HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotl .. _ .. -.. • -:· . . .. . . · .. ~. ..... . . .. _ .. . . ..... .. · . . ... ... ...... .. . .. . :~: . . .. . , . : ... ' . -... • o I . . • .. · · ... ... . . ... ... • ..... • .... . . ... .. . . .... . . ... •7· .. · ... . .. . ..... 11-"--t .. _ ..... ... ... . . . .... . -·:·. . .. . .. .. r: I /' • • -a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 SATURDAY,FEBRUARY22,2003 Planners ·give Ko.na Lanes hope QUESTION Whlrt should be done with Kona Lanes? Call our ? • Costa Mesa planne rs recommend that the Planning Commission re ject proposal for Kohl store on s ite of bowling a lley. ., Readers Hotline at Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COS'IA Ml~~A lht.· Kuna Lane:, bowling alley may be !>pan~d rrom dt•nwh11on, a~ cny planner' havt• recommended denial of the Scg1•r,1rom!>0 plan 10 build a tll'p.1rtment ~tore at the Mt:!.a Verdt· Cenll'r because of 111cc1111pat1hiht y w11h ncarhy homes. On Monday, the Planr11ng Commission wiJJ consider 1he 95,839·'iquare·foot Kohl'i> '>tore, which would alc;o replace the defunct l:dward'> Thea1cr and Ice Capades Uialet. Planner~ urge a "no" vole be· cause, they :,aid, the height and ma!>'> of the huildtng, along with ill> di!>lancc from 1he home!., ~ 19491 842-6086 o r • send e-mail to dailyp1/ot Q)/atimes.com. Please spell your name and inctude your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. could harm 1he adjacent neigh· borhood. The Segers1rom s maintai n 1ha1 1he feature!> of their project fall with111 tlw t nu·na 111 1h1· city's gener.11 pl.111 • By e\-l'ry l 1111H•1111011.il method, 1111., 1' u u1111.11 1hlt· .ind less 1mpJc1ful d ' t 11111p.ir1·d 111 whal plan '> 011 1 he· hook' \\ ould allow for," ,;111.l l'Jul I rt•t•rnJn, eger'>lrom .. pokt'\111,111 Ci1y plJnrlt'r'> ftr,1 fl'\ 11.'\q·<f the proJeCI 111 \pril 2002 .111d iden1ific'd '>eH'r<tl t 11111 c-rn,, 111 eluding having \lll h .1 111<1"1\'l' building next 111 rt·,1dt·n11.il propertie,. I ht· I d1\,11d'> < 111 ema building th1•1t• 1111w " onlv I 7,92fi '>l!llolfl' lt-1·1 l'l.mner'> a.rt· ahu apprehen .,l\l' alwut lollo\o\ing tht' pre t l'dt'nl 'el h} thr a pprovaJ ol l\\O IJrgt• building .. lll'Xt IO re'>I dl'11llJI prupt'rllt'' -I lome De pol <111d lhl' largc:t (,reatland both 1m llarhor Roule\ard. In both 1 <i'e'· the hu1 ldtng'>0 trut k lo.1d1ng dft'd' havt· created code 1·11lurtcm e n1 problem~. I hl' '>eger'>lrom~ h ave ad drt''>\l'd W lllt' of the planner' l onu•rrh h} tlt:,1gn111g a heJvily pl..i n tt·d lamt..capt' buftt:'r bt'- lwt·en tht• propowd 'tore and 1lw lw mt•., Bc1,l'd on neighbor hood opJH>.,llHJll. lht· lan<htapt· buffer hJ'> ht•t•n expJndt·d a b foOI w1d1• ped1•-.1rt.tn \o\JlkV.J'r rn the re;H l.md ,lJpt' Jrt·J wa., added to provide ea:,1er au.e" to the t t'llll'r and lln11 1'> wert' plJted on trut ~ dt•l1vent'' routt·., Jlld .. core hour'> of op l'rJIHlll I rt·ernMl '><lid rhe'l' l hangt:'' \o\CJll OVt'r tht IO home1JwnN'> who hve do., t''I 10 tlw p1011·u and thl'\ .. 1g11t>d .t p1·111w11 'uppornng 11. H t·l'm.111 '.ttd See LANES, Paee AS State OKs renting cove cottages to vacationer Pa rk comm h~ion get~ ball rolling on renovationc::. to heac hfront property. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot \.I \\ l'()H I HI \I 11 1 lw ,t,Jlt'\ l'arl ' .111d Ht:'trt'dlllHl c 111111111.,..11111 11111k 1lw lir\t 'IC'P 1ov ... ird op111111g 11p It. bt·a1 hlron1 t 11t1agt·' 1n < r,,,tJI < 11\l -...1.1h P.iri.. ICH puhh1 lht' 1111 I raJ,I\ .ilni•"t .!"1 \1·.ir-. Jllt'I the 'ldll' bough1 tht·111 I ht' tumm1'""n during .1 llHl't h1111r meeung .-tt tht· HJd1,-.i1n I lo tcl 't'\' p •rt Bt'Jl h u11.1n111111u'h dpprovt-d rt'11m Jt1011 plans for lhl' tml 'h1'itonc d1•.irtlt \'\ohtrh hd' been tlw 1111 u'> nl 1111t•rc't Jnd mud1 t on1rover'\ f11r lht· fld'I 1hrt>t' \t:'dr' PH iTr SBYDONt[A• I~ OAIL'fP LC l Vehicles approach John Wayne Airport from the south entrance on Airport Onve, where sherrffs deputies perform random secunty checks \\e drt' thnllt•d I r..'ldf < IJ\t' \o\111 hl J\ail<ihlt• -.11 1worlt· t dll 1·n111\ th" amaJ m g plJU.'. < 0111m1,,11111 t l1.J1rv.oman l <if\ I I ldrl ,,11d Jftt>r iht· m1·1·11ng rht• lUl111111'-'llln. \\llh l'.iul Junger \\Ill Jb'l'lll Jud Holwrt '>IHl\1·1 t J.,llng hi... \Ott' 111 .ib'l'llt1.1 \Id d 11111lt>r1·m t• pho1w. ap .JWA steps up security Airport joins res t of na ti on in ti ghtening safety measures, wh ich might m ean more traffic a nd longer waits . Oeepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot JOI IN WAYN I AIRPORT -n1e county's a1rpon ha' joined the res1 of the nation in reacting to the whigh" terromm alen io;sued by the Department of I lomeland Security about 1wo weeks ago. Mccarley. John Wayne Airpo rt's public 1nformat1on officer. N. of fhursday, the airport shut. off two direct access roads into the airport -the Michelson Onve en· trance and th e access road from the San Diego Freeway. Instead, passengers must enter 1he term1naJ roadway S)">tcm from Campus Onve south or the airport or the Costa Mesa Freeway offrdmp from the north. The road closure came after "fed - eral directives" from the Transpor- tation Security Administration, she said. Vehicles are also subject to ran· dom checks, McCarley said. The orange alen, which is one step below the highest, "red " alen, has spurred airpo rts na tionwide to take immedia1e security measures to various dcgreet.. said Ann wwe have checkpoints both at Campus Drive and near the !Costa Sheriffs Deputy Jose Valencia checks a car at John Wayne airport See JWA, P11• A8 during random security checks mandated by the federal government. FAMILY TIME Why do parents even bother? D on't ask me how I know this, but on Valentine's Day. eight days ago, there were about six guys in a line at a checkout counter at a local supermarkeL There is nothing 100 unusual about that. except that it was 6 a.m., and every guy had some form or valentine's Day gift for his sweetheart. Al least two of the guys had just gotten off work. The rest of them were probably avoiding the dog houee. The Valentine's Day rush ls typkal for a lot of guys and It's not'° bed except ror the ._,.. It telChet our 10na. ~did walk in the hoalM with a bunch or pedal tufffor a special someone only moments before it's due is not exactly the best •doul oo· example to set. STEVE SMITH We're always being told how much our kids are watching us and bow much we haw to let a good example. but I wonder 1omedme1 jlllt how eftecdw tbet behlMor ... . My parents ate their vegetables. As a parent. you probably tat your vegetables. But do kids gobble them up with all the other stuff on their plate? No. even though parents walk the vegetable walk and talk the vegetable talk. And how about those dean rooms? Your room Is probabfy tidy. But walk into the room or any typical kid and It loob like the 'hLrget toy depmtment on Ou1acmu ew. Plrentl ue hdy ii you can find dleir kide l.l'ld« the pOe of rubble in dMir roonw.. DrMng '9 MOCher eumple. S.Mla.Y,,...M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~can WEATHER The aun get• competition. SeeP .. eA2. ANNEXATION Newpc>f1 8ndl will diticuaa w91comtng new •rut to town. ........ A3 SPORTS c... MMe High ........ ~ ..... ~foe. l-0. .;. ....... 1 See COVE, Paee M Charter boat overcrowding a fire hazard June Casaerande Daily Pilot ...;t·\\1'0R l Hl-.AC II If lht• l llV were to crad.. d m\on 1od a> on all hu<>ine es who'>e overcrowded doth \\t·n• postng a fire ha7ard. about half 1he charter boat., m the Nt'wpo rt Harbor wo uld ht· without a berth tomght "Some of 1he<1e boats are \O dose lO· geth er it's a dangerous sttuauon. -Mayor Steve Bromberg said . Fire lnspecllons have revealed rampant noncompliance wilh fire cod es designed See BOATS, Pqe M A2 S.,day, February 22, 2003 FAITH .. IN THE SPIRIT .. --- .. ... THE MORAL OF THE STORY We all need to take the time to pray Newport Mesa Christian .center 'We have forgonen the gradous luuui which preserved us in peace. and multiplied arul enricJU?d a1ul strengthi!ned us, and have vainly imagined that all these bl.essings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own Intoxicated witl1 unbroken success, we luzve become LOO self sufficient to feel tile nea>ssity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the Cod Ihm ma1.li! us. " -ABRAHAM LINCOLN I read that President Lincoln gave the above response when he received a resolution that asked him to declare a national day of prayer. At the time. the nation was in the midst of the Civil War, with no clear sign o f an end, let alone victory. Those powerful words from a powerful president point us to our powerful God. Oturch name: Newport Mesa Christian Cemer Address: 2599 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Telephone: (714) 966-0454 Web site: u1wtu.newportmesa.org additional infom1ation about Newport Mesa Christian Center's worship, ilS children and youth programs and its other ministries and programs is available at the Web site . . Denomination: Assemblies of God Last week was a ·' three-day weekend for many of you. Monday was the h oUday now known as Presidents Day. After some research. I learned that in 1971. President Richard Nixon proclaimed one single federaJ holiday, the Presidents Day. to be observed on the third CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON Monday of February, honoring all past presidents of lhe United States of America Year church establlshed: 1938 Service times: Three identical services are held on Sunday at 9 and 11 am. and 6 p.m . Oilldren's chtirch and youth church, as well as many adult education classes, are held concurrently with the morning services. The church celebrates Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Tuesday evening programs are sp ecifically for jumor high through high school youths. Wednesday evening programs are leaching activities for elementary chool-age children. The chu rch will hold speciaJ services for Easter. The times for the services are nor yet set, but will 9e available soon. Senior putor. Scott Rachels Pastoral staff: George Fessler. DON l £ ACH I DAILY P.t Scott Rachels is the new pastor at the Newport Mesa Christian Center, an Assemblies of God congregation. The more I learn about past presidents. the more impressed I am al lhe weight of responsibility they shouldered I understand the critical importance of surrounding themselves with capable, crustworthy and wise men and women. I also understand why so many also loved. respected and tried to live their Hves according to God's principles. Abraham Lincoln also said, "I have been driven many times 10 my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else lo go." . I would not want to be the president of the United Stales of America. in any era, espedally not the one we are in right now. The never-ending amount of decisions. details and directions to be analyzed, verified. clarified and carried out is beyond staggering. As I read or listen to the news, I am amazed at what changes or Lranspires in a single day, and I have no choice but lo pray. I pray for President Bush. his advisors and those in any kind of authority or decision-making role. I pray that God will give them his wisdom, guidance and protection. I also pray for God's wisdom for all other leaders around the globe, as they too make decisions that affect all of us. This colWTin is not meant to be poHtkal, but praycrf\11, and if ever there was a time to pray, the time is now. Thomas Jefferson said. "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.· We have amazing libenies and freedoms in our country. and one of I.hose ~ the ability and responsibility to pray. Ul.st weekend, there were special sales in stores. at the maJJs and at most car dealerships. Many businesses were closed, but I would hope that many more heans were opened and prayers prayed Not only w as it a time to honor past presidents, but a reminder to honor God You may have had the fortune 10 enjoy a day or two off of work. but we all have daily opportunities to pray. And you can quote me on that • CJ#"1'f TRANE CHRISTESON is a NewPort Beacti resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be readied via e-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505. Newport Boadl, CA 92658. Rick Franci . Bren Jam.en and Jeff Keith, OliJdren's Team: Sharon Noble and Gabe Gaeta. Siu or congregation.: l .500 Makeup of congregation: The congregation is multi -generalionaJ with a mix of farniU es and single people. Oilld care: Ol ild care, for newborns through elememary school-age children. is available at alJ services. Type of worship: The worship combines contemporary mus ic with a 30-minute message. Type of meaage: On Sunday m ornings, the message is usually part of a series developed on a biblical theme or on a book of the Bible. All messages are designed lo FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS NEWPORT TEENS OUTREACH The •Salt-n-Light" youth group at St. Matthew's Churcti plans to be a part of the annual Wor1d Vision 30 Hour Famine today. Students will hold a weeklong food drive to benefit the hungry in South Orange County. Today, they will deliver the food they collect to Saddlebadt Community Outreach. The group will fast for 30 hours, and the funds raised for this fast will be used for emergency relief efforts and long-term development projects in Third World countries. Anyone interested In donating food or in sponsoring can call (949) 219-0199. SIMCHA MO CELEBRATIONS Temple Bat Yahm will showcase event-related businesses at its ninth annual Simdla and Celebrations Expo from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday. be practical and to touch people in a personal way. Recent messages: Questology: A compass for your splrirual journey. Upcoming mes11iges: Under The Sun: Facing Ufes Tough Issues. What is the point of life? Can I find happiness? How should I spend my time? Why is life unfait? How much money is enough? Can good come from bad? What happens when 1 die? Vlalton welcome: Greeters and Welcome Center volunteers are on hand to welcome guests and to answer their questions. Free coffee and refreshments are available. Oiurch programs: Many programs are available for adults and children. Small groups are forming for adults interested in For information, call (949) 644-1999 or go to www.tby.org. WHY BOYCOTT TACO BEU? Rev. Noelle Damico will be giving a presentation on why people should boycott Taco Bell at St Mart Presbyterian Church at 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. The presentation will be at noon Sundl'Y· For reservations, call Susan Eaton at (714) 394-8081 or e-mail eston727@estthltnlc.net TOT SHABBAT ANO PIZZA University Synagogue will present Tot Shabbat services at 5:30 p.m . Friday, Mardl 7. led by Rabbi Arnold Radllis and Cantor Ruti Braier. At 6 p.m .• there will be a Shabbat pizza dinner. Dinner reservations can be ma<M by calling Christine Goldhammer at (714) 573-9951. At 7 p.m .• family services for all ages with Rac:hlis and Braler will be hefd. At 8 p.m., after services for adults, Rabbi Sheila Weinberg will speak on "Encountering Buddhism and meeting in a m.Jd -week fellowship group. The church's Men's Ministries hosti. a retreat with special guest speaker Jack Hayford. The church"s Women·~ Ministries has several programs. including Mothers of Preschoolers, or MO~. and TEEN MOPS. Dunng the summer, the church run~ a 10-week day camp. Sonshme Oay Camp, for elementary school-age children. Outreach programs: Each summer, the church sends more than I 00 abused and neglected children. selected through Orange County social services, to one week at the Royal Family Kids" Camp The church train s 50 counselor'> and 20 suppon staff and raise' J udaism: Paths to Spiritual Renewal" Child care will be provided during Weinberg's presentation. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. Irvine. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. For more information, or for a complimentary subscriptron to the synagogue's newsletter, please call (949) 553-3535. JEWS DOWN UNDER During Shabbat services led by Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and Cantor Ruti Braier at 8 p.m . Friday, March 14, Aachlis will speak on "Jews Down Under: Travels in Australta and New Zealand:" The talk will be on the recent congregational visit to Sydney, Melbourne and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Christchurch, Queenstown, the fiords of Milford Sound and Auddand in New Zealand. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Partcway, Irvine. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. For more Information or a more than SJ0.000 through a number of fund -rllier~ to pay 1h1• children"s expenses. Mission stat.emenc "To develop mnre foUower. of Jesus; closer foUowe~ of Jesu5. We ..eek to do this by helping people to: Belong 10 {,-od' family. Grow to renecr the character of Chn!>t. Serve the need' of oppressed people m our community and our world. Celebrate the ~atne1>5 of a m.ighl} God who has purchased our freedom through the gif1 of hi<i ~"' Reach out in love 10 a world \earchmg for truth. hope and meaning.· Dre58i: Come Cl!> you are. CaimaJ Onucb design: The worship renter ll> !>imple and attractive. complimentary s ubscription to the synagogue's newslener, please call (9491 553·3535. AIDS HOME-BASED CARE St Mark Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach will be collecting suppltes for a home-based care program for people with HIV/AJDS 1n the sub-Saharan region of Africa. The program trains local church volunteers in Africa in the specifics of caring for HIV/AIDS patients. Each trained volunteer will the n Instruct. and guide 10 HIV/AIDS patients and their caregivers in optimum care. The program will be launched Sunday and nm for several weeks. • Is your ctiurcti or place of worship planning a special event? If so, send the typed 1nformat1on at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bav St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. anent1on Paul Sa1towit:z. religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170 or e mail to dailypilot /11tlmes.com. Daily A Pilot eor.tWMeon News assistant. (949) 574-<'298 coral.witsonfll11tim• com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permlHlon of copyright owner. SURF ANO SUN VOL 97, NO. 53 THOMAS H. JOHNSON. Publilhe< TONVOOOERO Editor JUrl( OETTING ~ .. ca~;t Promotions Director News Edlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowftz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAff 0...-...,.. Crime llOd COUIU repo11er, (!M9157~2e dHpa.bhtlmhOllltfm#.oom JuMC1111•• Newport 8eedl reportet, (!M8) 574-4232 June.~ndeOl«lmea.com ..... ClllllDR Polltlm llOd enlllronment 1'91)0rter, (9'91~ pttul.cllnton e hltl,,,_com a.-...,,., Cofumnllt, culture~. (M) &1'-4275 loll,..halJ»f •IMlm#.oom ~-·-Colita M8N ~.I .... 57~1 c»lrdt-..'*""""•t.nmee.com ·a.......c.... Education 1'9POf\ef, (141) 57,....281 dtrt«IM.CMrlflo .,.,,,,,.com Sean Hiller, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 641-6086 Record your oommentt about the Daily Pilot or news tipt. AddreM Our address Is 330 W. Bay St, Colt.II Mesa, CA 92627. Office hourt ere Monday -Friday, 8:30 1.m. -6 p.m. Conwc11otts It la the Pilot'• policy to promptly correct all erTora of 1ubttanoe. Please cell (949) ~4. FYI The Newport BeacNCom MeM Daily Pilot (USPS-1'4-800) It publlth9d daily. In Newport 8eedl and Cotta Mesa, eubecfiptlona ere IValle~ only by aubecrlblng to The Tlmet Ora,. County (IOO) 252-9141. In.,.... outlfct. of ~....,. .Mf e.o«e -... tubecrlpdone to the Deity PMot art ev.ltable only by flrwt cte. meil for PO per rnc>nOI. (Prloee lndude ell appllcet* lt9le and locel t.ax ... ) POSTMASTER: Send eddreu d\enget tO The Newport IMcM:oMa MeN Oelty (llltlot P.O. HOW TO REACH US Cln:uletlon TM Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ Ct1111fled (9491642-5678 ~ (9491642""321 Edleoriel News (949) 642-5680 lport9 (949)57~23 News,.. (949) ~170 8por'8,.. (949) ~170 f.....elt dllllypltot•1.r;,,,..,ct>m -...a.. ......... OllM (8'8) 842-.4321 ......... ,.. (IMil 831-7128 Pubtl9hed by Tim. Community News. a dMalon of tM Loe Angetee Tl,,,... C2002 Timet CH. NI ,._,ta ,.......,..., WEATHER FORECAST We'll awake to areas of fog that'll burn off for another magnifioent day, with highs In the mid-609 and lows in the lower609. Sunday'1 looking the same temperature-wiae, but It will only be partly 1unny. Monday could kidt off a few days of rain. lnfonnetlon: www.nws.nc>H.flOV BOATING,f ORECAST The IC>Uthwesterly windl will blow about 10 knoU In the Inner Witten today, wit.ti 1-foot wevee and a w..t ~I of 2 to 4 fMt. The~· wltl butld a footthil~ng. Out farth«, the wtnda wiM blow "'°"' MWrlll chc:dont. but the.,,.... wllt ""'*n a ffeht 10 knoee, whh 1 •foot wwwe and I w..t l'Mll of 4 to I fMt. The tWll wltl buMd to 5 tot•toNght. . , SURF It wo11't be worth waking up this morning to hit the wavea, but we'll start aeelng the latest northwest swell thi1 afternoon. Expect waist-highs early and a boost of che1t-hlgh1 later. Sunday'aJooklng better, aa some head·hlgha will complement c:tiett· and •houlder-higha. Monday'• looking to continue In the chest-to head-high r1nge . w......-r. WWW..Urlrid«.Olfl TIDES n... 7:Sla.m. t:&ip.m . S:S3p.m. 1:53a.m. """"' O.)lfMtlow 3..°'fMthlgh t.n._eow 1.oa-.hlgh WATER TEMP19'ATUIE ._. .. , Da~y Pilot Council to weigh adding areas to Newport Beach Fate of West Sa nta Ana Heights and country club could become cl earer a ft er a Tuesday vote. June Casacrande Da1Jy Pilot NEWPORT BF.AC! I -After more than a year of Listening to pleas of residents who want 10 Fonner mayor elected lAFffi chair Arlene Schafer of Costa Mcsa was elected the new chair for the Local Agency Fo rmallon Com- mission on Jan. 8. Schafer: a former Costa Mesa mayor and two-1erm appointee by former Gov. Pele Wilson to the Developmenlal Center Advt· 'l<>ry Board of Directon-. al<.o ..erve~ ~ president of Lhe Co<,ta Me!><! Samtary Dis1ric1 Roard o f become part of Newport Beach, the City Coun cil on 'f\Jesday will vole on whether the city wants 10 welcome West Santa Ana I !eights, the Santa Ana Country Oub and several other area:, into ils borders. If council memberi. foUow Maff's recommenda1ion, the vote will sel in motion a long process that will result in Newport Beach addresses for residen ts of unin- corporated West Santa Ana, I !eights, the country club and Directors, president of lnde· pendent Special Dislricts of Or..mge County and chair of the Cosla Mesa Redevelopment Ad- visory Committee. Schafer is on the California Special Districts Assn. Aoard of Directors in Sacramento and the I.eave Our Community AssetS Local Coalition. Schafer was nominated by fom1er chair of LAFCO Peler Her1.og and her ap- pointment was confirmed by unanimous vote by the remain- also an area of homes and busine~ south of Mesa Drive. WThe action also givei. the council the power to pick and choose," Assistant City Manager Dave KifJ said. ~They can !.ay we want to annex lhis area, but not that area" But the city doesn't get the fi. nal say. Far from it. If Newport Beach officials decide to annex the ar- eas, the city must apply to the Local Agency Formation Com- mission. which approves all an- nexations in Orange County. Residenis will also get plenty of opportunities to weigh in on . the maner. In addiuon 10 pubhc hearings held by the ciiy. a "pro- test period" conduc1ed by th!' commission aUOW'i residents IO stop annexation. Kiff said tha1 all resident'> tn the affected a rea wouJd receive notkes of lhe pending annexa- tion and of public forums. Eas1 Santa Ana I feighl!> hab aJ- ready been approwd for anntx.a tion to Newport lieach. I hat re lation'>htp bt..-come., offic1aJ on July I We-.t ">dnt<i Ana I leight!), the country cluh dlld tht' tract ~uth of Ml">d Dnw were all '>lated 10 ht-lOme p<trt of (.0,1<1 Mt:ba. hut vocal oppo'lllOll hy re ... tdt-nt-. and LCluntry club leadt:r. dam on ng for Newport Heath ad drt' .... e .. put tht• brakt: ... on co,ta MC'>d annex;i1111n C11y officiah l''>llmdte th<it the linailctcd cffrus of anntxtng the drea wtll probably be negligible lhough Ult: drea'i. propeny w growth will go largely to tht' Sanld Ana Height.'. Redevelop· ment Agency, fire and emer gem1 -.ervice factlJlle'> already l'JU'>I. meantng :'\ewpon Bec1ch \~ould ha"e to proVJdl' le"' add1 llOllJJ 't'r"\'llt'' I ht' dty would ltkely ntr $~ 1,000 ICJ $93.000 a yt'dr Im the fir'>t Jiw yec.11' altn annexmg ttw dfl'J BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS ing members of the commission. Project Cuddle will host annuaJ dinner on Friday Project Cuddle, a Costa Mesa nonprofit serving the needs of children abandoned, abused and exposed to drugs. plans to have its fifth annual "Dinner by 1he Bay" event at the Reef Res- caurant in Long Beach on Fri- day 10 raise funds and aware- ness for its program. The group will award Frank Lo1..ano 11s ·Media ·Awarene ... ., Award" for hb effort~ to ~top baby ahandonment. Jeff I ell er will accept the Corporation of the Year Awa rd on behalf of the Orange County Market Place fhe corporation has helped raise fundc; thr-mgh ~ car shows. Pro1ect Cuddle. which i<a funded hy indiVldual and corpo- rate donation-. and 1,rrrum. ha'> rescued 45 1 bah1e'> in th!' pcc.t .,ix vear., · 1-rir rnort· tnlorrndUon, 1 all Devin Orti1 at 111 11 412-%81 Group receive~ 53.000 from Stater Bros. I ir'>l '-,tl'p I lcJU'-l' of Orange County 1n C O\IJ \lt>'a received a SJ.()()() donauon from \tdtt•r Rro'>. \lark<'t' a<., pan of tht· comp.in)' tloOdlton uf SI i"~.000 LO l hart1ahle orga111 1.tllon-. all mt•r ~outhern C .ah lurn1,1. 11u l11d1ng '"' othl·r' 111 ()rangt• C ount} lne fw1d' \ .. t·n-mi'lt-d m parmer •Jup with d program callt'd 1-ood I-or All. wht>rt' ClJ..\10mer<. an-gJVl:lfl the d 1am e to pun~· SI . $3 or S.1 donaucn1 t.inb at th<.· checkout 'lilmJ llie func.b iiil' u-..t'Cl for local anu huni.,.tt·r ~·nocc. UlJI ')l.Jppun l't>n11nun1ui-. 'l'nt'tf h\ ')tater Bn.lf.. '>1mt l'-lfC \ldte.r Rro.., ha' ra1wd n111rt· 1httn SI ;-mtllion for tht•\t• uq,~c.llll/JtlOn~ In lhl~ Cdr11 p.11g11 Non-Fat or low Fat Lotsof Vftd • ...a. • Perme • Spagtldti Palomar MOWttain Wheat Varieties to I\,91U I. C~!a • Rigatoni' • Fusilli • FarfaDe REG. '2.49 • Puttanesca REG. '7.19 Baked Fresh Daily REG. '3.39 RI G 0 ~ .. 5~ •Cherly ·~ • Orange REG '3 59 ~ ,.. ..... ~~ ~~°?: PAN DUCALE If ~1 'f ShariAnn's Organic Soups • l.enti • Tomato • While Ban • Moroccan Mint • Chamomile :~Gfty S•99 REG.'2.911 -'3.2' & 16blgs INNOVATIVE NATUR.41 PRODUCTS YOU SAVE UP TO $1 5 961 Advanced Uguid Technology MUL'l'IPl£10NIC MINERMS ,., ... , .. n-.e,,...... SJ! 1~,.,,,,. Llftdl & .. m:IJI SUGG. *26.99 MULDPLE VITAMINS ,,..,,.""'~,,,,. 'h Br .. .1tl11at.t/w .Ml1'111•a.-RL SUGG. '35.95 99 16 ft. oz. FARM FRESH PRODUCE • Sciit Pa • Blrdr Bean • Minestrone ·~~fte • Frmdi Onion Tomato with • R-.......... "~ REG. 14.S. ~~ '1.55 15 Daily One Caps lllfla IWwq JWI .... ..... $~95 ,, ... ,.. Br 1 rdf .,_. 60 suao. "'·" 1:8'11 J A S 0 N ' S Pure, Nt1baw1 & OtpmJc Natural Whitening Toothpaste GBLS Oil l'ASn:S .Al Nlbnl.,... wl*h main 1tm1too,.... 11111 saa to tWp Mlltm 1Wh. .Al Nmnl G.-conllm C.oQlO to IWp s Stl•tClhm Gums and Prewnt ~ 11111 Ptriodonlal Gum.._.. ~·Fllwn toO... I&. '5.51T0'7JI SUGG. '9.511 TROPICAL OASS M Satlxday, February 22. 2003 OBITUARY Harry Rodney Olrey Services for fonner 25-year Newport Beach 1"ident Hany Rodney Carey wW be held at 1 p.m. today at Pacific View Olapel. Mr. Carey died Jan. 3 J from cancer. He was 73. He ls turvived by wife Slatia Carey; sons Pallid and Michael Carey and Louis Wilcox; da ughters Joanne Carey, Unda Sue Carey-Welch; and Lara Kitchin; brother Frank Carey; and three grandchildren. • The Oaily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa end NewPol1 Beach If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax ua the information at (9491648-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. FAMILY Continued from Al Most parenlS are prelty good drivers. And their kids spend years and yea.Th growing up watching them drive their cars responsibly. n,e parenlS don't drive recklessly, they always use their tum signals and never, ever, peed, right? Kids watch parents driving and realiz.e right away that they are great drivers, its everyone else on the road who needs a lesson. But once they're behind the wheel, kids tum into a cross between Mad Max and Mario Andretti. And that Formula One race car you've loaned them is just perfect for ramming the nearest inanimate object. And how about pe~? Most parents wake up in the morning and go through a certain routine. If they have a dog or a cat. one of COVE Continued from Al proved both the state's public use plan for the district and an amendment to the 1982 Gen- eral Plan. 1he state's first plan- nin~ t'ffort for the prisLine area. ~' pan of the plan. the state will .. pend $12.5 million to re· habililcile 40 cottages, 29 of -wuz::o the chores is to feed them. But do lclds pick up on this and take the initiative? No way. I was begi.nnl.ng to won der a.bout all this mirroring slUff' add whedler its really worth aettl.ng a good example when kids are just going to do what they want anyway. My brother MJc:bael is a psychologist who belieYeS that parents grossly overestimate the amount of influence parents have on their kids. "When kids do something good, parents take more credit than they deserve ... he said. ·eut when kids do something bad, they're also a lot tougher on themselves than they sho uld be.· Recently. I caught my son doing something that made n;ie think twice about abandoning all hope. He was reading the newspaper. My mom read the newspaper in the morning with a cup of coffee. My dad went to work. it which wiU be available to the public to rent in the Call of 2004. The plan next heads to the CaJj. fornia Coastal Commission this spring. Work Is expected to be· gin during the faU. The state bought the land from the Irvine Co. for $32.6 million in 1979, the same year that the historic district was placed on the National Registe r o f I listoric Places, --------------------------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA o" .. 8Jodi Soul-" of 405 F'wr ~-~ ~, ~ -.J~~~ (71 41 545-7168 ~. •' - The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited supply! These passes pay for thcmsclve~ In oo tlmc. Hurryt They wiU sell ouc. llese1'Vc your pass by calling (949) 64S-68t2, Ext.110 2001 Wl t Coast Highway, Newport lkach •No Imurance Costs •No Maintenance Costs •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great f or business, family, f riends atld so ul cruising. • Huge fleet of excitltlg, altnew models • Convenient Newport Harbor location, fantastic amenities n.""' """,..,"' DK1nr lblll $Mgr 1910· Oldy 8ectric ec. Compmy '""'~ I seemed, before the newspaper WU printed, 10 he read it when he got home from work. At age 9, I started reading the newspaper. swting first with the sports section and the comics. but quickly graduating to the main section to read the news. My major ooocem is that I'm not really sure I want him reading the paper rigtlt now. Have you seen it lately? There are stories about the United States possibly engaging in not one war, but two. stories about how the ice caps are melting and stories about grisly crimes. I suppose the crime stories have always been with us. but some of these other issues are new territory. Where l grew up reading about one war. kids are now reading about the po~ibility of two. They're also reading abciut how a genius in Washington. D.C. decided to teU everyone that now is a good time Han and her feUow commis- sioners, who include movie icon and coastal activist Oint Eastwood, listened to a string of public speakers at the meet- ing. It was indicative of the state's dogged effort for more than a year to c0Uec1 p ublic in- put on a plan to use 29 of the existing cottages for overnight rentals, eight for state person· nel and another handful for educational uses and a snack stand. Eastwood, former mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, toured the cove Thursday. It was nol his first trip to the secluded area. which he sald "looks like a movie set.· In the early 1950s, while he was a student at Los Angeles City CoUege, Eastwood he visited the place with a girl- friend, he said. rt hasn't changed much since then. he said. "It still look.s the ame. but BOATS Continued from Al to protect boats and pasi.en - gers, Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff said. The city's Harbor Commis- sion will consider· what to do about the problem at its March 12 meeting. "It's d efinitely a p roblem. but we don't know what the solu- tion is yet. ~ Kiff said, Officials em phasize lhat the ch arter boat operators are not the cause of the problem. The busUiesses that own permits 10 operate co mmercial docks are responsible for adhering to the fire rules a ttached 10 their per- mits. But, from a slightly different angle, chan er boats are also in the commission's sights. I he comniissioo has form ed a sub- committee 10 look at ways to reguJate Lhe charter boat op- erators belier. The goal is to re · duce park.ing, noise and safety problems posed by the charter boats and their patrons. The committee will consider a number of possibilities laid (or us to gather the maLeri~ cal we'll need ln case o( a chemi attack by a roe. Thar's a pleasanl way for a IQ-year-old to start the ·~ . d So. perhaps the ~to o from now on is drop this mirroring behavior and do the opposite of what you really want your kids to do. After aU. lf they're so intent on rebelling. particularly as they become teens. why not use some reverse psychology and get them to do what they'.re supposed to do by doing the -opposite? . Bot if 1 go that route. 11 means I will have to plan ahead each February and 1 'll ~ all that male camaraderie in the supennarkel on Valen1foe's Day. • STEVE SMfTH 1s a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086 there 15 now development on the hiUs." Eastwood said. "From a state point of VJew. !opening the park:! '' a se~~e the !>late can offer the pubhc. During public commenh. Jim fumer. the lifeguard op erattons captain w11h the New port Beach Fire Department, aid he supported the plan, but asked t.he ~late 10 move the di'> tnc t's lifeguard sta11011 closer to the beach former (,oMa Mayor Sandra Genis. who 1~ also acuve with the Sierra Oub. said '>he '>Up ported the plan for the most pan. "I'm delighted to 'iee where we're at." Gents said ·rm really happy about when.• we are to· day." •PAUL CLINTON covers the env1ronmen1. bus1n°ess and pollucs. He may be reached at 19491 7644330 or bye mail at paul c/1nton a /at1mes com out by city •;iaff. Among them the c11y migh't put a morato num on all nev. chaner boat permits. hm1t pa!>scnger capac- ity of new charter l>oal<,, or 'lep up enforcement of parking and permit requirement~ In 2002. about 100 c.ommcr· cial boats carrird about 400.000 pas':lenger~ in '-:ewpurt Harbor. No new pernrn were 1~sued in 2002. but passenger laxes for eJUsting businesses brought m $152,800 for the city. I larbor Lummis\tont'r'\ Mar· shall Duffield and Ralph Rod· he1m own busine'>'-'t'' that al- ready haw ">urh pi>rm.11.,, Duffy Electric Boal Rental'> and Bal boa Hoat Hen1aJ<. re,pec1ively <.omm1s.,1oner<i \\Ill consider the fire i.afety 1~sut· al their March mce11ng Al their April mee11ng. they are expected to hear the findings of the ~ub­ committee 1ha1 is now lookrng al parking. no1'e and pa~-;enger safety 1si.ue .... • JUN E CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or bye mail at june casagrande a lat1mes com RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility ln.sist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY • HAROIOOO • LAMIM1ES •CARPET • CEIWIC TIE• WM. RC>ORl«J •t'!!!!l2! 1.t.149.:.:11 SOLARIAN ~AIApo1s -'J/4" IOU> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTEA ~ t44• -•14~ from 111 • T-*1e 18' x 18' .......................................................... u ~· Cermnlc 111 ...................................................... ~...,, -it ~~ .................................................. ~-•l • _ ...... 1'°5a. PUBLIC SAFETY Newport police arrest drug suspect Newport Beach polite arrested a 46-year-old Newport Beach man Thursday night on uspi clan of possessing about three pounds of marijuana for sale, officials said. A police officer followed Carl Howard May near Sea· shore Drive and 48th Strtt1 al abou t 7:30 p..m. after the officer "smelled marijuana comlng from the car.·· said Sgt. Steve Shulman. "When the officer asked (May) if he had marijuana m the car, he said he had 1ust the one cigarette,· ht· said. But when the officl:'r checked the car, he found three pounds of marijuan.i and some ammunition. Shulman said. Mdy posted a $10.000 bdil. ~ said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • ~ma Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 1500 blodt at 2:52 p.m. Wednesday. • Bria1ol StrNt: All assault was reported.in the 3300 blodt at 7:35 p.m. Wednesday. • CadHlec AY9nUe: Grand theft was reported In the 3500 blodt at 3:41 p.m. Wednesday •Edingw~: Possession of narcotics was report ed in the 1700 blodt at n · 12 a.m. Wednesday. • H•rbor Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported in the 1800 blodt at 12:07 p.m Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eut ~ Boulewrd: Vandalism was reponed in the 1000 blodt at 12:10 p.m Thursday. • West Coast Hlghwey: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4500 blodt at 12:27 p.m. Thursday. •~~:Forgery was reported in the 300 blodi: at 4:28 p.m Thursday. RABIN, Henry E. XI, 1915 ~ Febfwry 17, Henry E. Rabin was bom on June 27, 1915 in Spnngfield, Massachusetts. He was the only ch ild of Roae and Fre d er ick Ra b ino w itz. Following his g rad uation Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University, Henry attended Hebrew Union College and graduated with a Rabbinical Degree and a Doctor of Divinity. He headed west to Cafffomia where he married Rose Marie Hanwi and had two daughters. Melanie Rabin ~nger (Gary) and Joan Robinson (FrMk). He seNed as a Hillel Olrector at Loa Angeles area colegel for twenty yen. He then became the Executive onctor of the Loa Ange4n Hiiiei Council, In charge of suP9fVil'ng tlllef at forty campuses, He held this position for another fifteen yean bef0f9 retiring to become a certified ~. Flmlty aid Child Counselor. Ht was Instrumental In lmplementtng the peer~ PRJ9'W11 at the So uthern Callforria Counseling Center, and maintained a private counseling practice for many yews. Henry was also the lovtng gr andfather of five Pldc::hlchft: Brian, t(JrnbeftV and AlwJloN Singer ; Ind ... and ....... Aobilieor;. In ... of flowers, donations may M m.de to ero.i UrWlf'lly. Gift c.twr, Box 1m. ~a fh>dt ~ 02912. s.vtc. Ind ~ .. ....,..,,. held Fttwu.ry 20 at P8Cfflc View ~ Pn. Corona del ............. ' ' " ' . . . ' ... . " .. . " ... I • ' It I " .. I • f ., I ' • u ... ' . I " •, '," . ,·. 1' .. •'•; •' •' .... ,. " Dady Piiot DUCKNAPPING '>I AN H11 l FR DAil Y PILO- Workers Justin Faires, left. and Seth Johnson from Sa fety First, return to shore-after ~ rounded up many of the ducks that gather at Balboa and the Grand Canal. Scwral duck.<., frequenting thl' Gr.md Canal art'l1 o f llalboa bland found thl'rni.clve., in cageo., JU!>I aft er 7 a.m. Friday. Safety FiN, a pei.t control company contractl'tl hy Lhe c 11y of Newpon Beach, handled thl' "dur knapping • TI1t• company thl'n patrolJed the area in boat'> 10 round up more dut k.' In Auj:,'\J\l, tht' uty rt'moved about 60 due~ that were dubbed pollutmg nu1c;ance., aJong the Grcllld Canal Al that ume, thl' duck.\ were ...en1 inland w \an liemard100 County. A duck peers out from a cage on its way" off Balboa Island after workers from Sat ety First, a company spec1ahzm g tn vertebrate pest control, captured several ducks kn own to gather at Balboa and the Grand Canal early Friday morning Auto sales boost tax revenue Strong third quarter rai es hopes tha t Costa Mesa can shrug off economic ~lowdown . Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ue.1'>t'. \.'\l11ch doe., bode well.· '>did I ti I JV.n'll lhl' pre!>tdt>nl ol rht: < O'>l..t M e'>a 01amber of COS'IA Ml.~A ~1ro11g Jl11 11 <.0111mt>rct> .. lht· J uto dt•aler-.· !>aJei. boJ,1c1ctl the 111y' ,,tf1·' good 'how1ng WJ' n·all} quite,, lax revcnu1· lor tlw lt11rcl qu.ir11·r ,,iJvJllon 101 tha1 4u<1nc1 " o f 2002. hrmging 11 11111 o l tllt· n·d I ht· 1 tl \ rt'l l'l\t'' I"{, ol t:\'t:f\ fo r only tht: 'l'l Olld lllllt' 111 dolf,11 'Jll'lll ltl'>ldt· I(<, bnrdN' nearly two yt•ar'>. \utu <.,a lt·' pla1.1·tl "io I in 10 Reven ue 10 tlw u t> t1t·.1,11ry t.11 rt·\t•ni11· gi·11t·fi1te d b t'l\H'l'll fro m tht· '>ale uf pr11d1 11" .11111 Jul~ ..i111J ~·p1 1•1nht•1, Jm,rng service., rn,,. I (J", during tfw · .., I J 1 n111l11111 to tlw 111\ I ll'p.ir1 three-month 111111·lr.1111t• I ur "" 111t-11t ''"rt'' \o\l'tt· ,11ghtl\ lw of the pc1'1 '>l'\l'll 411.1n1·1'>. 1111 l1111d. '"'" '1>1 O'i 11111111111 111 r"' city's ~alt•'> 1..ix rt•\'l'11u1· d ropp1·d 1•1 u11 whe11 tomparl'd ro tilt' '>illlH \\ li1·11 10111p.sr1·d 111 tlw IHI'\ 1 quarrer tlw pn•\iou' \t:.11 1111 ""' 1JlJ.1111·r 111 .!001 .1u111 ,,i11· ... final thret• m onth'> 111 .!OOI "'·"\ d1·111..,111·d .!. I 1i 11111n· 111111 '"" the only other int n ·.1...i 111\ ... • 11111·1-. t .. 1,11hlll .,t·r, 11 1· Offic1ah .mJ 1>11 ... 1111·" h·,11h 1 ,1,111011' ga\I· : I 1 •· 111on· 111 1h1 cheered till' 11111d1· ... 1 111111··•'' 111\ \\h11 It \\,i... .111nh1111·d 1u !><tying 11 ulll'n·cJ 1111111 t•\ 1111'111 ,. that tht' .tre.i h;" 11111 1.1h·11 tlw brunt ol the n·g11111.1I ,lcl\\do\\ 11 "It 'hO\''> tlll .!111111,I .!. Ill PLU G IN 111~!11 r gJ"1lt111 111111· .. I 11 lht• l•1p :.-,dft·' l;n ).:l'lll'r.i IOI' d111111g till' q11.1rtl'r. I I \H'll 111 tlw • tl\ \ 1111111111111111· 1mhl'>lr~ I .t1lal Juto dt-.i.ll'r'> c1grt.'Cd that till' '>l((JOK 4UdftCr Wii,S ind1ca llw of d .. 1mng yt:df uvt-raJJ \lauy dt:alt:r-. wt:n: offi:nng at trat t1ve linanung plan!> \'ta thetr partneri.h1p' wnh lt:ndt-n. ~ cau'>e the intt-rt:'>l rate., have re mainl:'d low, ~1d I un ( l1nton gt:rlt'ral 1 lliUldgt•r ..it Co\ ta Mt:'>d lnliJ1111 "LOOl Wd'> <1.11 t:>.lelle111 ycu1 fo1 ;di manulat turt'I '>," < l 111to11 .... 11d ... rtw rnp11v1: l1·11dt:r... dt'ti 111tely had ">pen al 111u·nt1w'> • At the locdJ lnh11111 dealt:r..h1p. hooJ.. deaJ, 111.1·r1:11't 1 ht! hlAAt''>I f.11 tor Utnton Jllnhutl'd 1h1· J 1·aler'>h1J>'> o.,ut t C'>' to "hot '>t•ll 111g IH'\.'\ modt'I'> like lh t (, r. ~1,1JJ11 Jnd ( 1.l'i < ou pe \o\ Im h <1rr1 .. ed 1.1,1 )l'df .u1d tht' rx.r, .ind lh..li .. po rt u1 1lll} \l'h11 l1-, lltJt JHl \.t-tl t•Jrlll'r 1111, mo11lh 1 lw lot 'old 'Ii l df'> lrl )J illi.tr\ \\ 1111 h " < 11no.,id1·rt'd ..i • hu~·· '>ll• 1 t''>'> l11r u' ( .111111111 '>J Jd Ii 1 li11111 did oflt-r .1~grt·.,,1\t· 1 ... 1111n llH l'llll\1'' ,., lllllH ' Lht' oldt•r I) l'i 11111tld'> Plug''*''''¥' 1J1 ,,., 11 ,, 1, I' l 11 "'~ 11 I• , q ,, 1 ,, pdrk•,, d llr' t, •,r• ,., , 1' '' f1 d fl t·r 11 ~ ~ fJ • 1 n l ' ' Daily Pilot How to reach us7 Call the Dally Pilot at 642-4321 NOTICE OF VACANC IES THI. Cl rY ()~ M WPOIU HI AC If I~ ( l HRl-~TI \ .\(<I-P 11~(, \PPI IL.\l ION\ 10 Fii i VACANl PO~l llON'I O'\ 1111 A\'lA llo-..; <O~fMITIJ-1 P0\1110~'> ARI CL'RRl-Nl l\' AVAJl.ABI ~ RHRl~'ll.~ I IN<, ( Ol '\C.11 1>1'1 I Riel\ I. 2. t 1. 6 \.'I>-. THF Ul.ADl.INl-I-OR HI JN(, APPi ICAI 10"1'1 I\ 'i:OO P.,1. <>°' MO:-.iOAY .. MAR< 11 ,L lOOJ. APPLICA I ION BlANK~ AND ADDI I ION:\( INFORMArIO,'\ ABOL'1 nn <-OMMITTU CAN BE OBTAINEO I ROM TIU· Cl rv CU.H.K'\ OHIC F, B OO Nl-WPOR1 BOUl.EVJ\RD, OR Wll.L BF MAI LED OR J.AXH> H > YOL! BY CAI LIN<, 949-644-3005.. Tiil· APPLICATION AND INFORMAi ION ABOUT TIU. U>MMI n 1-r (AN AL~O BF ACCESSED THROUC.11 l'IH Cl IY~ WEB ~rn Af: ~.~ir):_.ne":pon:.h:g~h.ui.u~ UN DER "Gt::NERAl INFORMAflON/Cl'l1ZLN PARflCIPAflON l.'.'lll-0". APPOINl Ml-ST~ ARJ: SCHEDULED TO Bl-. MADI-ON TUC.\OAY. MARCH 11 , 2003. FOR MORI-INH>RMAl 10'\ ( ON'TACI 11 11-( rrY n .fRI\'\ <>HI( I Al lJ49-b-H-300<; Since 1920 E! .eoata lie.a Sbow1GOm 1&8111'ewpoftBIYd. (949) &&9-2080 Lep•a Beach Sbowaoom Mii Rodia P.C.B. South Ba7 tlbowaoom 23669 Bawtlaorae BIYd. (SlO) 87a-CN42 (IM9) 49• 911111 .._ ... t.: N : -.: lM:OO lloa.-tlat.: 10:004.-00 ... : 12:00-S:OO lH:OO Dally Pilot M Satutday, February 22, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLJSHeo -L..n.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNder'I Hotline: Call(~) 642~ Fax: Se~d to (S49~ ~l~~d le E-mail: Send to dallypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions fo ty ngth. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Long Beach expansion will hit Costa Mesa T he final approach palh to Long Beach Airpon pays no attention Lo artificial political boundaries calJed county lines. as jets fty Oller many Orange County cities. ind uding my hometown of Huntington Beach. TI1e south side of Costa Mesa may have just received protection for another JO years with the new John Wayne settlement agreement However. the north side is vulnerable to expansion of Long Beach airport. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but people need to be educated about this issue. At LDng Beach. there is only a "noise cap," but absolutely no caps on flights. cargo tonnage, passenger.; or i.urface trd.ffic clogging the San Diego Freeway. Contrary to popular belier. 41 daily lights il> not the "limit," it is the minimum that WdS required by a federcil judge in • Alaslca Airline; vs. city or I nng Beach." At the lime of the ruling. these 41 daily flights were ba'>C.'CI on what was then stage two aircraft in the early 1990s. So long as jets become "quieter," then more can be squeezed into what is caJlecl a "noise bucket" PeMnaJly. I prefer to think of it ~ a minimum misery index. If one Lho~t that April 15 W<IS a day to dread, exactJy 1>ix mon ~ later, Oct. 15 will also be a day to dread (for tho~ living under the Long Beach fllght path.) On that day of each year. the airport manager will relca...c an annual study detailing how much more "room" there is for flights wider the "noise bucket" "lhen, the foUowing )an I , the airlines can u.'>t' those additional slots. Gee. I lappy New Year'i.. "-vcn the so-called noise cap pcnalti~ are we-elk. Jlle fme. stan a1 SI 00 and peak at a mere S.100. (One round trip sold pays that off.) n1e city of l.ong Beach w<1med ~tronger fines. but a feder.U judge would not aUow tl. If tht: city tinker. with the fin~. they would ri5lc jeopardizing the culTI!nt airport agreement. Inc pressure for Long Beach airport expansion is not just coming from the alflinc indui.try iu.elf, but from tho.-.e who don't want Ml much <\!> a '>inglt flight coming out of El 'luru. For example, Irvine Councilman Mike Ward (and I J luro Reuse Plannmg Authority dmim1ru1 at the timt:l wrote to the lio<1rd of Supcrvt-.<Jr; daiming that ·1 nng Beach ,.., operating below capacity." Heally? According to ainumcom. Long Beach avcragf!:) 1.375 daily operatio~ making it one if the nauon\ busiest facilities.. nili. i.<. in contra.'>t to El lom, with zeru daily operations. I-or Ward to have the gall to d..lim Long Beach ts "operaung helow capacny" would be akin to an off-shore. tax·dodgmg corvoration suggesting an inc~ase in per..onal income taxe-. to offset the foderal budget deficit. REX RICKS I luntington Beach Fond m~mories of C.osta Mesa High coach I found myself bath sact and happy to reGdy of John Carney's retire ment from Custa Mesa I ligh School after all these years n -low does a cowboy retire?" Tuesday). Coach Carney exhibited and exemplified all of the qualities a parenl hopes to find in someone who coaches their child. Foremost of alJ those fine characteristics was Carney's unqualified love for the ldds he spent time with. ll was my experience that John genuinely enjoyed and cared for each and every one of the kids that played for him. He never hesitated to do a hnle extrn or offer up a kind word for tJ1e young men and women at Costa Me!>a I ligh. MAILBAG So when I read he was finally retiring. I was sad fo r all the fu ture Mi.tstangs that will not have the opportunity to know him. On the other hand, I am happy for him and his wife. Sue, ' that they are now able co devoce themsel\'.es to their other interests. Thanks to John for all his good works. He really did make a difference in the lives of others. del Mar. close to the Port. and thought how wonderful it \~S to be able to .walk once again to the m ovies, only to have it do'it: a few years later. Please keep it here. It is a friendly little theater. and we will really miss it. JOAN A. SMITH Corona del Mar Fairview Park . hould MIKE DUNN remain as it is Costa Mesa Port Theatre deserves a friendly future I lived dose to the Port Theatre and remember when it wa!. built. I enjoyed walking there a~ a teenager. but I had to move away. In 1992, I returned to Corona He: Ja11. D. Vand1:r.,loo1'i. letter. "fairvicw Park can be rehabilitated" (Tue.,day). I wa~ Vl'ry apprenam•e of Vander.,loot '~ letter w the editor. Although my ideas are .1 bit to the lt.>ft of Im, \\l' ;mcJ many others agree that F-a1rv1ew Park doe,11 '1 nct'd any major t1lteration'> to ht' great - it already is great. Any further inte rference (beyond erosion prevention, and no, that does not include a parking lot or connecting road) will only hurt the park. I also am appreciative of the doctor's letter because. since '>tamng 'chool (environmemal .,ciencel. I haven't bee n paying enough attention to this issue. I find it unnerving that this issue seemed to be settled three months ago, and now it is bein)( rcvhitcd. It !>eems ru. though old ideas never die, they just go to Uty Council meetings. Although I am unable to a uend the meeting, I will make .. ure roundl members get a t opy ol my 'tatenwnt. I hank., "~a111 dol J.B. LITVAK HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Board: President Paul Berger. Vice PaulE Shoenberger 92701 Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair President Armando Ruiz, George •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Drive. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, Brown, Jerry Patterson and COSTA MESA SANITARY Mesa. Newport Beach). (714) (714) 754-5223 Walter G. Howald; student trustee DISTRICT 834·3220 Mayor: Karen Robinson Derek Shelly P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa. CA • Thomas Wilson, 5th District Council: Libby Cowan, Allan 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 !Newport Coast). (714) 834-3550 Mansoor. Gary Monahan and NEWPORT-MESA UNIFlED Board: Pr esident Arlene Chns Steel SCHOOL DISTRICT Schafer, Jim Fe rryman. Art ORANGE COUNTY FAJR District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714 ) Worthington 92626. (71 4) 708-FAIR Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 424-5000 Board President Ruben A. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Superintendent: Robert Barbot ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF Smith, Vice President Patric ia CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Board: President Martha Fluor. EDUCATION Velasquez, Randy Smith, Mayor: Steve Bromberg Vice President Dana Black, Clerk 200 Kalmus Drive. PO Box 9050. Emily Sanford. Peggy Ha idl, Council: Gary Adams, John Serene Stokes. David Brooks. Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, James Bartch, Debo rah Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda (714) 966-4000 Carona. Leslie A. Ray and Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Sneen Elizabeth D Parker, member. Frank Barbaro Webb Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER Newport Beach STATE SENATE COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT Ross Johnson (RI. 35th District, DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave . Costa Mesa, ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF 18552 MacArthur Blvd . Suite District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., CA 92627, (949) 631·1200 SUPERVISORS 395, Irvine. CA 92715, (949) Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) Board: President Jtm Atkinson, Hall of Administration, 10 Civic 833-0180; fax: (949) 833·0696; 432-5898 Vice President Mik e Healey, Trudy Center Plaza. Santa Ana, CA Press Secretary Pat Joyce. (916) Chanc:etlor: William M. Vega Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bockmiller and 323-1200 DESIGNER BEDROOM Empire Sleigh Bed Richly detailed Sleigh Bed with elegant floral motif. KING: Sale Price Was $1,999 NOW '1,199 Queen: Sale Price Was $1,799 NOW'999 Item-For-Item, You Will A lwags Receive OUR BEST PRICE GUARANTEE On The Largest Selection Of Designer Furniture. Hand-Carved 4-Poster Canopy Bed (um Luxurious canopy bed with detailed hand-carved floral motifs and rich inlays. KING: Sale Price Was $2,499 NOW '1,499 QUEEN: Sale Price Was $2,099 NOW '1,299 n 't fornet, let our profi nal designers help JJOU malee the ri/Jht choice ... every time. '• Plantation Style Sleigh Bed Exotk combination of luxurious burl woods woven bamboo end leather headboard: KING: Sale Price Was $1,!199 ... NOW s1299 QUEEN: Sale Price Was $1,799 ... NOW '999 .. • • . . • .· . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • . .. t. . . '• .. .. . . . . • • • •• . . • 'Pr'!~~=======~~~~~~~~--~~----........ ,_ ____ ..... ___ ..__.._-,---F ,_,... --,--pr-,.... - - Dally Pilot ON VACAT I ON Dennis and Adetyn Klarin at the SyClney Opera House in Australia. On the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's Business Leaders China trip, from left, Barbara Sted. Kathy Leek, Mary Ann Archbold, Bridget Lindquist. Joanna Dovahs and Janie. Arrington in Sharon Preston of Corona del Mar on a birthday trip to the Shanghai Lamana1 Outpost Lodge 1n the 1ungles of Belize. Central America . I can't believe ..... . It's My Ho~e Landscaping or n:-landscap1ng is \l.lllr .imwer to .i bt"'.iutiful new look fur·your hom e. fl OW!-_RD \I I wn maJ..c ~ou r l.imhcipe dreams tome 1n1e. and 1n1..rea\l' \our home·, ,-aJue, too! Come in 1oda\ .md di~1.m er 1he people who on makt-a diffen:nl e lll you and \nur gJrden. KAY MATSO I A.A. C.C.N.P. ( . . ~ ":}/}__ ~---"-_/_/}_ :G--7~ J ~ NURSERIES, INC. ( OM PL£TI LANDSCA PING 46 YEAR.\ l:.XP. I lll'll\l --.: .. \t1'(C:,) \ \;\;". I A'.\ • :'\1111 ' I 1,11n \, TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer Landscape Des igner (7 14) 633-9200 < (l\ IA 'vii 'iA • ~-1111 fl11,1ul \, (7 14) 754-6661 ''The Original'' EPICO Pro\'idin g LIVING TRUSTS For O ve r 16 Years **Do Not he Confu.\etl hy Copycat Companie.\** You and your famil y are invited to attl·nd this FREE Comm unity ervice EH~nl Learn ho"" to: Avoid Probate Costs Avoid Conservatorship Maximize Tax Benefits Huntington Beach February 26 @ 2 p.m. Carrows 16931 Magnolia St. Complimentary Lunch Over 20.000 Salisfied CUenls let the professionals al EPICO Insurance Age ncy assist you . Seating is Limited Please Call For Reservations 24 Hours a Day 1-800-223-TRUST (I ..SOO-ll3..a717) ' --------------~--~------.. ---... -------... $500 OFF A COMPLETE EPICO LIVING TRUST Orirw this ad IDd receive SM elf your-Livi"& Trust PacU&e which includes fRU auomey assisted Eacace-pl1nnlng. 1M1 changes, and IAJ)dllcs for !ht lifetime Call For Reservations 1-800-223-TRUST ... _ o. Ntll w_c_•'-:.6!tz.ffl'E.!l_C~---'~v~~ _. ------~ HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CARPETS 230 Eost 17th 51 • Cmro Mc~o (949) 722-7224 WWW :>9\0ntl .J ""''\ ; 1'J'u'> fr J (. • a ' ' WARNING Auto an~ ~ork injury vtctuns. Injured at work? Or in a car accident? IJ.111111 i:-•.in .1hc-r ,I.; ,..,h .... knm"n~ \our nf:hl,' I), 1 "' ... 11k 1111H w." ·r 'f'C'k w1tl1 Jll\l'llC unr1I 111u rru1., 1h1\ ll1"'" .mJ. ll.ni d .iJ Ii 1 Gill 800-913-9776 it'\~~~ --....::::" ~ -~-=--~-C1~ 1t t • rn u~11• =--==-,_, HO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA • 9•9·6,5·7616 Whether You Buy or lease ... You'll Fin<l lncre<liblc \'aluc-. on Y our 1-aYori t~ Lc\u~~ It's Time ror Our Annudl Sidewdl~ Sdle ! D 'P • I. I ):Olf) GROCERY DRuG & HARDWARE Rolph1 f 1esh Foie 646 1411 Sov-on drllg> 642 121 l ,•rwn 4! lioldwort 642 1133 APPAREL Champagne 64S 67 31 WESTCLIFF I ' I . ' . . ·, 17TH STIEfl AT IRVINE AVENUE Orope1 s & Damon s 646 SS21 Kayol1 Surf Shop 63 1 2996 Thret l111'nd\ S48 988 1 SPECIALTY GIFTS & HOME DECOR Colifornto ~1yle S48 8899 Image' Hollmor~ 631 8888 ~otthe• laylor s 642 7311 FOOD Chompogne French Bokery (aft 646-0S20 Helen Gn1tt Choe~ 631 8700 Pasto lrova S48 3406 Pie• Up Shx 6SO 7849 aolplts fr~ fort ..... 64'·1411 Storbucks (off" 650-0369 HEALTH & BEA~TY llue Mambo 646 S7 46 lobert & loyb Sol.I .646 71 9 7 SERVICES AAthony's Shot lepcir loM: of AmefKO Aitftt (tfltU Moilbous, Etc. . toMrt ' llytiw s.IOll sw oa waYPa~ ~l-40S3 764-2600 S74 74SO . 631 5400 646-7197 MS S961 646 2397 \ \ Al Saturday, Febnl¥y 22, 2003 AROUND TOWN • Send AAOl#ll> 10WN items to the OeUy Plot. 330 w. Bay St., Cotta Me.a, CA 92127; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calHng (949) 674-4298. Include the drM, date and k>cdon of the eYefrt. u weft aa a contact phone number. A complete listing la availabfe at www.ct.llypilotoom. TOOAY A WOftcthop on ·unc1enm1C1ng lntematlonal Trade" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more Information, call (714) 550-7369. Globa& trend trec:Ur Jeramy Rifkin will present "Petroleum, Politic& and the Hydrogen Economy" at 2 p.m . at the Newport Beach Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Ticketa are $18, including refreshments. Register In advance by calling (866) 301-2411 or onlineat www.newportbeaclllibrary.org. MONDAY A Gl'Nt Dedaions diacuaaion of "International Food Wars: St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949-.548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8 :00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9~45 Hofy Eucharist at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Of. 8wt>ere st-art. Rect« ro. A C.O"t"fanon of 1~ AnxlU:a11 C.Om11111111011 BU/WING OUR FA/111 WV/NG CHtJST AND S£RVING OUR COl.tMUNTTY. Tu ~J Petti D. Kiynn. R.tcto1 SUNDAY 5< HWL'LE 8 mi • Holy ~.udwm 'J .un !>un<b) ~UAduJ1 B1bk 'icuJv 10 .un ·Choral l:u<lw"m · NUIW.Rl'<.ARE Al~IUBLt SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A c....ifp °'*""'fl i.,., • S.W., lnft Orid • IMI-' SMw"' The Rev. PrcJYeel"I Bunyan, Rector 3209 VIO lido =5~ 7'30 om lroditionol 9 om Conlernpo<Of'Y. , 9om Church SchoOI 11 om ChoriMOOlic ond Wedne,doy Noon . -. . . ... -... . . . Growtng Controveraies. led by John Benner la the fifth in an eight-week aeriM on U.S. foreign policy topica. The dltcu•tk>n will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Marlt Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vltta. Newport Beadl. For more Information, call (949) 760-1691. TUESOAY Women Helping Women wll host its annual open house from 4 to 8 p.m . The nonptoflt organization serves over 2,000 women annually by providing clothing to women in transition and seeking e~ployment. Refreshments will be served. The center ia at 711 West 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 423-0057. A free aemlner called "'The Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic Diseases" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. A wodtshop on •Malbting and Promotion" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University. 3390 Harbor Blvd., Presents· A Sii ·Wiii COURSI II UA19G TO aUD lllltW .. Jewillli & .......... '""' ly IAlll IWC aWOKltlll. w1ie Im ........... .., .... ...,.... TIAOM HllllW. ,_ ~ .. , ..... jlnt .... .., '"- MIY TUISNY ll8Hf AT 7:JI I'll. fll. 4. 11, 11, 2S; IUIOI 4, 11. fer ......... ~IM'I~ ,.,~ ..... ....,., ..... c-s..1w ....... __ 420 West 19th Street, CostaM~ (949) 548-7727 ev. Michael Bankhead, Pastor dull SWlday School: hildren's Choir: orship & Children's 5Wlcfa School: lOam I I' I '\I < 11' \I . -. ........... M:~ We're excited, ouc new church is \(j'J'-'-' open and we'd love to have you vi.tit St. Matthew's Church k Preschool :a pansh or the AngliC21l u tholic Church Traditional Epi..sc:opal Sunday <:;c,rv1~: 7 4~. '} 00 & 11.00 il/11 Sunday ~hool. ?:00 am 2300 Ford RoOld. Ncwpo" Beach (comer Boni1.1 Canvon & Prairir Rd) The Rev. Sitphco C. X:irlcn. Ra"lor (9-49) 2t9-0911 CHll..I> CFNfE.RED CHURCH Sunday Sa nee I Oun Boaita Creek Pm Cata, Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includet materials. For more information, call (714) 55C).7369. An opera end ...... c1ea.-.. led by local voice teacher Patricia Shanks will be held at 8 p.m. at Alta Coffee, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 723-4473. WEONESOAY A free teminer and book signing called "Anti-aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Marltet, 226 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 696-MOMS. TM Costll Mesa Chamber of Commerce will host a ·Business After Hour Mixer" from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Karl Strauss Brewery Restaurant. 901 South Coast Drive. Free for members and cost is $10 for potential members. For more information, call (714) 885-9090. THURSDAY A free Mmirwr c:allecl •Hormones, Rejuvenation, Nut.rition and Detoxification· will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Marltet, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For Newport C.entcr United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 811111 Quirt Worship Serviu /Oam Worship and Chil.drm's Sunday Srhool Youth muting u~rldy I I I 111 H \ '.. Newport Harbor Luther.in Church IE.LC.A.) 7M 0--Dr. N9wpcN't Beech TmdltloMI Lutbemn Pastor David Monge Wonhlp Service wttti Holy Communion Suncbly 9:15 am CNLDC.U. ........ UnMnity and LaV'tda St., NPB Rn. Gail Miller Alben 31\d ~. Sccphcn L A1bcrt Ministers cmatl· g;i.ilm11kr4~1phia.ntt •HOW TO FEAR TiiE RJGHT TiilNCS" (M!tthew 10:26-33) (949) 640-7343 Puau aad Cla.ildrai • Wonlaip God Togaj,u ChiJJrm in1m1n & : J>lll1iciJ>'lk in tbr senJic~ I S.rwday, febrvary ll, .2003, ~:3-0 P.M. s-d<ly, f'....,, U . 2003, 8:10 lie 10:15 A..M • ""*'-day N .... t ~ S«lldy 7:00 ,M. A + •A God-c:enrercd. parish c:ommuniry, instructed ~the Word of God · and reocwcd by the Saaament1 Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vuta Drive Newport Beach. California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vla Lido N8wpoi1 8oac:h 673-1340 or 673-6150 Olurch 10 am & 5 i:m. SUnday Schc:d 10 am WedMdlJf ~ 7 JO lll'll reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. During ·&b•-.• tor lrwNdne in Today's Market;" Internet stodt analyst Tom Taulll will dlecuaa investment strategiu at 7 p.m . at. The Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 A~ Ave., Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. TM monthly ·c.,.., ~Ing Resource" meeting, sponsored by St Andrews Presbyterian Church for those who are unemployed, will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. Free. For more lnformalion, call (949) . 574-2236. FRIDAY 0..,, F8ira lnc.'a gem, jew9lry and bead show is coming to the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center Friday noon to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building 12. Admission for adults is $5, children under 12 are tree. For more information call (760) 747-9215. S.ja fftslt will donate 15% of all sales to Share Our Selves, a MESA VllRDE UNITED ME'niOOtST CHURCH 1701 Bakw, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr Richard Georoe Rev S1ephinte Toon Semor Minisler Voulh Mm1sler Christ Church By the Sea Unotttl Me1hnJu1 1400 W. n.ilho.i Blvd .. NCW'f'Un lk~~h 8 •~ • m A.Iulo ""1.h1 '-<lwiol 8 IO & I (J • m 'I unh1p •ncfll11ldrnu "'nd.• 'IJ,..,I The Rn. Dr. Ceo~ R Crbp, f'u1or (949)673-3805 < lfHl...,11\'-. M·· .: ..... ,. .. _... •• .. ~ .• ·. U;:r • .;-A ! Spiritual Reconstruction Ahead Worship 18:00 A.M. HARIOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlaclplH of Chrfat) 2401 Irvine Ave. New110rt leaclt, CA (141) 145-5781 lillllllr. llf. DIMil llllft ST. Mill ~BffERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pacific View Or. Newpcn Beach 644-2617 ot 675-4661 Olurch IO am SUnday Sch6ol 10 am ""'11wkiy ~ 130 Pl\ • lJI _,__,., 12 ftOClll R.cY. ~r W'tllWri P. Mcl..aughlin Pastor lJ'IUAClES: Saturday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), New ...... the Git .............. ,. ..... ta ........ ...., wlM ._., ................ ,,_., .......... ..,._ I n..lltJ h'7 f9191at.) lilldlllifllllMlr<W•'Dl ... <WflQM.Seim• .... t' Sudl,. 7-JJJ (Qaia), 8:30 (Com~ 10:00 (Ow>it), 1 l:JI LIL~ mcl S:OO pa (C F 1r117) 7 ' ----"'!' -.... • --:::-~ ~ -...... nonprofit agency serving low-Income families, from 11 a.m . to 8 p.m. through March 2. Aier la required for the donation. Download the flier at www.ahareourulvn.org, or call (949) 642-3451 for more Information. MARCH 1 TM Malibu Cat Club Is sponsoring a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Exhibition Building 10, 88 Fair Drive. CoJta Mesa. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for children and seniors. For more -information. call (909) 372-9079. TM public Is Invited to vi9w •TM American Cowboy," an exhibit of dramatically lighted photographs by Howard Folsom, on display through April 30 at the Newport Beach Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For m ore information. call (949) 717-3816. A Mardi Gras CeWMwtion held at M arriott Suites at 12015 Harbor Blvd. in Anaheim to benefit Share Our Selves, a volunteer organization dedicated to providing services to those in need will be held on Saturday at 6 p.m. Dinner and dancing New Orleans' Style will be featured, along with a Mardi Gras mask contest. Cost is $75 per person. For reservations, call Karen Harrington at (949) 642-3451, send e-m ail to kha"ington@shareourselves.org. Visit the Web site at www.shsreourselves.org to learn m ore. .. ,...,.. Night Outl" hosted by Costa Mesa's Recreation Division, invites teens in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades for a group excursion to the Staples Center to see the Los Angeles Clippers and Seattle Supersonics on Saturday. Teens w ill meet at the Downtown Recreation Center at 5 p.m. Saturday and leave for the Staples Center at 5:15 p.m. They will return at 10:30 p.m. The coS1 is S30. whicn includes tickets, JWA Continued from Al M e-.a ~reewayJ offramp." she said. "But we don't anticipate a huge delay becau~e of that.· On Thur..day and Friday. M cCarley said she observed that there were more delays on Lhe Campus Drive entrance dunng pealc hours. "So passengers may save some time 1f they use the Costa Mesa Freeway enLrance." 'ihe said. "We do suggest that pas- LANES Continued from Al Opposition remaim, how- ever, including from the Me'><l Verde Community I lomeown- crs Assn . Robin Le fler, a Mesa Verde resident, said she oppose1> the project because she doesn't feel it provide any value to the ci ty. "We don't really need an other retail store." Lerner said. "The loss of the recreation is sad . It was something that really ben- efited the community, gave us a . Daily Piiot transportation and supervision . Registration• are aocepted by walk-In patron• only at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more informetion, call Robby Waite (714) 327~7560. • '•5o1o Voicee,· • t..tiwl of student-directed one--person , plays. will be staged by Orartpe Coast College's Repertory The~tre Company in the Orama Lab ' 1 Studio at Oran1e Coast Colld(ie. Curtain Is set for 8 p.m. Saturqay evening, and at 2 and 7 p.m .' ~ Sunday. Tickets are $6 and rltay be reserved In advance by caftlng (714) 432-5726, or may be purchased at the door for $7. • ' . MARCH2 A~Knee~ with John Childers will be held Sunday, M arch 2. from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Full Spectrum Yoga, 2018 Quail St., Newport Beach. ni.t worltshop focuses on lea ming more about your knee.s, especially for bow legged a~ kn<><*-ltneed people and peopfe with hyper extension, sore la:>Ms, knee injuries and tom meniswses. It will include postures for the care and , S1rengthening of knees. The cbst is $30 in advance or $35 at the door. For more information, call Full spectrum Yoga at (949) · 955-1965 or send e-mail to ful/spectrumyoga (ti)earthlinlt.net. Th• Spirit of Adoption presents •Room for One More.# Three families share their experiences of opening their hearts and homes from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stewart Lounge. Free. For mote information, call (9491631-8758 . MARCH3 A GrMt ~ di9cuaab'I of ·china in Trans1t1on· Is Real ' Change Imminent?" is the siJCth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy tOPICS The discussion w ill be led by John Austin from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Marlt Presbyterian Church. 2.100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information, call 19491 760-1691. senger~ arrive at least 2Y, bours before their 'cheduled fught to allow Lime fur parlcinK. check-in and the 1-Ccurity !>Creening prol .. e<i!. ... All vehicle.., C'ntcnng the park· ing ..,trullure~ wiU abo be checked. Mccarley "'1.ld the au- port ha' b('(•n d111ng th..it c,ince Sep1. 11 A map of 1ht> roJd dosores and other routes. dlld oth er in- formauon I'> available at the :air- pon ", Weh ~ite, www.ocairrom. lnformauon can al'iO be ob- tamed by i:aJhng l<M9J 252-5200. FYI WHAT: Costa M esa Planning Commission meetmg WHEN: 6:30 p.m . M onday WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Dri1te INFORMATION: (7 14) 754-5245 little focus, .,.,methmg to : do. And the 1>i7t• of that particular re tail !Morel 1s overly inteni.e for this h11le area.· Commisi.ion er Walt Daven · pon saJd he wa' taktng a d ose lo~k at the pro1ec1 dei;ign and m1~t not agree with Lhe plan- ners recommendation . Famous Parking Lot Partt This Sunday, February 23rd . 9-4pm ·- "The Best Way I Know to Dress for Lesst Free Re~hments -Let's Pa • 2731 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mat • (949) 675-5553 , ~------------------..-..---------------~--,.,.....------~--..,.._...,.__ ba11y Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS Soroptimists honor those with hea rt GETTING INVOLVED vofunteen to a-.r Wi1tl naturalist-led tours and program&; apedal event.a end .,.bftat res«>retion pro;eaa. The int~etive oeo11er is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beacti. (714) 973-6829. T he Pacific Oub was 1he siLc of the SoroptimiM lntemational of Newpon · r Maners of the I lean er, which honored two •· le who make a difJcrencl.' in {>\If oommunlty. , •. ,Honored were Sandra fb..,..e. president of the prange County Olapter of the ~ Q,asan 8. Kamen Breac,1 Cancer ' Foundation. and Mary Ann O'Colu:lell of Women Build of Habitat for Humanjty. Honored with the Viole1 f3ichardson Award, which recogn1zes young women for lhm • wJunteer service. ww. Coron.a del '·Mar High School studen1 Andrea SIM:>lopos. who wus accompanied by her proud parents, Audrey and Gary ~ • Jecql.dn n Anll8t.Mlo of lhe , Soroptimisl Oub WdS a most abk· master or ceremonies for the . event. which Wc1S chaired by Sue ffmddodg and Diane A5he. ~ ' Serving on the plaruling committee were Sally Brockett. ~ Gnly, Alexa c:aldweU, Joan Weeks. Kathy Long. Pamela Adame. Kathleen Ellion-Oinon K.alhy Aores, Dalla Badajos, ao-llnda Lopez. Magna Schley SeuWt Wanhauer, Lois ~and Marty Regan The evening. sponson-'t.l 111 largl· pan by Northern Tru.,t. Of><.'lll'tl .it 5~ with a reception. a s1len1 auction and piano mu-.ie by John Hllyne9 for the 180 J,'llt"'" 111 anendance, mclud111K Marian ' Bagiewn. Lynn and Rodger Tpmalm. Bu1>ara Kenady. Bob c.oodridl. Er1c and Heather ~and many ft.11lltl) .mcl lriends of the honrm."t."" Proceeds from dw C'\'t'nt will support the club\ work with Interval House. lntl.'rfaith 'itwlt1·r. Avon'!> Breast (..anc er Walk. IJrnh ... for Life and Womm\ Opportunities Awanh. Congratulaoons 111 the henorees. May your lwartfdt service cononue ACADEMY AWARDS OF JIM DE BOOM EDUCATION: That is th~ phrase Nonn Loats. president or the Newpon Mesa School Foundation, w.edwhen welcoming more than 400 gue.tc; to the annual Gram~ to Tt>acher. Awanb l>inner held al the I lyall Nt'wpuner last wt•ek. Loats noted Lhat 204 gran1 appticat1oru. were n.>t·e1ved from 29 ..chool<o, 53 reader. from the com111urnty -.cret>n the apphuitmn . ., and more than $2.80,CXXJ wa., av.".ude<l 10 teacher<. in the foml of 84 grcllll'>. Hcurl'tl '>Chool pnnc1pal and found.Jllon hoanJ member Sam Paulson had the tun JOb of the evcmn~ of calling II tnh the rec1p1enl'> dlld pre...entmK tht·m their gr'Jlll d1Kk.'>, while Jlrn Roberts prlMded 1nu.,1cal entt·rta.inment. < .r..ull' of '>(.'Wm.I humJre<l dollar. to \.\'l'U uver $9.IXXI \\en· given out to aid da.-.wiom HThtrur11on 111 our 'o< hot1l\. ( 1ffillh wt·rc 'J>Hn'oOred by ~dllun,tJ lllll'-'l'Nly. Boem~ tlw Automol111l· Ouh ul 'iouthem ( ..ahfon 11a dfld 1 lcmg I loc;p11al, .111d by individual-; and lamilie'> "11t h d.., John and Donna Crean. Joanne and Dennis Keith. Kevin and Teresa Btacldedge. c.l!ld AJben and PrankJe Jlerelstein Till' ( .11 .. ld Mt .... t (Ir.ill!;(' ( .O..t'-1 Brl.'alf,L'>I I JIJTl'> C lull arrtl tJw LO'-ld \ll-....1 \\'rnm·n' Cl ub 'pon-.rm'tl tt•Jt hl'r gr.u11 ... tor tlw fiN tum· 1111-. ~t\tr (.I ~ef'tmm and ~111' w u lt>r\HOll' the dmrn·r' fnr 1h1· gr.mt H'I. 1p1l'"'" '\ftl·r 1lw prt"'4'nt,1111111 of t11t· grant\, Unda Mook. outgrnng pn.-...1dt•111111 th t• '\t'\\J'l<lr1 \lt'"-1 h.-dl'ratum ol 1c·a1 lwr.. il'-'l"ted 11} 1r11t·nr11 rn .... 1de111 Bob Kelley. rm"-<·11l1'tl ii fl'adwr of tht· Yedr .\ward 10 .1 lt';tlh1·r from t>dch 11f 1h1· dl\l fll I .. , 111 campuses/programs. F.ach teacher received a $2.500 check.. Going on to the Orange County Teacher of the Year competition are Judy 'nlylor of I incoln Elemenwy. Peter Selby of Corona del Mar Middle School and Pauline Maran1an of Estancia 1 ligh School. CHAMBER DAY The Corona del Mar O\amber of Cornmen::e will hold its monthly luncheon a1 I I :30 p.m. Tuesday at the Five Crowns Restaurant. The chamber will hold 1ts February mixer on the !>ame day at 5:30 p.m. a1 Tommy Bahamas. For reservdtions. call the chamber office at (949) 67'.i-4050. STAR SEARCH Talented kids 6 to lfl years old are.invited to Lake pan in the Search for Talent competition presen1e<l by the Exchange Oub of Ncwpon Harbor. ·me event will take place at the Oa'>is auditonum at 6:30 p.m. Pnday. March 14,For enlry hldllk.'i or information. t:a11 Deane Bottorf al (949) 673-870 I. IJ1Ln~ mu.-.1 be m h) March 8. -.Cl hurry WORTH REPEATING: From " f'hought for the Day" prn\idt'tl by Greg Kelley of the Newpon Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: "When wealtll is lost, nothmg is lost When health i.' lo'>t. '>OnlC'thtng is lost \\/hen charaetcr I.!> lost. cverythmg L'> 10.,1," -Author Unknown SERVlCE CLUB MEETINGS THIS COMING WEEK TUESDAY 7:30 a m : The 40-member 'ewpon Keach Sunn.se Rotary tlub.will mee1 at Five Crowns for a program by Bill Montford on the new Sea Scout Base. WEDNESDAY 7:15 a rn .. The 20-member !x>ulh Loa.-;t Metro Rotary Oub H.J. Garrett Furniture ' I Full Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A hw11(y Tradi11on ~( Proz•iding Serr•ict and Value 221 S Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. diru Sat. I 0 t<> G, Sun. 12 co 5 Q uality Service Value will meet al the CenlCr Oub ( www.soutlu:oastmetro rowry.orgi: and the Newport Harbor IGwanl-. Oub will meet at the Umver.ity Athletic Oub. Noon: ·1ne Exchange Club of the Orange Coast will m eet at tt1<· Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for ii presentation by Sandy Pried.man of Calcrans. 6 p.m.: ll1e Rotafy Oub of Newpon-Ba.lboa will mt"t.'t al the Bahia Corinthian Yacht <lub for ii student singing conte...t. TliURSDAY 7 am.: ·m e 20-plu., ml·mlwr Costa Me<.a-Orange C.oa.<.t Break.fast Lions Oub for a <,tudeni !>peaker contest Noon: 'fbe SO-member <..o.,ta Mesa Kiwanis Oub will met'I at the I lollday lnn. the ">O ml'mber ewpon Bt>ach-Comnd dt'I Mar Kiwdllis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yarht 011b for a program by golf profe....,1onal R.s~ Carrasco lwww.ldwarn<o.o~' club costamesa); the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newpon Harbor will ml'<'I at thl' Nt..,, port Harbor Nautical Mu"t'um, Jnd lhe 100-member :'\:e\,pon-lmm· Rowy Ouh wt.IJ met>t .11 the Atrium I l01el for '>J">et·t h t1.ntl '>tnging cont~!.'> { IL!WllWifOlllf).O~ • COMMUNITY & ClUBS IS published Saturdays Sena your service club's mee11ng information by fax to 19491 660-8667 by 1: mail to 1deboom a aot com. or ~ mail to 2082 S.E BriSlol, Su11e 201 Newpon Beacti, CA 97660-1740 •GETTING INYOUIED runs periodlcally in the Dally Pilot oh a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list cat.I (949) 674-4298. MENTOft PROGRAM YMCA Community SeMoes needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to Improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 649-9622, ext.35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's on~ nonprofit resident chamber orchestra needs volunteers fcx ticketing, ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The rect:Nely center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeb volunteers. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; or Joy. (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is loolUng for NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENC£ AHO VISITORS BUREAU The bureau Is dedlca1ed to the promotion of the city to potential visitots. Volunteers with extensive knowtedge of Newpof't Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH PU8UC LIBRARY FOUNDATION . The library found'atioo' needs extra hands to perfonn dericaf duties, such as filing, organizing and stuf'fing envelopes. at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering muSJC appreciation so classical music will endure. (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The com parry needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, mallfH.lp a pplrcat1on, set construct1on. ted)nrcal help, publicity, stage management and badcstage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LJ<Saf'iilao/ com • Sem1-Pnvate for Men & Women • Lois of Equipment Free Weights • Polates Slud•C & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theate•-l·<.ensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Barn-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Pan<ong • Yoga Tar Chi Stretch Classes • Step . Power Pul""lp Card10 • Showers Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Genier • Permanen1 Make-Up • Shape-Up Harr Care • Acupuncture Acupressure Wellness Chmc: t\OJ~~ MIKE'$ ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & O perated bv M C''>cl Uphol ... tPrv • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring Featuring A LLOC No C lue lns tall.Jt1on Carpet ...,~, v\1-l • s2Q§ -s q ft Jn.;,talled Wood Berber Carpet Flooring Refinishing & New '"\t-l....,~ s 1 es Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic "'1-l '~' s 1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring -\)~•1 0 \'\\! aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S1Jte4a ~ESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REUPBOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads ! .1. f.q\· l\ ~h11\\r1'1'r11 • 'j~ I tl~2-()4()() -, • II 4 ' c . • • -• AlO Saturday, February 22, 2003 oo-· I The ·challenge Illade hilll shoot it l ' .. Howard Folsom 's latest photography exhibit documents the life of the American cowboy. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot H e prefers polar bears 10 horses and has no particular fascination with cowboys. For I Iowa.rd Folsom, ii was all abou1 the challenge of being behind the camera that inspired his latest photography eXhibil, "The American Cowboy." Folsom envisioned beautiful images captured through Lighting. action and dust. lots of dust. Now after about four 6ve-day trips over six years, those images have been manifested on film and paper, and they will be on display at the Newport Beach C-entral Library from March l to April 30. Photographing a working ranch in Bend, Oregon, Folsom captured the drame of the Wild West and the cowbOys who live there. "It is very impressive to see because they are galloping at full speed on uneven terrain with the horses ahead and they are trying 10 gel the lasso on them," Folsom said. "This is not for the amateur, this is a s1ep up and beyond." It took a skilled photographer 10 capture such skiJJed riders on film. Fast action had to be caplurcd under low light. early morning or evening condltions. None of the most challenging aspects was changing film in the middle of a dust storm." he said. Folsom explains how he did it: It took a 101 of luck. a lot of patience and a lot of film. During each trip. he wen I through more than I ,000 exposures on SO to 60 rolls of film. It involved talcing chances and making good guesses about what mighl happen next. Nlf (the action I is in your area. there is only about four to six seconds to catch ii before it is gone again," he said. Ranch life is not so foreign to Folsom who was raised on a farm in Riverside. 11 was not until he was FYI WHAT: "The American Cowboy" photo exhibit WHERE: Newport Beacb Central Library at 1000 Avocado Ave. WHEN: March 1 through April 30 INFORMAJlON: Call (949) 717-3816. drafted into the army In 1942 that he finally got to sleep in until 5:30 am. "You don't have to get up to milk the cows in the army." he said. In 1948, he opened Harbor Photo in Corona del Mar, "which was not much of a town then." I I arbor Photo has remained in the ~ame location on the East Coast Highway and under See CHALLENGE, Pace Al4 PHOTOS BY SFAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Mark Wood of Newport Beach-strums his 12-string acoustic guitar. He has just released a country album and an album inspired by eclectic iazz. Wood, who has played music for most of his life, can play several instruments. Below, two of his guitars rest against his piano. The working musician Mark Wood has been performing many types of music for more than 25 years By Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot N ewpon Beach resident Mark Wood has been on the road of music since he was 11 years old. He has traveled worldwide and dabbled in everything from rock to country. His latest journey has been the release of two CDs. "I moved to c:alifomia 20 years ago and started playing with the keyboard player from Journey, Jonathon Caine, and did all the Hollywood stuff, writing sonw; and doing session work." Wood said. Since 1983, he has spent a lot of time developing different bands. "Around 1991, I went to Nashville.• Wood said. ·The whole industry changed. My music was acoustic. vocal based, and I decided to shift my TODAY focus." Wood was dealing with the uncertainty of signing with an independent label. He was getting advice from all sides and was told he'd be genii\g a deal with a major label. That djdn't come to fruition, either. "I wrote a lot of country and played at the Blue Bird in Nashville and got established there," Wood said ... All the while, I dld club dates. ~ion work and wrote for commercials.." To make a living, he was doing 340 shows a year. When he came back to Newport, he Look a different tum in his musical career. "My daughter was at Newport Elementary School, and I got involved with 1ust Read', a reading program in the Newport-Mesa area. which later became state mandaled, • SUNDAY Wood said. Wood volunteered as a music reacher in I 992 because there weren't any music teachers. ·All the while. r was I was playing six or seven nights a week in the clubs." Wood said. N All these years, J had been a musician -I started playing prof~ionally when I was I I -and in that time. I didn't really have srudents. I reali7~ how much they needed it" Music as a learning tool is integral, Wood said. "I realized how big in the learning p~ music is in opening m.inch and helping with other subjects like math and reading," Wood said. ·it's all a part oCgeneral education." He said that ,with aJJ he has accomplished and experienced, he really feels fortunate about his life See MUSICIAN, Paa• Al4 MONDAY 1 --It out loud. Cover bend The Shout.I wUI bring you ell the ndtn' IOOIQ of todey end ")=·==a;:· Z 8ar II I mix of jazz, IOUI, 3 .... .., ... ..,c.111 ..... .......... ~ ... -pop pilnO b 11IN•'l 1t I p.m. It y1•1~r It Newpott'a otdelt ber, lhe ... ... Ila et 107 2t• St For ~,.cell (9'9) f76..233B. ' funkandedKtkbMla. OJ ..... ~ ................... .. lheu•......_ Nto, perfoin.,.wll be .... ................. Doors wll apen 1111 p.m. end...,. II no cowr. Dlllall a.llM IGW .... St., ~Mllila.forlnlDrmllla1ttlll._ IGlll ~ ...=ll=lt--llde ..... . ............... OllC. -1m. . TUESDAY . Howard Folsom spent months ranch p graphing American cowboy I' COURTESY HOWARD FOLSOM THEATER Verona has small town feel in SCR' 'Gentlemen':; By Tom Titus S hakespearr\ play-. Lr.tvel wrll. Direct have lrclflSjX>~'tl 1heir ..ettinw; to an number of plat'('<, on earth -even. one production of"( . .ornedy of Errors,· on another planet. When "Two Gentlemen of Verona" open" al South Coast Repertory next week. audience, will be t.reatl'<.l to a very familiar semng - small-town America in the 1950s. in which such lV shows as "I lappy Days" and "Leave It to Beaver were siruated. "We like to call the design 'reO'o-futuristic,'" said director t-1ark Rucker, who<;t• prcviou!> SCll produc1ions of "Much Ado About FYI WHAT: "Two Gentlemen of Verona• WHERE: South Coast Repen ory. Segerslrom Stage. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa WHEN: Opening Feb. 21 and continuing through March 30, with performances Tuesdays through! Fridays at 8 p.m .. Saturdays at 2:30 • and 8, Sundays at 2:30 and 7:30. J COST: $27 to 54 • CALL: (714) 708-55 Nothing" and Nl he Tammg of the Shrew" drew just about as much prdi'iC for their "" "look" and their "feel" a' thl'ir actual perfonnance. Rucker ha.' directed 1111. •o pmductions of Shakespearean pla~ :'Ion ~ing as familiar with "l\vo Gentll'tn• i" ru. with some of the Bard's other wo .... he !>iJjd, ·There is an opponunjty to dlSCtM:r someching in the play 11' 11 I haven't seen elsewhere." For ·iwo Gentlemen," Buder hao; created a Verona resembling an ideali71.'d small-t America for which the dil'el.'11 was inspired by advertisements nf thP IY •. The.play starts in a setting thi. · 1i: Vt:• y idealistic and slightly naive, "full o .... hat I consider to be an idyllic Americana sensibility," he notes. _ "Then, the characters journey to a place which is still iconic and American, but is • 11 very sophisticated and exotic." Rucker sut "We envisioned Verona as a kind of 'Everytown USA.' and Milan as futuristic 'Metropolis.'" "The 'recro-futurlstic' worid ofttm production has the idealistic sensibility of those 1950s advertisements that l~ the future, .. Ruder said.· "The idea is to • convey a sense of dancer and excitement.. • We need to see what it would be like rot a young man from small town USA to ll'll1ill!lllli H car p.rr f'IC fl Ver JtS . •fl wll l sec Mi Lyt Co 66 . ~ I\ M Al ar M 11'1 s; tk B! 'L 0 " p 2 T s c c c Dally Pt1ot SOC I ETY THE CROWD Society hosts sister and sheriff T aller San Jose, also known as St. Joseph's Workshop . based in Santa Ana and ' dedicated to educational a~~istance and job training for roun.g adults. has taken a major eap tn th.e Newport-Mesa community this year. attracting d cross-<;ection of support from B.W. COOK civic. business and social organ- izations. Joy and Vlnce McGulness opened their coastal residence, welcoming Orange County Sheriff Mike Caronato 'P~ak to the crnwd on the 'µli>je<.:t of "Crime and It's Prevention in Orange County~ 1n conjunction with the work of laller San Jose laller San Jow founder Sister Eileen McNerney, who continues to serve as executive director of the program, joined < ,arona in discussing the value uf community partiClpation and networking with young people to help divert them from the gang lifesryle. Prominent locals in .111endance were RJchard and Hyla Bertea. Donna and George Hill of Linda Isle and Bruce and Lynn Petter. Also 'upporting the cause was Ordnge County fashion maven Marte St. John Gray. founder of \1 John Knits. QUEEN Of HEARTS Ihe Queen of Heart'> ruondation, dedicated to r;m1ng fund~ for ovarian cancer rt•,earch. held Its third annual 1•\t>nt ar the Four Sca5ons I lotel. Newpon Beach. The lad1 e!> in charge took the h'Uests on a lime Lravel trip back. 10 the 1~60'1 for an evening of 'Ifie Lmyest, !J inest, . !J rimdlii.st 13eautySupp{y & !fuff5erviceSalon Jn Orange C aunty NEW ARRIVAl.S OF StrrtchtJ,k PtrwruJiuJ Br"'Jn:s ·Beach Blanket Boogje." The casual summer party in the dead of winter was an enormous success for founders Kim Beaudette and Cathy Greinke. With tremendous support from cominittee members Karen AJnJes, Kristin Baker, Robin Btt\ftr, Shelley Brose, Mary Byers. Barbara Dove. Paddy Eapley-Jones a nd Lori Hunter, to name only a few, m ore than $80,000 was raised. "There are 26,000 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year and 14,000 wtll die," Queen of Hearts President Kim Beaudette said. Beaudette founded Queen of Hearts with her sister and their families in memory of their mother Ann Sanborn Oobble. who was afllicted with ovarian cancer. Their goal is education. prevention and fu nding research to find a cure. For more information, call Beaudette at (949) 275-1775. LUMINARIES OF FASHION Barbara Nielson of Newport Beach will co-chair the upcoming spring fashion '>how for the Luminaires, a support group for the esteemed Doheny Eye Institute of Southern California. The 2003 spring collection of St. John Knits will be featured in the presentation that will take place al the Beverly Regent Hotel. Beverly Hills on March 20. Nielson will be joined by a host of local support traveling north to raise funds to assist in research aimed at restoring. pre'>erving and improving eyesight for people of all ages Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. .... 50-75o/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignment Apparel CE . ~~he style~ "'-369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 1 M , Sal 10-5, Soo. 12-4 ". 949 642-1844 We 'II t.each p how to relax at will, any time, anywhere Let us show you how you can quickly ~in pater health, happiness, peace of mind ... and ~ a surplus of energy. Because Yo~ Center tuchers were tr.liMd by a yoga INS'ter. our classes ~r HatN Yoga stmching exercises taught in an usy, natural W¥f as wet! as deep mediation and other simple tKhniques for Mholdiog onto~ the puce and rNJt.1tion you get from Hatha Yoga. For one low monthly fee, you IN)' attend IS man)' dnses per week IS you lilce. Come join us at the only Yoga Center se..w. 0ranp County for <Mt' 31 )'HB. Cal (949)' 646-1211. ,_ DIMONllUftONI-10• & 711J::. We4 ,._,,Mr DI ............... ,, ................ .... IUJlllLQIL8"ng.,_M.,. 9'11120df~-monlholrl 111 ) Sister Eileen McNerney 1oms Newport Beach re sidents Donna Hill, Shirley Harris, and Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona. anti all nrcumstant·t·~. ficket~ to tht' 'how art.' $200 am.I may be reserved by calling Susanne Schiff a1 (626) 44 I ·2595. Anti ),peaking of f:kverly llill5. one of that community's mo..,t glamorous ci1i1ens. form er Mt \5 America Mary Ann Mobley ColJins. will grace Orange County o n March 20 a., the Cre!>cendo Oiapter of the C ruilds of the Performing Art~ Ct'ntcr will pre<;ent her tu the local crowd. "I have had the same addre\'I, the '>ame phone numher and the same husband for 34 yt:'ar-.. ," ~aid Mo.bley Colli ni.. who i:. married 10 TV I.1-r Cs RI Y<H 'R #1 CHOI< I· L<><:·\l I\' I 1111« lo/.(,.,,,.,, )11111 '"''"''''4 r Rabbirt Insurance Agency AUTO 0 HOMtOWNE:RS •HE.Al.TH \1i1l"blJ' \1•1rr J•J'i"' ~~ ~s ('JJ 949-631-7740 ' ... Old Nfwpon Bhd. • Nrwpon Bach CNar lfoag Hospital) host Gary ColJi ns. She will speak ro the local audience on her \<tried carec•r in !>how bu~ine~., anti hn involvement in publil <,erviu~ The lecture J!> open to rhe public, and the CO'>I 1<. $<!5 at the door For more information. pltoa<,c· call !7 I 4J 771 -467Y. •THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saru rdays Crevier MINI S~nU '""Auto Milt• SS Frwy ot Edlngct (888) 823-9808 --- MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WAl.K1NG SHOES 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 949-642-FEET Now Serving Sandwiches. • Custom Made • Fresh SunFlour Bread • Boar's Head Meat & Cheese Rrdffll1 I h1• < 1>0pon !or ~I Ott \Ji'\'( hr1l1 ~d-.1.f• \1u« Pmcm ( oupon \t l 11'1l( Of Pur,ha.'C Hurn' RcdCC'm B•· ~I !f!IO.~ I~-, \-'1 1 \'1 '1 1 I ( 1• I' \li"'I ')f'I (q(\ \1111 \I ! I If ' II • • 111 I -I I t ) 'f j I 't \. I \ I ' Saturday. feb<uary 22. 2003 AJ 1 ENGAGEMENTS Cbesebro-Ooodma Mt. and Mn. ....... CJt.,.ebro of Corona del Mar announce dw enpgemetlt of lbeir daUlhter. ~ Joy Chewbro of Corona del Mu. to Brian David Goodman of Ovttland Pllk. Kan. The bride-elect gmduaaed from Corona def Mar High aocl the Uni'Yenity of San Diego. She earned bet masters' in Spanish from New York Un.henity. Sbe teaches Spaniah at Chapman Univenity Candace in Orange. , Chesebro.and The future bridepoom, aon of Mr. and D~-Goodman Mrs. Fredric a Goodman of leaWood. ~-· ICansas, graduauid from Blue Valley · . North High Sch.ool and Indiana Uniftnity. He earned his law degree from the Un.iven.lty of JCansu. He is the senior corporate counsel wJth Padolan in ll"Yine. An Alig. 9 wedding is planned in Newport .Beach. Brower-Bisaccia Mark and Donna Brower of Corona del Mar announce the enpgement of their daughter, Erica Brower of Corona del Mar, to Anthony Bisaccia. ofNewpon Beach. The bride-elect graduated from Corona deJ Mar High and UC Santa Barbara The future bridegroom, son of Alben and Patri~ Bisaccia of Danville, <:alif., graduated from Moote VUJta High School and UC Santa Barbara. A July 12 wedding is planned at Our Lady Queen of Angels Omrcb in Newport Beach. Erica Brower and Anthony Bisaccia • WEDDINGS AHO ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at (949) 574-4298. T ARYN ROSE Featured r.)n talk shr_,,..,s not•on ... .de Jrthopi;.o surgt.-<Jn Dr Tor (I C J:.: d.,. gr1~ ty,.ovt•ful !.y;•....,"'(Jf u51ng onl, the tir.es1 rnatl'-r 1als for lu..:ur { and comfort Just urie step and ,o,, .., iii t-::el rhe difference ~~(~1~.~~d 949-644-5939 Corona del Mar Plaza 836 Awcodo Avenue, Newport leodl Near lristol Farnts Nobody does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE Family Ownui Sinu 1879 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles •@umnwWJJ. CONSIGN • DESIGN QIUlliJJ FunaislWags cl Accessorie1 For Yow 80111e Oval Cowee Table ..................... .-._ ...... -... ·-·······595• ()ccasic>raal C"ha.lr •••..•••••....•••••.•...•.•.•..•••.•.••••••. $2W Drexel Heritqe Square Cotree Table ........... $200- ScJfL ................ -.................... ._.. •••••...•••..•.••.••••.• $115" Plne Buffet ........................................................... $3.50" Pair of <kaslonal Chain/Ottoman ............. $37.S- "lllancl Style'' Rec:llMr" ......................... --........... SSW 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa M~ ................... ,.. Phone (949) 764-1746 Al2 Saturday, February 22, 2003 • AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list is available •t www.dallypilotcom. MUSIC ~·WINNING MARK O'CONNOR Grammy Award-winning fiddler M ark O'Conner will make his jazz club debut at Founders Hall on Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15, at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. His performances will spotlight h.ls new CO, Hin Full Swing,H a tribute to his mentor, late French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tickets are $49 to $46 and are available at the Center Box Office. online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-787~. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa. GRAMMY-NOMINATED JAZ1. TRUMPETER IN CONCERT Grammy·nominated jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard will be in concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall on Friday and March 1 with performances at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m . ndcets are $52 for the early shows. $48 for the 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center Box Offiee, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. WESLA WHITFIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall through today at 7:30 p.m Tickets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. RICHARD STRAUSS' 'SALOME' Opera Pacific will unveil a new production of Richard Strauss' HSalome" The opera embodies sensuality. sexuality and willful indulgence. The opera will take place Tuesday, Friday and March 1 and 2, with evening performances at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday performance at 2 p.m. ndcets are $25 to $120. It will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. TICkets are available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 60Q Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanislav Loudenitch to perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor at 8 p.m . March 12 and 13 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tickets are S19 to S59, available at the Center Box Office, online at www ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa. THE PRAZAK QUARTET One of the classical music world's leading international chamber • ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m . March 13. The quartet will perform Beethoven's String Quartet in F No. 1, Janacek'• String Quartet No. 1 and more. The Prazak Quartet will perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall. Tickets are $43. available at the Center Box Office, onfine at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. VIENNESE DELIGHT Cate Ludwig's host pianist, • Christopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m . in Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $45, (714) 556-2122. SHIRLEY JONES AND FRIENDS Broadway, motion picture and TV star Shir1ey Jones will join comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra in concert at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ndcets from $37 to $43 can be purchased at the college or by calling (714)'432-5880. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m . Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 75~0121. JAZ.2. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. M onday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188. .... -,,,. DATEBOOK SOUNDS OF IRELAND Irish Troupe, Dublin's traditional cabaret, will perform at Orange Coast College at 8 p.m. March 1 in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. The 15 Irish performers will provide the audience with dancing, singing and humor. The theater is at 2701 Fairview Road. nckets are $33. For information, call (714) 432-5880. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents M onday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted~ musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien {known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will Perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newpo rt Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthonv'• is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP·ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a fuok, rode and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders perfo rms classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675· 1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 45()0 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 47~2001. STAGE 'AN EVENING OF IONESCO' Orange Coast College's Repertory company will feature several short plays by one of the theater's most famous absurdist playwrights. Eugene Ionesco. The production will run througt) Sunday in the Drama Lab Studio. Curtain is at 8 p.m. Saturdays and at 2 and 7 p.m . Sundays. Tickets are S6 or $7. For information or Daily ,Pilot tlc:kets, call (714) 432-6640. eX1, 1, Orange Coast College la at 27qf ~ Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. 'TWO GENTLEMEN Of VER~ William Shakespeare's #Two ••• • Gentlemen of Verona# will be performed at the South Coast .. Repertory on the Segen;trom .• Stage from Friday through MarCh 30. Preview tickets start at s1a For tickets, (714) 708·5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'PROOF' ~Proof; the Tony Award-wlnn1ng play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coa9' Repertory, 650 Town Cente1 Drive. Cqsta Mesa through Sunday. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father. Performapces will be at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular nth $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555. .. 'UTTlE SHOP Of HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Deportment will offer #Little Shop of Horrors-through Sunday. The play. directed by Jay Louden, will be performed at 2 See HOURS, Page Al 3 ~ALDEN'S 1·10\)R COVLRl:-.iC A~P 0 '\lOM Wl'\l><l'X Cm HH'\1 ,, 1663 Placentia, Costa Me a 949-646·4818 ~ •••••••••••••• !!lJrighton. AVAILABLE Alf: :h :or g at IS I h av 13 ' . • HOURS continued from Al 2 p.m. Sunday. Tidcets are SS, 3443 hclfic View Drive, (949) 219-0900. fl)OlER ON THE ROOF' vanguard University will present !ti third main stage production of •flddler on the Root.• The play will n.m through Feb. 23, and a second leg w ill run Feb. 27 to March 2. It will play at the school's Lyceum Theater, 55 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 668-6145. 'KAVAUER ANO CLAY' Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon's play "The Amazing Adventures of Kavaher end Clay• will be presented Monday, Marcti 3, at 8 p.m. at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. T1dcets arll $35 and $29. For tidcets, go to the ticket box office, or call (949) 8544846. 't..ARMWE PROJECr Orange Coast College 1s staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Pro1ect• Maren 19 through Maren 23 in the Orama Lab Theatre TiJcets are $12 and S8 and are sold at the door and by caning (7 14) 432·5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. BALIUUTY 1111••••1 .... 20% ~:. OFF •. with tltl• coupon Not 11•"4 wfflt 1ttty othw o#lw. ••c,_,.• u ln care pro4uc:ta. We .ccept •II c~fffor'9 coupon•. E11plrH~ -------• FULL SERVICE SALON • SEE US FOR ALL YOUR COLOR QUESTIONS • SENIOR ClTIZEN DISCOUNT ON SUNDAYS ~~? -.IUUTY . t ••••••• h• • 269 E. 17th St., Costa Me5G .. -Sat ,_..JO to 1:00, Ml. 12-S (949)642-4482 ~ ou have done ever) th mg l your agent recommended Lo make your home look wonderf ul--and. you have cut tlae price to lhe bone. Then an d1rer comes m which i~ so low Cbat you are offended! h it gossible to reconcile yo ur ifferences and reach a mlcting of the mind~ when aced with such an off er? t: may not ta ke many • .....,..,.....,.,ions from you to make · work if the people who love your house also love to bargai n. Even though it seems that you are very far apart in dollar or terms. the real di.~tance may not be aJ I that great. Your Realtor can help you determine if the buyers arc ready, willing and able to carry through with the transaction. If they ~ qualified, the next tcp involves. looking at your differences. Make a list of the discrepancies. and then begin to look for areas where you have some flexibility. You may have to go back and forth several times in order to make the transaction work. The trick is to be patient and to DOC take the process persooaJJy l Lylccn and Jeff have 30 con.ecutive years of real estlfe expcricnce in Newport Beach. for ,,orm1ou1 terTice or whit ... ,.., ral .... aldltl ..... c.... Ntwpert~ 11111111• .. (MJ) 79-JM ..... --................ ~-:;;;:;a::::.:;: --7"----.-----, D ATE BOO K ~tut0df febfWfy 'U. t003 AlJ STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE·PERSON PLAYS "Solo Voices; a festival of student-directed one-person plays, will be staged Mardl 1 and 2, at a p.m. Sarurday and at 2 and 7 p.m. on Sunday. rtdcets are $6 and $7 and can be purchased at the door or by calling (714) 432-5725. Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. begin at $10 and can be purchased online at www.nbtco.org. or by phone et (949) 759-1046. The shows are •t 7:30 p.m . Friday and Saturday and at 3 p.m. Sunday. Performances will be at Linooln School, 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. installation of two m olded plywood su b·woofer loveseats that play an original bass composition, and whose frequencies are tuned specifically to the building's architecture. The exhibit will also include a video projection of Oskar Schlemmer's 1925-46 "Triadic Ballet.• The opening reception will be today from 1 to 9 p.m . and run through M aren 22 at the Shed at 3000 Newport Blvci'lnformation: (949) 723-3406. SHIRLEY JONES DUBLIN'S TRADmONAL. IRISH CABARET Dublin's Traditional Irish Cabaret, featuring a cast of 15 Irish performers, presents a lively blend of tradiuonal Irish dance, ballads. songs and humor. The performance will start at 8 p.m. Maren 1 at the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa T1dcets are 433 to tJ7 and can be putenased at the college or by calling (714) 432-5880. 'FOOTLOOSE' #Footloose.the Broadway Musical" will open Friday, March 14. and run through Maren 22. It will be performed by the Newport Beaen Theater Company. Tickets ART 'ZINE SCENE' #Zine Scene; an exhibit of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, w ill be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. Zines are publications -like magazines - created by ind1v1duals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. M onday through Friday, 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m . to 6:30 p m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambrosino's exhibit "Double Horizontal" will feature "Brown Note Lounge," an JANE Hill "local Scenes; art by Jane Hill will be on display at the Newport Beaen Public library through Friday. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 717·38'11. 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit of works by Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. through March 1. (949) 851 ·918, www, stud1ogallery. ner Shirley Jones wilt JOtn Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra m concert at 8 p.m Saturday at Orange Coast College's Robert B Moore Theatre Tickets will be $43 at the door For more information . call (7 14) 432-5880 THE T o P 10 WAYS You CAN T ELL R oGER's G A RDENS D ES IG N ED AND INSTALLED Y OUR L ANDSCAPE The project was completed on schedul~. W e plan our projects so that they start on time and fin1ish on time. We won't disappear to start anDther project . The last 5% is always the hardest and w e'll stay on top of the • loose ends. Our customer sennce follow up keeps you and your landscape happy. I , ,,, , u ""~ I(" 11 ill /•11111 .11111tl1t·1 "11 '" ". IJ '"" "" "•'1! 1111., "' ""' , a11 '1 tniir fm· rh,· .·111111· lr,r , ,,// l>1.i•1, l /111.-111 •J.+•J.f1~11 . .:;,"'t1f11111il "11·'11 111t11I 111 fin '\Ille rill' full 11,r HJ \llH l dll '''" ,,, d{ lOl,!t') '1.!llldt'll\.l OUl. 1 R OGER'S G ARDENS COLORSCAPE •.. Q R LAND • HQI A~ JOAQL 1:-, lllLLS, CORO'.\ lll:.I \l..\R. LA <J.!h.!~ • A.14 S'a\Y"daY. February 22. 2003 MUSICIAN Continued from Al O and being able to give bac.lc. "I think there's a time ln life you have experienced all this stuff and want to give back." Wood said "You understand the di.ll'en!nce music makes around thewodd" Wood did not have a predictable and patterned life . One of his musician buddies was ready to become one or the nlne--to-fivers. ~ is glad that he WdS able to stay in the career he loved so much. even though of music. He has a ftmmy Bulfet-esque band that actually opened for Buffet's recent Irvine Meadows shows, a piano duet, a big nine piece R & 8 horn band, a straight-ahead jar.z group. a 12-piece swing band and his country band "There are ll or 12 ban<h I front,• Wood said "I do events for everyone and go all over the wodd. I have always chose the path of mu&c as a living." DATEBOOK "lt's pretty mellow, all acoustic or piano. voice and harmonica." Wood said "I had an approach of dubbing and listening back. I wanted it to have a live and personal feel. It felt good. It let it be very intimate and very warm. .. The reason he wanted to do a solo record ~ that he had perf onned a lot as a solo artist, and over the years he's had a lot of requests. He 's been performing some of the son~ for 25 years. Daily Pilot THEATER Continued from Al 0 a shiny. energetic, almost larger-than·Ufe Metropolis." The large cast, headed by Gregory Crane and Scon Soren. both making their sen debuts. includes three of the company's founding artists - Don lbok. Hal Uindon Jr. and Martha McFarland -along with John David Keller, who's only been around since 1973. it took a lot of hours. He even opened up a music and dinner club on Balboa for awhile, but because of a bad partnership. it closed six months after it opened There are more than 2,000 son~ he plays with all or his bands. Some original so~ and some cowrs. He has opened for Don McLean, Kenny Rankin. Sammy Kershaw. Bruce Hornsby and m ore. He has headlined at the R~. the Whiskey. the Coach House and the Celebrity Theater to sold-out crowds. "The song 'The Gift' I wrote when I played at the Blue Beet Caf~. when I foWld out I was going to be a father," Wood said . "Those people who regularly used to request it IO years ago are n~ having kids of their own, so it really means somet.hlng." COURTESY Of HOWARD FOLSOM A cowboy corralling a group of horses is one of the shots in "The American Cowboy" exhibit at the Newport Beach Central Library. These SCR sertlor citizens promise to surprise and • delight regular theatergoefs when tliey show up as a leather-clad. outlaw mororcyde gang. "I was immediately attracted to the youtJ1fuln~., in the play. and the fact that 11 is an early comedy of • Shakespeare's," Rucker said WThe more I read it, the morr I !>CC the seeds for some or Shakespeare's most memomble character... He relied on the steady dub gigs until there was a bit of a drought "My money situation dropped drastically from before. and I had to reinvent myself to make money," Wood said. "That"s when r came up with www.markwood entertainment.com. a Web site where I could develop corpordte even is. It's been really great." Wood said. The success began to snowball, and Wood formed many small bands that he leads -each playing a different genre 1luee years ago he made a bu&ness plan and decided to fully develop his company and put our two or three records. "The middle of last year. I started compiling music from Nashville and L.A. tha t's kind of country based, and released the CD 'Now That You're Gone.'" Wood said. "It's a fully produced thing, music from the last IO years -country and Americana oriented" Next, he recorded a CD of his solo acts, UThe Lessons or Life" with 15 runes. Wood said that it encompasses all the facets or going through life until you die. rrs NOT TOO )(.)()N TO START IN\'E.)TINC FOR COLLEGE. Bdore you knov. 11. 1:ollt:ge will be here. Stan planning for II v. nh the help of 'omeone who'!> alway!> been rhen: for you. St'.e me aboul 1he polt>nllal ta.it benefi~ of a Coverdell hducallon Savm!!' Accounl. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE:" ~lt·~-·h· ~•---•.'9J - ··~:_ .. ,..........._...~-,-. • ••• 1-..r~W, t H•l \ ,,. 'lO "'if~_.. .... "'l.,U •'lllo41\ttU•t· Slllte Fann Mu1ual Fund~ arc no1 1n~urance prpducri. and arc offered by prospecrus rhrough Stale Farm VP Management Corp .. One Stare Fann Plaza. Bloommglon, IL 61710-0001. l-800-447..49JO Read 1he prospectus. which comain~ more complete infonnat1on. carefully before invesrmg. Con,uh )OU lax, legal or mve~rmenr advl\or for \pec1fic advice Momma John Now along with his other successes. Wood has started his own record and publishing company to handle all the licensing and disaibution of his wort. "I just set up an application through BM1. so it will be played all over the world," Wood said Don't expect Wood to go riding into the sunset anytime soon. "I love NewpoJ1 Beach, everything about it," Wood said. • 1 live down by the Wedge. and life is slow, the weather is temperate -I have had great support in this town. CHALLENGE Continued from AIO Folsoms ownership ever since. Starting o ff Mshooting anything." Folsom did his share of news, {>ortraits. weddings. babies and parties. But gradually, he broke aw.iy from commercial photography and began to photograph more nature and wildlife. his real passion. Over the years, he has photographed the polar bears in Canada. the gri7.7Jy bears in Alaska and the wild animals or Africa. I le has been to every continent except Asia. r-------------------------1 1 N ELSON & ASSOC IAT ES 1 I Let our fo rmer IRS reven ue agenr with a Mas rers in I I Taxarion prepare your income rax return. If we I I prepare your tax rerurn bJ:'. Feb ruary 28, 2003 our I LfCe~iU_Qe~educed 0%.~~!JJ1-6J4-738~~ Gus Brenda Miles [!] a.m.m..m C!JCl.m [!] Wlo belong to the worlds largm flooring "tail group -co-op. ~a" the bitzest flooring Jellkrs inJiviJulzlly oUJNJ anJopmiuJ. ~ ~ ~ Lifetime ~ ~ Warranty ~ ~ Warranty ~ ~ Carpet ~ ~ Ceramic ~ ~ $}99 ~ ~ $}99 ~ 100% FREE 4,000STORE BUYING POWER • No Q~!'a's FUU. SERVICE 011 STOP llOP Cot1flter Topt • Shwers • C.t1Mie • Or111ite • WIM Wu Refiflith • Cleafli"t c.,,.t & Uphelttery • Pah1ti19-l11terior & Emrior o a Mesa Irv ne (949) 650-7876 (948) 8!8-0141 124 E. 17th 17777 Mlln 118" llOM-fllt-f SATUHAYS I H•tAn t0-4 TfU-MTIO-S WHMUtA1 U•Tll l :OOPM ClOSH SUlttAYI I MOtttAYI PPOl•T•HT While at home in Newport Beach. he specializes in photographjng the birds or Western America and the local birds or the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Preserve. His wotlc is on display in the form of note cards at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center in the Back Bay. Now. at 81 years old, N>lsom checks in on hi~ business about 1hree hours a day and takes about four trips a year. I le ha.o. a summer cabin in Idaho, where the wildlife is plentiful, and on <,pedal occar.ions. he tries to i.queeze in a trip to Antarctica. Micronesia or Africa He always has a variety of things going 011 at tJ1e !>WTle time. he said. That keeps life interesting. ""fThcre'sJ a little of Romeo in Valentine and a bit o f VIOia lof "l\velfth Nighr"I in Julia;" he said. Regarding the retro· futuristic nanue of the i.etting, Rucker observe!>, "I •tr) to create new worlds with my productions. Those worl~ may have cultural icOn!I tha1 help us to relate to the play 1Jn a personal level. but I try not to force the play into a particular time and place. l "The worlds I create ar& fantastical. ll1ey are not re.11 hut, hopefully, they illw11inarl' what is at the heart of the ; p~~" • • TOM TITUS' reviews run • Thursdays and Saturdays. ' Celestino's f quali1~· M EATS Proehl< t' • St'<tfood • l>t'li Snvi"K rht u mm1"'ilJ fo r JO~"'"' BoNELfSS CHUCK uan & Tdubr BEEF Par ROAST STEW $3 99 lb. Try_ Our APPLE UNNAMON PORK CHOPS& liW>ITIONAL SruE.F.Eo -CH!_CKEN BR.FAR'S l)3 99 lb. BEEF $4 99 lb. Marinaud TRI TIP -599 -- lb. • Mnrinaud Chicken Halvn From Ovr D~li o~,._,'""'1 CAsHEW CHICKF.N : JAMAICAN STYLE OR LEMON GARLIC SANDWICH it f! $2 29 lb. I I· I ,1, .1 I I I ,, e ' e ' I • I • I ' • '' ' I ' • I,,.,,, ,., '" I'·" I I ~---~-----~----~ ............. ~ ............ ----....... --..-..... ----.... ----.... --.... ~--lillillllllm ............................. _______ ......... ~------ QUOTE OF THE DAY "Honest to God,) was thinking these guys (Bishop Montgom ery) are overrated.·• Joey Undqulst, E stanc1a senior - EYEOPENER Dail~Pilot Sportit Hal ~ Famr lirir . -..... f ebl 1141 y 2 • tlOnOI ee MELISSA SCHUTZ Oaety Pilot St>orta Edkor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Saturday. r eb,uc1ry 2'l '200 i Bl HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sailors see it unravel in double OT . . . Bue na captures 74-73 victory in first round of Divi sion II -AA Pl ayoffs. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot VENTURA -A!. hard ~ the Newpon Harbor I Ugh boys baskeLbaU team played. the toughel>t task Friday night feU upon Sailors Coach larry I lin.L For it was I lirst who had lo summon some postgame encourc1.gement to soften the blow or a 74-73 double-ovenime loss at Buena in the first round of the CIF Southern Section DMsion 11-M Playoff.'>. Consolation won't likely come soon for the Sailor players, however, after thc.'Y <,aw a six-point lead era.sOO in the final minute of regulation. Newpon Harbor will also have all off - season to lament four would·be game- winning shots that didn't faU. The firsL was a 17 -footer before the regulation hom lbe second and third came near the end of the first four-rrunute extra ses.<..ion. The final shot at salvation, a de.per.1· lion heave from three-quaner court. bounced off the rim as the Bull- dog student rooters poured on to the "Doghousett Ooor, smear- ing blue and black body paint au over the white uniforms of their heroes. lbe difference, in the second <Nertime, were two free throws by Buena junior reserve guard Tqmmy Young with cwo second!> fefL Youn~ who nailed a 24-foot SCOREBOARD • Newpon Buena 73 74 bow1d With IWO ticb left I le lay on the Ooor for a few 1.eeonds. burying his face in the Door. before stepping to the slllpe and burying the Jan.. "I le hasn't 1>hot that many free throw-.. because he's a <>pot-up l>hooter with NRA. range." Buena Coach Crcl..ig Willl<llru> said. rhey were t.he only two free Lhr~ of the game for Young. who fin-three pomter, at the end of regulation lo pull the h~ts 117-lOl even. was fouled a!. the Bulldogs Lned to 1n- t'>ht.'tl w11Ji 15 point:. dlld now ha.., 59 m lhl' IJ'>I three game-., all on the bench. It wa" a gut-wn:ndung end for Ult'~ on. (16-IO), pamcuJ.arly <;er\IOr> Nee.tun ~d jevic, Chase cameron and ( lla<.I Rorden who aU. like the enure l\e\.\ipon rol.tltxm di5tinguished ~ m the fu\.sle *I thought everyone pla~ \WU 1111'\t ~d *Our seruor.. came out fOC\t'it't.I .md we had 1>0me underc~en -.1ep up The wor..t part of this 1ob '' loolung di d bunch of lid'> who dedJ(.ited four Vt'd1' lo be the be.1 lhc.'Y rnuld he. and IJ11.M mg. for them. 11\, O\ef * 11us one 'lot'Cmed ci.<, ti II would I il~t·r See SAILORS, Pa1e 8.4 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Thundering Herd gallop s over Glenn Second-eed ed Costa Mesa picks up where it left off, with an 8-0 rout of John Gle nn in CIF Playoffs o pen er. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Alh1lll''I tendon "ull1·rt·d I t•b 10 If \1111 gt•t 11 dt' ro'" tht· rtl't often l'llough thing'> \\111 tall in, .md it happt•m·d l'llOU!lfl IOdd~ ' 11uee Mt•<.J goah wnt· ., •. , up hv I )a\ throw 111" tlhlt oht·n IJntled w11h111 1lw 'IX ·yard bo\. l>a\' throw in "'' up It-nm ')parl .. ' <L,.,,.,, to Da\., ,1 ... 11·r fdSffill1, tor \1e'-<t'> fir\I W•JJ fi\(• minute' into tht• gdnw ~park.'> firmht.>d w11h t\o\n J'>\t~I'>. cro~.,mg to I >.1\ 1111 COSTA Ml~ -Friday\ fir..1 -round CIF ~uthem St'c- oon D1~1on Ill guts soccer playoff game between Costa Mesa I ligh and vis1u ng John John Glenn O \le'<!' fourth )<O.d m o M esa 8 m~nl'-belore h.ilfwm.• Glenn (Norwalk) was a trami.ng ground of son., Mesa ( 19-1 -2) picked up where 11 left off. going undefeated and wmnmg the Golden West League, while the l::.agles made their first playoff appearance in chool history. and it showed. The Mus- tangs were quicker, more polished with passes and ran circles against John Glenn. i.coring an 8·0 victory, thetr ~ec­ ond in school history. The Mustangs continue in the hunt on Tuesday with a game at Santa M9nica (13-5-2). staning at 3 p.m. Mesa senfor Sharon Day, an All·CIF returner and four-year phenom, contin- ued her torrid scoring with four goals. three in the first half. and nov. has 28 goals on the season. Mesa outshot John Glenn. 16· I, In the first half and. 26· I, for the game. ~ le..a., hu-.tlt-re-.uht-d in c1 16 I advantagt> in comt'r lie~. keeping t-.41gle goaU..t'l'pt'r (,at>h\ \'ilchrs bu~y he made nrne ...:l\t"I park.s. Rathel I lugtie., one go.ti. ont· a...s1st . :'l:iJc1.m Duane one goaJ. one a;, 'it1>l and \'era Lale lont' goal , along with Stal) Knlonan, l{.1chel Ron4u1Uo Valene Gome:z and Toshia Brvant all ran under lob pa.SM~S tn the f-.ag)e /Ont' 10 set up Mesa\ offense. which Johnston tweaked once he realtzed h1' player. had a decided edge in quickne...-. "We bea1 their tmp \o\ilh ou r half- backs.· John'lton srud "\'\e 'l.tned 10 bc.k with halfhack overlap~ and were confusmg them a bit. I The [agles) were looking around • John Glenn coach Lo uie \1nnUo sa1d Mesa was the best team hh playe~ have faced aU eason. but look the game as a learrung expenence DON 1.£ACH I OM.YP11.0T • ~osta Mesa's Vera Gale (5) trie s to head the ball in, but is denied as goalie Gabby Vilches gains possession of the ball. ·Tuey came out with mtensity and set up right off the bat.· said Mesa Coach Dan Johnston. as he sat in a wheelchair with right leg in a cast and raised, foUowing surgery to repair a tom "(Mesa) 1s extremely f~1 and has height,· Mon1Jo said -The} had three or four headers and that's \\hat It takes, a little bit of height and a lot of heart. See MESA, Pa1• 84 . . ... COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL . ·' . 1~nteaterS .s.eeking ·:sweep of Tigers tEaters have strong desire · to win tonight at 7:05 against Pacific with . .f rucial road trip coming • llext week. ..... +. -• TV: COX3 SPORTS RADIO: KUCI 11.9 FM . , ft a • a • DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Katie Thorsness The Costa Mesa senior led the team in goaJs and led the Mustangs to a tri-leagu e championship. SteweVlra•n Daily Pilot W hen CosLa Mesa High girts water pok> coach nm Pottlff talbd about the RIMODI for tbe Multanp' IUCCetl mil ••• DO, be •tarted with bil ,..,.._lit. uk lelllor lade'l'hoc• .... who led the leul ID pll mil year, what hu made the dUference and lhe'U qulckty MY Pottift, Che ftnt·JM.r coecb. 'Jbonnem ello Mkl PallHr bu lmprGftd ........ and ... ber lntooneoltbeblll=ID!lae . Golden Wiit lAlpe.11111' 10.-...-............. ..... -................ ., .. league litle, ak>ng With Saddleback end Westminster. •tn the put. my coaches oew:r told me that I was any good: Thorsness said. ·1 didn't think I was anything &pedal Wllll .Potillf came aJong. 1 woukln~ be .. good u I am without him. He atways aays he would be noth.lna without ua. but J •Y I would be nothing witlw>ut hlm .• ThonneM het been a pan of tbe C.O.ta. M"' waler polo propun for the ,.. four ,...,.. SIM bM Mea lnt·bud the implOMment daM bM COCM du. ·.i ·~ . ., . . ·Luxury Imports &· Exotic Sports Cars .............. eat to eu:ellence that has made us the #1 independent IUXlllY and exotic dealer ~ Orange County. Daily Pilot I Since 1984 .we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automobiles. I ·invite you to take a test ~ today!" ~'P~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Consignments Welcome ..i * Cash Paid for Your Car . . * Warranty Included (on Most Vehicles) * Competitive Finance & \ease Rates PORSCHE/EXOTICS 95 318i SON (1870)1>°"' 4<)1 ~~ w .. ~$1 $10,980 f 96 E320 SON (18606)1ihh MPwl!Onlyt $18,980 00 ACURA NSX <•900))SpHd•teow 1ii.~ewy "$59,980 96 Z3 CONY (18770)U'»d~vGOigeovsl $11,980 98 E320 SON (16722)Dlod<C,Deov111\As.don10nlyt $24,980 94 ftwPJ348~CONV (0191o.c)~Al"Jt6'1f<:n~~-$65,980 97 M3 SON (189.n)~ ..... 1) l.o<ol(Ot $21 ,980 90 SL500 (;892.l)DMlll 3~~ OneOwnec ........ $27,980 01 996 CAB (65 980 (1Q1)7()'°'"fooe•~w~ tOl(w.i '1 1 99 528 SON (16712>'*"' ... mron Span""._ $22,980 96 SLSOO (1ea.o)Olodl~T09S!ln'Wnoc . $27,980 01 Z3 CONY (18891)1.-00.,Autol'norlC t,.o...M~· S.24,980 99 S320 (4Q020)5tngqSfve<w/5oddle MW Cond •••.•.••• $29,980 99 323i CONY c1eeeei~~ IMor l>-Cy! '.>!~ $24,980 99 CLK 320 CAB (19068()~ LOCXJl{)wNil.$36,980 97 540i SON (16~) ~:i Lo .. ""'~ $24,980 99 SL500 (169)3)~.:>aio~• '~'"····· $41,9.80 QO 5 28i SPORT nm9C) ..... 11• "'1 (Ot>"~~ "°" $31 , 980 99 SL500 (1&977)0lodl wffon lJtw1 Only $42, 980 97 840ci CPE (19\&0C)~ <IN~ ~.... $33,980 00 5500 SON (1914.l)8hipafd> .... •IA~Wilfoo We. $51,980 01 750il (074«17>' .... ~ ·~~ _, -.con0 $54,980 00 5500 SON (191•,,~ ~ wi. '-.., $54,980 OTHER MAKES PORSCHE/EXOTICS SUVs (, PICK ·ups 99 FORD EXPLORER (19106>~"9 ~cyt. 2&K ~$12,980 99 JEEP CHEROKEE 5PT 19•)7 "hll• ~ GlaD $12,.?80 99 FORD EXPEDITION •67Q''""" lJIY looded $17, 980 00 lAND ROVER DISCOVERY •e&o• lM ._.. $19, 980 99 CHEVY TAHOE LT. (16'•0>~~\tt :r.o.-... $21 , 980 00 FORD MUSTANG CPE <•66171~ ... _..~-$15,980 80 911 TARGA <•&W>>MW-""'~' . $13,980 99 GMC YUKON DENALI (l90);),..··~.i..-;~~().W $23,980 01AUDITTQUATTROAWDCPE 1!11<•1>9 '>• ... .alhp._ $27,980 98 BOXSTER <•&945)~._.Mhsl<>-Sf>Hd . $27,980 97RANGEROVEP.1QOQO>"'-wwt~~.""" $24,980 98JAGUARXJRSDN (188)61) •-"~~~u.M $29,980 99 996 CPE c19000C)DMl<.Mio'*0ne0wnei1 $49,980 01 CHMEXTEHDc.ABP/U !Q760r.ri1111x..,,~i.19 $27,980 OOCHEV. CORVEITTCONV. c,q,34~~· ?ll...-.$36,980 99 911 CAD <1•111>5Mfwt111lllk,~LowMllM $57,980 02 BMW X5 3.0 LT. (18920)1r'hiNr\ft ,~..,~ $41,980 ........ Daily Pilot KENT mEPTOW/Df\JtYPtlOT Costa Mesa water polo standout Katie Thorsness 1s the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. KATIE Continued from BI ""''nn I ht· \lu.,1.1ng., \H·111 lro1n <111 1111 .. t.1hl1· leam w ,, ..,qu.sd lhill dqw11d., 1111 thl'rlll\11\' ,111d h,t\ .1 l..11.11 I.. lo \\ url.. It.ml I hl'rt'' h1·1·11 J dram.1111 lflljllll\ l'lllt'!ll I h1H ... IH'" .... utl ··\\,· \c· .. 11t11·r1·tl ht·t .11i...1· \\(' \l' h.1d cl1tlc·11 Ill 111.tt Ill' ... I tl11nl.. \\I' l\11tild Ii.iv<· la·1·11 lwt11·1 11 '"' ltad 11111· 1 oa1 It .ill .t11111g I le·., IH·e·11 .1 111.q11r )ltlft 11111111 '\It l t'" Ill the· P<l'I \\I' If' It.tel I 11,11 h1•<, \\ l1t1 d11J111 'hm1 up to pr.1111t 1'' l lt1· \fu,1.111g' < 111r.11111· into rlw < ,11)rJ,.11 \\"'l I, .1g111· .ind tlc-p.1111111· tr11111 1111• l'<tUllt I 11,l,I I e·.ig11t· h,1, ,i),11 helpe•d \11•,,e 111 "' 1111p111H•1111·111 111 ... .,(',...,1111 I lt1• \111'1(,lllg' e ht 1111.,lf\ 1111' 'l'••'ort lt.1., .if-.rt h1·1·11 t1 hr~· rt·'""' lor lltt· clrllt ro·n1 t• '"\\1·11· ,tl\\,I\' h,1d '01111' "'II 111dr.1111,11111th1·11 .. 111>. I h11r,n1·,., .... 1111 "\\t' 11• l1l..e 1 11•a111 .111d .1 f.11111)\ 1111\1 I he· lllll' h!•l\\t't'll llllllllf \,lf,11\ .111d \-dr<,tl\ \\,!' l11g Ill th.ti \\I d11)11 I '>Ill t.1h11· I Ii.it lllll' ,, \I I\ 1h111 IHI\\ \\1· ,Jll gt•I ,1)1111g KATIE TifORSNESS lorn: March 24, 1985(t) Height: 5-foot-9 Weight: 150 Sport: Water polo • Position: Two meter • Co•ch : nm Post1H J F•vorlte food: Mexican Favorite movie: •liar, liar• Best •tha.tk mom.nt ·eeaung Saddleback and gening first 1n our league That was pretty great· Athlete of the W-k VIII: She scored a game high four goals and recorded three assists to lead the Murtangs to a 7 3 victory over Saddleback, 91v1n9 Costa M~ s Mustangs c1 sharP of the Golden West league chc1mp1onshrp. Dail) 11\b ( OllKIO• Sl>Oftl card Jt"••es OJ-5 I lw \111.,1.i11g ... 1ta\1· .t1~11 111111111.t'd 1111' e•\,llltpl1• of thl'tr "'1111ir k.1tl1·1. I hor.,ne·" \\Ito h,,, tl1-.pl.1\ 1·d p.111 of\\ Ital l11gh .... lr11•1I 'Jl""' ..... tll .1h11U1 \ht•\ 11r.1tl1 ltt·r 't'l11111 \t'clr lhe lw ... 1 1ll lt1·1 't"t'll'~' tlrmugltnut ltc•r Jiii p I ,1111•1 "\It• ' .i ph \ 'rc .ti h gr ftt·d .1tltl1·11• 1'1,...1111 ... 11d "\ht'\ 11 .. • ,,: )111\\t'rlul .11uJ llttdfigt•rll I lt-1 'htH)llllg h,1., 1111prm 1·d I lt-r d1·d11,111on ha' CIF PLAYOFFS CdM hot Boy<:: soccer kick-, off; Newport. CdM girl.., water polo leam .., en lcr q uarterfi naJ ..... < or11m1 dl'I ,,,If 1 lrglt ... ""'' .,fln·1·1 t1•a111 np1·11., tlll' ( II I >1v1 .,1011 II l'l.tyolh Inda~ rm tht• \t'.I King .. · I iinlf>I" \\ llh •• I Jl Ill 111a1d1up \1.1th t 1•ntun I 1·.1g1w rerrt',(.'llt.1ll\l' l I l>11rJclt1 Ill \\h.11 dppear., to tw 11111• of the 111or1· .11 1ra1 rtve fir'>I round g.11111·., ol lht· d.1y Lorona dt•I \I.tr, I n·!'i .! ,111d the Nu I miry from 1lw Paulk C:ua-.1 l .Cdb'lll'. 1·111cr'> \\1th thl' fa vonte\ I.JR afler .. hanng tlw P< I crown wi1h Northwood. Coach P·at C.11laghan\ \e,1 King:, an· olll' d five game wm ning streak, 111clud111g :,hutout victories over le.,oro. Univero;ity and Calv-dry < ha pl'I. capped hy the 2· I victory over Northwood in the regular-<;t•a...on fmale. Victory would i.end the Sea Kmgs into Wednesday\ \t'Cond round aK~dn"t the winner of host Riverside Poly ( 19-4-3) and Mur- rieta Valley ( 11 -5-8). Riverside Poly is the No. 4 seed in the 32- team eliminauons. Newport Harbor. meanwhile. takes its 8-6-4 record and No. 2 Sea View League credentials to Santa Monica. where the Vikings of the Bay League await with a 16-8 record. It is also scheduled El Dorado lor I p.rn I 111· \.11l11r' .m· \\orl..111g 1111 .1 1111· g.11111· 111111('.!11•11 ''""I" "t I r.1111 '' '.! 1 l m \go11r.1 1-I I J\\.ttl 1mJ.1v., \11111wr 111 1111 't e 11nd rtlll!HI In I )l\t<,11111 \I fir...1 llJll!td pl.iv. \.1g1 11111 \1 honl ... hm' 1.11..t< an H ; 'i 11·1 ortl 111 \1 lkrn.ird. La 11111111 1<1·.11 I t'.1g1w < lt.11np11111-. •• 11 I • 111 g1rJ, \\,11t•r polo '''\'port 11.uhor' \(·,1 \ tl'\\ I t'Jg\ll' run t ll'r' up, '>t't'Cll'tl 'o .! Ill J>1\ l'>lllll I 11n It''· \\Oil 1lw flrp .ind \1.1ll tw .. 1 lht• ~tnntl'lwllo ( >ilt'r' at 11111111 today ~1on11•hl'llo. <!.! ) c111tl the Al· mor11 I t.'<lg\11' 1harnp1on, t>lim1 - 0dlt'd l..apl'trano Valley. I.I· 7, rn !ht• fir,! round llw \J1lor.., await \\llh 22·) crccknuah . l orona dcl Mar. top·!\t:l'de::l 1n 01V1\1on II . 1akc'> Iii. 23-S rt>c1>rd lo Mira Co.,la I llgh irt ~lanhattan Be;ich where 1h1• Sea Kini:,~ will duel F.I ~no (2.1-fil . C.dM ·~ record mcludc., tJuee )o.,.,C'-lO I >ivt!.IOn I power Foot - hill. a srlit with Rack Bay rival Nc>wport llarhor and a 2· I edge over Santa Margarita. • ln CIF Division IV-A boys baslcetbaU. Steve Keith lakes his Sage Hill School I jghtning to the Westside JewtSh Community Center for an 8 o'clock second- round matchup with Yeshiva. It is al 5870 West Olympic Blvd. In Lo· Angeles. • Girls basketbrtll: See B4. paid off. She\ nn1t h fa'>tcr and her .,1o11., ht1vt: 1mrroved ht·Lau'ie '>he\ wil11nK to put in 1hc time lu make hcr.,elf a hl'l ter player .. 1•0.,1iff al.,o '><lid I h1H.,lll''" \l'l ihe tunl' for tht· i\ILl'>tang'> from lhl' '>t,1r1. "I lt•r ded1ca111111 .,ho\\C'd from day one,' l'ci1,111f 'aid. "\ht' v.a' Jh,,1~., \\ilhng 111 work and llw rt .... 1111., follo\H'd. Om· 111 lwr ht· ... 1 g.11nc·., all '><.'J<,1111 WJ'> \'1.llh \addll'l>t1tk ll w.i., 1111 c· lor lll'r 10 play t'\lrt·n11·ly \\t•lt 111 ht•r final hor11C' ganw .. I hor ... nt·., .... tlw D .. 11h 1'1101 \thlt-11:' 111 the· \\1•1•1.., .,t •Ht·<.l J g.11nt·-l11gh lour go.ii ... ,111d .i1 ... ,, < ollt•l·t<·tl thrt•t .1.,.,1.,i... ll'ttd111g 1111:~1u,tt111g' to .1 7 .I vtt torv ml'r \addl1·ht1ck h·h 11 lhc·vittor\ ).:J\t' \ll',.t 11, t n -l«'.tg1tl:' 1 h.1mpwn,l11p Po,t1lf ,,11d I hor,nl'" aJ,o e ontr1h1111·d 1111 tlt·lt·n,t· ii' '>he\,,,., .1hlt• 111 t'lt1111n.itl' \addkh.u k., top 0111·11\1\'e thrl:'dl I l111r'>n l''>'> .,,11d \l11· will '>\' 1m tor ( 0'1a t\l<.''.t thl'> 'P' rng and IH''<I \'htr .. tw pl.uv, to pl.iv lor I >r.111g1· ( oa<,t <.olll'g1· with t ht• 11111·n111111 of tran .. 11•1 rrng tri .111 '< *' \ 1>1\·1 ... 11111 I progr<1111 .ilt1·rn.ard. SCHEDULE TODAY Bas.ltetball Colh'\W mf'n Umvm~11v ol thP Pattltc a1 UC lrv•ni: 7 05 r m H1Jpo ln11•m,111onal CollPIJP ,Jt V1111y1i.trrl U111v1>rs1ty 7 30 pm Collrogp women UC Irvine at U111vt·r&1ty of lhl' P.1uf11 7 p m Huiw lntt:rndt1011al <1t Vc1nyu.1111 U111v.,rs1t) '>30PIT H1qh <,dloot boys CIF 01v1<.1 ,,, IV A Pldyoff!> sPCond rounrl 5.l<jf' Hill vs Yrn;h1v.J .Jt W~s1s1d1J J1•w1~h Commun•ly Cenl"!r 8 pm H1qh school girls • CIF D1v1~1on Ill A Pldyoff..., second rmmcl Harv,irrl WAstlakt' al f?>tanna 7 30 nm CIF 01v1s1on IV A Plavoff.s ~l'(;t ru1 round Calv<iry ChdPf•I DownPyl at Sage Hill 7 30 pm Water polo Colh-g• women San Jo~o Staie at UC lrvtnl! 2 pm Cal StalP Northndge .n UC lrvtnE> J 15 o n' Ar11ona State 111 UC Irvine. 5 15 p m M1ch1gan at UC lrvino b 30 pm • • H.lf!h sd1ool y11ls CIF D1v1&1on I Playoffs Quarterfinals Mon1ebello at Newport Harbor noon CIF 01v1s1on II Playoffs Quarterfinals Corona det Mar vs El Segundo. at Mir.i Costa, 2 15 pm Soccer High scnool girls -CIF Drvls1on II Playoffs first round Newport Harbor at Santa Monica. 3 pm. El Dorado at Corona del Mar. 3 p m . CIF 01v1s1on VI Playoffs. f11st round Sage Hill at St Bernard. J pm S.MbaU College '1'C rtv1ne al Un1vers1ty of San Diego, I p m . Vanguard University at The Master's. doubleheader, 11 am 'Tennis College men -University of San Otego at UC Irvine, noon. Trec:ti end fWd College men and women -Vanguard Umv11rS1ty at Carl Rossi Relays at Claremont·McKenna. 10 a m Community college men and women -Orange Coast at Cerritos Invitational, 9am. 1-<x>kmg for a m·u C:llT m Ute! $25,000 U> $ 55 ,ooo rnn,i:l'' .'\, chi! 'I MerceJes,B~e~ Center m th11 U'iA, uie can Jmt yo11 in a new · Mercedes,Bem for_ ie,~ ch.tin )1Jt1 et er imagined. Yuu vue H w w1melf w che1.k ma our h11~e 1i:ku111n of new 2003 C'230 KomJm!ssor Sports Coupes - rnpercharged , hw nut super priced. l 1nder 2 5 gr mu.I for 11 Mercedes, Ben;::!" :>dturddy I ,.oruort 17, 70()3 8 3 Our mwnwry of new and pre-ounl!J .\tfaLtcW\-Ben~ hclS never been larger -<It er 1 700 ut wkihk' And now there's a brnnd neu• t1mwl -the 2003 C230 ... l<ompresSO'T J>ortl Sedan F11ur doors 17" Cu.scorn \\:'heel.., -at a grelll f>rh. l anJ neu lou rate clta1 ' 1,{ )f,t•ci.tl mt.er. 11. 1r11r le•Wl!\I ett r S T A R 1\1 A R I\ ----- - ( I .. I I I I I I .. ! . . . . ' 'll,971 -- ~ ----ii 0.. ........ 11r9,.... • ....,.,_. ••• _WWWL ............... -.......-7 Qbef ....... O.. f69 ..... I 84 Saturday, February 22, 2003 S PORTS Datly Pilot MESA Continued from B 1 We have to learr} 10 crawl before Wl' can walk." rill' l:.agles (9-10 :.!) w~re an ut l;irge selccLion from lhe Sub urban I .eague. Johnston pr.U.,ed lhl' t>ffort!> uf Nelhc Barrio' and Kara Jenkin.,, while M•ntor defender D<'vi n lk 11man hooted many balb ll1a1 l'alllC' her way K111dra Bailey made one l><IVl' while manning 1hc gual in tht- fir:-.t hall. Kaitlyn C.entling rt' 111mt'd from m1ury IO play for th<' fir-,t lime tn IWO \vt'l'h . J11h11.,wn · ..,uh.,111u1cd oflcn 111 1ht· '>ernnd half. giving plJyer'> 11111c to i:atrh 1heir hrcath ~\ Nal mt:rnber.. haVl' hcen hauling tlw flu m rt•tcnt week~. ht• !-aid. U111 Mc'><1 '>lulWl'd 110 ..,ign-. uf ,111w1ng dnw11, ,111cl havt' nm~ 11111-.cored oppont•nl'>. IOfl I I 1111' 'l'a .. on Wt• wert· pu111pc·d up ..ind 1 t'.1tl)' 111 go rl',i.l 4u1Ck," ~haro11 I >.w -..mJ. "!J11h11'>1t1n) told "' 111 11•"' al .trmmtl ,1nd tal-l' -.h11h .md th.it'-. wlt<1l we· did " Mesa's Sharon Day (9) is congratulated by Kristen Bagwell (left) and Jenny Sparks (right) after she scores the third of four goals m th e 8-0 rout of John Glenn Friday. . ~ I lJ\ 1C'111,111wd humble" ut111g 1111• 11·,1111\ ult1111Jlt' goal ol '"" 11111~ I II \ll''J won II'> fi r.,l·ewr pl.i\ofl g,1111t• ld'>I '>t'.t'>l>ll, d I I d1·1 "'"" ll\ 1·r P.1nfi1"l1, hdun· l.1ll111g to I OlllWllll', .! I. 111 llw W( IJlltJ ltnllld HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER CdM prevail s in first round with 2-1 win MURRll:'IA - Conma del Mar • High's gub .,occer ream tmprove<l 10 ·11 -5-2 with a domina11ng 2-1 victory over ho!>t Munieta Valley in the first round of the ClF Division II Playoffs Friday. The victory sends the Sea Kings mto Tuesdays second round as the home ream against Cenrury League repre.entative Canyon. starting al 3 p.m. Canyon defeat£'d Rialto m the first mund, 7-0. Jenny Long got CdM ahead in the 29th minu1e when she took the ball down dw nghl side and shot from the rop of the 18-yard box. sending the ball mto the baclc post lWenry minutes la1er Alivia Mazura. by way of a Paige Jane!)' throw-in and l.Dng's flick. sent the bafJ 10 the hack posl for the 2·0 lead Munieta Valk;·., only goal came when a lToss hi1 off a CdM shin guard and the ball caromed into the goaJ m the 60th minu1e 10 avert a shutouL CdM uuL5hot the hosts, 8-0. Tani .. ha Senaratne. who had no save.. twice cau<ied turnovers as Murrieta Valley wa\ unable to get off a iqpumate shot on goal. Janes and Kinzie Kramer were sharp defensively and FJisha Mor- gan controlJed the middle. DEEP SEA FRIDAY'S COUNTS Newport Landing -1 boat. 22 anglers. 4 calico bass. 6 sand bass. 31 sculpin,12 sheephead. 12 bladcsmith perch. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Eagles, Lightning host foes Estancia at home agai nst Harvard-Westlake; Calvary Chapel of Do~n ey a t Sage Hill. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot fatanc1a I ltgh. wh ich has played a regular <>eason all about <,treak.c,, will try to <;tart the only one that ma ilers tonight at 710 1n 1he <;econd ro und of the CIF ~outhern St'Uion Di· vision 111 -A gi rl!-ba!>ketball playoff-. against visiting Harvard-Westlake. Sage Hill, meanwhile. will a t1emp1 IO extend its first trip to 1hc postseac,on aga1n-.t Division IV-A visi1or C..ilvary C:h a pel of Downey. also at 7:30. Estancia (17-8) won 11s fin al 12 reguiar-sea- s.on games 10 dominate the Golden Wes1 League. en route to the program":. fir'>t outright league title sinl:e 1991. The Eagle-.. who i.hared the Pacifi c Coa\I League crown a year ago. pre· ceded their strong fin i.,h. howt-vrr, with a seven-game loc;i ng steak. after a 5 I .,tdII. First-year coach Tami Rappa\ '>quad won its las1 nine league game<; by an average of 21.4 points. but figurci. to get much more of a chaJ- lenge from 1he Wolverines. Harvard-We-.11,J..ke 123·5). which fi1w.hed lied for second in the Misc;ion Leagut' hehind No. 3-seeded Oiam111ade. ha5 won five leah'\Je titles the last seven sea.'>Oll'> and heen to three sec- tion title games. winning two. <,1111.:e 1998 Coach Meliso;a 1 learlihy's Wol verinr'l won the 111-M crown 111 2001 and claimed the 111-A title in 1998. They were 111 -A runners up in 1999. but went on to rt'ad1 the CIF State Divic;ion III 1ille game. "We have the 1alen1 to stay in the game. but it's going to take -.1rategy to win 11." Rappa said after the painng., were relea'>ed. b tancia re· ceived a firs t-round bye. so ii\ players and coaches were in attendance mur<,day when I larvard-Westlake trounced flr5t-round foe San Dimas, 71-41 . at home. The scouting adv-cUltage. as well a\ playing on its home court, are obvious pluso;e, for the Eagles. Estancia's veternn nucleus of talen1 l<i al'io a bonus as the Eagles try 10 advance to the quarterfinals for the first timl' since 1999. Jun- ior point gua rd Trisha Wase may be the mos1 talented player to ever wear an Eagle uniform. She averages a modest 12.6 points, but her TENNI S playmdlting and dl'fe11.,t• ctrt' the cng11ll' thdl make' the ream go. wa .. l·. who .,h;ucd :'\IVI' honor<, 1n the PCI la'>t '>l'a,011 and 15 t·xpel lt·d to be named MVP in the (,olden We'>I Lt•.tl{LH' thb '>Cason. finished (Jlll thl' leagul" campaign with ..r 4uadniple·douhle again'>! Ocean \ll(:w I 14 poinls. 13 a'>'>i'>t~. I l rebounds dlld l O '>leal-.1. Wa">c\ main pa~<;ing targl'I'> ha\t: b('l'll 'i foot 8 ">emo r XochHI Byfield and 5-~ .,e1110t fisha (,ray. Byfield I'> Jvt'rawng 13.2 poml'> ..im l ha'> net1ed a team-high 29 lhret'-pointcr<,. c.rc1y, the lr ading rebounder. avl'ragl"> 11 .5 poin.., Nanl'y Castro. a 5-10 1un1or. and Kry'>tal M1 no. a 5·5 1unior, round ou1 lhl' '>l«rt111g hnl'up Happa expre'>'>l'd umu·rn ahout her lt-Jrn·-. shooting percentage 111 lcdgue Jnd foul truu hie. a\ ~ell as a lack of dt'plh. arc al.,o po1enti.1I '>hortcomings. Should Estancia JUl'v.111. 11 \\ould hlely I.in • No. 4-seeded Ro~ary ! 1•1 HI in Wedne,dav\ quarterfinal. The Hoyal..: lace a San Manno team that eliminated Corona dd Mar m till' fir'> I round. 42-35. Ho'>ary trounl l'd fi r-.1 ·round ho'>! Bas!>ett, 8:.!-44 . I hur,d.I\ ~gc llill ( 14· 7). an ..it larg<' em ry afler l11,111g a third-place pla>·off game in the AcJdt•my League, survtved a mild ftr .. l · round 'l'ilrl· Thursday in a 33-:.!2 win over Connelly. I Ill' Lighrning had bea1cn Connelly 1wicc bdrm· •his !>eac;on. by a comb1 m•d '>COrl' nl IO:i-4!*. Calvary Olapel of l xmney 114· I Jl dt'ft·alt•d vi'>illng Wes1ern Oiri.,tldll. 42-iO. tn rhur..d.i) ., fi r<>t round. The GrvJJll''> firw,hed 1hird in lhl· rugged Olympic League and '>age 1 lt ll Cn<tt h Shanna Renken -.aid '>he expect'> a \evere ll''>I "They're a completl'. all around ream," said Henken, who notc·d 1h1.1 {;riuJte'> defeatt·d Brethren Cliristian hy I 0 in a Dcccmbt'r non league game. Sa,ge HiU lost 2 of J game-. agatn'>t Hrethren Cliri\llan, including the 1h1rJ place playoff The Lightning will hope to explo11 1.., 1·x treme heigh! advanrnge. with 6-1 fre-.hman Haywood Wrighl (I l .H) a nd 6· 2 sophomorl' Katie Puishys (I 0. 7 ppg) leading the way. Cal- vary's s1aning cenrer I'> li'>ted at 5-9. "We'll try lo pound 11 in.,ide," Renken -..ud. "Thai hac; pretry much been our game all year. I'm expecling them to play u'> man-to-man . .,o we'll try 10 use a lot of pick and roUs a nd h<ive our guards 1ry to penetrate." Tonight's winner adva11 ces to Wedne .. day'i. quarterfinal, against ellher No. 2-seeded Bl'll Jeff or Flintridge Prep. Breakers smart to be aligned with CP P Newly fo rmed World Team Tennis franchise connects wi th local charity, wh ic h has right aim for team to succeed at turnstil es. J Im Warsaw spent bis professional life building an empire through logos and baseball c:aps. His revolutionary sports m.arlceting company led the wortd in licensed sportS headwear and later he founded the Warsaw Sports Martedng Center at the Untwnky of ~·s Lundquist CcJleF of 8ullines& Ntwby Nib-a little ...... oompm1Y In Beaverton.. en., )Q'.I mlFl hlM heard o( - purdmed w..w'I oompeny In 1993. )Jie WM pretty p>d. 9J mond1la later, Wlr.w WU d'lpoled wttb Plddnlon'8 ~ 9iNow. hn ~ ti9 life co ........ Mend ....... ' ' Hal Spielberg of Newport Beadl. referring to the organi7..ation Warsaw founded, inspired and speatheaded -Q.ire Parldnson's Project million Americam. including Muhammad Ali and Janet Reno. Actor Michael J. Fox also has tl1e disease. CPP. based in Newport Beach and established for the purpose of *accelerating the cure· for Parldnson's. is the primary charity for the Newport Beach Breakers, the new ~rtd Team RICHARD DUNN Warsaw. whose generosity in the Newport-Mesa commwlity and beyond has made a cllft'erena! In many lives. has also founded the National Parldnsoo's Foundation and the James H. Tennis franchise that will play seven borne matches m July at Palisades Tennis Oub, incJuding two with Un~y Dawmport. Warsaw. of Newport Beach, Is a Parldnsons r~rch advocate who works countJeM hours with fellow volunteers raising funds and lwarene58 in aeaicll of a cure for the disease. In December. be hosted a historic conference at the Omni Hotel in OUcago. where 50 o( the world's cop Pwtdneon's reaean::hm. adenlists. advocates and funders diK:u8eed mechods to lna'f:aae co8aboqdon i>r ~·~ dl9eMe dm aleal awr one Warsaw Foundation to Cure Parldnson's Disease. With his sports marketing backjround -Warsaw and Spielberg raised aewral miWon dollars for Hebrew UnMmlty with the Jewish $por18 Hall of Fame- he heads the Ideal charity to join the 1oca1 wrr £ranchJae. which needs aD the local coooecdoot it can get co~ spooeonhlps. Spielberg. who spent 23 )"1111 wtth Gillette wortt,. In gk>t.a pmmodont and onat lip!d Pele a8 the Ant ~to male. commerdal In dvee ....... ~~and ~ ........ ,...,., .. I ·. help hl'i friend, Warsaw, get weU. He's a volunteer, but ~ a vestt..'Cl interest in seeing 1.he WIT franchise succeed, because that means more money for Warsaw's charity. And that's the bottom line. ••• While Warsaw and Spielberg might be the Insiders the 8re.ak.ers need to Oourish at the box office, the terun Is already hustling tn the community. lbday, the WIT franchise Is helping to sponsor a tennis cllnic for high school players and coaches at Hank Uoyd's Costa Mesa Tennis Center. The clinic is from 9 a.m. to noon Wayne Bryan. father of potential U.S. Davis Qap players Mjb and Bob Bryan. and local pros Phil Dent and nm Pawsat iw the primary lmttuctora at today's clinic, which Uoyd ~ hoectd for 18 yea.rs. WIT OO·b.lnder and dft<:tor 8Ulle Jean King his~ to dig her ... In lhe local tennis mmmunky. The ae.gue owns the . 11-.... A>r deeds on tf'e clink: ..... 557.o'lll. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles blitzed Bi shop M ontgomery · ha way too murh. Steve Virgen Daily Prlot I OllHi\'\( I 1111'11' "''" •I rnuuntJ111 hd1111• 1111·111 1'\1'11 111· lnrl· tJ w llJI nll \1111 ..,. , tlw\ '>IJill'tJ 111 I 111111. Jlll' I .... l.1111 I.I I lt1:h 1 .11:lt''> l,11 I ·ti gfC'Jl ntfd,, .111.t \t·I 111.Jdl· p111~lt"' 1·drly In 1111 11 ..,.., mid 111 I >t \.aug)m .1 Cl'thl11rt ln..,11111.111 \\hll pl.I\' 1111 II< ll"\1111' ..,.·111111Jt>t'\I1111lqw-.1lt·d1. ... 1.111 11,1 I. IL \\llh 1·1gl11 prnnt-. I It '' 1111'<1 111111 j>llllll' Ill lltt• I ... tglt" 1'o11I\ H ..! ..,pu11 "I l111u ... 1 111 1111{1 I \,,l., 1l11nl.111g 1111..,, gll\"> ll1-.l111p \lo111g11111t·r\ .m · •" 1•ir.11t·d I mdqlll'-l -..ml 11111 I lool .11 lhl' -.t 11fl•ho.1rt1 Ill I\\ .111tl I il11r11 It'd lht "llllt' It '''" I Ill 111 ).:l'I o1 11 ,1d hl t• tltJl Jlhl 1111 .1 p1111t' ... ,ll' n11111d < II "11111111111 I' 1 l lw >-111gl1h brol 1· .1\\,1\ IJCHll 11\l' J.1~)t.., \\llh .u1 dh·t 11\l' lull 1 our1 pn..,.., dl'h'll"- ll1,l 1op \ luntgonwn hlllh .1 •1 I H lt·.Jd u1111I "4•1111111 I >1q,11111 111 \ I SCOREBOAAO pl,1)1111 gJllll .11 lli-.llnp \lon1w>m1·1\ I ht• l.-.1.1111 1.1 ho\' hJ.-.ll'th.111 tt·.1111 • .1mnl Jn H.! lt·.111 \\1lla , u1 rC'marnmg 111 1111' 11"1 hulf. hut 1lw11 1h1· .1,,1 la111lw 1.11111 1111· E''"''·' ... ·111111 /.Jl k '\11\ .1k lir11l1• lltt• l·.-.t:Ull l·I J.1)dt.... \\1'111 '( llfdt"' 11.• 1'1 I 1"' '. ' 13 "t 11rn1g dro11gh1 11!' "11n-d Ill lltl' p.11111 ,iJ ll'r J 11111· lt't-cl In 1111 "l'lllrn po1111 g11.11 I \ 1.111 I .u hol.1 11\1·r tlal' 111·\t Ill 111111 llll''i. a11d ti 11 "'-111glah, 1111· d1\1,1111f, '\11 I ._. ... ti. \\t•nl 1111 ,1 .!:.! o n.m. th.It l1·.11u11·ol 111111 ..m.11gl11 prn111' 111 1111· nr ... 1 110 .... ,., und' ol tlw w11111tl qu.1no•1 lli-.hop \111111g11111l'I'\ .!to I rollt·d w 11\ ..!.lrd '1r.11gh1\\Ill1\llh ,1 7~ j;" \ltlllf\ 11\l'f l.'>\Jlltl,1111 d.I\ rnght l111·n· 1'•" -.h•K l , .11111 tht· K111)!11h do111111o11111· 1''" .al 1110'-t lm1gli.1bl1• 0 11 Wd.'> II .! .• 111d ... ., \\(' 11 ll'U Ill tum thl' dt'< 1n1 hm. tu ll1111 1111 light' (1111. hlll \W d1tl1t I g1•1 1111 II Ill Ullll', I .'>l•lllt t.I ( 11.11 It ( h rt'> ',cm:e qwppl>tl lht·\ h.111 .1 hh11 an a\~Jl.tm lw I h1·11· .. .i n·.1.,,111 tht•)•rc lhl' '\11 I .,..t'll I lu•y h.1\1 fllll' of Ult' ht·-.1 pl.1\n' 111 1111' .. 1.111· and he '>hU\\ot'O th.it 1orngh1 ' 1 hal pldyc•r 111 n·lcrt'lll'l'. I n-tl Wash111gto11. 'n1rL·tl I.! po1111, 1111 ti·of-Y '>hoot111g Imm thl· lid<I Wa'hmg10n .• 1 '4'1Hor hound for !>ranford. ll'lt tlw < ruwtl hll/./J11g wi1h a fc'\\ .11 mhdlll rnml,., .md '>lam dunk.-.. 1111' J.:1ugl11'. Wt>rl' lt't.l hy Brandon l't•:tt't•, who '~:cm'<.! .!.'I poi1lls on 11 ul 14 'ihOL'> fmm tJw field. l'eacl' I'> 1he younger hrothl'r SAILORS Continued from BI end, a.., the two team.., battJed rt' lentJessly for .,ix penods. Buena led after the fir.I qu<incr, 14-13, bur I larhor rallied for a J 1 JO halftime lead. A 9-3 Sailor run la te in lhc third quarter helped tJ1ern lake a 44·4 I lead into the founh period and four quick poinL<> upped the ad- v..intage to 48-41 . With the lars up. 59-53. a three· point play by 6-foo1-S. 295-pound senior cenrer J. 0 . Proba.'iCO spa.rtced a frent•tlc comeback to force overtime. Pajevic. who fouled out with 1 :07 left In the second overtime, finished with 21 points. 12 re· bounds and ~n blocked shotS. c.arneron posted a season-high 1 fi points, while freshman Tud<l Lo- wenthal had a career-high 13 and junior Bretl Lowenthal added 10. ~. whose bulk and ag- ~ness proved a clifDcuJt matchup. had a tewn-hish 18 points. Buena got r.evcn or its 25 Odd goals on putback:.'I to <Mt"COrOe suhpar perimeter shoortng (5 of 1• beyond the arc). Newport Harbor niJlied from ftve p00ll8 down In \he fttat <PJer• drne as Pajevlc'." hit hlci only ~ poWt'f with 2:26 left, Thdd Lo Mnlhll drilled l IO·IOot d ·uo ' 11<1\\.l'\l'f. lht "'-111i.:lt1" 'lllJ \\l'lll 1111 10 lcll-l' 11 141 I ' le .ad .11 h.1Jh1111t· l1w11. tltt•\ 11p1•111•d th1· tJurt.l q11.iner \\1th 111111' 1111.111"\\t•rt'tl pollll'> I .... tam 1,1 111.1d1· Jll..,I nitt• ... t1111 !rum 1he lidd 111 1h1 1l11nl 411,1n1•r . ..ind Wd.'> 11u1 t 11r1·d .!..I h Ill tilt' l'lglll lllllllllt"> \\,1,)1111~'11111 h.1d thn·l· dunl-. 1111 lt11l111g 111w 1111 ,1 hn·ak.a1,•1\ llHlll Ith tl\\11 '>IL•,11 Second round B Montgomery 73. Emnaa 37 SGore by Quarters f .1.tr 1a • '· 1~ L t,. µMunl tJ '' ,, /0 Estancia Pinto S Anr1m!iNl 4 l ""''l•Hst B Nov.ik b C11cnola 3 H('llfrn.m 7 S..1nk1 y l ErM.obeno 2 .:>tr on 1an 0. Viramuntos 0. M o1ssner 0 3 pc 40dl!i Pinto 1, Hoffm11n 1 Fro• 111-0 oul L1nr1qu1s1 T1 .. ilnoe<1lc; non" Bishop Mont~ Hamilton 8 Cldtk 3. Washington 12. Peace 23 H11w.ire1 8 Scon 10, Wallaco 4. Tolc;1on 3. Autry 1 Sunon 1 3 pt goals How11rd 2. Poace 1 Tolston 1 Foulert oul -nonu Trctin1Cc1IS none 1umpcr and Camemn nened two f rt'l' th.nJW'> wi th I :l}<1 left. Buena openl't.l the ~ond OVl'r· tune with a f>m~u Cree throw. which llorden answered 36 sec- ond'> la1er for anou1er deadlock. lodd Lowenthal ar\S\~red a fol low <;Jio1 by the BulJdogs with a IO·footer after his own offensive rl'hound with 2: 13 left. l'hylor Yow1g. a sophomore called up from the junior varsity, ~ored on a putback with 54 sec- ond'> rernainJng to put the Sailors up. TJ-n. Buena turned it over on the en- suing PQSSeS.slon. but rebounded a Sailor miss with 12 seconds left. Buena called timeout with 10 ticks left and had the ball inside when a Newpon defender knocked it out of bounds to set up the fateful rout. CF DMlloft I-AA Rm round Buena74=73 Nowport ~~ l3 17 7 s . 73 Buena M it n ID 1 • • H ~ He;bor-8. Lowenthal lO, Rorden 11. Pajevlc 21, C.meron 16, t l.owenlhal 13, Gl...tc 3. Young '• Hemandeto, 3 l)t. goals -B. 1.owentNI 1, Aordln 1, P~ 1. C.m41ron 1 Fouled Out -Pljevlc, Tec:Mlcelt -none. ..._-~t.Oreyt.~ 18, Smim •• St'Ot1 '°· 'fbuno 11. l(Mf'er •• JerMf IOn 2. 3<pt. 00-. -'fbuf'9 3, 9*t 2. fou'-d °"' -none. w.,..,._NM. Daily Piiot COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Stanford up se ts UCI Cardinal gets in done in four games. STANFOHU -.t•11111r Wilham SLrickJand hJd J d ouhlL· tlo11hlt• uf 17 ld lb ,111tl l 0 dig-. lo 1t .. 1d ninlh rankl'd S1.111fc11d 111 .1 .!H JO, 3:.!<10, '10 :.!!"!, :10 :!.I llp\l'I \11 wry over th1rd-ra11kt•d IH l1 v1111· 1-riday mgh1 .ti llt1111h.11n 1',1, II ion. ·1 he Cardi11.1t 1111p11iv1•d tu H 7. 6-5 111 1tw Mo11111.1111 l'.11 11it Spon-. hc'ck r,1t11111 . whtk 1111' \111 l'<tter., d roppl•tl 111 11 I. 7 I 'ita11fonl too~ u11111ol 111 lhl" n1a1ch latl' 111 lhl' wt ond g.11111 ,1fter thl' i\1111·.111·r-. h.1tJ "1 •II {;Jmr I .ind h.ul 111.111 h po1111 ;11 2~1-D 111 C ,;1111t· .! With \trtt ll.11111 .11 tlw .... ·n111· hm·. 1lw < .1rd111.il -.t 111t·d 11111·1· -.1ra1gh1 poinh to Lake a J0-29 h•ad. Alter lhe Anteater-. lied 11 at :10. ~tanford 11),ed a kill fro m ">Cn - 111r WllhJm <.urn., .inti .1 wrv1ce ;irt· from 'upho11111u· <.rail{ Buell 111 w111 1h1· g;une I lt1· diflcre11u· wa, dl'f1·11:-.t'. • .-. 1h1· < .trllinal rt•t1Jrd1·tl 'il dig' 10 lh for I JU. !'>la11tun.J hit .:l!-!7 70 I II I 11 1 for lhl' 1114lch, whilt• ll<.1 1111 • .WI (h7 .!h l !"1i) I ht· J\11lt«tlt'r' llJll'lll'd thl' 111.11ch w11h a t10ttrJ'h hv .,,·uring 1·1gh1 111 thl' li11.il I! pmnl' 111 < .. 111w I lo n·uml il JO .!Ii \.It lorv l\llt·r "1.111lord t u1 lhl' dl'li111 111 1•1 .!H I JC Ir\ 1111• \HJppt·d up tht· g.11111 011 .1 c .mt111.il "t'r\ 11t 1·1ror 11111111\ l'd11·I li·d 11t1· \1111·.111·r-. \\llh 'I l..111' .11111 11\t hlotk,, \\l11l1 ~\11 · \\1·11 lwr1 1dtlt•tl I.! kill, .1111111111 t' ltlc11 b 11.1\ltl 1'111lll11 lt.11l •d ·""''''' JC MEN'S VOLLEYBALL UC l's Jord<m Hams (right) figures to be in the middle of 1t tonight NhPn Pac 1f1C invades the Bren '!>aturOdy f et><uc1ry 22 200J 85 BASEBALL Anteaters take it on the chin ~ l)JI (,() UC lrv111e·~ lo<,- tng .,lreak cxttmlll'd IO .,,x ga1111·., wtth a 7 l lo ... ., aK.11m 1 \J.11 I )11•g11 l·nday at ( unru11Wia111 Ba,d l.ill ..,cad1w11 ~n l>ll'go' (4 YI Jot·~· l'ra-.1 and 1-rN.ldie "><u1d11\ill 1111 uu1 'en111vt• honw rtm' 111 tlll' h111 tum ol 1.ht> third oll I JI I ... 1.1rtt·1 (,;Jt-11n "iWaJl'iOll Ill td~t• <I .! () lea ti. I he A11Lca11·r' ,111,wt·n·d ,., 1111 ,, run tn llw top 111 till' 1.htrd 1111 Mark Wag11e1 ' '•" nliu• n, 111 '>Con• ( ,a_ry I >udrt·} \'\Jgnn Wit' l -.1 wtlh a douhle I he Jorero' ,1tltlt•d thrt'I' n111rt· nm'> 111 tht· ho1wrn of 1h1· tourth 111dud111g ct 'l'lUlld home run b) ,., .. .,, fin Pm\C 1.,hed lht• gamt' . --I With thrt'P SCOREBOARD Pirates survive in five UCI .Jo1\ .111d '"'" .1111·r11p1 111 pl.11 lll()lt' llllllllll" 1t1.111 lit' did \\f"dt11· .. t1.1\ Big West W L 1.i'I "1 ·t'~ .11 Ut..U1 \1,11e .iml IJ,J 111. re '(l\'1'11\l'I\ HHI cllld llHt't' '" "' \(IHl:d '>..111 Ant1•01t1'r~ lJ>NC, Bl J\t 11 1\11 1·.11lv .' II bJtJ l'V;tpor.llt•d, 11111 ( l1,111g1• ( 11,1,I Collq,:c'., 11 wn\ \.Ollt•\ ti.Ill 11-.1111 11· g;u1wd ii., u11111wNm· 111 pull 0111 .i fiVl'·g<Ullt' \.II IOI",, \() .! .. Ill 'h, I I 10, .I I I I, I 'i ~ 11wr he"I I 11111: llt-<1d1 111 Or • .u1gi· I 111p111 I 11111t'1 t•1Kt' pl.a\ I ml.1\ 111gli1 c )(I llllJlltl\I'' 111. I, \.()Ill lilt' ( ll ( • \\I 11le l 1111g lk.11 h l.1J1, 111 I .I, .! •• Ill tlll' lt'olh'lll' l't1\1•1 l'oi.1 l1'tl 1Jw l'lr.111-.. \\lllt I I kill-. \\lt1l1· I (t\I I 11'11'1 .111d I >.1111· < 1illi.1111 1-.H Ii o1tlcl I I \11k1· \t11q1h\ 111:l1·1 l1'tl 1.! ·'''"" .111d l'a11I 1'11111 rn\ 1., I 1, nit -.t·\t ·11 hlr 11 b COLLEGE SOFTBALL Van g uard breezes, twice (()\1\\\1"\ \.11l).,'ll.1ltl l h11 \l'f'llV tll'•Jll.1\t ti t t11l\l,lt'll1 \ lo lhl' llU"l.111111111 I 11tl,1\, 1""1111).; Hll'nll1.lf II () ">flh.,11 'II lllflt'' 11\l'f \1.,11111)..: lk1lt,111\ ( ollq:1 It> 1111prov1• 111 II • I m1·1.1ll I ht' I JOll' ll't'd I II 1111' .111d ''' 11111111g' Ill \\Ill 1111' 111 I g.11111 tlll'tl pO\h •tf 111111' lllh il\l I li\l 111n111g' for 1111· .... 1011d'111111\ c el111<1 C .1111.11 lllc1 'Jlllfl .1 11111 l11m·r 111 1h1· 11111•1111 111 hl'r 111 -.1 olJIJll'<llolllll' Ill 1111' 'l'ol\1111 \,hJt \ \f.111111, B1•1h l\111t hdl .11111 1111 k"t'll l'.H'h h.1d (\\(/ ltth In 1h1· 111gh1t .1p hit Ji-"' 11 .. 1rut l 1111l \Pt .11111..i .111t rnl 11111'1 h11' l'll ruu1t· 111 lwr '"'' '111111\ ttl ,,,,. ""•''''" \ 1111•.,..,1 l\11h1 II ,111d ( .1111.1111111 Ii.it!'"" 1111-. .1p11•11• Nooconference Vanguard 8, Bethany 0 Score by Innings ... ' .. I I,.,., I' . II I f II > II !t• 1 '"·• t I"'"' Ill jflft .. ( •• u 11 I 1 (J l 1 !Jll I ,,,. t vu Mt1JI v " .lb '· "•'J• I v I Vanyuard 8, Bethany 0 Score by Innings c :trHJ •t 1r"'' r J• •.• 1•n I .. COLLEGE WOMEN 'S TENNIS AnteaterL drop 4-3 decision A;'\. rl .1\1111 11 ''I\<., I \I >llJ\I 1 lw I J< II\ 1111· \1111·.11t·r, v.111111•11\ ll'l111" lt•,1111 111,I Ill 't<,tt111g I O\ol.1 \l.ir\ 1111111111 I I, I ndJ' ,1Jt1·moc111 111 1111111 111111 •1 1·11r1' pl.iv rh1· 1\ttl1'.1l1·1' -.\\t'Pl d1111hh·' fur .1 1 fl 1t·,1d. h111 I 11y11l.1 :O. l.11 \ lllCJlllll l ,IJll!' b.tc t.. \\1lh \'11111111'' at No I .11111 ! .. 111g1t· .... ·"' \H'll ·'' tht> I 'i ,Joh 111 drop I Jc I 111 I i overall fllll f ,l.'CIW ,111d \1111,1 J\t'tll/l'f each w 1111 q1111 kl\ 111 -.111gl1·-. I•> h"Vl' I IC I .1 .I 0 l1•.1d lwlor1 I rn 111.1 Mary111mr11 1 d11.,1·d 11 11111 \\llh tour '>lr,ught I lit• \1111·,11t·t' l l'lllltl Ill 1h1 1111111, 1111 "11mf.1\ .11 I fl 111 .ig.1111'1 \1\lllllg l\1g \\1''' ( 1111lt·1 I Ill l' rl\ ,ii 111 '-..1111.1 11.11 Ii.If ,1 Nooconference Loyola 4, UCI 3 Singles F••1va 1LM1 d"f B '"'"""' I h' 1 t. 4 f'1l.1y Lf>..1 11·f (tl,11 q t• .1 J " 7 ~ Bt"ltll'' IUl:I dt·f D•11h.t1ri ft 1 '' 0 Vim~ •LM 1 rh•t Tr.Jn•~'"" b 3 ti l Huhl 1LM 1 :11'1 Posrlf"r b ~ 7 !.. L••nw UCI I r1"1 '>ant1w1 h 1 ll 1 Doubles Bowm.m Ch.illll U( I ''"' r 1h• / • H 1hl I:! .1 Bi>nuP.r f'u·.n· r I j 1d P ,1< rv D•""·'"' 8 1 l 1 Oh Tr 11 1i.1nl) JCI 111 I \:1 1~ .l.Hl:1H I ;-f 1 JC WOMEN'S SOCCER Orange Coa t off to fast start U llJI A VIS'IA -A pcrh•1 t-.in gle' '>Wl't'p .111d ..i .,, m11g tlouhlc., ro11tingt.•nt hl'lp1•d tlw Or.111gc l.oaM C.olll'~l' w11111C•n\ 1t•n111., 1eam through tJw fiN dJy of tlw SoutJ1wc)>tt>rn li..>urnarnt•n1. <X:<. .;wl'pl all .,1x '>ingl1·' Oight., wilh A.\hll'y Ncl<,011 Jnd Michell e Wensld not lo<i111~ .1 game in Lhc1r matchc., Sabrina ·rhnarnal a11d I .t•ah Becker won both doublt•<> matches In the 12 team touma- ment. OCC resume~ ... Ingle.., play at 9 a.m . and I 1 a.rn. w1lh double' tclTllng at 2:30 p.m. today at Southwestern College. The tour· nament continues thmugh Sun· day. Sin9'M Bedtllf (OCCI def Bemt6l (Coll of Oesenl. &-0. ~o. Net'°" <OCCI def. Nolle (SD~). ~2. 6 2. T11n.wT11I IOCCI def M1rtlne1(Soll1hwesteml,6-1. 6-2, Seaum (OCCI def God1neJ llmperial Valley), 6-2. 6-0, Morry1m11 IOCCI def. Encbon (SD M ... I. 6 3, 6 3. Wtntkl (OCC) def While (Coll of °"8111. 6-0, 6-0. Flrwt'4'UUftd doubM -Bedc0t-Tanamal IOCC) def. TrespjlMl•8urd (Cen I. 6-1 , 6-2; Nelton·Settum (OCCI def. fJrlun ~nilkf'nherQ •CPITI 6 0 "1 Moroyama Wensk1 IOCC1 def Wallmtt•k lee IM.irymounll. 6 2 6 I Se<:ond-round doublM Bedtl• Tanarnal IOCCI dof Huntt'r Naill' ISO MC'l.t). 6 4 6 3. Rul.iles Al]lJdVO tR111 I 11fot Mor1y1tmi1 Wf>ns'' !OCCI 6 3 & I • 111 llu1rsd,1y' pl..iy: LO~ rA M FSA -Orungt' Coa!>t <.ollc~c·~ women\ 1cn111~ team improved to 3·0. 2·0 111 the Orangl' Empire ( onft'renct:' with a 5-4 victory over vi~1tu1g River- side. The Pirat~ got ii dont> with Vlclone!> in 2-3 ·4-5 "ingle'I and tht> douhle!> team of Nelson and Rachael Ses,um. Onna• Empire Confwence occ 5. Riverside 4 5mgles -Brown IRCCI def Bechr. 6 3. 6-4, Nelson (OCCI def Restivo, 1-0,7-6, 6-1 ; Tanamal (OCCI def Robles. 6-3, 6-1; Sessum (OCCI def Huxen, 6-2. 6-4, Moriyama (OCC) def Lee. 1-6, 7-5, 6-4; Aguayo (RCCI def Wonski, 6-4, 6-4. Doubles -8rown·R851ivo IRCC) def Bedter Tanamal, 1-6, 6-3, 7-5; Nelson-Sessum (OCCI def. Hui<en Lee. 5-7. 7-4, 6-3; Robles-Aguayo (RCCI def. Morlyama-Wenski, 6-4. 7-5. COLI.EGE WOMEN'S WATER POLO . Hawaii dunks Anteaters, 7-4 f.alllng to •·S. 0~2 in conftttnet. Cluisde Bland and Shannon ean..o eldt scored twke '°' Ha· wail to oft!et UCl' Rebecca~ ~.who 8COled three .. Continued fron1 HI II< I II.id .tll 11 q11wcl pl.1\l'r lhur'>tl.1\, \\ l\1 •11 11 tleh:.ttt>d l-.tl \1a11· "q11h UCI Ut..ih St UC5B C.il Pol\/ ndgt'. t .. t ."17 Ill 111gl.1" 1,1,.11 , "-1111 I l<1od 111111n·d .1 1111 g1·1 1·,1rl\ 111 tlw fir,1 h ,111 F11ll•·n ,,, 10 4 10 4 10 .i 8 6 I I 6 7 · \11y 111m· you doval \\, ... l 4 \\ llh .1 run .int.I ,111 HHI J SJ11 D11•yQ ~ •• , 1hwt· pe1111l1·1 111 lht 1111.tl 111111 1111· tn lwlp 1-.1111 tlw \ll llJf\ I 1H 1111• I 1~1'" "·111111 g11,11d I >1°1111'111 ll' 1.11 ~ .. 1111 lt·d \\1111 17 Jltlllll ' .111tl h lo111t 'I fll',IHll.111 llil'\\.tld I 1111' 11,111 \l,11 .1k1 •1 "11n·d 11 H111 1111\\ 1lr11-..· '"'' ,111· 11111,111g lllJllrfl'' .111tl nmt1111wd 111 pl.11 Northndg!' 8 4 9 J J 4 10 11.t\1' .i11 1th11k prt...,· 1·111 t• \1111 t<U1 Y\ctric ln1111 till' b.L,~t'I out," I ll111gl.t.,., .... ud '"fl n·.111\ t!H IJIL.., the way our o lll'tN' tdfl h'fi I h·' I >l't'll a h1g .t.'"'-'t lh1· , .... , h1·' ht.'l.'n pl.i\lng 1ht· JM'l tour "id11 l>wg11 ,1,111t•r K} It· < 111111 " lrm11t·tl lhl' \111t•.111·r' (:! 71 '" 1u-.• l11ur hit-. ,,11111· 'tn~tng mrc -.i> 11 1 eight 11111111g' 111 ir11provt· 10 I I 1lt-,p11t· tlw fl.IHI I food R v..rwli \l.1t.1k1·1 \\Iii I \1'1 lllld 1111 lht h'.1111 \\tlh 1 I.' • p111nh p1·r ~·.11111· .l\1·r.1,.:• 111111wtl 111, 111~ It 1111·,d.1\ ,u11I .trd 11111 pl.,, 111 l'111h1' ·111 I 111" 111 I •llW 1(1 11 It "I.ill \\P<hll'' ii.I\ \ l.1t .1H'I ,f,1llh i-. \11111h1 lul 1<11 11111wt11 1 .. 1. ... 1111 '"'' 11g1·1' h'<1tl111J.! "1111•1 11 I pp\.: '' d1-.J 111g \\ llh I li.11 ~ lllfl 11 \ I 11 ... 1.111 !1<1111• h.t, 1111·11 '" 11111111~· 111111 I It \\I Ill '' Jll f1..,, ltl l 'l):lil llllflllll'' II' 11 111111 \\1·d111-...l,1\ I I• .1111·111pr,·d l\\11 11111•1 p11,11l1 I'-11111 111.-.-.. ti I 1111 J1 I 11 If 1t 111 ''h" 'lllrt'<l lour p111111., Lonq Bch Sl l JC I ... 1.1r1t·r < 1lt·1111 ..,,,a11'•1t1 tdl tn II I on th1 ..,..,1,1111 aflt'r I 1,11111 IU'I lour 11111111g' anti g \11t~· u; fiH· n111' ••II 1111111, \\l11lc 111~ "'~ out thrt·1· \ 11·1111·-.1·111.111\1 1111111 1111 , ... 1!11 '>p1111, l11Je11111o1l11111 I lq1.111 1111 L•I ,,11tl J,11 ~-..111 p1.11 l111·tf I 11 .tll 011 lrt•t· thrrn". '' 111 ·""' pl.1\ l11111glll I Ii· ltu11 111' l111g1·1 I h111.,tl.1\ • I >o Hl~J" -..11d 111 I lood I h1· 1r.1111l'r' plll 11 h.11 I. 111 pl.111" hut hi' ti I ot.• n·.1th 111 go I l11oth 1111h1d1· -.h11111111g flll'' 1·111 •·\\Ill Ill IH't·tlt·d ,.-. IJ< I 111111111 I t'llll t \cJ,1111 f1i1l,1d,1 II.I' ht·t'll 111111111.111tl111g lllllrt' .1111·11111111 \\llh 111·, 111ljlf•l\l'd pl.I\ 11\1·[ tlll' 'l'I 111111 h.111111 lh1· ll1g \\1 ... 1 """'"' l'.1r.11l.1 h,1, 't1111·d 111 d11uhli· ligur1·' 111 111111 111 th1 Jl•"l IJ\I' \II lllnt" f It• -.. •111'11 .1 ll·.1111 l11gli Ill p111111-. .111d tw ddl\1·n·d 1 ·, <11111 I t 1111 tlw e11o1tl EQUESTRIAN Local riders shine \Vhilnl'\' Ho\ t laim.:; an O\erall Lill e in rhe Ind 10 Dt'\l' rt fa.)lll'-..trian Circuit. '•'\\jlllfl 111'.11 h ... ,.t11·111 \\1111 111•1 II•,, '"I'' h,1 111 111• .ii 11d1 '' \\1l11 f.1t1•tl \\I II lt't 1'111 1'\I llh 111 1111 l11tl111 11 ... ,,.,, I q111·,111.111 I 111 lllf .ti 1111' I trlfllll f'f1l11 ( .r111111d' 1<11\, I, \\ol' 1 li.1111p11111 111 lhl' 1 l11lcltt'll' llllllflt'I d11t,l111l .tJ.!1'' ,,, I I "'It' \\1111 2 "' I , ,,,,..,,,, "'p.1r.111 1111111tl' l1•.11un11g 1h1• ,,lllll' t lllllJll'llllll'l Ill 1 l.11111 lh\' 1>\1·1.111 111h· ""l' .11..,,, ""' lin1r1lt 111 lhl \\llf lllJ.! lrlltlll'f' luhe l\1w11111g I 7 of '\t'\\ p11rt Be .11 h "·" ""' 1111tl -.t•t 111111 .111d 111111 lh 111 1 htlcln·11' 111111p1·r 1 lllll· p1·11111111 '" 1111 ~Ill I, I -, .. ,,II 111 ,, \\ purl 1\1.11 Ir "''" l1111rth .111d ,,., 1·111h Ill lilt' 11111J1li1·d lllnUH ollll•I 11·1rr 1111111w1•-. 1d11li i....11t \\11..cm '\1•\\ p11rl Ht·.11 h .111cl \11111 "' hri11·d1·1 ( 111111);\ dl'I \l,111 h111h Jll"lt·tl ._1"1.111 ,111d l'lghlh plJI l' 1 l.1" li111-.lr1·' Ill tilt' .... llllt' dl\1 'llltl I h.-. I 11111111·11111111 "·" 111111 pll'll'll J,111 ..!.' \\ il<,1111 \\lln 1h1• Jlll11l1h1·d )1111 1111 111r11p1•r' t l•"'H di\ i..111n ,11 1111· 'l'llllltl l11tlt111 lftllll '"O\\ COLLEGE BASEBALL Canad ians topple Van guard < ""I \ \II "\ \ ;111g11.ml IJru '"''"' d111ppnl ,1 -I 1111111111111•1 1·111 l d1·1 1-.11111 111 \l..Cllltg llnll'h < t1h1111h1J I ncl.1\ •" Bron~ ;\It '\1 \t'll \\t'l11 1h1• t11-.1.111t t'. 'l .tllt•nng 111111· hth lc111.11h.111 Bm,er (..' for IJ \\,t<, tilt' 11111\ I 11111 wilh IYIO lnh ,,, \.1n~'11.1rd It'll to Ii ') Bnt- "h I 01111111>1,1 llllJHO\t'U Ill 5 I Nonconference British Columbia 7. Vanguard 1 Score by Innings B c JI" ()) vu ,, ( '\)() • ~ M~N111Nl ind PrP.<icon Franco 11.h•on 161 G11ygs 171 Franco 71 5'-arto 181 Brunel 191 and Bower W M c N 111Nl l Franco. O 1 28 • Campbf1ll IBCI Prescott \BCI, Searl!' (VU! Bowor IVUI LOOKING FOR A Sw1MITENN1s Ctue? N c \\'F''( )rt J)l\l l-li ·1 ~'1111i ~ (J ul" ON-SITE AMENITIES & PROGRAMS ••• • 19 I rnnt~ < nu rt., · 5 Pros W/c;rand ~lam E~ • ~.ld11un C.our1 W/ Ne · l\all MJ~htnc I •Swim I tssdns ·Jr. OlympJC S.Jrw31cr Pool Ferm'C n t ...................... 1111mne. • 111 hw h.J.llgJnll"'-· \\ l11lt• tlw l'.11 iii• lJC .I lllJll hup "111 ll1 1111.111111glul 1111 llH' 1 nun lh1·11• 1-. .1l-..i 1 ... 11m1• otl 11111r1 .. 111r. hm" 111111gl,"' .ilr11.1 tllJlt'r '' l .. ct I 1111 ollltl lllll' rol hi\ 11',lllllllJlt•-. lht rt \\ol' flol> 11111111,L .... lll \\fll) 1111\\ • "·" '"" ilw I 1gt·r' ht Jthh 111111 11111' t·rnlt-tl tlt1• l~1tt·r' dtt'ollll .,..,,..,.Ill Ill .!()(II \\flt'll 1111' I 1g1·r, 11p ... ·1 I It I 111 1lw Big \\t''' I 1111rr1.11111'11 t l lit· 11< I l'.111f11 -.,·nt·, I' .!8 .!K .111d tlw \1 111 .. 1t•·r.., li.1\1• \\1111 '" 111 1111 I'·"' 1·1gl>1 llll't'llll):(' Newport Beach's Whitney Roy iumps to vi ctory I hl' \1111·.111·r, .,, 111 I.it • 111 Ii rt'm' 111 1lw -.1·t 1111d ~.111 11 11 1tu 1hr1·1·-g,111w "'rn'' tod.i\ 11 I p 111 UCI SD Nonconference U San Diego 7. UO 1 Score by Innings 5wdn'-"" l<rt'I:, E.r!t ll t> 5<.M C·I' .., M•ll ... n I! J" l W«rt•ur C< •11,,1 p,.,. / 'J ..ir\rl H,p 'st • W Colli I 1 l Sw.1">• r 0 LB w.,41 ,., u C S.m.1011,, •50 C 1pl1 SC UrJ•'<Jr• SD HH Pr J<s1 SD , S.irr1 ~.ii SD HAPPY BIRTHDAY C f>febr a ting rtlP Dari., Pelot Artilete ot rtie Wef'~ .f'r e~ TODAY 20 Tra.,1!> B1•.;ro~1 .. 1 Coror1.l t11' MJ' Croi.i. ourirr, ~" 23 KPlly BoM• Vanuurt•cl Un1-'•1<o11~ Bas~Pll.J.ill 01 21 Q.111e Wf"' Cos1a Mesa FoottMll 98 99 Tryouts will be held for the 2003 -2004 season on the following dates at Wolfpack field . Saturday, March 1st GU I I 10:00 to 11:30 ( Plftll tenu) GU12 12:00 to 1:30 (brorsu) Saturday, March 2nd BU 11 10:00 to 11 :30 (llftll) BU12 12:00 to 1:30 (nlwr, u.) Saturday, March 8th GU13 10:00 to 11:30 r,.IJJ GU 14 12:00 to 1:30 (lilwr.,., .,..._) Sunday, March 9th BU13 IOiOO to l ldO <--J BU14 12:08 to 1:30 (.;JWr, m..) (If you are for mmple; BUI l this ym, come to 8Ul2 tryouts.) Please mm 20 mioata early to cJaeCk .. in. Clab manbas will be on had to wwa yoar quations. Alff idditioul ~ coma Had Trainer, Gleaa Stnchan 11 (714) 378-0859 or e-mail ,...m@11I c. - .. ~~ --..:. "' ... - Policy How to Place A ___ Deadline ·-----. By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 !l'kJ'< onclu<lc )°"' 11at11<" and pht>n< number and "'c II ull you l>acl w11h A pn•e 4Ulltc I CLASSIFIEIAD By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Pcr~on: 330 We~I Bay Stro!CI CoMa Me~a. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay S1 Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Wednc:-.day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thur~day ............ Wedne!-.day 5:00pm Friday ............ ~ ........ Thur)\day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Rates and deadlines are 'ubject to change without notice. Thi! publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any clas~ilied advenisement. Please repon any error that may be in your class ified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept!> no liability for any error m an advcniscment for which 1t may be responsiblt: except for the co!.t of the space actually occupied by tht: error. Credit can only be allm~cd tor the fi rst msen1on. Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wal k·ln 8:30-.im-5:00pm Monday-Fnd.i) Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ' ANNOUNCEMENTS N I & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL flditlM lusinHi .... s ...... T hf' foll11w111& JWf\un' ~,,. doona bu\inr\" a' R Conuell' Pumping 15998 Mt Mollh•ll r or I ounlaon Vallfy (A 'll708 Manuel !..omet I '>'l'.18 Ml Mrl• h•ll Cor . r 1111n tam V dllP.y I.A 9?7UH Me•gdn Gnme1. I ')9'!8 Ml MolLh•ll Cor I •111n ta on Vallt'y. CA 9? /OR fhos bu\lne'>S 11 l on due I Pd by an 1nd1v1dual llave you slilrled dnonR bu"""'' yet? No M.mutl Comf't l h" 5la1Pmenl Wd' toled wtlh the (,,111nly Clerk of Oran&• (.ro11nt y lln 0 1/03/03 20036921416 Daily Pilot r Pb I 8. 15 22 2003 'i&474 RttlMINlm "-S....... 1 he followona PN \••n' are do•ne bu&ones\ a' U DA BALM. l74 S C1trns SI . Oranae. Cahforn1a 92868 V1klo11a M Ortea•. 274 s Ctlr us St • ()!an KP Cahlornoa 92868 This businen rs con ducted by an 1nd1¥1dual Hav,. you 51 llrll'd "°'"f business ytf1 No V1ktona M Or tee• fhos statr.mt'nl wn filed wrlh lht! Courtly Clerk nt Orana" County on 01/t3/03 20036'2'544 Daily P1101 r eb 8 15. 22, Ma•ch I, 200J Sa•26 c....,~ ClASSlflfD It's the solution you're searching for ·whether you're 5!8ing a home,.-~ petonew «<• • l-1419 2305-2490 ENTERTAINMENT Calendaraf Events 1310 E OUAI. HOOSltG OPPOITIJllTY All real e\lillP <1rlvPr '""'~ tn tho~ n~W\PdPPI '' \ut.1ect to lh~ I ed~r al fair HOU\lnil A< I nl 1968 as ~m ended whorh make\ 11 111eea1 10 '*dverll~~ ·dn f ,11 .. f Pr .. n,,. hm1l a tu .. n "' lll\u1m1nal111n b il\f'd on uu .. ". tnh'lt, ,,.11gmn \t-1. h.1nd!lap hmolt•I \lalu\ o' natron1tl m 1ein. or .tn 1nl•nl1•;ll lo makr any \uch p1elere1u e lonura t 1ci11 <i• d1sc11m1nall11n • lho\ new•p.iptr will nol knowm11ly ucept any .idver hsemeul 101 real ,.st.ite whl<h 1\ '" v1olatonn of lh,. law Chtr r ead~""'" hereby informed llMl All dwell ones adv~• 11\ed on lh1s newspaper a1e avu1leble on a11 "'Wal nvpnrtumty baS1\ 1 o urmplaon ol di\ c11m1nalt0n c.oll HUO loll h ee ~• t 800 4?• 8590. 14&3 WANTED ANTIQUES $$CASH PA.to ts Of'lfpi«.otOt~ .... WE•UYUTAn& •'-1.ot•t...,.,,i.,- COrJSIGNMENTS ' I 1Af7_.t~ 4611.c....• ... 11. Loh ol tntlq.,., ~tntAce. MW llollWIHf "'"11tur1 .i I. etc: llO IMll.Y .-S IEAL ESTATE fOR SALE CM Sot/Sun 1-2 queen & duubl~ bt>d' 'OUlhf'\ dmon~ & IV labl~s """ 11•'1. & ~ntr c.enh-r l111u\~holtl & gre~I m"<' 16')4 loWJ St Oi,11 hw & Gl\l~r 1 HPI OH LIDO ISU SAT 8-11, 216 Vlo Ebol, ~. w~ lurrlfl.ure. 7'2 Par~ 1.-.-, ''""" r ..o•" u~to1 Sot & S11n 9a-2 4S27 Gorhom Dr. CdM E ttoon Allen bOy~ bdr m"'' $550 queen \leepe! '!Old $350. LUC.lie & ftla~s OR '>el Rn> 1e.-.. ~·111111& 12) utmoo rolot ~las ~..a OanlVI wal \h«tv ••g, dt.n 1 .. " ~9 ]66 5841! Bargain lonon10 ~di . 8 a Ip bdl!v 1len1\ clolhmg. lmnrtl#• hoo<» hold 11en,,., qi......, 1•ltow111Cl mAU 575. 1 24~ Siu~ C11111 L n NB Dover We\IChll Sot-S-, 1:30om Wi(IU\111 ~on 11>1 5"h blW •·~. <hilndl'ller p1Mt1~ olt ~ & l)lffily M<lf ,., Mu\t 'ft>' 930 W Coa\t Hwy NB Sol Onlyl-Poot Moving Salel Loh of good ''"fl 3•6 Flower. (o,lo MHo. lost 1505 LOST Male I Al Blad• wh1IP lummy & pol w\ & I.Ke 12 m<mth' 11ld no LOiiar COM llN f" dlnd 11011. ne• t lu lht Bun glow lasl seen Sun I eb. I 61h 949 338 9058 LEGAL SERVICES Adoption & Foster Care Services ..,._/J ... C.t There are OVl'f 100.CXXl ~en •1 thr US WlMlw1ll fora home ~~~ brothers & v.len l"llf!llu '' aorq & r "1inllill 'il4lPllr1 rib rneetrc ... 2S 600 7 ~ so s Anilhrltl1 BMl 1'241. """"""' 71.e.517 l!lll 88S Z6-4f>43 HOME FURNISHINGS .,...... wtute lr.Jthef w f• ~t; chaw lov~at spla SI 150/all 2 crystal lamps SIOO . I nnloqoe v.rnity, S.-50 949 646 7673 Ind ex ~ ~ 7402-7466 3010-3940 mN.OYllENT ~ Under the Service Directo ry Banner rm i ....... s IOOS-&SIO Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ___ ___, ~' soos-saso ~ For Only $32 per w eek (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coa't Coln Heed• Old Cutt"' G11ld ~1lve1. 1ewelr y, w11ldti>\ dllloQlle\ UJll•d1blr\ '14'1 £;4} 9448 Cats 3610 Do!Jl/!Omn __... www .nmar.·IWlri. ()IV Pet<; "' Pul• wto.OO<h fast.on kl.inti 9<1'J IM l279 Rill WAY lo mnmrru tat/ l:"l ol k1n1m ~~At ,._'"" ... ~Sls<>'lll Koll~n' r •wnd on Bu,hes n•ed b .. 111~fe;.dt1 ~ Help Save hve\ All ''"""'es paid Anon.al Netwm k 949 53J 041 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Men:handlse 3855 WANTED JAPAHlSl SWORDS AND RlLATlD ITlMS 949-494-1731 Olfices for lease 4540 o CM/....,..aa. 13al6d, 1 SOO ....,.... of Newport Blvd., 949 67 3 I 943 Cleon and Awe.....,• Loe. Newport l e ach r rf'e rt·nt lnr ·""' r,-.tdt1dl svL hu'Ciutt'V Will e u h,-,ngf! PJ~m~ r~nl It• lljd>I olfw_e dutlt".> Credi .,fftt •· stf'I)> to walrr 94'~ l?J 84R5 Newport Beoch Office '" \hdt~ r ur 111\hed. lull ~rvoct Oro•'< Or S500 SIOOO nou 949 689 0857 NPI OfflC( SPACE 833 0.-Ot • 14 Gtnund ft 621>;1 tJn P•p;w>d ID ~hi SI !Jl-.1 nJ 111' & .m~mal 9't9 6~'>47'> SHARE SPACE wfRN on Costa Me'd •uot able for medica l anlhet•n ~75/mo 949 646 7673 - A C_........,lng~ locati-... \trull lo Sig C0< 1'11'1• Jnd l<Ktkout p<Jml 4Br 4 '>8d ~uslum homt (""""-''-2003 Offen.I at 5 2,9SO,OOO COASTUHl RWTY 949-7S9--0 l 77 l-.tlful home w/~ eatro',. 4Rr 4 'i8d 3 levek. J ~' w oce.tn ~•ty "'ld Bud• Gully Vll'WS Ha-.'>aN • I a!> .uod Hady OW-•Ill! 310 Jlf>.8871 SHOaWOOO afALTY TRU HOUSl SlClUDl D RlTIUAT AMAZING PRICE AGL949-723 -1120 7bf 7hd I 11111111 lo Ii: Wd. Ip IR pdllCI w vu l «l• ea• No ~mi.. ''" pel ull. SJ97'>1mo 949 11!> 482!> Costa Mesa 31r 21o, .... yt.,illl\ & l.lllledl"ai c""" f 11 •• l R ottv-. ,_ l41Jlf'I ~"""" Ultb. 'Pd< krt11 ..... , pool \u.ed bac-t.y.vd Sil'.'1.0CO ae'I 114 J45 {\J) If~ ----PANORAMIC VIEW 2-llDROOM RUREAT 5299,900 A Gt. 949-723-1I20 f SIDl IP 411' b.t l100o.I opoo I\ .,I.YI 'W ace.• ~ S..t I 4 Jl8 l -St S75-1K nwn '149 64'> 74(1) Open Sot & S11n 1-4-- 110 (o,to Muo St. R 7 l '\A'.11' 7 htar,e<. S749 IXXl •f 949 'ill lilll> Laguna Beach S!><!l l•c.ula• 1111 w•lh view\ up lhf' l~M\I m Sf0ut'1 l "li(UOd l!f'\I Vdlue on Or ..inct tuuntv OClAH Vl(W G••"""' •OUl11 nff Otamnnct PlA TINUM f'tlOP8t I llS Ste4"'11e Met• !f 949115 3156 Udo Isle lOWlU P.•tEl ON UDO ISLAND OP(H SAT -SUH 1-4 llACH con AGl 117 VIAHOLI 2br 1' /•lo 2 -< gar, loch & l•n club 3S' lot. Reduced to 5169,000 Aft 949-7S9-0SOS er 714 -307-4 214 HOMES rOA SAl E Newpoft Bead! ORANGE 5400 (ASTllUH l(AUTY COUNTY OPC N SUN I 4 2100 VISIA I ARCOO Corona del Mar 4BR JBA remod krlc & ba Plaul \hull~rs, f • COMING SC>Of'll PM1\1ve v1r w of 11reen ,.__._...,. ~ 2003 bell Turnkey $61 4 900 ...........-• ..,..,... Ag1 Harriet Kall S16&Sl6.S_,.... S99S..OOO & $749,000 & 414 & 414.S H.tkh..,. 5 I, ltS,000 & $799,000 COASTUN( RW TY 949-759--0177 ...,._ 16,oood i.t, on oo of the la<sest m Hatbot v..,w Holts Ooun viewli abound Blnkl a wonderiul new residence or remodel Ille existing_ Offw ..... s 1,495.000 COAST\M lllAlTY 949-759-0177 941J55? 9570 949 933-611B _.............._ A S11perb Hewperl ... .,.,. r~nct 4bf (5th 8'/pme room/off1Ce downslaws) 5 'ib~ louted on a qu..,1 cornet lot C u s t o m lea l u res ltlrou&fl<lu1 Sl.649,000 COAST\M RIAi.TY 949-759-0177 IOMfTA CANYON Of'fN SAT-SUN 1-5 10 wi..ttw.., 38R. 2.58A home S~p er •le off1ce/1uesl suite By Owner Sl.175,000 949 64.e·8288 900G-97SO PRIM( (SfAl(S PATRICK HHOR( HATIOHWID( USA '"' 1 ""'' •1•' 1 ,,,. t • .,,,,11u·t ~ t h• 1· unf • .,,,d • ttport 'Ill 949 I S6-970S www pattu 9'l~t1Mf! com I Rental To Share 6030 I 781 21 0. .. ....... w a.av o•eo" • ., • .,.. "'" I lrg 111, rww , :;-;µ-_, /1. NI Shore Newer 31r "''' Ii 1111\ 1 "1 "• I u1 ll•1t A-.111 l1t11t1·1,., •l UIOOm.1 '" u'r ......... '" Oii .111 lll('il•<o ,, I WI'"'' I OI.I' .. I SI,., J4~ 1"11' (}/HJ) "' I"" '*4'l rlO 94.'Z S'>!>O mn • I I ''''' 8ecalhful ,. 1 • ••1·~ I Mor9uerrl• iir /28o 21•, 2 fvll b~fh,-;;;11~• soo ( lolboo ...... d llS>t."d dftvP.,»tJrHt-nt "',.. Plan' on prn< "'' ~700-..t IOI A\kong S/'l'>,IXXl ·•cl 714 &!>8 8980 Buy~..,pn•lfleJ< h •nm 1,•m prd tl4tf HM/ 11/ t.., t ~ •• r1 .,. k • l't •,1 .. , y ',. tur h l1om..-,.._,., h,.d K"' L.t floo.11t ft l " , • S. ll l}-1t $ i "'4 lt11 AJ.o k.-.,._ 1~tt1 1111 ~ ''"'°" '-<HJ)PI, p49u1I "ff' ••• II• l;.ty ,.,, '"I 'WH,// //II• WJlt>d If ~ I 'Ill 111.t IW... ·•1lPI & •t•I"'' $1 /'>!J. "'" 30/ t ••h "'•v r·~·""" ho"' 1,,,,.,1 1111rltlt'~ll'•~·ll 1.,,,~,1>~v /14 lSl!'>775/ -Jv. k•v·"'" ,,111 i... 1•""'' 1 Corona del Mar I G.11Hl S/<f1 41'/IH I II/: Gc..i ~r,, .. · 11~+. o ""' ('~ HM 1l\I ?'>Ba fk __ ...., ____ ...;,;._ 1 °""'1 Sot 10 12 uim ''"' l'.d ll1fY. tt .~I II' '"'ll<•,..."Cl hftlwd ~' RoomstorRent 6040 conc1o ., ... l'•t;t ,.,, ·~· ·~· .... 1i1 "" ....... "' t•e )'Id t*"h ,,. vt11..A .., ,. , 1 1 • 1, '••• 11t • -\4• "d SJl'YJ m11 '.M'JW~ (~Wcf. <M f.;..i.-~t• l ./t • "•• -. •1 •r.t J• " • • ~'0)11 fTWi IV' ---l•niL.• •. ~.1 ••1 , ... .,,,.11,..114 ,1.r..., •• 1·•· 1•>f•l91"•>J Mission Viejo VIHTAGt HACH ,. 11 "1., t "" r..,, OCUN/UY V ( S ----• HOUSl OH THl 1,.tf 11 Av nl 1 I :1• 1 lorge Srvdto " ' " I W !II U.. 3100d, I ~y 41•, WA TtR. CAU HOW SJUJm• \JU ';1'1 Iii' 111 '• ~ I I t. h •" 1••' • 111 No,. 1" "" 11·• I '•11·• • t ., '• 1,.~ ''°"'· iJ!tt AGT. 94t-123 8120 ·" 1t t" •" 1 'h "ff '• 1 '''f 11" 1' itrn ,.,,,,.. .. ''"' t f'IOtt'f ,..._,..by w1p.-wjf • • S'• I• 11.-'"'• •, i ( •11 I' '" ',..r, f ,. '' i ltdv lo• t SlJUl111J 714 ~: Steal T1'ft b •!i !> Ctl\l"I" ill .l()f f lf • t ~ '' 7400 I 181 • lof1 180, • ·1'1•.,,I \lt p\ If• 111 t t ll yh·WIO~ ti11dl· .111·1 f.11 r11 nArfh11 Newport Beach ,., ,, !Ill I' tf! •IH1t•I Hin l~I• 01 BtWI 'D~ 949 ,..,I ~ IG'Ol (Jo l.i.d St www 1111fl ... .ttv ··~ WOH'T LASii'481 ~;;;; wrth w~ I /"h yldr~ la"" S859 (11() C..11 di\ Bevet ly 'J4'l , 18 174? Newport Coast OPlN SAT I S 3 Suprema I lrv•l 1111111" ?bo • d~n Galpc1 comm SI S 1,000 A touch of Italy 4 br 'l ~!JJ \11 .. ~~ home 5 1,729,000 llAl1•n 'lvl• '>b• Sb.1 di• "'"' 1111)()(1 to 1'1 O<Xhf 53,49S,OOO N(W llSTING St unnmt'. fiw,u d wmi11fly, B1ttt>kf1rld h•Jmt. h111ll 111 ?000 ill• • 01111 • Av '""' 1100st 5 1,719,000 PLATINUM l"ROPIRTIES Sttf~,,, .. M"u'"'' 949 715 JI!>& PRIM( l STATl-S PATRICll TlHORl NATIOHWIDl USA 949-IS6-970S www p..ilrn.klenore com Mcg .. flant Pelc., <mt custom ~l•IP wrth c.anyon & ocean VIPW'> Ott~t<! •I S6.500 000 Coastline ::::z.949-7S9..(11 77 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAl.£ LAICE TAHOE 2Sr ~a k•• condo \lfot>ps eoel1I. lt4 or 1/2 ontete,t, $295.000 J)el II• C.ill 949-673 0181 MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS ReralToShlrt 6030 C.., ...._pvt bf/pvt ba. close lo Balboa b. la yd. pr Pfkn&. lol of storaee sp s1250m 949 759-0ns C4M st.ere •-Y 21r Apt walk to beach. S850/ mo utlls incl ava il M•rch ht !M9 673·3706 IASTSn>I llr, 1h, smell kit/LR , pvt entry, w/d, ulll• Incl. fem pflf S775+dep 949 548 0871 I 1h·(lo t W f1f;Vt~ '' tt ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Island 11111 ....... , • j,111 'f\.,, I 11U1t'• lrtf •• • Aw uf 1ut1i ,, M1,h tt" 1 1111fl1r1 SIJfU). ,, 11,1 ,.,.. 1>r. •111 11' UI m 11-f t,J•, 1 CdM Vil109• II• 11.1 IAYfROHT 11N 1 ll'l<I Pr NINSUI A NlW 21r 21a COTTAGES • .,.,r.. 1 • + .. 1 ..... l Y..ty '"' I t. ""' , • OIJ( ~.U ""••H ' 11n 1,. ~ rn1 rt-utt-''4hif lnc)y II VJ~t-••l' '..S';#f)/!"1 >O>:;•J f1 w-+ t • .-r .,.1h•t. $lth1, .. ~· ,.., Jlflt 78R llA APT t 11'1 1 ' " w lht>1;p f1 l•• '' 1 I I 1 ,, 1 l w~•f~w 1*'1 1 )'\I~'( J ('JO Balboa Peninsula 323 ......... 'l l1o•• ,, " lJ ty' Lt ~· I Uf·•• '• l ,, 71" I h 1 .11 I 1• k1~ SIW J "' ... , lot'J<,llfj no· 7br tbd# .,,,. • "'f' ,._.... "" "'tf •• " , ..... , h .. ,, •it•l 1·. ••r• tt ,, (.!1' "1 1 s1~r .. ,. . t• ,. '>t i 11.1 I' 11 • "' lla,,\ •• • TAX DIRECTORY Call .949-642-4321. •• •• (949) 646-8803 All I AXFOR~'I ·\11 "i lAlfli I LKTRONI< 111 INl, INOI V -CORPORA'rlON~ FllHXJARY PARTNFRSHIP -LL< FITATF_li 150 E. 17th ~cc .. I J7 ( O\TA M ESA . 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Save_ Time and Get upert Tax Preparation · • Individual and BusinessRetums • Basic to Very Complex Returns • Electronjc filin~ <All (949) 863-9956 111 S<1 up an ll)llOIOtmmL AYall2blf weekcb~~ and •ukeo<h. 1300 North Brislol, Suite .n s Nfwpor1 8eldl, C\ 92660 II Income Tax ind 51111 11 Bookkttplng Strvlct 30 YENtt' EmJIDICl, ' CPAO... • lndMctuat a 9uWteu Income Tu• • hyrof!Tu Recumt • &ta.te Tu.lrlannfn1 t Spedalldn1 In Tu Oetlnquen<y a Audit •roMem1 PtttoMllled ~., R..CNWt,.... lo .......... CM: 194 W. 11th St. (Mt) M6-1W HB: 17479 Belch Btwd. (714) M7·1115 TAXR•TURN ONWH••LS I l I .. .. .. ' ~ • • ~ • • • • • • f • • • "Employee.' "Empleado." ••no .. YllllYIT. CUlllDCM .. n. TAX PUNNING & PIEPAIATION Individual•~ • Puw1111nfilps "Arbeitneluner." "Employe." ( ,',.' ,,,,, ,/ • (1 I I ,,, .-.·: , 216S l Coast HiahwaY, Ste 30I ~&.IMi 1111~1111111!" ... '!" ...... ""' ...... 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M9·837·5642 ..., ...... • (.., 'J: 1 ,-~ '. r f H ~ • c.....,1.r •• ,. .... Sutt .. ••• Up111 •de' Tulortn ~ l 1airi1n11 eo:re °' 'M9 'Jl'j 3983 C.....&Masonry l rldr. lled1 St-• Tl'9 Conuete.. Patio. Duveway F wl'l)k. 880 Rt!I ' lSYrs E•p Teuy 71• 557.7594 <-••-Cem<!ntwo1~. 8r1Ch. nit! 'Mole Aehable Ho JOb too small 949 548 6746 SAVE 35%01 RROTHf R':i CARPfl SERVICE 800 SS9 1181 •.. , ...... ~<MUTO SOlUTIONS UP8r~ Ree>lrt. Cu~PCsBu1/I, ~,,.., lnlr<M ~Ml(/ Sh.111111 MCSl fflft conw/t1rloo. CAU .... -..,-.. ........ , :.2 G t0\111 ~ Wt~ IOOl8Cl °"°' !.~ LOS! 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" h1~ ,J(o ~llll htd fh "'' I () J \ ulr1t:r.1hk "'° hulJ l'.irt11<·1 •·I~"' the t>1JJ1111= "1111 ••nt· J 1.1n•10•I '>' h.i1 clu ~nu 1r'I"""'' Newport Coast ---ci'YSTAl COVl llASl/NlW, 2 SlOltY ~•p ln .1vt-'".tu •.t , • d1t11 'i 1t•· "1u~rc1 .. t1 Mr.tny cu '""' f~o1t1H.. lhtu nut th' •Jfdtor 1011 h~' ~1-tti''' •t,---tnd hUW "'"". WdY A.... 4 I Qj Sl9/1 "" ')I !il9 t,I"> }311 Private T utorillQ 7990 I fLUll llSSONS I '" d 1,...,, It ! h.t•, rl'"'N •ll•'ll 1ttg'. m t.o\ld Mf:"'4 \ludM'J I• "~I• ~ 949 '>74 0517 l>Jnlll'f llpell\ the b1<1J1n~ \\Ith •>fk• ~""-Whal do )•Ill r~'111ooJ'l (} S • "ldfh<·r 'ut1 .. ·rat>k• vo11 holil •AK V 10 J 10" $ J K7 1> ·~ l'.;rlucr Hf'l'O' t~ l>11l1h11r "'"" on< h(-Jn \l.. tw1 ''" ~ uu it.''I" 11Ht' () h '\ ')"ulh \Uh<.i,1hl1 '"" lM1hl • K IUll7 II The tiu.1<1111~ h-"r ' .. '"""'' <,()l.TII \H., "11<111 I• I'-I 7 Wh.11 du ~•IU htJ nov. ' Saturday, February 22, 2003 17 -lttl111 ... - t(WYJJ lltCoo>E~ LUS£FOR $199 P~ Worth+ lu I •l lht~ ltt rrr.. U'4APPROV£DCR£D1 ..... t lo'"'* lfllUd It-1•,t" 111,1 ... \llflly dt'l'Q\11 ltl QUO ""'"' p~• ye~r Ill<: µri n+1lt"' lur e.-~ U• (.- 1 tr4l]l!I OthenlfSW. SM!p! • lll'S IOTOIJ n·s FUii fOllO PllOll lS '90 t'flfl\ I 1J 'j I.f l .,.It .. t U~( ~ 1 ,. l.f\ rn 11o r~t" • ••r• & btt,Jrl i>J<f L v·ll S 'bCXJ ~' ""''"' I Arty 71 4 -SJ<I 7•08 I fOllO UNGER Xl T 99 (•Ir• ~b A 11 b41' "' ~ b \ ·11 ... t'11v1th ~· 11 fv \/' 1( 949 642 S620 I I ,HtLUf'SAWO IMW HOI s.4..'97 Aatt' 6 'i11""d VII I ow M1fP'•' <•lli'>jt,) it• 111«1 Mil SSOO s.t1-·oo tU.>t.~ WIJl.-n llttlt"'Ut 11 dU1tt f f f f Well I 111em10111 wh~ .. 1· •l'il• l 'I ~ 1119"0• XJ• S.d11n '98 ,,,.,~y I ·~ .. 011 Lift ~ lrdfh, 1 • t-tltto·d" '• 181!'~. t t \l'J '}1111 htrur 1 3411 Spider Conv '94 kr.J w J ,.,,,. t f.,11 1111 ...... ,,.,._ ''"'"' 1 I I 'II ()llt 1 V1'> JlllJ '"'oNSX forgo '00 • f"'d .,.. "' /ti. I 01 t1 Uutry1 111~!.J S~9 <l80 111.,c•d•• l •n• Sl S00 '96 I It ... ,.,.,,•'', llf!I ~1111 p~Wf't JHf· •111.iu wt10.·1•1. 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IOWOIOL MMNT fAHlSllMArE r¥W Ut11111es commlu1<>n P••nltllC r.t/e•l Houwif~ L"687398 714 969 1090 IPl(W requires that aoll used ho uuhold a ood• Quat1t) JObl r1ee est.mete mover1 prtnl their l "569897 714 636 11888 PU C Cal T numbef, ltmo' and chautleurs print t he11 T C P number 1n •II adve<· llsemenl~ II yOl.I have an; quullon' about the lecallty of a mo 11 er , lim o o t chauflfut ull PUB UC U Till flC S COM MISSION 714 558 41 51 Do you need IHllt> '°' YOtH tld«ly -• 12 years up UC tat ..ts M llr'Gll 714-151-«Xl) HOUSF Rf.PAJNTING le WOOD t1N1SIHNC "4~1'P"'(_, ~ ~ ..:!,. ....... PET SITTING DOG WALKING __ ..__. {7M)S7&-1M1 ,.,._.. - OMoW •flWU ... ~SNCMUJT TWUDY~ 949-64$.2352 -. . l'Ml STWt'lRI Specttli11nc '" Wellp.Jpr Remcival l~41949 l60 1711 , .... ,. WWI .. CWSllD M2-5'n - "We Are Professional Grade• "The Spirit Of American Style• •fuel For The Soul" •ereak Through• S7,000 DISCOUNTFROMMANUF. SUGG. RETAIL PRICE 82,500 FACTORY REBATE S6,B00 DISCOUNT VF. SUGG. RETAIL PRICE 82,500 FACTORY REBATE NET SAVINGS (206731 ) NET SAVINGS (205616) S5, 000 .DISCOUNT FROM MANUF. SUGG. RETAIL PRICE S3,000 FACTORY REBATE S5,200 D/SCOUNTFROMMANUF. SUGG. RETAIL PRICE S2,500 FACTORY REBATE NET SAVINGS ( 187360) NET . SAVINGS (176566) PRE-OWNED SPECIALS OF THE WEEK '92CIDl.UC '01 CIBY .. POllllC ._TOTUTl '01 POl1llC 'OONllllC DEVUE ••• SUIFmlE c:AmY sum• lillYDAMSE V-8. Leather, Fulf Power Auto, Air, Dull/ Air Saps, Auto. Air. Tiii. CD, Rear Auto, Air, L.,ltl«, POWfN Auto, Air, Till. CD. ABS cl Auto, Air, POWfN Groc.f', cl LowM"6s! AAWM Stereo & Morel Spoiler cl Low Miles! Group & Low Miles/ Rear Spoiler CD, Alloys cl Low M/¥1/ (245713} (706209) (812389) (690868) (197096) (510515) 568 85 56995 s7350 s79ao S8450 sggao '00 CHEVY .... ..POl'lllC ._CHEVY ........ ASTiiUVAI EIPl.mEI~ mll'AllA IUZEILT .... Auto, Air, Power Group. V-6, Au«o, Air, ABS, Auto, Air. Pf1ll/llllf ~. AlAO, RMI Air, Dual Poww Groc.f', L.,ther, Auto. Air. Poww ~. CD & Low Miles/ Prlvacy ~ & Low ABS, Mays & Low IMMI Slideta. au.d SMftlg' Tow ~g.. Mays & Low L.,ther. CD, Mays & Low (961342) ,..,., (12fJ034) (A73202) Low,..,, (2853tJO) Mi*/ (21BIJ01) ,,,.., (79811156) 511,960 s12,875 512,960 513,940 s13,970 515,940 'II CHEVY TAHOE LS V-8, RNrNr, POINllrGroup, 5.71. V-8, RMFA/r, tMllw, CD. Tow Plcg., Alloys cl Low CD, Power Gttqi, Tow MM! (556218) l'fQ. & Low Mlee/ {137152) 518,977 519,965 .I' ,..,,,.,.,.,. .... Appo/laa,,. .I' Cowles, Shalllll S.lllt:e .I' cu.tomet-Lou"flll ..,,,, ,,,,,,_,,,,,.nl• .I' Rental cars On Site 1 MILE $OUlll OF THE 405 FREEWAY .www.nabersautomall.com ....... Mon.-Sat 9am to 9pm • Sun. lOam to 6pm ........... u. Mon.·Fri. 7am to 6pm • Sat 8am to Spm ... . Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 GMC • BUICK• PONTIAC • CADILIAC Ziii HAllOI lllD., COSTA MEii ·(714) 444-5200 l .... CAllAVAI Aufo, Alt, 2nd Sider. Privacy Glas, CUHtte cl Low ""'-1 (568700) 510,970 •nmJTA TacmAICAI AIAo, Off-Ro«/ Pkg., PrJWW ~.CD, IWr Sider, Wide rn1. (595al I) 516,840 WLmCOIJI 11111111111 /Wt Air. Miii CD, L..,,_, P1wnAln wr.M, Tow Pit;. & Low ,._I (JIMS) '02POllllC ....... Auto, Air. POWfN Groc.f', CD. ABS cl SptJIW. (155333) 511,480 '•mYILEll Ml I Cl&Lilf LJI v~. 1 ~. FWr Air, l.Mllw, CD, PrwnJum ~. Low Al. (5084T!} 516,860 524,850 528,750 "