HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot'· ' ' ... .. _. • r Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK --· -·------------- . Crafting Newport Beach's looking glass As the city updates the general plan that will . determine Newport's landscape through 2025, Greenlight leaders and others challenge the process. ing Summit in 2003, city leaders have been picking residents' brains. Should the city promote more tourism? Should more development be allowed in Fash- ion Island? What should be dune with underused commercial areas? Should the city allow property owners to build extra large home~ on lots where smaller homes were razed? Will economic de- velopment damage quality of life? comprehensive !>ummary uf all the opinion!> gathered from re<>ident'> dur ing the visioning phase of the gener.i.l plan update process. closing a paim tiling chapter while opening the door on the next, perhaps more LOntruver- !>ial, stage. ( .reenlight lt·adl·r-,, who tear that tlw generdl plan updaw proce'>!> will open the doot tc1 1·Xl l">~1vc development. havt.· beeu Llw ltr-.1 111 fire ..alvo-, I r..tffit and etonornu ... 1ud1cs that wt-re <,up po-.ed to help gwde the general pla11 updall' protl''>' fdl hthtnd '>( !11:dule. pulllng fl'\ldl'nh 111 Lhe posHJOll of hav tng ICJ dll'>Wt·r 4\Jl''-llOO\ without J full June Casacrande , Daily Pilot • NEWPORT BF.ACH -A year's wonh of questioning is complete. A year's wonh of answers are compiled. But in undertaking the monumental task of updating the city's general plan, an- swers tend to lead to more questions that, in tum, can lead to controversy. Beginning with a Visioning Festival in January 2002 and ending with a Vision-City staff last month presented a QUESTIONABLE PROCESS A couple aspects of "v1c.,10n111g, .. though. have ruffie<l some feather'>. See GLASS, Page A4 IN BUSINESS In hard times, area • • 1s growing Shopping cen ters are opening here w h iled r d'-h of closures by big-n ame ~torC''> hits the rest of the count1 v. Area's affluence is credited Paul Clinton Daily Pilot '\l'\\.PORf~t! ~A -')<) far 111 ' '' 1• hu-,ine-,<. headline-, hd\C.' bl.ut·d J1rt· II'"\\ , '>tore do,ure'> from rctatlN'> '>trug).:111 g \~ 111 the t:'ronom1t. do\.,.Titurn :-..01 '><J ltt•n• 111 11 ... 1ha1 ".irguahly in gl"O\>\<th rnudt ~1111 .1 ~tt l\J: of ne~ .. hopping centt·r.., '>t'l tcJ op• 11 111 year. Local oh'>erH•r<, allnhutt' thl J.fl'.l' 'I• •1 I hudun~ to ll.!t affiuenl ltte,tylt ,111J ..t tit • plen111udt' of hrgh '><ll.in 1nh' PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Long Nguyen of Tustin zeros in on a blue orchid while shooting photos at the Fascination of Orchids International Show and Sale. "In genl'ml. I haH'll t lll'drt! of ollh \\Id• '>pre.id <,lort• du-.1ng..." c.,aJu I J I iJ\H•'ll 11 • prt>'oldt•IH of Lhe LO'>ld \ll''>.I ( }JJlllh• r 111 Lornmerre " llwre., a 101 of bu\111~ p 1 't r 11: ~ewport ·Me-.a flw, area 1, "t:ll lil'l'I• d .u1d not hurting in term<. of purdM<.l' fl"'" r · Florid passions The historical allure of orchids brings people from around the world to a show at South Coast Plaza. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot I n the past, only royalty could afford to own an orchid. But It was evident that times have changed on Sunday at South Coast Plaza. Crowds of visitors left with arms full of shopping bags, cameras and orchids in all shapes, colors and si7.es. 100 related exhibits, informative seminars and an exotic center display. ~It is undoubtedly the hugest orchid show in the country,· show co-chair Tony Gllnskas said. On Jan 14. t.11-.tounwr Krmtrt I "II' .111 nounn·d Lhdt 11 would do'>e J.!6 · 11mll r p1·r forrmng \lores' .icroc.,.c., the [OUntn 111 l ...ih fom1a. 19 c.,turt.., will he c.,huttered. h 111 l ~"'· Me<>a'c; branl'h. at 2:.!00 Hamor 111\lJ " 1• -.pared. Upon dowr tn<,pt>ellon. 1t he< 111111' clear why It wa-. among the Cll\ c., top r. -.,d1 tax Renerator; dunng the ">t'ttllld 4u.ir11·r ot 2002. the mo'it retent datd ava1lahlt> Later in the month. luxurr tov rt'tJ1l1·r I \O Inc. '>aid 11 would clo<.e about 80 111 1t' I \ll <>chwaro and Za.my Br.ilny ... tore'> 11w l 11111 pany dosed out tl'> FAO Schwaro ''"'e u1 South Coac,t Plaza m Decembt•r of 2001 B111h companies have filed for thaptt.'r 11 han' ruptcy. On Jan. 2 1. Wherehouse l:ntena111mt•111 Inc. said 11 would close 120 laggard'>. lt'J\ lllJ' It with 250 stores across the count I) l hl company. which operates two store.. in< ~.-.tu Mesa. has not finaliwd the closW'l' h!'t a spokeswoman for the company ..aid fl 1c, .. 1111 unclear whether the Costa Me'><! .,ton~ would be dosed. It was the last day of the Fascination of Orchids show, which featured more than 60 vendors from around the world, Orange County has the ideal climate for cymbidiurn orchids, which usually bloom in the winter months, Glinskas said. Even in the indigenous areas of Southeast Asia. the Thai people used to take their cymbidlums to Behind these pink orchids is a giant toucan covered with flower Rather than glwn new<. of closurec, around town, Newport-Mesa has welcomed '>t'\inal new shopping centers this year. and other< are on the way for this year Shopping centers are usually dl'Vt'lnpcd without much worry about the short-1erm economic situation. said Richard l.uehr-. the See FLORID, Pace M petals, the center display of the show at South Coast Plaza. THINKING ALLOWED A severing of human relations , w bile the Orange County Human Rdationa CommiMion rallies it• troop1 to convince the Board of Supervilora to 1pare them from the mopping block. tb4n is at least a handful of Cott.a MeMDI who c:adt help but aub a devilish grin. It must be bnnl. many people think. u the county commlMion flCel the lnteme ecrutiny lt bas often placed.on otben. Becauae of the awe budaet cri1ia, county oMdale ~ reldytng for •the . per6'ct ttofm, .. which bWden dela1be ... culmlnlldon of ....... meouea. rWnl program~ the ehlNr:,. of ttate nilnillt9I to cowitlee, an mcr.iM in LOLITA HARPER population and program needs. Oloppi.ng the $437 ,000 spent on the commission would help weather that tempest. county budget experts aJgUe. An Orange County Budget Committee has placed the Orange County Human Relations Commls8'on on the lilt for poalble cuta from the 2003-04 lllcal buc:feet. County bWden aay the recommendation to eUmUwe the commission ls one of many proposals lo save some money. To land on the endangered Ust, certain programs were deemed by county depanment heads to not be or-core" impol'W'lce. Although he'D never admit It for pubOcadon. I can only imagine the feeling of vindication Councilman Allan M&NOOr feels u he watchel county human relations bureaucrats IQUlnn 1n their teats, worrying they oilgbt loee them. homophobic and intolerant Rusty Kennedy, the president of lhe Orange County Human Relations Commission. which partnen with the city committee. pubUdy called for Mansoor's resignation. . When I called Mansoor on Friday, I expected a Jpicy quote fla1l of loathing and I told fOU IOS -torneWbere along the tines ot •Nab. nah. nab. nab. oah. .. 1 didn't get lt. ·Now. I never d t didn't lib them." Maneoor told me In hit perfttt poti.tidan 'a voice. •But I do think IOtne th1tigt should be lmded prMt~. . . S.. AUOWED, ,_.,.. See GROWTH, Pa1e M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE 0Nll£WEB: www.dalypiot.com WEATHER Not en()(Jgh douda for you? Mort will .,. along thls~lng. S..P119~ SPORTS I ll'~~ .... Ma.Noor. who aat on the clty'a Human Rl:la.dooa Committee befCKe NoYelnber'a decdon. WU the wpt of atta<:b bJ memberl ol 1 locll p.y Ind lelbiln orpnmdon Who aaled him • -A2 Monday, February 10, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT MICHAEL BUCKNER I DAILY P1LOT From left, Marc Wilsey, Gina De Michael and Cheryl Clancy with some of the pastries they sell at Pacific Whey Cate & Baking Co. Sweet success Paul Clinton Daily Pilot G ina De Michael puts a littJe of herself into each pru>try sold al Pacific Whey Cafe & Baking Co. That goes for the currant scones, bulging muffins and pizza-shaped cinnamon custard danbh. ·•Everything we make is full of two things: love and butter, H De Michael said. "We just make it the old-fai.hioned way.'" Pacific Whey's homey. comfortable atmosphere and wiJdly popular baked goods tend to draw eager diners from as close as the homes aJong San Miguel Road to as far as Riverside and San Diego counties, De Michael said. Since opening Pacific Whey in 1995. De Michael and her partners, Oleryl Oancy and Marc Wilsey, have made their cafe su ch a smashing success that they have launched expansion plans. A second Pacific Whey location is f>et to open in early March at the CrystaJ Cove Promenade. an Irvine Co. shopping BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Costa Mesa software company wins award Costa Mesa-based FUeNet Corpora- tion was named Software Company or the Year by the Software Council of Southern CalifomJa last week. The awards were announced at the ninth annual Software Industry Awards ceremony at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. FUeNet helps or- ganizations in more than 90 countries center at 7961 Coast Highway in Newpon Coast. As many as eigh t other Pacilk Wheys could open in coastal Southern California in the coming years, Wilsey said. Tucked away in a shopping center al the end of San Miguel Road, Pacific Whey draws a packed house on Saturdays and Sundays. with lines i.tretching out the door. "We're a little off the beaten path," De Mic~~ael said. "Over the years. word gets out. Along with the baked good5, Pacific Whey aJso offers fresh mangos. berries and kiwi brought in every day. Fresh-meat sandwiches, fresh saJads and a fuJI dinner menu are aJso available from 6:30 am. to 8:30 p.m. every day. A staff of 23, including two pastry chefs, run the cafe. The trio of owner'> count on a 2% 10 3% "intentional wa:sie"' each day. since freshness is the No. I priority. The food that b not sold 1s ~iven 10 locaJ homeless shelter-;, a "second manage the content and processes that drive their business. The Software Council of Southern California comprises executives and managers from the region's infonna· lion technology industry. Tweeter will open Costa Mesa store 1Weeter, a speciaJty consumer elec- tronics retailer, ls scbeduJed to open shop in Costa Mesa during the first week of March. The store will be at 1835 Newport Blvd. in the Costa Mesa Cour tyards just across from Triangle harvest" mentality that ensures very little is truly wasted. The bubbly, energetic De Michael opened Pacific Whey in 1995, after leaving Haute Cakes Cafe. which she founded with her then-husband, Paul Taddeo, in 1990. after spending Lime as the pastry chef at the Four Seasons in Newport Beach. Ln 2000. De Michael and her partners doubled the size of Pacific Whey. In addition to the new loca11ons, they plan to launch a retail line of high-quality European breads. They also sell their own dark-roast coffee. a private-label blend specially roasted for them. The 43-year-old De Michael, who lives in Newport Beach. is clearly the creative eleme111 in the trio. Oancy. a 47-year-old Dana Point resident. managed the Ritz. Wibey. 46, has put together Pacific Whey·s business plan. I le Lives in San Oemente, but grew up in Newport Beath in the late 1960s and '70s. playing on Newport Harbor lligh School's I 975 league champion footbaJl team. Square. This will be the company's first store in Orange County. The store will have 14 employees and feature a range of mJd-to high-end electron ic products, including large screen digi- taJ televisions, DVD players, digital video satellite systems and digital camcorders. 1Weete( bas 15 other stores in Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties. The company plans to open two stores ln Columbia., S.C. and Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 1\veeter Home Entertainment Group was founded in 1972. The company earned $796 million ln 2002. Coral Wilson Pilot News assistant, (949) 574 4298 coral wllsonl@/atlmes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, ed1tonal matter or advertisements herein can bo reproduoed without written permission of oopyright owner. VOL. 97, NO. 41 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOODERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EDmNGSTAFF 5.J.C.hn Managing Editor. (949) 574-4233 s.j.cahn lat/mes.com JamesMMI City Ediror. 19491764--4314 Jllma~larfme&oom ..... Ceftloft Sporta Editor, (!MS) 574-4223 fOflM.Cllritlorltl/MimM.COm J.8..,eot Neww Doak Chief. )574-422• 1oat1.unto.lllat1,,,...com ... MCCf'lftlt Photo Supervltor. IM917&M358 tr:t'l.photo 1.iim-.oom ' News Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAFf Deepe Bherath Crime and courts reporter, (949) 574-4226 doepa,bharath@latimes.com June Caagrande Newport Beach reporter. (949) 574-4232 1une.casagrande@latimes com Paul Clinton Politics and envlronmen1 reporter, (949) 764-4330 paul.cllnton@t11t1m611.com lolftaHatpef Columnist, culture report&r, (949) 574-4275 lollta.h•,,,_,~11111'"8!1.com DeflodN Newman Coste Mesi reportvr, (949) 574-4221 dolrdre f1flllll'fTlltn lllrlrm#.com Ch~canteeo Education repon.er, (949) 674-4268 diri1r1nt1.C4mllotlllltln>O$.oom READERS HOTLINE 19491 642-6096 Reoord your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. Address Our address Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday Friday, 8;30 a.m. 5 p.m. Corrections It ls the Pilot's policy 10 promptly correct ell errors or substance. Please call 1949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport Bead\/Costa Mesa Daily Piiot (USPS-144-800) is published daily. In Newport Beech and Costa Mela, subscriptions are available only by aut>sctlblng to Thv Times Orang• County 18001 262-9141. In areas ouUide or Newport Seidl t1nd Costa Mesa. subscriptions to tho Deily Pilot are available only by flnt class mall for $30 P9f month. (Priceia Include ell eppllcabl• auto and local t.axe..) POSTMASTER: Send eddr ... dltngff to The Newport Seac:NCo9ta Meae Dally Piiot. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Clrculetlon The Time$ Orange County (8001252-9141 Advertising Cleuffied (949) 642-5678 01..,i.y (949) 642-4321 Edltortel New• (949) 642-5680 Sports (9491 674 4223 News feJI (949) 64&-4170 Sports Fe• (949) 650-0170 E-mail: d11i/ypllottll11times.com Main Otnce eu.fness Ofnce (949) 642-4321 eu,ineu FH (949) 631-7126 Published by Time. Community News,• dlvi1t0n of the Loa Angelee Tlmea. 02002 TlrnM CN. All nghte reHrvod. Daily Pilot BEST BUYS Valentine 's Day at South Coast Plaz a S outb Coast Plaza is always one of the best places to find gifts. For .Valentine's Day. it has '1onderfutgifts for women. cake fo r S 11 .99. At Baccarat, there's a "Delice" pendant - 18-karat gold, six-diamond pendant. available in ruby, clear and pink for $885. At Otopant. there are GREER WYLDER Designer sunglasses and prescription eyewear from Burberry, Gucci, PauJ Smith, Yves Saint Lauren t. and I.a. t:'yeworks are available at I.a. Eyeworb from $170 to $2,700. Ponche Design has Roadster luggage for business and leisure travel from $365 to $790. "1 lappy Diamond" heart pendants from $1.000 to $70,000. Ar Comella Park, an AJma Beth Vase by MacKenzie Oillds is $100. At David Yurman, there is an 18-karcit gold pave heart enhance on a figaro chain for $1,850 (enhancer) and $2, 150 (chain); 18-karat gold pave diamond ring for $2,995, 18-karat gold pave heart earrings for $3,875; and 18-kara1 gold diamond and ruby cable bracelets for $4,200 {single station) or $6,700 (double station). At dupuls, there are heart-shaped ceramic Valentine's Day gift boxes from $20 to $100. At HUGO Hugo Boss, there's ·Deep Red" cologne for women from $46 to $58. ICE Accessories hai. chocolate bars. a heart magnet set for S 18, and Roberto Coin Heart Necklaces from $130 to S 1,650. Jimmy Otoo has "Beatrice" sandaJs in pink with red buckles for $440. JudJth Leiber has crystaJ jeweled heart-shaped pillbox or handbag from $355 to $2,100. Glasses frame store La. Eyeworb has conversation hearts silver charms available in "Kiss Me," "Be Mine," and "Oh Yes," $8 for neckJaces and $10 for earrings. and two-sided heart dangle bracelets available in uprincess/witch," "sweet/sour." and "lover/fighter" for $16. La Pert.a has beauufuJ lace lingerie from $150 to $500. Loro Plana has chinchilla hats, scarves and vests and cashmere red scarves from $400 to $9,000. Max & Co. has limited edition 01anel sunglasses with pearl for $:.119. Mlldmoto hai. guardian angel pin or pendant from $390 to $900. SmJth & Hawk.en ha'i exotic orchids in designer Gerry Wolff's pots from $75 to $100. Traffic has pink and red top from Diab'less from $75 to $96. GIFTS FOR HIM, TOO Find gifts for him at South Coast Plaza at the following stores. Al Brookstone, there's a slim profiJe space saving CD system with CD stereo. digitaJ AM I FM tuner and remote control for $1 10. David Yurman has a sterling i.ilver and 18-karat gold two-tone timepiece for $3,950. DunhW has classic colorfuJ silk ties in a variety of i.lripes, geometric motifs, spots and dots from $108 to $165. Haagen-0~ has a vaJenti ne heart ice cream EVEN GIFTS FOR THE KIDS Hnd children's gifts at these stores. At Crane & Co. Paper Makers. there are Valerie VaJenline Bears and Harry Heart Throb Bears for S 12 and S 19.50. At David Yurman, there's a sterling and 18-karat gold heart on chain for $145, matching heart earrings for $150 and matching heart ring for $140. SHOPPfNG SPECIAL AT GARYS Garys International and Garys Per Donna are hosting a speciaJ Valentine shopping event from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Purchases wiJJ be reduced 15% for one item and 20% .off for two items. The event wiJJ feature martinis, pink Oiampagne and hors d'oeuvres. Both stores are ar Fashion Island in Newport Beach. For Garys, caJl (949) 759-1622, and for Garys Per Donna, call (949) 721·5730. NEW OWNER, SAME GREAT LOOKS One of Costa Mesa's best hair salons, Templeton'I on East 17th Street, has a new owner. Lisa Green. New high-quality hairstylists who specializ..e in Oanering cuts and colors are: Uesha Esquivel. Jodi Kirtley, Audrey Hamari and Brittney Daniels. Open from 9 am. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. 445 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa (949) 548-3030. DINNER SPECIAL FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE The 7.odiac Resta.unant at Nelman Marcus at Newport Beach is having a speciaJ Valentine's three-course lunch for two Thursday through Saturday. The VaJentine's Day menu ic;: a glass of Laurent Perrier 01ampagne, white ai.paragus saJad, butter-poached Maine lobster risotto with roasted oyster mushrooms, sugar s nap peas and white truffle oil; or medallions of beef tenderloin with a green peppercorn sauce, Yukon gold mashed potatoes and French beans. Dessert is a sinful chocolate tart, chocolate marble mousse cake or chocolate dipped strawberries. $35 per person. (949) 759-1900. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder@yshoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92S27; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It's not a question of whether you like clouds, but how much you like them. The day begins partly cloudy, and only gets more so. Highs will be in the low to mld-70s for Newport Beach and~rta Mesa. As more of the clouds' friends arrive to ltAly the night. the temperature will drop to the mld-409 to low 608. lnfonnadon: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST Near the thore. there will be e varlabft wfnd never stronger then 10 knots, with 1-foot waves end a Welt swell of 2 to 4 feet. It will be llke thlt . through the night. Farther out. the wind and wav" will be the M me for mott of the dlly, but the woat tMft will be la~r. 4 to 8 fee At night. aoutheMt winds wffl pidt up, blowing 10 to 15 knots, and the waves will gain a foot. The swell will tum southwest, and lose a foot. SURF Get all your aurfll\9 done by noon. That't when the latest northwest swell peaks. and the chest-to head-high wavet give way to waist-highs. It keeps getting wonie until Thursday, but by then, rain la expected. Good waves, but they might be bad for you. w.w quellty: www.1urfrld6r.oro TIDES Time 3:39a.m. 12!02p..m. 7:'S1p.m. 9:40 p.m. Height 4.37 feet high 0.85fMtlow 2.83 feet high 2. 78 feet low WATER TEMPERATURE , ' ., . . . . -. . ... _ .... . . . . . -. . . - . . . t . : I I I I , I :· I I I I J Datly Pilot Mor.day, Februa<y 10, 2003 A3 Rehab home neighbors keep on the defe nsive COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Ille appHcant i!> requ~ung d permit for outdoor l>lorage of vehicles on hi., propeny near We&t 17th Street and Habrntk 'ltreel. '01e chy'!> wrung admmistrator approved the request on Jan 16. but (..oum 1lman Allan Mansoor appealed the den\lon, c;aymg he would ltke to see land-.tap1ng added to the lot to '>t:reen the vc•h1du storage areas. rnodtlH at11Jns to l'11'Ure wmpaubiJhy with the neighborhood. SINGLE -STORY RETAIL BUILDING Residents in the Ha ll of Fame neighborhood have asked city leaders to deny a request to expand the facility. Deirdre Newman Daily Ptlot COS IA MESA -Residerw. who livi: near an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility 111 the 1 lall of Fame neighborhood rontinue to exert pressure on the city to reject the owner's al· tempt'> to increase her number of clients. l'Jeanor ManJOn is ~king the Planning Comntii.sion to ap- prove the expamion of her fa- ci1Jty, which is In a single- family home ln the 3l00 block of Cork Lane, from SlX residents 10 mne, saying 1l will to provide a more stable at1d supporuve Living environment. Neighbor say their main concern ls that increasing the number of clients increases tge h.kelihood of tra.'.h such as used condoms, alcohol beverage containers and cigarette bulls betng strewn on their lawns. rhey abo charge the home is m <>uch a state of d~repair that 11 dim.tru.,hes the quahty of the neighborhood. Ba!>cd on thei,e upprehen c;iom, city planne~ have ad vised the Planmng Comm•'> '>Ion to deny Manwn., Pxpam1on rpqut•'>t The com rruss1on will consider tht> "'' 11' on Munday. TI1e group honw flfst taflll to the city's a1tcntJon in J11h 2000 when the ory rett-1wd complaints that "vtanion w .... serving more than the !>LX n· .. 1 dents she was allowed for thl· residential area. In investigaung the propt-1 ty, code enforcement ofliuill' confim1ed thar more rhan -.1x clients were livmg there. Al that time, the city filed a civil law su1t against Manion for v10la1 lng city code. I he case I!> l'' pected to go to tnal m June Manion then applied for tJ1e increase, assening that hav111g more resident., livrng m the house decreases the chance that one resident couJd 1solatl' himself or her!>elf. which would be detrimental to recovery. Ma nlon also claimed that addmg more resident'> would not ad vef'.ely affecr the neighbor hood Many ne1ghh<m have ada mantly disagree~ Resident Kell} ~m11h moh1 l17A!d tJ1e oppo'>1t1011. di,tribur ing Oierl> to her nt-1~hb1ir., warrung them ol thl' exp.ul\1tm effort., i1nd encou1agm~ rlwm to help thwan 11 GETTING shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group. fund-raising INVOLVED committees and to help d1stnbutr st1dcers to stop babies from bo111y abandoned in trash bins The •GETTING INVOLVED runs org11n1zat1on also needs donated penod1cally in the Daily Pilot on 11 gift items for mothers and babies rotating basis. For information on (714) 432 -9681 adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. PROJECT TOGETHER PROJECT CUDDLE Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trustmy Project Cuddle, a nonprofit one-to·one relat1onsh1p with org11mzat1on. serves the needs of children stressed from family abused, abandoned and problems and abuse Thrs drug-exposed children. In component of the Orange County addition to office help and Health Care Agency's Children's once-a-month, 12-hour hotline Mental Health Servtcea offers HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? 'W' RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. ::ffi :: JEWELERS ..... 3a· 1 Via Opot1o, N.wport 8eoch 9'9-673·93:U FYI •WHAT· Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6.30 p.m. today • WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245 \!any \HOlt' letter... 10 the cuy cxpre.,.,111g d1 c1r dJSddJn based on hJd t·xpcnence'> with Ule fa. c1hty. "lnli.lgim• my husband\ and my horror to find 1wo di'>· carded -.ynngc'> m the gutter.· 01arloue Muhna \HOie 1n her letter "What 1f one of the -;mall children on our -;erect had picked up one of the'>e '>Y· ringes? With .ill lJie potenual infcc11ou., d1'cases -HIV and hepalit1<; bc111g two of many ltfe threatening dil.ease!. -why do we have to live with llus prob- lem?" City planner'> uJumatcly de· c1ded tJiat nine cHenu. 1<, too man} for Manion to handle or for the hou'>e to accommodate and 1... 111con!>istent wnh the c,mglc-farni.Jy re!>idcnt.ial neigh borhood. The Plc1nnmg Comrn..,s1011 was '>Uppo'>ed to decide on the e>.pam11111 1n January. but the atlornL'y repn•,enung Manion ~kcd for rnorl' ume to re!>po11d 10 neighborhood rnncern!). rhe l'-'illl' \'hi' conunucd unlit fch 10 rraining and supervision for the program Many of the children are economically deprived. 111ct1ms of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444 REACH OUT FOR SENIORS volunteers are needed to provide companionship and fnendsh1p to isolated seniors in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Training and support are offered . and volunteers must be 18 or older 9491442 1000 READING BY 9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten through the third grade In Costa Mesa Pomona Elementary School, 19491 515-6980, Whittler Elementary School. 1949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary Sdlool, (949) 515-6995, and New Shalimar WHAT TO EXPECT City planners rewrnmend upholding 1he zomng administmtur's approval '>lllt<' the ul.e of the propcrt}' 1-. companbh.• \\Ith the general mduMnaJ dt'velopment!. in the area. rhe vehicll' '>lo rage areas w1ll not be readil}' visible from off site and will 1101 be ea-.ily d1 .. ungu1 ... hcd from the car' 1h<1t may be parked m the lll'>lomer empl11~ ec park.in~ area!>, ciry official'> have ~Jld Tiwn: i'> also room for a planter of apprll\1111 ately LOO <;quare feet m front. so the cum1111<;,11m rnuJd decide to requtre that the applicant cun!>LrUt t the planter CHANGE MAKE-UP OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY rhe dt'veloprnent. m the 2500 block ol Santa Ana Avenm" wouJd includl nine '>mall lob of separate smgle-fam1l~ home' With attached two car garages and open park.Ing m the driveways leading to the garages There are now 12 unil.l. on the propeny Since de'>lgn reviews an: requ1rt'd for proiects conrammg three or more two story r~1dentes, the applJCJllon mu.,t be approved by the c omm1ss1on WHAT TO EXPECT < uy planner' recommend apprlJ\ mg the apphcauon 10 prm 1de more ho mt· 0\\11er.h1p oppor1un1ues. \\1th u·rtam Learning Center 19491646-0396 832·7100 need help for students in reading, l l1e .1pphcant .., llQUC'>llllg"dppro\al of a m<1.,ler plan to tori...trutt tl1e bui.ldmg 0 11 a p1Up1·rty prcvwu'>ly Ol tu pied by a Mobi.l gas \ta11011 on Ea.'>l I Ith 'ltrect 111 ~fJ> 2001 tlw u1mm1 .. wm dpprmed a ma'>lcr plan for the loe<tt1Un, l>ul the propeny owner next door appealed the d1;u.,1on to the (.Hy t ouncrl ba..,t'd on the bui.ldmg\ 2'> foot h1•1gh1. which m1gh1 obstrucl Vlt'WS of hls . "hopping 1.enter In July 2!XJ I the< 011nci.l uppruved the proJet:t ~1th a ccduced height of 18 leel hut '>111Ce comrrucwm did nor -.rart within a yt«H rhe md.'>tcr plan exp1rt'd rhe applicant 15 now reque~11ng a m.1-.tcr plan fc1r a .!. I foot building i:tlld '>ilt' Jc<,ign WHAT TO EXPECT ( I'\ planners art· rernmmcndmg thar the l omrr11~1on appruH· the fll<i..'>ter pl.u '>tnce the dt·.,.gn provides an h11ec1ural inrerc•..,t and wouJd wmplcmcnt the rernodelctl l hllKrt-n "quare on 1...i.,.1 I itl1 .,treer 1 1 tlw north TRINITY CHRISTIAN CENTER 1 lll' center 1s rl'que .. 11ng <1pprov<tl ol the permH 10 < onduct rehgJOU'• related act1\1Ue-. outside of rhe hui.ldmg. mdud1ng 1ele\1'>1on programming me tl'nter has conducted outside ac-uvilies in the pa'>t through ii .. pec1aJ c\ent pt'rmll LSSued b) rlw l It\ rhe mmor rnnd111ond.I u'>e permu would aJlm, 11 10 conduct outdoor actl\1t) on a pern1J11ent bas1'> WHAT TO EXPECT U1 1u'>e the comm1'>'>mn \\a.S onh ..i.ble to "1'>11 tht· u·111cr 10 evaluare lht-effcl'h uf the oul5Jde ,11ti\11v on surrounding prr1µt:rt1e., un rhursday. 'tall " recomm1:11dmg that the 11em bl COllllllUl'd IO I-eh L4 Call 1714 550 7369 and ask for membership writing and English Mentor SAVE OUR YOUTH sessions may be scheduled from 8·30 to 11 :30 a m., and after school from 3 to 6 p m , Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Individual and group volunteers are needed during the upcoming hohday season. lnd1v1dual volunteer opportunities include berng a Christmas warehouse worker, red kettle bell ringer or organizer for school, church group, service club, busineat or corporation volunteer 11gn-ups. Group or family volunteers Me needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree. hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army 1714) FULL BAR COCKTAILS The Westside Costa Mesa yo'uth SERVlNG PEOPLE IN NEED organtza11on is looking for Serve as a guide for homeless volunteers to help create a families by helprng them set positive alternative for people 12 goals and marntam a basic to 23 Volunteers are needed to budget Bilingual skills needed help m areas such as boxing, Orientation and training provided sports, health, fitness aerobics Theresa Rowe, 1949) 757-1456 and academic tutoring (949) 548-3255 SENIOR MEALS ANO SERVICES INC. SERVICE CORPS OF Volunteers are needed to deliver RETIRED EXECUTIVES meals to homebound senior Join other business professionals citizens residing in Cotta Meas to help small businesses succeed who are not able to prepare their by leading seminars and own meal• and do not have coaching entrepreneurs online anyone to prepare meals for The corps 1s a nonprofit charitable them. Volunteers are asked to organization composed of 11,500 donate at least one hour per week volunteer business mentor1, both for a six-month penod. Subttltute worlclng and retired, who counsel drivers are also needed to flll In bualneues from nearly 400 for regular drivers. (714) 840·8611 offices throughout the country or 17141891-0804 The Eichenauer Group Mershell G. Elcheneuer, Jr. Denise M. Moglello Ftrst Vice·Prts1dent·lnvestments Financial Advisor NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED "For a Frtt Complimentary Portfolio Rt view, Pl.au Call• 949-467-6034 800-854-t 222 OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 196"E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·64S·76l6 .00 o/o Yield On Principal of Ynur 12 Mo CD FDIC INSUR E D F IDE LITY l"JSU RF 0 l>f POl>IT\ (949) 588-571 Accuralt a\ nf n~ 05 :mOJ · Penalt) for E.arl\ W11hdraw · B . .in~ Fee~ Ma) Reduce r oJrn1ngs • '1ot Offer To Sell Sccunuc~ · SIO.f)()(I L1mt1 2.65Cl.O Annual Pc rccnta11c Y1dd on Bank\ FDIC ln,urcd '1cw CD Plu\ Fidclityl C;"h Pa~mcn1 t\1 lnccpllon Annut11cs •l\o offered · F1dch1~ and FEP. Fam1h F,talc ln,urancl' Scn1cc~ 1Licil()C5(WJ] 'ol \.1cm1'cl"I llf Federal Dcpu~tl ln,1uan ... Corporation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOO •LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• VJNYl. R.OORING 'JI,. SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !.!!JJ!.. $149 from 111• -1e1• Travertile 1s· x 1s· ............................................. _. .......... U •l Ceranic Tle ...................................................... ~tont ..... •l Lamilate \\food .. ,.. ........................................... ....., ..... llll 1888 S.in Cl!ment!. ~!WPort Beach. CA 92660 www.ubspw.corTl.ltHml!rchgroup LUMINETTE ~c ~h~'"~~~~a:: P I o • • < • w 1 I t t ' ~ft See lhefTl QI 'PJll locol decJier ~ALDEN'S f l.001 O>\'EJUNG AND CUsroM WTNOO'I' CoVUJNCS 1663 ~t~ coisu Mesa 949-646-4838 • I I It •• .I et . t I • ............... "'"' "'" .... , ,, .... ..... Dilllllilll ................... ..... M Mol\day, February 10, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ; Eut 17th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 300 block at 7:55 p.m. Friday. •West 19th StrHt: A man wea arrested on suspicion of urinating In public In the 400 blodc at 4:25 a.m. Saturday. • West 19th StrMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of sleeping in a vehicle in the 500 blodc at 6:27 a.m. Saturday. •Wm 19th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of dumpster scavenging in the 800 blod< at 1 a.m. Friday. • Cabrillo Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 200 bl()CI( at 1 :44 a.m. Sunday. • Elden Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of making terrorist threats in the 2000 block at 2:35 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery In the 2000 block at 4:12 p.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boulevard and 32nd Street: Shots were heard fired and reported at 1 :07 a.m. Sunday. • Dove Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1000 block at 9:21 p.m. Saturday. • Fullerton Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 400 block at 11 :57 a.m Sunday. • Holmwood Drive: Terrorist threats were reported in the 400 block at 7:04 p.m. Saturday. • Latitude Court: A ·vehicle theft was reported in the 100 block at 10:08 p.m. Saturday • Residencia: Terrorist threats were reported 1n the 6200 block at 1 :58 p.m. Sunday. GLASS Continued from Al picture of what their answers could mean. Greenlight leaders have also charged that the General Plan Update Commirtee contains too many "pro-development" mem· hers and that some questions posed to residents during the vi- sioning process were skewed in favor of development. They say the city has downplayed resi· dents' oppositfon to economic development measures that would hun residents. .. The parts about economic development have" been glossed. over and put in the back of the report.·• Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst said. The report sho~ that 57% of residents -.urveyed thmlc that en· FLORID Continued from Al the mountain peaks bordering Otina to Imitate temperatures and climate found naturally in Southern California. The show began by drawmg local crowds interested in cymbidium~. Nov.• people come from all over the world to see the great variety of orchids. But the world's fasc1.nation with orchids goes back long before the 23-year-old show. The new movie "Adaptation" and books "Orchid Fever" and "The Orchid Thief' are based on the mystic1ue of orchids and the fervor people have for them. Great social ~tarus u!'.ed to be a~odated with orchids. ··1n the lJn1ted Kingdom, there ui.ed lo be a 101 of one-upman!ihip," C1l111'>kill. -.aid. "fveryone wa nted the late'' the greateo;t or tht be!>t ·· \o when a new '>pt-n e' of orchid was discovered, expl:'ditlOn'> were sent mto the lUnglc~ to find 11. People were I ALLOWED I Continued from Al I probed a little deeper. What about their rnvolvement with the whole human relations scandal last year, I asked. "I don't think they "houJd be involved in poUtics,' Ma.nsoor said. "It "eems they have caused more problems than th~y have <;olved." That's more like it. I reminded him about Kennedy\ public call for hi!> removal in April . A Little Oare rai!ied i11 h1!> voice and tht' tempo quickened. Here It come'>. my loller quote. My fingertip-. w;.:..11ed anx.iou.,Jy atop the keyboard. "Mr. Kennedy never ~aid what it wru. I ~aid or did that wa~ VJ wrong," he began. but tht'n -.1opped. HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CARPETS 230 Eost 17th St •Cosio Meso (949) 722-7224 www ro9so,.dc:orpeh com MJ, Fn 10-6-Sa1 10-5 couraging economk develop· dangertng the entire general ment will hun quality of life. plan update process. ELECTION MAY COME SOME COMMON GROUND INTO PLAY The swnmary of resident re· These differences have already sponses lo visioning summits, led to a minor scuflle between surveys and questionnaires show city staff and some residents over solidarity on some matters. whether a "Visioning Statement~ Most residents agree, for ex- should be formalized with a vote ample, that Balboa Village, Mari· of the City Cowicil. If not re-ner's Mile, Old Newport Boule- ~olved. such differences could var<:!, Cannery Village, West erupt into an upset at the ballot Newport and other areas need lo boll when, eventually, the gen-be revitalized. The summary era! plan update goes before even agrees on what "revitaliz.a· voters in accordance with the tion· means: ~Malcing some· city's Measure S, or .. Greenlight" thihg nicer without malcing it Utitiative. bigger." Critics of the Greenlight group. The environment is another most of whom now fully em-topic that rallies residents and brace and aclcnowledge th~ business owners. Harbors and Gre.enlight initiative as Jaw, fear beaches, they agree, must be that such an up~et is jusr what .protected. Water quallty is a pri· the Greenlight leader.. have in · ority. Stricter rneasure11 must be mind. Greenlight, they say. is an· taken to protect coastal bluffs gling for power at the rhk of en· and public view corridors. ~illing to murder, :>teal, chea1 and nsk everything to be the firsl to posses it or to present it to the queen. [t could talc:e an ordud four to 10 years to grow from a seed into a flower. As with siblmgs, an orchid could come from tht> ~e parent but look completely different. It used to take six years on average to know what the orchid would look Like Thi., might be fun for the hobbyi<;t. bu t a disaster for the commerciaJ grower, Glin~k.as said. . Then came clonjng. A lot of the biotechnology that led to domng more complex genetit structures today came from early work by orchid specialises. !>aid Don Nonhcott. president of Phytocultures Ltd Nonhcott has developed lab lit!> that make it e~)' for people to raise and clone orchid~. "\tarting wJtl1 om· tCJ fiw . five to 2'i. 2.'i lo 12.'i, I ~5 10 flli all tdenLical." he !>aid. 1111., led tu a huge drop 111 the prn:l' ol orchid::., and ordud luvt'rs around the world Ionised '>o clo'>l'. but I had to late 1he liH I t.hat Man:.nor wa' a Ilona fidt· poli11c Hl.11 nm.,, and lw wouldn·t f(O a~ lar a' hl' did on eleclion night .. , feel vindicatt'd by thb wrn," \J,m.,oor said on Nov. 'l. "Lons1denng all that Human Helations Commiuee baloney and those people who tried to send me packing, I feel really vmdicated. I'm still here. and they are going to have to try mui;h harder next ume. Rut Kennedy and hi~ county cohort'> may not have a next ume if the recommended cuti. are made. Ccnam l.o'>la Mesan<. rottld11't he happier about that "Ive never been a h1g fan of their' .tnd haw not ft'lt the\ have done anythmK J>ll'>il!Vl' 111 Lo~ta Mt·~," C.oun cilrnan (,ary Mornhan '>aid. "I thou1=1h1 thr'~ hatl a pohtital a~enda ritlht'r than an hune-.t service agenda." their attention-on producing the perfect orchid. It takes Amencan Orchid Society and Cymbiclium Society of Amenca judges seven years to earn lUdge status. Prize-winning orchids are evaluated on such criteria as size. Oatne~. clearness of color. straight lines and fragrance. "What might seern perfect to you sclenlificaliy might not appeal to you aesthetically," Glinskas said. Other ribbons Wt!re awarded by hobbyists based on a more subjective evaluation. As with everything, beaucy is in the eye of the beholder and the most inlportant i~ just to enjoy. Glinskas ~d. Harry Phillips, vice president of markeung for Orchids on a Stick, -.pecialiles in species orchid'>. species that occur in nature. I le is more interested in the variety of orchids than in wrnning dwards. Diversity is important to the 'iurvival of any '>pet:1e-.. ( alhn~ his companv the · "<uah's arc of orchids." he l<t><.1dent Jamee 0-d\1d~n. an •KUvt' pollllc:al tn"Jder who helped create a city·ha..'>(.>d chat ~ite. hlam~ the county 1 luma.n lklationc. 1 .. ommi."'ion for the ultimate dt.'nuse of tht' Web site. It w& on tha1 chat site that people claim Mamoor, Davidson and another Human Relations C:.ommjttee member, Joel Faris. made intolerant remarks. Member; of the county commission took the init:iauve to log on and see for themselves what was being said -or not said. " rhey stuck their no~ tn bu<,tnes'i ll)at was none of thetrs to begi.n with" and ruined a perfectly g1md method of communitation. DaVJd<;on said. HeguJar member!> of the now deluncl d1at ::.1te al-.o hold the ..ame belJefs. Even those who are not neces.,arily politically aligned w11h David ... on and her camp of "unprovers" feel the tOunty tommission overMepped ih hound\ 'Tm t.lisappmnted that Janice Davahon ~hut down the sne," PLUG IN ~~ R ~s l au r u nl Estat>llshea tn 1962 PllJg into the F'1lo1 Classi fied se,uon to far1d ~rvac es from elE>ctron1c.s and plumbers to Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Scrvice0 • 0 "Ni d Entertai.nmeot•0 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members · landscapers and pa1n1ers .. . .. • Seml·Pr'lvate for Men & Women • Lota of Equipment/Free Weights • Piiate& Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater· Ucensed • 16 Full 11me Peraonal Trainers • Child Care Sam· noon M • F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi. Stretch efaaaes • Step, Power Pump, Cardlo • Showera, Steam & Towel• • Skin Ca,.. • Shap•UP Phy1leaf Therapy Center • Permanent Mak•UP • Shep.Up Hair Ca,.. • AcupuneturelAcup,..MUr• WellneN Cllnlo MORE DISAGREEMENT But where they stand united on the city's natural assets. they stand divided on how to balance business interestb with quality of life for residents. ~Most of the divided opinion i.s about areas suitable for develop· ment, so that's Banning Ranch, Newport Center. the airport area.~ Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood said. A majority said that Fashion Island and Newport Center should not expand to allow more businesses. but some expansion for existing businesses might be OK. For the airport area. about two-thirds of the respondents said there should be no changes in development, but revitaliza~ tion should take place. Banning Ranch should also shoot for a status quo. preserving open space. Corona del Mar's reslden· KENT TREPTOW I OAJLV PILOT An orchid reveals its delicate beauty at the Fascination of Orchids International Show and Sale at South Coast Plaza. points out the problem with cloning. "As with any monoculture. a disease can attack it and wipe it out." giving the banana as a recent example. resident Geoff West wrote in an e-mail. "It provided some very interesung dialogue on somt> pretty important issues. Yes, there were some vile things posted from time to time, but most of the postings were well reasoned and topical. Too bad the county Human Relations Commission had to inject itself mto the situation." There are those who will mourn the I~ of the county comm.ission, such as Mayor Karen Robinson and Councilwoman Ubby Cowan. who pushed hard to convince council membef'j to pay the $7,000 annual dues to become a "contributing partner in !the county's Human Relations! effon.s." Cowan said Friday the state budget err.sis is being used by county politicians as an excuse to get rid of the commission. "I think it will be a terrible shame if the county uses this to close it down." Cowan said. Cowan said the commtssion has done tremendous wmi ctnd Daily Piiot tial area, lJalboa Village and Newport Heights should have st:ric,1er 1.onlng to limit develop- ment, they said. Of the people who responded to a newsletter questionnaire, 56% saJd the city should not ar commodate more jobs. MOVING ON The next step is for the GenernJ Plan Update Committee to de cide on the scope of the update'>, which portion$ should be revised in light of this infonnation. · Then comes perhaps the hard- est part of all: rewriting porttom of the general plan, the dcx:u- ment that will set the stage for the city through 2025 or beyond • JUNE CASAGR4NOE covers Newport Bea<tl end John Wayne Airport. She may be reac.tied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande@/atimes com The common banana sold in grocery stores may be gone in IO to 20 years. he said. A virus has infected the bananas, which canno1 fight it off because they have lost their natural variation through genetic manipulation. Phillips' orchids are the same price, whether they are, for example, the desired deep red or a lighter shade. He loves orchids for their uniqueness. "The diversit)4of orchids are equaled by the diversity of humans that collect them," he said. Phillips himself Is addicted to orchids. Pointing out his latest purchase, a bright purple orchid in the corner, he described the nature of an orchid addiction a~ passer-bys giggled in agreement. "One day you realize you've already got that orchid but you are buying another,· he said "\Vhy? Just because you need Jt, you want it." • CORAL Wl.LSON 1s the news assistant and may be reacned at (949) 5744298 or by e-mail at coral wilson a /atimes.com the small difference it will make tn t.he bonom line does not warra.111 the negative effect., of lo\~ng it "I'd hate to see it not funded. Cowan said. "I think it send'i a message that we as a coumy value each person a.i. a contnbuting member of ow community." Mansoor. Monahan and the lilce argue that that's a pretty expensive mt$Sage. "They've got to look for cur\ in light of the state budget just Ii.kt• anybody else." Mansoor said And although it didn't come across loud and clear, I like to t.hinJc that somewhere deep down, under the political rhetoric, I heard the faint M>1111d of gloarmg. A little Bronx chel·r and a "serves you right." •LOLITA HARPER wntes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fr•dav> and covers culture and the arts Sn · may be reacned at (9491 574-4275 ' by e-mail at lo/tea harper a /ar1mes.com STtVE McCRANI< I DAILY PllOT The Bluffs. sho~ping cen~er 1s e~dence of how well Newport's economy 1s doing, despite a nation-wide economic depression. GROWT·H year. Baycrest Plaza. in M'5Q Verde. ls expected to be open by April 1. The center, at the north· Continued from Al president of the Newport Beach Clamber of Commerce. -These are long-term invest· ments that will go through many ups and downa In the economic cycle, H Lue.hrs "1d. In May, the IMne Co. cut the rib- bon on Newpon CoMt Shopping Center. In Octobet the. company opened Qysra1 Cove Promenade. Both oentera have an edec:dc oft'er- lng of spedalty 1toree. lncludlng Thlder Joe's. WllllaJN Sonoma, Pt· dftc Whey~ and z Pia.a. A third IM.ne Co. center, the BlWfl, wW. open thit aprlng. The Blufrl It at MacAnhur Boufevard and the Corona del Mar Freeway. "OUr centen oondnue to fare well. ln tplte of the economic uncertainty, becauae they're po· 1itioned well.• lrvtne Co .. 1pokel· woman Jenn.lfer HeJpr -.Id. "Many of our centm have a unJque mix ol on•of·a·ldnd re-ta11en.• Cotta Miia ta able> apected to ... at leut on. oew CIOCtr tbil west comer of Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street, ts across the street from Costa Mesa Square, anchored by lllrget, whlcb opened in December 2000. The. future o( the nearby Mesa Verde Center ts still cloudy. A Kohl's Department Store set tor the location ttepped Into: a thicket of snakes In AuiUJt w¥n a local group came out to aup· port the popular boWllng alley Xena Lanes, which woulcl n~ to be demollahed. Newport·Me11. overall. may only aee a 291t to S9i growth ra.t• tn the ftnt half of the year and S9i to '91t powth ln tha MCOCd half of the ~. but obeeMn •tW -.y tc wru be the teen bw1' •People have Jobi and. •ln many lnatancee, hl&h·~ Jobi," Luehn Mid. •There'I mO.N job atabllity." • • PW.A. CLINTON cove,. the environment. butlMll and polltlp. .... may bt rMd'led It (141) 7M 4llO Ot bv •m.11 It ; t*JJ,o/JnfOfl •111t1rrw.oom. Dilly Piiot ·AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to tho Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by faino (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) · 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing le available at www.dailypilot.com. TUESDAY A wortahop on ·seUin9 Techniques that Wor1t; w ill be held from g-a.m . to noon at · National University, 3390 Harbor • Blvd., Costa Meaa:The $25 fee Includes materials. Fo r m ore • Information, call (714) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY The Corona d.i Mar Busineu Improvement District is lookmg for community participation and committee members to form a Centennial Event Com m ittee to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Corona del M ar in 2004. The pubhc 11invtted10 attend an initial brainstorming meeting 7 p.m. at Sherman library and Gardens. 2647 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar To make reservations or forward ideas, call (949) 675-0501 A fl'M seminar callM:I "Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health" will be held from 6:30 to 7 30 p.m at M other's Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa M esa For reservattons. call (800) 595-M OM S ·crHte • Peraonel Brand end Increase Business" 1s the subJec1 for the Newpon Beach Chamber Qf Com merce luncheon held at noon at the Rad isson Hotel 4545 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach The cost is $20 for members with a reservation and $25 for all others at the door For more mfo rmat1on, call (9491 729-4400 THURSDAY A bu1lnn1 1olu1lon1 wot1(1hop called "Contract Legalese Should I or Shouldn't 1r will cover how to w ade through the #legalese" of contracts. It will be presented from 5 10 6 p.m at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa For more informatton call (9491623-8247 or visit www 1cforangecounrry orglevents The lntemationel Coach foundation of Orange County will present "People Power Skills• from 6:30 10 8 30 p m at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa For more information call 1949) 623·8247. or v1s1t www.1cforang ecountry org events A free Mminar called ·vour Child's Health" w ill be held from 6:30 to 7 30 p.m at Mother's M ancet, 225 East 17th St Costa M esa For reservattons call (800) 595-M OM S Gail Carson Levine's ·Th• Two Prtncesses of Bamarre· will provide a spnngboard of discussion during the M other-Daughter Book Club meettng al 7 p m at the Newpon Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport Beach For more mformatton. call (9491 717-3816. SATURDAY A computer fair will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a m to 5 p m through Sunday Adm1ss1on for adults is S5. for children younger than 10, free. For more mforma11on, call (800) 800-5000 The UC Irvine Arborwtutn's annual Winter Orchid Show. "Prelude to Sprmg· will take place from 10 a m 10 3 p m at the UCI Arboretum on the UCI North Campus. Adm1ss1on 1s $2 per person. Child ren and members • ~et in for free. For more Information, call (949) 824-5833. •An Evening of Ionesco,· teaturing several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, w ill be presented by OCC's Aepen ory Theatre Company in the Drama Lab Studio today, Sunday and Feb. 22 and 23. Show times are 8 p.m . Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m Sundays. Tic:btt cost S6 In advanoe, S7 at the door. For m ore Information, call (714) 432·6&40, ext 1. ' A WOfbhop called ·otvorce: A New Beginning" Is being offered for men and women In the proc.eq of divorcing Of recently dlvo!Wd. It wlll take place from 10 i .m. to 12:30 p.m. 1t 180 Newport Center Ort\'9. For more fnfo""ltlon, ctll UM9) ~5. I lit1pttng t..wn eare• wtl bt • dltculMd It SM""tn Ubrary and Gardent In Coron• del Mar It 8:30 1.m . Free. For more • tnfofmltlon, ctll (9'81873-2281. ' ' , A tem...., on •Hew to ltelt end ,.. M1n191 Your Butlnt11~ wtll bt held from 1:30 1.m . to 4 p.m. et 1. Nltlontl Unlvtf"lltv, l3IO Harbor Jtvd,, eo.ta Mita. The l40 ... •I lnaludet mPtrf• for morl nformetton, ctll (714) U0.7•. FD. II ~ ............. Molt ...... ~ !.fne11t• It IM eubfeat fortht N'""°" lwtl O\lmbtr of Comn'91ot bual,_ rwfen'tl breakfast that will take place at 7:30 a.m . at The Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The cost is $17 for members with a reservation and $22 for potential members at the door. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. EIHnor Cooney l'9M:l1 from and signs ~Death In Slow M otion-My M other's Descent into Aliheimer·s~ at 6:30 pm. at Book Soup South Coa5t Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa M esa. For more informa11on, call (714) 689-2665. A tr.. Mmlnar callM:I •11 ZJng th• M issing Link?~ will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Mar1te1, 225 East 17th SL, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. FEB. 19 The Newport Rib Co. end ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families 1n Orange County The restaurant is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more mformatton, call (949) 515·3815, ext 231 A frff aeminer called ·Heallng All-Stars" will be held from 6:30 to 7 30 p m at Mother's M arket, 225 East 17th St Costa Mesa For reserva11ons, call (800) 595-MOMS. Ro11 l<Jng pt'9Mntl end signs "Michelangelo and the Pope's Ce1ltng" at 6·30 p.m at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Sutte 2400, Costa Mesa For more informatton, call 1714) 689-2665. Macy's South Coest Pleze presents "Workshop W1>dnesdays A Hands ·on Cooking Class Program hosted by chef AleJC.X Guevara The class 1& from 6 to 7.30 pm at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa The cost, including materials, 1s S30 For reserve a spot, call (818) 994·5075 FEB. 20 The public Is Invited to meet Adeline Yen Mah aulhor of "Falling Leaves;· ·Chinese Cinderella" and "Watching the Tree" at 7 pm at the Newpon Beach Central L1brarv. 1000 Avocado Ave • Newpon Beach For more mformalton. call 1949) 7173816 FEB. 22 A worbhop on "Undemend1ng International Trade" will be held from 9 a.m . to noon at Nat10nal Un1vers1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa M esa The S25 fee includes matenals For more information call (714 550 7369 FEB. 21 The Costa Meu Women's Club will hold its monthly meel tng at 11·15 a m. at their clubhouse, 610 W 18th St.. Costa Mesa. with a luncheon and entenamment For more 1nformal1on. call 1949) 642 1162 FEB. 25 Women Helping Women will host its annual open house from 4 to 8 p m . The nonprofit organization serves over 2,000 women annually by providing clothing to women in trans1t1on and seeking employment Refreshments will be served The center is at 711 West 17th St., Costa Mesa For more mformataon, call 1949) 423-0057. A free seminer callM:I ·The Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic Diseases· w ill be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's M arice!. 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OM S. A worttshop on •Marbting end Prom otion" W111 be held from 9 a.m. to noon at Nattonel Untvers1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa M esa. The S25 fee includes materials. For more Information, call (714) 550-7369. FEB. 26 A free seminar and book -'gnlng called ·Anti-aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond" will be held from 6:30 to 7;30 p.m . at Mother'• Mar1tet, 225 Eaat 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reserv1tion1. call (800) 596-MOMS. FEB.27 Mooday February 10, 2003 A5 illness (949) 574-6232 644-3244 BEST BET St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness suppon group from 6:30 10 8 p m Sundays in D1erenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrewg Road, Newport Beach. (949) 674-2236 Jewish Femlty Service ohrs ongoing bereavement 5Uppol1 g roups for adutta at all stages of loss Group members share expenences. hear how others deal with grief. receive auppon and leam ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine The s;econd group meets at 10 a m Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills Tho third g roup meets at 1 p m Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free, but advance reg1strat1on is required (71 4) 4454950 The Jewish Femlly S.tvie-9 of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m two Tuesdays a month al the Jewish Family Servtoe office at 260 E Baker St., Sutte G, Costa M esa $10 per person. per session. Preregistration required. (7141445-4950 Dublin's Traditional Irish Cabaret will perform at 8 p.m on March 1 in Orange Coast College's Robert Moore Theatre. The troupe of 25 Irish performers will present a lively blend of trad1t1onal Irish dance, ballads, song and humor For ticket information, call (714) 432·5880 The Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County has a w eekly l>arentlng support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feeltngs and behavior of their children The group meets from 10 to 11·30 am Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa The group will cover managing anger anxiety and peer pressure children experience Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 Jewish Femily Senfiee of Ora~ Collnty provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 to 9 30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St , Costa Mesa Advance reg1stratton 1s required (7141 445-4950 Two-hour Uy8k tours with • tramed naturaltst guide are offered at 10 a m Sundays from the Newpon Dunes Waterfront Resort The reson 1s at 1131 Bac:k Bay Drive Newpon Beach $20 or $10 for California W1ldltfe Campaign and Newpof1 Bay Naturalists and Friends members (949 729 1150 information, call (949) 717 3870 The Aaan. of Bu1lne11 Services hosts a networking meetmg that deals w ith education connections from 6 to 8:30 p .m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Brtstol St . Costa M esa For more Information. call (949) 805 0011 The Newport Beech Pubhc Library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for children in k1nderganen through the socond grad'! al the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m Tuesdays The library is at 420 Mar1gold Ave For more informa11on call 1949) 717·3800 me tours of the Orange County Performing Ans CP.nter take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, bad<stC1ge and on stage at 10.30 a.m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa Group tours c.an be held by special arrangement For more 1nformatton. call (7 14 556 ARTS P,)(1 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the thtrd Wednesday of every month The organ1za11on is open lo all women residents an Newport Beach who have lived 1n the area fewer than five years For more 1nformat1on call 19491 645-9922. or VI Sit newcomers-newportbeach org OHi• Senior C.nter holds a pancake breakfast from 7 30 to 10 a m on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage. coffee and orange 1u1ce for $3. S 1 for children The center ts at 800 M arguerite, Corona del Mar For more information. call 1949) 644-3244 Macy's South Coest Plaza presents Worksh.:ip Wednesdays A Honds on Cooking Class Proqrom hoc.ted by chef Alexx Guev1ra The c.f,1ss 1s held from 6 to 7 30 p m Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St , Costa Mesa The cost including matertdls. is S30 To rt s1:rve a spot. call 1818 994 5075 Voge and rtlythm, "Yogarhythm1cs comtnnt's yoga. dance and fun The class is hPld from 4 30 to 5 45 pm Tuesdays at 28&0 Mesa Verde Drive East Suite 111. Costa Mesa For more information, call (714) 754 7399 The Newport Harbor Nau1teal Museum offers the exh1b1t "Your M a1estv. There Is No Second· The America's Cup 1851-200r throug h April 30 The museum 1s at 151 E Pacific Coast Highway Newport Beach Free admission For more information call (949) 673-7863 Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate m a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of O range County office. The group Is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children. observing holiday&, symbols In the home and relatlonshlps with extended families. The cost for three session• is S.5 JM'' couple. Prereglstretlon ia required. Call to ld'iedule dett and time. The office la at 260 E. 8aktr St., Suite G. Cotta Mesa. (714) 446-4950. All hardcover and paperbaclc donations. with the exception of magazines dnd law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible (9491 759 9667 The Braille Institute offers f,.. computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis C~nter at 800 Marguerite Ave • Corona def Mar. offers six session<. [ 111 to sign up for classes 11141 821-5000 A splrrtuel ca,. class meeu et 7 15 p m Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave Sutte 114 Newpof1 Beach Cdll to reserve a seat (9491 263 1462 The Cost• Meu Chamber of Comm1>r f! hosts networlttng luncht:on mP.eltngs Wednesdays from 11 45 ,, m to 1 p m at the Costa M1•5,1 Country Club The cost 1s S 14 The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa 7141 885·9090 A brain tumor support group meet .. th1• first and third ThursddyS of each month from 7 to 8 30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center di Hodg Hospttal. 1 Hoag Dnve. Newport Beach. Free Registration not required The group 1s designed to help patients and thetr families understand and cope with the The Costa Meu Senior Center has ballroom dancing with ltve muStc from the Costa Mesa M usic Maker'! from 7 30 to 10 30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St Costa Mesa S4 (9491 548-3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically 111 The purpose 1s to provide part1c1pants with emotional and spmtual suppon to manage illness and 11s consequences The group meets at 7 p m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Servtce office at 250 E Baker St Costa Mesa Attendance 1s free but reg1stra11on 1s required 1714 445-4950 Scrabble Club No 350 mMts from 6 to 10 p m Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cale at South Coast Plaza 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa $3 New players are wPlcome 1949 206-9822 The Coin end Stemp Club m94Jts from 1 to 3 p m Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center New members interested m trading buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to J01n these informal meetmgs There are no fees required 9491 A yoge end dence clHs is h.&d from 4 30 to 5 45 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drtve East, Suite 111 Costa Mesa 1714) 754.7399 The Rev Connie Rycicmen leech a d1scuss1on group using the book •Conversations wnh God· from noon to 1 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Sp1rttual Discovery 2850 Mesa Verde Drive EaSl Suite 111 Costa Mesa Bnng a lunch 17141754 7399 Mershell'1 TH Kwon Do m Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to a1rl1ne pilots dnd fhght attendants ClaSSM are taught by three-time U.S National Champion Tom Marshall Marshall s 1s at 333 E 17th St., Surte 13. Costa Mesa 19491574-0122 A Deellng wrth Divorce support group 1s offered by Jewish Family Servtce of Orange County The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E Bdker St Suite G Costa Mesa 1714 44s-4950 It's Your Business ... A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. TOPICS: • How to choose a Financial Adviser • Reap the benefit s from Tax Returns • Estate Planning -Wills, Trusts and Pr obate • Starting a Small ~si ness • Tips for buying, improving and ref inancing your home • Revive You r Stock Portfolio • Are your children college bo und? It's more than tuition • Hidden Money Save rs: From credit cards to credit unions •What ha s your bank done for you lately? ADVERTISERS : Let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth In addition to your advertisement, you w ill receive a FREE listing in our Professional Directory. PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21, 2003 CAMERA READY/RELEASE: Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon A he .-.mtnar cehd •Honnonee; Rtf uvenatJon, Nutrition 1nd Oetox1ftcttlon" will tM held from 8:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Marttlt, • Women IO end older can Join • 225 Eut 17th St, Coate MMI. For dlecu11lon group coordinated by reMrv1tlone, ctll (800) Jewish Family StrvlCff to ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE: Frtday, February 21, 2003. Noon 595-MOMS. eddreu lesuM 1u<:h It anxl9ty, ct.preealon, r.letlonahlpe, foMll,,... 1nd famlty. Tht group mH1I from 10to 11:30 e.m . Mondtyt It the 1gency offtoel, 2IO E. Btkef St., Suitt Q, Co.i. M .. 1. Pretegmrttlon ,.qulrtd. (114)~ ONGOtHG 'Alene IN lfWteed to drop by the city of Cocta M ... ~on C.nt9r from 2 toe p.m . Mondey through Fr1d1y for lndoor end outdoor epon. ind ICtMtl•. The c.nter le It 1180 Arlan.Im /we. For mort lnformltlon, c:an (714) 327-7MO. C.11 your Advertising Representative Tod•yl (949) 142-4321 Pilot QUOTE OF THE DAY "You don•t just take ptoplt down. You squeeze their lower back until their tyts get big ... drive into thtm and takt thtm back." Martt Nebeker, former Costa Mesa linebacker A6 Monday, February 10, 2003 playoff b erths at stake Tars eye Sea View title; Mesa, CdM, Sage Hill bid to join Estancia as postseason qualifie rs. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot The outright Sea View League boys basketball championship would be am- ple reward, but with a victory Wednes- day at 7 p.m. against visiting Wood- bridge High, Newport Harbor would accomplish a first in the program's 73 varsity seasons. Coach Larry Hirst's Sailors ( 16-8, 8-1 in league) would earn their second straight outright Sea View crown with a victory. an unprecedented feat. The Sailors defended their Sunset League ti- tle in 1957, but the 1956 squad had shared the championship. Meanwhile. the other four Newport - Mesa boys teams enter the final week of the regular season with plenty at stake. Estancia ( 16-8, 6-4 in the Golden West League) clinched a guaranteed berth into the CIF Southern Section Playoffs with a 55-39 win at crosstown rival Costa Mesa Thursday. But the Eagles could finish anywhere from sec- ond to fourth, depending on how things shake out Corona de! Mar (11-13, 4-4 In the Pa- cific Coast League), ls. realisdcally, play- ing for the six-team league's third and final guaranteed playoff spot, a pursult that could include a third-place playoff game Friday against Tesoro. Sage Hill School (9-12, 4-4 ln the Academy League) may very well be headed for a repeat of last year's third- place playoff with Brethren Christian, which would al.so take place Friday, If things go as planned in Academy action Tuesday and Thursday. Costa Mesa. with wins In Its three Golden West League games this week. could rise into the top four, which would mean a guaranteed a berth In the seven-team Golden West League. How- ever, Coach Bob Serven's Mustangs (8· 15, 3·6) have no margin for error. Three Mesa wins would also satisfy the I I -vic- tory mlnimum requirement for at -large consideration. For Newport Harbor. Wednesday's showdown, the srutors' lonr game of the week. ls a repeat of last year'-, league and regular-season finale .igainst the Warriors. Newport I !arbor won that game. 54-40, at Woodbridge 10 claim the program's fim outright league crown since 1985. This year's task appears daunung. as the Warriors (20-5. 8 I l are ranked 'Jo. 6 in Orange County. No 5 in CIF Southern Section Division 11-M. the same division Newport will compete in. Coach John J lalagan's squad h~ won slx straight and 12 of Its last 13. Jes onJy blemish during that run 1s a 73-64 league loss Jan. 22 at Foothlll. What's more, Woodbridge pulled away for a 57·36 win over the Sailors, Sports Editor Roger CMlson • (949) 574-4223 • Spotts Fu: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCH OOL BOYS BASKETBALL STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PILOT Andre Pmesett and his Newport Harbor High teammates will make their final drive for Sea View League btie Wednesday. Jan. 24 at Woodbridge. Newpon, how- ever. trailed onJy 22-2 1 at halftime of that game. after taxing a 13-11 ftrbl· quarter lead. rhe Sailors made just I of I 0 third qu.irtcr fiell..1-goul attempts and .,1101 20.8"~• from the field in rh<' final two penod~ "imn• that game the Sail- o r., have lo<tt -;ophomnrc part tune -;tartrr Brett l'ernne. who tore hio, right ACL in a Jan. 11 league win at Aliso Ni- guel. The Tars will be led by 6-fooc-9 senior center Nedim Pajevic, who is averaging 15.9 points and 13.7 rebounds per game. Pajevic had 13 polnts and 10 boards in the first meeting. when Woodbridge's 6-I 0 junior center Ouis Burgess and 6-6 senior forward Ouis Boldig combined for i7 points. lndudlng 20 In the second half, and 13 rebounds. r1>tancia enters the week In third place, one-half game behind second- place Orange (6-3 In league) and one· half game ahead of Santa Ana (5·4). The Eagles host Orange tonight. bent on avengmg a 74-51 drubbing at Orange Jan. 17. With a victory tonight. combined with an upset of visiting league cham- pion Ocean View Friday (the Eagles have the league bye Wednesday). Estan- cia would end up no worse than tied for second. Santa Ana visits Saddleback tonight, Costa Mesa Wednesday and Is home against Orange Friday. Orange ls at last-place Westminster Wednesday. CdM enters the week one game up on Tesoro. The Sea Kings host fifth. place Calvary Olapel Tuesday. then visit first-place Northwood Thursday. North- wood can clinch the league crown Tues- day with a win at second-place Univer- sity. If form holds, the Sea KinS' would split. That, combined with Tesoro wins over last-pince Laguna Beach Tuesday and at Calvary Olapel Thursday, would force a playoff between CdM and Thso- ro, Friday at a neut.raJ site. for the league's third guaranteed berth. Sage Hill Is one game up on Brethren QuistJan, but will likely need a sweep of second-place Whitney (Tuesday) and last-place Oxford Academy (Thursday) to hold off Brethren. which finishes with Oxford and fifth-place Capistrano Val- ley OuistJan. CATCHING UP WITH EYE OPENER 110aity.4'Pi1ot Ill Sportl Hall~ F..-, ,.~ ltl'lllU"'.,.,,. IUUlrf\lllUID F~~ 17 hone>fte JOHANN APP£il ".w • • .. ... • ·" I• Daily P16ot I • I COLLEGE BASEBALL 'Eaters edged • 13th lil Santa Clara erases 4-0 deficit, wins on fielder's choice in extra innings. SANTA CLARA -Host Santa Oara University rallied for three runs In the seventh and one ln the ninth to force extra innings, then scored ln the 13th to claim a 5-4 nonconference baseball vic- tory over UC Irvine Sunday at Buck Shaw Stadium. The Anteaters (2-2), opened a 2-0 lead in the second Inning. then added single runs in the third and the seventh. But the bull~n failed to hold the lead, denying starter Michael Koehler the vie· tory. The sophomore right-hander blanked the Broncos for five innings. yielding just three hlts and walldng one, whlJe striking out two. Three Anteater errors led to two unearned runs to help Santa Oara pull even, before pushing across the winning run. when plnch-runner Da- vid Hoffmire scored on a one- out fielder's choice. Sanu Clara AntNtar1 5 4 The victory helped the Bronos avert a series sweep, following a 2· l UCJ victory Friday night and a 9-4 ua triumph Sat- urday. Santa Oara's Mark Folgner walked to begin the winning rally. advancing to third on a one-out double by Joe Ole· fenderfer. An intendonal walk loaded the bases. Michael Thompson hlt a slow grounder to second base and the Ant· eaten could not turn the double play In d.rne. G Half of UQ'1 eight hlt.s were for extra bases, Including a solo homer In the seventh by senJor third bueman Steve Guthrie to increase the visitors' lead to 4-0. Freshman catcher Mark Wagner had two hlt.s and an RBI for the Anteatert, for whom Junior aecond bueman Matt Fisher had an RBI triple and freshman first baseman Matt Falk added an RBI. SenJor shortstop B.J. Eucce had a double for UCI, which stranded seven runners. Santa Oara (5-4) left 14 men on base, but wu bailed out by Patrick Overholt. who pitched five two-hit lnnlnp of shutout relief to earn his second win In aa many decisions. HOHOONF'ER£NCl S.rm a.re 15, UCI 4 •I I: .. ' . , . ' ' I Boore by lnnlnaa UCt 021 000 100 o8o 0 -• I I ' S.Clara ooo ooo '°' ooo 1 -t 10 o ._) Koehler, Frendl (II), Ttlpoll (7), Kt1M (7), Raullnahl1 (8), Sctuoer (8), Alttot ( 11) and Wagner; Shapiro, Olefandarfef (4), A.-(8), Overholt (9) and Mc;Colgan, Wall.ca. W - Overholt. 2-0. L -Alltot, 0-1. 28 -W9gnar (UC!), Dl-'•nderler (SC), Dlef'b (SC). 38 - Fl9ctlaer (UCI), Eucca (UCI) HR -Guthrie (UCll. .. Bruce Chapman Former Mesa and OCC basketball phenom still keeping active in Vegas. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot A ft.er 25 years of the beige desert sands, Bruce Olapman looks toward greener pastures. as In Oregon. The former Costa Mesa High. Orange C.oast College and University of Nevada Las Vegas basketball phenom has purchued 6~ acres of land in Oregon with plans ol building a home there. ·w Vegas is all asphalt drive," Cllapman. SS, said tut w.?ck upon retumtna from a trip to HawalJ, where he and his panner took thJrd place ln a handball tournament. ·1 need a green ftx from daDe to dme. • O\apman repraented the P'ffl1 and White of Cotta MefJ& Mil, Mfplng !Md ' the Mustangs to the CJF Southern Section Playoffs ln 1966 -his senior season -before losing 10 Long Beach Poly, 109-81 , which he sald was the equivalent of going up against the La.kers. He averaged 20 points per game as a junior at UNLV and 17 as a senior for Coach Roland Tudd's squad, which ln 1970 was nicknamed the Runnin' 1'ebels. "We didn't have the tlme-point shot back then and we still averaged more than 100 points per game," said the 6-foot-8 Oulpman. "Now you look at the NBA and not many tea.ma ac:ore (more than) 100 polnta. There are eo rcw shooters left In the country. ill all about powtr." The N&\'.a Detroit Pistons and the AJWs Utah Stan both d.raluld Olapman In 1970, but be opted lnltMd to play owraeaa. OnCe. In lquna Beach. Oiapman played wtth Wilt QwnbertaJn In I ,, three-on-three game. During the game. Oiapman broke his kneecap. one of his 22 broken bona :•: Injuries don't aeem to keep tbJa • • flee-spirited man srounded for very ; t. ~. :~ ·1 still play golf two days a week and •"" 11 handball two or three times a week,• he • wd : Chapman ahot a 79 at the Polpu Bay = Goll Coune tn Kauat. where b.e apent ~ time wtth Pamela, his wife ot 10 years. When he wu 18, Q\apman au.rvtYed a IUdlng accident off 17th Smet in Newpon Beach that left him pualyud from the waist down and bUnd for two dlyl before fully~·~ "A 15-foot wave left me tytna lo the aand wlth no water under my chat.• O\lpman reallta. .(Prteod Bin Qrrtdo) Iott me and I go unoonscSoUa and bnllt niynec:k." Oalpman c:ndig Carrido for~ • • II I Datly Pilot !>POR I S COLLEGES Big ·West more like Wild West UC Irvine in wacky race for conference title that could produce strong NCAA Tournament contender. or Cal State Fullerton. TI1ose squad& can gain an extra advancage because they have the abilily lo sneak up o n opponenl!>. i.hared lru.t week was tlle one about his and Coach Pat Doug!~' recruiting of Jerry Green, UCI ·., career '>Cllnng leader and the Big Wesl Player of tlle Year i11 200 I and 2002. K1att arc jugglmg l>Ch<•dule'> at tJ1i!> time of the year. Kerr, who earned AJl-Amencan hcmur'> .u t.Ju 111 19!:18, wathe' '>age I hlJ ~dmol wrls watt•r pulu. wlm h could po"-'>ihly gam a 'pot 111 lhl' Cll l>lvi'i1on VI playoff\ ~t·rr 1'> also tlle goaJw fur the lJ ., national men\ tl'am. A ny team can bt!at any other team. lnat S()und'> like hype or cliche in men's collegt! baskt!tball. yet 111 the Big W~t \...onfe rence the statement ha!> held true thJ'> season. l llt! Wild W~1 Conference h~ di!>played th<• true essence or rollege b.c.ketball II\ no1 '>O much about parity, but it's all aboul the '><>lid competition H you're a fan of rnllege bru>ketba1J and March Madnei.s, the Bi~ Wcbl Toumament (March 13-15) will more 1han meet your . rwed~. • One face will STEVE VIRGEN Oougla<>.'> and Lee wenl to see Green at Pomona I Ugh when Green's ~uad took on nv-al Garcy. After the game, Oouglas-. and Lee Klalt. an AU-Amerirnn Ill llJ<Jfl. '99.and 2000, "rn rnarh1ng the w1defca1ed foolhtll l ligh ~1rf... water polo team. foo1 hill won the Irvine Soulht'rn Calilorn1d Otamp1onsh1p .. ">Jturddy KJc111 I'> also on lhe U .,, nat10naJ ll'«m With !>even gam(.., anJ tht•11 the league tourney rt·mammg. I'm led lo one cond u .. 1on: nw Big We!.t fournamen1 l hamrmm will go deep m the NCAA Tournament, espt>ually 1f tht• champ I'> Utah StaH'. lH Sant.1 Harbara or IJ< lrv11w. In deep. I mean Sweet 16. whit h would assuredly hnng expt1'>Urt' 10 tlw H1g West. J'he bigge!>t red.""" for my theory '' the tournami:nt thampmn will hdH' grt>al momentum and high l'onfidem:e lrom \o\olllllmg '>ll< h ,1 l ompellll\<l' leagtll' llt1i; will .il .. o hold Lrue ti a ·.,urpn<,(:" team wms, hkr Cal Poly ~m I .w!> ObLSpo, IJn1veN ty of tlll' Paulit n:mam after tlle Big West '>l'd'><>n: rhe Rig Wt:St will he reprt''>l'nted by one team in the NCAA lburnamenl. But, 11 won'1 ht' JUl' 10 ...chedulmg. litkt· for 1n,t.111n•, lJCI. llw Anteater\ faced C >ldahoma. Stanford and Pepperdme, all on the road, hefor(' league play. UCI J1d hurt ll'>l'lf with lo-.w'> to Oklahoma and '.)tanlord. yet the Antealer'> dl'lcaccd l't-pperdtne I IC '' Raung Pcrcenlal{l' lndi:x " 11» lhe HPI. de1errn1m·d hy w1nr11ng pertcnt..tgc. '>dwdule .. u e nJ,'lh and opponent\ "lll'dulc '>lrt•nJ,'th. b u-.cJ hy the NC.AA to help in the selt't:t 111n ol al large learn-. and tlle '>l't•dtng of ,1ll tt·ctlll'> for 1h1.> NC A\ luum,1ml'11l IJ1,1h .... lc1tt· hc1'> the lught-'t HPI I I U I 1 .11111111g Big West 'd11H1l-.. 'l'\l H'ar lJ< I will 111"1 ...,1anl11r~ JJ1J l'l·pperd111t• • ( Jne 1r1wrt•.,11ng '>tory lJC I .!\'Ill 1111<.: hl'<id t Odlh I odd I 1•1• wailed 10 talk to Pomona 1 o.iche'> hut a figh t en!lued lwtwt:en tht' two learn'>. fhcn, ~llll'>ho1 .. came. kl turm•d arow1d and Pat wa' gunr," IRC <wud. Long \tury '>hon. Douglai.s and Lee '>r>t>ke w1Lh the Pomona telillhe<. d httle later in the '>t'.L'>On. All k1ddmg a!>idt', Creen was the 1ype of player few c.:ollegt• teams knev. about. Mo'>t player'> ul his Lahber had already found '>dlooli; helore high 'rhool'> went into lhc league '>eawn Hui l JC I found him by word of moulh Bill Larr, now an a'>\l'>tant at I .ong H('ach ~fate, wa' an a.,.,..,tant .11 the Univc•r-.1t) of \a11 I rant.h("() nw Omt'> Wt!rt' done with their rt•ffu1ung and t.arr told l.ee about u 1alented lad JI l'c11nond l'he re'>t • ., Anteatl'r lu.,tory • 1-urmt-r UU nwn\ water polo playrr'> (;l'nJ1 ~nr and Dan • ly framblw, d Newport Harbor High produu and thl· junior <,larting '>l'ller fur tilt' < ,J Slatt• Nurthnd~l· men., \Olle)hall tearn, helped lt'ad the r.fat<1llor., to a lour gaml' v1l tC11) 11H·r top-ranked U< 11 nda} llw Z:i·'Hl, 10-26, II l!:I, Tl .I \'<Ill wa\ one uf thl' h1ggt•\t \It llHll'' in '>Chool hic,tol) It W<t'> 11w Ii "' tune till' Matddor .. dl'll'.1lt·d .1 No. I 1t·dm. I ra111hlie ania,wd hO .1"1'1' and aho ~harl•d a ke\ hllH ~ 1h,11 led to a '>t>tond gaml' '11 t11r) • <.reg Pl•rr111t'. .1 f11rnwr Newpon J lruhor 'lJncJrm1 h.i' het'n guiding tlw C hap111,111 Un1\ cr.,11v me11' ha,lt'lhall 1e..tm. \1o-lmh "011 .1 11 g.11111• winning 'treal l't'fr1111·, .1 frt''>hrnan. 1., tlw -..1ar1111g po1111 guunl I il' <,cnn·d 11 po111h .11111 d"ht'tl lllll llllll' .J ...... , ... 1 ... Ill Chapn1c1n' Hli h 1vu11111 mt r I lopt• hllt•rna111111,J I h11"d.1\ HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Locals seeking CIF invitations Estancia has its title; othe r Newport -Mesa teams chase pl ayoff berths this week. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot fhere Mt' kw tl'l lillllllt''> for Newport Me'-<! l(irlc, b~le1baJI tl'dnl'> hcadtng into tl1e fin,11 weel of leaJ.,'lle plciy, hut all liw local .. quad., may find tht'lll'>t'h e., heatll><l for !ht• Uf ".touthern wt tum Pia yo ft-.. l:.'>la11ua I llgh (I h-8. 11 II 111 lhl' < .oldt·n We,t I t'dJ.'Ut'I ranltPd No "I 111 < 11-n1v1'>111n ·1 11 -A. ha~ alrt'd<l\ wrnppl'll up the outright lt'dJ{UC t rown. wuh only d pldyoff tuneup Thur.day di Ck.ean VH.'\o\o on lap th1c, week A league llllt> " .,uJI w11h1n rt'al h for Paufic < oa,1 League repwwnta11n' < O- rona dcl Meir, which ha:. .ii- ready chm hed une of Lhe league\ guarantt'ed po .. 1-.ea \Oil ht>rths I ht• \t.•J t-1ng'> 11 11. h .!. 111 lt-.igu1· are 11t·tl \'.1th "'orth ~qod for 'l'lond pl.H 1·. om· i.:.u11e lwh1111J < alvary 01.1pt'I < tMl h JJJl\l'' Barl.1lm\ ' un11 l an pull t'V('ll With ( .tl\clry (]rnpe( Wllh cl \.ll'lOI) 11\('f lhe h1i.:1t•., lue .. day at Cd\1 then lan earn al lea~t a 'hdre ol the u own hy handl111~ hoi;1 Norchwood ll1ur,J.1y. ...,hould the ~t'a Ktng' 'tum hit' agaim1 either OJ'lponenl 1lm weel and thl'1r 1wo leaJ{lJe IO.,'il''> drt' 10 l ..tlvary < l1Jpcl Jnd North\\ ood thl'} could do no \'<orw th,111 Ihm.I placl' ~hould C dM wintl up t1t'd with either < alvary (Im fiNI or "'orthwood (fur '>t't nnd I. ho1h school., in the dec1lllod• would n.·re1vc 1he l11~ht'\I po.,,ible playoff de<,i~ndt1on Imm the P( I.. "lnte c1ll three Mt' 1n diffrrenr playotf d1vi "om. CdM 1., in DIV\'iion Ill A, C.ilvary i\ IV M .mJ Nonhwood " Ill-\A .,hould C dM tie Northwood 111 c,er - ond, even two league IO'>\es co Northwood would nol pre vent the ~a King!> from the No l playoff de!>IKfldl1on CHAPMAN Continued from A6 "I wru. '>tabbt'<l m the hack cind it turned into a horrible political mess: Cllapman said "lJke any good thing, 11 mu.,t come 10 an end." hJs life. *Luckily I wru.n't rnppled. • he said. t le has livt>d in Che !Klllle house fo r the past 26 year; with Pam ela Both are part or a chanty that raises money 10 help chil dren get through school. Chapman parted ways wi tll Candlellghters for Olildhood Cancer, a group that provides support and resources to parents and children facing llfe·threaten- ing illnesses, after what he terms a bitter dispute between a new board of directors. FoUowing a career m advcrtis- mg. Olapman ·~ now a consult- ant for a wirel~ Internet com- munication~ company. ln 26 years in Sin City. Olap man has noticed a decline in at· lendance and attention to sports in the area. "We u...ed to play in tlle Las Vegas Convenuon Center and it was full every night we played.· Otapman said. *Now, they can't get 10,000 in the (Thomas and Mack Center). People here are fickle over winning. Now we're on our fifth professional football frorn the ll•ai..rue "'nrtlm ood plc1y' fourth plau· ll111ver .. i1y I uec,da\, "'lule < ,1lvc1ry mt't't'> la-.1 f'llJ1 t• lt'.,Oro fhur'>dd\ C O'>ta Me'>a (I .I 11 . b-4 1n the C .olden Wei,t I .t.•aJ,rueJ en tt•r-. the week in 1h1rd place and control!> itc, own destin~ < uach hm Weel.'> Mustang., can wr.ir up thml wnh vil lont's at ~Illa Ana I lue .. dayl .inJ at homr agam't <).iddlt' hat l !Tilllr.,dayJ Me .. a dt' kated bo1h 111 the fi r-.1 rounJ ~ddlel1t1l'k 14 ti 111 league). Ot'ran Vlt'W I I 71 tllld Sanla Ana (J 7) rnuld .ill t .ilch 1ht- Muc,1a ng.,, .. huuld Mc-;a lo.,t• holh chame' 10 wrap up an <1u1oma11t herth, though I ue.,da) \ \addleh.1l k Ocean V1t•w lo.,er would fall out of lllclt equa11011 \hould \fe-.J wind up tied \'<llh Ckt•.in Vil'\" cind "3111,1 Ana. Sanca Ana woultl get 1lw !\Jo :1 playoff i,pol .111d Ocean View and \.1c~ \'l.OUld play I nday to deudt• lhe :\o -i quahlil'r \hould Me'a w111d up ued with Saddlebad. .intl Sanl..t Ana, Wet•h hd1evt'' a com nip \\llllld dt·lt'rtllllH' till' :"\o i qu.1lilll 1 .rntl 1h1· 111lwr l\\11 tt•am' \\11ttld pla\ I nd.i\ 1111 thl' fourth -.poi \ 'l'H'n 11 .. 1111 leJglJl' gt·!'> four J11t11111.J11 playolr ht•rt h' Co.,t.i Mt>'>a, ho\\l'\t'r, '' l'11 gible fur JI lar~c c 11n.,1dl•r,1 uon. ha\111g eariwd 1he 1111111 mum 11 \vtn ... \age I hll t J 2 5. 4 4 111 tlw Academy I ~agut I " dl\11 111 the mix for one <11 thrt·e auto nMlll bl'rth' 111 tlw \IX-ll'.1111 t lrl 1111 I ht' l..11<{hll11ng plc1\ .11 \Vhitn(•y I ue.,tJay .i11d fi111.,h JI honw ag.umt C lxl ord \1 .111 l'lll} I hl' una\a1l,1hil1t't ol Academ} Leah'llt' ... 1a11d111i.:' .1., of ...,unday night. hm\l'Wr. r<·ndt'r' t'X.tCI ... , l'll.lrlO'> llll po.,'>1hle Nl'Wport I l,1rho1 I I I.!.. i c; 111 the \ea V11·\" I t·agu1·1 can fini,h no h1gl1rr 1h,111 lourlh 1n tlw '" tl·.1111 li'<1>{llt' llut With JU"I UIH' g.rnw rl' main111g, rut'.,UJ\ tl~·llll\I v1s1ung \\!oudhndgt· lht' ').111 or., an• a-.c,ured 1lw1r fir.,t 'iUO regulM w.i.,on ''"l t· 1 •1•1•1 and will ht• um'>idt>rrd for .1n at-large hl•rth in< II I )1\i,1011 II-AA team (Arena) and we've tried (minor leagul') baseball There b nu reason for <>ports as long a.-. gaming .., here Someone who h,t., $20 w1U spend money in a cac,mo wilh free hccr.. and go home. no1 tn\.L..,t SI 0 on a uckel. and SS each to park. buy a heer and get a progrcim." As of foday. lhe UNLV men'!> ba!.ketball team slands at 13-6, 2-4 in the Mountain West Con- ference. "We didn't have the three-point shot back then and we still averaged more than 100 points per game:' Bruce Chapman The Thoma!> and Mack Center can seat 18.500 ror basltetbaU compared to the 6.000 capacity at tlle convention center. But the convention center stilJ holds memories for Olapman. ·1 played in the last game al the convention center," Otap- man <;c.LJd "Wt• played l.ovola had .i goo<l l(ame hut foull'd out and. at fir;t, didn't rec1Jiu 11 was my lase game. · ·Soon they ... copped tht' game and there was a five minute standing ovation I '>hook hands with people in the stand'>. I was mad because I never fouled out. but was surpnSt.-d we won the game.· /Yew 'l111Aj Mustang : Premium .,,,,..~lile ., ... ~~~~ ~'14975 IIfllII Daily Pilot tlfi1ll ports Hall of Fame (.p) (•I JI' 41 l i ti g t I 11 • 11 ti JI 1 • 111 I J t 1111 Mark Nebeker Costa Mesa Linebacker mentalit) ~ti l l come., in handy for former ~u stang footbal l ..,tandout. Richard Dunn Datly Pilot A I Ii" ( f/,l,1 \k'>.l ( f1gh .:11 \t'<lf rt'llrllllll \l.11 s. :\1•111 S. l'r rt'llll'llllwr' 1.llli111~ 111 l11rnlt'r l1111thall fl·,11l1111atl''> .111d, .1lt1·1 .1 11·1' ,o<Ja, 1lw ll1•1a1I' \\IHJld g1 IJ\\ I h1•1 1\1111ld rt•t all tlu d111'11 h11\\ 111111 h lllllt' \\,1 ... 1111 .\h ti pl.1\ \\ ,1, t .1(J.-d 11lld 1111• II ,lift :'l.t•hd .t'r h,1, 1111 '>Ill h rt•t olll'l llilll 1111111111111•1\ .. 1111 ... 111·, 111d ,. 1111·' B111 he do1•.., rl'r11t 111ln 1 ''" h11rw 1.111111g h11-. .11 11111Jrllt· l11w1>.11 1>.1°1 "I J Im 1' 11 \\ h1•11 '>llllll' \\ 1d1 11'11'1\t r •H 111-(ht •'IHI \\11t1ld 111 1lir11ugh 1111· n11udl1• \\llh hh .IClll'> llJI .... 1111 '•·lu·S.l'r, till' \hl'>l,JIJj:' tlt•h-fl,(\1' 11• 1tlt r 111 tilt· I.ill 11! 1 •1, 1 \l11ldl1• llllt'h.Jt l.;1·1' h.l\l' .1h\J\' lt.111.1 rt•pu1.i111111 1h1 rt'<1.,1111. 1wrh •I''· 1h1•\ rl' pl.11-111i.: tlw p11 ... 1111111 111 1h1· hr't pl.11 t Wl11·11 \\d' "> llllt'll't' ',1 IJt'~C'I ,,lid 'I...,,., '1·t•111g 11!11'' ltoli·' \\11111· \\tl'o rt11111111g !1111111glt "" 1111' 11111 .1111! tlil'rt '>l•·pp111~ Ill 11111'>1 ""'l'' .111d 1.1k1ng 1\1111 t11·,1d 0111· 1lwr1 \\t'lt' 111111· .. Id 1111111111.u1d1.1h• l11111 dm\11 .111d lwd g. 1 up .1111J ~·" < .11•.11 '>Ill~ \111) \\t•d li('(p I ,l{ h l1lh<'I 11(1 \t·ht'k1·1 1\h11 1 11)11\1•1! htllllW 111, 11pp111w111l1.111l11n 1111· ).:111111''> 111'1 pf.I\ 111 "l<'I 1111 llllH .111d 111a~t· h1111ft1Il11.,111111 11111~• 111~111, ..,,11d \11u cf(lt I 1J'I 1.1kl' p1·1111I• dlll\11 '11111 ''lllf I /I thl'll h1\\I I II Is. ' 11111 th• ir l'\f'' )(1 I l>W .111LI I filll \ Ull cl\ t 11 di\ fill" tlwf!I llJI .mil d1111 111111 th1·111.111111.11;1•11!1·111 (1.1• s. \1111 \\dltl l111n 111 IM\1• d111.1i1, ,1lioul , '''" rw 11 11 \ 111 \1·t11•11 r 1 II\• lllht l ! !flt' '-0 Jfll lt'.111 I 1111 1 ,--'Jr 111r• < 0111111 \II 't.ir 111111!1 t I g Hill' '"'" pl.1\ l d g11.t1tl Ill 11th 11 .. 1 lllllll l\1'1 "'ll!l1r \t'JI \\ lwn I 11°111 Ii '[l 1ppt•d llll 1th• I rol I\'" ,, 1\ ,1,1rl1 r :\1 In ~1 r pl.1\1 d 'i·lwl.l'r "''" Mark Nebeker g111\\llll-: up prior 1111 I 1 1 11.1• Ii l11hrr °'Wl',t/\ 111' '''I'!, lltt I• Ill j Ill h t·< IHlllllg 11111 11 lht hard1·'1 l1111111g 11111\I 11111·11"· rrnddlt· hrwh.111>..n ... 111 '>l houl hl'>ll>r\ -lht n· \\l'fl' ,11\\,1\' n•ft•n n1 t'" lei lw111g hl1· J 1111ddlt• l11wh.it l tr 111 olht·r ~11rd,, 11 \'<111 ,.,,·n· 1h1· t11ugh1·,1 '>I .tllt''>I h,1ddl''ol duJ1 011 1h1 him l \ 011 \\ t•rt• tlw I >11 I. Bu1lu' ··\\Ilk l('l l'l\l'r'-,tlllf q11.1rtl0rh.111>.., pl.1\ 1li1· g.1t1ll' f11r .1 \\holt· tl1f11·1t·111 rt'<""" rh.111 lll'>llk l11wh.11 I.er' '\dwl1·r .,,rnl I pl.1wd w 1111 .• md go lw.td to ht·.1d "11h 1w11pl<' :\t·hd.l·r "h11 ,,11<1111, n11ddll· h111•h.it l1·r nwn1,1h1\ " ,,,11 \l'r\ r11ut ha p.1r1 111 h" hit- Ill hu,1nl'" 1., .1 ).,'ll\ '' 1111 1 an g1·t 111ugh pro11•t 1 ... 111rnp11·1t·d. "'1' 1111' lPlllt·rpll'lt' Of< IJ.Hh lorn I rt·nrh., tll'11•11't' m . I h \\\l' I n·111 h' fir,I \l'Jr ,JI \h .... 1 .irul 11111• of 1h1· lir.,1 1h111g' lw did \\,I' 11111\t' llll' th1rJ \I Jr \<lr,11\ 111·rt11rnwr 111 dl'l1'n'-l\l' 1.11 1>..h· 11111 I hl' '1u .. 1.111g-.. g.I\ I' up "i I point<, 1n 1h11r fir.,I l\"o i.:arn1·' lholh ln"t''> 10 I 0111h11l ,111J I\ 11.,.,11111 Vll'JO I and "'t•heker Wcl' """11d1etl h.1l l 10 111'1lh hal ll•r \\ herl' ht• I hnwd !ht· n·'l ol tlw 't'a..,1111 a' the l'llltn' {.h•ft•n'>t' \'\J'> de-.11-(11t'd .1rounJ h11n Anyhod\ who rl.i\'' hm•bat:kl'r hlP' to haw tha1 tn'1de 'Piil. :"-ll•ht•lt•r .... ml · It ' you t ontrnllmg tlw dt•fc·n'c )1111 gt•! 10 tall the delen,1w pla1-<,. It\ JU'l a ton of fun Nebekrr. dn All -C l'ntury I t'aKUe 1wrtomlcr and 1h1rd·1eam All-Oranf:l' < ount) '>t'lt't tmn ht'> -.enior yl'ar. diw'> rememher. m hJs 1un11n yt•ar, lakmg on fornter Santa Ana Valley star running hark M}rm1 White and givmg h1m hi'> bf>'>! shot<;, despice Valley'c; 40 14 romp over the Mm.tang'>. ·we got killed, but I rnn remember almost being m a da.7.e m that game be<:.iuse 11 l 1111 ' \ ... Jr ... I tw < 11.,t.i \11 .1 \1.11• :i.11 It 11,11 .1 ,1,1nd11u1 h1't1\ \ \\•'IJ.:ll \H•·,th·r 11 .. \\o1' 1111!! 111, lu1 m ""' 1>11gl1ler 111 \q1•,tl111).' th.111 lo1111b.1ll hu1 '1 lwl t·1 '''"111 th.11 11111 n· .. 11 d 11 pur.,u111~ '' rt·,1li11i.: 1111 ollq.:1· 111.11111\ l>t•1,111'>t' nl th•• 1111111111·,.,, lrilllllllg h111H' ol \Ht''tl1 I pllh h1111..i II th11111i.:li ht'lnrt· 1111.111\ g1 11111>\ Ill .1 111.11111 llt.11 l 1Jl1ld lti ... l llllh \t'llllld' . I d11l111 oil 111o1ll\ hl..1• \Hl''""'I.: 11''·"11111[• I Id J1lkr1·111 .11hlt·11t 111111~ 111 do .11 th.11 (lllll I ' """ '"'" kt I \\hi to111p1lt·d 1 HI 1 r1·111rd 111, 't'lllOI \t·.11 \\1th I I pin ... :-.:1°lwl.1•r pl.t\1•d 1111111>.ill 1111 ( lr.111g1 < "·''' ( ollt•g1·-. 11.1111111.11 1 h,1mp11111 ... h1p 1t-.1m 111 1'17 •. 01111 ndt•tf I l\\11 \ t'.11 'llolfllllll 1111"11111111 1.11\\,111 llll'll re111nwd 1t1 thl' g11dir11n .11 < )( < 101 tlw I '174 t dlltp.11g11 h1' h11<1I \e.ir 11l 111mpt•t1t1\l· looth,lll l h1·" tl.1\ "· 'dwk1·r '' .1 prolt'l I rn.11t.1g1•1111•111 l 1111,ult.1111 for dPft•11,1 .... 1t.11 d,1.1 u1mp.11m·-. hkt• I 01 kht·1·d ..., h1d1 hm·tl h1111 n·1 t•nLh 111 tram m.1111-ol ''' 1•mpl11\I'•'' v .. 1wn tlwrl.' • .trt· '>llt I..\ '''Ill'\ ht'l\\.t't'll gmt'm1m•111 c1ml u>rpor,Jlt' ofliu,LI' rdt'rt·nu· .. haH• lwt:n math-.ih11ul .1 rompan\ "nt>l'<lllll( .i nmltllt· linrhat l..t•r to t omt· 1r1 lwn .. rnJ Kt'I our -..1 ufl ughlt•r ." hl· ,,11J ""'<ll'TH'llllll'~ vou rt•kr tu II J' c1 ... mokt• 1ump<.>r hl•t .1u,t· you lwcH down <1 fin· anc.l lht•n go look for ntht'r f'iri·, to lwJt do'\\ 11 I lwhew th.11' tnit onn: .1 lmehal ll•r ..ih' .iv, .1 hneh.irl..t•r • "'ehclt•r thP l.11t·'t h1111m1•1• m the Da1h Pilot \ptlr1' I l.tll 111 Fame, t\ single and hw .. 1n T'ust111 I le hu'> het'n a C'Ompt>llllV(' C}Th .. t for ;100111 ll )'t'81"> JYewPl1I1~ Pl 50 XLT SlJPERCREW Sales Yrice '24,915 ftn ldltlfe.,.,;:;IJ~:ll!~~·=='='l=u::l=I Al Monday, Februaty 10, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER . COLLEGE BRIEFS UCI 10th •WOMEN'S WATER POLO: UC Irvine won two games Sun- day and wound up 10th at the UC San Diego Arena Invitational. The Anteaters defeated Cal Baptist, 8-4, and also earned a 10-3 triumph over Arizona State. Erica Hofl)lan scored a tearn- hi,gb four goals against ASU and joined UO teammates McliMa Fernandez and Rebecca Wede- . meycr with two goals apiece against Cal Baptist The two wins upped the Ant- eaters' record to 4-2. Sunceray Chamblee had six saves for UCI against Cal Baptist. Long Beach State won the two-day tournament. 'Eaters split in Oregon •WOMEN'S TENNIS: UC Ir- vine won the doubles point, bur was swept in singles to drop a 6-1 nonconference decision Sunday to host Oregon. ranked No. 49. Tiffany Oiang and Jenny Bowman won their doubles set. 9-7, while Hui l.eow and Amy Trancl<lno were 8-4 winners in doubles for the V1s1tors (3-3). SCHEDULE TOOAY ~ High ed'lool boys -Orange at Estancia, 7 p.m.; Costa Mesa a1 Westminster, 1 p.m. BuelMH College -Vanguard at Cal State Dominguez Hilla, 2 p.m. SOCC4M" High school boys -Calvary Chapel at Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m. Golf College men -Al)teater Invitational at Big Canyon CC . 7:30a.m. Community college men -Citrus at OCC, at Costa Mesa G&CC. noon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's ~ Athlete of the Weel< senes TODAY 20 -Mathew Hanry Orange Coast College Sw1mm1ng. 2002 DON LEACH /DAILY PtLOl Chri_s Ringstrom (right) and CdM are heading toward a potentJal PCL title showdown Wednesday at 3: 15 p.m. at Northwood. UCI defeated PortJand, 6-1, Saturday, also in Eugene. Olang, Bowman, Anna Bentzer and Hui Leow ctll won in s ingles and doubles. 20 Stephanie Wood Orange Coast College Sw1mm1ng, 2001 02 Legal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 MOOO TO COHTIAOa.s CA1UNG fOR gs MOOO TO ComAOO«S CAUJtG fOR BIDS RctitiM hsiness School ll1~l11t1 l.OAS I CUMMIJNll'f (;(JI l l!ol Sdwul Dl">ln1~ COAS I COMMUNll 'f C{)[ L ll>( Hcnt Statenllllt OISTRtCT Dl~IRlf,T II•• tnllnwong """""' Bid Deadhnr M.irth ?'• 7001 ,1 J00p1u R1<t Orddiln• M.u<h 7'> 100 I at i llO I' n. ·"• ilum~ bu\•M" a•. f'l•ce of fi1d Re..-1pl Of11t • ot On"' tor 11 l'I•• r of !'"' H.•c.,1pt llfl~u •I llffertor "' d 1 11, . .,,~e <..o•·.t Ap Pu"has1ng t:rM•I C11mmun1ty l.ollr~r 01\t11d llMie I'm• "'""'II· L••d'•I Lnmmun•ly Cottr~~ ll1\tnd Hl<11• .,, J•~·•I 1, .. ,up "1 llr•nv.• "D", 13/0 fld"m" f\venu~ l 11\td M~'·' I fl 97b7f> 'II' l i/O Ad•n1'. f\v~nue fu• I• Me-.. I.fl 97671> 1·o.i1I Rr.tltv l.r 111111 l 1 Protect ldtnl1l1<df1011 N.tmt-Or.11•~• fud\I Cull•~• r·1111t•I ldc11l1fltAlh>11 N11111 Or"n~• t .. ~\I C1•tl•~• u'""ll" Cl•d\I Ht'4 t Busint~~ [du1 al1on B111lol111 .. HVAC fJpo dJf' rhy·.•t•l ldut tlll'ln Ari'.; (It I lru 41 Up-:• ~d· r •.141f' ~ .. YI ., lllX I 81d No 1851 hid Nu 185J I I/th s1r ... 1 r:. ·.t.i Me .... Place Bid« JI< on 111 ... md av•1ldblt .11 Olht e 1 PIJLt Bod' .111• .. n t1h Mtd avJ1l .t•I•· at Ull11 • 1 dhlurni~ 97b?/ l/b l of the Phywat r dtlhlle·.' OIUfdlnlfM A11tith Hu ht y Int thl' l'hy~1<.1t t ... 11111e, t llhld'"atni fl1d1 th H1d1ey Hl4111' c M•1\11.tll 66 Coast Commu111ty Cnll-.•• O"t"' t t UO l\d~1t•\ Cro.1• I l"u~m·"'"'V Cntl•r• IJ"trn I I j/(I flrf•m' 1 unl•tl l•nd Al"'' y.1 10 Av' Bide ·o { ....... Mr· .1 CA 1114 4 18 4b7 j A.. Bldr D c ....... M~· • .; (,A 171 414 18 41.7 i r:.1t1 .. ,,,ld ~26~ Web Site www tu.d t-tlu lduhttes Wth Sit• www t t• tJ edu I tt 11111 .. , Tht\ bLnin... 1, , .m NOTICE IS H£RfBY GIVEN ltidl ttu above n.onwd I NOTtr( IS HFH£8'f GIV(N tlldl l hl' .obt•vt n.111 ... u ""' htl toy dn 111,tivitlu•t s,hool D1Strnt ul Orane• r.ounty C.11111111111~ .11t1r1r 1 , S1hunl ll1,111,1 ut Ordnr,:e Co1111 ty C~hlll'md 01t l111p H411,. Y'"' 'tlit .. it tlimor, by •nd th1 uueh ,,, Gov .. 111111.: !lt>dl d llt·1ein.1tl•·r by tnd lhrnrrr.h ,,, GuVtlfllll~ Bo•• d ""' ...... 11.. t .... "'~~'· yet Yr~ 07 releired to a Dl'\lkll ' w•tl ,.., "''" 1p tr. Lui rpf,.rr•·J tn .1 111:.lHll I will •~• •••• 1:1• t t.ut 0., !'J'lll not taler tha11 lh• 1b1tve -.1.tl•d ftmr ••nl t.1ltr llt;n ti•• .11>nvr 'tate<1 l•mr I f4lltl• c M.u\li•tl Stf\led btd~ fo, tht' JWdtd ut t l11flhdd fut thP ~.tl,.d bid .. tm lt•f' aw.ud ot _" LOHll .u I h 1r t11r Ttii-.. \tdltnu nt wa\ p1u1ecl de't11b•·d "' Up~rad .. HVAI'. \y,t .. m 1n prDlf'tl dt'\lt1h10 d\ f{elocalt 1111'h VultJ~1 ,..,.11 with 1111 t .. wolv Bu,tnt:!.' f tJuc .tl111r H111ldu1• No Id nc huft-· tu Tt 4rt\fnr "',.. tnd R• f,.~d f • ,.,1,11 I 11.teh. t lf'f,., , t l)r Jt•f' .. < Jliiil y hlndler bmlrr d11ll~1 .tC1d ,,.,, I w •r ~ lhf'lf woll lt• 1 :,.,. SI01 rlnttar r n ,,.furod•t"' on 07 O'> Ol !here w11 tor • Jen 1 \to> tnll•r "''" ••l11rl\f tbl• 11•1mr111 •Pqu.rl'd lor r.l• I• •.f'I ol h11• d ><""''"' 2003693239S paymenl r~c1uir~d fn1 .,., h '"' "' tm! dntumu1t~ 1 hf't k\ 'hnuld be mad• fl•yabl,. tu l.na't Oail1 p,1,.1 I eb 10 I/ Che,hs •h1111ld b• m•d• 11.1y .. hlr to Cod\ I 1 Community Lollf'l'f' 01\tru t 74 Mardi J 200 I M6J7 Commumly Cr·ll~r,e 0"11 < t Hod·. 'hall I» rte rived 1n tile ,,1.11 • •""nt•fl•d Bid~ ~h•ll be r~ce "r.j tn tht "'"'°~ 1cJt"flt1ht '1 41bO"t' .tnd tho· t' btd~ \h~ll bt 11ptn•·d •nd IJUbltt IY' ------------- above, and tho·.~ bid> >h•ll b~ Ull£ n,d dnd vubh• ty rtJd Jloud •I lh• 4bovr 'ldh d lrmt Jnd pt~,~ 1ead 11tu11d at the .ibov• >ldl~d t1m~ ind pld'~ I '" •1 Lurd•ntt· with th• I"""'~'""' 111 C.ihlmno" In ano•dAnn with thl' prt>Vl\•f•lt\ cil Cahlorn1a Puhhc Cnnha<I CCldt St 1 f111n 3100 th~ Ul\lrllt Pubhc Conh11 t Cod,.. Se<twn HOO 111 .. lll\t11ct 1eQ1111 H that tflr b1ddr1 IJl"I'',." lhr fnll1Jw•n11 "qu11n that the b1diJt1 po\\e\\ the tulluw1n1t • '"'""tdhon of • .. ntr~thu \ "'"' '~ JI II•~ t11n• cliu\1flcatmn ol '". 11tr., tor·· t.1 en.t at lhl' time I thdl 11,,.. conlrd• t I\ dwMcll'd that the contract I\ awarded Co11trdt lu1 B 01 C 10 l1r e11\~ Contr4cto1 B 01 C ZO L111:n\t' I PUBLISH Frb1ud1y 10 i.'OOJ J nd r e11ru.try l / 70CH PlJBllSH ffirudry Ill 70()J dnd frhrudry 17 ;>OOJ WALK IHROtJC,H W•lkthr"u~h ''nut M•ndat1111 WAlK lHRl)ijGtt Wa"tlHOrrfh" "''' MAnct•tnry O.•tP · Pb•u~ry 7'> 700J .ti '100 ,, tTI f) •"£"I.•·•" Date I ebruMy '1'> 200 l •t I l 00 " m 01 •11'1• 1 Coll~&" M•1nl•n•11• e .rnd Openl"'" f •• 1hty Coast Colleiie MA•ntendrH .. Ind Opt'r ~"""' f M 1!1ty loc .1t111n '."' M•r11ma1 <.tr~•t t.e1w .... n lld1bm located on M~111ma• 'ill; el lirlwe•n H.;rllor Boulev11d .inti f •11v1•w Ruad (11,to1 Ml'u CA Boulevard ""° r altVH.'W kuad c ,,,. M"'d r A 'l'lb/f, r "" 171 41 4J8 41)41, '"' "'"" 92626 Cati ( /141438 4M6 lur RMIJ HIO OAH MM• h lS 700 I at j 00 I n 81DDA1C MA11h7!> 70CH.1t7001>m l'CIAFIODllJI A111119 700! BOARD OA ll f\pril 9 7110 I No lldYm•nt 'h"ll bl" 111~d~ for w"r~ '" m~1 .. ,.,11 No paymt'nt -.hall bto 111.tdtt fo, wurk ,,, mnlt 11,..1 iutc1f'"r tt1~ < t 11t1 ,., t uulfu, ... 11nd uolll lh .. R~.:1· h "' und., lh' tnnh •ti uni.-1nd Jnt•I thP R"~""~' ,,f c ontr.u 101 ve11he' 111 thr 01' IHI! I th•I fht of Contraclul' v~rih•\ t .. thP DISTRICl th.11 ti" (UNlRACIOR "" 11r"l'rrly •tenwd ti th• '""'" CONTRACTOR w"' pr111rerly In tn rd •I th1 111111 tlw 1 untr•• t w " awdlrl'"d Ally 1 llNIFIAC. !OR nnt the lUnlrdd W•\ o!WA!dPd Any CC1NrRACICJfl r111I $11 Ill""" ti " '"l>ICLI tu ,,..,.u.~·. Ull•l•I the 1 ... '90 hr1tn~ed 1• '••b1.-<.I f<1 ptto.11lt1P•. 11nrtt'r thr ltw If th~ 111.-n•,.. ll.t•,,tfu-'l•t•" 'l'N1f1t-e1 ht rt'in•trnvft If the hreOC.t" t •. , .......... ,fltnt1 SP"' 1ft11td n .. ,,.,,. .. h. Vt-·~ ,,.,.. nf ... ·~Jl .. f IAhty Hlh ..tr '"' ~ tt~frnt"d In IS th.lt nf .1 \~t ~llt~ (•JOtf,., l·1r ,. .. dPl1n"CI 1r1 I rt tfnn JO">li f thf! f .-thtnttu .. ti•t\m~ ' ,.nd s .. rt1on 7()').11 nt th, t..tltlntnh-eu .. mt.. .ual Ptuft t. IU'1\' .. tJt ttu· \pt ( i.tlllt c..Wllf h 11 , .. w.11 rJ~ ti Profe!>!.•Un' Cud~ thP \II"' ••hty <111111.11 tu< .twd1d1·rf th• (""'""I 1111 th•~ Wo•~ \hall 1t •It '"""·'"" t th~ Conlrttl. l tor th1 Wm k \hAll 1t 1 II 'nw.tr 11t l d "'"fOf 1t'j 1,I lt1P WM k 111 ,.., • 11111•1t11 with thf" • "1df0r1t1 111 lhf Wnti... u1 tt.lotd.u",. w1tt1 011'!: prt•Vl\••10\ of t .. htorn•d f'1•._,,,~,~ .1111 f>toftt· 1lft' prov1r.tnn-. nf C.otlifntJH-l Bw mt> t•H1 f'rnt,.~",mnr t..od, ·,,.,hon /04>'J Codi' s~c11nn 10'>9 "" Wnrk mu•t t..~ I omplPlf'd within '!() '"''"' ...... 1111 Wrirh 1n1"1 b~ cnmrilt'l~n w1th11> 'l'i '1m••11111vP I d.1v< lime,., 111 the r'.\•11• ~ I A1t111~ to u1m11t•h day\. Jim~ ,. uf th~ ~·. ,.n1 f' r :ulmf' tu <.umvl•·h. tlit Wm k. w1th1n the tum-~e• forth l1Pf PIU W!ll the Wor' w•thon !he ltmt ~f'I '"''" hP1•111 will rewll m thr unpu"t"'n •I l111011:t•h·d 1hmdfl~' ''" rewlt •n th" 1mpo\1tw1 nl l1qmdat•CI d.im 11 •) lt11 ""' h d 1y ''' d1•IJV 111 lhr unounl .~t "''th rn lht each d~y of d~IJy on the •rtwunt •I lnrth '" thr "tnfmm~hon fnr tl1ddt" "tntnrm.ahnn for 61ctdl'1 · I ~oh hod mu\I wnlorm ~nd hi" ''"'llll"""" II) ( '" h b•d mu't ton I or n1 .>nr1 L• '"''""'' 1v~ to th~ 1 n11h fl I r101.11rt1Pnl\ I •• h b1dd•r hill \Uhn11t lhl' tonlr~c.I dnc.unPnl· I 0<t t oc1tl• • h•ll '"tumt 110 th,. lorrn t111n"htd w1lh thr <nntrl• t dtoeumt"nl' on th,. torm lurn1•.hed with lftto umtr 11 I rloo un11·nl• ~ lt\I of lh,. pro1•0\ed "Jbcontr.1dol\ on th1· a h~I ot the 1Hopo\t'c1 '"b' 11ntrJ1 tor'> '"' tho~ I p1u1ed dS 1equ11ed by th1· Subtrttm~ •nd pro1titl "' r t'Qtmcd by th• Subl~tton~ Mid St1IJ(nnt1o1L11na r a11 p,, ... tu r) Ad Gnve1n11wnt Subcontr<irhnR I air 1'111 llcf'< A• t f;nvP11HYlPnl Codp ~l't.hon 4100 rt \Pll Code Sec:hon •lllO "' ,prt I .ach tl•d "h\11 bP Mron111dn1eo by" (e1tolird 01 t •t ti Bid ~h111t be: ..tu .. ,1mpAri1Prt t,y ,j t fl'r t1f1fl'd or t.v hi"' ., ch~t ti. 01 bid b11fH1 In 1n dmf111nt nol If'\\ tash1er \ rhft1 k "' bid bnr111 10 dll ~mri11nt nnt le\\ I lh.tn ttn """ rnl I 10'\ l nf lht 1.,1.11 bid ""'~ th•n ten p11tent (IQ·. 1 111 th• tntdl b•d prn~ p,1yabl• tu th~ D1'"''' "" " gu .. 111nl•e that thr pilyilble lo thr D1sl11d .1· " iil""'~ntee 111.it th" b1ddc1 11 1t' prtJpo\al " •u~led 'h•ll promptly b1ddrr rl 1t• 1)11Jpo'M1ll " u < 'Pl•rl .h.tll p1 nmptty • • ~r utr the Aarumrnt furn"h " '"'"'•clu1y urcule thl' A~rrement lurnl\h • \ahsfa1 lnry I ••thtul Pl'rlnrmance Bond m 11n dmnunt nnt II'\\ I allhlul Perform•nre Bnnl1 m ~n dmounl not '''' than 1111r hundr~d 11e1<~nt (100\\.) of tht lotAI b•r1 than onr hund•"" pPHPnf ( 100'1 1 of the lnt~I bid p111 e tur1tl\h • Payment Bond m ~" amounl not PlfCf' fuin"h • Paym~nt Bond 1n 111 amuunt 1•ut In\ th•n une hundred pe•t.•nl ( 100 ', I ot the tntat len than unt hundred pettent (1001.) ol th• tof•t but prne ilnd fuinl\h cerhtteate' ~v1d,.ncin1 th•I bid pnte, and lu1msh v1llhcdtn t•1den<1n1t tMt lllr 1rqu1red m\ur.mce 1\ 1n elfett 1n the <1mounh the requ11ed '"'t"~"t" '" 1n Plfect in the amount' ut torlh 1n thf' general tond1t1on\ In the evf'nl ~et forth 1n lht eenernt cnnd1!1on' In thr l'Vl'nl nf l31lure lo tnttr mlo th~ conllat l ~nd oecute nl t11hirr to tnl~• intn lhf' f"Onh 4'r t ftnd ..... , ul e thr 11qu11ed dn1 umenl\. we.II bid """rly will bt lhf' IPQUlftd documrnl\ \Ucti bid , ... ur1tv .... 11 be f0<fr1ted lhr r 11thful P•rfO<m.lntl' Bond \h•ll torte1ted The Faithful Prrlorm11ntr Bond \lldll rem~m in full l0<ce ilnd effect throuah the rem11n 1n full fnr~f' and etfetl lhruu11h the 111M1.ant11e period as 'pec1t1ed m the a«'ner<1t auttanlee pr11od d' 'Prc1f1ed 111 thr aenPrat cond1llons cond1l101t\ fhl' 01SfRIC1 r1•o;rrvH lhe 1111tt to re1ut 1ny The DISIRICI revrvr" thf' r•1M to re1ecl any or 111 b1d$ or lo watv• •ny 1rrl!ilJl•11l1t\ or or 1111 bid~ 111 to w11v~ any 11reaul1111tie• 01 infnrmahtre, 1n any bilk nr In the l"11ddin11 ontormahtie' 111 ~ny bids or in the b1ddin11 A• 1equ11ed by Sect ion 1773 nt lht Cahlorn1a As iequ11rd by Sl'tllon 1773 of lhe Cahfo1n1• labo1 Cod41 the DlfPclor of the D~par lmenl of l•bot' Code thl' Due lm of the Oepartm~ot of lnduslrtal fltlatlons ol the State of C1tifom1a hn Industrial Relahons ot the St<1le of Callfo1ri•• has determmed the 1ene1ally prev11hn1 rates nt w•an delef mined th11 11ener •fly preva1lln1 n•le, of waii11\ 1n lhe locality in which the Work ,, In be pttf01med In the locallly 1n wh!Ch ""' Work is In be perfnr mPd Coplf's of lheH wage rate determ1na11ons, en titted Coples of lhr;e waae ral<! delerm1n•hons tnhtled PREVAILING WAGL SCAl[ •rt maml•lned •I lhl' PREYAlllHC WAGE SCALE. are m11nl11ned al the OtSTIUCT olhce located 111 1370 Adam~ Ave Coste DISTRICT office louled 11 1370 Ad•n•s Ave . Cost• Mna CA 92626\ Physic.I fec1hltes Plannme •nd M4tu. CA 92626 Phy\1c .. 1 rec1hlle\ P tannine. end er• •v11tabte to •ny 1nl"nled party upon request are available 111 any tntere,ted part7 upon requ~sl The Contractor sh•ll pott • copy of ltus document The Conlr ecl0< •halt post • copy o this document al u ch iob aote. The ConlrtCIOI •nd •ny •I aecfl JOb site rht Con tr ertM and eny subcontractor under II \.haU pay not less thin 1he wbcontrector under 11 sltell pay not ten lhan the 'P<tClhed pre .. 1hn1 r•les nt w-cn lo en •or'keo spoc11ied prenll1111 11tes of waee~ to •II workflS employed tn the eaecul1on of the Conlrect tlflj)loyed In lht uocullon of the Contract No bidder m•y w1lhdrew any bid IOI • ptuod Ho blddel m•y withdrew •ny bid tor • pertOd of i laly (60) d•ys after the d•I• HI for lhe of slrly (60) d•ys eltf'f" lht d•tt ~•• lo• the open1n1 nf bids open1n1 of bids A p•ymenl bond shell be requ .. ~cl priot to A payment b(lnd •11•11 1141 re1111wtd pnor In necuhon of the contract •nd sh•lt b~ tn the form .. ~ulion of the conlrul nod sti11tl bit 111 the form ~el I01lh In the contr•cl docun1ents Ml fortfl In the COftlrec.l docu...-111\ Purwent to SeCllOll ?2300 ol lh• Pubbc Cnntrert P'utw111t to SKtt0n 22300 of the Pubhc Contret.t Cod•. the conl1ecl wtlt conl••n prov111on\ Cod• th• c.onlrecl wlll conli11n prov1i•o11s perm1lhn1 the successful bidder lo subshlule petlll;tllnc th• w ccesslul bldde1 lo suh,lltute Hcurllles tor 1ny monies wllhhefd by tht 01\lrlel MellftlMn for eoy monies •rthlwltd by the D"t11c;t to eo•ure P<l(formence undw the conlr•cl to en.Wt perlounanc.e undtW lh• contrecl (ech bid submitted In response to this Hol1C• hdl bid tAJtlmllled tn rnponu to lh11 Hohc' sll•ll conl•ln, I • bid Item ec:t.qu1t1 sheehna sh.ell cont•111 ,. e bid lt•m •6equ1I• shMhl\C. \hof1na. end brKlna. Of equ1v.lenl method I• sholl and br•c1n1 or tQulolenl method. lot Ill• proleclton of Ill• and hml> 111 l.unehes end IM ~ll{;tt0n of ,;,, •nd llmb 111 trtncl1H end open 1atev1llon, which ah•fl tOllform to appllnbl~ -HQlllholl whkll th.all COllfOllft lo •ppllt"ebl4' uftl'( OfdWI ...-·· . .__....,_, ufetr order• ..._...,. ,._4 iy w..._ •· v .... 14. D., a.-.ti.r, ly ....... v .... t4'. o., c~~. <-• <-f'Y ,.....,. Dlttrk1 C-1 (.....,ty ~ Dff1rld Publktltd Hewp(1fl Bttch Coile M•u O•llY f'llol ,.w~ ,.....°', 8•-'h to.I• M•M D•ilJ Pilot fdlfu.ry 10. 17, *l M6JS r.1wuwr 10.11. 7'00J M6 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices legal N«ices 2640 Legat Notices --~-----~ flditiM INiKs fiditiee lwliltss lh•~"~"o"' I lhP~O~\On• 111,. dOtnt! bu•.tnoe!'' .• , are dcnng busm~\\ as <;tilth" 1fl 1t1lrrt1>1' rru W•rm S111r1t lnd,.11rr1Clf'l"ll /4(1'.1 St~I"' A•• thH1 I Co11\Ultan t 64 I' P•lc> l1111•llln !lra< h Cahtoon1d ma 0.tna Pomt C4h 'fll.47 lor111• '12629 •tilth· r tit 1ntfr or Gwrn I arlf' M ta Int 1( Al /409 ~I !Irr Patnm t Dan~ J'u1nt """ ll•Jnt111v.t"n Rear h I Cah"11 no4 9?629 c 1t1tn1 "'a 9764 I Thi\ bu\one\\ 1• • on J h1\ bll\111•·'' " l" duct~d by ar• ond•••duJI J11ct•d by at or.,or•t11•n Havr v<>u ~t ... t~d Oo1n1t ti••<' yuu \l~rted d ''"II bu"nt\\ yrt1 Nu ~ ... mu~• 1rt, Nu I Gwen E •1 le \1111 hu.ift lnte1101\ fhl\ •,tatemrnl Wd< 1 '>t•vr ilPP•~' filed with the <;nunty i·,, '"""' Clerk •11 01anct County Tl,. •l•lrnif'nt WI\ un 12 ?f, 02 llh·d with thP County 1 2002'92783 I C1~1k of Ot ~II~~ t.uunty Daily Pilot r Ian 20. l1 , 1'17060i feb 3 10 ?003 M621 20036932676 ----- 04111 P1I •t I rb 10 I/ Rdlti.a.i.u 74 Mar<h I IOOi Mt.191 ..... S ....... I h" lnll'>w1nc Pff\O'ls a' tt dc.Hni bustne!t\ •!t Club Stort ltn~ ~ E b:alltSN.IE 17th Street Co~t• Mn• Tte ~ sa nl "'* rJ CA9lb21 3:d1Elaullglbnltsla'R Anthony John Sw1H lo • .-'did t> Ill~ • !>CJ Ah~o Ave Niowl)Ort h db rJ L'UPEHBa Bu,n CA 9"66.l ESCR)N, tC. 187(1 s. Thi\ bUSl'1e\\ " f on PQEER II.VD f2te. ARTESIA. ducted bY a i'""' •I CA~ rd te ll'IClml Ille partnel\hll) cmaMAR173Xl3 I H<tvf you •lailtd Ool"C ne iuo-pa CJ bu"nf!J\ yet' v .. , 01 CXT8dlJ*>'I ,, amidCJ1 .., 2!>/200 J h !ill! rJ te b..Erells rd I t\il Sw1"' '7ISbrJhlc.-ee.ehla111rJ lh•• •l•ltmtnl w•' S ~ rQd"o nft1y ' hied w1lti the Cuu11t1 .,._ a S !DlOO. W'dl Cler' ul Or•rtllf Cuunly 01ll'll5 rJ te ~ on 01128/03 LtsCAP'lOV~O..NT 2003693 1393 CASH SUmOO. t8WC Dally P1to1 f eh I 10 NJTUJHOlCO 17 ?4 2003 M63l I 1'111 !ml aQ!J8d Dl!MJlrl te I sOOts~ ni ,., I f'lnilO ll¥'ts~J • ~!J¥S.:.~rJh a.-il"d ~ oode. I Th• lollowin1 pel\u'1\ Nte~tJta'llltrrJ ar" <101n~ bu"n"" '" tetl.etennllanleat>tlO Nl'wpnrt NolAry 740 II'° CJfr allr hi r.rw la Ocu n View An Ntw tun ;qJIMIO 1¥ te OtiplnTlrl port B ~ ll h C • 11 I ur ma d Naldt: ee...ng.ea..u 9l66 j 4 702 OriMa F£15'2QX) Wl'ndy 8 Schmidt 240 WGC IJW:OH.6A tC, BV Ocean VNtw Av11 Ntw ow.ES 5U'4 l'fESl9IT poi t Huch C•hlt>rnra ~ 9?663 410'/ Ot OOUf'RSE I hos bu\lnts• 1. tnn COFRJ1ATOl.ACM.IONA ducted by •n ond1v1duat COFRJ1ATOI. BY M.tlt< H••C vou ''''It'd dome 'flONIA Oi. ~ bu'"'"'" yet7 Nu ~~ Wrnrly B Sthmldt PCIS · LQ:.sll> ~ lh1\ •l•ll'mtnt "'"' BEN::HCOSTA ...:sA Cl'ol.V hied w1tti ttie County PlOTFEB 102003 Cle•' ut Oranee County on 01/30 OJ 20036931736 Daily Pilot f eb J 10 I/ 24. ?003 M6?9 FldiltM INllm M..S..._, lht lollow1n1 per\un\ AIP doing bu .. mn• •·· Ell•<~ Pt'atl I vrnh 70 OvJl •on I ane Al"" Vie~> c .. 1110101• 926"6 Mid J M1 N1m•r a 70 Ov11t1on I •nf At"" v.~,,.. r ""'"' r11• 926"16 S.0111~ Mt Dun11td 611 1Jry1e c. .. nyon W~y B1 C• CdhtO!lll• 92821 Th•• bu\one\\ I\ '"" duded by d Rener JI p.01 tne"h1p llav~ ynu \I.Jr led <krrn11 bu""'"" 1tt' NIJ S1tl1f' M<Omr•ld Thi. \l•tcm• nt ••\ hlod w1lh th.. Cuunly Clerk of Or ~n&" County nn 01 79101 :ZOOS6U1S70 0 •1ly Pttol I eb l 10 I/ ?4 200l M6?8 fiditiM IMlss "-S...... The lolluw•ne P<:l\On' •rt doma bu ""c" " IHI Proprrllr' 2806 t t1r•nto Aw•flU~ Cntt1 Mt-\• CA 91f>?b Theodur t P lupe1 2806 lurf'lltu Av,.ooo Cu\U M~\a r A 9?61f> Th•\ bu~1('1p\\ ,,. c un du tf'O b• •n •n01vtduoll ll••c you •l•llrd du1n2 bu"""'' yet' Yn 01 01 lOOJ lhP••du•t p I O~i lh•• ~••tnntnt w•' h1et1 with thl" County tle1k ot Or1111" Cllunty nnOI l!> Ol 20026929730 D•1ly Pilot l11n 20 /1 frb 1 10 1001 M672 RditlM INllm "-S...... I hr fnUow1n1t per\""' "'" doina bu\inc'' •\ C h••" M~n•l(Pmf'nt l !>S~ Mu.o Ve1dr 01 f •I 7B ru\lll ~,. CA 9?62b luannf' ff.t<h•"n l'\!>'l Meu Verd<o Di ! •llB ! 0\111 Me~ CA q;>f,76 lhl\ bU\lllf'<\ " <On dur trd by •n ond1vidu•I Ha•• yoo \li•led do1n1 bu••nn• yet' Vt\ I I/ 01 Jo•nne B•t hun lhl\ \l'atement wn hted with the County C.tr1k ol Or •nee County on 01/29 '03 200S693 I SSO D11ly Pilot r eb 10 I/ 24 March 3. ?003 M618 SUllllOllS (mAOOll AJOKW) NOlllf t() Dl l l N OAN J 'AVl\O • A1 .. ,. do l'IMBI RI Y SIORI SUND & out s I lluou~h 10 lllllU\•V• YOIJ ARl BEIN(, ,IJl D HY 1'1 AIN Ill r •A Ud tr r \la iJ•m•nd 1n01tl VI N ll N I WI AIHI HflV Vuu ho•· .lO C Al IN OAR DAYS •Itri th·~ 'um"ww. '' "'' vtJ ·Jn you to Mt ·• trP• ""'"" , ..... pn"'"' ~t th•' cnur t A l~tlf'r 01 phonr 'all w•ll out prnlf'-= t y11v 1our t ypt-wttltl'n 't"' ~rvnst mu\t b,. 1n 111oper 11·~•1 lt11n1 11 ,,,u w•nt tht" r r+l•tt '" ht'itt your t •~ II ynu do nnt hlfl 1ou1 ''"'P••n,,. 1n t•m" 100 m«1y lo\• thr f "V 41nd yuur ••&r. munry '"d PfOJ>fOtly n••Y tt• t•kflln wtthouf futlhf!t w•rmp~ from thr «>Uri ll•r•.. 11 • oth~• ••a~• rtquu•m•nh You m•v .. •nl to C•H •n •ll<lfl'ef 1111ht •*•Y If you lo nol ~now 1n 1tl0f n•y yuu m•y t all •n •lthl n•r lflf,ttAI \.trv1c.,. or • l•&dt •11l nfh<• ll"trd '" the pllon~ t.o.,~ J De-put\ de Qu~ Ir ent1 'Ru.-n e-\'• r tldt •tm 1ud•t ••I t1\lrd '" •·• un pt.,u df' JO OtA~ I Al I NOAktll\ p,., • P" •n tLar una ,..,\p1tti1'\l1t f"'\ t "'" a m1qu1n• ~" ,.,,., c.urt~ Una C' 1rt1 ' on• ll•m•d• t•l•lon1 1 rm I• ofrrt~,., prot,.1•1t•fl '" '"\PU,.\f.t ,.,, rd t fl n 1qu1n1 t •,.nt QU ff c.um~•tn <on f..1s torm•I 1d1de\ ll'~•h ~ "P'"IJll dn ~I U\fl'cl IJUIUI Qll~ la crut,. .-•.rutht-"U c d'\0 S1 u•.trd n. l"f '""'' \II l"'>j)Ue\ta .t h•lfll)t pued~ flPr de1 el < •,u. y le pu•den quit•• \U ul..tHO '\U dlM.tO 'ntr•\ COUS 0e \U p109tf'dAd <1'1 a••\O •d1uon•I jJ<lr 11ute de'' tori• E J1slrn ot rn• •<QUl'I lo\ 1•11•1~~ Pu•dc rtur usted qu1•r • ll.llm.t1 • un "b'>&.tdo 1nmrd1•I • mtnlr !.1 no rcm11c~ • uo abna~do 11utd~ llamu .1 uo ,.,, ~·'to de relerrnc1• de •boc•dus o • una ot.cina di!! •yu0<1 le&al (YH el doretl~ STARTING ANEW B USINESSffi • • • • • • • • • • • trt .. ton1< 01 CASE NUMIH: (Nv....,.o dot C• .. I , OICC1S10:Z JUDGE THOMAS N. THtlASHllt, Sr., DE,T CI I fhr n:lm~ •tut .,ddr .. ·' l•f tht lOUf t 1\ If I l\11tnt)r ,. t du• , n ttf t .. Ofh l"'I 111/AN!,I COUNTY ~ PffllllR C:OUl<I C(N I HAI IUS Ill.I Cl Nfl 1' /00 c ,.... <.e111u ll• ... w.·.t c;~,.,, ""' i...1. l11<rt1• 'JJIO/ lht. n.•o• A(lth•41• .,ntJ t'lf"'l)hHt'P OtH'\"lt~ ef Pb.,.,., .4'111tt'PV' {JI '1l tt1d1ft 'lllrf 1lh ut a11t att•1H'lf'Y I\ ft I Ol')rr ,. l1l chrPt c111n " .. 1 nul'f\ett ti«". ttlf"tuno <kl .;l>41!1•d• df'!I dt Wt•f1dc.,1lt I dfll d•tT1•nd''''"' ~10• nt• t••n .. •bf g.,,,,, "", rust I'll M I II\ II I ~I H•r N1 ~4''>1 LAW Of F •<..( ' Uf IO~l f'H M IOS ll I 'iii I'> Alie PA1 kwAy ~ .. IP 11!> h v111~ C•hlo11rr4 'JlbUI I• 1 N•1 IJ4'J "'J(l I IO<l , ,. "'" '1<1'::140,0 1140 DAU : (fecile) DEC 10, 2001 Al.AN Sl.Alllt. CUH (Actverle). "" l wtrSMAN. D., uty(D• ....... •) STATlMlNT Of DAM AG IS ('•n-ol l"IW"Y 0< w,...,.,,. D..tto) lo l\IM81 Ht Y IOHI ~UNO l'l~1nl1ft VINC.:f NI WI Allll R!iY .,f'Plr,• j'"'"._,. rn th .. •bbv1 .. ,, •• 11 .. <1 ... ''" .a\ fn4 l•,w•, C AH N IJ M BE.R 0 'HI 0 J6.t8 o-re1d-.., .. r •1n .utft:'t "'P •nd 1n1 011~""'''' SI'> 000 OU l mul1un•I d1,I••~~ Sl '>0000 St>•clol 4o-.. , M .. "" •' t'•"'"'"... f ,, dalrl $7 '>flO 00 f"tmtt Med1t•f "'IW*-•i 1 p re\ent ••tu ~• $7 '>Of) 00 Lnu of lotu1p u1n1nv c •P..• 1ly ( P• PVllt y,,,,,. ' S? '>00 00 Dot•• Avrit 2, 2002 /S/ JOSE,H M. rosn Nl'w11url B•••I• h t o\I• M~ • Oa1ly Polut J~nu•r y 7 I I rl>ru<1r y 3 I 0 II 10()) "'6;"> Tht llgal Dtpamnnu 111 th! Daily P®t is pkllSfd fQ amwuntt ll MU smiitt now 11V4i'4blt to MU businmn. Wt wiU rww SEARCH rht namt for you 41 no txtnt r"'1rgt, and 111vt you tht timt and rht mp to tht Court H""" in Stznta Ana. Thnr. of count, eftn tht starch is rompl.tttti wt wiU Jilt your fictitious business namt Jtlltmttnr with thr Counl] C/M, puhlish onct fl wttk for four wttis a.s rtquirrti by "1w anti thtn fib your proof of publication with tht County CIM. Pltast 1t1p by fQ fik your fittitUJflJ business St4tnnmt at tht Daily Pi/41, 330 \fl Bay St. Cos"' Mt$1l. lf JO" ClllflWt 1rqp by. pltm ta/J flJ 111 (949) 642-1321 anJ wt wiU TMkt llmlflftmnfts for you fQ h1nJk this pro('(fiurr by rnaiJ. • If JOU shou/J "4vt ll"J forthtr qunrions. pk11.St talJ us •M wt wiU bt 11Wrt than " t'4J to auist you. Good luck in your """ businm! , Pilot ' . .. \ t t I I I I I , • Poli cv . Rates and deadline., <ire \UhJCLt to change without notice. The pubh,hcr reserves the nght to cen,ur rc<:la,,11), revise or rCJCCI any Lla~i.1llcd adverusement. Plc~c repon an} error that may be in )'Our da,\1l1cd .id immediately. The Daily l'ilot al'<.cph oo liability for an)' error in .in advertisement for \\ hlL h 11 111.i) he rc!>pons1ble except for the lO\I ot the space actually occupied h) the l rror Credit can onl)' be .illO\\ed Im till· tir'l ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 ~ & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINfSS & FINANCIAL 1160 I A• •ut nUtt •d•f! \1'11 "" this, new\.PAll'' '"b"'" •o lh• r ede• .1 I • r Ho.sin1 A~ I of 1968 1010· 1770 f9t 1489 $ 230S·2490 Auctions 148.3 -- WANTED ANTIQUES 0 der Site ~urn1tu•• PIANOS Co" •'l•bles .. SS CASH PAID SS WE BUY E9lATES . ~ "WE PAY lllOM S f ASTOi"' ,. •649-4922~ How to Place A ..-----Deadlines ----Monda} .................... Fnda} 5 OOpm CLASS I Fm AD Tue~da) .............. Monda) 5 <JOpm Wedne,dJ] ......... Tuc,dJy 'i·OOpm By Fax (94<l) 631-6594 B\' Phont" I cj~cl) 6-1 ~ 16 7X B\' :\lail/ln Per!-lon: • 110 We\I Bay ~ln:l!t C o,la Mt:\a CA 92627 At "'i:v.pon Bl1.d & Ba)' \t ~~ ... Wedne,d.iy 5 OOpm tl'kll...-on..tu.k )WI rwn ... ,mJ I~" one numhu "'1d "'" II , 111 \OU b.;c ~"'Ith°' pnH \4\h•k I II our~ Sa1urdJ) Thur,da: 5 (J(Jpm Fnday 1 OOpm f-nda) 5 CJ<Jpm l o:lc:pho11e K 10JJT1-'i OOpm Monday-fndJ) \'.all-In X 10.i.m 'i ()()pm Monday-FrcdJ) SundJ). Index MERCHANDISE FOR SALE [~; 3010-3940 bAi. ESTATf llNTAlS r I J:j:( --__, 7402·7466 '---,/ Under the Service Directory Banner aoos-as10 REAL ESTATE mi FOR SALE soos-saso AIJOMOTIVI & I ~ 'IUllSPOITAJION 9000-97SO Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Cats 3610 Investment ART/ PAINTINGS 3060 I •MlPI• w,,.,.,.--11-~-Oppomtnities 3925 wt-, ~ 1"'" or YwV' New Inventory tur •!"9~iiiiiii~~~iiitiilm. tnit S•t Sun 12 'cm ,_1 ·-II tt k' 0.. i..r-DI fWv> ~ 1>1wrwJ ~ ~-"'II .... ".' ••>P r •• t '""'• t m• nt 9 49 6 44 227CJ Gr••I '° I&· 11~1•' •1 ; JUI rutm \u NWW arwr~ <#l ""'" 1 '38K· -.eftioe 1"' Sl4K rr;• t Ldn 1•11 you I I) d.ty Web ~ 4 ~· wotll e1tr1> lf/J 947 6119 ti u• rq tvl •tloon R"""""' ~ OlncestQrlease 4540 1 Jtl"f"!' tort-Uoy• B •••• ~ •'O di .. , usineu IA(lt IAY ClNTlR • •1 .-• , ~ • .in.. Opportllnitiei · 21>51 Irvine A•• ~· "~c • "11 \h 1 Buslneuesand 1101i.oe·H 1.1 .. 11ncsu1 1 •• •• • J, phon\, loce a.•11714 573 /78{) 1 .. • • ou11\ & Franchises 3905 D '11' ' 1.1, t.i 1'"~ AAA COMPUTER WOR~ ..., ~.tf ~ ., '..,, •1"1 •o:t>t ""'' .~ ... "'"' s~oo Pr s20:. ooo r 1 I ~RANGE 5400 •""" ""' t my •b•hty 1 .. ,,.,1 1~ .. ,,. 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Jl ./\I krt. ,,...,..". f AIULOUS -Lule! d<,(~ '"' 141l blin.l' H ACH COTTAGfSI lASTSIDl llr, Ila, ~ S!fi134't-blj /WY fAIUlOUS 'm~ ~•I Lii pr ••It ---NlWPOltT llACH tnlry ., d Ul•h •ncl Hewporl acreu the llfUTYll II S7l~dep 9-'9 548 0871 ::;,-ril~'>)EI• i!•1&6•• If' on !hr bay ~ 10 j 1rv~~..S'l 721}9422 b<J' slWlP\ restlu bt be< 21r I l a C ..... 'illp5.. ~ l>VI ba ~ [ .oo, "f~ P•! yMd G.tted S7'l'> ~ 7 Ill ilru \md " Di<, • V.. ...._ ...... rm only 4 unot' w !l<-<•I. tndr f New 2-Story 31r 210 w/goroge (176AC 131 ISA/1 P) S IS0,000. ltemodelecl 21r 210 I•• SI 35(Jm., •~ Id-. ult~ (13144XXU/XX) •ofll'I ponj ~KY'" Wat-l•I Mu..O•l<1"t 94967' 31r,l1/>la, Tli, 2 ccs Hc;,i.ar View Hom• SI>• ~.t'•C.t-c;t:t '-'t t J "' ,rr .. o;1 00'' ,t •t " "'''-A \f,:a ~4tdt'f'lt:t t••~ r lCJO J4HS~1 1J L"ff>m~r 714'>73 t':().i lit Lo c:.o<o & ~I; •U • ,,.._ .!!~ ~ (ilc) ld.t trr'T1 td ··t~ 'P ~ P:•ll "' s.4'00 :>4; ·..u '';';Ii &. ,. .. .. """" '-" .... ~ l lG CAHYOH SI<• • • n• t •' ;u •i" tOr• .c S4."l'.J ~ Mony Otl.n. Ag::::. 949-SS2-6700 Private Tutoring 7990 c,,we "°'" "'d t°"" flUTl llSSONS £, p i.o1 ~1 ~ ~' > llS1.J le. ner r n n,,.., upen "i\ in Co ... t~ Mt-• .. ~tjJd• Npt Hit, 4br, h • 1 HS·• ~ 9'9 '>7• Cf>l7 '10Ck t I • H c .. •i.; "'t'' o~u ,. t1rr ,.... t"' rf! pnt "' & ooJ' 1 f' ,,...,z •;P'~ " •"'""""' "4l 645 0')';4 s am t ndt d "'"''" •'•' ti lieK•I I< •h•lt'.Mt "•nt pref., nc •• ltm1tat1on .,, ~<r•in•t1l1un bUt<l un '"•· c.olot f e •I un ~,.; •"d~p. l•m ••I sl.ilu "' tt•l•un.tl 01111n or en uitt 111un to 1n11ke •nf I \tl•ll prelerent • llm•t• SOL"Tll COAST At'CTIO:\ t;A 'fl 711 Ubib u •dt r <>I• tntludt\ 'If' S61S,OOO I:======= m1<h1ne• and candy All AGT.949-72!-1120 lnr S9 99!> 1 800 998 -.\t!ll your (or HOME \(NO •CAL •sCAN 1 rn C"lunrfit>d , S 3 000 to ocun No pot sin. S8X> ' 4 • U!f ..., 91'Hi89·95Zl ~ 1' •L_ -- Wotervlew 21r 210 38r "'""°· """ Milt'! w /flreploc• ROOITllfOfRent 6040 I pa1m new d" & •"Oi• * * THl llUFfS * * ~pac>Ou 41;1 )Ba town fl(,mt hf"ll t:•f"\ Id d I & mo,. • ud1 si<ffft>O Sell"" ....w ihms ti. •Y ~ "'9tt' Oouifie4 .i ...,I 1949) M2·S471 t "'°' d;u-,•m•n•t .... o l~•l •1t•s1>•per w II nvt 11.,o,.•n11:Ct • <•Pl 1ny 1dve111umenl "" I ru l Hblt which ,. on no2s. ••St. S.~AM CA t1101 ""iialoon of It>~ law Our ------- FURNISHINGS (S200S3) ---a a• w d i.tti ....... 10 S98,000 NI l••1• Mo•l•r IUlf >un~ ••• 1)(),. Furniture 3435 1 Furniture 3435 * pr •"1• b•tti. b..ci. b•y s1 'iCXl m0 .., ">t•.., 714 . llASlO LAND • •" $675 mo utols 12,106QI ... ~~ !l84 '>48.'.' •ud••~ ••• htr~by int "~•cl that •II d•nll nc\ •dve• ttud on 1111' ''""~' 11t 1o·l•b•• I on •~ 1Qu•I •ppo<lunoty ~ Dl\1\ Sell "" 1111wt111e411'1m the Mr'f wayl rbt a ~-today! (9'9)642-5678 furniture 3435 * Jt. Jt.~ Jt-~ ~ ii~it* lt lt Jt * Coll fo< oppalntment ' paid. 949 27S 5398 Town hem• w I ch or m Glr ... ltm r ., Wl'toms .. •I * s ORE IORS * DeAma '""'Ide .,...,. • ~·c.c ~ :.l GE'' .... ~ 2br • den. 21>• pool fp Ir.~,., \I ~ \,r •• n & hnd I {949) '73-1331 lu\11 p<1loo I ( ,., P•01•!•<l """'"\ on ,.M * LIQUIDATION * ORANGE 740() 'pet $152!> ~9 &JI 6.?39 :•".~u•~/n;.,,,. •';•~.knoSbl~ * S~LE' * A M~':~'J~~OMl COUNTY 1-lis~':C::,!.'.~~ BAYFRONT Community To c omplaon ol di\ CIOmon•toon. call HUO lull '"• •t I 800-~2' 8!>90 Everyday is a grear day in Classified! & i -..'i 46t> t,'>6' * * NlWPOltT U l it UY Avoll 3/1 Ne,or_,o. -* • * SF• JBr i ">B•~11fl•H Balboa Peninsula 949. 111 2 21 1....+M Wead.............. fR OR Lr~ Loi <ul d• ·f't°I" , .. ..., abonPh ~ * * I Ut & VACANT S72S.OOO 21r 2"', 2c ,... pa!Jo I Irvine ~ .. J>ei>.r' ',,._ * CLos1~~ AFTER * ()(QAJSIVll.,.,..949 ........ ., d d.w new CTPI ii-t -------P....i $AO'.I s...t htt' $100 * f"'llllU 0211 to,_ un<t 22J .'O! '•I "-,..... 2u•Ol!d I• s1 ... ~ ~ 6119 * ~o YEARS * PltlMl lSTATfS Sl795orno 949 72J 11116 drn. v.,;y ~""" 1r-. ~ * I PATltlCI( HNOltl w cl. ~I uth pd SllSO I JEWELRY/ 3460 * · . . * NATIONWIDl USA I 1...i!M 18< 'l & He,.,.. mo bob 5' 71 4 504 176.l \\'1< ker Rattan SC<lllll<1 · 949-156 9 1os 2 i• • z ~ ~ "'" N-ort Bea'""' DIAMONDS/ * ...,.,.. j I f'"t• * ,.'41 •!um rm !My vu\ ,._,. "" L<lllll)~ 1 Cl ) (.'~ ,..,,. patrot l.teno1e tono 2tp · wnded< S2ffi PRECIOUS METALS I* ell Id Muell \1or<:>I *I OClANFIONT flXllt , ,e:~ 96-67:H034 mo "'YlAltlY "' • • . NOT FOlt THl fAJNT --I U ASIS -.. _ *2h-~J .. \\'On~1 ~e"1,.1r1 Be.i<t1* oFHlUT coronadel Mar e1ucRuNorRcit.uo11s c-st Celn N••-* * AGT 949 723-8120 949-67S-61'1 Harbor V1e<,1,s Huge I BR I BA w/Harbor Vlew $2000 Gorgeous l BR 2.M w/Hari>or y_,, $2SOO Urtt Pltfttl! "'°' . Tiied £a(1tn • C..Sts Wood I ..... flre,&lces • Prtva k..t' Marlaa • Spwtlac Swtm•hlc ,... • Lmli ~ U.dtcaplq • Secoeds to lltlhol lt&ud. Ba)'lllde ~ ee.tt ...... ~ 6-Coroea .. Mat Be a pan of it. place your ad today! 1~9) f>i2·5678 OldCu•nslCold \•l•t< 1111ltJ\1•rJdt'6 .... ll{tln ( •1<1"-1 lh\\ I :__ . --•211 21 $1700 * -jtwP~y watd>~ •nttqut' I* 9 49-(>4-2-2i.3:> * hoch dffe 28• 2 SB• new ftoo~ini ,,";;,, VlUA POINT 21r 21• tQlif!cttblo 94'1 64? 9448 * ...._ .._ ..._ ....._ ....._ ..._ ...._ ...._ .._ ..._ .._ ...._ ...._ ..._ * 12< &•• it•t•d. vuy ni" I P••nt fp ear aet duk nrw Ille tarp•I paont I _ .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. .,.. lu•t rrdu,,d "' Sl75K 1 949 760 1713 w d onrtd n pfts smkr l-~~2:!!~~~~~=,I!~~~ B~r 949 2!>l! 1187 ~ __ -_· _ !.!_780 mo ~9 120 15Sl Deadline Feb. 12th • Val~ntine Messages Appearing Feb. 14th 20 Characters per llne. You may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep today! ~'ve maJe it e r oull FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name: ___________________ Phone No .: __ __.;.. __ _ Slgn.ature;...· ---------------,..---------- 8111 my: Vl1:HL-----'~ c. ______ A/F. _____ Olscover __ _ Credit Card# xp. Date._· ----- Stop by or """il to ti# O.U, Pilot ol/iu •ti 330 W. Bay Street, Costti Mesa, CA 92627 or Gall (949) 642~5678 Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach lndepenaent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail . with a check today I Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run It for another week FREEi All for just s20·. 0 YES, SEU. MY CAR ,-.o..~a-.__... ..., ___ _ a eow--a--a._..., _ ----• Cl.. a,..__ a---n .. §--... §" m s---. ...,.. ~-......... -a--a ........ ao..o.-a.-- 8--sa-. so...----,___ ...... -..--- ------. -,._ -- , A.!f Monday, February 10, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE SELL your stuff through classified! ICE TO REAOCRS Cahlorn1e law re qu1tes that CO<ltrac tors taluns iotis that tot.I $500 or more (labor Of mlllf~S) bt hceMtd by the Contnct ors State Licenw Board Sl1t1 law also reqwes lh1t conlr1clo1s include their l1eense number on all ad•erll$tnl You can ch9'k the status of you1 ltcensed con t r1c t o r .at WWW cslb Cl 10• or 800 321 CSLB Unh censed contractors hk1na 1obs that total less thin $500 musl st1t1 on their advutluments that they ere not hcennd by the Conlr1clors Slate license Boud " ATOIMAMDYMAN Insti ll, refece cablftets ~ "'°"'! °' 71~1258 ,,,,,,., llMCll ATTORNEY Cfvil mattiera. ~•meas law, ltnd USt. land ~contrlCU. othcr~IS 20Ve.nup. Rc:uonab't,.. JOBSWAHTED Employment W1nled 8200 ,,...,,..,. ~/RH; :l> ~ eip 51!!8\:s P"t cklly posas~~ CMepollr (penon)s req awstanat US or nti:rna liONly Reh 9$553-lf63 Employment 8500 Mn*! ,... for 1 """' office, profesgonal ~ "~Bead! ~ req: ~Pio, Word, Eaoel Salary ~ with e1pe11ence Fu rfl!iUTll! to ~21Z7 Acfmln(bookkaapar persona tr a1n1na lacohy 8hr/wk Personal lraantn& benefits 949 675 3287 aJlllCM. " 20-JOlra offtce warehouse pos respon fld cusl svc. onloor entry. oorfC)Uler ta. ope. heavy phone, id'll W<i't!- holll ~ frrvmtrJry laares~l~ • ELIAIU ,.,,,,, "-' lw 30 MJ AllTOMOllLI SllVKI ~ -0.-.-tlrWlt w TUNI 1ftSHOP (949) 64s-4641 .... ll • ll ...... , TAXR.-nJRN ONWH••LS Call for free quofc.- 949.422.2863 •-tolfCMI. Moblte nota7. a bookkee.,.r -emaHbuel-• 8c Affonlablc • W.aUnlh • Custom Built Ins, Crown Moldinas. Bne Boards L•577982 949 837 5642 carpet Repllr~lts O CAaf'ETo CAaPOo Repairs. P1tch1n1. Insti ll Courteous any size ,obs Wholeultl 949 492-0205 .. Carpet • Furniture ~uq Cleanine DllVBSllOO VAlBfTllS DAY fOIJAIY 14 Yota OWll W OI VAi COSTAllSA 714-S40-31JS flR£ YOUR eoss• Kwak Kerb Busmess layona continuous concrete curbona [quoprnent . tr aontna. markeltnfl wolh back·up and support Don·t wait. some nren slrll ••ea~ble I 866 2~- 5372 www llw1kk11b com (CAL•SCAN) COVERNMENT JOBS Now hirina 101 W1ldhfe/ Post a l/f Ir el •ah ten/ Police OHocers S40K/ year. Paid trainina Mon fro 9am IOpm/EST l 8()0.464-8991 ot 23 (CAL •SCAN) :;!:.p.a..r ~ "llolter ~ T"'°""' •a-.• c-t,,.. r...it.at<-I (l .. a#,_..-4...~ ........ ,~ .. w ,.._, • ci.- (949) 548-9595 L.:---- COMIVTf:I SOLUTIONS Upg;ir~. l<<'fM'" ("115tom /'( • Burlt "etwori11ns. Int~ X-tup ;ind Sh.mnR. M<..5C FllEE comuliltl<Nl CALL JEFF 949.51 o-41 30 Concntt I Maonry lrlda ll4tek st .... Tiie Concrete. PllJO, 0. lvewey f 1Ceplc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs Exp Terr~ 714·557 7594 Tit<t Camlftf Men Cemenlwork, Brick, Tile & Mort Reliable Ho tob too small 949 548 6746 1»wv1d v-. c-•· & ... __, Resldent1al Brack, Stone, Blodl, Tiit Lte1747'48 714-965-2824 ~ New c ... t,.tl.. & a-M NA Trades, Fr• Estimltes JO Y11r1 hp Ll337169 949 631·2345 NHD MOU aOOMl ADOl1'10HS & AOQJELNl l 15779!2 949·137 5642 IJrywlll Sll'flCll Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BIUDGE QUIZ Q I -AJ Soolb. YUhlcnlble, you bold. ocr's ruction. •06 v KJ75 o A'8U •53 The beddina has oroceeded: NOlmJ !AST' SOUTH WF.Sr Q 4 • Both vu.lnenbJe. you bold: •I <:i AK I J o KQl5 •A K il Partner~ lhe biddina with dlRle dia.mondS. Whiu do you ~7 I• ,_ INT r.. l Q ,_ ! What do you bid now? A • In tern\!. of point count, II m1gt11 seem lhal I.he hand menu JU$1 a rai~ lo lhrec heMu. However, ihe queen of ~plldc' ii. wc"1h her weiah1 in gold and lhc ruffioi value and Prime nulure of yuur holdin& miUe ii worth a jump 10 fOllf llC4111il. A • If ~ner has b little IJ MIVCll diamoilds headed by I.he ICC and twu spides you can coon! J 2 trich -seven dfamonds, 1wu clubs\ 1wu hearts and one NIT in YQUr iwJd. Then: are so many combiruuioos Iha! will let j'OU make l 2 tricks and 00 aaicntlfK: way 10 up~ lhc:m thll.I yoo millhl as well just up and bid I.he slam. lf'tcl siJt diamonds -pwtnet's preempl denies two aces bul pan:nu must liave one, considering you1 iromp holding. Q l • Neil.her vulnerable, as South you hold: • Q 9 5 J • K J t A IO .5 • 10 S 1 The b1<lJmg h:i.\ Pf\lCt:eded' NUM'l 11 ~T SQU'TH W~ Q S • A:s Sooth. \'Ulneruble. you hOld: •~ ·.:>1CQJ 96J KJ6Sl •Alf I• .._ I• .... The bidding ~ pn>.Jeeded I,, .._ 1 What ... 11c111 do you tale? NORTif F.AST SOl!fH ~T I• I • f A • 'ih.Jmc on )OU for ttunling \H• W'C ll)'IO' 10 ll1lp you. With partner <ho"'~"¥ .i balanced nummum open 111g bid !hen: I\ no n:awn lo "uppo!>c ll\JI )'OUr hand ,, gootl enough 10 produce.-game So don'1.ieopardir.c a Wlwt do ~ou bid now'/ A • Whale." II I\ tc."mptang 10 llloilcc an ammediall' cuc-btcl uf 1wo ~. you could be !>leahng btddtog room )OU mi$lJI need 10 find the.best spec. Swt \\:Ith ., ~impk l'C)pllO!IC of two hearu., whkh i.s 100 percent forung. Panncr'~ reacnon rrught pom1 yoo an lhc ngh1 chn:icuoo plu' ~ott Pl'-' w11h .;tacmy Q 3 · Bnlh ~uluenlble, ~ Sooth )OU hold • A I 4 A K J 10 7 A 9 6 • 7 J Q 6 • Ncnher \'ulnerablc.-. :b South • )OU hold· The b1dtl1ng ha' proceeded. SOUTH Wl:.'.T NORTH EAST • A J 9 5 4 K 10 6 5 4 1 • A 10 I I'-J• l'IL<il> "Ille bulding halt rocccdcxl •ton1n~ Whu1 do )OU hid now·1 Wt.:H NOK11 ~-r SOt•Tii I 2• ~~'"' ! Whal Jo you bid now'! A • PilltllCr may hold the ngl11 card\ for ~lam, but i I North cloc~ not you m111h1 rlOI c~cn be ..ulc 111 Ilic live· le1.el. However, you cJo want 10 anvc,11g111c \lam pc~ 1bil11ic~ and I.he Wll) 10 \Ul/1 probing " with .i c:ue had Rid your chcupc,1 lk.'e -three '~ anJ Jo no more lhnn b1J lour heam next. rcgardlcM of (lilft· A • We wuuld ~ 1nchnc:•d w 111\l•l llfl game w11h lllL' holding ~1;111 by cue: b1tlding 1"'0 diamond' and. af partner doe) no< rebid m a m.tjur. \Uit1 'hllw ~g our ~ual\, begmnmg walh ' • Al wont. you cookJ land m I\ e dub~. bu1 four of a maJ<.or " a rcalt'llC ~ib1J11y COV(RNM(Nl JOBS Woldhle and Postal 481<+ peo yur full benel11s P•ad lr.anana No opt roen~e nneu.iry for aµphctllon 1nd u em call loll fret I 888 718 4266 •~ (CAL •SCAN) n w..~tor 1onr 116~ IWt m ~8l~#l6 1e a.rm " 8r"'1d ~ S41oo IOOTK IUNTAL C1 .. 11 Meu buuly saloo Reoonable Call Al 949 645 0662 Daldop Publillllng llME 0 IEGIN YOUaHOMI IMPaOVIMINT ,.OJICT? Call a plumber painter handy~n. or any of the crut ~rv1ces listed here 1n our wrvace dlfectoryl THES£ LOCAi. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI Bedrtcal SeMca Electrltel s ..... 1ce1 Haw. Remodel & Repair Free Eshmale, 30 Yean hp L#337169 949 631·2345 UC S 0 CONTUCTOa No jDtJ too lilll. M ....ic.l Repatr, remodel, fans, spe, MW WC !M!Mi4$-J856 Autofnoblles 9000 Automotive 9004 IMW s-. "97 dirk bk.el I.Ml. f\Aly ro.ded 6 -ed. MW ll'~J!il.,ma, l<n '"' win Pe19c1! $18,!Ul g&ZJ>.4421 IMW '91 74 0ll Bl•t k/ blk llhr. 49k m1 nav sys. 1o90lleu $37 9!Y.> •5124S9 CM e»-rutwd ~7812 IMW '91 S401 Super clean blk/tan llh< 6Jk auto. S25.99S "512698 CM Dir RtchM d 949 646 7822 IMW 't7 '211 Coov. IMW 'tt MS c ... v, ~ lttlr beaut. 77k mt. tPOtl I*& $!9,995 vT98272 ~spd 62k m1 bh•t/Hh CM Ct Rldwd ~7822 ltht S27 .91¥.> vC0277 CM Dir Rdwd 9"%67822 IMW '99 JUI ( . ...,, Ssf>d. 43k m1 , silver blue/ erey llhr he.tied se.ats. lull faCI warr, superb, $21.995 lorm v362421 fon avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 --~···-IMW J211 C-. ..tit/di llhr. auto. 5&. '"'· lol*sl runs lake new. $21,995 16la&I CM Ct 98"*>18Zli IMW 'ts S401 lOOk mt, black/blk. beauhlul orla•nal cond frn1nc1na & warr avail vt249762 f3,9'Y.I 811.r 949'586-1888 IMW 'tt 7401 Hit Ml, Jyr wur avail solver/ &rey lthr. CD. llke new cond v579241 $25,9!Y.> fin anti 8llr 949-586-1888 -.ecp ... l.c- IMW 'tt 7401 69k Ml, 3yr warr 111111. sihler/ 1rey lthr, CO, toke new CO<ld, v57924J $25,995 fin ..,,.. 8lu 949 586-1888' -.•• ,.1.c- n1 ••••-Sprin•m. Ora.in, ~nts &Lawn l~l~tlon. Al.a LiJhtlftl . --M ......... .... ~$~ Oesian, Plant, Pol, Prop•1at1on, Prunona. hCllllnt "'s 949-515-811214 ,,... Service, Yard Clunup, Maintertance. Sprinkler Repair, Hauhnc (94')650-1711 (DF.UI, lflAll 61UMOONC! ·~•Canrrdi No Joh 1bo Small .,." ............ 949-322-8292 SEU IMW '94 J !Isl GrHI eai. mola&e 2d1 5spd P'· 6811 m1, stereo can red/lan ont ~heepskon '-IC, ,w ~nr I •llOy\, l owne1 sntelli. new must see ~Int cond Randy pp $9.700 877 582 2578 01 949 548 4241 Cocflllo< '19 DaVllla Le"ure world owner IOOk books & rec.01d~ whl blut llhr •Int body & mac cond v 562892 $1995 B~r 949 ~ 1888 -ec,..a.1.c- Cocfllloc '02 OaVllla 2411. ma. full l~ct warr whtle/oatmeaJ llhr CO OnStar system, chrm Whls. •1'827!119 $24,995 satt S2(). B1u 9&!5 UBI •-·•cpaltl.c-. c...-.. o.vm. '" Cold f•~I. 45k mo. IM!ho:t i..r new. I -mu5I -$18 500 949-219-0864 Hauling JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 714·968·1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 l.eMUpTe20llie ,..,_..., Triple your eneray OnlySSl.tS Call Use t4t-•4S-6677 SELL your stuff thr.oueh classified! . ., °'"" 6cyl au o, A/C, cc. pw, pdl, clean 11321598 $3995 CM Dir Ricllwd 949-646-7822 D;ip i 7 ........ U l,, at. l/c. cc, loaded, clean. ¥599864, $3995 RIQ.hard ~MIU C» ~7822 ,.,,. . ,, .. , ..... Sport 2wd. AT mnrt, blk/ &f•Y llhr v452136 $5995 CM C»-Rldwd 94!Mi4&78'l2 Fwtl ' t4 Mutt .... V6 Red.5spd, IC,tC, 1Roys. '411* clean ues v215485 CM C»-Rlchlrd ~7822 FOaO PaOll lS 'to Runs xlnt. 6 cyl. auto. n, cass, sunroof, pw. ps, 1111 wheels, new llres & taps Blue book $3225 sell S2600 Pmale party 7 14-SS4 -7601 FOH UNGfa Xl T 'tt hint C1b, Auto, CO 691< "" . Y6. bedhner P11v1te Party S7500 94t-642-SUO r .. fi 't 6 Wln4st .. Gl 7 pus, red/Ian Int, •t, ac, io.ded $39915 •231587 CM I> Rlchwd ~7822 61< Tnd lltli SMmi 15 Auto while. fully equip. am Im, unoued WeH ma1nl1111ed $3500 949-760-ltSO ,.,..... '99 XJfl 46 ... 1. lull fact w111. Brtlt\h r uana er •en/oatmeal llhr. CD. ~IHnt whf\, tiuul, hke new cond, ••496771 $Z9,995 Ion dVlll Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.ec bl.c..,. J09uor '99 XJI Vanden Pl"~ 34k am, 'fl•rkllna blk/lan llhr, CO, chrm whls. lull lad warr. Ilk' n~w $28 99S tor m v84l614 lonancin& ••111 llkr 949 586 1888 W WW .4tC ltf.<- JGg410r '99 XICI c ... v 34k mt, lull factory warr. sparkhn2 black o•tmul lthr CO 'hro-whls like n•w v677?9S $35 m ftnilnuna ••••I Blo.r 949 586 1888 -w.ec l.c- .1Mp '9S ~ l lD 414 vs 5..2l ""111\Ml IVw' ~ "514698 lfMj CM C»-Rmilrd ~7822 t...I ._., '" Oncowey Sertn • n ... mo lull tact warr bl.tck •utmeal llhr du•l nind rear dor jUmp \UIS rO 18 chrm whl\. lrke ntw v332099 $21 99'j form fin l•ltl Siu 94q '.l86 1888 WWW O<P~bl ~om 1.-1 .__ 0.-...., ..,, SV ~ ~een. ~ ltht, ti.al moon 1 °'""· r 11a1 ~ s.eah. 6 cd clwlll'f l/'loddtld pwfed orv 'and Only 58 mt s 14.'.m/obo 949887 9107 pp laaon '00 IS JOO :l:tk m1. ~1lver •e1ey Ith• mnrl CD. lull taclor• warr. hke ntw vfS~n I sn 995 l11m ftn n•1I Broker 949 S8b 1888 -· .... ,_ Laa'" '00 lX470 VI, •uto A/C llhr fU11 pwr am Im CH\. cc Sntf dwm. S3B.!lt< ~5311 Cont. Ucl 239261 1-866-946-3257 TOLL FREE -------.. . 0' '', ', • 0 :, I Open 70.ys I.ow Aft• Stonige Special• Slf'°9 111111 949-845-4545 HST MOVUI $St/Hr Stlfv1n1 all cllles. Insured fut, courteous, cartful. T163844 IQ0.246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C1ht Public Utllttln commonion requires that •II used houaeho ld 1ooda movers p11nt their PUC Cal T number, limos •nd chauffeurs print their T C P nutnber 10 all 1dvtr llMmtnb If you hive 1n1 questions about Ille te1a11t1 of 1 mover , limo o f cf\1utf1UI', Clll PUS llC UTlllTI£$ COM MISSION 714·558 4151 WAlfflO MOW.OJOIS St11tllOl l11p 14MewMw ... lwc C•ITl "442/lnaw Id 949·718 0691 7l4.a&·lJOO u.c.a. 'O I Nwlpter 2111 ml, lull l1ct wwr, l>IKVsr•Y lthr, CO. OVO. 2{1' cllrm whts, H MW, v2625 l 2 $29,99!5 fin ...,. 8kr 949·588-1111 ..z;.-r;::. r• s.i. ..... ct.I. totlb/ 1'11111 r•t '1995 v845326 CM °" ~ MMi41>-7822 ...... 'tt ., ••• Con11 3411 ml, auto, red/ blacll int I top, tie.ullful orle cond, v597241 $9995 form fin & w1rr avail Blu 949·586-1888 -.eqto1tt.c-..,.....,,._030 E.merald creen w/\all tthr. beellf IUto. snrf, $U.!Ri 16*1.lm CM II' 98{;46.7812 ........ cuo Kof!vessor. Bufaun<IY/tlln lthr. 6211, snrl. $15,995 '62l.13'l CM () 9664&78?2 ........ '°._ .. 2.6, blk/lan lthr, snrf, pw, pdl, /IC, $4995, v234013 CM ._ Richird 96646-782.2 .._....,, ._ JOOf 3.2, bl<. snrf, ltlw", reanl SYC, v5Z}J25 $7995 Ridllrll CM e»-96646-7822 ........ 'IO ... 4.SOSl ~. Uo, llY, M lmory v215e SJlaJ • Rldwd Colla .... II' 96646-7822 ........ .., .... 5051 ~ ...... lllw. SYC hlstnry v2154111 $3500 obo Richard ea.. Me51 I» ~781'2 .............. ._Sll() LW8 blc:WerY lllY 6111. pert aind ~ v2l5EIM CM I» Rictwd 9664&7822 ,.._.. ... 5605l "86 Ill.a., t.w '"' lanClis wool ial ~. ConVVhard 1q>.SUltm 98 lll-168> ••••• ,.. '96 (210 buutalul blad/crum fully loaded. showroom. IV'llUI. SI I 5f< 714-~l 2464 Mercedes SOOSl '00 Plaltnom. 1i.waee kepi, •Int cond, NK. '4lOr1 park<ll!t' lull wQlr & Ire.; svc tlan\lerable. l:tl ~ ~.<XX> C4• 94'}-642·3407 C ma• ll«llsbu@aolcom Marcacfas 'II S60 Sl whole/Ian. 1mmac ~ nns 1J9. fl'W d ~ dTm-. SI~ 714151 ~ NEW2003 M~ICOOPER! • LFAS£FOR ~249 permontli+tn 2 at thest terms on wowed cr!dlt • S7500 do .. n 36 month t lo\ed i.nd lease nu •r curtly dl'posal, 10 000 m•ln per ye.r 20¢ per malt fnr o cr 's moles IC47218 TC41916 • LETS MOTOR! ITS FUN ............. S fRffWAY @WNG.11 SAAT A NIA Alll 0 M.lil (888) 823-9808 Plac<' )Our a&d toda~! • 949} ~2-!!6 78 Palfttng <IMMw'• ..... llYts ~ Creal Puce' Gu.,anteed .. ork free est L•375602 714 5J8 1534 7 390 2945 m-s CUSTOM PAINTING Pron clean qua~ly wori. lnterior/e1t and docks L'703468 949-631 4610 UJNIOW ma.I fllAINT Peinhfll '1Vt•l lba/.-pt Quality JOI>! free &Stimate L'569897 714~-8888 ................. lS '00 II.It.I.WY lltw, .. Hint. c;hromt hetb. Ott -· n/tllw.s1s.•~ pp714-~ Nk-'ta St111tre GU litr.• new, loaded, 1uto, lnOONOOf alloys low 741. ml, S6500 714 761 2464 CMoh•e•I • '95 Aww• VI, lmmac. loa<Md, llhr, .. a>, 81k. $4915 v43l720 "" Dir Ridwd 9olHJ46. 7812 Perulla '99 laater Conv 2 11l m1 ~~pd wh1le/11ey llhr. lull It< I warr, 1•r •aed. non/ smkr, hke new vl266% $27,995 Biii 949 586 Ul88 www.ecp ... l.cem Pon<lta 'tf9H C9" Conv blacl\/black llhr, Ga4>d. 3!111 mt, tulty loaded. mini aond, $58.!IOO (949) 874 1995 Daily Pilot •-.. ••var 'tt 4.0 HC. 21111 mf, lull lac:I w1r1, blacl /ten llhr. blK fl !Hlllt\I. "-eut orla cond. $2G,99S Y4242J8 f111 avltl • 949 586-1"8 _ _,..,_na. ··:-: .. ...... ..., ... 't 7 l6'-- HSf. 60ll in1. melalhc: cS.lk etMn, 01tmeat lthr, I It whls, labulou• cer l1bulou\ cond, $18,495 ftttn vl265124 f111/w1rr •••1l 81cr 949·M6 11188 VW IUlll '67 • ," " II•""' clutch, brak• • 1 real <IO't'-' $7900 080 " f'•l fl~•ly 714 7!>4 7113 'IW '99 Pau o:t Ci.LS Blut 4tyl lurbo. <ti. 4 •, U. n•. be8tlt $12.9'.B~ v?IJ6J) CM Ct 9'&0678?2 • .. AUTOMOBILES, • • -• -MISC8.J.AHEOUS ·: s.ur... '9s su R!Jd, ~. Wanted 9045 .. • aat·lm/CO/CHS, luoks/ --------....-• -• i*MS pxl, $2475 v215847 f~ ep.r-.d CM Dir RkNrd 949646 7ffO CMY Cl Y\'lil'S ftl pl ~ ~ PHIWPS AUTO IMW 5401 Sa4-'97 Rare 6 Sptrd V8 l ow Milts• (118536) S14 9llO Mil ClU20 c-...·91 8lacll!Bl1cll lth1 on!y 45,000rnoln (•190041 > S26 980 Cliavy Corvette ,..,... ... whole w/black le.ilhr• only l?k mile' (#18797) $76 9RO 109"•• XJa Sacfon '91 Shonev bin~ nn bl•<k lijathet t et ltlotd" (#188581) SJZ 'JIU) Pouche la•t•r S '01 Onlv ?~ m•lti\i r '" 1 Wdfl a· whe~I\ C •1911lCJ $.4J 980 Aturo NSX , .... ·oo Speed yplluw I JK mtle\1 llu11 y• C•I~) V>I 'lllO Hv-.arH2 '0' Bleck w bl Il k llhr lK molh1 l•ll w•ll 1•19006C)$'il 'll!O 00 Maru4aa lettt SlSOO '96 Bl•c'io. op•I w arP• 11h1 lull"',..,,., 1>•• m1umwht"t'h r•J8849> sn qM() IMW 75011 Spt. S.4-'01 C..'>~mo .. bta('~ w ~And bet& .. le*1., lull w•irlr loll J ) I• 19011 > SS'> IJ80 I MW740f ~-··· Whitt w/perlert t1rnoe lu lhrr c~11t ''"d S4k rnoln (118710) SJT 980 I MWXS '02 Whol,. l,11t~ry pr ""'1um "''"~" 1•189201 $4 19$1() IMW Z3 •c..,,, '9' Red w lmn••• Uldlr blat k lthr '> 'll<""d 1•187101 $11 9AO r .. ct C.,.acfttl°" '99 lo•dt-d, '1•<.P l•m•lv SUV whlt# low milt' 41187941 SIB 'Rl 949-574 7177 PHlWf'S AUTO IN .-t•.•- Plumbing lapart Drain Cl.-l"f Plumb1n11epairs over 25•n up All work p .tr1le!ld Slew 714-~ 8'l!l8 HOMtST & ltlASOtCMU Pl UM8£ R l 150658fo frteht!Sm1~ OCTTCU 015C 714 ~9150 PUCJSE PlUMl lNG Rt11•in & Remodehn1 rRH l STIMATf L'687398 714 969 1090 1hf N~hborltood Plumb.fl OM.II • 1IWlll • • CUAl9IG 5"CllWn TWtEDY PWMBING 949-645-2352 -llC • A1T,,_t1._.a...., ......... c-.cw (949) 548-0769 wwwWllot We .... -"ould h1111 loptllet. St1111, tclll lnV h t .,..,. eMll to .. cnry '1516 llOMSJ ... .. • """Y 111<1 i.-11..e k.o ~ ' • "'"' Uf tr\dl p;.:I lor "' nt:rl C..11 OU Flt"t @ ltJrr...W Auto $.*5. 7~ 4 J7 1931 •• 114 ~:Vltl CASH oa CAH Wr need ynur ta•. p'lod fur 01 nol Phalhps Aul • A~ '"' Malc<ilrr" , 949 574 7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES SMIGTOP TIOOXTIA W, TOYOTA TltKI. Pm SIOO SWSS0 714-374-17'l BOATS Power Boats 9515 o.My 0... 1'1.1; Ultl l!<orlK EJ..-n hop -n.- 'lt!ft'fl • fd Gt~al Cond $IDll ubo 714 273 91mlo1' BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ I LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ro• HNT Sp\ Oil I I ••IP pof'r Ci••l In •hon •~t,.r & fll-N tr .. 1ntludf'd 949 &7) 06'>8 ClASSlflfD It's the solubon you 're searching. !or ·whether you· re seeking a home. apartment. pet or new occupabon! GOU USSOIS 2 f OI 1 v-.....,,..., STUWllllY ,_ a.-... . .. 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