HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-03 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2003 Quite the spectacle Peqple from all over Newport Beach dropped by the Balboa Peninsula to check out the large beached freighter Coos Bay. By John Blaich Special to the Pilot up the coast to San Pedro She barely rntSS€!d Lhe Balboa Pier before running aground about 10 p.m., just after !ugh tide. The ship was broad side to Lhe beach with the bow pointing '>lightly seaward. 1 larbor Department, which reported it to the Coast Guard at Long Beach. Within an hour of lhe Coos Bay's hitclng the beach. she was boarded by a team of U.S. Customs officers. who were transported to the shipwreck by a Harbor Deparunent launch that was equipped with radar. 0 n 1-eb. 2. 1976, exacuy 27 year; ago Sunday night, in a den:.e fog, Lhe motor ship Coos Bay ran aground on the Balboa Peninsula at Island Avenue. The former World War II landing i.hip tank was coming The sh1pwreck W-.1!> fir..t observed by a Newport Beach Police unit, who reported Lhe incident to rhe Orange County Ufeguards and police officers were stationed on the beach to prevent anyone from leaving the !>hip. This led lo rumors that the Coos Bay was carrying marijuana or other contraband. Customs supervisor out of Lo'> Angeles, saJd that the inspection was routine in such incidenl'> and that no contraband waI> found on board. Spencer c;aid that ic was routine for CustomI> agents lo tmpect a vessel tn trouble before It reached llf> destination. The Coos Bay wa!> scheduled to clear custom!> on Monday at Los Angeles Harbor, but she spent Monday hard aground on the Balboa Peninsula PHOTO COURTESY r f T11£ SHEPMAN Pt SEARC11 IBAARY AT SHERMAN GAAOENS Spectators came from everywhere to view the stern of the THINKING ALLOWED Remembering what couldn't have been I know my picture Ii'> on the top of Lh1s column for some rca\on, but I can't remember why. Oh, lhal\ nght. it wa.-. becau!>e I wa.-. lo\t m a 'hopping mall and Lhe Daily PLlot hac, pla<>tered my face all over lhe paper'><> my parent:. can find me. I wa" wandering near the escalator. near Lhe pet c,tore. when I reaJi7.ed I had lo!>t my mom I was traumatized and ~ared and ~----~ remember some LOLITA HARPER woman aslang me if I needed help. She aJened the authorities, and here we are OK. Really I'm not going crazy. (Or should I say. "crazier.") I am simply giving yo~ an example of one of the fal~ memori~ that l''iteemed UC Irvine profes.o,or I lizabelh l.oftus has succE.-ssfulJy planted 111 Lhc minds of willing volunteers Loftus, who has been appotnted to the psychology and criminology c;chools at UCI, has been an expert witness or consultant in hundreds of cases involvmg "repreS!.Cd memories." m wt11ch a perc;on clcums to remember ~met.hJng from his or her chiJdhood that is so traumatic lhat it was pushed into the subcon!>Cious. On Thursday night. she was lhe honorary speaker at a Salon Night, hosted hy New Century in Irvine. and captivated her audience with her research showing how she successfully planted vivid memories of false invents in the mind's of her subjects. In her research, she was able to plant bogus recoUections of dlstressing events in about 25% of her adult volunteers. Loftus' *shopping mall" stu~y. and others that have foUowed, have gotten the attention of other psychologists and have made people think twice about what they think they remember. She joked with her audThnce Thursday, saying that the rash of ·repressed memory~ C'cLSeS in the court should prompt judiciaJ officials to change the oath to, "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth or whatever it ls you think you remember?" The new UCI professor showcases not only strong scientific evidence but the savvy and thick skin that comes along with teWng beUeved victims of abuse that they have been mistaken. Her wit and sharpness add to her natural speaking ability. making It bard to refute what is coming out of her mouth. But her intent ls not to bowl you over with facts and data to the point where you are mercilessly. converted to her way of thinking. She likes to spark debate and dlscu.ssfon and likes to be chall~. She greeted questions about her data and answered them as best she could. She was not afraJd to aay. ·1 don't lcnow," and was not a.ftald to say what she tblnb. Loft:ua ls d1stwbed by the recenl Catholic church tcandals. but not for the reuona one might assume. be la upeet because pc1eltl are betna aca.ed of various a1met that haw been dlacoYmd tluough the S. AU.OWED,,... M But Ray Spencer, a U.S. See SPECTACLE, Paee A4 shipwrecked Coos Bay at low bde on Monday, Feb 3, 1976. IN BUSINESS ., "t /! ~ !-~'°' (,A A painter adds a new coat to European Skin Care by Anna on Old Newport Boulevard, one tnd1catJon of a push to revrtahze the area Awaiting a second wind Old Newport Boulevard in Newport Beach is home to severaJ businesses whose owners wonder if the city has forgotten them. Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BEACH -A handful of professional offices, eateries. an- tique shops. a travel agency and even two aging homes dot the eclec- tic landscape of Old Newpon Boule- varci. an almost forgotten strip of , commerce that may breathe fre.,h Life tf local propeny owner; ha .. e their way Once the mam drag through town. leadlng from Santa Ana to the Balboa Peninsula. the two-lane road has become somewhat of a relic, from a time when railroad cracks lay in place of Newpon Boulevard, Lhe A CLOSER LOOK Redevelopment riles up property owners WESTSIDE ADDITION nO\,·bun.mg route leading from Coc;ta Me..a"• Tnangle Square to the Newpon Pier ·That street has been a I>leeper, Like time passed It by.· said Sid Soff- er, one of the district'!> more noton- ous proprietors "But now, it'~ blos· SeeWINO, Pa1eM Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTifEWEB: www.~com Costa Mesa is looking at redeveloping another 434 acres, but even city leaders aren't sure the risks are worth it. The Costa Mesa Planning Commission has approved preliminary boundaries for the downtown redevelopment project. WEATHER cc Deirdre Newm1n OailyPiJot CX>STA MESA -The possibility of adding 434 acres to the downtown re-- development wne haa raised nwner· ous finandal worries from tndustrial propeny ownen. whose fears range from rtst:ricdons to losing their prop- erty outrigtu. 11 lw afso cruted con-cerns about economic effects on dty lef'Vices and the Newport-Mesa Unified School Olstrlct. On Monday, the Planning Co~ lion adopted preliminary boundaries for an odd-ab.aped area rouablY h«· daed by lSd> Stteet. Whittier Avenue and But 19th Screet tbal rmy be tdded to the rt>ne. On Feb. 10. the City Coun· di-ldlng aa lhe city\ ~opment ... HlCHJCIY,,...M • Recommended edded ., .. of Welt.side Costa Men • Exi1tlng downtown redevelopment proJect • It'll be another werm, mostly sunny one, wtth higha in the 70I. Some 26 mph winds lhake things ~·bft. Sie Plll9 A2. LITTlE RACERS Q.lb ecouis reoe their homemade woodbkd oen •the P9'•crood o..t.v•~ Elementlwy Sd'IOOI. S.P119A3 SPORTS UOb111bel~lor bdwl•.-ol .. 2ID03 ..-on..-. .. YM"t ...,,,_ ... ,.... -" A2 Monday, February 3, 2003 YO U ·R BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEANHIU.£R /DAll.YPllOT Malcolm Phllhps, owner of Phillips Auto in Newport Beach, calls his used exotic luxury car lot a •big-ticket toy business.• Used to luxury Paul Clinton Daily Pilot H e h~ a lot full of exotic foreign automobiles and trucks, but Malcolm Phillips insists he is in the toy business. The big-ticket toy business, that is. "We seU toys," Phillips said. "It's a way of life here (to own an exotic vehicle)." Phillips has owned and run Phillips Auto, in the Mariner's Mile section of Newport Beach, for the past three years. Since everything on his 30,000-square-foot lot is a luxury used vehicle, Phillips does not compete directly with Fletcher Jones Motorcars or the other dealers who sell Mercedes Benz. BMW and other high-end brands fresh off the boats from Europe. A quick glance at some of the vehicles on Phillips' lot reveals a few pri7,e gems, including a black 2001 Porsche Turbo, an anthracite BMW 7401 and a sage green Hummer H2. Phillips moved to Corona del Mar from South Africa in 1976 with $50 in his pocket. He had traveied Europe for BRIEFLY I~ BUSINESS Newport Beach finn buys San Francisco company Ambassadors JntemattonaJ Inc., baled in Newport Beach, bu acquired Jtrffttely-held Bluedot Software. lbe marketing and enmt-tervicet company, which trades on NUdlq un-der the symbol AldlE.:purchued the 9911 FranclJco-ba.sed Bluedot ror an Phillips Auto thrives in a competitive market by offering exotic cars that someone else has already driven. four years before that and was looking 10 find his career path. Afte' selling clothing at a men's clothing store for six months, Phillips took a job selling European cars at a dealership in Buena Park. By 1984, Phillips had secured his dealers' license and began buying and selling luxury cars on the wholesale market. Many of his clJents were other car dealers. Phillips grew out of the Santa Ana warehouse he was using by the late-1990s and decided to move to West Coast Highway Into the former Miller's Landing slot, across from the Balboa BayOub. Phillips sank $300,000 into the building in improvements. . Wlth his decades of experience in the car business, Philllps has been enjoying a run of success of late. In 1999. he opened a second Newport Beach location, at Birch and Bristol streets. as a service yard for the vehicles. Phillips doesn't discuss profit margins. but said he sells about 50 vehicles a month retail and maintains a smaller niche in the wholesale business. He stresses the importance of customer service. "The reason for my success is that' I've been in the business for so long/ Phillips said. .And I'm extremely hands-on with the business." Phillips. 52, has a staff of 24 employees, including six salespeople. About half his staff are women. Even with the city seemingly saturated with dealers selling luxury vehicles, Phillips says competition Is a good thing. •it's a healthy competition." Phillips sald. "The more luxury dealerships we have, the more people are going to come down to this area to buy the cars.. undlscloiied amounL BluedOl ~ poupe baftuMd tbe ...._ID ducet IOftwUe that lt used to m.wm• mate more lbaD 10.000.,.... .._ corporate eventa and a:Di.rkedDg ef! fortL •ne acqullition of Bluedot leti 111 olfer CUllomen new toola to emure their mUketiD( events succeed.• Wei Jobn Ueberroch, Ambuudon' ddel execudYe. '"Wltb h>daf• dpt~ and rhe need to meuure tbe .i6Cdft..-- n111 of .U marbtlng aciiYldel. tblle'I never been a better dme for ddl. • Bluedot'1 IOftWU8 a-belm ID -for more dwa anen ,...... Lule cat- poradona. trade ..odatlona ma otbs Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don Ladl, Kent Tl'aptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 8'2-6088 92828. Copyright: No naw1 atorlea, lllu1tratlon1, editorial matter or 1dvertlaament1 herein can be reproduced without wrlttan perml11lon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 34 TltOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publlaher TONY OOOERO, Edl\°' JUr:JY OETTIHQ, ~laing Olf9Ctor LANA JOHNSON. Promotlona Director Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Paul Saltowftr. [)efljel Stevena NEWSSTAff DMpe~ Crime end oouru reponar, (IM9157U228 cJHtM.bhllr•th l•rfm..com ~C••••• Newpon BMdl 111POl1et, (M9)57U232 /uM.CllMQ,.rt<#elltfJmM.com .... can.. Politlca and environment repe>l't9f, IMl*"433C> f»Uf.d1ntone"1tJmaoom Lollll ...... Cotta M9ae 1'9POrt*', (Mt) 57U275 loltta.,,.,,,.,,el«Jnw.oom O.W..H9Mw Edue9tlon ~.(Ml 174-4221 t#lrd,._nMmM.Wdnw.oom OistllllllMt~ Newt~, .. , 114-4291 ~o.mNoe,.,,,.._oom .. Record your commenta about the Dally Pilot or news tlpa. AddNel Our add,.... la 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mna, CA 92827. Office hour• IN Monday -Friday, &30 a.m. -5 p.m. ComlCttona It ia the Pllot'9 policy to promptly correct all error. of tubetance. Pl .... call 1949157U288. FYI The Newpan Beach/Costa M ... Dally Pilot CUSPS-144-800) It publlan.d dally. In Newport Beed'I and Cotta ~. aubeetlptlona •re •v•llable Ohly by tubectlblng to Th• Tlrnee Orange County (IOOI 21524141 In areee outakM of Newpon BMdl and eo.ta MeN. aubectlptlone IO the Deity fl'noc M .vallable only by flnt o1 .. mtll fof '30 S*' month. ("'1clea Include •II ai>Pflc9blt _.. and locef tax-.1 POSTMASTt": hfld eddre .. dl•no" to The Newpor1 e .. wCoet• MN• Delly "lot, fl.O. lo• 1NO, Co.ta MNa, CA MOW TO REACH UI Cftuledon The Time. Orang• County (800) 252-9141 Adwei1lelftt Cf1111fted (!M9) 842·M78 Dlepley (IM8) 842-4321 Edteottel Newt (9491 842-5680 --(848157'""223 ,...,.., ... , ........ 170 "*",.. (9481 el0-0170 ~ ~/'fpNofel«lrrw.oom M911tC-. ..... Ollell (948) 842-4321 ....... ,.. (848) 831-7128 Publlehed by TlmM Community N9we. • dl'fialon of the Loe Mgelel T1mea. ~ llmet CN. All 11tht9 ..... v..-. , . . BEST BUYS Stylish eyes have it at I.a. Eyeworks T be store La. Byeworb ia known for Its cutting-edge styles and Wlcommon frame names such as Pert. F1ame. Grill and Ucks. Celebrities are fans: ....------, bargains on high-quality House Inc. bedding. loWlgewear, lampshades and baby Items. N.O.M. deatgner maternity wear -you can still look fabulous while your expanding wearing this line -is also reduced. AU Elton John, Miele Jagger, Carly Simon and Robin Williams are often seen wearing I.a. Eyewocb. GREER Andrea Dem paintings are 40% to ~ off, and Since 1979, I.a. WYLDER all antique fumJture and mirrors are on sale. Eyeworb owners and designers Barbara McReynolds and Gal Gheranli have been more interested in being artistic than selling products. Collections are never driven by a mark.eting sense. Some are inspired by the designers' travels. Ornate ironwork designs were from Spain, and a layered lacquer with carvings design came from the Orient. More than 100 styles are in the I.a. Eyeworlc.s collection, and a few other designers are carried, including Oliver Peoples, Romeo GigU and Paul Smith. Frames start at $160. Interesting gift Items are carried for an optical store. There are graphite sculptures, herbs for eyes. watches and a fun ftip-cloclc with original drawings. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Level 1'wo at South Coast Plaza. (714) 957-8255. GET YOUR FEET OVER TO SILVER FEET Slha' Feet is Stanley and Patricia Silver's South Coast Plaza trend-setting designer shoe boutique. The Silvers also own the shoe-haven Fred Segal Peet on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. Men's, women's and children's shoes are available. Mostly casual styles. Popular designers include Prada Spon, Costume National, Jimmy Otoo, Fantini, Anna Sul, Sonia Rykiel and Oui.stian Louboutin from Paris. Handbags are available, too. A huge clearance sale is in progress. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level One, Sab Fifth Avenue wing. (714) 979-2800. www.sil11tr-fttt.com.. SALES ABOUND AT A'MAREES MD BLUE SPRINGS HOME Sales continue at A'Mareel in Newport Beach and Blue Spdnp Home In Costa Mesa. Select women's dealgner apparel and acceaaorfea are drastically reduced at A'Maree's. Customers Jove their famous SlO, $20 and $50 aale racb. open from 10 Lm. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday; and from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 1649 WeatcUJJ Drive. (949) 642-4423. GET WINTER STUFF AT BLUE SPRMS HOME Blue Sprtap Home has druticalfy reduced lta winter home collection. There are great Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. 369 E. 17th SL Costa Mesa. (949) 642-3632. www.bluesprlngshome.com.. NEW EQUIPMENT AT ATK.ETIC ewe For nearly 30 years. The Albledc Oub for Women in Newport Beach has been a popular women's health club. It has added Studio 2030, a full service co-ed Pilates and indoor cycling stud.lo. Other services available are state-of-the-art strength equlp~ent, free weights. aerobics. dance clasaes, personal trainers and a spa. Open from 5 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Monday to Thursday; from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday; from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m . Saturday; and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. 2036 QualJ St., Newport Beach. (949) 852-8655. HlOOEN TREASURES ARE AT STIX & STONES Sth • Stooee Is an upacale conaign.ment store for home furnishings and jewelry. Owner Marietta Vise oo.ty acceptJ quality merchandiae. With the current ecoQomy, thia la where to go to redecorate, ab.e said. ·Hidden treuure1 are offered at a fraction of their original coct. • Vise said. Open from 10 un. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday; and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. 333 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 646-7233. GET SOME rTAl.JAN Gl.ASSES AT MAX & CO. · Ma • Co. la a specialty eyewear boutique at South Coast Plaza and also a brand name for mostly pracription eyewear. The framet are ma.de in Italy. The m~t C\11Teflt and best selections of dealgner sunglaaaea tn the mall are here. Not surprtalng at all. Owlel ls their top-telling frame. Other designers available are Giorgio Armani, Gucci. Veraace, Penol, Yves Saint Laurent. Cartier and Dolce & Gabbana. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 Lm. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level One. Sab Fifth Avenue wing. (714) 662-1222. • BUT IUVI •PPM,. Moncteya and Frldeyt. Send lflformetlon to Greer Wy1der It f/f'Hrwyld•r•'f•hoo.com; It 330 W. Bay St., eo.t1 Meu, CA 92827; or by fax It (Ml) &48-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It wlll ltlll be mostty sunny today, with hight In the mld«>eto mlo-70.. Expect eome of thoee toe.I gutty wlndt, whkf\ could Q9t up to 2S mph. The night wffl be mOltty deer, wfth 1he '*1'1pe ~20degiw. www.nwe.notN.(JOV BOATING FORECAST ~ng off1lhort boMwl can find 11-to 20-llnot noftMllt wlndl wtth 3-foot wevw below.,..... end cenyone. but onf'f light wind ........... In the~. the wtnd .. blow from Che W9lt .. 10 IO 11 llnotl, with 24oot wwv.. Wind Ind wevw • ... o« It night. The ..... •••2to•tMt .. dly. ,.,..., .. ----~ out r'IOl1ll 11 •to -M 10 ID 20 llnolll; ........... ln ... ~wlft1·1Dt-foot . . wev.. The wwt twefl wtH be 15 to 7 fMt. Wlndl btcome moN no~ .. ntght. end the swell wtll loee 1 oou.-of fMt. SURF The cevllfy -"'°"*"' not1hv4lt IW9lt -ii on "' wwy, but won't be hef'I untM Thul"ldrf. In 1he meenllme. the prtdoua wevw lcMp .,.,...,.., The belt the Ptotftc cen do todey la dmt-Ngtw.. "~ think th.r. bed, don't ,... ~report. ~-.U=~ TIDES ,... 3:Ua.m. 9:57 a.m. 4.'13p.m . 11:1tp.m. WATD TEMPUAT\111 . -... - Monddy, F ~bruaty 3 2003 Al Mayor wants another vote on Home Ranch money Robinson! who m issed Jan. 21 vo te to create two fo undations to dole out $2 millio n to sch ools, i pushing for stricter o pen meeting requirements. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot ington. IH .. to ~Wl't'lt•n the deal for It!> rna">.<,l\.t' pm1ect on tht' prop erty bordered 17)' lht' ~ 1>1 t>go ht•t>wa), ..,atrVJew Road l li.lfhor Boulevard and ~un Oowt•r Avt'nul' PHOTOSBV K[Nl IRfPTOW/DAILVPILOT Scouts and parents cheer as two 7 /--1nch wood cars streak along the 40-foot track toward the finish hne at Cub Scout Pack 108's Pinewood Derby at Kaiser Elementary School on Sunday. COSlA MF.SA -Part... ul thl' t'iry·.., plan to havl· th<' Seger'>trom family fom1 two founcJatton'> to drslribute $2 million m education fundc; from Utl' I lome Ranch proJ· eel an• not palatable to Mayor Karen Robrn-,on. \o on Monday. Robrn'lm will a~k the rnuncil to recon !itder it., dt•chion. HohirN>rl '>aid .,hf' it> a. .. k111g for arwther con\iderallon ol the matter for two reav>n!> bernti..t• \he think.-. the fou11 dation<, '>hould he subJell to the \ldtl'\ open meellng la'" amJ hetdU.,t' ... he want'> tht• '>l'lt•t 11on proce!>!> for the t.11 rector'> to be ,open to Lht t·n ttre c 11y "~mn· till' fund., mad1· ava1Jablt• under the dt'vt:'lllp nwnt agrt•emen1 are '" tw u*d for puhltt t·dutJt11111, tlw oppon11nt1) to r>.111111 palt' 111 t tw dt>u'>1on m.1lmg proll .. ''>'> n•g,trdmg the t'll pendltun· of tho•l"' hmd' mU'>l ht opt·n tu all < '"'d \le'k1 n·,tdl'llh. Hobm,1111 ... ud tn her ..tpplrtdllon for tht· relwanng fhc founda11011<; would 111 dudt• ht·fwet'n five and I <'1 board llll'mber.,, with tht' d1 r~·ttor'> elt•umg their '>Utc_e., '"" 1 lw foundauon., would not h.rw 111 adhere to the .,trtc-1 OJ>l'll Olt'l'ltng rule<> g11wrn111g 1 11\ counnt... J>.t<,<,t·d undt>r the .,tdlt' ~ Rrown Act, but Lhelf meet 111g.., would hdVt' tu be open '" tht• puhhc ..t.nd pub1Jct7..ed ,11 tilt' """""' Meeung'> on it'gaJ "'lit'' Jnd fund raJ'>lng 1 ould ht• hl'ld m clo'>ed '>t''> '1011 No license required On Jan 21. the counnl voted i I , wnli Allan Man- '>Oor d1.,..,ent1ng. to approve thl• t:rt·a11un ol lwo edm:a uonaJ fou11d.it1C>n'> one fur Co'>la 'lt•..a I hgh ~chool and one for L')t..tnna I hgh Sthool and leWinlJc l'.11ddJe '><hoof Hob1n.,on 1111 .. wd rhe vote ht CCIU'>l' or a plJnn<'d trip lo d mayor\ t onft·rcnce rn Wa'h c oum tlm..t.11 Lary Mond han '>d.ld the rnont.>) w-a..-. 111 limbo for '><> long that he \'l.11uld 1u-.1 hkl' to h,t\c rlw " '>lit' rt,olH·d um l' and for .t.IJ Ml'll IU'>t hil\e lO v.a11 iiOd '>l't' \\ha! '>ht' ha.'> 10 ..a~. \Ion.th.in -..ud ·I he L'-'>Ue\ g1•111ng old. '>II "'t' 'hould 1ust gt•t II 11\t'f \\ llh." Cuh ~Couts race small cars they built themselves o n a 40 -foot track in the Pinewood Derby. Coral Wilson Da1lyP1I I B lrn b 111 woml \<w('rl' l/.t11c,for111nl 11110 r.11 111g mJl htnt'' Jli-.t 111 tinw for llw annual l'rnrwood I >nby al K,11wr I lt·1111·n1,1rv '>t hcml 011 <;u11d.1y ·I 1\1· lour. 1hrt·1· f\\ll, 1111r II' r;11 t· d.1y'" t1r11111ur1t t·d mJc,tt·r ol 1 t·rt·m1m1t'" .ind 11g1•r ruh dl'n lt·.1dt r I JJ\ t H..txtt•r Hu''"'. ,l, 11ehoJid,. 'urlho.1rd,. fin· <'llJ.!llll'' TrtH ~'· llcmu pm,er aod 1>.1fm.i1r.m t 11l11rt'd \d11t It'' t'Vl'll Harhtt• in hl'r h111 pm~ 'Jl"n' car. hned up .11 rln rat t•frnt l.. wh1lt· 1h1• 1.111,, 111dudmg c-111> '' 0111,, pan·111,, '1hhng'i .111d fnt•nth. gatlll'rl'tl nearhv I ..t'>t mi11u1t· 1•ntru'' \\t•rt· ml'.L'>llrt•d tor th1· -111rh lt·ngth and fi oum I' \H·1ght r<'q11rn·rn1•nh Pan·nh '>t't up t amt•m ,ind \ 1d1•11 t ql11pnw11t Cht.'Ot'" of rht H'i 1omp1·1111g liH' wrutt'<l anx11111,lv. 1111111111.11111g who rnighr hi' tlw w1111w1 ~vcn yt•ar·uld J,1h· llJXfl'r worl' an mang1• "h1r1. rlw 1·x.ic t tolor of h1.., car. whu h ''a' mot.fl'lt•d ,1her ,1 I Y.l l <lit"•' f>t•un• I 1111p tho! lw l11umf '' 11h ht., dad 111 a magil/1111' f.il..t· \.\.ii' c11nfitl1•n1 1h,11 ht..,< .ir would l1t' thl· 11lt11na1t· \\ mrwr "bl><·au'>e \\l' pur .1 lot ol f,1,1 '>ll!ff on 11, • relt'rnng 10 gr,1ph11t· and wme extra 011 I lb. dad, Davl' Baxtl'r, remindrd him of thl'1r 't'l rt•t weapon -un ow,...,11t·. hright orctnge fo.un c,Jwnff\ h,11 for good luck "No, I'm not go111g lo \.\.l'ilf II You're going to \Will rt lakt• argued. until the h.11. \\hll h wa' almost b1~er lhan Jal..e h1rn'>l'lr finally ended up on hi'> tfad\ head Wil Cunel. I 0. \\<ti'> J hllle more cautiow. in h" predict11m., Nicholas Marlo.ham. l 0. left. and Adam Lagor. 11 . can barely stand the tension as they wart for their cars to race · I m not 'urt• flit rt " a lot of gootl co01pt·t1t11111, \\11 .... 11d I 11' bu•,, i:ornplt•tt• "1th ,1 'urfhoard on rop, lookl'd hk.t• it wu., head111g for till' lwc1d1 But It '"a' guing to till' fill 1·trad •. '> \\1th tht• re'>t of thl'lll, \\Ith rn·-.hly poh'>hed a\.ll''> for 1h.111·xtr;1 l'dge I hl· 1.ar... , .. l'rt•n t tht 1111ly th mg'> on \\hrt•h .._,It• Bt•nt<>r. 7. and \IJll >\mmerm,111, H. glided by \\1th <,mall \\hN•I'> Oil thl' hacks of their trn Ill'> !ihol''>. Kyle prr<lictrd h1'> c.ir \o\0111<1 win for lht• '>irnpll' rt'a..,ort th.11 "Ir\ cool." Not 10 hl' outdorw hy twr hrothl'r, l'J"lt•) M11ll1·r. •1. 1uined tlw race a'> orw of th<' lh par11u 1Mnh u11dl'r tlw t .1t1•gon: d..td'>. lllllllh. '>lbJing\ JI Hf rnl'nd... \\ llh ht•r hul.t girl ,urfhoard rat t' t ,1r f'<ihlt'\' mowd to ( o\ta Mt~l 1roi11 I l.1\\-Ull t\\() H'Jr\ ago lltl' racer'> tOlll Jll'ft•d rwo tar.. ,1t " unw down lhl' 40 loot r.iretrack. )Jkt .. ., car v.011 tlw fif't round of manv Wif\ 1111-. won, too "\\ti take-. 11 honw w11h ..t big fat hu,. ·· Baxter ann11u11t t·d ll;u,lev\ hula girl '>Urft•d try Jll'I fine Hui then the t0mpet1t1on tame to a \top. l\.\.o hroth<'r'. 01m and nan id 'it''gt•rblom. brought the rat<' to a !>tand.,till in what app!'arl'd to h<' a dead MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 £. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA· 949 ·645 ·7626 00% Yield On Principal of Your . 12 Mo CD FDI INSURED FIDEL_!TY I NS U R E D D E P O I T S (949) 588 -5711 ue. Judge'> Wl'l1t hack uvtr the video rape for art 111'>1..int replay. nw ">cgl•r...trnrn farrnl~ ol fl•rcd !he $2 m1ll1on year., ago "I think. rhe om• on the left." audience mcmht•r... wtmpt•red tn the back.. <.uh .,t·out'> gathered around rhe IV 'nt·cn to oiler extra eyer,. C.hri., wa.'> tht• dl't 1dt·d wmner after much 1wgot1at11111. but there wcr!' m11n 1 h.intt s a11!'ad for Darnel i\nd till' r.iu· \\ent on. COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISIONS FY1 •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council meeting • WHEN. 6 30 p m Den ll'adt•r k.t:\11\ 'ih.mnun and hie; !>On, Y yt•ar old Hym1, were not 'o lulky Both LJr-. ""' on their fir-.1 run'> tlown till' trdck. lo pn·vt•nt unimproved p.i.rn·I' lrom lw111g Lrt'ated by dt•velopcrs and '>Ubd1v1d1•r... ,111d 'old to 1woplc• before lh<' dl'Vt'lopt•r or •WHERE: City Hall 77 Fdir Drive • INFO. (7 14) 754 5688 tune that 11 will 1 on-.1dt·1 .1ppl11 .inh ..int.l lllJkc .ippotnlment' to th1· l'IJn11111).! .i11d r•arl...-. ..tnd Hee ri-.11111111111111111'""111' Ryan h.id hl·1·11 n111fldt·n1 111 hi\ car. thl' \\lllll' ''Polar Hl'ar hprl''>.'>.'' ,..,1111 h tw had hurl! on the worlbeni h illong<,idt· Im dad. "I It: did It l'llllrl'I\ l11m,elf." \hannon JlllHHllllt'<l proud)\, ··1fr, idea'>. hr'> h,mtb · .. ubdt\oldcr mak.t•., the reqwred on '>llt' 1mprowmt•11L ... the pubht '>t'I\ It<'' dep..trtlnt.'nl ,1nd the ctf) atlornl'v\ offi1 t· .m· prupo.,111g rt'\ !'>tone; to the ex!'>ttng nidt· I hr' diangt· \\Ould r<'qwre an~ de\elopN pmpo,mg to 'uhdi\1de land to t 1m1plt•ft• 1111prll\ t·lllt'lll'> tO the public rlWll of Wil\ !litre ..trt' 1-1 .111d1t.l.1tt•' for l'l,11111111).! < 11111n11-...,11111. 1m h11l1r1g .ill fi\l· tnt 11mh1·111, Jnd "" cand1ddll''> !or l'.irl..-. .111t.l H1 t rl'.1t1m1 1111 lut.fmg thr!'t' mt umh1•111' WHAT TO EXPECT WHAT TO EXPECT . Although d".ipporrlll'd, Shan11011 -.aid h" '"" hat.I t.iught him an 1mponant lt•'>'>011 011 tht' drive O\l'r. "You know dad. everyonl' \\Ill'> f vt'ryom• win., the memory of 111,1l..1ng th.it t'ar:· Hyao had ...aid . I ht· rnunul will vote on Mondo\ d/IJ II 11 '' ..tpprmcd 11\\111 get a :.econd ht'Jn.ng '>1,lfl nit'mht'r'> h.1ve rl'rnmmepded that rlw '\t11Jlll' 1' 'un• hm' tlw 1 011111 rl ""111 t'lld up dohng our ... .,,.., 011 tlw l\\IJ 111\ 1 ornm1 ..... 1011., Bui !'\'ervCJm· '' '>Urt tht pro1t'""111 he 1111ne.,11ng t. ounul approve the ordinance I he pron'"'"' h.l\ 1• 1, m l11 ulo11' -11' 111,t total!\ l 11nf11,111g .111d no onl' Out of the H6 Mw11111t•r'." Logan °'Jt'\\l'll won fir..t pf ate. Adam Lagor < .trnt> 111 '>t't:and. c111d 'ipt:ncer Ml'd!Tl'> wa<, third Hry-c111 <;holhn < hm \<>gerhlom. Sean Mel .auWihn 1'..1than Mayhugh. Dan1l'l \t'f.,'f'rblom . APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING AND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONS undt>r,tand.., 11 and qu111· tr.inkh 11 nt·1·d' 111 ht· .. 1mphht·tf c 11u111 1lman ·c •JI\ \lonahan ... ml I hi' rnu11nl will e..iabhsh the ddlt' itlltl < 11111111/ecl '" I 'ietrtlrP \e11 m1m I >anny ~l'Xlo11 .rnd Andrt'\\ Mayhugh al'>o rere1wd trophit''· Pai~ley \htllt'r took lir..t place m her categorv. wmpl'llng agam'>t parent'>. '>thlrng' .Uld fnend'. In rht• pa,t, blm b of wood thro\\11 together JI tht· la\I minute haH' ht•t•n lnown to \\111 met the mo'>t t.irt'fully lr.tfted. at•rodvnamtt of dt•'1grt'>. but that Wd!> 1101 thl' l'a't' tlll'i lllne. fhe lineup or win11rng \Ch1dec; was a !ihiny d1.,play of rrntd'>tt'r..., hot rod'>. !rm ks and JIJ1<,ley\ .. urfboMd on wht•t•I<, "It !> one 1h111g to be beat It\ another th111g to he ht•.it b\ .1 hlocl. • flJ>.tt•r "-ltd BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS ~nahue Schriber completes center Costa Mesa shopping ceri· ter developer Donahue Schriber has wrapped up con- struction on a 109.550-square- $UBS Pa.inewebber. The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. De nise M. Mogiello First V1ce-Pres1dent-lnvestments Financial Advisor "For a Free Complimentary Portfolio Review, Please Call" 949--467~34 800-854-1222 1888 San Clemente, Newpon Beach, CA 92660 www ubspw.comJteam/e1chgroop 8' P• '°#•~-"• w-<•••rNf\ olt*S ACi Cl.IOlll UIS p...,._ '"' All rt.,.,.,.__. ~ ~ Hove you ever Seen your window Smile? LUM I NETTE lum1rw!lle Pno;oc:y SJ 5 f fief ltght ltv~h ~It I JbttC vol'lel hl(HJO omonq hi lolds ol do~ ~· Sae ltreni 01 y<)IJI b 0 d1..-...:ilei • • 't , , • ~ALDEN'S FLOOR CoVERJNG ANO CUSTOM WINDOW CoVERfNGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 .... , ..... , ... ... ~.~"· ,,,,, uur u u s 11111 ...... 0..-lne .......... ~ .. ....., Dlilllllll k foot..cemer in Sacramento. The pm1ect was a JOtnt ef fort with Lennar Commuru-- Ue!>. which ir, based tn that City The '>hopping center. known as Park Place. is in the planned community of Nato· mas Part. It opened Dec. 11. Parle Place is anchored by a 60,000-square-foot RaJey's marlceL Other tenants are Blockbu.'>lcr Video, Wells 1-'argo Bank. ·heU Oil, lamba Jum.• and Pldc Up Stix.. lrvme· based MGA gave the center a Mediterranean-style look.. The I.250-acre Natomas Parle community lnctudes 3.900 single-family homes, 66 acre!. of multifamily housing and a 200-acre regional part. Fibromyalgia? "Fru Repon Reveals The Shocking Truth About the ""'°"'" Treatment Your Doctor Probably Doun't Know ... And Likdy Hopes You Nner Learn ..• " COSTA MF.SA .\ O("W tr~ rcron lu.\ rr<.C'Od\' bttn rda.~d du.1 ~\ 1hc unwlcJ ''"r. behind fihrom\'al~1• p.un Fibrom,~ta m1sdugncl\I) and mmrc•1m(nt 1\ r.ampant .md le.ad' ro t..oundcu vn.n of unllt'CCUUV sufT(rtng rim free: rC'pon rcvca'-' .a n;uural prn«'durc dut i5 giving fibmmyalg1.a mlfcrcrs 1hc:u "ll\C'l> b .. dt wuh 0 nurxulous0 rc:sulu for mam If \·ou rnffcr from fibrom,·.ilg1.a '"u need thu no BS • no "gun.miclu" frC'C ICJ'<'" that as givmg hope 111 lihmm\'.&l(tll sutTc:rcrs C'YCt}'Wbcrc: For )·our fm-~ory. caJ.I toU-fru 1-800-897 .,418, 24 b.c. nconled ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET •CERAMIC TIE• VJtm R.OORING •ff!.~!~~ C.\,ilfo:.:.$1 SOlAltlAN ::AD.~ 314• SOUO EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE '449 ~ $141 from ~· ~ ~· Ttl't'ertM 1a· x 1s·-................................. h ................. _. U "' CetaTllc Tie ................... -................................ .....,.""""' l.arninlte ~ ....... .-...................... ~ ......... _, ....... u "' A4 Monday, February 3, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Shots heard during fight at Hard Rock Shots were hearo during a fight that broke out at the Hard Rock Caf~ in Newpon Beach on Saturday night. Shell casings from a handgun were fot.ind in the packing lot. but Mno one ap· peared to have been rut," Ne\V}>ort Beach police Sgt. Mike Dermott said. "We are !\UU trying to identify who fired tJ1e shots," Dermou said. After the fight, one man was arrested on suspicion of battery involving great bodily iniury and is being held in custody. One person was sent to the hospital Between 500 and 600 people were at the Hard Rock Caf~. which had been rented out 10 a group from UC lrvine. About 300 peo- ple were still m line to get in when the fight broke out. The Newport Beach Police Department received the first calls at about I I :50 p.m. Several people were de- tained. ln one report, the fighr !>tarted wnh "some kind of shoving contesr" that grew ~ othen. took i,ides and joined in. One man reported tllat he was chru.cd into the parking lot and mat Ille shots seemed 10 come from a moving ve- hicle. Dermot! c;a1d. Reports of how many wcr-involved 1n the fight varied from 10 to 20 people Ille manager of the re~ taurant 1old pohce thal the evening wa., ~uppo'>e<l to be .1 fun dance event, Dermoll '>aid. I POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Center Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of murder in the 800 blodc al 1 49 a.m. Saturday. • Hamilton StrMt end H1rbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of possessing a dangerous weapon at 12:20 a m. Thursday • North Main StrMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 900 blodc at 9:30 a.m. Thursday NEWPORT BEACH • 22nd StrMt ind WeS1 Oc:eln Front: Grand theft was reported at 8:54 p.m Saturday, • Seashore Drive end Orange Street: Road rage was reported at 6:14 p.m. Saturday. • West S.lboa Boulevard: A boat fire was reported in the 1700 blodt al 5:57 p.m Saturday. ALLOWED Continued from A 1 c:our>e of hypnotherapy or i.ome other form of dt'ep subconscious 'lcouring. Her studies have proven that. with repetitive suggestion, and with some basis in the truth (1 e. the factual name of Ille homt'lown mall) '>Orne people can be convinced of sometlling that never happened. This is c~pecially dangcrout. when criminal charges are involved and the case lunges on the accuser·~ suppo!.ed memory of abu'>l'. Remember the McMartin preschool molestation case in Manhattan Beach, c.alif.7 Loftus was the key expen witnco;s at that trial. She has testified in a number of other famous cases such as the I Ullside strangler, the Abscam cases. Oliver North, the officers accused of beating Rodney King. Michael Jackson and the Oklahoma bombing.s. l.ofnis was No. 85 on the 2002 IL'it of most eminent psychologists of the 20th century and the top-ranked woman. Her tJme the faculty at UCI should be memorable. And if not. she can make it tliat way. • LOLITA HARPER writes column• Mond•ys. Wednetd•vs and Fridays end cover• culture and the arts. She may be ree<tted at (949) 574-4275 or by.mod et lo/it~ harper lati~.com SPECTACLE Continued from Al Word spread quickly about the shipwreck. All day Monday, there was a large crowd or people out on the sand to take a look at the Coos Bay. Many business people took an exuu long lunch hour. The incident fumed into the social event of the season on the Balboa Peninsula as hundreds of residents and business people Docked to Ille beach throughout the day to Watch the salvage operation. even classes from neartJy Newport Elementary School marched down the beach to witness the operation. Ar 4:38 p.m. Monday. when tllere was a minus 1.5 low tide. people could walk up and touch the sides of Ille Coos Bay. Fortunately, during the period of the shipwreck. there was no wind. and the surf was low - surges in and out with an occasional l·foot high breaker. A Jacobs ladder. or rope WIND Continued from Al soming." The 70·year-old SofJer fled Ille area in 1995 after an Orange County judge issued an arrest warrant against him for multiple code violations at one of his Costa Mesa properties. More famously. Soffer owned and ran Sid's Res1auram. a wildly popular ~le~ouse at 445 Old Newport Blvd that clol>ed down shonJy before its owner left for Las Vegas. When contacted Friday, Soffer i.aid he plans 10 reopen the tavern in the next few months. He also said he would reopen L'iSay Res- taurant, an Italian eatery run by his wife. Michiko, until Aug. 9, 2000. when it caught fire and closed. Soffer. who owns both proper- ues. said he refused an offer earlier tJus month Lo -;ell both parcels for S2 million. He said he bought the land under Js.<,ay for $90,000 in 1970 and the land un· der Sid's for $125.000 in 1980. The lot under Sid's Restaurant and an adJaLent parcel now un· der construcuon perhaps best typify the most recent develop· ments in the Old Newport Boule· vard distnct. h's a place where the old and the new lay side by side. Bnon Jeannene. whose ardu- tectural !inn's offices have been in the disuict for the past 25 years. is designing an office next to Sotfer's property for noted heart i.urgeon Alden Ramey The building will be one of a handful of medical offices that have gone in during recent years. And witll I loag Hospital'& expan· 'lion in full ·tilt mode. Jeannene expects otllcr healthcare profes· ~•onals to move into Ille d.isuict Jeannette and others are work· ing to gel the attention of City PROPERTY Continued from A 1 agency -will vote on these boundarl~ While one of redevelopment'~ goals is to improve the tax base within the overaU commurtity, even city leaders are unsure if the net effect will be positive. "I have some serious reserva- uons," Planning Commissioner Eleanor Egan said. "I think we need to look into it very carefully and listen to what everybody has to say and make sure all the members of the agency know what they're gertin.g into.~ Taking a look at some of the city's previous redevelopment ef- forts also provides some in.sight into how successful the latest at- tempt might be. THE PROCESS Of REDEVELOPMENT If the prelJminary boundaries are approved. independent con- sult.ants will begin an in-depth ~ent or blight in the area. gauging properties on physical and economic conditions. Some of the economk critena relate to depreciation or tagna- tion ln property values. but there are no guldellnes ln these areas, so It's basically up to the consult- ants to determJne, said Ml.Ice Robtnson, the city's planning and redevelopment manager. The finaJ boundaries could be ll'ltablished within eight to 12 months, be Nld. During that time, the re<level· opment agency will also deUn- 111 . .\tJ>llll I 'S ----1 ' I ( I\ ,'\ ( \ I{ I) I I \ .. . .. ladder, was lowered from the deck or the Coos Bay. Some of the crew came down the ladder and, using shovels, dug the sand away from the ship's rudder and propeller. By midaftemoon, the salvage tugboat Sea Otter, a Red Stack Co. tugboat. arrived from San Pedro with Capt Johnny Banks In clwge. A large wire-towing cable was attached to the port bow of the Coos Bay. Abou1 600 feet of cable was paid out so that the tugboat was operating in deep water. A strain was maintained on the towline by · running the tugbQat en~es slow ahead. The grounded freighter, Coos Bay, was en rout~ to the Port of Los Angeles from San Juan. Puerto Rico. She was cruising light, as she had no cargo. The vessel was owned by Ille neasa Corporalion, a freight firm headed by Dan Wirth of Ulgu.na Beach. Coos Bay was skippered by capt Fred Stabbert of Long Beach and carried a crew of 27. There were no reported lnjurtes, and the crew remulned on boatd. 1 first heard about the shipwreck when 1 rerurned home from work in Los Angeles. After a quick supper, l hurried over to the Peninsula from our Bayshore home -though I had a hald time finding a place to park- and walked out on the sand and there was the shipwreck. There must have been more than a hundred other people there waiting to see what was going to happen next It was a very dark night. You eould see the white lights on the Coast Guard cuner Point Divide, which was anchored off shore. A Harbor Oepartmefll boat was also out there. as was the tugboat "Sea Otter,· whose diesel E:ngmes were idling away tO keep tension on the towline. The Harbor Department pickup truclc was parked out on the sand. They maintained rcldio contact with the ships off shore. WaUde talkies were not readily available at that time. Finally. I sat down on the sand, bundled up inside my Navy Pea Jackel to see what was going to happen next. At about 8:30 p.m., an hour before hlgh lide, the diesel engines on board the tugboat revved up and began to Tabor. The tugboat was pulling at an angle of about 20 degrees off the port bow of the O>os Bay. Capt Banks on the tugboat changed his course to pull at right angle to O>os Bay. This W'dS done to twist the keel of Coos Bay so as to break the suction between the ~eel and the sand Shortly after the tugboat rt!Swned pulling in the original wrection. her wesel engines were laboring hard. Sitting there on the sand, I was watching a while ligfu attached to the deckho~ of Coos Bay. I suddenly real11..ed that it had . moved a bit to my right. tllen 1t moved more to my righL. then it moved faster and Coos Bay broke free. She was 1owed well off 5hore in deep water, where she was left for a complete hull inspecuon PHOTOS BY SH\/£ ~CRANt< No major damage was round. So Coos Buy proceeded under her own power. ln company with the cugboat Se.a Otter, to Los Angeles Harbor. Come dayUght on Tuesday morning. the only evidence of a shipwreck were che thousands of footprints in the sand made by the many people who walked out to see the shipwreclc. These footprints wd not last long as the next winter windstorm leveled the sand Most of the information for this story was obtained from anicl~ appearing in the Daily Pilot on Feb. 2 and 3. 1976, written by my dear friend and shipmate Almon Lockabey. thl' Daily Pilot boating editor." Al" Lockabey w.is a good sailor and a genl.leman. He pa.Med awdy on in January 1995. • JOHN BlAJCH is a Corona del Mar resident and volunteer at the Newpart Harbor Nautical Museum About once a month. he writes histories of Interesting boats that graced Newport Harbor 'I would personally like to see a mixture !of uses) in there, rather than being a doctors' row or restaurant row. I'd like to see it keep that variety: Don Webb Newport Beach city counc~man l'OUrd~l·d bu~tne<..'> OWlll'r\ to 1on'>Olid.11e some of Ille d1Mm1 ' o<ld·lot parcels. encouragt• mort• rruxe<l u..e pro1ects and cut dovm on boat .. wrage. The aty alluw" boat .. 1or .. ge for five ye~. witl1 two·year ex:te~1005 avculablt· ..enlor planner Patntk Alford said lne pl.an d.bo c.illed for a p.11l. mg mt.'<.11i11l tn Ille rruddie of tltt road. a.. a way to add parlan~ and the lowering of Ille '>peed lurut 10 cu t ~non traffic rdclll~ through t.he dtsmct. Old meets new on Old Newport Boulevard in Newport Beach Many businesses are being revrtaltzed. Pan of the reasorrwhy the Mf'·• while some, such as Std Soffer's infamous old bar, seen here on the left, decay has tangw.shed. cny and bu. .. me-.• HaU. whtch tlley say has ignored --~=--":"":"----------' leader. '>aJC.J, L'i 1ha1 many of th•· the section of town !>ince imple· property ownerr. haven"t pn- menting the new planrung stand-..enw<l a unified front to utv I lall ards m April 1997. The do1.en.' of owner.ii have been ~We do need some city help.· known 111 btck.er among lht·m Jeannette said. "We'w been for-'>t"IVl">. gonen about· N. om· ex.ample of that, ~fft:r Jeannette. as a member of the and Owen Mumey. who at .... city'i, Economic Development own.' propeny in the dl.'>lm t Comminee, said he would like to feuded for many years leadtng u1 see improvements in the city's 10 Soffer's ent from town. Minnl"\ planning process in 11nplemenl· with older brother 1-.rrue. rum ing the !>tandards for new devel-Minney''! Yacht Surplus tn the opment in the area Co'lta Mba ponion of Old :\ev. Councilman Don Webb. whose port Boulevcird nonh of lndw.cnal dismct includes lhe mostly com \\av. meraal snip, countered Jean· Mmney declined comment fm nette'!> remarks, saying it Le; indeed tJm '>tory on h~ radar screen. I lowever. Webb sald he would like the <lli· The business district on Old Newport Boulevard begins where trict to keep its eclectic flavor. Costa Mesa ends, at 15th Street. ·Tue Old Newport Boulevard are-cl i5 defirutely on everybody's list for some revitali:7.ation, • Webb satd "I would per.onally Uk to or rl"-lciuram row l'<I IU.e to see 11 '><.'t' a mixture !of u.sesJ in there. l..et•p lhat vanety • ratJier than betnl( a doctors' row In thl' 1997 plan, thl' uty en 'Every lame property the city has taken has fallen apart. They need to redevelop what they've redeveloped and make it developable.' Tom Thompson roum to dt'C'1de Hut owner. fear tllal they will bf' caught m a catch·22 created if rc:developrnent become~ a reaHty. They are aCrakl once tlieir prop· erty 15 d~ml'<l bltghlt.'tl. the property value will plummet and they will ht> forced to .-.eU n for less tJ1an 11\ really worth. Mac- Gregor !>aid Former Costa Mesa bust0ess owner eate what kind of land use it would like to see in the area The agency has not yet decided if it will invoke its eminent domain rights and, if so, on what types of properties they will be used. lf the area is declared a re- development wne, property truces wiU be frozen at Ille mte of the current fiscal year and 70% of future tax increases are redirected to the redevelopment agency. En- tities like the school district and the city's general fund will still re· c.eive their same portion of the base rate, but will have to share the other 30% or the increases. PROPERTY OWNERS' FEARS Many industrial property own- ers say they do not believe tlleir properties are blighted economi- cally. Assessed vaJues of four ran- domly chosen industrial proper- ties have all gone up since 1985. according to the county assessor's office. Many owners contend the market value of their property is signJ6cantly higher than the as- sessed wJue. Some of the industrial pmrerty owners are worried that lnclu.<1ion in the redevelopment ronc will severely limit their rights. ''When we're under the re· development umbrella. there's a whoJe new set or regulatlo05, - said Bill Modldc. who h owned propeny on the We!>tSide '>tote 1966. "They are unnece~ prejuwcial re,uictionfi that wtll greatly limit our freedom.~ MONEY TliAT WON'T GO TO Roger MacGregor. who ha'> nm THE CfTY OR SCHOOLS MacGregor Yachts on Placentia 8ecalJS(' moM of the incre~ Avenue since 1969, said he has no in property tax vaJue over the plans to expand. but cxpresM.>d base il> redirected to the redevel· concern that if he wants to make opment agency, other entities any improvements within hi'> that rely on those funds will see a walls, he will have trouble obtain decrea5e m their share. Ing permits. "The lo~ of incremental taxes Also. once a propeny is pegged for schools, land. police and fire as part of a redevelopment 1..0ne. will be severely reduced," saJd an exception 10 Ille titJe is re-Mike Evans. who owns a plumb- corded, letting pros · buy Ing busine~s on Whittier Avenue. ers know. Also. 20% of money gained "If you have rwo prope through redevelopment ls re- and one has eminent dom1"1nr---.ii· .... d to go to low-income and is declared blighted and one hous . That kind of develop- doesn't. which one would you ment does not traditionally pro- buy?" MacGregor 8.\ked. "Anyone vlde as much property tax to Ille with common sense knows you city. Egan said. Tu compensate, ·would buy the one without It." the city either has to cut serv- Some owners are wary tllat ices to the rest of the city or they will not be fairly compen-squee?..e in more retaiJ outlets. sated ror their property if the city she said. exercises its authority of eminent "Reducing the net revenue to domain. the city is not the way to get pot- The traditional proces.s i.s for holes improved because street the city to hire an independent improvements are funded by the appraiser to assc..'l.'i the property city, not Ille redewlopment and come up with an amount. If agency," P.gan sald. the owner doesn't feel that The Newport-Mesa Unlfied amount ref1ect:s the wonh of the School District would also receive property, they can pay for their a smaller portion of the property own appraisal. The city compares tax increase. th~ two and decides lf it ts willing A'>Sistant Supt Paul Reed said to negotl.ttc. II no1, h's up to the It wouldn't be a significant I Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from ' ~ ' . • PAUL QJNTON cqvers the environment business and paltt1cs He may be reactied at (9491764-4330 or by e mail at paul elm ton a la times com. becau..e the oty hasn't budge1ed the rund\ yet. PAST DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS Tuangle Square and the Costa Mesa Courtyards are two of the ma1or projects the city has re· developed in the pa.st. Triangle Square has had some problew. retaining 'lOme of ii.!> lessees. Some say these are two prime example!> why the city should not get mvolved in the redewlop· ment effon at any cost ·Every lame property the city has taken has Callen apart.· said Tom Thompson. who owned a busin~ in Costa Mesa for many years. "They need to redevelop what they've redeveloped and make it deveJopable. • ANEW TWIST ln the past rew mon!N. there has been a new development that could affect the dty's re· development agency and how the true increases are dJstributed. As part of his proposed 2003· 04 budget. Gov. Gray Davis has proposed that the tale take 52'(, of local redevelopment qeocies' increase In property taxes. This could seriously hinder Costa Mesa' ability to repay Its debt. since the agency now owes about $14 million. Robinson said that at this point. he's not sure how that would aff ec:t the city'a plans to add to the downtown ~ mentamL • DBRDRe NEWMAN CCMlrl Coct8 Meu •nd mev be t'Mdled et (949) 674-4221 0£ by .-melt et delrd,..~•latHN&com. Dally Pilot AROUND TOWN Ca.ta Mesa. For more infonnatJon, call (949) 805-0011. • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w Bay St .• Costa Meaa, CA 92627, by fax to 1949) 646-4170, or by calling (949) 574-4298 Include the time, date and location or the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete lts11ng Is ava1table at WWW da1lyp1/ot com two master teachers presenting dances from Eastern Europe and Turkey. The festival will be held through Sunday, Feb. 9. Individual events cost from $8 to $12, and an entire weekend colts S40 in advanoe or $44 at the door. The event will be held at the Ensign Intermediate School Gym, 2000 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach. For more information, call (714) 891-0788. BEST BET TM ~Beedl Pubr~ Library hosts an hour of stones and cntft.I for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Mar -or in the book doset ne><1 to the Fnends 8()()t( Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave , Newpor1 Beach All hardcover and paperbedt donations, wYth the exception of magazines and law boob. will b4t accepted and are tax deductible. (9491 759-9667 TUESDAY A F9ng Shu I seminar to Improve health. relationships anc;i prosperity will be held at 7 p.m. at Visions and Dreams, 2482 Newpon Blvd :Costa Mesa. Free. Reservations are required. For more information, call (626) 288 1669 or VISlt WWW fengshu1a antage.com. WEDNESDAY A prostate discussion roup will be held at Hoag Cance Center Auditorium from 6:30 t p m Free For more informatio II (949) 7 CANCfR SATURDAY The Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library will hold "A Buck A Bag" for books, a used book sale, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to the 1000 Avocado Ave. library. For more info~mation. call (9491 759-9667. "Deep Healing Through Soond and Stillness; an evening of restorative yoga. will be offered from 5 to 7 p.m. at Full Spectrum Yoga, 2019 Quail St, Newport Beach. The cost is $25 in advance or S30 on the day of the event. FrM tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, perfonner's lounge, backstage end on stage at 1CT.30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 -Town Center Drive, Costa M esa Group to.Ur$ can be held by special arrangement For mofe Information, call (7141 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The BfalUe lnatnut. ohr9 frM computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave • Corona del Mar, offers six sessions Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821 ·6000 A spirhuel .:.re clan m..u et 7:15 pm. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462 The Costa Mesa chamber of Commerce hosts netWorlung luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 45 a m to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The costts $13. The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Onve Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090 ·Growing Plants Indoors . Th Easy Way" 1i. the sub1ect of a class to oo taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a m The cost 1s $25, and prP registration 1s required For morl' information. call (949) 673 2261 THURSDAY A California Gray whale course is being offered at Orange Coast College staning tonight. The class is callod Ecology 124 and meets from 5 30 10 7·35 p.m Thursday evenings for eight weeks. For spring reg1strat1on information. call (714) 432 5072. Free walking tours of the back bay are being offered between 9 and 10: 15 a.m . Guides will take small group on two-hour tours starting every 15 minutes. Tours begin at the comer of East Bluff Drive and Back Bay Road. Teen Night Out for teens in the seventh through ninth grades will oo held at the Block of Orange. The city of Costa Mesa invites teens to participate in an excursion to the mall and movies. Meet at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa, for pizza at 5 p.m. Participants will return to the center at 10 p.m. The S30 cost includes pizza, movie, transportation and superv1s1on. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. A workshop called *Divorce: A New Beginning,· tor men and women going through a divorce or already divorced, 1s being offered by Maxine Cohen. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Feb. 15at180 Newport Center Drive. For more information, call (949) 644-6435 . The~ 8.-c:h Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all female residents in Newport Beach who have lived 1n the area fewer then five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach org lntemlth couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays. symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is S45 per couple Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is et 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa (714) 445-4950 A bratn tumor aupport group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8 30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newpor1 Beach Free Reg1strat1on not required The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and «;ppe with the illness !949) 574-6232 Sundays. Tickets cost $6 in advance, S7 et the door. For more information, call (714) 432-5640, ext 1. South Cout Ptau hosts the fasc1na11on of orchids 1ntemat1onal show and sale through Sunday, Feb 9, featunng more than 60 vendors and 100 displays For more information, call 17141964-3265 o r v1s1t FEB.15 A computer fair will b4t held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Adm1ss1on for adults 1s $5.. far children younger than 10, free. For more information, call (800) 800-5600 A WOfkthop ulled "Divorce: A New Beginning" 1s being offered for men and women going through a divorce or already divorced. It will take place from 10 e.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Centet Dnve. For more information. call (9491644-6435. www f<Jscmat1onoforch1ds.com for a complete show schedule FRIDAY SCATS Gymnastics will b4t held et the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 8 a m to 10 p.m through Sunday Adm1ss1on for adults is $10. for seniors end children $5. For more information, call (714) 895-2909 "An Evening of Ionesco; featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company in the Orama lab Studio this weekend and Feb. 22 to 23. Show times are 8 p.m Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m "Spring Lawn c.re• will b4t discussed at Sherman Library and Gardens m Corona del Mar at 9:30 a.m. Free. For more Information, call (9491673-2261. FEB. 19 The Newport Rib Company and ·FISH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families in Orange County. The restaurant 1s et 2196 A folk dance futiwl sponsored by the Laguna Folkdancers will feature dance wo ric.shops with It's Your Business ... A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. TOPICS : e How to choose a Financial Adviser • Reap the benefits from Tax Returns • Estate Planning -Wills, Trusts and Probate • Starting a Small Business e Tips for buying, improving and refinancing your home • Revive Your Stock Portfolio • Are your children college bound? It's more than tuition • Hidden Money Savers: From credit cards to credit unions • What has your bank done for you lately? ADVERTISERS: Let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth. In addit ion to your advertisement, you will receive a FREE listing in our Prof essional Directory. PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21, 2003 , CAMERA READY /RELEASE: Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE~ Friday, February 21, 2003, Noon Call your Advertising Representative Today I (949) 642-4321 • Pilot Harbor Blvd. For more information, call (949) 515-3815. ext 231 ONGOING r .. ns .,.. invited to drop by the ci1y of Costa M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor end outdoor sports and activitiel.'The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BMc:h City Hall Is displaying watercolor paintings by Juen Casado, Ned Parsons. Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call (949) 717·3870. The Aun. of Busineu S9'Vtc.s hosts a networic.ing meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., The Jewish femlly Service of Orange ~oontv sponsors a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa $10 per person, per session Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older c.n join 1 ·d1scuss1on group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sudl as anxiety. .. The Jewish Family Service of depression, relationships. Orange County has a weekly loneliness and fdmily. The group parenting support group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Parents learn strategies for Mondays at the agency offices, successful parenting and for 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa dealing with the feelings end Mesa. Preregistration required. behavior of their children. The (714) 445-4950 group meets from 10 to 11 :30 FMnds of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are askmg for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa. Manners. or Corona del a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St . Suite G. Coste Mesa. The group will cover managing anger. anxiety and peer pressure children experience Prereg1strat1on reQuired (714) 445-4950 Be a part of Costa Mesa's 50TH AH.HIUERSARY ADVERTISE DURING THE • a~1w CELEBRATION Costa Mesa Your Name Here As part of the CostaMazing 50th Anniversary Celebration the City of Costa Mesa 1s seeking Costa Mesa businesses. organizations or individuals interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of the most highly traveled streets 1n our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along with your name (left). Depending on the number of interested businesses, organizations and individuals, the banner will be displayed for a period of four (4} to twelve (12} months starting in June 2003. After the CostaMazing Celebration banner is removed, it will be given to you/ The cost of the banner Is $200 (regardless of 1 time displayed}. This opportunity is LIMITED and available to the first 250 respondents. l If you are interested, please complete the information below and return by February 21, 2003 to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMazing Coordinator City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 754-6085 --------------------------------I ! BusJness/OrganlzationllndividuaJ Name: _________ -"!' 1 COntact Name· Jltte_· ------------' 1Address· TelephoneNumber:~--~~- 1 I I Number of ear.,.. you se llltelested Irr I Bemer lmtwlllll Ii ••a.-..d to 2 lnM of tat anlf, no logoa. 15 cMrecW. per h. Do NOT lnoe.lde ..,..._ .... \ ,_ -~----------------------------_, l'IOIE CJF 1IE MY • EYECKJClt ~ February 10 honorff MARK NEBEKER L M ftilday, Februaty 3, 2003 Sports Edftor Roaer c.1son • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Daily Piiot - - -~ PHOTOS BY DON LIACH I DAILY Pit 0 T • UCI baseball, in its second year since 1992, has greater expectations to meet; -schedule, pitching and 26 returnees indicate a banner year for the Anteaters. Steve Vlr1en prominent member of that confer- Daily Pilot ence, ~ said Savage, whose team will ~ its second season after ANTEATER BAU.PARK -UC a l~yeac hiatus. "We want to get Irvine has gone from novelty act ln 'that upper echelon. My expec- to respectable ballclub, from tations are higher. You win 33 baby steps to giant strides. Now, games, you get predicted to finish as It be4ad.s into the 2003 season, the third, everybody thinlcs you're going to • Anteaters' baseball team is expecting to be better, and so our players want to be · inalce the leap to become a mainstay better. They know we didn't accomplish 'among· the elite. what we wanted to at the end of last Coach John Savage has his Anteaters year." set to thrive in the challenges that are After being without baseball since produced from playing ln the Big West 1992, UCJ reinstated the sport and the Conference. The 'Eaten are picked to baseball team began again la.st year. The finish third in the Big West ln the Anteaters went 33-26, 14-10 in the Big coaches' preseason poll. They are behind West. and 6.nJshed ln a fourth-place tie _ c.al'9lt Pullerton 9ld Long Beach State. with Fullerton. UO defeated Pac-10 An lndicalion of the power of the Big champion Use and also recorded wins welt: PuDer1on defeated No. 9 Stahford. over UCLA. Callfomla and BYU. The Friday and Satwday, while U>ng Beach Anteaters won six out of eight confer· • 5'* took down No. e Ariwna, Friday. ence series. F.uilftlo bepn lhe lealOD ranked No. Savage wants more. He Is expeding ft. 13 the nation and the •91rs ~ No. fie helped ~ a ~ that woWd 16. •cater to Anteaters' 6trengt.hs. He alsO $svage wants his team to, as they say, prOduced a 8chedule that should not rtse to the c)(:qsion. only speed up the growing proceu. but -•tt's our oml to really step up and be a provide ua an opportunity lo gain - prqmlnence. The Anteaters wOl open theW aealOn Tuaday at 6 p.m., when Fresno Stale comes to Anteater Ballpark. The Bull- dop are under the guidance of 6.rlt-year coach Mike Batesole, who led Cal State Northridge to a Big West title last season. ua wlD also face Arizona. West Coast Conference champion Univer- sity of San Diego, No. 17 Baylor. Coach Thny Gwynn's San Diego State squad, USC No. 25 Cali· fomia, No. 12 Arizona State, Washington and Washington State ln the nonconferenoe schedule. Then. the Anteaters will tackle the Big West who are anxious to con· quer the goals Savage tw placed before them. The new-look 'Eaters will be much like ~ )Ul's - solid pitching and de- fense -yet Savage is also expecting improved poweL "With me being at use that helped me form reladonshlps John Savage "We play ~mely hard," Savage said "Our defense is going to be above average again. 1 think our pltcbing Is deeper than Jut year, eve11 though we lost with other programs," said Sav- age. who was the Th>jans' pitch- ing coach and recruiting coordinator be- fore comJng to !JO. "They hear about us, and they know we're only going to get bettei: \Wre going to have to get better with this schedule. We have the schedule to get where we want to. We're at a place that there's nothing lo the way for us to be successful. only we have to win. We have to keep up with the IChed:uJe." This seuon. the Anteaters will have 26 retum1ng pla~ and 14 newcomers (Sean) Thlcey (to the Ma· jor League Bueball Draft). We're going to haw a lfttle more power. One thing Wf.. didn't have a lot of last year was o«ens1ve producdon. That'a going to be a year stronger. I'm hoping our on-base per· cent.age will be tUgber. our ltribouta w01 be down and we1l produce more runs. ~ Is pretty good P'tcbina and de- fense, and I'm keeping my flngm SM CONT'ENDERS, Pap A7 I l lt • • • ·- The Anteaters I Jeff Werhun, c 5-10, 175, Soph., r-r 2 B.J. Eucce, inf 6-1, 175, Sr .. s-r 3 Qmiel Miramontes, of 5-10, 185, Soph .. r-r 4 Brett Smith, p, rh 6-5, 2 15. Soph. 5 Steve Guthrie, inf 6-3, 199, Sr .. r-r 6 Matt Fisher, inf 5-9. 175, Jr .. r-r 7 Gregg Walli s, inf 5-11 , 171>:-SOph .. 1-r 8 K vie ~yckebosch, ss 6-1, f80, Fr .. r-r I 0 Steve Schroer, p, rh 6-2, 192, Soph. 11 Michael Koehler, p, rh 6 -8. 2 10. Soph 12 Glenn Swanson, p, lh 6-l . 172, Soph. 13 Jordan Szabo, of 6-3. 200. Soph • r-r 14 Herman Reddick, of 6-0, J 75, Fr., r r J 5 &ik Johnson. of 6-l, 195, Soph .. r-r 17 Matt Anderson, inf 6·2, 200, Soph . 1 r J 8 Brett IAtlton. util 5-ll, 185, soph . r-r 21 Keith Raulinaitis. p, lh 5-11. 202. 5r 21 Jon ~orwitz, of 6-l tss. Sr .. I I 24 Man Falk.. util 6-l 182. fr . I r 25 Gary Dudrey. of 5-lO, 160, Fr .. •..r . 26 Ouis Nicoll , p. rh 6-l. 185, Fr. 27 Jimmy Alstot, p. rh 6-2. 200. Soph 28 Reid Matsµshima, p, lh 6-3, 202. Fr 29 Ryan Edell. p. lh 6-1. 2rs. Fr 30 R.J . Brown, util. 6-3. 240, Soph .. 1-r 31 Warren 01enier. p. rh 6-4. 200. Fr. 32 Mark Wagner, c 6-0, 190, Fr .. r-r 33 Kris Krise, p, rh 6-6, 230. Fr. 34 Man Mill en, p, lh 6-2. 180, Fr. 35 Jaime Martinez, inf 6-5, 245, Soph .. r-r ~I ~.d~p~;rra. or 38 &ldie Degerman, p, rh 6-3, 205, Fr. 39 Phil Tripoli, p, lh 5-11. 165, Sr. 40 Paul French, p, rh 6-2, 212, Sr. • 42 Marvin Lowrance, of 6-0, 210, Fr., l-1 43 Oumy McCuthy, of 6-0, 180, Fr., 1-r 44 Chris Kie~ of 6-2. 205, Sr., l-1 45 Bliot Salcedo, inf 5-11, 200, Soph., r·r I ~ Adam C.Olton, p, rb &-o. 1 ss, Sopb. • 5() Mike lllvem. p, rb M. 215,Jr. ~O>ach 22 liul Savage ..... )Mon Git 20 Pat Shine; 18 Joe C>iitan:o; Mun,., Gmrett lbuDI. 12 Glenn Swan son 13 Jordan Szabo S PORTS 14 Herman Reddick 15 Enk Johnson 17 Matt Anderson 18 Brett Dalton Monday, February 3, 2003 A7 J 21 Kerth . Rauhnaros 23 Jon Horwitz DON LEACH 00.Y PLOT Anteater baseball players run laps around the field after stretching as they tune up for the upcoming 2003 campaign. It all begins on Tuesday against Fresno State. 24 Matt Falk 25 Gary Dudrey CONTENDERS Continued from A6 . crossed on what we've seen offensively because. <,() far. we like wtia1 we r;ee • Here'<; an in-depth look: • PITCfflNG The An1ea1er.· '>lrong p11ching ~taff will be led by M>phomore Glenn wan- son. who earned I.owsville Slugger Freshman All-Amencan honori. las1 year. The left hander firushed the year with an 8-5 record, a 4 44 ERA and WCl1> among three UCI pitcher.. to record more than 80 strikeouts. UCI lost Sean Tracey. who was drafred by the Chicago White Sox. but Savage re- mains confident with the likes of sopho- more Brett Smith, one of ~l America's Top 50 college sophomores. Sophomore MJ.chael Koehler. who was 'the Anteaters' primary closer and posted a team-high six saves, is expected to be a starter this year. In addltion. the 'Eaters will feature po- tential fre:Munen starters Ouis NicoU and Kris Krise. NicoU was drafted by the To- ronto Blue Jays in the 43rd round. wtule Nicoll (6-foot-6, 230 pounds) Wcl..\ drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks in the 43rd round. The Anteaters are also excited about Paul French, who shut out opponents in 19 of 2&+S innings of relief last year. He was also second on the team with 88 strikeouts. French is expected to provide leadership as a senior woridng with a young pitchlns staff. ·Paul has had a good fall," Savage said. MHe Is extremely consistent and we ex- pect a bis year out of him." The Anteaters' pitching also includes 30 31 R.J. Brown 26 Chris Nicoll 27 Jimmy Alstot , rechhin freshman Eddie Degennan, who hru. been a surprise recenlly. and depth coming from seruors Keith Raulinaitis. Phil 1\ipoll and sophomore Jimmy AJ. <;tot RJght-handen MDcr Davern. Steve Schroer. Warren Cheruer and Adam C.ol· ion, as weU as left-handers Matt Milieu and Ryan f-.deU, are expected 10 bobter the .. raff. • rNFJELD Sophomore Man Anderwn. one of UCI ·., top returning players, will move from firsr base to third. Last ye-.i.r. Ander· son led the team with 91 hits and 57 runs scored to earn second-ream All-Big West C.onferenc e honors. With the move. Sav· age ho~ to open up first base for sophomore Jaime Martinez. Savage -;aid there will be a battle al shon stop. BJ Eucce. a senior. returns. He had 37 runs on 49 hits la.<.t year. Sav- age also wd freshman Kyte Ryckebosch, a walk-on from Reno. has -;hown poten- tial. Sophomores Brett Dalton and Gregg Wallis. ~ well as transfer Matt Fisher, a second baseman from the Uruven;uy of Oklahoma. provide several opuons at second base. At third base, seruor Steve Guthrie provides depth. lASt year, he contributed 60 h.its and 23 RBis. Fresh- man Man Falk. who was drafted by the Arirona Diamondbacks in the 38th round, has experience at first and third. •CATCHERS The Anteaters lost OlJis Miller. who was a 12th-round selection by the Oli- cago Q.1.bs. Miller is UCis single-season home run leader after recording l2 last year. He also batted .311with 55 RBis. Freshman Mart Wagner is expected to fill the void. Wagner, a four-time AD-OF 32 33 28 Reid Matsushima • Ryan Edell honoree. led Mayfair High to the Subur· ban League tide last year. I le was drafted in the 29th round by the Atlanta Braves and was ranked 24th among Baseball AmMca's Top 50 college freMmen. ''Wagner I!> a vel') offem.1ve player.· Savage srud -Hi-; catching '>kill' are reall) srarting to get much bt>uer \'\ ith the help of (ass~1antt coach !Joel l>eMarco (Wagner) has good power to all fields. We think we really have a gem a. .. a fn>'>hrnan behind the plare Thai\ probably the most difficult po<,1non 10 pie!} on the field Ill DivtS1on I. that and <,honstop If you have a good catcher and shormop you uwally have a good ream fhere'-; going to be a 101 of expet ration' from Marlt to i.tep m and lw the guy ngtH away." Juruor Jeff Werhun. who appeared in five game5 la5t year. ts known for lus de fense and L'> abo expected to contribute • OlTTFtElD The Anteaters will be led by c;eruors Jon I lorwu.z and Chris Klemm. I lorwu:z. who returns as the team'-; leading hitter at .388, earned second-ream All Big West C.onference laurels last year Klemm will be malcing the move from nght to left 6eJd. He put up 37 hit\. 27 RBis and a .389 batting average in 24 conference games last year. He also cam('(! honor- able mention honors in the Big West last year. Sophomore Jordan Sl.abo and fresh. man Marvin Lowrance will likety share time in right 6eld. while sophomores F.rik Johnson and Danny Miramontes will provide depth. Redshirt freshmen Andy Amara. Her· man Reddick and uue ~en Gary Dudrey and Danny McCanhy will all look. to make an impact this season. 34 35 Jame Martinez SCHEDULE • F.b. 4 -Fresno State, 6 p.m. F.b. 7 -at Santa Clara, 3 p m., F.b. 8 -at Santa Clara, 1 p.m., Feb. 9 -at Santa Oara, 1 p.m. F.b. 11 -at Pepperdine, 2 p m. • F.b. 14 -Anzona, 6 p.m , • F.b.. 15 -Arizona, 6 p.m., • F.b. 16- Arizona, 1 p.m. F.b. 18 -at Fresno State, 6:35 p.m. F.b. 21 -at San Diego, 2 p.m , F.b. 22 -at San Diego, 1 p.m F.b 23 - at San Diego. 1 p m F9b. 25 -at use. 6 p m • F9b. 28 -Baylor, 6 p.m . • March 1 -Bayfor. 6 p.tn.; • March 2 -Baylor. 1 p.m. March 7 at San Diego State 6 p m March 14-at California. 2 p.m.; M8'dt 16 -st Califom111, 1 p m ; March 16 -at Calrfom1a 1 p.m •March 21 -Washington. 6 pm.; • March 22 -Washington, 6 p m . •March 23 -Washington, 1 p.m March 25 -at Nevada-Las Vegas. 630pm • March 28 -Washington Stare. 6 pm.,• March 29 -Washington State, 6 p m . • March 30 Washington State, 1 p.m April 4 -at UCSB. 2 p m .. April 5 -at UCSB, 1 p.m . April 6 -at UCSB, 1 p.m. • April 8 -Pepperdine, 7 p.m. • April 11 -Long Beadl State, 7 p.m., • Apnl 12 -Long Beach State, 6 pm .. • April 13-Long Beach State 1 p.m. April 15 -at Fresno State 6:35 p.m April 17 -at Pacific. 1 p m .. Aprit 18 - at Pacific, 1 p.m.; April 19 -at Pacific, 1 p.m. • April 25 -Northndge, 7 p m .. •April 26-Northndge, 6 p.m .. •April 27-Northridge, 1 p.m • April 29 -use. 7 p m • May 2 -Cal Poly, 7 p. m • • May 3 - Cal Poly, 6 p.m.; • May 4 -Cal Poly, 1 p.m May I -at Arizona State, 7 p.m. May I -at Fullerton. 7 p.m.; May 10 -et Fullerton, 6 p.m., May 11 -et Fullerton, 1 p.m. May 16 at Riverside, 7 p.m .. May 17 -et Riverside. 6 p.m.; May 11-at River$1de, 1 p.m. • May 21 -Hewaii. 7 p.m. • Home games at Anteeter Ballpartc. 37 38 Al Monday, Fet>ru.wy 3, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL First-place Tars can clinch a playoff berth There is much work to be done, however, for other local boys basketball squads. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot \ Though the Sea View League championship Is the ultimate goal. the Newport Harbor High boys basketball team can wrap up its seventh straight trip to the OF Southern Secdon Playoffs with a victory Wednesday against last-place Irvine. With just three league games left, Coach Larry Hirst's squad (14-8, 6-1 in league), also seeks a road win Friday at' Laguna Hills to set up a potentiaJ Sea View ti- tle showdown with Woodbridge. currently 6· l in league, Feb. 12 at Newport Harbor. Meanwhile, Estancia and Costa Mesa (in the Golden West League), as well as Corona del Mar (in the Pacific Coast League) are in contention for guaranteed playoff spots. EsLancia (14-8, 4-4 in league), has gone from title contention to fourth place by dropping three of its last four, including a surpris- ing 63-57 loss Thursday at Saddleback. Coach 01ris Saree's Eagles visit third-place Santa Ana (5-2 in league) Tuesday, before visiting crosstown rival Costa Mesa Thursday. The Eagles enter the week with a I \.4i-game lead on the fifth-place Mustangs (7-14, 2-5). Even with a lo~ to Santa Ana, which defeated the Eagles. 64-62, in the first round, f.stancia could retam fourth place (good for a guaranteed postseason berth in the seven-team circuit), by beat- ing the Mustangs for a second time this season. However, Mesa, which hosts second-place Orange Tuesday, could remain in the playoff pic- 1 ure by beatmg the Eagles, and potentially move past Estancia into fourth, should the Mustangs win twice and Estancia lose a pair th1s week. In addition to a potential play- off spot, the perpetual Bell tro· pby is at stake when Mesa and F.stancia collide. The P.agles won the first meeting, 40-35, so Coach Bob Serven·s Mustangs must win by at least five points to retail the Bell trophy they have owned the last two seasons. c.dM (10· 12, 3·3) enters Wednesday's road game against Tesoro tied with the Titans for third place in the PCL Since Coach Ryan Curry's Sea Kings dropped the first meeting with Tesoro (a 48-45 verdict Jan. 17), they would need a victory to maintain reaJ!stic hopes of earn- ing one of the league's three guaranteed playoff berths. be- hind Northwood (6-0 in league) and University (5-1). Adding em- phasis to Wednesday's game are CdM's remaining league dates with Uni (Friday) and North- wood (Feb. 13). Tesoro, meanwhile, follows Wednesday's showdown with games against Northwood, La- guna Beach (0·6) and Calvary Olapel (1-5). The Sea Kings have won two of their last three league games. in- cluding a 63-48 triumph over visiting Laguna Beach Friday. CdM has averaged IO three- pointers its last three games, in- cluding a season-high 14 in the Jan.24 win over Calvary Olapel. Senior guard Kevin Mancillas has nened 15 three-pointers in the three-game run, during which he has averaged 18.7 points. He had just one single- game scoring output of more than 16 points the 19 games, but has since gone for 23, 16 and 17, leading the Sea Kings in scoring each time. Sage Hill (8· ll, 3-3). which hosts league-leading St. Marga- ret's Tuesday. as battJing for third place in the Academy League. Stretch drive begin s Barry Faulkner Daily Pil9t Coach Tami Rappa's Eagles can wrap up at least a ~hare uf the league crown with two wins While the Estancia I ugh girls in three league games thii. week. basketball team cnili.es aJong including the second haJf of tbeir atop the Golden West League series with croS!>town rival Co'ila standings, Costa Mesa and Co-Mesa Wednesday al fatancaa. rona del Mar are hoping they can The Eagles. who open the find another gear ab the races for week tonight by ho-;ring Santa Cll playoff spots charge toward Ana (2·5 in league) have won 14 the finish line. straight league games. dating Meanwhile, Newport I !arbor, back to last year's run to the Pa· coming off a 45-32 upset of Sea cific Coast League co-titJc. View League-leading Aliso Ni-Costa Mesa (12-9, 4-3) holds a guel Friday, 1he program's most half-game lead over Ocean View impressive league win since ii for third place in the Golden beat Woodbridge to close out the West League and needs only to 1999 regular season. hopes to wind up in the top four ro gain a conlmue to build its case for an guaranteed CIF berth. extending at-large berth with three league the program's streak to 14 games left. stratght postseason appearances. n1e Sailors (12-11, 2-5 tn The Mustangs host last-place league) can aJso clinch at least a Orange tonight, before hoping to .500 regular-M:ason record, their avenge a 56-34 first-round loss to fil"l>t since the aforementioned Estancia. Coach Jim Weeks' 1999 campaign, with a victory squad gets the league bye Friday. Tuesday over visiting Irvine (0-7 CdM (9-11, 4-2 in league), is in league). tied for second with Northwood. Coach Jen 'lhomp<ion's Tars one game behind C,aJvary Olapel lr'd.11 league Ln-leader. Wood-in the PCL Coach Jame!> Barb· bndge, Aliso and Laguna Hills by low's Sea Kings visit last-place three games and are two games Tesoro Tuesday, before a crucaaJ behind fourth-place Foothill, clash with visiting University which swept Newport this sea.son. Thursday. But, after consecutive seasons A pair of CdM wins this week of 4-23, 2-22 and 4-20. the Sailors would clinch a playoff spot, just may be headed for a return while also creating a chance to to the postseason. vie for a league crown with re- Estancia (13-8, 8·0), all but malning dates against Calvary clinched its second straight Olapel (Feb. 11) and Northwood league crown, its first outright ti-(Feb. 13). tie since 1991, wheo it put away CdM needed three overtimes defending league champion~-~~:,_5_1-48. in their Westminster, 58-55, Wednesday. first-row•~ SPORTS DON LEACH I DAILY PtlOT Dennis Alshuler Three-sport star a CdM finishing up senior season at Princeton. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot P ick any sport and Dennis Alshuler has probably played it. · The basketball, football and volleyball star at Corona del Mar High, who earned Sea View League Male Athlete of the Year honors following his senior season (1999), currently plays opposite on the Princeton Unlversity volleyball team and has been a reserve wide receiver on the football team for four years as a walk on. The Tigers (1-2) just finished their West Coast swing with stops at UC lrvine -a four-game loss to the nation's No. I volleyball team enterirtg its battJe this weekend against No. 2 Hawaii -and a four-game win Thursday against Hope lnlemationaJ. "Th.is year's team is the most talented group of pldyt:rs we've had since I've been here,· said AJshuJer, 22. sitting in the baclcyard of hi!> parent-;' home in Corona del Mar foday before Oying back to Princeton Sarurday to prepare for the second semester 1ha1 starts Monday. "We have a lot of guys from Southern California that I either played with or against and they bring that work ethic and drive to succeed to (Princeton). They just want to keep on winning.· Since Princeton doesn't have enough players lo samuJate a match-type scenario in practice, AJshuJer said the Tigers concentrate more on drills lo prepare. "ln college, it's less 'ltressful and you don't aJways gel the attitudes," Alshuler said. "h's a more laissez-faire philosophy because there is o much else going on." From the time he was young, Alshuler has always kept busy, whether it be with athletics, academics or extra-curricular activities. Last year, he was president of the house for his fraternity, Zeta Psi, and he has helped coach the Sea Kings' freshman basketball team and assisted in the Newport-Mesa Junior All-American Football League during the summers. AJshuler (6-foot-5) averaged 12.9 poinLl. and nearly nine rebounds when he helped lead the Sea Kings to the CIF Southern Section Division Ill-A titJe game his senior season. He gained first-ream All -CIF honors for his prowess on the hardwood and was an AJl-Newpon-Mesa Dislricr selection. Bui the honors ' seeped through to volleyball and football as well In football. Alshuler saw action at quarterback. receiver, tight end, defensive back. comerback and safety. In 1998. CdM defeated Newport JI arbor in the Banle of the Bay, 28· J 8. for the first time in four years - one his two highlights from high school -and advanced to the C.IF Playoffs before losing to Servile in the firsr round. lie made first-team All-Pacific Coast League and AU-Newport-Mesa Districr his senior season on the gndtron. I le wa.'i a three· time AU-<..11-honoree in volleyball, playing four varsity seasons, and made tir,t team all-league as a <;ophomore and junior. CdM faced Newport J !arbor m the Cll· Division I championship match 111 1999. the first llml' in h1s1ory the two !>Choob faced each other in ahoys volleyball CIF championship march. C.dM lost in four games but Alshuler finished with a match-high 23 kills. The year before. the Sea Kings won the CIF Division Ill crown, the other memorable moment from his prep days. ll1e transition from high <;chool 10 college has humbled Alshuler, who only knew success at CdM, both in athlelics and academics. He has faced steeper competition at the university level. HThere are so many bnght lad that compete and it ha<; been tough, at time6, both academlcaJJy and athletically,• Alshuler said. ~But I wouldn't give up the Princeton experience for anythlng. I have a great group of friends and with the fraternity, it has been great." Alshuler, a middle blocker in high school, convened to opposite at Princeton and has transitioned smoothly. "Al middle blocker it's all about quickness and going side-to-side." he said. HAt opposite, the set is higher and II' a slower approach. I've definitely picked up leamil)g to hit the ball different ways.· In the last two-and-a-haJf years. AJshuler said his grades have improved and he began taking classes he enjoyed, leading 10 him choose p:.ychology as a ma1or. I le will graduate in the pring • · Abhuler credits athleua. with providing a substantiaJ gateway to Princeton and he always preferred to play a variety of sports rather than just conccntraung on one, even if ll put a slight strain on his recruiting process. Alshulcr chose from 10-12 schooh and said his final l.hoice came down to Princeton and UC Berkeley, where his older brother Rob played on the club volleyball team after enjoying succe!>s al CdM, where he also played foorball. Younger brother Olarlie, 20, play .. for the University ot M1d11gan club volleyball teum Jnd older sister Nettie swam and played voUeyball for C dM "I don't feel 1ust playing one '>porr 1s me,· AJshuJer <,a1d. "l\t• alwar~ been known ro play ar least two 6ports. What would I do m the 'iCd~on I have off? Nothing. Bur it made the recr1.11ling process a long Mory because I didn't choose just foorball or just volJeyball. Playing two spons dictated where I wanred 10 go. Princeton oilers the opportunity IO play two sport'i. I play foorball m the fall and don't mass any ume for volleyball.· I le met Erica I lahn, his girlfnend of two years, a t Pnnceton. He is seeking a job in marketing. either in consumer products or the cntertainmenr industry. "Com e the end of April, I won't know what to do with myself,· said Alshuler about the impending close of his college athletic experience. "It's kind of sentimental. I'm so fortunate to have bad the opport unity to play because a lot of my friends..haven't had the chance. Athlecics was one of the th1ngs that helped me get into Princeton and I've had a great run in college." HAPPY BIRTltDAY Celebrati1K the Daily Plk?f s Athle~oflheWeelisenes lOOAV 23 -Alden Moore Newport Harbor Water l)OIO, '96, '97 19 -Melissa Zapialn Orange Coast Volleyball, '02 MEN'S TENNIS ·'Eaters sweep • a pair UCI trounces foes at UC Challenge. ANTEATER TENNIS STADIUM -The UC Irvine men's renms team swept a pair of matches Sunday in the UC Challenge. handling UC Ri\,er..1de, 7-0, and earning a 6-1 Lnumph over UC Davis at Anteater Tenrm Sta· di um. In the aflemoon match agam!!I Riverside, the Big We!>l Confer- ence opener for both schools, lht- Anteater.. {4·2) dominated the singles competition. winrung all six matches in straight sets. UCI Junior Jonathan Endnka1 and wphomore Bnan Morton defeated their smgl~ foe:., 6-4. 6-0, while freshman Enc Yandoc also won 12 of I 6 games, po!>ung a 6-2. 6-2 singles win. An1ea1er seruor Greg Biorionan and f'Teshman teammate Peter Surapol each posted 6-4. 6-2 -;m- gles wins, while junior 7.oran Ku rac was a 6-3. 7-6 singles wmner. Endrik.at and Morton teamed 10 win in doubles, 8-3. wtuJe UCl doubles panner.. Korac and Cl\m Prentice were 8-1 doubles wm ners agam-.1 Riverside. In the earlier nooconference conquest of UC Davis Sunday. the Amea1ers won 5 of 6 singles matche.-. and claimed the dou blcs point by wi.nn111g two of thret' contC'its. Monon and Korac earned Vlt tones m 'iingles and teamt.>d wnh dlfferenr partnen. to defeat dou bl~ opponenlb, as well. Monon was a 6-3. 3-6, 6-1 sm gles winner over Kyle lh.no~y. then paired wtlh Endrikat for an 8-3 doubles triumph. K.orac bested smgles opponenl Paul Dilloway, 6-1, 6-1. then teamed with senior Sean O'Con· ner to post an 8-3 doubles vic- tory. The Anteaters return to acuon Friday. hosting Big West nval Cal Poly San Luis Obispo al I p.m. UC°'*'Ce UCI 7, UC Rlwrwide 0 ~t (UCO def. Oav11, 6-4, 6-0, Korec (UCI) def. Betyar, 6-3, 7~. Morton (UCI) def. Tam, 6-4. 6-0: Biorkman (UCll def Stevens, 6-4. 6-2 OoubM Elldrikal·Morton (UCll def Dav11 Betyar. 8 3, S11wens Tam IUCRJ dof 81ortman-Wilhams, 8-6, Korac-Prenuce (UCll def Choppj-Pantapalangkoor. 8-1 UCI 6, UC Devis 1 ~-Lee (DI def. Elldriket. 2~. 6-1, 6-4; Korac (UOI def. Dilloway, 6-1, 6-1, Morton UCll def. Trino1ky, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1; Blortman (UCll def. Fung, 6-l, • 6-4; SuraPol (UCO def. Lum, 6-0, 8 1; Yendoc (UCI) def. Brown, 6-0, 8-2. DoubM9 Elldrikat-Morton IUCI) def D1flowy·l.ee. 8-3; Barasdl Tnnoskv (01 def. Blortmen·Wilhamt, 8-5, O'Connor-Korac (UCI) def N<MkoY-Srown, 8-3 COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN'S TENNIS Pirates are ready to charge the nets Freshman dominate Coast lineup that has just one sophomore. at stngtes and Maran hopes to Mortyama took. a tennis clas.s up the less-experienced p1ayen. mold them into the No. l doubl~ with Maran ln the f'aJl Rut I'm not ready to do lbat yet. team. The coach ha.9 been impres5ed They haven't played enough to- "(Becker) Is very aggressive with Mortyama' ground strokes gether, but. Conunately, this team from the backcourt." Maran said. and saJd Wensld, 24, wt11 bring Is fu1J of great personalities. No Sabrina Thnamal (Western maturity. one Is a headache." liAab>. Raebel 5-urn. ICay Mori· "(Wen.Vi) h88 one more eemea· Last eeuon. OCC tophomores yama (bvlne) and ThJy High'I Mi-ter. 10 the deddeld: what a pl Stephanie 0,,.,. and Vtronict1 chelle ~ ldd to C.0.0 ar· way to n..h out wtth tennll. • Sommer rmched the ttate temi- eei:Lll. Mamo Mid. flnaJa ln doublee. ~ tbc Maran hops to uee Nelton and Once the pls)'l'!l"S Ft mo Oran 0nc*e ~ auwn Aahlev Nefton So. Leah Sedler Ft. l.MnN Burmood Fr. S.l)rfn. TaNmal Fr. Rtdiel S...Um Fr. K9y Morlyama Fr. M4chetl9 w.n.lt Fr Coedt· "-nice Maren (MthYMr) noami1 It No. 2 doiablel. wtlb con~ wtth each odMlt Ml· ~ 1 teen from RMn6de. &-3, cbe SeMim·Mortyama team at 1W1 hopel ID haw the IOp two 6-66. ~ W99 an Al·Amerbn No. 3. dnimr. ~ meolOr theV ln llnPit md dnitiel Ind alao nJnc tradUk>n. • •("lanemal) Is dny but tena· ~ won tho Ole .._. champ(on· .But 8rit UU.. Silt. dOl» and k>ok for her to be a du· '"When one doubkw team lhlp. O\lng now plays fur the "'We need to ~ aincldonled rable playPr," Miian Mid. • -p&.yer la much llJOltger than the UnlvcnkyolS.O~ and set our~ In cto.~· aan lm(>RMll eo quJdJy. She can 01her one. it pulls the leleer· Marade teema won 1t1te cbam-Man Mid. "Our -.n w11 '- tllb what you tdJ her Ind ~ ~ penici't along,. MnnJ pk>Mhlpe ln l_., '85, ·~. '88. '89 ICl'Onl. not ~ bui t tt." -'d. "In doing .to. you are bee8ilC and '90, u Co.It bu built a wtn-anddplte a .,c>d ,,.. " l~•---..\l ' J ---~ ,,.•,.--~---=----...------- t IM nis les ge. nd JC ta· 1St er· he he all cat on ·4, .oc ng an ter in· :O· ~r. ed CJ ru. .ll· ce ay, les U· of ic· 1th U· n · ky. an ·nt en n· ic· )n ::at 2. JI • Daily Pilot S P O R 'I S CLUB SURFING P•k -o BO<f~ TR!:PT v, /. • f' Alex Knost. who later won longboard d1v1s1on. slashes into a wave during Newport Harbor High Surf Classic at 56th Street on Sunday Newport surfers win big Knost, Johnson and Dohe n y place in two divisions at Newport Ha rbor Surf Classic. NEWPOHI BL\( II \It"< Knost. Nick John ... on and Andrt•w Doheny were the b1~e ... 1 wm111n ... c;unday. 1he '>t•rnnd of two dJ}"' of the founh annual "Je\ .. pon Harbor I hgh urf Ua\\lt The event. con1e-.1ed m \Urt ranging from 2·4 fee1 \undJy at 54th Street included I iii dub surfing entrnnt•,, rnmpl'tmg 111 seven divis10n ... Knost. a Newport I larhur \en 1or, won the open longbo,ml th vision and wcu. -.econd in tht• high school dl\1!.1011 <~rade-. ll 12) John'>On, \\ho aucnd'> \lonte Vise.a I hgh. won the high -.d1ool d1Vl51on and Wa1. ahu fourth m the men's open d1w;mn Doheny, 9. won the demt.-n tary school d1vis1on <kmdergar ten through fifth grade'>). 1ht•n finished fourth in tht• t11gh Will Anderson throws some spray off the hp en route to a third-place finish in the high school d1v1s1on. school division. which included competitors twice has age Dohe· ny posted the highec,1 fiN·rouncJ score in the high '>Chool d1vis1on Saturday. Other winner; included c.eoff Moysa. a locaJ Newport Beach professional who clcumed the men's open division, Newport Harbor sophomore Lrika I losse1· ru (women's division); Steve Farmer (middle school division, grades 6·8); and Newport 1 larbor alumnus Josh Kast (open body· board division}. Other second-place fi nishers included Mickey KJein (men' open). Amy Lowry (women's open), Andy Gold (open body· board). Steve Farwell (open long· board}, Brian Doheny (middle school) and Jared Cassidy (el· ementary). Third-place finishers included Joe AlanJ (men's open), Robin Se· nour (women's), Daniel Mathews (open bodyboardl. Justin Hugan Oongboard), Will Anderson (high school), Ouistian Morabito (middle school) and Jesse Steel· Geoff Rill begins to tuck into the tube during second day of two-day event that included 138 entnes. man (elementary). . .. --.... III Daily A Pilot Ill Sports Hall of Fame C1·f,·1Jrati11g th1• 111ill(·1111iu111 JANE HILGENDORF Orange Coast Co ll ege In reti rement, t here '<:i no slowing down fo rme r wome n ·~ volleybaJI coach and athletic di rector. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot T ht''>(.' dd\.\. !Jill I lllgl'ndorl cmlv t 111< k.-. m at thl' golf c 111ir-.t-\\ h1le playmg gn·<·n\keeper JI ht·r homt• garden 111 C oron .. lid \1.ir o\h, \t'' Ht·tm•d lltl' good hit· I hl -.tagt· man\ hopt· om· d.n 111 em brat t· It otlinaJI~ lwgan for l lllg1·11dor1 1111 Jan '), ,wo I wh1•11 \ht 1.,,,1\ l'd guodb\ 1 • "" C >r mg1· c 11.1..,1 < ollegt·' \1 hlt•IJt I> n•uor. endmg <Jh110-.1 11 \ c .11' of ... en. in· lo lht• ( O,l,1 \lL">J t ommu1111~ colll'gt· "I loq·d t•\ er\ .. 111glt· mome111 .II lh.11 1oh JI th.ti l olll'gl' · -..ml l lllgc•ndorf, I ht• l,111· ... 1 IHllll>rt'I' 111 till' I 1,111\ 1'11111 "port.. I ldll of I ,tflll' I fllgi·ndor1. a former l11gh plil~l'r" 'ht• had 111 .1hu11damt• took <1 roLkl'I off lwr ta( l' then ... 11npl\ 1 urrwd around and -.rnJ11·d I h.11 w.t'> the land of .1111111dt• lhO'>t' kid'> had~ I hlgi·11d11r1 .....i1d of thl' ~·old1•11 t•r,1 ol ilie la1t· 71h 111d 1 ·.ir I\ 8'h \\ tH:n ( X < \\!Ill ltm•t• -.t,lll' Utlt:'.'i Ill fi\t• \t·.ir' I lilg1 •111l11rt, ~h11 en1ned c H < ',11hlt•1a .1d11111u ... 1ra1mn afl1•r tlu <q \ 11111•\ b,111 'l'il'>OI) \l'I"\ t•<.l ,1<. 11h1• 111 d1r1•111ir !1Jr 1hn·1· \t'olf., lll'low rt•ltnn~ IO tllt' 1.11n,,I\.., I lw nil•· ... t ha1riwr-.r111 Im 1t.1• lddll'., l luh .11 '•'\' pon 8'-<st h 1 011111 r. I Juh l lilgt·n<.lor1 lt:'t·-.11 up thrt•t· or lour llllll'' il \\l'l'k 1 ... 1111 \Jnou-. grr111p-. ot rc·gular pc1rtrlf'r .... mrlud111g !Ill' I nd<t\ rn1Jrr11ng I )J\\ 11 i'.Hrol ''hen plot\ er ... arr1w JI " m .1 n1 11,1\lnl.' 't hool drill 11•.un 111 ... 1n1t:tor "tm ... 1• 11 "' 1oh \\.t' (It anmg Jane Hilgendorf n rt>nth t.il1·11 11p \\,!lt·r r11lor pc11r11111g ll"'I lllht•\ Ill J l.1hor.11or. for ht•r lather J' .i t h1ld .trnwd at < >< C 111 1lw I.di 111 I 'J70 J" a ph\...,ll.tl t•dul .111011 lt'at h1•r nol d'> 1 l <Mt h But ... oon, I hlgl'ndorl \\ .1-. 111 dMrge ot lhl' '>l hoot ... l11ed \olle\ ball ll.'tllll, \\h1rh tra\l'I~ tht:' \ou1hl<111d m d rn l et\ -.talion \"af.(on illld plawd u11dl·r. \\l'LI, J different \t:'I of rule .... Among otht>r thing-.. uni) men \\ere allmH•d to <;ptke ball-. mt>r the net I rom 1471 to '73. I lllgl•ndorl rnached 1ht> Pir,111'., uwd team then took m l'r the women' program tn ·73 and IJ'>tuJ through 14YI. when '>he ... wpped dm .. 11 a.., math \\llh .1 2B 100 lareer rel ord .u1d thrl'C <.tale t h.unp1on-.h1ps ll 978. "80 .ind H:! "I -.1111 ~el e mails and ncm· ... from players through Lh1· \ c·ar-. who have been n•al l IO'>t' • ~ hlgendorf 'Kll<l \\e hiid '>O much fun on 1hcN' 1eam .... espt>e1all} the team'> from the J•fi'Os and the fiN half of the 'AQ<;. II wa' fun .md team-oriented If you didn't have fun. 1t wa!> vour own fault In tho<,(. days, we had no tall player; -only c;hort. quick one<> who really liked playing with each other. fhat \'a' the type of player ~e had ~o one felt they were the '>tar, because it wa. ... aJwar-c;o team onented and everyone was always so supportive of each other.· I Illgendorf remember> once when forme r OCC standout Lori Adams. one of those qwck. 5-foot-6 I lllg1•11dor1 -..ud ... tit' h.ul · 111·H·: dnne .tll\ lh!llg 111 till' .lr( \\Orlc..J' .111d \\,1, .111u.1lh lnlJm.,mg lwr n1111hl·r ... f•>Ol'>leJh \h 11111111 h.ui ldl..1•11 up nil pa1111111g ''''l'fl -.he 1umt·tl 70 ... ud I hlgendorf. \\ho ~1pwd 11p tor J \\'lJlt•r u1lo: d.1.,.. .11 ~iddlebdlk < •>lll'gt'. "IH•rt• 1111 •>Ill'\\ ould k.nov. lwr .111d p1·rh.ip-. .1 lt'dl ilt'r \\ ould tw rnort· obwtt1H· I ltlg1·11dorl \\ho madt· lll'r IJ\\ n lliri-.tma'> l Jrd' l.1 ... 1 \t'.U h.t ... al<,o l'lllO\ ed ph11to1-'f·tph\', wnung Jlld ~.irdl'nmg a.., \'ll'll d' goll .,ht•., m f,u the mo ... 1 J>ll'>.11\l' rwr ... 011 I lulll\\,~ ,,ud < >< C \\omen\ rnll1•\ hall rn.it h Oiuck Cult'lll',t'. \\ho replaLt•J I hlgt·ndorl J.., coach Born 111 \llh,aukee \\1-, .md ra1 ... t·d 111 nt'arby \\.,ut\\aUlo.....i, H1lgendorl n11M•d "uh her farnth 10 Pa'-<ldl•na \\hen 'he \.,71, -. \ ~r.1duate of Pa-.adena I h~h P'J-..tdt>na l 11) C ollt~t· .md lll "anta 8arh,1ra \\1th a barhelor ... dt1,lft't' m phn1rnl t•duralmn. I hlgendorf t'dnll'd her master'<. degrt.·<' 111 Pl ilt lJl IA <;he ... pent -.t•ven -.e.u ... al Arcadia I hgh. wl1l•re her main fl>lu' \\a'> lwad drill team m..,Ln.tctor before 1anding at ()( l~ !\ former longume health t•dut .111on teacher I lilgl'ndorf '>lill \"Tlles a \'leekh ht>alth column for tht• ( )( C new;fetter under the lwadmg "Hilgendorf\ 1 leahhfuJ I hnl\. • <)hi:\ al"° the execuove d1renor of the Lutheran (,oo<l 0.,.1mantan Society, a nonprofit orgaruzaoon ~Buena -.-.... C::.C: Sl;;~ll...m;: P a rk . . . ~ . . . ~ . _ . 0 ... . 60 ' ' ' .. '.· . t j, ' ,_.... . -. • • ' -•I <--• ' • • I \ , , • ' , /Vew 'l1I1#; Explorer XLT : Tow Pkg tflt!tl!!P'..-S c~~,, ....... n '; •• ..._.,,. • ·--.. ~ ·-M -.f>!-.Ml ... ... ,111111 Sales Price: '25,475 W4jiYtJ /Yew Plll1)j EXCVRSI01': Eddie Bauer 4x4 /IU..llJ. ,., ..., ,.. ,.,. .. ,~..., ...0. -O•DA a.. f OIK QI Sales frice '41,915 ford adlilte MIWQ AlO Moodoy, February 3, 2003 SPORTS Shadow lands for the lead in rhe Sea Vie\\t league with a 68-62 win over Bae.le Bay rival CdM. 1be SCHEDULE TOOAY B11IMI> .. -Tennie !:;: Community college man -•: •: Orenge Coast at Cuyamaca, t: .. -: • ... p.m. .• Community college women-~:; Palomar et Orange Coal1. 2 p.m.; • ~ . ·: High school -Newport Harbor .C • • • Loold1'g back. s years ago this week 1be Costa Mesa HJgh glrl basketball team clinches a.spot lh the OF Southern 5 Section .Playoffs with a 52-39 victoJ')' over University 1n Pacific Coast League play. Mesa (11 -13. 2-1 in league) leads by 14 Sailors (16-6, ll · l in league) go on runs of 10 13-2, 9·0 and 7-1 to build a 35·20 halftime • lead. But CdM pu.UJ back to within one when Roealle ~ drills her second High 9Chool glr11 -Costa Mesa at Orange, 7 p.m.; Santa Ana at Estaf\cla, 7 p.m. Golf College men -ua at Ping Arizona Invitational. Community college men - Orange Coast at OCC Classic, Los Serranos GC, 8 a.m. Foottilll, 6 p.m. , • • 1 Wat. polo • : : ! High school girts -Kennedy at•! .. Estancia, 3:15 P·"): •: •; three-pointer of the final period whh 2:21 left. I !arbor senior Mlc:baela ROl9 matches CdM's Mollie Flint with 32 points in the two girls' final duel as preps. Flint becomes the school's all-time leading scorer, reaching the 1,500-point plateau. Mandy Clayton, Dianne Pulido and nna Bowman • assist for Newport. TUESDAY Bubtbell College men -Vanguard at Concordia. 7:30 p.m. College women -Vanguard at ConcQrdia, 5 p.m. WEDNEsDAY Ba9btball College men -UC Riverside at UC Irvine, 7:05 p.m. Community college men - Orange Coast at Riverside. 7:3Q. p.m. Community college women - Orange Coast at Riverside, 5::f0 point'> four times and the 'frojans never get closer than eight. Senior Julie c.ollett leads Mesa (tied with AUso Niguel for first place in league) with l3 points, seven rebounds and four s1eals. Senior guard Krlsten Otlsholm (lO points) hits 3 of7 from three-point land to go along with Nancy H.atsushfs eight assists, as weU as 12 points from Kim Nguyen. llle NeWµort I !arbor High boys basketball team upsets Santa Margarita. Orange County's lop-ranked team, 50-47, erasing a nine-point deficit in the fourth qoarter. Newpon had fallen to the Eagles (21-1. 6-1) by 40 in the first league meeting. Santa Margarita 6-fool-7 senior Dekker M~ records a game-high 17 points and Carson Palmtt drills a three with five minutes left 10 give Santa Margarita its biggest lead, 43-34. Then the Tars explode for a l2-2 run. Newport's Matt Jamaon tallies a team-high 12 points and Gary Roblnaon scores eight of his nine points in the final quarter. Adam Heart.on and Carlos Nk.asio defend weU again!>! Santa Margarita's taller front court Newport Harb<)r High sbocks CdM, 1-0, in girls soccer, marld.ng the first time in recent memory Ole Tars h~ve defeated the Sea Kings. Megen Fleener convens a penalty kick In the 19th minute but CdM ( 10-5-6, 6-3-3) gives the Sailors (I 0-10-1, 5-6-1) plenty of resistance in the second half. Junior scorer S1ephanle Hughes peppers Harbor goalkeeper Kim DeMayo with ~hots but the Sailor records the shutout. making nine saves. Harbor assistan1 coach Don Bradbury commends fullbacks Shellie Bradbury. 1hM:y Teal and Naomi Makena for their defensive prowess. High sdlool boys-Estancia at Santa Ana, 7 p.m.; Orange at Costa Mesa, 1 p.m.; St Margaret's at Sage Hill, 7:30 p.m. High school gir1s -Corona del Mar at Tesoro. 7 p.m.; Irvine at Newpon Harbor, 1 p.m.; St. Margaret's at Sage Hill, 6 p.m. ea.ball College -Fresno State at UC Irvine, 6 p.m.; Vanguard at Cal Lutheran, 2 p.m. p.m. .' High school boys -Corona del . Mar at Tesoro, 1 p.m.; Irvine at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m. High school gir1s -Costa Mesa at Estancia, 7 p.m. • Socicer . . • High school boys -Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 3:15 p.m.; Irvine at · Newport Harbor, 5 p.m. Corona del Mar High's boys basketball team cruises to a 64-46 victory over visHing Irvine in Sea View League play as 6-9 senior Adam Jekell records a career-high 24 points with 13 rebounds and two blocked !>hots. CdM hits IO of 13 from the field m a 22-point third pcriqd and shoots 67% (14 of21) from the field afler intermission. The hosts use an 11-1 run to forge a 26· 15 edge midway through the second quarter. ln addition to Jekeli. Nick Gabriel and Andrew Slmon (JO and 12 points. respectively) fimsh in double figures for CdM. f .ookl ng back. IO years ago this week: • F.stancia High quarterback Man Johner signs his national letter of intent to attend the Universiry of Kansas after completing 187 passes for 2,871 yards and 22 touchdowns over a three-year varsity career. He becomes the first Eagle during Coach John Uebengood's seven-year tenure to earn a Divisjon I scholarship. Newport Harbor's Beau Ralphs (Villanova) also declares his allegiance on the first day players can sign letters of intent. Johner is a two-time AU-Pacific Coast League and All-Newport-Mesa District selecoon. Ralphs is a two-way lineman for Division IV runner-up Harbor. He is AU-CIF and Co-Defensive Player of the Year in the Sea View League. J le al!.O coUects the Daily Pilot't. Newpon-Mesa District Defensive Player of the Year honor. Community college -long Beach at Orange Coast. 2 p.m. Volleyball College men -UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara, 7 p.m. Soccer High school boys -Estancia at Saddlebad(, 2:30 p.m.; Orange at Costa Mesa, 2:30 p.m.; St. . Margaret's at Sage Hill. 3:15 p.m. High school girls -Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 3:15 p.m.; Irvine at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m.; Sage Hill at St Margaret's 3:15 p.n~ .. High school girts -Costa Mesa at · Estancia, 3 p.m. Voti.vt>-11 Community college men -Mt San Antonio at Orange Coast. 7 p.m. Wl'H1fing High school -Estancia at Orange, 6 p.m.; Westminster at Costa Mesa.6p.m W.terpolo' High sdlool g1r1s -Northwood at Corona del Mar. 3 p.m.; Newport Harbor vs. Woodbridge (at Un1vers1tyl. 4:30 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Santa Ana, 3:15 p.m. TI1e Newpon I !arbor High girls basketball team remains tied -compUed by Bryce Aldenon Legal Notices Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices FiditicM lusinns llmMS.......,. The lulluwong per \On• art du•ni bu-.ine~\ tt\ Hdrl• Brownle• & A~\OL Int 169 t We,kloll Or N~wport llulh CA 97660 Hdrt~ Boownlee & As~ul Int . (CAI lb91 We\tcltll Or, Newpml l.Jl'a• h CA 92660 I hf' bu'\•nt\~ '' 'on otuc led by a c:orpnt atonn ll•ve you ~tartl'd dolna hu"t"fl'-'\ yft-1, Yr' J l'JS& Hat It Brnwnlt c & l\S\OC lnl I ynn Mald•ett Seer• t uy ul Corporation ltm \t~tem~nl wa' loled wolh lht County rterk ul Or<1ng .. Cuunl~ .. n '? 18 02 2002600927139 fl.ltly l'•lot Jan I J. 70 II I •b 3 lOOl V.60 ! fi<1itiM llnintu FktitiM lllslnHs FktittM llftilMu "-S""'-tt "-S...._, "-S"'-"' lhe lollowong person\ "'" du on~ bu,rroes~ ., 0 C Equ•t•l'~ & lnvHt rne111, C•JtP &69 v"'" Bnnota Nrwport Buch LA97660 0 C (qUtltP~ & In vf!s !menl\ Corp <C altl > bb9 \11~1• Bunola Ncw1111rt Bea,h ( A97660 rn,, bu""~'~ " con ducted by • 1 .,rpor at ion H"vl' y11u \tArl"d dotn(! bu\1nen yefl YI!\ 9 20 ?000 0 G t 11u1t1rs & In v-.lm•nl\ C"IP Oav1d ~ H• nd Prl''td•nt rh" \latl'm~nt Wd\ ltl~d wtllo lht' County tl•r~ ul 01 dn&e County "" 01 10,oJ r 20036929263 • Oaoly P1lol Jan 13 20 71 I eb J 7003 M61/ The lollowme per~ons drt dome busone\s ·~ Ttt'\ Am1eos T "donr. 46 S•ndpoper l n Aliso Vit10 CA 926~ lo~eoh Allen Lh1ld~r~. 46 Sandpiper l 11 Ah~o \11~10 CA 926~ I h•s busone" " ton due led by •n ond1v1dual llave you \larltd dOtnR busmt\\ yet> Yn ? l!> O? Jn\.f'ph A Choll1tl\ Th" st.Jltmtnl wn filed with lh1· Counl y Clerk of Oranr.~ fnunty on 01 10. OJ 20036929261 O••ly Polo! J•n 13. 70 11 I tb J 2003 M608 ftdlticM llnintu --~ lhe follow one ptr \Ons .,, doonr. bus1nP\\ ~' W•rm Sptrol lndtp~nd•nl Lon\ultant. 64 I a Palo ma Dana Po111t Call '"'"'" 92629 Cwen [.1rle 64 l• P.1tnma D•n" Pooni C•hlc><nta 926?9 fh1s bu\ln•s\ " con dut t1<d by •n 1nd1v1dual ltave you st••ltd dnma busmen yet' No Gwen Earle flu\ stattmenl wa\ loltd with lht I 1tunty Cl••~ of OrMa• l'ounty on 12126/02 200269278JI D•oly Pilot l•n ?O 'l7 feb 3 10. 200J M621 Aclitl.n luslnlSl M.tSttif....r I he followmv. per\ons .,I' do1na bU\tnes' as Newport NoUry l.'40 Ou.an View Avl' New purl Beach c .. 111orn1• 92663 4702 Wendy B Schmidt 740 O•nn View Ave New purl Beach C•lofornoa 92663 4702 Tht lollowmR persons <ire doonQ busone\\ dS V•lue Story 2101 lee w•rd lone New1>ort 8~ach CA 92660 hmar• Walt ?IOI l~ewdrd Lane. Newvorl Be~th, CA 92660 This bustne\S •~ Lon du< tt•d by an tnd1v1du•I llavr you \tar l•d t101ng tiu\onPS\ ytt> Yu Ill 199'> r~mnr~ Walt 1 his statement wa~ toled wllh the County Cieri. ol Oranat County on Ot 10/03 20036929262 Daily Pilot Jan 13 ?O. 27. Feb 3. 2003 M612 Rdlti.s l4nMs ... s ....... !ht followme persons ar • do1n& business n The Boy Auto Detail. 3001 [ nterpnse St Unot A Co\t• Mna. CA 9?6?6 £ lmtr 0 Castaneda .J.41 E 16th St l on1 Buth CA 90813 I hos business t\ con duct~d by an 1nd1v1d11al liavt you started dO•tli busmen yet? Yes. 1/6/ lOOl £1mer 0 C.utaned• Th•s shlement was loled wllh the County Clerk ol OrMl!P County on 01 l t0/03 2003692'272 01111 P1lul Jan J J 20. 27 feb 3 2003 M61S Rctltiws --.SS M.tS""-'f lh,. followrng per~nns •re doona busmns OJs TBI Pr up er Ion 2806 Lorentu Avenue Cost• Mei. CA92626 Theodure P lope1. 2806 lorento Avenue. Cost• MPSI CA 9?6?6 Thrs business ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Hive you slitrled do1n11 bu1men yet' Yes, 01/ 01/2003 l h .. odore P l ope1 Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 Tho\ bus1nen is con dul ltd by an 1nd1v1duaf Have yuu sla• ted domr. bus1M\S yet' Nn Wendy11 S1 hm•dl This st~temrnt was loled wtlh lh• Cr,unty Clerlo. of Otani• County on 01/J0/03 Tho\ statement wn toled with the County Cl,.rk of Oranr.e County on 01/1'>"03 20026929730 --1 200S .. 3t736 Daily Ptlot Feb 3. IO. I/ ?4 2003 M629 Daily P1lol Jan 20, 21, r eb J. 10, 2003 M6?2 OFFICIAL CITY NOTICE The fulluwmg per sons aoe du1na busmus d\ OUCCAN'S 2 INST~LLA TION 1801 Wholher Av1 •12 Costa Mesa CA 9?6?7 ltH Ouuan. 1801 Wh1lt1er Ave #12. Coll• Mesa CA 92627 lhos busmen ts ton ducted by an tndtvodual Have you '\tart~ do•nc busu>eu yet' Yes 12 ?7·0?. Lisa Ouuan Thos statement wn roted with the Counly Clerlo ot Orange County on Ot/10103 20036929259 Daily Polol Jan 13. 20 27. Feb 3. 2003 M610 RditMnt.lilim ... s....... The followtnR per \Ons are doing busontss ·" Travad• f nterprite\, 1637 Mororovoa Av,. Costa Me~ CA 92627 Tr•v" W1ll1am lhrhardt 102 Sant• loutH lrvont CA 9?606 This busmen ts con duct,.d by an tnd1v1dval Have you \tarted dome business yet> Ye$, Jin I 2003 Tr dVI\ (hrh•rdt lh" statement wa\ ftled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on OVl0/03 2003 .. 29274 Oa1ly Pilot J•n t 3 20 21. Feb J 7003 M612 flctitlM hsMns M.ts......, The lollowme pu~nn' art dOlnll bU\One~s '' Clear View Mobile Screening, 2437 Or •n&r Ave. •O Costa Mt!$<t. CA 92627 Samuel Joseph Olnr 2437 Of•nee Ave •D Cosh Mua CA 97.627 lh1s bustn~n ts con ducted by ;in 1nd1v1clual H•ve yuu slarted do1n1 bvslneu yet' No S•muel IO\eptl O'l .. r This \t1tement wn loled with lhe County Clerk of Otan1e County on 01/10/03 2003HH270 D11ly Pilot Ian I J. 20. ?7, teb 3. ?003 M616 The Costa Mesa Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California at 6:30 p.m. or soon as possible thereafter on Monclcry, Febrvary 24, 2003. The Planning Commission shall make recommendations to City Council related to the proposed 1901 Newport Plaza Residences project, described as follows: Planning Application PA-02-11/GP-02-04NT-16382 and Title 13 amendment for the development of 161 single-family attached townhomes (for sale as condominiums), a two-level subterranean parking structure, a five-level parking structure, and associated amenities at 1901 Newport Boulevard in a PDC zone. A total of 863 parking spaces are proposed (415 residential parking spaces and 448 commercial parking spaces). The existing 1901 Newport Plaza commercial building (127,500 sq. ft.) will be retained. The proposed project requires approval of the following: 1) General Plan Amendment (GP-02-04) and Title 13 amendment for a site-specific floor area ratio (FAR) for the commercial component (0.35 FAR allowed; 0.70 FAR proposed), for a site-specific densi ty for the residential component (20 du/ac allowed; 45 du/ac proposed), and for the proposed 5-level parking structure (4-stories allowed; 5-stories proposed). 2) Final Master Plan approval (PA-02-11) for the proposed mixed-use project and variance from residential parking requirements ( 455 residential parking spaces required; 415 rcsi dentiaJparkmg spaces proposeaJ; 3) Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 16382 (VT-16382) for seven numbered lots and three lettered lots dividing the residentia~ commercial, parking and circulMion areas. Envrronmental Determination: Program Environmental Impact Report No. 1050. The comment period on the environmental document has closed. However, the Draft EIR is available for reference at the following locations: • CITY OF COSTA MESA-PLANNING DIVISION, n FAIR DRIVE, COSTA MESA • MESA VERDE LIBRARY, 2969 MESA VERDE DRIVE EAST, COSTA MESA • COSTA MESA LIBRARY, 1855 PARK AVENUE, COSTA MESA H Oral or written comments, for or against the pplication, will be received at City Halt (adm-ess above) through the public review period. For information, call the Plannin& Division at (714) 754-5245. tf you challenge this action in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing·described in · this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, °' pri« to the public hearing. '" < ~~~~~~ ...... rt.t .. ., .... 11trtl>f•~t':l 1'00.l _J_ I ' 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices SUUOIS (OTAOOIC IJDIClAlJ NOTICl TO OfFEN DANl (Avoso • Acusa do) KIMBERLY STOR£ SUND & DOES I through 10 tndu\tVe YOU ARC B£1NC SUlD BY PLAINTIFf <A Ud, le e'la demand "nd o) VI NCE N T W£ATHERBV Vou have JO CAL l N OAR DAYS 1fle1 this 'ummons '' served on Yllll to f1I°" 11 lyJ>f'Wftlltl" response at this court A letter or phone call will not protect you your typewtotten 1 e \ponse must be tn proper ltR•I form 11 ynu want lhe cour I to h"~r your cue. If you do not ltle your 1 t\j)Onse un tome yuu m•v lose lht ca" and your waen money and properly may be taken Without further warntnfit ltom lht! tourt There 1Fe other le1•I rl'qoiremenh You may want to tan an all0<ney right away ti you do not ~now an attorney. you m~y c•ll 01n 11lor ney ref"ral ser•oce or a lf'tal aid office (hsted 1n lhe phone bool.J Ottpues de que le entie1uen n l1 t1l•C1on 1ud1c1al usted toene un plaw de 30 DIAS CAL CNOARIOS P•r• pruen tar una respue~ta u crrl• a maquon• en esta torte Una t .trt• o un• llam1da lelefon"" no le ulr ecer.t r1rotecc1on. su respuesta es<rtl.a • maqv1n• toene Que ~umphr ~on '" format 1dadn lta&le'\ apropoa d•' '° usted quoere que la cor le escuche su ra'o So usted no presenla '" re.,puuta • t1empo puede perder el caso. y le pueden qu1tar su ula110. su dtnero y otras coos de su prop1edad son 1v1so adtltOnal por parle de la corle r itsten otros requ1s1 tos tegaln Puede que usted qu1era 11.tmar a un aboaadu 1nmed1ata mente. So no conoce a un aboaado. puede llamar • un serv1c10 de 11ferenc1a de •boe•dos o • una ol1t1n1 de ayuda le11al (VH el d11ect0<10 telefonlco) CASI NUMHl1 (N-... .... Cese) 01CCtS702 JUO•l THOMAS N. THIASHU, 5'., DlPT. C 11 The name •nd 1dd1ess of the tour 1 Is; (El nombre y dtt1ccion d11 I• corle es) ORANG£ COUNT'f SU· P[RIOR COUR1. CEN· fRAL HJSTIC( ClNTCR . 700 Civic Center Drive West, Sant• An•. Call lotnle 92702 The name, address. and telephone numbef of pl•onltff's attorney, °' pl1lntifl without an attorney ts (El nombre. 11 direccion y el nume•o de lelefono del •boaado dtl dem1nd•nte, o dtl dem•nd•nlt que no ttene •bo&ado, es) JOS£PH M TOSTI. Esq. Bar No 94451 LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH M. TOSTI, I 561 S Alton PHkw•y. Sulit t 75, lfv ne, C.hf0tnoa 92618 I el Ho 949 4~· I ;ioo J"u No. 949 450 12.0 11Aft1 (rtctMofOIC TO, 1001 ALAJll SlATll, CUU (~le), lly L wttSMAM, 0.,.. wty<::!Tt:trlo Of OAMA8(S ,, ......... ~-To•;.:rc::l~':'A.tc • $UNO Pl•lnlllf VINCC NT W!ATHElt8V 1ulu d•IMrtt In lllt llbOwt· enlJUttcl 1ctlo" H fol lowt CASl NUMtHlt · OmlO»ll • ._.. .. ~ ,. •ill •lllftf lfll, '"d lneonv•nienc• 116,00000 f 111ot1on•I dletreu Sl.500.00 ==~-(to Nt•) 12,500.00 htwt Mtdklll .. ,..._ (present v.itue) S2.SOO.OO loss of lulure urning ~apacity (preunt vahtf) S2~00 Dotes av..s1 2, 2002 /S/ JOSl'H M. TOSTI Newport Bf'ach C11sla Mna Oaoly Pilot lanuar y 'll r ebruary J, 10, 17. ?003 M6~ SUP9IOI COllT Of CAllomA, COUIITTOfOWGE 34 I n. Oty Drtw r.o.1u1mo 14171,0.-..,.,~ tUl~IS70 lAIOIUllX MOOCBTB rmmlOf 6llA AlJaTR,. Wiii ".-..s. en, SM., -'llcWeS.... FOi Wl5I Of MAii OIDB TO SHOW CAUSI FOi OWIGl Of IWll WI -A217otl lO All INTCRf S ICO PERSONS I Pet11loner CI NA Al. BlRllNI on beh•ll ot m1n0<s ftled a p~tolton woth this cour I for ' decree chang1111 name\ o follows .a ) CARTER CHRISIOf'UI R STUART STfVCNS to CARflR CHlllSfOPHI R AlBlRTI NI b l NICHOt.AS MOR CAN OAVIO srrv1 NS lo NICOLAS EUCENf Al. BERTINI 2 rHI COUR 1 OROf RS that •M per -.on\ onter fst,.d on this m•ll•• 'h•ll appeu befon! tht\ (QUI I •I the hur ma 1nd1clled below lo 5how caus" ti any. why the pelotton for 'hanae of name should not be vanted NOTIC( or Hl ARING Date March 18. 2003 Trme 2 00 pm Dept L73 The addreu ol lhe court •S ume as noted •bov• J A copy of this Ord~ to Show c<iuse \hall be out>hshed at lu~t once each week loo fuur 5UlCHS••t wetks pt1or to Ille date set for hearln1 on tht petolt0n m the foNo"'tnt news P•Pet ol 1•m1nl (lfCU labon. P"nled on thos county N1wp0ft Beach Co51• Mesa D•lly Pilot. 330 W. Bay Street. Cost• Mesa, CA 92621 OATI: JAN 01, 200S JUD8l llCHAH 0 . ntAZH, SI., JUOGf Of THI SUnaJCMI COUH Published No1porl Buch·Coal• Mesa 011ly Pilot J•nuary t 3. 20. 27. r 1bfu•rv l. 2003 M606 ' ........... ... s...... The followona persons 111 doin& business u . Americ an Auto Ea chllft&•. 441 .._mmon. Coste Mesf. CA 026:.17 Aineriun Allto h • ch•n11 Clult (CA), 18746 R1cquest L•ne, Hun· ltnrton BHch. CA 92648 This busonus os con dueled by a cc><porahon Have you s t"led do"'I buslntu yet? Yu. 1992 Amertc...n Auto f • · cllln11 Club, loo B•ker. Prnldent Thl1 statement wn ftled wilt! lllt County Cle1ll of Oran .. County on 01/tO/Ol 200Htt92H Dilly Ptlol Jen. lJ, 20, 27. Ftb 3. 2003 M619 flcllm .... ... s...... rh• lollowln1 p1111on1 Ire doln1 busint-\ n · Pelu1o n 's Cl•nle V.chhn1. IOSS Rtcl4•111 A111., Coill MIMI, CA 92626 ltobtft Ltltnd lttltf IOI!, 1~5 Rtddl"I A11' . Cotti Melt, CA 9~26 This buslnen '' con· dllcl•d b tn 1"4lvldu•I Hn• rou slMIMI dolna bUtlntn 1•tt Vet, 1 I OJ Robtrt Leland Pettt• q" llllt \t•lttntnt w11 f"'41 wltfl tfle Count, Cttfll of Ottn11 Cotntr Oft 01/10/03 ...... ttl77 D•ltr Piiot ltn 13, 20, 17, ,. 3. 2003 M607 MUCATION Pubht heat1n1s wlll bt '1eld l>y lhl' Co•ta Mr"a Pl411n1n11 Commossoon .11 City Hill 17 F.11 Ortv~ Cu\I• Meu C •hfotrt•• at & lO p m or a\ \oon d\ po•\lble thereafter on M-doy, Jebr-ry 24, 2003, regarding lh~ followonr. apphcatoon~ I M1•ler Pl1n Amendment Pll OZ 06 •nd Planntrd S1an1n1 PrOl(ram Amendm.,nt /A 02 08 for I •Ill .and A''oc ••les author 11ed acenr tor c J s,.a•• sto om .ind Sons to drmoh5h ioppro11m•t•lr 95.4S6 \quire lert of b111ld1ne area and cnn 5frutt an approxtmalely 95.83'! •quare loot rel•1I bu1ld111g !Kohls O~p•rt mt'nl SloreJ with • Mtnnr Cund•hvn•I U\tr Pern11t lo dtv1al' hum 'hurd pnt~me rt'quore m~nt' tor Mna Verd• Centi'! lr>rated at ?/01 Harbor Boulev.,d on • Cl S ind C2 lone C nvttonm,.ntal deter mo n1tu\n mtltr.•l•d neaa l1vt deG1arat1on !ht environmental document will be •va1labte for pubhc rtvttw ilnd tom menl lrom February '> 200J tc. f ebruary 24 ?003 al the fo1tow1n1 locations (a) Put>loc Counter Plannona 01v1· 'ron. City Hill. 77 r •or Omt-(b) Mesa Vetd,. L1br1ry ?969 Miu Verdi' Dltve Ent tc I Oun;:r County Publ" l1brA•V <Park Avenul' Br •nch) t8!J'> Par~ Av•nuf' II any ol the pretedma •Chon\ ••e ch1llen1ed on court tht c hallenee m•y be 1tm1ted to only thou "'"" 50meone r a•SB• iol the publtc hear1n11 descr 1bc-d 1n th!\ noltce 01 tn Wrtlten COiie spond•ntt delivered to the Pl•nn1n11 Commruion al 0< prior to the pubhc hu11ng r or fur I her on tor ma loon on the above •Poltt.•ltons. ltlephon1 (7 J 4) 7!)4 5245, 01 VtSll the offou of the Pl•n none 01vmon Room ?00 77 r •11 011ve Cosh Mesa. C1toforn1a Published Newport Beach Cost• Mts• 011ly Pilot February 3 2003 M632 RdtlM ..... ... s....... RctltiM INilss ... s ....... Tht followmat per'o'•~ arr dhlna b1J\1n11>~'!i ., Hume fu,I Mortc•~r 20t W I out Hwy 120'; Newpor I St.ti h C.A 9766l M•rtnrr) C•P•lal Int (CA) l 4ll W r,,.,. I Hwy #105 Ncw11•tt I Buch CA 92661 Th1\ bu\•r"lf" \ t\ tun ducttd toy ~<or po"''"'" tlav• yuu \l.\tl"d d"'"' bU\lltP\\ y•I 1 'ft\ l I 02 01 M~11nrr\ C•potal 111< Sten UI""' Pre\•dt'nl I h" 'latemtnl wA 111.,d w1lh th• C.nuntt Clt•k t>f ()r1n2~ Co1111ly anOl IOOJ 20036929260 Daily Ptlol Jan I J 10 77 F•b J 200J ~ IOTICI Of AIPUCATION TO SBUlCOHOtJC IMIAGU °"'",._.,,. ... -.YJOr2003 To Whom It M•y Contern The Name(\l of th• ~ppflt .tnl( \J " are KIM SONG Kl rhe dppl1t<1nh h\ll'd abOve .,. .uiply1011 lu the Oep•rlmrnt of Altohohc Bevtraet Con It ul lo \ell •lcoholoc beverat" al 2200 ~tARBOR RI \10 l l 10. COSIA Ml SA tA 97f>U Type ul ltc en\~(\ I Apphed tor 4 I ON SAU BH R ANO WINI (A TING Pl AC f Publl\hrd N,wp111 t Beach Cu,ta Mt'•' 0dtly Pilot I •hru.H y 3 ?OOJ M6JO Fkffees t.siitss ... s...... the tollowma pflr"'"" are dotn1 bu\1nu' as Mephosto Shoes t 727 Weslchfl 011ve Ntwpur I Beach CA 9?&60 l 1 Mo"• ( ol•rpr"" <CA) 1771 Wntcllfl Ortve Newport Buch CA92660 This bu"ne\s t~ cun dueled by 1 ci>fpo ... t1c1n Have you ,,,.,led dotn& busme\s y~t' Yes. 6 21' 01 La Moroa I nttrprt\t\ Mtclutl la Mor'" President This stalemenl wn fried with the County Clerk of Or.an11e County on 01/10/01 20036929273 Oatly Pilot Jen 13. 20, V. Feb 3. 7003 M614 fK1iliM INiKs -s.... ltlP lolluwrne per"""' lrt dtJln~ bu\tO•~~ "' , 1 R<> & Rot. S.il~\ b) R•i•LJ• ?0401 Rurln1n1 ';pr.nr\ l n llunltn1•tnn Hr .. , h CA 97646 Ro\em.trt•• C.illAnt Brown 20407 Runn1~ '"""~'· l •111 ltunlt"J 1uro e~"'c" t A •uM& hu\ bu\1n~'~ 1'\ tm rluc ltd t>y •n 1ndtv1du•I liAv,. you \la• tf'rl <101n11 to11•111• .. , ytt1 Vf'< 1<1 0 1 . HvHtTWro• C.•lt...~l Bruwt• '"" ;l•ltm,.nt w..-. ltl1td with lhr C:nti"tf t, '"'lo Ill Or 1rt1tt L'l>fnl)' <>nOI 10 01 20036929275 • 0•1ly Pilot l•n I J. :Z0 , 71 frb J lOOJ MGN Fict!IM .... u M.ts......, I h~ follnwoni? Ill'• '"'f-. "'' do"'" r ..... n~·{ .r 1110\k 1;~.011 1.~nl\. ~ IJv•ltuol Lant &lllM:l V1~1<1 Cdltfntnta 926~ • M•• J M•N•marl , 20. Ovalt0n l •n•. ~lt,l>• \lt"I" C•htorn1.1 976!.6 S1lhe M<Oon1ld &I?' 8ryr" l,anyc.n W'y Bou C:•ltlou11• 92R11 Th" bU'\lftt'\\ I~ t rJl1 du• trd l>y ' eent• ~I p<lr ln•r \htp - "'"" yuu •t.irt•rl dnrt111 , tlu'-m"'' vet' Nf'\ ., , '\•lht Mt O.ttt•ld lh··· •l•l•menl .,,..,. ltlf'd with t11• C<¥1N¥ l:l~rk ol Q14n11 Cuu~· on Olt29'0J • -' 2003693 IS 70 • (J.oly 1'1lol I eb )f.!. 0. II 7• 700J ~ Rditilll ~ -... llmeSI• ut· lhe tollowme pe~o05 •re dotne bu,tnus "" r.olden Hiil 11on £ nttr pri\l's 6?0 Ntwiior1 ' I.enter Ot1ve 11111 AQt>t Newport B•u h <.A • 97660 Gulden Hoozon Rull y In< ICA) 1'>760 Ventur• Blvd 7th f k>Df £ nunu CA9106 fh•s bn\lnl'\\ ,, <on duLlfd by 'corpor111tin lf1vt you \tAtl•d dome busmess yett No Goldtn Hur uon Rtalft, In(. Marlowe D Moy Stcret111 Thi\ st•tf'ment w~' • ltled with th• r1-1,,ty: Clttk of o,.nre Coo_oty , on 01/10/03 20036929271 Daily Potot Jin ll 20. • n r eb 3. 7003 M8ll : The l0Uowm1 persons are do1n1 busmen as Club Store l onk 48!> E 17th Street, Costa M•~. CA 9?627 Anthony John Sw1n. Ir . 543 Ahso Ave . Newport Buch. CA 92663 Eveeyday ~ a ~eat ooy This busmen os con dueled by 1 aener al par Iner ship H•v• 1ou started dome busmess yet' Vn,. 01/ 2S/2003 Lisa Swles This sl.alement wn toled with the Co1.1nty Clefk of O••nae County on 01/28/03 200S6tSU93 D•ilt Ptlot Feb J, 10. 11, 24, 2003 M631 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS? inCla&Wedl Be a part of it, place your ad tOOa~ (M9) 642·5678 . • • • • • • • • • • • Dcrily.APilot ........ . .. .-...-.:.• -. . . . ~ 1tUC. .. ' 30_, fo . Ut eat 1 ge,, at :>rt -640 tnl llrfl .. ~ ' if=, ... •r r1 ' . >r. .A y ,., u n )n ,, "' y ' . :>.• 3' -· Policy = • How to Place A ...---Deadline Rates and deadline) are sub)CCt to change without notice. The publisher reterves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified ~vertisemept. Please report any error lh~t may be in . your classified ad immediately. The Daily 'Pilot accepts no liabiliry for any error m an advertisement for which ll may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fust insertion. cLASs1F1E iJlD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ,. By Fax (949) 631 -6594 (Plcae lllCludc yow IWTW Ind phone nwnbtt and 1W' II cal I ~OU '-.). Wllh I po« quot.c ) By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Per son: 330 Wesl Bay S1ree1 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd Ii Bay St. Wednesday.: ............ Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5·00pm Friday ................... ThurM!ay 5:00pm Hours Saturday ................. Fnday 1·00pm Telephone 8 :30am-5-C)Opm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ...................... Fnday 5·00pm Index ANNOUNaMINTS & MISC. GARAGE SAll BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Cotldla,I Mlmcnl1Ull 1160 TM S$ 4 llCO.OS nc -. Qim:, £lc. 505 ' flh a Mic. s.:;., tube ""11' Mtke 949 645 7505 1505 lOST flMAll DOG Coste Mna. @ 22nd ' [Idea retflever shep ll«d mla, r1111 colo< whrt1 chest 4 white p1w1 Call 714 803 2843 SJtilt-Tat hn/Wt11t•. lasl SHll et Super tor /lndul trial, Coste Mna $500/ R•wardll 949 642 2100 F1JUnd 1510 fCQ9 DC>i, Sllort har ~dllH~.lb Hirt>«, South Coast Metro na. Mt-722-11" AlcUorll 1413 OW..~ Fwftltln 11'\AHOS ' CoAedlb&et ·~·~ ·-·-·Olla-.. CASH PAID M 2305-2490 IOUAl ltOU5ll6 OffOmllTl All rul nt•te adver llSlnl 1n lh•l ntw~1per ll \Ubtet t to the Feder al F 11t Hou\1n1 Act of 1968 '' •mtnded w ll•th makn •I 11•&•1 10 •dvtrl1~ ·any prefer e nc• l1m1tat 1on or d•\tflm1n•lton butd on rate t olor r eh&•on u •. hand1up f1m1h1t \latus or n,at1onal ot111n Of •n intention to mahe any 5uch preference hm1t1 lton CK d1\crtm1n111on • Th11 newsp1per will not hnow1n11y accept any 1dvert1ument lor real ntate which 1s tn v1ol1tlon of the law Our reeders .,, heieby 1nf0<med the! all dwell· 1n1s adver tf\ed 1n U11s n11np1per ate avallebl• on en •quel oppor tun tty bHll To compl11n of dis crllTllfllltbn Oii HUO loll· frH et I 800·424 8590 HOME IMPRDVEMOO SERVICES 2600 Mtalllnloa s.mc. 2I05 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS 40T. 80T. SAVINGS off of most prucuphons Cueunteed 0< 1t 1s free! Call our toll ITH num b•r. I 800-545 6972 (CAL •SCAN) HOME FURNISHINGS f11mlturt 3435 LIVING IOOM SIT Vlly pd ant. di, 2 c:lw'T.. ononwi. con.. 2 n Ibis. 24" rv MOO Brwllllase Sil .,.,.. ,.. W-./dtyfT ge.721).81~ ,.._._a.......,_ Dldll P9owtDp WI boa -~ anWttiDn ,... sd .. l*"llc w/wrn s.a1lt9 Sl» ~ lllbLESTATE llRSAU SOOS·SISO .... ,\ --. . .. r· -. . ! *SHORES itftiltoits*! mrSALE 5400 ! LIQUIDATION ! COUNTY * ~ A. I E' * Conlnldtl Mar ! ~· . ! Tall HOUSE * * SIQUDID UTllAT * CLOSING AntR * AG~~~:2~'11120 * JOYEARS * • llAUTlfUl • * Wic ker Rattan seating. *• * Lamps, Tclbles * and Much Moret * *2640 Avon St. Newport Beach* * Off Hl\t"t<;klt• & ~ti< Int C:Od'tl llwy * * 949-642-2255 * Dramattc Spyatass Hill uecullv• home No upense wH sp1r•d Febulous OcH n View. 48r Ottered et Sl.695.000 **************** Seller bouehl another home Must Sell J11~lt ... ,lkr '4t-J76-U76 C-tC•IA N...,_ Old Coins' Cold, silver iew.try, wstehls, antiques coU.ctJbles 949-642 9448 3110 • Adept. WWlllr Kitl81s. arts. does r., or lhrle, every Sit Sun 12 4pm Fashol Is AmW ~ Info 949·644 2279 -.... ~ .... ~ Otrf Wiii listrC 4 -"--"'-*' 3905 DATA ENTRY Creel Pay Fleubfe hours Hom• ..._., louted and turn- key lbr Zbl Ind und townhom• Buutlful ,,~ and I°" COllW ._ from W.. room. dmn end specious muter. At-.r..,.. ... ...... 7204900 Computer ' Mod1m LlgDnl llldl requtred FrM tt11n1n1 -------Medical 8111111 Network NIW U'STtNO I 800 382 4282 Eat 34 9'2 SUMMn WAY (CAL •SCAN) 0<1AM VllW ..._ .. • ~ 4br 2 51>1, prtrTM loc. Won @ ~ ,.. LC> 2 al pr "WIY ~ ID ~ Ptfl c.t Sl.J!J5.IXX) 24 In. llX).58>4312 ,,.,, c9I •l22-0!B2 -.a~ a Udolllt --tl~8 .. WIHll'S5f-f ~NK~lt-- Offlce 1,-ce IA Alce ON UOO tslAND 1ndusl park 1600sl 70' olc 1001 W 17th St, CM t4t-65o-tH7 IACIC IAY CINTll 2651 lrv1n1 Ao , aolf view. r•ta1I end of· lio av11I 714 573-7780 MJ'I OfJl<I "ACI 833 ~ () •14 ~ floor. wdWlcb olb. .... "*" 62IW ~~ SEU yout unwent.0 items lllroulll tlauHMld HACHCOOAGI 117VlAHOU 21tr 1'/• .. 2-c ~, ltd! & , ... <Ml JS a.t. SHS,000 Aft t4t-7St-050S w 714-.S07-4214 PllMIHTATIS ,ATaKl TINoat NATIOMW101 USA •••-aH-t7os www patrlc"tenore.com O<IA.MBCMfT llTUAT OClAM & IAY vtnn AMAZING LOW f'IK1 AOT. t4t-7tM129 DtaJJine Ftb. 12th • Vtdentine Mtss11tn Apptarint Ftb. 14th llilie •-'"- 4U.. 20 ~per nne. You may uae an• llMI tor &arger ads, c.11 an ~ l'9P todayl lJ".'N fllllM it 1 FAX this form to (949) 831-6594 Nam.-· ______________ _.Phone No .... · ---- Slgnatu~~· -------------------~ 8111 my. viea ___ _.MC._ _____ _.A/f ____ _,Dlecowt--- Crd c.dt fwp. a...,_. ---- • 7402-7466 l 1nd cr til l' Sen·ice Directory Banner IO Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week POr Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 O<IAJfRONT '1Xla NOT FOi THI fMfT OFHLUT AGT. t4t-72J-1120 fAIUlOUS llACH COTTAGISI FAIUlOUS NIW,OIT llACH unsnu 11 New 2-Stwy Hr 21, c1 1 .. ; 1r,-m.11 "> $150,000. ae...i.i.421r2a. ( U 144XXU/XX) SU,000. Wa1ervlew 21r 21a w~flre .... ce 52005.S) 91,000 UASIDLAND OHN SUN 1-5 New hst1n1 Updeted on 1reenbelt 3br 2 5ba custom1Hd $569 000 OP'INSAT 1·4 t SICK y Ville on aolf touru lbr Iba hll• new aattd tomm pctol. w0<ko11t rm •oralk to Balboe Is /shop' A1t '365. 900 Fee 949-632 6489 ,llMI ISTATIS ,ATIUClt UNOll NATIONWIDI USA t4t45'-t705 www pelucktenore com MISCEU.MEOUS ROOALS Af.SIOENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula llr 1 .. w/'willftt. New ~t-yrly i.-e. 206 1. I.._. llnlt "5 S 1000/M..tt. ASSOC.IAflD awn t49-67J-HU Jll 21A-lONG TltM le .,w, w/4, $2000ttoe 1117 w ... ,1.., ASSO<IATIO IWTY 949-67.S-HU Corona del Mar C.Ufw...-ltmfteAt OeAta.a ~ V-.. Rlfllll To Shin 6030 (t4f) 6>'.s-1 U I •S. ef Hwy upper 2br Iba. wd hkup, I 1111 sp Sl650 •Sltr llHI, wd hllup I aar \P SI 950 Wl e.p.. 967"lf>T.!i4 •0,.-s.t/S-1-4• 2s..c .... Rare Su Island JBr 3Ba end unit w1tn e •••• looll1na out to Sitn•lure Hole 117 $875.000 0< lease at 14.500 ..... ~ .. l ..... t4t-Sff4tU IASTStDI II•'. 1... llAUT OCIAlt & IAY \mall h1VlR , private VllWS 3Br 2Be upper entty w/d. uttls incl duplu I c ericl aar S77S-dep 949 548 0871 $3200/mo 714·998·0948 P#' on ll'e b9y, ~ ID bd\ 1"IQlll. ,....... ec.. Illa. ~ IJ'it be. ~ c;_,~~7123 nr 2'h. 2t: pr, petio w/d d/w new apt. petrit ..,_ unit 'Z'D h 20!'1 St SI 795rno ~ nJ.1186 M•r911e rlte Jlr /21• luaury relurb home S3250rn. Mo. '-• rear 2Br 181 -urpet ' !*It SlJOOrn 9&7~~13 am 21»' a. dole ID !ht i..tl,pabo ~ .-.... ..... roam ..... 9&613-711Xl I_...,. Nwpl H&hl' I I I r l!e Cone• ., up~n ~ 3Br ~ ~ dM •••w Pvl pelt ~rro<irt LR DR roy rm Fp '"'O "'''" on -Pf'\. w'2.'lr1& p~t10 2c i" quiet wd Sl20Cm ~.262 ?I Il ·~ 'Wj.S.CS.5£,46 Udo tste Studio. I me IO Otl\ Ill lied< •lbcn vu ~ laadt c.tt.p • 1• I• llll1d access ,., ~'brc:t. 2 c 1•r tol•I em «I ol&I S850 ~7!1D beach & ltnn lull 1 l r'a from $875 mo I S2800 mo 9'9 M.l 7 lJO w pr ill lovely eated ..__.Bead! comm near Tri· SQu¥e. "" .. ,,... ' frld&oe Indy taalrty l\lelrl Mnct. m 704-8649 • 9'lOO Newpert •creu the .-28r I 56a ear no pell. SI 195/mo 166!> Irvine Ave •3 ~9 7'1D ~22 f1trnt.lt.., Sltert· T er"' leAteh Oce_.,.,., & i.ytr--• Av•l ... leN•w ASSOCIATIO llAl.TY 949-67) uu .. ~ MW tarplt. • VIAil Y * psrt.. MW cl/W ' ,~ I LlASIS 2c pr w/d "'--" ID Bill CFIU ND't' RFAI TORS latrerounds av•~ now 9t9-6 7S-'1'1 SIGVmo act.~ 714 2t1~ I SUFMtl s 1,"5. Do..ttJilo ~ Suctm Perittto.n.t UOM '-" ,_..._., ~ Al f'tew tnteiw:r. 2br • Oen 2ba poof Ip ~ c.ornm A I Gyn lush patio I t aar no , ,..1 1u HollC ~ ACT pet S1600 949 631 6239 ,..9......,.no (' ... l..t& Er house. F p -clll del pr w d ~ -. 21r, 11• CeM!e. Ctltd yd rVpets. 2J6 ~ '>"ala community pool uppe1 Slmro ~n9-21!il w I>•'' ""Y no pth $1995 mo 949 67!> 7200 ~ 4b 2ba toa a.;o. dHac. bnYnv~m ... 1!1prd & ..... pd ~ vrA. nAD Pih S21!il +dllp 11~%1*' Jlr,2'/ ... ,......_, all llr n s P•I o~ \lo•e w o n~up A C S2100 mo 949 8!>9 797 3 -., D YES, .... MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this . form with your credit card # or mail with a check todayl Run for a weekl If your car does not. sen . we'll run It for another week FRIEi All for just s20· . AllltO..,.,..._ .... Modlt----- . I A 12 Monday, February 3, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD Pl:JZZLE · ACAOSS 1 Twio ol beet 8 Sliul'1tv OC*I tO t.Vrey Clf Rn t4 fra~ '~~ t8 Mclver1111C1 .Ntt.M 11 Wllif lll~rn..StiM to W1eno1 Sdlnlllllf D&llf! • <'I> ~·U1t11oeen1 22 S•ICI• lo:JO:,...,.y 21 l e"""' ?4 P•lllll )6 Fa~;e front :?9 lrwl-J<llltle l•d J3 GrOU<>ded b11ctt ~ Oue.iion J6 One, "1 Mun.cit 31 ~s µrWlolin :l8 Cv<tt;. '"~ 'f' 81 Miiiie~ 112 Stiv cree1uro 83 Org IQr OWi 50• 64 A"""'MI MGl.ITlm= 88 leugh 87 6-.. DOWN I Splendor 2 n 1z0era10·11 ooec 3 CloU-s11 .... s11 4 Sd18<luleo. ., l lkft old blni..t 6 Plenty 7 Younq i.anQaroo 8 P•n ol • Cltc!e II Thtng, on law 1CI Go IOIVll&rd le ....... _ -o,,,.,. . c ~l~or111119c -42 100.Xl"O pl~S "-4 P•flo COUSl'l 11 TitUmtlS-00..n '«>'• 12 Und•llJted 31 Malle ta- 32 Slinks 50 FfWll s 1 'S14r wa,. 4:> ho~IUll ., k~--""" 19Wrlht,fthf 13 "'11ul OraM! s 'Cle.:ltor 2• OUI 1rnade oo ... th) 22 f(Jlbod 2 .. .io..oe 35 Exctalmcd OVef 41S~e 42 TV news llWf'Ctt 52~ S3 Mold:'t.1 54 OWI081 -·ElllHl 5S lnk1lr>9 56 &!es ll<•;&t!phrit-; 511 " .... 2S Hiom.natoo 26 Thoyl> bo<le 43 • -8 Lady" (Tom Jones "1ng) 57 S.menen 59 POke 4"' For 51 SMl>e9 up '.A C:ilh11q o !>II I O\Ktlt' p<<:t\IO~U !,~Oft ~ \i~; ... 27 LUIQI 5 !llfTl(lnoe '28 From Havana 29 Smol<Od 3~ ti;im J(J AdOJ IO N II 40 un:ielO of tllC NBA 00 rtair tor musk: ~8111$ DelOVed ---------I Npl ..... 4-.;;:-ib;. Newport Beach '<1ocJ<.1 1 1.1 th.. ' '" W•I bat " lam rm t..,. 31r 210 I "' Ha1 crpt p<1t '" & ool 1 vi I ~~11f1t•11•r "'-tf .. MfW"ill~ IW'W 2 f ~d. Sl95CJrn 1 nn1on o t'•• 1 ~·11ul. w gatdt-rtt..'4' 949 64b ff>')4 s )llj •.111, .11 •,1 ~, e.g c.a..,... cc-;;; ,..,.;;;: 'Ill l>a lutly f1111. 2 r HI' si-.. , h ''·' no ,1tl.td1 "'• hlf,tlly l4ll!J~. i>•••t •·•'!.,I t ' K • Ip Sli\.0 CJ4<J '>10 2569 wit I• , 14; c,..i.. S,>;":1.r - _..,, L<" <41 •'4!> +ti Single Famlty Ra.Iden<• I lirwrou SHOAis OCH t. IAY vr£W a,, ON JHl WATIR ., , .. \ ~ 4 ...... rwrwtd 41r 3.51a, 2<• lJG'"O~ ' 'Ii ""' • i1' ft. •• s;· ti •H I~> ~ I S3400/.....,tt. ASSOCIAJlO RWT'Y 949-673-3663 BAYFRONT ·Community Harbor Views f 'ecutrve 18R, 18A, $1900 Spacious 2BR, 2BA $2J50 Ufle Plime l'ltSos • 'T1\ed ttatltn • Canaa Wood Bul'llq flreplacet • Private lead & Manu • S~rtllac Swtmllll& Ptll r&ad Tn1plc.al Laackppln& • Secolldl to Wboa Island, Ba~e ~oPPlnc Center, 'Ukloa lllad & c.otoM cW Mar Newport M.rtaa Apt. Homes 919 8ayslde °""9. NewpM ....0 (949) 760-0919 eewportmaft- MG CANYON J8r l '!>b-; Jc.u e•r •Re 3000· \f $4?00/mo Many Otto.no. Age::t. 949-552-6700 Private Tutoring 7990 Employment 8500 Apart111enl Ma..-9 •,;- 6! lune COlf'P'•. ~ ~ta Mesa. u,..,ie prd d With handy """" op 28rlut1~~ 310.<.89-9111"> ( •l 2(l> Of !:,!• rtlSUnll! 310. 58!Mi I 'I"> A11lstant Property Mona9er PT Tue/Jhur F 11 8 JO S 30 Computer \<tvvy te~I will be iovf'n Very bu$y l.lSt P•ted offote rnu,1 hdvt op m Rut hl•lt Prop•rty ~ f W'ilwOn 111.w>d aru, Sift !>O/hr to ~tall Nei'd auto lor e11 •nds F a1 onlo to 949 760 04 IO Bridge Sy CHARLES GOREN ltlth OMAR SHARIF hnd TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO ~KU' BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • Vu loclllble. you huld: Q 4 • Both ~1llnenf>lc. )OU hold •087 /\6J ~ QU2 •Q6J Putncr ope!\) lhc blddini with one duunond Whal do you n:spuoJ? • KQIHJ Q4 (1 98.) •H Pattncr ()pen~ lhe btddm& wuh ont nu lnlmf>. Whal do you rapond? A • II ywr ooolhom u1eludc 'l()flM.' lunn of ll'Umlcr buh. by all mcwu employ that method m 11e1 tu lour ~padc\ OthcN 1-<. 'unpl)' bid whllt you CJl.jlCCI 10 fllllKc ruur paOe' That dcnie' .1.V\:aler ambitions. M> panncr mu,1 p..1.~ ~ 2'· A' Soulh. vulnerable, you hold •AKll4 KY llJ •AKJ6 5 The bidd1n)! hll'> Pf'Ol'c.'Cded: son H \\'tS T' NORTll lA ... ,. I • Pk" I PltN. What do you bid now 1 A · You h.l\c no tOcJ on Y.l\at •lnlln llf ill Y.hDI lc\CI thJ, lwnd bclon~'· '° Jun '1 takl' Jway your own bid· Jin)! ruum .,. 1tt1 .i jump tu two 'p;...Jc' One 'p.Kk " Jlktjua~ llhould p.irtncr I"'" thut. "'' doubt whctht'r )Ollf <umboncd llt•ldin)! " !-!••Ill l'nOll)!h ll)( j!illll<' Q 3 · Bo1h 'ulncrnhlc. _., !-.1•1.nh ) ou hold A • OOviou\ly, it t~ 11 choice hct" ccn rw,1ng dtanlY!llb and biddtnii ooe no uump. With 1 pcrfoctly 0 1.11 h.1.nJ, 10 pOtnf\ 16 )'llUr 11\aAllllUITI for U n:~pon-.c of c>ne no trump. u11d 11 c:bcnht.-.. th1• h..tnJ pctfQ..·tly Q S • Both vu lncrublc a\ S11ulh )'CIU hold • Q 111 5 J 6 J IH •A (,I 10 6 5 Ilic htddtn)t hll~ pn ... ce.-Wd SOlrrH W E.<iT NORTH PltM ' t'1il» I• ltdbl 4 "*'"" ~ What a1.·1mn Jo you 1.ikc r /\ • Yuur n:Jnoblc n.~u.-,t<.oJ p..ittncr 1.i let you Jc.~ 11.k wh.il tc) du °"'" llcre. howcvcr, the olUCltOtt j, JI U h11-?h lc\el 1""'1\er nllfhl havc Opl:tl\.'d hght to 1h11J ....-JI .l1ld ~t'llJ .:annol Ill' 'lire .,..h< ..... • hdlld 11 '' P'"'· and a1~1h•~"~ tu pnnneo tf )OU hJ•C ml\....-J J lat 1~n.sh~ "' ~.ttll• <.} 6 · 1\, \uu1h. •olrwr.ihle )C•U hnlcJ • \ 11111 A K 7 6 2 Ill • .\ t.. 5 4 • 'i A K J 7 I> l IC 6 ~ .I " t.. I> TilC hoddtn~' h,1\ prc,.,cci.lcd NOlffll J. \ST SOl 'TH ~HXl I 2•• ' •1n1rmwdbo1t "'hJI do ) OU htd 0ll" 1 WhJI do \\lit hod nu" 1 A· llJ\C Hiii b..~n d~on)! "' nwk.: ..t JUmp 'hoft ' l ie~·, )iiur <hlill<e Utd thn:e dutr.. Nu mancr what panncr doc' nt'-.1. 'upport 'p..tJ<•, Tildi not tHll)' '"°"' J f1'l" rtful tund bul ''n'nfly 'U~fC''' d ''"!!lc111n on lhc unt-11 -011 A • 111" "'"" i:.i') i'<<''P""-' lhr•~· ~' ~lfll.C )<lU arc Jn unp.t\.-.Ccl hantl. th" " lor>:tnf. II IMllner ha' no ltl..1nt! 1111 li..-an,, )t'lll .: • .in '"ll!>Clfl diamond~ al ~111.1r J'l('~I tum The r.;o.·1 th..tt f..a,t h.i, 'h<"' n -.<•me 'ln:n»lh lkic' no1 .h,1n!!~ thc l11n:ini: n.1111r. ul }Our rl"'fl""\t" hthelldon/ M as1a9• ~The~ Body Beaut• ~ ~ a loyal kno~ CMlmll led. .trld pron Pll'¥l" to jlt01l#m body treatmenb "' our pr e<>l!pill'> slrmnw111 ~.... lop s.AJTy "°' 114) tndt~ l.ol 949 640-4483 FIR[ YOUR BoSS' Kwok Kf'r b 8u''"~'s Laytn& ron t tnuou"> c untr ett turbon~ (qu1pm~nl , tra111one. marketme with bdtk up and support Don I wait \ome aru' sllll o1••1fabl~ I 1166 ?sa 5Jl2 WWW kw1kk11b lOm (CA1 ·s~c~A~N~>~~-­ NICC Seek• n Fr-I Office ren°" Tue F11 Ben~loh Apply on per~on Mon r "· 9;Mn Jc>m 1600 l Cod>I Hwy Newport lkh or••• res949 644 SO!>/ COV(RNMfNI KJBS Woldftfp .Jrld Pu\till 4811• per v .... , r ull benf'lth Pdld lrdtntt11 No e•P• 11•nte nece<,ilry F 01 •PP •~•lion And eum cilll toll free 1 '888 778 426b .8~ <CAl •SCAN) Greot Clips For Hair loolune lor Manaeu Au"l.tnl Man•1er & Slyl"t on Cc>'U Meu at Hdr bot & Addm\ f °' info ••II Sar 114 317 2.3.lS wtm .... HOME M). Slmn.. PT j~ hr/"*, $25(»$1U))no 21}+ hr/"'41 free Bl 111.hen an CJ; 1-RCH WWW n<a.a<"-........ you Cllnl W(JAI( ON M WATER R~ oodwbtl to _. 11 lllillrtllC! aper. atJOn Wltll i ~" p!!qlle skJlo.. & L'DOd c\6lom!f service Weekends req1.9ed F.x r~ att. offa 9$6681(13 OfRCl ASSIST P1fl e•p to AW wfr,m ottu rubes. E•P wiMS-Off1o. Qln BM<\,.._ ~5pm Mr F~ I e5llmf' 949-8!>4-2104 RETAIL -- VAUNTINfS T eMporary Help ......... 2/10.2/14. COSTA MlSA 714-540-3135 bperlenced lndlvlclual w ptoHn re~ord to m•n•er F &I/Salo Dept for Oran&• County \ Ld•k•'t 1ndeptndent luaury & unln auto dul.i establl'h•d tn 1984 lt1&h volume, no rate nt&ht\, b•'' lo~• t1on, erut btn~lll\ Fu r numt to 949 12 I 8808 Pholhp' Auto I no W Coast Hwr. Newpurt Bch Salon IOOTH HNTAI. Costa Men beauty ulon RHsonable Call Al 949 645 0662 IN-Rill Sprvy ,., ~ In CdM ,_.,. Pwt lime ~,._ fledJle hD<K\ 949-719 2896 A.\11 ,,,, M<itt JOIN OUR TC AM .. nd make a doflH•nce In th1 Callfor Ohl Army Na11onal Guard you c 1n &et mon•y for 'ull•i:• •nd t areer tra1mn11 t.1111 I 800 CO GU ARD (CAL ·~AN) TRAVU U.S.A. Publtu lion Sal" Co hormc Ill \harp enthus1nt1t ondr• lo trav•I enhr@ US ha1ntne. lodaone and loan\pOtlaloon furnt~hed Return 11uar anteed l -U7-278-73S3 Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '99 A4 2.8 991, m1 n••l•ll• 1ree11 11rey lthr CO mnrl fully loaded, hi\@ new .,6?4521 SI 4 99'> ton & w•rr ... ail B l\r 9 4q ~86 1888 -ocpo\.l.ce111 IMW '82 521e luolo.•.1ood run' eood1 /(){JI.. mil• S:.>'.>00 949-650-1217 HOME, HEALTH AND SUSINESS ... -... ' IMW .S-. .,, dlrll ll'llr' twl, Uy loedld. 6 ti Cd. ,.. ti"~ a"' UD ml ..,. f>wfedl $11,m 9&2JMCll IMW 'tt H31 c- 5$1>d, Ut ml, •llvv blue/ 1rey ltllr, hHtttd 1t1ls., lull ftlci w1rr, wperb, S2l.995 firm 11362421 fin evtll. IJkr 949-586 1888 -.Mp81.- IMW 'H 5401 lOOk ml, bl1ck/blk, be.utllul orlein•I cond f1n1ncln1 • w1111 avetl vf249762 $9,995 8111 949-586 1888 IMW '99 74016911 .,1, J~r warr 1nfl, iilver / ii••Y lthr, CO, hh new cond, v579241 S25,99S fin avaol. 8kt 949-58& l888 -w.oc,al.c•M IMW '9t 7401 .... Ml, 3yr wa11 1v11l, silver/ 11rey lthr. CO, Hile new e<ond. 1(!)7924 1 $25 .995 Ion avatl Bkr 949 586 1888 -------Codlllec '02 OeVllle 2411 mo. full f1cl warr wt11te/O•lmeal lthr, CO, OnStar ~ystem, chr m whls, vll8:'7!>19 $14.9915, \.IVI $21)1 8lu ~ Ulll www.•<f'Olol.ee111. <...-... O.Vlle '99 Gold F Uf111St 4'>11 mt, le1th..r, 1 .. ~ new I nwllt'>" m""t '.ft! s 18 'JOO 949 219 (8j4 Cadillac f ldordl '9! Mont. ~ cJ-rome whfs. ll>. 47 _smr. Mnl $17 '.(.(! ~tm~~IJ C•dlllac '.l'l Sevllle look• and dfovu not~ v1!>48% Sl37S obu l.M Orr Rlfh.tr d 949 646 7812 Chrysler '97 a;;.,, 6ryl Juto A;C, lt pw pOI. dun v3?1S98 S«lS CM Dir Richard 949 640 1872 Oodg. '97 ln~epid 3.Sl. .. 1 aA. cc loitded, lleAn "'19'l864 $3995 Rooh..-d (;(...ta ~ ti. 949-646 MO Ferd ' 93 h<"1 l X Wholf' 1911< m1 •ulo 011~ ow11., iir HI corid Sl400 1.hrt\949 '>15 ?794 fottD lSCOltT SfDAH '98 II~ n•. •lllll ow""" !> 'P@ed ~nu~I •Inf 1und $4,.9:) Vl'u 94CJ l.<ll> 8131 ----FOllD EXPlORBt SPOST "99 &.A we~ •ll•n• CrfAI I llndll100 w~11 m•ontJl!lf-<I Powtll ~JC.Ii wn;-. cu jlilly6' $9,001 9'1'~ U> l'j,I YOU MUST SH THIS CAR. VOY OJAH. Ferd ' 96 larlerer Sf•oll 2wd A I mnfl blk l"Y 1tt11 v4''?136 S!>9% CM i. R..11.9 d 96641> ffl:l2 FOfd ' 94 Muslo"9 V6 Rf'd 5spd •• u dlluy' ~ c""1n l l99!> v71~ CM 0.-RaJ,.d ~ l!fl'l PMIUWSAUTO ·~-.. s.x , ... ,.·oo Soeed Yellow 121' mlln (119005) $63,980,00 IMWHSls c_,..•ts 8 tac:l1·•ulo·low mites (t l.15781)$12.980.00 IMW 7401'Se.._ ••• White w/JMirfect creme le11hu ·cerh f,.d BMW !>4k mllu (18730) 127,980 00 IMWXS 2002 Whll• Factory Preftllum Wheel\. (18920) $42,980 00 IMWZ3 Cettvertlltle '96 Red w/lmm1teulele black lthr 5 speed (•18710) $12,980 00 J.,.d hpecllllon '99 loaded. nice family SUV, whole lo m1ln (U8794) 118.980.00 Le .. n LUoo· Sedan '97 VS luAory Sedan lull power lulhert <•11U411 )Sl9,980 00 Por-1<he 996 Cour• '02 <;ea Grt!y Only IOK miles f act Warr I (#l'l020) $69,980 00 l'or1<he 996 Ceupe '99 01 ••n Bii•• only 4511 moles• l1ptron1t• <•1783!>) S-4 l.980 00 IMW5281Sp0f"t Sedan 'OO t:osmos er.er.. w Blick full f •''"'Y waor ty• t nw rnol~ • <•189!>9< )$32.980 uo Hummer H2 '03 '-•M• ereen w wheat 16•1hor Jk """" <•190401 S'>'l.980.00 Ja9u .. XJS c-vertllole '95 1i11-.t"h H.o• '"k Gt~Pll w pt'rlr1 t C rttn• l uthrr !>bl. n11 1t l8'¥>!.t 1Slll.~l 00 ......... lena SlSOO lteodster '99 Smok,.. '\•lvef w f'drchm•nt l •Jfh ~• Bnth l••lt\1 l!t'Auly I # 111961> S Ill 'l80 00 Saal> 900S '98 M~t,1111 R•d w '''*""'t"lnl.-rmr IJOIV l~k nt•lf'~ lll'.IOll1 $10,980011 F ... d Mu•lon9• cou,.•'99 \lb II'> 11•~•1 A 0 r1 ... yf"r f ull p.,.,_., 1 •18116111 S<c 'l80 Oil NEW2003 MINI COOPER! • LfASE FOR $249 per month + tai 2 al these ternis on appovedatcfil • S2500 Oown, )6 month clO\dd end lu~11. no ~• 'u111y d@posol. 10,000 moln per Y••r. lOe per mole 10< uce'' mil~' l C40921, 1(;41916 • LEf S MOTOR! lfS FUN ............. ~FREEWAY @ £00;(',[R SANTA ANA AUTO MAJ..l (888) 823-9808 ...., .. 5 ~a-....­l 11> 4(4 V8 5 Jl .......,.,..,, lltw ,..,V' ,,., 14698 WR> CM Ot Rl.h.lrd ~7&11 J .. , ... l ..... \(> 81~ mt. ptil1 tund 16.!nl olln Mllr.da .... (1"(, 1 r... ,..,1 l.Olld lu11elto(I ~ ul>l> di:.< 1ur bOll'I 949 ~n Daily Pilot MercetlH 't6 1320 7lk ml, whll•/oalmul lthr, •nrl, CO, bHut1ful cir11 '°""' "415E1621 118,!Hi ltkr 949 586 18118 www.ec, .. l.ee .. M ... ~e4o• SOOSl '00 l'lebrun. ..... """· 'lint cond, AMO spor1 piickap, full WWI 6 ht Sit( lr~•llblit. ll( mil& $52,IXXJ Cal 9ot9 6'2·:Ml17 E -me• bedlsbu@a.ol com Men e4H 'II S60 Sl white/tan omrnac o'llLC, n.n 1r• ,...,. DI ~ dn.n ... $1!:1.00l /1""1'>1 ~ NIHan '98 Se .. "a GU ltlle n•w. lo•d•d. •ulo moonr uol alloys, low 7 4k ml, '6500 114 7')1 ?464 Old11w.Aolle '9$ Aworo \18, om milt. loaded llhr . al, CXJ, 8411. ~ v43472D CM 0.-rw...d ~'/frl2 , .... h. '99 ••••• , Conv ~I lk mo. ~pct, white '11rey lthr, lull far I """" 1ta1 •ll•d non/ 'ITIX• like new v I l669'> $71,99'> 81>.1 949 'l86 1888 www.ocpalol.com R-1• Rave• '99 4.0 H[ Jiik m lull f,.. I ,.,.,. bl~< k I 111 llhr bl•lk p1pone. 1>~•111 01111 • ono SL6 99') v4742 l8 "" ••J• ""' 941J'.Wi llll!ll www.orpolol.com ltange Rover '97 4 It HSI f.Clll "" m~t;ill darti. ~' t"t" 1 n•I m.-di ltht 18 whl1 •• f.tbufuu' t •r labulou~ <•,nd Sl8 4'1'1 lornt v•l6Sl24 fin w .. ,. ••••I f1 kr '+''I '>1111 18811 Lancl 11.,,...-;99 fJ,...,.,.,..y Salum '9S Sl2 Rl"l. """"' S...te\ II l/k 1111 lull IMI •m Im I IJ 1 d' tnol\· w•rr bldt ~ nalm~ 11 dr"'~ ~·td $741'1 v/l'JMI lthr. du•I mnrl •r.ar ••• I CM 1.-~t .. d •_w+f)«, /Kt.' 1un111 \oh cp I~ lhnn whl\ Ilk~ n•w VW IUTU '67 New • n;><m Sll o/JS '" r I' ••nl d11ttl1 bf .. kr\ I ftn • .,,, I Bkr 949 '>Kt, , •~.ti ' •1 S?'JOO r11!11 !881!ww~0<1J•b1u,m Pv11.trly 114 1'>4 /Ill 1.anc111over .,..._..., '96 AUTOMOBllfS Sl7' W"1hw Ct N"fl. Rr-· .. t 1u11..,, ~ n•••• .... ~ MISCEU.AHEOUS ' ,..., ~""" ,,,.,,w. 6 en I <,,..,,,.. , .... \ddt'd. P<fl~' Wanted 9G45 .-Iii: 1 •M tally '>&. '" _ Sl!J 'H, 'WJ"'l/qllJ, ~ ap..-.. .,_... Leau• '00 l S 300 /7~ ,....,. «1 ff'A~ ••I~ """ l"'V m• •.11Vt>t .Cf"'"/ lthr i "'*' f I'' '"'"" hw f'•• mmt ( U full fttlnr1 1 • 'Vtd ' b •• P••I f,~ WtH f hr tiew v•'/>'. r l I ''" rll.C f ll I.AA RP't (: U Sii 't'I'• ''"" ftn av••I '"""''" A.n • "'°""" /14 llrohr 'J4'1 ')H11 J&Xll 41/ l'IJI '' 114 ~ Vl!C w-.ocp..t.l.rom UXUS 300 U '9 7 Hv· ''" ~ ... .,, I .10 fuU1 ~o 1ckd h di~~ Id 1if'(I~ I I l1fidrl100 ,.. "" 11.0. 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CAU. fOlt wwwl"'ll~matK~lld rnm w~qtalo~ on r•ll $11~./14l'>l24&4 DOAl.S. 949-4U7114 -~ ERVICE ~all your needs... ~ Service Directory Accounting NOTICf TU RtAOtRS t..;al1forn11 law ,, qu•r r th•t ct•ntr 11 let,. I I~ tntr J')b< th al '"'•' s~ "' more fhtltt1t or nMINlal\) ht Ill rn "'' hy lhe fontrartor· Slate 1r.~n· • ~nard late taw ~,.,. ,.quires lhal 1 onh tu tor<1: mt h•de ttlf'tf t., f'f1~ r1unibn- 11.1r. tll !fdvt"r1f'ml You • •n Oorrk th• 'lalus ltf WtHH lirtHl'ted ~ 11 "t, .. ( 1 {ff • ' 111ww 1,..'\•h •,, ~ov nr kfl{J 121 I \I 8 Unit r:e11",• d c r>nh •<tot"- 1 .. k tttf 1ob\ lh.11 101 .. 1 •• th•n s~oo m11,1 ht• 1n th•u •dv•r l"~menh th&t I hey 111 • not ht ens10 by th~ C:ontr a• lnr > State l" en·• 8u.ord • Qwldlle~• ,,., h c;i; .JI Ward "''"'1"9. Y-efflu er ... 1ne. 949 760 8023 Adlrtlons & Remodeling FAllT'HltG IN'TUQtS l<tlcti.n / 8""'° I Rtrmdel ~'tt. ~ ~ ~ 9lll.6469li5 Ataney StfYices ATTORNEY Ci~11 rn.llkrt. ~') i.... land ~. latld· 1.~nt,conm• t , uthCr •pccn'l<nl~ Z0 l t.lP R 111•hlc rattt carpentJy A TO Z HANDYMAN Install, ref au cabinets Ktldl(IVbd\/~ moklre Ool4! 114-546 7258 --.-Wa Units .-- Custom 811111 Ins, Crown Mol01n~. Bau Bo•tds l •577982 949-837 5642 Carpet Rtpalr~ln ~CAUETO-CAJt,lT(> R•parrs, Patch1n1. Install Courteous eny Stll jobs Wholualel 949 492 0205 Computer Services ::::. .. al .. r n/f.J I 'IUfor ~ ',::7'~Z~E:: I ·-........ a. ... c..t ... _..a- [949) 54&.959~ ~ping TAXRETTJRN ON\VHEELS C~I for frtt jUOtc 949.422.2863 I ((fftl~ 10 )"OU Molulr notary 6c I" "'le.le...,,.,, for •.mall ~"ti l'\C'Nin F aAllMW* • lUAILI f-'r Ow-'"' JO ..,, Aurotlolal Sima ....,. _ ,,._. _.., w y.,.11f's..o, (949) 645-4641 ..,. II fl• Concrete&Masonry lrlck llocli St0tt• Tiie Concrete, Pelto, Driveway r orrplc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs C•p Terry 714 557.7594 0.,,1(1 y...._ CeMrete & M .. ON)' Residenltal B11<k, Stone, Blodt., Tile l d 747448 714·965 2824 rile Cement M., Cementwork, Brick, Tiie & More. Rtlllble. No )Ob loo \m111949 !>48-6746 Construdn/COntrd NllO MORI ROOM? AOOrTlOHS ' REt.UlEl.I'«: l 11577982 949·837·S642 New Censtrudlen & R.....W.. Al Tredes. fr .. hhmatu. 30 Yeats hp l •3l7169 949·631·2345 Dmlop Pub11s111no TIMl OHOIN YOUaHOMI IMNOVIMINT NOJKT? Call a plumbet, palnler, handyman, 01 any of I"-If HI "'YKH ltsled her• 1n OUI Ill Vice dtr•ctoryf THESF LOCAL SVC PEOPLE C~ HELP YOU TODAY! Drywall StMca WITTNOllT DIYWAU All phesn &m/lr1 jobs CUANI 20yrs, fair, lrH .t. l«XX),Jj 714-639-I 447 Etemtcal Sefwlca s.. ... Mh,.nt Duncan a.ctrlc 2'Ms h p I~-~ ltmi'O'iM;~7W s-tc..Ntw, R•M°'411 ' RtpH. ,, .. btom•l.!.1 30 y..,,. £ap llfJJ7ll!Y 941 9,1·2J4!1 EJeCiriCll SeMces UCENSEO CONTUCTOR No job too sm. 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