HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-02 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotSUNDAY EDITION • • a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 ' FEBRUARY 2, 2003 INSIDE THE PILOT LIFE & · LEISURE Professional surfer David Giddings has found a new passion in writing children's books ALSO: Karen Wight teaches you how to make the perfect plan to redo your living space. See Page AS COMMUNITY FORUM City Editor James Meier sits down with Costa Mesa P1aooing and Redevelopment Manager Mike Robinson to discuss the redevelopment efforts on the Westside. See PegeA9 ... SUNDAY STORY 'Life's light shone bright' PHOTos' BY SEAN H.t.LER DAil. y Pit 01 Leslie Rolshe1m says her son Jesse, 20, who died after a motorcycle accident, would have survived had he worn a proper helmet She 1s on a m1ss1on to educate people about the drfference between safe helmets and ones that don't meet standards. Top, Rolshe1m shares stones WTth Michelle Stambuck during a v1srt to a motorcycle club meeting. She wanted to meet her son Jesse's friends and ask for their help m her quest to educate people on motorcycle helmet safety standards. SPORTS Anteaters' basketball team loses, again. Volleyball team rebounds to sweep Hawaii off its feet in three games at Crawford J.lall. S..Pege81 A son's death after crashing his motorcycle has left a family aching, and a mother intent on preventing similar sc·enarios Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot "Open your eyes and see Feel the firP inside you FHd its de.{ires, make it grow, 11 will show dreams come to life." -Richard "Jesse" Rolshelm (Dec. 22, 1981 -Nov. 18. 2002) J esse Rolsheim's life was much like a trip on the midnight blue Honda Shadow he rode. It was free. It was propelJed by infinite kinetic energy, if such a scientific concept actually exists. He was ruled by his heart and an insatiable. eternal wanderlust. I le was a poet, a philosopher. a mus1c1an. a rebel, an out ider -a man addjcted to love, generosity. kindness and not-so-kind chem1cah. Jesse·.-. life was hkc a rambow-hued soap bubble precanously floating skyward that was suddenly and merciles.-.ly smote and annihilated by the bright ~un. Jesse suffered fatal head in1uries the afternoon of Nov. 5, days before his 21st birthday. when he ran a red light at a Costa Mesa intersection and hit a car The accident left turn in a medically induced coma for 13 days after which he quietly passed away. Jonathan Rolshe1m, 18, looks at pictures 1n his brother Jesse's SM BRIGHT, Paa• M room. Jesse was killed in a recent motorcycle accident. TOP STORY COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Hotties' idea was too hot for under:.2J crowd Saturday meet has listless return After a nine-month hiatus the Orange Coast College swap meet is back to doing business on Saturdays. Paul Clinton dty atreeu. Daily Piiot "It'a been aJow on the first day," said Randy Lents, who ORANGE COAST OOIJ.EGB was aeWng athledc hata and -The c.rowda wrre slow to re. lhiru wlth sport.I logos. "ft will tum to Orange Coast Collep'1 probably build back up. It will Saturday swap meet. which re· juat tab time." turned after a nine-month h1a· Vendot1 at the ·~ meet tUI. ~ 8'etl unp&ckins their Bual.Deel wu &Jaw at the Wini in the ee.rly morning Weekend inartetplace, a be· boun Mlding Up to the 8 Lm. r.ur·type evmt that orpnben ·IWt time. By 2 p.rn., howewr, ratcheted back to ~ many orthoee same merchantl only in May. after Coeta Mela w.re loedinc up their ttucb OflldU compla1ned that It WU and ~ dUe to the 1p1.11e cweetnc too much ttdlc on ~ The ei¥ent ran un· til 4 p.m., with the same hoWI on tap for today. The event continues today and Is expKted to draw better crowd between 3,000 and 5,000, sa.ld Daniel ~pla. the event's assistant supervisor. •niere aren't a lot or peo- ple,· Tap la Aid. ·Give lt a month and It will be back to normal ... We're happy to be up and running." Saturday's event drew less tramc onto Fairview Road and other nearby atretta, raulted in I tiUh and also bro~t a.bout 120 fewer venden. lri December. the college qrttd to tcaJe back the ... or the ewnt. fYB1 abilnklnc the nwnbe'r of rowa lneldl the event's footprint. The college removed two rows or vendors, Tapia said. Until May, the swap meet operated on both weekend days each week for almo t two decades. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan lnitlally objected to the Satur· day event in early 2002. Costa M resident Steve Prested. •7, headed to the ~P meet on Sarurday and also noticed the low·kcy a~v· lty. •1 didn't even know It was open It's so dead," Prated d. "It's great fun. Buy eome fruit or tome Yf'Pt Buy .acne $2 i'eldlnl If••• It~ jult tpOntaneou&. • ----- ---- --------- -~-~ --~ ' - AZ. Sunday, February 2, 2003 EEKINREVIE COSTA MESA Planning Commission adopts possible redevelopment zone The Pianning C.Ommisslon unanimously approved inldal boundaries for a 434-acre : redevelopment w ne roughly bordered • by 15th Street. Whittier Avenue and East : 19th Street. . Independent consultants established · the preliminary boundaries after an '. initial study of the area If the : boundaries are approved by the : Redevelopment Agency on Feb. 10, the consultants will e~ on an in-depth. . parcel-by-parcel assesmient of the : about 627 properties in the wne to see · which ones are blighted and which need to be included to ensure a contiguous redevelopment • DEIU>RE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be rea<tted at {9491574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH Back Bay boardwalk proposal will be studied A scientific study of the Back Bay will determine whether a wooden boardwalk should be built to cany visitors through the Back Bay to prevent them from damaging the delicate environment The boardwalk. if built, would COMect with : existing legal trails on the bluffs to allow : pedestrians to get close to the water. A request by a new pizza parlor to deliver beer and wine along with food was denied by the City C.Ound.l Qting concerns that the business might aeate easier access for minors to alcohol council members approved every facet . of the restaurant's permit request except for beer and wine deliveries. As attorneys begin the complicated process of trying to trace Newport C.Oast tax money, they now realize that starutes · of limitations could leave their bands · tied. Oty officials are looking into bow the county spent millions in assessment district taxes. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beedl and John Wr(ne Airport. She may be readled at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@fatimes.com. POLITICS Locals praise Bush's State of the Union Local politicos tu.med out to area ~ watering holes Tuesday evening for President Bush's historic State of the Un.ion speech. Ouistine Parker, a registered Demoaat who recently moved ro C.Osta Mesa from Massachusetts, said she was impressed with Bush's show of leadership, even if she is opposed to a war with Iraq. "If he's going to lead us into war, we couldn't find a better leader, w said Parker. 49. As Bush steps up the drumbeat of war, other Republicans are falling in line. The Young Republicans of Orange C.Owtty also scheduled a "support our troops w rally, which came off Saturday. It was a response to antiwar protests near South Coast Plaza. near Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard. • PAUL aJNlON covers the environment. boslness and Politics. He may be readied at (949) 764-4330 Of by e-mail at paul.clinton@la11mes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Gang-rape suspects must stand trial, judge rules Tb.ree teens accused of gang-raping an unconscious 16-year-old gjrl in a C.Orona del Mar home Wt July must PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'SHIPPING OUT' Friday night's opportunity to join the Spence family for family night at Camp Pendleton to say goodbye to Marine Staff Sgt. Cass Spence before his deployment to the Persian Gulf was one of a lifetime. Having never been to the ~ that I have driven past a million times, I had no idea what to expect. SEAN HlllER I DAILY PILOT right before my eyes. Some hugged. some lds.sed and some posed for pictures. One image stioo in my head. It was this soldier. all alone. No visitors. no family members to wish him a safe trip. He sat there alone inspecting his weapon, checking bis pack. It just brought the world stage right to my front door. Ammunition. guns and supplies lined the pavement as wives, children and family members circled their loved ones ready for departure to an unlcnown rrusgon overseas. Everywhere I turned there were tittle slices of life unfolding After that I knew I could never watch another newscast about the military without remembering that night -Sean Hiiier EDUCATION Corona del Mar students raise money for Africa trip Four srudents at Q>rona del Mar I Ugh School continue to raise money for their trip to war-tom Angola and South Africa. The students, who are hoping to reach their $75,000 goal by Feb. 23, will provide aid to the people in different villages within the country. Professionals from jobs within tlie community spent the afternoon with students at St Joachim School in Costa Mesa as part of the school's aMual c.areer Day. The <:osta Mesa Fire Department. Newport Beach Lifeguards and many others talked to srudents in hopes of inspiring and guiding their future career paths. Linda Mook. president of the Newpon-Mesa Federation of Teachers. aMounced her resignation that will be effective March I. Mook. who also resigned from her 27-year teaching job at C.Orona del Mar High School, accepted a new position as Educational Issues Coordinator of lhe California Federation of Teachers. The OrangeCoast C:OUegesSchoolof stand trial, a judge ruled on V{~esday. Orange C.Ounty Superior C.01.lr\ Judge Everett Dickey said sufficient evidence exists to order Gregory Haidl, 17. and Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann, both 18, to trial The judge watched a 20-minute video tape the teens reportedly made that captured the incident, and heard testimony from police detectives as well as arguments from the proserutor and seven defense attorneys representing the boys. The three Inland Valley teens -all 17 at the time -face 24 counts because Dickey dismissed one count of digital penetration against each defendant. HaJd.l, son of Orange C.Ounty Assistant KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1L0l From left, Corona del Mar High School students Nick Lutton, 17, Aaron Karras, 18, Pal'Xer Hardt, 18, and Alicia Karras, 15, gather around a map of southern Africa on Thursday. The four will travel to South Afnca, Namibia and Angola to take supplies and food to people in need. ~ing and Seamanship received an 88-foot molar yacht valued at more than S2 million. The yacht, a donation from Milan Panic. founder of ICN Pharmaceuticals lnc. in Cmta Mesa. wm enable the -.chool to insutute a Sheriff Don 1 laidl. and Nachreiner face additional enhancements for allegedly Inflicting great bodily injury to the victim and using a deadly weapon -in this case -a pool cue, to penetrate her. As a result, the two face a maximum of I 04 years to life while Spann faces up to 154 years In prison. Haidl and Nachreiner face life sentences because they ~personally" used the cue. The three Rancho Qicamonga High School students will be tried as adults for the July 6 incident that reportedly happened in Don Haidl's C.Orona del Mar home. The boys are free on SI 00.000 bail each and are scheduled to be arraigned ln the Central Justice c.enter in Santa new motor yacht program geared more toward vocational professions. • CHRSSTINE CARRllLO covers education readl her at (949) 574-4268 or chnstJne.CJJmf/o(!I: latlfnes.com Ana on Feb. I I . ln olher news. a 50-year-old man djed after firefighters rescued him from his burning apartment Monday morning. officials said. Peter Schwanz of C.OSta Mesa was pronounced dead at Hoag Hospital, Orange C:Ounty C:Oroner officials said. An autopsy was perfonned. but officials say they still do not know the cause of death. Toxicology reports will now be perfonned, but results may talce up 10 six weeks. • DEEM BHARATH covers pobtic safety and coorts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsrath@latimes.com. Daily Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES "It's very dljflcull to find anything good below t40<1,000 t~ days. Ellen small houses. less than J ,200 square foot, are selling al that price or more. It doesn't mau sen.re. But that's the way it is .• -Rhonda Daniel, Costa Mesa Realtor, oo the real estate bubble that hasn't burst ln about five years and doesn't look to any time soon "Instead of placing our businesses in a 30-year project area, I want a 30-year moratorium of the harassment of the people and busiMSM.S ~r here. When push comes to shove, ir's all going to be about attorneys and legal battles. They're }wt going to stt la~ up the eyeballs." -John Hawley, owner of Railmakers lnc., threatening to bring 10 the courts his pleas not to be included in a Westside redevelopm~nt wne in C.Osta Mesa ·rm even going to miss Rupert. w -Marty Ka.wee, the Newpon Harbor master for ll1.e Orange County Sheriff's Department who ls retiring, on the black swan that serves as somewhat of a mascot for !he harbor "It would be insaM to allow Homes to tkliver alcohol with pizza. w -Laura Dlett. Newpon Beach resident and former City C.Ouncil candidate, on a denied request from a oew pizza parlor to deliver beer and wine with Its pizza stops lalk abour a can of worms. There are so many things that c:.an interfere wfth a view. rm not comfortable wfrh IL There are some things the private sector can do better and this is OM of them. .. -Eleanor l!pn, Costa Mesa planning commissioner, oo the commission trying to determine if it should adopt regulations to protect ocean viewa DailyAPilo.t PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626. Copyright: No news SURF AND SUN ~n Hiller, Don Leactt, storlea, llluatrationa. editorlal Kent TroptOW matter or advertlaements herein can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST SURF READERS HOTLINE written permission of copyright (949)6'2~ owner. VOL 97, NO. 33 Record your oommenta about the look for a cloudy morning The SW911 that came In on Dally Pilot or news tips. HOW TO REACH US with local fog and drizzle. Thie Friday will fil.zte OU1 • little bit niOMAS H. JOHNSON, ~Edlton Add1'981 ClrculetJon should clear a bit for a partly after a pretty good day Publiaher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon. Our address la 330 W. Bay St, Coate The Tlmea Orange County ctoudy a~emoon. look for Saturday. Look for wev .. in TONY DOOEAO, M .... CA 92627. Office hours are (800) 252-9141 Editor Paul Saitowitr, Deniel Stevena Monday Friday. 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m ~ high• In the upper 60e to lower the ct.t-to heed-high range. JlKl'f OETTINO. NEWS STAR= CofNCtloM Clel11fted (9491642-5678 70. with local gusty northwest The waw. will contlnue to get Adwrt~r l>MpeBhlneh It la the Pilot's policy to promptly Dllptey (949) 6'2-4321 winds up to 20 mph. After that smaller for the next couple of LANA • Crime and oourtl reporter, OOITect all erT"ol'I of aubstanoe. ~rial bout with summel'-llke daya. Think about putting Promotlone Director (!MS) 674-4226 Please call (9491 574-4286. conditions Int~ maybe a 8Wflt/ the eurfboerd for while E001NO STAR= ~.bN,..th latim#.COm (9491642-5680 little taste of winter la finally and hopefully getting a c:Nnot FY1 StNHU (949) 67U223 a.J. c.tw\ JuneC••.-• The Newport Beach/Costa Men New9 Fu (949) 646-4170 headed our way. to UM the 1nOW b<Mlrd. Maneglng Edhor Newport 8eac:h reporter, Dally Pilot (USPS·1""'800) ls Spom Fu (949) 660-0170 ~! V.Wqualty: (9'9) 974-4233 {949) 674-4232 E-mel: dallypilotOlatlmM.com www.nws.noaa.gov www.turfridflr.oro a.J.c.hnO tatfme1.com /ufHl.caNQ,..M»•letlmM.com published daily. tn Newport Beectt MelnOMce ........... PUClnton and Costa Meu, eubec:rlptions ant ......... Office (949) M2~21 BOATING FORECAST TIDES atyEdJtor ~itica and environment reporter, avallable only by aubleriblng to ......... ,.. 19'91 &31-7128 , .. ,~ (9491764-4330 The Times Orenge County (8001 The winds will blow about Time ........ ~,.,,.,..~ paul.clinton•tatJm#.com 262·9141. In ereas ou111de of 10 to 16 knots In tN Inner 3:141.m. 1.78 fMt high "°81rc.tlion. 6pof'9 Editor Lolg ...... Newport Beadl and Coate M .... -~.! watera this •ftemc>Of\, wtth 2--4 9:211.m. 8.01 t.ethlgh (.t48I f7'M223 Coeta Meee reponer, (841) 67U275 IUbecrlptlc>ns to tn. Deily Pilot .,.. foot WllWle Md a not1hv:iwet 4:23p.m. .().89 -high f'O(lll.OllW/n·~ lollt&.ftMJW•t.u,,..com evalleble only by ftrst dHS mell fOf' ewell of 3 to 6 fMt. WkMil wlU 10-A8p.m. 4.08fMCNgh JDMJ ...... Deltdfe fMWIW S30 per' month. (Pnoes Include •II .... later on thlt wenlng. Out Alt OlrectOt I ~ o.t Ctllef Education reporter, (IM9) 1574-4221 •l>Pllotbt. state end local taxn.) Pubfl tied by Tlmee Community farther th• noftheatttrtv wlnda WATER IMl57~ p....,.,.•ltltf,,,..com c#lrdre.~n l•tf"*-com POSTMASTER~ Send 1ddreH Newt,• d1vl9'on of the Lot Angel .. wm blow 10 to 15 knota, wtth QwlldneC.. eh•nge1 to Th• Newpon T1"*9. TEMPERATURE ... Ml(' .... 2.foot wtvta •nd. we.t l'Natl ""'*~.._,, Newt --nt. (9481574-4211 BHchlC01t1 M•H Dilly Pilot, C2002 Tlmea CN. Alt righta of7109feet. eo_.... ,...,1M-dl dtrW#,.,..CMnllo ,.,,,,,..,"°"' P.O. Box 1seo, Colt• M•••· CA f/Ofl .. JJltoto•~ l'Merlld. ) ' --_,_ -----... ------------- Daily Pilot • Rohrabacher calls shuttle explosion 'horrific loss' The 46th District rep. is also the chairman of the subcommittee that oversees NASA. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSrA MESA -As the chairman of the congre:.· '>1onal :.ubcommiltee that over-.ee'> NASA, Rep. Ddna Rohrabacher ..aid he wa'> e., pectally troubled by the lo'>5 of the Columbia crew in ~t urday\ tragk shuttle explo . '>•on Hohrabacher. a Rcpubh· can. repre .. ents Co.,ta Mec;a in thl' 46th D1s1rit1 of the I IOU'>C "l h1'> I'> a horrific fo.,., for the nation a'> well a'> the world,' Hohrabacher <,aJd, "hut we '>hou ld not forget thl' ult11nate '>acnfic:e '>Ome11me'i '>pate exploration require'> of mt•n and women who are decJ1u1tecl to pui.hing the houndane'l " On Saturday morning, '>hortly·afler 6 a.m , tht: '>pace '>huule <.olumb1<1 broke apan over lexa'> a.. 11 headed toward a '>Chedulecl landing 111 llonda lne 1rag1t na'>h came almo't 17 year'> 10 the dav of the <llallcnger an·1 dent on Jan lfl. 1986 Hohrabadlcr who .., the thauman ol thl' SpJtt' & At·ronauuc:-. Subcommlltt·e. \\il'> 111 the d1'>1r1c1 and hur nedly called a pre'' rnnft·r ent e to re.,pond to the tr.tKtl t"•<'nl'> that unfoldt•d on \.11 urday mornang Hohrf1badwr '>pokl' at tht· °'1E'wcomh lll'menwry \chcml auditorium. 111 I ong Bt·ath, iJt 11 .1.m. ~aturday. Hohm SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT Providing music with a snare drum, Kevin Campbell wears a space shuttle patch on his sleeve to honor the crew lost in the Columbia tragedy during Saturday's rally to support the U.S. m1litary's potenbal war with Iraq on the corner of Anton Boulevard and Bristol Street. Campbell kept the beat while friend Doug Terrel played the bag pipes hdlher announced that the famahe~ of the '>huttle\ crew had Ma simple reque..t" of the '\auonaJ Aeronautic' and ...,pacC' Adman!'>trallon "find out what !lappt•ned. fix 11 ,md move on \IA ...,A Admml'>tratur Sean ()'Keefe -.aid Lhe loM> of the Columbia\ uew 1<, "'>Offit' thing we will neH'r he ahle to get over .. With <ihuttll' m1'>'>10rt'> be lomang an t''>'>enlldll} muunc even1 for many Amenttut,, Rohrahacher -,aid the ( olum· b1<1 di~'>ter <,houJd '>ene a' a reminder about Lht• d1fficul· tlC'> and hcv.ards tmolved 111 '>pare exploration MWe mu'>t not lo'>e !i1gh1 of the fact that our con11nued dnve to the "tar'> !>erves a'> a tribute to tho.,e who make that sacrifiu~ 111 the name of human11y." Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility Grand Opening Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two Free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a $100 Value!) Offer Ends 5/1/03 You ore cordially invited to attend ?ur Grand Opening Saturday, February 8th, 2003 2:00pm ... 7:00pm Artistic cuisine served compliments of "Dish uW Fitness Demonstrations • Live Entertainment • Raffles Pnzes Win Free Airtine Tickets, Dinners and More! Back Bay Center 2675 Irvine Ave. #A 949.631.5587 contact@BackB~yfitness.com BackBayFitness.com GETTING INVOLVED • GETTlNG INVOOIED runs periodically in the Daily Piiot on a rotating basis. For informatJOn on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs • booj( donations for its Nautical Library. Thousands of volumes of boating-related titles are needed. The School of Salling and Seamanship is at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) ~9412. ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The largest family shelter m the county needs volunteers for its ctiildren's programs. It espeaally desires Mors and those who can take part in activities after 6 p.m. Tutors will woric with groups of ctiildren or individually, helping ctiildren in their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister dunng the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to woric with high·risk families and ctiildren. providing weekly emotional support to families. infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center 1s asking for a three-hour w eekly commi1ment (714) 543-4333 ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a vanety of functions. (714) 839-6199 ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task force 1s recn.utmg volunteers for the Interfaith Council Networ1c to woric one on one with homeless adults 1n a program on basic hfe slolls (9491 2SJ-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY PEAFORMNG ARTS CENTER Loam aboot the history and lead tours of the center (714) ~ARTS. e)(l 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training worttshops as a success coacti to foster teens 16 to 18 years old (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Sooday. f eb<U¥Y 2, 2003 A3 Volllnteer• are needed to ce,. for stray and lost enimalt In the Newport Beadi. eo.t. Meu llnd Corona del Mar area&. (949) 722-1357. PACtAC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Paaf'lc Symphony Orchestra'• VokJnteen in EducatJon Opportunities program needs volunteers to aSSlst dlildren in a variety of hands-<>n musal activities (714) 755-5788. ext 244. .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED FIDEL ITY I NSURED DEPOSITS (949). 588-5711 Whether You Buy or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·645·7626 FINAL WEEKEND OF THE NEW YEM{ FASHION SALE! 12 month s, no interest *, no payments Now you can enjoy huge savings on Karastan now through Februaf) 3, mcludmg all KarastJn Anso t les And you ruke no paymcms Wlth no mtcresl for 12 monlhs So ukc advantage of our New Ytar rash ton Sak. And get the yor off to :a grtat stan JOHN BWESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. Brittol SCftltt, Cott.a M... (714) 751-2324 www.bloc.scrcarpcronc.com .. .__ .. w._. 'f Instant In-Store REBATE $3 yd. r•.-u,........,.. \),-~., ... .._ .... _....,. ..... , • .Ill ·-· .. ··--· M ~. februaty 2, 2003 BRIGHT Continued from Al Hls grieving family believes that their beloved Jesse's sudden departure from a world that was just beginning to make sense to him had much to do with the half-shell helmet he sported at the time or the accide nt and the m onths and years leading up to it. "Jess~ was wearing a $200 leather jacket, thick leathe r gloves, sturdy blue Jeans and steel-toed boots," said his mother. Leslie Rolsheim. "But all he had over h is head was a plastic bowl• 'fhe most important part o r his body was covered by a u eless accessory that is usually sold in flea markets and popuJar biker hangouts. 11 is shaped like a bowl and barely covers the head. leaving the face, ears and everything else exposed. It's considered hip and cool, but it's illegal an!! nor approved by the Department or Transportation that recommends and mandates fuJl-faced, cushioned helmets that provide greater coverage and protection. "You are my firstborn son ... you taught me how to be a mom! Through all of our laughter and our tears. our hearts are so bonded ... I will miss you so, and I look forward IO being with you again - someday.H -Leslie Rolsheim, Jesse's mother Leslie Rolsheim says she is determined to get those "bowls" off the streets and head!> of chose who wear them. "I will talk to the police, Congressmen, senators," ~he said. "I'll talk to anyone and do anyching ii takes to prevent thic; from happening again and causing pain and grief 10 another family.· She already is going to popular biker hangouts and clubs with her m':!ssage. And though she has done nothing formal yet. she says she ls determined to get a law passed to ban the sale or half-shell helmets. It ls a task that has posed treinendouschallengesevento police officers who are ready to whip out citations for bikers who don't wear the legal helmets. Costa Mesa traffic enforcement officers have struggled with the issue for several years, said Lt. Karl Shuler. They hand out anywhere between 10 and 60 citations a month. It's a problem that worsens during summer when bikers are out 1n large numbers, he said. "Half-sbeU helmets are extremely dangerous," said Shuler, who also teaches a motorcyple safety class at Orange Coast College. "The only thing protecting your head and skull from the blow is a thin layer of plascic. And you can'c hear the traffic or what's happe ning on the street because of the overwhelming wind power when you're on a bike." And what's more. the half-sheU helmets are the first to Oy off your head when you hit the ground, he said. . ShuJer added that his department always has a "huge crackdown" on bikers with illegal helmets during the summer time. "It's hard to control,· he said. "It an jmage thing. It's a style.· "His clothes were in perfect order. his bike and boots shined UJ perfection and his girl by liis side. is the way I think of Jessie." -Julie Hunt, mother of Elizabeth Hunt, Jesse's fiance Jesse's first wheels was a moped he rode to Newport Harbor High School. When he !urned 16, his parents got him a "real" mocorcycle. 11 was a red Kawasaki Ninja. "It was a 250 cc bike,• Leslie said. Jusc the right size for her son, who was small-made. He loved lo do wheelies on that bike. He also got a lot of tickecs on that bike. After the Ninja came his dream bike, the blue Ho nda Shadow. It was almosc like an extension of Jesse's body. He wouJdn't be seen \\ithout it. The first Lime Michelle Stambuck and her husband, J.J., met Jesse and his girlfriend was in the WestmJnster Mall around Christmas time ln 200 l , she recalls. The Stambucks founded a motorcycle club that bas been meeting outside Java Jungle on Cqast Highway ln Huntington Beach every Wednesday for more than a year now. "They had parked their bike next to ours in the parking lot,· she said. "l asked hlm if he wanted to join us on Wednesdays and he said, 'But f don't have a Harley.' f told him 'Who cares if you have a Harley. You're welcome to join us any time.'" Jesse and Elizabeth were regulars to the club since then. "They were wonderful.· said Stambuck. ·w e caUed them 'the lcids' because the res! o r us, you know, are older.· Almost everyone in the group wore full -face helmets, except for Jesse. "It just wasn'c cool enough for him," Stam buck said. "It wasn't him. But that was OK. We accepted him for who he was." The group was one place Leslie Rolsheim knew sh e couJd find her "prodigal son." When he never came home for days, she wouJd meet him here and beg him to come home more often, to tell him she missed aqd loved him. Biker Don Keesling remembers thac Jesse was full of energy. "I'm hyper and he was more hyper chan me,· he said with ·a laugh. "I'm old and hyper. He was young and hyper." Keesling said wearing a helmet is an "individual choice" for bLkers. "We know the risks." he said. "I rode bikes through high school and college and we didn'c have helmets back then. It just boils down 10 1h1s - when it's your lime, 11's your time.· Jesse shared has personal life with Keesling just as he did with most of the bikers. He told them weeks before his accident that he had been through a drug rehab program, chat he was "clean" and fell he had a whole future ahead of him. "Your zest for life so bnghtly lived, sD s1.u:uumly departed, the THE MEANING O F NUMBER. O N E. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZURE SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE WHEN ONLY 11-fE FINESf lv10TOR.CMS IN TI-IE WOR.LD WILL DO. AVAJLABLE 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD 81.1\(1(/ 81.1\CK (X07Sff'J • 200'l CORNICHE • 81A0< Sl\PPI llRl-/MACN0UA()QJ312U) 1001 AZURE Ml/LUNER AR'l1Cl\/C'O'ISWOf D ( 2002AZURE Sll.Vl-'R Pfl\Rl./Sl'RA'I 2002AZURB PEACOCK/ MACNOl .1 A (JIDt11,, !003 ARN ACER . Bl ACK/Bl.ACK (XlQ)C) *SARNACET ARll('A/St'RA'l'a; (X PR.EOWNED 1,,.AZ:Ual! 81AC'K/PARO..fMFNl'-- 21DOO AllNACI! BLACK/ OOl'SWOIJ> ( 1,,.AZURE 81.ACJC/81.ACK (X61 ache in my heart so profound that mere words are truly inadeqr4ate ... -Rick Rolabelm, Jesse's dad Rick Rolsheim stiU has a tough Lime talking about Jesse. The memories fill his mind and suffocate his hean and words get stuck somewhere in between. "What can I say?· he asks with obvious stoicism. ·1 warned him a lot about the helmet. Weeks before his accident I took a picture or him with his bike and his fianc~ Liz, and at that Lime a though! suddenly t ashed through my mind: 'What if something happened to him.'" But then, Jesse n ever heeded anyone's warning. "He's always been that way," his father says. "He'd fall he'd pick himself up and then go full sceam ahead . He'd fall · again, pick himself up and go full steam ahead . That was bis Life.• For 13 days after Nov. 5, his family waited for him to pick himself up. But ii never happened. This time. he was fallen for real. For au his meanderings. Jesse was close co his family. He announced his engagem ent to Elizabeth I lunt at a Newport Harbor High homecoming game, with au his family present. His brother, Jonachan Rolsheim, a junior at Newport Harbor High. says his brother was his role model. Sure. Jonathan gels s1ra1gh1 As and is pan of the school's wrestling ceam. But he loved his brother for who he was, he '>aid. "He has always been my best friend," Jonathan said. "When I was younger and had nobody 10 hang out wilh, he hung o ur with me. I le go1 in the wrong kind of crowd, but when I tried to go toward that crowd, because I wanted to be like him, he'd protect me and keep me away. I le didn't want me 10 get mixed up with chat crowd." Everybody knew Jonathan as "Jesse's liclle brother." "My time with my brocher. there's 1us t no way I couJd bring it back,· Jonathan said. "I wish I could go back in rime and 1eU him how much I love him." "Life :viii never be the same Earn tultlwut Jesse. lie showed me what it was like to smile when all I kneru were tears ... He was a rebel wltlJ a huge lieart." _ IWzabeth Hunt, Jesse's fianc.S Jesse's mom masks her cears quite weU. Behind the fa~ade of a brighc smile lies uncold sorrow and grief that gives her pounding headaches. "It seems like it's been rwo years since Jesse died," she said. "It's only been rwo months. D~ys crawl.by." Sometimes the emotion gets so unbearable thac she goes to his room and turns on \lis music -Metalflca -real loud and gets lost in its noise. "That's when I ge1 hit on che head with the realizacion that be1J never be back,• she said. "It's a great way 10 release all the pent up emotion." But she wouJdn't have it any other way. "I don't want it to get easier with time. I don't want his memory to go away." Rolsheim says the weeks before his death were Jesse's bes! in a long time. "He was a kid with bipolar disorder and a11encion defic11 disorder,· she said. "He's been chemically dependent foe a long time." When he grew up he replaced medical drugs with recreational drugs. "I le hit rock bollom and checked himself inlo rehab," she said. ·The days before his death, he was· happy. He was the happie!\I he had been in a long. long time.· Rolshetm <.ay.., she does not know how long it would have las red. "Maybe a wed .. a month, a year. who know'>." she i.aid . "Ru1 I'm glad that\ the ~ay it ended" • /,1fe'l l1gl1t shunt> lmgf1t ,\omedll} it w1 II be gone 1reat Ptu}1 r1S1ng sun as yu11d appreciate your lrut Ne11er du•Pll nn what you left bel1irul Forget you ewn /lad a /UL\/ Mmii11g forward -"pos1ti1w din>ction. You must alu•ays maintain Mastrr mmd~ c<111sclf!llCP ru .vour lnss becomes obsolete J·xpenent es conswntly gain -Jesse Rolshelm $200,000 per year? & $1,000,000 PUB UC SAFETY COSTA MESA ............. ~ ... w. fwportlld In"" 3300 bled .c. p,m. lhUrldev. •C..Mlil,_.s ... md ,.,. , ._._.....A 1rafllc tcdd.m lrNoMng ~ --~.CMlp.m. Thureday. -· ......... Roed: Sei.of narcodcl wa r9pOtted 1n the 2.200 blod< • 4:23 p.m, Thu~. • ....,.,. ...... t Grand theft wn nlPOl1lld In the 2200 blodt et 7:02 p..m. Thurldr(. •••• u ... Vr..lt11i1 ii was repot1lld In 1he 2800 blodc et 8:11 p.m. lhuttday. • N.wpGft ....... Petty theft was repof1lld in the 1700 blodc et 7:36 p.m. Thul'lday. ....... -.... v.ndllltm WM r9PC)l1ild in the 2000 blod< It 10:51 p.m. Thursday. • EMt 19th 8bwt; Grwtd theft WU repor1ed In the 100 blodc 8t 1 iA8 p.m. Thul'9day. NEWPORT BEACH • 8alboe Boc-.d iind C3rd sc-t:A hit~ was reported st 9:19 1.m. Friday. • w.t 8alloe 8o-... 4 All auto theft was f1IPOrted In the 1300 blodt et 6.'03 a.rn. Friday. ·~----Boat theft wa reported in the 600 blodt st~ p.m. Thurtday. • Edgmood Owtw end CfOOllld Seidl DIM: A hit-end-run was reported at 2:00 e.m. Friday. . Port,..,,, ..... 111egal finlWOfb were r1!pOf1ed in the 1800 blod< et 8:2S p.m. Thunlday. • Swhof9 Dl'-A loud parfy was reported in the 5300 blodc et 10:30 p.m. Thuraday. • Un.\iawlty ~A vehicle burglary was reported In the 2400 blodt 8t 5:12 p.m. Thur.day. . .. Ye s upon anticipated acquisition? ... Yes Our company establishes small medical facilities · utilizing rapidly expanding laser technology. • ' •• ) • I I • I I I ' • ' ' I I 11 \ I : I \ ( '. ( I I\ ( ' . I ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $75,000 DOWN REQUIRED I Dady Pilot NO PLACE LIKE HOME Make a good plan I love home tmprovemenl!.. rhe planning and research are almost as much fun ru. the finished product I don't always love the financial part, and I cenainJy don't like the inconvenience, but freshening up the ho~ t'> high on my list of prioritie!.. When you buy an older home. you know you've 1>igned a contract for continuous care. If it 's not the water heater. it's the paint on the eaves. If it's not the pamt, 11\ Lht: plumbing: it's an old story. yu('i know how 11 KO~. Mamtenance 1s one thmg. A planned project is another. I've leam,ed the hard way how to budget ume and money I've made plenty of mistake<> and been unpleasantly 1>urpn'>Cd by wsts that I didn't figure m ~ ongmal budKet lneVJtably. tlw project takes longer than expected. the \UOCOntractor\ KAREN WIGHT have a Owd llmehne. and tl1ere LS a cnsLS or two to c;olve along the way. Just !Jve by the motto. "no pam, no gam " If your project ts large. you need to hire an archl1ect and conlractor Good luck. If you're workmg witJun the lines, meaning that your improvements are of a cosmetic nature. you can go 11 alone. Good pla{lnmg wtU help you make 11 through your project Wlth a mqdicum of wou11d~ Hr.I on tl1e list is demolition. Somehow. paying to cake something down is no1 quite a!> graufymg a:. paying to have something buiJt up. Demolition '' labor and equipment intensive. Add to that the cos1 of haVlng refuse hauJed away or muluple dumpl>tef'> ... 11 adds up. But you can't have the second Wlthout the first. so suck 1t up and plan for thi!. fi~t phce.e on any coru.trucuon. Anythmg cuMom trcmslat~ mto time and money. I'm not t.rymg to d~ourage you from having custom work done Most of my proiecl!. faJJ into the "custom" category Just plan ahead lf new cabinets take four week.' to bwJd, back that mto your ttme!Jn~ It\ better to '>lore a few tJungs in the garage than to reM:heduJe your enure project. This also hold!> true Wlth plumbing. light fixtu~. Ille and Ooonng. If the plumber comes and you don't have the nece:c;sary contraption~ (aka stub-outs!. he moves on to the next jOb and you are in hot water ... or not. 'rhe same L'> true Wlth electncaJ fixtures. If you don't purchase the ~cone~ that will go above the mantle. how can the elellrietan po~ibly puU the winng through !he waJJ? Constdermg the wide variety of availahle (Or cu~tom) lighlll1g. it'-; impos.'lible to hardwire without the fixtures. Do your homework.; buy 11, 'itore 11. Drywall is another category tl1at hac; gotten me into a lot of trouble Jn ere ii> no such thing as a big "patch#. I've trit-d it. If you need to replace part ofa damaged wall. move light fixture~. take out cabinets or need to cut through a wall to replace plumbing, drywaJJ repair should be added to the list Now for another imtating fact about drywall: tt's a multiple day process. Patch, mud. dry, sand. mud, dry, sand again. That's the ~t -ca.<;e scenano. It takes a couple of days at besL You don't want to know the worst case and I don't want to be the one to break the news to you. Give your finish carpenter plenty of notice. Have rum buy the materials ahead of time so there is no question that he wiJJ be able to start measuring tWlce and cumng once when you are ready. Paint: you're clo ing in on the end. Unfortunately. by the time you paint. the entire family is exhausted and ready for the project to be done. You've already spent more money than you planned and paying for a top quality paint contractor seems impossible. All I can advise you to do is not scrimp on the quality of your finished product. I think a good paint job is the equivalent of finding the right shoes to go with an See HOME, Pa1e A6 Sonday, February 2, 2003 AS • ezsure / lJ p • Professional surfer. author and assistant basketball coach David Giddings got the idea of "Harry the Bear." a children s boo~ that he wrote about a friendly extreme sports bear . from an interpretation of a dream his son Addison had one night • on anew wave As a surfer, David Giddings has always h ad a zeal for the ocean, but since the birth of his c hildren writing children's novels h as become a new passion of his. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot A nl'W wave h..t'> conw in tur proft.>-..,tortal 'urfer D.a· vitl (.1dd111g ... I le '>1111 loves catchtng a wavl' but with the birth of ht<. four chtldrl·n. the larcfree Newport Reach rc'>idcnt bernml• 1ntere'>ted in another callinK wnung lhtldren\ book1>. "I would have never written stone'> if I didn't havt• kid'>.· <..1ddmg'> said It wa., the birth of hie; children that 1nc;p1red C.u.ldtngs to com:e1ve "Harry the Bear " I larry the Bear" a friendly. danng. perseverant young bear who hkes teartng 11 up and c:atc:hmg big air I tarry the Bear b the charactc'r in C.11ddmgs' new chtJdren's books, whtlh the author hopes wilJ "grow small and grow local." in the Newport Mesa surf and skate community. His first book. "Harry the Incredible Skateboarding Bear." which is written. publish ed and marketed by Giddings. showcasel> a happy bear who is bored with fishing and comes across Joey and Gus 'I would have never written stories if I didn't have kids.' David Giddines. profe!'>s1onal surfer and author "tearing 11 up" on ,1 half ptpt• 111 thl· torl''t. It "full ot hip hngo '>lH h .i' r.11J. ·· "gnncr and hu.,ur1g hug'-' .m " 11..trr)' don'> a bad.. ward lap, ret ydt• I -.lmt and 'hon•,, and aJwayc; ma~r' '>Ure to \H'.U tlw proper gear when he "charge' dov.n the rJmp " The book 1s ded1tatt•d to h1' lhtldren. Joc;hu.i. Add1c;on 11,tlr} .md l>vlan and tw. lovtng wife Audra The proft>'>c;1onal '>urfl'r' hft• ha' tranc;formed from o ne 1n \\htd1 ht· '"a' traveling aJI over the world to -.urf 1n various compettttom lO one tn whtrh he coaches baslcetball. goe<> on tamping trip' and writes children's books. Giddings' son, Addison had a dream one night that he was being chased by a bear on roller skates. But he wasn t a mean bear. Giddings said, he was LOol. Tiu· TRAVEL TALES FYI WHAT· ·Harry the Bear WHERE. Available at Barnes & Noble produe1 of Giddy Up Publishing, 250 Newpon Center Drive, Newpon Beach INFORMA TlON: 1949) 640 8740 trHH.ept .. turl Vlllh < .iddtng' ''ho l111.1lh deuded to wnte il hnol Jhout tht• h1•,11 while surfing An action ... porh chilr.tl f\•r thJt \\011ltl lOnnect Wlth voung kid,, lt'Jl h tlw111 perse\erance and .. peJl 10 1·001 \t'TOJllJl<H tame tnto ht., head v.h1lt• on tlw w.itt•r Harr} the Rt'ar .\ft er lt'a\1n~ 1ht• ht•at h, Ill' headed to at offre 'hop anti 11..rott· tht• fir,1 draft ti1ddmgs want~ Lo fill 1ht• mt IW "'till' young d em ographic betVll't'n tht• <i~l'' of about 4 and 8. he '><ltd I le '>atd ~Ill' hool 1., 1u..i the ~1an1ng potnt and hopt'' to hranch out to create accompanymg toy<., .rnd clothing. "Th.ts is 1us1 round one.· he said "I h1.; I'> such a learning procesc; and it's actua1Jy a lotoffun" A worthwhile trip to the busy cities of Vietnam •• do not run. do not stop. do not bad up. ju.st keep moving. It ~ like magic how the traffic partS around you like a river going around an island. You wW never oocnplaln about your local traffic again. In Hanoi. we w 6le "Hanoi Hilton: It was a IObering eicperien<ie. Not a plalJe you want fO spend your hold Slay. It was an old. Prench prison and most ot it bu been tom down and made Into .,,.rnnen Enough of It ~along wlth photopphs. to remind t.» ol the brutal hi8tory of the bulldq. There Wll9 numeroua phoa ol cu Ainel"km~ We., ............. . Della.,.._.... ••d• ........ md "*"Ind we were in small canoes on a very narrow river. The jungle was only a few feet away and virtuaDy hnpenetnlble. Very intimk1ating1 Ooe ot our lighter ex:perimces ~visiting 8 small rural school We were presented to a of about 30 studen 10 througb 12. They~ aD dressed in ac.hool unifo~ and they were delighted to Iba.re their limited English wltb ~ Considering all pans of a Vle<nam tour. ~ fo'8'ld It lO be mwnting. The ptOl>le were indusoiouil. friendJy and pt to IOC We probebty won't F bid;. but ~ vuy to ... bea1 there. Mc*lt)des aowd the busy--d Hlnoi. ~ t\' M &may, February Z 2003 CHECK ITOUT Honoring the best in children s books HOME Continued from A5 outfit. A good paint job makes it or breaks iL Pick your oolor long before you start the project. ln other words, make a plan. How can you pick tile. carpet or fabric if you don't have a paint color selected? Go to the paint store and grab a few color cards. Tape them up around your rooms. Look at them in the morning. midday and in the evening. Buy a few .. H ollywood has its Oscars. • 1V bas Its Enunys and American book publishing ha.s Its Newbery and Caldecon ~ HolyGrail of American writers and illustrators of children's boob. "1be Howle of the Scorpion. .. Patricia Giff's "Pictures of eom. Woodl," Carl Hiaasen's "Hoot." Ann Martin's "A Comer ol the CJnMne" and Stephanie 'tbJan's "Surviving the Applewhtta" For the best nuhlisfted"in 200'l, the Newbery TT went to Avis r:: _ "Crispin: The re RJ s P·r • <Jrc. "' l.eail:l.... .. • t I •et • t • •• ln ~ 50dl OOok. the prolific author serves up a page-turner that follows the plight of a 13-year-old peasant boy across 14th-century F.ngland. Geared for readers from age eight through 12, the action-packed narrative delivers a subtle history lesson embedded into a story laced with period detail "Readers experience Cri.spm's swroundings through Avi's sensory desoipdo~. • noted St.arr Lal\"onica, chair of the American Library Assn.'s 2003 Newbery Awards. "In the hands of a superb craftsman, 'Cri.sp111' is a fascinating commg-of-age novel that invites {readers) to consider how life hundreds of years ago echoes our contemporary search for freedom." Five Newbery I lonor Books were named: Nanl')' Farmer's For best achievement in illustration. the 2003 c.aldecott Medal went to Eric Rohmann for . "My 1\-tend Babbit.,, While relishing the trouble Rabbit stirs up with Mouse's airplane, preschoolers will delight in the physical humor of drawings that demandturningandtwistingthe book. In a hilarious celebration of friendship. characters tumble from me page in a dramatic visual romp. Filling the CaJdecoa Honor Boole roster are Tony Di Terli7.zi's "The Spider and the fly," Peter McCarty's "Hondo & Fablao" and Jeny Pinkney's "Noah's Art.. H Also aw.utled this month were the Coretta Scon King Awards honoring African-American authors and illustrators of outstanding books for children and young adlllts. For "Bronx Masquerade," an edgy novel featunng the voices of 18 urban youths, Nildd Grimes is a 2003 winner. Grimes also is the author of •••••••••••••••••••••• : . (/,-N/" .~,-/NQ/IHr : • 7nhw/,;,,,, .'t;,P/ru"u? . t,,,,,,x; • • . I/ ~rY//" • : .9;-,,,;y, ._,,#tuppe°o//, : • "One Deluxe guest Room with Tunxioivn SeMce" • • "~-memary Ch~~ Chocolate dipped Stravttemes ~ ~.. • : " BfeaK!ast Buftei fol !WO n OU1 Garden Terrace Restaurant Of a F uA Al Amencan : • Bte~ast In-Room Otnmg" • • "~menlal'y Valet°'~ P~" • • • • At $109 (pacUge dose not WlCltJde applicable taxes) per Nght • • Avaiable Friday Of Saturday night only • : " lllCILde a r~ calllleld eveMJ lfltiile expeoet!OOJ the ~ crea:ions ol • • Aware WIMltlg Chefs Bi Comefison & ~ Tan.n" : • At $179.00 lJ>acUge does not ilclude gratuity °' ~ taxes) • : PacUge n:ludes al of the above plus dinner b two. : • Fot ~ simply cat. ~724-3678, ask fot the Valenfile's Getaway • • Dinner pad<age avC1JlaQle Fooay Fetruary 14th only • : Dimer resem!IOOS ooly @ $34 00 per person : • OIMer reservatJons are recomneoded • • l •RVt~rnoft. I • • -Al ....... _ .. AIUOlll • • • 18()()() VON KARMAN AVENUE • •••••••••••••••••••••• rr---------------~ : ·" NICK'S 9' I RISTORANTE : "'c E fl PIZZERIA I MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY : Vafenf;me~ d[;>ayf I Our mmu will offer selections like: I • Delicious Juicy Steaks I • Tender Veal • Lobster I • Tasty Shrimp Dishes I • Fresh Homemade Pasta : • Grilled Fash I • Sweet Heart Desserts I I I P1rCu•••1el Cllla .... I ;.I (Mt),.,, ... ·------------ "IWldng About Bmde The Story of AWdor EllDbeth O*mm. .. for which artist EA Lewis received a Coretta Scott King Award for illusaation. "Each sldilfuDy drawn. realistic and dramatic painting highlights Bessie's determi:na.lioo. excitement. pride or~" oOserved Award Committee Chair Fran Ware. For his powerful novel, "Pbetcardl from No Man's Land. .. Aidan~ rec£ived the 2003 Michael L Printz Award recognizing outstanding young adult literature. Told in altemanng narratives of a teen visiting Amsterdam to find his grandfather's grave and lhe woman who cared for lhe wounded man during 'M>rid war n. the story explores love, sex and family secrets. While discovering that nothing in Amsterdam is what it appears to be, 17-year-old Jacob finds no tidy ~n>. just a sense of the complexity of human love and frailty. • ·Chet* it ~ is wntten by the staff of the Newport Beadl Public Library This weelc's column 1s by Melissa Adams with Bon7ren . WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT Is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College rs offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsaillng.com. Oninge County employers e41n bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to en1oy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a Happy Valentines Day! (TGIF Friday Feb. 14th) Wine & Dine Specials: Any bottle or WIIle or champagne &om our ever-growing seleCtJon 20% om ~· Plus, From the Kitc~n: Asparagus Soup -$5.50 W~S..Cr.h Petite Filet Mignon & Lobster Tail -$34.00 ... SmtJ """" sattJ ,,,, """' _, 1"4l«J oJ fuNj, K"Mf 6tas 9' Seafood Medallions -$17.00 fl ~ SJ.. 6 AM. 111f11·wrri 6 JtrwJ rJntt-rrlltffl' O-cilol1f ;,,,;,,,, l6Jllt Roasted New York Strip -$23.00 I l 1£ NY~ 1111t11 rNSteJ 6 smrJ Wfl1h , lfUl'lot sntt MT p~lt wwhtJ P'lll«J 6 llP'"f.'S OUR FULL REGUI.All MENU IS AVAILABLE!! And don 't forget, we're coolan 'ti/ 12.30 & roastm '11/ 2 am HI \I H\ \ 11< )\\ \( )\\ Bl I\( I \( ( 11' 11J)11) 11)1 .; tX -001)9 2000 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Id .. ~ '"111 "I 1!! '-I• I l1" ti "\,"1'''1' Hl,d Ir,, I•,• IL,1.i 1 • I· I',, l ' It 1 I ld1 '\1 and 'Bring your Valentine · and Celebrate witfi ~ us! Rtstrvations Strongly Ruommtlllkd Continental cuilinc • eitten ivc wine fig, full bar ... Unite E~pand Create Celebrate In our Unique Banquet Facilities on the Bay Holl your llClt M«~ BMlllClt S--. 8\nbdlly, ~or Anni.....y Piny Cd 94M7J..31ll CAMELOT RESTAURANT tester quarts and &0me roam brushes and see how you like the color. Be sure to paint a rest patch near the woodwork to see the contrast Paint a patch in a dark comer and in the direct light. Uve with it for a while. Rome wasn't built Ul a day. The actual painting is the least of a paint contractor·s job. It's all about prep. The more prep. the better the final produd will look. What's another layer of dust at this point anyway? Caulk. sand, patch. sand. fill, sand. paint sand, paint sand. chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on ~ifferent sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well In business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With M•rin• W•terSports •t the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft.1ump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo 1etboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above it all on a parasa1I flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. B•lbo• Bo•t Rent•ls c•n put you on the water 1n many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for. offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also Daily Plot •· paint Now you're done. I'd rather postpQne buying furniture. Pa.Int is the piece de resistance. Now for the cleanup, cleanup and then some more cleanup. But i(s worth IL ~- Somehow, after a job is dt>ne, ~ the painful memories fade and the glory or a successful endeavor hines through.. Until the dishwasher ftoods the kitchen ... • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beadl resident. Her column runs Sundays holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats. providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions. maps. Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate For hunt reservations. call (9491 673-7200. Electric bo•t rentals •re available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812 Pedal boets, electric bo•ts. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furmture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729· 1150. Willrl ... ... "* .. , ..... 88 W.W. NilMty iltt.Suii .. °"' 111 ..... ~:.-::::.-=. I www.benlhn•.com (Mt) tSl-OIU t : . 'i ONGOING • Send ONGOING items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fa>c to (949) 5464170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the lime, date ind location of the event, as welt as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www dai/ypllotcom. Teen• are Invited to drop by th• city of Costa M esa Recreation Canter from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. Th• Newport BNc:h City Hatt is displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond OtJs and Jim Teegarden through Mardl 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. Formore information, call (949) 717-3870. Th• Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every m onth at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St •• Costa Mesa For more information, call (949) 805-0011 The Newport Beach Public Library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for dlildren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.n;~ Tuesdays The library 1s at 420 Mangold Ave For more information, call (949) 717-3800 FTM tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. ba<*stage and on stage at 10·30 a.m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556•ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on tho tturd Wednesday of every month The organization 1s open to all female residents in Newport Beadl who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 645·99~2. or VISll newcorners-newpartbeach org Interfaith ~uples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfarth couples. sudl as ra1s1ng dl1ldren, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relat1onsh1ps with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple Prereg1strat1on is required Call to sdledule date.and time The office 1s at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445 4950 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relat1onsh1ps. lonehness and family The group meets from 10 to 11 30 a m Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Surte G, Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stod Books may be left at any of the three branm hbranes - Balboa. Manners or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next Lohatf'r Billquf' lA•·NI wilb ~(' Bdgium EndJn SalaJ with Walnut & W•tettf'ftlll t"W-7-Jaod R•dt of Lamb Uerl> & Mi.tatard Cnut nr FilM Mifoon of~( Poivradc-& C:ogrta<' S•U<'t' nr Alukan almou lkio"Vrt" Diane Cluunpagne ••11' l>-n • fnut 'l•rt'nr (~ ... c.~ I 135,,.~-~~ ( .J*w> 1.._.. lrmi /uti~'l'-'<w_;~ 3325 N0t.pon Bkd t'llf'°" 8tach (949) 675-H7)() .. . to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Bead'I. All hardcover and paperba<* donations, with the exception of magazines and la~ books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The B,.ille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Centec at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar, offers six sessions. Catt to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000 A spiritual care class meets at 7·15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beadl Call to reserve a seat (9'49) 26l -1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networlung lunmeon meetings Wednesdays from 11 ·45 a.m to 1 p.m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The cost 1s $13 The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course'Orive. Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of eam month from 7 to 8·30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospttal. 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beam Free Registration not required Th~ group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (949) 574-6232 St. Afldrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness suppon group f~om 6:3() to 8 p m Sundays in D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Ao;11J Newport Beadl 1949) 574·2236 The Jewish Family se,..,1ce of Orange County sponsors a discussion group tor adult • • . , . . ... . ... . . . . . -.... music from the Costa M esa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St .. Costa M esa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Sond..t~. FebruatY 2. 2003 A7 J dlildren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m . two Tuesday• a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St. Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish F9mlly S9'V~ of Orang• County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the dlronically 111. The purpose 1s to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p m. Thursdays at the Jew ish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration Is required. (714) 445-495!). The Coin and St.amp Qub ~ · from 1 to 3 p m Mondays at the { Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading. buying and setting stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required (949) ,. The Jewish Family S.Mce of Orange County h_as a weekly parenting support group Parents learn strat11g1es for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their ctuldren. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at'the Jewish Family Service office at 260 E Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger. anxiety and peer pressure ctutdren experience Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live Sc,.bble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa S3 New players are welcome (949) 206-9822 Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to 'J~ Nurseries and let us show you how." NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA . SANTA ANA 644 3244 Jewish F9mity S4N'Vtce orrwa ongoing bereavement support groups for adults a1 all stages of loss Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief. receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine The second -group meets at 10 a m Tuesdays at Tertiple Judea 1n Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free, but advance reg1strat1on 1s required. (714) 445 4950 2700 Bristol St (714) 754-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERJENCE LICENSE ti 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdile Nursery -Costa Mes& Master Nursery Profess1onaJ I rR_omance Your Valentine at Tast.e Hannony in Earth & Sea ram of Events for 11ary through March ~~.,~o-·- RECIAL EVENTS • Va/nJljpe's Day a.o.r nm our ,.Jar ~-.,for S80 per person. cldipt iD a four-<X>une apbro9 .... rff,ing champagne & a dessert~·· W "W • " . ry Carnival Celebration Venetian nyle fativaJ with mwic, food, drinking & . ,;De for the most ac.iting oosturnc. Food & Wine Painngs -. -. .. . I 1; . . . ,. ~ .. .. •• :~ :~ •• . -... Al St.llday, f ebnwy 2, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -L.a.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotlne: Cell(~) 642~ fa:= ':9=~ length E-mall:Send to dailypilot@latimos.com • .AJI COfT'8SPOndence must lnchlde full name, hometown and phone number (fbr verification purposes). The Pilot ~es the nght to edit all subm · EDITORIALS Trek carefully ' . wh ile establishing new boundaries W hile plans to add about 434 acres to Costa Mesa's redevelopment wneon the \ \'t..,tside are still preliminary, wt"rc not entirely sure it's the way 1u go to clean up the aging area. Everyone can agree that some of the Westside needs sprucing up, but not every property within tlw proposed redevelopment 1.onc docs. And under the city's plan. those property owners withm the boundaries who have h·pt up their businesses stand to ... uth-r the most. which is why they oppose the project. \\'c cenainJy can't blame them ht"t<lU~ once a property becomes pat 1 of a redevelopment wne, it < .m lx'come tambhed, making it 111ure difficult for its owner to seU it if net.'<l be. Not onJy that. but the city would take on the power of t minent domain that could be u~d if need be. City leaders haven't gonen to the point where th<•y would decide how to use that power. but no one should blame property owners for fearing its potential use. After all, many of them have committed to the area for decades and have no desire to leave. And shouldn't have to. Though the city has yet to adopt a vision for the redevelopment zone, we can only imagine that officials would love for it to appear like an extension of Newport Beach, comP.lete with beautiful h9mes overlOOkmg the ocean. But it doesni sound very realistic that the city would be able to buy up all of the land within the zone. The 434 acres would go for about $ l million an acre, so $434 million seems an awfully far-fetched dream at this point Since the city will go ahead with these plans nonetheless, Costa Mesa officials need to do as much as they possibly can to explain to the community and property owners e:xacrly why this plan deserves support After all, the last redevelopment plan adopted in l 973 left us with Triangle Square and it's not exactiy the epitome of succes.s. Perhaps it should still be the focu.5 of redevelopment. Council delivers up the right decision T he Newport Beach City Council gets its share of heat from residents and, certainly. from this paper. rt is easy to criticize city ouncils and other city leaders wht•n they make bad decisions. It ts important, therefore, to dclivN applause when it is due. And the Newport Beach City Council without a doubt made the right decisio n last week wlwn it denied a request from a prn,1 parlor to deliver beer and w11 1t· aJong with food. I >uring the debate over the p1upu..al by the yet-to-open I lotttcs Pizza, a number of side ''"It'' aro~. most notably the ;1lwhol-related problems West Nl•wport suffers around the I uurth of July. While those played a role in the outcome, the rnre of the matter was clear: The delivery of alcohol could too t•a-,1ly be abused by would-be undC'rage drinkers. I h at concern was s uccinctly '-Urn med up by the two public <;peakcrs at the meeting, who <;poke out loudly against the request. "It wouJd be insane to allow I lottics to d eliver alcohol with pi7.7.a," said Corona del Mar resident Laura Dietz. who aJso is a fom1er councU cancUdate. The council, it also should be noted, did not flatly deny the claim. The councilmen were loath to restrict this business' practice, especially had there been another business in town already delivering alcohol with food. But, with city staff' members unaware of any other such business, the decision was made more easily. So business people should not take this decision as a sign of a suddenly anti-business council. Councilman Gary Proctor also noted, rightly. that the request was not without potential upsides. Theoretically, he said. people who have already had too much to drink and want a little more, plus a slice or two of pizza. would be able to have both brought to their door. But it is a slim upside, one not worth contributing to what many in town believe is an aJJ-too regular problem of teenage alcohol abuse. To address that problem, the council would be right to take the decision a step further and forbid any business from delivering alcohol in the city. Residents should be aware there were hints at the meeting that such a decision might be in the future. It is a future well worth making a reality. THE LAST WORD The market just keeps bubbling L ike the Energizer bunny of old. the Newport-Mesa real estate market just ke p going, and going and going. As of last week, for instance, hou e hunters had 15 choices Lf they wanted to move to BaJboa 1 land (and who d~n't?). Average price: a cool $2.5 million. Aero Newpon Beach. rorcunately enough for those without millions to spend4 the mecUan home price Is• far more r asonabJe $900,000. ln ' Costa Mesa, price ore' climbing almost as steadily, reaching a median of nearly $420,000. It's good news for people selling homes, and It's doubtless a reason why the economy here on Orange Couno/s gold (maybe at this polnt It should be platinumJ coast ls weathering the &lowdown storm. There a.re worrlen out there, of course, who Me the real estate bubble bUJ'ldnc. But there are no d&nlef llglU ~ Just *For Sale" onee. BOLTON '"',...... .. \f ME ONL'f HAD1 A BRNN . --·· • COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Marinapark hotel would benefit peninsula and Newport Beach By Stephen Sutherland G reenlight Committee member Tom Billings has shown his true color; and-growth. In Billings recent Letter to the Editor c·Hotel idea for peninsula lacks potential for success,· Jan. 25), he fails to state bis expertise in the hotel business or for that matter, any business. As a businessman that has for the past years been appointed as co-chairperson to the National Republican Congressional Committees Business Advisory Council and named by that committee as the 200 I Business Man of the Year for the State of Calif om la, I disagree. Ar. one part of the four and one half years that I have been working on the design and programs development of the amalJ luxury resort ·Regent Newport Beach," I have employed the services of PKP Consulting. PKF CoMulting is considered to be one of the world's premier hotel consulting firms. PJCF has spent countless hours working with Regent Hotels International and me to detcnnlne the financial feasibility of the Regent Newport Beach project. The study takes into account many aspects of the industry including architectural and interior design, reaort amenities, location. nwbtf.ng plans, reservation l)'ltema, quality of the management company (in th.la cue Regent lntematJonal) and a comparlson of potentially competing luxury resoru. My gue11 ls that in Bllllnga' bllnd quett to ttop growth he wt.11 next come up with a consultant that for a few hundred dollan wUl try to counter the PKP flndinp. BJ.W.np cl&lmt that the Rqent la not econom1calty juatiflable *-ute •no hotel/ motel hU ever been 1ucceutul on the peni.nsula ... Plnt or all. the Repnt la a luxwy~n not a rootel Tbaefon PICP Coblultlna did not uae Otha' penlnt\lla propertia ln fta comparllon. Second. Bil1lngt'a I :i>tatemeot is absolutely untrue. He says "no hotel/motel has ever been successfuJ on the peninsula.· I chaJJenge hlm to prove what he sa~ is the truth. Billings claims that the area of the site that the resort will be located on has a value of $90 million. Considering that the resort is 10 be located only on four acres of the eight-acre site that the Marinaparlc: mobile homes are currently located, that indicates a land value of $22.5 million per acre. Js this a joke? Please identify the appraiser that determined that value. Bet you can't do It. Nevertheless, Billings states that keeping the mobile home park on that valuable site makes ense. Please remember that out of the existing 56 mobUe homes on the site, non-Newport Beach residents use 41 of those units as vacation homes. Billings further claims that with the mobUe home park. ·beach access is available and easily accessible." This is untrue, as the mobile home parlc has installed gates at each entry to the beach boardwallc to discourage public access and planted hedges the full length of the boardwalk to further hinder public access. The Regent will remove these gates and hedge8 and will lnstall signs encouraging public access. The planned Regent Newpon Beach bu been referred to as a •gem," a "landmark" for the Balboa Penlnau.la and the city of Newport Beach and the ·shot in the ann" thb part of the Balboa Pen.lruula needa for revttallz.atJon. Heaven forbid a tattoo J>frlor or body-piercing ahop ls replaced with a resort wear boudque becauae a new type of tourist b on the · penln.ula with a high lewl of peodable Income. The Regent wfiJ greatly beautify th ls area or the penlnlula. M a cond.Jlion or the ruortt apptoYlls, the adjacent Lu AmW Part wlU be greatly improwd. Tho tennla coutta at Lu Arenu Put wOl ., be rebuU1 with modern lighting for night play and will be public. A new Girl Scout House will be built at Las Arenas Park. and will have a commercial quaHty kitchen, air conditioning, expanded outdoor play areas and a state of the art security system to help keep the girla safe in today's world. The project will provide a new community center for area residents. As part of the project, the resort will work with leaders or the adjacent American Legion Post 291 to remodel and Improve their existing bull ding. Greenlight leaders have stated that a good project ls one that.is low-density, low-rise, low ln traffic generation and high in revenue generation to the city of Newport Beach. The Regent meets each and every one or those criteria yet Greenllgbt member Billings wants the site to remain a mobile home part for the benefit of 15 residents and 41 non-residents that have vacation homes there. Today the state of California Is attacking the pocketbooks of cities 10 recover $34 billion ln state deftclta.. This wt.11 lnclude millions of dollan a year taken from the city of Newport Beach. Without additional revenues coming lnto the city, we u residenta will certainly loae 1emcea. wm it be truh collectlon. toad and sewer maintenance, mairnenance and programs for our alsting public pab or will It be cutbac.b in 8re and police protection? The overall revenuea to the city from the Regent ue upected to be $2.7 million per year, $27 mUllon per decade. I believe thi• wfl1 IDUe the amall luxury raon. Resent Newpol1 Beach, the lugeat alnlle point ~ue senerator th1' city .. government bu~ known. El>fl'OR'I M1TI: Stephen SutheNnd a.• pertner In Reotnt Newport hed\, wt.~ la propoefng • h«*I for the Mt,,nepwta att. on the Balboe Penlneula, etld a Newport IMdt ~ ··~ .............. . -~ BIO Ag.:52 Position: Planning and Redevelopment Manager. a 30 year Costa Mesa employee Education: Bachelor's in urban and regional planning from Cal Poly Pomona. master's in public administration from Cal State Long Beach R•hhoc:e: Irvine for 24 years Femity: Wife of JO years Sue; two grown children Hobbies: Auto racmg. fishing, hiking, snowmobiling EARLY STAGES 'Yes, if you look at the preliminary plan, it just reiterates what state law allows for a redevelopment agency to d o for infrastructural improvenzents, land acquisition, under-grounding utilities. We 're probably at least a ...year away f rom tidopting a final plan.· •• .... ,....,...~_..._._..,~.r•N•~•-:-~·~·~·:-....,..._.-.,,,_q-•~4~•:-::·-:-~·-:---:--:---·:-::--:·...,~·~·:--...,:-:-~·~---.u~uu ... a ... ~z ... a .. ~a .. ~a..,•c,...u'!"' ...... •1111111 ...................... 1!!!1!!1~1 --.... -. . ..._ .._ --...... --~~ f ORUM 00 A9 Gonsid~ring a new direction Mike Robinson leads Costa Mesa in its redevelopment efforts in parts of the city's Westside. B ack in 1973, the city of Coc;ta Mesa. like other aging cities, began redeveloping some of its older parts to reinvigorate them. Out of that plan came projects like the current Triangle Square and Costa Mesa Courtyards s hopping centers. as weU as a new fire station and neighborhood community center. As of late, the city has begun eyeing another section of the Westside in hop~ of removing what state guidelines would consider blight in need of redevelopment. On Monday. the Planning Commission approved a preliminary redevelopment zone that includt•s '>Orne property owners who would rather not b<.• included for various reasonc;, including that of potential eminent domain. On fhur~ay. City Editor James Meler visited Costa Mesa City Hall to chat with Mike Robinson, the city's planning and redevelopment manager. about these is'iues. a<> well ac; the history o f redevelopment and the proc:cs~ 11 must go through. Tell me a UttJe about the history or the downtown redevelopment project. Well, the rede\-elopment plan w.i.-, adopted m 1973, so 11 was one of the earlier redevelopment plan' in the area. It was adopted pnmanJy 1u look at circulation problems we have m the area, land-u'le incompatibility and structural obsolescence. Newport BouJevard 1s kind of the inten.cction of two different !.Ubdavision pattern., meet. 17th trecl on the Westside dot"Sn't march 17th Street on the Eastside. So one of the ma1or thin~'> we looked at wru. solvmg tho'>e c1rculauon prohlem .... How WM the lnJtlal project area detennlned? ~late law has a fauly well pre~nbed proce~ of establistung what they fir.t call a survey area If you're looking at establishing a redevelopment area. you establish a survey area of a larger boundary that reqwres further studie~ to detenmne if 11 matches the cnteria of state law m terms of blaghung influences and thlngs of that nature So they established a '>urvey area that pretty much went from north of 19th Street all the way down to our southern city limits around 15th and 16th streets, from Orange Avenue over to about Anaheun Avenue. The actual downtown redevelopment plan is actually smaller than that and reaUy only goes from I 7th to I 9th streets and includes about 200 acres. How long has the latest proposal to add about 434 acres to the project area beell ln the worbT That started about a year ago. Ille [Redevelopment! Agency did a feasibility srudy. We identified a larger portion of the Westside area for pos.sible inclusion in an expanded redel.'l'lllprnenl area. '\.'>a re.,ult nl 1h.11 stud\, the c1111'>ultan1 ..aid only .i portion of what the agency wa111t'd 1n the Mea llll'I the criteri a of '>la1t• 1,m. "" they adopted .i '>Urvey area that\ '>lightly -;m,1lln I think rlw in111al '>tudy c 011..,1clt'n·d 1,000 <H re' 1111 lhl· We'>l'>ldt I ht'\' recomml•mh•d ahout ROO ant''> I mm thar 'Ul"W) art'a rhe) did add111011al ref.earth Jr1d 111'~' we fl' down Ill tht· 4J4 al rt''> thJI tht') rt>« omnw11dl'J lt1r indu .. 1011 Is there a chance it'll pare down even morel Yeah I 1ke I ..,,uJ. 1t., al~.I)'> ht>ert a pron·-.-, of pJnng down t lw .m·a < Jm e we adopt thr prl'11minarv pla11 wl11ch the l'lannmg Comm1 ... .,10n recommt'1Hlt·d. thJI li11d nf e..,tJbh<,hed thl• ou1c;1dt' hllund.1nt'' ol what tht• rl•Jt•\t:lopnll'nl .Ut'<I '' 111 hl· \\e 1 an alwav.., male 11 <.m.11le1 .111d delete propC'n1e..,, hut '"el ;.m 1 .1tld anymon· 1inn· tJ1e prt'11rn11i.tl"\ pl.ui-. haw ht-en adoptt'd. Why was this area cho-.en as opposed ro any other area on Lhe Westside? Well. 11 "l<lrted w11h Lht• \\hh1dt• Spenfit Pl.m. wlm h wt· slurll'd 1>.tl ~ tn 1998. lnl'H· wa!t J rnnn•m lrorn the C11y C ounnl that rht' W1·-,1..,1d1• ,.., lht· olde'>t pan of rhe t II\. 11 ha..," lot 11f mtxed u't''>. \ .. tth older mfr.t'>lnt11\lrl' m term' ul ... 1r1't'1' and u11l111t·•., .111J 11 1ust 't'l'ml'd to l>f' 1he .in·a 1hJt nt't·dt>tf the rno'>t am·nuon. ',(}the \\t "'"de Specifit Plan looked .it tht• t•n11re Wesl!>lde of .ibout l .AOO acrr .... ind then we focu,ed that down 10 what were rl!'alty thl· ma1or area' of l onlern That wa-, thl' 19th Street rnmnwrnal d1<;tnn and '>Orne ol thf' mdu,tnJI propt•rt1e<. lll tht' area. Some of the business owner:-. who oppose being Included In the redevelopment zone say their property values will drop dramatically while the dty stands to gaJn quite a bit monetarily. Pint or all, ls this indeed the case? I wouldn't think so. No, beca1!'><.' the purpose of a redevelopment area is w improve propeny value!> and the only way the agency gets any rel.'enut' 1s if property vaJues increase Redevelopment agencie<. arc hm1ted by what's called tax increment finanCUlg. where once a redevelopment plan is adopted. the property tax levels are fro1.en basically at that point and the agency getci any adclitionaJ increase in taxes above that FROM THE NEWSROOM How long of a duration ..-.ould '>Omethlng like that take? I ht· rna.>.1mu111 tHnt' 1111111 for J 11 tlt•\cl11p111t•111 plan 1 .. JO yt•Jr.. When our pld11 l>'..1.., .1doplt'd in I ti, I 11 h.111 .1 HI w.u hl1· Hut \tdtt> lt·gt\IJt 1011 111 I <JY I rl'allv rt·duu-d 1ha1 111111· through the l<l'<l<:·l.'elop111en1 HPlorm \< 1 It ,iJ,o rcduu·c.J lht• tmw thal \IHI u1uld t•xt·n l'>l' your C'nllnl'nt tf11m.11n p11\H•r 111 ,1tqu1rt· prnpt•ny At thJs point, are there any plan' to take properties by eminent domain? I hdt' ..,omrtl11ng th.11 \\ 111 lw dt•l1deJ ldll'r on ·\ga111. tlirnugl 1 1 lit n·dewlopment J.,'Tant pmu·..,.., tilt' fir..,t '>lt'p \uu do I'> preparl' .i prl'l1111111,1r\ pldn whtl h i.. thr <>IJgt· Wl n· ..it 11ov. th.it hJ·,u .illv,... tht-fir,, oft111.il .tt 111111 b}' lht· 1).(l'lll) to "tdft .1 n·dt•H·I• plllt'lll ..trt'a. It' ~Hlllt'n prell\ gt·m·r.il ,11111 alJO\~., a Int of flt-xib1htv H1W11 11ov. u ha'>I< all} '><IY'> ~ e drt' tnlt'rt''lt l 111 t'"lubho,hmg a r1-de\elopmen1 .irt•.i Onu· th<it plan' adop11·d. tlwn o\t r tlw llCXI '>IX I() t'lght month..,, Wt''ll \\1)1 I.. \\tlh our ton.,ultanl'>. rht• .igt·nn Jnd afff·t1ed property owner.., to 1dt·1111h \\.hat "Pt'Clfll pro1eCL.., \ .. 111 ht 111duded m rhc art.'a ttnd al<.o "'ha1 tht· .tgl·nn, ernmenr domJm po hey\\ 111 he And th1·v lJll tailor rhat t·m11w111 domam policy howeH·r rlwv wt ht They can ha\e 11 for the enllfl' redeveloprnl'nt Jrea, they t.111 hn11t 11 to J tcna1n .irca tht•\ tan t•x1 l11tft· re'>1dt•1111.i.I propt'rllt'' or 111dtMn.1I propert1t·'>, v1 nght 1111\\ t' fll'>I .1 '>tatt.•mt•nt ol tntt'rt''>t 1h;11 tht ..t~•·flc'\ ,.., mtnt'1l'd 1n u..,mg emml'nl d11111.1111 and ovn rlw next '>!); tu e1gh1 m111111i, Wl''ll linC' tunt• thar So ls everything \iery prelimJnarv at this polnt? Yr'>. 11 you lool J.t thl' prt•lm1111.1n pl.in, 11 JU'>t rellerctte<. l>'.h,11 ... tal• l,1\\ allow.., for a redcveloprnt>nr agt•ncv ro do for mfnt'>!ructur.U 1rnprovt'1111'11t..,, land acqUt'ltmn, under groundini;: utihne<.. We're probably at lt•a.'t J 'tar aw-a} from adoptmg a fin.LI plcm What' the very next step after the CJty Council, acting '" rhe dty'it Redevelopment Agency, adopts lrf That adoptron of the prehmmary plan tnAAer. a Im of othPr requll'Cment!. We have to 'lend nollLe to aJl or the other tax:mg agenne<. involved -the county. <;Chool d1'>trict. the mosquito abatement dl\tm t because. agcllJl. with that tax increment finand ng, the I Redevelopment] Agencv get<; about 70% of the n~ taxes. The other J~t'lll ll''> .:l'I tilt' bJ..,t:l1tl!' .11l1Jt otlh11t "'hJ1t•\1'( 1"111·\ lidd li1:1•11 gP11111g pn111 lti lttt' 111:'~1 llt•111g ddllJlll ti \11,j 111• j(J1', 1))1' .tgt'llt \ t..l«W'>lll ~:t•I I' tf1\1tlt•d bt•l\l\l'l'll !ltl'' lluol d!'>lrll'I, rlw \i••Ulll\ 1.u11l 111l11•r .1gt•111 ,...., \o \q• ht1\•• lo n1111h alwm 1lw1 l>'.t' .ill· 11111\ 111~· fot\\ .1rd I >t•p• 11tl 11g 1111 tlw 1•m1111•111 dt1111.i111 ptJfll \,JI J ,._Ital 1J.,. holllld,1111•, Hl'. ii \till h,t\t oJ pJ,111 ,111d \!Ill h,t\• 1111' flt1\\t'I 11! • lllllll'lll tl11111.1111 to .11 !llH•' fll•IJ ll'I I\ lhJt I" 11t 1 11p11•d 111 Ill\ ,111tl fllodt•r.t(l' llltllllll Ii lll'ilfl).! \IJ I 11,f\f t11 l11r111 .1 l'r1111·1 t \11·. t 111111111111, -,,, "'11lt111 100 d,n, 111,1d11p1111g1111 prd11Jllll,lf\ pJ.111. \\t• IJ,t\f 111 !1.1\I Ill t·lt•1 l1f111 (111111•" Ill 1«11111 tho• l'tll)t 11 .\rt' I I IJl1llllllt1•t \11d ,\'> (Mrl 111 th.II \\l It \'tlll1J' It h.t\t' ,, ,, n•·' ul 0P1ttll11111\ r11t.fllf 1.1hll' 11111•1111~, 1t1 ,\Id with P"'I" II\ ov.rwr.., 111 l'\l•l.J111 \\h,11 "Ill rt•dt'\'l'lllJlllll'lll Ill' •I I'"'> I" t11d l>t'l .IU"I 111 tlll' llllll 1111 1•.t•\1• lr.1d 111 1111111 111d11.,tr111 fll"l"'ll\ 11\llt ... ht \t ;iln .. 1d\ h.111 t\>\o 1l 1t1rn.1 1ml ,,, I hJ\I illl~t I 11 'l Ill lllt It' r l llUJI I I f 111•111111" Are tho'><' meetinl{' making prog~'i? Art> an y of thetr argumt•nl\ le-gi1 lrom your pom1 of vi~? \\1•!1 1111111~ ti!( tllfloll 11 t l It Ill d1111l1lltl I' pr11hJI>)\ I I llN If I ' Jlt-Uplt thllll 11l '.\h1·11 \111111111 \\rirtl rt'\lt'\t 1 p1m·rH H111 .!I' 11 1.11l11r 1 •llr • llllllt'll' 11 111 Jill pr P' r'\ lht•n·'"'ll•11~1111rn1·n1 \\t 1.11 l'l1m111.1lt lltt• JlH\\1'1nt 1·t1111H·111 I 11 1,11r. 11\l'I 111dlhln,tl J>ltl)'ll'n\ )I \'\,I ' "' t h 11 llll lht• f'lth \lfl'<'I \lllllllH'f\ I It'll ' \g,m1. 1h.t1' -.imwtt.111g \\I 11 \\ rl \\II I lht• .1genn .111t..l lurnn111111h \' 1/1 l\t !Ill' flt \I ... 1' lo "ll!ht I Nllll', UH ' II th.11 prop<'11\ <.olng back for a '>t'ComJ, how ;, thl' plYVlou' n'developmenl 1.onv Joingl I 1h111l. 11' <111111.: 1.111 I\ \H'll !I\ 1r111 1h111!.. "''' ,,. t11•0t· 11111 ul pr•111·1 '• 11 ilwn• thl < t-tJ \1t .... 11 nurt\.ird-. -.l111pp111g 1 u11t·r 11ll\1nu,)\ I n.111glt !'><fllolrt' h,1.., h.iJ ..,,1m• pn bli•n1' 11rn' bur th.11 lllJ\ tw .i lum 111111 111 .1 I 11 nl th mi.:' 11111 \ldt• the a gem y' 1111111 ol h~t tht gl'IH r.11 t't on111n\ .111J tlw I\ P• 111 'fw11,1I rt' Ii.Ill \ht'' rh.it Cirt' dt'"l~'T cl tor that I ht•\ n· hJrtfl"'I hll h\ 1h1• l'l 111111111\ \\t• \I' hP1•n .1hlt• to do puhl11 1111prO\t'llH'nl' 11 the· I 1111" l'.11~ .111•,1 "1th tht• firl' .. 1.icrnn anti lilt· ne1ghhorhcmd rommunll\ 11•1111•r. rt'ahgmn~ 17th ~tret'l ..,o tlw tr.11lir flow.., ea"1l'r .\f,11. widening .111d reaJ1~m~ I qth \tret•I Any flnaJ thought.sf 1',o, olhl'r than II .., a Ion~ p1111 t'''· a vef"\ detailed pm<.·e<., l lopt'lull}. ~•· can devt'lop a morl' p<Nllw relaoomh1p Mlh the buwH-..., community and rec;1dent'> and Ir, to work through some of th£':\t• 1n111al i'>-"Ue<. we have with t~dch othn and hopefully tum theu enerwr-. into 'nmerhing more pos1uvt• '>'l \V\' t. n wor'-together to cumt> up wllh ,1 plan that.., mon• o,upportec.J m !ht• cornmun1rv ·Reader made picture worth several words Well here I am ln my new Sunday epot. My goal, as always. Is • the same. lb gtve readers a peek .~to the Inner workinp of the newsroom, and maybe explain why we make the deci&ions we do. ,,, What will cbanp today is my f~ wblch I plan to keep much oarTOWf'f and boned. So apeUing ol fOCUI. let~ talk 1 Uttle hen about pholopapha. Th bectn. I'd UU to..., that one of the thb1p w. ue mo8l proud ol here It lhe Ody PiJOt If -pboe~IMin :..a: ..... ~ .. :.. ...... Cbe need co TONY DODE RO The pbotQ8Jllph accompanJed a dining rmewoftbe Marlner'a· Mil reltaunnt. ~atlhe Beach. Lt pktureda bartender ln the blckground end a 8'Dy\ menu and her ... lndW~. "'~ .... the her .... bada..,....dwre.u...tbt 10p Mr a1 • wormm bin cbelt. I Mw to be --.1 didn't .......... ~ when I first read the dining review that morning. But one reader did and be foUowed with several phone calls to the paper and later a letter that W1I-' published Saturday. "'The photograph ... demonstnlt [in my opinion!. very little Journalistic accountability,• wrote re der 9¥19Gooden. Let me lain the proc hett. Mcr the photos am thc>t. lhey are 1ent to lhe phOto editor, who nonm11y dMCb ihe qUlliry or the Unlp u well u joUnWkdC ~'The photo edftOr men _. the photo tliroudi GU' ...... p • -.too tyllem. .................. the photo and places it on the page. After it Is placed on the page etectrorucally. a hard-copy proor of the page ls produced and another ~tor proof reads the page. loobng at stories. photos and photo capdoM. So how did tht photo ~t through so many f olb? I t.aned fint wt.th the photograpber. •H let up ~ on how he wan h llSh.mcnt rt'J)re:tmled.. 5laid photographer Saa ...... who (I the t. ·1 wuconceiuatlnaon him pourina the drink: 11\d I ' ~~aop.·Hiller Photo dtor.. Slew wbo-buiy ... ..._.pons shots that rught said the same thing. And when the desk editors and I Jooktd at the black and whtte proof of the ~ we all aclmowtNged the detail of the gW5 was difficult to makr out. So re.illy. wbal looked, at I , t to one l'l"adt~ like a J>'.lrpo Wl attempt on our pan to push cy pictures 00 w public f"C!IUy j I to J>a)' dOle anenuoo co dfotail Bu1 u.ual. lt will uJtima another ta.on [or heft In the newtroom. . ~lean' ~ OUI bihthdty wt.ta to my little pmd how. s...... .... ,..., ...,.. 2 ..,.A.ad of mum l canlDfltWW•t dNlillii - .. •fit ~-,. AlO Sunday, February 2. 2003 AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4268. A complete list is 1vailable at www.dalfypllot.com. MUSIC ZEHETMAIR QUARTET Violinist Thomas Zehetmair and his quartet will perform at 7 p.m . today at the Barclay Theatre. Selections Will include, Schubert's Overture in C minor, Ba11ok's String Quartet No. 5 and Grieg's String Quartet in F major. Tldtets are between $23 and $26, 4242 Campus Drive, (949) 854-4607. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOZART The Mozart Classical Orchestra is dedicated to bringing quality performances of chamber orchestra works from the classical repertoire to the people of Southern California. An evening of Mozart directed by Ami Porat will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. Tidtets are between S24 and $38. Information: (949) 854-4607. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cari St Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Prize winner William Bolcom, ·Songs of Innocence and of Experience.· The show will take place Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m . at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Drive. Tidtets range from $19 to $59. (714) 556-2122. CLAUDIA ACUNA Claudia Acuna \/\((th special guest Billy Childs will perform at Founders Hall on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tidtets range from $40 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556 2122. ANNE MURRAY Four-time Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will perform at Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets cost from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. PHIL SHANE The multi-talented Phrl Shane will bring his las Vegas-style act to La Cave on Feb. 10. Shane has been a regular on the Las Vegas strip at the Tropicana Hotel for years. The shew.' will start at 9 p.m. La Cave is at 1695 Irvine Ave. (949) 646-7944. NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ PARTY The third annual Newport Beach J azz Party will retum to the Newport Beach Mamon Hotel Feb. 14 to 16. The hotel rs at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-5003. . . WESl.A WHn'FIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Foundera Hall Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tldteta are $49. 600 Town Cen1er Drive. (714) 666-2122. VIENNESE DELIGHT ~ Ludwig's host pianist, Christopher O'Riley, wlll take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. In Founder• Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tldtets are $45, (714) 656-2122. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Pa<* every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five·plece band. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfst.ream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. f1118ry week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-77fiJ. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. COMMENTS Continued from Al "Wbyl .. -Hotties asks "Why not? What do people drink with their pm?'' they mused. That's simple. As everyon~ows, both federal and state law allow only three beverages to l>e consumed with piz:l.a: soda. beer, wine. I suppose one could drink water with their pizza. but that woukf be silly. So why not deliver the beer and dle wine right along with the pizza. thought Hotties. The city's planning department and the NBPD teYiewed Hotties request. made a few suggestions here. tacked on a few corldJtions there. C.Ondition l: all Hotties personnel delivering beer and wine must be at ~ 21 years old No problem there. C.Onclition 2: no pie, no hooch. so don't bother calling in an order for Mone pizza. three six-paclcs, two bottles of merlot -but hold the pizza." That malces sense, of course. The Planning C.Ommi.ssion took a whack at it and said OK. But as often happens. the Qty C.Ouncil had a slightly different view of Hoaies' request. which was. wwhaddayowmts?" lt was C.Ouncilman Gary Proctor. who represents the district wherein Hotties would manufactw-e the aforementioned pi2:las, who appealed the Planning C.Ommission's decision to the council. Gary has been long concerned with inconsiderate visiting summertime revelers in his district, especially around the Fourth of July, when waves of partygoers celebrate the birth of our nation by each consuming a case or two of their beer of choice. 111 have to side with the Oty Council on I forties' piz:l.a-and-pinot proposal, but for a different reason. If alcohol is what you crave, there are all sons of safeguards in restaurants, bars and stores to make sure that you have at least 21 years of craving under your belt Doesn't always work. and yes kids woric overtime trying to beat the system. but that's getting tougher and tougher. which is a good thing. But Hotties' plan is just fraught with temptations for the under-21 crowd. which is a big crowd. I'm sure Hoaies had a policy in THF L11.1MF.RF. Cou.F.c.,"T10N GRAND OPENINGr ~t'aturing hand loomt'd and band fini~t'd knltwt'ar. j oin us on Friday. February 7th, 11 :00 Lm. to 6:00 p.m. and mttt the designers Saturday, February 8th, 11:00 Lm. to 5:00 p.m. We do custom orders! Bring your favorite old piece; Wt! can match any style or color! I{ ••• I\ • I " I h " • I II .. 11 '''" 11 \••11 nu"''''" tli1, .ul 1170 No. Coa .. Highway• Lagwi. Beach, Ca C111t tW«Tn t '"'f'U~ ... wt,_.. fttr:a. pM'-1nc: "'" m U1t ''°'.., •"•.hr hutkt.ocl ~\I"" alsu O(Nn Mm•diru l\'-f"""'n• ond ~''"'~' /if ai'flO'"'"""' 212-1221. 374-1951 Feet Hurt? Knee Pain? Back Ache? Hip Discomfort? ----WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Millions of people suffer with lower joint pain simply because of improperly fitted shoes ancf inserts. FOOT SOLUTIONS s~aalizes m footwear and custom orthotic.s, fit by skilled profes.sionals for the hardest-to-fit feet. And, we do it with style ... the woOs whereby its delivery people would make sure the pizza-redptent at the door was 21 ·pJus before they turned O'm' the hooch. but any seJf-respecting middle-schooler out there could figure out how to aack that code in 11 seconds or le&!. Here's how It works. and I'm not giving away any secrets here because this dodge has been around since Alexander Graham Bell said "Mr. Watson, come here.· The m06t valuable asset in any group of teenagers is a girl who bas a deep voice and can sound fully·grown up over the phone. She Is worth her weight In gokl. I can guarantee you that there were at least 35 local kids who were not where their parents thought they were last night. because when their mom was taDd.ng to SUzy's mom an the pheae, she was in fact talldng to the girl with the deep voice. Don't feel bad Every parent falls for it sooner or later. One fateful night. the girl with the deep voice calls Hotties. wrd like a medium pizza with everything on it Oh. except anchovies. My daughter just hates those,• she says with a slight laugh. "Honey?" she calls out to her iJna&inary husband, "I'm ordering pilz.a for the girls. Are you going to have anyr A male voice in the background mumbles something. •Ok. that's fine." says the girl with the deep voice. "Better make that a large and, um. give me one salad,· (a total diversion that will be thrown out immediately) wand let's see. a diet C.Oke, and oh, what kind of chaldonnay do you bave? Great. that's perfect." Al that point the Hotties sales counselor reminds her that there has to be an adult in the house. with proper l.D. "Absolutely." say.. the girl with the deep voice. "I'm afrajd I qualified a long time ago." she says with a slight laugh. Fast forward. The Hollies pi.mt transpon specialist rings the doorbell. unaware that he is being watched dosely from an upstairs window. The cutest girl available ls Immediately dispatched to the doot (If the transport specialist is a female, it's the cutest guy ava.ilable) After an approprtate pause. the cutest available, way under-21 gtrl opens the door and sayv "Ob hi, just a sec. "Mom7 Pizza's here." she calls out to the darlcness up6talrs. "Be right there," the girl with dle deep voice answers from somewhere upstairs. WMoney's on the table, sweetie." The girl at the door "notices" the three rwenties on the entryway table and bands them to the rransport sped.a.list who starts to make change for the $42 tab. "Mom? Do you need ch3.nger' the girl calls out "What? No. that's fine, dear,• says the girl with.the deep voice. ffBe right down. Sony." At which point, the girl at the door rolls her eyes as if to say, "Parents!" So there you have it a long sllens;ie, the transport specialist fidgeting, the cute girl smiling a.t him. time slipping Into the future and most important, an $18 dollar dp hanging in the balance. I can\ speak for the transport speda.llst. but I can tell you thal I personaDy would be back in the Hottle-mobile and roaring off into the nJght faster than the Raellans that decided not to tum owr a DNA sample from the linJe clone after all. The old adage is true: "Lovers of pizza and the law should never drink O>ors Ught while either Is being made." Or something. I gotta go. • PETER BUFFA'S coluam runs Sundays. Reach him at Prr84@aol.com • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORfNG •t'!.~!~ l·fi,,h'h::J SOLARIAN ~Al AR.el! 314• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER s449 from SQ ft -s14SQ~ Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... 14.29 tQ• Ceramic Tile .................................................... ~m '4.99 Ill"' Laminate Wood .............................................. lflSUlil«11rom 14.99 IQ ft ·r--~ .. ..-675 lillt Sansui Sushi ~ ~oodJe House Try our variety of traditional sushi! r,--- 1 -3---0---11--11--, Try our tasty noodle soups! I · I Try our deHclous dally lunch special! I 0 I POf QUID lunch Of nice great dinw with I Wl11I nu AD tower Si0.00 purdme.) : ,._ ,.,., °' .......... ., ...-.. c~2..!!°l.~:!~~...,-~rAl.!~.J 1420-A Baker ST, Costa Mesa. (714) 957-0700 We're in Target Center LUM I NETTE P I I V 1" C v S >1 F f P !>' luminette Privacy Sheers f 1her light through soh fabric vanes hidden among the folds of classic sheers See them al your local dealer FLOOR COVERING AND CUSTOM WINDOW COVERINGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • • ••••••••••••• www.hunt11dougl1s.co11 , . ' WHEIE 61EAT IOOMS IE611 •• ! ·-·~ ........ --- • • = rtrt • z' rt::;+s-:-rt: • ~·s= ..... « • • 0 ,.. LOOKING BACK A gem on BalbOa Island Keith's Jewelry boasted its location through its cigarette cases that featured a map and embedded jewels. Lollta Harper Daily Pilot W illiam Keith drove 200 miles to visit the neighborhood In which he and his late wife once enjoyed years of happines,, and creativity. He reminisces a.bout his former jewelry store -Keith's Jewelry -once located in the heart of Balboa Island, and thinks of the keepsake he created in tribute of the quairit co nun unity. It was back in the day when smoking was the rage and men carried silver dgarene cases in the fold of their jacket Keith and his wife patented an original jeweled case, which sh~ an engraved map of the ISiand with embedded jewels. The street names lent themselves to a fine piece of original jewelry because each aoss street of Park Avenue was named after a gem. The cigarene case touted this on it.s cover, with a respective jewel on the comer of the street it was named for Keith's Jewelry stood on the main thoroughfare of the island in the 1940s where it proudly displayed its authentic wares. Delicate silver chains, beauufuUy engraved tea sets and candle sticks adorned the window fronts, which were shielded by a striped awrung. Keith was alc;o charged with forging yachting trophies for the Balboa Bay Oub and featured them prominently in his storefronts as weU The interior was JU.!il cL'i impressive. with beauuful flower arrangements adding fragrant and decorative supplements to the glimmering pi~ Jut the store was bwlt on more than sliver or trophlelo or a business. It was the pa.nner"i!up between Keith and his wife Jacqueline. f !er master engraving sJcills coupled with his business savvy attracted the likes of Hollywood greats to the modest island shop. Their synergy also aeated a lasting token of Balboa Island. which sold in 1947 for Sl .000. THE KID FACTOR ByDa~ Wont You 're bemg tramferred to a distant city. You decide 10 we the whole family on a ~hopping expedition --looking tor your new home. Be forewarned. Looking at homes can be a difficult-mental and emotional task. This is not to discount the fact that it can be a Jot of fun . It 's to pomt out that 11 1s very difficult for a child 10 concepc:ualii.e what a room will look like with h1~ or her furniture in it. Therefore it's very natural for the chtld 10 grow bored with the house search very quickly and to start paying attention to irrelevant details, like the quality of a homeowner's set of video games. The imaginative leap of placing your fumirurc and your Ufestylc in a home for ale to see if it fits, is hard enough for adults without having to make certain their chjldren aren't destroying the homes you look at The whole family. though really should be brought into every stage of the home purchase and move. We recommend that you precede your actual home search with family meetings, where aJI of you_r needs in a home are discussed fully and openly. The ftnt home searches hould probably be done by the adults, if possible, brin&-ina the whole family in on the procc when prime candidates for purchase have been found. Need help? Call me at 949-533-1200 or vi it rny webaica at davewOl'I 4.com or onefriotd.com. IM. """' IMs "1H1t. u/.U "t M1Mt ;,, N""r.'!, Ikt«h ti11a I~.,.,/ is ""'t}, CMrt Nnurrt ~&dtr. ~ Keith's Jewelry was a fixture on Balboa Island m the 1940s. ......... •LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do (9491 646-4170; e-mail at you know of a person, place or 1ames meier ci /at1mes.com; or mail event 1hat deserves a historical look at do Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St back 1 Contact James Meier by fax at Cost<i Mesa. CA 92627 ---------------- Fibromyalgia? "Free Rcpon Rcvcah The Shocking Truth About the "sttnt" Treatment Your Doctor Probably Doun't Know ... And Likely Hopes You Nev" Learn ... " COSTA MESA Ant"-free rep"rt h.i~ re~cntly lX'.en rdc.ued 1h;11 re,c.il, 1hc "untold story he-hind hbromy.i.11(1.I p.vn F1bromyalK1J m1~1~nu\I\ .mJ nmtre.ument "r.imp.int .ind le.id~ to t.oumlcss vc.11'\ ol unncce~~uv suffennJ: Thi~ free report rcvc.ils .l nJtur.tl proet"durc 1h.11 1\ giving fibrunn .tlg1.i sufferer\ 1he1r · i.ve\ b.ick wnh "m1r.1culow rouhs tor m.im It vuu ~uffcr from fihromyalg1.i you need t.hu no BS . no "g1mm1<k," free rc.ron 1lur I\ g1\ ing hupc w fioromy.tlg1.i sufferers everywhere. For )HUr free copy. call toll-free l-800-i97-7418, 24 hr. recorded message. Sunddt fet><uary 2. 2003 All Newport Welcomes Dermatologist, Tanya J. Foreman, M.D. • 400 Newpon Cent"r Dove Suite 702 l'tewpon Beddl 94!'1644 01 1 \IO<mer pract>ee of Ct>arte• J Ma •man MD 1 West Dt>rmatology 1s pleai.ed to mtroduce Tanya J Fore.man, MD, to the Newport wmmuruty. She ~a diplomat of thl' Aml'OCilfl Board of Dermatology"' Wl'll dS a member of the American AlJc..lt>mV of l.>t·nntttolo);V ,ind thP Amt'ncdn Ml·dt< al A. ... '-IK 1Jlt11n \i\.1 th '>CH r ..i I \l 'Jr., of t'xpt'nt'OCl', Dr f-orl'rnJn i ... a .,Julll•d phyc,ic1an able to tn·..it vanou~ dl·rrnatoloSlcal rond.Jbons indudmg .... i...m ldm:er, acne, p!><>nasis, t'</l'rnJ, hair .ind n411l d1:.or~r<>. dry ... km .mJ otht•r o;l.m·n:lated problems Dr fort'man abo perfonns d~thebc o,l..m care proct.-durt~ to reduce the ap~aranre of hm• lme-. and wnrUJ~. ..l).;l' 'P<>tl> and protruding \ l'lf\." Th~ tn•cltmt.'n~ mcludt•, Botox, coUagen, mild to !>tmng chemical peel!.. IPL photo rl'Jun·nc>tlon. advanced medical taoclb and '°"lt•rotht'rap} To ...cheduJe .in .tppomtml•nt \'1th Dr. foreman plt•.i.....• Cdll (44111 h-H-0)()) OUR STYL ~ est;nt on a large prtvaa lot on the 8"' fllrwl¥. Custom 4 8d. 4..5 Ba with a pool WOROEN. BETSON & 8188 949.759.372Cl OPEN SUNDAY 1-• 717 ORCHID AVI Old Corona ct.I MM front unit. 4 Bd. 3 Ba. Roof dedc with views. CAAQ PUGH 949.759.3780 Finest new 5 Bd. 8 Ba. oc.anfront Large lot All amen tu.. 808 BERG 949.717.4708 A119 lld ~ ocun, billy~ 3 Bd. 3.S Ba. ~guesthoU•. 949.&44.9060 Exqulllm European custom ..urte. Fairway and lake views. 6 bedrooms WOROEN & BETSON 9~9.759.3729 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 7ll run1111 AVI • D • S..utlful two story 3 Bd. plus den, 2.5 Ba. ThrM fireplaces. OENINE KERNS 949.759.3758 4 Bd. 5.5 8a.. plus bonus room and o11c:e. T.;yk)r Woodtofl VIia Plan 2. MIUAR & SCLAFANI 949.717.4760 Enjoy NI uniquely demglled home Ill Ctyllll C:O..... 3 Bd.) Ba and ofb .... Ocean and ....... *-'- ~ GOlO 949.230.2323 OPiN SUNDAY 1-• 1161 CllllTYllW Spectaiculw 4 Bd. 3.5 Ba. home wtth rustic amblMc;e. ~ guatd gated communHv. WEST & SMl'TH 949.718.2719 Landmattt oceanfront es1am on rare double lot lkiiqoe blend of woods and mnlllmpor.wy amenl1'es JUDY GOOD 949.759.3752 View of China Cove Beach, 1200 ~,.. fMt. Great room, 4 Bd., 3 Ba, office / retNat and d.n NIGB. BAILEY 949 .500.3250 Penonmlc ocun, night ~t Ytews. 6 Bet. 4.5 Ba. Approic. 3,962 eq. ft. Inducing t.ge bonus '°°"'· NIGEL BAILEY 949.500.3250 Gt.at Udo ltle location. 45 foot comer lot. next to pM OER't'l..JOHNSTON 949.718,Z732 Front row location. Golf course view. French Provence home. HINMAN & HINMAN 949 759.3705 Archlt.ctu,..f tour-de-force on the Peninsula pOlnt New cu11Dm contemporMy •f'P"C*-3, 145 SF. MK:HAEL SAlAS 949.370.n92 Ocean view. ~ 11;,gte tewl Wf1f1 3 Bd. 3.S Ba, M.ny qual"V u~ Prlva• epa. ~ . . . . I ... . .. I •\" . ·~ .. ,. ., ~ .. • ~ 4 •• . : QuoTE OF THE DAY •.., r "l think inteUectuaUy (my players) were ready fOf this.• John Speraw, UCI volleyball coach Dally Pilot Spotts Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 5 74-4223 • Spor1s Fax: 1949) 650-01 70 COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL EYE OPENER ~putill I a..11 of J 'amt' 1 .. t,•u Jry ~I o~iJf"e JANE HILGENDORF 5uodci1 FeL•ua•1 2 ?003 81 ,,"1:"-•·:-ir.~-r:.. ; . ., .. ... ' . . ··Hawaii gets swept off its feet No. 1 Anteaters play like they're the nation's top-ranked feam Saturday night with impressive sweep. Rlch•rd Dunn Daily Pilot CRAWFORD HAU-On the heels or arguably the most exciting weekend in UC Irvine men's volleyball history, Ant- eaters Coach John Speraw is trying to stay in the moment, yet it'1> impossible not to think about where his program is headed. ·Ir We keep thjs up, we're not going to be No. I (in the· nation) just this year, but next year and other years, as well, because recruits are going to want to come here and people (i.e. fans) are go- ing to keep corning.· Speraw said, fol- lowing his top-ranked team's convinc- ing 30-20. 30-26, So-25 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation victory Sarurday njght over No. 2 I lawaii before an announced JC BASEBALL SEAN HILLER I OM. Y Pl.OT Brad Miller gets the hero's treatment after a key hit for Orange Coast. Pirates collect double sweep Coast completes two-day sweep of four opponents. Bryce Alderton Datf'yP1lot COSTA MESA -A swarm of bees the siu of a basketball may have stopped the game for a few minutes. but the Orange Coast College baseball team couJd not be contained for too long Saturday against De Anza College. The Pi.rates capitalized on Ove Dons' enors while banging out 10 hits to de- feat De Anza. 12-4, in seven l.nnl.ngs at Wendell Pickens Field in the fourth and finaJ game of the Matt O'Brien Memo- rlal Tournament Coast (4--0) and De Anz.a ( 1-3) each played two games Friday and another two Satwday. The game was called with two outs and one runner on with De Anza batting in the bottom of the sev- enth because the Dons had to catch a plane. ln the top of the second and Coast leadlitg, 2--0, the swarm of bees ap- proached the field from the bleachers on the thlrd·base side and Oew toward the Coast dugout. where lt hovered for ftw minutes. The bees aent players and wnplrea runrting off the field and fans In the stands Oeeing from their cha1rs to pt.her behind the bKbtop. About 10 minutes peued before play resumed. While the Coast t>.ts went dormant the next three lnninp. the Dons grabbed a brief one-run lead when Casey c.o.ta slammed he 6nt pitch he MW OYel' the Jeft-fleld fence for a three- run home nm and a S.-2 Dona' lead. Dons' tt.arter left Ropl'a went •~ In· nirip. reditnC the aide In order twice. before "**"Ullo trouble In Che ~ COMt Cead9 Duldn Hieb ...... bMe .... lhe lhocutop couldn't hM· cDe die lhlrply-hlt pmder -the Dona' third en'Qf· Second buemln Ben JJanna. who went 2 for S with two lln- • " . • ... MlllM1. ,._.II • crowd of 700. The Anteaters (11 -1. 4-ll made their coaches look like geni~. ·I thi.nl; inte~ually they were ready for this," Speraw said of his players. ·They understood the guys they were playing agaimt better than (Friday) night." • The rafters above the bleachers at Crawfo rd Hall, usually off limits to fans, lined the railing from one end to the other, while people sat on the stage behind the benches iln~ filled every possible cre- vas&e that wasn't a Crawford Hall fire violation. People were turned away at the turn- stiles because of the capacity Hawaii Anteaters 0 3 The adjustments included better passing and serving. while finding a way to han- dle Hawaii's Costas Theocha-crowd. ·we'd sure like 10 go back to the Bren Center and get a few thousand people,· Speraw said. "It would be nice to (ac· commodate) aJJ the people who want to suppon us. And to do that, we need the Bren Center.· ridi.J.. who was held to just seven kills in 20 a11empts. In this rematch. UC Irvine treated I la· waii the way it has dealt with most op- ponents this season -with no or littJe mercy. · The Anteaters opened with a 6-0 lead before a umeout, then Theochandis fi- nally got the Warriors on the board m the first game. And, considering how dorrunant the 'Eaters' sweep was over Hawaii, 1t'r; likely that UCI Will remain No. I m the country ~It wouJd be nice t . '' A Y PILOT Ah.er losing to I lawaii in four games Friday night before 3,235 at the Bren Center in the first ofbad-to·ba.ck meet- ings. Speraw, who thrives on studying his opponent, and his staff stayed up well past I a.m. trying to figure out a game plan for the defending nauonaJ champion Warriors (6-2. 2-2 in the MPSF) in !hi!> one. see VOLlEYBAll, Paie 82 Support for the Anteater s has been high during the two-match ~et M:tl Hawan. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters' slide continues Cal Poly scores game's final six points in a 74-68 Big West decision. Stev• Vlreen Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER -This was a game they had to have. It turned out to be a game that got away. UC Irvine lost its third straight Big West Conference basketball game, its longest losing treak since the 1999- 2000 season, after Cal Poly San Lu.is Obispo outJasted the Anteaters, 74-68, before 2, 175 al the Bren Events Center Cal Poly 74 Anteaters 68 Saturday rught. The Mustangs outscored UCI. 6-0, in the finaJ 2:50. UCI Coach Pat Douglass said his squad became complacent with a 10-point lead Cal Poly's 6- foot-8 junior for- ward Vamie Dennis said the Anteaters' big men played little. "Their post men aren't very physi- cal," saJd Dennis, who scored a game- high 20 points. "They came in wanting to beat us. wanting to get back on their feet We took that personal. Their coach picked us low in the conference (pre- se~n ran.kings) and he said he had the best Crontcourt in the conference. We didn't think they thought very highly of us. We came in with a chJp on our shoulder.• UCI's 7--0 junJor center Adam Para- da led the Anteate rs with 16 points, yet 12 came in the first half. Mean- while, junior forward Stanislav Zuzak. who went scoreless in a 70-54 loss to UC Santa Barbara Thursday night, finished with eight points. all in the first half. ua senior forward Jordan Harris acored eight points. "In some ways he's right." Parada said of Dennis' post-game comments. "I think that's (physical play) some- thing we've lacked. But. I personally take that as a challenge, something to look forward to for next dme. • ua baa not loet two sttaigbt home games"1nce the 1999..QO aeaon when the Anteaters lolt to Boile Seate and Pullerton. Thole Anu.ten flnilhed 14-14, 7-9 In the Big Walt. 1lUs year'• ua team ii 11-1, s... ln the Big \\at and at the loMlt pobtt of Its eeuon. ua is now tied for fourth place with Cal Poly In the Big Welt.. •tn a towch ioe..· Douglau Mid. "We"ve kind -of needed tblt one to break out of thla na we're in, and we didn't get It. We hid a Foci 8nt bait we jUlt couldn\ iuilCM'I me le¥t.l o1 playfor~mn...· ua frelhmen .,.,, Olofel' once lpbl lhcMed ..... bUlde dVougboUt the ,ame. He ICOl9d 13 pc*lta and rt· corded two ....... STlW:. McCAN«1 CM.Y ~OT UC Irvine's Jeff Gloger (10), with 13 points and 11 rebounds, dnves through Cal Poly defenders. ua shot 44.4,. 06 for 36) in the fl.rsc half and . committed just two tum· overs. 1be Anteatas com- mitted 11 n.unovers in the 6rat half on their way to los- ing to Santa ~ 70-54, Thunday ntghL ua W>t 30.8" lo the sec;ond half (8 for 26). ...... •1 told my guys. you•re ln a bOmecl' IMlt bec:auee I mew Pll would haW hit guys niildy to play hll'd. • 00 Poly Co.ch bvtrl Bromley Mid. '"1beM guyt (the Aneaten) don\ lole \ proach WU mough lO build a 44· halftime net In .the ~ half, Oil Poly W'alt on a l 0-0 run. J:aima capped the ~ with a tJutt. t that brought t.hO d t to. 43-46, with 15;52 Id\. ~ Musta later ca~\ UCI ai 51•51, after a thrff·pointCT by ~ Geary (14 point1) wtlh 14:13 l ft. Ca.I Poly mamtaineid tt momentum and buUt a 64·57 leld wtth 5:35 ~. But. ua ltniOf gUUd M HOod bpt Antee.t in the pme. ICOring nine U ' ft.n&l 11 point He hit back·tO• .. "EAtlltl. ,... .. • • • . • .. 82 Sooday, February 2, 2003 VOLLEYBALL Continued from B 1 (to stay No. l)/ Speraw said. "but the same thing holds aue, in that we want to get better every day ... we took advantage of our experience (Friday) n!gtu, came up with a game plan and executed well: Junior outside hitter Jlmmy Pelzel, UO's leader in service aces and Id.Us. led the hosts with 16 kills. 6ve blocks, four digs and two aces. I le has been the team's kill le(lder in nine of the 12 matches. Spencer Bemus. another junior outside hitter, finished with 14 kills for UCI, while senior setter David Kniffin, who played on the Pierce Community CoUege state champion- ship team in 200 I, had 40 assists, two blocks and two digs. After UC Irvine's strong star( in the opening game, the hosts maintained a comfortable lead until Bemus stepped to the servic~ line with his team ahead, 18--13. The Anteaters roUed off six straight points, capped by Bemus' service ace, for an I I -point advantage. Senior outside hitter Monte Tucker, who led UCI with two solo blocks and six blocking assists, recorded a stuff block for a 27-18 lrvine lead, a power kill for a 29-19 edge and a game-ending kill for a 10-point margin of victory. "OK. guys, that's a wake-up call." a Hawaii player blurted to hls teammates before the second game. UCI pulled in front, 8-6, in the second game, foUowing three straight points, including a block with Nie Vislay and Russ Marchewka lining up at the net and a kill by Pelzel. Pel- zel toed the service line with his squad leacUng. 10-9. and promptly produced three consecutive points. including an ace. "Jimmy Pelzel scored very weU tonight," Speraw said. "He put together two great matches in a row. I le had his best scoring night (Friday with a match-high 24 kills), and then found a higher level the next nigh I." Hawaii came back in the second game for a 14-13 edge, then stayed even or in front by a point until a Pelzel kill gave UCI a 17-16 lead and triggered a 7-2 Anteater scoring spurt. A kill by Vislay (eight kills and four blocking assists) lifted UCJ's lead to 21-17 and stuff block by Pelzel (on Theochari- dis) increased the advantage to 23-18, Pelzel celebrated by raising his fist in the ai.r. Hawaii pulled to within 26-23, but Vaslay followed with a kill and UCI scored again on an unforced error, caused by a Kniffin serve. wit's not over yet," a UCI player said tu ht'> teammates be- fore the third game, m which the Warrior.. opened with a 7-4 lead and forced an Anteater timeout. UC!, however, came back, fin;t on the !)lrength of Pelzcl's serving. With his team facing a 10-7 deficit, Pelzel warmed up his right arm and heaved jump-serving fastbaJh. 10 the Warrior-;, who couJdn't get around on hi., pitche't. UCI scored six straight point<; with Pel7el at !)erve to take the lead, including an ace. Pelzel ended h1' ow11 run with a serve square into the string. UCI, which travel-; lue .. day to UC Santa Barbar.i for a conference match an Goleta, 'never 1railed again m the third game. In fact, the Anteater .. traded two-for-one pmnts for a while and con.,tructed a 25-16 advantage. following more excellent serving by Pelzel The Warriors, led by lony (hing and Delano fhoma~ (nine kills each), '>taged a minor rally -!)Coring four points in a row to get back into the game and lrail, 27-23 -but UCI held off the late surge and won by five. Vislay ended the match with a kill. FEBRUARY SPORTS SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT A swarm of bees settles on a bench near the bullpen Saturday sending players and fans scurrying at Orange Coast College. BASEBALL Continued from B 1 gles and two runs, bunted down the first-base line and beat the throw with a head-first slide. Center fielder Derik F.asttom then bunted safely down the third-base line. setting up Kyle Stanley's shwp single to left field that plated two runs to give Coast the lead for good. Left- handed hitting right fielder Greg Benoit capped the inning with a two-run d ouble that sent the left-fielder scrambling to the fence to retrieve the rolling ball. "Greg Benoit hit a big base- clearing double that sparked us that inning," Hanna said. ~The bundng helped us out a lot . We put the ball in play and they helped us with the errors." 1Wo errors led to OCCs first two runs in the opening inning. Coast's offense wasn't the only element to its fourth straight win to open the Season. The Pirates received solid elJons from starter Tucker Boyd (four innin~ giving up four runs), Estancia High- product Jordan I fart (I ¥.i innings with two strikeouts and one run) and Bryan Jackson (one inning)• Hart. a 6-foot-5 left-hander. came in with a runner on first and no outs in the bottom of the fifth. but caJmJy sauclc out the first two batters he faced, the first one on a sweeping curve ball on the outside comer that fro1.e the batter. He would give up his only run on a single by Casey Costa into right field Be- noit, in right field, played the ball and fired it to shonstop Chris Bullock, who applied the tag lo Costa anempting to swap an ex- tra base. "I came in, located my pitches and threw strikes," Hart said. "I cUd what I had to do." Five players each scored two runs for Coast including Hanna, Stanley (three RBis, going I for 3) left fielder Jeff Plaskowsld (four walks), third baseman Brad Miller (l for 4), catcher Dustin Hicks (I for 4 with two RBis) and Justin Humalon. Benoit knocked in three m a 2-for-4 perform- ance. •In Coru.t'l:. game against Mt. San Jacinto earlier Saturday. third baseman Jarrod Carchio went 3 for 5 with three RBis antliulltcher John Grant collected two hits in three at bats with two RBis to lead Coast to an 11-3 victory. Coa'il had two five-run innings. Kyle Allen went six innings scattering four hits and one run while striking out seven and wallcing one. Mike Farias pitched three innings in relief and struck out four wl1ile walking none. Matt O'Brien Memorial Classic OCC 12, De Anza 4 Sc:ore by Innings DCC 200 050 s n 10 2 De Anza 003 010 o 4 1 s Boyd, Hart 151 and Jadcson 16), Rogers. Casteneda 15) and F1hppin1 (6) W Han 1 O L Rogers. O 1 2B - Ben<>tt IOCCI. Montez <DI HR -Costa (0) occ 11, Ml San Jacinto 3 Score by Innings Mt. Jae ooo 001 XIO J b s DCC 00!> 001 60• 11 14 1 Roth, Brandt (4), Warren (71, Fuller (7), O'Dowd 181. ~erra (8). Unbes (81. Allen, FariH (7) W-Allen, 1-0 l - Roth, 0-1. 2B -Ball (ML). Grant IOCCI. Carctuo (CCC). HR'-Washington (Mt.). Sandefs (Mt.), P1askowsk1 IOCC) COLLEGE WOMEN'S HOOPS Anteaters win Cal Poly SLO falls in Big West Conference women·s game, 73-61. SAN LUIS OBISPO -UC Ir- vine's women's basketball team captured a 73-61 victory over the host Cal Poly Broncos Satur· day night, as four players scored In double fi,gures in Mon Gym on the Cal Poly campus. Senior guard Wendy Gabbe scored 19 points and junior guard Kristen Green added 17 for the Anteaters, who used a 25-32 run to start the second half and established control. Sophom ore guard Lisa Faulk· ner scored 14 points and f~esh­ man forward Lauren Yadon added 12 for the Anteaters. Cal Poly missed its first 212 shots from the Ooor in the 'ice ond half. The Anteaters led, 60-38, after the run and Cal Poly could get no closer than eight po an I~ the rest of the way. The Anteaters made 48% of the ir shots while. holding Cal Poly to 33%. ReboWtds were e\'en a1 42 apiece. Green and Yadon each had HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Dally Pilors Athlete cfthe Week seoes I i I i ' 1 I TODAY 23 -James Dawltins Estano1a Football. basketball 24 -Selwyn Mansell Estancia Baskeball, '96, '97 23 -Ryan Lewis Corona del Mar Baseball, '96, '97 22 -Meghan Bryan Corona del Mar Soccer. '98 25 -Meredith Lake Orange Coast Soccer SCHEDULE nine boards for UCL TODAY UCI Improves to 12-7, 53 an Tennis the Big We'\I. Cal Poly falls to College men -UC Challenge at 4-4, 8-10. UC Irvine, singles. all day The Anteaters return 10 Bag Wat9f polo West Conference play on-Thu~-College women -UC Irvine at day with a road game at UL Untversity of Redlands Riverside. followed two night'> Invitational, all day. Softball 1~1er w11h a game al Cal Stal~ Community college _ Orange rullerton. ,kdast at College of the Desert lburnament Big West Conference rfi UC Irvine 73, Cal Po ly 61 ii Club su ng . UCI _ Green 17, Yadon 10, Calla ' Open -Newport Classic at 56th way 6, Faulkner 14, Gabbe 19. Big Street, 7 a.m. gms 0, Sturgeon 0, Ferguson 5, Usher 2 3 pt. goals -Yadon 2, Gabbe 2, Green l Fouled out -Yadon Callaway Tectlnicals -none Cal Poly -Henke 12, Journey 13, Valdes 4, Turner 2. Duperron 6, Dooley 0, W1ttstrom 10, Uphoff 10, Grieve 0, U1agalelei O. Tanneberg 4. 3-pt goals -Uphoff l Fouled out -none Technicals -none. Halftime -35.35 2003 DEEP SEA SAnJRDAY'S COUNTS Newpor\ l.tnding -2 boats, 39 anglers. 12 calico bass. 16 sand bau, 1 halibut. 11sheephead.42 blue perch. • 1700 Adams Ave .. Ste. 101, Costa Mesa, C A 92626 .• (714) 885-9090 • fax (714) 685-9094 • www.cost amesachambe r .com DECEMBER NEW MEMBERS David W. Jann AHociates Harry Brogha 580 Anton Blvd .. #109 Costa Mesa, CA <l.lblh 714/993 5652 \1()1(( 714/993-0425 l.l'IC Deaa European Salon Heidi Nelson 1835 Newport Blvd . #2'ib Costa Mesa, CA 926.27 949/b45-031 l VO•Ct' 949/645-8002 fax Prime Direct Mortgage Loretta Ander!>On 7812 Ed1ng<>r Ave., 2nd Floor Huntington Bt'ach. CA 92647 71 4/375 8174 VOICt' 7 14/843·0JR1 fd)( Waahlngton Mutual Bank Sharon Shipley 1455 Baker Streel Costa M~a, CA 92626 714/549-914 I voice 714/549-5113 fax DECEMBER RENEWALS 44 yean/1111 10 yean (cont.) Southern Californ•<t Ga!> Co. Mt Donalds of (Chia ~ 191h SI 35 yean/111 8yearsl Baker Equipment Rcnldl & Sales Halverson dnd Ledbetter, CPA's Zaher Fallah1, CPA 23 yeanlll Costa Mesa Police Assoc1a11on 7 years! South Coa!>t Corporate Center 22yeanlll Computer Masters Specialty Body Wurk<o Syearsl l8~art1/I Anaheim Sport,, Inc . ln-N·Out Burger J & S Automotive 11 yean/I 4 yean1/ Howard Jame\ ( umpany McDonald\ ol tM -Harhor Blvd Reach Hou!.(' Imports IS yHrsll Ferran and M.uarc1t1 o( OC 0C rerfonnmg Art~ (<•nlE'r 3yearsl 14 yea nll 1 7th Slrcet Promenade ProServ Plumbing and Dr.un H<irbor MesJ lions Club Sherwood Furniture 13yursll Be<1t W~ern Newport Beach Inn Carey Ward RNltor Z~arsl 1Zytt1,.ll Anne Wood~ Acupuncture &' 8 le Bay Row1njJ ti. R4!'nmg Club Onent.11 Mc'(f cir~ Park Plua II, Ltd. Pax lrldustne1 ~th Co.1 t Childf'f'n's Society 10,..,..J/ Commonwl' Ith P.utnen MGf UPS SY'h'lll•. In P trick's Pub RIBBON CUTTINGS f(arl Strauu Brewery Restaurant celebrated their grand opening recently .:ii 'Wl South Coast Drive. Chamber Membership Director Tom Brennan was #drafted" into service to cut the ribbon and 1s joined by (from left) chamber member Candance Dobson of O.C. C.:itenng; Chris Cramer, February Wednesdays Monday, February 3 Tuesday, February 4 Networbrs Luncheon luds Group 11 45 a m 1 pm . Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Onve Education CommittH 7 ~a m .. Chamber Office Legislnve Committ .. Noon Chamber Office Prc~1dent/CEO, Karl Strauss Brewery; Karl Strauss, founder; David Sadler, general manager; and Bob Schmelter of Future Solullon<t I Tuesday, February 11 Executive ConnittH MiniJ d Bo(}y Connection owner, Phuong "Ann" Vo Badgett lholding scissors) 1s joined by some of her staff plus Chamber Ambassador Enc Anderson of A Second Look, (right foreground) to mark 1he opening of her newest location Tropica Spa at 2075 Newport Blvd., Ste. 1001 7 30 a m • Chamber Off ice Tuesday. February 11 Ambassatlors ConimittH Noon. Chamber Office Thursday, February 13 Bo1rd of Oirtctors luncheoa 11 ·45 a m • ~ohday Inn Thursday, February 20 . 90--Minutt Brtakfast Boost 7 a m . Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Coorse Drive Wedne$Qav. February 26 Alter """ Businss Mixer 530 -730p.m Karl Strailss Brewery Restaurant 001-A South Coast Dr .. Costa Mesa NETWORJ<ERS HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Santa vt$11S out No. I I~ Gene'4ltor, ~ Oj.l~ Andenon o( St.Ir RHI Est.ate The Bo.rd c( Off1<m of the ~luncheon Croup for January-lune 200.l, (clodcw1se from left). l ynn holm ol Rich-Mlr Shirts Ir lgn -T .-asu"" GeQtKt" Cut~. Attorney Secretary l1w Tatnltln of Fin.mcial M.ln~t Nl"tw0<k -Presldt'ot Dan G.trc111 o( WOl'ld Financial Croup -Vice President ~~-=-~----~~~·.:.-----------~---------:--...._ __________________________________ -...],, ____ ~· I _J 1 Oatly ~dot S P O R TS Suodcty febrUNy (, 2003 83 COLLEGE SPORTS Lighting it up doesn't de it for yanguard U. • OOU,EGE BASE.BAU~ Vm) guard U111ve,..,11 y\ baseball LC'<l!Tl poundt.oc.I ou1 lll hit.'> and ..cored 24 rum in a nonconferencc dou- hlt• heat.lt•r at UC San Diego Satur- day, and 10.,1 hoth gamM. lJ( San Ull'j.,'O answered tho<;(.• nurnht·r' w11h :m h1b and 26 nm' .u1t.I pullt'tl out 14 I J ant.I I :l 11 Vll"(llnt">. ll•>lwn (.nu .md Jot.· ( .;1mah<m Wt're t'Jl h I for 'i ttnd l..amah;m, Jw,1111 \111lv. • .trd. Jonathan B<Mt'r ;md C nl/ t•at h doubled B.mwng out twu hll'> ,1p1i't l' lor llh' I 111m \\.l'rl' Mttlt I 1<,tham nwr )J'IHl \t•c1rlc, Milhvan..l Jnd HmH•r. In till' '>l'lOnd gamt'. Lama han J.nd Millward eac:h.J.louhlt.'C.I, ag-,un, ( nv v..mt .! for 4 with a two nm honw run .md five HBL'>, .mt.I \earlt• IMd c1 homl' run. C..im.1h,m "''L' ·1 for .I and <.,con \t,mm wt·n1 I for 4 Hut wht'n t.lw du\I hatl deared thl' I J()ll' hatl been <,wept UC .\I> '>llf'Vlvcd a 1wo run up· n'>mg hy V,u lj.,'llatd in lhl' mnth m nmg of the opener, and in the nigh1c up. '>('<m•d a run m the bot- 111111 ol tlw 't'venth to wtn after \'a11guart.1 .. I JOm. -.c·ort.'<.1 twice in tht• top of the inning 10 tit' 11 a I . .I 11 Anteaters sparkle Vanguard sweeps • SOPl'BAU .: Vanguard Uni versiry opened the 200'.i ~oltball i.cason with overwhelming vie tt>rit:i. over visitmg Patten Col- lege -Saturday, posting fl 0 a nd 12-4 nonconference dec1'>lon-.. Marciea Ball firt.'d a no h11tcr 1n the opener, allowing JU'>t one ba-.t'·ru11ner un un 111f1cld error \he i.1rud. out three and walked no one 1n a ml'rt y· t•nd mg. five-inning \tint hU )t'swn and t i..a Jac:bon lnplcd fur VanguJrd a.11d A\hley Mauro had a duublt: anti '>ltHed thrt'l' run1> In the .,econd game ~ry.,tal Keltnt'r earned lwr fir\! collcg1 ate vic1ory w11h a '>i>. hitter Vanguard llll'ruet.I Patten 1n Lhc '>econd game. too. with a seven-run fifth 1n111ng Mauro had two hll'> and lour HRI'> while I 1!.a Jacko.on ... mgjcd and hit an 1n .. 1cJe the park home run. Anteaters net 4 -3 win • MEN'S TENNIS· '!ht> U<. Ir vine Anteatt·r'> (:.! 2) ddt>ated UC ~n Uu~go, 4 1, J'> pa.rt of lhl' UL lhaJJengt' \aturday. COLLEGE BASKETBALL VU men uffer 38-poi nt J oss ~ women capture 79-76 victory IA MIHAi)\ V,111gu.ud 1111 ver<11ty\ mt·n\ h..i.-,lo..1•tl1o1ll It .11 1 ha.' a nl.'w roach blJI tlw 11· ... uh'> wt!rl.' '>lnttlar '><lrurda\ r11yh1 a' ho~t Haola <1pplwil .1 •17 '">•i C.,uldt>n '>tall:' Athl1•111 < 1111l1·n 111 lo!>.\ on tht• !Jon., """' lt·cl Ii Alhleuc D1n."t. tor Bob \\ 11'• 111 Jami:''> I lanm,m po,ll'tl .! I pouw • .u1d Jo<,h 1'11•r.,111 1 hJd 1- pomt'>. hut 11 \.\~., not 1·11•>11gh t•1 off">el five H10IJ pla\t'f' \\Jill d 11, ble-figurl' .. c.onng \,111g11.irt.l 1illl to 5·lt5, I 'l 111 th1 • <.5 I IW1l1 1mprovt''> to 15 b. '> r; ( )n th1• \'\ flffil'O' '>Ith II \\•l' .u1otlwr mallt•r ti'> tlit \ mguard IJcm., h.id till' fivt' pla\'t'I'> -.t. •11 mg m twrn digit'> led h\ I .Jct'\ Mill., 17 plllnt'>. int lud111g five thret' pmnt -.ho!'> lht· rt•\ult \ 79 7b own1me dec11>1on for \la11 guard wh1th improved to lo -. 11 I in the C.\AL len111fer Wilwx had f"l point' fur Van>{Uard and < .enha Jo'>t.'f~ '>on, Hobb1n J )lllenh1r anti { ourtlll"r ~kKmnt'\ eath had 11 pllllll'> \.\urn'.'< \II.a'> the game., rt hounding leader with 10 an J D1ttt'nb1r h..id ~wn d.l>'>l'>L'> GSAC tnen 8tol. 17. "-nguwd 51 V9nvuan! Adamu.t~ 6 Eg~11n 0 • INDOOR TRACK AND flELO IJC I' \u1a11m• l'urmort and I .111 rl'11 Adam'> wt.•nt I 2 111 rill' ·IOtl·nll'tl r da-.h with tlnlC'> 111 .ilU:'i ,111d 5~ 00, re<,pecttvcly al tht• Northl'rn An1ona "ky- domc 1r1 1 lag\laff tn a met:t w11h I rr .. no \1,11e and Northern l\n1ona 'wtturddy Jumor., Jonalhan I ndn~at and Zoran Koral and <,opho more Hna n \.!orion \\\.l'pt I l I <,1nglt''> and l'ctN \urapul. pla" 1ng in till' 1\11 f1 .,lot. d111dwtl thl' \ tClf>f}. \'l'llh a 7 ·h, 6 4 '>Ill gle'> \ ... 10 o'er Hlait· \\1bon llayden UC Irvine 's Mike Efevberha (231 tangles wrth Cal Poly SLO's Jason Allen Hanmdl' 23 Poer~n • 7 ~rough : S..rne~ !)(,..,~"'' O Con'"' 2 Bumene tJ Enn<> 7 1 ht• Ante..iter.,· Amht'r Nefa<, fini.,hed '>l'tond 111 the tnpll' 1ump wnh a murk or lfi·O and '>hl' wa., tlurt.1111 thl' 400 (59.J5J Annmarie I urpm and fe<,'>1ca Stalford plart>d 1 l in the high 1urnp, w11h lurp111 gomg 5·5 , and .,tafford 5 :n· .. lurpin fin- l'>hed '>l'cond 111 the bO hurdlei. (fl 95) and '>ht' wa .. 1hird tn the long 1ump at lo 7 • ',ophornore I rm ( urt1., won the pule vault I 12 5' •. firmhed thml in the 60 17 71) and fourth in the lOO (25 07) l:nurtkat's h 2 fl 1 \\tn lanw al the expen'>l of ( oron.1 dt·I Mar lhgh produtl 'wtincer CJ10 pra. . The Ul 01<1flt•nge rnnt111uc' today. start mg at I 0 a m UC Irvine 4, UC Sen Diego 3 Singles Endrikat (UCli cJef Chopra, 6·2. 6 1, Korac IUCll d~f Meyer, 0·6. 6-4. 6 3. Morton IUCll def W ilson. 6 -4. 6 4. Swan !UCSDl def W11emanne 6 7. 6 3. 6 0 N ovak (UCSO) def W1il1.Jms, 7 6, 6 1. Surapol IUCll def Wilson Hayden. 7-6. 6-4 Doubles Endrikat M orton IUCI) def Sw an Choprd 8 6 Meyer-Nagel IUCSOI dPf Ko ra<. W11emanne 9 8 W1lsnn M<:>rtor• IUCSD> def W1lhams Pr1>nt1c;e. 8 2 'EATERS Continued from Bl h..itl thrt•e pmntcf"> and then na1lt'<.I thrl't.' con...ecut1ve frel' throw' c1fter ht•ing fouled on tlm.•t• ()<11111 .,hut attempt. 111., thrN• frt·t· throw .. 11cd Lhe game. !iii titt, with L 50 rt•maining. "W1•rc· dcfinHely gomg through d hard lime ... Hood said. ·· l'lw I<,.,.,.._ • ., hurt. When we can prc•vt•nt them. that huns even rnorl' W<' plavt·d wt-II in the fir'>! h.11f, ,u1d I h 1°\ lll<lllt• a run 111 thl' w1 ond h,111 \\t· lo .. 1 our compn 'illl' ".llut tlw w.1 .. 1111 1., not dorw I hi•" 111 hump' 111 thl' rc1Jtl anti \"e nel'd h) learn Imm them We'U tum ll .uuund The Anteatel'\ will haw a t.:hance to tum 11 around Wc·dnesday at 7 05 p.rn wlwn they host UC H1ver,1dt> UU defeated lllver'>1d e, H 1 77, Jan. 11. 7~ \Jturlld) 1111-:ht\ Ranw \'l<'ill ht· tC'lt'\ N'(J on c o~ < 0111111u111c a t111n .. <l1 • .m1wl I llKIJ\ JI I p Ill dlld fl p 111. :O.t1111d.i\ .it It pm and 1111><, \.JJ\ JI R p 111 • 1 H I hu1h .i I.I .!:! l1·al.J in lhl' tir .. 1 It.ill \\Ith a rwv. lini·ur Tlw \nlt'<llt'r' fl·.i1url'tl a 11--rrt· ..:uartl 10<1~ ,1, Jeff Gloger, Ml.kt U("'l'berh3 11111 Hms ~hraeder \\t•n 111 th1 h.u ~ ourt \\h1k {irqt Ethlng Inn JllCI P.mtdu I It ~t·p1 lJ( I big 11 I I .1h ' I hi! • 1111 I ( .ii Poh. ) .! 5 II ,J I \ •· r111111111• •JI.Ill Bt•f(m •ht• )(.trllt'. I H I had a \lament ol '>•lent:t' 111 n:nwmbrnnce of lhl' '>p.!l e shuule rra.:11.l\ Big West Conlentnce Cal Poly 74, UC lnnne 68 Cal Pofy -Sctulllng 5, Panerson 5 Dennis 20 Allen 12 Geary 14 Jackson 6 Grace Ill 1 Tnchenal 3 Johnson 4 Kamara 4 3 pl goals -Geary 2 D1mn1s 2 Sch1lllng 1 Allen I T 11chenal 1, Kamara 1 Fouled out Sch1lltng Technicals -none UCI Zuzak 8 Harris 9 Pdra<M lb Gtoger 13 Hood 9 Schraeder 0 Baskauskas 4 Ef.,vb ... rha 5 Okoro C Ethington 4 3 Pl goa''> Z1ilJ• 2 H 0<12 Elevt>f'rhd 1 FoulP.•1 out nontJ Technicals none Ha lflilTlf' U C1 4-l 34 3 1.1• uools P.e•'>on 5 H11nman 3 Fou~ '() out A<lllmcJdk T'"<tln1C411S none B~ Moouf>on 0 Ec>lt> 4 Arnold lJ Paii>er 15 Colt.en 13 SI""' dll I) Les1r• 10, WalM>r 2 Sl~gf' 1.) Ptullps 5 Z.hn f Nf:'\'l>kirk 6 C1••g 4 ) pt goal' Arnold 3 Pal'\111 2 lestrr 2 Colben 1 Sled·~ 1 Foul~ out -non4' TfJdullcal• none Halftime 8>0111 48 20 GSACwomen Vwoguwd 79, Biol• 78 lllooguard J?sef'ISOn 11 Canelel•ri • 5 MIU• 17 W11cox 1 i Drn11n1>or 1 LN1d..,m1m f, L~ 2 s.-,.m.111 4 Mel( • n r:»'; 11 3 pl go"'~ Moll• !> fflul .. d ~ul nor"' Tf"'J '" 1 Boole Mdttf'W5 1] B • 5 l:!d t 1 "-1.it.f'• :>O P " ,.. . 3 I I '.j<tdl BI ICl ,_, .r.• • ,. r .... P\! u• ~ .ar,.;: ,,,. T ' ""'4 nOnP HiJ1ltrr~ \l~'~llJ•lld , 11 flequlat1on 6& t)t! lndrx mm llilltJ I lo\\' to Plaee A ..--------Poli r \ ------, lmlllS , .. ,., ... ~J Cl ,ASSIFIEIAD •HSll lh Fax By Phorw lh· :\lail/ln Pt·r~on: 1usnms & flMAJK.W llllBM& (¢ ...... ,,. frtf'-SERVICE DIRECTORY 1v~ -For All Your Home and Business Need• -,~~ l mll-1 till Sl'I\ 1u· D 1rl'Ctol'\ lk11111cr 1 VISA Legal Nottca 2640 I c.m.y~ RctitiMINIKs "-S..... the followma per iOn• ••e dom1 bus1neu n Pop'\ Unlm11htd f u1 n1 tu1e fullt1lon. 1363 S Harbor Blvd I ull.,ton CA9?831 Pop's Unl1nl\hed fur n1lure fuller 1011 l LC (NV) 14320 Add1~on Slreel. Suite IOI Shf!rman Oahs. CA 91423 T h15 busmen •• con ducted by l 1m1ted l11b•hly Co Have you 1l•rted dom1 bu,.ness yell No Pop's Unf1nllhtd fur n1ture f ullerton. Andrew Rlmlllfi. M•n•ae1 this slelement wn hied with lhe County Clerk of Or •nae County on 12/13/02 200HtH7SI Ot1ly Pilot Mn 12 19, i.'6, f tb 2, 2003 Su014 1"1 Older Style Fllt'llftln '1A,NOS6~ ........................ ·-·-·e>aoA'-.. C .... MID .. --·--WI IMIY UTATd ·~·~-.. ,.y .. Ml'IS' Peclflc View Me....,.lol ,_., <ompan1on c1ypl 4th level Sl2.96!> for dela1ls c.tll 517 355·3661 Cofledlblel/ Memcnbllll 1160 TOP SS 4 UCO.OS lT< .Im. <l:nK. [tr. 50s & 9Js Ill Allee. *. tlAle 8fT1>S M1he 949 645 7505 EmRTAINMENT talendlrof Ewnls 1310 fQUAl HOUSll6 OPPOl11llTY All reel estate advttt tisln1 1n this ntwspeper IJ Jub,ecl lo the F ederel Felf Housina Act of 1968 '' •mended wh1c:h mali.n 11 1lh~1•I l o •dverllse ••ny P<efw· enc• llm ltat1on or f 1scr1mln1tion bHld on r.ce,color,reic;on,111a h•nd1cap, l•mlU11I sl•lus or national Oflllll, or en intention to meh •ny such Pftfarenct . llm1I• lion or dlSc• hn•n•tton • Thi\ ntW&C>•P« Wiii not hnowlnaly .ccepl any •~•tlsement tor rnl u tale whl<.h ts In wiol1lion of Ille l•w. Our ru der\ ••• hereby inlOJmed th•l •" dwelt· lnp adVethsed 111 this newsc>•Pftf ere av•ll•ble on en equal OCIPOflllnlt~ b .. 11. To compl•ln of dts trllnln1ll0fl, ceM Ht.IO tOll frM ti )-80()..t24 ~ Estate Sales 1486 HOME ~iiiP.!iii~o'!'!'I.~,-. FURNISHINGS Rea Mmbt!I! Antiques/Virtop, -~ n/;tn Slit ONl y 10-4 RinnEdge 1661 .. Cos111tso (1WeciSuf17') DWIS WB.COll LOST UMALI DOG Cost• Mesa, @ 22nd & Elden, retflllreJ/•htp herd mla, rust colof white che't 4 white P••s Call '14 103 2MJ Fumlturt 3435 LIVING llOOM SlT V"'Y ~ I "'1(j ... •I .I 'lchan.1'41(1mJn 1..tt. 2 end tbt.. /4 lV S4">0 Brdlll'>l '>l'l .iflioolt ntw washal«Vol 9"9 rauna. ,._._o,-....,_ OotblJ f>*lwlQ> l'I bo• W/()r1l>opedlc C011<.lruchon New '1f II ~ W/Wln Sacrifice Sl39 98!m5.l"IO '-"IMW_. ... ...._ style st•eo CllbinPts. tass door w~ & "'-Paod $Gl S.affa 5100 Sb.lw ~-6119 1~11 h.l~ ~~·~ - <.1"w \lc'oJ. l \ 1~,,~- \1 \cv. Pllft Rl\J .\ liJ\ \1 I lour-.: fdepllno• \ 1111.tn '111pm \t11nd.1\ h11l.1\ \\.ill In" 1(1;1.m 'fllp!T \fooJJ1 ~nJ.\ Cats 3610 Offices fof lease -s, .. c •• ul•• lul ,.,,h vtt'w\ up th,. c"nl 1n •Ad111A• ~ KA!1em. ... n .. "!:' r.-. tY tlwlf> tvf'fy ~I Sun 17 4pm I A'JwJl'I I\ Atwn.11 ~ lnfu 949 644 'l'/79 -~U'&J!~-e .ll day W8> ~ 4 dc¥5 Rescun taded Business Opp enmities Buslneaa and Franch Isa 3905 IA(I( IA'r ((NTlll Z651 Irvine Ave &Olf Vtf'W retail ltnd 0 1 lice avail 714 0,/ l l lt!IO N,. OFFKl Sf'A(( &l3 ()(iw DI • 14 Ground ~ l/lchl&1s offlu!. lJ1l8f = &iOlf 9'19-6~5'41'.> HOMESfOASALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY S "ulh l •aun• Bt't Valul' 1n Oun1t Cwnty OClAN VllW r..-Nior•-....tt otf Owl10od PU'fMm'***lti Stet-~ 9&1~3156 Ra1 ... , JnJ J.:.iJlm.:' .ir•· 'uh1.:u tu ~·h.1111!.: '"11h11ut nu11,~ I It puhli,h.:r rc:,t·r. "'' thl' n)!ht IP ll.'n"•r n·l l.i"'''· rt'\ 1-.• 111 rc1.: .. 1 .in~ d .t,\lf1c:J ..iJ,l'nl'l.'lnl'nt Pll'a'c rl'p<•n ..in\ .-rn>r th 11 ma) ht-in )'"Ur dJ'"hl'J JJ 1mm.:d1.tk I\ Th( l>.111\ 1'11111 "''er• n11 h.ih1IJI\ for Jll} .:nM in Jn .11.h ... ni,.:m.:nt for ~ht. lo 11 01.t\ he re,pon,1hk t"\Cept ror the c11'>1 of the 'pau: Jl'tu.ilh o<: up1t•1I h:. Lht• error t redll lJSl onh ht' alh•v.l'd lur 1hr hr\I 111,l'n!ofl .------Deadlin e~ ------. \11m<l.t\ r n W\ ~ upr I n..I..\ llur t .. \ ~'~""" Toc"l.s' \1,!llJ.t\ ~ Ullpm '1.11ur1l.a\ I n 1.J\ I f•IJ't \\e.lrK''<l.1\ l ll("'<l.t\ .. ••Ppm "°lun<I•\ I n IJ, ~ 11pm TI1ur ... l.d) \l.C\Jnc....t...~ ~ t!Opm TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS .. .J4 M r. FtbrU!) 2. 2003 RESORT/ VACATDI PIUEHIT FORUl.E ......... "--._..., -c• v-... ar u. ~ r ,..,...,, _..., Clll,, 111111.' c:wpart. -----"'~--­..., "'~ SaJel. St--. .... ~Rm wlnttr rentels. Pelm S1Hln11. Pelm o_.ert es. ef Hwy ~ 2bf AIMI W1shlncton We-Ul1, wd '*•· 1 Pl •· terfront Referre ls. 11650 • .., 1~ wd MkhMI Anter Becker 6 Ilk~ l .1" 19 . 11960. 8edler RE 800-SSC>-3523 &rl...,.. •7»7354 MISCB.1MEOUS RENTALS Rentll ToShn U WTSIOI 1 .. , lie, smltll lut/l.R , privet• entry, 'it/d, utlls incl. $775+dep 9'9·548-0871 NI, Sf ...... Mlllitl Million $$ toe. 2 rOOll'I$ tor rent $8'lO + ulls. Verd. ...... )lc:um 9&51S-0777 HP on Iha t.y, mps to bdl. ftlp&. ,......., Bolt -~pvti.,~ Gad -~7123 Rooms ....... r .W. CM TWMme, pvt rnv'bt, 'W'/ dMn. pr• w/d. n/pets/sril. fem pref'd, Anll 3/1/2003 rnsm+J(:e ~ AESIOENTlAl RENTALS ORANGE 7• COUNlY llr 11• w /P.t .... New c-..t~Yffy 1- 206 l .1 ..... "-h H $1000/ ....... ASSO<IAftD UMTY t4t-47J...SMI "HO RS: Cellfornle l1w rt· qu~es tt11t contrec· ton l8kinr jobs tnet total $500 « more (lebOf or m1terlels) be licenMd by !tie Con tr actors Sta te L~n .. 8oerd. State law also raq&Wa that contract«s Include lht!!t hcense number on all adv9rtb1nc. You un check the status CJ f your llcensed contractor et www cslb ca.1ov or 800 321 ·CSLB Unll· censed contractors tak1n1 1obs that total Ins then $500 must stale 1n their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State licensil Beaird· G111dl1M4'. Pre, bc;i, • n Wer4 PTec ... 1.,. v-efflce er .. 1 .... Ut-7'4)4023 Additions& Remodeling ·~llfl-..s ~ / Bllltt I RemocW ldtbll.~ ilfml15 ~ 986459P5 AltrJrney Services ATTORNEY C1vd matters, business law, land use. land- lo~. contraCU, other agreement., 20 Years exp. Rcuooable rues. 94MSM611 llMT OCUll & IAY VIEWS 38r 281, "Pl*', = l c encl ,.,., mo, 714-"8-0!MI ........... , .. ,, .. IUllury 11furb home B50n. ........ r-2Br lBI, -cwpll & e=t SlJUlm 9&7ls.3513 ColtlMla 18"a from $175/mo. w/PI In lowly pied comm. ,_ T,.._ScJ-e, fridp, Indy t.cllty' KAiin ~ 877-~ •9200 ......... Krff• .... *-' 2Br 1581, pr, no pets, $1195/mo. 1665 ll'WleA.w'39&~ Chili.t 18'4e H r 11/rBe, twntlln stylt 111>t. Remod, we•·ln ...... rVp.b $U5C)n yr ... 9&723°'45 A TO I HMl>YMAN lnsten, reface cabinets. ~~ mt*lrJ. ~ n4-646-7Zill • w ..... Custom Bullt·ln,, Crown Moldinp, Bise Boerds u sn912 9'9-837-5642 c.,.....,.~,. :--a T---·O-•C...-.. IW E..t ,,._,,,._ o..w. ........... ~ ......... , .... w .. •-•~ (949JMN515 Boollfn1p1nt TAXRE7TJRN ONVl'HEELS CalJ for fTec quote 949.422.2863 I come 10 )'OU Mob<k noc:ary 6c boo~tfor.......U ........_ atAl.NiiWr • BMIU ~0-'lwJllim AunNIOlu SaYKI ,..,, ____ r..rw TuM1ftSHor (949) 64s-M41 .... II. fl• 11r 1h Condo w/open view, pvt petio, carport, Wl lk·ln domt, i*. ~ Ind nmn 9&21&2-2132 28rb9ct-y ....... lropbl racrt.a. Mttinr. pted. ..... tnsh, ps peic1. HW1 nsa. IUl>terr •· ,_ ..-... $16150/mo. st. 71._.,74"S Udollll ._.C....•PI• 2-c rer. lotll remodel, beach 6 tennis club, $2800/mo M9-&t4-2330 ...,.. ..... Cana* & Maonry l rlck aleck St.M Tiie Concrel!I, Patio. Dnvewey Fnplc, BBQ. Refs. 25Yrs Erp. Terry 71•·557·7594 Dtl¥i4 v-.. C-te & -_., Raidemiel Bnck, Stone. Blodl, T,,. Ld7'*74'8 714-965-21124 tttec-•-Cementwor11. Brlcll. Tile & Mora. Reliable. Ho Job loo smell 9'9-St&-61"6 ••• <_,,..ct,... a ._.._MTradn,Fr• Estlmata. 30 Ynrs Exp. U337169 9'9-631-!345 U....,Nlll ... 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"521325 SIM95 Rtdwd <M (»-~712'2 ..... .._, '" •.o HE. 2811 1111 lull tact w1rr. b.ltcll/t1n llhr blacll IHPtnC, bHut C>rll cond. $26,995 ¥424238 fjn •YU 8111 949 586 1888 ANAL¥1.1' 1111., ............ UOSl m. a.Ao. 111r. SllC hls1llry v2l5489 mxi obo Rll:Md Cada flMa I»' 98641).7ffl2 MercelllH •q• C780 beeulllul bl1ck/cream fully loaded, showroom, rv'wt. Sil~. n4-751 2-464 MercocfH •t • 1320 7 lk ml. white/oatmeal lthr. i.nrl, CD, be1ultlul or11 cond. v4!19621 Slll.9!il Bkr 94 9 586 1888 www ••• ,.i.1.c .... M .. c..tn SOOSl '00 PletJnum. pr9 kel>t. •1111 cond ~ sport ~ ful -r & fuie SY\: tsM!Sler.itl>I!. ll( ~ S52.<m c.1 ~z 3407 [ mM. ~s.bcz@aolcom Merceclo• '18 SM> Sl white/I.an, 1mmac rw.t www.oqHtltl.ceM a.,.._ a.vee 't7 46 HSE 60k mt, met1l11c d11k &reen, 01tmol lthr. 18' whl•. f1bulou~ c11 hbulout c:ond, $18,495 Ii• m vt 265124 ltn/warr •Y1tl Bkr 94~ 586 1888 S-.. '9S SU Red. Sspd. am fm/CU/t•u. look\/ d'M!!i p..11. $2475 v215847 CM 0. IWwd ~7fIZl VW HOU ''7 New p•mt clutth. br akts • rul cln\lct S2900 OBO Pvt party 714 754 77n AUTOM081.ES, MtStB.1MEOUS "'IORTH • AJ A CJ J K 109 52 • K 10 3 WEST •Kf742 ,1 94 A06 •Q16 SOLITH • Q 103 7 6 .l J83 • AJ94 EAST • 116 5 K 108 S2 74 •852 The b!dtl.tng "°ORTII EAST !loOl TH WE..'I I ,._ l""T ha .V.'1' p._ .._ .... Opening le.a.I fUUI of • l\A w-. -d qi. chOT'ei. S1SOD 714151.;w;.t Wanled H\!fe 1~ an oppom.tnn~ tu .,.,, ~"'" wW) "' Cu' er lllC fu,1 and \l.c,t l\lnd) .ul<J dc.:1cJc hil" \OU .. llUIJ 1)13} thn:e no trump .titer th.:-lcikl of 4 low 'P*k oo-...luth 'Nf.'"' 1hc 1.a:l from dumm) oll1J L.l." ollo"'' "'nh th.-lhe NEW2003 MINI COOPER! • LMFOR i249 per month+ QA 2 at these Urms oo appoved aedl1 • S'/$00 do•n J6 month clo\ed end l~au no u ulrtly d~postl, 10 000 mole" per yu1 :X>c I>'" mole lot t• V\S mite\ IC40921 IC41911J • LErSMOTOR! ITS FUN ............. 55 FR£IWAY @ ElWl.R SAmA ANA AUTO MM.l (888) 823-9808 Niu-'91 Senlro GU l tke new lo.tdtd auto. muunruol •lloy5 low 7411 mo $6!'>00 714 751 2464 CASH fO« CAltS w. ne•d yuu1 ,., pard lc,1 ot nCJt Phtlhps Auto Ask lor Makolm 949 574 7111 AUTOMOTIVE 9.'nh Ill fl<"""' il/ld" l.ur fi,c ,.;rd \Ull 'l,tor\h ' JUITifr tu gJJ'l'll' .Jt.-1 MOTOR HOMES Matot Homes· Rent 9355 PARTS/ ' ACCESSORltSJ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES -~--81--9200-SERVICES SNUG Hf TIOO X1l!A c.tB, TOYOTA TROO(,P~ml MAKE IJl'ER m sm Cl(J.P 71' 374 8793 SMX; l(f Tl 00 X1l!A CAB. TOYO l A TROOl.P~ml MME 11fER WU Sill Cl£>i 714 374-8793 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE SUPS AVAILAIU Ne"'l)O< I Hdfbo< t>eauttful lor. manr -.ues No"'" .tboMck 949 67!> 4847 Clauifit.d is CONVEN/£,\T w lletNr""' 'rt bllJUct. sillilsi. or just loobltt. classifW luu .... IOUl. °'". IMO trunor ll"'fl'!l\>C ...... oinh 'hilllh t"aullt"r.UI l>ul • "°'"" r.i~ tit t"'" I•• lflllllfl "'rtUld li.t~C' hccn lllOfl P'\hll' Ill At t.hc whlc •lt<'r ,.1nrun11 the lifll tn..k wuh th< )"' ~ 111 1>ao.1c~. c.lrt lan:r c.:ioJlcd clu111111) 1.111>' 111 dubo. W1Cl nm &hr ten \l.'c-t v.1111""'tht.hc11~, "1Jd ~VC'11..'\l lto \p;ilk:\, mlMIVtn. tit IMlC T1l<! n~ ,. &.\ 110 lo\ nu ""I)' 1 IJf' dcd01er lll lllttlC tu n111<' llKJ.;, Dcdarcr v.rut Im the wronl! ftrw:'i.c lir.t II • line-'" h1t tll.'. ill" mond l{utcn ..... dt-imt'<I tcJ w111 nme 111':1.., .trc llll'I\" fut tht t.111111~ -' two 'p.idt' • on< lw-111 I 11ur tl1anv l(ldo. '1ltl 111;0 duh, I lo ov.nrr the pr11hk1JJ " ~ dc<lltl1 111 cnlnt' l" 1hoo.· "~ •'o<tlJ h.m<l Th.ii '''" he.· ,.,l\i·tl c;i"I) I•) met !.il tn¥ ~ l""" "' ,p;i..k... ""llh tilt ljlJcCO al (/'Kit. ul'll'' 1'"1" II I~ ~ •tnl{)ll. m.itt.:r 10 run 11~ <'l~hl of tl...01<wKl\ u"nt tht llLC •II dub, ii' ;art cntn ft, rt'pt'JI tht· fi,,.....,... ti IW'•C'~ t.1 lanJ Ille 1itnlt "1\41 ti Ult: ('t~lot 11l ll14'lll~t<1' •.....-- ,, ltlt' tjU<"t'rt 'l)nl.ascr •al 1111 tumr lu run<' in,~' h\ firiJ ro~ lhr (lUttfl ~! du"' ,. 1th 1-..... ,, und ~tn~ 111 ,....,..,.. v.1th "-l''t \II k'41.'1t'r h." tuO" ,, t.tl..c t"H'f\ f1~.,.; 111 \l~hl U"P~ tliJ l.lul·, "' t 11111<' tu h.sr~I I<~ '"'' li<Jl'I t11l\.,\C.., PLUG IN Plug into the i:-1101 Class1f1erJ section ·a t1nd <;er 11Ct?S 'rorT1 etec•ron1cs dnfj plumtJer~. o larid~aper5 -ind pd1nter~ Daily Pilo( 01.1a .. oi.11. •t s A!H'ero \/8 tntm•t. loaded. lthr ~t CO, 84k. $52'2!> Y434720 CM ~ Richard ~71fl'l w/tai JOM Mtd! CUSS/Fl ED (949) 642-5678 Classified Community Marketplace TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Vemuce 6 Aemow as a tial 10 Oramatls1 Het!r I( 15 Apple JI.nee 20eommeno 21 Mideast VIP 22 -i=e Tra~ 23 OM proc:IUC' 24 EnislS &gltll (hypti I 25 Geraldine or Pa111 26 Sooth Seas twear 27 Stata 28 'MISMO~W bone 29 Cry of delgtil 30 Ooeao dweller 32 1mpudence 34 S171ped arimal '.IB ·parenthoocf"s Otanne - 38 Boetnouse nem 39 lnfon'nal parent 42 Spoil 43 Ball ou1 45 Hutt and pu1I 47 Apple nval 50 Comes klntl 52 Hooded jlleilet 53 Gounnand"s melad~ 54 Ptepat9 1n apple 55 Soo\'efllfS 56 Desk ftem 57 Beauty p-1cn 59 Poe1 \Mtfrod 60 Ken -ol 0L A DoctOl'I. 61 Georjja C1Y 63 Sut pteoe &4 Ural1ed 65 GIYes II the ga 66 Swi. tn Mazauan 67 Colle!l8 degs 69 lndlVldual 70 Kudu OOUlll'lS 71 Pittstugh NFLers 73 --llnk fence 75 ~ .. 'The -Ale. 76 -St Vincent MlllaV nvoung11er 78 Mt.tllc:lam !t n~ 79 FOf1I ,.ns 82. -Came Jones' 83 Nome residents 88 Bet \akel 89 Grad& sctiool 01g 90 srv1n t:ie1N 92 C<lusteau s see 93Ne81as --94 We NuMr'1 csarn 95 0. s.idW!Chel 96See dude 98 Walk bed! and lontl 99Heandllf1e 100 Mesmertad 1 CX2 Road goo 103 AWll•nS 105No1 l'lll 108 SpeCtOUB 107 Onaodo anrad!on 110 Back cat 111 Uh's oousms 112 Barradls offs 113 Dress Style (hypti 114 Cas1 a vole 115 Mounlaln cun.ie 118 Unlieal. to B&Ue 111 Vt\'tter -Sontag 1T9Welcome 121 All*y 125 Weddlng- 1""°'6W:iemenl won! 1Zl Sdlo 00 128CU'e 132 V•dld g111e< 133 Ef11)(y out 135 Eros, In Rome 1 ':fl Adras Jal'le - 138 CU of mee1 139Mtnl~-~ , «l Passport companion 1<41 From India 142 Moss and Capshaw 143 Olm lboUt , 44 P1llnlea 145 Change oolofs DOWN t Inca Emp re once 2 Skabng JU111P 3 PhaSIY settirig 4Gemstooe 5 Capp and Jolson 6 8a'1tshes 7 04d care ·ow" 8 Sbelty 'rud 9Not lleo J::> •c· --ten t>e thtng ID waste 11 FIShhooks 12 Ponys COOYPeot 13 StJ 1--adlve volcano 14 Aemtods t00 otten is snooze 1 s More ltosty 17 Pe<1orms 18 Makes a blunder 19 tLC provtaers 26Greasy 29 Bassoon oousms 31 Washstand tem 33 Throngs 35Henoe 371nco1Tltol1'i)lane stats 38 Styles «> Lucty cnarm 41 Reason out '3 SaQB ... John -As10r 45 W.O.toolllcl bird .i6 FamilV member 47 Hawteyes 48 Lee Of Vaa:aro 49Repalrs 51 Hair conditioner 53 Actor -Fofd S--Soft dnnks 56 MOdel up&ane WOOd 58 Slay away from 61 New days 62 Cheesy snaa 64Hall0w 66 Marsh gr au 68Bna1'11 iO -.A•lar ::>c1 l2 '917 lleWS!Tifl~l"r 7411.eos 750Pi::G~·I 'l t-<;JQ !!Qt'' f ~a ... av'l"IQ rrCYP. sp.;r• ;9Mcr • IJ)lllO\;S OOCr~~-.~ 131 G·~ ttot.ITl!'JS·cJC ~ \,orr,...oo 12 W-05 I 845,,.Jt 85 Ge11.11 ,.,.to "' lltw 96C11rr 1'5 Bl 5'1Jw5 SC:>m 88Wash 89 K 1' y S l"IU'TI' I..'' 91 M01irita1'l d1-noer ! aid ~rn c• PIQt..oe 97 T ~tt of palm trt1t: 100 More lhllr 1111l~ng 10• Mtld bfews 103 'Yd .... 1100 1()4 F~ lhe ~m, 108 wa k ll'e - 109 'Action ptd;llt' no Draw 112 Fu s1arte<t. 116 l'IOle 1 • 7 Fat>Jlo!J5 1 • 8 ES'_. Di -""'° jnctO'.! 1 '9 S'"teeo 120~ot1~ 12' GrttSS-~~ r. ~ 122 Smell - - 17.lFbps 12<4 I m we>rlo..nq - -• 1280M't1a'lQ 129 Sooner cit, t:x> F<n"9' alld -- 131 Patn I:)<) ODE 9UCCXl9SOr 13<4 Bam nat>ctant 138 FatrowoUlmi 137 O\A Of re8Cf1 11 .. . . • .. I s 6 7 • 9 NEwPoRT 8EAcH $6,950,000 MALIBU $3,250,000 BEL AIR $4,295,000 AR<:HrrEcr: Fno llatGGs LAGUNA BEACH $10,950,000 AflcHITECT: J0tw NAa.EvENlco DEL MAR $1,795,000 l«:>fTEcf. c.J. IJGtn' & Assoc. LAGUNA BEACH $6,500,000 Altc:HrTicr: GR£ENE & GRHNE PASADENA $3,750,000 AllcHITECT: MAJtcELO lJscHE NEWPORT BEACH $2, 195,000 BALBOA ISLAND 949 .673.8700 DANA POINT 949.661.9355 FUUERTON 714.879.3131 UMNE 949 552.2000 LAGUNA BEACH NORTH 949.494.0215 949.499.1120 LAGUNA NtGUEL . 949.249.6611 UOOISU: 949.723.8800 949.IJ75700 949.6".9060 COASTN~ TUSTIN YORBAUNDA • CCmtGIOON... MORTGAGE SERVICES •• 866.5350 CONOERGE SERVICES 800.500.4053 COLDWC?LL DhNt\C R . ~ 1 - •