HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-18 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-~ .. . .. . . . . . . - • . . .. . ·' • ' I -----------------------------------------------------... Council members seek fluff to cut City leaders want to loo k into which a reas to cut in response to reduction in state funding. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Costa Mesa -The dire \tatt.• budget deficit is causing some rny lcjdcr. to look for ways to cut out what tht>y c:on\ider fluff in the city expencUtures. • • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY l S, 2003 The state is staring down a $:15 million shortfall and Costa Me<..1 Mn expect to lose millions in state fwidmg for the 2003-04 fiscal year. i,nduding S2.6 nuJJ1on in re duced Mate funding 11 receives to compen- ~te for lower vehicle license fees On Tuesday. the City Council will receive an update on the community ob1ec11ves. which include goals like trymg to unprove traffic along Newport Boulevard m the downtown area and pur<1ulng funding and construction of a compre~d natural gru. facility in the area. l'tfJ.OS Bv JN •AC~ Two paintings hang in the remodeled foyer of the Hilton in Costa Mesa. The face-hft began in October and cost S 15 m1lhon. Councilman Gary Monahan ..aid there are several objectJves that he doe<>n"t feel comfortable funding at this point since the city's budget will be pinched by lhe state cnsas. Upgrading the face value ·Some of it 1s stuff that's not requ11ed that we're throwing a lot of money at." Monahan said. Councilman Allan Mansoor ..aid he shares Monahan"s concern-; and will also See COUNCIL, Pa1e A4 EDUCATION The Hilton undergoes a $15-million renovation to keep up with other nearby hotels' recent updates. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T he I hlton 1., th. e latl">I hotel m lhe ell} to revamp 11'. look in the hope'> of attratllnK more hu<,mess chent'> to 1t" lauhue<i. Ille S 15 rrnlhon fate·hft began 111 October on the heel., of mult1milhon dollar renovation\ by the We\t111 Sourh Coast Plcv.a and lhe 1 loliday Inn Putting the fun back in the physical To k.eep up wilh the changing need!> and moodc; of their VJSllor ... hotel'> have to perpetually enhance their appearanc~ to '>tay competinve, sa1d Dan Pittman. -;pokl"iman for the Co-;ta Me\a Conference and Visitor Bureau A new area with palm trees and sty11sh elevators adorns the refurbished Hilton Hotel Back Bay High to add P.E. to the curriculum . Christine Car rillo Daily Pilot ··1he hotels understand they need to improve their own produch to '>lay rompe1111ve and I thmk the fact that new hotels come f on-linel give-; our hotels the incentive lo continue to do the kinds of upgrades and renovations that are needed." Pittman said. "It's certainJy not static." 'We wam to Aeep If up to the .\tandurd'i that Ht/ton t'\()('d' and ~·c want to he comperitii·e with the hml'I,\ that "'e ·re c:ompt•tmg agllln.H. We want. of c:o11ne. to he a mcer. more .rniwhle hotel. lt '.'i a ht·aut1ful lwrel. The renovariom hare made it herrer. · TI1e Hilton has gone through an identity eris•~ since it opened m 1997. It was owned by two different chains before tl became a m all the room'>. Shannon Younc H~ton marketmg coordinator 11 bener.· Get the baseball mitts ready and the yoga tapes queued up, because Back Bay High School in Costa Mesa plans to talce on the challenge of teaching physical edu- cation lo students who have proven to be quite indifferent to the concept as a whole. While many students attending Back Bay High. a continuation school in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, have had bad experiences with physical education, Principal Debbie Davis hopes this new program will assuage their fears. 1 lilton. The renovations, which are in the final stages. imbue it with an air of elegance. The entire hotel has been renovated includmg all of the guest rooms. the meeting facilities and the restaurant I bar area. 1 lighlights of the renovation include gold carpeting in the lobby with colorful nautical and plant motifs and comfy leather recliners ·we want to keep 11 up lo the c;1andards thal Hthon expec:Lo; and we want to be competitive with the hotels tha1 we·re competing against.· said Shannon Young, lllaBeting coordinator. "We want. of cour<>e. to be a nker, more suitable hotel. It's a beautifuJ hotel. The renovations have made '\II 484 gue<>t room ... han· been upgraded and two more .-.uue<. hcJ\t' been added The 48.000 square feet of meeung pace has also lwt>n spiffed up and wirel('S.) internet ace~<, I'> now available m this area. SH AJN, Paa• M THE VERDICT The saga of a rocker-wielding Deefy Johnson B ack before the city donned a more genteel demeanor, the back room of Starlc's bar was the scene of a regular poker game. One night. a man from out of town wandered into Stark's. After a couple of drinb: he asked to joln the game. Play proceeded quietly for several hands, then the other playen caught the guy cheating and threw him out or the game. lbstead of sl.lnldng away In shame. the guy became e.draged and pulled a knife. However. rather than tab out his pique on the poker playm. be decided to tem>rlt..e the pab'OM in the blr. He charged Into the bar, • swinging the knife. omcers might deem antisocial. The first man he came to The stranger went through was 8lg Bill Ponting, our local the crowd. slashing away at constable, who was lean.lng people who just dodged out of back on the bar. cowboy hat the way and went on with thelr on his head, hJs rather normal ac:tMdes. It took qu te a prominent belly protruding. bit to dlstu.rb the crowd al The stranger took a swipe 11 Stark's. . BW with hla knife, BW pulled Finally. the knife wielder in his considerable paunch came to Deefy Johnson. I never and let the knife atide did blow Oeefy'a fmt name. twmJealy by. then ROBERT Defty wu stone deaf, alkll~ admonished the kn.lie widder becawie he tried to tigtlt a to be careful or he mlght hurt GARDNER dpttttc one mornhig when he someone. BUI took a tolerant tMd 10 Matt hie ftshinR boaL view of actMties o~ law enforcement Vou are Mlppoeed to air out the Deefy didn't. the boat blew pp. and Oeefy's ears bJew In Whether the story was true or no. Dttfy was deaf. Ottfy was sitting there in a rocking chair. minding bis own Just why there was • rocking clWr In a bar I haw no Idea. but Stark' was like that. original Allyway, Dcefy WIS j\IM tting there rooking away. m.tndlng his own busin In his own quJd world. The knife wielder took a at Dftfy WhO took a dim view of anyone Who lnttrruptld h ~t rn Ottfy ood up. pk:ted up the~ brOke it IM WIDC'T ...... M ' SH UPGRAOING, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON tltE WEB: ~.~COOi WEATHER Thesunw\N thine through the clouds today. The rain lhould mum WadMedfy. SM PiieA2 SPORT'S Arlt round of Qf eocar. WIW pole> ... _,.. Mk 111 di See ..... . I • r \ A2 ~. February 18, 2003 kl>S TALK BACK The mark of ·a leader The Daily Pilot went to Adam's Elementary School in Costa Mesa and in honor of President's Day, asked fourth and fifth-graders, 'What is the most important characteristic a president must have?' "You have to knowhow to run stuff and you have to take care or a whole state .•. COurllry." LAURA VERRETTE, 10 Costa Mesa "They need to have a good reason Why they want to be a good president" CARLA ATENCO, 10 Costa Mesa "Helping people out and making the world a better place." DAISY SOLORZANO, 11 Costa Mesa "A president needs to have enough security and he needs to know what's happening in every place. He needs to know what to do and the right time to do it at.· JED DUNIEC, 10 Costa Mesa "Trust, fairness and to teU the truth, be honest because if we get in a fight ... he needs to be honest to the United States." TATE WELLS, 10 Costa Mesa -Photos and Interviews compiled by Oiristine Carrillo (' -------------_ .... DlllY Piiot ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM DON LEA01/0AllV PILOT Carla Atenco, Daisy Solorzano and Laura Verrette, from left, have tiny stuffed bears as inspiration to do their work well in Lynda Zussman's class .. Getting creative juices flowing Christine Curlllo Daily Pilot T he words that have often tripped up spelling bee competitors over the years have been those pesky non-phonetic words. The words that no maner how hard you try you just can't sound out The words that when you read them on a page you can't help but ask yourself questions like, "Why is there a 'g' in through?" or "Why does canoe have an 'e' in It?" While non-phonetic words have, for years, posed problems for many aspiring and reluctant writers, that is until spell·checlc came along, they must be learned. And learning how to speU 155 of the most common ones has been the primary focus of Lynda Zussman's Lynda Zussman gives incentives for students to learn their spelling words. Instructional Support Program class at Adam's Elementary School in Costa Mesa for the past few months. Zussman's class, one of the many she teaches,.rombined fourth and fifth-grade students with learning disabilities, primarily visual motor impairment and auditory processing disabilities. "We try to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities," Zussman said. "Everybody can learn, but they learn differently." After all of her students successfully learned their word lists, their lesson moved from spelling to writing. She gave each of her students a little, stuffed bear, or pet, as the class referred to them, for accomplishing their spelling feat and asked that each student give their pet a name, a personality and a story. "They need to see and feel and touch," Zussman said. "It's very multi-sensory ... it's a great motivational activity to get them writing." From creating the pet's adventures to It's magic powers the students had to dig into their imagination and verbally convey a story to their teacher and fellow classmates. ·r think that it's fun," said 10-year-old Laura Verrette, who named her pet Heart. "f get to discover and make up stuff about my bear." Once they teU their stories to the class, the students then tell their stories on paper. ·(The best thing) is the writing because you're making it's own personality," said 10-year-old Olristian Maldonado. who also enjoyed the creativity of the project. Milking their creativity and sparidng an interest in writing. each student also learned a bit more about writing -not to mention about spelling those pesky words. "It's fun and helps us write paragraphs," said JO-year-old Ivan Garcia. who added that having their pets in front of them helped his creative juices flow. "We have a picture so we know how to describe them." SCHOOL LUNCH MENU SCHOOLS LIST The Newport-Mesa Unified School District offers menu choices eadl day at elementary echools. Students may choose a vegetarian entree. The Mlectlon varies and may be either a salad, sandwich or hot entree. School lunches are $2 Nch. School i8 out thla week but will reconvene Monday. Here'• what's beliig HIVed on Monday. • Munc:heble Lunch Salad or bean and cheeee bon1to,,peea, rallint, dtOice of milk *The Munc:Mbfe Lunch Salad contalM toued greens, c:heny tomatoes. cr1dun, protein IOUtcel tUch la ct,.._, aunflowet aeeds, fruit yogurt end honey-roNted peanuts, Ind dretling. No chltd la dlacrimlnated egelnat becauae of race, MX, color, netlonaf origin, -oe or disability. If ltJ• believed • cftlld hi• been dlacrimlneted agalnlt, vwtte immedletety to the Secretary of Agriculture, WMhlngton, O.C. ~. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS En"vn lnt.nnedlete 7-8 2000 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach Mike McGuire, (949) 515-6910 TeWlnlde 6-8 3224 California St., Costa Mesa Jeff Gall, (714) 424-7965 HIGH SCHOOLS Corona def Mer 7· 12 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach Sharon Fry, (949) 515-6000 Costa M ... 7-12 2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Fred NavarTo 9-12; John Garcia, 7-8, (714) 424-8700 Estancia 9-12 2323 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa Tom Antal, (949) 516-6600 Newport Herbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach Michael Vossen, (949) 516-6300 AJtemattve Educetion c.nter Back Brt Cont. High School Moni. Vista High School 390 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 516-6900 Middle College High School 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Robert Nanney, (714) 432·5732 ADULT EDUCATION Adult School 425 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 516-6996 Daily A Pilot eo,.1 witson Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. News assistant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news stories, SURF AND SUN ccmil. wilson@latimH.com Illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be Sean Hiller, Don Leacti, reproduced without written WEATHER to 15 knots with a west swell Kent Treptow permis1ion of copyright owoer VOL. 97, NO. 49 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US FORECAST of 6 to 8 feet. Waves will start out et 2 feet and will TliOMA8 H. JOtiNSON N"'9 Edltort (949) 642-6086 Cln:ulatton Today wiH be partly vary to 4 feet In the evening. Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Record your comments about the The Times Orange County cloudy with highs in the mid TONYDOOERO Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevor.s Dally Pilot or news tlpe. (800) 262·9141 60s and Iowa In the low 50s. SURF Editor NEWS STAFF AddntU Adwftlslnt The evening will also be JUDV OETTING Our addreu is 330 W. Bay St., Costa C&eMHlect (949) 642·5678 Advertl~ Director O...,.Bhemh Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours ere Dieplay (949) 642-4321 partly cloudy with Iowa In Those 6-foot-swellt LANA NSON Crime and courtl reporter, Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 6 p.m. EdftoMI the 408. The rain ahould should be gone today ea the Promotions Director (949) 674-4226 eon.ctJona New. return Wednesday night. swells should be waist high d&epa.bharath@latlmes.com It is the Piiot's policy to promptly (9491642·5680 lnfonNltion: -still better than what'a • EDfTING STAFf June Caugrande correct all em>rt of sublltanoe. Spotts(949)574-4223 expected for Wedne.dey. S.J. Cehn www.nws.noaa.gov Managing Editor, Newport Beach reporter, Please call (949) 764-4324. New. Fex (949) 646-4170 V.Wqualty: (949) 674-4232 Sports Fex (9491650-0170 (949) 674-4233 /une.C11ugr11ncHl(ll/11tlms..com FYI E-m.it: d11flypllottll11tlmn.com BOATING FORECAST www.•urfrldtlr.org t.j.cahnO l11tl~.oom .-.UIClnton The Newport Beech/Cotta Meu M.MOffloe --Meier Politlc. and environment reportef, Dally Piiot (USPS-144-800) 11 ...... Offloe (949) 642-.4321 Th• day beglrni with light TIDES Qty Editor, (949) 7'14-:4324 (949) 764-4330 publl1hed dally. In Newport Beach ....,,... ,.. 1949) 631·7126 Winds near the shore, which Time Height paul.cllntontlltttlmea.com and Cow. Men, aublcriptlona are become the Ult.Ill welt µ,,.,,.rnlllflr latl,,,_oom Lollta Harper avanable only by aubecriblng to The winds et 10 to 16 knots 1fter 3:411.m . 1.03feetlow Roger C8fteon 9!~1.m. 6.01 feet high Spot19 Editor. Columnllt, culture reporter, (949) Tlmee Orenge County (800) noon. Sw.41• will be 6 to 6 (949) 51U223 67~75 262-91-41. In t ree• outside of feet. Tonight the wind wHI be 4:~ .0.84 feet low l'O(/tlrMri«>nO/Mlnw.oam lollt•.hMJ»r•latlrrHN.com Newpolt Beech end Co.ts Men, northweet10to16knota. 1~ . 4.71 fMt high JoeeJ.9--. Delrdte Hewmen aubecriptlon1 to the 0.lly Pilot i re Wind WIVet will be 2 feet Of . Art Director I News Oeek Chief, Cotrtt Men reporter, (949) 574-4221 evallabte only by first ci ... mail for Publlahed by Tlmet Community lea. Sweh• will be 3 to 4 WATER (M9)57 ..... 224 cH#lrdre.~nOl11tlm#.com $30 per month. (Prioel Include all New1. • division of the Loa AngelH feet joH.unro.tll.tl,,,.com TEMPERATURE ..... ~ ~c.wtlo aiiptlcabte state and local t.-... 1 Tlmee. Dey Ind night, 8 POSTMASTER: Send edd,.... Photo~, Education ttporter, (9'9) 574-4288 =:.The Newport "2002 TllMI CN. All righta nonhwMt wtnd wtll blow 10 eod9Q,.... (9'9) tcn,photoOlatlm#.eorrt chriltlM.CMrillo.lfttlnw.oom Meea 0.ily Pilot. P.O. ~. • • -.. -...._......,-."' ,.., ~·· .. -"" ·-· COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the issues the city council will consider • tonight FAIRVIEW PARK MASTER PLAN FYI WHAT: City Council meeting WHEN: 6:30 p.m. tonight WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive INFO: (714) 754 5223 that there is a glut of mint storage proJects wrthin the city and that the use 1s inappropriate for the area and not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. WHAT TO EXPECT BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Amba~sador lntemationaJ logs profitable quarter Newport Beach travel services provider Ambu ... '>adors lnternat10naJ lnc. report~ a drop 1n gro'>s revenue. on 1\Je-.day. but l<iKKcd a profitable quarter for lhe threc rno11tJ1., t•nd1ng Dec. JI Amba.,')ddor-... \vhath trad~ on N~daq ,1, AM II~ '><lW net income from opernllon' w rnc in al ~I. I million, or I I cenL., per '>hart' A year a~o. lhe company recorded a net Jo.,., of $9.7 111illlon, o"r $I per <>hare. for the .. amc period. I or LOO:.!, the ~ompany reported ne1 m tome lrom conunumK operation'> of Sl.8 million, compared wilh a net lo'>'> of S:.! 9 million in LOO I Alnba.o.sador<> gru-.'> revenue, for the pee.I yt-ar'!> final quarter. dropped 0 6<411, trom SI t6 million to $I J million a year dgo Hut tlt't revenue ro!>e 0 6'J{i to S4.2 million. from $'.1.6 million a year ago. AMII". do!>ed Friday ut $8.90, up one terH lrvine Sensors reports 1 OW~ revenue mcrea-,e lrvtnl' ~cn'>or'> Corp. bas1:d in C o'>IJ Me-.a, reported a I Ofl% tncrea .. e in re\· cnues ror the lir!>I quarter, on I Ut''>day. and a 69% reducuon in rwl Jos_ses. lhe company. a '>mall cap ~em1wndut tor maker, relea:.ed earnings from its fir'>I quarter, which ended Dec 29, on lue\day ll)(lrlllll!< lrv111c \t'fl'>Or'>. wh11 h lradt·' 1111 NJ'>tfoq under 1lw ... y111b11I JHSl\. rt·1111r1nl S'i lq m1llaon 1n totc1l re\ t'llUt''· c 11111p.111·c1 w11h SL 49 m1ll11111 from the '>cllllt' 1wr111d J \l'ttr d&O , lhe 11.·du111lol<)' lOmp.trt\ '" '"" .1 11111m·~ lo'>er. 11 rcported thc11 11~ 111·1 lo~' '>hrun~ 111 S693,700, dv\"f11 lron1 tht· $<!I.. 111ilho111110,1 ct year ago "Our .:nw.th in our fund1·d umlrat t rev· enue JlllJ\\t·d u' 111 ach1tv1· loldl n·vc•nut·' thiil Wt' rt' llllK ~rc<tltr thJll "'' hil\ 1· 1·\ 1·r n· c:urtkd lwlort• HI d l1r'>t fl\1 al 4uar1t•r, '>atd Chief I .>.ct ut '' 1• H11hert HH h.mh " 1111' ~11HI of i:;ro\\lh '' d1H11 uh 111.11 h11v1·111 tlll' 01111 her thrnu~h lk<t'mher p1•11111J clut· 111 •tu number of ~c lwtlulcd holid..t\'" JH <.,N lt•ll 11 I"' I ndd\, 111 l'I 11·111 ... Ill t 10 .. t' Olll I flt• \\t•t'I< d i 5. l 14 At the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of Jan. 22, the commission unanimously approved the final design of three areas at Fairview Pari< with the deletion of any landscaping north of the Fairview Channel. Councilwoman Libby Cowan appealed the decision to the City Council based partially on some resident concerns about par1<ing. The owner is expected to ask that the issue be continued, Monahan said. / ... ~SJl FULL BAR tt''l '-"' ,..,,,1t'~AIU Celestino's HOME RANCH REHEARING WHAT T<1EXPECT The council will reconsider how to best dtstnbute the S2·mtlllon educational grant from the SegElf'Strom family for the massive Home Ranc:tt project On Jan. 21, the council selected two foundations and recommended certain features concerning how they would be organized. Mayor Karen Robinson was absent for the dec1s1on and took issue wnh the fact that the council dtd not require the foundattons to adhere to the same stnC1 open-meeting laws that the council does. MEXICAN RESTAURANT qualit\ \11:,\T S Produce • Seafood • Deli The council 1s expected tO' approve deleting the landscaping north of the Fairview Channel and work with the Harbor Soaring Society to meet their needs while preserving the environmental int.egnty of the area, rerouting the proposed trail around the vernal pool instead of through the pool and reconsidenng reinstating a lower parking lot within the master plan. MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED BoNELESS CHUCK BEEF POT ROAST /-"an c-/,.,,do OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO STIW BEH 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7616 $4 99 1. MINI-STORAGE BUILDING PERMIT WHAT TO EXPECT DUPONT $3 99 ib. 1'7.. Our APPLE CINNAMON PORK CHOPS & TRADITIONAL STUFFED CH!._CKf.N BREASTS )3 99 lh. Mannnud (hu·lun Haft,,. J AMAJ CAN STYLE 0 R LEMON GARLIC \.Ult.I \/JrJ.J Of ''"''~'I ( ull l1t $5 9<.) . Ii from O"r De/1 /J,-p,1rrm1'11t CASHEW CHIC .Kl 'i SA,'\ O\X1 ( II On Jan 27. the Planning Commission denied the permit In early Febl\lary, Monahan appealed the denial. The proposed mini-storage building occupies the northerly 20 feet of the lot At the commission meeting six people spoke in opposrtion to the pro1ect at1ng conoems including their belief The council coul•1 st1<7 with the two foundations and require them to btl covered by the Brown Act or st<trt from scratch and choose among three different foundation options. The other two options suggested only one foundation 10 d1stnl>ute the money < 11111111/nl 11\' I >t'tnlrr• 'V11w1wm STAIN MASTER $2 29 lb. $3 9LJ i.:a Whether You Buy or Lease- You·11 Find In credibl e $14 .. ~ '4.29 . '1Sr.J'!'C ......... '4.99 . "S~]O<('.--'4.99 HH~'\11 ... I. \I< ll JI> •11\lll\1 I 0 -.c \llt>I'' •'\l\IO' • '11 H I \ 11' • '\\ I 1 IH >I 1-. I t • I c >It' II I{ oai1•erul /Jr1ilv Frtsh Hmui-Chopptti Salsa • ravo Chips & Tortillas • Ho'1U Sryl.t Tdtni1U1 Values on Your Favorite Lexus! 137 4 L~n Ave.)jSuite F COSTA MESA (888) ~u. 777 ---~) 12 Varittil!_gf Hommuuk ~u.sagts • Ctl.tstiJ}oj]kef or Turkq.Jn:b \f!...{arJ]_8Q..ar} Httui Dtli ProJurts ~ MON.-FRl.10AMto5PM. • SAT. 10AMto2PM ~ 270East17th St.· Costa Mesa· (949) 642-7191 CLOSED SUNDAY WM!' (p PACIFIC COAST CREDIT UNION ~ Presents ~ Busi.ness at the Beach NEWPORT BEACH THE BUSINESS EXPOSITION ~ ~ ,, \W'l llll. "ll ~~ .... Dai Iy A Pilot ' ""' I Ir• Free Admission! • Meet Local Free Food! • Businesses! $5,000 in Prizes! • Great Networking! Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1003 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Newport Beach Marriott Hotel 1' Tennis Club Be a part of Costa Mesa's 50TH AHHIUERSARY ADVERTISE DURING THE {losLf_ff#t ztitg CELEBRATION Your Name Here As part of the CostaMaz1ng 50th Ann1versar\ Celebration the City of Costa Mesa rs S"'e~ 1ng Costa Mesa businesses organ1zat1ons or ind1v1duals interested 1n purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on somt: of the most highly traveled streets in our City The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along with your name (left ) Depending on the number of interested businesses, organizations and individuals. the banner will be displayed for a period of four (41 to twelve (12) months starting 1n June 2003 After the CostaMaz1ng Celebration banner rs removed , it will be given to you! The cost of the banner 1s $200 {regardless of time displayed). This opportunity is LIMITED and available to the first 250 respondents If you are interested, please complete the Information below and return by MARCH 14, 2003 to: (900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach} Amy Kuchta. CostaMazing Coordinator t ........ For more lnfornuatlon or exhibitor •v•llablllty, (949) 729.4400 www.newportbe•ch.com • City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 {714) 7S4-5065 --------------------------------- Business/Organlzation/tndividual Name: __________ _ Contact Name: Title: __________ _ Address· Telephone Number. ____ _ Number of Banners you are Interested In_· ----------- Banner imprint la lll'nlted to 2 ._. of text only, no logo9, 15 chllrectera per lne. Do NOT lndude peyment. 4 \ I M Tuesday, February 18, 2003 VERDICT Contmued from Al into several pieces, grabbed a rocker and cook off after the lr:nife wielder. Deefy chased the guy all around McFadden Square, swinging the rocker every time he got ~lose. Thl' phone panel in the Police Department lighted up as people called in from Sunora's Fish Markel. Horman's Fish Market, ConJe''I Grocery Store, the Newport Theater, as people in those plac~ saw Deefy gomg by swinging away with hi'> rocker at the guy with the knife. When officer George Callihan finally arrived. he could ~ee Deefy swinging away at something Just then Oeefy caught up with the knife wielder and decked him with a roundhouse swing of the rocker. Deefy got hjm dead center. splitting his scalp vf:'ry neatly. Calhhan took the guy to Doc Grundy who ~pent the re-.t COUNCIL Continued from Al be looking at the rnmmumty ob· jectiv~ ~ilh a more circ:um-.pec1 eye. ·111e state budget crisis is defi nitely add111g a linJe more re<l!>on to look do5ely at Lhe budget thi' time around and that indudl·'> some of our community ob1et HEMPHILL'S --RliCS & CARPETS 230 Eost 17th St. • Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www rv9wndcorpets com f>lo> I • Sot 10-5 of the "night scilchlng the guy: head together. 'Ille next morrung the knlle wielder appeared in my court with so many bandages on tm head it looked like he was wearing a curban. He paid the usual $50 fine for distwblng the peace, chen he asked Chief of Police Rowland Hodgkinson what was being done about the guy who had almost killed him. •Nothing,· i.aid Hodge. "What do you mean, nothing? The guy almost killed me!· ·He was acting in self defense," Hodge said. •Sett defense?" the guy screamed. ·He chased me for blocks.· "Self defense, Newpon Beach style,. smiled Hodge. And so a new legal concept was born -geographic self defense. • ROBERT GARONER ts a Corona del Mar resident and a former 1udge. Hts column runs Tuesdays uve!. that are cxpe~ive." Some of the priorities, Mona· ha.n &aid, should be downgraded tn tight ume!> mclude water con· ..ervation, alternative fuel pruJ· ects and funding for Costa Me~ Cares afteMchool programs. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman a/at1mes com @]~ floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids -·-Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 11 -4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) "Over 50 Years of Fint Quality'' AJI Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimtntary Consultation in Your Homt 20'/<, * I .tl111r ,'\ \dllll 1! I .il•ri,, C=> FF \\1th th1, .ill rd fJ,.1: .n :'rl1 ~lllli ~1/te4a~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., (o-.ta Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 :o~~·~=i:~i:. Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members UPGRADING Continued from Al One of the mOfit dramatic changes awaiting visitors Is in the open restaurant area where four 32-foot petrified palm trees have been instalJed to brmg the beach atmosphere indoors. The new restaurant, called the Bristol Palms, a California Bistro and Bar. will include more than 500 square feet with a wine bar, hand-thrown wood fire piZZa and a coffee bar. the Java Coast. fl is expected to open at the end of the month. Before the Hilton's face-lift. the Westl.r} started its renovation with the addition of Ptnol Proven ce restaurant in 1998 and 6niM1ed with the upgrading of 1tc; guestrooms in the i.pring of AROUND TOWN • Send AROUN> 10WN items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event as well as a contact phone numbef. A complete listing 1s available at WWW dai/ypiJot.com TODAY "How to Send 1he Most Eft9c:We E-mails" is the subject for a Newport Beam Chamber of Commerce business referral breakfast that will take place at 7:30 e.m at The PaC1fic Oub, 4110 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beam. The cost 1s $17 for members with a reservation and $22 for potential members at the door. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Beenor Cooney rMds from find signs "Death m Slow Motion-My Mother's Descent into Alzheimer's" at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bnstol St, Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665 A free seminar called "Is Z#lC the M1ss1ng Link?" will be held from 6'.30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Newport BMdl Newcomers Assn will present a fashion show of the latest spring dothing and shoes. The show 1s 11 a.m. at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. The Newport Rib Co. and ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restauran1. Twenty percent of the proceeds w111 be donated to ASH to assist low-mcome famihes in Orange County. The restaurant is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more information. call (949) 515-3815, ext 231. A fTM seminar ealed •Heeing All-Stars" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mari(et, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. Ross King presents and signs "Mtdlelangelo and the Pope's Ceihng" at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast P\aza, 3333 Bnstol St, Surte 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. MKy'I Soud'I Cont Pta.a presents "Worttshop Wednesdays A Hands-on Cooking Oass Program" hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara. The class 1s from 610 7:30 p.m. at 3333 Bristol St. Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials, is $30. For reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. THURSDAY The public is lnvit8d to meet Adeline Yen Mah, author of • Semi-Private for Men & Women • lots of EqulpmenVFree Weights • Pllates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-l.Jcensed • 16 Full Time Peraonal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretctt classes • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Pennanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellneu Clinic 2000. ·nie Sl3·milllon face-lift was part of its renOYation pJan and just happened to coincide with the Westln's new guestroom design, so alJ the rooms received a makeover from wall covering to carpet to new fumlt~. The ho1el experienced an immediate upsurge in guests, sa1d Bill Allison, director of marketing. "The economy in those days was still strong and we saw an immediate response,· Allison said. "People just fell in love (with the hotel], especially business travelers with the lnewJ beds and all the work areas with ergonomic chairs.~ ln 1999. before the rooms were renovated, the occupancy was 68%. For 2000, with the new rooms, at jumped to 73%. "Falling Leaves; •Chinese Cinderella.11nd "Watdling the Tree:' at 7 p.m . at the Newport Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. FRIDAY Gaobet 1Nnd tncbr Jlnrny Rifkin will present "Petroleum, Politics and the Hydrogen Economy• at 7 p.m. 8t the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Ttdtets are $65. including a buffet dinner. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 oronlineat www.newpoltbeachlibrary org The Costa Mesa Women's Out> will hold its monthly meeting at 11 :15 a.m. at their clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St, Costa Mesa, with a luncheon and entertainment For more information. call (949) 642·1162. SATURDAY A WOfitthot> on ·understanding International Trade" will be held from 9 a.m . to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes matenals. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Gk>bat 1Nnd trecbr Jer9n?( Rifkin will present "Petroleum, Politics and the Hydrogen Economy" at 2 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beadl. Tldcets are $18, including refreshments Register 1n advance by calling (866) 301-2411 oronhne at www.newportbeachlibrary.org MONDAY A G..-t Oedlions disaJ1Mc>n of "lntemauonal Food Wars: Growing Controversies· 1s the fifth in an etght-weelt senes on U.S. foretgn pohcy topic$. The discuSSIOn will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m at St Mart Presbyterian Churdl, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach For more information. call (949) 760-1691. FEB.25 Women~ Women wil host its annual open house from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit organization serves over 2,000 women annually by providing clothing to women in lransi1ion and seeking employment Refreshments will be served. The center is at 711 West 17th St., Costa Mesa For more information. call (949) 423-0057. A free seminar called "The Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic Diseases· will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . a1 Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A WOfitthop on •Marbdng find Promotion· will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The S25 fee includes matenals. For more infonnation, call (714) 55CH369. The Holiday lM. which was renovated almost two years •&CJ i.s also reaping the reward of becoming more oompedtive, . said general manager Joe DeDio "With the market being a LanJe s0ft. we've been able to maintain and even do better than some of the other properties around us.· DeDio said. "Ir has helped us immensely." The horel aJso underwenr a total t.ra.nSfonnatlon including removing balcorues ou1Side thf.' rooms to make che rooms 6ve feet huger and added glass to the facade to make it appear more modem . After the upgrades. the hotel's occupancy increased from 70% to 74%, DeDio sajd. The renovation also enabled th~ hotel lo win a slew of awards from hotel associations. FEB.26 A fTM seminar find book signing called •Anti-aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mark.et, 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. FEB.27 A fTM Mminar called "Honnonea, Rejwenation, Nutntion and Detox1ficat1on· will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS MARCH 1 The Malibu Cat Club is spotlSOfing a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m today and from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Exhibition Building 10. 88 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa Admission 1s SS for adults end $4 for dl1ldren and senlOf'S. For more information, call (909) 372-9079 MARCH 2 The Spirit of Adoption presents "Room for One More.· Three families share their expenences of opening their hearts and homes from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stewart Lounge Free For more information, call (949) 631-8758 MARCH3 A Gl"Nt Decisions~ of "China m Transition: Is Real Change Imminent?" 1s the sixth 1n an eight-week series on US foreign policy toptes The discussion wlll be led by O.ana Light from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St Mart Prtts.by1enan Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. MARCH4 A free Mminar caled •A Netu,_, Approadl to Arthnns" will be held from 6:30 to 7 30 pm. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS MARCHS .Not If But When. will fNtu19 a panel of earthquake expens explaining fauh Imes, insurance and preparation advice for a ma1or earthquake. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the council dlambers at the Newport Beam City Hall. For more information, call (949) 5484966. MARCH 10 A Gf'Nt Decisiona discuaion of "Europe: State of the Union· is lhe seventh man etghl-week senes on U.S. foreign policy topics The discussion will be led by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St Mart Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (9491 760-1691. MARCH 11 A fTM semlnlir called •A Natural Approach lo Vision and Hearing Treatment• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS LU MINETTE . . t .. • • lum11~>11< Pt11/0C'y St-,, Iii~" l19h1 throvgli o,oh lcJLur 'WC>~5 h1ddi'io <J'Tlf.ri!l ~ k..lth 1JI <.kH ~tieeu See ""''" •ii ytJolf it'ICol dt •Jk-t ~ALDEN'S FLOOR COVERJNG ANO CUSTOM WINDOW CoVPtUNCS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949·646-4838 "8~ ...... , ...... . ... ~ .... , ........ , .. Hfll UUI UHS 11111, ....... ,,..l& ........ ~ .. i....oo..-. PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • w..t 19dt S1'Nt A man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance in the 700 blodt at 5:25 p.m. Sunday. • West S.ker StrNt A man was arrested on suaplcion of violating an out of area wamtnl in the 700 blodt at 1 :40 a.m. Monday. • F8irfax D.W.: A man was arrested on suspicion of having an open container in a public parit in the 500 blodt at 3:20 p.m. Sunday. • HaltJor Boulevard: A m"n was arrested on suspicion of possession of a c:ootrolled substance in the 2600 blodc et 11 :56 p.m. Sunday. • Miner Strwt: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of receiving stolen property 1n the 2200 blodt at 2:25 a.m. Friday. • West Wilson Strwt: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public m the 500 blodc at 2:07 p m Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • 57th Street and 8"dl Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported at 11 :55 a.m Monday • West Bay Av90ue: A vehicle burglary' was reported m the 600 blodc at 9·18 a m Monday • Buena Vista Boulevard. A missing 1uvemle was reported in the 300 blodc at 8:23 a .m. Monday • Cameo Highlands Drive and Cortland Drtvw. Illegal peddling was reported at 11 .26 a.m . Monday • Dove StlNt A commercial burglatY was reported m the 1300 blodt al 1D 05 a m Monday. •Newport Boulevard. TerroriS1 threats were reported m the 1500 btodc at 9-58 p.m Sunday FUN Continued from Al Tiu: prugram wtll u1dlldt' It"-"°" plans on everytlung frum diet and nuln llon to ruJe!> and regulauons m professional -,po~. It will focus on providrn~ ~ach student with a more well· rounded phy<ilcal education "We're looking .ti r1 10 be n-al mouvauonal and real h1~ tntt'fl"I. • Davi' 'illd -Thetr e\ pent'nce "'1th lphvs1t al edutJ uonf h.b bt'en 'u m-gallH' \omet1mes you nt'ed to ap proach 11 in .i d1fforen1 way" n1at'!> prt'C1wly what GeOl){t' < 1ret'nwd11, the 111,11111 tor ul dll' t uur.e. wa.11ts to do "These lads are not .Uway.. go mg 10 p.minpa1e. so "e're trytn~ to find war-to get them the credit.\ they need and get them in1crested. • ~d Greenwall, who has been teaching for about four ye~ "It's kind of e challenge. and an intPI" ~ting onf.'. but thert' .ire d lot or 1l1111g-. they (iiJI learn.· Before this prcigram, .. 1ude1m would have 10 fulfill the slate\ physical educauon reqwremenr by taking an aerub1<:s cl~ or some sort of physical tr.timn~ or cibtJVlry outside the ~hoot. wh1t.h wo uJd require studenb to find transpona11on ofT campu'i. While th1i. program will give 'lludents a more rnnvenienl way to fulfill that requlrt>ment, it will also Lry to teach !>tudents every thtng they'll t'Ver need to know in the world of .,ports. nuuiuon and exercise. "It's good to have an under 'itanding of sport~. because 1t has become a huge part of our cuJ· ture. • Greenwalt said. ·vou want to try and find a way to reach these kids a HttJe bit and moti· Yelle them." By teachinf( the students about health and fim~ Green· wall and Davis hope that their students will beneflt in the long ' run. " "The move shouJd be more · toward 'fitnes.s for Ufc' education • • • M> that when they become adults. they1J know how 10 tay healthy,· said Jrumt Ca.~ellano , the assi tant superintcnd~nt of St.-condary education for the dis· trfct. adding that he support& their Id for the nt.-w program. Although the school does not y t hnve any porting equJpm~t for the program, which wfll start Feb. 24, Oavt. and the district wfll work tog ther to make ure the school get~ everything chey'll over need. • •lf 1t wn.s Ml l!ngll. h ~we'd " • buy the boob for than," CUttl · lan~ ta.kl •If It' 1 (pby5ical edu· 1 cadonl w..o should be buy-. • ng lhe equipment for th.em.• 1 ·" • CHllS11NI CAW.U> ~-41dUQtlon end may~~ a1 ,· UMtl f'H.4• orb¥ •melt ec dWtldl .. .,..~com.. ·:. . Oalty Poot . . . . FORUM lu!'SIJ.!11 f t>bflJdry 18 2003 A5 -mail· ~TO .Gf! PUB~HED -Lau.n: Mail to Edttonal Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readen Hotflne Call 1949) 642-6086 Fax: Stind ro 19491 646-4170 E .Se 0 dailyp1/ot "1/at1mes.com •All correspondence musr include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit dll suom1i.s1ons lor dantv and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Refocusing Westside efforts the a nswer By Geoff West I n his Thursday lener (Mailbag. "Capitalism IS answer to Westside doldrums." resident and local bw.messman Otuck Cassiry made a strong case against expanding the current redevelopment area. f lis position was clear. weU-reasoned and right on the money. When the most recent Redevelopment Agency meeting -which was to include the dJ~cu~ion of expansion of the redevelopment area -wa.<. canceled because of the ovt'rwhelmmg rei,ident interl'M that packed the larger, but woefully inadequate, venue. the <.uy Council had to be surpn~. Ac, If t.har show of inrcrc'it by the rnmmwury W3.!> not enough, Dady Ptlot reponer Deirdre Nt•wrnan's recent article outluung the mountain of debt che Rl'dt>Velopment Agenl)' cilready cames !>houJd muke t•very single taxpayer m 1h1<, l llY "ll up dJld take notil e ("Debi tonunues to drag down Wew,1de deba1e. • fhur<.day) llle precariow. fu.caJ cond1llQ11 of the sldte and the possib1hry of the <.ov. (,ray Davi~ ddmmt5tration ~1phomng off tax doU~ mtended for the Redt-velopment Agenq '>hould be ct w-clke-up call for our leader... ~ taJ1 di:.pute Uldt tht• WeMMde ntt<h help -Ld.'>'>lly. and KalhJeen Enc in her poignant letter !>eVeraJ month' ..igo. covered the reaJille<, of the c,11ua1Jon quHe well -but ., "redevelopment" the dfl'>~er7 Based on today's fo.c::aJ reaJtUt">. pnaden<.e wouJd seem 10 md1tale that 11 ~ no1 For yedr'>. re..1dent.:. of that ctrea have pleJded with ciry lectder' 111 enfor<.e codes. llTlpru\e 111fra.structure and rl'duce cnmt• aJJ nee~ component' of improvement of the Wesl'>ide '' ic, unldcely that any i.tngle resident of that area feel!. that the wheels or progress are moving fast enough. and nghtfuUy Ml fhe Redevelopment AKen<.y ..eems to be jumping the gun. however, since theu appomted Communiry Redevelopment Action Committee has yet to pre!>ent the resuJts or their studit'l>. I low can they seriously coru.ider tnpling 1he si.7,e of the redevelopmenr area until th1' commmee members prt'M'nt their findings and recommendauons? On the surface. 11 cenamly appean. that tlus may simply be a method of broadening the area from which the Redevelopment Agent.')' can snag additionaJ tax dollars to reduce the deht it carries from previous quesdonable redevelopment efforts -Triangle Square, for example. This maneuver, unfortunately. will cast a shadow over the residents and business owners of the expanded area and will certainJy adversely affect their property values arid their ability to successfuJJy operate businesses in that pan of town. It's time for Mayor Pro Tern Ouis Steel. in his role as OlaJ.rman of the Redevelopment Agency, to take a tight grip on the relns and slow thi group Crom full gallop Lo a trot until the fbca.I condJtion of the agency and the ve.ry real personal and finandal Impact of the expamion or the redevelopment area on residents and businesses can be fully accessed. In the meantime, the city lhould mocus Its e.fforu to we adherence to the approprtate codes. accdente the much-nttded maintenancie of the lnfnsuuctutt aOd redirect the tffon.1 of the PoUc:e Dl-putment to reduett <:rlme tn that ua. . LETTER TO THE EDITOR :Striving to be part of fi ner city • A s a Newport Beach native (and resident for 38 ycarc,), I am well aware of till' reputation that exist:. in West Newport. and I would like to make some ob'>ervations concerning a c,urvey 1ha1 w~ sent ro prnpeny owners an We~r Newpon dddressmg problem:. during lhe Fourth of JuJy holiday celebrations. Several ideas for a solution to rhe problem have been discussed and yet I think we are missing the poinr We need to addre.,., the fundamen1aJ problem, not the symptom' I he '>ymprom' c:tre the part1e'> we see year· round 111 our neighborhood. albeir under.,cured by !Ill' I ounh of luJy. caused h} irresponsible or dh'>enl owners and their 1en<1nl'> My family and I have endured h1111le rockel'>, loud mu .. 1c. people 'creaming, bruL.en bee1 bortle' and ngare11c bull' in our year, hon fire<, on patio'>, people parled in our driveway and d .,trapper part) on a wet·k111ght o.11 mtdmght I.ind \W don t even live here during tlw '>Umllll'rl Our lit) 'pend' an t'Xll'\'>IVl' amount ol money. 11nw and t'IH;.'rh'Y poltcmg tht'> drc>a l ht'> '>Uri ol behJvtor would not be 1olera1ed Ill Ea'>I Bctlboa and I du not '>CC wh) I '>hould altept 11 a' rhe norm 1n my neighborhood I rc<th.1e 1ha1 there are a lot of ah .. ent propeny owner-. 111 \.\-t•'>I Newpor1 ,ind not e\ervone tdll mo111tor tht.•ir tt'nant,. Parlll'' ut l ur yt·ar 11>und in what our poltc:e 1olungly caJI "rhe war ion<'" and I Newport pohce ott1cers warn a partygoer to back off as they restrain and arrest h1<> friend during Fourth of July hohdJ)' I'> huch ab ... urd ..ind intult'rahlt· m ..i u1mmun11y 'Ulh J'> Ultr\ {Jut law mg "-edJy renldh I heard th1' '"a -.u~e"1on ar a< ti\ C ounnl mt'el1ng,1 1<, dl'>o '>Ome1hmg 1ha1 I let•I would pum'>h evervone m'tead of 'iolving lhf' prohlt•m Jnd in add111on would ht• aJmo.,t 1mpO'>'>thle ro enfor<.e People would \llll rent thetr properllt',, bur lhl· rental compan1t''> and thl' c11y would 11111 longer get a cut o;mce 11 \\Ollld be dnm· underu>H'r '" loan111g to lnend' and relJlt\l''> fbert' are man) pt ople '' hu Im e ro vatatlo11 111 \\.t''I Newpon and our nly '>hould be ,abl t• lO J''>Urt• them thar tlH'y Jlld tht·tr children t a11 umw here over tht· holtdJ'r dnd enJO'r peJt t' .md 'dlt•tv A<, I look .1round Ill) 11e1ghhorhood. I '>ee rottmg hutld111g,, bad pa1111. ~eed'> Jnd lrd'h I am not d propon<•nt of a<,'>Oeta11011' teUmg 11-. whar <.olor to painr our home., ur whctr kind of now er' to plJnt but I do ht·lit•H· lhdl II l'I the re!>po"'1h1lt1y uf rat h horn" owner to m.1111tain tlw home ma delcn1 manm·r ~ould hkt• to we 1h1· c:11y \trongly c•nforung the code' lhal .ire alread~· 1n pldlt' con<.ern1ng the'>c ma11er<o Pndl• of m' ner'>htp doe .. n111 l'x1 .. 1 111 uur 11e1ghhorhootl I hdve c,een Jn 1111 I t'd'>l' 111 owner pe<1pl(· '"h" \\1111lcl Im •· t•J own renl or, .. , .1111111 111 \\ll''>I :>.:P\\-Jllll I .111tl I"''' 11•1 ft'J\On \.\h\ 1111' t 11\ '>h1111ltl tokralt· th1-. IMll\ 111t•11tJlil\ 111 Ill) m·1ghhur h1111d JMl I\ t 11\ iillltlJUt' 111 \\t•\f '''"I""' I h" ,-.111 rn.1~. \\,..,1 ,,.,,1111r1 It''' 1t11,1 tt\t' 111 l!w p.trl\ 1 1m'd ,,.,11 111111111 J' '" 11 ..... 1h1 I 11Luth 111 lath I hi'> >'t'r 111111 .,1111uhl 111 Ip"'"'' ht prolikrn cil 1111 n .url111.1111 .11111.11111 u1 11111111' '"' ,pt.·1111 p •It 111g till' I 1111111! 111 luh holid.n 111 \.\1•,1 "'t'"'J>'irt \111-c .ill '" ttr• p.irc "' heheve th..it the> problem beg1m with 1111, a1111ude Fenung U'> in or ltm111ng our friend' and relJllH'' from v1 ... 11ng U<, during 1he 1-ourth of Jul) u·lt>brat1on' 1'> nor the an ... wer, and 1n fact it dot'' mon• to d1rt'lt rhe unruly mob' ro lhi<, area by fol ui.ang on 11 nw thoughr 1ha1 re'>1de11t'> Jnd their frit'11d\ should havl' to be corralled in ..i rec,1mtt'd Lone dunng J nJl1011JI Fairview Park can be rehabi litated At the Co.,ta Mec,a ( 11y < ounlil meeting on Nov 16. many people in Lhe audience \tood and dapped when a s peaker exhoned the< ity Counul 10 leave fairv1ew Park the way 11 ts, a beautiful natural oa'lh 111 an · increasingly urbJn city environment. The City Cowicil then voted 10 remove many i.n1 rusive elemenl!> of the i;airview Park Ma!>ter Plan, induding a parking lot in the lowland area west of Placentia Avenue These people and many others might be horrified 10 learn that the City Council intend:. to revisit this issue this coming Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Under Old Busine s as agenda item 2. the finaJ design for areas A. C. and 0 of the Master Plan. Unfortunately. the Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation Commission has asked the City Council to reconsider and reinstate the •tower areaM parking lot One of the versions of thJ parking lot b a new road within the park we t of Placentia that would cohJ1(."Ct the upper parking lot with the proposed lower parXJng 101. This new road will requltt an enormous amount of grading and landlonn aheraclon that will , substantially alter the natural topogrdpby including canyoo and arroyos lo che park that now harbor natural plantli and a.nlmoh. The damage ls such that the Chy CouncU bouJd rt"QUlre n\'fronmental documen1atlon of whlf It may want to do. Altem1tlwty, the con'lultlng ardlitec:t has hown how trail can coru\ect the upper and low r I v of the p.\t\; and be compl n1 wtth the American with ()iqbdhi Act. ~n then, one veraion of lh~ proposed tfa1I reqWf'N a br"W ovtr a gully and the I 11 .. umm;111.11·. r.11 ... 111~ th1· ,1,1ndt.trd'> of J>r11p1·1 I\ Cl\., fll'I 'htp 111 !(11, 1111 .dt \. ... uuld lw1wllt 1·\1·n o1 ,. I nlort 1·11wn1 111 1 ode "111IJ1 11m' 11111t 1·r11111g tr."li •H·t•1J.. .. 111t1 huilu111g' ''"''' \~.ill lorn· propnl\ "" 111 '' to nldllllollll lht•1r p\opt'rl\ an a dl•t 1•111 111<1111w1 lhu.., till n•.i-.1ng 1h1·11 prop1•rf\ \alue .. 1111' \\tll Ii• 111111 llllfl'<l''>l' ll'\ 1•11111 1111 I flt '''" p111 I Ht'.H h !llll' t11 lht' 111110,1 I"' '11g1ou' 1 lllt'' in lflt' 11.1111111 \\h\ ... hould '" ""' \\llh tilt' .. 11~m<1 ul a \\1•'1 ;...,.,,r•111r \\ ht·rt' • 1 ... •1111 .u11t ''""ru '"u trnd .1Hht1111 \\llh 111111,n 1h.11 111'1 I n111l111n or m rup.111011 and upgrade' 1ha1 lt·.id mt• ro bt>heve 1ha1 we c.a.n 'llll<l'>h lht' notion of a "ght•tro Ill Newport Beach l lwn· i-. no ~hortage ol dl'u•nt l,1v •• 1b1d111~ lll\ ...... \'\1•11,,.,1111 lt'.l'ol'd rt·nr.... '' hH h "ill lc .. 111 111 1 h1glwr c 1.1" 111 11•111t·r' 111 our oHt'd ...,lllft•r 11111·-. ,111.J pl·11<1lt It'' l11r 11111,J1111• 1 .111 ... will rl\t' 1lw lllt''''l~t· th.ti I Ill' l II\ \..,Ill 11111 lC 111•1 .tit' d I t•I' I l•1'1t' !ht g.ip l11·t\\n'I\ \\1· ... 1 '\1·wp11n and 11\t• 11''1 111 lht• I JI\ HOLLY SMITH ,,.,,port Ht'.11 h . MAILBAG t. nn,ulranh Mt' pl<111111ng 110 a md't'>IVt' $IO rn1llwn rl:''>torallon thJI gradt•'> \Ollll' W Jt.rt!'> ol the upper level ol tlw p.1rL. l'eople who low the nat uraJ amh1enn of I d1rview Parl should allPnd thic, mee11ng and l'Xpress Oll(l' aga111 their de.,1re to leave l'a1rview P..i.rl alone. I h1'> crown iewel of rH> park'" lt>O prc>c1ous to '>lice and du t• It rnn be rehabllilated with increasl•d acce....,, and revegetation and r(•,toration can occur without the land form alterations contemplated hy the fi11,d de-,1gn and without the destrucuve road Lhat is being propo!ted. JAN 0. VANDERSLOOT Newport Beach Newport cars are just too loud It seems chat Newport Beach has turned a deaf ear to the ever-increasing number or unmuffied vehJcles that pass through our community. WC! elected Corona del Mar as our home because of its maJI scale and community atmo phere. Ch-er the last few Y' an, w have been bombardrd with deaf ming noise poUu1Jon from vehlcl which have had their mufflers removed. This L• not our idea or the quiet eoJoyment we bought lnto when movln8 to h ~.We bf lleve that the Corona dt'l M r City L1>uncU' plan for VI Ion 2004 will not hr u ful m largt part du to tht no· on ur tJtt Whu want to h nd p t'Offi ln a ldewalk caf~ when you can1 n-m hear your conwn.atJon over tho rumble or dtalcrUoC d ~ ... We are mpfy bklog t.Nt me UlstlJ\g <'ahfomia motor~ la be entort'td Within our dry Umh t.. • • re.,1den1,, Wl' CL'k th.11 'i-.11111' \\ hu pa'>' through uur l t1111mu111t\ -.h11\-. rt:'>pelt for 11~ n:'>td1•n1-. and 1.1\ p.1\1'r' hv tomplymg wuh !ht' t•x1-.1111~ ruk' 111 lhl' road \\e don't rum ,1 hlmd 1·\1' 10 'peedtm, and red.le-.-. drt\1•r-. \\.II\ should our ears be dt•af 111 u11111uttl1•d veh1tlei.? rhe Lahl1ir111,1 V1•h11 h· c 11tl1· not only de.,crihe., wh.it .1 mull11 r 1' but what it ii. m1endt'd 111 do ( l'llt-111w in reducing nohc ·) II Wl' dad 11111 h111g other than enforce rhe rodf• J\ 11 applies to vehicle., which haVl' completely removed tlwir mulllt·r' w1· rnuJd maJce a big dtllerem 1• 111 1h1-. co.mm unity. Newport Beach Mun1cap.d < od<· ..ind Newport Beach t11y toum 11 poht It'' also upport the prot« twn of tlwir c1ti1ens from no1 e pollution b) haV1ng everal codes .rnd poltcit''> that address nolse abatemen1. '>nund attenuation walls. and pnval<' encroachmenb of public nght~ ol way Now we just need to find a w.ly tu enforce them in a con<,I tcm. effccttvc. and cconomJca.I way L nlurdng tltt- codc on vebicJe without mufOer~ (much ea.siei: than di erning legaJ muffler modiftcatJonsl would be the nrst·pb ~~d)'. ThJ I • groWtng con~rn amontt our neighbol with new ad\IO :at urfactna each day k.li11 what they can c.lo to m th change a ruhry. The pioblem lt partJcularl app;uent on th• eut end or Corona d I M r and I.he Nt'Wpc>n eoa (/(,rystat cove c.;ommunitin thit fur <:out H1ghway wbent the opporturu -for acccletauon and high gieater than downtown wetrome any of our city alt to pend a Sunday afternoon on ow pati09 ind UINn to 'the cocte ' ollt u hoUr .a.. how. AA ttdlrn uld t...,.,-. '"' 1n rMdy. Wi.IHng. and 1hl1 111 dn wh.11 \l\t'1 Jn to J"l'I the I II\ ••• "\1•\\ p111 I Ill r1·1111·dv111g thl' pr 11hl1•111 JOHN T. REA.LY ANO KAREN E. TRINGALI C urunJ del Mar Cnunul -.,houltl be open about appointment~ Al llt'>.I I lll'-.tlrt\ .... ( ()\la Me!>a Ctty < o l1 m 1 I nwt•t 111~ 1 he agenda calls for app11111111w111 ... 111 lht• l'lanmng and the Park' lk1 r1•J11111i.tl I o.11 thlll'' and Parkwa,.., u>rnml'>'lllll'> By 1111w, almo.,1 t·veryone who ~ bttn fl<J\ mg a11en tton lnOW?> that each indl\1dual mt>mher of the Council will be m effe<t empowered to appoint hJs nr her per\onn.l l ho1le for one -;eat on t.'a1.h or thO'>t' l"Ommt\SIOnS Tlle rilol ha.\ pnnted ~raJ )etten. on the que .. tlon of whether or not this pron-s' j, '>Ufficlenlly fair. objective ancJ he!>t c,uired to th<" needs of the ctty. Sume u11k'> ~hl'\c thia proc6S "m1c 01 ·cronyi,m• or wo~. 11 <'nl' to me that t C'h ~mber of the City Council has 1 duty to the N"Sldttnt of the di) lo consider the quJlifkauon and potential or the applicant 1me 1ppll t might not have any prcUrrunary pol ntial. will urely pll'nt tnow con derall n by each counc;iJ m mhn'. lhtrtfort., it appears lO follow tbal nch mrmhrr of th City CoUndl ought to ttO th p w'bkh appl.ican h Of ~ ~~ lot bf'fore rnaklnc a ..eaectian, The denu. ol the dty a.. eomled to l & u llCe that l'Om\ Of ty ("ow1 Wft f nd we IA • lhe . .t Of1: ;; r WMDJ.11U8t CoM .... .:-.-.-~---' QUOTE OF THE DAY "I think we have as good a chance as anyone to win the whole thing." Dan Johnston, Cost.a Mesa girts soccer coach EYEOPENER .Daily~POOt. Sportl Hal ol Famie I • .t.'brlAlllll cl••,......,.,....,., February 24 honOtee MELISSA SCHUTZ A6 Tuesday, February 18, 2003 Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Daily Pilot DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Grant Almquist (left),Sage Hill's Zach Miller (4) are CIF Playoffs-bound. . SEAN Hill£!! I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Rachef Ronquillo ( 15) and the Mustangs are seeded No. 2 1n CIF DrvlSK>fl Ill. Mustangs covet CIF Division ill crown Costa Mesa girls, the No. 2 seed, top five local teams preparing to compete in the CIF Playoffs this weekend. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot WS A1AMITOS -lhe Costa Mesa High girl<. soccer team won its first CIF Southern Section playoff game last season. This year, the Golden West League champions arc going after the ulti· mate pri7,e. C..osta M~ Cl8-l-2) is the No. 2 seed in Divi- sion Ill, after falling in the !>CCOnd round of the Di· Vl'>IOn fV Playoffs last year. Coach Dan Johnston'~ squad opens at home Friday at 3 p.m. against John Glenn (9·9·2), an at-large entry from the Suburban le<lb'l.le. The Mustangs are the onJy seeded team among the five Newpon-Mesa c;occer learns Choy<; and girhl included in the playoff pairings annoWlccd Mond<iy JI the Southern Section office. Pacific Coru.t League bar> champion C..orona del Mar (I 6·5-2) is the only other local representa· uve 10 gam a first-round home game. Coach Pat Callaghan''> Sea King.5 host L-J Dorado (13-6-2), the third-place team from the Century League. Satur· day at J p.m. in a Division II dash. Newport Harl>or's boy\ learn, which finished ~'Cond an tht> Sea View I .cague, is <µiother DiVI· sion II entry. The Sailors will visit Bay League run- ner-up Sama Monica (16-8-0) in Saturday's first round. The CdM girls (10-5-2), who, for the first time in fqur seasons. did not win the PCL crown, open Di- vision n play Friday at Southwestern League run- ner-up Munieta Valley (12-5-6). The Sage Hill School boys team (8·5·5), which finished seco11d in lhe Academy League,~ sched- uled to visit Camino ReaJ League champion St. Bemard (14-7), in the opening round of Division VI Saturday. The Costa Mesa girb. who won lhe program's first league championship by going 12-0--0 in the !>e\len·team orcuit, are looking for -;omc bener competition in the corrung weeks. The Mustan~ have won 13 straight games and are unbeaten in their last 18. Their only loss was to Long Beach Wil'i<>n, which finished 19-2-3 and won the Division I Moore League. Mesas 18 wins are three better than the program's previous sin- gle-season best Costa Mesa out.scored league foec., 78·2, 10 up its season scoring advantage to 98· 13. Senior Sharon Day, an All-OF returner and four-year standout, who is also the reigning state high jump champion, has amassed 24 goals and 33 assists for the Mustangs. Mesa·s explosive offense also features sopho· more Jenny Sparlcs (25 goaJs and 11 assists). fresh- man lamlin Day, Sharons sister (22 goals and 14 assisll>). 1lus trio is, however, only a portion of the firepower the Mustangi. possess. "We've spread it aroWld," Johnston said. ~we have 14 kids who have scored. Other notable con· tributors include sophomore Nilani Duarte (eight goals and nine assists), sophomore Vera Gale (seven goals), Stacy Krikorian (eight assists) and sophomore Rachel Ronquillo (seven assist.SJ. Kaitlyn Gentling and Kindra Railey had shared goalkeeping duty all sea-;on, but Gentling has missed the last couple weck.c, with an injury. Johnston said she could rerum <;00n. HI think we have as good a chance as anyone to win tJ1e whole thing." Johnston said. Troy (19-0-1) is top-seeded in Division Ill, where No. 3 Bonita (16-2-4) and No. 4 Walnut (15· 4-4) round out the seeds. The C..dM boys ~ the PCl. crown with Northwood, wtuch handed them their only blem i.sh in a 9-1-0 league campaign. The Sea Kings topped the Timberwolves, 2-1, Wednesday, 10 earn a share of the program's fin.1 league titJe since 1994. This is Cd.M's first playoff appearance since 2000. lf the Sea Kings handle FJ £Xlrado, they would meet either No. 3-seeded Riverside Poly 09-4·3) or Munieta Valley (11-5-8) in Wednesday's second round The CdM girls. paced by three-time AU-CIF honoree Elisha Morgan. as weU as two-time AU OF performers Paige Janes and Lauren Shephen:t- son, all seniors, is anxious to see how it staclcs up againsl Division a competition after advancing to the Division rv semifinals the last three seasons. Each time, however, CdM was eliminated by a repm.entaove of the Mi!.sion League tha1 went on to earn at least a l>11are-0f the Division IV crown. The Mission League, however, now compel~ in Division I. First-year coach Bryan Middlebrook\ -.quad won only one of tts las( four regular-o;eason games. but 1~ loolong for a fresh start. If V1ctonous Friday, CdM would meet the winner of the Can· yon-RiaJto fin,1 round dash in Tuesday\ ~nd round. No. 3 sa'<.led Canyon of Canyon Country ( 19-1-0) is a . potentiaJ quanerfinal foe. ~ould CdM (68-17 • 16 the last four sea.<,<>n'>l get that far. Arradia ( 17-0-6) and Westlake { 16-0-I) Jrt' the top two seeds, re.pectively, in OIVlSIOn II The Newpon I larbor 00,... are hoping 10 mtrmr their first-round success of a ~ ago. lllt' Sailors knoclced off Santa Ana.v.illey. 2-0, to open last year'!> postseaSOn. before falling. 4-0, to eventual f)Msion Cl champion I DI> Alamitos in the second round. The Tars went into the Sea View l.e-Jgue finale with Woodbndge needing a win 10 pull even with the Warrior. and 'I.hare the league otJe Rut a 2·2 tie forced Newport I !arbor 10 settle for i.t't·ond With a win Saturday, Newpon would meet the St Franci'i·Agoura winner in Wedne'>day·., second round. Loyola 08·1·5) and Santa Barbara (21 -2·2) are the lop two seed!.. respectively, in Division II. Woodbridge ( 15-1-3) is seeded No. 4. Sage Hill ~ looking for the first playoff win in the program's young history. lf the 1.Jghlning gets that win again<,! St. Bernard. it would face the Santa Oanta Omsltan·Oak P··Jrk winner in Wedne:.day\ -.e<:o11d round .. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratin the Daly Pilot's Athlete of'&: Week senes CdM, Tars begin title quests Sea Kings No. 1 seed in Division II, Newport No. 2 in Division I. Costa Mesa at Culver City in Div. VI . Barry Faulkner Daily Piiot LOS ALAMITOS -The Corona del Mar High girls water polo team opens the CIF Southern Section Division 11 Playoffs Thursday as the No. I seed , while Newport Harbor is the No. 2 seed in Division l, behind the thus- far-lnsurmountable FoothlU. Costa Mesa High, which earned one-third of the Golden West League championship, ls a member or the DI· vison VI Oeld, as pairings were an· nounced Monday at the Southern Section office. CdM (22-5), which won the CTF Di· vision rv title last season, wUJ tmbatk on tu Division U ques t Thursday at home agaJnst Loara (9-8). Newport Harbor (22·5), knocked off by FoothUI In the Division J ernlflnll STEVE McCAANK I DAA.Y Pl.OT Jenna Murphy (6), seen here agaenst Carlsbad, and the Sailors are the No. 2 seed in CIF DMsion I water polo, second only to Sea Vtf!# League tittist Footh~I. a year a.go, ho ts sunset Lea,gue run- ner-up f..speran7..a (11 -15). Thursd11y. Co ta Men (14-8), the No. 3 repre· tentadve from itA league after a coin· ------- ntp tiebreaker, opens nu,1rsday at Culver City 0 2·7), the champion of the Ocean League. CdM'• Cive lo es include three to . FoothiU (26-0), one to Newport Har- bor and one to Santa Margarita, the No. 4 seed In Division I. Newport Harbor's losses Include four to Sea View League rivaJ Foothill and one to CdM. Costa Mesa defeated Saddlebaclc Friday to force a three-way tie for the league crown. Should the Mustangs advance Thursday, they would likely face top-seeded Jurupa Valley (24-3) in Saturday's quarter(JnaJs. The quarterfinals In Divisions I and II are aJso scheduled Saturday. lf vic- toriou Thursday, CdM would meet the Santa Ana Valley-El Segundo win- ner, while Newport wouJd play the Montebello-Capistrano Valley win- ner. Newport Harbor won the OMslon I crown ln 1999, before Foothlll began Its atrlng of th.ree straight OM Ion I tJtles. Laguna Beach (21 -6), Villa Park (18-5) and Un1verslty (16-11), re pec· tively, round out the top four eds ln Division 11. Flnab ln all divisions are scbtduJed MMch I at Belmont Plaza. I I I jl I f J 1 TOOAV 20 -Kally Hunt Newport Harbor Golf, ·99 SCHEDULE TOOAV •••11ttie1 Col'8ge men -Point Lome NAz.rene at Vanguard University, 7:30 p.m Col• women -Point Lome Nawene at Vangu.«S UnlWl"lity, 6:30 p m ...... College -UC Irvine at Arizona State, 8:35 p.1?1.,; Point Lome Naiarene at Vanguard Unlveraity, 2p.m. ' I SoftMI College -Point Loma Nai.rene et YanguW UnlwrtlfV, 1:30 p.rn. ...... ColteQe womtf'I -Vanguard Unlver91ty et e.ote.2pm. Community coll9ge men-Orange Coast .c lrvlne Valley, 2 p.m. Community college women -ltvine Valley 91 Orange eo., 2 p.m. \ ~ . --------------------~---- t , Daily Pilot .._llCI lo Thotnn W c.tn per~ et eny hm• •It• ld*abon ol lhe llOla end bortor• Iha Ula Thi u11detSW*J ,_,,_ lhe 1 !11111 lo relf!<.I any and J. blCh O•t.id r eb 4, 200J /S/ Anne S Kull•. ~lllot of IN-[it.el• of AIMl D Kutta ~ /S, fholNs w c..i. AtlOI ney IOf Anne s Kuti• ~IUtOI Publ15hed NPw11or I &... It CH.t• Mt-sa D.i~y P">t r f!t>ruary 11 18. i'J. 200J 1044 abova YOU MAY EXAMINE tltt hie ll419t by the COUt I II you ••• • j)41(son 1n teresled 1n the ast•te, vou m11y hit with the court a Request 101 Special Nollc;e (form DC 1!>4) ot the hlln1 ol •n 11wehl0< y end •PP• a1sal of esl1te HMI• '" ol en r pell lion or ucount '5 provided m Probate Code section 1250 A Request lor Spetlll Nolfle 101111 I\ •v••l~ble from the l OUrt clerk AHernoy fer '••ltl-r: Rut-& T1>c:l•or, Tho..tore I. Woltoco, hq.. 6 1 1 An•-lht<I., Sto. 1400, Ce.to MHo, CA 92626 Publtshed Newpor I llearh Cusl• Mtu OJ1ly Pilot feb1uary II 17 18 2003 TMOl'I IOTia Of PmTlOM TO ADUISTll ISTATl Of: H.J.-"- WUIJUll: mm I UllVtlSfTY Of CAlfOlllA, IVll CW'US *>TKI IMTltG: CotKlflt. GRADltG & EX CAVA T10M, FWUfG, IOOfllG, LA Tl9IG & PWlllllG, OIYWAU OI WOOO STWS, OIYWAU Ol IETAI. STmS AllD RoomG SUICotflUCTOI PlfQCWJICA TDI STA T1IDfTS fOI COllSTllKl10I Of UCJ rALo VllDf EXP MD PIOl<T IO. "6260, RllUAIY 2003 NUllU IS HI Rf BY Gl\I( N th.it Subtonll adnr Prequahlt<..tloon Sl<1l•m~nl\ f,,r Contrf'I• Gndon~ & f «•llAll•>n f1am1n11 Rc11tfong lalhtOI! & f la·''"""!( Oryw•ll nn w"'"J Slt11h Dryw,tll "" Mel•I Stud\ and f10011n11 Subo unllAI IOI\ will bf' rrt..,°'d bv the llt11v .. 1\llV of r .ilofnrmd hvortf' r~ntftll\ for qudltfi.•ll"n In lit<! "" • \Ub• onlr•tlo1 1n 10Mt1u• lton ~f f •lu \l~rd~ E •P•"''"" f'1Cl1rc1 l"f• 'l'!f./toll All t:ontrrt .. <:1a1hn11 & I ...... tit>n f•dm•n11 Runlmc l~llroo~ & Pl•slr11nt Oryw•ll 011 WuoJ Slud~ Orvw~ll on Mrtdl Stud• 4nd I'""""£ Sub,ontritr lnt' wh., u ~ 1ntr1~'\fti1 1n prrquahtyan" f<1r th•'-f'rute1. I .tnd wosh to ublain !hr t'r•<111<1hl1ldlton Pa1llel mav c•ll f'tlh~• 194':11 H/4 8117 or (949) ll/4 f!OJA SUIMITTAl DUDUNl AND ,aOClDUalS, SubtunlrA• lor Prequ•ltli• ~111111 Slatemenl\ """' bt rrct1v~d •I th• Ulll<• ol Ot'.1an & c .. n trutlo"n 'itrv1tr• by S:OO ,.M •• TUlSOAY, UllUAIY 2S, 200l Plu<e ••nd '>uh• nntr.ttlo< l'r~Qu•ltlicatl<ln St•l,.menl\ ., tullow\ Att ... llon: 1........ Du<HMn, 0 f'\1&n ' ronstrutllOn s~. vtc:t\ Umvenoly ul < •lrtorn1a l1v1n,. 5201 Calt1mn1a Ave Suite 250. l1v1ne r.ehforn1~ <Jlf,97 ?CSO Sub1111111 ar l11< Pr,.qu•ltltc dhon Stalem•nh sh•ll bt submitted 1n sMltd envtlopr• ma1hd on lht oul\1d~ •sulCONTaACTOR PlllOUAllFICATION STATEMENT. (NAME or TRADl), ,ol• Vo.tie l...-.1-.• MANDATOaY 'al-QUALIFICATION CONFllllNCl roa CONClllTl, GUDING & EXCAVATION, fUMINO, llOOFING, LATHING & ,LASTllllNG, DaYWAll ON WOOD STUDS, DaYWAll ON MO Al STUDS AND flC>OalNG SUICONTUCTOaS: A mandat0ty Pre Quahhulton Confer en< e will ~ conducted on WEDNlSDAY, FllaUAllY 19, 2003, be11nnm1 promptly al l :JO A.M. Only Subconh 11Llors who part1c1pMte 1n tile Conlerenct m •h •nl11~ty will be allnw~d to \11bm11 Pr~qualtl1cahon Oop1m,nh dltd, 11 qualtlolalton Is ach"vrd will be tntluded m th• bid documents as otpprnv•d Concrete. C1•d1n1 & C 1c.vahon fram•n& Roofm1. I ethmc & Pl1ste11n1 01yw1ll on Wood Stud\ !Hywllll on Mt'l•I Stud\ 11nd flommg Subcontra<lors of wh1cll •II b1dde" mu\I u•r fur the work Pe,.on\ "'"vma late• lhdn l :JS A.M. will nol bl' allow~d lo wbm1t Pr11qu .. h11<.alton Oocumt'nh nor brd on the PrOfl'I I .n subcont1artor\ Pn1lll1Polnh shall meel •I Unoverstty of Calllorn11. l1v1nr Oesian & Conllr uctton Se1 v1tes '>20 I Cahf11rn1a Ave Suite :>50 l1v1nt. (;A m97 2450 Sun1v•n ' W11ehl Conten~nce Rooms (Cornet of Cahfo1n11 Ave '81wn AvP I Fot furlhr< 1nl0<matton contac;t Umvrrs1ty•s Rtl>t"«>nt•hv" Brend• Dufrtl\ •t (949) 824 9">86 DESC.WTION Of Tltl raOJlCTt The p1op<nPd Palo V"de (apansron p,,.,.,, I will PfOYldP 11te lnf1astructure, roadway improvements, commumty bulldmas ~nd 1paf1ments ID< 1n 870 bed eapans1on let the u1sUn1 Palo Ve1de housmf The P•lo Veule C.pansion Piorecl will develop -.2 n1w 1p1rtments 1n I four stoty bu1td1nr5 on 19 3 •ll1t\ The -.1 apartmenb will include 98 one btd1oom u111ls. 260 lwo bedroom un1h 1nd M lhrH bed•oom u111h lht Proiect S(ope may include dovelopmenl of ulrhtlt s and au1fac1n1 for po<tions of the Celtlorn11 Avenue otenston l vll4lflt Do1'9n & Cet1•fn1c11-(Mt h••-t•• ss~.•so,000.00 cottcanE COST UTIMATlr $2,to0,000.00 GRAOINO & EXCAVATION COST lSTIMAT11 S l ,200,000.00 FUMING COST UTUIATlr $a,7ot,OOO.OO aocmNG COST ESTUIATh S 1,000,000.00 lATHfNO & PlASTl•ING COST ISnMAYlr $2,H0,000.00 OaYWAU ON WOOO STUDS COST ISTUIATlr $3,.J00,000.00 IHlYWAU CHI MITAl STUDS COSY UTIMATlr 56,400,000.00 nooalNG COST ISTIMA11r SH0,000.00 SUICONfUCToa , .. QUAUflCATION PaOCIDUflUr I Subconlractor Ptequthfieallon StalenMnh will be n1ilablt T-•4-y, f"'-Y 1 t, tOOll •I the Office of Ontcn & CoiutrvctlOn S.vlets, University of C1hforni.. ltvtnt 5201 C.ltf0tni. AH . Suite ~. lfv1ne, C1ktornl• 92697 2.\!iO flM Pr •qu1ftl1C1tlon '•cktt Clft be melted to prMptc.lt'ff bidders uneblo to oOlllfl t~m lfl perton by ct1H1nt (9'9) 4 1117 or (949) 82.\ I03A 2 Th• tveluatlOn is solely tor tile pufl>OM Of dtt.1mln1n1 wh~h blckl«a 111 Cleemtd qu•hlitd for sucnuful pertOl'm111ee of tit• ty111 of wC>fk tnclutltd 111 this projtCt In a timely nt1nn4t Tllty will be lt\Ch16td Ill th• bid docvrntnta u eppro•t4 Cotlcttte, Crlldlna & hcantlor! fremffll. Roofint. L•Wna ' l'l.tit.,tnc. OrywaQ Otl Wood Stllft. Or-yw1H 4111 ...... Studs and rtootlflt Subconlteclon ot wflk.h all bidden mutt UH f« th• "°'"' 3 The Ul'l~ally ,. ...... , the 11tttt. •fl• revleWlftC the Sul>conlfe.:tor ,reciu•1tf11.1t10n St1l1111tntl , lo retttt tny •11d •II St.ttfMfli., lo •II•• '"' lnfOfmellty Ill tilt SlaltNnts Ind to lnvlt• tllou qu1J1fltcl NIOcOfllttclon to aubmlt bldt to ttw>M prlMt conll ttlor• who hen 11"11 .,,..,aht!M for tit• ''olitct 4 Cttllt'•ct <lo<ufl'ltnh will be 1•t1l1"9 tor '"4dtll& ••""• ewoalm•t•J "'...,<II 2'00l THl MC(Nts Of lHl UNIV(Rsrl'Y Of CAl.lfOIMA hllfu«y, toOJ ,llMillled l'M 1003 lOU e copy to the penon•I reprosenlel1ve i1ppo1nted b1 tho COUil w1th1n fou1 month\ from the date ol lint 111u•n<o• of lelter\ u prov1dod 1n Probatr Code n clton 9100 lhe time lu1 11111111 cl<11m5 wilt not upir• beton1 lour month• hom the hurm1 dale nollud above 2640 Legal Nodces 2'40 I Legal Nmlces_ 26CO I Legal Notices 2640 ,ut.ltc Sele fldlllM -...U I 2002 200J IAllOA RdillM ~I Pursuant to Chitpl•r 10 ..__ ,.........__. ISLAND IAYJ•OHT ..__ •~ comnwncrn11 with "21100 --I al,AJRS, -- YOU MAY CXAMINl the hie kept by the court If you 11e • pt;rson 111 teroltd in the e't"te, you ITl•Y 11111 with the ~ou1 I • Reque'I lor Spec1tl Noh•e (fuim DC 1'>4> <ol the l1hn2 of "" 1nventn1 y ·•nd "Pl'• al\•I <>I e'IJll" J .-et' or ul of the llu1ineu •nd fh• loll~wrr11 per•un• c-t•oct .... lS44 Proler.,10115 (;ode, nuttu .,e dom11 bu•1ne~• "' ln9tneor'• btlmo10 11 hereby e•v•n that A• Rtnchn It HO I end"' S 200,000 Sto••etr of C111ta Mo • 74!'> I 1\< '"" Av~"'"' I Approved by aka St°'"ll" Plus M"I Suit~ A l ru,I• Mo • /S/St•phen G lodum, Ctnt11 will r;1u•• lo be CA 926/b 'ubllc Worltt Directer •old tu the 11n .. 1•I Jt>srph Ii ('"'"' llu\I,.• P1 1 .,,., t., I• It.I\ publK. by Ct>1t1pellltve ll1d ol Jo\•i>h H ., ...... rl'A " If ibl '" .... at 24!'>8 Newpo•I Bl•d , •11 Auflu11torot Co•por ·• bnJ unH nl~ .ti "• • I Cost• Meu C•ltlOlhll l111n 1'1ul1I 'ihdllOI •If $!' 011 ,, "" ullur 926?1 on February lG flu\I 19 C•nyo11 Crul 111 111• t'uhl•• Wu•~~ ?OOJ at I 00 PM lht CJ11v~ Coruua •lei M•• llrlJ 1111111 11 lllJIJ Ille,. l nll11 w1n11 d~s• rtbrd CA 9Jt67'> I""' llnul•VAlll N~"'''"'' 1J1uµr1ly Untl l1~ J.1\~IJh H C••"I lru'I'"" l"·Hh I A'l/t~d Rubert I horn"' I lettltt1 of Gl•dt\ I •"h Mdlll• (., 1111 1• to 1 1 1·11 • Ill ""'\C.11•1 11101•,.r tv Uedu< '"'" l•u· t 14" t 1 .• '"' ...,1, 11 • hou"hofd aouf'h IHl\.I f ·~· ..... A~rnut'. )ult. A 1t11t1 ,, t I BI n•n r rto• d~ <111d '" J l.• .IA 'I • <A •116i'o, A ... ,,, 11t, dtly ptllft(ut Of a<.,(JUOl '" pruv1d~d m ProbJte Cod~ \~< llC111 12!10 A Reque\I for Sp"~'"I Not11.t furno •~ 011l~blt from tht 1.ourl de1k '•flllo"•" John E lewM-, 7 S~ lolly .... n ..... c ... , •. s,rln9flold, Vlr9lnlo 221S3 inv•ntury J.1ir.f"~h tt t 1rol fru~tt-r I ur 'urth ' 111f r n, (J ~ , t •• . U111l 2i'92 Krt\ Hutltt>, nl I ul• Mu•lt•• 14>\IJ '""' 111 r "~0: I " 11\ ~ p ttr\OUdl pruµ-..rty Tru~t JY f#1•nyno rre t t'1n1• t M.1 1 •¥,•t ii I Jo huu"°huld l!O••d\ tim.1 011vc f "' """ tl•I M.t1 I ('~4'J, 1,14 1 l41J n•" rt'co1ds •nd 111 CA 'J?F,I'> 11111;11 fol •I Nr "'IJl•I t 1nv,.nto•y (;~rm~n Uyhar tdbJI Ii• 1<11 1\I• M .. \~ IJ, Iv Ur111 l20 Udt1•Sl1·••11 H871 C1111111 .. C•p1•,ll• Plrt 1,,,,,,~,, II! Hull1\ µrr son al property no, 5•n lu tn C•P1>h "'"' 2UO l 10',t hou-.th.,ld eood· bu" CA 9167'> Publ11h ~d Ne wpor t Btdlh Co•,t• Me~• O.uly Ptlol r tbr uar v 11 I;> 18 ?QOl IW04'> 111v~nl11r y · Wot\lllrt \An I UI> R~y RIQUUT fOa PIOl'OSAlS """ '~'-'"O' 411<1 '" lhoma\ HviJ1111un 401 I Unit 112 Kro•luphH CA 9?0'.i/ (>,.to..-llugh1·•, JJ•••.un•I Joseph I I """'' I• rn I IHOl'f'lly hUll'.•hnld f'.;tw A '"'"'" u~• 14 ttnmh bu\1nr\.\ ,,., •trd'> I rallun .. t fru\t ij/l and t•r '""l'ntor y Gctrf•rld AvtllUt" Hu11 Uno! 1111 ;.,,. f'.irilla l11111t••n li••<h (A 9?64\J v f': • ~on i1 I ,., tJ ~,. 1 t 'I W Hod Stt't n • urt1 IOTKIOf MUCA TIOM SALi lvsiMss.., ,, •• h•1U'\fhold iOOd11• t.u-.1 tr-.. \1un.tl '""'°' dft •n 111.., t flt!'\'\ 1ec.<H~~ .,nd .,, lru-:.tt .. •tt th.-W I-<,., elf ",IJ CM.St<. 117~21707 Nultc e 1• h•• "bY 11••n lly the Urtd•r \l!fnf'd lh•I .o publt• UI• uf till" under 11\leO de.c robf'd p~f,Ofl.tl ••topPrty w1tl b~ heltl ,11 tttr hour <11 r 11 t u h•t ~ AM 0 11 th" <2'>> dAy nf 111 ~ebruary 2001 t nunty ol Or.onl(f' Stlllr •if C •hfo101a Th• µrnµt"rly '''I.Ivied by IN5TORAGl tOSIA Mr SA 101 alrd ,,, 70 18 Nl WPORI BLVD COSTA M( ~A CALIFOR NIA 976?7 lhe tltm' lo b• 11 IK TO'.o I IUVf'lllOt y St Pr n r·r1Jtff ,ti Zif 1011. Untl 7112 Run~v J..trn•• f'l•n I "•• l•rr 1 c Httfpho &J~r\fJfl.JI i••n,, N t>1W SJ 1r t f 1 "'t • A ~111 htJu~ehnld •-'•o<h 976' 1 bo\tnf''~ r~l 1rd\ .tnd or lh1<. l•, ,.,,. \' I\ uwt-nlory dut.f,.f1 t11 ... ,.,u ,., "'""'' PUHhdSt! mu\t b .. m.tdf" I Hoiv .. v•1u \l .. rl•d 1tuuo with t.ash Qnty itnd .tt b1t•,u1..-~ ""'' N11 fhto tunr Of .,Jtlt• r tit"' 'O\t·pt1 tt t ,Jt 111 \UbJtt• t to c .,,u.,lt.tl1tm fht\. • t.iltot1u111I w' m the event of .rttf. l1lr1t "''" HH f u nP, mf'nt hrtwflfl'n . NOP• • 1 ... r~ ~' Or'"'• uuu: and nbl•f!•l•d P••I• 01 Publt\h~<I N ~"'IJ"' 1 2003693069S fl~.11 n l".o•I > Mt\~ lld"f l> • y •I I 11 f'1lol I ~bru.11y 11 II! Ill "> , ~ t 11J1 lOOl I hr I 1llQw np: ~·'"' ~011 "'" duin~ bu\tnt"'\'\ •J' Strwbto ?07 rril•r ,1 !>II" A N~wporl lir,11 ri I •hfur 11•4 9?f,(, I *>TICl Of PUIUCHWlfG NII I• f I 1:1111111 .... 1 tH•<iftll'!!t #1 If ttf lhr-f u,t, M ( OLH\ 11 J MAn.' I 700J '' to 111 I'"' , lht> lo1H11 II I h·tllll.l .. t•. ' ,, , tiAll I I I "' lh •• f,rur j>t Stl'w.trt tUI f t·d•r ~l 5.tP A Nt-w •,,th• t II lhlf•t' '" m ""' fl••'h r.,11,.,.,. Al'llllltll(I~ •r .,. ·t,.t, 1 Covnul M•mli• 1 \4,. M rt-1., kut11u KOi t.. \OQr d~ i1,. tl1n. tfl• 1 u u • \1 • lH} An, Yltltuuna: t 11n11m\~u n h,.tn I 1l1"1t111.1 'UKIJI 11--111 ,,.,..1 I M. r Of ( rt rtu 11 t1u•.u1,.~._ I\: 1 111 I !11t11·ndl lh• ~· .. rr111t /A n111 l•d by ,1 ~~n•r ol O? 'I!! '"' 1 .. hn W p.tttot"r .hie> t tnwt 11, ,llt1w 11tJ .,, ttt1Vf" 1•w \t '' lrt.I J •flil! wtr ,,, t 1.-'''''II:'" ' t111 • i"'• ''°p 'ff"' (>I ~.a tli l • t ~II 01 0? l•H 11•11 JI KJ1 hr I 1711 G.,.oq,.~ltwtr• ~,,,.,. '' "Mf, ,,,. fh1\ tdff·nlf'llf .._. t f "" fUfll'tt• I{ ,J LJ,t,.,m filtd w1fh n... r runty n.itH" I o•ntf•t 11 1111 Ill IJ!ll Ml N ''" ~.,,.,, ( ,,, "' ( ia" 1/ial ADVll115Ul00 fOl •S 1 I 0 Ill I Cr A I r 111 N I llAI LI /'j1,f II I~ lltlf( I CITTOf llWPOIT llAOI *>00 llMTltG •s 1.-,. .-r j 41 '"" thr l •t1 • '" NP-.potl k 11f.-..-tr t J J Bo• lHd N .. ft "1v'I lie.•• 11 i.;A t/t,•,H H'fl until 11 fllJ ,\M 1111 tt .. ,'Oth """•ii M t1 h 'fJ(Ji ~t •tih.t Im,. "''' h•I ~h,1111 r lor l\uhff'• t t•> cond1r1on~ p1f'\\r1b .. n by th.-1J1Hif"lr~11tnt:"d ,~.,1 .. 11 t.ut· t•11 a lump 'ium t'ontrarl ~rf' 1nv1trd fnr the follo1w1n~ Wnrk 12 kV SYSTEM MODlflCATIONS, ,HASl l ,aOJECT NO. 9910SS UNIVUISITY Of CAUfOaNtA, taVINl 1aVINE, CAUFOaNIA 92697 ,IOJlCT DESUIPTION:. Wn•h mtludfl~ but 1'\ nut l1nttt,.d tn lht' fulluw1111( • .t111p '• I Ill~ d1\tf1butlon '\VSltam "'••d1f1tdlWO\ will bt 1wrt11rmPd 11 1n•1uov,. '" ~,., d,.llvf'lry CdPA<1ty •nd \y\tem fl,.•1t11ht., ,,.,, worh • nn ,., ,n1mu111 ,t mod1fn .ttmn tn thfl ll kV pnwt-r • ahlc y t~rn Nn ntw •w1I h.:,..ar wtU b• Ad <lf'd I "ston1 due tb•nk Altd m"nlMI# 1 l•m' woll lo• in• 11111•<! "~"' mAnhnl~· •"d <1ut lb1nk will b• on l•ll•d I " t•ni .oM" f••d on I 1 ..... 1 pnmt w rit bt' ~h•nitd f'• •\l1na ablo will tu• u•mov,.•1 .tn,1 ,. ... '.,.,,.., c .. hlit w1U bf' ~dded Minor dpmnhhnn will bt ,,.. 1uu,..d <:1v1I ""'Mll k"" .. ' ,11.,. 1ndudn \tie preparal"1n dr a1n~11• manhul• • • 1uloun t1tH "''"' h •~· h"' dnt1 ••11•v•na lSTIMATlD CONSTaUCTION COST: $900,000.00 Noto: ,rime llddon whe do not moot tho quallflcotlons I" the c-troct DMumenh moy not bo ell9tblo for owa;d. 81dd1n1 Oor umrnls will bf' av••labl• lo Au1df'r 1n TUlSDAY, fllRUAllY 11, 200l •nd will b• l\,Uf'd •I f 11 ohlte~ Mllndgt~nl Un1ve1\1ly •'I Cahlnrnia lr vtnf' 20l lnler1m01f1t• B111l(l1n11 m•tlon~ 111d1r•.•1 19172 l1mbo1•• Boulevard (11hy\1tal add1t" > l1vme CA q?697 S444 \949) 1174 1404 Chetk' for • n0ft-rof11ttdoblo lee will be 1equ11rd 1n lht amnu111 111 S2S.OO pt1 ~ti ol B1dd1ng 0111 umenh CIHKll\ tre to bo m•dt P•Yltble lo "lhr Re~tnh of th• Un1•t""1ty of Callfornra • S«ahld Bids will not be •<upted •flf'r 2:00 ,,. "" JalOAY. FHaUARY 21,200J Bid Secunty m the •mount of 10•. ol !ht l ump Sum Ba•• 81d ••tludm1 •llern•ln 'hall ecc.ompany earh Bui Th~ ~urely 1num1 the Bid l'lnnd shall be on the Bid Dl!adhne an adm1tltd •urely insurer 0\ d•ltnrd tn tllr C•lrfo1111a Code of Ctv1I Procedure Selllon <195 120) A m1nd1to1y Pre Bid l.onferenc~ and Pit Sod Job Wall\ w1H br rnnductrd on WIDHH'l>AY, 'llRUAllY "· 200J be11m111nt promptly •I I01JO AM P1rt1Ctp•nts shall mer! 11 F •c:•hhrs M•n•ctment lnlerim Offtu Burldma Confeience Room 128. Un1ven1ty of Cthfo1n1• Irvine <8u1ldtn1 I 92 on No<th Campus Map) 19172 l•mboreo Bnule••rrl Irvine, CA 92697·5444. (949) 824 1404 ATTINDANCI AY THI ,Rl·llD CONFlllENU AND ,al-llD JOI WALK IS MANDATOtlY FOtl AU ffiMI CONTUCTOtlS. THI MlntNG WIU QOSI AT lChJS AM ANY CONQACTOllS AHIVIHG AfTH TMIS TIMI W1U NOT II lUGtlU TO rAaTK•An IN THI llD ,.OCUS AS A PlllMI CONQACTOll. Otlly btdde1s who p1rtoc1pale 1n both the Prt Bid Conlerenrt 1nd the Job Wal 1n thew enhtety will bo •Mowed to bid on the Prol*d •\ pron~ contiacto1s for lurtht< 1nform1hon, rontect ru11the5 M1n1aement Contr•ch Department, Attn B1end1 R Hcx.hnhull at (949) 824 I t04 The succtstlul Bidder and 1b Subconlr•~IOfs wlll be requ11rd to follow the nondiic11m1n1tlon 1oqutr•menl5 nl lo1t11 1n the Btdd1n1 D<><umtnts end to pay PfO•llm1 WlllO retu at tho lotellon of the Worll The wccnsful BidtMt wrll bt rtQUnd to hoe the lollow1111 Stah~ of Caltfor ny Conlr actor s llcWISe cumw1t at tho lwnt of 111bmG.\IOfl ol IN Bkl A,,,._ u.- -1-.11 1 I t f /11 I IUOUl~T fOR PAO PO SAL llGISLA TIV[ & EUCUTll/l ADVOCAll roll GRANT FUNDING ~PlClflCATION NO cs 2003 127 111 I .. ,,, "'II 20036931 1SI . , I I 700369311175 lu(y • 'OU " ''II, 1111r c "' ,,, ( '"" "'/'' ,, . '• tti .. '··II #HI• Jltf" Ill tf • ''''UI( ltu 111r 4\. 1 hit•te\ I< S• th u MO •f' " r '" :,1rt"I /H I "'' I M· I I A !?111/ I f r .tfh f~ l·t•f I ~' ,, 11111 I A1.,lt-<1 It"' ii• r A 11/t lO lh1 htl HI tJ t .. f tv • I ?0036931880 .. ' ?OOJ69l091b • t , ... . ' ·~ I I I 20036930925 ' 'I ·I • ,. I Ut~day, r r.bl U4( y 18. 200J A1 -Le_p_I N-ot-lces--2640-I Leoal NOOces 2MO \J ltd •. , .. ,. hltotl h.it• H•vr 'f' 11 \la\l 1tUI Ooil ' llU I 1•\• trl ,.. N ,1, .. 1 t!ru lo 111 fht ',,,., ... ,.. f I• d ,.,111 lhr 1~ I lhuo • '' C "I II 1001f>U t Siii II I ' i 'I tiitl'tl•l'!Ht ""'' w•ll u,.. 1oh ul U1.u i.• 11tly r I :tt i '200369loa 1 J l•.-•'• t-lk t Jau ~ J r.t 4 11 11 fJIJ lff • ftditlous av..s ... s......... t .ut "' 1r1tu "'·•' Hu 't11 l111 UI• I A '184.1 M l 1101111" Sm ttO by t11t th1ttv1do•I I L1.111•• M•'• f1A "JJt1.'1 UAvr fOU ~•At,. d dv1n_.r Tt11°' bU\K••~"' 1 • tJu-.m.. ,,., , No du• t~ by ~ ''"''" , •'• 1 I J~tf' Sito lo Mo Ir•,,. fl4ve YvU \t••lf'~ '• ~ lh• "l•t,.rt1• 1t 11rA hU\lf~~\ yet' "" •XI t led w tf• th• tr 111, 8 .. rt11n lndtr.111.. ' 1 Irr> Jt 11 "'L' , ant 1 Hu,_.._,.11 8~r1hH f ,. )I lf I ~-ftf 70036931881 '"" ,,.,~ .... 11 I 1 f t, f .. 1 JI t1I; •J with tt" 0,fC, (., .. ,., t (Jf 11 '• tr.-t ..,., -61,., ... ,,n, I I 1111i". IHJ\10"'·"> "I) : 1.n .. '.I 1du:,'\ 7oq JI 11111 dpt1 lfH 1 n\fd I '~• " A •1'1i'f1 At , A I 700369JOt1t y tf f ~ I t t 1 J "IJ! \' 1 )' '• '111 \IO I' JtH \I I I I 'lll 11 \ littll 111 lk' ,, (I\ It 11 hhfl"" " !INI. l\lt" ''" l\ld \I 1111' fll l'fllllll I \Ill H l'Hlll'l kn ll \I\) Kl 'Cll II \I \ 1'1 HI I• '\I I It \ 111 ,, t i> ,, t \l'I "\I Ill' llt 1 m '\I I kt m 1111 ~kt)t ti 111~1. \(,\I''" 'Ill '01 'I It II I 11 I If' 1 \I 1 \ I\\\\ IJ( ' ... '· (i" 01 ;'4 fl '20036930'f26 0at1y P1I ·I 4 II 18 100 -RctltiM a.s.u ' ..... ~ NOTICE OF APPLICA T1Qf'4 TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ...,;;•p t r ti ""DPl' -... c '"'"' ... "' "(J(}1 T IY!'lOM • Mor ('~"'"' ~~l'f\\ .. ,,., ·nl··~ l1llt I'"'"'" "' t'Il urltifal\ '' ·u \Ir ~ 1tr n.1' l:lled"' \\ ~u:rtl 11.. u~1 I 'IT~ ..i .. ,. r ft'Ura.i.~ .. 't. ltttrrt'lt I I'"" 1 wrr 1n ..:111 vv '" ~Id I" "' ~I c>! 11-r ,... \('\11T•1 t' u·~l [~ ..-111\ t .. rn"•I lhcrrl>f b f'l""ld<d 1n •••d '"'' ff't'• twten 11lJ f\I'<° !llr• ol lhr IT .. il'T •ntl nf U..-ITU\U :rull'd '" uU! llerd of Trw IV<! o_'UV).111 lc•n A l•_,'f f·tlt \t"rwKn let \ C;iul ..... ( IJll'U- \• ln.>t« ~' (ll't rv~••• WMt. \u11~ .)(11 1 lr•rrr r /I\ <1:w \.llr• l~rr f'I' ~~ 11'"'" B<lf." lh <;.ti• < >q>i,.., T "''*"' lKhNtWI TAl -4 111 .. 8 l'\.'.l' ~-<I ' 11 1 I PLUG IN Plug into thP Prlot Classihed section to find serv1Ces from electron1CS and plu~ber>, to landsc pers ~nd ,•, j 'ti • • J' I ' I L Poliry Rate' and deadlines are subject to l.hange wi1hou1 notict.• The puhlisher rc\crvc' the nght IO l.e mor. recl:bsify, rcv"e or rc.iccl an) classified adveru-.cmcnt l'lca\c repon an) error 1hat JTI•IY he in you1 dasMfied: ad 1mml·d1atel}' The Dall} Ptlut JClcpts no lt.thllll~ for Wl) emir 111 an .idvcm ... cment l11r v.h1d1 11 Ill.I) be rc,pon\1hlc CM.cpl 101 thl' cu,1 ul the '(Ml C a1.lu.tll) 11nup1cd h) Lhl' error. Crl·dit l .111 l)lll) he .1l111v. l·d tor the fi r-.t "'"··n1on ANNOUNCEMENTS I~ J & MISC. 1010-1110 By Pax (949) 611 6594 tPk d"' oodu<k )""' n•rn~ "'"' 1>h••l1<: 11u1111>cr .• nJ "" 11 •Jll \"ti b...~ "llh" p<l<~ <jU<W( I llow to Place A CLASSIFIEAD By Phone (949) 64:!-5678 I lours By Mail/In Person: H O We:.1 Bay Street Co\ta Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St Tclt:phonc X lOJm c; OOpm Monda)' h 1d.t'r Wal~· In 8 l()-.im 5 ()()pm Monday Fnday Index [~: RWESTATE ~ RENTALS MERCHANDISE 7402-7466 fOR SAU 3010-3940 .....---Deadlines ----. Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Wednesday .............. !uesday 5 :00pm Thursday ............ Wcdn..:~day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur ... day 5:00pm Saturday ...... .' .............. f·nd;.i' l OOp m Sunday .................... h 1da ) 5.()()pm ,f9tl ~1 GARAGE EMPLOYMENT SALE filltl OPPORTUNmES Under the Service Directory Banner 1489 aoos-asto I $~] REAL ESTATE I ~] Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week BUSINESS & FOR SALE SOOS-5850 FINANCIAL 230S·2490 AUTOMOTIVE& ~SPOITATION 9000-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Collectibles/ HOME HOME Memorabilia 1160 TOP ss 4 ucoRos m FURNISHINGS 1 FURNISHINGS l• ( 1' • I Ir <(] & tlJ F itu 3435 F 'tu ti M ""'' i.a •11v 1 um re um1 re ORANGE COUNTY 3435 M • r '14'1 1>4'> 1'>0!> IQUAl HOUSING Ol'PO«MITY ******?t;:~!:***** * SHORES INRRIORS * * · LIQUIDATION * A I rt.ti '"'t•l• lidwt"r * E' * r. m tlu• flt'W\Ptt"rr * S~L * 1t 1e1 I Ill 111~ I ~rl•t ti : • : I 1 r ttu11 1na,: At tut 1%8 .f tfh.-Uc1f"d WhH h u ", •. 11 1t1,.e "' tn •• ,., ... fl t ··"" JH•fti, * CLOSING AntR * ... .. l1111t1.t1 1011 '" j * * " ll~•lll•lt1t1l "--~d ""I * JO YEARS * 1 11 t• olm rt1hem11 ·f:A, • 11td" •1• l.tm111.1I 'ldlu•, * \\'' 1. , ,., t· S · 1· J * ,, fldltOlldl '"'~'" UI ,\n IC "( r ~ell ell\ -(~Cl 1ng. * lrllll"ll l<i mdkP .tnV * I .<Ill Ip ..... 1<1hlc~ 111 h1u..i ...... ce l•rnll• * 111cl :\lll<"ll \1orc' * t1un "' d1~'" '1m1n.tt1on < ' • • ''"' "' w• 11Jµt• w111 I * 21 »< > • \\on SI. '\c ·wporl Bt 'cl< It* '"' kllh#lll~ly ~tt •P1 I* 1111 HI\• , ... Ilk "'1•.1111~ ' .. , .... , "''' * uiv ~•fn1t1• •Ff•<lll lur * (\"He 1 ')_' )">--* , .. ,1 t· t;u~ wh11h ·~ 111 .. ~ ,....._ --... > .. > .ml.tho" •f II•• l•N Our * Jt Jt-Jt-Jt lf-lf-lf-lf-lf-lf-lf-lf-Jt Jt * ,,.Ad.,., di• htrrby l Lido Isle lGWlSfrRIU Balboa Peninsula 21r 7a., Z. it"' 1>.il•>. w d d w ,,..w u pt p.oq1I. "'"'" ufllt 2?3 20lh St l I 1'%mo 949 Ill 11116 Corona del Mar 2H llA APT Uv1•1 I u or ~·" wdhkup' no p•I' SI /'JO ·mo c •II "'kd•v' '14'J Bt> l I 190 Mor9uerlte llr /21o lu • '" v rpfu1 b ltom• SJ2'.il)i1 Abo lai ~~ I Mt ?Bi IHI, 111·w • lt!>CI & P<t••I l llOOm ~q II'> 1'11 l OClAN/IAY VflWSlll N•w ttnm~ 4br I !Iba 'l '"' y d t'tflf .1tor ru•rff'"t t '" l'Vtl y w•v Only 11101 ... lrp\ tu ot h tfl wif~¥riltMf bluff~ •nd yat hi h•• h"' ~nlc .met! r hann•I '>un louner l1o11<1l• Av;11I nud MiwUi U f\'unh n $11 IW u0o 'f 94'J{,h ?JI I Costa Mesa Employment 8500 AutDmotive 9004 IMW '99 3231 CotlV !)spd 43k m1 \tlvf'f blue I er ey Ith• hl'lll'd \l'•h lull la• I warr wp~1b $21.995 l"m vl6242l Im •v••I llkr 949 ';86 111&8 I w-.o(,....bl.co"' IMW 3281 C-. wtrt,, W1 ll!Y auto. ~ mt tu<»." r °"' 1M nt'W S2 I .9li 1612'9! CM I> 9&64f>/fQa, IMW '9S S401 IOOk m1. bl.Jlk blk b••ultlul onamal • ond l11u n1 "'i & warr avail v•'l4q76? $9.995 Bkr 94'1 S86 Ill&! IMW '99 7401 69k owl, 3yr wa re nail, "lv~r if ey llhr. CO l•k• M W tond v519741 l 24 99'J 11 m fin •va11. 81>.r ~9 'H> 11188 -W C>Cj)di <Olll IMW '91 740n Blatk A ... lt1htro1lve A11l1-blk lthc •911 n11. tt•• '''· Sm•lt COM nllu • ..,.,k, <.p0tl~' $17 'J'b '6t?4'>9 P 1 noull la.Jim~ 111d1v CM 0. Rdnd ~/RZ? "' "'°"C lontpuler & IMW 'H 5401 S t ofllm ~lull~ ptlunf'~ dnd UPt"f """ 111 del• •I f ma• <lean blkll.tn llhr b3k ,~,umt .., ~•l.tcv '"q auto. 0% .!ill'69fl t M '4lt"~{Ci>~l I ~ Rtehxd 949 646 l87J 111011• -.f t1111 •II dw~ll Double boa pt n1 "£., ""••• h~r f 1n lhl' m•tlr••., & tu m. new , .. .,.\J•dJJt:f Mr •va1lablt. SJX>. walM lOOW<or $50 n ~·• "Qu•I uppnrl1101ty muo $40 Ac>I '11£ S!i() ' ,. 2~ ,, 'L $7<10. ~ Hu<ntd lo l OITIJll.1111 o f di\ """ $1/'o ()u .. n loung• 11n1111 tl••n t •11 liUO loll c It•• P'' 'J4'.I 641 l2':h ON UDO ISLAND OPlN SAT-SUN 1·4 llACH conAGl 117VIAllOU , A4Mln /boekkeeper IMW '99 Ml Co'"'• '>·.pd. 62k m•. blu• .t\h ··f;mplote<>." "Emplerulo. ·· ·1 rbeit nel111wr. .. ·'Emplol f . ~Pilot NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY n. CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. • .. •I I RIJO 41' ISS'IO I Ir 1 h um Sl!7'> rrtn "t l\un•I 11 d'"'"I 1 .. , •Y 2bt 11/• lo 2-< gor, lo 1 t d " bch & let1 dub lS' lot. w I ·ll "' '"1 ~· P l!ht wk l'rr~on•• lca111tnL Reduced to S869,000 comm "'""' 1" S.~1"'"· I b•11rl•t\ ~9 LIS 1?81 llhr S27 99!> vt.• i? II I l..M~Rmilrd ~nt'J <--------------------------------------------''-------------------' ----Auctions 1483 l AR G [ O VI R • Agt 949-7S9 OSOS or IJ~,. kldy 1"' tltly to,..,, ';AL f 'i IRAVll f llN I08 SlUfflD (OUCU 714-307-4214 I MnKt P.11 lft4'*'4'l 1'T.'Ul Ar• you •••rd nth~""''~ WANTED ANTIQUES ~ d'"' M~t ~n like---------I > l'ilde Co ~ Ibo NII N • • 1 J>PI rl1C~ .... it/', NewponBeach I ".... • • nr<r~\.try lln "'" l•>b ••94•9•'>•1'>-UJJ_/ ___ , _______ ....;-ii <d I~ nrw upl "'1'1 It '"""~ No "'""~¥ to --, Older Sty•• Furniture PIANOS & CollecttblH JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS • " h.,Ufl " '"' J>"I•. yl I " I C 3460 l'o#$l4'>C)m 949 1>4'1/4 14 \IMI o•un y •II FAIULOUS II lit" lo••fldtu I !Shh YI I BlACH COTTAGlSI 'll 11t1 Al •<;r AN 1 .. FAIUlOUS f'Slde 11\t I f>Ba I H Ip $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES NEWPORT BlACH contpll!tt •f'fl•Klel. tw llw<I UflSTYU II ..... bl& yrd bkU tu YM.A n w.. ~ , ... S?l95m<> 949Ml ~f1J lune 116<rJres. ~ 6Jl ... t.· ... '. .; 649-4922~ SOl'TH COAST Al:CTIO!\ 2202 So .... St. S....A...,CA 92707 General Announcements 1610 AOVI RTIS£ ICl llVI l<r ' Mii l l()N r Al If l)RNIAN , (0011 Coen Meech Olrt C '"'''I.Gold 1lve1 w,..~''Y ·fMI• h~ .. u1t1qut: .. 1 nlltt hbl• ';4'.I b4/ 9448 Cats 3610 Oogt/ion-....... ww"' tt•1!4llrMw1tk '•R I •t ' l'\lhlo ...,._.,d, I r.11U 1 ~ .... wJ ~.M-4 /7~ Rill SPAY I•• nw111•1,. Ul\i t •I ktlf1 r 1fJ e<d hf'""" '14'1sn0411 ~ th 11 f 01.nd in Uu'S.hr~ ,,.,.c:I boll•,.lred"~ H~lp 1wr l1¥r\. Ail ,. 1 "'""~' µ tid Arum•I N•tw11rk 'J'9 ~H 041 Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 w•lh .l \l.tle w1dr ti 1• Alli NllON M<J!HI RS & .1lt•d Ad p1 .. m1>ltnn1 lillll HS Woirk111~ lrt>m your ptuc11u t ur q •rvlCf* ·tny lo,.it1on l•rn up lo Only S-4'>11 '''' 7!:1 wrirrl• I l l'><JO+ prr 0111 Nnrk m11. 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CALL NOW AGT. 949·721-8120 Newport Coast P'RIMl lSTATlS PAJRICIC TfNORl NATIONWIDl USA 949 156-9705 www pal11c;klenore com RESORT/ VACATION PROPERlY FOR SALE "" '"'" Pr~~1 riplcon Uru&\ d•hv••~d 111h1 to 1•m• Do°'' loll h~• mf11 I 1166 :w, DRUG 13784) 1t:At •s cAN> HOME:>rOR SAl f Mowltal LA COUNTY-5200 Propeftfn 5965 LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& LONG BEACH & Nvwpurt Bmh Horse VICINJTY Pr"Pt'•ly Half acre lot Foster Cart Setvlces 2650 Y~-414 ..,._/fwMC.n "-• •• O¥W loo,(Jll cllltbnln tlll'US ~ tor • hoov ~ "*"' littir hroltws I. .,.,hn ~ 1 r .WW a 1 .,.,,. Ill ll.W!"' ~" ...... ,.." f;.00 I :l~ ',() S """"'1 8t.ld 12'1. l\riMllm 114-.,17 l!m -~[t,4543 BICYCLES ..o_ LA'<l>~ov1 'Ill (l(n;ri t b11 Lur~ S.w-.Jl 'I L.ttt •••<h l & •lud•o, lull krlt hen w1lll In ck"•" 7 blodls lo buc;h S/2!> 44 Alboni 561 43/ 7050 HOMES FOR SAU ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar Hll MOUSI HQ.UOID •n•ur AMADfll• 'ttKI AOf, Ut·72a-1120 -CllllMesa __ _ --~-----~ PAIK>UMIC VtlW ~2:,•1 llh II~ t HHOOM llTIUl lap .. dlr-$1H 900 mcilt lr11n1, sl!hn•no a Of. t4t.fu-t ':tO ~. S3XI 1«).11~ 1 wllh l•11e front i nd bKk 1••d Sub!« w1tl! 3 ~11111, ti ck 1oom, \tor •1e area, and b•lhroom I h• hOUH has 3 t>.dtooms, 2baths, dtntnc room, llv1n1 room w/fwtplace. fam"y room, laundry room, and !Mn Minutes from th• Back !lay where you un enroy horse and h1kln1 tratl~ S700,000 Vi.w al www a urllads com C•ll owner al {714)0C9 3367 .. • nlllll urra@coa.net. MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS lido Isle leadt Cottage ~ I'/""' 7 1 i?dl lnl•I 1tm•1rt•I h~.u h & l~nn" < lull i 7800 roo 949 f>44 ? HO Newport Beach * YlAltlY * llASlS llll l GRUNDY Rl Al !ORS 949 675 6161 Uppe1 I b1 Iba untl, I lo\f.' to bt.ic h & bllf , pel'k ' bl)Q bay v1f.'w~ A11.t Sl•OO 949 67J /800 CUTt 2br lbll "" ~ 1r1 pato Ip wd. I <pr. <.b'A W ~ ~ $1600 .. 9&67lllm loyrldge •-tft1 •her 2b• Iba m \e1ene e•led ne11hbnr hood, comm poul, 11 df.'l k newley '"'P«t•d & paulled, w/d, lr1e 1ncld, n/pets/smk1 l lRSO/mo 949 ?91 3072 lox Pentn l br l ba, wat hvrm. w/lp, Bay vtews hm m\ll llYrm, paho. 2 r ar pkm11, lr11. wd, a11t St't>OO 949 673 7800 t'tn1nsul1 Pntnt SFR, 2br lba • loll. sm patio/yd, new palnl/bllnd\/la ndsc, l c 11•r wd hkup a1t S2650 949 673 7800 Newport Coast CIYSTAI. COYI luse/Ntwl 2 s to•y upen~1vt !>br Sb• • den. ealt 1uarded Meny CU$tOm lutUfH thru out OetottlCH touchu . elebofate l1ncbc now un~r wa~ Awl 4 1-03 '795Q(lno. ~ ~Z31 t Pm* Tutoring 7990 flUTl USSONS E1p'd tuch« hn new open 1ncs 1n Coste Mtsa studio Lise Slack 949 574 0517 lolttb'r~ f1I Sir •If\ 'ti <TT!., rA lllr;IJ.i !Wl&}'Rll ...1 .... IOOTH RENT Al l.o\ld M P\.J b•.Jtl!V '1111111 ....... A,n.ttJI .. Call Al 'Jll'J 64•, 066l NOW HIRING S HARP Ouli'""' P•uple lo It avel enlu ~ ~ <n<lud llll f'A II. NY & ulhtt rtt".orf •rra!\ r~pte~nt •n& t .. p ~po• I lnh1on & n•"'~ puhhc •hun• [1 P•n~• P••d It dmcn£ with h•'• 111•1•nlu Daily #1'4fkly n1<11Jlhly bonu~~ Iran\ & holel prnvtd•d with rf"turn trip a:uran teed r or 1nterv1e# call M11•nda @ 800 287 O~I C•ll foday St•rt lomorrow (CAL •SCAN) Automobiles -AMtomotiVI 9004 IMW 't7 1211 Conv, ~ lltw, buut, m me, fP0'1 Pk& Sl9.~ vT98272 CM ~ "'9ll 98*71JZ2. Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a . check today! 1· Run for a weekl If I your car does not sell, we'll run it for L another week FREEi All for just $20 •. -.., D YES, SELL MY CAR Name DAMX Exg, Dato I Q..it Calls 0 MC 0 VISA Ya--- . . Model----- ·a20 1or 4 11ntt. s2 eecn eddtllonal line ----- ----._ Pilot flli~ll ' TO l •u INDEPENDENT .. • • • .· .. • • • .. • Dally Piiot Tuesd11, ftbruery 18, 2003 " Atlll.. -Alltomotjft 1iw 't• I 1111 Orut ••'" 111111... 2dr, &apd pt, &Ill ml, l ltttO ttH . rtdlt•n Int. ahH P•kln, AJrt, pw, anrf, 1lloy1, I ow.,.., t1111Ua n1w mutt ... alllt cond. R1ndl w St.700 117·5&2 2'7 01 '-tww 'tt XU (MY ~ m1 full factory werr. •Patklfn1 bleck/oatmu l Ith•· CO chrome whit llkt n ew 1r67729S $34 m fln1nc1nJ •veil 8kr ~9 W 1888 CREYIER ----:!'., ·. , ___ '=\.' 11 t /" 1111!.rv l..-cy ., •211451 . $18.511 .... '00 ......... '°°*' $1081 _B_rl __ dg __ e _______ 1, _ ........... "'-IT..l.,;O .. Dl.&IA ... Y' ..... s ......... _ :~=~eg~~;N CROSSWORD PUZZLE and TANNAH HIRSCH 9'tMU24l C.llll•c 'H hvllll ~ MW, loolit/runa P•1: 149" vS.1195 CM Dir 11tcllMd M9-W·7&22 a;;;;lif ............ LXJ Con•. VI, 5411 ml, 'l yr wtrr tvell. ~1Hn1 blk/ tn lthr, CO, •UJ>9fb hkt n•• cond v25972l S6~ fin ,.,. IV 949-5116· 1888 .-. ........ - Oe'9e 't7 l11tre,1t1 Spoff l & V6. U k m1, whlt•l ftr•Y Int, 111111d, n/t, ke new $6995 fln1ncln1 ' w1rr 1v1ll Bkr M9-686 1888 -.~.c- f-4 '00 hnnkfl XU vto. 2911 ml. sllver/arey lthr, CO. runnln1 bo11d1, fully lo1d1d. Ilk• nn • v172Hl $23.995 11 n1ncln1 tvt llt blt Bkr •••-H•-1111 -w.ec,.111.c- fOID NOii LS 10 Rlins 1lnl 6 c~. auto, ac. au. surroof. pw, ps, titt ..is. new Ires l ~ Bue book $.1125 Ml $2550 Pnnte party 714-SU-7 Mii POH ,.Oil U 'tO Runs i lnt 6 cyl 1utn ac. CIH , 1un1oof ,,,,, ps lilt wheels. new t11" ' c:epa Blue book Sl225 1111 S2600 Prl••I• p.,ly 11•-u•-1•01 www.ec,.111.c- "-4 a..,., '9t °"'overy Serie, n 17k ml. full fut w1rr, bl•1 k/ullm"I lthr, duel mnrt r 14• 111 jump •uh CO 18 chrm whla llh1 n1., v332099 $21 !195 lrrm fin 1¥111 8111 949 !'186 1888 www ocp1b1 com '-"" a.,y., .. , CN.c.wey SC7 In. 1111 dltll W-vtlln llhr dual mnrf ru t ~ &Nb ..... co l<l!*b CJr'C cond '14157291 s 13 99& flneneanc & Wiii 111111 Bhr •••-s..-1 ... _...,.._ NEW!IJJ MlN!COOPEm LEASE FOR ~199 Per Month + Tu I at the1e llr ms O~~(MDCRWT • SJ685 down 36 month tloud end 11111 no H c urlly d1po11t 10 000 miles par yH r 20¢ par rn111 for '""'miles (lC41218) OtliersttSW. SM!pl • Ul'SMOTOll O'HUM :1Wi~~lli fey••• ••• tL •0&9425 $10 818 H1t1tl• 't7 Accer4 UCH •230414 n aaa Tey•t• '00 Tece111• ,,. .. 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Rdwd 91196'1& 18?2 '00 'llJIYOOI !either a• OMC '00 Oe-11 •wll, ----.,trn 11'• new or1a J911 m1 "Ive• 2 tone fli' • i "• • • 9 M 1011 .. ner norv..,,..r Sl4 995 VOL V 240 OL WAGON 89 Aulo 133K m1 nn ICC•dtnl\ ••lrtmly rehablt art cu nHd\/ duervn • aood home S2500/nbo 949 640 6873 Neither \ ulncrllhlc Nonh de.I- NO.K111 • K Q 10 4 J A IC 6 H J • 108 Tht b1cld1n11 NORTH EAST I • .... J' .... SOLTH wrsr 2 p- 31\l !'-p-.... Opcmn¥ lead I-our of • Slnt: We1Mtc1n of upper Mon1cl11ir. N.J .. 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