HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-12 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI . . 5 r ., • ' ? . I . ) Serving the Newpo~t-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNES~AY,FEBRUARY12,2003 Costa Mesa · crime drops State shows drop in all but one category during first 9 months of 2002; violent crimes down 25%. r Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Crimes took a nosedive in the city in almost ev ery category during the first nine months of 2002. the state Allor ney General\ office reponed Tuesday. Violent cnme) plummeted 25.2%, according to the prelim1 nary repon from califomia Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer. l'hat indudl''> robberi(''> down 19% -and aggravatrd av .. aultc; -down .-1 whopping lb 5"'1,. l11e only tat egory that 111crea'ied wru. theft'> -up 3.6<1(, CheraJI. the ciry '>a\' a 2.9% drop 111 rnme. COSTA MESA me number., were m sharp contrast to those in 200 I. when total number of tnme-, climbed in all categone\ and official\ worried about the relatively high number of '>lrect crime!>, robber it.., and auto theft'>. Hut tho.-.c day-. are behind them, said Co">ta MeS<I Police Olief Dave Snowden I le attrib- uted his department\ '>UCC~ in figh11ng cnme to II!> efforts in tar· gellng problem arcru. within the city. "Ille key wa.o, being (\ble to pmpoint locauon) where trim~ are occurrlhg." Snowden said "Crimes have been happening in all areas of the uty. Different ar ea'> have d10erent problems." Patrol D1vi.,ion <.ommam.ler lorn Wamack '><lid the <lepart - mt•nt took "multiple ... 1rateg1l approadw:." to fight the cnmt' tnl rca'>e -See CRIME. Page A6 Crowd delays Westside talks Overflow group forces Costa Mesa to postpone a meeting on redeveloping the city's downtown. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSIA Ml·~ A large. emo tional crowd or 111du .. 1riaJ prop eny owner. gathered Monday ntght 10 VOi(.(' rerwnt OppO'>lllOn to the city's preltmmary eflon to add mof't' 1han 400 acre'> to .1 propo!i>ed redevelopment area. But the crowd wa.'> a VJl'llm of 11-. own '>Ucce~ a) the owr whelming number of peopll· posed a fire ha..t.ard and forced the c1ry\ Hedevelopment Agency FYI The Redevelopment Agency will now consider the downtown area's future at 6·30 p m March 10 at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave The Westside property owners Web site •s at www cmwest.org to poc;tpone the lllt't'llng until March, when tht• rowdy throng can he acnimmodated 111 a larger space Mort' than lSO Jll'Ople con- wrged on the Jutlttonum m the J>o!Jce Department to exp~ their concemc; and find 0111 what the o ty ha ... in nund for thetr proper lit"'> if they an• 111duded in the dC)Wlltown redtwlopment 1.one. See CROWD. Paee A4 PHOTO COURTESY Of ORANGE COAST COUEGE Rabbit Island, 50 miles off Vancower, British Columbia. will benefit OCC's School of Sailing and Seamanship. THINKING ALLOWED A tall tale unveiled P t. Did you hear what happened last weekend? Buffy the Vamplre Slayer used a stake as a last resort to avoid a beating. Pass It on. Karen Robinson called ror a poUce escort because she was late for a meeting7 And so goes the local rumor mill, ln which perfectly rational Guess what1 Muffy the soccer pla)"!r was a pooT sport because she cefused to give the other team a proper greeting. Put It on. Obmiph. Did you LOLITA HARPER tori are helgtueoed to scandalouJ event.s wtth each passing account. In the d«ys betwttn the Tet FesdvaJ in Garden~ on Feb. 1 and Monday hear I ~r In Newport WU doeed dowri becaUte It dJdn~ baY8 proper heed"I' PUI it on. Whltnn Cotta Mela Mayor • rnomtna ln the newaroom. Ip had l\lmed Rubtmon t.. Tolland Cother, 4, takes a peek from his yellow rain poncho while he wait s for a bus with his parents Tuesday on Newport Boulevard. Newport-Mesa can expect to get more of the wet stuff in the coming days Wet for a change Rain fin ally shows up in Newport-Me sa and may last sporadically until Friday. 'The surf today looks like it usually does in the summer rather than the winter.' June Casaerande Daily Pilot NFWP< >HI M l~A -Un<;ea<,onable !>Urf and dangl'roU'> dr1V1ng cond111<111'> blew mto the area a'> part of a '>lorm w'tern tha1 dou'>ed Southern C ... 1hforn1a on Tul'">day And tllt'rt'' plenty morl' 10 come. '>aid ~tan \\.a'H>W'>ki of Lhe NauonaJ Weather \t•r. ire Rain and '>huwl'r'> that arnH·<.I Monday night from the central P.u 1lir Ocean will continue to fall on '\it•wp1irt Mesa through today and po'>'>1bh mtu ThuMay and l'ven earl}' I ndd) RJm rt•fl•r., to '>teady downpour" wherea!> tht• term '>howcf) descnbe'> in1errnllll'll1 downpour-., Wa,Ow1'ki explaml'd "\'\1lal \"('fl' <,t>l'lllg nm\ "fll'I nonnal w111tt•r "'eather. hn11g111g up mu"rure trom the '>OUth"'l''l ol H.11a California," Wa-.oW!>ki said "la11u.ir,. f-ebruary and March ii. when \W gt•t the ma1on1y of our r.un If the cond1uun~ seem extraordin.ir,. 11., bt'cau'-(: tlw. J • .111uan wa-, unu<,ualiv dry-the filth dnt•,1 · January on rt>t.ord. Wa..o"''k' ... ud fhe bcm·fit of the ram. tor '><>nW. Wa) that it tUntl'd a bad '>Urfing d,1y into a good one Hcla11"ely '1111 watl'r' 111 the morn mg off ;\;ewpon H1·.1l h gave way to mtrl'a'>ing \\a\l''t b\ rrudday. With corr<.">pomJ111g 1111 H'J'>t'' Ul the numlwr of ... urter' "Word\ ht•en gettmg uut amt tlw number of ..,urfl·r., out hert· h,1, ht>1•n doubling about every hall hour. Lifeguard Lt. Mike Halph1des 1.Jfeguard I t \Ille I la.lph1dt•' '><Utl .11 about !. p. m I ue<.da} '°">uthnh '"rt unU)Ua.I Ill \\lllll'r ....... ticn h\ \'il\l'' U!>Uall}' conw from the nonh or nonh\"e'>t, produced 4 111 h 11101 waves near t lw '\t•\\ l)(>n f'lt'r. I lalphtde., .,,ml "Thl' <,url todav look' ltk1· 11 tM1.dh doe<. m the ... ummer rntht'r 1h,1n 1h1• \'1nter. I lc!lph1dl''> -.aid •JUNE CASAGRANDE cover!> NPwpon Beach and John Wayne A1rpun St> .. rnd-; be reached a1 19491 574-4732 or lty •• m-i11 a11une casagrande •1 1a11mei. com An island unto Orange Coast 's own Costa Mesa college receives a 36-acre isle off British Columbia that will bode well for the sailing and seamanship school's programs. Christine Carrillo Da1lyP1lot OCC CAMPUS -Many peo- ple dream of one day ownmg an island of their very own. An is- land where they can i.eek refuge from the hectic world they find themselves in every day. Rarely. does anyone ever find them· selves the recipients of such a gift. But last month. the college Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE 0Nll£WEB: www.~ccm WEATHER ~ WIU It CK won't 1t? h probebfy Will. Bring your umbrefla. SeeP .. eA2 CON MAN FOUND did. Orange Coast College received Rabbit Island. a 36-acre Bnlt!>h Columbia i land worth about s~.000. school official!> an- nounced Tuesday. The donation. which came from Southern Callfomja yachts· man 1 lenry Wheeler. was the second of two major gifts the colJege received in January. The first, a vessel valued at more than SPORTS S2 mtl11on "''' donated to OCC'> School of \a1ltng and Seaman .,hip dtn'l th ·11·~ \onwth111~ I thmk the col· lege is well <,111tt'<.I w handle and develop for our \ludems." said Rrad Avcl). dm't·tnr of the School of Sailing and \t'amanc;h1p ·i... lands haw a \VJ} of cenamly .,,riling the 1m.1wn.H1on and 11\ certainly done 11 with uc;. • Wheeler don.11ed his island. which won't ~crve a<. much a ref· uge as 11 will a remote classroom. to the ()(.( I oundauon for the benefit of the ... uhng school. said Doug Bennett. e-<ec u11ve dtrector Of the founddllUll "It\ a bt'au11lul l111lt• •'>land: '>aid Oenms "-elh ,,.,..,m 1.itt• pro fessor of manne 'ttt·nre \ome of the thin~ thac I 'w l un,1den.•d doing. as far a., 11°.tl hmg up there. would be co le;t(h a rla.,,.., abouc island ecolol(\ ,~hJth "' d class I alread) tearh hen> at <XL but 11 seems very appmpnate to teach an island ecolo~ d~ on an t)fand." But unlike the fin.I gift. the col· lege anticipates that both manne c;c1ence and saili11g student.; will SeetSlAND.P11eA6 Restaurant redux on Mariner 's Mile Peul Clinton Dally Ptlot • MARIN'F.R' Ul..F. -B&by-bacl. and Guinn bttr wiD ~ added to lht- mt'au lf a group of San Btmardino res· tauratcu e>pen a lbny Roma' and lrlsh-tht"11lf'd lklinipn' in ~ o{ the Wied Ayaia 101. The PriPvoee Group of Com baa ~ lO Newport plan.n pe.nmem co operas rwo ea Boch eq>eCt IO open In June. about 18 tnondW aft.er dw fOrma' nijtudub ... ... ......,., '-Al A2 Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Datly Pilot LOCALS ONLY . ~ . NEIGHBORS The Marine Retailers Assn. of America recently elected J.R. Means ID of Bayport Yachts in Newport Beach Director of Region 10 for 2003 .... The International Council of Shopping Centers. a not-for-profit global trade J.R. Means Ill association of the shopping center industry, recently awarded the professional designation Certified Leasing Specialist to Richard W. Hatem of The Irvine Co. in Newport Beach .... Sean Moss. a 1998 graduate of Newport Harbor I ligh School and son of Costa Mesa residen ts Ron and Gayle Moss. graduated from CaJ Poly San Luis Obispo in December with a bachelor's degree in city and regional planning and a minor in economics. ... Ribapharm, a biopharmaceutical company in Costa Mesa. announced the appoin tments of William M. Comer Jr. to chief financial officer and Mel D. Deut.9Cb to general council ... Cluistopher Hlldreth, 50. has been appointed senior vice president, director of sales. at American Vanguard Corporation in Newport Beach. ... Erle Wlntemute, president and CEO of American Vanguard, was interviewed by Bloomberg Forum. ... Bernard J. Wsldn. former Orange Coast College president, has been appointed director of the new media studies PhD. Program in the School of Psychology of the Fielding Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara ... Pam Cromer of Newport Beach traveled to the island of Crete as a volunteer with Global Volunteers. She was team leader of 22 volunteers, teaching conversational English to people in the town of Rethymo. lt was her 10th time as a volunteer with the program. PETS OF THE WEEK Tavy and Ric ky Sibling ca~ Tavy and Ricley are up for adoption this weekend. Tavy is a shon -haired spayed fe- male. Ricky is an 18-pound long- haired ne utered male, with "Oleshire Cat-like qual ities," said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. foun- der of the Newpon Beach-based network. Both cats are gray and white. Their previous owner was a senior citizen in Corona d el Mar who had to move in to a senior- care facility due to health rea- sons. The senior's caregiver boarded the cats for more than four months, a large expense for the family who told the networic. that the cost of the vet hospital was more than renting a small apartmen t. The cats were rescued through Lhe network's "home insurance program." "Tttis wonderfuJ service sup- ports the animals you love by finding them a new home in case one of life's many uncer- tain ties happens to you," Pfalf- Martin said. The cost of the program is SI O for cats. SIS for dogs and $20 fo r large dogs per month. · It is an interesting coinci- dence. sh e said, that the names of the cats come from a story Pam Cromer, with a special education student in Crete. and seventh as team le.ader .... Brad SaWKlen of Morgan Stanley in Newport Beach was given the State Olalr Award by the Employer Support of Guard and Reserve Organization fo r going above and beyond when he extended benefits to employees called u pon for Operation Noble f.agle as national guardsmen, and active reservists after Sept. 11. The em ployees coverage for dental, health and partial pay was ehended from ~ months to 18 months while away on active dury .... Syracuse University sophomore Ouistlne Cllamberlaln of Costa Mesa was named to the Dean's Ust for fall 2002 for achieving a 3.4 grade-point average in the school of education .... Cllrlstlne Fulcher and Tara Gallegos of Newport Coast won more than $14,000 on Wheel of Fortune during teen best friend week. ... BrlttanyComeUus ,16, of Costa Mesa, and Quenby Hersh, 14, ofNewpon Beach were among the 100 chosen as semifinalists for the Music Center's spotlight awards program. Tuey were chosen out of 828 Southern California high school students who auditioned in the Spotlight Awards perfonnance. Cornelius for nonclassical voice, and Hersh for ballet • NEIGHBORS spotlights actuevements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e mail to coral.wilsonlii'latimes com Tavy ~· ~ .. · -'") (, • I \ 'l§i: '··~. J \~ .- Ricky called Ricley. Ticky. Tavy. It is about a mouse-like creature who is lost and then found by nice RJ!Ople who care for him. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnet- work.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Infor- mation: (949) 759-3646, or Com - munity Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662. Newport Beach, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 43 TI40MAS H. JOHNSON Pubhahor TONYOOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotiont Director New.Edfton Gina Alexander, l.Dri Anderson, Paul Saltowitz, D1nlel Stevens NEWS STAFf o...,.~ Cnme and courta reporter, (949) 57'""'228 dHpe.bharath /6f/mes.com JuneC••1rMde Newport Beech reporter, (949) 574-4232 jurH1.caltflN1nde•t.tl,,,_com PllUfCIMof\ Politics and environment repoltM, (9491 7'&M330 1»ul.cllnton•l•rlrrw.oom l.oltli .....,., Columnist. culture reporter, (949) 674-4276 lol1t•.hllrper•1atlm# com Delrch Newmen Com MeM reporter, (949) 57~1 delrdre.=a.:.."*·com Education ~tter, (948157W2e8 t:1>1Utlne.011rrllto • latlfMl.com FOR A GOOD CAUSE MICHAEL BUCKNER Justine Bronfin, 16, right, and Marissa Mandala, 15, are ccrfounders of Corona del Mar High School's Club Care. Justine Bronfin L ast October. !>he wru. just one or two high school girls looking for a way to help homeless animah. Today. she's cofounder of a campus charity and organi7.er of a fun d-raiser featuring the KllS-FM Street learn. Letting it rain cats and dogs lusllnt' l'nh'>lt'<l lhe help of lhc Kii-, I ~I Street leam alter readmg about the tl:'Jn on lht• md10 '>talion's Web site Studem' \'\ho purthct-.e aucuon items ltke tht'llll' park 11cket• .. h'lft baskets. gourme1 chocolate'> and lunch for two at a Im al bakery anc..I re!>laurant will abo gel frc1· KJI') I M mt>n-hand1se to sweeten the Justine Bronfin co-founded Corona dcl Mar High School's Club Care and helped organize the auction to raise money for the Irvine Animal Sheht'r. Justine. 16, and friend Marissa Mandala. 15. started Qub Care after volunteenng at the shelter for some time. gate. 'lbey'll turn 1hc1r head to look had.. one more time: then they ju..i race 0111 because they"re so happy to havt.• a home.· ~al ~ One of Club Care\ top prionlle'> .., raising awaren~., about "pup[)} m1lb fhe am 11011 I'> Oub Care'<. 1>(.•Coml fund raiwr l..Jt t' last year. the group eamt'd dbolll SI RO for the ~elter by i.ellu1g (JOtJ) "We both love animals so m uch and we wanted to do something for them," Justine said. MAI the shelter. we take them out of the cages and walk them and play with them and bnghten their days. It's so wonderful when they finally get adopted and you get to see them walk out of the a term used to descrihc some animal breeders who. in their pur.ui1 of a profit. create unpleas,mt living co11ditiu1h tor dogs and puppies "The best way to not contribute to the puppy miJJ problem 1c; to adopt a dog from a shelter instead of buyinl( om• .it a store,· said Justine. qu1dJy touung her mixed-breed temer Mickey a' ev1de1H t' that "shelter dog., are be11er. anyway: 'fl"<, ju..'>l our way of trying to m.ikt• a <lifferenl'c for all those dogs and rat' uut 1here, • 'ht• 'd.lt.I ·Animals can brigh1e11 our da) m .,,, many different war-\\t net•d to '>hCJ\.\-them that we're grawlul lor rwryihm~ 1hey bnng to our lave' - GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOLVED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. Fof information on adding your o rganization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volun(eers to tutor adults who want to improve the ir reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training workshops the Central Library. (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE ctHEMA GUILD The Newport Beam Premiere Cinema Guild. wtiidl supports the Newport Beach Alm Festival, is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic end cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 253-2880. Coral V'(Jlson Nows assistant, (949) 574-4298 cor11l.wilson@lat1m6S.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Soan Hiller, Don l.e&dl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 842-eo86 Record your comments about lhe Delly Pilot or news tips. ~ Our ldd,.... It 330 W Bay St , Costa M .... CA 92627. Offioe hours el'8 Mondey • Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m Comlcdona It It the Pilot'• policy to promptly comtc:t 111 01Tora of auti.t.nce. PleeM call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newpott ~Mote o.lly Piiot (USPS-144-8001 i. pubflthed delly. In Newport Beech and Cotta M .... eubecriptlon1 a,. av1llabl1 only by 14Jblcriblng to The Tlmee Or1ng1 Count)' (800) 262-91'1 In 1reaa outtlde of Newport llMc:h and Cotta Meet. subecriptiona to the O.lly Piiot .,.. av1ilat>N only by first clan rrutll for $30 per month. CPricee Include •II -.>Pliclble stat• and 1oc:e1 ~ I POSTMASTER: Send M<trwa c::hangee to The Newport IMc:hlCoN MeA Dally Pilot, PO. BolC 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copyright. No news stones. illustrations, eclltonal matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permisa1on of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US c •n:ulatlon The Times Orange Count)' (800) 252 91• 1 Advertising Clutffled (949) 842·5678 Display 19491642 4321 Editortal Newt (949) 642-5680 Sports (949) 574-4223 ~Fu (949) 648-4170 Spot18 Fu (949) 850-0170 e...,,.a; dallypllot•111tlrrHn.com M-'nOfflce lklslneM Off1ce (949) 642-4321 8U9lneea F .. (949) 831-7120 Publla~ by Tlmee Community NeWs, 1 d1vl1lon of the Lot Angeles Tlmeti ~2 Tim .. CN. All r1ghll , ... ,..,ed. DUI ARRESTS Valley These people have been arrested recently on suspicion of drrving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on susp1c1on of a crime and. as with alt suspects. are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday Hava Beth Kl~in. 25. Costa Mesa Jessica Kimbrel Alexander, 31. Costa Mesa Merk Ian Brazney. 25, Costa Mesa Sstuntay Camille Chalmers Ciarelli, 40, Huntington Beach Brian James Hom, 27. Placentia William Michael Barreto, 27, Redlands Friday Donald Phillip Rea, 35, Costa Mesa Nicholas Mazier Moghaddam, 20, Coste Mesa Fred Eugene Nolte, 43, Fountain Thursday Rafa~ Ramirez, 26. Costa Mesa Patnd< Robert Martinez, 27. Costa Mesa George Anthony Rupakus. 44, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sunday Donald Ray Craig Jr .. 44. Santa Ana Carol Ann Green, 33, Llncoln Park. Mien S•turd•y Peter John Jacblaus. 68, San Diego Fredrick Wilham• Grether, 47. Sunse1 Beam Cha r1es Brad Thompson. 45, San Jose Friday Christopher K Evans, 56, Irvine Trevor Nolan Foster, 21, Irvine Westley Chris NevalTO, 23, Newport Beadl Thul"ld8y Jeri Nelle Alicicx:hia, 49, Huntington Beadl SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We have chances of rain through Monday at this point. but it'd probably be safest to concentrate on today. ,.,, So. expect rain today and mostly likely ell dey Thursday. Highs today will top out in the mid-609, with lows near 50. Thursday will be similar, but colder at night. We mey see sun Saturday. lnfonnMion: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The southeasterty wlndt will blow 10 to 20 knots In the inner W81ers thla morning, wtth t-to 3-foot waves and 1 south swell of 5 to 6 feet. Winds wtll easo tonight. Out f8rther, the IOUtheut•rtv winds will •lso blow 15to 20 knots, wtttt 3-foot weves and• eouth twell of e to 8 ... ~ ewell wttl back down tonight. SURF It'll be another day to stay high and dry, or as dry aa one can get with the rain and all. But we'll mostty be In the waist-high range today. Come Thursday, the neJCt northwest swell arrives, wtth some chest-high energy by mld·moming and some shoulder-highs liter. But county heahhy ofTlclals would urge ut •II to my dry untJI three deya efter the rain ltopa. .. quelhy: WWW •urfri<l«.org TIDES nn. 6:371.m. 1:19p.m. 1:12p.m. 12:10a.m, ....... S.02'-thlgh ..()..12f9Mlow 136f..c~ 2.68'-tlOW WATER TEMPERATURE .69ct.g,.._ i ---____________________ ,__ Daily Pilot Wednesday f ebruary 12, 2003 A3 Church parking lawsui.~ in judge's hands PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP Court on Tuesday hears arguments over whether free parking near Balboa Peninsula churches is unconstitutional. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -A federal judge Ot1 Tuesday heard. arguments In a lawsuit against the city of New- port Beach by a Udo Isle resident wtlo argued that a city ordinance that singles out parking meters adjacent to churches is unconsti- tutional. John Nelson filed the lawslJit in January 2002 in the United States Court's Centrd.I District, arguing that lhe city's policy of not enforcing parking meters next to churches between 8 a.m. and 1. p.m. Sundays violates the separation of church and state. On Tuesday, Nelson's attorney, Randal Hannah, argued that the ordinance passed in the 1970~ that provides special parking-lie that this religion is SP4!Cial," meter enforcement times near Hannah said. ~The general pub- four churthes is one that benefits lie is going 10 f~I they're not the churches alone. Because the part of the in group unless they majority of the city's parking me-belong to that religion." ters are on Balboa Peninsula, the Assistant City Atty. Dan Ohl only churches affected are Ouist countered I lannah'i. argument Olurch by the Sea. Ouistian Sci-by telling the court that Nelson ence Olurch and Reading Rqom, has no evidence to show that St. James Episcopal Olurch of the city has ac.tually spent tax- NeWP.Ort Beach and Our Lady of payer money on the churches. Mount Carmel Catholic Olurch. "There has been no expendi- Except for these are&, city ture of city funds at all on the parking meters are enforced from disputed practice," he said 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Adjacent to these "(The ordinance! merely pro- four churches. however, meters vides free parking for churches." are only in effecr from L to 6 p.m. The city has also maintained · UT)le city is giving free parking that tile ordinance provides re- 10 people that are going · to · lief for homeowners whose church," Hannah said. MAnd !the ~.treets would otherwise be churchgoers arel saving theLr blocked by churchgoers' cars. buck on the city'!> resources." City officials have failed to I lannah argued that the city i!. convince Nelson, who said he·u giving up several dollars of rev-await the court's ruling. Judge enue that i;uuld instead be used David 0. Carter took the matter to improve neighborhood!>. Spe-into submission Tuesday. ciaJ privileges to a house of wor-... l'hi:S means so much to me ship imply endorsing tha1 par-because it's a constitutional is· ticular religion -in thi~ case, sue," Nelson said. "A danger- OlristianHy, he said. ous precedent is set when the .. Once the city endorses a reli-government gets involved in gion, it'!> a way of telling the pub-religious issues." INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the ~ecisions made by the Costa .Mesa Planning Commission on Monday night: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The commission approved a permit for outdoor storage of vehicles on a property near West 17th Street and Babcock Street. Katrina Foley dissented. · The city's zoning administrator had approved the request on Jan. 16, but Councilman Allan Mansoor appealed the decision, saying he woUld like to see landscaping added to the lot to screen the vehicle storage areas. •• WHAT rT MEANS: The owner can store the vehicles without havtng to add any landscaping . Man posing as lawyer arrested in Las Vegas CHANGE MAKE-UP OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPOm· Bf:.ACI I -A New- port Beach con man who alleg- edly masqueraded as an attorney and eluded FBI officials for al- most a week was arrested Tues- day in Las Vegas, official:, said. FBI agents had been looking for I larold David Goldstein, 58, since hLc; indictment Wednesday on two counts of making false declara- tions by telling a federal coun that he W-cl.S a licen~ attorney. said Assistant U.S. Alty. Jeannie Ma~. l1<1rold Coldstein used the name uf David Goldstein, a real attorney m Redwood Ciry, !>he ~d. Masc;e '-<l.ld Cold5lein told offi- cials on Thursday thal he would tum himself m, bu1 changed his mmd a day later. "I le bai.1cally told us he wasn·t going to tum h1m!>elf in," i.he said. t.old'>tein virtually challenged agenl!> to "come and get him." Masse said. FBI agents tracked Gold!>tein RESTAURANT Contmued from Al tert~d its harbor-c;ide doors. "It\ a nice addiuon to the res- taurant mix we enjoy here." said Newport Reach 01amber of Commerce President Richard Luehrs. "That's a very high vis- ibility buiJding." · Primroi.e. operator of about two do7.en ~imilar resraurant$ in Southern California, is sched- uled to come before the Plan- ning Commi~ion on Feb. 20. Aysia IOI dosed m January 2002, after the Sept I !_,terrorist anacks chilJed patronage to the restaurant and club. which occu- pied the second and third Ooors. '01e new operators plan to <,ubdivide the second Ooor of the 290 I W. Coast I lighway building u110 6.000-and 5.500-square- foot spaces. The third floor. for- merly Ay-;ia IOl's nightclub, will be reused as office space. In Augusr. a Beverly Hills de- veloper bought the property un- der the development banner Waterfront Newport Beach LL.C. Ferdinand Fam purchased the parcel and a smaller property at Riverside Avenue and Avon Street to add additional parking. Together, officials expect about 250 stalls for the eateries and of- fices. The existing underground structure will be also used. Fam said he bought both properties, about 1.16 acres, for about $15 million. lie also plans to spend $3 million to gut the building. install a new roof, re- configure parking to add more stalls and put in new lighting. "It's going to look nice and new ... Fam said. "We're cleaning it out." The project doesn~ need City Council approval since Primrose isn't asking to change the zoning. That didn't stop Councilman Don Webb. whose district in- cludes Marine(s Mlle, from in- formally approving the eateries. "I'm very excited."' be said "We need a good set of ribs on the bay." 111 \lPI Ill I '" --l~l ( ·" ,·, ( \l\l'I I"-• . . . .. . to his other fake law firm in Las Vegas and surprised him at an apartment he was staying a1, she said. "The first thing he asked our agents ~ ·How did you find me?'" Masi,e said. "Well. he did a pretty good 1ob of fleeing. But the FRI has worked 11rele~'>Jy to get him into custody." Goldstein was actually on a c;upervised relea.'>e and on pro- bation after he was conv1c1ed of mail fraud in January 2000. I le wai. sentenced to 30 monthi. in federal prison. He served the time through March and was on supervised relea3e. during which Lime he is not pennitted 10 he in hu~iness for him'>elf. Masse said Goldstein opened up his "law firm" at 3345 New port Blvd. last ~urnmer. Sml'e then, he ha!> appeared in court on al lease six federal criminal rnat- ten;. ~ weU as nviJ and immigra- tion cases. she scud. Officiali. he- gan investigating him when employees of his "law firm" be- came '>Uspicious after '>l't'ing cl brief he filed on behalf of I lar- old Goldstein to modify the tenni. of his supervi~ release. "Ifs highly uncommon for someone to pose ai. an attor- ney," M~e said. "Did Gold- '>tein do well as an attorney? He M!emed to thmlc '>O, although other lawyers d1dn'r." Goldstein faces up 10 I 0 years in lederal pribon and will likely face additional l'harge'> and Lime on the newly d1s - rnvered Vegas practice and for becoming a fugitive from jus- tice. Ma'>..e l>al<i The commission approved a project in the 2500 block of ~ Santa Ana Avenue that mclude<i nine small lots of separate single-family homes with attached rwo-car garages and open parking in the driveway~ leading to thf garage'> WHAT rT MEANS: The 12 rental units will he demoli'>hed and replaced with the nine '>lngle-fam1ly home!>. .00 o/o Yield On Principal of Your .12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED l"-"I l<I IJ DI P< 1'-ol 1' (949) SX~-5711 ,\,,ur Ill' <.1' ol O:! II~ .:'I MP l'l'llJll\ rnr h1rh '>'1lhdrJ"' 8Jnlo. I Cl"' \IJ\ Rl'dU<:l' I .;rnini:' '\111 Ufkr 111 '>ell '>l'<:Urllll'' Slll.IXMI L1mll .::' l)'i" \1111u.1I l'.:rl·e11i.11tl Y1dd •Ill BJnlo. ~ I DI< ln,urcd '\c" CD Plu' h dclal\ ( J'h PJ)ml'nl Al lnccplollO Annullll'' Jb1111llcrcd hdclll\ dOJ l-Lf1 I <111111\ l'tall' ln,uram:c 'icl'Kl'' 1' 1l·llO\'>t).l<lf ""' 'krnlll'r' 11( r .:dl'ral Dq11 "1t ln~urJnct: ( 11rp.1ra11on providing more opporturuty for home ownership in the city. REHAB FACILIY CLIENT EXPANSION The commission derued a request by the owner of an alcohol/ drug reh.abilltauon facility in a residenuaJ neighborhood to expand the· n.umber :::rf clients it berv s from sue to nme. WHAT'rT · The facility now ha'> to reduce ' its clientele to !>ix to comply wnh the city code. The city 1s embroiled in a lawsuit with the facility for violating that code. The case 1s expecied to go to tnal in Jutte if the faliliry doe<> not comply. RETAIL BUILDING "lbe council unammou!.ly FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m., Feb. 24 • WHERE· City Hall, n ~air Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 approved d 21 -foot master plan 10 construct a buiJding on propeny prevtoui.ly occupied by a Mobil gas station on East 17th !>treet. A previous master plan for a 25-foot building had been approved by the 'i::omm.t~ion in 200 I, but the adjacent property owner appealed it. "lbe council then approved the plan with a reduced height of 18 feet, but <,ince construction da<.. not start within a year, the plan expired. WHAT IT MEANS: lne company can now build Its 2 I ·foo1 building. -OJ1np1led by Vt!irdre Newman NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 r-----------------~-------, (!J~ e~ dJ.<VUH. B~~ Certified Farmers' Market Costa Mesa Fairgrounds 88 Fair Drive ..... THURSDAY 9:00 AM -1 :00 PM "Flowers & Produce Directly from the Grower" Ro,eJ $1.00 OFF u.!;,;~~t, Minimum $'UJ() l'urr:h.is, f.xp1m 1-ebruart .r 1003 .J L------------------------- M Wealesday, Februaty 12, 2003 CROWD Continued from Al With the Redevelopment Agency-City Council members acting under a different tide - grossly underestimating the amount of people that wouJd up, its members were o postpone the m eeting based n the fire marshal's as- sessm ent. On Jan. 27, the Planning Com- mission approved the temporary boundaries. lncluding the new 40 acres, for an odd-shaped area roughly bordered by 15th Street. Whittier Avenue and West .19th Street . While the property owners were disappointed that the issue was poscponed, many said they were heartened by the robust turnout "The whole thing has been really qwet and getting people out and making the city aware that they have a constituency that doesn't like this is really good newi.." said Roger MacGre- gor, owner of MacGregor Yachts on Placentia Avenue. Many of the property owners oppose being included in the re- development zone because they do not feel their property is blighted. Blight Is gauged based on physical and economic crite- ria. If property is deemed blighted, it is vulnerable to the city talcing it through eminent domain. Westside property owners who are against the plan have mobi- lized opposition and created a Web site to spread the word about the city's ten tative plans. If the Re- developmenr Agency had ap- proved the preliminary bounda- ries Monday. it would have provided an imperu.s for the city to stan shap ing its vision of how to redevelop the area. a vision op- ponents charge is sorety laclcing. "The city has not come out and said what this is going to do for U!>, • MacGregor said. "What they're setting up is th.is elabo- rate strucrure that's gening locked in. It's like 'ready, fire, aim' and ir's terrorizing the h eU out of these people because all they see is the misery f of the plan!." Mayor Karen Robinson said she was impressed to see the magni- tude of concerned constiruents who turned up Monday night. "I was happy to see the turn- out," Robinson said. "This is an important process for the com - munity and wha t we want to know is what the community's thoughts are, so I was pleased to see the turnout.· • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmsn a,/st1mes com. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Arraignment postponed An arraignment for three teens accused of gang-rap- ing an unconscious 16-year- old girl in a Corona del Mar home last JuJy was contin- ued from Tuesday to March 14. Orange County Supe rior Court Judge Everett Dickey on Jan. 29 ruled there was sufficient evidence to order Gregory Haidl, 17. and Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann, both 18, to trial. The judge watched a 20-minute video tape the teens reportedly made that captured the inci- den t and h eard testimony from police detectives, as well as arguments from the prosecutor and seven de- fense attorneys represen ting the boys. The three lnland Valley teens -all 17 at the time - face 24 felony counts be- cause Dickey dismissed one count of digital penetration against each defendant. Haidl, son of Orange Counly Assistant Sheriff Don HaidJ, and Nachreiner face addi- tional enhancements for al- legedly inflicting great bodily injury to the victim and us- ing a deadly weapon -in POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Street Vandahsm was reported in the 3300 blodc at 5:46 p.m. Sunday. • Faltview Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2600 block at 3:25 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: A robbery was reported in the 2700 blodc at 9:17 p.m. Sunday. • Lombard Court; A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 block at 2:34 p.m. Sunday. No matter what you're doing. your hometOIMl new5!)clper ~ Daily Pilot MATH Help At TuToRING CLUB Offering Individualized Instruction • Ba5ic Math • Algebra • Geometry • Trigonometry • Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' STREET · COSTA MESA (comer ol lrvrne All9.) • @JlUIUllRAM1 • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality FurnishingJ & Ac:cessof'Us For Your R ome End Table (WOrt>icl • Gltll•>···············-·······················$931 ' Black Iron Wine Rack ................................... $100" Coft'ee Table rw• & GlmsJ .................................. $150- Wing Chair .............................. -......................... $150- Suede Sofa ....................•...••.........••.................. $4()()" Antique Table w/6 ChaJrs .............................. $550- Pine TV Armolre ............................................. u.sr 369 E. 17th Street # 10, Costa Me a, Localltd bdund Plum'• PatJO Phone (949)764-1746 PUBLIC SAFETY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Firefighters work to remove a trapped victim from a vehicle that was struck by a another vehicle in the 9600 block of Pacific Coast Highway at Orange Avenue on Tuesday. this case. a pool cue -to penetrale her. The teens are free on $100,000 baiJ each. Newport car collision ki lls Huntington man A man died and two women were hospitalized after their cars collided in the 9600 block o f West Coast I ligh way in Newport Reach at abou1 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Ralph Matson. 72, of Hun- tington Beach, wal> pro- noun ced dead at I loag I lo!>- pilal at I :26 p.m . Matson was driving west- bound on Coast I lighway • "Ptacentia ~venue: A burglary was reported m the '2100 block at 2 p.m Sunday • Wallace Avenue: Vandahsm was reported in the 2000 block at 7·25 a.m. Sunday •17th Street and Superior Avenue: A traffic accident involving m1uries was reported at 6:31 p.m. Sunday NEWPORT BEACH • Camelbadc Street: Vandalism was reported in the 1000 block at 9:54 a.m. Monday. • New port ~ter Drive East: when his car crossed the cen ter diVlder and struck head on a 1991 Jena driven by Kir iaki Kotsonas, 23. of Long Beach. Kotsonru. and her 26-year-old passenger were taken to Western Medi- cal Center in SanLa Ana to be ed for lacerations. frac- and sul>pected internal J es. The cause of death fo r Matson is under investiga- tion. Newp ort Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said that the man may have had a medical emergency that caused his 1993 Saturn sedan to cros~ into on coming traffic. Petty theft was reported In the 600 block at 1 :26 p.m. Monday. • Superior Avenue and Hospital Road: A fight was reported at 4:41 p.m. Monday •West 15th Street Banery was reported in the 800 block at 5:05 p.m. Monday • 16th Street: A hit-and-run was report.ed,ii;i the 1800 block at 7:41 p.m. Morlday. • 62nd Street: A prowler was reported in the 300 blodc at 3:57 a.m. Monday Presented by: THE LAW OFFICES OF JOHN E. TROMMALD CertJfiecl by m. Cehfomla State Bar as an Estate Planning Specialist As endonled by Larry Elder. KABC, AM 790 • Ellmlnate the &tate Taxi • Bypaaa Capital Gain Taxffl • Never go to probete court! • Avoid Long-Term care Cotti This pl"n 866-NO PROBATE lr.ivr~ no ( 866-66 7 · 7622) c;tonr untur nrd Laguna Hilla / Laguna Woodl: Tuesday, February 25th OBITUARY Donald Robert .. D.R." around the country, he returned 10 Orange County as the tom Segal pany's chief executive In 1979 National media mogul Donald He and his wife lived In the Roben "D.R.· Segal. who was same modest Corona del Mar more intimately Jcnown around home for the pa.st 24 year!>, Cameo Shores as the man wi~ where Segal enjoyed lo walk hi<, the sheepdog. died Tuesday 10 sheepdo~. nan1ed Oliver I. 11 his Corona del Mar home. He a~d IO. The journaHs t known for was 82 and had been ill with Alz-his wry wit also wrote a column helmer's disease. family rcpre-in the <?range County Register sentatives said. . abo~t tus canine quests. wh1ch Segal was the former president he titled ·Adventures with Oli and chief executive of Freedom ver, ~ hJs son saJd. Communications Inc.. which "I le wa'i Irreverent and en- owned 28 daily newspapers. in-joyed his col.umn and m any pco eluding the Orange Co~ty Reg-pie knew h~ for hh. colu111n, • ister, 37 weeklies and eight tele-Segal sal~. He was a ~ood l(\Jy vision stations. 111e Irvine-based and we will certainly JlllS'> him • and privately held company is I le is survived by wile K.tthryn the 12th largest newspaper chain *Kay". M>n Jonathan; dauK}lter in the narion. Officials recently Janet Crane; grandch1ldrrn voted against selling the com-Sh~non and . Sean Crant> Jnd pany. after much in-fighting. and Cassie and (h ns Segal voted to transfer ownership to Funeral arrdllgemenl!> are tw the fourth generation of share-ing handled by Pacific Vit>\\ \1e holder.. monal Park in Newpon Beach A After '>lepping down from ht!> memorial service wdl . be lwld 2 exe<'U tiw position, Segal re p m. Monday at St. M1chm·I dlld mained on the hoard a'> one of a AU Angels t-piscopaJ <htmh, handful of non-family member.,, 3233 Pacific View Dnve. C urcmd although he represented the del Mar ~or mo~t' 111form.11111n, lloiles family interf'sl. call C944l 644 -046 t I le hved in one of the v.ealthJ- l'~t counue~ in 1.he nauon. but famiJy member.. said he came from humble beginmng:. a' a neW1.paper man and retained hj:. unprctcntiou~ personality in light of the 'ocu:tal in9'Jences '>Urrounding him. "lie wa., very unlike Orange County folk.." .. on Jonathan <\egal '>a•d luc-.dav ~lie W'd<\ under- .,ltuHJtng and una....,ummg and relic.'t'nt In ~t'I mvolvt'd per.on- all} I It• \\d'> 1nvolvt'd m clvtL ma111•r,., hut 11111 on tht' .. ocil'I) tr.ul '*~·•' \\a\ m1roduced to Free- dom m 194 'i. "hen ht• lx'gan re portm~ .11 1he \Jnt.1 \na R«.>g1-;ter \ftN \\Orkmg Im v. J\ up the ranl'>. m \'(lrHIU'> nt'v..,room' ...., Put a bug in ~ some one's .,,. ' ear Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 HALLOCK George 0 . Born January 30, 1923 in Auburn, WA. Passed away J anuary 16, 2003 in Newport Beach. CA. He leaves to treasure his memory his wife of 55 years, Beverty Hallock; his sons Scott, Brett, and Guy; and 11 grandchildren. He will be missed by us all. -/ 11/1/ll ""' '"'' • The Daily Pilot welcome!. obituaries for residents or forrnP • residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beacti. If you want to hu 11< an obituary printed tn the P1lo1 a~k vour mortuary to fa>< us th e 1nformat1on at 194916464170 ''' 1 I the newsroom at 19491 764 4314 lt(l(}(l/lrt>/llM/.) WEINER, Aaron H. Aaron H. Welne<, MO, formally of Indio. CA died Feb ruary 3, 2003 at his Newport Beach home where he had resided for over 26 years. He was 96 years old. He was a graduate of City College of New Vor11 and Aberdeen Un1vers1ty. Scotland. For more than 30 years Or. Weiner practiced medicine tn Ind io where he established the Phys1c1an's Medical Center. He was ac11ve 1n the Coachella Masonic Lodge as Past Master and coach. He 1s survived by his devoted wife Munel of 58 years and his five children: Robert and his wife Arlene of Newport Beach; P aul of Sydney Australia; Mary Ruggles and her husband Ron of Santa Rosa; Sheila Weine<-Kahn and her husband Michael of Palm Spnngs; and Philip of Newport Beach. He is also survwed by eight grandchildren and one great g randchild. A private memorial service was held 2/9/03. The family would appreciate 1n lieu of flowers, a contnbution be made to your favorite charity In Doctor's memory. COLE, Helen Andrew 89 passed away at her resKlence, Tuesday, February 4. Born August 9, 1913 In Omak. Washington. Graduated Omak High School 1931, attended Cheney Nonnaf School. Mamed to N. Austin Cole Aug .. 1936, Omak. They moved to Newport ~each, CA in May 1950 where Helen managed Donaldson s Dept. Store In Balboa. a position she held for 40 years, until her retirement in 1990. Upon Austin's death in 1963 she purchased a home in Montioello, Costa Mesa. where she resided until her death. She was a member of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church where she did volunteer wont and served on severaJ committees. Also a member of the Newport Harbor Business and Professional Women, serving as its' Pf'9Sldent for two tenns· and volunttered at the Laubach Literacy Program. ' She Is survived by her brother Richard H. Andrew and sJster-ln· law Mary Lou Andrew of Lake Parit, Georgia; niece Carol J ohnson of Benton Halbor, Michigan, Niece Susan Andrew Mosher of Lake Arrowhead; nephew Richard W. Andrew of Valdosta. GA; and ttwee great nieces and nephews. Helen's memorial service will be held at St. And rew's Presbyterian Church Friday, Feb. 28, 11 am. STURDEVANT, Clayton R. Clayton R. Sturdevant pHaed a way peacefutly Thursday, February 6th. He WU born In Pasadena In 1920. His grandfather, QrMdmother, mother and father wn rlllftors. During WOl'td Wat 11 he MtVed honorabfY In the Navy returning to achoo! after. Ht attended Pasact.na City Co1ege. U.S.C., and Sci .t-.. eventually graduated with a Bachelor of enc. -.-_-In Mechanical Engineering from Cat Tech. Cum Laude, and Tau Beta Pl (Phi Beta Cappa equivalent). Clayton ~=:it ~~~tlon and wu ultlmetlfy emptoy9d by -~-....-"'until r9tlttment. ye:_ ~~lv':, ::= ;n: trav .. lng whh Jutit , his wW. of 59 ~ family Ht wu a Wondlrtul '· '° ltalnch and ow to htl wlf9 Md In Mela Verde (Cotta M~~l:r~ ~~ = :.':'~~unity, doing tvetythlng right wtth God, ff/lfttf ... kept In cJo .. contact with hla twtn ...____ ........._.. of twtn doMneea. ~. c. vtctor. ·-- ... i.vtie hla wife JUiie; ct.uatrtera Julllne ~ ....n. Rance, Suanne Sc>enMr, ancJ ton-In-law ~-• grw~ .. and Na twin btother. c ua......-.;. ~ ..,......_. ... TM~ are...._._ • .... ""._ "'· In '*' of ....... _, ~ Sodlty. • nowera, donalOna CM bt rnao. to the a.yton ==-~ ~ ... to the 8oy Scouta of NMftca. ., CM92e28. Dady Ptlot Wedoesda, F etJr uary 1 A5 l FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Lett9ra: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Darty Pilot, 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Ruden Hotjlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax· Send to 19491 646 4170 E-mail: Send to dsilypilot@llstlmos.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verif1Cation purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edrt all submissions for clarity anc1 length PROANO CON LETTER TO THE EDITOR Stories reveal values, climate Should Costa Mesa commissioners be . . I fowu.I the Juxtapo'>lli.on of 1wo Morit:S m the Jan 29 paper 10 be quile rt>wahng abou1 the curren1 '>I ale of value<-. ui the area. appointed directly by City Council members? One '>tory uwolvt>d polJUddll'> objecung 10 the home delivery of \\1nr and Ix-er with p11.J.a order'>, and the other mvolVt'd the enthu..,1a'>IJC response by area con~en to Pn.~1den1 Hu~h\ \1a1e of the Union add~' pu~tting LI'> ever clo-.er 10 wc.11. Why i\ 11 that local pohuc1an!> object 10 adults dnnking a beer (or many) with their p1.Z.1..a m tht• pnvat:y of their own home? Whal kind of puritarucaJ oh~ion 1 .. tht!>? h 11 1h.i1 they find dnnking w he ob..ccnc.\ indecent or immor.tl? Even the police dl'partmelll, t-ver worried about evcrytlung. had no objecuon<> to .,ud1 a minor proposal. Hui of lOUr.e when 11 com~ 111 the mo'>I ob-.<:enc. vulgar and pointles.<> aetJv11y that we a' human bem~ engage m well -our pohuoan~ have nothing hul unquaWied. un~1oned 'uppon. We need to~ that a'> .i romrnunny we dfe sanctiomng the death of hundred'>. il not 1how..md!>. of lraq1 c1villiUl., .md l ountl~ numbe,.., of Arnencan and Iraqi '>Oldlel"i m a rnmmg war while ge1ung our.el\ll'\ Into a hiss.ey ah<1u1 netghbol"\ who w.mt to gt•I up-.y while they eal pin.a and watch tht: La.kel"\. If the-.c politman'> truly repre'>t'nt the area, then I .,uppo-.c I am in the mmonty, bu1 if 1101. let\ get these polit1ciaru. out of oflke and reas.'>t"SS what tmly should be re<.uided. Beer or war7 You choose. ROBERT FAY Costa Mesa PRO Yes, it's why we elected members I f we wanted truly mdependent planning and parks and recreation commissioner~. we'd directJy elect I hem as we do the City < .ouncil members. Instead, we only elect Ciry Council member'>. Informed people \ote for City Council members '11.t'led on what 1he candidale!> ' 1y they will do for the ciry. 1 1nce they're elected. one of lie ways the elected City ' 1unciJ m embers can be • 11ecuve in carrying our their 1~cndas i!. by bringing their 11·am"' into office wi1h them 111 Costa Mesa. there are few .pportunities for bringing an 111'> t~am. 1 he rwo mO'>I 1rnportan1 are these 1wo 11mm1~ions In rhe pasr, the Planning 1 ornm1ssion was largely under 'ht• radar of mosr re'>ident'> of < u'>la Me<>a and fe'>' people 1·ver attended their meeting'> 'ltamng with 1he nse of thl' Improvement movement about three years ago. 1h1'i changed. Now. many acll\1!:.h anend all Planning Commission meetings and &peak m favor of 1hose thtng!> that they see as being good for Costa Mesa and against 1hose things 1hat they see as being bad for Costa Mesa. The Park.<. aJtd Recreation Comm1 ... sion " still under the radar. but I predict this is going to end th•~ year. It has 10, because many of the steaJth programs that are dnvrng Lo,ta Mesa down are originating m the Pclrb and Recrea11on Department, and i1 as the Park'> .mt.I Reuea11on ( omm1'>\loner' who have first over\lgh1 on this If '>Onlt! re.,1den1' are '>1111 perplexed and think 1ha1 1he comm1<>.,1oner\ '>hould truly he mdepende111, I would suggest that they con..,1der how 11's done at the national l1:vcl. When we elect a prc.,1dt'nt, we don'1 then lie h1~ hand& by filling the bureaucracy with people who!'.e ideas arc d1ffrrl'nt than hi ... If the pre.,.c.Jent want!'. to ge1 anything done. he need'> people whu view the world the .. amt' way hP doc.,, and who will t<1rry ou1 1he pre'>ide11f~ agenda rha1\ why every president bring<> in his own people in important pos1t1on~. Now, for thl' un1ni11ated, m our loca.I government. the clo'>e!>t analog wt• ha\.e to the pre-.1den1 of the lJ \ '' the full < 11y C.ounul I .... ant thr < ounul mt'mhN'> who Wl'rt' 1he per.,onaficauons of the agt'nda I '>Upponed to he effectivl' and for thl'> n•a.,on I '>Uppurt aJIO\\.lllg them the opponunn~ ru appoint rho'>e who will l·arry ou1 1hese agenda\ ~TIN MILLARD Cn'>la Mesa CON No, the opportunity for abu~c i. too great 0 n ~unday. the Daily Pilot puhlt\hl'd an editorial on how C o'ta Mesa Clean, Comtorfllble, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Seim-Private for Men &. Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pllates Studio & Mat Ctasaee • SPINNING Theater-llcenMd • 16 Full llme Pensona.I Tralnef'a • Child Care Sam· noon M • F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch claaHa • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Cant • Shape-Up Phyelcal Therapy Center • Permanent Mak•UP • snap..Up Hair Ca,. AcupuncturWAcupfMIU'9 w ....... Ctlnlc Planning Comm1~st0ner~ should be appointed. which supports the council dec1!>1on 10 appoint those positions directJy. The editors postulate 1ha1 the direct appointment ~good because it wlll ehmmate disagreements between rhe City Council and Planning Commission, in particular. I fail to see how the residents of thi'> city are well served by rutlber s1amp commi~sioner'>, afraid 10 expand the debate of important issues because they ··.,erve a1 the pleasure" of lheir benefactor and could be "fired" for any reason -or no rea~on at all. Recent history showc; U\ that some of the current council members w1ll 1ump al the opportunity 10 exercise undue power. How b this good for the city? The editors also state tht.11 1h1s system will "hold the council member'> -and indirectly. voters -more accoun1able. ·Ye!>. the performance of an 1nd1v1dual commissioner can be directly 1raced to the council membN who appointed that commissioner. However, while the commissioner can be fired quickly by the council member we, the voters. don'1 have 1he same solution available to us with the council members. We are forced to wail for an election or launch a recall campaign. Neither is a quick solution. In the meantime, significant. Enter to WIN one of 5 prize packages! long term damage ran he done by a wumil and commt'>'>lon<; runmng amu(k I ht'>" partt<Ularly relevant ....11h "Jaml' dud~.~ counul member., lho,t• who l an nul or will nor bt' runnmg for re elt•l tllrn -l'ager 10 "'leaH· their mark ' un rhe comm111111y rhe image of ..,addam llu-..,e1n '>t'llmg fire to rhr Kuwa111 oil field' a'> 111 ... troop' retrl·ated m 1he earh 1990'> come'> to mmd. I he editor'> argue 1ha1 lht' ci1i1en!> need IO he mun· re!>pon.,1ble wht•n entering the voting booth, .,1ncc they will ht• elct:ting "'tt>am'>." nor lll'-1 counul mt•mber., While 1hat may be rrue. the make up of tho'e team., I'> un~rHJ\\ n at elec11on 11mt· Onf\ afll•r rht• council member'' in plate dot•<, the tomm1• ... 1on .. t'lec11on proce'>'> begin <.,1m e r lwre .Ht' no quahf1ca11on' to ht• met h\ • romm1'>'>1oner., other than whatever l rllena each 111d1v1dual touncll per'>on hil'> in mind. anyone l ould be placed on the comml'>'>iom unc:halll•ngl'd In vear'> pa,1 and pre'>enr rhe lOrnrn1<,-.1on .. have been made up predominantly of well t•dulaled, well qualified. comerned c1111en-. I m afraid 1h1., deu.,ion may d.-.courage many highly m1111va1cd, highly qualified poten11al tand1date-. for rhe'>e comm1c;s1on., from to'>'>tng their hat!> 11110 the ring <.,111ce counul member' h..t\ e frequently .,prung_f rom rhe.,e lco Mexican Rcstau & Hollywood Video Dinner and Bowlin 'ck Up Stix & Kona Lnncs Lunch for •Gina's Pizza & Paswia Submarina • Souplantal.J Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Sln1" C09fl• "" ..... .,,, ..... ~ c..c-.,,.. - 1N1 • 650 °'"" C.C.-Dr,. W.. tJO • C... ....._CA t'MJ6 ,......,.__,.r... __ ,......,......,.....,n._ po,1111111,, 111 till' IU!lll• Illa\ ht• lt•ll Ill'' 11 I I ,, t 'ldrl' ol h.1lll't r.. r h111111ld .. 1•r' \'tlhn~ 1 I the '>'Ill 11l 1h1·11111r1 I 1r1 I ht''-l' t 11111•, r rl I l r1n,lrJ1111, It\\ •• d > 'l'n\l', f111lll\\llJ~' lh rl JI 1111 lli I ltnt' of l11g11 11 '"''"" 11J1il1 t tilt' lOlllllll"llll ~ I jllf I lrl JnJ allm\ lht 11 11111 ti lllt'lflhl'f'-111111.1~1• .ill 1111 dr·n,11111' pri \11111,I\ J, 11·~· It • w 1 hern In lw, I 1111111 1 11 tht' '>illllt' 111.nl '- w . .11~' 111d.l\ GEOFF WEST .. Fast f ramt> Gina ' Pi11a & Pa taria Juice It l p! KB Toy Kona Lane Pick Up . ti • · \I 't M Wednesday, febnJa,y 12, 2003 CRIME Cootinoed from Al •We performed crime analysis almost on a dally basis," he said. Warnack said he meets with the three Costa Mesa area com- manders every day to discuss how to use their resources. MEach commander was given the authority to deploy officers as they saw fit," he said. "We call it directed patrol." One area they are still trying to improve in are vehicle burglaries, which appear to be on the in- crease, Warnack said. "We've set up several neigh- borhood watches," he said. "The IS~D Continued from Al benefit from the donated island, which is about 50 miles north of Vancouver. "It was really exciting when it came down to the end," Bennen said. MWhat we sort of visualize is to do some programs in the summer 2004 (semester) that would sort of be like a study abroad program," Bennett said. While the college, in an effort to meet its required budget cuts, has begun looking into suspend- ing Its study abroad programs for the 2003-04 school year, officials don't see the school's cutbacks Coming into play here. ln fact, commwlity has been very co- operative and we o~ our suc- cess to everybody in the depart· ment who has worked v~ry hard to make it happen." The state report only focused on cities with populations of 100,000 or greater. Statewide, 'Islands have a way of certainly striking the imagination and it's certainly done it w ith us.' Brad Avery Dtrector of the School of Salling and Seamanship the college is also looking into partnering with schools in Can- ada to help fund the new pro· grams and the island's mainte- nance. Since the maintenance cost of the island, which officials sus- pect will fall between $30,000 to $50,000 per year, will be covered by the School of Salling and Sea- manship in addition to the ma- jority of courses created with the Hove you ever See n your window Smi le? LUMINElTE , , ... • c ., ~ , t • ~. lummette Puvocy Sheer~ filter l19h1 throogh ~I lobioc vones h1ddPn ony:ing the fC\lds of dmrc. ~hee·~ Sf~ rhem at your loco! dP<JIPr ~ALDEN'S FLOOR CoVERING AND CUSTOM WrNDOW CoVERJNGS 1663 Placentia,<osta Mesa 949-646-4838 ~·~ • t I • • • f a I I t t I I WHCIE U EAT IOOMS IE,11 C Hutllef OouQln Int 9 AeQlsllf9CI lrldemalt al HIAll1e! ()ojigUs Inc -I 81 10I 373 317 1982 ~··· 0 -19 -2fS.I ... -13.6 3.8 crime increased 5.3%. Violent crimes rose 0.89f> and property crimes upped 7.9%. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at 1949) 574-4226 or deepa.bharath@latimes.com. island in mind, OCCs budget cri- sis won't play much of a role. The most significant role will be the one the island will play in the college's marine science and sailing programs. "I thlnlt for the marine science students, it gives them a chance to do somethjng really special that maybe you can only do al a four-year university,· Bennen said. "I think for the (School of Sailing and Seamanship), it gives them a chance to broaden their program. It just shows that we're at the edge of sailing and marine science education." • CHRISTINE CARRIUO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carri/lo@lstimes.com. ALLOWED Continued from Al Crom a levelheaded publk: oflldaJ · into a demanding. power-abusing politioian. All over town reports spread about Robinson and her~ request for a police escort because she WM late for an appointment Whispers were shared, off the recon:I sources called in. jokes were made and the mayor's reasonable query about the pos&bllity of gaining special acces.s to a huge1regjonal event - to which she WM invited - turned into a tale of egotistical · poWer mongering. Al the end of the grapevine, Robinson had asked for a Code Blue -reserved for life or death situations only-and wanted lights Oashing and sirens blaring to make sure she WM on time. "It wasn't that w.sy at all.· Robinson said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "Ohmigosh, now I am starting to understand how these things wort.· · The real story is Uili: For the past two years. the kickoff of the three-day Tet festival and the Santa Ana Black I listory Month Parade have falJen on the same day. And for the past two years. Robinson has been invited to both events. Robinson~ who is notoriously busy, visits Santa Ana in the morning and heads to Garden Grove in the afternoon. If you know anything about the .. ..., (';. . ~ Heart bous • oz. t.o 6 lb.. Gift-wrapped aaortments Uniqu~ novelties And much more! Tet resdvali you knoW it is huge. Streets are blocked otJ. dozens or polk:e guard the pertmeter and many notable public figureS attend Gov. Qay Davis was reported to be there this year. •No one can avoid tbal traffic.· Robinson said. "It is abf;olutely nooes.wy to get some kind of help to get in there. You would never make it without il. Last year, Robinson was luck>: enough to ride in on the coat tails of another local mayor's police escort but this year, she found herself stuck at the outskirts just ·· minutes before she was seheduled to make her appearance. Robinson said she caUed Costa· ·Mesa dispatch to see if someone at the city's Police Department , • could put in a courtesy call to the Garden Grove or Westminster police (who were both providing security) to get someone to help her get inside. "I don't want anybody to get the wrong impres.sion that I was trying to misuse police resources.· Robinson said "I was merely trying to find out the protocol for letting another police department know r was present so someone could mOl/e a cone or something.· By the time her call was routed from dispatch to the front deslc to the watch commander. Robinson had already gained access lo the event. "As soon as I flashed my card to the guy. he said, 'Oh, Mayor Robinson. right this way,'" she said So, the gossip was accurate in the fact that we have Robinson in Daily Pilot 1 a buny and something to do with police. Thtn comes the rumor portion o( the suburban legend. 111 admit. I wasn't above the gossip. I was right in the fray. salivating over such a perfect column topic. prom~ my fellow reporters to confirm the oews and write a story. I even stayed late Monday to finWi my Wednesday column because 1 W"cl\ "on a roll." How could a politician be ll<I self-consumed to have the audacity to ask for a -police et.cort. I thbugbt? I remember turning to my colleague and saying. "Thi~ ib great You can't ma1ce this stuff up." :lh.lth is, yo~ can. 'Ih.tth is, Robinson wa,<, not abusing her power. And the saddest truth lies in how energized people can get (my-.cll included) when they Wclllt to believe the worst in people. 'IhJth is. we should all be relieved to lcnow it's not true Hopefully the facts will spread .t.~ quickly as the fiction but I doubt tL It's ju.st not as fun. • 1 t is really interesting to lcno.,, how this got out to anyone, con.sidering this was a call from the mayor to the city Police Department.· Robimon said MHu1 now I lcnow and I'll be more careful next time.· • LburA HARPER wrrtes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays and covers culture and tho arts ShP may be reached at (9491 574-4275 or oy e-mailat lofita harper " latimes com J!~ Re s t auran t Establlsneo 1n 1962 .. "Quality Seni~0 • ... Ni Entcrtainmcnr .. • • HARDWOOD • LNllHATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TU • VINYL R.OORING ·~~!~ f.ijt11Hih:.J \OLAR IA,_ I:"(![~· 'Jl4• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!!1!.. $149 from 1q• -IQ• Tra~ 18" x 18" ........................................................ '4.29 ., CerclAlic Tiie ...................................................... lStlllld ttrn "'" '° ~ l.arnilate Wood .............................................. 1S1111110 m '4.99 '° ~ HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? , 'W' ROLEX BLACKMAN LTD. i fi: JEWELERS ...... ~· 1 Vt0 ()pof1o, Newport e.och 9~9-613·9334 QUOTE OF THE DAY "That's the whole season. No breaks. No breaks, at all." Jason Sorrell, Newport Harbor girls soccer coach Daily Pilot HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL F . ' · ert1g s hiring lauded Despite his impressive credentials, many believe quick Eagles' turnaround may be too much to ask. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA Coaching colleagues were among those who gave Craig Fertig. hired Mon-day 10 coach the Estancia High football learn, a nnging endorsemen1 as he takes over a program thal was I 18 the lasl IWO se'dSOnS. And while some cautioned those who believe Fert:ig's pr~nce will rcs1ore the Eagles 10 the top competittve echelon ovemigh1. all agree the program is for- 1unate 10 have someone with the former Oregon Staie head coach and longtime Craig Fertig . u~ assislant\ ex- perience and back- ground. ·When (l-.s1anda Principal Tom An1al) introduced tum 10 the playen.. everyone was amv.ed al his background,· said Mike Cahill, a run· ning back and line· backer who will be a seruor next ~n. ·1 wondered why he was coming to Estancia. because It -.eems like be belong' a1 Florida State.· Paul Salata. a former USC football star who played an the NFL and has been a leading Ttojarr boos1er in an area teem· mg with CardinaJ and Gold alumni and supporter;, said Fert1g's hinng brough1 10 mind the tenure of Mike Giddings at Newport Harbor. ·1 lhink11\ a neat idea for h1g:h school football in general and for Estanaa an particular." Salata said. ·1 think. he'll do a good job. After all, it worked for Gid· dmgs." Giddings. a defensive coordinator for uses 1962 national cf:lamp1onship team. who later was an as.sLo;tant with the San Francisco 49ers and. in 1974, was the head coach of the Hawaii Ha- waiians in the old World Football League, coached Newport Harbor's var- sity to at least a share of three league ti· tJes in four seasons (1982-85). Giddings. who still runs the pro football scouting service he founded in 19n. coached one season at USC with Fertig. ·The one thing I can 1eU Craig is that the feelings -the same highs when you win and the same lows when you lose, the excitement of getting ready and the preparation all week -are exactly the same at the hfgh school level as any other level of football,· Giddings said. HI believe high school is very similar to the pros in the sense that if the players be· lieve in you and you have their atten- tion, you've got a chance to succeed. "Strategy wise, you don't have as much time to do things in high school as you do at other levels. But, li.lce the old cUch~ we've heard 1.000 times. foot· ball games are still w0n by blocld.ng and tack.ling.. Giddings believes the Eagles will ben· efit from Fertig's teaching skills. ·He was drafted in 1965 out of USC by Pittsburgh and they gave him a lgning bonus,• Giddings recalled. "But I re- member (John McKay) telling Craig he'd make a pretty good coach, so he never went to Pittsburgh. He even sent his signing bonus back. "I have five trick plays for him if be needstbem.· ... · Rod Sherman, linked with Fertig ln Trojan football lore after catching Fer- tig's game-winning touchdown pass i.n the closing minutes of a 20-17 upset of unbeaten and top·ranked Notre Dame in the Fertig's last college game, was pleased to learn his former teammate was retum1na to the s!dellne. "'The great ones don't loee it and I ~ Ueve Craig ls a great one,· Sherman said. "Craig wu a teacher, even when he as a playe-. He was a unifyillg force u a quutem.ck at USC. Rrprdlesa ot the level of athJedc:a. there are ep Involved and. perhapt, more than anyone elae I played wttb. Craig WU a guy who could blend. mote ep toward • common pl. My onty concern. u a fellow red- SM mtTIQ. ..... At •: EYEOPENER Daily~PikX Sparil .... fl,.... ,_ ..... __ F tbtUll'y I 7 hoootee JOHANN APPEU Spor1s Editor Roger Canson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Wednesday, Februaty 12. 2003 A7 DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH SEAN HILLER /OM.Y PILOT UC Irvine's standout swimmer Lara B1argardott1r. a freshman With frve school rec0<ds already in hand, is the Daily Pilot's College Athlete of the Month f0< January. UC Irvine freshman stirring up the tub with one record after another. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ANTl::.AnR AQUATIC COMPLEX - Whether it be in Orange County or across the Atlantic Ocean in her native Iceland, 21 -year-old UC Irvine swim· ming sensation l..ara Bjargardou.ir swims fast, very fas1. ln her freshman season with the Ant· eaters and coming up on only her fifth month in the sta tes. Bjargardottir has already swam to stardom. ln a vic1ory over Cal State Northridge January 25 Bjargardottir broke her fifth school re· cord of the season with a 2: 19.34 in the 200-yard breaststroke while also win· nang the 200 individuaJ medley in 2:07.00. Bjargardottlr has broken five of the 'Eaters' six school records in the young season that include the 200 free (1:52.47), 500 free (4:54.33), 200 IM (2:05.44) and 400 IM (4:25.73). Team· mate Molly Donelan holds the school record in the 200 Oy (2:08.07). and her ttme or 2.08.31 set m a dual meet againc;t Utah broke the oldest school record al UCL Bjargardonir and Donelan, along with o;ophomore Oieryl Jennings and Semah Zavareh, broke the school re- cord in the 800 free relay with a 7:46.36. which eclipsed the old record - 7:48.35 -set in 1990. Needless to ~y Bjargardottir spea.lcs humbly of her early success. ·1 owe it 10 training well. having a posiuve attitude and having good coaches and good teammates.· Bjar- gardou ir said througn her Icelandic ac- cent. "I have great teammates and feel lucky 10 have met them. Ir's amazing how many new fri ends I've made." Bjargardottir is making the transition from her native home -Reykjavik.. Ice· land -fairly smoothly, having already learned English growing up. "I'm aJmost ashamed of how I don't feel homesick a1 all.· Bjargardottir said. ·1 really Wee the weather here. Of course there are things 1 miss. but I reaJly like It here.• She lives on campus and hasn't de- cided on a major yet. She has favored lndividuaJ sports, competin g in track and field and swimming growing up. "My mom (Bjorg Gonsbottir) always had me at the pool.· Bjargardottir said. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK "She just sent me to practice and I've been swimming ever since.· Bjargardottir has been swimming since she was 7 years old, participating in swim clubs. As fate would have it, an Orange County swim club -the Mission Viejo Nadadores -is how Bjargardottir first learned about u a. ·1 attended a training camp and Coach Bill Rose told me about the team and helped me contact tt and 11 went from there,· Bjargardottir said. First-year head coach Brian Pajer didn't partic1pa1e much in recruiung Bjargardottir but once he looked at her resume that includes competing in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, he knew he had a rising star. ·1 saw her times and knew she would have a big impact on our team this year.· Pajer said. Bjargardottir firushed 36th in the 100 free and 27th an the 200 free m Sydney. As for the 2004 Games in Athens. Greece. Bjargardottir said she is mak· ing plans and as deciding what events to enter. She thinks those will be the 200 free and 100 free. Of her records, she said the most re· warding came in the 200 breaststroke. ·That hasn't been my main evmt and I bawn't swam that one that often," Bjargardottir said. Pajer and Bja.rganiottir will make a decision ln the next few weeks about which events Bjargardottir will com- pete ln at the conference finals. SWl.m· mers a.re only allowed to race in three events at the conference finals. Bjarpr- dottir usually competes in five to sh GOLF Toshiba commits to Classic for an additional three years. Champ ion s Tour at Newport Beach te remain linked with Hoag Hospital through 2006 event. OYef $4.7 mlWoo for the 10eblbe Senior a..sc. wNc:b • be ~ b the :_ 1~ TOSHIBA 'fcl tn<a new CUObilCl ._. ..... the ....... 1bt 0-4W. lbur ii tbt larmlr SID- kw PG\ lbur.. _..,., ...... J Al Wechsday, February 12, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL GIRL.S SOCCER I Perfecti on Mesa wraps up Golden West League championship run with 12-0-0 record. lbeCosta Mesa High gids soc- cer team completed the most successful regular season in the pf'08'8Jll's history by trouncing ·'·Golden West League visitor Santi Ana. 6-0, Tuesday. The Mustangs (18-1-2, 12·0-0 ln league), capped their first league ·championship with a perfflct Golden West run, ex· tending their winning streak to 13 games and their unbeaten streak to 18. The 18 wins this season are a school record, three · m~ than the previous stand· ant. Mesa. ranked No. 2 in ClF Southern Section Division m, had two goals from Vera Gale agalosc the Saints, as well as solo tallies by Nmali Duarte, Sharon Day, Rachel Hughes and Jenny Spub. ~ added two assists, as did Day and Rachel Ronquillo. Kindra Bailey made two saves for the Mustangs. who are off until they open the postseason next week. Costa Mesa outscored Golden West League foes, 78-2, this sea- son. 5·0, in an Academy League girls soccer contest Tuesday. Sophomore Amy Werblin had cwo goals for the winners, who received one goal each from freshman Katie McJGtterick. jun· ior Megan Curry and freShman • GllUS SOCCER: Corona det Sara Becker. Mar High's girls were 5-0 winner Sophomore goalie Laura Gor- . ovet Pacific Coast Leag\Je foe don bad two saves in the first Calvary Cl'lapel on the winner's , palf. while Casey McMackin had field Tuesday. one in the final 40 minutes for Alisha Morgan scored twice, the Lightning (4-13-0, 3-6-0 in once from an assist from Alivia league) Mazura, and another unassisted Whitney fell to 0-12· 1, 0-8·0. in the first 12 minutes, and cwo Sage Hill completes its season minutes later Jenny Long scored '11lurs<lay at Oxford Academy. off a Paige Janes assist to put the decision in a virtual lock. Janes got the fourth goal off an assist from Mazura, and Kelly Morgan drove home the finaJ goal as CdM improved to 10-4-2, 7-1·1 in league. Calvary 01.apel feU to 6-12· l, 0-9. Goaltender Ta- nisha Senaratne had two saves in recording the shutouL Cd.M is at Northwood TI1Urs- day afternoon in a title show- down. •GIRLS SOCCER: Sage Hill School blanked visiting Whitney. • BOYS SOCCER: Sage Hill School tied host Whitney, 1-1. Tuesday in an Academy League boys soccer game. Freshman Z.ach Milder scored the goal for Sage Hill (8·5-5, 2· 3-4 in league). which entered the game tied with Brethren 01.ris- tian for fourth place in league. Sophomore Ethan Tanney made five saves for the Light· ning. Whitney (8-6-2, 4-3-2) re- ceived its goal from Artie Flores, as well as eight saves by nm Lee. Sailors bow out Woodbridge turns tide with save on penalty kick en route to 3-0 victory. NEWPORT BEACH -The story of Newport Harbor High's season was displayed in one play that proved to be the turn· ing point in a crucial Sea View League girls soccer game be- t\\ftn the Sailors and visiting Woodbridgl( Tuesday. I Newport senior Amy Burling- ham, who had been 6 for 6 on penalty kicks this season. had • Woodbridge Newport 3 0 her PK blocked early in the, second half by goalie Kaela Decou.The momen- tum-swing- ing save gave way to the Warri- ors' 3-0 vie- . tory that knocked the Sailors out of the CIF Playoffs. Newport needed to win to force a tie-breaker game for the league's third spot. Deeou, who played a brilliant game, simply guessed right when Burlingham fired her penalty shot in the 57th minute with Newport trailing. l -0. OeCou recorded eight saves on a muddy field amid sporadic rain. ~No breaks." Newport Coach Jason Sorrell said in reference to the Sailors' season. Sorrell said the Sailors (5- 10-7, 3-4-3) lost in the last min- ute in games against El Toro, Es- peranza. Irvine and Wood- bridge this season. "We had those games where we should .be there and we just can't fmlsh games off," Sorrell said. "That's the whole season. No breaks. No breaks, at all." The Warriors (5-2-3 In league) sloshed their way to a goal in the 10th minute, as Danielle Shank finished a cross from her teammate, Anna Carena. New- port had controlled the game for the most part, and then in the opening 10 minutes of the second half. the Sailors domi- nated. Burlingham. as well as fresh- man Amy IClippert and senior DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport's Amy Burlingham collides with Woodbridge opponent as they try to catch up with loo se ball in Newport zone. Kate Younglove came up with viable shots on goal. but the strikes would fade wide or DeCou would be there for the stop. Then, Burlingham, who will play for the University of Texas next season, drew a foul in the box to give Newport a chance to tie. Burlingham shot to her left, and DeCou dived and slapped away the ball with two hands. Immediately after BurUng- harn's shot, a referee blew his whistle and gave the ball to Woodbridge because he said a Newport player encroached toward the net, which was il- legal. 1Wo minutes later, Wood· bridge scored. The Warriors se- cured the wtn, scoring another COLLEGE GOLF goal with five minutes left. "fl was just one of those gam es and it wasn't meant to be," Sorrell said. "That (save) definitely swung the momen - tum. If we had scored it would have definitely given us a spark. Their keeper did a fabulous job. But it wasn't meant to be. If I had to pick one player for that kick., (Burlingham) would be the player I would pick. " Newport had onJy two play- ers protecting the back during most of the second half. The Sailors, led by their seniors Burlingham. Younglove, Taryn Flamson, Andi Sarris and lTicia Orth, attacked, yet to no avafi. KJippert and junior Barbara Julian also gave the Sailoni scor- ing chances, Anteaters runners -up Two-day invitational at Big Canyon CC. NEWPORT B&\CH -UC ~e malncalned ttt ftrat· day leed and won the dwnpl· o!'lhfp of the 23rd annual Ant· eater Meni Goll kWttatlonal at Big c.n,on Countiy Oub ln ~ach 1\tesday. The I ftnJabed with a 54- h o( 874, lndudtng • team......, of IOI In Che ratn-de- tayed Md round. UC 1mne nm.bed eecond wttb • ~ totll of 892 f and UTEP was third at 895 In the 11-team 6eld. UTEP's Cluis Ba- ryla won medalist honors with a 3·under total of 213, including M even·par 72 ln the final round. Erle Richie of UC RJvers.lde and Dan Swansoo of lfl"EP tied for second at 216. No one fn the 60-plsyer ftcld broke par Tuesday as Riehle was the only other player to &hoot a 72 In the last round. UCI junJor VlnnJc Ponclno flnbhed seventh at 220 aft ran- naJ round of76. Senion Jeff Coburn and Ryal) Armstrong tied for 15th place at 225, as Armstrong shot n and Coburn 79 Tuesday. Pre3hman Ryne RindneJsch shot 75 tn the final round and flaished 19th at 226 and freshman Jay Oloe alto &hot a 75 to place 31st at 232. Playtng u lndMdualt. Ryan Cole shot 80 to 6nlth •7th at 238, WUl Park also lhot an 80 Tuesd4y to place 54th at 2AO and Nick Mbrock h3d an 88 to flnilh 56lh al 242. UC Irvine 11 Idle from COITllpe-'. tldon until the Stevtn.on Ranch trwltatiunal ln Turlock Maid\ 24-25. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL CdMjust • • misses 1n overtime Despite loss, the Sea Kings remain jn third -place in the PCL race. The Corona del Mar High boys basketball team was outscored, 15-7, in overtime as visiting Cal- vary 01.apel claimed a 68-60 Pa- cific Coast League upset victory Tuesday. The loss dropped CdM to 11- 14, 4-5 in league, but it remains a game ahead of fourth-place Te- soro, which fell to last-place La- guna Beach, 66-55, Tuesday. CdM visits league-leading Northwood Thursday, while Te- soro is at Calvary Olapel Should CdM lose and Tesoro win, a third-place tie would ensue, forc- ing a playoff Friday to detennine the league's third guaranteed playoff qualifier. Sage Hill falls, 53-45 •BOYS: Sage Hill School dropped a 53-45 Academy League boys basketball deci- sion Tuesday, but received some good news in its quest for one of the league's three guar-. anteed CfF Southern Section playoff berths. , Fourth-place Brethren 01.ris- tian, which entered the week. one gam e behind the Lightning, lost, 36-35, to Oxford Academy Tuesday. Now, Sage Hill, which lost a thir'{j-place playoff game with Brethren 01.ristian a year ago. could earn its first CIF berth by beating Oxford (2· 7 in league) Thursday at Sage Hill. The Lightning (9· 13, 4-5 in league) was led by senior Michael Fitz· hugh's 17 points and 14 re- bounds Tuesday. Kevin Joyce added 16 for Sage Hill, but the Lightning saw a halftime tie vanish due to Whit· ney's strong third quarter. Mustangs win, 48-38 •GIRLS: Costa Mesa High's Mustangs clinched no worse than a tie for third place and guaranteed themselves a No. 3- seeding from the Golden West League in the upcoming CIF Playoffs with a stirring victory at Santa Ana Rhondi Naff, who scored 18 first-half points, led the way with 27 points as the Mustangs Improved to 14 -11. 6-5 in league. The Mustangs jumped to a 21-4 first-quarter lead, but as the fourth quarter started, the edge had dwindled to 36-34. A 6-0 spurt, provided by Naff two free throws, a big lay-up by Denise Landeros and a 10-foot jumper by Stacee Sanchez, gave the Mustangs breathing room and they held the Saints off. Sailors fall, 41-26 • GIRl.S: Newport Harbor High's defense could only keep visiting Woodbridge close for so long before the inevitable. The Warriors used a 16·3 edge in the third period to give themselves some room against the Sailors and win, 41-26, in a Sea View League game Tuesday night. Woodbridge (18-7, 8-2 in league) made 17 of 19 free throws to Newport's 3-of-12 clip and took advantage of 18 Har- bor turnovers. Victoria Swigart led the Sail- ors (13-13, 3-7) with nine points while grabbing five rebounds. Athena Vasquez dished out four assists and tallied five points with Jilllanne Whitfield grab- bing 10 boards to go with three points. Lindsey Woller collected two points with seven re- bounds. Sage Hill falls, 52-42 • GOtLS: 58.ge Hill School's girls baaketball team fell be- lilnd, 29· 19, ln the first half and could not m:over, losing to Academy Leapie host Whitney, 52--42, Tuesday. Sage Hill (12.-6, 4·5 In le•gue) went ahead, 13-9, after fresh· man Debbie Yoder·Lee launched a shot beyond half-coun ro bNt the Rrt t-quarter buu.er:. But Whitney 04·9, 8·1) outscored the IJ&htnlng, 20-6, tn the leCOnd period. Sophomore Kade Pulahya led Sage HW with 20 points. and abe grabbed 10 rebound& Pmbnwl Haywood Wftcbt added II potn11, 13 reboundl and the blocked ahott, while Sage HW'a lone eenlor Came ()ark diabed OUl tight ua1ata. BASKETBALL SUMMARIES COUEGEMEN GSAC Freeno "-c. 81, Vanguwd 58 Fresno Pacific -Boston 6, Sligh 10. Wigglna 12, Barnett 7,Fowler 5, Subotlc 0, Mahrish 18, Lyssouck 2, Jennlngs6. J..pl goals -Mahrith 4,Jennlngs 2, Boeton 2, Wiggilns 1. Barnett 1, Fowter 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Vanguard -Hartman 15, Piel'9on 10, Adamczak 16, Rosborough 6, Burnette 0, Morreau 8, Bamey o • Cotter O. Enns 0, Egkan 4. 3-pt. goals -Pierson 2, Hartman 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime -Fresno Pacific, 37-276. COUEGE WOMEN GSAC Vanauard 86, Frnno "-c. 73 msno fSKiftc: -Clark 23, Fast 5, Figueroa 13, Gillespie 7. Shaver 4, Anderson 3, Ford 0, Bumetf 15, Cash 3. McAmis o. Montoya 0. 3-pt. goals -Bumett 4, Clark 2. Figueroa 1, Gillaspie 1. Fouled out -Fast. Tedmicals -none. Vanguard -J. Lenderman 6, Mills 6, Wilcox 21, McKinney 10, Dittenbir 13, Josefsson 2, C. Lenderman 12. Seaman 5, Candelaria 2, Griffo 4. 3-pt. goals -Mills 3. Wilcox 2. Seaman 1. Fouled out -none. Tedmicals -none. Halftime -Vanguard, 42-24. HIGH SCHOOl BOYS Paclftc Coat LNcue Catvary Chapel 68, CdM 60 SeOf9 by P9riods Calvary 11 1s 12 14 1s -68 CdM 1s 1&. 11 12 7 -eo Calwry OMtpel -Jones 31, Mamelli 14, Shaun 12, Hurst 9, Beeler i. 3-pt goals -Jones S, Shaun 2. Fouled out -n/a. · Tedmicals -n/a. COf'ON del Mar -Seaborn 8, Mancillas 6, Weld1 8, Matsen16. Northridge 8, Freeda 14. 3-pt goals -Matsen 2, Seaborn 2. Freeda 2. Northridge 1. Fouled out -n/a. Ted1nicals -n/a. Thundey's PCl tpmeS: CdM at Northwood; Tesoro at Calvary Chapel; Laguna Beed1 at University. Whitney 53, Sage HIU 45 ScorebyOu.-S Se~e Hill 9 1S 11 10 -45 Whitney 15 s 1a n S3 5ltg8 Hill -Joyce 16, Wilkins 2. Cho 2. Fitzhugh 17. Loper 0, Brewer 4, Lefler 3. Samel 1. Swanson 0. 3-pt goals -Joyce 2, Lefler 1. Fouled out -none. Whitney -Lee 4, ltc:hon 10, Kim 5, A. Taal 2, J . Tsai 2. Boyd 27. Son 3 3-pt-goals -ltc:hon 2, Boyd 2, Son 1. Fouled out --0 none. Thursdey'• Academy Leegue IChedule: OICford at 5ltg8 Hit; Brethren Christian at Capistrano Valley Chnstian; St. Margaret's at Whitney. HIGH SCHOOL GfRLS Paclftc Coat Leque Calvary Chapel 48, CdM 39 Score by Ouart.erl cc 9 12 13 14 -48 CdM 9 11 s 14 39 CC -Hunter 6, Vilona S, French 2, Crawford 14, Baoon 17, Hurst 2, Petteway 2, Watson o. Deluca O. 3-pt. goals -Bacon 4, Crawford 1, Viloria 1. Fouled out -none. CdM -McCoy 9, Dimas 0, Otterbein 16, Heesdlen 0, Klein 8. C. M arks 4, Snell 2, Stem O. 3-pt. Goals -Klein 2. Fouled out -none. Thureday's PCl gamee; CdM at Northwood; Tesoro at Calvary Chapel; Laguna Beed1 at University. Daily Pilot HlGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Cd.M's chance for PCL title down the drain Calvary Chapel girls claim league championship. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -The window was left open and the rain, if ever so quickly, came and wenl ~ is not a weather update for Southern California Tuesday but rather a description of how visit- ing Calvary Chapel defeated Co- rona del Mar High's girls basket- ball team, 48-39, in a Pad.fie Coast League matchup. A span of four minutes and 44 seconds encompassing the end of the second quarter and the be- ginning of the third period, saw the Eagles (18-8. 8-1 in league> make a 12-0 run to take a 27·20 lead, after trailing. 20· IS. with three minutes left in the half. A Kelliann Klein-lo-Madison Otterbein 15-foot jumper was the last basket the Sea Kings ( ll · 12. 6-3) would score untiJ Otterbein hit cwo free throws to trim the lead to five a minute and 44 sec onds into the third period. Otter- bein, a 5-foot·ll· senior. led the Sea Kings with 16 points and grabbed 10 rebounds. She ha" scored in double figure. in foUI of the last five garn~ While the Sea Kings went cold from the field in that span. Eagles' leading scorer Dani Bacon, who went for 21 points in a 30-poml fagle win over the Sea Kings Jan. Calvary CdM to shooL 48 39 23. caught fire. scoring nine of her game-high 17 points. Calvary's Bethany Hurst grabbed two rebounds to keep pos- session and give Racon the chance Bacon's open loolcs were a re suit of a defense that relaxed a Lit· tie too much, said CdM Coach James Barkalow. "We got lazy for six minutes and Bacon hits cwo threes," Bar- kalow said. "We can' have lap:.es like that Good teams capitalize when you fall asleep on defense, even for a minute. We still fought to the end and I'm proud of our girls for that· Barlcalow credited hi!> team·~ activity, setting screens, spreading out and trying to get open. which he said CdM didn't do when Cal- vary won earlier this year. Both Barlcalow and C..aJvary Coach Bob Moore used zone de- fenses, knowing the op~ing players could take advantage of their athletic abiJity if faced with a man-to-man situation. Calvary's defen5e ca~ more problems than Cd.M's, accounting for 13 steals that led to 14 points. CdM shot 13 of 55 from the field (23.6%) while the visitors tallied 40% (18 for 45). Costa Mesa 48, Santa Ana 38 Score by Ouartlll'S Costa Me&a 21 9 s 12 Santa Ana 4 14 1& 4 "We came with a 3-2 (7..one) 48 and looked for their shooters,• 311 said KJein, a senior, who scored Colt.I Me.a -Brick 0, Naff 27. Navarrette o. Reeves 4, Sanchez 9, Kibln 2, Landeros 2, TnJjillo 3, Vergara 1. J..pt. goals -Naff l, Sanchez 1. Fouled out -none. S.nu Ana -Palacious 13, Chavez O. Love 8, Jimenez 2. De la Rosa 2, Rinoon 4, Sosa 9. 3-pt. Goals -Love 1. Fouled out -Sosa. Thurldev' GotcMrl w.t Leegue games: &tanda attOcean View; Sacldlebeck et Coltl MMa; Santa Ana at Orange; Westminster bye. S..Vlewt....,. Woodbrtdge4~ 26 Wdbridoe&oofi"" 4 1e 13 -41 Newport 2 9 3 12 -ze Woodbddge -Erickson 8, Doyle 8, Jackson 0, Stepansld 13, Watts 2, Alberti 1, Moeller 1. Mcl.aughlln 2, Corbin 0, Nichols 0, Reyes 0. J.pt.. goals -none. Fouled out • none. HewpMt-Campbell 2, Swigart 9, Whitfield 3, Vaquez 6, Woller 2. a...on 2, LintdtY 3, Stoltr 0, Miiier 0, Koon 0, Eddington 0, Futoe O. 3-pt. goal• -SW!gelt 1. Fouled out -none. eight points along with grabbing four ~bounds. "They changed defenses on us and came on strong." Tied, 9-9. at the end of one quaner, CdM came on strong to begin the second period. Senior Jackie McCoy scored four of her nine points in less than a minute. A Klein three and two of Colleen - Mades' four points on a couple of free throws build a modest four- point lead with 4:50 remaining in the half. The P.agles built a nine-point lead at the end of three quarten., the last three coming on a 25-foot banJc shot by Bacon as the horn sounded. CdM m.Wed all eight of lts field -goal attempts ln the third period, some under the basket with a crowd of c.atvary def enders raising their arnu to deflect balls out of bounds. IClein, Otterbein, McCoy and Aryn Dimas (two rebounds, one steal), wtrn honored before the game on senior night •1 stiJJ have one more game,· said Klein when asked about her emodons following Tuesday's game. c.dM travels Thursday to face Northwood, which Is one game aheed of CdM alter bealtng Unf-~t)\ 6'~32. Tueeda)t TI\ be5t the Sea Klngs can do is de Notth· wood for second in league. Northwood can tie for the l~ lad lf lt ~ CAM and n.oro defata Cllvuy ChlpeJ Thunday. Tbe s. Kil'8I ~ aheedy dtnmed one of the league's three MJIOimldc plm)Uf bent-. r ~~~.:........-.0..--....;-"----~--------------.....;.~----...-----..-.------...... ------;....--...--. ............................................. ..------~-...:.... COLLEGE BASKETBALL VU women roll Vanguard continues to tighten grip on Golden State Athletic Conference lead with 86-73 victory. COSTA MESA -Jennifer WtJcox scored 25 points and four others were In dou· ble figures as the Vanguard University women's basketball team improved to 13-2 In the Golden State Athletic Con- ference with an 66-73 victory Tuesday night In the Pit on the VU campus. WLlcox had back-to·back three·polnt- ers, the second with 0:03 left in the half to stake the Uons to a 42.24 Lead. Robbin Dlttenbir added 13 points, a game-high 13 rebounds and six assists. Wi.lcox also had a double double with IO boards. Crystal Lenderman (12). Lacey Mills ( 11) and Courtney McKinney (I 0) also si:ored in double figures for the Lions. 18-8 overall. Fresno Pacific falls to 8-17, 6-9. Vanguard men fall ' Fresno Pacific gets a jump and makes it pay off with 66-58 GSAC triumph. play. --------· S P O R TS Wedne~y FebruMy !.', 2003 A9 t Dllf... I Coll«fo, ~ Jle(leS aJ-_s __ · 1 ~ l I LARA Continued from A7 t'\t'llh di d rntt'I COSTA MESA -Vanguard Univer sity's men's basketball team outscon:d Fres n o P.dcific in the second half, hut couJd not overcome a IO point first half deficit and lost. 66·58, 10 the visi1 ing Sunbirds lue'>day nagh1 at the Pit in Golden St.He Athletic Conference Ryan Moreau·s cwo free throws Lrimmed the deficit to 50-47. with 9:00 left, and Josh Pierson capped a 5·0 run with 2:05 left to pare it to 58-58. but h esno Pacific, 15·9. 7 ·6. pulled away to hand the Lions their 12th lo~ in 13 GSACstam .. Vanguard. 5-19 overall, was led by the scoring of Conrad Adamczak. and James Hartman, who each had 15 points. Jo-.h Pierson had 10 point'> 5 T( 'IE M RANI\ [;Ai I VI Coach Bob Serven guides his Costa Mesa Mustangs in tonight's Golden West League boys basketball game against invading Santa Ana. ·I he frt·t' .ind 1\1 art· her two top ont''> -.o wt· n· look.ing al tht 500 frl'l· or the .WO 1~1 on tht• fir-.t day wirh lht' :WO fn-t· or ~00 IM tht' ..econcl d.i}'. · Pct1er -.du! "I lt•r tm:a'>t scrol t· '' Vt'I) good A It''' wceh ago '>h l knod..t'd o lf four or fiw 'erond' off lwr 11111e " SCHEDULE :\o om· 1n -.c.hool h1,1<>ry h<1d bro lt·n fi, t rn11111lt'' tn the 'lOO frc1 prior 10 B1.ir~Mdotur' tlOI k.ing ul ·l ''>I 11 OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK TODAY Besbtball p m., Santa Ana at Costa Mesa 2:30 p.m · 'ihe h.i-. hmg drm'> and It-cl' the walt't ''t·ll l'i.lJer ..aid 'iht ha' a good .. enw 111 rh} thrn when 'h' '>Wlnh. \llt• h.i' ad1u.,1cd wry wt:ll 111 lht: d1li1·rt>nl 1 ountry. training "lwdult' Jnd lw1 da-.'>e'>. • Community college men -Orange CoaS1 at Cypress. 7:30 p.m Community college women - Orange Coast at Cypress, 5 30 p.m High school boys -Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m .. Santa Ana at Costa Mesa, 7 p.rn. W.terpolo College women -UCLA at UC Irvine. 4 p.m.; Loyola Marymount at UC Irvine, 6 p.m. High school girls -Newport Harbor vs Foothill. at Tustin. 5 p.m .. Tesoro at Corona del Mar. 3·45 p m . Costa Mesa at Saddlebadt, 3 p m . Estancia at Ocean View. 3 p m Volleyball College men -USC at UC Irvine, Crawford Hall, 7 p.m Community college men -L.A Pierce at Orange CoaS1, 7·30 p m Soccer High school boys -Corona del Mar at Nor1hwood, 3:15 pm , Woodbndge at Newpor1 Harbor 5 THURSDAY Basket.ball College men -UC Irvine al Utah State, 5 35 p m College wom en -Idaho at UC Irvine. 7pm High school boys -Corona del Mar at Northwood 7 p.m • Oxford Academy at Sage Hills. 7:30 p m High school girls -Corona del Mar at Northwood. 5·30 p m . Saddlebad< at Costa Mesa. 7 p m . Estancia at Ocean View 7 p m . Oxfo rd Academy at Sage Hill. 6 p m Soccer High school boys Oxford Academy at Sage Hill, 3·15 p.m High school girls Corona del Ma r at Northwood 3 15 p.m Sage Hill at Oxford, 3 15 p.m Water polo High school g irls -Estancia at Tesoro. 3 p m . Los Amigos vs Sage Hill, at Corona d el Mar. 7 p m ...,,, 1mm111g 111 the l1 ~ I'> mort-111 tt'll'l' thJfl 111 lll'l.u1d for R1argardot llr. hut ol -..1rn ll'f lrdlntng regmlt'll llil'> lwen ht•rwltual I \t' bl•t·n training ... o much twm·r ht>rt." Brdrg.ird11t11r '>dH..I I '-C done. mort• \o\l'tght-.. th.m I did 111 Iceland I hree turn·' .1 "'''l'I.. for 3 hour. 1•ad1 da) tlw I Jltr' .. w1m in ddd1 . 111m to l'i n11n1111; .. , 111 wP1ght tram 111g 111 tlw 111urm11g I hl' othtr t\o\ 11 tl<1" lhl' I Jler" ,\,1111 lwu huur'> J da\ ant.I llwn tht:' \.H't'k.1·nd tom1·-. with 1•11he1 ,1 llll't'I or mow p rartllt' I 111lt' I \\'hen 111 till' "a11•r B1~ardo11ir at k.110\o\ lldgl'' tht:' other .,.,,,1mrnl'r..' .ue 1htr1• bur thdt do1 .. ,11·1 ')t'l:'m t ti 'htlt her Jllt·n1111n di .ill ·I a ... k m\ 'l'll hm" mtH h I .... an1 111 ''111 ..ind 1h.11 i.;1·1 .. n11 ~·1111~ • Br.u · gard11t11r 'did I JU'' d1H· in .mil tn [I) gO fa,t <Uld \o\10 " HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Mesa adds to football staff Baldwin, former All -Pro SapoJu , join Mustangs' program as assistant coaches. I Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot 1 COSTA MESA -Costa Mesa High football coach Dave Per- kins announced Tuesday that fonner Mu'ita11g~ head coach Tum Baldwin and fonncr All-Pro San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman J~ Sapolu have joined the program as a-.si:-.tant coaches. Baldwin. who has been an as sistant at several schools. includ · lng Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa. after guiding the Mus- tangs as head coach for eight seasons (1984-91 ). will work with the offensive line and outside linebackers,· Perlcins said . BaJd· FERTIG Continued from A 7 bead, L'I whether he has enough sun screen.• Mater Oei football coach Bruce Rollinson, a running back during Fertig's coaching tenure at use. termed the 60-year-old Fenig a mentor, with whom he has remained close. ·I'm a little surprised Lo hear about h1m going co ~tancta. but when it's in your blood, It's In ~blood.• Rollin.son said •tte ,,. always a foroe behind me, to ~ me fired up and motivated In college. And be has always been gracious enough to call and congratulate me the dmet I've had uccess. ·11e·1 probably attended more pntcdces and coached more football than all or us combtned. When he's up ac USC (preparing for b1a wort as a television t.na· )ylt), he' In the coaches' meet· In.gs and they'\'e uking hJm ror bJa lnput. IO dewloplns tchemel Is leCC>nd nan.ant to him. But there'• an old phUoeophy both 0.., and 1 lelnw.d at USC. thal lt'a not the~ but the playm, d\al make wbuUrc teuna. •t lhAnt It wW ta\e CnJa I COU· pt. ,_,.. lO dt'\'dOp kktt and win w..c. defensive coordinato r at Calvary Chapel High last <>ea.)on. "Tom told me, 'Hey. I'm a Mu'>tang,' " Perkins said. "It '~ great to have h1m. When I first go1 the 1ob (before the 2001 sea· :.onJ. I told Tom that whenever he felt comfortable, we'd sit down and talk about him help- ing out I thin.le he feels real good about the direcuon the program is headed and he wants to be a part of it.· Sapolu. whose son. Luke, was a first-team All -Golden West League and AJJ-Newpon-Mesa center for the Mustangs last fall, after transferring from Moreno Valley, will work with the offen· sive and defensJve lines and also head the offseason weight-train- ing program. "llis expertise and his pres- ence will be a reaJ positive.~ Per· kins said of Sapolu, who empha· lzes free weights and the use of the squat.. bench press, dead lift conven them to a winning atti- tude. No matter If i(s Craig Fen.lg or anyone else, they're noc going to go in there and tum the thing around instantaneously. If any· thing positive bappens next sea· son. they should be grateful.· Among Fertig's dosest confi- dants in Orange County prep football is Tustin Coach Myron Miller, fo~edy the head man at Costa Mesa •We've talked a whole bunch since be applied for the job and I t.hink the hard part for b1m ls go· ing to be all die things that go with running • program that have nothing to do wtth being on the field,• Millef saJd. •But Craig is such a peat guy. I think lf the kids gfve him half a clwlce, they're going to l<m the guy. He's just impossible not to like.• Mlller, who has Invited Fertil to watch Tustin practices a.ocl games, bas also wtmeued Fer-d«'• rertile rootball mind in ac· ti on. •He'll bave 10metbloc to CMr- co~. having been out of co.ch- lng awhile (sint'e 1919}, but be hatn't been away from i>otbaD.. Miller Mkl .... ldl ~ foocball and ,._ UMd tllll aper- die. 1be llmt twn't a..npt. tha• ~~It ... CCllMI down to bloc:tll1'· and t1cHn1 and ~__....JO" can and power clean "lie has an Jura aroWld him the lods can really respect: Per· lciJ~ said. Perkins also announced the Mustang:. will scnmmage Tustin High. as weU as Cabnllo of Long Beach. in preparauon for their 2003 opener. This i!> a signifi cant upgrade over La'it '\ea.son. when the Mustangs had a three-way scnmmage agaml>t Magnolia and La Quinta. The Mustangs have also re- placed Chaminade wtth Hun- tington Beach m Week 2. the sec· ond of their four nonleague game. ... Perkins said the program will be shifting emting a.Mistan1 coaches to fill the void left by the pending retirement of longtime freshman coach John Carney and former freshman assistant Kirk Bauermeister. who is pow an as.sistant principal at the school. "I think if the kids give him half a chance, they're going to love the guy." Tustin Coach Myron ,..... do well. But coaching also has a lot to do with relatin8 tO kids and he doesn'c have to learn how to do that" Miller believes P.Btancia shouJd be thankful to have landed Fer· tig. •&tanda is an entry level job right n~· be said, •so the school is lucky to get a guy like him. Guys the caliber of John Barnes (the county's all-dme coaching victories leader at Los Alamitos) or Bruce Rolllnaon weren't apply· ing for that job. It's going to take IOl'DeOl\e a lot ol wotk to tum thal thing around. I'D be happy to bdp b.lrn any way I can.• Dave Peddns. who Jett £stan. cla for the head coedli.ng job ll aollfown rival Costa Mesa be- fore the 2001 teUOn. Fer· de well. .... hu • good pmooality wl foocball ~.· ~ IUd. ·1 .... hope be doeln't .. mm. llMI becotM cldlwlOned. I hope _., wtn e¥erJ pme but ooe.· j PACIFIC CO~eSsREDIT UNION ~ ~ ~ -Business at the Beach ) A_I J -.7'--. NEWPORT BEACH THE BUSINESS ~ Free Admission! Free Food! $5,000 in Prizes! EXPOSITION -' Daily A Pilot ... • Meet Local • Businesses! • Great Networki119~ Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1003 5:00 p111 to 8:00 p111 Newport leach Malrriott Hotel II Tanis Club (900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach} Drawing Items Include: A massage a month for a year! • Annual passes to Disneyland! One week in a Mexican Resort Villa! Round trip tickets on Southwest Airlines ! • And much morel For more lnfo;1n.elon or exhibitor •v•llilblllQ, , ... , 729 4400 www.newportlle•oh.o•• l It Wednesday, F!Muary 12. 200! .,._ ...... -l.1111 ..... ~--~~--............. ~~ -I• putdtn qultar su ~1~~ salwlo, tu dintf"o 'I otres -~o" de au ptopi9d8d M flCC TO Of EH· sin avtso adlcioflal por OAHT: (Avl~ a Acus.-oarte cs. 11 cone. Bffdl-<:o.it1 Meia Daily Piiot f tt>ruary 5, 12, 19. ~.2003 W06S 11•11t11'1 of 1"'9 petition, )'OU tJlould IPPA' ll the hearlna and attte your obltctlons O< Ille wrlttan objections wfth th• col.lf'I btfl>ft tht hearlna. Yo1.1r •PpHrance may IM In penon or by your •11ornty. do) l<(Nltta< LIOORISH, bial•n olrot requlsl· •n Individual, and DOES. tos i.pln. Pu.ch que I tar011Jh 10. lnclusiv• usted qultt'a Hamar a un YOO AR£ 8(1"6 SU(O aboa•do lnmtdl1h · BY PLAINTIFF: mtnlt. SI no COllCK• a (A Ud. i. ut. demand· un abottdo, fH.ltd• tndo•: VICTORIA A. llamar 1 un nrv1do da WENDELL, an lndlvidllal ref11tnc11 ck aboaados IS< 1V34 llOTICl Of PflmOI TO ... mAllOfi OIAlllS f. SOMn• OIMIS,_. soan WI IO. il11JU You have 30 CAlEN· o 1 uni olidna dt ayuda OAR DAYS aftM tins lt&al (VH ti dwtctorlO summons IS urwtd on tet.fonico) you to hit a ~written CASI NUMHa1 responw at this cOUtt CM--4.1 <-•) A letter or pt.on. call 02CCCMH7 will not protect you. JUOOI 1our typewritttn rt· GlttAU> G. JOHNSTON 1ponu must b1 In OrPT. C29 propef lea11 form if you Tht nam1 and 1ddrt» To all hews, btntfl· clerl4ts. c;red1tors, coo ton11nt creditors, and petson.s who m•y oth trwiu be interested In th• will M est1le, or both, of: CHARLES r . SCHULTZ a-a CHARLES FREDERICK SCHUL T1 If YOU ARC A CREOl- 1 OR or contlncent c1e41tor 111 tht dKeased, you must file yo111 cl1lm With the court Ind mall a copy to tht persONll representttlv• IPPQlflttd by the court wrthln fOUt months from Iha datt of the first luu•nce of lttttts as provided in Probate Code section 9100. lh• time for fllina cl1lms wlll not expire btfole four months from the hnrl1111 d1le notlf;ed 1bove want tht court to hear of th• court is· (El your can. nombrt y direcc1on de If you do not f1I• your la cort• es) rtlf)Ons1 on tlm.. you SUPERIOR COURJ or may lose the cast, and .CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF your w .. u . mo11eJ' and ORANGE. CE NTRAL propef1y mey br take.n JUSTICE CENTER. 700 wllho11t f11rther wa1n1n1 Ciwoc Center Drive West, A PETITION FOR PRO· BAT£ has been t1l1d by MARILYN J. SCHUL Tl In the Super Jor Cot.it t Qf California, County ol ORAN CE. YOU MAY EXAMINE the fli. kept by the court. If you 11• •a petson In· te11sted in th• estalt, you m•y Ille with the court a Request tor Special Nottc:e (form PE· 154) of the follnt ol an lnvenlMY ind appraisal of estate usets 0< of 1ny pelltion or 1c:count •$ provided In P1ob1te Code wet Ion 1250 .• A Requnt for Special Notice form Is av1ilable from the court cler~. A"-Y fcw htttt-. Jv .. lfh Hunt J-.z, hq. SIN 1216.aJ 24012 c.11. '• 1. """·· •450 from the &e>urt. Santa Ana. CA 92702 Thtu are other lqal The name, <tddress. THE P£TITION FOR PROBATE request' that MARILYN J. SCHUL Tl bt tppo1nted u P•nonal representative lo •d· min1sl« the est1te ol the decedent requ1<1mtnls You mar and telephone n11mbe1 of went to ult an attorney plaintiff's attorney. 01 flJht twty If you do not plaintiff without 1n know 1n attorney, you attorney Is· (El norubre, m1y Clll 1n 1ttorney 11 dlrtccion y el numero rel1rr1I service or a de l•lelono del 1bo111do l•&•I eld office (listed 1n del demandante, u del tht phone book). demandante que no THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will •nd cod1c1ls, 1f eny, be admitted to p<ob•tf. The Will ind any cod1clls are available for uam1n1· t1on m the file kept by the court. Oespuu de que le tlene abo11ado, es) 1nt11autn nit c1t1c1on MILTON B TENNANT, judicl1I usted Ilene un ESQ. pltzo dt 30 DIAS CAL JOHN R SCHILLING, APC ENOARIOS p1r1 presen->ohn R Schillin&, Esq., 111 unt respuesta es-BAR 11041553 4675 cril• 1 maqu1n1 en esta MacArthur Court Suite corte 590, Newport Buch, Unt cart a o uni C1hlorno1 92660 llamada telefon1ca no le (9'9) 833-8833 ofrecera p<olecc1on, su OATI: (f•dM) MAii 27, 1espuesl1 nc11t<1 a 2002 m1qufna t1ene que AUN SLATlll, Cle rli cumplll con les lormal· (Actvot-le), ldadts leceln 1p1op11 l.y CotlAZON IOUS.AY, du s1 us led qu11ue que Oe,..ny (O.!etod.) la corte escuche su MOftCI TO TIU cuo PEllSON SllYE01 Y- SI usted no p<esenta art •erv•" •• an t.u rupuesta a t1empo. ln,.lvlduol ct.fendant. pu1de perder el caso, y Publlshed Newport NOTICE OF PETlTlON TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: VICTORIAG. IRVINEAKA VJCTORIAL IRVINE. VICTORIA G. LOHMAN IRVINE AND VICTOJUA GYGER LOH'MAN CASE NO. A217380 To ah heirs. Deneflclarles. creditors.. oontingerll creditors, and peraont wno may ~ be intentsted in tne win « estale, or both o1 VICTOAIA G IRVINE AKA VICTORIA L IRVINl' VICTORIA G LOHMAN IRVINE AND VICTORIA GYGER LOHMAN A PETITION FOA PRoeATE has been filed by THOMAS E CJ SULLIVAN ~ the SUl)erlof Court of Ca~IOmla, County of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROeATE requests that THOMAS E CJ SULLIVAN be apponed .. personal repr'9SefUIJw IO admns1et the estate ot the decedent THE PETITION teqUeSts tne dec:edenl' I will and codiall, If any, be admitted IO probate The will and any oodicils are avai'\able f« exam1nellon 111 ttie file k8P4 bV the court THE PETITION~ authotily to adminlste< the esta le under ttle 111oepe11de111 AdminialrallOl'I of Estates ~ (This aUltlonly Will allow lt'e personal repnttentatiw to take many Idiot-. MttlOut oblalfWIO court ipproVal Betore taking certain very mport.an1 actions. howevef, the personal reprnentatlYe win be required to give nottee to lnttnSled per1IOO$ unless they have walV9d notice Of consented IO the proposed action ) The 11 ldepel Ider( ldmtntitJabOn IUlhOnty NOTICE OF TR~TEE'S SALE TS , F 2211 h~n) APIO 047-2)4 1-l YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDO! A DEED OI· ntUST DA TEU J11ly 9, 2001, UNLESS YOU T ,..KE Af"TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOU> ,..T A P\JBUC SALF. II YOU NEfl) AN EX~NA TION Of TifE ~ATURE OF nre PROCElDINv ,..GA.INST YOU. YOll SllOUU> CONTACT A t.AWYER On March 5, 2001 at J 00 pm 1 m, Riv~n RLconvcyanct Co. 1 Cabfonva ( orporabon u duly apPOtnted T nulee unc)rr • od pun1111111 to Dttd of Tnur recorded Auau11 I), 2001 Al lntlnlllYllC No 20010S5:W35. ~ ptft, of off1C11I ~. C~Uttd by Robm J Tameny and T.-.cy E TtmtD)'. husbend and wirt U lnl\lor(I), lft tht office °' tbr ( Olll'll )' R«ordu ol Onllft Cowley. Starr of Cahforot.1, WIU.. Sl-.IJ. AT PUBUC AUCTION TO HIOHDST BIDDER f'OR CASH {pe)'llblf " llmc of nle 111 lawful monty of 1ht U1111td '-111"• aodlot tht QIJlllu" s. mufJed "' OChft Cl-.cb aptt1 fled 111 t'IVJI Code Stcuoo mAh "'*rablr 11 lull Ill lbr umr oh110 A r oe flt front *P. IO tht CC111U o1 tlw Un.ncr c.~ C'c•r JOO l. Ollpllft. Om~ Ct1Jfor11ta .ti np htlr llld -JI COll"t}"t;l 10 Md -held by II mdo Mid Deed of will be granil!id Uiil8S$ an IOteteSted pef30ll hies an ot>teetion to lhe petrtion and soows good cause why the court ShOUld not grant lhe au1honly A HEARING on Ille petrtioo wi• be held on 03I06I03 at 1 30PM in OeP4 L-73 located at 341 THE CITY DRIVE, OAANGE, CA 92863 IF YOU OBJECT to the gl'Bntlog of the petillOO. you snould appear at the he~ and state your . file written = :ltl the court before the hearing Yoor appearance may be in person or by your rnou ARE A CREDITOR Of a a)Olingent creQlor of the deceased. you must Nie your claim w!lh the court and ma• a aipy to the personal repreeentatlve appointed by the court wl1tlin four monlhl from the date of first lsaoanoe of lettef'I as provided in Prot>ate Code tect1or1 9100 The time tor filing datms wrl not .... before four monlhl from lt'e neanng elate nociced above YOU MAY EXAMINE Irle file kec>t by Ille court If ~ 118 I peraon interested 111 the estate, you may file with the court a Request tor Special Notice (lonn DE· 154) of the frliog of an IO\lentory and appraisal ol esiate assets « of any petition or account as provlCJed in Probate Code Section 1250 A ~ I« Specaal Notice loon IS ava.table lrom the court cler1I Attomey for Pebt!Onef HENRY K WORKMAN SUWVAN, WORKMAN & DEE, Ll.P. 800 S AGUEROA ST •1 200 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 ()2.()MXl, 02/1~ CNs."4113' NEWPORT 8EACH-COST A MESA DM. Y PILOT p;;rpon@ 10 be l2i 6 and ll:?O Well O..lboa Boulevard. !'le•port Bcxh. c ,1tronw1 Thr undcrsi gned T nnltt dncLl1llll 1ny ll1b1~I) for any 1ncorr«U1Cn or the str«I llddreu and orhtr conuoon drsignauon. lf Any. sOO...n herein S;a1d Sile of Proprny will bf rnMk '" u ., .. cood11Jon w1l/loul CO\'Cflanl Of wamnry. exprus or 1n~l"'d, repnilna 1111e. polKHIOll or eocwnbranus to pay tht rerra•Nlll pn11C1p11t sum or tht nncd1) secured by SI.Id Deed of Trust. with 11R«:1I as ID •&Jd noct provided. advaaca, 1f any, under lht 1rnm of said Dud or Trust, fees. chllrgu and upenKs of lhr Trus~ and of the ll'llSIS created by Slid Ottd of Trust Al the um: of tht 1G1ual publouoo of thn ll(Jl¥:e. lhi: tc:rta.I amoun1 of the unpeod btl.tiu ol Ole obbpuoo 9«'\ll'Cd by the 1bo~ dcicribed deed of IJllSI tod nurmled cu.u. eicpenxs lad ~lllCH d SI .206.933 00 Ir u pouible thal II the lltne or ulc tht ope111111 bid 1111y lit less tbu thr IOQI indebtr:dnw dlle The Mnc ficill"y undrT said Dml of Tnnt. by l'Utoe of I bftxh ol ddlllJI IU the obbpt!Onl _,.~ lhmb1· ~orr twc«d tlld dell¥<Nd 10 die lllld9msi-d a M'I•• 0.C..,..,Hlll "' o.f .. h ..S Dt111Hd f« Seit. ud •tintn NotlDt o( ()et.ad Ind of fJocUOD to CMIM the vlld!n1,_ 10 Id uJd :'r,.l: .-fy ~~ THE PETITION requests aulho11ty to adm1n11ter the utate under the Independent Adm1n1s 111t10n of Estates Act (This Authority will aHow the personal 1 epnnen tatove to lalle many actions without obtain 1na court approval Before t1k1na certain vtty important actions however, the personal repruentallve will be required to 111vt-nohce lo interested person' unlen they have waived notoce 01 consented to the proposed »ellon.) The 1ndependenl ad m1n1str al1on autho11ty will be er anted unleu an interested person hits an ObJect1on to tht pelthon and shows aood cause why the court should not a• ant lh• aulho11ty A HEARING on the pet11ton will be held nn MARCH 6, 2003 al 1 JO p.m In Dept L73 loc1ted al 341 The City 011ve South, Oranee. CA 92868. 1r YOU OBJECT to the cranlin11 of the pet111on, you should appear at the hu11n11 and stale your ob1ect1ons or Ille written obiechons with the court before the hea11ne Your appearance may be 1n per son or by your attMney. 1r YOU ARE A CREDI TOR 01 cont1n11en1 creditor of the decea\ed, you must hie your cl11m with the court and mail a copy lo the pefSonal rep1esenlat1n appointed by the court w1th1n lour months from the date of the l1rst issuance of letters as provided 1n Probate Code section 9100 The time lor ltlin& claims will not expire befOfe four months from the hearrn11 dale noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the lole l<ept by the LOUI t If you are • perwn 1n le• es led 1n the estate, you may hie w1t'1 the cou• I a Requnt for Spec1•I Not1c,. (form Of l !">4) ul the f1lin& ol an inventory and a ppr a1sal ol est.ate asuts 01 ol any pelohon or account . u provided rn Probate Code section 1250 A Requut for Special Notice form 1s available from the court clerll A"-Y f.,. ret1tt.nen PITH J. CONIGUO, ESQ. HUDSON MAllTIN ffll- UNTE & STllHT 490 CALLI rllNCIPAL, IOX 112 MONTllfY, CA 0942- 0112 Published Newport Beach Costa Meu Daily Pilot februery 5. 11 17, 2003 ISC IVlt llOOO Of PmT10ll TO A0111S1B man Of: DOIOnrt Aua COlllWS tkeDOIOT11Y~ COlllWS CASE llO. a214&a0 To all he11~. bentilo llar1u, cred1to1), con t11111enl ~red1to1). •nd pe1...on~ who ma1 oth erw1H b~ tnle1uted 1n the wlll or e)l1te. 01 both, of OOROTHY ALIC£ CORNELIUS ak1 OOROT HY RICHARDS CORHEUUS A PETITION roR PRO BA TE has bun fil•d by CHARLES B R . CORNE llUS in the Superior Courl of Cal1forn11, County of ORANCC. THE PETITION roR PROBATE requnt~ thal CHARLES 8 . R CORNE llUS be IPPQtnled II pusonal repre\enlallwe to tdmm1ster the ut•I• of the deced41fll rwc PETITION requnts Iha decedenl'a Will and COdlCllS, if 1ny, bl admitted to PfObate The Will and •ny cod1c1ls are av11l1hlt for u1m1n1 tlOn In the file kept by Iha cou~t THE PETITION requnll tutho11ty to tdm111i•l11 the utate under the Independent Admlnl~ trttlon of Estates Act (Th~ Authority win allow Iha ptl'SOfllf reprwMn t111v1 to ttlt• m111v 1ctloM w1thovt obt•ln 1n1 court 1p111ovtl Befon tallln1 c«t•in v., 'I ll'n90f tint t ctlon\, ..... _ Hlfl•, CA HUS Published Newport Baach·Cost1 Mesa 011ly Pilot Febru11y 5, II, 12, 2003 WT063 MOOO Of PfTTOOM TO ADMllSTB man Of: H • .ltl...._ WUUllB>il169S I To •II heln, btnefl· c1a11es, creditors. con hneent c1ed1to1s, and persons who may other wise be intereUed in fhe will or esl•le, ur bbth, of H >ohn Bowman. Jack Bowm<1n John H. owmao A P£l1TION FOR PRO- BArC h•s been foled by John ( Bowman in the Supe1101 Court of Cah· forn11 County ot Or a111e ml Pf flTION FOR PROBATC requests that John C Bowman be appointed as personal r ep1nentat1ve to ad· minister the estate ol the decedent TH( PETITION requests the decedent's will and codicils. 11 any b• •dmolled lo p<obate The will and any cod1c1ls are •v••l•blt 101 eumin1· toon 111 the file kept by lht LOUii THE PETITION requests authortly to adm1n1ster the estaloe under the Independent Adm1n1s lrat1on of [states Act (Tho\ authority will allow tht personal represen 1¥11v1 to talo.oe many 1et1011s without obtain 1na court approval Beloff takina ce1111n VflY 1mpo1bnt tcllOM, however the per son1I 1ep1oental1ve will be 1 eQu11ed lo 11ve not tee lo internled per!oOn• unle\s they hne waived not1u or tonsented to the propo\ed action ) lhtt independent ad mon1str at1on autho11ty will bti II' anted unless io11 1ntere-1.led person hie\ .,. oll111cl1on lu the ptf11ion •nd shows 2ood t•u~e why the tourl \hould not &• •nt lhe AUlhotlly A H(ARINC on the P«llhon will be held on M-1Lh 20 2003. at I JOl'M 1n Dept L 73, located at 341 The City 011vt Or 4nae. Cahlornl• 92868 t •mOfeau• Ju~ lice Center Ir YOU OBJECT to the eranlln& of the pellllon. you \hOuld .ippear 11 the hu1m1 dnd state your nb1ecllons nr l1l1t wr 11ten objKhons with the court bel01e the hurine Your appor ance may be on person or by your attorney ff YOU ARC A CREDI TOR or a contineent creditor of the deceased. yu11 must Ille your claim with the court •nd mill • LOPY to the personal represtnlat1ve appointed by the courl w1th1n tour months trom the d.ite of 111'>1 1~su1nce of letters 4\ provided in Probate Corlt section 9100. The lime lor him& claims will r111I upue before four monlhs from the hea11ne dale noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the court II you are a person on teruted in lhe estate, you m1y file with lht1 court • Request lor Special Notice (forn1 OE 154 > ol the hlin1 of an inventory and appraisal of e\late ~ssets or ol dl!Y pet1t1on or account "' provided in Probtle Code HCtlOfl 1250. A Requnt lor Special Notice form Is 1vall1bl1 fr11m tht court Cieri! Petitt•""' leh" l . ··--· 750. ,...,_ ......... c ... ,,, s,,1 .. 1u.1 .. , Y•~••••• 221S Published Newport Ottch Cost• Mo• D••I) Pilot ftbfuary 11, IZ, 18.2003 r.Y045 Fie .. 02-17SiOlU( llOOO TO CllllTOIS ......,.ldllt SfAft or MICHIGAN, Prob1lt Court, Countv of Macomb · bt•I• of AMCDCO A RENO£, tft#.1• AMlOCO Al8£1fT R(N0£, a/Vt AM£0E:O A RENDE, Otctotd 0•1• of bltth .kine 10, 1921 TO All CRfOITORS NOTICl lO CRCOI TORS Tiit dectdenl, Amedeo A Rendt, •IV• Amewo Albert R•ndt, •Al• ~ A ll1nde, .. 110 lived et 1830 18th StrMt, lftwoort 8Hch. CA 92.MJ. died Oc:tobv l, 2002 Tnut In "" ~ny 11111111td 111 •atd COllllly _,Soi. *KnllM u Lota S af'IS 6. Block Ill, vi TrKt t-lo "4. Ill Ille C11y tJI ,......,._. 9eldl. C-.y "'On •. SU. ol~•pn ..,_... .. .. 1),,...,. .... )7.ol '"' :ctr.111 .... Ill 11111 oftkll "' ... C'0*1 ........ "Mi4 COllflO T1ll ..... tMaa -OCIW ,_ ..,...,. if ..,., ., .. fUJ ..... d&lu fticr lhr 11n0tnlpr4 C1""4 fltd Nocice ol 0tfe11• •!Id o.cUo11 to Sdl to Ile 1'11'°'*'4 •• '"' COlll'll)' ...,, tbr rul Jl"'ll)mY .. IKMfd °* =.s9L ,, 100) UCOl'IVSYA1'4 co. 3114 6. '-' ... lite A._ Alillflrf ('1 fllDt 71.,.)l-t'lOO IJ' 5'1Mf 1 F TAC; 4llt II a P\19 Vil. '1IM "°""'"*', ttlt ptrson.tl r'Pfn.ntaU-. will 1141 required to 11•• riobc1 to 1nternttd ptrlOOl untus tha'/ htv• w1lvtd nohu or c:on .. nlad to Ille proposed action) The lndtp1ndtnt ad mlnla•r1t1on autltQrity will bt 11•nted IUlltt.t '" 1111er1•ttd P•llon flits en otl~tiofl to lht '8111!011 and $llOWI Sood CIUM why tM court ,11ou14 n t ar tn1 tht "'"*"'· A HCAltl~ on the p.t1lloll .... bt Mid Oii lllMCH I, 2003 at J:JO "'"'' 1n oot. l1 J loutu It a.1 The Cltr Dr'" s..tti. Otenp, CA ma Cttdltota of fht d4I c:edtnt lft l'Otlhld ttuit Ill d altM ..-11nat. tllt • tilt wlll k tOfHM lt•rad uni.• OHMnlt4 •• ... ""' lttn•. l\tlM4 t>tt~l r.-aMntatln or orl>PO'l4 11«to11tl rtpt ... fll•tl•t. tH to ltotll 1"8 llfoltllte CGWI at 211GO OuldllM RoH, lillotlftt C"-111, Ml<lll• • 4'°'4 I II n1111td/prop01ed per· son1I reprasent1tln within 4 months tfter the dale of pu.bltcaUon ol thl• nollc•. Dtlt: Novembtr 22, 2002 J. ,RUSSELL LABARGE, JR .. Atty. Pl6321 24825 Little Mack Avt., Suite 200. St. Clair ShOfes. Ml 48080(S86)177.3377 MichHI Rtndt, Ptt· son1I Representative 1043 WesMtw, Bloom field Huts, Ml 48304 (248) 649-3925 Newport BHch Costa Mtst O•ilr Pilot rebru· ery 6.12, 3, 2003 BSC 127'5 TffW149 RdlllM .... ----The followlna persons are dolna business 11: A.) Animal Cr1ckers £nter11inment, B ) Day ot Jnz, C.) Ace £vent Productions. 23704 5 (I T 0<0 Rd., 1366, 1,.1111 Forest, CA 92630 Mart.I Robtnon-0.C•· sas, 30982 Via Ctyst1I, San Juan Ctplstrano, CA 92675 Th11 busonns is con· ducted by: an 1nd1vldu1I Havt you alerted doin& bus1ne5s yet? Yes, Animal Cr1cke1s 1977 Ave Event Productions & Day of IHZ 2001 Marsl RoberJQn·OeCa - sas This st1ltment wu filed with the County Clerk of Or an1• County on 01/23/03 200UU0740 Daily P1lol Jan 30, r eb 5, 12. 19, 2003 W048 s ......... ta·•··· •tf lhttf FlditMls IUtss ... The follow1n11 person has •bandoned the UH of the F lclltlous Bu$I nus Name· T .. 111 Apex Moto, 946 West I 71h St , Costa Mna, CA 92627 The rlchtlous Bu~ineu n•me referred to •bove wu filed 1n Or •n1e County on I 17 03, FILE NO 20036930117 Randall Wuch, 20291 Kline Ot1ve Santa Ana He'l!lits. CA 92707 Richard Counh, 20291 Kline D11ve. Sant• Ana He111hts, CA 92707 This bus1neu ts cun ducted bv· a aeneral partnership Richard Counh This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orilnae County on 01/21/03 20036930297 Oa1ly Pilot Jan 22. 29. Feb 5 12. 2003 WOAI Fktff6M lmieu "-S..... The follow1ne pel\ons are do1ne busmen as Dnven Technoloa1n. In,., 610 South Jellerson St Suite A, PlaLenlla, CA 92870 Ae1 ospace Or Iv en lechnolo11es. Int . (CA) 610 South Jellerson St Suite A, P11eenha, CA 92870 This bu\1nus 1) ton ducted by • torp01 al1on Have you \lat led dom11 businns yet' No Aer osp •<~ Drive Techno1011es. Inc . Kathleen f rreenurn cro This stattmenl was foled wolh lfte Cnunly Clerk of Oranae County on 01/17/03 200J6UOl21 Daily Pilot Jan 22, 29. Feb 5, 12,2003 WOJI FictitiM ltllilm .... s ...... The followma persons are dom1 busmen n Outdoor Sparts World I 138 Cl Camino. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Ntck S B11tlell 11 J8 El Camino, Co~I• Mui, CA92626 M11earet A Bartlett, 1138 El Camino, Co\la Mesa, CA 92626 Th•t. bu,.nen 1s con duded by husband ind wife Hne MOU •tarted d91n11 llllMneu 1•tl-"° Hick S. 8artlttt Thia statement wu fried .,1th lht County Cltrk of Of•n1• County onOV24/03 100JH'"29 O.Uy f'llot J•n. 2'9, f tb. 5, 12. 19, ioo3 WO'.J6 ,..... ..... ... --.. Th• f0Howln1 persona .,, dolnc b11tJness n . Accident ind lnjur y Clinic, 34098 Pacific Co.st Hlehway Ste 8, Dina Point, Cahfornll 92629 Bradley B. Powell, 34102 !tub)' l1ntern #C, Dana 'f>oinl, Ctllfornla 926.29 This buslnen ts con ducl•d by; •n individual Have you 1tarted dolna bu$1ness yet? No Bn1dley 8. Powtll This statement WIS filed with tht County Clerk of Drane• County on 12/30/02 2002H28061 Oa1ly Piiot Jan 29, f tb 5. 12. 19, 2003 W061 Rt-. .... ... s...... The follow1n1 per son~ 11• doin& business u A.) Cluslc Outlooks, B ) Crullv• Outlooks. C ) Automotive Outlooks. 0.) Ott Ro1d Outlooks, E.) Truck Outlookt., f ) Car Out.looks, C ) 8011 Outlooks, H ) Tr•1le1 Outlooks, 2020 Fullerton Ave #52, Costa Mis•. CA 92627 Chad Richard Wtstf•ll 2020 Fullerton Ave , 152. Costa Mesa, CA 92621 This business 15 ton dueled b)'. 11n 1nd1v1du•I Hne you started doona business yet? No Chad Richard Westtillll This statement wu filed with the County Clerk ol 01<1nee County on 01/28/03 20036931342 Dally Piiot Jan 29. f eb 5. 12. 19. 2003 W060 fkttliM t.ilts.l ... s...... The followin11 per sons .are dom11 business u Scott Carmon Comp•ny 3220 North Iowa Strut, Costa Met.a, CA 926:?6 Scott Carmon Company LLC (CA). 3220 Nor lh Iowa Streel. Cost1 Me\a CA 92626 This bu,,inus 1s 1 on ducted by l1m1l•tl l11b1hty Co Have you st.,led doin11 buslneu ;et> No Scott c .. mon Com pany. llC Scott G•rmon. Pre~1~nt This statement wa\ llltd wrth the County Clerk ot Oonee County on 01115/03 20016929712 Oa1ly Pilot Ian 'n. 29 reb S. 12,2003 W04{) RditlM l4lsinm "-S"'-'t lhe followlna person\ are doon& bus1nes~ as American lnfr<trtd S<1un• Corpor al11;n 1 HS S Cl~udm1 St An11he1m CA92805 Saunas R Us. Int f NV) 1335 S. Claud1n.o !>I. Anaheim. CA 9280'i This busonns •~ uin ducted by a corpurahon Have you started dQin11 bui1ness yet? Yo I 0/ 01/2002 Saunu R Us, Inc K11\11na Kim. Set"ret.r y I hos \talement ,. a\ llled with the C111111ty Clerk of Oran&I' County on 01/27/03 20036931242 Oaoly Pilot l•n 29 reb s 12. 19. 2003 W049 RcffMlwJileu 11..S....... The followina per son\ are doina busmes\ n All\late rundlnK Subp11me, S Corpoul• Park Ste 110. Irvine, CA 92606 Prudential l ~nd1n11. Inc .. (CA), 5 Corporate Park Ste. 110 Ir vine, CA 92606 lhrs busmc» " coo " I/ d11Cltd by • corpoi tlio Hava you st#ted doll1I business yet? YH, I 26/02 Prud1nll1I Ltndln Inc., )tflery Smit •• h, Praaldent ' f~ This st1ttm•nt w• liltd witfl tbt Coun Ct.rk ol Orant• Cou11 on 0 1/11 !03 200S6tS01'0 Dilly Pilot J111. 22, 2'9 Ftb 5,12,2003 WOJ5 Ac-.. ..... ... s...... s s: The followin( person •r• doin11 businus a Quthty Class tnd Stone Cert, 3017 Coolid&• IC Costa Mu.a, CA 92626 7 • 0 Jerry Dawson, JOI Coollda• IC, Cost Mesa. CA 92626 Evelynn Kina. 18 Brookline, Costa Mesa CA 92626 This business is con a ducted by: co-partneu Htve you slJlrted dom bus111ess yet7 Yes, 1 ·01 03 Jerry 01wson Th11 statemtnl w1 filed with the Count l y Clerk of Oran11e Count on 01/17/03 200UH01JS y Dally Piiot Jan. 22, 29 Feb 5, 12. 2003 W03 j Adltim ..... llmeStlt....t The followin& person tre doina busmen u : s A.) Ame11can Adv1n taae Really. B.) AA Retlly , 1575 l Broollhurst Strut ,104 Wutm1nster. CA 92683 Oun11 Hoan11 Mai, 159'2 Mount Matterhorn St fountain V1lley, CA 92708 I Thi~ b1.1s1neu 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dua Have you st11 ted doine busm•>S yet? No Oune Hoana Mao This statement w•o; llltd with the Collnty Clerk of Or anee County on 12/30/02 20026927984 Oaoly Pilot Jan. 22, 29 reb 5, 12. 2003 W043 Rdltl.s lllilm "-*'-' The followine persons trt do1n1 busmen a~ Atlanta Moll~. 17111 Red Hill Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614 I Royalty Carpel Mills. Inc (CA), 17t 11 Red Hll Avenue Irvine, CA 92614 I Thi~ busmen IS con dulled by a corporahol Hut you started do1ne bu~oness yet' Yrs January I 1993 Roy1lly C.rpet Mills Int Sttve P1wn11:a Chief r 1n•nc1al Officer This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 01/22/03 200J69JOS92 011ly Pilot Ian 29, r •b 5. 12. 19. 2003 WOS8 F'k1itiM hsiieu ... s ........ fhe lollow1n1 perwns 11e doinc bus1nns .n Calllorn11 Cretn Clun tr•. 2046 C llncoln Ave Anaheim l.ahlUtn•a 92806 K•ren l Oallons 2046 [ Lmtoln Ave . Ana l1e1rn, Calllo1n1a 92806 Oon II Oallnn•. 2046 I L 1ncoln Ave . · Call tor no• 92806 Th1) busmos I) con dueled by husband and Wiit H••• you •tarted doona bU\1nu\ y~t' No K•r •n l Dallon\ t '11s •lalemerol ..,., llled with th~ County Clerk of 01<011ee County on 01102/03 200'6921295 O•oly Pilot Ian 29. r eb s 12 19. 2003 W059 Rc1itlM IUtu .... s ....... Th, lolluw•na petsoM are doina bu\lness as. Petmlnders. 118 1/2 S•PPhtre. Newport Buck, CA 9266? K•thleen Ann f•nlh. 118 la Sappbuc Newport 8..ch, CA 92'62 Tflra blDlnNS It eon ducted by: 1n HldMdual Hevt 1ou atal1ed dolnft bualnff• yell Yts, Af>r 88 • K•th~n AM nnch lhls '•ltltmenl wu filed with th• County Cl•ll ol Or111111• County on 01115/03 200SHH7 .. Daily Pilot Jan. 22, 2'9, hb 5. 12, 2003 W038 ......... ... s...... Tti. followln1 penons ere dolna buslneu H. Nippon Counsellna Cen· t•r, l~A Baller. Costt Mesa, CA 92626 Dtvld Michael Scarpino, 6535 Perk Roy•I Clrcle, Huntlnaton Buch, CA 92648 This buslnen Is COi\· ducted by an mdMdual Have you alerted doin11 buSineu yet? No David M Scarpino, MO This st1tem1nt w•s hied with the County Cler-ol Oran&• County on 01114/03 200JH2HH 011ly Piiot Jan 29. hb s. 12. 19,2003 W050 R<MMlwJileu •s....... 1 he followma persons are do1n11 business u : Tum Apu Moto, ~ Wesl 17th St , Costa Meu, CA 92627 Richard Counh, 20291 Kiln• Dr tve, Santa Ana He11hls. CA 92707 Thi~ busmen 1s con ducted by an 111d1v1du1I Htve you started dotnl business yet? Yu Oet 7, 2002 I Rtchlfd Counts f This statem•nt was 1ied with lhe County Clerk of Oran11e County n Ol /21/03 200J6U0291 0 Dally Piiot Jen 22. 29, r eb 5, 12, 2003 W037 FidtlMlwJileu llmeS..... • The lollow1n1 penuns re dome busmen as eno110 (nvironmental T Con1.ulhn& 660 Billo.er s I Stt 313. Cosl• Me\a, CA 92626 c es.tr Gustavo Teno110. 12 San Pucutl Ave 25. Los Aneeln, Ca 7 • 90042 d Thi• bu$onns 1s con ucted by 111 1ndlv1duar Have ynu started dmna USlnl\\ yet' No b Ceur C hnM10 11 Tiiis st.tlem1nl w•~ led with lh• County lerll of O.an1• County nOln 4/03 OOJ69J0924 c 0 2 0 aoly Pilot J•n 29. r eb .12 19,2003 W052 5 i AdillMltaess "-S....... p The lollowon1 per\ons re doina busmen n l hoto. 1:14'i loaan Ave r, Co\la Meu. CA 2626 • 9 2 c d Jennifer Stubb\ f R l ) 221 Ctnyon 0. •6 I. osu Mtiu CA 92621 1 hi\ bUSIOf\\ I\ con ucled by an indmdu•I Have you \IAfl•d do•nc bu'°ness yet• Ye• 06 06 "lOO'l lennoftr R L St11bb This statement was hied with the (;ounty Cieri. of Orance County on 01/17 /03 200HUOUO Dally Pilot la11 22. 29. r eb s. 12. 2003 won ~tw.u llmeS"'-'f The follow1n1 per \Oil\ •re dome busmen a\ S.tnd1 a Lynn Home r urnl\hmf!' On•en 4606 Ro•bury Ad Cn10111 del Mar CA 9261!> Sando Lynn Luebke 4606 Ru a bury Rd Coron• del Mar CA 92625 T111s bus1n"' 1\ lon dutled by an 1nd1v1dual H~v• you st11ted dome bu\lneu yet? No Sandra L lue'hlie Thi\ \l1temenl was hied with lhe County CJ.c.cA...RLOr •nu Couotr STARTING ANEW B USINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • • Qallx Pilot zw Llpl Nallcll - on 01/17/03 HOJ69MIU Deity f'1lot Jin Feb. 5, 12, 2003 u. 29, W03' The totlowtna ptrton• art doln& bu,lness H . 00 Custom C1blnelry & Con1truc;tion. 27 12 C1nllf1 Dr .• Cost• ~». CA926Z6 01vld Oelllchl11e, 2712 Canary DI .• Costa Mesa, CA92626 This business Is con ducted by an lnd1v1dual Hoe you stwted dom1 but.tness yet? No David Oell1ch11le Thi1 stattmtnt WIS filed with the County Clerll of 011n111 County on Ol/2A/03 200J69109JJ Oa1ly Pilot Ian 29, Feb s. 12, 19, 2003 ~J FktllM...., llmeS...... The follow1n1 person~ are doult bu11ness as COTIAWANNA, 70618 B11ch Ctrclt, Yorba Linda. CA 92886 Sue Drum, 20618 B11ch Circle, Yorba Lindi, CA 92886 Tl11s businen 11 con ducted by: an 111d1vldual HJive you star led doine business yet? No Sue Orum lh1s stittement was filed with thti Cnunty Clerk of 01an11e County on 01113/03 200J6929SJ4 Oa1l1 Pilot Feb 11. 19. il6. Mar S. 2003 W070 fldtliM .... "-S...... The lollow1111 per\ons are dome busrness u 01v1ne Concepts, 169 0 21st Av• , Cosll Meu, CA 92627 · Shanon Tannka euue. 169 O 21st Ave . Cost. Mesa CA 92627 This bu\1neu is ron ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 Ha.11e you started doont bu ... nns yet' No Shannon T•ne!JI• Buue This statem11nt w•s hied with the Co11nl1 Clerk ot Or•n1• County nnOl/17/03 200J6UOU6 Daily Pilot Jan 22 29 r eb 5, 12, 2003 W!l99 fktttiM IWtms ..... s ...... Tht< followlne perwM are do•na busmen as MLM lntertOI\, ?3861 lnve1 nes• Place la1un1 N1211el, CA 92677 Mary Lou Moorhud ?8 Wh1tew•le1 Corona del Mar CA926~ This busineu it. ton dueled by an 1nd1vtduel Have you started do1n11 bus1nes\ y•I' Ye\, 6178 Mary Lou Mo0< head This \t•lemenl wn llled with th• County Clerk of Or •nae Count)' on 01/21/03 20036U0355 D••IV P1lol l1n 22 29 I eb S, 12 2003 W04? Adltilll~s .... s ....... The lollow1ne per-.ons ••• 0011111 bu\lnus n Ander~n Arch1tectu111 Assoc1.ole!. 120 C 18th Street Co~t» Me•• f A 92627 John 0 Ande"nn 16!>/ Labrador Onve. Co\ ta Mesa. CA 92676 This business 1s <On du( led by an tnd1V1du1I lf1ve you ''••led <101111 bu\1110• yet' Yt\ I I 03 lohn And~ \On This \t•l~menl wa' hied wolh thr County Clerk ol Or •nee County on 01117 03 20036U014S Daily Pilot J111 29. f eb 5 12.19, 2003 WOSI fidltlM INllss •s..... The followone rieuQn\ ai e dom11 bu\1n1\\ .. , C•tun Spice Co Balon Rouce LA, 5~2 Royal• It Vint, CA 926()4 8111 Brown, 5252 lloy· at., Irvine, CA 92604 This busiMu 11 c•n dueled by: all indMdual H1vt )'OU 1twttd dol"I bu1lnHa ytt7 Yts, 12-34 Biii Brown Thi, illlement was tlled wllh. the County Clt(k of Or1nc• County on 01/17/03 200Hti0t.al Dilly Piiot .ltn ~1_2!; Ftb 5. 12. 2003 mi .... ......... .... s...... Th• follow1ne persons at• doln11 buslnes• u . llk tnhmttes, 7 Moio Court, Newport Beach, CA92663 Olna 8oland1, 7 Moto Court, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Thi& b1mnes,. IS con ducted by: an 111d1v1dual Have you itart~ doin& bU$1(1eSS yel7 No Cina Boland• This t.tatemenl win hied with tht Cuunty Clerk of Or anae County on 01/24/03 200J6UOl12 Diiiy Pilot Jan 29, r eb s. 12. 19, 2003 W057 fldltlM hsiieu "-S..... The tollowin11 persons are dom11 bu5iness a' Don Norma11 lnvl\t m1rrh, 57 Ocun V15t1. Newport Buell CA 92660 Oont ld Mau11ce Nor m•n. 57 Ocean Vista, Newport Beuh CA 92660 This busmeu is con ducted by •n 1nd1v1du•I Have you st•rled domli! b USIOU\ yet? No Oonald M Nor men Thi\ \l•lement wu hied with the County Cler II of Or an&e County on 01/24/03 200J6U0922 Daily Pilot J•n 29, r eb s 12 19.,2003 WOS6 RcffM ..... "-S..... The follow1ne per son\ •re do•n& bu~neu o C T Noon Contr•cllne Service•, 2588 f •or w•v Or . Costa Men . LA 92627 Cer •Id Noun. 25R8 I •11way Of Cost• Me\a CA 92621 Th15 busmen 1s '011 dulled br an ond1W1du•I H11ve you )t.,ttd d<11nM b11\1nes\ yet' Ye\ 04! 13 1998 Cu aid Noon lh11 \lalement wA\ fll•d with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 02/03/03 20036932091 O.t1ly P1lut r eb S, I l 19 26.2003 W06/ llallCl Of APftJCA 1lON TO SB1 ALCOHOUC IMIA6£S Oate of r 11tn11 A11Pl1 ullon January 29 ?OOJ To Whom It May Concern lh" N•me(s) of the ~h<llnltsJ 1s 11t WILD OAtS MAR llCTS INC !ht appl1.anh '"'•d •buve •roe apply1n1t 111 lht Oeptrlmenf ol Alcoholic Bevu.oce Contr ol to -;ell alLOhOhc be or •II" •t 3030 If ARBOR Bl VO S Tl 0 COSTA MCSA .. CA 92626 lype ot l1~onse\sl Apj>hed lor 20 Off SAi l RI I f ANO WIN( O.ilv Pilot I •b s. 11 19 200J W068 SELL your stuff through classified! The Legal Department at the Daily Pi/,ot is pleastd to announce a new servict now available to new businesses. ~ will now SEARCH the name far you at no extra charge, and save you the time and the trip ~o the Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of cqurse, after the starch is complet.ed we will fik your fictitious business name statement with the County Cink. publish once a week far four weeks as required by law and thm file your proof of publication with the County Ckrlt. Please stop by to file your fictltio"! business statnnmt at the flaily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mt1a. If you cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-4321 and Wt will make arrangmzentl for you to handk this procedure by mail Jfyqu shou/,d have any farther quations, please call us and we will be mo" than glad to asiist you. Good luck in your ntw business! Pilot ------· ·'I Policy I-low to Plaee A ,....---Deadline By Fa~ (949) 63 I MCJ4 1 l'tc""' ttll ludc ) "'" n"""' "'"' 1•h<•ic: nu1111>.:r "1111 "'' ·11 c•ll \ou h •. k. L "'1th .1 pru.,• 4u'""'' J CLASS IFIEAD - Bv Phone c949> 642-5678 Hy \1ai 1/1 n Per~on: '\ 10 We,l Qay S,trcet C'o,1a Me\.i, CA 926~7 Al N<•wpon Blvd & Bay '>t Monday Friday 5·00pm Tue,dd)' ................. Monday 5 OOpm Wcdne,day ............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thuf\d:.ty .......... Wl·d~-.da} 5:00pm . Fnday ................ Thursday ';:()()pm Rates and deadlines arc i.ubject 10 change without nottce. The publl~her reserves the nght to cemor. rcdass1fy. revise or re1ect any da-.s1fied advertisement. Plea.-.e repon any error that may be 10 your cla'"fied ad immed1atcly. The Daily Pilot acs.;epb no liability for any error 10 an advertisement for which 11 may be respon ible except for the lll\t nf the space actually occupied h) the error Credit can only be allowed tor the fiN insertion. I lours \aturdi..l) Fnda: H>Opm Pnday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010.-1110 ' ~DISE fllSAll Telephone !! 10art1·'.'i OOpm Mond.1y Friday . Ind ex \\Jl~~ln H \flam 'i OOpm Monda} h11ia:v ~ llALESTAn ~ s 7402-7466 3010-3940 'f9l ~ GARAGE _.ayMEJIT ~ J SALE 1439 rrnJ "'°"1JllTIS Under the Service Directory Banner IOOS·IS10 ( l$l ~~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck BUSINESS & soos-saso FINANCIAL 230S-2490 MRIMTM& 9000-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Col lectlbles/ Memonbllla 1160 LEGAL SERVICES ••••••-1 Offtcesblease 4540 -oP"lH SUH 1-S RoomsforRent 6040 *21r 210 S16SOmo; Hewport ouoo rhe JEWELRY/ 3460 I · _ Nf'w h•.tm~ 4hr m11d.-I ""'h tl11vr111~ , .Hf-•t'f str.., f L c;a .. • ., , .. I DIAMONDS/ UCK IAY CIHTER I p~rl•• I tw"h"' <1vn ('Ude CM lwfllvnt· µvi 1 • 11111 f p •·" •K• ii•• k 1111 I So It' rn lb~.', TOI' $S 4 HCORDS ETC lll2. ~ Ck 'IJ· & flh Ill~~,...,..}~ M1kt 949 64~ /'JO•, • lloclro "Hot Ive" S 2000. •Guy lultet hrlpopl. "Shove Ice" SIOO. 714-777-5651 Adoption & t'h'll lrvonr Av• ?bot~ I So9S 000 rm'IM ,,..¥ , ... ,., I.<'' "" 1u t 949 760 1713 Irv"" A•• •1 94'~ l!f1 >4 J foster tare PRECIOUS METALS ~ult "'w '"1•11 •n<l ••f Ol'lH SAT 1 S w d "I• t· "'~• 1""' 21r 210 Cottog•, l.rn11ly bM 21< llo Condo lu•dwHlll4 '>11111SO llJ•••l·•fld~dupv.r•<ld pr•l<I A•lll 112001 "I"' ""d l Jo. .,1 ~·I' J Services 2fi50 Coos! Coln Neecls lwnhn nn ........ ,,,It sri'Jrn. ... ~ 'Jll'H'464CU • , "'"' fih ,, • P.tr~ ..... ~ • "I• • I --Uhl Coon•' r; .. i.t o1lnr Office Spoce to V\.t<t tn 190U-<fll S'>4'J <j(J(J l l!'FJ '" 94'1 hi I ( H'> ot, d "' .1 .. i><~il 11-d:, v-.....n~ I l"""t~y W•lt~ .1ntoque' I r '"'"''Y Vollag~ Hoomy HI' ·si-·. I R1. ·~ .... SI !'iOrnt ""-Id It '~/ftster C.t l •lllN loblr' ')11'1 &4? 9448 turn rt plu~ant """'"'" .... 11. "" lhr p<1lf ru111 •.• ORANGE 7400 Morguerlt• 31r /21o I 14 1 M .. ~·<l• L •n• '14'1 ,,,. .....,._,. ITl<'nl 949 67'> O'.i09 llJ• lwhlll n•"~' •""·' lu "" t 1 rlufl• h •m• •,111 1~1 lhffr •• ""'' 1mcm I cats 3610 l 1'>7 •,oo COUNTY ,,.,_,, Also ~"•:" •M• .......... 11 .. " .. ~ ------1'4.,,.1 .. PAul• .... nR••lly "" llj• ""'" .. , ... , & ("Side .,,. 2'16.o IH r. 1·• • "''"" ~~-.Adel •AOAA• w.it ... llitt~ LOTS/ACREAGE Wl b P 1)4jj<j 1 , t lll'.tm ~ 1 • i<.11 ......,..,,. '"""'°"' '-""'" nrTCDTAJNMENT ~· """\ ' ·~tf\ ~ , ... i:-"''I<' r .., • ~ ----Balboa Penl-.•la "' b '"' i..; ,,. ™" uu1;n1 I "~'1 .. ., ...... .......,.., ••••Y c;.,, ,.,,. 1?411m L .... ''·-age I •VllUIAllOA• I r-OUAH/BAYVllWS•11 ·:::_:-...,. .,. I f uwt"4.f~ fROHT ROW HARIOR ----1ll'f1mu 949-64 .,,~ --------.,,.. rn..u•• ,.., ~ .,;.,.. ~. Al>«rlJI N.-lwcrl I Br I la w/Porlung, No.., """'" ~h• i '>li I ., I Calendar of E>OO 1 ~'"' c,o s Ail4hlorrn 111 f ,, 'H 9 b 44 n 7 9 Wanted 4740 & OClAH VIEWS Hew corp•! yrly leo••· '"'. ,, .. UI '''"' ···"··I Newpol't Beach i:........ 1-MO Blvd •1'1 ~· WWW~W'fll"i h~ Top flo0< l'enlhouse 206 ( I lb U It •S • • ""' "'I llnly 111 t l:'R'IU '11 714 '>lll'lXHi!JS~ () U.v ~ Ir~ 4 do~ NI W Ml Wll'IJ MIJllN DOUlll MIR SUITlS s9s~/:~nl~ tq• 111 1 , in ... '""I * YEAJtlY * All tPAI t• tatr -•~vrr 11\IOR 1n ttu\ fl(;#"" llJflf I\ \Ubtf't. f f ft•~ t rt1t<t ctl I •tr Hnu·~•l~ A, I ot l'~.M 4 '\ •mfl'nd.-J • h H h m.i",.\ 1t 1ltf'•' ti lei ad~e-r t1 .. 4" tr1¥ ,.,..,, .. , enc.ft ltmtltit111n ,., d1~u 1m10dltuo b ' t•d ''" R.........n l10lfldOO IA•!\j I 10 At.. Only ......,.. Sited 21< llo ASSOCIATlD REAlTY ufl \ •••11 ..-uni t J•b , UASES ART/ PAINTINGS SPORTING GOODS/ ft• ''"'" m.lluro I••• Ouw-tl••-tl.->n No lntt• 1 ""''' ltrr•,. AYlll mot 949 67S-ltl 61 1 14 t •t()O I. r • \ H.w lk!tng"White 0..0t 949 673 3663 Prtl•A '• • ch11I • >1Jn 111 1,f./UN(IY PlAI I I~ 3060 1 ""''' 111()(1 fl tltv~ll '" I ~ w•• rnlerta111 <Jtftt< M..· h 11.fn """"" SI I CUI CAMPING/ M1111111 •·n V•f'w\ ,. .• ,, $47S,OOO Iv $S24,876 2 ... 28o, '• ~ • ""'"' I ·o • llt,1 9'1f/b7".> lJll · loyrlclge sought ofter P!i-~-~~~ijj 110111 ! 111d11j, .-tfl1 toi ..-. MaryA.wt Mc~• I w d d w n"<N t qit ()allflt -?hr It ii!'' '>t:'l.-n~ ''"" 1 0-'--DI MMM. EXERCISE EQUIP I'" I •rl~ 1 I •I r,,g,. 949 444~770 luWf'I '""' "I /Ott1 .1 Costa Mesa .. ···~ ,, " ... 1 """ Pt••~,. • •nt1d mf' l1vtt• AJJ.t•r-n t I Aa-,,. '4. -..ltd~ tvtL~·• Sl1'9Srrlil, 'M'l/,11JW l-lfH'1I '• d~·~ nf"wl.-y I n11t11 1111 t ,,,.\! I " .. nl • fltrtOYrtwl r,.. Rr-......,.1 • Wl1 !b' lb... .. ,..,,.. lo ~ 1 ~q1• lt•i1 & ,,,.,,,. .. ,, " tf from 1 ,,,, ,. Jin ~o tl1AI I l •tn 1•11 you .ibout my • 011..., tum n l ltt'!nt\f1,m· ()ny1. 1;..ar v•·t1 mt11 ,,1.u uw t.t(l?k-\ k'""'•' '1v~.-~ i' H ffut "d•ll••.t1 t .tvtlr 1 m~ •11 1,,h~u Exmlse ''"~"''"~ Ct! l111J.w' -IOHITACAHYOH CoronadelMar 1 .. _,..h Pdfk '-•tth• ht~ Ill"' n r•• mo. Equipment 3760 lh1• wrm t l.l\t1 ~w OPlHSAT SUN I s 1------olM(•tU'·lrw'l:llUll \111'>1111•• 94'J"ll il/7 ---p11,1wrt1~~ 111 NM 1111 I I IO Winthrop Apl. lg llr w I •Jr "'""''' 94'lb7 l/J() TllDMlll, S•M•, 8 ll H l 9 l '!I I I lBR ! '>BA hum~ ,,.11 ~M•i•· w l '" ''' ho.l>i I llY' I "" ~ ~~~ff:,,,'--:,:h~;.~" 11~1~ i...,.ctty W••" 5200. (I Al •::;rAN1 I ~r.itr ""'' r ,;ur·,t u1t• ~\iu~ n~: '•1~"f'; I :~,l~ Ir.~ .,. .. m"" ~~·htft>tt• Hp•t nt" ""'"' nr lXUCISflllU.$30. Btlh•ntr SI 175000 Lant "~' .. .....,!>~'°' hop\ <h""'' Sll'J', ... ~-tJr ,, "" ~ •1•• •.• ~ .,,, .... "" "'I. ... .,,. i:·1r1 .. ,-_,, 1.i.1 114'1M' 'HI i H' ht •1 }j, hA-.; JU r•" 'ts .,_,... Jtt11) f,.;L ff't'• r. ~ flo-0 ti .,,.,, ...... ""' i:~-rr• :;.i<i •;n 1!fl• ................ ~".,, "" .. Wt I .... ,..,.. AIJ'I. r.i....r. """"" wd 1"4-~,., ~ l2IHl 'tit;(.!~ MJ * • THl llUHS • • ~. 41<tit .. f '" .,. .-41 ~Al Yd "' & rnr ~~ N I*' 1Jy 1.."'ff0 dj<,1 '4 • 'M '>4Y BAYFRONT Community Harbor Views Huge IBR IBA ~rborVl"$2000 Gorgeous 28R 2BA w/Harix>r Ylew"$MOO' Lartt P'ltfltl! Plldo5 • 'Tfted EIOtn • ~ Wood BtRlac Fnptace • Prtvaae ludi & rMrlu • Sparta.& Swtmlllq Pelf-.~ Tropic.al IMldsapln& • ~ &o Wboi kl.lll<I Bll'ldt ~ Cntrf FnWoe t.a.d S Coroa 6ef "'1r Newpott ~Apt. Homes 919 a.~ nwt.e. N"'"91-..di C949, 760-0919 t .u ~ cot '' r rha1•>0 'H'' h•nd11 "" f.lm•lt11 !Jiu\ f>t "dhunal ott11n 01 •n 1nlrnl1on to mdl-." tny \Ut h t.Hf'ferrnu• hm•t 1 tu.HI Uf dt\l f 1mm.-l1on 1 h" nrw~pdp~r "'" t h•l L 111£ l1ulh & butldlll Mv ldolm~ •y~t ;ncl ••l•an<.'"l: V"d''\ ~m11 tr,t &bfllty k f"f11uf lht-v WOO «* .r .. -.tr.t1 .. lft'\ -Nhl« .. h nilw -.hfmM t t" m onf" 714 -S40-3121 I 0¥~~,GrE~ • ' 'WI 1;44 8.'81! II Slfj() ~Tl 71J,0 A~t 94'1 ., tl "4J!9 """ 5400 HlWPORT U,.,.lR UY I I MISC~EOUS COUNTY UR IBr /'i8a•11flh• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MERCHANDISE f H UH I• t l • I cul tl• nut knowm~IJ •nl .-1 I dny 411dver11~f:'ntf'nl fl.If ,,.,, f• t•l~ w h1 h I\. lf1 v1ol.-.t1on of thr '"~ Our readft\ ... ,,. ,,,., .. h.., rnfnr mad lh• I dll tlw~ll 10~ •\J11,.tl1 .Pd Ill lt11· Ot"W\JJ.ll·,., tiff" tv1tl JMtt on A" f'Qo.tl o~•put tunily b•\1\ of yuut • '"' 11H'' palat~~ Al ~.•It.vi I 888 /<'A h/h} P II S." f,]i, 1 Lw 1•m11ot CA 91711 l:blb Miscellaneous CGrona del Mar 'al l >IA! AN I SJ?•, 000 CXQU5N'll Ofl· Mt-884 0211 ---HITo'•. 481 4 ">8.t I PATRICIC TlHORl Merchandise 3855 1 ._..... ...._ w/~ 1 l'RIMl uTAns I Rll 'HflllM OIRI (IV ~v+jo, i dt'l.l.' w ,,., • ...,, HATIOHWIDl USA Sy l•m w ''"' '"'''"n' rty ....t Boo> C.uty vrW'I t49 IS6-970S I "' 11fh• I 1•~ ll(llJ & I IJprn l1o1n• p4.tn •'l'h I www P•lr h.ltn•H~ •nt I I. I Stitt •• ""'I '""""'"' . !If'> ond HM'\' A r• ·~• , h<l• •r'' ll'fl If} llb H!lll OCEAHfllOHT flXU l n t uruplatn ul d1\ Lfln11Ml•Dfl l~ll liUO loll lru at I llOO 474 8'>90 Auctions 14&1 HOME FURNlSHINGS mu t on1tl•d 1 'llllJ lliO lHGllSH Vll.UGl ~T. 949.723.a 120 I o:~,t ti qu.1hly µ11 l•tr• I'"'•"'' 1 HOT FOR THf fAJHT "'""" p " k •1· I s j I 'J9 Of HlART I 40J'I HID£-A-WAY Horl>cw VI-.....,._ '>At ------., .. -.,c: !CAI •s AN1 S61S,OOO SBa hui;e lot SI 195000 f'llrnfturt ~ AGT. 949-723 1120 1847 Pott ~lf••<l l~ll WANTED TIQUES MOO(RN flVERSTUrrLO CUUC.11 V( RY WIOf MAROON f'URPLISH VI Ry vr Ry r.nou CON Old.< Style Furnrt1Ke DllON ANU trn. VT RY All STlll IUllOIHGS Up to 60 \ ttft1 10,40 ')(),HO 70• l!'IO l.•11 Nowt I \I Cont• I \t ~~Iv~' (;.fl r;o..,r R).;. 8D TI'> I~ ~i Coli.ctiblot VlRY l Aflc,£ f A l Business Oppoftunlties Businesses and Frlndllses MA ICHIN<, I ~IAIR S'>OO ..... _ • ._,.,. .... roR BOIH 4 YRS NlW $$ CASH PAID SS 1149 51 '> o l!1 W£ BUY ESTATES ;1649-4922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22t21o. .. k ..... AM,CAtn01 "'~tAl...,... ; • ..,. Glrk llno I 11r n Whom\IC .ti P4\l•I ,,1~ \ut,.n & hntl pa1"1Pd .:I~ ·'I"' on wht lacqoPr Pou •lain knob~ Cule lrkP 1ttw 'I pn SZC> & up 949 466 (,567 SIM MOHS o<lju .... lebe.t$400. ui.. Hew. 714-540 Jl28 3905 AAiV'iNDiHG ROUTl 16 Selrr'C ~ Pim>' lo l.hY6 mJ) lrllle.l 20'\. ()JWll wan ID) B> 9JI I 39'l5 Hew lnve .. tery !or \I• lfll: """" Rift 'ltlOp Great colle< t~ Re!MI SJ8I'. • ~It for Sl4K wrth olrr. 160 941 ~119 : * MorM tMnlroM*! * UQUll>ATION * =Ml ! ..t .. LE! ! SERVICES * ~ * -Plrlonal-1.oan1--2.-! CLOSING AFTER ! HOM E M ORIGAGE LOANS lowest lnternt ,,,., All uedll type' No Pf• paym@nl penal hes Best nrv1ce 1n lhf date C.1l1IOfma ORC EmpyrHn Fund1n1 Call now 800 720 8969 •IOI (CAL "SCAN) * JOYEARS * * Wicker R<lttan Seating, *• * La1nps. Tilbles * and Muc h Morel * *264-0 Avon St. Newport Beach* * Off ltl\t•Ndt• A Pac II\( {()il<,I "'"' * * 949-642-2255 * **************** ' C-OSta Mesa "gt Suun 949 7'1'> 7 I 1 I Ol'lH SAT-SUH 1-4 I 14 A MM I@ V1't • Newport Coast l'RIM( STATlS l'ATRICK HHORE HATIOHWIDl USA 94t-IS6-970S lt11 7 '>ba DlTACHlD ''"II t em hnm@ lfr t ~•I' ,,.,wn mcild.na ~hutlrr' Bo<r \ound \y\lrm Reclucecl to $501,tOO Mary I •W'I RittMn 949 646 9070 ;;;~~~dtrnorr 1 nm I Udo Isle l8WUfNf(l ON UDO ISlAND Ol'lH SAT-SUH 1-4 llACH COTIAGl 117 VIAllOU 21tt 1'/o lo 2-c r,r, I.di & fefl c.lut. 35 lot. Re ..... ed te $169,000 A91 t49-7S9-050 S .. 714-30 7 -4214 fAIUlOOS llACH COTIAGlSI fAIUlOOS NlWl'OaT llACH llflSTYll 11 VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Property Gelf l'rOf>ertlH S.Jlr\ & winter rent.ii' P .. lm Sp""I'· P•lm O~'ert Al~o Wd\h1nglon Wa lerlrunl Rehrr•IS Mrchnl Anter Becker & Bi.cl.er RE 800 550 JS7 J MISCWANEOUS RENTALS Hew 2-Story Hr 210 RentllToShart 6030 (11u;'1 fs':TsA/ll') cttM si-. 3 1, Ouploa SI S0,000. S537 501mo • 113 uhl •-octelo4 21r 21o indoor w/d & *"•· llm (13 144XXU/XX) pm~ 714-llJ>.41.ll S43,000. Nl'I sltere .ept w/lem Wotonrlew 21r 21e w/fl~e (S200U) Stl,000 llASIO lAND ( .. , ........ ._. o.Afa9...,... v-.. (94t) •>s-1s11 2bf w pvl ba pool \l)a laundry lac S800 mo • in utrt 949 887 7Sl6 l'f' on 1he blly. ~ lo bdl !lqa, rest.aw Boat -~~ba.~ c;..., 1)95 96® 7113 Rooms far Rn - CM~ r~ rn pvt home, no pets, no sinokS. Sl50mo+ 10-.. dlctrlc 949-442--4165 I DMdlme Feb. 12th • Va~ntine MesstJges Appearmg Feb I ·1th 111111111111111111111 . ''" \l1•" 20 Characters per hne. You may use all 4 hnes for larger ads. call an advert1s1ng rep loday1 we've mmU it easy for you!! .. . FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 rt:ime: Phone No. __ --- Signature: 8111 my: Visa MC A/E __ Discover Credit Card# Exp Date. -. ·---... Stop by or mAiJ to tlH Dllily PiU>t offia •t: 330 W. Bay Scrcec, Cosca Mesa, CA 92627 or CaJl (949) 642-5678 -A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678 .. A12 Wednesday, Feb<uary 12, 2003 -..-.~llllWll5..IT .... O~D~A-Y.._' ... S .... ____ ·I Bridge CROSSWORD PUZZLE :~~='if~~~~;N and TANNAH HIRSCH 58 Sldettop 80 Cult 61 Caslte.1 In~ S2~ac:ono 63 ~Clq.ll· 1'0itu.1 Y ON TOI' 64 HiglJ '*' $6 G1N1 UiMa flsh DOWN 1 Sllvaolo 2 Secrol romance 3 Large blossom 4 Breaklast item 5 Lillff9& 6 San AnlonlO l&am 7 CoaS1al city 6 Bef1a OI 1>8Sebal O Shows surpf!sc t O .Up, •n baseball (2wdsl t 1 Rockne al Notre 011me 12 Cate customet 15 Secllef" 22 Sooner than anon 23 McKeOen ana Holm 25 Bronze com 28 Htg11 "'nds 2'!l Tumpil<es tabbt l 30 Urban uaropon 31 snae1e 32 Nlx&eSO!!J 33~ 34 "MoNI usa· Slnget -35 Elev. 36 Earth. In combOs 38 Btaggart 39 Eye malutup 41 Secluded valley 42 Iron attrBciOrS 43 Pvls on guard 44 Granocor Bravo 45 Untrue (2 w(IS I 46 Olaney 'a Llnle Memlald 47 SHOO 48 Cuts a n<*:hed 49:r.~ 50 Ktno of wave 51 Paid OUI S3 Cyctoltoo 111rgm S4 Honk 59 Enl'1usiasm Both vulnerahlc. Sotuh d11bh .. NORTH •Void AQ J K 11642 •Q 965) WFSr • 10 s 4J 2 ,., K 0 !0753 • K 10 EAST •J876 ';I 10 8 6 s ) J 9 •J87 sot.rm •AKQ9 Cl74)2 A • A42 Tilc tmkling. SOUTH Wt:ST I• p.,.. l .. _ J Pass 4NT f'ioM 6 • ...... Opcnmg lead· hvc uf ..:AST p-• ......... PM,, p~ ~ I-or Trump Coup Tommy. I.he °""' ycur wa• on 10 o hHppy •t.urt 1mmp' ~ere hn:W<mg badly fnr more often lhllll one would cllp«t. Our ...,adef\ lumw all aliout T11111111y·, pc.:uhur g11t· an ordinary lllayer. at Big C.mtyan CC on fairway, 2br Jba. July "'"· 2 c attach p ~ llPllfaded, $3200 9$-5 IG-2569 BIG CANYON 38< 2.5ba, Jcar garage 3000+sf. $4200/mo Mmwy Ott.en. .,..... 949-552~700 Newpoft Coast , CRYSTAl CQVE Lease/New! 2 story, expansive 5br 5ba + den, gale guarded. Many custom features thru out Decor ale>< touches, elaborate landsc now under way A'iM 4-1-03 S7'Jnlmo Aft 949-07S-23U Private Tutoring 7990 flUTl U SSONS f ap'd teacher has new open 1ngs 111 Costa Mesa s tudio Lise s 1dr.k 9r9 574 osn Employment be''· he tx...:1unc a wltw'd ot the bridge 111hlc when ltutnpb were uokil)(I. Herc I~ an cimmplc of his rcmurkabk nbility Relucllint lo re~c<.C wilh ~uch a weuk heart ~ui1. Tommy made a 'ICll- .,blc lk.-ciMon 10 open ()lle ,pa<Jc, Hi' deci•ion 111 hid h1,."ll!U twtee ''open 10 qucMion, hut the he.in ~lam ut lll'J\l had •ome pluy. Tommy won the Jiumon<l opening lc4d perfon:c wilh the ace in hund, a low ~ fcicbed the kinit and \YI!> taken with the uce. und the king of Jiamon<.l~ w11.' ,.a,hctl for a cluh d11>- cnrd. When Tomin)' oo~ k.-d aoottl<!r d1omoo<l Imm the wblc, Eli•I 1,.'\iulJ 1K>t ruff high without concl!ding tilt! c1>ntril4'.l. "'' ekc:tod to di.o,curo 11 club. Tommy ruffed in hand. ca,ht'd the three 1op 'Pllill"'· discanlmg dub' I rum the hoarJ. und u.·c of dub-.. then tru111ped a 'pade in dilmlll)' £:~,I uguin did noc ruft when u diumond wu~ led. rulC.l Ton1111) """-i another ruff. Ond. 10 the queen of 1ru1111,.. Jnd dummy·, la•l diamond wu' led. Whe1hc1 1:;,.,1 rutfc1I high or low, the 11ine of he.in• ht!1·:ime lhc fulfilling t.nck. Tt11111n~ ..:olle«tl'd three ~p:icJt-,, thre" heurh 1n dummy, two d1u- n'IOnd\, u duti J11tl 1h1\lc d1u111c.111d rutr.. in hand 12 ind,, •>n all' Automotive 9004 BMW '82 52S. looks eood, 1ur1\ guod1 lOOli m1fe Si'OOO 949-650-8287 IMW 'ti HOI Sup•r clean, blk/taA llhr. 63k. •uto. $25,995 'v'SIZ698 CM !>" Ridlard 949--646-7822 IMW '9' M3 Coev, 5spd, 62k ml, btue/esh tthr. $27 .995 vC432n CM ot RW:twd 9664f>78l2 IMW (94 lllal Clreat au mllaee. 2dr. 5spd. ps, 6811 ml, stereo cass, 1ed/lan Int, sheepskin, A/C, pw. snr f, alloys, l · owner, smells new must see xlnt cond. Randy pp $9,700 877·582·2578 or 949·548·4241. Cadlllac '19 DoVlllo lersur 11 wa r Id owner IOOll book~ & records whl blue lthr lint body & mac cond v 562892 $1995 Bkr 949·586-1888 w-ocpobl.cOfft Codllloc '02 DoVlllo 2411 mo, lull I act w'rr, while/oatmeal lthr, CO, OnStar system. chrm wills. vll'827519 $24,995, save S2Q. Bkr 9&511111 www.ocpabl.com. Codlllac '96 Snlllo Gr-vtan llhr, looks/runs pert, $699!> v541895 CM Dir Richard 949 646-7822 Cadlllac '8 I Snlllo look~ and drives nire v754896 S995 CM Dir Richard 949·646·7822 Chevy btondod <• '91 new pamt, new tires. orleinal owner $4,500/obo. 94g.689.55aj Chrysler '97 Cirrus 6cyl auto, A/C, cc, pw, pdl. clean v321598 $3995 CM Oh Richa1d 949-646 7822 Dodge '9 7 Intrepid 3.Sl. at, a/c, cc, loaded, clean, v599864, $3995 Ricahard Ca;ti 'lesa ot ~MO lea. .. '00 rs ~ 2211 ml. •llvtr/&rlY lthr, mnrf, CO, full taetory w•rr.J~ke new 11#5~721 $21.~ firm, fin av•il Broker 949·586· l 888 --............ _ &Mc.a. '01 N-1pt..-· 2111 ml. full f1c;t w•rr, blaek/erey lthr, OD, OVO, ~· chrm whls, u new, v262512 $29,996 fin •vail Bkr 9 49-586·1888 _....,_ ._.. 'II S23 AWJ, red, 5spd. 51.4* clean, IGoklll' runs iueat $1995 v845326 CM ot Rlchilrd 96646-71122 Mo1do '99 Mlota Conv. 34k m1, auto, red/ black int & top, beautiful orle cood, v59724 l sms firm lln & warr avail Bllr 949·586-1888 w-.o<pabl.c°"' Morcodos '91 I.a C2:t0 Ell)« aid "'ff!! w/lan Ith<. beaut auto, sorf. $1J,!Hj '6411Di CM c:t ~MO M..--ln '99 .... C230 Kompresso.-, BurlllJndY/tan lthr, 621<. snrf, Sl5.995 v5Zll32 CM c:t-9666 MO ,_........ "90 .... 300( 2.6. bll/tan llhr, snrl, pw, pdl, Ar., $4995, v234013 CM °" Richard 949-64&7822 Morwclos '9S Ion& :tOOf 3 2, bll, Sllrl, Hilt, recent SVC. v52lJ25 $'J99'j Richard CM °" 949-64& 782'2 ......... 'IO 8eru 4SOSl srrf. auto, ltlY. svc history '1215489 $.liOO obo Rkhard Qm Mes3 °" 9496t).782'2 Mor-'-'80 8eru 4SOSl SIYf, auto, itlY, SVC history 1121~ $.liOO obo Richard Costa Mesa °'" 9$64&-7822 Ford • 96 hploror Monodn "8 8.u S320 Sport 2wd Al mnrl, blk/ LWB blclv'ary lthr. 681, &•cy lthr v452136 S5995 perf cond S<!i.935 v?l5984 CM Ot Rdnd 9'9-646-"lJ!l2 CM 0.-Rid'oi!rd 949-64&-'1f!O. ford ' 94 Mu•tan9 V6 _.,... h S605l '86 Red 5spd, •c. ~c. alloys. 61itd<. low m. tanV. wool super clean $3895 v215485 se.1t c.oven. Convt/hafd CM ot Rictud 9'5646-78ll top.$18.00> 949-721 1600 FOID PIOll lS '90 Runs xlnl 6 c~. auto. ac. ms, S1Jl1'oof, pw, ps, tilt wheels. new tres & caps. Blue book SJ7l5 sell~. Pnvate pcrty 714-S34-760I FORD PROBE lS '90 Runs' •Int,. 6 cyl, auto. al l ass. ·sunrool. pw. P~. 1111 wheels . new tires & caps Blue book $3225 \~II $2600 Private party 714-534-7601 Mercedes '96 C280 beautiful black/cream fully load~d. showroom. rv'rul Sil SK. 714' 751 2464 Morcoclos '88 S60 SL wt11te/lan 1mmat f\<tlt, nn. Wld. ,.,,..., id! IQ>. ctrcrre;. Sl4fll) 714 l'SI X-4 Mlbuttft;hl Dlamantl lS '00 ltaury lthr, ah ex Ila tlwomt! heels. oroa o-. n/SllW, Sl4.9!l> ~ w7149~ PHIWPS AUTO IMW S40t s. ....... , Rare 6· Speed·VS..Low Mllul (#18SJ6) $24.980. MllCLKUO . c..-·ta BIJcll/81eck llllr·only 45,000mil.es (1190041) $26,980. MIISSOO Sodo.'02 Black w/paichment leather fact wu1, premium wheels. (•19143) SSl,980. J..-rXJR Sect-'91 Shiney black on bl11ck lea.Uler-cer ttfledll (#188581) S29.980. Forrorl 348 S'lldor c-... ·9 Red w/perfect h1n llhr. a1eat reco1dsl (#19104C) $65,980 • Acura NSX '""ea ·oo Speed yellow 12K miles! Hurr yl (119005) $59,980 Hu..,mor H2 '03 Black w/black llhr ·3K miles! fact. warr ( # 19066C)S57 .980 00 Morco ... s Iona SLSOO '96 Black opal w/grey lthr·full power-pre mrum wheels <•18849) $27,980 BMW75011 Spt. S.daft '01 Cosmos black w/sand be1ee lealhe1 full warr ty till 3/5 (#19027> $54,980 IMW7401 S.4-'98 White w/perlect ti eme leather . certi lted 54k miles ( # 18730) $27,980 IMWXS '02 White. factory premium wheel~ (#18920> S>'l.980. IMW 23 'Con;, '96 Red w/lmmaculate black lthr ·5 Sj)t!ed (#18770) $1 2.980 ford bpodltlon '99 l oaded, nice family SUV. whole tow miles (#187941 SIS,980 949-574-1777 PHIUIPS AUTO hllll •-to.com Daily Pilot CREYIER ·" ., -._.., .,...---.... ,, ,.. '\ I NEW.!>003 MINI COOPER! ....................... LMFOR $249 pet month+ tax 2 at these terms on approved credit -·-······ ........ . S2500 down, 36 month closed end lene. nose· curlly d.eposil, 10,000 mites per year. 20¢ per mile for e.<cess miles TC42218. TC41916 ... 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