HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' • Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,FEBRUARYS,2003 PHOTOS B ( <,[A"< HI[ L f ~ 1A v Keeping his promise to students. Oscar Santoyo of Save Our Youth gets a new hairstyle at the youth center rn Costa Mesa A slllall price to pay Save Our Youth Director Oscar Santoyo gets an amateur haircut from clzildren who m et their a cademic goal Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot ''Notthe eyebrows. gu~. plea'>t'!" Ille plea for meny came from Oscar Sanloyo, dlrecwr of ~vc Our Youth, as he -.at on a chair I riday evening '>um>ltnded by a bund1 of '>tudents anned wtth hair clippers and hair dye Santoyo had prorn~>d h~ 'itudents in Save Out Youth\ academic program thal 1f Lhl'y each earned a grdde 1>01111 average of 2.8. they could do whatever they liked to hi-. hair and he would keep the "'>tylc" for a "'-eek. h1Mevcr hunuliaung. WeU, to put 11 mildly. San1oyo\ poor hai.r didn't stand a chance. Inc student!>' rumulauve GPAWd.'>3 I Santoyu w~ not the only one who made a deaJ f\vo of the coordmJtol"I pmrru'ied the kid., that they could pelt them with p1t"i tf they got good grade-..!)() Acadenuc Coordmator Navie I lunado and Boy-. Coonhnator Jo')(' /.ap1en ate quite a hit of whipped cream a1> '>tudrrw, hurled pie after pie. Above: Oscar San toyo checks out hrs new do in the mirror. Inset: Santoyo bleached his hair earlier in the day so that the See PRICE, Paee A4 dyes students put in would be more v1s1ble. Terror alert heightened Lo cal agenc ies step up activi ty after federal warnings. I lotel"i, banks get s pecjfi c atten tion. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot Nl·WPCJl(f Ml "ii\ lmJI pubhl ... 1fl·tv .1g1:m 1e.., 'Wild tht>\ he1ghtt.•m'<.I 1he1r 'otJlt"> of dlt>rt dfwr fn">h \•.;1rnmg' 11! lt>rron'ol allJlK'> on I ndJ~ a' rhc nauon lt>t'll'r'o on thl' bnn~ o l \'>ar \\tlh lmq f lw I l11rnt'l.111d St·l Un!\ I >t- p.1n nwn1 r.11 ... l'd Lht· 1hw<11 ll·\d from yt'llO\~ 10 <1rJrtK1" or l11gh. betall'ol' ol · tllUl""t'U lt>rrriri'I u1111111w111 Jllflll' t ha111·r" r1r~l·c.l up by 1mdhgl'n< I:' .. ourn·-.. lkp I hn.,tophN < "' '<lid 111 a '>l.ttl'ntt•nl l"Ul'U I n da\ ) "&·1 .n1-1· 111 1111, lllL~t·a.,t•d dl<ltlt•r, .trrrlC'd 11111 t'' .mJ I.I\\ EDUCATION FYI What do you do on orange alert7 The American Red Cross has these tips· • Be alert to suspicious act1v1ty dnd rPport 11 IC' proper e1uthor111es • Rt.>vww disaster plan with all family members • E)(efc1se caution while traveling • Before volunteering contact agency to determine its needs • Discuss ch1ldre11 s fears e1bou1 possible attacks 1·111111( l'lllt'lll .in· ht'ing pl.it t'<l 1111 .1 l11~H·r .,!Jtt· of illl'n and !Ill' 111•\\ I lonwlaml '*LUrtl\ I >1·p.1rt1111•111 I' , .. orl<,m~ 1111 oor d111.111 1•111111' to prt•\1•111 .111\ di l.t<~ -..ml< 11x. \\ho thaJr'> thl· I l1111l('l,111d 'wnint' < ommllll'I' 1111' or.111g1 < ounc, ">hcnlT' 11.irllor l'.1trul ,1.11uined 111 '\t'\'. 111111 11.irlior h.1~ int rea~·d p<1 See ALERT. Paee AS OCC students in class scramble In budget crunch. college has cut 404 class secti o n s thb s pring. forcing it to turn students away. Christine Carrillo Dally Prior ()( ( c \\tl'lJ\ '>tUdt'llh 'lour l I•"" 't'l 111111 alter tlt1.,.. "t>U11111 !or <111 l'lllfllY 't:'at !or the '>pnng '>t'mC">trr. ft•chng clw pa111ful him\ Laliforn1a' budgl't t n-.1, li.t'> d1·ah A-. Orn11g1· I .oa ... 1 < .ollegt• look II'> fiN huJgN l lltllng '>ll'lh lh1!'> wt•t·~ 1h1 fir,t of 111.111\ for rht· upl ommg 200'l 2004 .11 ,1dt·11111 ,. 1111111 \ l'i.ll tl\ 1 .1m l'1111~ .tll-1 '>pnng '>h 1u111.' 10 1t•,p11nJ 111 'late budgec, ut,, olfi11,11., "'•tr< lwd tor \\d}' t11 111.1~1· ctw h1•,1 of ''h.it 1h1' l 1111\ldt•r .1 li.td <,ltUdllllll ·I Ill' 1u1111twr' ol '>tudn11-. th,11 \\,1111111 lllmt· hl'rl' 1' grnng up .111c.J th1• hmd1ng I' gorn~ dt1\\ 11." .... 1111 :'\,mn l-:1ddcr, Jc.l 1111rn,1r.1!1\f 1lt·:111 for tlw .1d 1111 ...... 11111 .i111l 1n1t·rnal111nal 1 t'll ll'r pmgr.mh \\'h,11 "'" hct\I' 1' ,1 n·dol tmn in our tnur'>t' nf!t r 1ng' '" thl'rt' Jre more '' J d1·ni... l h,t,lfl~ '>t.'d"-than tht•n· .ir1· ... p.ll l'' 111 l la~'>e'>." \, ,1 rt•,ult tht· uillt"gl' had to ,1,111 111rn111g <;tuden" a~a\ See OCC, Paee A-4 Rents won't change much in Newport Beach USC study finds re nts will rise 8% overall in Orange County through 2004. Local high-end housing market is an exception. Paul Clinton Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Local renters are expected to see milder rent hikes than their counterparts in other areas of Orange County and the Southland between now and late 2004, a USC study shows. Newport Beach. with a market geared toward high~end renters. is "expected to have comparatively slow rent growth.· said Raphael Rostic, the author of a thcoreocal projec:non released by USCs Lusk Center on Thursday. The Casden ReaJ !::.state F..co- nomlcs Fo~ as it is called, analyzed trends in Los Angeles and Orange counties. as well as the In· land Empire, and offered predic- tions ror the coming two years. In Orange County. rent!i are ex· pected to rise 8% by the end of 2004. Inland Empire rents are ex- pected to go up the mo t. at 15%, with Los Angeles County rents next with a 12% nse. Newpon Beach's rent hikes are in the lower tier of the county's more than 30 cides. f>espite tha1 news, the report <;aid Orange County is the tightest market for apartment vacancies. The county has a 95% occupancy rate, the Mudysaid. "The tight market will not trans- late into significant Increases In rent in Orangt• ( ounty," Bostic said. Orange C.ounty\ 4% unemploy- ment rate ~ tJw lowest 1n the Southland, even though job growth has -;taJled and its economy has .,JOWl'd The find~ of the '>tudy square with what lrvine Co. managers are seeing in their rom pany\ apart - ment complexe<. 111 Newport Beach. The company now has a 95% occupancy rate, which carries over to the newty built Tuscan villa-styled Newpon Bluffs apart- FAMILY TIME Parents db the darndest things P aJ"ents are funny people. They spend much of their waking hours doing things for thdr ldds, including worrying a.bout them. Then, they finally get to go on a long-overdue date, and what do they talk a.bout over dlnner7 Their ldds. Most of the reason for that Is because there ls simply no other time to talk about them -or anything else -durlns the week. Aunlly members have been reduced to blurs. tmagea eeen puling through the kitchen or living room or ebowtrl8 up momentarl)y tn the c:er 11. they bounce from place to .... STEVE SMITH My wife and I have these con~­ sations that take place ln between ~ eltewedo. lnstead of making these dialogues a p~r1ty, by actually setting ulde time to talk. we do It ln the morning u we m.., on the phone wherl we're hwy at work or at nJcht when we're too tired to th.int IU'IAlbt. MNally, the phorW: caDI during the day aren't so bad. After all, Isn't It nlce to hear a loving voice instead or the grouchy ones we often get? Well. maybe It's just me gettin8 the grouchy calls. At baseball practice, we have not yet had full attendance. Last Thursday, one ldd was sk:k. and another had a conOict ln the schedule. 'IWo days before. a cUft'erent kid had a different conflict. Still. we're getq 10or11 out or 12. which I comlder outstandina in thia • oC ·ptng·pona parenthood.• ((you have kidi, you knoW what &hat meens: beet and bth betw9er\ tChoOI. wort and home. Curiously. things seem to get better when a two-parent home is temporarily down to one. I have compared notes with many friends and have yn to have anyone disagree with my theory that one parent can get more done it the other one temporarily out of the picture. aay, on a bustn o1p. Why that ii so. I don'\ know. J Wl only draw from the e:xperlences ln our home, and in our case I am sure my wtlc geu more done becaule &he dOet not haw her melC)' husband to~ about I don't dlim to be the tDC19t ... FMaY,,._.M menL'>. c;pokt">woman Jenrufer Heiger ...a.id. "We l'On.'>lder that to be. for all practical purpose.. full." He1ger saJd. ''We exJX'('t rent' to increa-;e slightly I~ yearl" VacanCle<. 111 the higher-end apartment!> have become a much more regular occurrence because of hi.'>toncally low mterest rates. which have inspired many of those renter. to buy condomin- iums and homes. Newport Hearh now has a 93.!Ri occupancy. Bostic saJd Fig- ures for C.oc;ta Mesa<. OCCUpdllcy Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~can WEATHER Go be<* to sMep. There's• chance of morning ,..in. OthetwlM, partly sunny. S..PactA2 FURTHER DELAY ThoM wMtng for Bonita Canyon pett '°open now haw IPfft*ten to blame. S..PlpA3 ~we not available &r.t11 '><Ud the avera~ apan ment 111 Nt>\vpon Reach ren~ for SI 700 n~. a .uqr,, increase from a war ~ The average Orange C "unt) JJ13IU'Tlent rents for SI .2<X> a month "ipe(.1fil rent dat.a for (.osta Mt"ki wa.., abo not available. Bos- lll 'i3.Jd • MUl ClJNTON covers the env1ronmem, business and Polrtic::s. He may be reached at 194917644330 or~e mail at paul cltnton er laflmf'S com SPORTS ~ Hefbc)f boya' bMk...,... ... up for ~lhottidown wfth Wooclwidge. S. ..... 11 ... A2 Setlwday, February 8, 2003 Daity Pilot -FAIT.H THE MORAL OF THE STORY IN THE SPIRIT Good humor brings a good life New pastor follows his calling • "Humor Ls not a trick. net jolt:a: Humor is a p~ in the l;Wrld like grace and shines on everybody." · -GARRISON KEIUOR L ast week. I introduced you to my friend Guy Owen. He wrote the poem about my bicycle ~pillS. This week. he is sharing my column. Guy is a professional "funny man· and motivational speaker who highJy values humor in his presentations and his everyday life. He works as a clean comedian both here and around the country. lake it away, Guy! Remember when tlu! (Jood Humor Man rrxk through our neighborhoods when we were ldds7 We all had our faoorites: the CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON "bullet pop,· a "drumsrick" and, my favorite, the "fudgedcle!" 1 can still taste ii, can still recall tlu! sheer joy and excitement I felt when I heard that sweet. mouth-UXJlering, Tam swear-stopping music. My buddies and I froze for }List an instant and then bolted nine different UM'l)'S for our moms' purses. We had to be quick not to miss the truck. Sadly. it seemed thaJ f!lll!ry day sommody's mom wasn't home. so usually at Wo.st one of us Juul to watch the rest of us deoour the ice cream so fast it crmted tlu! behind-the-eye brain freeze! Don't ~u wish the (Jood Humor Man was still around, not so much for dispensing ice cream but for tlu! associated fee/in(! As I speak around the country. one cheme that runs through my present.alions is the importance thal humor plays in life. In my talk "11ie Set.ten Habits of1btally IN-Effective People," I always discuss the impact of not having a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor doesn't mean~" have to be the life of the party or a great joke teller. A sense of humor is not a talent; it's an outlook. It's taking or" responsibilities seriously but taking ourselves. and the bumps and det.oUJ'J of life, much more lightly. We need to be a greal parent. an indispensable employee and a fix:wed breadwinner for sure, but we also need co enjoy tlu! world God has crealed around and for us. And there's some pretty funny srujf going on. When my sons were ~ung and still susceptible to a fath~s embeUishrrients, I would tum a can of soda upside down and loudly moan. "Oh nor When they worriedly ask,ed," Whal daddyr' I'd say, "Look at this, they messed up and put tlie pull tab on tlu! bottom of the can. Do~ guys reaUu hew fast we have to drink this? c;all1er around." (They finally stopped falling for it last yoor. which made me proud. in a UKlJI. Of course. tltey're 28 and 26, so maybe "proud~ is a stmch). StJdly. we too often all.ow "life stuf!' to get the best of us, instead of fully enjoying life as God created He created lalAg#uer and allows plenty of slwts of "Good Humor Man" admialin through our system to distract us from so~ to pfck us up, keep us going and give us lwpe. So, /augll at ~urself a little more often, and see if hope doesn't rome knocking on ~ur door. Keillor's words say it well Humor and grace are available to shine on everybody. And you can quote us on that • CfHD'f TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beacti resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reacned via e-meil at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505. Newport Beacn, CA 92668. By Mlc:hele Marr I n January 2002, the Very Rev. Canon David C Anderson, then rector of St. James Episcopal OlUrch in Newport Beach, announced his plans for , retirement. Anderson bad been at the helm of the church for 16 years. During that time, he lead the parish through a $7-milliQn, two-phase construction project, which endowed the chwch with a new education building, an administration building and a new sanctuary with a 28-stop, electro-pneumatic pipe organ. Anderson's announcement thrust the 61-year-old parish into a search for a new senior pastor that lasted nearly a year. The p~ was careful and arduous for the church's vestry, the search committee and for candidates alike. Jim Dale, junior warden for the parish. said they were fortunate to have the search move so quickJy. ·we were loolcing for an orthodox conservative, someone who stands on biblical truths and who is also evangelistic in nature,~ Dale said. The right candidate needed to possess strong pastoral skills and needed to be committed to lay leadership, to youth ministry and to community outreach. On Nov. 23, the vestry and the congregation put the final <!ecision to prayer. After months of research and hours-long interviews. the field of candidates was narrowed to a handful. Father Praveen Bunyan was among them. "Listening closely to what God was speaking to us about, after prayer and after everyone shared their opinion, it became so clear that Father Praveen was the choice,• Dale said. "When the vestry voted, it was a unanimous decision on the first ballot." Bunyan holds a master's of clivinlty from Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India and a master's of theology in New Testament from the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in La Mirada. He earned a bachelor's in life sciences and master's degrees in public administration and political science from Madras Ouistian C.OUege in Madras, India. He comes from a long line of Anglican clergy. His grandfather was the first Anglican bishop in the Church of South India. and his father is an Anglican priest. He is a FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS KIDS HELPING KJOS The Child Centered Church children are working on homemade valentines to give to the children at Children's Hospital of Orange County. Child Centered Church is at 2634 Vista Del Oro, Newport Beach. For information. call (949) 640.7343. AIOSHOME.aASEOCARE PROGRAM St Marte Presbyterian Church of Newport Beadl will be colleciing supplies for a home-based care program for people with HIV/AJDS in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. The program trains local churdl volunteers in Africa in the specifica of ConlWlaon family man, with two teenage children, Ida and Ben. He wife, Veena, is also a priest Bunyan bas years of experience as a priest and pastor, baving served as the assistant to the rector at St. Luke's of the Mountains Episcopal . Oturch in La Crescenta and then as Interim rector of SL Luke's Episcopal Otwcb In Fort C.Ollins, C.Olo. From 1999 until he was called to St. James, he served as the rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. in Aurora. C.Olorado, where he earned a reputation for his interpersonal stills. his inspirational preaching, and his energetic and visionary leadership. When the search committee at SL James first approached him about becoming a candidate for the position of rector, Bunyan had some conce(TlS. "None of them were about St. James,• be said His concerns were about uprooting his family from their home, uprooting his children from their schools and his wife from St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church, where she was the assistant to the rector. And he was just as concerned about leaving St. Martin-in-the-Fields. "I really agonized over thal. ~ Bunyan said. But when he took his concerns 10 his junior and senior wardens, they told him, ·we love you so dearly, but you need to be listening to God. lf God has plans for you. he has plans for us.· And his family told him the same thing. .. The Lord began to convince me, slowly and surely through prayer ahd through scripture. through prayer with my family and wit!1 my prayer partners," Bunyan said. But he still asked God for one sure sign. As a final affirmation that he was to go to St. James, he told God lhat he wanted the vestry's vote to call him as the new rector at St James to be unanimous. "Ifll is 10-2 or 10-1. I'm not going,· Bunyan said he told God, and then took it back. feeling he had perhaps overstepped his bounds by putting God to the test like that Then he got the call. He was on his way home from a retreat in the mountains, in an area, he said, where his ceU phone had never had service. The phone rang. The connection was perfect and clear. Dale remembers the call. too. caring for HIV/AIDS patients. Eadl trained volunteer will then instru<:1 and guide 10 HIV/AIDS patients and their caregivers in optimum care. The program will be laundled Sunday and run for several weeks. FRIENDS OF MUSIC SERIES The fifth concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music "First Sundays at Five Series• will continue Sunday at 5 p.m. at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, featuring "Solemn Evensong for ~ndlemas• candles, chants and incense to observe the Presentation of Our Lord Jesu•Christ In the Temple. AJI are welcome an there is no admission charge. The church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive in Corona del Mar. For Information, call 644-0463. PIANISTS OIETZER ANO FOSTtR Thent will be a performance of dance Daily A Pilot Newt assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wll•onlllatima.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1S60, Costa M81a, CA 92626. Copyright; No newt stories, llluttratioM, editorial matter or adveltiffmentl herein can be reproduced without wntten permlulon of copyright owner YOL 97. NO. 39 THOMAS H. JOHNSOH Publlshet lONYDOOERO Ecfrtor JUflt OETT1NQ ~ Promotlone Director News EdhDr'I Gina Aleunder, Lori Andef9on, Paul Saltowltz, Oanlel Stevena NEWS STAFF O...,.ltwMh Cnme and coona f11POr1*, (9491 574-4228 ~.bha,.thOl.rl,,,.,.oom June C1tn:pmde Newport BMdl rapotter, (9481 57'"'232 Ju,,..c.11ag,.ndflfli.tlfNl.oom ftNClrleoft Pohtlce and envlronm90t 1'9C)Ontr, (948)7$M330 1MUl.ci/ntt>n•l«f,,,_oom Lolb...,., Columnltlt, cultbre ~.(Mi) 51....m loHr..,,.,,,.,•llldrtw&oom u... ........ Sean Hiller, Don l.eadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 842-8086 Record your comments about the Dally Piiot or news tips. Addr9el Our 8ddrea 19 330 W. Bay St, eo.t.a Meu, CA 92627 Otrice hours are Monday ·Friday, 8:30 1.m. · 5 p.m. Conecdona It la the Piiot'• policy to promptly corrKt all em>ra of 1Ut.1ance. ~call (94917'&M32.il FYI HOW TO REACH US Cin:utedon The Tlmea Orange County (800) 252·91' 1 ~19 Ctuelf'l«f (949) 642-5878 ~ (9491642~21 E.dltorilll News (949) 642·6680 Spofta (949)57~23 News Fu (949) 64M 170 5pofta,... (949) e6()..()170 1-mefl: <UlfVP/fot•t•tlmH.com ~()Moe ... ,,,... Otftoe (9491842~21 loalnco• Fu (94$1131-7128 K(~TTRfPTOW DA • C Father Praveen Bunyan 1s the rector of St James Episcopal Church After the unanimou' Vt''>rry volt' lo call Bunyan as tJ1e nl'\\ ret"tor ell 'ii James, Dalt> and All:'<. \1mp-.on, lhl' parish'i, sern or warden, inVJll'tt the whole veslry 10 lhl' ve\try room to make the call to Bunyan #When he acceplt'<l the e<.11l 1111 become Lhe new rt't tor at ~l James), the ve.,1ry hrule l)UI 11110 cheers,· Dale said "There \\,l\ nm a dry eye in room. It wa., the mo..i joyous moment I will c•ver experience in my hft• I will m·wr forget that ·Father Pra\et'n.., .tn mru•chhly godly man." he said. • nH' low of Christ shinec; fonh from 111111 I"' music for duet piano today at 5 p m. at the Orange Coast Uni1anan Universahst Churcti T1dcets are S12 for adults and S7 for students The churdl 1s at 1259 Vlctona St., Costa Mesa. (949) 651-8493 NOTED JEWISH SCHOlAR Prof. Shalom Paul, noted scholar and Biblical expert, is coming from Jerusalem, Israel to serve as Orange County's second annual one month Jewish Sctiolar in Residence under the auspices of the Orange County Jewish Communrty Scholar Program at the Jewish ~eration Campus in Costa Mesa. (949) 789 6122. WALXING THE LABYRINTH WORKSHOP Saint Michael & All Angels EP1scopal Churdl will host a Walking the Labyrinth Wortcshop on Feb. 7. 8. an 9 The Rev. Or. Lauren Artress will f.11111h , .... 1 ~odly raunty Ille} dll ~0111~ to bt• \\Cinderful e1ta111pl1· 111 the f.inube.. at \1. Jamec;, to 'i<'r h•l'fl lht•y work lol(ether and love N1 h olht'r a.' a family· 11.-. wife and family will 10111 h1rn at lhf' end of the <>ehool year Bun} an began his work a1 tht> 1 hurd1 on Jan .!O • 1 lwh<"-l' < .o<l ha'> raJled th1' pamh lo he a light .. hmm!( fonh 111 our< ommun1ty and m our nat11111 .111d 111 tht• world,· he ~d. ·nwrt· '' '" much wr can do 1ogt'ther • • MICHELE MARR is a lrPelance wrth'I and graph1<: artist lecture. le:td d1scuSS1ons and dehver Sunday hom1hes. Lauren Artress 1s an Episcopal pnest. psydlotheraplst and the author of #Walking a Sacred Path~ wt11cti re-mlroduced the labyrinth as a form of wallong medrtatlOl1 and a path to prayer. Saint Michael & All Angels Eplscopal Churdl 1s at 3233 Pacific Vi&N Dnve in Corona def Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463 WORKSHOPS 8NW F1RESIOES Members of the Baha1 faith hold mformal public discussions on spmtual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Fnday and 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST There's a slight chanco of rain this morning, biJt for the most part, it'll be panly sunny with highs In the lower 60s in Newport-Mesa. Lows will be Into the lower 40s. Sunday's IOQking much like those we saw throughout January -sunny, with highs In tho lower 70s. :==gain Tuetday. www.nws.noas.goy BOATING FORECAST SURF The swell continues to drop today, so we'll see some waist-to shoulder·highs. But rain continues to threaten, so the county healthy egency would urge us to stay high and dry until three days after • rain. Sunday's looking emeller. with more welS1· to chest-highs. The next northwest swell errives Monday, providing ua tom• chest-to ahoul<Ml"hlgh .. Wlltlfquelty: www.aurfrlci.r.org TIDES T1me eo.ta Meta reponer, tM91 57~t *"tW.~•IMifMMIOm Ots•4c.llo (du~ reporter, (Mi) 57oM291 chrl«lftf.CM'rlllo•lllflmMoom The Newpott Beed'llCo9ta Meu Dally Piiot (USPS-144-800) le pybllthed dally. In N9wport 8Md'I end Coeta Mesa, 1Ublel1ptlonl ..... 1vlllablt only by aubecribjng to The Timel Orange County (800) 252·91•1. In ar ... outlide of Newpol1 Beedl and Cotta Mesa, eubtcT1pdone to the Dally ftllot are avallabte only by ftrat ctaae mell for S30 ,,., monch. (Pricee IN:tude ... applicable .... and loc.i tax-.) POSTMASTER: Send~ c:Nngel tO The NMpon a..dVColla MeM o.iiv Pilot. ~o. Publlth41d by Tl"* Community ~. -.dlvltlon of the Loe MgelM TltMlt. The winds will blow 10 knota In the Inner waters today, With 2·foot waves end a W911 IWOfl of 3 to 51-t. The waves will build • foot too ght, though tho swell will bt<* down, Out farther, the windt wHI ellO blow 10 knots, with 2-foot ~ •nd a wect twttt of 5 to 8 fMt. The swell will be<l down • couple of .... lftftl..ht, but not m!Jch wttt ~~ 9:01 a.m. 2:21 p,m 6:54p.m. 2-.331.m. ........ tl3feetlow 2.60feethJgh • 2.07fMllow U2fMINgh 0Z002 TllMI CN. All right.I ~ WATER TEMPERATURE : 59cteg,... ................ , .... F .. 71111 .................. s .. •s ..... s ................ ~ . ....._--._---~ -------------------· Daily Pilot Sprinklers add to park delay Beach gets down to business Annual Cha mber of Commerce event to be li e ld this month provides a showcase for Newport stores and -,hops. Kevtn l.ortu11, J1r1•t1ur of '>all''> .Uld markt•t111~ for I lorn blower C rut'>t'' /l<i I wnl'>. ~ard h1'> tompdny will h<lVl' d booth Malfunctioning system at Bonita Canyon Sports Park may push back the long-awaited opening of the fields. June Cuaerande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -A maJ. functioning sprinkler system is threatening LO further delay opening or the Bonita Canyon Sports Park. C.Ont:ractors and city. staff members are woddng to solve problems with valves, ' wdter pressure and debris in the irri· gation system. Public Works Director Steve Badum said he is optimistic that the irrigation sy:.tem can he fixed in time for the park to oren on \Chedule. "'We hope to be able to re- !>olvr the!.e issues quickly.'' Ba dum~d. If the irrigation systl·m at th" park isn't fixed by the end ol I ebruary, it will likely del.1 y opening of a poruon of the park thJt Wd.S planned for rrud-May • ·~Nut The $7-miUion pan project is already more than a year be- hind !>Chedule because contrdC· tor Castello Inc. suffered cnp pling financial problem!> in November 2001. Those prob· terns were not related to the company's work on !he Bonita Canyon Spons Piu'k. Badum said. Because the project ~ bonded. the city did not lose any money, but they dJd lo!>e some time. Erreca's Inc took over and reswned work m Ft-b· ruary2002. The portion of the park near the end of Ford Hoad. tallt'd tht: "West Park." t!> ~hedul<.'d to open by the end of May, a')'>llffi mg the irrigation glitd1 ,., lht·d soon. We-;t Park include., pla} ground equipment, lot .. of open '>pace .rnd some youth -.oc.n·r field., The 1·.a:.t Park and '\lid t>-drk CONTAINS EPHEDRA -RHdA/JUMI Wimrlngs SUGG. '17.25 are~ contain three youth ba.-.c ball fidds, three '><>ccer fit•ld., and one muluw.e playmg field lhat area of the pa1*. which runs l:M:tween Ford Hoad .md Bo1uta Canyon Dnve, al'>O wn ta1m. tot lou., prcmc area.., and r~troo~ That portion of the park i!. scheduled to open by fall. Newport Beach l.Jttle League leaders have been battling the city to get the field!> open, at'bl\J ing that they could be mad~ available sooner than autumn They protest the 90-day "plant ~tablishment penod" adH> cated by city officralo, and dw contractor to allow grd.'>.'> .md other plant!> to take firm root lne delay ~ rem11ll.)(;en1 of the slow hi'>iory of Co')ta Ml'"' rann ~port'> Comple>. In p11rt trouhle w11h tl1e Kfi''' tl 11:1t· ;1 cold \.\.'inter held gTtJ\\ th IM k 1he Cobia Me\a fielth opt•m•d 111 ..,ummer 2000. J \t:.1r l.lll'r 1h.111 expected. · Cit) Council rm·mlwr' \\Ill get an update on tl11 pitr~ 11 their 'tud) '-t">'>ton on I Ut·-.tl.1\ Paul Clinton Daily Pilot . '\I \\ l'OH I HI .A< II -f 11c.il bU'>llll''>'>l''> will ha\t: a d1an1 t: tCJ -.how oil their good\ latl'r thb month a t 1lw annual "'BU'>lnl''>' a l 1he lk;u:h' l'xpo. I ht-expo, '>Cht'dult-d lor f'eb. l 9 and put on by tht: t\t•wpurt Heach <J1amtwr of C .ommerce, i' expe1.·1ed to .tttrat t more than 'lUO \ l'>llor'> to tht: :\e\\ port Beath ~l amoll ~ ll'nnt'> CJub. , .. here 11 \\Ill ht' held for thl• fir'>I 11111t \bout 70 locill bu'tnl''>'l'' , .. ,11 olfl'r boo1h' l.1v1ng 0111 1hcir particular olknng,. '•lid Doug ...,llll f..t:~. tlw t'h.1111lwr ' puhht <1ffa1r-. d1tt·<.111r "'\\.(• m.tkl· 11 a lnrnJ, 11111\ hu.,inl'"' expo-.111011 JU'>I ,;, 'hm1rt.i.,e their good-. .11HJ 't:n tl l'" tu lt1caJ pt:opll.. ~1 m kt:~ '<111.J I lopt•ft1ll\ II ' 11111w t1I .i 'Uttdl hll'>llll''>' .it11111.,pll1·rt· .111tJ \\lll rt·.tlh g1H· p1·11pk I lt"<'I fur \\hat I\ 111ft•r1•d 111 thl' '-:t•\\ pcm Bedt h Jrl'J " LUNDBERG ~~ (J1a111lwr lt-ader'> havt: .. cht.'tl ult.'d lht' t'\t•111 lur :; p 111 1ha1 \\'t'dnt·\dJ} I lw hutd I'> JI YOO :'l:t'\'\ purl ( l'lllt'r r Jnve. .iJong lhl lllllt'r rll•H of I a"h11m 1., IJnd A '>le~ ol lou1l bu\lrll'!>W' iHl eXpl't'lt!d tu '>hdl out $'.iOfJ or $h~O for booth'>. Al}(JUI I() .. 1111 ... an~ '>1111 <1Vi1llablt-, ')tutf..e\ '><ltd ~1ongage · ··our b<1<1th 1s ha'>ltally gotn~ tu provtdt! a ... mudi 1nforma uon abou1 tht.' ... t-rv1<.t''> we pru \ 1dl', Lorton '<.ltd I hi... " a more t a-.uJI wr 11111( 10 rn111gl1 \\II h pt-11pl1• wh11 JI I' • 1IH IH'l~h bur'> llornhlowir 111!1·" priv.it1 .md publtt <hat 11·r u tll'>l'!. 111 '\l'wport I l..rb111 lwv ""<1JH1r11.1, "1111 m'"' Im hmkl'''· 11u.1g "Hopefully, it's more I lrJ'>pttal I ht· B.i1h11<l 11,,, of a social business µ.u 1 C1r.iplm ;111d IJt·0,1~11 011 \l,tr trtt"r ~ '\hit '• 1d tlu >'\t•rtl '' ,1 ~''" I \\ :t\ I•) llwt I ltJllllt' c luh -\\lt1l 11 atmosphere and wtll lt.1... h11,1t·d "''t:ral 1·H·11i-. really give people 111 1u111 r '''"r' a feel for what 1s r1·,1.i111<111h ,111d 1 rui..1· h111 1' .1r1• offered in the Newport Beach area:· """"" <JI 1111· 1>11,111t'"'l'' Doug Stuckey, t~,e 'hamtier '''Pl"' 1i ·t1 1o Dubhe affair< r:lirP t Jr h.1 \ ,. 1>11111 It' l ll-..l•JllWI" 111 hll \1111">'• l ll fl I.II I' °""l'"rtt.i had .1 li•t11!h Ill lc1-.1 \1 ir , t·H nr li111 '''11 "t ~wd ult·d 111 h,1\ 1 fJlll' '"'" \!' ll I ht.: 1 \1·rr1 ht,, ''>•11t'>t1ff•d h\ f'.tt tltL ( 11.1'1 ( r1 dll \ l!IHt!I \l.11111111 :'l:l0\\p1111 111•,H II .ti d 11w I J.til\ 1111111 I ht<, ,, I 1•1111d 1.11. Ill I I( I' Non-Fat or low Fat l'\I Ill °"Jfll•Jll.1 ...... d I drtll I ..... <lll\"th11111, th.al J.;I\"' \1111 h1·1 t•·r 1>.111)! f11r 1h1• hw I ~~ All~·Dl!'-• .-Cottage a Family Farms /,/\~ .~c~~«o ~~~to Yogurt ~~~~~S~ Cheese •Farmers ~ •LowFat -... •Milano $~59 •Tuscan · Vf.!,lt'/11 REG '2 99 S 7S oz :TOP LOU a MONASTERY Organic Olive Oil Cold Pressed, &Ira J1ryb1 Fresh From S§'t! Greece REG '7 99 5oo ml •Q~t Free ~ups · l POl\7 PER !)£R\1VC! •SS-.&V~ • Ganlen Vepetobk •Com & f~ • Blaclr Bean & Vegetabk • Untll I: Carrol • fc¢a61e Barleri. ~ • 1brnato V~a6k • SplJJ ho It Carrot •/ta/Ian~ REG '1 69 15 oz •Nonfat $49'99 REG '2 49 .& 16 Ol RICE Non-Dahy DREAM Beverage 1% Fal Enriched & Made from OryanJc Rice • Sog hee •Vanilla • Original s. ~? REG '1 89 ..,.... .& 'f""'' • Thu •t•tmwnt Ml not bttn n:t1lu•td,,, th* FDA. This prodlld ls nol lntni«I"' di•pos*"· bwl, ,,-nmt Of' CIDT 'ltJ '11H•*· b BACH FLOWER NAT R 0 L .... iii5r..... ..... ""'91'P'!'lllP~"P!!IP.!P.'1 Rescue Remedy Spray A~ STllESS llBUJ!F Qrlg/nll1 Fb«r S•,.,,,, ~'17 49 .&"20~ SUGG . .,7,49 Biotin -smg A V'llllmin Supplement~ for Hea/thg Hair. SS!! Scaq, antf Nails~ SUGG. '14.99 fiO caps Digest Support MlJU'1 FNZYME FORJ•fULA For Hard ID DigttSI Fibers. Hdps Main1Di11 a Hea/IJrv Sffftft Digestioe ~ .,., SUGG. "11 39 &O caps [Motl.er$) t • I ' UL11MATE ONE /thgtl cl:l:IJJ::: I: ~ .... 9.! FARM FRESH PRODUCE February 12 -Wednesday 6:30 to 7:30 pm NUfRITION AND CARDIOVASWLAR HEAL111 By Ste;e Holmes, Qinic.al Nutritionist FREE Seminar (CM Patio) ------~ M 5aturday, ft'OtUJry 8, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Construction workers hurt in 20-foot fal l 1Wo construction workers were hospltali7.ed after they rook a 20-foot faU from a Costa Mesa apartment building Fri· day morning when some scaf· folding gave way, fire officials said lhc men, who were woridng at the Menimac Woods Apart- ments in the 400 block of Mer- rimac Way al about 10:30 a.m., suffered some broken bones, Costa Mesa Fire Battalion Chief Gregg Steward said They were lucky they clidn\ hit lbeir heads on the hard asphalt, he said. em MedlcaJ C.enter in Santa Ana. and the other to Mission I lospltal ih Mission VLejo. Both went to trawna units, where they will be tesred for internal injuries, Steward said Bomb threat made at Fashion Island . Newport Beach Police re- sponded 10 a bomb threat at the La Salsa MexJcan Restau- rant in the 400 block of New- port Center Drive East at about 12:45 p.m. Friday, Sgt. Steve Shulman said. PRICE Continued from Al "I hate whipped cream!" Hunado yelled, spitting out the white mess. Zapien was the masochist He sat unruftled as the plastic plates filled with cream slammed against his face. Some Dying cream saucers landed on his head. ,After all, Zapien had done it himself. It turns ou t pie-throwing and haircu«ing is not new at Save Our Youth. "I've been coming to the SOY center since it first opened way back when." he said. "I loved doing this when I was their age. Now it's their turn." Daily Piiot "Both were bleeding and had ')crapes and cuts." he said. "They were ronsci.ous all the time. and thal WdS a good sign." One man was 1aken to West· He &aid the threat was called in. Police officers did not find any device when they checked 1he restaurant. There were no suspects, either Shulman said. -Deepa Bharath Santoyo has shaved his head several times in the past. He had not done it for the lasl two years because he didn't want to "scare my son," who is now 2 years old. "But this year, I wanted to do it," Santoyo said. "Hopefully, my son won't freak out too much." SEAN HILLE RI OAll 'r P• r 1 Lucia Martin, 15, got to throw whip cream at Nav1e Hurtado. a Save Our Youth coordinator POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anaheim Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1800 block at 7:17 a.m. Thursday. •Anaheim Avenue and Center StrMt: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported at 8:08 a.m. Thursday. ,; • Harbor Bou'9vard: Gra~ theft was reported in the 2200 block at 7:02 a.m. Thursday. • South Coast Drive: Possession of drugs wa.s reP<>rted in the 1000 block at 6:06 a.m. Thursday. • Superior Avenue: A hit·and-run was reported in the 1700 blodc at 12:12 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • EJ Modena Avenue: An attempted burglary was reported in the 500 block at 5:40 p.m. Thursday. • Jamboree Roed •nd MacArthur Boulewrd: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 10:10 p.m. Thursday. CI-:IANG ING JOBS . \tile atl•"l m..n r ~ no " I.ill • "1< if)'llr m0\11".j!! \HUI 401 L lrnm l•IU! rm orJ• l1lll.i."''' rl·n nto ' ''..II• I-arm' hJ1•• llR\v.I. .~u°t" wr I IV~ WHLRI YOU 11\'I St~ Hill .,., .... _. MJ'b.lill A Reps1crcd R.q>~auvc 949-Ml>-9393 ............ fls1cls I II.I \ ••OllO "tl<.llll >ll. ""fC JU\! I) llllllf • f" .i 41 .. "" "' n.a"'< ,.,. .. , , a .J .,, "tl1ml 1,. w 1...-1 ,., "t \1.11 t • 1 \ • \,i.,., ""'""''' i•.ri• ih,~ ,,.,.u-1.,.•.t I•·~ tu,. i~••• II hi' Ul••ll 1 ••1 i• ''110 l'.1.l1i• JM•"1•••l~ .. t,>'h 1wtf•01-1 HtlOlt' .... ,,_,,,..~, •'•of'fl0<1!1•"'' <I I ~ ... f•fll U'J. IHne.ulJtt~ o .. ~.J • IWM• •• ,, ........ -.-~th1.•tlr-.....- l'O!'J~~ lflffl' seen your window smile? LUMINElTE , .,• .. . . . ~ALDEN'S Fl OOR COVERJN(, AND CUSTOM WINDOW COVERJNGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 IU1~ •••••• •••••••• WHllE GHAT I OOMS IEGll C HunMr Douoi-Int 4' Aeg;sttteo lradtmlfk al HUl!ltt DooQlas Inc Save Our Youth's academic program started several yea.rs ago, aiming to keep kidi. In high school. Today, it'~ gone one step further. "Our goal now Is to see them continue and go to college," Santoyo said. And it seems to be happening. Last year, out of 13 seniors, nine got in10 universities. he said. "If we can achieve that, if we can motivate them to learn; this is 1otally worth it." Santoyo said. FAMILY Continued from Al organized person in town and I marvel at the people who keep schedules and taSks and appoinanents straight enough to maintain a sense of calm in their lives. That's better for kids than my way. The only benefit of doing things my way is that it may be good training in case kids W'clnt 10 grow up to he emergency room doct9rs. 'Ifie Latzjest, !Jim.st, !!rieruOUst 'Beauty Supp{y & !!uff Seroia Salon In Orange County NEW ARRlvill OF Stmchahk Pmotwliutl Brartlm Santoyo. of course, regretted those words the second he sat on "the chair." Giggling boys and girls used cLippers to shave his hair from the middle of his head and then proceeded to take some off the sides. rhen, "they painted what was left on his head with bright pink and purple dye that probably won'1 wash off for at least a week. Then, there were the hecklers. .. Bad hair day, Oscar?" ~voulooksexy,Oscarl" Santoyo responded with a So, while my wife will '>ay that she gets m ore done when I am gone, f have noticed thal I get more done when my organized, efficient wife is away than when she·is here. Again, I don't know why, and again, I've heard Lhi~ same thing over and over again from other parents. The distinction is the word ~temporarily.~ I have no idea how a single parent manages to juggle baJJs succ~fully week after week. Perhaps they have a good support system or have ,.----------, !2 0%! I OFF ,!'::. I 1 =1~~~~-::,1 I w1111 ""' oc111r o11w. °' .. ltM. I I ..... 119 .. ...,11 ........ c.. I ---I -I ap.., '°""" I L.; _ ,.!~~ ~2.:.! :! ~ -~ E.17'Sl Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection sarcaslk nod. hii. eye::. half closed, cocking his eyebrow., - which were spared. Juan Flores. an eighlh-gra<frr at TeWinkle Middle School, .,;ud he's gotten a 4.0 GPA for the la'>I rwo yeari.. ...f"hi!> did molivate me in a way." he said. "I couldn't wall I wan1ed to mess up h1'> hair." Perla i',.aragoza, a freshman at F..stancia I ligh. said Santoyo dnd the coordina1ors were being .. good ::.ports." "Rut they de::.erve it." i.lw 'aid scaled back their activilics tu only wha1 is reah">tic. unlike the rel>! of w,, who 111,i.,t on break.mg the Guinness record for mulll-ta!>king. Case in point Alone an my car a few day<i ago. I ~ dnving. listening 10 m~'Wlge'> on my cell phone. eaung .i bagel, listening to a CD and '>(;rambltng to find a piece of paper .,omewht•re an thl' front seats of my car. Candid.ice for an accident? Y~. and rm sorry to say 1ha1 dmng '><> m.iny · things at once an 1he tar LI> 1101 unusual. My con'>Cienc:e I!> a..~uaged only hy Lhe ~nowledge that I was alom• in doing 11 Parents are funny becaU'>(.' their expcctauom are lower 1han <:.ingle people. 'Jot th.it Lhal' .i bad thmg -11\ 1w.t diITerenl Imagine. for examplt•. d -;111.;e person getting ');lli!>facuon on Saturday night aher Sa1urda)' night just watching vidro\ dlltl eating popcorn Yet, that\ Ju't what we're look.mg fon., ard to doing tonighc No nightlife no pi.7.azz. JU't relax;111011 and d occ Continued from Al even before the new i.em<''>ter began. an unu'iual pracun· for the college, Ktdder 'illld Compared to the year before, 0\£ has 'ieen a J'lb drop an cn- rollmenl that Kidder attribult.'l> to the college·, lack. of availahil- ity. With the 15.4% drop an course offennl(S, which tran,. lates 12,809 i.eats, the colleg£• has had to tum away abou1 I ,JOO students. she added While incoming student!> face the moi.1 difficulty regi~tenng for classes, even returning and graduating student!> have found tha1 the registration proce'S-'>, which b supposed to give prior- ity lo students who have accrued the most units, is a trying one . ·It's really difficult to register ... and it's getting worse,· said Rebecca Agnew, who pl~ to transfer to a four-year university next year. "It's so hard to try and THE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE Roo~ 's GAJU>ENS COLORSCAPE ••• OUR LANDSCAPE DIVISION lJOl IAN JOAQUIN HILLS. OORONA DEL MAR. CA 92615 949.64().5806 wilh mock meanne~ ... The\.'rt· alway!> asking me to do my· homework. And Oscar rnatlt m1· do '>ll·UP'> this one lime I '>Jul 1 had word. Ir's payback 11nw. As for Santoyo, he ha-.. Jll1 r<.'gret\ "ll'i.1us1 hair." he \a1tl "II II grow hack." • DEEPA BHARATH covers oul>l11 saletv and courts She may tw reac:tled at (949) 574-4226 or hy e ma1la1 deepa bharath a /at1mes com chance to spend !>Orne dell'lll ra1rnly time together After aJI, isn"t thal why w1· h,ul • k..1d!>? Well , why did we have ~ds? Why do we volunteer tor .11 lra'>I 18 yean\ of obligmg our\el\e\ to running .iround hl· ht•adle-.s chickens and worl.111g our fmgt•rs IO the bone. all \\Ith nu guarantee or expe<.1a1111n 1h.11 our effons will pay off or r\1•11 114• .ipprecia1t>d? We all had kid!> hecau'>t' ""h .ill or the hoop'> we hnve 1(11111np throu~ each day, there 1' '"" 11 o e .>q>enen ce as rewardm g ,, ' hemg a parent. Selfish an<:.Wl'r· l'<•rhap'>, hut fl'\\ would dL'>dKJtl The older I t-(Ct, the more I Jppreda1r thu<,t• ea'>y rughh .md tht• ch..u1t e IO wacch the kJJ, grow by JU<;C talkmg 10 them ,1m.I "J>l'ndmg 11me Wlth them I 111 tunny th.11 w-ay. • STEVE SMITH 1s a Costa Mei>a resident and freelance wflter Readers mev leave a message lo• him on the Daily Pilot hothne di (9491 642 6086 find cla'>-'>l'l> Uldl you net'C.l da~i. that fir in your -..rhedult• · J-or tho\C !>tudent::. who 11111\ net'd a few more units 10 wadu· ace or transfer out, findinft scab bt.>comt.., more imponant. ·All the one<1 that no 0111' want' to be in are the one<> lt-h • \did Agnew. a.-. she desperatd) '>earchcd the catalog l·rlday clftemoon for rwo classe-. 1hat would meet her final few re 4uiremc11t., f1ie 'ltudenL'i' plight has not gone unnoticed among admuw.· Ira.tor<. or faculty. "We're St'emg the 1mpall of fewer class sections, and the bua I.'> that the belt is going to be even lighter in the fall ." ..aJd Dana Wheaton, who has taughl mus1c at CX:C since 1991 and ha.!1 ~n an increase in the number of srudents anending his cla"5e'> th.ts semester. "Personally, I try to give preference to those studenl'> who have reached me first" No matter how quickly or pleadingly students approach faculty In the hopes of adding a class, faculty can only do so much, as it is the college thal places various limits on class sizes. While college officials now dis· cuss how best to cut cosL'i next year and spare the students' cur· rlculum as best they can, they plan on using this semester as a tester for what they can and can' do without Mlt's frustrating.• said Jim Carnett. director of oommunlty relations for the college. •Faculty really feels bad for their students. Hopefully, we're going to team from thJs. . . • We have a little more time before next year." • CHAIST1NE CARRI.JD coven education end m.y b9 rMCNd et (949) 57~ or by ..m.11.t dirl6tl,,..carrlllo•'-tlm.oom. Dady Pilot Tide pool rangers up for council review Program at Little Corona is credited with preserving habitat over the last three years. June Casaerande Datly Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -On a busy day. 400 school ctuJdren might tour I.he tide poob at Lil· tJe Corona. If each of I.hem took home a shelf. a star fish or !>Orne olher souvenir. I.he ude pools could be decimated in one day. A team of about 20 ranger'> are the front-line defen\C for the..e delicate habitatc.,. ·1hey may be I.he only reason tJie..e ude pools '>urvive. C .try Council member.. on lue<;(la} will get a bnefing on the J·year·old ranger program th.it A.<..s15lant City Manager Da\e Klff calls a huge su<.:c~. "Without ~ program. 11 would bt' a cfu;aster for I.he area the neighbor; and the tidt• pool'>," he said. Ilic ranger program of tJie 1 larbor Resource!> departmt'nt worl-. by gujding school group-. lhrough I.he enure tour ol the ude pools. l'rogram repre<,entaUH"> rnntat.1 -.chools as far away a.'> thl' Inland Empire to let I.hem ~110\\ that, tf I.hey plan 10 \.NI 1lw ude poob the) ..,hould fir.t l om.in 1he cuy to make ar nu1gernents. When -.chools contact the city. rangers, many of them volunteer docents. provide In· erarure and infonnabon 10 prepare ~rudents for lhetr vt\11 Not I.he least imponant is 111 fonnation on where to park fur convenient access to I.he beach that's not too disturbing to nearby residents. A ranger greets I.he M:hool group when it anives at lJttle Corona The poob are home w d1· verse manne.hfe. the l)'l>e') that entrance kid!>: -.ea o,tan.. ..ea anemone<;. urchin~ and uny OCtOpi Hut cnioymg tlw; <1how of nature without de-,1roymg 11 re· quire'> '>Orne advance cdurn· uon. ll1e general rule t11at the mnger. teach i5. When in doubt, dun·1 touch. I or example. removmg a '>t'a '>lar lrom ii'> rocky pen.;h ulu· mately kills I.he fish bv teanng off tJie tiny '>UCUon-cup feel I.hat tt uses 10 anchor tt'>t'lf and '>lft I.he water for food A hard and fast rule is. Take nothing And, as the ranger') teal h the kid .... watc:h \vhere you y.'aJk. 1\ poorly cho">en step can ruin a rrealure\ whole world. Cry-. tal Cove also h<l..., u dl' pool'>. but IJttJe Lororw\ prox 111111') lo roads and p.1rk111g make<. II a magnet for '><. hool group..,. e<.pet..,all\ in dw '>pnng "rhere are hundn•<h aml hundred., of lid'> coming l'\t'f'\ ) t•Jr, . "•fl '>did "nw. ha' proved a reallv ell et uve '"a' 111 kt•t•p th.11 lrum ht>mg a prob lem WHATS AFLOAT •WHAT'S AFLOAT 1s published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to da1/yp//ot a latimes com SAILING CLASSES Or•nge Coast College It offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. MoS1 classes are five weeks m length, and bo1t1s range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center 1s at 1801 W Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach (9491645 9412 or v1s1t occsailing com Sailing Fascination offers classes in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640· 1678 Orange County employers can bnng their employees out to · Newport Beach on weekdays to en1ov a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College The School of Sa1hng and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups 10 woric with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while I they get advice on how to perform f ALERT .- Continued from A 1 trol t het k." '>gt lamt'' I homd.., '\dld • \\e'e al">o madt• -.tm \\l'0fl' l\t'll ~ta1ted in all our lot JIHJll., ht• '>illU ~ut mo~tl~. '' t' rt' t•\t•r Cl~IJlg U!Olfl!>l \ lgllalll l dl1U t <ill 111111 111 our dJ\ ·to·da\ .it tl\'lllt'., '\t.'\\ port H~at h pt;lil t' .Ul' not do1n~ ..in~ th111g dra ... 11t.1lh d1I NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 9'9·6,S·7626 presents The Annual Classic Car Show Sunday, February 9th: 1.1 :00 a.m. -4:00 p.ni. ~II Cars Are Welcome For More Info Regarding Show or Placing Reservations Please Call (949) 646-7944 • CASH PRIZES AWARDED •GIFT CERTIFICATES AWARDED \ •FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS AVAIL.ABEE • MUSIC PROVIDED well in business. No &ailing expenence necenary. One-Oay classes cost from $100 to $125 (949) 645-9412 BOAT RENTALS With M•rin• W•t•rSporU •t the Balboa Fun Zone. you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild Take a self·gu1ded tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, 1ump the ocean swells 1n a Sea doo 1etboat. put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasa11 flight along the Newport coast Complimentary ice and beverages are mcluded with oll electric boat rentals Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many woys with single and double kayaks electnc boats, 14-holder sailboats pedi:ll boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay Bolboa Boat Rentals also holds two hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats prov1dmg group activity for corporations birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings The hunt packages include boats trivia questions maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies The cost of a hunt begms al $225 per tJoa1 and catering 1s ava1li:1ble dt an add1t1onal rate For hunt reservations. call 1949) 673 7200 krelll. "h'l '>kH' '>hul111.111 ,,111.J \\ert grnng to lo111111ue ltJ 'lil\ trt ..i l11gh ,t.tll' ol ,dt rtn~·,., hl ...aJd ...,huln1<1n -..i1tJ pull1 c ,,,11 ,1f..11 \\Jlc h II\ er hu11lhn~·, 'ud1 J' ho tt+.. dlld lirl.11111.11 11h11tut11111 ... \\llldl dit' hdlt''.l'd ((I ll.t\1• ht'1.tl mt'nUrml·d 111 1t•u•111 terror r .. 1 l r1mnHJn1t.1llun-. lllt• \\t•,1111 \11111h I 11,t,I l'l.l/.J 11ne of the b1~1''' l1111d ... 1r1 tli« ..Ul'd, hJ'> llllll .. l'l'<l lh 'l'lllfll\ Electric bo•t ~la •re 9V•il•~ by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach All boats.are equipped with window enclosures and CD player~ Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested An hour rental is $75 19491645 6812 P9dal bo•t.1. electric boats. boogie boards. kayaks inflatable rafts. catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729 1150 Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co of Newport 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102·8 The S75 cost includes a basket of bread cheese, salami ice glasses a blanket music and d Polaroid picture Wine 1s also available 1949 675 1212. Gondola Advenrures/Newport, 3101 W Cocist Highway offers one-and two hour gondola cruises A one· hour tour with champagne 1s $70 A two hour tour with dinner and chompagne is S 180 Pickup 1s ava1l<1ble at waterfront restaurants 1949 675-4984 Irvine Coast Charters '" lido Manna V1llagE: offers lwo hour electric boat cruises ~·th a ,Jourm"t d1nn~r $180 for two persons 9491 675 4704 .... 11<.J Bill \111 .... 11 tll1 11111!'1 ... d1r1•1 tor 111 '<ill'' Jlld n1.1r~L·t111g \\1 l1.1H· .!. I h1,11r w1.llnt\ d' \\1.:ll .1-. 111ornrng .mt.I t'\t';Ung "' t'r,1gt• 111 11ur luhh\, ltt' .....ud \\1• .iho hJH 'l'l lllll}' ..i.U .u• un th•· lt11tl·I ll\ till ...,outli < '1.i't l1J.v.1 .,,., urll\ t1·a111 \111 ..... 11 .... 11d th.1l ,il1hriugh the\ h,1\e 11.nl light 't'o llnt\ ;di lht lllllt' lht•\ \\ 111 h,1\ l' Ullff:'J,l.'d 'l' t 1. rll \ 1\ 11 h th1• Ill'\\ I\ ,1r11ing '>PL' , 1ti1,1lh rda1111g 111 hu!l'I' Satu1dat feb1uary 6, 2003 A! Gondol• Rom9nee often datty tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730 The tour$ go out of Lido Manna Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach CRUISES Electric Bo•t Tours off9f'I two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise) Round·tnp hotel or off·the·water restaurant shunle service 1s available P1ck·up from restaurants with docks is also available Chartered and ca tered tours (949) 291 · t953 or www wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport L..nding.Selle ls available for weddings and receptions. cocktail and sightseeing cruises. and meettngs The cost 1s $500 for the first two hours. plus $1 50 for each add1t1onal hour (9491 361 3640 Fun Zone Boat Co. nms a 45 minute cruise (adults, $6, children, Sl ) and a 90·m1nute cruise (adults $8; children $1 ) departmg from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a m. to 7 p m daily A 60·m1nute showboat sunset cruise adults SS. children S1 leaves the Fun Zore at 7 pm daily Pnvate charters are available 949 673 0240 Jr1hr1 \\J\ m· \Jrpon 1c; also talc. 111g ''''P' to t'll..,Uft' p~..enger 'tlll't\ ... pok1·'1"11man Ann \ld....irlt•\ ..... ud \\t•»t· 1mpl1·mented addt u1111.il n•-.olm l'' ht'cau..e of I.he 11,gh nr,mgt• .ilt·n ... tw '><lid • DEEPA BHARATH overs publtc :.df!:'ty dn<J court~ S'-e may be r,.ddwd at 1949 ~74 4226 or by • 1"1dll di dt-t'{ ..i bnarar~ idl mtt~ com LEGENDS COMING TO IA C4VE ELVIS IS IN THE BUILDING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 om SHOW STARTS AT 9:00 PM '1T'S A GREAT MATCH, CIASSIC ROCK 'N' ROLL AT A CIASSIC RESTAUR4NT'' A& Saturday, February 8, 2003 Dady Pilot FORIUM 1 (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -t...tt.rs: Mell to ~dltorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R~ Hotline: Ca 1 . h t e<ft all submissions for clarity and length E-maU:Send to d11ilypilot@/Btim•s.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the ng t 0 1 · LETTER TO THE EDITOR Planning was bad on · Council appointments Mark your calendar. Feb. 3, 2003, is the date the Costa Mesa City Council resurrected cronyism. redefined political patronage and wrote it into the city code. They decided to cast aside any pretense of objectivity in the appointments to the two major city commissions -parks and recreation and planning -and voted themselves, as individuals. the ability to handpick one member of each commission. These surrogates will be joined at the hip, so to speak. of their benefactor for life. life, in this case. is defined as the duration of the council member's tenure or until the council person tires of them. which ever comes first. By their actions. they have eliminated the opportunity for applicants to the commissions to present their qualifications. The process now will consist of "interviews" of potential appointees by the individual council members. I can just hear those "interviews" now. "You will vote the way I teU you or you'U be history. pal!" And how will these "candidates" be selected? Let's see now-politics is an expensive proposition, so maybe a nice. hefty campaign contribution might insure a place on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Perhaps a little larger donation will land a person a slot on the Planning Commission. The term "highest bidder" comes to mind. Then, as the next election approaches, the conunissioner could be encouraged to kick in a little more, since the council member can "fire" the conunissioner at will -no questions asked. Heck. if the right person is selected. this could be an annuity that would put the city retirement plan to shame After all, no one can veto the appoinonent and no other council member will "interview" the candidate before the selection is made. Who knows what other kind of favo!'S or inducements might be required for one of those nice, powerful positions. Might successful council candidates appoint their spouses or significant others? How about their children or· pets? Certainly, we could expect to see a campaign manager or two. The proposed plan provides no oversight or veto power, so literally anyone could be appointed. At a time when some stability is certainly necessary in our city, it would be possible for a council member to appoint a person for a week. then swap that one out for another. and another and anotheL 1 can envision a new title -Planning Commissioner for a Day. Quite simply stated, this stinks. Our council conveniently took the easy way out -and coincidentally managed to take the way that will benefit each of them individually by giving them the power of political life and death over their selectees. If this bogus methodology Is enacted. there is absolutely no reason to think anyone will get a fair hearing before either of these commjssions in the future. The commissioner's decisions will have already been made for them by their benefactor. There is still time, however. to stop this madness. The council chartered the city attorney and city manager to co~e up with a policy. to be presented and enacted at the next council meeting. lmmediately foUowing that enactment. the new appointees will be announced. I suspect that, given sufficient citizen reaction to this llimDam, the council might be encouraged to reconsider this plan and take a more appropriate route to selecting future commissioners. The commissioners should be appointed based on a majority vote of all council members and should be subject to removal on the same basis - not at the whim of a vindictive benefactor. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa COME FOR THE SHO PPIN G , STAY FOR T FI E VIEW CRYST AL PROMENADE ~ lA~l CUA~ I lllGHWAY & CRYqAI COVf STA1 f BfACH A TitEIWMCDlllPNtf .. MT». ...... ,_ ~· a STORES NOW O PEN RESTAURANTS & CASUAL DINING Sartluclu ....•..•.•...• ~76-~221 ~,.,. . • • • • • . .. . • ••• 71~11 17 APPAREL Baaw a.public • • . • • • ~""626 c...-..........•.... 4,...2229 GAP , ........... ,. ... l't94-0'7.92 ,....,QIU .......... *'-4173 a. ' ....... '.,.,....,. HOME RliNISHINCiS . ,.,..,.. ..... .., .... ~C .. Hw ... 7J,_Ull • rh,s ...... ~1a news,.. c.-. ..... ~,.,_,,,, MARDf ... ,.... . • . . .. • . •.. .fH-7404 . CO G ON MAILBAG · Owner of Port Theater should be part of solution I totally agree with your Thursday editorial regarding the Port Theater in Corona Del Mar. What does the owner intend to do with the property, and is he willing to renovate it (including for earthquakes) in order that it does not remain e "vacant eyesore" and will always remain "compatible with the · surrounding Corona Del Mar village atmosphere?" The owner should appear before the City Council and answer this question to justify the granting of historical landmark status. RUSSELL HOWELL Corona Del Mar Questions on Marinapark need to be answered I read Stephen Sutherland's weU-wntten commentary on the Forum page of the Daily Pilot Sunday morning with feelings of nostalgia and concern. His comments were informing. but also gave rise to many other concerns. As to the nostalgia. I spent the summer<> of my chtldhood at that trailer park, where I learned to swim. nsh and boat I returned to this area to make my home soMe 40 years ago. So much for nostalgia. which are my credentials. and almost as honorary as the author's? No offense intended. Revitalization of the area 1!> .t matter of subjective opinion. a'> the appearance of the of renewal project nearly completed at the Balboa Bay Oub. Functional. I'm sure, but lacking in creativity of design. The area serves community, including. res1den11al, civic and business. The hotel will reduce the permanent residents from I 5 to zero, if the numbers in the article are accurate What will happen w the park? Where will all the employee'> park? I low many new employee!. will the city of Newport Beach be required to hire 10 seivtce 1h1s new project? I low much money will the cit) be reqmred to <.pend to make Lh1'> project happen? Will this project 1mprm.e or add to the traffic flow burden in thl'> area? Child protec11on I'> alway!. J laudable comment 111 hgh1 of the slate's 1nabil11y 10 loca1e 3'.i,000 sex offendtr'> rhe state'> budget defic11 1c; all '>pending more than 11s income People stroll pest posters on the old Port Theater, which 1s being consider- ed for landmark status. Counc1~ man Dick Nichols. who lives in the area. opposes the des1g· natl on K(I,. TRlP· .. DA L·.. • But. this project 1s not all about iust dolJars and cent' and the protection of the innocent It's about '>en'>e Doe' 11 make !.eme to move too rapidly until all the que~1 wn' are answered? And I am not a card ·tarntn~ member of Greenlight RICHARD A. HOUGHTON Newport lil'dth Port Theater de~en e-.. to. be a landmark The Port Theater doe'> not de'>erve ·tandmark· !llltllh It de,erves 10 be torn down PETER OETH Corona dt'I \l.u Sunday, Febru~9 Noon - 4 00 OraqeCo••tJ MUSEUM OF ART 850 San Cleme nte Dr; Newpor t Beac h {949} 759-1122 Dally Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS GETTING INVOLVED Saturday, February 8. 2003 A7 Be a valentine for the shelter •GETTING fNVOlVED runs periodically in the Daily PUot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. monthly meeting•. oc:castonal committee meetlngt and epecial project1. Candidates should have oonnection1 In Costa Mesa and aurToundlng communitiea and en intereet in serving the community by helping aeniora. (949) . 645-2356, ext. 16. I f you have tonight free, consider taking your Valentine to the Rick Sherman & Friends concert at Harbor Christian Olurch fo r the benefit of the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter. The concert. which starts at 7:30 p.m .. will feature Sherman, the saxophone player from the Righteous Brothers band, and a number of his friends. · including Samantha Smith, whose magnificent voice I have heard <;everal times. The evening will get you in the mood for Valentine's Day, on the 14th, while raising funds for the interfaith shelter. Admission is a $ lO donation for aduhs and optional $5 donation for children. Oilld care is available by calling (949) 645-5781. Harbor Christian 01urch is at 2401 lrvine Ave .. Newport Beacb. SAILING ALONG Erin Frederick. junior director at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub, points out that the yacht club is offering sailing classes for boys and girls ages 7 to 18 years of age in two skill levels. And you don't have to be a member of the club to rake the classes. Gasses wiU be held two Sw1days a month. beginnmg this Sunday. and run through May 25. For more information, contact Frederick at (949) 64-0-2402. For the adult boating enthusiast. the yacht club is offering a free seminar to the public from 7 to 9 p.m . this Wednesday on "What's Hot JIM DE BOOM Q and A session. and What's Not In Marine Products.~ On . Wednesday. Feb .. 20. attendees will have a chance to · meet Pai Douglas of the Harbor P.dtrol for a WONDERFUL WORLD OF WINES Barbara and I responded to an invitation extended by Balboa Bay Oub President Henry SchJeleln and his lively wife. Carol, and joined them at February's bay club Wine Makers Dinner, which featured the Niebaum-Coppola Wuwry. Prank Ande1"80n, accompanied by his wife. na. noted they have attended every Wine Makers Dinner since tJ1e series began several year!> ago. After a variety of hors d'oeuvres accompanied by Sofia, BJanc de Blan cs, 200 I, mignonette of poached salmon and shrimp accompanied by a very nice Olardonnay. Diamond Series, a fabulous butter lettuce bistro salad served with 7jnfandel. Diamond Series 2000, and an emree of crusted prime tenderloin served with Cabernet Sauvignon "Cask" 1999. Barbara and I could understand why. It was a deliciou1> dinner prepared by the club's award-Wlllning chef, Jean Toesda vs No , .. ~.~~,t~,.~~ ~i~,tH~.. cork8cf c Pierre Elgenheer, and served by the excelJeAt staff. The fine wines were presented by . Brooks Mlcbaels, Southern California marketing director for Niebaum-Coppola Winery. Our great company included noted artist Michael Bryan and Mary Rooeevelt It all made for one great ·evening. We even bought a case of the winery's chardonnay and case of zinfandel. we were so impressed. WORTH REPEATING 'from "Thought for the Day" provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine lnterfaitJ1 Council: ~Let the choices you make today be the choices you can live with tomorrow." - author unknown. SERV1CE CLUB MEETINGS THIS COMING WEEK TIJES~Y 7:30 a.m.: TI1e 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns for a program by Judge Glas.s on drug court. 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lion!> Oub will meet at tJ1e Co!>La Mes.t Golf and Country Oub; and the Soroptirnist International Newport Harbor will hold the "Matters of the I leart" dinner at the Pacific Oub. . WEDNES~ 7· 15 a.m.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub ( www.southcoastmetro rotnry.of'8'; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanio; Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a business meeting. 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia . Corinthian Yacht Oub for a Valentine's dinner with club chef Rod Lewis providing ~ cooking demonstration. THURSll\Y 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Llons Oub will meet for the Student Speaker contest. Noon: The 50-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn; the 50-member Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a ladies day program with Sam Parsons, "Love Songs" (www.kiwanis.org/club/ costamesa); the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum to hear Daily Pilot columnist Peter Buffa; and the JOO-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel for speech and singing contests ( www. nirotary. of'8'. • COMMUNITY 81 ClUBS is published Saturdays 1n the Dally Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8867; e-mail to Jdeboom 'glaol.com or by mail to 2082 SE. Bristol, Suite 201, Newport Besen, CA 92660-1740 RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Bes t LIFEflME WARRANTY COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to wort two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They w ould be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting. data entry and assisting with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an application. Fred Gaeckler, (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility at the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer experience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes . (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in COURT·APPOfNTt.D SPECtAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abuaed, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers wortc one on one with a child for three hours a week 4714) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization is seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emolional first aid and support to injured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide dispatd'I and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreac:h assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases Bilingual language slc1lls are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical wort, programs for d'lildren with disabilities and special events (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. 1949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, wt11ch wortcs to See INVOLVED. Pa1e A8 ORGANIC ART .PLANTS & DESIGN C-Orne See Our New Selection For 2003! The Vmes You''-'f Been Waiting For Are Here Perennillb At Their Best $11 .95 1 Wednes ays 714 :n:L>39"~9'---------Full Service Collision Centet' Insurance Approved Shop ROSEY'S AUTOIOOY 121 lndustriol Woy Costa Meta Free (Jarden Design OJnsultatWn Distributo: for Dm.ie Fross 'Natiw Sons Plants' and Gary Hammer 'Desert to Jungle Plants' 2~ N. G!ru.,.11, Oranar, CA 92H66 < •. ,, 11 Jo 2 o '!'"' D·ri·v• ; oo 10 OOpfT\ • Oeen TuHd•r 1t1rough Sul\d!l (949) 642-4522 561 CFNTFR A v f , 1137 H uN'nNC'ION B EACH CA 92647 I'"',,, •. ,/ 111 I J/,f II 11rld I 1/11 I I .f.IJ.~ U Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members s9900 6 Week Trial Membership No Obligation Full Member•.htp Privileges • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • P11ates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care 8am-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parting • Yoga. Tai Ch1, Stretch classes • Step. Power Pump, Card10 • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clln1c Oprn Daily 9-5 -714.lffJ.0221 -'""'"~~.(. ....... MARRIOTT'S N~ORT_j:OAST VILLAS 9T~~ ~ f7or !HU {j/jqy/ f7or !7llni Sweeten the skin and brighten your spirit with a Jamu Bath and M assage (90 mi.ou1e1) S l 05.00 (U S.00 S.Yinpf) Enjoy the beauty and relaxation of calming waters with a I hour Cabana Massage s75.oo ($20.00 S.TI.tapl) SPA GIFT CERI1FICATES AYAH.ABLE FORAllA\CKAGES &:SERVI~ For a complete list of treatment options please call s~~l-?/ca tfa!:!~~~ Marriott's N~n Coast Villas at 23000 Newport Coast Drive, NC!fPC>rt Coast 0 ,, a l Al Satwday, February 8. 2003 INVOLVED Continued from A7 provide youth and families with counaellng, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring, afte,..achool actlvitJes and kinship services, needs wfunteen In all areas. (949) 57'-3976. FlSH-MOBILE MEALS Cell (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity wfth the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency aulatanoe to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance In a variety of areas. (949) 645-8060. I FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends i.s a support group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. To join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books · are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to w ork one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (714) 979-7900. GltLS INC. OF OMHGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of tenninally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekty social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office dutles. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737·5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Proi ect Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences, including Shabbat and holiday celebrations, to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers ·adopt• a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting ba<*ground check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illneas at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 260 E. Beker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4960. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, Is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers In communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents wit~ hiker registration and gerieral public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494--1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beadl center for residential housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, ticketing, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's hie. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their sdlool performance and sell-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships 1714) 549-9622, ext. 35 MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber ordlestra needs volunteers for ticketing, ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 548·9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BAY NAT\JRALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The tnterpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to • @JllJllllWJ1uJ1 • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Acctssories For Your Home Child's Desk W/Hutch ................................... $225 .. Round Pedestal Table (Whlte) ...................... $275 .. Pine Buff et ....................................................... $35()" Unique Leather Topped Desk ....................... $400- Custom Made "Island Style" Recliner ......... $500- TV Armolre ............. -...................................... $725• "1905" Australian Pine Hutch ..................... $900" White Chenille Sora & Chair ........................ $975• Conlit""''"" acctpltd by appointm1nt only ~lo nod .,. M/tl/ 369 E. 17th Street # 10, Co ta Me a. IAclled bc:hmd P1um·~ PaUo Pbone(949)764-1746 Mo1-fri Jo_.oon..j~ S. IO:OOlm-S~ Siii 10 OOllll"4:00pm ; 0 tutor adults who want to improve NEWPORT BEACH needed to distribute prepared County youngsters and senior citizens. The project alao benefits their reading and writing skills. THEA'mE COllPANY dishes to homebound seniors In children enrolled In OCC'a Volunteers will be certified during The company needs volunteers the Newport Beadl area. The Children'• Center. Unwrapped training work.shops the Central to help with costume design, dellverv time Is between 11:30 gifts may be dropped on at the Library. (949) 717-3874. sewing, make-up application, set a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. The center construction, technical help, also needs volunteer nurses for Asaoclated Students and College NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE publicity, stage management end • Its semi-monthly blood pressure Uta Offtce from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CINEMA GutLD bac:btage supervision. (949) screenings. The center offers this Mondays through Thursdays and from 8 a.tn. to 6 p.m . Fridays in The Newport Beach Premiere 769-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. service between 9 end 11 a.m. the the college's student center. Cinema Guild, which supports the first and third Tuesdays of the Newport Beach Film Festival, Is NEWPORT HARBOR month. Volunteers should occ NAUTICAL U8RARY looking for new members. NAl1T1CAL MUSEUM commit two hours once a month Orange Coast College's Sc:hool of Interested candidates should The Newport Harbor NaU1ical or volunteer on a substitute basis. want to help further an artistic Museum offers a number of The center is at 800 Marguerite Sainng and Seamanship needs and cultural heritage in the volunteer opportunities in the gift Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) book donations for its Nautica l community and should have a shop, as docents or receptionists, 644-3244. Library. Thousands of volumes of love of cinema and a desire to with clerical work and with boating-related titles are needed. raise awareness of the film fund-raising events. Training Is OPERA PACIFlC The School of Sailing and festival. (949) 253-2880. provided. (949) 875--2355. The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, Seamanship is et 1801 W. Coast . a support group for Opera Pacific, Highway, Newport Beach. (949) NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC NEWPORT-MESA YMCA has activities for volunteers. (714) 645-9412. LIBRARY FOUNDATION The YMCA needs a variety of 546-6000. ORANGE COAST The library foundation needs general volunteer help. (949) OPERATION CLEAN SLATE INTERFAITH SHELTER extra hands to perform clerical 642·9990. duties. such as filing, organizing Operation Clean Slate, a Costa The largest family shelter in the and stuffing envelopes, at the NEWPORT-MESA Mesa-based organization for county needs volunteers for its Central library, 1000 Avocado SCHOOL FOUNDATION graffrti prevention, needs children's programs. It espectally Ave. (949) 717-3890. The foundation is looking for volunteers to paint out graffiti desires tutors and those wt)o can volunteers to help with and other duties. Michael ' take part in activities after 6 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH fund·raising efforts, speaking Howard, (714) 435·0745. Tutors will work with groups of RECITAL SERIES opportunities, public events and children or individually, helping The Friends of The Newport occasional office wort. (949) OCC ANGEL TREE PROJECT children in their academic Beach Re<:ital Series Guild needs 631-4143. Orange Coast College students problem areas. Volunteers will volunteers to assist in fostering are holding their 18th annual also act as a big brother or big music appreciation so classical OASIS SENIOR CENTER Angel Tree Pro1ect. a Christmas sister during the summer. Jaime music will endure. (949) 644-4208. Meals on Wheels volunteers are gift collection for needy Orange Mayo, 1949) 631·7213. • ressions St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8 :00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9:45 Holy Eucharist at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Or. Barbara Slewart, R9Ct0f WORSHIP DIRECTORY www.s · nc . ~ ( ·~~.m"'' of U.r AntJ1.1111 ( '"""'""'0" Ill fLDl\'G fll R f.uTH WH\G UIR/ff .-t \0 Y.Rl1,\G OUR CO'-IML \/Tr The Rn J lhcr D H~ma RmOf \l'SOA\' 'ICHH1UI f 8 .un · Hoh fu~h~mt •1 '"' \und~1 'lchnc1l/AJult B1Mc 'cudv I 0 ~m -( hnr~I ~ uthan11 \'/'/1.\1111 U.llf AlA/LiBU SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A c....lty °""'" tt Urilf-' S...., km CJrrift Ill ""' -sm." The Reo-PrCM!etl Sunyon Rector 3209Vto Udo Newport Beach 949/67.5-0210 • 7 30 om Trodihonol 9 om Contempororx 9om Church School 1 I om Chorismo!K ood Wednesday Noon Presents A Sll·WlDI COUISI lfl UAalMtlG TO aw HOIEWfw .1twi.& ,._..ltwi. I' ..... ly Ulll MARC •U11NSn11c, wt. Im •""'4 •.. , ...... ..,,eec1i • TUCMIMG HoaEW. Y• ...... It~ 11 jllfl •few ._,Its-. Mil MSDAY llGffT AT 7:l0 .... FU. 4, 11, II. 2S; MAIOl 4, 11. f• .......... ctl (Mt} S4WtOe , .. ,~...._....,., ..... c....:uuo .... u....,._,. hildren's Choir orship & Children's Suncfa School lOam I l'I \< < ll'\I We're excited, our new church is open and we'd love to have you visit .l p.im h of the Anglican uchoi1c Church Traditional F.piscopaJ '>un<l.i• ~r\ICn ., 4~. 'J 00 & 11 00 ~m \uncbv ~ hool 9 00 ~m 2300 for.I Ro•cl, ~~porr Bc~ch Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. C.uhlccn ( mm. P;u1or 160 I M.irgucruc Ave corner of ~l.u~ucmc and \.m )ClJl.jUtn Hill\ Rd. (949) 644-0745 8am Quw Wonl11p Srrt•1tt /011m W1mh1p 1111d ( 111/Jrmi \ 0unday \chodl }outh metttng U'ultly I l 1111 I{\' Newport H•rbor Lutheran Church (LL.C.A.) 7N Dover Dr. Newport 8-.ch TradlUon•I Lutheran P•ator Devtd Mono• Worship Servtce with Holy Communion Sunde~ 9:15 •m CHlLD CENTERED CHURCH Sunday Service 1 Oam Bon.ita Creek Paik Center, Unmnity and La Vida St., NPB Rev. Gail M1llc.'r Alben and ~ Sitphcn L \lbcn Minuun C'nurl. p1lm1lltr4'+' Jddph1a net *EQUIPPED TO FACE LIFE'S A FOUll GREATEST PROBLEMS" ~ (Ps.tlm 23: 1-6) PUUTIUJAJt CKUICH S.Nrd1y, Ptbnwy I , 2003, S:lO PM. (949) 640-7343 Parma and Childttn • Wonhlp God T•thtt Childrm mtmu1 d- Sund1y, Ftbru.vy 9, 200), 8:30 & IO:lS A.M . : J""fidJ>llU m tht snv1tt 1 Our Lady Queen of Angels A + ·A God-ctntettd patUh community, U:utAAtcd ~ the Word of God and renewed by the Sacnmrna 2046 Mar Vistll Ori\lc Newport Bea<.h, California 92660 (949)644--0200 Fax (949) 6444 1349 Rtv. Morui.snor William P. Md.aughlin PutQJ" LITURGIF.s: Sarurday, 5 p.m. [Camor), Suncity, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Coocemporary) lO:OO {Choir), 1 l :30 2.m. (Cantor) and S:OO p.m. (Contcmpomy} Wtdnud11 Nishi Bibi. Study 7:00 P.M. FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach 673-1340 OI 673-¢150 Olurch 10 am a: 5 pm $Jnday Schoel 10 am ...A'kif ~7 lOPI! MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Bakw, C.M. Worahlp & Church School 8:30 end 10:00 a.m. {714) 979--8234 Dr Ricri,1<1 Gt«ge Rev S1•otwioe TOO" Senl(lr Mrn<51tr YOVUI M•fl sttr Chrisc Church By the Sea l 1111t\l \fr1hud"1 I 41KI \l B..Jlw" l\l~J '""1•m fk..a,h •• ,.,., ~J·"••J.·" . .i( ~4 \ II t ~ ~ of"I' r ..J t-~ ,,,. '9 Come On Back l. Wonhlp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlaclplH of Chrt") 2401 lrYt..e Aff. Newport leadt, CA (949) 645·5781 MllllAtr. Dt. Detlll Sllot1 ST. MARK PRF.sBm:RIAN CHURCH "Optn Amu and Optn Minds" Worship 9:30 •' Oady Pilot . ' AROUND TOWN • Send AROUNO TOWN items to ttte Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. lncfude the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot com. ... TODAY 0..-Senior CenUr Is holding a pancake breakfast from 7:30 10 10 a.m. Including pancakes, sau~ge, coffee and orange Juice for $3 and $1 for cnlldren. The center Is located at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. . TM Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library will hold HA Budt A Bag .. for books, a used book sale, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m Proceeds will be donated to the 1000 Avocado Ave. library For more information, call (949) 759-9667. •o..p Healing ThroU9h Sound Mld Stillness," an evening of restorative yoga, w ill be offered from 5 to 7 p.m at Full Spec1rum Yoga. 2019 Quail St .. Newport Beach. The cost is $25 in advance Of $30 on the day of the event hM walkJng tours of the badl bay are being offered between 9 and 10:15 a.m. Guides will take small group on two-hour tours starting every 15 minutes Tours begin at the comer of East Bluff Drive and Bade Bay Road Teen Night Ou1 for teens in the seventh through ninth grades will be held at the Bladt of Orange The city of Costa Mesa invites teens to participate 1n an excurS1on 10 the mall and movies Meet at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anahenn Ave .• Costa Mesa, for p1ua at 5 p.m. Participants will return to the center at 10 p.m The S30 cost includes pizza. movie, transportallon and supervision For more information, call (7141 327-7560 SUNDAY ·eo and Better Dance Group" will have their dance from 1 to 5 p.m . starting with dance lessons Then, a live band will play The cost is $10. The dance will be at The Holiday Inn, 3131 S Bristol SL, Costa M esa TUESDAY A WOfttshop on "Selling Ted'lniques that Work; will bt• held from 9 a.m . to noon at National University. 3390 Harbor Blvd , COS18 Mesa. The $25 fee Includes materials. For more Information, call (714) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY The Corona cs.a Mar au.me.. Improvement District Is looking for community participation and committee members to form a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Corona del M ar In 2004. The public is invited to attend an Initial brainstorming meeting 7 p.m. at Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. To make reservations or forward ideas, call (949) 675-0501. A free seminar called "Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. "Create a Personal Brend and Increase Business" is the subject for the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at noon at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadl The cost is S20 for members with a reservation and $25 for all others at the door For more information, call (949) 729-4400 ntURSDAY A business solutions womhop called ·c ontract Legalese: Should I or Shouldn't Ir will cover how to wade through the ·1egalese· of contracts. It will be presented from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more mformation, call (949) 623-8247, or v1s1t www 1cforangecountry.org even rs The International Coach Foundation of Orange County will present ·People Power Skills" from 6 30 to 8:30 p m at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa M esa For more information. call (949) 623-8247. or visit www 1cforangecountry. org events A hee seminar called ·vour Child's Health" will be held from 6·30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595 M OM S. Gail C.rson Levine's ·The Two Pnncesses of Bamarre" will provide a springboard of discussion during the Mother Daughter Book Club meeting at 7 p m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library, 1000 r:i-------------;., : SUPREME SMART PICK I -...-.-. ..... 4 1 v.tue Prep • Supreme Paint Service I Auro i f ·-9Si a.::'~:'.~ l "°w ... 299~~1 •---I Must pment coupon rt Hme of estimate. I --~.!';:. ~~ !"!. o_!er.!_ _ -.J Wr I '-r M J511' VEAL BRATWURST Lu..,, 0-NJJ of FLwor $322 1b . Open sat. Sam-1 pm COSTA MESA 2076 Placentia Ave. 949·548·3130 lnnon or j 111114ic11n FL.var HALF CHJCKF.N $229 lb. . . . . . . !, I BEST BET The Peking Acrobats will make their 15th appearance at Orange Coast College at 8 p.m. today. China's best tumbler s, contortionists, jugglers, cyclists and gymnasts make up the 26-member troupe, one of the world 's most electnfymg performance ensembles .. The acrobats will perform in the college's Robert 8. Moore Theatre. Tickets for the show are avadable at the door for $35 for adults and S 16 for children. (714) 432-5880 or (888) 622-5376. Avocado Ave .. Newport Beadl. For more mformat1on, call (949) 717·3816. FEB. 15 A computer fair will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults is $5, for dllldren younger than 10, free. For more informatton, call (8001 800-5600 The UC Irvine Arborstum's annual Winter Ordl1d Show. "Prelude to Spnng," will take place from 10 a m. to 3 p.m at the UCI Arboretum on the UCI North Campus Admission 1s $2 Per person Children and members get in for free. For more mformatton, call (949) 824-5833. g300 OFF "An Evening of Ionesco; featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company in the Orama Lab Studio today, Sunday and Feb. 22 and 23. Show times are 8 p.m . Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m Sundays. Tidcets cost S6 tn advance, $7 at the door For more information, call (714) 432-5640, e>C'I 1. A workshop called "Divon:e: A New Beginning" is being offered for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 pm. at 180 Newport Center Drive For more information, call (9491644-6435 •Spring Lawn eare· will be discussed at Sherman Library \hlcntinc's Day Cookie Decorating Kit 1~m11 I I"' amorl\C1 f ,r 02/l}fU' "'llh toupnn urily 427 E. 17™ SI~MESA, 92627 (lktwua T...W. et 1.-rlM An.) (949) 646-1440 and Gardens in Corona del Mar al 9·30 a.m. Free. For more information. call (9491 673 2261 A Mminar on •How to Start and Manage Your Bu5'ness; will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National Un1vers1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa The S40 fee includes matenals. For more information, call (7141550-7369. FEB.18 ·How to Send th• Most Ehc1ive E-mails" is the subject for the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce business referral breakfast that will take place at 7:30 a.m. at The Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadl The cost is S 17 for mEfmbers with a reservation and $22 for potential members at the door For more mformat1on, call (9491 729-4400 Eleanor Cooney reads from and signs •Death m Slow Motion M y Mother's Descent into Alzhe1mer·s· at 6.30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more mform atton, call (714) 689-2665. A free seminar eali.d "Is Zing the Missing Lmk7" will be held from 6:30 10 7:30 p m at Mothers Market, 225 East 17th St • Costa Mesa For reservations. call (8001 595-MOMS FEB.19 The Newport Rib Co. and ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-ra1smg day at the restaurant 20% of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low income families in Orange County The restaurant 1s at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more 1nforma1ton, call (9491 515-3815. e>C'I 231 Melber You Buy or Lease ... Sdtu<ddy I t'bl UdlV 8, 200.3 A9 A free seminar catted •HM&ing All Stars· W111 be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p m et Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St , Costa Mesa For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS Ross King pNSenta and aigns ·M1dlelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling" at 6:30 p m at Book Soup South CoaSl Plaia. 3333 Bnstol St., Suite 2400, Costa M esa For more mformatlon call (7141689-2665 M acy'a South Coast Pia• presents ·w orkshop Wednesdays A Hands on Cookmg Class Program" hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara The class is from 6 to 7.30 pm at 3333 ' Bnstol St . C0sta M~a The cost, mcludmg materials. is $30 For reserve a spot, call (8181 994 5075 FEB. 20 The public 11 tnvrted to mHt Adeline Yen Mah . auttl()( of Fdlhf'l\I Leaves~ "Chinese CmderP.lld and "'Waictl1ng the Tree at 7 pm ~ ttw Newport Beadl Central library, lOOJ Avocado Ave Nevvport Beam for more infonnabon. call 19491 717-3816 FEB.22 A wofilshop on ·undentand1ng International Trade" will~ h<:)d from 9 a m to noon at Natton~t University, 3390 Harbor Blvd Costa M esa The S25 fee mclud1•<. materials. For more mformat1on. call17 14l 550 7369 FEB.21 The Coste Mesa Women's Club will hold 11s monthly mPetmg at 11 15 a m ljt their clubhouse 6 tO W 18th St Costa Mesa with a luncheon and Pntf'namment For more information c.all 19491 642 1162 You1l1 Find Incredi ble Values on Your Fav.orite Lex us! ® Get rid of termites the right way! I j ;J 41: t • 1~111 ~ i;1 :J t1 i C • l: I Did Y.OU know termites thrive ·m the structure and 1n rhe foundation of your home~ W ith ACG we II inspect your home's structvre as well as 1denhfy any vanations of term1tPs We'll give you a FREE home inspection and o wr tten estimate with a list of env1ronmentolly safe products we use Don't be misled get nd of termites the right way' litJ c~~~~!:.:.~1~~3 AIO Saturday, February 8. 2003 Bill and Celia Smiley from Newport Beach return to "The Greenbrier" in West Virginia, where they celebrated their honeymoon in 1955. Our $259 Valentine·s Day package includes overnight accommodations, delicious chocolate covered strawberries, champagne, a dozen red roses and full American breakfast the next morning. If you have already planned the flowers, we also otter a $179 Valentlne's Day Package which includes delicious chocolate covered strawberries, champagne and full American breakfast the next morning. So don't worry about the details and join us at the Hyatt Newporter where Valentine's Day 1s simply more romantic. Call (949) 729-1234 or visit www.hyattnewporter.com to make your reservations now. Just ask for our Valentines Day Packages! ... ·. ON VACAT I ON Dally Pilot Newport Beach residents Kendell and Kaitlyn Cosenza encounter Madison and Cameron Jabara, also of Newport Beach, while their families are vacationing in Maui, Hawaii, in November. From left, Kendell, Madison, Kaitlyn and Cameron. Marian, Steven, Samantha and David Fink from Newport Coast with Sue the dinosaur at the Chicago Museum of Science and In· dustry. I can't believe ..... . It's My-Honie landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWERDALE can ma.kc your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer @~~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP. License No. 308553 SANTA ANA • 2800 N. Tumn Avt! (7 14) 633·9200 COSTA MESA • 1700 Btutol Avt! (7 14) 754.6661 TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer D ISCOVERY CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE Today's Health fearunng an exc111ng JO minute Documentary abouc the health beneftcs of Tahi11an Noni. che world's fas1esc growing health supplemenc. Program also co air on PAX. Encore, Oxygen. and Bravo channel ~ che fim week of February 2-8 Average monthly wholesale volume S40 milli on. MAY help. CAN'T hun, COULD change }'Our life! Accept no Noni substitutes . .,& so/J in Retail Stores Available ONLY from a TAHITIAN NONI Inc'! Oise. Call 800-554-9642 or 949-854-11 21 for a FREE catalog or more information www.AcccssNonj.com Distnbutorships availabk: referral no. I 056 TAHITL-\" -.:0-.:1 )u1<.< u • mdcnutk ot \fo,.nd.t Inc • C-.,..., 11R•l1ra • .......... w .......... D• 111 • ..... , .... • ... ,... .. • CultoM-llt to lMr ...._ • N1 l11 lhrlamt • ....._ ... l11wter • Mrli tw:mo11 ,... • ..., a. ... I Quality Crattamanahlp Guaranteed d•al. 714-985·187& • 800·433·2188 HOME 1t.ft<>vtMtNT 18142 IMCh ltvd. • Huntington BMch (8-ch & Gltfllld) uo. No. 8790880 ttoln: Mon.. Wild. & MM 0 "--& nu., M • k M • llA 1M tfwV. r11rfri1.:in1rso%-ojJr1rrrooi1ae.iil I for eac11 Oil wWow 11 On Low·E 1h.11 11 '°' each ~ door I I tlMlt we nplDCe 11 windows onlv 11 that we replace I I N ew Cu•tomera Only 111 New Cuatomer• On1y 11 New Cvatomer• O nly I I 1 Coupon per c:u•tom...-I 1 Coupon pi..-c:ualomer 11 1 Coupon pi..-ClJ•tomer I L--L"G~~»~L--~L--~W»~L--~L--S:C~W~~L--~ I - ~-,..~----...... -.. ---~-----., -... _ _,,_ _________ . __ ,_... ___________ ._..._._ ON VACAT I ON Judy Jones, June Atencio, Norma Ingold , Linda Sprott, Jan Horn, Gail Kendnch, Sue McClelland, Sandy O'Connell and Sherry Chase, nine Newport Harbor High School graduates from the class of · 1960, celebrate their 60th birthdays on a cruise to Mexico. Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT , Judge Brian Carter of Corona del Mar traveled .to M1am1 over New Year's with Iowa classmate Dick Woodard, an NFL Giants and Redskins veteran, to support the Iowa Hawkeyes m what became a ~ery painful (for them) Orange Bowl game on Jan. 2. The USC Tro1ans won. 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .. \ Full Design Consultlng s.Mc• Available 0..t I'-<~ S-th of •O! F.., ,,,.~...,~ ~, ••• ' lllU!JI f714J 545-7168 ' ..... .... _~._~ - fUWMf 8 At4AM4 LEXING1\9N. HOME BRAN DS C irebon ..._T&.Jllr& ······· ... 7/mber gsfe COLlf(TION All Tommy Bahama. Amber Isle, Cirebon and all other Lexington Home Brands are on SALE NOW! Time is running out on this Special Sale. H.J. GARRET FURNITURE ·A family tradmon of providing servtce and value since 19tlJ. • 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 Saturdd)', February 8 2003 All Nell and Pat Rancle ci Corona del M¥ ceebrate ttie hoidays 'Mttl thew ~llMau, Hawal. Steve, Xlj, hlstrl and Brarooo Metzger are there from NeY.f:>ort Beach. Gem. Jearne.~s and Baake Rancle came from San Francisco Jan, Jiii, Emily and Ries Faler of Connecticut and Greg, Heather and .Kanen o1 Or1and6, Fla also JOlrl l'l MoN ·SAT 10-6 SUNDAY 12 -5 V1ck1e and Bing Girling from Balboa Island celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary at a Chateau outside Pans while v1s1tmg France and England I . . A12 Saturday, February 8, 2003 Dally Pilot ·Flying through the air and then some The Peking Acrobats, who have been wowing audiences all over the country, w ill perform at Orange Coast College tonight. By Coral Wiison Daily Pilot T here are no strings, no magic -onJy lights, muslc and acrobats coming together for a • performance that is so incredible, it is hard 10 believe it is real. CoUege in Costa Mesa this evening. "From the moment the curtain goes up, all you hear is 'Ooh, ahh and oh no,"' co-producer and busine~ manager Don Hughes Sl!id. Acrobats, tumblers and contortionists balance on top of a tower of benches, a pagodu of chairs. a high wire. a bamboo pole. a human pyramid anti even spears. Surprisingly, they rarely do. I lughes can only recall Mo serious injuries during his aJmost 30 years with the show. the worst being a broken leg. But that is not out of lac.:k of danger but a result of practice. Many of them have beN1 training since the age of 5. "They'U learn their ABGi. alongside acrobats," 1 luW'tes -;aid. MO'>t importam, they learn how to fall and the secrel to landing o n their feet "Pverythmg you -;ee on -;tage 1s s1uff you would find around the house.· he added. FYI The Peking Acrobats will perform tod ay at 8 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Robe rt B. Moore Theatre. Advance reserved tickets cost $31, $29 fo r students and seniors and $14 for children. Fo r more informatio n. call (714) 432-5880. recognized by the ruling class and invited to the court as entenainers. Prom then on, acrobatics flourished into an art form and an important part of Chinese culture. Demonstrating daring feats of skill. balance and bravery, the Peking Acrobats bring a 2,000-year-old tradition to North America for 80 performances on a tour of 50 cities. And they are stopping by Orange Coast . "They look like they are enjoying themselves bu1 1hey are very conscious of the fact 1 hat they can fall," Hughes said. Otinese acrobatie1> staned as folk arts: tumbling. balancing and juggling hou11ehokl object!>. Eventually. acrobats were The Pelting Auoba~ is directed by the I lru family. a clan deeply rooted in the Jcrobatic tradition. Co-producer and The Peking Acrobats will display their prowess for balance and See FLYING, Paee Al8 contortion tonight at the Robert 8. Moore Theatre. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY Pl C I DJ KatoSpace has had a hit on top 40 Billboard Club Chart. and 1s now spmrnng records as part of Velcro Percolator at Detroit Bar m Costa Mesa Percolating to the beats KatoSpace, also known as Sir Adamsmasher, has brought the San Francisco DJ sound to Costa Mesa. By Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot A percolator is healing up in Costa Mesa. but it's not of the coffee variety. It's of the explorative variety and Its called a Velcro Percolator. FYI WHAT: Velcro Percolator WHO: KatoSpace WHERE: Detroit Bar, 843 W. 19th St INFO: (949) 722-7410 or e -mail huebeingcasting c<V yahoo.com the World)." which spent many weeJc.o. over the summer on the t<>Jl 40 BiUboard Club Chart. "Starfhh Waitress· 1s his other con1nht111011 to "I leatstroke" -he calls ii hii. homage to women. San Francisco has been know as the place where clectronk mu1'it: and the tech'n ological movt'men1 was birthed. It happens at Delroit Bar. DJs, art, fashion, people and music all merge and meld into a metamorphosis of fun and mayhem -sights, sounds and movement Never producing the same outcome is the preferred rewlL KatoSpace, also called Sir Adamsmasher, at Detroit Bar. where he holds his Velcro Percolator dance party from time to time.. "I was in San ~rancisco durinK the underground merging of technology, music. art and culnire ... baslcally when the internet was becoming the Web." K.atoSpace said. "We were the first to do 'lmmersivc environments' with video. lasers. music and bays of computers." KatoSpace. also known as Sir Adamsmasher, brought the percolator party to his roots in Orange County after spending almost a decade in San Francisco. Velcro Percolator is an exploradon in low and high fideUty audio frontiers and is described as a convergence of electro-clash. house, lounge rock 'n' roll, punk TODAY and new discoverie . "It's a live music experience with different music, visuals and art," KatoSpace said. HJ'm very Inspired, It's all about the fashion and funk." The fi rst Orange County Velcro Percolator was last May and KatoSpace knew that Detroit Bar was the o nJy space that would work. offering the qulntessential 1,.. .......... The8'uehn CiM ..... be gr8Ced bY ,... Ccilp.,,.. blind 11 llnowr\ ............... "'° ...... ~ .......... .,2. ........ .. .......... In ~t1tsp1fl11Mh, lt'1 • ., "". '°' .,.,,.,.,.., ..... ..... ,,. \ environment and bringing in the right people. There have been two others since with one happening last weekend. Last year. Gavin Hardkiss, pioneer DJ and producer of global status. released "Heatstroke" from SunburnfSlx Degrees Records. It featured Sir Adam masher's song "Party People (We're Gonna Otange OeLroil Bar is its official address. but from tJ me to time Velcro Percolator can be found at private parties and people's residences. "The whole Idea of Velcro FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY 3 ......... Phi---. The mUhl talented Phil SM. wHI bring his Lil \fega• llyte Id '° Le Caw on MoncMy. Shene hel been 1 ~on the Lei Ytgll llrtp •the Troplcent HcMI for pen. The *1w wtl .att ... p.m. Le Ceve ii It ,. , ... ,,,,..(M, .... *4. See BE.ATS, Pace Al8 TUESDAY THEATER 'Carpetbagger's Children' spins a folk sy yarn un SCR stage Three actresses shine in producti on of Horton i-uule play about a Texas fa mil~. By Tom Titus When Jllor' Jrl l.tllt•d 011 lu .1ddrt.•\'> onl} 1he Judtt me \\>llh lntil no m1er.1l11011.11111111);11w111,e1H , the degree of diffil ult} llll rt.'a-;e., dl'tord111gl} insofar a<. drama Ill uml11u 1' umt t:'rnNI rOrtUniJll'ly. ~llUlh ( OJ'il l(t'Jll'rlClr\ la.1 t lno of ac:tre'i'>l'' who l onqut>r th1 , .11..111l nge <1ppreuJbly 111 I lorton rOOll'\ lll'W FYI play, "The Carpetbagger\ Children " The "children" of the lJlle an.• 1101 only grown, but 111 onl' case quite eldt·rly Together. and separately. tht'y '>Ptn compelling yarn-. ol 1heir personJI histories. wl11d1 me'>h into a folk.-;y. familial pallern on the theater''> Julianne Argyro'> WHAT: "The Carpetbagger's Children" WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Julianne Argyros Stage. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa WHEN: 7:45 p.m Tuesdays through Fridays, 2 and 7:45 p m. Saturdays and Sundays until Feb. 16 COST: S27 to S54 CALL: (71 4) 708-5555 Stage under 1he .. en-;111ve d1rectonal hand of Marun Benson. The three s1ster1' are daughters of a Yankee soldier who "d1o;covered" Texas during the Civil War and returned to make a life for himself and his family there. Foote, now 86, has a rich heritage to draw from, and the three women who populate hi~ '>tory enhance that heritage and pa.int detailed picturc'i of their lives and the people who are only d1'>CU'>Sed but not seen m the play. The eldest,., c.rall" Anne (portrayed by the venerabll' Na11 ~1Jrlln), who rebeUed and married dgain-;t the family's wishes. The middle '>!Ster, Cornelia (Robin Pearson Rose) has taken on stewardship of the family's vast land holdings at the expense of a satisfyin g personal life, while the youngest, Sissie (Ll nda Gehringe r), is somewhat of a scatterbrain with a singing talent that has become her blessing and her curse. The three chat, tn turn, with the a udience. which becomes an intimate confidante for their separate perspectives on family history, problems and occasional skeletons in a 9()-minute gossip session uninterrupted by intermis.sion. h may be the sho rtest play Foote has written, but It's also one of the most fuJty formed and satisfying. Martin, although a t1lt uneven on openlng weekend. is the m o t colorful of the three, See SCR, Pace All ~---__. ____ _ O V + AU U Saturdoy, fe1Jfua1v 8, ?003 All THE CROWD Worthwhile causes abound ENGAGEMENTS T he Spring lOO:I '>ouaJ i.eai.nn on 1lw Cc1liforrua llivier.1 1 ... 111 full w1111g with a plethortt ol t•wnl'> 111 suppon of wurtliwh11l' Im.ti caui.ci.. Here·~ a hnl'f pn·vtcw of ,ome of the CVl'lll~. CHINESE NEW YEAR'S It's the Year of the H.1m. A Chinese New Yt·ar\ rell'lm1t1on 'iponsort>d hy 1lw Paufil Symphony Ortht•\tr,1 Clune'l' American I t·.1gut· \v11J prnduu· an elegant t·wning on Mardi 11 at the Sutton Pl.in• I lwcl, Newpon lkat h. lt•;i1unng a' t>ry 'itylish fac;hlOll prt''l'lllitllOll of the 2003 '>prmghumnwr collectaon frorn MaxM.1ra The l'\ erung 1., alway, .i '>pedal tJl't <1'11111. gr.ll t'd h} till' perform.111t , • .., ol \'('!"\ talc·111t·d young mu,1u,uh who hJ\l' \\1111 local and rt•g1onJI u1mpt•1111011' lni.., yl'ar. Martin Le ung 1111 1111· piano and ~teven Olen rllt 1111· violin will pt•rlurm lor tlw nowd. The 1 lonorahlt• Judy Olu 111 the Califorr11.1 0..,1.111· A.....,t•mhl} will \Crw "' ma..,lt'r of ccrt•m111111· ... for rlw 1•v1•11111g Urg•trli11·1 .... 1111 h1d111g lt·.ig\H' AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS 111·nis to the Oc11ly Pilot JJO W B<iy t C1 ~1.1 Mesa CA '17621 uy f<1· to 114~1 646 4170 JI l1y ( clll llltJ ~;,J 574-4268 A cumr,IM1• lt!>t i. i:lva1la1Jlr• di l'l-w1.\ r1,1•l~p lut c.;0111 MUSIC HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOZART The M ozart Classic.al Orctu~stra 1s dedicated to bnnyfng Quality performancPs of chamber orc:tiestrd works from tile classical repertoire to the people of Southern Callfornt<1 An evening of Mozart dirl'ctcc1 by Ami Porat will takt• place di 8 p m today at the Irvine Barcl,1y Theatre. 4242 Campus Dnve Tidtets are between $24 and S38 Information (949) 854-4607 Pre!>ident Elena Ross. arc calling the event "A Fvcnin g of Fll'gance." The party I'> a prelude to benefit Lhc next B W COOK• ~howca~e for • • young mu~u:ian'>, Ill lw ht•ld March 14 in Cheng I lall al lht• lrvtnl' Barclay llwatre rnmplex Arlene Oleng I'> o,erv1ng on the Ll'lebrauon rommi11ee. .ilong w11h Ruby Au, !'\like Oleng. Verna Olow. Helen Un, EJlen Ong, Linda Tay and (}1arles C H. Wu. \kn:edt·'> Bent" o,po11 ... on11g tht• l'\ l·n1ng for 1 hl' C hinc-.e \nwnr.111 I t•agm'. "hil h v. a' loundl'd h\ Arll'nc Clwng 111 )'l'I..!. I or more 111lurm.111on 1111 tlw < l11m·o,l· Anll'nt <111 I l'Jl:.'lll' ,md lltt• upn11111ng l'\l'llt. pll'.tW l<lll ~It 7'lS 'i788 CHOC FASHION SHOW 1 lw 11 ... 1 a111111J I \II < .u ilcl' 1 ..... 1111111 \how lor U1ddrt·11\ CLAUDIA ACUNA Cl.iud1c1 Acuna w11h special guest Bill'( Childs will perform at Founders Hall on today at 7 30 ond 9 30 pm T 1c:kets range from $46 to $49 600 To•..vn CN 1ter Drive 7141556 2122 ANNE MURRAY rour time Grammy Aw ircJ winner Anne Murray will perform di Segerstrom Hall at 8 p m today T1dcets coS1 from S26 to S80 600 Town Center Drive 17141556-2122 PHIL SHANE The mult1-talentt:!d Phil Shane will bnng.his Las Vegas-style att to La Cave on M onday. Shane ha-; bf>f>n a regular on the Las Vegas strip a1 the Tropicana Hotel for years. The show will start at 9 p m La Cave 1s at 1695 Irvine Ave.19491 ~7944. NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ PARTY The third annual Newport Beac:ti I lo'>pital of Orange County and ( 1 IOC al Ml'>'>IOll w1ll luckoff with a patron brunch on March .!. at Co!>ta Me~·!> Center (]ub. I he event wiU honor Cl IOC tlonori. of $200 or more who have helped .,u,tain the All < .utlds fai.h ion i.how. this y(Mr\ fa-.hjon show lo-chairs arc Andrea Northcote and Pran Paulson. The actual I w.hion Show, which •'> '>ct for 1·.irly April thi'> year, i., titled "Om·t· Upon A Time" and ii. l>t'mg prod11cl'd by fa'>hion <,how producer Leonard Simpson. I ht• I 'i h'Uild., of U IOC have 1 u111ulJ11vely rai..ed more than ~:W mtlhon for lhc chlldren\ t111 ... p11al. I hey l11erally make a hit• and death d1fferenle for rlttldren '165 dayc; a year I or mon• 111format1011. rail 1 ll'lc·n Wardner al (714 J I ~,l 8h9{J SHARE OUR SELVES BENEFIT <'"'" \1t'"' h • ...,t•d <;hJn' Our 'wh 1•0, " pl.1nn1ng a\ l'f} 'Pet 1al t•\ t·11111g 011 M.1r1 h I. rumnK , l'ldml'r t lwf Michael Kang of f 1\1· I l'l'I. lam(' w11h thl' new ~1.1n 111t 1 '->11111·.., I lo1t'l 111 ( 1Jrden ( ol II\ I' 1 lw '\1·w1111n \k'" uowcJ will Ja1.z Party will return to the Newport Beadl Mamon Hotel Feb. 14 to 16 The festival will feature the 8111 Cunliffe Tno. Mary St.illmgs. the Houston Person OuartPI and several others The hotel 1~ ti 900 Newport Center Dnve lnforma11on 19491 759-5003 PERFORMANCE POETRY & LIVE MUSIC Alta Coff P.P House will offer ~rforrnance pcetry and hve music, 'Life & Hearts Brolten and Unbro~rm;· on Wednesday at 8 p m by pools Came Seitzinger and Season Cole ilnd musician Courtney Montqomery With spec.1al guest ~tar LCP Mallory g1v1119 a mini Valentine's feature Ahc1 Coffee House is at 506 31st St. 111 Newport Be<tc:ti lnformauon 1949) 675-0233 GRAMMY NOMINATED JAZ.Z. TRUMPTER IN CONCERT Grammy nomin<.tled Jazz travel lo suppon the SOS cau-.e. offering S75 per person and more for the dinner dance. which will have a Mardi Gra' theme. Karen Hanington, director of development for SOS, repons that prizes will ht• presented to those guesti. wearing "the best and more outrageous masks." Michae l Kang. well known for his Five Feet restaurant in Laguna Beach . is opening a new bistro in the Anaheim Marriott Suites Hofel in Garden ~row Kang is the founding cht'f of the SOS Celebrity Olefi. Dtnner and the. "Wtld and Crary Taco Night. H Both events haw ra1wd funds for so~. For those u11fam1hJr. O..,han· Our Selves is a loLal nonprol11 agency lhat provides for the needs of those hving 111 povc·rt v 1n Orange County. ~O!> has lhe loyal suppon 111 some 450 volunteer!> worktng year-round to make a d1fferenLe lo attl'nd thl' Mardi C ,ra., dinner. pleac,e rail 1'.trl'll l lamngrnn at !lJ l~ll t>4l \ISi • THE CROWD apµetHs Thursday:. and Saturdays trumpeter Terence Blanc:tiard 1s m concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall on Feb 28 and March 1, with performances at 7 30 and 9 30 pm T1dcets arc S52 for the early shows and S48 for the 9 30 p m performances and are available at the Center Box Office onltne at www ocpac.org of 1714) 740 7878 The performing arts center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa Mesa WESLA WHITFIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall Feb 18 to 22 at 7·30 p.m Tickets are S49 600 Town Center Drive (7 141 556-2122 VIENNESE DELIGHT Cafe Ludwig s host pianist, See HOURS, Page Al4 Marisa Avna1m and Michael Gallegos· Avnaim-Gal le gos Mr and Mrs Michael Avnaim flf Newpon Coast announce the engagement of their daughter, Marisa Avnaim of Corona del \far. to Michael l.allegoi. of Corona del Mar. The bnde elect graduated from froy High '>chool and Southern Me1hodi!.1 U111ver~11). 1n Dallai., Texa~ I he future bndegroom. son of Mr and Mrs. Rohen 0aJJego!> of Santa Ana, graduated from Orange Lutheran and the UCLA. A June 7 weddmg 1!> planned at the Laguna Prei.bytenan Church m I .aguna Bea·ch Ford-Sharp Dougla'> M. and I Jndc1 M. l·ord of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Meh!>'>a l ynn I ord of Newport Beath. to Jonathan Ohver Sharp of Lewes, Del r he bnde elect graduated from (,orona del Mar High C,chool and Princeton Univer~tl) m Pnm.eton. f\ J The future bridegroom. son of Jonathan Sharp and Mehssa Ford Jo nathan and Gwyneth Sharp of L.ewe'i, graduated from C..ape I lcnlopen Htgh School and Princeton Un1ver'i1ty m Princeton. N.J. An AprLI 26 wedding 1., plannl'd ,11 the Maguire Ranch m Rancho ')anta Margarita. •Weddings and engagements run Saturdays For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at 19491574 4298 ---------- Whistle while 0# OD*zO'": .... ' you work. You 'd be whistling too if you won a major championsh ip and more than a million bucks in your rookie year . Fuzzy Zoeller smiles , he joke s, he chat s with the g a II e ry. But know th i s: He i s t he on I y guy who's full throttle when he 's ·laid back. March 17-23, 2003 Newport Beach Country Club Advance-purchase tickets are $15. Call 949/660-1001 or visit ~~ • TOSHIBA • t • • 1 b 0 u '9 Al4 Saturday, febtuary 8, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 3 Christopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. In F'Ounders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Ticlcets are $45. (714) 556-2122. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 • p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room. 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Magglano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Pack every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations l"ecommended (714) 546-9550. JA12.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz tno Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocldo Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "WantedH musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nid< Peper and Kelty Gordien (known as MPG) perform c18$Sic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregc>fY and MPG will perfotm classic rodt, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beacn Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthon-.,·s Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO RAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE •AN EVENING OF IONESCO" Orange Coast College's :Avoid the ordinary, come to Tile Italia." 1>1 "I<·"· '°'l PPI '\ · 1"-"1 \I I \I J( l'\ "Rf.ADYTO INSTAll" f°UK porodaia ud rsawnl uooe 10ld ud iutallecl .. compc:lirift prica. GRANITE COUNTER TOPS • AU l'op..i.t Colon • o.e-,,, ~Hok . ··-6· llod<~ • Ooubk &ti.-E.dg< • 96.tl,., I l't $695 "A GRANITE KITCHEN COUNTEllTOP IS NO LONGER A UJXURY ... IT'S A NF.Cf.SSJTY1" Pleaxcall wl Tmertini: 18'\18' ' 52.95 ' Tile Italia The Stone Activists '25YZ1 BRIST #201 •COSTA MESA 1 751 •4441 11Seeing Christianity Again: The Heart of the Matter" Febrvcwy 14· 16, 2003 A Spedal Weekend lecture Series featuring Mcrcus Bor~ Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion at Oregon State University, Author and Felow in the Jesus Seminar "SEEING CHRISTIANITY AGAJN, THE HF.ART OF mE MA1T£Rn fridoy, Ftbtvary 14, 7:30, Satvrday February 1 S, 9 a.a.·3 p.a.. SVndoy, Febmry 16: Hotlillst t & 10 a.a., ledwt 9 ua. at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcooal Church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona l>el Mar For information and reservations: (949) 644-0463 REGION 97 Wed., FeP. Thure., Feb 13, 6:30·9pm M•rlr1ere 8r11noh Llbrwey 2ooe Dover Drive. Newport 9aoh Must be younger than 19, and at leaet 4'/. by $65160 ~ming Ch/Id/Sibling Aug '· 2002 fro MNew~ ~r.. New Child newportayso. com ( MUSIC AND DANCE Living legend flamenco guitarist Paco Pena and his Flamenco Dance Company will perform sultry Latin rhyttims on Saturday, Feb. 22. at ttie Orange Coast College Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road. Curtain is scheduled for 8 p.m. Information: (714) 432-5880. Repertory company will feature several short plays by one of the theater's most famous absurdist playwrights. Eugene Ionesco. The production runs Saturdays and Sundays Feb. 15, 16, 22 and 23 in the Drama Lab Studio . Curtain is at 8 p.m . Saturdays and at 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays. Ticlcets are $6 or $7 each. For information or ticlcets. call (714) 432-5640, ext 1. Orange Coast r-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·1 I Sydney 'Micfie(fe I i clothing handbags accessories i j ~et 111M.t I°" t11alft fo,. f!alelftilfe ~ti"! I: juicy couture • seven • development • mella i lacoste • kai • underglam • avenue me • ergo i I ,w,,ht!s~~Fe~!.!14th' I I .JO? ;el a/"tire /l/l'el((l.e,, 8a.IJ<1a kla.l(rl I l._ .. _ .. ...::?· 67~~~~··-··_J •HARDWOOD • LAMINA'ffS • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ·~.~~~ t .\,,,fa\..:,:.j SOI ARIAN .. 6UR.J1~~ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER $449 from ,qft -$14~~ Travertine 18" x 18" ........................................................ 14.29 '°~ Ceramic Tile ...................................................... ~lrotrt 14-99 1111 Laminate 'Nood ................................................ ltlSlilll!d "°'" '4.99 111 .. ·r-rn!ll'l .. -675lrlfll Re ·b·e·I • ux Jeans Juicy Couture Seven • Diesel Theory • Trina Turk Womyn •Joie James Parse 249 Newport Center Drive Newport Beech 949-640-7300 1528 Montana Avenue SilfU MoriiCa 310451;.3899 • College la at 2701 Fairview Road In Costa Mesa. •1W0 GENTLEMEN Of VERONA" William Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona" will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segers1rom Stage from Feb. 28 through March 30. Preview tic:ttets start at $19. For ticlcets, (714) 708-5555 or go online at www.scr.org. 'PROOF' "Proof," the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn, will play ~t Seger strom Stage, South Coast Repertory. 650 Town CenterOrive, Costa Mesa through Sunday. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m. through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555. 'LITTlE SHOP Of HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department will offer "little Shop of HorrorsH from through Sunda't'. The play, directed by Jay Louden, will be performed at 7:30 p. m." today. and matinees will be offered at 2 p.m. today and Sunday. Ticlcets are $5, 3443 Pacific View Drive, (949) 219-0900. 'FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' #Forbidden Broadway.ff which serves up 31 winy and ruthless parodies of Broadway shows in 97 minutes, will be staged at Orange Coast College on Feb. 9 at 4 p.m • 2701 Fairview Road. Tickets are $29 advance and S35 at the door (714) 432-5725 'F100l.ER ON THE ROOf" Vanguard Univershv will i.>resent its third malnstage production of "Fiddler on the Roof." The play will open Feb. 20 and run through Feb. 23. A second leg will run Feb. 27 to March 2. It will play at the school's Lyceum Theater, 65 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 668-6145. PULITZER PRIZE NOVELIST MICHAEL CHARON'S PLAY Pulitzer Prize novelist Michael Chabon's play "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" will be preserited Monday, March 3. at 8 p.m. at the lrvlne Barclay Theatre. Tickets are $36 and $29. For tickets1 go to the ticht box office, or call (949) 8544646. "LARAMIE PROJECT" Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" March 19 through 23 in the Orama Lab Theatre. Ticlcets are $12 and $8 st the door or by calling (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. STUDENT DIRECTED ONE-PERSON PLAYS "Solo Voices7 a festival of student-directed one-person plays, will be staged March 1 and 2, at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 7 p.m Sunday. Tickets are $6 and $7 and can be purchased at the door or by calling (714) 432-5726. Orange Coast College al 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. ART 'ZJNE SCENE' "Zine Scene; an e><hib11 of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art See HOURS. Paee Al5 r-------------------------, 1 NELSON & ASSOCIATES 1 I Ler our former I RS revenue agent with a Masters in I I Taxation prepare you r income rax rerurn. If we I I prepare yo ur tax return b_y Febru!UY 28, 2003 our: t..fCewillE~edu~d0o/~~al!JJ!-6J4-738~~ MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES House or Fibless Corona Ciel Mar ~ to Senion Atltletea to Couch Po ta foe• W.hln ntemAlll Nobody does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE F•mil, 01111utl Sin" J 879 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714} 751-2324 www.blocscr~tonc.com Also '" LDflg ..... """Los All~ ··~·•-...,..._rp,..-.,-_.. •- Daily Pilot HOURS Continued from Al4 Museum, will be on display ttirough April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Zines are publications -like magazines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759· 1122. JANE HILL "Local Scenes;· art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Ne'wport Beach. Free. (949) 717-3801. - 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit featuring the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through March 1. (949) 851-918, www.studiogallery.net. BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. The works will be shown concurrently with HThe Spirit of Mexico;· an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographers including Henri Cartier-Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults. $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16 (949) 759· 1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on . display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's work deals with issues of shelter, poverty and displacement Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. DEAN A. SMrTH: NOCTURNE Dean A. Smith, an Orange Coast College 1ewelry-makmg instructor, will have an exhibit at the College of Fine Arts West .. Gallery at Cal State Fullerton through Feb. 20. The e)<hibit, HDean A Smith: Nocturne,H is of biomorphic steel sculptures. For information, call (714) 432-572&. DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of America's most celebrated dance companies, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Tuesday through Feb. 16. Performances will be given at 8 p.11). each day, and special matinee showings will be given at 2 p.m. Feb. 15 and 16. Tickets range from $20 to $65. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556· 2122. PACO PENA'S FLAMENCO DANCE COMPANY Legendary flamenco guitarist Paco Pena and his dance company will perform at Orange Coast College at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22. Ticl<ets are $35, $39 at the door. They are on sale at the college's t1cl<et office or online at www.occt1dcets.com. For information. call (714) 432-5880 or (888) 622-5376. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintocl< Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate 1n songs and finge~pupp~~aysat7p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park.Ave (949) 646·8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children's story time 1s presented at 7 p.m . Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions Free (949) 717-381(1. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time 1s held at 10:45 a.m . Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901 -B South Coast Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10.15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. Coata Meaa Show1oom 15911 Newport Bh'd. (9'9) 84:&-;.2050 lloa.~t.: e.11:80: &aa.: 1~1:00 ) . BOOKS VIOLET WOODHOUSE Violet Woodhouse, one of the nation's top financial advisors for couples, will speak on "How to Preserve A Secure Financial Future" today at Borders Books 333 Bear St. BARBARA WOOD International best-selling author Barbara Wood will discuss and sign her latest novel, "The Blessing Stone:· at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 at Borders Books, Music and Cafe at South Coast Plaza. Wood has written 18 novels covering different periods of history .• Borders is at 333 Bear St. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parm1g1ana and calamari picante at reduced prices, 1s offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m Saturdays. (9491 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites 1s held from 10·30 a.m. to 2 p m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach $30; $40 with champagne (9491 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St., Newport Beach (949) 675-0233 ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is See HOURS, Page Al6 --so u -• 4 0 •• 0 0. 0 BEAUTY AN D STEEL new r· season 4004505 Saturday f ebruary 8 2003 Al 5 All exh1b1tJon of biomorph1c steel sculptures by Orange Coast College Jewelry-making instructor Dean A. Smith will be on display in the College of Fine Arts West Gallery at Cal State Fullerton through Feb 20 The gallery is open from noon to 4 p.m. and 1s at 800 N. State College Blvd. in Fullerton. Adm1ss1on 1s free. new l ~ sty _es ~h~ ~ \ ) Our new spring collection has arrived! "t'l' tliL· l.llL"'' l 11rc11w.1n 1r'tlt1L·n•L·d l111>l\\t .. 1r trc1111 l>r.111J n.1111c-.. "L''f1> \k11t1.1 \.1n 1"11 .ind k.inµ•1n1 ••I I l••rt..·rht..' \\ttli 111.111-. '" k.., J\ .i1l.1hk .n -.11t..·-. Ir• 111, 'i to 12 .1n I 111 '' ahl ,, tr• 11:. su per-slim to wide I 111qu1.· ll.1ndh,1..:-.. ,1n<1 .1~t t • ..,..,, 1rr1.·-. Jh•, ~ ,l\J!Lthk tilt lt1d111~ till' 11«\\ hH f.t\ II' ""t t1 fl-, (1111 • Corona Del Har Pla:a 96;A\'ocadoAvenut:.(<:ornerof .\1ac:\rthurant1 P( H > • 949--21-1)2.:; WW'\\' marm1~hoe-... com Since 1920 E! La&un• Beach Showroom . MIS Korth P.C.H. South Bay Showto0m 23849 Ha.-thonae BIYd.. (310) 373..()442 lloa.-Sa.t.: 9-1:30· -.: 1~&:00 (848) 494-8551 lloa.4Mat.: lO:OCMS:OO 8ua: 12:00-5:00 ~ sq • .., .. :ftp -• _._ ... _ ---~ --~-----------------·------·----~~---·--· --·-------- i\16 Saturday. February 8. 2003 HOURS Continued from Al5 pntsented dally at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jazz Is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rock Is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NELLY'S live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .. Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel. 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St . Costa Mesa. (9491 646-8855 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music 1s performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270 LIDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D. Newport Beach (949) 723-0595 MARGARITAV1LLE LET Us BE YOL'R # 1 CHOICE LOCAl.l.Y I 11111' lo /l,·1·1e11· l ino· /11s11r111ue Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • liOMl-OWNl:.lt\ • llL~l 111 ''·""'"" ,,,,., I 'J' ~ Id ~S r)__, 949-631-7740' 44 l Old N<wpor1 8hd. • Nt-wpon Bach (Near Hoag Hospirilll Live music ls performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 63Hl220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is off&red at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'$ Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 6404110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rock acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 756--0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Dnve East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. VlLLANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece 1azz and blues band M1sbehavin' plays at 9 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova. 3131 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 642 · 7880. ONGOING TMns are invited to drop by th• city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and activities.. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BNch City Hall ls displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. The Assn. of Business Setvlcu hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. The Newport BHch Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, badcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arTangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a Newport Welcom es Dermatologist, Tanya J. Foreman, M.D. • \\l• ... 1 Dt>rm.llology 1., ph·a ..... ·J 111 tnlroJuu• r.mv.1 J I 11rl:'m.10 \t I>. tu lhl· 1'.t•\, port nimmunit\. '.h1 1.., c1 t.l1pl11m.Jll' ul th1• AmencJn Bo.irJ ol I }nm.itolo~y a., wl'll .b a ml•mhl·r 111 th1· Aml'fllJn AlJdt•my of IJ1.•m1t1tolugy and Lhe Aml•nc.m Ml•d1lal A c;c.ociallon. .. 'il'<>"' of l'\pl'ncnce make Dr Forl'man a .. k1llt•d phvs1c1an able to treat vJnou ... Jl·rm.llolog1cal cond1hon<o mduJm~ .,km cant'l.'r, acne, psona.,is, t.>0emt1, hair c10d nail dLc;orders, drv skm .md other <okm-n.>lated problems 400 Newpon Center On..ie Suite 702 Dr Foreman also perfomll> aec;th1.•t1c ""'" care procedurt.'S to reduce the apf){'arance of fine linec; .ind wnnklcs, ag<.• 1-opol.., and protruding vem ... The~ trt>atmcnts mclud1.•, Butox, collagcm, 1.h1.•m11..il peels, ll'L photo rejuwnat1on, ad vanced medical facials and ..,cll•rotherapy To schedule an· dppomtnient with Dr Foreman, plca...e call (949) 644-0101 Newpon Beach 949 644 0101 (former practiu of Ch8f!es J Mailman M O ) .i7/ hv·f"' ,,l ~ : ~/4"'.r. 9 2 7 () . 1 7TH 5 rR ET <>">TA /'v'\ESA, CALIFORN I A -9 /:9. 722. /'( ~_y _M ~NVITE YOU TO SP£NO AN N/l~~h"'l'trr/ ArT(RNOON POURING OVER /;varkA/Jp l'A~vi'n~rn-) IN OUR NEWLY REMODELED STORE. TO RECEIVE UNINTlRRUPTED. ,,.;,,~;,~m/q/;;~~¥m PLEASE CAl L FOR YOUR PERSONAL ~@~/ nyytN/Jb/lt"'/l/ .Jt/:9. 7..JI~ /(f'/7,J' general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived In the area fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior C.m.r holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of fNery month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Margueri1e, ,Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. MKy's Soutf't Coast ptau presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program• hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and mvtf)m, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m Tuesdays at 2850 M esa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit ·vour Majesty, There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more I ' information, call (949) 673 7863 Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to part1c1pate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared tow ard dealing with issues between Interfaith couples. such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration Is required. Cail to schedule date and time. The office Is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women SO and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offlC8S, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. Friends of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodc. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners. or Corona del M ar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadl donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759·9667 The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave • Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes (7 14) 821·5000 A spiritual care class meets et 7·15 pm Wednesdays at 3400 {,~~~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Gluc lnc..tal/i,1tion 5:arpet "~o *2g_§ . sq ft Installed Wood Berber Carpet Flooring Refinishing & N ew \'~ol-A s 1 69 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Daily Pilot Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Cost a M•H Chamber of Commerce hosrs networking luncheon mpetlngs Wedneadays from 11:45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A b,.ln tumor MJpport group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The · group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa $10 per person, per session Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly See ONGOING, Page Al7 ------- REGAlBEAun ~----6SllllNlll 20% . •. OFF with this coupon Hof 11•lld wlflt •ny ollt•r oft.,. £•cluH• slcln c•N products . W• .cc..,t •II competlfcw'• coupons. E•plNs 2/2tll03 -----• FULL SERVICE SALON • SEE US FOR ALL YOUR COLOR QUESTIONS • SENIOR CfTIZEN DISCOUNT ON SUNDAYS REGAL BEAUTY s.1D111ee a sa.11e.a 269 E. 17th St., Costa Meio Mon -Sot 9:30 ,., 1:00, Sun. 12-S'. (949) 642-4482 Ceramic '(~ol-A s 1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring ~"-"~ $1 H \-sqrt CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s~ DESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furn iture Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads ILJ -----~-··---·---~~..-·~~--.~·~---·_.....,....,..,~,P• ... ~•~•"""''*~•111111111•....,•~•W!l'e~:;x..,;~z~• ... • .. •111192~a$11!!-"!!llSS.,...,O~Q~•z.,.51111;~3 .......... ~Qllld•Sll Diiiy Piiot ONGOING Continued from Al6 pe1'9ntlng support group. Pa~t• learn atreteglu for aucce11ful parenting end for dealing with the feelings end behavior of their ctilldren. The groop meets from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. Mondays et the Jewish Femlly Service offfee at 260 E. Beker St., Suite G, Costa Meu. The group wlll cover managing anger, anxiety '"d peer pre11ure ctilldren experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. TM Com Me.a Senior Cen1llr ha ballroom dancing with !Mt music from the Costa Mesa Music Maiten from 7;30 to 10:30 p.m. fMKY Tue.day night at 696 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. S4. (949) 648-3884. J9wiah Famlty 8..-vke of Orange County sponsors an ongoing n E L H ff R SATURDAY ACTlVlTIES 11AM -3PM Kid•s Crafts •Face Painting •Live Music: The Rockit Scientists wilt be performing hits from the SO's & 60's AMAOFUS SPA 1Q'1c off all salon suvices and 20%-SO'K: off selected J>rod1uu. 118-9588 ARMOIRf Salt mt,.chand1u now "" to l()<k off. 644-9888 BAB) L '\J IQ!JE Selected items"" to S~ off. 75 9-4221 CHILO\ Tdt °" add1t1onal l <Y!c off already rtd11ud merchandiu. 219-9960 MAR.Ml 10% off t 11trylhing in the store. 721-1325 MOl TINI S<Yk off handbags and shot s. 721-0113 NEW BALA'JCE S ubstantial ducounts on both men 's and rvomt n's shots. 110-1602 PHT ~ lOfFFF ~TEA /)15co11nttd priu1 on stlteted mfrchand1u . 640-6177 ~UBTLL TONES Stltcttd mtrchandrse priced as low as SS. SJO, SIS. $20 and $25. 640-2181 WAT ERWORt...S Rtd11ctd prrus on ultcttd mtrcha"· dist thro11tho111 tht stort. 711-6525 • Other J>artrcipatHtg rtlailtrs incl"dt: DIANE~ )\.\.I MW EAR 159-6880 ITALIA"JO llOMF ) fORE 640-U SN CORONR DEL MRR PLR ZR Pauf1c Cout H11hway 0 Mac Arthur 8oult •Hd healing support group for the ctironically ill. The purpose 11 to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage lllneu and its consequence•. The group meets at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Cos1a Mesa Attendance Is free, but regis1r•tlon is required (714) 445-4950. Sc,.bble Club No. 350 mffU from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Bor~ers Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. In Costa.Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206·9822. ·The Coln end Stamp Club mff11 hom 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish F1rmlty Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all s18ges of loss. Group members share experiences. hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope wrth sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center 1n Anaheim. Free. but advance registration 1s required. (714) 446-4950 Jewish F1rmily Service of Orange County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 to 9'.30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St Costa Mesa Advance registration 1s required (714) 445-4950 Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a m Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Reson The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drtve, Newport Beach S20. or $10 for Cahforn1a Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729·1150 A yoga and dance class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m Tuesdays at the Center for Spmtual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399 The Rev. Conme Ryckman leads a discussion group using the book ·conversations with God· LOCAL MOITUARIES PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY Monuary * Chapel Cremation 11 O Broadway. Costa Mesa 842-9150 Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda Miles 100% 1ft. l>Jo"',. ,,,, VMIJj !Mpslj/Mriltf ,.,;J~-~-FREE .,,,, 'Z •n. ~--No ... PZ?l Q~*!r fAiOOSTORE B NGROWER lifetime -,_..,,.,,:: Warranty 60""' oirJlair,. Laminate lf ~)ln't Ii« it, -·~· .. ~ .. .... -REE ""'1iiiJi-.. FUU. SERVICE 011 ITOP llOP C..11ter T.,. • Shewtn • C.reMio • Oretdte • WM4 Wu R1f111lth • Cleuh19 c.,,_t & Upltelttery • P1l.ti119-l11ttri1t & Emrilr ...... ~ ... a esa (148) 850-7878 124 I. 17th ... , .. , .. JATHtM & SHH YI 10-4 Irv ne , .. ,, aa-o-1•1 17777 .. in·r JIU..UT ... I ......... lml 1:..,. ClOtttllltM & .... t M from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Dl1COVery. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111. Costa Meu. Bring a luncti. (714) 764-7399. M1r1hall'1 Tee Kwon Do In Cost.a Mesa offers free self-defense classes to alr1ine pilot~ and flight attendants. Claaaes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom M arshall. Marshall's Is at 333 E. 17th St., Sutte 13, Costa M esa. (9491 574-0122. A DHllng with Divorce support group Is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The-group is led by an exptfrienced counsetor and meets at 6 p .m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa (714) 445-4950 The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 intereS1ed in sa1hng, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach (9491 642-6301 or (949) 551·8591 011i1 Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (9491 644-3244. The Co1t1 MHa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks expenenced dancers to 1oin its group from 9 to 11 a.m Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa 17141545-5669 Arthntis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a m Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center 250 E Baker St Costa Mesa (7141 513-5641 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a m the third Wednesday of each month The organ1zauon rs open to ~I women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years For more information. call (9491 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers·newportbeach.org The Thursday Morning Women's Club, a 40·year-old friendship club. rs seeking new members The club, which includes golf. bridge. walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach The luncheon 1s S23 and includes entertainment The hotel rs at 4545 MacArthur Blvd 17141842·5863 The Newport BHch Walking Club meets at 9 a m and 7 p m elf Ewin!( & L)leen Ewin~ .\DEQLATE NSl'RA~CE COVERAGE II '' 1mponan1 to keep ~our homco~ ner' in~ur a nee po lie~ ~urrcnt b\ updaung and mmasmg 1l' ,aJue lb you change mod.th or I male add1u0ns to ~001 home ·The I building blocl of am homeowner\ I m'urance pohc\ 1s I.he amount of CO\ crage on 1he house and tis comen~ llm figure ~hould be based on the rtpl:iccmcnt value or "hat tt '40Uld CO\I 10 rebuild the Structure The reploctment value oflen changes over the years ln .. unng for less than~ full value 1s fa he economy. and refers to valwu100 no longer available m most poltc1cs Nearly all insurance comp:uues now rcqutr? homeowner' s pohcie to be Ill ured at I 00'1 of actual replacement cost m order to cover a lo s complete!) Most compamc also off er at least "mended replacement co I" to co~er inflanooary cost ~ f « COOSIJUCOOCI and lhe added costs of loss cleanup. OM>osmg 111 tnflaboo g\IUd clause for your poltcy tha1 automa11cally rllst$ your cO\-mgt In tep wtlh nstng prices IS IDOCbc1 way you can pro<cct yomstlf You should evaluate your i.murucc covcnge based on the value ol your tio.l.te Ind comtnU II ltast every two yws to make me th.at you are ~ly eovett.d. Lyleen and Jeff have 30 con..1Ceutivc years of real CSUte cxperieooe in Newport Beach. For prol loaal 1enitt or tdf~t wl'-' I.II yot1r ttal estate ..... al die ..... at Coast nrport.ColdwtJl Buker If (Mt) 79'-JM 'The~,,,. Co.t....,,, ~ .. t11Mm Fer 2001 ..... ' • . Saturday, February 8. 2003 Al7 Monday rhrough Sarurday, end at 7 p m. Sunday Walkers should meet at the lnter1ect1on of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue Free (949) 650-1332 The American Legion mMta st 7 p m the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, wtucti deal with veteran 111ue1 and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Arr National Guard The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bill M1m1aga. (9491 650-0894 Nightly meetings fOf thoH who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered 1n Costa Mesa and Newport Beach (714) 774--9106 or (8001 642·0666 The Newport Sport.I Museum, • nonprofit organ1zat1on, operates a free museum at 100 Newpon Center Onve, Newport Beacti The museum which has 6ne of the worlds largest collect1on1 of sports memorabrha rs open from 9 am to 6 p.m weekdays and10a.m to3pm on Saturday (949) 721 -9333 or www newportspol'fs· museum org The Estancia High School Pa,.n1 Teacher Student Assn hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a m to noon in the school's northwest parking lot. on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspap~rs that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and thick magazines are not Also bins are available for drop off every day of the month All funds raised go to the assoc1at1on Free The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave Costa Mesa 19491515·6500 08111 Senior C.nter offers a daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a hm1ted local support system They also offer ongoing computer classea that teach the basics of Word. Ow.dcen Pnnt Shop and Internet usage 1949 1644·3244 The Costa Mesa Communlc.tort Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve hrs or her pubhc speaking skills 1714) 444-8783 The Newport BHch D1stmgu1shed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p m Tuesdays m Sgt Pepperonis meeting room 2300 Bristol St Newport Beach Call to make reservations 1949 646-1274 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds group mee .. ngs for younger women to discuss fife passages and changes. body images family relationships commun1ca1ton. intimacy and sexuality anxiety and loneliness The group meets at 7 p m Tuesdays at the agency office The office 1s at 250 E Baker St Suite G Costa Mesa Prereg1stratton rs required. Marcy Middler, (71 41445-4950, ext 114. The Mesa Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p m Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W Baker St Costa Mesa (714) 540-4446 Th• Blue Aame Toastmasters Club 2717 meets at 7 am Wednesdays at the Village Farmer South Coast Plaza Village 1651 Sunflower Ave Costa Mesa The meeting 11 free for first-time v1s1tors (9491 855-4308 The Newport Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a m Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Onve. Newport Beecti. (949) 756-1025 The Harbortlt• ToHtmelten Club meets at 7 a.m Thuraday1 at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630 Udo laJe Toutrnutera meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondeya et Fletctier Jones Moton:tirs, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport e..dl. (714) 964-5314 TMO.•~~~• shuttle to take "*Tlbert to a~ntmentl and grocery shopping TM shU1tle elso tabs members to the center. Cell to make en eppofntment. (9'9) 8"-3244. 1\ltOflftg .. .....,.. for "'90M Who could UM hetp r'Mdlng English Hourty rtt andthn• are negotiable. (M9) 161-1731. o..a...,.., CMtllf ......... t d sc:rtenlngt wnh t Breit. . Institute ,.p,.......tatl\19, by appointmenL (M9) MW.2'4. E111n1Ww.wwtMr 115*" °"*91"'9tlctiw enid PfOIC'ti¥t ~lom~.Laem ~modtlcdon end~ ~toconuo4~ ... OMOaetQ. '-'tAll L ~ 7 I . f : ' , I . \ , ' . .· . ' ( ' I I All ~day, February 8, 2003 FLYING .Continued from Al 2 artistic director Ken Hai visits 0:1.ina annuaUY to select from the approxW'ately 100,000 aaobats studying the art today. He takes the best talent to perform around the world. One year. the troupe balanced six people atop six chairs 21 feet in the air without safety lines. Their "Human Otair Stack• set the world's record on Fox's Guinness Boole Prlmecime show. Other acts are a cyclist riding with 10 performers piled on top and a symmetrical rolling pyramid. This year, th~ troupe has added a segment to the show in response to the popuJarity of k:ung-fu. n1e show also offers a new experience in music with a Chinese orchestra playing tradltionaJ instruments such as the pipa, yang qin, er hu and di zi rhe Peking Acrobats demonstrate new possibilities for the human body and a deep understanding of balance, physics and gravity. 2 • • China has a populauon of 1.2 billion. "When you've got that number of people, you can really do things," I lughes said. The Peking Acrobats will hrt 50 cities on their U.S. tour. BEATS Continued from Al 2 Percolator is that it is constantly evolving. I call it a live movie where the audience experiences different ideas, concepts and shift'>. pw.hing the boundaries of hve sculpturt.•," KatoSpace '>aid. Velcro Percolator h a., featured SCR Continued from Al 2 revelling in her long-ago fo rbidden romance and \teadfast in her refusal to initiate any form of truce with the family's surviving members. I fer deft character strokes nicely nesh out the unseen players in this '>cenario, and she is seated, aprropriately. apart from the others on stage as the sister "on the outs" with the othen .. Ro"e approaches the Mory from a more pragmatic perspective as the sibling charged with managing the estate. She is the only "old maid" of the surviving sisters. even though their parent'> were o pposed to any of them marrying and potentially ONGOING Continued from A 1 7 weight. The cost 1s $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 350, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope Institute, a center for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group world renowned DJs like I lardJciss and Southern California favorites Olias and Scotty Coates. Themes have been inspired by the 1960s show "the Thunderbirds" and gangster dram a ·the Soprano .... " fhere have been sculpture'> like the "tin man" by Chri'>tian I lackett, a l.oMa Mesa artist, <Lnd fire breathing by performance artl'>t Karalicious .. d1vtdmg the farm acreage. I fer "left at the church " memorie., are as poignant as those of e ither of the other, wedded .,iblings. rhe younger sister, Gehringer's role, is depicted a'> a physical charmer not overly endowed with common 5CnM.'. but who couJd sing like an angel. Gehringer brings the audience into her exasperatmg situation of constantly being requested to offer the !>aine musical number, a nd taking care that her frustration not '>eem obvious. There are other, unpresented characters in the story, drawn vivtdly by the sisters' individual memories. Their mother. o bviously sinking into demen11.1. 1s a particularly colorful figure. as is their brother, who UO'i'>t•d tht• color line m romance I\ from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C-206, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Women Helping Women offers a free peer support group for women in transition from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. · Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. - (949) 644-3244. HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? 'W' RO LEX BhACKMAN LTD. ;:Eb> JEWELERS ... 3.408-1 Vio Opono, Newport 8eoch 94'9-673-9334 -··---... ····· .... ll ''1'111 doing thio, bt•causl' of the rnas'i t•xodu' of talent that left San l·ranci'>l'O .tnd came here," Kato!>pacc '>aid "I wanted to coml' up wilh an idea where my hometown and San hanc:i'>co fr1t'1Hh wouh.J come togelJ1er" ~.1to!',JMU' won't t•ven -.ay \\ht•n till' m·xt Vl'lrro Pt•rcolawr will he'. hut lw did \J~ that the IH'llt l'\ 1·111 at Dl'lr<>lt HJJ will k.tt 11rt• u 1 t•h•bnt ~ DJ l,m e11ou'> tou-.111 al\o I'> fully O<.' .. ht.'d out hv the ..,.,te,.,, parucularly H1N•\ charnctt·r. who fell v1t 11m to hi.. t harm ... f ll(' lllll'>ll wnttt•n hy Mitch <;rt·cnh1ll m.1y lw "' dm•ttor lkn.,on o,tatl'" 111 till' program. thl' "fourth charactt>r," but Angt'la Balogh C..ilin\ panoramk pa'>toral hatkclror figurt''> t•quall y into th<.' <'q11at1011, a., do hl'r '>tmplc, '>crvitcablc c.:o!'>tumc'>. "'1 lw Carpt•tbagger\ Cl11ldn•n" may ht• It"'" a play than a w rit''> of mcnH)l) laden nwnoloh'llC!>, but hmtc\ keen eye for the lcxas charat tcr rentlt'r'> th1., n•Jauvt>ly hnl'I l'Xl'rti'>t.' dll CllJO} able \'l'>lt \\II h a mo.,t memorable family • TOM ITTUS reviews local theater for the Daily P1lo1 His reviews <1ppcar Thursdays and Sillurdays .r . ' Pl UG N ~--..... -----·-~ .. ~-~=--~--------- Plug into the P· ot Classif led sectoo to find servKes from electronics and plumbers. to 1<1ndscapers and painters Daily Pilot ···-·-·--~ Oatly PtlOt I , • • -- • • ... ~ ...... ·-.-.. ---.. ···-.·~ QUOTE OF lltE DAY "I lhink some of our guys wue mon worrk d ahow the color of '/Mir date's conage for (tonight's) 'Winter Formal, lhan on getting the ball to the right people." LMry Hint, ~Harbor boys basketbal coach 1-. .,. ~---...---• ---"1-..... -..--~ • .. • c o cs• • ••• s 4 c ;a ;a; a 4 o; e u; e WAG) 4 Q Q $ $ .. EYEOPENER [)ajJy~ POOt Sporu I laJI ol Famr ........ ftbfuar1 10 honottt MARK NEBEKER ~Not • 5porU Editor Roaer Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 Saturday, feb<ua<y 8 200 Bl . . . . . • . . " .. . . . COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL . ' I • .11 Eaters' wild I • ride continues UCI closes out four-ga me homestand with Cal State Fullerton, which defeated Anteaters on an overtime buzzer-beater Jan. 8. StevJ Vlr1en Da1tyP1lot BREN EVENTS . CENTER The lessons learned paid off fo r the UC Irvine men's basketball • team Wednesday. The Anteaters learned the hard way Crom their three- garne losing streak. UCI Coach Pat Douglass said. UQ (12-7, 6-4 In the Big West Confer· ence) will apply its game education against Cal State Fullerton tonight at 7:05 at the Oren Events Center The rnatdlup will close out the Utah St Anteaters· fo ur-game home-~ stand and will mark UCl's ua Homecoming/Hall or Fame Cat Poty game. Idaho Fullefton TV: COX3 CABLE. RADIO: KUCI 88.9 F.M. Fullen on (6-14. 4-6) appears eager to get back in the conference title race af- ter suffering a 79· 73 loss at Long Beach State Thursday. The Titans lost for the sixth time in seven games, as the 49ers earned the win after shooting a season-high 68.2% from the field. Three of fullenon's four con- ference wins came on overtime victories. The Titans tied an NCM record with three straight over- time wins in January. UCI was FuJJer- ton's second ar victim, as the Titans won 66-65 on a three-point play by RaJ. phy Holmes with three· tenths of a second left in overtime. UCI overcame an 11-pomt 7 3 deficit in the final three mm-~ ~ utes of regulauon. yet could 6 , not get the victory. The fitans s s were without 6-foot-10 iumor 5 s cemer Pape Sow, who had 4 6 been suspended after he wee. w l ·CUC Santa Barbara and CaJ Poly San Lws ObLSpo) played well against us, but we playOd subpar." Douglass '>aid. •it was a learning lesson for t..ts. In playing the whole Northridge Long BdlSt. RiYWllde 3 6 arr~ted for stealing. But Sow 3 7 as bade.. He has played Lhe 3 7 past two games, both losses game, not being complacent and keep- ing tne level of intensity up." 11Ul 'Eaters are in fourth place in the Rig West, a half-game behind University or the Pacific, and a game back of USCB and Utah State, which are tied in first With.eight games remaining. the Ant· eatefl have become well aware Lhat the m~ fo r error is quite '>mall ·in this league. the marg>n of victory 1s '><> mall. you can't get complacent," Douglass said. "We <>hould have enough veterans to know that. but 11'<; a learmng experience. Ifs gomg to be tough from here on out Fullerton 1s playing well. w we know that will be a tough ballgame for us.· day. for FulJenon. He scored 22 points off the bench Thurs The Titans also feature I lolmes, who leads the team in scoring (17.3 poinis per game). Sophomore Fedi 1 lolm-1 Ja- dulla. a transfer from Lhe University of Heidelberg in Germany, scored a career- h.igh 17 points Thursday, while junior point guard ZaJc:ee Smilh batLled wilh illness. UCI snapped its three-game losmg streak. its longest s.lcid in three years. with an impressive 78-61 victory over UC Riverside Wednesday. The Anteaters played with emotion and fed off the en- ergy of junior forward Matt Okoro, who See UCI, Pa1e 86 • SEAH HU£.R I DAl.Y Pl.OT UCI associate head coach Todd Lee huddles with Anteaters during a timeout. It's just a matter of time for UCI's Lee Anteaters' associate head coach, who has been an imponant pan of building UCl's men's basketball program, is ready for the next step. SteveVlra•n DailyPilot F ather. Husband. Aleodate head coech. ScouL Recrulter. ScbeduJe·mam. Aaym' conftdant. 1beee are the many hat.I ol UC Irvine's Tudd Lee. Soon, a new bat may come to Lee: NCM DMalon 11-1 c:oec:h. It only a matter of drne. That'a the atatemmt, the phrae. whk:h nr., In the beck of ..... mind. 'lbll PMt tummer, P.tlc MUleebnan WU~ M held COid\ ol the Golden 9t.ate Winton Md became the youngest coach in the NBA. Mus8elman put together his coaching staff u his 6.rst order of business. He uked lee to be one of his assistants. Lee worked as an usistaot to Mlmelman in the CM lo 1993 and 1994, when they compiled records of 44-12. and 37-19. Lee is coming up with the defensive atrategy foe Cal State Pullerton, which now bas Pape Sow back and wiD be facing the Anteaters tonJgbt at ~:OS at the Bren ~ti Center. ·1 trled to get (Lee) ln the staff up here,• Mauisehnan aaid.. •He felt that be was In a great altuadoo. I think the t1m1ng WMn'l ri&bt. Lee la on a dlfrerent ec:beduJe, where the timing to become a DMlion I bead COICh ii more~ than cdlng tba,.,.,.. .. Wiit d\ami*>n. •1 want to be a DMl6on I CoeCh. that~ my p.· Lee uld.. "When and where that happerll. in thla ~ It'• Iii dmJna.-l'm tr)1r'8 to .. ctdl propwn IMUI. ...... HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Newport's Ned1m Pa1ev1c (33) puts up a shot desprte coverage from Laguna Hills' Zane Stone 123) and Brock Tillotson Showdown assured Newport Harbor will host Woodbridge Wednesday in a battle fo r the outright Sea View League crown after handling Laguna Hills. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot LAGUNA HUL.5 -Those Newport Harbor High boys basketball players set to attend tonight's WmteT Formal, can do so with a sens& of accomplishment, after the Sailors defeated host Laguna than on ge11m~ tht• 1>.111 to Lhe nght peopk· .. I hr,1 "till I lilb, 51-.38. Friday fhe wm set!. up a fiNt·place 'ihow down wilh Woodbridge 111 the St-a View l.L"ague finaJe Wednesday at Newport I lar· bor But, after Lhe l lawk..., '>t'l7ed a 12-9 first -quarter lead Fn- day. SruJors Coach Larry Hirst began to wonder 1r Laguna Hills would escon the Tars (16-8. 8-1 tn league) out of 11..s share of the league lead • "But the good thing 1hout our guy,, ionaght v.J' th.at Lhey 1'l'a111ed the\ v.1·rt·n 1 playing well m tlw liN quJr ter and Lhey '>napp<'d 0111 ot 11 5ome team' get an111 .1 funk an the fiN qua.rwr and stay that way the wholt• game · Newport Lag Hills 51 38 ·1 think some of our guys were more womed about the color of their date's corsage for (torught'sl Wtnter Formal, The :>ailor. 'n<tppt>d oft Lhe flf<it 12 potnt\ o( tht• .,..t ond penod to takt> a 21-12 lead anti hdd See TARS, Paee 85 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Trisha Wase Estancia High junior point guard says playin g in the Golden West League has been a pleasure. Steve Vlr1en DaityPilot S he's the best player in the Golden West Lague and one ol the best baD-twidlers. ln 0nnp County. Yet, &tanda High junior point &uard 1l1sba Wase is ~ It the start of her potential. •Sbe'a good. but l think ahe can be pl.. Ettanda Coach 1im1 Rapp& laid. "She bu tO many akWs. She hU to continue to Work and not ,_ on what the hu right now. I tee to much potential in her. I lb.Ink the CM tet a tc:holanb1p at a four-year tchool.. Playlrw In colep IOIDtthlna ¥MM-.~ about Dell eeaoo.. For~ she said~ Is enjoying her junior ~ar. and she has.found pJeasutt m playing in the Golden t league 11lcre's a passMn about her that teemS she ls disinterested ln the game. but put a buketbaD In front of Wue and watch her nan into a perfonner obeeMed with perfection. "Why do I like buketbaIL • Wase asked henelf. •tt' the winning and the compeddon.· While~ ln the nJ bell ol lelicUe play. abe bu rulized lhe am take anyone Otr tho dribble and bin c:boote to lflOOt or d.lah to ....... ,... .. U: IS 6 U \ ·-4 • 0 ¢. 4 0 i 4 www + 4 F Lux~.ry Imp()rts · & ·Exotic S.ports Cars ".Come visit Phillips Auto ~d experi~nce a level of service and rommitment to excellence that has made us the #1 . independent 1~ and exotic dealer in Ora~ge County. · Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automobiles. I invite you to take ~ test drive today!" ~~~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included Consi~ments Welcome Cash Paid for Your Car · (on Most Vehicles) Competitive Finance & Lease Rates INVENTORY CHANGES . DAILY• OVER 70 CARS AVAILABLE DMW MERCEDES PORSCHE 95 318i SON 11170~1)00. 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IDPo $26,980 00 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 11aa.1>lik•.._ $19,980 01 HONDAS2()()()(QNV. c1~nc)l-w•.JI T~O<T1 o • ., $27,980 99 CHM TAHOE LT. c1a.101 • , ...-o-.. $21 ,980 00 A CURA NSX 19QO)l»"d 1e1ow 1211111M110riy $61 ,980 01 AUDI TT QUATJRO A\VD CPE ,....,~,,·'"'~· $27,980 01 CHM EXTOO> CAB P/U 111m1 .!1 bl.,,-.1c .. $27,980 94 fEAAAPJ348sroRCOHV 019t06C1"1f'o-111'9•u~~· $65,980 98 JAGUAR XK8 COHV. c•9•2ec)lu...-.-,,.C>l!37\-~·"' $31,980 02 BMW XS 3.0 LT. (10910}~ 11<\J+w t61c~x-i $41 ,980 99 fIAAARI MODENA BERUNffiA F1 (&9'32~wtronlltw INQUIRE! 98 JAGUAR XJR SON (11W&1)1l .... •Lflll'Orw~ r $32, 980 03 HUMMER H2 (1~)0nlyJt\Mh!llJlw Ml'-f $57, 980 ' Dally Pilot SPORTS PHOTOS BY SEAN HILL£R I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Jenna Murphy (6) shoots over Long Beach Wilson's defensive net Friday night. Harbor edges Wilson Newport, led b y Ball, Wight a nd Conway, wins, 6-5, will face Santa Margarita tod ay in semifinals at Co ron del Mar pool. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPOR I Bl~C! I -When lhe Newpnrt I !arbor I llgh girls water polo team decided lo lum 11 on 1-nday agatn'>I perennial powerhow.e Long Beach Wil-;on, it was like a hght !>Wiich. The Sailors, however. survived some dim offen~rve moment\ before defeating the flruins. 6-5, in the quarterfinals of the Irvine '\outhern California C.hampion- 'hips al Newport I larbor. "I think the pldyer... o n our team fell II would be an easier game, hut I knew it would be a tough one.·· Newport I tarbor Coach BW Rarnett "><Ud. "When we beat them di the \anta Bar- bara Tournament (Jan. :l-tJ by '>ix or -.even goals, they had 45 mln- ulcs lo rest before the game and we had '>ix hours." ·111e Sailors (20-3). who won the encounter with Wili.on two weeks ago. 10-3, art 3·0 against lhe Rruiru. (15-7) thi~ \ea.son. Newport I !arbor, ranked Nu. l. in Orange County and U !- Southern Set:tion Divt\ion I be- hind 1-outhill, wiJJ square off agruJ1'>t Santa Margarita today at 11 a.m. tn the ~ernrfinals a t Co- Newport's Anrne Wight ( 7) dunks a defender in Tars' 6-5 victory. rona d e! ~far. Seniur Annie Wight and jun· iors Je....,ira RaJI and Carolyn Conway :-cored two goals each for the ~lc>r'>. who were out· 'cored u1 the fourth 4uaner. 2-0. hefort' holding on to Mn. Long Beach Wilc;,011 managed a ·!-2 haJft1me lead, but the Sailor' came out firing in UH.· second half. '>coring four goals within 2:41 to take an in'unnountable 6-3 lead. Wight. who i.cored tJu.• g..ime'!. fir~t goal with "1.:27 left in the first quaner. tnggercd the Sailor.,· tJ1ird-quarter raJly with a player· advantage goal on a pa~<; from Jenna Murphy at 5·25. Ball. who ued the game, 2-2, early in the -.econtl quarter on a bullet from eight rnl'ter-., added ht>r team\ ~ttcmd goal of the '>ccom.! half \'>tth U I on the clock, giving the hosts a 4·3 lead on a tough shot at set, in which she battled two Wilson defend- er<; -Megan Nesland and goalie Kendall Gteak -before scoring. Conway provided Newport with a 5·3 lead when she scored a counterattack goal with 3:46 re- mairung. then heaved a missile from eight meters with 2:44 left. .. It was just one of those times in the game when things went right for us,· Bamen said. Newport goalie Terrin Conam Ci nished with three saves. Quarterlinal Newport Harbor 6. Wilson S Score bv Ou11111n LB Wilson ~ 1 0 2 -!i Newport 1 1 • o 6 LB Wilson -Seiver 3, Lamb 1, Mot.a 1. Saves -Cheak 3. Newport -Ball 2, Wight 2, Conway 2 Saves -Cottam. CdM dials in, ~:-3 Carl son scores four goals to lead Sea Kings into semifinals against No. 1 Foothill. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Near or far. No it's not a vei:se from Celine Dion used in the 'Titanic' theme song, but rather • the description of where goals were scored by the Corona del Mar High girls water polo team against Santa Barbara Friday. The Sea Kings ( 17-4) used drives inside as well as long-range shots lo find the back of the net •eight times in an 8-3 win in the quarterfinal!> of the Irvine Southern California Olampion- <;hips at Corona de! Marl ligh. .. We put it away early and kept building the lead, tt said CdM sen- ior Brittany Bowl1L<;, who missed two gameo; '111ursday, battling a head cold. but came bark in re- sounding fa5hion Friday. scoring Corona del Mats first two goals in a four-goal first quarter ... I had a lot of adrenaline going. I had trou- ble breathing during the game but I feel bener than I did yesterday.· The UCIA·bound Bowlus fin- ished with three goals while fellow senior Danielle Carlson found the cage four times. Oui.stina Hewko tallied one goal. Hewko, Carlson and Bowlus were all AD-CfF first-team selec· tions a year ago. The Sea Kings scored twice. on thretl six-on·five advantages and took a 6-1 lead at haJitim$.' - Carlson conoit :ed in other ar- eas as well, col1 .mg two steals and two assists. . llliela DiGiaco- mo and Katya Ea 1mgton each tal- lied two assists .. nd Jessica Har- kins added one tor the victors. Brittany Fullen made five saves. C.dM advances to the touma· ment semifinals against Foothill ranked No. l in CIF Southern Sec- tion Division I. The game will be at 10 am. today at C.d.M. The Knights have beaten' the Sea Kings twice this season. ,each time by three goals. "(The Knights) are beatable." Bowlus said. ~ ~5.maS....3 S. Barbera tJy ~ 1 -3 CdM 4220 -8 s.rta a.t.11-Clhill 1, Gasperdis 1, WilllOl'l 1. Sevea -May, l CdM -Clrison 4, Bowlua 3, Ouistina Hewlco 1. SBves -Fullen, S. s a sup; p SatU<day. February 8, 2003 83 We rold a new world record of nearl-y 7000 cars last year and otn int.Jentory of new and pre--owned Mm;ed.es,fknt has never been· larger -ewer 1700 tWailalk! And now there's a brand new arrival -the 2003 C230 KompressOT Sporu Sedan. FouT doors, 17" Custom Wheels -at a new low rat.e tluu's of speaal mteTest, our lowest ever! ~eu 1003 E.lPEDITION ! 1\ / 1 "I I •, I ' 'I ,., 1 ~ ' ' ' ' ' ----.. ~ .. -----.... -·---------·--.-. -----_______ __.. ---~· .... ~. -.. _.. ..... _ .. _ ·------------------------------- .. -•• -,..--~ ..... --.. --.... ,_ ......... -~.-· -.......... __ ...,,., _ _...._.... . ....-................. ,..........._ ..... r-r.----~-. . .-----· ............. .......,.. ... ,....._ -. --.. • T---·----·-·-.... ·--· .... -..... _... ...... ...,,....._...,. ............. -~q-. --• 14 Saturday, February 8, 2003 S PORT S Estancia basketball standout Tri sha Wase, a junior, 1s the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. WASE Continued from B 1 one of her teammatt''i . ..,ht' ha'> the conlidence. She ha!> a cross-over dribble. And she ha~ the desire to outplay her opponents. "During a game. I play and 11\ like a p1eLe of cake." Wase scud in a nonchalant tone. '"I just ~y. whatever. play your game. 1 ha1·s what I tell the girl'>. too ·· wa .. e has heard the talk ol her potential. and it just excites her. She wants to play in college and she dreams of making it to the WNBA. "When I hear about that (talk ofpotent1aJ): Wa!>e ..aid 'That makes me think. ever)' ume I go out on the court I'm going to try to do my besL I want to get bem r \'\.ilh each game .. \~a'>t' pruved as much last Wt'ek when she led the Eagle'> tu thtt:'e \1< tories. She came off the bench and was one <:.tPaJ from a quadruple-double in a 61-43 win over Ocean View Jan 27. She had LS pointio, 11 assists. I 0 rebounds and nine steals. lwo days later, the Daily PiJot Athlete of the Week. produced another strong pertonnance in a 58-55 win uver Westminster. This time. ... he had a game-high 20 points, eight rebounds. seven ~1sts and three steals. She cll'>o nailed a key three-pointer wt th I :08 remammg that gave bt,1nc1a a 54-50 lead. I hen. rwo days later, she had 11 points in a 59-36 home win over Saddleback. ''The way she sees the floor \\uuJd have to be her most impressive quality.· Rappa ... aid uf her star point guard. "She :.ees rwo to three plays before ll happens. She's always think.mg aht'ad and that enables lw1 11. ht' an cl'>'>iSt artist. She k11uw' how to '>low down the gJn1t' .md take the other team out ul the game." TRISHA WASE Born: July 14, 1986 RHldes: Costa Me~a Height: 5-foot-3 Weight: 123 Sport: Basketball Pos: Point guard Coach: Tami Rappa Favorite food: Sushi Favorlt. movie: "Friday• lest athletic moment , •Scoring 21 points against Costa Mesa and beating them twke this year.• Athlete of the Wffk VI: The Estancia High junior point guard scored 35 points and dished put 18 assists in two Golden West League victories last week in the Eagles' run for the title. Daily Pilt Collectw sports c.ard ~ OJ·S Yet for aU the talk of pott>nllal and her skJllc;, Rappa said \Va\e must work on her leader.,h1p on and off the court to take twr game to the next level. wa.,c\ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER SEAN HILLER I OAJLY PILOT competitivenes.., ha'> led 10 a few technical foul'> th1'> season. Rut. Rappa 'aid the point guard is learning to play with more poise "I got a tedmlcaJ foul at We.,tmm~ter and (\\oa,el actudll) came to me Jnd told me tu raJm dO\"n:· Happa '>aid. "That '>howed me her leadcr~h1p. That '>hmv'> another '>Ide of her that not too many peoplt> we " Wa-.e ha' aJ.,o .. hown her lt'ader,lup hrlaU'>t' '>he em:our::ige'> her teammates. Rappa 'aid. \Va\t' aho has aplayful 'tide IO hl'r tha1 mrlude'> a dance rout111e '>he perform'> ,,,th hl'r wammate Kry'>tal \hno. I hert\ e'en a uni4ul' catch·phr<N' Wac;~ u.,e., for people who make ht•r laugh ..,he'll c;ay. 'thi'> fool .' · Ba ... ketball 1~ fun for \Vase. \\llt'n the taJk of pott>ntiiil beconw ... louder next wa'>on. she -.<11d the game "hould he even mun· tun. Heady play from .Sea Kings Corona del Mar uses hPaders on three ot four goals in 4-1 PCL victory over University. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot lUROP\,A Dl:I MAR -i\ot unly did play· ers on t onma dd Mar I hgh\ boy!> '>Occer team kPt>p 1he1r head., in the game, but they U<.Pd theu cranium\ to find the back of the nr1 three umes. Whether o n a cross or a deflection off the goalkcepN host C dM 1ump-'>tartt·d us of- fenc;e aftl'r allowing an early U111w1 "'" goal and prl'vailec.J. 4 I 111 J l'..i\ 1lu oast League game Friday Junior center midfielder Ju hen Lt•1 utti and lllrward Danny Whitaker each had one 1 4 goal and one a.,sist with Qm<, Rmgstrom and Jeritt Thayer add- ing single goal!>. Whitaker. Thayer and mngstrpm all scored goals off head- ers Whitaker and Thayer scored goaJs in the fi rst half as the Sea Kings (15-4 L. 7-1-0 in league) responded from a 1-0 defiut to take a 3-1 lead at inter· mission. the turning point according to Ce- rutti. "We worked a Little bit harde1 .11 the end of the half." Cerutti <>aid. ~we rt'<1h1t•d we were losing to a team we had bl!alen 5-0 before. (Thayer) stepped up and we had some nice passing by (Whitaker> to me in the middle and I 1ust took it down the field.• WbJtaker paused for three seconds after galnJng control and crossed to Cerutti for the game-winning goal In the 37th minute to malte It. 2· I. TWo minutes later Cerutti Jobbed a free ldck from 20 yards and Thayer stealthily followed the ball's night before connecting with his head and giving the hosts a two-goal advantage. "(Cerutti) is a gifted player who tia a lot of touch," said CdM Coach Pat Callaghan. "He's accurate with the free lcJcks and for- tunately we have a lot of guys 1ha1 take ad· vantage of that, Jerltt Thayer being one of them.· Rlnptrom scored the lone goaJ of the teeond half ln the 63rd minute. toking a pus froni defender Blake Olllion lJnlver· atty fCOalkffPC!r Lui Ufmn wl 11· 11mde JO Mvt' on 19 hoc.a. 1:amc ou1 .1h1111t ,even yan:1s to try and top the haro \: hurgmg Rln trom but to no •Va.II a the ju111ur for· ( OON LEACH I ONLY P'-OT CdM's Blake Dillion (4) congratulates Jerrit Thayer after Thayer scored in the first half. ward headed In his own rebound. HCDU"on) and Shane (CoUln ) are the cataJy ts for u , • CaJlaghan said. "Ddense I where It staru." CdM did evtrythlng to keep lJnlvt>r lty (6 12-1. 5) on Ill own Ide of the field Fri- day. The Trojan managed fu t four shot'i and a Klng goaUceepers Jay 7Jmmerman and PhU emler only had to come out to ~ smother bouncing baJI• from a long-range ldclc. ·vou aJways have 10 keep your head ln the game.· Stemler aid. CdM remains one Jtnme b hind league· le dlng Northwood (8 0) which b t Teso- ro, 2-1. Friday. lhc Ttmberwol~ host the ta Kin~ ln the final leaf{Ue meeUng Wcdne. d11y. FROM THE SIDELINES· Newport's No. 1, Al Irwin, celebrates No. 85 on Tuesday His impact was considerable at Newport Harbor, Orange Coast College and UC Irvine. A fair share of happy birthday cards and gifts used to flow Coach Al Irwin's · way down through the years at Newport Harbor High. Orange Coast CoUege and UC Irvine. But when the grand mark of 85 arrives on Tuesday. lrwin has decided "that's enough." With amusement, he said, "At my age, I don't need any more gifts." It is fair to say that he never discouraged a big smile or a pat on the back. One of his main regrets years ago was that he wasn't born in Newport Beach. aJthough he would spend most all his life in ·Newport Beach right on the ocean front. He was born in Central California. Fortunately. he and his brother. Ralph. were blessed and found themselves growing up nght near the Newport Pier . Father William Irwin Al Irwin returned lo coach the Harbor High gridders from 1948-55, then directed Orange Coast to a grid title in '56 and a Potato Bowl game and later shifted to UC I where he eventually became the athletic director. He also coached numerous champion swimming teams at all three institutions for years. ••• Many can recall numerous nicknames from high school days, but it is not surprising to find that the monikers fade after prep days. It is also interesting to find that many don't remember why many nicknames originated. One of local interest arose recently when they corner was wondering how the nickname of "Shiner" came to Bill RobertS. a versatile athlete from Newport's Oass of '57. No one seemed to know, but 1, we eventually fond the answer coming from Roberts himself via Al Muniz. a '49 grad of N~ort. died when his f>oys were very young and their mother took DON CANTRELL rharge m an admirable fashion. Her husband had launched the early day two-c;tory structure on the ocean front. but it required her '>llll and courage to finish the ta!>l In tune. numerous upc;tairs room~ were created and c;he could rent them out RobertS. wh'8se · 46 Sailor team deadlocked the defending CIF football champions m Santa Ana during a severe dust storm, 13-13. recalled with amusement that the nickname came from a football game We assume it came from She also worked out plans to rent store fronts at the street level and that produced a '>OUnd mcome m future year'> A memorable g1f1 would come her way when the boys entered Newpon Harbor High. Both became starters on the var.,iry grid team. coached by the late Ralph Reed. who became the school's first athletic director m 1930. And Al Irwin recalls with fondness that Im mother never m1'>sed 1he1r football games at Davidson Field In time. Al lrwm won 16 letters in the maJor spots across a four-year period. Both boys were honored on aU-league teams in football before the graduated. Then Al lrwm entered the Navy in World War II and would be shipped off to the South Pac1fit a~ a flight deck officer on the U S.S. Lexmgion while Ralph was drawn mto duty with the Coast Guard a black. eye. Roberts. a popular guy at Newport. later advanced to Cal Poly San Luis OblSpo and to Washington State where he earned lus master's degree m animal medicine. In recent years. hjs talent has drawn invitations for him to conduct some vital sessions m Australia. He now liv~ in Phoenix. • •• Along the same scale of nickname amusement, he faded from any sounds of "Shiner.· but the nae never lost a touch in the family. His younger brother. Jim was moving into Harbor Higr after 8111 graduated and it wasn't long before Tar athletes started caUing him "Lmle Shiner" simply becau'le Bill was his older brother. Jim was basically a basketball ace. not a gr1dder. so he never absorbed a bruised eye However. Jim made his mark on a big scale once after he helped Cal Poly to a remarkable five-overtimes victory over Long Beach State. Incidentally. numerous old friends sull call him "Shiner." even today. HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER Costa Mesa girls rule Golden West Newport Harbor boys shut out Sea View League host S . h Laguna Hiiis Friday. post ea Views utout The Sailors (8-3-3. 6-1-2 in at Laguna Hills. league) remained in second __,place in the Sea View League •GIRLS: The Costa Me a race. I ligh socc~ team clinched the Juniors Joel Walker, Olase Golden West League title with Kelly and Matt Tracy scored a 6·0 victory over visiting West· one goal each. Kelly also fin· m inster Friday. lshed with an assist. Goalie The league championship In Mark Spears recorded one girls soccer Is the Mustangs' save. first in school history. Newport Coach Martyn "They set the goal as league Hansford said senior Brandon champions and went straight Lufty provided the Sailors with through and did It," Mesa an excellent performance. Coach Dan Johnston said of his ~He's come ln and hu pro- squad. "It feels pretty good.• • vided a sense of maturity for Sophomore Jenny Sparks lhe team,• Hansford said of had a hat trick for the Mus-Lufty. tangs 07·1·2, 11 --0-0), while sophomores Nllanl Duarte, Vera Gale and Rachel Ronqull· lo scored one goal each. Senior Sharon Day recorded her 31st assist of the season. Ronquillo, Duarte, sen1or Krfs· ten Bagwell and freshman Jas- mln Day aho contributed one assist each. Sophomore l(lndra Bailey stopped three ahota. Wettminster dropped to 4- 12-4, 2·7·2. • BOYS: The Newport Har- bor High'• occcr team aco~d three goals In the nrsr hall and • • GIRLS: Sage Hill School dropped a 4-1 Academy League declslon at Caplttrano Valley Olrlstlan Ftlday. Megan Curry connected for the Ughtnlng'a only goal and Laura Gordon bad nine aaves u Sage Hill fell to 3· 11 , 2·6 ln league. Capo Valley Olriallan im- proved to 7-l ·O In leque play. Ashley Nep-ene, an outstdt half tor Saae HUI, stood out with her cro a and IOlJd lhot anempta. Sage tllll bosta ~tney on Tuesday. . .. . -... -....-..-....--..-..... .._ ______ ..,.__._....---~-..-,.r---,- Daily Piiot BASKETBALL SUMMARIES JC MEN Orwta• Emph Confwence OCC 70, lrvlne Vatt.v 44 Irvine Valley -Lambert 6, Keahey 11, KJ•llbom 4, DeCaaas O, Scoggin 6, Rabb 2, Garren 3, Parmer o. Lombard 13, Rogers o. Burgess o 3-pt. goals -Lombard 2, Keahey 1 Fouled out -none Tehn1cals -none Onlnge Coast B. Bobok 8, Haldi O, Seales 14, Brown 6, Garey 9. James 2, Peppers 0, Ale)(ander 3, V1k1lo O, A. Boblk 26,Shaheim 2. 3-pt. goals -A. Boblk 5, Garey 3, Seales 1, Brown 1, Ale11ender 1 Fouled out -none Technicals ·Hatch 1 Halftime -OCC. 30·23 JC WOMEN Orqe Empire Conrwtnc. Irvine Valley 54, occ 53 Irvine V.Uey -Anderson 6 Schroeder 2. McGovern 0. Sohveloo 22. Takata 7 Ch1dley 0. Vindhust 2 Castillo 5, Robles 10. McElroy O 3-pt. goals -S1hveho 4 Robles 2 Fouled out none Technicals none Onlnge Coast M endoza 17. Carrillo 10 Mu1Tay 7. Ha1sush1 6 Galasso 5. Ou1ro1 0 Shaw 6 Von Tungeln 2 3·pt goals -M endoza 4 Hasusho 2 Shaw 2, Galasso 1 Fouled out -none Techmcala -none Halftime -28 28 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SEA VIEW LEAGUE Newport 51, Laguna Hills l8 Score bv Ouartare NewpOrl ~ 72 10 10 ~1 Lag Hills t7 ti •o ~ • 38 Newport Harbor B Lowenthal 10 Pmesen 7 Pa1ev1c 16. Rarden 8 Cameron 7. T Lowenthal 3 G1c1ss1c 0, Hernande1 0 Hunttir O 3 Pl goals Rorllen 2 Por1r!>en 1 Cameron 1 T Lowan1hc1! 1 Fouled out none Technicals none Ulgunt Hitls T11io1son 11 Alanson 8 Z Stone 4 Fosneorr 8 Wolhams 3. Chen 2, Gurnf'y 2 3 pt goals Foshllon 2 Z Stone 1 Aronson 1 Fouled out none Technical!> non1:t Paclftc Coast LHl\HI University 66. CdM 57 Score bv Ouarte,.. Un111er11ty ,~ 1& t& " i;i, CdM 14 '· 1 14 SI Unlvtrlity -Fulford 6. Asnon 7 Moskus 25 Smith 2 Guy1>ne 4 Whelihan 5 Valen11nu 1 7 3·pt goals Fulford 2 Asnon 1 Fouled out Mo6~us Tectlnicals none CdM -Nor1hr1dgti 7. Sf'dl>orn 17 Matsen 8.Mancillai 11 WPlch b Freede 6 Luce 2 3-pt goals Mancollds 3 SedbOrn 1 Fouled out nonti Tecnmcals none Academy LHlut Sage Hiil 61, Capo Valley Christian 35 Seo,. bv Quarters Capo Vly ~ t ' •1 J> Chr Sage Hill '2 •• .~ ,. b1 Capo V.lley Christ18n Roi.~ 3 Dean 4 Myers 6. Reynolds 14 Schlegal 4 Shapiro 4 J.pt goals Reynolds 2 Ros!> 1 Fouled out none Tecnnicals -none Sage Hill ~ Joyce 17. Wilkins 2. Cho 5, Fitzhugh 111. Loper 9 Lefler 5, Brewer 4, Semel 0, Swenson 0 3 pt goals Loper 3, Joyce 3, Lefler 1. Fouled out none Technicals none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Goldtr'I West L••cue Esunda 63. Orenge 23 Scot9 bv OuartMI E1tanc111 lb 1t1 21> 11 63 Orange 9 , a 1 23 Estencla Wase 11 Bvfield 23 Gray 15, M ino 2. Castro 2, Pena 3, Wilson 3, Garcia 2 Flores 2 Becerra O Maldonado O J.pt. goals -Byfield 2. Grey 1 Pena I, Wilson I Fouled out -nono Tec:ttnteals -none Ortnge -Thai 8, O'Regan 2 Mora 2, Curran 1, Resendiz 3. Kilroy 7. Porttllo O. Esparza 0, Gonzalaz 0, Truong--0 J.pt. goal• -Thal 1. Resnend1z I Fouled out none Technicals -none Goldtr'I Weft LHIUI Westminster 64. Costa M ... 46 Scot9 bv Quarters Westminster t~ 9 11 11 IM Mesa 111 10 9 12 46 w..trnlnlW-Parson 14, Arganda 33, Couzen1 8, Eetrada s. Manell 2, Ropeti 2, Vanboxtel 0, Villalobo• 0. J.pt. goal• -ParlOn 1, Argenda 1 Fouled out -Villalobo1, Mar1el Tec:ttnlcal1 -none eo.ta Mell -Brick 6. Naff 12. Ntve!T9tte o. Reeves s. Sanc:Mz 8. Kelly 1, Klbln 2. Landero• 2, Montoya 3, V.rgera 3, Cluff 0, Langmo. 0, Trujillo 3 J.pt. goal• -Bridt 2. Montoy• 1 Sanchw 2, Vergara 1, Trujillo 1 Fouled oui -none Tec:hnlcal1 -none ACADEMY LEAGUE Sap .. 41, c. "*"Or. 24 s-. HMI 47. eve 24 8iof'I bv au. ..... Capo Viv Chr () 4 t2 I -24 Sage Hifl Ill I 11 12 -47 ~MO 'Mey CtwlMtan -Frenz 111, Ryan 8, Smith 1, krgUIOn 0, Gr1Yt9 o . Pletomt o. Matton O, Grace, Bumen o. 3-pt. QOll• -Freni 1. Fouled out -Fetgut0n. Tec:hnlcala -none. ...... -CMrie Clart 10, Cat1ev Clal'k 6, Gutitttet 3, Wright 9, Pui.hy1 16, Mainero 2. Gonzalei 2, Kawtimura O, KlllUI O 3iJt. goal• -Carrl4t 0.rtc. 3. c.n.v Qarll 1, GutlefNI 1. Fouttd out-Carrie Clalil ~-nont. S P O Rl ~ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL CdM unable to tum the comer University grabs 11 -point halftime lead and runs to Pacific Coast League victory, 66-57. CORONA DEL MAR -Univer· siry High's Trojans stayed 1n the hunt for a portion of the Pacific Coast League champiomhip with a 6fi·5 victory at Corona del Mar Friday night. a~ the ho'>I Sea King!> could not turn I.he corner in their brd to over· take the Trojam in the wcond hdlf University, a ga me off the pdcc of league·leader North wood, grabbed d. 37 ·26 lead at halltame and wa!> never '>Crl ou .. ly threatened. TARS . Continued from Bl "We cul 11 to '>even and had por...e<;<,ion." .. aid < dM < oach Ryan Curry "Bui a wing lo poi nt pa.,, wa~ 1n1erceptetl t11HI thtty went down <tnd layed it up. "And. we LUI 11 to .. ix, but the} came back with twu free throw., 10 make 11 eight point<., again. "We JW.I '>ctmed to be ol11: • ba.,ket and one good defen ... rvc stop away from rtallv maKtng 11 m terestinic." Pancho \eahorn .,cored 111ne of hr'> 17 pc11nl'> 111 the fourth quarter and 1'l'\lll \IJnulla., !>cored 11 point'> Univer'>ll ~ \\ J' pau·d b~ t\.J Mo'>kU'>, who 'l ored 25 p1>111h. and Olarll''> \',dt•num• \\Ith 17 counlt'r'> \Jniwr'1t~ unprml''> 10 IH 1 7-1 111 lt:agut· < d~I f,db 111 II I.I. 4 4 .1 J I ·20 haJftime cui.hion, I.hank-. to llvt• tir~I half three-pointer... 01ad Rorden (two). Andre Ptnew11. 0"1..1<,e Cameron and lodd IJJwenthaJ aJJ r1mnet1ed from beyond I.he arc. before 111ternm'ilon, helping the '•~itrm lut hall of their l.! field· goal attempts and talr..e conlrnl The other part of the winning t•quauon for thl" 'kulor ... \\a'> the lll'>lde tandt•m orb loot 9 -.e111or :'l.ed1m P'd)t:V1<. Jnd 6 6 1u111or Orl"ll L.m,enlhal. Pa1e\.ic pd<.ed I.he \1Ctor'> \\llh lh potnl'>. 18 rebound!> and '>tx a'""" \\hrlt• Bren Lowenthal added I 0 point~ to lt'ad the remarnang '>tarter'> Bren LowenlhaJ will haH' to conunut· to <.dfl'Y a heavy load, o;1nLe -.ophomort• lon'l.,trl.I Hre11 Pernne learned 1h1'> ''eek. ht• \\Ill ml\'> Lhe remainder of Ult' \l'd'>Oll ""ha torn nw11 c\C I.. '>U'>tained rn 1he Jan .. I I \\1n .11 ·\11-.o N1 · gud "ll's huge to haw JHrctt l o\H·nth,11) ,l.t\ productive. <.o loppoi.ang ll~am .. 1 tan 1 dou ble· and mple·Leam Nedrm, · I lrN '>.mt WWith the tough preo;ea-.on '>Chedule '"e had. the turmoil I.hat came wtlh tJ1e d1vup11on of our lineup (6·8 1unror Jamie D1elc11bac.h tore his ACL in the fa.II and won't play thl'> '>l'3'>Clll ''hrle 6·8 .. enror Gcorl(l' Fedoro\lW\ 1ra11\ ferred to C.api~trano Valley over the .,urn merJ, tf you'd have !Old me Wl'd be fl I 111 league at I.his point .md playing \\oodbridgl' for lhe league 11!.le, I'd be happ} \\llh that I'm very proud of tht'i group; not '>ll much from a phy-.icaJ .-.tandpmnt a_., murh a." 1lwtr tharacter. After I.he unchd.f3ctcn'>lll '>l.trt. 'ewpon .. enled down and execu1ed on b(){h end-. tht• final three penod~ OfTen'i!vely that rneam uul11ing Paiev1c. who ha!. domrnall'd 1n .. 1dl' agaimt '>malJer league toe., PaJC\1C tnggered a sohd '>ernnd h.111 '>l.trt for I.he Sailors. a.-.<.1-.ung 011 Hrt•ll l .£Jwenll1t1I\ layup. then sconng two m'itde hm ~ei.. (I( 111 ... O\.\'fl Brett Lowenlhal then atlded two 111\ldl' basket~ to round out the far, 10 pmnt qu.tr ter Lightning rolls to 61-35 win Sage I lill School put~ Capo Valley Chric;tian away to maintain third place status. ~F\\'f.J<JH I < CJ.\..., I I hl' ">age HaJI "it hool l>•1V'> b..t.'ikl't ball team prolf>lll'U '''le P"" '>t''>">ion nl lhml pl<H t 111 1lw Al.tdem\ I t·i.11{1.ll' h\ 111pp111v ,.1,111ng t Jp1,1r;11111 \ 1tltt·\ <hn...lli.111 Fi I l'i, i:rul<1\ mgh1 Junror Kl'\ in )O\l t', \\ h11 .. pn111wd hr.. .mklt· 111 pr.tt ltt t· \\'£'dlle'>d0t\ Jnd \hi'> quh11011· ahll' fur tlw g.inw, '>l 11rt·d 1-l 111 hi' I; p111111 ... 111 lud a ..'!I Ill 1hm.l·quJrl{'f edgl' for 1h1 l Jghtmnµ '' '111 h l'\ll'l1dt·d rh I~ p111111 hJllt1mt· l1·ad 10 •,o ~·I M1d1Jcl hl1hugh ll'd lh<' w11111t·r. w11h I!:! pwnt'>, wl11lt• ilUding t-1ghl rt-houndc; ,md liw '"'l'>h "i<tgt-1 lrll 1111prowd to y: I.!. I 4 Ill le..th'Ul' A '>phi \<\ Hh '>l'l oncl plau· Whllne~ and la.,t pli!t e < Jxlord AL ad em\, Lum lrnwd \\1th t\\O \\ 111., h\ Hre1h rt·n < Jm.,u.in ne\I "e~·k m t'r ( l\l11rd ,ind ( \'( . \\OUld ">l't 'P J tlurd pldtt plt1\oll gJ.Ott' l·ndt1\ lwl\,t•en "'1W· I fill J.11d Brl'lhru1 < lm'>lldll , 1 ,, .. 11e 111 ht• dt·a·rm1m·d I ht• ..anw l\\IJ tt·Jm ... 11t:d lor 1h1rd l,1,t \t•.ir ,,1111 Hrl'thrt·11 .1d\,l11l Ill~ tl\' \\llllllng lht· tlurd· pl.it•· p).1\ ott "It's OK for u., IO run thmg., through :-.Jt' dam. as long a.., our olher lour guy .... m.• dl tive." Hirst c;aid. Laguna Hill~' abrhty to cuunwr Patt'\~t 111 !>ade Wih tliminrsht.>d b} the t11iav-a1lJbil1t) of 6-5 jumor Karter Stone, who w.i tthed tlw game in street clot.hes from the bench Newport Harbor's Chad Rorden I 15) deltvers ttie ball to the hoop over Laguna Hills' Ricky Foshe1m (31) 1n F nday night's game at Laguna Hills Newoort led the game at hatfbme. 29-20 Brett TIUotc;on. a 6·6 1unior. ma11.:hed up most often with Pa1evtt. scoring a team high I I points and collecung five rebound'> Stone. replaced m I.he lineup by hi'> hrotlwr 6-4 freshman l.ane tone. lead!> the I l.iwl' H 11 l •hl, il\t'rai-.'lng Ii lll>lnh µPr g.111w llordt•n fi111'>lwtl \\1th t'1gh1 "hilt' 1'1m•,1·t1 .md ( dmt•ron adtlt'd ... e\l'll p11111I'> .ip1<·n• ;-.;l'\\oport\ onh lt•agut· It"' '"' '' .1 -,-ih druhh111g .11 \\omlhntlgt·. rht• \\,tmor'> .!II -, H I J ddc.ucd I 1101h1ll ".! ; 1 I rid t) 111 .l\1•11g1• 11' 11111\ It ·•>-'1•<' ... 1·1h.1d; :\ewpun II.tr h11r dd1 .. 111·d \\11ndhrnlg1• 111 till' rt'izular wa ... 1111 ltn.ilt• Ill 1 l,11111 !ht °:>t'd \'lt'\' UO\\ II 1,1'1 'l'.1"011 \\l'rl' gl.id IO lw pl.J\ 1r1~ al h111111• \\1•dn1•-.d,n , I hr ... 1 "'11tl COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPORTS Double shockers for OCC OCC women stunned , 54-53; OCC men blast Irvine Valley, 70-44, behind Aaron Bobik's 26 points. COSfA MESA -Orange Coru.t College's women's basketball team was staggered by Irvine Valley's Monica SilJvelio. who canned a 14-foot jumper with one second left for the winning margin in a 54·53 Orange Em· pire Conferenc~ game on the OCC floor Friday night. As a result, the Pirale fall to 23-5, 8-2 in the OEC. lrvine Val ley is now 12· 12, 4-6. On the other hand. Orange Coast's Aaron Bobik. took. It upon himself to personally bump off Irvine Valley's men's team. 70-44, with a 26-point burst. hitting 5 of 6 three·polnt attempts and all five free th.rows. He hit 8 of 10 overall from the field ns the Pi· rates improved to 17-11, 5·5. Coast put I.he men's game way with a paJr of scortns puns . A BoblJc th~·pointer tgnJtt"d an 11-4 run to tretch It to 42·30. A pa1r of free f.hntWa and I lay- up by Boblk capped an 8--0 run at the &39 matt u Coast's d grew to 56-36. OCC lead grew to 68.-.4 l before sctthng for the ft. nal margin "ill'phnn ~t·aJe., had 14.poi!)I'>. • The Loa'>l women wc:rt· \1C tun11ed by a .... ulrng c;rcond-h;ilf performancr h) Siliveho. who had 15 of her game·htgh l.'l points in the final frame tha1 in· eluded a trio from beyond the arc. he passed up -.hot opponu niues early in the l.a..cr'<·, final po es<;aon. hut ROI the hall back with four econd'> left, drove 10 the right free throw hne e\ tended. and dropped an the 14· rooter 10 clrum \ictory. Amy Shaw ued the game al 50-50 with a three pointer w11h I 56 left, but I.he Laser's April Ro· bles knocked down a hc>rt jumper to put tht' V1s1tors back on lop. lb Mendo1.a connected w11h another thrtt-poin1er to seem- i.ngty put the Pirates In the driver' seat, but her effort was spoUed by SlliveUo. Coast hit o just 6 of 13 form the lint" • nd 19 of 55 from thr field. Mendo.u led the Ptrutes whh 17 polnts llltclng four of even from three-point ran e. to go along wt th '!i«Mn ttbounds. ~ Carrillo added IO pi.N and nine rebounds Aprtl Roble dded 1 O poi.n t of I.ho In the fil"\t half. Cor the Lue""' Pirates win sixth straight Orange Coast gets the best of Merced with 3-0 victory. • AASI Ml J ~ophomore ~\IP \lli:n pucht•d a com plell' ~amt• with 15 '>tnl..e outr. to lead the undefeated Orange toast Cullrg(.' ba~e ball team 10 1l<, <.txth \trat~ht wm. a 3 0 vic tor.• over ler ced an tlw opening game of the ~oulhwe.,tern Touma mt•nt in Olula Vi'lla Friday Allen allowed only four hit oc.c. frec;hman Brad MiUer pounded out a RBI trlplt' In the scrnnd inning 'i<>pho· more Kyle Stanley oho On !shed w1t.h .U\ RBI, while sophomol'\' Ryan MnthPc; and freshmnn Ou"tin Hick.,. re cord~ two tuts c ch. Omn.g • CO I (6 0) Wlll rt Unl<' 1m1rne-y rilny tod yet IO a m. again t F..ast l.os An~ Jes. at C.rtK mont. then tnav 1 to San r>t tt> M for a 2 c.'clO<'k t.trt. , ~ment Ora1191 Coast 3. Merced 0 Score bY Innings Merced ooo 6oo 00..1 c • occ 0'1 010 O<Yl ' • , OCC Allen arid Hodls W -AllEtn 2 O L Peters 2B -Hanna tOCCI 3B MollPr 10CCI • MEN' VOllEYBAU..: Orangt' ( oast College's men'<. \'Ollt>yball team put Pasadena (.It) { OU~'1> cJub team 3Wa) ca.'>il} Fnduy afternoon "1th a :lO· 15, 10· 18. 30· 16 V1C'tory on the Piratt'!'t' rampus to im- prow to 3 1 ~tiam AUah had 'ilX k.ill and two hie~ ~ug l..t-wi'i had 1t'WTl kills and Kaim.1.M Ka: rnalnnl. Kylt> Oesmcl nod Paul Pomroy l"3ch had sht kill Mike ADmian led ~ de· ren.w wtth tight di and Matt swnik Md x d r>.lvid no~. ey and Mike Murphy com- hlned for~ ts nt s.ctt ·r. t h d !toiling talt champion l..A. Pi n:e on \\'tdn ~. '""" 81 7<l0 p.m. GIRLS HOOPS Cbampion Estancia rips Orange Byfield ..,, 01 l .. , 23 to go wi th VV.i ... ,. -, triple-double in th(· 40-point win. -\ frt-llt'llt' dt'11·rh• 11>11tr1h llll'd 111 IMKl' p.irl 111 d .!lo 11 1h1rd·qu,1n•·r 11Jll tor 1lu \ h1I ing I ,t.111u.i f 11~11 l:irf, hd .. k•·• b.ilf lt'.1111 <l'11 ll'(lltdt•tl .1 l1i .!I \llltH\ f(\t•r llr111~t· Ill C 111ldl'l1 \\1·'>t I 1•tt~t11 pl.1\ I 1 dd\ \\11h th1· \.\Ill dL1111i-. 1lll' lt·.ir11t h.1111p1 ,hip '' llit <111 I I fl 1t• irrJ 11 1111l' g,11111• ltll l'I lilt• I }!t "' 1.1,r,11 \\t 'lllJ h,1\1• I) 1•,111 \t• q111pp1·tl d Pl• (fl'' f!Jpj \\ h1•11 1111' 'Ulift'l t I I I h.111111 1111,h1p • ulll• lll XIII llll lhlltld ... •ft•d gJ1111• l11d. .!. I p 11111... I I • \\llh ··•gt t I• ll••lllHh •II d I I' ( 1r<I\ '11111 < 11 ti 1 Jll>tllf, I j I U hro.Jr!l' lor lht I ti-;lt•, I 1 "11.1 \\.t" 'l tH1·d 11 1•1 ,. \\llh 10 ,,.,.,,.,t, .111tl 111 -.11·dl 11111-.1 t 1111 1111~· 111 1111• ll11rd q11.ir11 r H.ippil ,,11!1 \\ ''" h.id 1 h1 .111 I r \\ I I\ Ip• 'did lmtl(I,· \\ 1), I I '1•1! I l'J[ i 1ml '\1 l 11••d pninh '111 1 111•\ "'' c • ,, llltl l.t/nlllll l ,,., 111!1 t h\O Jllllfll' '•.ll 11 I IH' I .1µl1 .. 'II JI ,_ Ill \ftlll\ tl11 l11•ld tl,11 •II II I I 111 I I \II -lit·• llHU"' I ht• I ,1glt .... f,1\ ,., I! t It I I \It'\\ fhur._tl,1\ .11 -I' Ill I lill'll f1'1.tl l.-.1g111 •Ill•''' \\.: .... urn n-..ti:r pui-.. ( 1 ht.1 \ k-..,1 I\\ ,t\. h-l-lh l!lf I' tl,1,j.;t•l I I I II 111 gl11 \ !l' .... 1 lt•iJ -) .: I flf•d hf'l1 'I 1(11.11 lt'I t • I \rg,111d,1 '" 111 o•t ,, 11 , d!O\l' 1111 ll' 111<1 t '"' ll' flll 11111).: d 1\\f1 't \o•r.tl 11111).! 111'1'> ,,ud I 11,1,1 \lt•.,,1 < <• H 11 It \\t•t•L. .... \\l h.1J .I JI .1)1\ h,11 I 11111t: \\Hh ht•1 bu1 Im p11111cl it 1111 \\.I\ \\l' pl.1\t•d .tll 1111111 I lw l!lrl, did 11111 ).!IH' 11p 1!111111111 :\,111 ll·d 1111· \1 I.Ill).!' \\ht! "I 111 I hird pl, l I' I tllt IPag11t• \\Ith I.! pom1 .. f of 11°\\1 ti h\ t'tl!hl lro111 ...,1,11 • \ -..u1 lw1 .ind '" l'·H h h\ 1 .t .. 'I\ Hrtt" .111d H1t l.:l'll Rl'l'\l'' :\,Ill h.1d lhrt t ,t'>'l"h .UHi Ht'l'\t' ... i:rahht'tl 't'\1·11 hoJrd' age Htll cru-.,hc ' Capt ... tr .mo Valk') Om-..uan . 47 -24 \agt• lltll 111..:h' Kiri'> bu-.L.1·1 hall ll'.im \\t•n1 bat l 10 tht' de ft.'n'>l\l' drawmg hoard .tfil'r .1 lour pom1 lo" !tit'c,da~ .lnd made .1 rurnarountl ~rat.la\ 1t,11 the \\1n1wr' roun I 1ghtnang < o,1ch \ha11n.1 Ren Ion i:omml'ndl'd htr team'<; deren<.1vt• effort th.11 held vt'>1t1ntt t apr-.trano Valltv Olr1'11an to no point'> in the first quartt'r on ~av 10 a 4i 2.i win m Arndern\o league .1c- 11<in. ·our dt>fen .. e "a<; unbt>ht-\ able. 11 "a<i -.o nice to <iee." Rt!nkm Qld. l lavwood Wn~I turned In another <;trong performance wuh mnt point'>, 15 rebound-., five a 1 ts. two ~teal and In bloc-le~ shot'>. Katie Pui hY' had 16 point~ and 12 rtbound wh1l(" ClrTit- <Jark Onl'iht"d with 10 pomt Tht-IJt~blnmg unpro to 12-5. -4·4 1n I ague. whU C\ • fall to 7·10. 1-7. ' DEEP SEA FNDAV"S COUNTI ,.."'""' LllftClne -, boet , 13 •"GI ,.. 2 c.rico bit 39Mndbue,I~ 8 blue'*°'· l bid ...beea c i. • 86 Saturday, February 8, 2003 S P O R TS Daily Pilot • • ' ' t YOUTH SPORTS I Breakers take I '.over first place Terry scores three goaJs in ~o weekend wins. • AYSO Al.JrSTARS: Lauren Teny scored three goals in cwo victories for the Newport Beach Breakers last weekend. · The Area Q girls under· 10 Silver AU·Star soccer team defeated North lrv\ne, 1-0, and downed Yorba Linda. 3· I. to move into sole possession pf first place ahead of second· place Costa Mesa. • : Yorba Linda (OOk a 1-0 lead before Teny scored her first of two goals to make it. l ·l, at halftime. Strong midfield play by Courtney Mcintosh, Lexi Jenkins. Tempest Blaine and Josie JogWe allowed the Breakers to take conaol in the lieeond half with another goal by Teny and Shannon Boler'I insurance seore in the founh quarter. Ouisty OlhaYU had three saves in goal. Teny scored in the first quarter to put the Breakers up. l ·O. against Yorba Linda and thats the way it stayed. Sweeper Kelly Rorden alongside marldng backs Monique Conant and Oa1re <Asdllo kept possession of the ball in the lrvine half and denjed shots on goal. A victory ~ weekend at Kaiser Elementary would give the Brealcers their third straight girls under· I 0 Area Q championsrup. Blue Clues romp, 6-0 • AYSO ALL-STARS: Two goal!> each by Oaire Schmidt and Kathryn Conner gave the Corona del Mar Blues O ues' girls u nder-12 SiJver AIJ-Star '>Occer team fro m AYSO Area Q a 6·0 victory over North Irvine. ! Kimberly Condino and Alexa Coh en added single goals in the 6 0 win. : Conner, Amanda Johnson and Condino each scored one goal tor a 3·0 victory over Tustin. : With the two wins the Blues Clues improve to 7-0 and they lead thr1r AYSO league of sue region<:.. ' S~llful passing and offensive support came from Valerie Avila. Kelsey Davis, Rebecca Beyer and Megan Otterbein. Strong defense \vas provided by goalkeeper McKenna Caskey and defenders RyUe LeVasseur. Layne Kelley. Taylor Rhodes and Leda PozJn. CdM tops El Toro, 6~4 • CLUB ROLLER HOCKEY: Corona del mar High's club rolle r hockey team defeated El Toro. 6·4. 1n a n IHF IV-B league game at the Gretzky Center in Anaheim. Gary Snilth notched a hat trick to lead all scorers, with Matt Benvenuti ~coring twice and Mlke Bolton accounted for the final goal CdM goaJie Eric Mlrowitz had 26 aves COLLEGE SOFTBALL Vanguard tied up COSIA \1ESA -Vanguard Uru· versicy's softball team p ulled out a 1-1 tie m the bottom of the sev- enth on Jill Jessen's single, which sent Celina Camarillo home after opening the inning with a triple against CaJ State Dommgue1 1 lills in nonconference play Fri- day. After dropping a 2-0 deci'>ion 111 the first game of the double· hectder, Vanguard played a game rf catch-up from the first inning \\hen Dommgue1 Hills broke lnough with Kim O'Hanian'~ RBI triple, which plated Court- ney Woltz. It snapped a 13-in· ning !>Corele~s ~treak for Van· guard owr the two games. Freshman Krystal Kelmer went the ctistance for Vanguard. giving up sue hits. strilcing out one and walking one. Vanguard is now 2· l . Nonconfertnet Game 1 CSDH 2, Vanguard 0 Score by Innings CSOH ooo on l> 2 1 1 Vanguard ooo ooo o o 7 o Long and Greco, Ball and Rolle W - Long, 1-0. L -Ball. 1· 1 Game2 CSOH 1, Vanguard 1 Score 100 by Innings CSOH 000 l> 1 6 1 Vanguard ooo ooo 1 1 • 2 O'Hanian and Parga; Keltner and Rolle. 2B -Wolll (OHi 3B -O'Han1an (OH). Camarillo (VU). SCHEDULE TODAY ~ Coll..ge men -Ful erton al UC Irvine 7 O!'> pm. W11111,...on1 lll Va1>gua•d Un1~er.,ry 7 30r Coo!!\l'I wom0<0 UC 1rvone et Fullerton 7 p m W..slmont al \ldnguard Un1ve,.•IY 530pm .....,.,. College -UC Irvine 81 Sama Clare 1 pm, Vtnguerd U111vers1r:y vs Chapman Unlv~rs1ty Pl Hart Pan., 1 pm Commun1ry colll!llt! beMl>llll -Orange C:0..11 et SourhwHtern Toumement 111 East LA at Groasmont. 10 a m • 81 San Diego ~2pm ~Ing M~h ld>ool Newpart Harbor al Soa View lolgue F1nal1 et Irvine High 10 1 m eN del Mer al PllCtflC Coast Le.gue 1. Ill Northwood 10 a m • Coll&\je Cal Lulheran 11 Vanguard Un111ers11v noon Sw!mmo119 Collagfl men dn<I women -UC lrv1"4I at UC Senta Barbera 1 pm Waterpolo H•gh llCl>OOI g1r1• -IN!ne Southern C.hlorn1a Chaml)tonsh1pa 81 Corone def Mer High Sem1f1nals Foothill vs Corone del Mar ar 10 1 m Newport H•l'bor"" Santa Margllnta 81 11 a m., third place el 2 p.m , diam1>1onsh1p ar 3 p m SUNDAY 8aHbelt College -UC Irvine al Santa Clara. 1 p rn Communotv c:ollege -Orenge Cont Ill Southwestern Toumement. 81 SoulhWMtem 2 pm W.Wpolo Collage women -UC Irvine 111 UC Sen Otego lnvota11on.f l«>nis UCI Cootinued from B 1 &e0red 12 points. Also, UO's starting back.cowt of senJor Mike Hood (game-high 18 points) and· freshman Jeff GJoger (16}, as well as junior center Adam E)rada guided the Anteaters to the wln. Parada recorded his 13th dou- ble-double of his career with 16 points and 10 rebounds. He leads the Big West in field-goal percentage (.538). Gloger is 6.rst in the league in steals with 55. UCJ junior forward Jordan Harris leads the team in scoring (11.8 ppg.), while Parada averages I l. 7 points per game, and Hood Is at 11.5. . Parada, who has 15 blocked shots this season, needs one more to be the school's career leader in bloc4 He is tied with Jeff Lutzow (1989-93) with 98. Four former UCI standouts Ml.I be inducted into the school's Hall of Fame at a brunch today. They will be introduced during tonight's game. They include. Al- lah-mi Bahseer {women's basket- ball), Rocky Craig {baseball), Chris Duplanty . (men's water polo and swimming) and Mark Kaplan (men's tennis). LEE Continued from Bl the best it can be and then go from there. I'm confident it's going to happen. It's just a man er of timing." Lee, in his sixth season at UC Irvine, has helped the Anteaters become a winning program. UCJ was the doormat of Big West basketball. It was the unknown of the college basketball world. But. the Anteaters have won two straight Big West regular-season titles and they are also building off the success of back-to· back 20-win seasons. Lee has been in charge of recruiting. player development, and scheduling. He h as been UCJ head coach Pat Douglass' right-hand man for the past nine years. They won an NCAA Division 11 championship at Cal State Bakersfield. Then. they took the leap to Irvine, where the Anteaters had just completed a 1-25 season. "The fajth he had in me and m himself that we can tum tlus around, I will always ap preciate that." Douglass said. ·1 will always appreciate his loyalcy and dedication. He's a tireless worker. He spends endiess hours observing tape." Douglass, like many who know Lee, believes the UC Irvine associate head coach is prepared to rise to the next level. If Douglass were ever 10 leave UCI. Lee might take over. The !>ame scenario happened in Bakersfield and Eastern Montana. where a Douglass assistant took over as head coach . Lee could also become a head coach of a different program. if the timing was right. "Given the opportuniry to be a head coach, I don't think there would be any major adjustments on h.is part," Douglass said of Lee. "He's assumed aU the responsibiUties it would take to be a head coach. We need to continue to be successful. to give him an opportunicy. • Through their nine years together, Douglass and Lee have learned to feed off each other's SEAN HILL(R /DAILY PILOT UCl's Matt Okoro, se en here scramblling for the ball against UC Riverside , 1s on~ of the hustling mainstays for the Anteaters. They host Fullerton tonight at the Bren Events Center, starting at 7:05. instincts. They share similar OUcago. Lee talked with Henry personality tralts. as they never Oark. who was Douglass' show too much disap pointment assistanl at Bakersfield and was and they never display planning to leave. Lee called over-enthusiasm. Douglass and the relationship of When. they came to UCI they head coach and assistant began were well aware of the task at "He's one of the best coaches hand and they attacked the around," Lee l>aid of Douglass challenge by devising a plan "When we got here. corning off a One facet: they recnuted players I ·25 season, then four years they would be able to develop later going on 10 W1J1 25 games. and players who would fit m at that's a testament to how good a UCI. That's been the ca.i;e for coach he is ... players like Jerry Green and Dougl~ and Lee were a Adam Parada. naturaJ fit because they both "We've been ... hared a strong together rune years "I want to be a passion for the now, so we know game and an , each other; very Division I coach. intense compeoove well," Lee said. That's my goal. lire "When he asks for "I le has that advice or certain When and search of things about the w here that ~nowledge and team. I have an enjoys the need to advam age becau!>e happens, in th is im prove." Douglass I know already business, it's all said of Lee. "He ha5 what he's thinking. great leadership of It's hard to timing. I'm the playen.. He was explain h ow much trying to get this very instrumentaJ I've learned from 111 developing Jerry hjm. I've learned program the (,reen. lie worked something from best it can be w1th him on a him everyday. Not one·on-one basis. onJ y on the Door. and then go Lee heard about but also hov. to be from there. I'm t.rcen from a friend a head coach who 1s now an because he does confident it's ass1Mant at Long share everything going to Reach tace. Green with me as far as w.c. a star at dealing with happen. It's just Pomona lligh. l ie administralton. a matter of lacer became the deal.ing with Bl" West Pla)'l'r of media. how 10 timing :' th~ Year m 2001 conduct yoursell Todd Lee and 2002 In nine years. I Douglass learned a lot. It\ red-.hirted Green m ha.rd to put uHo word'> hu\., h.1~ first year at UU. and that\ much I've learned." when the coaches went to work Lee, after coaching two years and (,recn followed !>Uit. in the CM . w~ eager to get back "{l.ee) helped me so m uch ... into the college ranks. I le had said Green, who 1~ now playmg coached al the University of San profe'>s1onally in t,erma ny. "We Diego. Before that, he have a-great relauonship. I le did volunteered at Southwestern ~o much for me. I can't thank Communicy College. He worked rum enough I fe's an e).cellent summer basketball camps at coach. 1 know he'll make an USO and eventually was hired as excellent head coach the third assistant to Hank Egan. Interestingly enough. Green Egan's top assistant left the and Lee a.re l.Jl ~1milar ~•tuaaons. team before the season Marted • At this point m their working and Lee learned quickly and was lives. il's alJ about per<,everance. .eventually hired 111 the vacant Green play.. one game a week in spot. Lee later went on 10 the Germany. He spends his CBA. non· game d ays working on his At a pre-draft NM camp in shot and moves. lifting weights ANTEATER BRIEFS and trammg toward gaining an opportumcy to play 1n the NM . -coach 1£e really worked on things to get me better, as far as team basketball and learning new moves." Green said. "He has alJ the toob and the knowledge. \.iaybe m a few year ... he will be a head coach I can't wan to ..ee him v.alkmg !he s1dehn e.,.·· Green and Lee !>!Ill keep in touch The) tall. on the p hone at lea.st once a week. Relauonsh1p'> with player'>, goe~ a long way in college basketball, that's why Musselman believes Lee i!. un his \.~tay to leading a team "I le\ definitely ready to go.· Mus ... elman said ·11·.., JUSt a mailer of being m the right plan· c1.nd the n ght Umt> I le·., gomg to be a DIVl'>ion I coach and when he get-. the 1ob he will be ver) succec,\ful." Muc,selman depended on Lee m tht> fall. I le asked I.ee to come to the Wamors' training camp "'I \.Vciflted 10 get his idea on some of o ur situation .. · Mus.'telman '>ald \\r'hen vou tru'il '>omcbody hke that: you openly take cnuc1~m • Mu't.'oelman aJ...,o knows Lee 1-. Wllhng to make 'iacn fices. During tht> <:.eason, there's hardly free u me for Lee. I le amve'i to work before 8 a.m. and he doe<:.n't return home unttl 6:30 pm. 111al's when Carson. 4, ctnd Jac.k.'ton, 2. aft' eagerly awaJting to play Wl th their dad. Lee '>pend., 11me Wlth his som for about two hours. then it'" 11me for their baths and then for bed ·Alter the -.ea'ion 1t'~ not hke that. k Lee <.aJd • 1 do my be!>t !>O I can be witJ1 the boys. You want to ... pend time with th~ l\fy wife makes me do enough around th e hou!>e We try to keep 11ng~ even. I give them a bath every night and put them to bed·· After the children are a'leep. I .ee works the phonl" for recruiting or M:heduhng. or he watche~ game'i on Vldeotape Hts wife, Kim. also rests. Lee\ day ends just before nudnight. fhe next mo rning. he starts all over again wi th th e phra5e on the back of h is mind: It's only a matte r of time Col~ women -UC lrvon. vs Pl:>rtfend 11 =.Ore 2pm Collage women -UC lrvme Ill Oregon. 11 am LOOKING FOR A SWIM/TENNIS CLUB? NC\\'})( )rt P>L\1 l-h -1~~1111i~ < :IlJl ) Anteaters post 2-1 victory at Santa Clara University ON-SITE AMENITIES & PROGRAMS ••• • 19 Tcnnas Courts ·5 Pros W/Grand Slam fap • Scadium Court W / Bl~ach ·Ball Mad11nc ·Jr. Ol)mp1c Saltwam Pool UCI volleyball team upset at Northridge. UCI third baseman Steve Guthrie laid down a game·wln- nlng bunt to score plnch runner Gary Oudrey from third.as UC Ir· vine defeated Santa dara UnJ- verslty, 2·1, in 10 lnnlngs Friday at Buck Shaw tadium in Santa Oara. Santa Oara got on the board first 1n the bottom of the third, capitalizing on an em>r by pitcher Glenn Swanson that ad- vanced Bronco stcond baseman A.J. LaBarbera to third. l..a.Barbe· "' later scored on a Michael Thompson double-play ball. UO answered In the top of the ruth on second baseman Matt Fisher'• single to center that s&red ahortstop B.J. eucce. who had 1tole:n second bate. Antttter ltlrtt r Glenn SWan· _.._,. .......... Cll K111f .. Mt IU -m 211. IOD left after ~ wtth bt atfib. . . outt. He gave up four hf ta and an Lo.--~~--~-----~-----~--:-----~-----------uneamedrun. Santa Oara threatened in the bottom of the eighth with a one· out triple by designated hitter Scot! Shapiro. However, with a runner on first, reUever Kris Krise got first baseman Eric Newton to hit into a double play to end the Inning. The Broncos threatened again in the botto m of the ninth with a runner on third. but Krise retired the next tJ\ree batters to push the game into extra in· nings. UCI pinch hitter Andy Amara led off the 10th lnnlng with a double to right field off of re- liever Joe Dfef enderf er. Pinch runner Dudrey advanced to third on Jon Horwitz's sacrifice bunt before Guthrie recorded the gamc-Wln.nlng RBI. Jn the bonom of the 10th . w1.th a runner on aecond. UO re· Uever Ouu Nicoll retired the next three ln order to earn bis flrst savo or the season u UC lr· vtne improved to 1 l. Santa Oara (ell LO 4·3 wflh the IOlll. UCt rtght·hander Rren Smlth faces Santa Oara southpaw John Redmond in today's lp.m. match up. Nonconf..-.nc• UCI 2. Sanu Cl1ra 1 Score bv..lnn~s UCI 000 ofiJ 000 1 1 e 4 SC 0010000000 150 Swanson, TrlPoll (7), Knse (8),Nlcoll (10) Ind Wagner. Travis,~ (8), Dlefend.rler (9), Overholt (10) and Wallace. W -K.n1e. 1-0 L-Overhoh. 1·1. Sv .. Nicoll (1) 2B -Rs~r (UCtl. Amara (UCI), Shaptro (SCI. 38 - Shapiro (SCI • UC lrvlne's men's volleyball team , ranked No. 1 ln the nation, auffercd ltJ second Mountain Pa- cific Sporu Pedeatlon IO&S Friday night a." host Cal Suuc North· ridge rolled to a 23·30, 30·261 31 • 29, 33-31 victory. The L b\oc:kl UCI down to 12·2, 5·2 In oonrercnce play, whlle North.rid e, ranked No. 8, unprows to 8-4, 4·3. Jimmy J>duJ had 26 kills for UO and three othm ~re tn double Rgure . Joe Nargi (20 ldlJs) and Nils Nielsen {16 kills) were North- ridge's pacesetters. • UC Irvine's men's tennis team Improved to 5-2, 2-0 in the Big West Conference Friday with a 6-1 victory over visiting Cal Poly S.."\n Luis Obispo. The Anteaters swept doubles and got lngles victories fro m Jonathan F.ndrikat. Zoran Korac, Sean O'Conno r, Brian Morton and Greg Biorkman. • UC Irvine's women's tennis team defeated the University of the Pacl8 c. 6· l, in a match t Eugene, Ore. Frfday with the same formula as the men's vic- tory, weeping doubles and Ill· 1ng Ovc of 1lt lngles. 1ngles vjctori went to Titfa· ny Olang. Anna Bentr.et, Amy Trancldno. KristinA Boss and J fu1 Leow. UCl1 2·2. l-0 lo the Big Wo t. duel the Portland Pilou tOd:ay at 9a.m. ; How to Pla<·e IUllS1AJt BIAlS CLASSIFrn tAD Rule' and dea.dhne' .ire: ,UbJeCI 10 than~c: v.1thou1 r111lllc: Th~ publt~her rt'~rve' the ngh1 to cc:n,or. rc:da,,>h re:\ "c or rc:J<'•I JO)' d~\lf1«!.d '1thc:M1\ement Plc:;t\I.' rc:pun an~ enrn th..ir Illa\ be: IO your du\\lfied J.d tmmc:d1,11el\. rhc: (),111\ f'1l11I .1lu·pt no lrabilrty for .tO) error in Jn .id1c:rt1,c:rnc:n1 fur .... 1., ti 11 111.i\ hdfe,pon\lblc: c:~1..c:pt for the: 1()\l of the: 'P<11~ JdU,1 I\ 1;.~up1L'll h> the: error Credtt t:an onl)' be: allowed for tht lir,1 lfl\(lllull IUSIN£SS & FINANCIAL (¢1 H,· Fnx 1<>-191 t>'I 11~•q l'!<U li.l.iJ< \\,Q !li.'TK H~ Pho1w 11J-ll/1 IH~ ,, "\ Rv \lnil/111 l't-r "-011: 'lO "'' ,9 f!J) )trl~I l t t\{.I \iC:\J ( \II .fo~7 MmOTJYt& .-....uno. RV' -S ERVICE D IRECTORY ""'"'"""1""11~ •r II\~ ra;t.,,.l ••!h fY1 .. 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A1f'.1 Al'Pl I ATIO'i U_. f e1 m•I N ~ll Ol"I •nrl Onrlo1>m•nt l'h n Ne 2007 001 PA7001 I'>'" M' I\ ' I 1 • llordro "'Native" S2000 e Guy 811ffel Serigraph "Shove lu" saoo 714 ,,, st.sa fQUAL HOtlSllG OPPORTUNITT Auctions I J •I d 111HIJO1 •. 11 4 '4 >l"JJI 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES ~dtr Style Fumrtur• PIANOS & Collect1bl.s S$ CASH PAID SS WE BUY ESTATES NI'•'....-,...,.. • 1' 1A/l l ,... ul•• \1•1 IONITA CANYON • .,. -i.1<l t-.4 • l'< (NGUSH VlllAGl OPfN SUN I S HIOf A WAY 10 Winthrop ·u~n Sb 1 s,ooo ,, , • '1'tVU AGT '14'1 723 8120 r " JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS OFFICE FURNITUREJ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Office Equipment & Supplies 3575 • IUSINfSS • MOVING SAll II RfSTAURANT lOUIPMlNT, OfflCf lOUIPM[NT & OHICf SUPPlllS Thur1doy Soturdoy 1001 W 17th St Suite 0 I !Th/Whitt••• Co~o M .. o Cats Business Opportunities Businesses and Francflises 3610 3905 PlRSON WITH MlM, , • l ,, n• 1n ,._,., "' t r,t k.._f ti nil t Ill tftH ~ ~ f 11J f ""hi t '' tn,.4'k.~1 r.., ~II Ir• rt 1f j 1nt,.,,,. I •t'1-..llJ1 Mu\1 fJt' 4. tlJJtl It ,,., ft.;tn t11ri~ e . ,.pt1ondl•r ~•ra.P IOC.Or'Tlt''\ (Jn y ttw,,~ Pf .. ,. .. .,u,. pmployt' :t nr•d .appt r C.all M Ml!lancon 877 ll8 2t>90 Costa Mesa OPfH SU SUN l 4 • 4 iJ\ • • • ' I OflA(H[D Irvine OPlN SAT 1 4 30 TURTlf ROCK POINT£ ~ .. '"1 .. , t , • ,..., r,, \4:•1 bnr1°" ... Pt ~~Ii ~.I.Jr, ,. A.'.1. ....... si .. 1t. •1 1,f,4 Laguna Beach •• •t t 1.u • r..V\ ~ tt-• t4 t t t ' • " t ~ If f OCfAN \llfW " . PU TINUM P'tlOf'OllllS • , ,., l .1 OPfN HOUSl th1t weekendl It ,,,f i ,.tt I 4b J '-Jfl ~ i fl"' )I 1J ttlHf i 1t S l <'I', IJIM) • Im I ,tr f ,.,. k•M , 14'i ! ll'J!, Open Houu thh w••k•ndl New lhtlngll ovhlondlng otn view• 4br 2 Sbo 3 d•ck •, 2 cor otto<h gor. S 1,395,000 J•hn For-row ••'"a• '149 322 0'132 Laguna Niguel Kill HIU HOlllH or LAGUNA HIGUll Investment OPE N S•t Su" J 'l S 0 ,...,, ltl 3925 /81117 l•Pit' 01 _P_P_ui_wn __ es___ s1ni J~••I ~tone & brr<11 H•w lnv•,.t•ry f111 4br home M•nf.tmtn1 s1¥1rni """• rrf1 W'f! / "'~ By Own!'• StilS (){)(' Glut ,n lfc:t~ R .. 1aii 94t-t 3 t -tl44 SJlt( • \dllrll '"' st 4K lido Isle H, r ' lo I 1 '•J. IAS IBlUH lfAUTY t rpo ~ • , S• rJ ,. .. 1 ,, • f ~ ,, '• \.11 , ~· -i .. ,~1 www~com W"'.rlt-ont Baouty " ~ ._ .,, f-'' .,. ·n ,•• t tlm .,.t· f f'wfl J If \'I~ U .. ' , 11 "' !l 1 • ·~r ,, .. tJ\1r1, -/V r111J ,,,.1 t.j.14LM 'J<l I /! fill> NEWPORT UPPER U Y SfR <I 'I' i • If • ~ I ~ , t 1F- ~ Ai: ) '' ,..- [)(CUJSIV(I agt '14'1-U-4 0211 PRIM( fSTATlS PATRICK HNOltl NATIONWIOf USA '14'1 8 S6-'110S .. OClAHfltONT flXllt HOT fOR THC fAINT Of HURT AGT '149 723-8 120 leoch clou ... ", ... , 1 t""' ,.,... 'I' , ,~ Newport Coast OPfN SAT I S S Torroao .., t' ., "'"''. b f ,j \µp' I JI! --, rr ut--, & ' ~ •t , I m •· .r .. s 1, 1 as.ooo OPlN SAT I S 3 Supremo I '""'' homr 'lbr Jt (, ,,, 1 ... , I SIS 1,000 24 Co1elllno 1' I ., I ol I• f ti• • h..t If' 1 ... Sl,72'1,000 PLATINUM PllOPlRTllS t-•~1"" Meun" 'JH 11'> Jl"li PltlMf fS TA TlS PAUICK TlHOltl NATIOHWIOl USA '149-IS6-t 70S ..... w e•lltc~ttnore com MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 • 2Br 280 SI 700mo • nt-.,,. fl(HJ''"' di\_ .. 1 1Jd1nt r1.1 , HJ~t 1~1 .. n µ~t '14'1 760 1713 So. of Hwy rnrT J 1 ,,, 2tir /bJ f• • " IJ~I l tf ~di ... it!.. 1 "''"' wJIH ir 949 • II'. I() j Morguerlte 3Br /21o lo• ur / r ~1111r t , $J2S()l Ako ,,i.~ rt-4" 'br IB• ...,.,. "l>"i t "°'"'' S1/0.n-~y I ... i'lll Lovely 38r 31/, Bo, ~111 l'lf/)'.I" ,,_. c:.-. "',,,...,,, tNOt'rv fl • ff,. ,,, .. puu• ll4~. ,,... ,, ,.,._ Aid~ 4 1 114 4<J1 #JI Costa Mesa 11r det cottage, , ""' t"ll' ~Inv' 'n, .... 1 f.H• m•Jle J H [ lhlh ,1 A•~ for 'Pl-<1.1h' <;4'1 <.4>1 24/l N•J dt~~ am :>t-~}f • ~""" 1 ""'-Oe><.~ , .. 1 .. hi"(ii.J<. :,.4•<tl •-..r ~V'fl'tt ' IC_•!T A,,,nl 'Oil<t-1 1 j .f!j1J t~t1·r• ;itfl .... ~ft .,"" lii1fi._l~t i.,...-... ~4 '1' ·~, ... 1 ~ t;.1;' ''lit lift~ 18A, Nice yord .. ' I I' N•wport a<rot1 th• ·"-.. ...... .. (ae< 28r lBo Condo 't. .,, l. •' "1•• JBr Condo ,.,,, , If .1 ··~ Townhome w /chorm 't' i~ 'I 1-t . ~,, .. ,,,.1 t l , .. ~4 f • I i'1 3B•droom I Both S1b00/mo Avoll3/1 No90109e '14'1 711 2721 Irvine " ' J Laguna Beach UYfllONT 't I .. '1 NEW 21r 210 COTTAGfS ,.,, ·"'' n i U~ f 11 . " ' .. A s .,, \.II A.~ Lil If 710 llOO PARK Dll ~4't I < N '.) 14·-. • i ~, ii • YURlY • llAS(S I< I I F<LI°'j(IV Rt A 1 k '149-67S 61fl I VllLA POINT 21r 21o .. .,. 1' ,. a ,, Si 'HJ JV} Twnhm 2"r 2 /.t.o 'fa< "" ilill lkd h lo\'-••!~ .,.,,. Sll!<tOm 8hJs 11.111~·d Lil 949 Fd 'IOti Oa.t •Pc:t./......,_,. ~ boo-2& .. ·•" & b. y ... , pahO N d I•• & lt<Wlr\ SI~ 114'} •78 1'16 38r:-2' }da, TH. 2-cor -.Jf4~ n,. ~ ,.,,. c A ~to.~ ,. d n~u!J A C S2100 m 949 8'>9 797 l Cfl)A C0MPlfANCf lh• oro1•• t •111•1•11'\ Im • Cl.l\~ 1 ~' •mptu1n or 1h,. C.11htt1fn1• ( n..,uon m•rol~I Qu •Ith A, t tor th~ tl"pl•t.erntnl or rrcon)lrud1nn of 1n ett\f1n1 l.r1mmer<1•I \tr11dure 10< lt~d on tflt Hn1e "te nf wb\t .. n t1ally tht qm• '"~ JlUIQO\I end l•P•t ,, y • ;:649-4922~ with utr•~ 7fiO 947 6119 lGWIH NICI IAClt UY CfNTllt 2651 h vine Ave OH UDO ISLAND OPlN SAT-SUN 1-4 HACH COlTAOl 117 VIA llOU lASTSIOl U r. llo, NP st-.., 3br 'b.I '"'' 'mill kit LR priv•t~ I i-il wr~ 2 • .w Ip l!ntry w d. uhls ind """l9'l4> ?~ Crdir S71SO. S775•dtp 949 '>'8 0871 dell bkr 944~'l'll) 2 SUBJECT lh~1 0-1 M•r Z7'>4 l C:ol\t H111hw•y SUMMARY Requt\I lo •mend Uu Per m•t No l I'> J to •llow a chan11e m optraltonat th11r •< tt11\tl•' trom • t•~• out r "I •urant to • lull \~rvl• t \mtll u •I• •nl<uu•nt .tnd to permit tht •dd1t1on of ( u\tomu \Olin• wh1c h " pro h1b1ltd by tht lll\t1n11 U\e P11m11 APPLICA flON UH P1nmlt N o l1'>3 <PA2003 0071 CE QA COMPLI ANC£ Tt.1' PfOJt<t hn bttn reviewed. end rt hn been determined th1t 11 I' talt1or1c1lly eumpt under tht requirements ol lhr C•hlornll Env1 ronmenttl Qu1hty Ac.1 under Cl•u I (hllllna Fac1ht1u) J SUBJECT Wnt Co11t H11hw1y •I Tony Romes ind B1nn111n s. 2901 W Co11t Hi1hw1y SUMMARY Requul for two Uw Petmlts to ellow two Eatma 1nd Ortnlllnl hl1bh,hm1nta end to •uthom1 the 11i. of ~11;ohull1 ti•~•r•lctt IOI on ,11, consumption pul\u11nt to th• Alco holl• ••~•111• Outl•l Otdlnence ("80) The 1pphc1t1ons 1110 Include • 1tq11Ht lo 111od1l1 requ1r1d par,1n1 by p1ow1d1n1 ft"'tt 1>1t~1nc p.c111h•n required AP PUCA TION Uu l'ermrt Not 1002 OU tn4' 049 (l'A':a 200Z ll7 •nd238l CtQA COllll'llAfllCt tit ,,-tit(! 111 a.en thlt•..i, •nd It lllt ourucgAsT AUCTI N 22021o.M.i..St. .._AM. CA 12107 e. ..,., ,,, ,... iOll VftW ••ttt1l •nd of lice avail 714 573 7780 Office •pa<• In nl<o 1ndust p1r~ 1600sl 70 \. olc 1001 W 17th ~t CM '149-650-8211 2br 11/• lo 2-c 'or, bch & fen dub SS lot. lledvc•tl to $169,000 A1t 949-7St-OSOS or 714-307-4214 NewpOft Beach HI, Sr Hom• Multl M1lhon SS lot l roon15 10< rm! S800 ~ ~ V..-d. ~ iacum 94951!>-om NP nn the bay ,ttips to bd1 sliops. restau-Boat _Esta_te_Sa_les __ 1486_ LOTS/ACREAGE FAIUlOUS HACH COlTAOUI fAIUlOUS NlWPOllT H ACH UFESTYU II ~ted~~'7~ V9D .._ --., rm .... pool Sc>ll iY"' Wl/11.. to OC91 ,., pe(lsrrit S8:X) • utJI mo 949$-!fiZJ rllt & SAT 1-2 CAMlO SHOlllS, COM Sternway Gland p11no enbque tic. m soln, OR+ n-. ~ Plbo 116n. kttd191 items. pa more 4527~ 94t4'6.-584a Garaoe/ Yard Siles 1419 H .... Gtw .. e Solo Stlt., Sa 2p Lota of lurnoture. wnhtr, dryer ref,,111· tlo< bed,, l!Yef)'lhlnl aou!'I 611 Ctoll Or Htt•eyrl BHch ART/ PAINTINGS i...... 3060 PltHt contecl mt from your "•Im so th1t I cen ttll 1ou 1boul my coll~hon ol O•m,tone Olly~ ctrv•d 11110 \Oafll'IC .. 1111 lov1111 dovn. 11u1lul ullftsh, Cl \10111111 dolph111•. c:her•lnl bull• & bull1lo Mr ltlhna ~t I/WI ~ancinl ~· llnvt "'' ebltty to ..,,., u.. -.--u .. t .mith no• lhOuld " 111 °"' •• yeur llC>llOUI pall«\ ,., • Ill 1••1otm2 !tO lo• .,.. -c:a.nn.it. CAll7ll 11 lots/Acreage Wanted 4740 SO. CALIF LAND IOOM L11sm p1rctll 1n pith ol pro1ren Am11rn11 prtcH & v1lun low down w In house ltn•nc•n1 Professional l•nd Coro New 2-Story 31r 21a Rooms for Rent 6040 (17u;'1fi'mA/.,) l' ... CM Twollme. QI/I SI S0,000. rnvbi ..., deillt p 714-301-7371 Nie• ll--4•1t4 Hr 21o (Ut44XXU/XX) $0,ood. t-0.ESroRSALE ORAHGE 5400 Wotor'Yltw 21r 210 w/ftr.,.Mco (520051) Sta,* COUNTY llASID LAND Colt for ...,,.1.e-nt o.Aftu ...,_. V..,. (t4t) 6)'S-1U1 A MANUfAmD HC*I COMMUHfTY Bveeyday ~ a ~eat daf in C* Be a part of n, ploce roor oo t~~ ~6'2·i18 w d. l\lptWMnfl&. fem pttfd Avail 3/112()()3 ~/vtis~ RESlfJENTW.. RENT At..5 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY r... ..... l8' o..~;wi & s.y ... ' ... 2lir 2IM condo lah r.,,,,.>d ea~ Ip comm oool ""' $2200 949--rzo. l !193 P.._. l'oW Sf'R 2br 2b.J W "of\. MW Pif'll/cwpl'4. ~ 't.ind!t< wd hup 2 L pr aet szra> 94%7l 71kXl Hpt Hh, 4,r, 'lb1 200<kl I lvl lt$t 2 fp, wet b~r in ,.,.,, rm t"- crpt;pnl WI & llUI I yr new 2' l e• S2850m ... pdtrlef 949 ~ ~ Howpor1 H•l9htt 38r, 280, Hou•• to telly •emod Ip yd 2 ur I"• S2!Dl mo 96631 1611> Zll,..... St • •lttl llUffSw 1lr $c>«IOllS 4& l8.a 1nwn "°"'9 nut clun YllC.lllt & move tn rNdy $299fxnn !949~~ H.Vltw H-Jbf 2ba dmr oorn pvl pool s.pa llfllener UICI IHM S2995m ~ 714 573-2900 ClASSlflfD It's the solubon you're searching for·whe~er you 're seaing a. home, apartrnen~ pet or new occupaUon! Newport Beacfl (-.,if lat 29o homt, • " 1 .. ~,.,d.,...,_ ul 1'-'>d<. I > ·I nr 'f b<lrll!JOCI Mir 1 ,..,.. s.w.> rnu· ">l:C. A • ..a I' Ul C)il9 W. ?':t72 BAYFRONT Community Harbor Views Huge I BR I BA w/tUrborvtew$2000 Gorgeous 28R 2M W/Hatbor Vlew$2'§00 La11& l'!Mte htlos • llted EaGitt • G-..s Wood 811,..... flrep&ace1 • Prt~~te-kaO & Marfaa • Spark.Uq Swtm11l111 P..a • &Mii Tropical Landtapln& • Seco .. to Balboa ls~nd, Ba)tlde Shoppl111 Cftter, FHMM ll9d & 0D""8 def Mv Newport...,...._.Homes 919 S.Yllde Dttle.Na t I C949) 760-0919 .._ •e e TAX DIRECTORY Call .949-642-4321. •• •• \LI :JAX roR.\.1~ ·AU 5TATE5 I I ~Cl RO!\:IC flLING l~l>I\' l ORPORATIO~S · FIDL'l.!ARY P\R1"1:R.\HIP LLC LIT1,TE.S ~)0 l· .. 1-rh ce .. I 1- c 1 1.., I .\ \II "\ c .\ 1>:'.c<!- t 1\ I I.\ 3U-YL\R." F:..\PLRJL '\CE la x Matters 13th year prepanng Federal & State Business & Personal Ta11 Returns Enrolled Agent Free e-ftle • Free Direct Deposit www..Y.vn1ttta.lflbt.~ ~l.th.w0\Uman1r1.1flb..Lam 2052 Newport Btvd., Suite #6 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-7140 Tel/Fax : 9 4 .5 15 .2862 GET THE PEACE OF MIND ONLY A CPA CAN GIVE YOU! An you gett1n9 tll IM deductJon$ you ... '"'1tled 1o? Have your return done by a CPA at a REASONABLE rate • lndfVlduaVBusiness Tu Returns • Electronte Filtng • Get your refund in 1 to 3 days• Bodenhoefer & Stathes Open S1U01ys c.1died Pl* Acooll!tlrlll Ely~ 3400::!~,,. IM9.85t96111 (Mt Wiii °' Bnlial SI.I 'MC ....... - "Employee . ., "'Empl~a.cW." " rbeitnehml!r.. "'Emplo I."' asoo JOBS WANTED W•lf t" I t"r t"n t t a Employment Wanted 8200 T,._... ~!"". ,t) '/I\ P•P ,,_, p'/I (JUT, ~~!J"Jtitr'lo{U~•" ca•~er '""'lo(>fl l~ ,, .. ~~ us • ll!IHr>.1 l•Vlaly R~f.. <;4<; Y>~ IH, • SELL your stuff througti classified' , .... ,,,.. .. t 14 tt '/S'l.'ll A4mtn /b••~r ,,..,, ' I 1, '"'-' f ~· It• • ., II ,, ii'" ,. .,.. 14;, t •9 CUltlCAI. Pl '20-JOtw-. ff ' "'" t ,.. iJ ,...~,,. •I ,t ·"" -, I' f'1'ltJ' I lfl°(_ajflif ,.,., 4,_.-'f tieh•t \lt•Jltf""' trir.Jl' NI._. f'lliU';-l1i1. lrJt..: lf<lf!l'1 A f t..!!...!!"''..,f;l-.;.ji'f~ DIMIS NfmfD VWNTIUSDAY FBRUAaY 14 YOUR OWN W OI VAii COSTAIESA 714-~ms lnd 1111dua & BuS•"ess RP!l'r"S Out 01 S·ate Ta1 Re:.,·~s E ectron•c F "g A11s ao r: S:a" ,.,g a --. )() Dl*I ha s.1'Cll 115 lrMlllAil c.111 Mal CA 12621 9-!9.6-t2 .3909 Are You Paying the: Lowest Taxes·Po&~ible? Save Time and Get Expert Tax Preparation 0 lncli\1dual Jlld BlNnL"'\.,J<t tum' 0 Ba.-.1c 10 \l'f' c..omple\ Rl'f 1m' • fJe\.1ronK Filinf.! Ull (949) 863-9956 10 '<! ~p .tl1 lpp0111UT1t'I'! \\ J. J 1 V.fl'l.d.i" .tnJ Uf'tlm1d I ~oo \on.I; Bn,tol ">u111 ~h \f"'JXIM !k-.ich I..~ <l!hhll e an Income Tax and S llh/ Bookkeeping Service II IY 30YUJts'ErPE1tENCl, " CPA O~E~ • lndlv1dual & Bu11nns lncom~ TaxH • Payroll Tu R~tu,.nt • Estate Taxes/Plannln1 • Speclallzln1 In Tu Deltnqv•ncy & Audit Problem1 PtnoN/lzld ~ IJf R-OllM>lt ~ s.. ....... .-. CM: 69' W. 19th St (9'9) 646-1636 HB: 17'79 Buch Btvd. (714) MM765 • ... -••n. aua •• .... ' '1 ~ • I f I I f Saturday, February 8. 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • A\ Soulh, vulneroble. you hold: KJ75 •forcing Whal do you bid oow'' Q 4 • Bodi vulnerable, )'OU huld f'ond1• '99 la•tar Conv. 21k ml, 5spd, whtte/11ey Ith<, f11U feet w1rr, 11re11d, non/ smllr, lillt new vl26695 127,995 Bkr 949-586-1888 ·-·"'•"'·'- Daily Pilot .aHmloeal F111tvrwtl Bo111of11H ~1k NEWARRlVAL 1996 Duffy 21 CJusic New Moror. B:an's & Upholnery SAVE BIG $$$ Vlntage Duffy 18 The bidding lllb pnxeedcd· NORTH ~I SOl ~ AKIJ KQ85 • \K8J Man•4-• •u HO Sl P....cha '99 ,,. c• Conv black/bl1ck lthr, 6!4>d. 3511 ml, tu•y loaded. mint cond, ssa,500 (949) 874 1995 A Trur CW.IC, Complttdy Rf'furbi&hC'd ~utiful Blad Hull •••MUSTS.EE ... $21,495 (rrdumi) 14 · ltthatlclan/MHnta ,..,.,,..... The Newport 8oOy 8-Jte IS hrq I lot-' ~nowlepble commit· • ..a. and 17oM penoll to .,.tam body b'utnwlb t'low17~~ M1on. Top Ylsy tor top ......_ Cal 9&6«M483 ~l«of Offlca Oat'll P{T, M·F. 2 Sc>m NB c"'' telephone skills '""'utred. fllln&. fuinc. 1 •~edulfnc. no typlna, , trTendly 1tmosptm1. , JlDhour (949) 64~).4033. 'f1'W.-.....1or '-""' ll.mstq\. ~ m JIGtJawe II S. '16 re CDIW d ~ 9&8iY.DJI Sllon :. I OTH RENTAL , Cut• Mesa bH uty 1 Mlon Rusonable. I C•ll Al 949·645·0662 V' ... at Pwklfttl Paeltl- 1, af 1 If Ht 01n1 Point •· l'etel F/T &. P/T, Clu n 1 DMV Call 21Hi28·9500 I • . , .. --------.. t.countlng t ftijiiT1Cjii£;iili!!!OiiRij;i£AO£~Ri!S!iiii ~ ~11Jfornl1 t1w re • 41Uires th1t contr at I ts t1111na iobs th11 • 11 ssoo Of mot. 1' bor Of materials) : .. hcenud bt the •• Cont11ctors Stile 1• t lcenso Board Stile k ~w 1lso requires th1t !: ntrector\ Include , .. t it lk:anse numbtr *' 111 1dnrtlsln1. Vou .. n cited< the status ff your licensed fonlr1ctor et www.cslb c1.1ov or too-321 ·CSLB Unll Hnsed contrectors b lllnc job~ th•t fptal 1111 then $500 •usl stet• In their •dvertlHments thet they are 11ot Uc1nsad '1 the Contreclon State llt.nse 80Md " Aulomoblla 9000 Automotive 9004 .51 Rem.• 52= 53 TWO lle!oft X MU-a c:Mlulator 55 M.OW.11 SUltw 5e F allhlon I -Ca...,.,, !>7 PromonlOly 60 Grad·sollool majOr ,, '2 13 Automotive 9004 IMW '97 J211 Conv i>fveJ. ltlY, beaut, 7 ~ ml i.pol't pi!& SI 9.995 v T9827l CM Ct Rlnrd 949-646-78i!'2 IMW '99 J2JI co .. v Ssc>d. 4311 m1, silver blu.r crey lthr hut•d \Ull full fut w1u. supu b $21 995 firm v362421 Ion 1n1I Bkr 949 !>86 1888 -.ocpolil.com IMW J211 C:-. Wh1/Mh ltht' auto. 5111 '"4, ~ rum i.e new, $21,995 l6lae CM C. 9'6{;4f> 78Z!5 IMW '9S S401 trot. mt, black blk beaut1tul ori11n•I co11d l1n1nctn& & warr 1v11I v•249762 19.995 Bkr 949 S86 1888 IMW '99 7401 691a ml, Jyr w111 av11I, ~1lve1, 1trey lthr. CO, ltke new cond, v579241 $25,995 Un avatl Bl<r 949 586 1888 w -.acpolil.cam IMW '99 7401 69k ml, ly• w111 1va1I \1lvct crey lthr CO lilt• new 'ond v579241 S25.9o/.J tin ••• ~. 8"1 949-Sllf>.1888 •-·••,al.cam I• Ptitl 1!1(1 2·· .._ ' Panner o~n\ the bidding w1lh three duunondj What do you rt\pond" Wh.11 lk1 you bic.I now·• Q l · Neither 'ulnmhle, lb South you hol\J· Q S • A\ South, vulncnthlc. )OU hold· KQJIJ6J \ 10 ~ • IO S 2 KJll The b1l1Jins ha'> pn>c«~ "IOIU H J..AST" SOUTH \ 1-.,,-Ille: b1Jdm~ IUl' pnlludtd 'llORfH F_\ r SOl rH \\£!.1 ~ 1 • •• ? I• Pab I • What do )'OU bad 00\\? INT Pit.\.\ ? Whal acllon Jo >oo wlc ' Q ti • Nc11her vulnerable, a' South )UU lmld Q 3 • Both vulner.ihle. J) South Ylll.I hold • A8~ At. J 10 7 K 10654 7 •A 10 Automotive 9004 Automotive 9004 Automotive --------IMW '91 74011 Black/ Jard • 94 Mu1tan9 V6 blk lthr, 49k m1. nav '>"· Red, Sspd, IL, cc, alloyl, spotless S37 .995 ~12459 super cteM1 S3!l9l5 v21~ CM Ct Ridwd ~7fllll CM Ot Rdwd 94!Mi46-7822 IMW '98 5401 Supe1 clun, blk tin lthr 63k auto. $25,995 ¥5126911 CM Dir Richard 949 646 7822 IMW '99 MJ Ca.,v, Sspd, 62k m1, blu~/Hh lthr, S27 99'> vC43277 CM Ot Rldwd 96646 7822 IMW '94 J lltl Creal en m1la1e 2dr Sspd. ps. 68k m1 stereo < •1•. red/tin int. •htep\k1n. A/C, pw, snrf 1110,s I owner, smells new must see $Int cond R•ndy pp $9,700 877 582 2578 01 949 !148 4241. fOH P•OH lS •to Runs xlnt. 6 cyl. •ulo. 1c can. sunroof pw, ps, 1111 whuls. new Urn & caps Blue book $3225 ull S2600 Private party 7 14-534-7608 fOllO UNGllt XlT '9t Extra Cab. Auto. CO 691< m1 V6 bedhnu, Prtnte P11ty )1500 949-642-SUO f.,d '96 Wlnd1t0f' Gl 7 pass. r~d/tan tnt, •t ac. loaded SJ995 v231f>ll7 CM Ot llldllrd 966'& 7822 GMC Trvck Hip Siem 'IS Auto white, fully equip, 1m Im. smoued Well m11nl11ned SJr,o() 949-760-1 t SO Cadlllat '19 OeVllle Le1sur e wor Id own tr 100!\ books & •~<01d\ wht blue llh1 • lnl !Jody & ma• cond v '>6?892 Sl995 B!.r 94<t S86 1888 w-oc,.i.l.cam J"l"or '99 XJll 461a ml, full l1ct warr 8111 sh Cadillac '0 2 OaVllle rlLln& &rrtn ·o~tmul 241< mt lull I.ct W•rt Ith•. CD. thrm whls white. o~tmul Ith•, CO bout. like new cond, OnStu $Y\lem thrm v•496721 $29,995 Im whls, v'827519 S24,995, •va1J Bk• 949 586 1888 uve S20\ Blu 9S!B>Ull8 -.ocpolil.cam -·•<ttalil.cam. I --J•t..., '99 lUI Venden ~ OoVlk '99 COid Plas 34~ m1 sparl<l1n11 Fnmost. 4511 ""· leetter blk un llhr CO thrm i.. new, I o-must I t I f k see Sl8.500 949-219<1!64 ;:!· s ~stJ9!,'";/,~ Cadillac '96 Seville vS42614 l1n•n<1111t •v•1I Ctaent\Jn llht looks runs Bk• 949 S86 1888 p~rf. $6995 v54l895 CM -.ocpa lil.cem Oh ~1thard 949 641> 7822 Jaguar ,99 XU Conv Cadilla c 'I I Savilla 3411 ml, full lectOly war• looks •nd d11vH "'" 'Par~hna black oatmeal v754896 S99'l CM 011 lthr CD thrornt ..,111,, Richard 949 646 1872 J t l.1 new v6 7 7 295 0....., bt......., c• ''1 S35 995 hn•11Ctn& •v11I MW paint new In\. Bkr 949 586 1888 OIJ(ll'lal 0-$4 500 obo -.ocpo4tl.cam 949-689 5580 Jaap '95 Gnni! a-.1< .. Chry1lar '97 Cirrus 6cyl L ro 4~4 V8 52l. "'1t/blf1 auto. 11/C. ct, pw, pdl, iltY ~ vSl4998 ~ clean v321598 $3995 CM CM Ot Riclwd 949-64f>782'2 Olr Richard 949 646·7822 Oe"9o '9 7 lntrapld J.Sl., at. l /C, CC, loaded. Cle.In ¥599864 S3995 R ICll>M d Com MeA c. 96641> 1ffO fard ' 96 laplerar Sp<>< I 2wd AT mnr I blk rt•Y llhr v4')21 l6 S599S CM°'" Rldwd ~18Zl .._.. a-. '99 Oocovvy Series II 27k mt. lutl I act win bl•tk o•lmral lthr du•I 1T1nrl r111 111 Jump seat~ CO 18 ct11m whls like new v332099 S21 995 11100. l1n avarl Blt,r 949 !>86- 1888 www ocpabt tom L-' ._ 0........., '96 Sl7 wilow ~811. beee rtlY. cl* moon rooho r•• JUn'C> !oUb 6 cd ~. l.Aoeded l*f9ct ore cond. Only 58 ITll s 14 !KX)/obo 949-8!7·9107 pp loau1 '00 IS JOO 22k m1. s1lvor/arey lthr. mnrf, CO, lull f•ctory w"r. like new v•525721 $21 ,995 furn, tin •v111 Broker 949 586 1888 -..o<palil.cam l••u• •oo Ul470 va, 1uto. A, C, lthr full pwr. 1m fm c1u. cc •ntl c:hrm. S38-SK 949 640.S:Jll Unc:oln 'O I Novl9atar 21k m1 lull l•LI warr. bl1ck/111ey Jthr CD. DVD, 20 ch1m whls. n new v7625 I 2 $29 99'J hn •Viii Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.eqM!ltl.c- Mazda 'U 323 AWO 1tld Ssi>d ~ ,1e9n. look.\. runs 111eat $199!1 v84532f> CM Ot Rldwd 96~782'2 Mazdo '99 Mlata Conv 34k m1 •ulu 1ed' black int & 1011 buutllul on11 cond, v'i9/741 S9995 t1rm fin & wan avail Bkr 949 SR6 111811 •-·•cpolil.cam I M--'-... ._ cuo Emerald IJ""n w IMI lthr buut lllto •nrl. SU!ll> '64181; CM C. ~ 7822 __... ... ....,'"° Kompressor B1J1i1Jndy IMI IUlr. 62k. Vtrf. Sl5,995 -&:ll3'l CM C. 9G64G-7822 M '90 IOft& JOOl 2.6. blk/lan ltlY vwf, pw pd! AC 14995 Y~l J CM Ot Rlctwd 96646-lffO MOR '9J ._ JOOl 32, bl<, snrl lttY rec..,f ~...c. ¥521325 S'79!6 RUud CM Ot ~ 7fllll ........ 'IO ._--4-SOSl~ vw'f. tlUID. llts. ~<IC "'5tDry .21~ s:rm obi> llKMld Co5la ~ Ot 95616-7812 MelUOill9 'IO ._ 4S051. -1 "*'· lltr 'yt hr.lllry v21~ Sl':iOO abo IWlad c.m Ma ~ 9&64& 7ffll I M;;:c;;AI; '91 a-SJ2o l WB bk*/ ii:r 1 "IV ~ perf oond sai!BI vll~ CM Ot Rld\a'd ~ 7fllll HOME, HEAL TH AND BUslNESS ~ ...... Auto Services NSID • lllAIU F«nly "'-' #or 30 Ytor1 AuTOMOttU SllVlQ ~ -0.....-si... ... TUNE 1ftstt0r (949) 645-4641 ~· II• lltl....._ Bookbeplng TAXIU1TURN ONWH••LS UIJ for f~ quorc 949.422.2863 •-toyou. ~••notary& bookk~~'--tlbuafn9e-• ~Alfwdohle Carpet • Furniture Rug Cleaning o<.uPn~o ltepalU, Petcti1n1, Instill Collfttou~. ,.,,. slH job• Wlloi.Hltl 949 492 0205 ERVICE Computer Services ~:.puwr (~ "ID tor ~ r ... ...,,.. o.-. < _.,,.,. """"la ,....... .......,, 4,-.. IJ-• .... .lllllllJ ...... ,0...11• t.l,.·-·~ (849) 548-8585 J C0"11'UTElt SOlUTIONS UPJ:.ir<Jdt'<. R~trs, <us/nm PC~ Bur/I. ~f!fY, nrl ms fnl('fn('t 'i.Nup .md Sh.trmlf M(S( FREE romul11100 CAll )Eff 949-510-4130 Concnlte & Masonry ~ MHO aoa1 •oo•' Hla1DCS 6 AOtilXl£lftl l •577982 949·837·56-42 ..... <•....,..."'" & ...... NI Trwdts, FIM Eatllmt•. 30 Vu ra Exp Ll337169 9'lH31 ·23AS Drywall ..... Dmtop Publishing TIMI TO llGIN YOUlHOMl IMPlOVlMlNT PltOJlCT? Cell a plumb.i pi inter. handymen, or any of the vut services listed h•r• In our service d111cto1yl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Electrical Services llactrlcol S..-.,lcH New, Remodel &. Rep111 ftH Est1m1le, JO Yun E11p L"'337169 949 631 23AS UCINSIO CONTUCTOll No job too sm. AJ arvieeSI Repair, remodel. fins, spa, ,_ SVC 949-645 · 36fi6 Garage Doors _.., .... Sprinkl~r, Drain, Plants & Lawn lnst~llation. Also Lighting . _ ...... _ ......... , .. Ganlenlna/ Landlcaplng .... ~Sl~S21l"'° Ou11n Plant, Pot Prop111t1on. Prun1ne £ll.Clllri rel• 949-51~ Tr•a S..-.,lce , Verd Cleenup, M1lnten1nce. Sprtnkler Rep1lr, H1ullna {949) '504711 Handyma!V HomeRtp1tr - RESTORE a REPAIR & REMODELING GENBAL IEPAll 611.GJ'fNANCE • ~ * ('AlmtllrCJll No Jof> Too Small Daweftamllton 94~321-1291 Handyman/ Home Repair ~H8ndymen f..,,,(Moen!. 'ttas.~ stucco M> flrxn ~doclrl.­r.aoo.o.' '*~'IQ SenQr dSCOll!' f1e lllt~e Cllt Jdwl 71 •-e36-8235 Hauling JUNl TO THI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAY• 949 6735566 Health & Beauty lo1a u, Ta 20llis pOt' Manthl Trrple your enerl)' Oftly su.t s C11tllu 94'·•4S-H 77 SELL your stuff through classified! n a a • ·-·-ans re whlWt1n, 1mm1c ~ nrg .... ,_d~ dnlTw, Sl4!m 71"'151.- .............. lS '00 luxu.-y Ith!. al UITI. cM>me hells. orw -. n;.,.,;..,, llS,'95 Mkn*D PC> 714·979-6m ,., • ._ '91 s-tr• GU Lille new, lo1ded 1uto. moonroof alloys, low 741< m1, S6SOO 714-751 2464 PHIWPSAUTO IMWS401 S.40f'l '97 Rere 6-'S1>1ed· VS low Mllesl (•18536) S24.980 Mil cuc n o c • .,,.. ••• Bl1ck/Bl1ck lthr only 45,000milu (#190041) $26,980 Chavy CoN atta Caupa't9 white wtbl1cll lothe1 only 321>. miln (•18797) $25,980 Jegvet XJa Sadan '98 Shtney bl1cll on black leather·tert1hed" (#188581 ) $32.980 Poncho loafer S '01 Only 2500 miles' f •ct ... ,, 8" wh11ls <•19123C> SH980 Acura NSX Tort• '00 Sp .. d yellow 121\ miles' Hurry! <•19005) S61 ,980 Hummer H2 'OJ Bl•ct< w bluk llhr 31< m11u1 fact win c•l9066C>S57 98000 Merca da1 Iona Sl500'96 8ta•k opal w cr•Y lthr lull power p1 e m1um whe~I\ c • 18849) S?J 9llO IMW 7SOll Spt. S..ton'OI Cosmos bl.ck w u 11d bet&t lothPt lull wartty 1<11 3 ') 1•19027 SSS 'lllO 8MW 7401 Se4-'98 Whit~ w ptt tu I u~m• lealh., urh fled 54k m110 (•18730) $27 98() IMW XS '02 Whtt• lat lo• v premium wheel 1•18920) $41 980 I MW ZJ ·c-v•t • Red w lmmacul1t• bluk llhr 5 •PHd <•187701 $12 9ilO ford h padltlan '99 ln•ded. n"e l1m1I~ SUV wh•te lov. miles 1•18794> Sl8980 9 49.574.7777 PHIWP5 AUTO llfl .na.c- MlscSeMces WINECEUAR REFRIGERATION ·~ .... Colll lJcl 239261 1-866-946-3257 TOU FREE Moving & smoe --------r,·-' [\Pr1THfii''l 1,1(), ~J', \ ',T('<,t.(,f Open 7 Daye low Ratet Stcnge Speolala Since 1981 949-645-4545 WANTID MOVlNOJOIS Smelt oll.a1ae 24 H-MeYlttt Svc Ca1Tl~2/lnsured 949·716·06!U 714·686-1300 llST MOVW SH /Hr "'vln1 111 clti.1. Insured last, court1tou1, cerelul Tl638M IOO 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cell!. Public Utthliu commlnlon requires th•I 111 used houuhold 1ooda mo11t ra rrlnt their P U.C Ce T nul!lbtf: ltmo1 ind cheulfeun print thtlr TC P. numw In t U ecfvw t111m.nt1 H yo11 hive tny i11utlon1 tlloul th• •1•llty of • mo1111, llmo of cht11ff111t, c1ll PU8· LIC Ul1LITl£S COM MISSION 714 H I · •151 .... a._ .... ,. 4.0 HE, 2811 ml. full l1ct W•rr. 61ack/t1n lthr, black plptna. b11ut 01t1 cond, S261995 v424238 hn ev•tl 8llr 949 586 1888 --.a c,.i.l.c•m ••"la aovw 't7 4 6 HS£. 60ll m1, metallic dark 1rHn, oatmul 11111. 18'' whls, fabulous cu fabulous cond, Sl8,495 fltm v•265124 fln/w1rr 1Va1I Bkr. 949 586 1888 S...... '9S SU Rtd, Sspd, 1m lm/Ct>/t1ss, tooks/ ~ &IJOd, $2475 ¥215847 CM 0.-Rk.twd 94&646-7822 '93 Duffy 21 O a.ssic NEW Green Surrxy &l Full End11su~ 0Sink, Cooler. &l Private Head M1111 Cvnd111011 $21 ,495 '93 Duffy 18 Whuc hulJ wuh NEW N:ivy ~unr)· Moahog;my Whcd,Excd1cn1 <.. ond111111 OoJy $13.250 l>clf'l'tl Electric Bo•t• Co. 2001° w. Pacific Coast Hwy (949) 645-6812 BOATS vw 1un1 '67 Naw paint, dutch, brakes. a PowerBoatl 9515 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES real class1cl $2900 080 lo1ton Whalor 1987 Pvt partv 714 754 7773 !Sit. Super Spo<t, 70hp Accessories SNUG TOP VW '99 PftHf GU Blue 4cyl tu•bo <D. ~ G '"'· bNut Sl2.995 till i'lill Oil c. 9IMi4& 7f!Il1. NEW2003 MINI COOPER! • LEASE FOR $249 pei morlh ~ ba Z at lt'tse term\ Ill' approvedaed1t • $2500 down, 36 month < Jo,ed end le He no u cu11tv depo,11 10 000 miles p11 yur ZOC pe1 m it tot ~A<.t\\ m.ff,, TC42218 TC41916 • LETS MOTO R! ITS FUN 55 fRUWAY @ E.DNGER ~H~AUlOll!All (888) 823-9808 AtJTOMOBllfS I MISC8..LAHEOUS Wanted 9045 CASH FOii CAllS We need yout car P•ld lo• 01 not Ph1lhpa Auto A~ lor M11lolm 949 !114 7177 Placr )OUr ad toda)! (94 9 ) Ml-56 7.!!._ I Painting Chung'• ..... 'll'm eq1 Great Pncel Guar1nleed work free est l •375602 714·S38 1534 7 390 294S ICl'S OISTOM PAINTING Prort. clNn. qu1hty work lnter!Ot/UI Ind doch l•703468949 631 4610 lAlNIOW OIQ.I MAINT P1rnt1n1-t'tt/ext. ~,tell Qu1hty iobl Fr H ashm1l1 l •S69897 714 636 8888 HOUSE RE.PAINTING a WOOD FtNlSHINC ~ I Cll\i!IQ OI MUJ......., PIP£ LOCAflHC ELECTRONIC SlA8 LEAA ontCt10N frltndly Service ,,, •• ,J.tl04 -~#ll'n Yam1h•. nn Ir i;1lr1 $5,700 949 724 1810 Dwfty o..lc 1996 l!WI tUltlr .,.., top. ~. sterao/cd Crut Cond S8XX>r'obo 714 2'.l3-9700Jl.25 Wanted 9045 ~ o,.-4 De* 0-40 y.-~ u.pl ... pay I ~ fM' prtu lo. yoll CM Ven U1 lhO p;ord b or not c.-Qocl. Rey c@ Tom.to A.Ito 5*!. 7 n- Ul 1931 or 714 J2B ll28 SELL your stuff through classified! noo xru CAI, TOYOTA TIUQ, PAID S&OO srusso 114.374-1793 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 968( SUPS AVAILAlll Newp .. r I "" ""' Ln t I I<><. rr ~ , • .,. · ,,,., N 1 • I •bvard\ 'M'I 1)7~ I ~/ JOit ltfNT S11.u • PflY .. lt " .. , G• ... PLU G IN PltJg into thf· Pilot C la~s1t1ed st-c t•'>" t • find SPIVICes frurn t>lt>nronrc.s clrld plumt>Ers, to landsc.apers .. mcJ painters Daily Pilot Plumbing b ,ar1 Drain Claonln9 Plumbina 11pa11•. over 2Syu op All wo1ll p · ....,., Sl8¥I 714 54!>-8298 HOMlST & UASOH.UU PLUMBER Lll506586 Fr• £stl Sm r~ ocm;u o.c 714-Zlr> 9150 rttlCfSl PUJMllNO Ropalrs & Remodelina FREE ESTIMATE L"'687398 71• 969 1090 1"8 Neighborhood PlumlMrl OIAIN a SIWll -:.° Q..lAIMG lltCW.IST TWtEDY fllUMINNG 949-645-2352 -.. Rooft~utlln R. C. J. R-fln.: Company I :m:• a1n9 tn A• .,.P' • ltooftft9, ~mo. ~..,. 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