HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,. -~· THINKING ALLOWED J Cowan wins day in council • compromzse S ometimes things just seem to work lhemselves out. 1Wo years ago, lhe City Council a ppointed planning commissioners by majority rule, ensuring lhat each council member could weigh in on lhe selectio n to the cruciaJ comminee. 1Wo years ago, Councilwoman Libby Cowan was part of lhe usuaJ council majority and didn't have to worry about the lack of poUticaJ sup port for her top choices. LOLITA HARPER And two years ago. lhe council rejected Cowan's suggestion to directly appoint planning commissioners and parks and recreation commissioners, saying 1t was emblernaticaJ cronyism and poUticaJ favoritism. So lhe council moved forward wilh replacing lhe enure Planrung Comrrussion tn one fell swoop. What followed was a chaouc parody of a game show. m which lhe dais sh ould have been equipped wilh buu,ers to indicate who was lhe first 10 make his or her nomination. Wilhout such a crafty device. city leaders frantically sought !hen-Mayor Cowan's recognition by bellowing to her to acknowledge lhem before all lhe vacancies were filled. "Madam mayor,• lhey would clamor. beating out a colleague by just milliseconds. The speediest speakers forced an up or down vote for !heir Planning Commission preference. and lhe first five nominated were appointed. This year. wilh anolher "improver" on tJ)e dais and no clear hnes of allegiance between council members. Cowan was faced wilh the very real possibility that none of her top commissioner picks would get lhe necessary three votes fo r a ppointment But she doesn't have to worry about that anymore. Thanks to overwhelming support from lhe cou ncil on Monday. Cowan and her colleagues will have lhe pleasure of appointing !heir choices without lhe unruly voting procedure. While Cowan said Wednesday lhat sh e has no problem wilh lhe previous See ALLOWED, Pae• M • . a1 S erving th e Newp o rt-Mesa comm unity s ince 1907 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2003 DON LEACH /DAit Y Ptto· Fireworks illuminate the sky at twilight where the new $200-rrnlhon Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall breaks ground. Razin g the bar Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COS1A Mr~ -Ton'> or destruetJve metal machinery were never as beauuful as thc>y were Thursday evening while breaking ground m cadence a1 the stte of lhe fu1ure Renee and I lenry Segerst.rom C .oncert I laJI Three gtant backho~. dnven by Rtch Holt. Fr.mk Fa..el and Andrew Maclnnl<,, moved m sequence under the direction of world -renowned mae-.tro Carl St. Oatr as Carl Michael 7Jehrer's "Velvet and Silk" played m the Performing A rts Center's $200-million expansion begins with choreographed backhoes Led by symphony conductor background. me rhythmll de-.trucoon marlc.ed the groundbreaking of a $200 rmlhun expansion of lhe Orange Count\ Performing Ans Center me choreographed effort succeeded in making colo'>c;al equipment, transporting heap-. of din. look downni;i1 gratt>ful It,. wa' an u11raraJll'll'tl 'cene m \\hit h :.!,000 refinl'd Orange c ount1an., .,hctred lhl' .,tage wuh n•fint.>ry appar.tlt1' .\n e'(J)lo..;1ve lh.,play of fin•wor~' ra .. 1 a 'P<.'l lal'uldJ gloY. owr the 1111m1tahlt' ewnt The earth-4'hattenng performance wa-. a p1vo1a1 'tt'p m pumng Orange County a1 tht· forefront of lhe an-. communtl\, offic1ah ~d Jerrv \1andel. thl' Center's president. '-clld the nt.'\' pro1ect will all<M the communtf\ 10 expand every performanct.> area 11 ha!>. "V\llat tt bnng!> ''the fine<,t venue for performance-. an~here m the country.· he '><ltd The new 2.000-..eal concert hall and 500-seat mu~tc: !heater will cuver 260.000 <,quare fl't'I and See BAR, Paee A4 School helps make wish come true Fund-ra is ing effo rts a t Ne wport Harbor High a llow Costa Mesa girl recovering fro m leukemia to take a Dis ney cruise. Christine Carrillo Oa1ty Pilot lhe music that blared through lhe gymnasium. She was tn awe of the students performmg and lhey were in awe of her \tarted fund-raismg to grant her w1\h, a Du.ney cnuse. which lhey presented 10 her at lhe assembty. 'Tm absolutely amazed lhat lhey've been able to raise so much money so quickly.· said Wendy Taylor. lhe club's faculty advisor. "I think tlus had more of a pen.anal (a<;pectJ to 1L, but ... lhey really juc;t wanted to give back and make la child! feel spe- daJ." Whitfield The students tn Lhe dub. which wa." ~tabl&Yled tn Octo· ber. dtd not truually know tha1 Hannah would be the child lhey were assi,gned to help When they found out, It provided 1hem wilh added modvaoon SEAN HILLER I DAil Y PILOT Hannah Whitfield, who is being treated for leukemia, is presented with a Disney cruise trip from the Make-A-Wish Club during an assembly at Newport Harbor High School. NEWPORT BEACH -l lannah Whitfield 's eyes sparkled with ex- citement as she watched lhe Newport Harbor High School cheerleaders, dance team and b reak dancers perform Thursday morning. She bobbed her head and ever so discreetly moved her body to About a year ago. lhe 7 year- old girl was diagnosed wilh leu kemia She has been undergoing a series of chemotherapy treat· ments ever since. in lhe m idst of this battle. about 30 students in Newport.i Harbor's Make-A-Wish Oub Little did lhey know that the child the foundation's Orange County chapter would assign to them would be a sister of one of lhe club's mem bers. Jillianne "It hits home because we're alJ friends of her sister, so ll was part of us." said Amanda Witt- man. vice president of the Malce- A-W&Sh Oub at Newport Harbor. "That's been the biggest thing. because we see it happening and See WISH, P .. e A5 72 HOURS A guide to w_hat's happening this weekend FOlK DANCING SHOES 1 A fMtival apon.ored by the Laguna Fotkdancen wtll feature dance wofbhoP9 with two master ~.The r.sttv.I wtll be held Friday through Sunday. Individual events cott from S8 to $ 12, end en entire weekend co.ta $40 Jn edvence or.,... et the door. The ewnt wtll be held et the E'*gn tntenMdiate School Gym, 2000 Cttff Drive, N9wpoft Beed\. For more lnfomwdon, c.n (714) 891~ ' A BUCK BUYS A IU«:H OF BOOKS 2 The Friends of the Newport Beach Public Ubrary will hold •A Budt A eeg• for boob. a used book &ale, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. s.turdey. Proceedl will be doneted to the 1000 Avocedo Aw. library. For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) 759-9887. A TWO-HOUR TOUR 3 Two-hour kayak tours with e trained naturalist guide ere offeted et 10 e.m. flYer'Y Sunday from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Raort. The resort It et 1131 Badt Bay Drive, Newport a..d\. $20, or $10 for Callfomle WltdUfe Campelgn end Newport Bay Naturalists end Friends member&. (949) 729-1160. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: ~.daf,pi:Jt.can WEATHER Bring the umbrella tonight See P .. eA2. BEST BUYS Ctl8Ct out the 1-test deals. S.P•A3 SPORTS Newport Harbor holds onto hope for teacher Colleagues and studen ts visit 31 -year English teacher Jerry Tagami at his bedside at Hoag. Christin• Carrillo OalfyNot NEWPORT 8P.AOI -For 31 )ft11. Jeny ~ has sparbd Utenuy interest in the impma.. aionable mlnds ol bllh 9CbooJ udentJ at Newport Harbor l ligb School And when he dedded IO open hJ.s duiroocn ~ to the Wottd of. anema. studtritl bishl eo pt a • A2 Friday, February 7, 2003 Daty Pdot ~TER ,. PHOTO COURTESY Of TALES OF BALBOA Views of Newport Harbor such as this one are updated every 30 seconds at ttie Tales of Balboa Web site. Balboa from a desktop June Casa1rande Daily Pilot E very day, the Balboa Island Ferry chugs baclc and fonh between the island and the Balboa Peninsula. Most every day. the Catalina Ayer takes off toward iti. namesake destination. Constantly. boa ti. of every size and type cruise back and fonh Ouough the bay. And now, people in do1.ens of countries throughout the world can enjoy the show. Balboa Bay West is the latest Web cam view available on TalesOfBalboa.com, a site that specializes in Peninsula life. history. news and happenings. "It's a really nice View of the bay. Breathtaking," Web master JLm F-oumier said. WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHArS AftOAT 1s published periodicatry. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e·mail to dailyp1/ot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College ls offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five w eeks In length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center 1s at 1B01 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailmg.com. Orange Cou nty employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beacn on weekdays to en1oy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a cnance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marine WeterSporta et the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical expetiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay In your cnoice of power and sail Jim Fournier's latest Web cam allows those the world over to check out the f erry and th e Cata lina Flyer This new view bring' to seven the number of Web cam views updated every 30 seconds or so on the sat e. Five of them are owned by other companies and individuals who aJJow Foumjer to piggyback off their Web cam for his site. Two, including the new Balboa Bay West. belong co Fournier, who operates the Web site more as a hobby than as a watercraft. iump the ocean swells in a Sea·doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ace and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. EJec:tric: boat rentals ere eveilable by th• hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boats. elec:tric boats, boogie boards, kayaks. inflatable rafts. catamarans, beacn furniture and w etsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours aN on.red by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite business. Paid advertising on the site is meager compared with the cost of the $1.200 Web cam in the cupola of the Balboa Pavilion. ~1 do it mainly for the personal satisfaction," said Fournier. whose Web site averages more than 900 hlts a day. "I love Balboa It's a wonderful town. It has great history. It's just beautiful. and I like to 'lhare what I see with the people of Balboa and the world." Web surfers from about 90 foreign countries have visited the site, and tha1 number keeps growing. Fournier said. His next Web cam on the site will probably be ln the same spot, the cupola, but will face east toward the mouth of the harbor, he said That's still about $1.200 away. 102-B .. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread. cneese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket. music and a Polaroid picture. Wine 1s also available. (949) 675·1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two·hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and cnampagne is $180. Pickup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Charters In Udo Merine VIiiage offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance offers dally tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of l ido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beacn. CRUISE~ Electric Boat Tours on.rs two-hour crulHt of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pick-up from restaurants with dodcs is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle i1 avallable for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost Is $500 forthe firS1 two hours, plus $150 for eacn additional hour. (949) 361·3640. Coral Wilton Pilot News assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral wilson lat1mes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Box 1560, Costa Meu, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stones, illustrations. editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copynght owner. VOL. 97, NO. 39 THOMAS H JOHNSON Pllbhsher TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING .Advert111ng Director I.ANA JOHNSON PromotloN Director EOfTIHG STAFF S.J. Cahn Managing Editor, (949) 574-4233 e.j.c.ahn l•timea com JenMIMMf City Editor, (9'9) 764-4324 jamamelerO/atirTHM com Rotter Catt.on Spotts Editor, (949)~ ~OIH1«xllllatinw com Joie J. a-toe M 0.rector I NMI O..lc Chief, 194911574-4224 ' /o# Mnto. llftl,,,.. com ... ~ fthotOSu~, , .. ,~ fCr1 phofo """'* com ~1 0 or NewsEdlton Gine Alexander, Lori Anderton, Paul S.itowrtz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAFf Deepa 8haratti Crime and courts reporter. (949) 574-4228 deepa.bharath latlmea.com June Casagrande Newport Beedi reporter, (949) 574-4232 june.caug,.rKJeOl•tlmn.com PaulC.lnton Politlcs and environment reporter, (9491764-4330 paul.cllnton latlmn.com LofttaHaf'I*' Columnl•t. culture ,.porter, (849) 674-4276 Jolit•.harper•l•tlfJUl!l.com o.lrdN Newman Cotti M ... reporter,(~) 51-..221 t#ln:Jre.~n•t•t/ffHll com CMlttne Cenllo • £ducat.Ion repottM, (949) 57~ d'lt1•1rw.e11m1to•1arim..com rt a r Kent Tntptow READERS HOTUNE (9491642-6086 Record vour comments about the Delly Pilot or news tips Add ..... Our eddr"' 11 330 W. Bey St .. Coat.a MeN, CA 92627 Off~ hours are Monday Frldav. 8·30 1.m. • 5 p m. CorTeC:tioM It I• th• Pilot'• policy to promptJv correc:t all error11 of substance Please call (949) 764-4324. FVI The Newport Beech/Co1ta Men Daily Pilot (USPS-144-800) le pubh1hed dellv In Newport Beach and Cotta Mae, 1ubectlptlone are 1111ll1bl• only by 1uti.crlblng to The Timee Oreng• CountY (800) 2152·9141. In 1ru1 outside of Newpott Budl end Costa M .... eubKriptlofll to the Delly Pilot are tv•ll•~ only by flret cl•M '"'II for S30 per month. (Pr!<* include au eppllc:eblt 11ate and local tax•.) ftOSTMASTEA: s.nd edd""8 cNngee to The Newport ~ M..-Deity P~ PO I HOW TO REACH US Clrculstlon The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 Advertising Clusifl9d 1949) 642-5678 Dlapley (949) 642-4321 Edltort.I News (949) 642-5680 Sporu (949) 57H223 News Fu (949) 646-4170 SpofU Fo (9491650.0170 E-mail: dallypllot latlmea.com Main Office Buslneu Ofrlce (949) 642-4321 Bu.in ... Fax (949) 631-7126 Pllbli1hed by Tim .. Community Newt, • d1vl1lon of the Lot An~._ Tlme.t C2002 Tlmtt CN • .All rlghta r9Mrved. a PS SF 7 rn s = a ,. THE HARBOR COLUMN A/air farewell to the harbormaster A ~oy. Tun noted could be used as a cheese planer when not hanging on the wall aboard Marlys boat The most useful gift I saw preseniec.l was a lifetime ~ on the Catalina Flyer presented by Sandbar or tht: All the digni~es showed up in style last week at che Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for the farewell of Many KasuJes. who retired as the Harbormaster of Orange County's three harbors. I call it a farewell Catalina Ayer. The Newpon MIKE WHITEHEAD Beach-based U.S Coast Guard cutter Narwhal stationed at the Newpon because Many is planning to cast off and cruise aboard his Unillite 42-foot aft cabin motor vessel MSlip Away" after serving with the Orange County Sheriff's department for more than 25 years. He is leaving at the rank of captain after being assigned various duties such ai. a harbor parrol deputy, county sheriff's department academy training sergeant and SWKf team member before returning to the harbor as the Harbormaster. Many made s1grufic-.10on contribution~ to the harbo~ and boaters when he took command. Being an active boater helped guide his management style. Under h~ leadership, the harbor patrol personnel are basically hand-selected to serve the community, and the department I!> now recognized across the nation. The pat.rol L' known, ~ I have mentioned in previou.'i columru.. for 1ts boat fire fighnng and traming otht:r departments It show" because all of the half a dozen boat fires a year have been contained quickly. A major lifesaving contribuoon il. equipping the fireboa~ with automauc defibrillator. 'itnce advanced medical help maybe a d1Stance awa} lne harbor patrol ~ the first resporu.e on not only the harbor's waterways but abo covering the ocean area off all of Orange Counl)•s coa.sthne extending up 10 three mil~ plus out to sea Probably the mo~I s1gruficant undenalcing and lus legacy is the con.'\trucuon of the new Newport Harbor Rescue Operallons Center complete with state-of-the-an dispatch center equipped with advanced computer naVtgauonal chanmg ~fcware that has already saved It~ My wife and I anended the evening. It ls always nice to see those you know from around the state. Coming the farthest was the state's Boaung and Waterways clirector, Ray Tsuneyostu. Ray drove down from Sacramento to present Marty with a state · plaque. Assistant Harbormaster LL Greg RusseJJ did a great job as the master of ceremonies and bad prepared a slide show to entertain the crowd. Tun Riley, Newport Beach's fire chief, presented Marty a dual-purpose city plaque that l larbor Department gave d memento of thanks. Orange County's Sheriff Mike Carone concluded tht: ceremony when he pef'j()nally presented Many with his retirement badge There were many in anendance, including, 10 name a few. was Avalon Harbonll&ter Brian Bray. reured Orange County Shenffs Department Capt Vito Fertauto, Randy and L.mda Goodman with EJectrJ Cnu...es. harbor deputi~ and some or Many·s family and fnend Afterward Many said to nw "I will ~all the wonderful people who I have come to know and the opponuruty tu -;erve as hatbonna.ster to tht· boaung and surrounding commuruoes. I fowewr. n<M I h.a\e the wmdow of opponuruty to retire and tmwl the adventure of a lifetime • Many'!> plaJl!i are to prepare tw. yacht for crw!>m~ wtth a few ~akedown voyages to the OW1nel bland5 before setung a southerly dlfl'Ctlon on the autopilot Many will not 1u\I clisappeM. as you will be able to follcJ\\ tw. adventure.. on my Web \lie ( WU'UJ.8oaJhoUS('1VCOm) ''hen I set up a "Wheres ~ip Av1ray" lml !>OOn complete W1 th e-rruul Bon voyage. Many and Rupert will nu.~ you TIP OF THE WEEK C,et to know the local harbor patrol and U>a.\t Guard personnel in your harbor. By knowmg each other on a first-name i>ai.&, we alJ can work together for ~t: and pleasurable boating. since we aU share the same paM1on of being on the water We are expenencing a sinful WUlter a\ those m the Midwest or back East chip ace in their harbors. so get out and enjoy the marlne environment Remember to file a Ooat plan or let ~meone know your trip plans for the day and when you expect to be back at the dock.s.. Safe voyages. • Ml<E WttTEHEAD l.1 the Ptlot't boating and haf'bor cokJmnllt Send him yollr h•rbot and marin&-relet.ed thoughts end ltOty suggestion• by .-mail to Mike Boatttou. TY.com or vlsi1 Boathouse TY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FJ>RECAST So thia ls it: our cnance at the first rain In some time. We'll enjoy a beautifully sunny day for the most part, with highs in the mid~, but douda will develop this afternoon and thunderstorms may begin late tonight. lows will be in the lower to mid-«>s. Saturday will also present chances of thunderstorms, w ith highs near 60 and lows In the ml<MOs. lnfonn•tion: www.nwf.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST TM winds will blow a light 10 knots in the Inner waters today, whh 2·foot wavee and • W9t1 awett of 4 to 5 feet. Out farther, the aouthet1y wlndewlllbtow5 to 15knota, with 1· to 3 foot WIVet end e WMt swell of 8 to 7 feet. The WM wOI be tnooUn*-d tNt ....,q. , ' a a -·-·- SURF The northWNt aw.ti builds today, to we'll ... some head><hlgh1, though we should elso expect aom e dlest.tilghs. Saturday will bedt down again, but we should ... some head-high• early. But rein 11 posalble late today Ind S.turdey, end In that Cite, the ooeen's tMlcteri1 levtf• '"' likely to rise. But If the rain aklps u., we can hit some wallt· to cne1t·hlgh1 on Sunday. Wtw quallly: llllWW.•urfrlO.r.org . TIDES Time 7:191.m . 12:38p.m. S:34p.m. 1:38 e.m. tWeM 1.MfMtlow 3.07 Mt Ngt\ Ult.et tow 4.1St.ethlgh WATER TEMPERATURE 69degtwe • :e::::e& ••• c a c Datly PtiOl ,J BEST BUYS It S time again to enjoy the orchids T he wor1d's most beautiful orchids are on display through Sunday at the 23rd annual Paldnadon of Orchids International Show Ii Sale. hosted by South Coast Plaza Enthusiasts know that its one of the most esteemed and largest orchid shows in the country. About 60 of the moM prestigious orchid vendors, more than 100 stunning orchid displays and 30,000 of the finest orchids are here. 111is year's theme, worchids and Wine,· ties in perfectly with the Newport's only winery. Newport Beach Vmeyards and Wmery, whose label is an orchid. An impressive display will feature the new label www.southcoa.stplaz.a.com YET MORE ORCHIDS Abo. Green Systems lntemadonal will be sellUlg thousands of beautiful blooming orch.i~ priced from $5 from 9 am. to 4 p.m. '>arurday. They make great Valentine's Day glfts. The wholesale nursery is at 20362 S W BU"Ch St .. Newpon Beach. (949) 756 1211 FURNITURE FOR CHEAP Von Heffiert Interiors is having its a.3rd anmversary sale through March 2. Great bargaln~ on furniture and home acces.'>One<> -pnc;e<; are reduced up to 50% Included in the sale are h1gh-qualicy brand names: Baker, Century, J lickory White, Maitland-Smith and exclusive l:uropean impons. Von Hemerts also offers design consulting. custom drapery and furniture and Oooring. 9 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday; 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. ~day Von Hemert's Costa Mesa Showroom is at 1595 Newpon Blvd .. Costa '-1~ 1949) 642·2050. HOP ABOARD A LOVE BOAT Balboa Boar Rentals IS offenng a "sweetheart deal" that~ perfect for SWlSet ~ on VaJennne's Day Rent an electnc boat for an hour and receive a half-hour free. All boats are equipped with a full canopy. table and radio. Balboa Boat Rentals ts adjacent to the Auto Feny on the Balboa Peninsula (949) 673-7200. THINK JEWELRY FOR VALENTINE'S Blackman Ltd. Jewelers is having a New Year sale that's also ideal for Valentine's gifts. Many Items are reduced "40%. lncluded in the sale are globes. GREER .WYLDER . Christmas collectibles, china and jewelry from Michael Good and Carrera Assorted yellow and white gold rings, pendant.s and earrings. Open from 9.30 a m to 5:30 p.m Tuesday through Sarurday. and by appoinonent Monday. 3408 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. (949) 673-9334. CRUISE INTO THE AMERICAN CANCER DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer OiscoYery Shop IS having a wcru.i.sing into spring tugh tea" trunk show on Fnday. The show will feature cruise wear and designer accessories. Gently used designer apparel mcludes Halston, Jaeger, St John Knits, l:scada, Nina Ricci, Ralph Lauren, TAGA. Todd Oldham, Oleg Cassini, Ouistian Dior and Sonia · Rylcell Scones. teas, entertainment and a silent auction are pan of the fesovioes. Open from 10 am. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 2600 I:. Coast I lighway. Corona del Mar. (949J 64-0-4m PLENTY OF GIFT IDEAS FROM FASHION ISLAND Pashlon Wand has ~me great Valentine's gift tdea!.. For lugh-end gift.'>. there's TradJtionaJ Jewelers. Find beauoful selections of diamond necklaces, plaunwn and diamond rings or duunond stud earrings for her, or a classic timepiece for him. One of my favonte stor~. Anthropologle. has candles, pa1amas. · scented soaps and looons. Teuscher chocolates are considered by many to the finest in the world. Flown in ~h from Switzerland, Teuscher chocolate'> have tl1e best, natural ingredients. The hou.<>e specialty...-. a champagne truffie with a cream center of Dom Perignon -i.~ a perfect gift. For bookworms. pick up the latest best seller at Barnes & Noble. Tht' Greenhouse Spa offers treatment-. for men and women, as well as gift certificate... It also makes gift baskets of produru t0 create the spa enwonment at home Ilic Greenhouse Spa hru. a complett' lme of skincare products, candJ~ and more I or the perfect Valentme's Dav celehrauon al home, piclc up a bortle or'fine \\1Jle or champagne at Beverage & more It"• known to have Califorrua's large..t ..elecuon of fine wme. beer, champagne and -.pint'> BuOd-a-Bear Woruhop abo ha., numerous Valenune\ Day gift idea., that i:lll' perfect for personalized gift\. '\'ew oflenng-. include a while Valenune bear with red heart accen~ rm tt!> paM>, and Valenune Pawlene and Bearemv. d~ in thetr finest arore for Vale1111ne's. D'd}' GET SOME BONUS COOKIES At Blooritingdale's, '>pend $i5 m thl' intimate apparel depanment throu~h Saturday and receive a red hean-shc1pl'd 1111 filled with cookie. from Mr>. held., Bloonungdale's. L'> at I .c.h10n h land in Newpon Beach. cgy i29·67i5 •BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fndavs Send information to Greer Wvld"r di greerwyider a yahoo com. at 330 I/\ Bav St Costa Mesa CA 92627 or by fait d' 949 646-4170 .00 % Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSU R E D F I DELI TY l"'-l R~ D D t-P0\11'> WhethetYou Buy or Lease ... (949) 588-571 A.:lur.1tc ,I\ 1>1 II~ o<; ~flO' P;:nult\ for Earl\ V.1thdrav. • Bani.. f-cc\ 'l.1 J\ R.:Jun· £·.irn1ng' '\111 Orfcr Tu Sell ~ccur111c~ SllH~Ml l 1m11 ~ ,,~ .. ;. Annu11I Puccnld!!C '1'1clt.I <'" H.ink\ f-DI(" Insured "-cv. CD Plu' F1Jclll\ ( "'h f',1\ mcnt At ln":pllon Annu111c\ .ll~u offered -F1dclll\ ant.I F-1:-P f-•mil\ [\late fn,ur.incc \en Kc~ [L1c11IJ( 51.t-IYJ :-.01 Mcmher' uf f·cJcr.tl !>cpcl\11 ln•ur.inlc \orp11ra11un You'll Find Incredible Va lues on Your Favorite Lexus! p l R I II Q a ass as fn<loy Feb<Udry 7 2003 A3 Council puts parking limits on two areas Street parking on Elm and Tanager neighborhoods will be for residents only. COSTA Ml:.sA -Reslden~ fed up wtth people who don't lwe in theU' neighborhoods parlang on theU' street.s and blocking the11 tlnvewa~ convinced ory leadet'> thi<. week to place ·r~1dem-only" re<>uiction'> in two pans of the ocy The two area.. are around Elm Avenue/l.emon Street and Tana· ger Drive near Tanager Park. On Monday. res1dent.s from both area!> packed ury Hall and cheered a.. the C.1cy CounaJ unammo~ly deoded Ul their fa· vor ne-.1dent'> contended that the l""cl.'>h of nonresident parla.ng eroded their quality of life and propeny \'alues and decred.'>t'd ..afery. '>ome in the audienc:e sa.,., the nty·., det.1'>t0n., ru. a c;hift m power to re<.tdenL'> over commerual propeny owner> and landlord~ "LDsta Meo.a ha5 been a prop· eny nghl'> c:tl) for 30 yean. and no~ 11's c:hangmg to owne~ and re<>tdenLS, .. fe'jidem Doug <\utton '<I.Id. · 1 hw. you deal with re<.t · dent'> will encouragt' ne.,., rest· dt'nb to either mo\e m or move a\,a\ He-.1dent-. realh belteve that ne1.ihborhornh are tn\1olable fhe fir.t .uea that pined ~1 dt'nt., dgaimt nonl't'\tdent.s 15 on I Im .\\t'nue bet\\een RovaJ Palm Dm e <1nd Lc.·mon <;cree1.' and on Lemon be"\l:'t'n FJm and Pon· dero~ Street Offiaals '>Ii.Id most of the cul pnLS were ~tudenb of P'aul MJtch ell Salon and Ac-cidemy, wluch I!> in a n~ shopping cemer at Ad · ams Avenue and I la.rtx.>r Boule vard After rec;1dent.., complamed about !>tudenlb hogging all the parlang m theu area and parking illegally, a cuy mve,tigaoon found that ~ ~'IOciated with the school and with o ther nearby b~me<»es. iook up to aq~, of u1e dvailable re'itdenuaJ parllnK ln agreeing with ~tdenl\ thdt parking r~cncuom were nt<t e<- '>i:ll). C.lt} lt'ader. cil'><l re<:om mended more pa.rlung enfortt' ment in tl1t' art'a and d.'>tt:d what n~J., to ht> done to pr!.'\t'nt dJt otht'r "-<.enano Wc.e tlu.' m tht: l\1 turt:. Im "'' dp1ldlled that wt' hd\t- thJ., probltm tu tht' dtwn• V.t' ha\t' ll. \l.Jyor k.afton Rohin<Jm '>aid " llJegal ·parbng, -.huuld bt· ldken c4!e ol. but tht' h1~t·r 1.,.,ut· ,., hov. did v.e lt-t 11 h.appim ... o "''' dont lt't 11 lwpp.:n agam~ \\l tww otht'r pro1t'c~ Ul thl' .m'a that v.1ll wmpound th1~" \\inn Clavbaugh r<J O\'> llt'r ol the ..chuol. \did tht' 'it.hoof '>UP port!> \\hatt'Vt:r Wl' net>d to dn t0 he ii goo<.l netghhor" The \t:rnnd parbng tontro ver'>\ erup1t'd 1n the area around fanagl•r Dnw ~larbtrd Dnve Bluebird< trtle and Humminh1butl Dm c Rt">1dent'i tht·rt' blanwd the O\'>Tit'r of the \'ilia \'ent'Ua Apart ment., in the .!700 hlod. ol Mt">.i \'erde l>mt: 14..,t dp.irtment rnn pie\ for expandm~ 1h1• numtwr ul tenanL., ill tht• nt-1~txH'-t'\Jlt'll-.t' !.A.tiol C)\,em tht< Jpdl"lIT1t·nt., property m~a~er dtd not rerum can .. for u1num:nt Com~ Expm~ tire E1eautiful • Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility SATUR DAY ACTIVITIES llAM -3PM Kid's Crafts •Face Painting • live .l1usic: The Rock it Scientists will he performing hits from th e SO's & 60 :11 AMADEU~ ~P1\ IO'lc: off all salon urvices and 20'fr-50"!c- off 11lecttd f>rod11ct.f. 718-9588 ARMOIR[ Sa/1 mercltandi:J1 now up to TO% off. 644-9888 BABY UNIQYE Selu t1J it1ms "" to 50% off 759-4222 CH ICO'S Td1 a" atJditio,.al 20% off already r1tJ"c1tJ •erchaJ1dis1. 119-9960 MARMI JO'ft, off w1rytltl"I ;,, tlu sto,.1. 721-1325 MOTTINI 50% •If ltorul/>011 a..d alto.a. 121-0113 NEW BALANCE S..b1torttial tllscH•l1 011 botlt "'"'' a11d 1110"'"" i 1lto1s. 720~ 1602 PEET'S COF FEE & TEA Di1co11,.11J 'rlc11 Oii 11/1c11J r111rclta11tll11. 640-6317 SUBTLE TON ES Selected mercltandiu (>riced as low aJ $5, $10, SIS. $20 and $25. 640-2761 WATERWORK R1duced prit-e:J on selecttd mtrclrart· diu throughout the Jtore. T 17-652.S Otlr1r (>artici(>atirtt retailtrY incl1ui1J: DIANE'S WIMWEAR 759-6880 ITALIANO HOME STO RE 640-2458 COROIR DEL MRR PLRZR '""'' Coan Hl1hway • '11tArth11r aewlenr4 SHOrTHflkVINCCOM,AN" COM ---------·····--..... __ ... ! Grand Opening Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two Free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a $100 Value!) Offer Ends 5/1/03 You ore cordially rnVJted to attend our Grand Openrng Saturday, February 8th, 2003 2:00pm -7:00pm Artistic cuisine ~rved compliments of •otsh utr fitness Demonstrations • Live Entertainment • !Qffles Pnzes Win Free Airline Tickets, Dinners ind Mort! Back Bay Center 2675 Irvine Ave. #A 949.631.5587 contact@Back~fttntss.com BICkB1yfttness.com , !fi ,. • \ • M Friday, February 7, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS FBI looking for fake attorney suspect A Newpon Beach man who posed as an attorney to courts. lawyers and clients was in· dieted by federal authorities Thursday on two counts of making false declarations by telling a federal court that he \WS a licensed attorney, oflicials said Harold Goldstein used the name of DjJvicl Goldstein, a real attorney in Redwood Oty. FBI POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •West Beker Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block at 8:41 a.m. Tuesday. • Bristol Street: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 blodc at 10:33 a.m. Tuesday. • Buckingham Drive: Disorderly conduct involving alcohol was reported in the 1100 block at 9:47 p.m. Tuesday. • Center Street and Whittier Avenue: A hit·and·run was reported at 6:07 P:m. Tuesday. agents tried lO arrest Goldstein on ThW'Sday. but have not been able to locate the 58-year-old man. said Thom Mrw,ek, ~'J)Okesman for lhe U.S. attor· ney's office in Los Angeles. Harold Goldstein has ap- peared in court on at least siX federal aUninaJ maners, as well as civil cases and immigration matters. Officials started investi· gating him when employees of tus ~law finn" became suspj- cious after seeing a brief he filed on behalf of Harold Goldstein to modify the t~ of tus SU· pervised release. Mrozek said He said Goldstein is actually on a supervised release and on • Harbor Gateway North end MacArthur Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 5:55 p.m. Tuesday. • Knox Street Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 7:06 p.m. Tuesday. • Palmer Street: Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 9:36 p.m. Tuesday. • Pomona Avenue: A vehide burglary was reported in the 2000 block at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Balboa Boulevard: A .. '• 6SJl FULL BAR !"'"~~AILS =--MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OU R MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·64S·7626 FUlllSHINGS • ARTWORK • GLASS • RUGS • CLOCKS We are pay ing top dollar ror quality m erchandise to s upplyour 30,000 sq. ft. r etail antique center. A Complete estates or ingle piece purc hased. For a confidentia l consultation call Mark C hristensen at probatlon after he was con· vk:ted of mall fraud in January 2<XX>. He was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison. He served out the time in March and was on supervised release, during which time he is not permitted to be in business for himself. He is also required to have his finances monitored. by an acoouptant to en.sure payment of restitution to the victims of his previous scheme. 1f con· victed, Gold5tein faces fives years in federal prison for each counL Mrozek said it is hvery uncommonh for someone to impersonate an anomey. loud party was reported in the 100 block at 2:11 a.m. Tuesday. •Bison Avenue: Trespassing w asreportedinthe1300 block at 10:34 p.m. Tuesday . • Cagney Lane: Loud music was reported in the 200 block at 9:45 p.m. Tuesday. • We$t Coast Highway: Indecent exposure was reported in the 4500 blod at 12:29 p.m . Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard end 16th Street: A traffic accident without injury was reported at 11:13 p.m. Tuesday, No matter whdt you're doing, your hometown newspaper BAR Continued from Al feature a multilevel grand lobby space, a private donor lounge. retiearsal rooms, dressing rooms, a m usic library, a 'When it opens in the fall of 2006, this will be the finest concert hall in the world, a musica l instrument of unequaled acoustical sensitivity, housed in a structure of incredible grace and brilliance.' Henry Seeerstrom restaurant, an adjustable will bring to the hean of acoustical canopy and musical Instrument of adjustable revert>eration unequaled acoustical sensitivity, suburbia, Mandel is anxio~ fo r -.Chambers, all enclosed within a housed\n a strucrure of the continumg arts education 11 I d brilliance • will allow them to provide area glass-curtain exterior. incredib e grace an • children. More than 500.ooo Paul Folino. the chair and he said. chief executive of Costa Officials also announced that children will visit the new center Mesa-based Emulex, who also the Aour Corporation will each year, he said. Over I 0 yeari., chairs the Center's board of manage the expansion project the site will have inOuenced 5 directors. marveled at lhe plans and that the Irvine Co. has million children who moM likely for the new concert hall and guaranteed that the project. are lacking in fine arts excitedly pointed out its features won't go over budgeL A~ur education, he said. to onlookers. , officials said that they wdl ~Now, we aren't juM extrn; Ill ~ll loolcs a lot more pre-qualify subcontractor.. and • many case<>, we are the only urts S(?CCtacular than before," Folino suppliers and carefully manage education," Mandel !>aid. "And said while examining a large those selected to ensure that the that is just tragic." model of the landmark structure expansion does not exceed its Former mayor Linda Utxon designed by Cesar PeUi. $200-million price tag. . was beside herself with Center officials have describ'ed The money for the expam1on excitement about the projeu the renovated arts area as a has been raised entirely through She lhanke<l 1 lenry Seger.trom meeting of the Lincoln Center, private fundi.. and official!> hope for havtng the fore'>1gh1 and Carnegie I fall, the Metropolitan the gencrou~ trend will continue wisdom to continue to suppun Museum of Art and Broadway, to be able to cover those costs m the aru in <"o'>ta Mesa all just across the street from the next few year... I Ii'> vio;ion will '>erw futurt each other. City leaders have Dei.p11e the !>lowing economy, <>tudents, re'>ident!> and v1.,.111r' long anticipated the project and Mandel i.aid he is confident lh<.• of tht:. commumty for dct:.tdt•\ the arti. district it wjJJ create. The Center will meet it!> mark. 10 come, !>he said Co.,ta f-ll'"-1' concen hall and theater are "There 1\ always cont:cm for eclectic and d1ver'>t' l'h.mu tt'r I'> scheduJed to open in 2006 the economy." Mandel sau.l, enhanted hy the adchuon ol th1' Henry Segerscrom, who admitting that official!> would level of ruhurt•. 'lw s.ud donated $40 million to the rat.her have· the booming project, said che day\ event was pro1>peri1y of yean. befo~. "But the culmination of 14 yca.n. of there are alw-.t~ cycle for the planning. economy and Lhe intere-.t in 1hb .. When it opens m the fall of project has been remarkabll' " 2006, this wiU be the fincM Beyond the world-cl~., concen hall in the \'.Orld, a performan<.e venue the ( enll'r method. 11 was she "'ho advocated the procedural change. .. No one else wru. coming up with a '>Olution, so 1 floated my idea from twu yeari. agu." Cowan 1>J1d 1n a phone interview Wedne.,day That idea, wh1th Cowan propo'>Cd in LOOO. wa., that eal h member appoint his· or lwr own com1m!>.s1uner Save Uw nom1na11on procei;s, the poi.1>1ble confu,ion and all thal lime it would tale 10 '>peak face to face \'11th 17 planning and '>tX parl<> dfld reue.u1on applicant!> Now, each coum 11 member will \imply get 10 hand p1cl who mever 11 W.L\ they were going to pull for anyway Cowan said .,he wal. "very comfonahle" \'11th the prevaou' proce-.-. dlld wa!> happy to lflH''' the time 11 wouJd ha\c Lakt•n 111 conduct mterv1t'W'> and narrn'' the scope 1 ler colleague... however, were not -.o willing, and their lack.adaiMcal a1111ude'> gave Cowan an ·advantage. '"It cenamly worb in m~ favor,'" .. tw .,JH.l. "and I thmk 11 doe' m each of our poc,1t1on.,, but that wa,n·t the rt•a.,on I '>ugge,ted 11 - Counulman ll1ri., 'ilt•t•I who has hernmt• anw.torned to being on tlw lo'ling -..de of VOH"" wac; the only one IO OJlpO'ol' tlw d1rec1 Jpporntrnent proceS'>, saying II promoted parual1t)" and politics Vlhy wouJd a commissioner vote out of '>tep with hL., or her appointing council member. when thetr tenure dependo; on that perc,on? Cowan arguei. that planntng commt!>."oner. are requued 10 make dec1s1ons based on law, not poh11c~. and said \he hope'> every council member will remember that during the selection procei>S. Steel and Cowan ma.ke good point~. bul bolh are idealislll 1 heorellt.tlly, <iteel 1s nght tu fear that d1reu appointmento, would ro .. 1er more pohlln. but let\ face 11. could the Co1>1J Me!>a d 1matt• get more poh11cat? TEACHER Continued from Al showed 1U. gratitude for the teacher who has touched <;0 many livei. over the years, thanks lo his choice of career. Rut Jerry l'agami never reaUy chose that profession. "He just kind of stumbled on it.· Diane ...Ud. "He can't believe he gets paid to do something he loves so much.· · At the high school, Jerry's teaching methods have proven effective, and he has proven hard to replace. even on a temporary basi "Irutially. the prognosis was extremely dismal," said Michael V~sse'!· Newport Harbor's pr1n· c1pal. People are a little rattJed, but everyone has been trying to canyon as best we can.~ Jerry' family has been trying to do the same. · Having no prior health com - plicatlom other than headaches, Jerry's immediate diagno ls was sel'ious. Though he underwent a pro- cedure that alleviated the pres- sure from hJ brain aneuryam, doctors 5tlll corwder his condi- tion critical. While Jerry la ttill unconsdou.,~ and his recovery ls undetermJ. nable at this time, his family wtl- com every gn or lmprove ment and ·every 6lgn of ciomtnunlty auppon. • LOLITA HARPER wrnes column> Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and lhe anl. She may be reached al 1949) 574 4275 or by e-mail at lo/rid harper a la11me!> c;om And Cowan" nght lh.il planning comm1s.smncr' JI1· hdd Ill a h1wwr all{'gldllll' th.111 c.i lavorahll' 11od from J higher-up. but again. \\l' ldllllot 1gnorl' the pohlll.tl l hm.111· 111 the cit}' r he truth of tlw lllJtll'r h lh.il pohuc., will play ti huKt' roll-It alway~ h.t'> \\'hen mu1ml>cn1 tornm1-.i.m1wrs faced the hl.dihood of hl•1ng voted to their po-.111on, yuu tould ... t·t• their denwanor' t hange \.\lull' none of tht•m may have blatantly voted .1ga1mt tlw1r belief, 10 plt:asl' J u1un1 ii member. certa111 wngue la.\hlllK' w hn h \\t•r•· all-too-common dunng dt'f 111111 um<.· "'en.· ..avt•d .1-. tu nut f,m the flame., ln a prev1ou!> intervww. Planntng < :om1111\s1oner Hr ut 1• (,arhch .,umnwd 11 .lit up perlectl} ~l thml.. we .JI 1•n10} our "h' take 11 '>enou'>I) .tnd work \I'll h.t.rd JI It But Ill tht• t•nd. \\I st:rve at the pk'J'>llrt' of 1lw t 11\ C .ounnl and wt'll havP t11 c.,p1• \\hat their r lt•asurt• 1~ ·· All in .111, Cow<111\ propo'-11 doe~ two wn-pr at Ill al thing' It o;av~ the rnunul from the timety proce~ of making a cohe!>tve decision (which, 1f you have watched C..oc;ta Mesa counnl meetmg!>. you lcnow 11 isn't easy) and it avoids hour. of lohbying lime 10 ensure each member's first choice. RegardJess o f the reasons 11 was Ooated, the new procedure suneeds m culling through thl' political fat and l"SentiaJly produces the same result. • LDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays Wednesdays and FnrlJy<; and covers culture and the a11s She may be reached at (949! 574 4275 or bye mail at /o/11a harper u /011mes com COURTESY Of DIANE T~ Newport Harbor teacher Jerry Tagami, seen here on a successful fishing trip. ·1 told my tudents today .• · In a world that's measured in doUars. here's a man that chose ... a life of a teacher. where you don't make a lot of money. but you can make a difTerence ln the world,· said Joe RobiA.SOO. a longtime friend and feUaw t cher at Newpon Harbor .• ,... present, he' the rich t man ln Newpon .· • CHNSTINI CN1W a O C0119rl ec:tuc;atlon and mey be rucNd .a (fM9) 67cM298 or by e-mell • chrl«it».a.rtillo•~com. Daily Piiot COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL .I Jere are some decisions coming out of th~ week's meeting of the Co ta Mesa City Council. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION AND PARCEL MAPS The councU approved an ordinance that require!> developers proposing to subdivide land via a recorded ~arcel map to make full unprovements within the public right-or-way. This mcludes the street, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway approaches where none exist next 10 the land al !!>Sue. WHAT rT MEANS Officials say the change will en!>ure WISH Continued from Al that a developer wilJ not subdivide land and then sell individual parcels to parties that may not be fully aware about the necessary lmprovements that are requJred as part of future development of the land. 'COSTA MESA BEAUTIFUL, COSTA MESA SAFE' PROPOSAL The council approved plans to explore Councilwoman Ubby Cowan's proposal to improve Costa Mesa using the i 9th Street/Placentia Avenue corridor as a pilot project. The objectives include looking at puhlic/pnvate partnership. includmg increasing service levels and capital investment, and possibly ta.king some unfunded poruonl. of the 19th Streetscape plan and finding money for them. Staff wilJ also explore a S;anitation franchise fee and designating the area a FYI •WHAT: Co,ta Mesa City Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 18 • WHERE: Costa Meaa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 752-5000 business improvement district. Allan Mansoor and Gary Monahan ctisc;ented. WHAT rT MEANS: The staff wilJ now look into the proposal and bring back cost and other information to the council. WHAT WAS SAID: "I believe every (resident! deserve<; a clean and safe commwuty. • Cowan said. "This is a proposal to see what I'> " feasible and whafs not fe~ible." !>aid Mayor Karen Robmson, reacting lo opposition about the coi.t. "I applaud Cowan for bringing it forward ." -Deirdre Newman No md!tt< what you~ °"'"9 your t<im('t°""' """'~°"' FITS 1N... Daily Pilot Frida;, February 1 2003 A5 It\ hard It\ been hard for her family." Although her fanuly,.which in- clude., her parents. Larry and C .olleen, and her five siblings. ha., had a rough time this past year, JU'>t <>eemg the suppon and graciou .. ne...s or the community ha' helped them get through tt all Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members "I alway.. thought Make-A- \\ i.,h \\ii<, JUl>I for 1ermm<1J lod~." 5a1tl 1'"1rry. who hCll> hved with tus family in Costa Mesa for the pa. .. 1 14 year'>. "It's not about thar; It's abou1 the lads. It's really made 11 a lot more comfoning " Sf.AN HILLER DAILi PILOT Hannah Whitfield of Costa Mesa, left, hugs Amanda Wittman. vice president of Newport Harbor H1gh's Make-A-Wish Club And their involvemem in the program has also gwen Hannah 'omethmg 10 look forward IO - her 1>1'>ney crwse. for Hannah's wish, and the as- ''stance of the foundauon's Orange County chapter. the Wlucfields wtll have a chance to celebrate Hannah's remission and share in her special wish. "I wanted something my whole famJJy could en1oy." '>he S<:Ud Wtth the aid or Newpon 1 lar- bor'c; dub, which reused $4,000 "The staff at Make-A-Wic;h have stayed concerned."' Colleen NGE COAST COLLEGE SWAP MEET ' . 1.:-SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ~ 8AM-3PM ~FAIRVIEW & ADAMS, COSTA MESA $25 Purchase spaces in advance at the OCC Community Education Office on FaJrview Road, Partung Lot •A"· Gash On/It Community Education Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday -9 am -6 pm Fnday -9 am -5 pm Saturday -9 am -12 noon FREE Parlcing & Admission for Customers Parit on OCC Campus ONLY Lots A. B, C on Fairview Rd. Lots 0 & E on Merrimac Way SWAP MEET 24-HOUR INFORMATION LINE (714) 432-5866 HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? 'W' RO LEX said. "They've o;tayed in our lives and have wanted to help It's been wonderful " •CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or bye mail at chflstme camllo a lat1mes com • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL R.OORING •twtatGICN 1.:!!!m •. :,:.)sOLARIAN ;~LAJ-0 ... l••f"_.nr•nOO.,. -•111•11 Ill., W~ 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 from Ill• -$14,.~ Travertine 18" x 18" ....................................................... '4.29 IQ~ Ceramic Tiie ...................................................... nsllll!O lrom '4.99 IQ ll Lammate V«>od ................................................ ins11111eO 1rom '4.99 IQ 11 SpaG~e's AND SALON GREGORIE'S A Healthful retreat featuring Massage, Sldncaru, Body Wraps ! Scrubs, Ac~-Htfbel Mtckine. Mlnictn, Pldicn, Malhlr~ • Sem1-Pnvate for Men & Women • Lots of Equ1pmenVFree Weights • P11ates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care 8am-noon M · F • Amp e & Convenient Parking • Yoga Tai Chi Stretch classes • Step Power Pump Card10 • Showers Steam & Towe s • Sk:n Care ~1~\~ • Shape-Up Phys1ca Therapy Ceriter • Permanent Make-Up Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic , .. ~ALDEN'S ti OOR COVFRl:-\G A\O Cl \T0\.1 Wl'1>0W (O\tRl:\C,'1 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 lbl~ e t e I t • I t • I I e I t /' '111111 HEA i IOOll J ll'll World Class Colon$1 ... .,,.., Is Ofteting tll .. lllGl'l "CHiil 141.215.2541 M f riday, February 7. 2003 FORUM .. . · (949) 642-6086 Fo· Send to (949) 64&4170 HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -l.ebrl: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotline: Call . . · ls:slons for clarity and le th E-mel:Send to dailypilot@latlrmt$.com •All COfT8SPOndenoe must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit .all subm ng MAILBAG Eclectic nature of Costa Mesa needs to be left alone ln response to the •ouapidated home not sweet to neighbors· articfe (Saturday), I'd like to add this: Costa Mesa is made of a wonderful eclectic group of people and areas throughout the city. That was part of the charm and reason we moved to the Freedom homes 13 years ago. I Uve on Monrovia and enjoy the differences in this neighborhood and do not want the California cookie-cutter look for the Westside. I am offended by those who think it is their job to dictate style and maintenance to others. We cannot presume to know why people live the way they live. It's not our life -it's theirs. My suggestion is work on your own life and home and you'll reap many rewards. lfyou want to live in a neighborhood that just looks good. move to lrvine. nus neighborhood is filled with families and real people that I know I could count on -and that's all I want. KATHI NELSON Costa Mesa Port Theater is a useless some Westside homeowners got up at City Council and claimed that apartment renters were not resident!> of the Westside. WouJd they be rldicuJed by councU? Or would they bt• able to claim Westside public property for use by homeowners only? Maybe that would solve the trans ient problem. Are there two faces of City CounctJ? One for the west and one for the rest? JUDITH BERRY WeMs1dt· Port Theater should be enjoyed by communi ty I believe the Port Theate r de~ervc-. landmark s tatus without any qaes11011 It needs to enjoyed and pre~erved by the community. COURTNEY RICHARDS Corona del Mar Fixing Port Theater not a good use of money We feel the Port Theater would he too co-.tJy to fix and certairtly does n or d eserve to be a landmark, wi th Lhc problem~ involved. LAURIE ANO BERK KEllOGG Corona del Mai eyesore that should go srrvr McCRANK /DAttYP1to1 In response to the d ebate about the _ This house on the 1900 block of Monrovia Drive m Costa Mesa has been m violation of city codes for nine years. Port Theater, we would like to regis rer our support for Dick Nichols' statem ent that the theater should be tom down and excluded fro m be ing made a landmark. We are 35-year Coro na del Mar reside nts. We used the theater ortly a few times in tha t many years. The theater hasn'r been used since 1998. It is an eyesore. with trash and debris around the en try area all the time. Activities that could be held at the Port Theater in the future couJd be held at the Oasis Senior Center a few block away, where there is ample parking. Many great improvem ents h ave been made to Coast Highway in Corona d el Mar that have made it a very invtting placl'. The Pon Theater 1<, a dead horse. Why b eat ir with a '>lick? PAT ANO BOB MCLAUGHLIN \.orona del M<tr C.osta Mesa coun cil ignores transients, goes after renters O n Feb. 3. I allended the Costa Mesa City Council meeting. During the o p e n session. a woman from the Westside brought p ictures of intoxicated 1ran'i1ents sleep ing near her home. !>he has prev1ou'>ly "Pt>~en un the '>ame \UhJell .11 th e council. focusing on prohlem., wtth tran'>tents ~uch as trash. hart1\\rnent. toilet fac1l111es, l'lt I herl' wa"> nu response from any coLmttl memher. l..iter. a group of cttue11-, from Mesa Verde !.p oke about pt'oplt• parking on public <,lret>ts (paid lor by all ta.xpayNs) in front of their hom ei.. They asked for and received exclu'>lve right to rhese publil: ~treeb lor reMdents only. The · resident..," do not inclu de apartment renters. only homeowners. When did renters becom e n onre-.1dent'> of Costa Mesa? While I can u nderstand the re,1dent's dl\plea<,ure over park.mg problems, I was ama1ed that this problem cau.,ed su ch a response from Lil) Council lhe m.iyor. who laves near the affected area, expre...,ed outrage that .. uch a prohlem t0uld be happenmg in Me'ia Verde and dirt>cred -;raff to du somerh111g un m ed1a1ely to allevia te 1he problem. And she want~ to meel wllh 1he apartm ent owners personally. Mt.>anwlule, peoplt.> are ... 1111 sleeping in tlic alley'> .ind doorway'> on the WesNtJl'. I won der what \\OUld happen 1( Histori c buildings deserve preservation I bC'lteve we sho uld protecr our h1-.wnc and landmark butldtng'> and protect our h eritage and I don't underscand people such as Counolm an Dick Nichols moVJng 111111 a neighbo rhood and not want mg tlw thing~ that were there when he muwd in that we re existing tu no t be a part ul the rnmmuntly anymore. I just fed tha t if we do not preserve our hi,tor>. I don't think the future has as mud1 meamng and I am very much m favor of keeping our landmark theater~ DEA BURTON Newport Beal h It's Your Business ... A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. TOPICS: • How to choose a Financial Adviser • Reap the benefits from Tax Returns THE MEANING OF NUMBER ONE. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZURE SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE II WHEN O NLY THE FrNEST M OTO RCARS IN THE WORLD WILL DO. AVAii ABU: .. 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD RI.ACK/Bl.ACK (>..07569) 2002 CORNICHE Bl,,;\('K SAPPI llRF /MAGNOLIA (X07.020) 2001 AZURE MULUNER AR'l ICA/COTSWOlD (X6~ 2002AZURE SILVER PF.ARL/STRA'IU) ()(01010) 2002AZURE l'EACOO:./MAGNOUA (XOl 112) 2003 ARNAGI! R Bl.ACK/BLACK ()(09304) 2003 ARNAGI! T ARTICA/STRATa; ()(09366) PR.EOWNED 1998AZURE BIJ\CK/ PAAOiMEm lDJ> MOO ARNAGI! BL.AOC/ COTSW01.D (X1152311) 1998AZURE Bl.AOC/BLACK (X61 • Estate Planning -Wills, Trusts and Probate • Starting a Small Business • Tips for buying, improving and refinancing your home • Revive Your Stock Portfolio • Are your children college bound? It's more than tuition • Hidden Money Savers: From credit cards to credit unions • What has your bank done for you lately? ADVERTISERS : Let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth. In a~dition to y~u.r a~vertisement, you will receive a FREE listing in our Professional Directory. PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21, 2003 CAMERA READY/RELEASE: "'Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE: Friday, February 21, 2003, Noon Call your Advertising Representative Toda'yl (949) 642-4321 Daily Pilot t I , -=~~~ ...... ---~·~· .... rliillllililllllliM ....................... ~? .... rtC211C .................................... .._ .............. artS ........... ,~·i.ni .... ? ... ..,_ .......... ~.--.. c~·-...·~· .. =~•..__·~·..-..---~~~~~~~~~~---... Happy Valentines Day! (f GIF Friday Feb. 14th) . Wine & Dine Specials: Anv bottle I •"ml r d1arnpa.,r.t' tr m :, Jr ever-growmg selecnon fj~)>-~ 20% offl ~~ -(;./: ~ Plus, From tlte Kitchen: ~ j ~," Asparagus Soup -SS.SO ·(";'/~~ : ~ .1 J .uiu11 "'4111 c rJo ( ~ '·~ ~./ Petite fil ec Mignon & Lobster Tail -$34.00 ~ _ .... \m.td -I .... ,. tr P•rpit wJ fl'JIJIOJ('I J.J FmirJ, pnr OtJl!J .. 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CAMEun Rr·s1 \LR \'\T Tasre Jfam1011y iri Etmlr & PrOgram of Ewen ts for January through March SPECIAL EVENTS Va/nJlipe's Day Cb~ ~m our regular ~-•• for S80 per person, ddigbt ma four-coum aphroll .. r · ~ dwnpagnc & a dessert 'I " •" • February Carnival Celebration Venetian style festival wirh music, food , drinking & prize .for the most exciting costume . Food & Wine Pairings Experience a superb select vintage wine ca.sting and four-c.oune dinner 00 me last Friday of every month. Price is $80 per ~o, plu.t tu & gratuity. .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "This is the most excited I have ever been i11 my entire life." Zack Novak, Estancia High senior A8 Friday, Februwy 7, 2003 Spotts Editor Roeer Canson • (949) 574-4223 • Spom Fu; 19491650-0170 TENNIS KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Tennis legend Billie Jean King, left, and three-time Grand Slam champion Lindsay Davenport display a team shirt for the Newport Beach Breakers tennis team during a news conference at the Hyatt Newporter on Thursday. Davenport is a member of the new team, which will compete in the World Team Tennis League. • rea ers unve1 e As reported last month, wrr will return to Newport Beach with Davenport as the Breakers' marquee player at Palisades Tennis Club. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT RI.AC! I -The three-week tennis bamstonning tour that is World TeamTennis will return to Newpon Beach in July a11d feature Lindsay Daven- port on a pan time basis, as reported on multiple occaMons by the Dally Pilot be- fort> Thursday WIT chief execuuve officer llana Klos.s, at a prt.">.'> conference at the Hyan New- poner with Davenport and WIT co- foundcr and director Billie Jean King. an- noum:cd the new franchise -the team IS 1.:aJlcd the Breakers -to an eclectic audience of about 75 inside a hotel res- taurant. fhe team wtll play seven home matches at Palisades Tennis Oub, adja- cent to the I lyan Nev/porter, and seven road matches during the regular season July 7-27, with the Western and fl.astern conference champions advancing to the WIT Finals on Aug. 23. The Newpon Beach Breaker> are the I 0th team in the league. "'Ihi5 is for the long term. We're not here for the hort term. We hope to be here well beyond my death." said King, who wiU operator as owner of the fran- chhe. which wao; <i0ld back to the league in 1994 by .,red Ueberman. who owned the Newport Beach Dukes from 1990 through '94 In that span. the Dukes were highly successful on the court -they played at the 'iame facility, when it was lcnawn as the John Wayne Tennis Oub -but Ue- ~ and King didn't always see~ to eye on business !Mu and the WIT fran- chise folded after five years. The Dukes reached the WIT champ1- onshlp match in 1992 and '93, losing to Atlanta and Wichita. ~· ln '93, the Dukes tlJ1Wled the regular &eaJOn 14-0, beoocnlng the first WIT franchise ln 22 years to go unbeaten. The Dukes were Western DivWon champioru three st.might yea11. induding their ftnal year, 1994, when their fonner coach, former UCJ men' tennil coach Greg Patton, guidtd b new K"am, the Idaho Sneakers. ro an upset victory in the WIT aernJfin. nie Dulis played mostJy to spane ~ at the old \\Wyne Club, but IOld out each tlmC a marquee pllya' WU in town. Uk.e .JJminy Connon Cit Martina WIT Wes19m Division .,,,, Newport Beacn Breakers Kanaes City Explorers Sacramento Capitals St Louis Aces Springfield Lasers Eastem Division Philadelphia Freedoms Oelawere Smash Hartford FoxForce New YCNt Hampton• New York Buzz Navratilova. Andre Agassi. John McEnroe , Andy Roddick. James Blake and Marie Philip poussis pJayed in the league last summer, and Agass~ of the Sacramento Capitals. is the WIT spokesperson and cover boy. Kl~ said the league Mneeded the right siruation· to return to Newpon Beach. induding working with a different dub owner ()(en Stuart). "And, also, we wanted to wait until Undsay had won 38 titJes," Kloss quipped. Davenport. a Palisades Oub member, played for the New York Buzz last year m WIT. New York traded its rights to Dav- enport to Newport Beach for the Break- ers' first-round selection (fourth overall) in the April 2 draft. Davenport, however, the three-time Grand Slam singles champion and 1996 Olympic gold medalist. is scheduled to play only two home matches for the Breakers. "We don't believe anything was done wrong (with the previous franchise ownership in Newport Beach)." Kl06S said "We felt that in order for a team to be sua:essfuL it needs sponsorships, but the key thing is having a Undsay Daven· port to be the front person for the team . . . the goal is to have a marquee player on every team• Davenport's longtime Conner coach, Robert Van't Hof of Newport Beach, b ex- pected to be named coach of the Break· era later this month by club general man· ager Usa Fortman. Van't Hof ls head pro emeritus at Palisades and d.lrects youth progranu there. Davenport ls now coached by Rick leach, her future brother-in-law. She has plans to many former USC AD·Amerlcan Jon Leach this year. ·rm very exdted to be playing on the team, because I lived here (In Newport Beach) for eight Of nine yeare.• MJd Div· enpor1. a ~ Beach rmklt'Dt. DavenJdl ~ 1t111ec1 p1aytna wrr In 1993 h the~ who wm coeched by Vln'l Hot who t.d bqpln roec:btr>c lbe ~ 011wnport and Billie banter She won't accept an offer from Wf A Tour and believes college football is the culprit for Title IX problems. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT B~CH -Call a press conference and sometimes the wolves come out But Billie Jean King, like most of her playing and admmistrative career, stood firm on the baseline and returned every hard shot from the media Thursday. King came to the net when neces- sary and served beyond capacity as the Newpon Beach BreaJcers were unveiled at the Hyatt Newporter. As owner of the new Newport Beach franchise in her league, World TuamTennJs, King has much at stake as she enters this unique c:oastal Orange County rnarlcetplace once again, following a five-year stint with the Dukes under former owner Fred Ueberman -a tennis tycoon and busin~ bulldog who didn't always agree with the way King and her WIT colleagues conducting affairs in Chicago. But King, co-founder and director of WIT, has long been a champion for social change and ~ty. aeat- ing new Inroads for women in and out of sports. And with Tide IX in the headlines recently and the W(>men' Thnnis Association Thur struggling with leadership. following the Jan. 16 resignation of CEO Kevin Wulff, J(lng fired back. She said what's hap- pening with the women's tour is "dlst.res.Wl because it can't get any "dragged• her to Saaamento that sum-mer, ~sbe Aki. •1ti alwa)'I a wonderful time as a player •• Davenport sakf of playing wn: in which ahe has played six aea10n1. ·ev- ery polnt means something. ft'• a tomlly cliO'ermt aDD05phere. • K1ng, who grew up in Long .Beacb. and t.ariy King Of1gln&led ~ n.mnnru. and tts ~-equtty teem c:oncepc In the early 1970I. The format ueed (or • I. continuity." King said Tillm.day she has been offered the WTA Tour's top executive position before, but turned them down. because she's committed to World TeamTenrus. a year-round endeavor. She would like to bring the tours togt.-ther. King said the WfA Tour embrace.· World TeamTennis more than the men's tour, the k.sociation ofTeruili. Professional Tour, and that she would never take the CEO job of the women's tour unJess tournaments were equaJ -and not everything's equal. MThey (men) have IO days at a tournament and we have seven days. It's absolutely not fair, M she said. "We're the wannup show." She said tennis could be this country's fifth largest spon if there was continulty among the tours. the Da~ OJp. the Fed a.tp and WIT. But there has been plenty of resist- ance to change. Further, King said Title IX efforts have fallen way shon among the na- tions colleges and that. in essence. our tax dollars help fund a free fann system for the NFL. by way of col- lege football sc.holarships. ·Any time a men's team getS dropped. the meclla makes it a big deal. yet women have lost hundreds or ~tics programs and that's always burled at the end of the story," she saki. "Men were used to having the sandbox to themselves (before) 1972, and people don\ like to share. "When a men's program gets dropped. don't blame the girts. It's football. Football takes 50 to 85 scholanhips. Why they need 85 scholarships. when an NFL team only needs 53 pla)'al. I don't know." WJT match features tam comprised of two men. two women and a coach. Bach match consW8 of aw set8. with one eet each or men's and women's Jingles. men'a and womtn's doubles and mixed dou· bJel. SealOn tlctet ped<ap whk:h scan at $230, are avallab&e ~ the Brcakert o6:e. R>r more lnlonnlitlon on the new Newport 8eadl 6mchile Cit for dcket in· formation. caD (949) 9lfMl882. EYE OPENER 11 DcliJyA PikJt II SporU Hal olF&181 (~dllOmilli~ ..... FebrultY l 0 honottt MARK NEBEKER UC/ hopeful of large outdoofi.· tennis stadium There's no doubt 'Eaters are interested in hosting the Newport Beach wrr franchise at some point. 0 n the heels of Thursday's big announcement that World TeamTennis Is coming back to• Newport Beach after a ' nine-year hiatus. there are grand ideas I about the future of the new franchise called the Breakers and UC Irvine. Among those in the audience at a press conf~rence at the Hyatt Newporter were a slew of ua spons dignitaries. including ua men's tennis coach Steve Oarlc and ua Athletic Director Bob Chichester, who is interested in the • conuminity" aspects the WIT ls prepared to bring to the area. in addition to the tennis team Clark and ua women's teruus coach Mike Edles share a dream of building an outdoor tennis stadium, and Clark said Thursday he's drumming up interest ma. fund-raising committee. Chichester said ua is not in a posioon at this time to build an outdoor tennis stadium. that there are other pnorities in the department, including the expansion of the weight room, the reconstruction of the sports medicine facility at Crawford Hall and the completion of Anteater Ballpark. ·If Steve and Mike canfurmafocus J group (for an outdoor RICHARD tennls stadium>. then DUNN ' 111 worlc with the I focus group.· said OUchester, who ~ that he supportS the idea of the ua tennis center upgrading from II couns tel 12. while adding lights,. office space and locker rooms. which would make ii ideal for hosting ·NC.AA competition and some outside events." In the nuddle of July when school's ou~ -and the weather ts beaunful -the outdoor tennis stadium al ua could be perfect for hosting WIT matches as an "outsideM event Right now. the ua tennis center can hold about 1,000 fans. Ollchester said ~ new stadium would hold "severaJ · thousand,· and could be built for the ~ purpose of large ~community events." ' • J th.ink we could certainly foresee , some events proposed that might t>ern:fi• a lot of organizations." Ollchester said oft the WIT franchise evenrually mCJ\ling to ua "But probably the devtl's ln the details there. "But. when you talk about Billie Jean King, and hear from her hear1 and bow she gets fired up about tru_,, we'll do all we can in our effons ... it could be an opportunity. Undsay Davenpon is thought of very highly on our campus. If Lindsay Davenport came to us .. there are a number of people more than willing to listen.· The idea of ua hosting the Breakers Is putting the cart before the horse, but things have a way of working out if there are reaJ cornmianents. For now, the Palisades Tennis Oub will host the Newpon 8each Breakers, ~g this summer. with Oavenpon as the teams marquee player. "Our goaJ is to eventually get out of the Palisades Thnnis Oub and go somewhere else/ WIT executive director Ilana Kl<>S.1 said at the press conference. The facility at the Palisades Oub. known as the John Wayne 1ennis Oub f until 1995, played host to the Newport Beach Dukes from 1990 through '94. lt t wu a hJghJy successful franchlse on the court. mostly Wlder Coach Greg Patton. the funner UC lrVlne men's tennis coach; Before Th~ Palisades owner Ken Stuart said he was •hoping fur a three-)ar agreement" wtth the &eag\Je, and.. If everything worb ln sync for wrr. ua and the Palisades Oub. the posslbilides ate ~ for a short jaunt Jamboree Road to University Drive. Neverthelesa. it 8houJd be m:lting ln July when the Breakm become the nell big thing. Kloss said a atadiwn will be constructed at the Palisades Cub to eeat anywhere from 2.000 to 4,000 fans. In April l997, ~ the Plllisadee Cub hosted a U.S. Divis Q.ap de agalnll the Nethedands, ~were built to eee1about5,000. Thil 1s wm eecond time to NtM'DOrt Beach. 'The Newpon 8ellch Dubl at the ume r.atity tom 1990 ~ '9'. The~ pla)'ed ~to"*" aowda It the old Jobri WaYne n... Oub, bul IOld out elCh dine • ll'llln1'* player WM In tOWI\ lb Jimmy C.onn0n or Mal1lna NavrlllldtM. 0 • z# • tftr • 0 • a a ft ············-·-·-··-~--- S PORJ ~ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL N LlA1..H ( A ' I' I Above , Co~ta Mesa's Bnan Molina knocks the ball free from Estanc1a's Tyler Hoffman on a full court press as Costa Mesa's Scott Knox comes in to help. At left, Estanc1a's Carlos Pinto goes up high as Costa Mesa's Marko Stankovic tries to get in the way in Thursday night's Golden West League duel unfolded. Estancia won to reclaim the perpetual bell trophy, with all the extras that go with 1t. including bragging rights. Bells ring for Eagles, 55-39 Estancia senior Zack Nova k celebrates J 8th birthday with ca reer-high 20 points en route to victory on Costa Mesa's court. Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot COSTA Ml:..\A -One by 011e ttiey stepped 10 < .O'>ta Mesa 1 ligh\ lenter coun and mug ''"'" bell It'> been l\\.'O )'1.".W. <Jme lhe b1an l'la Eagles h.Jw won lhe perperuJ.I bell trophy, 1he awanJ fur Lhe wm ner of lhe boy<. b.t.\h'tlMll game of m:>sstown nvcll-.. And, w 1he Eagles rang the hell loudly, e'>p<· dally fstam:-w -.t•1uor /.ack Nuvak. Before the h.t..'>kl·tbdll ~~m tx· gan. Ft-tl b w-<1.-. 1tw 1W of dall' Novak nn:led on tw. calendar II woul<l be the day I.he 1-.aglt'\ fatt'd COLLEGE BASEBALL Vanguard shuts out Simpson Uons' pitching strands l 0 base runners in 5-0 victory Thursday. COSTA Ml~ Vanguard 1Jniver..11y pllt:hrng .:ot a shot in the arm lllur'>Clay ii!> five p11ch er<> rnmhrne<l 10 !>hut visi1ing Simpson College down. 5·0, m nonconference bru.eball play. Matt ~Ion, who went five in· nings and gave up fow hits and one walk. got lhe Vlctory. Vanguard's bats were alive, as usual, with Robert Cruz. Man Tuthammer, Juslin Millward and Jason Brunet all lugging doubles In the eight-hi! auack. Brunet was 2 for 4. Vanguard got two in the sec- ond with Brunett leading off with a double, and Cruz doubling home the second run. Tuthammer's double got a run across In the fourth inning, and In the seventh. Millward had an RBJ-double In a two-run uprls· Ing. Josh Carr went I.he distance for Simpson. allowing five runs on eight hits. Vanguard improved to 4-2. It was Simpson's opener. Vanguard returns to the field on Saturday with a 1 p.m. date with Olapman UllMrsity at Hart Park ln Orange. the Mu_\tang<-and 11 \\.Ollld be h1... birth d.iy Novdk mng 111 tw .. IHlh b1nhday with .1 l·areer high lO pm1H'>, 1ha1 mtludt'<.l f (llU lhftt'· po111 kr., f('<ldmg I.he 1.agll.., IO " 55 39 Golden Wt..,t I .A.'a>,1\Je wm uwr lht· MLI.'>lang-.. at C .(l'>lJ M<....a llluN.ldy 1111911. EMancoa MeSd Novak \1\-<1.' <M'l'Jl1Yt-<l. IO \a} lht· lt'<L'>L .. nw .. l'> tJw gn.•.i1t .... 1 ft·1.'hng Ill u1e enllll.' world, ...... ud Ntw..tk. \\1111 '>hut 4 of H (mm hc.-;-oncl u1e .lft " llll'> 1-. tht· mo ... 1 l'Xl'llt><l I lldvt· t'Wr ht.'f'n m rny t•nurt• hft· .. I Mancia nev(•r trJ.ill'd .1110 '>l-'t.'mt>d to will 11-. W-clY to Vlttory i11 <I pM>tal fourth 4llill1l'r. "iophu 1nort• Carlo., Pmw '4..0ll:'d t.'l~ll of tw, 18 pc.>lnl!> m th!.' finJ.I pc:nod. tumor lyler I loflmJ.n W-oibht-d a k.t.')' uffen'>lvt.' l'l'hnund and lfl.llckly p.i..-..'>t.'<.l lhl' h.tll out to '>Crnor Jl(Jllll hl\IJ.Itl MJll L:.tthola, f,tll' 111 thl· founh 4li..trll'r < ....id1ola '>wung 1lw b.tll 111 Pu 11 u, who nJJlt'd t lw h.u k hrt"..tkt'r, .i Ulrt't' pomler lhal gavt· l.-.tam1J a J.1 1S lecld wiu1 I. r,c1 lefl 55 '39 l11e bag!('<. II h Ii, h 4 m 11·.ig-..iel telehrn1t'<.l <1ht•r WJrU With Ult' 1 .... t<UlllJ ...1ud1•11t' whom wert• drapt"tl CJVl'r llw r.ulmg ah<M.' lhl· gym floor ··~l.'lf l'llJUY tlw. t'\.t'f) day for tlw llt'Xt year ... t....1anu.1 Pnnnp.il I um \11ldl 'did \n adnm11'>trator Imm < .o'IJ Mt"wi dt•IM•red a playful l h..illengt' "W1.·'ll '>l't' you next yt'<H .. ll1a1 didn'1 fJ.7.e tht• I .agll...,. lluu d1<.ln'1 faJ.A.' 1-...,rancia Lo.irh Om., "o<Jrl t', who dw-.e not to t omrnl'nt 1111 J <,(llnewha1 lOlllruwr.1aJ ...11uatmn latt• m I.hi.' founh 41.1<.tfh.'r Ko1h t <kllht....., thd no1 rnmmclll. Yt'I Ull') 1.hd -..hoUI at 1.•J1. h otlwr dunng till' gJ.nll' wh1l1· rl'ft'n't" cahm><l tht•rn < rn.1,1 \11"'1 < oJdl I-kill \t·rvl.'n appJ.rt 1 •"Y Jt tu~ •ti biaru 1a of '>t.'nt..l111g tlw \\ 11111g pl<tyer 10 tlw frl"t' 1hru\\ luw .tltl'r a 11mt·ou1 "'>n e th .... 1grPt'tl dunng Lht• 1¥Jlll' J.lld <1h1·r !Ill' t 111111 .... t he 1mrnt·th .111.'1) .L,f-l'd tor .1 t upy 111 Ult' \.1dt•o tape• lrrim lht t .thlt' I\ t:r1.'\\ 1ha1 11.'lt•\ 1'4..'tl 1h1· g-.u1w l· • ..,t.imi.1 ll-tl. l4-J6, wi1h 1.U wlwn \lt· .... 1 '-,(·11i11r I >anny Knf-or 1<111 t11111t•d \.111.uk. \ltl'r J lllllt.'(1111. '\U\ .tk \\t'lll 111 lhl' ln_•t.' thnl\., hnt• Jfld h11 tlw l\\u l11ul 'ho1 .... I k11rn' fllll' thtn~ I m grnng 111 t•nto\ nli-. l1k1 I lll'\tr t'llJll~t'<.I uwni ht'11lfl. \Im l' '>did "\\l' 1-.t•pt our< n1111>1N1rt' lhey Wl'rc nnung in Ill our k'.ul Jnd we d1du'1 rrat:k u11cl1•r P""'urt' \\c weren't grl'al ln1m tht• lfl't• thnM lmt·. hut /.1ck 11l.1tll· l'llt1UJ~h 111 tlw founh 4uclf See EAGLES. Page AlO HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO CdM, Newport win twice Santa Barbara at CdM tonight at 6; Newport hosts Long Beach Wilson. < OllONA DI I M AH I oron<t dt.'I Mar I hgh girl.., \1\-Jfl'I polo toach A.iron (hant'\ wa.., all Jhoul 1ournamen1 prl·para11on before hrs Sea King'> took on Ca· hnllo to open tht• lrvmt.' 5oulhern California C ,,r1, Water Polo Cl1ampio1i...h1p' ,11 CdM Thurs<lay. I le held a team meeung 1ha1 cut inlo lhe Sea King'>' warm-up ume, '>0 t..dM ~tant'd the game a bit rusty. Yet the Sea King!. slill managed 10 defea1 Labrillo, 11 ·4, as seniors Olri~linc I lewko, Dan· ielle Carlson and Daniela OiGia- como ~cored lhrel' goals each.. "I knew it was going lo be a i.Jow start for us," Cllaney said. MThe girts had only 20 minutes 10 warm up. I had to 1.alk abou1 lhe whole tournament I fell confi· dent thal. we would be all righ1.- CdM (16·4) scored two goals ln the first period, but then broke It open with four goals ln the second. The lrio of l lewko. autson and DiGiacomo scored two goals each. The Sea Klngs scored the four goals In a 2:20 span. Katya F.adlngton and Amy Strack added a goal each in the second hall. Corona went up 7·0 after Di· Giacomo scored in front of the net. Ca.brillo (17·3) was led by Bec- ca Ur, who scored four goals. In the second round the Sea IGnp belted Agoura. 14-6, with Danielle Carlson (four goals) and Vlvlan Uao (three goals) the pacesetters. SlfYI McCRANK DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Carolyn Conway (nghtl, seen here agamst Foothill earher, was one of the key figures tn the Sailors' victories Thursday. The Sailors belted Arroyo Grande and Unrversrty. quanerfinal against Long Beach Wtlson. Annie Wight and Paige Lan· ing led I.he way again~ Arroyo Grande with three goals each. and in I.he nightcap, Anne Rel den (four goals). Wight (three goal ) and c.arotyn Conway (three goals) were the sconng leaders. Wight had a hat uick in the first period, and Belden had a hat trick in the second quarter. Newport 13, University S Scont bv Quartets University b o 1 3 b Newpon s • 2 1 13 Newport H1rbof -Belden 4, Wtght 3, Conway 3. Ball 2. Anderson 1 Saves -Cottam 4 Housepian 3. •Sage Hill School was an 8 7 winner at Kennedy, wtuch qualJ- fies the 9·8 Lightning for wild card conslderalion in the OF DI· vision VI Playoffs. Junior Hayden Hutchison led the way wrth five goals and Devin Thoma's defense stood out Freshman Bnnany ForTtSt scored cwice and sophomore ~lllNbdOlllll RntAound CdM 11. c.a.tlo 4 ScotebvOu..-. Cabrillo 6 o 2 2 CdM 2 42 3 Cllbfllo Ur 4 Saves -.Jenlun1 4 CdM -Ch Hewko 3, C:.rtto" 3, OlGleoomo 3, bd1ngton 1, Strlldt 1 S4IV9I -M.lllen 6. McCormic* , 4 Lauren lndvilt had one goal ror 11 lhe senior!~ Ugh.tnlng. Sopho- more Kira Neal had eight saws.• ........... si:= I, l(annedy 7 I f riddy, f ebnw; l 2003 At COLLEGE WOMEN'S . -TENNIS PREVIEW Building off success 'Eaters anxious to stay on last year's pace. Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot AN'llv\.Jl J{ 11 NNI'> "ilAl>lllM -Al thb .. llmt.· fa,I year, hardly anyone ever lward or u1e UC Ir vme women\ 1erui1~ learn. l'he An1e-a1er.. h..ttl reaLhed I.he Rig West champ101l'J11p nwtch m OJdl J~t onte '>lnll' JUinmg the confer enu· in 1~5 I lowever, by llw t·nd or I.he ld'>I ..eawn. UC .I h<."<.'JJll<' n."<."ogni1..t'd llte Antemer. rt·acht.tJ the H1g W~t thampmn-.h1p nw1< h ·niey fililihcd WIUI a nmlsn~ ul 6.l.f1h 111 1he nation. and 1ht7 al'° 'trung togelher a I I m.itch 1Mnn111g -.1reak lh1-. ye;u for lht' lir'>I unw '>lllte u1e 1 't77 '>t'a.'>011 And: !hat W-d.'> when Ull') wt.·re 1101 <l "JC.AA DIVl'>ion I pniw-Jm \Vath '>IX rcrunung lrom 1 ... ,, \'lYJf, lhe Antt'.ller. Jrt• pm~ to mdke '>Ure I.ht· ll'UIWllllOll W"d'> llfll J OOl'·yt:dT tKtlJrTl'Oll' ·1 dun'1 lh111k then·' .u1~ -.ul,...11 lute lor t•x11t·nem 1· '>JJU l Jl I C .<Jach Mi kt· hdll·'· l;N year\ H1g Wl">t C .(Jach of llw \l'J.r "I loo!.. tor I.hat tu be our ... 1n·nl{ll1 for rhe r1. .... 1 of u1e rear I J< I did lo'*' J top player. Jonni \t')'lnour v.1111 watlua1t'd "-' om· or UH: hc...,t plJ\ er. of the Alllt•all'r.· teruU'> pni ~-~our W-J.'> n.imt'll Lr11t•r rnllegi.aw 'l<'1mtc, A.-.'>C1t'1allon Wt·..,1 lk'glon \e111or l'l.iwr of LhL· Yl'<tr !Jktng CJ\'l'r lJ( I\ '\11 I '>IJlgle-. ... 1111 will be 1urnor lt'llll\' li<MmdTl ,1 u-.u~fer from uw I Jrnver.11\ of \\)oming "'ihe\ I.he old -.c. h11ol l}'J)i.' l 11111 1x·111or." I die."> ....ud of Howm<.111. "l.,he\ tough d.'> na1J .... the tvpc.· lh.11 gel' tlw 1oh do11t• with not ,1 fut 11f fla.-.h ')he -.hould hJW J wry good >l'J.r" Ongi ndl f\ I ro 111 '-ktcrd.Jllen 111. Bowman Y.111 ilho bt· plavmg ~o I The Anteaters Anna Bentzer So Knstma Boss So Jenny Bowman Jr Tiffany Chang Jr Vero111ca Fermin Fr Carmen Khoury Fr Hut Leow So Jessica Nesamony Fr Christie Posner Jr Aya Sakoda Fr Amy Tran<Xtno Sr Agrneszka Wyrembok So Coach Mike Edles Assistant coaches Tom Yamagucf'l1, Dave Abella tl1111hll.., \\-1th 1u111or teammate Tlf- f.ul\' Cllilll~ 01a11g. who earned fir.Ht•arn \ll-H1g We-.1 honors for tlouhlt.., Y.1th \t.oymow IJ.'>I year. ~ tht• .\nlt·ater. lt·am taplJJn. '>lw\ our fcarlt">-" leclder, -1-..dles '><Ud ol C.h ang. "'>ht> w.c. the uri.mm 1ouc, tho we tor team cap- 1.i111 '>lit'\ a um ... ummal.e team pla\t•r I h.mg ..tJ..,., l«ifl1t'<..I -.econd· 11·.111 ,\II Hsg Wt..,I honor. m \111· ~l .... '>ophr>r ll<Jn..><, I h11 I .A.'UW and i\1111,1 Ht•ni7.cr t·anll'd second· tt·am \II Big \'~t ... r douhll...., honors. and H<:nl/.er .11~1 n't <'1\lt"d honor· <thlt• llll'lllHJfl fl""t IJg.Tll tUJn Ill SlO· Wl""' l,l ... I \l'J.r I <lit-.. ill'>l> -.;11d "M.'ruor Amy I mndono ha' rrnprtJvt."<.I from last v1·.s1 .incl ha.'> bt•t'll pldying well re- l 1·111ly. and 1111uor c }m-,oe Pr~ner ,.., ,, lkn e nimpl'lllor who love5 plavu 1g m big m.m ht..._ Also. ~iphomure KrJ,llllJ I~ has ow~ll!'lnuni.: JllAwr • .llld ten.ae11y. I lift.., .... ud COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKElBAU. Anteaters succumb RJVERSIOI' UL ln1nt'' women\ ha-.kt.•1hall 11.'am wa' unJble 10 tontain <,ophor11ort' I lolly Peter-.t111 .111d paid tht· pnce Thur.da} night in Big \\.l· ... 1 < onferenct• pta, ,..., tht> ho..,t I ltghlander. taptured cl -:-01 il.f VlCl<>ry. Peter.on '><.'ort•d .!4 poma... ;111d had 10 rt•hound.., to pace 1h1· I lighlander.. 5 I '1, 2-7 ca .... mdra Reeve., added L:! poml'> < ounney £ l'fl.1\JWn I 151 and 01mtina Cctllawa} 10 \\.ere tht' only Antt!aler.. 1n double dJKih J.'- llC I It'll lo I.! H. -, I I erguson6 ... ronng on fiw llt11'l' pomlers. Bl& West Confefence Riverside 75. UO 59 UCl 1-..tul~nt:r 3 Gdt>bt B Gn•en B Yd k> b Cdl/3Wih 10 81991ns. 2. F!'rguson 15 Usn .. r 7 3 nt qodti. Fe<guson 5 Gdbbtl 2 Faul~ ner 1 Gre.<r l Foult.'<l out Yadon C;illdway Tuctinocals -Green Riverside Pet1.Jrson ~4 Rooves 22 Rf'bt-t 6 Mu1t 10 Ha(T•!> 10 Valdez 3 3 pl goals Pe1t>r'-C)n J Valdez 1 Fouled out nonP T1!d\n1cals -non. H31h1m1• ~rve<S•Cl<'l 39 19 HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER Eagles rule in Costa Mesa L-.ianaa I llgh' hoy<; ...occer team reign.' a-. my champion fol lowmg a 4·2 Vll1ory at C0...1a Me;a to complt.1e a two game Golden West League '>"Wl'Cp of 1~ cm'>.!. I.own nvals. Th<' l'.agjeo; JWTI pt.'d to a 2 I lead. Lhen posted two ~traight m lhe second half to salt 11 away. Sergio Madrigal. Javier Millan, Javier Ram1w and Rodngo Duarte srored. and Aaron Van c;eem and Geo Macias each had an assist Madngal. Juan tastaneda and r ddie Rubalcava each had a save for Estanoa. which doses its <;ea· ~n out. 7 10 I, 4 7 I in league. Benjamin FJiru.. and Ahmed Ci~· neros scored for Costa Mesa. 0- 19· I. 0-10. • Newpon t larl>or Highs ~s left Laguna I !ills wilh a frustrating 2·2 Sea View League ue. The Sailors. 5 9· 7. 3.3.3 In league. got a goal fmm Sabnna Couch in the 58th minute off an ~ from lttcia Onh. and Turyn Pla.mson drove home the tying goal at the 62..50 marlt from 25 yards om. A potential game-winner by Ramson minutes latrr just missed Ulja Addeman had three saves for Newport. ~ewpon h.t.-. one lt'«<Ut' game left. <tWam .... 1 Vl.'>Jnng Woodbridge on fu~ay at 5 p.m v\loodbndge can rlumna1ed Lht' \..ufo,.., and la.kt• the 'Jo ·~ 'POI m league for C II Y.11.h a tJe • Comna <lei \1ar I hgh\ guh. Ill que--1 of the l'actfit < oa-.1 League thamp1onsfup, Wl'n.' Upse1 by v1s.1ung Un~rs.rly, 2 1 Thun;day. n1e Sea~ Mw 94·1, 6-1-1 m the PLL. oed the game at I · I in the m.1ddJe of the <.econd half wflt>n Kume Mamer 'i<:ored off Jenn) l.ont deOooed anem.pt. Um\.~r.;tty (8 7. 4 4 0). however. retaliated with a sho1 m the 70th nunute on a free kick with eyes. Um\ fir<.t goal came on a comer kick.. • In a nonle.ague boys game at Sadd.lebou:k Valley (l\nsu;J.n in San Juan Capistrano. Sage Ifill SdlOOl 1mpn:M.>d to 7-4-4 with a 6-1 vic- lory. 7..ach Priedrichs scored fwice for lhe Lightning. and 1bdd Monta· kab, Sam Fankuchen, Anthony KinaJy, and 7..id ~ IMidrd ~tallieL C.C.W-~ Fntdnchl. Kim- ty. Jordan . I and Kent l'.lnD were aOOlted wtth eo.J.. lecper 1mlor Grangn had fyt saves. HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING ~1.~o $1mp1e>n ~~~ o • J Vengv•rd O» lOO ta. • 11 • 2 Carr and Gakher; CNton. Grigg9 (6), J. Frenco (7), M. Frenco 181, Ki.In 191 endWllWfleld. W-c..ton. 1-0 L- CMr. 0.1. 28 -Raldlle ISi, O\JZ M. Tlttham"* (V), MlllMrd (V), Brunett (V), c.dM meets Santa Barbara in the quaneTfl.nal tonl&ht at 6. • In a Pad.fie Co t League game on Wednesday. CdM was a 14·3 winner O\ler vtstttng North· wood. The froPt soph handled Northwood. &-3. N9wpoft 14, ~ Gtllnde 0 Newpori ~-Wight 3. Llntlng 3, Murphy 2, a.ldon 2, Ball 1, Andef9on 1, ConwllY 1, Parol 1 SeWI -Cottam 1, Ritchey 1, HoulOC)lan 1 seoe Hin -, ~ , l(ennedv ' 2 o ' S... Hiii-Hutct11n10n 5, rorr.t 2. lndvitt 1 Savee-Nell 8 ~-~ 1,PaslinS, Sintol 1 It~ MM11net 12. : 1 Bybee cap meet with 9-8. victory DEEP SEA \ •Newport ti rbor oprnt'd with vfdori CMr Am1yc> Grande and '-1nMnity. pcMting a 14·0 wln ln the opener, a.nd • 13·5 dfodstoo <M'f UntYmity to rno¥e Into ton'it't's 6 p.m. SANTA ANA • Newport Harbor but OK" rs. 4 , 1-4, wer. 1Wbor I ' 2 IS-pound 1Cnk>r lharp · thc:y prepared for 8nd ~ rallied from I potnt on 11 ltvine Hilb- dOWTI wtth tban 30 Vletor )Olb to go Wllb I t.abdown to dUn a forAtt an 11 at lQl 9-8 ~ory <M:r Foothill 1-Qgb\ poundl. Tony Pinon ,... a lM enc lnfne Thuratay n.igbt to winner CMf Criltio ~ • blghUghJ • tolid e&ct from lht 152. and lhndna MtilW s.Don.. polMd a -4·2 wtn a.w Jolt AMI FOOcbiD won the matd\. '5·27 •• at 171 poundl. t AlO Friday, February 7, 2003 SP..ORT S COMMUNITY COLLEGE GOLF PREVIEW Swinging into season Orange Coast College golfers set s ights on Southern California finals and beyond. Br1ce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The recent SYf:OOn of wann weather blanket- ing Orange County makes for oear-ideal golfing conditions, and players on Orange Coast College's team have taken advan- tage. OCC has begun the season 1-1. eyeing another trip to the Southern CaJifomia champion"- <ihlps. The Pinites finished sixth of eight schools at last year's Southern California competition, building on a mnth-place finish the season before. The top four teams qualify for the state cham- pionship "Get to (the Southern Califor- nia championships) and let the chips fall where they may and try to qualify for State." said Coast roach Barry Wallace -entering hii. sixth i.eason coachLOg the Bucs -when asked ahout the team's goali. this 'icason. "AU nine pl a yen. are probably 1>1ronger a.-. a group than I've had before," Wallace said. "They are alJ very competitive.· Leading Wallace·i. charge will be i.ophomorl"> Jake AJJanach <Newport I larbor 1 llgh) and Kt.oily Wic~ along With fre<>hman TODAY ~ti Community college men Irvine V11lley 11 Orange CoaSI, 7 30 p m Commun11y oollogu women Irvine Valley 11 Orange Coast, S;JO p.m High sdlool boys· Un111ers1tv at Coron11 del Mer, 7 p.m .• Newport H11rbor at Laguna Hills, 7 pm.: Captstreno Valley Christian at Sage Holl, 7 30 p m liogh sdlool girls Estarn;oa at Or11nge, 7 p m : Capistrano Valley Chrostoan 111 Sage Holl,6p.m Soccet' High school boys Urn11erst1y at Corona del Mer, 3:15 pm., Newport Harbor 111 l.eguna Hills, 3 IS pm, Capistrano Valley Christt11n et Sage Holl, 3 15 pm High sctoool girls Estancia 81 Orange, 3 p m ..• Westminster at Costa Mesa, 3 The Pirates Jake Allanach, So. Jared Bruce, Fr. Brad Champion, So. Jason Hathcoat, Fr. David Kendall, Fr. Ryan Peaslee. So. Shaun Vidters, Fr. Kelly W1dts. So. Coach: Bany Wallace David Kendall (Woodbridge). Wicks, Allanach and Kendall finished 1-2-3 for the Pirates LO their second-place finish at the two-day Orange Empire Confer- ence Tournament earlier this week. "Our top three have the ability to go on and play at four-year schools." Wallace said. "!Wicks) and (AIJanach) play tournaments in the offseason, are good sru- dents and wiJJ do well (at a four- year school): Fredrik Svanberg -Coa.i.t'~ No. l player a year ago -no..., plays golf for UC Berkeley after one year with the Pi.rates. "We could ha\.'C had him on our team but it's only goLOg to help promote kids to go on SCHEDULE p m Sage Hill ill Cap.st.reno Valley Chnstoan 3 15 pm Yonevt>a• College men -UC Irvine at Northndge. 7 pm Communrtv oollege men -Pasadena at Orange Coast. 2:30 p.m Basebal College -UC Irvine at Santa Clare, 3 pm Community college • Orange Coast at Southwestern Tournament OCC 111 East Los Angele11, 10 a.m at Grossmont, OCC at San Diego Mesa, 2 p m Tredl end field Community college men and women Orange Empire Conference Relays 111 Santa Ana, 1 p.m Swim mini! College men and women -UC Irv one at Cat Poly San Luis 00.spo, 1 pm UC IRVINE BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs · Wallace said. ·nungs work out for the best anyways.• Sophomores Brad Otampion and Ryan Peaslee alongside freshman Jared Bruce, Jason Hethcoat and Shaun Vickers add to Coast's arsenal, which Wallace said has a deft short-game touch. "Players are working on their short game, which is o ne of the reasons why we are SQ>ring so· weO,. WaJJace said. ·we have a good teaching and coaching area and we use that a lot.· Wallace refers 10 the practice area located.next 10 LeBard Sta- dium on campus that includes 10 tee mats. a filming badc- ground board, video eqwpment for players to record their swings. putting green. sand bunker and hitting net. The Pirates. along with students raking golf classt"S. have each honed their games us- ing the two-year old facility. Coast golfers play Co ta Mesa Golf & Country Oub for noncon- ference home matches v.tille us- tng Santa Ana Cowmy Oub m conference play. "(Santa Ana CO is a ~rgeous faetlity. one of the ~t tn the state and we are happ)' 10 be there,· Wallace said Coast either pracoces or plays five days a v..oeek.. with a .,tern commmnent from everyone "Golf tS very demandmg on thetr ume. -Wallace <;a.1d -with five guys playmg. you can -,pend '>IX or c;even hours on the golf cou.r.e Communrtf college men and ""om .. n Orange Coast at Orange Emp.re Conferena> Releys 10 a m Tennis College IN"n Cal Poly San LUtS Ot><~ atUClrv.M 1 pm College women UC Irvine II'> Un111e,.1ty of the Paoflc; <ti Euqene Ore 2pm Softball College Cat State Dominguez Hills at Vanguard Un1vers1ty, 1 30 p m Community college Orange Coast di Roo Hondo. 3 p m W.terpolo High sdlool girls Southern Cahfom•a ll'lllotattonel 81 Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor Santa Barbara at Corona del M1r 6 p m LB Wil$0n at Newport Harbor, 6 p m cal State Fullerton Saturday, Feb. 8, at 7:00 p.m. HOMECOMING!! UCI baseball tickets on sale now!! $100 .... ..., ... $ '+•dlMMI, ............... . WAfw .............. ._ .... 'lllnr11. l9lck , ........ plM: $40 C..-. ........ ...-0Y•Ge-._,11,_.. lw w ......... f.1 $7.-...... $Su..., .... '°' .... lllfonuldon# pl•-call (t4t) UQ.W9ts ....................... uc1. .. Thrily A Pilot DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Estanc1a's Carlos Pinto (44) pulls the ball free from Costa Mesa's Bnan Mohna 1ust as ball falls into the hands of Estancia's Tyler Hoffman as the teams do battle at the top of the free-throw line. EAGLES Conbnued from A9 ter to make a difference. /4tck might h.J\~ had the best birthday pre;;ent of~ hfe by h.tvmg ~uch a phenomenal rught. I le did a gre-a1 ,00 of defendmg ~orum and k:noded dO\~TI _>o on the other end Jordan 'ilroman) and Joey Lmdq~ did a great 1ob of pull mg rebound, and (.aria<; had tus usual good )('Ortng rught 'lon:-e wa~ abo plt'a.<,ed becaw.e the f~ MTla.U1ed one-game betund second place Orange m the (.olden \\e.,t League. l.mdqw.\l. the 6-foot-7 ~rnor \~no ~"Ored five poum. grabbed a game-high 13 rebound'>, wtuJe ~man. a Co<.ta Mesa transfer, pulled down rune lx"11ds 10 go v..ith his five pomt-.. Slroman ah.o drew a crut1al offellSlve foul when he planted tus feet and took the d'large with I :40 remaining, The Mustang.'> (8-15, 3·6J were led bv Krikonan. who ~on.'Cl 11 pom~ Me.a could not oven.-ome 11.S poor-shooting first half (5 or 24 for 21%). The Mustan~ could not connect from downtown cuher, ~ they firushed 6 for J8 ( 16%) from behind the three-pomt lme. 01e Lagle.' defense concen trated on t.akmg Knkonan and freshman Scott Knox out of the of fense. and the '>lrat~ paid off fs- tanaa bwlt a 26-7 lead wnh '\:O'> left 1.n the fil">I half. "When we've lost tJw. year 11\ been because we've shot poody." Serven said. ·They played good defense. Their triangle-and-two (defense) was good. Our young guys had a tough time attacking it. l.n the second half we did a better job of attacking it. But. (the Eagles) were the best· Mesa cut mto EstanciaS lead m the second hall Krikorian made htS second of two free throws to make 11 29-24. F..agles. But NovaJc: answered with a three-pointer, as the f.agles outscored the ~­ tangs. 8-3. to dose out the thtrd period. Costa Mesa came back ~ and cut the deficit. 39-34, but this time Pinto answered with five i.u-.ught poin~ including the aforementioned back-breald.ng three-pointer. Hoffman and Novdk al!>o grabbed imponant offen.sive rebounds that aided Estancia LO run out the dock. Golden Wett LNcue Estanda 55, Costa Mesa 39 Score by Ouartan Estancia 12 14 11 1a Costa Mesa 5 s 15 11 Estancia -Pinto 18, Stroman 5 Lindquist 5. N011ak 20. Cachola 2. Hoffman 5, Andersen O 3 pt goals N 011ak 4, Ponto 2. Fouled OU1 -LmdQu1st Tectin1cals -None 56 39 Costa Mesa -0 Krokonan 11 Knox 4 Mohne 8, Waldron 6. Stankovic 0, Pepte 9 Moltward 1 T Krokonan 0 3 pt goals Pep1c 3. 0 Knkonan 2 Mohna 1 Fouled oul Waldron Tod'ln1cals none @j~ F loral & Gifts SO % OFF Topi aries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 11-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) ( Dally Piiot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL CdMputs University away with 42-38 win -Sea Ki ngs stay within range of PCL leade r Calvary Chapel with solid effort against the rival Trojan s. Corona del Mar H1gh's girls basketball team u'ied a 14-2 sec- ond-q uarter run to spark a 42-38 Pacific Coast League victory over visiu.ng University Thursday night. Kellian.n Klein led the way with 12 points as CdM improved to 11-11 , 6-2 in the PCl1 and she was joined by Kathryn I l~­ chen. Lauren Snell and Aryn Di- mas in the second quarter which proved decisive. Dimas <>Cored two points and the rest each scored four point'> as an effective press triggered the burst. The victory sets up a champ1 onstup showdown on Tuesday when league-leadLOg Calvary Olapel mV'ld~ Un1ver;1ty fell to 3-5 in league • Newport I !arbor. mean wtu.le. LO Sea View I .eague play at Laguna I-bib. the Sailors were w1able to adjust to Laguna Hill's defensive i.witch~ LO the second half. and they had no answer for Ouisten o· Alesandro. who bur 1ed sue three-pomt i.hots to lead aJJ scorers with 18 points. Newport was in the hunt at halftime, trading 27-24. but l~­ guna I-tills rolled in the second half. Jillianne Whitfield led the Sail· or.. with 13 points. Nt'WJ)Ort Harbor falls to 13-13. 3-6 tn the Sea View. I .agu.na Hills improve., to 17-8. 6-3. Padlc Co.It LMIUI CdM 42. UnlYwllty 28 Score bv Ouan.n Un11111rsrty • 2 12 5 CdM 8 t4 14 1 U~ -Garey 4 Newsome 5 Klemsmrth 5, Chao 0. Sutter 6. Kauker 2 Eaclars 6 3-pt goals Kleinsmith 1 Fouled out -none Tecnnicels -none CdM Snell 4, C Merits 6. Otterbein 6, Heeechen 6. Klein 12, Dimas 2, Stern 2. A Maru 0, Skalla O. McCoy 4, VardleyO 3 pt goals Klem 2 Fouled OU1 none Tedln1cals -none t...guna Hilb 58, Newport le Score by Ouaners Newport 11 13 r. 1 Lag Hills t6 11 14 11 Newport H.t>or Campbell 7, SW1gart 4, Whrtfteld 13, Vasquez 0, Woller o, Beeson 0, Stoltz 4, Miller 0, Koon 0, Eddington 2. Linsday 6, Fulce 0 3-pt goals Wtirtfield 2, Campbell 1 Fouled CM -none Tecnnicals -none Laguna Hilb· O~eNndro 18, Imber 11, Anderson 2, Tabun 6, Von Pohlman 14, Stodling 6, Martinez 1 3-pt_ goal• -O'Aloundro 6 Fouled C>Yt -none Tedlnicels -none Dally Pilot _L ... ~I Natl __ cei __ M~ legal Notlca 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices CITY Of COSTAIEU OUIGI COUNTY, WIODIA llOOO IMTlt6 8"S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 'U led p10 pou ts few l1Hnlslun1 •II l•bor mat1111ls equip mertl, .11sport•t1Un and suth other tat1ht1u ., may be required for ASllSTOS ANO UAO IASI rAINT IUMOVAl AND DIMOµTION AND DISPOSAL Of "Uk STltUCTUIUS City "••· l•ct Ne. 03 02, will be r1ctlv1d by the City ot Cost• Mn• .st the 0111•• ot the City Clu~ 11 ru Orlva C.o\t4 MIU, C1lllorn1" unlll tho hour ot 10.00 a .111., M•n· cloy, hbruary 24, 2003 •t wh1d1 lime they will be opened publicly artd rud dlnud 1n th• l u 11 •ti C lu n1 b er • Staled prupo•~I\ 'h•U bear th• t.lle .,f th• wor!. and n•mt ul tht btdde r but no other d1stin1u1sh1ne mar~' ~ lllt•V~~ •lier NOTICE 6F TRUSTEE SALE NOTICE S liEREBY G1Vfl'. llWI u<1 frldly. FtC<Wry 21, 2003 at 10 00 am, '" t.,. oHreea ol Lany Ro'""'a" loa•.O 111 2400 E 1<11e11a Avenue S..ie 320 Arw,,..m Caltlomia 90806 Lari\' Rothmiln. Ctn l:>iAllf Of .oflc wooos Homeow,..,, 1U.oc1at on, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH CASHIER S CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK (payaol• at l me of aalo 1n l.:i.-iul money of the Unrt41d S~IN) all riohl, utte arc! 1oteresf etNled by the O.C1ar11ton bl C'OYenanta. CondrhON & Aeatnctoona, and tr; tho Notice of Oefaull ano Elacllo" to sell wh<Ch was rwcoroed o" July 03, 2002 ln111ument Niimb.t 20020Sl1171 tr> Olfictal Recotds of Or Ill? County C•l tOINll oeknbedn P11e»I 038-1)3 042 Lot I Unn H I Tract 121~ 1nclullv• ol tho of!la<tl lllCO'lls of Orange CO<ll!y •nc:IU'INt of M15C4l11aneoua ... <IPS 'Of N Count't OI Orange c;.1.IQ(n.• Recotded o.. ..... ,, SwceyL ~iz Tha SllMI Add<Ht Ind Oltle! commC>tl on.gnation I any, OI me ,_, PIOC*l'Y dlscnoeo !lb<We 11 ~41<1 IO be 2210 Paci'lc Ave •H I Costa Mesa CA 92&27 YOU ARE IN DEFAlJl" U~DER AN ASSESSMENT L Etl DATED ,,.AY J.O 2002 INSTRUMENT Nu ... BER 200204S6908 It• OFFIC•Al RECORDS OF ORANGE C!OUNTY CAUFORNIA UN~ESS YOU TME ACTION TO PRO fEC T YOUR PROPERT\' IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YO\J NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST VOU YOU Sr<x.ILD CONT ACT A LAWYER Sa.a aa•t w II tot mA<1t !!V! wl1!!0\A OOVtl\anl 01 th• sthtduled ctoalnc tltm for llM reulpl of btds Shall be relur ned to btddei unopan•d ll 1htlt 1M ll>• sole r eq>ons1b1llty of the bidder to '" that hts btd received 1n PfOPtl ltme A Hl of 81d Ocx;u menh mer be obtained •l Iha Otl1t1 .,f the City [ ncinetr, 1 I r '" 0flvt. Costa Meu C•ltlur nt• upon nonrefunclobl• poy111ent of $20.00. An oclcllttol'ol chore• of SS.OD must be mcluded ti h•ndled by m"I Bod Oocum~11h •nd olh•r con tr •ti dut un1e11h rn.iy al"J b• ~ • arn111td •I lht OflKt of the City Clerk ol Iha City nf Cost. Mn• Bid Ootument\ will not b~ mall•d unle"' th~ <1dd1t1on•I $5 00 r.huae I\ mtludelJ .,1th P•'lrnf!ll dl h bid "'1•11 b~ made on ·the Prupo•.al "" m \hut . f' I thr nuKh P 9 jlrOVld•d Jrl lht • Olllr <td dot um•"I\, •nd 'h•ll br .ccom~·•ni.d by • l•r l1f1~d u• l d\h•rr ' h•• k 1Jf a bid bond to, not It>\ ll1dn 10 nl ll•r Tht I """' i ptr\un' .irt Oo • "".; ne•.) •i Oun ll1tt; Comp•nt 61 Norh• H~roo 1' ••> \ •io CA Qff)'>6 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE I~• f1ct1I on flu\mn~ .,,,,..,. '''"''"a 10 •0011~ w 1\ t1lrd '" Ur •net Coul\1y Or\ II l 02 ftL( •w :10021>'11~81 .. •'"" \..t:.1&h't' hi N•f"I H••o A '° V •IO CA 9;>~.'>6 l \ I r, ' < • ( 6H I I Sto"•g " T J\' ., A ~vw rn·b~•·\\ iu •~ j b" ' p;.tr•rr, ~ "''" \l.,t:Jt"'tl' T \ tJ•,.mpn1 ,,,_ I t j " It lh• (.n ir 'I P.'' • Or .tn~.-( un•1 ' 4 U I ?0036937701 14 f l .. 't. \1•11 ~""' ( ar rn ( la»tf"d • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA AMENDING TITLE 13 OF THE COSTA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ANO DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES ANO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA AMENDING THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA AMENDING THE ZONING CODE REGULATIONS RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES. THE PLANNING COMMiSSION WILL ALSO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES IN RESPECT TO FLOOR AREA RATIOS, SECOND-STORY CONSTRUCTION, MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT, VIEW PRESERVATION, AND DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, February 24, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California Public comments in either oral or written form may be presented during the public hearing. For further Information, telephone (714) 754-5245, or visit the Planning Division, Second Floor of City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, Calif ornla. Th.e Planning Division Is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday: OFFICIAL PUBL:IC NOTICE J \ 0 4 " 5 Friday, February 7, 2003 ,.ir , 4 70036'32273 fJ-t I ~ , • • •C ?, ?P .Ol.! 4 , 11 ~4 <I ·~ ""• ""'•or ne'-~ 4\ pt-rt1 C "'P" ••• 700369)006f •• ' ' I V Ir 1\ .. ~ 01 • 20036931400 (~ t I I I. 18 :.>O!Jj Al 1 "' U·• l• C. un•1 Proo-.. rt 1 t mi>•'"lf •JI" Pror.rrl o '1 Ot p, p c.o 'll40 & "' s• Su 1~ JQr, Nt .. port Bu'· C •I tor" • <;26f>fJ A·P•andrr 5 Vtdl•"td1 4 And1 .. \.t H#n,. Cit •orn,. 9.?614 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SAU! In ClASSIFlfD (949)642-5678 PLU G IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed sed1on tr find services fron I electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters NEWPORT BE.\CH • Daily Pilot ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • F A.10 Friday, February 7, 2003 SP.O RT S COMMUNITY COLLEGE GOLF PREVIEW Swinging into season Orange Coast College golfers set sights on Southern California finals and beyond. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The recent swoon of wann weather blanket- ing Orange County makes for near-ideal golfing conditions, and players on Orange Coas1 College's team have taken advan- tage. OCC has begun the season 1-1. eyeing another trip to the Southern California champion- ships. The Pirates finished sixth of eight schools at last year's Southern California competition, building on a ninth-place finish the season before. The top four teams qualify for the i.tate cham- pionship. "Get to (the Southern Califor- nia championships) and let the chips fall where they may and cry to qualify for State." said Coast coach Barry Wallace -entering hii. sixth season coaching the Bucs -when asked about the team's goals this seai.on. •All nine players are probably stronger as a group than I've had before," Wallace said. "They are all very competitive." Leading Wallace's charge will be !>Ophomores Jake Allanach (Newpon I !arbor I ligh) and Kelly \\lick!> aJong wi1h freshman TODAY a...cbell Community college men hvone Valley a1 Orange Coast, 7.30 pm CommunftV college women Irvine Valley at Orange Coast, 5 30 p.m Htgh school boys -Unoven;ity at Corona def Mar. 7 p.m , Newport Harbor at Laguna Hills, 7 p m .. Capt11reno Valley Chnst1an at Sage Holl, 7 30 p m High sdiool gor1s Estancia 01 Orange, 7 pm., Cap111rano Valley Chros11an at Sage Holl,6p.m Soc:cef High ldiool boys Univers11y at Corona del Mar. 3 15 p.m , Newport Harbor at Laguna Hills, 3 15 pm • C.p1s1rano Valley ChnstJan at Sage Holl, 3 15 pm High sdlool girls -Estancia at Orange, 3 p.m .; Wes1m1nster at Costa Mesa, 3 The Pirates Jake Allanach, So. Jared Bruce. Fr. Brad Champion, So. Jason Hethcoat, Fr. David Kendall. Fr. Ryan Peaslee, So. Shaun Vi<*ers, Fr. Kelly Wi<*s. So. CoKh: Bany Wallace David Kendall (Woodbridge). Wicks, Allanach and Kendall finished l -2-3 for the Pirates in their second-place finish at the two-day Orange Empire Confer- ence Tournament earlier this week. "Our top three have.Jhe ability 10 go on and play at four-year schools," Wallace said. "(Wicks) and (Allanach) play tournaments in the offseason, are good stu- dents and will do well (at a four- year school)." fredri.k Svanberg -Coast's No. l player a year ago -now plays golf for UC Berkeley after one year with the Pirates. "We could have had him on our team but its only going to help promote kids to go on," SCHEDULE p.m., Sage Holl at Capistrano Valley Chros11an. 3·15 pm Volleyball College men -UC Irvine al Northrodge. 7 pm Community college men Pasadena at Orange Coast 2:30 p.m Basebell College -UC lrvtne a1 Santa Clara, 3 pm Communify college -Orange Coast at SoU1hwestern Tournament OCC vs East Los Angeles. 10 a m at Grossmont. OCC at San Diego Mesa, 2 p.m. T'8dc end fie6d Community college men and women Orange Empire Conference Relays at Santa Ana. 1 p.m Swlmmin9 College men and women -UC Irvine at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 1 p m UC IRVINE BASKETBALL . UC Irvine vs Cal State Fullerton Wallace said. "lhings work out for the best anyways." . Sophomores Brad Ouunpion and Ryan Peaslee alongsJde freshman Jared Bruce, Jason Hethcoat and Shaun Vickers add to Coast's arsenaJ, which Wallace said has a deft short-game touch. "Players are working on their short game, which Is one of the reasons why we are scoring so well," Wallace said. "We have a good teaching and coaching area and we use that a loL" Wallace refers to the practice area located next to LeBard Sta- dium on campus that includes 10 tee mats, a filming back- ground board, video equipment for players to record their swings. putting green, sand bun.leer and hitting net. The Pirates, along with students 1aking golf classes, have each honed their games us- ing the rwo-year old facility. Coast golfers play Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub for noncon- forencc home matches while us- ing Sanla Ana Country Oub in conference play. "(Santa Ana CC) is a gorgeous facility, one of the best in the !>late and we are happy to be there," Wallace said. Coast either practices or plays five days a week. with a stem commitment from everyone. "Golf is very demanding on their time," Wallace said. "With five guys playing. you can ~pend c;ix o r seven hours on the golf cour.e." Communotv college men and women Orange Coa11 at Orange Empore Conferoncc RellfYS, 10 a m Tennl1 College men Cal Poly San Loos OIJospo 81 UC Irvine, 1 p m College women UC Irvine vs Univer5•1V of the PllQfic, 111 Eugene Ore 2pm. SoN>.11 College Cal State Dominguez Hills at Vanguard University, 1 30 p m Community college -Orengo Coest a1 Rio Hondo, 3 p m Wlterpolo High sdlool girts Southern Cahforn1a lnvnatoonal at Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor. Santa Barbara a1 Corona del Mar, 6 p m LB Wilson at Newport Harbor, 6 p m Saturday, Feb. 8, at 7:00 p.m. HOMECOMING!! ua baseball tickets on sale nowtr Racrvccl season tick~ $100 Wiiii..,,.. dtnHloedl ..-, _, ..._ lidla II• WAT-. .......... ._.._,..,..._ Pick , ... ......, plm: $40 '-" ........ ......., ,_ .... .., ,. ......... ....... fl,_ ...... $5.a....,-. liltllCl.ly ~ SI pa pcnon llltduilHM ..................... , .... ,_., ..... c.....,.. ... ClllM) for lllOIC ................ , ....... call (t4t) uo WWtS ., wlllt 111 et www.athlctlca.ud.cd11 Daily A Pilot DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT Estancia's Carlos Pinto (44) pulls the ball free from Costa Mesa's Brian Molina Just as ball falls into the hands of Estancia's Tyler Hoffman as the teams do battle at the top of the free-throw line. EAGLES Continued from A9 ter to make a difference. /..ack might have had the best birthday present of his life by having such a phenomenal night. I le did a gre-.it job _of defending Krikonan and knoclced down 20 on the other end Jordan (Stroman) and Joey (Undqwst) dJd a great job of pull mg rebounds and Carl05 had tu5 usual good scoring mght." Sorce wai. also plea.'>Ctl becaU.'it' the 1-:agl~ remained one-gam<.> behind second pl.tll' Oran•w in the Golden We-1 Lea~e Undqul.!>I. the 6-fool-7 !>COior who !>COred five pomll>. grdbbed a game-high 13 rebound'>. while Stroman. a (.;o<;ta Met.a lrn.n'>fer. pulled down rune board'> to go with his 6ve pornti.. Stroman al'-'J drew a crucial ofTem.1w foul when he planted his feet and took the charge with I :40 remainln~. 'lhe Mustan~ (8· 15. 3 6) were led by Krikorian. who i,cored 11 points. Me..a could not overcome its poor-~ooting first half (5 of 24 for 2 l %). The Mustang') could not connect from downtown either, ru. they finished 6 for 38 (I 6%J from behind the three-pomt hne. The Eagles' defense concen- trated on taking Knkonan and freshman Scott Knox out of th<.> of fense, and the strategy p;ud off I ~ tanaa buil1 a 26-7 lead with J1l5 left in the lmt half. WWhen we\'l' lost thL., year II'> been because we've shot poorly." Serven sald ·Tuey played good defense. Their triangle-and-two (defense) was good. Our young bl\.l)'S had a tough time attacking it In the second half we did a better job of attacking it. But. (the F.agtes) were the best.· Mesa cut IOIO &tancia'!> lead in the second half. Krikorian made h.Ls SC'l'f>nd of two £ree throws to malce II 29 24. F.ag!es. But Novak an~red with a three·potnter, as the l;agles out.scored the . Mus· tanw;, 8-3. LO close OUI the third penod. Ch.ta Mesa came bad again and cut the defio t. 39-34, but this ttme Pin10 answered with 6ve <;traight points. including the aforemcnuoned bad-breaking 1hree-poin1er. Hoffman and Novak al'iO grabbed imponant offensive rebounds tha1 aided E'st.anaa to run out the dock. Estancia 55, Costa Mesa 39 Seo... by Quarters Estancia 12 t4 n 18 CoS1a M esa !> e 1s 11 Estandli -Pinto 18, Stroman 5, L1ndQu•S1 5. Novalo:. 20. Cachola 2. Hoffman 5, Andenien O 3 pt goals -Novak 4 Ponto 2 Fouled OU1 -Lindquist Tecnn1ca15 -None S!i 39 Cost.I Mesa -0 Knlo:.orian 11 Knox 4 M olina B. Waldron 6. Stan~ov1c 0 Pepic 9, Millward 1, T Knkonan O 3 pt goals Pep1c 3, 0 K11konan 2 M ohna 1 Foulod out Waldron Tocnn1cals -none @j~ Floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture -·-Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat J0-5 •Sun 11-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) Daily Plot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL CdMputs University away with 42-38 win Sea Kings stay within r~ge of PCL leader CaJvary Chapel with solid effort against the rival Trojans. Corona del Mar High's girls basketball team used a 14-2 sec- ond-quarter run to spark a 42-38 Pacific Coast League Victory over visiting University Thursday night. Kelliann Klein led the way with 12 points as CdM Improved to 11 -11. 6-2 in the PCL. and she was joined by Kathryn He<..>S· chen, Lauren Snell and Aryn Di· mas In the second quarter which proved decisive. Dimas scored 1wo points and the rest each scored four point!. as an effective press t.nggered the burst. The victory sell> up a champ1 onshap showdown on Tuesday when league-leading Calvary Olapel inV'.ldes University fell to 3·5 I.fl league. • Newpon 1 larbor. mean while. Ill Sea View League play at l.aguna Hilb, the Sailors were unable to adjust to Laguna Hill's defeni.ave !>WllChel. I.fl the i.econd half, and they had no answer for Ouisten D'AJesandro, who bur ied SlX three-point !>.hots 10 lead all c;coreN with 18 potnts. Newport wru. in the hunt at halftime. trailing 27·24. but La guna l lill1> rolled in the second half. Jillianne Whitfield led the Sail- on. with 13 points. Newpon llarbor falls lo 13-13. 3·6 an the Sea View l.aguna Hills improves to 17 -8, 6-J . Pllclfk Coatt Leap CdM 42. Unlwnlty 28 Seo... bot Ouart9n Un1ve<111Y ~ 2 12 !> CdM I 1• " II 21 -0 Un~ -Garey 4, Newsome 5, Kleinsmith 5. Chao 0, Sutter 6, Kau'lter 2. Eaciars 6 3 pt. goals -Kletnsmnh 1 Fouled out none Technicals none CdM -Snell 4, C Marb 6. Otterbein 6. Heesdlen 6. Kleon 12, Domas 2. Stem 2, A. Marb 0, Skalla 0, M cCoy 4, YardleyO 3-pt. goals -Klein 2 Fouled OU1 none Tecnn1cals none Laguna HUia 58, Newport 38 Seo... bot Qu.tten Newpor1 1\ 13 !> 7 Lag. Hills 111 11 1• 11 Newpon Harbof -Campbell 7. Swigor1 4, Whitfield 13, VMQuez O. Woller 0, Beeson 0, Stoltz 4, Miiier 0, Koon 0, Eddington 2. Linsday 6, fuk:e 0 J.pt goals -Whttfteld 2. Campbell 1 Rx.lied out -none Tec:timcals -none Laguna Hiia -O'Alesandro lB. lmbef 11, Anderson 2, Tabun 6, Von Pohlman 1~. St<><*lng 6. Marunez 1 J.pt. goals -O'AleAndro 6 Fouled out -none Techn1<:1ls none • # cs 5 6 Dally Pilot LtplNatica fnday, Ftbruary 7. 2003 Al 1 264'J • .,,,,, '-t•u•~•,., ti N il"I ••••on Al 'o ~ •10 CA 9l•St LU (j <•n• Jf,jj9i St1Jnt, •\ Ti.~I n CA ''2780 '". b • ~f"\\ n •1U •tdtJ, p .. uln•.,. "''"'" ... " .. ..,'t'' Tti \ \!it'~" rnt ,,,,, .. • itd -A lt~t thr t:tJ•Jn•; '"~ ' O '"-'"' f un•1 4 01 20036932201 f••· v p ( ' , ~b , l /I\ lOOl 14 ' l ., \di• our (or ,,, ( /UHtfl"d 1 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA AMENDING TITLE 13 OF THE COSTA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ST AND ARDS AND DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES AND A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA AMENrnNG THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA AMENDING THE ZONING CODE REGULATIONS RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES. THE PLANNING COMMiSSION WILL ALSO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES IN RESPECT TO FLOOR AREA RATIOS, SECOND-STORY CONSTRUCTION, MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT, VIEW PRESERVATION, AND DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, February 24, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California Public comments In either oral or written form may be presented during the public hearing. For further lnfonnatlon, telephone (714) 754-5245. or visit the Planning Division, Second Floor of City Hall, n Fair Drive. Costa Mesa, Callfomla. Tl\e Planning Division is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. OFFICIAL. PUBLIC NOTICE \ \ I V Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! ·- In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lass1f1ed section t find services frorr, electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • Pilot A I - How to Place A -----Policy ----. CLASSIFIEJAD Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. 1lie publisher reserves the nght to cen~r. ~las ify, revise or ~t any etas 1fied advertisement. Please repo1' any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no hab1lity for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first msenion. By Fax (949) 631-6594 tPlra ... )OW Ant ..lf**oumliaal •<Ual)t11bd "11111 ll""'lf'IOl<I By P!1one (9-19) 642-567R By Mail/Io Person: J30 WCM Bay Strce1 C~tJ Mt'ia. ~A 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. ntS-t• SERVICE DIRECTORY .. For All Your Home and Business Needs ... l11~l1..t! ~"'°'l,1 \,~l)r\.1..'11\l~·t '' VISA · Collectibles/ f1Mlld 1510 Memorabilia 1160 -FOUllD--D06-, -Short--ha-r TO,$$ 4 llECOllDS nc ~d mu tarvb!Kl Na .Im. <laissl=. Elc. 5Ck & IDs u~i.... Sou"-r.... u..lr fll Allee. Sj)I./. IUbe amps 11'1 UUI, UI WQ( !'Ill: 0 Mike 949 645 7505 area. t4f.722-11" IQUAl llOUSlf6 OffOITUllTY All real esl•te adver hsme m lht' 11e~paper ·~ ,ub1ect lo the re~··' f 111 Housine Act of 1968 ., amended which make\ rl 1lle1tal to advutl\e -.my prefer •n<~ l1m11at1on or dist.11mmat1011 ba\ed on r•ct t.olor rtlog1on .. '-el hand1c •p. lamohal 'I"'"' ur nat1ondl or 1g1n, uo ~" mlenllon lo mall~ .tny \uch pref~r~nte. l1m1la lion or d1sc111111nat1on !ho\ n•w$pdpPr will nol know1n111v duept •nv .tdv•r 11-.emenl tor rnl n l•t• wh1<h " m 111ul•tion c.I thr law Our •ead"''-Ar• hetell1 mf1Mm•d lh•t ~u dwell lfli'\ .tdVt"f h~~rl lft lht\ ntw• PdPt'I ~r• IYdllable •rn an tQ11al npµo• 1un1ly bt4\f'; Afff/ PAINTINGS 0--W-DI 3060 Pleau contact me from your realm so lhat I can lell you al>Oul my collection of Crnt\tone Onyx carved mto '>DitllnR eA&'"' lovmw doves, ~·at elul \dllltsh. • .;vor t1ro11 dol11h1ns, r h..r111ne bull~ & buflotlo My faihne rvc•.lfChl and advanc1n11 yea" hmot my ability lo ff•IOY ti-won drt"J~ ueahon\. which llQw oJiould be on une o f your 11tnroous P•l•t~~ Al StwlTWt ' 888 709 &262 p 0 Bo• 676. CWM'IOfll. CA 9171 I lli76 OFFICE lrMlltrnent Oppoltunltfes 3925 fURNfTURfJ Now Inventory 101 BUSINESS Sbwbna small &!ft shop • Creal collectibles Reta~ EQUIPMENT s..• .-. se11~ to• s14I< nm~ ic-, with e.tlas ~947-6119 , UlllW ...,..lpmenf & SUpplles 3575 Dices bl.ease 4540 IACIC IAY CENTlll 2651 Irvine Ave. 1011 view rela1I and of f1ce avail 714·573 778/J * IUSINISS * MOVING SAU II lllSTAuaAHT EQU.,MENT, OFFICE lQU"MINT & OFFICl SU,,UES. lltursdoy-Sotwcl.y 1001 W. 17th St, Svlto D 17Th/W1ilttlor CestaMo .. 3610 •Adcl'l• W1nts ~ cats. ~ ,.., or ~. every S..I Sun 12 4pm f ...,,_, 1'i Annwl ~k tnl o 949 644 'l'l/9 --~t.or&lt!'I' J)~yWft> ~· ~ R"!.1.llln~ Office •po<• In nice ondust P<trk 1600sf. 70'1. olc 1001 W 17th St. CM t49-6SG-a287 HOMESFOASALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula • o..-fr-°""'9• ... It. _,,j,. J8r 38a pkA • 281 I Ba 4c tandem 1111 Pr!U'd al Sl.150000 C.H ~ Jim ~ f0t •pel 949 673 J66J' 21 Corona del Mar • HAUTIFUl • Tu rnm11la1n ul do' crm11nahon. t.dll HUD toll lrtf'Jll I 800 474 8590 HOME FURNISHINGS 1483 Furniture ;;::::==:=:==:=~ Auctions PHOTOGRAPHY/ 3435 OPTICAL Or a11Ml11 Spy11l.tss Hiii ,,,, .. , ut1vP hom" No ~•11e11\e wa~ \pared I .11b11lo11\ Olean V1~w 41Jr Offered •I SI 6~ 000 WANTED MiscellaneM kcestaries 3735 OPINHOUSE lhl•weeli-dl Outsl•ndone ocean viewi' 4br 2 5b1 · J dee.ks, 2 c11 allech 1111 Sl.~.000 John rarrow ReMu 949 322 0932 Open HouH ftll• wooliondl New ll•tl•9ll -••tandlnt ""vie ..... 4br 2.sa.. S deck•, 2 COi otto<h ..... $1,HS,OOO Johe '-••w •-o· 949-S22..09S2 Laguna Ntguel KITE Hill NOllTH OF LAGUNA NIGUEL OPEN Sal Sun I? 5 2881? J11e11er Dr Sma level stone & brick 4br home Many amen• toes By Owner $615.000 949-8 Sl-9144 lido Isle l8WISf ,.UEf OH UDO ISLAND OPIN SAT-SUN 1-4 HACH con AG( 117 VIAllOU 2br l'/•1•2·•~· l>ch & •-dvt. SS lat. lloducod to $169,000 Alf 949-7S9-0 SOS ar 714-S07 -4214 NewpOf't Bead! FAIULOUS IEACH COTTAGES! fAIUlOUS NEW,OllT HACH UFISTYU II I lours:. Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Will.-ln I! JOam-5~ Mooday-Fnda} IONITA CANYON O,lNSUN 1-S 10Wlnt1v ... 3BR, 2 58A home Sep erate ott1ce/11uest sullt! MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS ----Deadlines---- Mondlly ......•.. Tue.day Wcdnc..ciay. ..... Pndlly S:OOpm ... Monday S.OOpm . .. Tuesday S:OOpm . . Wednesda) S 00pm .ThWMi.ty SH 21A-lONG TElM le .... ' ... /4. $2QOO.o 1117 Wo•t ley ASSOCIATID HAI.TY 94t-67J-SHJ f nd.iy .. . .... Thun.day 5.00pm ~JIURU) Fnday l'.~ SundJy rm.ta) Hk.Jpr. ,. sa.r-. .b 2ba nu c-iC/arpel. 1 c KM Ip wd ~. 2C2 Cedllr 12150• ~ llilr 96{,6991J By Owner $1,175.000 949 644 8288 Rental To Shara 6030 Conlna del Mar V9op/c..ttop 281 fp. yard, prime locahoo! ve1y cute, $2200/mo onclds ulls agt. Lil 949-464 .:K>14 Newpolt Beach '18) Ocean & Bay "" e.eo. 2br 2ba c:mdo, ltib ••nod. pied. Ip. t:OnWll J.IOOV'Pd $2200 9&400-1701 lASTllUfF HAUTY 4BR 3BA, remod kite & ba Plant shuller-., l • pans1ve view ol 11een Wit Turnkey $625.000 A&I Hamet l\at1 949-552·!ii10 949-~llll -Jwnl Cm- w .......... hm"Y JBr 2Ba W/'ttYtttt Bay V-°""' ftoorplMI lots of windows, spac:IOU-. kit lflclds W/1), Sllll.<XX>/obo MMy Wood. aet 949 584 5811, 717 9816 NfWrOtn U,,Ell IAY Sflt 3Br 2 58a • otloc~ FR. DR, L•& lot cul ck sac & VACANI S7~.000 (X<WS1VIJ ..... M9 ......... 0211 ,RIME ESTATES ,ATllCIC TlNOlll NATIONWfDl USA 949·1S6-970S www patncktrnllft 1 om OClANFRONT FIXEll NOT FOii THE FAINT OF HEAllT AGT. 949-723-1120 leoch cl01e l ilt l !.B• 2C Jlal il•t"d YCf Y 01• • NI, Sf H-• Mufti Mllhon SS loc. 2 rooms l0t rent S8(X) + utis. Y•d. 'J,llUN iaa= 96-SIM1T77 NP on the bay. ~ to bch ftJps. restallr Boat ... ~ pvl ta. pr1q c.ted ~ ~7123 . V9. .._ ...... rm h'M. pool. ~ om w-. lo QC,IY'I No ~ SllXl • utj /mo ~9523 ' Rooms tor Rent 6040 . E'_,. CM Twnhme. pv1 r IJ\/b;I, Y«Y dean, p w/d. n/pels/smlia. lem prtl'd, Avail 3/1/2003 S'!'l'f11n+1/iutts~ RESIDENTIAL RENT AlS ORAHGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island ~2 rra~•?IJA Bay VU, 16COsf 2< pt built on 1900, no pet S2700mo Ast ~677 2799 Balboa Peninsula CdM VIII°'° 2br Iba vllUlb!d am. wd, carport. Ip, wall to~ SlflA/mo 9t9VS.100l So. of H"!"'f hnm1culate 2br 2b1. lrli w/d, patio I "' 111111e. $1850/mo Wlltf llKI 949 278 IOOJ Mor1u•rll• Sir f 21o luaury relutb home S3250l-n AA.. i.ee ·-2Br 18' MW CilrJ)l'I & pMrt s I l(X)r, 949-715.:!i I 3 Lev S~ S' t ... ~oa. Zi!noJ, mn Oteill'I ._ lwlfM fl pl8d <XlfTim w/pool '3495rno IYWl I 'ff 1-ie Av111A 411 71~2.D> CostaMesa am 211r 2tw ctcu to the i-:;. l)iitrO lw~ ~IMl"Croom ~94%7311U> Sludli: I tu to t"C.n. Ill dec.t. w ocn ""' ~. lluld llCllPI&. nu c;arWl*lds ""' S850 949 67.). 1IU> New'•~t ocro•s lhe ••-28' I SS•. eat no PP"'. SI lo/.>/ono 1665 lfv~fl' Av~#) 94!H20 9422 IAYfllONT ON llOO PENINSULA NEW 21r 210 conAGU P11nle Buch Po.:11 and 59• W1I~ to Ocon Shop~ •nd Resl•ur•nh luse 6. mo 2 yr • Bo•I Sh11 Av•1l1ble 710 UDO, .. " oa. 949 673 6030 01 949 72J 5830 rvn•l•hod ShOf'f-T o"" llontal• Oc•-•r-• & l eyfr-1 AvollebloNow ASSOCIATED llEAl.TY 949-673 ,.., , .............. SfR 2br 2ba wM ,_ P8flV~ bflnds.IWldsc wd hup 2 t p . aet s:<m> ~nm Npt Hts, 4br, ?: 200lkl I lvl Hse 2 '" \llel bar 1n l.im rm Ill< upVpnl '" & out I Y' new l' '> c e• SZ850ni w/p°""""'6 949 645-0!64 Nowpor1 Holph 31 r, 2 10, House t otally remod. Ip yd 2 <ar R•• • 0n mo 94Sfill Ifill) Z1I P"*'1&-St * •THl llUFFS• * Sc>••OI~ 4B1 JBa town hoflll!. Mal. clean v1< "nl & move "'rudy ~ ... 949-584~ ,......, • noi-.. h "4dly•d W l'C. cul de WI * YEAlll Y * tl"f'!I ·~ ,., I.EASES ,_ S3200.·mo+ i« Av• Bill GRUNDY RC Al !ORS l l!>.-0.J 949 W> l'5.7.r.' 949-6JS-6 I• I .. C.C..,. CC t)rl twway VlllA ,OINT 21r 2.. lh :ti.. fuly lu'n ] ' new hie t arprl p~ml •ttach P ~ tWadelf w/d one Id n pch. 'mllr $3200 9<&SI025m $1 780/mn 94117/0 1!>52 SlnaloF-itvR .. w-. fflW'f'Oltf SHOlfS •'di/~.,.. W ON THI WATot i...<Br w/om & hay <1\1'1. 4lr 3.Slk, 2cor....,,. !Nbo. w 'd PIJQI & len11r, $3400/_.. $19'&ru 94'J. l78 I 9W> ASSOOA TO> llW TY ANTIQUES Girl. Rm I urn Wh1m~1r~I Pastel •.ilk \flf'f·n & hn11 p11nted de~1pn' un wht liJc qu~r t'nt • .. 1.tm knnb\ Cute hke n~w 'l11>< ~ SI'!> & up 94q 466 b',07 f>uul T dbl" w•lh ••• t'> & ~oveo SI '>00 nt,o, l t.lt•~ lhaw~. ra1e boo~ c.ol I• lion 949 b« 1 t&o Sell~r bou&hl •nothcr horn~ Mu\t Sell Judy IColor, ll&t 949 S76-SS76 New 2-St"Y 31• 71o Just redu< •d lo S 17'>K w /eora90 Bkr 949 258 1187 llr llo w /'or\1"9, Now cor,..r-yrly leo••· 206 I . 1..n..o. Unit •S StsO/Montt. ASSOCl.A hD llEAI. TY bee 21r Ila~ f 0\t<lr w/f p, pvt yard .t•e<1. •mall <nmple1 vi unly 4 umh w pt><l4 lndr y I.e. $1l50mo onddi utll. 141 Melody L•n~ 949 675 ~714 a;:t sa., 2'/ .. , nt, 2 ·cor 949-67!-366! aa1~ n\ IJPI' <k l iGCAHYON J8<2'>0. Oldor Srylo Fuf'l\ttUn PIANOS i Collectiblft OrlN SAT 12:30 -3:30 77, Avocado. So of f'CH (176AC ISi fSA/1 P) .Newpol1Coast SIS0,000. 949-673-, .. 3 200fl To o.-.1 21r I lo nu upt.p.11 fp w d, ct"' fllUI patJO C'Kd Clll'l)(.<1 $ tb'bn .,, ly 94!}. 376 5-l IJ ... c;;;;i;:-·-<.Mpt't pillllt new d. w & '""¥1 lr c• w cl 11-. ,..,.. to ston w d hkup A (. lc•r &duee J00(}.,1 S2100 mo 949 8!>'.I 1911 14200 nio M-v Otto.n. ---, ....... ~SS2-6100 •/lvltp ....... ,.........,,.. $$ CASH PAID $$ .... _ -.. -WE BUV ESTATES ··~J.at.·tt~'tMfV'li(_• "WFPAY MOfll $ FASla" t:64M922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22t2So.. ... St. S....AM.CAt2707 ...... ,, • • •J8,jl ._.....w .... u. .. ao,, ~ Wit~ 'dl.wll'b ~ douf " "1dvc.... & dr dW« Patd SQ) ~11fu SIOO sreve ~16119 Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 PHSIAN RUG. N1..'W. wry ~:~:~H te~~Th~ne~l~; lieaMlt T ABRt1 MlO\l See I Wnrth SIOI >(rt!M), ~ ma11a11e11a b~ck111ound $5.<XXJ 949 27!> 1836 to mlroduu pr odut.I which I\ b• eak ong au s•I" recOtd\. 1nlMn• 3460 tfQnally Musi be caµ•bl• JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tColnNood. Old Coins' Gold. silver. ~y. wat.c'-. MtlJQl.lft tollecltbln 949 642 9448 of h•ndhne uupllon•lly lire" rntorne\ Only those presently employed need apply Call M\ Mt"lancon 811 318 2690 Estate Sales 1486 Furniture 3435 j Furniture flt& SAT 1 -2 CAMEO SHOlllS, COM ** *s~ !'.o*-*-* ~ti~ *1o*RS* * *• Steinway Grand piano. ~H• R£J INJIR ~ bdrm !OOf.s. DA+ ITll5C. Qble\ patio 11a-11. * UQUIMTION * ~~~~ i SALE! ~ H\~ Gar .... Solo Sat., ! CLOSIN' AFT'ER : !·.s:~.~o~~y~:.'~~~::~;~· * JO YEARS * a tot, bed~. everylhme * . . * aon''' 611 c1111 Dr Wic ker Rartan Seat111g, Newport Beach * L<lrllpS. Tables * * ancJ Muc h Morel * *2640 Avon S t. Newpon i:W<l< 11* * Off HI\ Pr-.kk• 1!t Pitt 1fK OM-.1 I fW\ * N.l ........ W...Sotlo qualrty leathfl & oak fut n rv household 1lems ptden loots duttq 2031 vau ~ion 96-m.1984 1 lonr * ~)49-{'>42-2255 * **************** Blox~, lo Ille Ocun $4 l> roJ 281 2ba 2c It'' 0nl' l~vel,elf'val0t/pool al[! Mono:a 949 646 8659 ENGLISH VILLAGE HIDf-A-WAY $61S,000 AGT. 949-723-8120 Costa Mesa • l...itfvl 381 7:'/lfla 11H~ '"""'v townt.omo> lle"'odolod 21 r 210 (I 3 I 44XXU /XX) $4 3,000. Wotervlew 21r 21 0 w/flreploce {S200SS) $91,000 UASED LAND Call for apt>0lnt1neft1 DeAnn loyslde Vllap (949) b73-"" botft 111 19')4 2 m.irblt> A MAHUfACTID HOMl Fp\ le rmtr B<. Move"' COMMUNITY c.ondrtltlfl AsQie ~IO<XX> -------- Cal al[ls ROY Smolty °' WA~ eec. Colvey IOI appoont RCDIXIO S24k ON TK ,,_t ~73 3663 BAY Sifl>.<XXl O'lH SAT -SUN I -4 134 A Monie Vo\la lbr 7 'Jba DtTACHlD ""fl l•m home Iii ,.,,,.\, 'rown n111ldmg. stoultl'r'> Bo" ~ounc! 1y)tl°m $519.900 Mary f twel Re/Mn <M9 64& 9670 IMne O'lN SAT 1-4:SO TUllTU llOCIC POINTE p..,... pl min -Jbr horn. UllllJ ades1 I ea!SS ""'" rot< ol 'lltlr d&"' ""°' '4» Ltnd<~ ett. A<.-. SJ,11 00 ·mr: Agt, 1)wr.., 'llltrley C<wntrr111 ~854 1010 949-4'>1 l:all Laguna Beach ----Spct.lat.ular lot with vof'w' up lhe coa$l on Sllulh I .ieuna Best Valur on Otdn&e County OCEAN VlfW Gansbaoudl ofi Dumond PUTH* HlOf&lti ~Meufl 949 71~3156 MolM home best '< no rml f1Ctea5l' k• the n1'JI n ~ fk.aJ nm Sile :itir 2b.t iJ "flllA' tb sm m;irl1'e Ii>. bitltwrno. much noorr Uwnt~ 949673~ •Open Sot/Svn I -4 • 7 Seo Cove R•rr SI'" hland 3Br lBA ~nd unil with I vtOr lunkonR nut lo Soanalur• Hole •17 ssi:i.ooo "' lr•\t' •I S4 'j()() Dt'·• Lourie lottl• 949 Sot 1923 +R 2 lOT AU~nhun buoklf'" Oldf't bf!ath hou'.I' Build .a duplu 7 ""ldos or " ~ngle l.1m1ly hnme Sold u " 11 lot ¥Blu" A~111e S62'>.00J C..11 art . Jorn M<.ob~ for dl>PI 949~73 J663. ?I ; """""'1 lay T_.. I B< condo w11i.y views CQmrn PO<~ l•Jt~ top dl!ck W/pafU ... lllC. .,.._ of the Mlbot Sec:uuty bulldtnC wlbo.itt \loin llYlll Mt.one $425.CXX> c.tl acts Rose Smrley Of Belly Holies !Of .... ilPPI 949 673-3663 20 Characters per fine. You may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep today! W'w 1nMU it e .JI FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name: __________________ ,Phone No.·~----- Signature: ________________________ _ 8111 my: Vl-----MC _____ __,A/E ______ Olscover ___ _ Credit Card•~-------------ExJ>. Oate~· ----- St.p '1y or ""'ii"' dM JM;Jy Pi/,o1 ol/ia a: 330 W. Bay trcct, ta Mesa, CA 92627 or call (949) 642·5678 ' . . . . "' __ ..,.._... .... OPIN SAT 1-S S Terreza A touch ol Italy .lbt • bnnus apprn1 UOO• \I marble & many cu~tom feature\ SI, UIS,000 OPEN SAT I S 3 Supre1na I l•vel h11m~ l'br • d~n Cattd rnmm SIS I ,000 24 Calellhoo "l<JUC It ol llAIV 4br 2 !>b• Str Ad.& hom.t $1,129,000 PLATINUM ,110,EllTllS Slef1n1~ Meurer 949 715 31 ':>6 'llMI lSTATU PATlllCK TENOI( HATIONWIDl USA 949-IS6·970S www p•l11Lkle11or11 •OIT• t.iw116und\ '"'" now Sl.5'Arm .. SUow 714 2a. 2'h. 2< ear ,,.,,., 141 aO! --~~- w d d w new upl, patnl. Slecl.r-lloth, lowtY Ulllt 223' I 20th St s 1600 I ..... Sl795tno 949 1231186 Avoll S(.1 No '°'°'e. 94 ·111·2721 E"eryday ~ a ~eat day in Cl~ffied! Be a part ofh, place your ad today! (~) f»2·5678 D YES, SEU. MY CAR -, Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mall with a check today! Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20". 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S l 7 ~.() ~I.Bl 949tm~l l Coolllle~ h vlll• tnrf, IUti>, lllY, S-'111: '-by 112156 mx> obo Rrhlrd CoOlll Mm °" 9866782"l ....... MOSL'ii Blldl, low rli, .. wool .. CICMn, Colwt,nwd lop,$)8,ID) 9&721 LIB> MerceliH '96 (210 buutllul blnk/crum fully loaded, ahowroom, 11\"out. $11.st<, 714 751 2464 MerceliH SOOSl '00 Platinum, Pfltt k-crt, •1111 cond, AIM:. te>Qr1 ~. ful WIN & "" ,YC. b'l(ISf..ole, lJK <Mn. SS2,IXXl Cal 949 642 3407 C mM. betllsbll@llOI com Merced.. 'II S60 sL white/tan, 1mma~ n'cU, l\llS •llli, ,_ d ti>. ~ JIUX> m.151.;aa 'HIWf'S AUTO IMW 5401 So.ton '97 R11e 6 Speed V8 low Miles I <•18536)' $24 980 Mil CUCl20 c_,. •• ,, Blatk Bla•k llhr only 4~.000 m1ln <•190041 > S26.980 Ch•vy Con1otte Cou,. '99 Nhttt w blatk luther only J2k n11lu Ul8797J S26 980 Jevvor XJlt Sodon '91 Shtnev bl•c ~ on bla~k ruttier <er tlli~d" <•188!>811 Sl2980 Ponch• loll'l•r S '01 Only l!.00 m1lo' fact warr 8" wheels 1•1'1171C>SA3.980 Acura NSX Torgo ·oo Sptrd ytllQw I lK m1•c .1 Hutr i' 111900')1 $61 980 Humm•• H2 'Ol Bl•tk w bla1 k llhr JK m•tnl l.att warr 1•19066CJS!>7 980 00 M•rc•d•t leru SlS00 '96 81• "''U41 w ""'1 lthr lu1 c ·~~' ;pre- m1un wh1tl' I • llUS4'1 I l17 980 IMW TSOU Spt. 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Unh ctnstd contr1ctors t1kln1 jobs t h.at 10111 tin than J500 mu1t 1t1t1 1n their tdvtrtlstmtnh th•I lhty ert not licensed by the Contrecton Stele l lctnM 8o¥d ·~ lft".-.s Mdwl I Mt! I IWnodll Aldb'& .,,,.•baam 4lllD15 Wr!:C 99669Ji5 ..., ..... ATTORNEY Cavil m.aum. bu l1w, lltld '*·land· ~t. tOllltlCU. ocher .,reetntn 20Yanexp. RCUJNbl.e l'lkl. , ' D • lUAIU ,_,., "-',., JO ,_, AuTOMOllU SllVl<I .....,. _____ ~'-" TUNE 1frSHOP (949) 645-4641 ut• lllto 11 11-1 Bookkeeping TAXRlnVRN ONWH••LS Call for frtt quu1c 949.422.2863 I -to.,ou. Mobfl• noury & bookkeeper for _..bu .. ..- a: C0'4PUHR SOlUTIO"S { Pfldrd<h-> lit·p.1rr• C u'r"'" I'(• Built l\f"Mnr4urr< /ntemef ~U/I ·"'" Shd""R \.1(5£ FIEE coowlilr1un CAU Jlff 949-510-4130 Concme & Masonry lrldi llecli. St-• Tile Concrete, P1ho, OrJV-ay flreplc, BBQ Ref, 25Yrs lap Terry 714 SS7 7!>94 Tllo C0Mo11t M- Cementw0<k 9,,,_ Tile & More Rthable No !Ob loo small 949 !>48 6746 D VMtwtl C-.te & M .. -v Ru1dtnllal Brick, Stone, Blocll, Tiie. llc:f 7 47 448 714 965 2824 e WdU..lfl e Custom Burlt ins Crown MoldlnJ'• Base Boards NllD MOtll ROOM? L'577982 949837 ~2 ~:4~~ Clrptt Repalr"81es Now Constrwctlen & a_.w. All Trldn, Free Eatim.t1tn 30 YHn E •P· 1l-UIPfl'ttCAlPITi> l tl37169 949 631-2345 Repna. P1tch1n1, lnst1ll n..w-n..i..ii.w- Couneous any sll• jobs .,.._.... nt!Ut-.,• Wlloleultl 949.492 0205 Compater Serwlca .. .. Ye>uaHOMI IMNOVIMINT NOJICTt Cell a plumber, p11nttf. handyman. 01 any OI the lftal st1vkn llsltd hert In M A<vkt dtrtclMyl THE.SC LOCAL SVC PCOPLC CAN HELP YOUT004YI Niu-'ti 5-tra OU llkt new, loaded, 1uto. moonroof alloy$, tow 7411 ml, $6500 71 4·751·2464 OW1MefM!o '95 Awere V8, lmmac, lo•ded. llhr. et, co. 87k. $4996 v434720 CM Dr Rldwd 96646-7822 , ........... ( ... Conv black/blat~ lthr, ~. 3511 mo. fully loaded, mint tond, $58,!>00 (949) 874 1995 forol ' 94 Mu1to"9 V6 Red, !l'!Jd, ac, cc, alloy~. ~ tlun SJ895 v21548S CM Dr Rldwd ~·7822 'OllD PIOH LS 'tO Runs •Int, 6 cyl, autu 1c, ~11ss, sunroof. pw p~. 1111 whnls, ne"" tirn & caps Blue book S3225 sell $2600 P11vale party 7 I 4-U4-7601 .fOID IANGll XlT '99 £11t.a Cab, Auto, CO 6911. mr , VG, bedlmer, P11vale Party $7500 949-642-5620 forol '96 Wl11.t.tor Gl 7 pus. red. tan int •t K, lo.aded $)99!> v2J I '>87 CM Dt Rlctwd 9$64& 78:0 GMC T niO Hl;t Sltrra '8 S Auto wh•I• lully •Quip. •m Im ~mou•d Well m111"t•1ned Sl'iOO 949 160-19SO J09uor '99 XJI 46k ml, lull ldtl warr Britl\h r •< tnR er ten oatmeal l!h1 C.O <hrm whl~ bout 111\e new cond v•4967ll S29 99$ tan 1011 Bkr 949 ~ 1888 -w.oq>@l.com LEASE FOR iL49 ;ie1 rt!:+ ta1 2ar~ttr'TlSIJll ~">t'U!'tl( • S2500 down J6 month clo\~d ~no l••~t "" •• (UI ly dtpO\•I 10 ()()() m1ru ptr yur 20c P•r m rtur~7ctssm1 r•, Tl 4??18 IC41916 • LETS MOTOR! ITS FUN ............. '.ISFRffWAY@mw SANT AA.~ Al!TO PULL (888) 823-9808 Electrlcal Services Smoll Jelt b,ortl Dunc.an Elect11c 20Yri. E.cp l ocat Quick Response S.v~ l•lr.i870~ 7042 ElectrlcOI Servlcoe New, Remodel & Rep111. Free Eltlmale, 30 Years t:ap lfl37169 949-631 234!> UCINSlD CONTllACTOI No JJb too vn NI wYU51 Rt11a•r remodel fen' ~ MW SVC ~lfir.6 SELL your stuff ttl-ouefl classifiedl By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH t:O"-tBINf. YO R <.:HANCES WF ... 1,T • 1083 52 1'0MI H •AJ\1 7 K K7 4 5 • K 10 J 2 l"\Sl • Q s" 10 3 KJ 10 7 AQ ".l2 • 965" • QJ8 SOlfTIJ • K 6 2 AQJ IJb 986 .,. A7 ~ b1J.dmv "11 TH " .. ~., r "'IORTH f.A~'T I Pl6\ ~ p ... , ~'I Pw ... 5 p- ft Ph> ~·-P"'6 Opcmnp k.ld 1 .... ,, 111 BchlfC plJ\tnp lu tile fiN tnd •. dtj! uut all the lh.t11<:e' tor )Ill.Ir uin 11.i;.t Tht.>n nM~i: 'u'" )OU ti) 1hem 1n the n{!hl ul\kr "'onh ' lcdr 111 lour d1o1mon1h 11. oi' a 'pl inter h1J, "111" mi: a ''"flctun in the h1J 'ult and ~am.· f<llDf \di~' m trcan• "'llh h>ur lJIJ or hctr.:r 'ur· pun "1ur no tNmp '""·' ke) -( 11J Bl .... i.."'ood, 1n 1!.h1d1 the Ii.in~ ul t1llmp. lOUnb ~' J/l ... e. llOd the fi.,,e hcJ.11 1C$pon...: prum1...:.d twu "a..e~ ' With 10 point~ 111 diamonds prrdU1. 111~ only one trn:k hlf the ddeme. It "''" l10I d1ffk-ult fu1 Suulh k• cnv1\Klfl ,1mi J!Cl6'1h1hue' Will> l.nc~n "1<111.ilgc .&ppc<lnn~ 11 Jwnmy, '>.c"t 1.101 1111 to the hc\t lc.iJ ul .. U'VITlJ> ID W1 111tcmp1 (U lUI ~'"'" ruff~ Dcd.in:r won in hand unJ lcJ u duqnood, taken hy West who pcr.e "cred with trum.f' When trumf)' h.ppcncJ 111 he • 2. tv.o dwnood' lOUkJ be niftc:J In dUmm) at lc1..un "° ded<1rcr'' only prohlcm ""' to ot>Old IO\t}lg a \p.ide tnclt. am.I the fioc>~c was the oh\ 1uu' w.i\ 111 11e4:ornph>h UM . ~re wa, Jnother p<J\\1h1h1y "h1ch. !hough ~on\1dcro1hlj 1gwn\I the odd>. coukl he tncd hr\t 31 nn rnM I( either dclcndcr held 'Jll!•lli· cally Q-J· ~ '" dul>o. the In! or dub• LllUJd be 'iCI up 1llC J<CC .uid Un" vi ~luh• l!.CI\'. .:-...tied anJ. "hen the q11ttn of duti. Jppcl&fC<l un the tlurd muod. Jc.:lan:r ruflc:J .inJ the good ten of dub\ 111t>I. c.1rc ot the tlurJ ,pade I I.id duti. not loopcr .. tc:J "Ml l!\Jl!mficcntl} Jed<1rer "ould \llll lu\c been Jhk tu lall back on ~ ,pad.-fine~~ Automotive 9004 1 Automotive 9004 Jg9uar '99 XJI Vanden Mot da '99 Mloto AUTOMOBILES, MISCEUAHEOUS Pin 14k rnr P•rkt1"e Corw lAk m• auto red blk l•n lthr CO tl>rm black int & top bnultlut whls lu tut w11rr Ike or a cond v!>97241 new S28 99'> f rm $999'> firm ''" & warr v842614 l1na .. un11 '"••I I avaol Bkr 949 586 1888 Bkr 949 '>86 1888 •-·•<pobl.com www.ocpobl.com MorcodoM '9'J looa OlO Jogvor '99 XKI CDnv llcimprf$$(1f Buril'Jl'CIY/'Qo lAk m lull l•tlory w1111 lthr 63 slY1 SIS,99!> sp11khn1 bleck1oatmul 11521 Jl2 CM Dt 1Ji19646.Jlli!2 llh1, CD chrome wh•s 111\e new v6772'.IS Merc..i.. "90 ..... JOOI $35.995 linan"nll 11va1I 12 6 blv'l"'1 lthr slYf, pw, Blo.r 949 !i86 1888 pdl M:.. $499!>, v234013 www.ocpabt.<om CM Dt Richard 96616-782'2 Wanted 1-'Y ()per-.! 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Pool nM r.em 23 Wfll. oW:Y'necl 12-24 HNPecl '/f Ope•a §\Ill XI N7'4~w9\ -Bagrw>rt 'lO "Naunl• CllCll&<' 3• Cal>Oe ~a~·.c.i J2 SNlt t•lll'ICI 53 O-r;ed S!> Uflll'I 56 Fflenllller 57 cam.son 58 G\o- 518 Ha<t"W\Of Bar• !ltO Lawyer 0-""1y 81 &JI"' S.re.t.,.A'e 6.S ~"''*' 66 Kuts tlP<A ...., '9S o.-..1 0-W• M...-6M '93 I.a JOOI l m 4r4 Y8 ~.a ~\If\ 3 l °" snrl m.. recent ltlY llo~ 'ol.>1416'J8 Sf,49'} <VL lf52132S ~ ~0 CM Ct Rdliird 94<J 641> 7flfO CM Dr ~'lfrl'l i...d laver '99 ~ <IYtf V Sert~ II 27k ""·full C1tl w•rr. bl1tk n•tme•I llh1 dual mnrl ,.., ••• 1ump '"ts CO IR Lh• m .. nh ll~r "'"' v 13/099 S21 '19~ ''"" Ion IYa•I 8kr 949 S86 1888 www 0<.p11b1 com Poruho '99 loxter Cunv 2 lk m1 5spd, wh1te/erey lthr lull fact AUTOMOTM PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accmories 9200 '>ulfvoeals I BOAT REPAIRS/ t SERVICES Featured Boat of tlu U7t-ek '-"' ._ Okcitovery ... sv W1llow ii'"' 114' !le lltir dia moun roo~. rur ~ sua 6 •d c.No-cw I \udecl pcorlac I or• «>ncJ Only !>8 mi s 14 'lX}; obn ~887 91071>1> I Luu• ·oo (S JOO 22k nH \cl¥fl er•y lthr mnrl LO lull factory .,.,, l•llt new v•Sl~lll S21 m t.rm hn ,.. 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TOYOTA TRUCll P Al> saoo MAK£ Off£R V!U SUL CtfAP 714-374-8793 SlllG TOP TIOO XTU W , TOYOTA TltlCI, Pim SIOO srusso 714-l74-&7U NEW ARRivAL 1996 Duffy 21 Classic "<'" ~!otor, B~tt \ 6: L phul,cerv SAYE BIG SS$ Vintag~ Duffy 18 A True l .t "' ( ~mplc1e RrlLI•'-ncd Bc .. uulul Bl.ic~ Hi.. ... MUST SEE• .. $21,495 (rtd"crd MOTOR HOMES '9 3 Duffy 21 Classic Motor Homes· '\F\X <,r~n 'lurrn & Fu.I lflJ, urc Rent 9355 'iinl Cnolcr \. flr , .. cc Hc.1..! \i1r.1 < o:iJ,:11 n ltV fWINNlaAGO S2 I ,4 95 :._ ~lOft~ ~1 '93 Duffy 18 DnAl.S. 949-441.-71M \X'h11c hull"' Ith '\f\X' '\.1\\ C..urr~ BOATS M.1hu~.1m '.);'hcd Ex~dlcnt ~ .. nJ111un Only Sl3,250 PowerBoats 9515 Q&rl'ly Electric B o•t$ Co. 1 .. t•n Whol•r 1987 1 2001 W. Pacific Coast H\M\/ I Sit Super Sport 70hp ~ z Y.am.ah• no t••• tr (949) 645 6812 S5.700 949 724 1810 --------------- BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUPS AVAUIU ~ ... p .,. 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