill' ( 11111p.1111I'.., "'"' 't'llh·d 1111 \\l•dm·"J.1.,. .1 rour11I of IJW ..,u1h 1ha1 h.nJ 111·1 n lilt·d 1n Ile t t•mlwr -.hart•c., of ll<ith 111mpamC'' 'totk v.h1t II 1r,1de 011 tilt• \.1·~ '"rk ~1111 k I.xi h,111g1 1 lo"·tl llat .t111•r I rid.t\ 1r.1d111._ IC"" ft•ll 0 _!;'"\ !11S11 !II \\l11lt• H\. \ ffl\t' \r,;-• t11S•·'•ll L::..-~ ~~~ z.-. .,. ~?rd/ Mattress Outlet Store BRAND NEW · COSMfTJCALJ.. Y IMPERFECT Get the Best'°' Less! 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OM Block SouUi of •os rwy ca (714) 545-7168 t t CoastJine 's Access Program is very convenient for me. I will fin~h my AA here and tramfer to CaJ Stale Fullenon to ~come an elementary school teacher. "-9cn.{.e"'- Success Ahead at Coastline. 11480 Wamlt A"911Ue ~ Y*y. CA 12108-2587 (714) 438-4839 lp(.i91 ci111111 begllt ,..,_, L M Monday, January 27, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • East 16ttt StrHt.nd Newport Boulevard: A man was a rrested on s uspicion of driving under the influence at 1.17 a.m. S unday. • Bristol Street: A man was a rrested on suspicion of conspiracy 1n the 3000 blodt at 11 :30 p.m . -Saturday. • Harbor Boulevard: A w oman was arrested on s uspicion of prostitution in the 3000 block at 1: 10 a.m San.lrday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of soliciting a lewd act in the 3000 block at 1:10a.m Saturday. • Bristol Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property in the 3000 blodc at 10·15 p.m . Saturday • Smalley Road: A man was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure 1n the 3000 blodc at 5 p m. Saturday • Harbor Boulevard. A man was arrested on suspicion o f petty theft in the 2000 block at 1 25 p.m. Saturday • Durttam: A woman was arrested on suspicion of grand theft auto tn the 9000 blodc at 6:05 p m Fnday NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boulevard: Disturbance from a party was reported in the 3000 blodc at 2·14 am Sunday • 20th Stree1 and Court Avenue: Vandalism was rcµorted at 10·43 p rn Saturday • Newport Center Dnve: A petty theft was repo rted in the 600 blodc at 6 46 p m Saturday • Point Sur and Carmel Bay drives A water/sewer problem was reported at 4:12 pm Saturday • Coast Highway and Superior Avenue: Reckless driving was reported at 3:37 p m Saturday. • San Miguel Drive: Forgery was reported in the 2600 block at 11 :25 a m . Saturday BOWL Continued from Al making this happen," McKeMa said. O'Connell, from the movies "Jerry Maguire" and "Stand by Me,· came to support the Raiders. He broke away from promoting his latest movie and turned down Super Bowl tickets to pany in Newport Beach, h e !>aid But after a quick dance on stage with 111e LaJcer Girls while swallowing his last bile of ALLOWED Conbnued from A 1 their claim to fame. I r..m mto two good friends I also knew from SC And met a lot of other journalists who were clueless like me. We <:>lood around discussing lhe vario"us media of news And tried o ur best to gu~ at who was who. It wai. fun to ~it back. antJ watch people -;hmoo1e EASTSIDE Contmued from Al saul LOOKING FOR ROOM TO GROW llw Dewan family -Steven. hi<; wift.' and rwo young daugh ter' -moved to Co'>ta Ml''>J murt' than l•1ght year'> ago ,111d ,1•t1ll'd into a mode't thrt>e-ht:'d- room, one bathroom hou'e on 1 Broat.lway. I ht•y <;a1u they bought lhe 101 · wi1h rht· intention of rcmudd1ng, a fl·ehng affirm('d by rhe camara- dt:'rt(· .imong their nt>1ghbur.. that conv1nci.>d tlll'm to -.tay in tht' art•a Dt>\,an. a11 architcll v.ho 'I'~· c1al11.c-. in re'>idenl1al de"h'"· ~llllht·d mnn• lhan 20 concept'>. cn•Jll'cl a plan withtn lht· t'Xi,l111g ~111khnt>' and made a dedic.1tl·d C'flllrl Ill Oll'l:t \\.ith 'ill hOll\l' l111l1h Ill tht• area for ft•t•db<td.. I lw1r initial requl''t wa' dt·· nll'd h\ t ily 111n111g admm1~1ra1ur l'en v Valantuw. Although it lllt't all t ht• '>landard\, II t.l1d not 1.111 within VcLl.Ulllne\ t'\llmat111n 111 harmony ant.I compa1ihili1y he C3U\e or where the J>Ccond i.tory wa-, i.:umg to be built -over the AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 64&4170. or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the ume. date ~~ B t-'s lauranl estaollshed In 1962 ... Qualicy Scrvitc ... •••Ni hd F.ntertainment• • • .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12MoCD FD I C INSURED FIDELITY I NSUR E D DEPOSI TS (949) 588-5711 "''"''• 1 J' e,_' 1:1:'•~•: t""1ul'' ''" rarh Yt1t~t1.;v. I! 1n' I , , t uuM M.~t .... c IAmmr '•14 '*""' In YU "-'»n'to"."' \Ill tJ11 I •t" 1 ""' .\nnu•f f\ rHf't•tr '...-kl •• 4 *'• L ' ''• t UK ''"' ••rJ f ll 11u• I '"1L''" • A'\h: t•.1, 11'1tft' \~ thi. irp .. .-. '"'" ~'-•"""' "'' ,_.,1 I .tirt.') .,.11 t r: f 9"uh I .. "' I ,,.,.r \rn n l..c'•-"''"•'~''m•1'-o t ff'N:ol lAp,. tlo .. ,~·u (•lft'i._•totl $UBS RiineWebber. The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. E)chenauer, Jr. Denise M. Mogiello First Viu President-lnvestmtnts Financial Advisor "For a Fru Complimentary Portfolio Review, Please Coll" 949-467-603-4 800 854-1222 , 1888 ~n Cl~mente. Newport ~ach, CA 92660 www.ubspw.com/team/elchgroup cheeseburger, h e said he was defiruteJy ha.ppy he came. "1ltis is the party to be at. .. O'Connell said. "'The only place better is at the game itself." Leaning in closer, he confided, "I know this ts for charity, bm there are a lot of women here.· O'Connell, who lives in Los Angeles, described Soutbland girls as "nicer, cleaner, the air Is deaner, and their motives are not so uherior: The Mighty Duch Girls, the Angels Girl~ and the 1.akers Girl~ all s howed up to i.upport the cause. And the entertainment m ounted with the free-flowmg booze. Ille women were beautiful and dressed to the nines And onJy a few looked· like they should have been wearing '"gold digger" signs. Men in suits s hook handi. and talked about deals, And others wore jeans and s poke with great zeal. A tiger strutted quietly thro ugh his \ection of the tent, And fascinated guests watched everywhere he wenl. ·nw m ood was lively, people breezeway between the Dewani.' home and their garage, whu:h would affel1 the neighbo rs' back yard'> lnat denial wa., appealed by Councilman C 1ary Monahan. rlle Plon ning C:ommi-.~1on then unanimoU«.ly approved the plan, a.n appro.,,.al appealed by Coun- cilman Chm S1eel. On Tues<lay, the w unnl approved the expan- sm11 4 -0, wll Ii Ma\ or Kart'n Bob111,on abwnr. CHARM OF THE EASTSIDE fat<,tside re!)1denl\ <;ay the art•a\ charm come'> lrom ib prL'· m1um on open !.pan• 'What I thmk ~e value about tlw La.,ts1de over otht.'r area<, '"· it\ one of lhc few areas where you have large front yard ... and large bdtk yards and haven't h.it.I tha1 largt• mJn'>iorm·.;ttion, lik1.• in Ncwpon I l£•1g}lt,," .....i1d Dana I lallt'. who hw'> on lllth ~trct•t tl1e I fallt·'> art' 111 •t '>lluawm '>HllllJr lO lhl' l>l'WilJl'>'. With thn:t· kid., of 1heir own ma thn·l· bl·dmom huuw. Bui lhl'y "'l'rl' conn·rned 1hat lht• Dl•wan-;' Ul' <;1gn did 11111 mt•,h Mth 1tw nt•1ghhorh1111d "'Wt' net'd more 'Pate. (tool. but the l·h.i.racter of the neigh· borhood 'it'enh to ht> mcompa1 and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.da1/yplfot.com TODAY A Great Decisions discussion of MMultilaterahsm vs. Untlateralism" 1s the first of an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics The discussions will be led by Bob Green from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church at 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach For more information, call (949) 760-1691 The Lung Cancer Support Group 1s sponsor 1ny a clos!>. "Rad1at1on Therapy fur Lung Cancer," providing an overview of radiation therapy for patients with lung cancer and offering suggestions for coping with side effects. The event is at 2 to 3:30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center, Confe rence room A. Free. For more information, call (949) 7·CANCER. •Memories in the Making: Art Program Tramlng for Professionals Working with Dementia Patients; i& sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. It will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at Assured Horizons, 151 Kalmus Onve, Suite Bl60, CoS1a Mesa. For information and reservations, call (714) 283-1984, ext. 242. TUESDAY All arw invited t.o •reception for artist Jane Hill, whose exhibition MLocal Scenes; which depicts Newport Beach watery vistas and fam1har scenes, is on display through Feb. 28. The reception is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . at 1000 Avocado Avo. For more information, call (949) 717-3801. WEDNESDAY The MOMS Club of CoN Mesa-North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Park and Community Center In Costa Mesa. Women are encouraged to bring their c:tilldren and will have the chance to meet other stay-at-home moms. The centor is 11 1975 Balearic Drive. For more information, call (714) 964-6934. MothK• M8fbt .. KJtdten wAI hoct a aemlnar on digutk>n end ellmlnetlon from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at tho Patio Caf6 In Cotti Mesa. Tho caf611at226 E. 17th S t. FrM. For more Information, call (949) 831-4741. p rn 1tA11lmal Fellow Raiders fan Tum 1 lltchcock ot Costa Mesa agre<.'<i with O'Connell. "The girls are good, Loo, .. he said. '"The Laker Girls, all the girls." But the best part about the party was still the beer, he said. The beer was as plentiful as the girls. keeping bartender O priano Lozano busy. Originally from Spain, Lor.ano follows soccer and doesn't really understand football. I le was ju<>t selling the boo:ze. And he predk1ed he would sell a lot of 11. "I hope so." he •i .. ud "Hock aml roW" were having great fun, And )okes were exchanged by everyone. James, a radio broadcaster. said he had just o ne gripe: I le could not seem to find there his fullue wife. I le wru. looking for someont' difTerent, he said aft er a toa'it. But couldn't fmd h i!> litUc missus among the friends of his host. Maria wa!> aJwa}"> smiling, but had nothing 10 say, Except to ask if you would hlce some food from her trny. She work.t.'d part time to '>JVt' ible wilh thl'>, • Hill 1 lalle -..mJ lue .. day. "I'm uncomfortahlc op· po-,ing the project. but 11 could put (usl on the pa1h to tht.' Nl'\\ port 1 lt~ighL~ area Other rc .. 1dcntJ. '4:11tl 1h.11 if lhl' council hat.I denied the t•xp;m- ~1on. it would have \Cnt ..t me' ~a~l' to young famiht''> that thl·y are not welcome in C.o'>ta Mt•'Wt. "We movl.'d bal·k to C o.,t.i Mt>'><I bt'CClU'>t" \\l' WJllll•d lu grow uur family," 1111111 Lomul..t· ..aid. "I would h.ill· 111 havt• the me!'>'Ktge lhat Ull' lllV d1 ... rnur agc' that." Ille contruVl'r~y \\llh llw De· wan,· remo<lcl ...Jc,o t•xpo'l'u Lhe burden.. that the currt·nt de-,1g11 guideline:-1mpm.e on rt''>ILlL'lll.,, who have IO go through a -,uh Jt.'ll IV(' de'>IJ.:ll rt'Vll'\'\ TI\(' l{\.lldt• lmt''> are bt•ing ex.i1111nt'd hy 111v ... 1.1ff. Mt1n} n•'>ldt11t' l'\J>fl'"t'd tlll'1t 'uppon lur leltlng prop1·rt\ ownl'r.. 10 do "' tlwy 111..1' \\llh thl'lt l'XJ>..111 ... 11111' ,,., f1111g "' ll1t•\ dH' \~llhllt till' gt11dd11ll',, \\llh lllll hdVlll).: 111 g11 ll1t1111gh tilt' .1p p1m.tl pron'''" I du 11111 'ltpport thl' lhmm 1,hmenl ol prup1·rty O\'\llt'r' tit rough ll''lm llvt· 1rn1111g ... -.a1tl \ l.irgaret I aylor. who,t· nwt h1·r ltH'' llC\I dnur 111 the l>l'\\J.Jh Live Here7'" 1s story-ttme and hands-on fun for parent and d11ld at the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. Cost is $3 per child, appropnate for children ages 3 and 4. Will be held at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Onve. Newport Beach. For reservations, call (949) 923-2295. THURSDAY Mother's Mancet & Kitchen will host a wortcshop and book signing wtth Author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe m Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E 17th St Free For more information call 19491 631-4741. FRIDAY The cfty of Newport Beach, In partnership with the American Red Cross. is hosting a blood d rive from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m at the Newport Beach Library on 1000 Avocado Ave To schedule an appointment, call (949) 644~3178 SATURDAY Crouroada of the West Gun Show will be held at the O range County Fair and Expositions Center from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m . today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Sunday. Admission 1s $9 for adults and free for children younger than 12. For more information, call (801) 544-9125. Women's Salling Convention is open to all women interested in sailing, from novices and beginners to experts. A variety of workshops will be held. The convention will be held at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, Corona dol Mar. Cost is $110 and reservations must be made m advance. For forms a nd intormet1on. call (714) 730-1797. FEB.4 A Feng Shul Seminar to improve health, relatio nships and proSperfty will be held at 7 p.m . at Visions end Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Free. Reaervattona are required. For more Information, call (626) 288-1669 or vtstt www.ft1ng1huladll11nt11ge.com. FEB.5 A .,..,.cnt clec:we6on tt'OUP wfl be held •t Hoag Ca~r Center A.udltor1um from 6:30 to 8 p.m . FTM. For more Information, e.11 (949) 7-C.ANCER. FEB.7 &CATS Gvmnu1ka wlll be held The adwrtiseinent~ drew in another group or {1111\. . . "You gotta hear the ads. l'hal' better than the g'clll It' lullf 1.ht• tJ.me, .. said RUL"S fan J<;tthlt>ell Kunkler of Newport Heach Most of the gue-1\ 'lo.ml they just came to have full '"I just wanted 10 hnw ~nu.· fun and throw some money toward a good LCJU!>e ... said David GefTeney of Irvine, who called hJm<;elf a 11.111.kr. 1<111 hy mamagt' A( tor Arll'll 1•,111tt·l ol I tunimgton lk-<1Lh t.11111· 1rnpcr.onaung Au,1111 1'1iwt•r. 111 pay for hl•r L l.t'>'>e' And !>aid ,}11:-pl.1111wd lO nm in the -.arne nrl It'' ol'> tho'>i' 111 tht> m~'e' It was an hour l'•"t tht' 1·rnhni; time on lhl' 111v11.mu11, And only wht·11 lht' hglll'• \\t•n· 1urncd off did pcorh· k.i .. 1· wlwre they wt'rl' -,1.1u111w1l. I wa'i lucly enoui;h au gr;ib Mr ~temlw~ on my wa\ ou1 And ht• proceedc•d 111 trll 1111• whal the party wa' .ill .1tm111 ·11, a rlan· wlll'rl' 1111' .tlhh·h' ran JU't l llllll' and 1 d.I\ And broad1•n 1ht•11 lOnnt•t:tlOll' Ill .1 pll'ol'llldhh t\l'o lllll'>t t'XIMll,11111' 1111prt1\I' tht• 11l'1~hh111 hootl ·" 1 \\I 11 iii• It\ 1nrn·a-.111g pro1wrt\ \,tlll•''· ,,ml Holwrl ~11lh~l·n .• 1 111 1gllh111 of tilt' l>E:'\\,lll' illlrl •• rl'otl 1·,1.111· agl'rll \.\her 'f>t'< 1.11111·' 111 "·11111~: pmperllt"' •HI t Ill' I ,,,,,,tic· 1 lw ll'nglh\ I ti\ I f.111 prrn l"'>' l;ill ,1),u ht• ,l\lll<li-rJ. '>.lllf C ]HI' Bl,111~. wlttt '"" li\T'rl 111 ( '"1.1 M1•-..1 tor 1h1· p.1,t I I 't ,If, 1\1,1111-'llggt''>h·1J I h ti Ill IJ:h bor!> ol 11•..,11lr•111' \\lttJ ~,,,,,I 111 add J 'l'I ond 'IOI\ '''II It.I\, • nWlh and c,111 1'\t'ft 1w 11111,1• ngtll' If lht') tlmtl ltl.1 ,1 f)olllll 11 1.11 tit'"!.:" by nqi1111.11111g 1,1111 1h1 m' tu 't .111tl 111111 h."11ir h1' rt~ht to l'\fl,UIJ I h.11 < .11 1 Ill' 1·11l11ru·d h·go1ll\ w11l111ut .111\ ri1:111.1mlt'. Ill 111~ ,,mJ \\lult· tlw 1>1·1 .... 111... prop11,,1J hcHl tlw ntr1'1 d111·1 t t'ft1·1 t 1111 lh('ll IH'l.;\fit)I,. fl''llh II" 1111111 .111 .1111111111tlw'1• 11111\ • 1111111 d 111 lh llll' 111111· 1111·11 pl.111 ~,,, Iii 1lt1· < ti\ ( 111111111. lhc·\ 11.111 11•11•1;1 ti h I 11 llt'I' ttl •11pp111 t Ill\! .. ,~Ill ltl 11pp11,1111111 \\Ith ,tfl lh,11 lllplll .111111 11'\I flt•llt' 'll~;l''lt"ll th1 I II\ 'lllttlld )'t\:t ttlttrt· \\t't~~I I 111 ll''trft·11" t 111"''1 111 1111' prop• IC\ "I ltt\\ .1li11111 •• 111.1p rt•( ·~~:1111 111g \\lit w tht· 111p111 lnr .111 I r at the Oranye County fJtr and Expositions Center Bwld1ng IO from 8 o m 10 10 p m through S unday Admission for adults 1s $10. for seniors and cticldren Sfi For more mformalton call 17 141 895 2909 FEB. 8 The Friends of the Newport Beach Public L1braf'( will hold A Bud< A Bag• for books a usccl book sale, from 9 a m to 4 p m Proceeds will be donatPd 10 tho 1000 Avocado Avr ltbrarv Fo1 more tnform<1tJon, call (9491 759 9667 Teen Night Out for teens 1n the seventh through ninth gradeoi; will be held at the Bloc>-or OrangP. The city of Costa Mesa 1nv1t1>s • teens 10 part1c1 pate rn <tn excursion to the mall and movies Meet at lhe Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa, for p1ua at 5 p.m Participants will return to the center at 10 p m The SJO cos1 includes p1ua. movie, transportalton and supervision For more mformatton call (714) 327-7560 FEB.15 A computer fair wdl be held 1t the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m through Sunday. Admission for adults 1s $5, for ct11fdren younger than 10, free. For m ore information, call (800) 800-5600 "An Evening of Ionesco; featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company In the Orama Lab Studio this wee~end and Feb 22 to 23. Show times are 8 p.m Saturdays and 2 and 7 pm Sundays. Tid<eta cost $6 in advance. S7 at the ctoor For more Information, call (714) 432·6640. ext 1. ONGOING TMna •re lnvtt.d t.o drop by the city of Cos11 Mesa Recreation Center frOm 2 to 6 p.rn Mondll'f through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sport1 and ectivttiea. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For mOfe lnfOfmltion, call (714) 327-7660. ~~&wt\ City Hall ls d1aplaying wttercolof paintings by Juan Ca do, Ned Partons Raymond Otia end J im ' Teogafden through Mirc:ti 28 11 3300 Newport Blvd. For more < pull tht.' winning Utut for the MINI Cooper 111 bclwet!n Owrlie ( huplln. Bru~e Springsleen and Rld\ard Simmons i1npt'r;onatjons. Pan1el explauwd why football I~ '"the grcate<.l ,\Jnrrican sport ever L-reated .. "II tea.ch~ LhiJdren and adult., how 1he common goal of the 1~.un is more important than the go.tJ or the mdJviduaJ." J>-Jn11.'1 said. • CORAL WILSON ts the news ,1l;si~tan1 Sh11 mdy bt• reached .Jt 194!11S/44298 or by o mail at cvr ,11 w1/son /411moscam Ullltl'llt M.i~t'' 't't\,c. I thuu~ht "' I w.ill..1·d to my car. I \\ ,1, W••" I had gont•, ~H·11 thuugh 1t wo.1' far. I had fun. rnt•r new 1x·oplt· ;iltl111ui;h I'll f1t'ver luww whu 1\nd rem1ni-.<:t'<J wuh J rnllq:• huthlv or two 1 lw next day wac, the big ).:.11111· I thnuKht with <lel1gh1 I l.1ppy ~upt.·r Bowl 10 all. .111d • 111 .111 .1 gootJ 111gh1 • LOUTA HARPER may be read·t •l .,, 19491 ~74 4275 or by o mail <ti 11,111,1 11.11pt•r '/,tflmPs com .1.:.111"1 " 111111m~ lru111r I llmr .... 11111111 \.t1d :\lj\ht• )'Oil 'llftttltl JHIOlllllt' ltht• op1111011 I 111 Iii• lt111t11"' Ill 1)11" ttnllll'dl.ttl' •lfl'.I EASTSIOE NOT ANOTHER NEWPORT HEIGHTS c (llH\l 11111.111 ( 1J.f'r \.11111,111.111 """ ll\t'' 1111 tlil· I .1'>1\ltlt'. -.,11cl 111 t1111·' IHJI lwh1•vt• th.it h1' rw11:I h11rh11111I 1, 111r11111i: 111t 11 &11111111 ''""purl ll1•1ghh I 1111111.. tlwrl'\ plt•111y 111 1011111 1111 i:r1t\'\t h \t11n,1hJ11 .11d \\1• r1 t,11!,.111.: '111111' rn-1t\ ht) l11h IHI 111111 h of tlw ''""' 1111 I lt•\\,111' '' .111 t•XJtnplt· 1 lw !1111'11 '11•11 I ll'fl 11\t•r I\ 1111111 th.111 1l1111hlc-\'\h,11 \1111d 111111 11 olll\ pl,11 \" lllt llltflll).: 'I'\\ flit! l I Ii 11•h1 B111 \lr111,1h.111 -..ud mon· • 11 lw J11lll" Ill 111.1k1• tilt• I II\ ho'i'' I 1hl1• Ill )!let\'\ lit>( (,111\11!1•' \\1•11· \\rtr~m~ 1111 11 \11111,1 lt.111 -..1111 I 1h111l Cltll t' •llH ,1,111d.1rJ, ~'I wt .inti 1w11plt· 1 .11 htttftf \\h,tl .11111\\1 ti Ill lht• I >ti It\ ll~:ltt r,tll t !h,111 ,lllJJt'l 11\1 .1ppr1r1.1L 1h.1t "'II lw ,, h1w1 ''"I' • OEIRORE NEWMAN wvttrs C.1 t M• , , C.:t11-mrly be r1>11tJ11«d at lq.t 1 f.I ·14'71 r l.Jy 1 mail -ti 1• trim r•rwm,in "ld/tnl"S COrTI 1nlormat1on call (949) 717·3870 The Assn of Business Servtc.s hosts networlung meeting that di,tJI with education connections from 6 to 8.30 p.m on the secon I Tuesday of ,.very month at the Holtddy Inn at 3131 Bnstol St . Costa Mesa For more mformat1on call 19491 805 0011 The Newport Beach Public L1braf'( will host an hour of stories and crJ fts for children m lttndPrgancn through the second 1-1r<1de at thti Corona del Mar IHdnd'I from 3 to 4 pm Tuesda'Y' Tho hbrilf'( •Sat 420 Mangold Ave For mort• tnformauon, call (949) 717 3800 Frw tours of the Orange County Performrng Arts Centor take gueoi;ts to the dressing rooms performer·s lounge, badlstage <md on S1age everv Wednesday and Saturday at 10:30 a m . at 600 Town Center Onve. Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more 111lorma1ton, call (714) 556-AATS ext 833 The Newport Beach Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the th1td Wedne~ay off/Very month The organization is open to all female residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years For mor11 rnformat1on, call (949) 645-9922, or VISll n~wcomers newportboach. orp lntemlth couptes with on• J,.w1sh partner are inV1tod 10 part1c1pate m a discussion group at the Jewiah Family Service of Or&nge County office. The groop is geared toward dealing with iasues between interfaith C()uples. such 8i ra1s1ng children, observing holidays, 1ymbots m the home and relationship. With oxtended famihea. Tho cost for three sessions is $45 ptr couplo. Prereg1strot1on It required. Cell to &c:tiedule date 1nd time. The office is at 260 E. Bakot St., Suite G, Cotta Mou. (714) 445-4950. Women 60 and older c:en folr\ a discussion group cootdf ntted by Jewish Family SeMeet to addresa luuea ludl 1191\XJet'f, det:>r'eatlon, ri lltion1hlpt, ., lonotlne.a and flmltv. TM QIOllP meets from 10to11;301.m Mondays •t the agency offioel. 250 E. Baker St., Suke Q, Cost.a Mua Ptel'9gi1tr1tlon requ.red. SM TOWN, Pac• A5 Datly Pilot TOWN Continued from A4 (714) 445-4950 Fri.ndt of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling st<><*. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, M ariners, or Corona del Mar -o r in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law bool\s, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille Institute o~ers free computer classes to people with fad11'1g v1s1on who have d1ff1culty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 M arguerite Ave • Corona del M ar, offers six sessions Call 10 sign up for classes (714) 82 1 5000 A spirit1HI care class meets at 7·15 pm Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave. Suite 114 Newport Beach Call to rest•rvc a seat (949) 263· 1402 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networkmg luncheon meetings W~dnesdays from 11:45 a m to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The cos11s $13. The c.lub 1s at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costcl Mesa (714) 885 9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8·30 p m at the Hoaq CJncer Center at Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoaq Drive, Newport BP,1d1 FrPe Reg1strat1on not required The group is designed to hPlp patients and their fam1li1>s understand and cope with th1 .., illness (949) 574 6232 St Andrew's Presbytenan Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6.30 to 8 p m Sundays m D1erenf1eld Hdll Cat 600 St. Andrew s Road Nuwport Beach (949) 574 2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for ar:lult children and their parents from 6 to 7 pm two Tuesddys a mon1h at the Jewish Family Serv1c11 office at 250 E Baker St Su1tr> G. Costa Mesa $10 per person per session. Prereg1strn11on required (714) 445-4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County hds a wPekly parenting support group PiJrf>nts learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behav1nr of tht>ir children The g roup meets from 10 to 11 30 a m Mondays ell th£• J0W1sh Family Service office at 250 E Baker St Suiw G. Costa Mesa The group will cover managing anger. anx1111y CJnd peer pressure ch1ldron expenence. Prereg1str atlon required (714) 445-4950 The Cost• Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with hvo .. m usic from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7 30 to 10 30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa S4 (949) 548-3884 Jewish F-emily Service 8'0 range County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically 111 The purpose 1s to provide participants with emotional and sp1n1ual suppon to manage illness and its consequences The group m eets at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Fam ily Service office at 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Attendan~ 1s free, but regiatrat1on is required (714) 445-4950. Sc:nbble Cub No. 350 mMts from 6 to 10 p.m Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa M esa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. TN Coln and Stamp Club m..U from 1 to 3 p.m . M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stam ps and coins are being sought to Join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 6'4-3244. Jewith f8mHy 5-vb on.rs ongoing bereavement support groops for edulta at all stages of toa Group membere Jhare experienc:M. hear how others deal with grief, receive support and team ways to cope with aednea and tou. One group meet.a 1t 7 p.m. Tuesdaya at Beth Jtoob In Irvine. The second group ~at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguo1 Hiiis. The third groop meeb at 1 p.rft ThurtdfY' et the Ezra Cent9f In ·Anehetm. Met, bUt ectvance regittrltlon it required. (714) ..S4960. , ...... '9mly ~of 0.... County provtdM 1 eupport end dilCl •k>n group for pertOf'\t ~ng from d\ltdhood or ~ M)!Ual lbu •The group rn..-from 8 to 9:30 p.m . ~ .. 250 e. Balter St., Cost a Mesa Advance registration IS required. (714) 445-4950 Two-hour kayak tours with • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for Cahfom1a Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Fnends m embers. (800) 585-0747. A yoga and dance class is held from 4.30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesday11 at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa M esa. (714) 754 7399. The Rev. Connie Ryckman leads • d1scuss1on group using the bopk "Conversations with God" from noon 10 1 pm Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Su11e 111 Costa Meso Bring a lunch 17141 754-7399 M arshall's Tee Kwon Do in Costa M esa offers frr-P self defense classes to airline pilots and flight ancndants Classes are taught by three time U S National Champion Tom Marshall Morsh<1ll's 1s at 333 E 17th St., Suite 13, Costa Mesa (949) 574-0122 A Dealing with Divorce support group 1s offered by Jewish Fam ily Service of Oranye County The group 1s led by an exµerienced counselor dnd meets at 6 p m Tuesdays at the Jewish Feder.111011 campus. 250 E Baker St Su1tP G Costc1 Mesa 17141 445 4!)50 The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Or .;1nq• ' c·unt; off•·rs d proqrdm for boys mrl young men ilQ• s 14 •o 1e 1ntr>rested 111 sailing s,.annn~tup J-Jilotmg na111ya11on .:md cr111s1ng MPP.l1nys dre from 6 to'~ p m Netlrn-'stJays ol the Sea Scouts Sea 8.Js~. 1931 W Coast Hi!:JhVvn\' Newport Beach 19491 h42 6'm1 (Jr '!;-1"' 551 859 l Oasis Senior Center offers onq< u q J'>'-1St 1n " counseling 1nrl 11•t1•n.1I ""''II" f!c; for s<•n1urs. 94Yl 6'l4 3744 The Costa Mesa Senior Crtrzen Squar1· ond Round Dance Club c;eP.ks P..CIJf'rif'nc:ed dancers to 1oin its qroup from 9 10 11 a m Thursdays ill the Costa M esa Senior C.entPr 19th Street and Pomona A111•nu" ('osta M e&a 17141545 56h9 Arthm1s Founda11on instn.ictor Hillary StonP. lf'ads an t:(erc1se dass at 1111 m Thursdays at the J•·w1sh s~·111ur Center 2'>0 E Bd~,..r S1 Costa Mec;a 7141 513~1 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club rnePts at 10 a.m the third W••dnec.day of eac.h month The orqan11;itiur 1s oµen lo all women res•der~ NPwport Beach w ho h ~w· Ii vP<J in the or .. a for fE>wer tlt11n l1w' ~ '"trs For morP >rdurrnilt•f>ll «11119491 &45-9922 or v1<;1t 1111• Wt•b s1tt-> newcornPrs newpor1beach.org The Thursday M orning Women's Club •• 40 year-old friendship cluh 1s seelong new members Tho club which mi.ludes golf, bridge walking dnd gourmet sections mr.ets c1t 11 am on the second Thursday of every month <1t the Radisson Hotel in Newport B<>ach The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd (714) 842-5863 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at 9 a m and 7 p m M onday through Saturday and at 7 pm Sunday Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue Free. (949) 650-1332 The American Logion meets et 7 p.m the third Tuesday of every month The meetings, which deal with veteran jssues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard 1s at 2651 Newport Blvd . Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bili M 1m1aga, (949) 650-0894 N!ihtly mMtings for thoH who want to overcom e nicotine addiction are offered in Cos1a Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666. TN Newport Sports Mu.Mum, s nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. The museum, which hH one of th w orld's largnt collections of sporta memorabilia, Is open from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. weekdays end 10 e.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.ne~rtspotU­ musoum.orp TN Ettanda High &choot Pltrent Teacher Student Assn. hostt a monthty paper drive every S.turdey from 9 1.m to noon in the ld'loot's northwest parting lot. on the comer of Ectand1 North end PlacentJe. Newaplpefa thel are bound, loon or bagged a,. aa.pted. Cardboard end bound material such es phOne boc*S end thldl magazinea are not. Also. bins are Wltl.tbte for drop oft evwy day of the MOl'th. AH fund9 ratted 90 to the BEST BET A Tony Award winner for Best Musical, ·contact,". directed and choreographed by Susan Stroman and wri tten by John Weidman, will come to the Orange County Perf orm1ng Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Jan 28 to Feb 2. Tickets for "Contact." at $64.50, $57 50. $51 50. $44.50, $34 50 and $27 50, are on sale now at the Center Box Office; onhne at the Center's Web site at www ocpac.org; and at (714) 556-2746 The Saturday, Feb 1, matinee at 2 pm will include sign language 1nterpretat1on assoc1at1on Free The school is at 2323 Placen11a Ave . Costa Mesa (949) 515·6500 Oasis Senior Center oh rs • daily telephone contact program for senior!> who have a lim ited local supPort system They also offer ongomq computer classes that t~adl the baf.1cs of Word, Quicken. Pnnt Shop and Internet usage 1949) 644 3244 The Costa Mesa Communicators Toastmas1rrs Club meets from noon to 1 n m Wednesd ays at the OrangP County Department of Education 200 Kalmus Onve, Costa Mesa Meetings are open to anyone who w ants to improve his or her public speaking skills 1714) 444 8783 The Newport Beac:ti D1stmgu1shed Toostmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p m Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room. 2300 Bristol St. N ewport Beach Call to make reservations 1949) 646 1274 The Jewish Family ServlC)8 of Orange County holds group meeting& for younger women to discuss Ille passages and changes, body images, family, relat1onsh1ps, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness The group meets at 7 p m Tuesdays at the agency office The officP is at 250 E Baker St • Swte G Costa M esa Prereg1stra11on 1s required. M arcy Middler (714) 445-4950, ext 114. weight loss groups Learn behavior m odtficat1on and other techniques to control your weight The cost 1s $20 Groups meet from 6.30 10 8 p m Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Dnve, Suite 350. Newport Beach (949) 718-9848 The Hope Institute, a center for recovery and famtly education, offers a w omen's support gro up from 6:30 10 8 p m Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C-206, Costa M esa (714) 432-0020. Oasis Senior Center has a ~alkmg group called Walkers Not ~o<*ers, which meets once a week to en1oy acenic walks m and around the Newport Beach area (949) 644-3244 Wom.n Hetping Women on.rs • free peer support group for women in transition from 3·15 to 4·15 pm. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 e.m. Monday through Fnday in Room 3 at the OaslS Senior Center, 800 Marguente Ave , Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244 The Hoag C.ncet Center often • yoga claas at 10:45 a.m . Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, New port Beach. (949) 722-6237. Body Design and United Studios of Self Defense offers k1ck·boxmg classes from 8:30 to 9'.30 a m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W Coast Highway, Suite C Newport Beach S8 per class (9491 722-0526 The Alzheimer's Assn and Grief Support Group of New port Villa WestNilla Rosa co sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 pm the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Living, 393 Hosp11al Road Newport Beach (9491 631 3555 The Alzheimer 's Assn. and Mesa Ten ace, a res1dent1al community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, otters a free support group for caregivers al 6:30 p m. the first Tuesday of each m onth at M esa Terrace 350 W Bay St. Costa Mesa 17141283 1111 Rebecca Lewis leads an animal bereavement group that specializes 1n the needs of people who have sic* or dying pets. It meets at 3 p.m Tuesdays at 3101 W Coasi Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach The cost 1s a donation to an animal charity of the anendee·s choice Call to make a reservation (949) 721 5750 Oasis Senior Center conducts blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a m the first and third Tuesday of each m onth in Room 3 at 800 M arguente Ave., Corona del Mar. 949) 644-3244 The Newport Beac:ti Psychological Assn. offers a body image and m oderate eating support group at 7 p m . OC M Wednesdays at 3101 W Codst Highway. Suue 311, New!J'lr1 Beadl (949) 721 5150 ffM tal chi daUM ere given every Friday from 10 30 to 11·30 a.m . and free q1 gong classes •Hts given every Thursday from 10 30 to 11 :30 a m at the Hoag Cdnct1r Center, 4000 W Coast Highway Newp0rt Beach (9491 722 -6237 A six-w.ek educ.t10nal ..,;., for w omen newly d1dgno!>Cd wnlt breast cancer or for anyone interested 1s being offered in two sessions with various Sl)t'd~ors The first session will be held Jdn 7, 21 and 28 and Feb 4 and 11 Second session w ill bu.hold Ai.ml 1, 8, 15. 22 and 29 and Mdy 6 Sesstons ar11 from 10 to 11 30 a m at the Hoag Cancer Cr->nlttr 40.00 W Coast Highway NewPort Beach Free Pre reg1stra11on 1s required 19491 722 6237 F9cing Forward Bef9avement Group meets every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p m at the Hoag Canc.e• Center 4000 W Coast Highway Newport Bedch Free 1949) 722 6237 A support g rous:> for those wrth brain tumors meets from 7 to 8:30 p m the first ond third Thursdays of each month al thf Hoag Cancer Center 4000 W Coast Highw ay NewPort Bedch Free (9491 722-6237 A breast cancer support group for young women meets from b to 7 30 pm every third Tuesday of each month at the Hoog Cancer Center ThP c1:nter is at 1 Hoag Drive Building 41 N ewport Beach Free 9491 722 6237 An evening breast cancer support group meetf> lrom 6 t 7 30 µ m on the first Tuesday ol udct month at the Hodg Caner·• Center The center is at l Hoag Drive Building 41 Nf>wpon B1•art1 Fref' 949 722 6237 A support group for family and friends of Cdncer µatient me1>ts from 6 to 7 30 p m on thie second Tuesday of eadl month at the Hoag Cancer Cente1 Thi· CPnti•r 1s at One Hoag Drivv., Bulldmq 41 New port Beach Frf'P 949 722-6237 A breast cancer support group meets from noun to 2 p rr Tuesdays ell the HOi:IQ Concer Center 4000 W (. ol>I H1~hwa'r Newport Beach Fm 949 722-6237 The Mesa Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p .m Tuesdays al Mesa Verde United Methodist Church l 701 W Baker St , Costa M esa 71415404440 COME SUPPORT 111E ANllA11RS The Blue Aam• Toastmasten Club 2717 meets at 7 a.m Wednesdays at the Village Farmer. South Coast Plaza Village, 1651 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa The meeting 1s free for first time v1s1to rs. (949) 855-4308 Th• Newport Center Toas1masters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays a1 the Irvine Co .• 610 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025 The Harbotfite Toestmest.ra Club m eets at 7 a.m Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949)293~. Udo lste Toastrnut9rl m..c hom 6:30 to 8 p m. Mondays at R etc:her Jones M otorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Bueti. (714) 984--5314 The a.. SMlor c.ni.r oftian • shuttle to take members to appolntmenb and grocery shopping The shuttle also tatt .. mombera to the center. Call to mate en appointment. (949) 844-3244.. ~ .. ftWlebltfot penona who could UM help l"Mdlng Engllah. Hourly rms and dmet .,.. ntg0t1 bit. (949) 861-1739. 0..-lenlOr~ ....... •Id acrtenlnge whh a lkaill• lnttrtute ~. bv appointment. ( ) .......,,~ t::...., w.llht Mania ,.,.. ~ lntartd!W Ind proeclM 111unclay, Jan. 30th at 5:30 p.m. when they take on the UC Santa Barbara Gauchos! THE DAILY PILOT IS GMNG AWAY 100 FREE nc1m (two dcllm pa pasoa) TO THE RIST SO PEOPLE WHO COME TO OUR OfflCI (wllh1.,p1a .... ) Sllow ,_. ... , ... for .. local colc)le• M*dMI .... , .... played .... .,. hael r DllyNot •.. .., ..... COIUI MIA. CA tl6l7 ,., •ore Inf• ... .., ml(Mt)ua- • .. •81 ····•'11ks.9CL .. "-----==- -. .. ~_..--~-- .. " \ • . -Mn.. ......... l a. NV .. &. Mrt Jttdw'd .....,Nin Mt .. Mn °"""' s -Sr Mt\<~" ....... Mt .. Mt• DoNld .-......~ Mt 6 Mo ( A tt.amc.Ol\ ft Mt &.Mn Oon .. f~ ,.,.,,.....w_ Mla.~;.(...V""'"""tr Ml t..Nttl' ~L ~by ~ 6.MI\ V.. M ~M)' Ml A. Mn ~f~«'I ll.. Holly~ Mr .. """'' Oennt\ D ~· Mt• ,~.,,. w tt.yto• Mt&.~ °""M ....,,. ~ .. ~ .. "'""'t "Ill ....... , ,...._ 6. Ml' r.n., • I ttir~ ::: ~~~:,~ ~m ~ ......... °'" t. t11re .. Mt a. Mirt Mo.,..._. A t~- M• 4 Mn L"""' ~3 O. &. 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'-_ ........... a-_ ....... -"-~­...... __ ........... ._,,_ ... ~-....-z- A7 QUOTE OF THE DAY "If you wanted to sing, (Art Galvan) would grab his guitar and play with. you." • Art Del1ado, Galvan's uncle A8 Monday, January 27, 2003 Sailors aim to r ebound Newport's status atop Sea View on the line; other local boys teams seeking to improve standing. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot The Ne'Wport Harbor High boys basketball team, which has owned at least a share of the Sea View League lead over a span of the last 15 league contests, will put that streak on the line Wednesday at Foothjll to highlight this week's action involving Newport-Mesa teams. Coach Lany Hirst's Sailors (12-8, 4-1 in league), who dropped a 57-36 verdict at Woodbridge Friday, enter the game tied with Woodbridge for first place. foothill (3-2 in league), which handed the Warriors their only league defeat Wednesday {71 -68 on the Knights' Ooor), took the Sailors to the wire in their first meeting. Newport prevailed, 52-51, in the Jan. I 0 league opener, after which Foothill Inst at home to Laguna Hills, 58-53. The Knights have since won at Aliso Niguel. 71-68, over Woodbridge and at Irvine, 83-49, Friday nighL Newport also de- feated Coach Tom McQuskey's Knights, 47-39, in a Dec. 21 tournament clash. "The good news is: We're still in first place," Hirst said after Friday's loss, in which the Tars trailed only 22-2 1 at halftime, but made just 5 of 24 second- half field -goal attempts {20.8%). "The had news is: This league is too good to tl'St on your laurels." Nedim Pajevic, a 6-foot-8 senior cen- ter, am assed 20 points and 13 rebounds m the first league meeting with Foothill Jnd wiU be expected to carry a heavy load against the Knights, whose tallest 'tarter is 6-3. Pajevic. averaging 14.9 points per game. has carried the load for the Sail- or~ all season. He is contributing 16 ppg in five league games. Brett LowenthalJ, a 6-6 junior reserve, is averaging 8.4 ppg in league, while juruor forward Andre Pinesen and sen- ior guard Olad Rarden are both con- tributing 7.6 ppg against league com- petition. The Sailors' week also includes a Fri- day visi1 to Aliso Niguel, which is tied with Laguna Hills for fourth with a 2--3 league mark. The Tars handled the Wolverines, 69- 65, Jan. 15 at Newport. Corona del Mar (9-11. 2-2 in the Pa- cifk Coast League) enters the wee.le tied for third, following a huge 65-44 tri- umph Friday at Calvary OlapeJ. Coach Ryan Curry's Sea Kings are tied with Tesoro, one game behind sec- ond-place Um and two behind league- Jeading Northwood. CdM hosts North- wood Wednesday, before beginning the second round of league play Friday at Sporb Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sporb Fu: (949) 650-0170 FILE PHOTO /DAILY P1LOT Newport Harbor's Andre Pinesett, CdM's Jay Northridge (10) and Pancho Seaborn (14) continue league wars this week. home against Laguna Beach. A CdM split, combined with a Tesoro split (Wednesday against Calvary and Friday at University), would leave the Sea Kings and Titans deadlocked in third, heading into their Feb. 5 show- down at Tesoro. Tesoro won the first meeting, 48-45. CdM; however, can't get too comfort- able against Laguna Beach. ln the first game between the two, the Sea Kings had to rally from a 21 -point fourth- quarter deficit to claim a 59·56 triumph in overtime Jan. 15. In the Golden West League, Estancia ( 13-7, 3-3) enters Tuesday's games in fourth place, while Costa Mesa (7-13, 2-4) is hoping to build on winrung two of its last three league games. Coach Olris Saree's Eagles host last- place Westminster (0-6 in league) Tues- day, before visiting Saddleback (tied for fifth in league with Costa Mesa) Thurs- day. The Eagles dropped a 60-49 decision Friday to league-leading Ocean View. after having the league bye Wednesday. Estancia is led by 6-4 sophomore Carlos Pinto, averaging 13.6 ppg, 12.7 ppg in league. Senior guard Zack Novak had been the second-leading scorer in league (10.2 ppg). followed by 6-8 senior Joey Lindquist (8. 7) and senior point guard Man Cachola (8.0). The Eagles need a pair of wins to so- lirufy their fourth-place position, which in the seven-team league means a guaranteed bertJ1 into tlle CIF Southern Section Playoffs. Mesa, meanwhjje, ii. at Ocean View ·1uesday. before receiving the league bye Thursday. Coach Bob Serven's Mus- tangs are led by senior third-year starter Danny Krikorian (15.6 ppg). Freshman Scott Knox has also stepped up in league. averaging 13.7 ppg to lift his season average to 8.4. A Mesa loss, combined with two F.s- tancia wins this week, would give the Eagles a 2Y~-game lead with only five games lefl (four for Estancia) in the bat- tJe for fourth place. Sage Hill (7-10, 2-2 in the Academy League} is at Oxford Academy Wednes- day and al Brethren Christian Thurs· day. Estancia, CdM chasing titles Eagles, Sea Kings girls basketball teams face crucial showdowns in their respective leagues. Barry Faulkner · Daily Pilot 1be F.stancia High girls basketball team can all but wrap up the Golden West League crown this week. while Co- rona del Mar alms to remain ln the log- jam atop the Pacific Coast League. Estancla (10-8, 5-0 in league) begins Its cruda1 week tonight against visiting Ocean View. But it's Wednesday's road date against Westminster (5-1 ln league) that Coach Thml Rappa and her Eagles have circled on their calendars. "'Ihat la deftnitely the big one," Rap- pa said of a mnatch with the Uons. whom the P.agles handed their Ont league Je>11 since 1999 wtth a 44_. l Jeague-openl.ng dedlk>n Jan. 7 at f.stan- cia. "lti golnC to be wry DOiiy and we're ge>N to have to k.eep our composure an• be ready to play. Wt1I need to limit OUI tumP ~ continue to shoot I h1gb ~ .tia!d'I lroln the ftekl and at the tee:!e:w. Une. We ha~ a lot to prove, because Westminster wants to get back into first place. But we should· be a force to be reckoned with.~ Rappa, in her first season at the helm for the Eagles, who shared the Pacific Coast League titJe last season, the pro- grams' first league crown in 11 seasons, said the Eagles should be at full strength. _ F3tancla defeated Orange in its o nly league contest last week without junior point guard Trisha Wase. Wase shares the team scoring lead with senior XochitJ Byfield (both 12. 7 ppg), but Wase has missed three of the team's last seven games. "(Wase) will be there Wednesday and she will probably start," Rappa said. Wase had six of her 10 points in the fourth quarter in the first Westminster game, including a free throw with 25 seconds left for the eventual game~win­ ning point. She Is averaging U ppg in league. ByfJeld (13.2 ppg in te.gue), ls joined by senior Tisha Gray (9Jl ppg. 10.6 In Jeque) aa the RagSea three Leaders. Senior Cryscal Mino, whQ swished two free thn.1wa •th 10 eeconds left: to lee the ftrat win over Wtatmlnatcr, ls a defensive cat:alylt. while Nancy Castro, a Junior, baa typJr.ally rounded ou1 the "We have a lot to prove, because Westminster wants to get'back into first place. But we should be a force to be reckoned with:' Tami Rappa Estancia coach starting 6ve for the Eagles. Since falling to Estancia, Westminster has outscored five subsequent league foes by an average of more than 27 points per game, averaging 67.4 points in the process. Estancia. meanwhile, has won its last four league games by an average of just leM than 14 points, averaging 54.3 points in the process. The Eagles finish their three-game week with a league clash against visiting SaddJebaclc Friday. Coropa del Mar enters the week in a three-way tie with Calvary Cliapel and Northwood for the league lead. Coach James BatkaJow'a Sea Kinp (8-JO, 3-1) needed overtime to overcome a woeful shooting perfonnance at Uni Tuesday (26.39'), before being waxed at Calvary Olapel ThUQday. 65-35. CdM ahot just 28.29' against c.alvary, which was de- feated by Northwood In the league opener. 42-40. The Sea Kings are ptloed ~ iientor Kelliann KJein (13.7 ppg), who has con- tribu1ed 15.3 ppg in league. ·Madison Otterbein, a 5-foot-11 senior, is averag- ing 7.3 ppg in league, up from her 6.7 season average, while junior guard Kate Heese.hen has scored 2~ paints in four league games (6.5 ppg) after posting just '21 points her 6rst l2 contests this season. Costa Mesa (11 -8, 3-2 ln league) can strengthen Its hold on third place in the Golden West race this week. Coach Jim Weeks' Mustangs vtslt Saddleback (2-3 in league) tonight, then host Ocean View (2-3 in league) Wednesday. The Mustanp, Jed by senior Rhondi Naff ( 17.6 ppg) bave th~Jeague bye Friday. Newport Hari>or (t 1-11 , l ·4) has Se& View League toad dates with Footl\UJ (Tuesday) and Aliso Ni~l (Thursday). Sage f'illJ (9-4, 1·3) continues Acad· emy League play, at Oxford Academy Tuead&y and at Brethren Ouistian ,Thunday. EYE~ Dail~Pilot • F ebf\lll'Y 3 honOt ee JANE HILGENDORF Daily Pilot COLLEGES Peirsol No. I in USA Former Sailor standout now a dominant force for Texas Longhorns. I f you were to bet on ~on Pei~oL it would not be gambling. Say if Las Vegas opened a line in October on Peirsol becoming the top swimmer in the 200-yard backstroke in NCAA Division I, I know I would be rich, no maner the odds. Surprise, surprise. Aaron Peirsol is No. 1 in the nation in the 200 back (1:41.34). That's what was expected when the University ofTexas recrui1ed the pride of Newport Harbor Hjgh. After all, Peirsol is the best in the world in the 200 baclc.. Imagine if Serena Williams played college tennis. That's Aaron Peirsol. He's lilce 1iger Woods closing oul a win when it comes 10 the 200 back. Money. Uke Tiger, the work and the dreams started at a young STEVE age. VIRGEN When Aaron was 7. he promised his mother he would someday breaJc a world record. The Peirsols were on vacation in Florida and little Aaron saw where he wan1ed his name to be when he visited the International SwiJnrning HaU of Fame. That's where he pointed and said, "I'm going to be here someday." He later became the wonder boy who won the silver medal in the 2000 Olympics. He watched as the handsome, storybook-ready Lenny Krayt..elburg grabbed aU the headlines. alJ the attention of winning the gold medal. That only motivated Peirsol. He knew his time would come and ii rud. Last March, Peirsol surprised everyone except himself. He said it was time 10 break Kray.t.elburg's world record. Peirsol broke the world record in the 200-meter back (I :55.15) at the long course national championships in Minneapolis. The former record was 1:55.87. Peirsol also led the Newport Harbor Sailors to their first CIF Southern Section swimming championship last year. Now he's the man leading Texas, ranked No. 2 in the nation, 10 victories. He remained unbeaten in the 200-yard back. as he won the event with a ti.me of 1 :46.48 to help the Longhorns defeat Nq. 13 Georgia, 123-120, Jan. ll. l>eirsol's closest competition finished in 1:47.28. And the former Newport Harbor star added more efforts to contribute to the win. He opened the meet as part of the victorious 200 medley relay team. Peirsol also added a second-place finish in the 200 freestyle. The Big 12 Cllampionships are Feb. 19-22 and the NCAA Championships are March 27-29. Both events are at Texas. 1f only I could bet on Peirsol ... • Kevin Hansen, a Corona del Mar product, helped lead the Stanford men's volleybaU team to a five-game upset over top-ranked Hawaii Friday. Hansen, the starting sophomore sener, recorded 60 assists for the Cardinal, ranked 11th in the nation. Stanford improved 3-5, l -3 in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation. UC lrvine, rankest No. 2, will play Hawaii Friday (7 p.m.) and Saturday (5 p.m.) at Crawford Hall The Anteaters will face the Cardinal Feb. 21 at Stanford. • 1Y Tramblle, a fonner Newport Harbor standout, Is also a sener guiding another team ranked in NC.AA Division I. Tramblle amassed 60 as&sts to guide No. 5 Cal State Northridge to a five·game win over host USC. TrambUe and the Matadors will host Hansen and the Cardinal Friday at 7 p.m. • Some late recognition from Jast season Include: Britta Vogele, a Corona del Mar product. earned second-team AU-Big Tun honon after oomplettng one of the best seasons an Iowa goalkeeper has ever had. Vogele, a sophomore, registered a school·~rd teYen shutouts. including three ln lowa'a 8naJ four gamea. She Slopped a ICbool tlnsle-teaaon record 127 lhoa. ~ alao became lowa't all·dme '-def ln shutquta (12) and uvee (237). Alao, Peter Hogan. • Newport Harbot produa. earned ftnt·teun ... COltfQEl,PlpAIO • ' ' CLUB SURFING - S l'ORl~ Newport Classic Competition ine ight divisions wi ll unfold Feb. 1-2. NFWP0£{1 HLA<.11 -lhe lourth annual Nl'wport 1 l;lr h or 1 ligh Oa~1t Surf l·vent w1U be held from 7 a m Lo i pm. t-eb I 2 at 'lflth 'ltreN in ~ewpon Bt>.1th I rophtl"> ,111d pn1t''> will lw <iwardt>d to tlH• top o.,1x 111 l'Jl'h ol l'lght d1\ l'>lon'>. f1H.' d1v1 '>ton.., mdudt" elementary .,hurt board (k.indergJrtl'n 1hmugh liflh grade); rnuJdlt• ..,l hool '>hort hoard lgrac.Jc., h H1, h1~J1 .,d10ol .,hon board lgradeo., ll 12); open .,hon hoard; bod\ hoard, lung ho.ird: womt·n'> long1.,110r1 bnc1rd, .tnd t"\Jlrl'.,'>IOn lm l .. 'lurler<, ol clll\ age l<lfl Ull ll flt'le Ill lhl' llPl'n dJVJ'ilOn... ln1ry lt•t· " SLS and 111 dude!> a logo 1-.,h1n .md lum h on tlw '>t•t und d.s\ \II prm l't'lh ht.•nd11 the ,,." piirt I larhor I f1gh dub .,urf 1t·.i111 °\;1·~' port lit'<H h -.1,111dou1 .,llrft'r., lo'>h I lt1Vl'r .ind < 11'1111 ~111\'ll'cl wtll lll' Ill Jlll'rtd,Jllt l' 1111: rn·lunlllJJ"\ ht'Jh \\ 111 Ill' held \..11urtl<1\ lt'<1d111g up teJ till' lin.iJ., 11n ...,1111dJ~ A rafnl' and gtfl'> from .,111111 o.,or., will ht· Jlrl'"l'nll'd on thl' final <la\ Aerial maneu 1ers hl<e the one Pt'rfJrmed above by tJewport Harbor club team representative Brighton BrandPnburger, should '.:.core big with the 1udges at Newport Classic Surf Event lo \IJ.,'ll up. c ontar1 'It ull H.1ld\\ 111 from 'l11rh1dt• \port., .11 ~·l'I fii) .!H'1I COMMUNITY COLLEGE BASEBALL PREVIEW Altobelli guides young Bucs OCC: rl't urn.., only o ne po'-iilio n pla\L'r after reaching '>econd round o f regional-,. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot tO'> I \ \II ..., \ Or .tngl'! 11.1,1 ( olJeg<' h.M·b,111 rn.11 h fohn Altolwll1 d1Jn t l1t•'>t1.i11· \\hl'n cl.!lked 111 g1H' Jll 1111prc .,.,1011 of the upl 11111111.: '>l'J"Hl "\\c n· \f'IY ~111111g ,u1d that ,., the qut..,111111 m,ir.,_ .... 11d \ltobt'I h, entering 111., I I th '>(.'.J.,1111 .IL thl• helm ol tht.· !'tr.tit"'· ,1., 111 .,.il 111 the dugout ,11 I )rangl' < 11.a..1 IJ.,l week afH•r pr.n llt t' Tht' r1ratt''· u1m1ng 11tl J I~ U !te~Oll th.II '>d\11 lhl'rll lfht' Ill lht' second round of tht• 'loutlwrn Lalifom1a Hegional-. lo 1·\t•ntual '>tate-champ1on H1wr.,1d1• n·turn only onl' po.,111011 pl.1yt•r Imm last year\ warn in fir.,1 h.1-.t rn.111 Kyle Stanley. But 1hu·1· -.1.irung pitcher., are back. Altobt'lh\ No I '>tartt·r will he sophomore left-handl'r ..:ylt• \I len, who went 3-0 ~uh a l .!5 ERA in J2Y inntng'> . .,Ink.mg out 29 and walking 1uc.1 10 H1ght- handed sophomore c.arrctt Mur- dy (6-foot-4) wiU he the No 2 starter I le posted a 2 91 I RA in 21 ~ innings. stnkmg out 20. Jimmy Trttce will follow Murdy in the rotauon. I le wa' I 0 111 22 innings last season. ~Our strongel>t area b '!tarting pitching... Altobelli ~d "We have three quality starters who should have a good year for us.· AltobelU's other pitching op- tions include freshman left-han der Jason CriS!>man out of Los \l.1rn1111 I ltgh l\r\.111 1111111-.1111 nut 111 \llJv..111~1 t' ln·.,hm,111 nght li.111dlr lt11 l1·1 B11\d lrom < 1r.ing1· I ligh. 1 ... 1.1111 1.1 I lt)411 prtidlh t lnrd.111 I I.in, .1 h i -.mllhp.I\\, .md ln· ... h11i.t11 nglll lt.111d1·r \like l.an,1., 0111 ol ...,.1 llfHJ 111.trl I\ J 1.1111..\ kttl h111 h1• l(I 1.111·' ht., l.1.,1b.tll .111d l t•t•p., tlu b.111 do~n ' '\lt11lwl11 .,Jill \\1 c.ill 1J11hmon1 1111· lt11ll' lh111 I It-\'orb dilfert'nl .111glt.•, .11111 11 ht (',If) ll'l'I' tht• h.111 cltl\\11 Ill' \\Ill ht· "lllle"'lul I n·.,hml'n llf\an J.1d ... ,11111 Br.id \hller uhe -.1.irll'r al lhml l>.t ... t'J and Denk Ll'>llorn .. t'> \\t'll .1., (Jin., Aullo1 k t 1111IJ t ltN g,lfl)l''> ~1pho111ore John (,mnt .i 1r.rn.,li·r from All.m llam Ol l I 111 lq.:e. \\Ill '>Ian lwl11ml 1he pl.ill'. \\hilt• ...,tan Icy Jill hor ... fir'>! ha"l' and will he the No I hittl'r I n• .. hman Ben 1 lannJ out of \'ilia J'Jrk I ligh gt.•t-. thl' .,tarting llflU .11 '>l'U>nd aml \\Ill hit lt'Jd- on "ihon .. top ii.. a "1:0tn·lll'>'>. ac conhng to Ahoht>lli. between fre'>hman !\lannv Pedroza from ~nm Ana I hgh and Bullock. out of Lo~ Alamuo... Ille} will at tempt 10 fill the .. v.c1ble <;ho~ left by ()(. Cs Male Athlete of the Yca1. Donnie Murphy, who led the Pirates in hit!> (84), runs 1551. home runs (13). RBI~ (48). total bascc. (146) and batting average (.422) last !>eason l'he first -team All-Orange Empire Conference .,elet·tion and fifth-round draft pick. signed with the Kansas City Royals. MilJer figures to add pop to the offense. Altobt'lli said. Switch -hitter Derek A.'ipmwalJ. the st.acting quarterback for the lllll '> Ill lhl· l,dJ. \\Ill .add dt'pth ,11 "l·tnnd aru1 1hml \ophomorl dt',111up h111n 11\.in \lc11h1·' \\Ill .,tan 111 ll'11 lwld. next tn I ,1.,ttorn 111 t:Clllt•r tl.<1.,110111 1 ltJ' a lllll' .,,.,.mg .111d 10., .i g.ip h111t·r with on .1 "nnal pm ... l'r \hnbt.'111 '>aid llt't unwr < 11t·g lkn111t. wh11 h11 l:l I 111 -, , at b,11., l..i.,1 vear. Jnd lrl''>h111<tn )toll 1•1.a..l..m' -,l..1. \\Ill 11,Htlt• for 1lw ... 1.ir11ng -.pol 111 11ght tidJ \\1·n· 11111 .1 p11\\1•r -h111111g 11· 1111 hlt• 1 . ..,t \l'<1r. · \llolwlli .... ud \\1·rt' g11111g Lo ha\t· 111 rn.1n11l.inur1· nm-. 1,..,1 '>l'il'>t111 ( >< ( 1111 a'-< hool 11•t 11rd Id '1111111· rllll'-, .-,o mort• 1h.lfl II'> .mo 1 101,11 \ltobdh "1ttl 1 • ..,t \t'•lr" ll'illll \\J., ont' ul 1lw IWlll'f ~quJd'> 111 h1., 11·nun· I >I the 12 -.opho 111111t'"· 11 r1•11·1H·d 't holaf'>htp'>. tndudmg 'lrnll Bel'rer. now a1 lexa., A&\1 lkt•n•r \\Cnt b ·1 \\ollh ,1 1 Otl f.R\ and b,111cd JJ6 \\Ith lour homt• n111" Jnd .!9 RBh lhi'> }t'ar , ... 111 bt• more of a t hallenge. arrordmg 10 Altobt'1h. who '>aid RiH•Nde. I'> the f.1vor lit' ICI win the OI ( agam. fol lowed by C.ypre.,.,, Santa Ana and \addleback then a group that 111dudes CX.L "Winning three o;tale tilJc'i 111 a row. (RiveNidc) .,hould be the fa- vorite.· he 'klid A--.sisting AJ1obclh will be Joe Honquillo 1ca1rhers). lo'>h Bel- vosky (p1tchtnR), who played for Altobelli five yeari. ago and W3l> the Cypresi. pitching coach last wason. Doug Keith (infielden.), Scott Spokg:nky (outfield) arid hm kelton. the team's sports p'lychologist and "mental guru.· according to Altobelli. "We've aJwa~ had (Skelton) THE PIRATES 2 BPn H.lnnd 28 Fr 3 Kylo S1antey 18 2B So 4 Dustin Hicks C Fr 5 Mdnny Pedrozd SS Fr 6 Chros 8ullodc 38 Fr 7 KylP Allen p So 8 Brd<1 Miller 38 Fr 9 Tyler Shaffer 28 Fr 10 8rvdn Johnson P Fr 12 Jimmy TrPece P So 13 Garren Murdy I' So 15 Jason Crissman P Fr 16 Der1·k Aspinwall INF Fr 17 Collin Stiltz OF So 18 Ryan Mathes OF So 19 JOf> Morrison OF So 20 Micah Hazen C Fr 21 O!•rik E.isnom OF Fr 22 Tuclmr Boyd P Fr 24 Jeff P1askowsk1 OF Fr 25 Jarrod Carct110 INF Fr 27 Mok!' Farias P Fr 28 Bobby Crossman INF Fr 29 Jordan Hart P Fr 30 Greg Benoit OF So 34 John Grant C So 44 Bryan Jacllson P I B Fr 45 Justin Humalon OC Fr Coach John Altobelli filth seasonl Assdtants. Joe Ronquillo Josh Belvosky Doug Keith Scon Spokgnky Jim Skelton around. now he's learned more about the game.· Al1obeU1 said. Orange Coast opens the sea- son Friday at lO a.m against visiting Santa Barbara in the Matt O'Bnen Memonal Tourna- ment, named for the former Pi- rate pitcher who died in a motor· cycle accident in 1999. llfllII Daily Pilot llfllll Sports Hall of' Fame (J•l(•bra Li11g Llt1· 111illPIJJliUJJl GALVAN &tancia Honoring true American ti ero a'> lJ . <:,. troops a ppear bound for harm 'c, way in Persian Gulf. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot T ex.la}. a.-. Amt'mJ b\.'l"> em the fringe of an lr.11.11 111va.siun. 11\ Jppr11pna1t· w l·elebrall' An l .dlv-Jn C >nl l' J '>C..'Cont..I '>lnng 4uJm·rh.iclc on thl' 1.,1..im 1a I 11.;1 football tt·an1, l J \ \ar I on l' .1 CaptJlll Arthur Mtt hat'I < • .ilv-JJ1 •· d1l'd I~ year'> ago I nt..lay. whei)~I' plJnt· wa.., -,hot dov.n 111 11.J.1\\C:UI • dunng the llJYI l'l•r..t.m < .ull \\,tr \\'hilt• tlm '>p.ue I\ gerwrall~ rt"'>(•f\l't.I tor lht' a1hk11t nr -.pon.. rl'IJtt·d h1ghh¢11., .inJ t'Xpl1111., ol Lho'>t' 1111lw1>.111~ 1'11111 'lpon., I fall ot I-amt· < .. 11\,111 tak1•., LO .1 n1ut h lu~1er ll•\d 1ht• \'ord ··hero 1 lwrl' v.erc f("VI l\nll'rll'<Ul Ld'>Udfllt'., dunng the ( .ulf umlltt I, but < 1dlv-..u1 w·a., orw of tht.'m I fl· nt'H'r tlll'l ill1 enern\ unul 1 >t·'>l:n '11orrn I \t'll t..l11nng h1., loolhaJI d11d wrl•'>lhng J<1\ .... ,I( 1 ... lill1t1<l C.aha11 \\11uld hardh ht• tward Imm 1'11.'1. all'>(' Art Galvan hi' ,,,1, "'' focu<.t·J 011 d111ng h1' 1e1h Ill• ..... t., ..i ix·rfloul~ qllll't ~111 and llt'\l'r ">J.IU J ~ord -...utl h1., lurnll'r wn..,Lhng l oa1 h. ftm \\c1m·11 I It· \<\,L'i d prl'll\' kid Ill· h.1d twauulul .,1..Jn pun· \\hilt' lt'l•th ..ind alwa'" o.,nuk-<l ,uid nt•wr t ornplamcd \rt .... a..,n I J gre.ll ..ithletl', but hl' '"1rl1-<l .iml \\orkt>tl and ,,,,fkl't.l h..trdn 1h.ui llll\ emt' 111 football and .tn\Ont· 111 thl• \Ht...,thnK ruom I h· \\<L' Jl\\oil\.., rl'atfy to go ,ind lll'\l'r m1 ... -..:d a day." (,aJV"an (lla._.., of 1'175 prO\idl'd thl' ulum.lll' -,.,n-nfkc gJ\1ng h.J., ltfe .t.'-an .\menc.an '>(>ldwr lo pmmotl' and prult't 1 tht• pnnc1 plt" of dern1x.r.1cv I le w~t., the onlv "'•ar ca.-.u.t.lt\ to ha\'c hailt"ll frum Orangt• <..ounl\ and l' bl'ht•ved Lo be the onl\ I ....ianna waduale lo lo-.e hi'-hit· 111 J ~'\Uf mvolvmg the U ..., Tht'rc arc plaqut" hononng (,aJv.in on a wall 111 the 'locial Scll'nu• llt>pdrlmt·nt at bta.iir1a and near J tree <11 ad1.in·nt faJf\1l'" Parl. \\'hl'rt' .i nwmon.tl -.ef\in• \'l.W> held for him on M.in:h .!.J, 1991. h mdudt-d a .! I h'lln ..alute and wa., .tllended 17\ ut\ offiua.b and do1A.•m of former h1¢1 <i<:hool da.-..,matt:'> < ,aJvan JJ. wa' dfllong 14 cn.">\,men klUed ~hen tht•ir At I 10 pectre gum.hip lrcbhl-<l 11110 the PeNan C1talf cm Jan. 31. 1991. dunng the batlJl' of Khafjt All crew member!> aboard the plane had been hsted J.'> rTU.SSlllg in action and presumL'<.I dead for ~raJ weeks. until the wre<"kage wa.'i discCJVt'red March 4 of that year in the gulf about a half-mile olf the t.:uwait-Saud1 Arctbaa border Pn>vented by V\Slon problems from becoming a figtiter pilot. Galvan was a fire-conlTOI officer aboard the aircraft who was in charge or deciding which targets to bomb. He W".l.'i awarded the Silver Star. aJong with his other 13 crewmates. The award L') the 1.turd-highest decoratJon 111 the 11 -. milttdf\ ·\t 1 ordmg 111 tht I J 'I Alf fort t'. 1h1· plant· \,,1., Jownt't.I ahn thl' e fl'\\ fJO ll\ !Mii llllllJll\.t', IHl'>lllll..,.,full\ .t11t•f11plt'Cl IO ~ 11111 ~ out an t'llt>iny FHU< , m1.,'>lk hallt'f\ 1111' plane <Ul .1rn ... •I \Pr..11111 .. 11tw four t'llglllt 1urt><1pmp 1 I 10 1r,1n-.p11n wa." p.1n rrl 1h1 1i.11t \pt·t 1.tl < lp1·r.i111111-. '><111.ulrrm .md 1 ... 1 "I~'\ 1.il I >pt·rt111011v\\ mg from 1 lurlhun I 11 Id ll.1 I J,e\\n \\,J'> hn·.1~111~ \\lten llw l fl'\\ 111 l)ir d11Wl1t'\J pl.int• • •1d1•11.i111l«l "111rit fl! \,,,, 111ld 1he 1111.,.,tlt• f),1flt'f\ II.id l><'t'll lllflH•d 111111.i1hr··.111·11111r JleNttun flll' pilot \IJJ 1';11111 \\e<1\l'r d1·u1Jt.d 11111111\•' 1111 Uit hJ11t·n flw pl.uw n-p11n1'1..ll\ g.I\ t• 11111\ .t h'N' \1.i\d,t\ dl'>lfl ..... e <ill I .onuotll•f" lll'<ird n111h111g 11111rl' I .. 1lvan \\ho 111111t't.l lh1• \11 I on 1• 111 1·~;1, ~ .... e 11rnrn1 .... .,111nt1.I a '>t'\ nnd ht'11lt'ndni 111 I l.lk.! .md v. .i., prom1111.U t11 tJpt.u11 111 l'IH'I llw l\•r..i,m 1 11111 \ \,11 \\iL., nnt thl' lir..1 urnl < .al\·an '-l\'1. tllrnbJI I It· ll.lrtlrtpdll'<.I tn hor11l11ng nm-. dunng 1he 1 I ..., 111\ i.l.'>11111 ol f';111.1111J 111 ou-.1 •he 1.1l11r \1,11111t•I :\llnt')(J h1' hru1li1·r 1<.1\ "1111 .ti Lilt· I .111\ 1t'\\ l•Jr1 11tt"n111n.L1 -..•f\ Ht· II \·ou \H'rt 'w11l lw \\1111ld 1 ht~·r \<Ill tu-. um 11· \r1 I >dg,1do .... ud dunng tht: 11 lt'mt nal .,.•f\1u• II '11u \\1·n· h.1pp) ht' \\lltsld llH fl'd.-.C.' U1..il ll.ippm1-..., II \1111 \\iilllnJ 111 ,1ng. hl \\OUld i;r,tb ht., ).,'llllOJ.f ,111d pl.t\ \\llh VIili Hom 111 '\1•\\p11n & .. Kh 1111 :-..;," 11 l'fl7 <...iJvan "a' the pndt 1JI h1-. t..rnul\ t'H'll hdorl' miling h1' 111..irl. m Uw l J S \ir h1n t· .t' .tr ollil t'r. In Jddiuun 111 ht1.·om111~ t.l1t· lir..t 111 h.J., la1111h tu gt·1 a t olll~l· dt1,'Tt>t' he Jl"1 \'1.t.'nt em to t'am .i ma..,ter.. dep-t't 111 mtemauona.I n•latmno., at Im tJntlt'fW'ddU4tt• .Lima mater. I ro' \l<itt' U1lJ\ er.i" Ill Alabama. IJffUI} nwmber. -.aid 1n rt'pun ... <1lll•r ht., death <.alvan wa.-. '-Uf\Wl-<l b\ .i .... ,rt.' Jlld "'" \'ho Vll'rt' bnng m '\d\•UTI' t-la c11 tht• ume of ht., d1·.ith and app.m•ntl) could not .111c.•11d the hUf\1l-V. J>·,u\ '>l'IVll t' I It' wa.., the oldt..,t of five otahhn~ ( ,.i.tvan' father l{dmon <;r . v..a'> a \1eXJcan unmigrant who ..enJed 111 C .o-;ta Me-.a and wm1ced L'> a gartlener. 111., mothl.'r wa:. rA>n'> < n .ampo Several attempts to rnntal; family member.> for~ '-torv were unsucc~ -An was a real great person - not a great athlete. but a ~t per.on.· said rstanaas Art Perry. for whom \..alvan played frt.>...hrnan football Ill 1971. *He wa.'> ~a ha.rd wor*er and never ~ a practice. He was the type or guy you like to have on the team he was a hard-nosed guy. a typicaJ guy you'd ttunk wouJd go mto the \t.'MC't'." With red. wh.at~ and bhJe ftyulg color.> today. C.alvan ti. the latest honoree m lhe r>atly Pilot Sports 1 lnll of Fame. Buena SCORE YOUR BEST DEAL Park 0 .. .. 60 .. : . /Yew Plitt>; Pl 50 XLT SlJP'ERCR.EW ,., ,.._ • ._&.a .. .... ~-"'7.,,... ....................... _.. ·---·-• • Sales rrice '24,975 ,_,, adNtte: I AlO Monday, January 271 2003 SPORTS Shadow lands Looking back. 5 years ago this week: Looking bad, 10 years ago this week SCHEDULE TODAY ~u High sdlool glrfs -Costa Mesa at Saddlebad(. 7 p.m.; Ocean View at estancia, 7 p.m . Soccer · COLLEGES Continued from M All-Mountain West Conference honors as a senior defensive end at Colorado.State. estancia HighS boys soccer team knocks off Pacific Coast League leader Laguna Mills, 3-2. TI1e Hawks (15-4-3, 4-1-1 in league) are ranked No. 4 in Orange Couory and lead, 2-1, early in the second half before Estancia (9-4-2, 3-2-l) comes back for two goals, both by Cesar Terrones. Assists by Robert Castellano and Noe Estrada ,key Terrones' two gefclls and jwtlor forward F.aaul Mendoza opens the Eagle scoring in the ninth minute on a pass from Lrving Islas. The Costa Mesa High girls basketball team stofm6 back from three 15-point deficits to down Aliso Niguel. 53-52, sending the Mustangs into a tie for first place in the PCL Mesa senior Julie Collett makes I of 2 free throws with 35 seconds left to give the Mustangs (9-13. 5-J) their margin of victory. Aliso Niguel (11-10. 5-1) is outscored by Mesa, 34-19. in the second half. Mustang freshman Nancy HatsushJ bats away an Aliso pass inside to force a loose ball as time runs out. Jenny Earnest makes three steals in the final 1 :26, including knocking away a Wolverine pass inside wilh the game tied, 52-52. Collett scores 11 of her points in the third quarter as Mesa cuts the Aliso lead to 45-37 by period's e nd. Evelyn Powers (eighl points, two steals, two rebounds). Kim Nguyen (four rebounds) and reserve forward Autumn SmJth (seven points) all have mo ments of glory for Mesa. whkh gels outrebounded on the offensive boards. 14·6, in the first half. Corona de' Mar High forward JMOn Boyce. a member of the under-17 U.S. national team. scores both Sea King gqals to spark a 2-1 defeat of Back Bay rival Newport Harbor in Sea View League boys soccer action at the Sailors' field. CdM remains unbeaten at 17-0-3, 7-0-1 in league. The Sailors (4-6-5, 2-2-2) thwart persistent CdM !lttacks for most of the game, building a 1-0 halftime lead behind Outs Hunter's direct lciclc 13 minutes into the contesL Boyce plays off the brilliant ball control and passing of fellow forwards Tanner Rupp, Beat Baudenbacher and Chad Uberto. High sdiool girls -Estancia at Ocean View, 3 p.m.; Saddlebadc at Costa Mesa, 3 p.m . ~.Ur polo High sdiool girls -Sage Hill at Estancia, 3:15 p.m . TUESDAY 8asbtball College men -Vanguard at Cal Baptist. 7:30 p.m. Katie J<lng. also from Newport. led lrvine Valley College with 889 assists this past season on h er way to receiving first-~eam AU-Orange Empire Conference honors. King will most likety play again for IVC next season. Misry May, the former Newpon Harbor volleyball standout and current beach sensation. is an assistant coach at IVC • With a coupon from today's Daily Pilot, UC Lrvine hoop fans can purchase four tickets for the price of one at 'the box office for Thursday night's game at the Bren Event'> Center against UC Santa Barbara. last year's Big West Tournament champion. Fstancia High's boys soccer team dominates Costa Mesa in a 4-0 PCL triumph. The Bagfes ( 11-6-2) rernain"Unbeaten at 5-0-1 in league while Mesa drops to 2-10-1, 1-4. Three different F.agles score goals including Nicholas Garcia. Juan Camberos (two) and Octavio Vazquez. TI1e Corona del Mar High girls basketball team rallies from a IO·poinl first-quarter deficit to pull away from visiting Santa Margarita, 59-44, in a Sea View League game. The Sea Kings College women -Vanguard at Cal Beptist, '5:30 p.m. High school boys -Westminster at Estancia, 7 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Ocean View, 7 p.m. High school girls -Nor1hwood at Corona del Mar, 7 p.m.; Newpor1 Harbor at Foothill; Sage Hill at Oxford Academy, 7:30 p.m . Soccer HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilors Athlete of the Week senes Orange County athletic leaguei.. will remain intact for the 1998-99 school year after league representatives vote, 8-1. with one abstention, to suppon the status quo at a CIF Southern Section Council meeling. An appeal by Corona del Mar High Principal Don Martin. asking for the Sea View League school to trade places with PCI. representa tive Aliso Niguel is unanimously defected by the council. Cd.M would have been shifted from the Sea View to the PCL joining Estancia, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach and University. Newpon Harbor benefits by the move of parochial school Santa MargariUl (six section tit.les since fall of IY96} tu 1hc South Coast League. ( 11 -7, 4-5) outscore the Eagles a combined 34· I 2 in the second and fourth quarters to pull into a lhree•way tie for fourth place with Santa Margarita and Tustin. Senior guard Moille Pllnt scores a game-high 30 points and adds eight rebounds whiJe jwtlor Rosalie Kane bounces back from h er least-productive game of the year lo get 12 points and 16 rebounds. Karie Dietrich adds six rebounds to her 10 points. while Kristy MacFarland (eight rebounds) and Nildd RJccl (five steals) also contribute. Senior forward Man Chapman scores a season-high 18 . points and senior Jim Faulkner tallies 20 points, l 0 rebounds, four steals and two blockb in the Eagles' 72-56 win over Costa Mesa. The F.agles (12-9, 4-1) get ahead by 21 early in the second quarter and take a 30-11 halftime lead. Mesa creeps to within 44-36, but Estancia answers with a 14-6 run to pull away. -compiled by Bryce Alderton High sdiool boys -Costa Mesa at Ocean View, 2:30 p.m.; Westminster at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Sage Hill at Oxford, 3:15 p.m. High sdiool girls -Newpor1 Harbor at Foothill. 3:15 p.m .; Nor1hwood at Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m .; Oxford Academy at Sage Hill, 3:15 p.m. Tennis College men -Vanguard at UC Riverside, 2 p.m. Community college men -San Bernardino at Orange Coast, 2 p.m. Volleyball College men -Princeton at UC Irvine. 7 p.m . TODAY 19 -Robert Chai Newport Harbor Football, 2001 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: ELIZABETH G. STODDARD AKA EUZABent HANCOCK GIBBON STODDARD CASE NO. A217199 To an hetrS, beneficiaries. creditors. contingent credt10rs, and persons Who may olherMse be inte<ested In the 'MU or estate. or bolh ol ELIZABETH G STOOOAAD AKA ELIZABETH HANCOCK GIBBON STOOOAAD A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by ROBERT A STOOOAAD, AtCHAAD G STOOOAAO ANO JAMES C STOOOAAD In me s~ Coun or cah!Omla. County o1 ORANGE THE PETrT10N FOR PROBATE requests ltlat ROBERT A STOOOARO, RICHARD G STOODARD AND JAMES C STODDARD be apriointed as penonal r~lati\le lo admln!Ster the 9$1.ate ol lhe decedent THE PETITION requests lflt decedent's wi" and codclb, if any. be adm~ to Pfobal• The Will arid any oodials are available IOr examlfla!M>ll In the Ille = 7fGir~r~sts authority IO adminlstet' the esia1e unoer the lndependeOI AOJ'nlnl$1rati0n ct Estates Act (Thlt auth0n1Y wi• allow the pereonal repteaef'U.llYe to Wte many tctlOl'll ~ OblalfWlg oourt ~t Before t11111ng c»nain VtfY ~ adi008. tiowMr. .,.,. ptf10nll ~atW. Will be ftqund IO '/Jve noticl9 lo ~ per-.ont tJnlffa ltlev l'llM waiwld nollC4t Of ooneenled lo .... propoeed tdlOtt ) 'The I~ ~ltltUI , Wiii be granted ulileSS an on!etested person lites an objeeloon to Ille peltt1on arid shows good cause wny the court should not gr ant the au1hon1y A HEARING on the pelitoo will Ile hetel on 02/20I03 at 1 .30PM on 0ep1 L-73 located at 341 THE CITY DRIVE, ORANGE. CA 92863 IF YOU OBJECT to the gran~no of lhe peblion, you should appear al the hearing and state your ~Ions °' file wntteo objeCbOOS With the COUft belOfe the heanng Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR Of a colllingeot aeditor of the deoeased, )'Oii must hie yoor claim witto the court and m;ih a copy to the personal representawe appointed by the court within lour months from the <late o4 first Issuance o4 letters as p<Olllded In Probate COde section 9100 The time fof fillflO Claims wiH not elCpire belOre lour months from the toeanng <late noti<led above YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille lt,ep< by the court H )'OU are a P91'9on 11'118n1Sled In the Mtate, )'Oii may Ille with the eou11 a Request tor Soeciat Notice (IOlm DE· 1~) o4 ltle Wng Of an inventofy and ~· sal OI estale asaeta OI' CC any petition or 8«lOUf1t as l'fOYlded jn Probate Code 8ec:tlon 1250 A ~I IOr Special Notioe fQfm ,, 8Vlllable trorn lflt ('()Uft Ql)ltl AltOmey IOr PetitloMr WllUAM 0 HERZ BARTON, KLUGMAN & OETTING LLP 33.1 s GRANO AVE • moo LOS ANGELES, CA 80071-1509 OllZ4"03. 0112?.o:t, 0141.03 CHI-4'9112)1 l'llWPOAT~A ,.. Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal NotJces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 SUMMONS (OTACION JUOKW.) NOllC( 10 DUCN· DANT: (Avlso a Acusa · do) KIMB£Rl V STORE SUND . & DOfS I throu1h 10, inclusive. .. OU ARE BEING SUEO BY PLAINTIFF· (A Ud. le est;i demand an do) VINCE N T WEATHLRBY You ha11e 30 CAL[N DAR DAYS after lhts 'l.Ummons 1s served on you to Ille • typewrotten response at thts court. A letter 01 phone call will not protect you· your lypewt1tlen re sponse must be In proper le2al form tf you w•nl the court to hear your case. If you do not hie your r~on:r.e on time. you may lose the case, and your wage•. ntoney and prhperty may be tat.en without further warnona from the court. There are other leaal requ1rem.,nts You may want to call an attorney naht away If you do not ~now an attorney. you may call an attorney referral ser111ce or .. le&al 11d ofllce ( l1Sted tn the phone boo-). Despues de que le entreeuen esta c1tac1on 1ud1c1al u>ted ttene un pl&lO dt JO OIAS CAL ENDARIOS para p1esen tar una rupuuta es cnta a maquma en esta corte tin" carta o una Hamada telefontc. no le olrrcer 11 proteccton su re•puesh esct1h a m<tquona Ilene que cumpl11 con In formal odade' le1ales apropta dis " usted qu1e1 • que 1, corte euuche su CHO Sr u~ted no preunta su respuesta a !tempo, puede perder el cno, y It pueden quotar su salario. i.u dlnero y olru cosn de su p1op1edad ''" a11rso ad1clonal poi par le de la corte [~tsten otros requ1s1 tos leeales. Puede que usted qu1e1 a llamar a un abogado tnmedoata ml!nte $1 no conoce a un abo2ado. puede llamar a un se1111c10 de r eferencie de aboaados o a una oftc1na de ayuda leaal ( vea el dtrec toroo telelonico) CASE NUMIUt: (NUftlero ... , Con) 01CC1S702 JUDG£ THOMAS N. THUSHla, Sr., DlrT. Cl 1 The name and address of the court ts (£1 nombre j direcclon de la corte n) ORANGE COUNTY SU P[RIOR COURT. CEN TRAL JUSTICE CE NTER, 700 Civic Center 0111111 Wnt. Santa Ana, Call forn1a 92702 The name. address, •nd tel<!pllone number of pletrthff's attorney, or ptalntlfl wlthoul an attorney 1$' (El nombre, la dlreccion y et numero de teletono del aboeado del demand1nte, o del demandante que no Ilene 1boa1do, n) IOS£PH M TOSTI, Esq B1r No 94451 LAW OfflCES Of JOSlPH M. TOSTI. 15615 Alton Parkway, Suite 17!>, lrvlne. C•llf0tnla 92618 Tel. No. 949-45G-I 200 f u No 949-450· 12.40 OA«1 (feet..) DIC 10, 2001 MAN SLA10, CUH (A~le), liy L WlfSMAN, Dllfl "" <:,~r.:iJn °' OAMA8H (P.,.. ..... .....,. Wr"tlMOMtll) To KIM8tRlY STORC SUND Pl•lntlff· VIN CENT W[ATH£1l8Y u eh dam111tt In the •bov• entitled ectlon • tol· Iowa; C AS l N U MBER : 0Wl0364& o-......... Pein 'vfferlna, •nd fnoonvenlenc e 115.000.00 lmollontl dlt\110 •2.500.00 ............ lkdlual u.,.nut (to a.tte> Sl.SOO 00 r 11ture Med ., •• ,,.n ... (1tt•u11t v•lu•) $2.500 00 Lou ol future tuumne capacity (present value) $2,500.00 Dote; A119"st 2, 2002 /S/ JOSIPH M. TOSTI Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Dally Pilot January 27. February 3, 10, 17. 2003--M62S SUPfllOI COURT Of CAIJO«llA. COUNTY Of OIAMGf 341 n. Oty om. P.O.le114170 14171,°""'9,c.lhnia 9261l-IS70 WIOllAllX JUSOO CBITll PmTK>NOf GICA ALIBTll," b.w tf-..S -c.tw Stw.a, 9'NicW.sS.... fOI CJWIGE Of IWU OIDfl TO SHOW CAUSE fOI OWIGl Of IWU Wl llUllll: A217093 TO ALL INTERLS f £D PERSONS. I Pet1t1oner CINA ALBE.R TINI. on behalf of mfnor• ftled a petition with this ~ourt for • deer ee chanime names a~ follows. a,) CARTER CHRISTOPHER STUARl STEVLNS to CARTER CHRISTOPHER ALB[RTI· NI, b.) NICHOLAS MOR· GAN DAVID ST[VENS to NICOLAS EUGENE Al· BERTINI 2 TH[ COURT ORDERS that all per sons mter ested on lhts matter shall appear before this court at th~ hearrn1 1nd1c•ltd below to show taust 1f .iny, wilt the pehtoon for chanae of name should not b• 1ranted NOTICE OF HEARING Oate: Marth 18. 2003 Time 2.00 p.m. Oept L73 Tht address of the court is same n noted above 3 A topy of tilt\ Ofder to Show cause shall be publtshed at lent once each week for four succesStve weeks prior to the d1te set for hearrn2 on the petition m the lollowme news· paper of 1eneral cortu lallon. pr mted m tit ts county Newport Beach Costa Meu Oa1ly Pilot, 330 W Bay Street, Costa Mba. CA 92627 DATI: JAN 01, 2003 JUDGl alCHUD' O. fllAZH, sa., JUDGE OF THl SUPEa1oa COUttT Publoshed Newport Beach Costa Men O•ily Ptlot January IJ. 20. 27, r ebruary 3, Z003 M606 ,.. w. ef u-4,,.,.. "" Notice Is heretiy &lven that the under11ened wot at public auction pur sutnt to chapter 10. division 8 commenc1n1 with wet ion Zl 700 ol the busln•u end pro lesstons code or s.ectton 1988 of the civll code of The State of Callfornlt1 and pursu1nt to com merctal code, section 7210 (2)' the followine mosullaneous household and P.rsonal property to·wlt tde.ntffted by n•m• •nd stor•1• unit n11m· ber. Riu £s1ellt Lot RS l \103 •nd Henry 81ank Lot UB 7802. Total of 2 Iota. stored •I Two Brothers Movln1. at tootlon of 1041 W. t&th Str .. t. Costa Men, Callforn11 92'27, Of•"J• Cdtillty This sale will be tompetlttv• blddln1 on tl\4 Februery Jfd. Z003, •t 4:00 p.m.. 1t South Coaat Auction. 2202 South Main Street, S.nt• Ana, CA 92707, (714) 957 8133, on Hid 11r•mlu1, Count1 ol Or 11111. State of C1ll forn l•. e u 1, s Humplwle1, Auc:tlonfff, llt•11t• nulfl!Hlt 2&1, .-111 conduct Hie 1t 2.202 Sout h M•ln Stttet. Santi An•. CA Sele1 Is •old with f11111l and reaervt, th• ltndlOf d rtMrves tti. rllht 10 bid 1t 11\t ••· i>wc"•* tnust be P•ld for et tl- ol p11rcll• . A.II pW· che>ed 1oodl •• MN, 'It la•, end 111\ISt N ""'°net br Satut6-y, f'•IMuMr 801, 200J 5.00 A nl lbU. Mk II M!b!M;l to proor cancetlatoon lh the event ol stl11ement. between Two Brothe" Movon1 and obl111ated party. Published Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Oaoly Pilot January 20, 27. 2003 M620 FktitlM a...ss Mmes...., lite lollowtn1 per sons 11e dolni busme\s u . 0 C (qurloes & tnve~t m~nh. Corp .. 669 V1'ta Bonito. Newport Buch. CA92660 D.C Cqmtou & In 11es t meni... Cor p . (C•ltf ). 669 Y"t1 Bonita, Newp0<t Buch, CA92660 This business " con ducted by • c0tporalton Have you started dome business yeH Yes, 9 20 2000 D.G. Equ1t1u & In vestments. C0<p . Davrd A. Bond, Pruldent This statement wu toled wrth the County Cler k of Oran1e County on 01/10/03 20036929263 Daily Prlot J•n 13, 20. 27.reb 3.2003 M617 Fk1iliM tu'liless ... s....... The followtna per>.ons are dom1 busm~'s n Peterson·~ Clasitt Yachtrna. 1055 Reddong Ave.. Cost.;o M~sa. CA 92626 Rober I Lel•nd Peter wn, 1055 Redding Ave . Cost;1 Mesa. CA 92626 Thts business os con dueled by an 1nd1v1duel Have you started dome busme>.\ yet? Yes, I I 03 Robot! Leland Peter son This statement was loled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 01/10/03 200'6929277 Daily Piiot Ian 13. 20, 27. f eb 3. 2003 M607 FidltlM~ •s.......r Tht followlne persons are domg bu$men n Home f 11st Mortea11«. 2431 W Coast Hwy •205. Newport Ouch, CA 92663 Marlntrs Cep1t1I Inc , (CA), 2431 W C11a~t ttwy #205. Newport Buch, CA 92663 This buslnns " con ducted by: 1 corpou lion Have you started do111e business yet7 Yu, 11 02-01 Ma11ners Cep1t11 Inc . Steve Olson, Prulde.nt nus statement was filed with the County Cieri\ of Ora111e County on 0 1/t0/03 200J6929260 011ty Pilot Jan. 13, 20, .27, Feb. 3, 2003 M609 AdllM ...... ... s....... Tht lollow1na persoM ere dolna business as: American Auto [x (h•nat. 448 Hamllton, Costa Me~•. CA 92627 Amerlc1n Auto Ea chanee Club (CA). 18746 RICQUtsl l•ne, Hun tlnaton B••Ch, CA 9?648 fhtr. business Is con du,ted by. a corpot11tlun Hive you started dotn1 buslnua y•H Yu, 1992 American Auto b chanc• Club, I ou Biiker, President Thb Jlltement was fHtd with lht County Clerk ol Or 1n1• County on 01/10/03 200169292« 01"1 Pilot Jtn 13. l01 27, feb. 3, 2003 M61!r ........... ... s....... The fotlowl111 p., sons ,,. dotna busJn.u 11: Golct.n Horlu>n Ent• prlau, G20 Newport Cent., Oflv• 1 Ith Floof, ;:668ort lhu;h, CA Coks.n Horizon Rt1lty, Inc. (CA), 15760 Ventu<• llvd 1th ,toor, lnclno, CA91Ufi Thi• 111n111u1 b con ducted 111: • corpontiofl H•W ~II lit.llUd dolnt l>tlaiMu ,.u Ho QoMtft ltofl1on R"lty Ille , Mtrtowe D. Moy, Seu•t1ry Thta •t•t•ment wu flltd ttflth lflt ~ty ""' of Orena '-oMl!tt ' on 01/10/03 200!6929271 Dally Pilot Jan 13, 20, 27. Feb. 3, 2003 M613 AditiM lttiiess ._ S""-'tt The followoni person~ are doon1 business as a) Ro & Rob Sales. b) Reaaua, 20402 Runnone Spron&' ln .• Huritineton Beach. CA 92646 Rosem.t11e Gallant Brown 20402 Running Spronas lane, Hunt me Inn Beach. CA 9?646 I his businus 1s con ducted by. an tndovtdu•I Have you s tarted doonii busmeu yet? Yes, 10/ 01 Rosemar ot Gallant Brown lhos s toteme11t was flied with the County Chert.. of Or a nae County onOl/10/03 20036929275 D••ly Ptlot Jan 13. 20. 27, f•b. 3, 2003 M6 11 FictitiM hsiitss NmtS...... The follow me person1> are dome business as The Boy Auto Detatl. 3007 f.nterp11~ St. Unit A, Coslll Meu. CA 92626 (lmer 0 Cntanf!da, 341 E 16th SL. lone Beach, CA 90813 This buStneu Is con· ducted by "" 1nd1111dual Have you started dome busm~n yet? Yes. 1/6/ 2003 [lmer 0 Castaneda This statement wn hied with the County Cletk of Orange County on 01/10/03 200!6929272 Daily Pilot lln 13, 20. 27. feb 3. 2003 M615 RctiliM hsiltss ._s...... The lollow1na per ~ons are dotni businns a'\ 181 l'ropertoes, 2806 l Ute11tu Avenue, Costa Men. Cl\ 92626 Theodore P. Lopez. 2806 Lorent<> Avenu~. Co~ta Mesa, CA 92626 T ht\ bu'!ness 1s con ducted by an tndi111dual Have you started dome bus.mess yet? Yu, 01/ 01/2003 Theodore P Lopez This statement was toted with the County Clerk of Oran2e County on 01/15/03 20026929710 Dally Ptlot Jan. 20. Z7, •' eb. 3, 10, 2003 M6Z2 ICJTUTO~a lll.llSH..E (W:S«.6105j E!CJOlf t«> (D100IS N:Jra IS l6&Y GMN ht a IUI • um.a ., r. nw1t Tha IVTll(s) rd !1.-- =1~~ PN/I.. 25«> ~ ST, IS. fME. CAUW ~Um .. CM'l.6 Nnlll*a~lRI ~-~ .. ~ "'"' .. pill -yas. • allll'fte ...... ~ n. tee:a:ri n Cl6lr9 d t. ()tel ElmM Ob" ... -~ ThP ""'* 8'11 tun. d'fll9 " ... ~ ... YO.Hi .U TOf NI) HYE tCYl.tG SU\ 101 oaooftX>, fME. CA au n. -c.t'O .., -gldf dls:lllllil -J"1 STOO( .. TIWE. RXl\ff, ~~ lEI«, WS9QD tof'IVt9efT #() CX7.9Mr l'CflOCOftTE .., .. loClllld • 25«) ..... ST. IS.IME. CA814 n.t:a.a••...,.,bt ~ ..... d : Tf)M OOCJW, re. nl .. w.-s•••13 1U m:o n. ......... ., Oibll U1lbm Co!nl:lll Codi Sdcllt10U .,,. "" .., ... d .. ~·11111'11--ll"I~ ~~~a~ QNOJf <RM. CA •1 .............. _ 9tO!ldllrHa 12la-llflfl • ..... dlr ... .. ......, ... ...., ..... D911Nlfj- 'fQJO .. lQf IHJ IM ~~ ~ llM QllLY rwrrz•• Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices Rditiws ltvsiltn Rdifiws IWness ..._ Sand p 1 per l n . A I" cl Vte1<>, CA ~i'656 -s..._. ._ Stalwlellt kl~""" Allen Chrlder~. The lollowme persons The tolloWtni persons 46 S1ndplper Ln . Alt'o are dom1 buslnns n are do1n1 busrneu n VtejO, CA 92656 Meptusto Shoes. 1727 SllL[fTO By [lie. 19191 lhts buunus " con Wutcltff Or111e, Newport Lawrenct Canyo'I. Sri ducted hy an tndtvrdual Beach, CA 92660 ver ado Canyon. Caltfor· Have y<>u started dornw la Morla [nttrp11ns. nta 92676 busrne~., yet> Yes. 2 15 (CA), 1727 Weslchfl Rkha1d l~e lawrenct 02 011ve, Newpmt flea• h. II, 19191 l awrtnce Joseph A Chtld"" CA 92660 Canyon, Stl11trado Can· !hos •tat•m,.nt W•'. This bu\lnes• I~ con yon. Caltfornoa 92676 folrd with the County dutted by a corponlt<>n [lea [rotem1 G11mes. Clerk of Orane• County Have you sbrled do111Q 19191 LawrencP Canyon, on 01/10/03 bus111"s' yl!I? v.,, 6171/ Srlverado Canyon, Calo 2003692926 I 01 '°'"'' 92676 Clatly r11ot Jan 13, 20, lit Morta Cnterpnsn. lh1s bu\lnen " 1 nu ll. f eb. 3, ;>003 M608 M 1 ch a e I L a Mor 1 ~. ducted by • e•ntr ~I President partne"hop 1 hos statement wa' Ha11e you 'tarted d111n2 ltl•d wttll ttw County bu~tnes' v•P No Ctert.. of 01an11e Cunnty Clu C"mu on 01/10/03 lht1' statement •11s 200S692927S hied wl1h th• County Daily Polo I Ian I l. 20. Clerk of Or anee County ?J, Feb 3, 2003 M6l4 on 01/02/03 The lollowllllt person\ are dome bu"nts\ ,., Harte Btu•nlee & Assoc .. Inc . 1691 Wesl<ltff Dr.. Nt wpor t Beach. CA 9;>660 Hat te Brownlee & Assoc • Inc . (CA), 1691 Wutclttt Or.. Nttwpoft Buch, CA 92660 lht$ busin~s 1$ con ducted by a c0<por atoon Havt! you •tarted dome busone\\ yet' Y•s. 9/1986 Harte Brownle" & A\soc .. Inc Lynn Matchet1. Sure tar y of C0tpor atlon Thr~ statement was filed with the County Clerk ot Oranee County on 12/18/02 2002600927 '39 Oaoly Prlot Jan 13, 20. 27. Ftb 3, 2001 W60l 2003692044 Oatly Ptlot l•n 6. 13. 20. 27. 2003 M600 Rditiws INiess ... s ....... The follow1n11 11•"""5 are dome bu\lfltn u DUGGAN'S 2 INSTALLA l~JN 1801 WtuttlO'r Ave 112. Co•I• fku , CA 92627 llu Duuan. 1801 Wh1tt1e1 Ave •12. Co,ta Mesa, CA 92627 Thos bus1nn' " r nn ducted by an 1nd1v1c1ual Han ynu 1.l•t1•11 domg bu'lneu yttl Yn. 12 27 02 l1uDu111~11 Thi\ stltement wu fol<"d with th• Couflly Cl<'!rll of Oran&• l.ounty on 01/10/03 200'6929259 Datly Pilot Jan 13, 20, 21.feb J.2003 M610 Rdltiws hsillm NmtS...... The lollow1n1 ptrsons a1 e dorn& bu11nu$ •• Warm Sporol lndt!11tnd~11t CoMullant. 64 La Palo ma. Oana Pornt. Calo fOfflo.il 92629 Gwen £ arle, 64 La Paloma. D•na Point. Caltlor n1• 92629 This bu~mes" " lOO ducted by on 1nd1v1du•I Uave ynu ~tart.,d dorn& bu~111us yet? Nn Cwen £arlt This \t•t•m•nt wa•. toled with the <.wnty Clerk of Orantte l.ounly on 121?6/02 20026927UI Daily Pilot Ian 20. 27. feb 3. 10. 2001 M671 fidltiMa.u ,._s......, I he tollow1n11 Pfr<.0n$ Ar~ dolne bu"r'f'~ n Value Story. 2101 le" w•rd laoe. Newport 8nch, Cll 9?660 T.lm•• • Watt, 7101 Le~ward Lant. Newport Buch, CA 921)60 Th" buson~\S 11 con ducted by an 1nd1v1d•u•I Have you st••t~Cf clouoa bUStnH\ yet• Yu, 1/1/ 1995 Tamara Wall Tho~ statemen~ hied with lh<' Cuuntr Clerk ol Or a nee County on 01/10/03 20036929262 D•tly Piiot Jan 13. 20. v . hb 3 l()()l M617 I h~ lolluwu1e ptf\On• •• e dotnr bu\fnt~• •\ lraV•Clf F 11te1pt1H,, 1637 Monrovia Avt . l.osta M"''" CA ':1'1£1:>7 lr4~" W1llt dm £ hrlutdt .102 S•nh Lou•••· l1v111r. CA 92606 Tht\ bU\tO .. '" t\ 400 ducl•rl hy on ont11v1dual tl.i.t you \lllrtt!d doona blt\lneu yttl v.,s Jan I l003 T 1 AV•~ [hr hardt Tilt\ \lat~m""' •• loled with the C:11u11t y Cieri< ot Oun11~ t.ounly on 0111010.1 200J6929274 Daily PotQt l~n IJ 10 2l r eb 3. 2003 M612 FicfitlllS hsilHs "-S....... lh• tollo••n11 perMiM At fl du1n1 bu~tne~\ tl~ Cle6r View M 11b1I~ Scrnnone 243/ 01 At1¥f A11e 10. Co~ta M~••. 0 91621 Samuel IOsl!ph O'lur 2431 Ot irna• Ave MO Ct1'td M~'"· CA 92627 Thi\ bu'tn~\' 1~ con du< tad by •n 1n1t1v1duat !lava you started doll\\! bu\lnen yet? Nu l.8muet Jos~ph 0'1 ur I hi\ sbternent w•' hied wrth lh• C:1111ntv Clerk ul Or anft~ Ccw11ty on 01110/01 20036929270 O••lv Ptlot Jan I 1. 70. 27. I eb l 2001 M616 Std/ ymu Car ;,. Clanifi.rd ! 0 YES, SEU. MY CAR -., Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mall with a check today I Run for a weekl "If your car does not sell, we'll run It tor another week FREEi All for just $20·. '• AtmtOUPdwi&ie -------01~ o..--. a ... ,.. ...._ o.. a-.-a,....._ rwr ----• a-... §,._, ... o...-a.... 8 • ...-, •• a._ .. ,..... *"'i.._D __ o,.o.-.. oe.-c.-a....,_ "°*• 8 ......... 8-... a o.-. ......... ..._flt.II ,,,,_ .___ a-..__ lllOi!lci'lilh Ii .. :::-" ....... ~.eo..-..04.., ,.. .. ...,..,_ .... a,..,. --~ ------.... ~ Poli<'y Ilow to Plaee A ---Deadlines---Monday. . .... h 1<.Ja\ " OOpm Rates and deadli ne, arc \UbJell to change without notice nk" publl,hi:r rcservei. the nght to \:'Cll\Or. re<.ht\sify. revise or rc1ec1 • .my cla,,ificd adven1\emen1. Plca-.e rcpon an> error that may be in your da\s1ficd ad immediately. The Dail) Pilot ac1:cpl' no llab1lity fur Jn) l'rror in an advertisement lor v. hu.:h 11 mJ) tx- respons1blc except for thi: lO\I nl 1hi: space actually c~t / l h\ tilt'. error Credit can only al 1v.cd 0 lor the fif\I msen1011. CLASSIFIEIAD Tu!! ... day ... . . . . .. Mumfa~ ":OOpm Wt.'dne..,da\ ....... 1 uc,da) " OOpm By Fax (949) 611-6594 By Phont• (941)) 642-'i678 B)'· \Jaji/In P~ri,on: ''O Wc\I Buy S1rc:.c:1 Thur\da} .. .. \\cdnc'>dJ) 5 ()(Jpm 11'tc..._"' in..luc.k \our H.Uftt-' .. mJ J'l••I<' 1tumt>cr oJ.J 4< II <•II »1<1 t....L v.11h J J'<K< 4uotc I ( 00\IJ Mc,J. CA 926n ·\I /\,•wpon Hlvd & R.i> \1 Frtdi.I} ....... . . Thur,J;i\ " OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~l & MISC. 1010· 1770 MOWIDISE FOi SALE kkphunc X lOam-'i OOpm ~fonilily Fnday I lour!-1 Index \\-Jll.. In X ll}J01 'i lXlpm Monda}' I nJJ) ~ ~ =:::ATE 7402-7466 3010-3940 Saturday . .. ...... Sunda} .. 19' ~) GARAGE SALE 1419 ~ Under the Service Directory Banner aoos .. as10 1$_ llAL ESTATE ~I Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck BUSINESS & FOR SALE soos-saso FINANCIAL 2305·2490 ..-cmvE& -~97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Lf:GAl. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS All re•I 4".l•1• ,., .. , MERCHANDISE 11\lni 1n th1~ n•w'.f>Aprr Adoption & H()Ml .) ~(~St ORANGE COUNTY I ocEANF•oNT F1xl11 Costa Mesa cM/N• s11 c,o "'" ·"' ..-...., layridp. 'if..-t•..,., I NOT FO• THl FAINT 2~r lb~ hou'• l>••£ N" IBr 'huller' ~·utr•< 540() Of HEUT hrn'cl 5....._ ,.,... Ir~ p~• Hy 1101>! ........i ,.,.,... d~1 ,, 1•"~' , 11 "" I AGT. 949-723-8120 SQ & 'ti fW'/ C<>ty quirt Hur; '.t.. 'iG'~ W S?'>'J'>ri• '149 4b4 l I 10 ,. •ub,.ll to '"" F "''~' •' I Foster Care j Miscellaneous f tlf tlou"nl A< I of I 9bll Se . .. ' m' n d . d .. ' I Mees 2650 Merchandise 3855 Newport Coast I "'1.1 P•llu ~tor •ge. ~ I 2Br 11o .opt N"'Pf ~'· HM90ll WW HOM£S -------w1I M>d S'J'j) ~ .11118 t.c> d WlfV MY 'AHIY ....... b ""' 11'.t fiJC ... ,. ... tr. 6 .. 8 ... +2.Slo ........ ---hrl lM ..... ~ , .. ~ •..tt ""l> tkWlt. """' .,.,... .... & Corona del Mar mall•• I 1llr~• 1 •dvnfl.,. .tny pr•I•• Y~""4ecf A M....,__ ,..._ Nowperf ecrou tho <11 SI I'll"" 'WJM'> 4'1:XJ iwt<• s:'fllO 'M'J.'iol!I I' 'f· Stoel 11491 Yr. lnd 0 llAUTlfUl 0 Crut CouteM Ho"'• street .'Br I SIU C• '"' 2 II C -... ........,._,Upper lad. lay enc.e . l1m1l•t1on .,, dtKrim1n.it1t1n btt,fld un r act cokw ret11m•1 \r • hant:hlfP ••m1ll•f '-'•h1\ OI nahon• or 1c•n ''' ,..,, 1nt•nt1on tu m•ll• ""• \Ut ~ pr elf! enc r hm11 ~ hon Of d1 rr1min•t11m A6optlom /f tst. c •• lh·•• .. ·~ lt.0.Cl,l 1•t "!',, ""'It -.., lloweutl 2•il8 •n 0 ~ ~with r-....11 P~I" SI 19S mo 166'> Ir, a Oft • G•l•d 2512 Via MorlftO. J6r S!i 800 l r •m~llc ~pnla\\ Hill Ocoon VI -.. -M. 1.... II-•~ Avt> •J 949-rlO 9"Z2 • 0111mu1u1y pnol upptr • "' •. ~ f R IR f p Hll i l 90 ur<tlllv• hum~ No •ws, a"'"' _ _ 1 • b•h .. ny nu pe!\ I'><>• ""11 • 40·'8 w•' Sl4 600 \ell •·p~n"• w•s <,patfd ~ & win. C.lar. b I Sl':l'h mo 949 61'> 1200 Ok hu¥" v.wd •••do-....._ S'i 1160 '>0• 110 ,.,. I •bulou\ O<r•n v1.,., Offwed at SS,700,000 hi! wet.~ W -Vik.int SlC«J rro b A '>WTO' l"""1"'""' '*"- J>rf'flhtr. & '"old. "'-Ir.-.." & r ............ "".1 I Sib 900 ·"" Sl2 9SIO 481 Off•rtd al COAST\N ltlAlTY d!--Yi.. Mn1f. Nu C6µp.IP * OClANfllONT. r,,..,.. e-.. c-o.i1 ... r1 s 1 li9S.ooo 949-759~ 111 ii* l.lund. yd OJAHI I /Br tlb "'siaoo ''"'V' '" ManM. 't>onMd 949 1 um14 fh1s nf'W'P~Pf>I t11rllt lnlt• """"'"" JAH 28 bW I {lJfl 'IJ S Mal....,, k>.d • l• 1 An.inorr> 11•' 111'1.0 ~?'f>"'4J Wolt 100-392-7103 SPt1e1 bouKht anulhN 1 --;>i111111 lSTATES ~~~~I lw ~ ""'V> P ... SWXJrn ·~ MocW .,-no .,.,..,;; I WANTED ~Ml« Mu$t Sell rATRICK TENOU --__ _ !1•11 \149 bl144())' I l6 ., pvt yard 111 11•l•d JAPANlSl SWO•DS Judy lolM, II" NATIONWIDl USA l SW. :& 2.!Jm IWtWTll' llr, 2' /•la, all 1.•• 8.IY'l'J'w Tiff.-.., Cumrn not ~now1n111 ~tupf •ny •dYfff h'\Pm,f'lf ft>t ANO UlATlO ITfMS __ 949-37~t. 949-856-9105 le att e,ar wm pool Sl.JXl n • per "" w d 1·11 Ill l>U~ '4><1 Mld PiW1' UlXl 949 494-1731 A C.uw•• c.-,.,.., p•trt<'klenorr 1om I 'f'tf kl-n.~,. so •.ton ,. d hkup A C mo 'f"A11 Go!.d trat rf"al f'\t•lf whu t1 •S. 1r1 HOME v1ol.ttlf,1n nl thr IAw Ouf I r e•d~r \ titre hf'rcb1 FURNISHINGS informed lh•I ••I d•n Business l.ecallen wtlh <>c..o & I South rA...,. Metro Bay w/vu 9'66Cl.fOl8 I S71'.>0 "" '149 8!19 /973 Vlltiy ~ -Cjtl<j.~'.!.~ )ootty vi.-. 48' 456.I IAIOM -OCN & IAY VfEW Lb I We1tdlff Family Home Opportunities 1 ~., l(X).) Sbul to 21 /2I ---Udo Isle 1 2b.1 c1.n<ki totaly ,..,.,.i !fr •11t1lul remod.ied 3• 2 I a.. . nd Be ec.on. dftd l°'"""'11 P\ ' 0 up~r ~0•ntr I vown .,........... .IMe •Md •II n~wl W•'k In 1np •d•t-1t1·.fl"d *'1 t'11 nfl'W~;AJJf"f H~ .l't,tfll•lllf' on an f'qual uc•P•" tunity ba!>IS , ovsmess8S 3 Ofl•ud •I S? 9!>0.000 unit Upcr aded flour inc l...t. C..,. :a.. l'/Jt.o --'° ~ .., hl•.l, P"'~ •.hue~ SJ4'10rn Furniture 3435 Franchises 3905 1 COASl\N lllAl.TY ''"'' & blliht Shows 12 c &•• total remodel ~ S20l'.M9-T& HJ) "" '"°" t;Md<'r>rl & OSl -_ 949 7SMIT7 Ilk• • model .ict buch & tenni~ club llvfh c_.i. 38r 2 Ba wl1h lu·,.. 949-2H 4':11lb ,.,_.,,,, 0.-Maltrfts I DATA f NfRV Grut f'•v --ll•therine 949 650 1112 $2800/mu94~644 2310 1700!.f 7 car &•• no lo cum1>l.,n I d c11mtnahoo , •M HUO '' ltH al I 800 414 IS'>9<1 !}~ P6.wl<\• ., •• ' fir "bl• hou" If""'" _ T•H HOUSE Tustl R .._.. pet \mk S237'>mo • dep Private Tutoring 7990 .,,.)11.Cled< ort<lrta•u I on•pulrr & Mod .. rn SlCLUOfO llTlllAT n 31MI Newport Beach yur In"' 949 644 OHS 1----- ,..... '>lJI" pli6t¥: *"'#It ••quir•d frrr rrainonc AMAZINGNICl _ _ __ lf'nlttd ,, .. lll!v S..Uhr Meiht.tl 8illel\ Net .. •Jtk I AGT.949-72J...1120 ,......_. V.._I '"'It * Yl.illY * 3• 'lie._., rp !l'Nt , • I • I SI 6 949-903-SJSO I I 800 3117 ~/8:? £, 1 iA • ~ SBr 5& pt.t llASl5 I bad< yarO+ 2<.ar K.-..:e ICAt •sCAN ) llidolsle ptl'lab! JJO!~ & ~. ~e BlllCRUNOYRCAlfUR~ av•.Wble •ft .. ~ 111)/031 rydePascale,MM J bur••I plc;t I ., • •diacent f'• ,1 v .... JEWELRY/ 3460 HACHCOTIAGI ~~SIP~ 1::'.,' 949•675-6161 ~.:""'.: ~ ': l'>9 l72G ltssons In YOUf HOfM DIAMONDS/ Incas b lease 4540 t 17 VlA HOU 98& 97Q) lnlroduct ~our child to petleurd •••• muduw •wn Su l u< S111'>1J l)bo 805 '9?1 8018 I COSTA MlSAlSOO-.I lbr I •Ba2ca;or bch BAYFRQNT tMio,ofmusic PRECIOUS MfTAL.S p1nfn\IOn•I otfu • 11n [ I 8 & lr n '!~~!5000101 MISCCI I HIEQUS (949) 673·2174 17th ! Ampl k 'I nwnei ......... obn &;LUV1 C • 949 813 224L CoHectiblal c-·• c.i.. N •• 4, 9~9_.46 ~;~ '"~ 949 sumo RENTALS ommun1ty · u Memcnbllla 1160 O•d c '" 'r, •1d ' .er • CM/"'J"I*· ... u ; .. ,,, Newport Bead! Harbor Views -~· ••t•'-ani.._ 1soo Wedl-' "•.,... RentalloShare 6030 TOf' $$ 4 HCotlOS nc I w!le<l1ble• ,...~ 647 94All I'"'"·· 949-619-55SJ fAIUlOUS I . Executive \BR. IBA., $1900 m,. Clolssr:. (b ~ & llh 0-., and Aw•-lo<. I llACH COTIAGlSI NI Cancio near ocean. Ill Mee. (,oi.i l\.C>t-.wtV MUSICAl - -fUUlOUS S800 mu • ulll' Pool Spad0"5 28R. 28" f:llSO M1-e 94'1 64'> 1'>05 IACK IAY CINTl• NlWrOtn HACH gym. \pa male ptel a..--_ 1•11'2 INSTRUMENTS lfl51 lrvint An I UflSTYU 11 (949) U2-U27 -~ _, ~off.,.,., r.ta1I •nd ,I ----- DL. 35lO I llu Av"911114 S73 7/W.J How 2·Stery llr 21e I Newpe<1I.ado4ht Sr WANTED l'"HlllOS -w/p•g• \h~r~ w•lh I pe1\on __ --N'8 OfflCI srACl (t 7uc 131 fSA/I 'I S675 mo wrth park1n1 QUES TAMAHA U3 Uprlfh1 IU3 ~ D *14 Grotnl s150 ODO .net 714 118 5451 "-· ui... -...... l'cxir -~ ol!U jJMI • • ----...... Glu• llecli, 'e:: 620d ~541'5 ............. 21r 2h ff on lhr bch ~ ~ Old.< Styt. Fumlt\ire S2,6SO. 949-552-5021 1-(l 3 l 44XXU/XX) Ii br pvt ba ~ w~t. .i Pl~ & Collec1JblH Cats 3610 LOTS/ACREAGE SU,000. ; ~~71~ . ·~ • ., • W-1..-vlew 21r 21a SS CASH PAID SS :a.~~ \'/:: 11K'!!::' W~Actage 47.n w/flr.,.,..• ntSI 'J ;; REtf'ALS --· ev«t S..t \un 17 ol(lm lrm;v -{S200S3) ORANGE 7400 WE .Uy ........... Tr.. '_......_ .. ·~ ...... --• $91,000 ....,. ..... ~ .............. ,_ .......... ~ so. CAUf LAND 10011111 COUNTY ·~•1 -rdi't~· Into C)~Cf6 A4 2'179 lttsmpartel~m p•th ot llASIDL.AND -~~_. A iJ ..., w.o '5trc 4 ~ ~·o~;1~, m~~·:c i:;:;~ ( .. ,_ ~ ... ,...... Balboa P!ninsula o.Aoa. a.y.u. v-... (949)6)J.U31 ~ ~ "'''" houn l1n.,nc1n1 --g;ll .,""' Car P1 ofe\"onal l •nd COl'P in C'wnifird ! 714-J08.7J78 Nida AMAHUfACTU>llOMI ""'64M922'm ** !t *:lt-!t-Jt ~ ll~* * * ** i;'OUTH COAST * SHORiJ INRRIORS * AUCTION : UQUIDATION ! ..::2~~~7 • ~LE' * -u ....... ~ * • * l.alt 1505 * * '-' a-... ,...., "' *• CLOSING AFTER ! lhwport 8Hch nut ~o YEARS * F.nion h.. lbl'!e cat. '*-* ~ :Z.::.. ~1&."° ..::! * Wicker Rattan S<:"ating. •* ca11tfuund ~27'56 * Lar11ps, Tables Forni 1510 * and Muc h Morel * ,._, 1116 ••c <• *2640 Avon St. Newport Beact1* li.y •/remote toe• on * Off lll\'('r<ildc' a Pacific Coiro.I llwy * Tustin Ave . Cut Costa * 949-()42-2255 . * ~:.~~·o;~:en~ CM **************** COMMUNITY As..,...c ...... H-• 111 Newpoo1 Hee"~ 4/5& IS finnhe<f Wtth <,U$lom feature\ throuchout loc1ted on • conw lot Wooc1er1u1 crllnd 10tucr.e & •ntry Sl .6S0,000 COASTUNI ltlAlTY t4t-7S9-4177 WfllUff llAllTY 48R 38A. t emod kite & b1 Pl1nt shuttHs, Ca p1nirv• view ol 1reen belt Turnkey $625,000 A11t H1rrlet Kitz 949-562 9570 9&m.6111l _..........._ .... MIHTATIS "' fRKI TINCHIE NATIONWIDE USA t4t-tS6-t70S -•.p•trldltenote.com ltOUSI Of HOnottS f'UU O<UN VlfW SUt,000 AGT. t4t-72J.-t 120 ~ 2" 2c p patio w/d d/w, MW O'pl, p.ttnl, loW9 urnt 'l21' I> 20t!I St SI 795mo 9i& 721 1186 • """ J ....., _., I '2 bl. bey/bch, krn wd. 2 c p l!D; w BalJol Blvd $2400 114-ai& um Corona del Mar llr, lie, New ll Mcl1en. hie firs. bllcony, wtd. ut~ incl. St1915m, ch IO~ g&.27'S-21J'll 1.-ttNI oc-& 1..y ....... )8t 28a. Upptf duplu. le ens Id 1•r Sl200/mo. 714 998 0948 Merperlte Jlr /21• luxury refurb home $.150)n AA.. .... .... 28' IS.. ,_ arpat & .,.,t SIJmn 9&71S.l513 ..... GNr<llfte sncl stOI r11et1eh 3bt 2ba, 2c 11r. 1•ted comm. pool, spa SlfiOOmo. 12mo lse. CIW1I !"162-G-02!1 11.201 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Employment Aporf,..•"1 ManotMJ•" 61 ....... ..,,,,..,.,, Noowi,...n ~ ... 1. t~ ~ C••ll' .. pr .-f :l """' "'1r>dy IT-• 'l bit ''*'"" ......... ·~ llO<J JIU 'om '91\ti r •I ;l!1'> / l.t•I.....,.... JlU~t,1 -1- Hlrlftll for <••"•· Cathie,. & Dell••ry Per19ft_ Apc;>t.-•' ~ t B• ly [ rl b '10 W r • I Hwy Nt-NP"'' ~ .. Al r1 w Y• UIWtnft4 ilttM tltt MS y • .., I "-<• • Clouifie4 M today I ('49)U2·S'78 l Ht 1t ,..,.,. t•• ~' h1.;J~~ "''" ,,..t ... ""' J' '• ' " ... C1r ... '!.l4tr ,,, 4r• • 1 •on t: ' l I r f> I b.. P'' ''\ R•Q 1 i.• t.l1l /I. "''· H<tM~I 800 >11,4 (,ii<,p "'""'"" '"'"'' ' ,.,., rr Al • AN Wtm,._HOMI ~ Sl'tX)n P I~ ,. .,.. I f•"W S8°0Jrn ~l-•• .,. r ·~ f>r "'"'" "1 I l'J..t #'r/JNlt w• ~,n..,..,,~A"',. ,,. N~ a..do • rfl.-J:..M Rt>a! l .t.11t... 11tf"' t lt6td1 hfT14! ''""' t"f)tt(1tl" 1 ... , •.edu• """" ...... f'<\d<. ML11co ~ ~~h'· pn "~ ~ ~. ,,.,,.., ti~ llul\I tDl ............. If ..-. •lh f'fJ ""'" • &Q; ~l<rol r 1111 rvuii h<• ~ *'~ ~ ,., t> 8u 1r"'.'\ l • t n~ ns u u 1, t't~ I a ,,,..., ... •1t •"" / IOOTH II A1 • • M.-.._...,. AiJ'' • p .. 41~(~ r ,1 A '"4'l 1>4~ t)!Y. Everyday is a great day in Clas.sifted! Be a part of it. • place your ad today! !9"i9) &i2-j678 6-at --....1610 Dead/int Ftb. 12th • Vaknrinr Mmages Appearing Ftb. I 4th AOVERTISC to o•tr 5 milUon C•lltOI nl•ns with I statew!CM cJUSlfled •d In 199 ltlWlt)eper'S $450 for 25 WOfdS R..,ons evlllable. FMC lnfor ITiallon p•c ••a•· (916)298 6010; (916)288 6019. -• c.i scan.com (CAl.•SCM) • •• AHHOUNC£MCHl •• • NOW Hlflnf f0t 2002/ 2003. Pos.t• IDb• $ IJ 21 121.16/llour r 1111 bene hbtpeW v.inlftl/no ti.II 11ec1111rr Accept1111 una 7 d•,• (1&6)144 016 ut UI LCAL0 SCAN) llUllT .... COlllllD&.11¥ Tl Rl S ' fr••TOllSCllC ,._..uw. ....... c ... ...,. J "' rewltat ... f.. L"""'81 l...,-t l.a77"$1J'1• \ J I h11t H na \l111a 4lt11a 20 Characters per hne. Yoo may use all 4 hoes for larger ads. call an advertising rep today! Wlav .MU it "11 FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name_· ________________ Phone No ··----- Slgnaru~-· --------------------------------------- Btamy:VLIA,_,. _____ MC,~--------'AIE.~------Diloover---- Credit Catdl Exp. Oa, ... ____ _ s,., ,,, tw ..;J,. "' lWj Pil.t ~"" 330 W. Bay Sam, C.OSU Mesa. CA 2627 or C"i11 (949) 642· 67 A12 Monday, January 27, 2003 29~ 30.Julmen Blalle 31 PM!te c:olof 32 MM"11l I belld 34 l ubf IC8IOI 37T81)11 40 Mor'9I or Gauguin •2 Ouct<s' haonl 43 Bcilll 45 Fasten ler'11PO' aroly 48 Tuna 5al8d 48~18111 49 11otln;' l>CalCS 50 !)ool(en 5 I C.-ectle hguta S2 One In l'lu1-.11 5" Cun subat11Utee SS Ale lngrl!dfflnt S6 Fonner llPOV&eS 59 Hert>al drink •O II Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH AN WERS TO WEEKLY BRIDCH QUIZ Q 1 • As Sooth, vulnmlble. you hold: •AK• Q 10!1 6 .. A107632 The biddinJl oo proceeded. NORTH IASl' SOUTII WF..ST I .._ l a "- 2 ~ ! What do you bid no~ ·1 A -When tlu~ d(al occurred 1n an irucnuuiOIUll team event. one South elected 10 rebid four hc:a~. wld J \lllm wa> rru~\Cd The other nlllde I.be: lemporuing bod of 1wo 'p:uk• · (fomng. >ince ii•~ a new MJll by re poodcr), Wld the la>down \h hcan, wa' reilChed '"'th ca~ Q 2 • Budt vulnerable . .a.' <iouth )OU hold· a 1053 9 42 AQ65 •AJ 10 The b1tkhng has proceeded: WEST NOlffH EA.'>T SOL TH I I• Ptil. ? \\ h~t k't1on do )OU take" -In the mudem •l)'k 111umr m· lhttt \pade~ IA.Ould be (llttOIJlC.l•t' "-.l. 11 }OU play tlwt a l'\Je· bid of the cucm} '>Ult 'h<>"'' o hn111 nu..c or bt:ltcr in partner'~ 'ult. b) .ill mc.111' bid two hcan~. If not, ~e don't know 1A.ha1 10 do! Pcrhup' 11rm...:111 '"'n \lladc' •> the k .. aM ol evil' •A 6 K 7 A t.. Q 10 5 .a l • J 5 Yolll' nghhhand oppoocnl 1ipcn' the bidding ,,.1th.one ,rJJc Wh.11 t ... ·1wn do y•'>ll IIJ1.e'1 A -The l1>g11:al 1.llUf'>C I\ Ill hid -.<•Ill<.' number of d1Jn"11id\ ft" 1iur 1m•ne\. howc\cr. we fo,or.; JUmp lti lhR'C • nu U\Jmr Wuh a rn:lb.lhk 'p.;Jc leJd ,,. •. ,.Jll I-Jilk c1ghl In< k' on the ~m Jnd c\Cll 11 r:inncr lw.' 'el') hllk the 1ipponen1' nught find thr going ll>ugh J.' tilt:~ hJ\C Ill nlakc J lun ul dl'4'Jld' nn lhc d1Jmt1n.h (}-' -B1llh \Ul11er.1hlc. a' \11uth \l>U hold • .\J4 Q'iS IO'J.I • t.. IOS4 The bidd111g hM proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTR WP.ST 11 I INT l'MI 2N1' J'lwidi ? Whll1 action do you take? A -You have maAlmum fof your t'll'l£mal one no trump, ~ lhcrc is no rcal!Oel not 10 accept partner 's m"1t.1 uoo You tie.rt &topper is a bnle bhttky, but perlla~ panner h'" i,omc help 1hert: Bid three oo trun\p Q 5 -Neither' ulneroble. IL\ Sou1h you hold. 6 Q J 9 5 4 10 6 5 A 8 4 • I( 7 Thi: btddmg ~ proc~-J NORTH I-AST SOUTH Wt..'>, I PIM la ~ 2• Pas. ! What do you hid "°""" A -Ille on< bid you ,·an ehm111u11• 11nn11.-J1u1cl) i' 1wo >pades -thal ,,.ould >ho~ lo11ger "pade' Jlld a ,,.caker hand ·me d101e~ arc'""""'' uun1p or J JUlllp 10 lhree hean~. huth ol "hllh Ill\' ln\<llllUOl\311hc'i<! d.a)' \\c prefer the hiller bccau-c ol 1~ rulfinv 'uhic m club\ Q 6 • /\' 'ioulh \ulner.1hlc. you hold •A874 AI02 !176 •6 5 4 Thi: b11ld111r ha.' proceeded 'OIITll •• \SI SOllH Wt$1 I PM.' la p-2 l'IK' '! \\ h.11 Ju ) 1111 t-1d "°"' ' A • Thc..c 11iy>. the onl) rebid arter rartlll!r0 \ fC'l!N: lhul j, not foretnf I\ '"" "'• 1.nm1p. If lha1 " your mc1hod. vour tlA.O .ll.c' ment n rebid nf 1hn:e d1Jn1< 11111, dJld partner mu\I hid Jvain II 11<11. ~·~ hJ,c to jump 111 l<iur d1Jll1t1111h. h~pa'l>mg wlu1 ITlll!hl ~ )Our be'1 \pol of lhrtt n<1 trump llf fun mg p.irtnCf 10 l'U.IT) on 111 J hopele" game a reve ...... tk..:' 11111 pmm1-.c !lie ,,..,rlJ. ""'doc' J 111111r 'hill l>..111'11hml.. at101111hrcc duh' thn:e ,p.;de, Imm p.1rtncr kJ'<'' \HU 111 J homblc J>U'"'"" Automotive 9004 IMW '99 3231 Conv !>spd. 4311 mi. silver bluet grey llhr. healed '~.ti\ lull lad wdrr. \t1p~1b S2l.99!> v362421 1111 av.iii Bkr 949 !>86 1888 w-.oc:pobl.com IMW '95 5401 IOOk m1. blatk/blll bt<1uhlul ~~inal cond fmancin~ & warr avail ••24976? $10.995 Bllr 949 '>86 1888 Codlllac '02 DeVllle 24k m1 lull fact w"r while/oatmeal llh1 CO OnSlar ~y~lem chrm wh~. v#827519 S2S 995 ~ve $20< B~r 9119 511> t.llfl w-.ocpobl.com. ''Employee. " "Empleado ... NOIUmR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. Automobiles 9000 Cadik Eldorado "*l Mini llladv13lacl<. chrome wtf\ ftNU CD, 47.50011 Ml1I. 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