HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• 1 ·O Serving the Newport-Mesa commu.nity sin ce 1907 . ~ SATURDAY,FEBRUARYlS ,2003 (. f. Marcela. left. and Susana Hernandez.are having trouble bringing back father and husband Arturo, who remains in a coma 1n ;;i Mexico City hospital Hoping for a reunion Oeepa Bharath Oa1ly Pilot FYI S 11-..111.1 I lt-rn.111dt·1 llt'\t'r dn•.1111t•d thJt J trip 111 ht•r n .111\l' \h-,1111 10 \I'll lwr f,11111lv \\ouhJ !'tplit lwr worltl Ill , .... fl The odds are stacked against Cos /a Afesa resident Susana llernande:.:, who has to find money to get a doctor and plane to bring her comatose l1u slwnd home from Afexico City work and monotony 11,., body ht.>~an to -.hakt' anJ ht· J \l l•d m(' 10 hold h" hand. -.u .... m<t ,,11d. l holing up Thos•· intPrested in helping the HP.rnandez family may send a check in Susana Hernandez's name 10 Attn Holly Can er. Commercial West Bank 4685 M atAnhur Court Ncwpon Beach CA 92660 I lt•r11.1mlt ·1 1r.1\t'lt•d from ( o'la \lt•,,1 Ill < 11.111,1 \1un•lt•,, ahoul Jll hour .uu.I ,1 llJll from \1.·x1rn C II}. \\llh lwr h11.,h.md. \r1uro. dau~h1cr ~1 .m t·l.1 .i,nd .,on l.111' dunn~ Bui 1ha1 wa' not 10 lw Ar111ro. a 1fo1he1tc for 1wo yt·ar... -.urtt•rt•d from a wnow. a11ark 1ha1 m.ide h" blood ... ugar \Odf, ..,u..,ana ,,11d If " blood prt•c.,.,un• 'hol up and he h.1d d1ffinihy brt•J1h1ng On '°IJt''" Yt'<tr\ nay. h" nmd11ion worc.,t•rwd. and he wa., ho.,p1tala1t•d. 'iht• 'aul 11wn. he "lipped inw a d1ahl·l1l 1 oma A" al 1ha1 ,.,,a..,n't enough llJ ,h,1kt• 1hc family hy ii' root'\, \u,,1 11<1 1., facmg anotht'r rhallengt' hnngang ht•r hu.,band hack hotnl' ... <tad ~I It· rlt't"<h w fly 111 .1 pl.anl' ''"h ,1 tlm wr ..,u-..ma h,1, \.\orlt•d for l't11111· I >u \1 ondt• .1 '"" porl Bt•.it h h tlt'n fo r n11nt• 1h,1n I I }t'ilr' Bui '" hl'r ( ltn,lm,10, \ell ,1111111. I h<' lOUplt' lwpt•d 11 would lw .1 plt•ao,,1111 holt d.1y 111 111.11..t• up fur a lift· of hard I k t .tn'I 1u..1 laXl' any fl1gh1 , · 'ht' See REUNION, Paee A4 SCR scores $1 million from national foundation s The Costa Mesa group will use the m oney to fund an endowment to generate support for em erging a rtist ler. Prow-.un will t"'1abh..ti an emerwng anl'>I\ endowment 10 ~t·nemte c.,uppon for new crea "'"' and JrwN• \.'01tes tn Am<:m:an theall'r 1hmugh anJ'il n.">1dennt.">. readmg-., work- c.,hop<> and ... 1udm procJuct1on.'>. c.,aid C..n., < , rw...... -.c.n c.,po ke<> man mem 10 c.,upport g;rJnt.'I lo Ill'\\ arusto. from d!ver.e b.u k - groundc.,. • '>cud Da\.1d I mnll..,, SCR"• pmduang artl\Ut dtn't · tor. tht• nation. ollil 1c1h ""d 1l1t• fJnroln C.t•nll'r !n eater .md Hound.ihout llw.urt• rnm pamt.., an Nt"'" \orl.. t'alh re n"IH-<l S900.000 . .\rend \I.age m \\a.,hmgton. D <. .md C ...tlifor ma ba.'>Cd Rerl..eiev Hepcnon llwaire ea( h received $800.000. .md fleN"V('ranCe llw,ure m I )nuwa' Al.Lsk.I got $700.CXXl Lolita Harper Daily Pilot <.O~ I A MI .'v\ <,(1uth Coa'it Repertory wa.-. f<'<'hng the love I nda> wtll'n 1lwawr offioal'l leamt:d they would receive $1.05 million to expand fund- ing for vanous an1 ... 1 .... offioals said South Coast Repertory W'dS one of <;even nonprofit theaters to n'Ce1ve part of S6.3 million through a nauonal program funded by Lhe Doris Duke Olantable Foundation and Lhe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The Costa Mesa theate"r re- ceived the second highest amount of all recipients, just behind Center Thealre Group in l.os Angeles. which got $1.5 million. The Leading National Thea· FAMILY TIME The Dukt• < h.mtable l-1mn dation is.'iued a S7CXl.OOO l hal lenge granl. and the Andrew W. MeUon foundation gave $300,000, (.ro... .. ~id. ~once the 5750.000 match- ing grant is me1. SCR will have a $1.5· million rt">lncted endow- bnme. ~ad the 1hc.11cr Ila' already LaJcen <.,tep'> m that d1 rection through other tund raising efforts and will now en sure its continuauon Lhrou~h Lhe permanem endowmenl ll1e . Leading Nauon;tl Theatres Program. estabhc.,hed in 2000 to addres.'i cnucal c..'ue<. studied by the Dori!. Duke Olaritable Foundabon. 'iUp- ports 17 thea1ers throughout • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays and covers culture end the arts She m~be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lol1ts.hsrper " lat1mes com Kids feel time constraints, too Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.daiWlot.com T he subject of lime - where It goe and how we can create more - keeps coming up. And I am sorry to keep beating this drum, but I am more convinced than ever lhat the nation I in a time crl Is. UntU a couple of nights ago, I was convinced that parents bore lhe brunt of lhe tlme assauJt, but now I'm not so sure. Now, I know for certain that kids are feeling the time train, too, mo tly because pannta cannot help but have their take Its toll on thelr kid& •A week ago, Mulne • McCleery·BOwden wrote a compelling letter lo the Los Angeles nm es describing lhe lack of time low-income students in her area have to do their homeWork. •They STEVE SMITH frequently vblt f amUy members far away, they help their parents in their jobs (fixing cars. running resraurants, motels). They baby-It for lhelt mom wbll she ls WQrtdng, They make • dinner, change the baby's dia.pers o.nd can'l find space on the kitchen table for lhe1r lhomeworkl papers." The letter went on to suggest that to "Crtale" more time, we eliminate homework for these and olher chUdren who have an adult's share of life at a chJld's age · I will admJt that I am not a big Can of homework. Still, in our home, Ith Is asslgned. it ls the priority for our kid Jl's acrualty Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Homework deprfv kids of the chance to play. On a sel6.sh level, It deprtvet me of th ...FN&Y,hpM WEATHER The sun will sttdt around another day. Hight In ~ mi~. SeePaaeA2 SPORTS UC Irvine baHbln taka rt on the ell n In home opener •ntt Mione. 3-0. S..PlceBl 3 Newport projects in line for $3 million Federal appropriation'> bill that dec.,ignaw~ fu1H.lc.. for re'>ervoir cover, harbor and Back Ba~ clear.., I lou..,e. June Casagrande Daily Pilot \,f \\HOH I Bl \I 11 \,1·.trh ::,J 1111111 111 m fedt'ral mont·\ \\Ill tu·lp 1Jw nty 1 three high pnm1I\ fHtilt'f i.. 1111 l111hn1· ,, Hag I .i,nv1>n Hl 'n1111 t C1\1·r ,\ p )d,lll llJ\l'J l11r tilt' fl'"'I\ >Ir I' I\ J)t'l ll'd lo ht• Ill pl.tl 1 h\ l.11t flt'\I \l',H JlllVI thJI lhl' lt'd..r.11 « 11111111>11' \pprupn,11i1JJ1' hall h.1 ... tk-.1g11.1, I '>'Hiii IHIO 11" tnl th1 -, n11fl1•m 10\t'r 1'11 IJ'> 111111 ... •11 lkpn '>t'llldll\l"> tw. .. d(IJllll\l"tf lht• !CK,11 Ollllll'\ a11tl thl' ~·11.i11· drtd pn -.1tl1·111 .u. 1'\i1<«1t'l1 llJ tl11 1lw ... 1m1· I ti\ lund' '''" po1\ 1h1 dill• wm 1 \, .,..,1,m1 < 11\ \l.111c1g•·r I 1 "" t-11! ... 11d '"" lflng iJ\\.Jll1·d 1lr1 dgmg prow 1 ... • 1!..11 gt·t lundmg 111 llfl' hill \ pro11"l I 111 dwdgl' wa1t·n\.1\' 111 \.1·\,J11ir1 I l.irbor ''"II ~I rr11ll1011 .ind ,, drt'llg111g p11111•1 1 111 Jt• 'tort· till' Bat k B.I\ t'l 11111~'' ''1111 -..•1~1J '">o ( II\ il·adl'r'> ( 11·d11 1 j " l<1·p ( hn' I Al~ \\11lt I Oll\llll lllg ( 'lllgll ''Ill f1111d 1111 lot ,iJ prowc 1, . \\(' ll' \\'J \ 11.1pp\ th.II ( ]1n' ( I\ r11-..• Ill tllt' 11( l ol'IClll ,111d ht• hr1111gh1 IJ' II\ 1111-. t'\ 1r.1 11111111'\ • \l,1\l>f \1t•\1• Bron1lwrg ... ud 1 ltt· l.11 I th,11 \'\t' Vlt'll' ,il1l1• 111 g1•J lht' See PROJECTS Paee A4 PUBLIC SAFETY M a n arre ted after minor reports rape The 30 -vcar-old j.., al..,o accused of illegal )\ tattooing 15 -year-old girl during a night of drinking. Oeepa Bharath Darlv Prlot <!>\I\ \11 ..,A f'11ht I' .irn•,11~1 .1 <O \ l'.U old m,in t hur-.JJ\ 1111 ,u,p11 11 11 of '>l'\ualh ,i..,ault111g c1 1t·1·n.1~1·r '' twn ,ht· "'d' unn >n'l rou' ether .1 n1gh1 ol drank- ang offit iah ...i1d <lm.,111pht•r JJm1·, \1.11 I.. rt>porll•dl\ met tht• IC, \l"ar·old \ H llm .md ht r m•nd m'ar the ~n ( kmenll' l'tt•r on "-.tturd.1} 111gh1. < O'>ld \.le..a f >t-1 I 1 I om l urt.., ... aid lne t,'lrl 1., no1 h1•111~ 1d1•n11llt'd ht t au'e ,he " .i manor .ind .1 V1l t1111 an c1 ,e,ual a"auh ca'e Curll' ''ud lhe garlo, au·omp.tllll'd \1ack lo vanouc, locauon' wh1•n · 1ht'\ dranl alcohol One of tht' girl-. 1hen left lhe group. leaVln~ Mack atom• with th<' I 5 year old. SM RAPE , Paet M t AZ. Sau~. Fet>ruwy 15. 2003 • FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY . Love should A giver of her time be recognized every day "God doesn~ mnmibrr my l7US1l1kt:s. For all. tJw tlunp he does do, this is °"" dung he refUS#!! w do. HI refuses 10 k«p a ilst of my Wf0118S. When I ask for /orgl~ he dot:rrt't pull ow a dtpboard and say. '&I f111t already forgwm hun for Lhal 516 rimes.· He doesn't remember. -MAXLUCADO F nday W'dS Vak:nune'h Day. It may have been a fulfilling day of flowen. card), candy and greeMgl> from people who l<Ne you. For o~. Friday may have brought up old WOWldl., and ended up being a day filled with more pam than p~trie!.. It was probably a day when many people hopdJ lO recesve a Leu.er of love from •.omeone speoal Do nna Wei nstein has been named the An ne Entin Woman of the Year by the Jewish Federation of Orange County. By Suzie Harrison Oaity Pilot T he Jewish Federation of Orange C.Ounry will be honoring Donn.a Weimtem of Corona del Mar with the Anoe Enun Woman of the Year Award on March 18 ar a luncheon sponsored by the women's tlivWon of the federation. "I've been involved approxunately 17 yean." Wemsteln said "I'm honored. The women's federauon is very important to me. I feel very. very special to be recognized and to receive lhh award: Wemstetn is being honored for her years of volunteer work and involvement in community activiti~ "I think n·s wonderful,• bald Ellie Weinstein, prec;ident of the women·,. division. "She is most desel'Ving. Oonna was my mentor • l:.llie 'Wd th.al Donna has bttn a mentor to many women Ill the oommuruty. "She has beeo involved in many generous activities for the Jewish community. family services and many local org;mizatio~ • Weinstein said "SM was such an easy choice.. Wemstein served on the board of directors or Congregation Shu Ha-ma'aJot for eigbt )Un as membership chair, High Holy Day chair and second vice president She rece~ the synagogue's Visionary Award in 1996 with her busband She is also involved with the Heritage Pointe Newpon/Lrvtne Chapter and Jewish Fanu1y Service. "Donna is a woman who has !>hown outstanding leadership over ume with continued service and longtime leadership in the women'i. division.· Weinstein said. The award will be given at the Women's Voices luncheon, an annual forum for issues of interest to J~ women that attracts more than 500 v.omen tn Orange County. ·11·,. an honor to be recogruzed for my ume and energy,· Wemstean said. ·1 feel others have done more than Jhave.· The Jewish Federanon of Orange County is a fwld-ralsing organizadoo thaJ buikb awareness.'. inwlvmlent and a sense of belonging. Weinstein &aid. Weinstein said ~ enjoys being a pan of the women's division. ·1 enjoy worlring with women.· WeinsteUl said "Our primary goal is to Ulaea5e campaign donations from the women. Women often lead tn the chantable way.· Her dtVISion is mspired by the I~ tradition and is dedicated to strengthening Jewish people here and around the world Slnce 1t.s inception,.the women's dtvlSlon of the-Jewish Feder.1tion of Orange County has rahed millions of dollar. for those causes. !>aid Ah)()n Mayef"(,()hn of the Jewish Federdt.ion Last year, then division ra.iM!d about 40% of the Jewish Federauon'i> annual campaign. with SIS6.000 for M."holarships to Orange Count)• Jewi')h day schools. S645.000 for l<><.-a.I Jewi&h agencies and S31J.OOO to suppon chanties in lsrael and Jewi!Jl people m need in 59 countne... Donna Weinstem has helped ttie Jewish FederatJon for 1 7 years. Jbe wwomen's Voice-.• luncheon will take place at lO:JO a.m. March 18 at the ltyall Regency Irvine. lh" year'i. foarured guest i.pcaker i.s two-ume Califorrua teacher or tht• iear Erm Gruwell For more inlonnaoon about the Jt:W1.Sh Federauon of Orange (',ounl), tht· women'c; dtvt')Jon or the lum:heon call 1714) 755-1>555 I heard a woman talk about rwo ddlerent Jeaer.. she wrote to an estranged family membtt She LS from a large family. but ~ link oonta<:t with them. paroaJly becaw.e ~e moved west with her husband and children wtuJe the rest of the farrWy remained on ~ CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON FAITH CALENDAR East Coast. Bur the bigger n:ao.on 1.<. that they havt! 1Ja1e tn common. In the first letter, the woman wrote that !the felt lib: Uie and her s1.<.ter were sadly repeating old family panerru, of anger. Judgment. cnorum, envy, b1ttem~s and re5entment lhe woman wrote to her sister about her clli;appomonem that her i.ist.er vert>alJy au.ackcd her and ruined a family reuruon. The first letter wa.<i one she felt justified to write, but she seru.ed that God chd not want her to send 1t. l>(> 1>.he didn't Reachng it over later. '>he reali.7..e<l 11 wa.'> a lecter she'd wnnen out of anger Monlhs later. I.tu.<. woman felt c:alled to wnte another lener w her '>I.Ster Th~ ume 11 was a 1etttt of lave and forgi~ "I have bee1l wanung to wnte you Cora very long lime now, but ha~ not do~ 60. I'm not really sure why,· Vie wrote ·1 thmlt 1t l5 from a rruxrure of fear and pam avoidance. But J have been convinced lately that I mu.st face mto my fear, i.top rustancing my-.etf and be dlreCt with you as well as ()ther family members. "I have learned that (,00 wanl!. us to show hJb love for the world." the letter continued "He wants u.s to for-Wve each other JU~t 35 he forgfves LI& God wan~ our live<> to be charclf..'terized by lave, joy, peact, patience. kin~ goodnei..'>. patience, gentleness, faithfulnes.<1 and self-control I realize that th~ were nol the qualities inbtilled in me grvwtng up. Althougtl the qualitie!> of hard wo~ honesty and integrity. that I feel were mO\t imJXJn.anl in our family. are good vaJuec,. I have learned thar without the qualiti~ God View!> a'i most tmportant. my life L'> rather empty. My fu.lth ha.'> WoWfl wire I have tried to live my life acoordmg to C.tod4, vaJues. ~ 'flle letter condudc.-d with an apology on the woman'<; pan and a prdyt:r for peace and reconahau<m l'vt' W\ce learned that the 'i&er's ~nse WM one of love and forgiven~ a.-. well Can you imagine the result If the woman had .-.cnt the first letter and not I.he second? Valenune's Day may only come onc.e a year, but the opporturot.ie:. for letters of love and forgiveness come each and every day of the year. And you can quote me on th.Jr • CJMt1f TRANE ORS1tSON II 8 Newport Bead1 resident who se>eakt frequently to parenting groupe She mev be readled by e-mail at cmdy~onthegrow com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140 No 505, Newport Beadi, CA 92658. SPECIAL EVENTS NEWPORT TEENS OUTREACH On Feb. 21end22, the "Salt·n·L1ght" youth groop at St. Menhew's Churdl plans to be a part of the annual Wor1d Vision 30-Hour Famine. On Feb. 21. the studenta will hold a weekJong food drive to benefit the hungry in South Orange County On Feb 22, they will deliver the food they collect to Saddlebadt Community Outreadl. The group will fasi for 30 hours. and the funds raised for this fast will be used for emergency relief efforts and long·term development pro1ects 1n Thlfd Wor1d countries Anyone interested m donating food or in sponsoring can call (9491 219--0199 TOT SHABBAT SER'VtCES ANO PtlZA DINNER On Fnday evening, March 7. at 5 30 p m .• Tot Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Radihs and Cantor Rut1 Breier At 6 p.m .. there will be a Shabbat p1ua dinner Dinner reservations can be mede by calhng Christine Goldhammer at (714) 573-99'51. At 7 p.m ., family services for all ages with Rabbi Radlhs and Cantor Bra1er will be held. At 8 p.m .. after services for adults, Rabbi Sheila Weinberg will speak on MEncountering Buddhism and Judaism: Paths to Spiritual Renewal# Child care will be provided during Rabbi Weinberg's presentation. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway, Irvine The pubhc is cordially mv1ted to attend at any time For more mformallon, or for a complimentary aubscnpllon to the aynagogue's newsletter, please call (949) 653-3535 JEWS DOWN UNDER On Fnday, M aret. 14, at 8 p m Rabbi Arnold Radlha and Cantor Rut1 Bra1er will lead Shabbat services in wtiic:h Rabbi Radllia will speak on M Jews Down Under. Travels in Australia and New Zealand; reporting on the recent congregational visit to Sydney, Melbourne, the Great Barner Reef and the aborigines in Australia, and Christc:hurdl, Queenstown, the fjords of Milford Sound and Audtland in New Zealand. University ConlWlllon Synagogue 1s er 4915 Alton Paricway, Irvine. The public 1s cordially mvrted to attend at any time. For more information, or for a complimentary subscription to the lynagogue'a newsl.etter, please call (949) 553-3535. AIDS HOME-BASED CARE PROGRAM St. Marie Presbyterian Churdl of Newport Beacn will be collectJng supplies for a home-based care program for people with HIV/AIDS m the sub-Saharan region of Afnc.a The program trains local dlurdl volunteers in Afnca in the speofics of umng for HIV/AIDS patJents. Eacti \rained volunteer will then mstruC1 and guide 10 HIV/AIDS patients and their caregivers 1n optimum care The program will be launched Sunday and run for several weeks HARMONICA BAROQUE Pl.AYERS PERFORMANCE The Harmonica Baroque Players will perform on Sunday, Feb 23, at 4 p m. at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Churcn at 798 Dover St in Newport St. Tidtels are $12 and $10. For information, call (714) 970-8545. NOTED JEWISH SCHOlAR Prof Shalom Paul, noted sd\olar and Biblical expert, is com1r'lg from Jerusalem, Israel to serve as Orange County's second annual one-month Jewish Scholar m Residence under the auspices of the Orange County Jewish Community Sctiolar Program at the Jewish Federauon Campus in Costa Mes.a. Call (949) 7~122 WORKSHOPS BNW FlRESIDES Members of the Baha1 faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p m . every Friday and 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meetihg, and (949) 64U328 for Saturday devotional. DailyAPilot Newt 11ai11ant. (949) 574-4298 coral Wiison ~/1t1mes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Cotta Men, CA 9262 Copynght. No newt ttorlea, 1llustr111ons, ed1tonal matter or 11d\len1sement.1 herein can be reproduced without wnnen pormiu1on of copyright owner VOL 97, NO. 445 TiiOMA8 H. JOHNION Publish« lONYDOOfAO Editor Jllm OETT1NO ~~ Promotion. Director N-.fdlton Gin.I Akucam»r, Lori Andenon, Paul Se1towitl, 01nlel Sttven1 NEWS ST~ 0...,. ........... Crime and couru r9PC)fter, IMS) 674-4228 _,,. bh•r•th•,.,,,.,.. com ~C•••Mdl Newpo,, 8MCtl repof'tlr, (9'91 57<M232 /v,,..uNQr•~•l•tlm..com """ Clnton Poll1a and environment report•. (9491~ pau/ cllnton•l•tf,,,..,oom Lolea Herpet Columnllt, cvlturw reporter, (IMS) 57~5 . 1o11r...hll,,,.,•t•t1mM.oom o.ir.. Newman Sean Hiller, Don Loactt, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE 1949) 642 -6086 Record your commenta at>ou1 thfl Daily Piiot or newt t1pt ~ Our ltddr ... 11 330 W Bay SL, Cosul Meaa, CA 92627 Off'ice hou,. are Monday Friday, 8 30 a m · 5 p m eon.ctJont It It IM Pilot'• PollCV to promptly correc:1 all onora ol 1ubetance Pleau call 19491 764.432•. FYI HOW TO REACH US Clrculetion The Times Orange County 18001252·91•1 ~g ClauH!ed 19491 M2 5678 Ollf)lay 1949) M2 '321 Editorilil tMwt 1949) M2 5680 Sporu 19'9167• •223 News FaJ1 (949) &4e-4170 SPotta fall 19'9) 860 0170 E-mell: da/lyp(lot•latlrne•.com MtlnOMc. Bu.fMll Offtce (IMS) 842 ~21 BuslMM Alx (949) 631·7128 ZEH 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m . on the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St. Costa Mesa $50 (949) 722-7818 MASTERMIND New Thought Communrty Churdl presents Master Mind, a group for those wtio went to ·manifest good" in their daily hves. at 7 p.m Fridays and 1 p.m Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave • Costa Mesa. (949) 646-3199 l.EN JUMPSTART The Zen Center of Orange County will offer a six-week "'Zen Jumpstari- program from Jan. 21 through Maret. 9. The program includes up to 12 sessions at the center with group and 1nd1v1dual mstruct1on, an all-day retreat. a sitting cushion and more. The center 1s at 120 E 18th St. Costa Mesa S150. (949) 722·7818. A SPtRJT\JAL .JOURNEY A 2~1esson study on the hfe of Jesus Christ titled ·Journey to the Cross• is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at liberty Bapust Churdl. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The dlurdl is at 1000 Bison Ave • Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Aduh Faith Formation at Our lady Queen of Angels Churdl m Newport Beadl holds a dream analysis group monthly from 1 to 4 p.m Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Onve, Newport Beadl (949) 21g.1408. MEDfTATION LESSONS A "lectlo d1vina· meditation group meeti™11 •• held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beadl. Lect10 1s a style of meditation that 1ncJudes using Scripture or a special reeding as a stimulus. Free. The Christian M editation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The fonnat Includes two penods of medrtauon with some instruction on how to medrtate. a tai~ and a d1scuas1on (949) 21g.1409 WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT GROUP FOR OlDER WOMEN The J8wish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues sucn as anxiety at 10 a m . on the second and fourth Monday of eadl month at 2SO E Baker St • Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on required 17141 445-4950 NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Serv1ce of Orange County hes formed a bereavement support group tha1 meets at 10 a m Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meet$ at 10 a m Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea m Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway The 1erv10e 1s also forming a parenting support group lo meet the first and third Mondays of eadl month at 10 a.m at the Jewish Federation Campos, 250 E Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Prereg1strat1on required. (714) 445-4950. GAV /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians 1f enough people are interested (714) 445-4950 MVSTlCAL AND SPtRrTUAL The Myttical Spmtualiat Churdl of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a m. at 2482 Newport Blvd • Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spintual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m (949) 581 2290. • Is your diurcn or place o f worship planning a special event? II so, send the typed information et least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mete, CA 92627, anention: Paul Sa1tow1tz, religion editor., fax to (949) 646-4170 or e·ma11 to dallyp/lot q /11t1mos.com SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be another partly sunny day, complete wi1h highs in the mid-605. Lowa will be In the lower 50t. A very alight c:tience of rain exlsta for Sunday, though It'll more than likely only be doudy. Highs will be In the lower to mld-60a. M onday looks partly sunny again. It may just be winter after 111. lnfonndon: www.nws.nOllll.gov BOATING FORECAST SURF We'll see some c:tles1· to shoulder-f'lighs today, though it's O(llY been about a day since the rain ended, so the watw will still be 1 bit haiardous, health officiN NY· The next northwest swetl antv.. Sunday, provldlng ut some c:Nat-to head-highs, but It won't provJde the bett condttk>N. Overheads wlll •mve Monday H the l\Wll peaks, though It won't be perfect. Wetlrquelty: www.•urfrl<Hr.oro The wind• will blow 6 to 10 knots In the inner watens today, with 2·foot wavu and a WMt 1Well of 2 to 3 feet. HeWtt Co&u ~ ~. (IM8) 11U2l1 <IWdre.,,..,,,.,..,.,"'* c:om °""*'8C..... The NOWpe>rt 9oadVCo1ta Mesa Daily Pilot (USPS 144-8001 It publl11\od dolly. In NowPort Bead1 and Cotta M ... 1ubecrfptlon1 ere 1v1ll1ble only by 1ubtlcrlblng to The TlmM <>reno-County (800) 252·1U'1 In ,,... outside of Newpon S.lldl •nd ColUI Mesa. tubtcnptlont to IN Dally Piiot ere .v1U1b4e only bv first cltM ,,,_11 ~ S30 I* mortth. IPricM lndude Ill 8'JPllta~ ttAll Ind foCll t&UI.) POS'TMAST[R: Stnd tdchM cNngtl to Thi Newpon ~ M..-Dally Piiot. P.O. Published by Ti"*! Community ~. 1 division of the Lot Angel• TI met. Out feltNr, the wind• will elao blow lightly, 8t 10 knot.a, with 2-foot W8Vel and • wett ~I of 6 to 7 t..i. The winds will blow 10 to 15 knots tonight. with 2-to 3-foot ~ TIDES 11me 7;44a.m . 2:64 p.m. 9:20p.m. 2:14a.m. 8.21 feet high • 1.215 ,_. low 4 01 feet high t69feetlow ' Educ9tion f9POf1M, 19491 574-42'51 dlrWtlM.CMrlllo•1at1,,,.. com t tl2002 Tlmea CN. All right1 ~ . .. , s . -· Taking a closer look I lcaJth Perfect imagin g uses less invasive technology to check their patients' innards. Deirdre Newman Dail~ Pilot < O\IA Ml~\/\ \f1er having h111r JJ1~uplJ~ltl.., on ht'> lican h'J Yl'ar old Olm I lilckm•y wa.'> 1 lllll crrwtl ahuut plaque build111g up 011 ht!. cumnary artcrit>\. I k 11.i'> al">C> had problem!> with kJ<.l 111·y '>tune' amJ .1 ~pot on ht\ lung. 'ii 1 lw wa.'> luolcm~ for a way to 1 lwd. up 011 tu., ht!<ilth without a 1111 ol the pokmg and proddmg 1h.1t au0111panit'\ IYJlll<ll pro I l'tlllrl"> 11..tdJll')' IUml'tl to I leaflh l't•r 11·11 lr11JgJ11g Ill ( AJ\la Ml'\41, J Ill'\\ I l'lllt·r that ll\t'\ lug.h-lct h -.tan 11111g 1111 .11 t·.i~ of the hotly 'Lil h ,1, lbl· lil'.irl .uu.l luni.,..,_ llw av.1111 KtJrdt· pron'llurt• L'> 11011-111va ... 1w p.1t1 ll"-'' lower tlcN.><, uf r:id1aum1 tbJJ1 1r..1d1t1u11al 1t•ch11iq1tt.">. 11 aho LlL, llll' .11f\,1111,1gl' of tlt•lt'l llllg sm.tll 11111111" th .. 11 1111~11 1101 turn up through 11tlll'r 111e1h1xh, l IJ l111111d1·r I rn Hd1r.111 '>Jld '' 1\111 l.:11m' ing I'> 'l.ll'V. anti I 1hink U1at I'd rather find out I had l'ancer the MZC of a pu1hcad than a golf ball. find out my aneric<. ill\' IO% blocked than 00'~. -Bcltr.m ~d. Reltmn \\f'JS 111~p1H:d 111 \tan the tompany after hc-,mng ul < 1encml Fk•ctric'<; fmatmn C JOO madunc from a lloctor m l.IJ'> Angt.'lci.. 'lhc lloctor 1old Beltran\ father th.it the madline was '><J "4'n\illvt' that II nugh1 have been abk· lo detect ht.., lymphoma whtll· other '>pt: l t.ili.'>t!> v.-ere '>trugglm~ wnh 1.mdJ uunal wchruque'>. A fl'\'V month'> latl'r. Beltran heanJ a repon on < .NN that d1n.•c- ror Steven ~p1elbcrg h,td ct close l'lltountcr ul the thn.'t' dtmcn \IOllal kind with 1lw lmalmn ( .100. !:>picllwrg wtL'> '>(·amwd lor · pott•ntwl heart prublt•rm., but Liie \tan 1urned up a .. mall hemgn tu- mor on l1i' lod 11t'}' llt'ltr.m rout'> the mathme a.\ thl' 1~rft"<.1 fit for ill I an•a \\ ht•rt• 1x·ciple take tlu·1r hc.1hh '>l'nou.J~ Our rnmmu1111y I'> lfllllt' h<.'alth ron~ious. anll if you can give them ii~tant gratillcauon that i.'I not only Al\ approved, but par- ented and 98.4% accurate, 11'!> d perfect mamage," BcJtr.UI ~d. The chamber of the mctcJunc: ~ .. 1mtlar to an MRI, but ~ opcm 111 the bade to reduce the foclmg ol daustrophobia. It glvt"> ou1 five to '>t'Vt'n time. le!:>.5 ntdia11011 tll.dl1 with a ryp1caJ er i.can, !>aid ~IM! Knox. chief technician. The machine employ~ elect.rem hcam tomography. enabling an electron beam to produce X-ray images at lightening-quick. ~peed between heartbears. creatmg "~top-action· unag~ fret' from tbe blur of mouon. Ille bean scan can d.JagnO!>C.' hean disease by -.howmio: thl' amount of caJofied plaque 011 tJw Mtenes. Based on 1.ho~ dcpo'>tl!>, a patient's age and gende1, tl1e re suiting report will .,how whttt <:011 dltioru. lhe pauent ~., at n'>k for Since tbe fust sign of hcan dL\<.'a-.e wuld be a fatal hean alldlk. the hean 'iCal1 can be a hlt'\aw1 17\ detecting heart dl.'>l'a.'>e t-ariy, ewn before a ~randard excn l"t' 'trt"' t~t. Knox scud. Tht• lunK M:a.n check.\ fur tu rnon., ma.-....e., nodul~ and em phyi.ema, which look.<. like a blad: ~pot on tJ1e lung. llw al!L'mallve t<, a che.t X ray, wtlJl.:h will nor pick up '>lnall abnormJ..11t1t.~ Knoll: scud. fl ran abL1 dt1t'\.1 o~ pmblcm~ affi1tt1ng the fun~ cl.'> evidmn.-'t.I ~ a diagn~ when one of the u1vt.")· tor<. uf the rnmpauy rame to \'L\Jt the office and wa.'> wugh1ng so hard that Knox '>l.J~'C....Cc<l a lung ..can. lt tumt!d oul Ukll '>h1: had pneumonia. Knox ...ud In 'addiuon llJ olfcnng he<J.11. tung and full·body '>'-dJ\..\, HerutJ1 Perfect lnMgin~ providl"> \.tnUc1I wlnno'>topy 111<.• p1ctun...., gener- ated of tht' wlon rt.~mble a '>f'nt.., of 1unnd .. m thl' ~41.ra l>t.">t'rr. 01C lmatroll l.i.Ul tapturc llllc:tgl''> down 1lw fold'> ol Ult: 1r11t .... urw. w!uch Lratl1uo11al 111vc1..,ive Lolo- no..cc1py cant Beltran ~id. ·nw tompany c.1ho pmv1dt...., a lx111L· den!>tly '>Gl.11 10 dl'll'< 1 O\teoporo-, . ., I H:ll wlw11 'onwtl1mg I'> dt'. Ll'l ll'<.l u ... 1ng thn·<· d1rn1•rl\1011al Jlll lllfl'\. tht• lt't hJUU.Ul\ '>UIJ trO'>.'> rt:ll'fl'rtlt' II \\llh l\'>IHJI ShariAnn's Organic Soups • Lentil • Tomato • White Be.an • Split Pea • Blade Bean • "tinesbone • \'egebible Barley 99.~ • f-'renc:h oruon ~ • Tomato with R_ .... _. r .....c.. REG. 14 5- IM.'lu:u ~ '1 55 15 QZ 4iJ1urdJI febfuary I~. 2003 A3 .I .I 1-11 KfNl IHLPTOWIOAIL'f PILOI Technologist Steve Knox ot Health Perfect Imaging points oot details of a patient's insides as viewed with the new GE !matron mac.hrne Electron beam tomography IS used to create an image of internal organs which can be checked for disease 1111·11,1on.t1 1111ag1.., lo t 11nlin11 . t-:1111' -..ml \lh'r 1.w11g tl1<· mu.gt·'· 11111• wporl 1' ,1•111 111 1lw p.1111·111 ,111d 111w 1' "'"' ICJ 111' or lwr tltK IOI \'\.lull' 111,111\ ol ilw '><<Ill'> are 11·1111111111•11rl1'\J 1111 11111-.t· who Jrt• 111111 11ld1·1. Hl'f1r.111 "J1d he cillllll I""''' .1 111111' \\ lw11 "".Ill'> dll:' rt>t 01111111 r1d1·d lt11 11.1111•111., 111 th1·11 II I 11' lfll' I lll~ht li.J\t' lll')J>1'1.l I J.trnl ~ 1h rh• \1 I 0111' c .ard111.rl' p111 t11 I \\ll•I d11'1I 111 lw.1n l!llllph ' .1111111 .. l,L'>I \ t'..tl JI lhe i:lgt.' of JJ. 1·H•11 1hou)1·1 lw Yo.a!> apparenUy ht·;ihh\ IS.·hr.tn -..i1d '\11 an1< fl' 'dlrl 111,. only rhmg tht11 would ha\1 dt·tt·l·tt:tl tu. ... hlod..t"<.I arlt'rn.., wci'> the !;BT lw.1n 't.in lhJI' 1111., rndthine," Bdtr.111 ..... uu 'I rlunl u1 the n~I I 1111plt· llf \I oH'> l\t• 11 '-(.°(' tht: ,1,111d.1nl• 1lllll'J"·1l and even 11•1•11.w1·1' ,\11111<· "" 1111rnended a "'.111 1111111 11! .11l 1l1t I r"nd1 frie-. tht'\ ,.,,, .11 \Ir I• 111..tld.," Jal~c Every Day Low Price! 4 flavors tn Choose L".1\0FTEl\js' ~··•(• Organic Jams • ~ARROW FORMULA~ YOU SAVE $12.96! BERRY WGH AND-OXIDANfS 100"/o Natural Fndt & Beny Blend -MM UJidr: • Bh.tebmy • Apple • Pach • Apricet. BhrM,a,y • ~ • Cranheny • Sbawbeny • DdabaTy • Billbeny • Cheny These Ingredients conlain high amounls of Flavonolds, AnthocganJm, F1lagic Add and Anti-Oxldanls-whJch mag proUd uislon, circuJatJon and cap/llarg stre1¢t• 38 So'Di11gs ·NofflOI Mlxwilh Water or.luJce FARM FRESH PRODUCE =A~-­ ~9! W.. $•9: • Sb'awba1y • Apricot • <lm1y • Red RMpba1y • Wild Bluebeny • Wild Bladrhary SJ!? •-Blood~ REG '2.89 11 2 az • Cl1000IMe s2 • OlocNanilla • Vanilla REG. 13.71 U Cll. • Maple ~ut •Variety • Fiax • OriginaJ sm • Apple Cinnamon REU '3.49 Bpaci Air Power RespirrrlDty Hea/Jh m;u>Sa..EAR 9-! BRONCHIAL AIRWAYS SUGG. "1U6 10D ta ~ JUICE CENTER • Tomato • Cooconl ·~Grape ·:-:,,_ ... $.~ EdeJ'C SOOMG 200 mg Biollaoonoids 5QO mg Vrt. C SUGG "10 • • Pure • bic • Bath &: Body Wash Moi.sturiza md Soottn. Madt with Crem 'la. BciCaial EldndJ.. ~~!399 ~S«trb "'°""* Am·-· u .. •- I r'~, I~ 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POUGE FILES COSTA MESA • West S.Jolf S't1Mt. Vandaf1wi wa. repon..ed 1n 1he1~b4oc:t., 11 :13a m Thur~ • S.. 8~ Forgery WU reponed m the 2900 bk>c* at 2-00 p.m Thura.dav • Bristof StrNt: A c.ommere.al burglary waa reponoo in the 3300 bl~ 1t 5:36 p m Thursday " EkMn Avenue and TuJip Lane A vehicle burglary NH reponed at 9 38 a m Tt.urMiat' •Ha~ Boul9Yard A cornmerc1al wrgtary war. r.-ponr.d in the 2700 bloct "' 10 05 id rr Thur&day • Johnson Avenue. Auto thi:ft wa~ rep<>nEid 1n the ·roo<.> bloct di 2 49 I"./ m fhursd&y • Royce Lene PE:ny theh ....,.,., relJ(Jned m the 3000 tA0<.t idt 4 11 p m Thur~ay • West 19th Strfft. A .!•;h1cle burylary was t1•r1oned rn tlw soo lilodi dt I ')l 11 m Thur'>day NEWPORT BEACH • Oowir om. end w... Coast Highw9y. All auto rheft was repc>fted at 3:23 a m. Thursday. • Hil!Jht.nd Street: A garage but.glary was reponed 1n the 100 blod: at 8:06 a m. Thursday. • Hoeg OrtYe: Vandalism was reported m the 100 biodc at 12:27 a m Thursday. • Newport Boulevatd: An auto tt}eft was reported in the 2700 blodc at 12:14 a .ft'I ThurSday. • Old Newport Boulevard. Grand theft was reported tn the 400 blode at 9·47 a m Thursday • S.ashore Drive: A burglary was reported in the 5300 blode at 6:37 a m Thursday • Vi1 Wazien: A home burglary wa<; reported 1n the 100 blode at 10:20 a m Thursday • v .. Xanttle. Grand theft was reponed 1n the 100 blodc at 8.57 a m Thursday ·oelTUARY Morri~ Notrka w rvu , ... fr>r Mornr, !'\<Jtn< a, a •t'i·y«>ar C..oita Mc~a reMdcnt, will be hdd JI noon Wt"dnr\day al 1•.1ufn Vu w Monuary u\ C..oronJ <.h·I ~far Mr !l\r~trtt J d11-<l I hur.,day of nJtural l:tU'>C!> Ile wa<> 84. I le ... '>UfVIVCd by wife Nt•l11Jit 1\01 r11 a , da1tWllCr'> Alu ,, Hrow rwll .111d "ll'>lln Scott; four grandchUdren; and sist~r Regina Capuya. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obnuanes for rM•denta or former residents of C0911 Mesa and Newpon Beadl If you want to have an obituary prtnted 1n the Pilot. ask your mortuary to fax us the mformation at 1949) 646-4170 or call tho newsroom at 19491 764·4324 IB~n PRESIDENTS EIEND SALE! Puto ~istorante fiilllhlhii I U ll AN '"'""' Sundu ~perini~ 1/2 Pri,·t· Teu-1->da\i.. Pal'\Ca '\i~hf1-> t I • ,i.,, , ff ~ 11. 'J.) : t 4 :s::t :;:s•1<J 0 Corkoge 1Wedn day ~------~~~---~-- MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES 1727 Westcllff Drive, Newport Beach • 949-&42-FEET ORGANIC ART PLANTS & DESIGN Uime See Our New Selection For 2003! 11V! Vme.~ You'w Been Waiting For Are Herc Perennials At Their Best Free (}ardnt Design Conrultaaon lJi.,tributor f<w Daw Fross 'Nati\Je Sons Plants' and Gary liammer 'Desert to Ju~ Planu' lHJ N. <J&tw.-U, OtdtWf', CA •>l~ "''"' l}ud.., l.J ~ 71<f.lH'J.Olll 1vu~ .... Ofl&tlfUt urt/lkJnu. • om RosEYs .Auroaooy You have the right to choo e your ttpa.ir facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANT Y ""..,... c••"" c.m. ~,. ... -.dlhop ' FAMILY Contmed from Al ~ lO ~nd IDOrt' Wru! Wlth them 1n ~l year u ittms to me thal hom~ork has become mor~ and more o( an extension of the cla.w'oom. Teac:ben toddy att unfaJily burdened with too much to teach 10 too lmle ume. Hom~ort then become.. tM way to awntain the cumcuJum schedule. Hut I aho know that homewo.ric !-' an important teactung 1001 Property used, it can fot-w. a child on the most unponantpansofadayswonh of l~o,ons ~ how much homework 1.s enough? One !>Choo! official 6aid that a ')eVenth-grader should be rece1Vlllg about I ~ boun of homewort ct mght Again. that's REUNION Conbnued from Al hU'.band remain<. in a deep '>let:p m MeXJto City, Su~a play'> mom and breadwinner in Costa M~a "\'Vhat can I do?" o;he a!>h . ~, need the money I net:d to pay the ho'>pllal in MeXJco. I have no tllburance 1here. I need to pay for a nut'>e to watch him 24 hout'> a day becau~ I can't be there by hi'> '>Ide • flle IJ '.) embu'iy m Mexico City <.annot help her because they wdl tran'>pon onJy U.S. PROJECTS Conbnued from Al money during .. uch ught federal hud~et 11m~ Wei.'> an exemplary mow by our c.o ngre'>1tman " • l'he c >r.mxc C,,oa<,t depends on deaJl wJlt'r. dean bcache5 and c~ a1r fur our unique lifestyle - not w menuon ec.onomic growth." <..ox '>8.ld "Keeping OUI environ- mt•m dean hclp'i ll'> 10 allraL1 vi.sl tor. and kt't!P'> the lrdv<.-1 and tour- RAPE Continued from Al M At about 1 a m Sunday morning, (Macki wld the girl he would tiike her home,· he '>Cl.Id. • flu: wrt ..aid she W"d.'> m hi'> car and pa...,ed uul from the alcohol 11111JxH:at1on " When '>he woke up about six hour'> later. '>he found herself next to Mack on a hed. Curtis • Parked, occupied vehicles containmg one o r more people are espeCJally 11gneficant if observed at an unusual hour. They could be lookouts tor a burglary m progress, even 1f the occupants appear to be lovers • Any vehicle moving slowly and w1thou1 light• or following a course that appears 11mless or repetitive IS SUSPICIOUS Occupants may be casing for places 10 rob or burglanze. •Apparent business transactions conducted from a vehicle, espeaally around sdlools or par1ts and If 1uven1l8$ are mvolved, could mean drug sales. • People being forced into vehicles -especially jf they are 1uvenile1 or females -may mean a kidnapping. Record the license plates and call police. •An abandoned vehicle par1ted on your blodc may be stolen. Contact par1ting control w ith a license plate number. • Plaoe gravel outside windows where you're concerned about prowlers. The noise of 1ameone stepping on it will serve to alert you. • Seemingly Innocent activities may be cr1me1 In progreu. Be a good neighbor, be observant and watch for unusual activity. • A home window with a 1matl break in It may mean a burglary hH OCCUITed. Call police Immediately. •A tlranger entering your neighbor'• houM when tt la unoocoplad may be 1 burglar. • A acream heard anywhere may mean robbery or rape. Be ol>Hrv1nt 1nc:t notify polloo. • Anyone removfng ecceuorift, llcenM pl1t• or gNOllne from a ar 1hould be Nported. • Anyone pttl1ng Into park.Id cara may be k>otdng for• car to ltelf or for v.tuabtea left dlaptay9d In tht car. • P9o1* entering or tewlng I an -WroximaDoo.. ' and Mr. Otngie pul.\ on 1M One-and-a·halfboun doeul1 cofftt.. Al 7:35 a..m.. I es:i1 IM seem lib a lot. In our~. ii bathroom Uld Mr Dingle~ 4hould be a ptec:r of caU. the newspaper . . ~ and so on ~the Irids don't watch 1V Honestly. it.a not much uwl suppotedJy ba'o<e aU this d.i&renl th.an that m the free time. But they don't. and morrung at ow house. and I neitha do I anymore. it seems. believe ow-house i5 typical My ~ with th.e bd6 b Here's bow u goes: .. Al 7:05 about an hour in the morrungs a.m.. Roy gm dressed Al 7'.06 and 2~ hours m the e-wrung. a_m., Bean eat5 breakfast and The morning ts hardly quality gathers her school stu.ff by the timr, because I'm usually door. Al 7: I 0 a.m.. Dad takes a ba.ricing out orders. The house shower. At 7: l 5 a.m .. Mom gets in the mommg reminds of the dressed and ge~ the car ready classic comedy ·The More the to go, and Roy feeds the dog • Me~r. • in which tluee a.dulls And so on. find them.selves living ma Not 6aClly quality time. cramped Washington. D.C. E.ll.1T1.111ating bomewort won't apartmenl cu1 down on the rooming fire The I~. played by Jean drill. It will only increase our Anhut. is the model of time together m the evening. efficiency, and she wntes up a but at what cost? Our dau'ghter specific plan of acuon for each hM c,et high academic goah for resident each monung. •At 7:30 her~lfand '>he will not achteve a.m., I go into the bathroom. them uni~ she is always a fev. auzeru who are ilJ Su~a and Arturo have a green card and are perm.anent r~1denti., but not citizens. Susana needs to stay m ~ew· port·Me~. She hv~ and work.s here. Iler son and daughter al· tend Newport Harbor HJgh School nus jr, home.· Susana net:ds a doctor tu ny to MeXJc:o and bnng back Artu ro. ·How am I going to do 1t? I don't know.~ SWMlna !>aid Her mends and coUeag\Je'> at the bakery are rallying around her and trying to ra1-:.e money 10 accomphr,h wha1 -:.eem' 10 be l.VTl btt.in~ .. healthy~ me Ra ck Bay dredging proJed. Wei!> parucuJarl> d1ffiruJI 10 gt:'l funded because of a frec1,e on new Army Corp'> of I .ngineer'> project'>. Now that thdl IOIU<il fundmg ha'> bt"en appmved, 11 will be ea. .. 1er to get rnnunuc-d suppon for the drtdgmg · ·m e roughly S33 m illion dredging pruJt"Ct will aho get fundmg from SI '.i million in my fund-:.. Work 1s expected 10 start withm 18 month., Jnd will tue '>3.ld. "She had rca.'>Cm tr> believe Iha! '>he had been 'exually ao; ~ulted without her knowledge,· he ~id. m e girl reported the al leged cnm e later '>unday < Urtl'> '>3.Jd there are con01c11ng repon'> about how '>he got b a<.k home He ~d the incident reponcd.Jy happened tn Co'>la Mt"><! Based on her c.omplamt and her de'>cripllon of Made.. pohce arre'>ted him a1 1he cornt·r of SAFETY TIPS business place after hours could be burglars. Safely try to note any vehicles involved and call pohce. • The sound of breaking glass o r other loud explosive noises could mean an accident, a housebreaking or vandalism •People lo1tenng around schools, parits, secluded areas or m the neighborhood could be sex offenders • • Nearty half of the burglaries committed are without force, that is. through unlodeed doors and windows • Always lode your doors and windows, even when leaving for just a minute or when wor1ung in your own badt yard. • Whenever you move to a new home, have the lodes changed. • If strangers telephone or come to your door, don't admit you are alone. Don't let eny stranger into your home -no matter what the reason or how dire the emergency Is supposed to be. Make the emergency phone call whilo they wait outalde. • If you live In an apartment, avoid being In the laundry room or garage by yourHlf, especially at night •Install a peephole viewer tn your door. Never open your door wfthout knowing who i1 on the other 11de. Also con1lder calling the visitor'• buainen office to conflnn the appointment. • Whenever possible, travel with a friend. Keep your car In good work.Ing C>fdef', Hpedally before long trlpta, and keep the ga1 tank at lealt half full. •Stay In ~l~lghted areat 11 mud'I It poqlbfe when walk.Ing et nfght. Avoid w1lklng 1lone or with your hand• full. • Wiik conflcMntty, directly Ind at 1 lteedy PICle on the aJde of the lt1"t feeing trdk:. Crim nelt loole for IOm80M Who IPC)Mrt vutnerabte. • W.tk dc>ee to the curb. Avoid an awe..omt" ~k.. .... Kathy Stefano. ""ho ~orlced with Su..ana at the baker) la')t summer. <MUd Susana touched many people With her le.ind words and noble deeds "She,., an extremely loyal and hard·wonung employee.· "he '>atd. "The re!>pon1>f to her ~11ua· twn ha!) bt"en tremendou'> A 101 of people have come forn-a.rd !CJ help.· su.,ana menuoned that a Coo;ta Me..a Healtor, a re~ar cuswmer to the coffee shop, do- nated S500 ·I'm really thanXtul 1hat '>IJ many people from Uie commu tl.'.O Yt'ar<>. • fhc goal ol th1., prow< t I' to r"'tore the Retek Bet~ t1J It' 111.>11 · mci.1 ec.o'>'ntem. IUff '>did llw pro )t.'C I \\ill m ll\'t' a bou I l. mlllwn rnb1l V-dfd'> of ..ed1mt:'nl from tht' bet} Dredging 1n -..ewport I !arbor .., ongoing It'> matn obJrti1vc " to ket:"p ""a1erway'> na\1gahle hy removing '>ill at Uie bottom (.tty oftictal'> have bt-en t.rymg 1r1 gel ft'derci.I money for a rewr voir <.CIVcr for '>t'Verci.I year'> Villa Way and i2nd ',treel m Nt'wport Read1, he '>aid. Lurtl'> '><Ud Mdc k ded1nt.'d 10 1ell p'1hl t' where he hved I le '>did the vie 11rn ,., nut a 'e"" pon MC">a ll?'>I dt'nl, hut hve' in ()range Couniy Mark 1' ht:111K held m Co~ta Me..a l llY Jdll m heu of d S"i0.000 bail He wa., arre\ted on .,~,pt· uon of having 'e" \\llh a mino r raping dil UOlOn'>(IOU\ \'llllm, pcl'>'•t''>-'>111K a \Wllchblade or doorways. bushes and alleys where attadters can hide. • If a car appears to be following you, turn and walk in the opposite direction or walk on the other side of the street • If you are en danger, scream and run, or yell -r.re.· Run toward lights or people • Always lode car doors after entenng or leaving your car Don't leave valuables m plam view • Have your car keys in your hand and chedt the badt seat area before entcnng your car • If you think you are be mg followed, drive to a public place or to a police or sheriff's S1atlon. • Your belt defense is to be prepared -know your options ahead of time. Your safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm. • Require salespeople or repair people to show identification. • The No. 1 kille r of teenagers. before they go to college, is alcohol-related highway accidents. •About one-third of local amt$tS Involve alcohol. Alcohol abuse Impairs Judgment. causes injurie. and kills. • Pay attention to your intuition and Instinct. If something just foel1 wrong. it usually is. • Keep emergency phone number• handy or memorize them. • Dltcuu safety plans with family, friend•, nafghbo,., mlldrtn ind baby-tittera. • UH I putM with I ahoulder strap. Clny It with the aide thet opens toward you. Hold your purN aecurety. • Part fNtllY from YWll or aira whh eomeone WlftJog wound. IC"P • "c.tt Pola" llQn under ct. front Met of your cat. '1tl>S ahead Sht> cannot do that W11.hout hom.ewotk. I aho belteve that m~t 1eacha's. gJvt'fl the choice. wouW ratber no t g>ve homewor\: as.s1gnmen~ It's not beca~ they're not loolong forward to grading more work. bul I thJnk mot.t of them a.bo realJU that ln many hom~. homework ~ tough on lods It could be very easy to dismiss this no humewort concept as the fruM.rauon of an overwo rked parent or wme radical dll.7..en who doesn't understand the concept of estabhshmg a middle ground But the dilference here is lhat McOeery·Bowden is a teachcr • STEVE SMfTH 11 a Costa Mesa resident and freelance wnter Readerr. may leave a menage for him on the Daily Pilot hothne at 9491 641 6086 nirv auually care about mc a11 il m) family.· '>he \ald l..ul) wiJI vmr his father dur ing the upwmmg hohday-:.. \u '>ana '>Jld "I le cells me he re.tlly m1"c' h" dJd,. '>he ..aid • 1 le '>ay' h• wok daddy for granted wht'n h1 ""ao; hcre Rut now he wam' lu 1aJk 10 him I Jc may bl• 111 .i , oma Bui he tan h'>ten to h1' .,on • DEEPA BHARATH covers publ11 safety dnd couns She may bt! reactied at (9491574-4126 or by e md1l a1 de~pa bh.uarh "la11mes com ln add111on to pmlt'( 1111~· ~'t polJuuon dlld l'\t'll 1t 1 ron'>I C1ttal k..,, 1Jw u1wr 1.'.tll help ar.;wt'I pmblt-m' I.ht· my ha' h,l(J ""11h midge 0\ lcll'Vcle in tap \\J tt'r 11 ""111 c1.l<." mean thJI lt'V.1·1 d1em1tal' mdudmg rnppt:t l.'.111 nt-('(J 10 ht> dddl:'<l to 1he WJt1·r • JUNE CASAGRANDE c.over<, Nuwporl Beach and John Wdyn•· Acrpo n She may be ruactled di 9491 574 4132 or by 11 mail di 1unl' c.Jt.agrandR "/dr1mes com lrn1le and 1a1mo1ng the v1u1111 It I'> tlh:g,tl lor anvone In tdlloo • rnmor w11h11u1 paH•ntal 1 011 '>t·n1. c 11n1., .. aid ·1Malk c.IJlmt'd to hl' J !JI 11111 artl!>I. JO<l till' girl had IHI pdrcnlal um.,t•111 hl' ...ud • DEEPA BHARATH covers putJlu safety and courls She may bt< read'tPd al 1949 574 4126 or hy e mail ar del'pil bnara1t1 /Jl1mes r:om YOUR SCHOOLS B.EMENTMY SCHOOLS Ademt K·S 2850 ctubhouM Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 lu.....,,IC~ 1900 Port S..boumt, Newport e..ctt Mary Manos, (949) 615-6935 Ca*on"8 K·5 3232 Cahfomfa St., Costa Meaa , Jane Hotm, (714) 424-7940 ColegePwtlK-3 2380 Notre O.me Roed. CostaM ... Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 Dlvll4-6 1060 Arlington Orf ve, Cotta Meu Cheiyt Galk>wtry, (714) •i4-1930 ~K. .. 2827 Vlst. def oro, Newport~ Chefiene Metoyer., ... , 61t>-fi82() ...._,V...K.e 800 Goldel lf'Od °lwe., COroN del Met MalM .. Chi ........... ...., &1MI«> K-.M 2180S..Me-.. c-.. .... o.vte '*""· , .. 6l..-O r'r~•-. -·r·r-· ,.. ' ( . . ' ~ .__...... -_..., ~ --" PIERCE~ IEU. IROIDWAY ~•chlpef Cremetlon 110 Bioldway. Co.ca~ M8·81 • .. ~~--~---~----~~ ........ ._..~~~------.-.--..-.................................................................................. ;... .... .;.....;;.;..-,,_._~_ ------c.---- Da~v Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS A big happy birthday to Ma g na H appy lmthday to Magna Schley, a < :O'.ta Mc.,a re...,dcnt turning g(J year., young cm Wednc.,day. In IY7t!. whill' working a., the ht·.ill d1ct111an .ti I loag I lu ... 1utt1I 111 \lt'wpon Bt•at h, .,he '>lartt•d d ~1oh1le Mt•aJ., program w11h th1· lwlp of llw \omp111111ltl o f the ll<1rhor All'<t A'> II bt'g<rn 111 grow . ..,he J\k.ed 1h1• I ISi I 11rg.i11v.c.111un lur help in -,upply111g 111ort• dnvt•r.,. Jhc FISI I Muhtlt· Meal'> PrnKram tlll\\ 'l'r\t"• murt• than LOO meal'> J d.ty 111 honwh;1und pl.'oplc 1nr.1pablt• ol '>hopp111g Jlld lOOk.Jflg for 1lwm-,1•IH'' I 1\11 J>Mlllt't' \<\llh I lo,1g I h1.,p11al lo prnvadt• llll'i.tl\ .1ppropn.11t· 111 1h1·1r t l1t·11i... llt't'll<., llll l11d111g d1.1h1·11t. f11\\ -,ml1um and rcg11l.1r nw,11-, I hc nwt1J., pro,·1dt·d Jfl 11111 lm11·n 1111'.tl'> I ht•\ ,1rt• 11tllrt11uu-..I} prep,111 d .i11d 1frl11.t·rt·ll d.i1h 't·wn 1111 holtd,1y-..1 h; \ olu111t·1-r drt\t·r., ~l hlcy w11l u•lt•h1 ,alt• ht'r bl11hdJ} \<\llh 011111 lhilll 1110 lanHI}. fr1l'11d ' Jlld l11ng11nw I ollt'<IJ.:Ul'' I ro111 oil ro" 1111' lt.1111111 Jn pl.Ill' Ill J.:lfh, 'Ill• 1t·q111·\1' 1h,11 dor1.1t11111 ... ht· r11,1tl1• to I 1'>11 I l.11 l>or Afl'ol 1111 111'() }i()\ l 'itfil '\1°\\JltHI lkoll h , ( \ 'f.!h'l':I 1>1111.tllllfl'o Jrt' 1.1>. tlt•dul t1hll' I t.1pp\ lurtltda~ \l,1g11.1 .111d \\ h.11 ti KW.II lt·g.11 v \1111 h.t\ l' gl\1•11 101111rt11111111111111y BUSINESS AT THE BEACH: I hl· "'''"" p11rt H1"11 h < J1,1111lll'r 11 ( fllJHlll'fl t' \\111111"1 lht 1111111<11 b11 ... 11w" 1·:1.po lro111 I 10 II J 111 Wecl111•,dJy .11 lht• '\t•\\ port lk,1d1 \.I.in IUI I I lotf'I ind lt-11111 ... < luh. JI, ,1 1u11 .1111J ltantl' Oil WJV tn 1 ht•t l 11111 •• 1u111lw r ot JHOJl'l I' ,111d "n 11 l'' 1111111 11111n· thJ11 ·10 h11'1111·, ,,., )•HI \\Iii l'lllllY th 11111111' fW HJ. ol 1111 hoo.,1 h.u i.tlld .111 1dt'otl 1 11\lmnnwnt 10 llt'l\\orl 'mi 1 uuld tlho , .. ,ill J\\,I\ \\ilh 'llllll' grt'otl door pntt'' \ .1h1t·d .11 ') i,(.1(1() 1 lll'rt• I' IHI I h.trg1 1111 .1d11110.,.,1<111 '>t•t \1111 rlu•1t· AFTERNOON TEA: 1\11 \llt·rnoon 11·.1\\1th flJva Votbrecht .1111J Su'>Jn Bryan• \\1llht•hl'lcllro111 I111111110 pm I I'll .!.! Volhtt·t hi wa, orw 111 lhl' fir,t .td\111 .tit'' 111 tlll JIM DE BOOM leKal Advocacy I und of tlw Anwril:an A'°'" of lJlllH'NI~ Women, and llrya111 " 1h1· dean of till' l J( I rvi m· Sl huol of B1uluw1..t1 \(. lt'llll'O., Bt·"Je., lll'1ng .1 g1t1t•tl n·w•trt lwr, '>Ill''" J firm lwlu wr 111 gt•IHft:r t>qu11y lur \\111111·11, t''-Pl'< ially in 111Jlh ,111d 'l 11'1111• I lw tl J .., ,,1,0 d lund r.11,n lor thl' group' I 1·g.il \tht11,11\'I1111d llt•,1·1vutior" 111J} ht· rnadl· through 5hanm I lanJcn bu rgh Jt <71 11 >lo IOh 1 or Jan llutchin '> ,11 17 1 I) Htl) I 1 I.!. b\ I 111 o,d.t\ I )1rt·1 I llJll' v.111 ht• l-:1\t'll .11 that 111111· 1111, 1111•1•1111,:111·,1"11p1•11 lo 1111 rnh1·1 ... and glll''t' 'Jld Carol !'ltrau.,, lltt· ,1, ... 11t 1.11 11111., puhhl ll'l.1111111°' I h,ur CENTENNIAL IDEAS WANTED. ·11w t oron.1 th•I ;..1,11 B11-.11w" llllJllll\l ltrt'lll l>l'>lrll I "lw1l..111g 1111 1 llllllllllllll~ 11.1r111 q1.1111111 olll tf t llllHllllll't' llH'lllhl'f' Ill t11r111,1 < t·11tt·1111ii I\t111 ( fllllllllllt'I Ill t l•ld1r.1t1• tilt' 1011 \t'otr .111111\1 10.,.iry 111 till' \ 1ll.1g1· 111 < 11011.1 dl'I ,\l,1r 111 ,.!1)0 1 \11111111.il1 llllllllllllll\ 1111•1·1rr1g \\,.,_ ltdcl \\1·c.Jr\l',Jo1y .11 'il1t•r111.u1 < .. 11tlt 11'> to g,11l11·r • •1111111111111\ 111p11t \\1• .trl' l1111~111i: 1111 1tlt'.t'o .111d It .1d1•r' 111 hdp ll'> 11·lt·hr.11t c 1111111.1 dl'I \I.tr, t t•1111•1111a.1I rr1 .!1111 I Peggy I on 'a11I "I h1' i-. ,, I lllllllllll II~ \\1tf1• t t ld>rJllllll l11r ,1!1 •11 ( IHllll.1 tlt·I \I.tr .11lll \1•\\p11rt lk.1t h I'll' 1'-lllf\\ 11d \11111 ttlt'.I' Ill I ,11ilt11111,1 \I 11lt·1111g t t1llll'J>I'> .ti 'I l'I It;"-, 111 I 11r h\ 1• JJ1,1tl .at \f11r!111111.,r<"11/1111•11/a~··• 11n1 FIFTY YEARS YOUNG: Jeff Teller t h.ur111.111 ol 1h1• h11Jrtl lor 1lw C 0,1,1 \11 ,,, C 11.1111111 r 111 < 1111111wr1 '" 111111•, 1h.1t 1h1 I lhllltltt I " II'"'"""' lh II\\ II 1 l'll'IH.1!1111l 111 tltt• )lllh .111111\1·ro.,,11\ 11l lh1° lit\ 111 ( 11,IJ \ lt·-..1 I lat 1 li.11nhn " flfl.:illlf/lllV, •• 11111 lillt d \\\'1·l..111d 111 tlw l,ill 11f .!Oil t lor th1· 'Jll't 1.tl 1 l'll'hr.1111111 It \Oii \\l\h to p.ir11up.11t• 1111 1lw planning 1 u111mi1H•c or tu lUntrihu11· .i.o, J 'Pono,or. t onta1..1 Rose Quinn at t hl' chamhn o0Jl I.' al (7 14 1 HH'i "101ll WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SERVICE CLUBS: Gary Gomnert. '>p1111,urt·d h~ l>lck J·J'e41man, <111<.l BllJ Ucchtel, -.p<)no,oH•tl by W.C Pox. JOllll'd tlw l.xdiange Uuh of clw I larho1 1\r1•a David ~ke. -.p1111">un·d by Oun OeUroux, 11111wd 1lw Hnl Jr} <Juli ol N1·wport ll<1lho,1 WORTH REPEATING: I ro111 • I hough• lor 1h1 I I.I\ pro\ 1dt•d hy Greg Kelley 111 till' '' , .. p11rt '.lt•-.a lr\'lllt' l11t1·rl.11th ( lltllll ti 1 lw only h11111 -. 111 y1111r Illa• olll tltl' llllt'\ }IHI 'l'I l11r \ lllH,l'fl Gordon Bowley SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS COMI NG WEEK TUESDAY ; HJ ol II) I ht 10 nh'111lwr Nt•wport lkilth '°lunnw Holan (Juh \\Ill fllt•t•I ,1! I l\t' ( ltl\\11' lor 1 proi.:r.1111 h\ hdwanJ P\cheid t 1111 "lllll'rrtl'I \1•111111\ h I() p Ill I Ill' ( ll'>ld \ , ....... :\1•\,pori 11.irh or I 11111 ... t Juh 1111 t·t-. a1 1lw < o-.1o1 \h•-..1 < .1111 .111d < 1111n1n < .luh l•ir th1 '>111dt·111 '>pt 1l1·r' c •1rt11''' WEDNESDAY ; > .1 ru I tu· '0 rr t r11l•t 1 '>11111h < 11,1,t l\11•1111 H111.11\ I .lt1h 1\lll lllt'l'I .11 lhl' ( 1·1111·1 I 1111! lt'll'/I' \tllt//11 tJt/\///lt'/111 111/1/(l llfJ!. Jlld lht• ,'\1°\\JIClll 11.arhor i.: 1·., .m" < 111'1 "all 1111•1·1 ==ebba J NEEDLEP OONT OESOGN Mark Your Ca lendar Feb 18 -Feb 22 ••• llH' l)!llVl"l'>tly Athlt'lll ( Juh N11011. I Il l' 10 nwmht·r I .xd1,mgt• Uuu ol lht Or.tngt• t .0.10,1 will mt•t•t al tht· Uah1.1 < 011111h1an Yal'ht C lub h p Ill I ht• hO nwrnlH·r Hol.ir} < J11h of !\t'\<\JHHI H.tllmiJ w1ll 111t·t't .it !ht· Balta.a t m111th1,111 \,1th1 <Juh for ,1 progr.tm h} Marie Knight, tlt1· d1n·1 t11r ol 11•ut·J1to11 ,111d .,1·111111 'l r\H t \for tht• t 1ty ol '\1•wp11rt Ht'.Hh THUR SDAY 7 ,1 111. 1 lw LO pit" me111l11·1 < .00,1,1 Mt0\i1 c )rJngt• < ,11,1.1 llrh1kl.1'>l I 1011' <J11l1 m1·1·h .11 \111111.., 10 lwJr I.I. Boh Oakl~y dt'>t ll" "Au Bornt• l.1\<\ I nf11n t•mt•r11 · \111111. I lw 10 nw111lwr < 11-..r.1 \11 •,,1 ~IWillll' LJuh \<\llJ 1111•1•! oil 1h1· I l11l1d,I\ 11111, tht• ·,o 1111·111lwr \,1'\\flt1rl Bt'o1t It ( 1111111.i dt•l ~l.11 l\rv.,1111'> < luh w1l11111•1•t at 1lw B.1h1.1 t 11rn1tl11J11 '·" h1cJuli1111 .i prngrarn Ii\ Darlene Wyland 111 W-v l.111d c 1illlt'fll'' /I'll II A 11111111\ llfJ(t /11/1 lfl\/ll/ll•''li/, tlll' KO 1111 111111 I I "h.111gt' I l11h of :\1•\\p1111 I I 11l111r \\Ill 111t'l'I .ti lite '\1°\\J)url I l.1rl>t1r '\,111111.il l\luw11111111 IH'otr Jal·k Kea 1lng cJ,._, ..... , th1 ll1g ( .111\ tlll H1·,111r.1111111 l'rowt t .111d tlw I oo 1111 mlwr ,\t•\, p11r1 lr\1111· H111o1n <Juli \\tll 11w11 .11 tlw \tn11111 I l111t•l l11r '>lll't'• h .1111J '>111g111g ( 111111''1' 11'1111'11/ffl/llf\'lll,1.,'\ • COMMUNITY 8t CLUBS 1 JI 1 r .. I .c;.1hH Jdy:. r Ih• 'JtJtlv P1lo1 ':>•·r I ,mur serv1 • lul rru t'11n1J 11 f1,rr11<1tton lly lri• I • 'ti!'• 1,•;lJ Af.,f7 "rn,11! lo 11• tioum .u1I 0111 or tJ~ n d 1 .'JIU 5 E 811:,1111, S1Jllt• :?01. ~ll'NjlfJrt Bi..dtll CA :.i:i~.tJO , 71( Sp ri ng Inventory Re du ction sales 10% -50% off on Canvas rn stock 2F.l8 E as• Coasr 11 'l°'W<h Co1ona Ot! l.Aa <.A •262• 19491644 7904 Hours TtJe r, 1 ~ am 6 ~n Sa• 4 a,.., 4 OQpm Since 1920 __ ...._,__ --------· --...... _ 49 -.-· GETIING INVOLVED • GETTING tNVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basts for information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. STITCHES FROM THE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern Cuhfornaa who love to knit and crochet. the nonprofit corporation 1s looking for volunteers 10 kntl and crochet hats, booties and blankets for premdrure babies and lJabaes an neec1 Tho rtems are donated to hospitals across thP country Panerns art! available. and donated yarn 1s dpprec1a1ed Kathy S1lvt:-rton 13101 47".l 6903 SWEET ADELINES OF ORANGE COUNTY The smgrng woup mvtte. worn1~n who like to c;1ng to iuin them T•JPsday nights fur lour part harmony or 8drhershop stylP s1ng1ng (949 49S-r>b85 TELL·A·FRIEND Jr Jnge County l.Clnr.er groups Sl'fJ~ voluntf·Prs to ""' OLH<1!Jt: women 10 havt: m.irnmoyr.uns Pa11tc1pants will I J .. e pJl1in0 one on one proqram .JI er1u<..at1on and encouraql-'m..,nt 'ipec1frcCllly relatr>d to rnarnmoyrams and early l.irt:.;SI vmc:cr cJ1~leC11on ThE: Susan G Korm·n Breast Cancer ~ounc.ldl•on 714 957 91!:>7 UNDERGROUND The UnJn J' .Ju11d pl')gr am a func.tton of Child's Pace, µrov1des '>O<:tJI actrv1t1es and anterac.t1on for acJole:.c:en1s Sdturddy f elilu3ry I~ ?00 3 A5 Volunteers are needed in many areas. (949) 548-8849. VISIONS FOR PRtSONS Visions for Priaona, • nonprofit program that t.eacilM attitudinal huling end medltatJon in pnson, needs typists to ir.l'llCribe letlers from 1nmetes to troubted ldd&. Weeltday hours, Meea def Mar. (114) 55&SOOO. VOLUNTEER CEHTtR OF GREATER ORANGE COUNTY • Wrth more than 1,500 votuoteer opportunities, the Volunteer Centet will matd'I peopte and groups wishtng to volunteer with nonprofit agencies in their area. Volunteer Connection l.Jne, 1714) 953-5757. ext 106. WEUNESS COMMUNITY Of ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Community needs volunteers to help at the reception desk during the dCly (714) 258-1210. WEST SIDE BOYS &GIRLSCLUB Volunteers are needed from 2 30 to 5·30 p.m Mondays and Thursdays to tutor students in first through sucth grades in readang (949) 631 n24 WYlAND FOUNDATION Th~ Wyland Foundation, whac:h encourages greater awareness of ocean conservation, 1s seeking volunteers lor ciencal and computer help and grant wntang. (949) 497 6723 YMCA The YMCA's Building Life Options Mentor Program 1s looking for volunteers to mentor and tutor teens tn Costa Mesa For more anformataon, call (7141 838-0181 ext 110 NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 196 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA • 9'9·6,5·7626 E! Pre-.rnt thl-. arl durin i.: th1 .. t'\ t·nt .rnrl t.1kc .\'\ ·\l>l>ITIC>\ \I -, ClFF .tlrc .. ictv rt cf11<.,.<l 1ir11 c-. 1111 .1n\ ll'\!. \'on Hrmrrt c·xclu't''" trnport 4 I I I ' ' I , f 1 I ' II I " I ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' I I II • ! I ' ' I I ' I I I ' • \ • • • ' ' Co•t• Me .. Showi:oom l.595 Newport BIYd .. (949) 842-2050 11oa.-8et.: 9-5:30; Saa.: 12--8:00 La111na &each Showroom 345 North P.C.B. (949) 494-8551 llon.-&at.: 10:00-e:OO Su.n: 12:00-5:00 South Bay Showroom 23649 Hawthorne Bl•d. (310) 373!.0442 llOll • .:&at.: 9-5:30; -.: 12-45:00 > . ' M Saturday, February 15, 2003 .................. : ~ ... . . ,. .... ·-·--·9··· -.. -.. •"'ft ••• FORUM ' HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -lAU9n: M ail to Edltorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Readers Hotline: Call (~) 642-6086 Fax: ~~:~~:4~~ =~~d len th E-mail:Send to dailypilot@lstimtts.com •All correspondence must includo full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit 811 su g COMMUN ITY COMMENTARY • The community has spoken on M arinapark and said no to a hotel By Tom Blllln1s A clear direction has already been cast for Las Arenas Park (Marinaparlt) by both residents and busin~ of Newport Beach. "lbese re.-uJts are found in the visioning festivals and commwlity surveys that were recently completed and presented a1 City 1 lall a fow weeks ago. and Newpon Dunes and voiced a strong preference for pro1ecting public lands." In addition, our city's general plan designates the Las Arenas Parle area as "Recreation and Open Space" for the public's use and not for commercial development Watch out, Steve, that's not safe driving I aJways enjoy Steve Sm ith's columns on Saturdays. He always has something interesting to say. But I was ra ther disturbed this last Saturday when he was talking about driving. He was driving li!>tening to messages on his cell phone, eating a bagel, listening to CDs and scrambling to find a paper in the front seat and he doesn't h ave 100 much problem, he jusLk.ind of throws it in there like there is nothing wrong with that. And that is the big, big problem in our society today. And have you noticed that the ' MAILBAG "" :-,,,,.. b iggest problem with people using cell ph ones is that no ne of them ever use correctional signals. Come on, Steve, make il home safe, get your life together, stop using that cell phone. Get a headset o' something. GEORGE LAMPINEN Newpon Beach Bond memorie of the Port Theatre We love council member Dick: Nichols and no doubt hi'> position on Port Theatre regarding parking certainly deserves som e study. The problem is that ob:.erva1ion:. of Luvena I layton are right as always. Those of us who have lived in Newport Beach for philoM>phy. "l<Xll. A ~1u• m ore than 50 years have lots of Cldy'>..<,t.-y'' -that one. too. NI 111 th: Port nwatre memories 1ha1, Port llJCatre. 'Jhe hhtory L'I hen:-. like tht.: music of the time, )lay-; Al the Port. you could go up with u~ forever. to 1he loge., and '>moke In 1964, the fir!>! Jame'> Rond t 1g;ire11e'>, make important film, "Dr. No." rauc;ed ll) 10 cultural rommenl) IO other view the same movie three 1hea1ergoer~ and po.,.,ihly rnl't•r Limes at the Pon Theatre. " .. orneone you nught want 111 ~t'I ObVJously, we !>aw all the "iean 111 Ii.now heller -later I lw · Connery Bond film'> al 1he Port l'orl had Kfl'lll poptorn, and af1er that. Add 1ha1 to the tlw wu~h management wa .. vanety of <>urf rnoVJe.,, wh1lh .ih,ay'> "'di eon1rollt'd .ind 111 included "l::ndles!. Summer " rnntrol A'> N(•wport Beath then the Beatie<; movie\, "!lard 1t11nk'> ahout 11\ IOO yt•.ir Day's Night'" a.'1d ~Help'" and n·lehrat1on. maybe tht'y o,ho11ld Bob Dylan's "Don't Louli. Balk··· 1 un\lder a building with wl'll When one nf Warren Realty-., nwr c;o \'rar' oft Hy hl\lnry first movie!>, "Ltllth ," follm ... ecl J' 1hc) .irt• "'"rli.mg ou1 WO I by numerou., other arr type~-r1.uJuruLllruhlt•m, film' previewed al 1he Pun. Wl' RON W1NSHIP are begtnnmg 10 talk o,onH.' rt'al Nev. port 111•<11 11 11Us C.Ommunity Visioning Proces.'I brought together hundreds of residents and business owners during the pai.1 year to examine and discuss crucial issues and provide direction for the furure of the city. "!be condusions are revealing. Through citywide visioning fe!>tivals and tatisdcally valid 1elephone survey!> (by Godbe Research), the results showed 1ha1 a dear majonty of both residents and busin~ paruopants do not support a resort horel in the Marinapark area The future of Newport Beach is not about making categorical claims for exct!S..'>ive growth, slow growth or no growth, but rather it is about the need to focus on what the community members themselves collectively define for our city. The community in the above-mentioned public meetings and surveys succesmilly voiced this "vi'iioning" to balance the needs of residents. businesse.s and visitors. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary M onahan and .. Chns Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beacn City Hall, 3300 fhe "'vox populi" has spoken. The "vox populi" ll<ll> been heard. The results of these commwlity surveys indicate now is the rime IO look at other public use proposals for tas Arenas and Marinapark tha1 fit in with the vision our n.'51dents have clearly expressed Newport Blvd., Newport Beacn, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council· Gary Adams. John Hefteman, Didc Nidlots, Gary Ptoaof, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNrTY COUEGE The same report, howewr, does show split i.upport for tourist accommodauon.s m two pecific areas: Newport <:enter and the "airport business area~ I lowever, the report closes with uw following conclusion for tourism and hotels: "Opinions were divided over where to build, but a majority was opposed 10 hotel developrncn1 at Marinapark • EDITOR'S NOTE: Tom Billings 1s a Newport Beacti resident and member of the Greenhght Steenng Committee. However, this article reflects only his personal views on the Marinapari< issue. Greenhght has yet to take a stance. DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa M esa, CA 92626. (714) 432-5898 Chancellor· William M . Vega Board: President Paul Berger. Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, limited supply! " These passe pay for themselves in no time. Hurry! They will scU out. Sign up this Saturday, 10 a.m. -2 p.m. J;>uffy Ren~ Office 2001 West Coast Highway. NewpOrt leach Rae• ft your pass by calling (949) 64S-6812, Ext.110 •No Insurance Costs •No Maintenance Costs •No Sli.p Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, f amlly, friends and soul cruising. • Take advantage of t/Je wondeifuJ fleet of Duffy Boats • Convenient location, f antasttc ametittks Derek Shelly Jim Ferryman, Ari Perry, Greg Randy Smrm. Emily Sanford I Woodside and Dan Worthington Peggy Hardi James B.mcn. NEWPORT-MESA Ut41F1ED Deborah Carona. leslte A. R1:1v SCHOOL DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF and Frank Barbaro District Office: 2965-A Bear St • EDUCATION Costa Mesa, CA 92~6. (714) 200 Kalmus Drrve. PO Box 9050 STATE SENATE 424-5000 Costa Mesa CA 92628-9050. (7 141 Ross Johnson (A) 351h D1stmt Superintendent: Robert Barbot 966-4000 18552 MacArthur Blvd Suite 3<1t Board: President M artha Fluor, Eltzabeth D Parker. membf>r lrvirie CA 9271 S 19491 833-01 bO Vice President Dana Blade, Clerk Trustee Area 5, Cos1a Mesi! tax 19491 833 0696, Pross Serene Stokes. David Brooks, Newport Beacn Sfl<:ret.iry Pi!t Jovcc, (9161 Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda 323 1200 Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERV1SORS STATE ASSEMBLY MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER Hall of Admm1strat1on. 10 C1v1c John Campboll (RI. 70th 01str1c.• DISTRICT Center Plaza, Sanla Ana CA St.tic Capitol Sdcramcn~o CA 1965 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. 92701 95814 (9161319 2070 CA 92627. ( 949) 631 -1200 •Jim Silva, 2nd 01str1ct (Cosla Email Board: President Jim Atkrnson, Mesa, Newport Beadll f7 14l dist net 70 1 a!i!-.t'mbty cJ g1J~ Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy 834·3220 K£'n Maddox IR) 68th D1stnc1 Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and • Thomas Wilson, 5th Drstnct State Capitol Sacramento, CA PaulE.Shoenberger (Newport Coastl, (714) 834-3550 95814, (916) (9161319 2068 Or local offrCP at 12865 Marn St COSTA MESA SANITARY ORANGE COUNTY FAJR Suite 100 Garden Grove 92840 DISTRICT 88 Farr Dnve, Costa Mesa. CA 17141 638 1393. I P.O. Box 1200, Costa M esa, CA 92626, (714) 708 FAIR Fax (7141638 1496 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 Board President Ruben A Smith £marl Board: President Arlene Schafer, Vice President Patrrc1a VelasQu~1 cl1stflct68" assen hi'; c..:J qo1, •)..amp hades • TiflJn} I ..imp' -• r_:ablc lAl!11ps . • Floor l.amp\ • Chandelters • Caulof?. ( >rJcnng 1 ' ' For Correct Flt On Shade Pl1u11 Brin Lam Lamps Factory Outlet 17424 Beach Blt1d. (at Slater) 1 :4 ml/es So. of th..4os Fwy. Huntington BHch 714 847-8100 .. Dady Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well 81 a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailyp1/ot.com. TODAY A computer hlir will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults 1s $5, for dlildren younger than 10, free. For more information. call (800) 800-5600 The UC Irvine Arboretum's annual Winter Orcnid Show, ·Prelude to Spring; will take place from 10 a m . to 3 p.m . at the UCI Arboretum on the UCI North Campus. Admission is $2 per person. Children and members get m for free For more information, ca ll (949) 824 5833 •An Evening of Ionesco: featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCCs Repertory Theatre Company in the Orama Lab Studio today, Sunday and Feb 22 and 23 Show times are 8 p m Saturdays and 2 and 7 pm Sundays T1dcets cost S6 in advance. $7 at the door For more information, call (71 4) 432-5640, e>Ct 1 A worbhop called ·oivorce A New Beginrnng· 1s being offered for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced It will take place from 10 am to 12 30 pm at 180 Newpo11 Center Drive For more 1nformat1on. call (949) 644 6435. •spring Lawn Cara· will be discussed at Sherman Library and Gardens m Corona del M ar at 9:30 a m Free For more information, call (949) 673 2261 A s.eminar on ·How to Start and Manage Your Business," will be LlT Us BF YOl'R #I CHOI< .E LOCAi.LY , ,,,,.. ,,, f(,., , .. ,,. '""' ,,,,,,,,,,,., RabbiH Ins urance Agency Al 10 • 110\0 t1'1 '[ R.\ •Ill.Al I H ~~ ~s r;-' r , 949-631-7740 441 Old Ncwpon 81"'1. • Ncwpon Beadi !Near lloag Hotpiult held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $40 fee Includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369 SUNDAY The 60 and Better.Dene. Group will have its dance patty from 1 to 5 p.m., starting with an hour of danoe lessons, at the Holiday Inn, 3131 S. Bristol, Costa Mesa. There is a $10 admission charge. For more information, call (949) 675-9708. The puJ>llc Is lnvtted to enjoy ~violin and Pian9 Classics.# VioliniSl Larry Greenfield and pianist Susan Boettger will present a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beacn Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beacn. For more information, call (949) 717-3816 MONDAY A Great Decisions discuaslon of HThe U.S. and Nigeria: Thinking Beyond Oil. 1s the fourth man eight week series on U S. foreign pohcy topics. The d1scuss1on will be led by Jay Welsh. who has hved in Nigeria. from 7 to 8 30 p m. at St Mark Presbyterian Churcn, 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. TUESDAY ·How to Send the M ost Effective E mails" 1s the sub1ect for a Newport Beacn Chamber of Commerce business referral breakfast that will take place at 7 30 a m . at The Pacific Club. 4110 MacArthur Blvd , New port Beacn The cost 1s $17 for members with a reservation and $22 for potenual members at the door For more information. call 1949) 729-4400 Eleanor Cooney reads from and signs ·oeath tn Slow M otion My M other's Descent into Alzheimer's" at 6:30 pm at Book Soup South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St Suite 2400, Costa M esa For more 1nformat1on, call (714) 689 2665 A,,.. uminar cata.d ·11 Zing the M i11lng Link?• wlll be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's M arket, 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa. For reservat ions, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Newport BNch Newcomers Assn. will present a fashion • show of the latest spring clothing and shoes. The show is 11 a.m. at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa M esa For more tnforfT\ation, call (949) 645-9922. The Newport Rib Co. and ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant. Twenty percent of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to as11st low-income families in . Orange County. The restaurant is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more information. call (949) 515-3815. ext 231. A free seminar called •Healing All-Stars· will be held from 6·30 to 7:30 p.m a1 Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa. For reservations, call (800) 595·MOMS. . Rosa King presents end signs ·Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling• at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St .• Suite 2400. Costa Mesa For more 1nformat1on call (714) 689·2665 Macy's South Coast Plaza presents ·workshop Wednesdays A Hands·on Cooking Class Program· hosted by cnef Alexx Guevara. The class 1s from 6 to 7·30 p.m . at 3333 Bristol St .• Costa Mesa The cost, including materials. 1s $30 For reserve a spot, call (8181 994 5075 THURSDAY The public is invited to meet Adeline Yen M ah author of ·Falling Leaves.· ·chinese Cinderella" and ·watching the Tree:· at 7 p m at the Newport Beacn Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave Newport Beach For more information, call 1949) 717-3816. FRIDAY Global tNnd-trecker Jeremy Rifkin will present *Petroleum. Politics and the Hydrogen Economy• at 7 p m. at the Newport Beacn Central Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach Tickets are $55, including a buffet dinner. Register m advance by calling (866) 301 2411 or onhne at www. newportbeach/1brary org The Costa Mesa Women's Club will hold its monthly meeting at 11:15 am. at their clubhouse, 610 W 18th St, Costa Mesa, With a fundleon and entertainment For more information, call (949) 642·1162. FEB.22 A woritshop on ·undersunding International TradeH will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials For more 1nformat1on. call (714) 550 7369 Global trend tracker Jeremy Rifkin presents HPetroleum Poltt1cs and the Hydrogen Economy·• at 2 pm at the Newport Beach Central L1br<1ry, 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport Beach T1dcets are $18. including &:dlcnce in ~t & ~ Pbotogr.tpb)· fur awr 57 Years! Blade ~ Whirr & c.olor LEXINGT\0N r o ..... , •A HA ,..4 7/mber !lsfe refreshments Rcy1s1er 1n advance by calling 1866) 301 2411 or onhne at www newpor1btMchl1brary org FEB. 24 A Great DKisions d1sc:uu1on of * lnter(l&tional Food Wars· Growing Controversies" is thu fifth m an eight week series on US foreign policy topics Thf· discussion will be held from 7 to 8:30 p m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Churcn. 2100 M<1r Vista, Newport Beacn For more tnformatton. call 19491 760 1691 FEB. 25 Women Helping Women will host its annual oµen house Ire rn 4 to 8 p m The nonprofit organ1zat1on serves over 2,000 women annually hy prov1dmg clothing to womun in trans111011 and seeking employment Refreshments will b< served The center 1s at 711 West 17tt1 St Costa Mesa For more 1nforrnat1on call (949 423 005 I A free seminar called ·The Connection Betwc "n lnfldrn11 1hC1n and Chronic 01~d'>••!:." w1ll l,.. 111.:hl from 630 to 7 ')() !J m ell Motlir r !> Marlcet 225 Eiist 1 /th St Cu<,til MA5d For rf'lst:rvall• ns e<1ll 800 595-MOMS A woncshop on HMari\etmg and Promotion" 111(111 br hf!ld frrm :J -r- , r, I \ p I! ' ·-· tOllECTION HOME BRAND S ........ All Tommy Bahama , Amber Isle, Cirebon and all other Lexington Home Brands are on SALE NOW! Time is running out on this Special Sale. LAST 4 DAYS! Sale ends Tuesday, February 18th! Full Design Conlultlng Seivlc• Available H.J. GARRET FURNITURE "A famlty tradition of providing service and value since 1960. • ·2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 , • • -., ..,----:':' a m to noon at N1111onal Un1vers1ty, 3390 Hdrtior Blvd Costa Mel.a The S2!:> tee 1nclude1i1 mater1<1ls f'or more mformolton Cdll I /l4J 550 7369 FEB 26 A free aeminar and book signing callt:d "Anti aging for Bdby Boomers and Beyond" will be held from 6·30 to l JUµ m at Mother's Market 225 E:ai.1 17th St • Costa Mesa h,r rei.nvijlH)O!>, Ciill HOO) 595 MOMS FEB 27 A free senunar called ·Hr.Jin c 111: Re1uv•!I\ 1t1on. Nutrtt1ori ilnr1Dc10;1f1<.CJt1on#11\llt be hP.ld fro•n b 30 10 C! p rn cit Mottwr s Mar~•·t n~ East 17th '31 CrJ'ilt1 M"'S<.1 For n·servatrr r !. dll ~!.lO 5%M M< MARCH 1 The Malibu Cat Club 1) See TOWN Page A8 949.644.6933 MON -SAT 10 -6 SUNDAY 12 - 5 ' I A8 Saturday februat} 15, 2003 TOWN Continued from A 7 MARCH2 The Spirit of Adoption preNnts •Room for One More." Three families share their experiencies of opening their hearts and homes from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stewart Lounge. Free.. For more mtormation, call (949) 631-8758. MARCH 3 A Great Decisions dllCUlllon of "China m Transition: Is Real Change lmminentr is the shcth in an eight-week serjes oh U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Diana Light from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mdr1c Presbyterian <;hurth, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more informalion, call (9491 76().1691. MARCH4 A free seminar called '"A Natu,.1 Approactl to Arthritis" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call 18001 595-MOMS. MARCH5 "Not If But When" will feature St. John The Divine Ep iscopal ChurcH 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9:45 Holy Euc harist at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Dr. Bart>ara St-art, RectOI' www.st ncm. ~t ~cliad & AJI ~~ P.illlil View a1 M.u-gucrue C'umnJ Jd M~r • M4 1w, i ~ ( M,(""(tll•"" u/ rJy 1n,h .. 111 ( "'""'"''' " IU //f)/f\l, 111 klA/llf //H/\(,( //HJI/ A\IJ \/NII ... <. QI Ill IJ~f.\11 \In lhr i((v,j l'1rtt ll HJ111M Rtnor \!Nll.\'t '4 HI Ill 11 IS m llul I 111 h•t1•• t "" ,..,,.j,, "-t.•111.\Juli ll1l>lr \11wl. 111.111 111 .. r•l lud.irhl \ ~'I/Joi Hil •1, fll 1 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A c,_,,,;,y twc.114 It Urilf-' Strrilf Jfm Qrfsr n Ud-' SnW' Th.> Rev PrCM!e11 Suoyon, Rector 3209 V10 Lido Newport Booch 949/675-0210 II 7 JO om TroditlOllO. I 9 om Conlemix>ro'Y. 9om Church 5chool I I om Chon $ITlCJOC ond Wednesday Noon a panel of earthqualte expert£ explaining fault lines, insurance and preparation advice for a major earthquake. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. In the . council ctlambert at the Newport Beactl City Hall. For more information, call (949) 548-4966. MARCH 10 A Grut Decisions discuaJon of "Europe: State of the Union" is the seventh in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.IT). at St Mark Presbyterian Churctl, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. MARCH 11 A fnM seminar called ~A N81U,.I Approactl to Vision and Hearing Treatmenr will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet, 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MARCH 12 A free book signing and seminar called "The Mood Cure· by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 ~' '\ \<,O<,l I • ,&.--.-.-.:: TEMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH Pre sen ls A SIHIW COURSI llt UAllMING TO IW HWEW fw Jewlsli & .._.Jewlsli ,..,,. IJ IAlll MDC IUlt:MSTIM, .M 11111 ........ _., _, ,_ ..,, ..... TUotlNG HUIEW. ,_..,._,., ... tn1elew ......... fVEIY TUfSOAT ltlGHI AT 1:30 P'lll fll. 4, II, II. 2S; MAIOt 4, II .............. cll "491 ~'°° 1401 htot ..... Mow,on ...... <.ooe: S50.00 W. ... •• .... _,. Rl'v Michael B,inkhead, Pastor Adult 'iunda\. 5'.hool: 8:45am Ch1ldrvn's Chutr. 9:00am Worsh ip & Children\ Sunda School: llJ,101 I 1'1~< < >P·\l St. Matthew' We're c:xcitcd, our new church is L """""' .1 d u I h . \IJ·1~ open an weo ove to ave you visit St. Matthew's Church & Preschool ~ p~rnh of 1hr Angl1un C.11hol1c ( hurch Tradh.ionaJ Episcopal "ou1111.iv \, "'"' ~ 1'; 'llHJ t. 11 Ill) .un "411ttb1 \. 1 ..... 1 •11.10 Jiii www.s1nu11loc"""'~•.<Om 1 10() I or.I Ru.,I \lcwpon lk-•<h le'"" • tlon11• l..inv1111 & P1.•rnc Kd) 1 he ltcv. \1cphr11 C \urlcn, KC'<tc)t 1949) 219--091'1 Sunday Service I Oam Bonita Creek Park Center, East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. f.or from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 11 n.ervationa, call (800) ~s. Mother's Market 226 Ea1117th .St., Costa Mesa. For MARCH17 reservations, call (8001 AGruto.dllonecl9Cu9tlonof 696-MOMS. "The Global Struggle for Ytt>men'a Rights" ls the lest In an eight......-eek MARCH25 seriee on U.S. foreign poNcy topics. A frM spring dNnJng wottc.ehop The discussion will be led by ICelen called "Detox and OeatWng ThN Speros from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Ayurveda" will be held from 6:30 Mart Pteebyterian Church, 2100 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet, Mar Vista, Newport Beach. f.or 225 East 17th St, Coat.a Meu. f.or more infonnat.ion, call (9491 reservations, caU (8001696-MOMS. 760-1691. MARCH26 MARCH 18 A frM spring clHnlng Mmlner The Newport Harbor Orchid called "The Tao (Way) of Society is hosting an orchid Cleansing" will be held from plant auction from 7 to 10:30 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's p.m. at the Neighborhood Market. 226 East 17th St., Costa Community Center, 1845 Park Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 Ave .. Costa Mesa. Free. For more 595-MOMS. information, call (949) 642-4148. ONGOING A,,.. seminar called "The Role TMnt ere Invited to drop by the of Supplements in Fighting city of Costa Mesa Recreation Cancer• will be held from 6:30 to Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, through Friday for indoor and 225 East 17th St.. Costa M81>a. outdoor sports and activities. For reservations. call (800) The Center is at 1860 Anaheim 595-MOMS. Ave. For more Information, call (7141327-7560. MARCH 19 A free seminar called "Feng Shul for a Healing Home" will be held The N~ Beach City Hall ii displaying atercolor paintings WORSHIP DIRECTOR¥ \II 11101>1\I Newport c:enu.r United Methodist Church Rt-v. CaLhlecn Coou, Pasror 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quiet Worship S<rviu /(}am Wo11hip and Chil.drm's Sunday School Youth muting weekly l l llllH\'\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC..A..) 788 Dovw °'· Newport hec:h Tradltlon•I Lutb•rwn Putor O•vtd Monge Worship S.rvtce with Holy CommunJon Sund•Y 9:15 am r MESA VERDE UNrTED METHOOtST CHURCH 1701 Beker, C.M. Wonhlp & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714)97~ Dr Richard lieoroe Rev Stephanie Toon Semor MlnlSler Youth M1ntster Christ Church By che Sea Ununl McthoJm 1400 W lklho.. Bl•d , N~wpun ~h " H >-m Adull '>undn 'llhuol • lO tic 10 ..... ""'1up ...J 11'.ldirn. 'lund.~ ~ The Rn. Or. George R Crl.tp, Puc.or (949)67}-}805 < I 11{ I \ I I \ '\. ' •. &; . : .. ·~ . ' -. ' -" . ! We 've Tried Them All Tool Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlaclplH of Chr111) 2401 ll'"fllM AYI. Newport l11ch, CA (949) 645-5781 ST. MARK PRF.SBYTERIAN CHURCH Unh~niry and la Vida St., NPB lt.t"V ( .. ul Miller Alb<n and ~ '>ltph<'n I Albm M11c1s1c:r\ I CIWI ,.,.,111111!1<1 I" ...J.Jplll• lltl •llfE INTERIM CttAKACTEJl OF UF£ • ll'ulm 90: 1-1-) qANOl~W'S "Optn Arms and Optn Minds" ,., ................ -.. {949) 640-7343 Parents and OiiJdn:n _Worship Goel Toga.her: ( 1111.drm mtmut d- '--doy, ,._, IS, 1.DOl, S&JO P.M. 5-'ey. ~ t,, 200J, l:.JO le f~U A.M Worship 9:30 J.------------·-~ __ .,_,..._. __ ... __ *'1 __ 1_=0(J_P.M. _ _... J..W..t FMIJllaffh Nft'JIOl1 ledl 1 p11rt111p1ll~ m w smTUr f_ + •A GoJ<tnccrcd pmsh com.muruty, instructed by the Word of God A Our LadYQ~~e~;fAngels 2046 Mar Vi. ta Drive N~n Bca,h, California 92660 (949)644--0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Momignor Willi.un P Mclauglilin Pastor LITURGIES: ~rurdJy, 5 p.m. (Cantor}, Sun<l~y. 7:00 (Quiet), 8.30 (\ ·onrcmpomy) I 0.00 ({Mu), 11 :JO 1 m (u1nor) and ~:00 p.m. (Conccmpnmy) • FmST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newport Boach 673-1340 OT 673~150 01wdl 10 crm 81 5 pm Sunday Sd'rrd 10 nm ~......ig,.... il\JJ' ).J 1.111 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENI'IST 3100~ViawDr Nowport 89odl 644-2617 or 675-4661 Olurd\ toam sunday School 10 am ~....._.1J0pm a Ill Wlldiw»f la hlJClll Now unto the Kine....-, ...........,, ...... , .... enty w&M Oed, ................ ..,., fw ......... .,.._ 'Timolhy 1117 (19 .... , ~dllr ~cw• lk fd(lliQ eta.. Scilil ...... •t-.... by Juan Casado Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, calJ (949) 717-38JO. The Assn. of Buelntsl Sentic.e hosu a networking meetJng that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 805--0011. Th• Newport Be•ch Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branctl from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (9491717-3800. Free tours of th• o,.ng• County Performing Arts Center take gues15 to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. b8dcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Group tours can be hetd by special arrangement For more infonnation. call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. Th• Newport Be•ch Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newpo rt Beactl who have hved in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645·9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. OHi• Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange 1uice for $3, $1 tor dl1ldren The ceoter IS at 800 Marguerite. Corona def Mar Fo1 more rnformatJon, call (949) 644 3244 Macy's South CoHt PtaH presents ·workshop Wednesdays· A Hands-on Cooking Class Program• hosted by ctlef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yog• end rtlythm, ·vogarhythm1c.s" combrnes yoga, dance and fun The class 1s held t•om 4 10 ICI b 4& pm Tuesdavs at .l~U Mesa Verde Drive East. ~u1tf' 1T1 Costa Mesa F-u1 11uri. 111u11nat1on call 1714) 754 7399 Deity Pilot The Newpoft ~Nautical MuNOm offers the exhibit "Your Mafesty. There It No Secood: The America!'• Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The muaeum i1 at 161 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admlulon For more Information, ~II (949) 673-7863. lntemtth couplee with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group 15 geared toward dealing with issues between Interfaith couples, sudl as raising ctlildren, observing holld•ys, aymbols in the hom e and relationships wtth extended families. The coS1 for three sessions Is $45 per couple. Preregistration Is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (7141445-4950 Women SO end okMr can join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues suctl as anxiety, depression. relationships, loneliness and family The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 am Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa Preregistration required (714) 4454950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to don ate books to replenish the dwindhng stock. Books may be left at any of the three branctl libraries Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beactl. All hardcover and paperbact donations. with the exception of magazmes and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667 The Brallle lnstrt:ute ofhtra tree computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave , Corona del Mar, o tters soc ses&1ons Call to 11gn up fo r classes (714) 821-5000 A spiritu•I care cl•u meets et 7.15 p .m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beactl Call to reserve a seat (949) 263-1462 The Cost• Me .. Ch•mber of Commerce hosts networlung lunctleon meetings Wednesdays from 11 45 a.m. to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The See TOWN, Pa1e A9 FIORE AND DOGMA OPEN AT NEWPORT COAST SHOPPING CENTER Newport Coast Shopping Center has two new s tores offenng convenient :.ervice-. for local f'l"-1dents Located at San Joaquin li1lb Rd and Newport Coa~t Or., fiore as d unique nonst de~1gned .itter a.11 open- acr market, and Dogma 1~ a store offering c\ erythang for dl!>Cnnunahn~ dogs and theu owner., fiort' .,~"('tahtt"> m nne-<if-a- kmd i1rr..mgeml'nts and offers the h1~h1.'!>I quality, fresh Oorab th.it are in open display~ for cu~tomt>rs to hand select their own n .. ~er. Fiorr can cw.tom- order anv vanety of flower and offe~ deh"erv of gifts that can be attached to floweT arrange- ments Popular gifts to send with .trrangcments include "mommy and me" bracelets that make ideal gifts for a new mother and her baby. The used vaSt."'> an: thl'n filll'<l and don.att.>d t<i local shdter. and utht:'r chanhc•" to bnghten tht·ir faolcht.., All Oower. from f1ort .trt' guar.rntet.>d dnd w mt> with in!>truchoru. on how to properly care for thdl p.irticular arrangeml'nt Tht• <,tort• "'"" ofter'> free d1·lt Vl'r) w1tl'Hn .i fl\'e-mile rad1u-. fiorr ,., 11pc·n Monda\ through Sarurdd). l.J a m to n pm and L<, l1k·a1t.J .11 211167 Newport (<ld'>t OnH' tn Nt>wport Beal h To plaCl' an order or for more 1n/onnanon, caU (949) 64<>-6..193 Dogma '" al-.o Ol'W to Newport Cout Shopping Center, catenng to ma.n·., be<.I (nend According to owner Jerry CarteT, there are nearly as many dogs as pt>eple m Orange County and Dogma caters to Rott olf«s 111 llllJlwt ~ """,.,,.Ind,,. dehy ~..,,' .. ,,.rd.JI I Fiorr hns also become a those dog lovers who prefer partner l.n sul?porting local quality pmducb offered alon schools by ~ating "'Education with friendly, personaliz~ in Bloom Through this customer se:rvice. l unique program, fiorr donates Dop4 carries aupcn or I 10 percent of all saJes for the brand!! ol dog food toys boocs first week of every month to dog treats, n: to,,; and local school that each customer I.Anda.rd collars and bPddJng, designates, be it their children's groom.ing pmducu, tr.vet IChool or their neighborhood ll<'<'6.ct0ries, tral.nlng aids, achoo!. apparel for dop and their "Th.la can be a wonderful ownas u weU u gilb for dog fund-raiser for any school," lov~.' Dop• abo often • said own<'t' Jiii Wheeler. "tt iB a convenient delivery •rvlce fun and uniqUt' way to raise within a 6v~mil radiu.s. money while ~ti"8 yourself Dop• Is located at 21U3 to flowut.or showing yoW' love Newport Coatt Ddv~ and can to a friend or family member bt reachc!d •t (9'9) 64().6012. with flowe"'" Por mo~ information vtslt ln addition, Flore offef"4 1 www'4dogma rom OopY it v~ e dwlge program, in Opt"\ Monday through which euttomm can bring ln turday from 10 1 m to 6 pen. tMl.r old v and ~ve ind Sundey from 10 a m to CJ'fd t tow Md • futwt-purch.t • 5 p m ~red and J'llld I r by Md1 a ...,.,....Rtt.\i&ni\ ,; .. .. . . .... ···......,..·-·-·-·· .... Daily Piiot TOWN Continued from Af3 c<>st is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Moag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoay Drive, Newpon Beach. Free. Registration not required The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6i32. St. Andr9W's Presbyterian Churth hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and the11 parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa, $10 per person, per session. Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their ctuldren. The group meets from 10 to 11 .30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Servi1.e office at 250 E. Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa The grouo will cover managing anger. anxiety an<l peer pressure children expenence Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445 4950 The Costa Meaa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7·30 10 10 30 p m every Tuesday myht at 695 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa S4 1949) 548 3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an onyoiny healing support group for the ctiromcally 111 The purposP. is tCJ provide part1c1pants w1ttt emotional and spmtual supµort 10 manage illness and its consequences fhe group meets at 7 p m Thursdays at th1J Jewish Family Service office at 250 f Baker St.. Costa Mesa Alt et 1ddr11 e is tree, but registration 1s rPqu1100 (714) 445-4950. Scrabble Club No 35-0 meets from 6 10 10 p.m Thursdays di Borders Books, Music & Cal~ a1 South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa $3. New players are welcome 19491 206 9822 The Coin end Stamp Ctub meets from 1 to 3 p m Mondays at the ..... Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling S1amps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Servic. otren ongoing bereavement suppon yroups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive soppart and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 am. Tuesdays'at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445 4950. Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a support and rt1scuss1on group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker SL, Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required (714) 4454950. Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort The resort 1s at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20. or $10 for Cahforma Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturaltsts and Friends members. (949) 729-1150 A yoga and dance class is held from 4 30 to 5:45 p.m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 M esa Verde Drive E<1st, Suite 111. Costa M esa (714) 754 7399. The Rev. Connie Rycicman leads a 1hscuss1on group us1ny the book Conversations with God~ from nnon to 1 pm Tuesdays at the Center for Spmtual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Me_sa Bring a lunch (714) 754 7399 MaBhall's Tee Kwon Do in CoS1a Mesa offers free self defense dasses to airline pilots and flight ..inendants Classes are taught by three 11me U.S National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's 1s at 333 E 17th St., 1 Suite 13. Costa Mesa (949) 574 0122 A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group 1s led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E Baker St. Suite G, Costa Mesa (714) 445 4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mer 711 of Orange County offers a ------- --.... --. . . . . IRISH BLEND !>atutday, February J 5. 2003 At available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go 10 the asaoclatlon. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave .. Co1ta Mesa. (949} 515-6500. Ouls s.nM>r c.n.... on... • daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a hmlted local support 1ystem. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word. Quicken, Print Shop and Internet usage.(949)644-3244 The Costa Meu Communicaton ToaS1masters Club meets trom noon to l p.m. Wednssdsys at the OrlJnge County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to 1mprOVP his or her public speaking skills (714) 444-8783. The Newport S.ac:h D1stlngu1shed ToaS1masters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt Pepperoni's meeting room. 2300 Bristol St .. Newport Beach Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. Dublin's Traditional Irish Cabaret will perform at 8 p.m. March 1 in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre. The cast of 15 Irish performers will present blends of tradittonal Irish dance. ballads, songs and humor. For ticket information, call (71 4) 432-5880. The Jewish F.mily Serva of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women to discuss life passages and changes, body images. family, relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office 1s at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mess. Preregistration 1s required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. program tor boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing. se~manship, piloting, navigation and cru..1sing. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior CentM offers ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mes.a Senior Cmzen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join rts group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E Baker St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m . the thtrd Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeac:h.org. The Thursday Moming Women's Oub, a 40-year-old friendship club, is seeking new members. The club, which includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m. oo the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and indudes en1ertainment The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (71 4) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The American Legion meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bill Mim1aga. (949) 650-0894. Nightly meetings for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa Mesa and Newpon Beach. (714) 774-9106 or (8001 642-0666 The Newport Sports Museum, a nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia. is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . weekdays and 10 a m. ta 3 p.m. on Saturday (949) 72 1-9333 or www newportsports museum.01g The Estancia High School Parent Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper dnve every Saturday from 9 a.m to noon in the school's nonhwest parking lot. on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and th1dr. magazines are not. Also, bms are The Mesa Meuengen Toastmasters Club 691 m Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United M ethodist Church, 1701 W Baker SL, Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446 The Blue Flame Toastmasters Club 2717 meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village. 1651 Sunflower Ave . Costa Mesa. The meeting is free for first-time visitors (949) 855-4308. The Newport CentM Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at See TOWN, Pa1e Al6 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members Lot.s of Equipment/Free Weights Pllates Studio & Mat Classes SPINNING Theater-Licensed 16 Full lime Personal Trainers Child Care Sam-noon M -F Ample & Convenient Par1dng Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch classes Step, Power Pump. Cardio Showers Steam & Towels Skin Care Shap&-Up Physical Therapy Center Pennanent Make-Up Shap&-Up HaJr Care Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic brightcolors perfect fit Our new spring collection has arrived! w th~ liirge.i ~1ccuun from brand name'I Van Elt. "it.-!llo Mt.-uect and lbngoni 1n tilt." latt.~ ~lo Miny Jft' .wiufahlc m hard to find $17CS from 4' co 12,and widths from RlpcMJllm co wtclr:f AL~ avatlahlc. unique handb;&g.'i and :i~cs tncludin.g the m-w Eric jaVJt.s8 cotJcction Mention this ad between Feb. 14 • 28 and .. • T11keo l~"off .my n<'W pnnjt mmtuncltw • RcttJW' a FREE Mattu! ('(™~ b.i~ with .an) '~ purt'tu'W' ..,,_ flllfJl.la ,_ 'f.ala.o..4D , ......... """ , ... ,""--""' ,.....,. clNm • Coro"" Del Mar Plaza 964AvocadoAvcnuc,(comcroCMacArthUl'and POI) • 9-'~721-132 --....,.. ... AlO Saturday, februMY 15, 2003 ON VACATION Oait/ Pilot David and Diane Steffy of Newport Beach and Marlene and Jim Pope of Corona del Mar at the BCS National College Football Championship in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, Tempe, Ariz. Chapman graduate Molly Dignan (third from left) spent New Year's in Slovakia and the High Tatra Mountains with brother James (left) and parents Debbie and Jack DignaQ of Costa Mesa. Mike, Cynthia, Joey and Robert Blackwell of Costa Mesa ring in the New Year at Buckingham Palace in London. HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CA RPETS 230 East 17th SI • Cosio Me$0 (949) 722-7224 www r~W>ndcorpe~ com fllotl fn I~. Sol 10-5 WARNING Auto and work injury victims. Injured at work? Or in a car accident? Do not WI anochcr cby w11hou1 knowmg yow ngh~ Do not smk wur asc or <pc2k with Ul~'Ofle unul ~'Ou l'C'al\C thu rcpon md \·1Ct1m chc<lc Im Call 800-913-9776 And rCCCl\c 1h1~ 1mpurun1 mfonnmon elf Ewmg & L \teen fa~ mg SHOULD YOU GO FOR THE LOWEST INTEREST RA TE? When you are bu)'mg a nev. home or refinancing your prcsen1 one. 11 1' ~mart 10 do some comparison ~hopping among lender\. A low mtere\t rare 1sn '1 the onlj cntenon by which to Judge a loan You ~hould al,o wn,1der the tenm of the loan. v. hat ~our clo\mg co't' will be and the reputation of the lender. Realtor~ are a good sourte of in formation about loan~ and lenders, whether you are buying a home or JU'll refinancing your present home 'We routmeh assist buym when th y need a loan m order to purcha'e a home . We know what loan package~ are available and the qual1f ymg requirements. The compan1e~ with the lowest rate, ~tune' have Ver} COll!>Crva11ve underwntmg guideli nes. and may not be willing 10 make loans on certain type~ of propert1e~ or to buym who arc marginally qualified We can tell you which companie!. and loan officers will go the extra mile to provide excellent \ervice to make sure that the Irani.action closes. Lyleen and Jeff have 30 consecutive years of real e late experience in Newport Beach For prort iooal servict or advice with all your rul estate nttd call tht Ewin at Coa t Newport.Coldwell Banker at (949) 759.3796. The EWings Ate Coat Newpott Propetty'a 11 T.-n FOi 2001 ~ WHATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT is published penodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the · information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627,byfaxto(949)640-4170;or bye-mail to da1/ypiloto!'-lat1mes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College 1s offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W Pacific Coas1 Highway, Newport Beacn. (949) 645-9412 or v1s1t occsa1ling com. Sailing Fascination ofterw classes in boating safety and sailing year round for persons with d1sab1lities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employen can bnng their employees out to Newport Beacn on weekdays to enioy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Scf'lool of Sailing and • HARDWOOD• LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TTLE • VINYL FLOORING • M6ttetGICN f .f ... t;l:.:.:.i SOI ARIAN ~1\l60"PTl-i t.•Mlllt.Ot • FlOifle-t.. -111•• • 111 • •w....,._ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER from s4~~ -$14~~ Travertine 18" x 18" ......................................................... 14.29 1qt Ceramic Tiie . . ....................................... /t'lftil/leOfrom 14.99 111l Larmnate Wood. ........................................... nstallecl from '4.99 lq ll • rzrwot nn"UI' "'-67S • Seamanship now offers a cnance for groups to work with the on·boarq instructor on drfferent sailing tedlniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business No sailing expenence necessary One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412 BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can en1oy nautical expenences from mild to wild Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your cnoice of power and sail watercraft, iump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo 1etboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above 1t all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are inctuded with all electric boat rentals. Balt>o. Boat Rentals c.n put you on the water 1n many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boa1 Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group act1v1ty for corporations. birthdays. nonprofit organizations and group outings The hunt pad<ages include boats. trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering 1s available at an add111onal rate For hunt reservations, call (949) 673 7200 Electric t>o.t rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W Coast Highway Newport Beacn All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested An hour rental 1s $75 (949) 645 6812 Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards kayaks, inflatable rafts. catamarans. beacn furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes (949) 729 1150 Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co of Newport. 34{)0 Via Oporto. Suite 102 B The $75 cost includes a baskel of bread. cneese. salami ice. glasses. a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine 1s also available COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-·9ok Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • lnjecrion 'ervice Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Pollurcr Repairs Acae1co Motorcran Sam~ Owner Sinu 1965 38 Yt-ar.s In Co.rta M~sa Bendix Tll CllBDITOl IBDP llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baler) ~ 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mai l: carbparts@checarbshop.co m Nicole, Nathan and Brian Wagner in Times Square in New York Crty on New Year's Eve. (949) 675-1212 Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W Coast Highway. offers one- and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour wrth champagne is $70 A two-hour tour wrth dinner and cf'lampagne IS $180 Pidcup 1$ dva1lable at waterfront restaurants (949) 675-4984. Irvine Cout Charters in Lido Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner $180 for two persons (949) 675-4704 Gondola Roma~ off9rs daily tours of Newport Harbor during lundl and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730 The tours go out of Lido Manna Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beacn CRUISES Electric Boat Tours often two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-tnp hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service 1s available. P1dt-up from restaurants with dodts 1s also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www. wattsontheharbor com . Car Accident? Free Communiry Service Report reveals what most insurance companies don't want you 10 know! To receive \'Our free copy in the mail wuhm 48 hours, call the coU- free 24-hour recorded message at 1,8()(),707-0472. The call and che report is free co the fim 75 callers. Call the 24 hour recorded message today! THE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE . ---------------- You met with a designer fiTst, not a salesman, and your designeT stayed with you et1ery step of the way. Under the Roger's system, the same ~ that makes the initial contact thsigns the project, supen,Ue.1 • the irutalladon and talces fldl responsibility for its success. ft a GARDENS CoLORSCAPB ••• OuR L.\NDSCAPE D1v1 ·10 N 2101 AN JOAQUIN HIUS. CX>RONA OU MAR. CA 9~25 949.64().5806 CG s a a c a \ Tom Baker of Newport Beach with students in Sukhbaatar Square. Ulan Bator. Mongolia Avoi~ thre ordinary, come to Tile Italia." Dl:SIGN · SliPPl Y · INST ·\U.AllON KITCHEN "Rb\I>\ 10 l\\IAI I" I mt pon.hon ...,d CQ.Ufill;R TOP~ <.RANITE n•lur.J \!Ont told COL'~"TER TOPS •nd onulilc-d ii . ......,.1 .. ......,. A5 W'l AS S45.00 -.4 n • ~I I'-•'• . tompttlln~ pn.a. • t "'""'"' • \t t..tL iJJ* -1,a, I~ !lruo '"'-• • t, II..~ 'l>lt•h ''\ c,k\'11~ II.Ill Ill' .,,..H.lr ro • .-~~'' • , ......... ""-l~t.•,.t' I CH' II Mlllr I\ '0 1-n"",... t. ""-W • -~ \!• ... IC t'c 111 \ ll \I II) ... ~(~ri. •• 4 $695 11 ' \ '" I \.\I I)~" ~0.C"?""'h\ l'lu . ..-'~' lil! T . 18" 18' ' ..... . S2 95 "' I' ra,cn1nc x , ....... .... • ........ , .. Tile Italia · The Stone Activists I I 9 J ..,,,, OH' ........ . [VERWOOI)• h11nd\ To looll 11 thnn vuud \wur tht-v re rc1l wood But thnc: blind\ 'WOf'lt I~. WMJ> Of end t"Vl:1l in tM k1tchcfl or lwthroom And now EVERWOOO Is avail.bl' In new n1turaJ !<>Mt llld ~ fin«ha. hlrd 10 btllt"'t' they're~ prJC11Cal ~than today THESE NEW FABR ICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . n. tdl 1o11t1 o1 v~· ........ ~­ -.. l'"9 -Clbru 11111 ~ IO -')'Ollt c--them lodly w 1i 1 • f . t t • t t t •I•• I ... , .... ~ ........ . ""' ""' .......... . ·. 0 N V A C A "I I 0 N Sdturdd.,. r P!Jrwr~ I' 2003 Al 1 Robbie Bntv1ch with grandkids (left to nghtl ;ason. Joshua and Kristi Jacobs and daughter M1ck1 Jacobs at the Tulum Rems in Newport Beach brothers Carter and Elhott Kaufman took the Daily Yucatan, Mexico Pilot on a tnp to Hoover Dam. Now Serving Sandwiches. • Custom Made • Fresh Su11Flour Bread • Boar's H ead M eat & Cheese RcJC\m I• 1' { •upon for SI <Hf .\ 1 'l~nd\\1,h \lu,• l'rN"r.' ( ..i~>r \· lime \ 11 1• .. r,h.1.\C I Lrn' Knlccm R• 2 22 O' f2-F. 1-111 SIRIH . COSL\ :'\llS:\, (<).j<)) 6·f6-l·H0 "'"' lwr ·-0011: h.OClr·\I • \11. ·,001\1-'i:OOl'\I • C"lll\I l>\l ''\IH\\ '' tnd1m "'' l'rlllf:., th.it "111 .ii" ,n ... ht pl'rtet·th m \our humt I rom R11llt r ~h.idt" to Wood., tn ~huttcr.,, th,• c 1.1 ..... ll l t1l It•( hi in from I funtt•r Uou~la' can cm l'r an\ '' tndm' .,. 17th St. 'The LaTlf eS t, :J ine.st, ~F 1'Uruif iest 'Beauty Supply fir :! u/{ 5erHfl! 5a.Um In Orange (au11 ty NEW ARRIVALS 0 F \rrruhabu f>morzabud Braal.ttJ Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection L or:w <.t't' 1t1c:-m·'' Sh.lpt flt"; blind-. Imm Hur11t·r Dou~la" 1 l'l• S(lh fJ0\\1'1~ Cllf\l'" ,111d 1t·\1u•ed hrlt'" I k1· !Jru,I r :1:1• ;r 1h: lm1k 11l 1tw <>11f:.fat r• rolth on .1 Homan -.hadt ·\ntl SIMJll r t.., 11 111 nor warp. u .id1 p1·t'l •n f.1<1t: I \en in l1um1d l'l'.1'-or dlft.'I t '>lHlhghl l Olllt: Ill Ind '>I'• tht''>t' bt•.wuful l>l1:1ds wd.1\ ~ .. ,,.,,,,.., ,, ...... .... , ........ ' . Come see 1he new EvcrWood• CouncrySide bhnds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats create a bcauuf ul board-on·board desrgn And the step.up· look adds depth. d1mens1on and charicter 10 any room And Ever\\\>od CountrySlde will n0t warp. crack. peel or Cade Even 1n humid 11eas or ditea sunhflt Come see these beaultful bhnds Coday , II II II d-1 .,.._ r---------, !200/o ! I OFF .::;~;.. I I Ead~ '°"' 'r..,. WO.SllMI R-I Fvrtm-< i S.•n C-~um "lol 9ooc1 I """'.,r olt>M olf..< or Wit t..., I I 'll .... 11-k ............... c.., U4.9 ·~ Olll ....... 2fM,.) I I ,., .. ~~!°:'017 11 L---------~ E "::r S• I .f . -... .. .. .. . .... Al2 Saturday, Febru.iry 15, 2003 Oatly Pilot oo· 'Visions ' of the dance department At the annual recital, original works by the f~cuJ ty of the UC I~ne d ance school are performed. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot T he UC Irvine Oaire Trevor S<;hool of the Arts Department of lr.mce will hold il!> annual farnh} program, "Dance Visions," on feb 20. l I. 22 at the Barclay Theatre. David Allan. Eloy Barragan, Bob BonN ... l hrisline Chrest, Donald McK41vll· and I .isa Naugle. teacher, at thl' '><-hool. have choreographed piet.t''> tlldt will be perfonned by the ~hoor., dance students. ·· I ),uire Visions' i!> the annual facuhy concert, which has been gomg on lor more than 20 years, .. Allan .!>illd 11., l onc,idere<l a faculty concert b} proft~1onab and 1-. an opportunity to !>Ct new creations or use existing ones. It's the most substantial thing ll1at we present and produce." Allan said that they also bring in guest perfonnen. and have had Paul Taylor. Douglru. Becker, Wllbam Foresythe and othen.. Its purpo~ is to give a really well-rounded, ecleclic performance. Ille professon. involved are <Ll-.o professional choreographer... Allans piece "0-La·Know" premiered at UCI in November 1997. "TI1e work is b~ on original choreography 119951 for the Pittsburgh Ballet and was alM> perfonned in 2001 by the Amencan Ballet Theatre\ '>ummer lnten-.1ve Program," Allan said. The show will offer a wide variety of works, with Naugle's premiere of "Nightdriving" using a lot of video projection and dance technology. Eloy Barragan will premiere '"Memorias," a ballet for 12 dancers set to the music of 18th-century composer Tomaso Alblnoni The piece was written in memory of hi<> late mother. "It lalks about images and memories I have of my mother." Barragan said. "The audience will ~ the movement" I le said that the perfonnance wiU have universal appeal because it ~ about women and any mother who gives to her child "She gave everything to me and my brother.. and sisters." Barragan said. The piece breaks into three movements. The fin..t part shows a FYI WHAT: Dance Visrons 2003 WHEN: 8 p.m. Feb. 20 and 21and2 and 8 p.m. Feb. 22 COST: Tickets are $15, $14 and $10 for UCI students. INFORMATION: (949) 824-2787. young woman. "When we're young -that youth. I !>aW her ru. young and brilliant," Barragan said. "We were a working family, very poor. so she worked." In tllis ru.pect he depict!> her youth, and the way !>he was when she was young -always laughing and showing how one deals with opponunities at lhat age. "Sometimes she would grab an opportunity, or it would disappear JUSt like water through her hand!>," See DANCE, Paee Al6 SEANH ER Author Adehne Yen Mah of Huntington Beach write s about her childhood 1n China and the effect of history and fable on ttie Chinese language. A real ~l ife Cinderella By Coral Wilson Daily Pilot I t is u classic tale 1ha1 ha.., been p~l·d down for generation-. about a little girl, her evil stepmother. a pair of gla-.s slipperc, and a pnnce II was a story about Ye Xian told in Olina during the Tang Dyna!>ly. When the story spread 11110 l·urope. the magic fish became a fo1ry godmother and the girl'<> name was changed to Cinderella. The '>tory was not forgouen - could not he forgotl('n, because ii i'> a tory known all too well by children pa'>I and prc-.ent And sometime.,, 1t 1s no1 all malce believe. Once upon a lime 11ot ~o long ago. a httle girl was born in Olina named Adeline Yen Mah. Curi.ed from Lhe beginning. when her mother died hortly after giving birth, c;hc was conc;idered bad luck by her family. When her father Best-selling author Adeline Yen Mah will speak about her childhood in China at the Newport Beach Central Library remarried a teenage bndc a year later, she wa., lhe ob1ec1 ofhl•r <.,tepmother.., anger and her t.,1bling's blame. She became so im.ignificant to her father that he even forgot her name. Only her fairy godmother. her Aunl Baba, loved her The girl escaped to study medicine in England and lht•n to America, where she met hrr prince. She became a successful anesthesiologic;t with a large· hou.,e in I luntington Beach, a ha1>py marriage and two children After lhe death of her father and c;tepmother, she was finaJJy free lo write her '\tory. "falling Leaves." which became a New York T1mec; best-seller. Surprised by a huge respon<>e from c;ympathet1c children, she wrote her M'Cond FYI WHAT: Adeline Yen Mah will give a talk WHEN: 7 p.m. Feb. 20 WHERE: Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave INFORMATION: (949) 717-3816 book, "Olinese Cinderella," a trul' , <>tory for other real life Cinderella!> around the world. "When many children feel desperate. they confide in another. lf there is no one to tum to, they rum to me." Mah sald. "I want to tell chiJdren to believe in themselves and that they can prove their abusers wrong. When they are told they are worthless, ugly, a lost cause. a child starts believing ... A third book, "Wa tching the I ree." followed. ·A Thou.,and Piece' of Gold~ was published al the end of last year. Mah is now working on a fifth book. a kung fu novel for children ba<>ed on history 1.ach hook. offer., new insight'> 11110 Chine<>e thought, philo'iophy and the language. ultimately bringing people and cultures together. "In Clline!>e, every word 1-. a picture, which is very well if the concept they want to develop 1s concrete. A bird is a bird and a horse i<> a hor!>C. But what 1f the word is abstract, like contradiction?" The Cllinese word for contradiction is "spear annor." Words In Oiinese come from stories based in history and don't aJways make sense when translated directly. Mah tells the story behind this word, contradiction: Thtre was a See CINDERELLA, Paee Al 6 FANTASTIC FIVE TODAY 1 Rods on. Roc:t bendt Spirtlejett U.K., AiNnde Hugenkisa· & the HMvy Hitler•, the George Fryer COmbo, Walter C1evenger end V.nue .IOf* wit red the Din Ofn atage at the Bamboo TemtCe .. 'm Newport BNd., COIU MIN. For infonnadon, celf CM) MS 91510. • SUNDAY 2 8ouridl oA nlend. Irish roo11 mu..c bend Comrad ""'" bling lta Cehlc IOUnda to the Harp Inn at 130 E. 17th In Costa Meta. For infotmedon, ctM (Ml) ... •& . ft a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 Lisa Naugle premieres ~Night· driving," an interactive dance. video and projection work inspired by "The N1gbt Or'lver," a short story by ltalo Calvino. COURflSl'Of UC f?V NE THEATER .. . Colleges ready plays by Ionesco and ·'Fiddler' New productions on the horizon at ace and Vanguard in Costa Mesa. By Tom Titus W hether your l.1. ... ll' rum. 10 ropular mu'>icab or aJ,...urdL<,t drama..,, t11cl"t''i. ~mt•thmg corrung up for yuu JI J wlll>ge Ill ( .o-.la Ml"><L Omngl' C..oa.'>I Colll-gl''> Repertory l11ca1er Company retumc; to tJ1c ..,potlight wn1w11. operung a two-weekend Vl!>ll 10 I ugerw lone\<.·o, one of the theater·_., mo<,l famou.., absunfo .. t playwnghl'>, for three of the llornarnan aulhor\ mo-.1 lClebrate<l -.hon pla)". Meanwhile. a few hlock.'> away. VcinJ,'UJft.I lJruVl'r.lly L'> prepanng .t '>Omewhat more amb1uou ... undenak.u1K mounung the mu<,1cal "I 1ddler on the Hoor on the lumtl'<.I dimen\IOfl.'> of the rnllege\ I yceum 'llleater, al'>O fur two weekcmb. al bell for I 0 perfonmUlces. The "I vt•nrng of lom"i<'o·· at OC..C-. ..,_udm nic<lll'r \\.ill offer 11w Hald Soprano," • Ille l.e-..'><ln" ,md ·The IJ..•adt•r -"'ioprano· 1-. Im fir..t play. wnuen .it tht• a~e of 38. and !t-urvivf:.'d cnucaJ dL.,.'it'(:llon to betoml' .tn intemalional succl's..'- The playwright. who died in I~ at the age of 82, ll'>Cd tus unique ronn of ((Jm('(Jy to convey what he ..aw a.'> the meanmglessness of modem man\ exi,tence in a universe ruled by chance. Probably the most famow; work of hi.., rnore than 20 plays ii. "Rhm<x.croc;." "An I venmg of lorw'>t. o • will be prt">ented Saturday.. at 8 p.m. and ',undays at 2 anc.l 7 p.m lhmugh t-:en 2J at the OCC Studio Theater. lickcts may be n.~rved by calHng (714 J 4.\2 5640, bet. I. Unbke the loneM:o plJy... "Fiddler on the Roor n'qUll'l"i little or no mtroducuon for local audiences. lne 'itory ofTevyt! the dairyman and hls liw daughters displaced hy the nu~1an revolullon has become one of America's most popular -and rn~t presented -musical!>. The show~ score. by Jerry Bock and Sheldon I lamick. L'i among the most l'amiliar in lhe theater "lf I Were a Rich Man," "Sunrise, Sunset," "Matchmaker," lo Life," etc. have become pop standards. asswn111g a life of their own. Dtrectmg "Fiddler" will be Carey Curtis Smith, who staged Vanguard's production or ·Joseph and the Ama7ing Tuchnlcolor Dreamcoat" last year and did a well-received acting tum ln the coOege's most recent show, "Olarley's Aunt· "AddJer on the Roof" will open Thursday See THEATER, Paa• Al6 WEDNESDAY 5 Llllilt .... ,.. .... 0.1 ..... ... "'tt.ely wtlt\,.,. Ftiuno .. vm.Novi...._.,,,,w, Coell Hlah•t. Nl\'l*t ._.Thin II noeawr. farlnlom,....e. ..... ... ,.., I J .-. ,, ---...... u •• •=z• SatUtday, r etiru.ry 15, 2003 A.U THE CROWD An evening of 'Art and Soul' ENGAGEMENTS T hey are calling the evenJng ·Art and Soul.· The first of what organizers hope w1JI be mdny evenings to benefit a cure for Autism wilJ be held March I al the Four Season!> l lo1el, Newport Beach. t.IJ the stopi. are being pulled for th1'> dinner .111d dUtllOll he1ng ro chaired hy Eve and Eric Lowey .uaJ Jerrine and William Murphy. Organ11er.. have1nv11ed I lollywood cl'lt•br111t''> Bradley Whitford. one of 1he siars of the Nii( dramd "1 lw West Wing." and Jane Kaczmarek from tlw f\ .,hcl\\ "Malcolm in the M1ddll' Another "We'>l Wmg" '>tar, lcole Robinson, "111 sent· a., mic;tres!> of u~remor11t~or thl' evening. The Holl)".,ood t on11ngt·n1 .., dedicated to helpmg to find a cure for au\1\111 1 lw group I'> lending their <,upporl lo < 1m· AUll'>m Now" foumfrr, Jonathan Shestack .md Portia Iversen. bo1h expt'l tt•d to attend the Manh I t•vent 111 Orange Coun1v. < )rgam1t·r Jerr111e Murph\ '>h.trl'd 1h.11 there are hundred., ol fan11h1·-. in Orange C ounl\ h.111hng dUll'lffi. Wi lliams-B jomson RJchard and Carolyn Williams of Corona del Mar announce lhe engagement of their daughter, Oleryl Jeanette Williams of Corona del Mar. to Eric Thomas Bjornson of Oakland. The bride-elec1 graduated from Corona del Mar High and UCLA. The future bridegroom. son oflom and Sharon Bjornson of Oak:land, graduated from Bishop O'Dowd High School and the University of Washington. A JuJy 5 wedding is planned in the Community Congregational Olurch in Corona def Mar. Clements-Meoli Mr. and Mrs. Craig Oements of Villa Park announce 1he engagement of their daughter, Erin Eli7..abeth Oements of VUla Park, 10 Michael Carmen Meoli of Newpon Beach.· ·~1atl'>lll''> 11·11u.,1h,1111111• 1n LSO ch1ldrt·11 111 \nwrirn .ir1· effeued h} .wu ... m. \1urph~ -.aid. "I ht• 'Curt• t\u11-.m 1\11\.\ · l-ounda111111 1' 1lw l.irge-.1 pnv.111• fun<kr of .1111"m re'>eareh 111 1\rnl'rit .1 Hollywood celebrity Jane Kaczmarek, left. 1oins her husband. Bradley Whitford, ccrstar of the Emmy-winning drama "The West Wing." and Jerrine Murphy of Irvine Cove to chair the upcoming MArt and Soul· benefit for autistic chrtdren at the Four Seasons Hotel. Newport Beach in March The bnde-elect graduated from Villa Park I hgh. UC Santa Barbara and Pepperdine University < ure Au11 .. m \;m"' ha., l omm11ted SHI m1lhon 111 re\earrh and the d1·H·lop1111•nt of 1he Au11-.m (,erlt'llt lk-.ourrt· l.Xthangl'. \lurph~ '>JIU Mone} and 1nforrnatrnn 1 Jn and du m.tl..t• a d1fll'fl'lllt' I he upcomm~ hlat k 111· opllon.il dinner 1~ bt·111g -.uppllrll'd h\ a l"rO'>'> '>t't 11011 of I ht Lommunlly. llH lud111g Garrel .111d Teresa Anderwn. l-.van and Kimberly l>am~hek John Mlchler. the Ackerman tam ii\, 1he Zublln family flit al < old\H•ll Hanln realtor Linda Taglianaui. Nancy .mtl Richard Ea1on lfarold and Joanne Davie'i .tnd Raul ~anche1. .\Ull'>llt t h1ldrc·11 hw 111 .111ollwr \\Orld .1 p.iralh•I 11111\l'r't', un.ihlt• to n·rh.111~ lllllllllllllllilll' Wllh lht• dt">pt•r,tlt' 111•t'tl lo hreal 1hmui.:h \ 1ttn\ PRESIDENTS' DAY WEEKEND .n11,..11t t l11ldn·n .irt· J.,'lflc•d 111 an or 111u-.u .111tl through 1h1•\t' ,1\t'lllll"\ find a \\<I\ lo H'cllh oul 1111lw \\orltl hemt• 1he Iheme for lhl' llfll 111111ng lwnt'fi1, \rt .111d 'l<ml" \Ian\ of the orgamn·r-. and 'uppont•ro., .ire p.trl'lll'> of allll'>llt duldren. I hey h,t\l' long l..nm""n 1he ht•nefi1 of <trl p.irlll''> for 1ht• lh1ltlren. \-.lmh h.l\t' fo.,tt·rc•d lht• t rt•a11011 of t''l l'pllon.11 p1t.•t·1·-. of ong111al <HI In rh1ldrt·n '"ho do 11111 haH' 1lw abilll\ IO'•'\' ht•llo 1 lw art '' 111 lw a11t 11om·d off JI lht· \lard1 I t'\l'lll, ,tnd lhl' fund.., ra1'>l'd \,,11,un·f\ hl'lp lhll,l' .1f01t ll'tl ll11dl'nH111ng op port 111111 ll'' Jr(' '>1111 al.iallablc it\ '"'l'll '" rt.·-.(•nc111011' 111a111·nd1lw p.trl~ I 1dt·1-. are S.!'lO pt•r 1wr'>o11 .md tan bl· rt'"l'rvt·d h\ tailing \.!I )-1'1 0"100 •THE CROWD dppettr~ Thursrlays and Saturdays Erin Clements and Michael Meoli The future bridegroom, c,on of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burnam of Newport Beach graduated Crom Newpon Harbor High and Concordia Umvers1ry m lrvine. A Sepl 6 wedding is planned at Pelican Hill m Newpon Beach. •Weddings and engagemen1s run Saturdays For a form, please call Chnstcne Camllo at (9491 574--4298 All Henredon Beds Now 50°/o OFF" More savings on more major brands than any other showroom in California: Henredon, Ralph Lauren, Century, Bernhardt, Lexington, Tommy Bahama, Marge Carson, Maitland-Smith, Drexel Heritage, and many more. ·~.,.be* on~,... PfldnU .... piae dl>nol ~It~~ ano C1rW101 DI CIOll'lbNd wlltl Ollllf ahr9 Of ....... SAVE ro 500/0 In All Departments Treasures ' Guaranteed Lowest Prices just got even better during this President's Day Weekend. Save up to 50°/o on selected Bedrooms, Dining Sets, Armoires, Tables, Exotic Rugs, Lamps, Accessories ... the list is almost endless. The savings are spectacular. This sale includes all special orders as well as in-stock merchandise. ..... 8Ma~ (Mt) 727·1212 • 101 Ted'tnok>gy Oftve (&It al 1...5 Otf A.b1 PlmMly) SAN DEOO SHOWAOOll: (861) &18-11100 • 7'*> ..,__All. #AOllfl.dr..,..._N1111.,....._.., HC)UAS M:il'!•/ltl. 101.M.f,._, 5910AM4,M,"" lf4M.fl',lf VISIT US ON THS MB WWW trea.ur .. lumtture Mt \ • 14 Saturday, February 15, 2003 --Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Profes.sionaJs and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you how." NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA . TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO . 2700 Bristol St. (714) 754~1 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 Manager Flowerdale Nursery • Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional COMPUTE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEAJtS EXPERJENa LICENSE # 308553 Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA On• llock S<>uth 11 •05 Fwr t~ ~ -17141 545. 7168 ~~ Newport Welcomes Derma.tologist, Tanya J. Foreman, M.D. \\'EST )f R\IATO LOC l 400 Newport Center Onve. Suf!e 702 Newport Beath 949 644 0101 (former practice rJI Charles J Mailman. M D ) d·'<id('.~ MIKE'$ ~~e CARPET$ h'~·<;t Dermatology •~ plea~d h) introduce Tany<J J. Forem,m, M D , to the N1.•wporl c(,mmumty. She tl> a dtplomate of lhl' Aml•ncan Board of Dermatolu~y J'-well a .. a mt•mbl!r of thl' Amcncan Acad1.•my of I >l''l1"1tology and th1.• Amt•ra:<m Mt>d1cal A.,•,oc1ahon Year!> of expcncnce make Or Foreman a ~k.allcd phy~1cian able to treat vanous dermatological condition.., mdudmg, "kLn cancer, arne, psonas1s, ecLema, hair and natl dt'>Orders, dry skin and other skin-related problems Dr Foreman al!.O perfo~ aesthetic skm care procedures to reduce the appearance. of fme Imes and wnnkJes, age spots and protruding veins. These treatments include, Botox, collagen, chemical pt-cb, IPL photo re1uwnahon, advanced medical facials and -.clcrotherapv To '-lhl•dulc ... 11 appointnwnt with Dr Forem. '1, please call (9.i9) 6#-0101 OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet ~~o •2~ Featurin1-: A LLOC No Gluc· /nc,tcJ/11.itl(m Wood Flooring Refinishing & N ew sq ft Installed Berber Carpet 'r~O~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • · Area-RYgs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates ~s1Jte4a Ceramic "~0~s1 so sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER #For All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads r(.1rtor y &. S howroon1 • · 1 • • : • l. ,,· ·: 1 , ii I r , ., , 1 11 111 r ! " 11 h: I h .... 1 .; r 1 ( " r ~ -· 1 I r 1 r 1 • ., 1 ( ( J ~ () I (J 4 2 -84 Q {} 1 A MUSICAL MEAL CC•lJRTES'l'UfTHEORANGlCOUt-<IYNRf n'11r1,.u1 '<I ~ • • ... Wesla Whitfield's cabaret show has been called a ·delectable musical meal.· Whitfield will return to the Orange County Perf orm1ng Arts Center's Elvtn and Marione Shane Klem Cabaret Series rn Founders Hall Tuesday through Feb. 22. with nightly performances at 7:30 p.m. She will be JOtned by her husband, pianist and arranger Mike Greens1ll Tickets for $49 are on sale now at the Center box office. For rnformatJon, call (714) 55& 2746 AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744268. A complete hst is available at www da1/yp1/ot com MUSIC NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ PARTY The third annual Newport Beach Jazz Party will be held at the Newport Beach M arrion Hott11 today through Sunday. The festival will feature the Bill Cunliffe Trio, M ary Stallings and the Houston Person Quartet. The hotel 1s at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information· (949) 759-5003. GRAMMY-NOMINATED JAZZ TRUMPTER IN CONCERT Grammy-nominated 1az2 trumpeter Terence Blanchard will be in concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall on Feb 28 and March 1 with performances at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m Ttdcets are $52 for the early shows, $48 for the 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center Box Office, on line at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. WESLA WHITFIEL.D Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall Tuesday to Feb 22 at 7:30 p.m. Ttdcets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (7141556-2122. RICHARD STRAUSS' ·sALOMe· Opera Pacific wlll unveil a new production of Richard Strauss' ·Salome:' The opera embodies sensuality, sexuality and willful indulgence. The opera will be performed Feb. 25, 27 and 28 and Marm 1 and 2 with evening . performances at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday performance at 2 p.m. Tidteu are $2510 $120. It will be performed at Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Segerstrom Hall. Tidcats are available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. VAN CLIBURN GOW PlAVS TCHAIKOVSKY The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanislav Loudenitch performing Tctiaikovaky'a Piano Concerto No.1 in S.ftat minor on M1n:h 12 and 13 et 8 p.m. Tklett are $19 to $59 and will be perfonned at the Orange County Performing AIU Center'• Segerstrom Hall. Tkteu are available It the Center Box Office, onllne at WWW.~OIP Of by c:all•ng (714) 740-7878. The C..ter It It 800 Town c.ntw Drfw. CoSfJI Mesa. TME PRAZAK QUARTET One of the classical music world's leading internauonal chamber ensembles will perform on March 13 at 7:30 p.m The quartet will be performing Beethoven's Stnng Quartet in F No 1, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and more. The Prazak Quartet wtll perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall T1dcets are $43 and are available at the Center Box Office, onltne at www ocpac org or by calling (714) 74().7878. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa VIENNESE DELIGHT Cafe Ludwig's host pianist, Christopher O'R1ley, will take the <lud1ence on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p m tn Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive Tidcets are $45, (714) 556 2122 MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Marie Davidson Tno, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p m Fndays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave . Newport Beach S10 cover. (949) 756·0121. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach prejents a jazz tno Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . Monday through Wednesday (9491718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. #Wanted# musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 67&-n60. MUSIC AT THE GRILL. The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic roe*, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beach. ~ee. (949) 675-3474 MUSIC AT TliE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offera the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thurlday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Hiday end Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coaat Highw1y, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthon~"• Riverboat Restaul'lnt In Newport 8MC:h pmentt The 8"1h0a Blu nn Fricf;tV entl Saturday evemnys and Sunday afternoons The proqr.tm featuret; 1au and classic rock t11111•c; for drning and dancing A111honv c; 1~ at 151 E Coas1 Highway (~91 673-3475 POP·ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk rock an 1 Motown act, performs at 9 p m Saturdays at Carmelo's R1storantt> 3520 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo gu1tartlot Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays Free (949) 675 1922 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald lsh1bash1 and the Stone Bndge Band play rock and R&B irt 9 p.m Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Beach. Free. (9491476·2001 STAGE "AN EVENING OF IONEsco~ Orange Coast Colleges Rcr>ertory Company will feature several short plays by one of the thtJater'1 most famous absurdtst playwrights, Eugene Ionesco The production runs Saturdays and Sundays through Feb. 23 tn the Drama Lab Studio Curtain 1s at 8 p.m Saturdays and at 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays Ttdceta are $6 or S7. For mformatton or tidcets. call (7141 432-6640, ext. l Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa 'TWO GENTLEMEN OF VER~ William Shakespeare's ~r~o Gentlemen of Verona· wilf be performed at tho South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage from Feb. 28 through • March 30. Preview tickets start at $19. For tidcets. (7141708·5555 at visit www.scr.org • 'PROOF' • "Proof; the Tony Award-winnin~ play by David Aubom, will pfay .. Segerstrom Stage, South Coast : Repertory, 650 Town Center • Drive, Costa Mesa through • • Sunday. It tells the story of a young woman Who looks to discover how mucti genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilltant father Performa~ will be at 8 p.m. Saturday and et • 2:30 and 7:30 p.m . Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular run • $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555. : • 'UTl\.E SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hiii High Sdlool Theatre Oep1rtment will offer •Litt.I• Shop of HorTors" througH Sunday. The pf1y, directed by Ja Louden, will be perfonned at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tkketa ere $5, Pacific View Onve, (949) 219-090f ff>OLER ON THE ROOP : Vanguerd University will preMf'!(J fta third 'Nin stage production OJ .P A15 ' ...... •·•···•····••·• . ,_ Oally Pdot ,. HOURS Continued from Al4 •Flddler on the Roof:' The play will open Thurtday and run through Feb. 23, and a second leg witl run Feb. 27 to Mardl 2. It will play et the sdlool's Lyceum Theeter, 56 Fair Drive in Costa Meu. Information: (714) 668-6145. POUTZER PRIZE NOVELIST MICHAEL CHABON'S Pt.AV Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Mld'lael Chabon's play "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" will be presented at 8 p.m. Monday, M ardl 3, at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Tidcets a~e $35 and $29. For tldcets, go to the tidcet box office, or call (949) 854-4646. 'LARAM1E PROJECr Orange Coast College 1s staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" March 19 through March 23 in the Drama Lab Theatre rtdcets are $1 2 and $8 and are sold at the door and by calhng (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa STUDENT DIRECTED ONE·PERSON PlAYS "Soto Votces; a festival of student-directed one-person plays, will be staged Mardl 1 and 2, at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 7 pm. on Sunday. Tidcets are $6 and $7 and can be purdlased at the door or by calling (714) 432-5725. Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene." an exh1b1t of zmes organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through Apnl 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bnstol St • Costa Mesa Zmes are pubhcatlons -hke magazines - created by ind1v1duals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 • a m. to 9 p m M onday through Friday. 10 am. to 7 pm. Saturday and 11 a m to 6 30 p.m Sunday Free. (949) 759 1122 'DOUBLE HORIZONTAL' Dewey Ambrosmo's exh1brt "Dooble Honzontal" will feature an installation, "Brown Note Lounge." composed of two molded plywood subwoofer loveseats that play an original bass compos1tJOn, and who's frequenctes are tuned 5PGCtfically to the building's archttecture The exhibit will also indude a Video pr0Ject1on of Oslcar Sctllemmer's 19b46 "Tnad1c Ballet." The opening receptJon will be F-eb 22 from 7 to 9 p m The exhibit will run through March 22 at the Shed at ~ Newport Blvd Information· (9491123-3406 JANEHIU "Local Scenes# art by Jane Hill will be on display at the Newport Beadl Pubhc l.Jbrary through Feb 28. The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beactt Free (949) 717 3801 iN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exh1b1t of works by Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Dnve. Newport Beadl, through Mardi 1 (949) 851·918, www.studiogallery.net BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Worts by tamed Mexican photographer Manuel AJvare1 Bravo will be on display through Sunday at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Onve, Newport Beadl . The worts wlll be shown concu1Tentty with "The Spint of Mexico; an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modem photographers including Henn Cartler·Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m . to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and studenta, and free for members and dlildren younger than 16. (949) 75S.1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Mal')etica Porte will be on display through Mardl 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's work deals wrth issues of shelter, poverty and · displacement. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and dltldren younger than 16. (949) 759-1122 THE DEAN A. SMITH: NOCTURNE EXHIBIT Dean A. Smith, an Orange Coast College jewelry-making instructor, will have an exh1btt at the College of Fine Arts West Gallery at Cal State Fullerton through Thursday. The Dean A Smith· Nocturne exhibit 1s of b1omorph1c steel sculptures. For information, call (714) 432-5725 DANCE THE STUTIGART BAUET The Stuttgart Ballet, said to offer some of the best dancing m the world today, will perform repertory highlights from -The Seventh Blue; "Cindy's Gift" and "Sunday Symphony; as well as a full length "Romeo and Juhet" They will perform March 18 through March 23 at the Orange County Performtng Arts Center at 600 Town Center Dnve m Costa Mesa T1dcets are from $20 to $75 and can be purdlased at the box office or by calhng 1714) 556--ARTS ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of America's most celebrated dance companies thf> Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Tuesday through Sunday Performances will be given ot 8 p .m . each day Tickets range from $20 to $65 600 Town Center Drive (7141 556 2122 PACO PENA'S FLAMENCO DANCE COMPANY Flamenco guitarist Paco Pena and his dance company will perform at Orange Coast College at 8 p m Saturday, Feb 22 Tickets are $35 and $39 at the door They are on sale at the colleges ticket office or onllne ot www occt1cJcets.com For information call (7 141432 5880 or 18881622-5376 Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa MOMIX: OPUS CACTUS Human bodies metamorphose into a single serpentine figure and dancers shape-shift into exotic birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic Exqu1s1te costumes and 1llus1onary visuals. sublime modern movement and Olympian gymnastics combine into this transforming event of beauty, humor and spell·bindmg power Tickets are $40 and $33. The show will take place at the Barclay Theatre March 27 through March 30, with shows at 8 p m and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m Call (949) 8544646 or go online to www thebarclay.org niE TRINITY IRISH DANCE COMPANY The Trinity Irish Dance Company will be performing using lnsh dance as an instrument and a • @JummRJML • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home End Table 1 ~ood & c,10.uJ ........................................ $9375 Black Iron Wine Rack ................................... $100" Coffee Table 1~oaot & c.11m1 .................................. $lSO" Wing Chair ..................................................... $1 SO" Suede Sofa ....................................................... 54()()- Antique Table w/6 Chalrs .............................. $550" Pine TV Armoire .............................................. $650" Co111iplfftlfls acctpttd by appointm111t only LlllflW"' 11«t .. ,,.. 369 E. 17th Street # l O. Costa Mc a, Located bdJ1nd P1um'• htio • Phone(949)764-1746 M<.Fri 1~s~S..1oro..s:tqn. s.1~~ s.,,Llfa.iy F et>rUJf'y 1 s 2003 A.1 s lWlUGHT otNIHG BLOW THAT HORN A tw1hght dining menu, featuring d1she& sudl as dl1dlen parm1g1•n1 and c.l1mar1 p1cante at reduced prices, 1s offered from 5 to 6 p m weekday' and from 4 to 6 p m Sunday1 at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coa" Highway, NewPort Beach 1949) 642 7880 • WINE TASTINGS Ht Time Wine Cellar' offers wine tastings from 4 30 to 8 p m Fridays and from 1 ·30 to 8 p m Saturdays 19491 650 8463 SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring internai1onal seafood dnd salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favontes 1s held from 10·30 a.m to 2 p m di Sunon Place Hotel 4500 MacArthur Blvd , Newpon Beach S30, $40 w11h champagne 1949 476-2001 CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts pn1orm at tl 30 Grammy and Golden Globe nominee Terente Blanchard wtll return to the Scon·s Seafood Jazz Club m Founders Hall on Feb. 28 and March 1 with perform<Jnce~ at 7 30 and 9 30 p m Thursdays through Soturdays e1t Alta CoffeP. House 506 31st St Nliwpon B*!dc.h 19491 675-0233 p m each night Blanchard was nominated for a 2003 Golden Globe Award for his scorP for Spike Lee's "25th Hour " In 2000, his album "Let's Get Lost" garnered a Grammy Award nomination for Album of the Year Tickets are $52 for the 7 30 p rri shows and $48 for the 9 30pm shows Formformat1on,call(714)556-2746 ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is prPsented dd11.,. at the Atrium s Airporter Club 18700 MacAnhur Blvd lr .. ine 194ql 833 7770 metaphor The oll women Irish Americdn dance company daules aud1enctls with hard driving percussive power. aendl grace. hghtn1ng-fas1 agility and astounding precision The show will run Mardi 15 and 16 at 8 p m with ii Sunday matinee at 3 p m T id.els arf' $40 dnd $35 Call 1949• 854-4646 SWING Lessons P.vf!ry Sundoy from 2 to 6 p m di Avant Garde Ballroom in Nl'wport Beach with the Orange Counry Swing 0dnce Club All aqes are welcome <1nd no pdrtneri. cJre needed For mon~ informdtton; v1s11 ocsw1ng com or call (9091 656 6119 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p m to 12 30 a m on the first Saturday of each month at OanscentJ Studio, 2980 McClmtodc Wny, Costa Mes.J I 714) 641 8688 KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES ChtldrPn 3 to 7 yeors old are 1nv11ed 10 part1c1pate in sonas and finger-puppet plays dt 7 p m Mond 1ys di the Costa M esa Library 1855 Park Ave 1949) 646 8845 P JS AND BOOKS A children's story t1mf~ 1s preSt•nter l at 7 p.m Mondays and at 10 30 a.m Saturdays at the Nowpon Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Ave Children may weor pa1amas to the evening sessions Free 1949) 717 3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children s story llmP. 1c; hrld at 10 45 a m Wednesdays ttt Barnes & Noble Boo~sellNs di M1:tr<J Pointe 901 B South Coast Dnw• Costa Mesa 1714 .w.4-0226 STORY TIME A di1klrPns ~orv 11mP 1s helc1 .Jt 10 am Wednesdays and 1015 om Fridays at Borders Books & Muc,1c at South Coast Plazd 3333 Bear S• Costa MP.Sil FrP.t t714) 432 7854 BOOKS BARBARA WOOD International bPSt·selliny author Barbara Wood will discuss and sign her latest novPI • ThP Blessing Stone. al 2 p m Feb 23 at Borders Books Music dnd Cafe at South Coast Pla1a Wood has wnnen 18 novels covering d1tferent periods ot history Borders is -lt 333 Bear St DINING/TPSTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty PPl!On off< rs Sunst>I Dmners from 4 to 5 15 pm r-------------------------, 1 NEL ON & A SSOCIATl:S I I l ct our tormer IR~ revenue agenr wirh a ~f.L,tl.'r' in I 1 ·ra:-..n mn pn:p.irt yo ur income ta\ rt·curn. If \H': I prepan: yo ur rax rerurn b..x Februarv 28. 2003 our 1 ~~~ill20educed~o/~~~!JJ4-6J4-738 ~~ Mr.inrJoy through Friday at 2735 V'v ( 0<1st Highway Newpon B1•·1th SlO $15 19491642 3431 SUNDAY BRUNCH fhc Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a m to 3 30 pm Pvery Sunday at 2735 W Coast Highway Newport Beach sa s15 19491642 3431 BISTRO 201 Jazz 1s ployed di 8 pm Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a m Sundays di Bistro 201 H33 W Coast H1ghwoy Newo ll'l Beact; 1949 631 1551 DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE' lnstrumPntal must is p1:rformed See HOURS, Paae Al6 obody does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. Brisco! Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 WW\V. hlnesercarpetone .com Aho in Long Beach and Los Angeles ' l Al6 Saturday, February 15, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 5 after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rode Is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645--5550. DURTY NELLY'S live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .. Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four $easons Hotel, 690 Newport C::enter Drive, Newport Beam. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beam. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive. Newport Beadl. (949) 261-6270. LIDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D. Newport Beadl. (949) 723-0595. Momma MARGARrTAvtLLE Live music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coa~t Highway. Newport Beam. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing Is offered at 5 p.m. dally at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa M esa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport eenter Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULOOON'S Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) ' 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rodc acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beadl. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. John Jennifer ~ we belong to the ~ Lifetime ~ world's l.argest f/coring Warranty raail gr<lUl -co-op. wt are t>Jt b~~t ~ Carpet ~ fooringfi:ea ~ $}99 individually owned ~ and operated. 4,000STOBE BUYING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our sekaion ~~re P,.a1ing too much if J'!U 'rr not bu]ingf'rom us. CINDERELLA Continued from Al 2 man who sold spears and armors in the marketplace. I le claimed the spears could pie rce any armor and· the armor could withstand any spear. When someone asked. "What if you pitch your spears against your armor?" h e could not answer. 1b us came the word for "contrad ict.ion." ·When the Oilnese talk, it is not just gibberish. It may sound lilce it, but it isn't," Mah said. "It is so important for the East and West to unders tand each o ther." FssentiaJ to ihe OU,nese language are proverbs. There was once a prime {Jlinister who carved a piece of writing on the city wall and dared onJ ooke rs, "Anyone who can improve my manuscript by adding or subtracting one word, I will give 1,000 pieces of gold ." The Oiinese have been saying, "One written wo rd is wonh 1,000 pieces o f gold," ever DANCE Continued from Al 2 Barragan said. ·m e second mood shows hi.-. mother after los ing two children who were born with com plications and the sorrow she experienced. "11 shows her sadnes.s, sorrow and pa in,·· Barragan said. "11ien my brother died: He drowned. She believed tha1 he would appear again sometime, because his body was never found." His third movement is her acceptance anti her realiz.atio n that that's life and one ha.' to keep gomg. · · u<ihe\ happy lo bt• alive and has more maturity to laugh at hfe because ii's hard and beautifu l a'> well," Barragan ..aid THEATER Continued from Al 2 at the Vanguards Lyn.·urn and will be !>taged rtum.day-. anti Fnda~ at n p.m . Sa1urda}')> al 2 and 8 p.m. and ~widay.., at 2 p.rn. un1il March 2. Ticke1 re-,ervalioru. are taken at (7 14) 668-6145. 'The Intelligent Design of Jenny Oaow' to premJere at SCR SouLl1 Co~I Rept:rtory ha., selected tl1> i.ea<;«.m·d o<>mg production for the new Julit'l11lt' Argyro"> Tht:ater. It'll be the world premiere of ~n1e lntelligt!nl l)e,ign of Jenny (h ow" by Holin since. That p hrase is the title of Mah's latest book. "Family ugliness should never be revealed in public," is a proverb Mah d id not follow In her own life, to the shame of her siblings. But they are "Pointing to a horse and calling it a deer,~ or in other words, being hyp ocritical. because they know it Is true and they suffered, too, Mah said. This common belief prevents many Olinese from writing ho nest autobiographies. U ke proverbs, Mah's tale is univ~rsal and everlasting. It has happened before and will happe n again. Although her life has had a happy endjng, Mah h as return ed tp relive her painful past in an effort to sh are it with others. She explains in the dedica tion to all u nwanted children of "Oilnese Cin derella• why she gave up her career in medicine and rebelled against her fa mily to write. "Perhaps others who were also unwanted may see them I 00 years from now and feel encouraged ," she said. "I noross' "i:eU Ou1 of Luve with Me" is set in the 1950i. and is a fun, lively dance piece involving th e batLle of the sex.el>. Fifteen dancers move lo fi ve popular mw;ical thealer aml jan i.tandards. "It fells the '>tory of three swinging young guy.~ on the prowl for 'chicks,"' Boros.-, :.aid. (hrest will premiere "The 405," abu ul the insanity of the freeway rnmrnule in Southern California. McKayle'1. "NocnJm," which received ill> premiere in New York City in 195l, i., '>aid lo have a lui.h dioreographic environment. "Nighcdriving.' Nauglt.'c; premiere. wns in-;pirl'd by "'11w Night Driver." a <ohort '!Ory hy ltalu Calvino Naugle foundt•d the I >a nee aud Digilal An., Performance 1-.nwmble a1 lJCI font"" J n1mputcr·agl' comedy ahout a brilliant. hut hou.'>t.'IX>llnd young woman who 11.,t'tl '>l"l('nt l' to find hn l11ulOKJlal mother in < Juna. ~.H a''odatt• art1'1 I )a\~tl O iamlx'r-. \.,;11 direct the play, which i-, 'latt'<l lor ro.tJy ;! through IH Jnd will ll<: -along with lht• world premiert• uf I ynn Nullagt·"-. "lnllrnate A.pp<irt'I" on the thealt'r\ Seger.trom Stage -IMrt ol '>< .H\ -.ixth annual l"Jnlil Pl.t)""nght'> Pro1,..1·t ~1,1y lb lhruugh IH • TOM TITUS reviews local theater His columns run on Thursdays and Saturdays Gus Brenda Miles rut! (!] ~ Lifetime i 100% Warranty ~ Ceramic FREE . $}99 ~ ~ No ~ Questions rua Asked Lifetime Warranty 60 day exchange. Wood If you doni like it, ~9 we will rrpl.ace it FREE RILL SERVICE ONE STO~ SHOP Counter Tops •Showen • Cer1mic • Gr1nite • Wood Wax Refinish • Cleaning Carpet & Upholttery • Painting-Interior & Exterior 405 co a Mesa (949) 650-7676 124 E. 17th Irv ne (949) 838-0141 17777 Main 118" M()N-ffU 9-S TUES-SAT 10-S SATU RDA~S & su•DAYS 10.-. WUNUDAY UNTIL a:OO,M CLOSED SUNDAYS & MONDAYS lYUUMts IY APPOummn ll'ISQllat!Ol\~andiillnimum91<1•uw.•n.iiii0~-.; ~~:r._.,....,.,....., .. .., ... ,.llli,._11' ....... ~ Oaily Pilot t Adeline Yen Mah as a child with her siblings in China. imagine them opening the pages of my book and meeting me las a 10-year-oldl in Shanghai without actually havi ng lefl Lheir own home'> in Sydney. Tokyo, London, Hong Kong or Los Angeles, and I .,hall TOWN Continued from A9 the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beadl. (949) 756-1025. The Harbor1ite Toastmasters Club meets at 7 a.m. Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (9491 293-4630. Lido Jsle Toastmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. (714) 964-5314. The Oasis Senior Center offers a shuttle to take members to appomtments and groc.ery shopping. The shunle also takes members to the center. Call to make an apporntment 1949) 644-3244 . Tutonng is available for persons who could use help readrng English Hourly rates ahd t1mei> are negotiable. (949) 851 1739 Oasis Senior Center offers visual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative. by apporntmenl. (949) 644 3244 Essential Weight M anagement offers interactive and proaC11ve weight loss groups. Learn behavior mod1fica11on and other techniques to control your weight. The cost is $20 Grouµs meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Dnve, Suite 350, Newport Beach (949) 718·9848 The Hope lnstrtute, a center for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group from 6·'30 10 8 pm Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol SI .. C 206, Costa Mesa 1714) 432 0020 Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Nol Ro<Xers. whidi meets once a week to eniov scenic walks tn and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644 3244. Women Helping Women offers a free peer support group for women 1n trans1t1on from 3·15 w1•lcomc each and every o ne or I hem wtth a smile and 'ay, 'I low .-.plendid ol you tu v11>1t me!' "f under.,ta ntl only too well the rankling in your lwarl anti wha t you are going 1hrough." 'hl' '>aid. to .::15 pm. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m Monday through Fnday 1n Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar (949) 644-3244. The Hoag Caneer Center offers a yoga class at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl (949) 722-6237 Body Design and United Studios of Self-Defense offers k1<X boxing classes from 8·30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W Coa~ Highway, Suite C, Newp<5rt ~ · Beadl $8 per class. (949~ !. 722 0526 ! The Alzheimer's Assn and Grief Support Group of Newport Villa WestNilla Rosa co·sponsors a free suppon group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport V1lld West Assisted Living, 393 Hosp1t<tl Road Newport Beoc..h !9491631 3555 The Alzheimer's Assn. and Mesa Terrace a res1den1tal communrty for persons w11h Alzheimer s disease and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6 30 p.m the first Tuesday of eacn month at Mesa Terrace. 350 W Bay St , Costa Mesa 17141283 1111 Rebecca Lewis leads an animal bereavement yroup that speclaltzes 1n the needs of people who have sic* or dying pets fl meets at 3 p m Tuesdayi; at 3101 W Coast Highway, Suite 311 Newport Beach Call to make a rescrvat1011 (949) 721 57&0 Oasis Senior Center conducts blood pressure s1.reenrngs from 9 to 11 a m the first and 1h1rd TuP.sday of P.ach month m Room 3 al 800 Maryuertte Avr> Corona del Mar 9491 644 3244 The Newport Beach Psychological Assn offers a l>ody image and moderate Pattng support group at 7 p m Wednesdays at 3101 W Coast Highway Su11e 311, Newport Beach (949) 721 5750 Celestino's Produce • Scaf ood • Deli Sn11ing th~ Comm1111ity far JO .~arr Fl11.£T MJGNO~ -CH.ATF.Al BRIA'D WE CARRY A Fu ll LINE PRIME RJB/Bo~E-1~ OR BoNElilS OF VEAL PRODUCTS! Loin Vral 01ops, RACK OF WlB • Ur. 01 LAMB Sca/Qppini & Oso Bucro. BoNE-IN OR BoNELF.SS Just Ask Our Sta . TRY8UR CHICKEN D ELICIOUS RAB CAKES CORDON BLEU FHl/y Coolttd. jHJI Brown . 1"ffeJ with Jlllm, Su1tSs Chrar in Sltilkt """ H '"''7 M usta rJ $6 00 -per Pkg $5 99 lh. STRAWBERRIES ARE From Our Deli DqJartmnrl A SwEET TREAT! HOT PASTRAMI Right Now Pick Som~ SANDWICH (.in at 011 ~ '" Slfu w Bmttl. Up In Our ProJ"u $3 99 ea. D~pn.rtmmt 11·1 ,11 -,1 11111>11 • I ! \ I I • ' ' • ' ) 1 • I ! I • I I I I I • I l ''· /,,. ,,.,( I >111/1 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (948) &42-7191 8:00AM to 7:00PM Mon ·Sat. • G;OOAM to 6:00PM &II. l· QUOTE OF THE DAY "It rook us until the fourth game, but we got that win and it's awesome. I'm really proud of us." Ryan CWTy, CdM boys basketban coach EYEOPENER Da1ly~Ptk>t Spot\lil I Lall o/ 1-ame ' F ebf 1.1<11 y l I tionou•e JOHANN APPELL o-,.P11o1 Sports Edit« Roger Carlson • (9491 5744223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 SdtUfday F ebru.sry I :i 200 ~ Bl ·COLLEGES M ike Hoods got ice in his veins UCJ senio r gu a rd is the go-to gu y in the clutch . H I'> teammate'> caJI him, "J lood1e. ·· Or '>Omeume\ 1ey )UM call hun, Mike You 1 n call him, "Iceman. beta e M1kl• I lood, UC lrvme., '>l'1t1or g\Jiir I, 1<; l<lOl In the dUllh. If kcman keeps 11 up, lw might ht•rnme the Big WeM Conferenu•\ Player of the Year. My vote nghr now got''> to Varntc Denrn'> of Cal Poly \;111 r UI'> Oh1<ipO. The Mu~tang!.' JUlliO forward ha'> the be'>t all around Ii: 1111e If h1'> team was an contenllon lor 1 ,, STEVE VIRGEN A1g we.,, t1tlt• h would be the U11Jlllll10U4' d i •. Hut. b.1t ~ to lteman I Ii...., o bt>rnm111g IH man of the d moment ,., Vt spen.il. l lt'>l the '>Ca.,011 ,,., four ret11rn111• '>tarter., for th• Antealt'r., I IC I Loa<.h Pat 1>011g "" ~a., expe<.llng a big ume .-.ea'>on from the '>hooter who hailc, from Beavenon Ort• It t•man did 1mt line 111 rlw bewnn1ng when ht• '>rnred 1-; pmnt., and It'd thl' A.n!l•a1er., tu their fir'>t \\Ill of tht• '<'a'>on, J 74 6ll \1nory al Pt•pper<linc Bur tlm•p game'> IJler, hard llffil''> 1 amc on the Iceman I le. hk£' thl' rl''l of the An tearer.,, faut·d at ~tunford llwn. for the next '>IX gaml'.,, kt•man ht't am<' '>Uh man and l ame off thl' hendt Hut he \H'athered thl• .. 1orn1 ·1 think ht' recognvt·d \\hat ht• hJd to \\-Ork on. Dougla._., -...id "I It• probably hen<'fited from 11 I 1.en when coming off tlw ht•n< h. l<.ernc1n d1-.plaved h1.-. ht•roit'> m lt'ading UC I to an HI 77 1..iuo~ over I IC HIVl'r'>idr I le Sl:orl'd four po1111'. 111 tht• f111.11 2tl '>t't ond ... I It• '>tant'd the next game and l11t ,, ganw \o\otnn111g <,coop .,hot tn lwat the hunrr 111 owrt1mt>, giv111g tht• 'I all'r., .i ;5. 7 i '"1n over !Jtah ~tare Ian 15 Jwo game., later Hood 'lllrt'd .!II point'> and le<.1 U< I to a fX> h2 ,,.111 al 1Jn1wrc,11y of the Paufk Oh yt•.th Iceman nailed a key thrl't' pomtt•r wuh LO '>ernnd., left. I h<•n t<tm<' fhur.,day. Playing ;11 lJlah ~late, which wa'> 111 fiN plare, tht• Iceman came up wuh morl' dramatic'> I le nailed rwo free throw'> \'I.1th l .J '>t'Cond., lt•fr . leading the Anteatt•r<; to ,1 'ilf 58 viuory When a rl'fl>rt•e ~lmtlt'd a foul that r,ent Hood1e to the line, Utah State C.oach '\tew Morrill wmt:ed. put his hanru. on his head and nearly felt bade.. fhe Iceman I'> tht• ht''>I free-throw shooter m the A1g We..t I k has missed just one free throw th1\ '>ea&On. So. what's the deal. where doe<; he get lhls strength in the clutch? If you aslt llood. he"U say, "Just playing my See COLLEGES, Pa1e 86 . COLLEGE BASEBALL PttJT Br"' ,q,4 ~AN1'\ Al .. P!l Arizona's Richard Mercado <33) 1s tagged out by UC Irvine's Matt Fistler when he was caught leading off . following his double in the sixth mnr.ng Friday nrght. • ____ ona wms battle of lefties Wil dcats shut out Anteate rs, 3-0, in a nonconference pitchers' d u e l Friday n ight. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot Arvona {4-1 1. \.'l.h1ch ha' appeared 111 the < olJ~e World Senes 14 time.. hut none '>mce 1986 when 11 t ap tured the la.st of it'> thrt•e na 11onal champ1onsh1p.,, hroke the '>rnrele~ tie With a run 111 the '><'Venth inn111g again .. t IJ( I reliever Stew ~l·hroer A"1o."ll A 11 R Ml I .PAil._ Kno\.'l.mg the opponent rnnw Ar11ona Anteaters 3 0 It wa., hle a dnn~ of wa ter." IJtr.le ~1d of the game·') run. bt:fore tallng tht> mound in 1he honom of the '>l'vt.'nth "It w-a., refre~tung to we that \o\oith a reputauon l-nday 111ght, lJ(, lrvmt• \ophomore lt>ft-hander < .lenn Swan<;on Wil'> a ht tie extra fired up 10 pnch 111 the ho'>t Anteaters' non- rnnference hawhall game again~! the University of Amona "I liked it." Swamon, with a gnn, said of facing the Wtldtat'i in the opener of a three-game .-.ene-.. Arizona, ho\\ol'\er. '>tart«! 11s own ace left-hander. 1u111or foe UttJe, who helped the \Vtld<.at'> po'it their first shut· out in over a year with a 3-0 Victory over the Anteaters (2-3). So. in a duel of southpaW-> throwing goose eggs on the i.toreboard, Little had the biggest fuUsh with seven strong in- nings. in which he struck out a career· high 11, walked two and yielded only three hits. mcludmg an tnfteld single. run up there anc.J get a lead like that." lJttle. a rom c.lavine p11ch alike. had .pro ..rout'> drooling with hi'> control and command of four pitches. 111dud111g a fa'>tball tlo' keel at 90 mph. ·1 JttJe "a front lme Dimion I f"'al I 0 <;taner \.'I.ho I'> a legitimate pro.,pect," UC lrvmt• Coach John Savage ..aid "I le thre\v a ton of c,lfik~ and wac; the differ ence 111 the game.· IJttle. who made 114 pnch("). wac, never in trouble UCl's biggest threat against tum ~ a two-out double by catcher Mark Wagner in the fin.I inmng. No other Anteater reached second base -and that goes for the eighth and ninth 1nrungs, when Arizona freshman See UCI, Pa1e 83 UCI starter Glenn Swanson kept Anzona scoreless on seven hits into the seventh The Anteater southpaw has yet to grve up an earned run 111 12 .:;. fllllt1gs COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters bring q 3-game streak to Vandals' lair DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Danielle Girls on UCI hopes to keep the ongoing winning skein a(lve with a Big West Conference basketball matchup in Moscow. SttveVlr1en Daly Pilot MOSCOW, Idaho -'Jhb was uppo.1ed to be the sea.son Adam Parada broke out and become a Cudldate for Big West Conferen~ Pla~r oC the Year honora. lbstead It's been a Rason of lnconsJs- teftf;y for Parada. who bas had to aver- came douf>le-team defense and his owa foul trouble. '8nda. aa did che UC Irvine men's ~ball team. made huge 8Cr6del tOWaid breaking out Thul'!lday...00 the "'*1lt wu a 59-58 victory at Utah State arid a plKe among the elite. ~who red a team bJgh 15 P®lts lbundty, wtU qaJn be the focus Wtitn UCJ, which la on a thrtt·pme • RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM winning treak. faces Idaho at the Co· wan Spectrum tonight at 7:05. The Anteaters (14-7, 8-4 in the Big West) are tied ln second place with Utah State, one game behind UC Santa Barbara, while Idaho (1 0- 11, 6-6) is ln a tie for fifth place with Cal Poly San LuJ Obi po. Parada scored just two points a.od grabbed three rebolUlds when UCI defeated Idaho at the Bren Events Center, 58-45, Jan. 18. 'lbere appeared to be no o ne who could match up well with Parada. but he got Into foul trouble and never found his rhythm; · Aga.lnat Utah slate ThUJ'1day, ua Coach Pat ~ llild Parada dis- pla)"ed what "people have beMi andd-.,..q.. in the flrat IMllf. Parada k'Cli'ed 12 of his is points tn m. ftilt hall'.~ a variety of poll moves. mAlnJy 8·10- foot fadeaWay .tlots. He lei<ll the Bia West ln field~ percen1Jt8e. ... ua. ...... Corona del Mar senior driver has helped lead Sea Kings to third-place finish in Irvine tournamenL Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot When Daniell Carlson ls lookii\g to score. It's bard to tell. The Ci>rona dd Mar H.i&h Sfttlor has~ m<MI when playinc for the Sea Kings' gUis water polo team. On land, 6he would be the eqUJvalent of, say, I H&ltem GJobetmttet, Slmply ~uae Ii to trick peop&e: make defenden think she ii .,.,. one way, but then I'* the other. lo the waier. It tomedma t!9I)' fOf' a deftrida to mlb up for a ~ bUt Cart.on ..... Wm pay With her C)'W and bll W.. They have little or no time to react when Carlaon loo left and &boo right She9Cl0 C&dson has scored 61 through games that ended week. That leads the Sea who Wrapped up their (ourth stnlght Pacific Coast League ude last and are lerious conrenden to win the ClF Division U title. "( rely on my brains to giet throuctt the pmee.. Mid cadson. who iJlo bu ~ "lt'I fun to tty to me11 with l*>I* a little bit. lt keept tht faint In Onl! of ~ lllplNrt to loot In ... CM.IC*.,... u ,. Luxury !ID.ports & ExQtic ·~ports . Cars "Come visit Phillips Alito and ~rience a level of ~ervice and commitment to excellence that bas made us the #1 . independent luxury and exotic deaier in Orange County. . . Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automobiles. I invite }'P~ to take a test drive today!" ~7-J~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welco me * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your <·at * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rat.es (011; Most Vehicles) BMW MERCEDES 95 318i SON (1&7051)1111 Hy1 5.~llowMtles1 $10,980 l 96 SL500 (1&&49)!llo0;0pol-Gorhlops11mmcx $27,980 96 Z3 CONY (,.&770)looo.d6Go!ge<MI $11,980 I 99 CLK 320 CAB (1904&Q 'il~11 .. Gt•r loco Ow $36,980 97 M3 SON (le9'22)flowi.ss -Loco4 Co• $21 ,980 95 (280 SON (1&S&2>"'h••LowlNM $12,980 99 528 SON (1&712).....,.'ewtmTon Spo!lP!<.<J' $22,980 96 E320 SON (tll6Q6)1"•e lullP.."~ $18,980 01 Z3 (QNV (1&e9t)Dlod< AvtQITI0"1C.lowM<1es' $24,980 98 E320 SON (1&722)11«1-C.o..o.it sPdon Ontf $24,980 99 323i (QNV (1&&&& ~ BM<l" <>-Ct! j~I\ $24, 980 98 CLK 320 CPE (1~11·~1M• "~'"".es $26, 980 97 540i SON (1~)5~ lowM;~ $24,980 90 SL500 (1&923)~ j5Klo\>el OneOwr>et .. $27,980 98 7 40i SON 1&730)°""7' ~" 'ti!-• c...,~ "CP" $27, 980 99 SL500 ,,&9~>>~, .)&!':Ml .. , mlTIOa.iQ··· $41 , 980 00 528i SPORT 11&9~S.¥t>•27KMllC°"'P~'•"O'T $31,980 99 SL500 (1&977)0lo0"'1Jorilmi'Only $42,9~ 01 7 50il CD74607JlllocMliod< •5'11,1iJes MM-• Cor>d' $54, 980 00 S500 SON <19143)~ ·~U!w """'...+lls'loe" $51 , 980 OTHER MAKES PORSCHE/EXOTICS 99 FORD MUSTANG CPE <1~~s.~11M10C $ 7,980 80 911 TARGA (1&6ol6J""'S!Sffrtl•IP~· $13,980 01 AUDI TT QUATTRO AWD CPE l~~·J111. .. u~llUI $27,980 8 7 911 CPE (1910t>)Dl<w'lll<LJtw &!IC~ l.oodedOt $26, 980 98 JAGUAR XJR SON (18M&o•"""""•"'•Ol9Kil<AdN $29,980 98 DOXSTER ('&l>'~>~~y lo .. ,......,,(>.~ $27,980 00 CHEV. CORVETTE CONY. (1913')'-c~•IJI ~ "°" $36, 980 99 996 CPE (19000C)~ A..o IUI 0,.,. Own«' $49, 980 PORSCHE/EXOTICS 00 ACURA NSX ·ooo~•~'""" '2'~ ~ $59,980 00 996 CAB ,,QO,x·lfttd ·..ao-·~~ ......,, '°'' "'°" $60, 980 94 fEPWI 348 itlR CONY ··Q•o.( ~.· .. ~ ... ~:ill~ $65, 980 01 996 CAD •9•m ~ r~"'-' .. 1)1. • ~ $65,980 SUVs 6 PICK UPs 99 FORD EXPLORER ,q, ~ ~ t.ct ?,. .. $12, 980 99 JEEP WRANGLER •fQlJC oc~ ~ " $12,980 99 FORD EXPEDITION •IPQ, ., •• v. .oo« $17, 980 . 00 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY ·~· ~·Mew $19, 980 99 CHEVY TAHOE LT. •a.101¥d·~"' :r.o-•.• $21,980 99 GMC YUKON DENALI •90">•·~ ~u~~ ·$23,980 01 CHMEXT£NDCADP/U --..~1111oc~~1c $27,980 02 BMW X5 3.0 LT. •8'1'201~\/lw 161<w.s ~ $41 ,980 03 HUMMER H2 1906tlC)Orly:)l(/oljM•lJlw • $57, 980 lot I -....... ~ .... , ... -...... ~~- Dady Pilot S POR1 S MICHAEL BUCKNER I DAILY PILOT CdM semor water polo standout Dantelle Carlson is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. CARLSON Continued from Bl oppo'>tte d1recuon when I shoot (an ouh1de )hoo. In pracuce, the girJ'> know that now so they never watch my eyes b{·cau'>t' 11 me"'*" them up." Carl'>on, (.dM'1> 'ernor driver who i'> h\led at 5-fooHi, 125 1 1 ' pound'>, L'> ~metame-. at a d1Sadvan1age bccau!.e of her isize But her knowledge of the game and her 4'mootti move'> make her the 1ntinudJtor "She\ probably the !.martest girl on our ll'am." < dM Coach Aaron <lldne> '-did "Sh<' 1mt M!eS a lot out therl' She create'> a lot of -.conng chance.. mere are players who make lhmg'> happen and !Jles one of lho~ playef' She makes Lhing-; happen not only for her.elf. but ror other!> too Scud Carlwn· "A 101 or people call me the quarterback. My mind I'> going 100 mile'> per hour I'm '>mall and I'm not the fast.e..t ~me, hut I rt'ly on my bratm. Carl'>On\ '>kJJI-, t ould lead her to earnmg a '>tholar..h1p for a NlJ\A 01w,1on I progr.un IJ( Berkeley. ~well a'> Pnnceton, have been lteepmJ< J doM' eye on her th1 '> -.ea'>On, try a!. lhe> rrught. "')he\ alway... movin~ • <JianC} said of <..arl<iem\ water polo M\'V)' 'ihe) alway'> finding the open waler !:>he' alv.ays loolang to people v.ho are opt>n She\ JU'I really aware '>he\ very bnght !:>he know., wht:rl to look. and what to l<>Qk for • UCI Conbnued from BJ nght hander John Me loan doi.ed the door on IJ( I to rcrnrd hi-. first ~ve. Ari7.ona Sl ort.-'Cl 1n the '>t.'venlh when No. 9 !utter l.ce 1-ranUm. who w-a., only in the lmeup be· cause regular 1.hlrd baseman Brad Boyer Wa.!t '>Ilk and o;tayed at the hotel. M:ored John I lardy on a !><lcnfke Oy to leh field Hardy opened Lhe M-venth with a single against Schroer. Lhe losing patcher, and moved to sec- ond on a wild pttch. Hardy took Chird on a balk before sconng on Pranklin's liner to left, wtuch was snagged by UCl's Ouis Klemm, whose throw to Lhe plate came up shon before II was cut off. Arizona, which hadn't pitched a shutout since r-eb. 7 of last year again.st San Diego State in a I ·O win. scored twice in the ninth against the UCI bullpen to pull away. •1t seems UJce we're in a lot of dose games." Savage said. ·Ev- ery game is decided by a couple of runs. Our pitching's there, and our offense will catch up to our pitching. Right now our pitch· lnts a little ahead of our of- DANIEUE CARLSON lkMn:Sept.27, 198S Heltht S-foot.-~ 125 Sport: Water polo Position: Driver Coach: Aaron Chaney fnorfte food: Sushi F.vom. movl« "Dirty Dandng-._. ....... __ rt: "Beating N9wport Hatbor last yew, for the fnt time ewr. W. beat them, 8-7, a bundl of dlff~t girls scored. It was a gr~at feefing. I know we beat them thh )'U{. but the first time was more uatlng.• AthMa of the w..11 V9: ~ CdM Mnlor K«ed 15 goab In fivt games on he< w~ to 111-tourMment tum honors, helplng lead the Sn KJ19 to third pllQt In the ltvlne SoutMm C.hfomJ. Champlomhlps DllrPr.lC ~--C:-Olltctor fPO'U r;ard Jent"S OJ.S ::::!J Carlson nearly le<l the X>a Kings to a Victory over I 001htll 111 a physical '>t'rrufin aJ match in the lrvme ~uthem C..ahfomaa Championship) at U IM l<l!>t week. Carlson. as well a., teammate Damela Oi(,1acomo. had her '~1m'>u1t npped. Undefeated Foothill held off a Mrong cornt.'hack by the Sea King-; and won. 9· 7 Carlson, the Daily Pilot of Lhe Weck., -.<.orl'd two godl'>. ~he tallied 15 goal!> m lhc five tourney gam~. leading the Sea Kings to a tlurd-plate finish m the tournament c...a.rtson also earned all·toumament team honor. "\>\e reali7.ed we can beat them." Carlson '>aid or lhe to ..... to foothill. "That showed that you have to come and '>lick 11 to them Crom the .,tart I reall} tlunk we outplayed them m Lhe final three quaners I wa.c, proud fen'>e • falong !:>wanson out wa!> an easy decision. Savage '>did, de <ipite lhe fact that Swai1)0ll wa.<, -.pinnmg a '>hutout lhrouw1 .... x innmg'>. "At 90 pllche.. (actually 87). with it bemg early in the year and on a cold mght. I lhou~ht 11 Wal> m the best intere'tt for him and the •earn. and ccnamly be rause of the way our bullpen has been p11clung. • ..aid 'iavage. who WIIJ send sophomore nght-han- der Brett Smith (I ·Ol to the hill in the ~ond game agam-.t Anrona tonjght at 6. Swanson, who got a no-deci- sion in his first !.tart this season against Santa Oara, has yet to al- low an earned run. "Coach tol(i me I was coming out right after (Lhe sixth inning)." Swanson said. "My ann Wclb get- ting a littJe tired. but I like to pitch in lhe later innings. Som e- times I get stronger ... but I fig- ured somebody's got to score, and I figured we'd definitely an· swer with a run." Swanson scattered seven hits, struck out five. walked one and hit a batter. ln the fifth, Arlwna put runners on second and lhlrd with two outs. but Swanson got No. 3 hitter Moises Duran to pop up and end the threat of our ability to come back.. Ir's easy to say. we lost. and give up because they got up by so much. But we kept going. It was frustrating to lose that game." Carlson and Lhe Sea J(jngs ended the tournament on a h igh note. They defeated Santa Margarita. 6-4. Carlson scored two goals, dished out two assists and recorded one s1eaJ. Carlson. who helped lead CdM to its first CIF Division IV wrts water polo titJe last year: has been an 1mponant piece of lhe puuJe tlus season for the PCI champion:. She is aho '>mart enough to reali1,e her teammates and Corona's chemistry is what has led the o.,ea Klngl> to Lhe ehte starus m guh water polo • Mo5t of thew gill'>. the core group. have been playing togeLher since 1unior polo." she 5ald "That gives us rhythm when we are playmg We have a lot of talent on this team. We are one of the closest teams around. Wr are best fnends. Our team. we all just lit. When new girl-. come in they JUSt come in and we dll now together .• Ilic Sea Kings' chem~try will be extra unponant as Cc.IM 1>repart:<> for the CIF Playoffs. Corona Wiii be the team to beat. • Tlw. !.Cason we are one of Lhe elite team!.." Carlson said. "Last year put u5 on lhe map a bu more and tha1 ha!. been important to U'> IA'>I year we were more of an underdog team. nus year more tea.ms are look.mg to bcc1t u., and take us down Timt gi1.es a different mouv.rnon • wWe d1dn t 'tCOre any NJl.'>, and it 's hdrd to wtn when you don~ '><:Ore," Savage said. Ari1.ona freshman catcher Nick I lundley opened the ninth for the Wildcats with a double to left field. cha'>mg Schroer. WiLh left·hander Pat Really steppmg to the plate wtth an I I-game hitting '>treak on the bne. Savage count- ered wtth lefty reliever Phil l'npoh, who ~ tagged a single to right, which plated Hundley and extended Reilly's hitting '>I.teak. UCl'<i Kns Knse replaced l'npoli after onty one hitter and the first batter he faced, Hardy, reached on a throwing error. With runner; at second and third, Krise uncorted a wild pitch. scoring Reilly from third to give Lhe visitors a comfonable 3-0 edge. Meloan. who earned the win in his first appearance this sea- son. shut down six straight UCI hitters to finish matters. Noncontwenc. Mzona3,uao Arizona SC:~ '"'*;r -l 10 o UCI ooo ooo 000 -o 3 2 Little, Meloan (8) and Hundley; Swanton, Schroer (7), Tnpoll (9), KrlM (91 and Wegner W -Uttle. 2 1. L -Schroer, 0-1. 28 -Mercado IAI. Hundley IA). Wegner (UCI) JatuuJ<J/ r ehruary I~. 2003 83 Our intimWry of ntw and pre -oo.rned Mercedes-Ben~ has never been larg~r -ot'eT 1 700 llt><.ulabk! Aind now there's o brand new t1mval -the ,ioo3 C230 l<umpre.Mor Sport5 Sedan four J11ors, -~~::r.:~~ 1 7" C~tom \X/htcb -ac d great price and neu luw rau rhat's . of \pecwl mttre,c, tmr lou e~t tt'<T! ~ I ..\ H \l ..\ R I\ ' ' ' ~ -· -. ~ -.... ..... _. -.,_ f/f 0.. t.ft.vs• •• -. • .....,_..;. .u•.u WWWHUR .......... ---~ ..... a a lTMw' ....... Oilllll9 '""" ...... ............. . .. 84 Sati.day, February 15. 2003 . . . .. "' . . . PORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles' Carlos Pinto (44) drives inside the key in Fnday night's home game wrth the Seahawks. Af)ove. Eagles' Zack Novak ( 12) flies through Sea hawk def ender Casey Ortiz ( l I ) Estancia makes a run Eagles lead late in third quarter, before being overrun by league champion Ocean View . Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -It took more than 21 minutes Friday night, but the Estancia High boy<> baskeLball team reached. then, briefly remained atop thl' sum- mit established by the team tha t has won the last six Golden West League champion'>hip ... But visiting Ocean View (25-3, 12-0 in league), ranked No 2 in Clf· Southern Set:tion Division Ill-A aJJd No i in Or.uige County. quickly tugged al Lhl· Eagles' rope. fht-n. O\.t'r just more than the final nine minutes. E.'>tant 1a pointer to up the atlvaniage to .D 29. 1-stancia\ Carlo:. 1'11110 nened a Lhree-pointer w11h 11 '>econds left in the thirtl period, but Sargeant. whurn ~>rec believes will be the league MVI~ '>la.,hed msitle for a layup that ju'>t bea1 the buzzer for a 36 32 C >cean View lead. ·1he two team.'> tr.idctl -.wres the fin.I lhrl'e minutt.~ of the founh quarter but <)argeant and <,enior ~ey ! >rtl7 finally mJde back-to-back hlll kei... for the V1s11on.. And tle.,p11t' I ~t.mcia three-pointer., by /.Jt t.. Novak and Tyler I loffnldll 111 1lw l hJ\ing mmutes, tht• '>eahawk.... who havt• won 17 of their la-.1 I H. pulltd away to um1plt-lt' .1 per- fell le.igue ram· pa1~11 "><trgl·,u11 <,t'CJred 17 of 111., game high LJ po1111~ 111 the final 'l:J') ;u1tl Okwud1b11 - nyc fi111\hec1 with lb. found itself submt•rged Ocflan View under a 33-pornt t a'> Estancia 62 E.'>tancia. playing cade from thC' \l•iJ· haw~. who J)(>\tt'<.I a 62-50 triumph to exlt'lld 1ht'1r winning 'llreak tu 15 h1•ad111K into next week\< If Playoft... "It's hard tu k<'<'P lllt'1r h1g gun!> down for four quant r-., said l~lancia Coach C llm '><mt'. whose undermannt'tl '>quad trudged uphiJI from tht' '>tm 1 to Lake a 29-28 lead with 2.45 lcfl 111 the third quarter. Senior cenLer Joey lmdqw .. t\ layin, on a feed from \t'mor pmnl guard Man Cachold. t appt•d a11 8-0 run that gave 1,.,1anda II'> only lead. The nm bt>gan when the 6-foot-8 Undqu1.,t t.onvcned a three-point play Cachola added a 15-foot 1umper to dmw within 28-27 and Und4u1s1 put the hosts over the top, where they lingered for a prcc,ciou., 96 seconds. But Ocean View Jtmior Greg Olcwudtbonye scored under- neath and junior guard Matt Sargeant followed with a three- 50 w11hou1 jumor ~tart ing forward Jortlan Stroman lrnm:u<, <,mn) and 1umor n~·rve lorw<mi Stoll ~nkt'Y (1Jlm·'>'>I. '><lW II<, thin rotation furtlwr d<•plett'd when .,~nwr l nk Antler<.t'n picked up four fiN half foul-. ~ttll. w11h I mdqu1'1l hallhng in-.ide for 12 pomti. anti I 'i re· hounds, Pinto a<.lding Im. con'>i!>· tent offensive punch ( 15 point!>) and Novak popping fur 12 of h.-. tt•am high 16 pointi. in the final two periotls. the 1:.agle-. 116 I 0, 6-6) made the Scahawk.<. earn 11. "Our guys did a nice job. de- fensively. for threc-pluc, quar· IN'>,~ ~rce ..rud. "I think we JUSI ran out of gru. and (the Sea· hawkh') experience of '>Urce<>S helped get them over the top. I don't lhinJc we lost the game as much as they won It." Sorce said compctmg against a program that has won 12 ltague tiUes in Coach Jim I fami;' 25 M'a- sons at the helm Che 1s sharing the head coaching lllle th1c; year wllh hi., '>On. Junmyl ii. the best way to prepare for the po'>tsea· '>Un ·ocean View .., a good team at both end<; of the noor." 'x>rce .!>aid. "It\ the No l. team 111 our d1vi!l1011, \O we can't be far off from whoever we• mee1 lll the playoff~ ... Novak hatl thrt•<· three point- CN and atldc<.I live rebounds, while Cachola contnhutcd nine cc.s1st~. five board., and four point<.. Ocean View\ pre.,.,ure man- to-man helped It earn a 19· 11 edge 111 turnovers, but fatancia's defense was pesky enough to hold the Seahawks to just 29.4% o;hooling from the field ( 15 of 5 1) through three periods. The visitor.., however, sank 10 of 12 field -goal tries in the final quarter and netted S of 6 fouJ hots in the final 3:0:1 Estancia, just 7 of 22 from the field before halftime (31.5%), converted half of its 24 ~ond- Eagles' Joey Lindquist breaks through the Sea hawk defense for a shot attempt F nday night. PHOIOS B~ Sf AN HILLlR OAILY PILOT half fi eld-goal Int' ... Bui ll wac;n't enough ii'> the• Eagle'> fell to fourth place hchmd Santa Ana. \-.'hich knodl'd off 'i<'COnd-plate C >ran Ke. 67 'i J. J nday. 111e top four team., 1n the \even-team (.olden We\t Lt>JJ.'l.le earn guar- anteed Lii berth'>. Playoff pairing., will be an· nounccd Sunday. Golden West Lucue Ocean View 62. Estancia 50 Score bv Ou1net'S Oecan Vtaw 1~ 1' 11 M 62 Estancia e I 111 1e 50 Ocean View Okwud1bonye 16, Oruz 9. Wurts 4, Sargeant 23, Kramer 1, Loo 3, tngelman 2. Rogers 2, Wilson 2 3 pt Goats Okwud1bonye 2, Sargeant 1 Fouled out none Technicals lngelman 1. Est1ncl1 Pinto 15. Andersen 0, L1ndqu111t 12, Novak 16, Cactiola 4, Hoffman 3, Escobedo 0, Viramontes 0 3-pt Goats Novak 3, Pm10 1, Hoffman 1 Fouled out none Todlmcals nono Mesa finishes with win Krikorian scores 26 points, and adds six three-pointers to gain school career record (163) Friday. COSTA MESA -The Costa M~ High boys basketball team lllW a 15-point lead vanl~ In the fourth quarter, but came back to earn a 56-53 overtime win over GoJdcn West League visitor ddleback Friday night. Mesa senior Danny Krikorian and freshman brother Tony bad lhret and two thJtt·polnters, re pectfvely, Jn the a t quarter to a.ccount for the M tanRS' of ~ nae and a 15.U I d airer eig)it mfnut Danny Krikonan, a four·year var'iity player. firu~hed with 26 points and h.is ~lX three-pc>mttr!I give him 163 for h.ici career, a <>< hool record, Coach Bob Serven 'laid. . .. re5hman Scott Knox, mmlng off the bench as Serven elected 10 start hl<i four seniors, added IO poinlR, whiJe M>phomore Jeff Waldron chipped in lx points and 14 rebound'! for tht' winners (10 l6. 5 7 in league). Thny Krtkorian, who wong Wllh Knox and frcahman Bnan Molina. 1u1 welJ Waldron, g>ve rven a stro11g nucl for years to come, finJ hcd with nln point.a. all on thf'et'·polme Panny Kriltorfnn opened th CM'rtJm<' ~oring with a ftl'e thmw ant1. ofltr 11 Sl\ddlf'hMk bucket, Molina scored on an acrobatic: left -handed layup to pul Mesa on top, 52 51. A Knox free throw upped the lead to two, but the Roadntn- ners. who needed the victory to get the 11 neces.,o,ary to be con- sidered for an at-large berth into lhe CrF Southern Section Play-oas, pulled even at 53. Molina converted 3 of 4 foul shots to flnall7.e the scoring In the Onal minute, as Saddleoock mJssed o trlo o( thtff-point ut· tcmpl.!I, w laM after teallng an Inbound p:ts.s with on ond left. to go away di ppolnted •0ut rn::-.hm n toned ~ying UM they weren't f rcshm n town.rd th end or the year and lhmny Ktlkorfan crowd out a flnf' rm 1r war varsity cart r," , Serven srud. ·we would love to be practicing next week (prepar- ing for the playoffs). but it didn't workout." Gotdel\ WMt Lup Costa Mall M. Slldchblldl 53 Scorebv~ eo.ta Meu 19 ,2 '4 I 1 -11 SaddleM<:k • t " 22 41 5) C-. Mete -0 Krtkori.en 28. W.ldron 3. Mlllwlrd 0, Ab9chbo O. Pepic o, Knox 10, T Krikorian 9, MollN &, Stllnkavlc 3 ).pt ~·· -o. Kntorian e. T Knkorian3 Fooled out -none Ttdlnlclla -none ~-Wlnrow 13 .. So&l 13, May 7, Qull'tel 10, Aloneo 10. 3-pt gotl So•• 3. May 1. Foulod out -Sou. Ted'lntc:el• noM JC BASKETBALL Orange Coast women put Golden West away . Mendoza, Carrillo pave the way for 60-50 Orange Empire Conferen ce victory. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Orange Coast College's women's basketball team improved 10 25-5, 10-2 in the Orange F.mplre Conference with a 60-50 victory over host Golden West. Uz Mendoza (19 points) and Alisa Carrillo ( 18 points) were the ringleaders for the Pirates. Car- < rillo h.118of 10 attempts from the field. Golden West fell to l ().. J 6, l · 1 l. 0,... (mph Coftflr•ICI occ eo. Golden wm 50 o,.nge Coast -Hatsuthl 5. Galaao 6. MUO'IY 11, Mendoza 19, C.rrillo 18, Qulrot 2, Shew 0, Von Tungeln 0 3 pt. goats -Mendoza 2, Hataushl 1 R>uled out -none. Tectmicals -none. Golden W... -TISdale 8, Cruz 19, Toms 8, Hall 12, Levale 3, Katmborg o. Caron O 3-pt. goals -Cruz 2. Hall 1. Fouled out -none. Technicala -none. Orange Coast men romp HUNTINGTON Bf.ACH -Ste· phon Seales hit haV of his shots from the field and a1J five of his free throws for a team-high 20 points to lead the Orange Coast College men's basketball team to an 80· 74 victory at Golden West College Friday njght. The Pirates, 19-11 . 7 ·4 in the Orange Empire Conference, came from behind with a 19· point second-half edge to pull it out, droppmg Golden West to 7- 20. 3·9. In a game which totaled 41 board!. between the two teams, Aaron Bobik and Laruer Brown added 16 and IS poinl<>, rei.pec- tively for the Pirates. SeaJ~. Jac;on Garey and Brian Bobtk led OCCs rebounding With five apiece. OrMc• EmPre ec. ........ occ 80. Golden w..t 74 Orenge Coeat -Seales 20. James 8, Brown 15, Peppers 0, Alexander 4, A Bob1k 16. Garey 9. B. Bobik 6, Hatctt 2. Shahe1m 0. 3 pt goala -A. Bobik 2. Garey 2. Seales 1, J1mea 1, Brown 1, Alexander 1 Fouled out -none Techmcals -none Go6deft w.t -Roquemore 9. Ling 2, Ivory 18, Blount 14, Brown 2, Graham 23. Whttlodt 6 3 pl goals -Ivory 2, Blounl 1, Roquemore 1 Fouled out none. Tec:hmcals -none Halftime -Golclen West, 44-31. JC MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Pirates handle Moorpark Orange Coast men improve to 5-1 with four-game victory over the Raiders. MOORPARK -Orange Coast C..oUege·., men\ volleyball team. bchmd a \tellar perfonnance from Poyer Puia who had r/ kills, dis· po!ied of the host Moorparlc Raid· ers l·nday night. J0-26, 26-30. 30- 28, JO. 23. to IITlprove to 2-0 in the Orange Fmpire Conference, 5-1 l'M:ralt Mike Murphy had 37 assists for Coach Oludt Uitenese's Pirates. WWe really got a good pefonn· ance from Levi Luster, too.· said Cutenese. Luster had nine kills. Moorparlt falls to 1-2 in the Western States Conference. <XX. returns to action We<tnes day, hosung FJ Camino at 2:30 p.m. JC SWIMMING Pirates tum the Saddleback Pentathlon into an Orange Coast College spectacular Women dominate the event like it was a made-to-order item. MIS~ION VlEJO -Orange Loa ... 1 VJllege's women's swim forces made shambles of the Saddleback Pentathlon Friday with a domination which bor- dered on unbelievable at SaddJe- back College. The Pirates, led Oy Sherry Tsai, went 1-2-3-4 in individual overall M:ores. and added 6-7 -9 to the equation to rum the meet simply into an OCC intrasquad meet. Tsai was first in every event. winning the 50-yard freestyle in 24.56, the 50 backstroke in 27.04, the 50 breaststroke in 32.57, the 50 bl.ltterOy in 26.08 and the 100 individual medley in 59.03. Her combined times for the five events 12.5 seconds better than runner-up Sara Natamzjo of OCC who was second in four events with times of 26.12, 30.33, 33.17, 27.53 and I :04.63, respec- tively. Onmge Coast's Kimberly Frith, who finished third averalJ at 3:04.41, broke up Natamzio's string of seconds with a runner- TOO.Y Basbtbel College !'Mn -UC Irvine at Idaho, 7:05 p.m.: Vanguard Unlversi1y at The Malter'•, 7:30 p.m. College women -Vanguard University at The Maater'a, 6:30 p.m. ,....,.. College-Arizona at UC Irvine, 8 p.m.; Vanguard Untvetaity at Concordia, doubleheader, 11 a.m. Community coflege -Cy-Coaat Clualc, Colt.ge of the tanyona at Orange Coast. 10 a.m. Vo•evW College men -P9pperdine at UC lrvlne, Cfawford Hetl. 7 p.m. W...,polo High IChoot e -Coronldo at Newport Ha , tO t m. . \ up finish m the 50 free. Frith's times were 25.6n. 30.41 , 35.55. 28 14and1:04 .64. Rounding out the top four was OCCs Sarah Mitchell, who went 26.82. 30.40. 36.41 . 28.58 and I :05.68, respectively. Ashley Lowden and Jennifer Nelson went 6-7 for OCCs women, and Vanessa Lara was ninth. Others in the field of 54 were Shannon Maxfield (14th}, Erica Nicholson (17th), ICi.m DoU (19th), Amber F.doff (25th), Stephanie Wood (28th). Rebecca Robb (33rd) and Amber Bcaw!ey (34th). In men's competition. Coast's Man Henry 6nisbed fowth owr· aJJ, with Billy SWanson. Billy Jony, T'yson Monohan and Paul Fran- kenberger going 6-3-9-1 O. Frankenberger posted a sec- ond-best 50.19 in the 100 free and Jony was fowth ln°Sl.81. Wong was first in the 100 breast at 1 :02.94 and Henry went l :05.83 for fifth. Henry and Jony went 3-S ln the l 00 Oy with times of 56.88 and 57 39, and Jooy and Mono- han went 2-6 in the 100 back . with times of 59.17 and 1:0139. 8oftbel College -Vanguard Unlvenlty at C.1 State San Bemtrdtno, doubleheader, noon. WtMdttt High IChool -Coat.e Mesa at CtF Oivlalon I TMm Ouela at Temecula Vall4ty, 11 a.m. .... •I Colt.ge men-UC 1Mne,. Uni~ of Sen Fnndlco. I ..m.; UC Irvine w. St. Mery't. II Unlvenlty of Sen ff'tf ~. 1 p.m.; Vlnguatd Unfv....ety M c.it .. Poly Pofnone TOunwnent. • Cohge womM-Sen Diego Stet. ,. UC ti'\'tne. noon. ,.,... ........ College men and wonwt- VMeuefd lJn:wnlty. LllM ChllRCe Ot··~ .. fndocw' Nnt91Non. 10 a.m. , ' a o • t a • an a·· 0°0 0 20 0?11 °0 8 10 a a ft • a • a 0 • a a a. « rO • • • a ..... a rtid ., .... ~~·..,--. BRIEFLY Mustangs clo se it out in double or League champion Santa An a scores twice in second ove rtime to top Mustan gs, 2-0. • BOYS SOCCER. '>anta Ana I ligh's Golden We'>t League champion Saint'> went into a second overtiml• before po'>llng a 2-0 victory over ho\t uMa Mesa Fnday in a boy\ \Oecer match which wa~ on~nally rained out on Wedn~day ·we hw.lled and did every thing right. M '>..lid ( (l\ld Ml'\d Coach Eugene Day "Hu t we could not fini'>h. The Mu'>lanw, went with JU'>l 10 players. and in th<• final two minutes, had JU\I nine player., on the field , includ111g 10111• c,en lor Alex Mulhern, who d1c,t111 guished h1 mc,clf 111 lw. final game for Me..a Santa Ana firmhec, 'I ~ I th 11 awaits the playoff., The Mustang'> bow out. O 19-I, 0-12 in leai,'lle Sage Hill fall~ in playoff for third • GI~ HOOPS \dge 1 ltll School''> g1rlc, ba.,kl'tball team dropped ci '.17 JO dec1:.1on at Brethren C.h ri'>ttan 111 Hunting ton Beach 1n J tlurd pldu~ Academy 1£ague playoff. which puh ~gt' J11ll (I:! 7, 5-6) 1n a wall and-.,ee mode for the upcoming UI playoff'>, and send., Hrethrt'n < hmttan (1 1-16. 6 'l) 11110 tht· playoff., with 'the No J lwrth from the league. Sage I ti ll, lt•d hv Cami.' O ark's 18 point.,, had a :i!4 17 halftime advantagt· bdore Brethren C.hm11an made a strong c,econd h.tJf run. takmg advantage of ~ge I 1111\ IJck of expenence. Thlrd-pi.ce Playoff AC411demy League Bmttren 37. Save Hill JO Score by Quarters Sage Hill 1) 11 1 • JO Brethren 11 'I , 1 11 37 Seoe Hill Ca Clark 18. Gutierrez 2, Wright 6 Pu1shvs 4 Voner lee O. M1inero 0. Kahsk• O 3-pt goals Clark 4 Fouled out Puoshys Btethren Christian McDonald 10, Ho O, Lee 7, Holland 0. Wilson 20 3-pt goals Lee 1. Wilson 1 Fouled out McDonald Tecnn1cals none Stanford sends UCI away with 7-0 setback • COLLEGE MEN'S TEN- NIS: Sta nford (2 I) wa!) a 7-0 nonconferen«e winner over visiting UC Irvine I nday. drop· ping the Antt'aler'> to 5-J 111 men's tenni'>. Stanford 7. UC Irvine 0 Sln9'" -Haviland ISi def Endnkat, 6-2, Manin ISi def Korac. HJ. 7-5. Corkery ISi def O'Connor.6 1, 6 1, Pade IS) def Monon, 6 3. 6 2, Warburg IS) def 81ortman, 6 2. 6 4, Kao (S) def • • Surapol. 6-4, 3 6. 6 2 Doubles -l1pskv Manin (5) def Endriut·Morton. 9 7, Haviland-Warburg (SI def Korec O'Connor, 8 S, Moma-Sheng ($) defr Biorkman Williams, 8 3 UCSD tops Vanguard Vanguard University's men's tennis team dropped a 9-0 nonconference decision at Cal Poly Pomona on the first day of the California Invitational Tournament. UC Sen Diego t . V.nguard 0 ..... -l um1den (SOI def Chopra. 6-1, 6 2; Merdh (SDI def Meyer. 5-3, 2-8, 5-3, Holmgren (SOI def. SWltt. 6-1. 6-'; Bjorttlund (SO) def. Wilton. 5-1. 6-'; Taylor (SO) def. E. Novik. 6-0. 5-1, J1rd1ne (SOI def. Wilton-Hayden. 6-0. 6-0 Doublet -Lumsden Mardh (SOI def. Chopr1-Sw1tt. 8 2, Bjoftllund-Holmgen (SDI def. Wileon-Morton, 8-3. T1ylor·Jardlne (SDI def. Meyer Hegel, 8-0. Pirates sweep past Riverside, Santa Ana • TRACJC AND PII!LD: Orange Coast College swept Riverside and Santa Ana In a community college men's and women'• tnck and fleld meet Friday iaftemoon at Santa Ana Collefe. 1be men ~ Rtvenlde, 1"47· 146, wttb Santa An• fin. Wlinc wtth 38 points. ~ The women potCed I I 66- • 122 ~ owr Riventdc. ta Ana r~ wtth 2J Polri -~. . . - ~ P <> R I \ Sctturday, febfuatY I!> :?003 85 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL GIRLS WATER POLO CdM tunes up for pl ayoffs with vic tory Bowlus, Carlson a nd Christina Hewko combine for 10 goals. LAKE FOREST -Corona del Mnr Hlgh's girb wutcr polo team improved to 20-5 with a nonle4'"c victory at FJ Thro I llgh Friday, J>a.'lifl8 the O:Ml.rgers, 15-8. the Sea klngs tuned up for next Mek'a first round or the CIP r\ayofb. Brittney 8oWtus led the way with four ~ and °""* CWoo and OU1t tlna •lewlo each tronld three goal' a.., CdM po'>ted fhc goal'> in Cillh of th~· fiN thrl't' tjll..trtt.•r-. be turv l'..t'>tnK up < .arbon hJd thn•f! .L-.s1st., and thrl'l' '>teal-.. and goalJe Bnuany Fullen had 10 s.ives. Vivian lJao. Katya Ea dlngton and Camile l lewko each had two &.S.'>i ts. NonlMp CdM 15, El TOto I lcof'9 bv au.w.. CdM . ' I I 0 1• El Toro t 2 t ' • I CdM -Bowtut '· c.tttoii 3. Ch ·~ 3. c. H.wtio 2. Ha~•nl 1, OiG*1QMO 1. Eldingt n l s.vw -Fullen 10 B ... Hedlfy "-Holad9w 2. l..-1, "'9rlOI\ l s.vt. - • • • Above . CdM's Pancho Seaborn l l 41 tdke51t to the bdsket in Friday's game at University High Left. Sea Kings· Jay Nort~ndge (3) and Calvary Chapel's Shaun Kmg collide CdM won for the third time in four starts against the Eagles and grabbed a berth in the upcoming CIF Ptayoff s as the league'c; No. 3 en try f'l•DTOS 9 f SEAN Hill[ P OAll'f PILOI HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Dai}' Piiot's Athlete of the Week senes TOOAY 19 All1sv11 Harvtiv Corona del Mai Soccer 00. '01 27 Martin Jaruon Orange Coast Football. '9') DEEP SEA ~Y'900UNTS ...,..,.ort~-1 bollt., 19 englen.. 11 oel6co a.., 34 -"' ...... 23 t1a1lp1n, 1 ~. bltdtmfnith pefdl CdM steams p as t Calvary Chape l Northridge pours in career-high 23 points, including five from three-point territory to he lp Sea Kings secure third place. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot IHVl'JI· I tavmg 1he fi11al quaner and 1un1or Pa.n- d11) \eaoom nt·nt'd a Z.t foot 1hll'<'-po1me1 111 nldkt· 11 a11 t·1gh1 point CU\lmm With t H lt•ft After Ca.lwry clo'>t-<l II> witlun 49 14·l. Northrldge lound Bart Wellh for a laytn with 1·10 ~­ mwrnng and thl' ~a Kmg-. con wn e<l 5 of 8 foul '>111Jl 'i in tht• final 55 ..,ec:ond.!. to keep llw IAWt"> at ba} plavtxl on the pre<:1p1te of p<J.,l!'>t'd.-.On 4uaWica - uon for nme day<>. the CoronJ del ~1ar I l1gh boy' ba.'>kt>tball team t Jll t.'lljO) an arlXJt!IV·free ,..,l't'kt•nd Calvary CdM \1} d.td told me a lc>nK nme agt> that bd.<J:etball L" a ~lt' of prt">.-.urt': Curry '>did Hlf }OU can't h.mdle pre-. .. un-. you probabl\ ought to find .uiutht•r '>pon. Ja\ madt-,,ome btg ha .. kt·h for u.. 1oday 11ll' ~a i>...tnh"> t:ll!>Ured tilt•) wont h.i\.e 10 '>Wt·ar ou1 IM\lllg to eam a UI 'xJulhl'm '>t-lllOn D1\1'>lon Ill A Jl·IJr'gl' lx·nh hy heaung C .d.lvary Chapel. Sh 44, 111 J i>'aulk Coac,t l.eagut> llurd plc1l l' playoll 1-nday at I J111 Vl'f'olty I hgh llw lo.,., endl'<.l Ult' '>i:li.'>'Jn for Lill' l.d¢l.., !10 17. 4·7 u1 league\. who k.nolk.t'<I off LdM !Tue<.(Jay U1 ov('nimt•) and ft">Om !Thur.day) to lorn• the plavoff .Jiowdm\.TI. Ln· dudmg d Dett'mbt>r tournament da.'>h, 11 ''a.' the fourth meeung hetwtoen lhe t\\O tt'am\. < d.\1 y,.on thn·e We\e plJVl'<l the ld.-.1 four g..unt.., rwedmg ont' \'111 to he tn tht· plawn., • < ..<l.\1 <,(Jach Hyan < urry 'oCUd It wok uc, unuJ the founh ga11ll' but .,..,. g111 that \11111 ;md 11' J\.\-l"-'>llll' I m rl·aJJ~ proud ol u., I hl· \ ll!Or\ ll'<.l IJ\ 1uruur guard J,1, '\onhndgl''> tareer-rugh 2J prnnh, cndL'<.l d thrtt·game lcNng <,teak for < .<lM • I.!· l -,, 5-fli It abo t·nhanted lht' 'it·a "'1ng.., pl<JvofT phght, h;ivmg 'o('\lJrt-<l J guarn.n· tt.•t'<l twnh. tn'>tcad of the at largt" bid, tor y,h1th all tl'am'> w11h at lt•(l.<,I 11 Wll I'> an· llltl'oldt'rt'll. · I ht• ,11 l~l' bid \\d.., nt~t'r a g u ar ..u1 t t't.'. C.1.trrv ...ail.I .. v~e H' ht'l'll t ontrolhng nur 1111 dhlln~ fur lour gamt:"> "1w " Jon I haH' 10 wom . lhe ~d Nil~ 'Vh" 1 ~ thc playoff'> la.'>I war, \VU ', n of thc11 fir.t mund fatt• \\iu~n pamng-. are rl'I e a.-.ed 'itJ nda v. I n<lJy\ win wa.'> 101 \\lthout "'"w ·wom, thonl!h <..a.Ivan Oiapt·I' 0111, lead ,,d.., .!·O < dM thl dl">1gna1ed hom1.• tt•an1 1111 thl' neuLral roun. where 11 had not won '>tnle 2001. ralhC'<l for an 11 4 alhrantagt' and w& up, I fl q, at tht• t•nd ol the fir.I quaner < dM hdJ it'> lt•<Jd m the 'it>cond qu.tner. dt">p1tt• ~omg the final 7 OH of llw h.ill y, 1thout a fil'ld go,tl (,.tlvary < li.tpd do'ot•d lu withan .!..!. lCI at h,ilft1ml' ctnd wa' withtn .!4 .lJ aftt'r 1wo Hn•ru•n Beeler frt't' llm)\'V'> y,.11h l.·1~ dap">t.-<l 111 tht> thml 4u,111l't Hut "lonhndgt>. h11utt'll to eight po111l'> 111 lut"><.lay., b8 bO Ovt'nlmc 111...., .1g.un .. 1 tht• \'\.<,1Ung baglt"> and '1x po111L'> m llmr.ddv'c; lo:.!> to lt'J).'lll' dwrnp11111 \iorthwood, l Ollllt't lt'tl Oil badl Ill back thn't' JX>llltt.•r.. lxith lruni lhc left comer. tu r\'t..,labh..h t e1111ml '\iorthndge who drilled a ca rt't'r lu~~h fiw thn..oe-pomters, con verte<l from lx>}"(lnd the arc with 1-02 left 111 the quarter to ~ the <iea "'1nw-a 37·30 edge. headmg mto the final etghl minutes.. Northrid~ scored fiw pomls and ~l.'>ted on a Bren ~tato;en l.iym to help the Sea Nng!> ma.tJ1 tam a 46-41 lead. midway through I le y,,l., .i htllt.' ili'>ap fl'111lll-<l Y,1th lun~lf .tfrer the l.N < ...ih;m < li.1pt•I game. tkt .iu<,t· tht·\ It-It tum open and he d1d11 t hit a' mall\ <Jll>t'> ~ he L11ou~I he mJd hilW !\onhndge 111 1,wnt .down tw11.:e m l11t· fo11 4uJner with a Lramp in tu ... lalf mu"-It'. '>aid 11 ~ !{J"'dUl\.1ng Lil po<,t hu. bt,..,t '>(;Onng ou1pu1 ot 111.., rwo year Vllf'>•CV rafl'<'r ""twn lu~ team net'dt'd II nlCl'>t I h· .... a. ... 7 of I I Imm the field . mt htdmg 5 of Y from mreedorn, and h<1d lour a .. '>l'>l' .md 1\\11 .,1t·dJ, I h' previow. 'mglt• !{'amt· 111~1 1h1' ...... a. .. ,on Wd.' I l. point' If '' 1• cJ1dn t "tn thL' 11ne. Wt' \\Ould h.1w pl.J\.t'\I J tou¢lt'r tl'am in ll1t· hr.t round, \iorth ndgt' ...iuJ "I 1hm~ t'\t'l)one pld\l'<l \\t01l •md ...,,. plaH'\I a.'> a lt'illl I llll'> \I\ 111 \\ti' h1g • Thi ~d !-:11th .... '>llt'\1\t-<l J S4 .t! rebound d1-.Jdvam.tgt'. tm ludmg I l·o 111 nftt•n'>l\t' hotlfd.'>, 11\ out ... hooung llit· 1..i.;t.., < .-il'.<H\ h11 1u.,1 17 of in hdd godl .1t1l'mpl'> UO l'l, mduding JU't .!7 11·~1 aitt:r 1111t:rm1,,1on c .dM dramt.-<l It ol 2.1 -.t'< ond hall fit•ld goal lnt.., 1 "l.! J.•J., to fin '"h I Y uf 11 Imm llw hl'ld 1fl j'\, 11w 'lea K111g.,. pl.1w1g y,1thout -<lllor .J1af}l'>hoolt'r Kt'\ 111 \1an ulla..., I '>t't'\ 1ng a une gamt' ,u,11t·n .,ion for dt'><:1plin.m n·.i..,on., y,ere I ul :!O ln1111 ht•\1Hld tht• dI\ Junior A.L.lam I n.'t-dl' h..td 11 prnnL., 1ndud111g thn't' h1g ln>t> thnM'> dU\\ n tht· '>trt•t< h. ,..,1uJe ~abom fim.,twd ""Ith '>l'\l'll pomt., and nmt• n.'hound' \\ekh pullt'd d1MTI Ill re bound.' 111 go 1,-.nh Im. lour prnn~ whill' \1at-.en d11ppt-<l in rnne point-.. thrt't' rctlound' and a pa!! of J.....,l,I'>. \enmr Robhw I rn t' al'<> tttldt'd a '>Pcirl. oil lht· hl·tu h f11wJ11n~ '"1th 1y,o p<>1nl-.. t'\\.o ho,1rd'> Clllt' hlrx kt'd '>11111 aml um· .t....,,,, ( Un) ...itd fl· foot I '-t'lllor Br Jn don ~hend.·Odom who h.:t.'> nw .... e<l tlw la. ... 1 111nt· g.um.., with an anlJ<· 1n1urv. tould ht· muh tor the plt1\.orr., II~'\ Jom"> It'll ( ..il\itt'\ I hapd \\1th .!.I pmm... 1111 Judmg h\.e thn't· pomter. fWlFtC COAST UAGU£ Thifd..p(ac:e ptayoff CdM 56. Calwrf Chapel '9 Score by Ouerten Ca1vaf)t ll 1 , • .., CdM 16 t 15 1~ !11> CalYwy Chapel Mamell1 9 Hu•~t 4 Jones 23 Beeler 10 King 0 Moortadl 2, Cook, 3 pt goals -Jon<>s 5 Sf'oeler • Fouled out -none Tec:tlmcals none Con>na del Mat Seaborn 7. Mat<.P.n 9 B Weld! 4 Nonhridge 23 Freeoo 11 Luce 2. K Cool)f'r 0. K We1cti 0 3 pt goals Nonhridge 5 MatStlfl I Seaborn 1 Fouled ovt none Tectlmcals none LOOKING FOR A Sw1MITENN1s CLUB? ~ C\\'F'<-)rt PH.' .1\-l1 ·1~'11ni~ (·lt d' ON-SITE AMENITIES & P ROGRAM S •.. · 19 T~nnis Court.s ·Jr Olympic Saltw:lrn-Pool · 5 Pn)~ W Gnnd SWn Ex • ~.ldrum l ourt \\'/ Dk:l~nl ll.ill Machmt ( .. .. •• 8' Sab.rday, February 15, 2003 .. UCI Continued from B 1 The Agles didn't immediately 11ouble team Parada. They waited until he caught the ball ln die post and an extra defender iNould come down and guard )Um, as well. The Vandals will most likely immediately doubl~team the UCJ 7-foot junior center. · "I thought (the Aggies) were going to double me hard,· just like the other teams have been doing.• Parada said after Thurs- C:lay's game. "But they didn't. Every time I took the dribble 1hey would come down, so I would tum to my left shoulder. I .don't think they were expecting that" Douglass said Parada played with confidence and carried the Anteaters through the first half. It was obvious Parada was a key to the win, yet Parada knows that was just one game. "We've lost to Fullerton and Northridge, and those teams that are near the bottom of the league,• Parada said. "We can't be like that Titis is the team we COLLEGES Continued from B 1 pme, just hitting shots.· Even Douglass has trouble answering Hood's ability in the Clutch. "I don't know." Douglass said. -He kind of relishes in that opponunity. • Douglass and the Anteaters are wondering what Hood can do next. Last year, at Idaho, Iceman went for a career-high l7 points, including seven three-pointers. UCI is at Idaho. tonjght at 7:05. ••• Funny thing happened while in Utah State's Smith Spectrum lltursday. lmmediately after the game, I made my way to the UCI locker room to conduct interviews. Several Utah State fans were angered by some of the referees' calls late in the game. To my surprise I was hit by an empty plastic water bottle. And, to think I told a few colleagues Utah State would win that game Thursday. Shame on you, Aggies. ••• -.. .. ·. ·: ... . . . . . ... . SPORTS a.re {after a three-game wlnolng streak). We seniot guard Mike Hood, the most re· LIGHlWEIGHTS showed how we can play. We went through a lull. We went through that three-game losing streak. and now we're back in the race. We don't give up. Now we have to go to Idaho." UCSB UQ Utah St. "9clts Cat Poly ldeho ~ L3 cent Big West Player 8 of the Week honoree 8 : who scored elght 1 5 points, including 6 8 two game-winning e e I free throws with 1.3 Building winners Fullerton Notttvidge 5 1 seconds left Thurs· 4 7 day. Hood has hit 20 4 8 of 26 three-pointers 3 9 in the past seven Harbor boys hoops squads making progress top to bottom. The Anteaters are 6-4 on the road tbJs year, and 4·2 in league play in games away from the Riverside Lonu Bc:h St. Bren Center. Yet, perhaps most Importantly, they are playing their best basketball. They fol· towed up their dominating 72-52 win over Cal State Fullerton, with an emotional victory in Lo· gan. Utah against the Aggies. games. L any Hine. the boys varsity UCI freshman basketball coach at Newport point guard Jeff Gloger contin· Harbor High, must be smiling ues to provide energy for the these days. Anteaters, as he guides the of· . In addition tt> his team's quest for glory in fense. Gloger grabbed five re· the OF Playoffs, Harbor's three lower-level bounds (two offensive) Thurs-teams (freshman. sophomores and junior day. varsity) have each produced winning Douglass was Impressed with records this season. hopefully helping to guard Mike Efevberha, the Ant· produce talent that will move on to the eaters' lone true freshman who varsity level scored seven points off the That's just what fifth-year Harbor JV Tunibio said. Tum Jackson handles the point guard position. with help from Jamee Coder and Ricky Sepatwda at forward and guan1. ~pectively. ~Coder and Sepulveda are interchangeable with intensity and integrity; Tunibio said. Sepli)veda canned four three) in a game wt week and Jensen scored 12 points in the first half in another game. "We have a lot of balance." Torribio said. "We can either play two big men and three guard!> or four big men and one guard. There are a lot of good athletes here.." ••• While Parada produced for UCI in the first half, senior for- ward Jordan Harris helped lead the 'Eaters to victory in the sec· ond half. He scored nine of his 13 points in the second half and also provided two key stops while guarding Utah State senior Desmond Penigar, late in the game. bench Thursday. He played nine Coach Bryan Cot1rld an.empts to do with minutes after a season-low two his players -mold them to become minutes of action against Fuller-varsity-ready. BRYCE ALDERTON Fll!>t-year sophomore coach Jeny Mu.nsy calls his team the 'Breakfast Oub' because it practices In the mornings before school Harris scored 19 points and grabbed six rebounds against the Vandals earlier in the season. The Anteaters also feature Just an observation: UCJ junior forward Matt Okoro is a poor man's Ben Wallace. however, sometimes he's just very poor. Another observation: Douglass made a superb decision when he chose not to redshirt Mike Efevberha, the freshmjn guard from Pomona. Efevberha. though he has been Inconsistent, will be a much better player down the stretch this season and even more so next year. He will certainly be m contention to be UCl's starting guard, as Hood will have graduated. ••• Yet another observation: With each win, especially a victory at Utah State, it seems Douglass becomes more attractive to take the job at UCLA, as it's inevitable: Steve Lavin's days are over. Douglass· name fell out of rumorville when UCI went through its three-game winning streak. but the way he bas turned his squad's fonunes around. Dougl~i. ts back 111 the running. Lavin basically accepted h.is days are over In an mterview with ESPN.com's Andy Katz Thursday. Katz also had ton last week. Hes doing a good job this year with a Idaho is coming off a 75-6Y team that has gone 19-4 overall and Is tied with victory over Long Beach State. Aliso Niguel for first place in the Sea View League Dwayne Williams, the Vandals heading into Wednesday's game against 6-1 junior guard, led Idaho with Woodbridge. Winning or sharing the league crown 30 points. Junior 'fyrone Hayes would be the first for a Harbor JV team since 1992, leads the Vandals with a 13.9 Cottriel sald. points per game average. "The key is to get experience, and step into a Douglass' name as Lavin's replacement. But, then again, Katz mentioned Douglass as Jerry Tarlcani.nan's replacement when the Fresno State coach retired last year. Along with Douglass. Katt also mentioned Pittsburgh's Ben Howland. Gonzaga's Mark Few andeven UC Santa Barbara's Bob Williams. Pepperdine's Paul Westphal has also been mentioned in other rumors. But Douglass going to UCLA is hardJy breaking news. Douglass' name became talk when Guerrero first got the job at UCLA Even Lavin joked and mentioned Douglass as one of a few coaches to take over at UCLA at a preseason luncheon m the fall. UCLA Athletic Director Dan Guerrero, the former AD at UCI. i.aid he will not make any decisions about Bruins basketball during the season. Guerrero and Douglass shared a great relationship. one not usually seen between AD and head coach, the past six years before Guerrero went lo the Bruins. I guess this story is to be continued. starting spot on varsity," said Cortriet who in addition to designated team practices, sets aside time to work one-on-one with players to further develop ball handling, shooting and defensive drills. Cottriels instruction has produced two tournament titles (Edison and Fountain Valley) and a third-place finish (](.eonedy). "This is probably the hardest-working group and the best athletes I've had in five years of coaching the JVs." Cottrlel said. Cortriel returned three starters from last yea.r's I S.:6 squad including Alex Orth. who Cortriel said "keeps things together. •Alex always comes up with the loose ball and gets key baskets when we need it· Tuylor Young and Ram Moundyan have been the two leading scorers all season. Mouradyan has scored 29 points twice, with Young averaging about 15 points and 10 rebounds per game. "Those three guys won't let us lose,· Cottriel saJd Newpon has scored 90 points in a game ~ season, and is averaging about 70. ~My philosophy is that if you play good defense. you can score at will." CottrieJ said. "Taylor and Raffi have given us a lot of freedom on oO'eru;e. • ••• The Harbor freshman boys basketball team headed into its game Wednesday against Woodbridge one game behind the Wamors for the league lead. Newpon (19-5. 7-2 in league) has thrived on unselfishn~ and the will to win, ~d Coach Bob Turriblo. "No one asks how many point.s they M:Ored after games.· Torribio said. "Everyone plays hard and ha\ fun. f.orward Ted Slater has keyed Harbor''> defense with scoring coming from Sean F.ddington and B1jab Jer.-n.. who both average 10 points a game, The players must be eating their Wheaties because Newport (1 2-9) its in second place in league at 6-2 heading into ib game Wednesday at Foothill. Guard 'fylet' Cornwall is averaging 16 points per game with 6-foot-3 center Alex Verbs tallying eight a game. Deftk Brayton has provided solid rebounding with defense and has improved the most from the beginning of the sea.son. Murray said. Johnny CefaUa also plays the role of defensive stopper and Thomas Martin provides a spark off the bench for Newpon. Murray added. Yerkes runs the offense weU and Anthony Santo1 is the only player to have competed in each game this sea.son. Guard Vinny Nasza 'is "our lasmanian Devil." Murray said. "I le stops (opponents) in the dust" Another player who has improved ten-fold for Newpon has been Mlguef Paer.. who never played organized basketball pnor to this season. ••• In Sea View League play, the Newpon Harbor I hgh girls <,()('Ct'r team scored 26 goals and only allowed five to fini<.h 4 l I. and 7-5-1 overall The offen.<,e WclS led by rorwdl"C.l.\ Malorie Mc:Malm and 4'ndsJ Foster (team captain), while the midfield was controlled by Amanda La:z. Jennifer R)der, HaDJe Mitchell and Sienna Palmer. Defensive haJfbaclc Jessk:a Gevtlan had many headers and Viowt>d steady ball skills. "The team lame together qw<.ldy and learned what they needc:'d to do to ~111, • 'iCl.ld Coach Joeh Ruderman. "I am very happy \\1th their result&" ••• Newpon I !arbor 11.tgh'" fn.>'Jl 'iOph and junior varsity girls water polo leam.'> each won Sea View I .eague utles. beaung fool.lull Wedne5day. The frosh 'iOph won. q I, and are 20-0 OYerdil. Ash.Ung Tuylor scored three goals to go with lab Robertaon and Cali Manderino's two scores each. Brindeis Klein and Jesse Womble each scored once for Newport. fhe IV'> ( 19-1 l received four goals from Sabrina Cook to go with Sarah Mutt'I two and one from Samantha Kllppen. ''E l '' . mp oy ee. "Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer. "Employe." -·-·-··-···· '' NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED .CAN FIND IT. tj • 0 t t. t e a • a e•e c. n ft 0 •tr n n 2 • o t e o o 0 = O 0 0 ,A • e e • A 0 # e e • d I tJOH ... llow to Pla<·e A CLASSIFrnAD By Fax (<!49) 6' I M94 By Phorw !949) ~2-~7X lly Muil/ln l't•rl'on: :l "I() Well Bay \tr«I Co\t.s Me.\L CA 921i27 Al Ncv.pon Blvd & Aa~ '11 l<Jtc\ llll<l 1.lc,11.lltnc\ arc 'uh1t"• I I • • ltJ1t)!c \I. t1huu1 11ot1u~ ~ pubh,hc:r rc:'<."rve' the n11h1 It t.•11 11r r1.·1 fJ\>lh rc\tw or re,JeO Jll}' 1.h1"1f1c:d JJvcnl\cm,111 l'k.1 ,. rf'p.1r1 .111\ .-m11 thJl n1.i) h.: Ill your da"thcd ad 1m111cJ1ald> I he I >Jtl~ 1'11111 .ic..t.ept no h.1b1ltty for Jn) e1Tor 111 .... .i~heni,cmc111 Im v..h~1.h 11 may h.: rc'1pon,1bh: c\1.cpt lur the LO\t 111 1hc 'p.stc .1duJlly <~1.up1eJ I» th.: .:nor Crctl1t can onl}' ti.• .illv\l.cJ for the hr\I tn\cnton SERVICE DIRECTORY N_ -Por All Your Home and Business Needs -~i/1 11\c.-•n.i.d< I"" ...,r ""1phonr"""""1Mlll "llull1 •t.l •llli• pr~«'!"'* • I lours: Tclephonr R 30am ~ <•1pn1 Mondi) Fnd.iy Wall ln 8 :\Oain ~.OOpm Mondd) fnda) ...----·l)('adl irws.---- M11nd.J) h1JJ} '\ 11(~1111 ~tone IJ v <, U IJ!ln Tu ....W) .. 111"'"' \l.~lllo'-..1.1~ '\ lltl!•l!I r rt1l.t\ \,11ur1L) \u11<lJ\ lltur'tl.ay ., Clt')frn1 I rid.ty I <Jl>pti I rtcU) , OOpm •.80G HOIDc:I Eidt Wed For Only SJ2 pn .. ttk (4,.ttk llWlllDlll1I) • (Ill_.• 194'1 S14-414S (VISA l l _ep_I Notices ___ 2640__: legal Notices l'RIMI ISTATIS l'ATRICK TINOH 2640 leQal Notices 2640 LfGAL SERVICES H JMt~rr<R :.AJ E I011CI~ NUCllAllM6 ....... Use,nit ... 200UOl Sitt,,_ ........ 200)..(IOJ IPA2001· 24') m .... ~ NOTICl IS HlRl8Y tll/[N thal lhe City C.ount1I ol lh• City ul NtwJ>Qfl 8ea<h will holtl • public hea11n1 on the apphcah°" of Relatod Comp1ntn, un b~h•lf ol the Ir ••ne Company, prnper ty ow nor. lor U\• Permit No 200J 003 and Sota Plan R .. 1tw Nu 2003 001 un property loc1l1d •I the \outhwt\I torner ol lamboree Road •nd Bae~ Bay 0110 The property t> lo~ •led 1n the 8eyvtew l •nd1ne Planned Community (SP 39) 01str1el Request to 1 ""'""' t I SO aff0< d1ble \entur 110usm1 unlh on • \lie conSl\ltn1 of app10J1 matily five a t 1t\ lh• ut.e per m1t 11>1>IK. 11t<1n •OUld I UlhOtlll lhe U'\.C of the properly 1.11 WnlOt alfOf debit huu '"I end would "tabh\h \lie ck .. lop'l\ent \Ian datd' punuenl In lh• 8ayv1e# l•nd1n1 Pl1 nntd Communtlf D11tr •ct Re1ul•lt<>ll\ I t1r UH Permit will aho utabhVI • ma~1mum \ti uctur • ne1&hl of l'> Int n mea\Uod by tt1t lonm1 Cocl<o ''" Sil• Plan ltev1ew .opphc •tmn wtll ntabh\h lh, 11r •llr ol the "'' · lo• lh• ourpo\u of mu\u11n11 .trullu•• h11eh1 fhr 4r•de rtQUt\ltd I\ 1ppro111n1lely 4 In 'i feet ebo.. the .. l\t1n1 c••d• o f lhe lowor por tton of t hr \llt nearnl the mterutt111<1 of Bae~ Bay Onn 1nd Ji mbo ... Ro1d NOT ICC IS tclll! llY fURTHlR GfVC N lh.ol • M1f11af1d N'11t1vt Otl l1tation 1MN01 h.n bu n prepared by tht City of NewpOf I Buch 1n rnn neclion with the ~II t11ion noted abovr I he fll'NO stain that th• \Ubt«I project wtll nor rnul1 1n • \11n1fttant ettKt on the en<1won ment and any •denltfted ed .. rw tn•1tonment1I effects can bt m1t11ated It ts tht prl\ent mien lion ot th• City to acc911t the MNO and i.uppoct1n1 document\ Thi\ I\ not to bo con1t1 ued n fl I her apptoval or den1•I by lhe City of lhe \UbJHI appltcat1on 1 he Ctty encou1 a1u member\ of th• 1•ner•I pubhc to review and commenl on th" docum1nht1on • Coplu of the Mtll&•ltd Hctc•tlve O.cl11t atton and 1upportln1 documenh , ere .va1l1ble for pub he •••••• and lnSl)erlinn •• •the Pl1nnln1 Oepar t 'ment City of Hewp0rt Buell. 3300 Ntwpoll •Boulevard Newport BH<h. Calrf<lfnla. 92658 • 891!1. (949) 644 3200 NOTICE IS HEREBY fURTHCR Gii/EN that uld publte 1M1fln1 win , be held 011 the 25111 day , of f lllfUllf)' 2003, at the hour of 7 00 p m In Ille Council Chamben ol the : Newpcwt B .. ch city H.tfl llOO Newport Boule ..... d. Newpcwt B .. c11, Callf<lfn••. at wtilch ttme •n4 plK• eny end ell . penon' 1nte.e1ted mey appear end be lleerd • thenon If you chaKenr• • 1111. ptoject In court. you , m•y be limited to ••™Ill , only those 1nu.1 you Of I Ml"'4IOlll elM raised II •the public llurln1 • ducrlbed In thl1 notice • or In written corr• 'lj)Ondence delivered lo th• Ctly .ot. Of IJ1101 lo the pubht. hu11n& r Of into1maltun L•ll 1~9) 64.4 3200 /S/ i..v-n. M. H ..... Iden, City Cl...t., City ef New,.n leoc:h Publt\htd Newport Buch Co1o1a Mn<1 Daily Ptlut Febr u••Y 15 2001 S.t4V llOTKfOf MUCHw.G .... ,lrlllit Mt. fhe onllre l~•I 1\ ••a•l•ble lor r e•1ew on tht City Cler~' ofl1te ol the City of Newpnr t Bu~h Pubh\hed Ncwpor I 8ealh Co\I• Meu Daily Pilot f•b•u.ory l!J. 2001 l hp lullnwin~ P'"' \on•. "' ~ du1n1 bu''"'"'~ ·~ ll Cone"'' Pump1n11 1~998 Ml M1ld••ll i;u fou11l•1n lfdll•y I A 'lllCJil Adoption& Foster ca111 ORANGE COUNTY 5400 SeMces 2650 Corona del Mar v.-i..n~ ....-1r.stw c •• n ... , •• ~ 100.CXJ> ll*tM 11 lt>e US -Iii '°' • hurl• Holp k~ ..... braCh1n & ...,,., II~ lr~&ftlil«...i~ lnlur n~ Ra 1S f>ID I :l4lrn 'JO <; Al,._11 BIYd r141 Anatiem 114 w l!Ol 888 ~ Ol'lN SUN 12-4 S07 1 /2 l'ehuettl• lbr lba Londo 3 blks to bch lmmac l la newly rnurl•ced dtth New eAI paint C•IP•I Up C' •ded lute ' ln•eh Ip M1111Vdf~d Sell~! S706I\ Pr~~enl•d liy ·.1erlmc Rl tyulhla Ra<~ 'J4'> 'lJ<, 1220 NATIONWIOI USA 949-IS6·9705 .,.,.., P•lri,ktenoc~ '<>m I Bu,,..wpo:#tBe ... h mm I O NI FORD ltOAD ~ l!'Jt»+ Ol1u hOwd fh. 14>1.'J :odos SI .(£19.IXXJ 0..-Ail 9e9 Z24-02W •&I ~·'Bl~ VINTAGl llACH HOUSl ON THI WATllt. (All NOW AGT. 949-723 I I 20 l•o~h cJ;;. ZB• l ~a .. , ID200l-00l (PA2003-40S) NOllCC IS H[R£BY GIV[N that !he C1tv C:etunc 11 o1 the City ol N~wµo1t Burh will hold • publtt heat 1n& on th~ • eque\I nl Rob W1ll1•m1o. II IGY C1uu11 on b•half ul l um •nd 1\11 ruohev P•<•P•rly UNO•"· lor • Mod1liLat1on ul th• /t,uuna (J, dtnj)nc~ to pum1t thr ad1Jo11on .,1 " 17 tout w1d,. t-nlry ~dt ••~ff·rn1 lhAt wilt f'n Liil• 11 two le~I ••&hi 1n4h-. •ntu lht rtquurd n1nt foul hunl r•rd \elba1" Ith~ 1,.l•l~d 111'>1 o"eth•Oi? will e-•tend d'1 •ddihon•t .,, ' inc"'",,. M•nutl (,unt•l l '>'198 BICYCLES Ml M1l1h•ll l.11 , I 11un .......... .__ ,.,,__, einro'L 48r 4 ">II• l level\ l <ltd<' "''JV"''· I rty dlld 8tJl;I< Gully Vlll ... ll gdr, 11~ted v.r y n1cr lu\I r~duted ~g••I lo Sl69K Bl<r 94'1 ~ 1187 tam l/•tl'"v· CA '~7708 Mrdildfl t.:om•1 l '>'1!18 Ml M111hell CIJ , I nun 1"'" V.1ll•y CA 92708 f h1' bU\'""'' 1~ 'on dut. ltd bv .,, 1nd1V1dual Han you \ldrl~ll 0011111 bu\ln•~' vet' No Mdnutl Gomu Bicycles fol Sale 3080 l'eu9eal lllte 18\P Mrlfltk"'' I •Pl~· c.hrooM> moly hdm~. \h1n1•no ">htft• S200 lW llS 191>? Clp.:11 lloor "'"" a11t' 11,f'IS<lt\d • 185 "''° tiady tltal!tnt' .11Y! 11() 37&8871 Tltll HOUSI SlCLUDlD ltlTltlAT AMAZING PltlU AGT. 949 723·1120 Newport Coast l'ltlMl tsTATlS PATlllCK TlNOltl NATIONWIDE U$A 949 IS6-9705 www r•ttotklenr.re l•tm Thi· \ldtrffl<enl WJ\ HO !tied with the County 1 ME Costa Mesa Ol'lN SAT SUN 1-4 l ... A M·.tOI• 1/1\t .. I RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY ~~~o~ g~ ~'/"11' c .. u .. iv FURNISHINGS ID1 J '>b• DlTACHlD .,,,"" l111n• humt' H1 l r1I tr 0.-,11 "' Jld•nri 'hutt~' Ho'~ ,,und 'Y',tern lleduced lo S SOI , 900 M 111 r tw.r FORSAlf 20036921486 Daily Pilot ~ rb t 8 l 'J I furniture 3435 b~y1>nd lh• """' ... I •I ,upport~I IP• "'o''''" 1\ ht< ated n ll1t II I (J1,1rn I Pr11pi-rt1 to".tft'd 11 l\lU & JS!/ Ut ••n 21 200J Sa474 fhl' f llo• "• prt'-nn\ cJff> 1•1 I ... tJ I r1,.\ t II llA HAI M 'l /4 S 81,ult"W"•rd ._, "' tt , M \»ftr.:o1 4 lh1'\prurf"t lh.•\h••n ,,,,.. 1 .,,.,, .. fr'llr1'W'rd tltd ti h,i;, bt"t"n Cit' •o t f11-t ·~. ~ d .. t.,r•n11u•11 lh.tt •t ftt1 bu•mt-\ 1~ '111 t tlri'tHlt_o!'ll f r• P01i11 d11t tt-d b"t 411 11td1w1rjq.4 1'""'"' tht' lt'1tu1ttmrnt\ •••".-y111; '•''"" t.111111..: f1f th" ( ,.hf,\.fr11• ( llv t>U tllt' yrt N 1 runmf"nt•I (Ju.tl•ty A.. t V1..,t11t 4 M Orfrf!:.t undfllf Cta' 1 ti •11 lml' lh1 ... lat .... m.-ot "'''· F ac.1l1htt'..) tl1t•J ""1tt1 ttn· 1 111nt 'I NOllt l l't 111111111 I ork nl 11t.rnr• lu11nly fURHH.R C,1\11 N lh•I .. 111J1 If UI '"'d liUbh< h••lltt!I wilt 20036929544 be held un the l'Jth d•Y Oa111 Pilot I •ll II, I'" of frb1ua1y ?OOJ di th• .-.' M•rd1 I ,>r•H '>•4lb huur of I 00 p m 1n th• 1 ;.;..-.;;;.;. • .;...;....;...;.;.;~;.;;~ Council thamber\ of Lii• Collectibles/ Nf'wpcHt fluth 111v H.11 Memorabilia l IOO N~wpurl f:lu••'~ V<lfd Newport Ru t f.ahlor nia 111 wh•c h limr •nd pl••• •ny dnd All ptf\On~ tnteroled m•1 appear •nd be h•••d 1160 TOP SS • ltlCOltDS ITC ha a.,~ lie. 'jJ ' 8l Ill Alt,._ f.,rA.1 lubto •ITV Mtk~ 94~ b4~ /~OS lhfftun II Y"" 1ha11o>nr• ENTERTAINMENT tht\ Pf'O~< t tn t.outt y '" m•y bl" hm•l•d 1o '••·.me onty thov 1~\.Uf'"'\ you or t.om~unt rl\f" r .,, t'd .ti lh• publt< ht•""8 Calendar of Events 1310 cMM rtbf'd •n lht\ nu tu.. EOUAl HOUSlt6 01 m w11ll•n t orrr I \pondtn'• d~h•errd tn OffOITOOT th• '•IY •• , .. p1101 to All 101 ,,,.,. •dnt th~ publoc fl•a11n1 f 111 I t"'"R 1n !ht\ 11ew .P•I·~· 1nfurmali1>n ,.u !~9) '' •ubreLt tu th• fed•UI 64.4 3/00 r 1111 HOU\ln& Act of l 968 /S(. l e Ve•u•• M . .,, a mrnded whu h Horii en, City O...t., mak-• ti 1llec•I In City ef New,.n 1..c.lo advrrt1<>e • • .,, prrfer Publt\hrd Ntwporl ••He. liff11t 1l1on or 8uch Co\ta Mna Daily d1u11mtnalton 11.ned un Pilot r ebr uar y I!>. •••-•. ,olw rehcion ,~, 2001 Sa428 handicap. tam1hal \latu1o OIDIWICI NO. 200J..3 AH OROINANC( or THE CfTY COUNCIL Of THE CITY or NEWPORT BlACH AMENDING SEC TION 4 or ORDINANCC NOS 1196 ANO 1197 IU CXTENO NON EXCLUSIVf f RANCHISE S WITH AOClPHIA CABI £ COM MUNICATIONS AHO WHH COX COMMUHICA TIONS Sub1«CI Ofd•nance wn 111t1oduced on the 28th day of lanuar y 2003, and Wa\ •dopled on the 11111 d•y of feb•u•ry 2003 AYIS, COUNCll MIMlcas. HlfFlRlt_.., •IDGIWAY, ADAMS, Wiii, MICHOts, MAYC>a t•OMHH MOIS, COUNCIL MIMIUSc NOMI AISIMT COUNCIL ••••ms. NOCToa USTAIM COUNCIL MIMllllJNONI MAYOR• Steve" ......... cm a.1u. i..v-• 01 nalional 01111m or an 1nlrnt1on to m•ke any such preferente. ltm1ta lton or d1\utm1n1t1on • fhts new,paper will nnt knowrncly llCttpl •ny adverltvmtnl lor •nl .-tile whtt.h t\ 1n v1<1lalt0n ol lheo law Our readers arr hereby Informed lhat •II dwi!ll mes adnrltud 1n this nurtpaper ere ••••lab~ on an equal oe>c>0<tunity buts To complain of d11 crimmahon. tall HUO toll hu at I 800 •24 8!>90 1413 Oldor Style Fvmoturt PIANOS & CollKtiblet . ....,........._ • s, ...... .,,,_,.. • ()lfi • "'... • $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES 1411 C'D .. UTl-12 Flu M«Mt flrnb & collect1blH, S'Ht stuffll 600 S.1w1t4 Rd tM SAT 1.00.? 20U FLAMINGO OR , ~ou •trMt Albetron/ Adall'I$ Movllll alt., J.t ynt Tole p•lntl11r wood1 So11111tll l111 f o r _.,,.,..-im11n ~ taSAT~U. 2120 c..-t or .• nt• l't.ce11t••/Ad•m , '"'"· (lethu, •l•c tron1u, ' •-to, 1r1t MoOtHN U\l(JISIUIHO l.OUl:H Vl HY WIO[ MAROON PUl'f'I IS U r.11(,. 't r l)R <;1 f f PINI'; lrN VI HY \If kt r.u<•CI l 1JN0 t 1.N ANll IHI. >I Ht •I Ht I ARI.I f Al ~ .. All t1tN1, 1 llA1k µ~ I •H 1!0 114 llktt 4 1RS NI W •4'l ~I' !l\11 Oeuble bo• II' 11 ~ ' ... ,,. i. ,, ,,..., ~""" S.tAt w ,,,.. •J"" S!ll "'"-''' ""' "'' 1111: ~" Jo• 111~ ' •JI o ...... , .. 1 11.... SI A,,, 0.·WH ""' ~,. 1111 S.~t ;ii'I f.4/ 7 1'/, ko M•, ~49 b4o 'Jb l'ANORAMIC Vl(W 2 llDltOOM ltllltlAT $299,900 AGT 949 723 11 20 lido Isle .. ~fftffc ON UDO ISLAND OPIN SAT SUN I 4 llACH con AG( Desert Property 5960 Golf Pr01>•rt1H • " ' t I l-.. ' I Al·. ""' t •' W t .. r tr r I f-ft'ft"tr J M • , .. Antrr tc-•""' /. k• • •I Hf Ill• "'"-!', i 1·~~~~~~~..;.;- Mou nta in Property 5965 I 17 VIA llOU N•w1> 11 11<.t• 11 or • 2br 11/• l a 2 -c 9°'• p,.,p,111 l!rtll ,.,,. I I bch & ten club lS' lal "''It .,~. 1, .. ,,1 11111 lteducecl lo Sl69,000 It"'~ 1 "d \1 1bl• w1ll1 Ag! 949 7S9 OSOS or i 1, 1,. 11 I ""'' l A II G l H UFHO 0 v I It N Be ""' 1>•1111• ''" '"" 11»11 1· 1 I 11111 II ewport a1.11 I h~· ! h•dt"'"'" .'I""' I 114 ·307 •214 ''"'"•"<It• .t f!I "'""' Sl/'1 w '"""l.u .-f Htlll'f' ,."'II Mod.-r'l Mu • 111 ~.. ---, dl""H' r on llv1rw 1 un 'Ml •,1•1 UC!/ FAIUlOUS l•u111lry ''"'" ""' I••• llACH conAGISl M111ul<\ '"•Ill ..... fj I • SIMMO NS ecljuttable bed S400 Ulte New , 14 S40 31 21 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-o c.1 .. N•••" (I 1 f 1 (, '" lvrr "-~ "" ... , ,, ....... ,. •. Jt n' libt\'M'I M.J ~ Cats 3610 O,./tott.. _.... .. -.. 111 .... twort·•ti. I Pr inPLC*.-•t r ... 1-w1 l'.land 94'HM nrJ ltlll SPAY f•lf ""'"'"™ 1~ ~"' ... k~tf'll'. IJedl ........ 94' J. !>.13 0'11 K 1tten\ f ou11d tn Bushes need holll•leedtt \ Htlp Sa VP hv~\ All .. pen• . .- p11d Antmlll Network 949 !>JJ 041 SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Exeftise Equipment 3760 nlDMIU.S-•, ...... y ... e<tl.$200. lXllCIH llU. SSO 714-540 JUI MISCEWHEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous MtR:handlse AU STHL IU1LOINOS Up to 60~ off! 30140 50180, 70a lSO Call Howl lit Come lsl Seswel c..i lllMr1 lb flX).~ l!Cl7 Olm b Lim 4540 NPI Offl<l 5'A(( &l3 Dowr ~ •14 Gf'Olnl "'. 62Dd can eapend In 9:lDsl 11 llld ilcl u4lf ' ...... 960 5415 FAIUlOUS tl•1 ..t•t • y u 1• HlWl'Oltl lfACH •"l'JI 11 ,,.,. 111•.l 111111 ·t. llFISTYU II 1r.01t 1/1111000 l/·rw •' .. l di )i?f I 1,AI 1111.,A BP "' S I S0,000 t-•d }flt I! I «x~u ,;( SU,000 W •1nv•P# lKt .'BA 11 Lrrpl• ~ ~>Q(f.J l $91,000 UASED LAND l tll tor 11)(>fnntm~nt l)ooA1t1• R•Y'""' V1fl_q;p (949) 67 3 U3 T A MAHUFACTUltlD ltOMf COMMUNITY Of'EN suNT.:s New hsl1n11 4 b1 model per let! twnllm. ov~f Z60<kf S6~.000 Ol'lN SAT l ·S Jbr ••P•nd•d up1udrd twnhm •In 11rnnb~ll I 90CXqft S~9 900 Ol'IN SUN 1 .s Villa on th~ aou <OUl'P tor lwhm newer aru SJ!>7 ,SOO Nor11.,., Paulson Really 949 631 6489 • VILLA IAUOA w FllONT IOW HAl.01 & OCEAN VllWS 1.,.,._,_...._. DOUIU MH SUITU '-Pr Sb ... 2lr 2lo ..... U...,."'WM19 0.- Qutet location Ho Tr atfw. Selor .... entertain~ $475,000 .. $524,.11• M.yA..lldWra ........... ,70 Ako Some i.-avllAl>le .. f'rodltntllj Ca 11..ity .. •Op-s.t/SINI 1·4• 2 So•<••• Rere Su Island 38• JS• end unit wtth 1 view look1n1 out to S11n1lure Hole tl 7 1825,000 or IH'le at $4,500. ._t.,a.-i•L•fflo l49-Sot-&92S IONfTA CANYON Of'IN SAT·SUM t -S tow ... ttw.,. 3811, 2.58A home Sep· er •I• office/rues! suite By Owner Sl.175.000 g.(9.644 1288 NIWPCMIT ~(I IAY SR J8r 2.58e+ofltce, rR OR. lra lot. cul "-· UC ' l/ACAHT $725,000 lla.MJ ............ 02H '-lit'NW A 11 '"'°' in1 ( 1 I .wn•• 11 (714 •b4'1 I Ill/ ...... " ... ..,~sr ··· 1f'1 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RentalloShare 60:Ml CclJI Shore Jlr DtitP'•• $!>37 !JO mr 1 I ~111 rdJor .. d & 'V "f" '-" I ~ l'\'sl>il.IJ"' 114 .~lfl lASTSIDl llr. Ila. "•It k1I l !I 1 .. 1 rnl•v ..,,, d. ut•I• 1 I, lf"n "'"' S /IS.. d'"I' '14'1 •,•SI 01!/l Nl'I •hare •Pl "" f•m ( lbr w p11t bd rmol \01 l,llJtldt ~ I .. c SAIJO IHO • I 7 ut1I 'WI AAl l~ lb "* nn l!ir b.1v <t~r, to bt.tl, ..tJ:v. •f!'<l,u !if.rt ........ ~ IWI ba. fl'-'\> C..ted ~ ~ 7121 Rt .IOPH Al Rt Wl\l ORANGE COUNTY 7400 Balboa Peninsula llr II• w/l'erl.1..,, N•w carpet-yrly leoH. 206 l ....... llnll •S $950/M-tt. ASSOCIAtlD ltlAlTY U9-673-HU 2lr ,... 2.. P' p.bo w d. d•lol -crpt, '*"' -unrt. ZD 20th St $11951no !M9 7'/3.1186 Corona del Mar Mer9verlle Jlr /21• lu•ury refurb hnm1 $3250rn. 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