HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-14 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotTHINKING ALLOWED Newport B each, show me the light U p until now. I saw green lightS only as simple technological indications to step on the gas. lum-. out, the term holds some s1gn1ficant political inOuence 111 Newpon Beach. After covenng Costa Me~ City I lall for so long (was that only 18 monthr,? It seemed longer) and learning evt:J)' twhl and turn of that city's political • machine, I had not ,...___-------. taken the umc 10 LOLITA HARPER educate my<;elf on the infamow, Grecnhght l'>.'>Ue. I heard the term being thrown around the new-.room here and there. hut mt>rdy a\sumed my colleagoe<> were reverting to their usual child1'>h antic'> by playin~ a favonte game from adole<.cence. "(,rec•n light." '>Omeone "'ould ..ay And I would envision reponer. '><.-urrying toward a fini-.h hnc "Red hght." the emcee would yell. and l'veryone would freei'c I low great to work in suLh a amuc;ing cnvminmcnt. J would mu'>e. OK. Seriously, I am not trying ICI make light (no pun intended) of thl' movemen1 or the group And I am trying to learn more about the going<.·on in Newport Beach. Ju\t bear wtlh me I have been in the depth'> of C..o-.1a Me<;a t.1tv 1 lall for \O long, tt''i going 10 take my eye!> a little ume to adju'it to the . OK. I won't go there So. I decided to research the ii.sue in the Daily Pilot archive<.. A quick term !>ean:h resulted in 732 matchc<.. ~Cm\ I'd been missing out 011 son:ie news. I read pages and page!> about the (,reenlight Initiative and the Grecnlight :-,teenng Comminee and even found a Grrenltght Implementation Commi11ee (I'm '>urprised I didn't run aero'>'> menuon of a green ltghL cit'>tnct.l Seem'> that, on one hand, you havl' tho'>t' who say they oppo'>e ma.'>.'>IVe development at the expense of qualtty of life Somt' people refer to thb a.'> "re'>porNble" growth. Others caJI it '>low. See ALLOWED, Pa1e A4 • 10 Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2003 • , I :.J, H f I' Bachelor Frank Darlow. 74. of Costa Me~a gets a.kiss from bachelorette Donna O'Keefe. 70, of Seal Beach at Magg1ano's Little Italy Romancing the grown Lolita Harper. Daily Pilot F ran~ Darlow t'> a man on the prowt. and women are 1uc;1 dying 10 meet him. he '>.lid. !lie light-hearted. outgoing moh1c1an wa.. the lucky bachelor in a pre Valentine'!> Day affair niur.,tJa> al l\1aj®anO\ IJllle Italy In { O'>ta Me'>J. "Don't let the gray hair fool you. · Darlow ..atd "I '>ttll like to t ha'>e women. It's JUSt after I catch them. I can't remember what I'm '>Uppost•d to do with them " ·111a1 morning. however. tht· tahle'> were 1urned. Nearly a do1en wornt•n were in hot pursuit of Costa tvlesa senio r Frank Dari ow has a ball choosing his valentine f ron1 among 11 senior bach elorettes Darlow Ille 74 -year-old Co-.ta Me'><t r<.''>ident had ht'> pick or 11 bachcloretteS, betWl'l'n the agl''> or 70 and 80, with whom to dine Heauuful, -.harp. well dn ...... .,ed women lined the hooth., at tht• \outh Coast Pla7..a ealel). cha11tn>: II up while waiting for their perr,onaJ interview with Darlow After thr,e-minute se-..s1on'> with each woman. he picked ht'> match rhe winner was annoumed h> ho\I and daung game organ11er l·mnk Groff. who kept ht'> • <1ud1ence in '>ll'>Pl'l1'>t' l>l'lorl' revealing tht' nanw of tlw hit ~' lady. ··1 k.noY. you guy' an· .111 ".u1111g for the acllon ... he twg.111 "I dtdn I knoY< \\,l' wt•rt· gurng to ge1 an> al uon 'did orw of 1h1· women in tht' aud1ent 1• I lt'r tomment W<h ITil'I Y< llh l.111gl1' I le wa!> Cr<V) about .tll ol \'Oll. and 11 pracucall~ r anw do\\ n 111 .1 game of et'nte-meenil' mlfll'~ mm"· < .ron '><lid. \\uh .1 lnng ''''Ill rt•d r11 .... · 111 hanJ. 1>.1rlm .. \\ dl~t"<I 11H·r 11, Donna< l t.:1 l'lt• .mt! prt·'l.·1111'\l 11 II 1 llt'r \ht· .,·m1l1•d ,11 t q1t1·d 1h1· llm't r ,111d '>tond up 111 m1•1•1 lwr lw.1u \\ho"'•'' .11n .. 1tl\ n·1r1 .. 11111g · \,m \ don I \Oii go ,1J1\'\\h t•1t• I rank. -.Jw It j.,1'11 1 lw l\\11 'tood 1og1·1l11 r .111d -.m1led. h11ld111g t'<ll h utlll'r .uound !ht• ",11,t \'\!ult I ht• rt•,1 111 tltt \\fJllll'll lilt'd oul 111 tht• rt',Wur.mt -; but 11111 1·n1p1\ l1.1111.l1•d I .it h pJrl 1up.1111 '"111 .t gill 1 l'nJfit at1· 111 \la~'!.mo-. lor tlwir -.p1 lrt '>ITl.lll-.lllp ~on•\ t•r 1lw h.11 twlor DarlcM See GROWN, Page A4 A heart in the right place: a soap dish A Newport Beach I 0-year-old turns Valentine's Day into profits for him and the American Heart Assn. Christine Carrillo Daily Piiot had learned to cap11ah7,e on the upcoming holiday. VaJenune"i Day. like a tme businessman. I le purcha.'>ed the 'iupplies. made his product and ventured out into the world or commerce in search of a target cUentele. David found il quickly noltct:'d that tht' lald·back mcntaht; or t:Uslo mer-. al a coffee hou'>t' 1ha1 i..,, om e they'd had their coffet• -wa' much more profitahlt• ro und h11m.l'lr nmrnn~ ,1 hU'>lllt'" with a product in 111~1 dt>niand • 1111-. W'..L'> one of tho-.e ·,""'' \\hen cl k.td realues his t>ntrepreneun.d Lntere<>1-.: -.Jul. John Sullivan. the al tStant lwad at ~<;u'> who al'>O taught tlw worl..,hop ·11e-. gotng to Ix-d htl'>lne-.!>man Wt' can all see 11 And seeing the profitabilt"' SEAN ttl.LER I DAILY P1LOT David Penner learned to make soap in a craft class and now makes and sells soap for holidays such as Valenbne's Day. W hat started as a school worbhop for all fifth-graders at Pegasus School in I luntington Beach turned into a thriving business of love for one 10-year-old Newport Beach boy. After just two tlays of learning how to make soap, David Penner decided to use everything he After testing his saJe~man sltilJs in various areas, grocery stores and coffee houses, David began to assess the progress he made at each location and "If you don·1 '>('II vour soap at a good pnce. yow supplies will end up 1ak.mg 01ter your busmess. • David 'klld, when talhng about !>Omt• of the nuances he's learned ahout busines.\. ·1 fttl hke ai~ entrepreneur and I tlidn 1 ewn le.now what that word meant until three wt.-eks ago." Having 'iOld mon• than I 00 scented -;oaps in the <>hapes of heart!» and frogc;, David h~ I >avid ha.c; al'iO <it>en the effl"C'I ht• 1 ,111 have on others.. In honor of Im gr.tndmother, who 'iUmved a hC'art atldck tn November, DaV1d has sel ac;1de 2~ of tus profit., SM HEART. Pa1e AS 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend JAZZ MATAZZ NfO JAZZ-LE DAZZLE 1 The third annual Newport Beach Jazz Party will retum to the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel Frlday to Sunde~ The festival will feature the Bill Cunliffe Trio, Mary Stallings and the Houston Pereon Quartet. The hotel la at 900 Newport Center Dri\#9. Information: (949) 769-5003. r ORCHI> YOU NOT 2 TheUClrvlne Arboretum'aannual Winter Ordli<f Show, "Prelude to Spring; will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the art>oretum on the UCI North Campus. Admission it $2 per pettOn. Children end members get In for free. For more Information, call (9'9) 824-6833. A UTllE OF THE OLD ULJRA.VIOUNS 3 The public ls Invited to enjoy ·vtOlin and Piano C1auk:a: Viofinlst Leny Greenfield and pianist Suaan Boettger, both Jullllard graduates, will praent a free musk:ale at 3 p.m. Sundly at the Newport Beach <Antral librlry, 1000 Avocado Ave •• Newport e..ctt. For mote lnfonnatlon. cetl (949) 717-3816,. <. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTlfEWEB: www.~com WEATHER We may go the day without rain. SeePaaeA2. SPORTS . AntMtett pull out • 1hriller •• Utet\ State In Big W..C Confwenc:le men's beaketbell with 9-68 Ylc:tOfY. S."'8M PUBLIC SAFETY Carjacking leads to quick police chase Newport police arrest teen after 2-minute pursuit through Costa Mesa. D••P•lharattt ()MyPdot Nl:.WPORl-MfSA -Ncwpon 8t«h Police od I San DI· ego t~ Thunday after the 17-year-okt ~ carjacUd I local m.ident and led officer:'I on a high· pttd purswt through dential are. offidah d. 1be indd nt Marted at about 12:30 p.m. ThW"$day, ~hen the boy pproad\Cd I 24•)ftl' old Nt!wpon Rel h man about buy· i.nte a car, Set-· SC Shu.ln>&n 1he temagu's name aJcd beca' ~ • Ju· A2 Friday, Februaty 14, 2003 ON THE Daley Stephens.sails a sabot. Daley wa s a member of last year's Junior Sailing Program at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Have sabot, will learn Oeepa Bharath Dally Pilot W hether kids want to be a cru.uaJ Sunday sailor. gear up for fierce competition or simply get a feeL for the water and sailing. the Bahia Corinthian Yacht O ub may have what they want. The Spring Junior Sailing Program al ·the club took off Sunday. More spoL'> are av-.Wable, Youth Sailing Qirector F.rm Frederick said. The program. for children ages 7 to 16, ii. just a sort of "warming up" for what's 10 come in the summer. she said. "We normally have 15 to 20 kids in the spnng, but that number goes up to 75 to 100 in the summer," h'ederick said. "Also. we onty have classes two Sundays a month, but in the ummer. it'<, five days a week." fhe goal of the program 1s to help WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published petfOdlcally. tf Y,ou are planning a nautical event submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dallypilotOlatimes.oom. BOAT RENTALS With MMne WlrtilrSporb .t the Belboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiencel from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bey in your choice of poW8f end sail weten:raft, jump the ocean swell• in a S...000 jetboet, put you tpOrt-fishlng atilt• to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above It afl on a parault fUght along the Newport CX>nt. CompHmentary ice and beverag• are included with all electric boat rentals. a.lboe Ion "-tllil CM put you on the water In many waya: wtth tingle and Sailors-in-training can add more to their know-how through a sailing program at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club children appredate the hay. she said. "They learn skills they can u.~ for the rest of their tiv~." Frederick said. Oas.-.es are offered at two level'>. The beginners class will give fir..t-and second-year '>ailor.. the opportunity to develop skills and confidence thro ugh simple. fundamental exeni~. Fredenck sauJ The classes are formulated lo give the children a basic knowledge of c;eamanshjp and rigging. ..afoty on the double kayaks, elec:tr1c boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, blrthdaya, nonprofit organizations and groop outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia ~uestions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering Is av1ilable at an additional rate. Fot hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Bectric bo9t renbll9 ... ~by, the hour at Ou1fy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boata are equipped with window endotUres and CO players. Ice end cupa are provided. Re.ervatioot are suggested. All hour rental It $75. (949) 645-6812. P9dal bo.t9. electrtc boeta, bodyboeftta, kayaks, Inn.table rifts, catamaran•, beadl fumlture and wetsui1s are available for rent tt Re.ort Water Sporta waler and navigating to simple destinations. The sabot racing classes are designed for the advanced racers. · Along with participating in a number of spring regattas, students in this class will focus on other aspects of racing. AU sailors are reqltlred to have their own sabot The program not only teaches boar handling. but emphasizes sponsmansrup and safety. A lot of time i'> devoted 10 improving swimrrung strokes and upper body strength. frederick herself wru. the winner of the Juruor Lido Nationals in 1997 and Women's Nationals in 1998. AU instructors who teach the program have U.S. Sailing credentials. The student-to-reacher ratio is 8 to I X>ur mission is to create a self· sustaining youth sailing program that instills a lifelong appreciation for sailing and yachting." Frederick said. at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. Go'*la tDun ... offwed by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $76 cost Includes a basket of bread, dleeN, salami, Ice, glasses, a blanait music and a Polaroid picture. Wine la al~ available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola~J10'I w. Coast Highway, offers one-end two-N>ur gon~ cruiees. A on.hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner end champagne is $180. Pldcup I• evailable at waterfront restaurants. (949) 67~. Irvine Coat Chertlln In Udo ....... Village offers two-hour electric boM cruises with a gounnet dinner. $180 for two persona. (949) 67M704. Gondola Romance ... dllly .... ., Newport Harbor during lundl and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina VIiiage, 3400 Vie Oporto, Newport Beach. Daily A Pilot ContWhon News auiatant. (949) 57~298 core/. wll.on@latirnes.com PltOT'OGRAPHERS Sea'n H1ll8f, Don Leedl. Kent Treptow Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copyright No news stories. 1lluatratlon1, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be n!produced without written permiuiori of c09vright owner VOL 97, NO. 45 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publiahef TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Adveftltlng Director LANA JOHHSOH PromotloM Director News Editorl Gina Alexander, Lon Andert0n, Paul Sa1towttz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Deepe~ Oime end courts reporter, (949) 574-4228 dectpe. bhan1th tllatlmea..oom June eu.g,.nde Newport Beedl reporter, (949) 574-4232 /uM.caNQr•ndetllat~.oom Pllulalmon Polltlca end environm.nt reporter, (949) 784-4330 paul.cllnton €1/atlme...oom Lotlt.eHeil1* Columnist. culture repdftet, (i49) 57 ...... 276 loltta haflW'.llltlmM.com Deirdre N9wmeft eo.ta M..a rep(lft«, 19"8) 6?4-<W1 tMlrdre.MWm.tn•1at1m...Clbm ~~ Cc:tUcation ~. IM l 57~ dlri$tuw.oem11o•1.-tJ,,,.com READE.RS HOruNE (949) &42-6086 Record your comments about the Delly Pilot or news tlpa Addfeee Our addr ... Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meea, CA 92627. OfftCe hours are Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. ConecdoM It la the PHol'• policy to promptly correct all errot1 of substance. Please call (949) 7&4-4324. FYI The Newport Beed\IColta Mesa Delly Pilot IUSPS-144-800) la publl1hed dally. In Newport e.ech and Cotta Mae, aubecriptlone a,. available only by subecriblng to The Tlmet Onlnge County (8001 252·914 t. In areaa outalde of Newport Bead\ and Coeta M ... sublcriptiont to the Dally Pllot are r1allable only by fltst dl8I meil fOf S30 I* moom. (PricM lnctude .it epplloeble SW(e end local w..l POSTMASTER s.nd ~ c.h~ ton,. N9wpol1 8NchlCotta MeM Delly P'llot. P.0 HOW TO REACH US Clrcui.tlon The Timea Orange County (800) 252·9141 Adwtdslng Claleifted (949) &42·5678 Dilpley (949) &42-4321 Edltort9' New9 (949) &42·5680 Spot19 (949) 67<M223 New9Fu19491 ~170 Spofta Fu (949) 650-0170 f-m.M: dall'fPllotOi.tlm..oom Mein Offloe ........... Offloe (949) &4.2-4321 ..... j'\eM Fu (949) 631-7128 Publlth9d by nmee Community News, a dMtion Of the Loe~ Tlmea. C2002 Tlmee CN' Alf riohtl • reeerY9d. ... • ' -W"l9o ... Dady Pilot THE HARBOR COLUMN ff· Time to leave the wa.ter Jo~ th·e boat show Ahoy. boat industry. . Did your loved one give you a boat for VaJentine's Day? No, weU the West Coast's largest indoor boat show starts Saturday. The Southern California Marine Assn. kiclcs off the 47th annual Southern California Boat Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center. MIKE WHITEHEAD Commissioner'> John Corrough and Donald Lawrenz hdve been on and are sllll contlnwng a fact-finding rruS\Hln about the fire code that Corrough reported during lhe meeting. Acco rd111g tu the fire code, il i'> illegal for one boat 111 block another boar in This weekend's event will bring back the big boats, among more than 600 watercraft at the sh ow. ·For the past several years. our committees hav~ been 'working diligentJyi o encourage manufacturers to bnng in their Oagsrup model!> to the lucrative Southern California market," said Dave Geoffroy. the association's execuuve director, ·Their work 1s paying off this year. as a record turnout of more than 40 boats in the over 35-fool category ~ill be displayed.~ The out-of-the-water sho\., will fea ture big boats from Carver. Maxum, Regal. Navigator. CataJina and , Beneteau. plus a few West Coast debuts with a 57-foot beauty the Meridian's new 540 pilothouse. Sea Ray with its new 54·foot 500 Sundancer model and 11ara's 4200 Open luxury cruiser J ju'>t had the opportunity to te5l a Tiara 4200 for ~a Magazine, and the 4200 1s one boat you need 10 !.ee Additionally. Marine Mega MaJJ will be m Kenua 1 lall, where you will find marine acceS!>One'> and merchand1!>e from motor and propeller upgrades, manne apparel. h igh -tech electronocs and water pons eqwpmenl. \.. ·The show has something for everyone. regardles.'> of whether they favor cruising. fislung. sailing. walceboardmg, water skjing or even kayakmg, • Geoffroy ~aid. The Southern Californla Boat Show is open Saturday rhrough Sunday, Feb. 23. Show hours are 1.0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. lo 6 pm. Sunday: and 2 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday Tickets are $IO for adults. while children 12 and younger get in free when accomparued by an adult Public informauon may be obtained by calling (8881 OOAT-INFO or visiting www.scma.com_ HARBOR COMMISSION Ooser to home, the Newport Beach Harbor Commission continued to tack.I~ two ma1or harbor issues·on its hot list at its meeting last Wednesday. The commissioners are addressing the fire code regulations for commercial marinas and are considering alternatives to the management of the charter a slip. fairway or lagoon. I dWicussed in my Nov 8 column how the fire code" more slringent with boat\ in water versus boats stored on land. fhe city will began an outreach to the commercial operators, and tellers w1U he '>ent 10 tho'ie out of compliance. Another important 1ssut"1' the charter boat lndustry and how the indu'itry as operdllll~ an Newport I !arbor. Cllanrr boats are the mo'lt reguJJted indu.,try an Newport. from ve'i'iel and crew certification., by the U.S. Coast Guard to rhr actual charter permill> l'>-\Ut''> b\ - rhe city Sult. the top compldmt I hear on a consistent bJ\I'>.., 1ht: noii.e from th e ves!-telc, Su. the commissioner' arr looking into the perm1111ng process. dock operation\ for 'iafely loading and unloading. number or passenger<. and ves<iel'>. revenue from pav;enger fee!>, park.mg J11d thl' effects o n the area .. The comtrussioner!> conducting an -depth anah"' of each "ery com pin 1'>l>ur \'f11l have to determine the Pe'' management prall1ce\, These are perfect examplr' of why a harbor comm1~""" I\ important for Newport llarhor I am <>urpnsed by the lal It of attendance at the meet ml(' ti\ tho'ie 111 either indu<>try d1rrlll\ affected by the e i'>SUe'> TIP OF THE WEEK Go onhne to the De'parlml'nr of Roatmg and Waterway'> (www.dbw.ca.gou) to take .in onhne pcr.,onaJ watercrdfl '>afcty course. fiJow, you lJll rnmplete a n o nline exam .md receive dJ1 immediate grJde The course includes the P\Vt anatomy. legal requirement'> operauonal gu1delme'>. '>dft'r, and navigation. On a personal note. m\- prayers go out to Newport I farbor High teacher Jerry ragami, whom I remember while attending the school I le was always an insp1rauon. dnd oh. those basketball game<> after school. Safe voyages.. • MIKE WHITEHEAD 11 the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist S9nd him your harbor and manne·related thoughts and story suggestions by a-mall to M1ke(l!tBoathou•eTV.com or v1s11 Boathouse TV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The chance of rain still exists this morning, though it's only about 20%, so the occasional sprinkle will probabfy be the extent of It. Highs will be in the lower to mid-ma In Newport-Mesa today, with overnight lows near50. Saturday and Sunday IOOk more aunny and less rainy. lnfonnttion: www.nws.noaa.QOV BOATING FOR~CAST The wlndl will blow • llght 10 knota In the Inner waten today, with 2-foot wavea and a west IWell of 4 to 8 feet. The IWell will bec:.tc down to 2 to 3 fMt thla tvtnlng. Out t.nher, the ~winds wlll blow 10 to 16 lcnota, wtth 2-to 3-foot ......,,.. and. west..., of 5 to ..... The twell wit! badt OOWn to 7 fMt thle twning. S~RF The northwest swefl from Thur1dey will peak today, with chest-to lhouldel"hight, but It's not the healthi..t w.ter to swim In because of the last three daya of rain. West.facing brMU will sae similar sae on Saturday. The ne>C1 swell won't arrive until Sunday. When It hha, it should provide 1<>me shouldff.hlght and the occaalonal ~on Sunday and Mondrf, W....quellty: ~..Urfr1W.OIJ1 TIDES T1rM 7:Gta.m. 2:22p.n'\ 8:5ap.m . 1:34a.m. ........ 5.87,_ high ·1.02,_IOW 177fMt~ U:tfMthW' WATER TEMPERATURE 80dtgrw • ally Piiot frlddy f ebtuary l4, ?003 A3 I Flower ~shop benefits Newport-Mesa schools ustomers na me the ch ool that gets a ortion of their sale. ill a11d Hu:.ry Wheeler just opened their Oowcr shop, Fiore. 111 the Newporl l.Od\I ~hopping about wo week.'> ago. But along wfifi elli11g beautiful and creative . OU(.jUt.'I' or flowers, lhc Vlit.oelt>r-. wanted to do more - und '>O llwy thd 1 l ht> Wheeler-, decided that lhl'\ wouhJ don.tit· I 0% or their profi1-, Juru1g tlw lir'>t week of j:wry month to <1 local '>Chool. i11ort• 'Pl't 1lk.tlly to whatever td1011l thc1r t 11.,lOmer chol>e. I hey call 11 • .. dut:ation in lltJom. • I he tr rca.'>on for doing ~ they Wdllll•d 111 give halk LO 1e1r rnmmu1111y. nu.•y wan1ed o help their Iola! -,chool-,. ··1 kuow Nt·wpon ML~ I'> not ti-. h<mJ h11 ,,., 'ome other ~1"1nLt.,," )Ill ~uJ, addmg that hl' 1111dt•r!'.lamJ., lhe di•.irict\ 111.mnLil plight. '"And lthc l huobJ work. 'o hard 10 gel \try d0Uc1r oul of Lh('tr budget."' \\ ill1 .,c hool rnorwy light, the ht•t•ler-. \JW tht•tr pO'>llion a!. u .. mt'"' O\\<lll'r'> <L'> one of a l''POll\lbthly to hclpang 1hc l hool., J' ht•'>I they wuld I hufl\' th.ti '"hJt we'n• doing 1111 thl·m ,, 111 nl.lk.t' ,1 l11tlcrt•m l' Jill "'1.ld "I wn SI 0 l J.ll lllJ~e d d1lfcrcmt· • I Ju .. t J' tht· \\>licl'ler'> h<1H' p1·1 11.lt•d 111 do 1 tw1r part m S£AN HILLER I OAll.Y PILOT Jill and Rocky.eler. owners of Newport Coast flower shop Fiore, created ·Educabon in Bloom" to raise money for schools. helping the !><:hoots make their way Lhrough the s1a1e·s budgt.-1 cuts, other local businCSl>t:l> have lent a hand. Many of ll1em have been lending a hand, or in thb c:~e a pockel book. to lncaJ '>chools for a while now. "Our partnerships are alway'> 1mportanl," said Barbara Holhman-1 laddoc:k. prmc1pal at Lincoln Elememary School in Newport Beach. who has a number of partner.hips w11h local businc~es. "\-\'hen we tlo ~el outside donations. we want to be carefuJ that we don't gel 111 a '>lluauon \~'here you rdy on II year after year. becau'>e 11 mily not alv.ay .. be Lhere \\1ule relymg e11urely on fund.mg lhrouW1 bu.,ine~ 1s not an option for -.chool~ wtll1\u the d1stricl. receiVUlg donauon'> from th(•m could cenainly help -.chools wllh fundmg in areas '>Ut:h .I.!> '>upplies anti some formo, of maintenance. "Wt.-want to get mort.o local bu.,inc~es involved," '><lid lane Garland, communications and '>Jl<'nal projects coordinator for the di-.tncl. "One of my auempts '' to get more buo,inesses - l"penally now that we're 'tepp1ng up to Lhc plate with money getting tighter." • /\.' d1•.tric1 offic1al.s stan broadening lhe M:ope of '>Chool funding to mclude local hu-.ine'>'>e'>. and local bw .. ine~e., contmue ~' (('at:h out to the '>l hool.. through donauons, the l1m c 1 hat dme._. bo1h of them remJlll'> the 'Kime "It\ ahout educauon." Hork} ~1d • llmt\ the . nm· of our lOUlltty ·• BEST BUYS A sweetheart of an opening· J ennlfei-Croll at Crysta.I ~Promenade ll> celebrating its grand opening th.is Valentine's weekend with a swecthear1 fund-raiser that run., through Sunday. Ten percent of '><l.lt!l> will he donated to lhe Amc:rlcan I lear1 Assn. Customers who auend the reception Saturday fro"? 10 a.m. until noon will receive a $25 gift certificate for purchase-. of more than'sso. Relre!>hmentl> will be served at the celebration. Jennifer Croll ha\ a rn1x of contempomry c:a.-.uaJ appJtel lor women Lo cocktail atlln~ and acces.'>one!>. I or men, 1here\ an in-store shop, lroll \port. lli.tt offer. rni.ual de!>1gm by Ben Sherman and led Baker Ml'n can play a game of pool or watch grunt''> on llu• pla'>lllJ J\.' Jennifer (.roll ramt''> the la1t·'1 linec; for .... omen. I ht·ory. ln11J furk. Diane Von I ur~tl'nbur~. Blue Dot. I hret' Dot. I.ct( .<J'>IC'. AG Jeans, ~u.<wma M1mJ< o, Nanette LePort• and Dm.t H.trll'I Exclusive-. to< Jrange ( .ounly include Manddlay drl' .... e\, t1 favori1e with lell'bnt1l''-. '>lllh J.\ Goldie Hawn. 11wrl' Jft: C .h.trle'> David '>Roe., ilnd 01.in l.uu jewelry. Jenmfer l rnll I'> ,11 794£ Pacilk <..mt'>l I hi;hway. ;\;c.,..p<1n Beach. 1949) 1!:14 477'1 A CLEAN WAY TO CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S DAY Sparkle. iJ lJfllt.'t de.uung .md restorauon ~'f\lll''> c <>111JliJny Ill ( .O".>ta MC'-..1, h.t ... ll'rlnll'tl up Wllh ~rmaine's Skin Care 111 C .or1111.1 <lei Mar to oner a \aJenune\ l>.t\ -.pec1al a\aJlablt• through I ebniiln \\l11lt• \our \alenunt• 1' )ece1VUJg beaury treaunent.l> at Germaine'~ Skin Uµe. Sparkle can clean the carpc~ at home and Will leave a red rose 011 the lcitchcn table-a GREER WYLDER pe r'iO nali.ietl nott• 1., opllunaJ. Owner (.enmM I uent''> l,tml' up with thh gl.ft lrorn per..onal 'ucre~~ Wlth the 1dt·.1 "M} will-wa'> thriUt.-d whcn I gilH' her tht· prt:\t:nt of a !.pectal he.tut} trl:'almcnt '>t.~'>lun ~ on her rl·turn. found a rnmple:teh rlt:an and \\1111dt·r1ullv -.mell1ng lJrpc1: I ul'ne'> ... 11J < 1l'rrn<1111t• JJt uh-.-I ilylur from (,l'rnldlrlt''> \k111 C .<1re thought 1ht 1dl'a wa .. wonderful lt·.iming up\\ uh '>parkle, -.he'> ofkrlng a viJncty of beaul} lrciJUncnh I ht• I uropcan Hoyal lrt'Lilllll'nl 111dude' .t l·uropean ldl ial hilnd pJialfm and 1001 rl'fkxology. ltw I lqLl}'WOOd ~lar I n•a1me111 ,., .t l hrnt e ul either iJ Modt:lagt hH 1aJ. an H.110-2 l'urc: Ox\ gen I au al ur dJl Air Bru'>h ~1dkt· up Application. for llll'll l'llt' Kmg'> Cl101te I'> a tht·r.1pt·u11< ,inti deep dcan'>1ng trl'allm·nt I'm e-. '>tart di $.1,..>1J lat 111.11 \,1h1t• ol $5lf5 and 1odudt· .1 prt•m1um rnrpet dcanmg -.t•n.1ct• and ro<,e '>parl.Jl' l an'lw rt'alhed.at !!:l-1Y td I I 00 I or 'l 'lt'lt'.Spllrklelle.wm. C 1erm.11nt·' 'ilun ( .ctre I'> al 23 U < oJ-.1 I tigh\'o 1\ \une B. (!MY) A GOOD TRADE FOR THE HOLIDAY Hargam pm.I:"> 011 pu1tl·d plan~ for Va.lt.-nllne\ I >ay an· at Trader Joe's M1111a1url' row ... cm llld'> a11d c1."»0rted hou.,t·pla11 I'> arc among thl• -.tit•< I ton 1 rader Joe\ IS at f>4(} W 17th ',t , CO\ld Me'>.!, JlllJ at c .ry'>lttl Low Promenade. al i'alJllil ~..Od'>l I IJghway a11d < f¥'t.tl I le1ght' Dme, Newpori Bl'ach A NEW PlACE TO CHECK OUT ART CAntico \plendore USA ha ne .... .,fHM room ol I urup~an dJ1 dlld ltalt.1n dlld I rl'm h an114m"> [11r the homl' aud garden < >p1·11 lrom I <l d m ti, 5 pm lut·-.d .• , 1hrouw1 ~turd.i~ .!'llOll C1rall' l.&1ne Ill UJ\ta \k-.a -14 -r;1 1475 A VERY CLASSY SALE Q~ ~Ond~ I l ha.nty rc·'>alt• l~11J11qt1t bt·rwfiung I tum Jn < Jpl 11111-. 1-. h,1\·ing d .... rnt~r \.\.011dt·rlJ11d '><lie 1CJd<1y i\JI men,, 1Nrmw11., .mcl t h1ltlrc:n., d•1tl11n>i_ ..irnl .tltl"'>'>CJflt.'., \o\-111 bkt·duted 'llfli, < ]a.,-:v '>c.·w11d-. .11 cept cJ11nJll01h 111 rw\/\ .tllcl genll\ u~ed dolh 1 ng, '>Ill.ti! houwhold m·1n ... lurn11un· .llld •Kll''>'llrll'' Imm 111 .1 rn to 4 pm llYI 171h..,1 .11.-.t<1 \k...._1 1.q•1 h 1 I lh'lft. • BES1' BUYS I IJtld•S Moridi"ys and Frocl.iv ., •. , J 1nforrna11un !O Gref'r Wylc1 .. r di greerwylder u yc}hoo com at 330 W Bciv St Cos.Iii Mr>so CA !J2f,27, or by ta• at !;49 646 4170 .... " --PRESIDENTS WEEKEND SALE! .00 % Yield On Principul of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURf-4:.I.> ~\~·~ e@mtunuw+m• & ..... .rftt.l ... • H•rbOf' E••tl>luff A,_..ef'Hn Llnc:ol" Newport vi-Cont fiam•n~ry 5'1\ool• Hosted Vy Leigh and Lucy Steinberg Presented by Featuring g~. J a.mh.cl,Juk& 10K Run/Walk 5K Run/Walk 8 Youth Races acaMU Toddler Trot· "'A(. A I I ., f = ~ f"" Kid's Expo 7-11AM -=no ~ . . 5TARTTIME5 Registration 6:30 a.m. Expo 7:00 a.m. lOK Run 7:1S a.m. SK Run 8:30 a.m. Stroller SK • 8:33 a.m. SK Family Walk 8.35 a.m. Youth Racts from 9:30 -10:45 a.m. (Kids 12 & under) Co-Sponeore l1~·0MD ~~- 0 FASllION ISLAND ---•• -. .. " ttlfOt llfl9 NU •h• * l:'-'-1 IU )) Ill 1'0\11-.. '(949) 588-')71 MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED Al< ur.1tl '" o! O~ 11°'1 21llll f'rnall\ for I ..rl\ 'W11 hJr.1"' ll.111~ I u·, \I 11 lh-Jm·c.: I .1rn1n1t' 'ot Olfcr I 11 \di ~c .. unll<"' · S 111 t "~I I ir1111 ' ,,,. " \nnu.il l'crccni.iitc Y1c.:h.l 11n lido~\ l·l)I( 111,urcJ '\,.,.<I> l'lu, I 1Jl.'lll\ C ,1,h P.l\m..:nl \1 lnl.:ptlon · Annu111~' al'o11 11fkrc.:J I 11.khl\ Jnd 11 I' I .rnuh I ,(11c.: ln,uram:i; \\:f\llC.:' fL11.•ll( 5tl-l41 '\111 \kmlx:r' 111 1,·Jcr.11 l>.:po,111n,ur.1ncc.:C11rp.1r.111011 OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO SPIRIT-RUN 5K/10K RUN/WALK SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2003 Fashion Island. Newport Beach RACE FEATURES I •Quality four-<olor Spmt Run T-~h1rt to all re~1sleml partJCJpanls. •New USATF cert1fit'd 2003 IOK cmd SK cuur~s. • Computerized n~~ults by T1ml' Manasiement • Split times. water station~ alonl( cour~ • Medals to all kids 12 years and under • Free refreshments to all rel(1slered pa.rtJC1panL~ prov1ded by Ne~lle. famba Juice Veg Fresh Farm~. Ge la to Paradiso. llansen ·s. and more • Live eotertainment fatunng Uw Brukawa}'~ • First place male and female winner of SK anJ ltlK ag~ l!roups receive a rair of ASICS running shoes Top thm finishers m all agt J1vmons rewve Ltckets to a Mighty Ducks gamt REGISTRATION On-line Registnllon: at www.lonaneMnLuom. Walk-in Regi.stntion wd T-shirt/p.lcket pick-up: FlShion Island at Neiman Marcus courtyard. March 8. 11 a.m 3 p.m. Rilce Day Regi.stntion: Begins at 6:30 a.m. in the Edwards Newport Theatre parking lot. 300 Newport Center Dnve. 6LUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA SWEEPSTAKES Register for the Blue Cro~ of Cahfomia Sweepstakes onhne at www.kinaneevents.com and go Jo the Spirit Run page or at the Blue Cross booth on race day. You will bt entered in a drawing to win two tickets on Southwest Airlines courtesy of Blue Cross of California. or one of their many other pnus. CATCH THE 6ANANAI The top I 0 mtn wt womtn 39 yurs and undtr, and the top 5 men and women 40 ytars and owr who beat the fastest "&rw\i Min Runner" will win a "Fret Yw of Jamba Juiet SmooUuts (52)" and a ·1 Bat &IW\a Min" T-shirt. INFORMATION G949) 451-4848. (760) 434-noe ca -MAGAZlfU MAGAl lM l 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9•9·6•S·7616 The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Th~ passes pay for thcrmcl~ in no time. Hurry! ~ will II out Sign up this Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Duffy Rental Office 2001 Coeet HJabway, Ne•pott lada· aaa ,e your paee by caH•na (949) 64s:.6&12, En 110 • No Insurance Costs •No Maintenance (;osts •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great for business. family, friends and SOlll cnllsing. • Take advantage of tlH wonderful flttt of Duffy &xm • Convenient location, fanf.IJSttc amenll1es "",,,.,, .. ,...,,,, ~ ........ 1r.o· DUIY~loll~ www~•am. GREGG & A08VN MOU .. I PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Composite of dsault suspect released Newport Beach Police have released a composite ketch of a man they say twaulted a fe· male janitor who was working in an office ....------. building on Dove Street the night of Feb. 4. rles after he was {n a traffic accident at the corner of Coast Hjgbway and Superior AVenue on Thursday, officials said. A"" The incident happened at about 3:50 p.m. when one ve- hicle ~ a red light and broadsided the other, police said. The man was initially transported 10 the hospital, but lt was later determined he had only minor Injuries, officials said. No one else was hurt in the incident. Police say the man ap· proached the victim from be- hind with a gun and then sexu- DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT An SUV lies upside down at the corner of Coast Highway and Superior Avenue after colliding with another vehicle. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Adams Avenue: Ari auto theft was reported in the 1200 blodc at 6:66 p.m. Tuesday. aJJy assaulted her. The victim was not hospi- talized, and no shot~ were fired during the assault, offi- cials said. The man has reportedly been seen in the area before, but no similar incidents have been reported, police said. The attack.er ~ described as a male about 32 years old, 5 feet I 0 inches taJJ, weighing abouf 165 pounds, clean- shaven and with a fair com- plexion and curly brown hair. Police are also warning peo- ple working after hours 10 make sure their buildings are secure and to be cautious while walking to their cars. Those with information are asked to call Sgt. Bill Hartford at (949) 644-3790. Hearing delayed for threat suspect A pretrial hearing was con- tinued from Thursday to March 7 for a former New- LUMINETTE ' . . .. port Harbor High student ar- rested Feb. 2 on suspicion of threatening to kill Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona and another woman. Daniel Townsend, 23, was 18 years old when a Olevy Blazer he and nine other teens were in overturned on Irvine Avenue. Townsend and 17 -year-old Amanda Arthur suffered brain injuries and were in critical condition af- ter the accident, which killed their friend Donny Bridg- man. 18. Sheriff's deputies arrested Townsend in his Costa Mesa home for allegedly telling two of his friends that he was going to k.iJJ Carona and for threatening to kill a friend's mother. Townsend's family main- tains that he has a mental ill- ness and needs care and treatment. He is being held without . bail m Orange County jail. ~ALDEN'S FLOOR (OVERING AND CUSTOM WINDOW COVERINGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ~ W t • • e • f I t • I e a t www h1111dtu9l11 11111 llHCll GIEAT tOOMS IEGll 0 H.....ia1!»'911t1nr Rfoo•'"'l'O tioldtm.11> 01lill<'tlt<1>ov91n tni: Tweetheart & Seed Sale February .. 14tllrid.y -16tllnday Orange County's Premier Selt;ctJon ~f Hummingbird & Seed Feeders, Bird Houses Bird Seed, Bird Baths ----- Garden Art, Bird Boob -seed-sate--14°k-~~-~::-1 and larger bap of blrd Sttd I CMlw,... Vl6'tJ C.-'-_._. .,,,,..._.._ l 140/. off any Stnsk ltcm : /'0 In tht Store : t 'OfW ...... Vl6/0.) &d..dct Opaa, C-01 IM e»tnN.t wlodw off-. I ----------------------------------~ Wild Bird Center 17995. Gftenfldd Dr. Suite A laguna Nigud, CA 92677 0 • I b' '°°'*" '#• 1J IOlltrwttl TMt--~Or.bll ft\ow ...._........,.,.al LM• rr lr * n. °"*""' .....,,~ 949.360.711 4 Mon. -Sat. 10 -6 Sun. 12 . s Man killed in freeway accident A 22-year-old San Diego man died after he lost control of his s ports utility vehicle on the San Diego Freeway early Thursday morning. Osvaldo Carranza was driving southbound on the San Diego Freeway at about 4:30 a.m. Thursday when his Ford Explorer swerved-off the road onto an embanlcment and hit a pillar on the Costa Mesa Freeway overpass. Cali- fornia Highway Patrol Officer David Ferrer said. The vic- tim's name was not released because family members had nor been informed, officials SaJd. No other vehicles wen~ in- volved m the crash. Man injured in Newport traffic crash A man <,uffered mmor mju- • West Babr Strwt: A hit-and-run was reported in the 600 blodc at 5:43 p.m. Tuesday. • Eict.n Avenue: Grand theft involving a vehicle was reported in the 2200 blodc at 5:16 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor end MacArthur boulevards: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:53 a.m. Tuesday. • Mace Avenue: Brandis hing a weapon was report~d in the 3100 blodc at 5:01 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH •Campus Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 3900 blodt at 10:11 p.m. Wednesday. • East Coast Highway end Jamboree Road: A traffic accident involving iniuries was reported at 10:21 a.m. Wednesday. • Holiday Road: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2300 blodc at 2:50 p.m. Wednesday. •Jade Cove: Grand theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 1 :55 p.m. Wednesday. Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GRE GOR IE'S --~ SElF-RENEWAl CB.fBRATION ~l'31,111 ~ Microdenn + ' -·· . ' Enzyme Peel -$155, reg. $175 Acu-fACf!Sl: Chfnese neturll faceift · Series of 6 -S!lill, reg. '612 Ornlx HYDRotlATll Oii OFrox Su.weEo WP.Nr. -10% off Spa Gregorie s Houts Monday 11 am-9pm Tuesday Sunday 9am 9pm . 200 Newport Center Drive. Suite 100 Newport Beach Caltfornia 92660 WWW.SPAGREGO IES.COM 949 644-6672 PAID LEGAL ADVERTISEr.~FNT SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES fNA NGUY[ N ~ety ald oo ~ of .. Oltlera 1m'-"f •bJalod, P\wi~fl v FRST USA BANI<""'· et l)j . Delend<lrll& CASE NO BC 222846. AMlgled to me HonorOOle Anlhony McJy CU.SS ,ACTION SUMMABYHOIICEOECL.ASSACllONIEITUMEKI t . EXPLANATION Of ™-CA.m A 0... Action 1-'1 '-been Med lo lhe Loa Angeles SUperiof Coun of !ht Slalt of Oalilorraa on betlalf of al Celfemie FRST USA B.4NK NA und 1Y>NK 0t£ a1ldt air~ ~ Jwuvy 7~ 1996 wt10!J6 ~ end other lnlom-..tlon were ~ lo tllrd pe11y vendorl between '*UWV 7. 1996 end the~-The ocmpl1m1 generofy llleget lh8t defendant. dacloeed fQl p.dc lnformallon ~ cerctnambeft Wlltloul lnfomng them ol tl'ltlr r1g\1 10 opt out M '1IQUlred by Celtomla law Oelendslt•. wtlld't ... •lllated c:ornpin.. enoeoe<J "' the benldng. a.at osd IW'CI lnandal wW::iee bullneta. 118119 denied the d8lms ahged by plarltrfl W1d hllllw 8lleQlld lhel ~ Wlbmeclan~ l>l'ec:1loN ~ imlled lo lllfl'M 9ld oonlact lnlotmllCkln) haYe bet!\ dtdoMd 10 cs~ fn ltlW credt ard iv-nent• and rn at. ~ ~ hit c:s<flolderl ~ been QN91 opporturlltiM to opt out ol --prlltlllott '-ffNlll Cl TIC .-nu:Ml>fT Oefendlnta hlM IC1'ffd IO ~ce e Con9UT1• ~ Compllrnot Ollcs and lo ptoWil IO el C.famle c:s<tnen"lber9 a des Ind ~ opt out nolb whdl delo1:>M the cac:JIQldar'1 nghl to prdibt Ill dadoeln of non pubic penlClnll inbm4lllon coramr io Ill cactioldet Deteimo mo i-IC1'ffd to pey IN un ol S2 ,716.000 10 ~ dWltlee ~ 1-bMrl ICl'.l9 fn ODnU'Mf llhn, conw..mer ~-....ance 10 the poor Ind cn::er ~ ._cx:a l"lllllltiYM Support Corp .• Enltf'P'IM Fctl. Nei(fbortlOOd Relrwlmtnl Corp , NCALL. ~Ftdntion o1 Ml~ c.lbTlil Nile ht...a RaM.dl Group, Joneeon ~ Center M UC\.A. Ind OtP a.R:), and SS.000 10 ERIC ·r:i:~ 10 OOl'Tl*'ltM.• '°' l'il lllmt .-id llforta Of1 bet1lll d "" d9a. Fflll./, lht a....c 1181 tVMd to pey Ill fat .xi l'MIOl'Mlbll lees ol dMa COll1IMll. • IPPfowd by lht Court, not lo OltCMd S2 ~ •1 total~ co.ta ol lll)pn))Clm119'V 13(),000 a. .... N'CNM'nON A oopf d ht U Nollce at Ou1 Aalarl 8ettltmtnl Ind hi tr:rm MOMtr; lo'*""" exolualon tom the Ow m*( be oblllhld Ill ¥1'Ww.nolkledale ~ltlmtnl 01 by writing to PISrtlf'• Count.I .e the -**-below. You t-. the ngit to ~ ycuMlf '"°"' "" a ... If )'O(I with. ~ tor •ldltlon tom .,. Mtlement dllt ,,... be poATln.d no lats thtrl Mllnlh 21, 2003. The lat dlly 10 .. molor'tl to WlteMnt nil« otlffcl lo Ill Mttlement la Mlrctl 21. 2003. ' A f'.~ ~ Ill~ lrne lhe Courl wl COl'llkls the lidtqt,ltlcy 9"d ,.,,...bf ht ....,_II end f1f'¥ ... ~la~ tor ,tcJtt 24. 2003 .i 10 3Ch rn • l!IOO SOvfl Commonw91#1 .AllenUt, OecM•11t111 CON 309. Loe~ c.tlfQ'nll 11()()()5. • Do no4 oonlaCIC the _.,, tf 10" ,_,. qu 11tane IDollt .._ pupoMd ....... em. ·Cont.at ........ Cola1Mt nic.n.. v Orn. £«! ~&1<.- ''"Wlltn~ Loi Mglilll, CA IOOl 7 albd H. ~. (lq a.ya '*'· &q. • Y...,.n.,, ~ C1111.,._1 & PWlcr\ UP 66e7 Aiilldl ~ .... ,.._,,CAt1367 • 00N LEACH/OAll.V PILOT Costa Mesa firefighters examine the engine compartment of a stolen car after it crashed into a home on Flower Street after a short pursuit by Ne~ort Beach police. • CHASE Continued from Al I londa Prelude, both exited the car in the 1900 block of Shering· ton Place to examine II, Shul- man said. The teenager then shoved the victim, jumped into the car and dtove away, he said. "The victim had a cell phone, so he caJJed the poLice right away," Shulman said. TWo patrol officers then spot- ted the stolen vehicle at the intersectiofl of Newport Boule- vard and Broadway in Costa Mesa and starting pursuing it, he said. The teenager was trav- eLing 40 to 50 mph in the resi - dential area east of Newpon Boulevard. The chase lasted about two minutes, after which the boy lost control of the car and crashed near Flower Street and Orange Avenue, Shulman srud. The <,u~pect did not give up. lnMead, he exited the car and !.tarting runpmg. ShuJman said. Officers ran after rum and were helped by another officer, who '>tarted pursuing the teen on foot. ALLOWED Continued from Al On the other hand, there are thor,e who believe in "po~rtive" development for the city, designed to bring high-paying jobs. revenue and young. successful professionals to the area. The future or Newport Beach, c;ome might argue. rhe ever-popular Green.light lniuauve. which passed wtth 63.1% on Nov. 7, 2000, reqwres certain projectS to face a pubLic vote. Which rewtinds me of ru1other favonte pasume from my youoKer year.. -Mother May I. I asked Allan Beek. the author of the Green.light mitiative, to describe the difference between the two camps. · "TI1at's easy," he said. "It'!> residenlr, versw, developers." Beek sald he is on the side of the re~idents. Which b funny because those in favor of the now-defunct Koll development adopted the popular <iliade of k.elly for their own "resident-minded" camprugn -The Greenlight Implementation Committee. My overacuve imagination again wandel"!> to a fictional scene. GROWN Continued from Al ~ured the other women they were lovely and that he struggled lo make a final decision. "Don't think you were neglected,• he told Barbara Wilson of Newport Beach as she walked out of the dining room. ·r just shuffled around aJJ the papers and put my finger on one." O'Keefe, a Seal Beach resident, had a slightly different theory about her triumph. O'Keefe said It was her appearance and personality she thought put her over the top. Her look was indeed strilcing, as the aaractive 70-year-old wore a bright orange wraparound dress with a large·brim orange bat to match. Decorating the hat was a latge orange ribbon. Just under its rim hung bold gold earrings in the sh.ape of ftsh. "I'm very off-beat and a little over-the·edge,• O'Keefe said. Her d.lstinct characterlsJics made her the perfect malch for the clown/mortldan, she said. "We are both ~ry outgoing and love to have a good time,• shewd. Somewhen!i between the cwo 'The victim had a cell phone, so he ca lled the police right away.' Sil Steve ShuhMl"I "Meanwhile, a good Sa.mart· tan on a bicycle tried to stop the suspect," he said. The suspect grabbed the Newpon Beach resident and threw him down 10 the ground, but that delayed his escape long enough for the officers to catch up to him, Shulman said. The name of the resident was not n· leased . No one was injured in the in cidenl. The teenager did not carry any weapons, ShuJman said. The suspect, who was be ing"held an Newport Beach city jail, was expected to be trans- poned to 1uvenile hall later Thursday. he wd. The teen w~ arrested on SU'>· picion of carjacking and evadmg the police. which re; a felony. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and couns She may be readied at 19491 574 4226 or by e-mail at deeps bhararh a lar1mes com • Attenuon, Newport Beach residents, we are now having a ~n light special on a 250,000-squarc-foot. JO-story office tower,• a nasal voice booms over a crackling loudspeaker. Contrary to my imaginary scenario, voters did not stampede through the rusles for that Koll product The lime-colored impostor was exposed by the true grass-rooters. and the development was lolled by 59.5% of voters 111 a special electron. (Mind you, only 22% of reghtered voter. bothered to c.ast a baJJot.) But the more progn-ssrve members of the growth debate say they are not 1aded. Greenl1gh1 Steering Commiuee membcrc; managed 10 place onty one of their four candidates on the dais in the last election. Oearty, life in Newport Beach is not black and whlte, JUSI various shades of green. For now, my color b yellow. as I plan to approach thtr, political debate with cauuon. • LOllTA HARPER wntes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fndeys and covers culture and the arts She may be reactied at 19491574-4275 or bye-mall at lol1t11 harper a lat1mes com 'Don't let the gray hair fool you. I still like to chase women. It's just . after I catch them, I can't remember what I'm supposed to do with them.' Frank Dartow Costa Mesa bachelor versions Ues the truth. While Darlow was mulling over his choice in a secluded booth with Groff, he said he liked O'Kcefe because she told him he would like to pend time with him. "You like her becaUlle she sh~ interest ln you?" Groff :! asked. :: "Yeah. I t.hlnk so,• Darlow • : answered. : ,, O'Keefe said she ·just winged" , : her interview and couldn't reca1J : the comsnent that had won .. Oarlow't aft'ect.lon. ·1 don't even remember aaytng that," sho aald. • LOUTA HARPER w r1tet columns MOndtya, w.dntlldeys end Ffidaya .. .. • .. • • and covers cotw,.. end th• 1rta. SM may bl read\ed et (949, 574-4275 or ; bv•mellet : lolita.h.,-per l•tl,,.,...com. • Pitch • In! - Help keep .our city clean I .... frlddy, FeLt'uctfy 14, 2003 M f HEART Continued from Al for the American Hean Assn "I believe that you have lo.' teach kids how to give back • said David's mother, Joy Pe~er who admi~ she's not surprised ' by her sons entrepreneuriaJ spirit "H's important to learn at an early age how 10 give back..· As his busines.\ continues to prosper, and the number of soap hearts he's made starts to dwindle, David has already set his sights on 1.hc next -holiday _ Easter ~I le looks at something alcJ hes able to see the po%1bilities. . It's JUSl amiving for me to hear about what he'!. dotng now," Sullivan said. "lle's the one that just 'iaW the po'>!>ibilities that he couJd do, and ... that's what every t'ducator warw, I'> a kid to be 'pa.riced by sornclh111g that you taught." While Pega.'>u.,· llll'>-\lon, "huildmg .... 1ng<; \U bnght mmds ran soar," helped lll'>p1re David. hi' pcrwnal drive allowed him 111 tum that 11hpm111on mto a redlJty. "This wor~hop really buil( my winbri.," David ..aid "Hut I dt·uded to makt' my hngh1 nund '"Jr " • CHRISTINE CARRIUO covers 1,ducat1on and may be reddled at 19491 574 4268 or bye ffidll at d1ristine caff1llo , Ja11mes com PLUG IN Pl•jq 1r to ttil:' Pilot C IJ',!>tf1f"<I R< 1t1 in to f1nr1 wrv•t 1·~ from e~1Jnt<\ drtcl plumbei~ to land'>C.irM>rs dnd pctenter<; GETilNG INVOLVED • GETllNG lMIOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Pane staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public· orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that wor1cs with persons wnh HIV or AIDS. Is seeking caring volunteers to assist-with running the front office, delivering meals. providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies sucn as massage, acupuncture and cniropractlc care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG C'ENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beacn center for residential housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain thia resource. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arta organization needs volunteers for computer Input. ticketing, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to lmprOlle their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and ad4h relationships. (714) ~9622, ext. 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident cnamber orcnestra needs volunteers for ticketing. ushering. phones. mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other cnemical dependencies • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• VINYi. A.OORING •M6118teilON l •iwh(f.J:.j SOI ARIAN ~AL .\PW• L• .. l"•H • f\,rJQ«., -••••••• ••• _ ~ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 ~ $149 from !QM -!Qn Travertine 18" x 18° .......................................................... '4.29 111• Ceramic Tile . .. ...................................... ~1rom '4.99 111~ Laminate Wood ................................. ns:mtm '4.99 t11• aeeka volunteers. (949) 548-9921 . between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 54&-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay '11ature Preferve is look.Ing for volunteers to assist With naturalist-led tours and programs. special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beacn. (714) 973-6829 NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISfTORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensil(e knowledge of Newport Beacn are needed. (949) 722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Besen Premiere Cinema Guild, whicn supports the Newport Beach Film Festival, 1s looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an an1stic and cultural hentage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film ' festival. (949) 253-2880 NEWPORT BEACH P08UC U8RARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clencal duties, sucn as tiling, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beacn Recital Senes Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering music appreciation so classical music will endure (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offer s a num-er of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists w ith clerical w ork and with fund-rars1ng events Training is provided. (949) 675 2355 NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of ~,,n.,ral volunteer help 1949 642 9990 THE MEAN ING OF NUMBER. ONE. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZUR.E SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE • WHEN O NLY lliE FINEST M OTOR.CARS IN THE WORLD WILL CO. AVAILABLE 2001 SEJlAPH. PARK WARD 81.J\C:X/Bl..ACK (X~ 2082 CORNICHE BL.ACX SAPPHJRE/MACNOUA~ 2001 AZl1ll£ MULUND ARTICA/COTSWOl.D OC63_, 200'l AZUllE SILVER PEARL/SJ'RA~ OIDIOIC9 200'l AZl1ll Pf!ACOCl</MACNOUA~ 2llD ARNACI! R 8LACX/BLACX ~ ' PR.BSBNTS snmes foe E nter to WIN one of 5 prize packages! C71.U.RATE VALIOOlNES DAY ANY11ME! Wltell 10• Biltu to Wla OH of oar hn Mea \9'de Catf.r .DaU ~ .Name=--------------- Addraa: _~~~~~~~~~_._ __ .,......_., ...,cun,1 a _,..,.. • ..,,...~c..... .... or _. • 650._ C...., Dr.,Ma•• C.-..._CA ~ .. ,...._, . ...__ ........ ., .... --.~- Executive tyle Cleaners Fast Frame Gina's Pizza & Pastaria J uice It Up! KB Toys , Kona Lane Souplantatioa Starback's C tar J J M Friday, Febnwy 14, 2003 AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 ~St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by lax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, et well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dailypilotoom. SATURDAY A computer tu wlll be held 11t the Orange County Fair and E)(positlons Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults ts SS, for diildren younger than 10, free. For more information, call (800) 800-5600. Th• UC Irvine Alt>otwtum'• annual Winter Orchid Show, "Prelude to Spring; will take plaoe from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UCI Aiboretum on the UCI North Campus. Admission is $2 per person. Children and members get in for free. For more mformation, call (949) 824-5833. •An Evening of Ionesco; · featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco. will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company in the Drama Lab Studio today, Sunday and Feb. 22 and 23. Show times are 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays. Tidcets cost $6 in advance, S7 at the door. For more information, call (714) 432-5640, ext 1. A WOfklhop ealed •l>lvonle: A f'.o'ew Beginning• la being offered for men end women In the process of divorcing or nK:ently djvon::ed tt will take place from 10 a.m. to 12-.30 p.m. at 180 ~rt Center Drive. For more lnfonna1ion, caJI (949) 644-6435. ·Sptqa a..wn ea .. • w11 be discussed at Sherman Library and Gardens In Corona del Mar at 9:30 a.m. Free. For more information, call (949) h3-2261. A seminar on "How to Start end Manage Your Business,• will be . held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor etvd., cOsta Meq. The $40 fee indudes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. SUNDAY • The 60 and Better Dane. Group will have its dance party from 1 to 5 p.m., starting with an hour of danoe lessons, at the Holiday Inn, 3131 S. Bristol, Costa Mesa. There is a $10 admission dlarge. For more information, call (949) 675-9708. The public is invited to enjoy "Violin and Piano Classics." Violinist Larry Greenfield and pianist Susan Boettger will present a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beadi Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. For more 1nfonnatlon, ~II (949) 717-3816. MONDAY A. Greet Dedeion• dllcu..aon a! "The U.S. and Nigeria: Thinking Beyond Oil" It the fourth In an eight-week 1eries on U.S. foreign Policy.toplce. The diacuaion will be led by Jay Welsh, who has lived In Nigeria, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Marte Presbyterian Churdl, 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach. For more lnforJhatft>n, call (949) 760-1691. . TUESDAY . "How to Send the r.;toR Eftiec:tM E-mails" ls theeubject for a Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce business referral breakfast that win take place at 7:30 a.m. at The Pacific Oub, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The cost is $17 for members with a reservation and $22 for potential members at the door. for more information, call (949) 729-4400. • EINnor Cooney reads from and signs "Death in Slow Motion: My Mother's Descent into Alzheimer's" at 6:30 p.m. at Boole Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa M:§sa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. A free seminar called •1s Zing. the Missing Lin~?" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 226 East 17th St., Costa brightcolOrs . . peifectf 1 t Our new spring collection has arrived! See the largest seleruon from brand name~ Van Eli, Se~o Meucci a'nd Rangoni sn the latest styles. Many are available 111 hard to find <;1ze., from 4 to 12,and widths from super-slim to wide! Also a\atlahle, unique handbag.s and accessories including the new Enc Javits@colJectJOn Mention this ad between Feb. 14 -28 and .. •Take t 0%•off any new spring merch.andi.<ie • Reccwl' a FREE Manru cosme1ic bag with any '>hoc purd1a.-;e Wblllfupp/ws /mt ~ 'bcc/wA-s fm1111UJ purr.haws ufJll WJU/Qgti1 <>rden ~ • Corona Del Mar Plaza 964 Avocado Avenue, (com er of MacArthur and PCH) • 949-72 1-1325 Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. WE~-The Newcomen Assn. will nt a fashion show . of the latest spring clothing and shoes. The show la 11 a.m. at the Wyndham Hotel In Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. TM Newport Rib Co. end ASH Harbdr Area Inc. are holding a . func:f.<aiaing d9y at the restaurant. Twenty percent of the proceeds will be donated to ASH to· assist low-income families in Orenge County. The restaurant Is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more information. call (949) 515-3815, ex1231, • A he Mminllr c:ahd •ttullng All-Stars" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Roat King prea.nts and signs "Michelangelo. and the Pope's Ceiling" at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Cost.a Mesa. For more information. call (714) 689-2665. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Wortcshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by dief Alexx Guevara. The class is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 3333 Bristol St. Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is S3d. For reserve a spot. call (818) 994-5075. •. Car Accident? Free Communicy Service Repon reveals what most insurance companies don't warit you to know! To receive your free copy in the mail within 48 hours, call die toll· free 24-hour recorded message at 1-800.707-0472. The call and the repon is free co die first 75 callers. CalJ die 24 hour recorded message coday! M,IRSOAY The pUblc ie lnvtt.d to"-' Adeline Yen Mah, 1uthor of "Falling Leaves; "Chinese Cinderella" and "Watdling the Tree:' at 7 p.m. at the Newport Bead\ Central Ubrar'(. 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach: For more Information, call (949) 717·3816. FEB.21 Globel tNnet-tnc:br ~ Rifkin will present "Petroleum, Politics and the Hydrogen Ecqnomy" at 7 p.m. at the Newport Bea<ih Central Library • 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadi. Tidcets are SSS. including a buffet dinner. Register in advar)Oe by calling (866) 301-2411 oronline at www.newportbeachlibrary.org. FEB.21 Th• Cotta Mesa Women'• Club will hold its monthly meeting at 11: 15 a.m. at their clubhouse. 610 W. 18th St.. Costa Mesa, with a lundleon and entertaimyient. For more information, call (949) 642·1162. FE.B. 22 A WOftlshop on "Unc»rstanding lntemational Trade" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The S25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (714) 560-7369. Global trend tracker Jeremy Rifkin presents HPetroleum, Politics and the Hydrogen EconomyH at 2 p.m. at tbe Newport Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beadl. Ttdcets are $18, including refreshments. Register in advance by calling (866} 301 ·2411 oronline at www.newportbeschllbrary.org. FEB.24 A Great Decillons discuSsion of "International Food Wars: Growing ControversiesH is the fifth in an eight·week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Churd'I, 2100 Mer Vista, Ntwpo11 Beach. For more Information, cal (949) 760-1691. F0.25 ~Helping ~wWI its anrtual open house from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit organization • serves over 2,000 women annually by providing dothlng to women in transition and seelling employment Refreshments will be served. The center is at 711 West 17th St, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 423-0057. ' A frM Mminar caDed •The Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic Diseases" will bf) held from 6:30 Jo 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mar\et .. 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. R>r reservations. call (800) 595-MO~S. ~ A WOfbhop on •Marketing end Promotion" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information. call (714) 550-7369. FEB.26 A free ...mn.r and book signing called "Anti·aging for Baby Bopmers and Beyond" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. FES.27 A frM eeminar called "Hormonet, Re1uvenation, Nutrition and Detoxification" will be held from 6 30 to 8 p.iTUrt-Mother's Mar1tet 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa N>r reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH 1 The Malibu Cllt Club is sponsoring a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds Exhibition Building 10, 88 Fair See TOWN, Paee AT ' t • Oatly Piiot TOWN Conbnued from A6 Drive, Costa Mesa Adm1ss1on is $5 for adults and $4 for ctiildren and seniors. For more information. call (909) 372-9079 MARCH2 The Spirit of Adoption presents •Room for One More.-Three families !Share their experiences of opening their hearts and homes from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stewart Lounge. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-8758. MARCH 3 A Great Declsion1 dlscunion of ·china in Transition: Is Real Change Imminent?" is.th~ sixth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Diana Light from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbytenan Churcti, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach For more information, call (949) 760-1691 MARCH4 A free Hminer celled •A Natu,.I Approacti to Arthnt1s· will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCHS "Not If But When-will f9atunt a panel of earthquake experts explaining fault lines, insurance and preparation advice for a major earthquake The meeting will be held at 7 pm. m the council ctlambers at the N~port Beacti City Hall For more information, call (949) 548-4966. MARCH 10 A Grut DecisK>ns discussion of "Europe· State of the Umon" 1s the seventh man eight week series on U.S foreign pohcy topics The discussion will be led by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m at St. Mark Presbytenan Churcti, 2100 Mar Vista, Newpon Beach For more mformauon, call (949) 760-1691 MARCH 11 A fTM seminar called •A N111.1,.1 called "The Mood Cure" by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH17 A Gl"Mt Decisions diKuNion of "The Global Struggle for Women's Rights" is the last In an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Karen Speros from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mi,rk Presbyterian Churcti, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. MARCH 18 • The Newport Hert>or Ordlld Society is hosting an orctiid plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa MP.sa. Free. For more information, call (949) 642-4148. A fTM seminer called "The Role of Supplements in Fighting Cancer" will lte held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH 19 A fTM seminer catted "Feng Shut for a Healing Home" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For rese'rvatiops, call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH25 A free spring cleaning wortcshop called "Detox and Cleansing Thru Ayurveda • will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa For reeervetlona, call (800) 696-MOMS. MMat2e A,._ .... de1 Illig Mrnlner called "The Tao (Way) of Cleansing" will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at M other'• Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. 0NG0eHG I Teens are Invited to by the city of Costa M esa Recre ·on Center from 2 to 6 p.m . M on y through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and actlvhies. The Center is at 1860 Anahe1m Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BMCh City Hall ii displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through Marcti 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. The Aun. of Business Services hosts a networ1dng meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuegday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. The Newport BMCh Public Library hosts an hour of stories • and crafts for ctiildren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar brancti from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information. call (949) 717-3800. FTM tours of the Otllnge Coumy @]~ floral & Gifts 50% OFF • Approacti to Vision and Heanng Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids -Treatment" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, ~ 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH 12 • A f1'M book signing end s.mlner -. -Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 ·Sat J0-5 •Sun ll-4 ~9 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) UC IRVINE BASEBALL OPENING WEEKEND!! UC Irvine vs. the University of Arizona Toniglll at 6 p.m. 5lmdllr. 6 p.m. -5unclar at 1 ... , ..... Anllllllr b7'r ... ua bascban tickets on sale nowt! Raavcd .... ._ tlcllct: $100 ..., ....... ~ ... _,..,_ ....... ... ,_ ................ ' *· Plclc ,_ ..... ..... ... '-" .............. Ye9 ..... .., ....... _ .......... .......... tlcllcta: ".._ ....... Siu ...,~ Petforming Atta Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performe1'1 loonge, badcstage and on ttage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday end Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tou,. can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (71.\) 556-ARTS, ext.833. The Newport BMCh Newcomen aub holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to ell women residents In Newport Beacti who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers--newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for ctiildren. The center 1s at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more information, call (949) 644-3244. M.cy'a South Coast P1aza presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on -,·--- Coolong Class Program-hosted by chef AJexx Guevara The class 1s held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, 1nclud1ng materials, 11 $30 To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Voge end rhythm, "Yogarhythmics-combmes yoga, dance and fun. The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East, Suite 111 , Coste Mesa For more information. call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Hart>Qr Nautjcal Museum offers the exhibit "'Your Majesty. There Is No Second· The America's Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The museum 1s at 151 E Pacific Coast H1ghway, Newp0rt Beacti. Free admission For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to part1c1pate m a d1scuss1on group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group · 1s geared toward dealing with issues betweeQ mterfartti couples. sucti as ra1smg children. observing holidays, symbols m the home and frlddy. ~elifUlll'y 14. 7003 A7 relatJonsh1ps with extended families. The co11 for three sessions .1• S45 per couple Prereg11trauon ts required Call .to sdledule date and ttme The office 11 at 250 E Baker St • Suite G, Costa Mesa (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and~ can join• d1scuss1on group coordinated by Jew1sh Family Services 10 address issues sucti as anxiety, depression. relat1onsh1p.-; lonehness and famlly. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency otnces, 250 E. Raker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required (114) 446-4950 • Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dw1ridlmg stock Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries Balboa Manners, or Corona del Mar -or 1n the book closet next 10 the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave • Newpon BeO&t All h;irdcover end paperbc.d< donations, with the exception of mdgazmes and law books will be accepted and are tax deductible !949) 759 9667 Clean, Comfortable, ·uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Sem1-Pnvate for Men & Women • Lots of Equ1pmenVFree Weights · • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Persona Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi Stretch classes • Step Power Pump Card10 • Showers Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Chnic Be a part of Costa Mesa's 50TH AHHIUERS ARY ADVERTISE DURING THE ---~ . Costa Mesa Your Name Here As part of the CostaMazing SOth Anniversary Celebration the City of Costa Mesa 1s seeking Costa Mesa businesses. organizations or individuals interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of the most highly traveled streets in our City The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along with your name (left). Depending on the number of interested businesses. organizations and 1ndiv1duals, the banner will be displayed for a penod of four (4) I to twelve (12) months starting in June 2003. I 1 After the CostaMazing Celebration banner is removed, it will be given to you/ . The cost of the banner is $200 (regardless of I time displayed). This opportunity is LIMITED .. and avallable to the first 250 respondents. If you are interested, please complete the information below and return by February 21, 2003 to Amy Kuchta, CostaMazing Coordinator City of Costa Mesa 17 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa. CA 92628 (714) 754-5065 --------------------------~------I : Business/Ofganization/1ndlvidual Name: ________ .._._-.:_ •1 Contact Name: Trtle: _________ _ I 1 Ac:tdrass: Telephone Number. _ _.._ __ _ I 1 Number of Banners you are intenmed in-_ __.....__.;..__.....;;... _ ___. _ _., , • 1 J .. .. . M Fl$), F "4lt"f ''· 2003 . . Dally Ptlot FORUM HOW lO GET PlaJSHB> -l..a.n: Mail lO Edit.onal Pege Ecitor S..J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. 8ay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 926Z1 • P 1 t. t Hodnc Cafl (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send ~ (949) 648:4170 ~Send to dllilypilottllatinw.com •AU c:on•pondei ioe mt.-t indude full name. hometown and phooe number (f<>f verification purposes). The PUot ~ the ngh1 to edit all aubm•SSIOOS for danty and length MAILBAG A better way to 'send love on Valentine's nty TbJ.s VaJenune's Day. forget th~ candy 'and (Jowers. Gwe your family an unporw11 gift that can save them furure agony and anxiety. Fill them in on your vaJu~ and wt.Shes. sbouJd they be cnabng dects1ons about how you hve and dJe . You may have filled out those legal paper' staung whether you wan1 10 be r~us.c:Hated after you've coded or what w do with yow remains. That's noi eno4gh. PrCJV1de your family Wlth a guideline as to the priority you place on qual11~ H:rsus quantity of We. You ~ gone through this balancing act wuh your t h1Jdren. Let's face It If parents wanted to do what was best for thetr ·children to g>Ve them a long hfe, they wouJd serve them more veggies and les'> pizza. K.Jd\ wouJd be exercising and reading instead of watching 'JV Parents wouJd know where their children were every second, and have them in acuvities where they wouJd remain free from injury. Yeah, right! WeU. 1f you think the teenage years are hard cine'> to liv~ through as a parent, JU.St wait un11l your parents tum 85 Your Cather ur mother have alway<> been the parenl to you, no mauer how old and renuwnt·d yuu may be now Your parents have bt-en independent and made thetr own dec:ic,1on'>, unJ1le the teen that I'> wheedling for more. So. 1f your parent's mind starti to turn 10 mu,.\h, when do you, a.S the t htld, pulJ the pfug on their independence? When L'> i1 more 1mponan1 that they eat three squares a day and have someone watch over them constantly than 1t ts to let them live their hfe in theu own home? If yow father forgets to eat lum.h a1 noon. ls that grounds for his loss of freedom? Let's face It: pnsoners are fed regularly and are under constanl <>urveillance, but how many of us put that at that top of our vacation destinations hst? My mother has Al.7..heimer's disease There is a good chance som eone in your family will have It, too. But, this Valentine's plea isn't limited to tho .. e who face demeoua. An accidem couJd happen 10 an)• of us at anytime to ca~ ow C.amilies to ha~ to choose bow we live and die. Would you rather live for 30 days an your own home doing what you want when you want to, or 90 days in someone else's very ruce house. wbtte they wouJd r~ and tili care of you all or the cime? WouJd you rather bave surgety at 75 II it means you wouJd be alive, but never able to leave your bed. or at that ume. wouJd you rather face death st.raJght on? ~k.imo fanuJ.Jes didn't have to make thes.e choices. When the elderly couJdii't keep lJp wt th the rnigrauon of the family, they had 10 be left. Each person knew that rule of family survival i.ince childhood. I used to think that was so cruel A!. I ponder my old age and po~1ble loss of mdependence, I wonder which 1s crueler? . GAY GEISER SANDOVAL CostaM~ PolJs show that public is against hotel propo al RE. fhe Marinapa.rt hotel proposal. On Jan. 13. Sutberland-TaUa submitted to the Newpon Beach Asst City Mariager Sharon Wood yet another plan, the fourth, for a horel to be located at Mannapark. This latest version has been submltled to the aty after a long hi.story of changes, starting imtiaUy With a counctl study session m October 1999 when the situation evaluated a Suther1and-Talla proposal that d<>e5 nor match remotely the latest plan. Now, almost four years later, we are faced with a completely dffferent plan when compared to the onginal proposal Dunng these many years. there have been numerous community meetm~ and opinion polls sponsored by both the (lly as well as the two penmsula community assoc1auon'>. Public opinion regarding the horel has been consistentJy negative, regardJess of the number of room or exact location within the park. The history or pubhc opinion poUs i.s: On JuJy 9, 2001, there was a meeting for residents in the counct..l chambers chaued by Wood. Before a standing-room only crowd, S1ephen It's Your Business ... Sutbertand presented a 2~-bour p~ntadoo that ebcued hostile reactions. On March 19. 2002, a general plan update n~ghborhood 'o\Olbbop for perunsula residents was held. pan uf the beginning of the m1oning process. A vole was taken on the proposed hotel: 56, or 7~. were opposed; 15, or 19%, were in favor. and nine, or 11 Cflt, were undecided. At the Sept. 26. 2002. Central Newpon Beach Commuruty Assn. annual meeung. a signed baUot 'Ole \\-as ta.km. There were three cho1c on the ballot A resort hotel is not the best use; a reson ho1el is the best use; or n~ more information Fifty-nine signed their names saying a resort hotel was no1 the best use. four signed theu names saying a r«.>sort hotel was the best use. One needed more 1nformauon The Central Ne'\vpon Beach Commuruty M'>n .. located on the Balboa PemnsuJa. has official ')Clld no to the · hotel proppsal. On Nov. :t. 2002. Cl!> pa.rt of the citywide Vt'>tomng process, a resident telephone survey was conductt"d by Godbe Research and deemed to be statisucalh accurate. We understand that some 999 respondents located throughou1 the cit) proVlded opLOJons ~n 1hc follo\\,ng question: WouJd you !.Upport or oppo\e locating a new hotel at Mannapark? Resuhs· 65.!R> oppo~ed. 27.9% ra vort.>d. On a 4·3 Cit' CounCll \Ole 1n 2002, S1ephen Sutherland. who proposed this development. was barel) given a go-ahead to conunue the nen stage or his development. provided he couJd persuade residents that 1he hotel was desirable. Based on every opinwn poU before and since the 4·3 council decLS1on. tl is obvlou., that a solid maionty of die public. throughout the ctty, remains solidly agamst this ho1el I low many um~ mU'>I a solid ma1onty of the public cry out agcunst 1he ~utherland hotel plan? A truly representauve City (~uncil shouJd listen to Its constituents and Mop the hotel Numerous other altemauves are available for Marina park. many of which would be welcomed by the residents. ADEl£ AND MEL MANN Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa Crty Hall, n Fair Onve. Costa Mesa. CA 9.2626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor. Karen Robinson COuncil: Libby Cowan. Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chns Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH N~ City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council· Gary Adams, John Heffernan. D•dc Ndlols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNfTY COUEGE otSTRICT Oistnct Office. 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 I Chance&lor W1lhan1"M'.'Vega Board: President Paul Berger. Vice Pres1dentAnnando Ruiz. George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFlED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (7141 424-5000 Su~ Robert Barbot BoMd:: President Martha Fluor, Vice Pres1den1 Dana Bladt, Cleric Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and 1-tnda Sneen U.S. HOOSE Of REPRESEHTATMS . • Chns Cox (RI, 47th Distnct, 1 Newport Place. Suite 420, Newport Beadl. CA 92660, (949) 756-2244, or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-5611, fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beadll E-mail: chrrstopher.cox 4imail house gov • Dana Rohrabadler (A), 45th District, 101 Main St. Suite JC Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Rayborn Building. Washington. D.C 20515, (202) 225-2415. fax· (7141 960-7806 (Represents Costa M esa and West Newport) E-mail dana a mall.house.gov PRE~DENT George W. Bush (RI. White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .• Washington. D C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m to 2 p m.l (202) 456-1111 E·ma1I president awtirtehouse.gov Fax: (2021456-2481 A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. PACIFIC COAST CREDIT UNION Presents TOPICS: • How to choose a Financial Adviser • Rea p the benef its from Tax Returns • Estate Planning -W ills, Tru sts and Probate • Starting a Small Business • Tips for buying, improving and refinancing your home • Revive Your Stock Portfolio • Are your children college bound? It's more than t uition • Hidden Money Savers: From credit cards to cred it unions •What has your·bank done for you lately~ ADVERTISERS : let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth. In addition to your advertisement, you will receive a FREE listing in our Professional Directory. · PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21 , 2003 CAMERA READY /RE LEASE: Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE: Friday, February 21 , 2003, Noon Call your Advertising Representative Today I (949) ~2-4321 Pilot Business at tllc Beach THE NEWPORT BEACH BUSINESS EXPOSITION 2:: Daily A Pilot .J ~;.. ...~:~,1:!=~i•11 Free Ad111issionl • Mat Local Frn Food! • Businesses! $5,000 in Prizal • Great Networking! Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1003 5:00 pm to l:Oo ' pm , Newport Baell Marriott Hotel II Tennis Cl• (900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach) Drawing Items Include: A massage a month for a yearl • Annual passes to Disneylendl One w eek in a Mexican Resort Villa! Round trip tickets on Southwest Air1inesl • And much morel For moN lntoi11..tlon or exhlltffor •••llMllltv. (M9J 719 4400 www.newportbe•oh.oom ,, .. . QUOTE OF THE DAY "/was thinking it was cash. J was thinking, game over. Hood is clutch when he gets to the line." Jordan Harris, UCI senior • Dally Pilot Sports Editor Roger C,ul!>On • (949157442{3 • Sports Fax: !949) f,•1U-Ol /O COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI senior guard nails two free throws with 1.3 seconds left to lead Anteate rs to 59-58 victory over host Utah State Thursd~y night. Steve Vlraen Da1lyP1lot UX;AN, Utah -With a 1mu:h of Oair, a dab of luck and .i mountain of deterrrunauon, the UC Irvine men's basketball team ach1ewd an t·mo· tional 59-58 Big West ( onforem l' \.1C· tory over Utah State in front ol K.t~ I a t the Srruth Center Jl1ur\day 111gh1 For the ~econd ume 1h1\ \l'<t')on. UCI senior guard Mike l lood rrovcd to be lhe J\ggte lciUt'r I lood, who hit the game winning; h11/./er l><'alln~ \hot tor a 75 7J U\t'fltnll' v.1n Jan Ir;, canned two frc·t.· throw<; With I ! \l'CCllld!t ll'lt to g1w UCI till' VI( tory lhat t·ndt·<l tJtah \tatt'\ rnne- g,m1c home Anteaters 5!3 winning \trt•al. Utah St 58 !ht· Anteater-. !14 I. k4 111 thl' Hag we.,ll re- corded their lh1rd \traight win and and, along with Utah '-ltate. are a game otT the pace of t onferem l'·- leader lJC. \anta Barbara "Wl' r>la)ed one of our better ballgame.,; UU Coach P·a1 l>ougla.."1> said "\\t' IL'CI mo'>l of the game and 11 would have been a \hanw to lo'><' th1'> game. Adam P"drada carried u' the fiN half and Jordan Harm came througtf for us in the 111 the !>t'Cond half D11Teren1 people ofT our bench tontnhuted. Mike Hevberha tamt> m .md ga\ol' u., a spark there • I lood ha'> 11w • ..ed 1u'1 om• fret· throw this ... ea\un I It• I\ 14 for 35 from the foul lane thi.c. Yl'.11 "I went through thl' -...ime routmt• fo r my fl'l'e thrt>w.-. and that\ really 11." Hood ..aid 111 h1'> u-.uaJ \1mpll' tone "It's alway., gomg to ht• a tough match up when we rnme to I Jtah State We JU't wanted tu he rnnfident. try to play our game and not lw nit tJed. This is the toughl''>I plate to play m conference.· Several lJtah ~ta1t· fam thn'w empty pld.'>llC bottles and other tra'>h immedmtely after the gamt• ended an reaction to a wild ... equence ot event., in the game\ closing moment~. With 13 -.econds left. and the 'Eaters leadmg. 57-S6. lJU ..ernor for- ward Jordan I larris, who .,rnred I 3 point<>. ma'\l'd a high-arching \hot m the lane The <;hot hit the front of the rim and Utah ~rate semor forward r.>e<>- mond Penigar grabbed the rebound. Marie Brown. the Aggies junior point guard. ran off some lime. lhen quic.lc..ly passed the ball to i.emor Ron- nie Ros.<;, who was fouled by 1 lood. Hood wa!> called for reaching with the clock showmg 2.6 seconds remammg. R~ hit both free throws for a Ulah State 58-57 lead. Then the Aggies called a timeout to set up a defense. 1be Anteaters were out of timeouts. Ml f ('H MAS(' ARO AP Utah State's Nate Hams. left, and UC Irvine's Mike Efevberha pattle for a rebound in Thursday's Big West con test. During the timeout, UCI associate head coal h lodd Lee noticed ~c­ ond'> u1.:ke<l away after Ho<;..\ wa\ fouled and the officials became aware of the siruauon. Instead of 2.6 secondi. left, the offi- cials made it 3.9 seconds remaining. The Anteatel"l apparentJy set up a play for I lood. I le was about to dnve past half t·ourt when Ro.,_., \teprwd an front of him lrying to draw an offrn o;ive foul. Instead. Ross wao; cha~<'<.I with a blocking foul. <;end111g I loo<l 10 u1e free-u1mw hne fur a douhlt.• ho nuci ')hootln~ opportunity. I he An teater.> hardly womrd "I was lhmUng it wa:. c~h.' I IJrn'> ·GOLF \.ild of Im thought'> helort• I lood \hot Im foul \hot\. I w~ thmkmK ~anw over I lood '' clutch \"hen he .:et'> to the line I Jtah St.lie ( .oach Stt•v. Morn II ~a., hoping for a turnover before I food See UCI, Paae All It's all in~he choice· Defending Toshiba Senior Classic champion Hale Irwin has changed his choice of dubs again. H ale Irwin lsn' tbe type to get attached. There are some bwbaD p1ayen who use the ame PNe Chdr entire careen. but golfen.,. much dll.l't:itut about their eqWpnenc -• Irwin prows. 1Mt ~ lrwtn ~almost~ chi> tn bk big bebe ~~-~ ~Senior a... lOr the 9Q,.VI ... time. Wn eeeq otlln lhe h rowlC1 ~ IWltthed to hied t*le Soni. c:hanged from graphite to steel shafts. added a couple of new fallway woods and a new sand wedge. then went out and shot 67-~ for the finest round of 54 in Tu6hiba hi,,tOf)' He dominated the field with a tournament scoring rea>rd 17-under 196. ltwin' victory at Newport 8e'ach CoWltty Oub catapulted him to w top o( I.be 2002 money list and he ~ k>ot!d beck. wtnnJng the Senior PGA 1bur money dtJe and becoming the 6"t ter'OOr to edipi1e the SJ..mlltioo mart ln ~ ~ ($.l,028,304). It Wat hil third money dtle. But Irwin at lt .pn. -rtlls year. 1\-e char.,cl Cclub.t> once ..._I~ chmllfd ftoll'I Cobr9 to~ MD. 1be only conMant In my bis"' "'Y putter," Irwin Mid Tuesday during a phone conference. lJ'win also said technology tn today': equipment. induding balls. has noc only helped him m cbe pest few~ but ~ la.st few Wl!lllks. ·rm hitting the ooo farthn' lhan ever.· said Irwin. wbo added that ~on ti tour t,, ~"off the tee now wtCh ntmium :Jlllfts. Qi> hads and blllo;. ~ ba.D doesn' C\.U'Ye much. 'b.J can jlJSt t aknand • Must be n ••• RICHARD DUNN Classic la.st year that he hoped to remain •mtereste<J9 in competing for anotheT money btJe on the Senior~ Tour. ~ 34th career 9tt'UOf ~I here last~ and &ppamlt!y remained intemited in ~another money tille. lrwln. who won the 1998 fWlibe all firl"8 I ttCOtd 62 on mdly. won the tournament In Man:h -duet monthi bftorr · S1th l*1hday "Wtlf'll ~ti me I can\ It tends to me>Wam me. .. lrWin laid. ·1m not one thla looeil blt:t but loob fon¥wd.. CJY IO <*le~ b EYE OPENER 1111 DailyAPi~ ~pons Hal ol f-a.rne "bfod:D '1t.. • Febr~ 17 hono<et JOHMNAPPEU Friday, february 14. 2003 A9 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sea King s' rally comes up short Northwood secures PCL title wit h 60-51 win; CdM pl ayc, Calvary Chapel today for third place. at University Hi gh, 3 p.m . Richard Dunn Daily Pilot IH\ l!\I -A., d rl'\ .. ard for rheu ef fort.,, thr ( orona dl'I \1,Lr I hgh Sea King-, will pld~ a fX''"t"1'00 boy<> h.i'>~t·th.ill gaml• wda; ,uaJ they're rl.'itdy · 1{ ~l' pl.i\ 1111dav thl' w.a~ v.t· played I rhur\d,t~ rllghl ' ~l,'vt' gut a good '>hut. < .orona del ~tar < cialh H\an Cum .... ud aftrr ha' SCOREBONa> te<Wll \ 041 'i I lo..._., to ho't :-.onhwood 111 thl· P.11 ilk Loa...t l..eJJ..'lie finale. "-llll h ..., followed b\ tod.1\'., l p.m. 11pofl .1gam'1 <.al \Jf\ <napd at lJrn-CoM 51 \.W\11\ I llgh for the . Nonhwood 60 J>( I\ tlmd and fi nal gt1ura111eed Cl I ',(iuthl·rn 'lttctlon Dl\1c,ion Ill A playoff '!'>!JI -\gam,1 thl' P< I t hamr1on ltmber- ~olH•\, till' '>ea King'> t 11 15 4-6 m lca~l' r>t1lled IO Wllhlrl \IX pollll' In the founh qua.rwr and ma.,\l.o<J J l.ivup that wouJd h,1\e cut Nonhwood\ ll•ad 10 54 - 50 Hut the I 1mbt>rwolv~ (.!I '>. fO·OI held on d1W111 tht' "trl'tl h 111 capture tht•tr wrnnd c,lra1ght PC I 11tlt• lht'\ H' got a good wam -.;onh- wood < oach lam O'Hrwn '>Jrd "They hrokt• u' do"-O a lot Jrtd tht•\ 'vt-un prowd a lot '>Ince earht•r 111 tht• war If lhl'}' rl.iy hard and '>(ore l1kl' they did tonight 11' tough • , .'-onhwood led bv h loot 'i wnior Dre\.\ km fa.,t vear., Pt I l'l.1ver of the Yt'.ir and a l\.\O t;me AJJ.< .I I l>I\ Non Ill \t'h.•tt1011. t•n10\ed a JS :!2 h.tlltame lead Rut till' "it,•,1 !>..mg-. rdlhed 111 thl' thud quartl'r. nut'>conng the ho'>t'> . .!0-13, to pull w11h1n 48 42 h\ quartt•r', t•nd. lern who firn'>hed "-llh a game high ·.a. po111b. ~tored h1\ only ha'>let of the fourth quaner to open matter. and give thl ho''' .1 r;o I.! lead After tht• limber-· \o\nht.•, '<cm.o<J again. the '-lt'a King.. came back \\.1th a putbacl by Pancho ~born (tearn-hlgh ll p<llllLl.) anc.J layup by K.m Couper on a pa..._., from Adam .. n•e<lt• with -I ll rrmammg. l Ut ting Northwood'<; lead to 52 46. "It wa ... a \lX·pomt bal.lsr.ime and we m1..._'>t'd that layup (w1tb 4 00 left) lhat" huge.· < urrv saJd. CdM'~ opponent today. Cal\'an Chapel. defeated Tesoro. r;9 "10. Thur;- day mght. CdM split two PC .I game<; wuh the £:.aglei; this season, winning on the mad and loo;mg at home "We continue to control our own des- tm). added Curry. whose team slayed wuh Nonhwood for most of the !mt half, until the T-wolves scored the sec ond quarter'c; final five points for a 13 pomt mtcm1ission advantage. Terry drained a t.hrtt-pointer for ~ how, with 4:00 left in the thud quarter. see'COM, Pase All Irwin and Bob Gilder each won tour offiaal ~cs in 2002. the ff'WeSt m.mlber of victories to lead the Omnplom Thur suu fun Colbert and Bob Ml.-pby each had four WU'lS ln '95. 1rwtn. who bfamr the first rwo-cune '}bshlba champion. entmd the final round Wt )'ell' with a~ leld and won by 6Ye ~a~ matPt OI vicUJry than I.ht pd cham.piool cornblned. , For llWln. who WOSl $1.25.000 ... tma "ln..t..a-Ude. wwq ... ,..... eYflJt mubd the 12th In bil aMr it.a be hM WOl'I a uunammt II ... l.tilC,..,,. pll)'ed In 1:1 ~ ll'ld mi ... ,_-Would.,. ..... ., I .-ne. . • • J I I ' ' • ' • • AlO Friday, February 14, 2003 ~ . • • •• COllEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL =· •• .... ·: •• . ~~Anteaters :-put Idaho -away, 72-59 Lisa Faulkner has 16 -assists fo r UCI and five players score in double figures. BREN EVENTS CENI'ER -UC Ir· vines ,. womens basketball team rallied from a 31 · 30 halftime defi· cit to record a 72· 59 ..Big West Conference victory over visiting Idaho Thursday nighL Lisa faulkner was aedited with . a ~ool record 16 as.tjsts. The Anteaters. 14-8. 7-4 in the , Big West. had five players in dou· ble figures. led by Ouistina c.aua- way's 17 points. Lauren Yadon (14), Kristen Green OJl.WendyGabbe (12) and Courm~y 'Ferguson (12) com- pleted the depth-laden anack. The game was tied twice and ' ~ lead changed hands seven limes berore rhe Anteat~ gained c.ontrol Idaho falls to 6-15, 4-7. Bia Wnt Conflrwlce ua 72. ldeho 59 Idaho -Benson 6, Moore 11, Endtsoo 4, Thoelke 16, Fieldmg 15, Goea 0, Kinsey 7. Dunn 0, Sitton 0 3-pt. goals -Benson 2, Thoelke 2, Fielding 1, Kinsey 1. Fouled out -none. Tectinicals -none. UQ-Yadon 14, Callawav 17. Faulkner 0, Gabbe 12, Green 13, Biggins 2, Sturgeon 0, Ferguson 12, Usher 2 3-pt. goals -Gabbe 2. Green 1. Fouled out -none. Tectinicala -none. Halftime -ldaho.31-30. WATER POLO Mann signs with the Bears CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar l ligh water polo stand- out John Mann. with multiple CJF honors and a member of the Newpon Water Polo Founda· lion's Premier League entry un· der UC Irvine's Ted Newland. has signed a letter of intent with the University of California where he will play for Coact1 Kirk Everist, who just recently completed his first year at the helm of the Bean.. Mann. who left for Annapolis on Thu~ay for competition in a Premier League tournament, had con-;idered UCLA and Pep- perdine before opting for Cal ' SPORTS HIGH SCFIOOL GIRLS SOCCER CdM's title hopes slip away Northwood denies CdM of its fourth straight league soccer championship, 3-2. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot IRVINE -Nortbwo00 Higb's soccer field has a little l~ volume today. Much of the muddied turf is caked to the jerseys of Corona del Mar High (10· 5-2, 7-2-1 the Pacific Coast League} and Northwood's ~ soccer players as they stomped. stumbled and slid i!1 quest or a league championship. By the final wbisde, the Tunberwolves bad handled the mire and muck a litde better and prevailed. 3-2. denying the Sea Kings their fourth con- secutive league dde. Ftrst-year Northwood Coach Steven Tu- tone dove head &st onto the middle of the field following the victory, splotching his white polo shirt with mud. much like his team's unifonN. · "Those little tur- keys. they held me to SCOREBCW1> my word," said a ju- bilant Thtone. "They • said I had to sMde head first if we won. I feel bad for (Cd.M). This is a sloppy field and (Cd.M) is such a good team." CdM 2 Thursday's condi· Northwood 3 lions made dribbling and kicking difficult. as players would oc· casionally fall backward after booting a ball. CdM defender Paige Janes, bound for USC next season. was one of the more dirtied Sea ~ constantly chasing down balls Northwood attackers kicked into the zone. "They should not have scheduled a game so important to be played on a field like this." said Janes. a four-year varsity member. "(On a drier field) people wouldn't be falling and there would be less chance of injury. We' nonnally pass the ball around a lot more and we were talcen out of that today." Northwood (13-4-4, 8· 1 · l) usually plays its home games at nearby Meadowood Pad. on a regulation-sized field (120 by 80 feet), but the city closed the field due to the rain, Thtone said "(Northwood) w~ hit the ball from 90 yards out ~ hope (CdM goalkeeper Rachel Waters} would make a mistalce," Middleton said "We needed to rake more shots and ta1ce direct kiclcs toward the goal." Waters played in her first game in more than a month since injuring her left knee in a loss to Costa Mesa Thursday she made three saves, all in the second half, as Northwood applied the pressure. Immediately after CdM senJor Alivia Maruca played a reboWtd off her own free kick and belted the ball into the top left of the goal to tie the game in the 59th min· ute. Northwood's Amber Bettenhausen shifted the momentum back to the host's side. The junior forwaro burst through the middle of the field with Janes trailing and Waters coming out to deter her momen· turn. Waters got two hands on the ball, but Bettenhausen kic:ked it loose and shot it into the left side for a 2· I ~rthwood lead in the 60th minute. "I gu~ I didn~ have possession. ac· cording to the referee." Waters said "It hurts that Northwood got lucky when I came out like thaL" Janes said she thought Waters had posses.sion. Middleton was perturbed wilh the offi- ciating. citing an alleged band ball in the 18-yard box in the second half that wasn't called. An official is.sued the CdM coach a yellow card in the 64th minute. following Northwood' third goal (by Leah Geisin· ger) to make it. 3-1. "I have no idea what the yellow card was for," Middleton sald. Referees left wirhout comment CdM got to within 3-2 in the 36th min- ute. A free kick toward the Northwood Above: Corona del Mar's Jessica Mazura (1 7) moves inside Northwood's Drew Effler to keep control of the ball Thursday in Irvine. Left: Corona del Mar's Elisha Morgan (5) and Norttiwood's Taryn Sanchez (nght) battle for the ball Thursday in Irvine. SCAN HILLER I OM. Y PILOT goal by Janes. who pla~ solid defense along with senior l~uren Loe and junior Kinzje Kramer, landed in front of the net. only to be kicked in by a sliding defender with CdM's Brook Burgner applying pres- sure. The remaining five minutes, much like the entire game. saw slide kiclcs from borh teams and players trying to keep their baJ. ance. Ma.zura. Kramer and sisters Elisha and Kelly Morgan, sloshed their way up- field. but couJdn't get another clear shot at Northwood goalkeeper Allison Wing. CdM defeated Northwood. 2· I. last month and both teams are headed into the CIF Playoffs next week. CdM com- petes in Division n. ·nus will make us stronger." sald Janes about Thlll'Sday's loss. "This is practn for the big enchilada." HIGH SCHOOL .BOYS BASKETBALL Lightning finishes in third place NEWPORT COAST -Sage Hill · School's boys basketball team jumped to an 18·2 lead at the end of one quarter and kepi the beat on. beating visiting Oxford Academy, 49-24. Thwsday, to se- cure a third-place finish ln league. The win guarantees the Ughtning a spot in the OF Southern .Section Division fV-A Playoffs. Scott 010 (eight points, nine rebounds, three blocked shots) had his best game of the year, ac· cording to Sage Hill Coach Steve Keith. Michael Fitzhugh scored a game-high 23 points on IO-of-16 shooting and made all three of his free throws. He also grabbed eight rebounds. Kevin Joyce tallied I 0 points with three steals and Matt Loper dished out six assists to go with six points. "Joyce took on their leading scorer (Jorge Barboza) and did a great job," Keith said ·1 like the way we're going rtght now.· Sage Hill improves 10-13, 5·5 in league, while Oxford falLc• to 4- 17. 2·8. SUMMARIES BOYS P8dflc c.... LAlpe Noltftwood eo. CdM s1 Sccntwau.r.. CdM 111 a 20 9 51 Northwood 20 1s 13 12 eo Corona del MM -Ffeedo 3, M•tMn 10, Luce 4, Seaborn 21. B. Welctt 0, Mancilln 5, Northndge 6, IC. Coopet 2. M CooperO 3-pt goals -Seaborn 5. Mauen 2. M ancillu 1, Ffeede 1 Fouled out -none Tecttnicals -M•ncillas Nol1hwood -Stephens 10. 0 S.twey 4, R. Selway 14, Teny 22, Zaragoza !I, Delong 2. Rodo1n 3 3-Pl goats -Teny 3, St81)hens 2, Rodolff 1 Fouled out -none Tecttnical1 -none. s.e· 41, Oxford 2A Oxford bJ ~ a Sage Hill II I 13 IO • • Oxbd-f.ermanian 1, Berboz• 2, Gatton 3, Thompt0n 3, Van Hin 8. Canton 4, Cav•nesa 3. Rey8' 0, Dang o. 1<we1tko O 3-pt. goals -ThomP*)n 1 Fouled out -none Tecttnicals -none Sage .. _ Loper 6. Joyce 10, Willin1 0, Atthugh 23, Cho 8, Swanaon 2, Lefler 0, Brewer 0. Semel 0 3-pt. goa11 -Loper 2, Joyoe 1 Fouled out none Tecttnical1 -none GIRLS PKllc Coat L..- CdM 46, Northwood '2 Seen b¥ au--. CdM 111 7 t 11 • NOtthwood 1 16 ,~ ~ c CdM -Snell 9, Oltert>etn 8, Heeecnen 4, Klein 4, McCoy 19, C. M ar1ca 2 SLAMMERS FC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL She's the Real McCoy 3 pt goats -McCoy 4. Fouled out -none. Tecttnicata -none .. ll • ----Newport Beo<h, Cotiomio Home of lhe Girls Under 14 Notional Champions, Girls Under 12 For West Regional Champions and lhe 2002 Boys Nike Cup Champions The Slammers Futbol Club tryouts for the 2003/2004 soccer · season ore here ... ltys IWer 9 /IWlr 1 O/IWlr 11 February l 4tfi and February 28rh 4:30 PM -6:30 PM Lincoln Alhletic Center Cootoct Jose ~ 714-343-4821 Gils IWer 9 /u.ler 10 /IWer 11 February 21st and February 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM February 22Jld 8:30 NA -10:30 NA Estoncio High School GiktW.12 Fabnoy 19rh and febnoy 20rh 5 PM -7 PM FebrucJy 22nd 11 NI. -1 PM Esrondo Hidl Sdlool .... ll Wsth81M -1'1W Esb1do Hijl School Jackie McCoy sizzles with 19-point burst to lead Corona del Mar to 45 -42 Pacific Coast League victory at Northwood. Corona del Mar Higb's girls basketball team gQt a big boost entering next week's CIF Division lll·A Playoffs Witl1 a 45-42 Pacific Coast League victory at Northwood Thursday night The victory gives CdM a hare of second place with a good shot at a home game in the opening round of the playoffs. Md:oy hit a season-high 19 points, scoring eight points in the first quarter as CdM jumped to an 18-7 lead, and ln the fourth quarter, the last of her four three-pointers put CdM into the lead at 42-1111. and then she finished it out with three at the line to put the decision away. "We really stepped up and played defense," said CdM Coach James Barkalow. ·0ur game plan was to contain their Holly Miles. who had seven three· pointers the other night" Ba.rbJow's assignment for his two quick guards, Kathryn Heeschen and Colleen Marks, was to deny Miles the ball, and the Northwood standout fin. bhed wttb Just sbt points on two threes. · CdM Improves to 12-12, 7-3. Northwood finishes 7-3 in league. Byfield and Gray had seven and six rebounds, respectJvely. with Krystal Mino adding four points, four rebounds and four steals. Nancy Castro had six points and four rebounds for the Eagles. who will compete in the CIF Southern Sectfon Division lll·A Playoffs. Naff (29) leads Costa Mesa, 64-48 Costa Mesa HJgh's girls basketball team, led by the 29-polnt output of Rhondl Naff, racked up a 6·48 Golden West League victory over visiting SaddJeback in the regular-seas<1n finale Thurs- day. Naff aJso had seven rebounds, four steals and three asslsts. Also with m ajor credits were cassey Brick with 10 assists, and d efensive standout Ashley Kelly, who came off the bench and filled ln admJrabty for the Mustangs. The Mustangs Improved to 15-11 , 7-5, as they await Sunday's release oftheOF Playoffs pairings. Sage Hill towers over Oxford, 55-36 Sage Hill School's height took ~ Thursday again t visiting Oxford Academy in the Corm of 6- foot-2 Katie Pulshys and 6-1 Haywood ~L Wright scored a game-high 22 pointa while Puitihys put in 20 for the victorious Ughtnlng -55-36, in girb basketball a<:tion ln Newport Coast. Eagles complete perfect run le:~ the win, Sage Hill Improves to 13·5, 5-5 1n Nol1hwood -Edmonton 6, Kurtz 2, Monroe 10, M.cin 10, Miles 6, Smlttl 2. AJbough8 3-pt. goal• -Miles 2. Fouled out -none Technlcala -none. Goedel'l Welt t..que eo.t.. Me9a 14, ~ 41 Sco.'9 b¥ au... Seddlebect t~ 10 I 11 -• Costa Meaa 13 17 12 22 .. Saddlet:Mldl -Lew11 24, Ramlrwz 2, Rivas 2, Laymen 2. Williema 12, L9te 6, Lomeli 2. 3-pt goals -none Tedlnlcals -none. c... Mee. -Bride 4, Nd 29. ~ 2. Reevee 4, Senc:hez 9, Trujillo 8, l(elty 8, l.anderoll 2. 3-pt. goala -S.ndlez 3, Trjuillo 2, N.tf 1, ICally 1. Fouled out -Landeroa. Tecnnlcala -L.andlHol 1. ~--l.elcue &tenda UL 0ceen View 41 Sco.'9"' OulNn Es:tanci11 ,.. 12 12 111 • l.l Ocean View 1 12 t1 tt ., Elt -w ... 14, Byfield 13, Mino 4, Gray 14, c..tro e. e>.rcu 2. P9NI o, Wilson o. Aor. o. 8ecen'8 o. 3-pt. goeta-B~ 1. Fouled out -Mino. Tedlnala -none 0... vt.w-Alderter 1, tianeon 3, Hyl')W 17. l.MCher 3, ~ 2, Wlll*ne 8, ~ 9 Thomea 0. 3-pt. Goala -none. F-ouled out -noM. T~-none. Atnd1m1a.....-The Estancia High girls basketball team made "(Oxford) was not very big and we knew we an undefeated run th.rough the Golden West couJd take advantage of that," said s.ge Hill '-c:: •b...O:::: • (ague (12·0}, culmJnating In a 53-41 victory Coach Shanna Renkln. OXbd ., " 10 11 _ • Thunday rugbt over host Octtn Vlew. Wright and Pulshys were also dominant on the tc.,HUI 20 ,. ,, • -• TheEaglea07.SoveraU)wereledbyaquadru-board with 18 and 15 rebound. rnpectively. s.Ne-o°C:3·~13, pie-double from guard 1\'isha Wue (14 poloU, 10 Senior Carrie Oark, one o( Renkin'a twO aenfon 1. ~ 2,~ ~ o. °*' •teals, 12 rebounda. 13 lsts} and 14 points along with Wc>Me Kawamura. each played thetr )1Jt 90elit-d'4IW 2. AlnbMal 1 from lllha Cray and 13 by XochJtl ByO Id. lut regular-teason home RIJ1lO Thundey nJSht. ISc:.tw-* 1. Chun,, a., 1, ' Eatanda led, 14·7. at the end or oo quarter Kawamun tarted and tallied rwo polntt alona · ~lefc:::'.:-:· and wu ln concrol mott or the game. Ocean With Vicky Guttenu and Debbie YOder-Lee (or ~"!-c.m.a.t7.aw.n.2. View cut th• lead to four at the beglnnln1 of the the µghtnlng. ~ ~10. ~ 2. fourth quarter, causing (lnt·yar fManda Coach Sage HUI'S JunJor vanity gSrla team defnted ,..,._.,... 2. = 8-ao.....o. 'hmJ Rappa to calJ a timeout. Oxford, 31•28, 1bunday, on a bUmf.-beatina Fouled out :non.. 1. •1t WU a SUt cheek and I tent them back lo balf ·COU(f shot by laura SchM(er U tirM rtn ,..,..._. -ftOft9. there,• Rappil said. • out. 'P .jlj . 9 9 Y:Wf Y WWW + SPORTS Frldcty, February 14, 2003 All BRIEFLY Costa Mesa· sends seven to CIF Division I finals • WRES11JNG: Seven Costa Mesa I ligh wr~ ders qualified for the CIF Division I finals Feb. 21 22 following their effons at Golden Wesr League n- nals Thursday at Santa Ana High. Because of Injuries, Mesa only suited eight wre'>- tlers In the 14 possible weight classes. Carlos Ibarra (103 pounds), Silvio 1-.brrada (IJOJ Man Grublsich ll40), Jesse frdllcp (14SJ, Adan~ Donovan (152), Mike Simonoff (160) and <>erg1o Cabrera (135) all advanced to the finals Thur\day before losing and will compete at WestrnmMer High In the CJF individual finab at Weslmirn.tl'r High. Mesa wrestlers faced stiff competition f.ranw lost to Santa Ana's Scott Becerra (ranked '>lxth an the state) and .Simonoff dropped hLS match to Ray Mueller, who IS rated founh in the '>late and al-.{1 attends Santa Ana Mesa. along with Calvary Olapel, Santa Ana and El Modena, will travel to Temecula ValJey t ligh School for Saturday's CIF Divh1on I mee1 1ha1 will feature the top 16 teams in the davi,1on. Friedrichs paces Sage Hill victory • BOYS SOCCER: 1Wo goah from Zach fm· drichs paced host Sage Ifill School to a 4-2 At ad emy League win over Oxford Academy Thtmday Sam Sankuchen aMisted on /.aek Milder'!> goal in the 25th minute to give the ho'>l'-a 1-0 lead. In the 37th mlnute, Anthony Kinaly., sh ot hit the post but rebounded toward C.hn'> Otibouca-.. who put It LO for Sage Hill's third goal. The Lightning (8·5·5, 3-3-5 in league) dom1 nated play, said Coach Noureddane El Alam. Ethan Tanney made eight saves and Le~r Ar ria,ga stopped three shots In goal for the l ighr nlng. who finish second In league wnh Wh11ney\ loss Thursday to St. Margaret'!.. "Depending on the St Margarel's game wt· didn't know af we were going to be second ur third,· El Alam said. "If Whitney would have won · and Oxford beaten or tied us, we would have: been out. It turned out to be a great day." Sage I UU advances to the CIF Southern SeLtwn Division VI Playoffs next Wt'ek. Roeser's goal lifts Sage Hill. 9-8 • GIRLS WATER POLO· A la'>I '>econd ~OJI by Stephanie Roeser at two meter'> gave thl' \.;1~1· Bill School girls water polo team a 9-8 nonleague triumph over visiting Los Amigos Thursday at ~orona del Mar 1 ligh . llayden Hutchison scored'six goal1. and Brit· tany Forest add ed one for the Lightning (9-7) in its final regular-season game. Sage Hill goalkeeper Kira Neal made nine !lave'>. Sage Hill will look forward to gt!tllng a possible at large benh in the CIF Southern Section Divi- ~ion V Playoffs. Los Amigos Sage H1H Sage Hill 9 , Los Amigos 8 Score by Ou1ners 4 1 2 5 2 Los Amigos Varona 5 Sage Hill -Hutcl11son 6, Stephanie Roeser 2, Brittany Forest 1 Sa11&s Neal, 9 Anleaters' Gabbe named Bi g West Conference Scholar Athlete of Year 8 9 • HONORS lJC. Irvine\ Wendy Gabbe, the lone senior on thl' Anteaters' women'i. basketball team. hai. been named the UCl/ 81g WeM Female Sd1olar-AthletC' of the Year. Gabbe, an Englai.h major, will be honored at a banquet held March 13 at the Coast Anaheim I lotel. She ii. the third women\ ba,ketball player to earn" thh award. 1mning Leticia Oseguera ()996-97 and 14'17 98! and Shanno n Anders ( 1999;2000) UC Irvine Slobounov is Big West Conference Co-Athlete of Week • HONORS: UC Irvine Sophom ore vonny, Shimura has been named the Big We" Co-Atjl· lete of the Week fo r he. performam:e) at Cal Poly and UC Santa Barbara last week Shimura won till' I 00-yard butterfly (51.50) and the 200 back- .,troke (I :52 lHl again i.t UC Santa Harbara in a close meet Ill' won the 100 back (53 15) against C al Poly, helping lead the way lO a 122-96 win for the 'Eater' The Anteater'> will next be m the pool at the Big West O'lamp1on,h1p'> that will be held Febru- ary 26-28 a1 Belmont Pla.7,a in Belmo nt '>bore. SCHEDULE tooAv ~ Community college men -Orange Coast It Golden West, 7:30 pm Community college women Orange Coast It Golden West. 5:30 p m High ldlool boys -Ocean View at Estancia 7 p m • Cocta Meaa a1 Sadc:llebec*. 7 p m • Corona def Mer vs. '-'"'•rv Chapel et University High (Padttc Coast Leogue third place playoff} ~ Col~ -Ar1ZOne 11 UC Irvine, 6 p m , Vanguard Unl~rsity at Wh1tt1er Col~.230pm ~ Community college men -Orange Coastlt Moorpartt 7 p'm W...polo High IChool grrls -Corona del Mar at El Toro, 3 15 pm Tennis Col~ men -UC lnitne at Suinlord. 1:30 pm .. V1ngu1rd Umversrty II Cal Poly Pomona Tournament. SGftbel Commyntty college -Orange Coast at Groumont. doubleheader 1 30 pm hdiandfWd College men end women -Vanguard University et Indoor Pentathlon CDM Continued from A9 building the T-wolves' lead to 44· 30. Freede foUowed with his only three-pointer of the game 10 trig· ger a 10-2 scoring run for the Sea IG.np. Mer Fttede's shot. Sea- born scored seven straight points on two free throws, a DON LEACtl /OAILY PILOT Costa Mesa, with Jeff Waldron (left) one of the key components, closes out Golden West League play tonight at Saddleback High. Ouahfy1ng at Azusa f>acrlrc. 2 p m O~nge Coast. A1vers1de at Sama Community colloge men and women Ana 2 p.m three-point bomb with I :45 to play and a layup with I :25 left af. ter a Nonhwood turnover, forc- ing O'Brien to call timeout. The Sea IGng~. how~ver, would never get closer than six. points. ln addition to Seabom's third 21-point o uting this season, Bren Matsen added I 0 points for Corona del Mar. Rob Selway, Northwood's 6-6 senior center, <;<.Ored 14 points, pulled down 14 rebounds and added one steal and one blocked ~ot. Guard Jeff tephens (I 0 points) was also in double figures for the T-wotves. CdM canned four three-point- ers in the first quaner 10 keep pace with Northwood, but the hosts hit 4 of 6 shots early in the second quarter to build a l 0- poin 1 lead. UCI Continued from A9 got fouled. •At that point we were JUSI try Ing to have him catch II ahead of us and we made a mistake and fouled; Morrill said. "That's the last thing you W-dllt to do In that siruauon." Utah Staie sophomore center Spencer Nelson heaved an in- bounds p~ the length o r the court and the ball went our of bounds at the other end after Hood 's free throws. The Ant· eater5 held for the last po~­ sion, in which UCI freshman point guard Jeff GJoger '>hot m· UCSB ua Utah St Pacffic: ea1 Potv Idaho Fullerton NortMdge • A1vers1de Long Bctt St. side Lhe paint JUSl w L after ume llai- Wlth expired. : ~ The UCI 8 4 players l1ln 6 5 toward the 6 6 locker 6 6 5 7 4 7 4 8 3 9 room, n~ arm., i.tretched and both fiMS In the air m cele- brauon. Parada applaudmg dl. he ran "We don't give up," Pan1da !xlld In reference to the Anteater-. overcornlng their three-game losing slcid with what i.,, now a three-game winning streak. "We may go througl} hard umes, but when it come., down to ll, and our back.s are agam'>t the wall, we don't give up. We showed our true colors tonight.· Parada (7 for 9 from lhe field) scored 12 of his team -high 15 point., in the first half, when he cleverly dodged would-be dou- ble team defense with rum around. fadeaway shot" awa)' from the Utah State defender. He helped the Anteater. build a 31 15 lead with just under four minutes left in the llr.,t half tJU our.,cored the Aggie'>, 17 4, dur tng a M>ven-and-a-half mmute slretch m the first half tha t gave the Anteaters the l~·point lead. Utah State '>Cored i.even straight poants, then Ham-. <>eored on a driving layup Wlth J.l ..ernnd1> l~ft, and UCI led, '\3·22, a t the haJf. "In that first half he played Ii.kc people had been anuc1paung. Dougl~ said of h~ 7-foot cen ter. "lie really played with'confi- dence. I le didn't try to bounce the ball as much.· Harris took over for the Ant eater;; in the second half I le scored nine of his 13 pomL'-m the second half L.ate tn the game. I lams also defended Pepi· gar, who had the hol hand tn the second half. Penigar scored 16 of hi!. 21 points in the finaJ 20 mm- utes. He i.cored 10 of the Aggie.,· " MASCARO Af Utah State's Spencer Nelson. left. shoots over UC Irvine defender Stanislav Zuzak 1n Thursday's duel The Anteaters won 59-58. final I.! ()l>lllh . i.l'> I JtJh "II.tit' came -.rortnmg bad.... l'e111gar drove 111 1ht• ba.,ket Jlld mc1dt· ,1 layup "';1h ~ 10 fell to ~\'t• tht• Aggie'> .t <;;.! 5 I l'clgt'. 1hetr l1r .... 1 lead '>llllt' thrt•e minute·<. into thl' game whl'll 1he\-ll·d. 6 4 Penigar lc11t•r 'l ored 0 11 .i put back wllh J 'il left for .i 'i·l ·.i lead. but IJC I 1umor lorwa rd \tif nislav /t1htk naJ.led a 1 ltrt•1 po1nrt'r 10 llt' the i.:ame Jdd111g more dr •. lfllJ ZUhtk .,l urt>J '>l'\l'll po111i.... wh ile I It'\ hcrhJ. the fre,11111<111 came otf tht' bt'nl h to al .. o add 't'' en. t 1l1tgl'r adde<.I fiw pmnt'> JOt.I thn•t· a .. '>iSL'>. llw Agg1t·,· comeh.1d. 1 h.11 wa~ clt•nll'd bruugh1 bad.. nlt'mo ne'> for Dougla.,., and fuf'lt>d .t n \'aJry t11a1 ha.' featured u nt pw 111 Win'>. bw.1.cr lwatmg .. 11111 .. and clutch frt•t: throw~ "It wa.'> '>lmllar to o ur gJml' \\1th Ulah \tale at tthe Bren l.t'>I year (a nl 61 uu 10 ...... 1. 1>011~ I~~ !Mild "I hey cam e down dlltl really '>pankt:d U!'> the fi.r~1 hull '\t that ume I tl10ugh1 the\ wen• tit· -.ervmg of 1he \\-Ill DougJa .. , .... ud he \.·rnuld h.1\l al.'>O t:all<'d J llrnt'out ltl e ._lomll dad b<.•fort' I food 'Aili> fouled ·vou rt·t .111 hi....1 year\ g;1m1· when wt• 'u >rt·tl on tlw lt•ng-1h ot YOUTH SOCCER tlw t oun .1 h rn t ,, ·1·11 h111.1t b t'.ilt:r fur 1 1i-fol l)l l w111 I )ougl.i'' "ml I h.11 wa~ a \o\1'-t' tl11 ng to do I l\llllld have tl11nt' tilt: '<llllt' thmg II< I retum' 10,1111 ir1 \d1urd.i\ 111~ht 11 I ,.,.lwn 1h1 \ntt-aler-. plJ \ JI Idaho ZC7TS Tt !> rt o first l•mt1 UCI h.t~ won tld-; • t;,, " l'ltn•~ at u 1ah 51alP I ' IC: 'M· ,. •'il!>O'l!o S!n('fl 1985 and l~o uC.1 is 1tu-' only team on"the B•g w .. sr IQ i..1v• " w1nnm!l r .. cord agd"•"' Ut.Jt St .. 111 JS the Ant 1·a1ers ledd ttc• all 1.rn .. """t:S 26-25 Utati Sto:" s now ? ' o "" s11ason whPn Pen•g J' "' r" s 2C o• more I.IC nts " d Qd". UC SO(lhornor& Gf1!9 Ethington ~,1Jv'-!d ufr.,r s Cl n~ Out J"" ~dmt w•lt\ .i houl '"' •n1ul'\' Ht '><Ori.:<! rwo PQ•nl\. 11 ''2 n 111utPS of <1r: lo!)n Bl& West Conten«e UCI 59. Utah State S8 UCI Zuza~ 7 harr· P'l'd'la <;. Gloger 5 Huoct H 'Xt·r"• 1•" n Beskaui.kasO f t, vt1<1t1 7 Glo•o::.> Ethington 2 3 pt goal~ Horio 7 l. ,.: ,~ , Elevoorha 1 Fouled ou1 non• Tect1n1cals no111 Utah State Pf!ri1yar 11 Jot nson tJ NC'lson 6 Rov 6 B• "' 7 11d"'~ ~ Pu1ey 1, Bui "' 0 f vans 0 3 pt goals Jot-• son 1 B•ow' 1 FoulP.d out n riu Tectinical~ non Halftime uf l'.'l •• Gold gets two wins, handily Gyulay scores three goals in two games. With only one game remaining in AU-Star .-.ea....on. the Newport Gold b<1Y' under-10 soccer team 11-; 111 6.rst place with an undefea1ed record (I 0-0) Ne\vport defeated Tustin. 7 · I, with two goals from Colton G-yula-y along with i.mwe talhe., from Timmy Root, Misha PaJcvasa. Ivan BeceJTa. John Barton and Steven Miller n htin '-1,;0f('d it~ onl} goal an the t.htrd period to make 11 3-I, hut Nl'Wport re.pondt'tl I.fl a b ig way Rarton '>COrt.•tl hi.!. goal off a pass from Ouisdan Ochoa. Strong pa.<;.sing skill~ wen• displayed by Scott Ridgeway and Taytor Wildman wilh defenc;ive p ressure from ~ Regan. Ottw Diller a11d ~uJlleeper Logan Newect. "ewpon. mat lwd bv Phil Miller and Tom Gyulay plaved the other "'t>wpon (l{)ld team in tl' liN gam« la.'>I weel end and won l I \tiller i.corftl m thl· fiN pcnod and (,yuJa}' then tallted a goal r>ff a pt•nalh kicl an the <;t.'('ond quaner Max Gerard had 24 ..av1·' m goal for the lo<,ah~ Newport team 2648 Legal Notica 2640 llpl Nolkes 2640 Legal Nallca 2640 Legal Nallcls 2648 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Malica 2MO lepl Notices .......... ......... The followina pvsonl 11• loHtc bv.alnns n . Flowers by JeMrfer, 16761 Vtewpolnt Lane, Unit 205, Huntln1ton Bueh. CA 926'7 JeMlfer Sue C.mp~H. 16761 Vltwpolnt Lane. Unit' 205, H11nlln,ton BeKll, CA 92M7 Tilb lMIU-11 con- ducted 11, an tndfvidul ~ 'fOU slllrted ...,. buslllus yet1 Ho .i.11n1tet CampW lhls 1latement was filed with the County Clerk ol Ofanft County Oii 1 l/20/02 2Ml6tl7"' Ollily l'llot »11 16 •• 23. 30 , ,... 6. 2003, •lfle1ttled p11llllcal1011 f9' 14.2003 FJ46 ....... •MJ NoUce ft IW.Oy 1-t Ila t lh• lou of rr ... t... of ttM CO.st Co11111111 n ltJ Coll• .. Olatrlct ef Ou111• C.-ty, Cellttt•. will ,...,,.....,,,...,. .. l• Ml ,.. .. ,., tllelt i:oo_e -~ , Fr*•· •di 7, ~. ,al IN l'w di.IN~ of .... -Dilrtcl llCIUtl •• 1170 Metlle AHllM, ""' 0, c..u .... . c.Mw .......... ... ,,...... .... ~ -=-·-.. .. 2 ··- Of'UlATIONS AT 04t· Revenue Code. 1101Jce '' se...ttf AJfGI COAST COUJGf he•eby 11vtn lhat f0<m \i t , ef Ultef All p<opou" ••• lo be 990 Pf Relu•n of Prt 1n it«O(Nn<e with lhe 011 roundatron 10< the ............... l'ropoul Doc umtmh ltsc•I YHf ended Sep TIM followm1 perr.on which .,, now on ftte lotmbef :tO. 2002, '°' The ha1 abandoned the use and may ~ Mteured 1n 8 John Cerrkll Foun· of llM f icutt0us Busl tlle offtc:•oltlM Direc:(or daUon f or the Ad· neu NarM Clun Kitty ol f'urchutn1 of the vancement ol the Rnk Cornpen;, 61 Niaht Obltlel Sctencu. • pr1vate Heron. Ahso Viejo, CA Then wtll be a •pte foundation, " available 92656 bid" conlerence on at lht foundation's ~f ictitious Busmess Wednesday, Ftlm1ary pt111clp•I o lltce for name 1tlened 10 above 19, 2003 .•• ·3.00 pm im.pectlOfl dJ'""• recutar WU hied 1n Onn1• in the Student Center bu11n1u hours from County on 12 3 /l2, Fll.C Lounp at Onnp Coe\I 8 JO AM to 5 00 PM by HO 200269?5'8) ~. 2701 r11rvtew eny cttl1tn who requnb Karen V•11thttr. 61 RHd, Cost• Mau. CA rt w1llun J yHn be N1&ht Heron, Aliso Viejo, 92628 11n11ln1 February 15. CA 926!16 The 80Md ol Trusten 2003 Form 1023 LIU {l111al1n1 t6893 reMIVH th• ptl••le .. of Appl/cat ton for Rec:o1 Ston•alau . T u•ltn. CA rejKtln& anv ind all n1tton o l F umptlon 92780 prOl)Ot8ls or to walVe 11ndtt Mtetlon 501(c)(l) lhls IKl'llne11 11 con 01 11111ularlllH Of ol the lnte1n.i llmnue ducted by to partnws lnfor11111ttlu IA any C41M, llllCI the lttltt ol llaflfl v.ypl., propoul Of In Ille E11t""'ho11 frOlll rH«al Thi\ d1l1ment WH _...., ,,-oceu 1nco-tu v4*f MC· tlle4 with IN C.V1111 tton !tOl <•> ol tllt "'-'t. f Or Colltlt /S/ a-W o..t.. lnterltal Reve11ue Codi Ill ....,. 0 lflt9 ' ~--;f ......... also m1i.111e l • ill ;;..~l12oe <-• c "V c.f... t1actlon d11r1n1 th• Daily Piiot Feb I, 14. .... thfrid • found•tlon's norm•I 11 21, J rt.26 AlwertfM• ,._., 7 bullneu llovr• ,,._.___. ... 1• IMI Tiit founOllOll't -o.-J,N;f, -• 7. ,.-1nc1pa1 oNic.e tt toc.etacl 'I , ,., .. ., _,. J p.a. et UI Cf eflt laJ ..___ ...... ...... t1J1 D11ni. h VIII leach, - f'w•lltlletl Newport Caltfiat11i. 2et Tfle fotloW!nt ,..-on e..c11 Cost• MHa 0..., The tw~ .. I IMft.tCWI hu ~ ttMt llM l'llot ,...,.,.,, 7, l(, er the r1M1Ma\!o11 ii 8 or the r1c1t1""'' luti 100J HJ' ~ ~ ... ,itlt. PhQ X.. _, N-Cec>J Cll.e, a.... l'wllt11lted Ne•,ort 1.JOO...,.. 11¥4., S40it• ... -h.tcll C•t.a Mfta Delly t 1 Co.ta .._. CA ........ l'llot ht.111er, U , 9212' I 1 .. • ,., ,. e& The h. lltlOltt ..,_... . . - -....... , ... ,., •. *" ........ .. ..... _,....!!!.!!!!~!!!,!___ ... filed ~~ llM<4>" •....... .!!!c-..,...,h~•"!--'~ ........ -. FILE HO 20006826917 PRN .Usoc1atn. Inc (CA) 128 N Willow S,,,rncs Rotd 0. o1n1e. CA92869 Th" bus11MSs IS con ducted by • cO(l>Ofalt0n PRH Assoclatu. Inc Reed v Roiltna. Pres• dent This 1t1ternent wn ltltd with the County Cletlt. ol Orance County on 1/22/03 200Uf10JU Dilly l'tk>t Jin 24, 31, F.O 7 14,2003 F197 TIM lollow1n1 !MfSOns ere doill(I buMnen n TIM 8uH1lo H•lls Echo. 1701 l'ort Abbey Pttce, Newporl Buch CA 92660 Haney Serr• Creene, 1101 Port Al>bfey Piece, Newport Buch. CA 92650 This buSIMSS IS con ducted b' an 111dovlduat Heni ~ llN'tod doMAa IHnlMss yeU Yes, 01/ 20/2003 Hiney S CrMne Tllll llatemelll WH hied with Ille County Ct.rll of Oren .. Co11nty on 02/ll /03 HOMfU..S 0-"~ 1'1lel Feti 14, 21, 21,Miir.7.2003 Fl5' .......... ......... on 02/11/03 200HtU077 Darty P1tol feb I•. 11 21 M.tf 7 2003 F 151 Aclllm ..... ... s...... The lollowln1 pefsons art do1n1 busioess H Wroth Goll Altlre. ~ Beach Or 1ve. Newport BoKh, CA 92663 Jonatha11 Cl\lfles Nook 1312 Cameo Or Tu!.ltn CA91780 Christopher K1n1"''*" 8relsch1er 27 Bluff View, Irvine CA 92611 Tiii$ bus1nau ~ c.on dvctlcl by co pitr 111110 H•vt >'(Ill •IMted doinl bu1lne11 yelf Ho Cho\ 81 ebd\f .. fhn •talell>tnl w"' hlH with the CoUflty Clltrtt of Oran19 County 0111/4/G3 MtMHU7e 0My l'tllllt FM 1. 14 11,21,l.'OOJ Fl!I .......... ........ fM tolowont ,_tont •• .... IN.,_ n C••I•• •• • uoo ....... 11"1 Stllte l 2. c.u "" .... ... . ~:&11 H ..... CA'iliie._.' 0r .... ,,. -... ....... -..... ,IC*..., ... .................... ...,..."', .. ,.. Aa '&ra MI 0 'n Cw dent Thi\ st•trmf'nl .,., lilf'd ••ll't lhl' Counly Cler• of 011,,r~ Cnunly on 01 /22 OJ IOOHUOSIS Oeoly Pilot I.an ?• JI Feb 7 t.t 2003 r 196 nc-.. ..... ... s...... fll• lolklw•lll P•tSOfl\ 11• clo1n1 bu1111en a1 Studio l'•ul1u 29t') RH Koll Aff , ~111te A IOI CMI• Mew Cah f«n1a9~~ Ab<l81t Out&!'. '"' • CCA) • 214!1 S B•nlley Au I 01 Anaelu. C1hlo< n1• 90()6.c I h•• bu\lneu Is con d\Kt d lly 8 COtPOUllOfl ..... '°" 11.artM ~ • buw1n y+UNo Aal;t111e Dfti91 . Inc , ... ,,.... ,..,..,, r,_. 1"'9 lltla~I WU f W•tn IN C-ty Clefll ol Or c.un1, Oll0111610l ,..~ ...... 0.11) 'llO' ,., 7. 1•. !1._ 11, 200) FI~ ......... ....... l~ I ,_, ... '"" .. Mt• 0.taA ltllll ~--C:..,M Sl4 ura•e Coll'fOfl, CA Wl1' llltiLUtll•l--• •••tt~c. ... ._ ... ~CA ..,. ,,.. t t nu• d1u ltd by llfl 1ntt••ldUtl Ha•e you ilarled .ro.n1 llu,."e" ""' 1 ~ A" II•• d l H l awr en<.• II !hr\ \lltl~m.nt WI\ ftl"d wtll't tt.. Cou111y Clef!< ol Orin .. County nn 01 28 "03 200J•Uf'OO 0 .. 11, Pilot ~ tb 1 14 ll, 78 lOOJ f136 ......... ......... Ti.. f .. llow1n1 ~'°"' 111• clotfol bu""5' n a> OC l'r"'""'' CUltlpa . 11y b) 01'8n.. County "'°"''' r.omp•ny 'l oc rropertM d ) OC: rr09 t;o • !"1140 Bwtl't St Sult• 100 lhwport ... u.. Ca 1fcwn1e '2ri60 ..... " .. s v ·~ • Andrt\.11 Ir,,.,,., C.11 twmat:'ll4 Tllft llti~ ilo con M.brtllly .. ~ ,.. •• .,... lMted ........ ~,.,,"° Alnanchr S VeflaN Tt11 ttlt tit W-' ftS.tf Wllh ttll CcJuflff c•• ,, 0r~ '' II OZJ"-i l'QS ,..,. .. ,,. Dail ~Mt fd ,. Hl'tnn """' Y•~to CA 97b'4 ... ,,. ... p,.,, .. .,,,,.. 10011 Briellw0<11f H1tnl1t•clon 9..,, II CA CllMf, TAI\ btK"'en I\ COit duct•d lly " •-"' part n« "'"" Hlln tuu ~t .. ted dofnt btr~'""" y•l1 N1> Ktren Vau"'lll' Th" tlltl••ftltfll "'" Iii.cl ••th Ille C®nly Cte1t. af Ora11 • Co1111lr °" 2.14IOJ toeunno. Deily_ l'tlol f.O 7. 14 ~t .29.2003 rt~ ,.... .... ........... fht tolloWll\t ..-r_ll>flt Ill dotftl bUMMd"' H 111tt1e, tll9dla Ctou, IM11 !\W bdl r100 New 01t 1 .. cl't. CA •• ! ' llgal"*'8 ,l.1111 ..... an Of eost&MA otm<Mn, UllOml •111-• NOTlCf. HCMIY CMft th1t Mlltcl propowb fill furflbhlnt all latlor, mat.,ltb, •Q1116)1Mftt, tr •n"PQI t.tion •NI wch olbw f1eilll1H u m.y be t~llllM f« lHl R£HABILITA~ OF WHITiltR AVENUE (fl!OM l7TH STr~CCT TO l9n4 STREET), CITY l'RO~CT NO. 03~. will H r.c•lvM by tlM Cit)' et C.Sl1 ..... el tlM Otflc• ot ~ Cit)' Cltfk, 17 h" °'""'• Coatl MeN, C1llforn!., 1111tll llit hour of IChOO •.a., •...-Y. Mwdi OS, 2003, "' which time they wlll be ~ned pubMcly end rHd 1loucl. In the Coun«ll Ch1mbwa. Suled 1>1opoula shalt bHf th• till• of tlM wof11 •nd neme of the bidder but no other dlitlniulshlne mwk•, Any bid received elter th• scheduled closlne lln11 for the r ec11pt ot bids shell b• returned to bidder unopened. It 1hall b• th• sole re19onslbllit)' ot the bidder to see th•t hi~ bid Is received In 11toper time. A Ht of Bid Docut11tnls m1y be oblAllned at th• Office of the City EnalnHr, 77 Fair Drive, Coste Men, California, upon _..._...e ~"' el $10.00. Alt eMlta.-1 diwl' ef $S.OO will b• m•d• If h1ndled by mall 8 1d Documenb end oth~r contreGI documents m1y 1lso be 1umln1d et lh1 Office of the Clty.Clerll of the City of Cost• Mesa Bid Documents w1U not be meiltd unless the 1dd1tlonal SS 00 chare• IS included with piiyment Each bid shell be med• on the Proposal form, shaeb P I throuah P 18 provided In the contract documenb. and $hall be accompani.d by a certified Of cuh1er'5 check or 1 bid bond fOI not less than 10' of the amount of th1M bid, made payable lo the City of Costa ~a No proposal shill IN u >0S1dered unless accompanied by such cashier's r hecli.. cash. or b1dde<'1 bond No bid shall be considered unless 11 r5 made on • blank form lurnlshed by the Ctl)' ol Costa Mes. .tnd 1s made m atcordanc• with the prov111ons of the Proposal rtQutrements " payment bond and performance bond will be rt'qu1red prt0r to the 11ec:ut10n of the contract lt1e payment bond and Pl'formance bond shall be '" the fOfm and amount set forth in the contract dutumenh [<1th bidder muil have a Clan ·11· General Ln11r1ee1 me hunse 1nd also b• prequallfled 1s 1eq111red by law In actor dance with prov11ions ot Public Contract Code Section 22300, subslttutlon of 1ll11lblt 1nd equivalent s~curilln lor any monies withheld to ensure µertorniante un der this contact will be permitted at the reQunl and opense ol th• contn 1ctor. fhe City Couo~1I of the City of Costa Mesa 1 .. ~er vo the riihl to re11ct 1nv or 111 bids. T111s pru1et l 1s a federally funded pro111ct and will be under •~deral 1111u11t1ons which include th~ Davis l;lroilton Act and related acts The wae• de I fr m111at1un will be under the 0.vl5·Bacon Act .nd relaltd •tis and the Department of lndustr11I Relations '\late of California (the Contnctor and Subtontraltors shall pay not len than the h1aher WJ~I! !all) r he City h•' obt11ned lrom the 011ectot of the O~p3r tmenl "' lnduslri•I Relations Iha eeneral fHev••lina wa&• rate of per diem waees and the t-nera pr tv.t11in11 rate lor holiday ind overtime N~r~ m the locale 1n wtuch work is to be performed •or••• h ualt cln sification 61 type of work needed • .. , .. culr the conlucl Hohday rate> shall be , .ud •s .pec1t1ed in the collecl1ve bat ra1n1ne •I'• ·~m~nt 1pphcabte to n ch particular craft, t\l1l11 •lion or type of wOfk employed on the 111u1.it CJµ1e• ut ~Lhl!dulu of ratu so determined ate n 111~ •I the City Cler~ s office, located at 77 11 Ortve Cost• Mesa C11iforn11 92628. and are v ulablr '"any rnttre•.ted party upon request. 111 1ccar d1n<.e with Section 1773.2 of the • .1l•l111r11a labur Code, rhe Contractor 1hall post 1 • •py of the determ1n1llon of the prevalhn& rite I wa~•s Al e•~h rub s1tr The Con tr atlor and any "'"untr.lr tnr(\J '<hall P•V not Ins than the 1•1i.1f.,d prtv111tna rite of waae• lo all workers m11l11yed by thel\'1 1n the 1 u culton of the contract. r. L11ntra1to1 u•.1nr a craft or clau1f1catmn not 111 wn on the Certrr•I Prevalllna Waae l1•1••11'11Mllvn may be rtquired to pay the wa11e r •I• 111 th•I ualt n1 Ll•n•f•~•lton most dosely ••l-'•d tu •t ~\ shown 1n the General IJ•l•1 mmat1011 rftu ltv~ al the ltme of the Call f11r b•d· Ill• C11ntrador 'hall comply with the provmons ! .~d1on I 110 to 1780. 1nclu~1ve. of th~ C11tforn1a I .. 1i,,, Code the prev11hna r1t• and scale of waaes \l.•bh•hed by lhe C1ty __ of _C.51s t1 Mua, which •re •1 hie with tht City C..lfS:Jlo'of the City of Costa Mc·. a and shall ''" le1t penalltes prescribed therein lor noncompliance of :w1d Code JUUf FOi.CUC., D~ City Cllf't., City ef CHt• M ... • 11 .. t•d FebrulfyOJ. 2003 Published Newport Buch Costa Mesa 011ly Pilot I •bruary 7. I'. 2003 F 122 W y•....tl41t.s it.. MSJ wtyl rlece o ClesdftM. ,.,, (t4')'42-S671 MOOO IMTllG ms NUCllOlla ........... .......... ......... , .. ... ,... .... .,..,.....,4) ftobce i. l1tfe01 llvtn tll1t 0"1kl &. ""''Y Sh•"""· proo•rty OW-I, hew• reqtiNttd • Modification of th• Zonlna Ordln111c1 to Plfmlt 1 maJOf remodel and addition to a n ulsllna nonconlormln1 slnale-famlly dwellln1 that encroaclMs one loot Into the reouirtd "'foot slde yard utb11ck. The new ~nd floor addl· tlon wtll match that BOncontormin& '•tb•ck.. Alt othar upect~ of lh• PfOposed construction wltl maintain the re· quirtd setba<:ks. The un p11mlt reviewed and awo~ed by the Pl•IJ· nine O!rtc:tor Is rtQUired tor additions of more thin 50S but le» than 75S of u1st1na bu1ld1na square lootaae l he p11cel mep Is required to combine two tots and a l>O'tion of • third into a s1n&Je bu1ldln1 "'e The property " louted 1n the R-1 01str1Ct Property located at 11 1 Vie Orvlete lh1s project has bttn rev11wed, and ii has betn determined that II 1s ceteaoric1lly uempt under the requirements of the C•hlorn11 Env1 ronmental Quality Act u nder Class 2 . (Replacement or R•· construction) and Class Is (Minor Land D1v1· sions) Mod1f1cat1on No MD2003·006 and Tenta· lrve Parcel Map No NP2003·2003. will be iev1ewed at The Modi· lic1t1ons Committee public heartnr on Wednesday, F ebr u1r y 19, 2003, at 3:00 p m 1n the City Council C~mbers. 3300 Newport Boulevard. Alt interested persons will be heard and all corrupondence read 111 that time If you challenae this project 1n court, you may be limited to r11s1na only thou issues you or someone elw r 11wd at the public htt1<1n11 described 1n thrs nollc•. or 1n wr llten Corre spondence delivered lo th11 City. at. or prior to. the pubhc hH11na The appeal period of 1' days will be111n from that date, dur1nc which time any interested party or their autho11ud a11nt aw1eved of that decl soon may ftle a notice of appeal to the Pl1nmn11 Comm1ss1on with • l1hna lee of $875 00 lo delr ay the co~I of the appeal procedure U~ Permit No UP2003 004 IS scheduled for • ev1ew by the Plann1ne Department of the City of Newport Beach on or after Tuesday, F ebruat y 18, 2003 W11tten com ments or input related to the proiect should be submitted to the Plan nine Department by Monday. Febfuary 17. 2003, 1n order to ~ considered 1n thtt Plan ""'II Director's decision ti appro ved at the time of review. the appeal PfftOd of 1' days will berm !Tom that date, dur1n11 which time any Interested party ot lhe11 authortzed 111enl ae ar•eved of that dec1s1on may hie a notice of appeal to the Plann1n1 Comm1uion with a fllme The Oranee County S•n•lalton 01str1ct (OCSD) of Or a nae County, C.ihlornta. will rect1ve staled Bids untll Merc:h 4, 2003 p .... Bids mu't b~ received 11 OCSO'~ Administration Lobby or Purchtsln& 01v1s1on Otflce. hy the date and time herein above set forth, at which time they will be p11bl1cty opened o11nd eumtned at OCSO's Purchasina Office. IOSU Ellt' Av•nue, fountain Valley. Cahlorn1a 92708·7018 NOTICI INVlTING llOS SrlClflCATlON NO. C-2003-121 UQUID CATIONIC POL nucnol YTI CHIMKAL nocCUUMl (POL YMll ) . ,,. ... ., ~ T flee 2SSS S,...-flec Ml20 Clortflec C-312 Sl-l loc A-214 ICS 1 U L ,roHtel II I Sil fh1s abovt hsled product was approved 1n bench test1na conducted 1n 7001 f0t OCSO Bid Spec1licallon No C 2001 '2 Altern1llvn to product '"led will NOT be accepted U1ds must b• \Ubm111ed on the form \upphed by OCSO 1n accordance w11h all provi\lons of the 'PtC1hcat1ons Spec1hut1ons Bid blanks and further informal.Ion may be obt11ned at th• above addre5S. telephone (71')962 2'11 Publlshed New t Buch Cost• Meu D11t Pilot februar I,, 2003 Fl38 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 70 STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENT IM ol ~ 00 to cltfrey ttle cost ot the 1ppeal PfOUdUfl f ~ fwther Inform• tloo contact lht Nlwt>Oft 9HCh Pl1nnln1 °'911 I ment 11949 644 ·3200. llOfla The upen" 4lf tllll notice 11 paid from e f1hnc r.. cotlec.tld from the 11PC>lic1nt. l'ubll1h1d Newport 8uc:.h·Costa Mesa Delly Piiot reb1uary 1'. 2003 fl42 CJ'IYOf COSTUIESA OIAllGI CCQITY, WI08IA MOTICI IM1llG ll)S NOTICE IS HEREBY Ctl/£N that stiled pto posals for furnishlne 111 labor, rnatertals, equip ment, lr•nsport1tlon and such other lecll1t1es IS m•y b• r1qu111d for As.lSTOS AND llAO- IASI PAINT l l MOYAl AND DIMOUTION AND OIS,OSAl Of 'AH snuctutus ctty ,, .. fact No. OS-02, Wiii be received by the City of Costa tMsa 1t the Office ol th• City Clerli., 17 Fair Drive. Costa Mes a, Cel1forn1a until the hou1 of 10:00 ...... •- 4ey, Fei.n11ry 24, 200S al which time lll•Y wllt be opened pub~cty and read aloud 1n the Council Chambers Sealed propoul' shall bear the title of the work and name of the bidder but no other d1stin11u1sh1na mark5 Any bid r ec11ved aft et the •cheduled clostn11 time for the receipt ol bids shall be returned to bidder unopened. II shall be the sole r esponslb1Uty ol the bidder to see thal his b1d received In proper ttme A set of Bid Oocu menh m•y be obtained at the Office of the City Cnaineer. 77 r air Drive, Costa Meu. Calllorn1a, upon '""ref1111de'-I• ... .,...."' •• $20.00. An ... ""'--' chwee •• SS.00 must be included 11 handled by mail Bid Documents and other contr1ct do<;um1nts m1y ~lso bt 1 "mined •I tht Oft1c1 ol the City Clerli. of lh• City of t:o5te Meu Bid Document> will not be mailed unleu the add1t1on"I S'; 00 char11e 1s 1nduded with payment £ ach bid \halt b• madt on the P1oposal form sheets P I throuah P ·9 provided 1n the conlrttl documenh, 1nd sh•ll be accump.,n1ed by a c11 til11d or c•sh1er s thMk or a btd bond tor not te~' than 10'\ of the amount of thf11 bid. made payable to the City of Cost• Mtu No Pf upoul shall lte c.un s1dered units\ •LCOm panird by such t"sh1er'• cheer... cnh, n1 bidder'\ bond No bid 'hall bt con udered unleu 11 Ii mo11de on a blank form fur noshed by the City of Costa Mesa and rs m•de 1n accordant~ with the provisions of the Pro ppsal requ11em1nh Each bidder must have a Cius ·c 21· 8u1ld1n11 Movin&/t>emoltt1on Con tractors ltcense and lll$0 be pre qualified as required by law The City Cou11c1t of the City of Cost• Mu• reserve\ the "iht to reiect any ot all bids The Contrac.tor \Jlall tomply with th• prov1 uons of S.ct1on 1770 to 1780, 1nclu51v1>, of th• Ca hf or n1a I abOI Codt: lhe pr eva111n11 1 ate •nd scale of w12u e\tab hshed by the City of Co\t.t Mua, which are Qn fife with the C1ly Cterk of the City ol Co~ta Mua. and shall forfeit pertatt1n pre scribed therein tor nonc:ompt1ance ol s.1d Code JUUi FOlClll, Oepvty City Cl...t. City af CHte Me•o D1ted f ebr uuy 3, 2003 Note Mand•tor y 1ob wal" lhrou&h " r~qu11ed statt1n1 at the Co"<ta Mna C•ty Hall lobby. 71 F '" Ortve on T u•\day february 18. 2QOl at IOOOe m Published Newport Buch Coste Mesa Daily Pilot February 1 I'. 2003 fl23 NOTICE Of RECORDATION OF ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM NOTICE IS HERCBY CIVEN to all owners of r11t property assessed to pey the cosb and upeMH of the utltlty under1roundln1 lmprov1m1nts to be acquired under proct1dln2' conducted by the City Council of the City of Newport BHch, Callforn••. pursuant to the terms and provtSions of the ·Munlclpal tmpro••rnent Act ol 1913". belna Division 12 of the Streets and Hlatiways Code of the Slit• of C1llfMnf1, Artlcl• XlllO of tha Constitution of the Stale ol C1hlorn11. and the Propo\lt1on 218 Omnibus tmptem1nt1llon Act (Government Code Section 53750 and follow1na) for A ...... _, Dk trfct Ne. 70 of the City of Newport Buch. ' You .,, hereby notlfltd that on the January 29. 2003, the Assessment Roll and Olaanm to pay the costs 1nd upenus of such ICQU!Sltlon were recorded In m)' office fhe uu~menh are now due 1nd pay1ble Immediately al the Office ol th• Trus urer, and ml)' be p11d within the period uptrlne on February 28,. 2003. The total 1ssessmenl equals lb• cost of the construction of th• Improvements and the anticipated amount of the mcldent•I ltdenl IH ll1biflty that m1y be l1T19osed on th• pro)lct. The uussments may be p1ld In whole or In part dur•nc such perlOd In th• event any prop«ty owner does not P•r any portion of th• aueument fur th• con1truct100 ul lht 1mpro111manh before 11\e eaplration ol such perlOd, • bond rll>fesentine the unpeld 1mount of Iha useumant on 1uc:h pare.I fOf th• constructron of the impfonments wUt bto 1uued puuuanl to the 0 frnptov1mtnt Bond Act of 1915", belne Division 10 of the StrHts and tt11hw1y5 Cod• of lh• Stet• of Calif~nl• Any property owntf who has elected not to p1y his or tiff aunsment fOf' lh• ~11\lructlon of the lmc>fovemenb In full before the uptratlon of such time period wlll bl 1111\td 1nnu1t uMnmtnt tnst1thnants f« th• peyment of the pflncipal of 1nd lntarnt then <.omlnt due°'' lht bond luUl'd to rtpfnen1 Ille un,11id 1ita.sment f04' the eonitru< llOn ol the 1mprov•ment.a. 111• ennuet •~'-Ht.mint 1nit1llrn1nta wlll be oayable over 15 y1ars and wilt be tOll•t t1d " part of tlwt 1nnual County P.oe>e<ly to 11111 In t1>11 n•nl any property owner dots not pay any portion of the ususm.nt tor the l11tldttnt1t l•rltf•I tu l1•h1flty that m•r b• Imposed balor• t,,. uphtlon nt w4h c>art0d. a bond rtpruenttnc II•• 1101>atd amount of thet POfflOn ot ltlt HMllmlnt on such patcel wrll bl 1\.\u•d 11 Iha II• 11 1rnpoltd II •''" 1wro•lm1t1l1 al(ht '""· the t11 h not impoMd, en)' emount paid on th• 11u•• m•nt for the lntldentet federal tu lt1btllty will b• refunded to the then <.u11•nt owl\lf of lh• flfOl)Wly lot whl('h paymenl was mlldt. In the event bornh era lnued for lh1t portion of ttll ·"'" merit 1mpo~•d foe the 1nc1dent1I fedlfal tu llebfflty, the amount wltl b• p911ht1 In ennuat Ht.I mant lnil•lln11nh tor U.. p•yment of the prtnciptl of and lnlerHt then comtn1 due on the lloncls l»u.cl 11nd will be collacted ovw 15 y11n 11 patt of the annual County ptf)plr ly tu bill. MOJl<l1 Aller bnnd' have b"n lnued, that Portion ot the nsnsmtnh lundtd by lh• bond\ m•r bl p.,d and propertte.s <.lelfM of the lien of ttiat portion of Ult u1eun11nh by Iha payment ot lllt follow1n1 sum•. (•) an)' l111t1Uma1tt of prlltc'-'•f and lnt1tnl whlc:h hH bHn po't•d to ttt1 tu roll for the c11n1nt fls.cal 1'"· (b) \fl• unp1ld blt•n'9 of pr1nc1pa1 olut th• epptlcal>te redemption 1>f•mh1m, (C) th• amnu11t o •ny dllfnqu1rniles, lnel11dln1 0tn1lllu, lnl1tesl end co,ts, (d) the ••tlrnaled cost of c1fltn1 bonds, (•) lntereat to ttle d1t1 of etll, unlesa locf\ld•ff In (•) above end (I) 1 rt1som1ble 1"4 tor the eotl of 1dmtntJtertna the prepeyment and the auodlrtM ldvtn • 1etfttmentof~d • AtMHrrttnts fOf tfhteh bon4t havt not b"n lt~d bonds may IMt p11d and properlltt cteeAd of tht I n of lhet portion of the •uenmanb b1 the peymll'lt of th• unplld b1flft<a of the • , ment If, •It• ..,pro,lm1t11)' •Wit ye1n, Illa tu b not lfl!OOMd. 1ny 1mo11nt o•id on the n•• menb f0< the loc~tel fHlr1I tu Mftillt)' '"" be refvn•d to the then Cllfr1nt o-of lfte Jl!'.QP«ty fOI Wiich P•rment WU l!lldl. In lkktihon to the a ll'ltnl t• per ttt. coats and npenMS of tll9 lmpro.,_nh to be ecquwld, ell oWIW'S of reel ,w_.,ty wllt!lft lbe Alaeu-nl O..tr1et .,, iwllji!oet It • ..,_ •l and 1ddltlon1I •U&"-t to bf lawied -.fir I• ,., for costs 110t otw.,_ rllfnO_. whl<.fl wlll 111.ult fro'" the ........., .... _. C-.CUM of ~ Of ffOfft ~ Mrttni.tret " or r •Uon ol any ·~ •:""'~~lfli:il• ........ n •MmllCT<Gmrl MSK09*Ml llllCT Of. Slllf Of IMOrl•Allll COMT fl Ill PllCI WAVN( L. N(AC( Ind PfNNY l. MACE, hus bend and Witt. l'falntlfh. v. fltlPOINt CAPITAL C~OflATION, 1 fOfrMf C.t1lornl1 corpot•tlon: llOSSLARE F UNDINC, INC., • former Nevada cor po11tlo n, and afl othet persont or ptrt:les unlmown, cla1mln1 1ny rlaht, tlt11, 11t1ta, flan or Inter .. ! In the fotlowlne real property locat1d In Nez Perce County 1 ld1flo: Tiit North 98 IHI of Lot 12. Block 5l, LEWISTON ORCHARDS TRACT NO. 7, acc0f'dln1 to the recotdtd pblt thereof. records ot Nez Perea Count~. ld1ho. m .. surem111f$ belna from th• t1ntarhn1 of adjacent atrHb and alley5, Defendants. C••• Ne. CYO.J~002S4 SU .. ONS ro TRtPOfNT CAPITAL CORPORATION, a for,,_ Cahfotnl• cotpor1t1on. •nd •II other pef'SOnt or par ties unknow n, ct1lm1na any r11t1t, title, ut1t1, hen or Interest 1n the rHI property d•scrib1d tn the Com· pl11nl NOTKl: YOU HAVI HIN SUID tY WAYNl L NlACl AND 'ENNY L NIACI, HUSIAND AND W1'l, TIU UOYl- NAMll> nAINTlffS, IN THI OfSTalCT COUU IN ANO FOi NQ ,[lU COUNTY, IDAHO, CASI NO. CYO.J-00214 fhl nature of the claim a11a1nst you Is to quiet title to certain rHI flroperty known as 3722 I I th Street, In the City of lew1stonJ Nez Perce County, ld1no and more p.,llcularty described above Any llm• after 20 day~ totlow1n1 the IHI pub· llcatron of this sum· mons, the court m1y ent11 • rudiment 11a1nst you, without lurJher noltce, unlen prior to that time you have hied e w!lltan response 1n the Pf oper form. mctudlna the Case No., and paid any requtred him& fee to the Cll!fk of the Court 11 the Nu Perce Count)' CoUfthouse. P 0 Boa 896. ltwlSton, Idaho 83501 ind serve a copy of your response on Pla1n1ttts attorney David C Dokktn, Creuon, Moore & Dokken, PLLC, 1219 Idaho Street, lcw,.ton, Idaho 83501. Phone (208) 7'3-1516. A copy of the Com· plaint to Quiet Title and Summons un be ob· l.llln1d by conhct•na either the cl•rk of the Court or the attorney for Pl11nt1fls It you wish leaal au1slanu. you ihould lmmed11tely 1etam 1n aftorney to advise you 1n this milter DATIO 1lola '"' doy ef , • ..,_,.,, 200J. WH OF THl OfSTat<T COUil l y1 TfllSA HtLHOH, o~a...ti Published Newport Buch Co~ta Mesa 011ly Pilot February 14. 21. 28, M.trch 7. 2003 Fl" bawlkCO-IUIS-U MOOO TO CIEDCTOIS Of IWSAlf (SKU 104, 610S U.C.t) Notice I~ hereby 11ven lo creditors of the within named Hiier that a bflk sale Is about to be milde or the usets d1scr1bed below The names ind busl· neu addresses of the Seller •• • Amie T 1 an and Thuy Nauyen and Ito• Tran, 2010 Main Strut Unit 185, Irvine, CA 9261' Tllr loc•llon In Call for nla of the chief executive ofhc.e of the setter ·~ Same n above 11, listed by the seller. all other business names and addresSfls used by th* sellet within three yea11 before the dale \Uch list wn sent or delivered to the buyer are none The names and busi· nns address of the buyer are Daniel S Cerp1. 35SI [boe, Irvine. CA92606 The euets to IN sold are described in 1eneral u All fURNIIURE. flXT\lttt:S. [QU.,..Nt, lRAOt. NAMt, GOOO· Wll.~ ANO I.EASE and we loutM 1t· 2010 Mll11 S.tr .. t Unit 115, ltv1.111,CAml4 The bu1ln1u n1me UMd by the "'*' .t lt!1t *'tbon la: The 81ut W1111 R"teUl'1nt The 1ntklpetld date of the nte/tr•nsfu It Mlf'Cll S, 2003 1t Ille office of 811rTow CMlfow S.,vk;es, Inc.. 2121 E. Coast Hwy , IUOB. Corona Oef M11, CA 92625 This bulk ult la subject to C1tllornl1 Unifor m Commarcl1t Code Section 6106.2. If so 1ub)lct, the name and 1ddreu of the ptr$On with whom claims may be filed 11 Lisa M. Evans. Bllt'row Escrow Services, Inc., 2121 E. Coast Hwy .. 1120 8 , Coron• 0.1 Mil, CA 9262:5 and th• last data for f'41ne clalrm shall bl Merch 4, 2003 wh lch is the business day before th• sale d1te SC>Kifled Ibo VI. Sl&UlJ /S/...,•T,_ /s/n-.....,_ '~~ ...... /S/D-9'S.C~ Published Newport BHch Costl Mesa Dally Pilot February t •. 2003 Fll9 498986 MUCllOOO Use P.mt lf200S..OOS ,~ Notice i' hereb)' aiven that an 1ppllc1tlon has been ·submitted by Majorie Panzer to allow the establishment of 1n independent mnua• facltlty In conjunction with a skin care taclllty. The prope.-ty Is located 1n the ISC D15trlct. Property louted at. 2721 l . <-et Hwy. This project has bHn reviewed, and it• has betn dettimlned that 11 ts c1te1or1Cally uempt under the 11qulr1m1nts of the C1htorni1 Env1 ronmental Quahty Act under Cl•u I, E .. stone Fac1hhes. Use Permit UP 2003 005 IS scheduled IOI rev11w by the Ptannin1 Department of the Ctty of fllewport Beach on or after Tuesday, rebfu1ry 18, 2003. Written com· ments or input related to the pro,ect should b1 submitted to the Plan nlna Oep1rtment by Monday. February I•. 2003, in order to be considered 1n the Plan n1na Director·, decision. If approved at the time of review, the eppeal period of 1' days will beain from that date. dur1na which time any interested patty or their authorized aaent aa 11leved of tflat dec1sron may file a not1u ot appeal to the Pl1nnin1 Commission with • hllne fu of S776.00 to detray tne cost of the eppul procedUfa. The apphcation and development pla ns of the proposed pro,.ct 111 an1l1blt for public rev,.w ind 1n5')ection at the Plannine Depart ment, Cit)' ol Newport Beach. 3300 Newport Bou levard, Newport Buch. California 92659 1768. For fUfther mlor mat1on contact th• Newport e .. ch Plann1n1 Oepartment at (9C9) 644 3200 NOTl1 The expense of lhl$ not1« Is petd from a ftl1n1 fet collected from the 1pphc1n1 Pubhthed Newport Beach·Costa Mesa D11ty Pilot Februar y I,, 2003 fl'1 MOOO Of MUC SAlf Of llllD PIOPllTY Nohe• 1s hereby 1iven that • closed bid public auction wlll be held on February 21, 2003 at 10 o'cloc~ AM at Mm1 U Stor •a•. 1177 C1m1l- back Street. Newport Buch. County of Or anee. C1l1tornia Mini U Stora11 wltl sett to satisfy the hen on 11,. fotlow1na miscellaneous household and e1neral property stored at 1177 Camelback Street, Newport Beach. CA 92660, by the follo11r1n1 persont. The mventories hsted below W91'e no- teted by the tenants at the time ol rental M1n1 U Storaee mikes BO 1eprpsentetion M Wlf· r•nty that U.. 11nlt1 eonta n aeld ln¥111t0f'IM. A 1032 DIOITAl WAI.I.STREIT & GEN NAOY llVTCHlNl(O 8USINUS FURNJEQUlf' 8 26 U · JAN'YC( HUSTWIT MISC HOUSCHOl.O BU19 -EVC.RElT DALE HOWAltO HOWARO & ASSOCIATES BUSIN£SS RECORD, BUSINESS FURH/EQUIP 92118 • MAGELLAN MEDICAL CORP MARC MAATl"EZ BUSINESS R E C 0 A-0 S , M I S C . tlOOSEHOLO, BUSINESS FURN/[ QUIP PurchasH mu't b• made with ca'h and paid for •I the time of purchne. No on• under the afe of 18 is allowed to attend th• Hie. The l1ndlord reserves th• rl&fll to bid at th• salt All PlllChHld eoods .,. •old ·as Is· incl must b1 removed by S:OO p.m on th• d1y followlna th• ult. Buyers must pro· v1de • current. or111n1I or a photocopy of their orlclnal resale permit at the hme of H it In lieu of sales tu This sale is suJ>je~t to prior ceneellitton 1n th• 1v1nt of settlement betwHn landlord and oblieat1d p1rty. Published Hewport 8-..ch Co'ta Mesa Dally Piiot February 7, 14. 2003 rtlO ...... ,..w. efU.•"-tY Notice Is hereby a1v9n that lhe undefsllntd wlll at public auction put suant lo chapter 10, division 8 comm1nc1na with section 21700 of the buslneu and pro· fusions code or section 1988 of th• ctvll cod• of The State of California and pursuant to com merc11t code, section 7210 (2) the lollow1ne mlsc:1t1aneous houuhold and perSOt1al property lo wit •denltfled by name ind storaa• unit num ber. I Parra, M.rt0 lot BC 19238 2 Smith Ll"Y Lot M 21180 Total of 2 loh. stored al Morris Mov1n1 & Stor ac•. Inc • at location of 11610 Subo1rd Circle. Stanton CA 90680. Or anr1 County Th1t sale will be compet1tiv1 b1dd1nc on the r ebfuwy 23. 2003, 10 A M • at Joe Tedlocll Auctioneer, 13418 l eft 1nawell Road, Whittier, CA 90605. (!162) 9'1 8602, on said prem1H\, county of lo\ An1e1es. State of California k>e Tadlock. Auction eer. license number /39 SRAD • 71627•. Wiii condu't salt at 13418 ltlfln&wtll Road. Wl'ut t1e1, Cahforn11 Sein 1\ sold with llmll o1111d reserve, the landlo1d reserves the riaht lo bid al lh1 sale Purchases must be paid for al time of pu1chnet All pur chaud aoods 11t 5old , •1s ,,., and must be removed by 3 00 P M . on the day of the sale All sales '" cash This Sale Ii sub11ct to prior cant.ellahon '" the event of uttlement, belw11n Morris Ml>v1n1 ' Stor aa•. Inc.. and obheatad party Pubhshed Newport Beach Costa Mua Daily Pilot f 1bfuary I•. 21. 2003 r10 IOTKI Of Mil SAlf Of l&D PIOPllTf Notice " hereby eiven that • closed bid publl<. auction will bt tield on fEO. 21. 2003, at 11 00 o'clock AM at Mini U Stor are II. 1111 Camel b1ck Street. Newport Buch. County of Or anae, Caltforn1a Mini U Stor111 ti will nll to satitly the hen on the follow1nc m1scello11neous household and aener el properly stoted at 1111 Camtlbac k Strut Hewpo1 t Beach, CA 92660, by the lollowme persons The 1nventor ies l15ted below were BO lated by the tenants at the time of rantat M1n1 U Stor•a• II mlll1s no rapr1santalton or war r anty that the un1ta tontaln said 1nnntor1es A'047 IEHREY A MOORE BUSINESS RECORDS Purd>•sn must be made with cuh and p11d for at the t1m1 ol purchne No one under the a11 of 18 Is 1llow1d lo •!tend the sale. The landlofd r-v•s U.. rltflt to bid •t tti. ..... All put dluld ~ .,,. sold •11 11• i ncl mint b• removed Illy S.00 p.m. 0t1 the uy followlll& the ule. Buyert mlKt llfO- vldt • eur1tnt, «1tln1I o<l photocopy of thelf ollelnet reult p«mlt It the lime of Mlle In lft11 of ulu tea lhls eale ta aublact t o ortor cencella Ion In the event of Mttltment between landlord and obll .. ttd party. Published Newport B11ch·Cost1 Mesa Daily Pilot Fabruery 7, 14, 2003 F121 fklllla ..... "-S...... Th• followl11a persons are cl01n1 buiilneu u : Speciality Ftn1ncl1t, ll' J6th St .. N1wport Beach. CA92663 Speciality flnanctal. LLC (CA), U' 36th St • N1wport Buch, CA 92663 This busineu is con~ ducted by: Limited llab1hty Co. H10 you stwt1d doln1 butlnns yet7 No Spectallty r1nanclal. llC Adele Perry. Manaee< This st111ment wu filed Will! the County Cte<k ol Oranae County on 2/4/03 200HH2224 Daily Pltot reb 7, 1', 21,28,2003 fl28 RdltlM ..... "-S...... The fotlowlna persons are do1n1 business as. A ) HouH Counsel Real £state, B ) House Counsel Real Estate SerYtCes, 2<M3 Wntclilf Or1v1, Suite 200, New· port B11ch. CA 92660 House Counsel, Inc. (CA), 200 Wutclllf Ortve. Suite 200. New· port Buth, CA 92660 This business " con· ducted by a c0tpor •lion Have you started do•n& buslntts yetl No Hou~ Counsel. Inc Robert L Conn, CEO This statement was hied w1lh the County Cler II of Of anae County on 1/17/03 1,00J6HO 111 Daily Pilot Jan 2' 31. f •b 7. 1,. 2003 f 198 IOTKI Of APPWllOle fOI OWtGl • owms. Of AlCOHOUC IMIA&E lKlJl5( o. ........ t ... ,.....,,,2003 to Whom II May Con cer n The N1m1(') of the Applicant(\) is/a re PATINA CROUP H£WCO lLC TH£ The apphtanh hsted above •rt 11pply1na to the Oepartmenl ol Alcohol1< Bever a11 Control lo ull •lcOhohc beveraau at 696 AN TON BlVO , COSTA ME SA.. CA 92626 Type of llcenu ( •) •POh•d tor 4 7 OH SAU GENERAL CATINC Pl.AC£ Published Newport Buch Costa Mesa Daily Pilot rebfuary l'. 2003 '99226 n'° RdltlM...., ... s....... T h1 lollow1n1 pe• son' are clo1n1 blltlflns · u C.S [lecb onic,, I 7SOO C1llette Ave .. trvtnt, CA 9261, CS Sy,tems. Inc , (CA), 17500 Ctllette Ave Irvine. CA 9261' This business '" con ducted by a corporatn>n Have you itwted doma buslnu' yet? Yes CS S~tems, Inc., Chrts Scflwarh President This ~tatement wu tiled with the County Clerk ol Or 1n11 County on 02/11/03 200Ht:U06S 0111; Pilot Feb 1', 21. 28. M1r 7. 2003 Fl58 -Adtle. .... .... s...... Tht follow1ne persons ar • doin1 bu''"'"' u M1sell Con1ull1ne Croup 419 Hamilton 11201 . Costa Mue, CA 92627 Thornn Karl M,.ell. '39 H1m11ton A201 Costa Meu CA 92627 ThlS bu"ntn ts con dueled by an Individual Have you \tarted dom1 bu11ness yet? Vet. July I. 2002 Thomn Karl Mluk This statement wu !fled with the County Cieri. of Or 1n1• Count / po 02/06/0J 200J6H2H .. Dail1 l'IJot f lb. 14, 21, 21. Mar.'· 2003 fl'7 Rc91M ..... ... s...... The lotlowlne person• '" do•"' bullneu ~-.: VttrlMll'k. 875 Hett th M• n StrHt, Ot•OI•. CA 921G8 US MWk, U C (CA), 675 North Mein St., Of1n1e, CA 92868 Thlt. bu•lntu is con ducted b)'' l lm1t1d Ll1bi111)' Co Have )'OU >tttl•d dolna buslneu yet? No US Mark, llC, Jeff l•cobs. CFO Thi' s1at1ment wn filed with the Co11nty Clerk of Df'•n&• Co11nty on 02/11/03 200HtSJ07S Oalty Pilot Feb 14, 21, 28. Mar. 7. 2003 f lS.1 J\w.. ..... .... s...... The tollowlna persons "' dome buslnus H COlr IS FOR CIRIJ. 2973 Harbor Blvd., Cofta Mesa, C1hlorn11 92626 Oen1H C Woodard 2973 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa, California 92626 This business is con ducted by· an 1ndlv1du1t Hue you st1rtad dotna busineu yet? No Denise C. Woodard This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oun11 County on 01/27/0l 200H93 I 2S4 Daily Pilot l•n 31, rib 7. 14. 21, 2003 1116 ActltlM ltnlltu "-*'-" The follow1na persons are dolna bus1ness n . Sll1m Works. 43' Rivet side Ave , Newpor I Beach, CA 92663 Richard A Mctnturlf, '3' Riverside Ave., Newport Bu ch. CA 92663 This busmen 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you 'tarted dotn1 business yet> No Rldlar d A Mcinturff Thia statam1nt was hied with the County Cler" ot Oran1• County on 2/4/03 200H9J2206 Daily Pilot f eb 7 1' 21.28.2003 f12' ,.... ..... "-S..... The fotlowinc persolll ar • doma bus1nns " Hayes and Auoc1atu 126 /\polena "ve . Bal boa lsl~nd. CA 92661 Pilar I Hayn. 126 1\polena Ave.. hlbne Island, CA 92661 This business " con ducted by· an indlYlduel Have you s~rted do11111 busmess yet' No P1lu J Heyn Thti stetement w .. tiled with the County Cit• k of Or ana• County on 21•/03 200HH222J Dally Prlot f eb 7. I', 21. 28, 2003 r 111 AdillM ...... "-S...... The follow1n1 per$0ns are dolOll blnlntt.S •• Ete1an1 Nail Boutique '10 32nd Strut, Ne"" port Beach. CA 9266) My l\J Khe 549 Hay word Pl , £sr;ond1do, CA 9'/-027 This buStnus ·• co11 d1Kted by an 1ndtvdual Have you st1rted do1n1 business yet l Vo O'l/ 0 1/2003 MyA1Kh1 This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Or •na• County on 02/11/0l 100SHU066 Dally Pilot f eb 14, 71, 28, Mar 7. 2003 fl55 AdttiMS.U .... s....... fhe tollowinc person1 are d4l•na business n Coast Aquatics 911 l Ree11t1 Or • Hunhnstnl'I Beach, CA 92646 Harry Edward C1y11Uf 9111 Re11atta Or .. Hun llnaton Beach, CA 92646 This bu51nen rs con ducted by an 1nd1vldual Have you started dome bullnns yell No Har1 y Caynot This statement was hied with th1 Cou"tY Clm of Oran1e County on 02/11/03 200HtU Ol2 Oaily Pilot Feb I•. 21. 28,Mai 7,2003 Fl~ STARTING • • • • • • • • • • • Daily Pilot ~ ..... ... s..... Th• followtn1 persons .,, dol"' lltu~lnau n Ad.,1nc1cl Chlroou ctlc: el'ld Hulth Sr1f1m•, ll00.1 Sllypark Clrcl1 Ste. J, hlM, CA 91'14 Jero"" Jo11ph lie ruche, 28066 OwmlM>n Court, Lecun• N11uet, CA 92877 Thit buslflus Is COii ducted by In lndMdu1t H1v1 you 1t.a.rtld doln1 butlneu yat1 No Jefom1 Joseptl Reru1oha Thia atetement wn Wed with the County Cletk of 0f8nl • County on 02/11/03 t ooHtn oas Deity Piiot Feb. 14, 21, 28, Mat 7. 2003 rJ!IJ fldtllM ....... •s...... Th11 tollowlne per\on.s are doin1 business u Miiiennium S•lon ~Y' tems. 6 W1ndsone Court, Newport Beech. CA 92663 Ronald A lHll. 6 Wtndsone Court, New port Buch. CA 9266.J This bus1neu 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you slatted doin1 busmen y1t1 No Ronald/\ LHli. lh1s statement wu ftled with the County Clerk of Or an11e County on 02/11/0J 200J .. U 07t Oa1tv Pilot Feb 1' 21 28.Mar7.2003 Fl'>O MOTICI C» AVWlllTY Of AJIMIAl llPOIT The annuet 18Port ol the [berh~1d luu11t11 t1on. ' private found• lion ,. 1va1l1ble tor IO'Pectton •I 25-06 s Harbor Blvd • S1nta Ana C•hfornia 911CM. d11<111t re1ular businen houn by •ny clluen whu requl'I 1n'\P41chnn w1tlt1n 180 day• after publica t1on. Phone• <7"> 951 1111 The prrnClp•I mania•• of lh• loun dation ll Ken D l btr hard Pubh\htd H•wport Buell cu,11 Meu Daily Pilot ft b1u11y 14 . 2001 fl'8 CLASSIFIED It's the solution you're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation ! sm ,..-. ........... Tht ut1tl Dtpartmmt •t tht D4ily Pilot is pkmJ IO 4nnoun« 11 new srrviu MW 4wtiWlt t.o MW bwinosts. ~ wi/J nt1w SF.ARCH t.ht Mmt for JOU 41 no txtrrJ ch.rgt, 4nJ Sllvt JOU tht tim,, tmt1 tht trip to rht CAun HOii# in $@14 A1W, Thm. of COUN1 11fitr tht Jtarrh is co"1pktt.J wt will fi.k JO"' jittiti4t1J bwsinns rwwu 1141""'1tl wilh tht County Cit'*. p14DWh on« fl wttlt for frnu 111tth a 'ftfllirtd bJ Ltw and thm fik yo11r proof of publir11ti1m with tht Co11nty amt. Pkm stop "1 to fik 1"'" fotih4w brumm 114tmlml llT 1'H lltily Pi1'1, 330 ~ &y St. Cost.tr MtSA. lf J01' anMI stop h, pkAJt ad/ 111 Ill (9'19) 6'2-4321 anti wt will "'4~ 1tmtnpm11 for~ ~ h4lllilt this proatilur ~ md If fO" shoJJ "4vt ""1 fanlNr qlltJlion.1, p/,rm all 111 aJ -.it ""'1 k !Mrt rhlln """IQ llSJist )OIL GooJ IMc/t m jour flN htilft1i ' DailyAPilot ~ .. j!IF,:+., Policy llow to Place A ____ Deadline H __ ......, Rates and deadline'> arc 'ub1cct to change without noli<..c. Tilc pubhi.her rc!!Crvcs the nght to (Cn,or. rcclll.'.sify, ~vise or reject. any class11ied advertisement. Plca'ic report any l!TTOr that may be in your clas!>1ficd ad .jmmediatcly. The Daily Pilot ac.:~cpt!> no hab1hty for • .my' error m an adverti'>emcnt for which 1t mt1)' be rc11pons1hle except for the co\t ul the space acrually 1x:cup1cd h) the error. Crcdtt c.:an onl) be allo"'cd fo r the fir~t m~rtton CLASSIFIEJAD -Monday. .............. . r·nday S:OOpm Tuesday ................ Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 659~ t f'lfll"' tnc:luJ., ylJUf Milk ..... t pl. lfit n11mhC'r .ulJ "'C II , Jll )llU .... J.. V.llh J JVI•~ ~U•~< I 'ldcphont 8 '\0.un·5 OOpm Monday-f-nday By Phon~ (949) 642-:5678 II ours Index By Mail/In Pt•rson: HO Wc\t Bay Screec Co\IJ Me,a. CA 92627 At Nc:wpon Blvd & B.iy St \\.aU. In X 'Oam ~ OOpm \fonday f-m.l.i) Wedne~ay ............ Tuesday 5:00pm Thun.day. Wedne.,day 5:00pm Fnday .. ..... ..... fhur ... day 5 OOpm Saturday rnd<iy l OOpm Sunday .. h1d<1) ) OOpm ANNOUNCIMINTS lq J & MISC. 1010-1110 ct; ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 To r ss 4 u coa os nc lllu Un.a 'k '11' ~ Ill· .Ill """' ...,.,, '"'" "'V Mok~ 1•<1 f,4'> 1'>'1' ;-f101fro "Native " S 2000. • Gvy l vffet S.•lf'oph "Shove I<•" SIOO. 714 111 SUI ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 (QIJAI. HOUSltG OPPOmllTY All r••I •\tAI• dthl'I fl\tnw; tn th1•1 O .. 'ftl\'1di1• f " \Ubje• I t 11 I he I tcl•r ti f "" lh1U'.llll A• I otl I'll.!$ • ., ctnt,.nt1t"d wh1• h m••k .. , 11 '""~"' t11 4dv•rli\r any 111•ft1 rnl" 1tm1l.tt1on 01 dt\c' 1m1n.tlton tHt\t•d on r •~ t' , ult\r r flh£111n ·,f' r h41Hl11 olJ> I 1n11lt•I .. t.tllJ~ "' r1•tlhn•I o"'-'" or .-n 1nlcnt1on to n\.,._,.. ttny \U(.h &.>f Pff"r ,.nt. ft lln\lftl tmn ,,, d1· ' m•n tlum • I hi\ ne"'P•P•• will nol knnwin~ly ..tu.~pt •nv 4dvftt t1• .-mtlnl tot r ••I t\l .ttf whtt: h " 1n Yk•l•t~.n of 1h•· IAw Out te•dt"f ., .. tt .. rrtJy ,nfnrmt d Ho;I •II Jwtll in.:, tdvrr 11,.-d m tht\ MfW)V•I''"' •f tV·••l•blt- On •n rqu ti p~1rn 1t1n1h b•\I\ lu t Hfl•ll' tit) (If dt\ c r mun•hou tll Hllfl toll Irr• •I I !1110 4 ?• 11.'>'lll Auctions 1483 Oldet Style Furnit1;re PIANOS i Cotlect1blo. ..... ·~~·A. ~ ••• $$ CASH PAID SS ,,. _... .. . ,. . Wt BUY ESTATES ·~.,.,~..-.. "WI N.Y -FASTIJI'" iti64M922~ SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N 2212 ........ ..... Aae.CAl2707 ~, .... _ A•._, FIND \ ~ llllOWtDISE MSA11 3010-3940 1489 !Wt [I] AL ESTATE I R SALE soos-saso ZlOS-2490 Garage/ I HOME Yard Sales 1489 FURNISHINGS IHOME FURNISHINGS COM. SA1 I 11 r It 1 M.tr ~rl I >d'. & ' llfl' t1t)lt-\ •'ff"d1 tutf" bOO ,,.,.,,I Hll CM SAT 1:00·'1 10/4 11 AMl~C. l Ok lt tu,., A1tt.1lros A I cm M"von~ .. 11~1 l4 ,,.,,1 I 11lt-v•1nt1na wood • 1mrth1n1 11 t N .. ,,,,...'f1•~· hYho'4J CM SAT 6 12, 71 'lJ 1 •• nnrt Dr n•a• ~·1.11 "'"'' t Ad4m"" tu,n 'lulh~~ t1l ,.t.lronu.'\ ,,,._... auto misc. H11ntln91onl•~h - • At 8 '> • 611! C~l1lo111r• turmlurt bed• rum putf"r nlU\ll di H1\h u m,.rt1' nu nat.'5. m•~t NI/Sot l o 2p. f11mi1ure 3435 j Fumlture ! * sttoRis i~ftiOriS*! * LIQUIDATION * ~ SALE! ~ ! CLOSING AFTER ! * JOYEARS * * Wickt·r Ha tt an S<'<lling. * * Ld lllp~. ·n 1l>I<'..., * * drnt ~111cl1 ~1ow! * *:!fi.+4) ,\\'Oil ~I :\•'\\JX>rl l\<'tlC ll* I* t >11 lh\r1.,111t· /lo l'.111fi1 I 1~.-.l II'-\ * YMENT ......... ES _____ , >• .N! Sf. lfi ':>Alt I ORANGE 5400 I COUNTY 7402-7466 ~ aoos-as10 ~ 9000-97SO Of'lN SUN 1-S N~-... h\t1n~ 4b ,,,~ Clel per fPl l twntin 1w ... , 2600< I M>'J'• .ill> OPEN SAT 1-S Under the Servi ce Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4 week min imum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Newport Coast f'AIMl U TA HS f'ATAICK H NOH NAT IONWIDl USA Rf f' ll A. R , .. A .$ I Newport Beach ORANGE 7400 COUNTY twnhm.~ 1 .. "'_..,. new ruw 0~1nt nf' \II I I ho •I• Sl99S A(t <;.l'J l,J;> l)4l!<I I ibr .-.. pdndt d UI>"' •df"d twnhm .,, ~ .. ' ... "'f1bi-tt --------190fhqll S~'~'nl Corona del Mar 949 I S6 9 70S WW'fll p•ttt<kltonutr l•m Balboa Peninsula UY~ONT UI'< 1QQP[~IN Nl W 21'r 2 10 COTIAGU Pr"'"'" 8,.•«.h f' ... PPnon lb• ?ba spac; "''" ._, .,. B•y "l .. WS •rm m\h ""'"i p•ho "1 Of'lN SUN 12-4 S07 1 /2 f'olnottlo !Or }ba wndo 3 blh l• b<h lmrna< 7 I& nrwly rtwrl~lPd dett.~ Nrw r • t paint carpet Up w• •d~d kite du\ft' tp Mohuled Srllrr S706I\ Pi r,Pnl@d by Slrrlong Rl r ...,,,.,,a Ru .. .., ':M!i m 1 m .................. ,......, ulnl'L 48r 4 58a 1 Ii-...+. 3 dlrll' " ocean I tfy and Bock Guay ........ II\..., lloof plan agt<; I t.r.'ldfl<I • lllS dfld Hady Cl\.llw"' • l<ll ll°"li'f>.8871 TAU HOUSl SlClUOlO AfTRLU .AMA.ZING f'AICE .AGT. 949.723.9120 Ol'EN SUN 1 S '1111• nth .. 11oolt rr u .r lbr t-..hm n ... .,., .,,... 1.!'>7 soo Noro:t•t: ... f>dVl\on Rt•lt'f Y4 9 6 J7 b4R':I RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAI..£ ......-VtUA l.AllOA "';' - ra o Nr a ow HAa10• Desert Property 5960 11• l l o w/f'ort.lng, Now uarpot-yrly lo<ne. 206 l . l olt.oa. Unlf •S S9SO/Month ASSOCIATCO aLU TY 949-613-36 63 • •1 .pa W•lt t 0< .. .,n Sh 1p., 1no f<,.H.tur•nt l.,.4•.r ., ""' l ,, • - Bo"t '.ihp A•••l•bl• 710UOO ..... oa. 9'9 673 6()1(' I 'M9 l?J ~JO •• llt 1n1 Ir •C •d •C1 ' '11() '~9 61 .l 1800 P,,.,n.,ula Po•"• \F R lbt 2b• . Ir.It "" yall<• ,d oe.,, '1d1nt thnd-. l•hd\.C 1 ' c.tr "d ·hkup •11 s 'h'>O ~fj bll 7800 & OCEAN VIEWS Golf l'rop_,11., '>"Ip\ & Dr 2lo. • ~ p.otoo .. d d w '""" <rpl. p;icnl, to-un.t ?2J L0tti SI Sl795nw• 949 72l-1186 Top Floor Pentt.ov•• "''"'"' 1,n••I f>•lm OOUlll MH SUIHS Sunny~ P•lm flt'NI Corona del Mar NW'jllrt ~ b l' :& * Yl AAl Y * l"'U\~ l c a•r l>•Y & U ASlS , ran .,~,.. S?l'>Om no1•1 ~~oc12e.21o N-"Whlto O...or Al\11 W•-.h•11~t"" w~ l••l1nnl krfr11.1h Mor911erlte Jl r/21o Bil t GllUND'I' IH Al TllkS nc • ., A4ll ~q 8111 6'>!>? U 9 67S 6161 (,luN't lc>..<llWlf• No lraH• M11 h~•I Antrr ~t'6flrr & Iii• ur Y ·~lu1 b hr.m .. ~ w1• .. nt"11Jlfl uttr-n Btclo.er RI ~IC) ')'){J J'>?I 1l2'ftTI Aho large ,.,.,, 100 St•p• to h11v. S475.000 to S524,1176 .fir IEM new c~ & Sunn1 ll>r I~ 11• Mw~ MoryAnn McGvro Mountain ""111 Sl10Xn '.M'} ll>l'>l3 111 ~ 1o.11<hf'n .. 1•• 1>•'•• 949-646-6710 S87S 949 b 73 1?O1 Alo>Q Some ~d'.t"> avJol.lble Property 5965 OClAN/IAY VllWSlll --- - **THI IWJFS• * ~ "'°' "6< lU town "c""' •>eat <le.in vtc.anl & ,,,.,,,. on rtadr ~ •ill <;4'1 S8A !148' Newpurl o•J h ••r•.e t"'Y d'''""'"' P'rltct ~.,...,i. NI' Ho.If. l!IM H-"'-View H-lb< HMbor Vl~W Hua!' Mov1na s .. le' l!nu•e lull ul fur" .. nd l•ou~h<Jtd otrm.,• ( vtrylhrn~ Co.-1 2221 f'o.I (orlt•I•. ' * 04-!H >42-2233 * *it************** C<IStaMesa • Prudtflbal C.t Re.lly • ., H I Nt., hnm~ 4br 3 ~b• 2 V..,.... c.,,01 It• ,_ • o ,,_ Sot/So'" I 4 • PMp~rly H.111 ''"" lul in "•"'Y w•y Only foot U.. Rt..<..orl """"Avlll"""' 'b• ll•N '"' pvl i'O()I 2 Seo Cove with I.tr~• h11nl 3nd ltt>~ to ocun "'"''""i SI® rm 71•'1".J.'t'lfnjoilh pa ~· dtnf'r ,. 1to1'<' R•rt Sf'a 1,1and lB1 IR.i b." • t~•d St~blt' "''th blulh anll "'hi harbOt -I VP">rr< 'l• '>1. '900 Bl>• ANANCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERV1CES Perionallo2ns 2490 .I NIDA HIJMI OW~[ RS' Suppt..n ... nt In• omr with H~., ... ,...., Mor ta•1tr• Y1>u m .. ",. on p1ymf'nt~1 '-""'"'' nm~nt ln,ur rd ~ ttllt Mort,;.t~f" rom ~,'Jny I a(IR( •011 ~14'>0 """ bl• t •II tnr • tree br '" 11111.. I 800 489 0986tCAl 0 SCAN > LEGAL SERV1CES Adoption& Foster Care M00£RN 11\llRSlUfHO COIJC It \I[ k 1 WIO( MARll(JN PtlHPllSH GRlA I I llH SI f I PING 01'. Ir( RY Ill RY COOO CONOt ION AN£· 81(; VERY VfRY LARGE rAI MATCHING CHAIR $450 r OR 81' Iii 080 ~ YRS NCW949 'll'l Olli SIMMONS odjvttobl• bod S400. like New. 7 l 4·540-,121 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PREC10US METALS Coo•I Coln Noech Old Com\' Goh1 \liver. ,.,...e1ry watche-. •nt!Q\Mh lOlletl1blle\ 949 647 94-48 SeMces ~ Cats 3610 v-....s~ -o.,.-/°'*--....... -- ....,,_/f.n.C... www~kor11 Ther r "'• owr I Cl) (XX) Pm ., Public wllen<b c hillll"I ., .,,.. us WM1w1f1 r ast.io bldoid 9'l9-64A 7I19 tor •lw>n• ~~~ br~' \&er\~ 1 • ....., & f nanual '>14JP'fl ....... ~Fa 2S 6 <» , "QJm 50 s ,.,...,_,, Blvd '2• I. ANhtwn 714 '>11 I~ 8BIH5b·4543 Sell your unwanted items the easy way I Place a Class If led ad today I 49 642-5678 AIU Sl.AY for ""...,.. YI. i1!1 al~~ ........ 811e\ ~~D-0411 K1ll~n\ found on Bushe\ need bnttlf!le@dt'r\ Help Sav• hvn All up~nse' P••d Animal Networll 949 533 041 SPORTING GOODS/ r.AMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Exerdse Equ~ 37&0 TalOMIU. S.-., i.-.ttyv••"· s 200. lXlaCtSI lllCE. SJO. 114-540-3121 MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdrandlse 3855 .AU SHU IUllOINGS Up lo 60'\ off! JOa.O 50a80 70; Jc;() Call Nuw1 ht Come ht Serve' CY! Odvlr. AIDI 8»715 CG' 011ces a Lease M IAC. IAY CtNTH 76!>1 lrvme A~e. iOll YICW rtlJll and Of h'e av'a11 71 4 !>73 178/J Nf'I OffK l Sf'.ACl 833 OIMt Do •14 c,,,...,., " . b2l),I can ex~ l•l m.I s 1 lllll •Id u1ll ' .lilnctnrial 949-61"> 54 7'5 Nf'I Offko Sttoc• lo \IMrl! Roomy. fu1n d pleaYnl envifonmenl ~9 67'> 0509 HOMES rOA SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY C ~ W...,.lOO L...vig &.er ~l.(YlQ~· SqQH L-sl-lt l& slud10 lull k1lthtn walk 1n tlo•~h. 2 blOtkS lo buch S725 44 .Albon1 !>62 437 7050 --------Of'lN SAT-SUN 1-4 end unot with • .,.,,. I l<illi l• k , ,1,m Y lbr Sll9"> & It.• SI f<I'> ll4AMonttV11la luot.1n2 ·oul I!! S1i;n•lurt I<••• ••P• •nd •ntr•nLr cn.innrl Sun of' thr w~IPr Nw ••· ----lbr > '>b• 00 ACHlO Holr •I 7 S87'> 000 b £ 1 ~ h I lounet trtt ~u Av•ll med ....... hl;'l l 1d '"' ti •' ,....,. J9r a. ...._, .. , •th1o,r,m r "'" Molrth l\rr\ unll6n Sll cxn . ,. .. bdl.~••d"' lk "<Ir-._. \lni l•m home H1 ce1I \ Ira~ at SA SOO h4-. 1 bedMnm~ 2b•th• ;b; ~ ~l'S-Z3ll o~ 94q 73 1 J~ ~It•• i. OUoP! ~'IOOd ... uuwn mold•n& ~huller• ogt .. lovrle l ogglo r1•n<n£ ""'m hvrn~ room -1 1 $J2((J A ., Bo\t ~nund \y,ltm 949-5094 9 23 w for•pl•• • l•mily 1onm Costa Mesa 1 Opp~r 11' b• unol ';'7: {I '";g ~ ~ aodv<edtoSSOl ,900 IO"'ITA CaNYO"' I d d d tlosr It• b•••h & ~h " ,. " ;wn ry '""m '" •n , pttk ., l><oo b•y .,p,., R~ M~.~~~%lO Of'EN SAT-SUN 1-S M1nutr" from lht 8a1 ~ llr • Ir •m S87S m' Ari Sl400 949 673 .'bUJ 10 W l"tlv.,. RJy whr,. you t.an I w i"' on IQ•~Y i•ltd __ f'ANOUMK VIEW 3BR ;>~A homt' s,.p •nt"Y "hQrS~ •nd h1~.n~ comm tw,M f11 Square ant "lbt lb.I n P'IW!l&Aa 2 llOAOOM an.UT er alt otf1t • ~Ut\I '"1te I lr•1I\ S700 000 V••w •l, ffclilt lr1(1y t<1<"1y l\lttl I 1rt pa< lie Ml I pr S2'9.900 I 8y Owner SI 17'> <JOO .,.,.w •untd< l\ mm C•ll ~ 871 704 8649 ,921)) ~tu "1nlt .JCI Sllilll .AG T. 949· 12 3 -1 120 ===94=-=9:-:.""1 _Jl?88 wn•r •I C 114 1i;..9 1167 £.ASnlO( (0TTAG( I Br AjJ81I ~j l'IOJ Udo Isle NlWPOllT Uf'f'lA IAY •• ~,,,... tara@w• rd IS.. w •ttc pr w o hkup YIU.A f'OINJ 21r 21. --l81tWWiil~S+l.PNK-0iil:--s ra JBr ] sea .. ott... p11valt tenle y>l'd p n ... hi• •r1> .. I P••"' ON UOO tSlANO FR DR lit lnt cul di' MISCBl.ANEOUS 'dfrw Stlftim 714--0t JiZl I w d incld " p•t• "n•k• Ol'IN SAT-SUN 1-4 \ac & VAC.ANT s77'> 000 RENTAi ~ $1780 mo 94'1 1 0 l'l'i CXOJJ5N [I .... 949-184-IV.A) N •• ,.,, OU Oll tloo --HACH COTIAGl 0211 ,..--;>g, 158<1 ~.., no 1,.,"1...__ ,_ .... , ohor 111 VIA HOU • · ....., ,.... leG CAHYOM ~ 7 SO. "' • c• •rt JOOO.. • $.l -'!XI "" M-.y oe--.. ,..... 949·SS2•700 Newport Coast UYST.Al COVl I n• • ~t.. ] ~to< t t • 1>•n'\~.,,. Sbf ~b4 • drn K41f' l!U••d•d Manr u•tom lulutn "" u oul Otoco1••n1 lout h~' 2bt 1• /·lo 2-< 9"'· INCOME raOf'ERTY Rental To Shale 6030 !.>Pl\ S119'5 mo 1665 2br lb• on \tlt'nr a•t•d lt(h & t-' ... It ·s· 1o1. OUf'UX ~ ...... Avr •l ~~no 9422 neighbor ~ood L "'"' •1•bo••1• 1•nd'< now ~ -----1 1 d , 1 under ""' A.,. 4 J.(J] Aoct.Kod to 5169,000 Cory r:ompac t qu1•I CdM Shore l l r Ouplo• be< 2., llo ,......, PO•> il rt. n•w ••• V'lil,... "II ~ZJll .Agt 949-7S9-0SOS 0 , re\1denl1al nt1~hbm S':>J7 50 mn • I I ultl f ell-w 1 vt Md c.irpf'l~d & P•1nttd w •1 _ 714·307-4214 hood S!i99,9'.>0 ..a .. wd' •.l<•o\.• ~ " ,P P ' f 1"K ondd n pel\ •m~ii PrivataT""'"'-7990 By Owner 949 922 3114 16tl IV\11 ... 1"" /14 ~41 e ... ~. vnat "'""'"" 0 Sl850 mu 949 ?91 )1)1? .. _ .. ,,, N_ .... D-..A. OOly 4 Uml'S W J)<• >I lo<a Y uwl""•ll'll'lnill f'alMI ESTA H S IM SI .l";.o.no mrkk uU5. f.AIUlOUS HACH conAGESI f.AIUlOUS NlWf'OaT HACH UFESTYU II New '2 Slor y 381 '28• w ·aarace (176AC 1Jtl5A/8Pl SlS0 ,000. Remodeled 2Br 2Ba t ll144XXU/XX) so.ooo. Waterview '281 '28• w fireplace (S20053) Stl,000 llASIO LAND C•ll fOf appointment OeAnza Baywte Vdlac'e (949)673-1331 A MANUfACTUllD HOMI CoaMUNP'Y f'A TAICI TlNOAl lASTSIO( 1 I r. lie, 141 Mr-Indy I aM 949-675 N.ATIONWIOl US.A ,mall krt l R pvt •ntry '>11 4 ~ 9494S6-9 70S w d ut1I• inti l•m prpf ------ Sl1'>• d•P 949 '>48 0871 ,._ ....... .........., www patro .. kt,no1e l0"1 ONE JOllO AO.A0- 4b 3 St-Olftt "°""' lh 1.4V~ Sl.619'JCQJ Owl..., "el 96 22«AiO 120 I ~64' •'Bl- VINTAGE HACH HOUSE ON THl W.ATH. C.AU NOW .AGT. 949-723-11 20 "-'-VW-....... 5& 3Ba huie lot SI t9!> <XX> 184'2 Pew I Sheffield C•U •Et Sus.an 949 79S 1771 1.-h d on '28r 2 se~ 2c 11ar eated ve1 y noc.t Just reduced •cail lo $369K Btu 949 258 1187 1.:r.:.1 Nf'I ....... •pt w t•m lbr w pvt b• pool spa ldund1 y fat S800 mo • I 1 utol 949 881 7Sl6 l 'U. CM 1..mn. 1W1 ln\/ba vwy ctl9r1. .... w d f'/pets/smk&. ,..,, pref'd An1I 3 r '2003 '7bn+'l>Uils ~ l Sllif l11pler1 188 Monte V15.t• Avt 21r. 1 la. 1 h Ont, b.te.k yrd I tt•• all n~•' Sl650m ••art now 21 r. 11•, ba<~ v<d 1 p ill! ,_. Sl.alrn .--1 how •• 1'/>h. t>.,;.1 \I'd I pr • 2 "i>t JOt ,_. SIB7'Sm ...-,,..., ~di 9&37'>2816 SELL your stuff through class ified! of'dt~V8o W.. boo-2& W QO'I & bay V\i ~ pam wd prd & I•~ s llfbno <}if} !78 19116 FLUH usso"s C.p d le•c h•r h•• no• OQen IO!l\ In Uni• ~ stUdtO l•~ St••~ 949 ~74 0'>17 Call (949) 642-5678 ' Februar 14 2003 TODAY'S CRQSSWORQ PUZZLE d111ln /bookkeepet etsonal lt11mna fac11ty r/wk Puson•l lta•ntt'll enehh 949 675-3287 "NOTICL ro READERS Califot n1a law rt qulrn th.at contrac tou tak1n1 ,obs that total ~ Of m0te (labor 01 m1te<11ts) be llcen•.ed by' the Contra.tots Stitt Ll(:ense Boatd Slate lllw Ibo rtqu11n th~I contracton include their ltUn\41 number on all 8dverltWll You can chei.k lhe status p l ,ou1 llcensed con t r.a c tor at www calb ta 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unit censed contracto" ta l11n1 1obs that total ten than i soo must 't•t• 1n theo edvarltsemtnh that they ar11 not h~ensed by the Con Ir acto11 State L 1an~ So.rd • & ~'"""'• ..... ,_, Small COM office seeks P/T mullt taslltn& 1nd1v w/strona cumputet & comm ~kill\. pho~s. •nd attn lo det.111 E m11I resume w/s•l•tY req tpe!M~@~com GRAV£ YARD OP[RATOR tn Newpo1 t Buch n1 •llPOf t rutt/Parl time Wtll Train 949 833-9790 INSUUNCI AGENCY Clettcal PIT 20..30/Hrs r AX RESUME 714 435 0191 MYSTHY SHOPPERS needed tn C~ltforn1a Apply onl1ne •t www ucretshopnet LOm (CAL "SCAN) FT W.. 1-ocWe lor home ~ f«j/ :s:n .llrTCxrlJt II s.t! f 16 /'<II CDTWd&?ild~ S•lon IOOTHHNTAl Costa Men beauty ulon Renonable Call Al 949 645 0662 A TO Z KANDYMAJI Install, refKt cab1neh ~ moldir!. Dcq 714-546 7258 o WOii Ualla o Custom ButlHns. Crown Moldtnf\. Bue Boatds Ll577982 949 837 ~2 Clrpet Repair/Sala v CAIPOO CAUOo Repairs, Patch1n1. tnstell Coyrteous. 1ny size jobs Wholesale! 949·492 0205 ~s.vlca TAX 11.-nJRN ON WH••U CaJJ for free !J~CC 949.422.2863 •-toyou. Mobll• not.a~ -====-a:~ BROTHERS <AR PET SERVICE 800· s 59-7181 11 12 Concnte&Masonry lrtc• llodi st-Tllo Coocnlll. Patio. Orrveway f 11eplc, BBQ Refs 25Yr~ hp lerty 714-557 7594 The<•-•M- Cemtntwotk, Brick, Tile & Mon Rehable No 1ob too sm1ll 949·548 6746 Davtfi Vetttwo Conuete & M..-y Restclenltal Br1ell, Stone, Block. Tile lic'747448 714-965 2824 ~ NEID MOH IOOMt MlOfOOHS & RDUlElHJ L•577982 949·837 5642 New , Cet1stnoc1I-& 1--W. All Trades, Ftee Esttmala 30 Years E •P Ll 3J7169 949-631 ·2345 --- General Contractor Moving load bearing walls, doort. windows. kttchtn1. bilthrooms. Ct'OWr\lbalt mold1ng1 ",..." ....... ft'll~T, .. .., ... , 1.-1 COWVTU SOWTIONS UPtJrMla. R(>f»frs, Cu$/Om PCJ Bu/11, Ncw.Triln& lntef'Mt ~ind Sh.JrtfW MCS£ FUE consult.11ton. CAu IEH 949-S1CM130 Bridge By CHAR1.ES GOREN wht1 OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH YOU 8 11IE JUDGE Ncithl!t wloenble. Weat deals. oo U'\lmp. Wilh 11 poirKJ ll1d I eo00 five-card SWI. Nm1i had In eu)' rade LOpmt. NORTH • 32 o QS I{ 10 s 4 •KQJ J2 WFST EAST We5t led a fourth-best ·heart. declarer played the queen from dummy which held. East unblocking lhc knave. Declarer could count sevco f1111 lricb. ll1d lhc obvious place lo !!Cl up at lcuc !WO murc was l.n diamonds. Unfortunately, Eas.t WOii the fin;C diamond Irick with lhc ICC ll1d iecumed I hean. and Wm look five hean tnck.i. to Inflict 1 two- oick w:t. Was this• normal rault? • K 0 • 108764 o A lb 8 7 3 2 O J 9 v 6 J2 o A98 • 9 8 • 1065 SOUTH • AJ95 <:;1 K64 <> QJ 7 •A 74 The btddtng: ~NORTH 2 .... r... JNT ,._ Opening lead: Seven or Noc at all! E.ut dcfeoded beautiful-· ly by uoblockina the jxk o( he-.ut.s 11 Irick one. but South lwd a.ltriidy com- mitt.c:d 1 Jrie.VW) error. Study the bidding and play or lhi~ deal, then decide: Did anyone err 1n the bidding or play" If so. who? Since. 10 tight of West's weak rwo- bid, Etit is a wong ravorite to hold the 11CC of dlamonds and the Wc.~1 six hcaru, declarer should pl11y low from dummy DI trick one. and then allow Ea.\t's knave of hearts to hold the tnck. Whether or DOI West wins the heatl retum, Ba.~t'h hearts have been ewu\t.c:d and the defender has none left to return after winning lhc llCC of diamonds. The bc:Sl West CID do is to gnab the ICC of hearts and hW11Ch lO spades to hold dee larer 10 rune lricb. Any other defense pcnniu. South to collect an ovennc:k. In the balancing a.cat. a reopening bid or two no trump after an advcn.e weak t...,o-bid show• a balanced hand equivalent to an opening bid or onc -AlltDndvl IMW 't4 311•1 Great _.. 1as mll11e. 2dr, ~. -ps, 68k mt, stereo cass. --,-.-W-,-12-s-21-.--red/tan tnl. shttpsilln, L L ood di A.IC. pw, snr1, alloys, I· oo .. ~ a ·tuns 1oo owner. smells ntw must 200ll mile $2000 949_650_1217. see xlnt cond. Randy pp $9,700 877·582 2578 or 949 548-4241 IMW '97 3211 Conv, Sliver lllY. beaut. m nw. sport '*' $19.995 v T9B272 CM!»' Rltwd ~78ZZ IMW 't9 '231 c_.., Sspd, 43k m1 s1lve1 blue/ er ey lthr. heated seats. full tact wart. superb. SZl.995 ftrm v362421 ftn avail Bkr 949-586 1888 -.ecpoltl.•- .. w 3211 c-. whl'm lltl' IUIO, 581< m. ~ IU'IS ltke new. $? 1.995 \Qlalll ™ !»' ~7112"Ai IMW 'ts S.401 IDOi. m1. black/blk. be1uhful Oflt1n1I cond ftn1nc1na & warr •va1I v'249762 l9.995 Btu 949-586 1888 IMW '99 7401 Hit""' 3yr w•tt avail, Stiver I crey llhr, CO, hlle new cond, v579241 SZS,995 fin avid Slit 949-586 1888 -.ec,..t.c- IMW '99 740l 6'1t •I, 3yr wlltt avail, Stiver I erey llht, CO, hke new cond. v579241 S25.995 fin t .. 8kt 949-5116 1888 --•<p•I.<•• IMW 'H 74011 Black/ blk llhr, 49k m1. nav sys. spotleu l37,995 vS12459 CM!»' Rlctwd ~78ZZ Ce4tllec '96 S.wllle Grlll!IV'\an llhr, looks/runs perf, $6995 v541895 CM Dir Richard 94~ 78ZZ 0-.,~C-."91 new ~1111. new Ires, orenat ~ $4.500/obo 949-689~ ClwyaJer ... s.lwtng w Conv, V6, ~ ml, J yr Wall IVll~. spart-.eq bl\/ In llht. CO, superb hlle new cond v2S9721 $6995 fin avatl Bkr 949-586 1888 _.....,.Ml(lll o..... '97 ...... , ... Sport 3 S V6, 47k m1, wh1t•/1rey mt, aar aaed, n/s, hke new S6995 l1nanc11111 & wart avail Bltr 949 S86 1888 ___ _,....,,_ Fw4 '00 bcvn!et1 Xlf VlO. 2911 mt. silver/arey llhr, CO, runnm1 boatds. fully loaded. Ith new v872581 $23 995 f1 nancin1 available Bkt to-sa..,1ua -.ocpei.1.c- FOePIC*lS10 Runs 1klt, 6 cyl. auto. ac. cass. sutroof, pw, ps, ~ wheels, new ties & caps. Blue bed U225 sel 050. PrMti party. 714-SM-7609 GMC '00 D-tl 4w4, 39' mi, silvet 2 tone arty llhr. pum sound, CO. chfome wtlls, su!*b ltlle new cond, v 156721 SZ4.995 fin & watt avail Bkr 949·586·1888 -.ecpet.1.c- Jeper ''9 JUI Vanden Plas 34k m1, spatlll1r11 blk/tan llhr. CO, chrm whls. full tact warr, hke new $28.995 f irm vM2614 f1n1nc1n1 avail Bkr 949 !186-1888 --.ocpeoltl.ce. ,....,... ''9 XU(....., 34~ m1, lull taclOfy warr, spatkhn1 bfack/oatmHI llhr. CO, chfome whls, li ke new , v677295 $34.995 f1n1nc1n1 avail Bkr 949·586 1888 --.eqMll.1 .. - ..... ..,,,., ... Oacowty S..-I 27k m1. full fact war r, black/oatmeal llhr. dual mnrf, rur 111, 1ump seats, CO, 18" chrm whl,, ltkt new, v332099 $21.995 firm. fin ave~ 8iu 949 586- 1888 www.ocpab1 com a..-..,,. .. 7~ St:.7 In "" dllft. .,~ lUw. ..,. rrnf. rllt juq) IUb t-• CO. M41"1> or11 cond "'57291 Sl:J.91JS INnanc,& w.t avltl, 8"' ... ._516-1 ... l•..,~ 'oO U JOO Z2k. Dail Pllo5 Art11• • _Am_1.,.. _____ IQATS IOATREPAIRS/ ........ NMJ.red, ~ ... dlln, loc*ll ,. .. IJ•t 11995 ~ CM Ct llldsd ,._.11171 ............. ,. Conv. J.\ll ml, 1uto. red/ blacll Int I top, buutitul orl1 cond, v597241 $9195 firm r111 ' -r •veil Bl1r 949>58&-11811 -. .,.......~- ............. <DO E""'* .,..,, W/IM lltlr. .... .... anrf, $13,9116 '6llllll'5 CM re te641>'8:ll ............. $320 L WB bidVsY lltv, 681. jl9'f ant $26.995 v2lS9B4 CM re Ril:Md ~18ZZ Mere• ... • '99 U20 311' mi, wh1l•/11'•1 lthr, mnrt, chrome whls, beaut hk• new cond, 11572241 S'lilJ,995 fin avai 8lw 9&~18118 WWW If'- Mercatlea '99 U20 LWB 52k mi, 3 yr warr av.II, silver/blk lthr. beaut or11 cond, 11875241 $28,995 financHll avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -~.c­.,.. .. I I .,.__... LS '00 IUIW'oof. IMlher. .. Htras, like new, OfC -· l'IOf\/slrN. $14,996 ~ llP 714-979-6335 ....... ,........,LS '00 luxury llhr. .. eatra, dwOtnl heeB, °'11 owner. n/vrW, ll5.495 ~ pp71~ om MHCW LEASEF~ $199 Per Month+ Tu I at Ila Isms ~N'flllMOCREOO ·• $3685 down, 36 month closed end leau, nose curtly deposit, 10.000 mt .. ~ Ptf year. 20C per mile l0t ocen miles (JC42Zl8) °""" Sil6s SMpl . ·• tmlOTOll rMM ...•......... ~fREEWAY@E!IQR ~AANA AUTO MM1 POllKHI 911 ~111111!'-"!"'-~-=1::5 SERVICES fMOA 'IO -lolll ..., c..a...ro--... ... 1 ,.._ <•1_...> s 11 ... 0. 1• ...-o ~ bOlll •n•rs ~ .. , 1995 M & ~ -· INft ~flt PHIUJPt AUYO c:atJl'l. --..... IXlllll MOORltGS/ 949-574-7771 $11,!D) 562~2tlJ) . I Al~/. ,.,. ••••• ,,,u tOS9425 $10,888 He114e '97 Accerd lX4DI •i30414 $8,888 fey•t• '00 Teco•• ,,._ . .,,. ... , •628614 $14,888 '•'"''" '99 SL 1 U S9340 S6,888 T eyeto 'O 1 Cerolle U4DI 14S4689 l 9 ,888 J .. p Wro"tlar SPT •340476 l l5,888 Velo ISO SDN 1108141 $4,888 SOUTH COAST SUIAIU 714-619-2103 VOLV 240 Ol WAGON '89 Auto. 13JK mt. no accident~ •• tremly reh1ble, ert cit needs/ deserves a cood home S2500/obo 949 640 6873 V ..... e 'II 245 W..- 4cyl. auto. A/C, pw Sony stereo. \moa. good cond. 1111'5 cb:J 9e<i3I 'J!til VW '99 Pos•.t GLS Blue 4cyl turbo, <D. ~ 0 m. beaut U2.995 v21 J6:J> CM re 9864& 'lf'fll AUTOMQll.ES, MISC8.WRUS W1md CASH FO• CAAl We need your ur P••d l0t Of not Ph1lhp• Auto A~ lot M1kolm 949-574 7771 ~ a.. 111B6 Ult LMl'ftlfllllftlt ...-..-. lq>. wnbft. STORAGE sllfto/cd Gfeat Cond. $1UXVcbo 714.~ FOi llNf Sp<1ce 01 priv1te pl•r Cru location, w1tt1 & tlec1r Included 949 67~ 0658 &a111reJ Boat of the ~ek 1996 Duffy 21 Cassie New Moror, Bau~ & Uphobtcry ~ffyl8 A Tt _~Jr:::1)hcd $21,49~ '93 Duffy 21 Classic NEW Green ~urrcy &. Full End11\urr Sink. Cooler & rm~tc Had M 1111 <'unJ111un $21,495 '93 Duffy 18 Whnc hull wuh NfW Navy \urr<') M~og.uiy Whcd.l'..Xccllcnr (.j1nd11111n Only $13,250 ,,.,,,., Electric Bo•I• Co. 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy (949) 645-6812 PLUG IN (888) 823-9808 AUTOMOTM hrldill ..... .,. Con- Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find serv1ees from electronics and plumbers. to t I -ua. r..-110fWC. Bl9d\I PARTS/ bl9dl, .. ••IJB. WJBJ AN'CO~QRIES/ MMZ2·72U 71~-7420 ~ ,.,.,... 't9 •••• ., Conv 2lk mt. 5spd, wh1te/1rey llht lull fact w111. 1ar •i•d non/ smtir, hke new v 126695 S26.99S Bkr 949 586 1888 ---~•.c­,_...,...9.~ Conv bla<k/b~ck lthr ~ B nw fuly loaded. mini cond, $56.000 (949) 874· 1995 SERVICES SlllG TOf TIOO X1IA W , TOYOTA TIUCI, PAID SIOO S81$50714-J7U1'3 landscapers and painters. "'· Daily Pilot IMW '91 5.40! Super clean blll/tan ltht. ~. auto. $25.995 "512698 CM Dir Richard 949-646-7822 IMW 'tt Ml C..w, 5spd 6Zk m•. blue/ntl lthr, $27,995 vC43277 CM~ Rdwd ~'8?1 fOID ,.Oil lS 'ff Runs lint, 6 cyl. aulo. ac, ens. suntool, pw, ps 1111 wheels new t 11 es & caps Blue book S3ZZ5 sell lZ600 Prtnte. part1 m1. sllver/1••Y lthr. ----RN-0---- mnrl, CO. fuH fKtory wan, hke new v•525721 Wyewlftlltt41tem· .. ltlf nyf "9tt I OasslfiM ~ ""'' ('4t)M2-S'71 IMlfOllGt YOUIHOMI lMPIOVIMINT PIOJICY? Call• plumber p11nter, h1ndy-n. Of •ny of the areal s11vlc11 llsted htte In our service d11ect0tyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOOTOOAYI WITTMOln DIYWAU AH phases sm/lr1 jobs Cll.AMI 20yrs., f•if, free est. L«mJ! 714-6» 1447 Eltdrtcll Servlca ~ '-" lxpw11 Ounc.n Electric 'l(f(rs hp LocaVQud Raponse ~ Ll275870 949-650-7042 l~k .. Swvkoe New, Remodel & Repair free Estim•t•. 30 Years Eap. LU37169 949-631 2345 LKINHD COMTUCTotl Ho lat> IDo sm. ,,. .-i Repair, temodel. fans, ,., MW SVC g&64S.lfl'J6 Floortnt111t 714-SS4-760I ..... & ..... a... Poltshin1 Tra,,.rt1ne l All floor Types We'll Also Re1rout & Seal Your Kit ch en Counltrs, Showers & F loots Ma kt it look Ilk• naw 11aln ....... a.--. Servka 1477-22.s.1161 ,.. O..J J. $)5.~ Oui1n. Plant. Pot, Prop11ation, Prun1n1. uOlllnl rtls 9&51~ L.. ,..,.. &:9MIK..,. WlllN1 meint. he hmq & lnstabllon. 25 Yrs up Ucf1nsind 949-548 4J63 free s-ke, Verd Cleanup, Malnttnenct, Sprinkler Repair, Haull111 (949) HO..e711 G-..mn CDFMl. lf.ftll lllWNll'XWZ • lam.al. Cmimdil o Job 7bo Small O...llamlltee 90-322-8292 SZl,995 lwm, hn avail .::;::• 1 1 • Broker 949-586-1888 -.ocpeoltl.c- Q .... tyCr.tt- 20 Years E aperitnct I'm Your H•ndyman U674183 949 650 9525 HalHng , JUN• YO THI DUMP! II 714·968·1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673·5566 • Pf~ TOil! •Iii f'lllR F, fifMODf 1 lfH, ' ' ,, ,_ Default Oil Banllruptcy • Ok Tu Liens Ok Good Credit Also Ok Prtnle Money Rell & Purchue •-'YF'-clel 800-™>·1514 fAH Q2Llif!l Bids .......... llSl MOVllS $St /ttr 1ttvln1 aN citlff Insured fest. courteous, careful Tl638« 800-24'-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht Calif l"ubllc Utiltllet commlulon requires that aK used household coods movers print their P.U.C. Cal T numb«; ltmos •nd ctlauffeurs print lhtlt T C P . number In all adver U.-nts. I& you have any quesUon1 1bout the le1allty of a m ove r, llm o of chauffeur, call PUS· t.IC UTIUTIES COM· MISSION 714 558· 4151 ...... .. . . ·•· ~~r~ ··~ ~'*'·• I ... Newport mom 1va~ •bit tor cooktna. companionship flCht ho<nd<.fll!PHll, •rancb. t ic Ctnt local r•ences 9& J28o8336 0-,'• ....... 'llYrs ap Gteal Pnul Gu11tntffd w0tk F•M ast ll375602 714 SJS..1534 7 · J90. 294S ICl"S CUSfOM PMfTllllG Prorl, clean. quakty work lnlert0t /ut and docks. l l 703468 949 631 4610 iliMIOW CiiCLf iiMri Ptlntlnc-W/Ut. 1-.;~ Quakty_IObl FrH eltmate l •569897 714-636·8888 Male l Classified Community Mark etplace Loe P aoMs•onar M8rJ 110n91'f't PIPE l OCA TING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK OElCCTION F 11endly Set v1e11 949-67S -9304 -~com LUS2•91 tMl>rwl MONIST & ltlASOMMU PLUMBER l •506586 FreeEsttSmr~ OCTFCU Oise 714 ~9150 PHCISl PLUMllNG Rep111s & Remodelln1 FREE E.STIMATE Lt687398 714 969 1090 1"' Ntigfyborltood Pluiilbtrl CUil a MWU--;: C1IANllG 9'CWIST TWEEDY l'UJMllNG 949-645-2352 --. PltS... f'4~pPY :: --PET SITTING DOG WALKING -.-.-...... OJ (714) 376~1~1 --- • J ' l' .. lHf Sl'IWlll Spec llllil nc 1r1 Wellpepr Removel t•Slll241 949-111() 1211 Wllldowa.itng SEll your stuff ttvoogh classified! i I I t I 1 I . l.nlit, n .1a mie pmtdptssa Lanct t muuy ••••• .JBe Our Valentine, NiLkoleue c Chrmopher, 'Clementine & Sophia Pecc, Sally & Owlic ILOVEYOU! ., Love. An . ' gt_ Dear Daddy, Yau have a hit heart. Y11 ~ave tautllt •• t• · be 911tle and kind. You wi II I ive in my heart · forever. YHr Valt•tia~, Teu VALENTINE'S DAY, 2003 (-'\ ~ ~ ~·~ 1 IVPI H YU llS 01' SftAMAST LOVI HAI ITI ltOCKY •O•INTS . .......... • • ~-1~ • ~ . '· ::t'·~, t " ,. . . t I I • A• ~ .' .'' • . I : . I t j • Kathy Shaw \Mom1 We Love Y'ju So Much' Be Our Valentine • Daddy & The Boys Happy 9th Birthday Supergirll V:: > I .1.oure our very favorite Valentine! Love, Granny, P11JHI! Scott, Betsy, Cbwlt, Girl We' re Stu~k Together Fore~er Happy Valentine's Day " Kathy ¥-¥~¥~¥~~ Happy ~ Valentine's ~W Day Kaylee Daddy XXXX ¥~¥~¥-¥-¥ T~11k Yt1 Ftt Eftryt~i19 Yt1 It Ftt Me. Ytu Are SH~ A• A1111i19 Ptttt1, I ltve Yt1 St M1e~ love, Tina Jaclyn & Tecldy I Ltft YH It 111•. YH lakt It ,,... Ett'f 111911 lay. I .... YHt V1IHtl1t'• •• , It Vtty s,_.111. life, M1111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~HJ~Zl zzz a....... a.... tw... f.itM I. I Friday, February 14, 2003 A15 f Moniwon~ .,, iow: .... "" ,... ...... , toa.1.ul1 Lovt, Randy To My Valentines • MIChael, Dantm &JeMtter •Nanny • Brian-I love you with'. af.J• • he.tn and wul Fornn-Youn - ••• RMhel Ar•l4• -I Leif 1 ., ... .,. I lMf 1 Otr lift. l'M St le~~y 'lt1'rt •y Wlft. 1111 .9J(f?1'" j()/A L)l{ucful<j C/h Vlll'l l.J(I~ 6~11.1tvu/ ._•/m/uw kr1 £11;07 -,our ''""" ,,, T .v,, '' w; IAt~ }ou ~~ I'11m <:' Sui~ ~Sweetest . tlj Inf jint Yoa arc my bat &ierid, my~ and my reuoo 10 work lWd eich and cverydq You ~ my l.ifc. You showw me I could love apin. Should the world end tommonow, You will lcnar.-ho1o1. much I love deep a dir o...ean d.lrk as the night. endlqs u ce I Love You, Angelfish ~!jj'W ~~~ jfMt--'~ Me,,,._,, .r~ -ll,~-.. • l ... '!· Al& Friday, February 14, 2003 LINCOL·N •· MERCU.RY • USED '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mile , Auto, Full Power (4JTU454) '99 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 DOOR Low Miles. Auto. Moon Roof. Full Power (504131) Sft!iC."JAL LOW Mn! PIN~ 2.At This Net Cost 1607062> Ui07862J CARS '99 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Une, 24k Mlle. Moon Roof, CO, Loaded (4GOG395) '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Leather. Full Power. Best Buy (4VIJ869) I '00 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Sharp. One Owner, CO. Luxury Pkg. (4JPH464) '00 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIGNATURE Moon Roof. CO. Sharp (4MTY916) '00 LINCOLN LS One Owner, Moon Roof. CO. Low Miies (4HM0965) '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Showroom Fresh, Peart White. Certified (4RCYOl9) '01 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Dependable Luxury At An Affordable Figure (4SSM71 4) . '99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD Black Beauty, 32 Valve. Full Power (4GSE404) '02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VRC138> '02 LINCOLN LS-VS SPORT Top 01 The Line With Moon Roof, Chromes. CO, Phone, Loaded (627272) '00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD Sharp. White with Custom Wheels, Loaded and C.r1lfled (4KAS438) ., .••• •to.e7e ' •t•.••• •t•.••• •t•.••• 't7,888 •t•.••• •ao.••• . ••t.800 •at,eae ••••••• •••.•• o ~ .• , .•••