HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-30 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing ~he N ewport -Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2003 ' With d·onation, OCC's ship Comes in Gift fro m ICN fo under of $2-milli on luxury yacht will be used to begin a new cou rse in the School of Sailing ~nd Seama nship. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OCC CAMPUS -Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship announced Wednes- day that it has received its largC'it donation ever in the form of an 88-foot. $2-million motor y-Jchl. new noncredit program geared toward vocatJonaJ instruction. "We don't M.-e 11 a.'> a luxury yacht We see it ru. an instruc- tional platform," ~d Brad Avery, director of the school. "We o;ee it as a tool that we can 1t..e to in - crease lt:he studentb') knowledge of large boat opemuon ... "It enables lll> to maugurate a summer program I.hat will train people for po'>itionc, on large yachts.· Avery said. "This boat 1s uniquely suited because it 1s dei.igned to be crewed by a profe,.,.c;1onal staff. It gives us a very good platform to teach people to work profes- sional position'> on board a large motor boat yacht." he said. "It gives us a platform for hands-on training.· the proli~ wiU go back to the school "There can't be a bcner time than right now:· said Gene Farrell, interim pr~1dcn1 al OCL "The (donation! continu~ to endow that pmgr.un . . It 1!> incredible to get a donation of thar '>17.e. •• As the school'., prof~rs and staff go through the yacht 10 cre- ate new l(.")..'>On plans relauve w what the yacht offer... they can see the vastne'>.!> of 1t.'> tn'>truCUonal possibilJ I ie!.. ICN Pharmaceuticals lnc foun- der Milan Pante, a former Yugo- c;lavian president. do11ated lhe yacht, which served as hi.'> private vessel for 20 years. lhe donation will allow the school to adopt a While Avery anticipates the up- keep of the yacht, known as Rella, will cost tl1e school about $100,000 per year. he t-. certain that the school and II'-c,tudcnlb wiU benefit from 1l. Since the School of Sailing and Seaman.'ihip i!. mdependently funded, it'> !>Ucc~ greatly reties on donatioru. from the commu- nity. in addition lo ~tudent fees. After the -.chool gel!> .,ufficien1 use from the yacht. it wiU be ~Id, and "The gift of Bella I'> a tremen- dou.c, gift for uc,,'' Avery said. "ft'., a reflection of our program that we have the ability and the '>taff to operate the boat. . II give-. w. a new chaJJenge " PHuTO COURTESY Of. ORANGE COAST COil.EGE ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc founder Milan Panic donated the 88-foot yacht Bella to Orange Coast College for rts sa1lrng program KENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Roger MacGregor 1s the owner of MacGregor Yachts, one of the businesses that may be included rn the downtown redevelopment zone Livelihoods in limbo Westside business owners such as Ro ger MacGregor, yacht builde r for 33 years, are sta ring e minent domain in the face. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot W hen Roger MacGregor tarted his yacht -building business on the Westside of Costa Mesa in 1969, the area was the capital of the yacht-building industry. Over the yean., businesses have moved away or folded, leaving MacGregor's Yachts as the last vestige of the area's yacht-building glory. I lis building is a landmark of sort · -a vivid illustration of form meeting function, with a sleek nautical design, a glass facade and a boat on top of it MacGregor, hi~ wife and two chaJdren parlayed MacGregor\ hobby into a company with an annual revenue of about $10 null ton. But MacGregor's livelihood ha' been threatened by the pro5pett of the c11y·~ declaring the area pan See LIMBO, Pase A6 -I Teachers' union head announces retirement Linda Mook, a longti me teacher at Corona del Mar High, is leaving to work for state union. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot '' \Vl'ORI \fl \A The longnme leader of tlw -.chool ruc;mct'c; teacher<, urnon 1-. rc-.1gr11nl( March I to take a 1ob with lhl' < .thfnrnta federauon of leachl'r\ I and.1 \1ool announled i.he will re...1gn ac, 'e''P"rt \k'-<1 ft>derauon of reacher.. prt•,•llt•nt to \\ orl \\uh the 'late urnon a.c, See UNION. Paae A6 BACK BAY Covncil steps up to boardwalk June Casaarande Daily Pilot N£V.'P0Rf BLACH -A contract for as mmh as S400.000 approved by City Counnl mt>mber<> clears the way for a se- n(>'.) of sc1t.>nttfrc studies and pubbc work· \hop~ that are a first step toward build.Ing a boardwallc an a pomon of the Back Bay. Council members on Tuesday unanJ. mously approved a plan to hire Commu- THE BELL CURVE Teens must stand trial in gang-rape case Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com Don't believe the hype-odermic on vaccine DHpa Bharath Dally PUot NEWPORT BF.AOI -Three teens ac- cused of gang-raping an unconscious 16- year-old girt in a Corona deJ Mar home last July must tand trial. a judge ruled Wednesday. Orange County Superior Court Judge everen Dickey. while remarldng that the boys U9ed the victim "Wee a piece of meat." Mid suftldent evidence exisu to order Gttgory Haidl, 17, and kyte Na- chrdner and Keith Spann, both 18. to trial lbe Jud&e watched a 20·mlnute video· tape the teens reportrdly mtde that ap- se. TEENI, "'9 Al WEATHER The sun k>Yea us.. Rein doesn't. Vay S..Paa•A2. CHANGING THE GUARD Newport hu 1 new harbor muter lfler Capt Marty Kaeui.a retirM. ... ,...A3 SPORTS Newpon Hat1>ot Higtl .. Seibt~ up CfftlCll 51 ... vtclOfy .. foo4hMI. ........ 1 A2. Tlvsday, Januaty 30, 2003 POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE .. ,. FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Assemblyman John Campbell has become the Republican point man on the state budget crisis. Campbell gets right to the point Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Newport·Mesa residents are no strangers to elected leaders who wield some political muscle. The latest entry to this list is Assemblyman John Campbell, who has become the Republican point man on the state budget crisis. Campbell, who represents Newport Beach in the 70th Assembly District seat, has been quoted regularly in media coverage of Gov. Gray Davis and legislators' attempts to manage a budget deficit that could be as much as $34i billion. He has also been deluged wich calls and e-mails from constituents and other state residents about the issue. On a recent day, CampbeU's office received J ,500 e-mails. Over a four-day stretch, including the past weekend, CampbeU received 2,200 e-mails. His office has been diligently responding to each one. Republican leaders named Campbell as vice chair of the Budget Committee last year, as the state budget issue began to heat up. On Tuesday, CampbeU's office announced that he had won the 2003 Legislator of the Year Award from the Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California. ·This is a great honor," Campbell said. "To be recognized by such an outstanding organization is very gratifying." Campbell was re-elected in November to his seat. after his first two-year tenn. GROUP GETS BEHIND THE TROOPS With talk of a potential war against POLITICAL CALENDAR FEBRUARY 2.: The Corona del Mar California Rept.1bllcan Assembty will host a special meeting at 50 p.m. at Hof'• Hut in Irvine. The guest speaker will be Dean Gotcher. (714) 637-3019 or (949) 497-1341 Iraq heating up. local antiwar groups have been holding demonstrations near South Coast Plaza. on the campus of UC Irvine and at other areas in Newport·Me<>a. This Saturday. a different group will hold quite a different rally. The Orange County Young Republicans will hold a "Support America/Support Our Troops" rally at noontime at the same South Coast Plaza intersection anti-war demonstrators use Friday evenings. "Our members want to show support for the president of the United States and the administration du.ring this time," said Lee M. Lowrey, the group's president "We also want to show our support for the brave men and women who are serving to protect our freedom." The group said the rally was planned in response to the antiwar protests. COX COMES TO A MAILBOX NEAR YOU Rep. Ovta Cm bas mailed out his annual report to constituents, pinning blame for the first federal budget deficit in five years on increased spending and shrinking revenues. "ln 2002, the overall increase in federal spending was the largest in American history," Cox said, "and while, Rep. Chris Cox despite real growth in the economy, tax revenues fell for the second consecutive year.· Cox made the observation in the 14th 12.: Orange County Young Republicarf!I will host its general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa. For more information, visit www.ocyr.orp. 17: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will host a general meeting at 7 p.m . at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. (714) 556-8555 17: The Republican Party of Orange County annual "Report on the United States Government,· which be has been sending out since he was elected in 1988. Much of the spending bas been o'n defense and homeland security, Cax said. The congressman said the deficit has been chieOy caused by "unsustainable rates of spending growth." Federal expenditwes readied a record $2.44 trillion in 2002, an lnaease of$163 billion over the year before. Cax said The lower tax revenue is attributable to broad stock market declines, which have reduced capital gains taxes the federal government can collect. STIU FIGHT1NG TME DEMOCRATIC F1GHT Oemocratk Congressional challenger Gerrie ScbJpsb hasn't stopped firing shots at Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, two months after losing to the seven· term congressman on Nov. 5. She secured 34~ of the vote. In a missive to reporters la.st week, Schipslce crlticiud Rohrabacher for comments about the men and women serving in the military. Schlpsk.e, in a one-page release, quoted Rohrabacher as saying that a potential draft would result ln a uniform taldng on "a syrnbolofservitud~" Schipsk.e, in the release, did not say where she had pulled the out-of-context quote. Schipslce also criticized Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about remarlcs, again quoted with no reference. on draftees. Schipske, a Long Beach resident, teaches at CaJ State Long Beach and works as an anomey and nurse in that city. will host its •Annual Presidents Dey ChetTY Pie Reception• immediately after the central committee meeting, at Antonello Ristorante at South Coast Village. (714) 656-8555 MARCH 12; Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard in Costa Mesa. For mons Information, visit www.ocyr:orp. Daily A Pilot PH<1TOGAAPH£RS Seen H.iler, Don Leedl. Kent Treptow READERS HaTUNE (949) 642-eoe6 92626. Copyright: No news stories, lllu1tretlon1, edltorlel matter or edvertlaementa herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 30 ntOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publlaher TONY OOOEAO, Editor .IUff1'( OETTING, Adverti9lng Direc:tor LANA JOHNSON, Promotlona Olr9C:t0r • Gina Alexander, Lori Andef'9on, Peul Seitowltt. O.niel Stewm NEWSt;rAff DMpelhlnth Crime end courts r9P0rter, (IM9) 574-42.28 t»ep&bhamh•lati,,,...com JuMC•11rwlde Newport Bead'I reporter, (949) 574-4232 jun11.c.agn1nde•t.tJme&com ,...Clmon Politica end environment f9PO!Wr, (!MS)~ p111.1l.dlnton•"1tkrw.com t.olt.e"-Ps c.. Mela repofttr, (Ml) 57...V5 lolit,a.hMJw•,.Y,,,...com DetM NeMNft Educ9tion ~. (SM8) 57<M221 ·~~·fdlttfAOOm awflllllle c;..,. ,... ~(Ml) 574-4291 t:/trilJtlM..iMrlfloe~com Record your commentJ about the Delly Pilot or news tipe. Adchle Our eddreaa la 330 W. Bay St, Costa M .... CA 92827. Office hours ere Mondey • Fridey, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m Colt.ab• It la tM Pilot's policy to promptly conect all enora of aublrtence. Pleue call (9'9) 574-4286. FYI The Newport Beech/Costa Mesa Delly Pilot (USPS-1""800) la publl1Md delly. In Newport Beech end Costa M ... , 1ub9ulptlons ere available only by subecrlbloO to The Tl!Mt Ore004t County (800) 262-9141. In.,.., outtkle of Newpott BNch •I'd Cotta Mau, aubtcriptlone to m. Dally Pilot are avelleble only by tlrlt ct ... mill fOf S30 pw month (Prices Include 111 1ppllceble Ital* •nd ~ te>CM.) POSTMASTER: Send eddrffl ch1nge1 to The Newport BHchJCott• Me .. Delly "lot, ftO. Box 1MO, CO•t• Me ... CA • HOW TO REACH US arcui.uon The Tim .. Orenge County (800) 262·9141 Alh•tllilttt C1111Med (949) 642-&na DMiptey (949) 642-4321 EcltoNt ,.... (949) 642-6680 lpofts(949)674-4223 ,.... ,.. (949) &46-4170 lpotta,.. (949) 860-0170 E..melt dallypllof.IMJm#.OOm ... a.. lullnw ()Moe (948) 842~1 ....... Fu (IMl) 831-7121 PublltMd bV Tif'nelt C.ornmunftV Newt, • division of the Lot Mot* Tlmee. . C2002 Tim. CN. AH rtgtlta ~. POLITICS ASIDE A kindler, gentler council W hen I started at the Pilot n~arly four years ago, Homer Bludau had just come aboard as Newport Beach city manager. It certainly tloes seem that the council for the most part, is functioning fairly well. His predecessor, lCevtn Murphy, bad resjgned after a high-profiJe, albeit baclcroom, no confidence decision by his bosses on the dais. The first thing I noticed: ·Greenllght" Councilmen Heffernan and Dick Nichols (a newcomer to the council this year, along with longtime ciry S.J. CAHN employee Don Webb) That 4-3 vote as much as anything, J suspect, was behind the constant description I heard of the councU as a dysfunctional group that dJd not get along very weU. The group was divisive enough that in November 1999. as then-Mayor Dennt. O'NeU was leaving the mayor's seat, I sat down with him to discuss his year in charge, and it was a central topic of conversation "It was my belief," O'Neil said then, "at that time that there was a lack of cohesiveness. ·1 believe I've had a calming effect, an ability to bring the councU together.~ he said. "And I think that's an achievement " O'Neil's colleague, former Councilman Tom Thomson. said: ·1 think Dennis brought a tremendous amount of stability to the council. And he's very well respected in the community. I think he's been a tremendous mayor· That stability did not last lOO long. John Noyes. who followed O'Neil as mayor, shocked his • colleagues when he announced he would nol run for reelection. an announcement made a night before an in-depth story on his past was pubUshed. In 2000. the GreenJight movement picked up steam, providing a voice of contentious on numerous issues and getting one man, Councilman John Heffernan, elected to the council. Heffernan's role as the "l ln the S. l votes• during his fir<it two years has been well -documented. Has unhappiness seemed clear when he openly considered resigning for his position. Perhaps the high water mark for dJscontent was 2002, the year that Tod RJdgeway w~ mayor. I've applauded Ridgeway before for using has bully pulpit and speaking his mind o n issues (often Greenlight related). Doing so, of course, meant more discord with those in the community who disagreed with him. Then there was that one other cause for disharmony. the election. But since November's election, the tales coming out of the council have been different. Heffernan, who for two years was always the outsider, is getting along better with the council, especially new Mayor Steve Bromberg. And Bromberg, a mediator by trade ln his law profession, is taking a page OlJt of O'Neil's book. trying to provide, as O'Neil put It, •a calming effec t" on the seven-man body. On Tuesday night, I went to the council meeting to see for myself if change was in the air. Despite what I've been told was a snoozer of a council meeting. are on opposite ends of the dais. One can read into that almost anything, though. I had heard that Nichols, who has shocked som e with quid. pronouncements such as proposing that playing fields be built on a part or the Back Ray, has been relegated to Heffernan's old role as the ·outsider." It is not surpns1ng. given his backing by Greenhght and his lack of familiarity with the city. as opposed to Webb. Surprisingly. while I expected Nichols might receive an obvious ·cold shoulder" from h1s fellow councilman. there was interaction be tween Nichols and Webb an<f. later. Nichol~ and Bromberg before the meeting. The biggest change. though certainly seems to be wnh Heffernan. He was undoubtedJy the moi.t vocal of the councilmen Tuesday night, pulling five of the 15 "comen1 calendar" items for dhcussion. I le went so far that even he recogm1,ed he wa'> taking up much tlme. finall) apologizing for taking the "lion's share.· And then came the po1m that may sum up how this counc111, djfferent than previous ones To lieffeman's apology. Bromberg replied -purely a., an a.side -"You're fine, you"rt> fine." It as hard to unagine Heffernan being told he wa' "fine" during has early da)"> on the council. Or being told so an a "you're one of the gang.· jobng manner. There were other moment ... too, when two or three o f tht· councilmen were laugtung together at some lSsue or another. All this ts no1 to say that the council is a perfect family, Lackmg any discord. The tolerance of Nichols is in no way sweeping, for instance But. given Bromberg's mediation. 11 does not seem overtly distracting. either. That mediation offers reason to be hopefuJ that this group of seven men can focus on the many importan1 lssues looming over Newport Beach, from the general plan update to continuing problems wtth water quality to the future of airports in the area. To his credit, Bromberg appears to have embraced a mayor-ship akin to what O'NeU had in mind four years ago. Still, not everyone in the clry is golng to be happy with this council or what decisions it makes on the tough issues. But the rants of the critics could dwindle If Bromberg reaches out, with that same style he showed Tuesday. beyond the dais. • S.J. CAHN la the managing editor. He can be reec:hed et (949) 574-4233 or by •·mail at s.1.cahn larirrun.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST ~ Area of morning fog will greet ua once we peek outside this morning, though we lhould beak under yet another moctty eunnv sky this lftemoon. Highs will hover In the m jd..709 In Costa Mesa and the lower 70. In Newport Beech. Lowa will be In the lower&Oa. We'll get 9ven wanner on Friday end may top 80 Inland. Womtdon: www.mw.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST The nonheeat.rty wtnde wilt blow 10 to 20 know today, though the Inner wtttrs ctn ..,_. Ngtws.r~ of 10 llnoea. wtlh 1· to 3-foot ...... end• WMt __,.of 4toe1"t. Out ...... the flOf1her1y wtnde wtl blow 10 to 20 knots, wttl\ 2-to 5-foot W9V'l9 end • W.-lweloflto71"t. The ' Mme will be~ ... evening. SURF The northwest swell will bade down todr(, gfving UI wav .. In the chest-to shouldef.higb reoge. The next swell arrives Fridey, prcMc:Mng ua eome head-Ngha along west-feeing buchea. The bdet apoca will '"eome wsvea about 4 fMt overhead. Wt't1 pidl up • i.d on s.turday. Wll'8r quelty: WWW.lltll'fr#dtN.Ol'Q TIDES l1IM 7:22•.m . 2;40p.m. 9:15p.m. 1:5.2•.m. I il m ell t" lan lng b) s ) l 1ho ( g, ~t h ed h. ol ht, 11 at h n JI, I , r o.111y Pilot Thursd.ty Janu<sry 30 2003 Al Costa Mesa awaits a late bloomer BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Community garden approved in December 2001 has yet to take root, but city officials say it may blossom by April. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot • CoSTA MESA -If the city is l'ncouraging i~ rci.idents to clean ur lhttir properties, it should also take care or iti. own. l'hat'i. tJ1t'"atutude that inspired the City Council to approve a contm1,1mty garden on a vacant din lot at the comer of Charle arid I lamilton street~ m Decem· ~r2001 Hut more than a year la ter, the dih lot I') ,tiJJ there. and council- woman IJbby C.owan W'd.O~ to lnow why 11\ taking the city w long to '>pill the place up. "It '>t't!ffi'> to me that '>Dmething '>houJd be happen mg out there," < bwan ..atd at Monday'!> meeting. Ille culrnt? The city has a program to reno- vate sidewalks atraround the city. and although the sidew,alk in front of the dirt lot b one of the priorities, it hasn't happened yet, Maciel said. Construction is slated to start in early March at the latest and i.houJd be done by April. paving the way for the garden to finally blossom, Maciel sald · "You have to have the side- wallc:s before you do anything else, so we can proceed with the entrance," Maciel said. The garden, designed as a community bwJding project for the neighborhood, will feature 42 gardening plots and a wrought- iron fence around tL It will cost about $80,000 to build. Some of that wiJJ come from state grant funding. Rock blasting -,et for Newport Coa!>l Warnmg '>iren'> today will dlen rt:'>tdcnh to a tt--.1 bla'>tlllg that wiU takt- µla<..t: al a um'>trucuo11 '>lit· in the Nt'wport < .oa'\t art· a fhe lt'VU1e Lo11uuu1111~ Dt•velopmcnt Co will rnn cJm·t tlie hla~• for Jll'>I about u ~rnnd ut 4 p 111 today.· It w1JI then takt· place about once a wt·ek for about lour wet>b -..1uth of ">1gnal Peak between "" TrcllllO'> Canyon and Muddy Canyon Ille ~ound ..tm.J 'hod .. wavt"> wdl Ix: dtr<'t. tt-d away from homt•\, hul those do..est to 1ht· -.111 will lw ablt· to lt·t·I t Ill' hla't 'mokt• and du .. 1 ~' 111 tw vi..1ble \.o 1:xplu''' t'' ~Lil bt' 'lured at tht' -.111· \tdewaJk..,, 'Ml!tl Andre.. Madel, .ui enginet>r for the Costa Mesa Park.!. .md Htx reat1on Depart- ment "lt'i. going to look ltke a first cla.-.s community garden.· Maciel said. K[Nl TREPTOW [JA,ct P OT The Hamilton Street Community Garden remains a plot of barren dirt broken up by a few weeds A no fly wnt· will appl\ lor about lO m1n1Jtt•<, t a1 h bl..t'>t da, A minute long '>trt'rl ~ail ~,u ~nl' a' warn111g fh·· mmute'> bclort• ea1 Ii bl.1,t I ht•n nne nw1utt• lwlort tht' hl.1'>1. •• <,lrt'll th.11 -.nund'> ltkt• .i yt'lp ""ill .,m111d 1 lw ,t.11 l le<1r '1n·n, ''h" h well .,ound ht•1w1·1·n hvt· and 'IO mmutt·' ,11lt'r till' hl,N, " a high ltM" l<lflt' Harbor Master Marty Kasules weighs anchor Sta n Jacquo t ta kes over as I la rbor Patrol head. Pred ecessor goes in a n ew direction aboard his 24-foot powerboat. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot :-\1-\vl'< lH I Bl AC 11 !lie har hirr ha' a Ill'\\ tarta111 < .ipt \1an~ 11.a'>uft.., oflic1ally Mm·d a., l larbor Ma<,ter for thf < )rangl' < ou111y \ht.•nff\ I !arbor 1'·a1rol on I ntlay ,1Jwr taltng a \oluntill) reuremt•nt to cru1-.e in h1o; powl'fh<Mt to Mexico. Stan J.1t quot, wh11 " .il-.o 1lw acung ,,..,.,,on Vi1·10 pohn· ch1t'f. ha' 1.1k<·n tltl• lwhn \'> harhor mi.l.,lt•r for four \f'Jr ... 11..t-.ule'>. lh. 11vcf")c1w the t cnmty' ltlJ,tltne from I lunung· 11111 fkad1 tu Dana Point. Col· Ji.,1J.,'lll''· former d."-'>OCiates, lrtl'ntl-. anti wmmuntty mem- ht.·r' on \\t>dnc'><.lav bc1de Kasules a fond l.irt•wcll at a reurement panv at the Rahra Connthian \arh1 ()uh. dcrwn the '>treet from th1 I larhor t--atrol ha..e on Bay· '1d1· l>m·t: 11.,t.,uh.•-. '>.ittl lw wtll follow ht'\ ltl'arl .md fulfill ht' Lifelong dn·.1m ol taking a long l nuc;e, hu1 '"111 nw ... t•wrythmg ah<>ut \\11rlt11g on lwauuful Newpon 1 larhor l'rn gomg It> mt.,., my office. , .. 1urh h.i., tht.· he<,t view.· hr ..aid. "I'm going to m1.,_., all the won· d1•rful rwoplc I worl with. I'm go· ing to mi~ the harbor. the wiJd1ife.· ·rm even go ing to miSb Hu pen.· he added with a laugh In about a month, Ka!>uJe., Marty Kasules with 1alce off wnh a fnend tn lus 24-foot powerboat. Shp Away. and head '>OUth "I'll i.ee ho~ it gOt''> illld, tf ~e hke i1. maybe I'll get a .'>adbo.it and sail the Sooth Pacific.· he ..aid Before ht.'> appo1111men t to the I !arbor Patrol. ~ules worked at the Sheriff's Transportatfon Bu· reau and as a ~AT team com- mander. Over the 20 year.'> he ha.., been with the department. he if'AIR The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ha., worked a'> an investigator, anti a patrol and training ser- geant. I le worked a... a I !arbor Pa· trol deputy for '>even of those year-.. l<a.'>lllt•, '>aid he 1s proud of ht!> ach1evt•ment' in the area or cu!>- tonwr -.cn1tt' I Lh1nl we h.t\e succeeded m trll n·a-.ing and 1mprovmg the lrH•l of 'l'r\1tl' we pr0\1de to our homeowm·r'>. boater; and bu .. me'>.'>t:'>. ht' wit! ·1 had tht' goud fonune of worlmg \\Ith mt•n a11d \>\OITit'll who have a sm· tcre 11111:rt.">I m boatmg." Other h1ghhghts of lus career art! c,emng up a Re..cue Op· emuon!> C.entt.'r and equipping fire boati. with maL hmes to re· '>U'>c:ttate ht>art patients by 'ihock- 111g lht•m. ht• .... utl. .. r lw ht.''>l way w .. uccced is tu Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 ·:~s . DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made furruture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies. Shades. & 6edspreads surround your'*tr with good people," he '>did .. llley i.tlway., make you look guud .. 5b'l. Daryl Parker. who workt•d with Kai.we-., called h11n a 'true leader" , J<1n1uot. 54, o,a1tl he loub lor ward 10 h1-. ne\\ a ... .,1gnmer1t I It' <,.ud he \\ill gradual!} mo\t• tri ewpon BeaLh onu· d rl'plJl t mcnt ts found for Mt!>.'>11111 \ IL'Jo \\htch \>\tll hkel} happt>n \\1th111 the next le\'\. "l't'h I he bl.l'tJng will rl'mm1 bt•llr1Jclo. 111 rnakt ,,,1, tor .i re.,1dent1al dt•\t'lop111t·n1 111 ht' hu1h th1•rt' l>rt•\ 11111.,1\ hlJ,llng ,,a.., u.,t·tl 111 h111ld 'l'\'\ pon l oa-.1 l<11Jtl :\t'\\ pon Ht•at h I irt· 0 111 l'tah '-<!IC.J "I le genwnel~ rared about till' people "ho worked for h1111 ' Ill' -.cud. "I le k.neV>. our w1w-. 11.iml ..... our cht.ldren '> naJ1'lt':-. lit• c111oyt•d tu.. 1ob. I le taught u., hm' 111 <,eparate your JOb lrom \OUC rn vatc ltJe and hm' Ill t•n1oy both " • 1 H' ne\er \\orkt·d thl' har bor.' lw ..a1tl ·· 1 \ l' tlt't'n m gang de1a1l I 'e been on d hor"' and l'w llmHl 011 a hcl1Lupter Hut 1h1' h Ill'\\ to mt• 8111 I luo~ tor ~arcl 111 tht· d1allt·11gt' · '--------- Restaurant • teakhou ·e •Jazz Club Established In 1962 presents Annual Classic Car Show Sunday, February 9th 11 :00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. AJI Cars Are Welcome For More Info egarding Sbo or Placing Re ervations Ple.e Call (949) 646-7944 •CASH PRIZES AWARDED •GIFT CERTIFICATE;S AWARDED •FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE •L/VEMUSIC " ., M llusday, Januaty 30, 2003 PUBLIC SAFEJY POLICE FILES • theft was reported In the 600 block at 10:26 a.m. Monday. COSTA MESA • AkwStt Avenue: Annoying calls were reported in the NEWPORT BEACH 2100 block at 10:08 a.m. •West Balboa Boulevard: A Monday. vehicle burglary was reported in the 1200 blodt at • West Baker Street An 8:35 a.m. Tuesday. assault was reported in the 800 block at 6:07 p.m. • Dover Drive: An auto theft Monday. was reported In the 1100 blodc at 4 p.m. Tuesday. • Bristol SbWt: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 • Harbor Woods Piece: A block at 3:52 p.m. Monday. hit-and-run was reported in the 100 blodc at 4 p.m. • Harbor Boulevard: A Tuesday. commercial burglary was reported in the 3000 blodc at • Jasrpfne Avenue: 12:05 p.m. Monday. Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodc at 3:26 p.m. • Hyde Court lndeoent Tuesday. exposure was reported in the 900 blodc at 12:43 p.m. • Mac:Al1hur Boua.vard and M~nday. Ford Road: A traffic accident involving injuries was •Joann Street: Grand theft reported at 8:10 a.m. was reported in the 200 Tuesday. block at 2:15 p.m. Mon(jay. • Malibu Cirde: Grand theft • Mesa Verde Drive East: A was reported in the 100 commercial burglary was block at 10:28 a.m. Tuesday. reported in the 1500 block at 4:04 p.m Monday. • Plttolita Oriw: A burglary was reported in the 600 • Newport Boulevard: An block at 4:13 p.m. Tuesday. auto theft was reported in the 2600 block at 2:37 p.m. • Superior Avenue: Monday. Vandalism was reported in the 14-00 block at 11:35 a.m. •Town Center Drive: Grand Tuesday. Help keep I our city cle ~ 57JOU19}_~ko ~ .~ .?eminine ~es for all ,01flapes & ~zes of Bf.Al!flflJL WOMEN FLAX S't•H•NlE S•\.l'c!>l'e R French Dressing Jeanswear Gifa t7 Accessories 369 E. 17th St 121, Com Mesa (949) 642-545~ Attorney general investigating Costa Mesa group d "We're try-The firm's third partner, Steve State office says for-profit consumer ~uits.'' ~ress~ how they're McCune, is deceased. d fi . . mg to ete d The state is also Investigating a vocacy rm targets mortgage companies conduccing !11em~elvc;sed :: four other law 6nns, two in the tO reach quick monetary Settlements. whet!;'er theyve VIOia y Southland and two in Sacrc1 laws. Callah Wednesday mento. in a broader probe of Paul Clinton edly the litigation arm of Tustin Pete an on h frl Jous suits B 1 Daily Pilot law firm Callahan, McCune & said his firm had done nothing ~j~~\as: Trevor La~ C:r~e~:. Willis, investigators said. wrong. th Brar & Gamulln in Long Beach, COSTA MESA -The state at-The law firm has been suing "They're wrong in at re-the consumer Action Leai..'\Je tomey general is investigating a mortgage firms, alleging a num-gard," Callahan said. "Th~y and the Californians for ~air local consumer advocacy group ber of pwported violations of probably don't know the facts. Business Practices are also u11- for Its role in a lawsuit abuse California's Unfair Competition Callahan said his firm has tl Th 1 been Suing mortgage brokers der inves tlga on. e a.st IWQ scheme to bilk small business Law, Dresslar said. Under this rese ted by c .. . who engage m· "blatantl~ decep· groups are rep n . .>Qt owners out of thousands of dol-law, attorneys can sue nomMl<l Bn'an .,, d U've adveru'sing" by offenng low-ramento a -1~ run ~ lars. businesses on behalf of the gen-d o vid Byers rate loans with hidden hooks. vater an a · · The Costa Mesa-based for-eral public. as represented by · n· t sa ·'-1 "Th<><>e brokers use bait-and-State mves ga ors. y u1e d\o\ Profit organization Citizens for consumer advocacy groups. ..... fi tl reaten to sun th Swl.tch taca·cs to n1ake the irms l '" P Falt Business Practices has These firms offer to absolve · k 1 f Phone n'ng." Callahan said. "To businesse~ to net a qu1c .-.eu t• come under the scrutiny of the the businesses o any wrong-~ th I nus. lead c .. •stomer:. is not a good ment payment ior em .. e \t'\ spotJJght of the state's top cop. doing if they submit a payment .u . f h b · esses t _, th finn by ifi d d thing .... It's not a good idea 10 Many o t e usm arge1t., said Tom Dressler, a spokesman to e a spec e ate, 1 fi · · G ral Bill Lo k D ssl 'd trick people." by the:.e aw urns, investigator, for Attorney ene c -re ar sai . I th · d · Th th. ICo I Calls to partner Larry Willi'> say. are n e rue an imm1gr;1111 Yer. • ey use 1s sta Mesa .. ro I were nol rerumed Wednesday. commumues. The organization is purport-organization to e the aw- OBITUARIES Robert Reed Private services will be held Feb. 15 for former 23-year New- port Beach resident and former Robert Reed Newport Beach lifeguard chief Robert Reed. Mr. Reed died Sunday. I le was 86. Born June 26, 191 6, Mr. Reed was ·a dynamic person who li ved many lives," said son Robert Reed Jr. He worked for the Offi ce of Stra· tegic Services during World War II, then owned a canJe ranch, spent lime in the oil business and led the marine safety ">quad in Newpon Beach. In 1958, he began working in Newpon Beach as the captain of the Sea Watch, the city's life- guard boat that mostly searched for surfers in need of rescue. Reed Jr. said. Mr. Reed then be- came the lifeguard chJef. a posi- tion later renamed marine safety director. [!]r.:'.j Dunn-Well He is survived by wife of 33 years Roberta Reed; son Robert Reed Jr.; daughters Gail Susan Ellis and Linda Reed; and 11 grandchildren. Jack Richard Curley A celebration of life will be held for former Daily Pilot gen- eral manager Jack Richard Cur- ley at 2 p.m. Saturday a1 the Marin Art and Garden Center in Ross. Calif. Mr. Curley died Tuesday from complications re- lated to esophageal cancer. I le was 74. Born May 12, 1928. Mr. Cur- ley graduated from UC Berke- ley and the UCLA Graduate School of Bu~ine:.s Executive Program. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean con- rn ct as a priva1e and seco nd lieutenant. Amo ng his duties was training paratroopers from the 82nd and I 0 I st Airborne Divisions Mr. Curley served as general manager of the Daily Pilot be- tween 1964 and 1980 under then-Publisher Bob Weed. He also founded the Ci1i1.ens' Bank of Costa Mesa. Mr. Curley served as a bus iness executive of two other newspapers, the Minneapolis Star & Tribune and the San J.ernando Valley Times. After working at the Pilot, Mr. Curley served for 14 years as the chief financial officer of the Ko - ret Foundation. a S300-miUion grant-malting private founda- tion in San Francisco. •HARDWOOD • LAMINATES •CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING •t'!'.~!~ t.l,,,fil:•:.:.J SOL~RIAN :.:ALA~ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!.Yi $149 from Ill• -1q1 Travertine 1a· x 1a· .......................................................... U 1ql Cercrnic Tiie ................................................. _ ... _..,tom '4.91 t11 l Laminate 'Nood . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 111St111c1 tom '4.91 IQ ,. '*-'-•NI ........ /Of(, t/Mllflld ~· .. ~· Mr. Curley is survived by wift• lohn P. Shook; six grand1hil of 23 years Elva Bennens Curley dren; and four great-gmmlt lul and seven children. d ren Howard R. Shook Services for 15-year Lomna del Mar resident Howard H Shook will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Pacific View Cllapel. Mr. Shook died Monday of natural causes. He was 89. He I'> survived by sons I loward A. and •The Daily Pilot welcomes obituanes for residents or form .. , residents of Costa Mese and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary prmted m the Pilot, ask vour mortuary to fax u~ the information at (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (9491 764-4324 DOWNING, Samuel H. Samuel H. Downing, 86 years of age, died peacefully tn his sleep in Lakeport, California, January 28th, 2003. Born m Washington D.C .. he moved to Las Angeles with his pareots and younger brother William when he was six. A storyteller by nature. he told of many adventures growing up in the movie capital of the wor1d. During Wor1d War II, he was a farmer, and wol't(ed for Cal Tech. He loved racing cars, gardening, the ocean, boating and swimming. He was a building contrac tor as well as a Real Estate Broker an Hollywood, the San Fernando VaJley, Newport Beach and in the Monte rey Bay area. He was a Boy Scout troop leader and civic leader. A member of the Planning Commission in Ne wport Beach, he helped c hart the way for the University of California at Irvine He was an Elder in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach and the Methodist church In Pacific Grove. A loving husband and father, he was predeceased by his wife of 47 years, Mary Elizabeth (WBettyj Wright Downing and his son, William Harry Downing. He leaves behind hi• daughters Diane Matthews, and Marytu Downing, and son, Sam Wright Downing, son In law Roger House and daughter in law Paula Downing. He loved his nine grandchildren, Cathy, Mary, Mike , Anne, Amanda, Laurel, Michael, lachary and Brittany, and his 5 great-grandchildren. He also leaves cousins and seve ral nieces and nephews . A colorful character, and caring man, he will be missed by all. The family will hold a private memorial service and burial will be at Pacific View Memorial Pm . Corona del Mar, California Memorial donations may be made to L M. Tynan Emergency Department Capital Campaign, Salinas Valley Memonal Hospital Foundation, PO Box 4760, Salinas, CA 93912-4760 (Phone: 831-759-1880). Arrangements by Jones Mortuary. Curley Jack Richard, J~ AIChard Cu11ey died at hOme on Januaiy 28, 2003 from compllcallons related to esophageal cancer diagnosed in July 2002 He was a ntne-yeat SUMYOr o4 bladd8I cancer and an elf1lt-yetf SUMYOr ot promte cancet Mr Curley was a co-founder of the Sonora Area Prostate Cancer Sullf>0'1 Group and a long-hme active member of Aicohobcs Anonymous Ht w11 treasurer ot lhe . Tuolumne County Democratic Club and a member of the Tuolumne County Democratic Central Commltlee. In 2000 he was elected a Bill Bradley delegate to lhe Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, possibly the first from Tuolumne County 10 be such e delegate Mr Curley was a graduate of Sen Francieoo'a Lowell High School (1945), UnNef'Sl1Y of Calitomla. BMeley (1949), and UClA G~te School of Buslfl8la Ex8CUllY• Program (1968). He was a business executive with three newspapers Mlnneepoljl Star & Tr1June. Sen Fernando Valley Times; and Orange Coas1 Daily Pilot, Costa MMa-NewpOl1 Beectl (1964-1980) He WU fooodef of the Clizens' Bank CJ4 Cotta MMe. Mos1 reoenltf he r8tlr8d from his post of 14 years as chief financiel offioaf of ttie Koret Foundation, a S300 mitllon granl-malong, private loundetlon In San Franciloo. He served In the U.S. Army In lhe KorNO conftict as a Private end a 2nd Lieutenant His algnlflcent assignment •as as 1 company omc.r of the Ouattennuc.r Parachute Packing Training School at Ft LH, VA. training paratrooptrs from the 82nd and 101SIAJtbome OMs1or18 He It survived by his wife of 2~ yeare, Elva Bennetts (HM~ Curley ol the family home In Twain Hattt He hed tour childr911 wfth hit fnt Wlf9, Nonna EJdngton Curley of Irvine, three stepchildrtn, 1t1tM pldcttien llld one slee>- graodctllld TMae ..ven adutt chllci-en, lpOIJMt and grlndchilchn .,. .kMlll Ca1hennt Curley of long Beech; John Richard Cooey (Dtnlle), and Mof'gan of Peclfica; James Noonan Curley (Rounne), Scott and G~ of Neff c.n.an. CT; Jania Metgwel Kai of Laporte, CO, Elva Doria Haning(~ Wined<O) of S... Frlll'ldlco; Bradley Milel Haning (lucrteil Cetuti), Ind TomM Richlrd ol El c.n1eo; and Edl¥ard-.... "Ttct' ~of San Ffllldlco. Jaclc CUl1ey WU 8 ~ Callloml8ll. Ht WU tit blfll ~ ft.19 IOtlt tJ Clyde Curley Ind Maty Lamb CUiiey l\lio of his t>rottwa died In t 98S: Clyde Cuney Jr. (l.OtTalne) of Miii Valley, and W1111m W" CUttey (a.rt.a) of San Rafael. Ht II M'ftyed by htio broChera. Robe11 °""'Y (FflfQI) d ModlllO, llW1 Oh8ftel Curley (Nenc:y) of LArbpur; and many ,... Ind nephew ~ Califomla and the nation. Ht le alto IUMvtd by '°"' of hill f1¥t Goggin famlY OOUllna, ~ hie good friend and terll'lll cotdl, Jim Goggin (Malta) When he mllriad ElYe on Febn.wy 29, t 980 he joined tier 1o¥1ng 11m1y ol llw 9ennetta bRl4hett In Ausnla. all of wrt10t11 bectfnt ao.t lriendl Tlwy llt Edwwd "Ttct' a.in.. {Dol'otiy) of NMrW Bey, NSW, ~ 8efw*'9 (En) of Frenctle fOft«. NSW: Geoltrty "TW 8tnr1t111 (PIC) of CNllwood, NSW: ,,_ Btftnetta (now deot1 .. d} (Mefyl} of WMt tMckay, QueaneAend, and ,John ~ (~ dec1111d) ~)Of~ F .... NSW Ai::llilllbiiJIOll ti JfO Cuftlft .. Iii~ lor ~ s..u.y, F~ 1, 200311 ltlt Md M Ind Olrdln o... 30 .a. Ff'lnelte DrlQ fJtwd I Role. CA. In "" of '°""" dorilllol11tofltSonol'llANt~Coleotor1-....,..,..,.... Cowt ~~ Pwolect. PO Boe sn. Sotiota. CA IWO, or "°"*'GI .. ~--...... ~ 'lleb1, PO b'to5 S0no.a. CAISl70 iacra- ~ of ~verty roup, each, !ague fau I UO· IWo Sar- ind.,. e law lht> e1tle- :!lvt, ~~It'\! atr1r\ ~Jnt 1h1I 11111 ner u~ 170 t"!IS 1n its by 11e nd he tor an .ay A he 1e tn ife 115 •rs ht 1la .e. llS ·al ie rill a . -;y al )0 31'f 10 2 ::Ef ef ua 1a cs 18 a as OS Ar 'lty ve .... " • n d " v I . • ' • ,. ..L •• Datly Piiot I Thursday, Janoary 30, 2003 ~ FORUM E . HOW TO GET ~BUSHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RN<len Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 -mall.Send to dailyp1/or1m/a1Jmes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and ph\>ne number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length EDITORIAL El Morro plan only muddies the water L a\t wet'k, a group called the l:l Morro Village Community Assn. pitched a plan that would in essence give a reprieve 10 some 200 mobiJc borne owners who live on state beach park lmds along the Newport Bearh and Laguna Beath border ... The plan. which wunters those ol 1>1a1e parks officials, would tall for an increase in mobtJc honl(' rent\, and '>Ome of that money. '>Ome $IO m1Jlion backl•I\ .. ay. would ~o toward rl'furhi.,hing Lhe hi~toric cottage'> al Crystal Cove. rherc W('re OLIWr finer point'> 10 the plan Money gleaned from ren1., would be earmarked for affordable housing tor l..<1guna Bearh fire and rmergcm y per'>Onnc·l and an RV <.amp next to H Morro llemt'ntary \<hoot would be n·plan·d 111 lieu of bu1ld1n~ a \.tea lion ho'>tel I he plan, ltJ...e the '>lill<'\. doe., caJI for tht.> el11nana11on ut the h each'>ldl' mobile homes and Jbo earmark!> $1 miJhon a year for two group'> wuh a veMed interr .. 1 111 open '>pa<..e the Lahfornia State Park:,, foundation and Laguna Grt•enbelt. an environmental group that has long fought for protection of Laguna Canyon. A~ firs! hlu'>h. this quid pro quo plan \Ounds nire anc.I offer'> up money to JJI r hL· nght faruon' But 11 s hard not to '>l'L' 1h1, for what it rcaUy I!> -.1 H·1led l'ffon by the 1-.1 Morro mobile homeowner., to hold on Lo their little· c;hn· of µaradl'>C at any cost ~me baLJ...ground here might help. rhe land at F.I Morro was part of a larger sale. The state purchased a large chunk of coastaJ b luff tops, beaches and canyons from the Irvine Co. \everaJ decade\ ago. Along with that saJe came 1:!1 Morro Beach and C...anyon, C. rystaJ Cove State Park and Reach and the historic <.<Htagcs th.it "it on that beach. fho~c cottages too were inhabited by tenant-. who paid little rent and fought for decade\ to avoid state• L'\ 1ction. But that battle finaJly ended in the \Um mer of 200 I. and now the land 1s rightfully 1r1 the handc; of the '>!ate and available for enjoyment by aJI -.1ate taxpayer'> fhat is exactly what should happen at £:1 Morro Contrnry to tlw claim., by thO\l' at l l Morro. the \tat<' doe'> ha\e a plan for the rcstorntion of the 1fi Cry'>taJ C ovC' couage'>. That SI:! million re'>turnuon. announcl'd last Octolwr, ralJed tor rrnial of tlw · l onage') to tlw publtt at $I 00 .t night The '>late <1.ho ha'> .1 plan lor I I Morrn ilnd ha\ l\'>Ul'll .i rnod1fia.:aunn to ih plan\ thal is largl'ly ba')etl on public comment~ and '>Uggc .. tion'>. ln.,wad of .it ... nowledging tht• '>late''> effon'i. the Pl Morro mobile home owner\ fight thl· '>IJte at every turn anc.1 make allegations that \imply don't Wa\h. With all due respect to tho\e resident'> at H Morro, II'> ume tu realize that the day 1s fa\t arnvmg to \·arate the prc1rnse.,, hand the land O\er to its rightful owners -the <;tate taxpayer., -and end these last·ditch dfuns that onJv muddy the• proCl'S" HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 M•yor Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan. Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chns Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newpon Beadl City Hall, 3300 Newpon Blvd., Newport Beadl. CA 92663, 1949) 644-3309 M.yor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nidlols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ·COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE OISTRJCT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .. •Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) .432-5898 •at.nc4tllor: William M. Vega ·Boent: President Paul Berger, Vice 'President Armando Ruiz, George •Brown, Jerry Patterson and :w aiter G. Howald; student trustee ;Derek Shelly I :NEWPORT-MESA UNIREO SCHOOt. DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 . Sut*tntlMdent: Robert Barbot Bo-« PretJdent Martha Ruor, Vice President Dana Blee*. Clerk S«ene Stohs. David Broob, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda .sneen ·ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF 'EDUCATION •200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9060, 'Cotta Mua, CA 92628-S060, (714) ~ Ellubeth 0. Partcer, member, :rrustM Aru 5, Cotta Mesa, Newport 8tedl I ORANGE COUNTY 80MO OF :UIEJMSORS :Helt of Admlnlatrltlon. 10 CMc •c.m.t Pta&a, Senta Ana, CA j92701 :• Jtm Sltva, 2nd Ol9trtct (eo.t. ·~~~}.(7'4) ~ •I • Thomas Walson, 5th Dastnct (Newport Coast). (714) 834-3550 STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (Al. 35th D1stnct, 18552 MacAnhur Blvd .. Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833-0180. fax: (949) 833-0696, Press Secretary Pat Joyce. (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (A). 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: d1strictlO(@assembly.ea.gov Ken Maddox (R), 68th Oistnct, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 12865 Main St., Sui1e 100, Garden Grove 92840; (714) 638· 1393; f Fax: (714) 638-1496 E-mail: dlstrict68@assembly.ca.gov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, (416) 904-5200; regional office in Long Beedl, (310) 590-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Dallis (0), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841 ; fax: (916) 445-4633 U.S. HOUSE OF R£PAESENTAT1VES • Chris Cox (R), 47th Oiitrict, 1 Newport Place, Suite •20. Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 7~2244; or 2402 Raybum Building, Washington, O.C. 20616, (202) 226-5611; ftx (949) 261-9309 (repntMnts moat of Newport Bead\) E-mail: chtistop/ler.C())(§mail.hocne.(JOv • Dena Aohrabacher (R), 4Sth Dlllrict. 101 Mein St, Suito 3C, Huntington Beecti, CA 92048, (714) *""83; Of' 2338 fWVbum Building, Wnh1ngt0n, 0 C. 20515, (202) 225-241&; fax: (714) 980-7808 (~Cotta M4IM endWMt ~) e.:m.ff:... tNR.lto4J ... (IOV MAILBAG E ~r A. Y p,, ~,. One reader would like to see the Back Bay kept as undeveloped as possible. with no boardwalk or paths beyond this one on the upper part of the bay. The Newport Beach City Council this week approved a study of a boardwalk plan Leave the Back Bay the way nature intended it I vote no on pulling a boardwalk m the Bae ... r~y II already supports a bile path. a rnncrete pdl'klng lot and other man made effects. Use the monev ro upgrade and protect what i-. there Let us pre-.erve the natural bl."aury anti our quality of life. ·m ere is no sub')ti1u1c for Mother Nature. KINGSLEY CROUL Corona del Mar Co~ca Me~a hould u~e what it can to make Wesu i<le better In n.·'>pon.,e to your 4ue,1ion in ruesday·., paper. "Should LoMa Mesa h~ddt•rc, add to the Wests1dt' redt·velopment arear l·or \'ears. I have been "preaching" tu the< 11y CounctJ. our re<.1dent'> and anyone et..e interested in !>eemg the Wt>'t~1de improved that the onl} way the removal of Lhe blight will otcur i ... through redt>velopment and the u.,e of l!rninent domain. Usually, those that don't understand how.it works are the one\ who are most opposed to IL <.aJ1fornia redevelopment law!. will protect the property owner when their propl'rty I!. taken. They will be properly rl'imhur.,ed and relocated. Attorneys. appraiser'> and relocation experts are lm ed JU'il for that purpose. Property owners can fight for more benefits if they don't feel they are being treated fairly. but very rarely will you beat the redevelopment agency on the nght to take your propeny. Why .. houJd our city's Westside continue to he kno~' 11 for '>UhStilndard '>lurn ap.1rtmt'nh dirt~ 1ndu ... tnal bu..int''>'>t''> and poorly 1orwd m•1ghhorhomh·1 I'm hoping that 1h1'> C1ry C.ounul will finalh do what '>hould h,1vt• bl'l:ll done ~eJr'> ago TIM CROMWELL I fl'>ta Me!H! •EDITOR'S NOTE. Tam Cromwell has been involved 1n redeveloping propenaes • including using eminent domain. for the past 20 years Not from California does not mean not welcome Regarding the mter1.ie\'o with Jack t..:eaung on ~undav ·o & A.· Forum If pampa<., gra.,., I'> not name 10 California berau.,t• 11 originated in Argentina, lhen .,hould \'oe eradicate tht' eucalyptu., trees? They .ue nallH' 10 Auc;traha and 'erve no purpose other than l>h.sde on ,, 'umml'r dav. Jack II.eating I'> wTong I have ll\·ed 111 a home overlooking lhe Back Bay for 11 years LaLh October. I would marvel at the tiny finch-like bird'> that would flock into a pampa' bloom and caul>e 11 to bend almost to the ground. then !iuddenly leave and fly 1nlo another clump to feed on thL' seed~ in another bloom It wac; a '>ight I always en1oyed watclung Perhaps those dt>ad clumps that are such a fire hat.ard have not been cleared out and replaced because nothing will grow there after the '>oil ha' been poisoned I am ctf.,o dl'>turbed b) the pm'>on traps lhat are set aJong the path Lo "control the squ1rrt•I population. -We READERS RESPOND don 1 h,1\t' the rabb11., 1url..L•\ \.Ulrure' a11d olht'r anlllldl life thJI U..,('d to be hert'. L l't '> l on1mut• tu kl't'P our Rdl k H.iy dl'an. but not build or 11npo-.e on 11 furtl1t'r EVELYN MOOOEY -..t'wport Hear h OCC tru~lec~ need to make tough budget deci,1on" Although I )ranRt' C oa">I < olll'~t· " hle'>'>f'd m ha\.111g a <,olid tommur1111r college proft·..,..urnal hkt• < 1t'ne i.:arrdl .it the helm tlw final den'>lon., Lo economve on J dt'>tnll ,cciJe re-.1des with tht• loLal g<,verning hoJrd 1 he ho,ml ma> ( hoow to tctkc .i numbn ul .H lltHJ<, I ht>} l<in g1'e up being p.s1d fur thl'tr mt·1·11ng'> c.ind po-.tpnnt' Jn) furtht•r traH·I.., I ht'\ can redun· '11.1bh tlw lund' J>illd fur 1om1n~ J mulr11utle of nrgdn11.t11un' that ha't nothing to do "''h 'tudent learning In add111011 tht• briard' m.i\ l'lt.•1 1 to e\labh'>h d puh1 \ of apprm.1nR travel o nly b~ d1<,1nn and rnlll'~l' .idmml'>lrattve per'><mnel \'oht'n' -.1udt'n t learmnR and Wt'll bring dm·l ti\ '>land to benefit. 1\ prt'VJOU' J11lhC} OJ the board\ -rubber .. 1arnp1nl( .11J tr,l\el rrquest!I - product•tl a vam·1-. 111 unnel t''>.,ary expendllure., th.11 run into lht• hundred~ of thou..and., of dull.1r,. And Im '>UrL· that 11 thl' 1•lt>t ted trustee!> are -.ancere dhout tht· trust gtven them by tlw vo11•r, thl'rt• are other helt~u~htemng mea<.ur<• to be found. LEFTERIS l.AVRAKAS ( o<tta "1esa The saga of an abortion icon continues AT ISSUE : 'The Bell Curve' provokes reflections on the 30th ann iversary of the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wad e. J oseph N. Bell's column •30 years later, wondering about Jane Roe's alter ego• (Jan. 23) was interesting, but quite sad. Nonna McCorvey, alias Jane Roe. whose Supreme Court case legall7.ed abortion. is the perfect poster IPrf for abortion: A series of bad choices found her with an unwanted pregnancy. She wanted a quick and easy soludoo to her problem and sought an abonion. It was only later that she di.scoYered the abortion procedlln! is quick. bul ll. certainly ls not easy, and like so many after her, McCocvey rea.liud the body heals. but the mind doesn't forget. 1banlt you. Mr. Bell foe an update on a very ·usec1" woman who has suffered the fate othen have also experienc:ec1 • Oiooaing to abort often creat more problcrn., than It solves. RAaE. llCHAEU Newport 8eadl subject of abortion always degenerated into shouting matches between emotional people on both sides of the issue -wilh each side attempong to overpower the other with volume. not rea.son. Hard as It may be to believe, through alJ I.his rhetoric over all these years -as abortions were performed at ever-growing levels and and-abonionists bombed clinics and murdered abortion doctors in the name of saving ll\leS -I have remained ambivalent on tlus issue. Yes, l thJnk I understand both sides of the issue. I bear and understand the argument some women will make about wanting control over their awn bodies and lives.. I understand when they say they choose not to carry a fetUS to tenn. regard) ortherason furthe pregnancy. I also~ It when othen vilify the pro-abortion group u rnwderers and desaibe ln ~t, grisly deWl the actual p of aborting.~ J~h N. BdJ"s recent coJumn regarding Nonna McCoNey-the •Jane Roe" lo Roew. Wide-and h rcl.ttJonahJp with her atmching bac:k these three decadet stirred meV\Jng tnside me. Ii.is eloquent aeoount of the u-.glc ci.munstanc or her w and how she bu apparently come 6ill drde - DOW embna:d by the U'ld·lboriion Jide. wbo provide her wfth tlw a&ctJon w hll IOUght all the!Je ,_,. _ .. beyOod lrook. I feed the~ dNr ~ID W's column written~ my md ~. "-1Nomwndln. in ..... Olly Plot 'n.Dyr'W"I cdunm ....... .... . picture or America~) The placement of her excellent leuer. Collowmg Jim McGee's loving descripoon of Sean Ft'nton, tht' young Yale studt'nt from Corona del Mar tragically killed In an automobile accident recently, was like a !>pla.-.h of cold water on my face. l then read Barry Faulkn~ account of the tributes to Fenton and found myself wondering how many lives would have been affec1ed had his mother -for wbat~r reason -decided to abon him. I read the words. •person who gmu.indJ cared abou1 thosie he toucbecr: •1te was a ratt spirit wttb integrity, 01'1 and values of life;• •1-te was the best ptt110n I know": and I had my~- This was a young man who so eaed the li o( tboR around him that pl.ans ~ afoot «> erect pemwlCllt renmnbfanas dedicated lO A ~room will be named fol hlm at Yale. "Tb~ b test room at Yale.• A tmreboant on the frahman room.n ~ at Corona dd Mar planned. And. ~a JM"'fect metaphor for his J'O'ml life. a Luge ahade tree planned oo I.be campus to provide lheltef fA>r the sruderl who wiO foUow t\lm then!. SO. I I~ typmg-"'-t.china many ol ~wonderful )'0008 children lft our ndghborbood playlo& ouClide my window-t lhldlt of ~ I cbinl. ola JOWll man wt'llOlt ~IO ~ md brWty 1iahefd Cbtwadd lloUnci hiln. lind Ind .,,..,,,. DD .... ..,. •• die il!iDc:ti.. M llusday, Jaooaty 30, 2003 NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decisions coming out of Tuesday's meeting of the Newport Beach City Council. VEHIClE LICENSE FEES City Council members on Tue!>day agreed that the city should take a stand against Gov. Gray Davis' plan to stop !>Ub'.>tdiTing vehicle license fees for t.axpayers. The governor'!> move would mean that the state wouJd cancel ils plan to pay about SS00.000 to the city of Newport Beach through the end of fisc..-al 2004. The Male collects vehicle lircnse fees and distributes the money 10 ci ties To spread late-I 990'i wealth to taxpayen., the !>late in 1998 redu(ed the fees charged to people regbtering their autos. lo assure that cities would not lo">e revenue.,, the stale began paying the difference But part of the deal wa"> 1ha1, 1f hard ttrnes h11, Lhe statt: nught slop subs1di7Jng the difference. WHAT rT MEANS fhe c1ry wtJI \end J leller to the state legislature urgrng lawmaker'> to opp(J'>C the governor'., plan Originally, city offinal., planned to indude 1n their lct1er 1he city\ oppo<>ilion to rabing the vehicle license fee~ for taxpayers. Councilman (,ary Adams !>Uggested scrapping that portion of the le11er, arguing that il°s 1101 the c..uy\ plate w take a posit10n on how the slate would ge1 the money to pass aJong to cities. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES A secLion of t.he ctty's Bay'>hore~ Mea w111 have NEXT MEETING: • WHEN; 7 p.m . Feb. 11 • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. • INFO: Agendas and staff reports are available online several days prior to each meeting at WWW.City. newport-beach.ca.us. For more information, call (949) 644-3000. its utilitieS lines ?noved underground to remove unsightly poles and 17-nl ~l~"'· ~Tuesday. After tabulating votes from residents of the area, council members voted to create an assessment district in the area bordered roughly by Waverly Drive, Circle Drive and Bayshore Drive. WHAT rT MEANS The estimated cost of the work, just under $2 million, will be divided up by the residents at about $I 0,000 each and paid off over lime. EventuaJJy, this wtll fund the removal of 51 utility poles now in the neighborhood. CABLE AGREEMENTS t.ox and Adelphia cable companies got a second one year extension to their current contract with the city. WHAT rT MEANS The extension will give city s1afT members time to negotiate what they hope wiU be a better deaJ for residents, some who have complained about poor service and high rates. Next year, the city will negotiate long-term contracts with the two cable companies. The contraclS could include increased commun1ty programming and hroadcasts of school spons. in-classroom learning programs and bcner Internet acces~. -Cnmpi/Rd by }Uni! Casagrande Momma John ~ belong to the world's largest flooring rnml grtnlJ> -a>-op. ~ "~ tlN bit,gtsl flooring Jufm itU/;vU/WzJJy oumeti antiopmi~J. ~ Lifetime ~ Warranty ~ Carpet ~ $}99 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY anywhen clln ~111 our. sekctUm *'" 'rr J>.llJing too much if Jf!u'rr not buyingftom us. INSIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT Hore.,.oomeof=ns coming out of Tuesday;; School board meeting: SCHOOLIMPRO MENT PLANS The board approved the kindergarten th.rough 12th-grade school ~ improvement plans for the N911MD 2002--03 school year. These plans are a summary of resean:h conducted by site administrators, staff and community that document student improvement in all UNION Conbnued from Al its educational issues coordina- tor. Mook. who has served as president of the union for the past six-and-a-half years and has worked in the Newpon-Mesa Unified School District for the past 35 years, will aJso resign from her 27-year stint as an Eng- lish and joumallsm teacher at Corona del Mar High School. As of March I . she will take a position that involves educa- tional issues similar to those in her current positions. but on a much larger scale. "I like challenges and I foresee (this new position) as a wonder- ful opponunity to focus on those issues and patents that I have had all my life ill> a classroom teacher," Mook said. "I M>n of look al myseU as a person who worked in the classroom serving LIMBO Continued from Al or the downtown redevelopment 1.one. For the city to do so. MacGregor's propeny would have to be deemed blighted or be necessary to round out the proposed redevelopment area. 1lus would clear the way for the city to take his propeny through eminent domain and wipe out the remaining piece of this area's history MacGregor said he would not be able to move his business anywhere else because the permits he has are specific to the Westside. *The eminent domain is just fatal," MacGregor said On Monday, the Planning areas of education. The plans. Ubmlssion or a $22,000 grant wbJch board members applJcation, requested by Our acclaimed for their Students/Ourselves - thoroughness. provide district instruction with Arts Standards officials with data-driven and Assessment, for visual and information from extensive perfonning arts in the dbtrict. studies on tudent achievemem at each site. WHAT rT MEANS WHAT rT MEANS The grant would enhance efforts to expand The schools will be ~ and implemen1 responsible for staying on top of standard-based the needed improvements instruction in the documented in their plans, arts for all students which will also enable district by placing more importance on officials and communjty the art5 as a core course. members to follow student progress more easily. GOVERNOR'S PROPOSED BUDGET ARTS GRANT PROGRAM Assistant Superintendent of The board approved the Bu<\lness Services Paul Reed gave 'I think we have great leadership in our district and our teachers organization.' UndaMook Rebnng Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers president the educational need~ of ... tu dents and ... giving back to my profession and helping fellow teachers ease their load. I ju~t see this as a different arena of a lot of the same things." A special election will be held in May to fill Mook's spot. which she is leaving mid-1em1. The special election w111 bl' held concurrently with the rehru lar election fillmg the prl"i1den llaJ seat for a one-year term 111 the interim , Exet.-uuw Vice Pre" dent Bob Kelly, a Nl'wpon l le1ghts '>lXth grade teacht:r. will fill in ~of March I fo make the tmn<i11ion l'Vtm ~moother for teacher~. the <'lC ecuuve board ha... clUthorved Jim Roger' to take on a full ti mt• ... tall po!>ition and begin handltnK Commi~ion de,.ignatcd preliminary hou11dane... for a 434-acre area that may bt> added to the downwwn rt•dewlopment zone. On 1-"eb. 10, tht• redevelopml'rtl agency will vol(• on these buundane'>. lf they di'(' approved. 11 w1JJ '>t't the stage for 111dl'penden1 co~ultant~ to do an 111 depth asses..'>menl of b1Jgti1 111 the area. gauging propenil'S on adwrw physical and cconom1t condition<,. The re<.IC'veloprnl'nl agency has not yet deC'ldf'd 1f it will invoke its nghl 10 eminent domam and, tf '"'· on wl1JI tyJ>t."> of properti~ Mac<,regor's plJWll ,., rept•att'<.1 throughouL the propoSt.'CI additional area, a' aho1 11 620 propertJes are affected. me an·a has served a'> an 111cuha1or of !torts for many \mall n1mp:imf''>, FREE <,ome of the presidenuaJ dtllil''> for the Sf 111d semestl!r as of ~n day. "There·~ a 101 of things that are in place ... that's why !the Iran ..,illonl should have -;ome cons1s tency,.. said Roger.., who ha'> been working with the teacher. federauo11 on a part-tinu.-ba"' for Lhe past two year!>. Whtie 1.he federarion\ ~taJT au· uc1palC1> an easy tram1tion. '>Cl}'· 1ng goodbye tu one of their ft>l low co-workers won·1 be "I'm happy for her. lh1' ,.., ~ha1 she want'> w do." H~er; '><l..ld. "We'rt: going to m1.._., her tremendously C1nd all of the thing!> ... he., been able to <lo for lhe teJl he""' and I.he ti 'Incl Mook, who cu11s1d1.:r.. ht:r'K'lf an t•dwator di hean. admits that Mat<,regor\ wife, Mary Lou, ...a.id, and m<111y other hJtd workmg ow1w1-. whn '-pt'lll dtrnde\ invt•sling blood, '\vt',JI and 1ear. 111 their bu.,inc...'>t">, rnuld ..ee it all d~ppear if 1hr uty l•xern'>t'<> it-; power of emme11t domain. 011e of tho-.e " l>an < .nhhll-. owner of Ho.:ttswam\ Io< Ir.er Inc on We<.I I Ath 'ltreel. wflll h di..,tnbure<. mannl' enltJrte.., .md part'> (,ribble constructed h1., mam butldmg in I 97fl In I'm. he comple1elr remodeled the building\ interim and ~H· the oub1dc land'>("<Jping a rate Jut. I le al'>IJ 10olr. llH'r .1 lt>a'>t' on Llll' build111~ rwxt door and completel> renm-ated that All told. he 'rx-n1 ahout $150,<XKI m the proct"'>' l It• wouldn"t haw fixt'tl up l'i1lwr pinpcny 1f he had known lhl· '1X>tt1·r uf emml'nt domain would ht· hovenng over Im head like a hlad, ram d(Jud JU'>t a few yt>ar. lall'r, foibble said. .. I probably would have ron;1dered mov111g. • < ;nbble '>3.ld with a 'iigh. Gribble '>aid he oppo~ being part of tJ1e redevelopment area because he doesn·1 believe he wouJd be fairly compenc,ated for ht'> property through eminent domain "It l>ecome<. .t mailer of what''> fair value and the co<,t 10 relocate my bu~mcss and lost busin~' - the oty would have to pay for all that,* Gribble said. "I don't see how that would be affordable " Another veteran induslrlal propeny owner worried about eminent domain is John Hawley, BOARDWALK Continued from Al nity Conservancy intemationaJ to launch studies on whether a boardwalk and trail system in the Back Bay could prote<..1 fragile habitats from damage by human encroachment. City leaders and environmen- talists hope that the boardwalk and trails, lf ultimately approved by the council and the commu- nJty, would allow nature lovers to get close to the water without trampling sensitive ecosystems. Pedestrians, bicyclists and others stray from official trails, not real- izing that ttley are damaging the environment. Co1o111ter Tops • Sh-.n • C.ra"'lo • Ora1it1 • Wood Wax "When you're walking through th · wetlands and a bird rues up. you think No big deal; a blrd Oew up. Bl.II to you that would be the t:qulvnlcnt of finding a burglar In your house and being scared out of yow wl When that happens three or four t1m a day, lt rn It dlfflc:olt for a bird to do what it' supposed to do: fet<l Its young, all that," said e I.her fcld. man, Community Conservancy lntnnadonaJ' president. ' Refinish • Cleanht9 C.rptt & Uphelstery • P1l1tl19-l1t1rior & Exterior o a Mesa (949) 650-7876 124 E. 17th , MOlf-Bf J-S SATURDAYS & SU ... AY! I0-4 Irv ne (M9)8!8~41 17777 Main ·a" TUU-MflO-S WltlHltAV U•TIL 1:00,M CLOtft tHtAYI & •O .. AYI EVf •IHI IY AINllTllHT lnSQlllOon .............. ~1~;;iic:l';;.;.----...... ....i-. .... ~ ....... Thtt S4·mlllion boudwalk lnd uai.11 project, whJch W'OU)d be P*id for with County and ~rat erMroNlK'f\taJ (\lrida. ~ NEXT MEETING • WHAT: Newport-Mesa Unified school board meeting • WHEN: 7 p.m. Feb. 7 • WHERE: 2985--A Bear St., Costa Mesa •INFORMATION; (714) 424-5000 a detailed and infonnaove presentation on the major highlights or the governor's proposed budget. WHAT rT MEANS The purpose of the presentation was simply to infonn board members of the budget's status. No decisions were made. Further updates are expected. -Comµ1/ed by 01rl.stine Carrillo ..,ht> will miss working directly for Newpon Me!M!. but is anxiou!. to beg;n her next endeavor. "In my new )Ob, I'm going to bnng the new perspective or a dasMoom 1eacher to those who may no1 haw had the pleasure or beu1g m a public school cl~ room and c;eeing what tJ1e 11T1pac1 is of l~~lauon." i.he said. "It al.-.t1 w11J wve me an opport\Jnity to work with teachers aJI over lht IJmll'd ')raws to find good tools 111 help teacher.. In the classroom.· Mook c,aid c;he ha... faith ~t the W'>lmt wtll do fine without her. "I take u weat deaJ of pride in dw direction that our distnct ha., ~om· 111 tht• l.ist five to <\tx yem and lhl' \tnd~ that we've made 111 Nt•wport Me<>a," Mook said ·1 thml.. we h<t\t' great leaderc;h1p an our d .... 1nn .md our leather; or ~.m11 . .a11on •CHRISTINE CARRIU.O covers educahon and may be readied at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at dws11ne cam/lo ~lat1mes com flWllt'r ur H.11hnakcr"> Inc. I lc1wl<·v 'tarted tht' bu'>int·-. .. th<tl make., 'tamJec,..., '\leel han.lwart• for hoal'> in Loc;1a Mt•-.a in I %9 and moved to 1ht· Wt">t<.H.lt• a year later. I lawtc-y "1td the weather and the 1lt>n10wJph1L-.. are condut,Vl' 10 .1 pro,pNOU\ hu<,tn~ • J11e rt:'it<,(Jn we Wt:'nl to tlw We-.1">1dr ,..., \W do a lot of \'\<t:ldtng and ii\ much cooler do"n here. and al'>O at that 1tn1t "t' hdd a lot of ma1or custom1·" Jm .. n lwrr that we c;ull do," 11.J\\ley \cild I lc1'hlP)' I'> wome<l about tu. .. proJX·ny bt·ing labeled bbgtm't.I ht'lJU'K of JO old. dilapidated -.111gle f.muly re..1dcnce in thl' lront I lawlt-y ....ud he has ht-en J>f<'\f'rll('d from developing thC' lwu'><' bet au<,(' of vanou .. c11y pohc ,,..., 1.M'r tht• years. ~, I lawley •,:ud he will dt•molic;li tht• hou...e and U\t.' 11 for p.trking. ·.,o it will be JUSI bt• a mce, green -.pace." . l.wn 1f I IJwley\ propeny Le; not deemed blighted, it could '>Lill be induded in the redevelopment w ne to ensure a rnnuguous area. So the threat or emment domain slill looms. • 11's a threat to my life's wort. cUld their tallc about 'If 1t has to hapJWn. we'll pay you what it''> worth, that wnnh ts meaningles.c; to me,· 1 lawley said. "I would nm be able 10 replace it. ceruunty not m tht'> area • • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached et (949) 5744221 or by e-mail et deirdre.n~an lttt1mes.com. ~uiJe visitor; through the Back Bay in a way that keeps them from stomping over sensitive plants or disrupting endangered • bird species such as the clapper • rail. The existing legal trails al the. • · top of the bluffs would mnaln in • place, and the boardwalk would*! connect with those trails to let people get closer to the water. Mayor Steve Bromberg said that Initially he was concerned lhat the work would endanger the environment Instead of help it, but after hearing testimony from environmental organim· lions, he felt reassured that the boardwalk and trails would mini· mii.e human encroachment. "My concern was basically, What's wrong wtth keeping dirt paths7 Why screw up the envi· mnment wtth wooden board· • walk.'i?" Rromberg said. •eut it'• ::· just the contrary. Th boardwalk .: ts going to save lt." · : O:>mmunlty Coblet"\'allCY • lntmiatlonal expecU to begin .. ' ed ntilic studJ llt tn ~ 1be : nonprofit firm wtJJ allo hold pub-... ~ Uc worbbop!I on lhe pmject be-• .,;; fore ll com befQfe tho Cky •:• Council for appronL : : : .... ·JUNE~oown .: N~ 8udi lridJQM Wayne •1 Aifpott. She ffWV be ,..,.. .. (tell ·1· PM2220f~HNI• P..Cll ....... ~ .. _., lot j 0 )f 10 !O a 10 :>f S· l1 .0 0 IC 0 It' n l'> " le • 1 n s y k 1 e j ' r: •. e. '• 1 • :1:. ( :1 :1 r ) r e ~ t • U7 ~ 17H\ 'i..,.eet, Corl-".' ~ CA I -rol\-fyee: (fff) 6RE-rl454 I F-.ir.(U1J20l-f'4f • -.~ri+c:' ......... .,y.c- ~«• «J<firet -.,, 'll, lOO'S. 0-.« Co..,01\ re• c..n--e-I Coupon also valid for 50°/o Off Any Digital Print order! 10 GET INJO MUTUAL FUNDS. GET IN TO SEE A MUfUAL FRIEND WMn 11 comrs 10 1nvu11ng. cum cu S..•mt'.oot whos bttn 11\rrr (or you all along Ask me h(\w 111 gee s1mcd today wuh ~Catt Farm Mutual Funds• WE LIVE \'r.'llERE YOL' LIVE." Steven H1U- Rqbtcttd hpraentati~ 9'49-6+6-9393 ... ,. ..... Mlr'b.lal A •••w• ••C\ ft.slcls. UKE A GOOD NEIGllOOR, S rAr~ fAlt.M IS THERE' __ ... _,_ .. ___ ..... _.,_..,..... -------C....Oow .. -... -.... .... ,_, ,_,_ 1'112'71 _ .. _ ------CM!Olt--- lftlft. JI t l 1lt: ~ I' ,, r 1 p011 /twt·by ~f ,111 I I \t \ f'RiMllR J \\ \our ~ult uwd, ~1-quaht1 <hildn-o'5 ~iumcl!v l• •orlh 111\tanl ("\'-II al !IN' On h.trd. I 11 ludl\1 l6• h. 171h ,,,,..... t.!O "Tht llcst Balmy in O.C" f_ ...... Lt I 0 .C. RtgUuit _ ~~ People's OM>i« siAce '9S a ~AKERY 11Jt JJtiA...,/ WBat """ r-·-0. l 7di Sa.-S..A,,az M.,--}atwJi »13 • 'J1 ,_, elf' I' 1ii1 ul a:puieoe, nMcMea.-litr..m • c..plm 111.,. ab .... ~) °""* •'-? • ,.. ... .,, .., """"';,. 0....-c..., fRFNOf'S CUrcAKh BAKP.RY rTJ .!. 11• s-... c.. .... 949/6'2-0S7J ..-..~ Loar.din ~cliff Court 1735 Westcliff Drive 5 Sales • Rffior at con • Repairs Moun f\lf"\ Tht..tr rr, 10 •1 . \1t 1Q 'j, Going out of Business Sale. All Shoes $2000 Or Less \..it~ P~\li t Mtl '' l.XPANDINC. TO ( OVl'R \1<far 01 H>l K ( l en Ill"(; ~HD\. ALL SALES FINAL Hours: M-Fri 9:30-5:30 • Sac 9:30-5:00 • ~un : 9:30-1 :00 1829 WESTCLIFF DRIVE. NEWPORT Bl«ACI I (949) 645-13 55 ESIGNER CLOTHING OUTLET t11• Counfy'I Hottell 51toPP1n9 1Jip1rience ARRIVALS 215 I. 17'" ITUIT (nut .. ~ Mlltmt) COITAMllA 9)·642 6059 --=ii~ ~ ... ,,_...... $22J1 E • e ea o Make T ose Patios lt Entries Beautifu Lei Jim Jenning3 1m1.ill your rnmplt·1l· yarJ l.m~apt: • Exrcn lmc k 'hlOl. 11le & ,f,llt "11rk • ( ,m n:u•mml·nJ ':IU,illl\. Je,lgl1ll" & I mJ""-.tpt:r' • l )r.11n.1gt'. I r111'lt'.m.,' Wt· -..1h-t 1hem C-:an j ne be \'Oll r v~1Ie11ti11 et our trained :;ta capture th t spcc1at moment 7·-r· • n,.,_ JIJ. ~ '1 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa• (949) 722-1803 ""UJll .. 111.. MON-SAT 9-6 CLOSED SUNDAYS Mint/>. Body & Spirit· in' 'ly h Dvrtof' Yo., H1111~ B~m Loo/tint Fm A Doctor Who Spcn&TuneTo Listtn. : obm Ann Echn, M.D. ,. rifaJ f I >,YJ<'Ull /~wMdKW Mnitc.Jku~ MinJ-&Jy MtdldN . . • . • • • • • .. • a; Al Thursday. January 30, 2003 CURVE · Continued from Al If these seem like odds you can live with, consider the next sentence. which'tells us that many more people will suffer serious complications. And ponder the conclusion of the study that says: "The smallpox vaccine may be the least safe vaccine ever used on a wide scale.~ So I weighed this ~g again$t the likelihood of one of Saddam Hussein's ttue believers getting himself dosed up with smallp~ Oying to John Wayne and embracing me at the ~rt before a net is thrown o\l'er him. That scenario. which seems about as likely as the mayor of Newport Beach nominating me for a Pulitzer Prize, clearly offers better odds than the million-to-I (or 2) that the vaccine will do me In. Just to make sure that the smallpox shot is indeed the greater risk. I did some more research that only hardened my decision. At the nation's first inoculation site of health care workers. only four physicians - out of 20 members of the emergency team -in the ~tate of Connecticut agreed to be vaccinated. At Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, only six of 26 doctors said they would volunteer. Five hospitals in Los Aqgel~ County have told health officials they won't participate when the inoculations begin because, as one spokesperson put it: "We choose not to proceed based on the threat analysis.~ Part of the opposition grows out of the government's refusal to create a comJ>f.lnsation fund for people who miss wodt because of the side effects of the vaccine. But mostly it· is because high-profile medical people are questioning the validity of such mass inoculations at this time. A San Fernando Valley pediatrician says he won't take th~ shot or give it to hJs two children because "the side eJfect.s are serious." A national public health official warns that a broad vaccination program without taking the time to reevaluate Mhas the real potential to do more harm than good." A study at the Rand Center for Domestic and International Health Security concluded that vaccinating the public l\gainst smallpox would kill more people than it saved in all but very large-scale bioterrorisl anacks. And the beat goes on. Watch the back pages of your Los Angeles Times. While Bush is up front beating the war drums, this kind of information bas to be sought out. I'll have to admit there's another reason I won't be participating. I don't like to be force-fed either wars or smallpox shots, and the smallpox program is moving along as relentlessly as the war on Iraq, ignoring all the arguments that would cast it in serious doubt. There is one important difference. The doubters don't seem to be making much of a ·dent in the rush to war, but we do have a chance to bug out when it comes to getting a smallpox shot All this somehow made the death of cartoonist Bill Mauldin in Newpon Beach last week even more poignant. We despt!rately need his voice FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 Melber You Bur or Lease .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! COMPLETE AUT8 REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush• Injection Service Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs ACDelco Motorcran Same Owner Since 1965 38 ~ars In Costa Mesa Bendix Tll ClllUll'l'Ol llOP llC. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbparrs@thecarbshop.com ln this country right now. and I would have liked to see how his World War II Gls, Willie and Joe -now elderly civilians-would have dealt with the smallpox shots. Mauldin's obituaries prope,dy stressed his wonderfully honest depictions of life in the trenches, but not enough was said about his equally honest, pungent and irreverent postwar political cartoons, one of which I've had over my desk for many years. COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP·UP You've probably read. as I have, newspaper coverage of the.J.- stream of World War n veterans who visited Bill Mauldin at bis Newport Beach nursing home to expre~ their gratitude for telling it like it was. I clipped those stories to remind me bow deeply I carried the same feelings. He was 10 minutes away, and I never made it. So Bill Mauldin's last lesson for me was not to abuse time. Doors open and invite us; if we wait too Jong to enter, they close. For young people they might open again. For Bill Mauldin, they didn't And so I can only express my thanks he.re -and hopefully profit from bis last lesson. I'd also like to suggest that the point Mauldin would have made about smallpox shots if be were still cartooning was captured precisely in a seven-word headline for an op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times. It read: .. What We Need Is a Fear Vaccine." The only reason for getting a smallpox shot is fear of somehow being infected by terrorists. Since the shots, themselves. carry some risk. reasonable people will weigh the two risks before making a decision. The government has made this decision for us without public debate, so we have to dig out the pro and con arguments being offered by private sources competent to judge these· risks. In the process, it might be useful to recognize that a war is easier to sell when the fear factor is high. I know that the odds favor hitting a 15 when the dealer is showing a I 0, even though my instincts tell me to pass. Sometimes I go with my instincts in blackjack. But my math and my instincts are sending the same message on a smallpox shot: Don't • JOSEPH N. BEU. is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. INSIDE CITY HALL Here are a few decisions coming out of Monday's meeting; SECOND-STORY APPEAL The Planning Comriii.ssion una.rfuilously approved Ryan ' Adams' project, 5-0. The zoning adrninistra!Or initially denied the project in October based on concerns of incompatibility with the surrounding residences. The decision was appealed by Councilman Gary Monahan. The cori\rrussion reviewed the project in December and continued it to Monday's meeting to allow the applicant TEENS Continued from Al tured the incident in lurid detail He also heard arguments from the prosecutor and defense at- torneys and listened to testi- mony from police investigators for about three and a half days before ruling Wednesday. f The three Inland Valley tee6s -who were all 17 at the time - face 24 counts since Dickey dis- missed one count of ~gital pen- etration against each defendant Haidl, son of Orange County As- sistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and Nachreiner face additional en- hancements for allegedly inflict· ing great bodily injury to the vic- tim and using a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to penetrate her. As a result, the two face a maximum of l 04 years to life. while Spann faces up to 154 years, Deputy Dist. Atty. Jana Hoffmann said. She said that leaves Haidl and Nachreiner the possibility of serving life sen· tences because they "personally usedN the pool cue. The trio, students at Rancho C.Ucarnonga High School, will be tried as adults fo r the July 6 inci- dent that reponedly happened in Don Haidl's Corona del Mar home. Defense attorneys for the teens argued that the girl volun- tarily packed her bag for the Wor1d Class Colonst MllQ .IUdy Is Offering •••• HIGHLIGHTS This 1s your chanc;e to experience hlghlights from a top colorist. Missy Judy has extensive experience and training with Vidal Sassoon (Los Ange~). Toni & Guy (Dallas), Paul Mitchell (San Diego), L'Ornal (New York) Just to name a few. Her techniques are gentle and always leave your hair strong, healthy, and full of shine. Take advantage Of becoming one of Missy Judy's first clients In the Newport Beach area. Valued at SHl0.00 Space Is limited. • Partlat ~ onto/ • Bte-lellglt> '*' 1111111 • Muet lo.NP 111 llPl)I. Mlsq Judy Is exclusively at Salon Gregortes Newport BMch 949.295.2546 :~.:!:.= ·TIP9~ more time to revise the house design. The revised design decreased the building mass as seen from the street. WHAT IT MEANS Ryan Adams can add onto bis one-story home unless the decision is appeale<l to the City Council. TWO-STORY MINI-STORAGE BUILDING The commission denied the project, 4-1, with Bruce Gcrrlich dissenting. The proposed mini-storage building would have been two stories and included about 13 storage units. A setback of 50 feet was required because the proposed building was 25 feet high. Because the 30-foot weekend and drove to Corona del Mar with the intention of •having sex" with Spann. They painted a picture of a group of adolescents experimenting with sex, spurred on by hormones and alcohol. F.artier. Newport Beach Police detectives testified that the vic- tim did not seem eager to pro- ceed with the case and admined to having sex with two of the de- fendants in the days leading up to the alleged attack. One of those liaisons, she told investiga- tors, was also captured on video tape. Newport Beach Police Detec· live Teri Fischer also t~tified that the girl told her she drove to the Haid! home the night of July 5 after her shift as a waitress at a San Bernardino County restau- rant. The girl also said she re- members drinking a beer and a mixed drink. but that she does not remember much else about the night, Fischer said. Before the girl drank the mixed drink. Fischer ..aid, one of the boys warned l:ter it was so strong she would probably pass out. "Whatever." the girl re- sponded, Fischer testified. David Mach.er. I laidl'!> attor- ney, said Wednesday that there is no evidence to show the vicum suffered great bodily injury. "Great bodily injury must be significant and substantial inju- ries." he said. "In this case, it's microscopic. It's minor. It's triv- ial." NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 10 • WHERE: City Council chambers at n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: For Information. call (714) 754-6245 setback did not comply with code. the applicant needed an exception. WHAT IT MEANS The applicant cannot build his project and cannot submit the same type of appUCation for six months. The property can be developed for other uses such as retail and office. which would be subject to a development review. -Deirdre Newman Hoffmann argued that a pool cue could be used as a deadly weapon just as any innocuous object 01Jl be used to inllict in- jury. She said the teens merely wanted to "see how much they could get away with." "They were using her as an ob- ject for their enjoyment," Hoff- mann said. Judge Dickey echoed the pros- ecutor's statements with his re- marks that accompanied his rul- ing. He said the videotape made it obvious that the girl was un- conscious and not in a position to exerose her free will. Although she appeared to be coni;cious in the first third of the tape. she appeared limp and out of it the rest of the time. giving him reason to believe her drinlc was probably spiked. Oickey said. "Any free will was long gone by the time you watch the last two-thirds of the tape." he said. "None of the defendant!i seem ru> intoxicated as she is. It's quite obvious that something ren- dered her unconscious." The b~ are free on $100.000 bail each and are scheduled to be arraigned in the Central Jus- tice Center in Santa Ana on Feb. 11. DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (9491 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps.bhsrath@lst1mes.com chandeliers waMdecor fixtures doft5 and mochmorel 5~off w.a;,._,_~ ,.;_ ~ -9~.9 Feet Hurt? Knee Pain? 2 70 E _ 1 7TH STREET CC>STA M ESA, CALIFORNIA e9~9. ZP~ /c:PCJ W(iNVrTE YOU TO SPEND AN t'/~A'h"V;..// AFTERNOON POURING OVEA t'~~t'"d~/Jp ///,.,~/t'~N-J,.J IN OU ft NEWLY REMODELED STORE. TO RECEIVE UNINiERftUPTEO, ,,;,u'~~N~hN/·/.Jt",,l"(Jc(M PlCAS CAlL FOR YOUR PERSONAL ~do~yy1rt'//h~un/ .9/,9. ~~ ?<ft7J , Back Ache? ~· Hip Discomfort? ----WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Millions of people suffer with lower joint pain simply because of improperly fitted shoes ancf inserts. FOOT SOL~IONS ~ciilizes in footwear and custom onhotics, &t by skilled profes&onals for the hardest-to-fit feet. And, we do it with style ... OOJ -SOLUTl9 NS IW ..... ""'C.... .. .... ...... ,, .. _......, (Mt) 734-2020 0,. ... Slt.10& ,, SOC I E TY Thursday, January 30, 2003 Al THE CROWD -I UC/ Salon brings more talk to the town T he Salon gathers formidable local intellect this evening as Blhabeth Loftus, professor at UC Irvine ill the departments of psychology and social behavior, criminology, Jaw and society. speaks on lhe malleability of memory. The evening will be hosted by locals Bob Cole. Ed GotschaU and Brad Morrice at New Century Financial Corporation in Irvine. Newport's Gloria Zlgner is producing the cocktail event. She can be reached at (949) 720-1665 for last-mjnute reservatioru; and information. Loftus is liMed among lhe 100 most emanate psychologists of lhe 21!.t century and ha!> written 20 books on B.W. COOK vanous • subject'> relating psychology and contem porary sociery. The purpose of SaJon i~ to bring togelher lhc communjty for stimulating conversation on a variery of subjecti. led by notable speakers. lhis 1s lhe third in Zigner's seri~ of SaJon events trus season, which i!> becoming lhe "talk. of the town.· Groundbreaking for the Henee and Henry Seger!.lrnm Loncen I !all is set for reb. 6 with a celebration honoring lhe beginning of lhe expan'>ion of the Orange County Performing Arts Center. A ceremony will be followed hy a program and concert in Segerstrom I lall to marlc this milestone in Orange County culturaJ hi'>tory. The expansion began with a $40-million gift from the Segerstrom family. and has attracted major contributions from local patrons of the arts, ('aising the tally to more than $200 millfon net'ded to fund the project. The Decorative Art.., Sonety, a 'luppon group for New Direcuons for Women, a nonprofit. true-exempt local organization that provides treatment i.ervice'l to women with alcohol or other chemical abuse problems. wiJJ welcome Lord James Crathome on Feb. ] l at the Newpon Stadiuni 'nleater in Fashion bland. Crathome is an expen on the art market, a fo rmer buyer for Sotheby's and a fine art consultant The an market is PJrrentJy a "huyers mark.et." and Crathome wiJI discuss the w ider's view to the buyers art tnarket that exists today. • A $40 admis.'>ion charge will Lenefit New Directions for :Women. Please call Elana \X'F \X' . .\\ I To BF Yot •R flnt C/10ict' ... • Qar Crille4 AA, Q1dta 6 T11 Tip SIMk ' World Qui Qowtlm A Guillot. r-r'Mt s.Med Ad ~ -:: ' ' :: ·--- Donovan at (949) 721·0874 for\ more infonnation. The Jewish Federation of Orange County welcomed Norman Pattiz, chairman of Westwood One Companies, one of the nation's leading communkations giants, at a reception an d lecture this weelc al the Hyan Regency Irvine. Pani7., a member of the United States Broadcasting Board of Governors, is the force behind raruo Sawa, an Arabic raruo station that broadcru.ts news and information to millions of Listeners in the Middle East arena. In some respects, the station is considered a lone voice of American values and ideas in a region not exposed to both sides of the com plex issues at hand. Coming up, the Federation will produce the annual "Women's Voices" luncheon on March 18, hononng Donna · Weinstein of Corona del Mar. She wilJ be named the 2003 Anne Entin "Woman of the Year" at the luncheon forum. wruch will unfold at the Hyatt Regency, Irvine. The event attracts a sold-out crowd of lames from all over the county. lhis year, the featured speaker 1s Erin G~ll. two-time California Teacher of the Year. (,ruwell's work i:. being chronkled in a movie that wilJ '>lar Reese Witherspoon trus fall. lne film is based on "The freedom Writers' Diary: How a reacher and 150 Teens Used Writing'to Oiange Them.'>elves and the World Around Them." Appropriately. Donna Weinstein is being honored this year for her community work al> a school volunteer and Girl Scout leader. for tickets and information, please comact Alison Mayersobn at (714 ) 755-5555. ext. 241. Jacqueline Du Pont Baum. a dic;tinguhhed local advocate of '>enior c;ervice-., involved ... pecificalJy with Alzheimer's disease in Orange County. will Join MlmJ Johnson ac., an event chair of the upcoming lh1rd annual Captain\ Ball. ALSO IN THE CROWD lne gala black-tie-optional dinner danc::e will honor Sheriff and Mrs. Mike Corona and Dorothy Visser for their commuruty contribution!>. Special guest Stephan1e Edwards of TV fame will grace the event at the Hit7 Carlton on feb. 15. Care and other senior l>ervices. for tickets and information. please call Beclcy Lomaka at (949) 855-9444. r~S.: Congrc\lulatiOn'i to Jacqueline and David Baum on lhe birth of their daughter at Hoag I losp1tal lru.t year Fund!> rahed will benefit Meab on Wheeb. Adult Day •THE CAOWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. ~~~~N/Jd -··· ~raza Mattress Outlet Store BRAND HEW· COSME'T1CALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best tor Less/ 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One !Modi South ol -405 fwy .. (714) 545-7168 Thurs , Fri, & Sat January 30th • February 1st A Fine Affair 721-9044 B.Magness 644-4477 The Basket Case 720-7088 Baskin Rob bins 644-1331 Blockbuster Video 759-9404 Cathay Newport Restaurant 759-33 88 Champagnes Market & Deli 640-5011 • Chevron USA 760-8678 Couture New York 759-1791 Happy Nails & Spa 759-8686 Labels 640-11 33 Mag 's Donuts & Bakery 760-9278 Mailboxes Newport 644-6480 Master Tailoring 720-1041 Marco Polo Italian Eatery 721-0801 Newport North Cleaners 644-0435 Newport North Optometric 720-0204 Or. Michael Shack One Hour Moto Photo 644-6533 Petco 759-9520 Royal Jewelers 644-7804 Salon Belcourt 644-9980 Tully's Coffee 759-8246 The Video Editor 720-2080 "all phone numbers 949 area code RTH CENTER d Bi son, Newport Beach e The Assistance League of Newport-Mesa will present 12 young women at rts Debutante Ball on July 19 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Newport Beach. Each debutante will receive a gold medallion recognizing four years of service to the community and the Assistance League . Back row, left to nght: Cheryl Hall, Angela An1do. Sarah Vertch. Erica Widmer and Heat.tier Wade. Mtddle row: Katherine Younglove, Kelli Kline, Cara Childress and Ashley Parole. Front row· Anne Sewell. Danielle Murphy and Karim Meehan. This Valentine's Day Brunswick lets you Buy a qualifying BNlswick table and one qualifying ~Y llld rece• • pair of >S mt.,~ diamond earrings (I Sl .200 WU) Rl&I 949.1174.0041 1 ............. C.-..... CAW7 .-.. ........... ...... .......,.., .. 00 ....... , ............ , ..... . _......... . ..... . " i l ·• I I AlO ltvsday, JanuatY 30, 2003 DATEBOOK Dalt; Plot REEL CRITICS Everyone excels in Dickens ' 'Nickleby ';forget 'Confessions ' ask his father's brother, the wealthy Ralph Nick:leby, for help. 'Nickleby' full of the Dickens spirit M any years back, I remember when the Royal Shakespeare Co.'s eight-hour production of "Nicholas Nicldeby" was the hottest ticket in town. The play featured about JOO characters and numerous plots and Ralph (a wonderful Christopher Plummer) is as greedy and mean-spirited a man as you could ever imagine, putting even Ebenezer Scrooge to shame. He believes poverty to be a character flaw and the poor COMING SOON subplots . .--------. The latest film adaptation of this classic Charles Dickens novel has been pared down to just over two delighr:ful hours without SUSANNE sacrificing the PEREZ essence of lhe story or its charm, than~ 10 the direction and screenplay adaptation of Douglas McGrath ("Emma"'). McGrath, who aJso wrote the hilarious "BulleLc; Over Broadway," has a Oair for gatherin~ a top-notch ensemble of actors and gives us a memdrable portrait of each of Dickens' characters, who are either very, very good or very, very bad. There is no gray area here. ' barely deserving of his contempt. Rather than take his desperate relatives under bis wing, he fanns his brother's widow oOt to board with strangers and Ni~oJas to work in a wretched school for boys. However, he has other plans for his pretty niece Kate and allows her to reside with him. Dotheboys HalJ -more prison than boys' school -is almost comical in its exaggerated squalor, making the orphanage in "Oliver 1\vi.st" seem like a Holiday Inn by comparison. Nicholas is outraged at the treatment che boys receive at the hands of che one-eyed headmaster, Wack:ford Squeers (Jim BroadbenO. and his wife (Juliet Stevenson), who liberally doses lhe boys with brimstone and treacle so they won't have to give them real food. Having recenlly lost his father, Nicholas Nicldeby (O\arlie Hunnam), with his mother a.cul sister Kate (Romola Garai), finds himself destitute and forced to Nicolas befriends the much-abused, crippled Smik.e (Jamie Bell ofMBilly Ellion") and evenrually they escape from the Squeers' cruelty. Ramu (Jimi Mistry) elevates the mood at the birthday party for wealthy soc1ahte Lexi (Marisa Tomei) m "The Guru." As they wander the countryside, they encounter the kind-hearted CrummJes (a great 4~ R es t a urant ---Establlshed In 1962 --- lRVINE HEALTH FOUNDATION and UCI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ~ENETICS LECTURE SERIES GOING PUBLIC WITH HUMAN GENETICS UCI Student Center, Crystal Cove Auditorium 1·00 p.m., Re servations Req uired , No Charge Nathan Lane and Barry Humphries), who take them into their theatrical croupe. They also find unexpected allies in Ralph's tippling. disgruntled clerk. Noggs (Tom Courtenay), and a host of other eccentrics. The cast is extraordinary. the acting is terrific, and the filmmakers have taken great care to treat Dickens' work earnestly and without going into caricatures. It's well-told, Uterate movie with a happy ending. FREE 6 Heart Cookies With any purchase of ooe doun sugar heart cookies l.<mu I per ruaomu aP,. 01114/03 with C:OUpotl orlly. Please, sir, may I have '>Orne more? • SUSANNE PEREZ lives in Costa Mesa and 1s an executive assistant for a financial services company No absolution for slow 'Confessions' Television was in its infancy. OlUck Barris was trying to find a place of honor and recognition. Audie nce participation game 427 E. 17"' St ~ 92627 (ea-TIUd.a • lrriM Aft.) . (949) 646-1440 DAVID BOTSTEIN, Ph.D . Moo~Pri 7.ooAM--'PM. s.i 7.ooAM,sPM Professor, Department' of Genetics , ._ ___ __,;a;;;oeec1~,;,;;,;~--------------' Stanford University School of Medicine I Fast-tracking Cancer Research: A Race Against Time The more we know about how cancers originate and how and why they grow and invade our bodies, the better we can learn how to treat and, perhaps one day, • prevent cancers. Dr. Botsteln's research group at Stanford has developed technology enabling them to analyze many thousands of genes at once. In his presentation, Or. Botstein will tell you how their technology speeds their research, what they are finding, and how they believe these findings wlll benefit us all. Reservations & lnfonnation: Shelia Farmer at (949) 824--4313, or e-mail: smoorefa@ud.edu • .. ~ shows li\-ere very decertful. Just when you thought you knew the game, the rulec; were changed. Prime-time ShOW'l ELAINE changed ENGLAND rapidly. The disappointment caused hy thi'> in'>tability plunged Barm. inlo mental rmbalance. we learn in "'Confe'>'>&on-. of a Dangerou'> M111d " as d1rec1ed by (,eorgc Oooney. Once we learn of h1'> famil} influence' during childhood. it het:OOH'\ llllrl'J'>lngly f'\'ldl'lll he wa., driven h} de1111m' un,een by JJl\'OJH' '>am Hod..\"l'll '>l.ir'> .. , B.irr" Drew Barrymcm· g•H'' lwr USUal Sl.lr perfornlJJlll'\ J\ till' wronged g1rlfm•nd, and (JounC'y hring'> 111 Juh.1 Hohl·rt'>. who really d1dn t h.1w .mythrng to do f ht•rf' wa .. n·1 a fol 10 likt• 111 thP mov1l·. I ht> 'tory move' al ,1 \nail\ pare. till' l,inguJgl' w.1 .. offen'>rve. and thl' '>Cl'lll'' ol t d'>Ual '>l'X Wl'rt' horrng. I rould 1101 n•t ornnwnd 1lw ITIO\'Jl'. • ELAINE ENGLAND lives 111 Newport Beach and owns a gift bas~et bu5me1.s she operates out of her home Some annuity owners lose 70Ck of thr value of their annuity to taxes! Will th1~ happen to you? It's true. Annuities and fR As can be double -taxed assets (subject to income taxes PLUS estate taxes). After estate taxes and income taxe~. there can be as linle as 30% of the value rema ining. Yo u can learn how to help avoid the los!-. in the FREE educational booklet "Annuity Owner Mistakes." The booklet is free and shows how to help avoid double taxation and get more hcnefit\ from your existing annuity value. For your FREE cop) Call SeniorResources (Huntington Beach) 888-233-0904 (24 hour\) Agent License# OB43037 Linsco/Private Ledger. member NASD/SJPC ·~ I AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS 1tem1 to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Coste Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (!M9) 64&-4170, or by celling (!M9) 57~268 A complete li1t 11 available at www.dailypilot.com SPECIAL ALL·AMERJCAN BOYS CHORUS The All-American Boys Chorus will be conducting individual auditions for boys ages 8 to 10 throughout January. There will be a second audition held in September. The audition. scheduled to last about 30 minutes. will focus on an ear test in which staff members strike various notes on piano and ask the boys 10 sing them bade. (7141 708-1670. MUSIC ZEHETMAIR QUARTET Violinist Thomas Zehetmair and his quartet will perform at 7 p.m . Feb. 2 at the aarclay Theatre. Selections will include, Schubert's Overture in C minor. Bartok's String Quartet No. 5 and Grieg's String Quartet in F major. Tid<ets are between $23 and $25, 4242 Campus Drive, (949) 854-4607. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOZART The Mozart Classical Orchestra 1s ~edlC8ted to bringing quality performances of chamber orchestra worts from the claSSIC81 repert01re to the people of Southern California An evening of Mozart directed by Ami Porat will take place Feb 8 at 8 p.m at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Dnve Tidcets are between $14 and $38 Information-(94918544807. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPE.RIENCE The Pacifte Symphony Orctlestra, under the direction of Cari St Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Prize winner William Bolcom. "Songs of Innocence and of Experience:' The show w1ll take place Feb. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Canter Dnve Tickets range from $19 to $59 (714) 556-2122. Cl.AUDIA ACUNA Clud1a Acuna with special guest Billy Childs Wlll perform at Founders Hall on Feb. 7 and 8 at 7 30 and 9·30 p.m. Tid<ets range from S46 to $49 600 Town Center Dnve. (714) 556 21 22. ANNE MURRAY Four-time Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will perform at Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Feb. 7 and 8 Tidcets cost from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. NEWPORT BEACH JAZ1. PARTY The third annual Newport Beach Jazz Party Wlll retum to the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel from Feb. 14 to 16. The festival will feature the Bill Cunliffe Trio, Mary Stallings, the Houston Person Quartet and several others. The hotel Is at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-5003. WESLA WHrmELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall from Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tld<ets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 55?-2122. · VIENNESE DELIGHT Cate Ludwig's host pianist, Christopher O'Ailey. will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The-show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $45, (714) 556-2122. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Aon Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (9491756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Pad< every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550 JAZl.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant m Newport Beach presents a 1au trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (9491718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams fro m 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ~wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St.. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-nso. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nici< Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (9491675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p .m . to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (9491642-3431. 5. Magness Fashion and Siren a fash ion !:>em1-i\nnuJI !:>1dew.Jl k !:>.ile Th ursday, Frid a_y, Saturda~ Lelebr at1on !:>aturdatJ f ebruary I An Afternoon of informal Modeling 12-+pm fortune Cookies with Predictions and Savings Ncwpart North Center 12.&0 ri15on r,., Newpcrt !'leach H"-oti·tt·.· GE COAST COLLEGE -SWAP MEET e SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ~ 8AM -3PM ~ FAJRV1EW & ADAMS, COSTA MESA $25 Purct.e ..-cee In~ et 1he OOC Community~ OfftC9 on FlllM9w Aotld, Pwtdna Lot •A• • OW Dr* Community Educadon Oftlce ttour.: MOf*Y ltlN T'huncMy •• .,,, •• pm F,_·IM'l ·S pm ----•.m·12noon FREE Patting & Admlalon w Cu.tomets ,_.an OCC ~ OHl.Y Loe1 A., 8. Con F..,._ Ad. l.otll DI E on .....,.,,_ w.iy SWAP MDT 14-HOUR •PONIATION U. (714) 432-SIM - ' . . ~· OATEBOOK Thursday, ~ 30, 2003 AU l THEATER REVIEW Brides untie wedding knots at UC/ ByTomTttu1 F rom the Greek playwright Aeschylus, by way of Macie Sennen, co~es Olarles Mee's "Big Love: a romantic farce of classical proportions now on stage at UC Irvine's Winifred Smith I fall the-.uer. Mee's freewheeling update of Aeschylus' "The Suppliant Women" focuses on.SO Greek brides-10-be Call sisters from what must have been a Guinn~ record book family) who Oee their 50 prospective grooms (all cousins) and take refuge at an estate on an Italian island. When the hot-blooded men amve to claim their ladies. all Hades breaks loose as the gals prove the old adage about the female of the speciel>. All except one. however, which prompts another phase of the conflict. Al UCI. director Anrue Loui ha'i fa'ihioned a highly attractive, deliciously spirited production with a few modem era songi. ("You Don't Own Me," "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered") and some synchronized ballet moves thrown in, along with a splash of nudily as one of the fugitive brid~ take<, a dip in the pond on her arrival. ' macho Constantine. Their spirited discourse culminates m one of the play's true shockers as the bride cuts more than the cake. Stephanie Linn enacts the indecisive third bride, who Is caught between both extrem~ -even though she offers a determined rendition of ·vou Don't Own Me," she still yearns (or a little romance. Maintaiiii.ng a semblance of order is Jeff Farlc.ash as the hOl.t at the opulent Italian estate with three imposing columns and a bathing pool, beautifully designed by Ouistopher Sousa-Wynn. Patrick. Sabongw glides through the proceedmgs espousmg romance on an alternative level Sasha Hams Hill does fine double duty as an impromptu wedding coordinator and a sage Italian grandmother who ultimately brinS4J lhings to righL Brett Teresa provides mood music on the piano. Modem coi.lumes, designed by l-Jizabelh A. Cox. lend a winning touch. as doe. Amber Grunwald'<; mood·enhancmg tighung. "Big Love" takes the pr!Nerhial battle of the t.exe'> to a new, literal plane with a ro1J11.Jung slap~uck touch -the chmacuc H R R FYI •WHAT: •Big Love· • WHERE: UC Irvine, Winifred Smith Hall • WHEN Closing performances at 8 p m. tonight and Friday; at 2 and 8 p.m Saturday •COST· $9 to $17 • CAU;.(949) 824-2787 cla-.h over the wedding rnl.e I'> beauufuJly choreographed 1r1 -.low mouon 11\ d "Jllt'ndtd mt'ldmg of am 1en1 and 1 nod em theater • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His review?. appear Thursdavs and Saturdavs p l R ! I This actre..s. Jes:,1ca Stevenson, 1um<, in a 1>1ellar performance a!. <,he break.<, ranks with the -.isterhood and actually warms 10 her pur!>umg !'>ujtor (Andrew Samonslcy). who woo., her with a hy,tll, tender to uch Stevenson's mood 1rans1uons are beautifully accomplished. y, February 8th S Sunday, Febr•or, ft Perfectly m1!'>matched are the leaders of both factions -~ene King as the rebeU1ou!> Thyona and Noel lribe as the overly r u R [ ) ·\ y \ c r I \' I r I E ~ 1 1 A j\ 1 -l I' j\ 1 Kid's Crafts • Face Paintin~ • Lit•e llus1c: The Rockit Scientists will be perfonninK hits from th11 SO 's & 6()':, T<Ji~#j~ON DUI DEFENSEAITORNEY' MYLF.SL IO'k off oil salon st n.•ru.1 and 2(Yk-S(J<'k off uluttd product.1. 7 H -9.'i1Y!I 'r \I! Salt mtrrlrondrse nou.• up to 70<'/r off. 644-9/Wt I I ) Selected items up lo S()<J, off. 759-4222 Tde an additional 20<fc off already rtductd mtrrlwndue. 219-9960 l<Yk off tfltrythint 111 tht' slore. i2 l-IJ],:, S()<J, off lrandbats and shoes. 721-0//J '\I\\ h\I \'\. I Substantial discounts on both '"t11 '1 and wome" 's sltots. 720-1602 I' I I T \ l 1 t f I I I ,, I I \ lJiscounled prices on seluted mtrcliandise. 640-637 7 I I I I I • ' I Stlec ted mtn ha11d1.1I' /H nl'd a .1 fow "' ft .:;, f.JO. $IS. $20 """ n:. fl.I/I.Ji\ I , . ' ii I' \ I ~ Reduced prru.~ 1111 \l'll't tl'J mt rt hun- dist 1lrrou(hout thl' 1tr11I' i /;.,,,:,::, Otht r purt1c1fJtJt1n( rt'l<11ffn "" ludt: D1.\1'E\ <i\\IM\\L\h ;,:;9.6~AO IJ\ll ... ,t) HO\H 'd('Jf,f MO-U Si CORONR DEL HRH PLRZR P1e1f1c Coast Ht&hway 0 MacArthur Boulevard No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you to ... Bring your dreams! We'll do ev~rything we can to help you rea lize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We1l get you to a univenlty-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you for an exciting areer-Our career progl'ims are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums wort for large. medium and modest-si ze businesses, corporations. high-tech finns, hotels. hospiUls and medical f.tcili~ around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs 1re fully wired. Our specatular new Arts Center is a national model Our bHutiful ampus is secure. Tuition for ulifomia residents is just Sl l per unit. Go online or caU now for registrition Information. We'll help you ~ there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 orang1co11tcoll1g1. com . - • .. ' .. , . \ , " " " • A12 Ttusday, Jaooary 30, 2003 DATEBOOK DINING REVIEW Billy S provides a great dine with a view \ By Stephen Santacroce T he sea has always had a strong allure for most people. and most coastal towns' restaurants that are intent 00 making the view part or their overall dining experience populate a good portion or the waterfronL Seaside restaurants are popular with locals and tourists alike.\The'\. former take pride in their luck for Uving in such a picturesque area. and the latter want to spend as muctcof their vacation dollan. ru. possible on or near the water. Unfortunately, it seems like most waterfront restaurateurs focus more on the setting than on the mema, the result being a decided lack of true quality dining. Nevertheles.s, anytime I have W.itors. I am invariably med af we can dine by the water, and I feel obliged to accommodate them. One of the spot.!> I like to take my out-of-town b'lJCSts is Billy\ at the Beach. pen·hed on Coast I l1ghway with beautiful vtew of the bay. Hilly b Billy Craig. a longtin1e Newpon resident who has run the r~umrant with M>n Rick since it opened in 1993. Today, Rick handlei. most of the management chores, while dad handles the local PR. lhrough trial and error, I've decided that t.imple is best when it com~ to waterfront dining. For the most part. Billy's succeeds when it tries to be the leru.t pretentious. The theme at B11Jy\ is 196<r., Hawaiian. Hattan-lined waJJs sport Gauguin replicas and prints of I fawaiian surf seen~ and are accented with bamboo p<>'>l'>-The carpets and upholstery feature tropical pnnts, and the ovemll atmosphere is casual and relaxing. Of cour..c. the main dJning room has one waJJ taken up by Ooor to ce1hng glass windOWl> fronting Ncwp<>n !!arbor. ro the right, a., one emer-., L' the 11.ki Bar, aJways crowded with local revelers. Pa.c.t the bar is a doorway leading to an outdoor patio that opened in September and features seaung for al frc.~o dining, as weU ru. another fuJJ bar FYI •WHAT: Billy's at the Beach •WHERE: 2761 W. Coast Highway •WHEN: 11 :30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 :30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 11 p.m. Friday; and noon to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Dinner is served from 5:30 to 10 p.m. • HOW MUCH: Moderalely expensive . • PHONE: (949) 722-1100 was too doying. The halibut ($27.95), on the other hand, was a great dish. The fish wdS coated in macadamia nuts, -;eared and then served with a light mango butter sauce. The sauce here was not overpowering. allowing the delicate Oavor of the fish to c,tand ouL ·me staff at Bally-.. is atteAtive and helpfuJ. I wa.'> particularly impn.."secl when one of the valets offered to cht>ek to 'iCe how long a wait there was on a crowded Saturday before parking our car Nice tou(·h. SEAN HILLER /DAILY PIL01 Cash Wilson, bartender at Billy's at the Beach, serves the restaurants' famous mai ta1. Billy's offers steak, fish and an ocean view. One of the s-urprr~ for me at HiJJys is their extensive wine list. I wasn't expecting such a varied list at a plate that seems to cater to the Corona and tequila crowd and wa. .. 1mpre.sed with the good sele<.11bn of mostJy California and l·rcnch bottJe.. Corlcage i'> a modes! SIO for wines not on their li'>t, $20 if they do have the bonle; for outdoor partying. The only way to dine clo!.er to the water would be on a boat. nic ~ignature d rink at the roo Bar is the mai tai (you were expect.mg White Russians?), a potent blend of fnut juice. and light and dark rums. It's a refreshing libation thal definitely conjllJ"l.>s up image-. of the 1 lands, but be forewarned - have more than one, and you'U probably see other images, a'> well. Definitely have a designated driver if mai tai<. are part of your game plan. Judgmg by the crowds at both bar,, Hilly's is a popular hangout to people-watch and enjoy the live band<. that enrertain on the weekends. MO'>I patron'> waU want ..omr food to accompany their cocktails, and Billy\ offen. a vaned -;elecuon of <;tarter<, to • munch on while sapping a cold one. While the restaurc1.11l has a Polynesian theme, the menu, at least the appetizers section, featun.>s a variety of offerings, includmg steamed clams CS I 0 95) rhat'd feel at home on a Boston pub menu. Generous poniorLS of littJeneck clam., are 'teamed ju">l unul tender and served in their broth with a side of garlic bread The clams are plump. and the broth ..avory. I ju~t would have liked a wider bowl "° the clam., on top wouJdn't dry out as fast J\vo t.li1Terent ah1 appetu..er-. are offen.'d. one served rare, sai.hinu .,tyle ($10.95). and a ..eared ver.ion ($9.95). I prefer the latter The tuna LS crusted an blad. sesame '>Ced.sand -.eared to JU'>I cmp the outside, leavtng the m'>ide rare. and served with a light mustard-infuc,ed ere-am '>clUCe. I wasn't as crazy about the barbecued portc ribs ($7.95). The ribs were meaty and tender, but I didn't llke the tomato-based barbecue sauce that was slathered all over them. Maybe I was expecting something more Asian '>tyle. Whatever the case, I found these ribs unappetizing, lne main menu features mo'tly steaks and shellfish. A page of daily specials highlight!> all of the fresh fish offering.. As I mentioned above, simple is best at Billy's. The steaks are all generous cuts of prime com -ft'CI beef that are thickly heed and grilled to order. The petite filet ($25.95) and the New Yortc strip ($28.95) are my favorires.. All entrees at Billy's come with their how.c c,alad, vegetable, and a choice of rice or baked or rwice-baked potato. 1 thought Billy'\ clid a great JOb with the '>wordfish ($2A 95). whJch LS abo cut tJ11c:k and simply gnJJed over an open firt• The fish is moist and Oavorful, needing no sauce-. to t'nhanu• ti' rich Oavor I wa.., les.c, in1prcs.'-t'<.1 when tlw chef tried to get too fancy. Pan-seared Opakapaka ($29.95) was a letdown. The fi'>h . Hawauan pmk snapper. \\"'ct..S overcooked, and the mm relL'>h lacked any distincuve Oavor. Ow relish alc,o contained bacon pieces. which were not mentmned on the menu and couJd bt' a problem for people who don't eat red ml'dt I had l'.imilar problems with the panko and wru.ah1-crw.1ed salmon ($23.95) fhe fish Wd.'> cooked perfectly m th1'> m-.e. hut I couldn't taste the Wd.'Wthi m Ull' crusting. and tJ1e orange mango sauce acrnrnpanymg the d1.J1 Overall, I enjoy Hilly's. Th~ • cllnlCl ... pher•· • ., friendly and upbeat. rnnduCl\·C to relaxed good umt-.. Ille new pauo IS sure to bt.• a hit. (">1>ec1ally in the • '>Ummt•1 month'>. and Billy's is :::S une uf thr few spot., on the wared fe-Jrunng hve entertainment. !'luck with the basil-.. on the menu, .ind >ou'U eniuy t1 good '>teak or p1ete of fi...h Dining on the wawr ts re.illy one of hfe'., ~at plea'>u~ and Billy's w1ll remam on my "A" li...i for anyt1mt' I'm loolung for a meal wuh a vtew. • STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S restaurant rt.-v1ews appear every other Thursday Send him your comment!> at sdsanta u ex <lm1ng com .ThisWeek@UCI Athletics Jan. 30 Arts Jan. 30 -Feb. 1 Orama at UCI. H1K /mt' X p.m. Thur..<lav h1d.i>, 2 & 8 p.m. Saturda\, \V1111frcd \m11h HJll $9-S 17 Jan. 31 Film Society. O,cm1<h 7 & l.J p.m., Crntal Love Auditorium, \tudenl < enter. S l SS Men's Basketball vs. UC S1wta Barbara. 5:35 p.m., Bren Even ti. Center. $5-S 12 Jan. 31 -Feb. 1 Men's Volleyball vs. Hawa11 . 7 p.m. Friday, Bren Events Cenrer. 5 p.m. Saturday. Cr.iwford Hall. $3-$5 Feb. 1 Men's Basketball vs. Cal Poly SLO. 7:05 p,m., Bren Events ~nter. $5-S 12 Feb. 4 Baseball vs. fmno State. 6 p.m., Anteater Ballpark. $4-$7 Feb. 5 Presentations Feb. 4 Genetics Lecture Series. Fa.st-7rncking Canar ~rrh: A Race Against Time. With Professor David Bots~in. Stanford School of Medicine. 7 p.m., Crystal Cove Auditorium, Studmt Cm~r. Frtt University Oub Forum. Building a Landmark Cuitu for Medicine. A discussion of the planned new university hospital at UCI Medical Center. l 1:301a.m., University Club. $7.50 QUOTE OF THE DAY "We like to hang our hat on our defense." Larry HJrst, Newport Harbor High boys basketball coach GOLF Look who's cOming to dinner! Toshiba Senior Classic sponsors couJd be treated to special post-round guests this year if the price. or wine, is right. T he large whtte tents that line fairways and surround greens at key locations on the golf course at Newport Beach Cow1try Oub for the Toshiba Senior Oassic are filled during tournament week by sponsors, guests, schmoozers and hobnobbers. Each of the corporate villas and hospitality slcyboxes ..-----~ are catered by the RICHARD DUNN Hyan Newporter and equipped to host extravagant affai~ At a seminar for event spon'>Or!) earlier thi" week, tournament director Jeff Pur!ter pointed out some benefits to company decision·maker. about the Lnvestments they have made and how to get the biggest bang out of their sponsorship bucks. Among the idea!> Plµ"ser suggested was hosting early· morning com pany meetingo; in the tents, or perhaps a dinner pany or business mixer after the day'!t golf rounds. Tournament officials will include lights in the tent, upon request, while the shuttle service from the club to the designated neatby parW\g lots continues until 7:30 p.m. each night. Pun.er added that tf you wanted to mvue a Olampions Tour profess1onaJ to your tent for dmner, 11 could be arranged for the right price. When a..'>ked what the going rate is for a pro to come to your corporate villa and impre&l. your guests and clients. Purser started to say it would be different for each golfer. But then when I asked about Lee Trevino. Purser swd: ·ru be honest with you. You're not going to get Lee Trevino out there to do that.· !'>\mer then added: MThen again. maybe 1f you're Dave Stoclcton, and if you have really good wine -and we have a good (vintage) here -maybe (the cost) is nothing. I'm sure there are guys who would do it for 15 or 20 minutes and there might not be a cost -depending on how they played that day, of course. There are guys like Bruce J.1eisher and Gil Morgan who are just great guys ... I'll go out and recruit. l'U do that for you.· lOshiba week is March 17-24. ••• It should be an interesting chaJJenge this year for players on the forrner Senior PGA Tour to live up to the expectations as the newly named PGA Oiampions Tour ls ready for a full-force launch of its ·Fan Features" program in See GOLF, Pase 83 ---~--------·------- EYE OPENER ·Daily~Jfu Sp.ta Hal al Fame • ........ ~·~ii#M F ebl'uary 3 honoree JANE HILGENDORF Spotu Editor Roger Car1son • (9491574-4223 • Sporta Fu: 1949! 650-0170 Ttusday. January 30, 2003 Bl COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL , {!CI tries to regroup Anteaters set to open four-game homestand with UC Santa Barbara tonight at the Bren. BREN EVENTS CENTER -A battJe for second place doesn't sound glam- orous or full of hype, but in the Big West Conference, there will be plenty of drama when UC Ir- • TV: FOX SPORTS NET 2 • RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM vine hosts UC Santa Barbara tonight at 5:35 p.m. The Anteaters and the Gaucho' trail Utah State by a half-game, a'> the fir<;t round of conference play concludes Saturday. Why is tonight's game so 1mpor tant for both teams? The race for <,u premacy m the Big West ha., been light an the first four weeks of the league seai:.on. For the fourth straight week, a new team. Utah State, takes over the first·place pos1· llon. Pacific used to be the talk of the Rig West. Then it wai. Cal ~tate l·ullenon. The Anteater'> ( 11 ·5, 5-2 in the Big West) held the top spot, but lost at Cal State Northridge Sat- urday fhe C..auchos UHi. 5 2) actually began this .. ea .. on a .. the li1g West darling. rhey WNC pld.ed IO Wtn the rnnference. UC.SB feature\ four re· turning staner'> from a '>quad that won the Rig West Tournament last S TEVf M<:CRANI< I DAILY PILOT Guard Jeff Gloger has that label of a See UCI, Paee 84 ttltef gomg for him 1n tonight's game. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sailors handle Knights Newport Harbor maintains a share of first place by posting road victory over Foothill. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot SANrA ANA -With the lir;t of tu_, five '>cct View League rivals safefy 10 the reaI·\1CW rrurror after a 51-44 road victory WednNia} rugtu to sweep the sea.son senes with J.ooth11l 1 !Jgh. !\t'W- pon Harbor boy<, ba.\kct- ball coach Larry I IJ.N wasn't 10 much of a gloat· ing mood. lnsll!ad, after tus SaiJOI") (13-8, 5· I IO league) widened the gap between themselves and the Knights (12-10. 3·3) to two games in the standm~ the ever·dtplomaoc HU'St went out of tus way to comph ment Foothill's player; and staff. Newpon Foothill 51 44 "They do such a good JOb of nmnmg (shooters) off p1dc.s. ~ Hirst said ·1 thm.k ((',oach Tom) McOuslc.ey has about 27 dtfferent ways of gettmg his shooters open and we ma} ha"-e seen 26 of them torught • Perimeter shoonng and dihble penetraoon, however. were about the on)y ·weapons available for the undersu.ed Krughb. who rame m on a three-game winrung streak. including a 73-64 home triumph over league co-leader Woodbndge Jan. 22. STEVE McCRANI< I DAil Y PllOl Newport Harbor's Brett Perrine (23) drives against Foothill's Ben Worrall (11) m Wednesday's Sea View duel. Foothill, with no player taller than 6-foot-3. was overwhelmed by the Sailors' sv.e. o;pecificalty 6-8 See TARS. Pa1e 83 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER CdM fails first test with Northwood, 2-0 Sea Kings outshoot Timberwolves, but Northwood wins the battle of league unbeatens. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot pointed with the los.s. It's bard to swallow. espedaOy after you win five io a row I'm really sm- pmed we didn't score a goal." CAM. 11-S-2, 4-1-0, which had 113 fM.game winning stmlk snapped. controlled the game early. but when North- wood scored on a oounterat- Nofttwwood ~ tack on Its first shot on goal. CdM 0 the 1lmbewoMs grabbed ·the momentum. Northwood sen- k>r 1boy Pacheco headed in • cross from ..uor u.mmate Gum McOelland in the 17th minute. One minute Iller, CdM junior Jenitt Thayer needy ICOl'fld ~a header from a aimer kM:t. but Bdlll naar made one olbial3anea. "The PC. -~.,. lbroulb North- wood.. mi Coldl Blny 8endaruk. whole ceam ln'iptowd co 1~-1. 5-0-0 In ,.... ~ -.. one Cl our becw ...-. I w c:or.ca1.t .tlb how the kkia ~ In cl'* ...... tM ttwy ' leilCDM.'-12 . DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Blake Dillion Among team's last line of defense, co-captain's play puts him at forefront of Sea Kings ' success. Barry Faulkner OaUyPilot ·1 hear ft all the time.· wd Dillion. who at 5-fooc-1 O, 150 pounds. consi5tentJy wins loose baJ1s. or simply robs other plaYftl ol pc>aeWon with a wlique blend of antictpadon. ~and ·1 hear them kind of mu under their breath that they're not aoin8 to let tb1s titde guy affect their game. When Lt bappem. they doh\ libiC Such dltcutt only lntemiBel . OOUon\ delire to foil forays into me ·~moe. '"When l heir them le1 mad. or mil to dMk MUIVnlla llbout me. il Niiiy h me up.. 06ll6an M6d. ........... ' ' -~~- • [ ..... 82 Thursday, January 30, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL E ·agles hold on, 5g_5·5 Wilson ·relieves French Golden West League crown in sight for Estancia following road victory Wednesday night at Westminster. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot _ WFSIMINSTER -In sales and baseball, a closer finishes the deal. which is what the f.stancia High ~ basket.baU team could have used Wednes- day night. • Despite • winning again and remaining undefeated in the Golden West League -beatlng its nearest competitor for the second time to -open the second round of Estancia 58 league -the Eagles Westminster 55 did it the hard way in st er. lheir 58-55 road vic- tory over Westmin· "I think I lost 10 pounds tonight." Estan- cia C.oach Tami Rappa said. refening to the games perspiration-inducing fourth quar- ter. in which the F.agles' 10-pomt lead Weil> sliced to one with under a minute left. "We had a 10-point lead on and ofT, on and off. on and off. We need to '>hut a team 'down, and that's something we need 10 wort on. We get up. then we drop to the level of ow opponent. We've got to wort on closing the door and not let them see the light." lbe light for Estancia (12-8. 7 ·O in league) was junior point guard Tm.ha Wa5e, who scored a game-high 20 point!>. while adding eight rebounds, seven a.~il.~ and three steals. Wase also connected on a huge three-pointer with I :08 remaining to give the F.agles a 54-50 lead. their fin.I field goal of the fourth quarter. wl'm not saying this clinche!> U1e league title for us. but we did beat our closest com- petition twice (with five Golden ~ games still on the slate),• said Rappa. whose squad defeated Westminster at . home in the first round of league, 44-41. •If the ~ play to the I~ they're capable of the rest of the way, we should reach our goals of winning the league title and going undefeated in league." . The F.agles. who outscored the Lions (11- J 0, 5-2) in each of the first three quarters, enjoyed a IO-point lead on four separate occasions, the last coming early in the fourth quarter, 51-41, after two free throws by senior center 11sha Gray (16 points, seven .rebounds. three steals and one blocked shot). Those were the only two points Estancia scored in the final period, until Wase's clutch three·poinleT". The Eagles. who suffered foul trouble with Gray. senior Xochitl Byfield and junior Krystat Mino, were whistled for a technical foul because of an improper uniform num- ber on a player with 3:35 left and Estancia leading. 51-46. But WestminsteT" missed both free throws. Later. Andrea Martell scored for the Lions, then tearnmare I leather Couzens scored on a putback with I :25 on the clock to cut Fstancia's lead to 51-50. On Fstancia's next trip down. Wase nailed her fourth three-pointer, but Wescminster's KeUy Parson drained a three with 0:54 left to trim the f.agles' lead again to one. On the Eagles' next possession, Wase clli.hed beautifully from the point to Gray at the low post. and Gray scored on a power move to the basket with 0-27 remaining. giving Fstanda a 56-53 edge. Westminster was. looking for an open look at a three as the final seconds ticked aw.ly, then Gray came up with a steal when 9.5 seconds to play. Gray was fouled and missed the front end of a one-and-one. but Westminster came up shon again from the field, and when Wase rebounded, the Lions fouled her immediately. Wase calmly sank both foul shots with 3. 7 seconds le.ft for a five-point lead C.ouzens scored at the bl.177..er for Westminster to provide the mar- ... . Athletic Director Bob Wilson said coach was frustrated with situation on team and stepped down Wednesday . Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Vanguard University men's basketball coach Stephen French will no longer coach the team because. "he had some frustrations with the way things were going," thl' school's Athletic Director Bob Wilson said Wednesday night. Wilson also said French stepped down as coach because of a mutual agreement between Wllson and French. • 1 feel bad,· French said. "TI1is has been a great opportunity for me. I feel sad for leaving. When you sign on as coach. you commit yourself to the school, and at a cenam; poir11, you r-----:----, have to do SEAN HllliR /OM.Y PILOT Estancia High's Xochitl Byfield (3) tang1es with a pair of Westminster defenders. the right thing for the school and team. We have struggled for many garnet.. but I think gin of victory for 1$tanda The Eagles managed their first 10-point lead in the second quarter, 25-15, after bas- kets by Gray and Byfield. But Gray pi<*ed up her third foul with 5:20 still to play in the first half and was forced to the bench. lhats when Westminster rallied 10 de it at 25. Three--point shots by Wase and lmelda Pena late in the first half. and a layup by Nancy Castro, gave f¥ancia a 33-27 half- time lead The Eagles built their lead to 40-30 in the third ~ then led. 4~39. at third quar- ter's end Biava Arganda led Westminster with 16 points and eight rebounds. while C.ow.ens added 15 points and eight rebounds (six of- fensive). The Eagles. also led by Byfields four re- bounds. two steals. one assist and one bJock. will ho.st Saddlebad at 7 p.m. Friday. L--~-----' they have time 10 Stephen French saJvage this season.· Wibon, in his eighth year~ AD. will assume the respon<,1b1Uties of the basketball team\ coach. effective 1mmed1ately. A551Mant coach Jared Mandville will maintain HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL h1<; duties on the team and wilJ most likely be given more Mustangs hit a road -block re<tponsibilities to allow Wtlson to perform as athleuc director "We felt like 11 was time the program needed some new leadership." Wllson said. "We came 10 a mutual agreement It\ been a tough year for Vanguard. We've had a number o( injuries. When you lose three players who are potential William s' 28 points lead Ocean View in win over host Mesa. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSfA Ml:SA -At times it probably seemed like there was an invisible hand swatting away any round orange ball shot from the hand of a C.osta Mesa High girls basketball player Wednes- day night agamst visiting Ocean View. !>tarter$ that adds to the frulttrat1on. • f.ach field goal occurred when French, who was in his fourth she broke Mesa's press 10 receive year. coached hi!> la.st game with a lob pass in stride down the the Lions. 5 15. 1-8 m the court. Golden State AthJeuc "We were letting her get open C..onfercnce. Tuesday when too often," Weeks said. "We were Vanguard lost. 95-61. at Cal down, 12-3. early and were never Bapust. The 34-pomt setback ab)e tO get Wa!> the l.Jons" largest loss Of thl' over the season hump.· French compUed a 38-73 Mesa record in three and a half trailed, seasons. guiding his teams to l2-3, at the the playoffs the past three years end of one French, who worked as quarter and aMl'ltanr coach at Concordia for didn't re-seven years before coming to cord its first Vanguard, said he wasn't sure if Oce.n View 45 field goal he wouJd get back Into Mesa 37 untU semor coaching. ·Rhondi Naff The Lions have It games left took a pass on their schedule. DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Chris Ringstrom, left, makes a long inside pass near the line in Wednesday's duel. The hosts made jµst IO for 42 (23.8%) from the fieTd, including an O-for-13 mark in the durd quarter and a I-for-II output in the first. while the Seahawlts shot 48.5% ( 17 of 35) to win, 45- 37. Ocean View's victory damJ>9S Mesa's chances of catching Es- tancia (7-0) at the top of the Golden West League after the Eagles' 58-55 victory over West- minster (5·2 in league). The Sea- hawks improved to 10-to, 3-4, and avenged an I t -poin1 loss earlier to Mesa (12·9, 4-3). from Susana Trujillo, drove the They have lost 13 of their past .. lane and banked it in with 3:29 14 and are on a five-game remaining. Naff followed up her losing streak. COM Continued from Bl stepped up. They really wanted this one.~ CdM senior Blake Dillion cleared a Northwood scoring threat in the 27th minute. I low- ever, it was evident that the r1111- berwolves had gained the advan tage. The limberwolves, last year's CIF Division rv champions who are unbeaten In their past ·10 games. scored again in the 33rd minute when Benny Feilhaber broke away from two CdM de- fenders near the net and lllcked in a shot Three minutes later, Pa· cheoo almost scored on a break- away. but his shot hit the right ~ "We pJayed well in the fust 20 minutes,. Qillaghan said. "We had our chances and we dido' put them away. When (Pacheco) headed il home for the goal. that kind of shocked us a blt They bask:aDy controlled the game from that polnt on. I think they expoeed U9 on the outside with thetr speed They just played harder than we dJd. We haw the ability to pa.y with them. ~ nocd co come out with more intensity andlUIWnh. .. CdM -.med severaJ \coring cbancee lo rhe IOCQnd half. out- lhood.ng NonhwOOd. 13·3, but lhe Sm ~ coUkf not ftnd the flt(. CdM ~ ~ Cerurd bad ~ d .. **all Wide pe.~ the• ~lady they dkln' JblWl nl .... chlnoM." Blndl.ruk DON UACH I DM.Y Pl.OT CdM1s Danny Whitaker (7) defends against bicycle kick. M~. still in third place, has four league games left, starting at Orange Monday before traveling to fstancta Wednesday. The top four teams qualify for the OF Playoffs. ·1\lst what I was afraid of," Weeks said after the loss. "I knew (Ocean View) would come out 6red up and (the visitors) played great defense In the third quarter and that hurt us: Ocean View starting junJdr guard Erica Williams was better than all the other players on the court Wednesday night She scored a game-high 28 points on ll-9f-J6 shooting. t6 coming In the fi.m half when he made aJJ aeven layups on seven attempts. .. season-high 38-point perform-"I had.great expectadons for ance in a win against Saddleback th1s season,· French said. "We Monday with a team-leading t6 had a great group of guys. We points and seven rebounds made an extra point during the against the Seahawk.s. She scored off-season to get guys who are in double-figures for. the 17th unselfish. I never had a group time in 20 games this season. that worked as hard as they did F.lght or Naff's points came in during the preseason workouts.. the second quarter as Mesa cut Every team goes through stuff the lead to 24-23 following a Cas· and we were not able to sey Brick three-pointer with t :2.5 regroup. We haven't been able left in the half. Na.ff converted all to recover." six of her free throws in the sec-Senior guard Sean Corkery is ond period. She finished 8 of t I out for the year becaiase of knee from the foul line. injury he suffered tn the first The Sea.hawks opened the game of the season. Junior fourth quaner with an 8-0 run. guard Ryan Moreau Is trying to Stacee Sanchez scored all eight overcome a wrist injury. of her points in the final quarter Leviticus Williamson, a senior and collected two steals before forward, left the team due to fouling out with less than a min-personal reasons tn late ute Lo play. Brick flnished with · December, Wilson said. French five points. two rebounds and said Williamson violated a team four steals while Denise Lande-ruJe and French suspended him ros and Lacey Navarrette (each from the squad . with three points) and Susana Willlamson still attends lhtjillo (one) contributed to Vanguard and is trying to Mesa's offensive out:pu'-graduate this semeater. Last year, senlora Shane SCHEDULE McKirn and Damion Morbley quit tho team before Vanguard'• final game. lhe Ont round ot TOOi\Y Seddlebadc, 2:30 p.m.; Sage Hill 811t atbell at Brethren Christian, 3:16 p.m. Coli.g. men -UC Santa S.rba,.. High~ glr1•-laguna Beech et UC IMne, 5:36 p.m . et Corona del Mer, 3:16 p.m .; College wom.n -UC lrVine et UC Newpon Harbor et All«> Ntgu.I, 3 Sant. 8eft)en, 7 p.m. p.m.; Brethren Chtittlan It Sage High Htlool boya -Ettancla at )fill, 3:16 p.m. Saddleb1ck. 7 p.m.; Sage Hiii w. ..... at Brethren Chrlatlan, 7:30 High~ -Newport Harbor et p,m Woodbridge, 8 p.m. High ldlOOf gh1• -L.agona e.ecn -.... tit COt'ON def Mat, 7 p .m.; Slge College women -UC IMM tit Hin tit Bred'W'tn Chnatien, I p.m. UCLA. 1:30 p.m. ._ • • Communhy ooM9 women - High edM>Of boyl-Eatanole It c...mo. tit Onlnge Co-. 2 p.m. . _____ """"f. · the GSAC Tournament. Lut seaaon stlU proved to be French's mo t succeaaful year, u the Uoru t'lnbhed t3-17, 9-ll ln theGSAC. Vanguard will play It Blola Saturday, whJcb wU1 end the ftrtt round of GSAC play. WU.On said he plan• to produce a job announcement or the opening nextWtt "We doubt we wUI P! anything until the end al the ason, .. WUaon Mid. •1 WOUid like to ha~ IOmeOne In p&.c. after the tlat OI April· .e. h 1e ed i I r s. all e h h " t .. Dally Pltot " SUMMARIES JC MEN °"""'Empire Cenfwtnce ~M.OCC57 Fullerton -Purnell 26. Dowd 7. Roberts tt. Allen, Bufford o. ,,;azier 2. Lyont 3, Dlezl 2, Newte 0, R!Cb 7 3-pt. goals -Purnell 5, Rieb 1 Fouled out -none Tecttnlcals -Newte 0ninge Coat -A. Bobtk 2, 8. Bobllc 4, Seale1 5, Peppers 1, Gorey 8, Jomes II, Brown 18, Ale1eander 5, Vilclli o. Williams 0, Hatctl 6 3-pt goal1 -Brown 4, Garey 2 JamM ~ . Fouled out -B. Bobtk. Technicals -none Holftlme -Fullerton. 25-21 JC WOMEN Orwl&• Empire eonrw.nc. occ 68, Fullerton 65 F\lflefton -Honrfan 17. Goruales 14, Jennmgs 16, Outhoy 0, Garber 15. Freimuth O. Gallardo o. Duncan O, BhedO, Kim 3 3-pt goal1 -Garber 4,Kim 1 Fouled out -none Oninge Coat -Murray 5. Mendou 25, Carrillo 4, Hatsushi 11, Galasso 13. Ou1roz 3. Shaw 5. Von Tungeln 2 3 pt goals Mendoza 3. Hatsush1 3, Galasso 2, Shaw 1 Fouled out none Halftime -28 28 HIGH SCHOOl BOYS Newport 51, Foothill 44 ScON bv OuMterl Newport 1~ 14 14 n Foothill 13 8 9 14 S1 ... Newport Harbor Pmesen 9, B Lowenthal 4, Pajev1c 15, Cameron 12, Rorden 8. Perrine 2. Glass1c 1, T. Lowenthal 0. 3-pt. goals Pmesen 1 Fouled out none FoothlH -Edwards 16. Eves 8. Worrall 1. Bigler 9, Bangs 2, Roblee 2 3-pt goals Edwards 2, Worr1ll 1 Fouled out none SPO R TS Thl.rsday, January 30, 2003 ID HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBAU. Northwood has too many weapons for CdM, 60-45 The Timberwolves continue on the unbeaten path in PCL boys hoops. CORONA DEL MAR -North· wood I ligh'& Timberwolves had four player& in double figure' and. with a consistent allack. put away ho!.! Corona def Mar In Pacific Coast I .eaguL boys basketball Wedne'>day night. 60-45 Orew Terry and Rob Selway led rhe winner'> with 17 points c1r1ece for Loach Tim O'Brien who h~ tcik.en back the remi. after heart surgl'ry in the faJJ Although the !>ea Kings. 9 12, 2 3 in tht.> PU .. c.ouJd not tum lht• corner, Coach Ryan Curry wa' nevertheless plt'a~ed with h1' tec1m\. effort • llwy did ewrything I asked lhrm to do." \atd Curry. lndl v1dually, Hart Welch. who '>rnred eight po1nt1> and had .,even rebound'>. was the caLa· ly'>l with his 1n1en,11y and con .,1,tem)'. au;ordmg to Curry Kevin ManuJla' wa' C.dM.!> leading srnrer wnh 16 points Northwood 1mprovt'., to 16·5, "i 0 Sage Hill defeats Patriots CYPRLS~ -The ">age I fill School boy-. basketbaU 1eam tompleted I.he firM round 11f Academy League play m th.ird plac..e. after ddeatmg Oxford Academy, 62·4 I, Wednesday a1 Lexington Junior I ligh The Lightning (8-1 O. ~ 2 m league) received typically .,trong games from senior Michael FilY hugh (23 points. seven rebound'>. four assists and three -.teals) and junior Kevin Joyce ( 19 potnt'> un 8-of-14 field-goal shooung. four n·boumh and thn:~ 'tedh1 Hut< .oath '>teve Keith wru. ci.I<){) rll'a*d with the <.omnbuuon .. turned m by ..enior <.,c ort-.Olo e1Wi1 rebound'> dJld four pom~1 and '"f'lhomore MJn Loper I& wa.,on high nint' pmnl.'>I ':ktge 11111 tJJl .,ohd1t) m hold on third plate with a wm at Hrl'thren Olmllan\ Wamor Cen· •er to111ght I he Warno"' mm· plett·d the fir.t round with a l.·J lt•ague mMk., including a 51 31. 111'~ to 1he I Jg)Hrnn~. COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pacific~ LNaut Nofthwood 60, CdM 45 ScON bv Qu..un Northwood 111 8 1e 11 CdM u n 9 13 5 'EVF M•C.RANK OM Y Pl.OT eo Newport Harbor's Andre Pmesett (34) leaves Foothill's Brett Bigler ( 12) chasing Wednesday night 45 • BASKETBALL Nof1tlwood Stephens 3, Terry 17. Bailey 13, Zaragowsa 10, R Selway 17 3 pt go1ls Terry 2, Stephens 1 Fouled out -none CdM -Northndge 3, Seaborn 9, Matsen 8, Manc1ll111 16, Welch 8. K Cooper 1, Freede 0, Luce 0, M Cooper O. MacDonald 0, Wa111nabe O 3 pt goals -M ancillas 4, Seaborn 1, Northndge 1 Fouled out -none Acltdtmy LHaut S~ 82. Oxford 41 Saoe Hill ~ ~ 11 t;2 Oidord 7 10 6 1e 41 ~ Hil Joyce 19. Wilkms 2. Cho 4, Frtzhugh 23. Loper 9, Lefler 3, Swanson 2. Brewer 0, Semel 0 3 pt goals Joyce 2, Loper 1, Lefler 1, F!Uhugh 1 Fouled out -none OICford Acedefny -Canton 2. fefmaman 10. Barboza 16, Garton 1, Thompson 5 Van Hill 1. Cav•ness 2. Kwettlco4 3-pt goals Fermanian 2 Barboza 2 Fouled out none Tectimcals Tum 1 HtGH SCHOOl GIRLS Goldefl W... Leape OcMn View 45, ~ 37 Scotw bv au.,,.,. CX.on V.f/W 1) ,. 2 11 ·~ Costa Mesa 3 :>e 1 13 11 Oceen vi.w -Alderfer 1, Esposrto 6. Hanson 2. W1ll1am1 28, McNeff 4, Rivera 2, Thomas 2 J.pt goals none Fouled out McNeff CottJi Meu -Reeves O. Naff 16. Sand'lez 8, Landeros 4, Brldl 5, Navarrene 3, TnJpllo 1, K1b1n o. Vergara 0 3-pt goals 8ridl 1. Navarrene 1 Fouled OUI Sanc:h&r Eatand• 51, w.tmlnster 55 Scof'9bv~ Estancia 1~ 17 11 9 58 Wettm1ns1er 11 1e 12 111 56 ~ W.se 20. Mino 2, Gray 16, C.S1ro 4. Byfield 1. Pena 9, GarClll 0, M•ldoNdo 0, Wilson 0, Becerra 0 3-pt goals -W.se 4. f'eN 3, Byfield 1 Fouled out -none Tedlnala -Eatancia bend'! W.tmilia.r -Parton 8, Martell 8. _strltda 8, Arganda 16, Couzena 15, Villalobos 0 3 pt goals -Arganda 2, P•r.on 1, Estrada 1 Fouled out -none Tectimcals -none JC MEN'S GOLF OCC wins opener COSTA MESA -Sophomore Kelly Wicks earned medalist hon- ors and led a balanced attack from the Orllnge Coast College men's golf team that defeated Ml Sen Jacinto. 354-362. on Wednes- day at Qlsl:a Mesa Golf 8i Countty Oub' Mesa Linda Cowse. Wteks shot a 3-Wlder 01. while sophomore Jack ADanach Ii.rushed at 68. Brad Champk>n (71), Ryan Peaslee (73) and DcMd Kendall (75) al.so oontributed to the Pi- rates' season-opening victory. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratiw the ~Plot's Athlete oflM Weell series TARS Continued from Bl seruor center Nechm P'"JJ~l. who amassed 15 pom t.' and I 2 n· bounds. The Tat'\, who aho started 6-61unmr Rren l.cMenlhill. outrebounded I.he Kmgtw ... JJ Iii, including a I 0-4 edge tn nffen.c;rve boards. "This leagu~ 15 ahout matrh Uf'l'>." llirs1 c,aid. "lb kmd ol screwy watdling ldJX> of I oothlll clismantling Woodbndgt.> llw11. you ..et> Woodbridge dL'>mantJe U\ (a 57-36 verd1C1 rmla> at Wood bridge) Tilen. to rnml' gt't J win at Foolhill . • The defending leagul' t ham pion Sador... who aJ-.o deleatl'C.I f.oolhill in a Decembt'r tc>Uma ment game. came m ron.is.e<l With three layup<.. t\M> putbad ... , and two foul <JloL4'. the I ar. w11.ed a 12-4 advdJltage m1dwa..,. through the first quaner Rut foothtll. a., 11 did m c1 5l 51 league·upentng lo~ at l\ewpon Jan. 10. went on a 9 O run to t lo-.c.• out the quarter with J I i I l. lead nw Kntgtll~ I.hen went cold, ffil'-'>tng lhe1r fir.I nmt' '>hol\ or t.lw '4.'lond quaner, dunng wtuch unw the )ai)or. rolJt'd up a I l.-0 t:'dgl' 10 regtlUl t0mmand. And '><l 11 \Wnl, bad and forth. I.ht• n"'it of I.ht• game. But t.ht' lvught'> nt.'Ver got clo..er than four. A 12 foot Andre Pinesett Lhret"- pointer to bt!at t.l1e t.lunl-quarter hwz.er frdvt' I !arbor a 40-30 lead. tlwn a combined IO point'> from '4.'ll11Jr ~anJ Ola.se Cameron (sl){) and I .owt•nthal hcl(')t'd I.he Vlcitor. clo-.e 11 out Newron I !arbor overcame -.onw early <,hooung woes !'i for 14 tn UW fir.I qu.trtt'r) to fimsh I 9 of I:! from I.ht: field (452%1. f.oothill tonverted l<J ol 46 field·goal at· temr1,, bur wa.., JU'ol i of 6 from the ltne Ille \cillor. ~nk 12 or 17 foul ... hot'>. I hr;1 ..aid defen'>t' and rt>- houndmg v.ert> tv.o '>ldf'll~ for his w.m1 Wednc-;day -we hke 10 hang our hat on our dde1t-.t' c1nd 1r wt'rt' gotng 10 our· rehound any tt'am, 11\ ~1ng to llt' I ooth11l, hen1u-.c of our \l/.t' • .ul \ arll,1gt'. .. I hr.I "1.ld ~aJevit. rnlJecung quality feeds frl'lrn leammalc"> m the po\t, h11 tu .. fil"'>t \IX fil'ld goal Jllt'm(')t'> and firu..,hed 67'\1 from tht· field Lamt:mn 1rnnl'C.1 hi"> h1g m.an in double digit'> w1tJ1 I.! flOlnl'>. h1-. high again.,t leah'lle re>\'\ t.ht'> "4..'a son. I It' adt.led fiw l\•bound,, three a~'>l'>L'> and om• '>Wal Ptnl'Sell had rune p<lllll'>, t'lghl rebounds. two a!1S1~l'> ,Ulcl one <\leal and abo .J10uldel'l'd mud1 ol tht.> ball·handhng duuc<. <had Horden Lhipped 111 eight pomt-.. whllt• 1.0 ...... t-nthal added four pomt' and four board-. rx .... haw1 l.<l ...... <U'd'>, db l. 1un1or. Jkilt:d thl' 1111\t't \\1th In JIOlnl\ hut ht• Wil!I Llw lom· t.:rnght m i.loublt> figure... 1-oollull <;('Onng IC'adt·r Brandt Bang-. I.! 9 potnl'> (')er game wm mg m l. wa.'> held to JU\t one ..hell m ead1 or the fl1'>1 three penoci.\ and wa' 'A:orele..... unuJ ~MJ( tu.., onlv field go.ti with 5 t4 left m the gam~ '\;cwpon ,~,11 trv to dn..e out 11 .... wet>l wHh a '>t>t ond mad victory at ~:a \.1t'\~ nval Ah.'° \lt~el I ri day HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO Sailors roll on, 17 -3 Newport I larbor I hgh'' girl-. water polo team ~pl to a lop· '\tded 17-3 Sea View League vic- tory over Visiting Laguna I lilb Wednesday to U1lprove to 15 J. .3·0 m league play. And. Nex Anderson had a goal. two a.<,...ist-; and a r,teal. Ashley Pa role had c1 goal and an '15.Sl'il and Peggy Hecbe had an a.'i..'>ISt and a <;teal the \1u.-.ldn~. who ft.>ll 10 10 4. I-I 111 league N~7.~t9s3 OCC women sting Hornets; men drop 66-57 OEC verdict < O"lA Ml-.5J\ -A 9~6 adv-an tage m ovenime v-auhed I.he Ordnge (..Od.'>t CoUege women'> ba-.kt•tball 1eam LO a 68-65 vtt tory over the v1sit1ng 1-ullenon I lomel'. WedneMfay night. In a game that -.aw 13 ues and 18 lead c: hangt.>s. Loa.st 121 ·4. 6 I 1n the Orange 1-.mpue Confer encel got 25 pom~ from IJ:t Mendo1.a on IO-of-2 1 shootmg fnlln""ed hy llndse)-c.alasc,o IJl and :--.ancy I laL.su,hi I 11 1 m the c,conng column for the f>lratL"> FuUenon lfi-R 1-11 had t\\O player; collect a double-double (pomlS and rebound' a.' Sterhante I lanifan led with 17 points and I l. boards while Je<>· s1ca Jen nm~ tallied 16 and IO rf.><>pecuvely. Nicole Garber I I "i and Reena Gonzales 14 I also contributt'C.I to Fullenon·., 37 q <J\ooung percentage C..Oa-.t wenl J8 I 'lb from the field. rhe Hornets outrebounded the Pirate!>. 48 33. hut Coa.i.1 h11 1111 q of 23 from thrt't.'·rmnt ran~t' whtle I ulJt>nnn w~ 5 or 15 fron1 behind tht' c1n The game wa'> ued. l8 LB. at h.ilfllmt· •In 1he (A>d.'t men\ game. La· ruer Brown 'hot 4 of 5 from lhree·poinl ranKe and finished 7 uf q from dw lield to -.core a team high ltt (')OIOl\, hut Coru.l droprt•d a conference game to v1.,1ung Fullenon. bb 57 I ullt.>non I I fl 9 l 4 m confer· t'Oll' '>hl>I light'> out 157 1% whlll:' < ot1-.1 14 q 3-41 made onh H of .!.i tit•ld goal anempcs Ul I.he lir'>t hall and finished at -10.fltlo: fullt.>rton "I. on:od :!4 points off turnm er. to C oa't' I 4 and out '>l.·ored tlw P1ratt..,, 41 36. m the "t't.·ond half AJfon\o Jami.'\ and Ja~on Gare) each had t>ight rx11n~ foUOWt"d b\ Mall 1 larth wllh '>I){ aJong Dt 11111nu .. All'x.andt'r and l)tephon ~all''> tallied fi"e (')Otnl'> c1p1ece <~are\ and "l/ykol.i.'> Pepper; t'alh hJd two 'iteaf,, HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER . Day owns Ocean View Co-,1a Me<.a I hgh senior Sharon Da .. ,wf'l'<l two goal<i and added three a-.r,rw .. to lead t.he Mustang'> iorf., .,on.er team to a 5 0 Golden West League vtctory over ns1nng Ocean \.1~ \\t'd.n~ay "She JUSt owned I.hat game.~ '>CUd \1~ <Odeh Dan Johnston, whose team improved to 15-1 2 9-0 0 in leagut-and need' one win to clmch the Golden West otJe Anne Belden had seven go~ three assists and four steals on a day when it appeared the Sailors were playing with loaded dice de- spite the absence of two staners. Jenna Murphy and Raelyn Ritch ie, who were ill. • We<.tm1n<>ter I hgh goalie N1t - ole Meyer took the L~ons' offe™>e mlo her own hands Wednesday finng the length of I.he pool for the wmmng goaJ with 30 second<> left m a 4·3 Golden West League victory at Costa Mesa. Lag Hills , ~ O Newport ~ ~ ' l ,! Day <>Cored CW\ce m the first half off a.s.o;1"1' from her youngt>r sts· ter Jasmm. and 1uruor teammate !>racy Mltonan C.,Ophomore Jenny Newpoft H.n--Belden 1. Wight 3. Lansing 2. Conway 2. Parole 1 Ball 1. Ande<ton 1 Saws -Con.am. 6 Golden W... l.Npt w.tnWast. '·Costa~ 3 paru scored two minutes mto t.he 'il'C'ond half off an aMlSt by Sharon Oay and Nilaru Duarte capped I.he sconng. firushmg a long throw· m from Day. Mesa goalie Kindra Bailey recorded Lhree uves.. Junior goal.te Kaitlyn Gending L'> out with a hip 101ury Annie Wight had three goals and an assist. Paige Lansing had two goals and an assist, Carolyn C.Onway had two goals and three steals and Jessica Ball had one goal. four assists and three steals. Mesa had the ball Molen on its linal~ion. Senior Katie Thorsness scored twice for the hosts. who also had one goal from sophomore Sarah Bowman. Sophomore goalie Ml- chclJe Payne made 13 saves for 5cof'9 bv au... Westminster 6 1 1 2 Costa Me.a 0 1 1 1 • Eagles fall in late stage to We trninster, 3-2 3 GOLF Continued from B 1 2003. Last year, the new fan-friendly lnldotives were more difficult for some than others. These are professional golfers wed to jump through a few hoops and shine in public reladons. They'n! not all cut out for the job. The Toshiba Senior a ic last year enjoyed great success with the Q & A ion It held after the Saturday round with fans and OU OU Rodriguez and Fuzzy ZoeUer. who were miked up and sitting together high on a scaffolding near the first tee. This year, Purser announ<ied that Gery McCord and John Jacobs will entenain the aowd after the 6.rst round In a Q & A on with rans, while Rodriguez and Zoeller will repeat thelr tage feal · after the seoond round. ••• While the Toshiba c h been pushed back on the tour CAiendar to the mlddle of Mudl 1.nsttad of early ln the month, the thrrat or rain ls always on PUnet\ mind. Aft.tr all. the tournament only gets ooe shot ~ry year. and weetbet to have played a factor eveiy Y"lf, either ln thf'. pro-am rounds or competitive p&ly. ~ bawm't bad good wather on lb~ In three~• Pl.Iner quipped.~ to the ' w.tmlllltllt-Barron 1, Ratano 1, Loyne 1, Meyer 1 Costa Meea -Thorsneu 2, ~"n 1. Savee -Payne 13 dlfficuJt scramble tournament officials endured - led by tournament co· chairman Jake Rohrer - during Thursday pro-am rounds. The finaJ round of the 2000 event was · completely lost because of inclement weather Allen Doyle was declared the winner after 36 holes. ••• Katie Nbright of Corona del Mar High 6n!d a two-round 176 to finish in the top~ recently in the Shandin Hills Junior Shootout on the Junior Amateur GolfSdholars Thur at the par-72 Shand n Hills Golf Oub in San Bernardino. She is the daughter of seven-time defending Newpor1 Beach Country Oub women' club champion Debbie Albright. tht 2001 lea <Alp Oassic champion. ••• ~llcan HW GolfOub plans to refurbish all 125 bunkers on its two resort courses this winter, an effort that wW cnhanot the ap~ of~ bunkers whlle preserving the ortgl.oal Tom PazJo ~ •Refwt>isb.ing bunkers ls ~ulred durl the lifetime of any golf COW1e. HOWl!Vl'f. nwry cowxs fill to do to becau. of the rost and lo.a of pa.y,· PdQn I IDJ Omml Mauger HansjoeiJ Mlillltl'I aid. ~are two of the pr coor.. In the coootry and we wOI continue to IR9t ~ IUCh.. The F.stancia High girls soccer 1eam hrld l~ads of 1-0 and 2-1. but host Westminster scored in the 78th mmut~ to claun a 3-2 Golden West League win Wednesday. Maria Sanchez opened the scoring for thr Eagles.. then Ruth Oiavero broke a I · I tie to put the visilo~ on top. once again. But Westminster stayed with it and overcame the second deficit to prevail. Estancia, which received 11 saves from Marn Knchberg. called up from the junior varsity. feU to 3-7-6, 2-4-2 in leal(Ue COLLEGE WOMEN'S HOOPS Vanguard goes up to No. 16 Vanguard Umvcrs1ty climbed to 16th place ln the NAIA Women' Basketball poll The day and fin hed the day by defeating host California Baptiat In RJversJde. 70~. l to m&Jntaln a hold on fint pJac~ In the Golden State AthletJc Conltrence wtth a 10· l record. Tht Uons e tabllsb d a 30- 23 lead fn the flnt halt on S of 9 hooting from tbt th.ree·potnt a.re Yantuard held on for the ride In the ~od half, out- ICorinS tbe boat 40·58. to comp&ett ihe 9·polnt margin oMctory and remain and lm· prcne lo 10· l ln the GSA0. Yin• pant nMMSe t 7 · or 24 tree throws in th~ flnal 20 minutes to choke off lhe comeb•ck ef. foru of Cal Bap,lst. Miranda Emde paced CBU with 22 polnta and An la Romagnoli to l.n l 4 poln and hauled ln a teem-hip 7 rebound for the 11 • ll Lady Lancers. CeJ Bl.pt t dro to •-7 ln GSAC Jn.nil r WUcm tepped up wilh 17 poin ror t.be Uo and or Robbin Oltteft.btr dropl>f'd ln 13 pofnll and N'Ytn reboun Vanpard lmpn1V'et Io 15· 7 oftftl1 • Van&Uard trave\9 to 8'ola Saturday for ttw nat coelet· eou ma1ch u np.Clft ii• forS:!Opm. ' 1 -: •. !· 84 lOOrsday, Janu.wy 30, 2003 SPO R TS Dally Pilo1 su.N HllLER I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar boys soccer standout Blake Dillion 1s the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. DILLON Continued from B 1 Dillion's dependability as one of two center defenders in the Sea Kings' unique Oat-back four defensive scheme (a • '>1gruficant alterarion of the typicaJ diamond scheme that includes two fullbacks on either side of a stopper. posiuoned clo!.ed to midfield, and the sweeper. a1 the rear of th e formation) has helped CdM conrend for a Pacific Co~1 League championship. With Dillion anchoring the defense. CdM ( 11-5-2, 4-1-0 in league shut out PCL rivals University, 5-0, on Jan. 22, and Calvary Olapel, 4·0, Friday. to extend its wmrung srrealc 10 6ve. It also prompted Dillion~ selection as Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. "Blake is one of the main reaM>ns we are where we are." CdM Coach Pat Callaghan l>aid. "I !e's the defensive MVP of our season and our No. I leader. I le del'>erv~ the recognjcion " Dilhon's play ha'> pleased his coach, who conunue!> to be amv..ed by his co-captain's relentless purswr of the ball. "You could call him fearle~." Callaghan said. "I have yel to see tum lose a tackle, which is amaYJng to me. I le never shies away and he never gets beat. If he doesn't win the ball with a tackle. he track!. the player down UCI Continued from B 1 year On Its way to Wlnntng the tournament title, Santa Barbara knocked off UCI in the '>emifinals. Now, the Ant- ealer'> are '>eek.mg a measure of revenge UCI Coach Par Douglass know~ that will be a challeng- ing task. "Ther're an explosive team," Douglas., said of the Gauchos "They have three potential players who could be the Big West Player of the Year in Nick Jones. Mark Hull and Brandumn Fullove. Not too many teams have three Utah St. ua UCSB Peclflc Idaho C.I Poly North ridge Fullerton Riverside L8St. outstand- ing play- ers like W l that." 6 2 Doug- 5 2 lass also 5 2 4 3 noted the 4 4 4 .. 3 4 3 .. 2 5 1 6 Gauchos are a dan- gerous three· point shooting team. UCSB has made 16 of 38 (42.1 %) th.ree- point shots in its last two wins. The Gauchos have made 130 three-point buckets through 17 games and aver- age 7.6 per game. Santa Bar- bara leads the Big West in both three-point field goals per game and three-point field goal percentage, 39.5%. "We have to be able to com- municate on defense," Doug- las said. "They have also been one of the stingiest teams. So. we've had to work on our of- fense against the man-de- fense. as weU. • The Anteaters have several opllons on offense, yet senior forward Jordan Harris and enlor guard Mike Hood hove been the leading scorers in Big West play. Harris has acored 56 points ln the last three games (18.7 point per game) to ta.lte over UCl's scor- ing lead at 12.6 points per game. Hood wu 8 tor l O from t.hree·polnc range In the two ga.m lur wt: k. He hu tatted the I t four JtBm , aconng 59 (14.8 ppg) points In tb11 tnrtcb and hitlinR 12 of 22 chree-polntera. I le has con- Yltted all 21 of h fr ·throw BLAKE DIWON 9orn: Oct. 9, 1984 Hometowh: Corona del Mar ~S-foot-10 Wel9ht: 150 5pcM't: Soccer Pos: Center defender Coad\;: Pat Callaghan Fevortt. food: Pizza favorite MOYie: "Super Troopers· ._. .w.tk ~'Winning the Bell (pefpetuaJ trophy) t.dt from Newport Hacbof by beating (the Salton). 3-1, thls =: Hltlh ldtoOI A of._ Week V: He w• a centnl figure In helping tt1e Se. Kings post bllck-to-ba hdfic c.o.st LYgue shutouts .galnst Unhlenlty (JM\. 22) and C.lwwy Olapel (.Fridly) en route to a fOUf-game winning sveM In ~ pi.y. Olly,.,. Coll«tor JpOfU <Md~ OJ-S and wins the ball. I le has never made a mistake that has cost u .. a goal. I le also has the abiliJy to keep our defenders organized ~ ln addition, the converted midfielder's impact continue!'. after rurrung away opposing scoring threats. Upon gaining pos.se'-Sion, he uses the playmalcing experience he gained in the midfield to kick-start the Sea Kings' offensive uansition. "Some defenders only knock the ball away, but Blake nor only gains possession, he seems 10 he very composed with the ball. He settles the ball, then 6nds a teammate with a pass. He just gets things going for us." A soccer veteran who began playing AYSO when he was 5, Dillion also remains on the go in the fall and spring by running for the school's cross country and track and field teams. He finished fifth at league finals to earn All-PCL recobrnition last fall, specializes iri the 800 meters on the track. and also runs both relays in the spring. When C.allaghan changed his defense. partly to feature Dillion and fellow center defender Shane O>llins. ii meant plucking Dillion rrom his accustomed midfield role. Butil was anything but a hard sell "Blake is a great kid and he djdn'I say a word about (the change)," said Callaghan, who 1erms Dillion his "pM!udo sweeper." "Blake is they guy we wan1 marking the least. We want him free to roam. step to double-teams and win loo!>e balls." On opponents' comer kick!.. Dillion typically matches up with the biggest attacker, relying on '>Upreme competitiveness lo overcome any height or weight deficiencies. "I'm pretty strong Wlth my head and I have confidence in my marking capability,· he said. Opponents may have a few more descriptive words for Oillion's irrepressible deferu;ive presence. STEVE McCRANI( I DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Jordan Harris ( 13) figures to be one of the key figures in Anteaters' game tonight against UC Santa Barbara. attempts this season. UCJ also possesses junior forward Stanislav Zuza.k (8.6 ppg) and junior center Adam Parada ( 11.5 ppg) as options on offense. Jeff Gloger, 1he Anteaters' fre hman starting point guard, continues to guide the offensive attack and remains a leader on defense. I le ts fourth in the nation In steals wfth 51 (3.2 per game), and atop the Blg West stalls· tJcs In thefts. Douglasa said his bench Is deeper than last stMOn. Freshman Ro Schraeder b a th~t rrom the out.side. He la second tn the Big We t ln thr e point Oeld goal percent· age, .449 C22 for 49). Junior forward Mau Okoro h grabbed 54 rebound.I in the . past 10 games, while junior guard Aras Baskauskas and sophomore center Greg Eth- ington provide defense. Mlk.e E!fevberha, UCJ's lone true freshman. has solid scoring ability. Coach Bob Williams' Gau· cho5 are led by thelr Big Three of Hull. FuJlove and Jones. I lull I the Big West leader ln Uue~polnt fleld goal percent· age, .461 (47 for 102). He Is averaging 14.8 points per game, Ju t behind Fullove, who haa a 15.2 ppg. average. Jones scores 12.9 points per game. Last year, Jon cored 21 polntt to lead Santa Barbara to a 66·6 I wtn over UCJ in the miff naJ of th Big W t Tournament. .~. YOUTH SPORTS Battle of the Bay goes to Newport Normandin and Olson score and goalie h elps preserve shutou t in the boys under-14 gold victory. • AYSO 97 SOCCER: Nick Nonn.andln and Tubln Olaon each scored one goal for Newport Beach in its 2-0 defeat ofO>rona deJ Mac in boys under-14 Gold AD-Star soccer action for AYSO Region 97. Andrew Kahan assisted on Olson's goal in the second quarter and Sergio' Rodrigua passed to Nonnandin on his score. SebMdan CrtYello Oeft wing) played three strong quarters of defense and goalkeeper Tummy Olson was assisted by Sean Marshall and Jeremy ManhaB. Ben Swift. DWon Gledt and Ra Nelson led the offensive attack for Newpon. In boys undeT-12 play: • Newport 6, Yorba Unda 0 Stellar performances by John Ryder and Simon Fledridt led to Newport's first shutout of the sea.son. Bobby Okvist started the scoring early and ended the first half with a hat trick due to support rrom Jackson c.armack. Scotty Pantofiky and Justin Cena.lo. Joshua Doering scored twice m the second half with help rrom mjdfielders Justin McLaren. Luc Heasley and Cameron Conway. Corey Bell-Wheelans broke through Irvine's deferu,e for Newport's final goal on an assist by (.armack. Newport' defensive unit of J.P. Muller, Jordan Mclaren, Na.than Dk.key and Daniel Net7.er kept the ball in Irvine territory for much of the game. • South Irvine 2. Newport I Newport scored 11.l. lone goal on a header by Okvist. set up by Cerrnto'~ comer lock. ln boys under-JO action: Newport remained m firsr place wuh two win.'> last weekend: 3-2 over Corona del Mar and a 4-0 decision against South Irvine The be¥ under-10 (.old All-Star !>OC'Cer team from AYSO Region 97 era'ied a 2-1 Cd.M lead with third· period goals from John Barton and Colton Gyulay. C..dM scored early in the first quarter but Newport answered with a goal by Gyulay on a Barton assist Stew:n Miller scored two goah in the second quarter to help Newport defe-clt South Irvine. Christian Ochoa o;cored on a penalty lc:ick for a 1-0 lead and Barton found the back of the net on a breakaway in the founJ1 period to round out the Newport scoring. Thnmy Root and Scon Ridgeway 3$i.!.ted the offense with midfield help from M.Jsha Pakvma. Ivan Becemt and Ochoa. Sean Regan. Drew Oilier, Taylor Wildman and goalkeeper Logan Newen anchored the defense. ln girlc; under-10 Gold All-&ar acuon: • Newport maintained its spot tn second place with two wins last weekend Newport beat Corona del Mar, 2 I, Saturday morning. CdM scored first m the thtrd quarter but Beth Barnard scored oO a rebound and Lauren Grupe tallied the game-winner on an assist by Turi Sarris. Hannah Mcleod and Mary Yeager played strong in goal and the defense Wcl.S led by Gwen Gaylord and~Busby. Newport beat South lrvme. 2· I, m the afternoon match Claire SUva scored Newport's first goal on an assist rrom Natal.le Swift in the first quarter. After an lrvine tied ii in the 5eeond quarter, Blakeley flkenec scored the game-W1IU1er off .i comer Icicle from Barnard. Amy Kanotz, Callea PJsenberg. Yeager and Grupe created many scoring opportunities throughout the second half. McLeod, Busby and Gaylord Cswceperl controlled the defense. Rush hoU?'th.ampionship • CWB SOCCE~ The OCU Ru~h. a Newpon under-IO girls soccer team, won Its two games last weekend to take the championship of the OCU Invitational at UC Irvine McK.ende Brown scored the only goal in the defeat of Crown City United of Burbank in the early game Sunday. In I.he later game Sunday. the Rush came away with a 5-1 victory over Cerritos after trailing, 1 ·0. Brown scored three goals and teammates Marta Tena and Jordan DUUon added to the total. Defenders AJ.Ue Gordon and Dillion helped limit Cerritos to only nine shots on goallceeper Alexa O..lpofl. The Rush allowed only two goals the entire tournament. Marla Swift, Ashleigh Smith, HaJey Raguse. Ellie N'adel, JennJe Penunuri, Natalie Rempa111d and Jenna Vogel contributed to the team's solid play. The Rush finished second in its club league season with onJy one loss and made it to the quarterfinals of the League Cup. which includes under· 10 girls teams from Orange and Los Angeles counties. Undefeated Raiders have the balance • YOUTH HOOPS: The Newport-Mesa All-Net fifth~grade Red Raiders basketball team Improved to 6-0 with a 49-41 victory over Santa Margarita. Strong defense led I.he R.aJdera to the win. 'J'Nvor Miles led Newport in S<:Oring with 12 points foUowed by Andrew Roth (elgbt), Parbr $tone {seven) and Pletcher Della Grotta (seven). DUlon Campbell and CoWn Krahe led in the steal department with four and three, respectively. Andrew R.Joe and J.D. Abbott (five and four rebound , respcctJvely) controlled the glus. bndall Nebon led with seven lsts. In th.ltd/fourth-grade gfrls action: • Golden 11.wb 23, Spub • 9 X.-., Woo Jed the Hawb with nine point and 0.1111• Buth conlrlbuted eight. Kathli'yia Conner and Adelle RJc:hJey led th dde~. points and Alex AJeU011 five. •Wizards 13, Magic 7 Saylor Schroff led the Wtw.rds with six point., and Brooke Lux added four. Mary McKenna had four points Cor the Magit • Newport La.ken 27, lrvtne Roadrunners 17 Kelsey Canido led I.he Lakers with six poinl'> Valerie Martin and Ellka Paterl played well defensively and on the boards. Hornets coast to victory, 66-37 • VOlITH HOOPS: The I lornets improved 10 7·0 with a 66-37 victory over the Mavericks in boys seventh-and eighth-grade Newport-Me.,a National Junior Ba~k.etball action. I-our players scored in double figure including Erik Rask and Andy Rovzar, each w11h J 2 points. followed by O.ase Pinesett with 11 and Austin Apramlan's 10. Gus FJlls scored eight points while Thomas DlaJynas (seven), Kevin Rask {four), and Timolhy Regan and J.P. Gormly leach with 1v.11 added to the lolal for Newport. Pinesen led with eight reboundi. followed by f.llis' six, Erik Rac;k's and Timothy Regan'<, four, Apramian and RoV?.a.r's three and J.P. Gormly and Kevin Rask'~ two boards. Erik Rask led with four assists as Rov'l..ar and Erik Rask each rallied two. P1n esett, Oialyna5 and Regan each had one as~isl. 01alynas contributed two steals followed h) Kevin Rask and EU1s' one each. EUis and Pinf"'>t'll ali.o tallied one block apiece. CdM blank both weekend foes • AYSO REGION 57: The Corona del Mar bo\' undcr-10 Gold Afl·Star soccer team from AYSC ' Region 57 taU1ed rwo .. hutout victorie<t la<,t weekend. (.dM Lroum:ed V1~1tmg Tusti n. 8·0, Wllh Ma...on Case an.d Jack McBean each scoring three goal' along with Kjell Wolker and Connor GaaJ collecting '>Ingle scores. Brennan Anderson ~~l'>ted on Wolkcr'i. goal Defenders Garrett Larson, Blake Thomsen and Brent Gray stynued numerous offensive attack!> while '>Citing up offensive !>ets with pa.!>'>e'> lO midfielders. ( dM beat North lrvtne. 4-0. in the early ganw Saturday. Goalkeepl'r Oark CaahJon made a save, ther'I booted the ball to Jack Gorab at midfield c.orah led Gaal Wlth a touch pass and t.he latter bl~led the ball into the net from IO yards out. Hector Marino scored from 18 ya.Jds our on an angled shot late in the third quarter. With the two wms, Cashion recorded h1'> thmJ l>hu1ou1 of the toumamen1. Blue find all the clues • YOUTH SOCCER: The Corona del Mar Rlue' Ouec, girls under· 12 Silver All-Star soccer team defeated Newport, 4 -0, to remain undefeated a1 5-0. OaJre Schmidt i.cored two goals with Megan Otterbein and Lella Pozin each tallying <tingle scores. Klmberly Condino, Kelaey Davis, Valerie Avila, Rebecca Beyer, Kathryn Conner and Amanda Johnson provided offensive support. (,oallceeper McKenna Caskey along Wlth defenders Taytor Rhodes, Layne Kelley. Alexa Cohen and RylJe Levasseur, anchored rhe defen~e. Newport Beach defeats CdM , 4-1 • YOtrrH SOCCER: The Corona del Mar All-Stars defeated Newport Beach, 4-1. in boys under-12 Gold soccer action Saturday. Adrl.an Rodriguez scored on a penalty kick for Newport. Goalkeepers Tim Barela and Hayden Navarro saves many shots on goal and received defensive assistance from Tom Badum. Justin Paber and Jeff Newman rounded out the defense. Jay Ordaz penetrated the CdM defense and had some shots on goal while forward Hric Holland and Adrian Rodriguez assisted on offense. Aggressive tackles by Easton Gledt provided midfield protection and Joel Betonte and Derek Boler moved the ball well. Lucky Olanns have good fortune • AYSO REGION 120: The LudcyOianns. a girls under-I 0 soccer team from AYSO Region 120, maintained its bold on first place In the Area 1 IQ SIJver AJJ-Star championships with a 3·0 victory over Tustin. Zulekya Ruiz, Jackie Freiberger and Molly McFarland each scored goals for tbe Olarms and goalkeeper Arlana Dlspalatro recorded her fourth shutout ln flve games. WhJtney McAJeer, Amanda Wlanelsld and Cindy Rubio all helped In the victory. The Olarms played Yorba Unda to a 1-l lie al o In weekend play. Lei Hookano scored the lone Mesa goal. Defenders VMaaa Batnda and Lauren blu along with rrudflelder Huntu StrodeJ held strong. Smooth sailing for Slammers • CWB SOCCBR: The Newport Be•cb Slammers, a girls under· I I club aoccer team ranked 1lxlb ln the nation, won Its fourth tournament this aeuon at the 20th annual Sereno Classic tn Mesa. Artr.. In the final the Slammers beat the OaJ.Jq Teuru , I 0, with a goal by DuW1e ~ Th Slammers won alJ four pma In pool play fonnat. acortng 11 goaJ apln t the o.nu Sdng. Surf, GUbert Olva.a {.Ariz.) and the Golden Bagi (AIU.). Coalkeepera &aq ....,.., and Bmma Stco- e ch had a 11~ to contribute to the ftn&I lhucou The pub were paced by Dwan Sharp'll llx ---------------~--~~-----t~~------------.-..----~ 'f ily Pilot agit. 'S 17 nt<, Wllh I WO by Jr, 1d )0\' ,() nr ~" rah ted 1 an 1rd Ut'' n at n for D d 'f L 1Y " • • ., Dally Pilot The followln1 IH"Ons .,, do1n1 busineu H Stop Pred•tors Aualll•ry Nttwor-. 1800 C 16th St . ttiJIO , Htwl>Oft Buch, CA 92663 Abdul Alk•Y•h 1800 C 16th St • IH310 New po1t Beach. CA 91&61 Cha11ls Holl I}!>~ Sl11tr1nrton Pl' tWll l ~2668orl Bead• CA Suue Holt, I JS!> ~he1 1na1on Pll . •W JIJ Newpo r I Be.llh CA 92663 Thai bU\1119\\ I• ton dueled by an un111lor por1led •noctalton other thin a p•rlnershtp Have you slat led dotrl& bu~meu yet' No Abdul Alkay•lo lhis st•t~menl wa\ filed with lhe County Cl•rk of Or•nat County on 01/24/0J 2003'9309'4 Dally Ptlol Jan )() r rb 6. 13.?0. 2001 lhl.14 --~ .. ij j dlfUMtf fldltlM .... H ... !he lollow1n1 Pt• \un has ab•ndon'd th' u\t of the r •< hth•u• Bu\• neu N,;mr A 1 lh' !run~ Show B 1 l1unk Show J'r. W I ltlc her, Sutle ICY.> Orantt l'A 9286!> The f 1Llolt01" Buw•~\' Jme 1 el~11eo l<i •lt•JVt ••• filed 1n Or dlll!e Counlt "" 04 OJ 01 !Ill NO l007b898149 Bar b•r • T 1111,on ll'J W 11,ILhu Su1lto Ill'> Oun&' CA IJ?!jb':I Amand• 1111.,, If', W F lelLbPt <;1111!' lll'i Oun~ CA 9?1&. f h" bU\lfl"''' I.. t Clft duded by ,, &rnt1 ~I p•r Iner \hop BarbM• lrul•.vn ftl!\ \t~l~Jf!P"I WO\ loltd Wtlh th• ( rounh Cl!!r k ot 01Jn2• County on I? 10 07 20026926lS6 D••ly f'1k1I IAll rJ I to ?J 10. ?Ol'H I hOHO Rdlllws l4lliltu Mmts ........ lhP lollnw1n' l'P' ~011 •• ur dom~ bu\tnt '\". t I 11\I l.ul 1011 N•w11url Crnltr Cletv• Nr .. l•!H I Buch CA 9lb60 I 11~t rut 4 Kid\ Int ''"'' 11 r .,, AllO Hr .. port Cn~\I CA 9/h'>I fht~ bu'\m .. ~· ,,. 1 on dul t~d b1 • r1tiu1r.~th n Ht1ve ynu ,,., ,,.d do10; .. bU\IMe\\ yr!' No I 11 \I rut 4 Kid· 1,,, l.1ntP f UQrl f'lf .u1~t!I lht\ \l•lf"tf1f'11t '# \\. t1lrd wolh th• 1 r 11111 t Clt'tt 11f 0fMtk!'" ( 1untv onOl/?8 Ol 200J69'132J Oaoly P1lut 1 .. n 'IU I •It 6 11 /0 ?OCH ltd 'I fktittM lwsiins "-StltmMI The lotluwtnf P"""'" •f,. dorna bu,1n.-\\ .... N•~•lt<h 1101 S Rrn• 01 S..nt .. An• l'A '1'104 tow Mp11d.t 1701 S Rtnt De •nl 1 An• lA '11104 Tht"t bu\ln"'' •'a c 11n duttetl by .u1 u11hv1du.1I H4wf" "/QU s.t.-n,.tt tj1101.: bUSlltf''\ yt t l ,.o lo~e M•n\j• Tho\ \l•lrmrnt wH ftlPd w1lh th• I ounty f:ltr~ ttf ll•~nt• I ounty nnOI '4 Oi 200U9'04H J 011ly Pilot I 1n tO f •h Ii IJ XI /OOJ lhl?'J Rdlll.1411iitu ... s ....... lht lullo wme PH\On\ .Tift doing bu•.int\\ •" S•i,,ie\R~••~w rum 'IOI Don 'il<P•I '.u1fr· I S8 Newpntl B•.ll h CA 97660 8ake1 lhom\Pn Ano tlitht1 ln"uan1,. Srr Vt~O. CCA) 901 Dovr Sir eel Su1lt I !>8 Ntw Pllft Buch (A q}(,60 Thi\ bu\10t\' 1\ < un dueled by • t nr pm allon HaYt you •tar IPd dotnR bu\lness yeti N11 B•kitr lhomun A soc1al" ln\ur.nL e Ser YICO l1lf11n1t 0 BHon T1ta\Urtt lhis •l•l•m•nt wn !tied with lh• Cuunty Clerk of Oran&' Cuunlv on 01/24 Ol 200'6UOt27 o .. ty P1k>t J•n lO f eb 6 13 10 lOOJ Thl?5 2MO llplNalca ......... ... s....... rhe tottow1n1 perion ••e do1n11 busmen u A > On DVO. B ) On CO 15? J7 Sprin11dale SI Huntin1ton Beach CA 921>49 Crnt111a K, Pl11tltp~ 1!>231 Sp11nad1le St Huntrnatun Beach. CA 91649 Thos bus1n~s is 1.oo due led by "" ond1v11tu<1I tine you storied doing busone\s yet' y,., Det ? 1998 Cindy Philltp' I hi\ \t.itrrnent wa5 flltd with the C<mnly Cl~1k of U14011,t' Cuunty on 1/14103 20036929596 Daily Ptlol l~n lb. 2 J. JO. ' fb 6. ?()(Jl ThO'lb Fidltlm loslness "-St-.....i 1 he fullow1ni 1ier \UO\ are do1n11 bu\1n•~• a" A ) Tht flunk Show 8 J A Trunk Show l7b7 01.in11• Avr Suitt B 102 Ccl\td Me\.i f:A 976?7 B.irbacJ lruhon 1767 01•n11t Avt •11101 Cusl• Me"' CA 97617 lhJ\ bU,Ulf!'!t t\ '-Ofl du< lt•d t.y • .,, 1nd•V1dudl H•n fOU ''~'led dn1n11 bu\tnt'' v~P YP\ 'l It 01 B~u b•r ~ 1' 1Jl•.1tn lh1\ -.tat~m,.nl wA\ lol~d W•lh lhr I oul!I y Lh~r k fJf Or .if\~t ( Hunt 1 ''" 17 10 Ol' 20026 926357 Oatly Polo! Jan I I JO ill01 Cj 16 11101q fldi!iotls INwu Mc.tSlattMlt fh,. lollow1ng Pt-,~MI "' f' do111~ bu~•"t"\' d'- K•tt Ot\l11bulo" 160'>0 Sha\tA !ii f uun1,11n \1<1llt'f CA 'll70fi K,1y Clltn Lr.,u<h ll>fhO Sh,1'1<1 SI t uun!dtn V•llq IA'J/101j I h•' bu~m~'' 1\ 1 '"' d1Jt lrd by ~n mrlrv1dual H.av,_ Vl u '\f.trlt."d du1ng- bu\mr• \ 1•1 > N., Ii •v f llen r.rr.u• h lh" ''"'•m•nl ., • ..,. lolt•d .,,,It !ht (..,uroly I 1 .. tk nf '''"""~" l HJ1H1 '"I 14 01 20036929S9S Cl•ily P1I• I l•ro lb ! 1 10 f rb b 100 I I h•)8/I The followrn11 11erson1 ace do1na bu\lnus u Blue uy Bay Common Aiu fund. 1201 Oo•e Strut Suite 100. New port Buth CA 92660 Br a d lay W Sehr oth, 1201 Ouve Slteel Sutt• 100 Newport Buth I.A 92660 • • Thi" bu\1nt'~ t\ tun duded by ~n mdrv10u•I 11 .. vl' yuu 'I.I•• led du11111 busine" f~t' y._ 01/ l5i2Q()j • Bradley W Sthrolh lhl\ \1dltrn~nt wo tiled wtllo thp C11unly Cleek of Uran~• Cou11ty 01101128/01 20036931320 Datly P1l1rt '"" 30, r ~ll 6 11.t'O,?()(Jj lh174 Fkti!IM IWnKJ "-eStwt....i 11\~ loll11wmg """ons '"" doing Lu\tnf"'"\ tl"-r IUWl'I \ by l~11111le1 16761 V1ewpu111I I ,;n~ Unit 70', Hu11l!n~lr111 Bl'dtll CA 9lb4 7 renr11ler Su~ C•mpb•ll 16161 \11twpo1nl l •"•· Un11 10!> Huntonatnn Bull CA 9?6'7 fh1' bu~tnt:\"\ t'" con du<led by an 111d1vidu•I Ha~~ yr,u '1.l•r I Pd dumi bu 1 ;:•• lh ....... ltll'O -~unty Cltrflt .. l~~J t"'I ~.bu\mt\\ ., llMHt~lMed•ca ti I ll&d11ft19'J •n•nlifl tA &Q614b 6 lOOl IHIOI fr .in~ I Rtlt. bl A2u ''"'" Irvin• <A 9/lil4 Hll'. hu"lflP\• '" con du1 l~d by an 111d1vodu.al H<Jvt• y11u \td1 lt>d dw11~ IH"Ul~~" yet? Nu F • ar1~ r Rt!~ lhr\ \ldlemenl wd'\ l11Pd with the Lnunty c1~.~ ,,, llr.lng• founly nn 01 Ob10j 20036928650 0 t1ly P1l1>I Jdn I& i! J JO. f •b h IOOJ 111100 Fldi1MM lvsiitss lt-.S""'-" fh .. lollCJWln~ Pt'''""' ;u,. d111n~ bu· 11u•°')' •· Nation.ti ffed.;f t;rouv I H<t 1•J w .. r.i s 1, ... 1 I •UlllJtn Vdllty CA 'U1'1" I'" mlth Gu1df: In~ < At 11!4 10 W H d \11 .. ~t I ounl•1n 'lalln •• A9?708 ''·'" I ,11 wme ,1 ... t'\On'\ Jtu\ Lt•\•O*·">\ un II# dnlOt., hu• lnf'5'\ ,. Ou< t~d bf' "'c Hpor ~hon AIH OulJ•t 4 110 f ....... Y•m ·'"' l••I ~ .. int Hluf"till'Alr1 , ir An.th,.tn1 bu~•Or'I ft'l N1 ~II\ lA 'l7807 lh• ~tntlh c.u.d• h• f(,,b,., t l rt' Ntl -HO fdnW4: r C)m1ft• f'r f• ' 4 l/(J I l!luf w•I•! ( 11 drnl An.1h""" lltll·. l A 'l7807 ""' • •terro.r t ,. 1 I ht• fHr\IO.-\'" 1 1. of'\ 1 til,.d ~1th fh,. • 01111t1 dU< It'd f)y Ari 111d1v1d11.JI f lf"rlt; ,,r Ut.tUl(t' I' 1H•l1 H~v• yuu •ldtt•d rfotn~ nn 01 17 Ol bu\tllt" y•I' No 20036930120 R11btr 1 l t~ Nrl•.tlft O•tly Ptl"I J•n !l 10 Th" •.!dltrnenl w•' f ebb l 1 lOOc 11111111 111 .. 0 with Iii. r: .. unt ~ fiditiM lusftu Cll'r~ ul O,.nge c,,ur11v 0111? 11 O? .... S""-tt 2002600927097 Jtt,. lt.lluwm~ p•f\oll'. O.l1ly Pilot Ian 11> I I Mr dmn11 bu\tn>\\ d lO l•b 6 lOOl lhl02 I ro1nk · Barb~r\hnp ActlllM lcnirttss <'1)81 f Or ~n~•thttrpe Pl.tcrnloa CA 92870 .... ~ fr•n~ P•dOl•l .. rd 1.1891:1 lht lollnw1nr fl<"""" !luch'"'" Ir.ti! Dr ••• dutn11 bll\tnt\\ •• C111on01 CA 9 !Slsl I mien Ropt ot ''"'"" IOS•< P•ddltl•11" I iS~ 190/l:I Md>•w lrviM CA 6u t~\~1n lr••I Or 'J(f,/)6 Cor v1t• C A \llAA I l\u11 W1llt•m l•y• 4?l lh1' ht!\tnt\\ ·~ toll I ~'"'••I C:own• d•l 1 du• ltd b1 husbdnd •nd M., I A 9167':> wilt '"'" bu'"..•OIP""\S 1\ ton H.hP y u \IAd~d <Joinf dut trJ hy .tn tndiwH1u.al bu'\mf' .. yf'I t y,.!!i I .l'.> .... ~,. fUU ~t.trlf'd dtHOi.i 01 tiu• 11Jr\\ t•t 1 N1• Jo,\1r I P •<ldl~lc.r d l\ur I iao;t Tht\ .t .. t•m~nl wa• lhl' \l.il•menl ,.4\ liltd w1lh II\• I uu•tly ltl~d ,.,,h !hi' (<>unly Ut•"-of OtJnt(e I •nwty fl•r~ "' Or•n~' County I"" 01 /4 01 on 01 28 Ol 20036930930 200!693 1322 Daily Ptlol l•n IO ~ ·~ 0,11ly Polo! J•n 30 Feb 6 13 IO ?OOJ I h I H 6 I i XJ :>00 l Th I Z1 r lditiM lusiliKl FictlffM~ "-'S......... "-'S......... flt~ tollowinr P~l\nn~ M• dotnR bU\tnt·.~ " ,., .... , l n«ll 71 WtlOd \w4llnw I drl< All\O llor~1 tA 9?b56 S~An M r nnn•lly ll Wood,wallow l •11• Ah~<> 111c10 rA 92656 I h1\ bu\IOC\\ '\ ~nn dul lrd ~y an md1v1dual lf•vP fftU \Ut ff'd d<ttnil hU'-'"""~' yP-t> Ne St'dn M t nnn•lly lh!\ \tal•m•11I w" liltd will> th• l'ounly G!i!r k ol Or anRP Lounty nn 01 11 OJ 2003'929 50 2 D•oly Potot l•n lb 7 J )() Feb 6 1003 T h099 I h• lollow1ng P""'"' .Jf ~ dOtll~ bl)\Ull"'\ 41\ w._ Tho-Y'lt'OG1llSI••• • '"" 46 c .1.,. o~ 1 "' N""" RAn1 h11 ~•"'" M•rydrol• CA 91688 M11nlt Salo! 46 I 111• 11~ los NtnU\ RJncho ~ml.1 M•r1t•rtt.1 I A 9lf>81t Pal11na '\atnl 41i L •111' DI' I•" Nm<1\ Hdnrho S•nl• Ma111.,tt• I.A 9?688 l h•s bustnr\" 1\ 1..-ur, dudl'd by hu\b.md •11<1 w1ff' Hd•P voo \br !rd Jmnit bU\tn~' yf'P No Monlr Saini Th•\ st .. trm .. nl wo f1"'d ... th th~ County Clet ~ of 01 an&P t nunty nn 01 28. OJ 20036931321 Daily P1tol I.In lO. f tb 6. 13. 20. 2003 Thl23 The followln1 perU>ns •1e do1111 busmen u ColOf WOffls Pamlln& 233 lfn111 a Ave • Hun tin1ton Beach. £A 926'8 Ch•tles C Johnston, 233 Elm11• Ave . Hunhn1t on Beath. CA 926'8 fh" bu~1nen 1s t(>n du< tpd by an rnd1v1dual lf11ve you ..,.1.,ted doma bu,IJIO\ yr.I, N11 thar le~ >ohn\lon lhis i l•ltment wn ltlf'd with the County I'"'~ of Oranite County ()n 1/14/0J 20036929571 Daily Pttot J~n 16 2J JO I eb 6 70tH Th093 ----flc1tttM~ "-e Stattllltllt I h,· l11llnw11111 per ~On\ Art' duine bu\111~\\ a\ Strnplt l\ues\ Coown "'K l~S8 I atr w•y Or Co' t• Me'" CA 9?f,77 D•mrl Wh1lakN :1')':>8 F 411 wo1y De r.u\lo1 Mt'\J C.A926/7 lttt\ hu\tn .. ,\ " tun du• led hy •n tnd1•1dudl ltd•~ yuo ''"' l~d d<11na 111mn .. ,..,.' yt't' Ye' I I J ('()OJ Dan1'I Whota~tr fh!\ \l•ltmenl WH l!led with lht' Cr uoly fl•th uf l)rdOit f.,unly un I I• Ol 200369 79573 O•olt 1'1lul l•n I& '1 J llJ f •b b 700} TlifflO FktitlM lln!ntls Mc.es..._. 1 h~ lvlh1,.tn~ P~"un\ Mt dn1n11 bu\lflf'\~ •S UC \iu11 >Mr~t~ l!S Jrd Sheri 'iutlP If Hun l11tKIOn b•at h l A '111)48 l 1\a f11,~tr \, n& 15th Str~•I, •4 Hunlonglon BtJI h CA 97648 fh" busont\\ ·~ ton du1 ltd IJy An tnd1v1dual liov. yt>u ''••led d•Jlni bu\one" yel' Nu l is.i Ru~•" t ht\ \ldl .. mtnt "'"' hlrd w1lh !hi' Lounly Cl~rh 111 U1.in11• l'r>1.1nly "" 17 10 07 20026926211 Oaoly Polut I •n 9 lb !I IO JOO I lh081 Fidl1iM IUtss Mmes......, 1 t1• lull1JWUlK JH'f\UO\ ,.,,. ~ 110• bu\1nr~\ d\ ·.~., 1t ... w•4omr-\ 1.. "'° i'fl';l1I """"'"'• t Mlf' t-iu11llt •''''" HeCt• h CA ·~,>t,41, I l•t 1lot'll• M~r y Am•nl /f t,t l utmr bh• l '"" lfw•l1ni;l1111 li••<h I A 'l/~ • .tl I ht\ hu •n .. \.• 1\ ~ c.Jf' Im tf-11 hy .tn 1ndP/1du.tl ti h'' vuu ~t.H t,.d dr1in" hu<.rnr• •. ytl' No I l11•b•lh Amen! """ ,IAlemrtll w.4\ ltl .. d Wtlh lh~ l.rJUnfy r 1~1 k of (J1M1~r r:ouf\ly 1onOl 14 Of 200369J0914 0411¥ Pilot Jon lO r •b I> IJ /0 lOOJ lhl?l RctitiM l4lliltu N..S...._. I h• fttllt.>W!Jlll ll•r\Otl\ 11• d<11111t bu\1n•\\ .is A J f.1fl,lnp14 tom 8 r Gtlhl tlJI I 1048 •11 Ir "nr Avf' Ntwpo1 t 8td<I> !A9?b&O Cunr •d l u1~ MHtdn Ub Parh (rt'! t n N•wpur I l,o•st CA 9lb'>7 lh•. bu\1ntn I\ 'on dut trd l1y •n 1nd1vidu•f H l•• ,ou Udlttd dOtnfl bu· .,,f''\~ ~t't' Nu lone ,,d I UI> M•t tdu lh1\ \hlt'mtnl wn !!ltd .. 11h th• County I lt'r~ ul IJr•n~e rounly un I 14 01 20036929 S99 n ... 1v r11u1 1 .. n 16 n lO f 'I> f, ?00 j 1h094 fiditlM~ .... s ..... r t>r fnllowtnp P•J\OO\ ,, ,. tfttma bUSff\f' '\ A'- And••a\ Ot"i"' llh/I M•t1le1 I a11• •4 Hun lm.clnn Re"' h l.A 97647 Ant11P.1\ S1rmu1:v• l/lb9 ';,yl••ll Hlvt'I I •rt• •161 t t1Ullld1n V"ll•V lA 9710M l!nnnoe Surn11n1 111 bq Sylv•n Rive1 •161 I ounl•tn v.111•'1 t A 9?108 Thi~ bu\lnr\\ " cun du• trd by hui.bAn.1 And ,,.,,~ Ha•• y(lu \l.,l•d dn1n1t hu~!Ot\\ yrl 1 No Bonmt Sum ·~Y' lht\ •l.tlemtnl ... ~ ftled "''lh thr County Cltr~ uf 01.tnto;r rounly onOI ?8 Ol 200J 693 IJ37 D•tly P1kll J•n 30 I rb 6. IJ. 20 ?OCH ThllO A HEARING on the pelltlOn Wll be held on 02l'Z7 /03 al 1 30PM in De0C L • 73 located 11 341 THE CITY DRIVE. .... . . ...... , .. AcllM .... ... s...... Th• follow1n1 peri.on1 •r• d01n1 bus1neu n (uro Ameunn Collison Canlar fl. 20591 Puul W•y. La~e fores! CA 92630 A •nd H In' tCA> 20591 Pnul W<1y, lake Forest, CA 92610 lh1\ bu~n••s 1s con duct9Cf by • cOfpoc •loon H•ve you \l•rled dome bU\!nen yet' Yes XlOO A 1nd H In' Wilham K•noont This ~latement was ltled wtlh lh11 County Clerk of Or an11• County on 01/17/0J 20036930118 O.i11ly P1lol l•n 23. 30. feb 6 J:l,2003 lhlJO fldltlws INltss .... s ....... lh• tulfow1~g penun> ,,,~ dotnit IJusint\~ n New Ord•• T•chnolog1e> 18071 f tlth A•• Irvine. ca 9261• lAn&lord Delano Men lit'\ ?398 C Iden •B Co\ta Mes• Ca 'l'lb21 I ht\ busme~s 1s Lon du• ltd by lln 1ndoo;1duat Hn• ynu started dnm11 bu••nr\\ yet> No I •nglurd Deldnn Men , ... \ I h1\ \l.tltment w•~ l1lr<I "''" !he County lit•~ of Oranee County un ll 26 02 2002692782S D••I i Pilot Jan ?3 30 f Pb ft I) 20()3 lhllJ flditiM INMu "-S"*--1 I"• followtn& per son\ ••• du1ng bv~ones• u Juli• M•"O" 905 ( A••l•m Ave Santa Ana. CA 9VOli Broan Boulter. 905 £ A••fon Av~ Santa Ana. tA 92706 I hi\ bustne\s t~ l<in- dut.led by an 1nd1v1du•I Havt you \l.rted doing bU\tn~\\ y~I' No B11•n Boulter 1 "" . statement "'"' ltlf'd with the County (;lf'rk of Or•n&e County c.nOl 17 OJ 20036 930 122 Oa1ly P1lgl l•n / j 30 f •b 6 11 2003 Thl07 lht lolluw1n1, pe1sun· .tr.. d·~tne bu'\•nt-s-s as Sf.I Nl 1041 W 18th St •B HI'> I usto1 Me• .1 r A <j?f.11 Hl'•'" Ml\1• .ti '""Ill w Ah,.,, V1e1u 9?6Sft Tht\ bu\1nes .. ~ <On dut t•d by an 1nd1v1dual H••e you star ltd tlu1ng bu\in"s ytt> Yt\ O'l ]~ 1996 lunR Wonng Hyun lh1\ sldlem•nl Wd\ hied w1lll the County Cit<~ ot Orange Counlv un 01 28/03 2003693138 2 Datly P1101 Jan 30 F rb 6 11 lO 2003 Thi l6 Tht tollowm1 pusun. art dome business as SRC C nttt t ••nmenl 70? ·r· R•ndulf Coit• Mes.> CA92616 Darrell Verlfu\<U 2000 Cr.tne Canyon Rd S.tnta Rosa CA~ c .. tht,.ne "'' dusco .?000 Crane C•n111n Rd Sant.. Ro\a CA 'Y.>404 Tho\ bu\tnen •S ton du~led by hu~b•nd and wrft- Have you \tarled dome bu\1nns yel, Nu 0Arrell 'le1du\L C•lht11ne v~rdU\Ct) l h" SIAlemonl WdS !Md wtlh lht Cuunly C!•rk ul Otani:• County ""I? 11 Ol 20026926 772 Odoly Ptlul Jan ll IO 7001 9 16 1h078 Fldltious a...ss ,._s.._.. Th• tolfow1n11 p~rson' ,.,,. dome bu\in~s~ a"' A 1 Bea1 h C1h•• Con \lruchon l.omp•ny B ) Ille Store C.tre Spr c oahsl< 300 PaLtli< Co.ts! H1ehway •l IR Hunltn11tnn 81'1lh CA q;>M8 h"f l Kountz S2 Btnntll Ave •4 long B~.t<h CA 90803 Th1\ busm.,~\ •~ con ducttd by .," 1nd1v1dual H1ve you <tarted dotna b11\lne·u v~t' YPs 10 13 t'OOO lfltt Koonu lh1s statement WI\ ftltd w1lh lhe County Cieri\ of Ot anat County on 01/24/0J 200HU091S Daily Pilot Jan JO r eb 6. 13.20.lOOJ Thl26 ,..._..._ ... s ..... The lollowtna per sons 11 e dorn1 busmen as WebW01ks Studio, 2433 fordh•m, Costa Meu. CA92626 Clay C Custer. 2433 Fordhem, Costa Mua. CA92626 This business. rs con duc:led by an lnd1vidu-I Have you stwted doln& bustnu1 yet? No Clay C Cluster lllll statement was filed wrth the County Cle<fl of Orenae County on Ol/17,1)3 tOOHU01 It Dally Pilot Jan 23. JO. ftb 6, 13, Z003 111109 Rc91m ..... ... s...... Tht fottow1na person' art dolnt buslnus u Comy11te1 Partneu. 1513 SPflnJd•lt St. ttunlinalon 8..ch. CA 9:1649 I 01""Y Elwerd Ptlilllfl•· 15.237 Sc>rin1d•lt St. Hllntilltten 8 .. d 1, CA 92649 CJ lllhfe K. P lllltlpt. ltZ37 $tlftn&dalt St • HuntlllflOll BNdl. CA 92649 Tll'• butlneu M con ducte4 bJ' llldhnd _, wife ..... '°" U.t .. '°"" 1111\-ta ,.n Ytt. 0tc, l91J CpttdeK ......... TIMs t1'-"l wn tw"" ..._ c-1, Ctwtl .. °'""' C-ty •11•= ~"' .,.., ......... 7) IO.'• I, 2DDJ n.1 At-.. ..... ... s..... The lollowm1 II•"""~ are do1n11 busmen o Golden Pruperllu )(,()') W M1tAttllur Blvd St• 712 S.nt• An• 92104 K elite Bieber 10711 Rove• L•n" Co-.1• Me\4 CA 92626 Jim B1eb•r 3028 Ruyu L .. ne. Cost• Me•• I A 926?!> Th•~ bu~me~' •• 'cm duLll'lf l1t hu\bdnd dnd wtl• Havp yn11 \'"'led d•••nH bustnt•\ ;el' Y~\ Jdn 22 lOOJ K•lhe B1.-t.e1 Th1\ '!.llttmenl Wd\ liled with Hie luunty Clt<rk ot Ordntte tr,u11ty on 01/28/0J 2003693 1;133 D•tly P1lr1t Jdll iO f el, 6 ll 20 lOOJ lhlll ------Aditiovs S.Ss Mc.e s..._.. f he ltJllowtn11 """""'• "" dr11nR bu\ln•\\ .1\ M 8rddlry 8or11 Sl•111• 1041 W 18111 St SI" A 108 Cu'I• Mr\d l.A 9?6?7 8u11< & S >ldt •r Im ICA1 lOoll W llllh SI Sit A 108 < ·.1 .. Mr\• CA9lhll Th1\ l,;u\IOt''\.\ 1\ t '•" dudf"d by .. t ('•q.1•1r.1t1110 HdvP you sl.ar t,.r1 IJo•uv bU'.IM~\\ tttl N ll 8or" & S•l•IAr loo• le•u\ Sata11r l're"d""' Hu'!J -,.14tt·m,.nt W;l\ hlrd with th• ( uunty Clerk ol 0•41111t Cnu11ly un 01 174 03 20036930940 Daily Ptl"I Jan JO r ~b 6 13 <'O ?003 lhl JI Rc1ltlous lu5inns "-S""'-"' The ltJllowmf per\Ull\ art d1J1ne bu\ines-. ae;. Reals C<•"''' U< l1t>n 1935 Sh.,r 1112tun Pl.>t • •r 106 Newport lle111 h LA 92f;6j R~al J<"\r1ph Cl•til~ 19 J') Shf'rtnglon f'la< e •f IOI' Newport llt•• h I A 92661 Thi' bu\rnr\.\. 1\ c. on tjuc ttd bv JO 1nd1v1dut• Have yc1u \ldrt,.d dour~ bu~1ru••\1 ttl y,. 1'1'1 Real D••Kt• !ht\ \l.tl•m1·nt ,. ·~ ltleo with '"" County Ctf:rk. tJt Uf.-1n,• I "uutt onOI 17 OJ 20036930131 Orht 1t ln4' d,..I M 4t CA 926.' Thi·. tJ11~1n, 1-. Qn due !rd h1 ,r, •nlf•Vodu ti H•vt vnu \lar lrd dcmtt' b<1\1np\ yH ' Yr\ 4 I 1986 Am• (rn¥t1t"n l h" \l.tf,.m,,nt "'., fol~d with !ht I nunly Clerk ttl !Jr •n~r I ounlv on l 14 Ol 2001692900 Claoly f'1lol )An lb .' J JO feb 6 ?OOl Th01!6 Thursday, January 30, 2003 IS l ho f1111owin1 "" ~oni. _,,,. doutll bU~Ult"\\ •\ Ad .. n• rd Cld\\K' ~nd Ku,tun" l'~IJ l ld•n A"t I J l'o\t• Mello" t:A 91b)1 !,hr"''•" luHph IJ• ~1lv• 7 II J I ht.rt A•• I I <!n~I• Mt\a I.A 9767 fnt\ t10\1n"'"' '" lun Jt,. '"'' lty 1n 1n(f1v11fu•I u .. v ... v•m \lttrttd dwt•i bUIH1r\\. v ... t 1 N·> C.t111,t1dn O.a ~1h1• rh1\ t .th·tn~ri• w .... lolrd with 1111 1 111111ly I I•• k 111 Or .111v• I •Urtly '"' 011 •8 (lj 20036931327 0.11ly l'tlut I.tr• lit I rl1 1, I J 10. IQO~ lhl l'J I h4' 1.,11ow1n1 1>•• ~""' ,.,. fl.1m1 bu'"'""''-.-~ l1tlll"lln~ lod•t I M•uChlt It""'" CA 11618 l1muth~ Gtry K•n11~bu1f ll Coulwtn<I Al!\u v ... .., I A 9/t)';,O flu~ bu-.Htcr\• ·~ ""' du< 1f'd by an 1nd1•1d11•I Ho~ trJu •l•rted d<Hn~ 1'u\1nt'\\ yrt No lm11Jfhy lusty ftUl)('-9 f,.,ry Jrtrn ,1 .. 1 .. ro~nt wa·. Iii•~ will• lht County l Irr~ ut !JtAtljlt C"unly ""I ~,OJ 70036929 134 U~1ly P1lul J•n 1(, I I IO r eb b ?OIH T hllfl I 11 ... lolluwm& perwn• •r• du1n1 l>11l•n,...,., •' lh~ loll ... Bu~ ' Ci11I Cttt111>•"Y IU7 S Clu1 •nt1nl' Anah .. •m (;ell I ur 111 • 9 280';, I trtttlt Q1.11il• y H 11 S Cl•m•nl1nt At1•ht1m f;4ht.,H11• 'J.l'~ Cl\rislrnt Sundwrtld '>J'> Motn1111 Uu•f' f'l41 e l!r u r.4hlo1 ttt• 'JtH?l I ht', bU\lllt"!.~ t 1 un d111 It'd ~ f • ~f'n~1 •I .,.r '""' ~h·~ tfttvr tov • t .,, t ... d ,,,,.,,,. tJu~mt' trt 1 N• I ylWllO' vuc~:l"Y ft11\ \t 4h·nu•nt ~ 1 , fllrO flttfh tht' l,.r.mr1ty l.lt•tl' uf t)t.u1wt-I trnntit '"' 01 ~ j UI f1dttiM IW.11ss Fk1ttlous IWntu 200369307 91 11 .. foUowinc lie' M>I!~ a1e dt>U>I bu~•~\ •\ llout le~ 18 flH(f\l>nl "'""e CA9~ ll•lhl••h N.ol•IJll• Ill Strd\on.: ••••II• (A 91W4 C•<I l'IAl•l111<1 Ill H•"I """~ ~ Vtllf (A ~/t,04 lh,, tHl'\IU.,~\ 11. I Ml rlU< Ir(! ll1 t1u\1!4nd •t O w1ft ... ". "11\i ... t•hd '""• t1u\lf1t·V 1•• 1 Nj K•lhy N•l•ht1• lht~ \tftf"fnt"fl{ N t f1IPd '#Ith lt1t' t l•IJflll' (It fk ot (JIAllY .. 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'' con ,,.,,,71 °·'• ,. _,,.. A ff/t. 1 dut lfod by .tll H1t'hw1rtu ti .,,..-U.tvt" 'f JU '\l•t ft.,1 1um~ ilu• , ... ,, Lt HI unu1 t1t ft '" l•U\111•\'> t•t, y,. 1 I l '""•'•I ·~ ·"'0" I A 11141 "" IXlh <,1 0 i 0 1ti.-1 th.to 114 l• ., "•~r'Jin•11 Si# A Jf~ fiHrt lt·r'/f1JlfOtd Thi\ ''"' .. "'~"' WA I ltd with ltu• I •II 1 t ,.,.,,.. 01 Or "'fil" tour ly on I 14 Ol 20036929 572 Oa1ty l'it•1I ld11 IO f el t, 'ctOI r ht foll11-N1na P' • .,,,,, Jf t' 00111.c fJu,rnev ••• All AtJu11f t'•1 turr /44 I /Olh ',t r '" l• M•• .. 1 CA 111>1. J tiunno· M11 h .. llt' Au1.l111 744 I /Olh <;1 t .. 1\1• M"'" C A rJ/67 / du\ ff"d t ( • orvnr •lmn H1vt y•)u \ t.u lf't1 JOtn•"" bu•tnH\ y"t, r•\ 1 I'> ~ l I '1p t mpufOlh ''' I ..tu 1 ., t t' ''f 11,. t t Prr\1rlnt'I fht\ \IAt .. m.-ril WA I t1lr I w11f1 th•· l uunl r I ri,..i-. \It Ut.tUt.f' f.uuntv ""I 14 Ol 20036 979 576 o~·•v ,.,, .. t '·'" IO I et I.> llXll lh l 1. Th09? ti tv,.. V -1U 'I ttf~:1 tf tU .,. t111 rnr .,., , '" 11 I CA ... •i'?I O? f 1tlru 1.t Mof)r • 1 ., (f1r•1 Jr I\ '\1.tttr't .. nl 'NJ t1lt"d with tt•.-o ir.t1 f h·r~ ,I (fr tny,., unt t 'I 14 l 200U929S7S fJ11ly f'1lol let" IU I•~ t, /IJ(Jj lh '< lhll'11 111111 HU ft lt1t' f,,1 w n, t-•r ••n .up J• •n•' bu mt•)!. .. Up\ mJI Ri~f'"~ l»I I 18th ,t •<I .. ~t• M•\a r A 9?!>71 f ran~lm f rt-d hdmt1 .. r ld•n HI 11>1 I l!!th '>I • 31 Lo\I& M~sa A 9/L?7 f •t till' 70036930133 r Ir J f I • It fh,. ft1ll•1Wlt)t LJf'f'•• d',. do1f1i! tJu·.in~ \ n <.( & Cwn"""1 (Je'.1,•n 1104 I I W•l~rlromr Ur t 11t"d N 1Ht tt1 ... 1..-tlt f I fl I • 200369301' .. ( ... ' L ' CA ,. .. ut •-.. ' u ', 4 i l•l fic1itiM INltu MmtS..... 'n'" t .u ""'''~ Ci"' ~'" .1• , • bu r'I• • .. ,f<t llNll f ltf<I I l iJ 'f, H •1 St • l t; M• • (.A '11h71 ~ .hn At•n w.1 n JJ Vol tl•y c;, • l 11 MHa 1,A Ufill Ttu!. tlu inf"' ' l thH lfod b" dtl U10h•1du.1 ~1!1'11t y!llJ • t .tf h·ti tj(,I«'• t1"•.1n.-v. y• I 1 1•·"' ''1 /()I)~ h1hn li'til< " lh1\ Ltt""""''' ""«' hlf'd wttf• H•,.. I u1mlt rr• f tJr t't(• lJllf t t ll ·~ r 20036U 1334 LJ •1 • ~) I t Id I I f. 1•1. Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Tht ltgal Department at tht Dai~ Pilot is pkastd to announce a ntw srrvicr now available to ntW businesses. Wl will now SF.ARCH tht name.far you at no extra charge. and save you tht timt and tht trip to tht Court Houst in Santa Ana. Thm, of courst, eftn tht starch is compkttd wt will flit your fictitious busintss namr lt4lmlmt with tht County Clm, publish onct a wttk for fou r wttlts as required by law anti thm fik your proof of publication with the County Cini. Pltast stop by to flit J"Ur fictitious business stattmtnl at tht Daily Pwt, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mtsa. If you can1Wt st4p by, pltllSt CJZ1J us 11t (949) 642-4321 and wt will maltt amzngnnmtJ for you to hmu1lt this proct4Mre bJ 11111iJ. If you slmJJ haw any farthtr qumions, pl.t4St cllll ru anJ wt will bt mort ihan t;""1 to assist you. Good !Mtk in your ntW business! Pilot I Policy How to Place A __ Deadline Rates and deadlines are subject 10 change wi1hout notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor,. reclassify, revise or reject any classified adverttsement. Please report" any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts. no liability for any error in an advertisement for which i1 may be responsible except for the cosl of the space actually occup1cc.l by the error. Credit can only be aJlowcc.l tor the first insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday .............. ~ .... Monday 5:00prn ,By Fax (949) 631 -6594 (Plca>c ooci\lde )Ullf IWllt and phooc: number t111d we'll call you boc-l w11h •pro•< qoot< J By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours By Mail/Jn Pe r on: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturda} ..................... Friday 3:00pm Tdephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAt· 1489 2305-2490 ~DISE MSAU llAL ESTATE R>R SALE ~ 3010-3940 nm~ I soos-saso Index ~ JiiiL 7402·7466 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574"-4245 Auctions 1483 Pedftc View M.-f .. ;:=:======= General Amouncements 1610 _Fu_mitu_r11 ___ 3435_ MUSICAL :t;"!::~ ~ INSTRUMEHTS Miscellaneous Merchandise. 3855 LOTS/ACREAGE TIIU HOUSI SICWDID anatAT AMAZING ... KI AOT. t49-72l-1I20 NlW LISTING 9U SUMMIT WAY 0ClANVl£W 4bt 2 Sba. prnm I ... ... IMl lSTATIS ,ATRICll TINottl NATIONWIOl USA ,.... companion crypt 4th lev•I. $12.965 For detallscall512 355-3661 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 '°" ss 4 a1<ous nc .Im, ~ Ek. !Os .. fDs a NIK. SC*r. tube M11S M1k1 949 645-7505 IOUM HOUSlt6 OPPOmllTY All real estel• adve< tisina 1n this n1wspap•r •~ subject to the Federal Felr Hous1n1 Act of 1968 as 1mend•d which makes 11 1lle1•I to adverhr.e ·eny pufer· ence. lom1tet1on or d1scrcm1nellon bued on t•ce. color, 1th11on, su. h1nd1cap. familial st1tus or nahonel or111n. or an intention to make any such preferenc•, ltm1ta- llon or discrlmlneUon: Thts newspaper will not llnowlncty eccept any Hvef'trMment for reel HUl• which Is 1n vooletion of the lew. OIK r~ad•rs ert hereby informed th1t 111 d•ell· tnp adver ltwd on this 11ewspeper are 1v11lable un an equel OJ>POrluntty bas ts. To complain ol dis u1m1nahon. u ll HUO toll· 1ree II I 800 •2• 8590 "f«> TO 11£AO£RS· C1htor nit law re quirts thet contrec tors ltlllllf jObs th1t total S500 or mOfe (labor or mat•cels) bt lounMd by the Contrac tor\ Shh license Board State lew also requcrn that contractors Include thtlr Uc.en'l4! number on all advet11stn1 You can check the \talus of your licensed c ontrect or al WWW cslb Cl cov 01 800 321 CSlB Unit censed contractors taktn1 fobs that total lass than SSOO must stete 1n their edverUsemtnts that they .,, not ltc•nsed by th• Contrectors State L1e1nse 8-d." Older Style F 11rnitut• PIANOS & Collectibles ·~-·,..,...NOr,. •St..._• A.MllL • 0.<• r, "'UI• $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY EST.ATES n..y.St.Mle lw fMr n<tffM -IKJ HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 .......... a.-....._ OoWlr P*1#llll> tn boa w/()1tlopeclc con5lrUCbon New stl Ill plais1Jc w/w;n Lmrted quantJty ~ $139 94 ... 903-S3SO door w/.,,._ & a-- p~ S400. SKr1fic:e $100 Stew 94!Mi42-6119 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c .... t c.1 .. "••cf• Old Com'' Gold solver ,ewetry. wetd>e<>. anllQIMS collecttble' 949 642 9448 Pianos 3510 YAMAHA US u,..1 .... "-·· ... _ _... tl•n, Oleu tlocll, S2,6SO. 949-SS2-S021 cats 3610 •AdopC. WW. ~ cab.. ~ r.llll or ~ enry S.t Son 12-4pm f anin Is Annlll Nr:twcrt Info 949 6U 2279 -.. ~11-­~dlyWeb~·­ R.tr;aJn r-i.id ;164M922. !*MoRisi~itM.tS*! =~=~REUS SOUTH COAST * LIQUIDATION * Miscellaneous i¥it~~ :. s A. I IE'. *: ~~O~S~SEO ~ ~· HOMES! Must sell. Easy prenurnb11ed construe * CLOSIN' AFTER * I con Yo ur land/ Lost 1505 * U . * foundat1on/floo1pl1n -------h•nd sele cted loe s * ~O YEARS * Supe11or qu•hty ·••r a-sa.... TMry '" Newport Beech near Fashion Is House cat. blue eyes,~"° ..... MtSSlf1I ~ 1/6 Pie.be u• 1f found 5(B.68)..27S5 Shfh-hv I .1n/Wh1te, last seen al S11pe110f /Indus 11111. Coste Mna $500/ Reward" 949 642 2100 ~ ranty Details, 1·800-01 *\Vicker Rattan S<"cHinct, * 1811 M111 direct" save * I I e'> * Thouland$ Lamps, ~n't > <'S <cAt·scAN> * an d Muc h More! * Ste I Yr. In *2f>40 Avon St. Ncwpon Beach* =~~ao•t' s?t~1~83,;'g~' * IJll ltJ\t•f<>klr • ll Pad fl< CU•l"t llW't' * 4(h48 was St•.600. sell * 94£.)-{)42-223~ * S!>.860. 501110 wu * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** S26~·DS:l~~-980 w.tt too.l'2-7tol FR£E 2 ROOM DIRECTV System w/ onstallallonl 3 month' Free HBO & Conemu ($6 value) Unllmoted Access 225+ 'hannelsl 01111tal qualtty ptetu,./\Ound Pecka1es $31 99/mo limited. I 8 00 J 60 4 03 9 ICAl0 SCAN ) WANTID JAl'ANISI SWottDS AND an.ATID nlMS t49-494-17l l Bullneu Oppoftunltln Businesses and f11ndtlm 3905 Olcesb~ 45«) COSTA MlSA 1500s! prolessoon;ol olf1n on C I 71h st Ample p.1r~1n1 94t-646-4ll0 IA<lt IAY ClNTla 2651 Ir vine Ave, iolf view, ret11I a nd ot lou avail 714 571 7780 N,. OfflCI S,ACI 833 Oo¥9 Or • 14 CtOIRI floor . •chUtct> altce, ... ~ 62Dd 96Q!i-Sol15 HOME, HEALTH AND SUSINESS ......... l • ~ ~ERVICE tarp entry ----A TO 1 HANOYMAN lnslell. reface ceblnets KllcherVbt1rltv'~ "21 Doug 714.546--7258 Carpet Repair/Sales <'ICAUIT CAUIT~ Rep1n Pel(htnc lnstell Courttous 1ny size jObs. WholtUl•l 949 492 0205 Computer Setvtcn r~--a T"'°""'·O-•c....i.... .. ""''""'-_. ,..._.., 4.• (,w ...... --...... ·10.-119 ca.. ... _,.a- !1848) 548-8_!85 Cormtl & Masonry arkltlted!S,_T .. Concnle, Petio, Ortv.way flr'Plc. 880 Rers 25Yrs ~T~::.:: & .__.., Reslclenml Brlc:ll, Slone, Block, Tile. Llcl7474411 714 965·2824 _.., - Cementworll, Brkk, Tel• 6 Mort Reliablt. No Job too small 949 548-6746 ~ Oesttop PUbUshlng TIMI TOHGIN YOUaHOMI IM,aOVIMINT ,aOJICT'P Call a plumber, peinter, handyman, or any of tht 11ut servlcn listed here In our service drrectoryt THESE LOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HClP YOU TOOAYI Drywall Services wmtt01n oaYWAU All phaus am/Ire ,obs. CUMI 20yn, l1tr, free est. L«XXOO 7 I 4-6»-1447 Elem1cal Services Mt.II ..... b:penl Duncan Elecbic 20Vrs hp LocaVQuldl Rr.ponse S.vice,t1lernoclt~ l '275810 949-66().. 7042 SenknNew. Remodel & R191lr. FrM Estomete, 30 Years hp. Ll337169 949 631-2345 lNSID CONPACTOI Ho~ too lrrt ,, --' R..,.lr, remodel, fens, 2'111WS\IC~ CUSTOM OIATM 1U ~.slit& cswnic. ITWl>lt, stone. &..i. 197S Lll6l2DM .lllff 714-612-9961 UMY llep9ed Recroutin & lnst1ll1tion TIU DEAN 949--67J..8065 f9M325 714-883-2031 =ng l-TwrH c ... YWJy mlllnl. .... tm1rlq & Installation. 25 Yrs up Llc/lnsurd 949 5484363 frM Senko, Yard Cltenup, Mtlnt•n•nce. Spr 1nt11er RtpH, Hauflnc (t4t) 6S0..71' Handyma11/ Horne Repair HlndymalV Home Repair 2oy..,..,f Qv-'lty Cnrfts-fli. Udl6741U (t4t) 6SO-ts2S Mwk Hauling JUNK TO THI DUM"ll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949 673-5566 Hall & Bauly n..-. a-..e s-. ~ home 6 ofc. frM tit. Sert ... o.c. 714-542 3473 714-785-1101 '-'·•.....-k-a.n.rr. Tobi NI. °""" _..,. II wrl1I ch-. ~ _,..,...411-70 ....... '740 Huntington Beacfl --------20 ACRE RANCHES $9,995 Nur boom1n1 El Paso, lean $95 down/ S99 monthly (10'1./216 months) Ro•ds sur veyed f ru maps. p1c turo No qu11tfy1n1 100~ mon1y b H lt. 1 u era nlt• Suns et R 1 nches l 800 343 9oWo4 (CAl "SCAN ) HOMCS f-OA SA.LE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY o llAUTifUl • 011mahc Spy1lass Hill uecuttve home No UptnMI was spared f abulou\ Ocean View 48r Offered al Sl,695,000 St llu boo1ht 1nolhe1 home Must Sell Jv4y llelw, lilt 94t-l76-SS76 .._On The ....... 8eaubful home W/ITWI)' e•lra"s 48r 4.5&, l ~ l dldl.s w/OOUlll. City and BIO CIA't --~ floor pion Top of the W1e IR)b. 'fib, .._.,. • Ill> and Hady o.tw.. • 1<11 31~ :J?6.8871 . -- ..,. /, ' ~ ,. H~ ;:' ~ u \. 1f~( l '\ -d-•/ ... 1_'1[ PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Calif. Public UtllltlH commission requ1rH th1t ell used houuhold 1oods mo11en print th•lr P .U C Cel T number; hmos and ch1uffeurs print thetr T.C.P number In ell adv.,.. to14ments H you hen any questions ebout th• l•&•llty Of a mover , lim o of ch1uffeut, call: PUB· LIC UTlllTES COM· MISSION 714-558- 4151 WAlfTID MOY*8JOeS Smen of Laree .......... Svc C.IT11944Z/lnsutld Mt-716-0691 714~1300 0«1 l yr new ....... 2b1 lba den. Iott. 1er, yd, leund, appl s fur no lure Gour Jult. Ip. pool S.&70,000 310 795-4720 Irvine OPIN SAT l-4tl0 TUITU aou ,OINTI Penor, 8'111 min ........._ h hOme 1W ar.' l'ece5$ ~ bb of w.-._ POOi SCJll. lrd!alpe l!U:. ~ S377 JA<mo ~ Slwii!y Carnoron 9&a'>4 I 010 949-451 l2IXl Spectacular lot with v1ew5 up the co•it '" S<>uth L1tuna But Value on 0. •nee County O((ANVUW C.~.boraud> alf Dwnond PIATNJM ...... iti S1ll1.w Miu• 9671!>-Jl56 HOUSE R.EPAINllNG & WOOD FINISHING ~ Plull'IMna repeh, ovw 25yra up. All Wotll ... .,._._71~ Wi.woiMU I 2 1:.111 Iii' ITW'Y lqr~ SI~ ~ cd 949-322~ Laguna Niguel o,u n ' V•llty •1tWS 60 Plenza one le•el l!om~ Jbr 'P" op~n fir pl•n r •b I& lot on Mar •n• Hill' aeted commun•ty f'\ATINUM ... Of'HTUS Sttfanot Mf!Vttl I 949 715 3156 Udo Isle lOWISf ,..IU ON UDO ISLAND HACH COTTAGE I 17 VIA llOU 2~ l'/•le2-c~, i.ct. & ,_CW. JS ler. SHS,000 Att 94t 7st-4SOS., 714-l07-4214 Of'lN SUN 1-S Nrw h\tone Updeltd on cr•~nb•ll JI>< 7 5b~ •U~tCJmll•o1 SS69 (J(J(l Of'IN SAT I -4 l 'itor y Villa on cull count lbr lb• ltkr new 1•t~d comm pool work1>ut rm. walk to B .1lbua Is shops Ac t S~!> 900 f e., .,..(j 632 b4i9 Sdl yvur Car In C lonifi~d ! Ptumblng rtllCJSI ,lUMllNG Repelrs & Remod11tn1 FREE CSTIMAf[ l 1687398 714·969·1090 nie~borltOOd l'tumbtrl OIMllflWU : CUNl9IG SPtCIAUJT TWEEDY Pt.UMBING 949-645-2352 -.. 94t-U•-970S w•"" p11tuck1~nor• t.om •Open Sst/S"" t -4• 2 s .. Cove R .. r ~ \e• l~land 381 18• end unit with 1 "lf'W luu~tn~ out to S1enatu1r Hott' I 11 $81'>.000 •If luy" SA 500 •vt·· l ...... lewgl• to S09-H}3 HOUSI Of HOHORS flJU OCUN VllW SU9,000 AOT. 949-12l-1120 OClANfRONT FUCH NOT fOR THI fAJNT Of HlUT AGT 949-7U-ll20 O,IN SUN 1:$ S Ten-IOU At >u• r 11 l•ly ~br twnu\ •1>1>•v • 7 700. 't "'arblt & many CU\lom i••lur~' SI, 1 IS,000 OPlN SAT I S IS Ve,.ezlo 4tu 4 '-1l•• hbr ar y • bo "'' " '" S 1,SIS,000 24 c"'.n1-A I .. h 111 .. 1, 4b1 ! Sti• tr •d• '"' ,., Sl,729,000 ,I.A TINUM ,ROPIRTllS \l•i6no~ M1<u•~r '14'1 71'1 l l'>6 '1tlMI lSTATfS ,ATlttCI HNOal NATIONWIDl USA 94t IH-910S .. w .. p.itr>t~tenort cnn Will Coverings ----w. o.1.s ~ould hanc to1ethet SlrlJI, nsbt lnV ht 1*'11 acMce to h r:rrJy '1"H116 Q.S!l-&4 THI STl'"Eal $pe<1o1ltl1n1 In W1llp1pr Removel LIS88241 !M9 360 1211 Window Cleaning ~ Master ............. R•ootir11 w· d Care & Repelrs liesidentlall ln OW °"""' Stru l<JJ7 ~l<JJ7 II.-.... ("-~5840 71~31.lli • Window Clanin~ • McruBlcnd Wuh • Smtn Fu & Rcplir 9'i9 723-4123 ClASSlfllD Ws the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! 1 l 1 l l .. .. ~ r Da!1Y Pilot Thursday, ~nuary 30, 2003 17 • RfJORT/ VM'.ATDI PIUtHIY FORULE IAYfaONT OH LIDO PENINSULA NlW 21r 21• COTIAGlS ••DRIVERS .. MAY TRUCKING CO ·is your road to succnsr •vens u..t'""9fty 5960 Pdv•te Buch. Pool fnd Spe Wilk to Ocea11. SJiops and RHl•uranta Le1S:e 11 Wnt•rn 800 5'7 9169 13217. "llHftn 48 stiles 800 547 9169 ~3214 01diceted t11m run1. Owner operator~ w•nled www meytrucluna com {CAL •SCAIO 9elf ,,_,....,.._ $ale1 & winter rent,11. Palm Sprlnas. P1lm Onart Also Washinaton W• ler front R1l•rr1ls Michffl Al)lar Becktr &. 8eclltr RE 800-550 3523 mcBIAllEOUS RBITALS ......, Tt Slwl 60.10 NI, Sf "-Muhl Million $$ loc. 2 roo~ for rent $800-+ uth. Y11d, uuna.• )lcuin 96-Sl~m If on the INiy. 5lcis to bdl. ....,.., ,..... Bolll .. byaks. pvt ha. ..... GMI S ~7lZJ TIME SHARC & CAMP CROUNO rent or own dre•m v1c1hon Greet loc•llOfls &. pric.es Super d .. ls In M111co Vaca lion i.,twork Adver l11ona Corp 888-534 3800 WWW .Vnlcl •Om (CAL•SC~) Rooms tor RIM 6040 l'.W. CM Twnhnw: pvt rfl\lbe, -v dNn, p . w/d, 1"~ fem prtfd, Ava~ 3/l/2003 S725m+'/lllll ~ RESCENT1Al. Ft:Nl AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY 2IOOft To o.-.1 29r 1 .. ,_ cspet. i-n. fp, w/d, lad1lld !WJO, cwd arport SI 75{)n yrty !M9; 376-5413 ~ n.. 2c pr palJO. w/d. cVw. MW apt. i--rt. io-int ZD/1 20th St s l 7'95mo. 949-723 1186 CClnlnl'91Mar C ... V ..... 2br Iba vaAld ati5. wd CMplrt Ip, .... lo ewyltq S1e5nlmo 9&V8-(003 HAUT OCIAN & IAY Vtl'WS 38r 28a upper duplu. I c end aar $3200/mo 714 998 094A Mer ... Hlt• llr /21o lu•ury 1elu1b h1>mt SJ25l)n. ..... •ilt r-2Br IBa ,_ cariief & p=:t SI 7lnn 949-71S.351J Colllllm Newport acroH the _..... 2Br 1 sea. pr no pets, $119!>/mo 166!1 .-vwie Aw 13 949 720-942l Qlffot bide Zlr 11 ..ea lwnhm ~lyle ept R'mod ..... '" S1Dr• f\ peb SlMn 'I' ~ 96 JZ}-0445 [ Sidi 2!r llM ape. <Xln1ll r~ ciltlW ~ i-tl <lose Sl295/mo 165 RoddWS1lr 11 'M9 51 !">-2040 Nt lod. ltry, •II rrmod 28r 1 58a condo 2~ 111 fp, wd hllups nn pets Sl325/mo 949 ':>48 8J84 Jlr c..dlo, MW c.wpel jNll1I. MW d/w & r Miii" 2c pr. w1d lie. wilil to fMCJounds. IYa~ "°"' Sl~mo ct Stew 714 241.aal .bU.~~ ..... <»--= "°"' ,., ~ ... pr• Ian!.. yd WANI $1511> + dep 91) w 20th St • 9&66991J ~ 4lr 2bi IY..-. WC! dl-uc, bmmVdirrnvtwm ttAll yd. pd & W3tl!r pd No vr-.. WO-peh S21!il • dip 714-.546-2336 l iw. .lJr 2.!iba ""'1rnl! 2c lilt pr. aim II°" ~ yriyba~ .... 8.d 8=y W/Vu 96az-6Mll , ..... Beadl o.rw , .,.. --'"-•· 2br lb• ~. loft 1•r yd, laund. apprs lurn1 llHO Gour kite. Ip pOOI $2500/mo 310 79!> 4720 "*" Wmo 2 yr + Bo•t Slip Av•llable 710U00,AUD•. 949 673 6030 or 949 723 5830 * YlAaJ.Y • llASIS Bill CRlJNOY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 Small llr. 'I• bloc~ to OGUJl. S850/mo melds ull,. no 1ari111e Avail ftb 15 949·645 9775 v ...... condo lbr ,_ ~ll HrHDll."mt «. Resort ..,_. lw .. now SI~,,., 714-~1554 21r, lie c.n.M. Gated community pool UPP<!• w/balcony. no peh. S 199!>/mo 949 675 7200 ,. S1ww, h 21>A. nu pmnt/ewpel. 2 c p , Ip, llod ""'4>. 242 Cedar S22!i)... ~ bht~!EIJ lwtlOa VllW HOMlS h 2IM ~ iac. al nu fh/ Cllfl>/l>lwrt. bolsl smoog ' jlilrt.\ S2ei() 96-581 15'!> .......,..,u..-.... .., 2512 Vlo MOf'-. ~ 2'i& • ~ fR LR rp OR. ~ yard co1 c1H.M. VKAnl tw'9001mo ~Brie ~...-1949 TD-m74 Mod.I • 2llo housl' w pvt y ••cl 1n K.tl~d 1:1.iyvrw 1 .. r...-e Comm IJ(.llA ~ ..-.! park mxi rm 'l''.lr 'V Cuod ctec*t orlly .iet 94q ll.'J6-97tll Newpo•t Hel9ht1 llr, 210. Hou1e lol•lly ronuul Ip yd l 1 di ~di• SJOOO "'" 949 b 11 1680 .. c..,.. cc (Jrt lasway a. h htly "" 2 ' .JttAtl p llVrly l4llJ «led SJIOO 96 510 2569 l t!S'IOnS In Your Home lnlroduu your child to tilt-joy ol mv5k (949) 673-2174 949 813-2246 NICC S.el1 FT ,, ... , Office Pen ... lue frJ e-11ts Apply tn perM>n Mon fr~ 9ilfn.l>m l 600 £.. to.st liwy Newpott 8ch or In ru 949 644 SOS7 GOVERNMENT K>BS W11dlrl1 •nd Po\l.tl 4&<+ per yH< full bdntllts P11d lnmma No etpe nen'e nice•"*• y f 01 applrc..•hon Jnd 1um call loll free I 888 778 4266 •850 (CAL •SCAN) Greo1 ('.llpa fN Holr look In& for Man111er, As.1U1nt Manaae• & 31yhsl m Costa Mesa di Harbor &. Adarns fOf info t lll Sal 714 J 17 2.lJ'> Al rENllON WORK fROM Home Up lo S25 S75/ hr P•" lime/ lulll1me Inter net/ Ma1l1>rder I 800 ?41 8478 -~I.Un (CM.-sl:M) Wlmc A10M ltOMl ~ Sl.SOOrro PT J.5 lw""41, S251».s8Xnno 20· tw"""' free. Bro.Jue 877 ~I RICI! www r10.:.t•J11won~you W,n VOlUNTElR AR[Afi[il RES£N1A11Vl P"S•llons wllh 1ntr1 n•honal h•flh school ttth•n&P pro er1m Wmk with Amt'! ican l•mth~• •nd e1 th•nt1P \lud,nh f • pen~e\ r~llnbur\ed I 8 007J3 2771 "' WWW A\S I tn m CCAl "SCAN) V01t< ON nt: WAlER ~ •ldrvWill lo JIW'it Wl '"'*"" aper •lion with J.Mlt Iii~ ...... ' ll'>Od ( IY-tomtr '>l • v1u! Weekends •to1J•ed I•• '"" lll1 offroe 949 6tS 8UB ........... ,....... u office ~ PIT reap t1on"t SI/ hr, \Om' ~ reed Uo tor m..nd<. & L•JIT1llrl"' ""NY f •• fP'.urflll' C)il') bll l451 omct ASSIST I 11 t'•P to .r<""51 w''.111 ulfli,. <lb-> f AP w MS Olfv (>Joi< Bed.• ... q.i ~· M r rd' r ft'ii.mr 9't9 8'i4 '/104 DlMONSlRATOltS PT tn &f ocety 'lnrl! in yt1ur df t'it Wf'fk~nd I .u h~f __ ')49 f>.4/ 4111! I WORK WIHl Pm ' ICIAN 1n \o (al I • • l•~nd n ut11t1un•I wrflnt' bu~tn~\\ t tit-• •lilt hour c~n W(ltlri '"''°' h1••11t contpl~I.., h ttrun~ u• o Vldt'd )!88 1S)! ] 110 l,or mort ir1for m ''''"' ind 4 p p 0 I 0 t fl1 I I! f (CAI •\LAN! hp•rl•tned Individual w prov#6f'l ,._"4 rd to m•n•11• I &1 '•Ii u .. p1 For Ur.,.,,~,.. ( ounl 'f '.. l argt'I 1ndr1.,nd• nl lu.1ury A. t: t Uht Auto dultr Ml•~lrSht'd in 1984 H1e;t1 volunu nr• lat• n•ahl\ t• .. \I I , ~ lion ~rr•I br nrhl\ I •• re-sum~ lo 94'1 111 8ICl8 Ph•lhp' Aul<1 ll/<l W CIM\I Hwy N~wpo< I lid• S"'*"' ~"'"' M"n"M:,..''"· ?8 MILLION "' lu 11 t "' tom,., 1nqu11 '~' 111 d•I• SS 000 w~rh ly K••• I 8500 polontral ~uhd Ip 1d\ daily 11811 '>4 J 111313 Aulatont ,roperly tCAl 0 SCANJ M...,.r Pr l u,/Thur f " R 10 ':. JO C. ·•mpuler SAUS/rttOMOTIONS •nvy Int will b,. 11v•n HlltlNG IMMl DIATl Y Ve11 bu•1 1.-1 P•<•d Sll.TO SlART ofl1<P rnu\I have esp on I flea Hn. 94• 474 2111 A•"I l !>l•le Properly Sal<Jn M..~ f...,.., llAlr1d IOOTH atNTAl ~,,.. Sl6 50"' lo SIMI C~ld Mf'H bu11t1 NP,.d •ulo for errAnds '>.tlon Ru\<1n.1ble I u 1nfn In 949 760 0430 C.tll Al 949 bA5 0667 AU!OMOll'I{ IMW Tedr 11 Yur P••s trerous h•&h v•1l11rnl' trld,pendent llMW \ho p s~ekrne q1111hty BMW r actory I.t h , I &<ell•nl P•Y w benefit\ l•lest test 'quip (!J) Pr•c1s1on M11ters 949 678 rh77 Hlrlnt fer Ceolu, Co1hlen & Dell••ry Pen-. Aoply at 811 Brlly Oeh 6310 W Coast H!}' Newport Buch ORIVfRS TE AM S • WlS llRN Eoprus • Solid m1~s cOO<t oome hmf' comprhhve pay, b'nel1h P•~"•&•. P•ld v•,•hon Clau A·COl. 22y" 1>td. cood MVR. 888 793 9732 . !CAL "SCAN) I~ I .. Condo w/open VHIW. pvt palto. carport. w1• '" d:lset. pet. wW'lr111 tnd Sl21Xlm 9&262 2132 L*llll .... c..a.,. :Br 1'/*' 2-c pr. tol.t.I remocW. beach & tennis club, S2800,lmo 949-644-2330 OftlvtRS/COL (A) Cele· bntm1 40 yuri SOLOS up lo 39 unu Tums lo 41 cents O?O's lo 87 cents SIOK bonus. Condos EOE 800-925 5556 or IH L M com CAL •SCAN A..... '" A4 2.1 .... mt rnetelhc 11 •n/cr•1 ltllr. CO, mnrl. fut11 lo.tded. hh new "624521 $14.995 ftn & Wiii IVlll Bk.r 90 586 1888 -.~1.c- IMW 'tt JUI c...,, 5s!:1d, Q m4 Ill•• blue/ pey ltllr. httled S411h. fun feet warr, .supttb. S21.995 lwm ¥362421 '"' IVI~ Btlr 949 Sll6 1118 --...w-IMW 'tS S40I lOOll ml, blac:tv'b•. bHulilut orl1in1I eond f1n1ncln1 & warr tvtll .,2'9762 Sl0,996 Blu' 949 586 181111 AID1lotM • B Id <•4lll•c '02 DeVIU1 r ge 24k ml, lull l•ct werr, whll1/oatm11I lthr. CO, OnSl11 system, chrm whb. vf827519 $24,995, s..Ye S20i Bk.r 96511> .L1111 www.oc-..... l.c-. 0. '"Cold fHmist, 4511 m1, llattw. ... MW, I -.... must -. $18,500. 949-21~ C.allc Eldondo '311. MrL ~ drome wl*- CD. 47!J»n. Mnt. $17..!m 96-644-Lll), ~!ill3 ,.,.4 • tJ he.en U1 White, 7911 mt, •uto, or11 owner. lfHI cond S2400 Chits 949·51!>-2794 JOID ESCOllT SOWi '91 31k ...... Otlll o-. 5 speed manU<ll, &Int cond $4.290. Vera 949-246--8131 ..,. ~ SPafT '99 Stadt W/wf!'/ nWO' Greet' condition Will ~,._ ~ wnlow'S. Cl) pM)9 ~.ax> 949-.11>156l YOU MUST SU Tltl5 CAA. YmY CllNC. roao rao11 ts •90 Runs xlnl, 6 cyl auto •c. cass, sunrool. pw. P~. 1111 wheels, new 1110 & taps Blue book S3225 sell S2600. Pflvale party 714-534-7601 FOH aAHGlR XlT '99 E lira Cab, Auto CO, 69K m1 . V6. bedltner Prtvale Party $7500 '49-642-5620 JC19UOf' '96 lU6, hke new lopal/Oalme•f. CO Al,,,m Mu•I Seel Sl5.IKI0949 650 5860 WWW performanceltd (Qm ,_ '99 XJ• 4611 ..... luff fa,I warr Britl\h rac1n1 ereen/oalmtal lthr CO. ch1m whf•, beaut. hke new cond. vf496721 S29.9% l1n avail Bllr 949 586 1888 -.oqoabl.com Jotuor '9• lUI Vand~rt Plas 34k m1 svarkhnc blk/lan Ith• CO clu m whls. full fact warr lllle new S28 995 llfm v842614 lrnanc1n1 avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.oqHlbl .... J..,_ '99 XICI c_., l4ll mo lull fKlory watt sparkhne bluk 'o•I at lthr CO •hrom• I\ lt~f' Of'W vf,77 95 S i'i ':195 hna11<1n11 d ti Bkr 9'19 ™I •-.ocpobl.com JHp '94 lonclo VI> 8lk n• pwt cond lf>!W nbo ...... '94 6i'6 Ir;. pwt uni loaded $.J4!tl 1-.bo d,..-4 .... bod1 949-BA-427? land·-... o ..... o ... y W<"" N 27k m1 lull lat I w•rr bin ~ o .. 1m .. •I llh1 :Ju . .tl mod '~"' ,.,, 11m1, '" 11\ CO 111 ' hr n. wM• like ne• v1J/099 S21 995 lir m fin •var! Bkt 949 ')86 1888 www ocpab1 com land ._ Dt--, '96 so. w~ Gt-·~ teatt"" dual moon rr;.o.>k. re.tr 1U1f1P seab, 6 CO t.harlfr.<er l/loilded perl«I "'Ill cond Only • 58' n• Sl5.9'J5 9'19-887 9101 1 .. u1 '00 lS 3DO 7?k m1 \llv" 11• "Y llhr mnrl CO full fetlory Wdll ll~t' ,,., .. v•5~7ll Sl I 99'> flf m fin a v.ttl Bro!l;er 949 586 1888 --~·-·­I.DUS 300 £S '9 7 Oystto Pr....-1 'Tan. fully loaded 6 dM Cd perfer.I CondrtlOO, 7511 "" I~ ml wau Sl4.!m 9$.ZJS ~21 leau1 'DO Ul47D VI, ·•UIO A1C llhr. full •rn Im t an. <C \nrl , twm SJ&SK ~sm Uncola '01 Novll"t°" 1lk m1 lull f•ll warr bl"' "-it•Y lthr CO OVO 20 4,.hrm whfs a' npw vX.:?512 $7'3 995 fin .iv.Ml Bkr 949 586 1888 www..oqoatW.c- Mo1do ''9 M loto Conv J4k m1 auln red bla1 k int & lop beauhlul OtrK tond v59724 I SW> firm fin & wari •v••I Bllr 94q 586 1888 www.oq>obl.com ~ '99 leou (230 110f1"4Jf ~\Or &. eunclY tao IUY 63. snrl S 15 !ffJ &ll3'l ™ Ot 96641) "fW'l ............. ,._~ 3 2 .... -1. lltw 6211 recent sw:. v52llZ5 ~ fli19tl CM I»' ~7ffll NEW2003 M~I COOP£R! 0 l.fA.5£F~ $249 per minth + tu 2 at these hrms on •Mllaedit ....•.. 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Mn Sobel. what'11 11 i.ke to be playing with one of the 1..me's ?! pllyers"" Shr mot bid. ··0oo t ask me ruk lum 1" Mn Sobel held the We6t carcb on tlm de&I Aller Souch "s jump wft. neither 5Pf0es OOf hcani w~ the •arecd 11Ump wit. ~four no trump was Blackwood and the re~pun>oe showed two aca. As long Ill> the JJCk of hcaru was guarded ~re than tw~. 13 tricks were thete for the taking. In addition. if the heani. did not bn:al., there was the addlllonal chance of ~1sbing spai.le<. "'a .. finti\C Women"> hodge~ made dr.unat· IC \Incle\ over the past two decades. and there are many distingu11Jicd That ~ exactly what Mri Sobel reasooed w. rather than mike the ttxthoolc lead of !be jact of clu!K, \he tab~ the ttn of ~pikic\' Comtdet Suuth's dilemma. 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