HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-09 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotINSIDE THE PILOT LIFE& LEISURE The Coast Aquarium Society of Costa Mesa meets monthly to discuss everything about fish. The group brings together the young and old. the veteran and novice hobbyist ALSO: Karen Wight shares the hidden treasure that 1s the woman behind thE; newly-opened Patina See Page A5 COMMUNITY FORUM City Editor James Meier sits down with new Newport Beach Councilman Watkin' Don' Webb to discuss the swrtch from public w orks employee to elected official. See Page A9 SPORTS Anteaters post 20-point victory over rival Fullerton in Big West Conference basketball See Page 81 SUNDAY EDITION •• • 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FEBRUARY 9, 2003 SUNDAY STORY Tom Jones, a world champion kickboxer who trains in Costa Mesa, is intent on helping others win the fights he's had. n extreme • PHOTOSBYSEANltLLER DAI YP!LOT ABOVE: Tom Jones shows his speed and flex1b1hty dunng a training session at L.A. Boxing m Costa Mesa TOP RIGHT: Tom Jones runs wmd sprints between hfeguard towers on his home turf m Hunbngton Beach. Lolita Harper. Oi!lly Pilot I ''JI\ Jiii .11 \\t•d,d,I\ lllOrtllll).! ,.111d 111111 J111w' r1·.id1t•\ h1111wll Im IJ1, d.uh rou11111 I It• 1, .111u11.1,,111111ng111.111 \\Illa .1 ln<tlrl,lrl'<llll lliilllt' lif ol\I r.t).!1 lte1gl11 .111d huild Ht· 1·111t•r, I \ B11\111i.: .1~'\111 tr1 ,m.111 ( IJ'lit ~h·,.1 drt•,•t•d Ill lmglll H0lh1\\ ~u ~h11\lnr ,11, ''" .111d .1 hood1•d ww.1:,t11n 111 t 1111111..t• lw. P"H" 111111"' .1 I hm1111,.,'11111 lk.1111 fl''>tdt•fll, q1111 l..I\ dl,Jll'l\1'' l)ll' ll\U,1( pk.t"tlll o,.il111.111011-. .mt.I 1111 11 ),!l'h do\\11 111 bu"n''" 111-. l lu.1l..1·tl fr,11111' blt·11d' 111111 1h1 h.i11..drop (II d1111·1h ot h.1ng111g h1 I\\ lug' .111d ht 1\011h 1h1 u,u,tl t hJl11·r 1ha1'11rr1111111f.,111111 I It g11t'' \ trtu..ilh un1101111'tl 111111l 1ht 1h11111l1•r111"" 1111<1 nl h1-. l..11 k 1, lw.ird ,111.11 l..mr .. r.1111,r till "11td ll•,tllh'r h,tg \\ llh I oil h llllllt,11111)! I fJl ~. font'' u11h"1"ht'' J t..'llllllr,11 '>f11111d .amt h1·.11I' wrn H111 lht .to \t'Jr .,(d d111•,1111.m• \\h1>" 11r 1,111 lo11l..111g I h' t,u 1· '' ''"rr1,1111l111m 1·111r.111·d f fl, dnH·" uml'lr111111g I It· 1, hl..1• .1 111.it ht1H'. producing pur11,l11ng l..I\ ...... .ti .111 ,1,t11111,11111g [hll I' Ill' hd' ol ioh 111 do .111d Ill' \\1111 I lw d1•.tr.it t1•d SAVING A HARD LIFE C llht'r fi1111·" t•n1l111'"''" 1.1111 hl'lp h111 ll't'I 1111t'r111r J' 1 ht·\ oh'l·n 1• J11n1·' 1111\ 1l'ld111g tlt•term111,1t11111 Hu1 h" ngorou' v.0~11u1 dot',n't t'\t'll lll'h'ln 111 1l'll hio, 0,1111"\ In till' mad't 111 th1' m11dt·,1 < "''J :l.1e'>J )..'\'IJl 1r.1111-. ,1 mJn \\ho ha., hH·d thmu"~h 1he 111110M)..'ln.1hlt•, .1nomph,ht·J 1h1· 11n1x,..o,1hl1 .111J drt>.mwd 1tw 1d1·.1l I rom dll ouh1dt• per-.1w1 ll\t', h10, hn11al ao, .... 1uh-. 1111 th1• h1·av\ hJg .,, rl'am ol \1ol1·nu· hu1 111 n·alt1~ 11Mr11.il ,in, .md uim1w1111n· fighting h..i.' he('n h1' -..1)\alum Imm .1 hit• ot 1M111 ")had .i h,1rd lift'." foll{''.,..,.., mat1er-of-fac1lv I mm lht· Jg1· of Ii. Jo n<"-hvt•d al the \.ta'>Orm I lomc for Uuldn·n 111 ( O\.llla 11 wa.'> 111 tha1 orphana~e lhJI fom·-. n•n.•1ved ht' mlormaJ fi~hung lr.uning I ~ot an a 101 of figh1-.. • ht> '>illd A lot • lhmg the rngt• life had given tum a.c; fuel. Jone. dropped ou1 of '4 hvof and emb.lned on a See EXTREME. Pa1e M TOP STORY COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Joining a dance through history Enjoy the peaceful council meetings Fo lkdancing group lets visitors experience the traditions of various cultures. Christine C•rrlllo Daily Pilot The Laguna Folkdancers transformed the gym at Ensign Intermediate School ln New· port Beach Saturday lnto a stage for strangecs, friends and farnllles to gather hand ln hand and dance. From Balkan to Turidsh dances and a number of other lntemadooaJ da.ncea lil be· twttn. the Laguna Folkdancers welcomed people from oelgh-bofinl dties. ooundee and st1te1 to the 33rd annual fe.dval to ebowcale their folk danrinc talent.I and ewn acquire some new ones. As part of the three day event. which ends today. par- ciclpants get the cham.e to delve into a variery or cultures. "It brings so many different typeS of people together ... haring different cultures afld different experiences," s4ld Ah met Luled, wh<>i now ln his early 40s, h been teaching Turkish folk dancing Ince the age of 15. •Folk danclng I dil· femtt than what people think. It' Just 1 matter or opening people' minds. .. Once o~. peopkl can't SM OMCI, hp A7 ~ t«.LfR /OM.Y Pl.OJ Gene Schachter of Lona Beach, left, and Maggie ~ar. ot Los Angeles, jOll the La&una Folkdancers Festival SaV-day to learn a Macedonian style of dance cbq a workshop held at Ens.gn Intermediate School in Newport Beach. I ntere.,nng story about the mayor and the c1ry council thb ~ek. No. neither or our . It happt'nl"d in South Gate at last Monday' ory councU mttting. Do you know whett Sowth Gate i f No one el does either. nie only way you'd end up In South PETER BUFFA Gate I ary U W tt on the l.ong Brach Preeway (a rto nuatil to begin with) and you ran out or nudway betwwn Long ~ach and downtown L.A. What doet any of th ha to do with us? I will tell you Over the years. whenever someone says a ciry council mttting in Newpon Beach or Co ta M got OUl 0£ hand, I fight hard to kttp a tnigtu race and exhibit a erious and respectful demt>aoor. I uggcst. quietly, that lf they think publlcm un m par are wild and ~ooly, th really need to In an ~mn1 In other oty counril chambe Compared ------------ -- -• ,. . . .. .. A2 Sunday, February 9, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH Team Newport raised $40,000 in 2002 campaign Team Newport, a new slate mailer organiz.ation that produced campaign literature for four candidates, began collecting money the day after the last preelect,ion finance reporting period ended. The group spent about $40,00o to produce'mailers for Tod Ridgewdy, Gary Adams. r~m Webb and Bernie Sval.,tad. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne A1rpon. She may be reached at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.cssagrdnde n /aumes com ENVIRONMENT County moves water lab to Newport Beach Alrno'>I c;ix month!. after Newpon Beach official~ gave them the rugs, the Or.111ge County ~uperviM>r.. moved their water-quality lt-:.ting lab to Back Bay. At i1-. luc~ay meeung. the board ..tppro\'l'U movmg the lab from a Santa '\na governmenl building to an offite traill!r cm Shcllmaker Island. l\lembt>rs of the I leaJth Care Agency will now be able IO proces.<. water '><lmpfe., do.,er to the areas that roulmely fl'lQ'>ll'r with bacterial 11utbrl'tlb. 1111:' trailer will cost the rnunr}' $I !J,53!1 per year. Some utilities \.\ill he p..11d by Newpon Beach. • PAUL CLINTON C011ers the environment, business and politics He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul clmton a lat1mes com COSTA MESA Counci I wi II reconsider Home Ranch rht' $:.!. nullinn I lonw Hanch ecJucalion i.,rnull 1!. hom('ft•,., again a., the C11y Council dl>cld<'d Monday to hold a rehearing on how 1lw lund!> should best tw dl'>tributf'cJ. Prc111ou~ly, the rnundl had decided on two foundation-. that dtd not have to ab1dt' by the B11M11 Att. the state's open meeting law But Mayor Karen Robinson mi~d the vote and <l'>kcd for the rehcanng mamJy lx.'<.<1use she believes tl1e fnundauon'i .. hould have to adhere to thl' '>tnct opt•11·meeting law The counnl \\.111 hl'ar th(' 1<,<,ue ahr.un Feb. 18. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa M esa and may be reached at !949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at de11dre newman a /al/mes com PUBLIC SAFETY Threats to shcri ff lead to Costa Mc..,a man·~ arrest A fomwr Nrwport I larbor High -.1udent criurally inJUf'('d in a traffic accident on lrvtnt' Av<'nue five year" ago WU'i arre'>ted on Sunday on suspicion of thrt'atening to lo.II Orange County ..,henll Mike C.arona Daniel Town..end, 2J, wa., 18 years old when a Clwvy Rl;v.(•r loadt>d with JO 1eens overtumed on livine Avenue. lown'>end <1nd Ii year old Amanda Arthur ~ullered hmm lllJUnt~ and were in cnt1cal c:ond11ton after the accident, which killed tJw1r fnend !Jonny Bndgman, 18 On Sunda). '>hcrifh deputie<. arrested Townsem.I 111 1o; Lo-.1a \.1csa home for aJJ(•gedly telling two of h1<, friend-; that he wa.<, go1n1-1 to lilJ C .arona and also for threa1e111ng 10 ~111 d lnend\ mother earlier. Towno;end '-. family maintain' that he has a mental dine<.'> and needs care and treatmenl. I le· ,., hc111g held without bail in Orange< .ounty jail. In other new-., Newport Beach Police ____ EK IN REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK VIEW FROM THE OTHER SIDE' Covering breaking news is routine. It's the nature of the business. Being a witness to many awful incidents. you try not to get utvolved It's pretty much one sided. You respond, you shoot and you leave. With t1us tactic you try and forget the events you witness. It keeps you sane. SEAN HIUER I DM.Y P!l.Ol myself. HI was there, I was at the scene.· This wa.-. an unusual siruation to be in. Luclcily 1 onJy witn~ the wrecked motorcycle. I never saw Jesse. This made ll easier to cover the story. To be on me other side of a tragedy is anything but routine for me. I felt privileged to be welcomed into their borne and given the opportunity to learn more about Jesse. It was amazing to see how WlSdfish this family was to take such a terrible event and use It to fuel a quest to shake up the rules and safety standards of the motorcycle world here in California. with hopes of saving families from experienong the same tragic lo-..<;. A few weeks ago I ~ ~igned to photograph Le.lie Robheun who lost her son in a motorcycle acodent and was on a mis.c;ion to educate people about the difference between saJe helmets and ones that don't meet 'Mlfety standards. While searching her van for a ponrait of her !>On, Jes.<.e. 'he began to de.cribe tJ1e accident and ill. location. A<, I held the 8-by· IO photograph a chill ran down my spine. It aU ~med too famiJiar. The pieces of the punle began to fit. I thought to ENTERTAINMENT Center expansion breaks ground amid fir~works Costa Mesa took a dramatic step toward nauonal notoriety last week as the Orange County Performing Arts Center broke ground on its $200-miUion expansion project that will bring Orange County to the fo refront of the arts scene. Maestro Carl St. Oair directed -Sean Hiller 1he massive bulldozers in a dazzling array of choreography. as each machine 1urned over the first .. oil of the landmark project. The performance was highlighted by an. exploi.1ve fireworks display that rained !.hards of light acros'i the organized de-;truction. The new 2,00Q.c;eat Renee and I lenry Segerstrom Concert I fall and 500-seat Samuell music theater will cover 260,000 square feet and feature a multilevel grand lobby space. a private donor lounge, rehear'>al rooms, dressing room~. a mu-.ic library, a restaurant, an adjustable acoustical canopy and adju'>table reverberation chambers, all enclosed within a glass-cunain DON LEACH I DAILY PtLOl Fireworks illuminate the sky where the $200 million Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall broke ground for the first ma1or expansion project next to Orange County Performing Arts Center since 1986. is looking for a man who reponedly anacked a 21 ·year·old female janitorial worker in an office building Wednesday night. Police <;aid the woman was cleaning a restroom when the man approached her from behind with a handgun and sexually a..<.sauJted her. The man is reponedly in his early 30.,, about 5 feet and 10 inches weighing about 165 pounds with curly brown hair and was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. exterior. Center officials have described the renovated arts area as a meeting of the I jncoln Center. Carnegie I fall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Broadway. all just across the street from each other. City leaders have anticipated • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491 574 4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath <a latimes.com. EDUCATION Student pushes for prom at Middle College High Senior Crystal Nay tries to organl7.e Cor11I Wilton the project and the arts district 1t would cceate. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the ans. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at /of/ta harper aJ/at1mes com th0e first ever prom at Orange Coast Middle College High School Looking for help £tom the community, Nay hopes to ralse enough money to give the student.s at the high c.chool a dance they'll never forget •CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at chrlstine.canillo<a latimes.com. NOTABLE QUOTABLES 'Whal that means is insuw.J of liaving 15 peopll! with lndl!peruimt minds, you wind up with five three-~ beasts-a cowlCilperson wlw mn control absolutely wluu Ofli' planning commissioner and one parts commissioner says. bea:w.se if they don't do it. they mn rum tlwrn ~ They don'r luwl a reason.,. -Geoff Well. Costa Mesa resident. in opposing the Qty CDundl's appl"OYed plan to individually appoint com.miss1on memben; "Jn order ro 8f!1 ti 1 is money. the residents of lOsUJ Mesa are payit1g a tiery high pria. I think it's [air to know how the rrwney slwuld bf> spenL" -Sandra c.am. Costa Mescftes1den1 and fonner counolwuman. on u~ng the ~ta Mesa City Council to reqwre two foundations <;et up to clivide I Jome Ranch money "It's nm aJJ about money In my f"Oa, tlwrt uru ti third mndJdaJe and dial's wluu did it. If thne hadn't been a third autdidale. NiclwJs wouldn't htwt> won. -Ben*~the former Newport Beach (.J 1y Council candidate who far out raised winner Dick Nichols. on why he ~till lo'>t in the faJJ elecuon /liar's uihal I tms abU> ro ~. t/wrefol"P tlw\ wliaJ I spent. You lnolt1 whRn you'l"f! a start up autdulat~ running for offia for tlw first ,;,.,.,,, yot1 usually don't lwtlf' as many aduantages as otlu>r CllJUJulaU>.s. <.mss roots suppon rmlly llRl/11'rl mP auL .. -Allan Mar.oor. Costa Mesa councilman. on his surprise victory in the fall \...osta Mesa Qty Council election ~ isn'r a thing I would halJlt doM differmlly aapt mcourage ~ pt0pk to 8f1 out and IJOle. It's unfortunau thLU $()many pro~~ so patriotic and feel so strongly for this country but dury don't pmctia L10ting H -Unda Dbon. fonner Costa Mesa councilwoman, on losing in the fall election Daily A Pilot News osa1stont, 1949) 574 4298 co;o1 w1/sonr11 /at1m11s com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright: No news storl&S, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 40 THOMAS H JOHNsoN Publisher TONVDOOERO Edrtor JUDY OETT1HG A.dwrt111ng Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions D1rec1or EDmNG STAff S.J. C.hn Man9g1ng Editor. (949) 57• •233 t./ cahn latt#TlfHI com JameaMelet City Ed11or, (9491 764-4324 }a,,,.~<· latlmos cnm Roger C.rfton SPortl Editor, (IM9) 574 4223 rQQM Cllfllon • lllt/mnl!I""" JoMJ Slln&ot Art 01r9Ctor I Newt 0.tc Ch .. f. (949) 574 4224 }ol#l.untofl ~""*com StiwitMtenlM Photo SuS*Vltl()(, 1949) 1M-'358 ttn photo Ultim..com \ NewsEditon Gino Alexander, Lon Anderson. Paul Sa1towitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF O...,.SNlmh Cnme and courts reporter, (9491574-'226 dltepa bharath~latimes com June Cuagnlllde Newport ~ach reporter, l!MSI 574-4232 1une.C8sagrande(if/11tlmes com PeulCNnton Polltlcs and environment reporter, (949) 764-4330 pau/.c/ln1on latim1111.com Lortt.Harper Columnist, culture reporter, (949) 574 .... 276 loJit11.haf'P'KOlat1,,..._com O.W... Newm.n ea.ta Mesa repone<, (949) 57U2.21 c#lrd,...rwwman lat.imM com CtMtldne Canlto Education rePQttar, 19491 574 42el d>MtlM t:MrllloOl11t1nw.r:om Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (9491 642-6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news llPI Addrea Our addreu 1s 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mou, CA 92827 Office hOurs are Monday ~iday. 8 30 • m 5 p.m Conect6onl It It the Pilot'• potlcy to promptly correct 111 e1Ton or 1ubstanoe . Please cell (949) 784-432'- FYI The Newport a..chlCoat• M ... Daily Pilot (USPS 144,.8()()) 11 published daily, In Newpon a..c:ti and Cotti Mesa, 1ul»crlptlone ,,. tvallable only t>v 1ubecriblng co The Tlme1 O~ng• Couoty (800) 252-9141. In area• outaldO of ~n 8e¥il Ind Cotti M .... tubecr1ptiont lO the Delly Pilot ire tvlillble onty by f1t1t clMs matl IOf S30 per month. (P,. lnclud49 .. I epplJceble ltlhl Ind lo<* ll••) POSTMASTE.A: Send lddtMa c"-ngee to Tht N9wpoft ~~Deity Pilot. PO. HOW TO REACH US Cin:ulatlon The Tlmes Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~ C1anlfiM (9491 M2-5678 Dlsptay (949) 642-4321 EditOfW Newl (949) 842-5680 Sporta(!M9)574-4223 ,._. Fe• (8"&9) M&-4170 Sports Fe• (949) 650-0170 f-meif: dalfypllottll•tlm..oom MelnOMM ...... Offto9 (949) 642-4321 au....,.. (949) 831-7126 Publlttwld by T"'* Commuolty Newt,• dhlllion of the Lot~ Tl met. WEATHER FORECAST 11'1 8)(pected to be sunny with patdly clouds today. Highs will be In the high 60s with lows in the low llOs. Monday ls looking like it will be sunny and pleaaant with highs in the mid 70.. It may rain again Tuesday. lnfonnetion: www.nws.noa•.(IOV BOATING FORECAST The wlndt will blow It 10 to 16 kno1-In the Inner watert today, With 2· to 3-foot wav .. and a wett awefl of 6 to 8 fMt. ~ W8vet will bulld. foot tonfgm, though in.~· will b.c* down. Out t.~r. the wtndl wtll .a.a blow 10 to 16 knats, wfU\ 2· to 3-foot W1W1 Ind a west swell of 6 to 8 feet. SURF Swefla will be waist· to chm-high -they ahould be lncreaalng atn by the eftemoon. The next northwest swell eniv•a Monday. providing ut some chest· to ahoulder-hlght. w...r...-v: www . .urfrlder.org TIDES The 2:331.m. 1C>'.A3e.m. 6:37p.m. 7:48p.m. Height 4.16 feet high l42feetlow 2.6fffthlgh 2.48'"1 low WATER TEMPERATURE 68dtgf'Me Da1lyP1101 AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 w. Bay St, Costa Mitsa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available et www.dsilypilot.com. TODAY ·so end Better Dance Group" will have their dance from 1 to 5 p.m .• starting with dance lessons. Then, a live band will play. The cost is $10. The dance will be at The Holiday Inn, 3131 S. -Bristol St., Costa Mesa. TUESDAY A wortcshop on "Selling Techniques that Work;' will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY The Corona del Mar Business Improvement District is looking for community participation and committee members to form a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Corona del Mar in 2004. The public is invited to attend an initial brainstorming meeting 7 p.m. at Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. To make reservations or forward ideas, call (949) 675-0501. A free seminar called "Nutrition and Cardiovascular HealthH will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St • Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. ·create a PerM>nal Brand and Increase Business" is the subiect for the Newport Beach Chamber of Commetce luncheon held at noon at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The cost 1s $20 for members with a reservation and $25 for all others at the door. For more information. call (949) 729-44-00 THURSDAY A business solutions wortcshop called HContract Legalese Should I or Shouldn't P" will cover how to wade through the MlegaleseH of contracts It will be presented from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 623--8247, or visit www 1cforange country.org/evenrs The International Coach Foundation of Orange County w ill present ·People Power Skills" from 6:30 to 8:30 p m at the Wyndham Hotel tn Costa Mesa For more mformation call 1949) 623-8247, or 111s1t www.1cforangecountry org events. A free seminar called "Your Child's Health" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa For reservations call (800) 595 M OMS GeJI Carson Levine's ·The 1Wo Princesses of BamarreH will provide a springboard of discussion during the Mother·Oaughter Book Club meeting at 7 p.m . at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., NewPort Beacti. For more informatio n, call (949) 717-3816. SATURDAY A computer fair will be held et the Orange C.ounty Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults is $5, for children younger than 10, tree. For more information, c;;ill (800) 800-5600. The UC Irvine Albore1Um's annual.Winter Orchid Show, #Prelude to Spring;' will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UCI Arboretum on the UCI North Campus. Admission is $2 per person. Children and members get in for free. For more information, call (949) 824-5833. •An Evening of Ionesco,# lea1uring ~veral short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repert6ry Theatre Company in the Orama Lab Studio today, Sunday and Feb. 22 and 23. Show times are 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays. Tickets cost $6 in advance, S7 at the door. For more info""ation, call (714) 432-5640. ext 1. A worbhop called ·Divorce: A New Beginningq is being offered for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced. It will take place from 10 a.m . to 12·30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more information. call (949) 644-6435 ·spring Lawn Care· will be discussed at Sherman Library and Gardens In Corona del Mar at 9·30 a m Free. For more information, call (9491673-2261 A seminar on #How to Start and Manage Your Business.· will be held from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa The $40 fee includes materials For more information, call ( 714) 550-7369. FEB. 18 ·How to Send the Most Effective E mails" is the sub1ect for the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce business referral breaktast that will take place at 7.30 am. at The Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newpon Beach. The CQSt 1s $17 for members with a reservation and S22 for potential members at the door For more information. call (949) 729-44-00 Eleanor Cooney reads from and signs UOeath in Slow Motion: My Mother's Descent 1f1tO Alzheimer's ff at 6;30 pm. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St.. Suite 2400, Costa Mf'sa For more information, call (714) 689 2665 A free seminar called "Is Zing the Missing Link7" will be held from 6 30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Re ·b·e··I " ux Jeans Juicy Couture Seven • Diesel Theory• Trina Turk W omyn •Joie James Perse 249 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach 949-840-7300 1528 Montana Avenue Santa Monica 310451-3699 Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. LOOKING BACK FEB.19 The Newport Rib Co. and ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant 20% o f the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families in Orange County. The restaurant is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more information, call (949) 515-3815, ext 231. Hardly a better hardware story Wright's h as b een in its Costa Mesa location for more than 80 years, a nd lo ng-timers are keeping it busy. A free seminar called "HeeJlng A ll-Stars" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MO.MS. Ross King presents and signs #Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling ff at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St, Suite 2400, Costa M esa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program ff hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 3333 Bristo l St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. For reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5076. FEB.20 The public is invit.ed to meet Adeline Yen M ah, author of "Falling Leaves,H #Chinese Cinderella .. and "Watching the Tree, .. at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FEB. 22 A w ortcshop on "Understanding International Trade" w ill be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369 Lolita Harper Daily Pilot I t sils off the major boulevard now. w_ith faded paml and a lackluster interior. But the memories created at Wright's 1 lardware in Costa Me~ have not diminished with time. The hardware More. which now speciall7.es le5.\> tn hardware and more in nuts and bolts, machinery and consignment, was opened in 1932 by the Wngh1 family of Cosca Mesa. At the tim~. the mode!>! 1>1ore had pnme window front~ on the busie-,1 thoroughfare in the city - Newport Boulevard. It wru. dubbed the "U do 11" headquarters and hou-.ed prn;une ail>le'> of tool.,, hardware, firewood, parnt. plumbing. elettrical and war <,upplie'>. Ir wa!.> the place to .. hop, 111siders i.ay. If you couldn't find it ac Wright\. you couldn't find it anywhere. Many of the city'!> ungmal homes. which dt!>played unparalleled craftsmamhip. were build with material., from Wnghh, 'aid manager ~n Camm. And before the ad\ent of I tome Depot and other large I cha.in hardware '>tores, Wright\ flourished a<, a neighborhood 'ta pie The Wright family lived 111 a humble Co-.ia Me~ home when mo-;t 1Jf the road!> were .. ull covered tn dirt Original .00 % Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED I TY l°''>I RI I> I H 1•1 l"l I°' 449) 5XX-571 \1.:cur.1lt.: a' 111 It~ II~ ~IMI' Pcndll\ l1•r l Jrll \.\1thJ1.1" U.m~ Ft.:n \l,n R.:t.Jun· r .llOIO~' '"I ( lflcr r .. \l'll ..... unllc' \JHIM)U I 1m11 : ,,, .. ;, /\nnu.d l'.:rccn1.1~' 'nclJ un R.inl.. \ f DI( l11'ur.:J '"" I IJ Ptu, r 1Jl'111\ ( .t\h l'.I\ men I \1 fn,qit111n /\nnu111c' Jl,11 11ffrrnJ l-11..kht~ .10J J [P I .tm11\ ( ,l.llc fn,ur.111<"e '>entc<.:' jl 1<"•tt< ~114Yl """\ Mo.:mll\:r, 111 Federal , lk~ll fn,urdOH' C'orporatmn INDEPENDENT SERVICE • PART Lingerie • Wigs• Shoes• DVD's• Videos Flavored lotions• Cords• Adult Toys Adult Gift Wrap • And More! Lotions & Lace One Stop L•ve Shop Hours: Mcn-llu .10-~. Fri·Sat 10-10 . Sm 11~ ... ...,.. .... 6912..,.., /we.. (1~1:~ ...... 1'60 .. lwe.. Ao.. tr... K Mort C71 ~ 97'"3539 Wright's Hardware has served generations of Costa Mesa residents. many of whom won't go anywhere else owner H.W. Wnghl openl'd 111., hu'>tnC'>.'> in a Litnl' ""hen l111ft· '>urrounded it 011 :'-.ewpon Boulevard but large tret-., .ind ~mall c;cructure'> Wright\ boa,ted Jll allrat lt\1· <,tore front, \\1th il bm:k entryway. large. p1l tonal wtndow'> and bright rc·d ''Wh I hl' H l yt'ar old h11 ... 1m--.. ., 1-. <,ltll rn the la1111I\ .111d ,., IHI\\ owned by ).{rami-.t1n ktf \\ngh1 It!.> exterior h,i-. f.iclt:d .rnd ttw rnam hu1ld111g rnowd off thl' '>trip l he 11Ht•r111r I'> m"i.mg 1h retaJl fed .ind 110\\ look., lilc.1· .i11 111du.,1nal V<tfll't\ ..,lorl' \foc,t peoplt> gu tu large ch<~n~ for your .JH•ragt· h.1mmer. or -..1 rt'wdn\ er'> but long· ltrner-. -..111! knov. In 111!.tl \\right' whl'n 1h1·~ <lft looktn~ 1<,i 1·xdu ... 1H· llem.., \\t• ,1111 ha\1• IOO \l~<lf ohJ 1111'11 \"\IHI rt'f\l'>(' 111 go a/l\"\'\hl•fl' t+"-het .•ll't' th1•\ ~11<1Y. we will .ll\.\o<t\''o h.t\ t \\h,11 f h1•\ J)t't:d ( .1111111 .... 1111 • LOOKING BACI< run'> SL.nrlays 0 • l Ju •rn w .1 d P>'"i' r. pld<.e H l'v><nt thdl o ... ~,...rv•·s d h1'StOr•c.a ... oo~ Ba& 7 LF<t ,., 1<now Cr ntdC1 JJmes Me .... r l1y •J~ 11 '.:M9 64t 4 170 ,. ma 1 "' ldn'"tP'i m-...tpr dhM~') ... l1rn Of mdil her a~ r:.o 0d1!y P 1 t :now Bay St. (r,-,Td M~'>d ':A 92627 , .. •SA . FULL BAR !t'\~: aDmt•mwn-t;, - HO PASSPORT IS HEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9•9·645·7626 COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Imports & Dome"itic • 30k-60k-lJ()k ~crviu." Trans Flush-Coolant Flu\h • ln1ecrinn 1'\lf\ IC<. Carbureror Rehuilding • ( ;rms Pollutc.:r Repairs Acae1co Motorcran Com1*te OEM Aeplecemei1t Auto Pans tor M Maka$ and &rands Same Owner Sinu /965 38 Years In Cosu1 Mnn Bendix Brakes TBE CARBURETOR SHOP INC •• •v , ti 294 5 Randolph i\\T [\m111l ~ BJl..~ri .~"l~ ~ 949.642.8286. 714.5 56.2181 i:tt I ' E E-mail: LJrbp.irrc-,C!.£ theLarb~hup.com u.if. ~· . ~ HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? ~ RO LEX ..... 3.A06-1 VIO ()pofto, ~Wport ~ 949-673*933A '· . ,, . M Sunday, February 9, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • 11th SbMt: A man w.. arre8ted on suspicion of burgt~ In 1he 300 blodt et 7:66 p.m. Friday. • 111h S1Nlt: A woman was ammed on suspicion of aaault with a deadty • we,ipon after lhe allegedty bit a man In the 100 blod( at 7:13 p.m. Friday. • eongr... S1rMI: A residential burglafy was reported lh the 900 blodc at 10:10 p.m. Thursdby. • N9wport BoelllWrd: A man was anested on auspicion of assault and ba~ In 1he 2200 blod( at 4:12 p.m. Friday. • Pl9centl9 .,.,_,.end w.t Wleon StrMt AA Injury accident WU reported at 5:24 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • 32nd S1rMt end Ocem1 Front w..t: Petty theft was reported at 8:59 a.m. Saturday. • Coast Highwlly East end PolnMtda Avenue: A hit and run Involving a par1ced vehicle was reported at 7:56 a.m. Saturday. • Mllrinen Dmw. Vandalism was reported In the 2100 bk>dc at 11:20 a.m. Saturday. • NalciAus Awnue: A vehicle theft was reported in the 500 blodc at 12.-02 p.m. Saturday. • Newport BouteYwd: A physical fight was reported In the 3000blodcat1:10 a.m. Saturday. • Ocean Heights Drtve: AA animal brte was reported in the 100 blodt at 8:47 a .m. Saturday. -.,...~---· EXTREME Continued from Al professional fighting career at 16. As he aged, he fought more, drank. more and began abusing drugs. Jones even spent some time in jail. About seven years ago, Jones had an epiphany. He was • self-destructitlg and It had to stop. Through will, therapy and faith, Jones kicked his bad habits and began to train in the martial arts. He aJso met his wife, Brandi, who be says bas provided him with enormous amounts of love and rrust. He bolds two world titles ln ldckboxing and three U.S. titles in Thai boxing. He and Brandi also have an energetic 2-yeac-old son, Noah, who has already mastered front and roundhouse kicks. ul'm all proud," Jones said sheepishly of his son. But it wasn't enough for Jones to tum bis bwn life around. He had 10 make sure he made a difference in the lives of others. The iron-willed fighter started an extreme running campaign to eradicate child abuse. He garnered private sponsorships tq run insane distances to raise money for child abuse prevention organizations. lie h~ run the length of California - t .250 miles from Oregon to Mexico -three times, and run across the United States - trekking an average of 26.2 miles per day-in 121 days. lie ended chat coast-10-coast run with a nice jog through the New York Marathon. As a result of his outrageous itinerary. Jones has raised m ore than $500,000 for various organizations, such as Orangewood Children's Foundation. which raises money for the county's emergency chiJd sheller. AN INSPtRATION STORY Jones invests not only his "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 -9 PM .,_,...... ._ ....... ~·---3423 VIA (() 3601 E CXlAST HOfNAY 7955 E CDAST IGNVAY 949.723.0707 949.675.4100 949.715.1117 -----------1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I . -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE I COU•'ON './OJ \/AUD ;lrfT•• ""-' OT>-.EA OH!oRISP{cDA-PARTI(" PAT•• _.1QR~S • '""-' U"-'T c:.t-E CXJlPON P\':A CIROEA A t """ • ..... t..v A~• vJ..JST .".,1£"~ COJPCJl'.,I AT T1""11£ OF OAOEn .. COU<'CJN U<~S "E0PuAAV 14 2003 __. ---------.---~-- MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC • Dain Rauscher 'lb Set an Appointment. Please cal/ LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Nt·wpon Center Drive, Suite 900 Newpon Beach. U1 92660 (949) 720-8901 lantz.beO@rbcdaln.com • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE• VINYL FLOORING -~~!~ t .f,,,fo!..i.:.) SOI.ARIAN ~ALA~ 3/.-SOUO EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER s44e from 1Qt -$14~~ Travertine 1s· x 1s· .......................................................... '4.21 "'*- Cefamic Ttle ...................................................... /llStllld m '4.11 111 t L.arnNte ~ ................................................. i1111!1etJtcrn '4.11 ~t ·-, _ _.._,,.,._ ' money but his time to help other troubled children by going and talking to them, sharing his story and Inspiring hope in their lives. He tries to steer them from the path of destruction that many are on. ·1all is full of people who weren't able to rum a bad thing lnto something positive,· Jones said. "I try to help people that are struggling with that same situation." Jones lives a very disciplined life. The word "extreme" characrertzes· not only his fighllng and running style, but his lifestyle. f le has turned from abusive and destructive drug addiction to an extremely nourishing diet full of leafy greens, pro1ei11, barleys, legumes. oats and grains. "I've almost blocked eating out of my mind because it is so bland," he said. "I just do it for performance and dream about the day I can eat Oreos. • He is constantly being evaluated by medJcaJ professionals to make sure he is not getllng anemic or too low on body fat. After falling W from not having enough adipose tissue, Jones said he toils 10 keep some fat on his body. PHOTOS BY S£AN HILLER I DAil ¥ PllOl Like father hke son: Tom Jones' 2-year-old, Noah, has mherrted his father's high energy and is already learning some moves of his own. "I have all the challenges people wish they had, but aren't willing 10 pay for,· Jones said. This year, he is issuing a worldwide challenge to run the San Diego marathon in the summer and immediately afterward come to blows in a five-round Muy TI1ai fighl -a r;naralhon exercise in itself. Jone!> b being sponsored by big-name backers such as Nilce. lyonix and 24 I lour Fitness. "I'm M'tting out 10 do the 1mpo....,1ble for the fifth time.· Jon~ said " rm pretty confident I won't find anyone wilhng 10 do both. In that event. I will run the marathon and fight someone fresh." It I'> the upcommg Muy Thai brawl tha t has Jones spending hour. upon houn. al LA Boxing Melber You Buy or Lease ... in Costa Mesa. fhere, he Ir.Un'> with prof~ional kick boxer Sean McCully and profes..<.1onal boxer Ja.!>on Parillo, ru. well a!> personal trainer and maruaJ am champion Greg Bcilfu<,s. After lifting weightll and running in hit-, homewwn of Huntington Beach, Jont'l> dnvet. hh camouflaged I lummcr to Costa Mesa for coad11ng. I k meets McCuJly, P-ctnllo and Beilfuss daily for two hot11 '>of inteni.e combat. INSIDE. OUT. MOVE. In the ring, the hoodt·d sweal!>h1rt come' olT .111d Jo11e' takl"> on Jll almn.,1 rnenJnng demeanor with hi.. 'h.J\;l'd ht•ad and 1a11ooed arm' C >n I hur.da>r. he was JOinl'd nng<,1de b} 1•.1nllt~ and Mccully. who 100~ turn-. .,parrmf.{ with Jont''> wh1lt• the other coached from thl' sideline'>. Jone" wa., on tlw h.tll., of Im You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! 0362 Birch Street Newport Beach LUMINElTE , • " • t • lum1rv>tle Ptt"'"x:y s1~ ... ,·. lrllef 11 11.1 rl.rr>u<1h y)t lobrt<; I/Ori& hrddf!fl nmong ltlf~ fold\ J C"kl\ K. ~~~ See them rit you1 lc-11 '~-"1 1 ~ALoeN·s FLOOR CoVF.RING AND CUSTOM WINDOW CoVF.RJNC~ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 lb~ ., .... , ... , ... ........ ,, ... 1" ••• ll#llt UIAt UUJ IU/I Olfllllllt~W..O,........,_.tl...,°"'llDll'tt r Tom Jones takes his energy out on a trainer at LA Boxing. feet \\uh lw. J.,'Uard up. ronc,1,1111ly movmg .. tnd n•po,11111111ng fur hattle lie kept lw, lw.uJ moving and \aned lw. ofknw "11h 1n1111 ht"> to tht• lw.11.l .md to thl' hml}. li~111ng fmm lht 111,111! ,1, wt>ll a' 1hr 11ui..1tl1· I It· l lllllllt'rl'd PJnJlo., F'h' "'1th ngh1 t rti'>'>t''> 1n l<·xlhook r.i ... 111011 I h· .il.,o ..,IJYl'd Jggrl''"Vl'. turning c11 Parillo .mu 11nlea.,h111g v<1rim1, to1111>1n;1111m' \\!hile l1111~11g 111 l.1ml ,1JJh111 1he llllU'>l't 11011. l'Jnllu tJuw11 tum \\Ith Jll uppnn11 11!,11 ... 1unnt:tl JCJllt'' lllOlllelllJril~ ··MoH· lum, rnuH·," ~k<.ull) 'ho111t't~ Imm thl' rwn111t·ter "Bt' ctwJrl' of wht·n· you are. lomm} • Jone'> Wil'> furn·d .igam-.1 the ropt·'> w11h J hrut.U hlow 10 the hwr. and Panllo kt·pt coming hard A quick pivot to thl' ll'ft. .1nu lonl'' l''>rnpt-d tht• a.'><.aull , hut not without dJmJge '"l'unch with 111111." Mt Cully .1th 1'><.·d .. A.., '>Oon ..t' you get hit, rnme hJcl with c1 tap ta p " I l11e tin.ti bell r.ing, and both warnor'> '>tt•ppt•d down from Lhl', rmg I ctrh hctd hall I<· '><·ar.. Blood lrom a '>< ra1d1 on "" no~ had 'platll'rt:d u n June..,· left 'lt'eve and he h.id red mark.., ancf "'-ra1chec, f111m i>.mllo\ glove'> I Although he \>\.~ h1~ opponent. Panllu oOt•rcd hclpf~ experll'>t' lrom a boxing pomt of \ ll'\>\. I k told Jum·' lo po~111011 lu111,clf lwtH·r and gel the proper Jnglc·' for mu re t•flel uve him-., "I H'f\ llllll' yuu thro\' 1Jne of tho,t• h1g 'hn1 .... throw .,omt·tlung down thl' lane fir'>t ," Parillo '>aid wh1lt• tJkmg hi'> niouth guanl out ult\ all ahout po...,ittonmg your.,1'11 ·· !\lthouJ~h Jone' 1' a dt'Catlc oldt•r than l"llht·1 ol hi' ro.irht">. Ill' l1..ic1wd mll:ntly, dcge,ung l'Vl'ry word " 1 lw. ...., tht• kind of workout I nt:ell." ht' ..aJd. "Than~ a lot ·· Jo11e., know .. ht• won't gel empathy or genllene-.s from h1) trainer-. -who have b{'('n thrnugh 'imular bJttl~ a-; he In and ou1 of the ring and he 1s gr.itdul. Parillo, who I' undefeated, and McCully and Beilfus.c,, who own LA. 8olC1Jlg. l ace exampk' of the r,ucces.~ h w311ts for other challenged youLhs. Jones said. .J ·111a1's why I h1t• workrng wi'1 thl'Se guy-..· he ...Ud. ·They're good people on the in<.1de. • I • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts Shel may be reactied at 1949) 574--4275 o~ bye marl at lol1ta harperlrt lat1mes.com BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC hosts recruiter visit Recruiter.. and repre· sentallve'i from colleges and universities all over will be at Orange Coast College on March 18 as part of the annual Spring ColJege Fair. Representatives from Univehlity of CaUComla and California State Uni· vnslty campuse~. as well a'I from Independent colleges and unlver hies will be nvnJJabtc to talk obout OCC studenta Iran (errlnR to their camp\J . 'lbc recruiters wUI be ar tat.I In lhe Quad at OCC from 10 a.m. to l p.m. lnfornuitJon: (714) 432·5894. -,. Daily Pilot CHECK IT OUT Gina N ew Economy Save the World? C an a new economy bJ-.t'Cl on hydrogen fuel dt'hvcr ll'> from war and terron'>ni'? Can we make the world a c,a!er place by remCMng OJI from Lhc mtemauonal cht">.!>board of p<Mer pollua,1 Ye.,~}'°) glolMI 1rrnd lrdl~t'r Jeremy RJ!hn 111 ·'Ille Hydrogen f.conomy." In tu .. 16t.h book about the impact of '>t:1en11fit and tedmological diangt'. thl· at:clauned \onal mUt enVl'>IOll.'> the dawn of tht' next great commen:ial erd m ~tory l'Ounded on earth\ rno'>t abw1dan1 , . . ..,... . .,, -. . element. the new economy will end reliance on M1ddlt• l ... L'>I ml and dtOu-.e !ht> dangt·rnm gt'OpollucJ.I K"cllne betwt'(•n Mw.11111 rntl1Lanl'> and \\t,..ll'rn n..iuon'>. IUtlin mamtJJrl.-. I .xce111t'> Imm R1fkl1f<, Ill'\\ wori an> featured 111 ··1he I IVtlm.:en Economy." the rnver -.101) of the January/1-ebruary lCXH l~'>llt' of "E: 1lv Environmental MagazJne," aVcUlable di thl' Nt'Wpon Heath CentmJ I Jb ra0 11 ll' amdt• m.iy lw acn.._~ onlmt'. 111 Lht• lJhrJTY' Pto<)ut">I datab.:L'i<' Rifkin '" no nt•wt:orner to o,ofuuon., th<tl "'-111 rn•att• a .,u.,tamahlt.> h11un·. \\!ith "!be End of Work." he hl'lpt'Cl '>haiw the debate on let hnolom d1.,pla(t•men1. rnrporatt• d1twnwmg and the futun· ol 111b.. In •'Ille BJotech Century," ht· t1ddth-.ed the era of gent•tll rnnm1en.e ln "Ille Age of Aales<i," he explored the tram.mon from geograph1t rnarke~ to e-rnmmt'rct• networl. ... I k''> abo not alone in 1ummg tu .. attenoon to altemauvc ene'l{Y In ''Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, puej Cells, and IM Prospects for a Cleaner Planet," fellow futumt Pcler I loffman call.-; hydrogen "the q um t ec;.-.en t.ial eco-fuel"-a 11011-pollutmg. renewable form of energy that can power t<m. trucks. rornputel'i and factone.... ln additJon 10 putting a damper on global pyrotechnics. replacmg f<>SW fuels with romrrwraal fuel cells powered by thi., ·forever fuel" can lead to cleaner sk.tcs and safer roads. UC Irvine and Toyota Moton. a.re now testing I.hat throry with the first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle that will be used in Orange C.Owity-a five-passenger spon utility vehicle with a range of 100 miles. For a historical overview of renewable energies. tum to Paula See CHECK, Pase A6 Sunday, Febfu.sry 9. 2003 A5 ·• ezsure Linda Sweet cares for 48 fish tanks of tropical freshwater show-fish 1n her Costa Mesa home. Many are rare species she raises from babies Something's fishy Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T ht•rl' I' Ill I l.t...i 1.1.H .. .mg l'llll l'l' ,IO d llll 'Wl ft hot.IV rnCJH'llll'llh to lllJMer in onl1·r to wall.. away wtl.h '>OrtW of till' ht">I undt..'f'W'dter t.rea'>un.., JI C .mt.1 \ ll"-J0'> dL'>llllct foJ1 duh auct11>11 IJndJ '-.\\l't'I 'puL..t"p<'NJn for tht· LucL'>I \4uJnurn "4°K wtv. 1 .. illl>JOll'-for merntx•"' 10 10111 tlw r.mk.' of '>un:t">..'>htl fish hobb)1't' \\\l't'l \\ho '' d 1mp1t:al fi.,h expt'n lwN·lf -..ml the duh wa ... fom1e<l to get people to truly undl'l"'>t.md what the1t fhh llt'<'ti, "not fll'l tu '>llf'\l\1' but to thnw " "We 1ell pt11plt· that you will hd\'t' J lot mun· fun w11h your fj..,h 1f you do 11 The Coast Aquarium Society of Cos ta i\1esa urges f ish enthusiasts to d iscuss t lzei r underwater hobbies. propcrl't'." ~Wt't'I ~ml. nw dub j., tifl'JI fun. IHI( ti hllgl' lltlll' tom1mtmen1 and not J' get•h •L' 11 ...cmmh 'ht' '><ll<l ,\nd 111d1.·1.'\l 11 1-. not ...,.Hlll' rnemtx•"' art' 11ld1·r ''hilt' otlwl"' .trt• .!Cl ...cirnettun~.,, < ouplt" nmw together .tml hnng th1·1r d11ldren \ .. htll· lor11· nwmtx•I"' penc.e .1m t.11111 tahlt.' 1 lw ( .<M.,t \4uanurn '-<xwt) mt'l.'h till' hr.t ">unda) of t'Ven month ,u till' I u'la Mt...a Nc1ghborhood Cornmurnt) I A'llll'r on l,..JJ'lr; Avenue. II I'> a not tor pmfit organi7.ation managed hy \!llUntet•r. for the ili'>UJ1ct PUl"JlO'>(.' or bnnging t'Xf>c.'nC'nn't.1 JJ1d novu t• fj.,h hohb)'l._L .. ~Wl't'I ..a.id "II.., a grt~a1 \\'<JV to ll"d!ll about fi-.h." 'he '>aid The dub lav'> out d wmpung .ura\ ul gt><><.l1e-. and trea~ IL'> member. to dfl infonT\dO\'e .. tide '>hcM I .ongtime hobl:))-1.'>I. '>UCh J.'> fomwr duh prNden1 Wayne \tt'\\,IIl. are on hand to dfl'>Wcr 4ue<,t1on ... and offer their tx-..1 up ... Member<; rnam1am {'\Cl)1hmg fmm cichlicb. lolhfish. !ant)' h'Upp1e!>, r.ire hve bearing fu.h. gouramL.,, bett.1'>. catfi-.h and a wide vanet\ of a4u,11ll planL.,, ·NO PLACE LIKE HOME FYI WHAT Coast Aquarium Society WHEN 1 p m M aren 2 WHERE Costa M esa Neighborhood Community center on Park Avenue COST S20 per month. $15 for full tiott~ students and seniors People do not have to be members to come but must 101n to sell thetr wares INFORMATION www f1shclub freeservers com "\,"t't'I '<ltd 11ll' n•aJ drav. of t.hl' met-Ung 't't'm' Ill be the au< tum 1.1hlt'. wht'R' fi.-.h enthu.~1<c>L., m • 1n·atl:'d to Cl \o\1de arra} ot mo .. tly w.t'<.l l'qwpmenL ln addJuon to .1 le...-. l'Xl><'ll."•IVC llt'm. ml'mber' n"tt'IVl' fir.t h.111<.l ho" IO ~11deline.. frum 11-. Jlrt'\11111' IM11t'f Wonderful living near a Jenny W hen Ben and I moved tu Nomngham Hoad m t 986. one of my fir.t tmpr~mns of our new neighborhood came m the form of a 12-year old girl. She was cute ru. a bunon: blond, blue-eyed and quite a good buslnes.">Woman for her age. She came unsolici1e<l to our front door to ask if we needed a baby-!.itter. She knew a young family haJ moved into the neighborhood and she wanted first crack at baby-!>itting duli~ I was impressed. Three years later, we moved 10 Somerset Lane. and found I.hat this young. budding entrepreneur was our across-the-street neighbor. Her KAREN WIGHT be<lroorn \\lllldll\\ wa~ 111 full \1('\,' of our front door. whjch meant we had the chance to lit eralty <iee her comins and gomg. Thus began our love affair with Jenny. We watched Jenny grow up. She W<l.<; the most fun baby·'>ltter our lod., had. She would make cup<:akes with the lods, he wouJd play with all the goofy toys and ~he would even don a bathing 'iWI and TRAVEL TALES get m the tub with them I-wry December, when Jenny' dad would hang I.heir Chn<.tma.'> hghL-.. he would aJwa}"> place the lighted 'tar above Jenny\ bedroom wmdow Somehow, that seemed JUSl nght. Jenny played sports. Jenny was a d1eerleader. Jenny had cute date<> to !ugh school dances. Jenny grew up and went to college. We missed her day-to-day activities, but by that lime my children were growing up and beginning to do ·Jenny thmgs" of theu own. The circle of hfe in the neighborhood was rcpeanng itself once again. When darting Jenny moved back 10 "~von Y.l' \\ekomt'<.I the mllm of a1 11\11) •\nJ ~en though her \Id\ di home w.i.., bnef wt' took full advam<1gt• of her l'Xutx•ram·e. I Jfe with a "Jenm • aero~ I.he .,tn't't I!> a Lt~ly W'e 1nd{'('(j "<> Jenny got a plclCe of her own. not far from the foll.,. which also me-cil1t <J)t• was not far from U" We checked out Jenny's new "fMd. • we quened about the 1ob<;, I.ht• youn~ men. and life a ... a 20-..omethmg with the world at her feet. ln our ~ whatt>ver )t>nn~ de>(". 1., fabulous. ~ has played the pan of m\ lads'~ qster She has played I.ht> pm See HOME. Pace M Taking dream trek through China By Brld1et Llndqul1t I ~ fortunate e nough to be able to Join the Newpon Beach Q\ambcr of Commerce on a trip to Qtlna {tom Nov. 8 to 16. It has been a c.Wam of mlne to visit Olina Ince I Uved in Japan ln the early 1980s. Back tbm, we rmde It to MaJayaia. Hong ICong and Thai.land, but 0\1.na remained a drMm. It became a reel.Uy ~n the chamber otremt a OUna utp roe membm •nd thelr frlend and ' family. The prlce was a bargain. It included airf~ hotel uiys in four-aw hotels, all meals. sightseeing tours. adml. Ions and transfers for S l ,099. The tour itinerary cover«! four ci ties and the major s.tgl'I and. ince thlt wu my 611( tfme, It seemed a pat way to see as much ~and Ft a (t(>bCi ~of the country I ba tmWd mtnlively and 11\'ed CMrMU twket bu1 I bad n r IOClt oo a group tour. th WM to be a trip rua of new a,pttimces on many I l \ I igned up with my friend Joanna. a friend Ince Ju nior high school It was intcrestini to later 1ea.m that many people who signed up to tntvel togrther were traY\'ling with childhood friends. It was almost ti this experience somctthlng we wanted to share with meone with wtiom we hid a long and meanlnteful hlltory. Wt joined the group of 128 people from NeWpon 8HCh who men Joined wttb other cha.mbft'a to mau one lai'p group of do9e to 600 people. Thi con ~·t of lh ·group· became 'Yt'ry lrnponant ~the trip progressed Beijing wns our first stop. We arrived in the evenJng and stopped al a massive banquet hall for dinner. This was to be the ftrst of many such dinners.. After the fourth or fifth lunch or dinner. they all &tarted to blur toeethcr and the menu bukally the 5&lne each ti~. I anwed how tMg ~ -the bote:I WM mu..,Lle. the tlttt and aquues. ... TMYD.. hi•M • AS Sooday. February 9, 2003 • TRAVEL Continued from AS parks the Forbidden Chy, everything seemed so vasL It was an interesting time to he in Otina because It seemed to be the center of the universe that week. The 16th National Congress of the Communist !'arty was in sessJon at the Great Hall of the People to elect its l.entral Committee and a new Central Commission. It was a historic moment as they went through a smooth transJtlon from the old to the new. Because of these events, extra security precautions were being taken. We had to adjus~ our itinerary because plac~ that were supposed to be open suddenly closed. But I thought It seemed more open and relaxed than I thought it wouJd be. While visiting 1 lananmen Square, I took ~ picture of a group of soldiers and no one Qinched. I had heard that people had done this before and had their film c unfiscated. I was thrilled 10 visit the Great WaU. llS sheer size and length (more than 2,000 miles long and 1he only man-made structure w.ible from space, we were told) i<. something you have 10 see in pt>rsun to get the full impact. It was very cold and windy on our way up, but we couJdn't come all 1hat way without making it to the very top. According to Mao, t111yone who Wclllted to be a ·hero" had to first climb the Creat Wall, so we all left a'\ "heroes." l"hat same day, we visited a pearl factory. The thing I n·member m ost isn't the hmcelets they strung as I waited. It is the image in my mind of the back of the bus as it pulled away while Joanna and I r.111 after it as fast as we could. It was about to puJJ onto an l"<pressway when someone l•mked out of the back wmdow and saw us just in time to get tl1e bus to pull over. With the t 011fw1ion of who was supposed 111 be on which bui., no one n•ali1..ed we were missing. At that potnt, we reaJized we had to look out for each other. Six of us dcdded that we would stick tny,l'ther. look out for each other and make sure everyone was ncrnw1ted for. We became officially known as HThe China <hicks" and by 1he end of trip, \•• realized that a '>pec1al lm·ndship had developed. Uh, and I was never late .1g.1i11. We rode in ricksbaws and \isited the oldest pan of the city. the I lutong. A group of u<; had lunch with a family m their hurne. Though it wru. arranged as part of the tour, It was as close as we would get to meeting any or the local people besides our guides. IC was interesting to see people still living as their ancestors had, ln a three-room house lined up in a U shape with a central courtyard and a communal toilet. Our hosts were very warm and friendly and I think they appreciated my small gift of a miniature watercolor of Newport Harbor. It was also the best meaJ I bad while we were there. We also visited a Otlnese herbal clinic and pharmacy. There, the doctors diagnosed us by looking at our tongues and taking out puJse. Then they recommended herbal treatments that we could take on a regular basis as preventive measures to insure good health. It seemed to make sense. But downstairs, there were all kinds of strange looking things in the pharmacy cabinets. I couldn't read what they were except for the Tiger Balm, or what they were for, but I saw snakes, dried seahorses, antlers. animal and insect parts and o ther lhings that I didn't even want to know what they were. Though I think tlle re are a lot of good thJngs that come from Otlnese herbal remedies. I don't thJnlc I am ready to make the switch. Our guided tours were conducted by young. well-educated guides who were eager to answer all our questions and were proud 10 share the history and cuJture of their city with us. They were all surprisingly outspoken in their political beliefs, though not when we were out in public We had tours of the Forbidden City. the Summer Palace on Kunming Lake. and the Ming Tombs. We visited a jade factory and a friendship store, which is a government store selling everything from silk to jade. pearls and embroidery to cloisonn~. I am quite sure they had to restock the shelves when Mary Ann was done ~hopping. Al each stop, whenever possible, our group had to buy something. Shopping was high on everyone's list and we were all searching for something unique and special to bring home. I thought I found the most unique tea cups in a charming little teahouse outside the Temple of Heaven. J managed to sneak away from the group and get in right before they closed. When filled with hot tea. the painted scene on the teacups changed from a red and black dragon to a full color painting of a Chinese garden. I quickly bought six of them ~ gifts. thinking how special these • Using the Latest Copytng Technology • 600dpl Xerox Oigttal Output • Quality Color Coples .39~ • B&W Coples Small and large Volume • Laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps , BLUEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Coples E-mail your plot files to us at lagunaprint@earthllnk.net Pkk up & Delivery • Fast Quality Service Proudly Stroing You Sin~ 1984 7/,:.1(;,,,.,. '.itv'4 1/;,;,h~? .7m~luhmJ .'%,. / Now Open Saturdays LagunaPrint I I-, ' I I ... ,1 I'" I I ... , ...... l\1·,11 Ii (949) 497-6016 ; 1 •• q1111.tp t lllf t l t'11'\ ( '"" SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray 01 r• tal ·Jn sec 50% OFF 1st Session $15 VaJue were.WhenJexamJnedone. closely, I had to laugh when I saw the printing on the bottom or the cup ·Made for Pier l Imports.• Unique indeed. We Oew to Shanghai and took several long bus rides as we visited the cities of Hangr.hou and Suzhou. I am sure that everyone on this trip could tell a story or two about the long waits at the airport, and the long bus rides. What could have been the worst part of the trip turned out In hindsight to be one of the best We spent those hours talking and sharing stories In a way people don't normally have time to do as we go about our daily lives. And we laugh now at the some or the tour missteps, like the way Janice and Barbara never had a room at each hotel we went to, the 6asco with the boarding passes, the three-ho ur wait in the parking lot for the rest of the gro up to show up. etc. Among the hJghlights in I fangzhou was a visit to a tea farm. Along the way, we drove past the lush, green terraced hiU ides. We came upon what looked like a s mall parade -a group dressed in black wearing headbands, carrying large brightly colored paper wheels and wreaths. Our guide informed us it was a village funeral procession. We took a boat ride on the West Lake, with weeping willows and teahouses lining the shore. It looked like something out of an old Cllinese painting. We visited the Llngyin Temple and saw the 64-foot camphor Buddha. The misty rain mixed with the incense gave an other worldly haze to this ancient temple. In w.hou, we visited an embroidery factory and a silx factory. We were aJJ ama.7..ed at what an excellent bargainer one of the gaJs in our grdup. Aileen, turned out to be. The 01lnese are rough negoriators, but they mel their match with her when he went home with a huge, framed hand-embroidrred piece ufan . I was so impressed by the silk Ooss quilts thal we watched 1hem make al the No. I silk factory; I bough• one for each bed in th e house and !>hipped them home. They keep the thermal body hea1 in and are ligh1we1gh1 and pcrfcl"I 10 U'>e yl'ar round in California. Our la'>t stop wa.<, Shanghai and we were all amazed at how modem the city was. fl looked to me liked something out of MThe Jetsons, • very space age-style architecture. The contrclSts between the new and old parts of the city were striking. We went from one extreme to the other when we had cocktails on the 96th Ooor of the uJtra modem Grand Hyatt, to dinner at the Peace Hotel The Peace Hotel was built in 1906 and, from the looks of the jazz group playing in the bar, they have been there almost as long. The next day, Kathy and Joanna and I had our 6lJ of Chinese food and we went over to the Four Seasons Hotel. It was just as beautlfui as the one here. It was like a sea or calm Jn a very frantic place. I wanted to say beUo to the front desk manager who used to work at the Four Seasons in Newport Beach. We missed Andy, but we had the best club sandwiches. While all of these sights and experiences were wonderful, the best pan of m y whole trip was the friends I made. And I was not alone. Entire bus groups got to be friends. By the end of our trip, people everywhere were tallcing about reunions and keeping in touch. We heard that one of the bus groups aU went to brunch together the day after we got home. Because of this visit, I have become interested in learning more about Otina. and I now have a very special group of friends. "The China Chicks," that share this interest. We had our first reunion a week after the trip -Barbara, Janice, Kathy, Joanna, Mary Ann, Aileen and me -to share our photos and tallc aboui how much fun we had. We get together for Oiinese takeout and rent movi5 like HThe Last Emperor" and MXui Xw." We aJi.o plan to visit the Bower., Museum to see the Lost Treasures of the forbidden City. We are talking about a trip 10 San Francisco where, of course. we would stop fir.I in Chinatown. And, of course, we talk about our next trip to China. • BRIDGET UNOOUIST 1s lhe deputy director of lhe NewPort Beach Conti>rence and Visitors Bureau HOME Continued from A5 of my little ister. And now she replays the part of entrepreneur. Jenny desi.gns jewelry. Very cool jewelty. She also scours lhe continent for vintage jewelry and purses. She has recently added furniture to her list of funky pfferings. So many wonderful items has she that Jenny recently opened a little treasure of a store called Patina In keeping with lhe theme •otr the beaten path," so is Patina. WhJch means youwon't find it unless y0u're loolcing for lL It's on 17th Street, behind the car wash near Orange Avenue. The ad~ Is 187 17th St., Costa Mesa. to be exact. And ~. you wiU need to look twice to find iL Jenny seUs her own jewelry line, of COW'SC. but she alw has antiques, baby blankets and interesting anwork. When I stopped by last week. there CHECK · Continued from A5 Berinstein's "Altemadve Energy: IW:t5, Stat:lsdcs, and Issues." Following a history about the use of coal, oil, narura.I gas and other conventional energy sources, Berinstein rums her attention to the economics of solar, wind, fusion, geo·thennal and hydrogen-~ technologies. Alternative energies will fuel lively discussions at the Newport Beach Central library when Rilldn presents "Petroleum, PoUtk:s &nd the Hydrogen F.amomy" on Feb. 2 I and feb. 230 Eosl 171 St • Cosio Meso (949) 722-7224 www •111wndcorpel3 c:om Monr11 I~. Sc11 10-5 LOCAL MOITUAIJES PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation 11 O Broadway, Costa Mesa 642-9150 THE MEANING OF NUMBER ONE. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING A ZURE SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE • • WHEN ONLY THE FINEST MOTO RCARS IN THE W O RLD WILL DO. AVAILABLE 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD Bl.ACX I Bl.AC'K (X07So9) 2002 CORNIOfE BLl\C'K SAPPHJRI-/ l\.iACNOUA (X02020) PLEASE ALL FO~AN APPOI NTMENT MIKEBURCER SALES MANAGER 2001 AZURE M\Jl.UNER ARTICA/COTSWOID ( 2002AZURE Sn.VER PEARL/srRATa>(XOJOtO) 2002AZURE PEACOCK/ MAGNOLIA 0Wlll2) 2003 AR.NACE R Bl.ACK/ BLACK (XI~} 2003 AR.NACE T ARTICA /STRATal (X PR.EO WNED 1998AZURE Bl.ACK/ PAROiMENT lSJO) 2000ARNACE Bl.AO:/ CO'JSWOLD OQl!iZIJ) 1991 AZUIU! BL.ACX/BLACK (X616" Dady Piiot were one-of-a-kind mirrors, plant stands and a really witty antlque owl lantern that I might have to go baa and purchase. Jenny's j~ls are worn by such •notables" as my daughters, my sister, my si ter-in-law, my mqther and me. Her key chain designs sport antique glas.'> beads and vintage charms -a big hit with the new-to-driving set. And if you need a necklace with special colors. lengths or themes, now you'll know where to go. Just ask Jenny. Patina Is open I 0 a.m. to 5 · p.m. Tuesday through Saturday except from-Frida~ when it's open from noon to 5 p.m. lfyou can't find it, call the store (949) 548-7060. So. now you too have the chance 10 wa1ch Jenny blo!>SC>m. But be warned. her personality ii. as addJctJng a'> her 1oyous 1ewelry. • KAREN WIGKT IS a Newport Beadi resident Her column runs Saturdays 22. The program will launch the sixth annual MartJn W. Wille DistinguWled Speaker.. Lecture Senes. TickeL., may be ~rved online at 11rww.rwtL'f1tlrlheach librcuy.orW. • "Check 1t OutH 1s written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column is by Melissa Adams. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog a1 www.newportboachllbrary orp "DIRECT DEEDING" By Dave Wong It u\cd to be \\hen you purcha .. ed rropcrt1c\ lhrough J 1011 1a,·deft'.m:d euhange they were deeded '"'' 111 Jn intermediary. I hen to ) ou Lil.cw l\C. lhc pro pert IC\ ) ou were CXlhan~1ng were deeded fir,1 10 the 1n1ermed1ary and then lheir pun.ha..cr Generally. this" no longer the c.;~. The importance of u\mg a profesMonal 1n1ermed1ary ha\ noi disappeared. There are do1.tn' of reasons IO do 'i<l Bui you will no longer need 10 deed propert1e\ 10 this tnlermed1ary in moM case\ An IRS ruling from 1990 has been ven fied enough times tha1 e"tchangers are fully comfortable w1lh "direct deeding." What are th e advantage~ 10 direct deeding? For one 1hing. there 1s little nsk the 111lc 10 properties m lhe exchange will wind up 10 d1bputc -ptrhap~ vested in an 1ntcrmed1ary firm lhllt, for unforeseeable reason~. buddenly goes out of bu\1~esi.. Funhcr, 1t means only one 5(1 of transfer laxes need~ 10 be paid for each property 1n the exchange. rather 1han two And the mtermcd1ane\ benefi1 as well. If a later d1~pute anses b«au~ of und1sclostd asbe tos problems. for example. 1hc intenncdiarics won't be drawn '" as one-time ownen of the property in question. ln sum. the new rule allow (or a much cleaner transaction. If you have investment properties to ~II Md haven't conddercd an c1tchanac. it may profit you ai:catJy to talk this 1r11cgy over w11h a real c late ptofe ional. Call me at 949 Sll-1200 or v1 it my wcbs1lc at davcwon 4.com or oncfordroac.lcom !Mw W.nx h11J 1"m ""''« IHllUJ ,,, Ntwp.rt Bt•th llN~ J 989 «,,J II Wi#t C..St ~ Pn>,,.,na!C4/JnlJ &dir ; Daily Pilot COMMENTS Continued from A 1 to counnl meeting' tn certain nties -'>Orne of them JUSI a \tone's throw away -ours ;,t•cm likt> the Un11ed States ~upreme Court in \Cssion. South Cate. Calif. Where does one bt>gin? A number of \outh C1ate C rty Council member.,, two of whom arc t ousinc,, ..ind a few staffe rs at South C .ate: C 1ty I laJI. have IH'en undl•r 1nve,11gation by the t.o, An~l'les Dis trict Attornt•y and the l'BI for at least a yt•ar on '>U'>p1c1on of t orrupt1on, m1su'e of mil~on., of OOll3f\ Ill public; funds, variou!> kkk-bark schem e,, death thre.1t'> to public official,, tnduding 1wo state ll•gbla1ur'>. and '>Orne really h.id 'tufl A key figure in the drama 1' Cit}' frea .. urer Albert lloble-. A( tually. Ro hies 1s the fornwr n ty treasurer. In April 111 Ja.,t y<·ar. lloble., was .Hrt'!>lt'd llUl\1de ht<, tm\lthot"e on a numlwr of t l1.1rge'> and led away in h.1111.kuff, I he re'>p1mc;e from th1· Ci ty Council wa'> \'Aift and d1•u,ivt: Whtie Hohlt:'> war, .1wa1t1ng tn..il. tht• touncil promoted him to I lt·f~HHy < 11y \l,111ag1:r. with a t mllrall that 1m luded SIH0,000 't.'\C:ramt· 1i.1y. ew11 if lw \>\t'n· l unvictt•tf At u1rtf111g to Joe Hu11 a '>outh < .. Ht' hu'>llll'" ov.nl'r .inti C.11y < ounnl regular \'h"''' fl(•t•t ol trud .. , wa' lirl'homlwtf 111 LOO I "I hi\ 1-. thl' IMliKht /onl' of poht1t-. l11·oplt• don't hl'lll'Vt' what If.Ill'' 1111 IH'rt.' You lh1vt• to lt•ll tlll'rn -.tt•p I>\ '>tc'p . .irul they n· ... 1111 ltkl·. ,u, 110. 11 roultfn't ht· " If Hu11thin~'11\ been lht· lwtltKhl /om• .. o f;u, 1l1111gc, rt·.it hed ·· flw Outt'r I rmrt' at l\lund..i\., li1unnf 11 11·t·t111K \t the l'lld 111 J,10u.1ry. the C 11y C ounnl ma1onty. It'd bv \1.1yor Alll hilt HuvJlcaba, V.J'> rt tailed hy a larg(• margtn in a 'l1t't 1aJ l'll·t tron I .i't Monday. 11 \ .. <I., -.1.1ndm)( room onh m tlll' niunnl t hambt·r-.. ,,., ...,outh c.att• rr.1dt•11t., tUrnl'd nut to wdllh tlw hn,11 momenti. of the recalled council members, Including Mayor Ruvalcaba and Councilwoman Marla Benavide,s. who Is the mayor's cousin. Stnce her swearing-in two years ago, Councilwoman Benavides has not uttered a word at a council meeting other than voting "yea" or "nay.· Even then, 'lhe speaks in an extremely '>Oft, kitten-like voke, which always causes i.ubdued laughter m Lhe audience, and has earned her the nickname "meow lady." At one meeting, the mayor called for the que.,tlon then turned quickly toward her"cou'lin and <;a111 "Maria ... nay" wi thout bothering to cover her microphone. "Ntty," whi'>pt•red the rnuncilwoman du11fully, bringing down the houw Monday n1gl11\ meeting '>lartt•d bad and got worr,e, far,t Atrnrdmg to the Lo'> Angl'lt·'> I 1me\, during Oral C ommu111ca11on'>, with the mel'ting barely hl'gun, Mayor Huvalt abJ tried to '>top a long t 111\t' coun< 11 <nil< 11am(•tf Hill Dl'\\ Ht from '>pl·akrng. '>ay111K the11 '>llf' didn't h<tH' a formal reque-.t from l111n lk\Vllt quickly prod111 t•d a llm(' and dall' '>t.11nped paper, ro11firm111g lhat he: had ltlrrwtf 111 a reqUl''>t IO \peak. \.\ht·n 1he nty attorney atfv"l'tf the tounnl that DeWi1t -.houltf he allowed to 'Pt•,1k the nnwd '>tarted tu l hanl ·1 t•t him talk I et h11n tal~!" I lw Mayor asked to '>l'l' l>e\\'111 \ ren·1 pt. qU1ck.Jy dn111111ntl'd a fivt• minu1t• rece.,,, then 1um petf from lwr lha1r .111d heatft•tf for the Joor C.ounulman I knry <111n1alt·-. orw 111 thl' t\\o uwnul mcmbt•r-. not rt't .illed -Knl up, hlm~ed thl' mayor\ path. and dt•mJndt·tf th.it '>h(• return the tfol'unwnt tu Dt•\\.111 A 'cream111g. grunt mg tug-of \\Jr bt.'twt•en the mayor .rnd tlw council mt·mlwr eno;u1•d \\ h1ch '>l'lll tht' t mwd 1n111 .in c·ar-,phttmg lrc·111y of appl.111,t• and hoo-. WitlHHll \\arr1111g. tht.' mayor lugged CouncUman Gonzales In U1e (ace (It was a right hook) then ran from the council chambers, receipt In hand. 1\vo South Gate police officers at the meeting took off after the mayor, hurdJJng the wooden railing below the daJs In hot pursuit. lhe audience. barely able to contain itself at this point, started chanting "Arrest t.he mayor! Arrest the mayor!" Said South Gate Police Officer Tony Mendez, "Did you see that? She just popped him!" Aft er the meeting, the officers cited Mayor Ruvalcaba for misdemeanor battery. but the mayor tried to make a citizen's arrest or Councilman Gonzalez. who '>he claimed fondled her during the tug-of-war, which led to the right hook, which Gow aid was a lot of hooey. Shirle 'ck -a South Gate !>Cnt r cith~en wid a longtime council-watche r expressed the emotions of mo'>t people at the meeting when she said she Imped tl'iat the city's ordeal wac; finally coming to an end. For Bobri ck 11\ per!>onal. Last year, Mayor Ruvalcaba '>ought a reMrai ning order against her, d.i1mm g that Robrick htt her over the head with c:ourt documenti.. Speaking of :.eniors, people a1 Monday night's meeting wert' concerned about CounciJman Gonzalez who is fi7 years old and walb. with a La ne:. but he JU!>t shrugged it off ·A bullet bounced off my head," said Gonzalez. "<;o I can take a punch." Oh yeah. I forgot. Ounng hi\ tt.'rm as mayor in 1999, (,u111..ile1. wa'> shot in the head hv an unk.nown assaila nt. The .,hooting h.i., never het>n <,olved. hut most people a.,.,unie 11 wa., poliucaJly motivated. Well. OK then. Any furtht>r discu<,c;1on? I didn't th111l :.o. We .,tand ad1ourned I go1ta go. • PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor His column runs Sundays. He may be reached by e mail at Ptr84 ciao/ com DISCOVERY CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE Today's Health k-atunng m exrning .30 minute I )owmc:ncary ahouc chc: heal ch bcnc:firs of ·1 ahui.rn Noni. the: world\ fastest growing healrh 'upplemcnt. Program also w air on PAX , 1-nrnre. ( hygen, an<l Bravo channel' 1he llN wec:k of l-c:bruary 2-8 Averag1: monthl)' wholc:<.alc vol ume $40 million. MAY hc:lp. CAN'T hurr. COULD change your li fe! Accept no Noni substitutes.Ji.!u so/Jin Retail Stores Av;ulahle ONLY from a TAHITIAN NONI lnt'I Di)t. Call 800-554-')642 for a FREE catalog or more 1nformarion www.Acccs>Non1,com D1Jmbutorsh1ps available: referral 110. I 056 I ~IH I IA' '1 t:-.0111111< "• tr..l<m"k .. 1 \lnnnJ• lrl< Q "Dream" Q Unique Gifts for Your Valentine Q Q Bring In This Ad to Receive 10% off Q Q Q Q Q Q I ()Hand-Made Shirts O Hand-Crafted Jewelry Laguna Village 577 South C08$l Highway, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949 494-0494 Q Q Q Q Q Q -. .... .. -.-----··--... Sunday, f P()(uc}ry 9 2003 A7 SEAN H t f R People from all over came to JOtn the Folkdancers Festlvaf held at Ensign Intermediate School DANCE Continued from Al seem lo help but become: enam- ort>d "The music I'> so good .inti \O djfferent," !>aid San Diego re'>l- dent Donika Colten, who ha' a1 ~ tended the f~ttvaJ for tilt' pa.!.t five year">. "You t:an't l'\l'll de- '>cribe llhe feehngJ. llM\ why you do 11." Dut• to the '>ltgrivt that lolX dance equate' to square d..u1l·e. Luleu ha~ found pt'ople are often '>Urpn<>ed to d1 ... covt·r that widely popular dann•., hie Tangci and '>dmha actuaJly faJI undl·r the fol}. dance calt'g11ry. A\ they lt•arn more about what fol k danung "· hoWt'\t'r, they qU1ck.Jy become mort· open tu hl·mg a part of Lhe fol k d..in< mg '>tene as a whole. he .,aid And even th..it '>l c:ne 1morpo- rate<. muth more• thd.ll JU\! dam ing It\ aho about culture "lt'c; not JU"t mu .. eum pietC'\. t.he-.e ctre 1rad1t1on<, that .trt· aJ1"e and \llll being pa\\ed on, '><ltd no.,ind Didyk. arLl'>lll' dtrector <ii tht.' folk dancmg group Aman that will perform today ·1 very bo~y bnng'> a uniqut:' view to 11 . it's about lhe way music and dance'> are pa'>.'>ed on from gen erat1on to gt.'nera11on Ry interweaving d1ffert>nl tfanl'e work.-.hop•,. taught by m~ter tl'a<ht>rs I uler1 and Stt.'ve Kotanslcv. \\1th uve folk mu\lr e11 lhe dantt• parlle!. anti a number of booth'> '>t0lling clothmg. shoe'>. muc;1c and books, 1lw. year·., fl''> 11v-ctl con11nued the tmwuon of pre-.enung the ecll><.t1c t.rad11mn Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails .. "Quality Service ... .. "Ni tJ Entcrtairuncot••• Sansui Sushi ~ Noodle House of folk dancmg. "Thi\ year 1' tht.' '>allll' th111g ll '- heen .,mce tJw h11~11111111g - though I tfonk 11., evolwtf '><llll Michelle 5andler, l..<1gun,1 I olk dantt:'r. fe-.uv-ct.I t ha11 • It abo111 the mu'>ll and tilt• dai1l mg. !--or more mlorm.1111111 .ihour. today\ t:'H'nl' < aJJ -1 ~ 8Y I 0788 or '149 -l'H 7fjl{l •CHRISTINE CARRILLO r.OV•'''> education and may be rea<.t1Ml a• 1949 5 74-4268 or by ~ mail u1 ctmsrine cam/lo 1 la t1mes CCJ"' Try our tasty noodle soups! I I Try our vanety of traditional sushi! r 1--- 1 -%---o----=---=--, Try our delicious daily lunch special! : 0 : • l=Of quick lunch Of nice gNGt dinner wittl I WITH TllS AD '°"' S10.00 putdwe.) 1 rour familJ or 1omeone •ll'J special. &!!:~2.!!~~:!~~00.:..,....!~~-.J 1420-A Baker ST, Costa Mesa., (714) 957-0700 We're in Target Center MARRIOTT'S NEWPORTJ:OAST VILLAS {l)qy I .?°'" .c/lim Sweeten the skin and brighten your spirit with a Jamu Bath and Massage (90 minutes) S} 05.00 (S4S.OO s.Tings!) Enjoy the bea ury and relaxation of caJming wa c~r' with a 1 hour Cabana Massage s7 5. 00 (Slo.oo S.Yinp!l •9><1 ~1Wfro ~«h11'V6 mu/._ ~i'li't-11: Cbilutdt ntTUf 111111 ,..11.'fiJllfll ~ °'4"1or nf..tllhf!I.,. s,. ~ tnirtwimn '-tr1nil ~ tioitV""' ... Ulrt "~ ... ,, ·f _,our~ c~ pr r""!f' 11141"18' 1.111 g( ~ ~· s._rinzrt 1M1'1 •rtl-.mtt1'1 Wtn 1'miNf f«Etr wirft ,-. 1* lflJ !llJ'Pt" rllOIRS. ma 4"' *"" SPA GIFf CEJmFICATF.S AVAILABLE FOR ALL A\CKAGES a: SERVICES For a complete list of treatment option please call · (949) 464-6110 pa Pacifica is located within Marrion• N~n Coast Villas at 23000 Ncwpon CoaSt Ori~ Newport Coast • l j :::at>""" ¥ ... ---.. -• A8 Sonday, February 9, 2003 Dally Pilot FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -Lettws: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •~Hotline: Call(~) 642~ Fax: Se'_ld ~o ~~~ ~l~~d len th E-mail:Send to dailypilot@lstimes.com •All correspondenoe must include full,.,,., hometown and phone n~mber (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissio 5 ty 9 · EDITORIALS New method of appointment makes sense T. o the winners go the spoils. Thal old saying is looking to be truer than ever in Costa Mesa Ciry Hall now that council members have given themselves the power to appoint directly their own planning and parks commissioners. Maybe even more importantly, council members will be ahle to "fire" their commb!>ioners if it pleases them. Oppunems .. concerned abou1 cronyism t1nll "l:itrh-key" commisi.ioners. were quick to cry foul last week when the council made the dramatic change. "II'!> not a had idea per se. but the implemt>ntalion and implicat10ni. are prcuy '>Cary," srud Planning Commi!>sioner Bill Perlcin:-.. who ha!. a stake in juc;1 how thu~c appointment are made. "It rauscs a 101 of hard feelings and makes it very political.'' Hut that's exactly what Ciry Hall b -a political place. lma){int' the president of the Untied ~ta tee, getting elected and then having 10 confer about who the vice pres11.lent. tlic chief of Maff or llw pre.,, 'iecrelary will he. Or, even morc· ludicrow •. imagine the pre~ident having to tonfer before a-.king '>OITICOne lO lt•cJVC. fhat l';n't how it work~ (a~ide from the back room pnlit iclung, of cour'>e). When vn1 1·r ... pic'k a pwsident, tlwv ar1· 1111 king a lrader. plus all !h•· 11• 11rlt• tha1 lf'ader appo1111 ... '~"' ,h1111ld we not expect th1· ,11,' 1•0111 mir local pfllttirian.,? Vv1 ., 1, t111 a commission fut 11 ..,. 1 ... 011~ Fir'>t off. 1h1· I ,, ~ 10 direct appuinlllll'llt 1\11 ,,, \l' J 11a~111g p1 ohlu11 in l ... .. "' 'J : d1-,agrt•t·mc·111 lwt WCl.'11 the Planning Commission and the City Couticil. Lately, too much time has been talcen up wi th re-hearings and overturning votes. Having planners and council members on the same page will eliminate this -and if it doesn't, then a simple firing wilJ do the job. The change aJso will hold council members -and indirectly, voters -more accountable. If a council members' appointee is doing a terrible job, lt wilJ be easy to point the finger at the right place. Poli1 ic;1l heat can be pur to council members to make changes happen. Cronyism, in other words. works in residents' favor by bringing the deals out from the back rooms. We'IJ know who's with whom. llesidents will also have more responsibiLity when going to the voting booth. Their votes will not 1ust be for a council member, but for like-minded commissioners; these "teams" will have increased power to reshape the political landscape inside City Hall. Three like-minded council members and their three planning commissioners will be able to get a lot done during their time in office. As much as every vote counts now, they wil l count that much more. Those worried that too much will get done should feel especially responsible fo r the shape of the council and commissions. If you are concerned about who a council member might bring into City Hall, think twice about your !>Upport. If you don't like how appointments have been made, you'll know whom to call or whom not to vote for next time around. rt wiJJ, after aJI, be directly apparent to us all. Home R anch funds are for schools now P l'fh<lp'> lhe Co'la Me1.a Ciry C ouncil '>ho11ld have put the cart hdorc the hor'ie. Mtt-r all. ii\ hl'f'n a year and a half \llltc the 'irgt•r-.trom!> first offered three Col.la Me!'.>a sdvwb $2 million a" part of the Home Ranch dcvrlopment agreemcnl .ind tht> ~chool<. ~till liave nothing to '>pend. In August 200 I, the ~egerstroms ofl ered the money. Ju1>1 three months later. the City Cou nul approved the I lome Hanch project, a decio;mn that as:o.ured the $2 million would hccome realily. In July 2002. just about a week before the city received the money, the City Cou ncil said the schools would have 10 wait a while before they would see the money, but that the council would try to transfer it as soon as possible. Not until November djd the council invite public input on how the foundat ion or foundations would be set up to determine what the money would buy. It seems the counciJ dragged its feet far too long and continues to do 'iO. The public still hasn't benefited from the $2 million in -.chool district money the council negotiated on it'i behalf. Public input on a fou ndation should have began just after the council approved the Home Ranch project in November 2001. By early 2002, a foundarion could have been created. Yet, on Monday-a year later -council members continued their indecisiveness on the matter. It's really quite simple: Create one foundation fo r the three sch ools to avoid dividing the city and force the foundation -Lilce the City Council -to abide by open meeting laws, since the money involved belongs to the public. And the last step: move on to other things and become more effi cient. Plan ahead If need be. Decisions are taking far too long in Costa Mesa. THE LAST WORD A night of their own rr here are several important event.'! tn a person's life, some of which n>present major transitions. One e~mple is the wc'Clding, which ropre nts a tmnSiUon &om bm:hdordom to rnantage. a Ill.ate thnt. kl theory; la.sU fonMlt But it's a hQRe leap for rn.Bt1f thar redefl~ the rest of their lives. Anodier important event 1' I.be high tchool prom. wtllch ff arguably the ffl08l lmportiltlt event foi dUJdren until phJation But during I -years,~ hu 0-Mlddlt C.oJJeSt' 1 ligtl ~""" 6eera wflhQut • prom SOOD. that may s., all ~ thanJcs to senior Qyst.al Nay, who in May should be fowtd aD decked out aJongslde her handsome date. It may not be the biggest prom. stnce ltle school on Orange Coast College's campus only bas 85 students. but tt1J be a tradition Crystal and her classmates wm be proud of. 1be tchool may be on a coOese campus, but thele .audents d want some high IChool manottee at high school even• And M can' blame them. So don't be surpri9ed ii Q')'ll(8I and c.o. IOOfl ror a tpad nWtc evenL They F"' uplOlast. BOLTON· LEITER TO THE EDITOR Westside "problem" will sol ve itself F or the past I 0 years or so I've driven up and down P1acentia to and from my West 17th street office on a daily basis. I work on the Westside. I do business on the Westside. My doctor and dentist are on the Westside. I get my car worked on and washed on the Westside. I eat lunch (and sometimes breakfast and dinner) on the Westside. I therefore consider myself qualified to make a few observations of my own about this "problem." let me start by saying I don't consider it a problem. Whal we call the "Westside" is a largely industrial, light manufacturing area. with a concentration of apartment building'> and a couple of mobile home pa.lb. In addition to the few very large manufacturing companies, which employ hundreds, there are literally dozens and dm:ens of small businesses li1ce my own There are mechanics and brake shops and sail makers and carpet layers and patio furniture outlets and sandwich vendors. There are welders and karate studios and auto repair facilities. There are convenience stores and apparel manufacturers and plumbing supply houses. With very few exceptions. these bminesses are neat and dean and well kept They have to be. They know their cmtomen won't patron.iz.e them Initially, or return. if they aren't So what, I asJc is the problem? Ask yowself, if they aren~ here. where will they be? And where will the jo~go? Ye.. there are a few eyesores. Some apartment buil~ and four-plexes and single-family dwellings ,, eel 10 be rehabbed or razed. But the forces of the marketplace are such that they will likely be replaced by something bright and new and potentially more profitable (and thw.. contribute more to sales and property taxes) if we simp.ly leave them alone. P.xample: Zubie's Gilded <:age on Placentia was quietly replaced a year or two ago by several million dollars worth of Hank's Electrical Supply and Motors. This didn't come as a result of action by the Planning Co~on or a redevelopment agency or by eminent domain. It came as a result of enlightened self-interest by an entrepreneur willing lo invest his own cash to make some more. Another example is Roger McGregor's building, which is an architectural delight. He invested as well. A lot Are we to now penalize him, and legions of others like him. for so doing'? I ask again. what's the problem? Although it angers many. the Job Center is still thriving. I ~ it several times a day. I've yet to wi~ anyone there acting In a way other t.harl completely businesslike. Is SOS an indigent magnet1 Maybe, but the last drunk I saw~ passed out on a Sunday monung 111 the parking Int ot J Nt•wprn t Beach n."l>tauranL Yes. we have an are;i with adnuttt·dly run-down, high-occupam)' apa.rtnwrll'>. II there are code violatio115, I !Wty enforce them. lf our codes don't ~upport till' vigorow. renlwal this area c;hout' 0111 fur. I say write new on~ If oul ·of tow11 landlords are d'loo!>ing 10 dNPgard our laws, I -.ay punish them. CoulcJ ii IK' thut this whole is."ue of rcdevelopmenl ·~ nothing but a charade, ma.-;kini-: cl deep·sealt'CI t•nmity hy a perrent;1~t· of our citizenry toward alien.s. I~ or otherwille? I certainJy hope not. By the way. I do have a hecf abotH tlw Westside. You need an SUV to 11l'goliatl' some ofi~ pockmarked street!\. Wt"I 17th is a prime example. Isn't it the city·., responsibility to fix these road-;? Count me among thoM> who hchew that nothing done by the bureaucmcy wiU tum the Westside into Newpor1 lkal'h. And if ii tries, there will be more losel"i than winners. and a whole lot of vt!ry angry business owners and happy lawyers. I suggest. rather, that the wundl enact leiPstation to encourage and enhance the potential gain for investing and reinvesting in this area And then stand back and let the laws of caphali<1m work their magic. CHUCK CASSITY READERS RESPOND Foundation open meeting considered AT ISSUE: Should the school foundations proposed to do1e out $2 million in Home Ranch money be subject to state open -meeting laws? I wu at the Oty Council meeting and t am very much pro to f oundatJont and I think u It a tta"\'elty thal Mayor l.aren Roblnton la dotng Cl*. l would like the Daily POot to look l. .. Into the protocol on whether she can call a rehearing. I thought that the bylaws or whatever their meeting laws are that only someone. who was al the origlnal hearing on this can call for a recall. So just chedt lnto thar caose tt ls so important. Hope Costa Meae gets their foun<t.tJon llke It •hould In terms or equipment tor hl.gh echool. DIME I.El I NfD Costa Mesa l &grt't with Mayor Karen Robln'°n that wt' nttd tn malt.-~u,... that w.. are I In legal compUance with iipending this money and we also need to have an accountability of where exactJy it· ls golng so there Is not dupllclty wl,th , Measure A or al'ly other rw1dlng or grant that we have. AIM> we need to hiwc thla done In a fot Cashion so people ore not waltlng forever and the 1noncy ge misa.Uocated. We need to act on h, we need to do It properly and we need ro act on It now for our kid • DIANE .JONES Co taM Daily Pilot BIO Age:63 R~: Newport Beach for 38 years Position: Newport Beach Councilman since sworn in in December Oecupation: Retired Newport public worb director, wortced for city's pubhc wor1ts department for 33 years, including pos1t1ons of associate c1v1I engineer and city engineer Education: Bachelor's of science in civil engineering from University of Anzona, master's in civil engineering from Cal State Long Beach Famlty: Wife of 36 years Jan, sons Don and Cameron, and 8 month old granddaughter Ella Hobbies: Collecting hats. photography, family history, sa1hng walking FOR THE LOVE OF NEWPORT '{'ve lived in Newport fo r su ch a long p eriod of rime and I really wanted the oppo rtunity to continue n1y service to the city and the citizens. I pick ed up a lot of knowledge over those vears related ro all aspects of the city and f elt that I wanted to continue to share that.' ti Don Webb hasn.'t hung up his walking shoes despite having already won a seat on the Newport Beach City Council. D on·Webb logged 33 years working for Newpon Beach's Public Works Department before retiring in JuJy lOOI. But the retirement was brief, as Webb'!> volunteer work as a City Councilman keeps him quite busy. On I riday, City Editor James Meler visited Webb at his Mariners Dri ve home to discus\ the new JOint·U\e Manners Ubrary project, h1!> rnuncil goah. and the nickname he picked up during the 2002 campaign. Watkin' Don Upon retiring as Newport Beach's public works director, you lrnmedlatefy said you wanted to run for City CouncU, which you dJd successfully in November. Why the rush to return to city government I () R U M after 33 years with the dtyT Well. It reall\-wai;n't a rush. Thne \\.Ci.\ a year and a half hetween lht' retirenwnt and the elecuun, wh1<·h gave mt• J year to traH•I and rcfll>t I on thing<, i -.rory and i"'ue. '" we hJvt• w rt-.1llv h\te11 10 iill of tlu-\.Otl"t''>. hut ulumatt'I} 11\ up to you 111 pull 1l11N· togetht•r .md m.ile decl'>1011' When you rt•tire, you don'1 1u'1 KO home and c;11 111 J chair Jnd do nollung 'ou \\.,mt to ha\l' '>Omethang to occupy your ume \.\.1tJ1 f'vt'.' lived m Nt•wport for ~uch a long penod of Uffil' Jlld I re.llJY wanted the oppor1un11y to umtmt11• my '>t'C'\lle to the ut~ and tlw Ull/A.'ll,. I p1d~t'd up a lot of lnowlt>d)o(e owr tlHl\C } edr\ related lo .:111 J\fll'tl\ of the cil\ and It'll lhat I wantt·d lo< <n111nue to 'hart' that. How dJfferenl Is II ht>ing on the other side of the dalsT · I ).,'lit...,, lht'rt'' a numlx>r of ~.,y, to lo~tl JI that. ln,u·ad of ht·mg a hired emplu\t't'. Im now a vuluntt'er that\ ht"f.'n t'lettt-d 11 .. not an tt to·5 1ob dll)'TTIOrt ho\\t'\.t'r Im hndmg that Im 'Pl'nd1ng 4t11tt•" hit ol ttme -maybe not 40 hour-." \\.eek c:11 the prewnl lime A'>" ut'f t•mpluyee, I was mort• focu,t·d uimplt•tl'ly on public worb prow<" h J < II} Coum 11 membt•r. 11., rt:<tlh llt'l l''"Jry 10 trn u" on everything 111 tlw nty. Jll of thl:' various J.'>pe<:I'. of c1l't' gowmment So thJt mJke\ me look .i h11lc· d1flerently at ('Veryth111g La.e. d'> a puhllc worl.'> J>t'™lll I would lool at .i hu1Jdmg prn)t'rt .md 'dY OK, 1h1'> 1" .i top pnon1y: A-. .i < 1ty < ounnl rnt•mber I h.1ve to looi.. at the hu1ldmg pm1ect and '>.t}. "'\m,, how doe' that fit 1n with the O\erall bigger p1ctun• and al'l' 1lwre ..amt• other opt1011' "'t• need HJ con.,1der before or dfter that.· I 1hinl that bt•ing a pa'>t city employee. I know that l'w had a number of caJI<, from people with 5ome speClfic concerns that Lhey wanted additional lnfom1ation on and I've been able 10 direct them dtrettly 10 the per..on that can .. otve their problem or taken it on myself and J.Sked a few que.,lions to get Lhe a nswers. What have you learned ao far as a coundlmanf I think that through the camprugn. I learned that people of Newport rea!Jy want a council member who's responsive to thelr needs. rnere'5 always two to three sid~ of every I thmk 11\ important for l oum ii nwmbc·r' Ill worl togethl'r Inell' one ol the thing' I hopt• to lw .1hlt· 111 cl11 A., the pubht work.'> dirN lor. ll "''"' llt:l l''>'t<tf) for mt• lo do .t lot ol l oord1r1at1on wllh 1he niunul In 1h1· pa'>l, l'Vl' l..nown mC1ny ol the u1u11111 member' '>O I h.1\11 J lw.1d ,tart I .tc111.1lh knt:\\ OE"\.'\ roum 1lman l>1d. '\11 hol-. I fir,t ramt: .11 ro,., him 111 till' l.11t· ·:-o-. or t'Jrlv ·tto ... tlim11gh ""me ul thl l''>lll'' thJI lw h<id '-11 I 111 11111 "orl1ng w11h am '>lr.mgl'r' up tlwre .ind I ll1ini.., for nll'. 11 II h·· 1 •'"It r Why were you w lnvolved in the campalgri for a new Mariner's llbraryT lwo year<, agu. I \\,(\ cl(l(lllllllNl lu rhl' Llll/l'n' (.>vt·r'l~!hl < 11mm1tll'l' lor the l\1t>a.,11re A bond 1-.,111 for 1h1 "'l'"• port Mt."5<1 llmlied 'X hoot Dl'>tnct and go1 n.·.illy 1111ne,tl'd 1r1 till' '><. hool dl\tnct n.•l,1tt·d 1hmg\ arnl tlw uµ~'fat.lt•, of our '.tnou' 'l hool' At th.11 point I lw.ud .1ho111 tht' po.,s1hill1y of ge111ng a gr.int for a 101111 U\t' hbraf) ht'I .,.,ec11 1 ht' -.1 hool dl'>tnll .ind cit). .tnd 11 tlt'd 111to '''me of the thmgc; Lhdt I \\.J~ worltng 011 1111<; parucular lihr.1r't' nghl no\.\-"'••" hutlt Ill I '159 aJ1d 1' 'h11Mng 5ign' ot "'age and need-. to h,1\t' 'orne '>UU\lan11al 1mpmwrnt·111 .. 1t1dd1• 10 lhl' building to bring II up ro t ht' .!000 -.11nd..in.J, or Jll 11pp11r1111 ll\ lilt 1h1' •Int.' lo up~r.tdl' 10 J largt•r hhrc:tl) \\e hJ\.l' a great ma.in hhraro on 1lw olht.'r \Ilk of the hJ\ hut rht. \tanm r., hhr.it) "the on1· that h.tndft•, thl' llt'l'd'> of tlw pt•oplt• on thl\ '1dt' of tlw h.1\ "4.1 all of llHht' 1l1111g' 111g1·tl1t'r 1u-.1 re.tUy llnd of fit 111 \\IH~ to~ard gt•111.ng J 101nt·u-.e library Tne hind ral.'>lng group. lht'rt""-1 ( hac;e and Oms \\ 1lltn'><m. 1ust did .1 IJnla.'>fll 1ob worling \\1th \1Mlan lk-rgt~on pulling fogt.·ther the oti.7.A.'ll' \\'e had ntv staff. l.01-. Timm~n and I >.1rlene C 1Jetano, who wa.5 the otht'r one on tlw library -.1dc who. m punm~ the grant IOfet.her. \\ork.ed through the t\.'iUe<. w11J1 some of the communtl\ I thmk we came up \'<llh a n>ally good application. Therr were I \ outstanding J ppllcauons and our.. wa' one ol tho-.e. It JW.I -.eems hke the nght thing 10 - do for the community and I'm ju ... 1 glad I can he a part of 11 What are some of your goals on the coundlf FROM THE NEWSROOM ------------------- . ' ___ n \\idl I men11ont'd earht'r that I want tht· lounnl to be re'>pon-.1ve to the m•ed!. of Lhe communr!) he<ause, probdbly 111 connccuon w11h that, the m11 ... t impor1an1goc:1l1s rn gl't the gwwrnl pl.tn updatl'<.l mto the 21,1 c t•n111ry It wc:1-. la'>I \1~rntfit.an1ly n10d1fied 1n 1988 .tnd that wa!> )U\I J inod1ftt<111on h *a' created m the t•.irl) 70-. 11 JU'il rwed'> lo ha\e a OPW look Ill n·vll'\\ th<• \Jrsou' t'lt•men1 ... 10 mak<• 'llrt' the\ lllt:l'I nt•t·d.. llwn· may lw "1111e afl'a'> thJI nrl'd chang1·d. \\llh 111od1fit'd 1011111g I hl'rt' Ind\. l>e ... on11· m "" th.11 lll't'd J wtall\ d1flnen1 uw I thlrll th,11 1111\ 'ldt' OI tilt' ba\ I\ n•all\ 'horr on a< tt\'l' ptaymg field' I thrnl. \\t' rt•..ill\. 1wed to ,,.,,i. lowartl p111t 111g 111~1 tlwr \IJllll' nt'\\ playin~ li1·ld'. I hopt' to look al \Ufl\l't H11Jgt· l'.irk -I call II Laltrans Wt•st mY'eU ht'loU\t' mer the vear' of\\orkmg I .1llr<ut' Ill try1ng 10 get th.II propl•rl\ 11110 the nt\, that\ \\hat wet ailed 11 \1111 thl'ft' ~111 h1• -.ornt• opp11num111•., lf1 ""nt: of tht.> \'"Jl ant land that\ t .1lled Hanning H.tnc.:h a., f.tr a' 1 n•atmg \Orne larger c;pon., facili11e' "41 that' " ~n.i.J Dredgmg the ba> dOd \\Jtl·r-quaJnv '"ue" an• Jlway<, 1mponant issue\ I \.e Ix-en 1molve<l 111 that \tnce the hr..t dredgm~ pro1ett m the A<h.. It\ 111.,t c:1 to11t111uing prm. e-.. .. to make I Ill' hay bett1·r It\ 'o mut h Ix-lit r now than 20 }l'.tr. .1go I H'I) 11111e, 11 ramt'd and "'e'd ht' 0111 'athng the wet.·kend Jllt•f'\\.d.fd. \W had hule 1 .. land, w11h nlJ.lllOg Jl'hrt'> and orang!'\ from lht or.mge fi<·ld' ll1a1 you d -.ail through \11u \l't' d1·hri' rorn111g do\\n, hut 1L ... p1·11plt· JJI .1mund thl' l"Olllll't are lwt 11m111g mor1· t11n-.r1ou' lhJI lhl· drii111-. dram to tht• h.iy \\t• Vt' m.idt•" 101 111 proi.,rr1''' hut ~l h.1\ l' J long\\ ,1\ 111 gn. ton Though you're only a couple months Into your tJnt ~ councilman, do you think you'U !ltt rttlectJon T You II helve 10 <!bl me that 4uf'~Uon 1n three year.. Ther(''!> a very good po~'1bilt1y It 1u..t depends how thintr- go over the next thn-e year; I'm not go111g to \J) yes and I'm not going 10 'W.IY no David Ellis helped manage your campaign and that or thrtt othen in 2002 and has dnce taken beat OYa' making phony phone messages In the last two el«tlons. Would you uw hlm again If you seek reeltttlonT on I re1.illv d11111 lum\' h W'>uld dt'JH nd 011, agdln. llw \\a} thing' art' tn 1hr1•1 yrdr.., J.lld "'hal l han~t.., have ht-en made Im go111g 111 ht• dll incumtwnt '>O that., gu111g to ht' J dtfkrt·m \ltUJllOll I dcm 1 con done lht tat tH' I du.I 11111 lht' a11y 111 Ill) < amp<11gn Hai. the name "Wa.Utln' Oon" caught on muchT ,\furl' th<111 I t·H·r dn'.1mt·d I hJI .md lht• ,,r.1'' hat I H' had .t 11umh1·r 11t 1wopl1· \'\h11 't'I' n11· on 1h1 '>lrt'l'I .111.J \\Ill ,,I\ 111 \\,iJ~1ng [.k11 or \clll q-.111\ do \'\,ii~~ I h.it \.\.u' 11111•r1·,t 111 ~ dunn..: th1· 1 .unpJ1gn mn .11 1111· I larh11r I il'nt.t).!t' 1<1111 \\e h,"l .1 \\,il~1r1g I >r1 l tt'Jm I h1 r!· \\ii' th" 1111t· IJl.I\ "'.ilk111g hl·r dog d11\\11 the 'tn•et and -,J1d \\110' \\.1ll111~ Don' I '>dHI "\\•·I 1 h.it' lllt-' "h•• -..i1d f hat ' gre.11 rn\ hu ... h<1nd ,,11d tlH'rt r1'.llh \\ .1 ... n I 11111." and 1 lnt•\\ 1h1·11 \\,1, .111d 1111\' I 1.111 ~o up 11 h n md ,.1\ I \1• 11111 \.\dll 1 ng 1>1111 .. I J1d 111.1ll' .ir1 t•l111r1 dur111~ 1tw l rllllp.11gn 111111\t'r ·" lllUI h ol tht 'II\.' J' I l ould .1 l.11 d' l nrn l 111g 1111 d1111r' 0Vt.'r 111 ')p\g),t\., then•' 1h1' h11l1• 1111y llJI de \ill clfld II "•I' u n1uplt' (II d.1\\ .1ltl'r lht l>.t1h 1'1lu1 ran 1ht ar1 u l1· dlld Jlll lun· ol ml' I \H'lll lnm l1ng on door' and'""" "'PMJh pt·ople '>Jttl, M\\r 1u-.1 lneli\ \llll \.\.11Uldn't find our '"t'' t t kn· \1111 Jrt' and we rt'.tlh apprt·1 ldh' 11 .. I don I knm' I think 11 n·.dh \\11f~t•1J It ni.J.e, \1111 h·el g• ·••ti \\h1·11 ~1111 re rt·t og11111·d \-. ,1 rt•pn•,1·ntJll\ 1· ol 1lw t 11\ h11p1·lull\. pl'oph \'.tll lt·t·I tomlortahl1• 1 1m111~ up .t11d ldik.mg c:tOCHll '' h.lll'\ t•r l"lll'' th.II lhl'\ kl'I .trl' 11np11r1.1111t1 'h.ir1· Th.11, '""' 111 lht• thlll~'-lllJl I ,,,1111 tht·m Ill~""" -that thl'\ l dn 1allr. 111 mt· "°"' much do you walk daH~ f I tll 111do11 al h·,l\t lt\.t' ll•I\' a wt•el-lor ,111 hour or hour .111d J hdll \11 11\ Jhout thn·1• 111111•' I \1•n no"' and then. I II ~t:l walling and prem ~OOll l'U be 4u1te d WiJV\ from honlt' Someumes. "'e dnH' and park 011 tht• pemn ula and wall around there Newport JU'>I ha' \ome h<'dllltful. plale<i to walk A.ny flnaJ thoughul I m ha.ppv to be a rnunnlman for "lt•wport Reach and to contmue m, 1nvol\'Pme111 and wrv1ce to the c11y ' • • 'I'm told that you are conducting a poll about . ''Writing is °"'of tM few professions ILft whim you~ all the responsibility for whm you do.~ -Brtaa Joni, ~list on a Web site. agree to have your name attached to the letter and off it goes. This results in hundreds if not thousands or ronn letcers being sent off saying ~same oact thing. i.tudenL' at Orange Coast College about the plague of pl.aglansm and W3m them of its consequences. So I find it a sad commentary that the same practice I warn them apM a practJce that can result ln a Journalist being tired is actually being promoted by certain groups. is easy to spot and starts off with something like; ·rm told that you are c:onducting a poll about • • an easy tip off that this pel'IOl1 hasnl read the ory but Is betng ~whattO Nexl week. J1J tel )'OU "'hat 'we are doing ro enwre acwracy In our Forum ••• TB.L rrro TH! mTOR Tony Oodefo ii 1he edla. He ~ YoUrc:oi'N1W., on newt~~ Mother'~ i.... Toget•m1 geor ~ • teaerto 1he...,, cell tw.difec:e• .. ~ «lhe' ........... ta~ ot.-ld en..,... .. 0 ft en I am asked by readers or clect.ed offidals tf Ml scrut.1nir..e our lemB to the editor and if we guard agaiJUt letter-wrtting campaigns. The short answers are ya aod yes. But the loo8 ll1l!lwef that It Is impos&Jble to \'a'lfy each and ~time that the words a letter writer writ .ctually bdong to hlm orher. TONY DODE RO Tu be sure. the Rcpublk:an.\ nnd the Bush Administrauon are not alone as many oi:ganU.adons use similar methods. Whk:h makes me wonder 11 these people~ ever heard of aomcthina aaOed plaaiamm. ~ oocun whtn )'OU take ~ woC'ds Of ~ts ol Ponn letttrs a" nothing new and~ Oft' not Immune to~ copy cat Jett wrlo~ IC'OUl"p! hen! a l the Pllot and hlM-b1dttd modvtd the llU1lt lc1tt ~ ~ Ou.¢1 AdminisO'alJon. We r.co. • mar\ed tho second artnMrmy al our SUnday r.dlUon. ~ • tnctpdoiJ. edidon ~and ....... 0 ........... 0t dliltJAoe ..... -.-..orY\I u.s rn.11 .. 330 w. BllY Whkti =to a recent phenomenon hotly debated In the ol Jounllliim. ~ ~ and eome new....,en hl"8 ~~onamw~ letten ~ recetYed and pul6ihed by mljor' ~ ' meone dlf and daim thml a.' your own. It ctishonea and too t.ci that t.bas pracdce " eituaDy being promoted on YM:> JoumalJsta who~ anocbtr writa\ wost ~ Jtitf and~ penaldel. UMJaDy ~in tamlnldon. And I ~ lecn.n my joumlll6m often lcu.cn him that the ame ex.a thing. The drbat CMr the ptOp09Cd boardwalk Sn the Bly ii an cam ol whm wt!~ many Yerbaum ltu or It ~~wdt\choee lllOpOIWft ol ~ boaritw4. 8'X ~ P\llh II d\11 sutx~ ' mhanad ourwedcmd CO'\'enlllll! of around Newpon· \W brougtl' )'O'l che rada1 at lealt too LoOt 8-* ~ rr.ruree.. PttPr Buffa nl Kar1:0 WWW ooh.mnl IOd 111 9Cl'lll number olQ u>d A lnteMrwl with loc* ...... -.ct md Odllrwfle. CM~Spo111 hM bendlled ..... ~ wtllb C°"8 M.I. CA.. 92621 • ' ., I I I ' DEREMIAH • READ 949.759.3747 530 vi. Udo Nord • Open Sundey 1-4 MIUAR. SClAFANI & GIEM 949.717.4760 2516 Temple Hlh Dr• Open Sundey 1-4 Brion Jeannette designed Mnd new bayfront. 3 Bd 3.S Ba. home Large dock. Panoramic views. Beautiful brand new home on three acres Stunning ocean views DAVE WONG 949.717A714 I E'q""'" 5 Bd 5 5 B• w"h oce'" '"d "~ 23 Croobd Stick Dr • Open Sunday 2-5 lights views. MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 335 Plmz.a Udo • Open Sundey 1-4 -.-llAD Mt.111.nn .......... 0,.......,1-4 4 Bd 3 5 Ba. home built on a premier interior street Spacious garden patio FabU!out '9rnodel on an O'l9"Slr«! lot. Nothing left undone! l..Altve sunny patiO with ~. 'Jl l•tlf('l I 111\H•H'U. A COLDWELL BANKER NRT COMPANY. "--'-.,,.--. --------------- RIG CANYON SJ,295,000 WORDEN, BETSON & BIBB 949.759.3729 2 Roy.i St G.orge • Open Sundey 1-4 GINNI JOHNSON 949.717.4705 35 c.p. Andovw • Open Sundey 1-4 JI M KLINE 949.759.3n1 10 Rodcy Point Rd• Open Sunday 1-4 FINE• NORMINTON 949.717.4764 521 Avocado• Open Sunday 1-4 CHIJM. JOHNSTPN 949.711.2732 m Vie Udo Soud • a,.. ~ 1-' E.xqu1S1te European custom estate Fairway and lake views 6 bedrooms Panoramic ocean views and Eastem Seabourd charm atop the Bluff Custom 4 Bd 3 5 Ba English Tudor style home Separate guest quarters Lovely pool and spa Recently upgraded 3 Bd 2 S Ba Beauty with ultimate pnvacy Fabulous 45 foot comer loat.on next to pa~ Light and bright home. J QUOTE OF THE DAY "That's probably as sound a defense as we've played all season." Dally Pilot Pat Dou1ta11, UCI men's basketball coach COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters' bats wake up, club the Saints, 9-4 UCI wins second straight at Santa Clara with J 3-hit a ttack Saturday. SANTA CLARA -UC Irvine\ ba,eh.lll team made it two straight at th<.· lJniver· sity of Santa Oara Sarurday. po-.ting a 9·4 nonconference victory. After being limlted to two rum on 12 hns en route to a I · I record, the Ant eaters exploded wit.h a 1J tut attack. wit.h a three-run burst in the '>t"<.ond m· ning foUowed by a game-dearing fiw- run fifth. The Anteaters' second inning "-IW Kyle Ryckebo~ch pick up an RHI on h1., '>Ingle to left, scoring Jordan $1.aho, who 9 • led off w11h a s111- gle. With the base-. loaded and two ours. Matt 11.,her and Jrume t\lart1· nc1 were hit b} a plllh in lOfl'>('CU· uve at bah. ')COnng Jeff \\'crhun and Jon I forwiv to give I.he Anlt'ateri. a J 0 lead I JU added five rum in the top of the fourth inning, four of wl11rh were unearned, ru. the Bronco" made two costly errors in the field. Cl1ris Klemm anflicted the most damage, p1clmg up two RBl.5 on a single to center field. M"onng Hsher from thtrd and Darnel Muamontes from St>Cond, who reached on a thmwi.og error by Thomp ... on. Santa (Jara chJpped away at rhe Ant· eaters' lead in the the fourth urning a<. freshman faic Newton connet trd on hi., first career home run with om• out fhe Broncos added two more nm" in the fifth inning. cutting the lJU lc•,1d to li·4 a., Shapiro picked up h1'> .. ernnd RBI of the game on a groundout and Jawn Matteucci picked up hi<> fir<.t RHI of the game with a single to left field Brett SmJth picked up the wm for UCI, throwing 51· inning., 111 which he allowed four runs on eight 1111'. while waJldng four and stnlang out lhn•e Steve Schroer picked up h1'> fir.t '><IVC this season by throwing the final '.\i' in nings in which he aUowed only one hit. Klemm paced the UCI ofTeni.e with his twO hlts, two runs scored and two RBI. followed by Szabo. Mtramontes and liol'Wltz who had two hlts apiece UCI. 2· I , closes out the threc·tamc series at Santa Oara today at I p.m NCM1C011t.I .. 1ce oo 9, Sanu aan 4 Score by Innings ~I ~ ~ ~ 913 I S.Clura 001 120 ooo • 9 2 Smith, Scttroer (6) and Werhun, Redmond, Slorp (4), Fillinger (5) and Wallace. W -Smith. 1-0. L-Redmond, 1-1. Sv -Scttroor ( 1) 28 - Klemm (00). Guthrie (~I). Rydtebosdl (UCI), 'ltleftlun (UC1), L.aBarbera ISC), Diefenderfer (SC) 2. Hudley (SC) SportsEcitor Roger Carlson • (949)574-4223 • SportsFu:l9'.9)6'>0-0170 MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL s~EVf Mr RAr-.~ JA• '( PILOI UC Irvine's Jett Gloger ( 10) drrves the lane by Fullerton's Fedi Holm.Hadulla (22) Saturday night at the Bren Anteaters earn biggest margin of victory in Bi g West Conference play with near-dominating effort over Fullerton. Steve Vir1en Da1ly P1lot .. RREN !-,'VENTS CENTER -UC Ir· vine senior guard Mike I food scored a season-high 21 points and junior forward Stanislav ZuzaJc displayed the totaliry of h is potential. Yet, for aU thetr offense. it was also UCI's de- fense that led the Anteaters' men·s bru.ketball team to a 72·52 Big WeM Conference VIC· rory over (.al State fullenon in front of 3, 179 fans at I.he Bren Events Center Satur· day night SCOREBOARD "I thought wt· raml' to geLht'r more a'> a team 11 was ~ood to -.t•c that. It was a real plca.'iurt' to coach and \o\-Jllh them pla> tonight ·That'r; probably as <;<>und a defense we·ve played aU season. -Doug· lass 'iaid. While UCI made a state ment with its complete Fullerton 52 Anteaters 72 me An1ea1er. U · i". 7 -4 in the R1~ \\bt . who moved into ... nit• p<>"--.C'> '>1011 of thtrd plare in the cnnferenrc. held the fi. game. Douglass delivered a verbal statement. ·1 don't think this team has reached its potential,· Doug)~ said of the Anteaters. the two-time de fending regular-season champion., tan'> (6 I 5. 4 71 to 53% <;hoot mg, mcluding a I 0 of 15 effort in the fir<>t half. I ulll'rton. which hru. lost '>even of II'> la'>t eight. al'>o commincd 17 tumO\'er. and See 'EATERS, Pae• 83 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO EYE OPENER Datly..tPilit Spor1ll Hall ~ , ... MP I&: 1._ I• iltl Febfuary 10 honoree MARK NEBEKER Sonddy, Fet>rudry 9 2003 Bl WOMEN'S HOOPS Callaway leads UCI to 74-59 victory Anteaters have no trouble at all with host Fullerton. FUIJJ Rl O'\ -I J< In me\ <Jm'>llna Callaway nolt ht•d a ~amt' high LI poanl!> and M'1Me11 C1ree11 added 15 points to help 1ht• Vt'>iting UC lrvme women\ ba'>kt'tball ll'Jlll IO a 74·59 Big West C..onft'rt'nt t• \ 1uor, al CaJ ~rate Fullerton. The Antealt-r'> '"Nt' 111 t ontrol almost aU the way. W' u1~ \\d\ to u brief I'> 14 deficit m tJw earh gt1111i.: Fullerton'> l,1.,t fling \\U.'> at 23·2:i be· fore the Anteater. pulll'd a\\3} for good. The An tearer., U'>t'd J I!. O run to go up at halftime J5 .!J. Jnd pusht-<l the advantage 10 a. .. man} a' :! I pmnt., late in tht' game UCI shot 52% from tht field. inllud mg juc,1 under '>Ii% from lhl· floor m lhl' fir.t half Utllawc1y., LI pomh l amt' on 7 ol 14 from the field. and '>ht• \\<!.'> 7 for 11 at the hne She aho had '>IX hodrd-, (,reen wa., 6 tor l'I In'" 1h<· field, h11 both free thnw;, iUHl hJd l'1¢\1 rt· bound' l.J...a l·aulkner had I..! a_.,.,,.,l., ~ tht' i\nteater. improv<·d lo I I Ii n·4 in tlw Big \.\t>~l F-ullenon 1 ... nm' :; I-, l·h ·me Anteater' conunue m lhl' Rig Wes1 hun1 on lnur'>day when they hcN Idaho at tht: Bren I wnt., (enter How cold is ice? Ask the Lions Vanguard women <;tunned by Westmont, 56-38. Q)S IA Ml 'v\ \'anguard IJnlH'r !i1tv'<; women'> b,"kl'1hall tt:Jm. t.oldl'll 1a1e Athleuc Conft•rt•m e leader. and 'io 14 in the \.AJA rankm~., entt•nni.: Saturday night ... (,<., \( dud ,,,,h a I..! I record aWlJn"t We..tmont pruwd n• cord" are mc1dl' 10 lw bro~t·n Unfonunatel}. th(.>'.t' rt't·ord-, \\h1l h they must be, are for the\\ rang rt'a,on.., a'> the l.Jon ... provl-<l all 100 hum.m on a nigh1 of fuuhry With hand'> of Kt'. Vanguard rw1ted ~ of 50 from the field I 81\.). 111dudmg :! 111 19 from three point range. and pro reeded to bow to \\t><,tmonr Sf'· IB 111 the usually comfortable rnnfinl"'o 111 1 ht• Pu on the Vanguartl campu' The l.Jon'> c;hot JU'>t 8.J \i, from lhl' field m the fir.I half .! fnr !.4. 111dud111g 0 for 10 from beyond the c1n en routt· to a 26-15 defim And ll d1dn'1 gel murh better later Jennifer Wilcox and re;,erve Counm·y McKinney each had ~ven point'> for the Lions, who lost on the boards. too. 42 30. Westmont, 14 11, q 5. wa" led b}-t-.a tie Hardeman. the onl) player tn the game with double figures 113 potnt.s) Vanguard falls to 17 ·8. 12 2 Foothill sinks Sailors, again Knights beat Newport Harbor for third time as the Sea View showdown awaits on Wednesday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR • -For the Newport Har· bor Hlgb gil1s water polo Learn, redemption ls available ln four days. Sea vaew [ague dvals Newport Hubor and FootbUJ will duel In a lelgue showdown Wednesday at 5 ,P.m. at l\.asdn Higb. FoothW'a &-1 victory on Saturday ln the ftnals ol the lrvtne Southern Califor- nia Qwnp6onahips l.l Corona deJ Mar HJ&b WU the Knlgb.t1' thl.rd IP nst Har· bor this season. The Knights, 25·0 and the top team in OF Southern Section Division I, han· d.Jed the Sailors (20-4), ranked No. 2 in CIF Division I, on e sunny afternoon be- fo~ some 250 fans. Foothill's defense gained Outstandlns F1eld Player recognition when organiz- ers announa?d the all-tournament team following the final, capping an impres· stve &hawing again.st the Sailors. Knight goalkeeper Emily Feher made seven saves on l 7 Harbor shots. includ- ing two back-to-back In the foun.h quarter -one on a penalty shot and another on a point-blank attempt. "Emily has been conslslent through· out the RaSOn, • said Foothill Coach Dave Mikesell. •She Lt the best female goalie I've ever Sttn She always comes lO play.• SlMttiD/DllYPlDT s.. NEWPORT, hp 82 Newport's JesSiCa Bal (2) breaks free~ Foothl defends Rounne ROYenltf (4) for a PISS i1 Slbdl(s pme It Cell - • I ' ! ..... -p •• - 82 Sooday, February 9, 2003 ... SPORTS BRIEFS Lioris fall, 54-39 • COll.EGB MEN'S BASKET- 81\ll: Vanguard University held l ist-ranked Westmont College to 20 poinu. in lhe second half, but fell. 54-39, to the 16-6 Warri- ors in a defensive Golden Stale Alhletk Conference basketball batlle at the Pit on the Vanguard campus. • Westmont Colleae took a 34- 14 lead into intermission after holding Vanguard to 22% shoot- tng from the field in the first 20 minutes. 'Ille Warriors made 14 of 29 from the field to earn the 20- point edge as Olris Oark sup- plied 10 pints for the offense and Kevien Blomstrom grabbed six fir\t-tflr rebounds. Vanguard made only 4 of 18 field goal at- tempts, going 0 for 5 from be- yo nd the arc. AJIJ, the Lions had nine first-half turnovers. The Lions turned up the de- lt.'nse in the second half, holding the Warriors to 20 points on 26% -,hooting and puJled of a slight rt'bounding edge to outscore the visitors, 25-20. Mitch Pierce ended with a game-high 12 rebounds for Westmont, which improved to lf-3 in the GSAC Freshman Leon Rosborough -,cored 12 poinl.b to lead the Li - ons. and Tim Burnette grabbed a team-high seven reboundi. and added seven points. Vanguard drops to 5-18 overall and I -I 1 in the GSAL • COLI.EGE BASEBAll: Van- guard University was a 2-0 win- ner over Olapman University in nonconference baseball at Hart Park in Orange Saturday. The Lions got a complete-- game six-hJt shutout perform- ance from Marcus Harris, who struck out four and walked one. Vanguard (5-3) won it with two in lhe ninth as Jason Brunett helped load the bas~ with a sin- gle and Jonathan Bower drew a bases-loaded walk. Scott Zine followed with a single down the nght field line to push it to 2-0. Olapman had two runners in scoring position with two out in lhe bottom of the ninth, but Jeff Levering's Liner to center was i.nagged for the game-ender. ())apman falls to 0-3. •JC BASIIBMJ.: Orange Coast College's baseball team tied East I .os Angele1>, 9-9, and dropped a 4-3 decision to San Diego Mesa in the Southwestern Tournament Sarurday. Dustin Hicks went 3 for 4 with a three-run homer, a double and 6 RBis in the opener. San Diego Mesa i.cored twice m the bottom of the eighth to pull out the 4 3 verclict. Joey "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 .9 PM __,....... _ .... _ :i""""'-3423 \/IA LIX) 3601 E CXlAST HGMAY 7955 E (])AST ffOMAY • 949.723.0707 949.675.4100 948.715.1117 -----------1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I . -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE Morrison hac.l a double and sin- gle for Orange Coast. The Pirates (6-1-1) wrap it tep today at 2 p.m. at Southwestern. • COIJ..BGE SOFI'IWJ.: Van-. guard University ran its record to 4 • l • l wibt a nonconference doublehea'der sweep of visiting California Lutheran. Marciea Ball tossed a seven-hitter in a 3-2 vic- tory in the opener. Beth Burchell had two hits and· scored a run, and <:elina Camarillo drove in Ashley Mauro with the winning run. In the nightcap, Krystal Keltner scanered six hits and struck out eight in a 4-1 victory. Ilsa Jackson bad two hits and Andie Smidc had a two-run sin- gle for the Lions. • WRESTUNG: Four Newport Harbor High wrestlers qualified for C1F at Westminster Feb. 21-22 at the Sea View League Finals Saturday ac Irvine High_ lWo- time league champion Nate Geier (24-5) went 3-0 to daim the 135-pound crown; KJd Um (19-8) was second at 112; heavy- weight Phil Gerard (10-9) was third; and Tony Pinon is an alter· nate after finishing fourth at 152. •JC TRACK AND FIElD: Orange Coast meh and women both swept to the Orange Empire Conference Relays champion- ship on Friday al Santa Ana Col- lege. Shaun Walker won the jav- elin at 175-6, 17 feet further than his nearest competitor .. . An- drew C.ary won the 400-meter hurdles in 58.80 ... Jasmine Geider edged ber sister, Hanni, to give the OCC women a 1-2 fin- ish in the 400 hurdles .. Jasmine was second in the javelin at n -o ... KeUy Brown won the triple jump in 31-6 and was second in the 100 hurdles at 18.10 ... Jenni- fer Ftnaldi won the pole vault atl0-0. •WATER POW: UC Irvine's women's water polo team lost to llartwick. 7-4, and Cal Stale Bakersfield, 7-6, in the first two rounds of the UC San Diego lnvi- tational Sarurday. j PACIFIC Co~e;RErnr UNION ~ Business at the Beach NEWPORT BEACH THE BUSINESS • ~ Free Admission! Free Food! $5,000 in Prizes! EXPOSITION .I Daily A Pilot Nt~l"t.:·f ll"£ft c to<111111u o • 'o .. ulllt tl • Meet Local • Businesses! • ·Great Networking! Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1003 5:00 P• to 8:00 P• Newport Bach Marriott Hotel " Tanis Clab (900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach) Drawing Items Include: A massage a month for a year! • Annual passes to Disneyland! One week in a Mexican Resort Vhlal Round trip tickets on Southwest Airlines! • And much morel • For more lnfonnmtlori or exhibitor •v•lllllilllty, (949) 7294400 www.newportbe•ch.com .. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT CdM's Vivian Liao (7) makes a quick pass as Foothill's Sarah Harrulton (2) applies pressure. Sea Kin gs third Corona del Mar beats Santa Margarita a third time to finish third in tournament. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High girls water polo coach Aaron 01aney got his wish in the t)lird-place game Saturday in the Irvine Southern California Olampionships. · FoUowing a 9-7 loss to Foothill in the semifinals, 01aney said he. Wanted his team to finish "on a good note." The Sea Kings (18-5) obUged with a 6-4 victory over Santa Margarita Senior Olristina Hewko, the OF Southern Section Division IV Player of the Year last season, led the Sea Kings with three goals. two in a three-goal second quar· ter for the designated home team. Hewko also amassed two steals and assisted on Cd.M's first goal by Brittany Bowlus just 12 seconds into the game. Danielle Carlson scored twice and had two assists to go with one teal. Carlson, I lewko and Bowlu'>, who had an assist, were selected to the all-tournament team. CdM built a 5-1 lead at half- time before one goal in the finaJ two quarters as the defensei> took over. J~ica I larkins added NEWPORT Continued from B 1 Feher also recorded two of Foothill's nine steals compared to only su for the Sailors, who struggled to get shots ofT and when they did, balls went over the goal or to the side. Newpon couJdn't take advan- tage of any of its nine player-ad- vantage situations, frustrating Coach Bill Bame«- "Our six-on-fives were atro- cious,· Barnett said. "They do a man-down defense, so girls are open, we just d1dn't find them." Senior AruUe Wight scored Newport's lone goal in the first period to Ue the score, 1-1, be- fore Foothill answered with two goals before the half to take a 3-1 lead at lntennlssion. The Sailors got two steals each from goal· keeper Terrin Cottam and senior Jenna Murphy, but couldn't translate the turnovers into goals on the counterattaclc. The KnJghts scored the only goal of the third quarter to go up 4· l foUowing a Newport shot dock violadon. Gebbie Doman· ic, who scored one goal with one assist and two steals, led the counterattack that resulted In Kaitlin Prljate:I pump-faking two times from 10 meters out before sending the ball lnto the net "Barnett didn't show as much as much u he is capable of,· ).{ikeseJ1 said. "Barnett is a mas- \er and he will have them ready. •1 don't think I've ever seen two teams as cJoee u this for an en- tire aeaaon. We were just able to maxinUze on opportunities that game.• Feher was oamed .outstanding goi.Ue and made the all-touma· ment team along wtth Hayes and DomanJc. Murphy, Wight and PaJge Lan- ling, who ~ tjghl def~ ~ the Foothill game, made the lft-toumament team. • In the leflllftnaJ Newpon needed nine MCOrida of sudden dath owrtime to prevail over SailAa M..aitla. 5-4, foDowln9' a two steals and CdM gctal keeper Brittan) I ulll'll made eight ~ve<. Santa Margarita\ l·nl.1 Figge. also an aJI tourna ment team pick. s<.·ored three goal&, two on lour meter penalty .,hot\ m tht• thud and fourth quarter'> rc.,pt't 11wl\ The Sea King'> hiJ\t' n<m llt'.1t the Eagles UUl'l' tmle., Ill ,,, many tri~ thi\ Wil'>Oll • ())aney can't fault h" te.1111\ effon again'>I I oolhtll 111 tlw semilinal5. frailing, 4 0 Ill 1he '>l't 111111 p1· nod, CdM roJrt·d ha1 ~ 111 p.111 the defiot to b ~ and -'i hu1 tilt' Knights fought on tlw dlJlgt The Sea Krng' '>l111t·d lour goals in lhe third pt•r11H.J. 1111 lud ing 2 of 4 on tlw '"' on 11\t'' \'I\ ian Liao tcx1k t1 t '' "' pool P·"'" from Hewko aml lill'd th1· h.111111 the left Mde ol tlw 1w1 Im lw1 second goal with ltl -,1•111mh ldt to cut Foothill\ lcJd to , r, Hewko was .1 fun t' through out, scorinK 0111 l'. hut 11111n· 1111 portantJy, addmg four ·'""I' Jml three steah cle-,p111• ))t'1ng tlou ble-teamt>d olt1·11 \\ h1·11 111 ,1·1 But JU'>t ,.., th1 \1•.1 J.:111g' caught a ghnHm·r 111 li11p1 lint tany I !aye'> lw.1wd ,, P•'"' Imm mid pool Into 1lw It'll '>IUl' ol 1111· goal fot a thre1· go.ii 11·.111 "We crn~ll·d h.11 I.. 11111111 .•111 Ling the lead to 7 , .11111 1111•11 tu give up a go.11 hl..1· th.11 tlll' game wa.'> '"II """ I told 1111• girls to go get three goal'>.· Chaney ..aid. Carl~n scored twice fnr CdM a nd had two as- 1>ists while D1Giacomo nett ed a goal and an ru. ~ist. Bowlu'i also 'iCOred for the Sea King'> D1Giacomo took a pa!>.'> in set from I lewko and flipped it over hN rlglit '>houJder for the Seil kmg<.' final goal. Mi'>i.ed opponunmes haunted llw Sea Kingi>, who couldn't con- ' 1•rt two penaJry shots. Feher Ill J de IQ ..a V('<; IO (,'Oal for Foot lull ·Ille two penalty shots hun hut what killed U'> wa.-, that no om· wanted to '>hoot the ball.· c J1ant>y ..aid "But in the l<bt two· .and a half quaner. we out- pl.1wd them.· llwUP'ac• CdM 6, S•ntl M..-gattu 4 Score by Ou.rters S Marganta 1 o 2 1 CflM 2 l 1 o ~ SM E Figge 3. Anderson 1 Saves - 0 Connor, 3 CdM Christina Hewlco 3 Carlson 2 Bowlui. 1 Selves Fullen 8 Semlftnal Foothin 9. CdM 1 Score by Quarters CctM o 1 4 i Foo1h1ll 1 4 l 1 ·i CdM Carlson 2. Liao 2. Christina H1>wko 1. Bowlus 1 01G111como 1 5.lvos Fullen. 3 Foothill Hayes 4, Reynolds 2. Kraus 2 Domanrc 1 Saves -Feher 10 SEAN HltlER I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor H1gh's Annie Wight (white cap) battles for the ball with Foothill's Brittany Hayes m the tJtle game Saturday afternoon. dramatic end to rcgula11on. Santa Margarita drew an ejcc tion with one 11erond rerna.in111g in regulation. Once officials gave tht' hall tu the l:agles, ~ndra Anderwn threw the baJJ out to l~rika Fir.gt• on the perimeter not once but twice as the clock hlt 7.cro. The horn failc.'Cl lO i.ound and Figge found th(' cage 10 extend the game, where Carolyn Con- way needed less than I 0 second~ co score her second goal, sending the Sailors to the title match "We found a way to win, that was the main t.hlng." srud Bar- nett. who ques tioned referees about the P~gles' fourth goaJ. ·They hould have started the clock when the ball was in play. (The P.agl ) pas-.ed the ball around a couple lirn when there was :00 on the clock. Tuch nJcally time i.houJd have expired. But It all came out a wush." Newport found lti>elf traiHng. 2'-0, following o goal by Anden.en from 10 meters out with 3:12 Jeft In the first hruf, and that wa., 1he way it tood ot halft1m • Conway scored N<'W(lOn' finl goal with 4:14 rrmalnlng in the third period on o p;.ti rrom Mur· phy, who talll d tlu • K·Jal~ lor the vlCIClffl, (WO ~ UI rout•ll\ l •r penahy t in th,. frn,•th n1111r ter. Murphy's third goal gave the Sailors a 4-3 lead with 3:20 left. Much of Newpon's attack came as a result of a mothering defense, led by Jessica Ball's four \teals and an aggressive Raelyn Ritchie. Ball drew an ejection to allow Murphy to score on her firsi penalty shot and Ritchie got a hand in on several entry passes to either deOect them to herself. or just enough for Cottam to make one of her seven saves. Cottam blocked a penalty shot by Figge in the first period and made a point-blank save toward the ri.ght oC the net ln the foW1h quarter. · ChllfnPcMlltllp Foothll •• N9wport 1 Scofe bv °'*1111'9 NMJ>olt ,000 -1 Foothlll 2 , , 2 • NNIPOft -Wight 1. Seves -Cohm, IS. Foodl9 -Hevet 2, Reynolda 1, Prljltel 1, Domank: 1, Kr1u1 1. Sevee -Feher, 7 Redaellll 4 ~ Newpoft .~ ........ ... .., ....... s.~ 1 1 o 1 o -• f'.Mwpcjit 0 0 I I 1 -a IM· ~lton 1.~ 1,1 Ago• 1, E Figgie 1 S.....-O'CofWlof, 2 New,.,,-M4.lrphy 3, ~ 2. S."199 -Coltwn. 7 . ... Dally Pllot S P 0 R 'I S Sunddy, Feoruory 9, 2003 83 'EATERS Continued from Bl UCI scored 17 off those miscues. Hood, who shot 5 of 7 from beyond the arc, also worked o n defense, as he recorded a game- hlgh .uw steals. Hood's hot shooting forced Fullerton to break away from its w ne defense • and go into a box-and-one to stop Hood." "Mike had a phenomenal game,· Douglass said. Said Titans Coach Donny Dan- iels: "Hood W-dS on fire." Hood scored 13 polms in the second half, and he connected on aU three of his three-pointers. His !.econd three-pointer of the Bia West Utah St UCSB UCI Pacific Cal Poly Idaho half came after he grabbed a W l loose ball 8 3 near the 8 3 baseline, 7 4 6 4 which gave 5 6 UCI a 35-24 5 6 lead, with 4 6 16:05 left. 4 7 1.ater. 4 7 flood North ridge F\Jllenon Riverside long Bch St 3 8 knocked down an- other three· pointer at the top of the key with Fed.1 llolm-lladulla'i. hand in his face with 11 :30 left. "n1en I :l6 later, I lood drove the lane and made a drcus-sho1 layup that gave UCI a 51-36 lead. "lust relaxin'g and letting the game come to me." llood said, explaining hii. hot strea.Jc in the "Stan (Zuzak) concerned himself with rebounding and defense and not worrying about his offense. I thought he was real powerful defensively and got on the boards. He played strong. It's nice for him to play like that. That's the level of play he should be:' Pat Dou1lass • past six games. "I was just hitting my ::.hots." llood has hit 18 of his 24 treys m the last six games. He also went 2 fo r 2 from the free-throw line and has hi t J2 of his :.13 foul '>hot~ on the 'iea!>on . IJCI ww. also perfect from the free-throw line. ll1c Anteaters !.hot 15 of 15. UC! freshman point guard Jeff Gloger -,cored 11 points, includ- ing 6-of-6 free -throw shooting. I le also dished out six ru.sisl!> and ret orded two s teal1>. Hounding out the effort of lJCI"; complete game was UCI 1unior center Adam Par...ida. who became the i.chool's career blocked shots leader as he now has 100 ( 18 blocks this i.eason). Parada made a hook shot in the paint over Fullerton'i. ,Pape Sow With 13:05 left, which started an 8-0 run that even- tually gave the Anteaters a 49-33 advantage. Sow started in hib first game since being suspended for l l games. I le was i.uspenJed after he was arrested for steaJing. The Completely Insane Anteaters, UCl's student section which wears yellow T-shirts. heckled Sow throughout the night. Sow scored 14 point1>1 while Pa;ada finished with four. !Jarada received help from hi!> teammates as UCI double- teamed Sow. Parada also ran in to foul trouble. but lhe Antealerr. didn't have UCI sophomore back-up center Greg Ethington. who 1s out with a dislocated shoulder injury he suffered in the second half or Wednesday's game. I lowever, the Anteaters' effec- tive double or sometimes triple team of Sow was enough. Mean while, Zuza.Jc .. who '>cored 17, aJso tu.med his focu'i on dt>fense. "Stan concerned himself with rebounding and defeni.e and nut worrying about tus offen'>e," Douglass said. "I thought he was real powerful defen'>ively and go t on the boards. He played strong. It\ nice for him 10 play like that. ·n1at's the level of play he shoul<.I be." fullerton '>hot 2Y% f7 of 24) in 1he firi>t half and 1tw I Hans com - mitted 11 turnover.. UCI '>hot 40% (10 of:.!5) on 1t~ ay tu a 25-16 halftime lead. Fullerton '3eemed content to run down the shot clock in its half·C<Jurl offense. ·nie ritan!> also U'>ed a full court pressure defense so that UU could ta.Ice lime to get intu its offense. l he Anteaters never trailed throughout and built a !:1·2 lead in the game\ fir'>t nine mmutes. UU closed out the firo;t half witJ1 a7-'/. run. ZOTS -The AntE!aters ho nored four new UCI Hall of Fame induct ees dunng the game. Allah-m1 Basheer (women's basktball), Rodcy Craig (baseball), Chris Ouplanty (men's water polo and swimmingl and Martt Kaplan tmen:s tennis) were honored Ethington's injury is day-to-day and there 1s a poss1bil ity he will be available for UCl's next game at Utah State Thursday at 5:35 p.m . UCI has w on .34 of its last 39 ho me games dating bad( to lhe end of the 1999-2000 season Big West C-Onference UC Irvine 72, Fullenon 52 Fullenon -Bolton 1, Sow 14, Andrew 11, Homes 10, Holm Hadulla 14. Smith 0, Forcheney 0. Bar Nauer o. Groomes 2 3 pt goats Holm Hddulla 4. Andrew 1 Fouled out Holmes Technicals none UCI -Zuzak 17. Harns 9 Parada 4, Gloger 11, Hood 21, Scnraeder 0. Peace 0: Baskauskas 2 Efevb.irhd 2. Okoro6 3 pt goals Hood 5 Gfogar 1 Hams 1 Fouled out -none Technicals none Halftime UCf 25 16 SUMMARIES COUEGEMEN GSAC Westmont 54,\19nguard 39 Westmont • Phillips 9, Gulley 2 Blomstrom 6, Claril 20. Pierce 8. Tillery 2. Tudor O, Adelm an O. Bectllt1• 3. Grgll& 4, Romberg 0, Bartel 0. Oebban 0 3 pt goals -Phllltps 2. Clark 1 Bee.tiler 1 Fouled out -none Vanguard Hartman 6, Pierson 6. Adamczak 6, Rosborough 12 Burnette 7. Moreau 2. Cotter 0, Enn!> 0, EgkanO 3-pt goals -Hartman 2 Fouled out -none Halftime Westmont. 34 14 COUEGE WOMEN uc Irvine 74, Fullerton 59 UCl -Faulkner 4, Gabbe 9, Green 15, Yadon 7, Callaway 21. B1gg1ns 4, Sturgeo(l 1, Ferguson 9, Usher 4 3·pt goals -Ferguson 3, Gaboo 1 Green 1 Fouled out -none Fullerton Taylor 3. Alhaoeff 2, Ortega 8, Hansen 6, Quinn 10, Pru•n 10, Adams 5, Holman 2, lee 0, Moon 2, Wagner 2, Mosley 0, Gresl1e 9 3 pt goals -Ou•nn 2, Adams 1 Fouled out -Ortega Halftime -UCI, 37 27 GSAC Westmont 56. Vanguard 38 Westmont -Shanklin 5. Hardeman 13, Gibb 5, Hughes 3, Wolski 6 Johnson 0 Fate 2, Stew an O. Tra111s 2 Morrow 8. Uhlman 4. O'Oonogue 8 Calhoon O Kelly O 3 pt goals -Hardeman 3 O'Dono11ue 2, Gibb 1 Fouled out -none Vanguard -J Lenderman 2. Mills 2. W ilcox 7, Candelaria 6. 01nenbir 2 Josefsson 5 Lee 0. C Lenderman 3 Seaman 4, McKinney 7, Griffo O 3 pt goals W1lco>< 1 Josefsson l Fouled out -none Halhtme -Westmont, 26 15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJtlg the Daily Ptlot's Athlete of the Week series I' SATURDAY 20 Lindsey Galas!>O Orange Co.;st Coll11ge Bas~etboH, '03 2S -Jeremy Jehang111 Costa Mt::.a Football '9!> TODAY 20 • Taylor Govaar~ Newport Hart>or Volleyball ·oo SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -U C Irvine at Santa Clara. 1 p .m . Community college -O range Coast at Southwestern Tournament. aTSOuthweS'ler. 2p.m . Water polo College w o men -UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara Invitational. Tennis College w o men -UC Irvine at Oregon, 11 a m Pol i<·y llow to Plaee A ___ Dradlinrl'I __ _ . Rate., anJ deadline' atl' .. ubJCCt tu change.-"'1thout notice.-The pubh,hc.-r re~ervc!. the right 10 c.:rn.;or, rc.-clas!'>ll). revise or rc1cct an)' cla,.:;ificd advert1~mcn1. Plea-.c n:port any error that may be in )Our da!> .. 11icJ at.I 1mrncd1atcl). The Dcul} Pilot ClCc.:ept~ no hab1ht) for :ln)' error 111 an advcrt1i.cmcnt for which 1l may be n:spon!>ible eAccpt for the co:.t of thc :.pace actuall)' 0t·cupu:d h) the <.'rro r. Credit can only be allo\o\<.'d for th<.' first insertion. CLASSIFm iJlD Monda) ..................... 1-nd..t~ ) llOpm T ue,d.t) \1onda~ "OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS l~l & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TM$$ 4 llCOtlDS (TC .Im. ~ Ek: ~ & Ws .8l Mee. Spilt. lube ~ Moke 949 645 7505 • llar4r• "Notlv•'' $2000. •Guy lvff•t Seri.,.... "Shov• ke" $~. '714-777-S6SI lQUAl ltOUSllG OPPOmlTY 1111 real est•te "dver- hsln1 in this newspaper ts subject lo the Feder.ti f •Ir Housme Act ot 1968 as .amended which mat.es ti 1lle11I to 230S·2490 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Oldef Styt. Fumitin PIANOS & Colt.<1J'blfl . ..,.........._ ·~ ........... ~Jyyr.,,.. $$ CASH PAID $$ ~~00 .... ~ Wf BUY ESTATES •lmmed."111Nend1y-.. lcONs.!~~~·E{J I --:::11~;,~, ,. '' I (' I .it 11 • : ~ ..... , •• ~··1::·~~ adverhu "an1 prefl'r coJJ.• IM~~ ence, 11m1tat 1on or ~""a> d•sv1mlna11on based on SOUTH cgAST race colof, relteion. \e&. handicap, fam1hal status AUCTI N 01 nalton11I Oftltn, 0< an 1--22t2.:.:.:::.,S..= ... =IL~- 'nlenUon to make any ...-AM. CA a707 such Pf•f.,ence. llmila -•i.o.-U.•lllO tton or dlscrtmtn•tlon • Th11> newspaper will not knowlnelY accept any adverlisem.nt IOf real ntel• wlllch 1s In v1ol1hon of th11 lew. Our readera , 111 hereby 1nfor md that 1N dwell· mp 1dvettlsed In t11ls ne111n1>•Ptlf 11e 11111l1ble on an equal Ol>POf tunily bHIS To complain ol dts cttmln1t10n. c .. HUO ton· lree 11 t -800-424·8S90 \ T ti lk Aholt YOUR 6AIA61SAUI II CWSllD M2-5'71 Pltase contact -t.om 101w fHlm IMl that l can lell you about my collKtlon ol Cemalo11t OM• c.rved Into SOlll'lfll H1'9\, foYNll doVolt', artceful ullflah. c•vor tifll dolphlna, cllar1ln1 bull• & butftlo My f11Un1 ~ end ectvand!W ,..a llnllt my lblllty tn enjloy lhlM Mn• *°"' CAJ1tlans, whkll now should bt 111 OM or yotlf 11or1ou1 palacn N Sheft111 1·888 709 6262 P.O. 11o1 m C1nmont. CA 9111141'6 8\' Fax 1949) 6J 1-6594 1f'kJ< 1n...ll.kk \•~r nuntl 11-.1 1>!1•lllt' llUITil\o;'r .UlJ "" 11 \ 111 'y1'il ~.ti~ ~ 11r1 I f'HH • tjlJ>'h I By Phont• 1 Q4•J1 6.i2-~o7X II our~ lh· '.\tail/In P.-rso11: ~ '0 Wc,l Bay '>tri:ct Co,1.1 ._k,d. ('A 4~(!27 Al Ne" porl Blvd & Bay St Wednl''>d.1\ ... I lll''-d,1~ :' OOpm Thur,d..1) Wt:dnt',dJ~ )·llOpm Fnday . Thur-.da' '\ Oopm Sarurda). I mlJ\ ~ (Klpm l dcphoni: !V\0.im '.'-0~~1rn M onda) Fnd.t~ \\.ilk In 1'I ~0..un-'i UOpm Monda} f nd.1\ Sund;.1~ . l-ru..l.1) '\ OOpm lndrx ~ IULESTAn llllTAlS 3010-3940 .... YMDIT illll ... lllS I I soos-saso TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSwms curt. ... '"'" Whwnsk:el ..... w-11 ........... Pestet sHk scrMn & hnd style stereo Cllbh!b, etKs painled cl4ts•llftS on wht door w/'f;httllola & dr- IM:quer, POftelAtin knobs, PINd $400 , S1ic:ri11ce SUXl. Cute.lille new. 9/pa $25 Ste¥9~"1l9 & ~ 949 466-6567 JtWB.RY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-t(.t,.N-4•• Old CotnJ>I Cold, "Iver, ltwelfy. w1tdln, .nl'tquft callKltblH 949-642 9'411 TtllkAbtlt YOUR GWGESAUI .. CWSRD 642-5671 ~ 7402-7466 ,.. ~ IOOS·8S10 ~ 9000-97SO Und er the Se rvice Directory Ba nner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 and say .970pp.2, CZJalemUw. Deadline Feb. 12th • Vakntine Messages Appearing Feb. 14th : ~~ 111111 · 11111111-1111111 20 Characters per line. You may use all 4 lines fOI' larger ads, call an advertislng rep today1 Wl°H MIUk it .JI FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name1·;_ ________________ _,Phone No.:. ____ _ S~nawre: _______________ •=--------~ BiRmy:Vis.aDa.. ___ __.MC.__ ____ _..A/f. ____ ~DilOOYef-~~ C..ctit Cardi ficp, Dai.:._ ___ _ , 14 Sunday, February 9, 2003 * IUSINISS * MOVHfGSWll USTAUUNT IQUWMINT, OffKI IQUWMINT & OFFKI 5U,,UIS. n-..&ay-s.tw41ey 1001 W.17fhSt, Svlt• 0 17Th/Wltlttler CntaMeaa Cats 3610 •Adopt• Wlnll!r Kllteo 11. uts. doe> r .... or vwit every ~I Sun 12 411n1 f ll!illOl b Atwml Nutw0111 Info 949 1>44 2279 www~i..ora h~ :I) dq Web ~~ 4 d!ll?' RelCU!n~ PllJCHI W.TH MlM, 111111. te1th1n1 or ll\lln1..,11f bacqround, to Introduce product wf!lch K llfutuna .ii ulea records. 1nterna bonally Must be capable of handlinc uceptlonalty Iara• Incomes Only those prewntty ell1l)loyed nHd 1ppl1 Call Ms Melancon 871 ·318 26'JO AAA VENDING ltOUTl 1'6 ~ l)1lb. ""'"' ~ ullol1I. S8!B> lrMl5f ~ down wee 8»59311 IMltlnert a,,ortunMtts 3925 New lnve11tery for ,1ar1q snlll 11lft $hop Great collectibles. Retail $3811 +, sekla for '14K with eiltas 76o.947 6119 IACK IAY CINTlll 26!'>1 Irvine Ave, aoff view. llta1l •nd of lice 1Va11 714 573 7780 Office apace In nice 1ndust Pllrk 1600sf 70" ofc 1001 W 17th SI CM 949-650-1217 LOTS/ACREAGE lea/Acreage 3905 Wante_d ___ 47_'° AISOlUTl SS MAllllll BIG PROrtrs Cash ever yd•y' VPnd1n11: Call now Free 111fu1 I 800 4"4 6014 l4h" f14nch"e/M•sle1 ft•n t h1\e un1qur • ap1dly arow1na PuL• r C1t1lf'Jll 'lZ yn1 1Hnven h1~turv 7{)()+ SIOI~\ In;>() \I.Oii!> t:om1-1l1 It !141ne111K mark•llni •nd '"Pl"''' I 888 .144 2767 a/10 FIND SeMce Directory Accounting 'NOTI(.[ TO Rf AOC RS Cahlnrn1a law re qu11 e~ thal conlr ac to" ta~'"ll 1ob\ lh1! total S!>OO or m<lfl! llib<lf '" m•ltroals) tit 111.ens.ed by the <..nnlr•<lors Stale license Board SI.tie law 11\0 reqUlfU that 'ontra,tors include lhe11 hunu numbll• on all advertr..ina Yoo <.an 'hed• the status of your l•cen••d con l1•t lo1 111 www cstb ca aov or 800 Jll CSLB Unh censed tontractor\ t1k1n11 1obi that total Its\ lhlln S500 must \lalt! 1n thru <tdver llsemrnh th•t they ., e not hcen.ed by the Contr"l"'s Slate licen~ Boiltd - Additions& Remodellng fMntltG INTDllOIS KrW!en I Bait! I Rernodt!! M'lb ... ~ fflll'15 ~ 9'19616~ Anomey Services AITORNEY (1• II maltc,..., bu~111C\\ lav.. IJnd u-.c. land lonl/tcolllll conU.itl\, ollk:r J~rtcmLnl\ w '<JJ\nr f<LJ\!ICl.lhk roilC\ 4N9-4i50-Holl2 A TO Z HANOYMAN ln\lall '"'"" • •b•ntt KG:twn'b.llt\ 1hr. wnt>w ~ Dole /14 !>461?'.JI SEU your un.,anted 1tenn lhrou1h t.fauohed SO. CAUF LANO IOOM I Y. <m part ti• rn p•lh ut pwf1rl!n A•n•11ne Pf""' & •alun lvw down w 1n hnu<~ l1nancrne Prule\~onnal L,,.,d Corp 714 301 7371 Nido Cal(949 642 S671 Pvt a few woflh to w•rli for ou. P lue-<' your ad loduy! (fM91642-6678 • EUAIU f""'r ~ /., 30 YIM AuTOMOtlU SEMCI .....-.i -0....-sir.'"" TUNI 1ftSHOP (949) 645-4641 ~· II •"""-I Boollbeplng TAX R.-TURN ONWH .. 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Rose Sn*y °' CC!c• Colvey fOt ~· men! 949-673 3663 OPEN SAT-SUN 1-4 134 A Monte V1sl~ 3br l 5bd DETACHED srng l.tm home Ho "11 s "own moldm& shutltr s Bost sound sysltm S519.900Mary Fewel Re Mu 949 646 9670 ntne OPIN SAT 1-4:30 TUltTU llOCK POINTE ParlOI. g<Jd min ~ b tore q~1 recess IU!C>.. lots ol storae,e Puot ~~"''~ SJ27 00/mo l\fM}writr Slwtey Carre'oo 9't9 lf>4. IOI 0 94S4S I 1200 CompumSeMces :!:.put.or r;\J7fJ Tul•r ~ r.1....,.. <.a.-''"°"""''""' ,...., 1.. "· , .. , ,...._f '" ,., "'f '·'"...,,,,. ii lmll INI INll ·I~ S19 c.t .... -..a- (949) 548-9595 COMPUTU SOlUTIOM lifJl<Jr..d,... Rc•µ.i1" ( u'/llm l'f ' Bu.Ir ,,.1.,.txitn>i /n/••11k·I ...-~up Jnrl \h4ron.; \I( ,, FllEE < u11...,/.i1r11n Ult l•H 949-510-4130 Coocrete&Masonry l rlci. llocli Stone Tll• VIOC.r t'h:. t .,.hr Uuvew•Y • ••111< HlilJ Rd\ ~y" I •IJ IPOry 114 'J'i7 7';94 -The Ce,;;;-ntMan Cemenht111 I Brn ~ l 11~ g. More RthdblP No 101> too sm.tll 949 !>48 6 / 46 David V•nturo (.-ref; & MOMM!ry Re<id,.nl1•I Bric~. Stnne. Blot~. 11le lic:•747448 714 965·2824 Construdn/Contn:tn NUO MORE ROOM? l\OOOIONS &. Rl J.«JIXLING l •'>1798? IJ49 837 '>64l N•w Conacructlen & lt--W. AM Ti~ Free hhmal~ 30 Year,, [lp L•337169 949 631 234'> Drywall Services WlnHOln ORYWAU All phases sm/I•& l'lb\ CUANI 20yrs la1r free ~t l4CXXID 714 6.19 1447 Eledrical SeMces s ... all Job hp•rtl Duncan lh!c.11.-20Yr1. E •P loul O<rd Rl'SPOfl~ Ser Vtt.e/1!tmodo!t$ I •'175870 949 650 7041 Soktac:ul<1r lot with v-• up the coast In South L•cun• Best V1l1141 on 0<1np County OCIANVllW G.niborcqll oft o.nond N':::. •::;:nm 9&7l53156 OPINHOUSI thla w• ... -"I Outstandm& ocon I •lews! 4br 2 5b• I J deck~. 2 cer attach 1111 Sl,395.000 John f •trow ReMu 949 322 0932 Open H-•• thl• w••"•ncU New llatlftfll wht0ftdln1 em views. 4M 2.5t.o J .. e<i.1, 2 car ottech ..... $1,395,000 John Forrow Item•• 949-J22-09J2 Laguna Nlgutl Kill HIU NOttJH Of LAGUNA NIGUll OPEN Sal Sun 12 5 28812 l•taer Or Sona levPI •lone & bro'll 4br home M•ny ""f'fl' llt\ By Ownt1 $615.000 949-Ul-9144 Udo Isle lOWISlNIH ON UDO ISi.ANO OPIN SAT-SUN 1-4 HACH con AGE 117 VIA HOU 21'f P/•lo 2·• ~· bdt & ten clut. 3S t.t. ltedvced to $169,000 Att 949-759-050S or 7 14-307-4214 FIND Desktop Publl1tllng TIME TO llGIN YOUllHOME IMPllOVIMfNT PROJICT? [•II d pl11111hPI P•inlf'/ h•ndym•n 111 .,,.., '''tit~ 111ut '.t'fVICf"• t"(t•d ht'tt! lfl our \1•r'f!H t dllt"< tory' 11!1 'ii I OCAI SVI PCOl'l l LAN HI l P YOU HJOAY' EJtdrical Set'vtces llectrlc•I S•rvf<11 N•w Ren\Odtl & Rt!ll•" I ru C stom.lle 10 Yt•r~ l 1 p l•l37169 949 fiJl 2345 UClNSIO CONTUCTO• Nr> fob f(lll '.ITI Al 'ierY• .-,1 RtP••t ,,.mod••I fdn\ '>4M .... w .. 9't'} 1)4', ~ lo.\\ ,I\ I I I'!\ 'j! I ' ~9· 722-7478 Aoonnwme OISTOM CJllATM fU lnstaLtlloo \late r er M1llC. ~ ~tune btdt 1975 L"6120il4 );II 714 61? 9961 UMY R'P""ed Rqroutrn g. ln<tAllAtion Till 0£AN <J41J b7J 8065 ~ 714 883 2031 fAIUlOUS HACH COTIAOUI fAIUlOUS NIWl'Oltl llACH unnvu11 N-2-St_, .Jlr 21e <11 .. r1r,mA,., suo,ooo. ll ....... W21r21o (1' 14UXU/XX) SU,000. Wetervl•w 21r 21• w/fl,...._.• (S20053) $91,000 WSIOLANO con for .,.,.11., ... nt OoAluo e.v.w. v ..... (t'49) 6)s-1u1 A MAHUfACTtD NOMI COMMUNITY WA"""°"' REOl.QD S2• OH 0€ BAY Sl'65.<XXl Mobile l101ne. best loc, no rent ncr-for h next 23 yn Beau null -2br 2ba. llr .... C1nm m.wta Ip bidhr ml mudl more °"""~ ~58:6 •0,-S•t/S-1-4• 2 See Ceve lt•re See l~l•nd 38r 3Ba end un1I with a Vtew lookon& out lo S11nalure Hole • t 7 S825 000 or lu•e at S4,500 ••'~ Lauri• lent• 949-509-1923 • 11-2 lOT Alleohon builder• Older bU(h hl)U~ Build i} dupfea 2 rondos or a \1• family hOme Sold "\ i.. at lot value! Askina t625.~ Caff •a1 Jtm l.t<Ol>'i lnr appl 949 673 J6("i I ?I Garage Doon T.-.&- Sprinlclcr, Drain, PlantJ & Lawn Installation. Also Lighting. -'-""-H•lst·l1H Gardenlna/ landscaplng ,.. _......, $1>S2MY Ot\lan. P11n1 Pot Pr op.011•t1on Prun1n1 l •t.AMlt rf'!f'\ 96!>1>3:!24 Tr•• S•rvlc•, Yard (;lr~nup M•1ntenanlt Sprmkle.r Rtp•11 H•uhni (949) U0-1 711 Handyman/ Home Repair -----TH( HANOYMAN I m•rno ,,.,,. (Jkt Pluml~ 1 ... 11.-.tl Car. Onur• •I\ 94'1 "39 7')54 2oy • .,,.f-- ouo11ty Creft•..,-•hlp Uclll6 7 4 113 (949) U0·9S25 Marlt. CENF.IW. REPMR &~CE • ~-itnb.11 • (nmmemal No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 RES TORE • REPAIR &. REMODELING REACH 80,000 HOMES EACH ~WEEK FOR ONLY lotmA CANYON CWINSUN 1-S 1ow1.--.. 3BR. 2.58A home Sep- 11r1te oftice/1oest so1te By Owner $1.175.000 949 644 8288 IASTllUff llAUfY 4BR 3BA, remod kite & ba f'l•nl shutters, Ex· pansove view of iireen· belt. Tu.rnk.ey S625,000 Ail Hamel K1t1 9&552·9670 !l&~UE --····- onNIAT 1-S Slen'•H A touch ol Italy 3br + bonus •PPIO• 2700+ al marble & many custom luturn $1,115,000 OHN SAT 1·5 JS.-- lleYel home 2bf. • clen. Gated comm $IS 1,000 2 4Cet-*- A toueh ol ltafy 4br 2.5be, Stied• home $1,729,000 PLATINUM rtotlllllS Stel1n1t Meurer 949·71!'> 3156 'lllMl ISTATIS PATltKC TINOll NATIONWIOI USA 949 ... 16-9705 WWW palrlcf\lenore com MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS ..... 2 "'* Ill + 'Pll!JA S.1 vu, !GOOid, 2< pr. built 111 19'.IO, no ,,..._ SZ100mo 'C 96677·27'99 BlllMll Pinn.ti °"9-Seit 1-4. J2I L ...,_ 2mt To~! 2l!t !Ba fp, w/d. d/W, aprt. SI IB5nl 949-J76.54ll 2lr th. 2c ,., • patio. w/d, d/W, new Cl'pl, paint, lows unit. 'IZ:l/1 2nl\.St. SI 795nio 9'9-72J. 086 ......... JBr ~/.Ba Home: 2< pr + 2 pkrc spc;, w/d tt.up, steam rm. bay w's. 21p'i., suodldl S24!1Qtmo $9&6734034 w_..... ...,.., Jet 2Ba w/'rt:Nel'y Bay View open floorplan, loCS of wondows, 59.cloos kit, ll1dds W/tl. SUll.<n>/obo Maty Wood. Ill 9&584 5811. 717-!1816 Renlll To Shire 6030 ~1::,0: 1:,..... NEWPOllT U,,111 IAY SHI 3Br 2 58a.+oflice FR. OR, Lrc Lot, cul de· sac & VACANT S725,000 DQ.IJSIYD OIL 9494M- 0211 PltJME lSTAHS PATltJCK TlNOll NATIONWlDI USA 949-856-9105 www pal11ckteno1e com OCIANfltONT flXIR NOT fOlt Tltl FA.INT OfHLUT AGT. 949-72J-l 120 USTSIOE llr, lie, smell klt/lR . p11vate entry w/d. utols incl S77!'>+dep 949-548 0871 NI, Sf H-• Mwftl M1lhon SS loc 2 rooms l0t rent S800 • utob. Ywd. YOOa. JlllCUlZI 9&51~ '*' on it. b9y stq>5 to bdl. shops.. ..... eo.t .. ...,...... pvt brA. fJl'llrC. Gated ~ 9'9-G'l0-7123 V. ...__.,rm ... pool, spl llY"'-w.. to-Ho~$8X) • ~ /mo 949$-952:3 Rooms for Rent 6'MO l ' ... CM Twnllme pvt rmtba. very deati p , w/d, n/peh/smka fem pref d. Avail 3/ l/2003 leoc.h dou 28r 2 5Ba, $725m+1/'1Jtb 949646-4005 2c ear fl•led, werv n11.e NI lor9• Master Ju'! 1 educed to S375K w/prlvale b•lh back b•~ Bkr 949 258 1187 voew. S67!'>/mo ut1li Handyman/ Home Repair Christian Handyman ,,,,.., c.per.ter, ~~ stucco, Mil b>rl \Or~dcxn.-. ta.:.a bo;rds & Pl]rll"'CJ Senor~ fl1le estlM!e.C..~ 714-636-8235 Hauling JUNK TO THE OUMPlll 71 4 968 188? AVAILABLE TOOAY1 949 67J 5566 Health & Beau1y Lou UpT• 200.o P•r,.._thf J ,.pl• your tnt•RY Only $31.9S C.oll l••• 949-645-.. 77 T ...,., ,.,..,..._ H-~• ~ Tctal Nil own SM>. 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Cuarantttd work free est lf37!16()2 114 538 1 !>34 7 390 2945 fp,wlll to~ Slfi!iWmo 96-VS.1003 •21r 21a $1700....• new f10011n1. car pet paint fp ,.,•a•. decll no peb 949-760-1713 Se. ef ~ Immaculate 2bf. 21>•. froe. w/d, patio. 1 "' 1•••1•. Sl850/mo waler incl 949 278-1003 Mer9verft• J lr /21a luaury relurb home S325(lm Alioe ...... ,.._ 28' 1&1, -urpel & i-rt s I ?IDn 949-715-;!; l3 t-~ ,., 31;, ... "IJP'OJ, WW mn oce¥I -~ ll plied oonYll w/pool $3495lno mil 1 'I' l5e AvM 411 714-403-znl CostaMesa llr det cenoee, vauf ce1b 5love. h•i-ceil Ian. mo•~ 133 [ 16th SI Ask IOI ll4)Klal5! 949-'>48-2421 No~ Paktlng IU'S CUSTOM PAINTING Prof'I dun QU•lr1y wur~ lnltrlOfH•l and d0<ks I •703468 949 631 4610 llAINIOW alQI MNHT PaintonR •ltle•t. Haus.et~ Quality JOb' r rtt' "''"'"''" l •569897 714 bJ6-8888 HOUlif RD'AlNTING ec WOOD ANlSHlNG ~~:~ ·~~ ~7 l ILi 1~11Hll 949-645-9957 ET•UTS INT[~ UTEAK>R ----.... --·-·--.. -..... 714-632·5660 Pet Services ~e-,'.::. w!:!. ._.. 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COTIMMS Prlv•l• Beach, Pool end~· Wefll to <>F-•n. s~. 1nd Restaurants Lt"• 6/mo 2 rr + 801 t Slop Anllatlle 11o t•"c•··~ ... 949 67, 6(,..., ~· I 949.723.5aJ0 * YUJtlY • U ASIS Bill CRUHOY REAL TORS 949-•7S-41'1 VIUA POINT Hr He new Ille. c.,pel, pelnt, w/d lnc:ld, n/peb/smkr Sl780/mo 949 720·1!'>52 • l'dl/s..p.is-V. w. W-3lr w/ocn & b9y """' patio. w/d, pool & t.a Sl!'S!imo 9&J7S.1915 3•, 21/ .... Tlt, 2--1••· n/•, pets oli. ~tove. w/d h-up, A/C. S2100/mo 949 llS9 7973 ,. 9--. 3br 2be nu INSll/Clll9l 2 c p ~ wd ~ 2C2 Cedlr S2150+ dep blu ~9913 • 18'.J Oceao't & Bay vu nee 2br 2be condo. bb rernod plied. Ip, oonYll pooV1CJlll S2200 !l&nJJ 1593 AvolJl/1 Ne'°r .... ,..._.. ...... SfR 2b 90-711-2721 2bl WJ\:Jft. MW ~arpat/ ~ wdlq>?c "9 .., S2fli() 96 67). Ml> ..._ ... IUMded I• den, -y ~IOU'. fr ... w/d, ~ utts pd SI 150 mo. bob ill' 714 504 I 7bJ l.Jguna Beach Vllap/C.ttop 28r fp yard. p1110e loul!IOll1 verv tute. $2200/mu meld\ utb afll la 949 464 "lll4 MONIST & ltlASOMMU PLUMBCR L•506S8b fret Est' Sm 1~~ OClfCU ~ 71' 27> 91~ PIECISI PlUMllNG Repairs g. Rem11del1na rRrc £SliMAT£ l •681398 71 4 969 1090 1"' Neighborltood PlumbMI OU.WIMWP ··~ ~ftCW.IST TWUOY PUJMlfHG 949-645-2352 -.. ~ The Roofing s~~? 800-939-8846 Npt Hta, 4~b• lOO<hl I f•I Hie 2 111 wet b•r in lam rm, ttlet upC/pnt '" & ool I 'fl new 21/, t pr. S2lfiOrn w/~<11 '1Mler 949 64S a56o4 *•THI llUFFS• * SpaCIOUS 48r 38a town lwl<J'Me neat, clol.an. vacant ' rnov" '" 1 uc:ly S299f>nlo •et 949 584 5482 Will Cownngs We o.lo should hanc tok•the1 <;trip nltll Int l • 1 i-11 acMc:e lo thP Crlll'f •7'B116 !l&QJI {i664 -THl n111r.u1 SpPt1•lwn1 1n Wallp•Pf Removal l •!>88241949 l60 1211 Wlndow Ctnni\g u ... w ....... wci-1 .. Resarllal Miwrt. --' ~-... 1o:.a ,. l!I yrIJ 714 919 ~ 96 JM. 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LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 S~AVAllilU N~wvurt HowlH>f beautiful luc. mdny '»tn No It•• dbuiWd\ 9''J 67') &M 1 FOR lfHT Spate on priute pier C•••I ltK•hon. wuter & electrM'.' 1nduded ~9 6/3 0658 TiDUslbout YOUR GWGESALEI In ClASSIFIED (949)642-5678 NOR'Tlt • KJ 104 6 KQJ •K9S 4 2 W~T •Q 986.l 52 . 7 • J 19 7 6 .l soum lAS'I • 7 2 K 1094 106 54)2 •II •A 5 A()Jll7J A98 •AQ TllC btdtlinJ! __ _ soum wt:..'I,. vrr ,_ 4 ,._ ,_ "- Opemng lead S1A of • You ck1 noc ncccJ 1.t1 k1K•"" the CAlll..'1 odd.\ uf wiy ihMnbulJOfl 011 lhu tk:al foe tn\t..£m:( when: th< l..ey <.ull " hcan.\. th< 1.11.l•h llfl " l l \l>ltt tn the: dcfcndel" hand.' '' l<i 51 pm.col com1dmlt>I) "''WY than that ol " .i ~ dJSUtbuoon It •~ <nough II• l no"" that, ,. hi:n yuo hvlJ • ~omb1°"d 1.JJ number of t:arJ.o. 1n J \Ull th< <>ul· ~lllll<b.nj! can:i' rale 111 brca); unc\1tnl~ Dedatl'.r put th.it l.r~J'wlcdgr 111 u-.< tu ldlld thc 'I.mi With li\c '°"'" '\uutl1 J1.t nuc v.11111 11101itn will!.-~,. .. 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MnJ llw: li~'.c' of the 1111«'11 ... .," Both dclenticf't 1111111,...cJ 111 the .ice of 11e;at,, on "'htd1 tkc.IJ.n:r dr!r uanloJ .. cluh, Imm the Ulbk .and 11 v.., tc:mpung' u1 pl.1) • thud round Applymj! the ruk. h<""t'•cr howcJ rn..1 tilt mt.-1 ~.r.ci~ k4111 Jt\l\1<111' v.,., .i ::! r.athcr tlun l '· •• \uuth llatlccd lnr Olll enJpl•> The 41.attn of duh<> "'"' ,._.Jled f..obl dl~lllthng .s d1.1m11od lollt,.._ed h) W .ICC Of 'p;.kk' ;and J \padc filll',-.t' of the ten Nc\I ~a/lie tv.o mon: ruund\ uf <lnamoll(h cndm~ m Jurnm\ on "'ht•h Wc,I J1y..udeJ 111ie lafd from C"4.h hi ... l """ Wtlh ~l"'t tu\ln~ ''~''""up v.nh • \lllgk- l"n J1.u11 .. nJ otJXJ • ih\1um ltn,ih m l'>tieh l>IAl '"'''· J.,d .. n:r """ plJ)cd llrnr • I duh• and Jl~11hc1, iallJ We\t '"·" fu1<-c 10 ••<'Id the lulhlhn)L' tnd. h\ k..Jm~ d'""" trum the 4~n uf ,pa<Jc, ul 1ud. I , Ii.. ... l.uu ll>nfi J.;-n1J) hr.:,w.J h11111m ' ln,.•c 10 IJroJ I: tn~l, NOMAMR .. 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The Tunes shares a comm1trnent to technological innovation and career development with its parent corporation, Tnbune Company; a Fortune 500 company. Outside Regional Sales Rep for Online Advertising latimes.com We are seelong an experienced outside online sales account executive to cover the Orange County. Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley areas. This rep will sell latimes.com and calendarlive.com advertising to local and regional businesses independently and with the pnnt counterparts. We are looking for a self-motivated. professional. dependable. experienced sales rep who can work independently and is able to close new business consistently and efficiently. Responsibilities include: identifying new prospects through cold calling/lead generation and appointment setting; developing and presenting online sales packages and presentations using PowerPoint and other software ; working with print reps to develop mutli-media (print and online) sales presentations; and completing all paperwork and policy procedures involved in ontine sales in a timely and efficient manner. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree • Minimum of 2 years proven outside sales experience • Experience developing a territory - Significant Cold Calling & Lead Gen~ration . \ • High activity sales cycle for generating new bUS11'ess • Ability to work independently and be a team player • Strong computer skills and internet experience • Ability to think creatively and be self motivated • LEA.5£ fOR i249 ptl montfl + IJ I 1 ~I ttiev ter:m o~ .iwottda'°I • S'l500 d"wn ii> r111>11lh 1 loud ~nd lfn\r n11 v • uroty d.-p<.>'rt I 0 0110 mole~ Pf• Y"•' /fl¢ ''"' m1~ f0t f'tL~~'-m11~~. IC471ll! fl 41'111; • LEfS MOTOR' lfS FUN SHRllWAY@ [l)r«',£R SAHT A ANA Alll 0 MM.I. (888) 823-9808 "HIUWS AUTO IMW S40l Sed-'97 R •re 6 Spe•d VI! t nw M1tnl <•18536) $?4.980 MIZC\U20 ,...,.. ... Black Bl•tk llltr nnfy 45 OOOmoln <•190041> S'lfi <}IW) Chewy Con<elte c ... , •.•• while w bla1 k 1~41h•r only 3?11 milt\ <•18797) Si'f> 980 J'"t"or XJI s • .._.,. \h1ney black on hlat1' lealher Cfl lthtdll <•l~I> Sl? Q80 ..... ct.. ···••rs '01 Only 2500 mile'' r •d warr 8" wheel\ (ll'll23C) $43,980 A<We NSX "'" .. '00 Spted yellow 111'. mites• Hurry' (119005) S61 980 "-"2'03 Blad\ w/btach llhr JK mtles! l•cl warr <•19066C)$57 .980 00 .... < .. ••-· suoo·" BIKll opal W/IHY lthf full po-. .. P'• m111m ""heet1 (11 18849) $'17 980 aMW 7SOQ Spt.~·01 Cosmos blac k w/qnd 1Mta• leather lull wanty Ull 315 (#19021) $55,980 IMW740I s.-·91 WMt•/pttlect cr-ltalh« '"" htO ~mlfe (•111.lO) $17.9'0 l•WIS'0 2 WMt,fKtory po•"'""" wfl!tfli• (118910) S41,9IO .. wu·c--.. l'ed W(1111ftlltl'l•lt tb<ll lthf 1..-4 (•11770) '"~* ACROSS 1 Mound 5 Gourmet cook -Chtd 11 Ma91Cta11 s rod 15 i=1areo as a siuri 20 Wadtng !Nd <> 1 M emor a b.c t !Tie 22 Har et/ nder 23 Mindless 24 Conductor -Kostelanell 25Aaowd ma~ 26 Fatewell 27 Sooal mtsllts 28 ~are lot 12 •CS ' 30 MrSI Edouard 32 Enormous 34 Cartoon stviek 35 M 1sca1cu1a1e 36 Lace mat 37 TIJuana aboOe 38 'MllSl<MS 40 Pioneered 41 Ndleci cel1ng 43 '" plam signl 45 'llecessltates 50 Spans matcn 51 V'.tlale ltlle Sl'lamu 52 So long 1n Soho 56 TMtl 57 Vanny 58 Colony of oees 59 Dawdle 60 "I Pieces 61 -~abi8 62 Coeri and McCrea 63 Outer - 65 June honoree 66 Rto1ne port 67 Betry paten haZard 69 Otttererit 70Ht 72 Pnnce Val ant's wlte 74 Not 1ne1rs 75 Reacts to a pui 76 Peollum produoer 780onl(ey 80MU90le 81 Regular routines 83 Practlcatly lorever 84 Poner's deW:e 86 l.Jntment 90E and 0 91 riara 93 S&L onerogs 94 Deep d1Stress 95 Ouzo na vor 961(100 ol powei 97 Young rapto' 99 Speak s1ow1y io1 ·won Man -Cna'l9y 102 Allonea 103 Comforter 104 Suspected 105 Thu• 107 Poet -Khayyarri 106 Cofloo maJcers 109S00931n 110V' 112 Unsll led Ill boun 114 Tinlade ' 15 Dlslurt> t 18 River deposit 119 Matte wavy 121 G~I &t 124 Enooot1t8feo 125 Wl~ln ,.,,, 127 FJOfd 129RatuQes • 31 Gatoefl Ito.we• • 33 S hOuldered '35 Taken 2 wds 1 '37 Hall 014metet'S 138 Be respon51ble '°' (2 wds) 139Gloss 14'0 Worted down 141 Fasl'l100 1'42 K1no o! ha1 1<J Oudls l'launl 14-4 W89 extnlvagant 145 Rrverbenk P'ant OOWN 1 Fooritl rock 2 Ouartet memoer 3 Warmtn 0( feeling 4 Wine stopper 5 Work as da/ 6 Piers 7 S~ported 8 Ouee., ' tnJ(j( 9 Frozen sur1aoe 1 o ·Excuse me · 11 MoS1 soaoous 12 Japanese dog 13 Before marnaQe 14 Baal deCISlvety 15 Spice rack 118f'll 16 Half of a pair 1 7 less common 1 B WOUno down 19 Dorm room leature1 22 Hacaneyed 29 Foollsti bel\aVI()( 31 Sodden 33 Steel Olfder (hypr 39 LL D l'lolder 4 I Rubber-5tamp wad 42 Cl'leCk !Of rrauo 43 DfeaOed exams « TV ad1unc:ts 45 Weasel OU1 o1 '6 SMrpe s ooontry 47 Berter ' 48 Freshen oC9 Mortloa 's COIJStn 50 RA IOf oe 51 QJdl -d 1-.ee HaW' ~3 Oeton or Le Sage 54 ~zags 1n sa 11no 55 Ft m sc11pt wnter James - 57Comm1nee !>8 Unl'lapp<ness 61 Boot bottoms 62Soup dlJ - 63 l(nd oC flurry ~ Fal b8C1C strategy (2 wds ) 66 lnsulallOn pieoes 68 • horoughbreo 69 Eu1aSTa11 ranQe 7 I ln1U1hont. 73 Ol1 ll'le II'! 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