HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-17 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot----------...---------~-----~-- ........ . -. . .. ·-:-..... .. -... . . .. " . . . '.· ::;: . . .. . -. •. • Serving the N e wport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK ::;~:~:Trying to attract the young at art -.. ... . -.... -.. -.... ......... -.... ..... . . .. . . -...... _ .. .. .. Cultural institutions have trouble getting people in their 20s to chose gallery exhibits and plays over movies and TV. Some blame the loss of art education . .-.. -..... .. _ ... .. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot :::::?,::f. NEWPORT-Mf4'iA -lndusliy msiders ••:;,:~ave a wi'>h -that young adults would .~~~~]!Just do it and make cuhur.iJ arts Lhe :::~choice of a new generation. SuJJ, with so many comparue!> vymg for the attention and !tpend111g power or yow1g adults. area arts venues fmd themselves struggling to attract that !ugh-demand market. Brian l.angston, '>po ke'>man for the Orange County MU'.eum of An. said Lhe mu">t:um ha:. geared many of II'> d1<, pla}'!> toward the under-35 crowd, but 11 is hard to compete with compam e<. '>UCh as Nike. Pepsi and MTV. "h1ch have more re'>ources to attract that age group "This 15 the audience that evl'rybody want!> -every product, ewry -.ervice. • Langston said. "The demand., on the time of young people these day'> are March l ! L'> the modl'm "ork of Liugo Manglano OvJlle. who ,., touted b) mu seum official'> a.'> one of the mo .. t ·com- pelling. '>oually t'ngaged and lt'lebrated young a.rmt'>. ·· l..ang'itoll '>did he hope'> Manglano- OyaJle\ work. wtm h ll'>t"• a variety of media, mtluding v1dt•o, \Ound, per formance dlld 1mtallat1on, will attmLI a younger uowd really quite extraordinary ... On display at Lhe museum f ht• mU~Um I\ llOt the only dlh through . wnue vymg for a younger audience. or fiuah .11'\(111111<11o1,1 lh·pt•1111n and tilt' Ph1lh.1rn1111111 '>!H lt'I\ ti.1\t' ,il...iJ IJumtwd l,1111p.i1g11., 111 J ttr,11t ym111.: prolt''"ori.11-, c n.. c ''"'' 'fl(1k1"">111.11 1 for v11 111 Loa'>t lltop1•rt•1r. '-1111 1111· tht'Jll:r otlt·r' J d1...i r1t1111 l•1r uh' 11p11011-. 10 rho'>•' undu 1·, flt•'\ 111• 1\,11IJhlt• .1mJ \t•r\ 1nexp1·ll'>l\1· i11 -..ud 111tu 1Jh loo~ 1111 Wdfd 10 tlw \oun~:··r d1 111ugraph11 t.1~ See ART, Page A4 IN BUSINESS t 2002 good year to sell J a house ... -. ·-·· . --·-· PHOTA s Sn<fNI IR[PTO~ All ' p A lone avocet, center. navigates through a crowd of godw1ts. black skimmers, sandpipers and other birds feeding in Upper Newport Bay. Birds in the Back .Bay When no one shows for kayak tour of Newport Beach's preserve, naturalist who was to lead it goes anyway. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot S unlJght pushed the last gray clouds aside and the lingering morning mist barely posed any threat. The crisp wr invited people out from their rainy day reireat:s and the Back Bay water sparlded with new life, refreshed after the recent c;torms. Upper Newport Bay naturalist Roger Mallett arrived to guide the Resort Watersports' Sunday morning kayak tour at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. bringing his daughter Chantel Mallett along for the nde By 10 a.m., the departure time. they were the only one'> at the dock. Hardly discouraged, the Newport Beach father-daugh1er team hit the water anyway. It was a great day for kayaking. no matter how many went along. "People don't thinlc of kayaking in the winter and after bad weather, but the best time to be Naturalist Roger Mallett and his daughter Chantel observe feeding shorebirds from their kayak in Upper Newport Bay on Sunday. See BIRDS, Paee A4 ~L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_; , - ~: THINKING ALLOWED An embarrassing conj ession from a beach lover Lollt• H•rper Daily Pilot water, as it thrashed sof'Uy against the sand. farther and farther into the ocean I a.tways won. Olickens. :'\ewpon '-la\\ I ~L:1°· in creai,e. C.u..,tJ \1t ..,d ..,a\\ 18°0 increa..,l' 111 a\<•r.igt• prke. i,u n L'\' ..,,1 \.., Paul Clinton Daily Pilot "\\'f'OH I \II .... I ">d.!1·., dnH·n INSIDE For rrore business news see Page A2 \\I ft ~11 111111•1 ' .1 I IJ1.ir • \\,utl 1h1 grc111p-, \l11h1pl1 f 1,l I).: '>tr\ II t l llflfdlll,1( I( \\ llh the 1n1ert•-,1 r.111 .. , ,1,1\ 111g d 11\\ll t I • '~' great fhl' 'Uf\t'\ llH h1d1 ·d IHllllt'' ( 11111!1' and rt•.,1de1111JI l!lllllllt' .1 c.1ll'~111\ 11t.1• 111rludt•., duplt•\t'' .111d lour pl•'''' In nu11·r '\ewport H1·.11 h, I h'W• pr11p··r Ill'., '>old during tht• \l'.1r for .11 I\ 1•r.ig( pnt.e of S'Mb. Uil I h1· t 11\ '' prm 111g ''I agam th.it dl'm.lfld 1!1r h1gtw1 l'llli liou<.lllg ha.-.n t -,1.sd..t><l In 2001 I .!H:; propt•1111·, "11l 1111lw 111\ Ille an·m~t pnl 1· fm tilt' pn \Hiii' \t'.11 "a." ~ \3 "i'><l llw l ll\ "m 1 I \ t\'\ 111 rrea-.e m lhl' JH•rng1· .,.,11· Of tht:' I 5 pnu· 1.J11•.:11m' 1111 lud1 t! 111 the -.un t'\. ho11,111g wllmg lor SI nullmn and abow, in :--:l'\'o port l\(•,11 h l.ir 1 ut pared an}' othl'r pm t' Jlilllll c >I all the "'1.le.. 5JO '>Old tor SI nulhon 111 more In ne1ghbonnK l u'>tJ Mr"' 'NO propt•r- oes sold for d.11 a\eraRe S40I h ';4J pml' tag for Lhe year I or tht• prt>\lou' \l'M K~ ~le<> clod.eel a s wo,_uq ,1\1·r.1g1· pnc.:e. Costa Me..a ..aw an 18 01 ·~ .1ppr1·l 1.i11on m the average pnu.• The survry hrokt· do\o\-11 cht• "111-.. into $50,000 mcremcrw. bc.•twt•t'll S.!00.000 and $900.000. Pnce' on the lo\\-t'r t'lld "'*<'re di· vided mt o three tategum•, ~ 1 h0,000 to $199 999. $120.000 to SI <;~.~. and See ESTATE. Paa• M Dai ly Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~com WEATHER ,,, _...i'! I have a horrible confession to make. I am not proud of It and know many of you will disavow me u your It was then I made the commitment to myself to change my foolish ways: never lived more than 20 minutes from the beach (except for four rorturous coUege years) and wore Oip-Oops so often as a child that a permanent gap grew between my first and second toes. Ats time went on. our beach tnps changed. and ~ ditched our boogie boards and fins. My cousins replaced theirs with urfboan1s. and I traded mine in for • bottle or tanning lotion. Onahng V917 And how about thole cloud&. huh? SeePaaeA2 " community columnist for hiding such a criminal pa.st J only hope you • understand that I am working to •:. ovm:ome this Issue and plan to get =:-:back on the rtght track as aoon u -.. -... '-' :-pou{ble. .. _ • I Celt the wetght ot my put on Friday .. u I walked along the ~ch. It WU the tlrst day the sun bad ahone throuah the daJt clouds in I week. The rain h4Ki a ceued. and J WU lpln rwnlnded that J • ... .:-....._""""!'lfYe In pandile. I looked out omo the LOLITA HARPER "I am going to learn how to urf," I vowed. How I could haw grownupln Southern California (a few )'Ul'I ln Cotta Meta. the rest In Irvine) and not haw t.aket'l tq> the sport. I don't know. I wu born on the Gull ol Melklo and wu ln the ocean at 3 months old. I ha I could swim by the age or 3 and was fearl in the water. I would venture out so far into the ocean that my mom had to mab the knee-high rule, whJch I always bent to waist·hlgh. "VDU are my little 6.sh." my morn woukllllllme. I hnll no afbUngl. but was always very dOee with a brood of rowdy boy c0uma. I the only tPri. We wed to 1a1y In 1be water until our toe1 and n,..,. b)bd Ub ralslN. b1ple..cios~ eKb other to wnrure --- The sun wu out. and lt was my calling to worship it l would not get my hair~ and, quite frank.ty, my awim5uits could no lo...,er withstand the Mgorous water torture I once sub}ected them to. I wu a bonaftde beach bunny and t content watcb1na the~ ineteld o{ outpetfonnloc them. --~-------------------------------- SPORTS .. ~ Mooday, February 17. 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT KENT TREPTOW /OAJlY PILOT Karen Leto. left. and daughter Nicole own Balboa P1lates on the Balboa Peninsula and another P1lates studio in Newport Beach . Keeping others at ease Pa ul Clinton Daily Pilot S igrnng on w1Lh th.e family bu5.me.,., : Wil!> au ea~y dl'u!>ion fur Nicole • Leto, who with her mother Karen • run!> Pilati!!> :.1ud10~ in Ncwpon Beach. Watthing her mother develop a )lru.sion for the yoga like exerci'>e '>tyle rubbed off 011 the }'Ounger Nicole. · "My mother. she\ the ont' who got me :.tarted." Nicole !><.lit! "You 're workmg from the inside out The more I do it, the better I feel , tht' more balance I fet'I ." Pracucing the array of exeru'>t' tcchnique5. gives Nicole a p<'a l.l'lul, ea'>y feeling. She ..aid ii centers her 111 a chao11< .. Mre.,sful world. The Pilate' technique i' named after fo-.eph l'ilates, who tlt•veloped the '>Iring of exerc1se51 for bedridden p.111ent'> dunng World War I. I fe upl•ned the lir-.t Pilate., exercise '>tudio in New York in tht• 19l0'> and pracucecJ the tec.:hruquc u1111l h1'> BRIEFLY IN . BUSINESS Co 'ta Mesa ·s Ccradyne secure~ contract with U.S. With the coumry on the verge of war with lraq. Costa Mesa ceramic'> manufat lurer Ceradyne Inc has '\ecurcd a $J 7 million contntct from the U.S. Army for 111 1>ert annor to protect against small arm\. C .eradyne, which trades on Nasdaq as PlDN, announced the contract on Thur. day. · The company wilJ provide the military ~th ceramic body armor, which 1s about haJf as heavy as metallic armor The Pen cagon is in the process of making the IJ .S tnilitary quicker, lighter and more lethal Ceradyne's body armor weighs between VOL. 97, NO. 48 Balboa Peninsula resid en ts Nicole and Ka ren Leto lead two Pilates siudios in Newport Beach death 111 1967 Pilate'>, hkc yoga. 1!> a nw1hod of body condi110111ng that employs more than 500 individual l'Xercl'>t'S It empha'>i7.e"> the 1mporta111.:e of ... 1renglhe111ng the "powerhou.,e" or "core" we tum of the body. mc..ludmg deep abdominal mu.,cle~. bunod.. rnu<odl'., and the mu<,des around the '>pine On ~pl. :!J, N1uile, :n. ,111d Karen, nO, uperwd up a ">t'tond l'ilalC'> ... tudio in the lily -on BaJhua Penin'>ul.i. where tht:y live Nirnlc now run'> that <,tud10 while -;he complt·te., tramm~ to bernme a certified 16 to 18 pouml., The ceramic matenal'> that nut only -.top a bullet, hut aho di'>.'>I· pate th£' bullet'~ energy ~o a .. oldJer"> chest i'> un1111ured. ~Ceradyne 1s committed to redJrectmg its effom on a priority bru.ii. to assure our ')O ldicrs have the finest protection avail- ahle," Cluef f .xecutive Joel Moskowiv sai(t "Rec.:ent input to Ceradyne from the mili- tary indicate., that lighrweight ceramic ar- mor ,., directly responsible for '><tving Amerilan lives in Afghanistan. Bosma, Ko· sovo and the Middle EasL" Ccradyne ~d they would get the armor to the Army's Defense Supply Center in Ptuladclphia by April CRON closed friday at $9.83. down 72 cents, or 6.8%. ARV Assisted Li ving enters merger agreement A privately held assi'>ted living company Pilatcs imtructor. Karen kicked off the family bw.111CSb on <kt 8. 2000, when she opened the door!> of bland Pilates Sruclio. Karen, a c:enifiecl 111:.iructor, retired from what she caJls her "fir.I career" 111 retail In the late 1980s, Karen sold ofT a '>tnng of clothing stores m Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. She began -,tudying yoga and l'iJate'>. She took Pilate'> da~e., at Orange Co~t CoUege m I 99H and 1999 and gained her centlication in 2000. She now manages a staff of nine Pilatei. in'>Lructor. and one yoga in!>lructor. who lt.'at h the cla.,.,es at both '>tud1os. Hight now. the Letos have about 800 client~ and potential dients in their dataha-.e .... C l1ent'> c.a11 '>ign up tor a I 0 da'>'> putkaKe for $100. n1e l>!Udios aho offer private le.,.,on .... semi-private les.-.ons and group les..orh. on either floor mab or the 1'1la1e<. equipment. '>aid lllur!>day that It WOWd pre'>!> furward wuh Its $4 per '>hare buyout otTer to Co5ta Mesa based ARV Assisted Living Inc. In Novemher, ARV. wh.ich Lrades on the American Stock Exchange under SRS, turned down a buyout offer from Sum- merviJJe Senior living Inc .. based in San Ramon, Calif On Jan. 3, ARV announced 11 had en· tered a merger agreement with Pro- metheu-, N.si'ited Uving, its largest shareholder Non-Prometheus share- holders are set to receive $3.90 per share. "We are very disappointed to learn that ARV agreed to a Lransaction with Pro· metheus Assisted Living that provides less vaJue to the shareholders of ARV." Sum- merville President and OUef Executive Granger Cobb said in a Jan. 9 letter to ARV. Summerville is principally owned by Apollo Real Es tate Funds. SRS closed Fri· day al $3.84, ofT 1 cent. Coral Wilson Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No newt ttorles, illustratloN, editorial matter or advertisement.a herein cen be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. News Edlt~ Nflws assistant, (949) 574-4296 coral w1/son "'1a11mes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (9491 642 6086 HOW TO REACH US Clm!l1tlon THOMAS H JOHNSON Pubhshor TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advert1stng Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director Gina Alexander, Lon Anderson, Paul Saitow1tz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Record your comments aboul the Delly Pilot or nows lips. Address Our addreH 11 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Ofhce hours ere Monday Friday, 8.30 a m 5 p.m Corrections The Times Orange County (800) 262-9141 Adwrt1Mt9 Cllaffled (949) 6'2·6678 Oltipley (949) 6'2-4321 Edltortal 0...,. Bharath Crime end courts reportrr (949) 574-4226 doepa.bharathl<Vlatlmo1.com June Casavrande Newport BNdl reporter (9491574-4232 Juno casagrondo('1'/Btimo1.com Paul Clinton Polr11ca and environment reporter. (949) 764-4330 paul cfintonriflatimos com loffte H.rptf Column1rt, cuhure reporter, (949) 67'"4276 10111a harp'u•latlme..com DMdfw Newman C0tta MH8 rttporter, (949) 67'"4221 <H1rdre.tWIWrflllrt l•tima com CMlltlM Can1lo Educttlon roportat, (949) 57,...268 dlrllfl,,. umllo ,.tlma.com 11 is the P11ors policy to promptly correct all errors of substance Please cell (9491 764-4324 FYI The Newport BoadVCotta Mesa Daily Pilot (USPS 144-800) 1s published daily In Newport Beac:ti and Costa Mesa, subtcrlptlon1 are available only by aubtcriblng to The Tlm99 Orange County (800) 262 9141. In arMa ouUide of Newport S..c:ti and Costa Mela, subtcript1ona 10 the Dally Pilot are eva1leble only by first olaat mall for S30 P8f month (PrlcN Include 111 ept>licable atete and ioc.1 uucH.) POSTMASTER: Send addr918 c:tiangee to The NeY1P<>rt ~tJI M ... Dally Pilot. P.O New• (949) 842-5680 Sporu 1949) 57.t-4223 News Fu 194.9) 846-4170 Sporu Fex (9'9) &50-0170 E-mell: tUllypJlot l•tfma.com M.tln Offtce ~Office (9'9) 842-4321 ~FuCIM9)6317126 Publi.hed by Tlma Community Newa, • d1vi.i0n Of tM Los An~ TlmM. e2002 Tlmee CN All rights r9Nf'Y9d, Dally Piiot BEST BUYS Cabins open up at Newport Thnes Newpon Beach. (949) 642-7880. SMOG TESTS AND REGISTRATION TAGS N ewport Dunes Reson is offering an alternative to expen~iw hotel room:. with the debutof l2 cottage-style cabin' beginning March 8. ll1e cabins are offered for those who don't have access to campers. hut want to stay at the waterfront reson. GREER WYLDER The Automobile Oub of Southern Callfomla'a Vehlde Inspection Center IS offermg a smog test only service begirming rue<.day It's so convenient for tho!>C who want vehicle MThe cottages are ideal for family and lrit•nd!> oJ our RV gu~t!>, a:. well a.-. for youth group!>, wedding panil:">. intemationaJ vi5.itof!> and tho.,t· who are interested in enjoyini.: the beauty and majt'l>ty of waterfront hVlllg in Newpon Beach but do not wish 10 pay the higher prices that nearby hotel'> demand." says the Dune'!> generaJ manager, Andrrw Theodoruo. The 400-square-foor cab111~ have soaring ceilin~. :.paciou'> bedrooms, screened porche-., full -service kitchens and privall' bathrooms. Other amenitie!) are hardwood floors (southern yeUow pine), naturaJ birch and cedar panel walls and a dining area. For more information about the new cottage-style cabins or to malce reservation.,, caJJ (949) 729-0UNf· or visit u1ww.Newpon4uries.com. Newport Dunes Reson 1~ a '>tare-of-Lhe art 40fh 1te RV park Amernties include doublew1dc spaces that are individually fenced for maximum privacy. outlets for cable TV and 20-, 30 and SO-amp electricaJ i.ervice On-site conveniences include a waterfront rei.taurant, a market/grocery store. pool and 'ipa. game room, fiLne'>-'> cemer. tiled restrooms and a 450-slip marina. ..even-lane boat launrh ramp, dry boat storage and extensive conference a.nd meeting facilities. Recreational acuvities incl ude wJter aeroh1c.,, elOlogkal tour.. and .... uhng le').'>oru.. Rentals of wind ... urfer'>. kayaks, Rollerblade.,, pedal boats, boogie board'>, bicycle'>. 18-foot electric boats and 14-foot fi!>hmg boat'> aho are available. For rest and rl'laxatJon, the Dune~ ha'> a qwct wawlc-,., beach. SUNSET DINING AT A DISCOUNT Want sunset dtmng overlooking Newpon I larbor at affordable prices? Villa Now Restaurant has a new 1Wilight Dirung menu. The menu offer<, assorted pru.ta dishe!> from $7 .% to $8.95, chicken parmigiana for $9.95, veaJ Milanese for S9.95 and fruitti di mare with shrimp. mussels, scallops and dam!> served on fresh lingujni for $13.95. The popwar Gr-and Mamier chocolate souffie with fresh raspberries and whipped cream is only $3.95. Fine win~ for $20. 1Wilight dining is from 5 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday.. at 3131 W. Coast Hjghway, reg1wa1ion sucker!> and a '>mog 1e-.1 JI tlw <>ame ume. The !>mog te'>h are SSS for member.. and $65 lor nonmernbcr... If a car doe:. not p~ lll'>pection, Lhe pm.e" $46 75 fur membel"'i a.nd $56 75 for nonmember~ lnspcruons are offered between 8.30 a.m. and 4 p.111. Repatn. arc nu1 Jone at tht· 1mpectinn l·enter ln.,tant d.nnual plate reg:i~tra11on !>tkker<i for cars and OMV tr.msactmn~ are among tl1e .,ervic es available here. Open Monday Lfuou~ 1-riday at J]40 I larhor Blvd .. C.o<,ta Mesa. CaJI (HOO) 713-000J or !714) 424-7005 MOST STYLISH Of SHOES Sergio Rossi i5. an upscale Italian men\ and women's -,hoe and anl~'>Onl"> store. Fan!> know the <,hapt' makes Ro5l>1 ·., shoes extremely comfonable. Depending on the season. Ro!>S1 de-.1gm. with eel '>km, lizard, and oMmh, ..ann, -,uede. kid.skin and high-quality leather. Casual and evening '>ryies include Oats. s11le110' and lod.fers. The~ Me handbag!> and gloves. too. Open from 10 a.m. lo 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 pm \aturdJy, and from 11 am to 6 .~ p.m ~unday at 1.evrl lwo. at South (,o~t Plaza (71 41 /SI 731 1 wu•w <ergiorou1 com. RECOMMENDED CARPET CARE < .JJ')>CI cleanl' r'> can be unrd1Jhle l'vc ncvcr tne<l M11U.one's Carpel Cleaning, but a R<''>I Buy<> re<1dt•r h1ghly rccurnmend' 1lwrn Maa.one\ deJn.. 1 .trpet5. hy transfemng !>011 from the carpet fiben. to rnuon pad., without foam or ex<. c<>'>1ve apphrnuons of water. AlrfJne'>. ho!>p1taf<.. hotel!> and mole!., have LI'>•.'d hL'> syi.tem. • f'her<.· I'> no long wa.lung for tdff>l'I' to dry. they are ready to wctlk un Jfter just 30 rrunute-., • ownn Tum l\taxrone said. M Aho. there ,., no worry about '>hnnk.lge. and c.;arpet.s will last two to three umes longer because there 1' no scrubbing involved. Din is remOVet.1, not just shampooed out of saghL Grease spots. coffee, tars. etc . become a thing of the pasL" Call Tom in CcJ'ila Mesa al (714) 1)()9 5779 • BEST VS appears Mondays and Fridays. nd mformaUon to Greer Wylder et greerwyldtJr a. yah Bay St . Costa M by fax at (949) com; at 330W CA92627, or 170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The drizzle that was expected 10 have started Sunday night continues this moming amid patdly fog and mostly cloudy conditions. Take out the fog and substlM e partly for mostly, and there's your aftemoon. Put bade the fog and put bade the mostly, and there's your night Higha will be In the low to mld-60a. Lows will be In the mi<MOs to mld-608. lnlonnatlon: www.nwa.noN.flOV BOATING FORECAST Tht ~ t>eelna with llght wlndt ONr the aho,., whldl become the uaual west wlndt at 10 to 15 knots efter noon, wtth 2-foot weve1 end a west ewell et 3 to 6 feet. Tht Wind btcomtt light egeln et night, end the IWllfl QfOM bye foot. Dey and night. e nc>fthwMt Wind wtU bfow 10 to 15 knota .. with a west swell of 6 to 8 feet. Waves will start out at 2 feet and will vary to 4 feet in the evening. SURf The northwest swell peeu today, offering cnest· and head-high waves at west-facing breaks, but with the tighter period, those good conditions may be deceptive. Also, with the drizzle, cetdllng a wave might not be the health est thing to do tod1y. --queltty: www.surfrider.orp TIDES Time 2:6ea.m. 9:041.m. 3:57 p m. 10:18p.m. tWtht 1.28fMtlow 8.33 fMt high ·1.171"tlow 4.48tMthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE eocteg,... Da1ty Pilot Terror alert ·hike doesn't slow JWA Airport's passenger totals have n't gone down significantly since the change to code orange, spokesman says. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NF.WPOtn BF.ACH -Last week's upgrade of the nation's terror aJert to code· orange doesn't seem to have discour- aged ttavelers from Oying out of John Wayne Airport. Though statisLJc<> for ft:b· ruary won'I be cornpilC'd un- Lil the end of the month. an airport spokesman said that the airlinel> had not reported any significant reduction in tl.1e number of pa~engers smce the federaJ ~overnment i~ued a heightened terror alert 011 Feb. It Passenger count!. continue 10 ri'e at the airport, while the number of flighu, ha!. been 011 a '>leady decline be- cau!.e of drop-offs in the number of private Oightl> la- beled a., "generaJ aviation " January 2003 -.aw an 11.7<*) i.ncrea!>C Ill ra'-..enger.. from January 2002. l.i.1.'>t month. there wt•rt! 617,J 19 passengen.: there wen.• 552,496 last year. In December 2002, 695.284 pce»enger'> came through John Wayne Airport. a 21.6% mcrea~ from the previow, December\ 57 I .H7fi. Novem ber aho '><lW a '>mall inrrea.,e. P-~-.enger count'> 111 Novem ber 2CXIZ were fi20.444. an in crea<,e of 6.2% froni the pre- vious November's 584.293. The biggest leap in year- 10-year passenger counts, not surprisingly, was in Sep- tember. ln 2002, the passen- ger cou nt for tha1 month was 606,632, an increase of 50.4% from September 200 I's 403.467 pcw.engers. The tren d reflects a healthy growth for the air pon. spokesman Justin Mc<.ui.ker said. "The January numbers are definitely a very good show- ing, definitely a positive fig- ure." McCusker said. At tht• same time that pas- '>enger counLs have been go- ing up, the number of fli ghu. has gone down. GeneraJ avia- uon flight!>, which usually make up more Lhan 70% of the takeoffs and landings. have decreru.ed for four con· secutive months. correspond- ingty bringing down the nwn· bcr of total monthly llighL'>. In January 2003, there were 28.230 takeoffs and landingl>, a 4.6% drop from January l002's 29,5!:17. De- cember 2002 saw a 0.3% de· crease 111 combmed takeoff, dlld landing'>; November 2002 wa<, down I% over the prevmu!> Nuvemher . .md < k · tober 2(XJ2 takeoff'> and land 1ng' were down iw,, from thl' prev1ou\ October. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Surfers wanted for perfonnance series Surfers of all ages are wanted to perform tn "Mavericks," which will be presented April 12 at the Newport Beach Central U- brary as part of its 2003 Lecture and Performance Series. No stage experience is neces- sary. For more information. con- tact director Keith Glassman at (949) 588-2427 oi t'loelane@>ya· hoo.com. Aviation commJttee seeks members 1 hose interested in serving on the city of Newport Beach\ Aviation Comm ittee have until 4 p.m. March 3 tO supnrit appli- cation s to the city. Applicant'> mu st he residents of Newport Beach. Each council member :.elects representatives for hi-. own district. and then the full City Council confirms the nominations. Applications are available in the city clerk's offi<.e at 3300 Newport Blvd. or by caJl111g (949) 644-3005. The application can also he found online at www.city.neu•- porc-heach.ca.us under "Gen- , -.. eral lnforrnat1on/C1iizen Par tidpallun Info." Newport-Mesa says goodbye to QiJ Fed f·our Cal Fed Bank branche<> in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach will become Citibank branche<; on March I 0. Citibank West acquired C.al 1'ed in .November. In December, the troubled lender announced that ll would <.lo:-.e JO of th e 357 Cal Fed loca· tiom across the state. I he locaJ branche!>, three in CoMa Mesa and one in Newport Beach, will contin ue operation under the Citibank banner. Cal Fed operated branche<> at 2700 I !arbor Blvd .. 695 Town Center Drive and 1706 Newport Blvd in Co<;ta Mel>a and al 1100 New- pnn Center Drive in Newport Beach. All employee<, at the local branchec; were offered job~ with Citibank. !>poke!.woman Jani ~ larter -.aid. The bank'~ -.erv1ce ... will be '>1m1lar. C.11ihank, owned by 1he world'~ No I li11am:1al serv1n.·., company, Ciugruup Inc., b the large'>t bank in the country Assistance league geb a liule help J he A'>'>i..,tance League uf Newport Mec;a received a .-A·'· •SJl FULL BAR _M'~ '°'~AILS GWU-tUUtM@i• 2= MO PASSPORT IS MEEpED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7616 *UBS PaineWebber. The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. De nise M. Mogiello First Vice-President-Investments Ftnanoal Advisor "For a Free Complimentary Portfolio Review, Please Call" 949-467-6034 800-854-1222 1888 San Clemente. Newport Beach, CA 92660 www.ubspw com/team/e1chgroup J& P• N'Vt~ \. !of'f•' ~ m.ttk of US\ A•,J )fY . ._ 8\ P• ,,,.."""°°"' ·~ All J.\1<:1f H KM,..r .!!"(! ""°'""tAt "'~' ... $5.000 tlom1111111 f r11rn the Pa c.1fiLare l·11 u11dd11trn. Tht· money w 111 be u!.ed 10 pr1Jv1dt' prote,.,wnal dt>ntdl 1 are Pa dfiCare Health <.,y.,te11" Int 1s one of 1he na111111\ le.u.hng managed ht'ahh l an· 1.ompa- nie!>. Fletcher Jones gets 1 n the spirit of helping Mooddy February l I 200J A3 the Wt>sl ( ,oa'it. April JO to May 4 lhe >how wiU 1111..lude hun tired' of yachts, 1;por tfh.her.,, sailbodh, '>peedbual1>, pcr&unal watt'rtraft and l>oattng alresl>o fll''>, a' well a:. i.ume of the most t'XJ)tll'>IVE' a11<.1 mnovauve ves sels. f'\\>o Jl,•nl\ wtll house manm· aCt t:'>sorit'., and equ1pmen1 , with expt•rt-. to t111.,wer ques 1H111'> anti ghe df'n11111strauon!t. l'lctcher Jcmt'., .., tlo11all111( Ad m"'>1011 ,., " $1 O per per $5,000 to help ui1dnwntt' tlw '>On. 111.·e 1111 l111ldren 12 and 20th annual ~p1rit Hun at h.1'>h1on youn~er l'>land. ·n1e ~ml Hun will ra1* .. I lour' Mt· noon to 7 p m money lor Newport H1•;1l h:. pub-April HJ, 11 a m tu i p.m . May I he. elementary \dlOtJ" on \un and L. 10 am 10 7 pm May 3 day. March ':I. al 1-a'>hton 1'.lantl and HI <t rn tu.6 p m. May 4. I he Mercede-.·lit-111 dealt'r·. I or n\ore information. call '>hip 1<; ah11 1•11c11urag111g 1L., -150 144':11 -;·,; )':151:1 or vt!>ll gubua employt'e' It> parn11palt' and 11nx11mert1 n c nm will be furr11,h1ng a ni:v. ~1t:rte de'> Hen1 \1 iLU -.porh u1il11~ vt•h1tle a' tht' 111f1ual Jh1t1· l<H Proct:t-<h fwrn thl' nin 1>,ill help o,cit·ncl·. art ;ind pll\ ...ic al t'duc ii tion rirogran1'> Newport hoat show sails into town soon I\;(;'\\ pon Dune., 111',on ~ 111 ho1>t thl' ·m1Ji annual NC'wpon In Water Hnat 'ihcw ... the large'' rm Spread good w111 at the fai rgn >U n<l~ t\ nC'\\> c .ood~ 111 Attended 011 11.111on < l'nler ha'> been '>t't up .it tlw OrJnge C .ount} I a.ir & b po,1t11111 C .t·111er al 88 hur Drivf' IH'ilf gatt· t\\-11 I ht· u·nler 1-. upen from h a 111 111 I p n1 Monday through I riday <Hid from 7 a.m. to 7 p m ')aturday and Sunday. Free TOTAL TRUST PLAN '"Free seminar reveals how to protecl yow estate from Se m ,. n a r devastatong probate, laM?S and long term care cosls · Presented by: THE LA\X' OFFICES OF JOH>: E. TROM1\1ALD Cert1!1ed by lh~ California State Bar as an Estate P1anrnng <;peciahSt As endorsed oy Larry Elder KABC AM 790 Learn the 4 points to the plan ... • Eliminate the Estate Tax! • Bypass Capital Gain Taxes! • Never go to probate court! • Avoid Long-Term Care Cost! "This plan 866-NO PROBATE ~~~~~s u~~urned" (866-667-7622) Or make resl!rva11ons onhne c: tolaltruslplan com Newport Beach ' Costa Mesa I Irvine· Thursday February 20th Laguna Hills Laguna Woods Tuesday. February 25th Ne19ht:>orh0co<l r.r-nmunlly Cente• 1 B45 ~ !I/ Par~ Ave Ccsta Mesa One st•eet northwesl I Nl"WOOl1 B•vo oeiween •I ~IJ 1 ')th st•E'f't il"'1 1 ein Street Roc'lester r_, n11nerita 1 "'ii~ ta st ""'" Of:' !.e!Ve<l n ,111 s .,.,,,.,,,,,,, • 23~01 MnullOtl P•w, lc>')•Jria Hills Ai '"" c:o<ner 01 Maull .c c>Nl S<1nt<o Manc> b(otweer E' T:,rc Ro al1d lcllo.<-F'''""' FuJI ureaktast .,,,11 tlf' '>e!VAO www.TotalTrustPlan.com PRESIDENTS' DAY WEEKEND All Henredon Beds Now 50°/o OFF. More savi~gs on more major brands than any other showroom in California: Henredon, Ralph Lauren, Century, Bernhardt, Lexington, Tommy Baham~ Marge Carson, Maitland-Smith, Drexel Heritage, and many more. ·~-beMdon~'IWit ~Sell pilcMOO notlPCllV IO~~ Ind ClfllWIOI bt ~ .. Olw .. Ot lnoenllllM. SAVE i:; 500/0 In All Departments Treasures' Guaranteed Lowest Pri ces just got even better during thi s President's Day Weekend. Save up to 50o/o on selected Bedrooms, Dining Sets, Arrnoires, Tabl es, Exoti c Rugs, lamps, Accessories ... the li st is almost endl ess. The sav ings are spectacular. This sale includes al l special orders as well as in-stock merchandi se. ..... IGROO.: (M) Trt-1212 • 1<!!.!_e<:Mology OfMt (Eal (JI l..S Oil AAlorl Patbrly) SAN DEOO IHOWROOllk (858) sae-1900 • '7480 MlrWNf Ad. 1Ai1:1m Ld ffl/J/fl Pycsrrd N n. ....,_ ~ l'o.R$..., • l'9t, 1041141'.,. Slit fOA.M•".M, &a ff .. ., .. ,.., V1$1T IJ$ OH, THE W£a www 1r .. su.-ntum1ture.Nt M Monday, February 1 7, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •East 17th Street A man was arrmed on suspicion of tampering with a vehicle In the 300 block at 3:20 a.m. Friday. • Beer Strwt A man was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 2900 block at 2:06 p.m. Thursday. • Bristol S11Mt A woman was arrested on suspicion of a grand theft exceeding $400 in the 2000 blod< at 6:05 p.m . Sunday. • Harbor Bout.vard: A woman was arrested on SUSPICIOn of petty theft m the 3300 block at 3·34 p.m. Saturday. • Sam. Ana Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of unnating in public in the 1600 block at 8:20 p.m. Friday. • VIOia Place: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of possession of a controlled substance m the 1800 block at 9:50 p.m Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Avocado Avenue: Disturbance from a party was reported in the 700 block at 2:47 a m . Sunday. • Bison Avenue: Petty theft wasreported1nthe 1200 block at 11·17 p m. Sunday • East Newport Center Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block at 3 32 p.m Saturday • Harding Street: A missing child was reported m the 400 block at 11 '.30 p.m. Saturday • Irvine Avenue: Vandaltsm was reported in the 600 block at 10 a.m. Sunday • Ocean Boulevard: ART Conbnued from A 1 ing advantage of season's worth of tickets at a reduced rate, hop- ing it will help cultivate the thea- ter as a favorite pastime. ·For a lot of people who are 1ust s1arting off. in the early years after graduation, it is hard to fmd Lhe extra lime,• Gross ~d. "We have to add extra incentives to get them lo experience theater, and from there on ii becomes a passion." Linda Dixon. former Costa Mesa mayor and arts enthu1.i- asl with three 20-something' children, agreed that. it i very difficult 10 attract that genera- tion. "It is a tough crowd lo market 10 because they are 1.0 busy." Dixon said, whose door is con- slantly swinging in both direc lions as her children come and ESTATE Continued from Al $80,000 10 $89,999. In Costa Mesa, thc mo1>1 ho u!>- mg in the past year ~old in the $350,000 10 $399.999 prke bracket. There were 190 that sold in thal range. Newport Beach's more ex pensive housing aJso sat on thc market longer Lhan in Co1.ta Mesa. The average length of lime between listing and do1>c of e'>erow. 1n Newport Beach. wa<. 85 da~. In Costa Mesa, the <Jverage ~elling time of houo,ing \\as 51 days. More expensive homes tend 10 '>ll on the market longer berau'>e the loam arc more complex. I.ender\ want more t1mc to line up those loans. Ward 1>a1d. go. ~ fhey are trying lo make a living and pursue their careers. J'rn not saying ii can't be done, bu1 1t ls tough lo draw lha1 crowd." Dixon pointed 10 contempo- rary and alternative ans as a way to attract young professionals. She called anention to the effons that Shaheen Sadeghi. owner of the Uib Anti-mall. h& made in promottng local art galleries and shows. Poetry readings and per- formances lend to draw a younger audience. Even if young adults don't have lime to go 10 the theater or an art show, a qujck look aroWld the communjty can provide them with an introduction to the arts. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach proudly display-pubic works of art, and the buildings tJ1emselves are compositions. MThe architecture in the area 11self is a work of an.~ Dixon said. Nearly every artis tic venue in the county offer · discounts to BIRDS Conbnued from Al here is actually Oecember through March bccau.,e of the 1nigra1ing bird'>." Rogrr MaJJe tl c;a1d. Tht• Ray i., an important stopover for birds migrating from Alaska or Canada on the Pacific f-1yway during the winter. rhe greatest number and variety of bird<; can be '>polled during 1h1., ume. he .,aid. J he other advantage of kayaling ir, that birds aren't ~ ... car(•d ul things on the waler. While 11 might be only po~ible to get w11h1n 50 feel on foot, a kayak c:an drift a., do!>e as JO ft•ct away before the bird llie1> away. h t' added Uut before the bird watchmg began. lir.t cam<· a quick but eo,.,cnuaJ l ayaking refresher 'In a time when alienation is so rampant and there are so many forces that are driving people apart, making them single, solitary and alone, to conspire to brin~ people together in a humanitarian way is more crucial now than ever.' Brt11n Lanaston Spokesman for the Orange County Museum of Art students and senior citize~s. Those markets are "no-bra.Iner," officials say. Older people have more spare time and grew up with the arts. Olildren now often have no art education, and therefore, it is Cfl.lcial to ge1 them involved in private perform- ances. "We are fostering future audi- ences," Gross said. Langston said the ma11er 1:, critical, not only 10 ensure a fu ture audience bu1 to expoM! Lh1" generation of 20-somelhings to the arts because they are the first adultS whQ received almost no fine arts education. "Someone has got to fill that gap, because art is such an im· portant thing in the develop· men1 of civilized society as well as a fuJfiJling life .• Langston said. Langston, who is the father of a 17-year-old daughter and has observed society's artitude change !>Ince his own education, said 100 many adults assume they have to "understand" art IO enjoy 11. Art Is art, he said. Ct is nol aJ. wayi. about" l>J111bolism or com- plex eq>lanadon& •1t'l> about that shiver you gel in the bollom of your spine when you see something thar just moves you,· Langston said. Besides, the beneftts of skew- ing attractions toward a younger audience are rwo·fold , he said, because many of the more ma cure audience have enjoyed the more modem displays. "ln a time when alienation is, . so rampant and there are so many forces Lhal are driving peo- ple apart. ma.king them single. solitary and alone, 10 conspire to bring people together in a h~ manitarian way is more crucial now than ever,~ Langston said. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She mav be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bv e-mail at /oltta harper a lstimes com Kl NT TR( P rrN [,Alt Y P1L0l Hit-and-run on a pariced vehicle was reported in the 1500 block at 12:30 a.m Sunday This i!'>Sue i'> aho a simple one of .,upply and demand. locaJ Rt' aJ1or Rilena Barlevy said. There I'> lev. demand for expensive prop ertics because there are fewer wealthy buyer<.. ( ouf'>c Hoger Mallett reVJewed with h1" daughter how to paddle uo,ing her whole body rather th;m pullmg '>trktly with hN arm'>. Godw1ts hunt for food in the shallows of Upper Newport Bay on Sunday. "TI1erc are less m h peoplt• around," Barlt'vy siud. "And there art-more lir'>t·t1me buy ers." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be reactied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at "It\ hkc driving a car. Going lorward i., no t '>O bad, it\ rt•vcrc;1ng thar'.i. 1hc problem." he 1oked. lht· enclO'>l'd lagoon w-ac; tlw pt•rfccl place ro practice. 'This is a place of beauty to enjoy, but it is also a habitat for endangered birds and plants.' Roser Mallett lOW•lOW PR1CES & VfRY FAST Upper Newport Bay naturalist KENNY 1/,r PRINTER pau/ Clinton a. /slimes.com. They paddled up 10 the t•n1rann· of rhe ecological prewrve. A com1oran1 !>tood ~49 2)() J2 t 2 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Pe rsonal Atte n tion t o Our Members • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -· F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump, Card10 • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Chntc guard on a sign that re.id "Bird., only past thb po1111," bloc._mg off one branch of the B.iy and warning humans to stay out. A great blue heron rei.ted 111 the grass JU'il behJnd. Brown pelicam and le<l!>t terns soared overhead. Olunh of Styrofoam, pla'>tll" water bouJes. empty soda lan<,, brightly colored rubber balls and paper products floated by or clung 10 gra!>S on the '>idelines. The junk 1-;n't only what people throw in the bay. Roger Mallen said. Upper Newport Bay is an estuary, a place wlwrc salt and Fresh water mix. Ille salt waler come1> from the Pacific Ocean and the fresh water comes from 154 miles of watershed reaching i.nlO the Santiago Hills. Waler drains in from Costa Me!>&, Newport Beach. Santa Ana. Tustin, Irvine, Laguna Hills. Lake Fores1 and Orange. "Whal people in the mland areas do 10 manage their trash impacts what we see here," he said. Every year in September, during the "Estuary Oean Up Day," more than 20 Ions of ~h is collected, including s1ufT like sofas to shopping carts. he said. Bui not onJy the visible items pose a threat to the environment. Pesticides and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES• CARPET LUMINElTE lum1ric"'e p.,l'OC".,, Sheers f f!ef I~~,, th10tJ(1f soh loh11r "'ln" h©•r• oniong it.,. !~j· :.I ~fl \I • • i 1!f'rn !l-1< lf11>r'1 It '{Q<Jt ~ 11 fo'O 1•1 ~ALDEN'S Fl.OOR CoVERJNG AND CU5TOM WINDOW COVF.RINGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • lb~ •••••••••••••• ..,, ... 1.,, .. ,,., <t• r1111 uur ''°"' 1u11 ti .... °""" ft • CERAMIC T1lE • VJIM. FLOORING ·~~!~ t .\!!!fo•4i•J SOlAIUAN ~ALl\e.2!!' 3141 SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER $449 from 111ft -*1 4111~ Travertine 1s~ x 181 .......................................................... U 111a. Ceramic n1e ...................................................... #lltllld11om U "'" Laminate Ytlood ................................................ tmlltdm '4.11 111t •r-...INIMI -..... fertilil.er\ u'>t'd on lawn!. a11cl motor oil lea.lc.ed on dnveway ... all end up m the Ba) Ille harmful cffect.s uf -,cd1ment, '>Ill and soil ero!>1on from cons1ruclton !.lies have nece'>'>llated a dredging proieet es11mated to cost $30 rrullion. whllh " due to '>tart nexl year. On land. res1ora11on project., work 10 keep the heart) non-native plants from pushing the native c,pccie' out I ht• kct ya k approacht·d Rig Canyon JU'>t as the 11de had receded from the mudOat. expo'>lng the fre1>h mud fulJ of wonn'>, mollusks and marint• crillerc;. The air filled with excited chirp<.,, o,queak.s, the napping of wings agam'>t the .'>hallow water and what '>ounded lilce bird laughter a.-. American coots, black 'olommel"\, marbled godwits, western grebes, western 'ialldpiper!> and Amen can avocet!> gathered for the fea'>t. "I run here at night. There are not many planes, you can't see the trash and you just hear the different btrds," Roger Mallen said People watched from the lookout, bicyclists paused in awe, and cars along Back Bay Drive pulled over lo catch a glimpse. Compatibility with public use ALLOWED Continued from Al I Ugh school brought long hours of softball and soccer practice, studying. college entrance exams and appllcatiom, and the beach seemed llke a distant luxury. Later, l was stranded inland al USC without a car and didn't make It to the beach for years. A year of Uving in the San Fernando Valley, and I was dying to come back to my coastal roots. "What do you mean it takes an hour and 20 mJnutes to get to thcbeathr Now I am back. Back where the ocean breeze chills the cool n.tghl air and you can smell the s."\lt. My sun -worshiping days are over. and my drive to tab on flnother athJetfc challenge is heightening. J lt1ll pJay eof\.ball and soccer and have tarted boxing. It II time to add aurltng to my athletJc l'Uum~ My little cousin Aaron -a freshman 11 Newpon Harbor FYI Kayak tours on the Ba<* Bay w11h a naturalist are offered from 10 a.m. to noon every Sunday. Trips leave from Resort Watersports al the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort at Coast Highway and Jamboree Road The cost is $20 for adults and $16 for ctuldren. For more information, call (949) 729-1150 11> the problt.>m that na1ura1Jsts struggle with at the Back Bay Peoplt> want 10 walk thetr dogs nde tht.>tr htke<> and explore. A'> with all natural areas lll"i1de an urban t.>nvtronrnent. people want to U'>l' 11 for recreauon. Hoger MaUt•lt Yid "nm "' a place of twaury to l'njoy. but 11 L'> also a hab11a1 flu endangered lmd.-. and pla11i...." hl' '><IJd. Staking out a small plot of land, each bird proved IO lw a peaceful, well·mannert'd lunch companion. "They are at peace with each : • other. That's because they are not competing for the same food." Roger Malle1 said llus lS because of adaptation. he l>Clid Some birds have long bea.lc.s and dig deep for cnners below. some have shon beru and some even ea1 i>eaweed. While humans argue about how much public use is too much, birds of all hapes and sizes will gather to enjoy the sun. waler and a mJdday snack. • CORAL WILSON ia lhe news assistant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral. Wi/aon ·~lstimH.com High School -Is an avid surfer, and I am tempted to join him, like I should have joined my older kinfolk years ago. Nearly every guy I know here surfs. Everywhere I go, J hear people talJdng about the waves. the offshore this and onshore that Surfing is a major part or this community. One of my interview questlons from editors Tony Dodero and S.J. Cahn was, ·no you au.rl'l" What kind of local columnist would I be if I didn't experience one of the best things this area has to offer. I wouldn't be doing my job If l did no1 learn how to surf. So, if you tee aome girl out on the beach with a board in hand and a confused look on her face, come on over, aay hi, and help me overcome thla embarruaJng 1hortcornlng. • LOUTA HNIPER writ•• columns Mond9YI, Wt<lneadaya and Frldsya and covwa culture and the a11a s~ may~ ruched '"(941) 574-0?5 or by •me r et . lollta h•rpM.,.tJ,.,,.. "°'"' • r I •• •• . - . • a aaa•···arc a a ,,,tts • •••• --- " Dally Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN 1tema to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 6744298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete listing 1s available at www.da1/yp1/01 com TODAY A Great Decisions diacustion of "The U.S. and Nigeria: Thinking Beyond ou· Is the fourth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Jay Welsh, who has lived In Nigeria, from 7 to 8·30 .p.m. at St Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 760-1691. TUESDAY "How to Send the Most Effective E-mails" is the sub1ect for a Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce business referral breakfast that will take place at 7:30 a.m at The Pac1f1c Club. 4110 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Beach The cost 1s $17 for members with a reservation and $22 for potential members at the door For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Eleanor Cooney reeds from end signs "Death in Slow Motion My Mother's Descent into Alzheimer's" at 6:30 pm at Book Soup South Coast Plc1za. 3333 Bristol St.. Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 689-2665 A free seminar celled ·is Zinc the Missing Link7" will be held from 6:30 to 7 30 pm at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St • Costa Mesa For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS WEDNESDAY The Newport Beech Newcomers Assn will present cl fashion show of the latest spring clothing and shoes The show is 11 a m at thf> Wyndham Hotel 1n Costa Mesa For more information CJll (949) 6459922 The Newport Rib Co and ASH Harbor Area Inc are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant Twenty pe~cent of tho proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families in Orangf.! County The restaurant 1s at 2196 Harbor Blvd For more information, call (949) 515 3815, ext 231. A frM seminar called "Healing All-Stars" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Ross King presents and signs "Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling" at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-<>n Cooking Class ProgramH hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class 1s from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 3333 Bristol St .• Costa Mesa The cost. including materials, 1s $30. For reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075 TliURSDAY The public is invited t o meet Adeline Yen Mah. author of "Falling Leaves.· "Chinese CmderellaH and "Watchmg the Tree; at 7 p m . at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport Beach For more mformat1on, call (949) 717 3816. FRIDAY Global trend tracker Jeremy Rifkin wilt present "Petroleum, Poh11cs and the Hydrogen Economy" at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach Tickets are $55, mcludmg a buffet dinner Register m advance by calling (866) 301 2411 or online at www newpottbeachlibrary org The CoS1a Mesa Women's Club will hold its monthly meeting at 11 15 am at their clubhouse 610 W 18th St Costa Mesa with a luncheon and entertainment For more mformat1on call 1949 642 1162 SATURDAY A wort<shop on "Understanding International Trade · will be held from 9 a m to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa The S25 fee includes materials For more 1nlormat1on. call (714) 550-7369 Global trend tracker Jeremy R1flon will present "Petroleum, Pohllcs and the Hydrogen Economy" at 2 p m at the Newport Beach Central Library. Title Sponsor. TOSH I BR C°"'P'*' S,ltllm9 G~ ....... c.. ..... ... c:..r ..... ...... ....... °"'4cie~ BEST BET Orange Coast College's Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Alan Remington, will perform Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 61n B minor, the "Pathet1Que, • and works by Prokofiev and Mozart on March 9. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m 1n the Robert 8. Moore Theatre For more information. call (714) 432 5880 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach Tickets are $18, including refreshments Register m advance by calling (866) 301 2411 or online at www. newportbeachlibrary org FEB.24 A Great Decisions discussion of "'lnternatlonal Food Wars Growmg Controversies"' 1s the fifth in an e1ght·week series on ~n policy topics The d1scuss10~1ll be held from 7 to 8 30 p m at St M ark Presbyterian Church. 2100 M ar Vista, Newport Beach For more 1nfo rma11on, call (949) 760 1691 FEB. 25 Women Helping Women will host its annual open housf> from 4 to 8 pm The nonprofit organ11at1on serves over 2,000 w omen annually by providing clothing to women m trdns1t1on and seeking employmllnt Refreshments will be served The center 1s at 711 West 17th St Costa Mesa For more mformc1t1on. call (9491 423·0057 A free seminar called -The Connection Between lnftamma11011 and Chronic Diseases will be held from 6 30 to 7 30 pm at M other"s Market. 225 East 171h St . Costa Mesa For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS A wort<shop on "M at1cetmg and Promotion" will be held from 9 a m to noon at National Un111ers11y, 3390 Harbor Blvd • Costa M esa The $25 fee includes materials. For more information call (714) 550 7369 FEB.26 A free semmar and book 119ning called "Anti aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond'" will be held from 6 30 to 7 30 p m at Mother·s M arket 225 East 17th St Costa Meso For reserva11ons cell 800 595 M OMS FEB. 27 A free seminar called •Hormones. Re1uvenat1on Nutr111on incl De10x1f1cat101" will be lwld from 6:30 to 8 p r'n al Mother's Mdrkr•t 225 East 17th St Costa M Psa For reservations. call 800) 595-MOMS MARCH 1 The M alibu Cat Club is sponsoring a cat show from 11 a m to 5 p m today and from 9 a m . to 4 p m Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Exh1b1t1on Building 10, 88 Fair Drive Costa Mesa Admission 1s $5 for adults and S4 for children and seniors For more mforma11on. call (9091 372 9079 For ttclcets call 149/660-1001 or vtSft Platinum Sponsors MARCH 2 The Spint of Adoption presenu "Room for One More" Three families share their experiences of opening their hearts anct homes from noon to 2 p.m m the Stewart Lounge Free For more mformat1on call (949) 631-8758 MARCH 3 A Great Deci11ons discussion of "China 1n Transition: Is Real Change Imminent?" 1s the sucth m an eight week series on U S foreign policy topics The d1scuss1on will be led by Diana Light from 7 to 8 30 p m. at St Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newpon Beach For more information, call (949) 760 1Em1 MARCH4 A frff seminar called "A Narural Approach to Arthnus" will be held from 6 30 to 7 30 p m at M others Market 225 East 17th St Costa Mesa For reservC1t1ons call (8001 595 MOMS MARCH 5 "Not If But When" will feature a panel of earthquake experts explaining fault Imes msuranc.e and preparation advice for a ma1or f'arfhquakP The meetmg will be h(;lld lt 7 p m m the council chambers at the Newpon B1::ach City Hall For more information call (949) 548-4966 MARCH IO A Great Dec1s\ons discussion of "'E urope State or the Union" IS the seventh 1n an e1gh1 week series on U S foreign policy toµ1c.s The discussion will be led IJy Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 pm at St Mark Prf'sbyterian Church 7100 Mar Vi'>td Newport Beach Fer more 1nforma11on. call !949 760 1691 MARCHll A free seminar called "A Natural Appr a..t• 1 V1s1on and Hearinq TrPJtm•mt will b~ held from 6 30 to 7 30 pm at M others Mar~el Murida, r Pt ruory I I 20<H A5 225 East 17th St Costa Mesa For reservations call 18001 595 MOMS MARCH 12 A frH book aigmng and Mminar called "The Mood Cure" by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to 7·30 pm at Mother·s Market, 225 East 17th St , Costa Mesa For reservations. call (800) 595 MOM S MARCH 17 A Great Decisions d1scuu 1on of "The Global Struggle for Women's Rights" 1s the last in an eight week series on U S foreign policy topics The d1sc.uss1on will be led by Karen Sp"eros from 7 to 8 30 p .m at St Mark Presbylenan Church 2100 M ar Vista. N(;lwport Beach For more: informat1cm call 19491 760 1691 MARCH18 The Newport Harbor Ordlid Soc11,.,. is h )SI 1nq ;H orciud plcint a1;c11on from I to 10 30 p m at th<> f~1;J1gh1Jorhood Comrl'ur11ty Centf'r 1845 Park Ave Costa MPsa Free For mor•; 1r lo rmat1011 call (949) 642 J JJ(j A free seminar called "The Rote of '=>••JJ~ • rm·nts in Fighting CrlllC•·r 1v1ll be held from 6·30 to 7 30 ~ rr ett Mothn .. > Market 225 Ed!.1 1 /tll St Costo MPsa For r(·Sr>r,..,11uns ti:lll <8001 595 MUMS MARCH19 A free seminar called "Feng Shu1 for a HPdhntj Hom1:: will be hf'lcJ frorr 6 30 tv 7 30 J.> n at Mottwr s MarH·I 225 East 17th St . Co!.lfl Mt:S'1 ~or rr·st:rvdt1011s call 800 595 M OM S 231) (949) 722-7224 11 ebba J NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN Spring Inventory Reduction Sales 10% -50% off on Canvas 1n stock Mark Your Calendar Feb 18 -Feb 22 i., e E.a'\I Coa'>' H1gt> ... ;iy Jorona 0f>t Mar CA 92625 q49 544 7404 '1 v'S Tue Fr 10 OOom 6 OOt::"' Sa· 9 OOam 4 OOPf"l om mo TOSHIBA \\ I\ '.', T () . Ii I t' . <., ,. ' I. I ( l .I " ~ 1 ( ''I ' QUOTE OF THE DAY ''As a staff, we hoped we'd be away." Larry Hirst. Newport Harbor High boys basketball coach EYE OPENER '\ -Ill I>aityAPilot llJllD porU Hall ol fame I• •~ 11l•QC ht uull,,. ..... •ail.if1 February 2• hono<ee MELISSA SCHUTZ A6 Monday, February 17, 2003 Spotts Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Spotts Fu: (9491650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS How does a cowboy retire? John Carney, a teacher and coach, has hung up his boots at Costa Mesa High after a 34-year run. Richard Dunn Oa1lyP1lot Q CO~"lA MESA -• Whtie retirement i,s of-I linaJ for longtime for· mer Costa Mesa I ligh teacher and coach lohn Camey, the amiable football and track man is merely entering another phJ'>C in life. 'Tm working for my wife (Sue) and working for free,· Camey said from a Jewelry show in Tucson, Ariz.. where rhe family business has beeo sta- 11oned for two weeks. Camey, whose last day at Costa Mt.><>a was Jan. 31, will be the center of auenuon Sunday at a retirement party hosted by school vice principal Kirlc Bauermeister, the former Costa Mesa athletic director and baseball coach. "When I left, I felt Like I was wallcing away from some great lcids, • Camey said. "Our new administration has really shored things up with Kirk and the new principals, but, you know, it's time. It's hard walking away from those kids. The)l've got a lot of positive • energy and l'v~ made some great friends the last 35 years.· Camey, a Mesa coach for 34 years, said he's been "a lucky person" and "Lived a special life" while Living "a dream ... most people don't get to do what they dream of doing and have fun while you're doing it." Camey, 58, and his wife design and manufacture jewelry. They have also operated a gift shop outside of Mari- posa -the heart of California's gold country -for '>everal years and two months ago purchased an old wooden 3,000-square foot facility in downtown Maripo!Ml. ·11 was an old John Carney bar buill in 1876," Camey said. "It has wooden walls and wooden ceiling and mirrors and cases behind the bar. We just can't get it open yet ... if (a large gift shop) doesn't work, I'm turning it into a bar. Heck. beer licenses are cheap in those littJ~ towns.· Camey and his wife plan to spUt Lime between Mariposa and Hunting- ton Beach, where they have lived for several years. c.atney. who said he wdS ~g or 9 years old" when he first decided that he wanted to be a teacher and coach. was. the Mustan~· longtime varsity boys and girls track and field coach, while serving as a fixture in the football program since he began at Costa Mesa following the summer of love in 1969. Camey shared varsity head football coaching duties with Jim 1 lagey from 1981 through '83, hefore returning to the assistant rnnh. I le took over the freshman football program tn 19% and immediately turned the Mus- tangs into \Vlnners as· the fim group captured the Pacific Coast League champiunshjp, one of the highlights of his coachtng career There were at least two other fresh- man-level football titJes under Carney. including last autumn, his final grid- iron season. A dnver·., education. health and physical education teacher, Camey has been known as a teacher and coach wtlJ1 humor, com- passion and patience. while building lifelQng frien~htpl> with his col- leagues. He also taught history and coached cross country and basketbaJ! The former Folsom High footbaD and track standout, who later playe4 football at Sacramento State. coached:' ':. at Serra College for one year before ar• ........ ...... riving at Costa Mesa. ... .. .., After his first year at Mesa, howeve(: # Camey. who had enlisted in the U.~ • National Guard during lhe Vietnam War, was shipped to Ft. Polk., La.. for medic training. then was stationed al : a bum center in San Antonio for foU( • months, where he ..aw the gruesome results of war. .. War is ugly.· Camey said. "When you see guys with no arms or no leg!t, it make:. you want td k.ic;.'> your.elf.· These days for Carnl:'y give even more reason to celebrate Sunday's retirement party at Bauer- meister's residence 1:. from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 3109 Jeff er.on Ave in Costa Me'Kt. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL STEVE McCRANK /OAllY PILOT Kally K1bm (right) and the Costa Mesa High girls are at La Canada Thursday night. Krystal Mmo (left) and ttle Estancia Eagles have drawn a first-round bye. Most local coaches like their CIF draw Estancia gets first-round bye; CdM, Tars, Mesa, Sage Hill open Thursday in respective divisions. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot LOS AIAMn'OS -First-year Corona del Mar I ligh girls b~ketball coach James Barkalow Is new to Southern c.aIJ. fornia and the CIF Southern Section. But, after playoff palrings were released Sunday at the section office, Barlc.aJow Ukes what he has seen, so far. ~on paper, It looks like a vey good draw~· Barkalow said of Thursday night's Division Ill-A first-round matchup against visiting San Marino. Though the Sea JGnw; tied for second in the Pacific Coast League. they were listed as the league's No. 3 representa- tive. To gel n home game is rare (eat in- deed for a No. 3 team, let alone against another No. 3 representative in the TI- tans from the ruo I londo League. Golden Wes1 League champion F.s tancia was less giddy with its draw In Division llJ-A. Costa Mesa Coach Jim Weeks had no complaln ts with hi~ placement in the IU·A bmclcet. while Newpo(l Harbor, an at·large participant in Division II-AA. was pleasantly surprised, Coach Jen Thompson said, to be invited to Its first posueason tnce 1999. Sage Hill. embaJting on the program's OBt CW playoff experience In lta second ~raJty' M!ason. wu in no position to squawtc about Its OM.sJon IV·A place- ment. Estancia (17 8), which won hs Rnal 12 regular· n games 10 claim It• sec- ond dde in u many years (It ' TlfURSDAY'S SCHEDULE • Newport Harbor at Edison • Costa Mesa at La Canada • San Marino at CdM • Sage Hill at Connelly • Estancia bye shared the PCL crown last season), gets a first-round bye and an automatic home game in Saturday's second round. But Coach Tami Rappa's squad, ranked No. 9 in the final Ill-A poll, wUI most likely face a huge challenge in perennial power Harvard-WestJake, ranked No. 5 in the final poll. "Fortunately, we have a lot o( prepa- ration time to get ready (for Harvard- Westlake. which opens Thursday against visiting San Dimas)," Rappa said. "Hopefully, I can get ahold of some videotape of Harvard-WestJake and we can start beaking it down. At least I'll be able lo see (the 22-5 Wolverines) play in the first round." Costa Mesa (15-11), the No. 3 team from the Golden West League. will open Its 14th straight playoffs, the longest streak among Newport-Mesa basketball learns. boys or girts, at La Canada Thursday. The Spa.rtarul ( 19-5) are the No. 2 representative from the Rio Hon- do League and possess a strong ttadJ· don of success. "We've had worse drawa," said Weeb, who was pleased to not be playing an- other team from Orange County. CdM (12-12), whJch defeated North· wood Thunday to de the Tirnberwolves for second pl ce In the PCl., returns to the playoff: after a one-year ablence. San Marino enters ·lbunday'B d85h with an 8-13 record. Should the a Kln get past San IMQIRU,hpM CIF road warriors Four Newport-Mesa teams face long journeys in opening round of the CI F basketball playoffs. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot LOS AlAMJlOS-Four teams. three divisions and about 15 hours of com- bined round-trip bus rides. That about sums up the first-round challenge awruting the four Newport-Mesa boys basketbaJJ teams that will hit the road to open competition tn the CIF Southern Secuon Playoffs this week. Estancra and Corona del Mar have the shortes t commutes Wednesday, opening Division Ill-A play at Gabrieli- no of San Gabriel and Ganesha of Po- mona, respectively. Sage HW also opens Wednesday, visiting Division lV·A foe HamiJron, based in the remote Riverside County rown of Anza. Newport Harbor visits Vencura- based Buena for Friday's Division 11- M first round, as pairings were an- nounced Sunday at the Southern Sec- tion office. Despite the road assignments, no lo- cal coach was complaining. Citing the scarcity of students/prospective fans with the "ski week" break that begins Monday, Newport-Mesa coaches, in fact, said they didn't mind playing on the road, since home crowds may be diluted. ·As a staff, we hoped we'd be away." said Newport Harbor Coach Larry Hfrst, whose team Jost a showdown with Woodbridge for the Sea View League tide Wednesday and will take a 16·9 record into the contest with the 15-10 Bulldogs. "With all the students on break. I'm not sure a home game this week would be very advantageous. Plus, we like the fact that we're leaving Orange County. Part of the whole high school experience, and making the playoffs, Is that you get to travel." Newport Harbor, ranked No. 10 In the final U·M poll. is making Its sev- enth straight trip to the playoffs In Hirst's eighth year at the helm. The SalJors have finished in the top two places in the Sea View League the last six years and have won first-round playoff games the last four seasons. The challenge of extending that treak. however, wtD require overcom- ing late-season injuries to two of thelr top sbt players. Part-tlme starter Brett Perrine, a sophomore, went down with a tom right ACL fan, 31 at Aliso Niguel and junior starter Andre Pinesen suf- fered what could be a serious knee In· jury in the regular-season finale. Pine- sett, originally thought to have torn his left ACL, will visit a doctor today. Even tf It's onJy a mild sprain , however, Hirst said h e Is out Indefinitely. Should Newport preva.U. It would likely face Marmonte League cham· pion Moorpark ln 1\lesd&y'a eocond round. No. 2·aeeded V11la Park. which has eliminated the S.Oora each or th last two seuons. I• the likely roe. ahould the Tara reach the quut r· O.nab. SEAN HUER I DM;IJlft'; Brandon Shenck-Odom (32) and the Sea Kings are at Ganesha Wednesday1 • WEDNESDAY'S SCHEDULE • Estancia at Gabrlellno • CdM et GanHhl • Sage Hiii et Hamlhon . FRIDAY'S SCHEDULE • Newpor1 Harbor at Buena F.stancla (16-10) and CdM (12-15) both played Friday without a starter. CdM senior Kevin Mancillas will re· cum, Sea KJn Coach Ryan Curry aald, but · tanch• junior forward Jordan Stroman, out with a concussion, iJ awmtina medical clta.rance before be can resume playing. .. . , .. 'It "We cut about 90 minutes oCr Our~ first-round commute from last ~ar (Burroughs of RJdgecreat)," Sorco.sa.td.'" "We'll try to prepare u beat we GabrteUno (13-12) ded for tho- alon Valley League title. If victut11C19..0: P.stancla would visit top-ed Bishop Montgomery, whJch bu"won three at.ralght section title , ln ~· econd round. t. The Sea Kings. who won a ttlfid· place playoff wtth Pacific Cout rival Calvary ~pd Frtday, IJl t I Daily Piiot SPORTS COLLEGE BASEBALL f'IH1f(;C: Ht Kt 'Ir ·~r f>]fll', [JAILY Pti l Above. UC Irvine's Gregg Wallis throws to first base dunng Sunday's game against Anzona At left. UC Irvine pitcher Michael Koehler wipes his brow after surrendering a grand slam to Anzona·s Moises Duran m the third inning Arizona won , 7 1 Arizona completes the sweep . A"teaters never do olve the Wildcats in three-gam e series. 8.QYS Cioiaued from A6 • .. · • ,,. .. ., ... IJ q.nesha squad tl1<1t hrmhl•d -.«bn?I in lhe Valle V1.,ta Le.igue I~ tJJants do not '>tart .1 player 1~ihan 6-foot I ~don Shernck Odom a 6 i • who " C dM\ 1alle-.1 has m1~'>t'tl thl' l.t.'>I nine with an an~le tnJUI). hut cted to begin return to r e thi" week and could r!I¥• edneMlay. (. urry -..ud. ll tfiiC Kinw-adva.nu>, I.hey ~ likely face De Aro.a lolic»W co-champion Banning. ~ No. 8 in I.he final Ill-A I -· ' Hill. making II'> first play- f>earance in its second var- o n, compiled a I 0-13 re- wider first-year Loach Steve ~The third-place team from I.be ~demy League is anxious to play the program's fi rst CIF ptest. 0-13, 5-5 in league. we're ebrating too much," Keith •aut there Is pride over 've done this year." ton (17-4), which won Big Sky League. has an added home dvantage. Ince game will at aJlitude. Keith said hool sits al 4,000 feet ay's winner will visit Ye- ... _. .. Fridays second round. 111ng drought lur the i\nct·.11t•p, 111 their wt \ .. 11h i\n101i.t. hav111g 10 ... t 1111 I mla\ and \.11 11rd.1 \. h II .mJ J ·O SCOREBOARD J.ll\l' tu-. -.4uatl Lhe I I lt·,1d 111 the top nl tht" thin.J. \r11011,1 ... 1.1rtl'r Ht dm < .. 1rd1wr lau•d tlw m111111111111 111 the m'\I thrt·l· 11111111g'> and \,o\of'lll 7 , ... tnk.tng Ulll ...ix .ind ... ( clllt'nng '" tut'> lwfon.• ¢\1ng ..., •'> Ar11ona AntPatrrs 7 l An1on<1 added a n111 tn the fourth, -.e\ 1·111h and eighth rn ntng-. to 1mpro'e tu h I owrall. l lw Wild 1 at-. pounded out a do1cn hits in .ill off .1 half do1.en Anteatl'r tu n•lit•vt•r M.ul \Vor rl·ll \n1cma., uflt•n-..t· \H'lll 41111•tl~ m till' f1r ... 1 .ind \t•tund 111rung-.. h111 h1.1dl·d tht' l>d'>l'' 1111 \hll'tl'' l>ur ,111. \\oho lut .1 honw nm t1i pllt ht•p,_ IJC I '>tarter ~1 1lhal'I t.:oehll'r lt•ll 111 0-I on I.he '>t'J'>Oll ufter h'l\ 111g up the four run., on -.1x h11-. 111 i tnntng.-.. Wawwr. \o\ho ""' rl''Jll>n.,tble for IJ( 1., lone run. lin...,lwd l -.1. JC BASEBALL Pirates split Southwestern scorec; two in the ninth in the nightcap to s poil pote ntia l sweep. COS"IA MESA -Orange < oa.'>I College\ IM...ebaJI team '>phi two game<. 111 tJ1e Cy-< ,oa<,t fouma mcnt on lhe f>tratt.">' campu'i SunJay. po'>ttng an 11 6 victory over ColJege of lhc Sequoia-, be- fore bowing to Sout.hw~tem, 5 4. The Pirates, 7-4-1 overJll. un- loaded an I I -hit attack in the opener wilh five-run bur;t., in lhe third and fifth inrungs, wilh five doubt~ m lhe assault. l\vo-baggers were banged out by Ben 1 lanna, Brad Miller. l'yler Shaffer, Manny Pedroza and Oe- rik Eru,ttom. Hanna. John Grant and Pedro- 1.a each had two hits. Southwestern came up with two in Lhe ninlh inning to pull out I.he 5-4 decision afier the Pi- rates had staked starter Kyte AIJen to a 4-3 lead with a lhree-run fourth inning and a single marker Ill lhl' ~'\'('Ill Ii \lien, \\ho \\l'lll 8 I l mnmg-.. allowed '>Pt hrh. '>lnlrJng out ll and waJltng one before givtng way to relrl'f I lanna wm .. .!. for 5 with .1 '><>In honw run and Ryan Mathe-. W<L'> ] for 4 with a nm ... cored. l<L'><lll B.thlt.>y had a solo -.hot for "'>uthwt.">tt•m Cy-<:oast Townament OCC 11, Sequoias 6 5cof9 by Innings OCC 00& O'!JO To 11 11 1 Sequoias 103 100 01 6 ll ~ Treece. Boyd (Bl and Hazen. Duff Munger (51 Weston (5), Lopez (81 and Moore, Agu11Te W Treeoe, 2 1 L Duff 28 Hanoa (QCC), Miller IOCCI Shaffer (QCC), Easttom (OCCI. Pedroza IOCCI. Dewey (Sl. Ka PerTV ISi Southwestem 5, occ 4 Score by Innings Swst 000 300 Olf2 s 7 0 occ 000 JOO 'OCI • • 1 Aguilar, Egan (8), Galindo (9) and Standefer. Allen • .Jactson 191 and Grant. Hamm, HICb W ~ Egan. L Allen Sv -Galindo 28 -Villezcu (SI. Jato (S), Florea (S), Hanna (QCCI. Benoit (QCC), M athes (OCC). HA Balsley (S), Hanna (OCC). I lom t11 11>1.· \nll'itll'P• ll·adoll hiller and l t"lllt'r fil'ldt'r, haJ t\\CJ hit-. tn tour .it h<ll' Thl' Anll'alt.'r' '"It travl'I up tu I re.,,111 O..,tJft· I Ul''>dav for il n11d \'week nom 011ft-rt'rlfl' game 'larttng al fl i5 p m Nooconference Arizona 7. UCI 1 Score by Innings Ar11ona 004 100 lfo 1 11 UCI 100 :>00 000 I 8 Gardner Worrell 181 anrt Mercado, l(oehler Frenctt 141, l(rise 191. Alstot 19 Adultna11ts 191 dnd w~rhun w Gardner 2 0 L Kol'hlf!r 0 1 28 Decater IA I HA Our.m !A SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -Cal State Dominguez Hills at Vanguard University. 2 pm Community college Golden WeSl at Orange Coast noon Go" College women UC Irvine at Lady Aztec lnvrtat1onal at San Diego State, Lake San Marcos CC. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Dally Pllors Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 28 -Yong Duk Ktm Orange Coast Tradc and field. '00 24 Greg Wertman Newport Harbor Football, '96. '97 21 -N1dc Langsdorf Newport Harbor Baseball, ·oo /Yew Pl1I1>3 Explorer Spo~: 2-Door - .~ -. ·~== '129'75 ~E Net ·--Cost ~ ·-·-~-.~= -· ~'18975 i ..... ~ _, - ~ MOfiddy t e<iruory 11, 2003 A7 llfll1I Daily A Pilot nnm Sports Hall of Fame (.1·lf'iJrctlillg tl11· 111ill1·1111iLUIJ JOHANN APPELL Estancia Former ~ceepl ec h ase, di~tance s tandout enjoying a runner\ world. Rich ard Dunn Daily Pilot I n a runrll'r' "orld. the d,11(\ h'< 111111e., naturall\ O..,lllJl'' and ltmt' Ml' .1l>ttut tht• onl\ n·qutrt·mt•nh It l'>ll't lll"I t'"•tr\ 1'.ll h de!'., bu I prefrrrl•d I or lornwr 1. ... 1,111l til I ligh ctlld ( )rJfl).\l' ( llol'>l ( UIJl'gl' cl1 .. 1am e ,t,111d11u1 lrihann \ppell \\h11-.1ud1t'' h..., m\11 -.tql\ J\ 1 lt1,d\ cl' cl 111.tlt'rllll\ nur"· 11111111111r., .1 rll'v.lwrn lht· lw.wt\ of hi'> .ithh-tll l ailing 1-. .in\\,lwre Jlld t'\t•n·\\ hl•r1· around h1111 • 1 lw 1111 l' 1l1111g about run111ng ,.., 1lw1 II dOl'"ll0I n·qum· \uu 1C1 ha\t' anyhotlv c1ruund io h1·ip \uu \11u Jll'l {JC (.I !JlllrH'llllg tn l rll .... 101111tr\.-.md tr;wk tw. fir-,1 H'M, I ro" I ountl) l'\l lu\IH'h h..., '>t'Cond yt•ar ;md 1111h t·ral k ht' third \ H1~ \\e-.1 ( onfen·nt t 'lt"l'ph·1 hot'l' thdmp11111 JI I cmg lk,H h 0..,1ate. Appl'll .,,11(1 ht \ hop111g I II rl•flll U'> on ti rlu., \'t'JJ ;111d try 111 hn-.1k tht• nine rnmull· h.1rr1l'f ·\p1wll, \\ho turn' ..'h 1111 \ 1.m h .! J.ll"lll'r<lll~ 111111pt•lt'' 111 the 'arm· ;~ fill l"' I •It h \\ l'l'kt•nd thruu~h "outlwrn I .1ltl11rn1a. \\lt1lt• .tllt·mhng .1 1111 111 .111 -1 011wr tr.1tk ITit'l'I '> .. .\ppell \\ho hJ-. bl'l omt• lu.,lt'r '>llltt• 1 olll·gl· ha-. "'"n 111\rtJd } ... l.tt l" up your -.hoe'> Jnd go, jnd \OU lJll Ill' an\...,here 111 tltt· \\Orld," <,atd Appell. who rJ1 t.''· 111dud111g 1111' -.,11rf ( I!\ ')t., 111 I lun11ng11111 Bt'dth IJ,t 1-uurth ot Jul\. after ltnl'>htng J., runner up Johann Appell two Vt'Jr-. 111 .1 t raJn., on a yl'ar round ha""· l umpt'll''> trt 'l t.. and I ot.. rJte'> on moc,t \\l't'kl'ntl-.. LOJI hl'' htm,ell. dnd ,.., t.lo'>t' to 1.·arr11ng h,., ma-.1er., degTl't' 111 l'>.l·ru-.e phy.,wlo~~ ·rm neurot1l t·no11gh l'Jt.h day to 1aJce llllH.' out to go nmmng. • t\ppt•ll .iddl•d "W11hou1 tt, Id lw" ha-.k1:1 ta'>e "\01 rhat I m c•xpenenc1ng ob't'"I\ l' l ompub1w di..ordt•r, hut 11 tht'rt' i~ '>Offit'thtng rnntrnlhng you. (runn111g1 '' not a negative thing. I or .,0111e people, 1t' l\r I like to watth m)' \'() ma>. It kl•<'P' me out ol trouble. a., my dad 1(]13rhl') \\OUld '><!\ \ O . J tt:rm run m•r., U'>e to mea.,ure tht•ir .1l'rohtl t aparitv, 1c., tor m.n1murn oxygt·n upta~t· "It·., fur '>lll'llte and ru1111111g geek'>. 1\ppeU qu1p1wd \\ tth .,l'lf deprecat111g humor '\ppeU, vou '>ee. \\d' J three-time At adem1l /\II -American JI l.ong Beath State in track JnJ fidd anti tro'l'> country, following a career at OC<. that included enormouc .. c,uu t''>' 111 the I .">00 meter-. and '>teeplechase, an ewnt JU'>t -.hy of two mile-, w11h lour 1mmoveahle barrier'> al lea'il ,16 inches high and one water jump on each lap When Appell. a I qqr; r..l>tancia graduatt·. fir..t began compettng 111 tht' <>teeplecha<;e at <><. <. man~ of his cl~m.ite-. thought he wa<> nding horw-. all afternoon. "Most of them lhought it w~ an Olympic eque.,tnan £'\'ent. which rt t!> Rut !hat'> the only place people ha\t' heard of (the teeplechase). ·said Appell. who spent three yea~ at rm" In tht· ..,urf <.tty )I\ \ppl'll' \\Ill'. (hrt-.ltnt' \\ h11m lw al ... o t t>dche., \'a' tlw top lt•malt· lin.'>lwr m I tt itt lohann and < hri-.111w \\t•re marr1t•d in thl' ... umnwr of lOOI and hH· 111 I lun11111,tton Heach \ ~ l"ht• Orange County I I.tit M.1ra1hon winner 111 ! l1. tolwr 2001 \ppell -.J1d 1r;11n1ng \t'Jr round "lwlp-. ~t·t•p nw mom died ti I '11d. ...,llh 11 1,u1d l one 1111h1• rt'i.1-.Clll'> wh) I t.'nJo) rur111111g .., that 11 lmng-.. J good hal,111t·t· t<1 rn~ life Jnd 11 ... Jt'fin11t•h "" 11ullet for ,, rt''' ·\ppt·ll. hO\\l'\ C"r. I\ ht'rtt'f at bo11~' than runnrng In tau. ht•, <11m1ng to c,\,tld1 gt'.tr-. .111d ht.•t. ome a t Olli.'gt· prolt•\c,or I It• has complet t•d hi-. lour'>t' wurk Ill '>lrtv1ng tu t·.1rn hi-. rna,ter\ .md t'> w11rl..111g on a the'>r-. I k\ .,t lwtlult•d to graduatl' in \1,J\ i\ppl'll. who lim'>hed h1-. 1rndngrnJua1e degree at Long Heach !:>Lale 1n 2000 " al\o 111 c,d1ool to get ht'> 11.·.it h1ng t redential I h'> g1MI ''to teJ<.h at ct communrt\ collt•ge. but tan fall bat~ on lt'3l htng hedlth '>ClenCl JI tlw high <,chool level 11.-. wife I'> teachrng health \Ctence tn her firi.t year .it Mar<;haJI Middle School 111 l.ong Reach Appell. the latest honnn·t• in the Dath Pilot l laJJ of Fame, .., the <>econd of four 1.·htldren to Olarlie and ~tlVla All four children wrr(' nmner" at fatancia - under their father. the <;chool'<> longtime dtstanct• .. pectal1<,t -and OCC where 01arhe Appell wori'> in I.he exercise soence lab The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree in that family • Al Monday, February 17, 2003 S PORTS GIRLS Continued from A6 All school11 with the required 11 wins lh t peddoned for allat· large berth were dmtned."' Cbe third straight year no pedtiid have been denied. "; Shadow lands Looking back. 5 years ago th.is week Corona del Mar I Ugh Principal Don Martin malls an appeal to the Clf state 5 office. aslclng that Cd.M. be placed in the Pacific Coas1 League the following fall and be replaced by Aliso Niguel in the Sea Looking back. 10 years a.go lb.ls week Costa Mesa High's OIMa DlCunWI pours In a season-high 33 points with 15 10 rebounds to lead the hosts past St. Paul, 73-40, in a CJF Southern Section Division III-A Playoff game. The Mustangs are on Marino, they would probably face No. 4-seeded Rosary (18-8). Despite being seeded, Rosary, which finished third in the four- team SemiL.eague behind Sanl3 Margarita and Mater Oei, will open on the road Thursday against Montview League cham- pion Bassett. "We thought we'd be~ very good team (Edison waOln 9 In the ftna1 U·M poll): lbomp· son said. "But this ts a reward f'qr our girh. wbo have worked fu.8l all year and improved trem.~· dously. Each year, we set team goals and one of those was to make fl to QF th.is year.· ": ·~ Sage Hill, which lost a 'third .. place playoff game in the ~cad~ emy League Friday. but earned an a t-large berth with a 13--7 se... cord, will visit C:Onnclly in~­ a 19-game winning streak. Heather Roblneon (12 points. five rebounds, View League. Orange County league representatives voted. 8-1 with one abstention, to retain the status quo for one more year at a meeting of the CLF Southern Section Council. Martin believes CdM fits the re-leaguing criteria or geography. enrollment and competitive three assists) and'vooJ ICb:n (12 points, 10 rebounds. three assists, two steals) contribute to the victory . .Mesa (23-4) leads. 17 ·O, and. 21-.2, in the first quarter before the ~ordsmen stage a comeback to pull within four points twice in the third quarter. Newport Harbor (13· 14) visits Sunset League champion Edison (2()...5) in the first round. prompt- ing a quick end to the vacation plans of a handful of Sailor play- ers, some of whom had already le~ town to take advantage of the Mski week/ break in the New· port-Mesa Unified Di.suict that begins today, Thompson said. day's first round. equity, necessary for a switch. Es1ancia High's boys soccer team defeats visiting Ocean View, 3-0, in the first round of the CU: Division rv Playoffs. Eagle Coach Stew Crenshaw changes the venue from Estancia High to Harper School due to wet conclitions. The Eagles. who outshoot Ocean View, 17-3, in the !>eeond half, finally score in the 63rd minute when sophomore midfielder Stuart Moncada tips in a comer kick from Jose Quintana. Forward LuJs Rivera fires from 35 yards out to make 11, 2-0. in the 69lh mi.nute. lben, Cesar Terrones dribbles through defenden. for a three-on-one break to score in the 77th mmute. Estancia senior goalkeeper Brad Wayman saves both shots on Seahawk scoring chances in the first half. The visiting &tancia High girls basketball team pulls away from Pioneer to win, 36-27, in a first-round CIF Divis.ion lll·M Playoff game. Freshman JesaJca \\Wtz (a first·team All-Pacific Coast League selection) banJes $0me early nerves to score seven fourth-quarter points. including three straight field goals in a 43-second span, to marlc a 10-0 run. ICada Dominguez leads the Eagles with six steals, including a key swipe with 4:14 left that leads to a Waltz 14-foot jumper. Jenny Dn.k.e and Cynd.J Richards complete the IO-point blitz with layups. lbe Corona del Mar High boys basketball team scores 13 of the final 15 points and wins, 58-45, to advance to the OF semifinals against Banning. Corona dd Man Tudd Merriman finishes with a game-high 24 points. going 5 for 5 from the field in the fourth quarter. Outs Qulnn'a three-point play niJie seconds into the fourth quarter gives CdM a 29-27 lead and the Saints lead only once again, 33-32. CdM Coach Paul Orris prabes the defensive efforts of starter Ell WendeU .and Pablan Bohne against Price, who scores 19 poinrs with 10 rebounds and six blocked shots. Kyte Thompson scores six or his eight point-. in Lhe fourth period. Quinn tallies 13 rebound<> and nine point-.. ·ru have to aslc them to come bade. because we're practicing (today),· Thompson said. "I don't the think the gifls were ex· peeling to get the at-large berth.· Coach Shanna Renkin's nlng has two wins this sea.90 the Anaheim-based Koa1M. pions or the San JOaquin by a combined margin of l If victorious. sage Hill face Calvary Olapel of Dol..'tftllii ranked No. 7 in the fin poU. in Saturday's second HONORS Freshman center Natalie Weeks' tip-in at the buzzer gives 1J1e Orange Coast College women's basketball team a share of the Orange Empire Conference championship with a 63-62 victory over visiting Fullerton. The win gives Orange Coast Coach Mike Thornton his first career title as women's coach, including the last nine year.. at OCC. Weeks' tip is the fourth in the waning seconds as a pile spreads across the floor. JennJfer Ludwtcld dri bbles the lane before passing to Weeks ro set the final '>erie!> in motion. Ludwicki tallies 25 poin ts and 11 rebounds. Orange Coast extends its conference-winning Mreak to !>even games with the combaclc victory. The Pira1es win their firM conference title in 16 years. Vanguard U. pair lauded. -compiled by Bryce Alderton Marcus Harris. a junior rigl11- handed pitcher is receiving the Lion of the Wt.-elc recognition for the second time in hi!> Vanguad baseball career. Harris. a three- year starting pitcher for the U- clns, reQJ.med to the Vanguard baseball team this season as the .. taft ace after accumulating a 1 !;-8 record and rwo shutouts over the past rwo sea.sons. Lacey Mills. a nauve of Oregop City, Ore., earned Uon of t}f! Week honors for the first ume ih her VU alhletk career after. h~Jl­ ing charge the Uons to two i.rrt- portant GSAC wins this weel Mllls is a 5-foot-6 guard. ' I Mills averaged 14 points and four rebounds per game ~ week as the Lions defeated Call· fom1a Baptist and Biota Url)~r­ sity, both on the road. In women·~ sports. sophomore Legal Notices ~ 1 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 26tO j Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notica 2640 I Leoal N~ 26tO 1 Legal Notices MOOO TO CON11ACTOIS CAUM fOl lfJS MOOO TO COWTUCTOIS W!JfG FOi iDS ==NO:::::::;TIC;;;;:::E=O=F=~;::adminlstr;;;;;;;:;:;auon;;:==a=u1t1onty= SUUOllS 2640 I Legal Notices _._ 2640 f '"t~o vtftJ\ rrqu1\1 lo~ lt&•ln Pu~de qu~ u~•~·1 111t~r" H.tm;ir t un at1nr 1du 111111t1h.t1 • ftl~ntto !)1 nn t frn(u,. ·• 110 11tb11(:..tJ J JIUI d•• tl114m~r ... UPI ,. .. , 'WU in "" I• ft"• '"llLI• de• o1bu.•du\o fl ·• uu .. utu 10,1 rh· Ayuct.1 lrlii 41 ~tt• rt dtfr( t i1f 10 t.-l•t inu h) Sd•nol Or\tflrl COASI C:OMMIJNllY COLI (Cf School 01slt1d l.OA'>T r.OMMllNllY 111111 Cl I PETITION TO wUI be gfaoted uness an (OTACJOll llNl'llll OISIRIC"l DISTAICl ADMINISTER interested person files NOTICC l~lN B•d Deadline Much~ lOO.J al Z 00 p 111 Bid Oe.idhnt MArlh ?S 2003 at J 00 JI n· ESTATE OF· an ~ to me UANl 1 A•i\• 1 A•"" Pl••t of Bid Receipt Olftlt ol D••ntor •11 Pl~c.c ol B•d R~lttpl Ofttle of o,,., h•• nt CANDICE e· petl!lOn and shows good dol l<.IMB(Rl y Sllllll l'urlh.ismg C11.osl Community Colleae 01~t11d Bid' ~"!~h•~•n11: Co.i•I CotnlTJun1ly Culleae D•~h•d Bid£ PRENTICE W cause Wily h COU11 SUND l OCH s 1 ·o· 1370 Adams Avenue Costa Meu CA 92626 D 1370 Ad.oms Avenue. Ceat .. Mesa CA 9lt.lti CANOICEruAXA should not grant th@ lhrouiih 10 int 1.,~,v~ P10,ec.l lden1tt11 at1on Name Ur.ong~ Cout Colle&e Prot<'<I ldtnllf1<dlton N.ilmf' Or•n1tt C:!l•\I t,;nlltit CANOAC E aUlhotlly YOU AHi Ht ING SUI 11 l:lu\tnt\S £ ducahon 8u1ld•n& ltVAL Uparad• Phy~•e<ol lducAl1on Aru ( tl'tlrnAI ""~·~d• MCLAUG N .,, HEARING on lhe 9, l'l AINTll I B•d No 18!>2 Bid Nn l8S 1 0 A'> 7478 petJtr0n '1111 be held on Plar~ Bid' art on ftll' dnd avatldblt •l OH1ct PlaH Bids att on ftlr and 1vJ1laMI' 4t 011,. e CASE N · ~1 ~·ill 1 30PM in IA Ucl 11 ·~t• cl~m1•"•l ol lht Phys1c.1I f •ltllltes Cuotd1Ml1>1 Ardith Rllhe) of the PhysKal F Mlhhes Coordinate.• Ardith Ril hty To all l'letB, "n II" ) V 1N1• N I Cua\t Community Culle&e O"t"tl 1370 Adam• Co••I Commumly Collea~ 01st11tl 1370 Ad,;rr,. t>enef~11es, aed!IOfS. [)ep(T.;E~~~J\l~t wtAIH(RflY Ave B1<111 ·o· Costa Mtn.CA(/14)4384673 Ave ,Bld& ·o· Co•la Mna CA(Jl4 )Hl!46/1 cont.noefllCl'ed•IOrS.and 341 · You luvt IO rAttN Web Site www ClCd eclu1fu1ht•es Web Site www cud edu taultllt\ person& whO may ORANGE. CA 92863 D~ DAY\ aft,., ttu NOllCl IS HfRlBY Gl\l[N that th~ Abov" named NOllCE IS HfACBY Cl\lfN lh~t thP Jim•* 114,,.~d otnerwu1e be 1ntllfested IF YOU 08.JECT to lht' •ummon\ " ·••vrd 1111 s,hor..I 01•tmt ol 01•nee County. Cahlorma. acllna School 01\trict of Oranat County C:~llfnrn1a act•na 1n !tie wiM Of estate. or grancing 01 the petotlOfl, Y•HI 10 ftlt • ty11e•w,,t1Pn by and throuah •h Gover nm& Board heremalle• hy and through 11\ Governing Boa1!1 hrrl'm~fl~• both ol CANDICE E ~ SllolJfd ilppear al lhe tt•\pun\t •I llw. '''"'I refe11••d to "' ·01STRICT". will •eletvt up to. but referred to a\ "015TRICT", will 1•1e1vt up tu but PRENTICE AKA anng and Nie you• I\ 1"11" "' '''""" '·•11 not l1le1 than lht above st.illed t.m~ not tater thdn the abov11 \Ultd """' CANDICE (AKA obfeClions Of file wimen will ni11 il1•>1ec t Y"" "talrd b•d\ for the award ol a lOnlr•cl f0t lhf' ~ealed ll•d~ Im the ~w••d uf ~ c nnhar I fm tht CANDACE) E obfeeltons Wltfl lhe OOUl1 y<lur IYP•Wlllt~n tP pro1,.ct descnbed n Uperadt H\IAC system 1n p101ect dt\.c11bed a• Relocalt lht1h VolUll~ MCUUGHUN t>etore tne l'leanng VOi.if 'P0"" •nu\I h• 111 Bu\lneu td11c11t()11 Bwldm& No 14 onlludn atr lransfotmer and Re f1tedfa1\l•nal c1ad\ A PETfTlON FOR ~may be '" prop•• lta•I fmll• 11 you handlet boiler, chiller. tnd duct wor~ There will be a Ten 1$10) dnllar non 1etundable PROBATE nas Deen pef'SOn Of by your 1 .. nt 11'' «wrl to It••• Their well be • Ten (SIO) doll•• non 1elundable payment requ,,ed for ealh sel of bid dCKumrnh filed by TOO J a1Flk>n'18'10U •AE • ruui CHt P'yment requued f0t e.th set of bid dotumenh Chech\ \houfd be made P•Y•bl" to Cont MCLAUGHLIN 10 tile OA:EOI Y,..<00 "or "'a If you do not Ith you• Checks should b~ m~dt! pay.1b•e tu Coast Communtl~ CCJllt&e Ot,l•t<.t Supeoor Court of ,, lft'\~Qn\t on tutv ""'" Commumlr Colle&e OtstrK.t Bids shalt b~ 1~te1tto:d '" th• p1.1e.-1denlthed Caltfomoa County ol 0011t1uge1• c:reQIOr of tilt m•, '"'" th" • '"'" ind Beds Vl•ll ~ rf'Cetved en the place 1denl1hed above and those bid• \hill bt open,d ind pubhcly ORANGE deceased. 'l'OU mus1 file youe .,,, •. • m"""Y •nl1 1bove ind tho" b•ds snall be opened 111d pubhcly rud aloud at the above st•led ttmr ind plal" THE PETITION FOR 'ffX/I Clall'I\ ~ h oourt P• UI><'• ly m•v b• 1'"~"" d I d t the b t t d I d I and mM I OC9'f to the w1thtoUt futlh,.t •Atn•ne rea a ou 1 a ovt s •"' 1me 1n pate In acco•danc.e with the provmons ol C~llforn11 PROBATE requests ltlat _..._ from the court In •cco1d1nco with the p1ov1St0ns of Cahlorn1• Pubhc Contract Code Sect10n JJOO lilt> 01\lttd TOO J MC\.AUGHUN peflOf\3I r...,.._...,.... PublK. Conlracl Codf' Section 3JOO lhe Orst"ct r~qu!fes th•l the b1dd1!1 11<1neu lttr lolluwme ~ by tilt oourl Thei• •rr ulht'r 1,.1•1 requ!ff'\ that the bidder p0uess the followena clu\lhlal1011 of conlr•clo• \ llCl'n\• ,., th,. lime ~~---..~ Wl1'wl four monlfll from lfQUllemtnh You m•t clu\tf"at1on of '""''•'tor' "''"'" at lht time lhilt the co11lra• I" •ward"d io"""~~.::.._.. Ole dale c1' fW..i rUUanOI w•nl lo 1 All 111 •II ••nry 11\11 the conl••cl ''awarded Conltactor 8 m C 10 I ocen\" ""'',.._.,. ""' ~.., c1' teeters ~ pr0¥ldld Ill ""'' awey 11 y<>u d<> ""1 Conlr•ctor 8 or C 20 l tcenu PUBLISH f ebru11y 10 2003 and r l'b•uaty II 7tXH of lfle dlcedenl Prtt>ate Code MICbOn know an •llMn•v yuu PUBLISH f 1b1 u11y 10 ?003 and r ebruary I/ ?003 WAt K TH ROUCH W1l~thrnuo;h " Ml MdnOo1tnrv THE PETITION tl!QUIMtl 9100 Tlle time tor filing miy tall •n •It••• n~y WA.I.I( THROUGH W.il1thro11gh •~not M•nd•tory Datt rebtu•ry 7S 2003 •t q 00 • 111 011ntl' c0.,, the decedent's wi4 ilnd c:lilrns Wll not llf?tl ,,.f,.nal •etvwt or • D•le f ebtuiuy 2S 200J •I 11 00 • rn Or;111K~ Colle&!! M•1nlen•11cr and Op""'"'"' rd 11111 codtols d any b9 t>etore four monlfll lrom le1•1 •Id ollu • tl1'l•d "' Coast Colfe11e Maintenance and Opetlll•on, F•ethty ICICahon on Mer11mn Slttt't bo twnn H"rbor Unrtled IO probale the nearing date nollCed the phont' baokJ located on Memmac Street belween Harbor Boulevard And f 1"v1ew Roiid Co\ta M~'" CA Tfle Wll and any cocicllS above Ot\pu•• d• e1ut ,,. 8out~vArd and F atrvtf'w Road Co, ta Me~a CA 976?6 Call t-114 ) 438 4646 fnt m•p iJt1I avuat>le lor YOU MAY EXAJ.INE fie fnht'St1tn ,.,t• 01•< "'" 9?6?6 Call (714 ) 438 46'6 lot m•p 810 OAT! Marth :IS 2003 at J 00 JI m eumll\lbon in the hie file kept by the OOUt1 If ftJdinal U\ltd l1•0" un 810 OAT[ Matth 25 2003 dt l 00 p m BOARD DA re Apnl 9 2003 kepi by !he COUit you are a person platu de lO 04A~ f At BOARD DA TE Ap11I 9 200J No p•yment \hall bt mad~ '"' wurk ur m•t"""' THE PETITION requests intefesled in Irle estate, C NOA RIOS 11•r • f>t•un No P•ymenl •ho1ll bt lfldde for work "' mdle11al und~• ""' •011tr•ll un~~\ and unhl lht Re&"""' aUltlonly to admiMlef you may file ...ui tile tar u1•• '~'''u"''" " under lht <vnlldct unle\S and unlit the Aee•~ltar of C:ontracto" ve11lcl'\ to th• OISfRlrT th1t thl' tne estate uodef the COOll 1 AeQuell lor tflt.t • m•quin• •n HI• of Contracln" vet1fees lo lht DIST RICI that ttte CON I A AC IOA wa\ ptopetly hLen•.rd iii lht' t•me lndepef"dent Special Noice (form DE· coi ltt CON IRAC IOA Wi\ pt09fltly hltn~d •t lh• ltme the contraLI WI\ aw•tded Any CON 1HAI llJR nnt AdmllllStrabon o1 Estates 154) of tile filing Q4 an Un• t 411' " "n • the •Onttlll wa• awarded Any CONIRACl()R ncit ~u ltcen~ed 1\ \UhJfc\ In p•na1t1e•, 11ndet thr law Act (Tm a"'""""' Wlll ...,._,,,,,_. and """"'llai llant.td• leltl•in•u nu I• I d b t I II ~ th I f ._ f f ~ v•-"J ... v•-r .......,. Ofrtcrr~ protec1111n \II •O •te'1\e •\ \U ,.C 0 pena tn Unutt C ~W I hie hcerne tla\S! tC•ltOO \pett teu 11'reen•bove allow Ille pet10r\al Q4 es.tale assets or of arry ti the ht.,n\t 'ln5tl1ut1on sp~t1hed he1t1n•bnv~ ,,. th•t of a ·sptuahty L011tr•cto1· ~~ d•lmed in representallVe 10 lake petition OI' aoc:ount as rupunh Hlltt~ • "lh•t ol •• ,P•ll•l•ty ronfr.tdo•" n d~lon~d"' s~Lt•on ](J!>B "' lhr C•f•lorrlld llu\trteu Jnd many ..,.._ Without pr-.,.._. io Probate mAQtHn.t 1 1~"~ ""' S t 7""8 f ,.. C 1 t B d p f · .......,.Q .,..._, cumpl11 '"" la-. fmm.11 ec ion ..,, n .. t a 1 or ma u\lnU\ an "' ~'"""' Codt tht 'PM1ahty • ontrn• 1111 •Wdrded oblanng court apptOllaf Code Section 1250 A Profen101n Cude It" \Piii 1ahty conlr.icto• Awarded the Conlracl for th" Wnrk \h~ll 11\plf lM\ltut t Befo<e taking certain Request lol' S9eQ&f td•d•' 1~1:.il~' A1uot1tA the Contract 101 llw. Wn•k \hlll 1helf con\ttuct • ma1011ty ot th~ Work m '' tordJn•~ with tht .....,, ..-vt•nt ac:bOnS Notloe form 11 IVeclable dn " '"led 11"'"'~ ,,,.,. a m11f)11ty of lhl' Wllfk 1n ac.<.nrd~nce with the prov..,ons of CAllfn1n111 Bu"""' and P1oft\\1t1ns ~,....o;, ~ from the COUil Cltftt I• '1" 1" •Huth• 'u prOV•S•Ons of c~1tlo1n1J Busmen •nd PtoleU•On\ (;ode s.chon 1059 repr~l!ve wtH t>e Attorney lot PtlillOrtlf , • ...., Code Sec hon 7<Y.>'l All W0tk must be compltlt'd w1th1n 00 rnnucultVt ,_..,wed IO ,,,.,1 notJOe IO WOlFE. FOAAEST F St u•ltd "" P•' '' nt • All WOI k mu\t llf' compl~led wtlhm CJ<i C011SKultv• •fays Tome IS of tht U•Pn<• r A•lufl '" rnmpl•le ~led .... petlOnl 1055 N EUCUO AVE "' IP\pllt\I • • 1'""'1"' days Tim• " of lh• enenrt r ~•lu•• to c.om11l•tt tht-Worll within th• ttm• vt totth h•'"'" will unlesl _nave waived ONTAR>O CA 91762 puede Pt<dttr ti '~'" ' lhfl Work w1thm thl' ltmt' HI forth h~rem will result on lht 1mpo~1hon of ht1mddltd damlP.1'\ for nollOe ;_-•~ to 02!1°"°3. • 02/l1i03 It pueden (!Uil•• "' •null '" lht ompo\llton nf 1tqu1dated damaces lot uch day of del1y in the •mount vt tnrlh 1n fh,. ...... ~ ,.......... ) 02/17.(13 \<tlattn w denl'to Y nh.• each d1y of delay 1n lhl' •mount Stl forth 1n the "tnfotmat.on fm Bidders u"' P'.........-........... CNS-411217• tO'i\ de \U IJIOPtf'll•d "lnfo1m1tt0n fo• Bidders· E.ach bid must confo1m .. nd bt teSJIOn\lvt lo ..;.T,;..;ne.:._ ___ 1,;..;~=;;.,;..;.ldel~.,;.rC;..._tcWPOflii:.;;ai;wa.1..11DCAC11a1tJtt<iOco.:ll!>IST~A1:1. ''" 0 ''° •d"'"11•1 pnr E•ch btd must <onform and be responuwe t<i the conlr•cl document• [uh bidder shill ~ubmtl P"te dt •~ lUfte the c.onltut do<.umtnl• E•ch b1dde1 shall submit on the form lutritshed with thf' tunltad do<umenh. on tM form lu1n1\hed with the LOntr1ct document\ a h~t of the prOPoSl'd \ubtonttl<IOf\ on thtS I h\I nf lhl' propo<rd \Ubr ont•il<lor\ on thl\ prn1•ll a\ requ1'od by lhl' S11hlft11np .tnd p101e<t IS teQUtred by the Sublelt1112 •nd Subtnnt•ultri& r ... PtaCll<f'\ Ari Gov .. roml'nl Subconltachn& f ••r Pr aclttn Act Government Coele Srction 4100 eh•Q Cod• Section 4100 et •eQ E•ch Bid •h•ll be allompanlt'd by• u11tt1td .,, C •th 81d \h•ll bt actomp•n1ed by a ce1t1f1ed 01 tuh1et's check 01 bid t.ond 111 an amount nut ten cashlt't s chtck "' bid bund in an <1mount not ten th1ri len percent (10'\) ol the total bed p11cr than ten perc,.nt ( 10 l,o} ot lh<e tot.al btd price payable 10 lht OlslrKI as a cuarantt" th•I the p~yable lo lh• Dtsltttl n a 11u.ir1ntee Iha! the bidder, 11 11\ prop0sal " ACUpled shill promptly btClder 11 1h prnpnsal " ucepted sh•ll promptly e.ecute the A1trtement lu1n1sh a '"'"f.ctory t•ecutt the A&'"l'mf'nt furnish a s.atoslactory Faothlul Perfo1m1nce Rood •n 1n amount not leu Faithful Petfmmante Bond en an .amount not te~s tllan orie h11ndred pertent CIOO'\ I of lht' total bid than one hundttd pe1tent ( 100'\) of lht total bid pm;e lurnosh "' P•yml'nt Bond In •n <'lmbunt not p<1ce, furn"!! a Payment Bnr1d 1n In amount not ten than one hundred percent f 100'\) of lh• total lfln than Ont hul\dred percent ( 100'.I.) of the total bid pr1ee, and hirn"h tl'rltftcatc" •••d,.ncinc lh<JI bid pr.ct •nil f,,rn1sh c "'hhc811'\ ev1denc•n& that th!' tl'!IUtred msuran" 1s tn effect 1n tht 'moul\h the rctqu11ed 111•uranLe '' en effect In the amounts ut forth m the 2eneral cond1t1ons In the event sel forth 1n lh• &l'nerdl cond1lrons fn the event of failure tn enter mlo the contract 111d uetute of failure to enter into the contract •nd uecute the reQu1rnd documenh, suth btd \ecu11ty will be the requued documents •ulh bid s1K.u1ily will be forfeited The fallhlul Performan~e Bond sl141f forfeited ltr~ I 01thlul Perfnrm•nce Bond shall rem;un in lull fotct 1nd effect throuah the remetn 1n l!Jll fntCf> and elfec I tl1rou2h the &UltrltlllPe jlf'f!Od H \1)9Clfofld '" lhfl cene11I cuarante" t'"""d n •perilled in the aeneral cond1llons cond1t1ons The OISTillCT 1u1,,ve~ the 11eht t.1 "l~<I ""Y The DISTRICT rneivn tht 11aht to rettcl •ny or all bids or to w11vc •ny 11reau1111t1n or or all bids 111 lo waive any 11re1ut1,,tru o• mfo1m•hl11!5. many bod• 01 '"Ille b•ddmc 1t1form1l•lcn m •ny bid~ t>t •n the b•dd1n1 As 1equ11ed by Section 1773 of the C11tforn1• M requued by Sl'cllon 1 llJ of the Cahfotnll Labor Code. the 01recto1 of the Depertnttnl nf labor Code th~ D11e< lot ol the Dep1ttment of lndust11al Ral1t1111" of the State of C1hforn11 has fnduslt1al Re11t1oris of the Stat• of C.ahfor1111 has determined the r•ntnlly p1tv1111na r1tt1 of w•&"' determ111ed lhf> a•ne•aHr pteu1hna 11tu of wares 1n the loc1ftly ,,, Whtth thfl Work" lo bf' perfouned in the locahty ,,, whKh Ille Wo.k is to be perf0tmed Coi>les ol then w•&t rate dtltfmtneltuns entitled Coi>Hd of lhuo wire 11te delerrnonahoris. enl1tled PRE\IAllfNG WAr.r SC:ALE o1rt n111nl•tn~d 1t the PRt.VAlllHC WA(;( SCA! f tre m1lfltaH1td at the DISTRICT office located .at 1370 Adam\ A¥i> Co\la DISTRICT oftlu localed 11 1310 Adams Ave Costa Meu. CA 976?6 PhYlklll r1c1hlun Pl1nn1n1. and Mna. CA ml6. Phyl1e1I f .actlltltt Pl.lnn1nc . .and a.re 1v11t1ble to tny tnte1uted p1rtT upon ttQuHt .,. av11table to •ny 1nteresltd party upo11 request lhe Contraclor \hell llO'I a <Ofly n th1\ dtit U"'""' The C4,.tr•rlor U\111 post • copy of lh•s document at uch JOb 'lite The Contuclor and any al each !Ob lilt The C0111t CICIOt and Ill) tubcOfltl'll(IOf u116'1 11 'hell pi) flOt li>n lh•n lh• subconbadOf u11dflf •t ~•II P•Y not l•M lh111 the s.pectfted p<nalhnc 11tu ot w .. es to 1N wllfkto ..,.c1f,.d Pf•Vllhnr rain ot wain to 111 w0tlltta •mptoJtd 111 the ••11<ut10111111iw-Cnnlt~I employed,,, lh• •••cutton of the Co11tract '4o bidder may wethdr•w 1ny bid 101 1 p1110d No bidder may w1lhduw a11y bid fOf • period of aiaty (60) dl~t 1lttt 111• d•I• ut lnr tltt• of sixty C&O) deyi all11 the dale wt for the openlna ol bids optfllfll of bldJI A P•yme11t bond shall be rtQuit~d "'"" tn A payment bond sll•ll be reqoittd p•lof lo uecution of Ille conlt9<1 1nd 'half be In tile form uecutloft ot llM contrKI .a11d shall be 111 the lorm ul f01th 1n Ille contract documenlt .et forth In the tonlrotc I doc11menh Pu,,u .. nl lo Section 22JOO of th• Pubfjc Corilrtct Puttuanf lo Sectio11 n.100 of the l'ubtlC Contract Code, Ill• contract wlll contain prov1•1nn\ Code, lh• contuct wlll CMlalll provl\lon' p1rm1tlln1 the Stt(Ceutul blddft In •ubslllute permrltlna lhe tucceuful blddtf lo wbtltlute uc.uttltt~ l0t •ny 1110111ea wllhh•ld by Ill• D••lriCl wcurlllH for any monlt' w1tllt1tld by lh• Olllrkl to 1ns11J1 ,,.1form•n" under tllt tonlracl to e1t1ut• perfOl'llltnc• onlHf the co11tuct. F ec.h l>•d tubm1Utd In rtst>Onw to this Not lee f .u.h bid submitted In ""PO"" In 11111 Notlc• •hall cont.1111, 11 a btcl Item, •d•Q11et1 •httlln&. an1n conltlfl, a • bid 111m, a<11Q11•t• \ht•llnc. 'horlna. end bfK•111. or equlnl•nt IMthod, f04' Sfle>tltl&. and br1cln1, 01 1qurvalent method. for tht PfOllletton of life and Umb In trench" 11nd th• protection Of bit ind limb 111 tronch1>t afld open ''uvallM, whlc;h \hAfl conform lo •PPll<ebte 41fl'" o owttlon, whk.11 alttlf confOl'm to 1ppllcabla Hlety °'*" Mffty OfWt.. Ow--.. t-4 ..._ ... ~ '' • .._ •. v:ii t4. • .. a-c..-. ly ~ M. V:i 14. 0,. °"-4~, C-t ( I <.-... DftJ~tl < ... Cu ~ ....... " Publlwd Nt ... ))0(1 IHC Co1.t1 -.... Oa1ly ,tlot ,Ubl d N ~t llH< c .. t. Oailr Pilot r111n1arr 10. 11 100) W.lS ,..,,,_,JO, 1/, 200l MUS cell Claalfled Today 948 M2-5878 .;..._......,. ___ :.-I c.1f.=m+oa:IY CASE NUMIUt: (Numero dol Co•o) OICOS702 JUDGf THOMA' N. fHUSHll, Sr., D"f. Cl 1 ,,., nAltlf' .tnd addr''~ 11t lhf'" u.•url t\ •El nuwtu,. v doru ion d•· I• ( ortt' ) ORANt.l l OUNIY SU PF klllk I tltlk I !F N IH.t,I JUStlrt rt NllR /00 I tv" l.r11trr fh1v~ Wot ""nl• An~ """ luuu• .,_, 1n1 Tl1t 11•m• 4dd•n~ .,.d lt·~·11t1011• 11u1111><>1 of ,,1, '""" ' •llt>r ,,,.~ o• flla1111lfl wtlhoul •n .;etlrun .. -t '' ff I nomhre l.t dttfl'((,,l,,n f ti "Vmtf" df'I It lt'tuno d• I "41•ua,•do rttol d•m•nd4nl~ o 11~1 df'm•ndant, 'JU• nu 1 ... n~ .obnitado n1 1():)1 Pit M lllS II I ~Q k•t Nu 90'>1 l AW IJI I tr£ S (Jf J05(PH M IO!>fl l'>bl'I Allon f ,.,~,..,, Suri" II'> ,,,,,,. r •II'"'"''" 91618 1~1 tfa 949 4~ 1200 I •• N., 'W'l 4'JO 1?40 DAU1 (f ocho) DfC 10, 2001 ALAN SI.A HR, CllU (Actvorlo), l.y l. WEISMAN, Dop 11ty (Dol09"clo} STATIMlNT Of DAMAGES (Pot .. ,.ol lnfllty or Wronfful Dooth) IC'I KtMlll 111 Y SIOHI !.IJNll I t..1nldf VINl"I N I WIAllHHHY ~Uk\ tt•rru••tfl'' tn lht abovtl N1t1llrd •• l•ull '"' luf low~ I A'>l NUM8£R 071tl03b'8 Goftorol dOMogo• Pjt11l \Ulf .. rm& .. ntl 1ncon'lf'n1~nt• leplNatica 2640 legal NoClca " SISOOOOO E n1ot 1on;ot d1\ Ir"'' S2 SOOOO SfH'clol clom090• M"tht ..ti P • ('lft'r ,., ., .. ,,I Si' '>llO 1)0 F uturf Miii' Jn .•I r •rt-n,.,, f ''' r•,,.nt v•lur 1 $7 '>()() fj() I"'' ol luturr .. ~1n1n~ 1 •P• tty t ,., ru•nt vAhlP I $1 'l()O 00 Dote: A..,.,., 2, 2002 /S/ JOSlPH M. TOSTI N•wlJOll 81 H h l.u\l.t Mf'\a o~•ly Pilot IAnuar y u f~b•UMy ! 10 I/ 1001 M6l'> fiditiM hsiMss ..... s ....... I ht· lull11winc Jl•I •Jfi~ ,.,,, tlumy, bu\11ttt'\ ., lltoltl• A"' k"I l?I l OI 71)1h St Unot II Co\I• M~'• l A '~'Jt,71 l'o1tr1t • l•m"\ C~rry 1?1 I 1•.t 701h St Unol 8 Cu,I• Mtu CA 91621 Deni\• Ku1• C~rty 221 Ent /Olh St Unit 8 l'.<o\U ~e\.A CA 9'1611 fh1~ t)u\1n,.\l '' t nn dudrd by hu\b,ond •nd w1h 11.,,. •"" ,1.rtcd .,,""' ""'"'"' v•l 1 No "•' (;~111 f h•\ . t ,,.,,. .. ,., •• , l1l•d •1lh 1114' C "only t;lr•h "' 0••1'11.• r mrnty on07 14 OJ 200369J3417 0~1ly Ptlul f rb 11 14 M•1 3 10 ?OOJ Mt.U Ac.tfflM ...... ..... s...... ft1• followinc pe"On\ ~''" dr1tnr bu~tnfl'\\ •·· a1 .. k t'•Ar I I vonl\ ?fl tlv ll1nn I •'111' Atl\11 \11~1·1 I. •ltfu111111 '.l?!J•,(, M1A I MrN11rnara JO Ov -twn I •or All\u VtttO. l.Allfrn n111 9?6S6 '>•111•· M<Oun•ld 61? Rov•• I "'Y"" W•y tit•·• f ahlo11 n11 971171 Hl1\ bu•.u1 .. ,, 1\ ton tlu• t~d by • lltnt"I 1>••""''~'"" H~v• you \t'4•1rtf dom1 bu\1M<\ v•I' Nu S11ll111 M10on•ltl I ht•. •tatemtnt w•\ f1t,d !"lllJ th" Cnuntx ci;,k ol Or•llit Cou11t' on 01 l9 Ol , 2003H31S70 IJ•1ly l'1l"t I "b I 10 I / 74 70()1 Mf>I& ~ ..... ..... s....... floe lolluw1nc P•t\vtll ~te dome busine\\ '°' •I Uranl(t Colll AJI P• .u,al r,, oup b) O• At1~t c,,,q H~•llY GtC'lup •) Or•n•~ Cuot Reil I''•'~ ')~1v1cn 188 £' I Ith Slltet Co\ta Me\"'- 1 ~"''""" q;>6?1 J/61 1!1 Ult C Mia.hall 6' f1mh•rl•nl1 Ahsn V1"1" I 1l1futn•• 'llG~ n .. , husllln\ " tn'1 due ltd by ••1 1nd1v1duitt H••~ yuu •t•o I~( dlli!.111. bu\lnt\s yet I ""· Q21 0-,/1998 • B• uu ( Mtr 'h'll t. lh1\ ltaltm~nt w•~ f•l•d wtlh the CouMt' Cltr~ uf Ourice C01111ty un010SOl 2003H32JtS o •• ,, PtlOI r eb """".,.. "'' "h•lh 3 1003 tRq ~ ..... ..... s.......· lh• fullow1111 _.,,,,, •• • du1n1 bu""f'1 a\ Stoltht taft Inlet.-In< 7409 Slat"' Ave Hu<1 1mcton Buch C.M1fUft11.a 9lf.4J Sltl<hcrafl lntartN\ Int (t.A) 740'! ~.j•ltr Av" 1tunt1nrton Uucll. C•hlurn1a 97641 Thi\ bU\tr'lt\\ I\ COii Clu<lc-d by • cotjlc.ll •liun Hin you ,,.,led dn•11& bu\oOt\i y•t1 No \l1l<hrr,11 tntercon. Int Slt'ft A~•~c t, Ptt.,denl llui 1t1t1mt11t wit loltcl with thf Counly Ctet h ot O• a nae Coun4f on 07/06/0l 2003H32676 Oa1ly P1tot f eb 10, I} 24 Marth l. 2003 "639 Mond; f ebruar J7 2003 legal Notices furn•• !.11u111v ANGI ul2:° ~~~~~~yC:vew~ ~!~:nn1 ~~~~~with~ Llga=.:.. 2MO ~~I~~:. 1 ,=l ~:~al~'~C:, 1 ='l~~I N~:~ nul1l~ or lUO~e11ted lo •ppe~r .. n•c m.oy b4 111 lOurl • Raqunl fo1 u11 02 ()',OJ I.~ ·I '"""II!• (11u11ft lllrd ,.,u 11,~ 2640 I legal Notlca I ,.,, I 4 Wit' I ouut1 I lt1t~ '\l•tt"n1r11I w•\i 1fl f, I IPd "'"' II•• (;uunly lHf l'I llllON I OR PROBAI! •••1uuh lh•I SH[Rl HllVAS t.r •1> pu111lcd J'. 1,.., """' 1e111oe11tdl1ve tu •Id 11111u\le1 111• t ··l•lc ul the dee •d.,11 th1 l"Ul>•l'ed dlllun) p~r\OO or by yuur Spe<.1•INot1Ce(l<HmOl "-S..... 2003•9324 11 ·101 IC.IV! .~ 111 lllr 111de11e11dr11I •d •llurney l!.14) ol Ille hltn& ul 10 Ille lollowtnie .,., .un• D•1ly Pohrl Io lo I/ "/4 2003••3 t 731> , I i '"' ~ I Ut •••lt' ttJunt1 .1 111 /II llJ 2003'931lU m1111 t1.1t111n •ulhunly If YOU AHf A lRCDI IOYt'lllOty •nd appr•tS•I ••• d11111e bu1me" '" M•1 i IO /001 MW! f>uly I ol.t f•ll I JI ?003t.9JIS)0 will h• ¥••nl•d uni•\\ IOI! 01 lOnt1111enl of estate nHls or ol Soluhon\ Adv1w" ILOI I/ 74 ~1111 Ml, 1 11 ,,,, 1,i.,1 1 o1 11 11 dll 111l•tHl•d 11co1 so11 uedolor of th• de1.nM1d, a11y pet1l1<m or auuunl West M<11.Arthu1 Blvd flditiws'41sMu 14 M ""' ~~II Mtr!ll l1IM "" ub1ecl1un tu the yuu musl lole yuut ''"'"' .. s p1uv1ded 10 f>robate Ill), Soulh CuJ•,1 M•lru ..,__,_,S.......__. ll•oly I 11 .. 1 I •Ii 17 14 IOU I J IV Mb.JI fHl l'I llllllN ••<1t1t·'h ~u1luu1ty t•~ .t1tmuu~lt-1 lht: ... ,. tit UlldM fht l111ll'pr111l•1tl ~ll1111n1~ ""'""' 111 I 'lf1lr· A1 t ( flw l\ulh•1flly Wiii •lll•1W ttu• IJt"f '.1m"'I , t"J)f ••\tH tJhV'" tu I t~f tttlillY ctd1u11· w1lh1111I 11htctm lllt t llllf I 411,HtlVAI H .. t111r t ih111•• Lt"llJln vrorv ·111'"'' t rnt u l111u\ huwrv• r tl•t , ... , \••0.11 l f'l.Jfr,t-lllnllvt Wtll l>f' ret,uUt'll In ~'"' 11uJi. f to 111l1·1r•,lc<l Poli<'' llt•l1hu11 o1nd 1how\ ll>Od w1lll the CUUtl ""d mo11t Code '"hon 1?50 A CA 9<'704 -,._ I hr followtnr 1.H'f \41'• 4if ~ du II\,. I.tu ,lflt'\.\ _. Nt"wpurt Nut JI y /40 < •ll'<' why lht toutl .. copy lo th• IJt!t\Onal Requnt lot Spe~1al l\WAH 1111. ti.Al lb(Jl -.111,uhl nut iir•nl llttr re1>rn4.'nl•t1ve ~ppo1nted Nol11.t' form 1s •YOll•b•I' w.,1 M•<..Atlhur Blvd 1ulhu11ly by thl' cuurt w1th111 tour ftom the court detk 111) South Cool M•ltu A 10 !IRING un Ille monlh• from th• d•t• of Aner,..., f., P•tttt-11 LA 91704 1irt1ltun will ''" held un the llr\I l\\UJllle of Rut ... & Tvd1et, (M•1h11K Add'"'' '/'JI l f I llRUAllV /7 /OOJ di l•ller\ as p1ov1ded In Th•o4ote I, Wol&oce, ll•rb•Jf Blvd •19'1 I Ill p 111 1" Unit l / J l'rob»le Code Hlllon Esq., 611 Anton llvd., !tt\t• M••a, Cl\ 9?6~bl '"' 11t•d 11 141 fh• l ily 9100 Jhe l1mi-for lttm& S1•. 1400, Coalo ••-· lh1s bu1m•s1 " '"" lll•v• •1111111 01.1n1t• t,A 1 lduns will not eap11e CA t2•2• dud•d by • lu111u1<1ho11 lf/1!1>11 t.elui. lout month' frum Publr\lltd Ne wj)ot I Hoe you st•rl•d d•w•• 11 YlllJ 118Jl l. I lu lht lh• he•11ne d•lt' nol1<.ed Bulh [o\l.o Mt"\a Oa1ly liu\1110~ yet' No 1•1,,1111111! rrf th .. IJ~llhun •bove P1lol I cbru.try 11 I 1 l\WAH hll Al"'""dt'• ~"" ''"•ulJ •111>••< •I lht YUU MAY lXAMINl Ille Ill 2003 IMO~ N ll~wkin' It ht 111nr, Afld ''•'• your Ille kept by the court II PrH1de11t •>h1•·• l11J11'. nr Ill~ w111ten you ••e " perso11 m fh1\ \l•lement w•s 11bwc '"'"' with lhe 1 0111 I 1ere1led m lllt: e1late, hied w1lh the t.;ou!!!i I low to Place A Ot..~ctn Vtt-W Avt Nt-w lJUft 8t-t1t h f' thturnict 9i'f>b l 4/0/ w.,ndy ll '>111111"11 /4(J IJc••11 Vi..w Avt N•" purl 8~dl h I •hlu1 llld 9266J 4/IU fhl\ bU\fflt'\... I\ \ Uf1 dot led by '" 1111l1•1duo1I Hdve ~uu .fdl l•d rlu1n~ bU\JOt\\ y .. t., N &J Wendy ll Sth1111dl ~\ldtttTl~fll CLASSIFmAD ,,. ... 11 II "" ... l•e'I ' Ht Cht11i f,H int" ... • 1 I t•H• M :.4nt;:1-rtl"ttl l'>'•"J M, .... Vt1dt' IH I •I Iii I " ... M~\~ I " 'llh/'1 fiditiM w.s 1 "-S....._, , ..--('!"!',".1-J.--i[lhl~is-.. ~·· .1 .. 1• ~.. .','~' '.'.~ (()Hf.'Y/!.'ff 1 "'' '.loor 1 ... ~ ~11·, I w.httltn_PQll 'rr I /lh .,,,,.,I f ' I. Mo .. bu•111•, u/hntt, 1/1.'f/I// J h II ur JUSI fooAing, rlan1[U'd Jw w. luzl •"" ntt' ! U~\\!ilf/flJ 19-1111641-567N ~--Deacl liru·~ ----. -Id \fond.1\ I und.1~ \fond.1\ ~ OOpm RaJes and dcjdltnc' .111.. 'uh11..1..1 111 ch3nge without 11ot1u· I hl· puhl9'h1·1 rc~rvc' the nght lo l111'<11 rn l.i"tl \ reV)!>e or rqcu 111~ d,1,,lf 1l'd ~cn1~mc111 Pk.he rq><111 .111\ amr that may he 111 > uur l l.1"ll 1nl 1d \'minediatcly I he D.11h 1'11111 ,1,1..1..·ph Bv Fax f9·l'l·I fl.1 I -fl'ilJ4 By Phone (9491 b-12 'i67K By '.\lail/ln Pt·r~o11: nu hab1hty lrn Jn\ 1·11111 111 .111 111 \tt;ly;}i\11oUllUllM..mtJ t I ,. t ullll• r .Lfkl 1H" ll ""ll .., 1,,,_i, ii'llfl J l'f"-(6~U•t( I I lou r~ ( '1"1.1 Mc!,.t <'I\ •l.!11.! •\t '1,c:.,..pon Hf\J A. H.1\ ..,, I rnl.1~ I ln1r..d.1\ 'i·C)(Jpm 'i.11urd.1' I ntJ.1, U >Opm M.lvcrt1~mc111 Im "1111.. It 11 111.1\ II\: n:~ponsthlc c\u•pt l11r Lh1.. , "'' 111 1h1· '1Jl.tee octuJll> 11u up1nl I\\ 1111 n1111 C'red11 e<tn uni) he allu\1..nl 1•11 1h1..· '"'' rn...cn1on ldc:phonc: K. mam -'i OOpm Monday-fnday Wall In K ~Oo.1m 'i !IOpni Munday 1-m.la) ~unJ.1\ I nd.i} 'i OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. ·. 1010-1770 MERCHANDISE FOR SAi.i ~ L -3010-3940 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1489 $ 230S·2490 RlAL ESTATE roR SAU Collectibles/ Memorabilia 11fi0 I HOME Tl)' sStti<Oaos nc FURNISHINGS ...-.i. (.J;rD. L'" !tJ, ' w· Furniture HOME f URNISHINGS "'" 5'N ,....., ...... M,~, 94!; 64!1 l'>V~ ENTERTAINMENT Cl'-1af Everu 1310 An 't'·•' ,. .. '"" d•1v ... , tf'unf m tht'a nt"w v ti_1~t \ubt,.c. t tu lht J t•th ! •' f •it Httu~•"I At t 111 l .-:~,. Ullf'OcJ.,.J wfHt f .ak,.•. 11 tllt'f ti I ~ .... ,,, ~ ··o~ ~, .. ,,, tn , hntd tl111n u1 \J''\rtirmn•t"'n b • ,_.d ,,,. I' Cbk,f ft'lte'UIU r t ll•~d1<•p l•m1l,.I >l.1h1 or nlt1on•I of 1110 111 tll 1ntf'tn1ton tu m..... ,. .. , \U h prt"ftr,.r"fl lt"11t4 ft•)tf '' dt~t1mtn .. hon fh11 ''~'"'\l>~I'"' ,.111 ,,,.t know1n1ty A L,• 1>t HIT ddVrf lt\t:01t-fll lot ... 1 ' l•lt "'"" h " Ill ""'•hon ul lht IA .. 0111 fP •d,I\ art ht I diy nlor "'~" tllal ~II ll#tll ltt(\ idVPrl""" Ill tfW Rf' "''·U4P~f di r. ""411 •t lt Ott ~n f'Qu~I Opt.IOI turnt't ........ ly (ompld111 of d1 tr~Jion. ull llUD lull ff~•~'i 800 414 8S90 Alctkils 1483 NTED 'Olde, Style Furnlt1He "ANOS&~ . .._..._ .. ....... -.-..()llf.., -,. ~CASH PAIO $$ c.:......~------....... y ESTATES ~~le<dy--· .. S FAS'IUI" 3435 Fumrture * .......... ~ ~J!:...!_~Jt-* .... * * SHORE~ INnRIORS * I* LIQUIDATION * ! SALE! : * . * ! CLOSING AFTER ! * )OVEARS * * \\I< "c 'I l<dllc II\ '-tc ·,1ti1 \g, : * I c1111p...,, 1.il >h ·..., * .11u l ~Ill< II \tun-! * * .!ldO \\tlfl ._,I '\1 '\\(lllrl lk.111!* * ''"''' '''''" t.1'11h• ,, ''''"'' * * 1H 1 H)L!-..!.!):> * ................................. 0ewble boa I I " •1tt ... ''" ,. llt ... S 111 fill d'1 • ,.., 1'•A" Ul .. t 1441 l\trl "'• ,., ,l1tf fot S .,I l,i. ti U ••f •• .,., s I 4 ,. •U • lltJtt) • I t .. s.. ... " •1 • t 1111 , .... lAIGI STUHIO 0 v (It f 11 lJ I tf Moth'"' Mu '"' hl-.t llf'W l //11 44" C,J<, ll I'/ SIMMONS odjutteble bed S 400. like Hew. 714 540 3121 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS -c;;_, Celn Needs Old c ntn\I <>••Id \llVrtt ,ewelf y wah ,,.... .1nflq11n lOlletl1blf' 1)49 64,? 9448 3610 o.p/IUftMs _.... -••lldh·!Wfri. "'i? PftS .. N*-............. r dln1 l\l.tltll •)ll<J644 "l119 FMl WAY h monirm QI/ l'I .. klllfll'\ """'' tu1r. '}t'l'>IJO'l l l\1tten• r ''""" Ill 811\he< nttd bollltl~~dr" Htlr Save lfYf'\ All '"l'•"'l'' pi11d A111m1I N~lwUfk 949 !IJJ 041 SPORTING GOODS/ c:MIPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 All Sll[l IUllDfNGS 11 1. 1.11 •II' 40. 411 ,,. /th t'>O .tllN.,•1 I • t un•t I t ,., ...... •(J I .+.of'~ lfJl!h l'ill Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 Jf\IA I N RY 1 .... 11 111y ~ .. of.It h 'IH I tlUf•Ulrt r,0111,·J f-t ,..,. tr unin Mr11h •> Uoll•I\ Nr lwur k lllOOOl7 4/87 1il ~4 1LAI •".AN) SI 00 \I ORI S C.ompl~IP lurnhy lwm $4'J 900 I ROO 879 191'> Ot•ll,oStnu ~~fVh f''o r.,m Nt'\lftil "lotr 1n Gardfln.t n 1i,. r1 1 n R ct.A1•sr~ '\ '• '' n ~BAV Rf SfllFRS NL [ lH 01 Wt \UPf•ly 1uodu• h up lo 80~ bt'luw 1 •1•11 Ho 1nven IOtY Hu t>P rpq d C1ll tu d1y tor mort' mlu I llOO '>68 1809 e•I ?Jll ({Al ·scAN) MSOl.UTl GOl.DMN:t 60 _.... wwwat•-...... •l< ................... S IO, .. S. 900-~2 Olea b Laa M ..,, Offk • s,oc. 10 '""" Roomy. furn d pltnanl envwonment 94'167!1~ HDt.'f: SFOR SAl£ LA COUNTY· 5200 LONGWCH& VICINITY 1clJOll LJ<!<l'lllOOCI Lag 8eddl fobtl Li.1IO 8-J> SqW L-.•-do t 1 i tudlo. lull lllltllen w1DI 111 1.10 .. ts 2 bklc'.111 to buch S7'5 44 Albont %1011050 soos-saso Costa Mesa PANORAMIC VllW 2 llDROOM HTUAT S299,900 AGT 949 723 1 120 Udo Isle l9WISf NKf OH UDO ISLAND OPCH SAT SUH I 4 H ACH COTTAGI 117 VIA HOLi 2bt l'/.lo 2 '!ar, bch & ten clvb 3S lot. Reduced lo Sl•9,000 Agt 949 7S9 OSOS •• 714 307 4214 Newport Beach fAIUlOUS llACH COTTAGISI fAIUlOUS HlWPORT HACH • lllfSlYU II New .' '.>1111 y J81 ?Ba w ~di •11~ i I /11AI 111 l!IA 6 f') S IS0,000. fl•m•rdtl~d }81 18~ •I 1144XXU ll.lt> S0,000. Wdlet Vll'W /81 18• w lu~pl•lt tS<'OOS.ll S91,000 llASID LANO l.dll lor •PIJUIOlmtnl 0..Antd B•~tde Vllttll't (949) 67S-IJll A MANUIACTUltlO HOMC COMMUNITY • VIUA IAUOA • FRONT ROW HAUOR & OCIAN Vl(WS , ... fl_,......_ .. DOUIU MIR SUlllS ~.da211e .... ·ww.. o.c-~Location No lrllfhc ~ ... l'Jlrtwt.I olMrs. S47S,OOO .. $S24,a7• MaryA.tMcGW• 949 ........ 770 Abe> Some !uses avaul!M • Ptudertbill c. fWlly • •0,-. Set/S-1--4• 2 s .. c.,,. Rau~ ~· Island 38t 38a l'nd umt w1lh a view loo~1n11 oul lo S111n•tu1e Holt' #17 $82!1.000 Of lease al $4.!IOO °f." '-••• l;ni• 49-S09.at PRlMf ISTARS PAQKll TINOlll HA noNWIDf USA 94'4U·970S www palnclllenou com ONl fOltO IOAD 4tJr l.5ba+ OflU hdwd in. 14Vadls $1/BJJ11J OMw/ "-9&~ a<'OI ~·ggz- VINTAGI HAOt HOUSE OM THI WATIR.CAU.MOW AOT. 949-721-1120 1-1t des• 28r 2 58•. 24 1•r, pied ,..,., 11k e lutl 1~ g;M to $J69K Slr. 9t9 1117 .... Cllll. ,_llSfATIS PATIKKf .... MAnotl ... nA ...... .," --patfl<.111-• ,_ SELL your stuff tt..ouah classified! Index RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Mountain Property 5965 New11u1t lll'doh Hor\• P1up•rh U•lt •l•e tut wolh lar ~· front •nd b•, 0. Y•I d Sl .. bl" with J \1•11\ 14 k ruom \IUI ~II~ ,,_ t 1nd bdlh1 oom lh~ hou\t' h•' I b"dt•J•lm' ?b•lhs duuna room l1vma tuom w hr~plttc.r lam1tv "'"m fdundr y fOtHn dfld d .. n Minute\ from lhe Ba,k Ba1 whrr,. yuu c .in enruy ho"t •nd h1ktnK tr •11\ S100 000 View al www •u11l•1 t\ Lum Call owne1 di 111 4)1>-49 3367 or e rNll unl't(a>U>• f1l'l. MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 lASUIOE llr, 11•, \mall kit I A pvt enlry w d ultl\ incl fem prel S1/!l•dep 949 ~ 0871 ,_. oo lt1I' !Ny WV. IO bdl 1hop\, rest.. Boot .. """ pttl be ptlq G.M! S7!l> ~7l23 RESIDENl IAI. RENl Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 1 Ir II• w /P ..... 1,.., New ~_,.,.yr1y i..se. 206 l . 1...e. "'911 IS $950/M..tlt ASSOCIAhD RWTY '49-613-S663 29r 2h. ?c 1•. f>iltlo, w/d d/w, new crpt. ~t. iow. unit m 1r 20ttt st. s I r.&no 9'6-723-1186 CoronadtlMlf 2H 11AAl'T Over I c;ar 11r. wdt>loups. no peh S 1750/mo c:afl wkdays 949 863 1390 •••tv•rll• Sir /21• luxury relurb hom• S3'250m M.e llrp ,.. 2Bt lllll. -urpd & 1*11 i1700m 9&71S.l513 O<IAN/IAY VJIWSlll New ho me 4bf 3 !1111 2 story, decoratot perl.et tn every w1y Only loot 1111'" lo ou1n voe•ma blulh end Wtcbl hMbof entr 1nc11 channel $1>11 lounce/t• r ece "w.11 lllld Mwdl u~ Sll.IXXV oho M ~znt cm ... ~ 7402·7466 ~1 Under the Service Directory Banner IOOWSlO ~I Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Newport Beach * YlAJtlY * UASCS !Ill I CRUNOY Rf Al 1111! 949 675-6161 Up11e1 I br I bJ un11 1 lo~~ lu b<'Jl h & b"Y P~f~ ~ buu bdy """' A11t SI 400 949 61J /8()0 Ql1l }t)f ......... ...._ • .,. .... h1 \>di" Ip wd I '· • .~.,.,., llo ~t .. ; .Jg1 \lt:ll! ~11 •)fi h1 I 18.1> loyrld9e tovght after /bf lll.t ,..,,.",. • "'' 1 f:t1,t1b , ... d \ l µmil ff.: Jr• ~ .,...,, • , .,,µ~trd i 1J t1 lft'tl w t fr1~ nuld n ,, .. t . ,,mkt i 18~ "'" '14'l J<ll IOI/ ' '''"' r ,... A~I -t4 • t' • •THl BlUffS • • IC t1' 'H I i , \ .,. t .:t. ,..~ ~ 14orbor View Home It. > t ,, C"11ufkdu (II\\ I \JI \ T 11 htthfr \OU 'rt /11111111:. stUsnK ,,, fU\' ""''inx. cla1f1fird luu " haJ 11111 n trd ( L\\\/f/HJ 11U'lif>.J1·567~ , D YES, SELL MY CAR Name Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mail with a check todayl Run for a weekl If your car does not sell , we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20·. I \ L Plriasa atect Pet1nn 8o18S Yu·---Maka Model~~~~- Dec..-0 ......... ,.,. Oa.r._,, IM.... O v• 0 ,..,_ ..... 0 1--. nui -----·• a ..._._ 0 ,.._..,,. O 'M.-a..... a...... o ......... a~-. a ...... a~ .... owt. ....... QNl~Oo-C...... a,.,, ....... a .......,,,__ o o-... t101111Di1o1 .. __ ._..,.,._ a , .. ....., a~--a ..,. ....... -- I 1 - Daily Pilot ,, .. (;10'1 .... ,,, I DEPE DENT • , '· AlO Monday, February 17, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 18~ ~ 8 YIO I vetti tOSpoft1_,t 14 UFO pe11M111gW 15 H•l\184 16 To bei IO Balzac 17 CllMnder page 18 Take do'#n 19 Food wrlllfllllQ 20 WOlllOUI c~crdsc (h\lllll I 22 L.e~ ladies 24 Bad (pref ) 26 In hod! 27 ShMI m1te11al 31 ChufChell gesture 32 Shatlc domain 33 FOIMIMll 38 Have I oougl1 39 Spolren 40 era~ 41 OvemaUI 42 ·'*'· -· 43 Qreased 44 Wealthy l~111allst 45 MortlCla s COUSH'I ~6 Pt-lo ..... ..-i.up 48 Mlnlolure ollicken 51 WantCO·l)OSlCr abbr 52Tex-~b_,. Newport Bead! 64= 59 Flimsy, et en eccuee ~ Tailor's r1"d 62 PnMded rr«llcfttton 83 Wllh, IO tienll 64 WM-en<ling oh-MMt• 116 Rttvme 111<1k61 67 BeOow 68 Ouionada DOWN 1 Sladtum willkwey • 2 Felp& or Matty 3 Corn llrlbS 4 Golf's -Olln18C 5 Ctlllous 6 S>AoalM 1oetor 7 Ex·frollti e Clean noose 9 Lapid11ty, el umes 10 Smelt 11 Repeir a WT<>ng t 2 caneo °"' 13 Lampreys ;>1 Cu:111y 23 Is on debl 2:5 Aboveboard 27 Milne bo.lr 28 ~alsN<Je 29 Caboose'a place 30 Nev nelgtlbor • 34 Percent endlrG. • 35 Russllln el!pOI\ 38 ftytOg Pf elix 37 AeV81ed ob(ecl 38 Ukc a oormn 40 Ze61 41 Teamct1ee< 43 •S;it.1kt Btiiley• llOg 44 Some•me (3wds) 45 Vac;anate H M9k11 do Wllh 48 ·wet 11onei- 49 Actress AllQIA - 50 Cornlolld!ltl! 52 EllW!lopct pan 53 Dirty 55 AllOI 56 Plays IOf a tool 57 Mi.9ntte0f Russo 58 -and llflds GI Supct llowt org " ,,. 13 BAYFRONT CRY ST Al COVl Lea~e/New• 2 story, opansove 5br 5ba + den, aate auarded. Many custom features thru· out Oeco1 a tor touches, Community Huge IBR IBA w/Harbor Vlew$2000 Gorgeous 28R 2~A w/Harbor View $2500 elaborate landsc now under way Av-4-1-03 S7!f'iQ/Jno, ¥ 949-6JS.2311 Private Tutoring . 7990 FLUTE U SSONS [~p'd teacher has new open· lnRS in C~ta Mesa studio Loi-.e Slack 949 574 IY.>17. SELL your stuff through classified! Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWF.RS 'I'<> WF.t~Kl.Y 8Rll>GE QUIZ Q I • k. South, you hold: • s . " J 8 6 5 \) Q J 9 • J 10 6 J Parmer l>pens 1hc hidding with ont• 'p00e· What do yoO respond? A • Yoo Jo not have the vuluc~ to bid al the two-level, c~pecially wilh a singleton in partllC!r's ~un Thal leav~ ooly a ooe-n<Hrump re~ponM: .ivaihdJH:. whteh you muJI make Jc.-pite your sme'CtOO 111 opener's ~Ull. Q 2 • l::bl·We1o1 vulncruhlc, a.' South you hold. •AJ972 7 Q J8 72 692 The hidlhng ha.' proceeded: SOUTH WF.W ~ORTH i:':AST P11."-' P1&.'iN I I• ·r Whlll do you bid no\\" A· If d double n1'w would bt-tor irnuluh. by all mean m..il.e lha1 cull f you play nesa11\'e douhle,. pa;,, and hope parlJler can reopen with a UVOhh:. whll·h }'OU <:an c•1m":f1 ln pcn.tlue, b) fM'""I:· E'en 11 La.'t mat ... ~, the Jouhled contru.i. nu gn:ut hann ha' hcfallen you Q J · Buth \Ulncmbl~. )"U hold J .Y K 6 4 2 9 7 t> • 6 Pu11ncr ••pen' ~ h1Jtl1ni: "olh noc· nu trump Whal J,, )uU rt\po11d ' A • II you pl.i) lrim~kr htd\, 1rJn\ll'I into hcun' and m1..e w ~ame II not. 1u111p 111 lour hcdft' Came m hcdfl' t.\ when: you ww11 tu plJll' the .:on lnl<:I. >11 )'l>U ... ana Ill j!CI I here '" fa\I J~ po"1hlc 111 a~<•1<l \ll)!fl',1111~ .i "'-'' lrr hand \Old A Q J IC 7 3 • !\ 75 4 Tiie bidding hll.!t proceeded: NORTH tu.ST SOUTH WEST I• P11..<18 l IW 1~ ~ ! \\/lull 00 you bid nllW•! A • Your void in hcurt\ 1~ no nwJor lbSCI since yoo hold t11lly three low spades. You probably do noc have enough Mlric• for panncr to i.ct up and u~ your diamonds. )() cluu1cc,\ for anything more than game ~ ~lilthl Jump to four ~~ -the Prfndple of Fa.~t Am val -to deny imy higher ambition~. Q 5 • VulnerJble, you hold: • A 10 7 6 · J 10 8 S , A 9 J • K 2 Pllftner npen• the b1ddmg with a wca~ twu hc:arto What Jo )'OU l't'spon<l'' A • Rc,pondmg two no trump to o:lic11 further 1nfonn1ui~•n about parl· ncr's holding " unlikely 10 help '"· al this vulnerJhihty. we would Ulke our chanl:C~ and 'IJllJlly bod four hclll1.'. hopinj! fur the bc\t. Thi\ nug)11 oot tx· our lw\d be.:au~ 1JI the hog Iii 111 hea.n,. Q 6 . f:a,t Wnl \Ulocrnhh:, a.' 'i11t1th )OU huld· • J 10 7 3 /\ ll 7 l IO II 6 • K JU Ille b1Jilinj! ha' pr1-..c-ed«d. MST SO\ I It \H_'l'J l\OR'lll I • Pll'S 2 • Obi t"a'\ ·• Whnl tlo )<Ill hid no~ ' .\ • Yllur lcnJ!lh 111 'Jllltlc.·, ntean' the hurnh <ltt'. hl.d~ 111 ht ~'U'CdlnJ!I) well Jump lu l1111r heart\ 111" " J l~u w,1\ a.:tum II the hpponenl' f'J" ur d•>Ul>lc. \HU 1111i:h1 e<J,1ly m:il..t• 1h~ !!;unt• II they •'<•ITlpclC with tour 'P.Jdc'. \OU ln11w what tu do1 Aclmlnimotlv• Anl~f....t Small COM off1re seek\ PIT multi taskofli 1ndlv w/strong computer & tomm skills, phonn. and altn to detail. £.mail resume w/salarv req ~@~"-COm GRAVEYARD OPERAlOR on Newport Beach, nr a11port. Full/Part·t1me Will Train. 949-833·9790 " w. ........... lor honm~"WYEI .1imxne· Bl s-fl6 re <Xl'lllf " ~ 9'&lli3-!11Dl Salor> IOOTH RINTAl Costa Mesa beauty salon. Renonable Call Al 949 645·0662 SELL Employment 8500 Admln/bookkoopor personal traonona fac1l1y 8hr /wk Perr.onnl lrain1n11 benelrts 949 675-3287 your stuff through classified! s.I your UllHltM ltnis Ifie eosy woyl Piece 1 Cloullit4 t4 te4oyl (949) 642-5671 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS Semce Directory Accounting "NOTICf TO READERS Cahforn1e law re· qulrM that tontrac· tors takon11 )Obs th1t total S500 or more (labor or materoal>) be llcens.d by the Contractors State License Board Mate law alw requires that contractor$ include then license "umber on all adveths1na Vou c.an check th• status of your licensed con tract ur al www.cslb.ca.aov or 800·321 ·CSLB Unh· c1ns11d contractor1 takina jobs that total less than $500 must atate on their advertisements that they ere not licensed by the Con tr actors State LlcenH Board •· Additions& Remodeling fMTMltG llifT8llOas . l<ltdlen I Baltl I RllTIOCW ~ lilrttVwtn.am &B15~~ Anorney Services ATTORNEY Civil mitten, businc~ law. land u..e. land- lord/tenant. con1111ets. other agreements. 20 Yem exp. Re1sonable rates '49"'50-8682 • D.IAIU """" "-'"" '° ,,_, AllTOMOIU Sima .... -o..trr-sir-W TUN11ftSHOP (949) 645-4641 ....... SI. ...... carpentry A TO Z HANDYMAN lnst•ll, reface cabinets. ~ ~ ~ 714-54& l"l!£, • WOfUnlh • Custom Built ons, Crown Motdines. Bne Board• L 1571982 949-837 ·5642 carpet Repair~les 1'rCARl'09 CAal'lln Repairs, Patch1na, Install Courteous ar>y size 1obs Wholesale! 949-492 0205 Bookkeeping TAXREnJRN ONWHllllLS Call for fre~ quoLc 949.422.2863 I come to you. Moblle notary & booklceeper t- amall buel~• at Alfonbblt Clrpet Cleaning •SAVE• 35%0N CClf)Mt • Fumiture Rug Cleaning 5alisfoction Gucnnteed FREE ESTIMAR 23 YWSUP. BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800·559·7181 Computer Services • Compvt•r R•poln • Softwar• Up11radu. lulorona. Tra1n1n11 Corrjlut« Or 919-!rlS 3983 Concrete & Masonry lrldt llo~k Stone Tiie Concrett. PatlO, Orweway F ireplc, BBQ. Refs. i!SVn [IP letry 714·557·7594 Tllo Cemeltt M- Cementwork, Bncl1, Tile & More Reliable No tob Deslclop Publishing TIMl TO IEGIN YOUR HOMl IMl'ROVlMINT l'ROJlCTl Call a plumber. painter, handyman, or any of the areal ser Vires ltst~d here in our 5erv11.e director yl THE.SE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP VOU TOOAY! 100 small 949 548-6746 Drywall Semces Ocrv1d Ven1vro Concrete --------& MouMy Resldenhal WlnHOln DRYWALL Brick, Stone, Block, Tile. All phues sm/lre 1obs Lic#747448 714-965-2824 Cl.UNI 20yrs, fair, free ConstnJctn/Contrdrs esl L4CXXm 714-639 1447 EJectrtcal Services NHD MORI aOOMl ~ & REMOOELING L1577982'949·837-5642 New Constrvctlon & R--W. AU Trades. Fr" Estimates. 30 Years E •p. L#337169 949·631 -2345 General Contractor Moving load bllarlno walls, doors, windows. kitchens. baltlrooms. crown/base moldings ",,.. "CGllllndon. FtM Eliute. 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Also Lighting. -u..-HH1•1111 HandymalV Home Repair GfNF.IAL lmll 6IL\JNllNAM'E • ~ •C<anrdll No Job 1bo mall DaftBamiltoD 9'9-322-8292 Hanctyma.V Home Repair Ovollty CrefhmOlt 20 Years£ •rieroence I'm Your H•ndym11n L#674183 949·650-9525 alNTAl-HUSIAND FOR HON[YOO'S your honey won't From Elect to the kitchen "'"" 949-548 9351 THI HANDYMAN Emernu Servlte Oki ~ Eloc.Vical, Ca-11111 Doors etc .. 949-439·75!>4 Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 71'·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 House Cleaning T-'• lw~ H-• ~ Tcill Nit own ecw. ,. win a.. by -far '*' 9&C"l-7Q Colll LICI 239291 1 ·886 .. 141-3257 TOll FREE Daily Pilot 9000 AutomottVI .. 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Public Ullhhn commission requires that all used houuhold aoods movers print their P U.C. Cal l n11mber, limos and chautfeur5 pront their T.C.P number In •II 1dver· h$emenh. If you have any questions about t he 1e11allty ol a mover, limo o f chauffeur. c:all· PUB - LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714 558· 4151 '-"" __,........ Newport mom avail· abl• lor cookln11. companionship, lieht housel\tepina. lfra~. etc.... CrHt local r.,_ 949-728-&336 ... :. , , • ... •, r , • ~ .. ~. •• -• • l r ()pen7Daym LowRat .. 8tonige BpecMI• Since 1881 949--845-4545 -.ecpoiltl.c- HyU9ffl 't1 S...te 4dr. auto, AC, st..-eo, aood cond, Ill ml, S975 obo 949-631-3852. J...,.r •tt XJa V•nden PIH 34lr. ml, sparklinc blk/tan lthr, CO, ehrm whls, lull fact W•rr. like new $28,995 , firm v842614 fln1ncinc avall Bkr 949 586-1888 -··~l.<OM Je,.,or '99 XKI c ... -. 3411 ml, full factory warr, sparkllnt bl1ck/01tmeal llhr. 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LS '00 wnr oot. leaU~. ... u11 "'· l•e new or1& OWJ~. norv'smlu, Sl4.!a5 IMkrrt3)6 pp 714 m.fi3l5 Painting Ch""t'• ..... 'llVt!, e'I) Great Pric:el Guar1nlud woO< Free est L•375602 114 538 1534 7. 390. 2945 lltl'S CUSTOM l'AINTING Pron, clean, quality wori< lnter!Of/ut and docks l•703468 949-631 4610 ltAINIOW c.t<ll MAlfT Pa1nt1n11-Wexl Houw!/Apt Quahty tobl Free estimate L•569897 714 636 8888 HOUSE RFJ>AINTING & WOOD FINlSHING _T\~~ ~~ ~,.- ,./ Loe# '\58521! 949-645-9957 ET•iurm IHT£RIOR EXTERIOR ~-~ -c.-v -· --11"'*'4 -'--·· so......... .. .. _......,. c...., _....., 71WU·l660 Moslc SELL your stuff through classified! f{W~ MINI COOPER! 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